00:04 i don't know why i did this to myself 00:07 uh 00:10 you 00:14 00:17 [Music] 00:20 this is all i have 00:33 [Music] 00:56 foreign 00:59 [Music] 01:08 hey hey boys i don't know why i did this 01:13 [Music] 01:20 hold on hold on let me do it 01:23 let me give you a different one hold on 01:25 uh classic 01:28 yeah yeah 01:33 [Music] 01:38 baby 01:43 [Music] 02:06 so 02:09 [Music] 02:10 [Applause] 02:13 [Music] 02:13 [Applause] 02:15 [Music] 02:18 [Applause] 02:19 [Music] 02:21 oh no way i'm prime already let's 02:23 go 02:24 ally are you like fighting fire who 02:27 knows 02:27 thank you sir let's go 02:40 so there's been something 02:43 there's been something going on right 02:45 i'm not i'm not all done up 02:47 i will warn you i'm a regular guy today 02:49 i'm very sorry 02:50 and it's not gonna happen mainly because 02:52 you may look at my chin 02:56 i have a 02:59 i have a i have a spot i've 03:04 i have a spot i like i don't know why i 03:06 did this i wore makeup when i shouldn't 03:07 have and now i have a spot seven months 03:10 that's actually why i stopped streaming 03:11 because my chin hurt and i stopped 03:13 streaming yesterday because i was 03:15 jump at the point in the stream 03:16 yesterday i was like i'm gonna play 03:17 minecraft 03:18 i'm bored and then uh before before we 03:20 got done 03:21 yeah it was because i ow dude it 03:23 should have hurty this hurty dude 03:26 it's not fun it's a bad spot this is the 03:27 worst but i've had eight months past 03:29 what's popping this spot 03:32 anyway so 03:35 uh there's been a lot of stuff going on 03:38 on the smp 03:39 um something's kind of happened 03:44 probably if you promote you promo 03:46 promoing ac dc now in your girly voice i 03:49 am not a woman 03:50 i'm a man many many man all right listen 03:54 there's been a lot of stuff going on on 03:56 the snp uh mainly one big thing 03:59 um they added a mod they got us all to 04:02 install 04:02 two or three mods and i've heard they're 04:06 kind of 04:07 dangerous and uh 04:10 i really want to know what's it what's 04:12 it all about um 04:14 i really want to know what it's all 04:15 about i don't know much about it yet 04:18 i've gone into a single player world 04:20 with it 04:21 and they were a little bit terrifying i 04:23 won't lie to you 04:25 a slight bit terrifying uh 04:28 the mod that was added was something 04:30 called rats 04:32 new people got added to the server tons 04:33 of new people got it i think like 04:35 five volts i've a bunch of people like 04:37 under 10 but 04:38 over five a bunch of people got added to 04:40 the server there's new people around 04:41 there are and they brought rats 04:43 with them not even bad boy halos rats 04:45 literal rats rats literal 04:48 rats michael anyway let me show you what 04:52 i've been up to 04:53 let me show you what this the smp's been 04:55 all about 04:56 um let me like let me i'm gonna show you 04:59 my desktop for a 05:00 split second well i can boop boop there 05:03 we go 05:04 by the way look at my like wallpaper how 05:06 cool is this 05:07 look at that that's a friend that's me 05:09 risa and me 05:10 uh my friend eda did that for us it's so 05:13 nice hey thanks for the raid 05:15 thank you thank you for the raid uh 05:18 but yeah no we did that she was very 05:20 she's very nice she made that 05:21 it makes me smile every time i say it's 05:23 very cool anyway uh let me show you 05:25 what's happening though 05:26 uh we're at the spawn right now even 05:29 though he's 05:29 okay we're in the spawn right now look 05:31 what hold on i've got to do this 05:32 i don't remember if i did this yesterday 05:34 on my live stream or not but i really 05:35 want to do the parkour 05:38 there's a parkour now there's no like 05:40 end to it but 05:44 okay paco parker oh i'm not gonna 05:46 live okay there we go 05:47 easy easy easy i'm parkour master i was 05:50 an mcc i was a parkour master on his i 05:52 was an mcc oh okay 05:54 right i just need to jump oh lag oh 05:56 my god like i need to jump on this jump 05:57 on that oh my god i'm making it okay 05:59 jump on this thing 06:01 amazing i don't know what this is uh and 06:03 then there's no end 06:05 there there's just no i i did it there's 06:07 no end 06:08 i maybe i did it look at that look at me 06:10 look at me 06:16 greetings from austria two months 06:21 uh rats are here and it's really serious 06:24 it's really okay 06:24 there's also a couple different things 06:26 best is parkour yes 06:28 uh rats are here there's a train line 06:30 now there's so much that's happened 06:32 on the server 06:33 uh it's kind of nuts what the is 06:36 this 06:39 oh no no no no i don't wanna with 06:41 that i don't know what that is dude 06:44 oh no no no no no 06:51 you stream at this hour yes i do finn 06:53 you didn't even change shut the up 06:55 i'm allowed to change my shirt or not 06:56 change my shirt hey 06:58 dude i figured it out what the plague 07:01 doctor spawns in villages 07:03 and you can trade stuff with him and you 07:05 can get the plague mask from him 07:06 if the plague doctor gets struck by 07:08 lightning he will turn into the black 07:10 death 07:10 and then we can fight him that guy 07:13 then we can fight him 07:20 let me explain what's going on hold on 07:22 no because i i have not explained this 07:24 to viewers yet so the 07:25 the rats that have been added to the 07:26 server is a new mod pack right 07:28 and we were looking at this one thing 07:30 demo thank you so much for the five and 07:32 stuff sorry i completely missed that 07:33 seven more thanks for the five 07:35 gifted subs and demo thank you my guy i 07:37 think demo gifted another five before so 07:38 thank you demo i've been 07:39 talking about rats anyway um 07:42 there's this thing there's now rats 07:44 there's a new page of this thing 07:46 oh let me show you all the rats page uh 07:48 yeah look okay there's fishing now 07:50 there's 07:50 tons of fish stuff and there's tons of 07:52 look at this all this is new rats 07:54 and sometimes rose i'm amazed at how 07:56 much you refuse to read descriptions of 07:58 items 08:00 how dare you um 08:03 but look there's been this thing there's 08:05 this weapon that's on 08:06 also like a rat flute which just shoots 08:09 rats apparently which i noticed before 08:11 it came out like a pirate hat 08:13 yeah but look it um what the 08:18 the train oh the train seven months 08:20 that's good i'm gonna catch the train 08:22 hold on 08:25 oh come on i gotta board the no i lost 08:28 the train 08:30 no i gotta get the train on second i 08:31 gotta get the train 08:33 come on come on come on train train 08:36 train line train light train line 08:39 i'm getting it i'm getting i'm getting 08:40 it oh 08:44 i'm almost there i'm almost there i'm 08:46 almost there 08:48 oh my god no 08:52 i'm here 09:01 look at me look at the window turn 09:03 around yeah yeah but 09:04 i don't get on properly i don't wanna 09:07 i'm on the train 09:09 i'm on the swag it's all right okay uh 09:11 yeah no the rats were added to the 09:13 server there's this thing 09:14 is this blacks black death scythe 09:17 which does 13 attack damage and 3.5 09:21 attack speed 09:22 which i don't know if you're familiar 09:24 with minecraft at all but my sword 09:27 yeah it's stupid my sword is 1.6 09:31 attack speed this is over twice as much 09:35 and it's more attack damage too which is 09:37 as much as the assassins 09:40 yeah and it can be and it can be 09:42 enchanted too 09:43 you can just double click yeah 09:46 it's absolutely fire aspect 09:52 oh i fell i fell off the thing i 09:54 fell off the train 09:55 i kind of fell off the train okay 09:59 jump off the train i'm trying 10:02 no go on the train thank you it can have 10:05 sharpness fire aspect oh my god this 10:08 thing is literally gonna be the godless 10:10 weapon you can just double click someone 10:11 and they're dead 10:12 dude this is our new quest is to get 10:14 this item the black 10:15 i can get this today i think do do you 10:18 reckon we can get two of them 10:20 wow you really can't get everything 10:22 here's the thing what we need to do is 10:24 find a village 10:25 with a sweeping edge on it 10:29 what the we need is to find a 10:30 plague doctor and then 10:32 we've we need to disenchant we have to 10:35 sacrifice one of our tridents 10:37 and give it a channeling and that way we 10:40 can turn sherman into the black death 10:42 i'd rather have the black death thing 10:43 than the trident i think yeah 10:46 but we need we need to disenchant one of 10:48 our tridents 10:49 make it into channeling and then strike 10:51 him with lightning and then we can fight 10:53 the black death 10:54 the problem here is that he is 400 hp 10:56 and if you 10:57 get hit how much does a weapon 11:03 if you get hit by him if you get hit by 11:06 him you get the plague effect which 11:07 means you cannot regenerate health by 11:09 any means 11:10 so we have to kill him right then and 11:12 there there's no original oh my god he's 11:13 almost as strong as a wither 11:17 he can't hit you though he can't hit you 11:19 his rats hit you 11:21 you get the higher the attack speed the 11:22 slower you can hit what are you dumb 11:24 that's the opposite of what that is 11:26 friend uh what 11:29 yeah look like look watch the sword 11:31 right look at my recharge bam bam 11:33 bam bam and then the axe bam 11:36 bam bam slower that's only a 11:40 0.6 difference you're talking about 11:42 doubling the sword 11:43 like it'd be you'd be able to strike 11:45 like hold on this quick 11:48 in bret in 1.16 and do full attack 11:51 damage 11:53 you literally have axe level damage 11:55 you'll have 11:56 how much does netherride axe do huh 12:00 the right axe has 10 yeah no no no no 12:03 it's nuts 12:04 it's it's going to be three three more 12:06 than the netherland axe 12:07 in everything why did he have to put 12:10 sores on the front of it 12:13 she put saws there you want to see 12:15 something yeah what i made 12:22 you like it that's good the fisherman's 12:25 hat that's funny 12:27 that's so sick do you want to do you 12:30 want to announce our new event 12:32 oh wait there's oh my god hold on white 12:35 guys there's actually should we go over 12:36 there 12:38 this is a really big deal actually like 12:40 this is not even like a little 12:42 thing this is a really big deal um 12:45 so a lot of you might be aware maurice 12:48 has been working on a pretty big project 12:49 recently oh look at the village 12:51 uh and there's a few big people on the 12:53 server right there's 12:55 a world famous musician on the server 12:57 called baby no money 12:59 you may remember him from various tick 13:00 tock songs he was on that la la la 13:02 song that one he was on that one 13:06 and marisa somehow roped him into doing 13:09 uh a live concert on the server 13:13 where though in marie's new strip club 13:18 careful oh sorry nightclub oh my god 13:22 no i mean careful for the creeper yeah 13:23 yes uh 13:26 marisa marisa's wesses and uh minx's 13:29 nightclub this is the new 13:31 uh pole dancing club that they made wes 13:34 now has a maid uniform as we know 13:36 he's going to be stripping in here uh 13:39 he's and 13:39 should we should we show them should we 13:40 show them the inside um 13:43 ticket please uh you're on the list 13:46 yes i'm on the list i don't have 13:49 anything that looks like a ticket 13:50 uh there you go that's 13:54 oh thank you thank you after you sir 13:57 all right god damn 14:01 god damn this would look so cool wait 14:03 hold on 14:04 i gotta see it in shaders one second i 14:06 gotta see it in shaders 14:07 have you looked at it in shade as yet 14:09 yeah it does make the glass yellow for 14:11 some reason 14:13 i'm trying i i swear to god i clicked it 14:16 i'm this is this crashed me 14:18 oh no it's crash me marisa you're still 14:20 here 14:21 you're still here you're still here no 14:23 i'm not no i'm not 14:25 no i'm not i'm gone 14:28 goodbye my game crashed 14:31 oh no guys thanks joel like what if i'm 14:34 going to test you 14:36 oh my game i'm so sorry oh 14:39 god wait what is the stream what does 14:42 the sun go oh god 14:43 the marriage the wedding dress is still 14:45 right there i still haven't changed it 14:46 yeah i ordered a wedding dress too today 14:50 nice hell yeah f it's fine 14:54 it's we're booting up again it's all 14:56 right shaders will crash anything 14:58 it's fine 15:01 okay all right it's fine it's fine we're 15:04 booting up again it's fine 15:07 okay okay maybe we'll connect with 15:10 shadows on maybe 15:13 now i think you have to redo it i will i 15:15 do have to read it look how the glass is 15:17 yellow now why is yellow 15:18 where does it do that did you sleep in 15:20 those clothes 15:21 you want to shut up uh dumb dummy i 15:24 didn't uh this is not even the same 15:26 shirt 15:26 i don't even know what you're talking 15:27 about whoa look at the floor 15:31 oh that's i did a little circuit oh 15:33 that's so cool 15:36 oh that's so cool seven months pug 15:40 oh that's so sick parked in seven months 15:43 oh jesus christ seven months that's sick 15:46 look at this place i love this place 15:48 this is so cool 15:49 you like your drinks sir oh yes i do 15:52 have my own drink can i have the um 15:55 can i have the uh the the drinkster 15:58 you know i might oh no we should put 16:01 some slabs on there because i look like 16:02 a really short bar keeper 16:07 wait a second maybe i am 16:10 just just give me a minute here just 16:12 yeah just give me a second i'll just 16:14 totally not that you're actually just 16:15 short no no i'm really no i'll just 16:20 ah okay hey would you like a drink sir 16:25 i would like a drinkster 16:28 go up oh 16:32 we serving i thought that was actually 16:34 the drink holy that's so sick 16:36 thank you thank you i this appears to 16:38 just be a a 16:40 sharp tin can with nothing in it but 16:42 okay don't cut yourself 16:44 i don't throw it back at me well i i've 16:46 done with it 16:48 i should get some oh you know what we 16:49 should do what we should build 16:51 is a ward wardrobe at the front 16:54 we have like awesome chests right 16:56 people's people 16:58 okay 20 chests okay 20 chests and each 17:01 chest has a sign in them 17:02 people put in their armor and then put 17:04 the sign on the chest and name it 17:06 well we could do that automatically 17:07 actually that could be good 17:09 automation so the reason why my stream 17:12 titles uh 17:13 automation and domination is because 17:16 number one 17:16 we want that big old boy scythe don't we 17:19 we want that the best weapon in the game 17:21 right now 17:22 i'm preparing for the scythe tonight i 17:23 don't know what you're doing i'm finding 17:24 myself i'll help you get the scythe 17:26 i'll go on a scythe mission with you but 17:27 the other thing is something that i've 17:29 personally been doing in my free time uh 17:32 and i think is 17:33 pretty darn cool i know no one else 17:35 really thinks it's cool but i think it's 17:37 pretty darn 17:37 cool um so for a long time swagger souls 17:41 has kind of been uh 17:42 kind of been the leader in like all 17:44 processing technology on the server 17:46 technology in general actually i mean 17:49 for me i've more been the inventing 17:51 i've more been inventing stuff right uh 17:55 he's been doing a bunch of stuff he's 17:57 been working really hard 17:59 what mod is the scythe from rats 18:01 something with rats 18:02 i don't know um rats 18:06 in minecraft i guess rats mod um 18:10 but yeah um there's uh 18:14 i've been working on something i've been 18:15 working on something to really step our 18:17 game up also to redecorate the 18:19 the the femme den um the femden's 18:22 uh been looking kind of barren recently 18:24 the floor is kind of just made out of 18:27 stone stone and grossness being creepers 18:30 exploding everywhere 18:31 it's been really hard to keep up i want 18:33 some nice fancy bricks in there as i've 18:35 said 18:36 oh i forgot you were here 18:39 up why would you jump down i'll just 18:42 call it down 18:43 okay uh but yeah i've been preparing for 18:47 something 18:48 nicola nicola tesla and thomas edison 18:51 holy that is a really good way to 18:53 put that 18:54 have you ever thought of teaming up with 18:56 swagger souls we might have to against 18:58 the wrath merged with my best friend we 19:00 ate caviar and beat up children you 19:02 squish a golem 19:03 maybe uh also some credit here to the 19:07 floor 19:07 layering yes did do the flooring 19:11 yeah you did uh one thing wait what 19:14 about oh yeah 19:14 hold on the thing that i've been working 19:16 on oh so okay over there there's a bunch 19:18 of it too hold on i demolish my old 19:20 crushing system 19:21 over there there is the absolute ton of 19:23 diorite 19:24 of iron ingots 19:27 so happy to have found your channel that 19:29 time ago 19:30 look at this dude i would love to get to 19:32 know you outside of yt and twitch if you 19:35 want 19:37 my answer is it corporate mule only if 19:39 you'd want to message me 19:41 i'm not gonna force you lmao 19:44 keep it up thanks for the so many sub 19:47 oh my god thanks for the five month sub 19:49 and yeah i try and interact 19:50 as much as i can with people but like 19:52 you know i think 19:54 oh god there's there's too many to know 19:56 everyone personally i guess 19:57 had a dream that you merge with my best 19:59 friend i've never have caviar actually 20:02 because you know i'm a vegetarian 20:04 caviar's 20:17 well i was talking to people and people 20:19 were talking to me okay 20:21 so so many so many ores 20:24 some so many ores people people might 20:28 start to think you're indecisive 20:38 yeah that was all right yeah that was 20:40 pretty good that yeah no 20:42 i got the joke you don't need to say 20:44 some so many oars 20:46 that you you can't decide because you 20:48 say or a lot 20:52 yeah yeah 20:57 it's really clever i'm gonna wear a 20:59 white beanie for our wedding 21:01 oh okay a white beanie 21:04 that's okay all right so let me uh let 21:07 me show you what i've been working on i 21:08 need a better crushing thing and i 21:10 actually went and i designed one myself 21:12 which i think is a really really good 21:15 design like 21:16 really really really good design i don't 21:17 think it's been done before 21:19 um but yeah this is all the stuff we're 21:21 gonna need i this is my first time using 21:23 the canon here's the schematic for it 21:24 this is how much i need for it it's 21:27 quite a lot of 21:28 stuff quite a lot of expensive stuff but 21:30 it's all there 21:31 um i think if i'm not wrong it's not 21:34 going to fully do it i'm going to need 21:35 to place a little bit if i put that 21:36 in there right on the left side and then 21:40 then you bang it do i click play 21:43 play twice 21:46 oh wait 21:49 skip missing blocks how do i get it to 21:51 skip missing blocks 21:53 goes in the menu top bottom left and 21:54 then i think it already is on it 21:56 yeah it is on it okay let's go see 22:00 okay it's shooting it over there with me 22:02 oh 22:03 let's go with me and you'll see 22:06 a world of imagination look at it go 22:10 oh my god this is really quick actually 22:12 look at my machine being invented in 22:13 front of our eyes 22:16 oh okay so it didn't replace it doesn't 22:18 replace the air gaps that's good to know 22:23 all right look at this 22:26 look at the machine that i have designed 22:28 with my 22:29 bare hands with my bare hands okay there 22:32 it is 22:33 this tiny little machine i think it's so 22:35 cool 22:36 this relies on a windmill underground it 22:39 relies on a windmill 22:41 this is so so cool we need to get a lava 22:44 thing in there and a water thing up 22:45 there 22:46 uh but very neat 22:49 what mod is this this is the crate mod 22:52 this is 22:52 very very very cool uh i'm gonna stick a 22:55 crafting table down there so i can make 22:57 some stairs because i'm gonna need it so 23:00 basically how this thing works 23:01 is that chest up there is the master 23:03 chest everything that you can 23:05 everything you put in there gets uh 23:07 created it it's it's the best 23:10 uh where's my do i have anything that's 23:11 not flammable no ander's like casing is 23:13 good enough 23:15 [Music] 23:20 to 23:22 there we go everything i put in here 23:24 this is it uh let's 23:25 in fact let's add another chest there 23:27 just so we can stick even more stuff 23:28 through it 23:30 um let's see it 23:33 all right well we need to get lava and 23:34 water uh do you have any java 23:37 do you have any uh lava anywhere here 23:40 yeah 23:46 this world has for you and for me 23:50 [Music] 23:53 i lost my arm in afghanistan as a 23:55 latvian quick response force and i have 23:57 the same 23:58 whoa prosthesis as you in game 24:02 made out of bunch moving things so i can 24:04 kick bunch other moving things 24:08 the extendo grip 24:12 jesus christ man uh that's insane 24:17 i mean holy though that's kind of 24:19 hardcore dude 24:22 extendo drip dude this guy's got a real 24:24 extendo drip 24:25 all right oh my god i don't even know 24:28 what to say to that that's 24:29 that's nuts can we get some can we get 24:31 some uh 24:32 salute please thank you 24:36 want to know the story he apparently he 24:39 was saying how he's got a uh 24:40 you know the the extendo grip he was 24:42 saying how he's got the exact same thing 24:43 in real life because if he lost his uh 24:45 was it arm 24:47 uh he didn't say i'm guessing arm 24:50 because it's an extender grip 24:52 oh he says so i can kick so i can kick 24:55 bunch 24:55 of a bunch of other moving things i 24:57 don't know kick punch kick bunch 25:00 i don't know if you mean bunch or punch 25:02 either way either an arm or a leg but 25:04 either way that'd be cool 25:06 how are they spawning uh the other thing 25:08 i need to get is some wool 25:09 now that's all done i need to get my 25:11 wall a hip-hop god 25:12 phone hold on oh damn 25:16 phone gone oh my god that is the first 25:18 time you gift this up no it's not 25:20 actually i remember i recognize that 25:21 name 25:22 one yeah hell yeah thank you my guy i 25:24 remember because that's a very hard name 25:25 to say 25:27 a confusing ass name thank you though 25:32 i'm not even gonna try and pre hold on 25:34 one j one 25:38 there's alexis there's no chance 25:40 jay z wait what 25:42 jay-z lexus oh jay-z likes this one 25:44 jay-z lexus okay that makes more sense 25:46 hey are you going to do the wolves thing 25:48 now then i might go 25:49 watch face do what thing 25:54 thingy the what new thingy 25:58 wool yeah yeah yeah i'm doing that right 26:00 now oh my god 26:02 oh my god so i'm using these things i 26:05 was oh my god 26:07 i was originally gonna use something 26:08 else 26:10 but shut up 26:13 all right where's my radio show that's 26:16 good 26:17 um not uh not much i mean a lot 26:20 a lot is good thank you oh damn 26:23 thank you again gurgle friend gurgle 26:25 fricks that's a good name 26:26 girlfriend 26:29 finn funny word funny name huh 26:33 you in a bit see you in a bit love 26:36 peace peace all right oh 26:39 um you 26:43 this is not a very good this is not a 26:45 good work environment this is a hostile 26:46 work environment 26:50 your co-workers are kind of 26:52 yeah a little bit oh damn how many is 26:54 this 26:54 six six yeah one 26:57 two so soulless thank you so 27:01 soulless thank you for the five gifted 27:02 subs again what the 27:04 why is i don't get why but whenever i 27:06 play minecraft we tend to get more 27:07 gifted subs 27:09 hey finn don't know if you know but you 27:11 can filter mods by using the it and then 27:13 name of 27:15 the mod also if you are using crafting 27:18 table there is a plus symbol that you 27:20 can 27:20 shift rats oh my god you're right moving 27:23 items in your inv to the table 27:27 also if your crafting table is a plus oh 27:29 yeah yeah no i'm wearing a skirt i've 27:31 been doing that 27:32 no i'm wearing leggings not even lying 27:35 about that 27:37 they're comfy what can i say they're 27:39 comfy shut up they're comfy 27:42 they're really comfy all right i will 27:44 not apologize for 27:45 leggings being as comfortable as they 27:47 are that is not feminine 27:49 it's just pure comfort don't 27:53 don't you dare talk about 27:56 me and my wearing habits 28:00 i got a potato out of that zombie he did 28:03 look at that all right there you go bam 28:06 bam bam and that should be exactly eight 28:10 this should be eight okay egg oh my god 28:14 uh one two three four one two so that's 28:17 seven 28:19 what the have i got one block two 28:21 blow 28:23 i went one block too low it was actually 28:26 supposed to be one block higher than 28:27 that 28:29 well one two three 28:32 okay i'll just go one block lower here 28:34 that's fine it still works 28:36 i'm gonna have to mine a little bit more 28:37 down egg 28:39 egg no i'm not an egg i'm not an egg 28:43 although i guess the point of being an 28:45 egg is 28:46 you know not being an egg almost the 28:48 word like not saying that you would be 28:50 but either way you 28:58 how far oh dude i don't know the 28:59 radiuses of this 29:04 no okay it's not that all right 29:12 i'm not gonna talk to you if i look over 29:14 at chat and i see egg 29:15 i'm gonna be so annoyed i'm gonna be so 29:17 pissed at you 29:24 29:26 i don't like you i don't i don't like 29:29 you 29:30 i don't like you i don't like you you're 29:32 not good 29:33 you're not a good person you 29:35 specifically that did that 29:37 i don't like you i dislike you 29:50 i'm gonna look oh my god it's just egg 29:52 it's just all egg i don't know what you 29:54 guys obsession is with egg 29:56 i mean sure it's good how do you like 29:58 your eggs how do you like your eggs chat 30:00 you seem to talk about them enough 30:02 chat how do you like your eggs 30:08 cracked all right 30:18 cracked the dream smp i got not on the 30:21 dreamers of b movie epic isn't b 30:25 okay minecraft poached egg 30:28 indeed fertilized that's also a good 30:30 option i don't know whether you'd want 30:32 that because that just means it's a 30:33 chicken egg and you'd be eating a raw 30:35 baby 30:36 a child a chicken 30:39 child a chick you'd be eating a chick 30:44 a whole baby chicken you'd 30:46 crunch it hey 30:47 little head do i go brew 30:53 oh i have no idea what that is the only 30:55 room i know is kraken 30:57 uh i do have a different run that is 30:59 called 31:02 plantation i guess 31:06 um but that's the only one i know 31:10 kraken's pretty good i've heard from my 31:13 friend 31:14 the drinks rum i got him cracking for 31:16 his birthday his that is christmas he 31:18 likes his rum 31:19 he does like rum so i got him rum 31:23 okay can i just like can i just flip 31:25 this over 31:26 hold on 31:30 oh i know this block 31:34 ah you 31:37 god damn it okay well that just 31:40 hurts me um 31:41 let's just slow it right ah go away 31:44 fantastic 31:45 source of protein cholesterol vitamin d 31:47 and omega-3s all of which aid 31:50 in the production look at it look at it 31:54 all makes sense now yeah 31:57 it's just because i'm really manly 31:58 that's why everyone calls me an egg 31:59 because i'm really manly 32:02 damn it i can't get it upright like that 32:04 okay 32:05 hmm 32:08 where's it where's the stuff at oh right 32:11 there okay 32:14 i don't think how far it can go here 32:19 not sure how many it goes to 32:23 apparently you can just use regular wool 32:25 but this is way way cheaper 32:30 oh not even close to that okay is this 32:33 the end of it 32:34 does it just stop off there okay cool 32:38 the turbine's hot i know it's really 32:40 sweet 32:42 and too many will make your farts clear 32:44 a room 32:49 indeed all right how many were this too 32:52 many eggs 32:57 i haven't heard of that actually it's 33:00 egg oh no egg farts pretty bad yeah no i 33:02 wait 33:03 i know exactly what you mean by that i 33:05 was like oh no i haven't heard of 33:07 eggy can we not talk about eggy farts 33:09 it's gross as 33:11 all right have to break a torch 33:13 let's put it there okay 33:14 where are we at now this okay still good 33:17 can we go any further here 33:21 yes okay we can 33:24 how much more far 33:28 not that far okay cool so that's the 33:30 edge 33:32 got it oh all right there we go we found 33:36 the edge i just need to duplicate 33:37 all of what i've done there uh how far 33:39 does it go 33:40 another five blocks out all right easy 33:43 peasy easy peasy 33:44 one two three 33:48 four five i once saw a bodybuilder clear 33:51 a pub 33:54 just oh just from 33:59 they have to eat a lot of eggs man it's 34:00 protein muscle building and all 34:02 yeah no i've i kind of like you know 34:04 back when i was like uh back when i was 34:06 like 34:07 a bit younger right what i used to do i 34:09 used to be really really into fitness 34:12 uh fitting this uh dick in your mouth 34:15 uh anyway so 34:18 i wasn't even where i was planning on 34:20 going with that i would just 34:22 anyway uh so uh 34:26 i did i was really into fitness i 34:28 genuinely really was in the fitness i 34:30 did judo 34:31 i did i did judo i did martial arts i 34:33 did uh i did weightlifting 34:35 i did i did running i did like i biked 34:37 every now and then 34:38 i did like sit-ups and stuff uh and then 34:41 it all went to and then and then i 34:42 got really unhealthy and i did youtube 34:44 for a 34:47 that's living i'm doing it bud i'm 34:50 doing it bud i'm gonna do it 34:53 bud i don't care if it's illegal i'm 34:58 gonna do it 35:00 that made me wonder are there any of 35:02 your girls clothes you will keep wearing 35:04 after you 35:06 stop this cross-dressing thing out of 35:08 comfort 35:14 maybe i hate to admit it maybe 35:18 the only difference is i won't have any 35:20 excuse to wear them because like uh 35:22 there's no like oh yeah no i'm wearing 35:23 it because you know 35:24 i i had them you know like there's no 35:27 excuse for it are you and me ours do 35:29 some sparring 35:30 spa no uh i'd destroy murieza 35:34 she has no she doesn't have the training 35:36 that i do 35:37 uh she would be absolutely demolished 35:40 genuinely i'm also stronger than her do 35:42 i need to bring the 35:44 the me arm wrestling her uh video out 35:48 because i will i will do that and it 35:50 will embarrass her and i you know i 35:52 don't care 35:53 i i will do that because you know she 35:56 keeps talking 35:58 she talks so much oh my god 36:01 how many two two 36:09 is that supposed to be a square i think 36:11 so 36:14 but yeah no i'm stronger i have more 36:15 martial arts training i would 36:17 destroy marisa 36:19 anyway we're getting married soon so i 36:20 can't really talk 36:22 too much i'm one off really 36:26 one away where did it go 36:31 there's no way i'm one off oh come on 36:36 come on dude no 36:43 oh that's such a pain in the ass 36:51 that's such a pain in the ass where did 36:53 it go oh is this it 36:55 i found it i found it oh my god i found 36:57 it 36:59 oh my god pog yeah no we can say we can 37:03 say pog now look at this 37:04 yes there we go finally okay we're now 37:07 done we're now done 37:08 so we now we have power for the machine 37:10 it's good it's good i found it i found 37:11 it i've had it 37:14 machine okay we've got a really 37:16 substantially 37:17 uh we've got a really big machine a 37:19 substantially advanced machine 37:23 okay let's get this thing off that's how 37:26 the dud 37:27 all right um it sounded really weird 37:30 okay in theory now should be able to 37:32 increase the uh the thrust 37:34 power what the 37:37 okay right increase the thrust 37:41 up to 256 rpm click that 37:44 oh my god it's spinning boys look at it 37:46 spin all right 37:48 let's go down it's spinning wind 37:50 underground 37:51 look at this that is a maximum 37:54 capacity 37:55 windmill right there you can't build a 37:58 bigger windmill 37:59 i love it it's all by the way i couldn't 38:01 add a single thing to this machine 38:03 one extra fan and it would break 38:06 genuinely it would break 38:07 there's no uh it you can't get any 38:09 better mmm 38:10 giant waffle okay so now i've got these 38:13 like item filters oh they're so cool i 38:15 got these item filters 38:16 they're the best uh they only take 38:18 certain things okay let's use 38:21 in fact let me do let me show you a 38:22 quick test i'm gonna get one stack of uh 38:24 this and then one stack of 38:25 diorite okay let me show you what i'm 38:27 after 38:28 so this machine should in theory 38:32 process iron or any ore 38:35 and diorite any ore by the way 38:37 absolutely any other in fact i'm going 38:38 to get another raw just to show you 38:41 uh do i have another one in here i don't 38:44 think i have another one no i don't have 38:45 another one i don't want to run all the 38:46 way there i want to see this happen 38:47 um it'll crush the ore 38:51 which i think it might did i pick it up 38:54 no okay it's crushing the ore it's going 38:56 to drop the crush door down onto this 38:58 thing 39:00 i think oh wait i didn't oh my god i 39:02 don't need that there 39:03 that's incorrect oh my god this is an 39:06 incorrect thing 39:08 hold on wait hold on 39:12 uh 39:14 i didn't need that that there we go 39:17 it do i do this again 39:19 iron ore's in there okay it's gonna 39:20 crush the iron ore 39:22 wait what it's backwards why is it 39:24 backwards 39:26 wait why is it spinning why is it 39:27 backwards 39:29 ah is it because i flipped it oh no 39:32 oh it's cause i flipped it wait it's 39:35 doing the wrong thing now 39:37 they're spinning they're spinning 39:38 backwards look 39:42 let me slow it right down they're 39:45 spinning 39:46 backwards oh how do i do how do i 39:48 fix this 39:50 oh oh no this isn't good 39:55 oh no oh 39:59 this is bad oh no 40:02 