00:12 [Music] 00:20 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:42 foreign 00:52 [Music] 01:00 [Music] 01:10 wait 01:19 [Music] 01:24 do 01:30 i look terrible today 01:41 [Music] 01:50 [Applause] 01:52 all right [ __ ] how do i rotate oh 01:54 [ __ ] 01:55 uh [ __ ] hold on 01:57 [Applause] 01:59 oh man look at me go 02:03 oh [ __ ] it's slow but it's happening 02:08 [Applause] 02:10 [Music] 02:13 you always look bad how how dare you 02:16 oh my god okay 02:20 so here's oh my [ __ ] i gotta post in 02:22 discord as well hold on 02:24 oh one second give me a sec 02:30 uh hold on people i'm also trying to 02:33 hide something from you 02:35 uh just in case i [ __ ] up 02:41 i've gotta move i gotta close some [ __ ] 02:43 out 02:44 just in case i accidentally show you a 02:46 monitor that i'm not supposed to show 02:48 you 02:49 all right i think we're good all my 02:52 secrets are hidden 02:54 mostly okay there we go 02:57 hi there what's going on it's your boy 03:01 i'm wearing the same shirt as yesterday 03:03 and i look 03:04 bad my god 03:09 i just i got out the shower i just need 03:11 a shirt to put on i'm sorry 03:13 i i'm dude daily streams are okay i know 03:16 that she's out of the ordinary for me 03:19 but i didn't put any effort into today's 03:22 today anyway well i mean i did today 03:24 technically i put a lot of effort in 03:26 for today please send [ __ ] wait what 03:29 this is like 03:29 this is my only good shirt somehow it 03:32 just hasn't gotten 03:33 that dirty yet and i don't know if it 03:36 smells but it probably does but i can't 03:38 tell 03:39 and i lost my hair brush so now i'm 03:41 using my reese's and the popular theory 03:43 of my hairbrush 03:44 is that my hairbrush has fallen out of a 03:45 window don't ask me to explain it just 03:47 it might have done um i had to unclog a 03:50 drain today 03:51 uh my shower and that was weirdly not 03:54 that gross but it was very fun 03:56 because to unclog a drain i don't know 03:58 if you know this about 04:00 monsters you get to use fun tools 04:04 like [ __ ] acid i used 04:08 acid god [ __ ] i used acid to unclog my 04:12 drain today 04:13 i poured acid down a drain 04:16 and it bubbled i [ __ ] i almost peed 04:20 dude it was scary 04:22 i could have peed dude i that thing 04:25 bubbled up 04:26 and i know for a fact if that touches 04:27 your hand your finger's just like gone 04:29 so oh 04:30 two months pogo tasty acid anyway so 04:33 yeah i tried that that made me very uh 04:36 that i'm 04:37 very scared very very scared there was a 04:39 child safety lock on it and i didn't 04:40 have to use it so that took me like a 04:42 good minute anyway 04:43 anyway hi there fr uh people 04:46 how are you thank you for the 04:48 subscribing oh yeah 04:49 thank you this is very cool i know i'm 04:52 gonna try and 04:53 oh nail polish remover i forgot about 04:55 that i can paint my nails today no i 04:57 can't [ __ ] i can't do that 04:58 i can do that tomorrow no i can't no i 05:01 can do that 05:02 i can do that soon i can paint my nails 05:06 soon still can't what am i wearing you 05:08 may have a boy or girl 05:11 same [ __ ] different dad uh 05:14 i look bad um the only thing that's i've 05:17 got someone going for me is 05:18 uh most of the eyelashes are on my uh 05:21 eyes 05:22 and 05:27 i look bad today i look real bad today 05:30 this is this is oh my god at least i 05:33 showered 05:34 paint your nails today no i'm gonna 05:36 paint my nails 05:38 soon i'm doing something tomorrow that i 05:40 can't have painted nails for 05:44 so i can't do anything with my nails 05:46 what's up 05:48 but things are happening things are very 05:52 much happening oh damn 05:54 it's okay we can dress you up oh [ __ ] 05:57 thanks for the gifted subs 05:58 how did i not see that thank you oh my 06:00 god thank you holy crap 06:02 i you don't have a name that i can 06:04 pronounce it's just letters and numbers 06:06 dude but thank you that is very nice 06:09 i thank you for the five gifted subs 06:11 that's so cool 06:13 you know what i can do with that what 06:15 can i do with that what's the best thing 06:17 you could do with like 06:18 that's like 20 bucks what could i do 06:20 with twenty dollars like the 06:21 the best thing i could possibly do with 06:23 twenty dollars if you say give it to 06:25 charity i 06:26 you're wrong ah 06:35 hydrate eat yeah buy a vr game ah 06:39 buy a nerf gun we found our answer you 06:41 can totally buy a bear trap or some [ __ ] 06:43 that'd be cool 06:47 are you out of are you allowed to own a 06:48 bear trap 06:50 is that a thing you're allowed to beat 06:51 can you own a bear trap in there you 06:52 should paint your toes 06:57 i've never done that on stream because 07:00 i'm not actually certain that's again 07:02 that's hard with tos i don't think 07:06 i don't know i don't know 07:10 because people hey by the way if you're 07:14 a foot person 07:14 there's something coming out in like 07:16 less than a week that you'll really like 07:19 ish 07:22 i i dude i'm so like i will 07:25 infinitely hype you guys up about this 07:29 red thunder [ __ ] yeah thank you for the 07:30 [ __ ] gifted subs 07:33 it's it's dude it's good it's really 07:36 good it's really really good 07:38 it's really really good it's really good 07:40 anyway 07:41 where can i send me where i can 07:45 it's like one of two good shirts that i 07:47 own no yeah no two 07:49 i own two shirts from acme studios it 07:51 was like a hundred pounds 07:53 that's terrifying this is like the the 07:55 most i've ever spent on a shirt before 07:57 this was like 07:58 15 so this is a significant step up 08:01 brush your hair it what that's what i've 08:05 been doing i didn't look at this it 08:06 didn't do 08:06 [ __ ] dude anyway hi there hi chad and 08:10 finn f1 08:18 thank you paul thank you pal you won't 08:20 read this i didn't 08:21 i read all of them mo okay that's a lie 08:23 but i read i 08:24 try and read as many as i can 08:28 thank you little i little check little 08:31 chat little chance to you 08:33 thank you oh my god thanks for five 08:35 gifted subs i 08:36 can buy two bear traps now i can cover 08:38 both doors oh 08:40 yeah no i just my hair just doesn't like 08:42 to be brushed 08:43 i've been told that my hair is really 08:45 easy to straighten cause like it's hard 08:46 to break 08:47 kind of thin but it also means it's 08:49 really easy to tangle so i don't know it 08:51 can kind of go both ways 08:52 down what the [ __ ] thank you for the 08:55 five gifted again 08:57 my god dude 09:00 the hype meter you've destroyed it 09:03 by gamer subs with cody girl yeah hmm 09:07 happy to be here right now we're testing 09:09 out a bunch of different flavors this is 09:10 called like 09:12 lemon limeade or something it's really 09:14 good there's a few that i don't like in 09:16 there 09:16 but this is really good they just 09:18 released like misfits lemon 09:20 which is also good also the cup's got an 09:21 anime woman on it look at that 09:24 her bra changes color depending on what 09:26 color of the drink it is 09:28 that was kind of funny to me is the hair 09:31 that longer are you still using hair 09:32 extensions i am still using air 09:34 extensions hype 09:35 i don't know