[00:00:07.319] Helen_Croft: Hi Rose rynali1Hai [00:00:10.409] c__r__j: Nigh! Very nigh! [00:00:10.458] edgar_ayer: pogU [00:00:16.001] lyncesca: and he's live lmao [00:00:22.634] Helen_Croft: catJAM [00:00:26.099] Alkno_93: lets goooo am here in time [00:00:27.220] DeanTheSpartan: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [00:00:28.865] Beskitu: f1nnJAM [00:00:29.159] Stovamor: Your mic is on, btw [00:00:29.565] f3mmbot F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:00:30.148] mr_ajokortti_korkort: more nigh than I would have guessed :D [00:00:36.288] Stovamor: in case you didn't know @f1nn5ter [00:00:39.566] jvlivs777: eyyoooo 😊😊😊😊 [00:00:49.529] oscar_915924: hay [00:00:51.592] trolface1997: catJAM [00:00:52.742] dwipzluvsu: this stream abt to make me fail NNN [00:00:55.982] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello everyone 👋 😁 [00:00:58.644] jvlivs777: eyyoo f1nnter :)) [00:00:59.688] Helen_Croft: !discord notification @F1NN5TER [00:00:59.955] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:01:07.509] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello @jvlivs777 [00:01:10.488] rgkagero: whats r9k mode? [00:01:11.398] Stovamor: grrrr [00:01:14.448] F1NN5TER: haha [00:01:15.703] OmsX8O: catJAM [00:01:15.851] kijujubee: Hey [00:01:16.041] ande0742: Hello [00:01:16.123] goldash36: Yooo [00:01:16.349] avoidingzombies: o.o [00:01:16.958] isaac_shungite: Yo [00:01:18.405] naruto_shipudinss: Hi [00:01:18.542] Denise_Kryze: OwO [00:01:18.803] smrtkat2029: hello [00:01:18.951] jvlivs777: @xxnerozashixx eyyo nero 😊🤟 [00:01:19.624] kristindobby: Hello [00:01:21.046] itsdennis112255: hi [00:01:21.105] ansalec: heyo [00:01:21.743] dalila_lolz: yoooo [00:01:21.795] senpai4bees: dang it [00:01:21.864] weird_person5906: hi [00:01:22.010] rgkagero: yoo [00:01:22.040] dummymomy: hi [00:01:22.153] Bohnalex: hehe [00:01:22.186] RavenQxinn: Yeeeer [00:01:22.349] meg_mantle: HI [00:01:22.901] NotTica: HI [00:01:22.982] anapathetictransgirl: nyah [00:01:23.189] djchudders: Hi [00:01:23.490] Doommageddon05: ROSE [00:01:23.779] mitbin: hello [00:01:24.544] murcury_13: Hello [00:01:24.679] corbanlw: Simps [00:01:24.713] Simon3man: f1nn5tPegChamp [00:01:24.790] killakai06: hi [00:01:24.813] josephine3543: Hello [00:01:25.064] Bohnalex: hi [00:01:25.857] azcardsshow35: Hello queen [00:01:26.127] ch33ky017_plays: Hey [00:01:26.137] unknown_guy_900: hi [00:01:26.138] nightmartoyou: Hi [00:01:26.182] notenchy: Hello memers [00:01:26.205] amandaxx609: Hii [00:01:26.731] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Meow [00:01:26.932] bry_xd06: Hi [00:01:27.053] k1n9_g1zzard: Hellooooooo [00:01:27.093] ace_bean07: Hi [00:01:27.349] b3baig4m3r011: Sheeesh [00:01:27.552] mileyanne96: Howdy [00:01:27.619] joshyey: Heeey [00:01:28.085] haloflyer573: heyyo [00:01:28.473] hm7playz: Meow [00:01:28.677] Kay_Py: !stream [00:01:28.957] f3mmbot The next stream will be "Some Stream" on Today at 8:30PM or close UK time. Stream Hype! [00:01:28.958] jr_crispy: Ayyyyy# [00:01:28.963] Sero_888: Hiii [00:01:29.328] Stovamor: Do that again and you can mod your own bloody streams [00:01:29.607] louielou1000: Hi [00:01:29.786] wisp099: ❤️ [00:01:30.056] kenvu1232nd: Hello [00:01:30.094] lilithmille: Hey! [00:01:30.268] mr_ajokortti_korkort: helloo [00:01:30.807] winchent1: tax evasion Pog [00:01:32.461] billiepizza: Ayeree [00:01:32.735] jvlivs777: Sheeeshhh [00:01:33.668] BulldogBanksy: TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:01:33.787] Denise_Kryze: UwU [00:01:33.840] kfixxkkd: Reeeeeeee [00:01:34.894] kmb_ell_sf_achme: Hello [00:01:35.241] RavenQxinn: Pogg [00:01:35.315] jesustubbyxo: Hey [00:01:36.374] iFoodPood: hello there [00:01:36.649] Sero_888: Ellooooooi [00:01:36.700] Saphire_2311: Hii <333 [00:01:37.593] nadiR1k: heyy [00:01:37.771] honestlywater: Hi [00:01:38.141] wisp099: Big man [00:01:38.730] uwuuber_: HOLAA [00:01:39.262] jvlivs777: :)) [00:01:40.064] 1rawr_rawr: Hillooooooo [00:01:40.471] doriagyasz: Hi mommy [00:01:40.731] paris_eatspizza: Made it to my first stream here [00:01:41.020] gamerboy223567: egg [00:01:41.083] kookiemonster772: Gayy [00:01:41.101] Eidamus1: yo [00:01:41.208] ryansanaya: Heyyyyyyy [00:01:41.259] ta958101_: I’m on the sever pog [00:01:41.574] Viker55: YO [00:01:41.761] daenaiii: Hey! [00:01:42.350] akira__24: POGGERS! [00:01:42.651] murcury_13: [as] [00:01:43.333] rawgamesyt: Mowing grass with speaker to watch you EZ DUBS [00:01:43.461] pankakese: HIIII [00:01:43.738] ArePea: Heyooo catJAM [00:01:43.878] michaelmyerssimp: yo [00:01:44.393] gamerguyal: Hi [00:01:44.812] kfixxkkd: Yes [00:01:44.902] asmodeus_jay: Heyyy [00:01:45.544] raxos787: Hi [00:01:46.069] Sero_888: Femboy army unite [00:01:46.888] Stovamor: bye chat [00:01:47.959] joelthecool17: yep im here [00:01:48.005] smrtkat2029: hey SMEXY ASS MANLY ASS FINN [00:01:48.114] whyamihere07: Yoooooooooo [00:01:48.634] ghostslayer1579: Loggers [00:01:48.862] somebodydidthatinthewater: NNN [00:01:48.872] isaac_shungite: Dad? [00:01:49.241] Narkiyooo: !pronouns [00:01:49.246] uwuuber_: EE [00:01:49.540] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [00:01:49.545] murcury_13: ‘ [00:01:49.886] mh_realish: Hey peopsols! [00:01:50.133] jaywolf076: Heyyooo [00:01:50.342] lilt323: ello m8 [00:01:50.490] carrot_man6969: Hiiiii [00:01:50.587] wisp099: Ello luv [00:01:50.649] walkindude1: lets gooooooo [00:01:50.808] RavenQxinn: EGG [00:01:51.209] theoriginalslimshady: theoriginalslimshady extended their Tier 1 subscription through December! [00:01:51.420] crow_creature_thing: Hiiii [00:01:51.935] mrbeard21: fiiinnnnnnn [00:01:52.542] jvlivs777: hahahah i liked this,lol [00:01:52.780] captainduck_22: Yay [00:01:54.027] uc00: Quite late [00:01:54.769] anomalousanika: YESSS [00:01:54.789] Helen_Croft: Bye Stov [00:01:55.681] chickencrisper_: Hello there [00:01:56.107] OmsX8O: !hug @Stovamor [00:01:56.123] possesedbysatann: I LOVE YOU FEEEEN [00:01:56.406] f3mmbot @Stovamor gets a big hug from omsx8o <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [00:01:57.072] k1ngracer07: here before ping [00:01:57.273] braylonlee_12: cock [00:01:57.280] momo567pk: hi [00:01:57.388] Doms2405: Hey [00:01:57.460] Bekonakin: What’s up boiiis [00:01:58.058] aupshaw_: omg it’s live [00:01:58.410] jesustubbyxo: Rose [00:01:58.696] kfixxkkd: Yes I’m I’m watching a movie and now I just got a phone called off so I’m not going on my fyp anymore lol lol but i is just a little weird and i is not doing it anymore lol lol I think she was called a joke and I was like why did he do [00:01:59.028] chicken115: Yoo [00:01:59.324] jensen69420: Pp [00:01:59.892] rgkagero: F1nn messing with Stov [00:02:00.004] yelutraxk2leezy: Finnnnnnnn hello bro [00:02:00.209] terrenc0: helloooo [00:02:00.338] wisp099: Les goooo [00:02:00.480] qvaione: AAAAY HII <3 <3 <3 [00:02:01.217] lyra_moondeathstrike: HIII [00:02:01.499] Kolateak_: WHY SO MANY LATE STREAMS [00:02:01.583] Tytaanis: Finter time [00:02:02.326] ava12345lola: Hi [00:02:02.609] murcury_13: E [00:02:03.019] k1n9_g1zzard: Rose makes me question my sexuality [00:02:03.692] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter ahhh gremlin is back [00:02:03.790] ta958101_: I’m on the server pog [00:02:04.311] asmodeus_jay: Not the Rick roll…. [00:02:04.352] jaywolf076: This song is a B O P [00:02:04.609] hughie_boi: Ay [00:02:05.311] yelutraxk2leezy: Hiii [00:02:05.523] VeganWaffles777: Hello! How is everyone doing? [00:02:05.671] dfxs_: Pog [00:02:07.287] themindscrambler: yay!! [00:02:07.882] HappyTrails2You: POGO [00:02:08.165] yugman123: F1NN [00:02:08.431] bbeeeaauuu: Hi [00:02:09.569] madmoxie34: Hiiii [00:02:09.985] uc00: A little late buddy [00:02:10.312] kristindobby: My forst time watching your streams [00:02:10.764] Gensima_YT: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:02:10.820] uwuuber_: IM EXCITED [00:02:11.237] terrenc0: hello chat <3 <3 [00:02:11.258] wisp099: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:02:11.369] limeequine: Hi [00:02:11.514] winchent1: yo, tax evasion PogU [00:02:11.889] somebodydidthatinthewater: Day 3 NNN🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜 [00:02:12.590] ITEnglishDegree: ITEnglishDegree subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Here we go again [00:02:12.782] f3mmbot itenglishdegree has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:13.263] mooseflower: rick role [00:02:13.295] anomalousanika: Beebus time [00:02:14.238] Denise_Kryze: Notice me senpai [00:02:14.430] pointblank6745: Just realized I’m getting rickrolled by a loading screen fml [00:02:15.202] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Femboy time [00:02:15.462] lilt323: who's feen? 🙃😂 [00:02:15.479] legend3825: Hi [00:02:16.520] ande0742: HeyGuys [00:02:16.990] Hugs_TTV: im contacting the IRS [00:02:17.164] mastereden1010: What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME! [00:02:17.804] uwuuber_: <3 [00:02:19.669] montyofessex: blah [00:02:20.082] potatooverlord8: hii [00:02:20.350] ryansanaya: Rick role [00:02:20.475] w_y_a_t_t: Hiiiii [00:02:20.887] jvlivs777: meow :)) [00:02:21.192] johnmKANE: Wth finn [00:02:21.210] bunnysgrove: hello big guy finn [00:02:21.477] usuxktwo: jzkCake jzkCake jzkCake [00:02:21.863] p4rkt: finland [00:02:22.164] crow_creature_thing: R we being rickrolld??? [00:02:22.315] kant_sqell: Lez go [00:02:22.898] strinx1120: POGGERS FEMBOY [00:02:23.435] ZaturaHD: ZaturaHD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:02:23.616] f3mmbot zaturahd has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:23.905] asterix1235: Hi [00:02:24.248] eniliy: Never gonna give up [00:02:24.332] kaichiix: Egg [00:02:24.714] InvisibleSt0ner505: 👋👋👋👋 [00:02:26.581] femgamerboy: Hiya [00:02:27.599] Mushrooms__Are_Cool: meow [00:02:27.986] Bekonakin: Wake upppp [00:02:29.001] DafHobbsUwU: Cheer100 [00:02:29.575] sirpotatohat: E [00:02:29.907] jvlivs777: lul :)) [00:02:30.283] tastefulfour76: Rick rolled is worth it for finn [00:02:30.798] kaydenflint: helloooo [00:02:31.405] 1_lonlyy: Who ever says something in chat is gay [00:02:31.578] lilithmille: BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:32.217] itscutegirlelizabeth: hi [00:02:32.581] mermtheworm_: foolishHappy foolishHappy foolishHappy [00:02:32.830] Helen_Croft: !discord notification @F1NN5TER [00:02:33.110] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:02:33.741] asmodeus_jay: Why would u kindly Rick roll us?! [00:02:33.834] nocturnalviewing: UGH [00:02:34.569] tylerdotapp: PokPikachu [00:02:34.647] Carzys_: Single jump egg [00:02:34.860] zachery12095: Hi [00:02:35.917] bruva_n8ture_01: UwU [00:02:36.429] Tytaanis: Finter time [00:02:36.541] mh_realish: THEY ARE [00:02:36.659] madmoxie34: Hi [00:02:37.752] hooliganjunior: helllllioooooo [00:02:38.289] lilt323: HAHA [00:02:39.327] Bekonakin: No uuuu [00:02:39.568] winchent1: Cheer1 hello [00:02:40.125] VeganWaffles777: BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:40.161] aupshaw_: yikes we here again [00:02:40.916] Sensitive_Shelly: FINN needs an EGG TIMER [00:02:41.341] trolface1997: sure [00:02:42.081] b3baig4m3r011: SHEEESH [00:02:42.492] kaichiix: Eggg [00:02:42.900] empirechaotix: another day of scamming [00:02:44.098] bbeeeaauuu: Rose made me find out I like women [00:02:45.247] montyofessex: Hairy minges [00:02:45.631] ninja_mewmew: it's cold yall! [00:02:45.700] Viker55: better be wearing that tutu [00:02:46.112] kaichiix: Egg [00:02:46.130] meg_mantle: HYPEEE TRAIN [00:02:48.230] jvlivs777: omg,my heart beat [00:02:48.409] schtupidboi: I’m a little lad who likes berries n cream! [00:02:49.121] uc00: Reach 80% this stream [00:02:49.571] kaichiix: Eggg [00:02:49.624] zenscared: HIII [00:02:50.027] yugman123: "not dangerous" [00:02:50.460] eniliy: Hello [00:02:50.880] ryansanaya: This is akward [00:02:51.423] ithinkihave_aproblem: voice cracks [00:02:53.193] csr_1996: csr_1996 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel! [00:02:53.526] kaichiix: Egg [00:02:53.769] csr_1996: csr_1996 gifted a Tier 1 sub to saintbroseff! [00:02:53.951] f3mmbot csr_1996 has gifted a subscription to saintbroseff at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang saintbroseff f1nn5tLezgang [00:02:54.822] kate5135b: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [00:02:55.788] skukuya: Hi [00:02:56.626] mr_ajokortti_korkort: sounds like dangerous to me [00:02:56.807] LAOnAirStudios: What scamming has he got planned [00:02:57.079] eric_herrera9: I want to be gifted a sub [00:02:57.163] raxos787: Mhm [00:02:57.693] Galaxy_908: Egg [00:02:58.042] kaichiix: 🥚 [00:02:59.404] kaeru_hoppz: okkk [00:02:59.478] ch33ky017_plays: Lol [00:03:00.801] Denise_Kryze: Concern [00:03:00.919] lilithmille: Oh no [00:03:01.442] Camers__: SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc [00:03:01.787] theoriginalslimshady: Brace yourselves [00:03:01.924] gurchy: g o r l [00:03:02.043] dyl7hev1ll: Hi finn [00:03:02.752] mooseflower: hi [00:03:03.094] michaelmyerssimp: lmao [00:03:03.282] jaywolf076: 👀👀 [00:03:03.559] meganleith666: meganleith666 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! WOOOOOOO [00:03:03.648] DaNepz: wow [00:03:03.739] f3mmbot meganleith666 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:04.268] nocturnalviewing: 🥚 voice [00:03:04.533] edgar_ayer: hi boi [00:03:04.619] toffify_: Cheer1 [00:03:05.555] bjorn_egil: bjorn_egil subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! Our 1 year anniversary already [00:03:05.738] f3mmbot bjorn_egil has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:06.905] Bolttu: hi rose! [00:03:07.101] starie_skye: hi [00:03:07.346] 1_lonlyy: Child malester [00:03:07.732] smrtkat2029: HELLO SMEXY ASS MANLY ASS HOT ASS FINN [00:03:08.069] nintennerd8503: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:09.298] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 [00:03:09.575] Rezyhan: Rezyhan subscribed with Prime. [00:03:09.764] f3mmbot rezyhan has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang rezyhan f1nn5tLezgang [00:03:10.411] gurchy: GORL [00:03:10.577] yugman123: f1nn5tLaff [00:03:10.713] alicedeathbelle: Jesus Christ I’m scared [00:03:10.836] ansalec: KHELLO [00:03:10.963] Darkness4desert: is this a Halloween special ? [00:03:11.068] nadiR1k: I saw passion on title dont care the rest [00:03:11.487] judgedame: Hello. [00:03:11.591] jvlivs777: eyyooo 😭😭😭 [00:03:11.633] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello beautiful 🌹 🌹 [00:03:11.771] brickbuilt74: Hii [00:03:11.862] lu_sagna: lu_sagna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! almost a year since i got gifted a sub from riza [00:03:12.044] f3mmbot lu_sagna has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:12.054] itscutegirlelizabeth: hi [00:03:12.179] 1AspenSilver1: Riza modCheck [00:03:13.418] Bekonakin: What uuuuupppppp [00:03:13.457] AudioJohn: AudioJohn subscribed with Prime. [00:03:13.638] f3mmbot audiojohn has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang audiojohn f1nn5tLezgang [00:03:13.643] Camers__: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [00:03:13.718] RedTempest101: heyo [00:03:13.782] Slyyfox003: Slyyfox003 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:13.966] f3mmbot slyyfox003 has subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang slyyfox003 f1nn5tLezgang [00:03:15.036] zandernaferious: hi rose [00:03:16.121] gurchy: grill [00:03:16.227] qvaione: HIIII <3 <3 [00:03:17.031] dyl7hev1ll: Hi [00:03:18.467] Stovamor: 5 days @F1NN5TER [00:03:18.524] jetblock178_: Yooooooooo [00:03:18.597] Denise_Kryze: Egg [00:03:18.683] sai16: YOOOOOOOO [00:03:19.597] ava12345lola: Guns? [00:03:20.588] gurchy: gurl [00:03:20.679] ninja_mewmew: ohhh [00:03:21.034] k1ngracer07: longone [00:03:21.116] michaelmyerssimp: hey finn [00:03:21.162] xXNeroZashiXx: Bing Bong [00:03:21.241] tjc5555: The man the myth the legend fin [00:03:21.644] nocturnalviewing: GF riza Pog [00:03:21.743] ScarletClay: Hi I’m new here…I hope you have an amazing stream [00:03:22.022] raxos787: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [00:03:22.706] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 [00:03:22.709] sirpotatohat: yooooooooo [00:03:22.712] jesustubbyxo: Hah Finn is the best [00:03:22.782] dsfcrombie: 🥚 [00:03:23.384] elturtoise: kissed The Rock [00:03:24.324] gurchy: goil [00:03:24.520] carrot_man6969: Hiiii please say hi to me [00:03:25.527] tylerdotapp: Never gonna give you up… [00:03:26.591] orenji__sama: Well Well Well if it isnt the guys that makes me question my sexuality [00:03:27.542] isaac_shungite: Dad? [00:03:27.726] kaeru_hoppz: I’m scared [00:03:29.640] anomalousanika: good boy [00:03:29.792] mr_ajokortti_korkort: and you met Dwayne Johnson too? [00:03:30.889] phoenixthelegend66: hey [00:03:31.394] itsdennis112255: HeyGuys Kappa Kappa PogChamp PogChamp [00:03:33.089] aunalbrutal: aunalbrutal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! Wow Now the nice username show up! [00:03:33.241] Bekonakin: Show face [00:03:33.270] f3mmbot aunalbrutal has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:33.325] Brainfishes: @F1NN5TER drop in and see Rynali before you go live. :D [00:03:33.432] Kinitawowi: what did you do that for? london's a dump [00:03:35.494] johnmKANE: London boy [00:03:35.783] ch33ky017_plays: Sheesh [00:03:36.411] jvlivs777: omg [00:03:36.844] mastereden1010: Do you like monkeys [00:03:37.011] aupshaw_: kiss the rock? KEKW [00:03:37.445] raxos787: Ewwww london [00:03:39.346] 1AspenSilver1: PogU [00:03:39.787] gurchy: wat [00:03:40.207] ninja_mewmew: heeeeeey [00:03:40.428] jvlivs777: omyyyy [00:03:40.773] jesustubbyxo: Sheesh [00:03:41.602] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Are you winning son?? [00:03:41.677] michaelmyerssimp: ayy [00:03:41.754] Bohnalex: POG [00:03:41.876] Zcully: Pog [00:03:42.196] trolface1997: cute [00:03:42.272] k1ngracer07: OHHHHH\ [00:03:43.425] smrtkat2029: UR SO HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT [00:03:43.600] schtupidboi: HeyGuys [00:03:43.752] Bekonakin: Remove meow [00:03:44.016] toffify_: omggg so cute [00:03:44.996] avoidingzombies: O.O [00:03:45.423] mooseflower: pog [00:03:45.426] Angelaplay_: HOLY [00:03:45.538] Hugs_TTV: egg [00:03:45.841] hamich_samich: daddy UwU [00:03:46.190] Roger_Maniac_Willko: Zipper is open , lotion standby [00:03:46.220] Helen_Croft: !discord notification @F1NN5TER [00:03:46.272] Viker55: sweet [00:03:46.503] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:03:46.508] crow_creature_thing: pog [00:03:47.653] mr_ajokortti_korkort: so cute :D [00:03:47.877] Siri_innitt: Finn wtf i have school 🥲 [00:03:47.897] b3baig4m3r011: Poggers? [00:03:47.947] jvlivs777: 😱😱 [00:03:48.155] NeutralFall: hello [00:03:48.649] microgamerx: yas [00:03:48.796] sun_ble4ched_trash: the roof [00:03:48.835] itsdennis112255: BibleThump ResidentSleeper HeyGuys PogChamp Kappa [00:03:48.969] notimeforthistoday: ello [00:03:49.160] yugman123: I see London I see France, I see f1nni5ter's underpants [00:03:49.192] kaichiix: PoG [00:03:49.946] Vendiirx: and im in love [00:03:50.203] Angelaplay_: SHEEEEESH [00:03:50.249] Sensitive_Shelly: Cool Outfit [00:03:50.554] edgar_ayer: t90Nice [00:03:51.162] LaAazuli: apriPog [00:03:51.753] NeutralFall: that looks amazing [00:03:52.198] Jacob135Evans: Jacob135Evans subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 months pog [00:03:52.213] w_y_a_t_t: Hiiiii [00:03:52.379] f3mmbot jacob135evans has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:52.530] felix_n_p: It’s NNN I shouldn’t watch this stream [00:03:52.548] jeri_q: sweet [00:03:52.603] microgamerx: Pog [00:03:52.747] Camers__: cmonBruh [00:03:52.856] anapathetictransgirl: PogChamp [00:03:53.035] 1AspenSilver1: GUNS PogU [00:03:53.564] thanatoscar: oh my gooood, so cuuuute [00:03:53.635] Elfualoco2003: manly man [00:03:54.054] lorispilgrim: pog [00:03:54.160] nashoba_homma: POOOOOOOOOOOOOOG [00:03:54.798] madmoxie34: I can’t see you [00:03:54.801] k1n9_g1zzard: Omfg [00:03:54.971] kaeru_hoppz: WOW [00:03:55.008] mblackscar: jacobw7Toadsage jacobw7Toadsage jacobw7Toadsage jacobw7Toadsage jacobw7Toadsage jacobw7Toadsage [00:03:55.136] PatheticThyme27: Happi Hallow een [00:03:55.910] InvisibleSt0ner505: 🤣🤔🤔🤫 [00:03:55.976] johnmKANE: Dam [00:03:56.908] ch33ky017_plays: Lol [00:03:56.946] rgkagero: POG!!!! [00:03:57.871] quinnlolq: POOOG [00:03:58.125] ulap130: GlitchNRG [00:03:58.268] johnmKANE: Pog [00:03:58.642] gurchy: meow? [00:03:59.185] DDiscoChin: so cute! [00:03:59.595] ImTheCup: ImTheCup subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [00:03:59.824] f3mmbot imthecup has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:59.866] Bekonakin: Uwu [00:04:00.008] chaneiro2003: OMG HEYYYY [00:04:00.030] lilt323: WOOOAAHHH [00:04:00.361] jesustubbyxo: Damn cute af [00:04:00.862] michael_1c: POG [00:04:01.057] VeganWaffles777: POG! [00:04:01.238] Saphire_2311: Manly [00:04:01.269] smrtkat2029: SO HOT OMFGGGGGGGG [00:04:01.358] MelukHaa: daaaamn [00:04:01.674] michaelmyerssimp: pog [00:04:01.873] skukuya: CUTE [00:04:02.112] hellopeople26: POG [00:04:02.422] lilithmille: Pog! [00:04:02.666] mrbeard21: 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 [00:04:02.758] FryingPanl: Daaam [00:04:03.353] p4rkt: 🥴 [00:04:03.573] b3baig4m3r011: Hi baby B) [00:04:04.320] canvaspainting: Hii [00:04:04.622] ch33ky017_plays: Poggggg [00:04:04.715] nemesis0142: FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne [00:04:04.730] DaNepz: pog [00:04:04.924] beechtea: Cute! [00:04:05.602] tallyaat17: cuuuute [00:04:05.714] bbeeeaauuu: POG [00:04:06.001] phantommaniac786: EGGGGGG [00:04:06.023] sakura_sister: Yeeeees [00:04:06.047] kristindobby: This is my first time watching your streams [00:04:06.220] TheDuckDuck_: POG [00:04:07.560] Ramxey_: Hello [00:04:07.702] jesustubbyxo: Uwu [00:04:07.825] jetblock178_: jetblock178_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Yyooooooo gunnns [00:04:07.957] jaywolf076: SHEEEEESHHHHH [00:04:08.009] f3mmbot jetblock178_ has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:08.253] Roger_Maniac_Willko: 🥰🥰🥰🥰 [00:04:08.268] tylerdotapp: POG [00:04:08.840] Jakyubis9: i like what I see [00:04:09.401] mr_ajokortti_korkort: lovely pink maid [00:04:09.675] bbeeeaauuu: I LOVE IT [00:04:09.979] brickbuilt74: Sheeeesh [00:04:10.421] king_ad_12: Damn [00:04:11.316] yelutraxk2leezy: Omgshhhh [00:04:11.339] Amoyamoyamoya: Grippy tape. [00:04:11.431] maria_wastaken01: POG [00:04:11.604] theoriginalslimshady: So much for nnn [00:04:11.776] anapathetictransgirl: :pogchamp: [00:04:12.663] tommyinitisboss: Yes finnnn [00:04:12.849] lilithmille: NICE! [00:04:13.506] djchudders: Looking fresh [00:04:13.723] nocturnalviewing: it's supposed to come off easily [00:04:13.893] raxos787: PrideLove PrideLove PrideLove PrideLove PrideLove [00:04:14.041] w_y_a_t_t: me like it [00:04:15.474] joelthecool17: yea lol [00:04:15.765] Gamer010001: did your booba get bigger? [00:04:18.283] bunnysgrove: i love maids💪🏽💪🏽 [00:04:19.453] Bekonakin: Niiiceeee [00:04:20.412] ImTheCup: DAMN [00:04:21.919] winchent1: Cheer100 are u wining son? ...son? [00:04:22.048] just_call_me_kei: just_call_me_kei subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 6 Months! Looking hot my man [00:04:22.243] f3mmbot just_call_me_kei has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:22.464] bbeeeaauuu: You should buy cat ears on Amazon [00:04:22.563] Helen_Croft: Black bra with this outfit weirdChamp [00:04:23.570] lilithmille: BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:23.890] lamaking_tv: with lots of superglue [00:04:25.250] anapathetictransgirl: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:04:28.070] sakura_sister: Soooo fucking adorable [00:04:28.120] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Let’s have sexy sex cloth off [00:04:28.451] asterix1235: Sexy [00:04:29.324] notimeforthistoday: use a pin [00:04:29.354] joiveu: hair clips? [00:04:30.951] avoidingzombies: Use a bobby pin! [00:04:31.910] legend3825: Kawaii [00:04:34.605] zenscared: This is the first f1nn5ter stream I’ve joined [00:04:35.313] kate5135b: where did you get it [00:04:35.474] smrtkat2029: FINN HOW R U SO FUCKING HOT OMLLLLLLLLLLLLL [00:04:36.142] nyxal_: hourglass figure [00:04:36.367] ch33ky017_plays: Finster be pogg [00:04:36.403] jensen69420: Pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp [00:04:37.468] yelutraxk2leezy: UwU [00:04:38.343] OmsX8O: did you cross it in the back? @F1NN5TER [00:04:39.060] matt_b38: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [00:04:40.081] flaan3: flaan3 extended their Tier 1 subscription through February! [00:04:40.114] TheSteelSeal413: use a pin [00:04:40.657] mel_hogwarts: hi [00:04:44.404] xXNeroZashiXx: Beautiful 🌹 [00:04:46.870] bbeeeaauuu: Uwu [00:04:47.243] maria_wastaken01: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:47.859] comknifu_: hourglass queen [00:04:48.412] just_one_pepsi90: Heyy [00:04:48.603] p0ny_head: HELLO ROSE ! [00:04:48.640] pikerusmagic13: just hear ro give hearts 💕 ♥ ❤ 💖 💙 💜 💕 [00:04:51.639] soundzdefected: soundzdefected subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [00:04:51.822] f3mmbot soundzdefected has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:53.283] Bekonakin: Makeup tiiiimeeee [00:04:54.599] call_me_levii: gorgeous [00:04:54.833] michaelmyerssimp: awooga BisexualPride [00:04:55.113] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER read DMs after stream plz :/ [00:04:55.453] Sa7v3N: Hello gorgeous Rose ;) [00:04:55.500] frostypebbl: Use a safety pin bestie [00:04:55.611] soriaemmanuel1998: hi [00:04:56.096] dyl7hev1ll: Beautiful [00:04:56.383] sniz99: sniz99 converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:04:59.989] Birgit_Rusbach: cuteee [00:05:00.816] aupshaw_: alpaca [00:05:02.984] Kinitawowi: best thing to do in london is to get out of london :p [00:05:03.151] ace_bean07: How long did you where rose entire days? [00:05:03.389] soriaemmanuel1998: i want to become a girl. [00:05:03.642] mooseflower: pog [00:05:06.663] jesustubbyxo: ADHD is real can keep on topic hahaha [00:05:08.783] stonedshagger: fuk [00:05:10.745] Souseiseki: hey gorgeous [00:05:12.359] mooseflower: tea [00:05:12.630] thanatoscar: what did you bring us from london rose? [00:05:13.006] Bekonakin: What did you do in London [00:05:14.054] lyncesca: bought guns from the store i work at :Y [00:05:14.798] god_phoenix_54: god_phoenix_54 subscribed with Prime. [00:05:15.004] f3mmbot god_phoenix_54 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang god_phoenix_54 f1nn5tLezgang [00:05:18.793] TomKijktTwitch: "A COUPLE" [00:05:19.196] j03yv: wow nice pink maid dress [00:05:20.951] kate5135b: ur eye brows [00:05:20.977] avoidingzombies: O.O [00:05:22.055] dasussie21: MAN [00:05:23.622] hooksandirons: Is gay a banned word in chat? [00:05:23.975] pamien_deal: f1nn5tLezgang [00:05:25.544] k1ngracer07: IF I SEE A NEW KNIFE [00:05:26.777] edgar_ayer: Nice guns behind u t90Nice [00:05:27.019] w_y_a_t_t: show us now [00:05:27.066] winchent1: Pog [00:05:27.424] ninja_mewmew: ohhhhhhhh [00:05:28.135] mh_realish: Oh I thought you got Pegged... [00:05:29.048] theoriginalslimshady: Ohh wow [00:05:29.374] Kolateak_: PogU [00:05:29.841] mlickko: monkaS [00:05:29.930] ninja_mewmew: boyyyy [00:05:30.104] musicole19: HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHAHA [00:05:30.143] catalystblue22: uh [00:05:30.252] Fraesmatx: yaaaaay [00:05:30.507] PatheticThyme27: nice [00:05:30.651] michaelmyerssimp: LMAO [00:05:31.069] jeri_q: oh shittt [00:05:31.145] lewisbaitup: KomodoHype [00:05:31.215] raxolotl: yoooo [00:05:31.324] Busimus: wtf [00:05:31.567] Simon3man: YO [00:05:31.600] macarous: lmao [00:05:31.913] Solus_kun: monkaS [00:05:32.065] Shadi_Hunyadi: PogChamp [00:05:32.096] TomKijktTwitch: Yooooo [00:05:32.504] mr_ajokortti_korkort: guns [00:05:32.527] aupshaw_: Pog [00:05:33.375] nadiR1k: meh just a bit [00:05:33.966] OmsX8O: KEKW [00:05:34.027] Bohnalex: WHAt [00:05:34.389] mooseflower: guns [00:05:35.378] yesper888: uh oh [00:05:35.690] skukuya: KomodoHype [00:05:35.919] TomKijktTwitch: Guns POGGERS [00:05:36.042] lilt323: WTF [00:05:36.136] sai16: OH MY GOD [00:05:36.141] nashoba_homma: POOOOOOOOOOG [00:05:36.409] michaelmyerssimp: POG [00:05:36.421] Shadi_Hunyadi: POGGERS [00:05:36.449] ninja_mewmew: hell yeah!!!!! [00:05:36.820] dasussie21: GUNNNNNZZZZZ [00:05:36.923] vnie: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [00:05:37.201] elturtoise: HOLY GUNS [00:05:37.339] edgar_ayer: LUL [00:05:37.685] crow_creature_thing: WHAT [00:05:37.831] Sensitive_Shelly: OMG [00:05:37.884] imagineallfloyd14: First time here on your stream [00:05:38.069] random_muffin_: guns [00:05:38.282] aupshaw_: WOW [00:05:38.314] meg_mantle: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:05:38.341] smrtkat2029: YOU LOOK LIKE GWEN FOR SHREK THE THIRD HASHAHHAHAHHAHEHAHHA SHES PRETTY THO [00:05:38.457] lu_sagna: bro what [00:05:38.463] omfgmaddy: um [00:05:39.816] orenji__sama: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOS [00:05:39.855] RedTempest101: lmao [00:05:40.053] KnicL: Toy guns Pog [00:05:40.131] winchent1: MonkaW [00:05:40.703] BrandiB714: American vibes [00:05:40.755] sun_ble4ched_trash: lmao [00:05:42.040] pikerusmagic13: finn has me question myself everytime [00:05:42.152] aupshaw_: POGGERS [00:05:42.331] ch33ky017_plays: Ohhhh [00:05:42.511] Ryklou: wow [00:05:42.697] hellopeople26: Wtf [00:05:43.136] SkylletX: Holy crap skylle5Chaos [00:05:43.618] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Freckles!!! [00:05:43.804] Birgit_Rusbach: LUL [00:05:43.807] Kolateak_: You're preparing for being an American [00:05:44.408] nashoba_homma: MERICA [00:05:44.650] Saphire_2311: Uhhhhh [00:05:44.733] YaBoiGug: AmericaCore [00:05:44.807] avoidingzombies: Airsoft? [00:05:45.294] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! been 6 month,thanks for being the most entertaining streamer ever 😊🤟,i enjoyed your content and its make my whole year a good days :)), congratulations for 506k subscribers,oo god the close up...omy..is that a gun? 😱😱 [00:05:45.494] f3mmbot jvlivs777 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:45.744] britshcoocknballs: BAHHAHA [00:05:46.198] rebuilt11: ez [00:05:46.630] larek_flynn: larek_flynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! the straps are supposed to cross in the back. wow that's a lot of air soft! [00:05:46.799] bbeeeaauuu: @hooksandirons idk [00:05:46.812] f3mmbot larek_flynn has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:46.917] mastereden1010: Guns [00:05:46.919] tanmastert: BRO [00:05:47.820] MelukHaa: WTFFFF [00:05:48.102] ArePea: London has a gun problem eh? [00:05:48.181] michaelmyerssimp: POG GUNS [00:05:48.799] jetblock178_: Wow [00:05:49.059] Shadi_Hunyadi: PogU [00:05:49.119] aydtwowolves: American souvenirs [00:05:49.673] comknifu_: GOD [00:05:49.765] Bekonakin: Oi blyaat [00:05:50.452] Saphire_2311: I mean alright [00:05:50.798] doriagyasz: Woow [00:05:51.085] ch33ky017_plays: Gunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn [00:05:51.262] j03yv: oh my god how many guns [00:05:51.357] skukuya: London more like Texas [00:05:51.372] w_y_a_t_t: can I buy all of it from you [00:05:51.760] asmodeus_jay: YOUR’E SO MANLY <3 [00:05:52.153] theoriginalslimshady: U get that from the ira [00:05:52.394] jaywolf076: WOAAHHH [00:05:53.052] that_colin_guy: armory is out eh? [00:05:53.615] aupshaw_: Fake? KEKW [00:05:53.638] DaNepz: those are big dildos wow [00:05:53.879] Brainfishes: Brainfishes converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:05:54.056] chaneiro2003: Rosé wtf [00:05:54.693] Amatarasu21: london has guns? That's American culture appropriation [00:05:54.782] garcus755: ayyyyy sup finny boi! [00:05:54.849] paris_eatspizza: Finn is now American [00:05:55.607] Kolateak_: Kappa [00:05:55.675] kaeru_hoppz: YOUR GONNA GET BANNED [00:05:55.965] yugman123: bb guns? [00:05:57.118] lukeypooo000: Kyle from pka would be proud [00:05:57.334] hooksandirons: Airsoft [00:05:57.349] emo_soup_: Oh god [00:05:58.101] judgedame: You should get a seamstress. [00:05:58.216] savanna680: What up fin [00:05:59.059] captein_m: Guns [00:05:59.097] brickbuilt74: Poggg lots of guns [00:05:59.217] jeri_q: rose practicing being american [00:05:59.301] sakura_sister: Holy shit [00:05:59.777] j03yv: are you american [00:05:59.900] sirgarlicofengland: Where’s the knife collection? [00:06:00.055] ghostslayer1579: I was thinking a knife but that’s even better [00:06:00.285] TheDuckDuck_: Woah [00:06:00.379] isaac_shungite: Holy [00:06:02.082] Solus_kun: Kappa [00:06:02.105] c1x5w8: hiii [00:06:03.442] Jiggbean: HEY ROSEEEE :D [00:06:03.494] walljess3599: I almost just spit out my water [00:06:03.663] mr_ajokortti_korkort: pretty [00:06:04.320] Jon_Roos: guns in UK LUL [00:06:04.504] nocturnalviewing: girl 🥚 [00:06:04.595] yuzukii_sama: yoh would fit right in america lmao [00:06:05.115] Thewarfish93: im currently sweating in american [00:06:06.321] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter the piney is supposed to be crossed in the back with the straps [00:06:06.329] Kaymon81: lies ^^ [00:06:07.313] snepaiiii: hiii [00:06:07.619] Bekonakin: What the hell [00:06:07.804] isaac_shungite: What the gay?!? [00:06:09.072] sun_ble4ched_trash: o0oo freckles [00:06:09.349] ch33ky017_plays: Gun go skirttttttttttt [00:06:09.547] BrandiB714: HypeEyes HypeYawn [00:06:10.423] that_boiiii7: How American of you [00:06:10.460] FelixVR69: domtalDumb [00:06:11.336] thanatoscar: boy? where? [00:06:11.648] Saphire_2311: Are we moving on from knives? [00:06:11.846] Mar_2849: Rose has just had enough- my god- [00:06:13.099] Helen_Croft: discord notification F1NN5TER [00:06:13.298] ace_bean07: Holy macaroni [00:06:13.313] pointblank6745: Some one clip this [00:06:15.137] wyldcardsam: no orange tips is terrifying as an American [00:06:15.324] w_y_a_t_t: give me it all [00:06:16.515] simp4loserfruitbackup: Is there m4 for the back [00:06:19.002] aupshaw_: oh god [00:06:19.577] j03yv: are those freckles drawn on [00:06:22.228] michaelmyerssimp: lol [00:06:22.562] wack0x: NOT TRUE, only some have that [00:06:23.587] mika123444: Hey cutie [00:06:24.200] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [00:06:24.922] jvlivs777: well :)) [00:06:25.113] asmodeus_jay: Is it cold over there because I’m freezing my balls off [00:06:25.623] sheep1_milk9: oi [00:06:25.972] nemesis0142: f1nn5tMakeupcheck [00:06:26.820] kate5135b: THEY DONT CROSS [00:06:27.247] FelixVR69: PartyPopper PartyPopper [00:06:27.250] kookiemonster772: Kreygasm [00:06:27.516] knight_____gaming: Oh my god [00:06:27.677] Macturk: that's a cute outfit [00:06:28.339] hamich_samich: Finn your a very manly man [00:06:30.968] LordMeltza: LordMeltza subscribed with Prime. [00:06:31.153] f3mmbot lordmeltza has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lordmeltza f1nn5tLezgang [00:06:34.130] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper [00:06:34.349] jaywolf076: Bruh I’m jealous lol 🥲 [00:06:35.749] atthy2k7: hiiiii cute outfit [00:06:36.426] kookiemonster772: Kreygasm [00:06:38.652] pamien_deal: finn where do you get your fake boobs from [00:06:40.237] AnAnonymousCheerer: anon1 [00:06:42.006] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper [00:06:43.044] Ramxey_: Do you have the most guns in the UK? [00:06:43.095] TheFlipcyde: Looks like you may have to pin the straps. lol [00:06:44.777] jokesarecancelled: Bro those are nice are nice asf [00:06:46.325] kookiemonster772: Kreygasm [00:06:46.648] mr_ahab_: Don't do this to the NNN Gang [00:06:48.240] jvlivs777: 😍😍😍❤️ [00:06:48.342] AlgoBro: @F1NN5TER they're props for the stream ;-) [00:06:48.422] bbeeeaauuu: In love your manly man ness [00:06:48.476] gunsight_one: That was the cutest angry duck sound I have heard [00:06:48.745] epicrowan69: women [00:06:48.859] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper [00:06:50.120] MissTokyoFun: awww [00:06:50.383] kookiemonster772: Kreygasm [00:06:50.399] HarperWolf_: super masculine right here 💪💪 [00:06:50.510] Dak1096: Egg isn’t just cracked at this point it’s destroyed [00:06:51.098] serena_pineda: pin it !! [00:06:53.281] atthy2k7: ur hair is a bit messed up [00:06:53.691] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper [00:06:55.127] asmodeus_jay: Manly man [00:06:55.229] kookiemonster772: Kreygasm [00:06:55.292] huberistichub: yes show us the toy [00:06:55.405] PineapplePiza: not compensating for anything [00:06:55.590] ninja_mewmew: yes please [00:06:55.627] atthy2k7: yesss [00:06:55.674] kako_pronto: tescos where hallowen @F1NN5TER [00:06:56.011] mh_realish: Not really [00:06:56.065] FelixVR69: yes [00:06:56.742] edgar_ayer: yes [00:06:56.917] davidbuchito: 1 thing stop trying to be a girl ur a fucking boy you are gay [00:06:56.956] avoidingzombies: OMG i started watching you at the beast time!!! [00:06:57.256] tinytim200: hey wasup finn [00:06:58.128] kinomoto_yue: HeyGuys VirtualHug [00:06:59.064] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper Kreygasm [00:06:59.231] TommyBoy809: Yes [00:06:59.723] melihaba: FINSTEERRRR [00:06:59.849] jeri_q: yes plz [00:07:00.007] avoidingzombies: YESSS!! [00:07:00.167] sun_ble4ched_trash: sureee [00:07:00.433] xjeszz: yes [00:07:00.465] skukuya: Yes [00:07:00.551] Kay_Py: Focus [00:07:00.773] stonedshagger: nah [00:07:00.833] kookiemonster772: ResidentSleeper Kreygasm ResidentSleeper [00:07:01.092] aupshaw_: wat [00:07:01.263] PatheticThyme27: yus [00:07:01.345] nashoba_homma: YES [00:07:01.746] Moredakadaka: millionaire stream buys air soft instead of super car, nice [00:07:01.954] TheSteelSeal413: y [00:07:02.847] porkpig456: no [00:07:02.911] kookiemonster772: Kreygasm ResidentSleeper Kreygasm [00:07:03.887] crow_creature_thing: Yes [00:07:04.108] ninja_mewmew: helllo [00:07:04.320] alex_dennis: finn [00:07:04.915] RedTempest101: yes [00:07:05.024] epicrowan69: ur gonna make me fail NNN [00:07:05.062] Globalnuclear: show us all you got [00:07:05.219] Bekonakin: Gun control [00:07:05.269] mel_hogwarts: finn is overcompensating something. What could it be? [00:07:05.789] quinnlolq: YES [00:07:05.983] asmodeus_jay: YESSS [00:07:06.619] princess_annon: yes [00:07:06.681] j03yv: do it do it [00:07:06.746] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter crappy ones mine cross [00:07:07.555] muffinsmasher1: hehe toys [00:07:07.671] uchihazerobase: yes mommy [00:07:07.680] Elosacle: @F1NN5TER you could also go for the disheveled maid look [00:07:08.756] floating_planets: hello [00:07:09.035] gunsight_one: SO MANLY [00:07:09.480] KhristophesaurusDinosarus: Kappa [00:07:10.172] asmodeus_jay: LETS GOO [00:07:10.769] r0ckstar_gamer: finn looking cute 😘 [00:07:10.842] tylerdotapp: yes pog yes [00:07:10.850] Mar_2849: YEEEEE [00:07:11.322] jvlivs777: you beautiful :)) [00:07:11.368] brickbuilt74: Yesss show us [00:07:13.181] frostypebbl: yea [00:07:13.502] Moredakadaka: LUL [00:07:14.324] MissTokyoFun: cuddle material [00:07:14.936] aupshaw_: Kappa [00:07:15.232] thanatoscar: e girl with guns, checks out [00:07:15.312] dfxs_: Yes [00:07:17.193] huberistichub: go on finny [00:07:18.125] Bekonakin: Don’t be like Alec Baldwin [00:07:18.286] naruto_shipudinss: Yessssssssssss [00:07:18.591] Kay_Py: Auto Focus [00:07:19.364] PatheticThyme27: The manliest man [00:07:19.800] tinytim200: finn is a beauty [00:07:19.855] sakura_sister: Yeees [00:07:19.887] FelixVR69: twitch [00:07:20.404] yugman123: nnn bout to get difficult today -.- [00:07:21.117] hms_wedgeman_iii: manly man [00:07:21.502] isaac_shungite: Yes [00:07:22.527] mr_ajokortti_korkort: dark blue [00:07:22.897] FelixVR69: gun [00:07:23.066] michaelmyerssimp: lmao [00:07:23.661] Ryklou: ooooh [00:07:27.511] ace_bean07: Yes [00:07:28.771] sniz99: Looks like green panties [00:07:28.842] mblackscar: Manly man lol [00:07:29.153] xxproinfirexx: sup [00:07:29.871] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Show us You’re thighs [00:07:30.550] kaanfz: Smith and Wesson [00:07:31.340] brustar_: yes he's MANLY now [00:07:32.004] CastielBuchanan: Ass [00:07:32.198] ArcaneBee5: God he’s so pretty [00:07:32.774] jeri_q: camera focus goes brrrrrr [00:07:33.207] maxgees: Rose you're so cute [00:07:33.379] meganleith666: finn boutta get banned [00:07:35.083] gunsight_one: 1) treat every weapon as if it was loaded [00:07:35.357] boobs691: Fuck I’m horny [00:07:35.738] RangerRick005: Cheer100 Your too hot [00:07:36.036] asmodeus_jay: REVOLVER BOI [00:07:36.137] mastereden1010: Don’t shoot us [00:07:36.289] The_Kurayami: whats this ollyPoker [00:07:36.537] AutumnNK: AutumnNK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 6 months pog, how's it going [00:07:36.720] f3mmbot autumnnk has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:37.087] doktorquien: NICE GRAY UNDIES [00:07:37.274] wyldcardsam: ughhh no [00:07:37.292] king0fpink: those legs tho [00:07:37.485] helpimbleedin: hehe gunz [00:07:38.917] killakai06: why is he wearing a princess dress [00:07:40.753] FredyRic: omg [00:07:42.629] shotgunkyran: Can you do a rose story so far [00:07:45.392] MissTokyoFun: ban [00:07:45.494] Helen_Croft: You forgetting the discord notification again F1NN5TER [00:07:45.720] meganleith666: @killakai06 maid [00:07:46.999] zooperh: tirate un peo en mi cara mamita rica [00:07:47.700] soundwave_superior19: !uptime [00:07:47.968] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 7m 58s [00:07:48.514] mh_realish: take it off [00:07:48.770] sun_ble4ched_trash: real or fake.. [00:07:48.939] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine safety pins. [00:07:49.359] aupshaw_: oh [00:07:50.478] aunalbrutal: Smart with guns also have shot herself on stream XD [00:07:52.983] theoriginalslimshady: Finn and wesson [00:07:54.080] takumi__22: Big gun big pp!!! [00:07:54.609] stonedshagger: pose with guns? [00:07:55.873] wyldcardsam: finger off the trigger [00:07:56.116] tinytim200: maid finn [00:07:56.333] Sensitive_Shelly: Tuck in bra strap [00:07:56.901] mblackscar: That's a beauty 🤩 [00:07:57.209] jvlivs777: its a nice dress 😊😊 [00:07:57.377] gunsight_one: MAID WAIFU [00:07:58.971] ninja_mewmew: ohhh [00:07:59.436] sammie_eve: Is that real? They look awesome! [00:08:02.203] bbeeeaauuu: @killakai06 he’s a maid [00:08:03.717] dedhuecilisvinec: camera is out of focus [00:08:03.873] tylerdotapp: maid with a gun :o [00:08:04.169] NonsenseAndBS: Focus please [00:08:06.010] Bekonakin: That’s the gun Alec Baldwin used [00:08:06.914] king0fpink: NICE GRAY PANTIES [00:08:10.326] lIuciferr: smh , traditional maid dresses >>> [00:08:10.374] Amoyamoyamoya: Smooth. [00:08:10.940] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:08:12.585] matpxz: erh [00:08:13.072] cr1cketchap: Adum stop simping [00:08:15.317] simp4loserfruitbackup: I don’t think a pretty princess needs all those guns at the back do you [00:08:16.869] Julieann73: so beautiful!!! [00:08:17.623] mastereden1010: Are you a fan of Adventure Time??? [00:08:18.256] ninja_mewmew: cute! [00:08:21.440] asmodeus_jay: POG [00:08:22.831] j03yv: @tinytim200 you read my mind [00:08:23.084] aupshaw_: yikes KEKW [00:08:24.173] gunsight_one: spin the barrel and close it [00:08:25.492] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp [00:08:26.248] avoidingzombies: >.< ur not actually supposed to flick a revolver <3 [00:08:26.654] ace_bean07: We could see your underwear [00:08:27.138] Raddog315: yep. This feels safe.... [00:08:27.845] zooperh: is it not allowed to show guns on twitch? [00:08:28.204] braddle172: PogChamp [00:08:29.545] jvlivs777: indeed :)) [00:08:31.718] mblackscar: I want me one [00:08:32.349] NUFC4life1979: hiya F1nn5ter you look gorgeous [00:08:38.000] FacelessSnow: Is the camera out of focus? [00:08:39.736] c__r__j: They only go bang when you point them at your stomach. We know this. [00:08:40.687] mastereden1010: Nice guns 💪 💪 [00:08:41.241] burgess_shale: YOU FUCKWIT. GUNS NOT COOL. [00:08:41.516] knight_____gaming: All I can think of with that outfit is princess peach [00:08:42.391] justachibifriend: meow!!!! [00:08:44.349] elder_bingo61: elder_bingo61 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! [00:08:44.531] f3mmbot elder_bingo61 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:44.555] Kolateak_: NotLikeThis [00:08:44.655] iTz_Galvanize: Finn gonna shoot himself in the leg today [00:08:45.964] gunsight_one: MANLY POG [00:08:46.603] xulinuo: can you say my name? <3 [00:08:47.294] Bekonakin: How much [00:08:47.432] jeri_q: flick the wrist [00:08:48.017] mr_ajokortti_korkort: this seems hazardous [00:08:49.163] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NUFC4life1979! They have given 16 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:08:49.371] f3mmbot jvlivs777 has gifted a subscription to nufc4life1979 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nufc4life1979 f1nn5tLezgang [00:08:49.619] ChrisGoth: why is the focus always on the mic? ^^ [00:08:49.840] 1AspenSilver1: FEMBOY GUN ARC [00:08:52.620] scientifichumanist: cuuuuuuuuuute [00:08:54.151] sun_ble4ched_trash: much talent [00:08:55.367] alivecloth: i just popped into this stream because i was curious and i see a grown man wearing a maid dress [00:08:55.857] jvlivs777: ohh no dont shoot me 😍😍 [00:08:56.267] PineapplePiza: holding that thing like baldwin [00:08:56.493] cerberuscorpse97: I DIDNT THINK THERE WAS GONNA BE A STREAM UWU LETS GOOOI [00:08:56.782] macarous: um [00:08:58.167] thiccdudeman: what is your opinion on bananas don’t be too political [00:08:59.903] justachibifriend: owo [00:09:00.326] Anielfox_: out of focus ? [00:09:00.928] j03yv: third tines a charm [00:09:01.137] gaming_giant_: Pride100 hello queen what did i miss [00:09:01.385] theoriginalslimshady: It was only a matter of timep [00:09:03.407] w_y_a_t_t: make a video of you playing a game of airsoft with all of the guns [00:09:03.565] meganleith666: weapons girl* [00:09:04.707] neowo_u: Mom I've been trapped by a Minecraft youtubeur, yes again. [00:09:05.739] bluj40: hello chat [00:09:06.628] M0rbulus: today is world mans day [00:09:06.969] sai16: *** Ah, yes [00:09:08.466] vaporwaved: f1nn5tRun [00:09:09.044] yiloman566: yooooooo a maid dress!!!!!!! [00:09:09.336] xulinuo: mission impossible [00:09:09.653] braddle172: GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:09:09.758] moonwake_: sexy guy for sexy femboy <3 [00:09:10.281] metoen: oh hey late one [00:09:12.958] 紅葉波士頓派 (3210jose0123): Cheer100 [00:09:13.093] SuperMinox: Hi Rose, no discord notification? [00:09:13.398] jvlivs777: ohh god 😭😭😭 [00:09:14.037] mastereden1010: Damn now I don’t wanna mess with u at all 😳 [00:09:15.231] tinytim200: I want ur arsenal [00:09:17.692] j03yv: why tax evasion as the title [00:09:17.702] walkindude1: only your mic is in focus btw [00:09:18.519] DafHobbsUwU: Cheer100 [00:09:18.616] Raddog315: Soooo..... Is the gun huge or is fin tiny? [00:09:19.640] Kolateak_: Knife femboy turns into gun femboy [00:09:19.673] takumi__22: Manliest man in the Wild West [00:09:24.265] avoidingzombies: m93 o.o [00:09:25.342] shakeycakey0: CRINGE DONO [00:09:25.765] illiiillliiiiiiiii: copium [00:09:25.777] serpent08n: What do you have? [00:09:26.062] Solus_kun: when girls go shopping right LUL @F1NN5TER [00:09:28.024] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine focus. [00:09:28.648] mozzoy: Oooooo pog [00:09:28.904] zooperh: your camera is focusing ur mic [00:09:29.569] Awesome_Bomb_: Yooooo lil bo peep haha [00:09:30.803] Bekonakin: Knifffff [00:09:31.385] aupshaw_: Pog [00:09:32.969] ImTheCup: Choo Chooo HypeLurk [00:09:36.496] Theinnocentbuda: FBI open up. XD [00:09:37.225] wiltmyflowers: hellooo [00:09:39.935] concha_324: I love the outfit Fin! [00:09:40.495] aunalbrutal: Tuut tuuut HypeLurk [00:09:42.033] mozzoy: mozzoy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Super pog [00:09:42.212] f3mmbot mozzoy has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:42.528] ladyrage550: omg omg omg finn Ily [00:09:42.777] maxgees: you gonna go to a airsoft battlefield dressed as a combat maid [00:09:44.137] k1ngracer07: L bozo [00:09:44.925] TheFlipcyde: M9 Pog [00:09:45.708] Raddog315: LMAO [00:09:45.726] Thewarfish93: @zooperh not at all, alot of streamers in the eft community have their real collections on camera you just have to be safe on camera [00:09:46.724] Bekonakin: Baretta [00:09:46.781] georgiaaallen: Bangin [00:09:48.823] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you are just teasing us with that strap [00:09:49.441] whippersnap: your mic is stealing the camera focus [00:09:51.354] matt_b38: Damn it camera, stop cock blocking me bro [00:09:51.701] jeri_q: pin it [00:09:51.772] king0fpink: cut the strap [00:09:53.054] Sensitive_Shelly: lose the straps [00:09:53.848] joey_556: femboys get toy guns manly men have real guns [00:09:54.050] TommyBoy809: Just cut them off [00:09:54.321] waffles_and_paincakes: LOL get a safety pin [00:09:54.517] bbeeeaauuu: Ur really cool and manly [00:09:55.143] Doommageddon05: Fin its a sign take it all off [00:09:56.505] BondoSHO: black bra under a pink dress. someone was in a hurry [00:09:57.283] avoidingzombies: LEAVE STRAP DOWN [00:09:58.109] Fredol7: Yeee [00:09:59.233] Thicc_Mitch515: just take off the straps [00:10:00.689] cr1cketchap: Finn my friend adum wants to be your sugar daddy [00:10:01.772] j03yv: remove it just wear a nice cute drezs [00:10:04.260] nyxal_: leave them off [00:10:06.089] judgedame: Put apin in it. [00:10:06.280] ace_bean07: GRAY [00:10:06.877] burgess_shale: LOVE OUTFIT. HATE GUNS [00:10:06.887] NonsenseAndBS: FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS [00:10:06.914] thejonnykid: cheerwhal100 [00:10:07.353] gunsight_one: :( I only got to play with the regular Beretta M9 when I was in the Marines [00:10:08.436] Bekonakin: Get rid of the straps then [00:10:08.680] arthakai: arthakai subscribed with Prime. [00:10:08.884] f3mmbot arthakai has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang arthakai f1nn5tLezgang [00:10:09.189] kristindobby: FINN DO SOME elgemo backwards RN OR I WILL EAT YOUR CHAIR [00:10:09.241] glorifiedicepick: 92F? [00:10:09.321] meresoup_2: use duck tape [00:10:11.235] N1cholasGonzalez: KEKW [00:10:13.639] theepumpkinlady: FINN! [00:10:13.945] ace_bean07: GREY [00:10:15.180] captein_m: You should get a gun rack [00:10:16.141] georgiaaallen: Tuck the straps in under the skirt [00:10:16.798] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter use safety pins [00:10:18.821] skukuya: Get a manly belt [00:10:19.744] larek_flynn: fine [00:10:20.231] ninja_mewmew: yup [00:10:21.694] Dragon_Lock: What the hell did I come back to... I watched you a year ago.. What have you come to? [00:10:22.040] ChrisGoth: wrong bra color :) [00:10:22.628] alexx_net: You can tie a ribbon across your shoulder blades to hold them in place. [00:10:22.888] HaleyAlyssa: that's fine [00:10:23.021] DafHobbsUwU: chat go brrr [00:10:23.436] aupshaw_: ye [00:10:24.407] asmodeus_jay: asmodeus_jay is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:10:24.684] asmodeus_jay: asmodeus_jay gifted a Tier 1 sub to JocelynHex! [00:10:24.740] ImTheCup: NNN REMENBER [00:10:24.866] f3mmbot asmodeus_jay has gifted a subscription to jocelynhex at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jocelynhex f1nn5tLezgang [00:10:25.364] w_y_a_t_t: yup [00:10:26.005] Pelvicks: Hey there! :D [00:10:26.051] bbeeeaauuu: I have left family to watch ur stream [00:10:26.422] melihaba: IT IS fine dude [00:10:27.232] phaggorl: nope [00:10:28.100] MrKotIet: damn [00:10:28.260] Amoyamoyamoya: Keep going. [00:10:28.718] mblackscar: Looking spiffy [00:10:28.848] wack0x: you can also take the entire dress off, fine with me [00:10:29.860] Stovamor: @bluj40, evening [00:10:29.867] Julieann73: yes looks fine [00:10:30.598] witty_creative_alien: you look so adorable though *^* [00:10:30.808] nubivagabond: american moment [00:10:30.848] Ryklou: thats good [00:10:31.275] MollymauI: Evening everyone [00:10:31.871] aupshaw_: NNN [00:10:34.013] jayc_hd: gggggggg [00:10:34.115] jetblock178_: Lamo [00:10:34.642] jvlivs777: awww :() [00:10:35.896] ladyrage550: lol [00:10:36.129] mcraccoonswe: Nice focus on the mic [00:10:37.184] Saphire_2311: Yeah [00:10:37.865] Awesome_Bomb_: Strapless is the move [00:10:37.941] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter safely 🧷 [00:10:39.913] w_y_a_t_t: me like [00:10:40.165] gunsight_one: You should tuck under your skirt [00:10:40.277] crow_creature_thing: Welp I’ve got to go now [00:10:40.642] Falkon1241: Hello beautiful princess [00:10:41.102] RaincloudTheDragon: banned [00:10:41.345] RavenQxinn: Pin the straps- [00:10:42.115] wiltmyflowers: pose with that thing [00:10:42.556] OmsX8O: @F1NN5TER if they can't cross in the back to stay put, like proper one would, you can use a safety pin to hook them together in the back near your neck. [00:10:43.149] GreyWinterWraith: Hello everyone seanvrCheerA [00:10:45.762] phaggorl: ur cute as hell [00:10:46.647] TaddyMcTadFace: @DafHobbsUwU Simp ohstevSip [00:10:48.665] nemesis0142: f1nn5tPegChamp [00:10:50.641] skyboundmaster: Gun PogU [00:10:50.725] joey_556: femboys have toy guns REAL MEN have real guns [00:10:53.897] witty_creative_alien: you look gorgeous either way [00:10:55.607] Pelvicks: It feels like chilling with a GF LOL [00:10:56.223] serpent08n: Looks fine but next time safety pins [00:10:57.100] DafHobbsUwU: @TaddyMcTadFace :( [00:10:57.942] jvlivs777: thats gun...with what kinda bullet?? 😅 [00:10:58.045] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:10:58.913] AdenRose77: WHAT DID I JOIN TOO [00:11:01.096] imeemeh: Hello [00:11:02.393] idkmight: its NNN be strong brothers [00:11:02.487] HocksEvan: @DafHobbsUwU simpu [00:11:04.365] bluj40: kyle would be proud [00:11:04.737] matti58killer: !uptime [00:11:05.009] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 11m 15s [00:11:05.068] LordMeltza: ah yes... a M9... [00:11:05.587] MollymauI: The camera focus is a bit off [00:11:05.895] Solus_kun: YET [00:11:06.072] RaincloudTheDragon: not real ResidentSleeper [00:11:07.369] skyboundmaster: Getting ready for moving to America i see [00:11:08.365] gtabored: I find it weird going on discord and reading F1NN Streaming " Tax evasion is my passion ". [00:11:09.697] meganleith666: finn gonna get banned because guns KEKW [00:11:09.723] jvlivs777: noice :)) [00:11:12.296] matpxz: wat gun [00:11:12.487] AdenRose77: A MAID WITHA GUN [00:11:13.717] tyxpr: helloo! [00:11:13.948] hms_wedgeman_iii: Rose croft [00:11:14.563] OilP: OilP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tLezgang [00:11:14.685] silvia_star1: why does this guy look amazing in girl mode while no matter how much I try I look bad [00:11:14.744] f3mmbot oilp has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:15.071] witty_creative_alien: im simping so hard today i cant [00:11:15.133] GPTurismo: move to the us. buy real guns [00:11:15.569] Sceptical6Sided: i wanna get a p226 airsoft pistol,BUT i cant find it anywhere [00:11:16.550] FakemiliaETH: no shot [00:11:17.099] mr_ajokortti_korkort: airsoft guns and Rose don't mix well [00:11:19.551] cheezman34303: Trap? [00:11:20.673] sun_ble4ched_trash: buys a real gun and uses it for stream for tax 😂😂 [00:11:21.268] theepumpkinlady: his not at school [00:11:22.272] urmomhrh: wtf [00:11:22.348] TAZ_senpai_: you just flagged yourself with the barrel [00:11:22.800] Ben_Lewton: wonder how long will it take till gun accident [00:11:22.839] Raddog315: Yet [00:11:25.086] hHaitchHh: literally did with the first gun [00:11:26.453] NUFC4life1979: hi F1nn5ter love your guns [00:11:27.541] urmomhrh: hello im new [00:11:27.720] iTz_Galvanize: You are scaring the Americans here [00:11:28.131] denden12332: your unfocused mate [00:11:28.324] Elosacle: you've also pointed it at yourself during this stream [00:11:28.409] 57ranma: MAID DRESS DOENT WORK, TAKE IT OFF.... SLOWLY [00:11:29.191] mh_realish: Everything [00:11:29.703] Bulldog85043: Bulldog85043 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak! 17 months POG! [00:11:29.881] Kinitawowi: "see, it's not evem loaded" [00:11:29.887] f3mmbot bulldog85043 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:11:30.860] smalljaguar: EVERYTHING [00:11:31.437] hellopeople26: Guns wow [00:11:35.251] DeanTheSpartan: Don't pull an Alec Baldwin F1NN [00:11:35.286] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_ajokortti_korkort! They have given 17 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:11:35.482] f3mmbot jvlivs777 has gifted a subscription to mr_ajokortti_korkort at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mr_ajokortti_korkort f1nn5tLezgang [00:11:36.201] sakura_sister: You’re supposed to crisscross over your head, then they will stay up [00:11:36.667] macarous: BRO [00:11:37.079] hps5: this is how you shoot yourself [00:11:37.914] Bekonakin: Please don’t shoot [00:11:38.294] Solus_kun: you shot yourself the last time [00:11:38.328] Moredakadaka: LUL [00:11:38.524] Amoyamoyamoya: You're not treating them like they are loaded. [00:11:39.869] spydurp26: that [00:11:39.913] PvCu: Camera is focused on the mic [00:11:41.882] aupshaw_: Bruh [00:11:43.189] Elosacle: TOLD YOU [00:11:43.563] jvlivs777: yerp :)) [00:11:45.094] acazzoo: @Amoyamoyamoya i love you [00:11:45.293] Riverfreakyyy: I can't stay for long, but that title made me laugh way more than it should KEKW [00:11:45.718] OmsX8O: can we get a bet going about F1nn shooting himself? KEKW [00:11:46.888] avoidingzombies: barrel sweeping ur face! <3 [00:11:46.894] spydurp26: everything [00:11:47.542] r0ckstar_gamer: bowsette next 2020Suspicious [00:11:47.866] FakemiliaETH: UH [00:11:47.996] Tari_Diachi: Brainless Bimbo with a Bullet Blower. [00:11:48.741] burgess_shale: GUNS REPELLANT [00:11:49.770] meganleith666: camera is always focused on the mic [00:11:50.035] jetblock178_: Kekw [00:11:50.496] j03yv: no need for the maid dress rose wear a cute dress instead [00:11:52.680] rhorima: no more butterfly knife finn did the helix annoy you that much? [00:11:52.791] acazzoo: @jvlivs777 HELLO <3 [00:11:54.123] aAndrew3030: Everyone in the chat dunk! [00:11:54.748] bluj40: everyone knows you hold it by the barrel pointed towards your chest [00:11:55.436] aosxjypie1: Is this loaded click [00:11:58.643] Thewarfish93: waving it around, spinning it by the trigger guard [00:11:58.866] w_y_a_t_t: I play airsoft to and I can teach you how to use a real gun to [00:11:58.981] PixelatedMoreno: woohhhhhh hold up [00:12:00.581] Enders__Host: femboy shooters? [00:12:02.325] castermadness: castermadness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! 15 months pog!! first time subbing for over a year [00:12:02.507] f3mmbot castermadness has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:03.609] sinuwu: is it a real gun or fake [00:12:05.385] alexx_net: How long until she shoots herself... again. [00:12:05.815] sakura_sister: You’re both pretty and fucking hot I’m jealous [00:12:05.972] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @jvlivs777 thanks for gifted sub :D [00:12:06.959] Demo400_: !uptime [00:12:07.228] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 12m 17s [00:12:07.335] thebraziliankd: tax tip.. don't brag about tax evasion [00:12:08.699] Bekonakin: Pump it with gazzzz [00:12:09.012] meganleith666: @sinuwu airsoft [00:12:12.958] ninja_mewmew: ohhhh [00:12:13.932] avoidingzombies: O.O [00:12:17.706] w_y_a_t_t: sheeeh [00:12:17.972] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 19 in the channel! [00:12:18.155] f3mmbot jvlivs777 has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [00:12:18.965] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MikkoAIK! [00:12:18.980] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to natholomas! [00:12:20.316] bufferusx: James Blond [00:12:22.221] ninja_mewmew: so cute!!! [00:12:22.284] ArtuaArya: usps [00:12:25.750] nocturnalviewing: looks like a shitty csgo skin [00:12:27.153] BondoSHO: @thebraziliankd lol [00:12:27.312] mahmod_100: hey guys!! how are you? [00:12:27.771] MiloMuilMikker: all the csgo weopons [00:12:27.837] Kolateak_: monkaS [00:12:27.974] Theinnocentbuda: black panties [00:12:29.389] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:12:29.882] xXNeroZashiXx: Pof [00:12:30.169] melihaba: cool [00:12:30.786] Anielfox_: hehehe [00:12:30.914] mastereden1010: Fake guns are good for scaring off people that’s for sure [00:12:31.394] MissTokyoFun: this is what we fought WW2 for [00:12:32.644] ghxstyls: YOOO THAT'S COOL [00:12:33.644] xXNeroZashiXx: pog 🌹 [00:12:33.944] jvlivs777: omyy,thats sounds brutal 😅😅 [00:12:34.104] macarous: ooo [00:12:37.278] AdayC: wtf [00:12:37.299] melihaba: very awesome [00:12:37.964] Raddog315: Dear everyone in the universe, please never let F1nn near a real gun. Thanks [00:12:38.207] aupshaw_: Poggers [00:12:40.084] ChrisGoth: The Cam focus is always on the Mic? Why not on u? ^^ [00:12:41.967] ChickEEE: THIS IS so hot [00:12:43.624] Tari_Diachi: What the simps are paying for, ladies & gentlepeople. [00:12:43.924] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER u had it pointed at you at one point the M9 gun safety much [00:12:44.400] substantialslip205: @F1NN5TER camera focus [00:12:46.722] Emmy64_: Kappa Gamble [00:12:46.977] lyncesca: BUY MORE GUNS FROM WOLF ARMOURIES 💪 [00:12:50.313] Kolateak_: Airhard gun [00:12:53.331] XavP8624: Can we all admit Rose is probably the one person we want to shoot us [00:12:54.677] MissTokyoFun: evike [00:12:55.502] jvlivs777: he's beautiful :)) [00:12:56.155] jamar112000: love these guns :D [00:12:56.470] LoukritiaLou: f [00:12:57.404] Ramxey_: No place to conceal that gun with that dress [00:12:59.750] meganleith666: camera loves the mic more KEKW [00:13:00.596] smalljaguar: Femboy in a pink maid dress showing off his air gun that looks like real guns. What a stream to enter to. [00:13:01.384] aupshaw_: ah [00:13:04.042] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:13:04.399] kodiOf758: omg soo cute <3 [00:13:05.257] Pelvicks: Did we miss the part where you get your makeup on? [00:13:06.461] lyncesca: yes it's me hi [00:13:06.716] acazzoo: @jvlivs777 you are beautiful [00:13:08.475] emily12899: The names James Bond, James.. Bond… oh fuc [00:13:09.656] tommyinitisboss: BibleThump [00:13:10.485] mf_tropix_2: holy shit based [00:13:11.326] tinytim200: AHHH MY EARS [00:13:13.567] mf_tropix_2: fuck taxes [00:13:13.625] hellopeople26: Yes [00:13:13.727] xXNeroZashiXx: @jvlivs777 agreed [00:13:15.564] ariuwu2021: hi [00:13:16.341] knightsaber2032: Hi beautiful [00:13:17.075] jvlivs777: @acazzoo 😊🤟 [00:13:17.463] mf_tropix_2: FUCK THE IRS [00:13:18.946] nubivagabond: be careful [00:13:19.891] MimikoBR: PogU ooooh i love tax evasion [00:13:22.509] nocturnalviewing: holy shit talk quieter [00:13:26.479] asmodeus_jay: Story time [00:13:26.707] joey_556: if you visit the land of FREEDOM and FIREARMS take a basic firearms safety course [00:13:27.088] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [00:13:27.428] a1rwav3r: Typical f1nn5ter move. ... I join the stream and you look like a princess with daddy issues holding a gun hahahah [00:13:32.699] 1AspenSilver1: pauseChamp [00:13:33.814] Karlzone_: modcheck askers [00:13:33.836] mlickko: made your whole week? Kappa [00:13:33.910] bannanalegends: f1nn5tZOOM [00:13:36.865] aupshaw_: bet [00:13:38.907] bluj40: LOUDER [00:13:39.208] sinuwu: made your hole week [00:13:40.547] fozzieboy8: ;p [00:13:40.604] McNoobyPoop: just like how do you do that, you now how u look? [00:13:42.366] RaincloudTheDragon: sheen, that's the 3rd time you've shown bb gun for show and tell [00:13:43.371] tinytim200: CoolStoryBob [00:13:50.912] mr110624: hm [00:14:08.099] Bekonakin: Come on it’s Minecraft time [00:14:09.624] gloom_slayer: still out of focus buddy [00:14:10.606] asmodeus_jay: asmodeus_jay is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [00:14:11.148] asmodeus_jay: asmodeus_jay gifted a Tier 1 sub to togi_! [00:14:11.330] f3mmbot asmodeus_jay has gifted a subscription to togi_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang togi_ f1nn5tLezgang [00:14:14.612] LoadSmasher: Looking great princess! [00:14:16.452] r0ckstar_gamer: did rose go over there 2020Suspicious [00:14:17.018] Jakyubis9: did he slept with you?😏 [00:14:17.049] flapjack44: Rose plays airsoft Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [00:14:19.647] lyncesca: i have seen the review, they call me a rude korean :y [00:14:19.892] mastereden1010: DID U HEAR ABOUT THE PIBBY SHOW ON ADULT SWIM [00:14:26.886] Dmiz3: your hot 🔥 [00:14:29.543] panterkemedic: fit check! MegaphoneZ [00:14:30.506] jvlivs777: omy :)) [00:14:32.212] xXNeroZashiXx: Hope everyone is having a great day 😁 👍 😁 [00:14:32.446] substantialslip205: focus is fine [00:14:34.035] possesedbysatann: I LOVE YOU FEEEEN [00:14:38.127] 7g_official: Sig Saur p226 PogChamp [00:14:39.898] U_MUST_BE_COOL: NotLikeThis [00:14:40.066] alex_dennis: !uptime [00:14:40.334] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 14m 50s [00:14:45.062] Dampmus: you are goals [00:14:46.771] Bekonakin: That looks like the fortnite gun [00:14:49.829] rw03_bjw: wolf armorys are great but expensive [00:14:50.263] xd_gamer_twitch: love that m9 [00:14:50.996] a1rwav3r: Looks like a beretta 92 [00:14:51.008] bigslime_34: wait he trans [00:14:54.787] SiriusToxin: My first stream seeing him live ❤️ [00:14:57.528] Stovamor: @bigslime_34, no [00:14:59.281] donutetyts: nice outfit [00:15:00.900] RaincloudTheDragon: @bigslime_34 close enough [00:15:02.478] skeleten_543: just got back from my grandfathers funeral how have you been [00:15:05.078] HibariOzoraYKZA: damn! lookin' cute, dude! [00:15:05.551] pusayboy: f1nn5tMakeupcheck [00:15:05.727] 7g_official: @a1rwav3r yeah you're right [00:15:06.370] asmodeus_jay: Spent 20 buck just now definitely worth it [00:15:06.921] si13ntward3n: !followage [00:15:09.043] bbeeeaauuu: !uptime [00:15:09.321] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 15m 19s [00:15:09.771] Battlemage4: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 guns galore [00:15:10.355] mynameisntshinji: !uptime [00:15:12.098] panterkemedic: fit cheeeccckkk!!! MegaphoneZ MegaphoneZ MegaphoneZ MegaphoneZ [00:15:12.115] MollymauI: You have a lever-action? Hell yeah [00:15:15.190] FemboiMp4: wheres the chat? [00:15:15.395] avoidingzombies: im stoked about this story rn O.O [00:15:22.432] Marco_Choy: Marco_Choy subscribed with Prime. [00:15:22.637] f3mmbot marco_choy has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang marco_choy f1nn5tLezgang [00:15:23.698] Stovamor: BTW Chat -ENglish only in chat please. I don't want to have to keep translating things tonight to spot the bigots [00:15:24.502] sleshpaoopa333: @skeleten_543 sorry for you loss holmes [00:15:24.811] axkey69: !followage [00:15:24.994] twin_cdj: twin_cdj subscribed with Prime. [00:15:25.192] f3mmbot twin_cdj has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang twin_cdj f1nn5tLezgang [00:15:28.075] bigslime_34: so he dress up?? [00:15:28.591] mattiethenerd_: mattiethenerd_ subscribed with Prime. [00:15:28.798] f3mmbot mattiethenerd_ has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mattiethenerd_ f1nn5tLezgang [00:15:31.312] Gigaknightdx: what i miss [00:15:32.032] trolface1997: so nude [00:15:33.223] possesedbysatann: I LOVE YOU FEEEEEN [00:15:33.758] YaBoiLemYT: i tried to sub but it wont let me :( [00:15:35.772] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Cool [00:15:35.826] xd_gamer_twitch: im a massive gun boy, this, this is a dream [00:15:36.022] TSMaidan69420: America moment [00:15:38.798] flapjack44: ROSE PLAYS AIRSOFT?? GivePLZ VoteYea TakeNRG [00:15:41.189] jvlivs777: you look prettier than women :)) [00:15:41.828] eliminaterrr: damn you look so cute [00:15:42.590] soepsoepsoep: soepsoepsoep subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak! I simp, therefore i am [00:15:42.768] f3mmbot soepsoepsoep has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:15:44.454] Iblackie32: h. [00:15:46.403] Emmy64_: The toilet is a cannon Kappa [00:15:48.714] Bekonakin: It’s swiper time [00:15:50.119] Battlemage4: lol [00:15:53.314] tommy_1110: Looking cute today rose [00:15:55.736] johnmKANE: Safety first [00:15:55.937] ooodNA: the twitch preview is finn holding a gun [00:15:58.121] Raddog315: A whole femboy arsenal. I just realized, this is F1nn's new way of fliting with Kyle [00:15:59.700] Stoorma: Lookin good today @F1NN5TER ! [00:16:00.730] el_cineaste: el_cineaste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [00:16:00.912] f3mmbot el_cineaste has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:16:04.606] Misha_roro: Hey Finn [00:16:08.372] cderwolf: ShowLove90 [00:16:09.127] xd_gamer_twitch: im a MASSIVE gun boi/ airsoft boi [00:16:12.908] el_cineaste: ikedenGasm [00:16:16.334] Luke2k17: subscribe to Callum's corner on YouTube [00:16:16.337] kristindobby: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:16:20.282] Amoyamoyamoya: 1911 [00:16:21.437] avoidingzombies: *1911 [00:16:22.393] kristindobby: TwitchSings GreenTeam TPFufun PunOko [00:16:29.078] asmodeus_jay: Should have merked him [00:16:29.222] Mr_Motus: Black underwear [00:16:32.485] Ariaspira: MAID WITH A GUN! [00:16:34.364] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:16:34.794] 1AspenSilver1: PepeLaugh [00:16:35.272] Thicc_Mitch515: rose turning AMERICAN [00:16:36.252] sleshpaoopa333: isn't he supposed to be in thong this month? [00:16:37.123] Kolateak_: "I really like 9/11" [00:16:38.400] xd_gamer_twitch: m4a1? [00:16:38.877] Tari_Diachi: f1nn5tCancelled [00:16:42.000] twin_cdj: the guns made me sub [00:16:42.703] mughooti: Hell yeah, keep evading the government and those taxes. Commit tax fraud!!! Corgo100 [00:16:42.850] qwbif: its a gbb 1911 [00:16:43.183] Chachigo: buy a pink gun @F1NN5TER :) [00:16:44.223] Slim_Cheney: cant say that rose [00:16:44.544] Emmy64_: f1nn5tEmbarrassed f1nn5tCancelled [00:16:46.064] majhal01: Something else to shoot yourself with? [00:16:46.369] Bekonakin: M1911 [00:16:47.876] Ramxey_: light his ass up [00:16:47.935] ninpnin: Finnster deserved 911 [00:16:49.360] jvlivs777: thats a cool lookin guns :)) [00:16:54.420] xd_gamer_twitch: m4a1 [00:16:54.988] hellopeople26: Clip it [00:16:56.676] asmodeus_jay: Should’ve merked him [00:16:57.610] nemesis0142: 1911 [00:16:59.559] asmodeus_jay: YEA [00:17:01.891] kristindobby: Squid1 Squid2 PixelBob Squid2 Squid4 [00:17:04.480] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Finn did 911 confirmed [00:17:05.100] gamerboy223567: yes [00:17:06.019] steamyf0x: What am I looking at [00:17:06.537] LTZSuburban: You have gun membership? I can only get the shitty blue things [00:17:08.079] colstephen: <3 [00:17:09.577] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ramxey_! They have given 20 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:17:09.789] f3mmbot jvlivs777 has gifted a subscription to ramxey_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang ramxey_ f1nn5tLezgang [00:17:09.946] xd_gamer_twitch: m4??? [00:17:10.045] nemesis0142: the 2011 is also a good gun [00:17:11.834] hunter_in_darkness: hmmmm [00:17:13.077] slipknot69420: hello [00:17:14.089] takumi__22: Lol [00:17:14.363] secret_assassino: does it have blowback on it [00:17:15.932] donutetyts: 9/11 [00:17:16.482] Ramxey_: @jvlivs777 Thanks for the gift sub! [00:17:17.562] j03yv: how long til you open the box with your guy clothes [00:17:21.367] InvisibleSt0ner505: lol [00:17:22.753] Tari_Diachi: Bi-ing stuff O_O [00:17:22.904] ninpnin: @U_MUST_BE_COOL the visa rejection finally makes sense [00:17:23.864] god_phoenix_54: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [00:17:26.948] jvlivs777: @ramxey_ welcome 😊 [00:17:28.435] lyncesca: @LTZSuburban film and tv production companies are a valid defense [00:17:33.335] xXNeroZashiXx: @jvlivs777 having fun 😁👍 [00:17:35.179] Elosacle: @j03yv if chat has their way: never [00:17:35.610] dani_martinova: CoolStoryBob [00:17:37.000] toruk_makto___: . [00:17:37.066] mughooti: Aweee my 100 bits comment didn't show up in chat, sadge [00:17:38.467] iAmSurayaa: you cracked his egg? [00:17:42.249] slipknot69420: how is all [00:17:45.091] simp4loserfruitbackup: You can I own a shot gun and and [00:17:45.250] jvlivs777: i wish i could give him billions :)) [00:17:45.479] asmodeus_jay: “Friendly” aka money [00:17:45.541] nexiclaire: you gonna go do airsoft as a maid < 3 ? also do u have a Ukara licence? [00:17:46.390] 1AspenSilver1: PogU [00:17:46.750] xd_gamer_twitch: AH [00:17:47.688] Kolateak_: MMMMMMMMM Kreygasm [00:17:48.328] megaroot: PogChamp [00:17:49.446] VeRt3xGD: sheeeeesh [00:17:50.215] bufferusx: ak [00:17:50.464] Emmy64_: PogChamp [00:17:51.323] DaDARKPass_: Galil. [00:17:52.753] xd_gamer_twitch: AK 74 [00:17:53.006] heisenberg176: Kreygasm [00:17:53.375] nemesis0142: AK [00:17:53.673] Bekonakin: DID TOU BUY THE GUNS AS A GIRL??? [00:17:55.384] slipknot69420: ak [00:17:55.711] Emmy64_: Sheeesh [00:17:56.248] avoidingzombies: 74 [00:17:57.958] donutetyts: lots of guns nicee [00:17:58.018] xd_gamer_twitch: AKKKKK 7444 [00:17:58.185] asmodeus_jay: BIG BOI [00:17:59.349] bfsobnfs: does legs [00:17:59.392] xXNeroZashiXx: @jvlivs777 same here [00:18:00.046] meganleith666: meganleith666 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jetisnotthereyet! They have given 12 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:18:00.273] f3mmbot meganleith666 has gifted a subscription to jetisnotthereyet at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jetisnotthereyet f1nn5tLezgang [00:18:00.972] a__Shun: Ah god thamm that's short [00:18:01.267] cabooseboyyy: i like how i join and instantly see u holding a pistol [00:18:02.301] jvlivs777: or trillion :)) [00:18:02.345] Elfualoco2003: someone call the police [00:18:02.679] tommy_1110: Yooo ak [00:18:02.794] johnmKANE: It’s fake though lmao [00:18:03.159] Kolateak_: Kreygasm [00:18:03.281] xd_gamer_twitch: AK 74 [00:18:04.170] Thewarfish93: ak 74m [00:18:04.182] steamyf0x: A maid with an Ak [00:18:05.001] mr_ajokortti_korkort: full auto :D [00:18:05.335] Shadi_Hunyadi: PogChamp [00:18:05.438] phaggorl: m14? [00:18:07.191] castermadness: omg [00:18:07.273] tableleg5: The Fuck are you wearing [00:18:07.391] skukuya: KomodoHype KomodoHype [00:18:07.473] baebel369: baebel369 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! Yowza [00:18:07.679] f3mmbot baebel369 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:07.939] Shadi_Hunyadi: POGGERS [00:18:09.081] meganleith666: that scared me ngl KKEW [00:18:09.343] johnmKANE: Laughing in America [00:18:09.445] Anielfox_: no full auto in the building [00:18:09.533] xd_gamer_twitch: AK [00:18:10.404] Shadi_Hunyadi: PogU [00:18:10.611] Khalmo: @@@@@ [00:18:10.802] Marco_Choy: very pew pew [00:18:10.925] ghxstyls: ak74 [00:18:12.055] Kolateak_: No full auto in building [00:18:12.363] aupshaw_: Holy fuck that’s cool!!! [00:18:12.535] xd_gamer_twitch: 7 [00:18:12.978] sleshpaoopa333: pull the slide [00:18:13.023] Slim_Cheney: @realbrandonhererra [00:18:13.397] 7g_official: Kreygasm [00:18:13.643] Ramxey_: gratatata [00:18:13.806] jeri_q: Oh damn [00:18:14.237] Bbistheman21: elite firearm safety [00:18:14.791] xd_gamer_twitch: 4 [00:18:15.357] george_from_slovenia: Afghanistan tour stream when? [00:18:16.463] SudoSmile: HypeFire [00:18:17.096] slipknot69420: ak go brrrrrrr [00:18:17.124] jetblock178_: Good choice pog [00:18:18.562] asmodeus_jay: BABAH IGNORES COMMENT [00:18:19.410] avoidingzombies: ak 74 <3 she sexy [00:18:22.607] jvlivs777: thats alot of arsenal [00:18:23.311] donutetyts: ndam [00:18:23.369] tommy_1110: Damm aks are pog [00:18:23.905] nubivagabond: very fun indeed [00:18:24.054] xd_gamer_twitch: AK 74 [00:18:27.206] twin_cdj: pog [00:18:28.407] dat1boiatschool: Gae [00:18:28.552] lyncesca: i'm glad you got it working [00:18:29.390] aupshaw_: WEAK [00:18:31.640] Dampmus: !discord [00:18:31.926] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:18:32.491] johnmKANE: Those pellets hurt like a bitch though [00:18:33.068] brooklyn240206: Homie got them pipes on em [00:18:33.479] Ka_Pybara: Same [00:18:34.435] MelukHaa: a beautiful femboy with guns, what a day... [00:18:35.644] sleshpaoopa333: I lost today too [00:18:35.645] asmodeus_jay: Rose go burr [00:18:36.396] Kolateak_: You call 18 minutes quick? 