um oh no my machine 40:08 wait it's all backwards why 40:16 make windmill spill spin the other way i 40:18 don't know how 40:20 i don't know how to make it spin the 40:22 other way 40:24 how do i make it spin the other way 40:31 how do i make it spin the other way put 40:33 the speeding negative 40:35 that's i don't believe that's how that 40:36 works 40:44 i knew that's how that worked 40:48 anyway so it crushes the stuff i i just 40:50 fixed the machine all by myself 40:52 uh okay so it crushes this crosses the 40:55 iron ore it you just saw it it just 40:56 became crushed iron ore 40:58 uh it gets washed in this thing then 41:01 this 41:01 oh it's also doing it with the sand so 41:03 the sand just came out there it's 41:04 getting shut the sand from the diorites 41:06 getting shoved down there 41:07 it's being cooked in this thing with the 41:09 lava and then it's put into this chest 41:11 created limestone 41:12 this machine takes the iron ore all at 41:15 the same time by the way 41:16 turns it into ingots puts it in the bunk 41:18 machine 41:19 and bunks it until it's 41:22 something else 41:24 and we're just getting bonked materials 41:28 we're just getting iron ore out of that 41:30 how insane is this 41:36 oh it's so cool oh it's the best look at 41:39 that and we've got 41:41 wait what the happened to the rest 41:42 of it oh yeah there was half a stack in 41:43 there i think i picked up the other 41:45 or something oh yeah okay there's the 41:46 crush dino uh 41:49 wait i'm crushing the crushed iron ore i 41:51 don't know what this is gonna do anyway 41:53 um but yeah pretty cool eh 41:56 bunked it to oblivion let me throw the 41:59 iron nuggets in there that i picked up 42:02 if i can i don't think it will crush 42:04 will it crush 42:06 there you go the bonking the bonking 42:08 bunk bunk 42:09 then it goes into there amazing amazing 42:12 okay let's go get let's do the same 42:14 thing with more 42:15 bunking or doubling yeah but one tiny 42:17 compact machine for it 42:19 that's functioning on absolute maximum 42:21 efficiency 42:23 i love it i love it this is my favorite 42:25 thing 42:26 uh new thing this is my favorite new 42:28 thing um i love this 42:32 let's do let's go right up to the bonker 42:35 uh where's my there it is okay right up 42:38 to the bonk machine right there 42:41 i want a good viewing platform actually 42:43 of the bunker 42:47 uh let's do something like this 42:50 yeah okay i want a good viewing platform 42:53 here making sure everything's being 42:55 oversaw you know 42:57 everything's going well uh there is lava 42:59 here so i am 43:00 being very careful not to place wood 43:02 there because that would be bad 43:04 that'd be not good actually um 43:08 so yeah look at this machine dude it's 43:10 so fun 43:11 it's so cool it's so perfect 43:15 are you gonna ride it 43:19 oh yeah i just thought by the way what 43:21 if we made a slingshot 43:24 what if i just made something like this 43:26 that picks you up and throws you 43:28 that'd be cool cough you can tell this w 43:31 is nt built by william osmond 43:34 it actually works cough yeah by the way 43:37 you don't even have to do that you can 43:38 just do this 43:39 hold on hope you can't huh really no i 43:41 can't 43:42 i'm doing it i'm doing it i just i'm 43:44 doing it right now yeah you're not 43:45 really getting launched though you're 43:46 just stuck 43:47 on it watch this switches you're not 43:48 getting launched this time 43:50 no no no no i'm on the top of it look at 43:54 me go 43:55 look at me go look at me go i'm a 43:58 trapeze artist look at me go i'm doing 43:59 it i'm doing it 44:00 no i'm doing it look at me go 44:05 with me wait i just thought something 44:07 wait wait did you say wait 44:09 marisa did you say that 44:13 that black death guy spawns near 44:15 villages 44:17 yeah do you know what we have down in 44:19 this cave 44:21 village a village 44:24 maybe he's already there let's go check 44:26 interesting 44:28 oh i don't see anything 44:32 i don't see him i don't see any rats 44:34 though either 44:36 hmm let's head out to see you no i don't 44:39 see him anywhere here 44:40 i feel like we'd know what he looked 44:42 like right well you have 55 levels you 44:44 want to try making a thor 44:46 yeah we need a another uh 44:51 skeleton just died by shooting me oh 44:53 yeah i put thorns throughout on my armor 44:56 all right i i'm down to try and get what 44:58 was god trading disenchant yours 45:01 was it channeling you need channeling 45:04 and uh 45:04 loyalty and it's gonna be a thor trident 45:06 an impaling five doesn't hurt as well 45:09 i'm this feels like a bad idea actually 45:11 oh this already felt like a bad idea but 45:13 royalty tracks oh i just took mending 45:15 off it too whoops 45:16 jeffy lapis yeah throw me lapis 45:20 um okay what is your trades to what's 45:24 your number three what's your 45:25 loyalty t3 go for it and see if you get 45:27 channeling 45:28 no dragon is channeling the harder one 45:32 together is loyalty law two three 45:34 three god damn it okay um you think i've 45:37 got a lot of levels for this yep 45:39 yeah 45:39 i'm breaking no 45:43 i don't need them breaking that's the 45:45 exact opposite of what i need 45:46 yeah i'm breaking it before go for it go 45:48 for loyalty or 45:50 channeling or just loyalty that's not 45:51 good okay we need loyalty and channeling 45:54 we're making essentially a uh mjolnir 45:57 right 46:01 hey buddy yeah oh what the 46:05 yes you got the god trend okay nice nice 46:08 nice that's the perfect one 46:10 whoa only one that's the one you want oh 46:12 my god 46:15 huh there's a small chance you get that 46:17 one it's like perfectly equipped and i 46:19 got that the first 46:20 try ever but i didn't want it wait i 46:22 really should put mending on this thing 46:24 but 46:24 yeah let's just let's let's god 46:29 yeah i know i'm gonna throw it directly 46:30 at you okay let's go 46:32 jesus christ the god this isn't 46:36 a quarry no wait we could do okay all 46:38 right let's go to corey 46:40 oh my god yeah you're ready to strike me 46:43 down okay wait 46:44 are you sure you don't want to wear 46:45 armor nope i want to eat for food first 46:48 oh wait let's see let's wait 46:53 okay ready 47:08 i don't know there's no lightning i 47:11 think it needs to be on a mob 47:12 maybe it's a chance 47:16 can you explain me this to put armor on 47:18 there specially the domination 47:20 did rose became a dominatrix while i was 47:23 away 47:25 i love that noise 47:28 how much damage is it doing what oh 47:31 only in thunderstorms it needs to be 47:33 raining okay 47:35 so once it rains we go to a village and 47:36 then use thunder strike me 47:40 oh it's so so that's if i stick it in 47:42 the water 47:45 it's mjolnir can i try it yeah 47:55 yo that's nuts 47:59 look how far this goes 48:02 oh it's sick throw me 48:08 oh wait it landed is it going to come 48:12 back 48:14 that's so cool i get we have to wait for 48:17 rain i want to see the 48:18 mule near yeah rename it to mjolnir oh 48:21 dude no i'm keeping this thing actually 48:23 it's really cool 48:24 you got the perfect enchants on it 48:25 there's like they like i said there's a 48:27 chance to get 48:27 these exactly and they're the perfect 48:29 ones my chance 48:31 oh damn it i was really hoping it oh 48:33 really it's a lot of damage 48:35 what three hit kill it's a long range 48:39 thing though it's pretty neat 48:40 i really want mending on this thing 48:42 really really well mending do we have 48:44 rain to start quickly toggle can we get 48:46 uh can we get cube one to toggle down 48:48 for 48:51 okay i'm gonna put mending on this thing 48:55 please put mending on it i'm on it i'm 48:56 on it i'm on it uh adding mending now 48:58 i'm gonna call it mjolnir or fanboy fork 49:02 see mjolnir is kind of better fanboy 49:05 fork 49:06 fanboy fork's really funny but i think 49:08 mjolnir might be the way to go with this 49:10 one 49:11 nah it's gotta be fanboy if you're for 49:13 bjork 49:15 boyfriend boy you're near your boy fjork 49:19 what do you call it fanboy org 49:24 this family for york 49:28 that's funny hey buddy i need the i need 49:30 the guy of mending but i need the guy 49:32 you should let me 49:33 you should let me name it because i 49:35 don't think you have the this 49:36 this letter thor oh 49:40 hey books i need a bookshelf uh 49:44 i need to get some books i can just 49:47 google it my guy 49:48 but what about fijner 49:52 that doesn't make any sense that's like 49:54 two levels deep in the meme 49:58 family 50:01 i think penboy fork is cooler than just 50:03 calling it mjolnir 50:05 yeah uh who knows 50:09 come along with me we should 50:14 oh you want me to name it uh what do you 50:17 want to name 50:18 uh just type it in your chat i'll be 50:19 able to copy paste it 50:23 uh yeah type it in my chat or discord 50:29 type in the discord put it in your chant 50:32 oh 50:33 no no i mean the whole word on here 50:37 yeah uh the whole world holding this 50:41 no no the word that we're going to name 50:42 it too you want to know 50:44 okay what do you want to name it fanboys 50:46 fork or mjolnir 50:48 chat can we do a poll with this one 50:54 oh i just saw listen the highlighted 50:56 message just saw it i'm gonna tell a 50:58 little 50:58 uh what do you think chat fanboy funeral 51:01 okay fanboy new york 51:02 future fork wait wait can we do a poll 51:06 what the ball is going to be either 51:09 fanboy fork 51:10 fanboy fjorg or mjolnir all right i'll 51:13 do a poll 51:14 i'll do i'll do an actual poll okay do 51:17 fanboy fork fanboy fjork 51:19 and then i don't know if you're allowed 51:22 to write femboy in the poll 51:24 uh yeah for sure 51:34 near god how do i type that 51:37 okay am i allowed to do it nope not 51:41 allowed to do it okay fine we're gonna 51:42 rename it to threes instead of the e 51:46 oh come on dude can i 51:49 a bad word i don't know why fembo is a 51:52 bad word 51:53 feminine boys that is not a lot of 51:55 apparently femboy is now not allowed on 51:57 twitch 51:57 okay we're going with fanboy to be 51:59 masculine fanboy fjork 52:02 really fanboy fjork is the it's a winner 52:04 yeah yeah yeah 52:06 bamboo if you work for york this is 52:09 winning hard 52:09 i guess i am the best at naming things 52:11 you want me to put it in or i'm doing i 52:13 already did it 52:14 okay capital letters yep 52:18 capital letters fanboy fjord 52:22 maybe it's because i can't say it but 52:24 that's why people chose it 52:26 can't you say the word huh 52:29 fjork 52:42 oh i didn't put him ending on it 52:51 hell yeah we now have the fanboy funeral 52:53 okay uh 52:54 let me like grind levels with it 52:58 it's like a goddamn laser funk 53:01 funk funk and unequip the extender grip 53:05 so it looks cooler 53:11 oh someone said something about like if 53:12 you fill your inventory up it'll do 53:14 something cool hold on 53:16 it should like circle around your head i 53:18 think let's try it hey 53:20 i'm not gonna be able to give you the 53:22 rest of the stream 53:26 have a great rest of your stream 53:29 [Laughter] 53:32 yeah come near me i dare you yeah oh my 53:36 god damn i'm a god magics 53:39 magics thank you for the jesus christ 53:41 sorry what if you have like a lot of 53:42 them hey becca i'm not gonna be able to 53:43 catch the rest of the stream i just 53:44 wanted to say have a great rest of your 53:45 stream i 53:46 will thank you magic i did it look what 53:49 we did look what we've created 53:50 i'm just gonna let this circle my head 53:52 until it despawns um 53:57 look how cool it looks in your hand 53:58 though too i forgot that how cool 54:00 tridents look 54:01 man i like that all right but thank you 54:03 so much for attending subs in the 15 54:05 thank you that's so nice of you it do be 54:08 spinning though 54:09 it's a melee weapon too wait is it 54:12 i didn't even think about that i forgot 54:14 you have to throw it 54:16 how much is the damage oh bread weird 54:20 nine attack damage that's not terrible 54:22 it's not great you have impaling though 54:24 i don't know if impaling is 54:26 only good for throwing yeah 54:29 i'm not sure what would be good on the 54:30 trident for um regular like damage 54:33 i don't know if you can put sharpness on 54:34 the trident hold on 54:36 trident okay what can you put on the 54:38 trident channeling impaling loyalty 54:40 mending okay got a lot riptide and 54:42 breaking 54:43 no okay you can't put sharpness on it 54:45 damn it okay 54:47 or at least it doesn't work poseidon i 54:48 am poseidon 54:50 god of this what's that fine 54:52 poseidon quivers before me 54:54 all right let's see how it's fully 54:58 mended there we go 55:00 it will have to just cam i love that i 55:03 love it so much i have to camp at a 55:06 village until it rains and then 55:08 oh close try again and try again 55:13 bonk right dead guy get struck by 55:16 lightning 55:16 as soon as you hit him oh i missed yeah 55:19 yeah how cool is that 55:20 that's amazing oh damn it come on finn 55:24 i'm sorry go in the water and see if you 55:27 fly no you need a specific enchant that 55:29 i don't have on it 55:30 i've sacrificed my ability to fly with 55:32 it 55:34 but it's very neat wait i can actually 55:36 use my other depth striding boots now if 55:38 i have this 55:39 yeah anyway you'll be significantly 55:42 slower 55:43 yeah yeah definitely just make two yeah 55:45 no well i mean i have to oh with the 55:47 trident oh god wait i want this 55:49 i want hmm okay there we go 55:53 i'm gonna bunk all my stuff right into 55:55 here curious take my trident hold them 55:57 both and press right click and see which 55:59 one is gonna get activated 56:02 wait what what do you mean press right 56:03 click 56:07 what what what do you mean press right 56:10 click 56:11 oh both in your hand i think it's the 56:14 one that you're holding 56:15 yep you look so funny i'm 56:18 poseidon quivers before him look here we 56:22 go 56:22 all right you take yours this is sick 56:25 though 56:26 trident stupidly rare item we've got uh 56:28 we got mjolnir trident now okay 56:30 uh the reason why i cleared my imagery 56:32 i'm actually gonna go process a lot of 56:33 these oars 56:36 okay um okay i'm great 56:39 okay i'm gonna go stand outside and do 56:41 my makeup all right as soon as it rains 56:43 i'll scream 56:44 okay okay okay i really want to know 56:47 actually i feel like i should put like a 56:49 glass ceiling or something and i can see 56:51 it raining and we can go and test out 56:53 the 56:53 abilities of the fanboy fjork uh 57:07 what if i do this oh it goes through it 57:09 interesting 57:11 look at that it's bonking it's bonking 57:13 real hard dude look at it go 57:14 and then it takes the stuff out of there 57:16 makes it into iron ingots so 57:18 i've put a half a chest of iron in there 57:20 it should fill up the entire double 57:22 chest of iron 57:23 uh ingots which is pretty nifty 57:28 oh wait can i make iron blocks 57:31 from bunking oh i can what if i 57:34 what if i double bunk it 57:37 i don't have enough power to do that 57:39 though with just this one with 57:40 window i don't have enough power 57:45 but i could in theory i could double 57:47 bonk this 57:49 there's capabilities of double bonking 57:50 in this double the bunk 57:53 recirculate it 58:05 we could double the bunk 58:09 i think we could double the bunk dude 58:20 i don't know if it continues to double 58:22 the bunk 58:23 i think you need to go it has to be a 58:25 thunderstorm for the channeling 58:27 enchantment to work on mobs 58:29 we're waiting for rain 58:32 so right now what's happening is we're 58:34 filtering out 58:36 only the nuggets from here so we don't 58:38 pick up any of the couple it just 58:39 despawns 58:40 and then it goes the nuggets go into 58:41 there and then we're only filtering out 58:43 the iron ingots which is that filter 58:45 right there 58:46 but we're also filtering out like copper 58:47 ingots stuff like that so those two 58:49 filters apply 58:50 this filter applies to copper gold zinc 58:53 and iron nuggets and then this one 58:54 applies to iron 58:56 to all of those ink but ingots if we 58:59 recirculate the stuff from this chest 59:01 back into the bunker and then added 59:06 blocks to the filter we could have like 59:09 a bunch more stuff in there 59:11 but it's i don't know how to do that 59:15 i really don't know how to do that 59:19 maybe using shoots and 59:25 uh maybe using shoots 59:28 i don't know we need to take a 59:32 shoot going down right we need to do a 59:34 shoot we need to do a shoot down here 59:36 so a shoot would go here drop them onto 59:38 there a fan would push them across into 59:40 another shoot which 59:42 another fan there pushes it up 59:45 and then when it's up here we need a 59:48 another fan pushing it sideways into 59:50 another filter there which then goes 59:52 into that 59:53 that's what we need to do 59:56 that's a lot of bunks that's an awful 59:59 lot of bunks 60:00 um which we could do 60:04 we need to make more power though 60:07 maybe use a belt it's so hard to get 60:09 items off a belt 60:11 plus you need to go up with it such a 60:13 pain in the ass 60:15 um 60:18 double the bunk double the stonks 60:22 is this a future youtube video probably 60:23 not who knows 60:25 i don't know do we do we have to 60:28 should we try and double the bunks i 60:31 don't know if we should be able to 60:32 double the bunks 60:33 is that power that i'm allowed to have 60:38 look at all that iron hmm 60:43 let's try it that's a lot of bonk dude 60:52 we need so many fans we'd also need a 60:53 new power source though that's the issue 60:57 we need new power source 61:01 huh we need a lot more fans 61:04 hmm okay 61:07 i'm thinking we can do it i'm thinking 61:09 we can make we can probably definitely 61:11 do it 61:12 we need to make a new filter how do i 61:14 make a filter again because i didn't 61:15 even have to make it for this 61:17 black wall and i know okay um 61:21 what is this it's the bunk machine 61:24 it's the bonk machine god damn it uh 61:26 basically we put oils into here it comes 61:28 out over here 61:29 but loads of them instead you can filter 61:32 the bunk it only takes out the blocks 61:34 you can just filter the bunk it takes to 61:37 take out the blocks 61:38 will it do that 61:42 i don't know whether they'll i don't 61:44 know whether it'll do that though 61:46 well okay let's give it a try anyway you 61:48 know there's no harm in trying 61:50 uh we need one wool and we're gonna need 61:53 a uh 61:54 couple of these all right 61:57 uh some of that like that like there i'm 62:00 dude i'm lagging being here this is 62:01 really laggy i'm gonna go over here now 62:04 okay 62:05 we need to add uh definitely oh no we 62:07 need iron 62:08 oh damn it okay we need to go to our 62:10 supply uh we need to be able to make 62:12 blocks of everything though which is a 62:13 bit annoying 62:16 so we don't want to take out the ingots 62:18 we just want to take out the 62:20 hmm 62:24 interesting interesting 62:29 i wonder if we're gonna get any problems 62:30 with despawning items 62:32 he looks cute without makeup thank you 62:35 uh 62:36 haha big gay all right oh my god rats 62:40 rats um 62:45 i don't i don't know whether we're gonna 62:47 have an issue with item d 62:48 spawns do they despawn i feel like they 62:51 do despawn 62:52 with that anyway have the new mods been 62:54 added yet yes 62:55 yes they have it's terrifying i am 62:58 terrified thoroughly 63:00 uh rats are very challenging why am i 63:03 lagging so badly holy 63:05 genuinely i'm lagging pretty bad i'm on 63:06 like 40 fps right here 63:08 um okay um we need blocks of everything 63:12 okay block of gold 63:13 block of iron we're gonna need a block 63:15 of copper 63:17 and we need a block of zinc okay 63:20 that's fine i just need to see him we 63:22 don't need to use them up 63:25 okay god damn it uh there we go 63:30 okay go there we should go bunk there we 63:33 go so now that's in the item filter so 63:35 now it won't take out 63:37 iron ingots it will just take out 63:41 insane it will should just take out the 63:44 right blocks 63:46 it should just take out the blocks and 63:47 not the ingots 63:49 why is the elevator broken it's not 63:50 broken i just didn't do it right 63:54 it's just as fat it's just a little bit 63:56 quicker if i did it that way i'm kind of 63:58 scared 63:59 so here's my issue right now see all of 64:01 them are gone right 64:03 all of these are gone i just don't know 64:07 whether we've got any d spawns 64:12 i don't know anyway okay so let me just 64:15 like 64:16 take that out okay i got a filter out of 64:18 that weirdly enough that filter was not 64:20 in the recipe i've just duped a filter 64:22 so that's an interesting dupe and i'll 64:23 replace it with that one so we place the 64:25 ingot 64:26 filter with this and we'll see if we get 64:28 anything 64:34 it's working chat we're double bunking 64:38 we're double bunking 64:41 we're double bunking right now holy 64:48 we double bunking boys 64:52 let's go 64:55 oh my god yes we double bunking 64:58 we double bunking 65:01 let's go let's go we did it we did it 65:05 okay cool 65:06 now we're all now we're just getting the 65:07 iron blocks cool if we throw in 65:09 something else too if we throw in the uh 65:12 if we throw in the um copper it should 65:15 do that that's 65:16 amazing for storage space oh that's 65:18 great 65:19 one double chest of iron should fit into 65:21 just one row now 65:23 pog big pug okay that's a big part right 65:26 there 65:27 my only issue is gonna be item d spawns 65:30 i really don't know if it's gonna 65:31 despawn 65:33 hmm okay we'll see 65:36 uh you know what while it's doing that 65:38 it can do the diorite automatically 65:40 so we'll throw in some diorite because 65:42 that's a whole different system 65:44 let's start doing diorite let's turn 65:45 that into a limestone 65:48 this is gonna be good same ac dc shirt i 65:50 won't lie to you i've been wearing it 65:52 for days 65:52 uh i was already wearing it for one day 65:54 when when you saw the video so i 65:56 they don't do spawners crates turns them 65:58 into a different type of item 66:01 is that true is that true right now 66:05 stinky boy i'm not stinky boy i'm not a 66:08 stinky boy 66:09 don't call me a stinky boy i'm not a 66:11 stinky boy i'm a good smelling boy 66:15 there we go that's all being filtered 66:17 through there this happens in 66:18 very very quickly very very quickly gets 66:21 turned into this 66:22 look at this we've already got like five 66:24 stacks 66:25 pretty nifty fine then dirty girl 66:30 see that's better see that's what i'd 66:32 have preferred i'm glad that you're 66:33 respecting my uh my decisions 66:37 thank you 66:41 let's do that i always feel like i want 66:43 to keep this on me 66:45 um what else do i want to momentary this 66:48 maybe 66:49 and some wood a bucket 66:52 look at some water a skinny girl hell 66:54 yeah stinky stinky stinky girl 66:57 hell yeah all right 67:01 stinky i'm not stinky 67:04 have you been watching bridgette do you 67:07 have clothes like the show 67:08 what the i don't even know what 67:10 that is buddy uh i've been wearing the 67:12 same shirt for four days 67:14 neck showers in between though yeah 67:17 that's me 67:17 oh you know what i did i shaved my arm i 67:20 shaved my arms 67:21 look at this i know you can't tell on 67:22 camera but look at this i shave my 67:23 arms 67:24 it's smooth now as a baby's butt looks 67:27 really cool 67:28 uh i'm just curious to see what it will 67:30 do because i've shaved my arm with a 67:32 razor before and it's 67:33 bad it's not worth doing do not ever do 67:36 it 67:37 but your boy did it with an electric 67:39 razor so i'm interested to see what it 67:41 does smooth egg 67:42 indeed shames i'm still sister indeed 67:46 okay there we go we got a lot remember 67:49 chat 67:50 he is an avenue man 67:56 i don't know what that means i don't 67:59 know what that means 68:01 okay let's pop that in there all right 68:03 this is really loud 68:05 it's really loud all right there we go 68:07 that's gonna all process into that 68:08 hopefully and there we go 68:10 the bunk machine's been done okay what 68:12 should we try and focus on now 68:13 the next thing that we want to get is 68:15 trying to find those the dark 68:17 scythe spawns nuggets and funnel them 68:21 through a chest before they go into the 68:22 base and to be 68:24 made into blocks you can help with the 68:26 spawns 68:29 yeah no i tried doing that and then i 68:31 realized how hard that would be 68:33 because you can't make stuff go from 68:35 inventory to inventory with those 68:36 funnels 68:37 you need to make it go down and it'd be 68:39 an absolute pain in the ass 68:41 um but we're gonna see that that first 68:43 round was just a test 68:45 hey buddies there's been no rat guards 68:48 in here 68:48 maybe over here we're looking for a 68:53 a death guy 68:56 hmm let's go explore a village 68:59 also i'm gonna go see whether uh i'm 69:02 gonna go see whether 69:03 uh we've got nothing hey finn thanks for 69:07 making lockdown a bit more bearable any 69:10 thunderstorms maybe 69:11 thank you i'm glad that i could make 69:13 lockdown a bit more bearable i mean 69:16 i it's been really easy for me i think 69:18 lockdown 69:19 because like uh i was never doing 69:23 anything in the beginning 69:25 buddy please get off my ladder thank you 69:27 i was really no i was really not doing 69:29 anything in the beginning 69:31 like i was i was just inside anyway so i 69:33 didn't really do anything fix the golems 69:35 no 69:36 why would i fix the golems well i don't 69:38 care about him 69:39 that should have been axe man 69:45 oh remember chad he's okay i get it 69:48 no still nothing there oh god i 69:50 can't travel i can't fast travel in the 69:52 water anymore 69:53 because it throws itself 69:58 dunk oh my 70:01 i can't fast travel anymore i gotta make 70:03 a boat like the rest of these plebians 70:05 dude 70:06 all right fine 70:10 damn that's gonna make stuff really hard 70:11 actually hmm 70:14 so you enjoyed the sims so i'm glad i uh 70:16 i i'm just glad i heard it yesterday on 70:18 stream because i was early yeah yeah 70:20 i really did enjoy the same song it was 70:21 very good we were boat riding like a 70:23 pleb i 70:24 know it's the uh the mods the create mod 70:27 and the uh 70:28 and the rats mod now 70:31 the rats mods the interesting one we're 70:32 trying to investigate 70:35 we're looking at if we've seen any rats 70:37 i've haven't seen a rat yet 70:39 on the server which is interesting 70:44 i'm gonna go to a uh i'm gonna go to one 70:45 of the villages and see if one of them 70:47 one of those guys was spawned 70:50 hmm what was weird though was i was on a 70:54 single player world and he spawned 71:07 i'm just gonna leave those to be i think 71:09 they're doing 71:11 they're bit they're you know 71:16 i ship them i ship these two 71:21 they look cute together i i ship them 71:39 you get it like 71:43 like ship anyway uh 71:46 anyway like a like a boat 71:50 it's a very funny joke i need to explain 71:52 it anyway um 71:56 oh all right i'm going to the other 71:57 village see if there's any ratty 71:59 i'm going to see if there's any rat boys 72:02 any 72:03 uh rat boys over there 72:07 deliver the walls and hunt for cheese 72:12 little mousy boys i like five eight 72:14 little pieces of boys that live in 72:16 the walls and hunt for cheese 72:22 i like big boys itty bitty boys 72:25 well whatever 72:30 you know i'm 72:38 ever since the ever since the home of 72:40 phobia has been demolished by the way to 72:42 make room for the nightclub 72:44 i've been seeing a lot of stuff like 72:45 this you know 72:50 right guess you don't talk about zombies 72:52 sexuality in front of them 72:57 all right there's no villagers in the 72:59 village 73:01 five eight little mousy boys that live 73:03 in the walls and hunt for cheese little 73:05 pieces of 73:06 boys 73:08 [Music] 73:10 what's going on in here can we get some 73:12 f's in the chat unfortunately my pet 73:14 terrapin passed away today 73:16 terrapin rip buddy no that's not pog 73:22 chat 73:26 he deserves it chat let's send him off 73:30 i don't know what he was i don't know 73:33 who he was 73:34 but he had a name like terrapin which is 73:37 pretty cool if you ask me 73:40 we'll miss you little buddy we'll miss 73:43 you 73:45 he was a probably a good boy i don't 73:48 know what he was but he was probably a 73:49 good boy 73:51 if he was a goldfish he would have given 73:53 good hugs 73:55 she's probably swam real good 73:59 makes me sad is this place is this 74:02 swagger's old house 74:04 what the is this place 74:07 what the is this place i've never 74:10 been here what the is this place 74:13 what the is this place 74:16 they look fairly advanced what the 74:18 is this place 74:23 is this schwager's old house f 74:27 no ah is this chronos place 74:33 michael who's the place is this 74:36 oh my god wait they've kind of they're 74:38 kind of advanced actually 74:50 okay i'm go over the hill i'm being told 74:54 to go up the hill 74:55 this is the drill oh he's got another 74:57 drill it's a really weird drill 75:00 why has he done it like this 75:04 okay that's a really weird drill 75:07 michael's place okay michael's place 75:09 looks kind of good 75:11 supposed to go over this hill i don't 75:14 know why i would go over the hill 75:15 there's a 75:15 house over there but should i go to that 75:17 house or 75:20 do you really want me to go over this 75:21 hill look at game chat no i'm i'm lo i 75:24 look to game chat i'm 75:25 following the instructions 75:31 i knew what she wanted me to find scam 75:34 why five months in general it's a scam 75:39 what the are you on about 75:42 there's nothing here 75:46 there's nothing here 75:52 what are you on about 76:02 what the 76:08 holy 76:12 oh my god oh my god 76:18 who's whoa it gets better 76:22 who's it 76:25 oh my god 76:34 all i needed will 76:46 what is this 76:49 crinos 76:54 it goes on i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go 76:56 in 76:57 why is it is this sweden what what the 76:59 no it's not sweden what 77:00 flag is finland 77:02 what's what flag is this 77:09 oh my god he's got the same elevator i 77:10 do 77:12 he's advanced bro what the a 77:15 terrapin is an animal 77:17 kinda like a cross between a turtle and 77:20 a tortoise 77:21 oh that's cool though 77:24 that's really cool though that's a cool 77:27 animal 77:29 dude i gotta see what the down 77:30 here scotland or finland 77:32 iceland scotland don't tell me don't 77:35 don't 77:35 i'm it's not scotland it's not scotland 77:40 finnish flag has the opposite colors oh 77:43 okay he's just like starting off a drill 77:45 area 77:46 whoa okay well 77:50 wait why is he is that has he got it on 77:52 multiple levels hold on i gotta know 77:54 no just the one i wonder why he's got it 77:58 like this 78:01 this is weird 78:07 hey buddy this is cool 78:11 wireless transmitter yeah it's the same 78:12 thing i've got in mind oh 78:14 i'm just seeing if it's you know 78:16 multiple levels it's because cool is 78:17 mine anyway jack 78:18 why are you always here on minecraft 78:20 streams hey jackers thank you 78:23 park dude thanks for the 10 gifted subs 78:25 take that back no 78:27 uh 78:33 still counts that still counts i see 78:37 that he hasn't figured out how to make 78:38 it glitch proof yet 78:40 crinos hell 78:47 my god 78:51 this dude he's trying to murder me he 78:54 hasn't figured out how to do this either 78:56 all right 78:59 there we go okay now we can go up 79:02 guess he hasn't figured out how to make 79:04 it glitch proof then hey you're trapped 79:05 there now no i know what i'm doing 79:07 i've used elevators so many times 79:11 water said no i know right the 79:15 cranioshe's a what an 79:19 second level below it's not a big one 79:20 hey emmy no yeah no crinos is an 79:23 that's all i've got to say about it 79:40 [Music] 79:48 so 79:56 [Music] 80:13 didn't marisa try and do that clip 80:16 didn't she 80:17 fake a clip like that did marisa just 80:19 try it did try like eight times to do 80:22 what i just did 80:24 and i did that 80:27 holy oh my god 80:32 that's that that's that's 80:35 pretty good i felt really good about 80:38 that 80:39 so clearly crineos hasn't figured out 80:42 the trick to making it not glitch 80:44 through 80:52 please if someone didn't clip that if 80:55 someone 80:56 didn't clip that oh my god okay i've got 80:59 an idea i 81:00 feel like i can make it not glitch me 81:01 through if i stick really close to this 81:03 railing 81:04 especially if i do this i will make it 81:07 not glitch me through 81:09 if i jump i'm actually in mid-air right 81:11 now and then when we get to the top 81:16 perfect crinos let me give you a tip 81:18 right now on camera make the bottom side 81:20 sticky add block layers to the whole 81:22 bottom of it 81:22 so it's too thick and it'll work again 81:25 and it won't glitch you through and you 81:26 won't die 81:27 so just so you know uh 81:30 do you know 81:34 look at this castle though i mean cool 81:35 castle but uh you're an trying 81:37 to kill me 81:38 oh my god there's many bookcases holy 81:40 how rich is craniosa and those 81:42 leggings you're wearing 81:48 me trying to completely evade that 81:51 question 81:54 um 81:56 hello your highness how are you doing 81:59 uh pretty good pretty good actually 82:02 um pretty good 82:05 pretty good let's go pretty good i'm 82:08 doing great 82:09 um you know what for that i'm gonna oh 82:11 no i would have harvested his sheep 82:13 i might i might have harvested his sheep 82:15 you know like 82:16 sheared them but uh how much stuff did 82:19 this guy have 82:20 okay he's got some diamonds some swords 82:25 this guy's actually kind of