whether i'm gonna take them 09:37 out i don't know where and i'm gonna 09:39 take them out 09:41 i believe it's the 14th three months pog 09:45 i think this is has it not felt 09:48 longer has it not felt like a lot longer 09:51 of a girl month 09:52 than last time doesn't it doesn't it a 09:56 little bit 09:57 i don't know why oh damn 10:00 for me it has stop thanks for the five 10:04 gifted subs 10:05 yeah that was [ __ ] destroying the 10:07 hype train thank you my guy 10:09 thank you holy crap but yeah i i've been 10:12 good 10:12 no you've been you've hardly streamed oh 10:14 [ __ ] hello there again 10:16 after yesterday's stream i've decided to 10:18 play some dyson sphere 10:21 i've finished at 2pm cooked some food 10:24 and here we 10:25 are again i've never played like 30 10:27 hours 10:28 i've never heard of that game do your 10:30 makeup we will but i haven't done 10:32 anything literally i've got out the 10:33 shower just a second ago well 10:34 i dried my hair put on a shirt and now 10:36 i'm streaming i thought i could probably 10:38 i thought i could maybe play uh cs go 10:40 with tabith uh but he ended the turbo 10:42 but he ended the stream pretty early so 10:43 i didn't get i didn't message him 10:44 much three months apart honestly either 10:46 way of one to ten what i tried to play 10:49 color of the alphabet so i couldn't have 10:51 played it anyway 10:54 your hair looks soft and floofy it is 10:58 soft actually 10:59 and quite floofy right now it's not a 11:01 little bit damp 11:04 a tiny tiny bit a little bit it's like 11:06 factorio in a 11:07 star system scale someone probably told 11:09 me about that 11:11 uh used the same shirt yesterday did you 11:13 have a shower i did have a shower 11:15 but i'm i'm wearing the same everything 11:17 as yesterday because i'm gross 11:20 dude i don't know why you guys think i'm 11:23 some elegant 11:24 [ __ ] gazelle no i'm gross my 11:27 transition 11:28 please never stop oh hell what you're 11:31 doing 11:33 even underwear i'm not wearing it 11:36 because i just got out the shower anyway 11:39 dress up thing come on okay i will i 11:42 will i 11:42 i will i just need my hello edgar is 11:45 here 11:46 hey guys edgar hey bro what the [ __ ] 11:50 thanks for the twenty dollars we keep 11:52 hitting this sub goal 11:53 should i up the subs hold on 11:56 oh damn oh my god gurgle okay what the 11:59 [ __ ] is going on you guys have gifted so 12:01 many subs 12:02 why this is i i mean it's acceptable why 12:06 are you doing it though 12:07 this doesn't need to happen it's fine i 12:11 very much appreciate it though just 12:12 extending this gift 12:14 sub here why is this not working 12:17 i changed it i changed it 12:21 dyson sphere is basically victorio 12:24 satisfactory in space 12:27 hell yeah well let me move my camera a 12:29 little bit 12:30 there hey perfect now it'll actually 12:32 focus on me 12:33 what foundation do you use i don't even 12:35 use foundation i use concealer 12:40 it's mostly out of focus lately it's 12:43 it's just because i had it [ __ ] this 12:45 hair it's mostly because i had it 12:47 pointed over there 12:48 over over there and that was all just 12:51 empty space i was trying to focus on the 12:53 background but if i put it here me and 12:54 my microphone 12:56 we're good man it feels so weird to not 12:59 have nails doesn't do my hands 13:01 manly as [ __ ] now why do i look so don't 13:04 they look cool 13:05 manly hands manly arm look at that 13:09 cool right manly i feel like i'm trying 13:12 to convince you that i'm i'm very manly 13:13 quite a lot oftenly often uh 13:15 quite often i'm gonna buy a crossbow i 13:17 think a real crossbow no 13:19 shut up pew pepe hey chat hey 13:22 john hey john how are you uh manliest 13:25 man i am how was your trip with theresa 13:27 it was great i met so many cool people i 13:29 don't know if you were in the last 13:30 stream but it was really really fun 13:32 i met so many cool people and then some 13:34 of them could sing 13:35 i didn't know nikki could sing giving me 13:37 more boy energy 13:40 oh can fanboys be tomboys 13:43 yes this time by a full crossbow not 13:46 like 13:47 not like a hand crosstalk forget about 13:49 girl month 2021 girl yeah 13:53 oh god thanks for the nine months oh 13:57 [ __ ] okay i genui i know we're gonna do 14:00 a dress-up thing today 14:02 and i don't know what i'm gonna do in 14:03 the meantime is there any gun laws on 14:05 full crossbow no you 14:06 just buy a crossbow you just need to be 14:08 18. 14:10 pretty nifty um but yeah 14:14 pop pop up oh [ __ ] is it doing that 14:16 again is it doing it that's 14:18 not awake and anything in me is it 14:21 i feel like it's fine is it it's 14:24 probably fine 14:25 it will 14:28 okay uh you should come to america 14:32 i did come to america and i can't get 14:33 back there it won't let me back 14:35 they didn't like it uh 14:39 imagine working at a shop somewhere it 14:42 can be done 14:42 in all fairness people don't think 14:44 crossbows do [ __ ] crossbows do [ __ ] 14:46 are they they fire with like i think 14:48 they're allowed to fire with something 14:49 like 14:50 fam they can fight it doesn't even 14:52 matter crossbows will go straight 14:53 through you dude like 14:55 it's so weird to think that a bow an 14:57 arrow 14:58 an arrow can just go straight into mine 15:01 in real life there's no [ __ ] 15:05 like that's insane to me 15:08 i don't know 15:11 i seem very cool i just want wait if you 15:13 want man 15:14 okay she's got new meds that help the 15:17 leg pain and i can use my credit card 15:19 again 15:21 it was blocked for the whole month of 15:23 february 15:24 also check dms from time to time cheeky 15:27 smiley face oh [ __ ] wait dms 15:30 you haven't messaged me oh do you mean 15:31 the mods i haven't checked that 15:34 yeah i don't think i ever checked that 15:36 okay andrew 15:37 no not that [ __ ] wait does my media chef 15:39 still on 15:41 no it's not thank [ __ ] joy hey what's up 15:44 cutie 15:45 i'm doing good i'm not i i haven't done 15:48 much okay i have done much i can't tell 15:50 you what i've been doing though 15:51 i can't tell you i've been oh my god i'm 15:54 looking at it on the other monitor i 15:56 can't tell you what i've been doing 15:57 i've been i've been listening i've been 15:58 touching some stuff up it's been cool 16:01 i've been making i'm using some effects 16:05 i feel like a gremlin thank you for five 16:07 gifted subs 16:09 [Music] 16:10 thank you so nice 16:14 i shoot professionally archery and uh i 16:17 shoot professional archery and an arrow 16:18 can easily go through two deer 16:20 yeah arrows are powerful dude 16:24 stop talking before you leak it by 16:26 accident 16:29 man it's cool it's really cool 16:34 this is like the my favorite thing that 16:36 i've done 16:42 this is sick it's so cool it's so cool 16:50 uh can we see it wait we can see it on 16:52 the tv oh wait can you 16:56 oh look at that it does change a little 16:58 bit 16:59 [Laughter] 17:00 that's funny i'm gonna close out of that 17:02 just in case 17:11 [Music] 17:19 there we go cool 17:23 cool there we go enhance 17:26 zoom enhance you won't be able to tell 17:29 finn act like you're shaking sword into 17:31 