00:00 [Music] 00:06 [Applause] 00:07 [Music] 00:14 so 00:21 [Music] 00:32 [Applause] 00:37 [Music] 00:42 uh 00:45 [Music] 01:24 my 01:26 hey it's me 01:29 it's me i'm in a cat onesie look 01:32 at me 01:33 [Music] 01:35 [Applause] 01:38 [Music] 01:44 [Applause] 01:46 i'm looking uh cozy today i'm feeling 01:49 good 01:50 i'm feeling cozy as 01:55 i'm feeling good i'm gonna we're here 01:57 for a surprise stream 01:59 my hair has gotten extremely long it's 02:01 to the point now where i was like 02:03 ah i was like putting my i was like 02:06 laying down on the couch earlier 02:07 and i was literally just like i was 02:09 trying to get my hair like to not be 02:11 under me 02:12 so i thought i got scooped my hair up 02:14 from under and go like this over the 02:15 back of a chair 02:17 so it's that long now that's exactly how 02:19 long it is to the point where i 02:20 i need it's a scoopable amount of hair 02:23 is the answer to that so 02:27 hi um oh grs 02:32 six months made a gang i make gang 02:36 i don't think this is going to be 02:37 like a particularly long stream 02:45 i don't think it's going to be a 02:46 particularly long stream but um 02:50 we're just gonna chill up chill about 02:53 for a minute you know 02:54 i'm just having fun 1.9k viewers so fast 02:58 i don't know why we're not doing much 03:00 uh i but oh no hold on there is a thing 03:03 that i made 03:04 typical of uh a cat such as myself 03:08 uh hold on hold on second hold on i'm 03:11 gonna in fact i'm gonna change my stream 03:13 title to 03:14 me being a cat one second uh 03:20 all right so here's what we got 03:26 here's what we got uh i've been working 03:28 on a little project on 03:30 on the good ol braid my hair 03:33 what the i've been working on a 03:35 project for the good old 03:36 smp s p live smp 03:40 epic smp of course maybe doesn't like 03:42 you so sexy 03:44 thank god it's not i'm not 03:47 actually convinced corpse knows who the 03:48 i am 03:50 uh not smp live 03:53 live streaming smp 03:56 braid your hair god how do i 03:58 even do that 04:00 it's like a three thing right you go 04:01 like this you go like that 04:03 i'm doing it this shit's easy 04:05 bro why do people say they don't have to 04:07 braid hair look at that 04:08 nailed it first try 04:12 use the bands in your hair uh you put 04:14 what the po box pull back pull your 04:16 hair back why would i want to 04:17 i mean i could just do that but i don't 04:19 think this 04:21 looks very good i look like that guy 04:25 i look like that guy when i do this i 04:26 look like that guy who's that 04:28 guy the um 04:30 it's wednesday my dudes guy that guy oh 04:33 damn 04:36 lana and helen thank you 04:41 i look like a sleaze ball you know i 04:44 don't want to do this 04:45 this is not good this is not a good way 04:46 for me to wear my poofy ass hair 04:49 or i could go with the tick tock voice 04:51 of the look which is what i'm doing 04:52 right now for us 04:56 that is uh i'm not just a piece of meat 04:59 i will not just meow on command i am not 05:03 just 05:03 some whoa 05:07 what the happened to my head 05:12 why is it in this one angle my head 05:14 where did it where did my head go 05:16 where did my head go what the that 05:19 was weird 05:20 what the that was really odd 05:24 i don't i didn't like that one bit i 05:26 didn't like that one bit at all 05:28 how do i oh this is better actually 05:31 i just realized this is a better method 05:33 this is a lot better i like this a lot 05:35 more 05:36 anyway hi uh 05:39 small head why did i look like that i 05:42 look like a 05:43 dude i genuinely look like my pointy ass 05:45 head my hair was all pointy anyway hi 05:47 i have a thing uh i i've been i've been 05:50 uh there's been a problem on the snp 05:51 recently 05:52 on the s p i've had this big issue um 05:56 everyone's getting all this new gear 05:58 right now oh damn 05:59 getting to a point where i can show you 06:00 what i've been up to hey zomber 06:02 hey dbbs what's poppin gamer thank you 06:05 for the five gifted subs 06:07 holy we're gonna hit 3500 again 06:11 how do i get into me maybe i will maybe 06:14 i won't 06:14 can you meow for us please three 06:17 aziz 06:18 uh just say 06:22 uh meow like meow i get uh 06:26 now i meow meow i guess 06:29 meow is this what you is this what you 06:32 people want 06:34 is this what you wanted a lot thank you 06:36 lazy sasha 06:37 is that what you wanted a cute one no 06:41 who do you think i am uh 06:55 i don't know it's actually it's a it's a 06:58 genetic thing 06:59 you know like uh i wonder if there's a 07:02 scientific way to explain why i'm such 07:04 an 11 out of 10. 07:05 f1na you know i don't know how fast 07:08 sciences came but 07:10 indescribable is the word i like to use 07:12 about my looks 07:13 you know meow better or we riot 07:21 no i don't know what to i uh 07:24 at some point during the night at some 07:25 point during the night maybe i'll drink 07:27 maybe 07:27 maybe i'll drink and we'll get a good 07:28 meal but uh for now 07:31 let me show you what's been going on uh 07:34 meow 07:35 uh listen that's the best i got listen 07:37 here's what we is what's been happening 07:39 on the smp recently i've noticed a bit 07:41 of an annoying trend 07:43 right i just did it yeah 07:47 uh okay fine there you go oh damn oh 07:50 there you go 07:51 yeah mvp thanks for five gifted 07:56 subs 07:57 all right hold on listen alright there 08:00 are news 08:01 this is the this is not the best xp farm 08:03 in the world 08:04 i don't personally like it very much 08:07 bulldog my god we're getting a lot of 08:09 gifted subs thank you 08:10 bulldog what the thanks for the 08:12 five gifted subs 08:13 thank you for all the gifted subs boys 08:16 boys and girls you know we i don't know 08:18 what your gender is 08:19 ah let's thank you you're very 08:21 supportive i like you a lot but yeah 08:23 this is not the fastest xp farm look 08:25 a mob comes in every now and then and 08:28 you're just waiting 08:30 and then one comes in two maybe maybe 08:32 you'll get some zombies and skeletons 08:34 every now and then 08:35 nope just that's you know it's kind of 08:38 slow right 08:41 [Music] 08:43 so i made a thing classic catboy 08:47 i made a thing you may know that rats 08:49 were added to the server recently 08:51 rats that can rats that can carry plague 08:54 they can get you really opie items like 08:56 my 08:56 scythe you can get a lot of stuff with 08:58 these rats 09:01 you can also spawn them on blocks blocks 09:04 of compressed 09:05 garbage when you put a block of 09:08 compressed 09:09 garbage down it will spawn rats it will 09:12 start spawning quite a lot of rats oh 09:14 yeah 09:15 thank you 09:19 guys oh don't ignore that sound that's 09:21 just horrifying just ignore that sound 09:23 for now 09:24 um ignore that sound for now that 09:26 that'll come into play later 09:28 um let me make some compressed garbage 09:32 one second i'm uh compressed garbage let 09:34 me show you so 09:36 over here don't worry about a sound 09:38 don't worry about the sound sub count 09:40 broken no no 09:41 it just takes a minute that was 09:42 terrifying don't worry about it uh when 09:43 you place down these blocks of garbage 09:45 just let's put a few down here 09:47 we might because it's nighttime we might 09:49 see a rat spawn in here maybe two 09:51 maybe maybe maybe 09:55 who knows who knows 09:59 at some point we might come on rats come 10:02 on buddies there it is there's a rat 10:04 and more will spawn this will just keep 10:06 spawning there is no mob cap for this 10:08 eventually there'll be a rat on every 10:09 single one of those blocks eventually 10:12 but that means there's another one that 10:15 means that we can 10:16 farm it infinite rats boys 10:19 i found a way to make the rat catching 10:22 experience 10:23 extreme let me show you more rats look 10:26 there's already five rats and there's 10:27 one a couple scurried away 10:29 hey hey hey thanks for the prime 10:32 hey hey hey what uh vx 10:37 stealth hey rat gang all right ratmish 10:40 so now hold on game mode uh survival 10:44 right these boys do drop a little bit of 10:47 xp when i can 10:48 catch them jesus christ hey 10:50 buddy 10:51 there we go you drop a little bit of xp 10:53 very nice very good 10:55 gurgle fricks that's a cool last name 10:58 uh thanks for the what was that 11:01 10 11:02 10 subs thank you 11:05 you didn't need to but thank you i 11:08 appreciate you very much google for it 11:09 that was nice of you i'm in a good mood 11:12 today i'm all cozy and 11:14 i'm all cozy and we're gonna play some 11:16 minecraft together 11:17 i'm basically tom right now of the tom 11:19 and jerry crew thank you yes 11:21 uh two months here's to ten more 11:24 don't give in to their demands so much 11:27 fin 11:28 very hard to get meow 11:31 all right let me show you what i got let 11:33 me show you what i made 11:34 to catch as many rats as i possibly can 11:37 oh damn 11:38 ready here's the rat farm 11:44 here it is this is what you were hearing 11:47 before by the way 11:49 hey i made a lot of rats i made a lot of 11:52 rats 11:53 fall to their death there's a lot of 11:54 rats um 11:57 here it is it's not even that big it's 11:59 like this uh it's this 12:01 fairly compact thing but look how many 12:03 rats there are 12:04 watch this let's turn the lava off so 12:07 they won't immediately 12:09 uh and i can just there we go now 12:11 they're living now i can kill them for 12:13 all of their xp right 12:15 very cool very nifty i'm actually not 12:19 into but 12:20 very soon you'll start to realize 12:22 something number one i'm not in survival 12:23 mode so i'm i'm 12:24 not hitting as much as i can but i'm 12:27 slowly losing fps 12:30 um my fps is currently 20. 12:35 it's gonna continue to lose fps for a 12:39 very long 12:39 while um but that's fine 12:43 also jesus christ went uh red wolf and 12:46 uh 12:47 huh etherness etherness etherness 12:50 etherness etherness thank you ethan 12:52 uh for the for the subs throw an instant 12:56 damage potion for max farming see that's 12:58 also good but also sometimes you just 12:59 want to turn the machine up and watch 13:00 some rats 13:01 uh die is that not something that 13:05 everyone wants 13:06 that's something that i want so yeah no 13:10 um very cool 13:14 very neat and very cool um 13:17 you're on the road to the be the smp 13:19 epic s p king i 13:21 know so let me show you let me show you 13:23 let me show you let me show you 13:25 uh i've got it all set up i spent a lot 13:28 a lot of time off camera because you can 13:30 imagine 13:31 it's a lot of compressed garbage that i 13:32 needed to do those little 13:34 i need a lot let me show you how many i 13:36 needed uh 13:37 what does it say compressed garbage i 13:39 needed 3016 13:42 47 stacks cute thank you 13:47 thank you uh yeah i know we've uh we've 13:50 been we've been uh thank you thank you 13:51 i appreciate the compliment but um yeah 13:54 uh 13:55 that that like one stack of garb i got 13:57 like two stacks 13:58 it took me like an hour rat holocaust 14:01 and so look i made this thing 14:02 i made like i listen the rat holocaust 14:06 needs to happen i don't know if i can 14:08 make that joke anyway 14:09 uh i made just a ton of trash cans and a 14:12 way to automatically filter through it 14:14 so i just stick whatever in here and it 14:16 comes out as um 14:18 it comes out as beautiful beautiful 14:19 garbage which is exactly what i asked 14:22 for 14:22 i i want that i want that iron uh don't 14:25 need that don't need that don't eat that 14:26 it's a beautiful machine 14:28 really is a really big testament and it 14:31 just comes out right there 14:32 it's amazing so i did that a lot and 14:34 those garbage you take nine of them you 14:36 craft them into a compressed garbage 14:38 and then you get this 14:42 that's a lot of garbage that's a lot of 14:44 garbage right there 14:46 can i like make this bigger yeah that's 14:47 a lot of garbage so 14:50 here's the issue right i gotta get it 14:52 placed 14:53 uh i do have a schematic let's hold it 14:56 there it is that's where i'm putting it 14:57 right over there 14:59 uh that's where it's gonna be this is 15:00 what it's gonna look like i think that's 15:02 a pretty good spot what do you think 15:05 you so you're calling them rats nowadays 15:07 they're rats that 15:09 uh they're rats garbage uh but yeah this 15:12 is where it's gonna be i hollowed out 15:13 this little area for it 15:15 it's very nice i like it a lot these 15:17 chests don't need to be there 15:18 that was actually a mistake but i'll 15:20 remove them later um 15:21 and yeah look at this thing the only 15:23 thing we need to get 15:25 is cheese so the reason why the rats 15:28 fall to their deaths is because 15:29 up there we have a cheese storage 15:32 so we're gonna need access to cheese 15:36 uh and i don't know how to make cheese 15:39 so 15:40 at some point today we need to make 15:42 cheese 15:43 for our garbage um but first of all we 15:46 need to print this boy in 15:48 so i believe it will reach there if i 15:50 put it there again i'm just guessing how 15:52 this works 15:53 if i just press play ready 15:56 fire oh my god is it just gonna go 16:06 oh 16:12 he's going he's going 16:15 he's shooting them in the roof where is 16:17 it landing 16:19 it's working my beautiful creation it's 16:22 being built in front of my eyes 16:24 okay so we have the exact amount of uh 16:26 blocks we had enough blocks 16:27 i hadn't tested this look at it go what 16:30 the 16:32 okay that was weird 16:36 that was wait that's cheating no it's 16:37 not i gathered the blocks all by myself 16:40 is it gonna overlay all the right things 16:42 it is look at that cheese is 16:44 lovely we do need cheese though is 16:46 anyone that can get cheese 16:48 uh i believe cheese i was talking to 16:50 crinos about it 16:51 when i search up cheese there's like 16:53 nothing about it it's just 16:55 you can't craft just little bits of 16:56 cheese you need to make cheese blocks 16:59 and you make cheese blocks by putting 17:02 milk 17:02 in a cauldron for seven seconds which is 17:05 gross as 17:07 that's kind of gross when are you doing 17:09 your nails again 17:11 on camera shall i try and book a nail 17:13 appointment 17:15 i have uh kinda wanted to 17:18 but everything seems like it's closed 17:22 and i need new nails i just ne i just 17:24 need them 17:25 cause you guys need to be able to choose 17:28 my 17:28 nails what color nails i have 17:33 uh that's how you make cheese in real 17:34 life too that's pretty gross 17:37 i i it's pretty gross gross nope 17:40 i farmed a lot in his last stream 17:41 oh did he nope if i 17:46 let's see if he's here he does use my 17:49 machines a lot 17:52 he does use my xp grinders 17:55 but i also really want to see if i can 17:57 just get myself 18:00 maybe a cow down here make a bit of a 18:02 cheese factory 18:04 i don't know maybe i need to eat 18:07 cheese lasts five minutes 18:11 by the way i thought that's relevant 18:12 information i need one piece of cheese 18:14 every five minutes to make the rat farm 18:16 function uh i don't think i'll actually 18:19 need 18:20 more than five minutes of xp from this 18:22 thing because it's kind of nuts 18:25 but it is very cool yeah they're not 18:28 responding to me this isn't good 18:29 this is not fun this is not good i need 18:31 to kill spiders 18:33 i haven't refreshed my textures i 18:35 need string right now by the way i'm 18:36 trying to get a leash 18:37 i'm trying to get a lead so i can grab a 18:39 cow and bring it down here somehow 18:43 don't know wall oh yeah marisa's donut 18:45 wall it's still going 18:46 hold on let's see if we can find it i 18:49 don't nobody's not responding to me 18:51 look there's the dono wall maurice's 18:53 donors 18:54 okay maybe i should do like a domino 18:56 book 19:04 why was this open will you release a new 19:06 video soon i'm trying to like i'm trying 19:07 to do a minecraft video right now 19:09 uh warden's working on it uh it's still 19:11 not completely finished yet i need to do 19:13 the thumbnail today though just so i can 19:14 be prepared for it 19:15 how do you make a leash or lead 19:19 lead okay exactly as much string as i 19:22 have perfect i'm so smart i totally knew 19:24 that going into it 19:25 okay there we go also i re-enchanted my 19:27 trident it now has a riptide on it it's 19:29 still the fanboy fjork 19:31 for york but look nopefy has these two 19:34 things that i don't have number one of 19:36 them is apparently cheese and the other 19:38 one 19:38 is this stuff with the aquatic update 19:40 they added uh 19:43 new armor they added neptunium armor 19:46 which is absolutely insane 19:49 because it's better than netherrite 19:52 oh i killed no i'm killing an iron golem 19:57 i don't care wait hold on why didn't it 20:00 go down all the way 20:05 why are you flying come on perfect there 20:08 we go i'm so smart 20:11 hey my birthday's in three days happy 20:15 