going all 82:26 right dude 82:29 minx's head michael's head oh no 82:33 bread i'm stealing some of his bread i'm 82:34 stealing some of his bread i have an 82:36 infinite bread machine 82:37 which i'm sure he's used by the way oh 82:40 my god he's got cows too what the 82:42 this guy dude how do you okay anyway 82:44 this is really cool though 82:46 i really appreciate his craftsmanship 82:50 here 82:53 very neat very nifty very nifty place 82:57 um you should start making potions we 82:59 have made potions 83:01 um just not like a lot of them because i 83:04 never found a use for potions in 83:05 minecraft to be honest 83:07 oh my god like not a not a giant 83:10 use for them in my opinion uh there's a 83:13 lot of good stuff you can do with them 83:14 but 83:15 i don't really need them but i need 83:16 strength potions and speed no not really 83:19 there's no potion to like fly so wowzer 83:23 indeed girl potion shut the up you 83:27 this place is actually really sweet i 83:29 like this actually 83:31 so yeah he's advanced the level of he's 83:33 got good power 83:34 a really terrible mining setup um 83:38 i really dislike this method of 83:39 quarrying like really heavily dislike 83:42 this method of quarrying 83:44 i mean he's he's mastered the wireless 83:46 redstone sure but 83:48 god it sucks though doesn't it wait is 83:51 this his thing down hold on 83:53 is this something 84:00 cool uh yeah this is interesting 84:03 again i'm just going off dude 84:06 okay he does have regular drills okay 84:09 so he's not like a complete dummy um i'm 84:12 glad 84:13 i'm glad he's got that i wish i could go 84:15 up as fast 84:17 but yeah no very neat i probably 84:19 wouldn't i probably won't glitch through 84:21 the floor on this one 84:22 hopefully um egg potion yeah hold on let 84:27 me just see 84:29 i might glitch through the floor i might 84:31 glitch through the floor 84:35 [Music] 84:40 okay come on oh i'm off okay good i got 84:42 off at first 84:44 all right um we're good we're good we're 84:46 good yeah so he's got a spinny boy 84:48 okay he's got this thing i genuinely 84:51 don't know what this is i think this is 84:52 a potion making thing 84:53 so we can put liquids through there and 84:54 it will make them in god damn it 84:56 it'll make him he's got or he's okay 84:58 cool he's got his like furniture he's 85:00 got his uh 85:01 he's got his smoker his burner and his 85:03 uh 85:04 washer it's just fine this is pretty 85:06 good 85:08 leave him a message on how to fix it 85:10 someone will tell him 85:12 i've said it now and i'm very uh famous 85:14 he's got a fly oh he's got a flywheel 85:15 already that's that's pretty good this 85:17 thing generates 85:18 a ton of power why does he need this 85:20 much power 85:23 what's he powering just crushing wheels 85:26 you don't need that much power for that 85:28 interesting i guess it is easy i don't 85:31 know why you'd need 85:32 anyway uh blaze rod's good smart boy 85:35 okay i'm gonna go back over there 85:38 it makes gunpowder 85:42 how 85:47 oh you need 85:51 cinderflower and potion of harming 85:53 though 85:54 this seemed i mean i know you could make 85:56 the potion of harming but this seems 85:57 like a 85:59 you need to use like spider eyes or 86:01 poison or some 86:03 so you need oh this seems like it sucks 86:08 it seems like it really sucks actually 86:11 it makes a lot 86:18 really it doesn't look like it makes a 86:20 lot 86:23 spider right you need spider eyes you 86:25 need to farm spider 86:26 dude that it seems like such a pain in 86:28 the ass it seems like such a pair in the 86:30 ass preparing for 86:31 a war or fireworks fireworks fireworks 86:34 is what i really want a ton of actually 86:36 because as soon as we get elytra's we'll 86:38 be able to fly 86:40 so you know one potion lasts a long time 86:44 no it doesn't though it says it needs 25 86:47 i mean 86:48 oh wait 25 this makes a thousand 86:51 ah yeah 86:56 uh which one's easier to do okay so you 86:59 need spider eyes 87:00 all right thousand what's that for 87:04 400 okay you get 400 all right okay all 87:07 right all right 87:08 okay all right all right fine fine fine 87:09 fine that makes sense 87:11 400 a lot of gunpowder all right 87:17 fireworks for rocket launchers where are 87:19 you on my way back 87:21 to spawn okay 87:25 i think we're this way uh if you're 87:28 getting the right position it will last 87:29 your whole life 87:30 if you get the right potion if you get 87:34 the right potion it will last you 87:35 hey what i don't know what you mean by 87:37 that 87:41 oh there okay oh there she is i see 87:43 marisa over there 87:45 uh okay i need to fight i really wanted 87:47 to find a 87:49 rat boy hmm if we find a rat boy 87:54 we'll be able to like induct him we'll 87:56 put him in a boat we'll bring him down 87:57 into the basement and then we'll 87:58 lightning rod him at some point 88:01 i think that's fine i think that's good 88:07 finn what happened to one cat girl to 88:08 rule them to rule them all 88:10 ah i'm no longer a cat girl because i 88:12 couldn't be bothered to do my makeup 88:14 um very sorry the that's a cool 88:18 looking cave 88:19 uh very cool looking okay hey 88:23 hey hey what's up my wife 88:26 my wife i haven't seen any of those rap 88:28 villagers 88:31 i know where we can find one he shoes me 88:34 still dunk 88:36 oh yeah 88:39 wait you know we can find one i think so 88:42 what do you 88:42 what where i think we need a village 88:46 that's untapped 88:49 and we just wait there no he'll probably 88:52 already be there 88:53 it just needs to load in but i just i 88:55 know just the spot 88:57 really okay thank you for the subs my 89:00 dudes 89:01 thank you jack thanks for thanks for the 89:03 more subs and saints 89:05 why why why why five months pogba 89:08 thank you zane all right look at the 89:11 zombies they're still there i do ship oh 89:13 thunderstorm 89:16 oh my god wait if we find one keep going 89:18 is it thunderstorming 89:19 yeah it's well is it wait wait wait stop 89:22 stop go back to the zombies i'm gonna go 89:24 kill the gay zombies 89:25 no no hit me with oh yeah i'll take it 89:28 i'll take the head 89:31 oh does it really need to be a 89:32 thunderstorm 89:35 that's so rare though oh that sucks 89:40 yeah that's gonna make the scythe even 89:41 even harder to get 89:46 damn i've only ever seen a thunderstorm 89:49 a couple times on the server though 89:52 uh yeah i guess we just need a lot of 89:54 people why am i rotating 89:57 why am i where's your head spinning yeah 89:59 i don't know look it just 90:04 my cat it really wants to be a good 90:06 camera view 90:08 do you not want to just fly there 90:09 through the rain 90:11 can't he can you can with your trident i 90:15 can't i'll 90:15 follow you up with the boat yeah i know 90:18 i wanna i wanna stay with you 90:20 sleeping makes the chance of a 90:21 thunderstorm lower 90:24 interesting wait but everyone keeps 90:26 sleeping 90:27 yeah hmm 90:31 too many bunks you're dizzy yeah 90:34 mouse cable dragging the mouse i have a 90:36 wireless mouse 90:39 look 90:43 i guess i'm so sick and tired of my 90:46 90:46 screen yeah lighting up my 90:50 entire face just whenever i'm in the 90:51 boat it spins 90:53 control of what no it's just whenever 90:55 i'm in the boat look i'm fine now 90:58 but then when i'm in the boat spinny boy 91:02 spinny boy hey where can i where can i 91:04 turn down the brightness on my 91:05 monitor it's a bug so sick and 91:08 tired of it 91:11 hair on laser bad mouse it's a good 91:13 mouse 91:14 is it the g g903 i believe so yeah it is 91:17 it's because it does the wireless 91:19 charging mouse pad by the way 91:21 very under under hyped really sweet 91:24 uh turn the boat off and on again 91:28 when the moon hits your eye like a 91:31 big pizza pie that's a more 91:35 i think riptide's better than channeling 91:37 it is but we're doing a really specific 91:39 thing we need something 91:40 to get struck by lightning we need one 91:44 specific mob to get struck by lightning 91:45 but we're trying to find the mob 91:47 and then we need to abduct him and then 91:49 we need to wait for a thunderstorm 91:52 wait we got a halt here i'm putting on 91:54 my cat ears oh my 91:55 are you streaming even yeah oh okay can 91:59 we 91:59 okay sing it can someone do it no 92:02 i've checked there's no makeup uh 92:06 can i boil it if you're doing cad ears 92:09 uh yeah sure go for it 92:13 i'm finished oh my god 92:17 i've been trying to 92:21 when the moon like a big 92:24 pizza 92:32 it's gone dude let's see how far it 92:34 takes to come back 92:36 oh it just landed that's back 92:42 in front of us i'm currently looking for 92:53 don't you remember what we're looking 92:56 for 92:56 the sand village yeah yeah that's 92:59 that's not an untapped village though 93:03 marisa yeah but it hasn't loaded in yet 93:11 you got to keep going really far forward 93:12 dude we're not close yet we're like 93:14 halfway there 93:16 be there huh we'll be there 93:19 yeah i know i'm just me you can't don't 93:21 keep slowing down 93:22 i gotta make a funny tweet all right 93:25 wait get out again 93:28 all right moon it's your ride it's your 93:31 right leg 93:32 like a big pizza pie that's a more try 93:35 throwing it in the void no 93:36 also how am i gonna find the void 93:39 anywhere 93:40 i need to break bedrock for that trident 93:42 is loyal he is 93:43 he's a very loyal boy every time he 93:45 throws it i think he's lost it i know 93:48 oh my god i genuinely i looked at my 93:50 image i didn't see it 93:52 i can't throw it when i'm piloting 93:55 hmm is that a sh oh it's a dolphin i was 93:58 like oh my god is that a shark 93:59 did that sharks oh dolphin you know what 94:02 the fish to update reckon they added a 94:03 shark 94:07 no damn it uh 94:14 your fiance has a deeper voice i do not 94:16 have a high pitched voice how dare you 94:18 um oh damn jack thank you jack 94:22 we're kind of semi-close to being there 94:24 right now 94:26 no there are no sharks cat i will not 94:29 get terrified 94:30 i'd be genuinely quite scared if there 94:32 were sharks oh damn 94:33 dpps thank you as well 94:37 me we're really getting close to 94:38 this marriage sub goal huh 94:41 my fiance my fiance is really gonna um 94:45 appreciate this can't wait to wear my 94:47 brand new wedding dress that's not brand 94:49 new 94:53 uh you're gonna be a husband or a wife i 94:55 feel i think i'm gonna be a wife 94:57 uh i've got the wedding dress so i feel 94:58 like i'm the wife 95:01 uh when's the wedding we haven't got a 95:03 heartbeat so we can let you be lesbian 95:04 yeah we are exactly wives but i'm gonna 95:07 be a wife 95:09 yeah and i bought a wedding dress 95:11 because i'm trying to my stream right 95:13 now 95:13 i bought a wedding dress too today and 95:15 i'm gonna be wearing a white beanie 95:17 streamed indeed 95:20 oh and the 95:24 moon it's all right like a big pizza 95:26 pizza 95:29 everyone i invited i presume everyone's 95:31 invited we're going to try and get a 95:32 a priest we don't know whether we're 95:34 going to choose schlatt or uh 95:36 swagger cells of the priest i asked 95:37 swagger to be the priest but 95:39 that can be my my best man like oh he 95:42 helped me all the way here you know wes 95:43 can be a bridesmaid maybe 95:45 on minks is the bryce man sorry minx is 95:46 the bridesmaid swagger is the priest and 95:48 i want child to be my best man like my 95:51 you know the like my best my best friend 95:53 kind of deal you know like 95:54 the homie yeah except we're enemies i'm 95:57 gonna go and ask him to be my bad 95:59 best best man no we're not it's season 96:01 two we have positive interactions with 96:02 them now 96:03 okay fine we're we're we're uh 96:05 conglomerate now we're friendly with 96:06 them anymore so i stopped getting death 96:08 threats 96:11 indeed okay so here's the untapped 96:14 village there's still villages in here 96:16 uh one villager in here apparently 96:19 plague 96:20 uh yeah we're looking for a plague 96:23 doctor 96:24 two managers thank you for the sub i'm 96:27 kicks 96:28 yeah no there's not many of them i feel 96:29 like you did kill most of them and then 96:31 we took 96:32 half of them oh they're in a hole 96:36 they're 96:41 they're all in a hole they're just in 96:44 this hole over here 96:45 you idiots all right no it doesn't 96:49 really look like i 96:50 see any of them hmm 96:56 wait are you sure he spawns in a village 96:58 i can check again 96:59 but i i'm pretty sure they they said 97:01 that's check again 97:07 hmm interesting 97:12 interesting make sure it's not a legal 97:15 match not actually a legal marriage 97:16 how would i i have no idea how that 97:18 works if someone just goes like 97:20 and now you're married you know does 97:22 that actually count i don't know what 97:23 actually it is 97:24 demo thanks to the five gifted serves my 97:26 guy what's the marriage we don't know 97:28 yet we haven't set a goal on it mainly 97:29 because we haven't hit the goal we own 97:31 it the sub goal look it look okay 97:33 so not where i'm gonna go yet 97:36 no marriage yet so yeah 97:39 now it comes to the uh plague doctor 97:41 villager he spawns in villages 97:43 but he despawns at night time he drinks 97:45 an invisibility potion when it when it 97:47 turns dark 97:49 wait that's not being despawned that's 97:50 just being invisible 97:52 well yeah you drink invisible so you 97:54 won't see him 97:56 doesn't he carry around rats though 98:03 oh he only spawns the rats after we 98:05 laser him 98:08 i don't think that's true no it's true 98:11 he's against the rats he's he's anti-rat 98:16 i don't think that's true and i'm 98:18 literally watching the video on it 98:20 what do you mean it has to be a newly 98:22 generated village 98:24 really is that true 98:28 it has two rats like the wandering 98:29 traitor has two llamas yeah that's what 98:31 i that's what i thought it has 98:34 um do we need to go find a new village 98:38 he spawns the same way wandering traders 98:40 do but they spawn anywhere 98:48 they spawn anywhere 98:52 there's a wiki i can send 98:55 pog swag 98:58 wandering traders spawn near players 99:02 but they also have houses in villages 99:05 i know where we can find a village that 99:07 has never been seen before 99:09 well how would you know if it's never 99:10 been seen before 99:12 because i can teleport this right to a 99:15 mesa biome which has a very high 99:17 village spawn rate wait hold on 99:20 why are you just saying egg i'm trying 99:22 to look at something i don't even 99:24 i didn't even say anything there was egg 99:25 anyway egg 99:28 uh extra extra uh have they used to 99:31 model this 99:36 have have you used my white spoon like 99:38 anywhere else i don't know 99:42 hmm so it's just a luck thing they'll 99:45 just kind of spawn one day 99:48 um or in a village 99:52 but they're a wandering trader so 99:53 they'll spawn anywhere i think 99:55 they spawn near players 99:59 and do you want to just wait for it to 100:01 spawn or you want to go venture and find 100:03 one 100:04 because i'm pretty sure we have good 100:06 chances if we go to the mesa biome 100:08 there's pretty good chances i think 100:09 let's go there anyway 100:10 let's see let's see there's no use just 100:11 waiting around 100:13 when the moon hits your eye like a big 100:16 pizza pie that's 100:17 amore the only thing we found a 100:20 wandering trader 100:21 he spawned in when like once in in 100:24 near our base right remember he was on 100:27 the mountain those llamas that spotted 100:28 us 100:30 yeah so i don't know 100:36 hmm this is very 100:39 confusing go pilot us 100:43 very confusing i'm gonna i'm gonna do 100:45 some more research 100:47 okay with the research i mean i'm gonna 100:48 should talk weston on twitter 100:53 we should do you should do some more 100:55 research 101:00 i don't know where this guy could be oh 101:01 an enderman oh he's gone 101:04 waifu supply so i just discovered you 101:06 today i gotta say you're my favorite ego 101:07 now 101:07 much love keep up the good work thank 101:09 you i appreciate that 101:11 i like being people's favorite girl oh 101:14 have i done the wrong 101:16 turn oh 101:18 when the moon hits your eye i'm going to 101:21 make a play here 101:25 play big play big play how the do i 101:29 make my 101:29 face not blue every time i'm in the 101:31 ocean 101:33 blue what yeah like my camera is 101:36 just picking up blue 101:38 have you got f5 under the water or some 101:40 101:43 i don't know i have no idea what you 101:44 mean 101:48 the light from the screen is 10 times 101:50 stronger than my elgato key lights 101:53 oh wait oh thank you hold on wait do you 101:55 mean like your minecraft's 101:57 blue well my camera oh i don't know 102:00 don't look at blue make your screen less 102:03 bright 102:04 um but you know shining a blue light in 102:06 your face is going to make you look blue 102:08 uh i'm betting 5k you'll find it well 102:11 jack by the way thanks for the thank you 102:12 gifted subs thank you for the sub maybe 102:15 oh my god look at that boy maybe i 102:18 should do um 102:18 maybe i should do that whole like book 102:20 of subs thing 102:22 no no that's my idea i have a different 102:25 idea also you told me off camera like oh 102:27 you should do this 102:28 no no i didn't you did anyway i have a 102:31 different idea that's no one's done yet 102:33 uh but it's only gonna be for one for 102:35 the top gifted sub 102:36 guy but i have an idea i have an idea 102:41 anyway i have a big idea genuinely 102:43 really good idea on the server anyway 102:46 i bet 2k you'll find it we're going to 102:47 really try don't know if we will though 102:52 book of subs is what craniosa is doing i 102:54 know crinos made such 102:56 how did crinos make that big of an 102:58 improvement by the way 103:00 i just 103:06 thank you having issues just having 103:08 issues 103:09 what having too much free time 103:13 oh okay but we've had loads of free time 103:16 too 103:17 yeah and we also have issues very bad 103:20 yeah but like 103:21 we didn't make that much progress how 103:23 did he make that much progress in that 103:24 shorter time that's a lot of progress 103:27 swagger souls didn't accomplish that in 103:28 the first like 20 hours thank you jack 103:30 what the 103:32 jacques chuckers guys i'm not ignoring 103:34 you but i'm talking to finn 103:48 i'm doing great thank you for asking 103:51 thank you chat for 103:52 for asking thank you 103:55 um uh right now we're doing like a 103:59 right now we're just trying to get the 104:00 biggest item in the game we're going to 104:01 try and absolutely dominate the market 104:04 nope has never died i need to kill him 104:08 is this his first time joining yep go 104:11 fast 104:11 welcome nope 104:16 we need to be the first one to kill 104:17 nopefy oh my god he's on two bars of 104:20 connection 104:20 three bars okay where's he from 104:25 germany okay 104:29 hmm interesting we're gonna go kill that 104:32 guy 104:33 look at this dolphin that's just 104:34 followed us throughout the whole play 104:36 the whole time 104:37 what a good boy goodbye dolphin 104:41 good boy dolphin hey buddy hey 104:44 buddy come here dolphin is that the real 104:46 markiplier 104:48 yeah pins and needles alterations and 104:52 dry cleaners do wedding dress 104:54 alterations and dry cleaning 104:57 and are reportedly still opening they 105:00 say they cannot do fittings at the 105:02 moment 105:04 so you will need to provide measurements 105:06 yourself 105:07 why would i have to measure why would i 105:10 go into a actual establishment with a 105:13 wedding dress 105:14 and say hey bud i'd really like you to 105:17 custom tailor this wedding dress to me 105:21 why would i do that why would i do that 105:23 why would i subject myself to doing that 105:26 why would i do that why would i why 105:28 would i get a bunch of people 105:30 to tailor address to me irl while i'm 105:33 there 105:33 dude do what i have to do that like the 105:35 whole like the 105:36 thing where i stand still and they're 105:38 like showing and 105:40 like around while i'm work no i'm not 105:41 gonna do that that's not to happen yeah 105:43 you should do that that's 105:44 a terrible idea i want the dress to be 105:47 nice on you i want you to be 105:48 sweet tight tight and sexy babe 105:52 you're going the wrong way by the way 105:53 where do you want to go there's no river 105:56 anywhere else this is the only river 105:57 where do you want to go 105:58 you took the wrong way where do you want 106:00 to go well home 106:02 okay we're going home then you didn't 106:04 say the wrong way 106:06 what makes it a legal marriage 106:09 no i don't know where the mason biome 106:24 no map and no one telling you where it 106:26 is i dare you 106:28 there's no what am i supposed to do you 106:30 haven't told me where it is i've never 106:31 been there what was i supposed to know 106:33 exactly where it was huh 106:34 stupid you're so when you get 106:37 into your 106:38 rose persona you're not the same when 106:41 you turn into a woman 106:42 when the moon it's your eye 106:45 like a big pizza pie that's um 106:49 tie fighter i oh what doesn't exist 106:53 thank you so much for the sub 106:55 i'm sorry you're right it don't it don't 106:57 exist i don't know if we need it 106:59 hey guys just testing the mods out i'll 107:00 be but i'll be on later 107:02 sweet all right uh 107:06 what makes it a legal marriage is 107:07 paperwork usually both parties have okay 107:09 yeah we're not doing that 107:11 we're not going to be doing that we're 107:13 not going to sign any papers 107:15 wait was that a rat no it's a tree god 107:18 damn it i haven't seen a rally 107:19 here i got nothing i have 107:23 hey ellie you want to see a rat thanks 107:26 for the eight months 107:27 uh sure 107:30 oh oh you're gonna show me your live one 107:32 oh that's gross you threw me the dead 107:35 body of a rat 107:36 why did you just have that on you 107:38 because i killed one 107:41 yep now before i lose my temper 107:45 you don't want me to lose my temper then 107:48 do you 107:49 yeah all right 107:52 uh what are the new mods rat mod 107:56 i don't know rap mod apparently mod and 107:58 fishing mod rap modern fishing 108:00 [Music] 108:01 see i have a fisheries head to give a 108:03 challenge to chat the highest number of 108:06 gifted subs is still flying 108:08 out more than 1 000 gifted 108:12 yes please no 108:16 this seems to be turned the off huh 108:20 yeah it seems to be off why did you turn 108:22 it off then 108:23 your whole demo thank you for the five 108:25 gifted demo you trader 108:28 no demo has actually demo has given 30 108:36 i'm going to build a big wall here later 108:38 it's going to be huge and i'm going to 108:39 put all my subs names on it 108:42 all right let's see this thing let's see 108:44 cave wall i'm gonna write oh my god we 108:46 left and they all do spawn thank you so 108:47 much for the five 108:48 fin come on now oh my god we just lost 108:50 so much iron 108:54 we just lost so much iron that's all 108:56 supposed to be full of iron blocks there 108:59 what happened we left and it despawned 109:03 oh damn okay let's go another oh no 109:06 wait what about this thing okay well 109:08 this one worked 109:09 oh no oh no 109:15 oh no oh god oh no 109:19 oh no 109:24 oh wait i didn't get my thing it 109:25 follows you 109:34 oh my god why is it on fire everywhere 109:37 oh i can kill the gas now i can finally 109:40 kill this 109:43 where's my where's my thing 109:47 what what what it didn't come back 109:52 what it didn't come back did you throw 109:54 it outside of the nether 109:56 i throw i threw it just here what if it 109:58 went through the portal 110:08 what 110:15 oh what the it just went invisible 110:19 oh my god it's fine it was invisible 110:20 what the 110:22 that was terrifying 110:27 what was that thanks for the 50 subs 110:34 that was very nice jack 110:39 marisa just muted herself thank you for 110:41 the 50 subs 110:47 am i gifted you 50 50 subs 110:50 someone should gift me 50. no just me 110:52 just me just me 110:54 i give them 100. has anyone ever gifted 110:57 you 100 110:58 yeah a few times 111:01 actually hypixel gifted me a hundred 111:03 subs that was the first time there was 111:04 any ever happened i think 111:07 oh is this the nether highway 111:11 that uh yeah cool 111:14 have you know that quite a few times 111:16 someone paid a lot of money for for 111:17 swimsuit pictures 111:19 oh wow you move so slow 111:23 you move so slow i don't want to spam 111:25 spacebar because 111:26 it's going to be loud on my stream 111:29 also what do you mean you move so slow 111:31 you're still so slow you're stupid you 111:32 move so slow 111:35 you move so slowly i'm moving way faster 111:38 faster than you you're not yeah you keep 111:40 blocking me 111:42 nope i'm faster you are let's go 111:46 hold on oh no 111:53 yeah eat my dust nerd yeah eat my dust 111:56 eat my dust nerd i'm stuck yeah eat my 111:59 dust 112:01 yeah yeah yeah nice nice nice nice 112:02 glitching nice yeah 112:05 it's not glitching you were just like 112:06 that was the same thing that was in you 112:08 were 112:08 happening to me wrong it was right 112:12 nice bug abuse my bread no 112:16 no no no no no no no no no no no i'm on 112:19 my lead 112:28 no 112:33 [Music] 112:42 so 112:46 [Music] 112:56 now 113:09 [Music] 113:19 i win i made it i did it it was all me 113:22 it was all me what do you mean what do 113:24 you mean it was all me at the portal 113:26 it was all me how did you won no you 113:28 didn't 113:29 i was literally waiting for you at the 113:30 portal it was all made clutch indeed i 113:33 got through the portal first technically 113:34 so it was 113:35 how that works it was me i did it 113:38 i am not a trader i have two screens on 113:43 okay let's find the thing what 113:49 oh trait traitor you said trader i was 113:51 so confused 113:52 uh you are a traitor you don't you 113:56 donated to marisa and 113:57 uh that's being a shredder michael give 114:00 me some more because i won't insult you 114:02 [Laughter] 114:06 oh no you're more welcome in here no no 114:09 they're more welcome in my chat everyone 114:10 knows finn's a little 114:12 no no marisa just called me a little 114:14 see 114:15 why would you want to give money to this 114:17 bully that called me a little 114:19 ben every time finch turns on the stream 114:20 he just turns into a complete narcissist 114:23 that's true 114:27 like a big pizza pie 114:31 well i do like our relationship we're 114:34 very competitive but we're deeply in 114:36 love 114:37 marriage is about sharing indeed we'll 114:39 share them we'll never find that portal 114:41 again 114:42 hopefully we don't have to share uh jack 114:43 where jack is 114:45 jack where's jacqueline jacket we're 114:47 never gonna find the portal 114:48 mccollin thank you so much for the sub 114:50 gg 114:52 we lost one oh damn dbps thank you 114:56 thank you dvbs thank you for the five 114:59 kids that subs 115:00 i went one billion was so close i think 115:03 after that five it's going to be 115:05 four more gifted subs and then we hit 115:07 the goal 115:09 four more subs and then we hit the goal 115:11 and then we have a marriage marisa 115:13 four more subs until we get married 115:15 marisa married i said yeah 115:21 hey we're getting married dude we're 115:23 getting married like we did it we 115:25 getting married dude 115:26 demo we're getting married 115:30 i'm almost at 700 if anyone feels 115:32 charitable 115:34 you're not you're not excited you 115:36 haven't said a single word about our 115:37 marriage 115:38 no i'm i'm excited i'm just you think 115:40 you didn't say anything 115:42 oh wow you're not excited about my 115:44 marriage huh 115:48 because you're a club chaser uh yeah 115:53 maybe he's gone on to he's gone on to 115:55 west now though it doesn't really count 115:58 let's see if i hit it damn it 116:02 i thought i hit her then jesus marriage 116:04 marriage 116:05 marriage commence yeah we are not 116:08 finding any villagers around here 116:09 anytime soon holy 116:11 jude i was just about to say that if we 116:14 get to the sub goal you have to raid the 116:16 eggman 116:18 himself ms queef come on chat we can do 116:21 it 116:22 by the way do you want at puppeteer7 116:26 who made pokies rust skin to make you 116:29 a cute avatar for merch check him out 116:33 that would have hit 116:38 donk uh hold on what 116:43 i was gonna say that if we if we got the 116:44 sub goal you have to rate eggman himself 116:46 miss queef you mean miz kif or ms queef 116:51 come on check can we do it by the way do 116:53 you want i gotta 116:54 poke i don't know if you i didn't even 116:56 know you can have ross skins 116:59 uh so i definitely haven't seen hers um 117:02 and make you a cute avatar for merch no 117:06 maybe not i don't know we've got a 117:08 different idea 117:09 i i kind of have a different idea on how 117:11 i want merch to go you know 117:16 emerge is awful it's the worst merge 117:17 i've ever seen i know it's not great oh 117:19 my god mink's just joined the mumble 117:22 is she on 117:26 getting on she's getting on i might have 117:28 she got off again 117:30 i like her way more than she joined and 117:31 then left 117:33 i like her a lot more than you less 117:36 hi 117:39 oh they're new kale that's his sister 117:43 oh neat 117:47 um okay let's i thought you said 117:50 villagers spawn a lot here 117:52 oh come on that's unfair 117:59 that's unfair i took away my trident for 118:01 the whoa what the 118:03 that's cool looking for the sake of the 118:05 uh for the sake of the pack 118:07 and now this bullshit's happening let's 118:10 see how it is 118:11 i see how it is i take away my try 118:14 i thought there would be like a village 118:16 here how are we gonna find the nether 118:18 portal again 118:21 we aren't but you want me to do a quick 118:23 scout for a village while you 118:24 wait here or something uh we should 118:27 probably try and find the nether portal 118:29 to get back 118:30 want to just go back i mean i mean 118:34 i i was really hoping there's 118:37 there'd be like a savannah village here 118:39 yeah we'll keep looking let's we'll keep 118:43 looking 118:45 hmm when the moon hits you're right 118:49 i've actually never seen a village 118:50 enough let's get on to see 118:52 i've wait i've never actually seen a 118:54 mesa biome village before what do they 118:56 look like 118:58 uh like some houses i think with people 119:01 in them 119:02 have you seen one before nope 119:06 let's head out to see 119:13 we could go back 119:17 i thought there would be one here nearby 119:19 i didn't know there was an ocean i was 119:20 expecting there 119:21 to be like a village here 120:00 we're in a mesa by um 120:03 marisa yeah 120:10 villagers don't spawn mesa biomes 120:13 bad news 120:18 let's head out more often and nicer 120:22 now whichever way the wind blows we say 120:26 hey ho let's go oh whale this boat's 120:28 rocking away oh rocking the whole world 120:30 round 120:32 cause we're living the sweet life 120:40 yeah time to go back 120:44 god damn it are you going to 120:47 make ruby your maid of honor 120:50 do you have the right shoes no have you 120:52 picked out 120:53 flowers with me ourselves it has to be 120:56 rich 120:56 since it's two princesses we say hey ho 120:59 let's go away oh this was rocking 121:01 oil rocking the whole world round 121:04 because we're living the sweet life i 121:07 hate when you 121:08 say things as fact you're like oh yeah 121:10 no we're gonna go here and they spawn 121:12 way more 121:13 um and i just believe you because you 121:15 said it like it was a fact and you don't 121:17 know 121:19 hate when you stream you turn into such 121:21 a 121:23 you took us on a journey of 6 000 blocks 121:26 to a place where you said that was what 121:28 we were looking for and there isn't it's 121:30 not even possible 121:31 let's head out to see what this world 121:34 has for you 121:35 and for me now i remind you 121:38 everywhere i hate this one 121:39 hey hello let's go oh whale this was 121:42 rocking 121:43 away right now i hate her 121:47 she's thinking of a desert i know what 121:51 you don't like this trip i saw no this 121:52 was a savannah i'm sorry 121:56 when i said they spawn more oh my god 121:59 oh wait wait i thought this was a 122:01 savannah my bird no you didn't it's 122:03 pretty similar 122:04 no you didn't because you when you got 122:06 back from getting the terracotta i asked 122:08 if you'd been to a mesa biome and you 122:09 said yeah 122:10 why don't we get some of this orange 122:12 sand for your for your 122:14 litter box 122:18 i want a divorce 122:22 we're not even married yet i'm i don't 122:25 uh maybe i should go propose to weston 122:28 maybe you should maybe he'll put up with 122:30 your stop throwing it at the 122:32 sets 122:32 no what do you mean my i'm 122:36 trying to help you took me out are you 122:37 uh 122:38 mineshaft 122:43 drown me drown me faster please just 122:46 drown me 122:47 please i want death i want the sweet 122:49 release oh 122:50 let the water fill my lungs holy 122:54 okay i'm along with me 122:58 let's head out to see what this world 123:01 has for 123:02 another oh my god that's a really nice 123:04 looking mine shaft here 123:10 pretty good at parkour 123:18 are you angry i'm angry i didn't know 123:24 you said you didn't know that's my issue 123:27 what's the 123:28 portal next to savannah 123:39 well someone could have warned us 123:46 then you need to stop pretending to be 123:47 upset or else 123:49 i'm genuine i'm very upset if you if you 123:52 if you 123:53 pretend to be upset then people with 123:54 parasocial relationships are going to 123:56 get mad at me 123:58 i'm i'm