😳 [00:18:36.551] giraffe343: guys remember its nnn [00:18:37.086] SiriusToxin: SiriusToxin subscribed at Tier 1. [00:18:37.276] meganleith666: @queen_nephlilmfan well yes but no [00:18:37.298] f3mmbot siriustoxin has subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang siriustoxin f1nn5tLezgang [00:18:39.266] henerylechaffeur: same [00:18:39.354] ArtuaArya: 18 is a lot [00:18:40.905] n00dle101: "out son, the e-girl is upstairs shooting guns, hes gonna ruin his dress" [00:18:41.815] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:18:43.461] genjiwilleaturmum: SMOrc SMOrc [00:18:43.494] artificial_ruby: ellow [00:18:43.544] chad_femboy: AIRSOFT MAID game how much for sub goal? [00:18:44.146] Raddog315: lol [00:18:44.503] avoidingzombies: lol [00:18:45.457] Iblackie32: LUL [00:18:50.039] Ramxey_: use the gun [00:18:54.146] mughooti: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Hope you have a fun day of tax evasion F1nn :)) [00:18:55.093] macarous: nice [00:18:55.375] the_mist_demon: Lmao [00:18:58.268] Brainfishes: Go say hello to Rynali. His reaction to you saying hello in his chat would be hi-larious. [00:18:59.606] xd_gamer_twitch: LUGEEER [00:19:02.017] packagum: ww2 [00:19:03.862] singh44s: Rose needs to install a 3rd camera for when she needs to be seen standing [00:19:06.877] asmodeus_jay: We all failed because of finn:( [00:19:08.641] xd_gamer_twitch: 2 wars btw [00:19:08.819] alexx_net: Rose with her invisible banana [00:19:08.991] Elflite: ah yes ww3 [00:19:09.380] ssechul: Imagine kyles reaction to this vod lmao [00:19:11.338] NoniiOnii: WAIT YOURE THAT DUDE LMFAO [00:19:11.375] toruk_makto___: their dick is floating [00:19:12.002] pokilopiko: fin why did u start dressing up as a girl [00:19:15.550] behindmatt: pokaż smg [00:19:16.618] Kingich1: hi [00:19:16.946] NoniiOnii: galiaLUL [00:19:17.081] 7g_official: Day 3 of Nonstop Nut November, feeling considerably Drained NotLikeThis [00:19:18.866] Ramxey_: it's in her blood [00:19:19.411] NOT_SPALK_TV: you dont know shit about guns lmao [00:19:23.005] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter I have a 100k channel points please turn the walks back on please 🙏 [00:19:23.445] SiriusToxin: Hi Rose 🌹 [00:19:23.900] agl_mario: hey [00:19:30.069] avoidingzombies: you bought the luger? o.o [00:19:30.237] johnmKANE: Her German came out [00:19:30.530] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:19:31.905] xd_gamer_twitch: LUGEER [00:19:33.046] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:19:37.113] belikethatjones: P38 is better [00:19:37.552] aupshaw_: KEKW [00:19:41.452] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:19:42.000] Eilen_CatLover: H [00:19:42.913] Dampmus: love the pic in your discord [00:19:43.225] Stovamor: @queen_nephlilmfan, go away [00:19:46.916] xd_gamer_twitch: MAC 10 [00:19:49.576] CCTLSJ: monkaS [00:19:50.072] jamiemarchantofficial: i am jealous of your guns as i know i could never afford them and i play Airsoft lol [00:19:51.796] slipknot69420: uze [00:19:53.164] aupshaw_: Pog [00:19:53.249] LawAbidingCitizen: POGGERS [00:19:53.316] helpimbleedin: kinky [00:19:53.568] 1AspenSilver1: PogU [00:19:54.835] jvlivs777: my life is complete 😊 [00:19:56.295] henerylechaffeur: thicc boi [00:19:58.726] heavymetalyetiguy: daaaayummmm [00:20:01.035] artificial_ruby: A freaking mac -10 with a giant suppresor [00:20:01.882] Eilen_CatLover: I [00:20:01.959] Steakilicious: Mac10 Moment [00:20:02.027] johnmKANE: Lol [00:20:03.389] fizzle_bizzle: I log in and see fin dressed like this? Shouldve expected as much. [00:20:05.490] ArtuaArya: mac 10 [00:20:06.926] jandraelune: Ingram [00:20:08.269] Elflite: not fast enough tbh [00:20:08.728] asmodeus_jay: I like that one [00:20:08.904] lonly__shelf: Bapdbeisk [00:20:11.211] hunter_in_darkness: gg [00:20:12.572] mr_simpx: yo that's thick [00:20:14.136] 8sr_: that sound is nostalgic [00:20:14.562] Bbistheman21: ironically to immediately move to the Israeli gun [00:20:15.508] LordMeltza: I see you got a Repeater in the background. [00:20:16.468] pokilopiko: is that all airsoft it sounds like it [00:20:17.602] 7g_official: Mac 10 Pog [00:20:17.985] Ramxey_: idk why but the guns make you hotter [00:20:19.349] kieran9024: kieran9024 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! yeah 2 months [00:20:19.530] f3mmbot kieran9024 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:20.627] tommy_1110: Correction the Luger was mostly used during ww1 they used the walther p38 in ww2 @f1nn5ter [00:20:21.476] xd_gamer_twitch: AK 74 [00:20:22.284] Birgit_Rusbach: yooooo [00:20:22.994] nubivagabond: not the straight girl pose with the gun PLS [00:20:23.491] Helen_Croft: looks like an uwuzi [00:20:23.635] bluj40: what a shopping spree [00:20:24.370] Pelvicks: Wow. This is sooooo manly I LOVE IT! :D [00:20:24.862] kawaiikatboy: When I got my CWP one of the people that showed up to the test had a luger lol [00:20:26.036] VanillaSlayer: 2pac be like [00:20:26.416] jvlivs777: cool af :)) [00:20:26.954] secret_assassino: Finn do the pistols have blowback [00:20:28.024] c__r__j: So glad we're watching this safely from the other side of a camera lens. [00:20:30.238] xd_gamer_twitch: AK 74 AK 74 [00:20:30.768] kate5135b: dsmp [00:20:33.086] benggml: [00:20:33.864] 7g_official: bump fire Kreygasm [00:20:35.395] meganleith666: @pokilopiko it is, real guns are kinda illegal in UK [00:20:37.133] brianna44marie: hi f1nn5ter [00:20:37.581] jetblock178_: Lol [00:20:37.897] Elflite: slap that out with another mag [00:20:38.248] U_MUST_BE_COOL: You’re so sussy [00:20:38.815] mughooti: mughooti is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:20:39.181] mughooti: mughooti gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_winkeyface! [00:20:39.368] f3mmbot mughooti has gifted a subscription to mr_winkeyface at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mr_winkeyface f1nn5tLezgang [00:20:40.712] kimlisathepooh: yo im coming in here and the first thing is a maid loading a gun lol [00:20:41.708] SiriusToxin: That’s a dope ak [00:20:42.074] tbag1369: bros got the strap [00:20:42.479] na1eph: why does she have an AK?! [00:20:42.921] blobflops: the sniper in the back xD [00:20:45.633] singh44s: a twig rattling around inside a sewer pipe, that one [00:20:45.822] alexx_net: MAC10? Perfect for Birmingham femboy/femme-girl gang wars. [00:20:47.059] Pelvicks: @c__r__j KEKW [00:20:49.042] themindscrambler: gkptCodhype gkptCodhype gkptCodhype gkptCodhype gkptCodhype [00:20:52.998] slipknot69420: you need an mp5 [00:20:58.713] eliasgames01: If you don’t get banned I will be surprised [00:21:02.950] brianna44marie: cool [00:21:07.035] helpimbleedin: @eliasgames01 ^^^ [00:21:08.088] artificial_ruby: A five seven and a 1911 [00:21:08.204] BananaTac0: Imagine, airsoft, but gorl [00:21:11.287] xd_gamer_twitch: P320 [00:21:11.391] SpiritEX: p250 [00:21:11.416] jamiemarchantofficial: m17 [00:21:12.533] Stoorma: I'm surprised the barrels don't have orange tips to indicate they aren't real firearms [00:21:13.016] distantsunday: Black [00:21:14.134] lyncesca: SIG P320 [00:21:14.475] Ramxey_: you showed the goods ma'am [00:21:14.879] henerylechaffeur: high cap [00:21:15.704] dat1boiatschool: Simps? [00:21:16.493] mr_winkeyface: @mughooti Thank you very much you sexy person ! f1nn5tLezgang [00:21:16.819] 3taplive: DansGame shorts [00:21:17.881] 7g_official: not real guns Kappa [00:21:18.641] Sceptical6Sided: p320 [00:21:19.874] hammy1993: degal [00:21:20.350] DarkShadowZake: Degal? [00:21:21.498] nadiR1k: 250 [00:21:22.553] jvlivs777: p50 i think [00:21:23.214] Kyinnit: p320 [00:21:23.326] bluj40: its a PP69 [00:21:23.673] Thewarfish93: thats a sig [00:21:23.979] Amoyamoyamoya: Sig Sauer 225? [00:21:24.270] jamiemarchantofficial: M17 i think [00:21:25.518] artificial_ruby: wait [00:21:26.840] mattiethenerd_: gun [00:21:27.016] qwbif: P9? [00:21:27.713] artificial_ruby: I mean m9 [00:21:28.008] Sceptical6Sided: sig p320 [00:21:28.808] artificial_ruby: my bad [00:21:30.399] c4m0fl4g3: You should get an M60. They are cool 😎 [00:21:31.409] mughooti: @mr_winkeyface ^-^ Of course!! Just here supporting the stream [00:21:31.773] artificial_ruby: not five seven [00:21:32.501] hunter_in_darkness: pantsu [00:21:32.583] george_from_slovenia: Well, it's not P90 [00:21:33.577] xd_gamer_twitch: ITS P320 [00:21:33.619] gunsight_one: PP [00:21:33.834] 7g_official: p226 [00:21:33.848] ninja_mewmew: sig baby [00:21:34.378] iTz_Galvanize: P320, I had one [00:21:34.391] 57ranma: Shorts [00:21:34.844] santisnotboss: p420 [00:21:34.956] strawbriegrrrl: diggle [00:21:35.294] brianna44marie: I have no idea for me [00:21:35.355] tbag1369: pp [00:21:35.604] cobyneedmedicine: big pp 420 [00:21:35.672] FairlyThinEyebrows: KEKW [00:21:36.004] substantialslip205: pp420 [00:21:36.141] Steubi: pp bizon [00:21:36.515] Emmy64_: @bluj40 KEKW [00:21:37.325] cainimmortal415: M17 [00:21:37.478] avoidingzombies: lol [00:21:37.998] aupshaw_: Pp [00:21:38.175] Anielfox_: peepee [00:21:38.699] Stovamor: @bluj40, very good [00:21:39.325] johnmKANE: Uk no real guns [00:21:39.698] GreyWinterWraith: chat has no fucking idea LUL [00:21:39.979] Kolateak_: I am a child [00:21:41.148] pokilopiko: looks like five-seven but i think that five-seven is much rounder [00:21:41.348] chickencrisper_: P320 [00:21:41.472] castermadness: lol [00:21:41.548] dimathebeamer: mp5sd, now [00:21:42.383] sean_944: Nice m17 [00:21:42.882] Anmdra: pp69420 [00:21:43.209] my_life_in_minnie_ears: my_life_in_minnie_ears subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 9 full months [00:21:43.266] dfxs_: M19 [00:21:43.392] f3mmbot my_life_in_minnie_ears has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:21:43.751] spect_____: reported lol [00:21:43.895] Thewarfish93: sig p320 [00:21:44.829] big_d_man_from_poland: looks like rpg [00:21:44.918] bluj40: ty ty [00:21:44.949] elturtoise: PP 69 [00:21:45.143] r0ckstar_gamer: finn pp0 [00:21:47.173] Royal_Bones: Degal and Deagle are different @F1NN5TER [00:21:48.560] serpent08n: At this point might as well put up an all Air Soft banner [00:21:48.697] belikethatjones: M17, a modified p226 [00:21:48.705] alyx_fierro: HIII WELCOME BACK [00:21:49.128] mahmod_100: big pp [00:21:50.060] jamiemarchantofficial: Its an M17 [00:21:50.313] mothyd543: you keep showing what is under your dress mam [00:21:51.068] nubivagabond: how did you go around carrying a bunch of guns just casually [00:21:53.223] toxicturtleytop: Cheer45 I seen a guy with in bunny costume and a sign saying sub to finn on twitch [00:21:53.353] xd_gamer_twitch: P320/M17 [00:21:53.398] PineapplePiza: pp poopoo [00:21:54.321] Kolateak_: LUL [00:21:55.001] bennie987654321: M17 [00:21:55.669] Ramxey_: gun fidget toysa [00:21:55.810] helpimbleedin: play with :smirk: [00:21:56.736] 7g_official: big pp sig saur [00:21:57.204] Odin_of_Honor: It does look like a P320, which is actually the new United States Service handgun [00:21:58.216] meganleith666: @spect_____ no u <3 [00:21:58.365] TheFlipcyde: PP69 = PewPew w/ return fire [00:21:58.495] isaac_shungite: Ps12 [00:22:02.162] RavenQxinn: PS4 [00:22:06.714] aikaktm: aikaktm subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 0 month streak! ayy [00:22:06.896] f3mmbot aikaktm has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:22:07.989] lyncesca: it's a P320, made by WE [00:22:09.508] bennie987654321: Its a M17 [00:22:11.410] brianna44marie: true [00:22:11.471] jamstwich: !uptime [00:22:11.842] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 22m 22s [00:22:12.619] mughooti: mughooti is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [00:22:13.220] mughooti: mughooti gifted a Tier 1 sub to septicgamer02! [00:22:13.404] f3mmbot mughooti has gifted a subscription to septicgamer02 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang septicgamer02 f1nn5tLezgang [00:22:14.822] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Should have got full metal chrome or gold desert eagle [00:22:15.460] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 [00:22:17.297] LTZSuburban: Glad you were smart to get a 1911, Beautiful piece. Though I am a Glock kinda Gal [00:22:18.332] xitsuwarix: hi manly man [00:22:20.867] slipknot69420: ay yo you need an mp5 [00:22:20.899] lukas_hib: can you show the dress real quick [00:22:20.967] sean_944: It’s the us service pistol replaced the glock have a good airsoft collection myself [00:22:21.379] cainimmortal415: M17 for us army p320 for regular people [00:22:23.400] xd_gamer_twitch: odin_of_honor yes [00:22:24.331] artificial_ruby: Gas blow back are quite good. Just gotta spend a lot of money. [00:22:26.865] falkman12345: SOMTING AINT RIGHT HERE [00:22:29.514] acazzoo: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [00:22:35.704] johnmKANE: We need a guy month with all those guns finn [00:22:40.731] hms_wedgeman_iii: do u have a ukad [00:22:53.584] Xatonym: dizzyPop dizzyPop dizzyPop [00:22:54.912] inmemum: TransgenderPride [00:22:54.934] RavenQxinn: PS4 [00:22:56.326] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [00:22:57.773] Shadi_Hunyadi: monkaS [00:22:57.920] god_phoenix_54: PowerUpL PowerUpR [00:22:58.619] 1AspenSilver1: monkaS [00:23:02.726] artificial_ruby: I still don't know how I got onto a five seven. i meant to say M9. [00:23:05.866] badestbeanboi: i now have 690 channel points [00:23:06.687] god_phoenix_54: MercyWing1 FBtouchdown MercyWing2 [00:23:07.731] charikuno: Hola [00:23:09.927] powerfailure80: sexy Rose [00:23:09.932] jamiemarchantofficial: do you have a ukara for those? [00:23:11.213] Shadi_Hunyadi: loose POGGERS [00:23:11.564] a1rwav3r: Is there a limit in UK regarding joules? In Germany legally you can shoot up to 7.5 joule without any license [00:23:12.116] kawaiikatboy: I love your outfit 💖💖💖 [00:23:12.316] reapersofcorn: At least he doesn't have a water pistol [00:23:14.564] TheFlipcyde: Hoppin' into an Uber, packing a bunch of guns into the trunk. lol [00:23:14.773] smalljaguar: <3 <3 <3 [00:23:18.528] Starfox616: LUL [00:23:22.735] 7g_official: He tried to get your number [00:23:23.834] TheStarGamer1238: slim [00:23:24.776] bluj40: wooo nice job king [00:23:25.077] guccimacaroni: guccimacaroni subscribed with Prime. [00:23:25.258] f3mmbot guccimacaroni has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang guccimacaroni f1nn5tLezgang [00:23:25.719] god_phoenix_54: TPFufun TPFufun [00:23:27.286] lyncesca: @a1rwav3r legal limit is ~1.2j with full auto [00:23:27.541] saszaaaaaaaa: guys i think i just lost no nut november [00:23:27.608] 1xXLone_WolfXx1: 1xXLone_WolfXx1 subscribed with Prime. [00:23:27.789] f3mmbot 1xxlone_wolfxx1 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang 1xxlone_wolfxx1 f1nn5tLezgang [00:23:32.119] nadiR1k: how many airsoft gun left :D [00:23:33.920] XavP8624: No, He's English lol [00:23:38.320] treedreamin: manliest princess I've ever seen [00:23:38.351] tommy_1110: On the topic of firearms I have a deactivated MG-42 machine from ww2 @f1nn5ter [00:23:46.167] Ramxey_: did he clock [00:23:46.705] a1rwav3r: @lyncesca Thank you [00:23:51.843] aice336: hiii! [00:23:51.951] dimathebeamer: @a1rwav3r in germany you cant have full auto above 0.5 joules sadly [00:23:54.287] takumi__22: The standard SAS uniform for 2021 [00:23:57.182] emogamingxd: emogamingxd subscribed with Prime. [00:23:57.388] f3mmbot emogamingxd has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang emogamingxd f1nn5tLezgang [00:24:01.751] skukuya: I would start crying [00:24:04.880] sinuwu: atleast you glocked he was staring at you [00:24:08.435] mr_ajokortti_korkort: safety gear [00:24:08.947] eniuuqwq: damn why it's nnn [00:24:11.527] jvlivs777: you look like femboying on battlefield :)) [00:24:12.421] TheStarGamer1238: spanks [00:24:18.920] reapersofcorn: natsuki would be proud [00:24:19.729] johnmKANE: He was waiting for rizas German flashback [00:24:21.181] allellaloca: safety baeh [00:24:26.312] jvlivs777: girls and guns [00:24:26.812] brianna44marie: we all saw it f1nn5ter [00:24:27.078] prodog2411: Hello [00:24:29.102] 1AspenSilver1: monkaS [00:24:30.332] XavP8624: @tommy_1110 My mate also owns one of them, although the Ygo MG53 from slightly later, same gun but different stamps etc [00:24:39.088] Derminitous: I just wanna watch but I’m at work :/ [00:24:41.030] emilywithfay: Just joined [00:24:41.103] jvlivs777: ohh my 😍😍 [00:24:41.241] FairlyThinEyebrows: LUL [00:24:41.438] NoMoreWaterByEmptyBuckets: gotta get spanks to get the perfect tucks literally absolute game changer [00:24:42.940] Globalnuclear: hot [00:24:43.375] aupshaw_: LUL [00:24:45.196] avoidingzombies: with makeup? [00:24:46.529] bfsobnfs: holy Kreygasm [00:24:47.394] SiriusToxin: That’s hot 🥵 [00:24:48.540] nevillesimple: nevillesimple subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [00:24:48.719] Starfox616: hot [00:24:48.723] f3mmbot nevillesimple has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:24:50.562] skyvanz: You lookkkkk sooooo prettyyyy ughhh 🤩😍 but yk that 😋💕 [00:24:50.593] kubotv20: hella cute robber [00:24:51.135] macarous: he clocked lmao [00:24:52.355] Megatjgaming_: Megatjgaming_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:24:52.538] f3mmbot megatjgaming_ has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:24:52.752] Kolateak_: Sauce [00:24:52.871] 7g_official: Shouldve stole his virginity, I wouldve [00:24:53.887] jvlivs777: ocean eyes :)) [00:24:54.346] xd_gamer_twitch: im very disapointed that you dont know what guns names are [00:24:54.936] PikNikPlays: Oh no he asked rose out [00:24:55.240] avoidingzombies: omg [00:24:55.900] helpimbleedin: NOOOOOOOO [00:24:55.950] U_MUST_BE_COOL: He is trying to smash [00:24:57.879] aupshaw_: omg [00:24:58.679] OlSmokeyT: that outfit too? [00:24:59.159] Seikkuu: Hi Bitches kaylei11PRIDEEE [00:24:59.631] Bbistheman21: with the dress? [00:24:59.939] megaroot: looking suspiciously hot [00:25:00.195] Moredakadaka: criminal scum [00:25:00.353] inmemum: is it bad that I wimp for her? or him? I'm sorry I don't know your Pronouns [00:25:01.534] PikNikPlays: OH NOOOOOO [00:25:01.564] 1AspenSilver1: KEWK [00:25:01.872] TheStarGamer1238: we are gun sales people [00:25:02.662] ninja_mewmew: OHHHH [00:25:02.996] reapersofcorn: 🥚🔫🥚🔫🥚🔫 [00:25:04.649] Birgit_Rusbach: KEKW WHAT [00:25:05.117] smalljaguar: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [00:25:05.438] Kolateak_: POGGERS [00:25:05.685] Shadi_Hunyadi: D: [00:25:05.735] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:25:06.406] MollymauI: LUL [00:25:06.545] Battlemage4: OH DEAR [00:25:06.754] chaneiro2003: Cuteeeee [00:25:07.501] allellaloca: aww romantic [00:25:07.516] bluj40: WHO IS IT [00:25:07.708] gunsight_one: F1nn gonna hold you up and demand your booty [00:25:07.763] FairlyThinEyebrows: KEKW [00:25:07.945] TomKijktTwitch: OMEGALUL [00:25:08.396] wiltmyflowers: YOOOO [00:25:08.920] ninja_mewmew: O_O [00:25:09.009] hps5: POG [00:25:09.329] random_muffin_: what [00:25:09.514] aupshaw_: KEKW [00:25:09.840] Tari_Diachi: LUL [00:25:10.147] bluj40: SHOW YOURSELF [00:25:10.391] martudushka: lol [00:25:10.528] HandsWithEyes: KEKW what [00:25:10.585] metoen: POGGERS [00:25:10.818] ashleywjgg: LMFAO [00:25:10.893] Ramxey_: whatttttttt [00:25:10.991] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:25:11.048] jimbolimbojimbo: LOL [00:25:11.900] Goonn3dwaa: AHAHHAHAHA [00:25:12.111] skukuya: POG [00:25:12.201] jvlivs777: finnter [00:25:12.325] NeutralFall: holy shit [00:25:12.562] MikeWillStream: OMG [00:25:12.918] Somnophilia: Hahahahahahahahahaha [00:25:13.033] Khalmo: Pog [00:25:13.055] Bohnalex: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:25:13.087] megaroot: OMEGALUL [00:25:13.184] smalljaguar: OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:25:13.366] ergh1241: hahahaha [00:25:13.426] OmsX8O: sessPOGGERS sessPOGGERS sessPOGGERS [00:25:13.608] Ramxey_: FAMOUS [00:25:14.017] helpimbleedin: WGATTTT [00:25:14.108] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:25:14.284] trolface1997: KEKW [00:25:14.344] TommyBoy809: What [00:25:14.396] kodiOf758: lmao [00:25:14.883] Helen_Croft: KEKW [00:25:14.924] Laress: KEKW [00:25:15.428] edgar_ayer: KEKW [00:25:15.444] aupshaw_: OH FAWK [00:25:15.460] NeutralFall: KEKW [00:25:15.723] Starfox616: im deaadddd [00:25:16.076] Battlemage4: ROFL XD [00:25:16.193] Weskopad: KEKW [00:25:16.219] tbag1369: yoooooo [00:25:16.231] ThunderNoughts: KEKW [00:25:16.257] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:25:16.397] PixelatedMoreno: KEKW [00:25:16.769] tallyaat17: hahaha [00:25:16.965] wiltmyflowers: OH MY GOD [00:25:17.019] HelloImErin_: KEKW [00:25:17.040] glorifiedicepick: Wait, I know you... [00:25:17.251] leontiusv: wtf [00:25:17.271] nadiR1k: lmao [00:25:17.350] Shadi_Hunyadi: D: Clap [00:25:17.499] rensvdk: No way! [00:25:17.517] system0051: yaaaaaa [00:25:17.565] metoen: OMEGALUL [00:25:17.599] stonedshagger: omg [00:25:17.832] rogermare1: jocatGasp jocatGasp jocatGasp [00:25:17.859] henerylechaffeur: pog [00:25:18.161] VeRt3xGD: WHAAAAAAAT [00:25:18.280] dearclemmie: LMAOOO [00:25:18.457] seemsless: pog [00:25:18.964] MysteriousGal7: KEKW [00:25:19.127] the_mist_demon: OHHHHHHH [00:25:19.242] Stoorma: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:25:19.476] OmsX8O: KEKW [00:25:20.222] GenericGamer2016: :D [00:25:20.438] 7g_official: D: [00:25:20.773] juddle: OMEGALUL [00:25:21.423] skukuya: KomodoHype [00:25:21.545] johnmKANE: Lmao he knows [00:25:21.689] llamazoid123: Pog [00:25:22.079] jimbolimbojimbo: DAAAAmn [00:25:22.080] LawAbidingCitizen: KEKW [00:25:22.533] Boffen7: KEKW [00:25:23.036] avoidingzombies: ayyyeeeee [00:25:23.154] distinctlysimilar: KEKW [00:25:23.348] riler4899: LMAOOOOOO [00:25:23.635] helpimbleedin: WHATTTTTTTTTT [00:25:23.871] iAmSurayaa: what the fuck [00:25:23.913] ninpnin: LMAOOO [00:25:24.477] jvlivs777: whaaaa 😱😱😱 [00:25:24.631] Elfualoco2003: WOW [00:25:24.816] random_muffin_: KEKW [00:25:24.850] theofficialbigcat: KEKW [00:25:24.863] PalmiraAnderson: OMEGALUL [00:25:24.957] Piibs_Games: KEKW KEKW [00:25:24.982] larek_flynn: lololol [00:25:25.002] asmodeus_jay: NO WAY [00:25:25.205] lu_sagna: LAMOOO [00:25:25.256] Sakurawtf: Kekw [00:25:25.454] njcatra: LUL LUL [00:25:25.555] sens1tiv: LUL LUL LUL [00:25:25.564] aunalbrutal: HHAHAHAHAHA [00:25:25.697] castermadness: KEKW [00:25:25.877] alex_dennis: LAMOOOOOO [00:25:25.925] unc0mmon_sense: POGGIES [00:25:26.071] heavymetalyetiguy: KEKW [00:25:26.197] Supreme0Spoon: HAHAHHAA [00:25:26.624] macarous: i knew ittt [00:25:26.955] SuperMinox: lol [00:25:27.167] zayway1234: SHEEHSHHHHH [00:25:27.209] random_muffin_: LOL [00:25:27.232] Jmr023: LUL LUL [00:25:27.359] macropheliac: LUL [00:25:27.591] riler4899: Hes a simp [00:25:27.863] artificial_ruby: Maybe hes watching right now. [00:25:27.864] castermadness: HAHAHA [00:25:27.872] tommy_1110: @xavp8624 that’s awesome I got mine form someone who built it from original parts [00:25:27.899] p0us3r: lmao [00:25:28.002] gunsight_one: He jerked it after you left [00:25:28.051] raxos787: KEKW [00:25:28.166] skukuya: KEKW [00:25:28.326] 7g_official: LMAOOOOOO [00:25:28.481] 420___UnKnowN___69: D: [00:25:28.579] leontiusv: NO WAY [00:25:28.685] mr_ajokortti_korkort: simps everywhere [00:25:28.693] Khalmo: PogChamp [00:25:28.849] cereuw: LMAO [00:25:28.878] nadiR1k: looool [00:25:29.069] ThunderNoughts: LUL [00:25:29.206] Saphire_2311: AHH YAAS [00:25:29.284] Sceptical6Sided: KEKW [00:25:29.402] metoen: OMEGALUL Clap [00:25:29.468] meganleith666: LMAOOOO [00:25:29.513] rabman1a: pog [00:25:29.591] wulfy_hun: LUL [00:25:30.063] MMattiiii: LUL [00:25:30.547] ShroomQuest: HAHAHHAHA [00:25:30.752] chaneiro2003: OMFGGG NOOOOOO [00:25:30.754] GenericGamer2016: KEKW [00:25:30.794] charikuno: Lmaoooo [00:25:30.860] bluj40: SPEAK NOW GUN SALESMAN [00:25:31.221] DaNepz: lmao [00:25:31.646] Megatjgaming_: hahahahahahahahaha [00:25:31.790] canvaspainting: Lmao [00:25:31.853] aupshaw_: LOL [00:25:32.103] ghxstyls: HAHAHAHA [00:25:32.250] InvisibleSt0ner505: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:25:32.270] Kingich1: lol [00:25:32.325] zenscared: OMG HE KNEW YOU [00:25:32.337] ergh1241: crush [00:25:32.573] joey_556: pog [00:25:32.581] random_muffin_: LMAO [00:25:33.207] osukuxd: OMFG WHAT [00:25:33.252] waternow64: OMG [00:25:33.665] istditajrz: VIP [00:25:34.055] Wolfi_lex: yes XD [00:25:34.207] Megatjgaming_: omg [00:25:34.356] ninpnin: HE IS HERE NOW [00:25:34.409] aAndrew3030: Twitch viewer? [00:25:34.717] Marco_Choy: a cultured man :p [00:25:34.964] Birgit_Rusbach: AHAHAHAHAHAHA [00:25:35.060] mika123444: lol [00:25:35.610] squidiboi: HES PROBABLY WATCHING LMAO [00:25:36.521] heyim_jj: lol [00:25:36.581] 7g_official: LMAOOOOOOO [00:25:37.441] badestbeanboi: WATCH HIM BE IN STREAM [00:25:37.591] Eilen_CatLover: Hahhaha [00:25:37.628] eniuuqwq: demonetisation [00:25:37.736] osukuxd: NO WAY [00:25:37.893] packagum: okay who is it chat [00:25:38.506] Kaymon81: i hope he is in chat ^^ [00:25:38.583] joey_556: POG [00:25:38.603] VeRt3xGD: lmaoooooo [00:25:39.006] Kaptain_Komodo: LMAO [00:25:39.006] lyncesca: it's me [00:25:39.082] wolf_c0splay: rip [00:25:39.269] Maxineisbored: KEKW [00:25:39.740] chaneiro2003: BHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA [00:25:39.822] newt3k: newt3k subscribed with Prime. [00:25:40.000] ninpnin: HE HAS TO BE [00:25:40.003] f3mmbot newt3k has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang newt3k f1nn5tLezgang [00:25:42.522] gabriel_catalin_ro: wow [00:25:43.320] electricsh4rk: pfffft lol [00:25:44.190] VeRt3xGD: KEKW [00:25:44.925] johnmKANE: London knows finnster [00:25:46.265] mxstyyy_xo: Hahaha [00:25:46.551] jvlivs777: f1nnteryy :))) you famous AF!!!!! [00:25:46.836] Maxineisbored: NO FUCKING WAY [00:25:46.993] Ramxey_: I BET HE'S HERRE NOW [00:25:47.092] Awesome_Bomb_: He’s here right now lmao [00:25:47.258] Shadi_Hunyadi: KEKW [00:25:47.557] jokesarecancelled: Dats fire asf🤣 [00:25:47.774] gloom_slayer: That's why he was so nice to you!! [00:25:48.279] LoadSmasher: Simp brother! [00:25:49.260] osukuxd: MY MANS PROBABLY WATCHING RIGHT NOW [00:25:49.445] ergh1241: istditajrzI am seriously jelaous right now am seriously jelaous right now [00:25:49.455] Kaptain_Komodo: KEKW [00:25:49.846] DayofDong: Didn’t expect that to be the outcome [00:25:49.975] Megatjgaming_: that is fucking awesome [00:25:50.296] ReportDaSupport: ReportDaSupport subscribed with Prime. [00:25:50.478] f3mmbot reportdasupport has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang reportdasupport f1nn5tLezgang [00:25:51.076] 1AspenSilver1: Did he know you from minecraft or twitch @F1NN5TER ? [00:25:52.329] zenscared: ID DIE RIGHT THERE [00:25:52.507] NeutralFall: hes prolly watching lol [00:25:53.113] Emmy64_: Fangirling all the way LUL <3 <3 [00:25:53.650] dearclemmie: hope their in chat haha [00:25:53.949] alexx_net: Can't lip read when you have the mask on. [00:25:54.739] EldolasMS: pls stand up? [00:25:57.465] johnmKANE: Finnster is famous [00:25:58.246] lyncesca: i didn't know who he was until the last few minutes [00:25:58.505] TheStarGamer1238: media star [00:26:00.064] wiltmyflowers: this is nice [00:26:01.608] Ramxey_: HE IS LURKING [00:26:02.109] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to lyncesca! They have given 779 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:26:02.313] f3mmbot stovamor has gifted a subscription to lyncesca at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lyncesca f1nn5tLezgang [00:26:02.774] bluj40: free promotion [00:26:04.183] Steakilicious: Steakilicious subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Yooo 3 Months, I don't know why it says 2 Months but whatever [00:26:04.382] f3mmbot steakilicious has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:26:04.610] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:26:04.881] avoidingzombies: you befriended the rude employee! O.O poggers [00:26:05.776] boaahyde: ay whats good [00:26:06.888] JumaCow: that's fucking hilarious [00:26:07.158] random_muffin_: MANS PROABLY WATCHING RIGHT NOW [00:26:09.203] kairodagoat: Famous F1nn [00:26:12.249] MelukHaa: promo ode ? [00:26:13.577] Helen_Croft: He is among us [00:26:17.592] Stovamor: I just gifted him [00:26:17.611] GenericGamer2016: He's amogus [00:26:17.926] aupshaw_: Any lurkers?? [00:26:19.761] reilo47: I’ve been watching your minecraft videos I never even knew you had that channel lmao I only found you here [00:26:20.149] kawaiikatboy: Thats hysterical 🤣🤣🤣 [00:26:21.770] tay5t3r: he's watching right now [00:26:22.320] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:26:23.700] Ramxey_: amogus [00:26:26.674] reapersofcorn: hopefully he wasn't a SIMP [00:26:28.502] BBoyAceofSpades: The funniest thing is you look like my ex-girlfriend [00:26:29.132] EmmirWilhelmer: so cute <3 [00:26:29.277] LawAbidingCitizen: POGGERS [00:26:29.488] dimathebeamer: imposter [00:26:30.139] johnmKANE: He just watches your Minecraft channel Kappa Kappa [00:26:31.107] steffi1428: nyansSure nyansSure where he at [00:26:31.337] dudenamedmonte: Amogus [00:26:31.737] EldolasMS: can you do a swirl? [00:26:33.360] asmodeus_jay: I thought you were gonna say he called the cops or something 😂😂 [00:26:35.166] kawaiikatboy: I have yet to be recognized in real life yet 🤣 [00:26:38.224] avoidingzombies: o.o [00:26:38.820] r0ckstar_gamer: i would have been like Finn let me get that number 2020Suspicious [00:26:38.938] ergh1241: this guys so lucky... [00:26:39.189] theofficialbigcat: 👀 [00:26:39.317] smalljaguar: THAT IS SO AWESOME [00:26:42.018] EldolasMS: spin [00:26:43.472] jvlivs777: money aint important,give finnter :)) [00:26:44.422] Somnophilia: @reilo47 It was the reverse for me. [00:26:46.941] Rynali: 58 raiders from Rynali have joined! [00:26:48.198] AlgoBro: I had that same dress, but I got fat. [00:26:49.048] cammycrooks: do you have insta? [00:26:50.140] f1nn5tersdesk: RAID [00:26:50.296] that_colin_guy: rynsli [00:26:51.520] artificial_ruby: Have you ever thought of partaking in matches? [00:26:52.771] aupshaw_: LUL [00:26:52.805] brianna44marie: that's cool he recognized you [00:26:52.924] meganleith666: !insta [00:26:53.025] lyncesca: yeah it's fine [00:26:53.192] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [00:26:53.272] saulio1: Yff [00:26:53.978] jandraelune: wonder if he's seen W4sterSpace [00:26:54.184] instantshock5002: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii [00:26:55.679] shadosiorai: shadosiorai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [00:26:55.846] usuxktwo: sup [00:26:55.859] f3mmbot shadosiorai has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:26:56.047] littlebean6: what's up finn [00:26:56.343] bluj40: hey welcome raiders [00:26:56.968] red_fx23: rynali raid [00:26:57.379] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Raid [00:26:57.766] GreyWinterWraith: Rynali seanvrCheerA [00:26:58.238] lyncesca: what's the worst that could happen [00:26:59.278] eniuuqwq: raid moment [00:26:59.487] oetgrunnen93: hii [00:27:00.913] Stovamor: Follow F1nn's socials : Twitter : https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER // YoutubeHIGHLIGHTS : https://www.youtube.com/c/F1nn5terLIVE // Discord : https://discord.gg/f1nn // Reddit : https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter // Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [00:27:01.155] mastereden1010: You dress better than most women do @f1nn5ter and you’re not even a woman 😂😂😂 [00:27:01.267] hachucha: Hello [00:27:01.900] zayway1234: RYNALI!!!! [00:27:02.647] f1nn5tersdesk: I AM HERE F1NN I LOVE YOU RAOD RAID RAID [00:27:05.470] schtupidboi: @Rynali [00:27:06.275] Big_Nasse: Finn you look really food [00:27:06.624] arseniccookies: arseniccookies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Thanks for convincing me to get extensions [00:27:06.829] f3mmbot arseniccookies has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:27:09.126] VEHB: rynali1Heart [00:27:09.885] Shawn_Grimm: Disney Princess Rose Finster [00:27:11.315] megaroot: raid rynali1Heart [00:27:11.556] Stovamor: Hi Raiders [00:27:15.281] Ramxey_: shoot me mommy [00:27:17.592] jvlivs777: awww guns 😱😱 nyooo [00:27:17.624] castermadness: O.O [00:27:17.628] CaptinJack24: Awesome weapons, can we look at the rifles? [00:27:17.717] Kolateak_: Girl voice pog [00:27:17.822] macarous: pogg raid [00:27:19.595] meganleith666: THE VOICE CHANGE [00:27:20.624] kodiOf758: wtf was taht lool [00:27:20.656] f1nn5tersdesk: WHAT IM YOUE DESK SO RUDE [00:27:20.856] eniuuqwq: demonetized [00:27:20.937] nadiR1k: lmao [00:27:21.126] aupshaw_: WTF [00:27:21.411] DarkShadowZake: Cheer62 Mommy? [00:27:21.859] castermadness: OMG fin voice [00:27:22.694] aupshaw_: KEKW [00:27:23.022] Tari_Diachi: Rose shooting the raid. [00:27:24.364] jvlivs777: eyyo rynaliii [00:27:25.190] SiriusToxin: The voice LUL [00:27:25.209] srenesweetheart: GIRL VOICE [00:27:25.759] joelthecool17: lol [00:27:25.911] ThisLettuce: welcome raiders! [00:27:26.326] bluj40: you just became the gingerbread man for a second [00:27:28.080] Rynali: f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang rynali1Knife rynali1Knife rynali1Knife rynali1Knife rynali1Knife [00:27:28.440] judgedame: Real fan IRL Congratulations. [00:27:28.701] M1lkTW: yes [00:27:29.388] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [00:27:29.418] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nn5tLezgang rynali1Heart [00:27:29.511] packagum: it does [00:27:29.591] eniuuqwq: drill [00:27:29.606] xd_gamer_twitch: GUN SAFETY [00:27:30.061] xXNeroZashiXx: Welcome Raiders 👍 [00:27:30.880] iron_gleam: wow [00:27:31.273] nadiR1k: so cool [00:27:31.336] artificial_ruby: It does [00:27:31.496] Gnarlet: not really [00:27:32.043] sens1tiv: it sort of comes through [00:27:32.223] GreyWinterWraith: it's pretty fucking loud LUL [00:27:32.243] sophiethelophie: KEKW [00:27:32.486] george_from_slovenia: no full auto in the building LUL [00:27:32.800] Darculla: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [00:27:33.689] nubian_sith_lord: rynali1Heart rynali1Heart LUL [00:27:33.937] brianna44marie: that's cool though [00:27:33.941] castermadness: GURL VOICE OMG [00:27:33.994] Gisak787: that's a meme right there [00:27:35.267] codergoth: airsoft guns are def loud lol [00:27:36.685] Brainfishes: Yoooo from one Femboy to another. [00:27:39.190] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER DMs after stream [00:27:40.214] TheStarGamer1238: no that loud on twitch [00:27:41.091] OlSmokeyT: was that a girl voice i just heard lol [00:27:41.240] avoidingzombies: omg SAME [00:27:42.471] RawdealYaGotDair: ouch my ear holes [00:27:42.912] jamiemarchantofficial: bing bong [00:27:43.122] Megatjgaming_: what airsoft goodies did you get? [00:27:43.166] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 finter pweeié [00:27:43.214] hachucha: GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:27:43.639] bookofeli: do airsoft guns not need an orange tip where you are? [00:27:43.886] LoadSmasher: nice, I have the real thing [00:27:44.327] GreyWinterWraith: @Rynali f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang seanvrCheerA [00:27:44.657] mastereden1010: !socials [00:27:45.432] whynot3392: btw you can wrap a Soviet tourniquet across the stock and the ak looks good [00:27:45.809] littlebean6: @xxnerozashixx hiiii rynali1Hai rynali1Hai rynali1Shy rynali1Shy rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart [00:27:46.701] c__r__j: @Rynali: Boy did you pick your moment this time! [00:27:47.234] jetblock178_: Lmao [00:27:47.364] TheLemonGuy_154: hey no full auto in buildings [00:27:48.017] Elosacle: para3 enjoyer here. It's great! [00:27:51.949] 420___UnKnowN___69: Lag [00:27:52.463] Thewarfish93: FIN DONT DO THAT PLEASE BE CAREFUL TWITCH IS HEAVY ON TOS WITH FIREARMS EVEN FAKE ONES [00:27:53.007] nevillesimple: Femboy with guns again [00:27:55.414] ergh1241: Have you ever shoot a real gun ? [00:27:56.014] avoidingzombies: Finn & susu make me want knifes! [00:27:56.833] reapersofcorn: manly man VIBRATOR!!!!!!! HungryPaimon HungryPaimon [00:27:59.431] jonespawa: hi rynali1Heart [00:28:00.711] Megatjgaming_: poggers [00:28:00.722] dermensch_lol: bro how are you holding that fricking gun [00:28:01.436] h_scamand3r: Turns out I’m kinda gay [00:28:02.020] nemesis0142: @Rynali in the House... [00:28:03.469] jetblock178_: !uptime [00:28:03.746] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 28m 14s [00:28:05.607] charikuno: Hi [00:28:06.337] mothyd543: did you get a bayonet for the rifles? [00:28:12.564] skukuya: True [00:28:13.188] eniuuqwq: Finn bout to get banned my twitch [00:28:14.150] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER Dms after stream mans? :O [00:28:14.365] toxicturtleytop: Why don’t uk airsoft guns have yellow/orange tips [00:28:15.769] ninja_mewmew: Sucker Punch cosplay [00:28:17.040] Ramxey_: gun girl catalog? [00:28:17.871] johnmKANE: Honestly I found a nice pocket knife lmao 300 used Kappa [00:28:22.128] ergh1241: omfg wast that sig m18 ? [00:28:22.804] kawaiikatboy: Lol dont feel bad. Femboy into weapons here too 🤣 [00:28:23.774] glorifiedicepick: So whats the license situation for those? [00:28:24.860] c4m0fl4g3: NO FULL AUTO IN THE BUILDINGS [00:28:27.486] artificial_ruby: A winchester? [00:28:29.386] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:28:29.532] lyncesca: @toxicturtleytop don't need them, we have something called UKARA instead [00:28:29.570] Rynali: f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang [00:28:31.456] MollymauI: That is amazing, love lever-actions [00:28:32.653] asimplepeanut: ooh more guns [00:28:32.896] LoadSmasher: henry! [00:28:33.003] mr_ajokortti_korkort: repeater [00:28:33.495] 1AspenSilver1: PogU [00:28:34.018] buxton_bc_420: DA WINNY [00:28:34.149] king_of_demons_uwu: whoooooooo let's goooo [00:28:34.294] jvlivs777: i love that kindof guns 😱😱😱😱 [00:28:34.889] ergh1241: 0.0 [00:28:34.985] sens1tiv: winchester??? NOCIE [00:28:35.168] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter gremlin got recognised lol 😂 [00:28:36.974] eniuuqwq: big shot [00:28:37.962] xd_gamer_twitch: IS IT SHELL EJECTIVE [00:28:38.054] george_from_slovenia: @c4m0fl4g3 that's not full auto [00:28:39.075] Rynali: @c__r__j hehe [00:28:39.225] george_from_slovenia: LUL [00:28:39.477] M1zteRy: that's a nice looking marlin [00:28:39.608] allellaloca: i swear you are every fortnite kid's dream [00:28:40.511] the_dentside_lover: That isn’t full auto [00:28:41.590] Marco_Choy: that click tho [00:28:41.642] littlebean6: It's beautiful [00:28:41.975] ArePea: Annie Oakley [00:28:42.142] nadiR1k: f1n the farmer [00:28:43.825] idkmight: hot [00:28:43.984] Megatjgaming_: yoooo that is sick [00:28:44.037] Tytaanis: A FINNCHESTER [00:28:47.363] jeri_q: do the terminator flip [00:28:48.579] jvlivs777: seems hurty lookin :) [00:28:49.340] aupshaw_: shooh [00:28:52.101] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:28:53.549] GreyWinterWraith: oh jesus [00:28:54.105] kawaiikatboy: I felt that through the screen 🤣 [00:28:54.707] bluj40: youll shoot yer eyeee out [00:28:55.402] lyncesca: don't try to spin it, you'll break your fingers [00:28:57.340] artificial_ruby: Just flip it [00:28:57.523] f1nn5tersdesk: I hate how your bra is showing. I am your desk f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang [00:28:58.146] TomKijktTwitch: BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [00:28:58.673] saulio1: @syu_owo [00:28:58.906] Gnarlet: THat barrel is way to long to spin it. [00:28:59.757] Stoorma: the spinning cock [00:29:00.424] Brian_on_Twitch: Used to have real ones in 357 and 44 [00:29:00.657] NoidLULW: BOOBA [00:29:00.673] PixelatedMoreno: but are you going to use it [00:29:01.030] alexx_net: @Tytaanis Perfect joke! [00:29:01.140] cobyneedmedicine: you need a bigger hand thing [00:29:02.789] TheStarGamer1238: rifle'man' [00:29:03.032] riler4899: its supposed to be shorter for u to do that [00:29:03.229] LoadSmasher: nice thighs [00:29:03.452] ThirdBlackbird: <---Has the *real* version of that one. 🙂 [00:29:05.488] Raddog315: Safety Last! [00:29:06.071] whynot3392: you need a extended lever [00:29:06.608] ergh1241: uncock it [00:29:06.774] Jens_LN: !uptime [00:29:07.044] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 29m 17s [00:29:07.530] f1nn5tersdesk: uncock it pfft [00:29:08.924] SiriusToxin: The f1nnChester [00:29:09.446] ergh1241: 0.0 [00:29:09.810] Weskopad: LUL [00:29:09.973] njcatra: You need a bigger loop on the thing, otherwise it will brake your fingers [00:29:11.689] Tari_Diachi: I'm counting every time you pull the trigger as nutting. I've already lost count. [00:29:12.657] kevinferreira_: hellp mega man [00:29:13.327] jamesusuraimu: FINNCHESTER REPEATER [00:29:13.344] locksmithyleo: you cant flip reload with that kind of lever you need a big loop [00:29:13.994] Ramxey_: Need you on the zombie apocalypse team [00:29:14.752] aupshaw_: LUL [00:29:16.049] Awesome_Bomb_: You gotta dress us as a lil cowgirl wit the repeater [00:29:16.149] nadiR1k: lmao [00:29:17.312] scruffy18: booba [00:29:18.130] adeptuscustodies: you would need a shorter barrel [00:29:18.409] ergh1241: uncock it lol [00:29:18.979] Kaymon81: i know how to cock the finnchester ^^ [00:29:19.416] theofficialbigcat: Cheer100 Got a favorite Pokemon? [00:29:20.796] f1nn5tersdesk: I'm so immature [00:29:21.117] jeffydavy: only works with shorter gun [00:29:22.017] scruffy18: boobaa [00:29:23.936] Eilen_CatLover: Gtg now sad time NO0oo~bye [00:29:25.874] Kolateak_: LUL [00:29:26.425] hunter_in_darkness: oh my gud god [00:29:26.795] xd_gamer_twitch: NO DONT DO THE FLIP THING WITH THAT LONG RIFLE BRO [00:29:27.272] jamiemarchantofficial: shells [00:29:27.507] johnmKANE: Call the British police LUL [00:29:29.068] riler4899: how does it work? [00:29:30.527] na1eph: i SWEAR every femboy is into airsoft guns [00:29:31.462] littlebean6: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:29:32.339] Rabbit_the_one: Nerf makes a lever action plastic shotgun, and it works perfect for practicing the flip. [00:29:32.708] sens1tiv: @F1NN5TER let the weight of the gun give it momentum and just fiddle a tiny bit with weight distribution [00:29:32.829] jeffydavy: they use a “mare’s leg” [00:29:34.490] nemesis0142: f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tSad [00:29:34.942] VisualProfessional: Typically don't use that long a rifle for the flip reload [00:29:38.501] jamiemarchantofficial: load shells [00:29:39.832] Jens_LN: what about the people that love vibrators ? [00:29:41.905] Kolateak_: monkaS [00:29:42.232] artificial_ruby: Underneath. [00:29:44.281] johnmKANE: Whippets [00:29:46.438] Gigaknightdx: wth? [00:29:46.683] aupshaw_: LMAO [00:29:47.251] jvlivs777: omy 😅 [00:29:49.738] FairlyThinEyebrows: monkaS [00:29:49.821] xd_gamer_twitch: yes shell ejective [00:29:52.766] king_of_demons_uwu: go out with me [00:29:55.085] GenericGamer2016: Cool [00:29:55.342] avoidingzombies: it ejects the casing! [00:29:55.505] Globalnuclear: don't shot on twitch stream pls i am afraid [00:30:00.218] avoidingzombies: thats so cool! [00:30:04.877] sabre_smith: LMAO Stov brutal as always hahaha [00:30:06.709] jetblock178_: Yooooo pog [00:30:07.207] george_from_slovenia: M1 Garand when? [00:30:11.357] themindscrambler: @na1eph duh, they want a shaft that goes pew pew [00:30:11.554] emeryasd: IT ends. now StinkyCheese [00:30:12.184] cobyneedmedicine: i need that [00:30:12.892] tbag1369: bros got an arsenal lmao [00:30:16.325] deadbeat_2021: hey [00:30:16.573] johnmKANE: this guy lol [00:30:16.804] KrellDorn: Wait is that a weapon [00:30:17.117] thomaswithoutak: we got some lever femboy action [00:30:19.858] xd_gamer_twitch: shell ejective [00:30:25.160] deathsythe04: I hunt with the actual version of that weapon [00:30:25.258] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [00:30:26.369] xd_gamer_twitch: casing [00:30:27.069] c__r__j: c__r__j is gifting 11 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 565 in the channel! [00:30:27.276] f3mmbot c__r__j has gifted a sub to 11 users in chat! [00:30:28.573] TheStarGamer1238: if you go to a gun range in a pink pinafore, I will donate 100 [00:30:28.697] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to RUMU! [00:30:28.708] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spidershark583! [00:30:28.712] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snow_Bear0! [00:30:28.719] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cyberblace! [00:30:28.720] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to karthomas! [00:30:28.734] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to refresh_sid! [00:30:28.777] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Srgalx666! [00:30:28.787] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vegan04! [00:30:28.792] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to fornowornot! [00:30:28.804] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Exolor_! [00:30:28.912] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to B_F_T_E_97! [00:30:28.920] Ramxey_: woah [00:30:37.170] canvaspainting: canvaspainting extended their Tier 1 subscription through December! [00:30:37.278] lil_doc_115: Ayy [00:30:37.639] jvlivs777: poggg C r j [00:30:38.750] xXNeroZashiXx: Awesome crj [00:30:40.296] onipnlovet: hiii [00:30:40.763] dimathebeamer: finn has alot of guns but what he doesnt have is full tac-gear [00:30:42.955] whynot3392: gas blowback [00:30:44.127] asmodeus_jay: CoolStoryBob [00:30:44.407] jvlivs777: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:30:45.031] zayway1234: poggerriffic [00:30:45.378] lizzyluna05: love it when u hold large things with your hands [00:30:45.407] Stovamor: gas blow back [00:30:45.657] MollymauI: Please tell me it actually ejects the casings [00:30:47.285] PynkFryck: Gas blow back [00:30:47.768] ergh1241: GBB is Gas BLOW BACK [00:30:47.865] bluj40: great british bakeoff [00:30:48.281] Exolor_: @c__r__j Ty bby <3 [00:30:49.281] artificial_ruby: Did you know that there was a twitch genre called ï'm only sleeping" [00:30:51.566] LoadSmasher: side gate henry! [00:30:52.155] f1nn5tersdesk: Awww c___r___j again! [00:30:53.062] Raddog315: I fear theres an injury Incoming.... [00:30:53.228] Rainiiru: gas blowback like your pistols [00:30:53.841] falkman12345: YEH [00:30:54.133] nadiR1k: dont shoot yourself [00:30:54.466] J3ztergames: nnn [00:30:54.859] mh_realish: mh_realish subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:30:55.065] f3mmbot mh_realish has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:30:55.740] rw03_bjw: gass blow back [00:30:56.012] henerylechaffeur: gasblowback [00:30:58.273] johnmKANE: Can I vote again on finn shooting himself ??? [00:31:01.994] macarous: bluj lmao [00:31:05.490] Youmoo222: oh [00:31:05.790] Helen_Croft: @bluj40 KEKW [00:31:10.022] Snow_Bear0: Yoooo ty for the gifted sub @c__r__j f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM [00:31:10.148] logan0406c: logan0406c subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:31:10.261] Pazz: Your going to shoot your eye out kid [00:31:10.330] f3mmbot logan0406c has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:31:19.472] SpiritEX: Pog [00:31:19.514] 1AspenSilver1: PogU [00:31:19.533] MollymauI: I need one omg [00:31:19.629] bluj40: everyone knows the real GBB [00:31:19.847] xXNeroZashiXx: Cool [00:31:20.571] lmaoterror: Pog [00:31:21.092] faze_bingus: Spin cock it [00:31:22.274] aupshaw_: Poggers [00:31:22.973] Kolateak_: Kreygasm [00:31:23.077] sadg3man: sickkkk [00:31:23.127] smalljaguar: DAMNNNNNNNNNN [00:31:23.257] jvlivs777: cool 😱😱😱 [00:31:24.183] Cazenn: PogU [00:31:24.745] theofficialbigcat: Pog [00:31:24.820] GreyWinterWraith: OH that's satisfying LUL [00:31:25.485] nadiR1k: so cool [00:31:25.832] ninja_mewmew: lol so cute [00:31:25.954] random_muffin_: POG [00:31:27.315] lmaoterror: PogU [00:31:27.383] Bohnalex: POG [00:31:27.876] onipnlovet: soooooo cool [00:31:28.632] evie_g02: YOOO [00:31:28.875] ghxstyls: THAT'S COOL [00:31:29.221] Megatjgaming_: poggers cycling! [00:31:29.557] sens1tiv: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:31:29.607] helpimbleedin: POG [00:31:30.612] king_of_demons_uwu: pog [00:31:30.771] Pelvicks: DAM THATS AWESOME LOL [00:31:31.446] Rynali: Pog [00:31:31.782] alexandra_saunders: When’s next PO Box opening? [00:31:32.058] Pubathed0g: @F1NN5TER Can you flip cock it? [00:31:32.179] progamerj64: PogU [00:31:33.145] evie_g02: very cool [00:31:33.252] centim3t3r: that movement [00:31:33.278] jetblock178_: Pog [00:31:33.757] smalljaguar: THT IS VERY COOL [00:31:33.881] OmsX8O: noice POGGERS [00:31:33.972] xd_gamer_twitch: BY A GAS BLOWBACK AR15(M4) [00:31:34.059] random_muffin_: THATS SO COOOOOL [00:31:34.099] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:31:34.296] lizzyluna05: i love to blown backs LUL [00:31:34.816] itsallbeendone: POGGERS [00:31:36.691] Rynali: SO SICK [00:31:37.351] terrenc0: YOO POG [00:31:37.478] Earthbound421: what is that? [00:31:37.935] NeutralFall: pog [00:31:38.557] artificial_ruby: GBB is is quite expensive in the long run. while electric ones are worse on range. [00:31:38.912] sadg3man: Red Dead PogU [00:31:40.856] idkmight: God damn [00:31:41.023] aupshaw_: I NEED ONE KEKW [00:31:42.162] kathy45632: POG [00:31:43.276] SuperMinox: SuperMinox is gifting 13 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 438 in the channel! [00:31:43.333] GenericGamer2016: Yea it's pretty hy0e [00:31:43.481] f3mmbot superminox has gifted a sub to 13 users in chat! [00:31:44.617] centim3t3r: Make a YT poop edit with that move [00:31:45.022] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to Caution811! [00:31:45.077] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pixel_Husky! [00:31:45.081] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to HAZZY3655! [00:31:45.093] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kyrus86! [00:31:45.097] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to clowncasie! [00:31:45.102] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to joshyey! [00:31:45.103] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to MollymauI! [00:31:45.105] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to NotJackUwU! [00:31:45.114] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to DiettColaa2002! [00:31:45.120] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tolgalan! [00:31:45.125] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to iTz_Galvanize! [00:31:45.145] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to zenoda2! [00:31:45.172] SuperMinox: SuperMinox gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Heffalumps! [00:31:46.570] jetblock178_: Bye chat [00:31:46.835] Jens_LN: That's a strange dildo [00:31:47.138] the_mist_demon: AWESOME [00:31:47.210] lyncesca: come to the store and i'll show you some gas blowbacks next time [00:31:47.337] kawaiikatboy: I didnt realize we had this much in common 🤣🤣🤣 [00:31:48.671] SiriusToxin: He would have to much fun is the usa lol [00:31:51.495] Amberrrish: tax evasion with a gun xD [00:31:52.402] Helen_Croft: maid clean stream [00:31:52.921] cherryblossomcyrstal: NNN has just become really difficult [00:31:54.090] TheFlipcyde: You CAN'T with that one. lol [00:31:55.105] jvlivs777: Poggg minoxxx 😱😱😱😱 [00:31:56.400] Ramxey_: im gonna fail NNN from those guns alone [00:31:56.948] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer100 [00:31:57.985] helpimbleedin: @Jens_LN ^^^^ [00:31:58.507] c__r__j: @SuperMinox : This is my stern face. [00:31:59.362] kathy45632: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:32:00.299] Weskopad: just get a maid to pick them up for you LUL [00:32:01.327] falkman12345: sHIT [00:32:01.518] reapersofcorn: kyaaaaah!!!!!!!!!! [00:32:05.036] iTz_Galvanize: Thank you minox!! [00:32:06.750] ThunderNoughts: ThunderNoughts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! You should learn to do a terminator reload with that shotgun. [00:32:06.954] f3mmbot thundernoughts has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:07.097] flapjack44: ROSE X SILO ENTERTAINMENT [00:32:07.744] Battlemage4: @f1nn5ter what's the exact name of that one, who make it [00:32:08.259] peachy_thechicken: my mom just walkt in on me waatching you holding agun [00:32:10.088] Rynali: @SuperMinox legend [00:32:10.221] holotron: nothing better than the real deal tho :D [00:32:10.531] adminmacska32: guns [00:32:13.216] sakura_sister: What did all the guns cost (each)? [00:32:14.655] idkmight: might buy an airsoft now [00:32:14.932] king_of_demons_uwu: I have to finish my test but I will never forget this stream ily [00:32:16.082] Loelinverse: @c__r__j gift me the sub :) [00:32:16.955] anya_sereevna: co2 [00:32:17.024] MollymauI: @SuperMinox Thanks for the gift sub! [00:32:18.125] anya_sereevna: omg [00:32:19.385] Loelinverse: please [00:32:19.591] mystchevious1: OK chat that's a lot of gifted subs when we are this close to failing Girl Month. [00:32:19.907] falkman12345: WTF [00:32:21.182] ZyhlerXG: a 9 / 11? [00:32:22.246] SuperMinox: @c__r__j hmm - doesn't look very stern :P [00:32:22.507] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:32:23.123] knalli666: knalli666 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 6months pog [00:32:23.311] f3mmbot knalli666 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:32:23.887] burgess_shale: REAL GUNS KILL REAL GUNS KILL REAL GUNS KILL [00:32:26.255] Loelinverse: lulz [00:32:26.522] Marco_Choy: damn how much are all these ? [00:32:27.288] zyhrensong: mines made by Ruger [00:32:29.919] The_Heffalumps: SuperMinox far too kind thehef2LOVE [00:32:30.147] johnmKANE: Bruh how much was all of this lmao [00:32:31.939] exho_o: @flapjack44 lmao [00:32:32.996] artificial_ruby: Full metal is so much better then partial plastic [00:32:35.726] Royal_Knight_Alphamon: It's called Break Action [00:32:37.539] dietmountaindew7: would u ever buy a real gun? [00:32:38.579] khaledonew222: the new fps russia [00:32:39.472] aupshaw_: damn [00:32:39.833] uyu8jly: he gonna get banned rip [00:32:41.717] sadg3man: Damnnn how much [00:32:43.736] ergh1241: it should have stayed in a back position [00:32:43.929] rosewoodbandits: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 [00:32:44.149] jvlivs777: its look like real gun tbh 😅 [00:32:46.748] artificial_ruby: You should try speed reloading. [00:32:48.016] Pazz: Hey @f1nn5ter real talk when you come to the states I will take you out to the shooting range. We have 50cal/silenced/full auto. ;)) [00:32:48.696] flapjack44: @exho_o lol [00:32:48.740] Hugs_TTV: im contacting the ATF [00:32:49.219] komradekenny: 1911 is awesome af [00:32:50.193] iron_gleam: will you do airsoft battles? [00:32:53.054] uyu8jly: 30-6 [00:32:53.279] Bekonakin: Big boi [00:32:56.016] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Loelinverse! They have given 566 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:32:56.254] f3mmbot c__r__j has gifted a subscription to loelinverse at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang loelinverse f1nn5tLezgang [00:32:56.733] aupshaw_: this duuuuude [00:32:57.078] Senevri: Maidy. Did you clean your room? [00:32:57.282] SiriusToxin: I got this mfr lol [00:32:57.826] GreyWinterWraith: is that a fucking hunting rifle? LUL [00:33:00.842] zyhrensong: <3 [00:33:01.164] Pelvicks: God dam he spent it that time LOL [00:33:02.276] mitchmaster24: OH MY [00:33:02.301] jvlivs777: aww my [00:33:03.589] FacelessSnow: now THAT one looks proper real [00:33:03.862] mr_ajokortti_korkort: looks like a airrifle [00:33:04.350] quez_809: F1nn is definitely the main character [00:33:05.509] Tabering: Hi chat o/ :D [00:33:06.092] anya_sereevna: staph [00:33:07.950] Rabbit_the_one: I've got the same rifle. damn nice air rifle. [00:33:09.326] megaroot: sniper maid <3 [00:33:09.508] alexx_net: I have that airgun! [00:33:09.770] haharwe: PogU [00:33:11.650] bluj40: oi tab o/ [00:33:12.154] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:33:12.833] h_r_buff_n_stuff: You are going to be dangerous if you get to come to the US Lmao [00:33:13.040] Jens_LN: wait, we might fail Girl Month ? .... that's a new one [00:33:13.299] takumi__22: A pallet gun [00:33:13.465] meganleith666: finn gonna get banned KEKW [00:33:13.643] LawAbidingCitizen: But what kind of wood [00:33:13.885] Bekonakin: Swiper [00:33:14.035] falkman12345: ooih [00:33:14.085] jvlivs777: his face 😍😱 [00:33:14.339] sakura_sister: What’s they price for each gun? [00:33:17.361] nadiR1k: şs that mosin [00:33:18.386] zyhrensong: <3 <3 <3 [00:33:18.616] Tabering: Hi Blu :D [00:33:19.788] Stovamor: @Tabering, heya lovely [00:33:20.270] c__r__j: @Tabering Ohai! [00:33:20.497] GreyWinterWraith: @Tabering hey seanvrCheerA [00:33:20.914] johnmKANE: That’s a deer gun [00:33:21.942] kamicrazefrog: I click on the stream and see finn with a sniper rifle what have I missed!? [00:33:23.823] henerylechaffeur: novritch [00:33:24.611] guccitoaster7: guccitoaster7 subscribed with Prime. [00:33:24.715] mariabee2617: man with a gun [00:33:24.716] mossingme: I am so gay but like...FINN is so FINE [00:33:24.812] f3mmbot guccitoaster7 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang guccitoaster7 f1nn5tLezgang [00:33:24.925] lmaoterror: W [00:33:25.385] DeadSnowmandude: !uptime [00:33:25.658] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 33m 36s [00:33:26.221] helpimbleedin: W [00:33:27.669] lmaoterror: WWW [00:33:28.018] idkmight: are those expensive??? [00:33:29.265] aupshaw_: W [00:33:29.527] metoen: W LUL [00:33:29.654] Amberrrish: W for the orchi [00:33:30.748] panzerquacken: w [00:33:31.044] Tabering: hi everyone o/ How are you all today [00:33:31.077] CaneNova: W [00:33:31.391] artificial_ruby: The SSP1 by novritch? [00:33:31.706] reina363: just got here in time to see princess Rose [00:33:35.678] macarous: W [00:33:35.920] SiriusToxin: You can buy those on Amazon here. [00:33:36.175] zyhrensong: look up the Ruger one [00:33:36.396] Emmy64_: LUL [00:33:36.523] hopalongtommy: BSA? [00:33:36.733] artificial_ruby: quite a good one [00:33:36.951] alexx_net: You can kill squirrels with that airgun, so BE CAREFUL! [00:33:37.023] melanyqt: what have i joined into [00:33:39.319] Senevri: So much potential for innuendo [00:33:41.288] ergh1241: air gun [00:33:41.669] xd_gamer_twitch: SSP1 looks like a modern 1911 [00:33:42.865] Kiwipeels: Cheer100 [00:33:43.690] deesassortednuts: the femboy has a sniper ._. [00:33:45.922] jvlivs777: noice :)) [00:33:47.283] malnurished23: is that the Remington junior? [00:33:48.738] Caution811: thanks for the gifted sub! LuvGift [00:33:50.100] cu_lade: all real wood, describing your chat? [00:33:52.120] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Stroke the barrel [00:33:53.540] Bekonakin: Enemy ac130 above [00:33:54.005] hey_simone: real gun? [00:33:58.537] takumi__22: Is that the standard SAS uniform for 2021? [00:34:01.464] thebigpearson: bbjessCryGuy [00:34:03.799] xXNeroZashiXx: What a great day :D [00:34:05.046] hey_simone: sick [00:34:05.910] Rynali: LMAO [00:34:06.339] henerylechaffeur: ssp1 is based off a high cap [00:34:08.960] Stovamor: @Tabering, doing ok - bit tired, but chat are behaving themselves mostly [00:34:09.064] Megatjgaming_: I got 2 they do be fun [00:34:09.236] Lipocap: My God you are beautiful. [00:34:10.200] Kolateak_: Booooooo [00:34:11.362] emeryasd: ????? [00:34:11.989] jvlivs777: omy...really? [00:34:11.994] issorkera: hey @F1NN5TER can you do a pistlyu flip and fire well? [00:34:12.639] y0rk5h1r3: Used to have a .22 Air Arms TX200 MK III with the Walnut Stock [00:34:12.743] Earthbound421: foot pounds [00:34:13.401] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:34:14.386] mariabee2617: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride SingsNote [00:34:15.215] sadg3man: PogU [00:34:17.543] hey_simone: not real gun, Sadge [00:34:17.949] FairlyThinEyebrows: KEKW [00:34:19.107] aupshaw_: KEKW [00:34:19.582] Cazenn: monkaS [00:34:20.083] henerylechaffeur: LOL [00:34:20.905] HandsWithEyes: KEKW [00:34:21.446] NeutralFall: KEKW [00:34:24.099] NOT_SPALK_TV: wtf is foot pounds [00:34:24.683] SiriusToxin: Borderline [00:34:25.675] random_muffin_: ALMOST GUN [00:34:26.534] 0rixyd_: ah yes, america [00:34:26.912] macarous: reeel [00:34:28.177] HelloImErin_: monkaW [00:34:28.868] idkmight: the grey area lol [00:34:31.903] TheFlipcyde: That's an alright Squirrel hunting rifle. [00:34:33.152] lmaoterror: Shooting Stream when? [00:34:33.690] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 manly man honesty got a big boner [00:34:34.194] seven_tints_of_glass_: KNEW [00:34:35.417] Pazz: “”11”” [00:34:35.687] Ramxey_: so close to being a criminal [00:34:37.197] luddefuzz: Foot-pounds Joules 12 ft-lb 16.27 J [00:34:37.454] GreyWinterWraith: yeah, I think YOU shouldn't be allowed this LUL [00:34:38.026] LawAbidingCitizen: More than allowed in Germany Sadge [00:34:38.168] na1eph: HE HAS AN M9!!!!!! i love you [00:34:38.712] iron_gleam: should femboys be allowed to have that? [00:34:39.630] PynkFryck: 'Murica baby [00:34:40.523] Bekonakin: Noicee [00:34:42.198] rekojblack: well ya it's for shooting small game [00:34:42.353] EldolasMS: dont do durty gun shit [00:34:42.968] helpimbleedin: thats a weird d1ldo [00:34:43.655] jvlivs777: famous person only i guess :) [00:34:44.764] tretb00t: barely legal [00:34:44.767] pinkmoon1995: where did you get it from? [00:34:46.545] Marco_Choy: it's a non gun [00:34:46.832] DeadSnowmandude: nice [00:34:47.181] Jens_LN: it shoots pellets into butt ? [00:34:47.274] MadMahTTV: PEW PEW [00:34:47.519] rw03_bjw: finn I have a section 2, could get you to a range day in the uk [00:34:47.866] cobyneedmedicine: f1nns boutta go hunt some birds [00:34:48.314] Emmy64_: Barely Legal Kappa TriHard [00:34:49.731] VisualProfessional: Lol we give these to babies in America [00:34:51.628] sabre_smith: Can't wait for F1NN hospital recovery stream [00:34:52.826] haharwe: shoot the tv Kappa [00:34:52.964] Megatjgaming_: you got to shoot it yet? [00:34:53.342] aAndrew3030: Your gonna shoot your eye out! [00:34:53.500] Ubahnpilot: Was the silenced pistol an air gun too? [00:34:53.514] D3ase: almost gun for an almost girl toxmoPog toxmoPog [00:34:54.860] hey_simone: KKona could kill then beans ez brother [00:34:54.916] FairlyThinEyebrows: monkaS [00:34:55.681] mr_ajokortti_korkort: it will leave a mark for sure [00:34:56.007] ergh1241: You would be surprised how 5.56 has no kick [00:34:57.688] GreyWinterWraith: before or after you've eaten the beans LUL [00:34:57.988] johnmKANE: That’s just airsoft too lmao not the real thing Kappa [00:34:58.005] Kolateak_: monkaS [00:34:58.382] aupshaw_: BEANS [00:34:59.441] Ascara89: Prove it [00:35:00.355] Rynali: meanwhile here in the US "would you like an AR-15 with your coffee?" [00:35:02.993] system0051: shooting test on utube soon? [00:35:04.298] rw03_bjw: it would kill a fox [00:35:04.620] bluj40: ive gotten hit by something similar it doesnt feel great [00:35:04.686] TheFlipcyde: Nooo way [00:35:05.441] reilo47: If Northern Ireland we aren’t allowed those without a license due to the troubles lmao [00:35:05.755] eirassiisti: im confused [00:35:06.870] SiriusToxin: I have one that goes through my walls [00:35:06.991] alexx_net: F1nn should NOT be allowed to have that without adult supervision. [00:35:07.146] jvlivs777: Beannzzzzzz [00:35:08.081] h_r_buff_n_stuff: That will piece skin then [00:35:08.642] artificial_ruby: A gun doesn't have to be lethal to be concidered a firearm. [00:35:11.270] Cazenn: It would leave a massive fucking bruise KEKW [00:35:12.311] p01chi: when did this stream started? [00:35:12.940] aupshaw_: BEANZZZZZ [00:35:13.573] Gisak787: Finn be preparing to go to America [00:35:14.430] jvlivs777: xqcGob [00:35:15.119] khaledonew222: bird hinting [00:35:15.713] badestbeanboi: NOOOO MY BRETHREN [00:35:16.323] ssechul: that will still draw blood lmao. One wrong shot it can still kill [00:35:17.978] charliebear6836: hi [00:35:20.015] jeffydavy: been [00:35:20.879] Kolateak_: It equates to big hurt [00:35:21.217] pinkmoon1995: wheres it from [00:35:21.337] Helen_Croft: everything counted in baked beans KEKW [00:35:21.770] random_muffin_: new bake bean opener just dropped [00:35:22.659] l4zz4pp: Beans wtffffff [00:35:23.112] nemesis0142: Hey @F1NN5TER have you checked out the Carrera Air gun, google it, its a monster filled from an air tank [00:35:25.606] Bekonakin: YOU WHAT!!! [00:35:25.902] asmodeus_jay: Bro shoot me [00:35:26.368] panzerquacken: it will kill a pigin [00:35:26.424] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Beans [00:35:26.706] jvlivs777: xqcSlam xqcSlam xqcSlam xqcDitch [00:35:27.500] lyncesca: airgun will penetrate skin [00:35:28.704] lyncesca: don't do that [00:35:29.316] MollymauI: Just saying, your skin isn't as strong as a tin of beans so it's still going to do damage LUL [00:35:30.439] veio0emz: they are used to kill rats but that is about it [00:35:30.518] macdrai: monkaS [00:35:30.649] TaccoLord: katjaBounce [00:35:30.911] mightbeandrew: why is princess peach holding a rifle [00:35:30.931] helpimbleedin: HIT MEOWRIZA [00:35:32.624] sadejf: I just joined the stream im skaking and crying [00:35:33.505] howtodr4w: I've shot one of them and they're pretty fun [00:35:34.437] Capt1n_t1bs: im sorry what is this? [00:35:34.632] Tauternebula0: and yer we in the uk can have a crossbow and now worries [00:35:34.708] random_muffin_: dont hit people [00:35:36.555] alexx_net: You could kill rabbits, rats, cats, small babies, sea gulls with that gun! [00:35:36.844] jakesidekid: rose hitting 360 noscopes? [00:35:37.739] Asator_91: All British measurements are given in baked bean cans. [00:35:39.706] nofacedmoron: OMG BEANS [00:35:40.398] viniolie: I thought everything was illegal in England [00:35:41.795] indesu: probab penetrate the skin alittle but not a lot [00:35:42.629] Raddog315: ok, keep in mind your skin is less durable than a can [00:35:43.488] Revi_TSF: i made a full can of goya beans jump up a few inches in the air [00:35:47.838] jeri_q: pellet gonna go inside the sink for sure [00:35:48.356] xd_gamer_twitch: BRUH A .22? [00:35:48.390] Megatjgaming_: you using pointed tips or rounded tips? [00:35:49.446] uyu8jly: i got hit by a 450 fps pistol [00:35:50.739] imaginealiveve: i mean it would spoop a house invader [00:35:53.408] burgess_shale: THAT COULD KILL YOU FUCKWIT [00:35:54.502] jrtcjrtc: could lose an eye [00:35:55.118] xd_gamer_twitch: BRUUUUUH [00:35:58.354] dirtuwu: hey finn, first time in the stream in a while and i need more context. Lookin really cute today [00:35:58.658] novatroop77: Also sussages [00:36:00.212] dirtuwu: hey [00:36:01.031] jvlivs777: well,thats kinda sounds terrifying :)) [00:36:01.847] GenericGamer2016: For reference a 9mm (the most common bullet) produces 365 foot pounds of pressure. [00:36:01.967] charliebear6836: FUCK [00:36:02.516] asmodeus_jay: *becomes a can of beans* [00:36:06.040] jeri_q: hows the scope [00:36:06.795] Amoyamoyamoya: A .22 rifler is not a laughing matter. [00:36:06.817] komradekenny: can confirm, hurts like a mf [00:36:07.087] ergh1241: it can kill aswell [00:36:08.142] mossingme: I am so gay but like...THIS GUY [00:36:08.339] Capt1n_t1bs: pronouns? [00:36:10.064] pinkmoon1995: where its from [00:36:12.515] johnmKANE: Manliest British soldier I’ve ever seen. [00:36:12.806] Megatjgaming_: 2.2 cal [00:36:14.585] mr_ajokortti_korkort: don't underestimate .22. it's totally deadly [00:36:15.613] RxCheckerTD: good for squirrels :D [00:36:18.473] Nibblenobbyznut: slug gun nice [00:36:21.089] novatroop77: Wow ur stunning looking tonight xo [00:36:22.104] businessman94: Looking very submissive and breedable today [00:36:23.685] boagrius090: Depends on the ammo. Buy the pointy ones SeemsGood [00:36:23.723] iiLickSnails: My uncle used those air rifles for his pest control business [00:36:24.128] TheFlipcyde: It' fires .177 Cal. A .22 is just a tad larger. [00:36:24.243] Moredakadaka: a .22 yea that'll kill people [00:36:25.035] avoidingzombies: thats .177 cal btw [00:36:26.247] carelesssong: American here, I hvae so many guns. .22 is one of my favorite rounds. so much fun and cheap to shoot! [00:36:26.495] ergh1241: it just needs to be shot from a close distance and probably to the side as it is the weakest part of the skull [00:36:29.392] ssechul: that can still kill you lmao. Be careful with it. people shoot squirrels with those things [00:36:32.175] tretb00t: you can blind yourself with em, wear safety googles if Shooting in the house, walls make bullets come back some times [00:36:33.817] charliebear6836: LUL <3 [00:36:35.834] PizzaMonsterr: Fin do be making November kinda harder [00:36:36.078] viniolie: 22 LR can kill everything with a good hit [00:36:38.881] Stovamor: There will be screenshots [00:36:39.362] takumi__22: New measurement kind is to measure by can of baked beans [00:36:40.004] Capt1n_t1bs: pronouns? [00:36:40.536] Jens_LN: if the pellet hits just right, it could potentially kill a person ... but you would have to be unlucky [00:36:42.436] 6Foot3Inches: wow you're looking very cute today [00:36:43.144] avoidingzombies: but the fps difference is what matters [00:36:44.224] TestingTheEL33T: 22 has around 70 ft lbs [00:36:48.734] PynkFryck: @mossingme Let me introduce you to this fun thing called Finsexual xD [00:36:50.876] sm_kle_: i have one of those just that its about 50 years old [00:36:51.152] jvlivs777: hurty tho :)) [00:36:51.707] sinuwu: post more on insta [00:36:52.287] Rousey290: a man shot his son or nephew with an air rifle and it kiilled him [00:36:53.766] charliebear6836: snipe somethin [00:36:54.318] Stovamor: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [00:36:54.366] helpimbleedin: @Capt1n_t1bs he/him just crossdressing [00:36:56.638] binddiver63: It will more than hurt [00:36:57.844] novatroop77: Do u remember potatoe guns only uk people will @f1nn5ter [00:36:59.208] xd_gamer_twitch: VERY SMOL [00:37:01.510] Amberrrish: @mossingme HOLD ON [00:37:01.710] deleto42o: YESSSS SIR [00:37:02.298] na1eph: bean cans are stronger than eyes [00:37:02.502] alexx_net: FPS e-girl Rose [00:37:03.622] idkmight: ayelash problem I'm a right [00:37:04.392] charliebear6836: SNIPE SNIPE SNIPE [00:37:05.793] LuckyAlfr3d: GUN [00:37:06.427] artificial_ruby: Anything can be used to kill someone if you think about it. [00:37:08.593] bigmidget1234567: it could probably kill if you have good placement [00:37:13.121] takumi__22: The rifle fires 12 can of baked beans [00:37:13.758] TheStarGamer1238: usa vs uk [00:37:15.904] helpimbleedin: @mossingme yes [00:37:16.749] dietmountaindew7: can that kill a cat [00:37:16.811] bumblemittens: do you take them to a range? there is an airgun range in the wyr forest [00:37:18.044] johnmKANE: Us vs uk [00:37:18.700] FreedomFighters405: remember people have clothing on so thats protection also [00:37:20.199] TheFlipcyde: Check if it goes through Drywall. kek [00:37:20.941] emogamingxd: how expensive are they [00:37:21.041] i_am_goose1: StanleyPug StanleyPug [00:37:21.605] ninpnin: foot-fucking-pounds? the imperial system is self harm [00:37:22.247] viniolie: Can you own firearms in UK ? [00:37:22.761] Raddog315: A tiny hole in your body is still a hole. In the wrong place is still deadly [00:37:23.738] Lazdrin: a human skull D: [00:37:24.665] binddiver63: That will kill rabbits [00:37:25.278] FreedomFighters405: pan [00:37:27.219] RxCheckerTD: does that fire a cartridge? or is it an air rifle? [00:37:29.980] gdogshankmasta: 22 is onlky 70 ft lb [00:37:30.324] Nibblenobbyznut: ypu can use that to kill birds and maybe rabbits if youre decent enough [00:37:30.982] mossingme: FINNSEXUAL, ok sounds about right ahahahahha [00:37:31.341] Cazenn: Brick wall? [00:37:31.391] y0rk5h1r3: You can get .22 or even .25 air rifles in the UK. I used to have a .22 and my neighbour has a .25 [00:37:32.430] alexjk2004: rose is such a feminine woman ey [00:37:35.323] syg_scorpion: Us vs uk [00:37:35.842] VisualProfessional: Your gonna need more than a 22 if you're dealing with 30-50 feral hogs [00:37:37.009] trolface1997: again [00:37:39.068] NOT_SPALK_TV: f crj [00:37:39.346] Megatjgaming_: gl hitting a mouse [00:37:39.556] PynkFryck: Pog [00:37:41.209] SuperMinox: @c__r__j F [00:37:41.349] Sensitive_Shelly: 26k [00:37:42.051] sleshpaoopa333: You could kill a mouse with that [00:37:42.170] edgar_ayer: 26k [00:37:42.312] jvlivs777: do some cute face,pwese :)) [00:37:42.918] asmodeus_jay: Cheer1 kinda want a video of Rose to show these off in actual use [00:37:44.429] 57ranma: @stovamor I looked it up and it makes perfect sense [00:37:44.440] LawAbidingCitizen: That'll kill upto a hare [00:37:45.672] c__r__j: F [00:37:45.856] Bekonakin: Sheeeesh [00:37:49.123] reapersofcorn: HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon [00:37:50.038] johnmKANE: Uk soldiers first gun is a musket [00:37:50.223] nemesis0142: Finn, check out the Carrera Air Rifle, its a Sports Model filled with an Air TANK Google it [00:37:51.278] unc0mmon_sense: bigpuffHowdy bigpuffHowdy [00:37:55.149] lee5223: bdeoJolly [00:37:55.325] ProgramFreakHD: Why do you even have a 22LR just buy a 12 quage, or my fav, lancaster repeater. [00:37:55.837] GenericGamer2016: American gunlaws don't even consider black powder guns as real guns. [00:37:56.793] xd_gamer_twitch: Finland is the best [00:37:57.639] reapersofcorn: HungryPaimon [00:37:58.214] aupshaw_: Big pegger [00:37:58.344] Pelvicks: Once again WOW [00:38:00.000] aupshaw_: KEKW [00:38:00.035] Stovamor: @57ranma, theres a reason I ahve that saved as a command [00:38:01.739] asmodeus_jay: WHY THE ODD NUMBER [00:38:03.089] jeffydavy: look up air rifle ratting [00:38:06.517] alexx_net: NOT maybe - I've seen that exact gun kill UK vermin. [00:38:06.926] rw03_bjw: range day with rose? I have a range and a section 2 [00:38:07.584] ssechul: Look up the SSP-1 and the sniper rifles sold by them as well, I [00:38:13.064] Brainfishes: It's 0.22 calibre. [00:38:14.011] knightbucher: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:38:15.633] tretb00t: you do look sexy with a gun though... [00:38:15.715] Jens_LN: @c__r__j nah, you did win, but only for a very short moment [00:38:17.043] Goonn3dwaa: DO NOT LOOK UP ZOE MELON [00:38:21.031] YANKIRO_KESS: Hi [00:38:22.561] D3ase: my dad took out a cat with one of those toxmoHat [00:38:25.175] reapersofcorn: 🥚🥚🍳🍳 [00:38:25.997] LoadSmasher: I’d love to show you my Magnum Lapua. [00:38:27.547] emogamingxd: same I have issues I don't trust myself [00:38:28.360] artificial_ruby: @ssechul Novritch correct? [00:38:29.232] i8ar: femboy Prestige [00:38:29.422] nsufferable: autmDeaf [00:38:29.550] charliebear6836: shoot [00:38:30.998] hms_wedgeman_iii: u can own a 50 cal in the UK with the right licenses [00:38:32.404] charliebear6836: shot [00:38:33.765] howtodr4w: you can easily do pest control with that gun [00:38:34.084] charliebear6836: shoot [00:38:34.599] SpaceMessage: what? [00:38:35.736] novatroop77: Uk dont have many and its not that easy in uk or belfast [00:38:35.763] aupshaw_: oop [00:38:38.708] jvlivs777: xqcCursed SeemsGood [00:38:39.340] ash3we: This is definitely the weirdest stream I’ve ever seen [00:38:39.950] reapersofcorn: MASS EFFECT [00:38:40.198] Agmoa: 12 foot pound is 16J .22lr is 160J [00:38:45.852] xd_gamer_twitch: I HAVE 3 AK'S (legally of course) [00:38:46.535] tay5t3r: we've seen you shoot yourself in the balls already [00:38:47.019] johnmKANE: It be less interesting when having the real thing Kappa Kappa [00:38:47.685] takumi__22: You should get a vector [00:38:48.000] Bekonakin: But rose has to protect herself from stalkers [00:38:48.806] mimi_rose_: how are you so pretty? 