birthday in three days 20:16 uh it's been a year or two but will you 20:19 go back 20:20 to hypixel skyblock maybe 20:24 probably not though because we've got 20:25 like 20:28 iron there's like nothing 20:30 interesting to do on eye 20:32 on hypixel skyblock it's kind of dead 20:35 right i don't know j slot already has a 20:38 set i 20:38 know it's insane hold on let me go 20:42 let me go uh i'm gonna go try and find 20:45 some neptunium or some cheese 20:46 i need to find a cow though if i want 20:48 cheese 20:50 okay i've got iron blocks i've got 61 20:52 iron blocks for some reason 20:54 i don't need the one cauldron i'll take 20:56 that's a minecart 20:57 god damn it okay there we go there we go 21:00 i need to go find me a cow i need to 21:02 bring it home into my base i need to 21:04 bring the cow into my dungeon 21:05 no and then do terrible things with it 21:07 uh what my pack are using it's the 21:08 create mod and the rat mod and the 21:10 aquatics mod i don't know it's like a 21:11 custom mod pack for the epic smp 21:13 i genuinely don't know if it's like a 21:15 known mud pack though 21:17 when's the wedding soon 21:20 i think we're gonna do it on uh 21:22 mid-february please i don't want you to 21:23 die please just get off 21:24 the thing there we go cow dungeon yes 21:28 i'll make it myself a cow dungeon for 21:30 them 21:31 do i need to have a lot of cows or you 21:33 can milk one cow infinitely though it 21:35 should be fine 21:36 where's the cutie rose i didn't want to 21:38 have to get prepared i just wanted to 21:39 show you my rat farm to be honest today 21:41 uh and that's kind of it 21:45 and then i gotta work on a video that's 21:48 that's that's all i got 21:49 um but yeah are you still gonna make 21:52 videos with skeppy 21:53 it's not like too much i can do with 21:55 skeppy annoyingly like um 21:57 we do completely different things now 21:59 it's roaming 22:01 but i don't know if he invites me to a 22:04 recording i'll come sometimes he does 22:06 but no what the is your hair i 22:08 don't know 22:09 it's a goddamn it's a mess i don't know 22:11 what to do with it 22:13 it's just growing it's in a weird 22:15 awkward my hair's in this weird awkward 22:17 stage right now and i don't really know 22:18 what to do with it and apparently i 22:20 i just look like a woman now that's 22:21 that's apparently what it is 22:23 where the is the cow is there 22:26 really no cows can i steal one from ted 22:29 i'm going to steal one from ted who 22:32 whomps the oh my god 22:37 there's a thomas simpson in there i 22:40 can't just i can't explain it it's just 22:41 something i'll show you later 22:43 there's a council thing i don't know 22:46 it's a caring haircut 22:47 don't you dare call it a karen haircut 22:49 please 22:50 please don't do that my ego my fall for 22:54 self-esteem 22:58 okay i remember him having 23:01 a cow hey buddy 23:04 you're not in any cage so i'm just gonna 23:06 take you 23:08 he's out the cage like he got out of 23:09 this place so this is fair game 23:12 this is completely fair to take hey bud 23:16 follow me just thank you 23:19 we're going on a trip up a mountain 23:20 you're gonna have fun you're gonna have 23:21 such good fun mr cow 23:23 what shall i name him what shall i name 23:26 my cow 23:27 carrot ah i look over for one second and 23:30 now they're calling me karen why 23:31 where's my cow where'd my cow go 23:37 where's my cow what are you doing cow 23:41 how did you get off the leash i didn't 23:43 know they could do that 23:45 come on come on buddy come on buddy i 23:48 won't break the lead this time 23:50 just follow me through these difficult 23:52 to navigate 23:53 crevices and craters we just got to go 23:56 up over the mountains through the trees 23:58 and i'm gonna take you into a nice nice 24:00 safe dungeon it's gonna be so fun 24:02 there's gonna be mobs for you to 24:03 interact with and maybe not die to it's 24:05 gonna be great 24:06 you're gonna have such a good time come 24:07 on maybe if you're good i'll give you 24:09 some bread 24:10 the cows eat bread cow's whammon 24:16 cowen 24:18 cara cowan it just sounds like saying 24:20 karen but with a speech impediment 24:23 cowan cowan cowan cowan 24:26 cowan come on cowan it's one block cowan 24:29 stop getting all upset come on 24:31 follow me follow me 24:36 hey finn been a while love the karen 24:39 look 24:39 god damn it god damn it why 24:42 god why damn it this is not a karen look 24:47 okay it's a 24:51 grand theft cow 24:56 come here cow i steal you i well 24:59 ted didn't own this cow the cow escaped 25:01 he's a free man 25:03 free woman free cow and um 25:06 now he's mine he's not free anymore he's 25:09 gonna be my milk producer she's gonna be 25:11 my 25:12 milk produce that doesn't sound right at 25:14 all none of those sounded good 25:16 all of that sounded bad come on cow 25:20 long road it oh you idiot come 25:23 on 25:25 up look at that it's like it's trained 25:29 look at him go look at him walking along 25:31 the wither with the villager 25:33 he's so smart she's so smart 25:36 what a good cowan come on up the stairs 25:40 it's a bit of a tough turn here i 25:42 appreciate if you wouldn't fall off that 25:44 block 25:46 okay up we go i'm all of my 25:49 concentrations on this villager 25:51 with a villager wait what 25:54 what do you mean villager finn's milk 25:58 finn's milk there we go what's going 26:02 well 26:02 i don't know how i've managed to get you 26:04 this far 26:06 okay there we go it's just one zombie 26:08 two zombies it's fine 26:09 milker for all she's worth count 26:13 good old cowan cowan would like to speak 26:16 to you moo 26:17 ager also don't you need two cows to 26:20 breed more 26:21 i don't need more i just need the one 26:23 hopefully 26:24 i'm not going to make a cow farm i just 26:26 need one for its milk and i believe you 26:28 can milk the cow 26:29 infant at times if i'm not wrong 26:33 catwoman why are you so fussy 26:36 come on ow come on up up 26:40 i need to train this cow all right put 26:43 your hair in a ponytail 26:44 shall we try i've got so much 26:46 hair stuff here 26:48 do you think it can be put in a ponytail 26:51 hold on do you think it can 26:55 yes okay let's get in let's get the cow 26:57 on inside let's get cowan inside 26:59 um and then we'll try yes oh my 27:03 god 27:03 cowan you said cowan you're such a 27:06 come on 27:08 come on cowan 27:11 but the cows died to the but the cow 27:13 dies like the iron golem did oh 27:15 hopefully not please don't say that that 27:17 makes me scared 27:19 please avoid those berries that will 27:20 hurt you thank you 27:22 go on over here now okay okay i'm just 27:25 gonna get him inside where it's safe 27:27 down in the dungeon oh now he says 27:29 what's up heard 27:31 you got cheese 27:37 come on come on buddy come on buddy come 27:40 on onto the platform onto the mysterious 27:42 thing 27:43 it's working it's working it's genuinely 27:45 working 27:46 okay oh there is everything all right 27:48 yes it's going great hold on let me grab 27:50 a hair tie 27:51 hey finn did you know of the cheese 27:52 bunkers in the us 27:58 the what the cheese bunkers 28:02 oh my god it is a hat oh my god 28:07 this is a karen hairstyle 28:12 oh no 28:16 my chance who told you that rumor 28:20 my chant i need cheese 28:24 um this really is a current oh 28:29 ah 28:32 this isn't good the rumors are true 28:36 i'm going to bring you right over here 28:37 buddy hamburger 28:39 i'm also finn suck my l.a 28:47 love you chat there we go i'm just going 28:50 to put him in here 28:51 it's probably six months pog also 28:53 chatted you know you can take money from 28:55 dog bay zeus and give it to 28:58 f1 nf subbing with prime you probably 29:02 have it and it's free 29:04 how much can you spare 29:07 nope nopey okay 29:10 let's try this while i'm while 29:12 i'm trying to get cheese 29:14 how did i just do what i just did by the 29:16 way what did i just do 29:18 wait that's f wait there's a key for 29:21 that holy 29:23 depends on how much you need the cheese 29:25 isn't taxed 29:26 i i need kinda as 29:30 much as you can give 29:34 but like five stacks 29:37 of normal cheese 29:41 that should be good for a while let's 29:43 try it hold on 29:45 let's see what's let's see fine 29:48 had i do this before i don't think it's 29:50 going to be possible though to be 29:52 perfectly honest with you i don't think 29:54 i'm gonna be able to do it 29:55 um because there's not that much there's 29:59 not 29:59 quite enough hair i don't think right 30:02 like no also this is just like what 30:05 would i look like bold 30:08 this is stupid i did it no i didn't 30:11 it that's gonna be that's 30:13 gonna be hair that just dangles down 30:14 that's fine 30:18 is this is this did you is this really 30:20 what you wanted 30:21 is this really something that you wanted 30:23 right now really 30:25 i look like garbage this looks like 30:28 chat please reconsider chat please 30:32 reconsider this 30:33 this is bad this is not good 30:37 chat higher this is as good as it gets 30:42 i don't know how to do make it higher 30:44 otherwise this hair i'll just have a 30:46 mullet 30:46 you show me to have a mullet although 30:49 i'm open to new hairstyle ideas from you 30:53 that looks not bad though it do look bad 30:56 maybe if i had like 30:57 i just inhaled my hair maybe if i had 30:59 like longer hair 31:01 it would work well but not that not with 31:03 short hair i just look really odd 31:05 i just look bold oh maurice is there 31:09 okay now my cow's here i'm gonna plop 31:12 this thing down 31:13 i'm gonna need a bucket i'm gonna need a 31:15 single year bucket 31:17 singular bucket let me just take that no 31:21 no no no no no no no no no no no 31:24 get in the get in the hole no 31:27 i swear to god count i didn't want to 31:28 have to do this cowan i didn't want to 31:31 have to do this to you callum but i will 31:32 put you down 31:34 there you go i told you i put you down 31:36 into the hole 31:38 i don't know what you guys are thinking 31:40 there we go uh right there we go 31:41 crafting table down 31:43 uh what else do i need at buckets and is 31:46 it literally just 31:47 that and that 31:51 why the dumb ass creepers come from they 31:53 need to be exterminated like rats 31:56 oh it did it it made a gross noise too 32:00 oh i got a blockage i got four cheeses 32:04 that's pretty nifty okay let's make a 32:07 few of these 32:10 there we go wait hey look at that i 32:12 already got some this is not too bad 32:17 this is not the worst okay 32:21 i can get into this cheese making 32:22 business 32:25 i just keep needing to do this right 32:28 and then it all just will eventually 32:30 turn into good good cheese have some 32:32 money from amc stonks 32:34 also as always stream tarkov 32:42 oh god i hate that it's so gross but 32:45 it's so cool 32:46 so did anyone in here did anyone here 32:49 actually 32:49 gets make some money out of investing in 32:51 the ponytail with the hair danglies in 32:54 front is literally my hairstyle 32:56 right now it's a great look 32:59 i'm sorry to say that it was bad 33:04 i'm sorry to say that it worked that it 33:06 was bad i didn't mean it 33:08 wait never mind nope 33:11 i got the cheese this is ridiculously 33:14 easy to do 33:16 i i take it back i didn't need it i 33:17 didn't need any help with this 33:19 um this was this was really simple 33:23 i almost want to just just get up on the 33:25 thing just get up on there come on buddy 33:27 just get up on the thing just get up on 33:29 the thing 33:35 it just wasn't doing it i just need to 33:38 be able to reach the cow easier we need 33:39 to be able to reach cowan quicker 33:44 there we go look at that 33:47 i'm so quick and awesome 33:52 so cool but you know did anyone actually 33:54 make money out of it dude i'm actually 33:55 made one million off jamie i'm not 33:57 joking and i'm not selling 33:59 that's complete if you would 34:00 have made one million you're like 34:02 oh no i'm gonna wait till this goes down 34:04 and screw over the other people 34:05 no no no no sell hey chat how does it 34:09 feel knowing you lost the game 34:12 i ma made negative ton dollars do you 34:14 wanna join to be led into a secret 34:16 i actually recently as in minutes before 34:19 the stream 34:20 i actually had some money in dogecoin 34:23 and uh jme and in gamestop no money in 34:27 amc 34:28 and you know how much money i made i 34:31 mean 34:32 i don't wanna brag or anything but i 34:35 lost three hundred dollars 34:37 so one could call me a trader one could 34:40 call me an investor 34:41 per se uh how much should i lose in 34:44 dogecoin you may be asking 34:47 stop asking me questions i don't want to 34:48 talk about that that's not that's not a 34:50 subject that i 34:51 that i want to talk about right now 34:52 that's not good um 34:54 that would be don't ask me that um 34:58 but uh yeah no i'm a i'm a i'm a good 35:01 i'm a trader i'm an investor 35:03 so uh you know maybe uh maybe think a 35:06 little bit more carefully before you uh 35:09 uh critique me because i'm a smart boy 35:12 just so you know 35:16 i'd mind a hundred thousand doge 35:18 converted it to bitcoin 35:20 that hurts no wait 35:24 then i put 6k in amc and sold it and saw 35:27 it 19 35:28 holy that's good ggs 35:31 i wish that i knew more i i took it as 35:34 like ah well you know 35:35 i get to learn about investments and 35:37 whatever so it's fine it's technically 35:39 okay 35:40 what is she doing 35:46 not cowan marisa 35:51 that was cool i felt really cool there 35:54 the iron golems here to just kill stuff 35:56 sorry ow you 36:00 okay how the am i supposed to 36:02 ass 36:06 you better not kill the cow holy 36:09 if she kills the cow 36:16 are you insane what are you doing 36:20 no i just need it for milk dude 36:24 fine 36:29 [Music] 36:33 if she kills cow and i'll murder 36:42 okay 36:49 marisa you almost killed 36:52 cowan dude what the 36:56 you almost killed cowan 37:01 why'd you do that you're ignoring me for 37:04 15 hours 37:05 i ignored you for five minutes 37:10 also i've been talking about uh uh my 37:13 recent adventure with um 37:15 with jme hey it's a g 37:18 g m e uh i'm a really in i'm 37:22 a really smart trading boy aren't i 37:25 just all of our money no 37:28 no no porn and prostitution 37:31 me too what i mean yeah 37:36 you will i guess maybe 37:39 uh but yeah no you want to join you know 37:41 you can feature on my page any time we 37:43 can do that 37:44 said i why would i feature on yours when 37:46 i could feature on um 37:48 peaches she she only does it with skinny 37:51 people 37:54 that just hurts no chubby boys allowed 38:00 piece of she's jesus 38:05 oh my god i won't discriminate you you 38:07 can join on my page and we can do a 38:09 double cat girl made cafe set and it's 38:11 gonna be super sexy 38:13 i'm busy milking cows actually so maybe 38:16 uh you know iron golem please oh my 38:20 38:24 i'm gonna kill the angolan 38:27 can he just oh 38:36 i know this is gonna make everyone upset 38:38 with me in the village i don't care 38:41 in my manufactured village it's fine the 38:44 villagers are gonna be upset for like a 38:45 day and then i'll get everything back 38:47 because they've got the memories of 38:48 chipmunks 38:49 domestic abuse no what 38:53 uh if if the flight thing happens i 38:56 might have to come out over pretty soon 38:58 which means our minecraft wedding can't 39:00 be happening 39:01 which means i'm just gonna bring the 39:03 maid dress to the uk 39:05 which means i'm just gonna stream 39:06 downstairs while you still stream 39:07 upstairs 39:08 and we're gonna marry in minecraft and 39:10 then afterwards we should 39:11 be in your room and and kiss uh 39:16 you know that sounds like an idea that 39:19 sounds like an idea right we can we can 39:20 get married in real life then 39:24 i don't know whether that was what i 39:26 envisioned when i got married in 39:28 minecraft 39:29 but maybe we've kissed before 39:32 you kissed my eyeball 39:35 quite forcefully may i add i hurt my eye 39:40 i didn't no well 39:47 you know it's hard to control myself but 39:48 i don't i mean well okay i don't think 39:50 the whole 39:50 what the is that what do i hear 39:53 rats 39:53 oh my god the rat oh the rats escaped 39:58 ah the rats have started spawning 40:01 i didn't think about this issue that 40:04 would arise 40:06 wait is it still is it still firing hold 40:09 on i've got two stacks of cheese now 40:11 that's not good that's not good hey 40:13 buddy how you doing how you doing buddy 40:15 hey 40:15 what's going on you're still firing can 40:17 you go a bit quicker maybe 40:20 hmm it'll be good if you're a bit 40:22 quicker 40:24 um is there a speed boost maybe that i 40:28 could use 40:30 something oh 40:34 are you underground all just in a bunker 40:35 i'm it's an under well that's where 40:37 bunkers 40:38 are what do you mean that's the same 40:39 thing 40:41 so you're ashamed about the boss did you 40:42 