i'm uh legitimately angry i'm 124:01 very angry 124:02 uh where the is the portal 124:06 where the is the portal i know 124:07 where the portal is but i won't tell you 124:09 you don't know where the photos come 124:11 along with me 124:12 let's head out to see what this world is 124:15 about you and for 124:16 me now 124:20 let's go oh i'm gonna marry 124:36 god 124:45 all right let's see where this thing's 124:46 gonna be all right 124:50 i feel like it might be over in here 124:53 maybe 124:53 i feel like this looks really similar to 124:55 where we were 124:57 at the start maybe 125:01 there's a lot of biome here to explore 125:04 to make sure it's not here 125:08 where the did she just go over 125:11 there 125:14 hmm this is a gigantic place 125:18 oh my god we're never gonna find that 125:20 portal are we 125:24 yeah we're getting married ten minutes 125:26 after dono we are one a divorce yeah 125:29 oh my god and 125:32 hey how the did we find that portal 125:35 what is that over there nothing mountain 125:38 all right 125:45 all right fine we're okay fine five five 125:48 five five 125:49 uh you can create infinite iron out of 125:51 cobblestone i know 125:52 i've been working on something like that 125:54 what over here 125:56 hey it might cause a little lag though 126:00 what is that block oh 126:03 where's the make where where the makeup 126:05 thingy i'm so sorry there is no makeup 126:07 let's see who's back at base first 126:11 i'm not doing okay uh how um 126:14 should we try and actually do some 126:16 research about getting this guy and not 126:17 just making guesses 126:19 i feel like if he spawns like the 126:21 wandering traveler it's just a look 126:22 thing like there's no way to just get in 126:25 we need to 126:26 there's a boat here yeah i placed it to 126:28 slow you down 126:30 but then you just dug underground 126:34 which might have been a smart move 126:43 oh my god i did so good though and it 126:45 glit 126:48 it's over here don't block me don't 126:51 block me i didn't block 126:57 oh you on that was so good 127:04 that was so good for a second there for 127:06 a second there i felt amazing 127:23 i'm just doing trick shots and jumping 127:26 no we're not it's fine 127:30 we're fine we're all good we're fine 127:35 we will not be attacked head out to sea 127:39 this world as for you and for me now 127:42 oh yo 127:45 let's go sweet life 127:49 holy crap finn is actually good at 127:50 minecraft i know people don't i don't 127:52 stream minecraft so no one ever sees my 127:54 extreme 127:55 uh proficiency at this game 128:01 legit dreams cousin out here i know i 128:03 really 128:07 oh am i was going to place a water 128:08 bucket and slow it down oh yeah no 128:10 that's not going to work 128:14 oh it soon i can do that yeah 128:18 i'll do a drinking night with that 128:20 wasn't that impressive actually 128:22 huh come along with me 128:25 turn out to see we're almost at the end 128:30 okay there we go oh my god how are we 128:32 not already there 128:39 that's pretty good let's really 128:42 some things up 128:43 dunk see ya oh my god 128:46 hey buddy you want to come through the 128:47 portal with me thanks 128:53 oh where'd he go goodbye i'm going to 128:55 see weston now 128:57 i'll go and see weston with you 129:01 what i'm going to come see weston weston 129:04 wesley 129:04 no no we you're not part of our 129:07 relationship 129:08 i want to be part of the relationship he 129:10 wore a made dress i wore a made dress 129:11 with one in the side i wore a made dress 129:13 no i wore my dress i wore maid dress 129:15 yesterday i wore my dress before you so 129:18 i wear materials way before that before 129:20 i actually invented the dress 129:21 so i actually wear this way before you 129:24 twitch 129:25 well let's see who's in town first 129:30 oh i can't park all my way out of 129:33 that dude 129:34 she's flying 129:38 except i don't i don't know how you guys 129:39 get trolled so easily 129:42 is there a dolphin what the is that 129:44 a jellyfish 129:46 oh this is such a good hunting tool it 129:48 is a jellyfish can i eat it 129:51 i won't know huh 129:54 are there any dolphins around 129:58 no well i got to kill squid 130:03 why did you just bounce off you 130:09 yeah death to you buddy this sucks 130:13 i feel so slow why am i in a boat 130:17 okay you're getting this stroll oh my 130:20 god anyway 130:21 there's no way this is gonna happen dude 130:22 there's no way i'm gonna actually manage 130:24 to go and get the um 130:26 damn it there's no way i'm gonna manage 130:28 to find this guy 130:31 hmm this is terrible 130:35 i don't know what to do from here 130:37 there's so much that i there's so much 130:38 there's so much land that i could try 130:40 and explore but there's no like 130:42 there's no guarantee because we don't 130:43 actually know how to get the guy 130:45 but thank you thomas for the shop thanks 130:47 for the tier one sub my guy 130:49 jesus we had another sub goal how long 130:51 has it been since we did like sub goals 130:53 actually 130:53 that's really cool 130:57 whoop 131:01 okay well that's gone forever 131:05 hey hey 131:08 hello hey no one on the train wait i 131:11 just heard him 131:12 hey stop i'm here don't make me come 131:15 down there 131:15 i'm here though you were looking for me 131:17 question i meant i heard weston not you 131:21 oh you're not the main attention of my 131:24 brain anymore you used to be but then 131:26 you turned into a 131:27 baby 131:30 not a baby a manly man 131:34 along with me 131:50 foreign 131:52 that was pretty close 131:59 did i hit you did i hit you 132:07 did i hit you with the thing damn 132:11 did i yeah that's awesome i think i'm 132:14 having a heart attack 132:15 i need a break really 132:19 hurts oh 132:24 get well soon hello 132:27 hello hello 132:43 oh why is my game lagging stop throwing 132:46 them 132:46 what wait that zombie is aggro 132:50 do something up there it's a skeleton i 132:53 think oh no it's 132:54 oh it's them it's the boys 132:57 are they just getting in the game 133:03 [Music] 133:08 [Applause] 133:12 [Music] 133:25 you have a very deep voice 133:37 it's like you're the opposite of wes 133:41 literally hey how are you i love you i 133:43 love you hey 133:44 he's gonna ride hey i need to find i'm 133:46 trying to find the naked skin right now 133:47 hold on 133:51 hey where's my fish um 133:56 yeah i was i was i was i i i it has come 133:58 to my attention that you have not 134:00 replied to my tweet which is making 134:01 securely refreshing refresh refresh 134:03 refresh severely under performance 134:05 refresh refresh refresh 134:10 the wheels you gotta grease the wheels 134:12 it it you know you 134:13 increases the uh the dynamic i don't 134:15 know what else earth do you want about 134:17 well okay it turns out west doesn't wipe 134:20 after pissing 134:22 why are you supposed to wipe after 134:23 pissing there he goes 134:25 here come this straight guys that's 134:27 where you got it you got it wrong marisa 134:30 i have wiped on occasion i don't wipe 134:32 all the time you don't you don't like 134:34 you don't put the urethra on the 134:36 on the paper for just a second 134:45 it doesn't go in your pants dude 134:47 that's just you just do the shake dude 134:50 no that's not how that works yeah 134:56 sometimes it's never not it's not enough 134:58 you gotta do more sometimes 134:59 i'm gonna i'm gonna now that you reply 135:01 to this tweet i'm gonna put my 135:03 twitch link underneath it that feels 135:05 like such an old man 135:06 problem like it feels like something an 135:08 old man would complain about oh don't 135:10 you just hate it when your dick keeps 135:12 leaking after you pee 135:13 it's not it doesn't drip out is it as 135:15 good as eating it you don't 135:17 so no you guys aren't something you guys 135:19 are insane jump or something 135:26 that it goes in the pants after so yes 135:29 there's like one or two drops but like 135:30 that's all like 135:31 what are you a piss collector man yeah 135:33 it it it stacks whatever 135:38 you pee few times in a day right three 135:40 or four yeah no way more than three four 135:42 i pieced so much 135:42 you know yeah today i'm not even joking 135:45 i drink a lot of water 135:47 it's gonna collect over time you're 135:48 gonna have like one full piss in there 135:50 at least 135:51 one full piss dude it's it's it's a few 135:55 drops 135:55 maybe like 16 drops by the end of the 135:57 day how much piss would there be if you 135:58 collect if you tallied up 136:00 out of every year that you've lived oh 136:04 how much piss would that be i could feel 136:07 like an aquarium 136:12 are you actually proud an aquarium of 136:14 piss has been in your underwear 136:16 now i know why it smells so bad you 136:18 worded out you worded that wrong 136:20 maybe not in the underwear but like over 136:21 time like all my peas 136:23 combined fully maybe maybe a medium 136:26 aquarium 136:27 right oh so you guys you guys don't do 136:29 it why 136:32 now i understand why it smells so bad 136:34 what's up it smells bad for many other 136:37 reasons not just that hey do you have do 136:38 you want anything for christmas 136:40 and you want us to get married tomorrow 136:43 or soon 136:44 yes oh i like you for your personality 136:47 not for your hygiene 136:50 i don't have anything else that's that's 136:54 that's really weird that's the only 136:55 thing you 136:59 what want up shut up throw it what is 137:02 going on right now 137:04 right click let me get that hold right 137:06 click on them 137:07 um 137:09 [Laughter] 137:12 don't worry 137:14 [Laughter] 137:26 feminism 137:54 you guys are gross 137:57 [Laughter] 138:00 what the it looks so weird 138:05 there's hats now look like there's hats 138:09 there's actually a santa hat weirdly no 138:11 no holy 138:13 yeah it's from the new mod that got 138:14 installed today from season two from all 138:16 you new 138:17 i'm sorry for saying a lot i 138:19 need a naked santa money did anybody 138:21 have any food um 138:22 uh yeah yeah i have i got some rotten 138:24 flesh 138:26 that's kind of yeah you wanted santa i 138:28 gave her more bread 138:30 yeah it seems like you're kind of 138:31 struggling you don't even have adult 138:33 diapers 138:35 oh my goodness you should hit me 138:41 [Laughter] 138:50 how much damage does that do to you 138:51 actually wait for science for science 138:58 oh whoa i'm trying to like launch myself 139:01 into space 139:02 i don't know if you can go straight up 139:04 you can definitely go sideways 139:06 though yeah 139:09 wait do you have anything with knockback 139:10 on it oh i do whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 139:12 stop it hey does anyone have full health 139:14 right now 139:17 i'm in full health you've got another 139:20 right armor though on 139:21 me to take it off yes i'm not going to 139:24 crit 139:24 i'm just going to whack you okay treat 139:27 me 139:30 you're good but this hurts yeah no 139:33 if i didn't eat i'd be dead i gotta it's 139:36 the knockback too plus the uh the 139:38 extender 139:38 you you turn it you take yourself uh 139:42 okay 139:45 nice oh geez why would you me 139:48 though 139:49 why'd you grab me though i didn't eat 139:50 that oh my god 139:52 where's the water gun oh my god oh my 139:56 god how did you get that cape by the way 140:00 i don't know apparently i'm wearing a 140:02 cape to everyone else but not me 140:03 i think it's an optifine thing are you 140:06 already a kid 140:07 yeah i can't see it 140:10 someone did and i and gave it to me i 140:13 think and i have no idea how to 140:14 hey do you want to build a prison with 140:16 me so we can invite niall to the server 140:19 um i don't know if i can answer that god 140:23 i can answer that legally 140:27 i mean i was thinking of building a like 140:30 a sausage stand maybe 140:31 like just he'd like that yeah 140:35 something really jerky i just 140:38 you know just just a typical sausage 140:41 some beer i ate sausage today three 140:43 three sausages yeah you're german we get 140:46 it 140:47 um you're a german we get it yeah 140:51 i don't know what are you guys planning 140:54 i really have no idea i'm just trying to 140:56 find my way around life 141:00 by the way is it are you like role 141:01 playing as him or like is it just 141:03 like i'm bored now on christmas and i 141:05 asked you ever just got that like 141:06 twang of just like all right i'm done 141:10 has that ever happened i'm just gonna 141:12 start doing that i think 141:14 i just got bored um i'm just like 141:16 alright i'm done now 141:18 i'm just i'm just gonna go do something 141:20 else 141:24 uh anyway yeah no i 141:28 i think we need to do more research on 141:30 it but i don't know whether that guy 141:32 spawns i released them 141:36 they're no longer shipped boys 141:40 oh no you know i people are tiring they 141:44 really are sometimes man 141:45 yeah no what should i do because i could 141:48 just wait an afk and hope no one sleeps 141:50 and hope one of them just shows up 141:53 what the oh they're going to the 141:54 strip club hold on 141:56 i'm going to see what's going on here 142:03 go give us a little bit of a tutorial on 142:05 the on the pole you little oh 142:08 that's rude 142:09 that's right dance for me 142:12 [Music] 142:15 wait i'll dj um 142:18 come along with me let's head out to see 142:21 what this world is for 142:23 you and for me now hey no it's pretty 142:26 good 142:28 it's pretty good i know wait well i'm 142:30 going into jacuzzi because i am poseidon 142:34 can you make it up the thing can you 142:35 make it what the what the 142:37 i can make it up there really yeah 142:40 i just need a sink 142:42 [Music] 142:44 yo where are the drinks at i'm trying to 142:45 get which one do you owe them which 142:47 one would you like 142:49 what's the options uh the signs up there 142:51 you can get some options for drinks 142:53 there's many drinks that you could have 142:56 sea jerk give me that sea jerk i'm 142:58 trying to get up 143:00 hold on this one that's a classic it 143:03 comes with 143:04 a chaka here's your drink it comes with 143:05 a jellyfish 143:07 holy crap oh yeah jellyfish now 143:11 i just like hit someone i don't know 143:13 what it does 143:14 i i don't know whether can we make our 143:15 own drinks you can 143:17 you can try uh honestly i've trained for 143:19 this job for a while and that's kind of 143:20 insulting but you can 143:23 oh i just spilled the water oh 143:26 this guy no no give me that drink back 143:28 yeah i'm cutting you off you're 143:30 too far at this 143:34 people name their own drinks but you 143:36 guys are new so you can't have a legacy 143:38 drink not yet 143:40 that is really hurtful it's like you 143:42 guys are you guys still have to go 143:43 through the like freshman like 143:45 bully face so oh 143:48 so wait we have to get bullied to get 143:50 out you have a drink yeah but 143:53 that'll happen i'm gonna put your head 143:55 underwater for 30 seconds 143:58 your ass is really gonna be out here 143:59 believe santa claus and in a circle 144:03 oh yeah that's a nightclub it's not 144:05 officially opened yet then we'll have a 144:06 party 144:07 if you check the discord actually in the 144:08 in the in some of the channels 144:10 you can react to join and then on sunday 144:13 we'll have a big party and baby no money 144:14 is going to perform some of his songs up 144:16 there 144:17 oh my god yeah it's going to be it'll be 144:19 like a survey event we'll turn it to 144:20 peaceful turn down the proximity 144:22 yeah we'll have like a drinking water 144:24 up 144:26 we're going to be up yeah i'm 144:27 gonna be so drunk for that you're you 144:29 can't drink 144:29 you're you're a baby you're literally a 144:31 baby i can't drunk i'm not 144:33 gonna have the memories of milk it's not 144:35 alcohol i'll let you have a good time i 144:36 don't want you 144:37 that's the last thing i want well maybe 144:41 why don't you sell your why don't you 144:42 make a merch stand for your pissy 144:44 underwear 144:45 oh my god it's not that busy 144:48 weston you told us like you were super 144:50 cool on here you've been getting bullied 144:52 it's getting bullied i'm like pretty 144:57 you know when someone like in a movie or 144:58 something like pisses their pants in 145:00 like one leg is just completely dark 145:02 that's how you're gonna go to like a 145:03 youtuber meetup 145:05 now one leg is just gonna be like bored 145:07 now 145:08 bored now bored now you're born now 145:13 [Laughter] 145:14 sorry god i know marie uh marisa has 145:17 adhd but i i 145:19 i feel like i do now as well just 145:23 all right i have an enough social 145:24 interaction for one day 145:26 i'm um bored now i'm gonna go uh 145:29 immediately away 145:30 and not say a single thing i'm just done 145:33 is there a body now it's a mood all 145:38 right 145:38 so find the village in a new monster 145:42 uh we're trying to look for this plague 145:44 dog you know what's funny though holden 145:45 let me show you 145:46 i have a uh on my single player world 145:50 a very bad alcoholic one of them is just 145:53 a little dot 145:56 jesus christ all right on my single 145:58 player world 146:00 if i can find him there was 146:03 once a guy this is where i was testing 146:06 all the stuff out see if it 146:07 worked underwater he was 146:11 like right there no right here 146:14 there was like there was a guy oh damn i 146:16 thought he would be here actually 146:18 hmm he did he did show up for a minute 146:25 just makes me wonder where he's gone 146:31 but i was just here he just spawned 146:32 while i was right over here afk 146:35 that just i don't know what this would 146:36 be i look to the wiki and you can 146:39 transfer 146:40 you can transform a normal villager 146:43 what 146:47 how how how 146:51 you right there please tell me how the 146:52 you do that 146:54 how at night make them invis 146:59 yeah i know but uh how do i transform a 147:02 regular villager 147:05 ryan ryan i'm relying on you right now 147:07 how do i do that ryan 147:09 ryan ryan 147:13 ryan look at the wiki you're i don't 147:16 know the wiki you were looking at the 147:18 wiki ryan 147:19 ryan 147:28 ryan 147:33 where's the wiki ryan zombie 147:36 ryan plague 147:39 doctor uh 147:43 rat mod minecraft 147:48 okay i found the wiki all right let's 147:50 read the wiki together 147:53 ryan all right uh ryan i'm gonna 147:57 you up all right i found it 147:58 um 148:05 can you turn a villager into one is 148:07 there any i don't see them in any 148:08 villages this guy's the same problem for 148:10 me 148:19 there's nothing about it can be found in 148:22 villages they also turn into black death 148:24 when struck by lightning 148:27 holy that guy's terrifying 148:36 just says found in villages 148:40 plague doctors can be found in villages 148:44 ha you need to you need to find this guy 148:49 but i didn't find him in a village 149:03 i don't know what's going on 149:08 i found the epic snp ip okay 149:11 it's whitelisted gg 149:14 newly generated villages maybe should we 149:17 try and find one in us 149:18 in a creative world 149:23 um okay 149:26 uh we'll try and find one in a creative 149:28 and just creative while i'm flying 149:29 around 149:31 i don't want to go into a swamp i'm 149:32 trying to find a good place where a 149:33 village will spawn 149:36 uh huh 149:42 wish that was a good way to just find 149:44 where villager would be a village would 149:46 be 149:48 we're gonna try and newly generate a 149:50 village and see if they're around and 149:51 then if we do 149:52 find one like first try in one of the 149:54 villages we'll go on a village hunt and 149:55 in game 149:57 in the on the actual smp 150:02 hmm 150:10 slash locate village 150:16 okay going this way i guess 150:23 this way oh my god 150:30 let's head out see click on the chords 150:33 oh you can just 150:34 oh 150:38 nifty okay where are you 150:43 where could one of you be 150:46 plagued doctor plague doctor plague 150:47 doctor where you at buddy 150:49 where you at buddy not seeing so 150:58 far 151:02 any of the houses maybe no 151:06 whoa i thought she's kind of scared of 151:09 me 151:12 um 151:14 i'm not seeing anything ring the bell 151:20 which makes them go indoors right 151:27 i don't know if i want them to go 151:28 indoors 151:31 they'll be in viscous night time but i 151:33 should still see the rats 151:36 he should still have rats 151:44 and the rats aren't invisible 151:53 okay it's daytime now 151:57 sorry i just saw something down there 152:00 it's technically daytime apparently 152:04 whether clear hmm should we do another 152:10 one 152:11 should we go to another one 152:17 i'm already here though can i locate 152:20 another village 152:21 why does it not just go to another 152:23 village how do i locate a different one 152:28 how do i how do i locate a different one 152:38 goes to the nearest village go far away 152:40 okay you think it would just go to the 152:42 nearest village 152:43 you know next but okay um 152:59 no i'm not seeing any plague doctors 153:08 also do you reckon they spawn like where 153:10 a natural village is or do you reckon 153:12 they spawn 153:13 where a bunch of villagers are 153:20 uh tp at uh 153:23 e fenster 153:35 that number one scared the living 153:40 out of me 153:42 number two i can tell there's no v 153:45 there's no plague doctor in there and 153:46 this may have crashed me 153:48 yep what the 153:56 how many minecarts are there 154:01 nice job thanks thanks guys thanks guys 154:04 oh there he is wait he's in there 154:05 he's holding milk wait i think this is a 154:07 plague doctor right there 154:10 i think that's one of them 154:14 i think that's a plague doctor 154:18 i think that's him i think that's him 154:21 i'm just gonna save and quit and then go 154:23 back in and hope that didn't just break 154:25 the entire earth 154:28 i saw particles there was two 154:32 where the would he have spawned 154:34 then 154:37 lag streamlag oh my god 154:45 well i had to start to close minecraft 154:48 holy you broke my game 154:53 that's terrifying yeah that whole 154:55 instance is now like done 155:10 hold on 155:13 i can't even close tab there we go holy 155:16 155:17 jesus you killed it we killed minecraft 155:20 oh my god okay so i that was 155:23 inconclusive they do or they don't spawn 155:26 in villages i don't know 155:29 they say minecraft isn't pc intensive oh 155:31 you're kidding me it's extremely 155:33 intensive 155:36 uh hell we killed minecraft yeah 155:39 you did 155:40 well that means the wedding's off broke 155:42 my game okay let's spawn in again and 155:43 see what it does 155:46 [Music] 155:47 oh it's taking a second 155:55 okay 155:58 should i do it again 156:09 terrifying we did also break the game 156:12 again 156:14 uh 156:18 i don't see any of them 156:24 not seeing any particle effects this 156:25 time 156:33 there is that's him that's him right 156:35 there 156:36 okay all right all right all right all 156:38 right right right 156:39 minecraft don't do this to me 156:43 i'm lagging again i know i'm lagging 156:45 again 156:47 okay right listen let's make a new world 156:53 oh let's just go on to the same world 156:56 but 156:57 not break it again okay 157:00 that sounds good same world we're just 157:03 gonna run away 157:04 it's fine all right we're gonna find him 157:07 give me my points i'm not a single 157:08 player well that doesn't count 157:11 do you have a copy of the sm epic smp 157:13 seat i don't 157:15 i have 10k you better find him i'm gonna 157:17 try my best 157:18 dude we've already automated a lot of 157:20 stuff i really want to try and like um 157:22 i really want to try and find this guy 157:24 and get the best weapon in the game 157:32 oh wow it just worked for a second 157:39 well i mean he's right there so this is 157:42 him 157:42 his rats have died but okay so that's 157:45 him 157:46 if i strike him with lightning does 157:47 smash slash might work 157:49 no if i strike him with lightning i'll 157:52 turn into something but i i 157:54 i don't really care i want to find a guy 157:56 like that 157:57 the mask i want to find him somewhere 158:00 else 158:02 i'm gonna go somewhere else i'm gonna 158:03 just i my thing is i want to see if 158:05 it'll work get the mask 158:06 it doesn't matter summon lightning you 158:09 know let's see if we can do it 158:11 let's just see what happens 158:14 uh summon lightning 158:19 what okay 158:31 so it didn't work 158:35 what 158:40 what 158:42 at night 159:01 should i just spawn him 159:07 should we just see so 159:11 that dude he's not turning into anything 159:14 he's just gonna die okay 159:16 so if i spawn in this time time set 159:19 night let's try it again 159:24 that didn't work so it doesn't 159:26 work at night time 159:27 let's try it again no definitely doesn't 159:29 work at night time 159:31 okay weather thunder 159:36 right 159:47 where the is he he's here 159:57 are you insane wait what 160:00 i did the thing though it's night time 160:02 in a thunderstorm 160:05 struck with a bowl of lightning that's 160:06 what i did 160:15 he's just fine he's just over there 160:32 what 160:36 is this broken 160:40 just do it to a villager you mean you 160:43 mean lightning boulder villa a 160:45 random villager 160:47 i think they're all dead but what do you 160:49 mean 160:52 a villager getting struck by lightning 160:53 in a thunderstorm doesn't do anything 160:56 they just they just got struck by 160:58 lightning that's that's it they just 161:00 they just get struck by lightning it 161:02 doesn't do anything 161:04 what do you mean what 161:08 i thought he was invisible at night he 161:10 is invisible at night he's gone 161:11 invisible look watch 161:13 he's gonna drink an invis potion he goes 161:14 invisible but look 161:16 still do it he's still there he's still 161:18 there 161:19 he's just an invis potion is it peaceful 161:29 goddammit i really thought i really 161:31 thought 161:32 i really thought come on 161:36 hard mode maybe 161:40 come on turn into the thing 161:44 it's on hard mode right now we tried i'm 161:46 easy peaceful and 161:48 hard trident 161:51 tried okay with 161:55 oh what was the enchant oh 161:58 what was the enchanting hour channeling 162:00 okay 162:03 and then an anvil 162:06 and we'll just pull up loyalty on it why 162:08 not 162:10 loyalty three because why not 162:24 okay 162:29 that felt like something 162:34 no wait what 162:43 no that was just 162:48 they didn't do anything 162:57 oh i guess i found him he just died 163:02 daytime time day 163:05 set time time 163:08 set day 163:14 it's daytime 163:22 making a special noise though 163:34 i swear it makes a different noise when 163:35 i kill this guy 163:38 no it doesn't that time weather clear 163:49 well i mean it it needs to be in a 163:51 thunderstorm for it to strike lightning 163:55 use neo rattilian yeah i saw that in the 163:59 thing 164:01 but that's another mob that needs to 164:02 spawn right 164:04 hold on this is what it this is what it 164:07 is 164:07 hold on look at this well 164:10 this thing uh it can sort it can spawn 164:13 because of this guy 164:16 does not spawn normally must be created 164:18 by a player done by throwing a vial of 164:20 consciousness on a fair 164:22 on a feral rap god damn it 164:25 there is a book you use on him 164:30 you know it'd be listen you can type so 164:32 many words in that 164:34 you can type so many words in that donor 164:36 thing just tell me what it is 164:38 there's a book it doesn't help me the 164:41 only way that the black death spawns 164:42 when a plague ducks are struck by 164:43 lightning straight yeah no i 164:44 i'm reading the same thing that you 164:45 already there's no information 164:48 oh my god okay uh feral rattilion 164:52 okay so that 164:56 rat 164:59 how do you spell this rattling 165:02 what 165:09 what is it the wrong mod pack or some 165:12 165:19 is there a vial of consciousness at 165:21 least what is a feral 165:23 feral how big is that guy 165:32 where does he spawn it doesn't say where 165:34 he spawns 165:36 i realize you can find these at night 165:37 but i encourage instruction 165:40 they are not rare they only spawn in 165:43 meow 165:44 facts were not very accurate to say the 165:46 least 165:48 outdated 165:53 it might be 165:57 okay so right let me go through the 165:59 stages you need to okay 166:00 number one you find this guy right you 166:02 gotta find a feral rattling 166:05 rat or rat latian rat latian 166:08 ratlantean a feral rattlantian 166:13 you need to find him who spawns in 166:17 a in atlantis 166:21 for incredibly rare and only on the 166:23 surface okay 166:25 an incredibly rare mob that i've never 166:27 seen before 166:28 then you need to get a vial of 166:31 consciousness 166:32 which is created god a feral rat claw 166:35 which you do you need to kill of 166:37 you need to kill one of the feral rat 166:38 things thank you so much 166:40 you need to kill one of those big 166:42 buggers to get this thing 166:44 to make a potion they need to find 166:46 another one 166:48 rat glove pedals there's no info on it 166:52 it just gives me doesn't 166:55 doesn't exist apparently 167:01 what can i just save that is that now 167:05 just a part of the wiki 167:07 i can just make that there's no 167:10 information 167:18 i'm 167:21 god damn it what the what 167:31 what in god's name is this mod 167:36 what 167:41 i can just make is that now just a thing 167:44 hold on if i 167:49 rat glove rat love 167:53 pedals if i google this now 167:59 i like take all this out 168:17 it doesn't exist it doesn't be 168:20 so 168:21 true it doesn't exist 168:28 what 168:31 right you get a potion that doesn't 168:33 exist 168:34 well it's rattling spirit for flames 168:38 it drops them r uh rattling spirit 168:41 what's this 168:42 you need to find a goddamn spirit a 168:45 goddamn spirit 168:46 adding a wacky mod in alpha-like stage 168:50 you need to kill six of these 168:52 168:53 six of rat there's a rat spirit god damn 168:57 it to then 168:58 go and get one of the ingrid six of 169:00 these to make this one potion 169:02 with the thing that doesn't exist and a 169:05 feral rat claw so you find the big 169:07 169:08 you find two of them apparently because 169:10 one of them you need to oh my god no not 169:13 the apps tab 169:14 one of them you need to go and create 169:16 the neoretlion by throwing the 169:19 impossible potion with two things you 169:21 can't get 169:22 onto that rat it makes this 169:24 thing they need to transport 169:26 this rat with a 150 health 300 hp points 169:30 that's as much as your weather by the 169:31 way 169:31 half as much weather you need to get 169:35 both of these things 169:36 into the same vicinity as a 169:39 that barely 169:40 ever spawns in a village and he's 169:43 invisible at night 169:44 and then you hit him with lightning that 169:46 doesn't work but it says it does on the 169:49 wiki 169:49 the only way you can do it is making 169:51 this rat boy 169:55 and then and then 169:58 and then you finn 170:03 and then hold on right 170:06 what does it drop what's the chance of 170:08 this thing to drop 170:11 is there a chance of it to drop 170:14 is there a chance yes mob drop is there 170:17 a chance what 170:18 how is it 100 chance it can drop them 170:26 oh my god when a plague drops or struck 170:29 by lightning but it doesn't spawn when i 170:31 play doctor stripped by lightning 170:39 common drops c drops that's one 170:46 in villages or villager transformation 170:48 what the 170:49 what but it says things 170:52 things things 170:59 can you turn a village into one i don't 171:01 see any 171:03 atlantis what's for atlantis how where 171:05 how rare is ratlantis the thing that i 171:07 need to go get all these things from 171:16 dimension it's a goddamn dimension 171:20 it's not even a biome it's a dimension 171:24 this is the nether but for a ratlantis 171:28 portal 171:30 oh my god what the do you need to 171:32 do this 171:33 created with a chucky chunky cheese 171:35 token 171:37 how deep does this rabbit hole 171:39 go 171:42 an extremely rare item it's an extremely 171:45 rare 171:46 item that has a one in ten thousand 171:48 chance of sporting 171:50 when a rat dies i have not seen a single 171:53 goddamn 171:54 rat on my entire playthrough of this 171:56 server 171:57 and it's a one in ten thousand chance 172:08 i want and i i want an item it dude it's 172:13 i'm gonna cry it's 172:16 and then you need to take the chucky 172:18 cheese token and make a goddamn portal 172:21 to another universe and then do all of 172:24 that 172:25 again god damn it what the 172:29 mod 172:38 oh my god 172:44 that's no chance there is no chance 172:50 there is no chance oh my god 172:55 i got 173:02 strike it with lightning when a witches 173:04 were but nearby what do you mean 173:06 what do you need it do you mean a plague 173:08 doctor 173:09 it you know we're just gambling at 173:11 this point why not 173:12 why the not why the not 173:15 weather thunder why the not which 173:19 thing oh it works so good look at how 173:22 well it worked oh god kill me 173:26 oh my god for more fun the rat lampta 173:30 slash nether dimension needs to be 173:32 activated in the config 173:34 enjoy grinding kill me dude 173:38 oh my god it it's 173:42 so it needs it's not even it's not even 173:45 an existent thing 173:46 any true is in the chat it's not it 173:48 doesn't even exist 173:50 all of what i've just said completely 173:52 irrelevant because 173:54 it doesn't even exist it doesn't 174:04 even 174:17 i just slid so gracefully off of this 174:20 chair 174:25 what the oh my god 174:30 it doesn't even exist oh my god 174:38 oh my god 175:00 ugh 175:03 there's bugs to it as well 175:30 get your bible and turn to proverbs 