😂 I feel like a slob next to you 😅 [00:38:48.907] asmodeus_jay: “Half aware” [00:38:53.959] RxCheckerTD: I missed the beginning. whacha packin there? [00:38:54.485] tretb00t: i once killed a monitor with an airsoft, feld damn stupid [00:38:55.177] swxzxc: really? [00:38:55.390] Emmy64_: Flashbacks monkaS [00:38:58.146] carelesssong: Unload it before you fuck around [00:39:01.763] jvlivs777: PowerUpL SeemsGood PowerUpR <3 [00:39:03.461] 1AspenSilver1: Sexy [00:39:06.557] tomohfredo: holy BOOBA [00:39:06.632] QuinnyBoy22: Shoot yourself in the balls again [00:39:07.632] vanimal2118: Can die from BB Gun. [00:39:08.796] charliebear6836: shoot [00:39:10.376] na1eph: sexy guards [00:39:13.536] DerrikkFam: This is my first time in your stream but I love your yt videos [00:39:15.113] Jens_LN: the security guard was wearing skirts ? [00:39:15.143] random_muffin_: YEP SOUNDS LIKE THE US [00:39:15.902] jgm830: yeah sounds like america [00:39:16.736] johnmKANE: yup [00:39:20.044] nexiclaire: lol [00:39:21.025] aupshaw_: LOL [00:39:21.374] Cazenn: Fucking hell. [00:39:23.783] deadstroker_: f1nn5tCancelled [00:39:25.730] nemesis0142: Sixty quid for the Licence and a Referee who will vouch for you with the Police [00:39:26.410] emogamingxd: in Texas anyone can have one [00:39:27.060] Lennyfiziert: Hello :) [00:39:29.046] ergh1241: yeah [00:39:29.639] bumblemittens: range day sounds good [00:39:30.188] helpimbleedin: @Jens_LN most likely [00:39:30.588] idkmight: murica [00:39:31.579] EmmirWilhelmer: how about use guns as d**dos? [00:39:32.655] zenscared: AS SOMEONE WHO LIVES IN AMERICA I AGREE [00:39:33.479] iiLickSnails: My uncle usedd those rifles for his pest controll business [00:39:33.824] Stoorma: Welcome to 'Murka! [00:39:33.853] mscoldchickensoup: Trigger happy cop [00:39:34.008] ash3we: Day 3 is hard with this stream [00:39:34.034] Gigaknightdx: nah [00:39:34.080] MiloMuilMikker: guards wear maid dresses in usa? [00:39:35.645] novatroop77: Come to belfast al our police have guns @f1nn5ter [00:39:37.231] U_MUST_BE_COOL: 🤤 [00:39:37.235] Stovamor: English only in chat please. I don't want to have to keep translating things tonight to spot the bigots [00:39:38.311] na1eph: cops in my country hold AK47s [00:39:39.122] johnmKANE: He probably had a big beer belly too America! [00:39:39.550] ProgramFreakHD: @howtodr4w pest, it's been years since i even catched a mouse on my property. [00:39:39.764] TestingTheEL33T: a shame all my guns were lost in a boating accident [00:39:39.913] SiriusToxin: That isn’t normal there? It’s a normal day over here lol [00:39:40.044] jeffydavy: @carelesssong never fuck around, even if it’s “unloaded” [00:39:41.293] reapersofcorn: femboys security in airports yesshhh [00:39:44.720] TREBRON_82: People kill, not the gun. The gun just a tool. [00:39:44.887] deadstroker_: f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tCancelled f1nn5tCancelled [00:39:45.555] Pelvicks: First time I went to Qatar Iver seen policemen with Autos in the middle of the road.... SCARY :O [00:39:48.159] itsallbeendone: This is why I don't 100% love growing up in the US [00:39:50.383] Jens_LN: @helpimbleedin and pink tops ? [00:39:51.395] viniolie: Everybody should own at least a shotgun [00:39:52.894] ergh1241: I am a soldier in rl. I still get chills when I fire a rifle [00:39:57.008] knightbucher: :) [00:39:58.199] zscxh: @f1nn5ter do you vape if so how big of a cloud can you make [00:39:58.287] helpimbleedin: @Jens_LN very much so [00:39:58.447] looblin: Just have a bigger one [00:39:59.326] issorkera: have you ever tried a pistol spin? [00:39:59.509] sabre_smith: Lmao imagine working in an office and having your coworkers similarly armed at all times--welcome to Texas/Florida [00:40:02.785] holotron: never would want to be on the pointy end of the gun [00:40:03.047] tomohfredo: no [00:40:03.748] artificial_ruby: No [00:40:03.970] exho_o: nope [00:40:03.970] codergoth: i grew up where people would just stand there happening to have a holstered weapon [00:40:04.160] sens1tiv: nah [00:40:04.452] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:40:05.350] MincOfBane: MincOfBane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [00:40:05.404] uyu8jly: yes [00:40:05.531] f3mmbot mincofbane has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:40:05.825] FreedomFighters405: yes [00:40:05.854] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:40:06.178] mabelsyrup1: nope [00:40:06.258] tomohfredo: OMEGALUL [00:40:06.313] na1eph: nope [00:40:06.504] 13TAC0S: no [00:40:06.587] Bohnalex: nah [00:40:06.894] swissminion_06: no [00:40:06.983] Raddog315: I'm relived you have a healthy fear of the danger of guns [00:40:07.096] artificial_ruby: I wouldn't. [00:40:07.236] Stoorma: LUL [00:40:07.263] juddle: no [00:40:07.313] Kingich1: no [00:40:07.348] charliebear6836: yes [00:40:07.375] cloudline18: no [00:40:07.664] tretb00t: maaaaybe [00:40:07.708] VeRt3xGD: no [00:40:07.791] winchent1: nah [00:40:07.928] Jens_LN: might notice [00:40:08.218] Kolateak_: Awww, mod deleted it [00:40:08.228] HelloImErin_: nope [00:40:08.312] Nibblenobbyznut: no [00:40:08.353] Alpinefresh: nope [00:40:08.365] saszaaaaaaaa: nah man [00:40:08.439] etnarek: nah [00:40:08.870] george_from_slovenia: what should I see? [00:40:09.003] aupshaw_: LMAOOOO [00:40:09.060] tokkyo_snow: never [00:40:09.169] DeadSnowmandude: lol [00:40:09.204] megaroot: no [00:40:09.506] emogamingxd: HOT [00:40:10.381] system0051: noooo [00:40:10.789] braddle172: lol [00:40:10.811] SuperMinox: lol [00:40:10.859] dearclemmie: not at all [00:40:10.880] random_muffin_: no [00:40:10.983] charliebear6836: no [00:40:11.224] Tabering: o.o [00:40:11.285] Ramxey_: I would let you on the plane [00:40:11.519] sun_ble4ched_trash: lmao [00:40:11.985] kodiOf758: lol [00:40:12.060] Megatjgaming_: can't even see it [00:40:12.358] panzerquacken: lol [00:40:12.475] QuinnyBoy22: nope [00:40:12.520] Weskopad: barely visible [00:40:12.551] ozeantj: unercover [00:40:12.705] castermadness: no [00:40:12.823] gunsight_one: Nope [00:40:13.066] MichiiPls: Notice what? [00:40:13.738] uyu8jly: trousers [00:40:14.351] Slim_Cheney: nah im staring at the booba [00:40:14.491] vanimal2118: No [00:40:14.688] heyim_jj: nope [00:40:14.862] avoidingzombies: oh goodness [00:40:14.900] pinapple_44_: totally [00:40:16.430] bluj40: youre carrying??? [00:40:16.992] SoVA_ThatGuy: too distracted by booba [00:40:17.015] gloom_slayer: lol [00:40:17.203] faze_bingus: hide in booba [00:40:17.219] OskarYeet: no [00:40:17.737] zenscared: Bro where even is it [00:40:17.876] komradekenny: I've seen bigger [00:40:17.954] SiriusToxin: Inconspicuous [00:40:17.983] mariabee2617: nope [00:40:18.047] Amberrrish: LUL [00:40:18.376] system0051: Dang [00:40:18.456] jvlivs777: yupp :)) [00:40:18.647] exho_o: where is it tho? [00:40:18.737] ninja_mewmew: hahahaha [00:40:19.096] kodiOf758: LUL LUL LUL [00:40:19.175] idkmight: nah [00:40:19.226] aupshaw_: SO DISGUISE [00:40:19.331] trolface1997: KEKW [00:40:19.637] melanyqt: no [00:40:20.853] asmodeus_jay: What nahhh [00:40:21.339] DaidGhost17: gesus [00:40:21.454] jamesusuraimu: what concealed carry? [00:40:21.877] reapersofcorn: wich carrot [00:40:21.982] OmsX8O: nha, no idea. would never know tab2Lul [00:40:22.118] U_MUST_BE_COOL: 🥵🥵🥵🥵 [00:40:22.356] thecuxspm: no not at all [00:40:22.358] helpimbleedin: KEKW [00:40:23.497] aunalbrutal: lol XD [00:40:23.574] codergoth: Kappa [00:40:23.763] RxCheckerTD: * an instant* [00:40:24.131] amngusus07: no [00:40:24.148] Kingfire: You are dead already LUL [00:40:24.328] sinuwu: gun? what gun [00:40:24.353] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you'll need a smaller gun [00:40:24.386] Kaymon81: is this a gun between your legs? :) [00:40:25.776] bfsobnfs: "in an instant" [00:40:26.080] swissminion_06: so fast POGGERS [00:40:26.121] mossingme: where did it go? [00:40:26.142] OilP: rooKek [00:40:26.209] DerrikkFam: See what? [00:40:26.741] Ascara89: "Instant" [00:40:26.790] melihaba: it looks like a cut off pen1s [00:40:27.606] tomohfredo: to slow OMEGALUL [00:40:27.749] uyu8jly: u require pants [00:40:27.900] sens1tiv: insane reactions [00:40:28.182] saszaaaaaaaa: KEKW [00:40:28.202] viniolie: We'd never know, we're distracted by other things [00:40:28.644] panzerquacken: xd [00:40:29.560] aupshaw_: big brain [00:40:29.717] Asator_91: She is speed [00:40:29.951] nubivagabond: you did awesome! [00:40:30.007] ergh1241: slow xD [00:40:30.302] OmsX8O: KEKW [00:40:30.917] Kingich1: yes you can [00:40:30.988] jvlivs777: look cute tho 😍😊🤟 [00:40:31.377] Emmy64_: monkaS [00:40:31.561] alexjk2004: yea lmao [00:40:31.565] blobflops: chat isnt fun lol [00:40:31.610] artificial_ruby: Struggled to much. [00:40:32.682] dark_aur0a: not at all:D [00:40:32.802] SiriusToxin: LUL [00:40:33.696] avoidingzombies: that was like 8 seconds.. [00:40:34.154] castermadness: "instant" [00:40:34.185] Helen_Croft: we have guys with rifles walking around at the airport at Amsterdam [00:40:34.688] jeri_q: if it is around the thigh we wont notice it [00:40:34.707] nubivagabond: ayoooo [00:40:35.355] ssechul: KEKW [00:40:35.386] Rainiiru: rose is too weak to pull the slide back hahahahah [00:40:35.639] y0rk5h1r3: You need a Derringer [00:40:35.873] Megatjgaming_: the speed on that draw, too quick! [00:40:37.444] castermadness: lol [00:40:38.241] GenericGamer2016: LUL [00:40:38.580] nemesis0142: Walther PPK is small enough and its a James Bond Gun [00:40:38.707] FreedomFighters405: in texas u need a 44 [00:40:40.182] Ramxey_: bad guy with gun vs good femboy with gun [00:40:40.374] marvelours3: HELLO GUYS [00:40:40.539] SuperMinox: dead before sunrise :( [00:40:41.312] Bekonakin: Where did the gun go [00:40:42.003] charliebear6836: lol [00:40:42.158] jeffydavy: you’re printing a little bit, but only if you’re looking for it [00:40:42.708] umbra_91: lol the thumbnail of the video [00:40:43.079] EmmirWilhelmer: "instant" [00:40:43.894] KevinTehGamur: The fastest fingers in the world west [00:40:44.379] SubliminalCorruption: you need longer thigh highs [00:40:46.147] george_from_slovenia: Is that a gun in your stockings or are you just happy to see me? LUL [00:40:46.828] DaidGhost17: lol let's get you some cowboy boots [00:40:51.846] meganleith666: twitch doesnt care if its fake or not youre gonna get banned KEKW [00:40:53.345] Raddog315: Oooh the gun! I though you meant your... nevermind [00:40:54.166] rgkagero: i cant even see the "gun" under the skirt [00:40:56.439] 13TAC0S: holly shit where did tjat gun come from. [00:40:57.522] yepblobb: Knees bruised already kekw [00:40:57.898] johnmKANE: Texas you don’t have to hide it literally on the hip always [00:40:58.602] FishyBoiBen: hi [00:40:59.031] Kolateak_: Adult toys 😳 [00:41:01.058] jvlivs777: trrueww [00:41:01.838] charliebear6836: are u a cowboy [00:41:02.246] c__r__j: "Adult toys" [00:41:02.251] TheStarGamer1238: I once had a gun pointed at me, I was scared at the time, then I felt really mad he threatened me. [00:41:02.616] helpimbleedin: @george_from_slovenia LMAO [00:41:03.261] Tari_Diachi: Adult toys UWU [00:41:03.532] aupshaw_: ayoooo [00:41:04.016] artificial_ruby: Logaly [00:41:04.209] waternow64: adult toys u say [00:41:04.835] RxCheckerTD: you can get a squirrel or two with those :) [00:41:04.879] holotron: "adult toys" LUL [00:41:04.923] wack0x: they are banned in my country [00:41:08.131] sun_ble4ched_trash: lawgly [00:41:08.418] Nibblenobbyznut: in australia ypu need a gun license for those hahah [00:41:09.644] SiriusToxin: Log ally [00:41:10.056] dragonlord608: do not word it like that again [00:41:10.615] Cat_but_Bread: what a beautiful wamen [00:41:11.688] trolface1997: on stream with adult toys [00:41:12.203] aupshaw_: LUL [00:41:12.220] Kolateak_: Hell yeah [00:41:14.684] umbra_91: adult toys? where u putting them?? lol [00:41:16.248] Emmy64_: Just skin it like a ner blaster TriHard [00:41:16.488] ergh1241: Texas is an open carry state [00:41:17.955] Jaded_Crown: in australia you need a firearms license for airsoft [00:41:18.176] uyu8jly: i wouldnt notice i would be too stunned [00:41:19.214] Cazenn: TIL BB guns don't need a licence in the UK. [00:41:19.990] LawAbidingCitizen: LUL [00:41:20.055] aunalbrutal: The only types of adult toys that twitch are OK with? :P [00:41:20.196] carelesssong: @jeffydavy by "fuck around" i mean pick it up and hold it outside of a range. nothinbg else [00:41:23.133] DaidGhost17: lol I found out Texas u need a license for a sword [00:41:23.406] Kolateak_: Texas based? [00:41:24.720] buffycrp: Rose playing with her adult toys....... [00:41:25.315] Notarobotinspace: 🙂 [00:41:27.185] vanimal2118: They make ladies conceal care garments. [00:41:27.357] DayofDong: Hehe adult toys [00:41:30.872] bumblemittens: is that a weapon in your pants or you just pleased to see us? [00:41:30.996] Jens_LN: Texan security guard wearing a gun, skirt and frilly long socks ... that's a mental picture for sure. :D [00:41:31.491] Ramxey_: you got more adult toys? [00:41:32.158] 1AspenSilver1: @F1NN5TER Where is our favourite German knight? [00:41:36.226] helpimbleedin: @Notarobotinspace 🙂 [00:41:37.076] el_mckell: this outfit is goofy as hell [00:41:37.640] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Adult toys I’m I on the right website [00:41:39.435] swissminion_06: in switzerland we cant even carry a airsoft gun that can be mistaken for a real one OMEGALUL [00:41:40.900] issorkera: my dream gun is a walter P308 [00:41:42.096] alexx_net: That air-rifle can shoot through the wall of your garden shed. [00:41:45.815] idkmight: "adult toys" lol [00:41:47.012] joshsimokelly: i have to carry a gun when i ride my motorcycle cuz last year i got rob [00:41:48.396] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm_: @f1nn5ter you are beautiful PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:41:48.678] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity [00:41:50.480] jeffydavy: @carelesssong ah v good [00:41:50.591] PikNikPlays: PikNikPlays subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! almost year, woooo [00:41:50.772] f3mmbot piknikplays has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:41:52.851] LTZSuburban: I have rounds in mine, so need to always remember to remove the mag when I put it down. Always assume it is loaded, even if the rounds are plastic. [00:41:57.225] nemesis0142: I have literally bee arrested by UK armed police who aimed an MP5 at me with a red dot [00:41:57.383] LoadSmasher: The spring on a real gun is much stronger [00:41:57.979] RxCheckerTD: honestly, I enjoy my .22 more that my .308 or .40 [00:42:04.253] gunsight_one: REALLY LOUD [00:42:04.720] jvlivs777: @mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm_ indeed 😍😍😍 [00:42:04.733] panzerquacken: bang [00:42:05.444] artificial_ruby: Rule 1 of guns. never aim it at yourself. (and you've learned this the hard way finn) [00:42:05.875] Notarobotinspace: 🔪🥲@helpimbleedin [00:42:08.444] rw03_bjw: police and crime bill says you need valid defence to own in the uk, you should have been asked for this at the point of sale [00:42:12.610] epic123222: Finn's weapon handling makes me cringe. [00:42:13.284] mattiethenerd_: blooo [00:42:18.530] sleshpaoopa333: shakes the room [00:42:18.721] helpimbleedin: @Notarobotinspace 🔪🥲 [00:42:21.341] Stovamor: @rw03_bjw, not for airsoft guns [00:42:23.476] nemesis0142: it was a false arrest [00:42:25.049] alexx_net: @RxCheckerTD same. Plinking poggers! [00:42:26.686] 57ranma: WHEN YOU GO TO TEXAS, MAKE SURE THAT THEY TEACH YOU GUN SAFETY [00:42:28.181] reapersofcorn: waot a minute so airport security are femboys hamana hamana [00:42:29.386] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:42:30.165] MollymauI: Went clay pigeon shooting with my mate and he was stuffing dogshit bags in his ears for hearing protection LUL [00:42:30.376] TestingTheEL33T: i want a honeybadger [00:42:31.412] Notarobotinspace: 😂 [00:42:34.335] brightheartwrites: Gotta love joining stream to a handsome guy wearing a pretty dress and holding a rather concerning new toy [00:42:36.352] avoidingzombies: anything with gun powder is much much louder [00:42:36.420] Emmy64_: more than 90 db i remember [00:42:36.440] Mynameislloyd: Brits with gun is so cute. They have no idea what they are doing lol. [00:42:36.551] jvlivs777: PowerUpL xqcSlam PowerUpR [00:42:38.868] Rainiiru: finn has no trigger discipline haha [00:42:39.183] rubenjupiter13: youre my favourite femboy [00:42:41.559] lyncesca: @rw03_bjw film and tv production is a valid defense [00:42:43.832] MasterPo999: A real weapon is loud...WITH hearing protection. [00:42:43.890] SiriusToxin: I will go to the range while cross dressed for you lmao [00:42:45.319] jvlivs777: Xqc flying [00:42:46.958] uyu8jly: a .50 cal deagle the sound is the reason we use it in games [00:42:47.768] rw03_bjw: yes all RIF's are the same [00:42:48.822] OilP: @F1NN5TER do you have a UKARA? [00:42:49.023] artificial_ruby: the M9 had some recoil as well. [00:42:49.108] aexsaight: Gun sounds about like firecracker x10 [00:42:49.517] LoadSmasher: A suppressed gun is still loud as fuck [00:42:50.173] burgess_shale: SORRRRY BUT YOU OUTFIT IS A MESS [00:42:50.532] mooglemania: @F1NN5TER Looking sute AF today [00:42:51.585] MyNameDeux: Guns are fun to shoot, but not to listen to [00:42:52.826] rekojblack: it's more than a 22 [00:42:54.136] ergh1241: real guns dont kick that bad [00:42:58.483] FuzzyXe: shotguns have more kick [00:43:00.618] vanimal2118: BB Gun sounds like surpressed gun. [00:43:00.646] ProgramFreakHD: Small girls like you shouldn't play with guns, could be dangerous when they recoin kicks back. [00:43:01.739] aAndrew3030: Hunting riffle makes my ear ring for three minutes after [00:43:04.440] 1AspenSilver1: @F1NN5TER Meowriza When [00:43:06.382] holotron: @f1nn5ter would you wanne go to a range and try out a 9mil ? [00:43:07.336] chloroice: shoot your bobs [00:43:09.199] Notarobotinspace: @helpimbleedin 😂 [00:43:09.326] 6Foot3Inches: you mean rifle? sniper is a person [00:43:09.606] swissminion_06: looking submissive and breedable ResidentSleeper [00:43:09.631] jvlivs777: thx,i mean welcome :)) [00:43:11.231] jayvh91021: Arizona u don't have to conceal [00:43:13.861] mr_ajokortti_korkort: depends on the gun [00:43:14.385] hydralibra: U ever used a crossbow?🥴 [00:43:14.837] artificial_ruby: Finn, don't aim it at your face. [00:43:19.810] TheStarGamer1238: eogCard eogCard eogCard [00:43:21.965] artificial_ruby: Even if it isn't loaded. [00:43:24.386] reapersofcorn: are winning finn [00:43:26.358] gunsight_one: clip it! [00:43:26.419] aunalbrutal: Only gun i would like to have is a effin TANK XD [00:43:28.375] Tari_Diachi: Hair go poof. [00:43:28.642] carelesssong: Arizona gun laws, best gun laws [00:43:31.153] TheStarGamer1238: moved the hair [00:43:32.047] ergh1241: I meant that it kicks less than you expect [00:43:35.072] samoranarai: yo this chick's got a pretty butch gun [00:43:37.533] melihaba: holy shit [00:43:37.806] ergh1241: even 5.56 [00:43:37.920] aupshaw_: yaes az [00:43:39.967] FlibFlurp: That’s the gun from Fortnite [00:43:40.707] jvlivs777: manly man gunz grapler 🤟 [00:43:43.785] cruzden62: Hey [00:43:44.421] reapersofcorn: are ya winning jude [00:43:46.031] burgess_shale: LIMP WRISTED? [00:43:49.524] belikethatjones: Recoil is minuscule to unnoticeable on most guns [00:43:49.808] c__r__j: "Limp-wristed as hell". Clip time. [00:43:51.467] brightheartwrites: I like f1nn5tMakeupcheck [00:43:54.625] U_MUST_BE_COOL: 12 gauge shotgun [00:43:55.058] Jens_LN: weight of bullet and amount of powder is what gives you the recoil [00:43:55.163] Raddog315: I feel like a real gun would have broken your wrist just then [00:43:58.681] nemesis0142: zero recoil lol [00:43:59.104] tretb00t: i like it when the girl brings a gun on the first date [00:43:59.700] GenericGamer2016: Definitely depends on the gun. A .44 revolver is pain. [00:44:01.496] unc0mmon_sense: airsoft guns can sound like real ones to anyone other than people who use real guns depending on the quality [00:44:04.648] chrispytheboi: chrispytheboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! U to the wu [00:44:04.830] f3mmbot chrispytheboi has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:44:06.295] shadowfoxxgamingyt: nice gun [00:44:11.385] raxolotl: HOW MUCH DID YOU SPEND?? [00:44:12.985] artificial_ruby: p320 [00:44:15.097] RxCheckerTD: put a target on the blue soundproofing, so we can see your skillz [00:44:15.175] scottycarignan: Hi [00:44:15.448] sens1tiv: pp69?? [00:44:15.660] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: oooh. nice gun [00:44:17.408] jvlivs777: what ye most favourite? :)) [00:44:18.270] vanimal2118: Waiting on my twirl please? [00:44:18.350] colgaware: pp 69 such a funny name for a gun [00:44:19.702] 1AspenSilver1: @F1NN5TER Meowriza is going to have fun at the airport back to germany [00:44:20.423] scottycarignan: Hello [00:44:20.439] aupshaw_: PP 69 [00:44:21.956] swissminion_06: wait meriza got a mac10?? can you show it please? POGGERS [00:44:22.480] FuzzyXe: spray them GTA v pink or gold [00:44:22.583] syg_scorpion: Nice step gun [00:44:23.288] uyu8jly: wrwat [00:44:23.926] na1eph: G O O D T A S T E [00:44:25.621] lyncesca: should i tell them [00:44:26.212] Xariuso: Xariuso subscribed with Prime. [00:44:26.393] f3mmbot xariuso has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang xariuso f1nn5tLezgang [00:44:27.021] panzerquacken: lots [00:44:27.808] Jens_LN: too much ? [00:44:27.917] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [00:44:27.918] mr_ajokortti_korkort: too much? [00:44:28.042] brightheartwrites: f1nn5tLaff [00:44:28.088] Helen_Croft: Can riza take them back to germany? [00:44:28.158] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:44:29.487] ergh1241: hahah [00:44:29.931] majhal01: ALOT [00:44:30.052] TREBRON_82: lol [00:44:30.145] 6Foot3Inches: i got a m4 airsoft gun :D [00:44:30.215] Weskopad: LUL [00:44:30.349] lyncesca: i guess not [00:44:31.256] packagum: hurt lel [00:44:31.664] Cazenn: Too much KEKW [00:44:31.750] carelesssong: $$$$$$ [00:44:33.919] aupshaw_: lol [00:44:35.219] SiriusToxin: I know they aren’t cheap. [00:44:35.691] sabre_smith: Many lbs [00:44:35.757] helpimbleedin: lel [00:44:35.767] LoadSmasher: 2gs [00:44:35.800] tobiofish: All the tax money [00:44:36.776] scottycarignan: Hi @f1nn5ter [00:44:37.039] artificial_ruby: And again, don't aim it at yourself. [00:44:37.564] burgess_shale: ANSWER [00:44:37.995] PynkFryck: @lyncesca yes [00:44:38.730] Emmy64_: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [00:44:38.991] Raddog315: Meowriza is gonna have an interesting time at the airport taking those home [00:44:40.324] Tari_Diachi: $1000? [00:44:40.422] kuronoon: u are hot step mom [00:44:41.241] Slim_Cheney: lmao [00:44:41.710] h_r_buff_n_stuff: F1nn is spending GM money [00:44:42.079] Stovamor: Most of the Girl Month profits, I assume [00:44:42.661] nemesis0142: Too much [00:44:42.886] ergh1241: answer [00:44:43.490] melihaba: ow NO [00:44:44.080] NOT_SPALK_TV: @Helen_Croft nope [00:44:44.518] reapersofcorn: any advice on British airsofts [00:44:45.124] SiriusToxin: Some of them cost as much as the real thing. [00:44:47.509] whynot3392: you need to get an M16 with m203 [00:44:47.608] Jens_LN: you spend money on that gun, that wasn't used on makeup !! [00:44:47.612] b00stedm3dia: FINN [00:44:47.871] mimi_rose_: what pronouns are you using? 😊 [00:44:52.193] LaMale411: You always has limp wrists kaceyHEH [00:44:53.142] marginax1: hi [00:44:53.398] bluj40: dont worry lyn youre in good company you can be honest [00:44:54.226] 6Foot3Inches: airsoft expensive SADFACE [00:44:54.254] Solus_kun: more then girl month KEKW [00:44:55.830] GenericGamer2016: definitely 2000+ [00:44:57.711] Tytaanis: 1500 [00:44:58.660] jvlivs777: lul :)) [00:44:59.403] LTZSuburban: My 1911 cost me just shy of 100 .... The rifles hwoever .... [00:44:59.544] aupshaw_: @lyncesca bet [00:45:00.457] sens1tiv: @mimi_rose_ he/him [00:45:00.699] avoidingzombies: atleast 800 usd? O.O [00:45:02.310] MiloMuilMikker: 3k im guessing [00:45:02.496] GreyWinterWraith: can you tell us the price of just one? LUL [00:45:02.611] swissminion_06: can you show merizas mac10 please? POGGERS [00:45:05.166] rabman1a: do it [00:45:05.358] brightheartwrites: @mimi_rose_ he/him but he doesn't mind any [00:45:06.077] burgess_shale: ANSWER THE QUESTION [00:45:07.780] parasite420lick: femboy guns [00:45:08.954] raxolotl: more than 3k? [00:45:09.248] LawAbidingCitizen: 1000? [00:45:10.862] marginax1: 3k [00:45:10.892] marlo1324: hhaah [00:45:12.939] mimi_rose_: @sens1tiv thanks! [00:45:16.278] c__r__j: Did they cost one banana, or two? [00:45:16.962] TheStarGamer1238: moewrisa [00:45:17.538] johnmKANE: The worker hopefully got commission on that lmao [00:45:20.169] SaintPeggin: finn the ultimate crossdresser [00:45:20.187] jeri_q: 4k [00:45:21.920] jandraelune: Fake guns cost more then real guns, just give you an idea. [00:45:24.078] FuzzyXe: electric are cheap gas is more pricey [00:45:25.478] doktorquien: doktorquien subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Two months of straightn't [00:45:25.480] logan0406c: 2 k pounds [00:45:25.500] Senevri: It's not what you bought, it's what you paid. :P [00:45:25.685] f3mmbot doktorquien has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:45:27.290] sleshpaoopa333: 500 at most for 2 [00:45:27.404] SiriusToxin: $300 [00:45:31.380] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 3k [00:45:31.949] uyu8jly: finn teh ultimate crosshair [00:45:33.687] artificial_ruby: Wolf armaments was the store correct? [00:45:36.032] bjorn_egil: how hard a real gun kicks depends on caliber, .700 nitro express got quite the kick [00:45:37.055] gunsight_one: 2.7k [00:45:38.115] Jens_LN: how much makeup could you have bought for the two guns ? [00:45:40.039] mariabee2617: FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN [00:45:40.735] RxCheckerTD: . . [00:45:41.660] lun_xe: lick the gun [00:45:43.337] GreyWinterWraith: I think Rose spent at least 75 pence seanvrSip [00:45:45.023] ssechul: Fynn is going to flip when he sees the prices for the ssp1 and the snipers that sell on the same website [00:45:45.530] jvlivs777: :)) [00:45:47.286] LawAbidingCitizen: KEKW [00:45:49.955] OilP: rooKek rooKek rooKek [00:45:50.650] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:45:51.795] LawAbidingCitizen: Yes [00:45:52.138] marrinho24: what you spent more on dresses or guns [00:45:52.635] Weskopad: yes [00:45:52.959] brightheartwrites: "straightn't" LOL [00:45:52.968] packagum: yes [00:45:53.013] elianplayz1: In texas you can buy a glock for around 500$ us omegalul [00:45:53.167] aAndrew3030: We pay you, tell us how much! [00:45:53.311] Alpinefresh: KEKW [00:45:53.987] RedRubble_: RedRubble_ subscribed with Prime. [00:45:54.191] f3mmbot redrubble_ has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang redrubble_ f1nn5tLezgang [00:45:54.410] Tari_Diachi: Yup. [00:45:54.558] jvlivs777: yurpp [00:45:54.664] burgess_shale: Stop wriggling. How much? [00:45:54.822] Jens_LN: yes [00:45:54.875] FairlyThinEyebrows: Yep KEKW [00:45:54.880] swissminion_06: yepblobb [00:45:54.966] Slim_Cheney: yes] [00:45:55.066] waternow64: yes [00:45:55.563] darkstar_j_: yup [00:45:55.827] ThisLettuce: yep [00:45:55.852] tretb00t: you did [00:45:55.989] Bohnalex: yes [00:45:56.133] aupshaw_: KEKW [00:45:56.145] treedreamin: lol [00:45:56.186] palouche_omg: yes [00:45:56.386] mr_ajokortti_korkort: yes [00:45:56.548] P3R3_: yes [00:45:56.659] trolface1997: yep [00:45:56.688] majhal01: He's gonna have to be a girl even longer to pay for them [00:45:57.546] codergoth: yes [00:45:57.552] Ramxey_: yesssss [00:45:57.696] masters_in_wumbology: About 3 quid? [00:45:58.156] postrach24: yes [00:45:58.314] ninja_mewmew: mmmhmmm [00:45:58.426] cloudline18: yep [00:45:59.166] SuperMinox: yes [00:45:59.203] GenericGamer2016: yes [00:45:59.394] DeadSnowmandude: yes [00:45:59.501] leontiusv: yep [00:46:00.109] heyim_jj: yes [00:46:00.295] xpearlheart: yup [00:46:00.412] the_mist_demon: yes [00:46:00.817] jrtcjrtc: yeah [00:46:02.673] SiriusToxin: Do they cost more in the UK? They aren’t insane here in usa on Amazon. [00:46:03.612] helpimbleedin: yes [00:46:03.855] castermadness: yeah [00:46:04.967] nieunnn: yes [00:46:05.556] tr1s9157: yep [00:46:06.243] ketchuplvr8888: check out the Drozd Blackbird bb gun [00:46:06.587] daniel14112002: based of my brothers arsenal he probably spent like 2.5 to 3k [00:46:06.656] lyncesca: novritsch sells overpriced, rebranded Modify rifles [00:46:07.347] jvlivs777: bruv 😅😅😅 [00:46:08.007] nubian_sith_lord: yes LUL [00:46:08.552] sens1tiv: @marlo1324 fyi: he's just cross-dressing for the lolz/money. but he doesn't mind if you call him any pronouns. if it's girl month, he goes by the name of Rose [00:46:08.567] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Mmm [00:46:09.455] bluj40: they are literally that [00:46:09.500] brightheartwrites: LOLLLLLL [00:46:10.337] ninja_mewmew: hehehehe [00:46:11.035] RxCheckerTD: roughly, yes [00:46:11.384] aupshaw_: LUL [00:46:11.707] tony2310d: It’s a doll [00:46:12.649] lun_xe: loool [00:46:12.807] braddle172: PogChamp [00:46:13.077] Naltyr_: KEKW 󠀀 [00:46:13.472] VeRt3xGD: vibrates lol [00:46:13.584] ergh1241: vibrates [00:46:14.606] ergh1241: lolol [00:46:14.963] HangryPlatypusE: hahahahaha [00:46:15.895] ergh1241: hahah [00:46:15.903] srvdp: KEKW [00:46:16.142] Weskopad: hahaha LUL [00:46:17.588] officialminerman: damn [00:46:18.369] LawAbidingCitizen: vibrates hehehe [00:46:18.683] h_r_buff_n_stuff: So an adult toy that vibrates? [00:46:18.958] Megatjgaming_: that is a painful time lmao [00:46:22.068] Ramxey_: What is the most adult toy you own? [00:46:22.708] AceProjectX: My god this channel is sarcastic [00:46:23.069] mimi_rose_: omg 😂 [00:46:23.650] ergh1241: you do that on purpose [00:46:23.902] tretb00t: Uhhhh, dang that AK... would like one like that... missing in my collection [00:46:24.019] AceProjectX: lol [00:46:24.939] Honeth: go rob a bank? [00:46:25.211] yepblobb: U only have to be brave enough… [00:46:25.399] sypher_dragon02: ak O,clock [00:46:27.907] jvlivs777: imagine the screen were black and listen to this :)) [00:46:27.949] yougotmail_TV: oh? [00:46:28.015] PixelatedMoreno: to loud for the bedroom??? KEKW [00:46:28.313] Jes05per05: Jes05per05 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:46:28.497] f3mmbot jes05per05 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:46:28.560] Tari_Diachi: Sex, drugs & guns. [00:46:28.736] Kaymon81: you borrowed meowrizas adult toys AND put it between your legs? :) [00:46:29.324] mr_ajokortti_korkort: vibrating adult toys, nice [00:46:29.695] aunalbrutal: That movement tho XD [00:46:30.801] TheRainbowSlime: damn [00:46:30.856] braddle172: LUL [00:46:30.994] aAndrew3030: The longest? [00:46:31.664] 6Foot3Inches: vibrator :D [00:46:31.671] SaintPeggin: where the knives finn you are a brit [00:46:31.788] Emmy64_: Not very private tho [00:46:33.641] ninja_mewmew: hahahaha [00:46:34.483] Naltyr_: cohhMy [00:46:35.200] Weskopad: I'm crying LUL [00:46:35.955] marginax1: jajaja [00:46:36.544] yougotmail_TV: i join to gunshots sorry what [00:46:36.731] nubivagabond: blind people straight up in shock rn [00:46:37.638] ash3we: “This adult toy vibrates” [00:46:38.066] xpearlheart: nice [00:46:40.766] macarous: ummmm [00:46:40.982] LaMale411: kaceyHEH [00:46:42.572] henerylechaffeur: vibrating and too loud huh [00:46:42.808] nemesis0142: Airsoft guns aren't badly priced, Paintball guns are vastly Overpriced, UK Deactivated Firearms are Vastly Overpriced but a Real Firearm sold are usually very fairly priced [00:46:43.229] QuinnyBoy22: please lick it for us [00:46:43.528] mblackscar: Your favorite cuz it vibrates lol [00:46:44.952] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity [00:46:45.352] RxCheckerTD: prob have more fun with a paintball gun with a hopper [00:46:46.135] officialminerman: lol [00:46:46.870] vanimal2118: Real ones run about $1K-$2K each. [00:46:49.464] jvlivs777: yesss [00:46:50.337] doogaan19: is it real I mean the titts [00:46:51.366] VioletPXL: Thats a good thumbnail with the ak LUL [00:46:52.783] SaintPeggin: HE HAS ANOTHER KNIFE [00:46:54.764] swissminion_06: the sock OMEGALUL [00:46:55.732] sens1tiv: them thighs..... [00:46:57.421] tony2310d: It’s the Ross doll and her accessories [00:47:00.465] Jens_LN: Now he's going to get the hard rod ? [00:47:00.860] parasite420lick: it's a vibrator [00:47:01.105] brightheartwrites: Definitely not discrete enough for daily use or carrying [00:47:01.437] user293719461: uhm what pronouns do they use? [00:47:03.081] ergh1241: omfg [00:47:03.167] Megatjgaming_: you shouldn't dry fire them too much, it will damage the springs [00:47:04.385] officialminerman: nope haha [00:47:06.384] sssquashy: adult toys - "it vibrates" XD [00:47:06.450] helpimbleedin: them legs [00:47:06.794] josiewinters: jesus she's cute [00:47:08.413] DaNepz: them thighs thoo [00:47:09.628] LaMale411: he`s got a knife kaceyScare [00:47:12.343] aupshaw_: !pronouns [00:47:12.646] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [00:47:16.468] tony2310d: No shoes? [00:47:16.981] facefetish: fit check [00:47:17.182] odjdnfn: 1 [00:47:18.386] officialminerman: k [00:47:18.837] sabre_smith: Wow spending spree--a real girls trip [00:47:19.641] ch33ky017_plays: Lol [00:47:20.363] alexx_net: What does the gremlin have stuck under her door? [00:47:20.570] officialminerman: kk [00:47:21.764] officialminerman: kkk [00:47:22.045] call_girl: *pulls knives out of his skirt* [00:47:23.963] SaintPeggin: hey, nice co- knife.. [00:47:24.033] LoadSmasher: bullshit [00:47:26.520] reapersofcorn: let me guess spyderco [00:47:26.752] ergh1241: it has a nice hole in it... [00:47:29.424] TheStarGamer1238: Bannana [00:47:30.384] viniolie: Is that a spyderco? [00:47:33.990] tony2310d: Shoes ? [00:47:37.082] jvlivs777: thats a cool lookin knifey :)) [00:47:41.016] SiriusToxin: LUL [00:47:42.760] ghost_of_gerster_: ok what are you wearing this time [00:47:43.033] ch33ky017_plays: Casually pulls a knife out [00:47:43.479] gurchy: gorl zoom [00:47:44.566] officialminerman: Y [00:47:44.685] brightheartwrites: f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck [00:47:46.845] facefetish: hot [00:47:49.861] jvlivs777: yooo,the *closeup* 😱 [00:47:50.425] h_r_buff_n_stuff: That is pretty [00:47:51.217] SaintPeggin: im well jealous [00:47:54.134] Globalnuclear: Globalnuclear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Finn, do you realize that once it will be easier to learn girl voice, than explain to people that you are not a girl? Also you have kind eyes and mischievous smile, both beautiful. Like demon and angel in same person. Love you, Princess. [00:47:54.366] f3mmbot globalnuclear has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:47:55.324] Cazenn: Poawh. That's a looker of a knife [00:47:55.574] helpimbleedin: hot [00:47:56.700] spartan_501st: spartan_501st is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:47:56.893] f3mmbot spartan_501st has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:47:57.839] spartan_501st: spartan_501st gifted a Tier 1 sub to synnful_tiger! [00:47:57.843] spartan_501st: spartan_501st gifted a Tier 1 sub to xxkillshotxx420! [00:47:57.857] spartan_501st: spartan_501st gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mimmuka! [00:47:57.918] spartan_501st: spartan_501st gifted a Tier 1 sub to mario_mikschovsky! [00:47:58.136] spartan_501st: spartan_501st gifted a Tier 1 sub to kaedit! [00:48:01.265] antispirai: wait [00:48:01.514] MajorAllSham: woot [00:48:05.117] ipaliyollo: Love flytanium handles [00:48:07.410] jvlivs777: its pretty 😍, your knife :)) [00:48:08.415] MajorAllSham: nfenPOGSLIDE nfenPOGSLIDE nfenPOGSLIDE nfenPOGSLIDE [00:48:11.584] antispirai: why are you dressed like a girl [00:48:12.246] themindscrambler: @thestargamer1238 it's what you call the thing I'm not supposed to have... [00:48:13.074] Raddog315: lol [00:48:13.256] SiriusToxin: No one is looking at the knife rose, just face lol [00:48:15.667] xxkillshotxx420: @spartan_501st thank u for the sub [00:48:16.451] LaMale411: Did you get a bayonet for the long guns? kaceyThink [00:48:16.768] ergh1241: he has a point here x:D [00:48:18.481] call_girl: Tight 😳 [00:48:20.677] GreyWinterWraith: wholesome seanvrLove [00:48:22.496] johnmKANE: Like butter [00:48:23.243] macarous: true [00:48:24.396] Peeramide: flytanium makes awsome handles for that balisong you have [00:48:24.705] qmaster112: qmaster112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Are you planning on donating your hair once you go back to short hair? [00:48:24.896] f3mmbot qmaster112 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:48:25.409] 1kking: TIGHT [00:48:26.250] aunalbrutal: When the F will you get the nails done?? [00:48:26.742] aupshaw_: reeeeeeeeee [00:48:27.694] Gontzlol: kinda want a paramilitary 3 [00:48:27.848] 7g_official: Rose you're soo hawt Kreygasm [00:48:29.266] beelzl01: wow I just entered, why is this a showcase of his knives? [00:48:29.623] mr_ajokortti_korkort: battle princess [00:48:32.489] jvlivs777: the most beautiful person 🤟 [00:48:34.285] swissminion_06: princess Kreygasm [00:48:34.391] aryanjitjassal: helloooo! [00:48:37.808] SaintPeggin: why do people make a big deal about girl voice and becoming girl i have see dudes rocking dresses [00:48:39.974] Amberrrish: @antispirai m o n e y [00:48:41.451] rammel42: monkaS title [00:48:43.064] Ramxey_: he likes princess now [00:48:44.715] meganleith666: @beelzl01 you didnt get to see the showcase of his new airsoft guns [00:48:44.832] lun_xe: nooo [00:48:46.283] GreyWinterWraith: keep long hair seanvrSlam [00:48:47.193] saiga9: Pog [00:48:49.133] gurchy: long hair forever [00:48:49.991] ThomasPotterYt: Do you have a guide on how to start crossdressing? [00:48:50.909] saiga9: never short hair again LUL [00:48:53.610] Helen_Croft: Never short [00:48:54.289] jvlivs777: short hair poggers :)) [00:48:54.310] Tari_Diachi: Dye hair 1st then cut hair! [00:48:54.476] 1AspenSilver1: egg [00:48:54.582] yepblobb: Fincess [00:48:55.442] sypher_dragon02: shank the shit out of your hair [00:48:55.844] avoidingzombies: hes never looking back.. [00:48:57.317] Jens_LN: Long hair males is cool too [00:48:57.811] ssechul: what happened to the council. I haven't watched the stream for a while [00:48:58.255] Vetras92: egg [00:48:58.655] burgess_shale: LONG [00:48:59.608] meganleith666: your hair is longer than mine so like keep it KEKW [00:48:59.789] jeetmaster07: long [00:49:00.686] SuperMinox: your long hair looks great [00:49:01.377] Zomira1: long hair [00:49:01.574] aupshaw_: egg [00:49:01.842] GenericGamer2016: Long is better [00:49:01.974] Stoorma: LONG HAIR [00:49:03.009] anjeronett: That's such a cute fit [00:49:03.594] swissminion_06: long hair = more options POGGERS [00:49:03.619] Honeth: F1nn let's be honest here Short hair makes live easier [00:49:04.389] rammel42: karen haircut next? [00:49:04.634] darknessjoined: long hair best hair [00:49:04.636] 1briek23: long [00:49:04.657] Megatjgaming_: we want bald fin! [00:49:04.698] saiga9: you are beautiful in long hair stfu KEKW [00:49:04.767] alex_dennis: long [00:49:05.885] LaMale411: LIES LIES kaceyScare [00:49:06.265] Stovamor: @ssechul, we're still here [00:49:06.981] mr_ajokortti_korkort: long hair the best [00:49:07.517] SaintPeggin: @ThomasPotterYt i could help if u want [00:49:07.867] cosmothespacedoggo: WE DID CHAT [00:49:07.985] xpearlheart: Any knife suggestions for first nicish knife? [00:49:08.048] TheRainbowSlime: long hair [00:49:08.072] FairlyThinEyebrows: Yep [00:49:08.508] HangryPlatypusE: nope [00:49:08.582] GreyWinterWraith: lies, Finn looks great with long hair seanvrLove [00:49:09.206] heyim_jj: I like your long hair [00:49:09.561] gloom_slayer: short???? [00:49:10.468] Ramxey_: get hair like Tracer [00:49:10.787] ch33ky017_plays: LONG HAIR [00:49:14.041] Kingich1: long hair better [00:49:14.267] Notarobotinspace: tno [00:49:14.886] Helen_Croft: Fake news [00:49:15.073] ceiestia_ludenberg: This length i think [00:49:15.368] random_muffin_: yes [00:49:15.894] jvlivs777: BOTH BETTER 🤟🤟 [00:49:16.431] burgess_shale: LONG HAIR [00:49:16.515] Asator_91: always long hair [00:49:18.126] metoen: you can always revert to wigs [00:49:18.323] SiriusToxin: Very pretty [00:49:19.102] colgaware: medium length hair to compromise [00:49:20.498] Emmy64_: Tomboy gang TriHard [00:49:21.290] Bekonakin: Go bald [00:49:21.660] burrit0supreme: egg [00:49:22.112] TheStarGamer1238: Do you want a bob to go with your bobs [00:49:25.111] empm4ts: you would look good bald [00:49:25.882] LaMale411: egg [00:49:25.885] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:49:26.422] 7g_official: Will you auction off your hair once you cut it off? [00:49:26.723] h_r_buff_n_stuff: You look hott as a girl with short hair [00:49:26.808] cosmothespacedoggo: WE MADE CHAT [00:49:27.049] ergh1241: wtf [00:49:27.097] W0lfenG8s: egg [00:49:27.320] c__r__j: Long hair in either mode! [00:49:27.887] Bbistheman21: so long hair [00:49:27.949] meganleith666: i havent seen male finn in a long time KEKW [00:49:28.312] idkmight: Long hair all the way baby [00:49:28.980] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [00:49:29.587] Marco_Choy: long hair is still very good for mainly man [00:49:29.762] josua_themen: egg [00:49:30.574] avoidingzombies: omg [00:49:30.618] castermadness: I LIKE MY GUYS [00:49:30.642] gloom_slayer: ok that makes sense [00:49:31.092] HotlineCrybaby: LOL [00:49:31.776] 6Foot3Inches: you look better with long hair as a guy TBH [00:49:31.838] aupshaw_: hm [00:49:31.993] LTZSuburban: I'd kill to have your hair right now! lol [00:49:32.154] ThisLettuce: LUL [00:49:32.235] codergoth: LUL [00:49:32.313] chaneiro2003: Nope long 100% your opinion wrong [00:49:32.590] sypher_dragon02: why dont u cut a bit shorter then what it is now [00:49:33.185] castermadness: OMG [00:49:33.370] ergh1241: I like when my guys xD [00:49:33.822] PixelatedMoreno: Kappa [00:49:35.145] Jens_LN: Finn likes his men with short hair ? [00:49:35.197] burgess_shale: SEXIST [00:49:35.231] Weifs: LUL [00:49:35.345] yewon19: Long hair makes the man [00:49:35.352] aupshaw_: LUL [00:49:35.416] Ramxey_: based [00:49:35.701] itslucydammit: LUL [00:49:35.930] MichiiPls: Ah yes... [00:49:35.990] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Just sayin [00:49:36.230] castermadness: LMAO [00:49:36.873] jack_prangle: f1nn5tEmbarrassed f1nn5tEmbarrassed f1nn5tEmbarrassed [00:49:36.970] 1briek23: watch out she has a gun [00:49:37.186] brightheartwrites: I think your natural hair is at a really nice length rn. [00:49:37.407] optimax71: be disabled in Sett [00:49:38.815] gurchy: "I like my guys with short hair" [00:49:39.290] henerylechaffeur: lol [00:49:39.583] cyberchri07: can I buy you a tactical spere [00:49:39.615] Chev427BB: egg AND based, nice [00:49:40.580] GreyWinterWraith: @c__r__j hard agree seanvrCheerA [00:49:40.882] knalli666: 1911 is best [00:49:41.630] call_girl: A little bit feminine [00:49:41.977] ninpnin: lmao [00:49:42.550] Raddog315: Rock the long hair, it suits you in both modes [00:49:43.818] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:49:44.367] optimax71: egg [00:49:44.868] anjeronett: Sussy comment ngl [00:49:44.879] illiiillliiiiiiiii: connor6FrogDance [00:49:45.551] josua_themen: you almost sound Australian [00:49:46.926] RegaCaska: super jelly of the dress! MUST COPY! [00:49:47.159] random_muffin_: I feel like shoulder length hair would look great on you [00:49:47.218] castermadness: EGG CONFIRMED [00:49:47.250] DaidGhost17: lol [00:49:47.649] sens1tiv: *** I beg to differ [00:49:47.689] ssechul: @f1nn5ter the makeup tutorial look was kinda fire ngl though [00:49:48.942] bluj40: worst accent ive ever heard [00:49:49.320] 7g_official: LUL [00:49:49.420] treedreamin: with two months left in the year, I can't help but think........rose calendar when? [00:49:50.700] MegaMiley: Egg :) [00:49:51.009] ipaliyollo: Go manbun [00:49:51.419] Tari_Diachi: Ew, TOXIC CIS [00:49:51.569] josua_themen: egg [00:49:51.576] yepblobb: Clip it [00:49:51.686] Lucridis: They took ma jubbb [00:49:52.647] yougotmail_TV: what the fuck is going on LMAO [00:49:52.894] RedKaos26: sarueiGun [00:49:53.012] el_mckell: No short hair until you take HRT so you can still look feminine with the short hair [00:49:53.911] limeequine: Longer hair suits you better in boy mode and girl mode [00:49:54.366] unkleredd: Whats up with all these sexy ass men? Its an OUTRAGE [00:49:55.463] jvlivs777: you the best :)) [00:49:55.732] plaindtaste: Helloo [00:49:56.014] DaidGhost17: EGG [00:49:57.342] ednil_: egg [00:49:57.539] epic123222: Doing the republican rap [00:49:58.203] alexjk2004: i like when finn is rose and rose is rose [00:49:58.234] sabre_smith: "thur" lmao [00:49:58.754] Jens_LN: can you put a wig on a gun ? [00:49:58.891] miko_hizuki: i feel so disrespectful for opening ur stream and looking at ur chest [00:49:58.898] cyberchri07: can I buy you a tactical speer [00:49:59.773] resurgenceguild: I like it when women are women and men are femboy bottoms [00:49:59.787] zyhrensong: found your stream not long after I started dressing like a girl as well. you at cute, I m from America by the way [00:50:00.784] facefetish: f1nn5tCancelled [00:50:01.004] mynameisjeff1234545: you look great finn!! [00:50:01.754] Stoorma: @F1NN5TER Dude... "old fashioned" Men had long hair too... [00:50:04.022] cosmothespacedoggo: WE DID IT CHAT LUL [00:50:04.372] castermadness: lmao "i like my guys " [00:50:05.786] DaidGhost17: egg 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 [00:50:09.295] zyhrensong: huge fan [00:50:14.594] Amberrrish: @DaidGhost17 get outta here [00:50:16.166] SaintPeggin: my friend simps for u hellp [00:50:16.873] josua_themen: 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 [00:50:18.547] raanmiirtah: hannahxxJorts hannahxxJorts hannahxxJorts [00:50:18.834] LanternPrime: Hi all [00:50:20.291] LaMale411: You missed the change to get a bayonet kaceySip [00:50:20.531] ninja_mewmew: lol [00:50:23.937] meganleith666: @SaintPeggin well we all do [00:50:25.331] facefetish: TTours [00:50:25.476] avoidingzombies: omg [00:50:25.662] idkmight: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:50:27.049] lun_xe: lol [00:50:27.484] castermadness: that hair flick [00:50:28.047] Amoyamoyamoya: Risk the ban [00:50:29.429] HangryPlatypusE: my guess is not a girl [00:50:29.636] optimax71: yep [00:50:29.796] jvlivs777: 😊😊😊 [00:50:30.192] Helen_Croft: 69 [00:50:31.681] Pelvicks: INSANELY 69 INCHES [00:50:32.365] TheNoobMLG: TheNoobMLG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! femboy hair most go high on ebay. also 16 months looking at a pair of cracked eggs [00:50:32.564] f3mmbot thenoobmlg has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:50:32.611] newt3k: loooooooooooool [00:50:33.195] Amberrrish: @josua_themen go back to reddit [00:50:33.659] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter I love the 50’s look about time you had a go at it! [00:50:34.890] Honeth: F1nn insanely tall? [00:50:36.314] facefetish: 6'2 [00:50:36.841] thanatoscar: 4 11 [00:50:37.639] gurchy: 69? nice [00:50:38.858] Stoorma: You're 5' 6" [00:50:39.240] LaMale411: 4,8 [00:50:40.323] h_r_buff_n_stuff: 5 foot 9 and a half [00:50:40.380] Jens_LN: tall for a girl, sure [00:50:40.576] RedKaos26: 🌔 [00:50:40.626] Bekonakin: Sheeesh [00:50:42.174] ergh1241: yeah you are [00:50:44.286] yewon19: 3 foot [00:50:45.192] aupshaw_: 4’11 [00:50:45.605] reapersofcorn: huh ho [00:50:46.341] brightheartwrites: If beard month comes around, can we see you in a man bun? I am SO here for a man bun f1nn5tEmbarrassed f1nn5tLezgang [00:50:48.198] cosmothespacedoggo: Finn is 5 3 [00:50:48.805] Cazenn: Sure bud. [00:50:49.540] SaintPeggin: jesus your tall af!!! [00:50:49.808] deadstroker_: f1nn5tMakeupcheck [00:50:51.872] 1AspenSilver1: 5 6 [00:50:52.173] Bekonakin: 69’420 [00:50:52.734] luminalbody268: !points [00:50:53.172] sypher_dragon02: tall af [00:50:53.806] anjeronett: Snooty princess vibes. [00:50:54.247] bluj40: you literally measured yourself on stream [00:50:55.074] denden12332: you and your guns [00:50:57.459] mynameisjeff1234545: 5ft 6 lmao [00:51:01.052] danmannen: 6,9 [00:51:01.953] y0rk5h1r3: Slipped up on the height there [00:51:02.428] Megatjgaming_: what brand is that AK? [00:51:03.171] vanimal2118: Fake News [00:51:03.372] issorkera: hey @F1NN5TER are you a fan of swords or large blades? [00:51:04.365] na1eph: 5'9 AT BEST [00:51:04.647] jvlivs777: finnter 69 foot tall [00:51:12.741] rabman1a: 5 8 [00:51:17.186] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Wearing heels [00:51:18.250] deadstroker_: f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck [00:51:18.323] ssechul: marui [00:51:18.540] call_girl: We all know that you’re 7‘2 [00:51:19.730] avoidingzombies: TM <3 [00:51:19.847] holotron: Tokyo Mauri [00:51:20.366] burgess_shale: 5 9 [00:51:21.191] zyhrensong: 6'2 [00:51:25.057] Megatjgaming_: oooooooo sick [00:51:25.729] epic123222: MA roo eee [00:51:26.625] henerylechaffeur: TM is love [00:51:27.172] reapersofcorn: okay jude sure [00:51:29.049] Slim_Cheney: ma-row ee [00:51:29.247] ergh1241: no [00:51:29.406] P3R3_: muhrooee [00:51:29.469] OmsX8O: 5 9 [00:51:30.460] lyncesca: finn is very very tall [00:51:30.684] SiriusToxin: I met rose once, 6”5 confirmed. [00:51:30.710] piplupplayz: piplupplayz subscribed with Prime. [00:51:30.894] f3mmbot piplupplayz has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang piplupplayz f1nn5tLezgang [00:51:32.506] thetuaschtee: marui [00:51:32.841] M1lkTW: tokyo marui [00:51:32.938] lyncesca: ;) [00:51:34.827] businessman94: M A R U I [00:51:35.379] na1eph: MA YOUU REE [00:51:37.993] jvlivs777: plup :)) [00:51:38.289] whynot3392: Tokyo Mauri is a quality company [00:51:39.887] burgess_shale: FIVE NINE [00:51:40.066] al_italictea: Hey how can I be a good streamer bc I’m tryna be a full time streamer and I need some tips plz [00:51:40.628] xiaokui0987: SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:51:41.326] avoidingzombies: MUH-RU-EE [00:51:41.419] DeadSnowmandude: mare" [00:51:42.132] na1eph: MA ROO EE [00:51:44.386] LanternPrime: zekeFISTgif [00:51:45.072] total_acidity: You're closer to 5'6" than you are to 6'5" [00:51:45.121] Emmy64_: "mewri" [00:51:45.889] ergh1241: It is not silent R [00:51:47.374] Kyinnit: Marui [00:51:49.654] treedreamin: "mah-roo-ee" [00:51:49.840] kamselus: Hi finn [00:51:53.414] lyncesca: she/her please [00:51:53.702] DagiLajki: Did Mr salesman ask you for an autograph ? [00:51:55.271] reilo47: The brummy accent strikes again [00:51:55.888] dawson010107: bro I have a monkey and he used my sniper perfectly [00:51:55.940] plaindtaste: Wait what did I miss? He gonna go to the states? [00:51:57.074] L0veRaven: I want that dress 😭😭😭 [00:52:00.006] swissminion_06: "meow" [00:52:00.726] reapersofcorn: "£_¥cc Karl [00:52:00.767] Amberrrish: MEOW?????? [00:52:01.594] ergh1241: MA RRRRR UI [00:52:05.003] artificial_ruby: Ma Ru I [00:52:05.223] Raddog315: Just own the 5'9 and say you are 69.420 inches tall [00:52:05.581] shoji_kamad: hi hi [00:52:05.859] josua_themen: do you know elton John [00:52:06.235] iTz_Galvanize: tokyo meowriza [00:52:08.537] gurchy: pronouns are meow/purr [00:52:09.697] Stovamor: According to my spies, Rose is 69 inches tall [00:52:09.919] yewon19: Do u play air soft or just have the guns for fun? [00:52:10.776] d1ml1tzzz: d1ml1tzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! missed the past few streams glad i could join this one ;p [00:52:10.960] f3mmbot d1ml1tzzz has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:52:11.294] zyhrensong: meowwie [00:52:11.518] M1lkTW: there's an extension for pronouns to see people's pronouns ! [00:52:12.137] dasussie21: cat ears [00:52:12.526] alexjk2004: hot stuttering rose [00:52:15.144] danmannen: he/girl [00:52:18.181] cactus_god567: Beans [00:52:19.048] ergh1241: MARUE [00:52:22.338] jvlivs777: yesss [00:52:22.527] Kyinnit: Tokyo Marui D.O.R hi-capa is a good gun, look into it! [00:52:24.533] brightheartwrites: @m [00:52:26.688] burgess_shale: 69 inches [00:52:27.060] codergoth: cap [00:52:29.696] themindscrambler: Say "Meow" again @f1nn5ter [00:52:30.526] epic123222: @danmannen E/gir [00:52:31.312] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 69'' is quite tall for a girl [00:52:31.398] gloom_slayer: 5'9" [00:52:31.875] Amoyamoyamoya: "Very tall" but how tall is she? [00:52:33.179] josua_themen: this is f1nn after listening listening to bhad babi so feminine [00:52:33.179] a_simp101: i feel like i shouldn't be here [00:52:34.975] aAndrew3030: great, were back to the hight bs [00:52:38.624] michelle_innitt: you not hot your sexy [00:52:39.171] Amoyamoyamoya: Gaslighting. [00:52:39.289] Falkon1241: can you say Nyaa? [00:52:39.733] codergoth: cap you protest too much [00:52:39.804] ryodarikun: uwu [00:52:40.923] SiriusToxin: I’m 6’2 and I feel short in usa lol [00:52:44.394] Jens_LN: no, riza has metric on her passport [00:52:49.933] Elifighter: then meowriza shrunk [00:52:51.922] c__r__j: Why would Riza have a non-metric height on her passport, eh? [00:52:53.125] kamselus: f1nn5tPegChamp ... [00:52:53.748] ninpnin: shit units on a german passport?? [00:52:54.496] nicktheminecraftgod: I can hear your saliva crackling [00:52:54.696] ergh1241: long legs make the hight [00:52:54.999] TheKnopex: there are no freedom units on a german passport [00:52:58.865] ergh1241: hegiht* [00:52:59.220] 6Foot3Inches: do a meow and a paw [00:52:59.701] XxdarkheartlockxX: pogu from philza :))) [00:53:02.471] 1AspenSilver1: @F1NN5TER When do we got our favourite Riza on stream [00:53:03.262] dawson010107: I'm like 3:3 [00:53:07.224] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [00:53:07.813] reapersofcorn: Karl is my name my best friends are lennie and homer im half Icelandic and friends with judes nudes [00:53:08.231] akumunotfound: Hello [00:53:08.706] Azizo: @F1NN5TER are those real boobies OpieOP ? [00:53:10.043] Bekonakin: Stand up so we can guess [00:53:10.142] d1ml1tzzz: @c__r__j for the lolz [00:53:10.672] michelle_innitt: your sMeXy [00:53:11.644] elric_toivonen: Cute dress [00:53:14.353] Jens_LN: how many cm is she ? [00:53:16.341] plaindtaste: Did I miss anything exciting yet? [00:53:19.939] virtualhedonism: feet? [00:53:19.958] SuperMinox: I don't think you know how to convert cm to inches :P [00:53:23.461] chucklemesilly: Here from Philza stream [00:53:24.433] HangryPlatypusE: I'm 6'5" you know not what you wish for nothing fits you you hit your head on shit and it sucks [00:53:25.874] itsacaf: PogO [00:53:25.889] danmannen: alr boys i know were here just to watch our fav streamer, but remember its november. [00:53:26.988] FairlyThinEyebrows: ew [00:53:27.081] ninja_mewmew: hahahahaha [00:53:27.442] krzyzewskiman: Yeah I bet FInn likes feet [00:53:27.520] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:53:27.700] macarous: #girlboss [00:53:28.068] 1AspenSilver1: Same [00:53:28.941] ryodarikun: KEKW [00:53:29.070] ergh1241: hahah [00:53:29.797] TheKnopex: you don't convert from metric to freedom units you do it the other way round [00:53:30.032] TheStarGamer1238: icky [00:53:30.054] edgar_ayer: KEKW [00:53:30.605] epic123222: xDD [00:53:31.120] Jens_LN: the white stuff [00:53:31.128] ergh1241: hahahaha [00:53:31.831] NeutralFall: cursed [00:53:32.186] Cazenn: KEKW [00:53:32.245] swissminion_06: she doesnt cuz she uses the better measuring unit [00:53:32.631] ThisLettuce: BRUH [00:53:33.103] illiiillliiiiiiiii: PogO [00:53:33.859] DeadSnowmandude: ...... [00:53:33.934] macarous: ummm [00:53:34.080] the_mist_demon: unsHAHA [00:53:34.115] businessman94: @F1NN5TER So you like feet? [00:53:34.248] itslucydammit: LUL [00:53:34.258] adavoj: same [00:53:34.955] 6Foot3Inches: DAMN [00:53:36.336] henerylechaffeur: bruh [00:53:38.239] OskarYeet: @HangryPlatypusE bruh im 6'10 [00:53:38.446] LoadSmasher: nice! [00:53:39.002] GreyWinterWraith: wanna lick that grundle? LUL [00:53:39.100] cyberchri07: wtf [00:53:39.507] msjealousy: you struggling ? [00:53:40.670] itsacaf: LULW GOOD ONE [00:53:40.854] treedreamin: "I understand feet", lmao [00:53:40.943] call_girl: Same [00:53:41.530] SiriusToxin: The dang gooch bruh [00:53:43.055] megaroot: bruh [00:53:43.202] castermadness: WTF KEKW [00:53:44.035] HyperJATA: gorgcDespair [00:53:44.320] 1AspenSilver1: KEWK [00:53:44.362] ninja_mewmew: <~~~crying [00:53:44.495] josua_themen: wow f1nn more feminine than drake [00:53:44.759] EldolasMS: xD [00:53:45.091] jvlivs777: bruv 😅 [00:53:45.584] aAndrew3030: the bussy [00:53:45.938] brightheartwrites: f1nn5tLaff f1nn5tLaff f1nn5tLaff [00:53:48.201] alexjk2004: damn rose you stutter like a hot femboy [00:53:48.957] hannah1eva: oh damn cute dress [00:53:49.172] XxdarkheartlockxX: W H E E Z E [00:53:49.253] DagiLajki: May I ask did you ask Rose for an autograph @lyncesca ? [00:53:50.313] burgess_shale: NOBODY DONO ? [00:53:51.383] reapersofcorn: mass effect mass effect [00:53:52.777] zanctification: foot comprehender [00:53:53.060] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Feet pics??? [00:53:55.868] jvlivs777: xqcTree [00:53:58.618] lyncesca: it didn't occur to me [00:53:59.409] Theinnocentbuda: nice floor sock [00:54:02.517] macarous: shoot your shot ig [00:54:02.764] RedKaos26: KEKW [00:54:04.078] GreyWinterWraith: BRUH [00:54:04.291] njcatra: LMAO [00:54:04.362] secret_assassino: im cold so im wearing a coat but im eating ice cream [00:54:05.299] artificial_ruby: LOL [00:54:05.477] virtualhedonism: KEKW [00:54:05.569] megaroot: LUL [00:54:05.854] Dasai_toki: KEKW [00:54:05.930] sypher_dragon02: HA [00:54:06.439] y0rk5h1r3: KEKW [00:54:06.858] ergh1241: pfff [00:54:07.066] Jens_LN: wasn't there a song by weird al yankowich called "the white stuff" ? [00:54:07.084] subterfudgeandstrategery: lol [00:54:08.361] nopotatovisible: KEKE [00:54:08.832] lyncesca: i also figured that they wanted to be incognito [00:54:08.937] panzerquacken: lol [00:54:09.149] cyberchri07: nice [00:54:09.196] sotoboxios: workout stream ? [00:54:09.435] zanctification: oop [00:54:11.527] the_mist_demon: tnvConfetti louiseyPanic dadiDance unsHAHA [00:54:11.548] VioletPXL: LUL [00:54:11.773] subterfudgeandstrategery: ad [00:54:12.096] nopotatovisible: KEKW [00:54:13.193] lyncesca: so i didn't bother them too much [00:54:13.254] artificial_ruby: its a P320 [00:54:13.882] Raddog315: smdh [00:54:14.086] wednesday404: lol [00:54:14.147] krzyzewskiman: G U N S A F E T Y [00:54:14.442] henerylechaffeur: oops [00:54:14.920] ThisLettuce: LUL [00:54:15.053] MasterPo999: The weapon is always loaded. Even when it's not. [00:54:15.077] thecuxspm: 5'10" = 178cm [00:54:16.032] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [00:54:16.392] gloom_slayer: ha ha ha 😆😆😂 [00:54:16.513] VioletPXL: dat face [00:54:17.183] jvlivs777: omg 😅😅😅 [00:54:17.337] dawson010107: I'm like 3'3 i consider my self of being tall [00:54:17.400] Elifighter: finger offfthe trigger [00:54:17.794] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:54:18.313] macarous: SAFETY [00:54:18.354] RedKaos26: Thank god it is not real KEKW [00:54:18.707] Ramxey_: the gun farted in your face [00:54:18.804] c__r__j: Accidental discharge for NNN? [00:54:19.383] thetuaschtee: gun safetyy dude [00:54:21.529] cosmothespacedoggo: Imperial units is for people who can’t multiply or divide by factor of 10s 😂 [00:54:21.538] idkmight: almost took your head off [00:54:21.761] Emris_LIVE: L O L [00:54:22.342] mattlapistaken: this is why brits can't have guns [00:54:22.829] rabman1a: a real american [00:54:22.930] njcatra: This is why i always make mine are empty [00:54:23.259] codergoth: @MasterPo999 yup [00:54:23.394] sypher_dragon02: u just jumped 10 feet of your seet [00:54:23.468] 6Foot3Inches: scared by gas, yup you're a whamen [00:54:24.345] cu_lade: smooth... [00:54:24.417] Stovamor: THAT DOESN'T COUNT FOR THE PREDICTION, CHAT [00:54:24.448] ergh1241: sig m18 [00:54:25.919] Bekonakin: Nice gasss [00:54:28.798] adavoj: damn [00:54:30.429] zanctification: Stop! Drop! Shut em down open up shop! [00:54:30.642] carelesssong: Imagine gun safety, embrace gun safety lmao [00:54:31.686] reapersofcorn: Juuuuuddddee come on [00:54:31.852] Sindre623: LUL [00:54:32.313] Mystic_Spitfire: Yooo [00:54:32.496] Pelvicks: Pelvicks is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [00:54:32.698] f3mmbot pelvicks has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:54:33.135] rayantube: f1nn5tRun [00:54:33.229] epic123222: His weapon handling makes me scream!!! [00:54:33.287] Pelvicks: Pelvicks gifted a Tier 1 sub to laila1616! [00:54:33.350] Pelvicks: Pelvicks gifted a Tier 1 sub to mariacon80! [00:54:33.371] Pelvicks: Pelvicks gifted a Tier 1 sub to gwadamalla! [00:54:33.501] Pelvicks: Pelvicks gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dwall557! [00:54:33.710] Pelvicks: Pelvicks gifted a Tier 1 sub to CavemanAZ! [00:54:34.817] inawolft: hi qt [00:54:34.913] alexx_net: ALWAYS treat EVERY gun as if it is loaded! [00:54:35.011] Emris_LIVE: AVERAGE FEMBOY WITH A GUN [00:54:36.425] trolface1997: sure [00:54:37.800] bluj40: you have the opportunity to accurately refer to yourself as 69 inches and you reject it [00:54:37.818] plaindtaste: Are you able to own blank firing guns in England? [00:54:38.558] md15185o: now we know the face rose makes while passing gas [00:54:39.756] easy_living_1: This is why the British don’t deserve real guns [00:54:40.062] XxdarkheartlockxX: ph1lPump [00:54:41.532] Stovamor: @Mystic_Spitfire, heya Mystic [00:54:41.972] gloom_slayer: false [00:54:42.236] y0rk5h1r3: Almost Alec Baldwined yourself [00:54:46.310] mariabee2617: f1nn5tSad f1nn5tSad f1nn5tSad f1nn5tSad f1nn5tSad [00:54:47.626] zanctification: @Emris_LIVE True [00:54:48.208] LoadSmasher: you’re a gun safety nightmare [00:54:50.114] Starwars2009: Green Gas? [00:54:52.133] Mystic_Spitfire: @bluj40 yooo blu! [00:54:52.754] cyberchri07: I'm 1m88cm [00:54:55.812] inawolft: sup ma dude you looking cute af Cheer6 Cheer9 [00:54:55.930] Yaikes_: 5'10 is 1.77m [00:54:56.959] M1lkTW: F1nn what was your first airsoft gun? [00:54:59.241] artificial_ruby: Just don't aim it at yourself [00:55:01.337] HangryPlatypusE: you sure you werent wearing heels [00:55:01.503] Mystic_Spitfire: @stovamor yooo [00:55:01.892] bluj40: hiya mys o/ [00:55:02.513] danmannen: d [00:55:03.226] zanctification: trickshot [00:55:03.508] HELIKAON_: still less than the average LUL [00:55:03.778] sypher_dragon02: ur gonna end up shooting your self [00:55:04.112] psycho_nasty2283: Fin holding a gun = ultimate fantasy [00:55:04.127] scifiluvr2001: Which is why you should always practice good gun safety. [00:55:05.330] DanielIsDank: Load one [00:55:12.076] rayantube: this is reall ?!! [00:55:12.450] k3n3m: @f1nn5ter what’s the sub goal for you to get breast implants? [00:55:16.751] reapersofcorn: how are you male if your names jude 🧐🧐🧐 [00:55:18.663] zanctification: Kappa [00:55:23.043] diamonderpster: diamonderpster subscribed with Prime. [00:55:23.244] f3mmbot diamonderpster has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang diamonderpster f1nn5tLezgang [00:55:24.887] jvlivs777: i see [00:55:25.034] nemesis0142: Damn we almost had an Alec Baldwin moment, (Always Check the Chamber) [00:55:25.569] dawson010107: nah nah you kill your self with gas from a gun [00:55:29.540] ednil_: i'm 6'6 and its a nightmare passing [00:55:29.568] cyberchri07: Kreygasm [00:55:35.671] c__r__j: @k3n3m $300,000 equivalent. Forget it. [00:55:37.118] Kolateak_: Too many laws [00:55:37.730] hazMatt42069: what a lovely young lady, I wonder what her voice sounds like [00:55:39.203] XxdarkheartlockxX: Daddy's got a gun ;) /j [00:55:42.165] ergh1241: these are sport pistols [00:55:44.426] zanctification: a nerd gun [00:55:45.334] josua_themen: stay safe [00:55:46.344] gurchy: LOL 69 that's the funny number [00:55:48.663] greendevil1971: howdy there [00:55:50.197] jvlivs777: ouh yeahh,i heard about it before :)) pistol rifle [00:55:53.362] whynot3392: technically you can have a flintlock pistol [00:55:56.330] artificial_ruby: GBB are expensive though [00:55:57.296] themindscrambler: @k3n3m why would you want him to stay one size? [00:55:57.598] pingoo213: What size bobs would you recommend, I’m 6ft and a 40 in bra I’m very broad [00:56:03.067] reapersofcorn: PRINGLES [00:56:04.373] artificial_ruby: in the long run though [00:56:10.449] spoconapatolinka: siemka [00:56:14.768] jvlivs777: go dono yall [00:56:14.771] Pelvicks: KEKW [00:56:19.650] cyberchri07: 😅 [00:56:20.623] saint_r: yes [00:56:20.942] sotoboxios: workout workout workout [00:56:21.175] edgar_ayer: spitting facts [00:56:21.560] Tari_Diachi: Yeah. [00:56:22.105] LTZSuburban: Thank fuck you did that. I've always been to afraid of overloading my mag lol [00:56:22.704] panzerquacken: no [00:56:23.413] josua_themen: no [00:56:24.200] Lucridis: Yes [00:56:24.386] trolface1997: yes [00:56:24.529] metoen: yea [00:56:24.735] burgess_shale: DONO DONO [00:56:25.564] XxdarkheartlockxX: ph1lBruh [00:56:26.697] DeadSnowmandude: no [00:56:26.713] macarous: relax dono [00:56:27.429] cyberchri07: noooo [00:56:28.323] sabre_smith: lmao [00:56:28.961] jjfrob: yes [00:56:29.020] ScrubLord247: have you seen the tokyo marui vorpal bunny? @F1NN5TER [00:56:29.675] aAndrew3030: yes, you said you cant [00:56:29.695] d1ml1tzzz: smh my head [00:56:30.824] Emris_LIVE: noooo [00:56:30.928] josua_themen: n o [00:56:32.731] idkmight: they want the girl month [00:56:33.474] Steakilicious: oh no [00:56:33.647] ergh1241: beard down there ? [00:56:34.511] Helen_Croft: the patchy beard [00:56:35.060] h_r_buff_n_stuff: only 25% left with half a month left [00:56:35.704] therrrims: KEKW [00:56:35.714] Skullph7: why that gun so big [00:56:35.972] DeadSnowmandude: noooo [00:56:36.350] Noyomi: oh [00:56:36.689] 1AspenSilver1: nooooo [00:56:37.970] HangryPlatypusE: ahahahahahahahahaha [00:56:41.635] DvrkOnYT: FINN I LOVE U [00:56:42.009] Emris_LIVE: smh [00:56:43.044] Megatjgaming_: what's your opinion on Lancer Tactical? I'm planning on getting M4 soon [00:56:43.233] castermadness: SEX [00:56:44.258] GreyWinterWraith: what [00:56:44.273] Pelvicks: I gotta get my sex [00:56:44.516] megaroot: sex? [00:56:44.868] castermadness: OMG [00:56:45.102] blue_7119: No [00:56:45.784] DDiscoChin: that's what happens with hrt bucko [00:56:46.122] castermadness: GAGAGA [00:56:46.387] jvlivs777: xqcI [00:56:46.683] Tari_Diachi: Sexination. [00:56:46.786] Pelvicks: LOL [00:56:47.634] lun_xe: sex [00:56:47.840] Emris_LIVE: seggs [00:56:47.875] 보라색리나 (rinaiko): what are your eyelashes called [00:56:49.211] Senevri: freudian slip [00:56:49.679] claeris0107: how long have you been growing your hair out for? [00:56:50.547] the_mist_demon: SEX [00:56:51.115] castermadness: HAHSHA [00:56:51.403] epic123222: sex and vaccination [00:56:53.356] FirstDragonborn: slipped [00:56:53.457] GreyWinterWraith: Rose gotta get her sex? LUL [00:56:53.762] castermadness: LMAO [00:56:53.946] Elifighter: so we were right and you cant grow beard [00:56:54.192] palouche_omg: your sex and vaj? [00:56:54.533] VioletPXL: Yeah Germany [00:56:54.560] the_mist_demon: LMAO [00:56:54.647] colgaware: bit of a Freudian slip [00:56:55.301] call_girl: Sex? [00:56:55.557] Raddog315: "Gotta get my sex" [00:56:55.802] alexx_net: Yes, you told us about your "beard", (and it went as expected.) [00:56:57.077] cyberchri07: by anal [00:56:57.285] SuperMinox: wtf [00:56:57.380] castermadness: KEKW [00:56:57.597] zenscared: sexinaccination [00:56:57.724] Jens_LN: he wants his sex, it works [00:56:58.754] MikeWillStream: gotta go to germany to get my sex hmmmm [00:56:58.777] treedreamin: lmao dying [00:56:58.856] aunalbrutal: sex-n-vacination XD [00:56:58.949] Emmy64_: Sex what f1nn5tLaff [00:56:59.427] zanctification: sexination gang lets go [00:56:59.625] call_girl: Kreygasm [00:56:59.920] Pelvicks: Best combo [00:57:00.787] bluj40: sounds like the plot of a porn [00:57:01.909] Darculla: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:57:02.542] idkmight: sex and vaccination huh [00:57:03.265] GenericGamer2016: HUH????? [00:57:04.346] cdloser69: sexual transmited vaccine~~ [00:57:05.758] alexjk2004: sexond vaccination lmao [00:57:07.103] Tari_Diachi: Demonizing? You are a succubus. [00:57:10.967] ergh1241: I'mma give you a shot [00:57:12.868] mattlapistaken: wow finn anti vaxx confirmed [00:57:14.647] jandraelune: @pingoo213 what feels right, just experiment [00:57:17.742] Jon_Roos: WutFace uk healthcare [00:57:18.968] holotron: sex'n'vac is that a new drive through? LUL [00:57:20.056] zanctification: tent sexination [00:57:23.170] Megatjgaming_: congrats [00:57:24.602] Stovamor: I get my 3rd shot this weekend. Booster time, baby [00:57:24.661] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:57:25.239] XxdarkheartlockxX: ph1lMgun get the fucking Vax ph1lMgun [00:57:25.724] ninja_mewmew: O_OP [00:57:26.507] jvlivs777: wha... [00:57:26.579] treedreamin: yeah, that sounds super sketch [00:57:28.232] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [00:57:28.699] meganleith666: finn- [00:57:28.913] TheStarGamer1238: cheer100 did you use to feel like a boy, I am sorry, you will feel better once you admit your girl aptitude Corgo100 [00:57:29.387] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:57:31.192] gurchy: are you sure that was a vaccine you had [00:57:31.542] Emmy64_: LUL [00:57:31.583] alexx_net: Book your next vaccine, and SET an alarm in your phone. [00:57:32.474] HyperJATA: gorgcBald [00:57:32.644] OmsX8O: KEKW [00:57:32.848] therrrims: monkaW [00:57:32.920] macarous: ??? fam [00:57:33.141] saint_r: that was heroin not the vax LUL [00:57:34.116] ImReubss: hello [00:57:34.186] h_r_buff_n_stuff: WTF? [00:57:35.242] ninja_mewmew: omgahhhh [00:57:35.563] SeiReiJoku: monkaS [00:57:35.581] 1AspenSilver1: ????? [00:57:36.000] bluj40: you get a card in america [00:57:36.427] LittleChaSiu: just getting on now, what did I miss KEKW [00:57:37.969] xboxcriminal71: Fin boy is your hair that long or no [00:57:38.210] mattlapistaken: "arm" [00:57:39.606] meganleith666: finn are you sure you got a vaccination and not heroin KEKW [00:57:39.723] elric_toivonen: How many weeks has it been? [00:57:40.019] 1AspenSilver1: YOU GET A CARD [00:57:40.225] y0rk5h1r3: Was it really just crack [00:57:40.909] businessman94: Wait, you had covid, right? You should be ok. [00:57:41.474] Helen_Croft: NHS app ? [00:57:42.025] call_girl: Drugs [00:57:42.100] zanctification: sounds like a good idea [00:57:42.684] Pelvicks: HOTEST HOUR: Fin Starts a new trend Sex and vaccination [00:57:42.868] ardenmaulana: Does At UK Still Lockdown? [00:57:42.963] Senevri: plot twist: It twasn't the waccine [00:57:43.557] jvlivs777: yeahh,hope everythin is fine :)) [00:57:43.864] josua_themen: what is about the beard ? [00:57:44.349] sabre_smith: I got a card from the NHS [00:57:44.394] Mystic_Spitfire: @bluj40 yep [00:57:44.842] kyenoman: hello [00:57:45.630] Its_Bock: Its_Bock subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! Me when bruh [00:57:45.824] f3mmbot its_bock has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:57:47.204] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, femboys with guns [00:57:47.584] Dimonercheck: maybe it were drugs [00:57:49.221] Marco_Choy: you sure it was vaccine ? [00:57:50.300] Jon_Roos: BasedGod [00:57:51.328] cdloser69: pretty sure you're supposed to get a paper that says you were vaccinated that's weird [00:57:51.963] cu_lade: was it actually covid vax? [00:57:52.912] Ramxey_: they turned you more fem [00:57:53.392] ninpnin: Don't worry you have the microchip now [00:57:55.066] Cazenn: You didn't get a little blue card? @F1NN5TER [00:57:55.096] doktorquien: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [00:57:55.309] Jens_LN: there should be a digital site for the vaccination [00:57:55.596] sypher_dragon02: got engected with the sex virus [00:57:57.544] zanctification: got injected with the femboy juice [00:57:57.598] XxdarkheartlockxX: ph1lSUS [00:57:57.942] heavymetalyetiguy: was definitely not HRT [00:57:58.057] tr1s9157: u live in London? [00:57:59.184] jeanabdel18: You're now a proud heroine addict [00:58:01.645] josua_themen: I want to hear the beard story ? [00:58:01.742] Tari_Diachi: Rare @Mystic_Spitfire sighting :O [00:58:01.919] boagrius090: First one is always free. [00:58:02.928] RxCheckerTD: -_- [00:58:03.026] soepsoepsoep: anti vaxxers kinda cringe tbh [00:58:03.601] jvlivs777: and blockage the road 😅😅 [00:58:03.618] packagum: chair has a lazy eye [00:58:04.412] nemesis0142: Horse Tranqualizers [00:58:06.431] Kolateak_: Anti vaxx march or an anti mandate march, very very very different [00:58:06.970] Chloeeee: It's one of your subs incognito giving you estrogen [00:58:08.216] monsterlinee: my dad was probably there [00:58:08.311] archangelmick: what about your medical records ? [00:58:11.271] y0rk5h1r3: Did you see Insulate Britain? [00:58:12.910] OmsX8O: @tr1s9157, no, he just visited last weekend [00:58:14.210] Raddog315: Sketchy alleyway vaccination? [00:58:15.688] Chev427BB: plot twist: You actually got a 5G chip [00:58:17.491] Code_Nicovald: i am having chest pain because of my 1st vaccine last week [00:58:17.640] iTz_Galvanize: did they look american? [00:58:17.693] treedreamin: damn, that sounds super unprofessional. [00:58:18.641] jvlivs777: lips bite :)) [00:58:18.782] wulfy_hun: u can check it on the nhs website [00:58:25.667] Kaymon81: not blond but still a dum dum ^^ [00:58:27.158] Tytaanis: Very cringe [00:58:28.736] alexjk2004: your chair is missing an eye rose [00:58:33.809] RedKaos26: monkaW [00:58:33.998] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:58:35.162] Bassplayinghobo: gun safety is hot af [00:58:40.964] josua_themen: maybe they gave you estrogen in the vaccine [00:58:42.513] 57ranma: ROSE IS THE ONLY ONE AMERICANS RECOGNIZE AS QUEEN [00:58:45.938] Jens_LN: Chair eyes has fallen down [00:58:47.136] Tari_Diachi: Ah yes, cutting hair with bullets. The American Dream. [00:58:49.324] jaaahhnnn: GUN FINN hasGun hasGun hasGun hasGun [00:58:50.369] ergh1241: Can you have your hair in a knot once ? [00:58:50.745] slyster12: Let me see how cute u look stand up [00:58:50.858] tretb00t: already shoot an eye out on the chair? [00:58:55.581] itsaFluffi: You make me happy [00:58:56.208] cyberchri07: next stream dress as a waifu [00:58:56.985] diamonderpster: how do you donate [00:58:58.831] longdog77: ello [00:58:59.238] jvlivs777: xqcLook xqcLook xqcM xqcL [00:59:01.257] treedreamin: also, 8 weeks!? wtf, it was 28 days between my moderna mRNA shots? [00:59:03.848] macarous: noooooo [00:59:07.653] bluj40: dont hurt the chair jerk [00:59:09.841] alexx_net: Was it a covid vaccine or a vaccine against testosterone? [00:59:15.258] martudushka: what's Finn's astrological sign? is he Aries? [00:59:15.278] Helen_Croft: other eye is on the head pillow @F1NN5TER [00:59:18.106] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Stop hurting chair [00:59:22.476] mr_ajokortti_korkort: poor chair [00:59:25.407] sypher_dragon02: no no not the chair [00:59:28.805] zenscared: #justiceforchair [00:59:29.029] XxdarkheartlockxX: ph1lAmazeShake ph1lAmazeShake ph1lAmazeShake [00:59:29.197] Kolateak_: Testosterone vaccine? Where do I get that [00:59:31.017] cyberchri07: next stream dress up as a waifu [00:59:31.093] MikeWillStream: just realised you match the chair [00:59:32.100] jvlivs777: hmmm i see xqcLook xqcEZ [00:59:34.251] idkmight: stop the chair abuse [00:59:34.587] henerylechaffeur: #chairlivesmatter [00:59:34.628] cu_lade: chairy survives [00:59:34.941] Jens_LN: !uptime [00:59:35.029] archangelmick: medical [00:59:35.215] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 59m 45s [00:59:35.632] plaindtaste: Eye hanging low and all [00:59:36.383] Megatjgaming_: you took off one chairs eyes!!! you monster! [00:59:37.555] treedreamin: chair looks drunk now [00:59:39.536] Stovamor: uh huh [00:59:40.428] Notarobotinspace: Notarobotinspace subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Pretty femboy is worth the money [00:59:40.715] f3mmbot notarobotinspace has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:59:41.027] wulfy_hun: @treedreamin it's 8 weeks with AstraZeneca [00:59:42.065] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW CANT DO IT [00:59:43.985] kyenoman: how many times do you shave? [00:59:45.734] meganleith666: @martudushka taurus [00:59:47.659] deathwatchii: deathwatchii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:59:47.841] f3mmbot deathwatchii has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:59:48.868] Atrice: im doing mine atm [00:59:49.176] rabman1a: shout out to Christina Aguilera [00:59:49.724] Stovamor: LUL [00:59:50.695] Jens_LN: no nut november ? [00:59:51.074] treedreamin: down syndrome chair [00:59:52.624] moonynic: !donate [00:59:53.607] archangelmick: records [00:59:53.915] jandraelune: @alexjk2004 it's there, it slipped down [00:59:54.293] iTz_Galvanize: no "shave" november [00:59:54.584] Tytaanis: Menoxidil pog [00:59:56.133] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW LLLLLLL [00:59:58.011] d1ml1tzzz: you mean movember? [01:00:01.997] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:00:02.156] Skullph7: fin has taught me things about myself I never wanted to know [01:00:03.686] masters_in_wumbology: Someone just gave him a estrogen shot lol [01:00:04.945] sabre_smith: Who is surprised? Not a single soul [01:00:05.041] GenericGamer2016: I'm shocked [01:00:05.431] sypher_dragon02: NNN [01:00:06.868] diamonderpster: !donate [01:00:07.158] y0rk5h1r3: Break a deal, face the wheel! [01:00:07.508] xboxcriminal71: @f1nn5ter is your hair that long or no and also I found from some minecraft video and also nice get up [01:00:07.723] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [01:00:08.966] itsaFluffi: no shave November?? 