00:00 we have we done this refresh refresh 00:02 refresh refresh stream 00:05 refresh check him 00:09 maybe there we are there we are baby 00:12 okay there's seems to be 00:16 two chats i don't know why 00:21 i don't know why at all it's just 00:24 [ __ ] two chats there's one like 00:26 goofed and there's one there's like one 00:27 screenshot and there's one that's so 00:30 weird 00:31 what a mess okay chat's just gonna be a 00:33 [ __ ] mess then i 00:36 i'm good the quality is though it's not 00:37 look dude okay no no no no don't look at 00:39 that 00:39 oh that's worse well that's bad as well 00:41 [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't look at anything 00:43 don't look at anything just look at me 00:48 i can't even change i can't even change 00:50 the layout dude 00:51 i love streamlabs hold on oh i can hold 00:54 on i can 00:55 oh it's why is it flipped upside down 00:59 let's make chat small okay 01:03 okay and then like save 01:08 i'm good did i do it 01:12 let's find out no it's just it's made 01:15 chat smaller but now it's still got a 01:17 [ __ ] 01:17 it looks fine for me i don't get this 01:20 [ __ ] i do not get this [ __ ] 01:23 it's broken who cares it's broken it's 01:25 broken okay we're just works 01:28 i know it works fine heels are on don't 01:30 worry about it let's go 01:31 uh dude my room's so nasty 01:34 oh god why did i have to show them i 01:36 can't tilt the phone up properly though 01:39 [ __ ] why'd i have to do this to them to 01:41 myself 01:43 okay back did you grab my keys all right 01:46 for that 01:47 what you went downstairs for can you 01:49 grab god nice code thank you can you 01:51 grab my mask too 01:52 grab me a mess boy 01:56 okay oh [ __ ] 02:00 what a wait why am i even wearing this i 02:02 don't even a handbag i just need like i 02:04 have pockets in the coat dude 02:05 am i stupid i think i'm stupid oh 02:08 are you good my stream just went down 02:11 oh my god why did it go down no reason 02:14 for it to go down 02:16 what it why is it dude stream like why 02:20 stream like why you're in my house why 02:22 are you getting stream like bro oh [ __ ] 02:31 oh [ __ ] 02:49 okay um this might 02:52 maybe get better 02:58 okay okay 03:03 dude this is bad hold on all right just 03:05 gonna stop start