175:33 chapter 14 verse 29 175:35 whoever is slow to anger has great they 175:38 deleted thee 175:39 understanding but he who has a hasty 175:41 temper exalts folly 175:51 oh my god 176:10 so 176:12 rats are the main focus of rat 176:16 oh my 176:25 this god this is just 176:28 not gonna happen oh my i gotta tell 176:32 marisa 176:34 hold on i've gotta tell her 176:37 i've gotta 176:41 thank you quite frankly i feel like i 176:44 deserve it 176:46 thanks for the 10 gift itself 176:50 [Music] 176:52 riza 176:54 where are you 177:08 i taste blood uh is that normal 177:12 cool um 177:16 i'm gonna go tell marisa the news 177:31 hey buddy hey 177:35 i have some news yeah 177:39 i don't think we're gonna be able to uh 177:41 i think it might be pretty hard to get 177:42 that scythe 177:49 just a couple of reasons 177:52 yeah i i i want to go to atlantis 177:56 have you been watching my stream i tuned 177:59 in for one second because someone said 178:00 you were having a panic attack and i saw 178:02 atlantis and the cheesy dimension and i 178:05 do kind of like that 178:07 how long did you watch just one second i 178:10 clicked and i saw you i saw that you 178:12 really should have watched that entire 178:14 thing buddy 178:15 um so 178:18 let me explain to me right let me go 178:21 hold on let me go through the official 178:23 law just stay there because i'm not 178:24 going to be moving in game 178:25 because i've got to go onto the wiki 178:27 page to go and see this all right 178:28 stage one right how do you get okay 178:32 so finding that guy right he does just 178:34 spawn in a village 178:35 he does spawn in villages right 178:38 he only spawns in new villages though 178:41 apparently newly generated villagers he 178:43 will spawn in 178:44 he spawns a little bit like you know 178:46 that's that's as far as i know 178:48 all right so already you know he spawns 178:51 in villages 178:52 newly spawned villages that no one's 178:53 ever been to that's thousands of blocks 178:55 away 178:55 so after you do that 178:58 i was looking at how to how to turn him 179:00 into a plague boy 179:02 one of the the black people 179:06 um turns out it wasn't working 179:10 and i was going i went on the wiki so 179:12 anyway 179:13 ignoring all of that because it doesn't 179:15 matter uh you need to hold on i'm still 179:17 on the wiki page this is a bit of a 179:18 show 179:20 uh plague doctor turned into a black 179:23 death right 179:24 how do you get the plague dogs to turn 179:25 into the black death with without 179:27 natural lighting well there's one other 179:28 way 179:29 you use the neo ratlantean how do you 179:32 get to the neoratlantian 179:34 right you may be asking me he's a he's a 179:36 weird boy well it's only player made 179:38 you have to craft the neody atlantean 179:41 how do you craft the neo atlantean well 179:44 you need to go and get a uh a bra a 179:46 feral rat boy 179:48 a feral rat boy a feral ratlantean is 179:51 about five times the size of you it's 179:53 really hard to kill 179:54 and you need to find one of them 179:58 now you don't just need to find one of 179:59 them you need to find at least two of 180:01 them because 180:01 you need to kill one of them which has 180:03 to somehow drop 180:05 a potion which then allows you to create 180:09 the neoratlantian but the hotend there's 180:12 more 180:12 uh the thing that he drops doesn't 180:15 exist it's not even 180:17 there's no wiki it doesn't exist 180:19 it's not really an item 180:21 there's no spawn egg for him it doesn't 180:23 exist 180:24 anyway that's bit one this is the start 180:27 of the downfall 180:28 so then 180:38 catch you guys later 180:51 look baby 180:57 baby hold on we need to do something 181:00 there's a one in ten thousand chance 181:06 nope all right well 9999 more to go 181:12 what what was the point of that uh 181:15 there's a drop chance of something that 181:17 we need to go to atlantis 181:19 uh it's a one in ten thousand chance to 181:21 get it from a rat 181:22 and that's the only way to get it 181:29 so anyway to find those rat boys you 181:32 need to go to 181:33 atlantis and when you go to you need to 181:35 kill 10 000 rats at least 181:37 to be able to get this coin which allows 181:39 you to create 181:40 the atlantis portal right and in 181:42 atlantis 181:43 you have to kill more spirits you need 181:45 six spirits i don't know how rare they 181:47 are it doesn't say because the wiki has 181:48 one sentence about them 181:49 and now it's changed to finn you 181:51 so 181:52 you need to get these spirits show 181:56 after you get those spirits you need to 181:57 make a potion in which you need to 181:59 change the 181:59 other feral ratlantis boy to a 182:02 uh and which uh you need that's what the 182:05 potion you throw it on that boy 182:07 and he turns into the neo-ratlantium now 182:11 it's important to note all of this one 182:14 in ten thousand chance and then you've 182:15 gotta go find the thing 182:17 no chance it works there's no way to 182:18 test it in creative mode and 182:20 then he finally spawns the black death 182:22 but there's only a small 182:24 chance of him dropping that scythe and 182:26 he can drop a whole host of other things 182:28 oh and that's not even the best part of 182:30 it but the whole thing needs to 182:32 be enabled by the config 182:33 and i can almost guarantee you that cube 182:36 does not know how to do that 182:39 atlantis doesn't exist our dreams are 182:41 broken 182:42 i want to kill myself marisa marisa i 182:45 want to kill myself marisa 182:46 please help me i've been doing this for 182:49 like half an hour now 182:51 i taste blood what video game 183:08 atlantis was a lie i want to die no in a 183:11 video 183:12 game you can't say this on twitch 183:15 i want to die in minecraft because of 183:17 atlantis was a lie 183:18 ratlantis doesn't exist we were all 183:24 scammed 183:29 how long's three hours oh 183:33 oh god oh god three hours 183:36 oh my god three hours the stream's been 183:40 going for three hours and atlantis 183:41 doesn't even exist 183:43 oh my god oh my god 183:57 this could be our little cave 184:14 finn if you want money watch mischief 184:16 right now they are literally 184:18 crashing the game stopping me in our 184:20 little kids see stocks and buying them 184:22 at low price 184:24 also you should rate him to get a free 184:26 peppo doll 184:27 salami meets thank you for the raid 184:37 turning into the joker 184:40 the page we edited sorry this was 184:43 recently deleted 184:45 are they watching are the mods of the 184:47 page and watching 184:52 the mods of the rats page watching this 184:54 livestream apparently 184:56 you can use a plague tome lu into it 185:02 plagued home 185:28 how do you get a plague term 185:31 very rare drops from plague rats 185:38 so just rats 186:06 they're the rat's dead spawn at night 186:07 the ones that's like him i just bought 186:09 it from a plague dropped her 186:11 go away 186:40 ah 186:50 i think i did it 186:59 okay you know i really should have 187:00 prepped for this 187:10 what the is that the thing 187:13 those are the rats 187:22 oh my god 187:25 that's horrifying 187:32 what is that 187:38 what are these rat spirits they're those 187:41 vr chat has a minecraft world with 187:44 popular minecraft players four 187:46 avatars you are not one of them 187:50 oh no 187:53 just die just die just die just die just 187:56 die just die just die 187:57 just die just die just die just die just 187:59 die just die just die 188:01 die die die die at f1 nn5 tvr chat has a 188:07 minecraft world with popular minecraft 188:09 players for avatars you 188:11 are one of them 188:24 oh this has been such an emotional 188:26 rollercoaster 188:28 oh my god oh my god 188:32 oh my god 188:36 oh my god 189:06 how many hits 189:15 it's not even enchanted 189:31 just i just want to know hold on 189:35 let's say i was going to kill this uh 189:37 wait hold on 189:39 how how good can this get actually 189:42 how good can this actually be in terms 189:45 of damage 189:47 still works yeah 189:50 creeper hey buddy okay 189:54 still too hit 16 attack damage holy 189:58 hey buddy i'm gonna try something 190:05 it one hits it one hits and it does 190:09 this 190:15 look how fast it can i need it 190:18 it's these this is why i said 190:21 it's peaceful because i was 190:22 experimenting and i couldn't hit 190:24 him 190:28 i need that item i need that item i need 190:30 that i need that item 190:32 i need that item i need that item 190:37 i need that item right now i need that 190:38 item i i 190:40 need that item i need this item 190:45 i need that i need it right now i need 190:47 that item does it have no i don't think 190:48 i need that item i need that item 190:53 i need that item uh i need that item 190:56 i just do i just do i'm not gonna be 190:59 able to sleep until i get that 191:00 item i'm just not 191:04 i didn't even need to sacrifice the 191:05 trident either 191:07 he didn't even need to be hit by light 191:09 lightning did he 191:11 he didn't even need to be hit by 191:12 lightning hey boys can 191:15 someone be the in charge of the wiki 191:17 page on that's on that rap mod 191:19 cause god damn 191:22 24-hour stream let's go 191:26 oh dude 191:35 i need that item i just need it are we 191:37 really gonna go do this 191:39 get it before swagger i've got to do it 191:42 if genuinely if i get this item it's 191:44 over 191:44 like there's no way anyone's 191:46 doing it 191:47 there's no way anyone's doing it over me 191:53 page back to normal now 191:57 i'm gonna do it can i speak to the devs 192:01 of this mod 192:02 hey listen no okay hold on in all 192:04 seriousness 192:05 if there is someone that works on this 192:08 mod or at least 192:08 knows how it works that's watching the 192:10 stream please 192:11 please anyone please just send me an 192:14 email 192:15 something i just need to know any 192:17 information is good information 192:19 i need to know how this boy spawns i 192:22 only think he spawned oh i've gotta 192:24 know hold on i've got i only think he 192:25 spawns in villages 192:27 but i don't know it says that he does 192:30 but the wiki page is just wrong a lot of 192:32 the time 192:33 all right i'm gonna just fly really far 192:36 away 192:37 oh okay you'll fly really far away and 192:40 then we're gonna get up 192:41 how do you go kill the black death he 192:43 took a hundred diamond swings 192:44 i've got a netherright sword i got 192:46 another right axe i'm probably going to 192:48 trap him in a box 192:49 actually because you know it's a mod 192:52 it's not like minecraft mojang coded 192:54 this and they thought of every scenario 192:56 no no 192:57 i'm gonna trap him in a box then turn 192:59 him into the dude 193:00 and then kill him there's a with 193:03 a way with it there's a reason why 193:05 withers explode everything when they 193:06 first spawn 193:07 it's so you can't do that but i'm 193:10 gonna 193:11 although people did make a way to do it 193:12 but like you know that's why 193:17 getting 12 months of fanboy 193:18 international magazine glitter edition 193:20 oh god miss kiss 193:22 let's not uh locate 193:26 village let's go 193:33 hey there why is every village gotta 193:35 have a ravine in it 193:41 so do they spawn in new villages or they 193:44 just spawn anywhere 193:49 well it's daytime now 193:53 shall i do the tp at e sorry tp every 193:56 entity to me or that kind of defeats the 193:58 purpose though doesn't it 194:00 is there a way to make them spawn 194:05 can you change a uh they haven't so 194:08 began 194:16 trash can i don't need spawny rats i 194:19 just need the plague doctor 194:20 i'm just wondering if there's a way to 194:22 change your villager into one 194:29 transforms the villager into a plague 194:30 doctor 194:32 plague essence 194:38 oh you oh you 194:44 oh you 195:06 rare drop from playgrass 195:14 can you trade for it do you think hold 195:15 on plague doctorate 195:17 plague doctorate 195:23 i'm just gonna google plague doctorate 195:26 um 195:29 rats 195:32 okay there's no there's no ite there's 195:34 no wiki on it 195:36 splash a night potion of invis on uh 195:38 villages and they transform 195:41 night potion of invis at night potion of 195:44 invis 195:45 right okay right right 195:48 invis 195:53 okay hey buddy you're gonna be a very 195:55 big experiment time 195:57 set night 196:00 okay hey 196:06 where are you where'd you go 196:09 what the what 196:12 i lost um yeah well that's not good 196:17 um is there another villager anywhere 196:21 near here 196:24 is there another village or anywhere 196:26 near here 196:29 hello 196:33 what the 196:36 is there another one anywhere near here 196:39 come on hey buddies i'm nice and 196:41 friendly 196:41 i'm just gonna turn you into something 196:44 it's gonna be fun 196:45 oh hey bud 196:50 that's definitely not a guy 196:55 yeah no okay 196:58 hmm so he's definitely not 197:04 that doesn't work you can farm playgrass 197:14 you know you can just spawn villagers 197:16 right well yeah but i mean like 197:18 it doesn't work anyway um hmm 197:23 can you breathe the rats someone no no i 197:26 know how to summon him 197:27 i already have the staff dude i'm trying 197:30 to figure out how to do it in 197:31 on real in real life on the server 197:34 kill a regular villager with a plagued 197:38 rat 197:41 okay is it just rat or is it 197:44 a plague rat or they do different things 197:50 are they the same thing or are they 197:51 different make a rat farm 197:53 see that's what i'm thinking okay let's 197:57 get a 197:58 let's get a villager and a rat 198:03 and somehow make them murder 198:06 each other 198:07 that's currently my best solution i've 198:10 gotta transport 198:11 and trap a rat find a villager 198:16 and make them kill each other 198:24 rats will randomly spawn a plagued rat 198:26 what do they look like 198:34 all those rats look the same to me 198:37 oh how gross is this actually a little 198:40 bit gross 198:44 some hard 198:48 come on kill something 198:51 kill something oh my god spawn more more 198:53 rats more rats 198:55 oh 198:59 i think i figured out what the plague 199:01 rat is 199:07 my god 199:10 i have an idea actually 199:21 one should do it 199:24 hopefully 199:30 did it okay 199:34 hold on play let's go about ourselves 199:36 play guesses let's see okay we got one 199:39 how much did we get anymore oh i got one 199:43 me from all of those i got one 199:48 that's not the worst 199:55 there's a plague potion 200:01 no there's not there's a there's a 200:04 purifying liquid 200:15 hmm looting three oh you make a good 200:18 point 200:19 actually looting 200:22 three anvil there's a few of these boys 200:26 around god i hate the noises 200:29 they make 200:34 oh my god i dropped one right away oh 200:36 you dropped another one 200:38 rare what 200:42 we got two from 200:49 let's go let's go 200:56 might be the scythe maybe okay 201:00 let's do a netherright sword i'm going 201:01 with the exact same stats i have on my 201:04 stuff 201:05 okay looting three right looting three 201:09 putting looting three nether right sword 201:10 let's get sharpness five on there too so 201:12 it's easier 201:13 okay and let's build the same sort of 201:15 thing that i think i'd build 201:19 okay right so 201:23 we just bit make a thing make a 201:26 box of containing the rats 201:29 uh we have to get rats though 201:33 that's the issue 201:36 how do we get rats um 201:43 oh diseased garbage 201:47 oh i need plague essence garbage 201:49 pile how do i get a garbage pile 201:54 trash can 202:00 no that's not gonna make him spawn 202:04 though 202:08 and garbage piles how do i get garbage 202:10 piles though 202:14 how do i get garbage piles though 202:18 you get it using the can 202:22 okay hold on can right let's get a trash 202:26 can 202:32 right 202:37 oh oh oh 202:41 okay right that's how you get garbage 202:42 piles right diseased garbage power okay 202:44 we're not going to get a double 202:46 garbage pot compressed garbage so that's 202:48 double the amount 202:49 right let's get some compressed garbage 202:52 which i'm how do you do 202:55 holy you can stamp it okay it's 202:56 just that okay you can craft it like 202:58 that okay right 202:58 compress garbage 203:02 so if i make a giant area i mean 203:04 take this for 203:07 everything wants to be just the worst 203:09 take this like you know four by four is 203:11 like a hundred by a hundred because i've 203:13 got plenty of cobblestone to throw away 203:16 will they just start spawning 203:26 and i can just like when one of the 203:28 diseased rats spawns they'll all turn it 203:30 and i'll just 203:37 time night 203:41 dark time 203:45 i have an idea hold on i have an idea i 203:47 have an idea 203:49 it we're going to do this i don't 203:51 care i've got water down my 203:52 on this world set cobble stack 203:56 what the set cobblestone fine then 203:59 stack 204:00 uh 100 it why not a hundred 204:04 go all the way over here stack at 204:06 another hundred we're going through a 204:07 mountain because i don't care 204:12 fine i'll go the other way 204:15 okay there we go then we go on this 204:17 block to there 204:21 oh you know it i don't know 204:22 what the block id of this is 204:24 stack it 100 and then we go over there 204:29 me 204:33 then go like that 204:37 oh that works that works really well and 204:40 there's already a diseased one 204:42 cool right technically this is possible 204:46 it's just a thousand blocks no or ten 204:49 thousand blocks 204:51 um but technically it's possible 204:55 this is just one quarter the size of the 204:57 hole downstairs 205:01 but then i just start killing right 205:05 oh i didn't get it first time okay i 205:08 just need to kill the poison ones 205:10 okay i still haven't got one yet let me 205:12 change this to one 205:13 as soon as i see two 205:18 how rare are these come here 205:23 okay um i've killed like maybe five 205:28 six seven eight nothing yet 205:31 nine nine nine okay is it one in ten 205:35 let's do that again right one in ten so 205:37 far ready one 205:38 two uh if it's one in ten we're good 205:43 three four five six 205:46 seven i got another one 205:49 this is looking good this is looking 205:52 good 205:54 90 000 garbage because it's compressed 205:56 yeah 205:59 this is looking good pretty good chances 206:01 that's not a very rare drop 206:04 this is looking pretty good let's do 206:06 this again one 206:07 two immediately i got one one 206:11 two three four 206:14 five uh six 206:18 got one again it's like one in five 206:21 it's like one in five okay 206:25 and look how many of them spawn 206:27 i'm lagging so badly okay 206:31 we can do it now all right so then what 206:33 we need to do then right after we've got 206:34 compressed garbage right we need to 206:36 oh god we can make disease 206:39 garbage to then better farm it which is 206:40 kind of nice 206:42 um which just uses one of these 206:45 um and you don't need four of them 206:48 anyway 206:49 you only need four of them we need a 206:51 trash can to make these so then spawn 206:53 rats then get this and then 206:55 we get uh plague i'm gonna do it 206:59 uh we need a plague doctorate right 207:01 which is crafted with all of this 207:03 which then transf which then transforms 207:07 one of the villages into that 207:08 and then we just need to kill him oh no 207:11 and 207:12 wait no and then we need to trade with 207:13 him to get the plagues home and then we 207:15 need to kill him 207:20 and then we can automate it 207:26 oh my god we can do it boys boys we can 207:28 actually do this 207:30 we can do this boys we can genuinely do 207:33 this 207:33 will you be with me while we do this 207:35 thing oh my god 207:37 we're gonna actually go and get this 207:39 item i'm gonna be the one to get it i'm 207:41 gonna 207:42 patent this oh my god if swagger 207:45 souls does it before me 207:46 i will never live it down i 207:49 i just oh are you gonna put a note in 207:53 the wiki 207:54 i swear to god if i get this i'll spend 207:56 the rest of my life i i will spend the 207:58 rest of my 207:59 night i will spend the rest of my night 208:02 writing on that wiki page 208:03 accurate information huh 208:06 okay right 208:09 let's do it i need to get down 208:11 into my lair all right 208:14 my god i'm losing my voice 208:20 suffer ow 208:23 anyway uh right rats 208:26 so we need a trash can first trash can 208:29 trash can trash can trash can 208:31 trash right uh iron in a cauldron 208:35 easy easy we got iron 208:37 for days 208:39 we don't have much iron okay uh we need 208:42 more iron 208:43 um cauldron bam 208:46 oh we already have nuggets what was 208:48 it and then we just 208:49 bam bam bam we have trash can all right 208:52 cool 208:53 now we have a ton of waste blocks i 208:55 wonder if i can automate it 208:57 i don't know if i can what if i use a 209:01 what if i use a deployer 209:05 what if i use a deployer deployers place 209:07 blocks will it act would it put a block 209:08 into this 209:11 let me just check something uh 209:14 blackstone oh yeah 209:18 oh yeah i already got no i already seven 209:21 okay 209:22 what if i used to deploy it and hooked 209:23 it up to that thing i just 209:26 did it what if it did that what if i did 209:28 that 209:32 what schwag already did it he hasn't 209:34 even logged on he's already done it 209:35 though 209:38 i got kind of scared when i press tab 209:39 and i saw more people and i'm not gonna 209:40 lie to you 209:41 uh ah 209:48 okay um we need a deployer 209:52 do i have enough stuff for it deploy uh 209:55 i just i already have one of those i 209:56 need this 209:57 easy i got that oh it's down here 209:59 oops 210:00 i remember exactly where i put that i 210:02 think it was like uh 210:04 i think i put them in a chest over there 210:06 somewhere 210:07 god what i have rat skeletons um 210:11 didn't i have brass like over somewhere 210:14 over there i 210:16 swear i brass somewhere it might have 210:17 been there um 210:19 try building it by hand first and keep 210:21 it contained 210:22 yeah no i'm gonna be doing that but i 210:24 need to do a uh 210:25 oh no no i'm not doing the i'm not 210:27 building it with deployers i'm building 210:28 it with um i'm building a deployer so i 210:31 can automatically get 210:32 garbage piles you don't need that much 210:37 you're nuts i need tons uh and i'm gonna 210:40 do it automatically because i'm just 210:41 that type of guy 210:42 um all right so i've now got trash cans 210:46 uh and got the brass sheets what else do 210:48 i need can i just make it here 210:50 no i need to go upstairs okay right this 210:53 is gonna work this is genuinely gonna 210:54 happen 210:55 this is genuinely gonna happen i'm gonna 210:56 get this scythe 210:58 what item is he's trying to make a death 211:00 scythe we need to kill a 211:02 the most op boss in the game but first 211:04 of all i've gotta 211:05 you know do a bunch of for it 211:19 oh anyone got the chords for spawn 211:22 zero zero hoppers work but they're not 211:25 as fast 211:26 i want like you know 211:30 i mean i could make harper maybe i could 211:32 make three hoppers oh 211:34 maybe i could make three hoppers okay 211:36 i've got this sudden burst of energy 211:38 now that i figured out this is actually 211:40 a possible thing that i can do this is 211:41 actually a goal that i can have 211:52 um 211:57 okay 212:02 garbage works great oh it does 212:06 work 212:08 it did work it did work it genuinely 212:09 worked what the okay cool 212:12 right now we just need to go find a 212:13 bunch of garbage uh how do we get a 212:15 bunch of garbage 212:19 cable generator 212:23 never why do you swear so much i'm so 212:26 sorry 212:27 i'm so sorry i'll try my best not to 212:31 uh like us on twitch but not youtube 212:33 what's that youtube money i know 212:34 oh my god you know what there's things 212:37 more to care about oh i could use the 212:38 wood 212:40 i'll keep it from burning down later i'm 212:43 genuinely not even bothered 212:44 how did it how is it burning though that 212:47 would be interesting to know 212:50 use oh no i recycled the hopper 212:58 god damn it god damn it 213:01 forest fire yeah twitch doesn't take 213:05 your money if you swear 213:07 god damn it well you know 213:14 wood planks baby please give me my 213:17 supply of 213:18 wood all right so 213:23 bam bam straight away 213:26 into there bam bam 213:30 straight away into there what is killing 213:32 me 213:34 idiot idiot zombie 213:38 okay uh okay now we got that done put 213:40 that there 213:41 put that in there and put that there put 213:43 that there put that there put that there 213:46 and i do i just stand by this thing and 213:47 just wait 213:49 yeah i guess i do it's like one garbage 213:53 pile every second 213:55 this is not bad could i increase the 213:58 output maybe 214:00 could i increase the output maybe oh 214:05 i feel like i can i'm going to increase 214:08 the output 214:08 i'm just going to let this burn down in 214:10 the background i have better things to 214:12 focus on 214:14 uh let's increase the output baby 214:21 okay i just need that money that's fine 214:24 bam increase this output let's increase 214:26 this output let's increase this output 214:28 let's increase this output let's 214:29 increase this output 214:31 let's increase this output all right 214:33 ready and more wood 214:34 more wood more wood double the speed 214:37 double the speed 214:40 double the speed two every second one 214:42 two one 214:43 two there we go right this is working 214:46 it's working good we got already a stack 214:50 done okay 214:50 let's do eve let's put more in there 214:52 let's make sure this is always topped up 214:54 we got this the garbage pile 214:56 master no not the garbage pile 214:58 garbage pie master garbage pile master 215:01 i'm the trash man all right 215:06 i'm the treyish man all right let's do 215:08 that let's keep four around just because 215:09 i want to be able to 215:11 bunk that down there and then let's turn 215:13 this stuff into 215:15 compressed garbage oh you guys thought 215:18 this was gonna be hard 215:19 unnecessarily grinding pog yes would 215:23 sticks work 215:24 oh is it any item 215:28 that would really increase the output uh 215:31 i'm gonna make a chest to put this in 215:33 though first 215:35 just so i can quickly throw it in that 215:38 and then i can make sticks 215:44 they're working it looks like it's going 215:48 all right i guess we're doubling every 215:49 quadrupling everything no doubling 215:51 everything okay 215:53 it it's working why not sticks 215:55 thanks for the tip chat 215:56 thank you watch the hopper fin what 216:04 hopper 216:08 unless you're in a garbage buttons 216:11 buttons would be less 216:14 uh sticks we can like say it's like 216:16 doubling it but buttons just turn into 216:17 the same thing sadly there's nothing 216:20 else we can do there maybe 216:21 pressure plates would do the trick no 216:26 sticks and stones 216:30 okay there we go truck bit in there turn 216:33 our attention 216:34 to this go like this holy it's 216:37 still working 216:40 i don't know how 216:45 i have no idea how this is working right 216:47 now but it's working 216:49 okay cool so we've already beat the 216:51 system 216:55 uh okay this there that there how are 216:58 you doing you're good you're good 217:00 you're good we're going good let's take 217:02 all that wood out there i don't want to 217:04 be wasting anything 217:05 let's put you into there why not you 217:08 into there okay you like that 217:13 perfect and then how 217:16 is let's just do one this one might need 217:18 a bit of help there we go 217:20 let's make more stuff make more 217:22 compressed garbage 217:24 okay garbage let's do it from there bam 217:27 look at that another 18 another 19. 217:29 there we go already got half a stack 217:32 this is good this is good stop it got 217:34 slower 217:35 no it didn't one two one oh it did get 217:38 slower 217:39 interesting but not much slower 217:45 uh it is going like pretty quick 217:50 okay there we go it's working it still 217:51 works sticks are slower a little bit 217:53 slower 217:54 but it's les it's more efficient though 217:59 start the platform to get more wrap uh 218:02 not stick slabs slabs would also work 218:07 slabs could work 218:12 all right we'll try slabs slabs is the 218:16 next uh 218:17 contender why is there bottles 218:21 oh i have uh oh damn i've picked up some 218:23 rotten flesh 218:26 what the what 218:33 i found a bug i found a bug 218:38 i found a bug i found a bug 218:43 i found a book 218:51 unless it's just not hold on 218:54 wait this might not actually be a bug 218:56 this might just be me being dumb 219:00 oh wait was it just me being dumb 219:08 oh no it's just the same it's just the 219:11 same 219:14 it's it it doesn't fill it any faster 219:17 whether i click on it or not 219:23 i think it's the fine make the fundy 219:25 drill i already made fundies drill but 219:27 way better are you kidding it's upstairs 219:30 it's way better though it's like five 219:32 it's like 50 times the size and it's way 219:34 more efficient 219:36 anyway uh slabs let's do slabs i thought 219:39 i was so smart there for a second 219:41 i was just like damn i don't know how 219:43 this managed to slip through the 219:44 devs but yeah works for me 219:49 slabs at one 219:52 two three and slabs 219:55 to you and do i have enough i'll do 219:58 another one 219:59 one two three bam 220:02 into you oh you're low running low 220:06 okay into you hey buddy one 220:09 two three two slabs cool 220:13 perfect look at that look at that that's 220:15 a lot of slabs 220:17 are less go back to sticks no they're 220:19 not slabs are the same as sticks 220:23 um they're the exact same but we're 220:25 we're hoping it's going to be faster 220:26 because they're like more of a block or 220:28 something i don't know 220:32 we go another twenty another twenty 220:33 twelve to the pile almost a stack okay 220:35 almost a stack of the best one 220:39 make a plague trash pile yeah diseased 220:42 garbage 220:43 wait plague transport no diseased 220:45 garbage what you mean yeah you use one 220:47 of these things and you circle it with 220:48 regular garbage you get this 220:50 which is diseased ones which always 220:51 spawns plague rats which almost makes me 220:54 think we could farm it 220:57 uh okay 221:01 listen boys what do you mean you need 221:02 your points i'm doing on it 221:04 i'm doing it i'm gonna say the bet 221:06 continues by the way uh 221:07 i'm using my authority here and saying 221:09 the bet continues 221:11 during this live stream we do it 221:15 what happened to you becoming the femme 221:17 boy catboy to rule them all 221:19 i'm a rat boy i'm a rat boy to rule them 221:22 wait cat boys like rats you know 221:26 cat boys try and kill the rats i'm 221:28 farming the rats i'm trying to 221:30 murder rats right now 221:31 i'm still a fanboy cat boy to rule them 221:34 all 221:37 i just realized that was the first 221:38 donation in like half an hour by the way 221:40 guys step it up i'm not doing this for 221:42 free 221:45 i feel like that's gonna be like i need 221:46 to be one of those like girls on twitch 221:48 that's like um 221:50 it's 221:53 give me money give me my five dollars 221:55 give me my five dollars give me the 221:57 money you worked very hard for cause i 221:59 want it i want it now i want it now 222:01 invader v yeah she did well though 222:06 okay oh minx amen 222:10 you are fabulous i'm making 222:14 a you farm 222:19 tree farm on fire 222:27 minx has left the game 222:33 mixes left the game 222:43 [Music] 222:47 tree farm on fire yeah no sorry i'm 222:49 aware the tree farmer's on fire but i'm 222:51 focusing on making a garbage pile right 222:53 now but thank you 222:54 crimi thanks so much for this up brother 222:56 fight i don't care about the fire 222:59 i don't care about the fire it's gonna 223:02 grow back 223:04 knee slap moment 223:07 bad knee reserved for three months hell 223:10 yeah 223:11 dude i i appreciate the uh the long term 223:13 subs they're very cool 223:15 very cool fellas i'm gonna run out of 223:17 stuff here holy 223:18 i need to get more wood 223:26 any more wood 223:32 all of that's full of wood i'm not 223:33 really concerned about it going away 223:36 what else do i not need here grass block 223:39 why not don't need you 223:41 and i everything else i want to keep 223:43 i'll keep the wrong flesh just in case 223:44 that bug was actually a bug 223:46 um let's make a couple of these it's 223:49 eight 223:50 12 would work 12. oh now i don't 223:53 have infantry room 223:54 oh me that's not good oh my god the 223:56 tree farm looks like cali 223:58 oh no that's an edgy joke that's 224:06 or australia you never know 224:10 okay let's do this oh damn 224:15 thank you demo hey my boy hey my boy 224:18 thank you thanks for the gifted subs man 224:22 it's real we really been struggling in 224:23 these in these days i'm having to 224:25 scrounge for 224:26 garbage literal garbage dude so thank 224:28 you for coming to save me 224:32 i'm trying to i'm i'm working for 224:34 garbage dude 224:36 let's put that one there 224:41 yep uh okay there we go 224:44 you can go in there let's do more 224:48 all the more i would like more garbage 224:52 piles 224:53 give me more well my 224:56 tree blows and burns 225:00 down 225:03 what the i wonder what the uh 225:07 oh god you know what song's been stuck 225:08 in my head the um the 225:15 [Music] 225:19 let me see what spring is like on 225:22 jupiter and mars 225:26 other words hold my 225:29 hand in other words 225:34 baby kiss me garbage 225:37 okay fill my 225:47 [Music] 225:53 door thank you wait a liter i haven't 225:55 seen you give subs before thank you 225:57 welcome um thank you very much 