actually get the scythe i did get the 40:43 psyche look at my scythe 40:45 i called it big d and i enchanted it 40:47 look at it look at me i got a big scythe 40:48 we both got big sighs look at us 40:52 yeah oh you know what else i got 40:57 do you want a wife oh do you want to do 40:58 something follow me 41:00 there's actually there's actually 41:02 another boss mob on this there's 41:03 actually one more boss mob 41:06 that we haven't killed yet and i've been 41:08 kind of farming 41:10 king he's called the rat king and i've 41:13 never seen him 41:15 what gregor already killed him i don't i 41:18 have never seen it before um 41:20 i genuinely don't know what it looks 41:21 like i there's no information about him 41:23 on the wiki there's no picture of him on 41:25 the wiki nothing 41:26 hold on chat uh marisa if you're 41:28 streaming look away 41:34 okay there we go uh just had to retrieve 41:36 my secretive 41:37 information from my secret of chest so 41:39 we get these two balls of filth we're 41:41 gonna spawn two of them because i think 41:42 they're gonna be pretty easy to kill 41:44 uh and then we just need to find a rat 41:46 which we have metric tons of now 41:49 uh you should put your eagle stuff on 41:51 maybe 41:53 maybe we should we should have uh we 41:55 should we should get married in real 41:56 life 41:57 why did you mind this giant section 41:58 around the cow by the way you in the pit 42:03 ah that makes a lot of sense all right 42:05 hold on we need to find a rat 42:07 there's a lot of rats do you want to 42:08 fight this guy do you want to fight him 42:10 now 42:12 do you want to do it okay take this take 42:14 this 42:15 and click one of the rats with it 42:18 all of filth yep seen this like one room 42:20 before 42:22 what the is that 42:25 oh that's really gross looking 42:29 that's what a rat king is 42:33 uh 42:38 why is he so hard to kill i thought he 42:40 would look kind of 42:41 a little bit cool i thought he looked 42:42 cool wait did you not spawn one 42:45 that was the one i spawned no you you 42:47 still got yours i didn't spawn 42:49 uh are you still going oh my god 42:52 did you get the did you get the helmet 42:54 yes the 42:55 the crown the wrecking crown yeah 42:58 you know dude you should still have your 42:59 ball of filth 43:01 it's so laggy yeah yeah i have it 43:04 so you saw one of these in your i saw 43:06 one of these in your room once 43:07 yeah oh okay 43:11 fun facts are a real thing everyone's 43:14 saying rat kings are real things 43:16 yeah i know they do this uh they they 43:18 sometimes like take 43:19 like not up their tails to appear bigger 43:22 ugh why are they moving so insanely 43:25 quick 43:26 by the way 43:29 oh rat 43:32 rat it's so laggy can we i know it's 43:35 really laggy i can't really do anything 43:36 about it though 43:37 follow me i'm gonna try and lure it away 43:40 follow me marisa 43:41 run away if you run away from it it's 43:45 less laggy 43:47 wait 43:51 it's really laggy isn't it i was hitting 43:54 things with a pickaxe 43:55 wondering why they weren't dying wait 43:58 the racking's attacking the other kid 44:00 what the is happening here okay so 44:03 laggy i'm on like 2 fps in here 44:07 buddy i've gotta kill you i've just 44:09 gotta kill you i'm really sorry 44:13 i've just gotta murder you please i'm 44:16 i just want the lag to stop oh sake 44:22 here we go there we go 44:26 i'm not over doing it this is we have to 44:27 shut this off it's 44:29 there's no shut off where the did 44:31 the right i mean there's no shut off 44:33 there is no shut off we have to turn 44:35 this thing off 44:36 there's that is not that's i did the 44:38 crap i have a crown now look at me 44:40 oh cute i have a crown that's all i 44:44 wanted really 44:45 no it doesn't really drop anything 44:48 enderman uh 44:50 yeah no there's no shut off that there's 44:53 no such 44:54 thing too many rats making my skin crawl 44:56 well 44:57 we're gonna kill them all later we just 45:00 can we can go stand over by the cannon 45:02 and it'll be less laggy 45:06 marie well she'll continue to be laggy 45:09 then 45:11 light up the garbage yeah you know i 45:14 could do that but also i couldn't you 45:16 know and look i'm on good fps like i'm 45:18 fine over here 45:19 i'm doing great i don't know what 45:20 they're all complaining about so 45:22 you know maybe it's their fault who's 45:25 thinking about that 45:26 the vegan teacher is screaming 45:29 yeah so yeah it is building it over 45:32 there look at that 45:33 yeah i see it's building look at that we 45:36 gotta do something about it 45:37 no this is fine just stand over here 45:39 just don't go over there 45:41 it's not lagging just don't go over 45:43 there just don't go over there for a bit 45:45 it's fine and then what is it for we go 45:47 there and crash 45:48 is that that is that no we go there and 45:50 then we can turn it off 45:52 we can't turn it off now because it's 45:53 not completed yet 45:55 oh man there is a there is an on off 45:57 switch there is one 45:58 uh there is another switch um 46:02 but it's not it's not done yet so 46:06 it's kind of just gonna be on for a 46:08 while 46:12 is that okay 46:17 three minutes for the play to go away 46:19 murray marisa 46:22 marisa is that a reason is that a 46:27 i killed her what what 46:30 what i've been asking you things this 46:32 entire time 46:33 i no you haven't you let you reset 46:35 maurice and i was like yeah you were 46:36 like 46:37 i'm like no you weren't saying anything 46:39 yeah okay chad 46:40 please am i i have alzheimer's 46:44 or what 46:44 yes did he did he ask anything you just 46:46 said marisa like 15 times 46:48 no no but you weren't saying you weren't 46:50 replying to me 46:51 i said yeah did i not say yes no 46:56 she's out of breath i said she's out of 46:59 ram 47:00 they didn't hear me okay then maybe my 47:02 mic didn't pick up 47:04 yeah okay my mic didn't pick up maybe i 47:06 need to talk louder i i for sure said 47:08 like yeah 47:08 yeah yeah well you know maybe drink more 47:12 milk i would like some milk actually i 47:14 do have milk 47:16 at home yeah also i'm thirsty 47:19 i i think they mean in ingame 47:23 no that chat's just telling me to drink 47:26 milk 47:27 i am thirsty they want you to grow big 47:28 mommy milkers one sec i'm quite thirsty 47:31 give me a second 47:33 i wish you grew big mommy milkers that'd 47:35 be awesome 47:56 maybe he's getting his big mommy milkers 47:58 that would be awesome 48:02 ajini comes back with huge milkers 48:06 i would clap clap and chat i would 48:08 literally clap and chat 48:11 okay flat as a washing board 48:16 flat as an ironing board it's over 48:19 hey hey 48:23 what's up i don't know why you guys 48:26 wanted me to get milk though 48:29 why do they want me to get milk what 48:30 does this help with i don't think this 48:32 joke is as funny as you think it is 48:35 does this my dollar or weird money 48:38 yeah 48:38 just trying things out 48:42 i'm genuinely thirsty 48:45 we know what you usually drink it's just 48:47 squash 48:49 yeah i just drink squash but there's no 48:51 my glass is empty 48:53 fully empty that's not even me being 48:55 pessimistic it's just empty 48:58 get a cup swagger shoulders build a 49:01 church yesterday 49:02 we can get married there 49:07 although i would love like if 49:10 atheism wedding would be more cool 49:13 imagine like demonic underworld let's 49:15 get married in the nether 49:16 in darth vader's castle i'm down 49:20 well i don't know why i don't know what 49:21 you guys find weird about this you're 49:23 evil 49:24 spill it no i'll cry um 49:27 milk by itself makes me uncomfortable 49:30 what 49:30 who doesn't drink milk by itself i don't 49:33 drink milk by itself 49:34 well every every living being at some 49:37 point just drinks milk it's 49:39 it's how the world works milk is like 49:42 the thing 49:42 right everyone drinks milk vegan teacher 49:45 oh you supposedly 49:46 you i don't get it i'm vegetarian 49:49 but 49:50 vegans suck how are you supposed to 49:53 drink it if not by itself like 49:55 do they want you to get you mix 49:56 it with stuff there's so much stuff you 49:57 put 49:58 milk with but i mean yeah i don't have 50:01 anything against 50:02 drinking milk by itself yeah me neither 50:04 it's awesome 50:07 i don't get the point like are you 50:09 supposed to put like cereal in your cup 50:10 so you can also drink the milk now or 50:13 maybe 50:14 i don't know chocolate milk 50:18 that's just chocolate why is that milk 50:19 so patriotic 50:27 i don't know i think it's because it's 50:29 uk milk it was 50:30 cows from the uk i'm drinking some fine 50:34 uk cow piss 50:41 wait there's slim fast here don't you 50:43 mix this with water or milk or some 50:45 it's probably not mixed with milk 50:46 because it's slim fast 50:48 you cured huh 50:51 wait just add skimmed milk wait 50:55 i could totally make the slim fast right 50:57 now shall we 51:00 no don't do it why i kind of want to try 51:02 it this is 51:03 how many times does this happen i could 51:06 just do this hold on 51:08 let me move back away from the cannon so 51:10 i don't hear boom boom boom boom 51:11 boom i gotta know 51:14 wait you do mix it with milk that's 51:16 weird 51:17 i figured because milk's like kind of 51:19 you know not the healthiest thing ever 51:22 i wonder what it smells like healthy i i 51:25 don't know 51:26 i thought it's like a lot of calories or 51:28 whatever 51:29 hey what did i miss i don't know uh 51:33 what are you talking about not a lot 51:39 oh it smells pretty rank though it 51:42 smells not very good 51:45 it smells like not nice stuff it smells 51:48 like fake strawberries 51:54 get a cup i got a cup bud 51:58 all right right right hoe 52:01 what exactly are you doing right now 52:03 drinking slim i'm trying to make some 52:05 slim 52:06 fast what is that i don't know someone 52:09 sent it to me 52:10 no i don't do that i'm gonna 52:14 oh you shouldn't 52:18 it's it's it's for like 52:21 and he's like for digestion i think 52:23 you're just kind of i think it's 52:24 literally gonna you're literally gonna 52:26 52:26 i'm like really hard i think it's 52:29 like a laxative i think you're just 52:30 literally i don't know if i'm gonna 52:31 drink it and all night i can't wait 52:34 to 52:38 uh don't be stupid why it's just a thing 52:41 this is something people have i kind of 52:43 want to try it 52:45 no 52:48 it's oh no it's got soy in it i don't 52:51 want to be a soy boy 52:52 maybe i shouldn't have it this isn't for 52:56 this isn't for taste this is literally 52:58 like a supplement 53:00 it tastes like something 53:05 soy boy uh what should i do 53:10 what you should do is just put it put it 53:11 down i wanna be stupid 53:14 i wanna try it's not gonna make you feel 53:15 good if you're adolescent 53:18 pregnant breastfeeding have a medical 53:20 condition 53:21 or want to lose more than 20 of your 53:23 weight then talk about weight loss plans 53:25 to your doctor or dietitian 53:28 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 53:29 someone sent you weight loss powder 53:32 that's what slim fast is dummy it's like 53:34 a milkshake it's like what 53:36 it's like what eda was drinking 53:39 yeah now look what happened to eat it it 53:41 is awful i hate eater 53:43 look what happened to you now she's 53:44 she's dying 53:46 drinking slim jim slim jim 53:50 she's been drinking slim jims what is 53:53 slim jim 53:54 it's a sausage 53:57 okay slim fast just don't man it's a 54:00 supplement 54:01 it's not a protein it's like 54:03 protein it's like 54:05 makes you lose weight it's just gonna 54:06 digest your 54:08 and then you're gonna be on the 54:09 toilet all night you're gonna the 54:12 bed and then you're gonna be mad about 54:13 it 54:14 i'm gonna do it it's a meal 54:16 replacement 54:18 oh it's a meal replay it's a meal 54:19 replacement 54:21 yeah it is one of your replacement that 54:22 you don't digest immediately out 54:25 and that's how it makes you lose weight 54:27 you do digest it though 54:29 there's nothing in it it's powdery 54:30 there's nothing nothing to digest man 54:32 you're just gonna it out 54:33 you're not diarrhea i'm gonna 54:35 not worth it i'm gonna do 54:37 it 54:38 the powder's already in it's not worth 54:40 it it's literally not worth it i'm gonna 54:42 do it 54:44 i'm doing half of what it says to make a 54:46 full drink i just want to try it 54:48 mad lad eat it plain you're a 54:51 chat and my chat's full of absolute 54:53 gremlins 54:57 oh it's pink god damn 55:03 that's probably a lot okay there we go 55:06 and then i just put it you should get it 55:07 you literally get it from pharmacies 55:09 like you can't even buy it 55:13 hold on i want to try it i don't know 55:15 i'm probably not going to drink all of 55:16 it i just want to try it 55:18 all right right put this there i just do 55:21 this 55:22 i think 55:26 i'm really good at this i've made plenty 55:28 of slim fast that's why i'm really good 55:30 at this 55:33 how we doing boys what's going on how 55:35 are you 55:39 how are you you doing well i'm doing 55:46 great 55:50 uh okay let me close up my slim fast 55:53 someone sent it me as a meme but now i 55:56 kind of want to see if it tastes any 55:58 good if it tastes like garbage i'm not 55:59 gonna drink it 56:01 and i wonder if the if the weight loss 56:03 shake was a meme or if they if they 56:04 actually want you to lose weight 56:06 why would they send me something that's 56:07 like a a meme drink though like slim 56:09 fast is like a 56:12 ah i just tried a little bit of it on my 56:14 finger that is that wasn't very good 56:16 it just tastes like maybe don't shake it 56:18 where you're shaking it 56:20 no 56:28 oh nasty 56:32 it's not great well what do you expect 56:35 it's literally like 56:36 uh it's it's it's not 56:38 supplements man 56:39 it's supplements it doesn't taste fast 56:42 it's just like um 56:44 that takes like cheap you know what i 56:46 mean first it does 56:49 some weird fake medical it's like 56:52 oh it makes you lose weight 56:58 i'm drinking it 57:01 stop you're like a dog with like 57:06 something that's wrong 57:07 there is a lack of high quality evidence 57:09 on the effectiveness of the diet 57:12 why are you drinking it you want a 57:16 oh my god stop you're pretending oh 57:19 you're making bubbles i i can see you're 57:21 making bubbles 57:24 can we shut down the rat farm now no 57:33 is that insufficiently vegetarian no i'm 57:35 a bad vegetarian i still eat sweets 57:37 containing gelatin 57:38 i know there's meat in them i just like 57:40 i'm pretty much like a vegetarian to the 57:41 point where like i won't eat like 57:43 steak on a plate i won't eat like actual 57:45 meat but like 57:46 meat products i guess i'm fine with 57:52 this is the dark side of me hello thank 57:55 you rob mom hey rob how are you doing 57:57 this is strange time for you to donate 57:59 but thank you thanks for the phone call 58:00 good subs 58:01 all right let's see how the let's see 58:02 let's check in on the farm let's see on 58:04 the rat farm how are we doing 58:05 how's the rat farm doing it's done an 58:07 extra layer that's not too bad 58:10 i think you should go to jail i think 58:13 not 58:13 i think that's a bad idea 58:18 cheese isn't not even vegetarian yes it 58:21 is 58:21 are you insane cheese is vegetarian it's 58:24 not vegan 58:25 but it's vegetarian 58:29 you're saying you're vegetarian yet you 58:30 still eat chicken in minecraft i eat 58:32 rats 58:32 i raw rats in minecraft what do you mean 58:35 do you want some cooked reds 58:37 no i want raw rats i only eat the babies 58:39 the 58:40 raw tiny little ones those ones that you 58:43 feed to like spiders and snakes and 58:46 you make out of rat pelt rats on an 58:49 arrow 58:50 you can put a rat on dude somehow cross 58:53 bred like a dragon red right and it 58:56 flies behind him and shoots fire 58:58 and it literally two shot me like it bit 58:59 me twice and i died wait really 59:02 yeah it does like it's so i know about 59:05 the signal 59:07 it says he has this site yeah oh wait he 59:10 put the scythe on the dragon 59:12 no he has the scythe and he crit me with 59:14 it jump 59:15 crit it did one hard and one bite of the 59:18 rat 59:18 did five but it's gone it must have like 59:22 16 times five damage per bite but it's 59:25 got like 59:26 eight attack damage 59:30 yeah but you can upgrade it i think i 59:32 don't know maybe 59:34 you can get 50 attack damage wait holy 59:37 you can get 59:38 50 attack damage wait i didn't even 59:40 think about that that's like 59:42 three times the scythe 59:46 we need another star do you want to try 59:49 and do you want to fight the weather now 59:51 oh this looks so hard to do 59:55 this looks so hard to make you want to 59:58 fight the 59:58 weather i can spawn the wither we can 60:01 fight the wither 60:02 is this really going to be the stream 60:03 where we fight the weather 60:05 good so we need