👀 [01:00:12.760] roxanneyougirl: helloooooooo [01:00:12.794] chickencrisper_: 😂😂 [01:00:14.856] cyberchri07: you made me lose no nut November [01:00:15.861] itsaFluffi: what about nnn?? [01:00:17.028] cosmothespacedoggo: Because you have no T kek [01:00:19.632] Megatjgaming_: what about no nut November? [01:00:20.074] sky_moo: CoolCat GlitchCat CoolCat GlitchCat [01:00:23.068] idkmight: get that hair lazer [01:00:23.212] thanatoscar: we told you LUL [01:00:25.209] LTZSuburban: Wish I was that lucky. If you've watched Evan Almighty .... That is my fucking facial hair right now! [01:00:30.462] plaindtaste: Did you watch idubbz filthyfrank and max back in the day? [01:00:31.395] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. F1nn has low beard-ability. [01:00:31.761] longdog77: non stop no nut November [01:00:33.537] jvlivs777: I survived NNN cuz of you 🤟🤟 [01:00:33.596] Tari_Diachi: *Crack* [01:00:34.017] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Femboy with facial hair owo [01:00:37.744] Stovamor: I think I speak for most of chat when I say "I am Jack's complete lack of surprise" @F1NN5TER [01:00:41.070] nemesis0142: Stop waving Knives, you almost made yourself a girl last time and gave chat a xmas present lol [01:00:42.413] josua_themen: so are you bi sexual ? [01:00:43.476] GreyWinterWraith: growing as a person, fucking legendary seanvrDab [01:00:47.502] Jens_LN: bearded lady ? [01:00:48.900] Kolateak_: OwO [01:00:49.686] alexx_net: @Kolateak_ I think it's called Cyproterone acetate. [01:00:52.212] treedreamin: no shave November for femboys means growing out the bush..... [01:00:57.598] jvlivs777: well thats cool :)) [01:00:58.971] n00dle101: no shave november? yeh,,, ive not been clean shaved for 10 years >< [01:01:00.945] Eff0r4: Eff0r4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! 18 months. Pog. only 3 more months until the baby turns 1. [01:01:01.035] lievachan2: UwU [01:01:01.148] f3mmbot eff0r4 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:01:01.494] artificial_ruby: I mean, it does really help seeing people who are cis dress how they want. [01:01:05.414] ergh1241: Like Drake brand [01:01:05.705] GreyWinterWraith: omfg it's real LUL [01:01:06.415] BillNyeTheR0B0RussianSpy: @treedreamin even better [01:01:08.123] jvlivs777: soo cute 😊 [01:01:09.401] rayisboredyt: First stream been watching u on YouTube [01:01:10.203] diamonderpster: !donate [01:01:12.721] josua_themen: what is the beard story ? [01:01:13.192] ergh1241: October's very own [01:01:16.320] howryoubecauseiamapotato: i just joined and hear "it's called the owo" [01:01:17.102] denden12332: your so cute today [01:01:17.335] SuperMinox: fury convention center? [01:01:18.604] zenscared: "The OwO residence" [01:01:20.234] itsaFluffi: You should live there [01:01:24.358] itsallbeendone: stream from OWO Hotel?!? [01:01:27.868] holotron: holotron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! where's the glock at [01:01:28.072] f3mmbot holotron has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:01:28.633] king0fpink: @xxdarkheartlockxx -_- [01:01:29.951] ch33ky017_plays: Have u ever just done a minecraft stream?? [01:01:35.107] reapersofcorn: what happend to VR STREAMS??? [01:01:38.661] plaindtaste: OwO on THE OLDEST ANARCHY SERVER IN MINECRAFT [01:01:39.127] ThisLettuce: isnt gm general motors LUL [01:01:43.693] Pelvicks: Make a Mini-Banana Goal for more DONO [01:01:46.371] ThisLettuce: we taking over their brand [01:01:46.560] Bekonakin: What about a moustache? CoolStoryBob [01:01:46.607] GreyWinterWraith: it was great seanvrCheerA [01:01:49.329] puglord960: i have got to go to school so bye and thanks [01:01:52.701] Jens_LN: how many would get a femboy vaccination ? :D [01:01:54.401] yourea_wizardharry__: I'm gay now [01:01:55.648] ergh1241: go get it [01:01:55.701] cdloser69: yes pls [01:01:56.077] imvitchio: first time on this stream and really confused, I like it [01:01:56.339] n00dle101: !discord [01:01:56.612] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:01:56.699] SuperMinox: yes [01:01:58.167] ergh1241: get it [01:01:58.622] nemesis0142: No VR Streams cos of a Spider [01:01:59.268] unopenedcookies: !uptime [01:01:59.552] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 2m 10s [01:02:01.094] deadlysin1995: Resident Evil IX: Pastel edition [01:02:02.413] king0fpink: get it [01:02:02.753] sypher_dragon02: get it [01:02:03.707] Basti14999: Yes! [01:02:04.689] ergh1241: get it please [01:02:05.570] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:02:09.207] trolface1997: get it [01:02:11.313] TunnelRatXIII: The OWO, a 125-room flagship for Raffles Hotels & Resorts at the iconic Old War Office building (hence the name). [01:02:12.693] TheStarGamer1238: I watched the minecraft generator stream [01:02:14.351] janfaber83: janfaber83 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! Go you Manly Man 11 months its been A fun time so far. [01:02:14.535] f3mmbot janfaber83 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [01:02:14.809] Kolateak_: Lemon cello? [01:02:15.876] BillNyeTheR0B0RussianSpy: I lost no nut November because of you 😭 [01:02:17.335] jedihamster_: @F1NN5TER how hard do you shave to not have stubble? [01:02:17.521] OmsX8O: @ch33ky017_plays, he's in MCC All Stars and has streamed MCC and MCU in the past, also MC stream with potasticP [01:02:18.474] PixelatedMoreno: you got it?/?? [01:02:18.953] king0fpink: GET IT [01:02:24.163] archangelmick: where is the Ballet costume ? [01:02:27.122] sabre_smith: My grandfather's favorite drink! [01:02:28.398] SaltyOutcome: ahHHH IT'S a MAN!? \ [01:02:29.125] plaindtaste: Wait just read the title, very very based title indeed [01:02:29.275] cdloser69: show pls [01:02:30.719] Jens_LN: it's just a tunic [01:02:32.442] c__r__j: Also without the beard [01:02:34.792] TheRainbowSlime: @BillNyeTheR0B0RussianSpy hmmmmm [01:02:34.972] king0fpink: Show pls [01:02:36.462] MikeWillStream: holy that's a lot of tabs [01:02:36.578] jvlivs777: romanly manly thing :)) [01:02:37.613] optimax71: tunic [01:02:38.187] Raddog315: Manly man dress [01:02:40.389] rabman1a: how can you have soo many tabs [01:02:41.131] Cazenn: KEKW [01:02:45.949] PixelatedMoreno: Limoncello is the best bleedPurple POGGERS [01:02:46.634] Amoyamoyamoya: Muscular body armore: Nothing underneath because...no muscles. [01:02:47.729] Tytaanis: Drink stream with Lemoncello?? [01:02:48.660] Jens_LN: medieval tunic [01:02:51.708] cu_lade: facial hair and all [01:02:55.755] king0fpink: SO MANY TABS [01:02:56.004] SaltyOutcome: I just got trapped by this stream [01:02:58.230] panzerquacken: wow [01:03:00.045] ergh1241: are you lookiing for a flat ? [01:03:01.252] deadlysin1995: So another phase lol [01:03:01.378] deepbluehh07: deepbluehh07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:03:01.559] f3mmbot deepbluehh07 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:03:05.416] OmsX8O: !gender [01:03:05.505] Ramxey_: hairy legs too [01:03:05.680] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:03:06.448] Kolateak_: "Facial hair" [01:03:06.893] zenscared: secret femboy walks with man dress in london [01:03:07.676] treedreamin: living that toga life [01:03:07.981] burgess_shale: NAILS SCUFFED ? [01:03:09.510] deadlysin1995: What a chad [01:03:13.983] TunnelRatXIII: And no one could tell [01:03:16.420] cdloser69: it actually does [01:03:18.324] Notarobotinspace: it does [01:03:19.370] alicedeathbelle: Hey what shoe size are you in EU? I wanna get you some cute shoes that aren’t just uncomfortable heels ShowLove10 [01:03:19.423] sabre_smith: Scruffy femboy [01:03:19.790] DeadSnowmandude: yup [01:03:20.436] saiga9: its because you wash your skin after shaving [01:03:21.626] Ancient_Tome_: it does [01:03:22.260] reapersofcorn: nyanners now streaming gtg [01:03:23.317] jvlivs777: yeahh felt smooth 🤟 [01:03:23.541] king0fpink: it does [01:03:24.397] hollowcrystal: opposite for me [01:03:24.947] dirtuwu: shaving exfoliates [01:03:24.955] lyncesca: god you make me so jealous finn [01:03:26.406] Stovamor: So do you want to concede on the bet about the beard now @F1NN5TER before even starting? [01:03:27.451] Jens_LN: my skin is better when i don't shave [01:03:31.389] Raddog315: He grew one single facial hair [01:03:32.373] waternow64: shaving regularly makes your skin less oily iirc [01:03:33.764] Kolateak_: I still refuse to believe f1nn can grow facial hair, I haven't even seen the tiniest peach fuzz on him [01:03:33.901] y0rk5h1r3: Were you strutting around Soho? [01:03:35.142] duckubusklomp: oh yh it makes my skin feel great [01:03:42.451] OmsX8O: @burgess_shale, yeah :( still not redone the nails :( [01:03:43.223] Bruceyboi13: shaving makes my face break out, irritation [01:03:43.355] bluj40: finn youre really supposed to wash your skin after shaving [01:03:43.531] Bekonakin: It makes your beard grow more [01:03:44.808] Elifighter: you absolute gremlin [01:03:45.322] king0fpink: if not why lol [01:03:49.779] treedreamin: shaving gets rid of some of the dead skin too [01:03:49.809] mickerd: is it weird im attracted to u? thell [01:03:52.553] Jens_LN: need pink ears [01:03:53.182] da1sy0_: TRY A MIDDLE PARTING !!!!! [01:03:54.689] alexx_net: Try the limoncello in the freezer. [01:03:55.266] mcmahon31619: !discord [01:03:55.314] neon_soup: I didn't think you were streaming and missed an hour NotLikeThis [01:03:55.442] svvicu: please just clean your room [01:03:55.554] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:03:55.863] sky_moo: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:03:56.437] HangryPlatypusE: bunny will do [01:03:56.718] nopotatovisible: KEKW [01:03:57.126] TheStarGamer1238: try your room [01:03:59.590] scarlett_cinnabar: You need pink and white cat ears [01:04:00.591] king0fpink: same @mickerd [01:04:01.799] burgess_shale: SORRY THIS OUTFIT IS A MESS [01:04:04.700] jvlivs777: yeahh, we'll fine em [01:04:08.701] artificial_ruby: Stop loosing stuf. [01:04:09.113] torrentialwave: Chair lost an eye [01:04:10.009] macarous: pls take care of your skin!! [01:04:12.888] mickerd: @king0fpink ngl im down bad even this month smh [01:04:13.397] da1sy0_: PART YOUR HAIR IN THE MIDDLE PLEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEE [01:04:15.465] CheixLIVE: still friends with skeppy? [01:04:15.997] the_mist_demon: matches your bra [01:04:16.158] wiggleton_the_wize: Hello [01:04:17.173] alexx_net: @da1sy0_ She doesn't like it. [01:04:21.831] Perry69420360: Hi Finn [01:04:22.772] cdloser69: bunny maid yes amazing idea [01:04:24.633] king0fpink: LUL [01:04:26.722] heavymetalyetiguy: it much better in the freezer, then pour it over ice cream [01:04:26.767] jvlivs777: yess 😱😱😱 [01:04:27.730] Tari_Diachi: A Hot Mess. [01:04:29.324] macarous: @ literally everyone in chat, skincare is great [01:04:30.689] SubliminalCorruption: Are there pics from your beard experiment? [01:04:31.340] treedreamin: bunny ears>cat ears [01:04:31.444] moonynic: youre doing ur best [01:04:32.244] cdloser69: it looks really good what are you on about [01:04:34.750] bubb1ejung1e: it's supposed to be super cold so freezer would be better [01:04:35.924] DarrenZeus: sheeeeeesh [01:04:36.834] lilyniamh: Hi I’m new what are ur pronouns [01:04:37.365] diamonderpster: how do i donate i cant figure it out [01:04:37.493] sabre_smith: Freezer is better for lemoncello--it should be so cold its syrupy, like gin [01:04:38.704] Jens_LN: the bra seems odd [01:04:42.005] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [01:04:42.526] svvicu: you need to tidy up so you can actually find stuff [01:04:43.831] mummafrost: mummafrost subscribed with Prime. [01:04:44.014] f3mmbot mummafrost has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mummafrost f1nn5tLezgang [01:04:45.629] Amoyamoyamoya: It's a very cute outfit. [01:04:45.673] king0fpink: you look cute even when messy [01:04:46.373] entity_tnt: what outfit is this? where would one get it [01:04:46.590] jvlivs777: Sheesh 🥶🥶🥶 [01:04:51.198] emma_saffi: Aah, every time I drop by the stream I just get reminded why It's nice to be Bi :) [01:04:51.550] onestupidpizza: hello there rose [01:04:51.755] nemesis0142: Someone buy the pink cat ears and send them to PO box, I can't find them [01:04:52.022] alexx_net: You're still a cute mess. [01:04:53.487] ergh1241: I need you to have your hair in a knot [01:04:53.692] whersdapudin: hey Finn I was wondering if I can show a video of me on Twitter in a made outfit [01:04:53.741] meganleith666: @entity_tnt pink maid dress [01:04:54.941] Amoyamoyamoya: You're OK too. [01:04:55.327] ergh1241: xD [01:04:58.967] neon_soup: mouldy jelly is best jelly LUL [01:05:01.407] Elifighter: yes [01:05:03.319] bluj40: a bunch of dead skin piles up after you shave you have to wash it off [01:05:03.321] rabman1a: yes [01:05:04.007] loganxd6__: hello [01:05:04.808] baylee_127: hello [01:05:06.032] alicedeathbelle: Don’t listen to chat, your dress is adorable [01:05:06.622] burgess_shale: CHANGE OUTFIT NOW [01:05:06.884] bubbewubbles: the bra is ruining it [01:05:07.734] XxdarkheartlockxX: pink is soft but red is more simp attracting [01:05:08.827] lilyniamh: !pronouns [01:05:09.109] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:05:13.212] scarlett_cinnabar: No offence, it's like a cheap costume that your mum buys you for a school play [01:05:14.868] Amoyamoyamoya: To attract the ladies with a manly scent. [01:05:16.049] plaindtaste: How tf dont you get razorburn [01:05:16.907] jvlivs777: BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 [01:05:17.372] Jens_LN: should oistorize [01:05:17.458] treedreamin: you don't need aftershave [01:05:19.090] baylee_127: you look great [01:05:19.241] king0fpink: !egg [01:05:19.284] packagum: i dont either but i dont shave [01:05:19.694] ninpnin: what is aftershave [01:05:20.108] PixelatedMoreno: always use aftershave [01:05:22.544] deadlysin1995: When in doubt get the same dress just a different color [01:05:24.412] jandraelune: @entity_tnt amazon [01:05:24.942] jvlivs777: xqcSlam [01:05:25.180] businessman94: Drinking beer is not considered moisturizing. [01:05:25.720] Jens_LN: moisturize even [01:05:26.762] dirtuwu: its not terrible [01:05:29.348] cdloser69: you need to moisturize your entire face every day bestie [01:05:29.720] treedreamin: it's just for sensitive skin [01:05:29.880] anjeronett: bro what [01:05:29.933] NUFC4life1979: hi @f1nn5ter I'm drinking a bottle of Newcastle brown ale while watching your stream 🙂 [01:05:36.709] entity_tnt: @meganleith666 Yes, but which one, there are many [01:05:37.312] orionn2525: Hey man how’s it been today [01:05:40.233] diamonderpster: !donate [01:05:41.579] neon_soup: Guinea pig noises [01:05:44.529] Notarobotinspace: kanoadaddyFacepalm kanoadaddyFacepalm kanoadaddyFacepalm kanoadaddyFacepalm kanoadaddyFacepalm kanoadaddyFacepalm kanoadaddyFacepalm [01:05:44.530] alfredo_afreeyo: I always use aftershave [01:05:46.266] amensgaming: I use witchhazel [01:05:51.314] onestupidpizza: GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ [01:05:53.654] whersdapudin: so I take it as no? 🤔 [01:05:58.156] Chloeeee: uh huh [01:06:02.816] macarous: mariza slacking [01:06:03.458] artificial_ruby: I gotta learn how to do make-up [01:06:04.425] Jholmes__: Hey mommy~ [01:06:05.457] XxdarkheartlockxX: !pronouns [01:06:05.724] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:06:06.009] trxstxn_exe: Hey it’s my first time here:] [01:06:08.553] alicedeathbelle: Mmm hmmm [01:06:12.606] GreyWinterWraith: pointed ignored, Stov LUL [01:06:14.126] nargarothx6: HELLO [01:06:14.129] Marco_Choy: "rose oil" [01:06:14.340] OmsX8O: !gender [01:06:14.629] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:06:14.827] jvlivs777: a you a sorcerer,cuz you taken my heart away 😞😞 [01:06:15.240] scarlett_cinnabar: You need a spa stream now after you exposed your bad skin care [01:06:15.402] Pelvicks: I KNEW IT [01:06:18.363] gamesforthemotherland: @f1nn5ter what is your work out routine? & the fr3ddi one? [01:06:20.414] Stovamor: @GreyWinterWraith, I know. Donowalled [01:06:20.461] Laress: rfeathAyaya [01:06:26.948] Jholmes__: quantWave quantLove [01:06:28.494] c__r__j: @Stovamor : Keep tightening that screw. [01:06:29.878] king0fpink: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [01:06:30.064] nargarothx6: YOU ARE REALLY LIKE A GIRL [01:06:31.061] Megatjgaming_: I prefer Rose juices ;) [01:06:32.705] nargarothx6: WOW [01:06:33.512] Chloeeee: you're very convincing falloutK [01:06:34.784] Jens_LN: F1nn, you need to treat Rose better ! [01:06:41.137] jvlivs777: xqcHug xqcHug xqcHug [01:06:47.860] mariabee2617: FINNNNNNNNNNNNNN [01:06:52.884] Castell_015: bruh [01:06:55.767] ergh1241: hahha [01:06:56.045] marshrover: f1nnchester [01:07:00.726] Amoyamoyamoya: All rounds and spent brass must be accounted for. [01:07:02.626] cu_lade: win chest err [01:07:02.987] billlllllll179: Prisons ?????? [01:07:03.846] ergh1241: I have ejected a round [01:07:04.200] king0fpink: mwk69 [01:07:04.285] Jholmes__: wayoftSmug [01:07:06.831] Tari_Diachi: I ejected something. [01:07:07.182] gergo__0: Omg your outfit is so coool [01:07:07.458] jvlivs777: seems cool lookin :)) [01:07:08.786] Bekonakin: Is that a sock on the ground? [01:07:11.145] treedreamin: getting all Annie Oakley up in this bitch [01:07:15.541] scarlett_cinnabar: pov you break into someone's house and see this, what do you do? [01:07:16.260] marshrover: F1NNCHE5TER [01:07:16.794] imvitchio: @f1nn5ter if we get the girl month goal every month you just keep doing this or nah, hoping you continue dead ass [01:07:17.344] gloom_slayer: The amount of tabs on your computer is terrible for your RAM. I can hear your computer begging for mercy all the way over here in America. :) Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:07:19.083] dirtuwu: Ashe from Overwatch Cosplay? [01:07:19.584] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Bend over please [01:07:20.016] nintendofiery1up: wait was finn in manchester? [01:07:20.096] Jens_LN: as opposed to ... not wearing it ? [01:07:20.955] gareppa: rotfl how many guns and knives do you have? [01:07:22.494] jvlivs777: Hot plsss 😱😱🥶 [01:07:24.881] Kolateak_: Already accomplished [01:07:25.186] SliderX: @marshrover lol that is actually the perfect name xD [01:07:25.642] Raddog315: No round ejections allowed, it's nnn [01:07:26.159] cosmina_15: what did I join into? [01:07:26.416] ergh1241: I went fully automatic with ejecting [01:07:26.871] Tari_Diachi: @dirtuwu Hey. [01:07:27.865] mansikkajasu: what the heck did i come to watch [01:07:28.914] c__r__j: How many of these guns are you going to be able to work when you have acrylic nails? [01:07:33.955] graemecrackers2: shoot my butt @F1NN5TER [01:07:35.190] ninja_mewmew: lol [01:07:36.045] onestupidpizza: GlitchCat [01:07:37.817] Jholmes__: Kreygasm [01:07:41.954] kwib_: american streammm [01:07:43.220] XavP8624: Imma head out, have work tomorrow , cya later you lovable lot! [01:07:45.510] RedKaos26: KKona Nice gun [01:07:45.568] jvlivs777: omyyy 😭😭😭😭😭 [01:07:47.555] bluj40: KKona [01:07:50.465] cuberjan3: KKona [01:07:50.488] milkmanz0: they're used to guns [01:07:50.924] uwubottomboi: i looked away for five seconds [01:07:52.249] avoidingzombies: omg >.< [01:07:52.542] zeroblackdeath: I'm more confused than a homeless man under arrest [01:07:52.627] HangryPlatypusE: only for us [01:07:53.313] FairlyThinEyebrows: KKona [01:07:54.658] ergh1241: ooh say can you see [01:07:55.958] iiLickSnails: oh lord im boutta buss [01:07:57.519] Jim34gtr: SeemsGood SeemsGood [01:07:58.577] baelphes: baelphes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! 7 months of lovelyness and simping [01:07:58.762] f3mmbot baelphes has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:08:00.692] jjfrob: that was the Canadian anthem [01:08:00.981] ninja_mewmew: ow [01:08:01.167] josua_themen: be safe [01:08:01.848] ergh1241: by the dawn's early light [01:08:04.328] zeroblackdeath: yes, I got that from dbz abridged [01:08:04.865] 2ezfishstick3000: OMG your american southern drawl is adorably british [01:08:05.071] Chloeeee: Sing the US National Anthem Kappa [01:08:05.236] lyncesca: don't try to spin it [01:08:05.526] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [01:08:05.959] macarous: ... [01:08:06.051] sakkeb1: trickshot POGGERS [01:08:06.960] darknessjoined: pog [01:08:07.222] Chachigo: Calamity Jane [01:08:07.458] OmsX8O: KEKW [01:08:07.537] GreyWinterWraith: 8/10 [01:08:07.615] HangryPlatypusE: not even close [01:08:08.168] lyncesca: you'll break your fingers [01:08:08.428] dermensch_lol: do one for the germans too [01:08:08.873] cdloser69: A for effort [01:08:08.891] jvlivs777: VoteYea SeemsGood [01:08:09.335] 1tangomango1: LUL [01:08:09.844] RxCheckerTD: thought we had an aversion to cring-ness lmao [01:08:10.264] LittleChaSiu: "this one's for the Americans" plays Canadian national anthem KEKW [01:08:10.510] imvitchio: How are you shaped better then most girls wtf [01:08:11.384] ArePea: Clap [01:08:12.086] zeroblackdeath: that was sick [01:08:13.917] graemecrackers2: 10/10 [01:08:13.992] cu_lade: sadish [01:08:14.854] zeroblackdeath: igaArrive [01:08:15.069] Jens_LN: @gloom_slayer I once tried to see how many tabs I could have open ... Microsoft Edge won with 500+ tabs [01:08:15.480] y0rk5h1r3: There was an attempt [01:08:16.074] sparrowhawk00: and I lost [01:08:16.640] zpfran: need the enlarged loop to not break your hand [01:08:17.321] nubian_sith_lord: LUL [01:08:18.658] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Google the Rifleman tv series [01:08:18.914] dirtuwu: as an american, making me fail NNN [01:08:19.771] gurchy: ok that's it I'm calling the cops [01:08:19.920] jvlivs777: 11/10 [01:08:20.017] ninja_mewmew: yo... if you had real bobs that would have hurt [01:08:20.166] heyim_jj: amazing [01:08:20.215] TunnelRatXIII: I might be American but my heart is in Thighland... [01:08:20.871] mariabee2617: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:08:22.363] Ramxey_: okay, you can come back to America [01:08:22.643] TheRainbowSlime: 9.99/10 [01:08:24.007] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, It's a good thing she's pretty etc etc [01:08:25.299] XxdarkheartlockxX: canadia 😭😭🤣🤣 [01:08:26.331] lordemporor: femboys with guns are so hot [01:08:28.454] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Hey that’s pretty good [01:08:32.699] gloom_slayer: Not bad. keep up the good work [01:08:32.780] Polarisnt: cheer10 as a canadian, that was the canadian anthem [01:08:34.463] jvlivs777: yoooo [01:08:34.920] onestupidpizza: offfff [01:08:35.489] FairlyThinEyebrows: Pog [01:08:35.745] LawAbidingCitizen: POGGERS [01:08:35.847] lyncesca: mfw [01:08:36.186] GreyWinterWraith: by the way, your dealer said you'll break your fingers LUL [01:08:36.628] Marco_Choy: pog [01:08:37.123] avoidingzombies: lol [01:08:37.547] ninja_mewmew: heeeeey [01:08:38.062] wiltmyflowers: yooooo [01:08:38.120] voig_: Pog [01:08:38.484] jvlivs777: clip ittt [01:08:38.874] artificial_ruby: I missed it [01:08:39.704] alfredo_afreeyo: A 6 [01:08:39.760] whos_help: oh god what have I walked into- [01:08:39.965] scarlett_cinnabar: 10/10 [01:08:39.979] artificial_ruby: ofcourse [01:08:40.274] lynxofstorms: YO [01:08:40.487] Cazenn: PogU [01:08:41.315] Slaygo33: as an American I approve f1nn5tMakeupcheck [01:08:41.448] gurchy: CAKE [01:08:42.498] akumunotfound: POG [01:08:42.692] RedKaos26: KKona Clap [01:08:42.770] skrankepave: lol [01:08:43.440] lyncesca: i guess i was wrong [01:08:44.060] ninja_mewmew: CLAP [01:08:45.317] the_mist_demon: unsHAHA [01:08:45.441] onestupidpizza: oooooooffffffffff [01:08:45.902] sypher_dragon02: DAMNNNN [01:08:45.917] xpearlheart: fuck missed it [01:08:46.257] jvlivs777: Clippp 😱😱🥶 [01:08:46.549] bunnyboy182: iconic [01:08:46.804] HangryPlatypusE: that was pretty close [01:08:46.980] cerberuscorpse97: OH [01:08:47.040] Emmy64_: CLAP [01:08:47.242] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: keep practicing... [01:08:47.639] plaindtaste: Terminator moment [01:08:47.960] TheRainbowSlime: damn! [01:08:48.496] MollymauI: That was pretty cool [01:08:49.051] cuberjan3: KKona Clap MY MAN [01:08:49.942] Tangent5969: CLIP [01:08:50.197] Megatjgaming_: poggers bois!!!! [01:08:51.811] moonynic: Clap [01:08:51.884] trolface1997: Clap [01:08:51.960] king0fpink: clippp [01:08:52.184] zeroblackdeath: in before streamer gets hit in face Kappa [01:08:52.246] jaaahhnnn: hasPOGGERS hasPOGGERS hasPOGGERS hasPOGGERS hasPOGGERS [01:08:52.254] mika123444: pog [01:08:52.326] Raddog315: lmao [01:08:52.400] 2ezfishstick3000: Clap Clap [01:08:52.557] Jens_LN: sorry, what were we supposed to clip ? [01:08:52.812] alfredo_afreeyo: Clap [01:08:54.810] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:08:55.052] mariabee2617: CLIP ITTTTTTTTT [01:08:55.243] lu_sagna: FFF I MISSED IT [01:08:55.437] macarous: that was a failure [01:08:55.725] Pictoris: nice [01:08:57.053] trules0225: I am trans and have learned all my makeup from you lol [01:08:57.797] jvlivs777: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:08:58.485] Megatjgaming_: clap clap [01:09:00.014] alfredo_afreeyo: POG [01:09:00.824] KingSkyttles_: Nice [01:09:02.856] ninja_mewmew: lol [01:09:04.024] jaaahhnnn: EZ [01:09:04.940] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: NICE [01:09:05.171] chaneiro2003: AMAZINGGGG ph1lLove ph1lLove [01:09:06.719] Tari_Diachi: So giddy. [01:09:07.039] anime_princess15: I love your streams❤️❤️❤️ [01:09:07.432] treedreamin: slomo cam needd [01:09:08.275] mariabee2617: POGCHAMP [01:09:08.297] neon_soup: happy feet [01:09:10.409] RedKaos26: Kreygasm [01:09:12.861] cu_lade: gonna be terminater-ing it soon enough [01:09:13.101] SerWestbrook: oh my god my mom just walked by and thought i was watching a prono, help me chat [01:09:13.328] jvlivs777: shit looking hot,i almost fail NNN [01:09:13.420] nubian_sith_lord: femboys withgu [01:09:15.683] Megatjgaming_: PogChamp PogChamp [01:09:15.847] artificial_ruby: Got safety shorts? [01:09:16.537] anjeronett: I look away for a second [01:09:17.938] sparrowhawk00: Finn making the Americans lose NNN [01:09:17.994] jeffydavy: PogCHAMP [01:09:20.297] onestupidpizza: rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart rynali1Heart [01:09:20.850] idkmight: a happy princess spotted [01:09:23.789] DagiLajki: Shoot with nozzle close to mic... [01:09:25.533] HangryPlatypusE: so close [01:09:27.088] jjfrob: I'm an American who has never even touched a firearm, yet I am strangely aroused... 😏😏😏 [01:09:27.480] wack0x: wear safety glasses! [01:09:27.795] shiny_mew2321: shiny_mew2321 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! Finn in a dress, with a gun, battlemaid type shit, looking good as usual. Best damn femboy to simp! [01:09:28.009] f3mmbot shiny_mew2321 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:09:28.365] cdloser69: one more time you can do it !! [01:09:31.653] Emmy64_: NotLikeThis LUL <3 <3 <3 [01:09:31.918] GreyWinterWraith: she's going to be practising this for hours LUL [01:09:34.639] jvlivs777: VoteYea SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood <3 [01:09:35.202] cyberchri07: do something hot for the Italian's [01:09:35.351] diamonderpster: !tip [01:09:35.828] graemecrackers2: dont alec anyone @F1NN5TER [01:09:36.354] PineapplePiza: drop incoming [01:09:36.730] gareppa: fidget spinner for rednecks [01:09:37.004] lordemporor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:09:38.367] Notarobotinspace: f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tMakeupcheck [01:09:38.409] ninja_mewmew: hyper cute lol [01:09:41.497] XxdarkheartlockxX: !donate [01:09:42.209] nubian_sith_lord: femboy with guns LUL [01:09:45.901] aunalbrutal: Dear god someone controll thid crazy girl :P [01:09:49.760] TheStarGamer1238: *** [01:09:52.825] hootie53: Need to watch an old TV show called Rifleman.. and see how Chuck Conner's does it [01:09:53.013] is1dy: hi everyone [01:09:54.582] Elifighter: @sparrowhawk00 naw finn dont know how to do it properly were here cringing [01:09:55.674] tenten: you're a real alec baldwin [01:09:55.942] jvlivs777: beautiful faces :)) [01:09:59.153] tinybikes1: Need heels!!! [01:10:01.369] Raddog315: The genuine excitement and joy [01:10:03.014] Jens_LN: LOL [01:10:03.146] davis_pelekais: what the fk, why is this the 1st thing i see when i come gere [01:10:04.040] GreyWinterWraith: fucking dumbass LUL [01:10:04.413] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [01:10:04.545] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Chicks get crazy with gunz [01:10:04.697] avoidingzombies: ow [01:10:04.986] hkngamix: bruh [01:10:05.177] davis_pelekais: here [01:10:05.551] RedKaos26: KEKW [01:10:05.645] MollymauI: LUL [01:10:05.789] Basti14999: F [01:10:05.898] nurodev: KEKW [01:10:06.367] packagum: ggg [01:10:07.178] 1tangomango1: LUL LUL [01:10:07.835] moonynic: KEKW [01:10:07.936] Raddog315: nevermind [01:10:08.148] archmage_lo: F [01:10:08.218] OmsX8O: KEKW [01:10:08.719] trolface1997: KEKW [01:10:08.967] aunalbrutal: HAHAHAHAHA [01:10:09.872] nffan2231: nice cock bro [01:10:09.940] scarlett_cinnabar: rip [01:10:09.971] moonynic: L [01:10:09.984] jvlivs777: that gun hit him :)) [01:10:10.170] 4c1d_O4: KEKW [01:10:10.622] gloom_slayer: Lol [01:10:10.737] Emmy64_: "The only thing they fear is you" [01:10:11.882] lyncesca: that's what i expected [01:10:13.787] treedreamin: LMAO 🤣 [01:10:14.043] HangryPlatypusE: hahahaha on the yee ha [01:10:14.580] 5_Pentacles: Was not expecting this lmao [01:10:14.742] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:10:15.581] XxdarkheartlockxX: ph1lMnails [01:10:16.511] hkngamix: that's not lever shotvun [01:10:16.671] lordemporor: this is so sad [01:10:16.694] mika123444: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:10:17.076] pellemedleppen: Annie? [01:10:17.384] TDMNerfBlaster: whats wrong with you??? [01:10:18.169] GreyWinterWraith: @lyncesca never mind the fingers LUL [01:10:19.916] darknessjoined: that counts for the poll right [01:10:20.035] PineapplePiza: good lord [01:10:21.089] XxDethBoixX: cheer1500 finn drippin with swag [01:10:23.568] jaaahhnnn: KEKW [01:10:26.578] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Epic fail [01:10:26.599] alfredo_afreeyo: Wow [01:10:26.994] ninja_mewmew: yippy kai yay MF [01:10:28.944] Elifighter: finn you'll shoot your eye out [01:10:29.003] cu_lade: you should be [01:10:29.150] y0rk5h1r3: Love that he keeps singing America over the tune of the Canadian Anthem [01:10:33.159] Kingich1: finn living my dream [01:10:34.781] Nerdy_01: How long is your hair as of rn [01:10:36.167] neon_soup: the gun inappropriately touched rose Kappa [01:10:36.260] ninja_mewmew: ohhhh [01:10:36.792] Emmy64_: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [01:10:37.748] mcmahon31619: !command [01:10:38.301] jvlivs777: Carefull finntertt [01:10:38.613] lyncesca: applause [01:10:39.171] jaaahhnnn: hasBuff hasBuff hasBuff hasBuff hasBuff [01:10:40.312] hunzibasil: TOS KEKW [01:10:40.365] cdloser69: LESS GOO [01:10:40.847] Kolateak_: LET'S GOOO [01:10:41.501] lordemporor: sexy guns [01:10:41.841] lyncesca: pogchamp [01:10:42.143] lynxofstorms: EZ Clap [01:10:42.224] myNect_isRekt: sheeeeshh [01:10:43.079] HangryPlatypusE: nice [01:10:43.219] Notarobotinspace: poggers [01:10:43.798] riler4899: lets gooooooooooo [01:10:44.537] Megatjgaming_: POG!!!!!!!!!! [01:10:44.562] jvlivs777: Clap [01:10:44.649] GreyWinterWraith: Clap [01:10:45.541] TunnelRatXIII: That's the one to clip! [01:10:45.641] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [01:10:46.052] akumunotfound: YOOOO [01:10:46.222] nffan2231: !clip [01:10:46.275] ninja_mewmew: CLAP [01:10:46.281] reilo47: Are these air rifles or BB guns? [01:10:46.312] gimmadachange: ALL YOU LITTLE KIDS WITH THE PUMPED UP KICKS BETTER RUN BETTER RUN FASTER THAN MY BULLET [01:10:46.312] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:10:46.446] shahankery: annie oakley [01:10:46.679] cerberuscorpse97: MANS GOT SKILLZ [01:10:46.684] MollymauI: That needs clipped, that was awesome [01:10:46.751] HangryPlatypusE: clp it [01:10:46.790] Stovamor: clap [01:10:46.825] Helen_Croft: !commands [01:10:47.100] f3mmbot Commands: !insta, !twitter, !youtube, !highlights, !discord, !reddit, !stream, !nextstream, !uptime, !archive, !pronouns, !girlmonth [01:10:47.591] lordemporor: clap [01:10:47.614] EldolasMS: gigant girl [01:10:47.933] RedKaos26: KKona [01:10:48.056] GreyWinterWraith: fucking legend seanvrDab [01:10:48.078] VeRt3xGD: LES GOOOO [01:10:48.241] perdo06: Less goo [01:10:48.682] trolface1997: Clap [01:10:48.715] gloom_slayer: 👍😎 [01:10:48.870] HandsWithEyes: Clap [01:10:49.167] Jens_LN: nice [01:10:49.517] hamedo4: Heyo [01:10:49.787] 4c1d_O4: Clap [01:10:50.319] Emmy64_: CLAP [01:10:50.677] vanimal2118: Nailed it! [01:10:50.877] archangelmick: another reason to keep finn out of the US ? [01:10:51.121] Lonacd: Clap [01:10:51.725] Chloeeee: Clap [01:10:52.058] Shockker2: again [01:10:52.087] Megatjgaming_: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! [01:10:52.240] DeadSnowmandude: clap [01:10:52.252] myNect_isRekt: Pagman [01:10:52.849] ergh1241: dat smile [01:10:53.577] Abripri: Smooth [01:10:54.330] alicedeathbelle: Wtf, I looked away for two seconds and almost k word yourself [01:10:54.665] xpearlheart: I am so aroused [01:10:55.384] Ramxey_: Pog [01:10:55.842] jvlivs777: ❤️ Clap [01:10:55.847] TheRainbowSlime: damn [01:10:56.290] alfredo_afreeyo: Clap [01:10:56.942] theviiiend: clap clap [01:10:57.162] h_r_buff_n_stuff: clap [01:10:57.352] akumunotfound: CLAP CLAP [01:10:58.089] Swatactus: i missed it can you do it again [01:10:58.116] OmsX8O: miiliClap [01:10:58.129] Megatjgaming_: lets go!!!! [01:10:58.151] RxCheckerTD: should join the circus as a trick shot now [01:10:58.280] gamesforthemotherland: just came in red white and blue [01:10:58.595] Emmy64_: GlitchCat GlitchCat [01:10:58.682] darkstar_j_: Clap [01:10:58.993] jaaahhnnn: EZ Clap [01:10:59.958] Galaxy_908: clap [01:11:01.730] EnglishSkylarking: PogU Clap [01:11:02.751] sky_moo: I love this segment, so much fun [01:11:03.026] unopenedcookies: Bro I ain't gonna lie, you lookin cute as shit my dude [01:11:03.107] lordemporor: clap lets go [01:11:03.734] whos_help: WoooooOoOOOooOoOOOOoOOOOOoOOOOo [01:11:05.199] alfredo_afreeyo: EZ [01:11:05.419] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Pog [01:11:05.468] ndfade99: !commands [01:11:05.830] f3mmbot Commands: !insta, !twitter, !youtube, !highlights, !discord, !reddit, !stream, !nextstream, !uptime, !archive, !pronouns, !girlmonth [01:11:06.483] Kaymon81: Clap [01:11:08.427] diamonderpster: !girlmonth [01:11:08.692] f3mmbot https://isitgirlmonth.com [01:11:09.008] Notarobotinspace: HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall [01:11:09.114] Chloeeee: Should have followed up with a curtsey [01:11:10.513] zeroblackdeath: batskyCool [01:11:11.886] jvlivs777: xqcCursed xqcCursed xqcCursed SeemsGood [01:11:11.935] Tangent5969: Clap [01:11:13.446] sakura_sister: Lets goooo [01:11:14.521] alfredo_afreeyo: probzzEZ [01:11:14.542] Jens_LN: repeaters are pretty poggers, I have to admit [01:11:15.835] sypher_dragon02: u could pass for an american [01:11:16.046] ndfade99: !pronouns [01:11:16.329] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:11:16.587] tretb00t: i enjoy watching you play with your adult toys [01:11:17.530] idkmight: clapp [01:11:21.418] aunalbrutal: Rose next time listen to the pros when they say dont do it XD [01:11:24.171] ninpnin: chudHypers chudHypers chudHypers [01:11:24.554] ToxicCandy88: ashe from overwatch cosplay next? [01:11:25.750] Amoyamoyamoya: I clipped the first attempt. [01:11:26.770] XxdarkheartlockxX: !girlmonth [01:11:27.063] f3mmbot https://isitgirlmonth.com [01:11:27.117] danmannen: alr boys i know were here just to watch our fav streamer, but remember its november. so dont come near here or u might be a goner. [01:11:27.320] HangryPlatypusE: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [01:11:28.362] nonodontthouch: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity Kreygasm HeyGuys SeemsGood NotLikeThis HeyGuys ResidentSleeper Kappa LUL TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:11:29.865] cu_lade: now to do that while riding a Harley Davidson [01:11:33.778] ryodarikun: KEKW [01:11:33.967] berserkmathew: @Stovamor tell them to check council chat [01:11:34.467] Pelvicks: Wow he really like Kyle [01:11:35.448] GreyWinterWraith: can you send it with the caption "playing with my new adult toy?" LUL [01:11:37.516] hamedo4: Is anyones birthday today? [01:11:39.601] macarous: kyle will def watch this entire stream [01:11:40.166] graemecrackers2: thats what she said [01:11:41.770] whos_help: POG [01:11:41.870] zeroblackdeath: fps Russia is he still fps Russia Kappa [01:11:42.262] hollowcrystal: "it's so much easier when it's partly sticking out" [01:11:42.292] ergh1241: ... [01:11:43.574] anjeronett: cock [01:11:44.691] Kolateak_: John Biden [01:11:46.481] jvlivs777: awww,you look attractive as always today 😊🤟 [01:11:47.193] Laress: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [01:11:49.197] ergh1241: lol [01:11:49.985] Pelvicks: JOHN BIDEN KEKS [01:11:51.429] alfredo_afreeyo: @tretb00t Ayoo f1nn5tLaff [01:11:51.638] lordemporor: shaft GenderFluidPride GunRun VoteYea [01:11:51.750] Ramxey_: big gun you got there [01:11:52.174] swedishghostonsteam: lmao [01:11:52.480] RedKaos26: John biden KEKW [01:11:52.896] gurchy: JOHN BIDEN LUL [01:11:55.958] cobyneedmedicine: jon biden [01:11:56.761] plaindtaste: Joe Biden shat himself infront of the pope tho LUL [01:11:56.867] bunnyboy182: hunter biden [01:11:57.266] archangelmick: john connor [01:11:58.259] becausetweyr: not gonna enter again on your stream till you get your ears pierced [01:12:00.847] lordemporor: penis ! [01:12:01.971] perdo06: Jon biden [01:12:03.671] neon_soup: f1nn said the slur cancel [01:12:03.682] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: best innuendo about his missing cock... [01:12:04.398] unopenedcookies: JOHN...BIDEN [01:12:04.796] nargarothx6: DO YOU HAVE INSTAGRAM??? [01:12:05.869] TheStarGamer1238: tax evasion and guns [01:12:06.756] Ramxey_: Joe Brandon [01:12:07.083] sabre_smith: John Biden John Biden John Biden [01:12:07.173] cpt_khaoz: Kyle would cum so fast seeing you flipcock [01:12:07.263] jvlivs777: thought on jeff bezos?? [01:12:07.592] king0fpink: When I get a time machine I'm gonna come back to this exact moment to watch Ross [01:12:08.239] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Name the clip fin plays with adult toy [01:12:10.281] theviiiend: thats one big adult toy [01:12:11.882] king0fpink: rose* [01:12:11.915] keo1_2: LOL Its Joe* [01:12:12.256] Raddog315: John Biden will never not make me laugh [01:12:13.344] LDemiurge: Shorten the barrel and cut the stock; then you will be able to flip it without risking pain to your face. [01:12:13.625] ClarkPayne: Canon pen is [01:12:21.242] riler4899: femboy cowboy maid [01:12:23.138] Amoyamoyamoya: Manly Men have callouses and wouldn't feel their fingers being pinched. [01:12:23.824] Emmy64_: !insta [01:12:24.105] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [01:12:27.742] zeroblackdeath: I like to call this my boom cannon [01:12:28.703] cu_lade: have you seen John Biden [01:12:29.389] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:12:29.442] onestupidpizza: fpsrussia is insane [01:12:32.537] hms_wedgeman_iii: I wanna be a cowboy baby [01:12:35.863] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [01:12:36.781] owdala11: is this a lever action bb/airsoft gun? [01:12:37.819] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:12:38.202] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:12:38.945] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:12:39.411] king0fpink: his name is Brandon! [01:12:39.470] alexx_net: @zeroblackdeath FPS Russia now does podcasts about body building, poker, and weed. [01:12:40.167] rw03_bjw: demolition rose [01:12:41.736] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Youtube the Rifleman [01:12:43.986] zeroblackdeath: @onestupidpizza his Kyle now [01:12:46.018] Stoorma: Chuck Connors... is The Rifleman [01:12:46.207] lordemporor: iwi [01:12:46.876] system0051: gn hon [01:12:47.384] DeathbyBubbleTea: have you played hunt showdown? [01:12:48.116] Jens_LN: acrylic nails = magazine [01:12:49.781] neon_soup: dude really said finger traps and didn't think we'd notice Kappa [01:12:52.483] aceazel: gn [01:12:53.996] archangelmick: Terminator ,john connor [01:12:54.598] GreyWinterWraith: goodnight Pynk seanvrLove [01:12:56.427] jvlivs777: gn :)) [01:12:57.404] darkthatgamer: yello [01:12:58.343] aceazel: ah [01:12:59.667] treedreamin: night bruh [01:13:00.726] TheStarGamer1238: gn levers [01:13:04.093] DagiLajki: Please shoot with nozzle close to mic... [01:13:04.100] TheRealNubert: oh what did i join too [01:13:05.278] lordemporor: asmr [01:13:06.590] GreyWinterWraith: dang that's NICE [01:13:06.738] aceazel: thats hot [01:13:06.812] MollymauI: That is music to my ears [01:13:07.490] lordemporor: so good [01:13:07.576] zeroblackdeath: @alexx_net I was being sarcastic LUL. I know what happened [01:13:08.942] plaindtaste: *plastic sounds* [01:13:09.446] LittleChaSiu: too loud for ASMR [01:13:10.522] 1AspenSilver1: Kreygasm [01:13:10.739] anjeronett: night [01:13:12.132] Gontzlol: u need to lube it! [01:13:12.634] wack0x: gun asmr [01:13:13.414] the_sheepking: ok thats nice [01:13:13.636] cube193: this isn't bannable I hope [01:13:16.229] jvlivs777: thats soo fascinating [01:13:17.613] ThunderNoughts: do a spin [01:13:17.967] PynkFryck: Gonna put that on loop and fall asleep to Rose gun asmr xD [01:13:18.937] aceazel: This is asmr [01:13:23.078] Basdesuuu: nice suit bro [01:13:26.315] GreyWinterWraith: watching Rose whack off that gun really does it for me LUL [01:13:27.532] graemecrackers2: aw shit my cute bow [01:13:28.149] Elifighter: needs oil [01:13:28.945] TheStarGamer1238: bullet pile, try not to slip [01:13:29.034] king0fpink: mwkYandere [01:13:33.547] alicedeathbelle: !archive [01:13:33.819] f3mmbot You can find the F1NN5TER Stream Archives at https://www.youtube.com/c/F1NN5TERStreamArchives [01:13:36.619] avoidingzombies: ur outfit is falling apart! D: [01:13:37.178] scarlett_cinnabar: someone get him a bow and arrow next [01:13:38.522] alfredo_afreeyo: Cutie [01:13:38.566] cu_lade: getting all disheveled [01:13:41.521] alexx_net: @zeroblackdeath kk "/s" is your friend when being sarcastic. [01:13:41.758] seemeslegit: bruh that lever action has the tiniest lever lmfao [01:13:41.973] d1ml1tzzz: next you should get an m1 garand kekw [01:13:43.909] RxCheckerTD: are "shells" just placeholders?? [01:13:46.335] ergh1241: in the bra [01:13:46.964] GreyWinterWraith: did it go down your dress? LUL [01:13:47.617] cdloser69: where did it go [01:13:47.678] d1ml1tzzz: lovely ping noise [01:13:48.402] Jens_LN: lol [01:13:49.422] whos_help: pov: your me walking into this [01:13:50.041] lordemporor: bobs bullet [01:13:52.012] Pictoris: lol [01:13:53.405] Weskopad: maghic [01:13:55.431] Raddog315: Check bra lol [01:13:56.097] Agmoa: The original gun had a brass receiver back in the 1800s [01:13:56.806] ergh1241: must be in the bra [01:13:57.282] Emmy64_: Kreygasm [01:13:57.532] treedreamin: it in yo boobies? [01:13:58.877] VeRt3xGD: bullet wantede booba [01:13:59.099] ninja_mewmew: it didnt even drop lol [01:14:00.099] jvlivs777: where does it goes? 😅😱 [01:14:00.807] MollymauI: It's in another dimension now LUL [01:14:01.085] Falkon1241: inyour bobs? [01:14:02.607] ninja_mewmew: hahahaha [01:14:03.134] theviiiend: in the bobs [01:14:03.845] cdloser69: magic! [01:14:03.861] gurchy: lul [01:14:04.002] RedKaos26: gachiHYPER [01:14:06.598] subterfudgeandstrategery: lol [01:14:07.037] meganleith666: LMAO [01:14:09.071] unopenedcookies: Check the titty pocket [01:14:09.899] Pelvicks: LMAO [01:14:10.291] 57ranma: HAS HE SHOT HIMSELF YET? [01:14:10.366] bunnyboy182: CLIP [01:14:10.746] Chloeeee: Now you know [01:14:10.876] Ramxey_: nani? [01:14:10.982] TunnelRatXIII: SOUNDCLIP! [01:14:11.114] GreyWinterWraith: did it land on the blanket behind you? [01:14:11.501] U_MUST_BE_COOL: In your bob [01:14:11.506] alfredo_afreeyo: No way [01:14:11.553] HangryPlatypusE: glitch in the matrix [01:14:11.683] moly_0: is that a gun or are you happy to see me ? [01:14:11.961] tretb00t: now you have to strip to find it... [01:14:12.319] Emmy64_: Kappa [01:14:12.759] iTz_Galvanize: on cloth thing behind you [01:14:12.822] SuperMinox: "did that go in me" :D [01:14:13.537] cuberjan3: monkaOMEGA [01:14:13.609] jjfrob: 😏😏😏😏😏 [01:14:13.661] Electromech_YT: chair? [01:14:13.887] Soap_Spudz: Soap_Spudz subscribed with Prime. [01:14:14.006] plaindtaste: boy what the hell boy [01:14:14.072] f3mmbot soap_spudz has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang soap_spudz f1nn5tLezgang [01:14:14.206] zeroblackdeath: @alexx_net I thought the Kappa was for that LUL [01:14:14.234] DagiLajki: Can you shoot with nozzle close to mic ? [01:14:15.066] SiriusToxin: Lmao [01:14:15.153] jvlivs777: checked buubah ✅ [01:14:16.760] Kaymon81: did that go in me? thats what she said ^^ [01:14:17.370] theviiiend: bobs [01:14:18.677] Pelvicks: KEKW im shitting my pants LOL [01:14:20.141] witless157: I present to you the Houdini bullet [01:14:20.192] Elifighter: i can here the boomers coming to steal your brass already [01:14:22.012] scarlett_cinnabar: check bobs [01:14:22.018] neon_soup: ghost bullet [01:14:22.212] marshrover: "DID THAT GO IN ME" [01:14:22.425] PollyWoggo: 3 0ctaves higher in 5 secs [01:14:23.066] idkmight: yes it's inside you lolololol [01:14:24.064] Bekonakin: It went into boba [01:14:24.088] TheStarGamer1238: dress sheeve i think [01:14:24.601] Emmy64_: Booba check LUL [01:14:25.062] vanimal2118: Hot lead! [01:14:25.883] xfuturexlegendx: oh dear [01:14:26.485] Ramxey_: pull out game weak [01:14:26.591] whos_help: oh no- [01:14:27.374] hopalongtommy: Rose plays with F1nn's big gun [01:14:28.153] Tari_Diachi: NotLikeThis f1nn5tEmbarrassed [01:14:28.941] DedKnotSleepingTV: Clip that [01:14:29.595] alicedeathbelle: Yes it is inside your now [01:14:30.324] artificial_ruby: its magic [01:14:34.130] alfredo_afreeyo: Oh no [01:14:35.337] ThirdBlackbird: Whatever you do, don't ever try that with a real Winchester. [01:14:35.507] SoVA_ThatGuy: the true issues of having tits [01:14:36.173] cu_lade: it'll come in hand when fighting the t-1000 later I'm sure [01:14:36.421] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [01:14:37.614] alexx_net: "did that go in me?" soooo many good "Rose out of context" quotes when she is happy. [01:14:46.036] beautie_: finn im back reminding u that u are very pog [01:14:47.007] jvlivs777: you can do it Queen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✅ [01:14:50.092] Dimonercheck: impregnating bullet [01:14:55.104] Tari_Diachi: @beautie_ no u [01:14:55.471] tasha2289: Finn if you go to Nevada they have a gun range that you can borrow just about any weapon you like and you can fire them [01:14:56.139] vanimal2118: More practice! [01:14:57.344] GreyWinterWraith: @alexx_net I look forward to the next compilation with great vigour LUL [01:14:57.713] TunnelRatXIII: YOu ahve to tilt it towards you to the ejected cartridge goes up [01:15:00.011] resurgenceguild: cute girl exclaims "did that go in me!?" my day is complete [01:15:01.474] king0fpink: watch the inside of it [01:15:02.295] VeRt3xGD: QUACK [01:15:03.155] aunalbrutal: Now we search Rose with a metal detection [01:15:04.846] jandosnandos: @F1NN5TER What gun is that? [01:15:05.087] TheStarGamer1238: magic bullet theory [01:15:05.185] cyberchri07: do something h0t for the Italian's like me [01:15:05.317] Marlamim: Is that a real gun? [01:15:05.475] lordemporor: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:15:06.387] GreyWinterWraith: @beautie_ hey seanvrCheerA [01:15:08.543] RxCheckerTD: turn the gun sideways so it ejects upwards [01:15:10.488] ninja_mewmew: CLAP [01:15:10.575] ergh1241: hold it sideways [01:15:11.262] allie420: turn it sideways and give a little flick as you try to eject catch [01:15:11.828] jvlivs777: yooo clippp [01:15:11.946] alexx_net: Point the barrel down a little more. [01:15:13.252] OmsX8O: GG miiliClap [01:15:14.088] akumunotfound: YOOOOOOO [01:15:15.441] jaxmayhem: omo [01:15:16.601] cdloser69: LESSS GOOO [01:15:16.993] akumunotfound: Clap [01:15:17.169] ergh1241: sideways [01:15:17.469] allie420: there ya gooooo :) [01:15:18.341] jvlivs777: :)) Clap [01:15:18.645] alexx_net: gg [01:15:18.796] Lineally_Relied: Insert joke about firing into yourself @F1NN5TER [01:15:20.726] vanimal2118: Jackpot! [01:15:21.018] xXNeroZashiXx: Clap [01:15:22.523] mabelsyrup1: clap [01:15:23.088] yougotmail_TV: Clap [01:15:23.348] BaseGrower: *clapps* [01:15:23.591] trolface1997: Clap [01:15:23.722] Lonacd: Clap [01:15:23.815] alexjk2004: yea but unfortunately the matrix devs won’t fix it [01:15:24.650] lordemporor: clap [01:15:24.850] shiny_mew2321: Clap [01:15:25.082] Raddog315: Clap [01:15:25.188] Jens_LN: clap [01:15:25.461] cdloser69: CLAP [01:15:25.867] SuperMinox: Clap [01:15:26.278] DeadSnowmandude: clap [01:15:26.771] king0fpink: 👏 [01:15:26.968] bxmbi_xo: Clap [01:15:27.157] leontiusv: Clap [01:15:27.231] JerkanDT14: omo [01:15:27.608] artificial_ruby: Slow clap [01:15:27.745] treedreamin: clap [01:15:28.055] based_on_a_true_story: Clap [01:15:28.384] LucieLoo234: *** [01:15:29.154] lostcrow_: Clap [01:15:29.205] pigeonlasagna: that was hot [01:15:30.011] cu_lade: c l a p [01:15:30.015] Emmy64_: Clap [01:15:30.195] progamerj64: Clap [01:15:30.312] waternow64: clap [01:15:30.334] nemesis0142: clap [01:15:30.548] Tr0llie_: CLAPS [01:15:31.009] lordemporor: i want to clap finn [01:15:31.096] baldmanifold1: ranbooBlankie ranbooBlankie ranbooBlankie ranbooBlankie ranbooBlankie [01:15:32.003] mika123444: Clap [01:15:32.497] WitchyGaymer: Clap [01:15:34.514] hydralibra: Clap [01:15:34.589] jeetmaster07: clap [01:15:34.976] alfredo_afreeyo: Clap [01:15:35.047] king0fpink: JEER [01:15:37.142] cyberchri07: oof [01:15:38.260] xander142001: who gave finn a gun [01:15:38.313] witless157: we need a killcam [01:15:39.353] greenorange0708: Clap [01:15:39.739] eliama01: clap [01:15:40.659] Megatjgaming_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:15:40.772] MeIsLazyCream: Clap [01:15:41.658] Sarah_Streams_: 👏 [01:15:41.696] idkmight: clap [01:15:41.702] PollyWoggo: danger skirt [01:15:41.812] king0fpink: BOOO [01:15:44.161] sakura_sister: Clap clap [01:15:44.709] zeroblackdeath: igaPls [01:15:44.954] hydralibra: Cap [01:15:45.730] XxdarkheartlockxX: ! commands [01:15:46.576] rayisboredyt: Clap [01:15:46.961] HangryPlatypusE: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [01:15:47.433] jvlivs777: xqcArm1 xqcOld xqcArm2 [01:15:48.250] MikeWillStream: clap [01:15:48.808] titanium347: le clapping sounds [01:15:49.092] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Get clapped [01:15:50.562] GreyWinterWraith: Rose going to find a casing in her shorts later LUL [01:15:51.621] RxCheckerTD: turn it, so it ejects upwards [01:15:52.675] lordemporor: hes too powerful [01:15:52.708] MikeWillStream: Clap [01:15:53.773] Jens_LN: :clap: [01:15:56.160] TheStarGamer1238: tehHAND tehHAND [01:15:56.618] Iam_Zirael: Clap [01:15:57.171] alfredo_afreeyo: !watchtime [01:15:57.798] Ramxey_: Just showed Biden, he said you are allowed back into the country [01:15:59.446] kumani1: hi rose [01:16:00.141] Falkon1241: clean your room Rose [01:16:00.748] cuberjan3: Clap [01:16:00.985] XxdarkheartlockxX: !commands [01:16:01.248] f3mmbot Commands: !insta, !twitter, !youtube, !highlights, !discord, !reddit, !stream, !nextstream, !uptime, !archive, !pronouns, !girlmonth [01:16:02.960] whos_help: CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP FOR THE QUEEN POG [01:16:05.333] cu_lade: vacuum them up [01:16:06.749] doktorquien: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [01:16:06.851] Emmy64_: Wait in the chair maybe? [01:16:09.430] artificial_ruby: You need safety shorts [01:16:12.145] vanimal2118: Wow this is the best $5 I ever spent! [01:16:12.568] scarlett_cinnabar: twirl? [01:16:13.243] jvlivs777: xqcM xqcDisco [01:16:13.442] knightsaber2032: it looks hot [01:16:13.487] graemecrackers2: @F1NN5TER it's cute tho [01:16:13.552] XxdarkheartlockxX: !uptime [01:16:13.827] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 16m 24s [01:16:16.313] sky_moo: I have the same dress [01:16:16.455] aceazel: its a cute outfit [01:16:16.685] Tari_Diachi: Mess of an outfit? Should we get you out of it? [01:16:16.928] TheStarGamer1238: thorlarEgg thorlarEgg thorlarEgg thorlarEgg thorlarEgg thorlarEgg thorlarEgg look a set of eggs [01:16:17.411] lordemporor: twirl [01:16:21.617] hydralibra: 🧢 [01:16:22.487] cuberjan3: WutFace JUICERS IN CHAT [01:16:23.526] burgess_shale: WHY NOT CHANGE OUTFIT NOW ? [01:16:25.879] macarous: i actually hate how it fits LUL [01:16:27.799] jvlivs777: awww :)) [01:16:29.975] knightsaber2032: YAAAAAAAASSSS LAWD [01:16:34.267] lordemporor: please twirl for us [01:16:35.501] Jens_LN: clean room in that outfit ? [01:16:36.605] Stovamor: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:16:37.085] baelphes: that peek of black on the top POGGERS POGGERS [01:16:37.358] moly_0: it fits very well [01:16:38.374] dodelqdwfx: dodelqdwfx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yay [01:16:38.378] avoidingzombies: take off apron?? [01:16:38.579] f3mmbot dodelqdwfx has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [01:16:40.176] DeadSnowmandude: nice [01:16:41.139] Proteobacter: xqcL [01:16:41.749] knightsaber2032: Great legs [01:16:42.314] 1AspenSilver1: Damn bro [01:16:43.095] PollyWoggo: wtf that works fine [01:16:43.100] jvlivs777: thats pogg :)) [01:16:44.807] avoidingzombies: o.o [01:16:47.188] plaindtaste: Hey guys, thanks for tuning into another video on Forgotten ***, I'm Ian McCollum and I'm here today at some British lads home [01:16:47.283] Stovamor: Check the video, @F1NN5TER [01:16:48.194] Stovamor: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:16:48.208] TheStarGamer1238: tacoadYay celibate tacoadYay [01:16:48.737] Brainfishes: Outfit change? [01:16:48.819] peachykeenpotter: Clap Clap [01:16:49.509] bringabucket: whatd i come back to [01:16:52.957] Emmy64_: Clap [01:16:53.151] bxmbi_xo: yooo [01:16:53.789] kumani1: gun pog [01:16:54.058] tasha2289: that bullet would burn your han if you caught it like that straight from the breach [01:16:55.801] whos_help: POG [01:16:56.151] allie420: i remember how bad @$$ i felt the first time i caught the round i just cleared lol :P [01:16:57.494] tretb00t: haha [01:16:57.582] sky_moo: REVOLVER OCELOT [01:16:57.608] Jens_LN: :D [01:16:58.414] neon_soup: he's so happy he made a literal gremlin noise [01:16:58.578] peachykeenpotter: KEKW [01:16:58.729] RxCheckerTD: lol [01:16:58.770] avoidingzombies: lmaooooo [01:16:58.847] lordemporor: o no [01:16:59.095] cuberjan3: OMEGALUL [01:16:59.514] Laress: kekW [01:17:00.328] h_r_buff_n_stuff: LMAO [01:17:00.354] VeRt3xGD: HAHHAHAHAA [01:17:00.624] LoadSmasher: Those thighs! [01:17:01.203] Astro_Sailor: HAHAH [01:17:01.217] avoidingzombies: omfg [01:17:01.329] cube193: if that dress was teal and with the black bra you would look like charmander's face [01:17:01.336] jeetmaster07: lol [01:17:01.417] aceazel: OMEGALUL [01:17:01.507] gurchy: rip [01:17:01.687] trolface1997: KEKW [01:17:01.816] bxmbi_xo: Clap [01:17:02.091] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [01:17:02.151] jvlivs777: dont hit yourself finnter 😅🤟🥶 [01:17:02.708] macarous: nice [01:17:03.021] HandsWithEyes: KEKW [01:17:03.155] MeIsLazyCream: AHAHA [01:17:03.389] kkasperle: KEKW [01:17:03.477] Emmy64_: Gremlin laugh KEKW [01:17:03.904] darkstar_j_: KEKW [01:17:03.971] SuperMinox: was that a gremlin on the mic? [01:17:04.028] robo332211: kek [01:17:05.075] idkmight: clap LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:17:05.264] Megatjgaming_: hahahahahahahahahaha [01:17:05.411] sypher_dragon02: LOL [01:17:05.709] hopalongtommy: NotLikeThis [01:17:05.743] DeadSnowmandude: lol [01:17:06.386] progamerj64: Gunslinger Femboy? [01:17:07.296] badgerchef: Cleaning stream in maid outfit? [01:17:08.802] Raddog315: ROFLMAO [01:17:09.406] Megatjgaming_: rip mag [01:17:10.681] treedreamin: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [01:17:13.923] Granny_Duck: spin a knife and gun in each hand [01:17:14.435] plaindtaste: Wait wtf weapons get censored [01:17:14.517] gimmadachange: in your future that must be very soon cause its coming to a end if its like that [01:17:18.339] alfredo_afreeyo: Lol [01:17:18.670] oculasorbus: I just get here and its Annie Oakly? [01:17:21.830] TheStarGamer1238: rose on her knees, chat bait [01:17:23.660] Jens_LN: somewhere out there, is a gun instructor cringing at this. :D [01:17:28.713] lordemporor: so hot [01:17:34.085] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [01:17:35.499] jvlivs777: Sheeshhh 🥶🥶🍦 [01:17:41.568] Emmy64_: Sheeeesh [01:17:42.383] jack_mckenzie3333: Check the Reddit? [01:17:43.558] lordemporor: good [01:17:44.850] macarous: ... [01:17:46.215] gimmadachange: good [01:17:47.313] king0fpink: you're making this November hard Rose [01:17:48.056] GreyWinterWraith: seanvrLewda [01:17:48.760] SiriusToxin: Kappa [01:17:49.261] LoadSmasher: lol [01:17:49.351] playerditz: yo [01:17:49.589] Chachigo: weirdChamp weirdChamp [01:17:49.835] Emmy64_: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [01:17:50.100] scarlett_cinnabar: free bottom surgery [01:17:51.117] macarous: RELAX [01:17:51.513] HangryPlatypusE: hey if kyle don't wont you theres plenty of others that would [01:17:53.340] codergoth: someone's down baaaddddddd [01:17:54.871] isthisapokeman: It’s hard watching others live your dreams [01:17:58.776] treedreamin: 👀👀👀👀👀👀 [01:18:01.533] Stovamor: Check the video, @F1NN5TER https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:18:01.558] kloudie04: just got here, why the lever action? [01:18:02.169] Stovamor: Check the video, @F1NN5TER https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gRJoLqNEc_I [01:18:03.035] lordemporor: finn i want your cock as well [01:18:03.503] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [01:18:04.522] unopenedcookies: thats good i think [01:18:05.869] graemecrackers2: flip the mini gun [01:18:06.415] alyx_fierro: dono's not being very subtle are we [01:18:07.774] hopalongtommy: check out Bob Munden, the fastest gun slinger [01:18:11.673] lyncesca: just waiting for finn to break the lever [01:18:12.846] neon_soup: it's doing something [01:18:13.366] jvlivs777: xqcM xqcM xqcM xqcArm2 [01:18:13.888] SiriusToxin: f1nn5tPegChamp [01:18:13.914] lyncesca: :y [01:18:13.969] vanimal2118: Looks similar to the real 1911 45ACP! [01:18:14.159] darkravenbird: brand of the 1911? [01:18:16.387] Emmy64_: Kreygasm [01:18:16.808] baelphes: is that other rifle lever-action too? KEKW [01:18:21.477] allie420: note to self, with something that realistic looking try not to flag the camera ;) <3 [01:18:21.573] kumani1: why do you have a gun [01:18:22.405] skyeble: !discord [01:18:22.759] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:18:27.659] LoadSmasher: mares leg [01:18:32.146] Chloeeee: His is smaller [01:18:35.694] tretb00t: feels like a shure way to blow off your own head [01:18:36.876] lordemporor: thw [01:18:39.649] tom_crook_: what is going on [01:18:39.795] SiriusToxin: Flip cocking [01:18:40.563] MasterPo999: Get you a M1 Garand and then we'll talk about sounds that do it for us.... [01:18:40.688] avoidingzombies: *drops mag while spinning* *Says "Hey kyle, I have skills"* [01:18:40.762] Pelvicks: FlickCocking [01:18:41.356] 31_Elias: flip cock [01:18:42.204] Elevenceum: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:18:44.640] archangelmick: and a shorter barrel [01:18:45.007] TheStarGamer1238: piboShy amm both piboShock surprise piboLurk piboTea let have some tea [01:18:45.589] Megatjgaming_: Armor gun YES!!!! [01:18:45.858] tetlyplays: Rose looking breedable [01:18:46.129] SwiggyZ: atpCap [01:18:47.267] Elevenceum: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:18:47.832] RedKaos26: KEKW [01:18:48.662] Kolateak_: Haven'ts een that screen in a long while [01:18:50.175] MasterPo999: PING [01:18:50.843] lordemporor: moment [01:18:52.243] GreyWinterWraith: yo that was the fucking TV screen LUL [01:18:52.776] Tari_Diachi: O_O [01:18:53.366] SuperMinox: lol @c__r__j [01:18:53.656] chaneiro2003: FLIP COCK [01:18:54.391] BunnieUnknown: ayo the title [01:18:55.483] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:18:55.500] Elevenceum: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [01:18:56.474] idkmight: flip the cock [01:18:56.988] WitchyGaymer: ok, i won't try at home, i'll try at school [01:18:58.193] MollymauI: Professional streamer everyone LUL [01:18:59.103] whos_help: Probably good? idk tbh in still processing what's happening. [01:19:02.411] Beet1eBugs: is stream delaying for anyone else [01:19:07.801] alfredo_afreeyo: Ummm [01:19:09.870] Lucridis: Stock envy [01:19:15.373] SiriusToxin: Finn has a tiny handle [01:19:15.387] TheStarGamer1238: pirate18ItsFine shaneiLove voidgl1Love it is fine [01:19:15.534] jvlivs777: brb :)) [01:19:17.311] Kolateak_: LUL [01:19:18.146] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [01:19:18.511] Kaymon81: rose has a small handle [01:19:19.036] OmsX8O: KEKW [01:19:19.298] aunalbrutal: We knew you had a tiny one XD [01:19:19.545] graemecrackers2: oh he has a huge stock its so big sempai [01:19:19.754] cu_lade: you're compensating.. [01:19:20.461] SwiggyZ: lol [01:19:20.607] M0rbulus: dont laugh at my tiny stock [01:19:21.665] plaindtaste: Cut off the stock if you dont own a dog [01:19:21.774] Amoyamoyamoya: Meh. Excuses. [01:19:21.889] vanimal2118: Just modified Rose. [01:19:22.034] MollymauI: You were saying? [01:19:22.383] baelphes: I like femboys with big stocks [01:19:24.501] Astro_Sailor: KEKW [01:19:24.635] Lucridis: It's how you use it that counts not the size [01:19:24.843] macarous: nailed it huh [01:19:25.401] Raddog315: Yep, nailing it [01:19:25.797] Pyroblade131: Greetings fellow degenerates [01:19:28.773] Emmy64_: f1nn5tLaff [01:19:30.205] Cake_Muscles: cock envy forsenFlirt [01:19:30.445] Elevenceum: wow pretty!!!! 😍 [01:19:30.680] treedreamin: spoke too soon [01:19:34.550] Ramxey_: yours is for killing, his is for fun [01:19:35.161] c__r__j: @SuperMinox If F1nn wants me to donate more, warning me in hyuge text how much I've donoed so far is a bad move. [01:19:37.138] archangelmick: shorter stock and a shorter barrel [01:19:38.292] OmsX8O: watch the whole YT short [01:19:41.181] WellyShark: Does it fire caps or blanks [01:19:41.592] scarlett_cinnabar: i didn't know how much s3xual undertones gun language had until this stream [01:19:41.781] neon_soup: had enough exercise for the year [01:19:42.621] iTz_Galvanize: fix bow [01:19:44.148] Jens_LN: how does the outfit look without the apron ? [01:19:45.950] onestupidpizza: just look at fps russia with all the gun craze [01:19:48.205] U_MUST_BE_COOL: You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about [01:19:48.223] alexjk2004: you can nail me [01:19:54.530] avoidingzombies: O.O hey!! @Pyroblade131 [01:19:58.179] TrodaireFeargach: IDK what i joined into but I gtg for now [01:19:58.556] XystusOfGames: As an American, I say keep it up. And if you come by we will get you practice on a heavier caliber firearm. [01:19:58.958] Elevenceum: sheesh [01:20:01.663] jvlivs777: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:20:03.065] sypher_dragon02: camo bullets [01:20:03.616] king0fpink: mwkMeow [01:20:05.715] heyo3u: This boi confused my sexuality [01:20:12.020] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter so does that mean that the last a minute crossbows are out the window!!!!! [01:20:13.448] marshrover: "i'm a hole" [01:20:13.730] WellyShark: Does the gun fire caps or blanks [01:20:15.009] vanimal2118: Best $5 I've ever spen! [01:20:17.993] onestupidpizza: GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ [01:20:19.498] PBLivingston: gon fail NNN [01:20:21.033] SuperMinox: Kyle is Rose's boyfriend :D [01:20:21.331] matt_b38: Them thighs are deadly weapons [01:20:23.521] macarous: LUL [01:20:24.362] Elifighter: send finn a vid United states marine corps silent drill team Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:20:25.244] gloom_slayer: How is the business idea for immigration coming along? Also if that fails you can always get married for your green card. 😉 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:20:27.158] titanium347: that's it, I'm getting myself a maid dress [01:20:29.499] Raddog315: F1nn's stream room is just guns knives and dresses thrown everywhere [01:20:29.869] Stovamor: SO you had a falling out with your BF then? [01:20:31.283] is1dy: maid with guns [01:20:31.490] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity <3 [01:20:34.063] Jens_LN: maybe take off the apron ? [01:20:41.567] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Smush them together [01:20:45.911] GreyWinterWraith: Mediashare stream? seanvrThink [01:20:47.421] nemesis0142: Yeah but @F1NN5TER He Likes you... [01:20:47.874] Helen_Croft: TTS scuffed now [01:20:48.555] plaindtaste: Hey guyz, thanks for tuning in to another video on Forgotten Weapons dot com, I'm Ian McCollum and I'm here today [01:20:49.674] graemecrackers2: asmr marines [01:20:50.300] Barsback: Beretta 92 ? [01:20:50.941] neon_soup: was kyle looking at other girls? [01:20:54.594] Brainfishes: Crossbows hard illegal in the UK [01:20:58.347] szubareg: the trolling will be immense [01:20:59.906] unopenedcookies: yeah send him a drill video [01:21:09.389] Amoyamoyamoya: Ummm....the ship sailed a long time ago... [01:21:11.251] lyncesca: yes [01:21:12.211] OmsX8O: bit TTS is very slient [01:21:13.366] starsky70: are they real [01:21:13.493] alexx_net: @WellyShark airsoft (small plastic bbs.) [01:21:14.160] ManiacMattXD: ManiacMattXD is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [01:21:14.695] ManiacMattXD: ManiacMattXD gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarthHighlander! [01:21:14.880] f3mmbot maniacmattxd has gifted a subscription to darthhighlander at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang darthhighlander f1nn5tLezgang [01:21:15.241] Helen_Croft: TTS is going trough the MIC now @F1NN5TER [01:21:16.501] ctsid: Bows are good fun and easy to get in uk [01:21:18.013] rayisboredyt: NomNom [01:21:21.324] archangelmick: crossbows ARE legal in the UK . [01:21:23.646] jvlivs777: with your beautiful look,easily married anyone SeemsGood [01:21:23.745] LTZSuburban: I have me a more authentic Maid's dress. [01:21:25.287] OmsX8O: *silent [01:21:25.776] gurchy: lol, PP [01:21:27.400] Tytaanis: PP [01:21:28.544] Stovamor: That was Bluj [01:21:34.372] rayisboredyt: imGlitch [01:21:34.398] ipaliyollo: A3 has the rail [01:21:35.856] mickeyhalligan_: what guns are these, like airsoft??? [01:21:35.930] mr_ajokortti_korkort: PP gun [01:21:39.355] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you went mad on crossbows and not heard any more [01:21:40.795] dmx908: I'm almost to 100 000 channel points [01:21:41.623] king_of_demons_uwu: 😃 [01:21:43.249] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Will need to keep up with Girl Month to afford to move to the US and start that business [01:21:43.755] cosmothespacedoggo: Pp [01:21:44.595] mh_realish: Audio dead for anyone else? [01:21:44.621] Stovamor: and TTS is not playing normally [01:21:45.570] neon_soup: remember when you shot yourself point blank in the leg? good times. [01:21:46.162] OmsX8O: o, yeah TTS is scuffed [01:21:47.057] johjannsen: P.Pistol [01:21:49.281] starsky70: @F1NN5TER are they real guns? [01:21:49.407] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Nice pp [01:21:50.199] allie420: you should learn how to un-cock them without having to pull the trigger so when you actually get to play with the real thing ;) <3 [01:21:51.154] Raddog315: F1nn: "I don't like him" Also F1nn: *Flirts with him constantly* [01:21:51.855] TrodaireFeargach: !lurk [01:21:51.889] Jens_LN: how would the outfit look without the apron I wonder ? [01:21:53.822] neon_soup: stomach* [01:21:54.899] c__r__j: TTS quiet and echoey [01:21:55.615] Shelsav: eyyyoi [01:21:56.575] johjannsen: P,Pistol [01:21:57.219] jvlivs777: well,when the bet gonna end :)) [01:21:57.825] tony2310d: Half doll / half action figure [01:21:58.405] ctsid: Shotguns are easy to get in the Uk [01:22:02.266] rabman1a: nah [01:22:02.877] plaindtaste: Can you own guns that fire blank cartridges? [01:22:09.170] morningnisshoku: idk shit about guns but you make them cool [01:22:09.266] Kolateak_: The best away America could go? [01:22:09.708] avoidingzombies: @Jens_LN i AGREEE [01:22:09.784] OmsX8O: also there is some text in the bottom left corner that isn't normally there [01:22:09.890] starsky70: keeohTHUMP [01:22:11.100] charliebear6836: *** [01:22:13.811] LenKlein: tts is fine tbh [01:22:14.663] oculasorbus: Dual wield pistols? [01:22:21.620] GreyWinterWraith: seanvrDerpa [01:22:25.932] lyncesca: @plaindtaste they fall under the same laws as purchasing RIFs, which is to say you need to have a defense [01:22:26.959] Raddog315: the random "Flipcockin" [01:22:27.087] jaojao12345: bruh you went live exactly at the time my online class started :( [01:22:32.067] jvlivs777: shurrhhh [01:22:33.878] lyncesca: which is why usually they're used by film/tv [01:22:34.394] indy_kk: can I see a pistol [01:22:35.623] darkthatgamer: how was ur day f1nn [01:22:36.295] RxCheckerTD: rose akimbo [01:22:39.301] treedreamin: gangsta femboi [01:22:39.940] RosethorneVineheart: wish i had long hair and stuff, been considering crossdressing for awhile [01:22:42.317] charliebear6836: *** [01:22:42.353] jvlivs777: lookin grocery [01:22:44.055] diamondducko: HIHI [01:22:44.910] indy_kk: woooohhhh [01:22:47.646] Tari_Diachi: BETTER [01:22:48.812] GreyWinterWraith: why don't you ask your dealer? LUL [01:22:48.938] heyo3u: ah yes the flipping of the cocks [01:22:49.349] Stovamor: better [01:22:50.397] trolface1997: yep [01:22:50.454] newt3k: just look down the barrel [01:22:50.574] Laress: much [01:22:50.741] Jens_LN: @avoidingzombies yeah, would be nice to see how it looked without the apron [01:22:50.767] rabman1a: yeah [01:22:51.202] GreyWinterWraith: and much better [01:22:51.330] Amoyamoyamoya: Looks down barrel... [01:22:51.653] Raddog315: Fixed [01:22:53.477] diamondducko: YOUR HAIR IS SO NICE [01:22:54.113] robo332211: yea [01:22:54.442] SuperMinox: you fixed it [01:22:54.627] mickeyhalligan_: What type of guns are they princess? what do they fire? [01:22:54.956] c__r__j: Better [01:22:57.061] idkmight: yeah [01:23:02.252] gareppa: guns are for boys, nerf guns are for men [01:23:03.547] OmsX8O: @F1NN5TER there is some text behind the goals [01:23:03.602] sinuwu: get the dildo gun out too may as well [01:23:07.689] plaindtaste: @lyncesca Damn that sucks, not even blanks [01:23:09.557] gwenzie_: what are your pronouns? (: [01:23:10.340] Jens_LN: take it off ? [01:23:12.034] mr_ajokortti_korkort: stop teasing [01:23:13.207] deathstream77: logant8Heythere logant8Heythere logant8Heythere logant8Heythere logant8Heythere [01:23:15.573] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine safety clips. [01:23:15.917] jvlivs777: carefull :)) [01:23:16.207] graemecrackers2: oof [01:23:16.532] DagiLajki: Cross them on your back ? [01:23:16.785] DaveTheEpicFail: DaveTheEpicFail subscribed with Prime. [01:23:16.967] f3mmbot davetheepicfail has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang davetheepicfail f1nn5tLezgang [01:23:17.573] HueGirl: WOSSSSSHHH [01:23:17.711] Tari_Diachi: The tiniest Bries. [01:23:18.872] avoidingzombies: It'll be threaded the opposite direction btw [01:23:21.102] Tari_Diachi: The tiniest Brees. [01:23:21.976] Stovamor: Also, I note you pointedly ignored my comment about the bet [01:23:22.596] idkmight: just take the apron off [01:23:25.117] Ramxey_: *blows on screen* [01:23:25.229] Tympanicprince9: hey I've seen u on YouTube before [01:23:25.375] Amoyamoyamoya: PO Box Idea [01:23:26.680] ttvcopi: stop stealing Ludwig's content [01:23:26.974] emma_saffi: Can my name be tiny breeze? [01:23:27.141] treedreamin: just take it off........slowly lol [01:23:27.804] cu_lade: need safety pins to hold it up [01:23:30.159] pellemedleppen: Glu them on! [01:23:32.884] Bytebak: Tiny breeze or a little blow [01:23:33.504] Megatjgaming_: stop teasing me with a good time lmao ;) [01:23:36.137] WellyShark: Where did you get the guns airsoft? [01:23:37.874] Stovamor: !pronouns [01:23:38.156] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:23:38.190] avoidingzombies: O.O [01:23:38.923] Jens_LN: yeah, take off the apron [01:23:39.343] DarthHighlander: @ManiacMattXD Thanks for the gift sub! [01:23:39.461] Elifighter: fairly [01:23:39.614] raxolotl: egg [01:23:40.059] charliebear6836: *** [01:23:41.427] Tari_Diachi: What if you're intersex??? [01:23:41.653] Senevri: I took a look-see at a different stream, and yep, you're still so very, very wholesome. [01:23:41.737] jvlivs777: it might gonna ripped :)) [01:23:42.068] gurchy: "this comes off so easily" *shoots self in the arm* [01:23:42.315] neon_soup: "he doesn't get my hints." vibe check [01:23:42.914] Chloeeee: "fairly" [01:23:44.113] OmsX8O: !gender [01:23:44.402] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:23:45.078] U_MUST_BE_COOL: That’s hot [01:23:46.840] robo332211: ouch [01:23:50.460] Amoyamoyamoya: No actual proof that it's real tho [01:23:50.473] Nekrovva: @F1NN5TER What brand is that Grey beretta? i should have Counter clockwise thread on there. [01:23:52.227] DDiscoChin: Ill touch your glock [01:23:52.658] Ramxey_: no i dont knmow [01:23:57.861] anjeronett: lemme glock glock ur cock cock [01:24:01.167] 13rand13: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog [01:24:02.646] RedKaos26: Get a Tracer Unit with Glow in the dark BB´s. Looks very cool. Look youtube. [01:24:02.783] anjeronett: ok I'm sorry [01:24:04.886] brockhammercock: you never leave the block without your Glock? [01:24:07.761] jmonsterboy9316: Hey Finn [01:24:12.747] iTz_Galvanize: where is your glock [01:24:15.721] deadlymage02: aww wat a pretty man [01:24:21.867] jvlivs777: hmmm :)) [01:24:22.360] yomombrodude: hello [01:24:24.030] DDiscoChin: imma touch it [01:24:25.729] Raddog315: Do you have any safety pins? If so, just pin the straps to the dress shoulders [01:24:26.742] Emmy64_: Ow the glock f1nn5tEmbarrassed [01:24:27.533] krzyzewskiman: Don't touch Finn's glock bc it goes off by accident a lot [01:24:28.867] peyton18scott18: 1911s goated [01:24:28.982] dirtuwu: Finn's glock must be really big and stiff [01:24:29.656] JorWat: Did you see you were trending on dankmemes on Reddit? [01:24:30.928] macarous: shut up [01:24:31.103] avoidingzombies: O.O [01:24:32.933] Tari_Diachi: You forgot "black" [01:24:35.432] gareppa: why do you have an arsenal there? [01:24:35.530] iTz_Galvanize: compensator is making it longer [01:24:35.618] yomombrodude: =l what =l [01:24:36.452] idkmight: I can touch your glock [01:24:38.517] SubliminalCorruption: tralala [01:24:39.979] ttvgamerlildude354: wyf [01:24:40.314] Megatjgaming_: show us the glock! [01:24:40.624] jvlivs777: i can? 