your mouth what do you think 17:32 i'm what do you think i i've listened 17:33 buddy i i've 17:35 i'm not gonna get got again it already 17:37 happened once not like that one rose has 17:39 such fine feminine hands with such 17:41 slender fingers 17:45 you know what slender fingers is a new 17:47 one people have called my fingers spider 17:49 fingers there because they're 17:50 long and creepy look at how big my hand 17:53 is dude 17:54 i have long hands look at this [ __ ] look 17:56 how long my fingers are 17:59 look at that i got a long thumb i got a 18:02 really long 18:03 thumb look at that [ __ ] like these are 18:05 big boys 18:06 hold on let me give you something for 18:08 scale here's a glock i guess 18:11 technically it's to scale with the real 18:14 one even though it's not a real one 18:15 twitch 18:16 uh what do i have that's like a normal 18:18 sized thing 18:20 what do i have what do i uh do i have 18:22 anything um 18:24 my phone oh i've kind of i've got a can 18:27 of sprite 18:30 on my long [ __ ] hands dude look at 18:33 this [ __ ] 18:34 a lot i got a big hand 18:42 piano fingers yeah yeah that's that's 18:44 the thing that's that's 18:45 apparently i'd be really good at piano 18:47 but i haven't tried it uh okay 18:50 right oh what do you want to do today 18:52 boys i kind of want okay 18:54 i wanted to i i think i kind of want to 18:56 play a little bit of 18:57 video games at some point but not 18:59 minecraft um 19:01 maybe cs go i don't know i haven't 19:03 played that game in a while now 19:04 seeing turbo played it kind of made me 19:06 wanna but before we do that either way 19:12 it's a dress-up stream isn't it 19:15 it's a dress-up stream in it hey rose 19:18 glad to see you a cross-dressing as a 19:20 boy today 19:22 you look super masculine right now big 19:25 macho man love your content 19:28 i'm glad that you see it the way i do 19:32 hey those are nice hands can i hold them 19:38 that's good that's pretty good that's 19:39 pretty good actually that i like that 19:41 one that was good 19:42 i like that one i approve of that one 19:44 but minecraft i don't know i haven't 19:46 ballooned tower defense six oh [ __ ] i'd 19:48 kind of be down 19:53 oh damn i do want to play balloons tower 19:55 defense 19:56 do i play balloons tower defense and 19:59 we'll do like if i die 20:01 i'll dress up should we do that if i 20:04 lose i dress up 20:06 shall we 20:21 okay uh we'll do it i was gonna say we 20:24 do a poll between 20:25 balloons and cs go but i there's no way 20:28 csgo would work for that if i every time 20:30 i died i'll die like 50 times 20:32 and also if i die i need to immediately 20:34 start playing again 20:36 so there's no i don't think i could do 20:37 that cs won't work 20:39 bullets though we can just stop and 20:41 start again so let's do that 20:42 where's balloons i have balloons tower 20:44 defense update cued holy [ __ ] there's an 20:46 update please don't be more than a 20:47 gigabyte it's a one gigabyte exactly 20:50 good 20:51 [Music] 20:53 all right let's do it [ __ ] it you know 20:54 what they say about people with big 21:00 hands 21:04 what do they say about people with big 21:06 hands 21:10 what what do they 21:13 say about big 21:16 hands 21:22 oh damn 21:34 yeah that's right that's right 21:38 yeah let's go baby i do west 21:41 i do wear big gloves 21:46 they were right i knew it that's funny 21:49 that's very funny 21:58 rose do you like ketchup pizza that 21:59 sounds [ __ ] that almost made me gag i 22:01 felt that in the back of my throat there 22:03 when you said that 22:04 that was disgusting that hurt me a 22:06 little bit inside in my heart in my soul 22:08 that was bad why would you say that to 22:10 me like that why would you say that so 22:11 casually like that 22:13 that's awful 22:17 you know my most [ __ ] you know my 22:18 most hated thing is now 22:21 every time my hair touches my nose it 22:23 makes it's insanely 22:24 bad it's itchy i don't like this it's 22:27 not good 22:28 what day is it today but a proper dress 22:31 up like a proper e girl 22:33 proper non-proper oh yeah oh yeah yeah 22:36 you know what i kind of want to wear 22:37 the anime outfit remember the black and 22:39 white anime outfit i kind of want to 22:40 [ __ ] wear that 22:42 because i haven't wore that in ages and 22:43 it honestly it sounds kind of comfy 22:46 finn take nose off i will try jumping 22:49 glooms [ __ ] god damn it [ __ ] jesus 22:52 christ that was terrible i don't know 22:54 how 22:54 that didn't i i don't know how oh 22:57 god okay let me let me do the thing i'll 22:59 do it let me do oh [ __ ] damn 23:01 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey 23:04 thank you [ __ ] hold on one second [ __ ] 23:08 okay god damn it okay there we go 23:13 should i be on balloons tower defense or 23:14 should i be on should i tag it as 23:20 uh 23:22 you lose 23:29 i just tried to put six in all caps 23:34 and that's you can't capitalize on six 23:36 i've learned 23:37 i expected it to be in like bold i don't 23:39 know why i thought that but i did a 23:41 little bit 23:42 okay shall we shall we chat shall i see 23:45 if this will work 23:46 now hold on let's try it capital six 23:52 okay it's finster but with a capital one 23:54 and a capital five 23:55 okay let's see if this works oh it do 23:59 wait will this work no apparently not 24:04 will this work it dude look at that [ __ ] 24:06 hell yeah 24:07 cool now i can't [ __ ] up do you like 24:09 andrew okay should i also put on 24:12 mediashare so i can allow you guys to 24:14 [ __ ] me up with this one 24:18 oh it's already on got it 24:21 how nice of me to know how nice to me to 24:23 realize 24:26 have you seen kiwi pizza the ultimate 24:28 answer to pineapple pizza debacle 24:35 no kiwi pizza's worse dude that's i 24:38 don't even need to look it up dude that 24:40 no that doesn't exist come on that 24:42 doesn't exist 24:44 that doesn't really exist right 24:50 ah no i'm gonna google it but i'm gonna 24:52 hate it aren't i 24:53 this is gonna make me upset isn't it 24:57 kiwi pizza 25:19 hold on let me just one second 25:23 one second i'm gonna quickly pull this 25:26 up for you guys so you can see the 25:29 unholy 25:30 god godless world that i just witnessed 25:33 on google images what the [ __ ] 25:41 look oh okay 25:45 bro no even 25:48 she's not happy with it those are cold 25:50 dead eyes 25:54 those are cold lifeless eyes 25:58 she hates it i hate it everyone every 26:01 no oh my god everyone about this 26:04 dislikes what's going on think that in a 26:06 world where banana kabab pizza exists 26:09 nobody put kiwi on a pizza yet 26:12 oh 26:16 i was hoping you ever you ever eaten a 26:18 kiwi it's 26:19 soft it's like really 26:22 soft if you cook it it'll be mushy it'll 26:24 that's not 26:26 good oh people are disgusting 26:30 this is bad i hate that too 26:34 i hate it all okay media shirt 26:36 technically i believe is a thing 26:40 does it work i believe this works 26:45 might hold on will this work if i put on 26:47 media show will this actually work 26:50 it should right i think maybe 26:55 yeah oh wait we've got one 26:57 [Music] 27:00 there's no way there's no way that's the 27:06 that's the only one that was the only 