all my subs expiring 60:09 same day weary 60:11 okay we need four rat upgrades which is 60:14 just 60:15 an armor upgrade that's easy 60:18 uh strength upgrade that's pretty easy 60:21 and a 60:22 health upgrade which oh melon we 60:24 need melon 60:27 we could make it and then the dragon is 60:29 like 60:31 okay that's easy what about you oh 60:33 [Music] 60:35 that's easy okay we can do that fire 60:37 charge that's doable 60:40 it's all doable it's just a pain in the 60:42 ass she's gone 60:43 and she's gone she left i was talking to 60:46 no one for like five minutes 60:54 okay how the rats doing 60:59 i can see them burrowing look at that 61:02 oh my god yeah it's immediately getting 61:05 laggy as soon as i walk over here look 61:06 you can see them all there look at them 61:07 with their red beetle lies i can't wait 61:09 to kill them all 61:11 holy it's still firing though 61:15 hey buddy hey do you have any um 61:20 you don't happen to have any um seven 61:22 months pog 61:23 lemongems i'm gonna make a bowl so i'm 61:26 just hoping to get 61:27 infinity on this because i have never 61:29 fought the wither and i am scared 61:32 you have to have any lapis lazuli wait 61:34 why do you need a bow we've got 61:36 something better than a bow 61:38 what oh you're right damn 61:41 yeah okay let's spawn him where is this 61:43 not here 61:44 definitely not here not here you're not 61:49 oh here you're not you're definitely 61:54 wait what no spawn him over wait sport 61:55 follow me follow me follow me 61:57 oh you're getting nether are you getting 61:59 soul sand there's no soul sand in this 62:02 well to the nether i'm going in we're 62:05 going in and what 62:06 god why the are we doing this 62:09 this is a terrible idea okay good thing 62:11 there's tons of soul sand 62:13 okay two three 62:16 dude who cares what the 62:20 all right we got enough stop digging so 62:21 far we gotta know if we got enough 62:23 bill's sex lord i've never actually 62:24 fought the wither in my life i don't 62:26 know what he does i'm scared 62:27 oh yeah no he makes a lot he's i'd say 62:30 he's harder to fight than the end of 62:32 dragon 62:34 in my opinion in my opinion he's worse 62:38 than the ender dragon 62:40 because he's kind of you have to spawn 62:41 him in your world and he can blow a 62:43 and a up 62:44 so we're gonna go do it over there okay 62:47 i i'm spotting him here 62:48 oh sleep oh god i told him that i would 62:50 go to bed 62:52 one sec boys him 62:55 no he's cool 62:59 cranios meh i'm not so sure about that 63:03 one 63:03 oh this lying golem 63:08 you have any lapis i still want to 63:09 enchant the bow 63:11 oh i just threw an ender pearl i'm 63:14 trolling 63:16 he just waited there dude he just 63:18 blocked my way 63:21 hey buds i'm going to steal a bed for 63:22 the night 63:27 there we go gg gg i'm sure that wasn't 63:30 too late at all 63:33 well finn yep i'm gonna need some milk i 63:37 just gave myself the plague 63:38 you can't cure it with the milk really 63:41 yeah that's never been a thing do we 63:44 have 63:45 a funny plague doctor 63:48 no can we make one i don't want to 63:51 sacrifice 63:52 we only have a few villages left now 63:53 that i've done that it's fine you'll be 63:56 fine you'll be fine you'll be fine 63:56 you'll be fine 63:58 i'm gonna take my crown off and put on a 63:59 helmet we're gonna go all the way 64:02 into the we're gonna go all the way to 64:03 the back of the cave if we're gonna do 64:04 it so it's fine 64:05 you'll have time you can make an 64:08 antidote i know you can 64:09 i'm not gonna though how long did the 64:12 hair take 64:13 about a year i guess all things 64:16 considered 64:19 i'm going as far away from the main bit 64:21 as we possibly can 64:26 going all the way over there yeah about 64:28 the hair i'm forcing him to 64:29 keep it i'm he's not cutting it on my 64:32 watch 64:32 ah right it's an abusive relationship 64:36 right well also i said i was gonna grow 64:38 it out for chat so i'm uh i'm 64:40 i keep my promises i'm no scammer can 64:42 you put it in the doctor hole 64:46 um no he does break obsidian 64:50 there is a way to structure it so he 64:52 won't be able to break out of it but 64:54 he does usually break obsidian all right 64:56 do you want to do it 64:58 not near the lava well there's lava 65:01 everywhere 65:01 okay put it down trust me he moves 65:04 really quickly 65:06 all right i've never done this as soon 65:08 as you place that third head it's going 65:09 to three minutes 65:11 we can wait three minutes 65:15 [Music] 65:18 i'm scared i'm sorry you've never fought 65:20 the weather before uh 65:22 the wither affects the bad one um 65:26 we don't have any regenerating stuff 65:29 though 65:30 so if stuff gets bad we're just gonna 65:32 run away okay 65:35 yeah maybe we can snipe him it's fine 65:38 uh where did your schoolgirl outfit go 65:40 i've still got a school girl outfit it's 65:42 just not very um 65:45 advertiser friendly 65:50 which one though because there's the 65:52 anime school girl outfit which like i've 65:54 worn that's the one i've worn a few 65:55 times 65:56 i've still got those i haven't worn that 65:59 in a while actually how we die 66:05 no it's fine get water do you have a 66:07 water oh 66:09 i have a bucket on me 66:14 i really wish i had my depth of boots 66:16 it's fine 66:18 what about the fake bob advertisers um 66:21 they were nifty um 66:25 we didn't end up working together though 66:28 um 66:28 because i think they wanted a whole 66:31 youtube video 66:32 on it and i was like no 66:35 because i'm not going to make a youtube 66:36 video on on fake boobs because you know 66:39 you can't really put that on youtube so 66:41 no 66:45 why do i feel like marisa will die 66:47 there's a good chance marisa will die 66:49 uh i know it's gonna look really weird 66:51 on screen but i'm gonna keep using the 66:52 extendo grip because we'll probably want 66:54 as much range as we can possibly get 66:57 um 67:02 i think i lost my extender grip i don't 67:03 have it no like 67:06 it's just gone i don't know how it's 67:07 just gone well 67:09 that's fine you can be the 67:12 mysterious token chunk huh 67:16 mysterious token chunk do you need that 67:18 no 67:19 i'll be right back i know where it is 67:21 where 67:25 if that would have hit her if that would 67:26 have hit her that would have been 67:27 another five minutes of waiting anyway 67:29 it's just me and you chat 67:31 let's talk how are you doing how are you 67:34 doing 67:34 chat you should do your makeup while you 67:37 wait for marisa do you think makeup 67:38 takes 67:39 two and a half minutes it takes like an 67:41 hour it sucks 67:43 also i don't really want to be i don't 67:45 know if i want to really wear makeup 67:47 i've lost 30 kilograms in six months 67:50 replacing my lunch by extreme meal 67:52 replacement from 67:55 the proteins works they're really good 67:57 taste like milkshake with lots of 67:59 different 68:00 taste and it only takes five minutes to 68:03 eat 68:04 i need to like i need chewing things 68:07 you know i need to be able to choose 68:10 something 68:11 camera i get that i get that the 68:15 air that air machine's cool and 68:17 all but please 68:19 anyway um 68:22 but you know i dude i just noticed the 68:24 nails yeah 68:27 but they're very nice um 68:31 a star for cosplay when i have the 68:33 outfits i don't have the wig though 68:35 i have the outfits but not the wig um 68:39 i could order the wig i don't know how 68:42 good i look with the wig 68:43 should we go order the wig right now 68:46 stolfo wig 68:50 okay oh it's like 68:53 19 pounds easy 68:58 okay 69:04 shall i 69:07 bargain indeed why not okay i'll order 69:10 this thing 69:11 it's like 19 pounds why not it's added 69:13 to my basket it's apparently coming the 69:15 first of february 69:16 when i order it which i haven't done yet 69:18 yet i've got the outfits though we 69:20 ordered some outfits before and i've got 69:22 them 69:23 um but yeah 69:28 i'll just close that anyway what did you 69:32 order 69:32 a stolfo thing a steal for cosplay i'm 69:34 now i'm gonna get the wig 69:36 hey it's you what's poppin 69:39 are you ready are you just gonna do it 69:41 now 69:42 run away from it a little bit 69:45 oh it's going to explode it's going 69:48 to explode in a second and then it's 69:50 going to be able to kill us okay 69:51 ready now 69:54 shoot at it marisa i'm shooting 69:58 i have no idea how it hasn't got to keep 70:00 moving backwards it's stuck in there for 70:02 a minute 70:04 you're really not doing a lot of damage 70:06 to this holy we're almost got it 70:07 though 70:08 i don't this might have been the perfect 70:10 location to spawn the wither he's stuck 70:12 in the ceiling 70:13 he's gonna charge at me in a second now 70:16 okay melee miley miley miley 70:20 hit him with your actual sword or with 70:22 the you know the 70:23 one we got him oh dude we're doing so 70:24 much damage this is easy 70:27 easy ow 70:30 easy easy easy look at 70:33 that 70:34 i got it we got it netherstar look at 70:37 that that was easy 70:38 no achievement we already got it 70:41 withering heights 70:42 some of the weather we need to make a 70:43 beacon and then we get the achievement 70:44 but yeah 70:45 we did it it was way easier that was 70:48 that was easy 70:49 it didn't even us up wait oh look 70:51 at this 70:54 i found a mob spawner i found a mob 70:56 spawn 70:57 like we can add this yeah we don't have 71:00 spiders yet 71:01 oh gunpowder yeah cool 71:04 nifty i don't know if the spider let's 71:05 make the beacon let's make dobby 71:08 can wait we're not making a beacon what 71:11 we're making uh wait what did you want 71:13 this for 71:15 you make refined radiance and get a 71:17 block 71:18 what did you want a block of radiance 71:21 we can make the the block zapper and 71:23 with it we have infinite range 71:25 it's like the extender grip but infinite 71:27 well we can play 71:29 we can place blocks wherever we want 71:31 we're just gonna make this ceiling 71:33 lighting really nice or 71:36 we could not do that 71:40 we can do both i haven't i have two more 71:43 wither skulls i just need one more and 71:44 we can uh make another wither you know 71:46 what we could do 71:47 is we could make the dragon boy that 71:49 swagger souls has 71:51 yeah but he has that i 71:55 he also has a block zapper 72:00 i kind of want the dragon boy dragon 72:03 ball is going to get like removed in a 72:04 week or so 72:06 so um 72:10 yeah they're sorry good for anything 72:12 else yeah that 72:14 the rat the rat boy rat god boy 72:17 the dragony boy and then we equipped the 72:20 rat god thing on it the 72:22 rat battle god and who 72:25 who gets to keep the rat i don't know 72:29 i farmed the the weather skeletons did 72:31 but i guarantee you're not gonna help me 72:33 craft the rest of this 72:36 you tell me what to do uh okay we need a 72:39 bunch of upgrades it's not gonna be too 72:41 hard actually 72:45 this won't be too bad you can you can 72:47 trade them i got a bunch earlier 72:49 trade what can trade almost all of the 72:51 upgrades from uh 72:53 villager play doctor i threw all of them 72:55 away though because i didn't want them 72:57 there's no way you can get all of them 72:58 there's tons of them there's like 30. 73:04 we can get the base upgrades i think oh 73:07 that's just cheese though 73:09 the base upgrades just like easy it's 73:12 fine there you go 73:13 we'll make it we'll make it we'll make 73:14 it which one do you want to do though 73:16 first 73:17 we're going to do both of them which one 73:18 do you want to do first what's the other 73:20 one 73:21 the rat guard and the block zapper 73:25 you mean the dragon reds well no the 73:27 dragon rat doesn't use the netherstar 73:29 but the thing that 73:29 makes it do a lot of damage uses another 73:31 star 73:34 your choice i don't care really well 73:36 we'll do both um 73:37 let's do the hmm 73:42 let's do the block zapper right now and 73:44 then i'm gonna farm all the stuff 73:46 for you but we do need a lot more stuff 73:49 oh really what we need a blaze cake 73:55 for which we need a contraction 73:59 god we need to make the blaze 74:01 cake with the black cake is easy to make 74:02 but then you need one of those like 74:04 spots and then you can fill it up then 74:06 you can put it into the thing 74:07 and then we'll cook up the mixtures can 74:10 go and do that at craniosa's house 74:17 i'm gonna make the rat god 74:22 good a little bit demotivated you know 74:26 in all honesty 74:27 why because of the uh the gme trait 74:32 oh i'm just i don't know if i want to do 74:35 it right now because i wasn't gonna 74:36 stream soon 74:37 i thought wait go straight i do all the 74:39 work now no i'm still my hair's still 74:41 drying 74:42 um uh okay well can i make the rack god 74:46 then 74:47 and then for your stream we'll do the 74:48 block zapper 74:50 uh yeah make the red good cool rack 74:53 guard time 74:54 all right rat guard step number one uh 74:58 oh god i'll stand right here 75:02 i'm now going to call minx we need okay 75:05 we need a rat upgrade warrior and this 75:07 thing is 75:08 a lot of we've got the diamonds for 75:10 it that's easy 75:11 uh the only thing we need is the armor 75:13 one we need four of each of these four 75:15 of each of these three 75:17 which one can i do easier 75:20 wait do we have any melons marisa 75:24 i have two 75:27 we need more where do you find melons 75:36 huh 75:44 you get it no i didn't hear what you 75:47 said 75:48 and uh i have two no but before that 75:52 well after that i said nothing after 75:54 that i said uh 75:56 where you can find them yeah where on 75:59 the 75:59 chest which 76:04 chest 76:07 marisa oh my god what 76:11 [Music] 76:14 when is the wedding boys i suggest 76:18 you said song 76:24 all right um what is the wedding i don't 76:26 know when the wedding is 76:28 um hmm 76:33 love you both yeah bubs bubs bop 76:36 hatch 76:37 why are you looking at my what 76:41 what you don't get it you really don't 76:43 after all this time 76:45 do you have melons yes i have two where 76:47 can you find them on the chest 76:52 does it ring the bell maybe 77:00 any point i've never felt five months 77:03 more deeply upset 77:08 and angry why 77:11 after hearing a pun 77:14 never before have i felt so disappointed 77:18 in a friend friend 77:21 is that what we are i thought we're 77:22 getting married you know 77:24 uh wife 77:27 um let's go to get some melons for 77:31 yourself 77:31 at the doctor 77:36 dr matt watson has some nice melons 77:38 waiting for you 77:43 i don't like it here it's a hostile work 77:46 environment 77:48 i like forced feminization this is a 77:50 hostile work environment 77:52 i like it when guys turn into girls it's 77:55 so hard 77:56 cool why don't you grow some boobs uh 78:00 that's physically impossible so 78:03 what the no 78:06 i'm insane yes i'm a god 78:10 and i'm to make a rat just like me all 78:13 right let's head over to rat mart's 78:15 ma rat matsons 78:19 rat matson's house and grab some melon 78:23 rat matson all right 78:27 oh it's pumpkins huh 78:31 that's not rap monsters but don 78:37 i got trolled it was never well we have 78:40 melon seeds let's just steal them 78:41 how many two 78:45 okay hold on i'm gonna see if uh rat 78:47 matson has some 78:49 i don't think so that's what i meant by 78:51 it's so weird that he still hasn't 78:53 grasped his house he hasn't been here 78:55 really since then 78:58 he hasn't been online holy 79:01 okay the inventor of the sp 79:05 no is there really no way in i don't 79:07 want to ruin 79:08 there's a fish pond up here oh 79:11 he doesn't have any i just said it 79:13 because i meant weston's house 79:15 he doesn't have any stop digging in 79:21 hey he doesn't have any you should have 79:24 told me what the 79:26 you think you're washing away his house 79:30 i'm not put it back 79:35 man 79:47 [Laughter] 79:51 all right okay uh we have melon seeds 79:54 now 79:55 um i guess we just plant them do 79:59 we have any um 80:02 but we do have bones okay follow 80:05 me come on let's go 80:06 wait pass me the melon seeds pass me the 80:09 melon seeds 80:11 pass me the melon seeds yank you rose 80:14 great streams 80:17 the melon seeds please the melon seeds 80:21 the melon seeds please a lot of arrows 80:24 can i have the melon see 80:27 now the melon seeds please look at how 80:29 nasty this is 80:31 it's a rat yeah the rat tail tangled rat 80:33 tails can i have the melon seeds please 80:35 we cut them off can i have the melon 80:36 seeds please 80:39 you know back what i found in your room 80:41 can i have the melon seeds please 80:43 and not filth 80:47 i bought it in your room i'm just 80:48 returning can i have the melon seeds 80:49 please 80:55 i'll have the melon seeds please uh yeah 80:59 sure let me just 81:00 like my inventory 81:04 no i don't have any 81:09 what what nothing over here all right 81:12 what am i hurries because you hit me 