😅😭😭😭 [01:24:42.444] Bohnalex: you mean your 9/11 lol? [01:24:42.711] neon_soup: lol what a nerd [01:24:43.272] DedKnotSleepingTV: Bro wtf it's nnn [01:24:44.206] ProbablyHuman: how did you mess up "big black glock" !? [01:24:45.057] allofthetrash: gun. [01:24:45.132] gurchy: blow back huh [01:24:45.310] akawe_: why u look liek girl but you sound like boy? [01:24:45.657] EzraNightshade: did you clean lol [01:24:46.793] Emmy64_: pp gun [01:24:47.104] plaindtaste: I also wanna touch John Moses Browning [01:24:47.442] nemesis0142: Thats because it has a Ported Barrel the longer one [01:24:50.569] ergh1241: rock hard I am [01:24:50.811] MoonieMoon12: 😳 😳 rock hard ? [01:24:51.245] peyton18scott18: ToS sweating rn [01:24:51.403] sinuwu: touch my pp69 [01:24:53.271] HangryPlatypusE: so that what he calls his cock right [01:24:54.882] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I'm sold [01:24:55.092] DDiscoChin: I showed you my Glock please subscribe [01:24:55.880] baelphes: dont touch my glock bro, but go for my PP 69 uwu [01:24:56.577] jayinternation1: Are you doing no nut November [01:24:57.416] gurchy: TOS [01:25:00.235] OmsX8O: KEKW [01:25:00.928] TAZ_senpai_: its black [01:25:02.364] Bohnalex: it blows back? [01:25:05.584] robo332211: oh no finn its november [01:25:06.131] graemecrackers2: you want stars, i'll give you stars [01:25:08.963] jvlivs777: almost have a heart attack 😅😍😍 [01:25:09.095] robo332211: plz [01:25:10.750] ergh1241: in ya face [01:25:11.869] jaywolf076: DAYUMMM [01:25:12.022] Jens_LN: Rose wants a monster gun ? [01:25:14.268] ninpnin: @DDiscoChin lol [01:25:22.097] shahankery: you should make a calendar posing with guns [01:25:25.799] ttvgamerlildude354: omg [01:25:28.251] call_girl: The glock isnt the only thing that is rock hard [01:25:31.102] FishWithScabies: im doing math about berries [01:25:32.325] nemesis0142: the Glock is Crap, you need a SIG [01:25:35.015] baelphes: no1 in this chat is going through with NNN lets be real [01:25:38.754] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Get a desert eagle blow back [01:25:39.289] ergh1241: it is cold just as your heart Rose [01:25:40.807] is1dy: don't shoot yourself again [01:25:42.101] yomombrodude: :l [01:25:44.058] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER when the magazine gets cold ie when you're firing really fast, the performance drops until the mag freezes [01:25:47.289] RedKaos26: Bump fire it KKona [01:25:48.701] gurchy: HEY NO FULL AUTO IN BUILDINGS [01:25:50.991] ttvcopi: vietnam flashback [01:25:51.312] moly_0: full auto [01:26:00.142] Raddog315: F1nn likes big black glocks that blow [01:26:00.372] neon_soup: is that th3 gun from hellsing? [01:26:02.387] widetrackattack: fin n out here shooting blanks [01:26:02.565] scarlett_cinnabar: your neighbours are probably concerned at this point. [01:26:02.614] bennyrens: do you tuck? [01:26:06.709] Jens_LN: man, that apron looks worse and worse [01:26:07.351] LanternPrime: @Finn you make a better girl than guy [01:26:10.097] anjeronett: loud, but could be louder [01:26:12.896] neon_soup: is f1nn for weeb confirmed? [01:26:13.851] RedKaos26: KEKW [01:26:15.871] gurchy: holy shit [01:26:16.313] yomombrodude: HAHAHAHA [01:26:17.265] awsalkabab: hello [01:26:17.628] Kolateak_: Oh damn alright [01:26:17.730] avoidingzombies: >.< <3 [01:26:19.159] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:26:19.374] myNect_isRekt: LUL [01:26:19.548] allie420: everyone whos actually got a carry permit grimacing as you flag yourself and the entire world...... buy some empty chamber indicators just incase cuz ya know, twitch <3 [01:26:20.748] Barsback: Ahahahah [01:26:20.938] ecmuppet: KEKW Clip [01:26:22.123] awsalkabab: You may Killl yourself [01:26:22.591] jayinternation1: You doing no not November [01:26:23.099] moly_0: LUL [01:26:23.796] Starforger735: damn bro, okay [01:26:24.218] WodoWiesel: RATATATA [01:26:25.699] AlexSmall: LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:26:25.887] Bohnalex: dayum bro. ok [01:26:27.140] jvlivs777: thats cool lookin gun, ain't gonna seen one at my place that for sure :)) [01:26:27.891] gareppa: @F1NN5TER do you have a bazooka there too? [01:26:28.623] ReVamplifier: clip [01:26:28.822] isderpgd57: Finn please it’s November [01:26:30.083] thedigitalpixel: CLASSIC KEKW [01:26:32.706] styrineee: did he jst spend 3k on evike or something just got here [01:26:33.175] jaywolf076: tatatata [01:26:34.215] denden12332: AMAZING [01:26:34.990] cerberuscorpse97: DAAAMN BROOO [01:26:35.538] alfredo_afreeyo: What the fuck [01:26:36.668] KateChon258: Why do you have so many guns? [01:26:36.925] RedKaos26: Privjet [01:26:37.124] allofthetrash: that scared the shit out of me [01:26:37.259] tonib_mgg: DakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDaka [01:26:41.901] c__r__j: Action Wamen [01:26:42.047] Kaymon81: Action Rose...anatomical correct ^^ [01:26:42.493] treedreamin: need a Rambo headband now [01:26:42.811] awsalkabab: with that [01:26:44.298] nemesis0142: Hey its not even "FULL AUTO FRIDAY" [01:26:45.798] s7vnexes: MOAR DAKA [01:26:46.066] TomKijktTwitch: That’s not full auto this is [01:26:47.175] mothyd543: you should totally get a BAR [01:26:47.512] dirtuwu: finn you have a problem, how much have you spent on weapons? [01:26:47.668] sjappalappa: wow. first thing i see when joining. finn full autoing an ak [01:26:48.755] neon_soup: f1nn needs a Tommy gun [01:26:49.060] RibeBoy: Just started looking at the stream and Rose is just playing wit guns XD [01:26:52.178] allie420: but wow those are some beautiful replicas [01:26:52.554] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: neighbours must think that he is a terrorist with all these guns [01:26:52.856] TheSensation28: AGAIN AGAIN [01:26:53.989] unopenedcookies: My big, black, gun...which gun you ask...why my semi automatic 9/11 pistol of course! [01:26:56.032] HangryPlatypusE: G.I. ROSE [01:26:58.256] Denzelliott: youll shoot your eye out [01:27:01.581] gurchy: @KateChon258 he has airsoft guns for same reason he has knifes. they are cool and UK people aren't allowed real weapons [01:27:03.849] d1ml1tzzz: they can remove eyes [01:27:04.572] SuperMinox: @neon_soup Innit :D [01:27:04.753] DeflatedPancake: i failed [01:27:06.169] akua_chan: wait [01:27:06.360] pastel_sg: U r so sexy ma dude [01:27:06.457] lyncesca: you can lose teeth if you don't have protection [01:27:08.521] jvlivs777: PowerUpL TwitchUnity PowerUpR [01:27:09.044] Bytebak: Finn preparing for the War on Christmas. [01:27:10.188] Megatjgaming_: I would 100% shop in a airsoft store run by you [01:27:10.196] Jens_LN: Rose only chokes on big ones !! [01:27:11.221] awsalkabab: double meaning, failed. [01:27:15.998] Elifighter: @DeflatedPancake shame [01:27:16.829] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you can use assault rifles as a melee weapon too [01:27:17.494] denden12332: where do you get your makeup and lip stick [01:27:19.639] mr_monsterkid: oh! [01:27:19.840] ValmontLive: Nice fit [01:27:22.405] subterfudgeandstrategery: rock and lock [01:27:23.211] Electromech_YT: check out silo entertainment, and novritsch [01:27:24.239] SliderX: @F1NN5TER what brand is the AK ? G&G, WE ? [01:27:24.600] nemesis0142: That is how the AK got its name, it goes AKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAK [01:27:27.480] Elevenceum: hot [01:27:28.488] pastel_sg: HeyGuys [01:27:29.386] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [01:27:29.963] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nn5tLezgang rynali1Heart [01:27:30.046] Tari_Diachi: @neon_soup Or a minigun [01:27:31.449] axii_77: *** [01:27:31.552] ManiacMattXD: Anything can kill if you try hard enough. [01:27:32.649] sabersnipe1: Corgo1 [01:27:36.032] RedKaos26: use your index finger [01:27:37.490] cdloser69: "i cant put it in" that's what she said [01:27:37.579] em_pense: where did you get the Dress? I want one x [01:27:39.460] is1dy: sniper rifle? [01:27:42.475] Barsback: Weighs like a real one? [01:27:43.275] mimicat57: hii I just downloaded twitch and followed you [01:27:44.747] Lipocap: Good night Beautiful. you have a wonderful evening Rose. ps Love the dress.. sexy as always. [01:27:45.395] iTz_Galvanize: put a finger in it [01:27:49.617] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Loads like my Mossberg 590M [01:27:54.163] Slim_Cheney: ya like huey lewis and the news? [01:27:54.775] sakura_sister: My teacher almost killed us with a potato gun [01:27:58.830] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER Can I put a finger in it, not the gun 😳 [01:28:02.482] lilithsspawn: Can you do a tactical reload with the AK? [01:28:02.984] Elevenceum: isnt this tos!!! [01:28:05.576] roopdawg: is airsoft legal in the UK? They are illegal in Australia a;though we can buy Gel-Blasters in some states [01:28:05.860] c__r__j: Would it be simpler if you just took off that apron? [01:28:06.394] Megatjgaming_: oh yeah slap that wood [01:28:06.829] gurchy: it's all fun and games until he whips out the tactical nuke launcher [01:28:07.495] Anarcookie: ready for war [01:28:09.107] Lord_SaRo: Nice co...gun. Nice Gun [01:28:09.794] is1dy: nice [01:28:09.964] tretb00t: solid wood - that is what she said [01:28:11.049] mothyd543: what scope? [01:28:11.655] Ramxey_: this has become a gun stream [01:28:11.782] M1n1me95: you need a mauser k98 [01:28:11.889] jedijeffboi: how many do you have [01:28:11.906] Firelord_Redflames: Kreygasm Solid wood [01:28:14.658] s_irishjoe: AK47 is very unrefined to shoot - [01:28:16.781] nemesis0142: you need a Mosin Nagant [01:28:19.444] denden12332: solid wood YEP [01:28:23.851] tonib_mgg: how much would it cost to get a video of you going and playing airsoft dressed up? [01:28:24.477] neon_soup: that's standard [01:28:24.545] lyncesca: @roopdawg yes, but you need a defense in order to purchase them, google UKARA [01:28:28.572] enricogolfen: i question my sanity every time i tune in, hello everyone :D [01:28:28.599] Moparworld: has anyone moved their minecraft account to microsoft? [01:28:29.257] allie420: oh how youd like to play with my fde ks-12 if you liked that thing :P [01:28:29.390] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:28:30.320] steamedhams125: gun girl but based [01:28:30.903] plaindtaste: AYO I HAVE THAT ONE [01:28:31.477] Dave_GreenOC: what the fuck did I just click on [01:28:35.601] Jens_LN: @c__r__j I think it would be simpler ... maybe even better looking [01:28:37.995] Pyroblade131: A maid with guns? I feel like I've seen an anime with that [01:28:38.125] RedKaos26: Real guns in the UK KEKW [01:28:39.244] unopenedcookies: Ayo that slapping noise...ayo [01:28:39.430] Bohnalex: well what could not work in a scope? [01:28:39.469] MasterPo999: A good scope costs as much as the rifile [01:28:44.040] alexx_net: That's not a low quality scope - it's perfect for that gun. [01:28:45.855] DreamSmpFan_223: U look more like a girl than i do ;-; [01:28:45.911] Stovamor: @Dave_GreenOC, a channel you're subscribed to [01:28:50.134] d1ml1tzzz: you can you just need a license [01:28:50.949] gurchy: you can buy real shotguns in UK [01:28:55.354] Elevenceum: lool [01:28:56.658] archangelmick: the one weapon that you can legally own in the UK , it's just a nightmare getting one. [01:28:57.919] shadowthana_alt: Do you have a rocket launcher cause I love explosions [01:29:01.608] plaindtaste: Lever is easier to work probably [01:29:03.415] soggyboot1: Get a shotgun license [01:29:08.084] Dave_GreenOC: @Stovamor honestly seems pretty on brand for finn, but it was a little surprising lol [01:29:09.544] tony2310d: Princess Ross and her gun accessories [01:29:10.351] nemesis0142: Airsoft Equivalent Mosin [01:29:12.460] deadlymage02: ill give u a lever action [01:29:12.556] bkmurder101: chair's got a lazy eye going on. [01:29:14.325] dimathebeamer: 40mm MGL [01:29:18.072] Jim34gtr: Ai haw a A4 bbvientnam versjon the gun from platon :) [01:29:20.212] kumani1: get a shotgun [01:29:20.264] iTz_Galvanize: theyre all pretty accurate to real life, just ammo is the main difference. and usually no co2 [01:29:21.043] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you could get laser piranhas too [01:29:26.331] Tari_Diachi: Sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their frickin heads! [01:29:30.627] dudenamedmonte: good night fin! [01:29:30.941] bigkrimpin: where's john? [01:29:30.958] hms_wedgeman_iii: u can own a barret 50 cal in the UK wd licences [01:29:31.483] projektskye: Theres no tax in stippers [01:29:31.547] Jens_LN: try taking off the apron ? [01:29:32.198] moly_0: you look amazing btw [01:29:35.800] Stovamor: DO bad tempered sea bass with lasers instead of sharks [01:29:38.348] raxolotl: the international shark mafia cant touch you now [01:29:42.460] avoidingzombies: lmaooo [01:29:42.550] roopdawg: Airsoft is illegal in Australia [01:29:44.091] Raddog315: lol [01:29:44.827] jack_mckenzie3333: @f1nn5ter check the Reddit? [01:29:45.078] Jens_LN: poor floor [01:29:46.125] idkmight: clap [01:29:46.710] avoidingzombies: poor maggg [01:29:48.467] peyton18scott18: how does uk real gun licensing work [01:29:52.134] treedreamin: 🥲🤣🤣🤣 [01:29:53.323] deadlymage02: triple113RAVE triple113RAVE triple113RAVE [01:29:56.471] titanium347: finn you're the best [01:29:58.347] li___1y: li___1y subscribed with Prime. [01:29:58.528] f3mmbot li___1y has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang li___1y f1nn5tLezgang [01:29:58.908] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [01:29:59.688] retriver10: gay TheThing [01:30:00.300] macarous: lyn gets more $$$ [01:30:02.505] Tari_Diachi: NO REFUNDS, ALL SALES F1NNAL. [01:30:06.069] Jens_LN: the floor is being abused [01:30:08.133] LittleChaSiu: LUL [01:30:08.415] jaywolf076: PUBG get up next stream f1nn5tMakeupcheck [01:30:09.893] EnderDra_: say my name [01:30:10.419] dimathebeamer: in germany it's almost impossible to get a 9mm [01:30:10.752] Rainiiru: finn, stop resting them on that side, youre pressing the mag release when you put it down [01:30:11.087] Cheetum00: Magazines are sturdy [01:30:11.724] plaindtaste: Czech Republic just passed a 2A equivalent if you wanna go shooting in Europe [01:30:12.340] Raddog315: Broke it already [01:30:18.106] jayvh91021: $28000 end of streem??? [01:30:18.495] Amoyamoyamoya: I wonder if the handguns have trigger drop protection? Or are the actions too light for that to matter? [01:30:19.201] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:30:19.875] s_irishjoe: @hms_wedgeman_iii No way - how difficult to get a license? Shot 1 in American - unreal [01:30:24.650] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER stop dropping it! they will break if they are dropped [01:30:35.988] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER dms after stream? :O [01:30:40.398] s_irishjoe: @hms_wedgeman_iii In America [01:30:42.944] itsmecarla52: hiii finn! [01:30:44.592] lyncesca: hey, it's your money [01:30:45.753] lyncesca: ;y [01:30:47.424] SuperMinox: @lyncesca why did you sell guns to this girl? [01:30:48.511] little_rat06: yyooo [01:30:49.763] neon_soup: f1nn stop dropping my sexuality [01:30:51.413] h_r_buff_n_stuff: But he promised walks too [01:30:51.766] M1n1me95: get a Mauser K98 [01:30:54.882] denden12332: just take your clothes off smh [01:30:54.883] nemesis0142: whats the deal on the new house, any progress? [01:30:57.088] whynot3392: you need to get a Gucci glock [01:30:57.383] c__r__j: Take apron off entirely? [01:31:00.993] Stovamor: @SuperMinox, Cos she had lots of money [01:31:01.310] shadowthana_alt: You in the war:RELOADING *drops magazine* [01:31:01.315] RedKaos26: @dimathebeamer Wrong i got an 9mm and an AR15. You can get it. It's not that dificult. [01:31:04.891] DreamSmpFan_223: You look more like a girl than i do BibleThump [01:31:05.976] idkmight: remove the apron already ....... slowly [01:31:06.134] ManiacMattXD: If you bought them at Walmart, they'd do a return. Even if they video of you punting it into a wall. [01:31:08.756] allie420: bread tie behind ur back to keep the straps up for stream :P [01:31:08.967] ergh1241: I see you with a thompson with a drum mag [01:31:09.668] DaV1rus: knowing you exist in the same country as me is a real temptation... [01:31:20.030] EnderDra_: @F1NN5TER say my name [01:31:27.065] WoodsterWood: now a beast of a pellet gun is a sig sauer mcx .177 [01:31:27.167] Senevri: Wait, wait wait wait wait--- I just realized: F1NN was born AFTER the release of Half-life. I'm going to have to process this a bit. [01:31:28.441] the_mist_demon: i honestly think they should be cross [01:31:34.647] NonsenseAndBS: Wtf is green gas? [01:31:35.134] queenoftheroses3421: Talking guns for the Femboy Revolution [01:31:35.399] allie420: @ergh1241 yesssssss [01:31:39.666] exazius: How is the girl voice doing? [01:31:45.521] sypher_dragon02: tommy gun when? [01:31:47.879] SuperMinox: @Senevri lol [01:31:53.748] leontiusv: show the MAC 10 again [01:31:54.027] LoadSmasher: that was a bit harsh [01:31:54.053] Brainfishes: I would fucking KEK my ass off if I got a 999 call in a Brummie accent "THERE'S A FEMBOY WITH A GUN!" [01:31:55.416] scarlett_cinnabar: would you ever dye your hair? like red or pink lol [01:31:57.387] tretb00t: Buy what ever makes you happy :) [01:31:59.783] DreamSmpFan_223: Ill try lmao [01:32:01.110] gurchy: it's more gun month than girl month at that point [01:32:01.692] jvlivs777: kinda cool tho if your head messier :)),like the one in the prooving that im manly man stream :)) [01:32:02.711] widetrackattack: you could buy a car with girl month money lmao [01:32:03.620] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG you're so dumb! [01:32:03.890] allie420: you'll get bored eventually <3 [01:32:04.408] denden12332: smart financial boi [01:32:05.840] plaindtaste: MG 42 airgun :o [01:32:05.956] spotez_: femboy royale [01:32:08.010] sgtvscreen: OMG GUN [01:32:08.339] fizzypopv: @F1NN5TER I’m too poor to donate T^ T But I just came out as non binary to my family and they don’t accept me… but you always make my day :D [01:32:09.901] builtforsinpai: sup [01:32:10.842] Doommageddon05: @F1NN5TER where does all this money go? [01:32:10.967] jvlivs777: i mean hair 😅 [01:32:11.146] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter pleased turn on the walks as I’ve got 100k channel points. And pin the straps please [01:32:15.358] shadowthana_alt: This is probably a REALLY stupid question but are you male or female 😅 [01:32:17.583] RedKaos26: The LVNDMARK from UK KEKW [01:32:18.126] ArtuaArya: Invest in guns [01:32:18.977] Jens_LN: might even be able to get a better apron [01:32:20.518] tonib_mgg: would be cooler if you actually shot them at targets. [01:32:20.657] queenoftheroses3421: @Brainfishes THE FEMBOY HAS A GUN I REPEAT HE HAS A GUN EVERYONE GET DOWN [01:32:21.408] bxmbi_xo: hehe [01:32:21.695] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER DMs after stream or I sue you for totally illegal guns :) [01:32:21.821] idkmight: u heard her. donate now.... [01:32:23.908] peyton18scott18: nake [01:32:25.364] peyton18scott18: male [01:32:26.122] YannisFleiter: Would you get a m110? [01:32:26.628] Elevenceum: @fizzypopv <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:32:26.734] Megatjgaming_: you should do a airsoft mystery box stream [01:32:28.745] jvlivs777: xqcSlam xqcHug [01:32:28.899] sheklng: Do u have any knives? [01:32:28.916] Ramxey_: You vould become RussianFemPS [01:32:32.446] Pur3Chops: Th [01:32:36.498] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Verrry cooool [01:32:36.755] NotConnerMc: yes very [01:32:40.043] kumani1: you need a shotgun [01:32:40.356] shadowthana_alt: WHERES THE FLAMETHROWER [01:32:40.885] g1antkazoo: @shadowthana_alt he is a guy [01:32:44.837] Jens_LN: FemPS [01:32:46.401] iTz_Galvanize: barret 50 cal airsoft? [01:32:47.496] ttvcopi: do your neighbours worryt about you? [01:32:49.580] Les_Bien_Pain: But the money is for your transition [01:32:49.768] Roofcat1: Roofcat1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! 16 months [01:32:49.971] f3mmbot roofcat1 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:32:50.207] goldensnowfox: hey fin [01:32:51.104] NotConnerMc: real firearms, must sue [01:32:51.405] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER take off the pistolmuzzle so we can see how loud it can be [01:32:52.656] plaindtaste: FemPS_Russia [01:32:59.825] JingleBomber: BRING OUT THE PIAT [01:33:00.479] NotConnerMc: YES [01:33:01.590] shadowthana_alt: Thank you @g1antkazoo [01:33:03.268] Raddog315: ill eagle guns [01:33:03.877] gurchy: LUL [01:33:08.616] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you have where’s the crossbows !!!!! [01:33:08.843] jvlivs777: every femboy has one :)) [01:33:09.418] SuperMinox: @plaindtaste nice [01:33:11.425] bubbewubbles: 100 guns stream>paying rent [01:33:11.817] lyncesca: if you really wanted us to do that we could paint it pink yes [01:33:12.238] teruasha: hii [01:33:14.431] enricogolfen: you should get an airsoft rocket launcher [01:33:17.556] g1antkazoo: @shadowthana_alt np [01:33:18.088] Jens_LN: pink gun with a rose image on the handle [01:33:18.407] just_a_random_someone: This just screams daddy issues. [01:33:19.963] allie420: def need to send F1nn an entire crate of CO2 canisters [01:33:20.528] sheklng: Do u have any knives finn [01:33:20.767] Tari_Diachi: 75% POGGERS [01:33:24.197] ohmrbeann: what [01:33:25.394] aunalbrutal: So Rose whats your opinion on this sub goal only 16 days left and 9K left. Im scared we wont hit it ! [01:33:26.626] 87majestic: send it to me I can hydro dip and powder coat them [01:33:26.664] johnnyyphilly112: ow I'm getting ptsd bc the lack of gun safety [01:33:29.477] alfredo_afreeyo: Woah [01:33:32.087] vanimal2118: Liquid wrap? [01:33:37.614] GreeneyesIHaveNot: GreeneyesIHaveNot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! i have been simping too long, somebody convince me to stop [01:33:37.852] f3mmbot greeneyesihavenot has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:33:37.877] plaindtaste: @JingleBomber Wait since the PIAT is basically a big spring, would it be legal in the UK? [01:33:41.111] RedKaos26: monkaS [01:33:41.716] tonib_mgg: !help [01:33:41.867] Pur3Chops: @lyncesca You should show him the pink M4 LUL [01:33:42.347] Ticklish_PP: 1911 BETA GUN [01:33:43.403] avoidingzombies: *loooks down barrel* [01:33:45.362] VioletPXL: get a walther p99 in pink LUL [01:33:52.940] denden12332: no definetly not [01:33:54.899] h_r_buff_n_stuff: If the gun is metal have in anodized [01:33:57.855] Kinitawowi: sihaBurp [01:34:01.885] LoadSmasher: gun skins is a thing [01:34:03.979] Chloeeee: FemPSRussia would stand for Female Person Shooter Russia so uhhhh idk if you want to rebrand to that [01:34:04.132] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER if you really want us to [01:34:09.688] tewks_15: hi! what are your pronouns?? [01:34:15.158] Laithe: that right titty is whack [01:34:16.565] danmannen: alr boys i know were here just to watch our fav streamer, but remember its november. so dont come near here or u might be a goner. [01:34:16.921] Ticklish_PP: stronk [01:34:18.610] dreamerxd001: dreamerxd001 subscribed with Prime. [01:34:18.809] f3mmbot dreamerxd001 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dreamerxd001 f1nn5tLezgang [01:34:21.208] isthisapokeman: You trying to use those knives 👀👀👀👀 [01:34:21.875] Ben_Lewton: you got dedicated room in new house for the armoury? [01:34:22.037] nemesis0142: You need a Walther PPK for the Garter belt or Stocking top [01:34:26.739] just_a_random_someone: @tewks_15 he/him [01:34:26.931] jack_mckenzie3333: !pronouns [01:34:27.233] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:34:31.598] UnfortunatelyAj: Uhm im very confused right now elinaFlush [01:34:33.677] NotConnerMc: F1NN would be the type of guy to play GTA IRL [01:34:34.961] anjeronett: Simps together strong!! [01:34:38.358] molivious: help i'm confused [01:34:38.601] Kolateak_: check testosterone levels [01:34:38.828] themindscrambler: knives, airsoft, skirts, bobs, etc. great stream [01:34:41.070] allie420: are they all blow-backs too?? noiceee [01:34:48.339] Amoyamoyamoya: It's just a blood test. [01:34:48.711] tretb00t: not seeing much testosterone to be honest... [01:34:49.298] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER MEAT 😳 [01:34:51.885] gurchy: less meat huh [01:34:53.268] Stoorma: You might have Low-T then... [01:34:53.578] M0rbulus: u wanna have some meet right now? [01:34:53.716] neon_soup: meat jokes incoming! [01:34:55.165] molivious: my brain cannot accept this [01:34:55.398] Tytaanis: you need meat to get meat hahaha [01:34:57.046] LittleChaSiu: soyboy moment [01:34:57.531] plaindtaste: @nemesis0142 Walther PPK sexiest pistol [01:34:57.939] moly_0: that can change [01:34:58.484] rabman1a: that wxplains it [01:34:59.824] Jens_LN: Rose need more meat ! :D [01:35:03.720] limmywink: Soy? [01:35:04.597] StrayDogSpirit: SoyFemBoy [01:35:04.851] molivious: but it likes it [01:35:06.170] HangryPlatypusE: DON'T WORRY WE CAN GIVE THE MEAT [01:35:07.186] hello_i_am_the_rock: hi babes [01:35:07.876] OptimisticMaggot: consuming pesticides maybe? 🤷♂️ [01:35:09.223] Tari_Diachi: Genuine Soyboi POGGERS [01:35:10.818] cdloser69: soyboy confirmed [01:35:10.845] ArtuaArya: milk has hormones [01:35:11.383] avoidingzombies: you get more estrogen through certain foods O.O [01:35:14.768] krzyzewskiman: Rose has all the guns so no one can make her eat meat [01:35:15.111] bowilli14: I'm transgender and when my body still produced testosterone it was a normal amount before HRT [01:35:15.999] ChaoticEnigma452: I got my hormones done... I'm EXTREMELY low on T [01:35:16.928] zpfran: no moobs on my soyboi [01:35:16.988] spotez_: u can have my meat /j [01:35:18.035] xpearlheart: soyboi [01:35:19.098] Ramxey_: that femboy diet [01:35:19.529] metoen: have you been reading too much tttt finn [01:35:21.078] axelsattic: heyoo [01:35:22.463] hello_i_am_the_rock: love a nice soy [01:35:25.437] alexx_net: "Had less meat" Rose making up for lost time in the past 18 months. [01:35:25.490] StrayDogSpirit: But theyre not Murican guns [01:35:26.220] domeni_: soy beans milschKuss2 [01:35:26.759] isthisapokeman: Meat make you male got it [01:35:28.538] gunsight_one: Soy milk does impart estrogen [01:35:29.229] Ticklish_PP: femboy diet [01:35:36.528] ajdrewplayz: just got a walther ppk/s [01:35:37.947] amensgaming: soyboy [01:35:38.490] Dave_GreenOC: I wish that eating soy actually increased estrogen levels, but it doesn't [01:35:40.826] jvlivs777: im attracted to the most beautiful person 🍦 [01:35:41.108] sleshpaoopa333: eggs are the meat of the vegetarian diet [01:35:41.382] avoidingzombies: IT DID [01:35:42.558] skewedone: skewedone subscribed at Tier 1. [01:35:42.760] f3mmbot skewedone has subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang skewedone f1nn5tLezgang [01:35:44.577] TheNeverShow: soy mmmm [01:35:46.479] lemonades_neverbitter: hellooooooooo [01:35:47.040] enricogolfen: meat raises test but also skyrockets SHBG which makes it basically makes it useless. Vegetarian twists it with testosterone and SHBG to my knowledge [01:35:47.282] Stoorma: Soy has ALOT of estrogen in it [01:35:49.918] StrayDogSpirit: Are you finally coming out as trans??? [01:35:50.208] teddee8964: The trick to seeing if you have high Testosterone lies in strength. Just grab an egg and if you can crack it in one hand, your T is high [01:35:51.022] krisssssyyyyy: wtf [01:35:51.554] plaindtaste: yes [01:35:52.607] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [01:35:53.098] Kinitawowi: there was a gun shop in my home town right next door to a bank (and across the road from a bank, and down the road from a bank) [01:35:54.577] BeautyMaya1: no [01:35:56.177] Ticklish_PP: yeah [01:35:59.182] scarlett_cinnabar: i have been a vegetarian for 10 and i'm 18 rn, i don't think so tbh. [01:36:03.102] krisssssyyyyy: ITS A FUKIN GUY [01:36:05.640] jvlivs777: yurhh [01:36:06.480] SamuelNumbers: meat moment [01:36:08.472] Bobs_Devil: I just joined. Is Finn vegetarian ? [01:36:12.840] Dave_GreenOC: the estrogen in soy is not the estrogen that your body produces [01:36:13.813] lemonades_neverbitter: how's your day [01:36:15.508] OptimisticMaggot: gorillas are vegetarian, they're pretty manly [01:36:16.400] jeffydavy: jeffydavy extended their Tier 1 subscription through December! [01:36:16.658] krisssssyyyyy: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [01:36:18.837] HangryPlatypusE: CONFIRMED VEGIES TURN YOU TRANS [01:36:22.420] cosmothespacedoggo: Beard is mostly due to genetics 😅 [01:36:24.140] Ramxey_: Also the stuff they put in the water that turn the frogs gay [01:36:24.147] neon_soup: my grandma took a plastic bag of guns to the police station when there was an amnesty LUL [01:36:24.393] TheNeverShow: meat is good [01:36:30.555] gurchy: I eat meat like half of days. I think that's the best compromise given that I don't think I'd want to go without it [01:36:30.674] packagum: same honestly [01:36:36.320] rabman1a: its weird to eat meat every day [01:36:36.771] Kolateak_: HOWW, I LOVE MEAT AND IVE HAD MANY DAYS WITHOUT MEAT [01:36:37.321] blacklime1: what kinda gun was that [01:36:39.861] domeni_: jokaNom now I'm hungry again with all this talk about food [01:36:44.670] yougotmail_TV: that set off my damn alexa [01:36:45.066] DeadSnowmandude: nice [01:36:46.036] Senevri: Soy estrogen may even block functional estrogen. It's like gumming up the lock. [01:36:47.700] LittleChaSiu: time to change that Kappa [01:36:48.161] cdloser69: Soy contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen it's similar in function to human estrogen but with much weaker effects. [01:36:48.408] AtomicShoelace: forgot leap years smh my head [01:36:50.095] sheklng: uve never had meat?? [01:36:51.152] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER Check out the Walther PPK (Very Small gun) James bond Gun, fits on a Garter or Stocking top/Sock [01:36:51.392] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER We all know your bald, give it up already [01:36:51.500] poon_snek: was riza the first meat you had in your mouth? [01:36:53.539] Kolateak_: more days because leap years [01:36:55.985] CouchBoyfriend: @Ramxey_ Can we have more of them chemicals please ? [01:36:56.559] GreyWinterWraith: human lives are on average 30,000 days long [01:36:57.468] Raddog315: I am really struggling not to make all the meat jokes [01:37:01.189] Jens_LN: you can have bald spots for your beard too [01:37:01.704] HangryPlatypusE: DON'T WORRY IT WILL ONLY TAKE ONE DAY WITH ME [01:37:01.989] Elevenceum: ew [01:37:04.176] aunalbrutal: So you say you never had meat before? :P [01:37:04.242] dva_best_waifu: i am meat [01:37:05.166] rehgab: rehgab subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! yay 6 month ! quick question now that you know ho to use make up, what's your opinion on using make up on a man to look like a manly man ? [01:37:05.369] f3mmbot rehgab has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:05.459] EternalNocturnal68: Bark bark [01:37:06.373] izolatedcu: youre only 21? [01:37:09.121] nemesis0142: Thanks Finn have had to mute my Echo now [01:37:09.209] aAndrew3030: YES! [01:37:09.586] Ben1noL0ve: kekw [01:37:09.967] rgkagero: yes [01:37:11.615] DeadSnowmandude: no [01:37:12.741] Stoorma: It might [01:37:13.741] idkmight: no [01:37:13.833] ScrubLord247: @F1NN5TER check out the Tokyo Marui Vorpal Bunny [01:37:14.505] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I think you are just a natural beauty [01:37:15.248] geuicey: plants have phytoestrogens, not actual estrogen, and have to be consumed in abundant quantities to have any noticeable affects on your hormones - 5 year vegan here [01:37:16.808] MoonieMoon12: not really [01:37:18.071] Bulldog85043: You just set off my Alexa!!! [01:37:18.110] LawAbidingCitizen: not significantly, no [01:37:18.327] Kolateak_: No meat = Girly boy [01:37:19.799] StrayDogSpirit: Not enough from a medical standpoint [01:37:22.359] ChaoticEnigma452: positive it would [01:37:22.902] macarous: maybe ask a professional idk [01:37:27.980] KassawinXDDD: finnster brother no joke but if i didnt know u were a boy i would tap it everyday [01:37:28.778] ChainArts_: ChainArts_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! henlo [01:37:28.959] f3mmbot chainarts_ has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:31.748] EternalNocturnal68: nanona1Stinky [01:37:34.792] chaneiro2003: FINN need to get you in an fpsrussia vid in full femboy looks [01:37:35.274] collaritario: its actually the other way round [01:37:36.435] lostman277: hi stovamor hi bluj hope you both having a great day [01:37:37.453] Tari_Diachi: POGGERS [01:37:38.394] MoonieMoon12: KEKW [01:37:38.742] rgkagero: that why you look so manly [01:37:39.864] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:37:40.507] geuicey: POGGERS [01:37:41.112] Raddog315: Oops [01:37:41.951] macarous: POG [01:37:43.531] makromaniac: Clap [01:37:43.740] trolface1997: KEKW [01:37:45.687] chainedchish: nah thats a hoax [01:37:45.935] TomKijktTwitch: LUL [01:37:46.559] MoonieMoon12: POGGERS congrats tho [01:37:46.887] bluedog94045: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:37:48.275] sheklng: no meat = like dick [01:37:48.728] huberistichub: don't worry finn you can eat my meaty sausages, had them going in my smoker for a while, should be good by now [01:37:48.929] vanimal2118: Congrats! [01:37:50.382] Kolateak_: or does it [01:37:50.731] alexx_net: F1nn is over 7700 days old. [01:37:52.548] Chloeeee: In an extreme case like you that NEVER eats meat I would say probably if you suddenly became a consistent meat eater [01:37:54.290] Senevri: Milk has actual estrogen in it, but you'd need to drink like 150L per day for it to be meaningful. [01:37:54.606] SuperMinox: @c__r__j congratulations [01:37:55.454] DeadSnowmandude: no [01:37:55.738] Raddog315: Congrats [01:37:55.942] tsoege: order a kebab asap [01:37:57.265] HangryPlatypusE: NO NO IT DOSEN'T [01:37:57.878] Amoyamoyamoya: The "normal" levels of T and E are wide ranges so lifetime vegetarianism likely doesn't knock you out of normal range. [01:37:59.118] saintbroseff: Gratz cry [01:37:59.143] Roofcat1: TransgenderPride [01:38:00.608] neon_soup: I dunno I'm seeing a correlation right now [01:38:01.272] tenplyjoyride: So are you trans?? [01:38:01.542] skrankepave: lol [01:38:02.630] NotConnerMc: DAMNNN [01:38:02.797] Jens_LN: congrats on coming out btw [01:38:03.393] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER Bruh, before I met you I was a straight cis male, now I'm none of those... [01:38:05.123] GreyWinterWraith: POGGERS [01:38:05.398] LoadSmasher: so cute [01:38:07.111] gurchy: bruh [01:38:07.223] StrayDogSpirit: The testes produce enough testosterone to naturally counteract that. But yours might be so smol it might not be enough [01:38:08.031] c__r__j: @SuperMinox Low-key trans flex, huh? (-8 [01:38:08.451] kingyousy: @F1NN5TER a lot of meat and processed meat is pumped with hormones like oestrogen [01:38:09.185] xpearlheart: yoooooo [01:38:09.373] domeni_: hasFlex [01:38:10.903] braddle172: pog [01:38:11.165] LenKlein: i drink ALOT of milk, and the estrogen in it has had an effect on my man boob growth [01:38:13.732] DrTerminater: Estrogen and phytoestrogens are completely different things [01:38:15.089] idkmight: how cute lol [01:38:15.180] axelsattic: nice [01:38:16.163] gurchy: gorl [01:38:16.629] starsky70: CHECK YOUR BATTERY [01:38:18.553] hamedo4: Hey its my birthday can i get a happy birthday 😁 [01:38:18.939] moly_0: no estrogen detected [01:38:20.105] that_colin_guy: !uptime [01:38:20.392] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 38m 31s [01:38:21.101] bearpaw1970: looking rather Delish on this #NNN [01:38:22.551] OmsX8O: @f1nn5ter is the "shadow" of the sub goal numbers scuffed, or what are those dark blue vertical numbers behind the goals? joofbHmm [01:38:24.437] NotConnerMc: pea sized guns bruh [01:38:24.683] geuicey: there is more estrogen in meat and dairy products than in soy 💫 [01:38:26.394] fizzypopv: @F1NN5TER May I send you some super sour sweets? (I just want to ask because they are like super sour) [01:38:26.771] wandererimwalde: those are some cute biceps [01:38:27.780] nemesis0142: @chaneiro2003 that would be very hardm kyle can't own any guns or fire any guns plus he doesn't plan on making any more videos anytime soon [01:38:30.709] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Reject human return to monkey [01:38:31.996] itslankyfish: what did i join to [01:38:35.016] enricogolfen: no mean lowers testosterone but shbg gets also lowered resulting basically manliness being preserved [01:38:35.199] YannisFleiter: I know a vegetarian. He’s a chad. [01:38:39.470] kkyy2000: Are u trans? [01:38:39.954] PollyWoggo: your mum never fed pureed beef and gravy baby food to you? [01:38:43.107] alexx_net: Update stream title to "welcome to the gunshow" ? [01:38:43.170] Ticklish_PP: @c__r__j congrats homie [01:38:49.801] soydarkito: wat is goin on here? [01:38:53.284] Senevri: Excess testosterone gets converted to estrogen, at least sometimes. [01:38:55.676] Bobs_Devil: ?I just joined. Is Finn vegetarian ? [01:38:55.886] TheNeverShow: the longest Ive gone is 2 weeks with out meat found out that I can do The vegetarian diet [01:38:57.099] alexjk2004: rose help my sister’s cat won’t leave mine alone [01:38:57.864] sleshpaoopa333: It annoys the shit out of me when people start making fun of me because im vegetarian. [01:38:58.448] jedijeffboi: @alexx_net that sounds like a song form guns and rose [01:39:00.982] macarous: unfortunately [01:39:02.326] MoonieMoon12: yeah [01:39:03.487] Kolateak_: Beards are a masculine thing [01:39:07.605] sakura_sister: Flex for some photos? [01:39:09.380] plaindtaste: how can a beard be feminine`? [01:39:10.993] StrayDogSpirit: Just come out as trans you know you want to [01:39:11.542] raxolotl: how did you and meowriza meet? [01:39:12.422] c__r__j: @Ticklish_PP Thanks... er... interesting name. :-p [01:39:12.692] starsky70: check your battery on yo phone [01:39:15.394] allie420: use a little bronzer under the eyes, and adjust your contour to give a more square jaw, i saw an awesome tikTok and i swear they looked exactly like Beiber by the end. And since i was going for fem then i just did the opposite lol [01:39:17.630] secret_assassino: ive only been alive for 517190400 seconds [01:39:22.818] molivious: i want my lady with a beard [01:39:27.737] Jens_LN: @Bobs_Devil yes, he is vegetarian [01:39:27.779] talazar1: can you talk like a girl yet? [01:39:28.914] Raddog315: Have you ever tried to do a manly makeup look? [01:39:30.931] Brainfishes: In East Asia (Korea and Japan) makeup for men is really common. [01:39:31.172] TheNeverShow: so jeffree star [01:39:33.081] LTZSuburban: How long did it take you to get your hair that long? [01:39:33.401] KenuuLive: wtf [01:39:34.514] Kolateak_: I will never not see makeup as a feminine thing [01:39:35.988] bearpaw1970: depends on what your applying and where [01:39:36.193] Ticklish_PP: @c__r__j homie is gener nuteral ! ! ! ! ! [01:39:36.571] macarous: girls with masc makeup Kreygasm [01:39:37.888] plaindtaste: IRA moment [01:39:39.777] alexx_net: @plaindtaste Many women have facial hair. [01:39:43.056] Ramxey_: contour to be more chiseled [01:39:43.507] NotConnerMc: Yes I want a scar to be like harry potter [01:39:45.739] nemesis0142: I know teen guys who use concealer to cover acne [01:39:47.953] scarlett_cinnabar: i used to use a bit of makeup to make me look more masculine [01:39:53.638] dietmountaindew7: have u ever owned a pellet gun? [01:39:53.911] Elifighter: ever heard of war paint that is manly make up Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:40:01.431] skrankepave: Makeup for men = warpaint [01:40:04.335] plaindtaste: @alexx_net Well more like barely visible peach fuzz [01:40:06.183] Ticklish_PP: KEKW [01:40:09.641] OCE_AaronMorris: u make me question myself [01:40:10.962] DrTerminater: Sharp/defined jaw is universally attractive [01:40:18.846] Ramxey_: depends on what makeup you use and how you apply it [01:40:21.075] Kolateak_: War paint is not makeup though [01:40:21.809] TheLetterrV: Look, Batman is the most masculine man in existence and he wears eyeliner and eye shadow [01:40:23.571] allie420: anyone have any tips for keeping the texture of your 5oclock shadow from poking through?? <3 [01:40:23.733] rehgab: thanks a lot for your point of view @F1NN5TER [01:40:25.204] OCE_AaronMorris: nvm u have a gun [01:40:32.880] kev_the_creator98: holy shit that's a man [01:40:34.173] raxolotl: u ever gonna put the trans male to alpha male joke in your bio? [01:40:35.928] hamedo4: Its my birthday can i get a happy birthday 😁😁 [01:40:37.180] JocelynHex: Im trans and I dont feel the need to learn makeup. But if I need it done for a special occasion Ill just pay to have mine done. Makeup is too expensive [01:40:39.890] hazawalker9: Cheer1 a bit [01:40:46.532] Ephoriks: im i was vegan for 3 years and that didn’t… oh wait [01:40:48.680] irmiee: bruh just look at loop stars. all the guys wear make up and everyone wants them [01:40:49.418] osamu_senpa1: MercyWing1 Kappu MercyWing2 [01:40:50.249] DanielIsDank: ❤️ [01:40:50.554] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER Girl cock = Glock [01:40:56.196] irmiee: kpop* [01:40:59.160] TheStarGamer1238: the eye paint for american football player [01:40:59.675] Deiclast: Fin’s getting increasingly adorable, how??? [01:41:01.153] Jens_LN: makeup tends to make skin look softer .. which is considered a feminine trait [01:41:05.462] chloroice: them kpop boy idols definitely wearing makeup [01:41:07.594] Ticklish_PP: LMAOOOO [01:41:08.911] macarous: KEKW [01:41:09.913] ruthless99: Cheer100 Cute outfit, Rose!!! [01:41:11.398] Chloeeee: had me in the first half [01:41:14.141] the_mist_demon: unsHAHA [01:41:15.409] bearpaw1970: God d@MN it.. [01:41:15.553] whynot3392: btw if you like 1911s look at tt33 [01:41:17.366] SuperMinox: lol [01:41:21.380] moly_0: baited [01:41:22.421] macarous: i shoulda known [01:41:23.674] bearpaw1970: 😅 [01:41:24.069] NotConnerMc: hurted [01:41:24.345] kev_the_creator98: what kind of gun is that [01:41:24.596] ownedshadow_: @ecmuppet takes armed and dangerous too a new level lol [01:41:24.855] Jens_LN: a nice big sausage [01:41:26.671] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:41:27.313] ecmuppet: mommy 😳 I mean mommy [01:41:27.643] plaindtaste: You collabing with Natt in the future? [01:41:27.682] macarous: i need food mm [01:41:27.850] ValentineHiii: they rackin' dem guns a lot today [01:41:28.054] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Based [01:41:29.582] idkmight: wtf [01:41:38.775] TheStarGamer1238: Hurt finger [01:41:44.052] alexx_net: "Gamed too hard" again. [01:41:46.418] SuperMinox: that was a very girly kiss :D [01:41:46.829] DanielIsDank: Want me to kiss it better? [01:41:47.016] caramel_babe: its a glock [01:41:47.849] iTz_Galvanize: p320, i had one [01:41:49.494] caramel_babe: glock 19 [01:41:50.799] gogikitten: @hamedo4 Happy birthday <33333 [01:41:50.827] NotConnerMc: PP69420 [01:41:51.125] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER it's a sig p320/m17 [01:41:52.693] LittleChaSiu: PP69 KEKW [01:41:53.384] whos_help: r you ok?? [01:41:54.422] StrayDogSpirit: looks like a sig p320 [01:41:55.227] Jens_LN: call iy "Big PP" ? [01:41:57.027] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW PP69 [01:41:57.663] plaindtaste: P250 Sand Dune [01:41:58.622] njcatra: Either a P330 or a P226 [01:41:59.192] SeriousMental: @F1NN5TER its a P320 [01:41:59.346] faryhn404: pronouns? [01:41:59.378] alexjk2004: finn just gets less and less masculine every day smh [01:41:59.757] hazawalker9: Cheer10 a ten bitties [01:42:00.631] zpfran: M17 / P320 [01:42:02.160] bonbon1232n: dont shoot!!! [01:42:02.368] whynot3392: m17 a sig recently adopted by the us army [01:42:02.592] scarlett_cinnabar: "vegetarians had lower plasma levels of estrogens than omnivores" [01:42:02.706] ecmuppet: @ownedshadow_ Sure does shoot some "ammo" [01:42:03.029] yuliew: sig m17 [01:42:04.710] Deiclast: P226 [01:42:06.437] ownedshadow_: pp69 lmfao noice [01:42:08.491] Amoyamoyamoya: The Court Reporter is here. [01:42:09.717] nemesis0142: Looks like a SIG [01:42:13.370] ecmuppet: pp, lol [01:42:15.270] faryhn404: !pronouns [01:42:15.547] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:42:16.388] neon_soup: sigma male [01:42:16.440] LawAbidingCitizen: LUL [01:42:17.580] Jens_LN: "Big PP" ? [01:42:18.381] santisnotboss: p420 [01:42:18.473] Raddog315: The wrestler The Undertaker wears eyeliner [01:42:18.708] denden12332: pp [01:42:19.742] Tytaanis: hehehe pp [01:42:20.321] cosmosm3: Nice [01:42:23.654] LawAbidingCitizen: pp [01:42:24.107] RosethorneVineheart: id wear makup but im not gonna learn how to do it, my brain say no smrt [01:42:24.266] devilportraity: thats an ak47 [01:42:25.404] hamedo4: @gogikitten thank you! 😁 [01:42:25.790] njcatra: Ive got a P226 [01:42:26.322] aunalbrutal: HAHA [01:42:26.765] ownedshadow_: @ecmuppet lmfao [01:42:28.886] artificial_ruby: pp69 420 [01:42:28.976] 128098: real gun ?? [01:42:29.389] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:42:30.095] SamuelNumbers: eating my way through a foot long sub right now [01:42:32.335] GreyWinterWraith: pp69 by Sigma Male LUL [01:42:33.769] 57ranma: ROSE IS THE ONLY QUEEN AMERICANS RECOGNIZE [01:42:33.794] StrayDogSpirit: if it has a safety than its m17 cause only the military can cuck themselves if not its p320 [01:42:33.982] caramel_babe: is that a real gun [01:42:34.055] Goldenkrew3000: Goldenkrew3000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yooo 4 months pog [01:42:34.237] f3mmbot goldenkrew3000 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [01:42:34.886] hazawalker9: !commands [01:42:35.144] f3mmbot Commands: !insta, !twitter, !youtube, !highlights, !discord, !reddit, !stream, !nextstream, !uptime, !archive, !pronouns, !girlmonth [01:42:37.450] bladedrat2: Owo mommy with guns [01:42:39.587] Elifighter: stop flagging chat finn [01:42:39.767] Deiclast: Big pp [01:42:41.972] TheNeverShow: you need AKm [01:42:44.190] knightstarseven: Would be cool if you got a Walther P99! [01:42:47.019] queenoftheroses3421: !nextstream [01:42:47.277] f3mmbot The next stream will be "Some Stream" on Today at 8:30PM or close UK time. Stream Hype! [01:42:47.470] ecmuppet: Hey Alexa, show me this guys balls [01:42:48.410] Raddog315: PP 69 lo [01:42:49.746] reilo47: Looks like a sigma males type of gun [01:42:52.792] kev_the_creator98: real question, why are you wearing that [01:42:54.683] Elifighter: pointing guns at us [01:42:58.806] eod4rkiz: !Instagram [01:42:58.853] raxolotl: get a p90 [01:42:59.135] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [01:43:00.435] sleshpaoopa333: Have you ever been bullied for being vegetarian? [01:43:00.970] SeriousMental: NO [01:43:01.048] Soap_Spudz: !discord [01:43:01.394] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:43:05.179] animal_lover422: WHAT [01:43:06.749] tanishqxd: simp boi [01:43:08.359] bearpaw1970: no [01:43:09.108] allie420: is the Sig Airgun division P320 in FDE i believe [01:43:09.584] subterfudgeandstrategery: aksu [01:43:11.444] Raddog315: lol [01:43:11.783] TheNeverShow: lol [01:43:13.131] zpfran: stamped vs milled I think [01:43:13.582] kevlarchicken: i lost [01:43:14.259] StrayDogSpirit: cut the barrel and its a 47u [01:43:14.320] scarlett_cinnabar: pick up that dirty sock up from your ground finn it's really annoying me lol [01:43:15.732] whynot3392: aim is an ask that had been made via stamped metal [01:43:19.025] Cappunocci: ... Why the fuck is Finn holding an AKM? [01:43:19.536] Kingich1: how has your day been @F1NN5TER [01:43:20.360] knightstarseven: whut [01:43:20.887] gracegray_: uh oh [01:43:22.892] tunasandwhich: KEKW [01:43:23.248] lyncesca: @allie420 nope, AEG/WE [01:43:23.665] Jens_LN: isn't that an AK74 ? [01:43:24.394] gogikitten: @hamedo4 : ) [01:43:24.919] tanishqxd: how much are those [01:43:25.224] plaindtaste: Ak-74* [01:43:26.103] macarous: @kev_the_creator98 jus crossdressing [01:43:26.311] bluedog94045: NonbinaryPride LesbianPride IntersexPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [01:43:26.626] Tari_Diachi: egg k m? [01:43:27.223] Dave_GreenOC: jesus fucking christ that scared me [01:43:27.324] CouchBoyfriend: I can see another use for this one [01:43:27.640] SeriousMental: my brain hurts [01:43:27.788] gurchy: dakadakadakadaka [01:43:28.681] undyingkuryk: Slow down this aint america [01:43:28.953] boucerjr: among us gun [01:43:32.529] Xacalizado: aj [01:43:32.910] scarlett_cinnabar: aren't your neighbours concerned with the sounds? [01:43:33.082] the_kid_of_hearts: hey Finn stand up [01:43:35.839] grokabonwar: WutFace [01:43:36.068] artificial_ruby: With the maid outfi [01:43:36.380] iTz_Galvanize: oh no [01:43:38.787] Xacalizado: ak74u [01:43:38.791] njcatra: @Jens_LN No lol, thats an AKM [01:43:39.385] artificial_ruby: outfit [01:43:39.661] moly_0: LUL [01:43:41.991] Emmy64_: LUL LUL LUL [01:43:42.898] Ramxey_: sl1p could do that great [01:43:43.038] tretb00t: This better be a Skin in BF 2042 [01:43:44.406] 128098: bullet girl [01:43:44.610] belikethatjones: AKM is stamped sheet metal receiver [01:43:46.157] raxolotl: akmnis the newer verison of the ak47 before the ak74 was put into service for the russian army [01:43:46.980] Cappunocci: "The cute Finnster war of 2021." [01:43:50.329] whynot3392: akm is an ask made with stamped metal instead of milled [01:43:51.595] DeadSnowmandude: lol [01:43:51.744] RayneBakugo: you are poggers just thought you should know [01:43:54.021] Deiclast: DAKKA [01:43:54.531] scarlett_cinnabar: cis people lol [01:43:55.238] GreyWinterWraith: sigma chads? LUL [01:43:55.445] aunalbrutal: I cant wait for the animation versions of this XD [01:43:56.475] bearpaw1970: please not during #NNN Queen [01:43:58.750] macarous: this will prob be on tiktok [01:43:58.936] na1eph: cis people [01:43:59.420] Holtz138: furries [01:44:00.377] Cappunocci: "THE FEMBOY WAR OF 2021!" @F1NN5TER [01:44:03.800] alexx_net: "Say hello to my little friend" [01:44:06.451] kingyousy: THE TORIES [01:44:08.860] poon_snek: tomboys [01:44:09.343] JorWat: Rose, the shadow on the Simp Goal numbers is rotated 90 degrees from the text. Please fix. [01:44:10.011] artificial_ruby: oh no, my AK. its broken [01:44:13.331] Dimonercheck: Scream in Russian [01:44:15.952] neon_soup: tomboys def [01:44:16.111] lyncesca: AKS-74N, the S means folding and N means it has a dovetail mount for optics [01:44:16.124] LoadSmasher: lol [01:44:17.264] gurchy: smol titty goth gfs [01:44:17.364] 863fesss: terfs [01:44:21.706] SuperMinox: tomboys with tommy guns :P [01:44:23.019] GreyWinterWraith: I know which side I'm on LUL [01:44:23.357] TommyBoy809: I feel attacked [01:44:23.863] galaxysbwastaken: KEKW [01:44:24.124] tretb00t: this is some trench war i might be interested in [01:44:24.139] nemesis0142: Check out @TheAKGUY on youtube [01:44:24.361] Jens_LN: @njcatra but isn't the AKM a variant of the AK-74 ? ... like AK-74M ? [01:44:25.070] rs277_: Σ duck [01:44:25.252] redfoxmad: Awesome gun. [01:44:26.594] cobyneedmedicine: is there a femboy draft [01:44:27.088] Emmy64_: KEKW F for me [01:44:28.246] rabman1a: tomboy FTW [01:44:28.532] Ramxey_: oh no, TERFs! [01:44:29.473] RayneBakugo: no tiddy goth gfs [01:44:31.509] optimax71: they say guys with big guns have small pps [01:44:31.866] Xacalizado: YEP TOMBOYS DansGame [01:44:32.490] d1ml1tzzz: big tiddi got gf wants to peg femboys though [01:44:35.346] DedKnotSleepingTV: TO WAR [01:44:35.772] Cappunocci: F1NN-47 - 100% accuracy and damage. Every hit turns an enemy into a femboy. [01:44:38.902] gurchy: dafuq [01:44:39.055] shadowclaw20: Fight me finn tomboys will win this war [01:44:39.197] MichiiPls: OH NO TESTORTER DRONES!! [01:44:41.683] c__r__j: F1nn5terLIVE is going to have a field day with this. [01:44:41.689] knightstarseven: LMAO [01:44:42.136] HelloImErin_: KEKW [01:44:43.611] idkmight: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:44:45.524] plaindtaste: Brandon Herrera in chat rn? [01:44:45.889] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:44:48.042] chaneiro2003: The animatic out of this [01:44:48.172] moly_0: the femboy commander [01:44:48.173] macarous: @jorwat goddammit i can't unsee that [01:44:49.376] Adski98: rooWaddle rooWaddle DEATH TO THE MPLA!! rooWaddle rooWaddle [01:44:49.796] na1eph: This stream is DELIGHTFUL [01:44:50.351] JorWat: Rose, the shadow on the Simp Goal numbers is rotated 90 degrees from the text. Please fix. [01:44:51.782] raxolotl: sasagerooo [01:44:51.882] galaxysbwastaken: LMAO [01:44:51.918] horus733: WAAAAAAAGH!!! [01:44:51.988] grokabonwar: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:44:52.556] the_mist_demon: unsHAHA [01:44:52.784] Stoorma: "Would you like to know more?" [01:44:54.860] mr_cheezit3: oh thats actually a nice airsoft rifle, what maufacturer? [01:44:56.296] SeriousMental: He has lost it finally [01:44:57.029] Tari_Diachi: sry I root for tomboy unless they're femboy tomboys. [01:44:57.697] Jens_LN: oh yes, very manly [01:44:59.909] Emmy64_: Im gonna commision a drawing for this KEKW [01:45:00.126] Joshwilk: Is that a wig or your natural hair? [01:45:01.501] awesomeCoolkid1: hi [01:45:03.538] lyncesca: @Jens_LN AKM is modernisation of original AK47, chambered in 7.62x39, AK74 is modernisation in 1974 chambered in 5.45x39 [01:45:03.573] vanimal2118: Wow too much fun! [01:45:04.374] DrTerminater: Fem boys are losing that war lol [01:45:05.742] Deiclast: This is quality [01:45:06.141] awesomeCoolkid1: bye [01:45:06.226] sypher_dragon02: F1nn just started war cool [01:45:06.863] anysicloation: in the cinema summer 2022 [01:45:07.640] ctsid: TO WAR [01:45:08.984] Xacalizado: @cappunocci I want to be shot by that [01:45:12.254] ruthless99: ruthless99 extended their Tier 1 subscription through December! [01:45:13.710] 10_hello_01: Very MANLY [01:45:18.059] RayneBakugo: that was the funniest thing to join the stream too [01:45:20.129] njcatra: @Jens_LN No the AKM is an updated version of the AK 47 [01:45:20.752] Ramxey_: the art of war [01:45:20.781] 10_hello_01: TO WARRRRR [01:45:21.201] Cappunocci: @Xacalizado Me too. [01:45:23.080] alexx_net: My channel points are on the tomboys - they are hard as Rose's fake nails. [01:45:23.474] Lord_pein: why i come back to a femboy crusade LUL [01:45:27.088] LoadSmasher: don’t you have a white bra? [01:45:27.454] jvlivs777: eyyo,F1nnter [01:45:28.137] whackingseven96: who knew everyone had something in commmen "tax evasion" [01:45:29.205] mr_cheezit3: mr_cheezit3 subscribed with Prime. [01:45:29.399] f3mmbot mr_cheezit3 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mr_cheezit3 f1nn5tLezgang [01:45:32.870] MunjoBumbo: clickbait maid [01:45:35.323] LittleChaSiu: LUL [01:45:36.244] horus733: mikkaaHmm [01:45:38.341] Raddog315: Femboys VS Tomboys Coming to theaters in 2022 [01:45:41.703] whynot3392: the akm is made with a stamped recicer [01:45:42.245] MichiiPls: LMAO [01:45:42.366] trolface1997: KEKW [01:45:46.312] hallonnpaj: Pick up the sock please [01:45:48.797] thattromboneplayer: @Raddog315 would watch [01:45:50.569] knightstarseven: Did you get an M4 or a G36? Or just the AK? [01:45:51.672] redfoxmad: What is this channel about? [01:45:56.158] benggml: If feminine boys are called femboys then shouldn’t masculine girls be called masgirls? [01:45:57.299] Jens_LN: @lyncesca @ njcatra ah, didn't know the caliber was different [01:45:59.340] BrainfartSurgery: any1 else is turned on right now? whisper me if you are :) [01:46:04.522] Dustin730: who ga [01:46:05.085] scarlett_cinnabar: Can you do a Scottish accent? [01:46:10.045] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER Can I get a moan for factorio 😂 [01:46:10.428] moly_0: pick up the sock from the floor [01:46:14.377] jvlivs777: tttrueww [01:46:14.536] Dustin730: who gave him a gun [01:46:16.010] Xatonym: dizzyGun dizzyGun dizzyGun dizzyGun dizzyGun [01:46:16.065] chaneiro2003: @redfoxmad Femboys and PPs [01:46:17.680] iTz_Galvanize: we will vouch for you [01:46:20.703] geuicey: Kappa [01:46:25.473] macarous: wait ya, don't you have white bras? [01:46:26.764] RayneBakugo: your dress is amazing tho [01:46:28.088] Raddog315: Nice [01:46:28.755] lemonades_neverbitter: 'I can fix this I just don't know how' Rose 2021 [01:46:32.032] Chloeeee: "Femboys rally to defend territory from Tomboys" - Sun Tzu the Art of War [01:46:33.495] Joshwilk: Natural hair or wig? Love it either way!! [01:46:35.665] finw18: is he trans? [01:46:36.733] kevlarchicken: lol [01:46:37.684] jvlivs777: can you shoot me tho? :)) [01:46:41.333] whackingseven96: *pumped up kicks starts playing* [01:46:41.434] allie420: @allie420 dopeeeeeee thanks for the info!! [01:46:43.735] Cappunocci: MAG BITE!@ [01:46:45.220] finw18: is finnster trans? [01:46:47.125] Jens_LN: is the outfit a business expense too ? [01:46:50.256] TheHarrii: pp [01:46:50.609] tj4442014: if its real you have to treat it as if its always loaded [01:46:51.119] Cappunocci: Slide bite is worse though [01:46:51.890] scarlett_cinnabar: @finw18 no he's gay [01:46:53.812] macarous: f1nn is cis [01:46:54.199] mr_ajokortti_korkort: so the guns are tax deductible? [01:46:55.233] jvlivs777: oohh my. 😭😭😭😭 [01:46:56.979] metoen: monkaS [01:46:57.284] ea_spoots: this is a stream [01:46:57.544] idkmight: fingy hurty [01:46:59.578] Vexed_Men: Do you go to airsoft events? [01:46:59.881] RosethorneVineheart: hey, ive never paid my taxes ever [01:47:00.651] Stovamor: If only the bet had been "will rose hurt herself with the guns" rather than "will Rose shoot herself" [01:47:01.810] Raddog315: @Joshwilk Natural hair with extensions [01:47:02.437] whackingseven96: AYO READ 2 OF MY MESSAGES [01:47:02.657] Badmush17: TOS? [01:47:03.280] njcatra: @Jens_LN Yeah the AK 47/ AKM fire 7.62 Soviet, the AK74 fires 5.45 [01:47:03.550] lord_sheldor: @whackingseven96 omg 😂😂😂 [01:47:04.065] Jens_LN: @finw18 he's a crossdresser [01:47:05.572] Eret: UH OH [01:47:06.345] Ramxey_: return to school with a bang [01:47:06.385] queenoftheroses3421: @finw18 !pronouns [01:47:06.442] knightstarseven: Makeup, dress up, ...and guns. Hell yeah. [01:47:08.107] anjeronett: kiss boo boo better [01:47:08.295] FuzzyXe: Fin in a dress playing Airsoft best video [01:47:08.561] dtc_buster: what have a walked in on [01:47:09.630] xKittyKat_x: omg you're so cute. [01:47:10.638] Holtz138: Femboy weapons reviews, i'd watch that [01:47:12.651] JorWat: Rose, did you see you were trending on /r/dankmemes on Reddit? [01:47:13.509] alexx_net: @Joshwilk Natural hair with real hair extensions. [01:47:14.028] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:47:17.896] saintbroseff: No f1nn is straight manly man [01:47:19.829] LawAbidingCitizen: KEKW [01:47:20.059] nemesis0142: Gun Guy please tell Finn/Rose about the Walther PPK [01:47:20.370] anjeronett: ow [01:47:23.530] Alansri: What DIDN"T he do with the other one [01:47:24.053] Pelvicks: KEKW [01:47:24.569] viceblack90: yyjHey [01:47:30.640] Jens_LN: @njcatra ah, thanks for the info [01:47:31.383] neon_soup: door = cum [01:47:31.442] NotConnerMc: @Eret F1NN simp? [01:47:32.185] Brainfishes: Crusty [01:47:32.738] Joshwilk: @alexx_net Okay cool just curious thanks!! [01:47:38.260] LoadSmasher: special monkey sock [01:47:38.854] Pelvicks: shaking that Eggplant did you [01:47:40.157] thattromboneplayer: hey eret [01:47:40.593] jvlivs777: ummm 😅 [01:47:40.686] tj4442014: real guns you got to treat as if their always loaded and can shoot at any moment [01:47:41.551] Eret: OH NO [01:47:41.823] shusapus: thighs!!!! [01:47:42.194] OkamiTaicho: OkamiTaicho subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! you sweet sweet maniac. please be careful with the guns, you already shot yourself. you're not Kyle, as much as you crush on him. also T O S [01:47:42.205] ekto_pasqa: Dont put gun i am gun woman and gunning gun where i am ak47 just one tap [01:47:42.392] f3mmbot okamitaicho has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [01:47:43.926] whos_help: ERET YOOOOoOOO [01:47:45.676] axelsattic: femboys with guns is top tier [01:47:46.019] njcatra: @Jens_LN Npppp, guns are fun XD [01:47:46.064] Xatonym: dizzyGun dizzyGun dizzyGun [01:47:47.357] viceblack90: yyjREE [01:47:47.686] olliebull82: hi I saw you on youtub3 [01:47:48.969] Dustin730: why [01:47:49.620] jvlivs777: eyyo :)) [01:47:50.214] Eret: Maid with a gun is a great outfit! [01:47:50.376] RayneBakugo: YOO WASSUP ERET [01:47:51.287] scarlett_cinnabar: thigh reveal? [01:47:52.825] mariabee2617: ERET [01:47:53.139] yosmayra1: ummmmmmmm [01:47:54.172] yougotmail_TV: hey eret [01:47:54.281] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Cum sock obviously [01:47:57.031] macarous: goofy laugh LUL [01:47:58.009] Eret: OH MY GOD THE SOUND! [01:48:00.086] alexx_net: @Eret correct response! [01:48:00.366] viceblack90: tyongKnife [01:48:01.411] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER I'm sure kyle would like to see your GLOCK [01:48:05.015] HangryPlatypusE: HangryPlatypusE subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2 months baby [01:48:05.214] f3mmbot hangryplatypuse has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:48:05.349] galaxysbwastaken: hi Eret [01:48:06.035] hopalongtommy: Rose could be the brit version of the Taofledermaus youtube channel [01:48:07.523] mariabee2617: HELLO ERET!!!! [01:48:07.668] treefolkee: hello @Eret <3 [01:48:09.192] thattromboneplayer: yes, [01:48:10.818] ecmuppet: Yes loud [01:48:11.273] rs277_: yes [01:48:11.400] rabman1a: yes [01:48:12.100] RayneBakugo: no your good [01:48:13.023] plaindtaste: no [01:48:13.462] yougotmail_TV: yep [01:48:13.526] ScrubLord247: !pronouns [01:48:13.854] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:48:13.947] Helen_Croft: yes its loud [01:48:14.029] akua_chan: wait kyle? [01:48:14.063] whynot3392: you need to get an gp25 for the ak [01:48:14.197] jvlivs777: goddawm 😅 [01:48:14.608] Dave_GreenOC: it's very loud [01:48:14.724] Kaymon81: yes [01:48:14.923] trashpandagaming545: Yes [01:48:15.328] aAndrew3030: No [01:48:15.858] cloudline18: no [01:48:16.075] beezilkay: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid1 [01:48:16.194] Pelvicks: Louder than your voice. [01:48:16.379] allie420: wife's grandma used to take old socks, put a brick in them, sew them shut and use them as door stops [01:48:16.660] Izan_TM: yes [01:48:17.268] neon_soup: it's fine [01:48:17.810] SeriousMental: its not a pleasent sound [01:48:17.914] trolface1997: a bit [01:48:18.062] froggyems: yes [01:48:18.423] nemesis0142: yes [01:48:18.544] jedijeffboi: no [01:48:18.645] duckubusklomp: Yes it sounds awesome [01:48:18.759] Badmush17: yes [01:48:18.820] Amoyamoyamoya: A little bit [01:48:18.991] NathanR38: WAYTOODANK [01:48:19.191] SuperMinox: no [01:48:19.265] sypher_dragon02: yes [01:48:20.875] knightstarseven: Sounds just fine here in America [01:48:21.546] ninja_mewmew: it's beautiful [01:48:22.790] 2ANOMAD: lol [01:48:22.991] vanimal2118: What? [01:48:23.548] galaxysbwastaken: yea [01:48:24.138] Jens_LN: not superloud, but we can hear it clearly [01:48:25.553] ninja_mewmew: love the sound [01:48:26.672] password666___: no [01:48:28.256] pinksprinklesLIVE: ITS SO COOL [01:48:30.082] Eret: I'll be in the UK in December [01:48:30.906] chaneiro2003: No [01:48:30.992] thattromboneplayer: DAMN [01:48:31.165] Iam_Zirael: Yes [01:48:31.777] jvlivs777: yeahh it is :)) [01:48:32.026] Badmush17: wow [01:48:36.211] DrTerminater: Ya [01:48:36.551] alexx_net: The gun is less loud that "an excited F1nn". [01:48:36.796] sparklingtrash22144: Why am I turned on [01:48:37.025] kyistell: what did i jsut join into? [01:48:40.100] RayneBakugo: guns in the uk, wow [01:48:40.350] n00dle101: that a .177? [01:48:40.704] akua_chan: like...baddie? [01:48:40.823] raxolotl: raxolotl is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [01:48:41.915] raxolotl: raxolotl gifted a Tier 1 sub to AlexSmall! [01:48:42.097] f3mmbot raxolotl has gifted a subscription to alexsmall at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang alexsmall f1nn5tLezgang [01:48:48.557] Eret: BRUH haha [01:48:48.947] Caliptus85: THATS A LEFT 4 DEAD HUNTING RIFLE [01:48:56.290] NotConnerMc: LOL [01:48:58.375] PeekLive: ERET [01:49:00.030] oculasorbus: Widowmaker [01:49:01.602] jvlivs777: monstrous [01:49:03.281] Megahunter51: Megahunter51 subscribed with Prime. [01:49:03.493] f3mmbot megahunter51 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang megahunter51 f1nn5tLezgang [01:49:04.745] StrangeMerman: Hi!! [01:49:08.737] pinkwafflekirbs: what have i come to [01:49:08.738] plaindtaste: Berlin is a shithole tho [01:49:09.689] Misstrixtin: I should really be here more often this is great [01:49:14.009] ea_spoots: this is extremely weird but idk how to feel about it [01:49:14.774] callme__jake: hello Finn [01:49:14.781] whackingseven96: AYO WHO WANTS TO INVADE FRANCE WITH THIS BLOAK? [01:49:15.635] rhoanne111wolf: hi [01:49:16.182] mariabee2617: FINN AND ERET AND GUNS, IM SCARED [01:49:16.435] horus733: watcha doin in Berlin? [01:49:16.825] olliebull82: hi [01:49:19.754] burgess_shale: CHANGE OUTFIT IT'S A MESS [01:49:20.052] thattromboneplayer: how many.. [01:49:21.006] TommyBoy809: With your 'adult toys' [01:49:22.599] treefolkee: what a collection lmao [01:49:23.062] deadlysin1995: Hey nice rifle ;) [01:49:23.114] Eret: I've got a couple airguns as well, but just the regular like wooden rifle ones [01:49:25.944] Kaymon81: you can play with erets gun [01:49:28.085] Spudnic2002: cant you get banned on twitch for toy guns? [01:49:28.897] kevlarchicken: 69 hehe [01:49:29.077] 2ANOMAD: lmfao [01:49:29.379] TheNeverShow: tan duck over alls with purple camo tshirt an matching Bandana with cat ears head band [01:49:29.852] PeekLive: Boys remember its NNN [01:49:33.960] allie420: rubber gun is dirty right now... :P [01:49:35.226] pinkwafflekirbs: what is going on [01:49:38.670] SuperMinox: :D [01:49:46.953] mariabee2617: eret I did not know u had guns???? [01:49:50.964] Jens_LN: how dirty is the rubber gun ? and how does it smell ? [01:49:54.642] dtc_buster: finn trying so hard to make us fail no nut november [01:49:54.828] pinkwafflekirbs: tf have i walked in to [01:49:57.319] ookatiekatoo: Hi :D [01:49:58.735] Elifighter: @PeekLive rifht nonstop nut november [01:49:59.570] idkmight: the rubber gun is going to be sticky lol [01:50:00.571] Misstrixtin: lmao [01:50:01.840] iTz_Galvanize: floppy pistol [01:50:02.257] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [01:50:02.828] cerberuscorpse97: f1nns gonna play a game of guns with his friend like a child and that thought to me is adorable. [01:50:06.941] 2ANOMAD: the last gun i bought cost me freaking 1400$ [01:50:07.526] heisenberg176: show thighs [01:50:09.067] kevlarchicken: dildo pistol KEKW [01:50:09.912] LoadSmasher: desert eagle wins [01:50:11.606] TePurpleViking: what the fuck is happening [01:50:14.291] dtc_buster: lol [01:50:25.399] Eret: Literally "Welcome to the Gun Show" [01:50:26.068] jvlivs777: beautiful face :)) [01:50:27.297] Meliante: damn i wish i had that... the guns are also nice KappaPride [01:50:28.815] dietmountaindew7: f1nn5tLezgang . [01:50:30.550] knightstarseven: Oh dear.... [01:50:32.217] TheNeverShow: i have real guns [01:50:34.867] idkmight: drop it again [01:50:34.909] whynot3392: ak74 [01:50:35.851] mr_ajokortti_korkort: rubber eagle [01:50:39.168] bearpaw1970: sexy gal weapons dealer sales Queen [01:50:39.999] Dave_GreenOC: please never get finn have a real gun [01:50:40.740] spectatorbobble: You look a mess! dress is crumpled, bobs are uneven... [01:50:45.548] ecmuppet: KEKW [01:50:46.510] ninja_mewmew: hahahaha [01:50:46.983] moly_0: one of them is not used for shooting [01:50:47.583] yougotmail_TV: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LMAO [01:50:49.644] Jens_LN: need to put a picatinny rail on that [01:50:49.749] ValentineHiii: that is SO WRONG [01:50:51.045] Eret: WHY IS IT SO FLOPPY?! [01:50:51.269] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [01:50:51.983] heisenberg176: Kreygasm [01:50:53.035] Alpinefresh: KEKW [01:50:55.081] matilditaowo: KEKW [01:50:55.668] 420710machine: bussy gun [01:50:56.299] gareppa: how many squirrels are you going to hurt with those guns? [01:50:56.649] idkmight: LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:50:56.659] tretb00t: Uh, that flopping reminds me of something [01:50:57.944] bearpaw1970: 😅 [01:50:57.949] galaxysbwastaken: KEKW [01:50:58.432] kevlarchicken: @Eret dildo lol [01:50:58.591] treefolkee: lmao [01:50:59.121] dietmountaindew7: GUN ADDICT [01:50:59.927] Ramxey_: curve the bullet [01:51:00.067] codergoth: ah the dildo pistol lol [01:51:00.854] DeadSnowmandude: ......... [01:51:00.906] jvlivs777: xqcRich xqcRich xqcRich [01:51:00.965] iTz_Galvanize: that aint a gun.... [01:51:01.276] 2ANOMAD: same [01:51:01.702] nubian_sith_lord: femboy john wick LUL [01:51:01.829] gouxzz: KEKW [01:51:02.770] bluedog94045: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:51:03.619] Tari_Diachi: lmao poor Eret. [01:51:04.285] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER The gun only bottoms can use [01:51:05.920] jvlivs777: whaaaa [01:51:05.998] Jim34gtr: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood FBtouchdown FBtouchdown [01:51:06.839] RedKaos26: gachiBASS nice gun [01:51:06.844] matt_or_matheus: is it only used for shooting? [01:51:06.962] wack0x: INTERNAL IMPACT [01:51:07.105] yougotmail_TV: UHHHH [01:51:07.233] ArtuaArya: you can smack people [01:51:08.747] kyistell: OMG XD [01:51:10.172] awitadelimonconsal: That gun have seen a lot [01:51:10.431] Mystrium666: that is very clearly a AK-74 [01:51:10.713] akumunotfound: KEKW [01:51:10.957] Globalnuclear: and you can wear it [01:51:12.067] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:51:12.199] whynot3392: the ak is an aks74n [01:51:15.510] Eret: BLUNT IMPACT, SO TRUE [01:51:16.079] bigkrimpin: drop resistant [01:51:16.327] balphenor: LUL [01:51:17.957] jvlivs777: that gun sleeky [01:51:18.382] yougotmail_TV: somethin aint right here [01:51:19.061] Stoorma: LUL [01:51:23.312] YoshidaMares: isn't that just a toy... LUL [01:51:23.393] Raddog315: To everyone asking what's going on...Chaos, Pure chaos [01:51:25.147] Jens_LN: slap your hand with the rubber gun, see if it can make a proper slap ? [01:51:26.315] njcatra: @whynot3392 No its not, its an AKM lol [01:51:26.901] 2bi_fox1: do you clean your guns regularly, if you do id recommended lube [01:51:28.345] LoadSmasher: that needs a good wash! [01:51:28.888] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [01:51:29.988] carefultrap: THE CLASSY DEAGLE, DILDO EAGLE [01:51:30.198] PollyWoggo: gundo [01:51:30.486] jvlivs777: woble :)) [01:51:31.371] zouraplayz329: What [01:51:31.417] tretb00t: adult toys [01:51:32.438] Eret: IT SAVES SO MUCH TIME [01:51:32.686] vanimal2118: Alex Baldwin Edition! [01:51:32.811] whackingseven96: lets make france surrender because of this cute as lad [01:51:34.669] mystchevious1: But can you fire them with bigger Bobs? [01:51:34.830] ninja_mewmew: LUL [01:51:36.185] Pelvicks: What is that Italian accent you are puttiong out ust now [01:51:36.327] TheNeverShow: Im going to pee [01:51:36.680] moly_0: you get it up, got it [01:51:37.230] mr_ajokortti_korkort: its bendy so you can shoot around corners [01:51:39.266] kingyousy: KEKW [01:51:39.996] HelloImErin_: KEKW [01:51:41.984] Les_Bien_Pain: Is that a gun dildo? [01:51:42.083] Holtz138: that thing looks like it's had a rough time [01:51:45.200] sinuwu: !uptime [01:51:45.469] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 51m 56s [01:51:48.597] aunalbrutal: I cant breath laughing so hard [01:51:49.540] bearpaw1970: omg' and during #NoNutNovember as well..d@MN you Rose [01:51:50.290] jvlivs777: chuu chuu 😭😭😭😭 [01:51:55.732] idkmight: wish it for the love of vod [01:51:56.055] neon_soup: easy to conceal in your pants too, just flip it up into your waistband LUL [01:51:57.668] RxCheckerTD: *in an instant* [01:51:59.993] omniatustv: if you're using that in combat, I feel sorry for the other guy [01:52:00.040] Ramxey_: you can slap someone really hard with it too and it would sting [01:52:00.119] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER where do you keep the deagle when you have no pockets and are wearing a dress? [01:52:00.626] allie420: just ignore the corn kernel still stuck on the tip [01:52:00.820] bearpaw1970: 😅 [01:52:04.592] macarous: for y'all just getting here, he knows the dress is too big [01:52:05.315] Eret: THOSE WERENT THE COOL ONES?!??! [01:52:05.506] SuperMinox: best idea I had today :D [01:52:05.713] Raddog315: lol [01:52:06.236] balphenor: Kreygasm [01:52:06.273] LoadSmasher: thighs! [01:52:11.345] yougotmail_TV: im mentally recovering from the floppy gun [01:52:12.677] Eret: YOOOO [01:52:14.559] Jens_LN: I wonder how that dress would look without the apron. [01:52:15.859] jvlivs777: xqcAbdul xqcCursed [01:52:24.461] bubbewubbles: the flexible gun is what you want in a real situation [01:52:25.208] smrtkat2029: OMG FINN UR SO FUCKING HOT OML :lightskin: [01:52:25.737] marshrover: F1NNCHE5TER [01:52:27.725] magHuT: FrankerZ1 [01:52:31.126] heisenberg176: bend over please mommy [01:52:33.562] strwbrry_cddlr: Hi Finn. Looking scrumptious as always [01:52:36.333] Midnight_OCE: Rose is trying to put do Alice again. Got outstayed by her guns so had to buy new ones [01:52:38.855] wildwombatq: damn [01:52:40.134] bearpaw1970: a repeater [01:52:40.707] 2ANOMAD: looks like a henry [01:52:41.035] snonkdayeti: The dress is to big bro [01:52:41.919] Eret: Have you seen people do the spin reloads with those? [01:52:47.565] Eret: :O [01:52:49.231] 2jzedtrueno: i thought that was something else at first the wobbley thing [01:52:49.286] lordly_boxr00m: Winchester? [01:52:49.480] matti58killer: !uptime [01:52:49.751] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 53m 0s [01:52:50.681] 13kroses: may i ask pronounce? [01:52:52.115] vanimal2118: Catch it! [01:52:54.107] BernardoOne: he's going to shoot himself again isn't he [01:52:56.213] mariabee2617: we really do be showing off to eret [01:52:56.265] Eret: LETS GOOOOO [01:52:59.296] macarous: ayyy [01:52:59.854] allie420: dayummmmmmmm that one was brilliant [01:53:00.320] wildwombatq: KLETS GOOOOOO [01:53:00.968] yougotmail_TV: hell yeah [01:53:00.987] jvlivs777: damn...that gun look shiny :)) [01:53:01.710] ninja_mewmew: CLAP [01:53:02.010] cloudline18: YOOO [01:53:04.142] froggyems: YOOOOOOO [01:53:04.252] DedKnotSleepingTV: YOOO [01:53:04.427] heisenberg176: !pronouns [01:53:04.610] nyxxxx_boi: YOOOOO [01:53:04.679] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [01:53:05.694] akumunotfound: Clap [01:53:05.918] bearpaw1970: riflemen [01:53:07.692] wildwombatq: how much for that??? [01:53:07.708] 2bi_fox1: PogChamp [01:53:07.738] MaruPython: YOOOOO [01:53:07.793] eite14: yoooo [01:53:08.001] venzzz_: what the heck [01:53:08.298] Firelord_Redflames: YOOOOOO [01:53:08.405] vanimal2118: No [01:53:09.357] akumunotfound: YOOOOOOOOOO [01:53:10.434] Alpinefresh: PogU [01:53:12.329] treefolkee: yoooo [01:53:12.582] aAndrew3030: How much is he paying you? [01:53:13.008] Emmy64_: PogChamp [01:53:14.493] galaxysbwastaken: YOOO [01:53:16.656] zenscared: YOOOOOO [01:53:17.241] tj4442014: terminator [01:53:17.686] bearpaw1970: he'll yeah [01:53:17.924] pledgus: The guns 💪 [01:53:18.057] raxolotl: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 how did you and meowriza meet? [01:53:19.075] Ramxey_: we need a floppy rubber version of that long gun [01:53:19.333] ostiewe: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [01:53:20.343] bluedog94045: yooooooo [01:53:22.014] runthajewels: wait is that real?? [01:53:22.603] mariabee2617: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:53:23.491] VeganWaffles777: Lol [01:53:23.808] callme__jake: me when the e [01:53:25.225] jeremiah_thekid: yoooooooo [01:53:25.889] Emmy64_: Paying? Kappa [01:53:31.966] ArtuaArya: That's a cool ass gun [01:53:32.711] TheNeverShow: you need a Marie's leg [01:53:33.542] venzzz_: Dude are you a guy or a women? [01:53:33.601] jvlivs777: soo cool of a streamer there is 🥶🤟 [01:53:34.516] Eret: Thanks for the Gun Show, Finn! [01:53:35.190] Zodiakage666: Rose should we be worried? [01:53:36.274] wildwombatq: how much you pay for that?? @F1NN5TER [01:53:36.798] dirtuwu: i love the way Finn handles long hard things [01:53:38.196] Holtz138: i love a good lever action repeater [01:53:40.022] 13kroses: pronounce?? [01:53:40.997] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Check those corners [01:53:46.351] artificial_ruby: Don't cut your thumb [01:53:50.986] artificial_ruby: that hurts [01:53:54.530] whackingseven96: WE NEED TO MAKE FRANCE SURRENDER FOR THIS CUTIE [01:53:56.533] Jens_LN: she slid into his DMs ! :D [01:53:58.099] marshrover: it's