226:01 oh you guys are cat jamming to me 226:03 singing thank you 226:04 that's a really nice compliment i didn't 226:06 need it i'm uh i'm terrible at singing 226:09 i just it's stuck in my head i was 226:10 singing it when when i was i went to the 226:12 shops 226:13 for like the first time in like a month 226:15 because everything's been closed 226:17 and um i was just singing that it was 226:19 like all snowy and stuff 226:21 it was really nice uh it was all like 226:23 all snowy on the road that i was walking 226:24 back from it was complete no cars on the 226:26 road because of snowy it was 226:28 um it was just all like street lights 226:30 and snow it was very nice 226:32 um and i was just singing that song 226:35 going down the street 226:36 like walking in the middle of the road 226:38 very nice 226:39 a good vibe actually i really that 226:41 that's that's the vibe that i want 226:44 we got another half stack look at that 226:46 almost two stacks 226:48 i'll try and get a few of these stacks 226:50 there's probably quite a few garbage 226:52 piles downstairs if you need more 227:02 xd 227:09 what if i had that as my camera 227:12 what if i had that as my camera can i do 227:15 that what if i took a screenshot of that 227:16 and just had that as the face cam 227:19 still thinking about rap mate minks 227:22 god damn it 227:27 should have scattered a little bit 227:37 in other words oh need wood 227:43 okay oh 227:46 my lord though this is a good method i'm 227:48 glad whoever told me not to make a 227:50 um 227:51 this thing thank you because i would 227:52 have been screwed i would have been 227:54 doing a lot of work for no reason 228:01 [Music] 228:03 we're farming garbage together i feel 228:05 i've never felt so good 228:07 okay uh this is probably the best way 228:12 i think sticks were the same to be 228:14 honest with you but 228:16 honestly this feels nicer to craft slabs 228:19 i guess 228:20 why not it's just a personal preference 228:23 there we go we're actually doing pretty 228:25 good you'd think the trash can would 228:27 need like food 228:28 but then again i would have been able to 228:30 give it food too 228:31 bread or wheat would have been fine with 228:33 me 228:34 okay let's do this one last thing of 228:37 slabs in one of these 228:38 uh let's do it in there and then i'll do 228:41 another 228:42 one in there 228:45 okay there we go one last thing of slabs 228:47 and then we're gonna call this one good 228:48 and then this is gonna be 228:49 whatever we get out of this i think it's 228:51 gonna be fine oh i'll do this one 228:53 as well 228:54 just excess 228:59 ah there you go all right let's see what 229:01 we got 229:03 all of that we're gonna wait for that to 229:04 all cycle through we have two stacks we 229:06 have over two stacks 229:07 that's a pretty decent perimeter that's 229:10 like a 229:11 10 by 10 which is not terrible 229:14 that's a good like radius to keep a hold 229:17 of right if there's a bunch of rats 229:19 spawning 229:19 that's how we'll do it but the plague 229:21 thing lasts five minutes 229:23 it's like mega poison so i kind of want 229:26 to figure out a good way to kill them 229:28 without being in there you know 229:33 what do you think 229:39 what happened to your hair what the 229:41 happened to your hair what do you mean 229:42 what the happened to my hair 229:43 what do you mean what do you mean what 229:45 happened to my hair 229:46 anyway harming potion no i've got to 229:48 kill them with the looting sword 229:50 that's going gonna be my best bet no no 229:53 i gotta kill them with a looting sword 229:54 i'm trying to figure out a good platform 229:56 area i've done farms all my life 229:58 i can't piss and push them because 230:00 they're one block 230:02 also that might be inefficient keep a 230:06 cow nearby for milk 230:08 drools do damage i'm not going to do 230:10 anything besides kill them 230:11 floor above 230:16 thank you risk biscuit holy that's 230:18 very nice of you 230:21 i have an idea i have an idea i know 230:24 exactly what i'm gonna do 230:25 i know exactly what i'm gonna do and i 230:27 know exactly how i'm gonna do it 230:30 i know exactly what i'm gonna do okay i 230:31 got it 230:33 that's a terrible way of making these 230:35 blocks holy cringe 230:37 um okay i know exactly what i'm gonna do 230:40 what i'm gonna do 230:41 i'm gonna go ahead and make some fences 230:44 bear with me uh 230:48 bear with me here okay we need this in 230:51 the middle 230:52 that like that ah it like that 230:55 okay we got some fences now the reason 230:57 why we're gonna want fences is because 230:59 i'm gonna do like 231:00 lines it's gonna be like a trap 231:03 make them fall and have a one block no 231:05 no no no also what do you mean make them 231:07 fall that would be hard enough on its 231:08 own 231:09 so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make 231:12 lines two wide lines 231:14 like this right 231:18 the oh it's just random garbage i 231:22 get it 231:23 okay well anyway um so we're gonna make 231:26 two wide lines 231:28 like uh 231:31 like so and then we're gonna have sl 231:34 we're gonna have 231:35 uh uh 231:38 these there all the on in a line right 231:42 we're gonna have this suspended one 231:44 block in the air it's gonna be one block 231:45 up so i'm gonna be able to walk 231:47 underneath them and kill them a bit like 231:50 how that farm is over there but these 231:52 giant lines of them 231:54 that's gonna be what it's gonna be make 231:56 them fall put open trap doors on this 231:58 like nah i'm not going to auto farm them 232:00 i need to be able to kill them with a 232:01 looting thing so it's like a little bit 232:03 more difficult 232:04 but also it's better i feel like this 232:08 will work fine too 232:09 especially if i have a really long line 232:11 of compressed garbage 232:12 they can go through fences 232:16 can they 232:20 can they oh 232:37 yeah i feel like they'd be able to go 232:38 through that 232:43 maybe do you think they'd be able to go 232:44 through that what if it was a 232:46 cobblestone wall 232:48 nothing can get through that 232:53 what about a couple wall 232:59 use walls couple walls 233:04 couple walls might be the way to go 233:06 they're thicker they're thicker 233:08 i think we're gonna do that i think 233:10 we're gonna go to the cobble walls 233:11 method 233:12 i think that was a good shout chat 233:16 you're smart okay 233:20 thank you by the way for the sub six 233:22 months god damn 233:24 thank you thank you guys uh 233:27 rats can burrow through any block making 233:29 mouse holes 233:34 huh 233:36 i'm gonna use these oh 233:40 wait you can use undesired okay and it's 233:42 like well am i making anderson wall 233:43 cause we've got a ton of endosyme 233:45 and diorite actually 233:47 um maybe i'll use diorite might be a bit 233:49 of a waste 233:51 i don't know i don't know 233:54 well uh we need something to make a wall 233:57 out of is there a really 233:58 big thing here go away go away 234:03 i'll trident you warned ya 234:07 all right now they're all done um 234:10 there's nothing like super common 234:11 besides cobble i think we just use 234:13 cobble 234:13 i think we'll just go cobble merusa is 234:15 still in the strip club 234:16 really god 234:20 what was that message 234:23 get out of my slime get out of my 234:25 garbage slimes get out of my garbage 234:30 get out of my garbage get out of my 234:34 garbage 234:35 i think she's talking to a bunch of 234:36 people in the strip club now anyway it's 234:38 fine 234:40 get out of my garbage okay 234:43 push them with water i don't know 234:45 whether you can put water on it though 234:48 they run from players do they 234:53 it's fine i'll chase them down 234:57 where the is the other one okay 235:03 finn trying to figure out to make a 235:04 collection system yeah 235:07 chat uh 235:10 it's not it's gonna be fine i think we 235:12 got it i think we're to be walls i think 235:13 we're going to do walls 235:15 we're not going to auto collect them 235:16 though we won't need to 235:20 wear piper hat they won't run piper hat 235:26 okay a feather we can get that pied wall 235:29 pat peed wall peed wall 235:34 peed wool how do you get peed wool 235:39 how do you get peed wall 235:46 how do you peed wool dude 235:59 okay one of them's already done okay uh 236:02 we're almost done with this 236:03 i think we'll i think as soon as we stop 236:05 getting stuff we'll start to go and 236:07 collect 236:09 uh 236:13 open the chest god damn oh it's 236:15 lagging 236:16 oh no drop from pied pipers oh 236:21 well i'm not gonna be able to find them 236:22 very easily it was lagging god there's 236:24 so many people on right now 236:26 ah 236:31 do it like a skeleton farm but they need 236:32 to get off of the blocks that's the 236:34 issue 236:35 and i need to like that would be so much 236:37 work to do that and it's only a 236:39 very contained area like like a normal 236:42 monster farm now i'm just gonna do that 236:44 i've got an idea i've got an idea 236:46 i have a good idea i have a really good 236:48 idea you guys are doubting my good ideas 236:51 it's a great idea 236:55 it's a fantastic idea you just use water 236:58 but if you have water on the block they 237:00 might not spawn on the block because 237:01 there's already a water block taking up 237:02 its place 237:03 minecraft mob spawning is weird like 237:05 that sometimes 237:09 okay uh make it like an enemy okay 237:12 listen i've got an idea i got an idea i 237:14 don't know why you doubt me okay i'm 237:15 gonna go i'm gonna go do it the thing 237:17 uh we need cobblestone walls we not a 237:20 cobblestone 237:21 uh luckily i know how to get cobblestone 237:23 i actually have a machine that makes it 237:25 um 237:29 could i just use the regular wall we 237:30 don't need okay i'm just gonna go steal 237:31 some walls another name for the epic 237:35 smp is dr stone 237:40 dr stone it's a good anime um 237:45 shout out if you've watched doctor 237:52 that's never happened in my elevator 237:53 before what the 237:55 oh my god 238:02 christ i don't like that that was 238:06 terrifying why the did that happen 238:08 is it just lagging 238:10 encased fan to push the rats ooh 238:15 now that's an idea 238:19 see now that is an idea 238:22 that's smart that is real smart chat 238:26 i kind of like that that would work 238:31 i'm not gonna do it like that but if we 238:33 really need to farm a lot of stuff we'll 238:35 do it like that i think 238:38 how many of these gonna make 238:43 three stacks i'm gonna need a little bit 238:44 more one two three 238:46 i know undesired's kind of like you know 238:48 something that you should try and 238:49 not spend on walls but like this is the 238:52 closest thing i've got right now 238:56 um that would work 239:00 that would definitely work and it would 239:01 all be contained 239:11 that's how the blazers are getting out 239:12 by the way they get targeted on you and 239:13 then they 239:14 burn 239:21 now i gotta kill that thing 239:29 did i kill it 239:34 guess i killed it um 239:39 okay how are you out oh my 239:42 how are they out how are they out 239:46 okay that's fine one of you did what 239:49 they don't know 239:49 one of those two are going to be the 239:51 contenders to making the uh 239:53 making the demon that we're gonna spawn 239:56 and then murder so 239:57 i don't mind uh 240:04 okay a bunch more let's just quickly 240:07 craft the rest of it there we go 240:09 there we go okay that's what we've got 240:11 compressed garbage let's take all of 240:12 that 240:13 we're going to go build it out there i 240:15 think because i'm not going to put it in 240:16 the main house 240:17 that's just terrifying i don't know if i 240:20 want to have a rat factory in the main 240:22 lab area uh all right 240:25 first of all we're gonna start placing 240:27 maybe the maybe the underside walls 240:30 i don't know is it gonna fall oh it 240:33 falls 240:35 we need more blocks um 240:38 any more regular blocks 240:41 oh well this'll work temporarily this 240:45 will be fine 240:54 okay that should be fine for that 241:04 okay uh and then we're gonna go walls 241:08 along here 241:12 there's no way they're gonna fit through 241:14 there we're good we're safe 241:16 no way they're fitting through 241:17 that no goddamn way 241:26 and then i guess we just kind of wait 241:28 now 241:30 maybe i guess we just kind of wait now 241:34 we need to put 241:35 oh there's already one he's not feral 241:38 though 241:39 okay we need to darken this room 241:43 no no way no way 241:48 did he get 241:54 oh i feel kind of bad 242:06 i feel awful 242:10 i don't feel that bad actually i hate 242:12 these things 242:13 hey these things these things 242:15 have caused me so much pain i 242:16 i don't even feel bad uh i would have 242:18 put harpers there but that would have 242:19 been way too expensive as 242:21 replacing the wood uh anyway i don't 242:24 feel bad at all 242:25 i don't feel bad at all there's not a 242:26 single ounce of regret inside of me 242:31 okay they're being contained uh they are 242:34 being contained now 242:35 that is fine that is good and fine there 242:38 we go we get more compressed garbage 242:45 okay lovely 242:49 god god okay 242:53 okay there we go we just need to circle 242:56 this now 242:57 do even more i just saw a rat that's 242:59 definitely a i saw a plagued rap 243:01 particle right there 243:03 i can see play grab particle oh 243:06 my god they're so quick 243:09 christ god 243:26 is that burrowing hold on 243:31 oh my god they're actually all there 243:33 holy they're actually all turning 243:34 into plague rats 243:36 this is good wait this is actually 243:37 working wait this is actually working 243:41 finn they spawn around garbage 243:44 oh god well 243:48 well uh 243:53 wait is that true 243:56 on block it says on block why would it 243:58 be anywhere oh 243:59 god can milk not neutralize the poison i 244:02 don't know 244:04 does this look like a face of someone 244:05 that knows i don't know 244:13 i'm just as terrified as you are which 244:16 probably isn't much i'm the only one 244:17 that's terrified of this 244:18 god i got scared of that okay 244:22 i'm actually gonna kind of um i'm out of 244:26 blocks so 244:28 i'm just gonna do this 244:34 any block works it doesn't really matter 244:37 wait if i put a no it's fine it's just 244:39 soul sound that would do that 244:42 okay all right all right all right more 244:45 of these there we go we got three decent 244:47 spawning labs now actually i'm gonna let 244:49 them just accumulate 244:50 because as we saw they just kind of keep 244:54 spawning and the more of them that are 244:55 there the more chance that they'll just 244:57 infect other 244:58 other rats and then i can just 245:01 kill them from underneath this thing 245:04 easy this is good 245:07 this is fine 245:11 oh please tell me they can't jump 245:14 oh please tell me they can't jump oh 245:17 please tell me they can't jump 245:20 chat check can they jump 245:24 check and they jump 245:27 okay it's fine they can't jump over the 245:29 wall there's no way they can jump over 245:30 that wall 245:31 they can't jump no it's fine it's fine 245:33 it's fine 245:35 [Music] 245:36 it's fine you could be an evil mofo and 245:39 make a farm of rats under swagger's base 245:42 and he would have a 245:44 freaking plague on his hands kekwxd 245:47 he would i i feel like me and swagger 245:49 are teaming up though for this for the 245:51 rap problem 245:52 um i feel like we're like we're gonna be 245:55 buds throughout this 245:58 okay i'm gonna make another fourth 245:59 spawning pad 246:03 one more spawning pad i think that's how 246:06 much i've got enough oh no i can do 246:07 actually a lot more i can do another one 246:08 as well 246:12 can do another spawning pad should i 246:16 this is a pretty good method actually 246:22 are you proud of me i'm proud of me 246:25 you proud of me i'm proud of me i'm kind 246:28 of proud of me 246:30 you proud of me 246:34 you proud of me 246:38 i'm proud of me 246:44 okay yeah we can use more walls okay 246:52 okay right there don't do anyone there 246:55 no 246:57 okay and then we're gonna check on how 246:59 the rat population is doing 247:01 they will eventually despawn so i'm 247:03 gonna kill him quickly as i can 247:06 uh there we go okay this last one and 247:09 then i'm done 247:10 that can't be there please i'm not 247:12 letting a feral rat get out of 247:14 this thing 247:16 okay there is there are rats but i don't 247:19 want any of the plagued ones to get out 247:20 i don't care about regular 247:22 rats it's the plagued ones 247:24 they're like poisoned but like 247:25 way worse there we go that's the last 247:27 one i can do fully 247:29 how we doing boys oh yeah oh yeah that's 247:33 a lot of rats oh 247:36 you little mousy boys little pieces of 247:38 that eat 247:39 cheese and i eat cheese i'm five 247:41 eight i know now 247:46 they didn't like that i called them that 247:48 all right hey buddies hey 247:52 i got one i got one yeah i'm 247:55 killing one row of them 248:00 little piece of boys 248:04 i got three i got three already i 248:06 already have three 248:07 i only need four five 248:11 seven i'm just killing them all ten 248:17 eleven oh this works so well 248:20 twelve 248:25 oh yes baby 248:34 13. these guys haven't actually spawned 248:36 properly 248:41 oh my method worked oh it works so well 248:46 ah quit growling at me you 248:55 more 15. 249:00 it's actually better than on the server 249:01 16. there we go i can now make 249:03 four i can make four 249:07 i can make four now okay we got the 249:09 thing okay we got enough to make four of 249:11 the uh 249:12 of the plague thing we got enough to 249:15 make four of the uh what are these 249:18 uh where is it at where's it at was it 249:19 that was it that's it uh 249:21 doctor there it is play doctor we got 249:23 four of these this transforms a villager 249:26 into a plague doctor 249:27 so should we make a should we make a 249:29 plague doctor trap 249:31 the next thing we got to do is 249:32 kill the thing i don't know if you guys 249:34 know if you're aware of what i'm doing 249:35 right now 249:38 we're really close rapport 249:45 okay we're so close that was in my mind 249:48 the hardest bit 249:50 uh but no we're good okay we need a 249:53 whole place 249:54 in my i think we need obsidian 249:57 i think we need obsidian 250:01 okay here's my idea right we make an 250:03 obsidian cube 250:04 right we make an obsidian cube where we 250:07 can i can only touch his feet 250:09 with an enchant table 250:13 okay because i i remember these from my 250:15 old days in factions 250:16 okay we use obsidian to kill 250:19 this guy 250:23 this was a really old back in the day 250:25 trap 250:26 you'd make an obsidian box you'd set an 250:28 enchant table under him and an enchant 250:30 table is the tiniest 250:32 tiniest crack in minecraft that you can 250:35 still like hit through 250:36 and so they could never hit you but you 250:38 could always hit them 250:42 so naturally i'm gonna use all of my 250:45 experience to my advantage right now 250:47 and i'm gonna kill a god damn god i'm 250:50 gonna kill a god 250:52 he spawns minions i'm not gonna let him 250:54 i'm gonna go 250:55 really really deep underground or at 250:57 least like over there technically above 250:58 me 250:59 so he can't spawn any of his rat minions 251:01 on me 251:06 that's the plan i don't know how this 251:08 hasn't burned 251:10 i don't know how that hasn't burned 251:18 anyway 251:22 like how i was saying i don't know how 251:24 that hasn't burned just after witnessing 251:25 a forest fire 251:27 literally did burn it 251:33 oh that's how uh 251:38 okay well that's fine i'll deal with 251:40 that later okay we got 17 251:42 still not enough in my opinion can i 251:44 crush obsidian again 251:45 no more obsidian i don't think so 251:50 oh my god i'm genuinely kind of shaking 251:52 a little bit i'm really hyped up 251:56 okay well that didn't work is there any 251:59 fans by the way 252:00 cool sake all right cal 252:03 hell 252:06 all right i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do 252:08 this just use water oh 252:11 i oh i do have water you're right why am 252:14 i dumb 252:18 five eight little mousy boys that live 252:20 in the walls and hunt for cheese 252:24 i like them 252:42 oh 252:50 little piece of boys five eight 252:52 little mousy boys that live in the wall 252:55 and crawl around for chilly 252:57 you rats god i hate rats they're 253:00 five eight little piece of boys 253:02 they're crawling the crawl around the 253:03 wall hunting for 253:04 cheese little piece of boys 253:13 little pissy boys that's uh straight 253:15 left 253:17 five eight little pissy boys that's jay 253:20 schlatt 253:21 five little pieces of boys that 253:24 call on the 253:25 walls hunt for cheese 253:39 okay you like what 253:43 we got him no no 253:46 no okay fine like five eight little 253:50 pieces of boys 253:52 that's my that's my type in men by the 253:54 way 253:55 that's who i choose to be friends with 253:57 that's who i will choose to date that's 253:58 why i'm into uh jay schlatt 254:01 5 8 little piece of is michael 254:03 reeves on the server he's not 254:05 okay this is easily enough obsidian uh i 254:08 got way more than enough 254:09 i'm still gonna do it over there because 254:11 i don't care i need to kidnap a villager 254:14 and somehow lure him over here or 254:16 boat him all the way over here what in 254:18 the 254:20 okay am i gonna show marisa this 254:24 maybe maybe not i'm gonna do it right by 254:26 the rats i'm gonna do it right 254:28 should i go up or down down i still got 254:31 room 254:32 yeah i got 11 blocks of space that's 254:34 fine so 254:35 here's the area that i'm thinking i'm 254:38 gonna need to lure a villager into here 254:40 uh i'm gonna build like an area around 254:43 him i'm gonna do a 254:44 2x2 just so i can make sure the village 254:47 is in there just so it's easy for me and 254:48 i can build it now and not later 254:51 i'm gonna go as low as i possibly can if 254:54 i can go down to bedrock level i will 254:56 um i might need more obsidian actually 254:58 thinking about it 255:01 i want as little space as humanly 255:04 possible 255:04 i'm making this guy dead dead you know 255:08 okay oh this is kind of perfect there's 255:10 not actually a ton of bedrock here okay 255:12 where's 255:12 here i'm gonna stand maybe 255:17 maybe there actually maybe right here 255:20 yeah right here's good okay 255:21 so we're gonna have enchanting tables 255:23 right here bedrock all around me i'm 255:25 gonna be sitting here hitting upwards 255:28 uh there's gonna be obsidian like this 255:31 oh this isn't good okay there's not 255:34 gonna be obsidian like that actually 255:35 there's gonna be obsidian over my head 255:38 um okay there's gonna be obsidian 255:41 around like this don't worry finn 255:46 you're a lesbian thank you uh 255:50 surprise me ariza with the scythe i will 255:52 i really oh that's gonna be fun 255:56 uh okay 256:00 right oh my god boys i can't actually 256:03 believe we're actually preparing to do 256:04 this 256:05 after so much stress okay 256:09 this is where i'm gonna live right this 256:10 is where he's gonna be 256:12 enchant tables all there so it's going 256:14 to be one block taller remember 256:16 uh he this is going to be his feet right 256:18 there so we need to go one block more up 256:20 i need more obsidian um 256:24 okay that there i'm going to do that so 256:26 yeah i'm still gonna be able to be able 256:28 to hit him through there 256:29 fun fact even though there's gonna be a 256:32 block there 256:34 let's make myself a little area to get 256:36 down into that 256:38 okay lovely this is my killing area okay 256:41 cool i need 256:42 i'm gonna need quite a lot of it more of 256:43 obsidian actually 256:45 but for now let's just make sure i can 256:48 go on outer rim 256:49 around there okay and then when i got 256:51 that there i'm gonna go 256:53 one more block up yeah i'm gonna go one 256:56 more 256:56 no okay this is gonna be the roof right 256:58 here i'm gonna trap him in there 257:01 okay so far so good i'm gonna patch it 257:04 up with obsidian as soon as the village 257:06 is in there 257:08 trade with him and then kill him 257:12 and if it goes wrong i'm screwed if it 257:15 goes wrong i i'm dead dead dude 257:17 i'm gone should we go and farm the rats 257:19 just to see what it does 257:21 let's just see how much we can get why 257:22 not hey buddy 257:24 if you release these animals are 257:26 they all dead 257:30 okay there's no rats in there right now 257:32 yeah they all despawn 257:34 oh god oh 257:37 no no no no no no 257:40 no no no no no not today 257:44 satan they just ate that thing's 257:47 eyes dude 257:56 good rap good rap don't remember that i 257:58 killed you all your brothers 258:00 good rap good rap good rat good rat okay 258:05 we're fine we patched it up we're fine 258:07 we're fine we're fine we're fine we're 258:08 fine i'm not gonna with that area 258:09 anymore 258:13 jesus christ 258:16 god i hate when they don't i 258:18 hate when they don't mute and 258:19 mumble 258:27 anyway the little creeps the little 258:30 little bastard pieces of 258:32 boys 258:33 god damn it 258:36 all right um 258:41 where's my list okay there we go let's 258:42 toss that there that nope just shouldn't 258:44 have thrown that 258:46 okay let's just do this for now 258:50 okay we need more arby uh i need to be 258:52 able to make a roof out of it 258:53 essentially 258:54 i need at least four blocks of i'll be 258:56 sparing my inventory but i'm gonna need 258:58 12 no 16 i need 16 at least for the 259:02 enchant tables then i need four more 259:04 no and then i need 10 more i need 26 259:09 and then i'll have a little bit to spare 259:11 as well so 26 blocks of obsidian 259:14 or at least 20. i think at least 22 but 259:18 26. 259:23 i'm nervous dude i'm nervous dude first 259:26 he creates a plague i'm farming the 259:28 plague 259:30 i'm gonna farm the plague that's what 259:32 i've been doing 259:37 two more 259:40 what are you not picking up for there we 259:42 go okay 259:44 there we go 259:47 why they're not muting in mumble do they 259:50 not know 259:54 okay there we go all right 259:58 now that's not gonna burn oh 260:00 shouldn't have done that 260:01 shouldn't have done this 260:10 there we go okay uh 260:14 hmm how the did you spawn okay well 260:19 that's not good 260:20 ah right what else did i need okay i 260:23 needed enchant tables i'm gonna need 260:25 enchant table what do i need for that a 260:26 book book and diamonds okay well i have 260:28 diamonds 260:29 i just need a book i need multiple books 260:31 hey buddy 260:32 they just made a kid in front of me 260:36 they're making a child what the 260:38 this is no place for a kid i'm gonna put 260:40 his 260:40 his kid's gonna turn into the guy i 260:43 immediately re 260:44 immediately now in my head i'm just like 260:46 okay now i know who's the target 260:49 he's gonna be the target i'm gonna make 260:52 their child into the demon lord that i'm 260:54 gonna murder 260:56 i they shouldn't have done that right in 260:58 front of me what was i to say 261:02 can i take a couple of you i think one 261:05 two 261:05 three yeah three would work uh bam bam 261:09 i need to mine these normally annoyingly 261:11 because my axe doesn't have it at my 261:12 access silk touch on it 261:14 murder the demon lord yes i wouldn't i 261:16 didn't need this money i needed like 261:17 two but i got three why not got spares 261:21 okay make an enchant table 261:24 one two three four lovely uh 261:27 that's all i need okay for them 261:30 for obsidian dude my stomach i'm like my 261:33 stomachs i've got butterflies right now 261:35 dude i'm nervous 261:37 genuinely like i just as soon as i 261:39 finish making that i'm like it's gonna 261:40 happen 261:41 it's gonna happen right now it's 261:43 gonna happen 261:45 all of what we've been doing all of my 261:47 stress it's gonna actually come to 261:49 fruition 261:50 we're genuinely gonna kill this thing 261:53 and we're gonna get the scythe if not we 261:55 have multiple tries 261:56 um there it is there's the hole uh let's 262:00 mark it out just in case i 262:01 uh miss it next uh when i'm doing a lot 262:05 okay right bam bam bam bam 262:08 so look let me just let me show you this 262:11 look at that i can still hit him 262:12 i can still hit him through there if i 262:14 get if i if i do anything i'll just come 262:16 back here i'll hide 262:17 maybe i'll make a couple golden apples 262:18 who knows okay let me finish off the 262:21 roof of this 262:22 there we go and what i need to do with 262:23 my four remaining blocks is put him in 262:26 there 262:26 block off the roof so he's trapped in 262:28 there kill the 262:30 kill kill the uh kill the boat make him 262:33 into the 262:33 make your villa make the villager into 262:35 the boy it's gonna be fine 262:37 i need to take a i need to take a 262:40 262:41 for real homophobia and not pog wait are 262:42 there people being all shitty about 262:44 uh gay people what the do you mind 262:47 off homophobes 262:49 can we not do that in my chat 262:52 anyway don't you didn't he use splash 262:55 potions 262:56 i don't remember i'm gonna get golden 262:58 apples 263:00 um okay we're so close all right i need 263:03 to take a 263:04 i need to take a i need to take a 263:06 i need sick 263:10 can you get out the pit yourself yeah i 263:11 can i got a staircase 263:13 um i'm gonna hide under here for a sec 263:18 i'm gonna go take a and i'm gonna 263:19 run an ad okay guys please 263:22 stick around we're gonna this is gonna 263:23 be so good this could be so good we're 263:24 finally gonna do it but i do need to go 263:26 to the toilet or i'm to be a very bad 263:28 boy very not good 263:29 okay um 263:33 where's my the moon it's you're right 263:36 like a big pizza pie that's a mori 263:39 all right how long can i make an ad go 263:42 actually 263:44 um i actually have no idea how to do ads 263:54 um 263:57 i don't know how to do ads how do i do 263:59 ads oh there we go 264:01 how long can i 180 seconds three minutes 264:04 you good for that 264:05 i'm doing it anyway i'm gonna take a 264:07 i might be gone for a little bit 264:09 i'm gonna play some uh 264:11 ads i'll see you in a bit boys i'll try 264:13 i'll try and take a 264:14 less than three minute i will see 264:16 you turn off adblock we're gonna do a 264:17 thing put on some music i'll put on some 264:19 music for you as well in the meantime 264:22 ready 264:34 [Music] 264:48 [Music] 264:50 so 265:18 do 265:22 [Music] 265:46 do 265:51 [Music] 266:14 [Music] 268:17 [Music] 268:20 do 268:26 [Music] 268:28 [Applause] 268:31 [Music] 268:34 so 268:36 [Music] 268:51 [Music] 269:10 i'm back i'm back i'm back 269:15 why the are you spamming 69 269:20 what the happening what the 269:22 happening 269:23 what is what are you doing what's going 269:26 on 269:27 what the happened what the 269:29 happened 269:31 finn's stinky fin stinky who told you to 269:35 what happened 269:42 anyway okay so let's see what's going on 269:46 shall we okay 269:50 done oh my i didn't want to delete 269:52 this 269:53 okay so uh don't know why that's 269:56 like that anyway i don't know when that 269:58 happened anyway okay what were we doing 270:00 uh we've okay we've made uh 270:03 okay we need to make okay next up we 270:04 need to make the thing we need to make 270:06 the actual thing to turn the villagers 270:08 into 270:09 the the the boy the dark boy 270:14 that came out wrong the uh the what are 270:16 they called plague doctors 270:18 uh okay right 270:21 oh my god right we need to do this this 270:23 is gonna be good though we need a piece 270:24 of paper and then we've already got 270:26 enough stuff i'm just gonna make like 270:27 two 270:29 dollar doc just made a trash can 270:32 he's ahead oh dude he's trying to do the 270:33 same thing i'm trying to do oh my god 270:35 he's trying to do the same thing i'm 270:36 trying to do dude 270:37 oh no oh no oh god oh no 270:41 i'm getting prepared all right uh 270:43 where's the thing where's we had 270:45 sugarcane where's it gone there it is 270:47 oh sorry i was panicking okay 270:50 three sugarcane should we make two of 270:52 them let's make two 270:53 just because why not we could make three 270:55 but it 270:56 okay we got two uh we need two one for 270:59 marisa one for me 271:01 uh right oh my god what are your 271:03 pronouns 271:04 uh uh he him okay 271:09 he's making trash what are you up to 271:12 dolan what's he up to dolan what's that 271:15 guy up to 271:16 dolan 271:21 they're all using trash cans i don't 271:24 know if i like this 271:26 taking out the trash alrighty 271:29 okay um right now i've got this 271:34 holy we just do it now we just 271:37 do it now 271:41 oh my god i just need to kidnap one of 271:43 them and then transport them over there 271:48 okay this is gonna be annoying 271:53 it's gonna take me a long time okay i'm 271:56 gonna temporarily destroy this 271:57 just temporarily 272:03 it's temporary solution uh 272:08 okay let's just bam bam bam bam 272:12 gonna need to scoot all our way along 272:14 there go all the way through here 272:16 make sure not to fall in any of these 272:17 holes 272:19 let's make like a little pathway 272:23 okay right over here 272:26 straight through here and into there 272:29 okay 272:33 this is good this is so far so good 272:36 okay right 272:39 we're good it's going well 272:43 it's gonna happen all right 272:46 speed oh my god when's the next mc3 272:49 prison video probably in a day or two 272:52 oh my god we're actually gonna do this 272:56 right right right 273:02 um which one do i kidnap 273:06 which one