81:16 all right oh how the turns have tabled 81:19 okay i just need to i just need a hoe 81:22 conveniently i do have marisa right here 81:24 wait i just thought jayden's an 81:26 adventurer jaden probably might 81:28 have something she might have some 81:29 melons some nice melons 81:32 aidan has probably something she's 81:36 we can't say that about jaden she's a 81:38 humble 81:39 parrot finder 81:42 right all right let's see if she doesn't 81:44 even know that people here on the server 81:46 have 81:46 melons and real nice melons i'm not 81:49 seeing any melons 81:52 darn she didn't find any melons on all 81:54 of her travels 81:55 weird 81:59 all right we just have the seeds to 82:00 melons 82:04 i think i'm gonna start doing regular 82:05 streams more often 82:08 yeah you think would be a good idea well 82:11 yeah i mean like not 82:12 epic snp streams 82:15 i think what do you think about that 82:18 chat what do you think about that you're 82:20 the coolest because i've been doing like 82:22 tons of this stuff 82:23 i feel like i need like um i want to do 82:26 what 82:26 we did before a little bit like do some 82:29 like p.o box stuff do some you laugh you 82:31 lose 82:32 you know just regular just chatting 82:33 streams we haven't done that in a bit 82:36 hell yeah sweet this is like my like 82:39 free time stream like i either wouldn't 82:40 have streamed today 82:42 or i would have done this you know 82:45 so it's not too bad i don't mind it 82:49 it's kind of like a in the meantime sort 82:51 of stream that's why i kind of see these 82:52 as 82:54 oh no if i dead oh nope if i dead oh 82:57 nope fight dead 83:00 a little earlier as well yeah yeah ah 83:03 she'll 83:04 make her way down i'm sure 83:07 chat needs more attention i know i know 83:10 you guys too you guys are i i feel bad 83:12 yes please more fanboy more fanboy 83:16 that's understandable uh i can provide 83:19 that 83:20 i can provide more fanboy i don't see 83:23 that as an issue 83:26 um i think i need any of this 83:32 um 83:35 this is the cheese oh i don't need that 83:38 i don't think 83:40 let's take my diamonds let's craft them 83:42 into some blocks 83:44 because we're going to need them oh i 83:45 need all of that put a stack back okay 83:48 stack in seven blocks that's probably 83:49 fine uh 83:52 hmm about a pass out of someone's if 83:54 she's 83:55 uh someone tell me maurice i love if her 83:58 i love her streams 83:59 hey a guy in my chat said they like your 84:00 streams love your strengths 84:04 i call everyone some guy i don't know 84:06 what to tell you 84:08 uh whoever it is thank you cool 84:13 uh yeah okay let's head down into the 84:16 cave we're going to do a little bit of 84:17 farming 84:21 all right how was the queen today 84:24 oh good i'm doing great 84:28 for advice 84:31 what the is happening 84:38 my mods are banning a bunch of words all 84:40 right 84:42 uh let's go to the farmer in fact no 84:44 let's just do it let's just do 84:45 it by the gab 84:46 by the garbage there's already free dirt 84:48 over here i didn't bring any so 84:50 all right let's just do this plop that 84:52 in there 84:53 kill this one till that one there we go 84:55 and they'll grow at some point there do 84:57 we have any bones i gotta go get bones 84:59 i have one bone uh i need more bones 85:02 way more uh i know but we have a 85:05 skeleton farm we can get 85:06 too many bones so quickly when the girl 85:10 month 85:10 start i don't know 85:14 hold on i've got bones okay so here's my 85:18 thing with 85:18 girl month i now know when the server 85:21 starts up 85:22 so in theory 85:27 um i can't reveal when government starts 85:29 or i'm planning to 85:31 okay well okay without saying when the 85:33 server opens up 85:34 um mid-february 85:38 is probably when i'll get a start early 85:40 mid february like 85:43 it depends though there's two possible 85:44 dates right 85:46 one of them's very soon and one of them 85:48 i think mid february is a good time to 85:50 start 85:52 twitch change some things all right fair 85:54 enough um 85:56 i think mid february is a good time to 85:58 start is that good 86:00 what do you think what do you think 86:06 planning the wedding yes yeah 86:09 no wedding i don't know when the wedding 86:11 is but gold month might start 86:12 mid-february 86:13 how do you feel about such thing have 86:16 you bought dogecoin yet yes 86:18 um i don't know what to do about it 86:21 though 86:22 now we just gotta wait for these 86:24 things like there's no way to go about 86:25 it we just gotta wait 86:29 this is annoying 86:32 wait is there more 86:37 three now okay well it's more than i had 86:39 so i guess that's a good thing 86:44 uh and then bone meal 86:48 bone meal break with that maybe fortune 86:50 there we go get two 86:52 burn me or you break with fortune get 86:54 two put 86:55 you there there we go we've got a good 86:57 chance now 86:59 go bam bam bam bam bam bam 87:04 okay there we go doubled our chances you 87:06 can craft other things while the melon 87:07 grow 87:08 good point okay so we got the melon 87:10 going uh 87:11 that's gonna we need that and a little 87:13 bit of gold to make glistening melons 87:15 and that's gonna be for our health and 87:17 then we just need bread that's easy rad 87:19 upgrades okay we need 87:20 a lot of rad upgrades where in the 87:23 okay wait do we just need four 87:28 okay there's two according to my math we 87:31 should just need four right 87:34 right no wait 87:40 no we need more than that okay three 87:41 times four we need 12 we need 12. 87:44 that's fine 12 of these 87:47 let's just do that 87:51 okay wait what the oh god it's so 87:53 confusing that this only gets you four 87:54 pieces of cheese 87:56 um okay bam is eight there's 12 there we 87:59 go okay 88:00 now we have 12. we're good with that one 88:02 okay one ingredient down this next one 88:04 rad upgrade armor iron blocks and a 88:06 shield we can do that 88:08 right now but that cannon is making a 88:09 ton of noise that i don't like 88:11 um that there need a crafting table 88:15 first of all 88:18 okay put that there that's a piece of 88:20 dirt not a crafting table where the 88:22 did my crafting table god damn it 88:26 shut up don't no one talk about that um 88:29 crafting table right we're gonna need a 88:31 shield how do i make a shield 88:34 uh this one this one shield bam okay 88:38 wood 88:39 just like so 88:43 piece of iron perfect got a shield then 88:45 i need to do this 88:46 i need to make three of these well 88:49 i have a lot of iron 88:51 um let's do that 88:55 oh my god my nose itches so much holy 88:57 it's my like hair keeps getting 88:59 on my onto my nose ugh okay 89:03 make one two more of these 89:08 oh 89:12 no i need another one don't i i 89:15 need another one 89:16 okay another one there we go well that 89:17 was easy right upgrade that and then 89:20 just bam 89:21 oh look at that okay cool that that 89:24 shift click okay i can only do a couple 89:27 of those 89:28 hmm was it this 89:32 really hoping it was this okay 89:36 there we go we got it we got it we got 89:37 it we got it bam and 89:40 bam there we go okay we got our four 89:42 upgrades of that easy enough 89:44 easy enough okay let's turn that back 89:45 into an iron block 89:47 wait this is actually gonna go along 89:48 pretty easily okay so now we've got 89:50 enough for 89:51 one then we need this thing 89:54 bones we need bones and 89:57 four irons 89:58 oh how many iron swords eight iron 90:01 swords 90:04 okay okay 90:07 one two three four five six oh i 90:09 need uh sticks 90:11 uh one two that's eight bam eight iron 90:15 swords 90:15 i can't craft that yet i need to go get 90:17 some bones first 90:20 that face was sneaky he's trying to 90:21 distant uh distance patreon from streams 90:24 i don't what is sneaky's deal with that 90:27 actually i don't know what he's like 90:29 i don't know what sneaky's business 90:30 model is you know 90:32 like it's this weird thing i don't know 90:35 whether he's trying to like 90:38 just not do that stuff on stream i don't 90:40 get why he wouldn't want to though 90:42 because it it it's fairly good like i 90:44 don't know why maybe it's just too much 90:46 effort 90:46 i think it might just be too much effort 90:49 it's just like 90:50 that is a colossal amount of effort for 90:52 it the carriers must be seen 90:55 ah well here you are but did you know i 90:57 was a cat all along 90:59 alright there we go what do you want 91:01 just like uh 91:02 my cat uh headband either way 91:06 i need gambling you're pretty long nails 91:08 mine are shorter and i already have 91:09 problems with typing yeah 91:10 no i've they're incredibly long like 91:13 incredibly long look at that they're 91:15 like currents 91:16 but i've got so used to them because 91:17 they've been like growing out like 91:19 gradually 91:20 they're supposed to be like a full 91:22 centimeter shorter 91:24 like it's you know and they've just 91:27 grown out 91:28 cat headband where are you cat headband 91:30 i think i put it over there 91:32 i did come here cat headband 91:35 my tried and true ah 91:39 there i am yeah i don't know 91:44 there you go i think it'd be cool if 91:46 sneaky did another stream with it but 91:48 i don't think he's planning to 91:51 let's get 20 bones and then um i'll 91:54 bail how much 91:58 usually are your sets my sets i don't 92:00 really do them 92:02 i don't have a i don't have a patreon or 92:03 anything let's we're talking about 92:04 sneaky 92:05 uh i don't i don't do i don't sell any 92:08 sets 92:11 maybe i should but then i really presume 92:15 it's going to get into lewd and i 92:16 really want to do loud okay 92:18 23. all right that's kind of where i 92:20 don't want to take my channel 92:21 is lewd and i really want to go 92:23 there so 92:27 oh nail said ah fair enough um 92:30 i get them done at like this place 92:32 locally 92:33 it's like uh i mean obviously i can't 92:35 tell you where it is but it's semi-close 92:37 to me it's just this random place it's 92:38 not like a 92:39 very big deal at all though should i 92:42 throw the sticks out 92:43 no i think if you did uh loot's 92:45 heads 92:47 i buy it did i buy it every last one of 92:49 them 92:51 okay there we go that's my swords okay 92:54 bones now 92:55 bones do i have enough yes i do okay 92:59 let's do this this bam 93:02 bam god damn i don't have to do this all 93:04 the time it i just need to this is 93:06 quicker 93:08 there we go four of them for those seven 93:10 months left 93:12 one more love you dude you've always 93:14 been my comfort stream 93:15 i need those melons being you need those 93:17 melons 93:19 cat karate lovely and i will thank you 93:22 actually that's very nice of you it's 93:23 very sweet 93:24 um oh that's very sweet for those who 93:28 missed it finn went 93:29 yeah earlier yeah this sucks 93:32 i just did it i just said it while i'm 93:34 quoting myself so i don't need to do it 93:36 again 93:38 how do i make you grow faster is there a 93:39 better way to get melon can i make melon 93:43 did that just oh my god 93:46 i jumped on it why were you tempting 93:49 fate by jumping across 93:52 stop it i like the risk stop it 93:55 no stop stop stop 93:58 you know there's no way to go about it 94:00 we just need it we need just 94:02 melons these things just need to grow 94:03 faster 94:05 um don't work with their bone meal 94:10 it don't work it has enough light 94:11 doesn't it do you have any torches do 94:12 you have any coal 94:13 yeah that's enough light looks like it 94:16 doesn't have to light 94:17 no you can't put them there yeah 94:21 that's that's got enough light now yeah 94:23 that's got enough light 94:26 how do you feel about lgbtq plus pretty 94:30 good 94:40 they're not actually it's no one that's 94:41 like it's not actually homophobic it's 94:43 just someone that has a problem with 94:44 letters 94:45 they just never learned the alphabet in 94:46 school that's what it is 94:49 uh maybe try using some bone meal yeah i 94:51 mean you can grow them into this point 94:53 but you can't make them grow another 94:54 thing 94:55 that's the difference with this uh 94:58 you can make melons by putting water and 95:00 bone meal 95:02 that's not true trade with villages 95:07 oh oh 95:11 wait is it done no villages 95:14 farmers eat with how which one's the 95:18 farmer thing 95:19 make a farmer which one's the farmer guy 95:26 compost bin compost 95:29 composter slabs okay that's easy enough 95:32 i just need to 95:34 make a villager but that's gonna take a 95:36 while for him to grow is that a melon 95:41 okay we need to be very careful this is 95:42 my fortune wait marisa do you have 95:44 fortune three on your axe 95:47 no only on pig okay me too 95:51 it's fine i can't get too many out of it 95:53 oh 95:54 eight that's good that's the max drop 95:57 yeah that's good that's good we 96:00 won't 96:00 i don't know if we'll need to do the 96:01 villager thing 96:03 we just need to wait 96:07 stop 96:25 stop you're gonna get in trouble frieza 96:28 stop 96:29 you're gonna get in trouble 96:32 too many jumps oh she's gonna do it 96:34 again i can feel it 96:36 chaos 96:41 strafe whoa 96:46 which is b hopping fully upgraded cleric 96:50 gives you three glitching melons 96:52 stop it i got it i got it it's on it 96:55 said 96:55 oh my god i've got an idea hold on 360. 96:58 oh what is this 97:02 holy oh my god 97:14 i'm putting you on a timeout okay stop 97:18 well maybe i'm just going to stand right 97:19 here so it can't grow stop it 97:22 what if i put one here stop it no 97:28 i'm pissed i'm so pissed i'm so pissed 97:31 put a puffer fish in the water i don't 97:33 know if that'll help much 97:35 english and german relations it can 97:37 never happen 97:41 i'm just want to wait for the melon i'm 97:43 not looking at you i'm looking for the 97:44 melon 97:45 yuki hey yuki easy hey jesus you've been 97:48 around for a while hey 97:49 okay i'm genuinely thirsty and all i've 97:51 got around is milk and i can't be 97:52 bothered to go downstairs and make more 97:54 make more 97:54 stuff 97:59 okay you know i'm sick of drinking 98:01 lukewarm milk um i'm gonna go make some 98:03 food i'm gonna go mate i'm gonna 98:04 clean this glass out of slim fast and 98:07 make some squash 98:08 in the meantime i'm gonna give you an ad 98:10 because i'm not gonna be very long 98:12 um do you guys want an ad 98:16 should we do a quick ad while my melons 98:18 grow while i get some melons 98:21 maybe if uh melons would grow that's ads 98:25 ads ads ads ads 98:26 as boys as boys 98:30 yeah okay right we'll do an ad real 98:32 quick um 98:34 how long have an ad 98:37 how long of an ad do you want boys how 98:40 long have an ad 98:41 long ad short ad which one do you want 98:43 three minutes 98:46 long as seven hours all right three 98:48 minutes uh 98:49 okay see you in a sec boys uh i'll play 98:51 you off with some uh 99:02 [Music] 99:10 catboy 99:30 [Music] 99:38 so 99:44 [Music] 100:34 do 100:48 do 100:55 [Music] 101:02 hello chair nice to see you 101:19 [Music] 101:31 i have some piss now i think there's 101:33 still like 40 seconds going on the ad 101:35 20 seconds 101:40 a wonderful call cool glass of piss 101:44 that's exactly what i like to refresh me 101:48 what the damage 101:52 all right should we check back in game 101:53 hold on let's see if we got any melons 101:55 oh all right boys hey welcome back ad 101:59 guys there was no 102:00 ad well you know sometimes you don't get 102:02 an ad 102:03 yeah i guess you got lucky today uh done 102:06 okay 102:06 we're back so let's see what let's see 102:08 if we got any melons 102:09 let me tab back in okay no melon yet 102:12 have you just been 102:14 jumping in the way of them and now we 102:15 don't have any mountains how do we don't 102:16 have any melons yet 102:18 they've been trampling on them you can't 102:21 trample on melon did a melon grow 102:26 did a melon grow 102:32 we need four more 102:40 ah we need two more we need two more 102:43 no we need two more okay 102:47 uh if one grows let me know i'm gonna go 102:49 make the rest of them though i need gold 102:53 do you have any gold in here just bag 102:54 old spare gold anymore no 102:56 no spare gold god damn it mmm okay we 102:59 need spare gold 103:00 okay well you're not buy them go see if 103:03 the melons grow go buy go buy the melons 103:06 marisa marisa 103:11 marisa go by the melons 103:17 okay maybe yelling at her doesn't work 103:21 maybe i should maybe should be kind we 103:24 should be nice 103:25 someone used the thing 103:35 all right 64 and 40 gold blocks oh my 103:37 god 103:40 let me out god damn it is it lagging 103:43 right now 103:45 we can't both go 103:52 oh god damn it i'm in a hole 104:00 [Music] 104:02 what are you stupid that was a dead that 104:03 was a tactic 104:06 no let me help 104:09 let me up let me out let me help me out 104:13 let me out let me out no let me out 104:18 oh i want to go 104:23 let me out let me out it's coming