not a winchester, it's a F1NNCHE5TER [01:53:59.622] smrtkat2029: FINN UR SO FUCKING HOT OML OML [01:54:03.834] blue_7119: You guys are so fucking horny Jesus [01:54:07.555] 13kroses: pronounce? [01:54:07.900] Eret: TWO MORE?! [01:54:10.674] Tari_Diachi: and then they were roommates [01:54:14.077] ninja_mewmew: ohhhh [01:54:15.586] olliebull82: hi how are you [01:54:16.963] yougotmail_TV: the gun show is never over [01:54:17.164] 2ANOMAD: saw the revolvers in the back [01:54:20.276] dietmountaindew7: MORE GUNS [01:54:21.556] Rxchu__: no. tax evasion is ludwig's passion [01:54:21.823] 1AspenSilver1: PogU [01:54:22.354] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [01:54:22.797] Eret: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:54:23.482] xenon4299: KKona [01:54:24.348] Jens_LN: make tha gun wall pink ! [01:54:24.603] Eret: LUL [01:54:27.159] 1AspenSilver1: LETS GO [01:54:27.600] treefolkee: lmao [01:54:27.607] macarous: YOOOOO [01:54:28.300] bearpaw1970: lmao [01:54:28.428] LoadSmasher: so cute [01:54:28.745] RizzIsLurking: LULW [01:54:28.768] Emmy64_: f1nn5tLaff [01:54:28.940] ArtuaArya: LETS GOOO [01:54:29.323] HelloImErin_: KEKW [01:54:29.426] OmsX8O: KEKW [01:54:29.621] shadowclaw20: get it finn [01:54:29.853] aAndrew3030: weakest of them all [01:54:30.031] dtc_buster: right one is bigger lol [01:54:30.455] Firelord_Redflames: atpRtsd [01:54:30.479] jvlivs777: PogChamp [01:54:32.326] galaxysbwastaken: YOOOOO [01:54:32.628] callme__jake: SUUUUUIIII [01:54:32.855] 13kroses: pronounce [01:54:33.573] katingee: puffyLove lokking cute as always [01:54:34.017] Zodiakage666: smaller than a 22 [01:54:34.497] DeadSnowmandude: cute [01:54:35.612] undergroundstars: KEKW [01:54:35.692] TheRainbowSlime: PJSugar [01:54:37.285] Emmy64_: Oraoraoraoraora [01:54:40.312] NATPD_: @eret pog [01:54:40.509] jvlivs777: yooo thats smooth [01:54:42.864] magHuT: 4Head1 [01:54:43.094] pogopogopogo69: thigh pog [01:54:45.669] smrtkat2029: FINN I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: YOU R SO FUCKING HOT [01:54:46.063] camocarnage2001: @d1ml1tzzz [01:54:46.369] TheNeverShow: Ultimate muscle [01:54:47.152] Jens_LN: pink gun wall ? [01:54:50.739] TheRainbowSlime: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:54:51.313] katingee: mmcBAR [01:54:51.785] whos_help: LETS GOOOOOO [01:54:52.554] scarlett_cinnabar: why is one of your arms muscular than the other? [01:54:52.724] Oracle840: bro i cant stay here long cause its november [01:54:53.631] Adski98: Yeah, but do you have a Samurai Edge? rooSmug [01:54:55.934] ArtuaArya: CHEESUS [01:54:58.470] luismiguelalmeidasilva: hi [01:54:58.781] whackingseven96: who knew metal was sharp [01:55:00.549] justaguymanbro: Alternate title: Gamer girl finds glock in the woods and plays with it at home [01:55:00.600] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Why No Revolver? [01:55:02.373] Stovamor: Your poor feminine delicate skin [01:55:02.600] Misstrixtin: you need gun gloves [01:55:02.694] alexwdavid1: Those guns wouldn’t even be confiscated if you walked into a school [01:55:03.008] Tari_Diachi: Metal goes hard. [01:55:03.994] c__r__j: Play with the silicone one. It won't hurt your delicate skin. [01:55:04.082] jvlivs777: Sheesh 🥶 [01:55:07.627] bearpaw1970: 😁 [01:55:07.758] ostiewe: xD [01:55:08.418] 13kroses: pronounce [01:55:10.385] Myathe: dont mess up your nails on the guns :( [01:55:12.559] nubian_sith_lord: a true gun show LUL rynali1Heart [01:55:12.786] 128098: you saw the video of the guy with the pink gun, shooting like a girl ? [01:55:13.169] jeremiah_thekid: ttonehPepe ttonehPepe [01:55:14.458] smrtkat2029: LOL UR "TEETIES" [01:55:15.049] katingee: what a girlboss <3 [01:55:15.914] lordly_boxr00m: @marshrover Even BETTER :D [01:55:17.191] Jens_LN: nice ! [01:55:19.937] NATPD_: Lag hi sorrt im lare [01:55:20.652] Pictoris: oh boy [01:55:22.509] Misstrixtin: pink lacey gun gloves FeelsAmazingMan [01:55:24.285] dtc_buster: why was your right arm so much bigger than your left what you been up to [01:55:25.144] iTz_Galvanize: with more usage the dents and callouses reach a point of no return. i have some that havent gone away in years [01:55:25.177] aAndrew3030: last two guns have a itty bitty barrel [01:55:25.330] the_mist_demon: not a great sign for future nails [01:55:26.001] neon_soup: magnum [01:55:28.289] ednil_: @13kroses !pronounce [01:55:28.309] megaroot: "it's high noon" [01:55:29.889] alexx_net: @scarlett_cinnabar Because mirrors exist. LUL f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang [01:55:30.712] olliebull82: beelze21Moist [01:55:30.891] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER I think its time you adopt me and fly me to the UK [01:55:31.749] justaguymanbro: its almost as big as your bobs [01:55:34.752] Maldo_Manna: DEUTSCHLAND [01:55:36.421] jvlivs777: yoo,that big guns [01:55:36.477] peyton18scott18: MAGNUM DONG [01:55:37.202] knightstarseven: Aw damn! The "Dirty Harry" gun!! [01:55:37.631] Holtz138: dirty hariett? [01:55:38.321] Jens_LN: that's pretty neat [01:55:38.678] smrtkat2029: @dtc_buster OML HAHAHAHSAGDTYAWD [01:55:41.518] Amoyamoyamoya: Wesson. [01:55:43.733] NATPD_: Who gave him weapons [01:55:46.934] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: was waiting for this... [01:55:47.319] Raddog315: Smithe and Westen [01:55:47.895] 2ANOMAD: i have a couple smith and wessons [01:55:47.998] Tytaanis: Smef en weston [01:55:53.970] jvlivs777: Magnum fleepin blowin [01:55:55.734] Elifighter: uh that looks like a real one [01:55:56.245] Eret: Do you not have any issues with these not having orange tips? Or are these like actual pellet air guns rather than BB guns? [01:55:57.884] ema_deth: damn [01:55:58.088] kevlarchicken: KEKW [01:56:03.391] iTz_Galvanize: ooh fun [01:56:04.333] allie420: casually drops 5k on airg^ns lol [01:56:05.481] Pictoris: shit [01:56:05.581] iTz_Galvanize: i like that [01:56:05.656] wildwombatq: holyx [01:56:06.233] ninja_mewmew: ohhh [01:56:07.493] kkaivo: the smoke? lmaooo [01:56:07.498] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Finally dangerous [01:56:13.421] wildwombatq: holy shit [01:56:15.356] NATPD_: Mind youre small balls [01:56:15.915] ema_deth: i so big..... [01:56:16.274] jvlivs777: dawmm [01:56:17.032] katingee: mmcGASM mmcGASM [01:56:18.413] Jarvis28000: !uptime [01:56:18.644] graemecrackers2: have nice day [01:56:18.678] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 56m 29s [01:56:19.666] Tytaanis: alchemist [01:56:19.781] balphenor: monkaS [01:56:22.275] cisco53: u lookin cute 2day [01:56:24.859] kingoinker: deep thoat your mi for subs [01:56:25.772] bearpaw1970: Rose's Arsenal [01:56:25.808] aAndrew3030: that is co2 [01:56:26.098] smrtkat2029: !uptime [01:56:27.030] password666___: xxdocgTableflip xxdocgTableflip xxdocgTableflip [01:56:27.431] YoshidaMares: shoot your toe then AppaK [01:56:27.592] katingee: hey eret :D [01:56:28.416] floppy_john: @cisco53 fax [01:56:33.203] LoadSmasher: the real thing sucks to fire [01:56:34.798] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER don't keep co2 bulbs in guns if you're not using them, the bulb eventually forms to the seal and starts leaking when you insert the next bulb [01:56:38.738] password666___: spoopyGangsta [01:56:44.228] smileycupcake333: Dawm shawtyyyyy [01:56:47.571] Rxchu__: Finn, tax evasion is ludwig's passion [01:56:48.606] jvlivs777: imagine the finger get into the slide part 😱😅 [01:56:52.785] Elifighter: we dont need orange tips in america either [01:56:53.691] knightstarseven: The real one will dislocate your shoulder for fun [01:56:55.105] TheNeverShow: boooze [01:56:55.281] Ramxey_: I want a pink glock [01:56:59.047] Jens_LN: alcohol sharks ? [01:57:01.707] macarous: yasss [01:57:03.078] Neelsbohr: Hi Gurl, Just found you like yesterday and stayed up for like 15 hours watching ur stuff.... Such an inspiration, I've just begun streaming cause of you, Love [01:57:11.485] smileycupcake333: FRECKLESS [01:57:14.235] Eret: Oh my god, that's hilariously genius hahahaha [01:57:14.836] Jens_LN: pink revolver ! [01:57:14.918] jvlivs777: yesss [01:57:15.055] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [01:57:20.554] cobyneedmedicine: LOOPHOLES LETS GO [01:57:21.780] allie420: silly [01:57:22.790] OmsX8O: @f1nn5ter "shadow" scuffed in this scene [01:57:24.341] katingee: pupperGUN pupperGUN pupperGUN pogg [01:57:24.787] plaindtaste: Alec Baldwin moment [01:57:24.788] DeadSnowmandude: lol [01:57:25.635] NATPD_: Eret pog [01:57:26.077] lyncesca: it's not a loophole [01:57:26.638] Ramxey_: F1nn5ter Films [01:57:28.198] jvlivs777: Hd,lets go :)) [01:57:29.389] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:57:35.478] Misstrixtin: your wall D: [01:57:36.236] omniatustv: or have an Airsoft license [01:57:37.395] dirtuwu: porno films [01:57:37.979] treefolkee: he's a genius [01:57:39.228] xpearlheart: Time for me to go to bed, goodnight princess [01:57:39.442] aleliss: monkaW [01:57:39.594] yougotmail_TV: yoo [01:57:43.201] allie420: mmmm condensation [01:57:43.394] katingee: ooooof [01:57:43.653] bearpaw1970: oh' you Sneaky little fox [01:57:49.144] frogxmcyt: !pronouns? [01:57:49.479] iPetemypants: Finn today = pink Dimitrescu [01:57:51.484] Tytaanis: @lyncesca tellem [01:57:51.559] hotchiptime: was that air? [01:57:53.071] collaritario: yoo, forgot I could see air [01:57:54.162] craigpp12: craigpp12 extended their Tier 1 subscription through March! [01:57:54.909] Ramxey_: F1nn5ter Studios [01:57:55.179] bearpaw1970: 😅 [01:57:55.430] Dustin730: in America we just own actual guns [01:57:56.258] NATPD_: Damn dats short [01:57:57.132] scarlett_cinnabar: one time i sent an image of you to my boyfriend and asked if he found you attractive. he said yes. [01:57:58.534] jvlivs777: thats looks terrifying 😅 [01:57:59.051] smrtkat2029: FINN UR SO MANLY [01:57:59.778] kaiisinit: 😅 [01:58:00.256] forpher: mumza :D [01:58:01.108] craigpp12: Hello [01:58:01.115] aAndrew3030: so the police are ready to bust down the door? [01:58:05.614] JakePace: Bruh stop dry firing [01:58:18.579] jvlivs777: xqcOld xqcM [01:58:19.648] sean_944: Or if you have ukra for people like me who plays airsoft and like black ones [01:58:20.537] une_flora: eret isnt vip whatttt [01:58:24.101] whos_help: just choke on a Raman noodle feeling good [01:58:27.986] TheNeverShow: I have a smith and Wesson 500 it's really scary [01:58:38.533] artificial_ruby: That is dry firing. [01:58:41.924] Yonataru: i told u to buy a pink one fin [01:58:43.172] windows__rock: @whos_help ah yes lol [01:58:43.733] une_flora: hi finn! [01:58:44.337] Stovamor: English in chat please. Non-english comments will be removed [01:58:44.624] klounix: klounix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! You`re becoming a more dangerous femboy as the time passes [01:58:44.822] f3mmbot klounix has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [01:58:44.973] whackingseven96: a i r [01:58:45.267] plaindtaste: The hammer is the problem [01:58:46.983] macarous: ... [01:58:51.129] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER don't keep co2 bulbs in guns if you're not using them, the bulb eventually forms to the seal and starts leaking when you insert the next bulb [01:58:52.053] craigpp12: How have you been [01:58:54.549] cisco53: omg I wish I was as cute as u [01:58:55.072] smrtkat2029: FINN HOW R U SO MANLY AND FEMM AT THE SAME TIME [01:58:56.836] ostiewe: googlie eye is drooping SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing [01:58:59.151] empirechaotix: the camera framing looks off to me [01:58:59.899] Alice1664: Hello. [01:59:04.531] glitchconcert: the first stream of fine I'm on [01:59:04.598] stonesquire9410: hello [01:59:05.101] NotThatFunnyYet: Fabian hi [01:59:10.224] orlanTEEN: whers the gun [01:59:11.476] knightstarseven: Can we have a stream where Finn cosplays as an assassin? #FemboyNikita [01:59:14.784] scarlett_cinnabar: how can i be attractive as you? [01:59:14.886] Eret: Hammer doesn't actually do anything in an air gun tho, right? [01:59:19.189] justaguymanbro: wait what you said you had an AK? [01:59:19.553] kkaivo: so cute lmfao [01:59:22.517] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Wet fire them then [01:59:23.470] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Crossbow vs Guns [01:59:23.880] plaindtaste: @TheNeverShow Lemme guess youre from alaska? [01:59:24.333] YoshidaMares: i just found out that it is less than 9k to go for the girl month goal PogU [01:59:30.761] jvlivs777: and beautiful one :)) [01:59:31.218] dirtuwu: sigma femboy [01:59:31.673] Jens_LN: Rose likes to stick her fingers into holes ? [01:59:31.713] SuperMinox: just a few minutes ago [01:59:33.626] themindscrambler: alrighty, heading out. see you in 5to7 minutes [01:59:36.205] santisnotboss: I remember dry firing my airsoft gun. I no longer have an airsoft gun [01:59:38.687] Thornsslildren: ERETTTTTTTTTTTT HIIIIII [01:59:43.925] NATPD_: So know he actually Has guns [01:59:47.947] windows__rock: hii [01:59:51.646] lyncesca: the hammer is internal [01:59:54.369] justaguymanbro: *casually shoots monitor* [01:59:55.780] craigpp12: Armed take over of every salon [01:59:59.675] Badhaggus: There isn't a firing pin to break so it should be fine to dry fire [02:00:00.571] windows__rock: just sneezed and choughed at the same time [02:00:00.850] whackingseven96: paying taxes or tax evasion, what is your word of wisdom?? [02:00:03.333] c__r__j: @SuperMinox Glad someone else saw it. [02:00:06.139] 10_hello_01: Heading out [02:00:12.402] xicoliru: hellou [02:00:14.870] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [02:00:16.737] stonesquire9410: I'm confused are you a boy or a girl???? [02:00:18.746] Thornsslildren: Halllllllo [02:00:21.219] glitchconcert: hello this is my first time watching you on twitch [02:00:22.283] blobflops: sooooo outfit change? [02:00:22.951] SuperMinox: at least she didn't look into the barrel ... [02:00:25.164] MechanicDM: holy shit, how many guns do u have... :D [02:00:32.059] hamedo4: Hey its my birthday can i get a happy birthday 😁 [02:00:32.969] NotThatFunnyYet: aaa [02:00:34.916] braddle172: !uptime [02:00:35.177] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 45s [02:00:36.493] wizkasgod: @F1NN5TER what do you think about magnetic lashes ? [02:00:39.889] 2ANOMAD: yup [02:00:41.209] fdc073bfa49e: @stonesquire9410 whatever you want her to be? :p [02:00:41.876] sweetpoopie: happy birthdayy [02:00:45.163] Raddog315: @stonesquire9410 He's a guy. Just crossdressing [02:00:49.937] TheNeverShow: rose finster is a egg [02:00:51.261] NonsenseAndBS: It’s just an air valve. Doesn’t matter. [02:00:52.311] trolface1997: nice [02:00:52.396] sceptreofleon: Hey I’m new [02:00:52.541] windows__rock: @hamedo4 HAPPY BIRTHDAY [02:00:52.904] ninja_mewmew: 42069 [02:00:54.081] OmsX8O: POGGERS [02:00:54.161] Kolateak_: POG [02:00:54.929] GreyWinterWraith: excellent funny number seanvrDab [02:00:55.535] iTz_Galvanize: 420.69 [02:00:58.139] orlanTEEN: KEKW [02:00:58.794] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [02:00:58.879] makromaniac: Clap [02:00:58.907] Roofcat1: PogChamp [02:00:59.144] NATPD_: PoG nice [02:00:59.609] Jens_LN: 420. 69 [02:00:59.978] Sensitive_Shelly: POG [02:01:01.111] rabman1a: funny number [02:01:02.765] lexrbr: HypeDoh [02:01:02.853] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [02:01:03.595] craigpp12: How are you so shit at csgo [02:01:03.686] Misstrixtin: nice [02:01:05.209] pogopogopogo69: nice [02:01:05.359] OmsX8O: miiliClap [02:01:06.161] Pelvicks: Poggers CRJ :D [02:01:07.110] imcallingfromafridge: pogpog [02:01:07.650] hearthon_: does he just sit there being pretty [02:01:08.196] vanimal2118: Pog [02:01:08.257] jvlivs777: pogggg [02:01:08.809] knightstarseven: funny number hellyeah [02:01:09.037] c__r__j: @kgober: Well played. [02:01:09.179] ravor9933: nice [02:01:09.895] galaxysbwastaken: pog [02:01:09.965] taylor_shiner: pogg [02:01:11.780] jvlivs777: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp <3 [02:01:12.558] glitchconcert: soo [02:01:13.748] Alpinefresh: nice [02:01:14.286] NATPD_: Nice [02:01:14.885] Raddog315: POG [02:01:15.261] hamedo4: @windows__rock thank you! 😁 [02:01:15.371] whackingseven96: tax evasiion is fun [02:01:16.442] grumpykittu: hello chair [02:01:16.473] DeadSnowmandude: nice [02:01:17.577] secret_assassino: nice [02:01:17.763] bearpaw1970: chair cannot believer her eyes [02:01:18.838] Ramonclt: 420 69 [02:01:19.815] macarous: @hamedo4 happy birthday dude <3 [02:01:19.849] Alansri: From this angle it looks like chair hurt its eye [02:01:19.917] sleshpaoopa333: someone donate to fuck it up [02:01:20.480] jedijeffboi: POGERS [02:01:20.935] ninja_mewmew: hello chair you is looking fine today [02:01:22.655] Ramxey_: hehe XD numbers [02:01:23.032] NATPD_: Rice [02:01:26.618] denden12332: i wanna be that chair [02:01:27.228] Jens_LN: Chair looking poggers today [02:01:27.898] Tytaanis: Who else is drinking, chat? [02:01:30.745] orlanTEEN: POG POG POG POG POG [02:01:30.943] knightstarseven: chair....heyyyy [02:01:32.386] nemesis0142: Pog [02:01:32.821] jedijeffboi: CHAIR POG [02:01:33.105] glitchconcert: SeemsGood [02:01:33.288] bearpaw1970: the sheer number of weapons [02:01:34.338] fishleyy: pog [02:01:34.734] bluedog94045: FBCatch [02:01:35.312] mightbeandrew: why is it that I always get meat ads before I watch your stream [02:01:35.605] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Chair you alright? [02:01:35.616] Mistress_Sarah: Hi what’s going on? [02:01:36.125] nemesis0142: pog [02:01:37.596] JorWat: #chairstream [02:01:38.903] macarous: let's gooo [02:01:38.979] hamedo4: @macarous thank you! 😁 [02:01:39.006] sakura_sister: Wooooooo [02:01:42.685] Yonataru: nooooooo [02:01:46.117] jvlivs777: eyyoo [02:01:46.558] blobflops: dont [02:01:46.664] NATPD_: ChUG iT [02:01:47.666] vanimal2118: Cheers! [02:01:49.425] Yonataru: stop flexing on me xD [02:01:49.751] denden12332: pinky up [02:01:50.992] Kingich1: funny number hehe [02:01:51.427] gloom_slayer: Rose, Darling. I must protest! Those so called 50 caliber guns you have, are nothing more than tiny pool noodles. It's ok sweetie we all still love you. Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:01:53.361] Alice1664: Cheers ! [02:01:56.700] imcallingfromafridge: limoncello? [02:01:57.326] NotThatFunnyYet: chug it [02:01:58.127] GreyWinterWraith: bruh that was literally the meme LUL [02:01:58.142] jvlivs777: lookin funky :)) [02:01:59.674] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: CHUG [02:02:00.758] mightbeandrew: ooooo [02:02:02.113] knightstarseven: Damn...straight from the bottle [02:02:02.778] Gaw_: chug [02:02:03.135] hefty_curtains21: hot or not? [02:02:03.890] wizkasgod: im starting hrt in February :) [02:02:05.540] baszuill: baszuill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! funny sex weed number [02:02:05.740] f3mmbot baszuill has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:02:07.310] stonesquire9410: are a boy or a girl [02:02:07.832] bigkrimpin: what a classy lady, straight from the bottle [02:02:07.982] Neelsbohr: Get a glass young lady [02:02:11.295] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: DEEPTHROAT [02:02:12.259] JakePace: Classy ladies drink from a glass [02:02:12.855] Raddog315: lol [02:02:13.942] jvlivs777: noice :)) [02:02:14.750] Jens_LN: Rose putting strange liquids into her mouth! :D [02:02:15.054] macarous: you can drink it straight [02:02:15.508] craigpp12: Judy question why are you so bad at csgo [02:02:15.809] Alansri: Those are the real guns [02:02:16.675] GreyWinterWraith: the biceps seanvrGasm [02:02:19.362] nubian_sith_lord: CHUG IT PogChamp [02:02:19.487] nemesis0142: Your not supposed to drink it NEAT [02:02:21.254] LoadSmasher: put your mouth on it like a proper lady [02:02:22.467] OmsX8O: yes, you should drink it straight, but do it in a glass first [02:02:23.521] VioletPXL: not even using a glass LUL [02:02:25.726] zombiebrat12: Hi [02:02:28.256] genjimakel_: intoxicated femboy playing with guns, perfect for twitch [02:02:29.623] nocturnalviewing: Kappa [02:02:30.274] darksnipez_yt: Cheer1000000000. [02:02:31.412] iPetemypants: The most cutest and manliest man alive. [02:02:33.762] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 f1nn5tLezgang [02:02:34.282] ironbeagle2b2t: someone tell @f1nn5ter us transboys here in texas already have guns and we know how to mix real Margaritas [02:02:36.149] the_mist_demon: 420.69 [02:02:36.314] stonesquire9410: are you a boy or a girl [02:02:38.115] TheNeverShow: pogchamp [02:02:39.455] plaindtaste: Do you smoke / vape weed? [02:02:41.953] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Get a glass for it. plastic cup [02:02:42.360] nocturnalviewing: suuuuuuuuuure [02:02:42.870] Alansri: !gender [02:02:43.156] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:02:44.969] notcreatief: Just like a real girl. [02:02:48.177] SuperMinox: you are a lightweight [02:02:49.628] iPetemypants: LMAO [02:02:50.976] knightstarseven: Don't drink on a plane then... [02:02:53.128] jimmyboy____: jimmyboy____ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! heyyy, yo boy is back [02:02:53.313] f3mmbot jimmyboy____ has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [02:02:53.681] the_mist_demon: Nice [02:02:55.422] nemesis0142: ITS FOR MIXING NOT NEAT [02:02:55.860] Amoyamoyamoya: @stonesquire9410, He is a straight CIS male [02:02:58.028] RedTempest101: You got new glasses remember @f1nn5ter? [02:02:58.076] Brainfishes: Such a 21-year-old thing to say, lol [02:02:58.297] whackingseven96: @F1NN5TER what are your wise words of wisdom of tax evasion? [02:02:59.755] aAndrew3030: until you puke! [02:03:01.053] hopalongtommy: a cheap date [02:03:04.363] hamedo4: !commands [02:03:04.632] f3mmbot Commands: !insta, !twitter, !youtube, !highlights, !discord, !reddit, !stream, !nextstream, !uptime, !archive, !pronouns, !girlmonth [02:03:05.779] omniatustv: sounds like winning [02:03:06.737] tsm_plasmayt: @F1NN5TER you have turned me gay [02:03:07.557] craigpp12: Miss the old csgo streams [02:03:13.174] Tytaanis: Smoke then, got it! [02:03:15.452] Misstrixtin: you dont know me but i would like to party with you [02:03:15.597] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [02:03:15.651] ChrisGoth: ChrisGoth subscribed with Prime. [02:03:15.850] f3mmbot chrisgoth has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang chrisgoth f1nn5tLezgang [02:03:16.226] macarous: wait, so you smoke [02:03:16.405] orlanTEEN: oi [02:03:19.558] ImTheCup: @luismiguelalmeidasilva ele n fala pt [02:03:24.545] Kaymon81: minx is an irish man ^^ [02:03:27.235] allie420: but do you dab tho?? [02:03:28.595] hamedo4: !pronouns [02:03:28.736] bigmoney8754: hi [02:03:28.841] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [02:03:29.504] alexx_net: @nemesis0142 I don't know anyone that doesn't drink limoncello as a mixer - it's an Italian digestive, (so usually drunk neat.) [02:03:29.962] wizkasgod: @F1NN5TER bongs blunts joints or dabs or a cheeky line ? [02:03:30.167] Stovamor: @luismiguelalmeidasilva, English in chat please [02:03:31.256] Eret: For me I've got to get over that hump of sleepy with the first several drinks, then I actually start feeling it [02:03:31.328] NATPD_: Minx drinks like a horse [02:03:31.752] zombiebrat12: Hi my name is Violet [02:03:33.450] NonsenseAndBS: Its minxes bday [02:03:33.599] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Shoenice [02:03:36.219] Kris_the_SiMP: !pronouns [02:03:37.924] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 [02:03:38.103] macarous: ... [02:03:39.825] salvatorecocco: hello [02:03:40.505] Misstrixtin: i'd also like to party with minx, she seems like a good time [02:03:40.626] baelphes: how subtle ... [02:03:42.436] Tytaanis: Ouid then [02:03:43.528] bearpaw1970: Minx loves her alcohol [02:03:44.459] DoctorKorpus: what about weed [02:03:44.729] total_acidity: No way you can keep up with Minx [02:03:44.801] nemesis0142: Minx is more of a Man than most Irish Men i know [02:03:45.190] MrGallo25: MrGallo25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Pog [02:03:45.237] blobflops: weed ftw [02:03:45.373] f3mmbot mrgallo25 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:03:47.436] sinuwu: drinking stream? [02:03:49.519] Raddog315: Nice legal answer [02:03:49.590] salvatorecocco: show me your boobs [02:03:49.825] glitchconcert: pffttt [02:03:50.441] bigkrimpin: """friend""" [02:03:50.643] Kolateak_: ILLEGAL [02:03:51.914] macarous: LMAO [02:03:52.463] jvlivs777: smoke aint cool tbh 😅 [02:03:55.065] Ramxey_: a "friend" [02:03:56.237] jandraelune: :p BlondieRox, they can drink a lot. [02:03:58.923] craigpp12: Bro chews weed [02:03:59.268] bigmoney8754: hi [02:03:59.294] plaindtaste: Where my stoned mfs at [02:03:59.427] Jens_LN: the devils lettuce !! :D [02:03:59.739] orlanTEEN: dis she shoot herself with the bb? [02:04:00.746] imcallingfromafridge: unlucky [02:04:03.202] NATPD_: Illegall smegl [02:04:03.255] TheNeverShow: can you Introduce me to minx please [02:04:03.895] SoulQuizzity: lmao [02:04:03.908] CyberXian: show boobs [02:04:06.500] RedKaos26: Kappa [02:04:06.995] Lucridis: Did your friend ever leave a bong in the background of their stream [02:04:07.321] zhanshiDE: Did you think sometimes having a pussy? @F1NN5TER [02:04:07.772] Bulldog85043: Devil's lettuce?!?! [02:04:09.227] macarous: ahahaha [02:04:09.287] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:04:10.386] Tari_Diachi: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [02:04:11.508] exazius: KEKW [02:04:11.564] JorWat: Rose, we've seen a bong on your desk... [02:04:11.605] graemecrackers2: 420 glaze it [02:04:11.795] jjfrob: "friend" 😏😏😏 [02:04:14.056] Stovamor: @Lucridis, LUL [02:04:15.287] LittleChaSiu: of course it was in California [02:04:15.600] bearpaw1970: lmao [02:04:15.880] camocarnage2001: ahhhh its only class B LUL [02:04:18.660] codergoth: "friend" lol [02:04:19.435] katingee: YEPP [02:04:21.936] imaginealiveve: dose ur friend wear cute outfits too? [02:04:27.266] codergoth: "friend" Kappa [02:04:28.042] Ramxey_: How did your "friend" act? [02:04:28.441] Kolateak_: This sounds like a cool friend, when can we meet them? [02:04:31.885] heavymetalyetiguy: is this friend holding a gun right now? [02:04:32.371] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL [02:04:34.798] OkieChloe: LUL [02:04:34.820] jvlivs777: SeemsGood VoteYea [02:04:37.728] ninja_mewmew: mmmhmmm [02:04:41.702] Eret: @Misstrixtin ayy! [02:04:41.723] SuperMinox: my "friend" - sure [02:04:42.209] Emmy64_: LUL [02:04:43.878] megaroot: now we know why he can go to US [02:04:44.545] jennielaine: ey F1nn5ter, Why are those ears not yet pierced? [02:04:45.006] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Is your friend Finn? [02:04:45.166] avidentity: SWIM [02:04:46.138] bearpaw1970: 3rd person reference of f1nn by Rose [02:04:46.532] balphenor: ahah [02:04:46.726] Neelsbohr: who these friends we don know bout [02:04:46.835] hefty_curtains21: english coherent yes? [02:04:47.380] NATPD_: "Friend" [02:04:47.792] VeRt3xGD: My friend ;) [02:04:48.579] GreyWinterWraith: crj actually got a round number for once LUL [02:04:49.870] jedijeffboi: Is your friend secretly you? [02:04:50.408] canniboom: friend is still stoned af [02:04:50.472] Jens_LN: nice number [02:04:53.539] LittleChaSiu: very careful to not use specific pronouns hmm [02:04:53.621] jvlivs777: my friend :)) ttrueww,i believe [02:04:54.912] the_mist_demon: Nive [02:04:56.662] macarous: that was some bullshit LUL [02:04:57.854] Mistress_Sarah: 😂 lies [02:04:58.526] vanimal2118: "Friend" [02:05:00.535] galaxysbwastaken: PFTT [02:05:01.501] ayarcee: "friend" [02:05:02.780] jedijeffboi: friend seems like a lie [02:05:02.981] Misstrixtin: Eret o/ sorry we missed you in LA! [02:05:03.078] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:05:03.685] allie420: your friend needs to try a volcano before your friend says all vapes are lame ;) hehe <3 [02:05:05.749] katingee: shweed is nice for depression for some people [02:05:06.509] craigpp12: Jamaican heritage so I’m set [02:05:08.560] raxolotl: HOLY C_R_J ACTUALLY GOT A DONO TO A GOOD NOM ER [02:05:09.734] omniatustv: @avidentity I've not seen that in years [02:05:10.748] katingee: in moderation [02:05:11.814] natasx01: Jude is roses "Friend" [02:05:13.196] PollyWoggo: did your "friend" have a bad trip? [02:05:15.771] alexx_net: Did your "friend" become an e-girl before or after trying the "devil's lettuce" [02:05:19.144] jedijeffboi: friend is suss [02:05:19.921] scarlett_cinnabar: what do you do with your female clothes that you don't use? [02:05:20.267] ayarcee: how many times did he say friend? [02:05:20.598] casey__kasem: cheers [02:05:21.944] Kolateak_: When can we meet your friend Kappa [02:05:22.695] c__r__j: @raxolotl THings seemed quiet. [02:05:24.493] Eret: @Misstrixtin Yeah! Was a shame, but didn't want to risk getting you ill! Another time for sure though! [02:05:24.965] jvlivs777: trrrueww [02:05:26.107] vanimal2118: Both of them? [02:05:26.119] TheNeverShow: California is like Las Vegas its fun for like just under a week [02:05:26.615] plaindtaste: Im jealous getting to smoke cali weed [02:05:28.389] jedijeffboi: hmmmmmmmmmmmm [02:05:29.551] bigkrimpin: kek [02:05:30.229] jennielaine: earrings Rose, where are they? [02:05:31.785] Raddog315: This message was brought to you by the Bill Clinton Weed Honesty Council [02:05:32.653] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:05:35.282] Tari_Diachi: lol [02:05:36.561] glitchconcert: TPFufun [02:05:36.619] trolface1997: KEKW [02:05:37.045] LittleChaSiu: I imagine they went by "I/me" pronouns KEKW [02:05:40.855] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [02:05:41.075] macarous: pffft [02:05:41.564] plaindtaste: Weed is like the only good thing about cali [02:05:42.352] braddle172: obkatD [02:05:42.533] dirtuwu: your friend rose [02:05:48.051] camocarnage2001: Summit moment LUL [02:05:49.043] bigmoney8754: how much money would it take to have you dress like velma again [02:05:49.169] raxolotl: @c__r__j nice one not missing the dono by a spilt second [02:05:50.246] nemesis0142: Had a Friend who Smoked it in Cali on a Doctors note, and swore it was WEAK then went to AMSTERDAM and got SMASHED?WASTED [02:05:54.423] natasx01: is ur friends name jude [02:05:55.281] Jens_LN: caught in 4k ? [02:05:55.294] jedijeffboi: @plaindtaste and disneyland [02:05:56.042] Alansri: @LittleChaSiu Lol! [02:05:56.680] bigkrimpin: is this friend f1nn? [02:05:57.292] OkieChloe: LMAO [02:05:58.795] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [02:06:00.311] tj4442014: f1nn5tPegChamp [02:06:01.596] OkieChloe: kinda poggers [02:06:01.629] iTz_Galvanize: 567.89 [02:06:02.357] mateus1556: mateus1556 subscribed with Prime. [02:06:02.538] f3mmbot mateus1556 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mateus1556 f1nn5tLezgang [02:06:02.995] anjeronett: exposed [02:06:03.270] homehomeispog: 🔫 [02:06:03.791] alyx_fierro: i remember that omfg that was the first stream i watches [02:06:04.123] omniatustv: Rose's friend Jude??? [02:06:04.750] katingee: hannahxxDab blaze it [02:06:06.437] Ramxey_: Rose, do you mean your friend F1nn? [02:06:07.964] Ashley_Simmons: Hey F1n, Could you shoutout my friend Aidan, he's a very small streamer and it would mean a lot to the both of us! [02:06:08.997] Alansri: 5/6/7/8/9 [02:06:09.362] GreyWinterWraith: 2656789? [02:06:09.570] jvlivs777: PogChamp PogChamp [02:06:10.247] pogopogopogo69: 56789 [02:06:11.313] allie420: 56789 [02:06:13.825] Emmy64_: PogChamp [02:06:16.151] Kaymon81: 56789 [02:06:16.819] SuperMinox: 56789 [02:06:17.224] vanimal2118: Close [02:06:19.869] metoen: FeelsDankMan [02:06:20.859] reilo47: F1nn5ter is my daddy [02:06:21.192] Eggehard: Eggehard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [02:06:21.370] f3mmbot eggehard has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:06:23.123] kingbjboiiiiiiiiiiiin4i: f1nn5tLaff [02:06:25.481] genjimakel_: nice math [02:06:28.366] jvlivs777: 69 [02:06:28.516] mr_ajokortti_korkort: calculation error [02:06:29.334] bearpaw1970: 56789 [02:06:30.743] awitadelimonconsal: do you know how the ninjas kill their enemies? They slash them [02:06:34.930] GreyWinterWraith: *golf clap* LUL [02:06:35.048] craigpp12: I’m so glad I’m Jamaican so I can smoke and place it on religion [02:06:36.922] glitchconcert: this is funnier on twitch then YouTube [02:06:37.640] jvlivs777: nahh,my eyes 😅 [02:06:37.817] JorWat: I think it's just the 56789 [02:06:42.142] midnight831: hi [02:06:48.410] iPetemypants: Are you winning “friend” ? [02:06:48.678] PollyWoggo: now drink [02:06:49.475] jack_mckenzie3333: Does your friend dress up a girl on camera [02:06:51.930] jvlivs777: ttruew [02:06:52.388] thecuxspm: 56789 [02:06:52.706] Jens_LN: @reilo47 more like mommy [02:06:55.612] bearpaw1970: yup [02:06:55.913] lyncesca: rastafarianism [02:07:02.427] jayden062006: Hello finn i have been a fan for a while u should like totally say my name out loud p.s my name is jay [02:07:05.835] Neelsbohr: rastafarian religion-ish [02:07:06.395] jjfrob: Rastafarian, it's real [02:07:06.620] allie420: noice [02:07:08.598] iTz_Galvanize: 4.20 [02:07:08.643] GreyWinterWraith: 69420 seanvrDab [02:07:12.412] nemesis0142: AMSTERDAM Stuff is HARDCORE [02:07:12.549] lexrbr: gun unsafety lmao [02:07:12.706] ninja_mewmew: 69420 [02:07:13.469] pogopogopogo69: nice [02:07:14.799] craigpp12: Yeah my bro [02:07:14.945] iTz_Galvanize: 694.20 [02:07:15.964] heyo3u: hey mommy [02:07:21.237] Raddog315: Nice [02:07:22.251] jvlivs777: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [02:07:22.330] trolface1997: nice [02:07:24.891] Pelvicks: Those are goals foreal [02:07:25.583] CashewJA: @craigpp12 hello fellow jamaican [02:07:25.784] JustADirtyPleb: D: [02:07:25.966] galaxysbwastaken: nice [02:07:27.353] codergoth: we all know who this "friend" is [02:07:28.332] themindscrambler: there is indeed a pot religion [02:07:31.039] NATPD_: So there u [02:07:31.325] omniatustv: definitely not embodying your friend right now [02:07:32.386] baelphes: LUL chat cut it out! [02:07:34.375] plaindtaste: 100% he smokes LUL [02:07:36.686] bearpaw1970: as native indigenous we can smoke religious medicine in circles [02:07:40.296] jvlivs777: 420 😏😏😏😏 [02:07:42.954] onestupidpizza: onestupidpizza is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:07:43.329] onestupidpizza: onestupidpizza gifted a Tier 1 sub to iArchero! [02:07:43.510] f3mmbot onestupidpizza has gifted a subscription to iarchero at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang iarchero f1nn5tLezgang [02:07:45.241] PollyWoggo: funny number. now drink. [02:07:47.606] baelphes: be cool chat! LUL [02:07:49.956] bearpaw1970: 😊 [02:07:50.881] that1guylouis24: @Rotican girl [02:07:54.371] theblackzone69: hey I'm new here [02:07:56.339] lexrbr: kek [02:07:56.568] that1guylouis24: !gender [02:07:56.837] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:07:59.673] allie420: your audience's obsession with making dank meme numbers seems to be profiting quite successfully :D [02:08:00.508] Ashley_Simmons: Why can't I use point :/ [02:08:02.027] c__r__j: @LittleChaSiu : Good question, funny number. [02:08:04.010] shyrena5: hi babe [02:08:05.214] raxolotl: @pollywoggo i can get behind that [02:08:06.085] alexx_net: No point in booking another session if you aren't going to do the homework! [02:08:07.209] tt_deesxnuts: finnster has a dun FUCKING LEG IT !!!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANT TO BE SHOT IN THE KNEE CAPS!! [02:08:17.816] Raddog315: lol [02:08:19.203] Rxmvrk: just woke up :O [02:08:21.843] macarous: @tt_deesxnuts what [02:08:25.138] painting4: Nice tits [02:08:28.593] Jens_LN: have you trained in the meantime ? [02:08:33.667] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: HAVE YOU BEEN PRACTISING? [02:08:35.705] jayden062006: Any ideas for feminine names for a trans female? [02:08:36.903] macarous: oh gun [02:08:38.353] Elifighter: $8k to go chat [02:08:38.692] jvlivs777: xqcRich xqcHug xqcL [02:08:42.915] nemesis0142: EGG [02:08:46.087] craigpp12: Rastafarian bro we smoke weed for god my dude I’m half Jamaican half British so I’m a like a half and half Oreo [02:08:48.657] Alansri: The real question is whether you've been practicing inbetween sessions [02:08:59.763] that1guylouis24: no refunds :) [02:09:00.589] TheRoseboyy: wait this fit tho [02:09:00.954] Raddog315: Uhoh [02:09:03.147] Neelsbohr: If you start identifying as non binary they might consider getting back to you [02:09:03.205] whackingseven96: i must know the wise words of wisdom of Tax Evasion :) [02:09:04.162] nocturnalviewing: call? [02:09:07.448] sp00ny76: @jayden062006 Cocogina [02:09:07.734] allie420: @craigpp12 cornel28MewHIGH cornel28MewHIGH cornel28MewHIGH [02:09:09.371] Raddog315: scamster [02:09:11.187] Duck_Any: love your makeup [02:09:11.219] Gaw_: thief [02:09:12.128] onestupidpizza: onestupidpizza subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! hey rose just want to say what will you do when you get 1 million subscribers on your youtube channel any wild celebration [02:09:12.312] f3mmbot onestupidpizza has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:09:12.883] mootie1: 🥺 you look so nice 💖 TakeNRG [02:09:15.864] TheStarGamer1238: @jayden062006 one you feel comfortable with [02:09:16.273] Misstrixtin: "per my last email" LUL [02:09:16.800] LoadSmasher: they’re out [02:09:19.634] vanimal2118: Oops! [02:09:20.376] Ashley_Simmons: @jayden062006 Amber, Emily, also try a website for generating them. [02:09:22.083] Jens_LN: training ? [02:09:22.505] hugo98_31: where do you buy your wigs? [02:09:23.747] crazyswede99: crazyswede99 subscribed with Prime. [02:09:23.926] f3mmbot crazyswede99 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang crazyswede99 f1nn5tLezgang [02:09:29.330] nocturnalviewing: maybe she knew you weren't practicing [02:09:29.805] Gaw_: thief with guns [02:09:30.820] iPetemypants: Nice sock bro. [02:09:33.380] adondiklon: this is one of the 1st times i actually come to your stream and i see you wear this. never coming here again [02:09:33.731] sniper_deamond942: I love what you do it’s amazing and I’m following your steps keep being you [02:09:34.465] boomdy_: is ur hair real? [02:09:40.346] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:09:42.982] jayden062006: Any feminine name ideas? [02:09:49.386] macarous: @adondiklon KonCha [02:09:51.634] alexx_net: Now that your GF is back in her own country, you can practice girl voice in private. [02:09:52.846] adondiklon: xd [02:09:57.395] aunalbrutal: @crazyswede99 Nice nick XD [02:10:03.344] Neelsbohr: Implants!!!! [02:10:05.194] OmsX8O: @hugo98_31, he got wigs from Amazon. But this isn't a wig, these full proper are extensions [02:10:05.329] nemesis0142: What no Plaque REVEAL??? [02:10:08.720] stykyt: @jayden062006 try girls names, they are good. [02:10:12.941] jedijeffboi: hes onlly 428k subs [02:10:13.704] TheStarGamer1238: @boomdy_ real plus extensions [02:10:15.493] Jens_LN: @jayden062006 Feminine name for who ? [02:10:16.907] venzzz_: DUDE GIRL WHAT ARE YOUUU 😟 [02:10:19.661] that1guylouis24: D: [02:10:23.615] NopeNotTodayPersons: stand [02:10:25.444] PollyWoggo: bonk bonk bonk [02:10:28.335] tt_deesxnuts: ! [02:10:34.349] justaguymanbro: No simp september, No CockTober, no nut november, destroy dick december. [02:10:35.900] Agentx49: Agentx49 subscribed with Prime. [02:10:36.098] f3mmbot agentx49 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang agentx49 f1nn5tLezgang [02:10:38.579] Stovamor: @venzzz_, a guy [02:10:38.925] TheStarGamer1238: Voice changer\ [02:10:44.523] craigpp12: The religion is Rastafarian bro we smoke weed for the all farther my dude I’m half Jamaican half British so I’m a like a An enclair [02:10:48.524] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:10:50.535] LoadSmasher: f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang [02:10:55.822] NATPD_: @venzzz_ god knows [02:10:56.427] c__r__j: c__r__j is gifting 7 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 573 in the channel! [02:10:56.638] f3mmbot c__r__j has gifted a sub to 7 users in chat! [02:10:57.414] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crazyskip! [02:10:57.435] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to RobsPianoParlance! [02:10:57.440] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to cheezi_goodnezz! [02:10:57.440] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to madmart43! [02:10:57.444] alexx_net: @jayden062006 Maybe "Willow" ? [02:10:57.445] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to DjEklipze! [02:10:57.587] Neelsbohr: !discord [02:10:57.610] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to taeiloftime! [02:10:57.821] c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to froggyems! [02:10:57.851] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:10:59.161] OmsX8O: @justaguymanbro, joofbNoted [02:11:03.827] lexrbr: LUL [02:11:05.515] Ramxey_: are yas winning son? [02:11:06.806] KettleTicket: willoGoodGirl [02:11:07.267] sartanxar: sartanxar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! Nearly a year with this Femboy [02:11:07.446] f3mmbot sartanxar has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:11:10.087] jvlivs777: pogg crj 🤟🤟🤟 [02:11:10.501] venzzz_: HAHAHAH NO DICK DECEMBER [02:11:10.723] Jens_LN: oh dang C__r__j [02:11:15.574] DeadSnowmandude: lol [02:11:16.406] nocturnalviewing: catJAM [02:11:16.526] sammconald: Penis [02:11:20.069] SportyonXbox: Atlantic is on 2k ppl rn 😂 [02:11:20.295] bearpaw1970: neato [02:11:20.664] raxolotl: Cheer100 hype train! [02:11:21.569] hugo98_31: @omsx8o thank you for the info [02:11:23.618] jedijeffboi: my broswer just crasned [02:11:24.584] macarous: @kinqragnar_ tf is wrong with you [02:11:28.216] DaV1rus: @F1NN5TER If you ever swing by Cardiff, I will buy you a pint [02:11:28.881] jvlivs777: thats cool :)) [02:11:31.481] mariabee2617: YOU DESERVE NICE THINGS [02:11:37.240] PeeShaman: sineP [02:11:38.098] jennielaine: EaRrInGs! where are the piercings Scam5ter? [02:11:38.646] craigpp12: Rastafarian is the religion dude [02:11:44.548] juppelijuuden: Stay strong boys NNN [02:11:48.738] SuperMinox: @c__r__j why the subs?!? do donos [02:11:52.862] mejisticzero: Cheer100 [02:11:58.350] jvlivs777: i wish your channel gonna reach 1 million,ive seen it goes up rapidly 😊🤟 [02:11:59.474] Alansri: @c__r__j I think you may be his #1 fan lol [02:11:59.956] raxolotl: Cheer100more hype [02:12:09.521] raxolotl: Cheer100 more hype [02:12:10.557] Halkun: NNN is a scam! Let the bodies hit the floor!!!! [02:12:13.077] aallcatsaregrey: hi [02:12:14.862] tommyisasimp1891: Among us [02:12:17.189] TheStarGamer1238: VoHiYo100 implant month [02:12:17.239] c__r__j: @SuperMinox Hype train + beating you + trolling number. [02:12:21.921] NATPD_: NNN STAY STRONG [02:12:23.271] alexandra_saunders: When is the shopping/beauty salon stream happening [02:12:25.926] dietmountaindew7: DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK [02:12:28.240] nemesis0142: YOU HAVE TO CELEBRATE MILESTONES... [02:12:28.831] lexrbr: not a waste tho [02:12:29.387] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:12:31.346] Globalnuclear: and dresses [02:12:33.256] reilo47: If I didn’t gamble I’d have so much money lol [02:12:33.675] Jens_LN: Femboy Month ? [02:12:34.916] bearpaw1970: knives is not a money waste [02:12:38.625] flappers626: NO [02:12:38.684] Kolateak_: Nah [02:12:39.141] mr_ajokortti_korkort: definitely not [02:12:39.336] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:12:39.440] soepsoepsoep: nahhhh [02:12:39.537] denden12332: absolutley no [02:12:39.672] Gaw_: no [02:12:40.341] LordBatsberg: NONSTOP NUT NOVEMBER [02:12:40.467] Milkotaur: no [02:12:40.474] LoadSmasher: no [02:12:40.755] Alansri: NOT when you can write it off! [02:12:41.994] NATPD_: YeaH [02:12:42.003] SuperMinox: no [02:12:42.275] ArePea: Not at all [02:12:42.480] trolface1997: no [02:12:42.668] bearpaw1970: nope [02:12:42.670] wallsgunna: no because you profit from Stream Simps [02:12:42.822] EchoGaming42: business expense if its on stream [02:12:43.051] Amoyamoyamoya: Business expense? [02:12:43.367] thanatoscar: no [02:12:43.378] Jens_LN: it's a busuness expense [02:12:43.622] Oojaplonk: Never a waste ! [02:12:43.826] krzyzewskiman: help my family is starving [02:12:44.561] macarous: STOP USING AMAZON [02:12:44.958] Amoyamoyamoya: No [02:12:45.489] imaginealiveve: many no [02:12:45.685] saluki321: That's basic survival needfs [02:12:45.826] galaxysbwastaken: no [02:12:46.039] raxolotl: HypeBeard HypeBeard [02:12:46.069] dirtuwu: no [02:12:46.561] LittleChaSiu: how many maid dresses is too many [02:12:46.863] OmsX8O: nha, not a waste if you do wear them [02:12:47.217] mh_realish: depends do they have corsets? [02:12:47.246] the_mist_demon: you should dress up as The-Rated R [02:12:47.393] Gigaknightdx: nah [02:12:48.274] stykyt: Nope, Business expense. [02:12:48.288] Eret: It's an investment [02:12:48.688] JustADirtyPleb: That's deffo a business expense [02:12:48.689] Ramxey_: if you have more than 10 [02:12:48.735] DeadSnowmandude: tax [02:12:49.118] Tangent5969: no [02:12:50.927] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: never [02:12:51.541] NeutralFall: nah [02:12:51.613] jvlivs777: nahhh :)) [02:12:52.289] allie420: they seems to be at least 100xing every stream soo [02:12:52.774] bongoooooooooooooooooooo: No [02:12:54.059] denden12332: bobs stay [02:12:55.484] LittleChaSiu: "normal" [02:12:55.875] zenscared: yes [02:12:56.198] Amoyamoyamoya: Flat Chest Femboy [02:12:56.335] caramel_babe: NO DONT THAT [02:12:57.265] Kolateak_: "Of being normal" [02:12:57.521] reilo47: If I didn’t gamble+simp I’d be rich 😂 [02:12:57.861] exazius: well it gives you more money [02:12:59.394] macarous: PLS USE OTHER STORES F1NN [02:13:00.662] zenscared: YES [02:13:01.052] CuicidesRevenge: meow [02:13:01.398] tommyisasimp1891: NAH [02:13:03.911] zenscared: BE FEMBOY [02:13:05.048] Raddog315: "normal" [02:13:05.541] lexrbr: Egg [02:13:06.010] imaginealiveve: femboy better than egirl [02:13:06.178] JakePace: Definitely not a waste [02:13:06.928] dreadknight_unko: NORMAL!? [02:13:07.871] Brainfishes: Outfit change [02:13:08.106] Tari_Diachi: Everybody yell "Scam!" [02:13:08.478] cdloser69: femboy [02:13:08.761] SuperMinox: "2 hours of being normal" :D [02:13:08.842] dirtuwu: meow [02:13:09.486] LittleChaSiu: sounds like girl mode is the "normal" now KEKW [02:13:10.521] zenscared: BE WHO YOU AREEE [02:13:11.172] Jens_LN: f1nn5tCancelled [02:13:11.243] NeutralFall: @denden12332 yes [02:13:11.409] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [02:13:11.432] LittleChaSiu: egg egg egg [02:13:12.069] raxolotl: he called being fem normal?? egg [02:13:13.158] strinx1120: egg [02:13:13.167] 2bi_fox1: femboy lets gooo PogChamp [02:13:13.989] its_melaki: meow [02:13:14.762] JustADirtyPleb: 2 hours of being normal LUL [02:13:14.834] sweetpoopie: heh [02:13:14.935] krzyzewskiman: become femboy, no more rights [02:13:17.214] mika123444: meow [02:13:17.474] dirtuwu: femboy > [02:13:17.688] Kolateak_: "I don't want to be a girl anymore, I want to be a femboy" [02:13:19.274] denden12332: egg' [02:13:20.315] thecuxspm: no it's an investment [02:13:20.345] that1guylouis24: guns & knives you're one step away from being an American just gotta buy a pickup truck LUL @F1NN5TER [02:13:20.446] cdloser69: be who you areeee for your priiiide [02:13:21.704] jvlivs777: POSE PLSSS 😊😊🤟🤟🤟 [02:13:21.916] sweetpoopie: you are normal [02:13:22.606] zenscared: YAY FEMBOY [02:13:23.920] jennielaine: no!!! [02:13:25.021] h_r_buff_n_stuff: So being an EGG is normal? [02:13:26.061] pogopogopogo69: being normal KEKW [02:13:26.990] macarous: STOP USING AMAZON FOR EVERYTHING [02:13:27.179] NATPD_: "normal" [02:13:28.594] TheNeverShow: my bobs dont come out [02:13:28.983] SashoREE: egg [02:13:30.260] craigpp12: Rastafarian is religion I’m half Jamaican half British so like a snow covered Oreo [02:13:30.516] brightc15: YEAH FEMBOY [02:13:31.998] jennielaine: earrings on F1nn5ter! [02:13:32.468] nemesis0142: EGG [02:13:35.752] LittleChaSiu: imagine wearing a bra [02:13:36.278] ninja_mewmew: LOL [02:13:36.607] TheStarGamer1238: !quotes [02:13:37.476] Awesomeartfan: egg [02:13:37.620] galaxysbwastaken: egg [02:13:38.424] rovaniemiii: HI FINN [02:13:38.665] that1guylouis24: PogU [02:13:38.793] Jens_LN: or how it looks like without the apron [02:13:39.161] sweetpoopie: BEING DRESSED AS A PINK MAID ON STREAM IS NORMAL [02:13:39.834] alexx_net: Is "femboy" permitted during girl month? [02:13:39.997] jvlivs777: <3 TwitchUnity <3 TwitchUnity <3 TwitchUnity <3 [02:13:40.993] LoadSmasher: white bra? [02:13:41.182] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:13:41.241] pogopogopogo69: egg [02:13:41.374] MichiiPls: LMFAO [02:13:42.330] DeadSnowmandude: ? [02:13:43.438] nemesis0142: WE WANT EARINGS [02:13:43.485] superhero60: egg [02:13:43.581] iTz_Galvanize: WHERE WAS IT [02:13:44.529] denden12332: egg [02:13:44.899] zenscared: HAHAHA [02:13:45.197] r_as_robin: 🎶Be who you are 🎶 [02:13:46.522] aunalbrutal: hhahahhahahha [02:13:46.568] Ramxey_: LUL [02:13:47.223] galaxysbwastaken: LMFAO [02:13:47.336] iPetemypants: I only celebrated NNN for 5 seconds. lol [02:13:48.732] SuperMinox: like a real girl :D [02:13:48.819] bearpaw1970: nice in the dress [02:13:49.148] OmegaFreakGame: hi [02:13:49.657] VeRt3xGD: BULLET IN BOOBAS [02:13:49.719] Raddog315: lol [02:13:50.616] brightc15: KEKW [02:13:51.822] Bulldog85043: LUL [02:13:51.840] TheStarGamer1238: teenGRAMZ bullet [02:13:54.232] gloom_slayer: ha ha ha 😂 e [02:13:54.665] DedKnotSleepingTV: LET'S GO [02:13:55.648] imaginealiveve: muhc better [02:13:56.963] alexandra_saunders: When’s the ear piercing [02:13:57.528] kitkathiii_: KEKW [02:13:57.840] rancid_diesel_75: rancid_diesel_75 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 32 in the channel! [02:13:57.890] edawg526: Ohhhhhh shit [02:13:58.048] f3mmbot rancid_diesel_75 has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [02:13:58.050] jvlivs777: yoooo,bullet live in buubahh [02:13:58.220] rancid_diesel_75: rancid_diesel_75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Leo_Stockholm! [02:13:58.260] rancid_diesel_75: rancid_diesel_75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jublings! [02:13:58.810] zenscared: YAY FEMBO [02:13:58.994] rovaniemiii: PRETTY [02:14:00.703] kevlarchicken: stuck in booba [02:14:01.965] reilo47: Do you watch ufc? Minecraft noob [02:14:02.960] xxjoyeusexx: nice!!!! [02:14:03.749] PollyWoggo: bb in bobas [02:14:03.900] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Damn cute with the natural look [02:14:04.546] bigkrimpin: this is way better [02:14:05.416] Pelvicks: YAY FEMBOY LOL [02:14:05.992] zenscared: VERY COOL FEMBOY [02:14:06.773] Amoyamoyamoya: Very nice. [02:14:06.780] Leo_Stockholm: @rancid_diesel_75 Thanks for the gift sub! [02:14:06.905] macarous: flat is justice idc [02:14:07.584] jvlivs777: yoooo,you look beautiful 😱😱😱 [02:14:09.334] ArePea: Femboy month is better. [02:14:09.737] raxolotl: CUTE [02:14:09.823] cdloser69: it's still cute wth [02:14:09.832] ninja_mewmew: still cute! [02:14:10.074] imaginealiveve: many greats [02:14:10.172] Arakbro3: Cheer100 Do you have and Benchmade Brand knives? [02:14:10.507] Halkun: You just look like a flat chested girl <3 [02:14:11.537] dreadknight_unko: ok thats hot [02:14:12.358] bearpaw1970: you still look cute [02:14:12.360] vanimal2118: Twirl please? [02:14:12.704] Ramxey_: femboys are best boys [02:14:12.928] caramel_babe: n o [02:14:13.173] lexrbr: lmfao [02:14:13.243] Zcully: Cute [02:14:14.264] galaxysbwastaken: KEKW [02:14:14.323] denden12332: still looks hot [02:14:14.359] NATPD_: Know FLAT [02:14:14.625] imaginealiveve: its better [02:14:15.706] caramel_babe: GO BACK [02:14:15.826] skyhex2571: i thought you were hot then [02:14:16.063] Awesomeartfan: nodders, Stov [02:14:16.577] kumogorogoro: so cuuuute [02:14:17.285] Misstrixtin: looks much sweeter [02:14:17.857] that1guylouis24: naa u look great [02:14:18.618] lu_sagna: feels weird without the bobs [02:14:18.633] Pelvicks: HAHAHA [02:14:19.574] zenscared: GO BACK [02:14:19.972] dodelqdwfx: NO [02:14:20.372] bigkrimpin: NOOO dont go back [02:14:20.954] h3r3t1c_ac0lyt3: Put THEM Back [02:14:20.978] r_as_robin: FLAT [02:14:21.023] Pelvicks: KEKW [02:14:21.596] pogopogopogo69: girl is noraml [02:14:22.391] W0lfenG8s: egg [02:14:22.788] Jublings: @rancid_diesel_75 I just got here o.o thanks [02:14:23.246] PeeShaman: BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [02:14:24.122] mystchevious1: Bigger bobs? [02:14:24.847] krzyzewskiman: Finn can't live without the boob [02:14:25.886] jedijeffboi: still hot ngl [02:14:26.525] galaxysbwastaken: egg [02:14:26.630] jvlivs777: welp :)) [02:14:27.037] Helen_Croft: If Rose leaves is leave [02:14:28.538] jennielaine: Dress needs Bobs and earrings! [02:14:29.204] SuperMinox: egg [02:14:32.368] Globalnuclear: i like femboys [02:14:32.719] TheNeverShow: corset time ? [02:14:33.158] Ramxey_: your bobs stretched out the chest [02:14:34.796] craigpp12: I’m half Jamaican half British so like a snow covered Oreo also yes their is a religion [02:14:36.571] jedijeffboi: still hot boi [02:14:36.696] jayinternation1: Egg [02:14:37.039] pogopogopogo69: more bob [02:14:37.801] Triplethreecubed: Femboy! [02:14:39.494] nemesis0142: I THOUGHT U SAID "IVE FOUND THE BONNET" [02:14:39.801] the_mist_demon: you should try it cross [02:14:40.686] alyx_fierro: hmmmMmm interesting reaction [02:14:40.892] kevlarchicken: he finds it weird to not have bobs KEKW [02:14:42.264] Jens_LN: we are curious how it would look without the apron [02:14:47.478] Alansri: He's uncomfortable without boobs. You're winning chat. [02:14:47.972] vanimal2118: Stick on? [02:14:49.017] kingbjboiiiiiiiiiiiin4i: we need the biggest boobd [02:14:50.514] macarous: you have to have a white bra f1nn [02:14:51.930] dirtuwu: femboy finn is really cute [02:14:52.477] Natezeh: This man is satisfying our wishes. its funny how women can't do this shit. Fin: Fine i'll do it myself [02:14:53.366] zenscared: femboy cute [02:14:55.730] orlanTEEN: no booba no problem [02:14:56.859] denden12332: bobs burgers [02:14:56.875] DanielIsDank: Fuck go back! [02:14:57.101] johnn1965: bigger! [02:15:00.867] anjeronett: gimme the bullet [02:15:02.121] Amoyamoyamoya: I clipped when the cartridge went missing but couldn't see anything. [02:15:03.219] jvlivs777: @kevlarchicken need to have em on all the time :)) [02:15:06.545] kingbjboiiiiiiiiiiiin4i: *boobs* [02:15:07.435] brightc15: lmao [02:15:07.886] mrpizzaface_: Cheer100 [02:15:09.981] pogopogopogo69: no bobs weird LOL [02:15:12.447] Jens_LN: but the bullets in the bra ? [02:15:15.227] TheStarGamer1238: Darts, they are called darts [02:15:16.261] nocturnalviewing: "it's weird to have no boobs" [02:15:16.704] c__r__j: Copium, 120mg. [02:15:17.275] jennielaine: Biggest booba, big hoops! [02:15:17.543] craigpp12: Big man I’m half Jamaican half British so like a snow covered Oreo also yes their is a religion [02:15:18.313] minutemist: '-' [02:15:23.965] denden12332: COPIUM [02:15:24.188] jrliban: i guess if girl month ever ends we would just have femboy months [02:15:24.735] bearpaw1970: women every day use that space for storage [02:15:26.045] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:15:30.882] lcameron412: Gggggggggggggggggggggg [02:15:31.392] Jens_LN: no apron [02:15:32.273] juppelijuuden: f1nns cake looks like a treat🍑 [02:15:32.717] JorWat: This is some impressive mental gymnastics. [02:15:32.826] vanimal2118: She is full of bullets ; )! [02:15:35.903] Misstrixtin: put guns in bra FeelsGoodMan [02:15:37.891] LTZSuburban: I practically live in DD forms [02:15:52.947] denden12332: with and without bobs your hot [02:15:53.019] rovaniemiii: i will give you my bobs i dont want them anyw [02:15:53.087] nocturnalviewing: laziest streamer on the platform [02:15:53.850] alexx_net: @the_mist_demon I think that they aren't quite long enough. He could use safety pins to hold them in place, or tie them with a ribbon. [02:15:55.354] Helen_Croft: Ear piersing [02:15:56.465] sinuwu: post more on insta too [02:15:58.365] kevlarchicken: lol [02:16:02.984] that1guylouis24: how much were the guns ? [02:16:03.418] CozmoVR: i wish i could pay bills like this [02:16:05.822] galaxysbwastaken: lmao [02:16:05.835] LoadSmasher: Ear piercing! [02:16:07.399] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity [02:16:12.349] TheNeverShow: henna tatoo [02:16:18.064] skyhex2571: Cheer100 I thought you were hot then I seen you were a guy then I got hard [02:16:21.098] nemesis0142: @craigpp12 Yes RastaFARi, its a shame you have to educate people [02:16:23.193] anjeronett: Anyways gtg. stay fem [02:16:24.362] alexx_net: 2nd vaccine, (so you can visit your friends.) [02:16:25.614] JorWat: You've had over 1.5 years to get those ears pierced... [02:16:30.929] NATPD_: KSI is single know fyi @F1NN5TER [02:16:32.364] r_as_robin: TwitchUnity [02:16:36.561] the_mist_demon: @alexx_net yep i understand [02:16:36.761] emeryasd: If your name starts with letter P go to bed [02:16:37.264] macarous: Kappa you're forgetful and cba to follow up without being prompted [02:16:39.482] Rxchu__: how much for a full bikini [02:16:40.044] pogopogopogo69: scam [02:16:40.828] barneyboi1125: Hi [02:16:40.891] Stovamor: SO BOOK IT [02:16:42.087] Stovamor: FFS [02:16:42.298] Neelsbohr: How you this gorgeous, really gotta learn me some make up [02:16:42.589] Helen_Croft: Just book them [02:16:43.356] lexrbr: kek [02:16:45.322] johnn1965: moan [02:16:47.523] FireRuby1: book now [02:16:48.579] lcameron412: Hello sexy [02:16:49.650] SuperMinox: @JorWat that's :D [02:16:51.837] HangryPlatypusE: SCAM [02:16:52.660] taintfire: ayo first time catching his stream lesss goooo [02:16:55.431] OmsX8O: just ask the when you get your 2nd vaccine jab if they can also jab your ears, get a 3 for 1 KEKW [02:16:56.395] seemsless: he broke up [02:16:57.266] d_unknownkilla92: hi roze u look sexy af [02:16:57.989] NATPD_: Yeah hes single [02:17:03.846] macarous: then SET AN ALARM TO DO IT IDK [02:17:04.988] G00gel: G00gel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! that fucking wizard bitch did it again.... bi panic!!!! [02:17:05.200] f3mmbot g00gel has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [02:17:06.544] jvlivs777: bruvv :)) [02:17:06.667] TheNeverShow: The show that broke up with [02:17:08.070] LittleChaSiu: Chat just collectively lost NNN OMEGALUL [02:17:08.385] Jens_LN: PogChamp [02:17:09.885] craigpp12: Mixed race Jamaican and british so I’m like a snow covered Oreo also yes their is a religion And if the the flag is a lion [02:17:09.991] kumogorogoro: LMFAO [02:17:10.392] denden12332: there are none they all lost looking at finn [02:17:11.125] Gurglefrix: Same [02:17:12.555] briar____: Help I have an AP bio test and I don’t know anything on it [02:17:14.125] Megatjgaming_: F [02:17:16.429] bearpaw1970: lol [02:17:16.818] croge185: why do you just have a gun [02:17:18.175] kattknip: F [02:17:18.384] kevlarchicken: lol [02:17:19.411] venzzz_: THIS'S NOT HATE OR SOMETHING BUT ... DUDE/GIRL PLEASE TELL ME WHAT ARE U 😔 [02:17:19.601] Ramxey_: weak [02:17:19.704] galaxysbwastaken: PFFT [02:17:20.181] OmegaFreakGame: lets admit we all did [02:17:20.700] johnn1965: do a moan [02:17:21.177] SpoopTheBean: i won Kreygasm [02:17:21.334] jvlivs777: wha... [02:17:21.649] brightc15: F [02:17:23.114] macarous: "maybe" NO DO IT [02:17:23.730] sille_o: LMAO [02:17:24.492] mystchevious1: Hey chat!!! we only have 16 days to raise 9k or F1NN Wins. The council can't do it all. Please do your part. [02:17:24.739] Tari_Diachi: Nutters unite! [02:17:24.847] rgkagero: confirmed [02:17:25.570] Jens_LN: You could make no nut november harder for others [02:17:25.892] jennielaine: get those ears pierced scam5ter! [02:17:26.310] jennytag: Hi cutie [02:17:26.311] dirtuwu: piercings look great, once you get one you start wanting others [02:17:27.047] LittleChaSiu: social credit score? [02:17:27.565] Kolateak_: thanks for making me picture that [02:17:27.692] Portalmydoom: KEKW [02:17:28.335] miasoot2512: WHAT [02:17:28.747] ajayshawwrrc: True [02:17:31.357] cobyneedmedicine: cope [02:17:32.153] kumogorogoro: started a few minutes before midnight so you can fail at the first possible second [02:17:32.886] jvlivs777: mon :)) [02:17:34.524] Stovamor: As Jorwat said, you've had 18 months to book the fecking ear piercings. Just do it. [02:17:35.455] lexrbr: ? [02:17:36.107] Gigaknightdx: why is this dude keeps talking about being jacamicn? [02:17:37.155] xxcapton: same [02:17:37.914] LittleChaSiu: oh battery that's different [02:17:38.699] bearpaw1970: oh' no not the Rose [02:17:38.839] MessA86: Ma boy, are you really gonna get some new pair of tits? [02:17:40.767] SuperMinox: @briar____ write about femboys [02:17:42.417] JustADirtyPleb: True [02:17:43.148] craigpp12: I give up [02:17:45.281] zenscared: SAME [02:17:46.710] raxolotl: its a thing [02:17:47.441] NATPD_: @Venzzz_ its a girl [02:17:47.490] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER GET KYLE TO START MAKING FPSRUSSIA VIDEOS AGAIN WHEN HE CAN PLZ [02:17:48.128] cdloser69: bro o it happens to me all the time [02:17:49.244] dodelqdwfx: it happens [02:17:49.444] DeadSnowmandude: thing [02:17:52.931] jvlivs777: SeemsGood [02:17:53.659] baelphes: just takin participants into consideration, not that I've been trying at all KEKW [02:17:56.313] KettleTicket: willoRad [02:17:56.739] Pubathed0g: @F1NN5TER How much you jerk it while being dressed up? :p [02:17:57.025] Brainfishes: It happens to me all the time [02:17:58.629] jorgrundi: Same [02:17:59.580] lcameron412: How much baby [02:18:02.199] jvlivs777: !uptime [02:18:02.500] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 18m 13s [02:18:03.473] macarous: ??? [02:18:03.692] Helen_Croft: Chat everyone DM Rose on twitter tomorrow to book the ear piercing [02:18:07.992] dirtuwu: still going strong for nnn [02:18:10.515] PollyWoggo: rid yourself of that testosterone one way or another [02:18:11.370] RedTempest101: Yeah that is called being an introvert [02:18:16.516] JorWat: @Helen_Croft I'm down! [02:18:20.940] nyxxxx_boi: you just have to be careful and it will be ok [02:18:26.294] Stovamor: @Helen_Croft, SOunds like a plan to me [02:18:27.448] vanimal2118: No headphones for awhile? [02:18:28.759] SuperMinox: headphone mess up my hair all the time [02:18:28.769] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [02:18:30.658] fischfuttermaker: Buy bigger headphones [02:18:31.622] kevlarchicken: I quadrupled my masturbatory habits my body did not like me abstaining KEKW [02:18:32.667] jrliban: you should just get an assistant to book all the stuff you forget to do [02:18:34.548] bearpaw1970: congratz Dirtuwu [02:18:37.150] LoadSmasher: done! [02:18:39.088] shadowglich12: GlitchNRG [02:18:39.910] jennielaine: dont worry about headphones! You'd look great with them. Get three straight away! [02:18:40.324] Brainfishes: Tomorrow is Thursday bro [02:18:42.530] disnick123: @Helen_Croft got it! [02:18:43.444] charlyjazz: you like like me with women clothing [02:18:44.882] denden12332: play minecraft as rose [02:18:45.136] craigpp12: I can’t be assed to try and edit this because of that Chat rule but last try I’m Mixed race Jamaican and british so I’m like a snow covered Oreo also yes their is a religion And if the the flag is a lion [02:18:48.744] deathwatchii: Cheer100 [02:18:49.730] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [02:18:53.869] lexrbr: LUL [02:18:55.025] vanimal2118: Ear buds? [02:18:56.358] cyberchri07: f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM [02:18:57.463] nocturnalviewing: quadruple Clap [02:18:58.531] jedijeffboi: hype train [02:18:58.775] Ascara89: Why do you have to wear headphones for recording minecraft? [02:18:59.039] lexrbr: weak [02:18:59.899] jedijeffboi: quick [02:19:00.222] LittleChaSiu: we didn't need to know this weirdChamp [02:19:01.568] DeadSnowmandude: what? [02:19:01.605] Sage_Urmommy: HELLO [02:19:03.534] sycowastooken: AYOOO [02:19:04.444] SpoopTheBean: f1nn wheres that fit from? i kinda want it :D [02:19:04.522] OmegaFreakGame: I lost an hour into nov ;-; [02:19:05.958] denden12332: HYPE [02:19:06.597] bearpaw1970: oh' D@mn [02:19:10.030] Ramxey_: I would lose too if I followed people like Ella Hollywood on Twitter [02:19:11.768] nocturnalviewing: by the 4th time just air comes out [02:19:13.427] lexrbr: ??? [02:19:13.906] OmsX8O: Just get a 3 for 1 at the sketchy vaccine tent, jab in the arm and two in the ears. ;p [02:19:16.012] nemesis0142: EAR PIERCING DOESNT EVEN HURT, IT STINGS FOR LITERALLY A SECOND THEN WEARS OFF [02:19:16.936] ajayshawwrrc: f1nn5tRun [02:19:18.038] denden12332: a regular amount is healthy [02:19:19.743] alexx_net: You can wear your headphones with the starter studs that you will begin with. [02:19:20.587] rgkagero: thats the road to sage hood [02:19:20.653] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity xqcSlam [02:19:22.084] skyhex2571: Choo Chooo HypeHuh HypeHuh [02:19:22.453] sp00ny76: No Nut November [02:19:23.466] callme__jake: SUUUUUUUUIIII [02:19:24.148] kevlarchicken: i have waisted sooooo much time in the last three days [02:19:24.613] Leo_Stockholm: The testosterone level rise [02:19:24.781] lavendero2: ?????? [02:19:24.909] Goldflux: i have 7 piercings in each ear, as long as you keep them clean youll be fine [02:19:25.379] holotron: I don't see stressed Monks tho [02:19:25.387] raxolotl: HypeHuh HypeHuh HypeHuh [02:19:25.572] fabs_m: No nut November guys stay strong [02:19:25.735] nyxxxx_boi: the Mormons do it all the time so? [02:19:26.505] jennielaine: ear buds instead of headphones, piercings solved! [02:19:27.803] miser9: Nice 1911 [02:19:27.827] Jens_LN: rubber pistol [02:19:28.338] ibuu0: hey fin [02:19:30.586] LoadSmasher: it will make you go blind, so I hear [02:19:30.684] LittleChaSiu: LUL [02:19:30.698] jennielaine: Get as many as you want! [02:19:31.916] imaginealiveve: HA [02:19:32.660] sleshpaoopa333: I failed today [02:19:33.186] SeriousMental: nice xqc moment [02:19:33.491] that1guylouis24: LUL [02:19:33.904] bearpaw1970: such trying times no nut november [02:19:34.259] hopalongtommy: it's one way to lower testosterone [02:19:34.422] Awesomeartfan: we having a mass debate [02:19:40.052] h_r_buff_n_stuff: LMAO [02:19:40.219] OmegaFreakGame: He is cocking the gun [02:19:43.579] nikolTwi: hey hey finally catching you on your stream and not tiktok [02:19:49.726] baelphes: NNN + Lock & Load = death on december 1 [02:19:55.332] stardustmoon_87: Wanking a gun? [02:19:58.955] vanimal2118: Careful Dear. [02:20:02.318] charliebear6836: woa [02:20:03.420] jedijeffboi: ik what you mean [02:20:04.578] SpoopTheBean: where did you get the fit from f1nn??? [02:20:05.489] fishleyy: is it bad to wank 4 times a day, asking for a friend [02:20:06.044] sinuwu: cant wait for destroy dick december [02:20:11.530] SpoopTheBean: @fishleyy yes [02:20:11.968] bearpaw1970: true about Dec 1st [02:20:12.227] Rxchu__: blue or red [02:20:12.383] charliebear6836: likely the guns [02:20:12.558] brightc15: question, does no nut November only apply to people who identify as male, or is it for anyone? [02:20:12.697] VeRt3xGD: sexy scar [02:20:13.792] craigpp12: I’m going in a bit you dusty women [02:20:13.872] Amoyamoyamoya: Skin is no longer perfect? OMG. [02:20:19.027] dirtuwu: Finn get one ear done at a time. this makes healing much easier and you can still wear headphones on at least one ear. I have 8 piercings and the result is worth it [02:20:19.488] charliebear6836: cool guns [02:20:25.464] peyton18scott18: locktober? [02:20:27.815] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 SeemsGood PowerUpR [02:20:28.007] Elifighter: you mean Nonstop Nut November [02:20:28.232] johnn1965: he should get cut by a m7 bayonet while the blades burning hot. [02:20:31.851] ctsid: I gained 3 new scars in one day very proud [02:20:32.628] Jens_LN: First of December is a fun day ! [02:20:33.717] ibuu0: hi fin like the streams and outfits [02:20:39.342] jennielaine: Get each ear done three times and then you're done for a while! [02:20:58.790] baelphes: remember to hydrate on dec 1st! [02:21:01.538] bearpaw1970: lmao [02:21:02.895] kevlarchicken: just edge for the whole month and pray your balls don't rupture [02:21:05.146] SpoopTheBean: i just wanna know where f1nn's outfit is from :( [02:21:08.358] reilo47: Fk your Honda Civic I’ve got a horse outside [02:21:11.321] TheNeverShow: stress No nut November versus Nonstop Nut November [02:21:18.909] youtube_havocc: Finn I know your not going to see this but I’m a 15 year old male that has been put in charge of twelve year olds shooting live Rounds down range. You got any tips and how to stop them aiming at each other or in the worst case shooting each other [02:21:19.274] stardustmoon_87: I’m not British what is wank my friend just told me to say it [02:21:19.831] LittleChaSiu: NorCal pog [02:21:21.663] xotodoroki: finn looks more and more feminine every time I see him [02:21:24.772] that1guylouis24: ??? [02:21:26.410] cuberjan3: OMEGALUL [02:21:27.051] Helen_Croft: when was the last time you had headphones on during stream? [02:21:29.070] lexrbr: ??? [02:21:33.189] Gurglefrix: NotLikeThis [02:21:34.475] Jens_LN: strong name [02:21:35.314] Myoukochou: that's a pretty cursed username [02:21:38.866] ctsid: Nonstop nhen November [02:21:43.263] kevlarchicken: @stardustmoon_87 lol its another word for masturbation [02:21:45.435] Ramxey_: that kid is living a lie [02:21:45.444] Emmy64_: NotLikeThis [02:21:45.475] ctsid: Cursed [02:21:47.345] nocturnalviewing: lululul [02:21:48.528] papa_goobs: @youtube_havocc shoot yourself in the foot. [02:21:50.263] acazzoo: f1nn5tPegChamp f1nn5tPegChamp [02:21:53.996] xotodoroki: wish I was aborted [02:21:56.614] TheNeverShow: im called Never Reven [02:21:56.883] njcatra: njcatra subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 2 months! Yeee 2 months [02:21:57.082] f3mmbot njcatra has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 2! PogU [02:22:00.179] ibuu0: right [02:22:06.019] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [02:22:06.284] Gigaknightdx: to the moon my dude [02:22:07.733] Ramxey_: aborted fetus [02:22:07.871] CyclingDutchman: CyclingDutchman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! help I think i'm addicted.... to you ;) [02:22:08.049] f3mmbot cyclingdutchman has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [02:22:11.823] jvlivs777: trrueew :)) [02:22:13.764] Shystance: what's her sister called? Miss Carriage? [02:22:15.084] nemesis0142: @stardustmoon_87 Jerking off [02:22:16.117] tsukinoruna: @F1NN5TER nah its just aborted lmao [02:22:18.561] Myoukochou: That's some millennial humour right there [02:22:19.828] GreyWinterWraith: AbortedCactus420, Rose's mortal enemy LUL [02:22:21.487] SpoopTheBean: how was it on the PKA podcast? @F1NN5TER [02:22:24.077] jerrie_aleena_wood: jerrie_aleena_wood subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Damn looking good [02:22:24.276] f3mmbot jerrie_aleena_wood has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [02:22:24.420] DeadSnowmandude: sad times [02:22:25.324] that1guylouis24: LUL [02:22:26.531] acazzoo: @jvlivs777 is my fave person here [02:22:29.371] jvlivs777: abhorton theddy [02:22:32.700] youtube_havocc: Fin I know your not going to see this but I’m a 15 year old male that has been put in charge of twelve year olds shooting live Rounds down range. You got any tips and how to stop them aiming at each other or in the worst case shooting each other [02:22:36.674] SuperMinox: inverse smile :D [02:22:38.510] GreyWinterWraith: |: ( [02:22:44.547] ibuu0: wish Finn would smile a big happy smile [02:22:44.792] Raddog315: lol [02:22:46.409] jvlivs777: @acazzoo eyyo :)) [02:22:46.817] aspen9e: hi [02:22:48.490] OmsX8O: @f1nn5ter the "shadow" of sub goal numbers still scuffed on the close-up scene [02:22:49.645] Ramxey_: new f1nn5ter meme just dropped [02:22:50.255] mylovelei: hiii fiiin [02:22:51.859] Gurglefrix: :{ [02:22:52.114] macarous: wait you were meant to change your pfp to rose like a year ago [02:22:53.969] ace_bean07: Gota go bye [02:22:54.112] Kolateak_: I believe that's called a frown [02:22:54.445] Stovamor: @youtube_havocc, Stop spamming this please, and ask for advice from a range instructor, not from a british femboy [02:22:57.090] Tari_Diachi: You should experiment with your mouth more ;) [02:22:57.744] Bytebak: That's a Beaker cosplay [02:22:58.376] xotodoroki: @youtube_havocc shoot them before they shoot eachother [02:22:58.552] PollyWoggo: all aborted the finnster hype train [02:22:58.763] Jens_LN: At least there are worse names [02:23:00.824] baylee_127: looking good:))) [02:23:01.011] lexrbr: gottem [02:23:04.317] aichi_sendou9: let's tax evade today [02:23:04.896] Amoyamoyamoya: "Uncute" face [02:23:05.812] kevlarchicken: @Stovamor KEKW [02:23:08.489] bearpaw1970: bye ace [02:23:09.182] Amoyamoyamoya: Riza said it sucked [02:23:10.210] Ramxey_: the 5th i think [02:23:10.879] NuclearSoulz: so when's the photoset calendar [02:23:12.773] DesireeSlayz: Stick with the name [02:23:13.238] Raddog315: Wait, does it? [02:23:14.728] jvlivs777: cute face 😊 [02:23:15.964] acazzoo: Riza best [02:23:19.579] Shystance: riza found it boring [02:23:19.829] jedijeffboi: no its fith us [02:23:20.822] GreyWinterWraith: there was so much genuine Rose smile during last stream when she was showing off her redstone cannon LUL [02:23:21.764] bearpaw1970: It's the 5th in the us [02:23:24.148] toast_7716: hello :> [02:23:25.917] LittleChaSiu: I've also heard that it sucked [02:23:28.283] bearpaw1970: as well [02:23:29.329] RunkMan13: Thats a sexy man [02:23:29.759] SpoopTheBean: @youtube_havocc whoever put a 15yr old incharge of 12yr olds with live fire rounds is a dunce and should be fired for incompetence [02:23:29.996] plinkki: it's ok [02:23:30.315] croge185: it has a special scene [02:23:31.383] yungTrapQueen: finn is a cuter woman than i'll ever be [02:23:32.453] macarous: not surprised [02:23:35.338] jrliban: just watch dune instead [02:23:35.429] kingstasiu: can you play some music? [02:23:35.959] freakothweek: Is inflation hitting you too you’re not doing your nails as much [02:23:37.268] TheNeverShow: watch Antlers its freaky [02:23:37.544] DesireeSlayz: Charity case lol [02:23:38.495] Lavalot: Have you seen Dune? [02:23:39.471] LittleChaSiu: LUL [02:23:43.470] dreadknight_unko: looks like itll suck [02:23:43.991] xx_zephyroht_xx: <3 VirtualHug <3 VirtualHug <3 VirtualHug [02:23:44.642] alexx_net: Grumpy cat-girl face [02:23:46.677] DayofDong: Worst rated marvel movie at 64% [02:23:47.569] Raddog315: OH no! [02:23:48.664] aichi_sendou9: Eternals sucks KEKW [02:23:49.886] Nooticus2: mariza just tweeted about it [02:23:54.820] bearpaw1970: and I trust Kevin more than critics [02:23:55.655] acazzoo: hahahahahaha [02:23:57.800] acazzoo: hahahahhahaha [02:23:59.327] Nooticus2: SHE JUST TWEETED IT [02:24:00.507] macarous: LUL [02:24:01.238] SoulQuizzity: hahahahha [02:24:06.474] LittleChaSiu: "my friend" [02:24:08.198] LoadSmasher: lol [02:24:09.393] Misstrixtin: oh no [02:24:11.639] braddle172: LUL [02:24:12.123] jvlivs777: they have homelander version that were good toward people [02:24:12.987] acazzoo: thank you riza [02:24:14.114] ChillDemoNotReal: Do you see me [02:24:14.197] LittleChaSiu: what is it with everyone and their friends smh [02:24:14.880] lexrbr: hahahahha [02:24:15.676] Shystance: "friend". she's cheating on f1nn!!! [02:24:16.146] rabman1a: marvel sucks sweaty ass [02:24:16.294] Misstrixtin: im seeing it this weekend [02:24:16.577] TheNeverShow: See Ron's gone wrong it's freaking extra cute [02:24:17.424] Myoukochou: Honest Movie Reviews™ [02:24:19.446] ninja_mewmew: yikes... [02:24:23.519] SpoopTheBean: hey chat is dune good? [02:24:25.191] Raddog315: NotLikeThis [02:24:26.619] graemecrackers2: not even a cute ass ? [02:24:27.329] bigkrimpin: KEK [02:24:27.606] acazzoo: xDDDDD [02:24:28.420] lexrbr: kek [02:24:28.422] OmsX8O: which movie? [02:24:29.926] Ramxey_: LUL [02:24:34.092] PollyWoggo: no redemption from buff Kumal? [02:24:36.665] galaxysbwastaken: KEKW [02:24:36.901] orlanTEEN: Dune is excelent [02:24:40.261] j0nny3: these are good tho [02:24:40.596] Kurgan: Dune is a masterpiece [02:24:43.645] macarous: aye i remember stickman animations [02:24:44.321] Mgxbox12: !uptime [02:24:44.607] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 24m 55s [02:24:46.127] mystchevious1: Did you watch Dune? [02:24:46.633] shadowclaw20: eternals @OmsX8O [02:24:46.946] plinkki: it's not that bad... [02:24:52.173] Ramxey_: DC better [02:24:52.971] jvlivs777: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [02:24:54.954] matt_or_matheus: STICKMAN ANIMATION LUL [02:25:01.982] Gigaknightdx: dc squad [02:25:02.079] baelphes: yeh, fun ass [02:25:02.538] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:25:03.540] Shystance: KEK [02:25:05.668] macarous: nicr [02:25:05.799] OmsX8O: @shadowclaw20 thnx [02:25:06.149] acazzoo: kek [02:25:06.166] Gurglefrix: Get Rekt! [02:25:06.742] queenoftheroses3421: kek [02:25:07.346] acazzoo: KEK [02:25:08.475] kevlarchicken: KEKW [02:25:08.961] Raddog315: Nice one [02:25:09.656] aquaticcharizard: OMEGALUL [02:25:09.683] macarous: nice* [02:25:10.178] Ramxey_: KEKW [02:25:13.940] Solus_kun: KEKW [02:25:16.610] lostcrow_: KEKW [02:25:20.411] Jens_LN: throw the guns on the floor [02:25:21.469] bearpaw1970: there is thousands of years per character and there is 10 of them [02:25:22.592] galaxysbwastaken: KEKW [02:25:28.697] dirtuwu: oof [02:25:36.000] fe_me_: dune is good [02:25:39.646] Myoukochou: the hair is actually so good [02:25:40.002] bearpaw1970: this is about origins mainly [02:25:56.259] bearpaw1970: of each Eternal [02:25:57.932] LittleChaSiu: "fuck you bitch" nice [02:25:58.054] macarous: the lego figurines were so cute [02:25:58.330] SpoopTheBean: @Meliante girlfriend* [02:25:58.480] Emmy64_: KEKW [02:25:58.586] anangeldustfan69: tf2 [02:26:00.394] jvlivs777: SeemsGood xqcRich [02:26:02.327] galaxysbwastaken: LMAO [02:26:05.082] ChillDemoNotReal: tf2 [02:26:05.700] Shystance: SPOILERS! [02:26:07.261] PollyWoggo: old married couple spat [02:26:09.808] acazzoo: @Meliante its a she and i dont think they are dating [02:26:09.880] clayrisxx: whats your pronous? [02:26:10.655] Meliante: lol [02:26:11.687] Nooticus2: girlfriend yeah [02:26:14.407] imaginealiveve: dune it aight if ya read the bookis [02:26:16.339] LittleChaSiu: !pronouns [02:26:16.639] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [02:26:18.032] vanimal2118: So u have the opportunity to sleep in ladies night gown and you would rather sleep in the nude? Afraid you will like it? [02:26:20.888] ninjakiller123456: ninjakiller123456 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [02:26:21.068] f3mmbot ninjakiller123456 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:26:21.589] nemesis0142: I can't stop watching you Shock @JustaMinx on Youtube with the Thigh Highs Twirling a F*****g Gun, her face cracks me up Everytime... [02:26:22.879] Gurglefrix: Its the lowest rated marvel movie on Rotten tomatos [02:26:26.331] jedijeffboi: it flucing sucks [02:26:26.855] mystchevious1: Did you watch Dune? It was amazing!!! [02:26:28.506] TheStarGamer1238: eye shadow [02:26:31.490] TheNeverShow: see ron's gone wrong man trust me it's a really good movie [02:26:34.848] Ramxey_: It's Rotten on Rotten Tomatoes [02:26:35.322] bearpaw1970: 24 movies and counting [02:26:37.489] jvlivs777: ethernal has homelander cousin :)) [02:26:40.316] soydarkito: !of [02:26:40.607] OmsX8O: Only 6.2 on IMDB [02:26:41.727] MessySausage: Just here to ask if he's shown that bussy yet [02:26:42.328] bearpaw1970: they are gods [02:26:43.221] Nooticus2: @acazzoo read meowriza's alt twitter feed then tell me otherwise lol [02:26:44.822] HangryPlatypusE: THERE KINDA JUST THERE IN THE COMICS [02:26:46.949] sinuwu: thighs [02:26:48.229] Mellomania: @F1NN5TER no clue what they are talking about, i just watched it and loved it [02:26:48.656] meowriza: unironically worst marvel movie [02:26:49.382] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter - it has a shit Rotten Tomatoes score, so even the critics hated it [02:26:49.487] SuperMinox: all disney movies recently suck [02:26:50.008] Amoyamoyamoya: I'm still going to see it. I want to see how they treat the characters. [02:26:50.376] orlanTEEN: If Meawriza says its bad, than its good [02:26:51.023] NekoNyanUwU: 👀 [02:26:51.544] Raddog315: Yeah, I was looking forward to it [02:26:52.780] jvlivs777: *thight* [02:26:53.450] braddle172: oof [02:26:53.861] Jens_LN: not enough time to make proper buildup for that many characters [02:26:54.479] onestupidpizza: but it's not the avengers [02:26:58.043] jvlivs777: thigh [02:26:58.180] freakothweek: If she likened it to venom then yeah it’s bad [02:27:00.898] jedijeffboi: its pretty bad [02:27:03.010] TheStarGamer1238: think of old wolverine [02:27:04.677] klounix: the concept is already bad [02:27:04.767] heavymetalyetiguy: I get the feeling that it will set up a lot for the MCU though [02:27:06.629] bearpaw1970: It's about story more than action [02:27:07.054] Misstrixtin: oh god [02:27:08.068] DagiLajki: No heels today? [02:27:08.769] acazzoo: @Nooticus2 i am 99.99% sure its troll but if it is serious than i fear for f1nn haha [02:27:13.802] meowriza: UNIRONICALLY worst marvel movie [02:27:16.474] dreadknight_unko: the weapons made of gold wire told me it would be crap [02:27:17.717] acazzoo: heels please [02:27:17.846] OmsX8O: 6.2 on IMDB seems horrible for such movie [02:27:19.771] nocturnalviewing: ??????? [02:27:20.682] Rxmvrk: big cap [02:27:21.874] Tari_Diachi: Ya look at Audience Score not Critics imo. [02:27:22.394] Darthnihilius: when both critics and audience hates it it's a bad movie [02:27:24.634] Stovamor: The reviews were really not good [02:27:25.797] j0nny3: cope [02:27:26.767] Raddog315: True [02:27:27.286] macarous: uhhh [02:27:27.318] Shystance: spitting the truff [02:27:28.398] Nooticus2: @acazzoo no way its not serious tbh [02:27:28.682] sinuwu: cap [02:27:29.387] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [02:27:30.028] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nn5tLezgang rynali1Heart [02:27:31.246] Kurgan: not always [02:27:31.674] bearpaw1970: exactly [02:27:32.698] orlanTEEN: yep [02:27:33.128] jvlivs777: xqcHug VoteYea [02:27:33.279] hopalongtommy: the trailer looked blah. I bet its a lots of mopey scenes, like marvel made a dc movie [02:27:33.528] macarous: no [02:27:33.773] OmsX8O: Bing Bong [02:27:34.534] ssimfony: what movie are we talkingabout? [02:27:35.068] Awesomeartfan: Bing Bong! SingsNote [02:27:36.118] jrliban: nah [02:27:37.855] graemecrackers2: like the human centipede [02:27:37.961] Emmy64_: Bing Bong [02:27:38.060] acazzoo: xd [02:27:41.484] braddle172: Bing Bong [02:27:41.982] vanimal2118: Bing Bong [02:27:44.442] DeadSnowmandude: Bing Bong [02:27:44.949] bearpaw1970: Kevin knows what he is doing [02:27:45.310] lexrbr: HypeDoh HypeDoh [02:27:47.411] Solus_kun: Bing Bong [02:27:48.231] Gurglefrix: Here we go [02:27:48.894] kkasperle: Bing Bong [02:27:49.061] trolface1997: Bing Bong [02:27:50.884] BerryTheOrphan: BisexualPride NonbinaryPride [02:27:51.677] jvlivs777: SeemsGood SeemsGood [02:27:51.818] macarous: take notes class LUL [02:27:53.967] orlanTEEN: so its good, you will enjoy it [02:27:57.819] LittleChaSiu: nice handwriting Kappa [02:27:59.128] PollyWoggo: make a Venn diagram... or Finn diagram [02:27:59.999] BerryTheOrphan: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [02:28:00.154] DagiLajki: Bing Bong [02:28:01.156] dirtuwu: critics are bad at rating movies [02:28:01.805] galaxysbwastaken: bing bong [02:28:03.429] lyncesca: incredible art [02:28:03.571] Jens_LN: looks like a penis [02:28:05.708] that1guylouis24: farfaP [02:28:06.370] crapmypants420: no nut november is hard with you looking so breedable <3 [02:28:08.346] DagiLajki: Why no heels today? [02:28:08.648] BerryTheOrphan: <3 <3 <3 [02:28:08.743] kevlarchicken: KEKW [02:28:09.298] SuperMinox: sure it is [02:28:10.800] ayoitspidge: @dirtuwu so true [02:28:12.710] BerryTheOrphan: <3 [02:28:12.731] lexrbr: kek [02:28:12.973] kaboos39: show us some booooooooooob [02:28:13.727] Shystance: boy just drew a critic dick [02:28:14.064] YaBoiLemYT: thats a penis not a thumbs up [02:28:15.808] Shystance: a cridick [02:28:15.984] bearpaw1970: 24 films in a row all succeeded [02:28:17.023] BerryTheOrphan: <3 <3 <3 [02:28:18.284] orlanTEEN: wtf [02:28:22.320] acazzoo: wtf is this lmfao [02:28:25.582] HangryPlatypusE: The Eternals really only have one god story in the comics out of the three stories they have [02:28:25.598] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:28:26.474] Jens_LN: penis [02:28:27.018] orlanTEEN: KEKW [02:28:28.256] that1guylouis24: farfaPo [02:28:29.122] Lavalot: I don't think its contriversial though, I think everyone I've heard see it says its pretty meh [02:28:29.126] hopalongtommy: Rose just said he didn't like black panther so 100% confirmed racist [02:28:29.388] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:28:31.222] Elifighter: move caera [02:28:31.743] BerryTheOrphan: TwitchUnity [02:28:32.739] leomoon9: among us [02:28:33.764] ctsid: 10.2k channel points [02:28:37.352] cyberchri07: f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM [02:28:37.404] LoadSmasher: wtf? [02:28:39.464] ayoitspidge: @ctsid 18K [02:28:40.617] FuzzyXe: art attack with fin [02:28:46.613] xx_zephyroht_xx: whats the penis with 3 balls? [02:28:46.660] jedijeffboi: we cant even see? [02:28:47.069] krzyzewskiman: draw pp [02:28:47.316] rgkagero: move camera [02:28:47.363] anangeldustfan69: Are you a femboy or E girl I'm just curious. [02:28:47.482] ayoitspidge: @ctsid *19 my bad [02:28:50.344] ValleBeingSus: weeee [02:28:52.924] JorWat: Shadow is rotated again, BTW [02:28:54.208] theEdmus: can you provide examples [02:28:54.433] 707boy: omg first time in a while watching you live!! I'm so happy [02:28:58.064] johnn1965: *** [02:28:58.744] macarous: this is f1nn talking out of his ass [02:29:05.739] that1guylouis24: so by definition Captain Marvel is better than Eternals ?? KEKWait [02:29:07.298] brightc15: does no nut November only apply to people who identify as male, or is it for anyone/everyone? [02:29:14.761] dukewaffle: @macarous oh [02:29:15.563] ssimfony: goo4 [02:29:15.750] lexrbr: goo4 [02:29:16.101] acazzoo: @brightc15 everyone [02:29:16.591] klounix: 53 in rotten is too average to be good for audience [02:29:16.735] Oojaplonk: goo4 ? [02:29:16.895] Helen_Croft: 9004 [02:29:18.358] Nooticus2: @brightc15 thats the million dollar question [02:29:19.189] SpoopTheBean: @hopalongtommy ????????? the mental gymnastics needed to come to this conclusion has given me a stroke [02:29:19.938] ayoitspidge: @brightc15 i thought it was for everyone [02:29:23.701] Kolateak_: This is 90% facts [02:29:25.550] na1eph: bruh this tree is horrible [02:29:31.438] Ramxey_: great chart, should be used as the standard [02:29:32.006] galaxysbwastaken: LMFAO [02:29:32.383] PollyWoggo: goofour [02:29:33.222] lexrbr: kek [02:29:36.073] xxclxudy_dinoxx: BisexualPride NonbinaryPride [02:29:36.750] zombie_1981: wonderful art PixelBob [02:29:36.863] bearpaw1970: captain marvel made 2 billion world wide in revenue [02:29:41.258] 707boy: you look super pretty today Finn :) [02:29:41.462] Kolateak_: Critics hate TROS and that movie is ASS [02:29:44.061] dukewaffle: and he has a gun [02:29:44.382] Stovamor: @notslimjim1, fuck off [02:29:48.226] jvlivs777: cool :)) [02:29:51.354] that1guylouis24: @notslimjim1 relax dude [02:29:51.838] brightc15: @acazzoo oh okay, thanks [02:29:54.261] dukewaffle: what the fuck is this stream [02:29:56.585] Ramxey_: Incels loved it [02:29:56.782] acazzoo: @brightc15 np <3 [02:29:58.666] soy_boi69420: Bing Bong [02:29:59.384] macarous: can we not start with joker [02:30:01.452] ayoitspidge: but everyone LOVED it [02:30:02.150] Jens_LN: Maybe people just wants to see the world burn [02:30:04.526] SuperMinox: @bearpaw1970 because people thought it was "important" for endgame [02:30:04.941] fe_me_: joker was very similar to king of comedy from what i heard [02:30:04.985] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:30:06.292] JorWat: Bing Bong! [02:30:06.667] bearpaw1970: critics and many a fan panned captain marvel [02:30:09.475] Tari_Diachi: Oh no. [02:30:09.688] imaginealiveve: any new starwars [02:30:10.421] Nooticus2: oh god [02:30:10.496] LittleChaSiu: monkaS [02:30:10.920] Stovamor: oof [02:30:13.010] xXbigdaddy5Xx: total bs movie [02:30:13.163] therealjohnny_bravo: i got banned from your server for my beautiful pfp bro :( [02:30:13.263] allentiger_r4: OH MY GOD NO [02:30:13.408] Tari_Diachi: f1nn5tCancelled [02:30:13.811] d1ml1tzzz: film taste is so subjective [02:30:14.157] macarous: umm [02:30:14.203] Rxmvrk: alright dumb comparison [02:30:14.334] 707boy: LesbianPride LesbianPride [02:30:14.791] DeanTheSpartan: uh oh [02:30:14.843] Gurglefrix: I dont want to remember it [02:30:14.967] ayoitspidge: OH GOD [02:30:15.132] sleshpaoopa333: Love that movie! [02:30:15.267] rgkagero: oh shit [02:30:16.031] bomber9o12: oof [02:30:16.127] avoidingzombies: O.O [02:30:16.506] Kolateak_: L critics [02:30:16.889] HangryPlatypusE: oh god why [02:30:17.045] GreyWinterWraith: nope [02:30:17.368] that1guylouis24: pls nooo [02:30:18.008] jedijeffboi: gross [02:30:18.411] dietmountaindew7: watching this on 0% [02:30:18.908] d1ml1tzzz: everyone hated cuties [02:30:18.943] Raddog315: oooh god noooo [02:30:19.436] theidealcopy: i wish i didn't remember [02:30:20.607] PollyWoggo: cp lite [02:30:20.640] avoidingzombies: ohh no [02:30:20.763] lexrbr: the finish on that 92 is wack [02:30:20.994] dodelqdwfx: oh no [02:30:21.511] domeni_: big L [02:30:23.513] jedijeffboi: nooooo [02:30:23.712] orlanTEEN: Venom critics hated and everyone else loved jt [02:30:25.542] sleshpaoopa333: My fav movie [02:30:25.830] jvlivs777: xqcCursed [02:30:27.490] d1ml1tzzz: even critics [02:30:27.693] Jens_LN: never saw Cuties [02:30:28.456] bearpaw1970: yet 2 billion world wide it made cash! [02:30:28.922] Amoyamoyamoya: Wasn't that about underage girls? [02:30:29.144] kevlarchicken: makes me gag just thinking about it [02:30:29.424] camocarnage2001: Ew [02:30:30.039] Rxmvrk: nobody liked cuties [02:30:30.415] dukewaffle: WHAT THE FUCK [02:30:32.684] d1ml1tzzz: fuck you then [02:30:32.691] NATPD_: Oh god nooo [02:30:33.465] JorWat: And most people who hate it haven't even seen it. [02:30:33.670] orlanTEEN: never heard of it [02:30:34.225] cdloser69: i refuse to admit to being french because of that movie [02:30:34.699] Gigaknightdx: whats good is good [02:30:34.830] jedijeffboi: emoji movie worse [02:30:35.808] Ramxey_: but but but the message! [02:30:36.761] SpoopTheBean: peoples taste in anything is subjective [02:30:39.183] sergeantglutton: @F1NN5TER You a Libertarian? [02:30:39.490] zluna21: Guess I'm turning gay [02:30:40.850] HangryPlatypusE: SUCH A BIG L [02:30:40.900] dirtuwu: not that one [02:30:42.264] Gigaknightdx: whats hot is hot [02:30:42.704] lexrbr: NotLikeThis [02:30:43.403] lamelama22: critics loved the joker... it was fine, but not really the joker, and therefore crap [02:30:45.218] therealjohnny_bravo: how do i rejoin ur discord [02:30:45.272] dirtuwu: cuties [02:30:47.855] bomber9o12: good, you shouldn't watch that shit [02:30:50.985] itsAdastros: nice spyderco [02:30:51.928] Rxmvrk: i heard the movie wasn't that bad tho just the marketing or whatever was fucked up [02:30:52.963] 128098: I saw it, it was meh. [02:30:54.041] acazzoo: day 1 of asking @jvlivs777 to add me discord [02:30:55.051] ayoitspidge: i havent watched it either [02:30:55.861] rabman1a: wasn't that a documentary [02:30:57.060] Malphabeth: what to expect from people that work as a movie critics [02:30:58.832] eboyt_t: Strange [02:31:02.242] kevlarchicken: it sounds horrifying [02:31:03.721] jedijeffboi: I watched like [02:31:03.932] 707boy: ew [02:31:04.078] Kolateak_: The new Chapelle special on Netflix, critics hate, is good [02:31:04.355] crapmypants420: f1nn5tPegChamp [02:31:04.567] DagiLajki: when venom 2 premiered ? [02:31:05.057] HangryPlatypusE: DONT NEED TO THE TRAILER WAS GROSS ENOUGH [02:31:05.773] SpoopTheBean: @sergeantglutton average pka viewer be like [02:31:07.382] Gigaknightdx: lol "cuties" [02:31:07.984] Duelou: prince-ss moment [02:31:10.072] nova_ch4n: nova_ch4n subscribed with Prime. [02:31:10.250] f3mmbot nova_ch4n has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nova_ch4n f1nn5tLezgang [02:31:10.592] katingee: critics ar su/s [02:31:16.494] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. I clipped the backwards smile. [02:31:21.281] dirtuwu: i saw a 3 miinute clip and wanted to bleach my eyes [02:31:21.960] Stovamor: BTW Chat, I am going to pay out on the prediction at the end of the stream [02:31:22.796] RockinLockin: Captain America [02:31:27.844] macarous: ??? [02:31:28.493] RockinLockin: Captain America is awful [02:31:30.037] xXbigdaddy5Xx: HULK IS NOT BAD [02:31:31.006] SuchKittyMuchMeow: black widow was bad [02:31:32.067] bearpaw1970: Exactly f1nn [02:31:36.325] jedijeffboi: I watched like 10 minutes of it and i turned it of because it was shot [02:31:38.101] bomber9o12: Thor: Dark World? [02:31:39.245] HangryPlatypusE: THOR THE DARK WORLD WAS HOT GARBO [02:31:39.431] BernardoOne: Thor Dark World is terrible [02:31:43.611] foxx019: those hulk movies don't deserve a pass [02:31:44.354] jedijeffboi: black widow pretty ok [02:31:44.945] Rxmvrk: marvel movies are lowkey overrated [02:31:45.830] dirtuwu: hulk [02:31:47.508] Stovamor: Black Widow was ok, but huge amounts of it were fucking pointless filler [02:31:50.357] JorWat: I agree with Jenny Nicholson's Joker review, which was mostly negative. [02:31:50.709] acazzoo: Marvel movies suck [02:31:52.089] jade8703: Film taste can be subjective but there is a lot of things that can make a film objectively bad [02:31:52.561] blast_hardch33se: captain Marvel was like watching paint dry [02:31:53.376] Bytebak: I've heard this before - Deja vu [02:31:55.403] Kolateak_: LUL [02:31:55.480] Gigaknightdx: matrix 4? [02:31:57.501] elric_toivonen: Thor 1? [02:31:58.136] foxx019: liar [02:31:58.411] domeni_: @HangryPlatypusE agreed!! [02:31:59.425] plinkki: eternals was better than black widow [02:32:02.877] DeanTheSpartan: Cuties is like making a movie where you actually abuse dogs to show that abusing dogs is bad. You don't need to actually do the bad thing to show that it's bad. [02:32:03.144] skyhex2571: hfhfhfh [02:32:04.117] bearpaw1970: black widow was pretty cool ties into falcon and winter. [02:32:04.817] 707boy: what's your favorite Starbucks drink?? [02:32:05.637] Mellomania: @F1NN5TER i just watched it and i loved eternals. don't get the hate [02:32:06.086] fe_me_: black widow was just like every single marvel movie very cookie cutter like marvel movie [02:32:06.234] HangryPlatypusE: HOT GARBO [02:32:07.642] KaorisCat: Eternals is sitting at rotten on rotten tomatoes! [02:32:07.674] macarous: hulk is cool af but it is a bad movie [02:32:08.098] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter She-Hulk ? [02:32:10.130] the_mist_demon: we watched that for Loki [02:32:11.533] katingee: theyre better than DC movies [02:32:11.600] jvlivs777: you look better than scarlet [02:32:11.634] jrtcjrtc: no hulk was worse [02:32:12.073] Shystance: the director the got for the eternals is an "artsy" director. also i fell asleep watching thor dark world [02:32:12.832] NATPD_: Marvel overrated [02:32:14.875] therealjohnny_bravo: i got banned from your discord server for having a: fancy pfp :> how to rejoin [02:32:14.993] cerberuscorpse97: I did not like the star wars sequels but that's just me. [02:32:15.226] makromaniac: yep, wasn't bad at all [02:32:15.981] YaBoiLemYT: imma dip have a good rest of the stream f1nn/rose combo thing [02:32:16.494] RockinLockin: Captain America 1, Iron man 2 [02:32:18.452] Rxmvrk: i can tell :l [02:32:21.248] lexrbr: we can tell [02:32:23.970] Gigaknightdx: cowboy bebop netflix nov 19th? [02:32:27.480] Rxmvrk: but nah i heard eternals is butt] [02:32:28.792] YaBoiLemYT: i left the dc bcus of some toxic ppl lol [02:32:28.936] acazzoo: i got banned from discord for sending meme. plz unban [02:32:29.105] nico_cccxv: jaw [02:32:30.272] AngelHinostroza_: What do you think about "The Eternals"? [02:32:30.582] lamelama22: Iron Man 3 was the worst Marvel movie... Tony Stark, with no suite, taking out trained commandos with Christmas ornaments... [02:32:33.609] smthdffrnt: Winter Soldier was my favourite because of the soundtrack and the fight scenes. [02:32:34.094] bomber9o12: favorite disney plus show? [02:32:35.412] dirtuwu: @DeanTheSpartan pretty much [02:32:36.646] Stovamor: @therealjohnny_bravo, contact one of the discord admins - we have no control over that here [02:32:38.087] Shotz4321: What about captain marvel? [02:32:41.293] SuperMinox: trust your girlfriend [02:32:45.219] PollyWoggo: cuties = soft-core CP [02:32:50.972] Jens_LN: What sort of hero would Rose Evergreen be ? [02:32:52.267] Pictoris: is bloodshot anygood [02:32:54.844] jedijeffboi: e [02:32:57.494] Elifighter: use vpn [02:32:58.914] therealjohnny_bravo: how do i when i have 0 contact to them @Stovamor [02:33:01.392] txntmr: mommy rose BibleThump [02:33:01.966] bearpaw1970: as characters they are awesome [02:33:02.839] ItsXotzy: @F1NN5TER do you stuff ur braw or do you have fake bobs? [02:33:04.539] lillyofthenorth: f1nn5tZOOM [02:33:05.168] officaltechnodoggo: what have i joined into [02:33:06.678] ItsXotzy: just curious? [02:33:14.337] Shystance: f1nn is 100% the beast [02:33:16.418] Ramxey_: mystique is villain [02:33:18.736] bearpaw1970: shape shifted extraordinary [02:33:18.820] DeadSnowmandude: no [02:33:20.497] trolface1997: nope [02:33:21.679] dreadknight_unko: no [02:33:22.240] xXbigdaddy5Xx: I would ... [02:33:22.479] supimkare: yo [02:33:23.247] amy9991: nope [02:33:23.478] HangryPlatypusE: ME NIETHER [02:33:23.579] rgkagero: no [02:33:24.318] Amoyamoyamoya: No. I'd be a super crimers. [02:33:24.410] sleshpaoopa333: anti hero [02:33:24.986] Ascara89: Nope [02:33:26.366] macarous: i would make money [02:33:27.666] therealjohnny_bravo: @F1NN5TER i would be iron man 110% [02:33:28.266] theidealcopy: chaotic neutral is the only way [02:33:28.373] simpingforwilbur: hi from belgium [02:33:28.502] RagingWind_: nah hero is overrated [02:33:29.137] Muffin_Topps: Id be over here robbing banks [02:33:30.171] big_beniz: !uptime [02:33:30.516] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 33m 41s [02:33:30.545] jvlivs777: you have shape shifting abilities :)) [02:33:31.058] bomber9o12: who would you like to dress up as in Marvel? [02:33:31.788] alfredo_afreeyo: you right [02:33:32.318] Amoyamoyamoya: *Crimer [02:33:33.208] Elifighter: anti hero [02:33:33.677] yfeboanvakenss: who wouldnt wanna be mystique though [02:33:33.723] Jens_LN: If you had powers, you would not try and help people ? [02:33:34.037] foxx019: anti-hero [02:33:35.626] alfredo_afreeyo: very true' [02:33:36.590] marshrover: i would try to take over the earth 100% [02:33:38.134] duvvee: Id just monetize it [02:33:38.527] c__r__j: I thought we established causing boners was your super power. [02:33:41.014] that1guylouis24: D: [02:33:41.973] cdloser69: a little quirky thing you could do [02:33:43.836] jvlivs777: and seductive laser beam 😊🤟 [02:33:44.962] Rxmvrk: i mean in most cases you get forced into shit. you cant hide superpowers forever. [02:33:45.977] collaritario: collaritario subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Black widow, captain marvel and Thor with weird camera angles, and Thor dark world are all trash, garbage, have bad writing [02:33:46.173] f3mmbot collaritario has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [02:33:47.503] gloom_slayer: Honestly, I would be an antihero [02:33:48.036] bearpaw1970: Like the " Shade" [02:33:48.750] foxx019: like deadpool kinda? [02:33:49.386] DeadSnowmandude: anti-heros [02:33:49.521] Gigaknightdx: shadman? [02:33:50.917] dirtuwu: i'd be Megamind [02:33:51.725] HangryPlatypusE: YOU KNOW PETTY CRIME [02:33:52.631] imaginealiveve: jumper was a fun movie [02:33:52.894] rgkagero: yup [02:33:52.943] Ascara89: I'd be fucking around with people constantly [02:33:55.206] jrtcjrtc: CUTIES C:88% A:16% [02:33:55.215] macarous: jumper is FUN AF [02:33:56.401] rgkagero: agreed [02:34:03.504] gaviiinnnn: btw, do you go by rose while streaming? [02:34:03.554] bearpaw1970: a lovable rogue [02:34:03.849] RosethorneVineheart: id commit fun [02:34:08.590] Stovamor: Jumper was ffun enough, but Hayden Christiansen is toss [02:34:08.893] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:34:09.597] smthdffrnt: How did Anakin not get fat in Jumper is the biggest question. [02:34:12.009] narek5050: bruh is wearing a barbie backpack [02:34:14.134] obamoose: What kind of accent do you have? Like, what do they call it? [02:34:15.113] 707boy: Finn do you like the Harry Potter movies? [02:34:16.292] easy_living_1: what did i come back to???? KEKW [02:34:17.188] simpingforwilbur: what is your pronouns? [02:34:20.755] macarous: jumper, push are both fun but shit movies [02:34:21.465] 128098: will never rewatch captain marvel [02:34:22.408] Lavalot: The buddy cop parts of Cpt. Marvel was fun [02:34:22.539] Raddog315: I saw an old cartoon that was 100% you with super powers. Look up Shezow [02:34:24.633] Kolateak_: Correct opinion [02:34:25.149] freakothweek: But wait what would your superpower be [02:34:27.003] alfredo_afreeyo: capttail marvel was good [02:34:27.715] Darthnihilius: just meh overall [02:34:28.763] lamelama22: depends on the powers... like being able to heal like Wolvie is a diff level from say, Superman [02:34:29.724] PollyWoggo: F1NNKEWK instead of Will Smith [02:34:29.874] Gigaknightdx: ranma 1/2 [02:34:30.738] easy_living_1: bank robbery?? [02:34:31.324] nyxxxx_boi: yes [02:34:34.302] d1ml1tzzz: see so my point stands everyone has preference when it comes to films [02:34:37.214] jvlivs777: dc better 🤟 [02:34:39.050] HangryPlatypusE: CAPTAIN MARVEL WAS MEH THOR WAS HOT GARBO [02:34:43.914] alfredo_afreeyo: i dont understand the hate on captain marvel [02:34:44.418] Minimum_use: Finnster thanks for helping me realize im trans LMAO [02:34:45.772] f9lls: captain marvel wasn't bad tbh [02:34:45.812] obamoose: Howdy, what kind of accent do you have? Like, what do they call your accent? [02:34:46.738] jvlivs777: F [02:34:48.397] spectatorbobble: @obamoose West Midlands [02:34:50.249] acazzoo: @jvlivs777 please add me discord please [02:34:51.284] acazzoo: please [02:34:54.514] aAndrew3030: mine crashes twice a day [02:34:58.244] camocarnage2001: @d1ml1tzzz no, objectively wrong [02:34:59.441] LeopardFromMarz: controversial opinion i loved captain marvel [02:35:00.595] lexrbr: roooooood [02:35:02.826] happyboi14: Use diminished in a sentence pls [02:35:03.160] bearpaw1970: watch stargirl' season 2 was epic [02:35:04.573] hopalongtommy: the only good part of captain marvel was Samuel L Jackson [02:35:04.781] jvlivs777: @acazzoo im not a mod there :)) [02:35:05.243] jrtcjrtc: but hot strong Women [02:35:08.778] Jens_LN: I would want to help people [02:35:10.919] nutsreepje: I would want DOMINO's superpower of LUCK [02:35:11.775] lastkraftwagenfahrerlars: grow dick [02:35:13.272] Darthnihilius: being hot [02:35:17.164] cdloser69: telekinesis [02:35:17.172] gaviiinnnn: teleportation ez [02:35:17.772] HangryPlatypusE: NOTHING [02:35:18.426] bearpaw1970: seduction [02:35:19.142] simpingforwilbur: pronouns? [02:35:19.276] Redsrisk: Femboi people [02:35:19.597] Neillio94: Telekinisis [02:35:19.624] Amoyamoyamoya: Shapeshifting. [02:35:19.825] jvlivs777: being beautiful 🤟 [02:35:20.279] Darthnihilius: growing a beard [02:35:21.562] nemesis0142: INVISIBLE [02:35:21.862] macarous: taste in film is obviously subjective [02:35:24.905] c__r__j: Causing boners is the super power you picked before. [02:35:25.059] jrtcjrtc: teleportion [02:35:25.589] cannibleburger3: time travel [02:35:26.884] Lavalot: Shapeshifting is the objectively best superpower [02:35:27.382] jjfrob: actually being tall??? [02:35:27.696] domeni_: tasting the fear of other humans [02:35:29.597] jvlivs777: shape shifting godly venus [02:35:29.879] KaiAragao: teleport >>>>>>>>> [02:35:30.450] MajorAllSham: ABILITY TO CHANGE SEX [02:35:33.090] Ramxey_: fly by shitting on people [02:35:33.572] f9lls: fly into your dms [02:35:33.593] DeadSnowmandude: people are bad [02:35:33.830] Gigaknightdx: rose needs leotard [02:35:34.647] lynxwriteslynx: Pooping pasta [02:35:36.209] NonsenseAndBS: Teleport [02:35:37.094] HangryPlatypusE: NOPE [02:35:42.321] 707boy: are you excited for Christmas? [02:35:43.347] secret_assassino: mr manhatan [02:35:43.372] wafflegd: hi im new here, is the dressing up a normal thing? [02:35:44.026] seb0108: diarrhea man [02:35:45.556] RockinLockin: i'd be straight up magneto [02:35:45.696] nemesis0142: SPIDERGIRL [02:35:45.928] luksfs: your superpower is make me bi [02:35:46.433] macarous: bruh fuck that, literally everyone expecting the most from you [02:35:49.197] FuzzyXe: Anti hero [02:35:50.388] Darthnihilius: @wafflegd yeah [02:35:51.244] PollyWoggo: @obamoose Brummie [02:35:51.657] orlanTEEN: @F1NN5TER What would you do if you had all Infinity Stones? [02:35:52.342] Jens_LN: Femboy superpower ? [02:35:53.053] dirtuwu: magical girl transformation [02:35:56.170] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [02:35:57.155] collaritario: The power of tax evasion [02:35:57.284] nutsreepje: Luck is a superpower [02:35:57.493] bearpaw1970: I want a drink..uses to to grab it [02:35:58.212] Stovamor: I'll take Telekinesis [02:36:00.485] Dustin730: reading minds would be really good [02:36:03.119] GreyWinterWraith: telepathy [02:36:03.146] Ramxey_: telekinesis [02:36:03.368] amy9991: wanda's chaos magic [02:36:05.089] heavymetalyetiguy: telepathic [02:36:06.888] blast_hardch33se: you could be SheZow [02:36:07.416] Ramxey_: telepathy [02:36:07.763] RagingWind_: just be a nomad [02:36:10.494] theidealcopy: if you're a superhero you have to wear your thong outside your clothes i don't make the rules [02:36:10.527] exotikx_games: exotikx_games subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hey Rose how can i get unbannd on ur Discord? [02:36:10.709] f3mmbot exotikx_games has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [02:36:11.243] DrWhetFaartz: What up dawg [02:36:11.590] kinkyslug: if shapeshifter you could commit murder [02:36:11.652] Darthnihilius: growing beard is not your superpower LUL [02:36:13.315] c__r__j: Speaking of leotard.... tutu? [02:36:14.683] philzaschild45: I HAVE FOUND U [02:36:14.972] jvlivs777: read simps mind :)) [02:36:15.684] Amoyamoyamoya: Telepathy [02:36:17.914] lexrbr: ?? [02:36:18.140] dreadknight_unko: i get anxiety leaving the house, i dont think that would change if i could teleport. [02:36:19.294] bearpaw1970: Telepathy [02:36:19.930] simpingforwilbur: finn im kinda new and i judt want to know what your pronouns is [02:36:21.541] foxx019: shape shifting is always my answer when people ask what power I would choose if i could [02:36:21.980] lamelama22: the reality is if you had only 1 power the gov would abduct you and "study" you [02:36:22.449] YaBoiLemYT: telekinesis is pog [02:36:22.481] honeysage_: Woman man [02:36:23.963] wafflegd: @wafflegd i think i found my new favorite twitch stream [02:36:24.754] HeRoyizm: You're so hot [02:36:24.973] ozeantj: Wrong [02:36:27.699] DallieWally: pog [02:36:28.599] Rxmvrk: .... [02:36:31.021] Amoyamoyamoya: Unless you couldn't turn it off and then you're fucked. [02:36:32.110] wpkassassin: Or police [02:36:32.391] lexrbr: lmao [02:36:32.957] cdloser69: you could ace all your tests [02:36:34.837] GreyWinterWraith: 6969 seanvrCheerA [02:36:36.312] bearpaw1970: TK is one of the most effective powers [02:36:37.081] trolface1997: nice [02:36:37.237] Raddog315: Strong enough telekinesis can emulate most of supermans powers [02:36:39.358] acazzoo: you have some questionable mods just so you know [02:36:41.342] macarous: you'd make it very obvious after a while and get dissected [02:36:42.375] wpkassassin: Nice [02:36:43.484] ozeantj: Time is tzhe most powerfull thing ever like doctor strange [02:36:43.762] nemesis0142: YOU WOULD KNOW EVERY PASSWORD AND PIN [02:36:45.008] Jens_LN: funny number [02:36:48.094] OmsX8O: 69.69 POGGERS [02:36:48.482] HangryPlatypusE: SOME ONE PLZ SEND THIS MAN A A MYSTQUE COSPLAY [02:36:49.513] Helen_Croft: 69.69 [02:36:49.589] amir_osa: I saw the stream thought you were a girl then I hear your voice I’m shocked [02:36:51.087] bearpaw1970: Exactly Raddog [02:36:53.617] jedijeffboi: what is the discord link [02:36:58.026] acazzoo: !discord [02:36:58.314] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:37:01.606] Kolateak_: Like Chronicle [02:37:03.484] juacyguac: how much do we need to pay you to step on me [02:37:04.520] NATPD_: 69.69 [02:37:06.228] Stovamor: I want full on Sylar level telekinesis [02:37:08.133] jvlivs777: 69 69 :)) [02:37:15.048] HangryPlatypusE: SAME [02:37:15.272] eric_herrera9: looking absolutely gorgeous [02:37:15.321] kiriMCtwitch: I'd only want to be able to read thoughs if I can turn it of and also change them, otherwise I couldn’t deal with it [02:37:15.840] Dustin730: I'm in high school so reading minds would be great [02:37:18.414] gaviiinnnn: im sorry did you just casually pick up a pistol ??? [02:37:19.399] jvlivs777: ohh nyoooo [02:37:20.439] Gigaknightdx: ranma 1/2 [02:37:20.961] nemesis0142: AND PEOPLES DARKEST THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS [02:37:21.000] cannibleburger3: Time Travel or immortality would be good [02:37:22.666] macarous: omg heroes! [02:37:23.775] NonsenseAndBS: Clairvoyant. No one could beat you if you can see the future. [02:37:24.045] 707boy: girl power lmao [02:37:25.750] V_cortes: Cheer20 Power of simp yourself [02:37:26.572] bluesoliel9: Hello [02:37:29.896] bearpaw1970: yup Superspeed is very effective [02:37:29.916] DallieWally: very femmine hands [02:37:31.055] sinuwu: why [02:37:31.607] RagingWind_: telepotation [02:37:31.873] SuperMinox: depending on which story you read - superman actually only has telekinesis and not super strength [02:37:36.885] Wolfpack4962: can i see the outfit just joined? [02:37:37.033] ogiwastaken: sometimes it takes a real man to be the best woman [02:37:38.828] CyclingDutchman: shape-shifting [02:37:39.411] mr_ajokortti_korkort: telekinesis is superior to superspeed [02:37:44.409] marshrover: shapeshifting [02:37:44.466] macarous: speed would be the most fun power aside from flight [02:37:44.670] nutsreepje: LUCK is a way better power [02:37:46.274] camocarnage2001: superspeed or flight [02:37:47.226] jvlivs777: ttruew :)) [02:37:49.447] Brainfishes: Super speed is useless unless you have hardened bones and muscles and skin. You'd just smash yourself. [02:37:49.564] Jens_LN: If you could turn into a real girl, how much time would you spend as a girl ? [02:37:57.555] aunalbrutal: Your superpower would be growing a beard because you cant [02:37:57.688] bearpaw1970: true he saps' targets speed [02:37:59.787] Ramxey_: The Flash scene in Justice League Snyder Cut Kreygasm [02:38:00.009] SuperMinox: flash > quick silver [02:38:00.625] cerberuscorpse97: Give me the Ghost Rider spirit and I'm happy 😂 [02:38:01.278] cottenwolf8: Hi [02:38:01.602] CyclingDutchman: best superpower is shape-shifting [02:38:01.967] weirdo_girl101: I like telekinesis cus I’d just make myself fly lol [02:38:02.625] HangryPlatypusE: OOF [02:38:04.505] macarous: fuckin died [02:38:04.766] jvlivs777: or knife weilder,i mean weapon master 🤟 [02:38:08.400] LeopardFromMarz: mans is too cracked [02:38:08.609] chloroice: batman still beat them all [02:38:09.876] Jmr023: yeahh super super speed it game breaking [02:38:11.752] Raddog315: Flash is great as long as he doesn't trip over anything [02:38:11.781] RagingWind_: insta teleportation [02:38:11.956] bearpaw1970: therefore they never get to act [02:38:12.851] heavymetalyetiguy: nah its cos he was great target practice [02:38:13.945] secret_assassino: *** [02:38:16.096] psychedoutbanana: mizkifHey [02:38:22.768] lexrbr: kek [02:38:23.929] luksfs: luksfs subscribed with Prime. [02:38:24.130] f3mmbot luksfs has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang luksfs f1nn5tLezgang [02:38:25.700] freakothweek: Yeah but when you’re with a girl it’ll always only take 2.3 seconds [02:38:26.283] sat_nav_: condiment king is the best [02:38:27.629] chloroice: batman is superior [02:38:28.356] sinuwu: flash doesnt beat half the other superheroes [02:38:31.187] dirtuwu: flash running so fast he can move through time [02:38:32.795] Shoulderescape: time manipulation [02:38:33.261] tuarys45: super spy power [02:38:35.624] cosmothespacedoggo: What if the flash suffers with premature ejaculation? [02:38:37.346] jvlivs777: true :)) [02:38:39.852] SuperMinox: instagib [02:38:40.216] 707boy: how did you come up with the name rose?? I'm curious [02:38:40.485] LeopardFromMarz: fast [02:38:41.203] nemesis0142: ITS BULLSH*T QUICKSILVER COULD OF OUTRUN THE BULLETS [02:38:42.915] psychedoutbanana: how's the voice lessons going? [02:38:43.018] Natureless: not very fast [02:38:43.486] Solus_kun: What if you run agianst a wall LOL [02:38:46.039] HangryPlatypusE: QUICKSILVER IS A HELLA NERFED VERSION OF THE FLASH [02:38:47.978] blast_hardch33se: I would want to be able to freeze time [02:38:49.435] Elifighter: the flash iss in the dcu supes can cannonically keep up with the flash while flying] [02:38:50.765] plumfigle: do you know your beautiful [02:38:50.864] macarous: you obviously need secondary powers [02:38:51.833] f9lls: 28 mph [02:38:51.927] joanabatista1: 5 seconds [02:38:51.965] stepsisdan: hey cutie [02:38:55.010] secret_assassino: this is the explanation finn *** [02:38:55.329] dreadknight_unko: few machs?! [02:38:56.536] bearpaw1970: Only takes 5 pounds to break any b9ne [02:38:56.698] Darthnihilius: yeah [02:38:57.482] Jens_LN: bones would start breaking around 60-70+ kph [02:38:57.538] lamelama22: have you seen the series Invincible on Amazon? [02:38:58.564] HangryPlatypusE: ITS NOT AS FAST AS YOU THINK [02:38:58.743] hopalongtommy: watch the first episode of Invincible, their superseded guy isn't fast enogh [02:39:00.007] Astro_Sailor: If flash runs too fast he time travels [02:39:02.785] xXbigdaddy5Xx: your muscles woould burst pretty fast I guess [02:39:02.817] lexrbr: prob below mach .8 [02:39:04.137] lu_sagna: mock 10 [02:39:04.956] domeni_: you mess with the time as well at high speed [02:39:06.755] Brainfishes: Not that fast, before muscles start to rip apart and tendons snap and bones crack. [02:39:07.036] reilo47: Your knees would for sure blow out 😂 [02:39:09.854] therealjohnny_bravo: how do i contact an admin or summin xD [02:39:10.270] LoadSmasher: acceleration is the issue [02:39:12.478] NATPD_: 69km [02:39:13.587] bearpaw1970: force field [02:39:15.630] SuperMinox: at mach 10 even titanium gets burned [02:39:20.462] reilo47: Your knees your spine your neck would be fucked [02:39:20.884] Shoulderescape: probalby like 100 km/h or something as max [02:39:23.956] Raddog315: Plot ... I mean speedforce [02:39:26.189] Jmr023: some guy did a breakdown on how fast and mind altering quicksilvers powers were in x men movie .. shit was wild and too op :C [02:39:34.822] NATPD_: True [02:39:35.637] sp00ny76: hold a cheesbruger in front of me , i go lightspeed [02:39:36.051] BetyTrejo499: sapnapHeart phooduHeart [02:39:36.219] doctormerc4: who needs teleportation when the flash was faster than instant teleportation in the comics [02:39:38.159] the_ace_up_your_sleev: breathing? [02:39:39.608] bearpaw1970: exactly [02:39:43.484] nemesis0142: THE FLASH'S SUIT PROTECTS HIM FROM THE FRICTION, THATS HOW HE BROKE TIME TRAVEL [02:39:45.467] omniatustv: the acceleration probably matters alot too [02:39:46.085] Goldflux: teleportation is difficult cos its not just moving in space, its moving in time as well otherwise youd end up floating in space [02:39:47.334] jrtcjrtc: under mach 2 probs [02:39:48.844] lexrbr: it would get boring tho [02:39:51.037] that1guylouis24: LUL [02:39:53.128] bearpaw1970: push cars out of the way [02:39:56.176] SuperMinox: ghost confirmed [02:39:56.753] DesignationSai: id get so fat if i had telekinesis [02:39:57.144] HangryPlatypusE: lots of law still aplly [02:39:59.384] d1ml1tzzz: all the laws [02:39:59.701] Darthnihilius: have you seen misfits ? [02:40:00.770] Jens_LN: oh dang [02:40:01.557] knaught5: ideal superpower is not having to sleep [02:40:03.426] therealjohnny_bravo: !discord [02:40:03.526] Raddog315: TaxEvasionMan [02:40:03.706] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:40:06.572] secret_assassino: finn watch this *** [02:40:09.413] bearpaw1970: lift up a bull dozer [02:40:12.424] Brainfishes: Very surprised cow [02:40:14.494] Jens_LN: almost 88888 [02:40:14.952] Darthnihilius: do a starlight cospaly PogChamp [02:40:15.168] Amoyamoyamoya: From the Boys [02:40:15.550] amy9991: wanda's chaos magic is cool [02:40:16.136] GreyWinterWraith: seanvrDerpa [02:40:16.242] Stovamor: Your costume from last year [02:40:17.022] admhrdyy: is this pre-recorded? [02:40:17.659] therealjohnny_bravo: HAHA IM DEFFO BANNED [02:40:18.331] Redsrisk: All I can picture is a neet telekinetic now [02:40:18.332] programdotmp4: the boys!! [02:40:19.741] the_ace_up_your_sleev: you gonna pay tax on that 100? [02:40:20.673] leonotGrandActorYup: 💕💕💕💦💦💦💦 [02:40:20.997] ArtuaArya: Id hate to know what other people think all the time [02:40:21.426] bearpaw1970: cos play starlight [02:40:24.169] rgkagero: you have starlight costume [02:40:24.684] sinuwu: telekenesis is a bit boring when you think about it [02:40:26.243] aurora_anime: STARLIGHT COSTUME [02:40:26.460] OmsX8O: @secret_assassino, links get auto censored [02:40:27.676] fe_me_: there is no way eternals has less action than dune i've been told chloe zhao ia a good director so hope it's not to bad [02:40:28.373] Stovamor: Rose's Insta > https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [02:40:28.647] Elifighter: @nemesis0142 no the speed force protects him his suit just doesnt wear out [02:40:28.861] itsAdastros: i love sleeping too much [02:40:29.004] Memesiss: What shoes are you wearing? [02:40:30.687] bearpaw1970: tup [02:40:31.477] rabman1a: sleeps is good because its like dying [02:40:32.098] Helen_Croft: when 6969.69? [02:40:32.377] sp00ny76: money money money [02:40:32.517] elric_toivonen: Starlight cosplay? From The Boys [02:40:32.613] Shoulderescape: Time maniplation is the best [02:40:41.216] bearpaw1970: Rose did [02:40:42.354] macarous: POST YOUR GUNS ON INSTA [02:40:45.122] nutsreepje: Sleeping is so good though [02:40:46.054] secret_assassino: @OmsX8O how i get him to sewe [02:40:46.781] LeopardFromMarz: okay but flight [02:40:48.068] that1guylouis24: feet pics ? [02:40:48.478] vanimal2118: U got that. [02:40:48.919] jvlivs777: Scarlet Johnson costplay please 🤟✅✅✅✅ [02:40:49.622] ssimfony: id do invisibility [02:40:50.079] cyberchri07: do a waifu cosplay [02:40:50.733] aAndrew3030: starlight cosplay [02:40:52.837] aurora_anime: LOL [02:40:52.985] bearpaw1970: yup good cos play [02:40:52.998] that1guylouis24: PeepoLeave [02:40:53.000] SuperMinox: is there even new content on insta? [02:40:53.497] Amoyamoyamoya: They're answering your question about what the reference meant. [02:40:54.094] DesignationSai: do it again roo4 [02:40:57.936] nemesis0142: WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON POWERLESS THE SERIES OR THE BOYS??? [02:41:01.133] Alansri: Flex and call it guns [02:41:01.390] jedijeffboi: !instagram [02:41:01.501] GreyWinterWraith: no, not your guns, your GUNS LUL [02:41:01.512] blast_hardch33se: Jessica Rabbit or Dr Mrs The Monarch cosplay? [02:41:01.655] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [02:41:03.476] Rxchu__: fin. how much for a full bikini [02:41:08.107] Stovamor: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBOvdqFPmo/ [02:41:08.419] Stovamor: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBOvdqFPmo/ [02:41:08.748] Stovamor: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBOvdqFPmo/ [02:41:09.973] dirtuwu: feet you say [02:41:11.744] arielthamermaid: Hiii [02:41:15.118] cyberchri07: do a waifu cosplay from anime [02:41:15.657] RavenQxinn: WHATS THE INSTA? [02:41:18.296] PollyWoggo: X-mem Quicksilver > Avengers Quicksilver. Prove me wrong. [02:41:18.653] jedijeffboi: @Rxchu__ send a donation [02:41:19.537] Jens_LN: nice number [02:41:21.257] jvlivs777: true :)) [02:41:25.655] OmsX8O: @secret_assassino, I gues you can try twitter DM. [02:41:26.014] rushys_cool: DDD: [02:41:27.107] Raddog315: POG [02:41:28.443] SuperMinox: @c__r__j nice [02:41:29.633] the_ace_up_your_sleev: my super power would be being the head of the IRS [02:41:31.696] Emmy64_: Hey mods, i guess he didn't shoot himself right? ResidentSleeper [02:41:31.802] VEDS24: Clap [02:41:33.040] jvlivs777: 7000000 [02:41:33.483] LoadSmasher: controlling this simulation is the best [02:41:33.607] therealjohnny_bravo: im actually banned xD i thought u were allowed to have a fine as pfp, [02:41:35.025] nemesis0142: 27000.00 [02:41:35.609] Jens_LN: @c__r__j nice number [02:41:36.379] elric_toivonen: Pog [02:41:36.663] IlzxionXD: NotLikeThis [02:41:42.527] the_mist_demon: Destroy the Earth from space that stops the Flash [02:41:46.316] bearpaw1970: the Avengers have 5 Eternals [02:41:48.405] HangryPlatypusE: its so close [02:41:49.588] jvlivs777: noice :)) [02:41:51.135] supermonkeyjam: sweet baby jesus, what is F1nn wearing [02:41:51.208] secret_assassino: @OmsX8O k [02:41:52.602] aurora_anime: im sorry im new but what are your pronouns so i dont get them wrong? [02:41:55.727] bush_person: how are you doing today? [02:41:57.796] Raddog315: "nice" He says with fear [02:42:00.744] Jens_LN: strong name ! [02:42:03.682] that1guylouis24: !nouns [02:42:08.965] canadaman3000: HIIIII FINN [02:42:10.754] omniatustv: I'm a fire doing and tik tok is not a fan of that either [02:42:10.842] that1guylouis24: !pronouns [02:42:11.118] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [02:42:12.544] aarondeadl: Is this the real twitch [02:42:16.844] blavvk_lyv: gimme the outfit rn [02:42:17.297] sielukukaan: hi ROSE [02:42:17.506] G00gel: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:42:20.920] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [02:42:23.067] Falkon1241: do you not have a white bra for this outfit? [02:42:24.643] bearpaw1970: and one is faster than the Runner the elder of the universe..Quicksilver would be seen standing still [02:42:24.912] Misstrixtin: good movie [02:42:24.963] rushys_cool: Why do you do this to us Finn?!?! [02:42:25.232] GreyWinterWraith: Rose where do you get your knee high socks from? [02:42:26.948] kaboos39: nice libs [02:42:27.935] supersesar2: you do not look attractive [02:42:29.389] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:42:29.444] smthdffrnt: He doesn't know? [02:42:29.931] Dustin730: what If I want to be a chicken [02:42:31.891] Lavalot: That is 100% a song lyric [02:42:32.953] Tari_Diachi: 10 Things I Hate About You? [02:42:34.999] kumorikid_: pew pew [02:42:35.259] Amoyamoyamoya: Or a movie about two gay cowboys. [02:42:36.946] aurora_anime: omg violence [02:42:38.506] lynxwriteslynx: Yes mam [02:42:39.780] Misstrixtin: Brokeback mountain FeelsBadMan [02:42:40.625] macarous: sorry dono, you're a simp [02:42:42.726] aurora_anime: poggers [02:42:43.902] bearpaw1970: vs the faster eternal [02:42:44.197] HangryPlatypusE: i would love to go down your rabbit hole [02:42:44.209] aarondeadl: Hi Jude [02:42:45.174] canadaman3000: WTF [02:42:45.243] kaboos39: shot my ass lol [02:42:45.488] jvlivs777: hologram :)) [02:42:45.542] itsAdastros: i miss airsoft, use to work at an airsoft shop and had an amazing time there [02:42:49.771] therealjohnny_bravo: @F1NN5TER can you unban johnny_bravo? he's awesome i promise [02:42:50.818] BigB0yMark: PogU playing with guns [02:42:51.258] Tbfitb33: He just killed his cat [02:42:51.540] luksfs: golden gun [02:42:52.233] plumfigle: do you play airsoft [02:42:53.676] Amoyamoyamoya: Wow, that sounds louder than before. [02:42:54.919] Raddog315: Every time F1nn says go down the rabbit hole Chair shakes in fear [02:42:58.442] Darthnihilius: rose, have you seen misfits ? it's very realistic with what people would do with superpowers [02:43:02.863] lynxwriteslynx: “guns” [02:43:10.458] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER YOUR THOUGHTS ON "POWERLESS" the Series or "THE BOYS" or "WATCHMEN"??? [02:43:12.779] aupshaw_: !uptime [02:43:13.068] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 43m 23s [02:43:14.546] GreyWinterWraith: !insta [02:43:14.820] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [02:43:15.060] jedijeffboi: !instagram [02:43:15.495] denialdelivery798: time for glock and ball torture [02:43:15.523] Helen_Croft: !roseinsta [02:43:15.659] liodwika: wtf i just come in monkaS [02:43:16.870] Lavalot: username lol [02:43:16.925] SuperMinox: lol [02:43:17.158] Darthnihilius: you @ [02:43:17.368] gloom_slayer: As far as choosing a superpower, I'll take emotional invulnerability. I've already had to go through enough emotional trauma to last me my whole life. Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:43:20.537] Jon_Roos: BBoomer [02:43:20.835] macy0_: your user [02:43:22.353] Busig4st: handle =nickname [02:43:23.350] 707boy: your username on insta [02:43:24.868] o_slip: your "@" [02:43:25.492] itsAdastros: handle is and old term for your username [02:43:28.522] Stovamor: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBOvdqFPmo/ The Starlight costume [02:43:28.814] Stovamor: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBOvdqFPmo/ The Starlight costume [02:43:28.857] jvlivs777: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [02:43:28.902] ecmuppet: @F1NN5TER your man "handle" [02:43:29.066] Stovamor: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBOvdqFPmo/ The Starlight costume [02:43:31.474] Lavalot: Read watchmen [02:43:32.100] kiriMCtwitch: Your @ [02:43:36.744] bearpaw1970: watchmen is awesome [02:43:40.407] itsAdastros: back from the CB days. [02:43:40.984] luksfs: is a good read [02:43:45.039] SeiReiJoku: FeelsBadMan [02:43:45.530] sinuwu: handle is your username [02:43:46.997] jedijeffboi: hbo not available. VPN [02:43:47.442] cdloser69: omg misfits with robert sheehan <33 [02:43:51.593] Jon_Roos: watchman show WutFace [02:43:53.244] chanheals: chanheals subscribed with Prime. [02:43:53.267] bearpaw1970: Dr. Manhatten [02:43:53.451] f3mmbot chanheals has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang chanheals f1nn5tLezgang [02:43:53.789] macarous: tv watchmen is a waste of time [02:43:57.370] GreyWinterWraith: bruh, toxic streamer LUL [02:43:58.773] Darthnihilius: the watchmen serie is really good [02:43:58.789] domeni_: burritoSad [02:44:01.860] the_ace_up_your_sleev: why dose the rabbit chair have one eyes? [02:44:02.795] rgkagero: true [02:44:03.143] Solus_kun: Kappa [02:44:04.627] Totoro1992: cute outfit girl [02:44:05.507] vanimal2118: Sorry don't have instagram. [02:44:05.522] cosmothespacedoggo: I really love powerless but they cancelled it sadge [02:44:05.699] itsAdastros: im an emotional bitch, so i guess am not man. [02:44:07.002] LittleChaSiu: "we" X [02:44:07.459] easy_living_1: True i've never felt [02:44:07.738] alexx_net: "Handle" means knickname [02:44:08.328] aarondeadl: Say Filipino word [02:44:08.393] aupshaw_: facts [02:44:09.376] rushys_cool: STOP RUBBING THE BARREL LIKE THAT X.X [02:44:10.232] milkmanz0: men don't have emotions and women aren't real [02:44:10.515] gbot17: We have muscles [02:44:13.018] Exactshelf_uwu: yo Finn wassup I was just watching your video what the heck [02:44:13.166] Brainfishes: The watchmen comic is great. The movie is utter trash. [02:44:14.072] rgkagero: we are all dead inside anyway [02:44:14.506] ItsXotzy: they doo [02:44:14.533] gaviiinnnn: real true not fake!1!11 [02:44:16.200] cosmina_15: yeah 👁️👄👁️ [02:44:17.010] f9lls: men tuff men no cry [02:44:18.130] progamerj64: russia moment [02:44:19.167] tomcat2426: finn looks like the chad meme [02:44:20.876] IAmTheBandit77: What about the power to turn people invisible without them knowing [02:44:21.273] Totoro1992: Where did you buy that outfit? [02:44:21.336] Amoyamoyamoya: Jesus F1mm that's one of my reasons for going on HRT...wanna feel something. [02:44:23.267] Bytebak: Misfits is great [02:44:24.038] Jens_LN: so masculine ! [02:44:26.208] Firelord_Redflames: Kappa [02:44:26.963] o_slip: all bout that sexy sexism [02:44:29.011] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [02:44:29.541] GreyWinterWraith: Rose is all about masculinity, toxic and otherwise LUL [02:44:30.106] HangryPlatypusE: dude your in a dress [02:44:33.188] ItsXotzy: KappaPrime [02:44:33.654] plumfigle: doyou play airsoft? MaxLOL MaxLOL [02:44:34.687] yourfaultbro: whats ur insta? [02:44:36.402] h_r_buff_n_stuff: UNFEEL being 5"9.5 [02:44:38.597] bearpaw1970: with a hint of Rose [02:44:40.890] robisawsome420: great, just lost no nut November [02:44:42.147] jeffydavy: Kappa [02:44:43.059] winnieharlow2001: how much for girl year lads? [02:44:44.483] luksfs: how i get a girlfriend like finn...i mean rose chat? [02:44:44.738] Totoro1992: omg dont play with that knife [02:44:46.566] nutsreepje: @Bytebak i loved that show [02:44:47.559] jvlivs777: heyy,you have a beautiful eye shadow 😊🤟✅✅✅ [02:44:48.175] dirtuwu: sigma males only [02:44:49.452] nemesis0142: ROSE NEED TO LEARN RUSSIAN SPANGLISH ACCENT [02:44:49.516] LittleChaSiu: "I feel way too much" wamen confirmed [02:44:49.544] Jens_LN: that apron is just TOO MASCULINE !!! [02:45:03.084] DesignationSai: is this not one of thoes alpha chad help streams? [02:45:03.202] rgkagero: woman confirmed, F1nn have feeling [02:45:03.572] Elifighter: prepare your eggs chat [02:45:03.686] macarous: don't you have white bras f1nn? [02:45:03.709] the_ace_up_your_sleev: strong man, strong man punch, strong man punch himself, strong man is dead inside. that got dark quick [02:45:04.271] NotConnerMc: BaldSter [02:45:05.485] Raddog315: F1nn's current state is a result of a masculinity overdose [02:45:11.723] acazzoo: f1nn is feeling hormones??? [02:45:13.034] acazzoo: huh [02:45:16.328] swedishghostonsteam: *Still are* [02:45:17.687] yourfaultbro: yo do you have a instagram account? [02:45:19.140] itsmeyourdsmp_fan: AWehb rose so pretty today! [02:45:20.812] tomcat2426: you were gonna look feminine but the knife makes it [02:45:24.606] Stovamor: Rose's Insta > https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [02:45:24.890] Stovamor: Rose's Insta > https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [02:45:26.876] saiga9: good and bad days [02:45:29.123] metoen: thanks im cured [02:45:29.884] DeadSnowmandude: yup [02:45:30.595] GreyWinterWraith: what's your secret seanvrSweat [02:45:30.946] KyuuQii: Hey finn look at your nose :) [02:45:31.541] acey091: that's an accurate description [02:45:31.886] lexrbr: HypeDoh [02:45:33.629] traipletrap: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my first rose stream [02:45:33.721] sp00ny76: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ok [02:45:36.896] DeadSnowmandude: it's nice [02:45:41.246] gaviiinnnn: yeah i cried my eyes out to a movie and was like "wait a second.." [02:45:42.575] Bravecat01: wow this a guy? [02:45:45.525] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER you mean you found a nice new dress??? [02:45:49.166] progamerj64: happiness unlocked [02:45:52.677] itsmeyourdsmp_fan: lol [02:45:54.585] GreyWinterWraith: bruh my big life change CAUSED my depression [02:45:56.786] aarondeadl: I thot this is fake twitch because you have good skills on your Baliso [02:45:56.955] ricardoasian101: finn is kinda cute ngl [02:45:57.331] o_slip: defo not the other change too kappa [02:45:57.387] Sqintal: Dropping the toxic masculinity sure helps, people keep saying MAN UP Sadge [02:46:01.400] rushys_cool: do a knife toss! [02:46:01.715] PrizeGottiGaming: Life Change = Became a woman [02:46:02.059] last_jakester: last_jakester subscribed at Tier 1. [02:46:02.255] f3mmbot last_jakester has subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang last_jakester f1nn5tLezgang [02:46:02.903] 707boy: rose you're so pretty!! [02:46:03.508] jvlivs777: well,i hope you happier now :)) [02:46:05.209] acey091: EZ Clap [02:46:06.396] yourfaultbro: @Stovamor thx man :) [02:46:06.426] c__r__j: Yup. Dropping out of school was the big life change. Not anything else. Nod. [02:46:06.708] aupshaw_: @bravecat01 yessir [02:46:08.878] NATPD_: SaMe about the school [02:46:10.023] Totoro1992: I got my first appointment for my first talk in the hospital for my gender [02:46:11.102] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER Been here since Archon Days, just not known about. [02:46:11.310] nuzzlerat: bruh school made me so depressed [02:46:11.872] RyzaBaby: f1nn spin the knife as fast as YOU CAN [02:46:13.175] Mistress_Sarah: On hrt I cry so much more 😂 I cried last night over kittens [02:46:13.425] Jens_LN: maybe you got so many compliments as Rose, that your mental state improved ? [02:46:16.194] Busig4st: If you can dream it you can do it <3 [02:46:17.533] Sakurawtf: And then you found your main job and made it your side gig [02:46:22.934] Bravecat01: crossdresser? [02:46:24.444] h_r_buff_n_stuff: And now you are doing you're real job [02:46:25.519] fancy_lopez19: charity stream? [02:46:34.980] ricardoasian101: why does finnstar gotta do this during november 😕😕😕 [02:46:35.343] Douglas_Campell: passion in crossdressing? [02:46:35.346] the_ace_up_your_sleev: if sad, leave school, play mincraft, become a trans icon [02:46:36.416] aarondeadl: … [02:46:38.531] Raddog315: lol [02:46:40.083] skyhex2571: I just lost no nut November [02:46:41.918] megaroot: egg [02:46:43.107] jvlivs777: happy 😊 [02:46:43.904] zastortle_: awhh [02:46:44.240] that1guylouis24: LUL [02:46:46.159] xellexIsLurking: Glad you’re doing better <3 [02:46:46.635] apioooooo: egg [02:46:48.253] 707boy: awe that's actually kinda sweet finn [02:46:48.276] lexrbr: egg [02:46:48.298] metoen: LUL [02:46:48.912] Sakurawtf: Kekw [02:46:49.616] BernardoOne: sounds egg [02:46:49.964] macarous: lmao [02:46:50.079] SuperMinox: egg [02:46:50.553] GreyWinterWraith: brb, gonna by some thigh-highs LUL [02:46:52.202] HEFFERLESTER: Ay [02:46:52.635] kevlarchicken: egg [02:46:52.725] PollyWoggo: sounds eggish [02:46:53.494] milkmanz0: getting compliments [02:46:54.210] HEFFERLESTER: Fun [02:46:54.345] Mistress_Sarah: !discord [02:46:54.607] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:46:57.829] metoen: monkaS [02:46:57.845] bongoooooooooooooooooooo: Egg [02:46:58.091] nemesis0142: I HATED SCHOOL, I HAD #ADHD [02:46:58.555] Jens_LN: Girl compliments work !!! [02:46:58.813] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER The Archon days doe, been here since then. [02:46:58.853] o_slip: gachi [02:46:59.819] rushys_cool: lmao [02:47:01.154] the_ace_up_your_sleev: ha £6.9 [02:47:01.508] Ben1noL0ve: @F1NN5TER what would u do if youtube and stream didnt work out as you planeed? [02:47:03.590] NATPD_: Egg [02:47:06.106] apioooooo: huevo [02:47:06.631] saintbroseff: Buff egg [02:47:06.884] Averak_212: full time femboy [02:47:08.428] Darthnihilius: passion in crossdressing then ? [02:47:08.847] aupshaw_: LOO [02:47:09.963] luksfs: femboy is the answer boys [02:47:09.968] aupshaw_: LOL [02:47:13.778] aupshaw_: FAWK [02:47:14.725] tino321: how am i gonna survive nnn with this [02:47:15.451] Kolateak_: Me 24/7 [02:47:16.491] VioletPXL: Yeah... let me get a coffin Jebaited [02:47:16.789] nemesis0142: WELL STILL HAVE JUST MANAGED NOW [02:47:17.107] fancy_lopez19: is this a charity stream [02:47:17.191] marskiu: corpse found in the post, more at 8 [02:47:17.636] acey091: how long is your hair without extensions? [02:47:18.621] dbreach1: Bing bong [02:47:19.706] jvlivs777: nostalgia really hits sometimes :)) [02:47:22.952] Jens_LN: compliments help a lot [02:47:23.251] HangryPlatypusE: hes passionate about wearing dresses, twirling knives, and airsoft gunhs [02:47:24.044] Helen_Croft: Rose the bad days are called a period [02:47:24.913] aAndrew3030: Zoloft FTW [02:47:25.868] DeadSnowmandude: same [02:47:26.619] ricardoasian101: @f1nn5ter why u do this during november ! [02:47:35.050] that1guylouis24: @tino321 just turn off monitor :) [02:47:41.142] nemesis0142: WE DONT [02:47:42.224] rushys_cool: the UK? [02:47:48.140] Amoyamoyamoya: Clinical depression is no joke. It takes away your life but you still keep breathing. [02:47:54.042] NATPD_: True [02:47:56.378] nemesis0142: BRITIAN UK [02:47:57.614] macarous: my crisis team is dogshit NotLikeThis [02:47:59.696] Amoyamoyamoya: It's not a way to be. [02:48:00.198] Ben1noL0ve: what would u do if youtube and stream didnt work out as you planeed? [02:48:01.833] yourfaultbro: he he funny chat [02:48:02.849] SuperMinox: @ricardoasian101 NNN is fake news anyways [02:48:06.344] DeepVoicedLoli: hey @f1nn5ter where did you get that dress? [02:48:06.596] aarondeadl: Can you say a Filipino word [02:48:10.077] ctsid: Mental health in general is not great in the UK [02:48:12.617] orlanTEEN: orlanTEEN subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [02:48:12.699] hellyeahs65: Car go brrrrrrrrr [02:48:12.823] f3mmbot orlanteen has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:48:19.434] mrgamer_gameing: hi rose i have lost no nut november [02:48:20.397] HEFFERLESTER: How long are the hair extensions [02:48:20.425] Jens_LN: COMPLIMENT THERAPY ! [02:48:27.133] ctsid: Some of it is amazing but other parts of it are just not enough [02:48:29.324] marskiu: US therapists also don't have as good a standards commission, most of them just prescribe drugs [02:48:31.746] Judgycrow: Greetings from Paraguay! I'm your fan <3 [02:48:31.960] GreyWinterWraith: my therapy is watching femboys on the internet... [02:48:33.562] f9lls: Most therapist in the U.S dont really care they just want to get paaid [02:48:34.186] that1guylouis24: Twitch chat is your therapist :) [02:48:35.529] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Is it that bad in the UK for mental issues? [02:48:36.882] LDemiurge: I love you, Finn. [02:48:38.315] hellyeahs65: Brrr go carrrrrrrrrrr [02:48:40.390] LDemiurge: lol [02:48:41.314] nemesis0142: THERAPISTS ARE GOOD AT LISTENING TO CASH ROLLING IN [02:48:41.372] Knotslave: Yeah, people who visit therapist are often called crazy here in eastern EU [02:48:42.889] dirtuwu: america doesn't care about mental health, its unfortunate [02:48:43.282] fifi123456789101112: wait are you a man or woman sorry im new here [02:48:45.453] Amoyamoyamoya: You just like holding hard things. [02:48:47.169] jvlivs777: finnter laugh :)) [02:48:47.254] Goldflux: i ghosted my last therapist LUL [02:48:49.328] Darthnihilius: @HEFFERLESTER they are not hair extensions i think [02:48:50.194] progamerj64: air guns are the solution to eveything [02:48:53.435] acazzoo: f1nnter [02:48:54.715] easy_living_1: MFs in Britland be like: good therapy whats that [02:48:55.120] blackvvldow: buy an ARP9 airsoft RIF if you want fun [02:48:56.333] dreadknight_unko: YES [02:48:56.690] chickencrisper_: I have therapy every Monday [02:48:59.605] Exactshelf_uwu: dude this is a normal thing to be doing at 11:21 at night [02:49:00.476] Lucridis: Massive waiting lists [02:49:01.428] hellyeahs65: I have therapist [02:49:03.098] kevlarchicken: @ctsid yea true its the worst thing being depressed and having nobody you can rely on [02:49:04.398] Syberphunk: Yes, mental health issues in the UK is utterly awful [02:49:05.265] 707boy: do you have e merchandise?? [02:49:05.526] tomcat2426: finn is going insane slowly with all those guns around him [02:49:05.862] SuperMinox: that laughter sounded a bit manic [02:49:06.367] cosmothespacedoggo: My therapist rn is dr K [02:49:07.739] jvlivs777: @acazzoo indeed [02:49:08.954] o_slip: literally 2/3 people i know in the uk are suffering from some kinda mental illness [02:49:10.067] Mike_ortiz: Mike_ortiz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! woo 3 month and i just entered so it means that you are going to dress as a girl even if kts not girl month [02:49:10.182] heavymetalyetiguy: us british dont talk about feelings especially men so yeah [02:49:10.266] f3mmbot mike_ortiz has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [02:49:11.576] macarous: @fifi123456789101112 man [02:49:13.860] saintbroseff: You got 2800 shoulders to cry on here [02:49:19.667] Welshjemz: mental health issues are generally not "approved" of and can be hard to get help for in the UK [02:49:20.020] BigPeteCrows: mental helth in UK is massively under funded [02:49:25.728] milkmanz0: Northern Ireland sucks for mental health [02:49:33.700] secret_assassino: its absaloute shit my therapist treated me like a child and all it done was piss me off [02:49:36.239] d_ruttz: in the UK its not so much that its not accepted and more like people just don't care [02:49:40.182] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Wow I thought it was bad in the US [02:49:40.191] HEFFERLESTER: @darthnihilius i thought they might be cuz in the video he posted 2~ days ago it was shorter [02:49:40.299] Syberphunk: You only get 6 months of treatment for mental health and even then it's all reading material only, no support from actual people [02:49:44.331] hellyeahs65: I have strong adhd and it’s very annoying [02:49:45.527] charkraa: the uk's truly truly awful for mental healthcare [02:49:45.571] aarondeadl: How to be banned on chat? [02:49:49.628] o_slip: HRT has a 30= year waiting list in london [02:49:50.335] hopalongtommy: NHS waiting list for mental health care is 1 year, took me a good few months to get onto that waiting list though [02:49:50.392] frenchieraphael: nnn [02:49:54.667] Jens_LN: complimental therapy ! [02:49:58.468] themrmykhael: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [02:49:58.880] Syberphunk: It can take you 1-2 years for an ADHD diagnosis and meds [02:49:59.576] fratixoo: wtf is this [02:50:00.960] RavenQxinn: Chair is missing an eye- [02:50:01.421] yourfaultbro: Come Mr. Tally man tally me banana [02:50:02.443] lexrbr: MURICA [02:50:03.424] admhrdyy: and your teeth are yellow as fuck [02:50:05.637] hellyeahs65: Spam a bad word to be banned I don’t recommend it tho [02:50:05.718] Lucridis: and the rest [02:50:06.870] hajiro01: finn deadass dressed like a disney princess for a stream [02:50:08.569] GreyWinterWraith: waiting lists for MOST things are godawful [02:50:10.177] jack_mckenzie3333: @f1nn5ter what do you think you would be doing if YouTube didn’t work out or if you flopped a year ago [02:50:11.726] DeathbyBubbleTea: the waiting list for trans help is 2-3 years [02:50:13.256] evo8302: its 2 years minimum for gender services for me [02:50:13.369] ChrisPpotatohere: fin, do you want some of this sushi platter? [02:50:14.540] h_r_buff_n_stuff: YIKES that is bad [02:50:15.594] blackvvldow: 3 year waiting list, 2 years therapy...etc [02:50:15.744] idiotTheFish: someone i know had to wait 2 years to be diagnosed with autism [02:50:20.229] Darthnihilius: @HEFFERLESTER oh, damn do they look real then [02:50:21.675] jedijeffboi: just go to a private one [02:50:21.677] dirtuwu: @hellyeahs65 i feel that [02:50:22.001] fe_me_: 3ish to 6ish years waiting list for hrt at least [02:50:25.443] txntmr: mommy BibleThump [02:50:27.363] Oojaplonk: trans care in the UK can take up to 4-6 years to see someone. [02:50:27.453] jvlivs777: scawy :)) [02:50:28.044] GreyWinterWraith: I got put on a 60 week waiting list for an endoscopy ResidentSleeper [02:50:28.183] that1guylouis24: KEKW [02:50:32.196] lexrbr: kinky [02:50:33.484] DireCyphre: You'll shoot your eye out! [02:50:34.919] Jens_LN: Rose has been good for Jude. :) [02:50:35.203] altoq32: altoq32 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [02:50:35.402] f3mmbot altoq32 has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [02:50:36.237] just_unbreakable: is it even worth it to wait for that long tho? [02:50:36.748] crazy_amy21: whats your pronouns?? [02:50:37.413] lisayuuuu: I've waited 18 months to access trans health care, but that's in the Netherlands [02:50:38.976] jvlivs777: hahahahaa [02:50:39.263] progamerj64: average UK man [02:50:41.191] easy_living_1: D: no wait [02:50:41.283] hajiro01: can you shoot that bear in the back [02:50:41.727] Ramxey_: its okay ur british we understand [02:50:41.947] Sarjian: ive got egg he said [02:50:42.112] nsufferable: bingD [02:50:43.441] denden12332: i come back an hour later and the manly man is still threatening chat [02:50:43.863] 767_jackscrew: Getting multiple new clients at my office daily, its bad in the USA too [02:50:44.147] nemesis0142: @hellyeahs65 I FOUND LEARNING ELECTRIC GUITAR HELPED, I COULD FOCUS THROUGH THE MUSIC [02:50:44.468] rushys_cool: i think BBs can break skin :/ [02:50:44.771] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:50:46.724] that_colin_guy: I want tan skin and white teeth, but the other way around [02:50:47.330] JefferyTheGuardianRock: Saw you on reddit and now I see you here... I think the internet is telling me something [02:50:48.301] that1guylouis24: @GreyWinterWraith i feel u Sadge [02:50:49.165] OmsX8O: !gender [02:50:49.922] frenchieraphael: were you born a dude [02:50:51.423] Busig4st: Noooo dont shoot me, im a virgin [02:50:51.511] jvlivs777: 😅😭😭 [02:50:52.432] tomcat2426: i did airsoft with my friend and he full autod my head lmao [02:50:52.696] o_slip: yes/no [02:50:53.393] DireCyphre: Egg and Eggself [02:50:54.901] Meliante: hi god [02:50:54.984] GreyWinterWraith: !pronouns [02:50:55.249] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [02:50:55.388] SuperMinox: she/sh [02:50:56.174] NotConnerMc: God is their pronoun [02:50:56.190] lexrbr: egg [02:50:56.955] appleninja06: What name of the pistol? [02:50:57.541] dirtuwu: wI can't even afford therapy in america, so we just don't get it in general [02:50:58.432] Amoyamoyamoya: He/him [02:50:58.932] Alansri: As a Canadian I had to wait a week for assistance. Clearly brutal [02:51:03.575] Elifighter: !pronouns [02:51:04.502] blackvvldow: pronoun is now EGG [02:51:04.682] Maximumbullet1: Hi [02:51:07.743] PerplexedOriginator: catch me having issues for literally 5+ years and only now getting a diagnosis to be put on a waiting list for another several years- [02:51:08.054] NATPD_: God knoWs [02:51:08.492] Adski98: I hate living in the UK, it's not a first world country! It's a third world country in a trench coat! rooMadslam rooMadslam [02:51:09.559] jvlivs777: xqcSlam <3 [02:51:09.757] LoadSmasher: show your thighs again please [02:51:10.312] milkmanz0: !pronouns [02:51:10.566] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [02:51:10.982] Megatjgaming_: every pronouns in existant [02:51:13.929] weeb_man_: Egg [02:51:14.817] KateChon258: Your pronouns are "god"...? Interesting [02:51:15.789] Kolateak_: Mental Heath [02:51:16.014] that1guylouis24: YEP pretty much LUL [02:51:17.297] admhrdyy: go to bed you screw up [02:51:17.890] Weskopad: pronoun: sheesh [02:51:18.069] DeadSnowmandude: @alansri lol [02:51:18.096] dirtuwu: he/they [02:51:18.315] Heavily_Played: !pronouns [02:51:19.400] OmsX8O: !gender 󠀀 [02:51:19.672] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:51:22.737] denden12332: MOMMY [02:51:23.310] eathermask: hi [02:51:23.462] rushys_cool: OMG DDDDD: [02:51:23.554] progamerj64: mommy? [02:51:25.094] that1guylouis24: monkaW [02:51:25.450] rushys_cool: OMG [02:51:25.675] brightc15: !pronouns [02:51:25.941] f3mmbot His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't really mind which pronouns you use [02:51:26.625] NATPD_: DaDdy [02:51:28.465] winnieharlow2001: god/god is the pronouns [02:51:28.788] tomcat2426: i have the same ak i think [02:51:29.469] Amoyamoyamoya: Mock this Man! [02:51:29.775] smthdffrnt: Flex with your AK! [02:51:30.439] weeb_man_: Pronounce is egg [02:51:30.445] ashe_sen: mommy [02:51:30.470] hellyeahs65: Finn ur hot idc that I’m not gay but ur hot like that [02:51:31.404] SeiReiJoku: monkaS [02:51:31.619] jvlivs777: oo god that terrifying [02:51:32.668] macarous: god i hate this trend [02:51:38.460] rushys_cool: ....?!?!? [02:51:41.691] gaviiinnnn: LOL [02:51:43.142] ZagreusPi: i got no problem with it [02:51:43.385] milkmanz0: pronouns are Finny/Rose [02:51:43.512] NotConnerMc: pronoun = god for f1nn5ter [02:51:43.558] Stovamor: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [02:51:43.670] BigB0yMark: OMEGALUL a fucking AK [02:51:43.901] Stovamor: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [02:51:45.033] aAndrew3030: why are people calling him "mommy" [02:51:45.051] DireCyphre: twitch thot gun review [02:51:45.322] hellyeahs65: Shoot it [02:51:45.909] jvlivs777: nyoooo [02:51:46.074] rushys_cool: NICE! [02:51:46.246] denden12332: top energy [02:51:48.171] cdloser69: mommy? sorry [02:51:49.478] Exactshelf_uwu: dang got the big gun out [02:51:50.513] Sqintal: that leg Kreygasm [02:51:50.718] GreyWinterWraith: oh DAMN that upper thigh seanvrGasm [02:51:51.796] maisylikedaisy: OMEGALUL [02:51:51.983] NATPD_: Show Kyle oh damn [02:51:52.018] smthdffrnt: Show us them arms! [02:51:53.166] Falkon1241: loot at those thighs [02:51:53.180] jvlivs777: yesss i see it 😱😱 [02:51:53.385] nutsreepje: THIGHS [02:51:53.486] Jens_LN: Rose therapy ! [02:51:54.147] appleninja06: That a Ak 75 [02:51:55.112] weeb_man_: Mommy [02:51:55.500] Busig4st: can you use the girl voice ? [02:51:55.689] txntmr: StinkyGlitch [02:51:55.987] ValentineHiii: im OK with this [02:51:56.162] denden12332: HUGE TOP ENERGY [02:51:56.959] rushys_cool: o.o [02:51:57.000] ChrisPpotatohere: hello twitch tos [02:51:57.233] that_colin_guy: dommy mommy [02:51:57.300] hopalongtommy: have a relative with schizophrenia, when they last had to go into a mental hospital they had to wait a week because the nearest place was the other side of the country. don't vote Conservative if you don't want more NHS cuts kids [02:51:57.403] h_r_buff_n_stuff: You can get into a therapist in the US pretty easy though. I have friends that have gotten pretty good help [02:51:57.640] eathermask: ooh fuck no your a dude omg I almost simp Jesus Christ [02:51:57.988] treedreamin: femboi jihad now! [02:51:58.101] bldspetra_: Have i arrived at the wrong time? Haha [02:51:58.110] LoadSmasher: thighs! [02:51:58.360] axe1970: welcome to Yara [02:51:58.890] SpaceChamp_: nadegoSLY [02:51:58.925] Kolateak_: Thigh [02:51:59.125] heycooldog: mommy [02:52:00.183] s0me0ne1shere: wow joining the stream seeing this [02:52:00.246] Exactshelf_uwu: what an am [02:52:00.697] Darthnihilius: no you hit me gachiGASM [02:52:01.217] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I surrender [02:52:01.602] DireCyphre: Question: What is the brand of that airsoft AK? [02:52:01.733] Firelord_Redflames: Kreygasm Thighs [02:52:03.461] jvlivs777: lord have mercy,its NNN [02:52:03.705] Jens_LN: Thigh High Therapy ! [02:52:04.199] Kingich1: how was your day [02:52:04.341] sneaksters: where did you buy that? @F1NN5TER [02:52:05.009] idiotTheFish: whered you get the outfit from [02:52:05.562] lyncesca: tokyo marui [02:52:05.761] Amoyamoyamoya: Holding his Penis Extender. Nice. [02:52:06.033] NATPD_: Thigh [02:52:06.060] gaviiinnnn: LOVE THE ENERGY IN HERE [02:52:07.068] blackvvldow: get a more realistic mag for the AK [02:52:07.568] fe_me_: have you watched euphoria [02:52:08.356] progamerj64: POV: youre being interrogated [02:52:09.014] ZagreusPi: Conduct me Kreygasm [02:52:09.549] JefferyTheGuardianRock: hello [02:52:09.820] Vlbd: dou you eat? [02:52:09.906] allyon: …… [02:52:11.392] lexrbr: Russian mail order bride [02:52:11.751] nsufferable: sounds lewd [02:52:12.953] dirtuwu: thigh [02:52:13.280] amy9991: do russian accent [02:52:13.565] seemsless: join otk??? [02:52:13.755] txntmr: MercyWing1 KevinTurtle MercyWing2 [02:52:15.083] ValentineHiii: Guns are against TOS? [02:52:15.489] nemesis0142: YOU HAVE A HIGHER BRAIN FUNCTION WITH #ADHD [02:52:17.724] hellyeahs65: Say yes I will follow you [02:52:18.646] Haukim_: Xradoben cant fap in 12 months [02:52:18.845] Ramxey_: stop I can't fail NNN I have $100 on the line [02:52:19.187] Alansri: This right here is a solid screenshot [02:52:20.330] tomcat2426: have you ever tried to dismantle and re assemble your ak? [02:52:20.521] jvlivs777: you look soo beautiful 🥰🌹 [02:52:20.768] dirtuwu: thighs > [02:52:21.050] fizi_64: massage the rifle a little bit [02:52:21.774] 767_jackscrew: And no one is complaining [02:52:21.784] weeb_man_: THIGHS!