goes i don't know which one's 273:08 going to be the one to go 273:10 and he would 273:15 don't need that don't need that don't 273:16 need that don't need that 273:19 don't need that don't need that 273:22 okay oh my god i'm genuinely really 273:26 i'm genuinely really nervous don't need 273:30 that 273:30 okay uh where's the other villager that 273:32 was running around hey buddy 273:33 i'm so sorry you're the chosen one oh 273:36 you're a tall smith you're useless 273:37 anyway 273:38 okay you're the chosen one bud oh 273:41 buddy 273:44 you're the chosen one buddy 273:48 are you ready slowly but surely 273:54 oh my god no the child i've lost the 273:57 child hey guys 273:58 hi no chris shut up 274:05 he worked out he could hear everyone oh 274:07 what if anyone has apples 274:09 golden apples would be good 274:14 anyone have a lot of golden 274:24 apples 274:26 hmm slowly taking him to his death 274:31 imagine slowly leading a villager to his 274:33 death yeah 274:34 it's less of death more of a fight 274:36 because he's going to turn into 274:38 something horrifying 274:41 he's a thick boy okay 274:45 find the kid oh he's the kid's gonna be 274:47 the next one i don't think he's grown up 274:48 yet 274:51 no you you no you're not 274:53 killing this guy this is the one 274:55 guy you're not killing 274:56 anyone else hey you bud 275:01 god damn it that's modest cube he's one 275:04 of the owners of this place he's one of 275:05 the owners of this s p is the creator of 275:07 it is the admin 275:08 uh if you're mean to me you get banned 275:12 welcome to epic smp yeah there's a bunch 275:14 of new people on they're all getting 275:16 introduced 275:18 oh my god i know if i do this though 275:21 mink uh 275:22 uh maurice is gonna be like oh you did 275:23 it without me yes yes i did 275:25 i'm doing it without her and then i'm 275:26 gonna do the next one with her 275:28 whoop you into that wait am i gonna be 275:31 able to get out of this 275:32 let's just break it while he's 275:34 here just in case 275:48 i didn't hit the i didn't hit him i hit 275:51 the boat 275:52 i hit the boat i hit the boat 275:56 oh god damn it 276:00 idiot sweeping edge oh 276:05 god damn it fine we're hitting we're 276:07 getting the kid where's the kid 276:09 where's the child i'm killing the child 276:12 i'm killing the child where is he 276:17 i might have to abduct one of them from 276:18 their home actually do you reckon he's 276:20 under here 276:22 sometimes they're under there 276:25 i might have to just take one of them 276:26 from their home it's gonna be kind of 276:27 hard 276:30 um i should have to take one of these 276:33 guys 276:35 well alrighty i guess it's easy now 276:38 they're asleep 276:39 you aren't you're a non-useful member of 276:41 society i'll take you 276:44 you get back up god damn it get in 276:47 the bed get in the thing get in there 276:48 get in the thing 276:50 get in the bed get in the boat get in 276:52 the boat get in the boat 276:53 get in the goddamn boat oh my god 276:57 get in the goddamn boat get in the 276:58 garden get in 277:00 get there we go good lord 277:07 have a nice nap 277:21 good enough this time it's going to be 277:24 well 277:25 get in the bed he did yeah i didn't mean 277:27 it like that i meant get in the 277:29 boat is this human trafficking sim yes 277:32 literally human traffic okay 277:35 huh look at marisa's board over there 277:39 are you ready for school what 277:44 get out of bed it's ready it's time for 277:46 school 277:48 all right did anyone answer me when i 277:50 said golden apples 277:54 uh 277:56 i don't think so i don't think anyone on 277:58 here is actually an experienced player 278:02 craniosis yo cranios 278:06 you got golden apples 278:10 or health potions maybe 278:16 just something to heal me no 278:21 done well i'm not giving him a scythe 278:25 simple as that now he doesn't get a 278:28 scythe 278:31 oh he doesn't get a sight that's what 278:33 happens 278:36 people that don't help me don't get 278:38 scythes 278:39 they don't get the death scythe i get 278:41 the death scythe 278:43 no one else gets the death scythe 278:48 memories or something a crackdown maybe 278:52 she might have health potions maybe 278:55 she didn't answer me though when i was 278:56 talking in chat so guess not 278:58 no not this guy not this guy i'm 279:01 not gonna use the sword just because the 279:02 sweeping edge 279:04 okay this time i'm gonna use my fists 279:08 okay and 279:12 oh well i'm in here with him 279:19 oh um was easy hey bud 279:23 i'm so sorry i'm not sorry 279:27 uh okay one two three four 279:30 oh boys it's happening oh my god i'm 279:34 scared 279:35 oh do we just go for it can we just 279:37 go for it 279:45 boom he's there okay he's turned into a 279:46 thing i need to buy 279:50 wait what it's a chance 279:53 no no he's not that 280:00 dude 280:02 what's the chance no 280:09 upgrade is rank 280:14 with what 280:17 what do i even need do i even need 280:18 anything from here 280:22 what's the cheapest thing this i 280:30 upgraded it 280:30 what oh they don't upgrade 280:40 he doesn't upgrade it's it's not a thing 280:42 that upgrades 280:50 next 280:54 oh you can leave him there oh i should 280:56 have just left him there and then did it 280:57 to another 281:01 whoops that was a good point i should 281:04 have done that 281:06 i should have done that whoops 281:11 that was small brain that was very small 281:14 brain 281:15 well either way it's these are 281:16 particularly cheap and i've got a 281:18 big supply village oh hey buddy oh are 281:21 you all grown up now 281:23 just like your dad a tool smith oh 281:25 you're gonna die 281:27 oh hey buddy i'm so glad i found you 281:29 you're gonna be really useful in this 281:31 project that i've been working on 281:32 you should take a look at it hey buddy 281:36 oh there we go finally the guy 281:39 oh come on stop escaping 281:45 there we go he's finally not escaped 281:48 [Music] 281:49 wait should i just 281:54 we didn't get him whoa what the 281:58 purifying liquid we didn't get him 282:01 hmm well we need to make another one 282:05 i need paper goddammit do you have any 282:08 paper 282:08 no any paper see you in a second 282:12 buddy 282:16 the child of prophecy change him first i 282:18 just did 282:20 um cure him and repeat maybe i'm gonna 282:23 have to do that 282:25 i might have to do that i'm gonna make 282:26 two more there's a creeper in the 282:27 goddamn engine room i just saw that 282:29 that's terrifying let's make two more 282:40 let's use all of them why not okay 282:44 i've got two more chances two more 282:46 chances we can do it it happened first 282:47 try last time so i was just 282:49 you know 282:53 purifying with the liquid no 282:56 i have a better idea i'm gonna i'm gonna 282:59 use this on a different guy that's 283:02 useless 283:04 is it night time buddy it's night time 283:07 isn't it he's invisible 283:10 okay uh i can't upgrade him so let's uh 283:13 he's still in there though 283:16 okay 283:20 hey buddy which one of you is going to 283:22 be turned next you up 283:23 hey bud don't turn invisible 283:26 god damn it um 283:30 is there a purifying liquid in there 283:32 am i gonna have to do another one 283:35 oh come on there's no purifying liquid 283:39 was there a purifying liquid on the last 283:44 guy 283:46 hey bud it's a thunderstorm too this 283:48 would have been perfect 283:49 okay there is let's get two of them 283:53 if you're falling i'm good wait kiss 283:56 mobs of plague 283:57 i don't think that changes them 284:04 i don't know if the purifying liquid 284:06 actually does this 284:12 no it doesn't it doesn't actually do 284:15 anything 284:16 so it doesn't actually do anything good 284:19 to know 284:22 don't worry 284:26 any more rats need more rats 284:31 on it oh wait thunder something 284:39 i already saw the lightning happen but 284:46 meow near 284:51 come here up come here 284:55 284:56 okay fine i'll find a mob over there 285:00 i think it's still thundering 285:04 there's a creeper anybody come on i want 285:06 a mule near you i want a 285:07 mule near you lightning attack 285:15 do i have to be in the thunderstorm and 285:17 on the surface 285:18 i have to be on the surface don't i god 285:21 damn it 285:23 only works outside do i really need 285:26 this is more important to me there 285:28 there's gonna be more thunderstorms i 285:29 want to do this 285:31 there's gonna be more thunderstorms i 285:32 don't care i need more rats 285:38 you absolutely cool 285:42 cheese touch 285:45 oh we made cheese this guy's making 285:48 cheese 285:50 any rats we got rats boys 285:54 yeah eat that zombie flesh okay one of 285:57 them's plague rat 286:00 one of them's a playground he's probably 286:02 gonna infect the other ones on his row 286:04 we need more play we need one playgroud 286:06 on each row 286:12 don't forget to patent the scythe yeah i 286:14 will 286:15 lightning in the yeah lightning and 286:17 underground area yes 286:19 yes yes um i've i'm so used to servers 286:22 okay there we go they're becoming that 286:25 we're gonna need a lot more uh we're 286:26 gonna need a lot more 286:28 we're gonna need a lot more 286:32 god i love your streams oh yeah 286:33 we're gonna need an awful lot more 286:41 this is not good enough yet there needs 286:43 to be a poison one in there and in there 286:45 there's already one over there there's 286:46 one in this middle row 286:48 and he's infecting all of them they all 286:49 wanna oh we got one we got one 286:51 he's gonna infect the rest of them that 286:53 red eyes one right there he's gonna 286:54 infect the rest of them there we go with 286:56 two red eyes three red eyes 286:58 um they're all play grads those are the 287:00 boys that drop the uh the stuff 287:02 we need the plague doctorate 287:05 it's gonna be good i'm gonna just 287:07 sacrifice the villagers until we get 287:09 more 287:09 honestly i don't care i'm just gonna 287:10 sacrifice them and then i'm gonna buy 287:12 like 287:12 five of those books uh 287:17 rack cage from the doctor to hold such 287:19 big rats nice that's 287:20 all right oh it looks like we started a 287:24 bit of a frenzy 287:25 goddammit spider how do you get in there 287:33 yes okay i like this fork thing 287:37 how we doing over there 287:42 all right doing the right side 287:49 um okay more activity on these two rows 287:52 here 287:53 a lot of activity on those i'm waiting 287:56 till they all kind of get 288:00 god i hate that noise 288:03 if i ain't more towards there i'm gonna 288:04 hit the roof 288:06 god damn it 288:09 oh hit him 288:13 oh all right literally farming the 288:16 plague 288:16 yeah yeah okay i'm going to kill this 288:18 middle row i think it's really annoying 288:20 the m this one hasn't got a single 288:22 playground yet 288:24 come on make a playground i just want to 288:26 get one playground in there it'll affect 288:27 all of them 288:29 i'm just gonna do it i'm just gonna 288:31 do it oh my god 288:36 we got one we got one damn i really 288:39 thought we'd get more on that second 288:41 hit got one so far we're gonna need at 288:43 least four 288:46 minimum four two 288:53 three 288:56 five what the they just dropped 289:06 that 289:08 that helps yo 289:12 yo 289:17 all right okay that's rare 289:20 all right a rare very rare drop from 289:24 playgrounds 289:25 okay okay 289:29 all right didn't know they did that he's 289:32 still in there look i see the invis 289:34 particles still that 289:36 yes you are i'm gonna kill you 289:44 oh my god boys i've got the item 289:48 i've got the item 289:52 oh dude imagine i don't get the scythe 289:54 on the drop 289:56 imagine i don't get the scythe 289:59 are you coming back alive no he's just 290:01 drinking more invis pots 290:02 imagine i don't get the scythe imagine 290:05 my trap doesn't work 290:09 there's a lot riding on this actually 290:11 thinking about it 290:18 wait the spirits i forgot about the 290:19 spirits he can spawn spirits 290:24 i've got the best armor in the game like 290:27 i've got the best armor in the game 290:28 genuinely the best armor in the game and 290:30 the best sword best axe in the game 290:34 best trident in the game like i've got 290:36 all the best gear 290:38 he he can't i'm not scared 290:41 one until the end of time power up 290:44 el poc blazer 290:46 i'm not scared one bit i'm just grabbing 290:48 this bucket of lava for other reasons 290:50 not because i think i might need help 290:52 killing him 290:53 it's for other reasons uh i'm on it 290:55 though i'm on it we're gonna do good 290:57 stock market crash 290:58 let's go come on we got got this 291:00 let's get we're so close 291:01 imagine i kill the guy again god damn it 291:05 okay i'm going to use my fist to to do 291:08 it though 291:09 8k points riding on you 291:13 let's swap this out for uh well 291:16 drop the 291:16 obsidian there we go still got it okay 291:20 down into the hole lovely okay 291:24 come out of f5 mode let's be really 291:25 careful about hitting 291:27 oh the boat 291:32 okay boat's down he's holding the boat 291:39 okay good he's in there okay 291:42 step done okay closing him in 291:46 he's closed in okay i'm gonna 291:49 board off everything that can be boarded 291:51 off 291:52 i'm gonna seal myself in like a tomb uh 291:56 nothing's getting by me this is just 292:00 purely uh 292:04 yeah i'm even gonna make something 292:05 actually over here 292:07 i'm gonna make a little chamber just for 292:10 him to spawn those spirits in 292:12 hopefully so he doesn't spawn them in 292:14 where i'm at 292:16 that's where he can spawn the rats and 292:18 the spirits i don't want 292:20 any of that on me uh 292:23 okay there we go i'm gonna keep this 292:26 little 292:26 area just open for me though so i can 292:29 run back away just in case i need to 292:31 heal up 292:32 swagger souls join the game ready 292:35 are you ready oh 292:39 oh i'm gonna die oh okay 292:42 right okay i need music hold on music 292:46 oh my god i'm gonna mute and 292:48 mumble just in case anyone comes 292:50 in 292:51 okay hold on 292:55 i need some more dramatic music than 292:57 that 293:00 i've done everything i can i've done 293:01 everything i can 293:06 i've done absolutely everything i can to 293:07 make this knot to make me not die 293:12 okay this is good 293:18 ready ready 293:23 he's there he's there he's there i got 293:26 him he's here 293:36 he's already 25 we got this we got this 293:39 he's already 10 293:40 down he's so good he's so down 293:43 so many rats he's spawning he's not even 293:45 touching me hasn't it got one hit down 293:47 on me he hasn't spawned any of the 293:48 spirits in my room yet 293:50 we're good this strat's working he's 293:51 almost half health 40 293:53 of his health down oh he's got he's got 293:55 to hit on me okay he's got one hit on me 293:57 playing for 30 seconds that's fine i can 293:58 deal with that 293:59 i got no arm protection right now less 294:02 than 50 294:03 health he's got to be on like 30 40 294:04 health right now i'm gonna do it 294:07 i'm gonna do it he's on 25 health we've 294:10 got this 294:11 there's no chance we're failing this 294:12 boys we've got it 294:14 ten percent he's not gonna pull anything 294:17 out the bag now dude he's on five 294:18 percent help 294:19 two more hits one drop 294:22 yes yes 294:26 yes boys we did it scythe where are you 294:29 please psych please say you dropped 294:31 oh my god no 294:35 yes get in there let's go 294:40 oh my god 294:44 five hours five hours 294:48 oh my god the victory the victory 294:53 thank you boys for sticking in there 294:54 with me there 294:56 oh my god 295:02 oh oh my god that's so 295:05 oh my god we did it 295:09 can we get a pug in holy 295:14 four five hundred thousand channel 295:16 points 295:17 better than that and you all bet for me 295:19 as well 295:20 oh my god three hundred thousand we got 295:24 it 295:27 he did it too and you know what it 295:29 didn't even use up the book 295:31 it didn't even use up the book look we 295:33 still have the book 295:34 we don't even need another one 295:40 the strat worked the strap totally 295:42 worked look there were spirits in there 295:43 i just saw that up 295:44 the strap worked 295:50 if that's not a victory if that's not 295:52 the best victory if that's not 295:54 the best victory you've ever seen 295:58 days in the making i'm gonna eat the raw 296:02 baby rats 296:03 for sustenance because i'm a god 296:11 let's go let's go 296:15 let me see it let's see it do something 296:17 let's see it do something 296:19 oh it fires rats dude 296:24 look at that do not go quietly into the 296:26 night defeat the black death 296:28 no one even noticed marisa didn't even 296:31 say 296:34 she didn't notice that we've done it i 296:35 don't think i'm going to enchant it 296:38 first 296:39 i got 39 levels why not oh my 296:43 god 296:44 oh my god we did it sorry i'm swearing a 296:46 lot but i just oh my god 296:50 oh my god okay we did it we 296:54 finally did it okay cool cool cool cool 296:56 cool cool 296:59 give me some books give me some books 297:00 we're going to need them i'm going to 297:01 put sharpness 5 on this summer 297:04 oh my god wait can i get sweeping edge 297:06 on it 297:07 i only did i did sweeping edges and 297:09 enchant before 297:11 smite look 297:17 is there any lapis do we have any lapis 297:20 down here 297:21 it i'm going to cope without 297:23 sweeping edge 297:25 sharpness 5 that's exactly what i was 297:26 looking for thank you uh sharpness 5 297:29 what else do we want what do i have 297:30 looting through would be nice 297:33 um feather falling don't need that 297:36 mending i'd like 297:37 mending mending maybe mending maybe 297:42 so touch frostwalker 297:46 sharpness mending 297:49 mending mending mending there we go 297:51 congrats on the achievement death 297:53 princess 297:56 i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it 297:59 just this one time you're allowed to say 298:01 that 298:02 okay there we go sharpness five and 298:03 mending i'm kind of happy with that to 298:05 be honest 298:06 it's not the best thing ever we don't 298:07 have knockback fire aspect on it but we 298:09 can get that with more villagers 298:10 we can use more villages on that that's 298:12 fine 298:13 let's combine these in an anvil real 298:15 quick sharpness 298:17 bam mending bam 298:22 it does 16 attack damage 298:26 it does 16 attack damage the death 298:29 princess 298:31 raza get 298:34 into spawn 298:45 oh my god do i have any food i don't 298:47 even have food i just got baby rats 298:49 cooked rats let's go 298:54 power for extra range damage i don't 298:56 know 299:02 let's find out fire aspect not about 299:04 looting mending sharpness it looks like 299:06 it behaves like a sword 299:08 yeah behaves like a sword you can get 299:09 sweet sweeping edge is what i want 299:11 and you get looting yeah 299:14 looting and sweeping edge and knockback 299:16 2 and fire aspect that's the enchants 299:18 that i need 299:22 holy i'm on my way what's risa 299:25 doing right now can someone like 299:26 uh s uh check on her like stream 299:30 what's she up to oh she says yeah i'm on 299:34 my way 299:41 she's there she's on her way okay 299:44 can't wait for one year holy 299:50 look at my little eyes look at my eyes 299:53 they poke out 299:55 i look like such a idiot i love 299:58 it 299:59 i'm gonna try and look how like look how 300:01 deadly i look right now hold on 300:04 bruh bruh 300:07 cool i hide it just in case she checks 300:11 on my stream 300:13 we got the mask got a cool 300:18 mask 300:20 hopefully she doesn't know 300:23 you look like a scary walter white what 300:25 the 300:27 i'm gonna i'm gonna bring it up like i 300:29 just got the mask hopefully she doesn't 300:30 know she might though so 300:32 i know you guys might have snitched and 300:33 told her because you know yo 300:36 what where are you i'm over i'm down 300:39 here i'm building the home record 300:40 you should come with me right now okay 300:44 follow me we're gonna meet up with 300:45 marisa i've got some news to give her i 300:47 see her over there 300:49 i want you to be there as well actually 300:50 this is almost perfect 300:52 okay all right hey i'm gonna conduct a 300:56 little meeting here okay 300:57 minks hey oh my god this is the perfect 300:59 group of people listen i need silence 301:00 let me uh do you like my mask 301:02 shut the up look at my mask so 301:05 throw up for the past for the 301:08 past five hours 301:09 i've been farming rats i've been trying 301:11 to make i've been trying there's this 301:13 rat mod on the server right 301:14 new rats have came in as a plague with 301:16 everyone else but 301:17 there's something else that it brought 301:19 with it itself it's it's a death scythe 301:21 it's the most op 301:22 item on the server if you want to search 301:23 it up now it's called the 301:25 black death scythe and it's opie as heck 301:28 uh it's very good and that's what i've 301:30 been kind of grinding to get towards 301:31 right it's the end gamiest 301:33 item end games item on the entire server 301:36 right now 301:37 and i got a cool mask on its way but i'd 301:40 like to tell you 301:41 that i can now spawn the boss to kill it 301:44 at will 301:45 and i already did 301:49 you can do what i can spawn the boss 301:52 whenever i want 301:53 and i've got the death star did you 301:54 invite me for it because it was it was 301:57 not that exciting but i got the death 301:58 side 301:59 no i was going to be there with it for 302:00 you i got so many we can do it again 302:02 back into your house 302:03 oh i don't want to do you want it do you 302:05 want to get another one just cancel dude 302:10 oh 302:20 [Laughter] 302:24 why don't you go play by yourself like 302:26 usual 302:27 why are you laughing you pig 302:31 what's wrong with you 302:32 what the is minks doing she 302:35 burped in my mouth 302:39 the gross wench what is wrong with you 302:42 a woman moment am i right we read some 302:44 woman moment 302:47 also wait don't stay with me and then 302:48 we'll do an angry woman moment 302:51 without your rita yeah because it was 302:54 just i had to kill him in a hole it 302:55 wasn't like a big fight 302:57 look she saved me million times i gotta 302:59 vouch for her right now 303:01 oh okay yeah eat yourself you are 303:03 grinding finn take it slow 303:04 enjoy it oh my god beautiful now he 303:08 doesn't even want to play with me 303:09 anymore i can tell 303:10 why don't you just make your own house 303:12 what the is that 303:13 fireworks for you what are you shooting 303:15 rats i really don't care 303:28 is this like really big item it's like 303:30 the best weapon maybe 303:32 it's very cool it's stolen 303:48 hey buddies 304:08 she took them on the boat is it just one 304:12 hit 304:13 do you want to try i've actually never 304:14 tried it are you sure you don't want to 304:16 try it 304:19 hey swagger sauce oh 304:21 [Applause] 304:22 disgusting dirty red let's go 304:27 hey they're friendly all they have 304:30 cheese 304:33 who controls the rats why are they 304:34 attacking us 304:40 excellent i'm not even hitting it i've 304:41 got thoughts being the guinea pig was 304:44 this little 304:44 experiment 304:56 holy 305:06 somebody has to take a stand and do 305:08 something i have a guess get these 305:10 records 305:12 305:25 oh 305:39 where is she 305:54 you we know finn's just stupid time 305:57 sometimes he didn't mean to 305:59 he didn't meet it he was probably 306:00 testing it to want to get 306:02 to be perfect for you and then he 306:05 accidentally went in and he was like 306:06 okay i'll just test it out because it's 306:07 going to be an easy run 306:09 and that's not what it is at all 306:24 i think maybe maybe maybe i should 306:27 invite him in 306:27 and we can talk about this 306:33 i'm so excited for this okay okay 306:37 finn you've upset murita 306:40 and you know what but i believe you have 306:44 you have your side so come on couple 306:46 couples therapy even though you're not a 306:48 couple 306:48 fuckless therapy holes therapy 306:52 hey 306:55 hey raza 307:02 i'm very sorry uh it doesn't 307:06 do anything about it 307:10 i got carried away okay i i 307:13 i just i've been grinding for five hours 307:16 all by myself with no help and i just 307:19 wanted to 307:20 create the item that i've been grinding 307:22 for 307:23 you know the item that i showed you that 307:25 i was getting super hyped about with you 307:27 when we were like oh we got five 307:29 just together i made the match we got to 307:31 make it right and then we went to find 307:33 the village and then 307:35 we were looking for it and researching 307:36 it together and we're like oh this is so 307:38 exciting we got to do this 307:39 and then you just go off and do it by 307:41 yourself i made the but 307:44 yeah yeah yeah that's the point you made 307:46 it yes good job you made it but 307:48 you didn't didn't you did it without me 307:51 good job for making it 307:52 what is the point here i thought we'd do 307:54 it together you've been socializing and 307:56 not helping me then 307:57 for five hours you didn't tell me you 307:59 were making it 308:00 that's what i that's what i've been 308:02 doing what do you think i've been doing 308:04 no i don't know i didn't even check my 308:07 stream i was telling you about it we 308:08 talked about it 308:09 yeah you were doing the research on it i 308:11 didn't know you'd finish the whole thing 308:13 i thought you'd be looking it up so we 308:14 can do it together 308:15 i realized that we managed to we there's 308:17 a way to do it which is a bit easier 308:19 which i was 308:20 constructing a good way for it and then 308:22 you didn't tell me and then you just 308:23 didn't 308:23 i wanted it to be a surprise the mod 308:25 came on this morning 308:27 i was showing you the items and i was 308:28 super i wanted it 308:30 i wanted to surprise you with it i don't 308:33 give a about the item i i was 308:35 i was happy about doing this whole quest 308:37 together i was really happy about 308:39 the future the boss together i was happy 308:41 about finding stuff out together 308:42 adventuring learning about everything 308:45 that's what i wanted i don't want the 308:47 item i wanted to 308:49 spend the time with you doing it 308:53 so excited to do this and then we went 308:55 to the village and looked for him and we 308:57 made 308:58 this thunder trident together and we 309:00 were trying it out we got to take the 309:02 elf 309:02 in don't try to defend yourself just say 309:05 that you're sorry 309:07 i thought you were just researching i 309:09 thought you were just researching i 309:10 didn't know you're already finishing it 309:13 but now i'm just here and i don't even 309:15 want to do it anymore 309:17 you don't want to do it still it still 309:18 takes quite a lot of it's still quite a 309:20 big thing 309:21 no because i wanted to do it together i 309:23 don't want to do it alone 309:24 we still do it together 309:30 i mean you got the trident for me i've 309:32 got a scythe for you 309:38 oh 309:47 you're not much of a relationship 309:49 counselor are you look 309:50 look here's my opinion okay you both 309:54 talked it out and and did you did you 309:56 get the trident with her 309:58 no she got it no no okay yeah 310:02 i mean the trident is just a base thing 310:03 in the game that everyone can get i just 310:05 i i could never get it i think i think 310:08 here's the thing 310:09 i think we need to see it from finn's 310:10 side you know i 310:12 if he was grinding for five years alone 310:14 you were talking maybe he 310:15 you know he didn't realize you were 310:17 ready for it okay like 310:19 we were talking about this for hours 310:21 yeah but we 310:22 literally started it together she got me 310:25 a trident 310:26 i would like to get yours you don't know 310:28 what you're talking about 310:29 you don't know what you're talking about 310:30 however however 310:33 while if murita did introduce this to 310:35 you 310:36 it was something that she was passionate 310:38 about and she showed you because she 310:40 wanted to do it with you 310:42 so even if you thought it would be cute 310:44 to surprise her 310:45 you need to understand that she is hurt 310:47 because she was excited 310:48 to go on the adventure with you so we 310:51 have an issue on both sides 310:53 finn wants to make you happy and be like 310:55 you got me the trend i got you the 310:56 scythe 310:57 yourita you showed finn this because you 311:00 wanted to go 311:01 on an adventure so so maybe let's both 311:04 look at it from each other 311:05 side and is there any difference here 311:08 are we still 311:09 still uh angry i like why'd you guys got 311:11 fleas though huh 311:13 it was never i was never angry i'm just 311:16 nasty you can't please all over 311:18 the office 311:19 it's play not angry i'm just sad 311:23 i know just sad yeah 311:26 i mean really excited for this it's even 311:28 in my stream title 311:30 oh is it really oh 311:33 oh no pretty excited for this mod but 311:37 now it's already over 311:39 how is it already over you already did 311:42 everything i don't want to do it alone i 311:43 i only enjoyed when i do things with you 311:46 it's not in your stream title 311:48 okay there's red well this is not around 311:50 i think finn i think 311:52 finn would still be open to doing it 311:53 with you yeah 311:55 he's doing a thing i don't want to do it 311:57 anymore i just want to do it 312:02 okay here's what i did that you won't 312:05 have to do 312:06 i made literal garbage and placed it 312:08 everything else you have to do still 312:12 there was like very excited about this 312:14 the only thing that i did was figure it 312:16 all out 312:16 and then i went and did it but doing it 312:19 is still like a really big thing 312:21 oh god you're washing away all the 312:23 carpet making oh no 312:25 [Music] 312:26 minx 312:37 why don't you why don't you oh no the 312:40 plague 312:41 would you like clay that could have been 312:43 coupled to put down the carpet therapy 312:45 do you like plague no i don't want 312:48 plague 312:48 i want you to apologize to i want you to 312:51 do a heartfelt apology 312:53 and then mirita i want you to be open to 312:55 the apology 312:56 okay i understand you're upset i can see 312:59 how sad you are 313:00 but i need you to be open for the 313:03 apology 313:04 and if you don't feel it's insincere if 313:06 you don't feel like it takes your 313:07 apology i'll accept it i just know it 313:09 won't make me feel better 313:11 okay okay okay let's talk about this 313:14 do you need time or is there anything 313:16 that finn can do 313:17 to help you feel better is there 313:19 anything right now that finn could do in 313:21 this situation 313:22 that would make you feel better or do 313:24 you think you just need to be upset 313:25 about it for a bit 313:26 if you can rewind time then go for it 313:29 okay 313:30 okay 313:34 that's understandable that's 313:36 understandable she's just upset and 313:38 you know you can see it from her 313:39 perspective she was exp 313:41 excited to do this journey with you 313:42 vagina so now that she she thought she 313:44 was distracting herself 313:46 with me she's a bit upset it didn't 313:48 happen 313:49 i think the error here was a bit of 313:51 miscommunication 313:52 and i think right now if we can talk 313:54 about our problems 313:56 if we can open up it won't happen again 313:59 in the future 314:02 i always said when we started this mod i 314:04 always said we i never 314:06 said i gotta got this i gotta get it i 314:08 gotta do this i never said i 314:10 i always said we gotta i always say we 314:14 i said we we gotta get the scythe we 314:16 gotta fight the boss we gotta find him 314:18 we gotta enchant one of our tridents we 314:21 gotta find the village 314:22 it's always us but apparently that's not 314:25 the case for you 314:30 listen i i get what you mean you know 314:34 there's a lot of there's a lot of things 314:35 where i've i've said the same thing you 314:37 know like 314:38 you were yeah when when like when you 314:40 showed my stuff i felt the same way so i 314:42 i empathize 314:44 i really do i should have told you what 314:46 i was doing i genuinely 314:48 i i consciously didn't tell you because 314:51 i was 314:52 i thought it would be better as a 314:53 surprise and then 314:55 i could show you how we did it trust me 314:56 when you see how you do it 314:58 it is more work that there is a lot to 315:01 do i can't just like okay here's how you 315:03 get the scythe it's just like a quick 315:04 thing 315:05 you need to do a lot of stuff but me and 315:08 chat were like figuring it out together 315:09 and by the point that like 315:11 the last thing we needed to do you know 315:14 it was uh it was a thing me and chad 315:16 figuring it out together 315:17 sure sounds like fun if you repli if you 315:19 add mireza to the equation 315:22 i know but you're out socializing i was 315:24 doing it you messed up this time 315:25 fanboy you know if you told me that you 315:27 were doing it i would have come 315:28 instantly 315:30 that's what she said but i do get it you 315:33 know like 315:35 it's not about the cool scythe it's 315:36 about the 315:38 memories we make along the way 315:42 yeah that's true mirita and this doesn't 315:45 you know what this does not 315:46 make it any better but finn only gave 315:50 you the plague 315:51 he didn't give me the plague until i 315:52 kept saying what the fleas were 315:54 he hit you first with the scythe because 315:56 he thought of you first when he got the 315:57 scythe 315:59 you know he put it all on you however 316:02 however we both understand especially 316:06 finn 316:07 where you're coming from and why