it's 104:26 getting me out 104:28 let me out of the hole please 104:38 stop it there we go you no 104:42 no no you you you piece of 104:45 no 104:47 no no no please 105:03 well it's gone now good job you broke it 105:06 oh my style why would you 105:10 do that give me the stuff god damn i'll 105:13 fix it 105:15 wait we can't even fix it oh do you 105:18 ever 105:19 we need an oak slab do you have an oak 105:21 slab i think it's an oak slab 105:25 i have okay holy 105:30 i think it's an oak slab but i genuinely 105:33 don't know 105:34 i'm kind of going off loose memory 105:37 really hoping it's not rails or some 105:39 dumb that i set before 105:43 oh it is i'm so smart oh 105:48 my god 105:52 honk okay 105:56 oh 105:59 sweet girly voice like can we go 106:03 up together this time 106:07 [Laughter] 106:10 why is it so funny when it just like 106:13 it's not 106:14 funny please don't press again please 106:18 please for the love of god don't press 106:23 just let me go no please don't 106:26 don't please don't don't do it just let 106:29 me up 106:30 please don't do it no no 106:35 no no no no let me help 106:40 stop let me no let me up 106:56 hey that 107:00 how are you up here oh how are you up 107:03 here 107:05 all right um gold just need a tiny bit 107:08 of gold i need one block of gold like 107:10 it's not even 107:11 anything i had to go through all of that 107:13 just for this 107:15 sake god damn it okay 107:19 do i have a water bucket shall i try 107:23 chat 107:24 shall i try this should i try this chat 107:29 i'm already trying it 107:34 talent pure talent big pog 107:38 oh really no my own spawn yet have 107:41 any new melon spawned 107:44 marisa i've been checked okay well 107:50 the answer is no then um 107:58 my god chat not gay enough 108:01 oh no wait how do you make these is it 108:06 that anymore 108:09 oh god do i need more oh god i need more 108:15 i need more gold i'm not going back 108:19 she sent it 108:22 i don't know hmm 108:25 i need more gold need a little bit more 108:27 gold and then i also need a melon to 108:30 spawn 108:35 rat farm done wait round farm done the 108:38 rat farm's done wait what the that 108:39 doesn't look done 108:41 that's not done 108:44 that's not done that's definitely not 108:47 done why is it stopped 108:49 point okay materials 108:52 i've had the plague now for like half an 108:55 hour it doesn't go away 108:56 it's not finished though why is it 108:58 saying it's finished it hasn't finished 109:02 happens sometimes what do we do have to 109:05 redo it 109:07 uh redo what take the schematic 109:11 put it into the table i like the rat 109:13 farm again and replace it 109:16 okay put it exactly where it's supposed 109:18 to be 109:19 set up and then profit 109:23 all right i can profit 109:28 54 xp levels imagine if you died i know 109:31 oh hearts in chat i stop it 109:34 i don't like you 109:38 i have enough melon now can you go grab 109:40 some gold 109:45 i'll think about it 109:54 oh i'm gonna place this while the 109:56 rats are here 110:02 this is impossible 110:07 this is gonna be impossible 110:11 okay i got this hold on need complete 110:14 concentration 110:15 right and then i do this move x 110:18 y z okay now backward 110:22 backward 110:28 okay come on 110:33 come on so far so good 110:36 almost there okay then i need to go down 110:41 down down down down there we go we're 110:43 done we can leave we can leave holy 110:46 oh my god there we go okay it's in the 110:49 correct place 110:50 perfect jesus christ 110:53 so that's what it should look like it's 110:56 not obviously 110:58 been watching you for a while now and 111:01 the fun you with cross-dressing has 111:02 convinced me too 111:04 there we go it's going finally do so as 111:06 well 111:07 thank you thank you i'm glad that i 111:10 could corrupt you 111:11 um that's pretty that's pretty nifty oh 111:14 god thank you 111:15 love you thank you for the gold block 111:18 okay 111:18 oh that's way too many gold blocks 111:21 fine for me 111:22 all right uh okay so yeah no we've got 111:25 like 111:27 how much do we have we've got enough 111:29 let's go 111:30 let's go okay 111:33 [Music] 111:36 don't go over there you shouldn't go 111:39 over there that's a bad idea 111:41 you will pretty much crash is this 111:43 shooting why is it not shooting by the 111:44 way 111:47 russo 111:50 rusa it's just doing this 111:53 searching oh okay um 111:56 okay now we got that done right we just 111:58 need the health boys 112:00 what the okay god there we go 112:03 now we need the healthy boys bam for 112:06 easiest thing i've crafted so far then 112:09 this thing bam 112:10 we need diamond swords um i'll plop 112:13 these in there why not 112:15 we just need diamonds just need the one 112:18 diamond sword okay 112:19 i'm gonna need another okay i need four 112:22 diamond swords 112:23 i need four okay bam 112:27 bam bam bam 112:30 one two three four bam 112:33 perfect and this thing then this thing 112:35 then this thing then this thing then 112:37 this thing then this thing then that 112:38 thing then this thing then that thing 112:40 then this thing then that thing then 112:41 this thing 112:42 that thing and this thing and bam gun 112:45 four of them bam need some golden 112:48 rat skulls we gotta go kill some rats 112:53 don't want to go over there well i'm 112:56 gonna have to so 112:57 it'd be nice if you accompanied me 113:00 really you want me to go there in one 113:02 fps 113:03 come on we got this together we'll fly 113:05 through fight through the lag 113:08 really dude i want a rat god 113:12 oh my god oh my god it's so laggy 113:15 no it's not it's fine it's not laggy 113:18 yeah it's not lagging oh my god 113:24 this is how we get the xp by the way 113:28 we got some rat skulls we got him let's 113:31 go 113:32 just turn around you get instant boost 113:34 fps 113:36 oh look at this there's like tomes 113:37 already spawning 113:40 what the is this i don't know 113:43 3 fps stream just keep running 113:46 we're fine come on 60fps come on 113:49 come on six there we go 60fps 113:52 lovely okay um right now we've got that 113:56 we need golden rat skulls 114:01 golden rat skulls i know where to get 114:04 golden rat squads 114:05 well i'm already making them okay 114:10 one two three bill thank you for 114:14 the host 114:15 all right there we go we do this we do 114:17 that 114:18 we've made it already finally okay 114:22 i can make it never start all of that 114:24 work it goes into this thing 114:26 a rat that hits you with 50 attack 114:29 damage 114:31 that's pretty good that is better than 114:33 every weapon in the game by 114:35 multiple magnitudes whoo 114:42 we've nailed it we did it we did it 114:45 oh my god 114:51 nice what's a man too hug 114:55 feeling good first time catching you 114:57 live in a while 114:59 being catching all the vods and getting 115:00 so many minecraft ideas 115:03 let's get some finces spam in the chat 115:06 simps 115:07 f1n5t les gang why would you do that why 115:10 would you do that 115:11 why would you do that but no why would 115:14 you say that why would you say that 115:15 right now why 115:17 you shouldn't why would you say that why 115:19 would you have said that 115:20 that's not good why would you do that to 115:22 me 115:25 is it over here where's the thing 115:28 oh chat why where's the machine 115:39 there chat sake 115:42 chat please please why must you mock me 115:46 like this 115:47 please why there we go 115:51 and go away there we go things working 115:53 up all right 115:55 uh next thing we need to do is just get 115:56 a rat you figured it out 115:58 uh yeah guys by the way donations they 116:01 work now i set it all up 116:02 all right i need to find me a rat to 116:04 tame uh once i've got me a rat 116:06 tamed i'm gonna just have him as a 116:07 little pet boy he's gonna be good 116:09 uh he's gonna be great uh we need a lot 116:12 of cheese because i've done this before 116:13 in a creative world 116:14 they take a lot of cheese to get one rat 116:16 good 116:17 hey buds how are we doing we got a rat 116:20 not you 116:21 how about you you look like a good boy 116:25 hey buddy hey buds 116:28 hey dude it's there's no reason to be 116:30 afraid of me it's fine 116:33 it's fine i'm just gonna section one of 116:35 you off 116:38 not two of you just one ear would be 116:40 good actually 116:41 i'm just gonna it's fine just just just 116:45 okay 116:45 there we go hey bud some cheese 116:48 look at that he's got lots of cheese 116:52 this rack cannot be tamed well you can 116:57 okay i'm trying to just get this rap 117:00 just this one rat gets the cheese 117:02 come on rat come on buddy do you really 117:06 not want cheese 117:08 come on dude the other rats are trying 117:11 to take the cheese come on just take the 117:12 cheese 117:15 god i need more cheese come on 117:17 take the cheese 117:19 shut the f all of you need to know 117:23 that's what happens shut up all of you 117:25 also need to die 117:27 sorry uh all of you also need to die 117:32 just you you're my special boy 117:35 my special rat boy take as many cheeses 117:40 as you can a mat 117:41 as you can eat you no 117:44 not you you suck but you 117:48 my special rat boy 117:52 stop taking his cheese take some cheese 117:57 yeah are you gonna love me yet 118:02 you're gonna love me yet can you can you 118:04 love me yet 118:05 yes i have a rat i have a rat 118:10 i have a rat can i just like 118:13 he's on me head i've got a rat on me 118:16 head 118:17 get out of there i've got a rat on me 118:19 head look at me you're my best look at 118:21 me and my boy 118:22 look at him he's so cute look at him 118:23 he's a little rat boy look at him oh 118:25 he's so cute all right how do i get him 118:28 off my head 118:30 how do i how do i get this rat off my 118:32 head how do i get this rat off my head 118:36 how do i how do i get a bag i know how 118:38 about how do i get him off my head 118:43 how do i get him off my head 118:48 isnt it kinda odd for the catboy to be 118:51 taming a rat 118:53 he's not getting off my head 118:57 oh there is okay i gotta punch the air 118:59 okay so he's following me right now and 119:01 yes i'm taming it listen i 119:03 it's tom and jerry but we're friends 119:05 buddy no 119:06 what are you doing 119:10 come on this way what the 119:18 why is this not following me 119:23 i told him to follow me are you gonna 119:25 follow me 119:28 why do i get stuck with the idiot rat 119:32 he's just not moving don't be mean to 119:34 him 119:35 he's not moving look at him he's just 119:38 what is he stupid 119:42 okay nice oh now you move it's because 119:45 he wants the rotten flesh 119:47 he's just hungry why do i get stuck with 119:49 the idiot rat 119:50 he's just there he goes oh he's so cute 119:54 though 119:54 he's so cute though said his command he 119:57 does have a command look he has a 119:58 command 120:00 if i set him to wonder he'll just kind 120:01 of 120:03 what but it's a baby 120:06 follow me there we go he's now supposed 120:08 to be following me 120:11 what nope 120:15 what 120:18 scouting boy feed him i've been feeding 120:21 him 120:22 how much cheese does he need i'm gonna 120:25 keep giving him cheese 120:26 he's so fast give him some cheese he 120:29 120:31 oh my god he just all over the 120:33 place was there really a need for that 120:34 sound effect 120:41 that's the grossest thing 120:54 i gave them so many pieces of cheese 120:56 relog i might need to reload 120:58 some rats don't work may have to tame 121:00 another 121:02 give me my cheese back you gonna work 121:05 now 121:06 okay i'm gonna go take him another one 121:07 i'm gonna wait i'm gonna re-log first 121:09 is he following me yet no i'm gonna 121:11 reload 121:13 just to see if it changes anything and 121:14 then if it doesn't i'll get another one 121:18 hey buddy you gonna follow me yet 121:23 no he's just a goddamn idiot i'm gonna 121:25 get a different rat 121:27 i chose the wrong rat i chose the wrong 121:30 rat 121:31 how do you get one uh like that really 121:34 you picked up the block 121:36 dude you picked up the block giving it 121:38 back the fan the the wall oh 121:40 there's one here 121:43 oh my god yeah that tends to happen 121:46 hey oh i need to keep that one 121:49 alive actually 121:51 whoop 121:52 [Music] 121:54 it's probably not good uh i want to 121:58 section off one of the rats 122:01 um oh my rat died 122:05 my rat died because he's a goddamn idiot 122:09 what happened to him he died because 122:11 he's an idiot oh it's a plague right now 122:18 yeah don't die 122:22 oh good boy rat good boy rat good boy 122:24 wrap good boy rat 122:25 uh where's the wall 122:29 i need some wall 122:33 uh is there more walls 122:37 okay there we go there we go good boy 122:39 rack good boy rat good boy rat good boy 122:41 rat 122:42 good boy rat good boy rats 122:46 how do you get one i'm just sectioning 122:48 this area 122:50 around the birthday video we're in lmao 122:52 how do you get one specifically 122:55 you just throw cheese at it 122:58 you need to go get cheese 123:02 i get cheese i just need to go get 123:12 cheese 123:21 no more cheese not you 123:24 just these boys not you 123:30 just these boys oh got one 123:35 got one of them one of them's mine are 123:37 you mine there we go okay he's gonna 123:39 follow me apparently 123:40 what about you you haven't got you're 123:42 not me yet 123:43 okay he's almost there though almost 123:46 friends with me 123:48 finally i've made a friend yes i have 123:51 two friends 123:52 this is the most i've ever had one male 123:54 one female they can now 123:56 uh dude they're all trying to like hold 123:59 on we'll fight 124:03 if i do that though they were gonna 124:07 oh he's god 124:10 okay if i let these boys out though are 124:12 they gonna 124:14 what if i just put the rat thing in him 124:19 okay are you gonna attack things for me 124:23 hurt animals 124:37 are you gonna do something 124:43 holy he's going not the lava you 124:46 better have good pathfinding 124:51 okay okay he's going okay 124:56 he's doing his thing okay 125:00 okay who's he trying to kill 125:03 yo rat boy 125:06 okay i need to come here come 125:08 here there we go 125:09 okay uh follow me you're gonna follow me 125:12 he's following me or she's following me 125:16 look at that kind of dumb but kind of 125:19 working 125:20 one-shotted that spot okay 125:24 should we try and make him fly or her 125:26 fly should we try and make her fly 125:27 we need dragon wings though that's kind 125:29 of annoying to get we need leather 125:32 okay oh my god this is such a pain in 125:34 the ass oh that's just your pain in the 125:35 ass 125:37 is it just any glass okay any glass some 125:39 white wool 125:41 oh my god 125:44 um cheese 125:48 and feathers 125:52 and then another one of those oh god 125:56 should we try and make him fly just need 125:58 wings upgrade 126:00 i want the dragon though 126:07 i got some cheese i got a rat 126:12 i put the upgrade on him 126:16 i put the upgrade on him he kills 126:18 everything oh she's 126:19 done her uh i'm gonna see if i can find 126:21 a mob to kill see how good they are 126:24 right here where where oh 126:27 over there yeah all right all right 126:30 buddy this is 126:31 test number two spiders are pretty easy 126:33 to kill let's see how you deal with 126:35 creepers 126:37 oh see it 126:41 go oh she's going 126:45 him up yeah rat yeah oh wait i 126:49 gotta catch her now 126:50 oh hey buddy uh you don't need to 126:53 do that anymore 126:57 it's fine the rats the rats smart the 126:59 rat's smart the rat smart 127:01 hey could you do me a favor and demolish 127:03 the garbage piles at some point just let 127:05 that creeper blow up in them 127:08 all right rap big smart we need dragon 127:10 stuff 127:12 so here's the way we get dragons to oh 127:14 come here buddy come here 127:15 yeah good boy good girl oh i don't like 127:17 saying that 127:18 um all right that rat is very pog he is 127:22 very puck he's really strong 127:24 but i really want him to be able to fly 127:25 so he doesn't fall in lava 127:29 it'll kill whatever you punch is that 127:30 true 127:38 oh did he just two-shot an 127:43 iron golem 127:45 take some cheese 127:50 that thing could kill a god that 127:52 thing could kill the wither 127:54 what if i could get it to kill the 127:55 wither 127:57 is that cannon still not firing look 127:59 it's still not done anything 128:05 oh i don't want to have to build that by 128:08 hand 128:09 i might though 128:14 hmm effects that i can't even fix that 128:19 what the is wrong with it 128:24 this isn't working by the way it broke 128:26 again 128:28 i don't know i'm gonna go find a nice 128:31 rat they're all evil over there 128:33 no you just gotta you gotta find one and 128:34 then section him off you gotta like make 128:36 sure you use walls and like 128:38 section him into a box 128:42 good luck all right i've gotta get this 128:44 dragon thing what are you doing 128:46 