27:08 one 27:09 [ __ ] sake i hate this 27:12 i hate this so much i don't care what is 27:15 this 27:16 money okay good to know i hate that 27:19 i hated that okay fine 27:22 what the [ __ ] was that oh 27:27 okay this has a special thing what are 27:29 you 27:32 there was a thing what was the balloon 27:34 thing 27:38 okay should we do tweet okay i'm gonna 27:39 get started normally 27:41 because i do not know if i'm actually 27:44 good at this at all 27:48 okay let me turn this up a little bit 27:52 to three okay there we go are we good 27:55 are we good mgk uh ngk and corpse have a 27:58 song called 27:59 day warmer i don't know if it's i 28:02 haven't listened to it is it outros to 28:03 retire by the way you can always try the 28:06 forbidden sean connery cosplay 28:10 [Music] 28:14 colony 28:17 dude they put gold flakes on a pizza if 28:20 you can think of it it's been on pizza 28:22 but the gun purifies the earth 28:30 forth and kill 28:34 penis bad i agree 28:37 i agree with all of these sentiments 28:39 okay let me grab 28:40 these two and it should be fine 28:45 jesus christ there he goes there he goes 28:48 okay this should be fine egg i'm it's 28:51 epic no okay listen 28:53 if i lose this [ __ ] i'm gonna i i dress 28:55 up this is already gone bad 28:58 really 29:02 we're great we're solid they just got it 29:05 and one meter away from the entrance but 29:07 it's fine 29:09 eggplants balloon tower defense yes 29:12 sniper monkey oh 29:16 i've honed my skills since the last time 29:18 by the way 29:19 like i know i actually know what i'm 29:21 doing now 29:24 i genuinely do know what i'm doing we 29:26 can't see the health 29:27 wait yeah you can oh no you can't oh you 29:29 can't see my money either hold on 29:31 uh face cam um 29:36 oh [ __ ] face game sub count nines 29:45 i'll move me down here and then i'll 29:48 move 29:50 streamlab there 29:53 pog there we go i just moved streamlabs 29:55 on top of me 29:56 we can't see health now you can alright 29:58 there we go 29:59 there we go bam i i don't i don't know 30:01 if you guys know this but i'm actually 30:03 [ __ ] i'm actually great at this game 30:05 i never probably heard this but if you 30:07 wear glasses you'll look like joy from 30:09 valerian 30:09 like killjoy from valerian i have 30:12 glasses what type of glasses round ones 30:14 square ones 30:15 i have both i am new what the [ __ ] is 30:17 this 30:18 i i can't explain this to you in any way 30:23 do you have more dresses i no i have a 30:26 ton of dresses i have tons i have a 30:27 whole thing 30:28 round what circle circle 30:31 okay hold on let's find out 30:38 okay i'm not requiring anything for this 30:40 one these are glasses 30:43 do i do i look like killjoy from 30:46 valerian 30:49 do i look like killjoy from valorant 30:51 chat 30:52 do i look like the do i look like 30:54 someone 30:59 no the answer is no no i don't 31:05 not even close even i mean i have a 31:07 green beanie somewhere 31:09 god knows where it is though mandatory 31:13 aussie video 31:14 it's somewhere though oh 31:18 come on sharon i'm [ __ ] out as the 31:20 other prince of [ __ ] darkness 31:23 evil evil 31:27 was that really loud or was that just me 31:29 that felt real loud 31:31 do i do i look like them kinda no okay 31:34 good i'm not 31:34 you need an off i'm not gonna get one 31:37 holy [ __ ] i'm rich why did no one tell 31:39 me i'm rich 31:40 these two have just been tanking anyway 31:42 should i show you my strategy now 31:44 i should have bought adora a long long 31:46 time ago 31:47 um but yeah look i've got a i've got 31:49 like a pretty much foolproof 31:51 plan that's not right uh 31:54 it's this guy look i just do this and 31:58 then i win 32:02 [Music] 32:12 oh my god why is it doing it again 32:14 [Music] 32:15 why is it doing it again it's going to 32:18 do it again 32:22 soon soon why can you not why can i not 32:25 pop this thing 32:29 oh oh i want okay i'm waiting for a 32:34 special i 32:34 i'm waiting for a special occasion to 32:36 use the wedding dress 32:38 i haven't found one yet i don't know 32:40 whether i should do a wedding 32:41 i don't know but thanks to the twitch 32:43 prime bless you thank you 32:45 what have i joined i i i don't know 32:48 corset and color i haven't died i 32:50 haven't died yet buddy 32:52 is this a kid's game yes it is but i 32:55 don't care i like it 32:56 it's a fun game and i refuse to do 32:58 anything different 33:01 i'm gonna get this guy and then i'm 33:02 gonna get okay this is my strategy for 33:05 pretty much every game now 33:06 is to go this guy because he just tanks 33:10 everything and then adora and then 33:11 everything else is kind of secondary 33:13 i'm already on round 35 and i've been 33:15 barely paying attention 33:16 i'm insane you guys aren't gonna get a 33:18 single thing past me this is what i got 33:21 right here it is a little cannon and it 33:25 shoots 33:25 these things these little babies 33:29 does it actually work wait can i buy 33:31 like black powder like gunpowder 33:33 can i buy gunpowder 33:45 oh man oh he's good two months 33:58 all right i got this boy gotta get this 34:01 boy 34:02 oh [ __ ] there we go still nailed it okay 34:05 what's next 34:06 maybe buy one of these at this point 34:09 it's all just 34:09 this is all uh this is i don't know what 34:11 to do from here oh what about a monkey 34:14 well obviously a monkey but you know 34:16 what i mean like one of these boys wait 34:18 i have a strategy watch this 34:22 okay i do this i fill up as many as i 34:24 can in any water pool 34:26 i can't go anymore and then i just start 34:28 upgrading 34:30 that's the wrong one isn't it well [ __ ] 34:32 it that's fine 34:35 i'm just gonna get it i usually get 34:36 these right 34:39 no no i don't i don't usually get those 34:42 no i did get the right one i did get the 34:44 right one i was right no no i was right 34:45 i was right 34:46 yeah i was right this that this thing 34:50 uh easy this is the terrible placement 34:54 and but yeah i i just like these spam 34:56 supers no 34:58 submarines better i don't care this is 34:59 good this is the i like these they're 35:01 fun 35:02 plus they spawn a bunch of planes and 35:04 [ __ ] 35:06 play the odyssey i don't know what that 35:07 is banana farm yes yes 35:10 now i'm gonna win anyway you guys have 35:13 no idea how good i am at this game now 35:16 i'm insanely good 35:19 402 is insane 35:24 i'll try it oh my god he's got 35:28 this boy's got range dude he's got hops 35:30 uh huh hello 35:32 what's going on boy this is worse than 35:35 the time i was such 35:37 oh yeah it was definitely green but let 35:39 me tell you he was eyeing that drip the 35:41 whole time 35:41 tried him in the chose brown because 35:44 it's the color of poo 35:49 wait is that no that is that actually 35:51 real 35:53 oh no among us is dead is that real 35:57 don't tell me it's real thank you finn 35:59 for being old is that real 36:03 [Music] 36:05 hey though that was perfect timing 36:09 i know i'm glad that things are looking 36:12 at most the 36:13 mustache i hope you get through these 36:16 couple bad weeks man 36:18 i know you can be you got this 36:22 anything of the chance i believe in you 36:26 i believe in you all i believe