you're 316:08 upset because you did want to do 316:10 with him but sometimes people like it's 316:12 just no i just 316:14 yo sorry oh no you said that's my bad 316:17 that's my i just slapped you well hold 316:18 us 316:19 low you know sometimes people do things 316:22 without thinking and they don't mean to 316:24 hurt you but you 316:25 they do but that's the problem not 316:28 thinking of me 316:29 that's that's what hurts me i did think 316:31 of you but i thought it'd be nice as a 316:32 surprise because this isn't myself this 316:34 is your scythe 316:37 you know if you want to go if you want 316:42 if you want to come down into the cave 316:44 it's not my scythe you're just saying 316:46 that no 316:47 i mean i meant to give it you i only put 316:49 two enchants on it so mine could be 316:50 better 316:51 so not true you you came to say that 316:54 there is 316:55 you said i have this i got this it's 316:57 mine and then you hit me with it 317:01 there is only two there's two in chats 317:08 give me my scythe back that's my side no 317:10 one else's i mean 317:11 uh huh a hat this is marie's scythe 317:15 it's not you're just giving it to me as 317:17 an excuse now 317:22 no it's not it wasn't intended for me i 317:24 know you just got it for yourself 317:29 you know i i want to put this whole 317:33 thing behind us 317:34 i want to go i want to go kill them i 317:36 want you to be honest 317:37 yes you didn't get it from me you got it 317:39 for yourself you were going to show well 317:41 i just 317:41 killed as well so i could get it 317:44 yeah but you didn't get it in in mind of 317:47 this is a gift from a reason you got it 317:50 to 317:50 i'm gonna flex this and then show me 317:52 here's out to get one as well 317:54 what no i was sure i planned to just i 317:56 didn't say like oh everyone come to 317:57 spawn i said marisa 317:59 come spawn i want to show you this 318:00 because it was a midpoint from where we 318:01 both were 318:02 he didn't even he knew i was with you 318:04 mirita and he didn't even invite me too 318:07 he was just thinking of you which i will 318:10 indeed 318:11 oh oh you didn't oh no indeed 318:23 hmm there's not much speaking going on 318:26 from here i unders 318:29 mirita i think i think you have a right 318:32 to be upset right now 318:33 because you were excited for this 318:36 but i think what we need to do we need 318:39 to grow 318:40 and learn and if finn repeats this 318:42 action 318:43 well then it shows he doesn't listen to 318:45 you however 318:46 right now he he he isn't the first time 318:51 what was the first time what was the 318:53 first time you rita 318:56 you always do things without me like 318:58 what 319:02 i don't even call it our cave anymore 319:07 it's called the femden oh you always say 319:10 my cave well i did 319:14 make it how that works i also say 319:18 i say our house but i made it 319:21 you know i think i think right now the 319:24 issue here is 319:25 i think like when when i made my strip 319:28 club downstairs 319:29 i wanted to call on it with you but i 319:31 said oh it's my place because i made it 319:33 similar to here where 319:34 you said we call on it but you kept 319:36 saying oh i built this i did this look 319:38 what i did but i built this where 319:40 if you put the effort into it you 319:42 accidentally say my even though murray 319:44 said this is our place right 319:46 you understand but you've said my 319:48 several times which is why i kind of got 319:50 mad at you earlier i was like 319:51 wait i thought we owned this place but 319:53 you keep turning it i think 319:55 yes in this situation between you two 319:57 because this is you know marriage 319:58 therapy it's different than coal owners 320:01 but i think sometimes you actually 320:04 get you know a bit distracted when you 320:06 put in the hours to work on something 320:08 i think finn still wants the cave to be 320:11 okay 320:12 i sneezed i tried to make it silent but 320:14 it made a far noise 320:15 can i just put something that someone 320:17 said in my chat i love this 320:21 yes bless you 320:24 no it makes defending yeah i'm not 320:25 defending him 320:27 as i'm just saying that we need to look 320:29 at both sides 320:30 similar to how when when finn finn was 320:32 like no but but i did it for you i don't 320:35 get why you're sad and then 320:36 finn realizes why you were sad because 320:39 you 320:39 did this you made you you told him about 320:42 this you were excited to do this with 320:43 him 320:44 you explained it i i understand why you 320:47 are upset 320:48 and i empathize but we can go it right 320:51 now and 320:52 go and get a scythe and it's going to be 320:53 very fun there is tons to do 320:55 for it there's a lot 320:58 go then i mean go do you not want to do 321:01 it 321:01 he said we he wants you to go with the 321:04 murita and get 321:10 you come with us no no no no no because 321:13 i'm ending soon anyway so you guys go on 321:15 your little adventure 321:16 okay a little date yeah happy make 321:20 update 321:21 okay and don't go in there with your 321:23 head down 321:24 go there thinking that that you'll make 321:26 fun memories don't be moody 321:28 okay let's see anything you got this 321:30 let's go 321:31 go on your adventure follow me okay 321:35 goodbye bye bye minx thank you for the 321:39 free marriage counseling 321:41 if you see a woman along the way make 321:43 sure to beat her with a golf club 321:44 oh god i just i'm so 321:59 so marisa 322:05 hello i will warn you he's a pretty 322:08 tough one to be 322:09 have you got a good sword or axe 322:17 do you hear what i said 322:21 marisa yeah am i am i talking too sad 322:25 and quiet is it not picking up yeah you 322:26 haven't said a word since we left the 322:28 club 322:29 no i keep saying yeah oh okay 322:32 um yeah so we need to go you need a good 322:35 sword 322:35 all right let me let me like reintroduce 322:37 the hype of this thing 322:39 you need a good sword you can't be using 322:40 a uh diamond axe okay i have a good 322:44 sword 322:44 i've made like a trash pile i made an 322:46 automatic filter for making garbage 322:48 the way okay let me tell you how it 322:50 works right 322:52 the way it works is you need to get uh 322:53 this thing called a tow 322:55 a tone book that you told me about right 322:57 or whatever it is a tone 322:59 a book of tome anyway death tone book 323:01 anyway 323:02 you need to get that you can get that by 323:04 killing a bunch of rats or you can 323:06 get it by getting in a villager trade 323:09 with the uh 323:10 with the with the plague doctor now 323:13 when you you need a uh you need some of 323:16 the other stuff that plague rats drop 323:18 which is called 323:19 how about plague essence which is this 323:21 item on the side and rename it finn's 323:23 heart and give it to 323:35 you can do that now there's no point in 323:38 figuring it out anymore 323:42 i do like the part of figuring things 323:44 out together but you already know it so 323:46 i don't want to do the puzzle on my own 323:52 let's just get it over with so we can 323:54 get married soon 323:58 um 324:05 can i just say real quick why are people 324:07 in my chat guys it's a role play server 324:09 role play should i up saying i 324:11 think that was genuine 324:14 all right we need to steal a villager 324:15 the acting genius i've been to 324:16 acting school 324:19 can you help me kidnap this guy i'm 324:21 cracked at 324:22 acting you guys are stupid can you help 324:24 me kidnap this guy 324:27 wait i just thought do you want to kill 324:28 him the really hard way although if you 324:30 don't 324:31 then maybe turn off the screen go watch 324:33 someone else do you wanna dwight do you 324:35 want to kill him the uh the easy way 324:36 like i did or the really hard 324:38 way 324:39 let's just fight him or something well 324:42 what which one 324:44 because the easy way is we can do it 324:45 without giving me that okay 324:47 apart from the role playing me 324:48 pretending to be sad i actually don't 324:50 want to do it anymore like 324:51 genuinely i you did kind of take the fun 324:53 out of me for it 324:54 out of it for me so let's just kill him 324:56 easy fast and give me the scythe 324:58 really i don't think the roleplay but 325:00 yeah i don't i don't find it that funny 325:01 anymore like anna ironically i don't you 325:03 don't want to fight dude 325:05 you should really see this guy he will 325:06 destroy everything 325:09 do you actually should we fight him 325:11 regularly 325:13 i go for it i guess 325:17 i feel like if you keep your distance 325:18 yeah dude keep your distance and throw 325:20 your funny tridents 325:22 no no no uh you'll see you'll see you'll 325:25 see we'll see 325:30 he's here somewhere this guy 325:35 he's he's invisible we need to get him 325:38 in the boat 325:38 no get out the boat get out the boat he 325:41 needs to be in the boat you can't be in 325:43 it 325:44 is he in there i don't know i'm trying 325:47 to get out you need to get out the boat 325:48 yeah i'm trying to right click to see if 325:50 he's in there or not 325:52 is he in there 325:55 i feel like he won't get in the boat 325:59 i think he's like standing here 326:03 whoa what he's gone oh he's down here 326:07 oh my god i hate this we can't trust me 326:10 i got him i'm on him i'm on him what do 326:12 i do uh we need to get him in the boat 326:14 but i don't think he's gonna get in the 326:15 boat should we just do like 326:16 i am the cure should we just get a 326:18 random villager we don't need that guy 326:21 do we get up we don't need that one 326:23 specific guy 326:26 oh my god how are you who are you 326:30 he's a master i don't want to kill him 326:32 what about you i want a good oh he's a 326:33 master i want to kill him 326:34 what are you journeyman uh what about 326:37 you 326:38 apprentice this guy is dying i found the 326:40 sacrifice 326:42 uh we need to get him in a boat we need 326:44 to murder this guy 326:47 oh i've lost him no he's there no 326:50 you get ah okay you know what i 326:54 don't care i 326:54 i hold on whichever one gets in there 326:57 first that's the one that dies 326:59 which everyone gets in that boat first 327:02 there we go okay good we got the good 327:04 one hey let's go 327:06 open the open the hatch take the red 327:07 stone blocks off 327:12 okay i'm on my way i'm going fast and 327:14 quick 327:16 okay right let's take him into this 327:18 really 327:19 block it off quickly oh it's fine it's 327:23 fine he's gonna die anyway 327:25 uh so here's what's gonna happen 327:28 i feel like you should really play some 327:30 uh intense music because it's gonna be 327:32 intense 327:33 that my chat hasn't even seen what this 327:34 guy can do i 327:36 find some uh shall i link you some 327:40 i'll just fight i feel like you're 327:44 underestimating this guy dude 327:47 uh yeah maybe but i don't care oh my god 327:51 why are you why you've been why are you 327:53 being like this 327:55 but anyway okay uh all right 328:00 we got this thing take this no i'm 328:02 saying i don't care about the music i 328:04 don't oh 328:10 all right one of these guys i don't 328:12 really oh uh this guy 328:14 click him okay then take this thing and 328:16 it's don't click him yet but that's 328:18 gonna be the thing that does it okay 328:21 if you click on that guy with that he 328:24 turns into the big guy 328:25 i don't know whether you should get this 328:27 thing you kill a bunch of rats for it 328:32 let's go i didn't i said not yet 328:36 dude i was gonna get like health potions 328:38 or some 328:40 oh oh are you sure buddy 328:46 on it oh my god 328:49 i'm being murdered by rats bro oh 328:51 that was the wrong setting 328:57 oh i'm hitting him good okay 329:01 my trident 329:04 he's gonna spawn other stuff that there 329:06 it is he spawned an essence thing 329:07 there's like floating i don't 329:09 know what they are 329:11 he spawns these things he's gonna spawn 329:13 some big rats in a second as well there 329:16 they are god oh my god 329:19 what is that what i know it but it's 329:23 big it's got as much health as a wither 329:26 dude 329:27 okay there we go half as much health as 329:29 a wither and it's running at me 329:32 there's two of them now where are you oh 329:36 i'm gonna let it deal with that it 329:38 i'm gonna bring her into this 329:39 combat 329:40 i got him i got one let's go yeah 329:43 why do they all want to kill me attack 329:46 me 329:46 what the i'm good i got him good 329:49 please kill him quickly 329:52 get him that's pretty easy thank god you 329:55 wouldn't you would have a fun old time i 329:58 was getting ganked 329:59 oh nice yeah i mean i you didn't even 330:02 hit me once 330:04 are you kidding me i i'm i've got 330:06 plagued for five minutes 330:10 he got me playing once just at the end 330:12 because i was standing still but he 330:13 didn't hit me once 330:14 what the you kind of overhyped that 330:16 i mean that was really cool that was a 330:17 really cool fight 330:18 that guy that guy didn't didn't do 330:20 anything he just dodged the rats that's 330:22 cause i was 330:22 i i know for some reason everything that 330:24 he was spawning was just killing me and 330:26 not you 330:27 yeah they were kind of aggroing you cool 330:29 all of them thank you 330:31 so now i can shoot yeah look at 330:33 that how do i hit normally 330:35 you just hit something 330:39 oh you just just go hit something hit me 330:41 see what it does 330:43 oh i did a whole heart oh me 330:47 that doesn't this doesn't do much damage 330:49 but by the way if it's one hit crit with 330:50 a sharpness five i think 330:54 so like no you're killing the bat that's 330:58 cool 330:59 so it's now a ranged weapon it's it's 331:01 the same as a sword it does more damage 331:03 than the axe by a lot it's 331:05 it shoots things and it's you know it 331:07 and it can have looting and 331:09 everything it's the it's the one thing 331:11 you can get rid of your axe and the 331:12 trident with this thing 331:14 i don't have an axe okay well where's 331:17 the sharpness 331:18 guy i want it he's in here he's in over 331:20 there you need a stack of emerald and 331:22 uh stuff there's emerald in here 331:27 emerald in here though there and then 331:29 there should be 331:30 here's some books 331:34 there you go there's books on something 331:35 around i might actually disenchant this 331:38 i might actually lose the enchants and 331:40 then do an incheon in the enchanted we 331:41 have 331:42 what what do you have on it uh i 331:46 have sharpness 5 and looting amending 331:48 sorry 331:51 i kind of want uh a different one 332:00 don't get no no don't don't get 332:01 sharpness don't get sharpness 332:08 no don't get shot i feel like one of 332:10 these guys died 332:13 yeah one of these guys definitely died 332:15 there used to be a looting three guy in 332:16 there 332:18 hmm i need a looting three guy 332:21 wait there he was a thorns three guy too 332:23 did i not see the thorns 332:26 they're the falling were you thorns 332:28 thorns okay 332:30 but little hello 332:34 hey hey i'm still poisoned holy 332:37 if you if i sound upset i'm just 332:40 tired literally 332:42 i'm in a good mood i'm just in a tired 332:44 mood yeah the upset thing was a role 332:47 play 332:47 indeed okay yo morgan 332:51 ladler thank you so much i'm gonna need 332:53 yeah i think i'm gonna disenchant it 332:55 boys 332:56 should i just disenchant it and try and 332:58 get like some better stuff on there 333:00 i'm gonna need fire aspects i'm gonna 333:02 need not i want everything on this sword 333:05 but on there 333:05 what if i combine them 333:09 down worth a shot 333:14 i feel like we could kind of farm them 333:16 actually 333:22 i feel like she's gonna want better 333:24 stuff wait marisa what do you want on 333:26 the uh what do you want on the 333:28 uh thing do you want sharpness and 333:29 mending i want fire aspect 333:32 sharpness 333:35 and um maybe i don't know if i want 333:38 knock back 333:39 i feel like knockback is pretty handy 333:43 yeah maybe i think i i think i'm just 333:45 gonna go for all the stuff on this 333:47 uh sharpness five looting three sweeping 333:49 edge three 333:50 is perfect uh what does that mean it's 333:53 like you know when you hit 333:54 stuff with the sword and it hits people 333:56 around it 333:58 yeah but do you really need that yeah 334:00 it's really good 334:04 i want fire aspect what does filth do a 334:07 big one 334:09 yeah fire aspect's good i have no idea 334:10 how we're gonna get it though 334:13 villages probably i think mary's is 334:16 making a sub sign wall i think if you 334:18 sub tour it goes on the wall 334:23 it's empty lol um 334:26 wait who's the what the it's 334:29 gone 334:29 bigger hey what are you doing 334:33 has expanded let me see the rat huh you 334:34 guys grinding down here 334:36 yeah let me see what you got yeah we 334:39 both go 334:39 in there look at this you want to see 334:42 you want to you want to transform i want 334:43 to see 334:44 can i have some oh my god uh i need to 334:46 do a look 334:48 oh my god that's amazing hold on i've 334:50 got one two 334:53 where how did you get them how do you 334:55 get them 334:56 i love plague masks do you want to fight 334:58 the guy 334:59 yeah let's do it with my iron is it this 335:02 is a terrible idea you're gonna die by 335:04 the way 335:05 yeah you're gonna die well if you guys 335:07 uh if i hit it and then you guys kill it 335:09 then i'm sure i'll get the achievement 335:11 do you have any paper or 335:12 sugarcane paper or shirt do i need to 335:16 pull up the gamepedia on my other 335:18 monitor 335:18 let's get the okay guys come over here 335:20 do you have a book 335:21 uh no i need to get one other thing i 335:23 need paper i need paper i need paper 335:25 why did you touch it one pack of paper 335:27 paper one second see you in a sec 335:29 what the god damn they broke it 335:32 they 335:45 um uh he's nice but he's gonna hey this 335:48 isn't good 335:48 actually uh yep oh 335:52 oh nice oh never mind it's fine okay i 335:55 can fix it they just here what's 335:56 what is this 335:58 they do just there i'm gonna see 336:00 you in a sec creepy 336:04 they're gonna all die jaiden 336:06 animations is gonna die 336:09 do not trust the spies now we're all on 336:11 the same side i think 336:12 i just can't wait for them to die 336:16 this is going to be fun this is really 336:20 going to be something 336:22 one two three just need three of them 336:26 all right transform one we're gonna 336:29 sacrifice 336:30 one of the villagers again for no good 336:32 reason 336:33 may as well get another scythe oh we're 336:36 keeping the scythe by the way 336:38 we're keeping the scythe uh you know 336:41 they can have the mask we're keeping the 336:44 scythe 336:45 we're keeping this up damn do you have 336:47 the book 336:48 oh oh bruiser 336:53 frieza jefferson do you have the book 336:56 yeah we're about to fight rat god 336:58 let's do it who raided you minx uh 337:01 kaelin 337:02 the only part of the ceiling i can see 337:04 is this ready for the red 337:06 bus yes the red bus this is insane yeah 337:10 let's do it 337:11 should we try and get to this guy though 337:13 that's okay you'll let me live 337:16 okay so i'm gonna put this totem on him 337:18 okay and he's gonna go 337:19 he's gonna go ape oh we don't even 337:21 we could just use this guy maybe 337:22 i'll watch from out here yeah just get 337:24 it oh my god he's invis again 337:27 do you want to just put it on him and 337:28 just see what he does okay let's go 337:31 do it do it did it move move move 337:34 move what he's coming is he in there 337:37 he's not out of there wait is he stuck 337:40 i think he's stuck in there i'm gonna 337:41 let him out 337:43 oh he's not stuck in there he's not 337:46 stuck in there anymore 337:48 what the it's so loud yeah 337:50 it does that 337:51 kill the guy i'm going to use the scythe 337:55 i'm going to use the scythe 338:02 get him jaden get him jaden oh 338:12 hey give me a hand look at the big reds 338:14 yeah i know i'm aware of the big rat 338:16 dude there's a few of them 338:18 there's i'm aware of the big rap 338:26 i'll defend you just get the guy it's 338:28 like i'm at a dog 338:33 i'm stuck i'm stuck oh my god he killed 338:35 it we killed all that we killed all his 338:37 goons i think i don't know if he's going 338:39 to spawn anymore actually 338:41 i think this might be an easy fight what 338:43 a loser what a loser 338:45 oh careful wait guys wait what's 338:47 happening by allspark 338:55 oh sorry stop killing everyone oh my god 339:00 why have you killed everyone in look i'm 339:02 sorry i'm they're running and they're 339:03 dude literally meleeing him 339:05 hey jaden i don't think he's gonna spawn 339:07 anything you can get this guy 339:11 get him jayden how is he i guess he just 339:14 has a but he spawned so much stuff and 339:16 then he just like stopped yeah maybe 339:18 maybe i'm the raid boss i killed 339:20 them both on an accident 339:21 yeah get him jaden 339:24 him up dude he's so close him 339:27 up watch for me him 339:29 him up 339:36 [Music] 339:39 [Applause] 339:42 you've now got the most overpowered 339:44 weapon in the entire game you know 339:47 wait i want one hey look at that 339:51 what the yeah oh my god 339:55 i told you it's overpowered 340:00 i don't know what you thought would 340:01 happen when you shot nobody i thought it 340:03 just curses people i didn't know it 340:04 killed them no it does 340:05 tons of damage oh my god oh my god what 340:08 is the bundle of sweet smelling herbs 340:12 uh i have no idea i've got a couple of 340:14 them i have no idea what they did also 340:15 what is 340:16 phil i don't know 340:20 filth apparently how do you cure the 340:23 plague by the way you have my 340:26 that's my head that's not okay i'm sorry 340:31 jaden i like your mustache dude that's 340:32 pretty cool well 340:36 yeah yeah wait what how did you summon 340:39 the black diff don't you need the 340:41 lightning now 340:42 we didn't summon the lightning turns out 340:44 there's a book that you just click on 340:45 those plague doctors with so there's 340:46 this thing you can just take that 340:48 there's this thing which turns regular 340:50 villages i threw it over here by the 340:51 torch 340:53 it's a plague doctor doctorate yeah yeah 340:56 it's a piece of it 340:58 no it's uh something you create okay 341:01 and that turns villagers into uh into 341:04 the plague doctors and then you turn the 341:05 plague doctors with this weird tome book 341:08 plaguetone 341:19 apparently yeah jesus 341:34 yeah i know what intricate means and 341:37 then how do you kill complex 341:38 plague yeah me neither uh i have no idea 341:41 how you kill the plague 341:42 i would suddenly kill three people in 341:44 here you get bleachers 341:46 you put a leash 342:04 because my hair goes in front of the 342:06 eyes 342:08 it's different for everyone it's cool i 342:11 don't wait marisa what is your plague 342:12 master 342:14 what does it look like oh it just has 342:16 like the ring around it it looks like 342:18 you're just wearing glasses 342:20 it does nice 342:24 when you kill the plate the black dip 342:26 you get a mask and the 342:28 weapon yeah ah 342:31 yeah apparently it's like a 100 drop 342:33 chance because we've done it three times 342:35 and it's dropped all three times 342:36 how hard is he to kill do you need like 342:38 full enchanted like you guys have 342:41 no i don't know you just need to you 342:42 just need to be the way i did it i just 342:45 backed him into a corner and kept 342:46 beating him so 342:47 move actually the guy 342:50 no it's not mainly it's only the mobs he 342:52 can't attack all he does is spawn things 342:54 oh just the rats attack yeah but if you 342:56 get cursed 342:57 by him which you will absolutely will be 342:59 you cannot 343:00 regain health by any means yeah so you 343:03 have to kill him in one 343:04 one life right you come to damned how 343:07 many 343:08 filths do you guys have because if we 343:10 have nine we can turn it into a ball of 343:12 filth 343:14 i have either six over there that'll 343:15 turn into a rat king 343:17 oh wait really wait follow me follow me 343:19 follow me i'll get some 343:21 wait this is actually kind of 343:22 interesting 343:25 so everyone that tried and spins around 343:26 yeah okay 343:31 i gave it to jayden just because it's 343:33 it's it's jaden i mean come on yeah 343:35 what's she gonna do it's kind of funny 343:37 for jaden to have the most overpowered 343:38 weapon in the game 343:39 literally not gonna do anything with it 343:42 i know that's why it's great she shows 343:44 i think she shows the most appreciation 343:46 towards it yeah i do 343:48 you've got like babies yeah i've got 343:51 some filth in here okay 343:53 i've got i've got six films i've got one 343:57 oh 343:58 so if we do two more then we can get 344:00 here you can have it 344:02 oh marisa do you have any filth 344:06 no i think he's in the uk right now oh 344:08 my god 344:09 uh i where uh wait who do i give the who 344:12 do i give the 344:13 doctorate to oh uh where's it i'll take 344:16 it 344:16 where's it no dolan hey dolan 344:20 can i have that back actually we're 344:21 gonna go use that again we're gonna kill 344:23 another one all right 344:25 can i have the scythe no you want to try 344:27 it 344:28 you can try it but don't you can't keep 344:30 it no we're not we're not 344:31 shedding out this power for everyone 344:35 hey buddy wake up you're about to die i 344:37 guess i'll do it myself 344:40 hey do you want to turn him one marisa 344:42 344:43 relying on you uh where is he 344:48 get him get him all right i've got i've 344:50 got first hit on him this should be fine 344:52 i'm here i'm staying away 344:55 yeah yeah beat that yeah 344:58 you 344:59 yeah yeah yeah keep them away from the 345:02 villagers they're valuable 345:09 this guy up go on jaden you've got 345:11 a good weapon now you can do this 345:12 345:13 rat i'm not i'm coming 345:16 oh my god keep going stop getting over 345:19 there no why do you keep getting in the 345:20 way 345:21 me you're hurting me we got him he's 345:23 down he's down he's down he's dead he's 345:24 steady steady's dead 345:25 oh my god kill the giant rats 345:28 why is there a giant rat i don't know 345:33 um don't kill any of the oh there's a 345:35 side 345:36 no god damn it he got the i died who got 345:39 the sigh 345:41 give me the scythe here's the token 345:43 chunk give me the scythe 345:46 we know you got the scythe modest cube 345:53 okay okay okay okay there you go there 345:55 you go sorry is this good 345:57 number five give it back give it back 345:59 number five 346:15 the elevator's broken i got the sign 346:19 i got this one 346:24 spawning what is that speed run dude we 346:28 still didn't get any filth by the way 346:30 what is that speed running 346:34 how do you handle the play you need a 346:36 leech you have a leech 346:37 uh where do you get the legs what is the 346:39 rat king i 346:40 i think the rat king dropped it i think 346:42 you get a crown from him 346:48 oh yeah rat king's crown nifty wait 346:51 whose stuff is that 346:53 uh oh that's no perfection 346:56 let me get a crumb of psy 347:01 he had to die he had to die are we all 347:04 stinky right now 347:06 when do i get mine uh when you kill the 347:09 guy wait did you just give me the 347:12 i think we're gonna have 347:27 you keep saying how did you get there 347:28 and then cut and then yeah i was talking 347:30 to someone in chat 347:31 someone tried to put sunglasses on my 347:33 emote somehow i don't want to pick that 347:34 open 347:35 oh hold on you need to hold on you need 347:36 to do a thing one second 347:38 all right what is a mystery token chunk 347:42 oh that's something to do with like a 347:44 chunky you can go to a different 347:45 dimension with it eventually 347:47 it's insanely rare to get the full thing 347:49 i've got three 347:52 let me see i've got three mysterious 347:54 token chunks 347:57 well i probably have to combine like 347:58 nine to make one chunk right 348:00 i don't know what you might do let me 348:03 check 348:04 i don't know 348:07 uh i 348:10 i don't know 348:14 there's so much to this rap mod 348:17 yeah there's a ton i have two 348:20 ratchet that's pretty cool you have rat 348:23 jeff filth 348:24 oh my god you just have rat no it's 348:26 just rat 348:27 literal rushing okay cool so sad like 348:30 free oh my god hey buddy 348:32 it didn't go up uh yeah you're elevated 348:35 oh no my way well 348:43 okay do what i say emergency here's 348:45 what's gonna happen 348:46 when you get up to the second level 348:48 you're gonna press the up button 348:50 then wait like 10 seconds and then press 348:52 it again in fact would you all like to 348:53 go up so we can all those yeah 348:56 let's get on yeah all right let's press 348:57 the button yeah 348:59 okay whoa whoo 349:03 oh nice 349:14 [Music] 349:18 [Laughter] 349:33 on the place spawn what the i'm 349:36 sorry 349:38 i didn't know that would happen let's 349:40 get some enchantments and 349:41 enchantments on this oh my god should we 349:43 get up guys 349:46 i feel so bad for them wait is someone 349:49 up there pressing the button or 349:50 something 349:51 maybe press the button number five let's 349:55 go 349:56 okay get on get on get on the platform 349:57 again and press the button 349:59 i'm doing it i don't want to get hit 350:02 again 350:02 okay you should be fine i think it's 350:05 pretty cool 350:06 yeah we're good yeah you're good i'm i'm 350:09 on the top of it right now 350:10 really hoping that i don't get squished 350:12 yeah i see your feet 350:14 fine oh 350:26 i'm glad you're doing great i'm on one 350:27 hut 350:29 what what do we do now uh press the up 350:32 button 350:34 and then wait and then don't do anything 350:37 we press the up button 350:39 i pressed it press it again okay now 350:43 wait 350:47 are you waiting okay press it again so 350:49 really press it again process to 350:50 get up and down oh no it broke you the 350:52 first time see you boys oh 350:54 jaden yep there they go hey should i try 350:58 and clutch this one i'm at one heart 351:00 with like two of the best items 351:10 yes 351:13 that's not what i meant by that 351:29 happened jumped 351:35 right yeah 351:41 yes for all the blessings 351:47 well 351:51 could i put on the scythe uh 351:54 just try and mimic the sword i what i i 351:56 d i don't know 352:01 any levels you lose oh like 30 is fine 352:05 all right um i i keep getting bad 352:09 enchants 352:10 on the scythe yeah you need to keep 352:13 doing one enchant until you see like a 352:15 good one like 352:16 looting three or sweeping edge three 352:18 that's kind of rare 352:20 losing three and sweeping edge three are 352:21 probably the most rare ones maybe fire 352:23 aspect 352:23 is pretty rare whichever one you want 352:25 more really i'm going for sweeping edge 352:28 well maybe i don't i really don't care 352:29 about sweeping edge okay go for loser 352:33 yeah you don't need you don't need to go 352:35 for don't go for unbreaking 352:37 or sharpness or uh kind of anything 352:40 besides 352:40 the two that's rare looting and fire 352:43 respect is the one you want 352:44 anyway i'm gonna end my stream off there 352:47 i'm probably gonna try it enchant 352:49 uh maybe this one a bit more maybe i'll 352:51 try and get some looting on there maybe 352:53 i don't know who knows 352:54 i will see you on the next one i think 352:56 that was a good stream 352:58 i'm uh i'm gonna go raid marisa and 353:00 hopefully she will grind with me 353:02 and uh we will uh we'll do it i said i 353:04 was gonna end this stream off when we 353:06 hit 353:06 uh that's the deal okay i'm not mad i'm 353:09 not mad i'm not even mad in rp 353:10 as long as we go to atlantis i just want 353:13 to go on a trip to 353:14 atlantis that's all i want 353:18 it just you too i don't actually know if 353:19 we can do that actually by the way 353:21 i want to go on a trip to atlantis i 353:23 don't know whether we can actually do 353:25 that everybody else 353:26 they were they they left buddy do you 353:28 wanna where did where were you hiding 353:29 when they all left 353:32 um nowhere wanna wanna wanna elevator 353:35 with me 353:37 will i end off uh is there anything 353:39 you'd like to say to uh 353:41 to my viewers as they uh prepare for a 353:43 raid on marisa 353:46 good luck wash your ass yeah she'll try 353:50 and get 353:50 that real quick yeah yeah yeah she's 353:53 dangerous 353:54 anyway boys i'll see you in the next one 353:56 thanks for sticking around me for six 353:58 hours now 353:59 uh it's very fun my voice i feel i taste 354:01 blood in my throat and i will see you in 354:03 the next one thank you 354:05 see you press the up button boys 354:08 oh we start yeah we oh 354:11 he got it hold on you get out i'll go 354:14 get him 354:15 hey i'm coming to get you hey i'm coming 354:17 to get you 354:18 okay hop into my elevator 354:23 and then we press the up button lovely 354:26 see isn't this nice 354:28 it's nice would you like some plague 354:32 i think you know i think about my fair 354:33 share of the uh of the old bubonic for 354:35 the day 354:36 yeah yeah you make a good point all 354:38 right i'll see how could you give it to 354:39 me how could you like transmit it to me 354:41 currently 354:42 that oh you just oh you just get oh 354:45 i just have that ability it's not like a 354:47 consensual agreement no 354:49 no no no no no okay cool thanks for that 354:51 you're welcome 354:52 i'm gonna head out all right see you 354:55 peace 354:57 god i've never done that as a guy hold 354:58 on hmm 355:01 i'm getting so tired