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:52:22.620] jrliban: you seem to be overcompensating with that gun [02:52:23.778] ChrisPpotatohere: fin, you want some sushi? [02:52:23.846] domeni_: alicea23Naughty alicea23Naughty alicea23Naughty [02:52:23.969] DireCyphre: o dam, TM is where its at [02:52:24.227] aminoacidbuoy: yes [02:52:25.203] emilia_the_frog: kill me? [02:52:26.236] emilia_the_frog: will you send help? [02:52:28.650] rareshades2: Loving the chaotic energy in here [02:52:29.122] rushys_cool: LOL [02:52:29.755] freakothweek: What a woman of high caliber [02:52:31.195] hellyeahs65: Yes [02:52:31.552] just_unbreakable: if the guns not that thigh will def get you banned Kappa [02:52:32.467] lexrbr: KEK [02:52:34.802] smthdffrnt: EGG [02:52:36.829] amy9991: egg [02:52:36.837] thedigitalpixel: egg [02:52:37.597] Fizrug: You helped with depression, could I take you orally? [02:52:38.403] arinalv: egg [02:52:39.729] SillDeividas: egg [02:52:41.491] progamerj64: egg [02:52:41.776] hellyeahs65: Say yes now [02:52:41.897] nemesis0142: BUT YOU TEND TO BE LIKE A MAGPIE, SHINY THINGS EVERYWHERE [02:52:42.028] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [02:52:42.280] icy_indoraptor: blue [02:52:42.932] DireCyphre: pretty sure you also know cyka bylat [02:52:43.762] Kolateak_: LUL [02:52:44.597] Jens_LN: LOL [02:52:46.099] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity [02:52:46.375] cyberchri07: ooo mommy shoot me [02:52:46.438] Globalnuclear: what about DRUG word? [02:52:46.546] Falkon1241: egg lol [02:52:47.346] joshmiles: hi bestie [02:52:47.550] appleninja06: That a AK 74 [02:52:47.751] milkmanz0: EGG [02:52:47.780] lexrbr: LUL [02:52:47.984] Firelord_Redflames: egg KEKW [02:52:48.138] ValentineHiii: lulw [02:52:49.514] that1guylouis24: egg [02:52:49.836] Darculla: yaico [02:52:51.591] AlexSmall: VoteYea LUL LUL LUL LUL [02:52:51.602] alexx_net: Rose is another step closer to being a commie cat-girl revolutionary. [02:52:51.834] kevlarchicken: egg [02:52:52.759] Scholtey: ofc you know egg lmao [02:52:53.819] hellyeahs65: YES DADDY [02:52:54.608] txntmr: omg [02:52:54.908] RyouLive: CYKA BLYAT [02:52:55.001] TorrejonGM_SY: egg [02:52:55.569] rushys_cool: i can speak Russian! [02:52:56.245] seemsless: vejci [02:52:57.330] cosmothespacedoggo: Egg [02:52:57.620] alyx_fierro: huevo [02:52:57.995] NATPD_: Egg mommy [02:52:58.125] jvlivs777: shoot me 😏😏😏🌹 [02:52:58.531] slayer_of_presidents: I know some russian swearwords but idk if I'm allowed to say them here [02:52:59.734] clubxberry: wtff [02:53:00.036] icy_indoraptor: brrrrrrr [02:53:00.837] ctsid: Egg [02:53:01.786] apioooooo: huevo [02:53:02.065] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:53:03.193] Ryari_Art: childs cant holds guns [02:53:03.744] Ted_Is_Live: e g g [02:53:03.813] GreyWinterWraith: egg in scottish gaelic is "ugh" LUL [02:53:04.497] sgtvscreen: go play csgo now [02:53:04.945] max_was_taken_lol: NICE GUN [02:53:04.992] kevlarchicken: babushka [02:53:05.173] Exactshelf_uwu: probably could get that on Amazon [02:53:06.502] hellyeahs65: I don’t feel well night [02:53:07.605] hajiro01: can you reload it [02:53:07.984] icy_indoraptor: brrrrrrrrrrr [02:53:09.090] tomcat2426: @cyberchri07 down bad [02:53:13.652] treedreamin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [02:53:15.173] jvlivs777: single fire me 😏🔥🔥 [02:53:16.087] amy9991: grandma [02:53:17.259] RyouLive: Babushka is grandma in russian [02:53:17.438] rabman1a: gradma [02:53:17.576] indigo_in_bloom: grandma [02:53:17.626] Stovamor: @juacyguac, calm down [02:53:17.724] ThisCloudi: grandma [02:53:18.087] Amoyamoyamoya: Grandmother. [02:53:18.354] o_slip: f1nn getting so hot they're about to be a hard boiled egg [02:53:19.584] nemesis0142: ROSE NEEDS A RUSSIAN SPANGLISH ACCENT LIKE ROMANOFF [02:53:21.086] HangryPlatypusE: drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy drawfeEggyboy [02:53:21.542] Jens_LN: babushka = grandmother [02:53:24.467] honkalbus: I’ve just joined to Finn with a g^n… I’m not even surprised [02:53:24.657] StoopyNA: boomernaFlushed boomernaFlushed [02:53:25.269] koshka0113: koshka [02:53:25.898] appleninja06: Young boy soldier [02:53:26.619] GreyWinterWraith: defiantly LUL [02:53:28.330] nemesis0142: BABUSHKA IS MOTHER [02:53:29.200] 707boy: do you have merchandise? [02:53:29.579] PollyWoggo: get your screen shots boys [02:53:31.501] lisayuuuu: @F1NN5TER Blyat is said as bli-ad [02:53:31.711] dreadknight_unko: spetsiba tovarich [02:53:34.508] LittleChaSiu: FPSRose pog [02:53:38.100] king_of_demons_uwu: yooooo hi my sunlight in the night [02:53:42.645] Amoyamoyamoya: Is that a meaty thigh...? [02:53:42.761] axe1970: ak's for days [02:53:42.905] theblitskrig_00_2: I've been watching you on youtube since covid started and I've got you live. what time is it in the UK? like 5 am or some shit? why stream now? its 7PM in Michigan [02:53:43.488] genjimakel_: Weak rose [02:53:44.494] jvlivs777: xqcCursed xqcM [02:53:45.054] boogiepop8bit: soo i just got here and gun shots poppin in [02:53:46.238] robisawsome420: I wanna be that rifle [02:53:51.034] hudson417888: What [02:53:51.646] camocarnage2001: one on each shoulder? like a poster ot smth [02:53:56.124] TaoistViewer: Second ever caught live. Hooray. [02:53:59.844] RyouLive: SHOUT [02:54:00.550] cannibleburger3: The word mother is Mamushka or something along those lines [02:54:01.134] Gigaknightdx: at least he dosent call mags clips [02:54:01.341] kevlarchicken: all of them KEKW [02:54:01.594] lyncesca: @theblitskrig_00_2 it's 11:30 [02:54:02.556] hopalongtommy: putin approves of your patriotic choice of weapon [02:54:04.227] omniatustv: fpsrossia [02:54:05.971] StoopyNA: justca14KITTY justca14KITTY [02:54:08.019] milkmanz0: it's half 11 in the UK [02:54:08.866] lexrbr: rear button for release noob [02:54:10.801] airows: stream ded [02:54:16.882] victor_of_sweden: @admhrdyy Babuska is not disgusting, take it back! [02:54:19.335] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:54:20.319] GreyWinterWraith: mental health resources seanvrLove [02:54:34.272] hudson417888: What the hell you are a guy [02:54:35.204] cosmina_15: oh god [02:54:35.584] TaoistViewer: Who's the anime girl with a rifle? [02:54:36.320] HangryPlatypusE: no you [02:54:38.789] Jens_LN: because of the thighs I think [02:54:41.133] bigbot1122334455: hi [02:54:42.417] apioooooo: down bad bad [02:54:43.259] GreyWinterWraith: yeah, people can have a mental health crisis [02:54:45.473] sinuwu: thighs [02:54:47.361] tsukinoruna: @hudson417888 you must be down bad buddy [02:54:47.381] c__r__j: Ambulances are a mental health resource. [02:54:47.965] jerrie_aleena_wood: By the way f1nn guns are not Manly there are many cis and trans women who support and own guns [02:54:48.699] ChrisPpotatohere: fin how Does it feel to be so close to girl month 6? [02:54:49.333] rushys_cool: Lol [02:54:49.600] txntmr: wait [02:54:49.780] dangerfloofer: Dope AK74 bro [02:54:49.865] max_was_taken_lol: go outside with that thing [02:54:50.223] progamerj64: nnn is really unfair this year [02:54:51.651] GreyWinterWraith: mental health is health health, dummy seanvrDerpa [02:54:52.711] nemesis0142: TAKE A RUSSIAN COURSE WITH YOUTUBE [02:54:54.893] macarous: thighs are fine [02:54:57.677] DireCyphre: Vibe charger? [02:54:59.081] appleninja06: AK 74 [02:54:59.820] cdloser69: whaqt [02:55:00.234] Darthnihilius: because of the thighs [02:55:00.381] gonzlo: *** [02:55:03.132] Ascara89: If you are unsafe an ambulance might be needed ... [02:55:06.720] DanielIsDank: !uptime [02:55:06.984] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 55m 17s [02:55:08.042] Falkon1241: can you switch legs? [02:55:08.689] genjimakel_: l [02:55:11.765] Brainfishes: You can call for an ambulance if you're at the point of suicide. [02:55:12.607] victor_of_sweden: @admhrdyy But now it is in reference to grandmother or elderly woman in general [02:55:12.737] Jens_LN: did he also leave the mustang in airbnb ? [02:55:15.275] TheNeverShow: guns and bobs thigh highs [02:55:15.700] sunshinelollipops_15: Omg I’m just like you [02:55:20.396] waterzoid21: my first stream here i get an ad and when it finishes i see fin holding an ak [02:55:21.476] that1guylouis24: guns & knives you're one step away from being an American just gotta buy a pickup truck LUL @F1NN5TER [02:55:21.965] joshmiles: devious lick [02:55:22.005] DanielIsDank: Aight ima head out cya f1nn [02:55:25.222] zajcev12: @F1NN5TER this is new Catlyn costplay ? :) [02:55:28.435] dirtuwu: finn's thighs bought to make me those NNN [02:55:34.990] sunshinelollipops_15: I also have a deep voice and I’m female [02:55:35.995] OmsX8O: KEKW [02:55:37.271] gaviiinnnn: do you prefer to go by rose or finn? [02:55:37.421] max_was_taken_lol: I can send u a real ak-47 [02:55:37.997] Vlbd: can i see the llama [02:55:38.835] jvlivs777: Femboy with guns,well earth is heaven now :) [02:55:40.393] varbanovabiliana: hiiiii [02:55:40.706] void__king: This is enough to make a Slavic man horny [02:55:42.164] Tari_Diachi: I sort of understand. [02:55:48.370] nemesis0142: @that1guylouis24 FortOne [02:55:53.847] Firelord_Redflames: Kappa [02:55:54.004] sneaksters: Kapp [02:55:54.012] cdloser69: LMAOA [02:55:56.623] lexrbr: need ak bayonet [02:55:58.950] OmsX8O: @max_was_taken_lol, he in the UK, so no [02:55:59.343] stormguntrooper: lol [02:56:00.087] rushys_cool: :D [02:56:00.175] alexx_net: "That's not health health" and you wonder why mental health isn't taken seriously in the UK. [02:56:00.838] genjimakel_: lmao [02:56:01.371] Ramxey_: dont tell her [02:56:06.369] Jens_LN: tucking = high voice ? [02:56:07.368] jvlivs777: you have a really beautiful voice tho 🤟 [02:56:12.433] LittleChaSiu: your voice isn't even that deep [02:56:12.518] Elifighter: they admit it [02:56:12.930] GreyWinterWraith: @alexx_net fuckin facts [02:56:14.255] hopalongtommy: How's the voice training coming on? [02:56:16.582] waterzoid21: make it gold [02:56:17.331] Ingrdz: Are you trans ? or just cosplaying ? @F1NN5TER [02:56:18.817] DireCyphre: "practice bayonet" in the UK [02:56:19.340] Brainfishes: Anyone else got a sound lag? [02:56:24.245] tomcat2426: get an airsoft M1 Garand [02:56:25.061] txntmr: CrreamAwk [02:56:28.109] alfredo_afreeyo: lol [02:56:29.136] lexrbr: duct tape time [02:56:30.871] emilia_the_frog: does this make a straight or am i still a lesbian [02:56:37.517] Falkon1241: please switch legs pls [02:56:41.153] xDonnie_Darko77x: monkaW [02:56:41.320] freakothweek: Would u ever b a spokesman for the NRA [02:56:41.717] rammel42: you are finnsexual [02:56:43.220] sgtkanyeet: why do you have a ak? [02:56:45.656] imaginealiveve: bayonets for days? bayonets for days. [02:56:46.092] progamerj64: finn is the reason i'm not doing my homework right now [02:56:47.732] dangerfloofer: I have an AK bayonet bro [02:56:49.073] nemesis0142: f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tLezgang [02:56:49.765] 1codfish: finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn [02:56:50.754] milkmanz0: only high pitched guy voice I've heard that isn't also camp af [02:56:51.900] easy_living_1: D: [02:56:53.233] jvlivs777: Big chonky :)) [02:56:53.401] zayway1234: strong boi [02:56:55.078] jrtcjrtc: yes please [02:56:56.133] TheRoyalTryhard: didn't we simp for you to learn girl voice like 6 months ago? [02:56:58.698] zajcev12: FPS ? [02:56:58.739] Jens_LN: strong lesbienne ? [02:56:59.849] LittleChaSiu: " boy" [02:57:00.040] 0_phoenix_ash_0: chobuuBONGO chobuuRiot chobuuBONGO chobuuRiot [02:57:00.314] Amoyamoyamoya: She's so cute when she become belligerent. [02:57:00.499] gaming_giant_: Pride500 shoot me mommy [02:57:01.148] TheNeverShow: Princess muscle [02:57:05.057] flabanged: Someone put 5.45 rounds into the mag instead of BBs and watch F1nn panic. [02:57:07.470] xDonnie_Darko77x: Finnete got a AK [02:57:09.780] 57ranma: Move the mike to get better pictures [02:57:09.814] alfredo_afreeyo: yes u want to fuck iwht you [02:57:10.392] DireCyphre: Tokyo Marui has worlds in VRchat now, for some pvp action [02:57:12.128] ph1kn1ght: NaTURAL bARITONE [02:57:12.783] jvlivs777: nice shooting skills :)) [02:57:15.880] PollyWoggo: stronk manly man [02:57:16.182] RosethorneVineheart: get a second one and dual wield [02:57:17.126] nemesis0142: PRINCESS PEACH [02:57:19.480] honkalbus: @ingrdz Finn is a guy and he’s cosplaying himself as a girl. His characters name is Rose I’m pretty sure [02:57:20.415] rushys_cool: LOL [02:57:20.602] Heyitz_me_mack: Ahhhh yesss [02:57:20.967] tomcat2426: get an MP40 [02:57:25.790] Darthnihilius: zrtGasm [02:57:26.271] appleninja06: Folding stock [02:57:26.319] jvlivs777: pls me too :)) [02:57:28.093] milkmanz0: is it not daddy? [02:57:28.830] 1codfish: nartzi [02:57:29.388] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:57:31.741] ownedshadow_: looks like f1nn is preparing for if hee ever moves to the US lmfao [02:57:33.092] cyberchri07: i want to fuc whit you [02:57:40.044] alexx_net: We're doing what with Rose? [02:57:51.073] Darthnihilius: yea [02:57:52.253] arzeees: my cat really loves your gun [02:57:52.901] Rxmvrk: yea [02:57:53.723] Kolateak_: Yes [02:57:54.205] ValentineHiii: I do [02:57:54.624] genjimakel_: yea [02:57:55.208] LittleChaSiu: I don't see why not, it looks cute [02:57:56.369] lexrbr: yes [02:57:56.441] that1guylouis24: yes :) [02:57:56.572] imaginealiveve: i doi [02:57:56.727] Jens_LN: silk pajamas ! [02:57:56.876] SuperMinox: yes [02:57:57.022] Ace48ZZ: yes [02:57:57.049] soepsoepsoep: yes [02:57:58.513] kevlarchicken: yes [02:57:59.101] GreyWinterWraith: I absolutely believe you'd wear lingerie to bed LUL [02:57:59.278] 707boy: GlitchNRG [02:58:02.068] x1grape: is that a real gun [02:58:02.518] TheRoyalTryhard: yesh [02:58:04.320] ThunderNoughts: one can dream [02:58:04.672] Falkon1241: more thighs pls [02:58:04.702] NATPD_: YeS [02:58:05.366] Helen_Croft: Its girlmonth during the night [02:58:06.409] smthdffrnt: I like to imagine that you do. [02:58:07.140] tomcat2426: wear spiderman pajamas [02:58:08.491] heyim_jj: yep [02:58:13.538] weeb_man_: Yes [02:58:14.411] 1codfish: ima bad bitch you cant kill me [02:58:15.424] jvlivs777: bite lips to became ultimate femboy [02:58:15.999] TheNeverShow: tshirt dress to bed ? [02:58:16.067] macarous: @helen_croft true [02:58:16.555] progamerj64: gun delay? [02:58:16.857] hypothetical_moves: nice [02:58:17.082] waterzoid21: do you not wear lengire in your spare time? [02:58:17.467] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER #MAGDUMP [02:58:19.359] SuperMinox: don't break it [02:58:19.398] rushys_cool: that violates TWItch Rules LLOL> [02:58:19.605] badgercer: What da hell you doin wit dat ak [02:58:20.207] blackvvldow: you break it like that [02:58:20.592] gargargar86: careful rose, u don't want to shoot urself again [02:58:21.595] feltorsnatch: tax evasion = buy fund and girls dresses winning [02:58:21.873] jedijeffboi: i gtg chat [02:58:25.248] xXTheBlackShadowXx: hi [02:58:25.348] crazy_amy21: how many fake guns do u own? [02:58:25.519] GreyWinterWraith: she does sleep in a bra though seanvrSip [02:58:25.578] dangerfloofer: Can I legally send you a bayonet? I’m from burgerland [02:58:26.372] TheRoyalTryhard: bish do it [02:58:28.627] Jens_LN: silk pajamas is a thing [02:58:29.585] macarous: DO IT [02:58:31.009] LittleChaSiu: skirts and dresses month but it also includes sleepwear KEKW [02:58:31.507] Amoyamoyamoya: Nightgown Arc. [02:58:34.695] Rxmvrk: stov add that to girl month stat [02:58:35.127] macarous: PJS ARE RLY COMFY [02:58:36.960] lisayuuuu: no one can check anyway [02:58:38.579] max_was_taken_lol: WAZAAAA [02:58:39.843] h_r_buff_n_stuff: What about those see through panties you have? [02:58:39.953] Amoyamoyamoya: Trade Box for Nightgown [02:58:41.765] sneaksters: how much did you pay for the ak @F1NN5TER ? [02:58:42.715] ValentineHiii: is F1nnster reversing to boy after girlmonth? is this temporary? (im new) [02:58:42.762] hopalongtommy: somebody send Rose a baby doll nightie [02:58:42.990] soggyboot1: Dono goal? [02:58:43.987] denialdelivery798: ADD TO THE RULES [02:58:45.750] jvlivs777: noice :)) [02:58:46.469] LiamLegendary: Sniff ma pumps [02:58:47.312] theobsidianring: hello islandereire [02:58:48.371] txntmr: mikkyHypers StinkyGlitch [02:58:49.370] c__r__j: Get some sleep tees (go down to your thighs). Comfy. No big deal. [02:58:50.375] SuperMinox: "don't make me do it" :D [02:58:51.815] marshrover: do it sometimes, not every day? [02:58:52.157] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER I need more details on the stuff revolving Vurb ya know in DMs and stuff! You have not been responding to my DMs and I feel HURT and DISRESPECTED by the GOD F1NN! [02:58:52.630] Raddog315: Guys, women sleep nude too. Let F1nnn be naked lol [02:58:54.050] aAndrew3030: sleep in cute thong? [02:58:57.369] badgercer: The fuck is dis [02:58:58.696] Scholtey: sleep stream [02:58:59.290] GreyWinterWraith: are we really going to pull her up on this when she already sleeps in a bra? LUL [02:58:59.705] alexx_net: Would you do it if Riza asked you? [02:59:00.185] dashdragon: If girl month is every month...is this just life now? [02:59:01.571] Rxmvrk: dont need to see just need the satisfaction of knowing [02:59:02.058] mr_ajokortti_korkort: we can always dream [02:59:03.947] rushys_cool: D: [02:59:04.368] max_was_taken_lol: WAZAAAAA [02:59:05.447] CamBoyAdvance: we like to imagine you in it at night [02:59:06.627] DireCyphre: we just need the nightgown picture set [02:59:08.940] codergoth: you all are thirsty af js [02:59:11.624] Dancely_: hey lol [02:59:12.152] PollyWoggo: Google "baby doll" night gown [02:59:12.517] Gigaknightdx: we trust you [02:59:12.854] genjimakel_: girl life [02:59:13.846] Jens_LN: pajamas ... made of silk ! [02:59:15.934] LittleChaSiu: the boyfriend outfit, we love to see it Kappa [02:59:15.944] badgercer: Ak [02:59:16.116] saintbroseff: That’s what you think [02:59:16.539] xXTheBlackShadowXx: my pov: clicks of random stream and sees a girl in a night gown [02:59:19.387] nemesis0142: SIMPLE ASK FOR NIGHTIE INSTA POSTS [02:59:21.070] LiamLegendary: You inhale butt gas [02:59:22.903] h_r_buff_n_stuff: YES [02:59:24.177] LoadSmasher: Thong5ter [02:59:26.578] Lucridis: Stov is kinky [02:59:27.438] Jens_LN: yes punishment [02:59:27.470] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you see we get scammed all the time never sticks to anything [02:59:29.788] RendFear: I'll be honest. Didn't think I'd see an ak first thing [02:59:29.805] 1codfish: is it gay if i find u atracted [02:59:30.587] saintbroseff: Oooooo [02:59:31.815] walkindude1: yeah you do [02:59:32.693] Solus_kun: monkaS [02:59:35.202] plumfigle: can you show us what arey [02:59:35.448] windahbadutsara: you look like my dad [02:59:38.358] Darthnihilius: monkaS [02:59:38.627] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [02:59:40.051] LittleChaSiu: dono smh [02:59:41.441] TheMeatDispenser: sleeping with any clothing on except boxers is near impossible [02:59:42.825] GreyWinterWraith: seeing Stov absolutely top Rose never fails to amuse me LUL [02:59:43.043] macarous: are ppl rly surprised that this chat is down horrendous [02:59:43.264] freakothweek: Sleep over stream [02:59:44.120] that1guylouis24: @1codfish nope [02:59:45.635] jvlivs777: yessss [02:59:45.767] AmericanThrasher: got em [02:59:46.358] NotConnerMc: F1NN BRUH [02:59:47.575] DireCyphre: Clipped [02:59:48.114] h_r_buff_n_stuff: EVERYTHING? [02:59:48.687] SoVA_ThatGuy: fucj that guy [02:59:48.799] Raddog315: ... [02:59:50.656] jvlivs777: 😱😱😱😱🥶 [02:59:50.923] Tari_Diachi: "My tongue's uncomfortable in my mouth, can I put it in yours?" [02:59:51.173] Sakurawtf: everything? [02:59:51.965] feltorsnatch: I'm confused is this normal ? [02:59:52.434] battletracer04: bruh [02:59:52.578] ownedshadow_: "everything" you say [02:59:53.183] dreadknight_unko: everything? [02:59:53.535] katyazam0lodchikova: yes rose deserves to be punished [02:59:53.861] kevlarchicken: monkaS [02:59:54.742] ItsZarbon: POGGERS [02:59:56.118] Jens_LN: punish him ? [02:59:56.868] Darthnihilius: send us sushi PogChamp [02:59:57.122] Stovamor: @GreyWinterWraith, it's kinda effortless [02:59:57.777] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:59:58.128] IIDECEPTERII: everything? KEKW [03:00:00.958] Amoyamoyamoya: Yeah, that'll keep... [03:00:01.163] progamerj64: BOOBA [03:00:01.451] skillettor: Take the train [03:00:01.991] xXTheBlackShadowXx: susipicous [03:00:02.955] jvlivs777: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp SeemsGood [03:00:05.704] flabanged: hehehe, gottem [03:00:05.763] alexx_net: I agree with Stov! [03:00:06.509] Emmy64_: KEKW [03:00:07.237] sinuwu: punish me mommy [03:00:11.012] dirtuwu: i can be comfy in your mouth [03:00:11.341] Sarjian: "EVERYTHING IS COMFORTABLE IN MY NOUTH" [03:00:11.565] GreyWinterWraith: @Stovamor because she's such a subby wubby? seanvrSip [03:00:11.884] DireCyphre: Can easily do sushi with no salmon/tuna [03:00:12.990] rushys_cool: Finn is Vegan?????? NICE! [03:00:13.602] rayisboredyt: You are my idol in a good and bad way [03:00:18.942] LiamLegendary: This is as niche as I am erect [03:00:20.400] DireCyphre: vegetarian [03:00:22.598] last_jakester: can someone send me that clip lmao [03:00:22.812] Ziffin_live: Where did you get your airsoft gun [03:00:22.870] Jens_LN: hiii chair. :) [03:00:23.132] stratford47: You’re from Birmingham?! Me too 😂 [03:00:23.168] prehnit3: oh my, why is the first thing i see as i come in an ak-47 [03:00:23.898] DylanDvsn: I saw an Ak-47 in the Twitch thumbnail and had to join in [03:00:24.597] Brainfishes: Is vegetarian sushi just a bit of carrot on some rice? [03:00:24.898] IlzxionXD: CAN YOU POSE PLZ XQCL [03:00:26.044] LoadSmasher: cake [03:00:26.244] hackfuey: Phew I was thinking another Republican went ape shit. British! LULW [03:00:26.553] freakothweek: That’s what she her said [03:00:28.996] BParish: thicccccccccccccc [03:00:29.034] DylanDvsn: Where's the AK-47 [03:00:31.113] Nooticus2: @LiamLegendary wtf lmaoo [03:00:32.717] Jens_LN: Chair looking good [03:00:33.168] kevlarchicken: @Brainfishes lol [03:00:33.209] unit843: AK 74 [03:00:34.691] franklin5565: Is that a man or woman? [03:00:35.291] jvlivs777: @ilzxionxd [03:00:36.555] NATPD_: Hey Chair [03:00:38.127] BParish: man [03:00:42.861] thedigitalpixel: @rushys_cool He's vegetarian [03:00:44.282] ownedshadow_: @franklin5565 Yes [03:00:44.678] Vlbd: you dropped something [03:00:44.737] rushys_cool: #FinnCHair [03:00:44.962] avoidingzombies: thicccc for sure >.< [03:00:45.223] 2bi_fox1: f1nn, please explain the concept of eating raw vegan fish to me [03:00:47.344] honkalbus: @franklin5565 Man [03:00:47.774] lexrbr: Chair Kreygasm [03:00:50.963] franklin5565: dont mind me asking dont mean to be rude [03:00:53.802] freakothweek: That’s all man baby [03:00:54.339] jvlivs777: @ilzxionxd xqcSlam xqcCursed [03:00:55.374] PollyWoggo: Chair is winking atg me flirtatiously [03:00:58.591] LiamLegendary: I’d take my last dying breath of air on that seat [03:00:58.805] Helen_Croft: LittleForBig [03:01:01.232] zajcev12: YEAH VEGAN and eat strips with hot sos for chalange scam vegan [03:01:01.386] theblitskrig_00_2: my fucking brain is fried... girl on camera but guy voice. WutFace [03:01:01.494] last_jakester: id really apprecitate if someone sent me that clip [03:01:01.615] Destarn: @franklin5565 very manly man [03:01:05.817] happyboi14: Cok [03:01:06.387] alyx_fierro: night tarp [03:01:07.548] Jens_LN: how about silk pajamas ? [03:01:09.823] DireCyphre: Cute! [03:01:10.997] franklin5565: @honkalbus oh ok thanks [03:01:11.865] mr_ajokortti_korkort: it looks so nice [03:01:12.493] rushys_cool: ........ [03:01:13.713] Darthnihilius: LUL [03:01:13.883] V_cortes: @franklin5565 A woman. But his voice changed after an accident [03:01:14.206] akua_chan: oh that [03:01:14.474] ZombieTeriyaki: that is correct [03:01:14.887] jvlivs777: waaaa [03:01:14.989] LittleChaSiu: aw cute it's a LittleForBig [03:01:16.420] h_r_buff_n_stuff: CUTE [03:01:17.437] Jens_LN: yes ! [03:01:17.765] thattromboneplayer: wtf its nothing lmao [03:01:18.634] flabanged: OMEGALUL [03:01:18.761] GreyWinterWraith: that is not a nightie LUL [03:01:19.409] thisismyaccount8: if this keeps going on chat might just tell F1nn to change his gender [03:01:19.578] VioletPXL: hela cute [03:01:19.875] saintbroseff: Atleast try it once [03:01:20.461] BParish: how did u make it look like u have b00bs????????????? [03:01:20.530] DeadSnowmandude: nice [03:01:20.539] trolface1997: yes [03:01:20.965] txntmr: CrreamAwk [03:01:21.064] genjimakel_: yup [03:01:21.338] avoidingzombies: thats sooo cutee [03:01:21.485] Amoyamoyamoya: Nice. Looks comfy. [03:01:21.681] LoadSmasher: babydoll [03:01:22.227] smthdffrnt: Is that a fekking crop top? [03:01:22.570] SoVA_ThatGuy: ah its a baby doll nightgown [03:01:23.020] that1guylouis24: YEP [03:01:23.273] alexx_net: @2bi_fox1 He isn't vegan. (He's vegetarian.) [03:01:23.318] GreyWinterWraith: that's barely a slip LUL [03:01:23.335] TheNachoMan_: do that then lol [03:01:23.657] sad3q: russ1nn [03:01:23.997] NATPD_: Oh shit [03:01:24.060] avoidingzombies: O.O [03:01:24.339] lexrbr: KEK [03:01:24.352] heycooldog: YES [03:01:24.443] Emmy64_: PogChamp [03:01:25.254] macarous: THAT IS CUTE [03:01:25.672] aAndrew3030: wear it! [03:01:25.894] thanatoscar: yes [03:01:26.200] badgercer: You a man [03:01:27.611] braddle172: yup [03:01:28.181] jvlivs777: thats cool looking :)) [03:01:28.429] Falkon1241: yes wear that [03:01:29.020] alyx_fierro: NIGHT TISSUE PAPER WTF [03:01:29.072] l0vetrash: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:01:29.636] Amoyamoyamoya: Do it coward. [03:01:30.061] rushys_cool: LOL> [03:01:31.607] misina_375: so cute [03:01:31.733] Scholtey: wear it now coward [03:01:32.373] domeni_: jokaCute [03:01:32.416] Stovamor: YOu have been sent other night gowns [03:01:32.782] Jens_LN: use it [03:01:33.265] rgkagero: cute [03:01:34.329] nascarboi2: finn what are u doing [03:01:34.544] NATPD_: Were It [03:01:34.865] elric_toivonen: LUL [03:01:36.077] packagum: do it [03:01:36.974] allyon: Yes [03:01:37.414] dirtuwu: cute [03:01:37.662] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER MY GIRL JUST ASKED "WHY IS F1NN5TER COSPLAYING LITTLE BO PEEP WITH A GUN?" [03:01:37.881] b0p11s: b0p1s here, I will be taking your advice of being like you :) [03:01:38.285] h_r_buff_n_stuff: do it [03:01:38.289] skillettor: thats not much nightgown [03:01:39.853] ph1kn1ght: Sushi is all vegetarian..., rice roll with veg. Sashimi is Raw Fish. [03:01:40.594] zinzanish: That aint a nightgown that's just lingere [03:01:40.921] GreyWinterWraith: just wear a comfy nightgown, like a long shirt [03:01:41.714] Darthnihilius: not cute enought for a strong boi like you [03:01:42.053] SubliminalCorruption: looks comfy [03:01:42.257] ghostcoffee477: I am horny [03:01:42.432] battletracer04: wtf [03:01:43.230] Alansri: @alyx_fierro Lol! [03:01:45.409] LoadSmasher: please put on now! [03:01:45.413] dirtuwu: both [03:01:45.629] brightc15: then clearly, it's not a comfortable/functional one, because many practical women's nightgowns actually have great coverage and comfort value [03:01:45.766] LiamLegendary: I’d own that ass [03:01:46.540] RedTempest101: Coward [03:01:47.352] Nicolas__SK: it's supposed to be easy to remove for fun time [03:01:48.789] domeni_: burritoUwU burritoUwU how cute [03:01:49.156] HangryPlatypusE: that what he say but it his favorite [03:01:49.459] IlzxionXD: XqcL [03:01:50.356] TheNeverShow: tshrt dress [03:01:52.035] RedTempest101: come on~ [03:01:52.288] waterzoid21: a pretty princess today fin? [03:01:52.783] cjjohnston5: boy or girl lol [03:01:53.376] Helen_Croft: The night gown https://www.littleforbig.com/product/usagi-moon-lingerie/ [03:01:53.946] Sqintal: ABDL stuff is cute [03:01:54.523] Jens_LN: @Stovamor wasn't he also send some silk pajamas ? [03:01:55.572] h_r_buff_n_stuff: then you need to wear it [03:01:57.567] macarous: try it!! omg it looks rly nice [03:01:57.971] Stovamor: YOu have been sent other night gowns @f1nn5ter [03:01:58.379] qqaazzppllmmook: wear a striped mens nightgown to bed with a matching big santa style hat with a little fluffy ball on the end [03:01:58.924] kirishima6543: hi [03:02:02.019] ownedshadow_: f1nn knows he wears that when meowriza wants to sleep together [03:02:06.598] Ziffin_live: Where did you get the airsoft gun [03:02:06.802] battletracer04: bruh [03:02:08.537] polodapolarbear: wtf gun [03:02:08.552] jvlivs777: PowerUpL PogChamp PowerUpR <3 [03:02:10.060] 1codfish: i think im gay now [03:02:10.068] LiamLegendary: Casual handgun [03:02:12.021] Stovamor: And silk Pajamas [03:02:13.224] badgercer: ResidentSleeper [03:02:15.915] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you have been sent plenty of nice knightwear but didn’t even try [03:02:18.772] Nooticus2: @ownedshadow_ righhht [03:02:19.575] polodapolarbear: WHY IS THERE A GUN [03:02:21.904] muffinmainiac_games: TAX EVASION AND TAX FRUAD IS THE BEST [03:02:22.610] nu11_void: Big on airsoft? [03:02:22.792] yourfaultbro: uhhhhh can i get your thoughts on milfs? [03:02:24.398] genjimakel_: No [03:02:26.151] Jens_LN: silk is nice ! [03:02:26.376] GreyWinterWraith: nighties are basically long shirts [03:02:26.639] joyboy6942099: i wanna be the little spoon [03:02:42.234] Code_Nicovald: OMG I WAS THERE that was the last time I saw you were live [03:02:45.448] lexrbr: KEK [03:02:46.958] Ramxey_: nothing on the bottom? [03:02:50.423] jvlivs777: very sexy voice,Sheeeshh [03:02:53.531] rushys_cool: for like 5 seonds?...? [03:02:55.951] Ziffin_live: E [03:02:56.207] macarous: try wearing nighties! they're so so comfy [03:02:57.170] mrdeluk04: i thot you were a girl holy shit [03:02:58.141] ColonGlock: seqOMG pugSmug [03:02:58.762] genjimakel_: thats a nice argument [03:02:59.522] DireCyphre: Really reaching for some counter justificaiton [03:03:00.340] alicia_black: QUESTION IS YOU THICCC [03:03:01.656] LiamLegendary: So do you go to the mens or the woman’s toilet to piss in my mouth? [03:03:02.714] Jens_LN: you have been cheating [03:03:03.539] thattromboneplayer: get like a grandma one lmao [03:03:04.565] nemesis0142: @F1NN5TER MY GIRL JUST ASKED WHY IS FINN COSPLAYING LITTLE BO PEEP WITH A GUN? [03:03:05.919] Fizrug: sleeping bottomless? hot [03:03:09.572] HangryPlatypusE: AGAIN THAT'S WHAT HE SAY TO US BUT IN REALITY THEY'RE HIS FVORITE [03:03:09.730] txntmr: PogChamp mikkyUwu [03:03:10.068] Ramxey_: Kappa [03:03:10.291] ArbitraryDichotomies: ArbitraryDichotomies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! I guess I am a simp now [03:03:10.470] f3mmbot arbitrarydichotomies has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:03:10.790] Stovamor: ok, so here's your choice. Nightie or an additional 2 weeks on the box. YOu have been breaking the rules deliberately and that is not on [03:03:11.049] rushys_cool: Lol [03:03:11.942] Helen_Croft: The night gown includes a bottom https://www.littleforbig.com/product/usagi-moon-lingerie/ [03:03:13.217] aunalbrutal: 7 K left of dono! [03:03:13.237] jvlivs777: SeemsGood SeemsGood [03:03:15.449] ColonGlock: seqInsane f1nn5tCancelled [03:03:16.218] GreyWinterWraith: Rose's sleeping habits have been referred to as "unusual, strange, or hard" LUL [03:03:17.681] ChrisPpotatohere: there is so much sushi, I'm not sure how I'm gonna store this [03:03:19.765] LiamLegendary: Dude you awake strangely [03:03:19.808] Brainfishes: potastAngry cucumber and rice? VOM. [03:03:20.553] johnssavior7: bring me that ass [03:03:21.231] ed_cocos: Go sleep it’s half 11 [03:03:24.417] battletracer04: do you wear you boobs to bed? [03:03:24.954] theobsidianring: NIGHTY [03:03:25.290] progamerj64: Bring the AK back pls [03:03:28.758] LDemiurge: LittleForBig makes me think of Chris Hansen's "To Catch a Predator." [03:03:29.736] winnieharlow2001: gonna tell my grandkids rose was the first woman [03:03:29.953] ownedshadow_: @Fizrug easy access for meowriza lmfao [03:03:34.597] venrellio: TriHard FBCatch HolidayPresent ? A N Y G I F T E R S ? [03:03:36.032] GreyWinterWraith: nightie it is then seanvrCheerA [03:03:37.049] sgtvscreen: flip longboi [03:03:37.276] Ramxey_: I would take the nighty [03:03:37.300] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter the thing you just showed was called a teddy [03:03:38.611] Jens_LN: oh hi box. :) [03:03:39.554] retronukelive: Just got here what’s the outfit today? [03:03:39.760] freakothweek: The chat demands it set the goal 5k then give us an hour to reach it [03:03:41.545] snesokk: I just arrived, why are there so many guns? [03:03:43.314] 1codfish: im fat [03:03:45.490] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER U promise to read dms after stweammmm :( [03:03:46.310] Helen_Croft: https://www.littleforbig.com/product/usagi-moon-lingerie/ @F1NN5TER [03:03:48.312] honkalbus: Chat scares me sometimes😀 [03:03:48.361] Darthnihilius: soo cute [03:03:49.481] nevallumdrummer: you pull this look off so well😯 [03:03:49.776] smthdffrnt: Sear it! [03:03:49.799] omniatustv: not on topic but what's your opinion on leggings? [03:03:54.543] HangryPlatypusE: THEMS IS CUTE AF [03:03:56.046] LittleChaSiu: that's cute though [03:03:56.860] TheNachoMan_: them bottoms look comfy ngl [03:03:59.311] kevlarchicken: damn son [03:04:00.310] unc0mmon_sense: What’s the difference between girl month and more time with box [03:04:01.379] LittleChaSiu: wear it lololol [03:04:06.234] flabanged: @omniatustv Not Rose but yes [03:04:08.656] Stovamor: Your choice [03:04:09.490] rushys_cool: ill give them a pass..>...> [03:04:10.378] txntmr: mikkyUwu mikkyBro [03:04:14.192] ColonGlock: so beautiful [03:04:14.283] dolton_who: What is the box? [03:04:15.108] GreyWinterWraith: does this dress's collar count as jewelry? [03:04:15.285] h_r_buff_n_stuff: OK SCAMSTER [03:04:18.475] Ziffin_live: E [03:04:19.201] kevlarchicken: gotta wear it then KEKW [03:04:21.068] walkindude1: but they're cute though [03:04:22.580] rushys_cool: <3 [03:04:22.923] macarous: THEY'RE COMFY [03:04:30.568] PollyWoggo: Sleeping without bottoms is called "Winnie the Poohing" [03:04:32.339] lyncesca: @F1NN5TER imma head out goodnight [03:04:34.378] Jens_LN: pajamas [03:04:34.433] DragonsAreCats: Girl year [03:04:34.880] HangryPlatypusE: DON'T WORRY WE WILL BRAKE YOU DOWN [03:04:37.631] Darthnihilius: @GreyWinterWraith yeah [03:04:38.115] blackvvldow: girl month isnt just day time [03:04:38.244] jvlivs777: xqcT [03:04:40.388] GreyWinterWraith: @lyncesca take care seanvrPat [03:04:40.586] Stovamor: YOu agreed the rules. YOU flagrantly flout them all the time. Your choice [03:04:41.804] rushys_cool: YaY! Lol [03:04:41.849] imaginealiveve: well that dono was hella cringe minge smh [03:04:42.082] domeni_: f1nn5tLezgang [03:04:45.913] smthdffrnt: Yes! [03:04:47.437] xXNeroZashiXx: @Stovamor Do a channel points bet Will we Make it to 80% before end of stream ?? :D [03:04:47.591] sinuwu: youve broken so many of the rules at this point [03:04:48.828] 1codfish: im fat [03:04:49.125] Brainfishes: Sleep with nothing, like a manly man. [03:04:49.610] Ramxey_: keep us updated lol [03:04:50.953] Megatjgaming_: hell yeah [03:04:53.496] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER u pwomise to read dms after stweeeeeam :( [03:04:53.857] ArbitraryDichotomies: 12+ month box [03:04:54.896] allyon: Yay [03:04:54.952] TheNachoMan_: sleeping with bottoms is called "a goodtime" haha [03:04:55.716] yourfaultbro: alphabet soup? [03:04:56.795] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:04:56.963] macarous: @lyncesca goodnight! [03:05:01.637] nemesis0142: @Stovamor SHOW RULES!!! [03:05:06.969] TheNachoMan_: I fucked that up [03:05:09.230] elric_toivonen: You may enjoy it! [03:05:09.272] kevlarchicken: f1nn5tPegChamp [03:05:12.164] Stovamor: All you have to do then is follow the rules you agreed on and stop scamming [03:05:12.409] rushys_cool: #"sometimes" [03:05:12.447] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Does that mean he owes back time? [03:05:16.446] d1ml1tzzz: girls can sleep with just a shirt on [03:05:17.638] BigOlDumplin: 0.0 [03:05:18.139] Stovamor: we always find out [03:05:18.877] DireCyphre: guess it would depend how cold it gets at night... [03:05:22.135] Ramxey_: fidget guns [03:05:22.354] Amoyamoyamoya: Just wear your women's underwear like a normal girl. [03:05:22.476] Synithel: have you used that red silky nightgown yet [03:05:22.491] omniatustv: they're still girls pyjamas [03:05:23.530] Stovamor: Check the GIrl Month rules - https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/q9n60g/mirror_of_the_girl_month_rules_october_2021/ [03:05:24.549] that1guylouis24: KEEKW [03:05:25.085] ownedshadow_: u sleep with nothing on hmm easy access for the homies [03:05:26.050] kevlarchicken: KEKW [03:05:27.310] Emmy64_: Just with the clig hanging around Kappa LUL [03:05:27.696] HangryPlatypusE: HAHA SEE TOLD YOU ITS HAPPENING IN REAL TIME [03:05:27.705] that1guylouis24: KEKW [03:05:31.509] LoadSmasher: donald duck style [03:05:31.977] Jens_LN: there's rules written down Rose [03:05:34.906] pingoo213: What size bobs do you have? I want to get some but unsure on the size [03:05:37.801] ValentineHiii: I dont understand, after girl month its boy again? Or is this our vibe [03:05:38.657] reilo47: How to make a nether portal f1nn [03:05:41.372] airows: TRIGGER DICIPLINE @FINN [03:05:42.990] ColonGlock: seqGasm [03:05:44.080] battletracer04: come to the usa we have real guns [03:05:44.358] Zequax: dry fire like a real man! [03:05:47.385] PollyWoggo: @TheNachoMan_ lol [03:05:47.587] SuperMinox: @pingoo213 she got all of them :D [03:05:53.936] LiamLegendary: SHOW US THE BOBS [03:05:54.128] GreyWinterWraith: seanvrCheerA [03:05:55.175] dashdragon: @ValentineHiii After girl month is still girl month [03:05:55.946] rushys_cool: #FinnChair [03:05:56.051] TheNachoMan_: lol [03:05:56.450] jvlivs777: eyyoo :)) [03:05:57.083] venrellio: minust1Champ [03:05:57.870] Helen_Croft: Good Girl [03:05:58.188] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [03:05:58.213] VRav_: @pingoo213 this is my first message in this stream ever, wtf [03:05:58.857] SuperMinox: nice [03:06:00.027] lexrbr: LUL [03:06:00.354] venrellio: minust1Champ minust1Champ [03:06:00.359] DeadSnowmandude: what [03:06:00.406] kkasperle: pog [03:06:01.076] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you are too adorable [03:06:02.150] DireCyphre: <3 [03:06:03.116] HangryPlatypusE: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK GOTTEM [03:06:04.352] venrellio: minust1Champ [03:06:04.612] genjimakel_: Lessgoooo [03:06:05.382] macarous: why am i get frustrated for the council when i don't even donate LUL [03:06:05.566] h_r_buff_n_stuff: LOLOLOOL [03:06:07.523] Amoyamoyamoya: NICE!!! [03:06:07.608] freakothweek: U know ur gonna do it why play hard to get [03:06:08.151] macropheliac: PogU [03:06:08.717] bigkrimpin: bruh why? [03:06:09.006] nemesis0142: THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U DON'T READ CHAT [03:06:09.016] Jens_LN: you have been paid a lot of money to do girl months ... enjoy sit while you can [03:06:10.930] Ramxey_: how surprising [03:06:11.352] ownedshadow_: We Win These [03:06:11.417] macarous: getting* [03:06:12.153] elric_toivonen: Let’s goooo [03:06:12.354] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter here comes another scam [03:06:12.976] ValentineHiii: @dashdragon thanks :) [03:06:13.190] venrellio: minust1Champ DO IT [03:06:13.262] Elifighter: do it [03:06:13.475] nemesis0142: LOL [03:06:14.246] BigOlDumplin: ... chad move [03:06:14.929] rushys_cool: LOLOLOL [03:06:16.462] LoadSmasher: insta proof [03:06:19.157] omniatustv: you're already wearing girl pyjamas when you're sleeping hold out dude [03:06:20.390] venrellio: DO IT NO BALLS [03:06:21.438] xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER When you put it on we need PROOF :D lol [03:06:23.046] RockinLockin: LUL [03:06:23.860] aAndrew3030: NOOO [03:06:24.535] SeiReiJoku: DO IT [03:06:29.871] GreyWinterWraith: it goes to followers first, then unfollowed viewers [03:06:36.195] honkalbus: YO? [03:06:36.222] heavymetalyetiguy: the subs go to followers [03:06:36.230] NotConnerMc: F!NNNN [03:06:36.706] denden12332: can i be the chair? [03:06:37.121] Amoyamoyamoya: Check in your dress. [03:06:38.777] lexrbr: its right there [03:06:40.652] SoVA_ThatGuy: its behind the headrest [03:06:40.745] valcyriiie: its my birthday can u say hi to me lmao [03:06:41.358] DrScroopyNoopers: its behind the pillow [03:06:42.198] Helen_Croft: other eye is on the head pillow @F1NN5TER [03:06:42.217] YuukiVelka: YuukiVelka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! Almost our one year anniversary [03:06:42.423] f3mmbot yuukivelka has subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:06:42.696] Sarah_Streams_: the subs go to people who follow but arent viewing [03:06:43.151] Jens_LN: eh, I'm not even subbed yet .. I think tehre are still a bunch left [03:06:43.200] Welshjemz: it slipped to the head rest [03:06:43.424] Vlbd: its on the chair [03:06:43.765] bigkrimpin: its there [03:06:44.077] WoefulKibble: f1nn eye is in the chair-pillow [03:06:44.443] venrellio: TriHard FBCatch HolidayPresent [03:06:44.541] SuperMinox: it's behind you [03:06:44.558] MetalWarNinja: its literally on the cushion behind your head lmao [03:06:44.614] Laress: @F1NN5TER Eye is beind pillow [03:06:44.870] darknessfordesert: it is [03:06:47.251] Nooticus2: i can see the otrher eye lol [03:06:47.900] lexrbr: its on the pillow [03:06:51.903] rushys_cool: LOL [03:06:52.195] Roofcat1: It's in the pillow [03:06:52.517] sinuwu: its behind the head pillow [03:06:53.448] c__r__j: Subs go to people in stream. Then followers. Then people engaged with related streamers. [03:06:56.700] ed_cocos: The pillow [03:06:59.344] rgkagero: right behinf the head pillow [03:07:00.103] elric_toivonen: Behind the pillow [03:07:00.183] marshrover: eye's behind the pillow [03:07:00.926] jvlivs777: trrueeww [03:07:01.676] queenoftheroses3421: eye is on the chair Finn major bimbo energy [03:07:02.657] Megatjgaming_: it's on the neck pillow [03:07:02.711] Raddog315: Under the neck pillow [03:07:03.845] BigOlDumplin: yea ROSE [03:07:04.507] mr_ajokortti_korkort: upper pillow [03:07:04.593] Beet1eBugs: FINN [03:07:05.445] DrScroopyNoopers: the other eye slid behind the pillow [03:07:06.199] Helen_Croft: chec the head pillow @F1NN5TER [03:07:09.991] WoefulKibble: CHAIR PILLOW [03:07:10.860] VeRt3xGD: YES [03:07:11.959] HangryPlatypusE: It's right behind the pillow [03:07:12.715] lexrbr: lmfao [03:07:13.452] Vlbd: top pillow [03:07:13.716] b0p11s: I will be following your advice of being like you :) if you ever find yourself in california, I hope you take our offer of playing airsoft with me and my homies [03:07:15.311] indigo_in_bloom: there on the top pillow [03:07:15.437] marshrover: neck pillow [03:07:16.505] ColonGlock: seqK [03:07:17.211] jvlivs777: that's pog tbh :)) [03:07:17.866] assassinsspet: The eye is behind the pillow [03:07:18.012] Roofcat1: The neck pillow [03:07:18.969] sinuwu: the head pillow [03:07:19.708] TheNachoMan_: a sleep over with finn sounds like chaos [03:07:19.830] kevlarchicken: blind lol [03:07:20.525] venrellio: TriHard MegaphoneZ A N Y G I F T E R S ? [03:07:21.163] rushys_cool: i dont think Rose and Finn get along :/ [03:07:21.195] ed_cocos: Right on top of the pillow look [03:07:21.359] WoefulKibble: UP! [03:07:21.522] SuperMinox: lol [03:07:21.936] d1ml1tzzz: fr3ddi yikes [03:07:22.037] txntmr: CrreamAwk [03:07:24.198] nuggetdababy: ligma [03:07:24.941] alexx_net: It is on the chair, behind the neck pillow! [03:07:25.575] Brainfishes: lol it's right there [03:07:25.839] Vlbd: f1nn5tEmbarrassed f1nn5tEmbarrassed [03:07:26.268] vanimal2118: Top cushion [03:07:28.237] battletracer04: is your outfit uncomfortable? [03:07:28.353] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [03:07:28.448] RavenQxinn: Its behind the ._. Ok [03:07:32.171] indigo_in_bloom: there we go [03:07:32.814] macarous: i feel like riza would destroy fr3ddi with words [03:07:33.236] Jens_LN: woman up ! [03:07:34.273] Megatjgaming_: that's better [03:07:34.860] dashdragon: it's still so sticky? [03:07:35.812] GreyWinterWraith: @c__r__j oh really? you don't even need to have viewed the streamer to get gifted? that's wild [03:07:38.117] Scholtey: doll face? ew [03:07:39.487] ed_cocos: The small head pilow [03:07:40.675] ownedshadow_: lol doll face [03:07:42.300] nochquing: dude i hate ads [03:07:44.211] axe1970: thats what she said [03:07:44.697] HangryPlatypusE: hahahahahahaha dollface [03:07:47.913] queenoftheroses3421: Cheer100 [03:07:52.162] kevlarchicken: be a man and wear that nightie [03:07:52.356] imja_: you need a chair emote : ) [03:07:53.428] rushys_cool: @RavenQxinn LOL [03:07:54.024] megaroot: doll face princess LUL [03:07:54.407] lexrbr: simppp [03:07:56.052] Bo2master137: what dp you wear when you go out in public? [03:07:56.071] jvlivs777: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [03:07:56.401] Adski98: @nochquing rooCry What did I ever do to you? [03:07:56.714] nuggetdababy: ligma [03:07:57.770] ColonGlock: elf face KEKW [03:07:59.904] GreyWinterWraith: because people PAID for these rules [03:07:59.922] shroomy_sheep: what day did u realise u were a sissy boi [03:08:00.500] Jens_LN: because it's funny [03:08:02.254] king_of_demons_uwu: dab [03:08:03.240] braddle172: my bday was 2 days ago rip no stream [03:08:03.494] jeffydavy: !uptime [03:08:03.598] Ramxey_: damn [03:08:03.784] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 8m 14s [03:08:03.961] Amoyamoyamoya: What's worse, "Princess" or "Doll face?" [03:08:05.833] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER [03:08:05.938] smthdffrnt: Don't listen to Jane, she doesn't get the point! [03:08:12.275] DrScroopyNoopers: what is this box? [03:08:12.496] alyx_fierro: DONOS BEIN DOWNRIGHT RUDE TODAY [03:08:14.664] mehnemineb: WHAT DID I JUST JOIN TO [03:08:15.300] justtjexx: Lets play some csgo? [03:08:19.237] ColonGlock: meatMONKA [03:08:19.363] DireCyphre: geez, how many airsoft guns do you have in front of you??? [03:08:23.054] airows: Finn move to USA get real guns [03:08:25.646] Jens_LN: more instagram photos would be good too [03:08:28.542] LillysPlayground: Is that a M9? [03:08:29.684] venrellio: WutFace DONT POINT IT AT ME [03:08:30.255] ColonGlock: seqOMG [03:08:31.006] GreyWinterWraith: oh good, Lyn has already left LUL [03:08:33.750] nemesis0142: OR SHOCK JUSTAMINX LIVE... [03:08:34.940] ownedshadow_: wait chat how we gonna know if f1nn dose wear it? [03:08:38.255] ColonGlock: seqHmm [03:08:38.417] nochquing: @nochquing sorry not u, i mean ads of the reals ads [03:08:40.466] txntmr: what is this mommy [03:08:40.908] sinuwu: when're you gonna start posting more regularly on insta tho [03:08:41.750] DireCyphre: Shooting the chat!! [03:08:44.021] h_r_buff_n_stuff: OK Princess [03:08:46.932] blackvvldow: MK23 is a lot quieter. Should try 1 [03:08:49.856] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [03:08:51.219] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER :( [03:08:53.902] PollyWoggo: The manual just says "don't point at face" [03:08:54.078] BigOlDumplin: its 0:41 where i am [03:08:55.234] happyhappiness1: Gun safety at its peak [03:08:58.746] crow_creature_thing: it is lol [03:08:59.404] Stovamor: @ownedshadow_, He'll tell COuncil that he has if he does. Believe me [03:08:59.910] is1dy: any other assault rifle other than Ak [03:09:01.365] smthdffrnt: It's 04:41 [03:09:04.796] Dan0308: ARE YOU DRY FIRING THOSES [03:09:05.255] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:09:09.846] ValentineHiii: @smthdffrnt heck yeah [03:09:10.142] GreyWinterWraith: PP69? [03:09:10.261] Fizrug: not a doll face, goddess face [03:09:11.858] Ziffin_live: Where can I buy an airsoft gun [03:09:12.287] Jens_LN: 00:41 here in Denmark [03:09:13.734] DeadSnowmandude: 7:41 [03:09:17.007] cyberchri07: it's 1am in Italy [03:09:18.904] ColonGlock: seqSus [03:09:19.818] honkalbus: It’s 6:41pm for me😀 [03:09:20.638] SoVA_ThatGuy: @Dan0308 sadly yeah [03:09:21.040] DireCyphre: like, actual gun version? [03:09:22.911] justtjexx: 00:41 here in the netherlands [03:09:22.960] stratford47: Where in BRUM? Im B74 lol [03:09:23.985] 767_jackscrew: 16:44 here in AZ [03:09:25.897] crow_creature_thing: It’s 11:41 pm for me [03:09:26.893] theblitskrig_00_2: You've changed, go back to your old style of streams/videos. I've been wanting to start streaming with *** [03:09:27.686] smthdffrnt: @ValentineHiii Hell yeah, dude! [03:09:30.018] BigOlDumplin: @honkalbus tf are you doing awake XDD [03:09:32.101] alexx_net: In the manual it probably says, "don't point it at people" (or chat/webcam.) [03:09:34.026] VeRt3xGD: shiiii [03:09:34.171] Jens_LN: looks like a real gun [03:09:36.034] IcKlauBeiAmazon: can you stop shooting? people are trying to sleep here ._. [03:09:37.831] ValentineHiii: @smthdffrnt girl! [03:09:38.668] Dan0308: hurts my soul [03:09:38.853] marzkira: 7:41 am southeast asia [03:09:39.179] Megatjgaming_: they are really good [03:09:39.710] TheNachoMan_: I'm in America it's freedom o'clock here [03:09:40.733] blackvvldow: Its ok but not really in UK as we have different DPS limits [03:09:43.824] omniatustv: the novritch? [03:09:45.312] marksmancb: hahaha Novritsch guns hahahah [03:09:47.576] cyberchri07: f1nn5tMakeupcheck [03:09:49.341] ownedshadow_: @Stovamor dang was hoping for some visual proof lol [03:09:49.444] TanatosDerWaffenschmied: ssps are great like all novritsch guns ( hes from my country they are nice guns [03:09:50.211] king_of_demons_uwu: I must leave by by ┌(・。・)┘♪(・–・) \(・◡・)/ [03:09:51.446] DireCyphre: 2011 frame, I hope you have mags for, though [03:09:55.371] nemesis0142: THE P90 RIFLE IS AMAZING [03:09:55.400] jvlivs777: yooo,thats cool lookin gunz :)) [03:09:55.819] queenoftheroses3421: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [03:09:56.532] ctsid: All the novritch guns are very good [03:09:57.660] that1guylouis24: @TheNachoMan_ KKona [03:09:57.799] DeadSnowmandude: novritch? [03:09:58.865] vanimal2118: Holly Taps Batgirl! [03:09:59.210] b0p11s: @blackvvldow the STTI mk23 is actually really cheap, you can make really nice builds out of them for super cheap, insanely quiet too [03:10:05.285] ThatLogoGuy: yes i am [03:10:06.082] dashdragon: Rose is an ammosexual [03:10:07.505] scy_eagle: taran tactical 1911 is also pretty nice [03:10:08.409] smthdffrnt: @ValentineHiii "Dude's gender neutral. I fuck dudes." [03:10:09.660] venrellio: @f1nn5ter check out his sniper rifle [03:10:13.071] FeelsGoodDanno: hmmmmm [03:10:13.678] itachi_uchiha_6969: Damn! Be looking submissive and breedable there [03:10:14.370] blackvvldow: ARP9 is a good but very loud RIF [03:10:15.960] Jens_LN: lol, ammosexual [03:10:16.918] ColonGlock: seqYes [03:10:17.092] ValentineHiii: @smthdffrnt lmfao xD [03:10:17.352] ThatLogoGuy: the one chris temp hired me for and we backed out - realDonaldTrump [03:10:17.803] lexrbr: dont buy from novritsch its almost all just rebranded and upsold stuff imo [03:10:24.676] VeRt3xGD: Aight i gtg goodnight everybody! :) [03:10:28.346] l0vetrash: l0vetrash subscribed with Prime. [03:10:28.561] f3mmbot l0vetrash has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang l0vetrash f1nn5tLezgang [03:10:32.234] gloom_slayer: I'm thankful for the 911 operator who answered my call. I was going through a very dark time in my life. She is the reason I am alive today. If I ever have a daughter, I'm naming her Elaina after the operator. Elaina means sun ray, and I desperately needed emotional sunshine on that dark night. Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [03:10:33.915] b0p11s: @blackvvldow arp9s are not good lol what are you talking about [03:10:38.599] ravez130: !uptime [03:10:38.944] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 10m 49s [03:10:43.918] DrScroopyNoopers: whats in the boxxxxx [03:10:47.796] jvlivs777: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹❤️❤️ [03:10:52.960] PollyWoggo: If you get anymore guns MI6 will be breaking down your door [03:10:54.618] storeyfaces: @gloom_slayer <3 [03:10:58.031] KonoRyuGio: Wait, can we call this moment "Guns and Roses" [03:10:59.253] winnieharlow2001: when do we get a femboy shooting range video [03:10:59.683] ravez130: I am new damn this girl is hot [03:11:01.763] macarous: @vert3xgd gn! [03:11:09.936] Jens_LN: @gloom_slayer happy to hear it helped [03:11:10.470] rushys_cool: #911Operator's [03:11:11.758] nu11_void: what are the firearm laws like over there? [03:11:13.622] OkieChloe: the meta [03:11:14.241] GreyWinterWraith: seanvrLove seanvrLove seanvrLove [03:11:16.150] iclimbhigher: hi [03:11:21.601] h_r_buff_n_stuff: AWWWWW That is a great story [03:11:21.782] honkalbus: Dono-What the [03:11:22.252] lexrbr: @nu11_void bad [03:11:22.530] that1guylouis24: awww <3 [03:11:23.556] macarous: where did that come from what [03:11:23.785] Gigaknightdx: geez [03:11:24.475] DeadSnowmandude: that's nice [03:11:26.990] gloom_slayer: 7 years ago [03:11:31.133] TheNachoMan_: does the UK even have guns [03:11:31.506] honkalbus: Alright then😀 [03:11:34.216] Megatjgaming_: wholesome [03:11:34.732] yfeboanvakenss: wholesome [03:11:34.844] aunalbrutal: @gloom_slayer How you doing? [03:11:36.635] alicia_black: Hello mods i like you:) [03:11:37.604] macarous: omg [03:11:37.958] Solus_kun: <3<3<3 [03:11:39.061] joey_c32: hi [03:11:39.854] crow_creature_thing: @ravez130 uhh [03:11:44.689] jvlivs777: yeah, wholesome :)) [03:11:44.901] gloom_slayer: 👍 [03:11:45.170] nemesis0142: *** [03:11:45.775] DeadSnowmandude: <3 [03:11:48.409] caminc03: <3 <3 <3 [03:11:54.416] secret_assassino: @F1NN5TER have a look at the SSG96 its a great sniper [03:11:56.529] Jens_LN: hey Rose ... can we have a hug for Gloom ? [03:11:58.244] that1guylouis24: farfaPo [03:12:01.792] GreyWinterWraith: act of nice LUL [03:12:03.181] TheNachoMan_: I can't helpbut imagine yall have muskets for some reason there in the UK [03:12:04.848] JorWat: Did you see you were trending on /r/dankmemes on Reddit? [03:12:04.994] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 [03:12:05.470] Helen_Croft: @nemesis0142 no link in chat [03:12:06.016] Megatjgaming_: you english very good [03:12:07.845] Stovamor: Chat - I'm going to end the injury prediction [03:12:08.974] Kanomics: You seem like a lovely person and I hope you're having a great day :) [03:12:10.358] yfeboanvakenss: you're everyone comfort streamer [03:12:10.415] Tari_Diachi: Act of Kindness [03:12:10.512] queenoftheroses3421: f1nn5tRun [03:12:13.323] Raddog315: @gloom_slayer Glad you are doing better [03:12:15.971] blackvvldow: @b)p11s. Mine is good. Its a good start unmodded and very good when modded [03:12:27.084] cyberchri07: f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tZOOM f1nn5tMakeupcheck f1nn5tZOOM [03:12:29.349] jvlivs777: yessss [03:12:29.388] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:12:30.361] Lycantivis: have you thought about building a fully custom high capa? [03:12:31.421] alyx_fierro: EXACTLYYY [03:12:34.164] sycamorer: is that a real steal? [03:12:34.639] Solus_kun: F my points :( [03:12:38.877] jvlivs777: i freakin winn againn 😱😱🥶 [03:12:47.312] nemesis0142: HAVE A LOOK AT THE P90 SUB MACHINE AIRSOFT GUN ON *** [03:12:51.586] queenoftheroses3421: can I send you 1.3 billion in bitcoin rose? [03:12:56.814] DireCyphre: Yeah, spring powered [03:12:57.480] Calvogamer559: Finn are we hitting the goal? [03:12:58.610] Emmy64_: F points [03:13:00.992] smthdffrnt: I've been watching Rose's videos for the last week. So, you can say things are getting serious. [03:13:02.358] Megatjgaming_: that will be a spring [03:13:08.655] DeadSnowmandude: novritch! [03:13:10.062] TheNachoMan_: bitcoin? just great [03:13:10.460] Lycantivis: its spring/piston system [03:13:13.734] longtans: hello finnister [03:13:14.667] airows: lol you need freedom in your area [03:13:16.173] b0p11s: @blackvvldow they factually are not good stock. you literally have to change everything in it to make it "good", I would know. [03:13:16.986] jvlivs777: 6k point :)) [03:13:17.279] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER YOU BETTER READ DMS AFTER STREAM OR IMA GET SO MAD IMA TURN GREEN [03:13:19.382] lexrbr: kekk [03:13:20.854] macarous: @smthdffrnt LUL [03:13:24.738] xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER Are you going to talk about the Camera you found in your hotel room ?? [03:13:26.116] flukygoober: dude wtf you're hot and not in a homo way [03:13:28.312] dualaming: ayo gal u hawt [03:13:30.059] n0x_6: n0x_6 subscribed with Prime. [03:13:30.237] f3mmbot n0x_6 has subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang n0x_6 f1nn5tLezgang [03:13:30.334] Megatjgaming_: you should play airsoft and make a video out of it [03:13:34.789] Amoyamoyamoya: Woo! +15K [03:13:35.645] Alansri: I've spent money on dumber things. [03:13:41.835] Jens_LN: only because you don't have any ammunition in them [03:13:44.704] maxwellmarsh: @xxnerozashixx It was for the tv apparently [03:13:47.976] PrizeGottiGaming: Do Airsoft then [03:13:48.869] GreyWinterWraith: time to get into that nighty? seanvrSip [03:13:48.958] happyhappiness1: How’s no nut November going [03:13:49.439] secret_assassino: @F1NN5TER play airsoft now in a maid outfit as well [03:13:51.189] meximan250: i mean you could go air soft [03:13:51.629] Raddog315: I abstained from voting lol [03:13:51.899] nemesis0142: HAVE A QUICK LOOK AT THE P90 SUB MACHINE AIRSOFT GUN ON *** [03:13:52.506] Helen_Croft: looks like it bed time Rose [03:13:52.870] blackvvldow: G&G are pretty good out of the box [03:13:53.829] dolton_who: wubbyLoss wubbyLoss wubbyLoss [03:13:54.564] NotConnerMc: Wait what video SBY or MCP huh [03:13:55.694] nickramen: duDudu [03:13:58.531] NotConnerMc: :o [03:13:59.951] Solus_kun: THen maybe end stream now ? [03:14:02.160] jvlivs777: you were professional,why should you shoot ye self? :)) [03:14:02.481] Amoyamoyamoya: Make up for a YouTube video? [03:14:02.835] Gigaknightdx: lol [03:14:02.989] Jens_LN: HUG ? [03:14:05.122] Lycantivis: so goal for airsoft as rose? [03:14:07.528] Amoyamoyamoya: Hmmmm.... [03:14:09.066] Stovamor: when next stream? [03:14:09.904] Elifighter: girl mode video? [03:14:11.310] Aetreus88: pesky Brit [03:14:12.229] DireCyphre: Night night, princess [03:14:14.167] NotConnerMc: Does F1NN want a bed time story? [03:14:16.625] alfredo_afreeyo: lol bedtime with us [03:14:17.555] Stovamor: !settitle Unknown [03:14:17.838] f3mmbot Set the stream title to Unknown [03:14:18.892] TheNachoMan_: well hell I just got here [03:14:19.612] smthdffrnt: Dew it! [03:14:20.175] JorWat: What are you recording that needs make up? [03:14:21.927] Stovamor: !settime Unknown [03:14:22.222] f3mmbot Set the stream time to Unknown [03:14:23.113] axe1970: but your worth it [03:14:24.449] ownedshadow_: its pass Bed O Clock [03:14:27.546] Stovamor: !setday Unknown [03:14:27.854] f3mmbot Set the stream day to Unknown [03:14:29.507] Haukim_: XD [03:14:30.453] b0p11s: @blackvvldow not really [03:14:30.701] jvlivs777: okieee [03:14:31.438] GreyWinterWraith: friday? [03:14:35.846] NotConnerMc: friday [03:14:37.214] NotConnerMc: :o [03:14:37.635] frog_isme: rose gives me life [03:14:38.414] Tari_Diachi: Remember remember.... [03:14:40.425] nemesis0142: NIGHT NIGHT DOLL FACE xx [03:14:40.786] SuperMinox: not friday - noooo [03:14:41.130] ravez130: Come on man [03:14:41.876] alexx_net: The ammo isn't in the room, so it was a safe bet. [03:14:42.617] Helen_Croft: The night gown https://www.littleforbig.com/product/usagi-moon-lingerie/ [03:14:42.659] Jens_LN: nice ! [03:14:43.797] gloom_slayer: I was your age that night Finn. Holding a gun like you are tonight. I'm doing a lot better 7+ years later. Cheer100 [03:14:44.715] Viva_: kiwoL [03:14:45.563] Mistress_Sarah: Fem boy for life ❤️😊 [03:14:47.033] macarous: 6th, got it [03:14:47.109] supermonkeyjam: wear pasties then [03:14:48.380] crow_creature_thing: Night night rose lol [03:14:48.980] Viva_: kaleiShy [03:14:49.829] jack_mckenzie3333: @f1nn5ter what do you think you would be doing if YouTube didn’t work out or if you flopped a year ago [03:14:53.313] Jens_LN: this is a great idea [03:14:53.699] TheNachoMan_: hell yeah it's see there that's the best part [03:14:55.667] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Sleepover stream [03:14:56.150] Ramxey_: good thing you live alone [03:14:57.944] ravez130: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm wear it [03:15:00.253] cyberchri07: Finn it's 1am in Italy i Need. ti wake up at 6 [03:15:02.871] lilyaveryy: Hi finn [03:15:04.135] blackvvldow: I have a G&G raider L which is totally modded and is very accurate and fires 38.4 BBs a second [03:15:04.291] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 TwitchUnity xqcCursed [03:15:08.115] DeadSnowmandude: sad [03:15:08.379] LittleChaSiu: 2727272 [03:15:10.793] GreyWinterWraith: 2727272 seanvrCheerA [03:15:11.639] limeequine: Don’t forget your nightie [03:15:12.370] Raddog315: lol [03:15:12.483] Kolateak_: 2727272 [03:15:13.030] Jens_LN: NICE NUMBER [03:15:13.062] DireCyphre: 72! [03:15:16.462] Stovamor: Send me a DM and I'll decide if I send you my real address or a PO Box [03:15:17.074] macarous: LUL [03:15:19.160] Helen_Croft: the night gown IS see trough @F1NN5TER [03:15:20.969] xXNeroZashiXx: funny number [03:15:21.748] TheNachoMan_: yall have m o n e y [03:15:26.416] Mistress_Sarah: Wear it I would ❤️ [03:15:26.457] Megatjgaming_: LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:15:26.754] TheNachoMan_: tf [03:15:26.789] JorWat: 27272.72 get! [03:15:29.654] peyton18scott18: CRJ like the airplane? [03:15:30.476] loggenout_twitch: YOOO THATS AWESOME [03:15:31.870] jvlivs777: jeff bezosss :)) [03:15:32.784] GreyWinterWraith: your neighbours must love you, Rose LUL [03:15:35.870] microgamerx: bye [03:15:35.956] genjimakel_: silencer my ass [03:15:36.571] b0p11s: @blackvvldow lol there is no way your raider shoots 40 rps out of the box your talking out your ass homie [03:15:37.724] alexx_net: Can Riza confirm for us that you tried the nighty? [03:15:37.941] liguojian: hi [03:15:38.490] lifebound: you think that's loud, try a real gun [03:15:38.513] devilaffection9: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [03:15:38.646] Aetreus88: viperusGrandma [03:15:38.846] emeraldpandaaaaaaaaaa: lmao im new to ur discord [03:15:39.083] Jens_LN: @c__r__j nice number [03:15:42.785] ownedshadow_: i mean unless [03:15:43.722] SuperMinox: @Stovamor if you can't trust Rose ... wait :D [03:15:44.845] ravez130: Kappa [03:15:47.489] lexrbr: egg [03:15:48.573] l0vetrash: i just used my prime f1nn5tSad f1nn5tSad [03:15:48.836] GreyWinterWraith: substitute for bra, I think [03:15:50.444] jvlivs777: trrue [03:15:50.979] dashdragon: It's adorable...I'd love to have that one [03:15:51.650] ravez130: Egg [03:15:52.201] theking_cool: seanvrLewd seanvrLewd seanvrLewd [03:15:52.500] blackvvldow: I said it was modded [03:15:55.732] LittleChaSiu: CRJ bad, 737 good Kappa [03:15:56.077] rushys_cool: L:LOL [03:15:56.797] Welshjemz: why are you wearing a bra to sleep if no bobs? rooThink [03:15:59.601] Solus_kun: no bobs scam Kappa [03:16:05.218] Stovamor: Send me a DM @f1nn5ter and I'll decide if I send you my real address or a PO Box [03:16:06.065] rebeccabornello: Bra underneath the nightie? [03:16:12.895] VioletPXL: You can share a pic on twitter, it's fine over there [03:16:19.849] PollyWoggo: Funny number. Drink up [03:16:20.339] sketchy_dub_u: was that gun real...? [03:16:21.016] jvlivs777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:16:21.692] l0vetrash: dik too big to waer bottoms lmao [03:16:22.456] rushys_cool: LOLOLLLLL [03:16:23.757] GreyWinterWraith: wait, so Rose normally sleeps in a bra with no pants? LUL [03:16:24.370] alicia_black: GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ [03:16:24.671] queenoftheroses3421: @welshjemz sports bra [03:16:26.690] aAndrew3030: NO women sleeps in a bra!?! [03:16:29.099] TheNachoMan_: Finn is a soft boiled egg with a runny yoke whatever that means [03:16:29.639] smthdffrnt: Why are you Donald Ducking it in bed? [03:16:30.421] DireCyphre: proper knackered [03:16:32.526] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER You must record video, no time for sleep! [03:16:34.258] its0slimey: u look CrInG [03:16:34.266] macarous: @sketchy_dub_u airguns [03:16:34.317] jvlivs777: omyyy [03:16:34.335] l0vetrash: he's too masculine down there to wear bottoms [03:16:37.391] secret_assassino: looks shatteredf [03:16:40.542] denden12332: OH GOD [03:16:41.029] rebecca37: WHY A MAID DRESS I JOIN TO THIS SHIT! [03:16:41.653] littleseabiscuit: @sketchy_dub_u No [03:16:41.672] ownedshadow_: lol [03:16:41.826] NotConnerMc: LOL [03:16:43.074] rushys_cool: WHOA! [03:16:43.281] supermonkeyjam: oof [03:16:44.854] Kolateak_: Kreygasm [03:16:45.062] Jens_LN: spread eagle ! [03:16:45.479] DireCyphre: Now THAT is a thumbnail [03:16:46.072] genjimakel_: BOP [03:16:46.344] jvlivs777: omyy :)) [03:16:46.840] Firelord_Redflames: Kreygasm [03:16:48.028] braddle172: LUL [03:16:48.533] that1guylouis24: LUL [03:16:48.668] LittleChaSiu: SKWEBG [03:16:48.906] Tari_Diachi: Femboy with massive gun between legs. [03:16:49.654] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [03:16:50.556] rushys_cool: -_- [03:16:51.055] heycooldog: OH FUCK ME [03:16:52.143] TheNachoMan_: that's a mighty fine riffle right there bruv [03:16:52.254] Viva_ ItsBoshyTime The community has closed down this channel due to whatever the fuck this shit is ItsBoshyTime [03:16:52.286] aupshaw_: LUL [03:16:53.553] pepperspraylaughing: lick it [03:16:53.896] limeequine: Put the panties on you wuss [03:16:54.318] macarous: dude [03:16:56.086] megaroot: <3 works for me [03:16:56.683] Emmy64_: LUL [03:16:56.720] kevlarchicken: KEKW [03:16:56.735] nu11_void: damn that was a spread [03:16:57.019] GreyWinterWraith: oh god [03:16:57.227] Solus_kun: Insta pic from todays outfit @F1NN5TER [03:16:57.333] rebecca37: Much better [03:16:57.675] omniatustv: red bull and video time [03:16:57.905] Ramxey_: thats that good shit SeemsGood [03:16:59.419] SeiReiJoku: perfect [03:17:00.313] braddle172: GivePLZ TakeNRG [03:17:00.402] jvlivs777: close up 😊🤟🤟 [03:17:00.716] aupshaw_: GAWD DAMN [03:17:01.692] rebeccabornello: Bra underneath the nightie? That’s what I do……. You’ll look amazing [03:17:01.877] BigB0yMark: KKona I lost [03:17:01.899] venrellio: Kreygasm FAT ASS THIGHS Kreygasm FAT ASS THIGHS Kreygasm FAT ASS THIGHS Kreygasm FAT ASS THIGHS [03:17:01.903] its0slimey: ouf [03:17:04.278] ValentineHiii: spending so much time posing lmfao [03:17:04.520] emeraldpandaaaaaaaaaa: oh shit an ak [03:17:04.903] progamerj64: Kreygasm [03:17:06.432] cakeisamadeupdrug: That nighty is hot cakeis1OwO [03:17:06.443] Emmy64_: Pin up photoshoot [03:17:06.483] Code_Nicovald: ak shaft [03:17:06.938] Mistress_Sarah: Do Hrt to get real boobs 😂 I did 😊❤️ [03:17:08.828] Vlbd: thats a long gun [03:17:10.282] queenoftheroses3421: @tari_diachi two massive guns [03:17:10.538] ownedshadow_: woah is that an ak in your lap or are u just happy to see us [03:17:11.638] PollyWoggo: Womanspreading [03:17:11.848] kkasperle: Kreygasm [03:17:12.555] mr_ajokortti_korkort: very cute indeed [03:17:13.409] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you have been given some really nice nightgowns and their was a couple of robes too [03:17:14.589] braddle172: obkatD [03:17:14.621] sgtvscreen: hold the trigger [03:17:14.796] saintbroseff: I’ll take 2 scoops plz [03:17:16.257] jandraelune: There are fake bobs you can sleep in. Look up ' Nearly Me ', they cost like $50 each, $100 for the set. [03:17:17.017] kevlarchicken: that over compensation KEKW [03:17:17.085] GreyWinterWraith: it's pretty scuffed LUL [03:17:18.160] Raddog315: F1nn.... go to bed before you TOS yourself lol [03:17:18.712] Gigaknightdx: thankyall for making all this happen [03:17:21.450] dirtuwu: failed nnn [03:17:21.596] itachi_uchiha_6969: Lol [03:17:22.216] jvlivs777: closeup one time,boss 😊🤟 [03:17:22.586] moly_0: hold it properly [03:17:22.651] dirtuwu: f [03:17:22.821] freddd104: I'm sending this to brandon herrera [03:17:24.004] f1nnyer: Kreygasm [03:17:24.873] macarous: cross your legs imo [03:17:26.321] smthdffrnt: Is that an Avtomat Kalashnikova between your legs, or are you happy to see us? [03:17:29.328] orlanTEEN: Is it too soon to lose NoNutNovember? [03:17:30.189] heycooldog: stand and lean on it [03:17:32.684] maxwellmarsh: Oh no I am #brocken I can’t say among us [03:17:34.132] DireCyphre: Do a proper tactical pose with it [03:17:34.156] nu11_void: magzazine facing down [03:17:34.710] nemesis0142: aim off to the side [03:17:35.017] KaiAragao: do u really like big things [03:17:35.032] axe1970: mommy russia [03:17:37.360] denden12332: kevlar chicken we all thank you [03:17:37.622] GreyWinterWraith: moar thigh seanvrGasm [03:17:38.438] emeraldpandaaaaaaaaaa: lmao as val better [03:17:38.546] emma_wrestling: r u a guy? [03:17:39.321] dashdragon: Cross your legs around the stock [03:17:39.627] braddle172: GivePLZ TakeNRG [03:17:40.509] LoadSmasher: yes [03:17:40.519] Emmy64_: Kreygasm Kreygasm [03:17:42.529] Helen_Croft: danger Rose [03:17:43.152] Ramxey_: we need a femboy with guns calender [03:17:43.526] jvlivs777: his face :)),its beautiful [03:17:44.073] queenoftheroses3421: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [03:17:45.284] Megatjgaming_: Brandon needs to see this [03:17:46.950] progamerj64: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [03:17:48.163] travelsayo: aim it at me please [03:17:48.270] itachi_uchiha_6969: Amazing Pose princess [03:17:49.262] sgtvscreen: yeye that s it [03:17:54.259] TheNachoMan_: what the hell is the stuffed animal doing in the back posing like that [03:17:54.942] HangryPlatypusE: HOT [03:17:55.669] rushys_cool: Finn you whor3333 Lol [03:17:56.232] NotConnerMc: LOL [03:17:57.045] Emmy64_: f1nn5tEmbarrassed [03:17:57.286] Gisak787: in soviet russia the guns show you its femboy collection [03:17:57.310] ownedshadow_: lol [03:17:57.457] Jens_LN: can we see the outfit without the apron ? I'm curious ! [03:17:57.782] mastur_bear_1: bye [03:17:58.444] macarous: we have rly raised a tho- [03:17:58.764] ravez130: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm omg [03:17:59.278] megaroot: monkaS [03:17:59.749] DireCyphre: dayum [03:17:59.913] lexrbr: kek [03:18:00.403] tayravenriot: <3 [03:18:00.640] Alansri: I looked away then that scared me [03:18:01.214] that1guylouis24: D: [03:18:01.331] jvlivs777: byeee [03:18:01.820] DireCyphre: ded [03:18:01.921] Viva_: gngScream [03:18:01.965] Megatjgaming_: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:18:03.020] mr_ajokortti_korkort: see you [03:18:03.322] supermonkeyjam: damn [03:18:03.691] cdloser69: byeee [03:18:04.183] Helen_Croft: goodnight Rose [03:18:04.715] saintbroseff: Later mate [03:18:04.751] h_r_buff_n_stuff: bye [03:18:04.768] Stovamor: Bye bye [03:18:05.312] kkasperle: bye <3 [03:18:05.315] nemesis0142: we need a COD Cosplay [03:18:05.646] mr_ajokortti_korkort: byeeee [03:18:06.416] nsufferable: ninjaaSalute [03:18:06.420] NotTica: GOODNIGHT [03:18:06.672] DeadSnowmandude: byebye [03:18:06.838] skrugglenuggies: Why tho [03:18:06.853] gloom_slayer: bye [03:18:06.925] genjimakel_: Byeee [03:18:06.927] indigo_in_bloom: byeee [03:18:06.967] crow_creature_thing: I just had a heart attack [03:18:07.048] flabanged: Pew pew pew [03:18:07.214] Ramxey_: good night! <3 [03:18:07.286] TheNachoMan_: Bye bye Finnnn [03:18:07.455] SoVA_ThatGuy: raid? [03:18:07.559] SuperMinox: gn8 [03:18:07.796] kevlarchicken: bye [03:18:07.865] jvlivs777: Byee ily 😊🤟 [03:18:08.280] ChaoticEnigma452: Duces [03:18:08.435] Raddog315: Goodnight F1nn [03:18:08.555] NotConnerMc: @F1NN5TER DONT FORGOT DMS [03:18:08.716] Solus_kun: monkaS [03:18:09.973] Badhaggus: GN F1NN [03:18:09.974] macarous: byee [03:18:09.995] baylee_127: bye [03:18:10.065] Gigaknightdx: bi [03:18:10.382] megaroot: bye <3 [03:18:10.842] nodde10: byeee [03:18:11.439] RedTempest101: bye bye [03:18:11.497] KateChon258: Byyeeee [03:18:11.599] secret_assassino: good bye [03:18:11.800] GreyWinterWraith: thank you for stream f1nn5tLezgang [03:18:11.905] queenoftheroses3421: bye! [03:18:11.965] imaginealiveve: byabyabya [03:18:12.532] progamerj64: bye [03:18:12.634] jvlivs777: <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang [03:18:13.112] xXNeroZashiXx: Bye F1nn :D [03:18:13.382] cannibleburger3: goodbye [03:18:14.190] crow_creature_thing: Bye [03:18:14.297] Megatjgaming_: bye fin [03:18:14.577] NotConnerMc: DUDE PLZ NO FORGET DMS [03:18:15.014] Tari_Diachi: Sweet Dreams [03:18:15.073] ownedshadow_: gm [03:18:15.227] ArePea: Good night! [03:18:15.428] skrugglenuggies: Get a sword [03:18:15.470] gorillamonsoon9: I joined at a perfect time [03:18:16.079] rushys_cool: See WAT YOU GUYYSSSS DID!!!!\ [03:18:16.117] trolface1997: bye [03:18:16.179] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose [03:18:16.212] TaoistViewer: The anime girl is hot. [03:18:16.313] TheNachoMan_: Poooound Poooound Poooound [03:18:16.390] NATPD_: Byeeeeeeee mooooommy [03:18:17.330] Ramxey_: sweet dreams <3 [03:18:17.351] emeraldpandaaaaaaaaaa: fuck me [03:18:17.909] jvlivs777: Bye [03:18:18.107] Triplethreecubed: Bye! [03:18:18.463] DireCyphre: Night! <3 [03:18:18.482] scottishtwa: bye [03:18:18.770] baylee_127: have good night [03:18:18.925] maxwellmarsh: byeee [03:18:19.322] honkalbus: BYE FINNN [03:18:19.903] pogopogopogo69: bye mommy [03:18:19.989] lu_sagna: byeus [03:18:20.606] Mistress_Sarah: Goodnight [03:18:20.634] Awesomeartfan: bye. thanks for stream [03:18:20.949] yurihitsune: hi [03:18:21.123] imaginealiveve: sleep with joy [03:18:21.505] Stovamor: !setday Friday 5th [03:18:21.747] brightc15: Bye! [03:18:21.791] f3mmbot Set the stream day to Friday 5th [03:18:21.995] LoadSmasher: f1nn5tLaff f1nn5tLezgang f1nn5tEmbarrassed [03:18:22.324] xXNeroZashiXx: Bye all :D [03:18:22.444] Megatjgaming_: have a nice sleep [03:18:22.754] macarous: gngngn [03:18:22.862] venrellio: TriHard LAST MINUTE GIFTERS [03:18:22.900] progamerj64: bye <3 [03:18:22.901] queenoftheroses3421: ***! [03:18:22.944] BigB0yMark: <3 I enjoyed my stay [03:18:22.987] NotConnerMc: BRUh [03:18:23.476] DeadSnowmandude: bye [03:18:23.672] Raddog315: Bye Chat [03:18:23.920] vanimal2118: GN [03:18:24.074] nemesis0142: night night [03:18:24.086] secret_assassino: @F1NN5TER remember twitter [03:18:25.157] devilaffection9: o7 o7 o7 o7 [03:18:25.202] TheRealSenorSombrero: bye f1nn [03:18:26.300] l0vetrash: bye bye [03:18:26.851] amensgaming: Had a great time finn thank for the stream [03:18:26.958] limeequine: Bye [03:18:27.038] idiotTheFish: bye [03:18:27.552] maxwellmarsh: that scared me sm [03:18:27.625] Firelord_Redflames: <3 [03:18:28.141] the_local_trans_girl: bye f1nn!!! <3 <3 <3 [03:18:28.186] Jens_LN: later guys/girls. :) [03:18:28.293] emeraldpandaaaaaaaaaa: bye femgirl [03:18:28.461] f1nnyer: D: [03:18:28.647] Stovamor: !settitle Some Stream [03:18:28.830] SenpaiFirestorm: I JUST JOINED [03:18:28.944] f3mmbot Set the stream title to Some Stream [03:18:29.059] kyistell: byeeeee [03:18:29.325] Darculla: Bye good night [03:18:29.770] alicia_black: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [03:18:29.997] DeadSnowmandude: byee [03:18:30.030] kaia_says_stuf_: Bye [03:18:30.645] rushys_cool: Nighty night All! <3 [03:18:30.856] charikuno: GN [03:18:30.962] that1guylouis24: <3 [03:18:31.449] ozeantj: bye [03:18:31.503] dirtuwu: that hard long thing between your legs is amazing, the gun is cool too [03:18:32.461] jvlivs777: yupp :)) [03:18:32.966] Stovamor: !stream [03:18:33.236] f3mmbot The next stream will be "Some Stream" on Friday 5th at Unknown UK time. Stream Hype! [03:18:33.446] Solus_kun: No insta pic ? D: [03:18:33.458] NotConnerMc: ur bald [03:18:33.772] Helen_Croft: bye bye Rose goodnight [03:18:34.415] charikuno: Gn [03:18:34.615] ashleys117: bye rose <3 [03:18:35.277] jack_mckenzie3333: Bye [03:18:35.340] Megatjgaming_: bye [03:18:35.635] dirtuwu: that big hard thing between your legs is amazing, and the gun is cool too [03:18:35.660] Ramxey_: bye <# [03:18:35.675] genjimakel_: bye [03:18:35.731] NotConnerMc: :P [03:18:35.733] jvlivs777: Bye [03:18:36.060] Haukim_: next time [03:18:37.537] skybae00: BYE FINN!!! [03:18:37.846] ashleys117: i love you [03:18:38.538] NotConnerMc: BYE DAD [03:18:38.800] gunsight_one: bye! [03:18:39.062] xXbigdaddy5Xx: bye [03:18:39.319] NATPD_: Biii [03:18:39.901] c__r__j: Byebye [03:18:40.004] Jens_LN: night