in you 36:30 pal 36:31 oh my heart my heart 36:36 wait no you donated that was perfect 36:38 timing 36:40 oh that's nice it makes me feel things i 36:42 like that 36:43 it's very cool oh [ __ ] that's what i was 36:45 gonna buy 36:47 this thing i was gonna buy this thing i 36:50 forgot about this this is actually 36:51 really important i don't know how i 36:52 forgot about this 36:56 uh oh yeah and i was gonna buy this boy 36:59 i'll put him [ __ ] anywhere there i 37:01 guess why not 37:03 and then i buy like uh many people ask 37:07 me nikita uh 37:08 we'll we'll we'll be we will we will be 37:11 with we will we will be we 37:14 will win the play 37:18 we will be 37:30 oh wait i didn't even notice that what 37:32 happened did you get five gifted subs 37:34 thank you 37:35 pal 37:37 [Music] 37:45 is this cringey 37:52 if it was funny i don't get it i'm not 37:54 like other girls when i get married and 37:56 i'm walking down the aisle you're not 37:57 gonna hear that here comes the bride 37:58 music no 37:59 you're gonna hear this 38:05 it's cringe isn't it it's good cringe i 38:07 haven't seen tic toc cringe in years 38:09 i haven't heard that name in years 38:13 oh man oh it's some fine cringe today 38:20 how [ __ ] long is this a full 30 38:23 seconds of this 38:24 okay thank you it just goes 38:29 it's 10 hours you know when it glitches 38:32 out 38:33 and it just continues on 38:37 oh [ __ ] 38:42 oh thank god i was like wow this is 38:44 really going to be 10 hours huh 38:46 you rich 38:49 hampton hampton 38:53 i like him super peepy 38:56 still better than lithuanian pop music 39:03 okay but is it an actual list this time 39:05 yeah it's an actual list 39:06 applesauce cancer pop apricots jam and 39:09 mods rather sticks ketchup chips cheddar 39:11 mix tomatoes potatoes 39:22 stop bunch of veggies mom's forget 39:25 how fun did that get on 39:29 okay the whole thing was not that good 39:30 but that was funny all right 39:32 let me show you where i [ __ ] excel 39:34 watch this already on round 71 39:37 upgrade hold on get out of here media 39:40 chef 39:40 watch this i upgrade this buckaroo watch 39:42 this [ __ ] he's a 39:44 super demon human look at him go let me 39:46 upgrade that why not look at him [ __ ] 39:48 go 39:48 dude his range is nuts 39:51 he's like he's a machine gun dude he's 39:55 insane i love this guy 39:56 it's my favorite upgrade stop this hurts 39:58 come true i don't care 40:01 i'll play this game until i i'm sick of 40:03 it and i'm not 40:04 i don't know what the [ __ ] is that oh 40:07 [ __ ] 40:08 basically i'm killing the colored one 40:10 like you said oh 40:15 no 40:16 [Music] 40:21 oh no he shouldn't oh that's not good 40:23 that's bad i don't condone that that's 40:26 that's 40:26 not good 40:32 what is that 40:41 good afternoon princess oh god 40:56 i feel like i was supposed to uh get 40:58 that i don't get it 41:00 anyway watch this [ __ ] bonk do it 41:03 now he flies 41:08 oh no that looked like it hurt 41:11 bad he's that guy's down bad if he's 41:13 doing that [ __ ] no 41:15 wait am i down bad i feel like i'm down 41:17 bad it was ace attorney ah 41:19 i haven't watched it i i'm what the only 41:21 one i'm watching is [ __ ] uh 41:23 thingamaship um what's it called the 41:25 thing 41:26 the guy the anime the [ __ ] the one the 41:29 titan 41:32 look at him go 41:35 attack on titan that's the only one i'm 41:37 watching 41:38 they're still going you're down bad dude 41:40 i'm down bad dude 41:42 yeah they fly and [ __ ] and then the big 41:44 one got warm you know 41:46 but i'm waiting until they upload it all 41:48 in english because i can't be bothered 41:51 i don't know how to read i never learned 41:54 no no 41:58 i never learned how to read hey i won 42:02 i won oh i got two two dollars 42:06 that's how nice of you i won i got two 42:09 dollars 42:10 you guys suck punk had some really deep 42:12 lyrics and we never noticed 42:15 [Music] 42:20 [Music] 42:25 what is the most important part of a 42:27 fanboy 42:28 do 42:33 [Music] 42:38 [Laughter] 42:42 punk had some really deep lyrics just 42:45 it's 42:46 that for like a minute it's just the 42:48 intro 42:52 it's just that for a whole minute 42:56 nice 42:59 oh my god heroes change the crossbow 43:03 to target strong enemies oh yeah good 43:06 idea damage and it get wasted on normal 43:09 balloons 43:10 oh you're smarty there we go okay he's 43:12 on strong now 43:16 [Music] 43:24 um 43:28 [Music] 43:37 he's a good guy i like him oh [ __ ] 43:41 they're getting actually really far in 43:52 i'd 43:56 why are you oh sevening 44:07 they're getting really close 44:25 [Music] 44:35 good song 44:39 i've ever seen oh god they're getting 44:42 close 44:45 jesus christ 44:51 okay get that thing 44:55 [Music] 44:57 why is that max upgrade oh why because i 44:58 got that thing oh my god i spent a lot 45:00 of money on that eh we go 45:05 [Music] 45:11 let have a look what let finns to have a 45:13 sheen clothing stream i did i okay i 45:15 didn't do a stream for it 45:17 like what the [ __ ] is it still going for 45:20 me 45:20 what the [ __ ] i bought a ton of clothing 45:23 from sheen 45:24 like months and months ago before i even 45:26 moved 45:27 and i've just been working my way 45:29 through it because it cost me like 100 45:31 bucks and i got like 45:33 like enough clothes that i haven't even 45:34 worn them all yet you know what i mean 45:36 they're great 45:37 you can buy a whole like dress for like 45:39 seven dollars 45:41 [Music] 45:42 just we femme yes we femme fatale doing 45:45 unpaid labor for the guild 45:47 well done lad the beatles are all dead 45:54 i am john lennon 45:57 what besides the beating women part 46:02 no i take it back with that half a year 46:05 pog pog pog 46:08 i can't make my job oh [ __ ] i'm gonna 46:10 die 46:13 it was the beating women joke wasn't it 46:15 it was that is that what did it is that 46:17 is that why i died 46:22 karma [ __ ] 46:26 was it that finn you're wearing the same 46:28 shirt as yesterday's stream wearing the 46:29 same pants too 46:31 i'm well not well pence like you know 46:34 jogging bottoms not like 46:35 you know different words karma karma's 46:38 quite a [ __ ] 46:38 yeah yeah okay 46:42 fine then it's time what do you want 46:43 what do you want name your price 46:46 name your name it name it friend i'll 46:49 show you how good i am at 46:50 being a woman whatever you wear i'll 46:52 i'll ace it 46:53 what's the next thing 46:57 i'll give you bob's for free in all 46:58 fairness because i feel like that's a 47:00 given i just haven't worn them because 47:01 of the shower 47:02 um bubba already gonna be a thing 47:08 i just gotta go i haven't put on a bra 47:11 from my shower yet 47:14 so okay you get hard lmao 47:18 you can go with listen buddy you can go 47:21 with a skirt 47:22 but you could also go with a dress right 47:26 it depends what vibe you want to go with 47:29 how is this for your sense of humor 47:33 oh [ __ ] 47:38 find out 47:42 i want to know it now your eyes on the 47:43 road cowboy beat yourself now 47:50 the crash left the mangled car 47:52 unrecognizable 47:53 the red porsche wrapped around a tree 47:58 i already saw that one but [ __ ] 48:02 it's good yeah but it's 48:06 