i'm trying to make a dragon thing jeffy 128:48 do we have any leather 128:50 i don't think we do i know crinos does 128:54 go over there yeah hold on hey wrap get 128:56 on my head 128:57 i'm head thank you 129:02 all right so here's what we need right 129:04 um hold on let me 129:05 look up dragon you piece of 129:11 get me down coming i all i can see is a 129:15 rat dude i can't look up he's just on my 129:16 head he's ratatouille 129:18 i didn't knock you off oh i think i got 129:20 knocked off by the brothers stone up 129:22 there 129:26 all right there we go uh so here's what 129:28 we need right uh 129:30 fire charges that's not too bad we just 129:32 need coal 129:33 uh that's easy uh and gunpowder we got 129:35 that 129:36 the annoying thing is gonna be 129:40 we need some feathers and we need some 129:42 raw chicken 129:43 which is annoying a little bit annoying 129:45 and we need 129:47 some wool i think we have that we need 129:49 leather mostly leather we need leather 129:54 pop-up 129:58 okay shortcut we don't wait oh actually 130:01 i have no is there a fast way to get to 130:02 his house 130:04 kind of yeah oh my god it's so laggy 130:07 um it's laggy because of the rats though 130:15 oh i still got my rat on my head me too 130:21 hmm yeah no i don't know 130:24 i've lost marisa marisa 130:28 i don't know where she is is 130:35 all right keep going follow me i'm 130:37 trying 130:38 my rat got in my way 130:48 we're going to find the ryan's house the 130:50 ryan's house the ryan's house 130:52 going to find the ryan's house i feel 130:55 like we could just 130:56 use the cows and spawn going to find the 130:59 ryan's house the ryan's house the ryan's 131:01 house 131:02 going to find the ryan's house over the 131:05 hill 131:07 we're going there rat will drown will 131:09 they 131:12 ah 131:16 it drowned 131:30 no 131:36 no 131:40 it could be anywhere 131:47 why is there a plague doctor 131:53 why did it drew 132:46 what 132:59 just lost 133:03 how would it find me 133:06 wait how would it find me 133:11 how would it find me 133:23 terrafucking cotter i don't know that 133:26 133:27 marisa does though where the would 133:30 he be though 133:37 would he be in the water 133:46 i've gotta do a bad thing i'm gonna 133:50 regret the thing i'm doing 133:52 but it's totally necessary i'm so sorry 133:55 marisa but i need my rat boy 133:59 i'm so sorry need my rat boy back 134:03 where's my rat boy rat girl 134:09 technically it's a woman rat 134:18 oh it's got to be plain terra cotta 134:21 oh come on 134:26 oh come on really 134:45 i'm so upset right now my rats gone 134:50 why are you breaking the nightclub do 134:52 you have any plane terracotta 134:55 no none maybe here 135:00 box 135:04 i don't see any 135:07 here this one 135:12 i'm so upset i'm so irrationally upset 135:14 right now 135:16 happened my rat apparently he's like 135:20 lost what the 135:23 i don't know apparently this calls rats 135:26 to you 135:28 but he could be anywhere 135:32 falling huh 135:35 falling maybe he's gonna pick up 135:37 [Music] 135:43 what is that noise 135:50 i need him back although these tunes are 135:52 really sparking some joy where's my rat 135:54 [Music] 136:00 what the where's my rat 136:08 [Music] 136:10 you know if they if they like the water 136:15 this fires rant from spongebob 136:26 follow me 136:31 commanded zero rats okay 136:34 we just gotta keep moving around until 136:36 we find him 136:36 [Music] 136:38 he looks so stupid i know 136:41 he's here somewhere though 136:48 come on buddy where are you 136:50 [Music] 136:54 you know where he lost him no idea 136:58 i just like looked on my head and he 136:59 wasn't there well that is 137:01 actually from spongebob it's at the end 137:02 of the intro 137:05 yeah that's when he plays on his nose 137:15 come on buddy 137:19 did we take which way do we go this way 137:24 took a shortcut here 137:31 oh my god where's my rat 137:35 keep tuning dude that rat's got a 137:37 nether star on him 137:40 really yeah 137:44 i'll find this rat 137:58 i'm just going to check up with that 138:03 [Music] 138:06 where's this rat he's not dead he's not 138:08 dead 138:09 my rat's not dead chat he's not dead 138:12 he's just lost he's scared 138:15 how can i blow this into water 138:18 [Music] 138:19 where is he 138:22 oh he's here somewhere rat boy hey 138:26 i found you so you can't just 138:30 you you can't you can just not swim 138:33 you just can't swim that's your issue 138:36 or is it just when i tried what 138:49 i should do it like this now 138:52 up wait what 138:56 he just disappeared 139:02 i bet you anything oh he's still over 139:04 there he's just teleporting back 139:09 oh my god he was drowning god 139:13 okay so i've gotta go everywhere by land 139:18 you're kidding me boat then boat travel 139:21 i guess 139:25 my good lord rat i found him 139:28 oh he's right here i found him yeah wait 139:32 what 139:32 he's on my head no he's here he's on my 139:35 head 139:36 right here he's hitting me you shouldn't 139:39 have hit him 139:39 wait what he's on my head though 139:45 so if i top off the boat right now and 139:47 go and punch the air 139:49 he's over here yeah 139:54 it looks like we might have to go 139:56 everywhere by land 140:00 marisa he doesn't like he's not there 140:02 he's on my head 140:03 what the oh i don't think he likes 140:07 me 140:08 why is he why does this just 140:09 functionality just not work 140:13 i can put him on my shoulders and stuff 140:15 but he doesn't like actually stay here 140:16 he's just 140:17 technically he's just like a visual 140:18 glitch what the he doesn't like me 140:20 he's 140:20 literally hitting me he's over here for 140:22 me look watch now he's here look at this 140:25 he's still attacking me well stop 140:28 attacking him 140:29 he's gonna die he's not gonna die yeah 140:32 thorns 140:33 then stop getting hit by him he's 140:35 running at me 140:36 he's not he's a good boy 140:40 no he's a good boy he's a good boy 140:44 he's a good boy angry i'm starting to 140:47 think i shouldn't take him on 140:48 adventures yeah 140:56 this sucks this sucks 141:00 relog hold on but like look he's just 141:03 like 141:05 i'll try this okay 141:09 move away right let's see what happens 141:17 okay he's going for a swim where is he 141:21 over here oh look at him hey buddy 141:24 he's trying to eat me still there we go 141:27 is he on my head he's still trying to 141:29 eat me he's on my head no he's trying to 141:31 eat me 141:32 people were saying relog is it not is 141:34 this not the issue 141:40 he's here for me 141:44 hey look at him he's right there 141:47 yeah this is weird dude 141:50 he's on my head for me what the my 141:52 god i hate this mod 141:55 ugh i know it's uh i'm getting the rat's 141:58 pronouns wrong but 141:59 i'm so sorry i've only ever had pets 142:02 that were male 142:06 i've never had a female pet it's really 142:08 hard to say uh 142:11 anything other than good boy stop trying 142:14 to eat marisa 142:15 it's but you won't know why it's because 142:17 you hit me before 142:19 an accident yeah well you shouldn't have 142:21 done literally he literally teleports 142:23 into me and just starts biting me he's 142:25 on my head so cute 142:26 he's on my head right yeah i think this 142:28 might be the first time that he's 142:29 actually on my head on both of our 142:30 screens 142:33 he's still on my head right yeah i see 142:36 him 142:37 he's just in my vision now i've got rat 142:40 butt 142:42 okay why is he so evil i don't know what 142:45 the 142:46 he's desperate he's on your head oh he's 142:49 hitting me 142:51 if i stand next to you will he hit you 142:53 how'd he do that 142:57 that's funny he's gonna die he's 142:59 actually gonna die he's not he's got 143:00 this upgrade he's nuts oh she's got this 143:02 upgrade she's nuts 143:05 she's got the netherstar upgrade she 143:07 does insane damage and really good 143:09 health 143:13 okay i'm just gonna oh oh we need the 143:17 chickens to die 143:19 this is actually a thing that we need 143:20 feathers 143:22 don't kill them 143:26 number one why would you kill them with 143:27 not a looting thing number two why would 143:29 you kill them before we can breed them 143:33 oh my god my looting thing also sets 143:36 them on fire 143:40 what up dude if i see if they if i hit 143:42 them with my 143:43 sickle then they they uh they uh get 143:46 cooked and you need more chicken right 143:49 we need feathers but we want raw chicken 143:53 okay well yeah but we needed feathers as 143:55 well you need to breed them 143:56 and you could just we needed to breed 143:58 them first oh my god 144:00 thank the homer throw egg we're going to 144:03 go over to the other chicken farm 144:05 the pal cove chicken farm 144:09 god dammit the rat i can't do it because 144:11 of the rat 144:12 okay fine i'll go on land 144:16 you know i'm beginning to not like this 144:17 rat 144:20 yeah it's kind of an yeah it 144:22 kind of doesn't really 144:23 i can kill everything i need to it's 144:25 cool and all but 144:27 you know he's kind of a dick 144:31 bad rap biting me and we're getting 144:33 married soon 144:34 where's the rat where's the rat 144:37 he's not on my head dawn 144:41 wait can you see him 144:51 it's not worth it this rat the strat's 144:53 not worth the trouble it's worth 144:55 where the is this rat 144:59 it's here i found him good boy come here 145:02 bb 145:08 he's gonna kill your meat oh my rat 145:11 don't touch my rat come here 145:12 rat no rat rat rat rat 145:17 rat rat oh my god 145:21 finn yeah come here what 145:25 you have a free ow do you have a free 145:27 space in your hand 145:28 yeah it's up 145:31 huh it's just a torch 145:35 which outfit huh which offered 145:40 what you don't see that 145:44 no really you want traders 145:49 no 145:55 rat sack rat sack i need a rat sack real 145:58 i need a rat 145:58 it makes light if you hold it we need 146:01 leather for it we need leather 146:03 anyway 146:04 wait it the torch gives light if you 146:07 just just hold it did a rat sack 146:13 kill that skeleton kill this 146:15 skeleton come on kill the 146:17 skeleton 146:18 not marisa kill the why does he want to 146:20 kill you so badly 146:23 kill the skeleton rats 146:26 you piece of rat he's just 146:30 they're killing me right oh my god i 146:32 hate this thing 146:34 we need cows need leather need leather 146:36 need leather need leather 146:41 we go to the pal code little i need 146:45 leather 146:46 needles 146:52 already did oh wait they might already 146:55 have leather 146:57 two leather that's not terrible i guess 147:00 we need wheat though 147:01 do they have wheat they might have wheat 147:04 feathers so far so good i'm definitely 147:07 gonna need to repay them 147:09 but i'm just ransacking their stuff for 147:11 leather and raw 147:12 chicken would be good come 147:16 on slime and ted you got some raw 147:18 chicken and some more leather 147:21 no chicken what 147:25 no one ever has raw chicken no 147:28 no one ever has raw chicken 147:32 i need leather though hey except drying 147:34 cranial csl manila 147:36 i need leather i'm gonna go harvest this 147:40 wheat let's just go to ryan cranius and 147:43 rob him 147:44 this is the rat okay hold on can you 147:47 re-log real quick 147:50 marisa okay 147:53 now right now get off my head bam 147:57 kill those things he's just 148:00 eaten 148:01 is he gonna go okay he's not killing you 148:02 anymore yeah okay cool 148:04 follow me wait where's rose ryan chris's 148:07 house 148:09 uh this way okay 148:14 reason needs to die for it to reset oh 148:16 she respawned it reset apparently 148:21 i desperately need a rat sack 148:26 otherwise everything is bad oh chicken 148:29 oh 148:29 chicken 148:36 there we go not bad 148:39 ooh chicken 148:44 get him the buddy get him buddy get him 148:46 get him buddy 148:47 get him buddy get him kill him him 148:50 up 148:52 this is awesome wait is he just 148:53 following me 148:55 he is okay this might be easier to 148:57 transport 148:58 actually no he's not i'm terrified 149:01 where is it this way where is it 149:05 where are you going marisa where are you 149:08 going 149:09 i'm going this way why 149:12 ryan cranius house where will we where 149:15 were we just going if not ryan chris's 149:16 house 149:18 a direction okay 149:24 big hole what big hole 149:27 chat spamming just void i don't 149:30 get it 149:31 the is the point well there's void 149:33 in minecraft i don't know what the 149:35 they're on about though 149:36 a thing under the ground yeah i don't 149:39 know why that's so important to them all 149:40 of a sudden but all right 149:44 him up rat him up rat him 149:46 up rat him up 149:47 him up rat i could have killed it 149:51 10 times faster 149:52 rats you're useless come on rap thank 149:54 you 149:58 ow what 150:01 the wait is this the train might be 150:04 a new train station 150:08 this is insane 150:12 come here no are you 150:16 trying to run away from me 150:17 what the this place looks awesome 150:20 what does this grenios guy do 150:26 feed rat what the is this dude 150:30 it's my favorite boy 150:35 no come on okay 150:38 hey i am your favorite t-boy 150:43 there we are we're at quinos's house 150:44 jesus christ what is this 150:46 place this is insane 150:54 we've already been here but like he's 150:56 cleared everything out 150:58 and just made this big wall around it 151:01 with the trains 151:03 do you reckon he has leather in here 151:15 raw chicken oh this seems like building 151:18 stuff 151:19 i found raw chicken 151:23 i have raw rats oh he's got rats in here 151:26 look at that that's nuts 151:29 all right i'm a little running a wheel 151:32 yeah 151:33 hmm what is this supposed to be i don't 151:35 get it 151:36 you have the flute just tell him to stay 151:38 i know i should have i should have told 151:40 him to stay back at home but like 151:42 i didn't so now i'm just like 151:45 occasionally doing this 151:48 okay right where's this where's the 151:51 thing 151:51 by the way 151:54 oh it's up over there isn't it yeah 151:58 okay but the castle you should see his 151:59 castle yeah we're right we're on we're 152:01 going to his castle that's where the 152:02 council from the 152:03 fallen kingdom song it's the one 152:06 from s p live 152:10 like a copy post from s p live 152:11 apparently 152:13 all right let's go come on rat come on 152:16 rap we got adventures i'm going to put 152:17 you in a sack 152:21 it's so cool every time i see it though 152:23 i love it 152:24 those ears i know wait my ears or the 152:27 rats ears 152:28 because sorry about that 152:31 okay there we go all right the sheep 152:33 there is his cows lovely does do you 152:34 reckon he has 152:36 any leather spare so i don't need to 152:37 kill anything i don't want to have to 152:38 kill something 152:40 i'm very against violence here oh one 152:43 piece of leather 152:44 middle top middle yes leather okay uh 152:48 let's make a rat sack 152:50 yes okay hop off me rat 152:54 hold on rat sack 152:57 come on get in my rat sack rat sack come 152:59 on little there we go 153:01 finally oh my god i have a rat sack now 153:03 there we go my 153:04 look at his little beady eyes down there 153:06 look at that oh my god 153:16 wolf for the upgrade i think we do have 153:19 wool 153:20 but i will also take some more i will 153:23 also take some more 153:24 do you think he has any chicken any raw 153:26 chicken 153:30 no 153:33 we do need raw chicken we do need some 153:36 more chicken 153:38 hmm it's really hard to find good raw 153:41 chicken these days uh okay 153:44 we might have everything we need maybe 153:48 uh dragon so this is just 153:52 that um 153:55 i'm gonna borrow some blaze rods 153:57 everyone has tons of blaze rods he uses 153:59 our farm so it's fine it's fine i don't 154:00 feel bad 154:02 one two there we go don't need that wall 154:05 okay so i've got that 154:07 okay uh uh this thing 154:10 need lava buckets i'll do that back at 154:12 home um right you 154:15 feathery wings okay i don't need a ton 154:17 of you that's fine 154:20 feathery wings i should do this 154:23 again 154:24 bam and then bam i think this is 154:28 actually all i need 154:29 one two there we go and then 154:33 this boyo which is just the same as 154:35 normal 154:37 okay we're good all right easy uh okay 154:40 there we go don't need the rest of that 154:42 don't need the rest of that don't need 154:44 that um 154:46 and i'll give them a go a diamond block 154:48 there we go that's a lot a diamond block 154:51 good enough huh why are you dressed like 154:54 a girl i'm not dressed like a girl 154:56 what do i get the are you dressed like a 154:57 girl question whether i am or i'm not 154:59 dressed like a girl 155:04 i'm not that feminine i'm not that 155:07 feminine 155:08 blaze rod it's fine oh 155:12 uh wait how do i 155:16 put that in my inventory i don't care 155:17 about the place we've got a million of 155:19 them and he