that's got to be the best pirate i've 48:08 ever seen it's good but it's bad 48:13 no no no no no no 48:18 holy [ __ ] 48:22 why oh my god 48:28 do your biggest booze booze 48:35 you're insane you can't go big boobs in 48:38 a crop top though it just you 48:39 you just you just physically can't crop 48:42 top are you all 48:43 really saying crop top you're insane 48:46 the lot of you but [ __ ] 48:49 [Laughter] 48:51 you un you overestimate how far i'm 48:53 willing to go 48:57 crop top you people you people 49:00 you people you people again okay you are 49:03 gonna be really 49:05 you are gonna really like what i've done 49:07 you're gonna oh man you're gonna really 49:08 enjoy what i did 49:09 when i post this in like a week or so or 49:12 less than a week 49:13 the tale not gonna happen probably like 49:14 three days [ __ ] which one which 49:17 which crop top do you want to drop his 49:19 ice cream 49:21 he got hit by a bus oh 49:24 was the video playing 49:31 [Music] 49:33 was it that 49:36 no it wasn't i thought that's what you 49:39 did 49:40 [Music] 49:43 i thought that's what you donated along 49:45 with that message 49:47 [Music] 49:51 that would have been funny 49:56 what good joke delivery hold on 50:00 one second 50:12 one second 50:28 it's just like the perfect joke delivery 50:30 it's [ __ ] 50:32 why do the little why did the little boy 50:34 drop his ice cream 50:36 because he got hit by a bus 50:41 [Music] 50:49 [Music] 51:04 anyway i was worth the dmca 51:07 [Laughter] 51:09 okay listen what are we gonna do crop 51:10 top 51:12 dmca but it's funny 51:14 [Laughter] 51:17 someone cliff all right 51:21 you people are animals and think with 51:24 your brains let's use something 51:26 why have you just why do you just swap 51:28 popular chat opinion goes from crop top 51:30 to dress crop top dress 51:31 what do you want okay right i'll do this 51:35 okay 51:36 right uh okay what what 51:39 okay uh crop top 51:43 dress slash outfit thing 51:47 last time i heard the shovel was an 51:49 extraordinary groundbreaking invention 51:57 that was good it was really bad but that 52:00 was funny okay fine 52:01 you you win there 52:04 well done okay what is it going with 52:08 comb your hair oh [ __ ] a lot of you are 52:10 going for the dress 52:12 outfit thing weird i you know what i'm 52:15 on board with this we've won i've won a 52:17 cropped up the last stream 52:19 and i wanted to die so let's do 52:22 something else 52:25 f1nn are you aware of your wardrobe 52:37 [Music] 52:43 thank you okay i'm gonna actually pause 52:45 the media show so i've got some on the 52:47 way 52:47 when i come back but also [ __ ] hell 52:49 not oxygen thank you for the ten dollars 52:52 okay let me accept that and then we 52:55 pause it okay 52:56 yeah dress out for thing one in that 52:58 case what do you want 53:00 what okay what do you want so 53:23 [Music] 53:26 let's go 53:28 [Music] 53:32 that's awesome actually that's so cool i 53:36 don't know that streamer i'm guessing 53:38 youtuber but that's [ __ ] funny that's 53:41 really good all right 53:43 bunny bunny oh no no you don't get to do 53:44 that you don't get to do the bunny thing 53:46 that's that's a whole dono 53:48 uh right what do you want what have you 53:50 guys said i'm scrolling up you're saying 53:52 bunny 53:52 made dress made dress bunny uh polka dot 53:56 dress 53:57 bring in the wardrobe oh my god that 53:59 hell no that's a 54:00 weight i need two people for that uh 54:06 fanboy hooters with orange heels i don't 54:08 have orange heels but holy [ __ ] what a 54:10 [ __ ] addition to that 54:12 i could totally do a fanboy who does uh 54:14 cosplay with like 54:15 big orange heels that'd be cool 54:25 i i don't know why i let you guys pick 54:28 anything 54:29 i feel like i should probably come go 54:31 get some stuff 54:32 shall i go try on the estellfo thing 54:34 should we try this on together hold on 54:36 oh we'll do it okay one sec we're gonna 54:39 go try and i'm gonna go grab the stealth 54:40 cosplay i know i have it somewhere 54:43 give me a sec oh 54:46 nikki told me that ads are actually a 54:48 good thing so i'm gonna run an ad nikki 54:52 said oh yeah you should run ads 54:53 i was like oh yeah i don't do that so 54:55 i'm going to run an ad because 54:57 because i can i was given the advice to 55:00 do such 55:01 i'm going to run an ad you guys want an 55:03 ad while i go grab this it's a short ad 55:05 it's not gonna be a long ad 55:07 uh there we go have an ad if you don't 55:10 have an ad 55:11 thanks for being subscribed or using an 55:13 ad blocker 55:14 in which case i hate you or unless you 55:16 just got lucky 55:22 unlike you either 56:14 oh 56:22 ah i got it 56:25 i got the thing chair stream 56:29 messy room stream that i haven't clean 56:31 stream 56:33 ad stream what's up boys how are we 56:35 doing 56:36 are we good are you guys having fun 56:41 are we good still are you guys pissed 56:43 are we done with the ad i think we are 56:45 done with the ad right 56:47 did you guys get an ad did i get an ad 56:49 did i run an 56:50 ad no ad 56:58 did i miss click 57:03 oh 57:05 [Music] 57:07 damn you should make a google doc or 57:10 something with photos of you 57:12 that's not a lot of people so that 57:13 people hey well if you got an andy don't 57:15 want any 57:17 you can subscribe you should make a 57:18 google doc or something with photos of 57:20 all your clothes so people know how 57:21 oh my god so people know what you have 57:26 that would be a that that's like days 57:28 worth of work but either way 57:30 okay here they are 57:34 right here they are they're a good thing 57:37 uh delivered to my p.o box recently i 57:40 get everything delivered there now which 57:41 is fine 57:42 oh my god 57:46 i believe this is them and i haven't 57:49 tried them on yet 57:52 and i don't know what they look like i 57:55 don't 57:56 i got large size on one of them i 57:57 believe because i'm kind of suspect 58:00 whether i'll fit in them 58:02 because sometimes they're sometimes 58:04 they're like over 58:05 overseas sizing and that means not good 58:08 for me because i'm a wide 58:10 shoulder boy um 58:14 this i believe is that one with the you 58:18 know that what oh [ __ ] 58:19 oh [ __ ] i shouldn't have thrown [ __ ] oh 58:22 god 58:23 oh [ __ ] there's more oh [ __ ] 58:26 you know that one with the with the with 58:28 the gut with that guy 58:30 in the in the stall with the stealth 58:32 cosplay on 58:34 and he's like and he's like um 58:37 he's peeing at the urinal which is funny 58:40 because he doesn't look like a man he 58:43 looks like a nostalgo 58:45 right and that's the meme that's 58:47 everywhere it's that one 58:49 it's that's the meme a stalfon 58:53 it's this crop top [ __ ] oh my god you 58:56 guys are gonna get you're both 58:57 the same way because i think both of 58:58 these are crop tops three months 59:00 it's just a crop top and a skirt that is 59:03 short as [ __ ] 59:05 and and bows and 59:10 uh ribbon i guess 59:13 i don't know what that's supposed to 59:14 look like there's that one and then 59:16 there's the other one 59:18 which is 59:24 more complex apparently which is this 59:28 skirt 59:29 which is longer which i'm already on 59:32 board with this but 59:33 quite wide actually i might size large 59:36 might have been a bad idea for this one 59:38 oh this feels dreadful and a hoodie 59:42 of sorts hey look at that it's got ears 59:45 on it that's 59:46 cool this is not a very nice feeling 59:48 hoodie 59:49 this is made of really thick like you 59:51 know when you get workout equipment 59:52 it's like kind of like elasticy but it's 59:55 also really cold 59:56 like almost it like it feels wet a 59:57 little bit 59:59 that it's made of that everywhere 60:04 so there's that which i think there's 60:06 also a shirt underneath for it 60:08 yeah there is which also feels like [ __ ] 60:13 it looks like this which is also a crop 60:16 top 60:16 so you get two crop tops basically the 60:19 first one 60:22 this is just like this is just bad this 60:25 is just a bad idea for me 60:27 i don't know why i do what i don't know 60:29 why i did this 60:37 like an elf like 60:41 you know like uh what's that [ __ ] 60:44 one second i need to do something you 60:47 know they you know the uh 60:49 that kid on on vine 60:53 the what the hold on 60:59 oh my god i can't even do this thing 61:05 this is my stealth cosplay i think this 61:08 is good this is exactly what i wanted 61:10 this is not a fun material to wear 61:13 actually it's not bad 61:15 oh my god i always have to buy sides 61:18 large and everything because my 61:19 shoulders are so [ __ ] big dude 61:22 they're massive okay fine look okay 61:24 right 61:31 really really really 61:35 okay what is this supposed to look like 61:36 can i google it 61:38 uh a stolfo a stealther 61:42 i spelled it wrong i don't swallow 61:50 stolfo 61:52 that's just not gonna happen 61:55 what oh wait that's what that ribbon's 61:57 for i was wondering what this tiny 61:58 little [ __ ] 61:59 thing was and now i know it's for the 62:04 ribbon 62:10 those are balls i'm i just realized i 62:13 was looking at balls 62:18 i 62:20 i know what the cosplay looks like now i 62:22 guess 62:24 that was bad i have ribbons as well that 62:26 apparently go in my hair i guess 62:28 but i can't put the wig on because i 62:29 don't own the wig so 62:32 oh [ __ ] is this gonna work for you do 62:36 you think this is good 62:38 i think this is great i think that this 62:40 is a proportionate size 62:43 thing to my head ow [ __ ] 62:47 pigtails i don't have a pit i don't have 62:48 a pigtails 62:50 i don't have for that okay [ __ ] 62:55 right let's [ __ ] i listen we're doing 62:57 this in stages so 62:59 i'm not gonna put the skirt on yet we'll 63:01 assemble this cosplay as we go shall we 63:04 i'm gonna move all this down here so i 63:05 know what's what 63:08 that can be there this goes on first 63:10 let's do 63:12 let's say that goes on first okay good 63:15 twin tails that's not gonna be good i 63:18 do did you remember the last time i 63:20 tried to do that you look very kawaii 63:22 awesome 63:24 oh man i'm about to not i'm about to 63:28 i'm about a 63:31 one sec i gotta take a shirt off 63:34 careful boys don't um 63:38 don't get too um excited 63:43 uh because i just had chinese food 63:48 can i oh my god wait am i gonna be able 63:50 to fit in this one sec 63:53 oh boys hold on one sec am i about to 63:56 disappoint you all 63:58 if my [ __ ] fat head can't get can't 64:00 make it through this cosplay 64:02 oh there's a thing oh there's a velcro 64:06 my fat giant head for some reason 64:11 oh it's still not this is 64:14 tight bro oh [ __ ] 64:17 hold on i gotta i don't want you to see 64:20 me 64:20 shirtless so i'm gonna try and [ __ ] 64:22 do something i need that 64:24 i need that bra over there i need i need 64:27 that over there 64:28 i need it oh my monkey [ __ ] feet 64:32 yes i'm insane let's go 64:35 let's go 64:38 oh my god i nailed that 64:43 my monkey feet bro let's go 64:48 okay hold on 64:55 i nailed that [ __ ] that was awesome 64:58 i got my monkey toes going on 65:02 i avoided an unfortunate situation 65:06 ah dude this is not gonna go on me 65:10 i i there's no way there's no give to 65:13 this 65:14 it doesn't stretch sub anniversary pog 65:23 hold on 65:27 there's no way this is actually going to 65:28 work i'm going to break this 65:30 if i break it would you care 65:35 oh [ __ ] oh my god 65:38 right if i 65:45 oh god i need a person's help for this 65:48 oh dude i'm gonna dude there's 65:52 i'm gonna need to be cut out of this i 65:57 wait chet can you quickly tell me if i'm 66:00 allowed to be shirtless on twitch 66:05 because i need to i need to show you 66:07 guys something 66:13 i'm male i am a male presenting let me 66:16 let me just 66:17 introduce you to my shoulders and chest 66:25 i don't know if this is gonna work buddy 66:27 i don't know if it's gonna work buddy 66:29 i think this is gonna not work buddy 66:33 i think this is not gonna work buddy um 66:37 shall i break this real quick i feel 66:39 like i could break this so easily 66:49 uh can you come can you try and like 66:51 pull this down over my uh over my 66:53 giant chest there's no it's just not 66:56 gonna happen it's gonna happen if you 66:57 come here it's not gonna happen come 66:58 here it's just not gonna happen 67:00 come here this is not a possible thing 67:01 come here this isn't coming any further 67:03 down 67:04 come here you you're fine come here 67:11 what do i look like 67:15 i'm not going to get banned i'm a guy 67:17 i'm just happy to be wearing a bra that 67:18 i can't currently take off i'm not 67:20 showing any nips 67:21 this is fine this is the only way that i 67:22 have covering my nipples i want to break 67:24 this so badly 67:36 my goodness gracious you're insane okay 67:38 fine come on 67:42 can fix you no you can't yeah again no 67:44 you totally can't 67:45 i'm i'm in pain hold your hair away 67:48 where's my hand 67:50 oh do you see what i mean okay turn it 67:52 turn 67:53 this is not gonna work this is 67:57 hold on what do you mean hold on i'm in 67:59 pain 68:00 wait there's a zipper yeah oh 68:04 wait look at me i feel like this is 68:05 still too tight either way 68:08 why was there a zip on a shirt dude i 68:10 can fix you 68:11 there's no way you can fix this 68:15 stop i'm trying i'm trying to help hold 68:18 your 68:18 okay hold your hair here i'm trying to 68:21 okay 68:23 is that i what size is this large 68:27 it's like this is not large it's made 68:28 for chinese this is this is made for 68:31 a very small step i can't not move them 68:38 this is this isn't made for me do you 68:39 think i'm going to be able to get fat 68:41 boobs 68:41 under this no you don't think i feel 68:44 like i could fit some 68:48 i'm breathing in and i if i hold on is 68:51 the zipper open 68:53 okay i'm gonna help you out a bit 68:56 oh man do i look good 69:01 don't do that look at me don't do that 69:05 look at the waistline you're going to 69:06 get from this oh man 69:08 i know but this is a reminder doesn't 69:10 budge yeah no 69:13 okay so i believe it's 69:24 dude can i break it yeah 69:27 can i break it chat i feel like if i 69:29 breathe out really hard i'm gonna break 69:31 it 69:33 yeah that was me breathing by the way 69:41 ready i've always wanted to do that 69:44 that's awesome 69:46 i don't know where it's breaking is it 69:47 breaking the back oh that