can always just steal some 155:22 well we can fly now oh yeah we can 155:31 stay low to the ground apparently 155:44 oh this is awesome it's really like 155:47 quite a lot of concentration though 155:49 if you go too high look it just starts 155:51 to snow up here 156:02 this is so fun 156:08 i can make it onto that 156:31 with my rat in my rat sack 156:35 this is fantastic this is amazing 156:38 look at the train running down there too 156:41 oh this is great 156:51 this is amazing i love the way i love 156:53 the rain 156:57 let's head home 157:12 oh that's perfect look at that 157:20 okay good enough there we go maybe 157:22 back yes 157:25 nice who's a good crosstrait who's a 157:27 good little cross dresser 157:29 me okay um right we just 157:32 okay i didn't need a little bit of that 157:33 uh do i still have gunpowder on me no 157:36 it's laggy because of the rats i 157:38 forgot about the rats 157:43 oh 157:48 i like this mod okay there we go 157:51 i love this game this is a good game 157:54 it's still 157:54 so thundery though uh okay 157:57 we need um what else do we need now 158:00 we don't need we shouldn't need much 158:02 more i don't need that don't need that 158:05 don't need that um 158:07 [Music] 158:09 is there anything else don't need that 158:10 don't need that don't need that for a 158:12 bit 158:14 don't need that for a bit okay fine 158:16 let's do it we need to make another one 158:17 of these though this is what i know 158:18 let's do this 158:19 um easy enough easy enough we can do 158:22 that 158:23 like a few of those uh we're gonna need 158:25 a shield oh my god i'm terrified 158:29 okay we're gonna need another uh what do 158:31 we need for this 158:33 oh um we need one of these 158:38 let's make four of them we're going to 158:41 need more but 158:42 oh no hey dude yeah i had fun flying 158:46 back 158:46 i did have fun flying back did you have 158:48 fun firing back flying flying back 158:51 yeah cool almost died oh 158:54 fun 158:58 oh i need something are you gonna 158:59 be streaming uh 159:01 when i make this dragon thing and then 159:02 i'm ending i need bones 159:08 god that rap farm i'm gonna have to fix 159:09 that that is not good 159:12 we really can't let that stay like that 159:14 it's not supposed to be like that 159:18 how many bones do i need four's enough 159:20 okay 159:21 four bones easy peasy 159:25 add a t but do it to the wrong place 159:27 wait what what does that mean 159:30 just so you know the dragon is very 159:31 destructive near wood ah 159:33 well i won't be using him near wood then 159:35 good thing i don't have any wood around 159:38 thank god i know that would be really 159:41 bad 159:51 what the 159:54 one two so 159:57 going to you you you you 160:00 bam you you bam 160:03 bam bam 160:09 [Music] 160:15 there we go one out of three next one 160:17 this one bam how do i make that lapis 160:19 i've got lapis on me that's amazing 160:21 i'm so smart 160:22 uh this one second one bam there 160:25 second one done last one this thing i 160:27 need glass and lava buckets 160:30 uh let's make another two because i want 160:32 to keep the water bucket on me 160:34 can you run upstairs and grab glass 160:35 marisa 160:38 wait is there glass in here 160:41 oh there's glass in there never mind 160:42 okay we're good uh i need lava 160:46 i might know where to find some 160:52 perfect there we go two lava we got some 160:55 glass in there i got a wall already 160:57 oh my god what did i miss fellas i'm 160:59 minecraft you missed minecraft 161:01 huh not you 161:04 okay but tired and dying me too 161:09 oh i need that thing i need 161:11 cheese please don't kill me iron golem i 161:13 know the rat tried to kill you that one 161:15 time but please don't kill me 161:19 okay you you you bam there we go okay 161:22 cool um i don't need that one so then 161:26 this thing 161:26 and i just need i already have this yeah 161:29 i already have that 161:30 i need this i need gum powder and 161:34 okay well there's gum powder in here 161:36 let's take some of that okay 161:37 gum powder and any coal and blaze powder 161:41 which i have 161:43 blaze powder perfect i need coal 161:47 how can i possibly find coal 161:51 hmm do we have any coal in the ground 161:56 i'm gonna have announcements it's gonna 161:58 be ground coal on the ground 162:00 i actually mined every block that gets 162:02 me xp a while ago 162:04 but i think we can find some there we go 162:09 okay lovely we should just need the four 162:13 there we go it's fine all right in the 162:16 wall 162:16 maybe maybe in the wall that might be it 162:19 how did you even spawn you're in torch 162:21 oh my god 162:22 don't need the more buckets that is some 162:24 destructive fire 162:26 okay last thing this is the last thing 162:29 we need to do 162:29 let's make four fire charges and then 162:31 we're good big stream tomorrow and then 162:33 an even bigger stream the day after 162:35 there we go 162:44 okay now i don't know whether i can 162:45 apply them both at the same time 162:48 anybody can i 162:56 holy 163:00 holy 163:04 whoa i gave it a 163:10 holy i'm sorry i don't know how to 163:13 stop it 163:14 oh where's the flute i'm sorry 163:17 i'm sorry i i i can't stop it marisa 163:19 maurice i can't stop it run 163:21 [Applause] 163:32 you hear me yeah i'm on one heart you 163:35 better get 163:36 where i am with a water bucket no you're 163:37 oh you're on fire 163:39 yeah uh oh my god 163:42 okay uh where were you why did you make 163:45 him a tag 163:47 i i didn't think he'd do that 163:54 i don't know you're supposed to know i'm 163:57 gonna lose 50 levels now because you're 163:59 where were you near the melons 164:03 near the melons here like 164:06 what side of them i don't know okay log 164:10 in 164:10 and then log out immediately 164:16 okay log out log out log out log out 164:18 okay log in 164:22 log in hey 164:26 saved you you're welcome what do you 164:29 mean you're welcome 164:30 you're psychopathic i saved your life 164:34 and literally i don't know what people 164:36 made this month but they're on oh 164:37 164:45 they're asleep how do you not smell the 164:48 smoke buds 164:50 at the moment get them out rescue the 164:52 villagers we're firefighters now 164:55 why this is the one place why put them 164:57 back into jail 164:58 put them back into jail we can't let 165:00 them getting out of this place 165:02 oh my god your rat is stupid just that's 165:05 it so insanely overpowered that's so 165:08 incredibly dumb 165:10 yes it's literally like not even in 165:12 proportion of this game i don't know 165:14 what they were smoking when they made 165:15 that 165:17 it's like oh okay you kill that thing 165:18 could easily take down 165:21 wait should we try and get another will 165:22 is it wither just to see if it'll 165:23 that thing could 165:25 take down the entire server i 165:28 really want to see it take down the 165:29 weather 165:30 i literally couldn't even see it and i 165:32 almost died immediately it one shot me 165:34 through the 165:34 strongest armor in the game yeah i am 165:36 literally god i can sit in lava 165:39 for five minutes i won't get damaged but 165:42 this thing literally insta killed me 165:44 i you know what's the hit swagger with 165:46 it kill the end of dragon with 165:47 should we go into the nether and like 165:50 fight try and get one more wither 165:51 skeleton skull and you want to do that 165:53 tomorrow 165:55 uh yeah i'm down 165:58 because i'm gonna do a long stream 165:59 tomorrow i've just been streaming 166:01 without facecam 166:02 for one hour just to chill but i'm i'm 166:04 getting kind of tired 166:06 yeah me too um plus this was more of a 166:09 chill stream i am going to 166:10 say we need to pick this up no 166:13 i'm definitely going to have to fix that 166:15 rat thing because that's causing like 166:17 server lag um 166:21 but yeah i think today was a success 166:26 a little bit are you scared 166:30 he's scared i wonder if i can kill him 166:32 but probably not 166:33 you probably can 166:37 why are you doing that i don't know to 166:39 be honest i just remembered that this 166:40 was probably a bad idea 166:43 oh he really didn't cause much damage 166:47 that's not bad it's not bad 166:51 there we go psychopath rat girl stream 166:54 tomorrow 166:54 probably not but girl stream is 166:56 definitely going to be the next stream 166:58 it's going to be marisa do you want to 167:00 know why it's 167:01 it's so hard to kill look at this hot on 167:05 i'm gonna place him down i just saw 167:07 something as well someone in chat told 167:08 me this 167:10 um the rat battle god upgrade 167:14 has 500 base health plus the 50 from the 167:18 dragon 167:19 um also it has 50 armor 167:23 which is more than every bit of the 167:25 netherrite set combined 167:26 even with protection and it's also got 167:30 250 hearts when you add it all up 167:34 so psychopathic that is 25 167:38 times no that is 30 or 40 times 167:42 more powerful than you that's so insane 167:46 like why did they make this i don't 167:48 know it's funny it's really funny fair 167:50 and balanced jesus christ 167:52 it's a raid boss it's it's it's just 167:54 completely out of proportion of this 167:56 it's not even a rape boss it's it's a 167:59 167:59 it's this this one rat right would be 168:02 the hardest thing to kill in the entire 168:04 game 168:05 yeah this is way away it's it's 168:07 completely blown out of proportion like 168:08 it doesn't make sense in the game 168:10 it's funny but it's it's it just breaks 168:12 the entire game 168:13 and the dragon ender dragon 168:17 hp the ender dragon 168:21 let's see how much does hp have 168:27 how much hp do you think the ender 168:29 dragon has the ender dragon literally 168:31 the hardest thing is 168:33 200 it has 200 hp 168:39 this thing has 550 168:43 it is almost three 168:46 times as hard to kill 168:49 as the ender dragon 168:53 and it does hold on there's a billion 168:54 more damage it does 168:56 an attack strength 169:00 how much how on absolute 169:03 hardest difficulty the absolute most 169:06 damage a dragon can possibly do 169:10 how many hp points do you think it can 169:14 it can take off 169:19 absolute most how many hearts 169:23 seven and a half hearts the dragon can 169:25 take 169:27 and this thing can take 169:31 uh hold on how much is that 15 169:35 thank you 65 uh 169:38 thank you this thing can take about 30 169:41 off 169:42 33 off 169:45 32.5 169:49 it is three times more powerful than the 169:52 ender dragon 169:53 and it's just flying above my head like 169:55 a little nice house pet 169:57 thing he's just sitting on my head 170:00 this thing is the most powerful mob in 170:02 the game and i tamed it with 170:04 three pieces of cheese 170:08 today was a good day i think today was a 170:10 really good day 170:11 i think today was a really good day what 170:14 do you think 170:16 good minecraft there it's a helmet slot 170:18 it has a helmet slot 170:20 i can put armor on it 170:23 wait yeah look i you can give it a crown 170:25 here 170:27 i've already got a crown hold on oh hold 170:29 on you take your crown i'll give it my 170:34 crown 170:38 look at him go can i put like armor on 170:41 it 170:43 kill him no way i can just oh no okay i 170:46 can't do that i can put a helmet on him 170:47 now 170:49 he's got another right helmet now 170:52 hold on i'm tired look at him look at 170:54 him look at him 170:56 he's insane oh 170:59 god that's insanity oh i'm tired now i 171:02 gotta go to sleep i have a big stream 171:04 tomorrow thank you all for watching 171:06 um i'll see you tomorrow with a face cam 171:09 and a sexy cosplay 171:10 yeah i think i'm gonna well 171:14 i'm gonna end off as well um scything 171:16 them yeah she's carrying a scythe in her 171:18 mouth 171:19 not even holding it um i just fed her 171:22 cheese 171:27 just got here by lmao seven months pog 171:30 holy this thing would be really 171:33 overpowered if it wasn't where it is 171:37 um let's put a crown on its head because 171:39 it's funny 171:40 thanks for the seven months and oh sorry 171:42 thanks thanks for the six month you're 171:44 close to seven hail to the king 171:46 yes can we hold on i want to kind of see 171:48 what rat 171:49 what rat what nat uh did did he react 171:52 where did he react to it 171:54 on stream or in like uh is he streaming 171:57 or what what 171:58 wha i want to see what he did i want to 171:59 see if he reacted to it 172:02 where was his reaction 172:05 um 172:10 hello dude stream oh god he's streaming 172:12 some nautica 172:14 um let's see his clips hold on 172:24 oh wait i found it 172:31 wait hold on happy 172:34 birthday nat 172:39 wait did i even did i get link this 172:44 i want to find this where is it 172:48 i want to find i want to find what this 172:50 is i want to find it it's on youtube and 172:52 i don't know how to find it 172:54 how do i find it 172:58 where is it i have to dm someone about 173:00 this 173:01 i really want to see it because my 173:02 part's funny um 173:07 i want to see his reaction to it though 173:08 what the 173:10 um watch full video 173:13 oh okay i can do no i can 173:17 only excited 173:23 i want to see his reaction hold on i'm 173:25 trying to find like my one clip for it 173:28 take a look see at what i'm doing he's 173:31 i'm like just looking at what he's up to 173:33 one second i don't remember what point 173:36 in here i am at 173:37 i just want to see his reaction to me 173:39 though that's kind of it 173:43 my god he can spread out some content 173:46 am i at the end but i might be at the 173:48 end i don't know where they put me in 173:50 the video i haven't seen the video 173:55 there i am hold on 173:59 all right you know 174:03 the white hair i should have 174:05 seen my part 174:06 that's it all right let's watch what i 174:09 let's watch nat's happy birthday 174:11 together he turned 174:12 something for you know what i'm loving 174:15 and caribou and caring about me so much 174:16 no i don't okay hold on 174:20 i'm gonna put myself over over here 174:24 just for now i'll temporarily move this 174:28 you know norcal is probably the best 174:29 group of people it's not even a t 174:31 it's like not even an org it's it's the 174:33 best group of people that have 174:34 ever this in the video 174:42 how did you get this in the video 174:45 oh my god 174:47 hate this all right let's get it 174:50 hold on 174:52 oh 20. that's a big one eh you're 174:55 catching up with me 174:56 maybe you won't look quite as bad soon 174:58 no 20s quite as bad 174:59 you start to learn a lot of things dying 175:01 your hair becomes less cool 175:05 i know it's nuts hold on 160p bro 175:09 hey hey it now oh my god 175:12 he pulls it there nah this is cool i 175:16 like this a lot the way he read 175:18 on his head i made a dying his hair 175:20 joke and he dyed it 175:23 all seriously 175:29 it's being hyper tomorrow night one year 175:32 closer today 175:39 happy birthday now anyway 175:43 um 175:47 that's funny though funny 175:50 very funny i'm glad i was able to do 175:52 such a thing 175:54 anyway though i'm gonna end off stream 175:56 uh 50 quality it was okay there the 175:58 resolution 175:59 got a bit at the start because i 176:01 didn't change it 176:02 but um yeah i think uh 176:07 we need 4k rows i think that's where 176:08 we're going to end off today 176:10 um i'm gonna work on video stuff i hope 176:12 that you enjoyed the quick stream 176:14 even though it was a quick three hour 176:16 stream i didn't mean it to be three 176:17 hours but 176:19 yeah i will uh i'll see you boys this 176:21 was a fun one 176:22 um i think the next stream we're gonna 176:24 do some girl stuff 176:27 which what would you like to see 176:31 i kind of want to do another you laugh 176:32 you dress up 176:34 would you like it you laugh you you 176:36 laugh you dress as a woman 176:39 i think that was fun last time 176:44 all right we'll go do that we'll go to 176:46 episode two of that one that was kind of 176:47 funny 176:47 all right i will uh i'll see you i don't 176:50 think 176:51 who's online that we can write um 176:57 minx lots of mix away from insane 177:01 i just think that i deserve listening to 177:04 wilbur suit 177:06 and oh that's kind of cute though 177:09 23 means i'm not allowed in disney world 177:13 [Music] 177:19 he's in your bed and i'm in your twitch 177:21 chat 177:24 i've got the key and he's just a doormat 177:26 oh i kind of want a raider 177:28 that's so cute then i might go for it 177:32 what are you waiting for 177:33 i'm looking at it i'm looking at the 177:35 cat it's so 177:36 cute all right that's so 177:39 cute okay let's write it 177:40 right just uh minx have fun boys 177:44 i will see you how about a stream where 177:47 you go through a wedding planning guide 177:50 oh jack there's no chance there's 177:53 no chance in hell 177:56 all right boys tune into the raid and 177:57 watch mink's player cat 178:00 all right see ya peace