hurts so bad 69:50 it's so tough material 69:53 oh where's that broken where is that 69:55 breaking at there's a zipper here it's 69:57 got 69:57 there it is look i'm red dude 70:01 it's that's that's right 70:04 i know it's no way that's large maybe 70:06 i've just gotten that big 70:08 oh my god okay yeah there we go 70:12 hey it fits 70:16 do we go with this now do we go with 70:18 this now 70:19 it's kind of worked i guess maybe do i 70:22 have this skirt yeah that's the skirt 70:25 no i'm not gonna put it on now well i'll 70:27 do it later 70:29 they haven't earned it yet um 70:34 so i'm going to use code ego spend lots 70:36 of money and use code 70:37 and gamer subs if you don't want to 70:39 support fit you can also use code 70:42 wait do i have any do i have a knife i 70:43 this is going to make this way easier 70:46 it's going to be hot as well hold on 70:50 is that what is that is that something 70:54 huh i did flex oh wait 70:58 nah it's got more give to it 71:01 can you cut this come here i can't reach 71:03 i don't want 71:04 ah do we have scissors as of lately 71:09 okay do we have scissors 71:14 uh downstairs i have something somewhere 71:16 hold on 71:18 i have this you sure you don't want to 71:21 you sure you don't want to 71:22 stop this from happening 71:33 nailed it oh oh okay 71:36 i can get behind this this is good i 71:39 can't even behind this 71:40 why'd i wear a bra a stolfo's a stolfo 71:44 why did i do this 71:50 oh no okay ah 71:54 we did it 71:57 i don't want to put the glasses on but 71:59 [ __ ] it this is 72:00 this is how this is going to go do you 72:02 want to keep this or do you want to do 72:04 the other one where's the stuffer wig 72:05 don't have it 72:06 do i haven't i do have so many knives 72:09 scuffed a sofa should we just do scuffed 72:12 a stealtho 72:13 another one no i this is funny to me 72:18 scuff the stolfo it sounds pretty fun 72:21 you want to do skirt no can i do a poll 72:24 onto a pole 72:29 wait i'm confused when did girl it 72:31 didn't 72:33 i mean it's not over yet it's like got 72:34 another two or three days in it 72:36 let me do a poll 72:41 scuffed a stealtho uw 72:45 try the other one okay 72:51 there we go i can now hear sorry i can 72:54 now hear donations and [ __ ] 72:56 i'm good i can hear you i'm sorry i i'm 72:59 sorry i kind of 73:00 i i didn't make rose slim again 73:04 i dude up never been 73:09 i'm gonna i'm i'm yeah i'm working right 73:11 try the other one okay 73:12 i'm down let me just give it let me give 73:15 it one more 73:17 oh [ __ ] oh dude 73:20 where did that go wait 73:24 where did that split where did that 73:26 split 73:28 where the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] 73:32 holy [ __ ] boot what the [ __ ] 73:38 i told you i was buff oh my god 73:42 that was me flexing oh man this is great 73:45 okay let's try and take this off 73:47 oh my god uh you're [ __ ] wrecking 73:50 that 73:50 i know okay let's try the other one real 73:52 quick uh where is it down here 73:54 okay one second then uh have a look see 73:57 it in my uh 73:58 having a look-see at my thing that 74:00 sounded wrong have a look see in my game 74:04 i could have just done this i don't know 74:05 why i didn't do that 74:07 uh 74:10 [ __ ] okay let me try and try this on 74:13 again 74:14 i'm keeping my headphones on i can hear 74:15 you if you donate by the way 74:17 i can't necessarily read chat right now 74:26 though that's that's that's just my 74:30 very thinly veiled attempt to uh try and 74:32 get you guys to donate 74:40 okay 74:42 there we go 74:55 context has left the chat i dude see 74:58 this isn't 74:59 i can wear this this is fine but it's 75:01 still like tight as [ __ ] and it's 75:04 it doesn't help me it doesn't this does 75:06 this does not provide 75:07 any does not provide any like 75:11 help for me i don't think let me grab 75:12 bob's one sec 75:17 we're gonna do unless you don't want 75:19 that i don't know [ __ ] it's 75:20 oh god 75:23 we're figuring it out i'll do bob's 75:26 first and then we'll see 75:28 see if you guys want that or not want 75:30 that okay 75:32 where am i there i am a shirt that 75:34 actually fits almost 75:36 okay [ __ ] me god damn it 75:40 oh how many knives jeff what's your 75:43 favorite 75:44 um i'd say like hey pal 75:47 oh god what's happened oh no 75:51 okay there we go make rose slim again 75:55 it's not gonna happen buddy this is my 75:57 this is now my resting weight i think 75:59 well i mean well i'm losing like 10 76:02 kilograms 76:03 can i wait did i ever tell you i'm 76:05 trying to like i'm trying to keep you 76:06 guys 76:07 on my uh i'm gonna try and this is 76:10 a way to lose weight i'm gonna here's 76:12 what here's my plan right i'm just gonna 76:14 tell you how much i weigh every now and 76:15 then 76:16 and then you're gonna yell at me if i 76:17 don't if i haven't actually made 76:19 any progress you know what i mean is 76:22 that a good idea i feel like that's a 76:23 good idea 76:29 [ __ ] we're done there we go we're good 76:31 done shirt 76:33 rowing machine workout stream when i 76:35 don't know 76:36 why not like uh for morrow 76:39 should we keep sending you slim fast no 76:41 i haven't been drinking it 76:45 no weight loss no dono oh [ __ ] okay 76:54 this is way more comfortable what do you 76:56 weigh now then i 76:58 shall i quickly run downstairs and wear 77:00 myself 77:02 i think if i was going to take an 77:03 estimate 77:05 like 74 77:09 i just ate i think i'm 74 right now 77:12 yeah okay i'm gonna be one second tri 77:15 corset that's not exactly weight loss 77:17 but 77:28 okay 77:54 ah okay 77:59 that's it that's it it's all over it's 78:02 all over it's all over 78:05 i i no it's i i've lost i lost boys 78:09 i lost i'm gonna i'm gonna die now i i i 78:13 this is i i'm upset now i'm upset 78:20 it's 75 78:23 oh [ __ ] 78:28 gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm i'm done 78:32 how do vegetarians gains gain weight uh 78:35 little did you know pizzas 78:36 are not you know you could just eat 78:39 pizza 78:40 that's what i do and pasta that's what i 78:42 do also 78:44 the brighton trip was bad i ordered so 78:46 much food because there was so much good 78:47 food and i just want to try it 78:52 oh no i took the boobs out that's my 78:55 actual weight oh 78:56 god ah now i'm going to feel bad 78:59 sending chocolate by the way do you pay 79:02 small 79:03 customs cost if i donate i can't have 79:06 the bill sent to me 79:08 small customs cost if you donate you 79:10 mean like if you send stuff 79:13 i i usually don't pick them up if they 79:15 send me a bill for them 79:16 so i usually just say send stuff within 79:18 the uk 79:20 so yeah so we shouldn't send you more 79:24 candy 79:25 oops okay right 79:29 uh let's do it did we strive for buff 79:31 finn indeed 79:33 yeah i'm about 166 pounds apparently 79:36 that's not i mean it's healthy i this 79:39 is fine but i also want to lose weight 79:41 for my own personal means this is not 79:43 like an unhealthy thing i just 79:44 personally want to lose some weight 79:46 anyway oh my god i'm gone i'm in a i'm a 79:50 black screen oh i'm back okay right 79:51 balloons tower defense what level now 79:53 what oh [ __ ] the balloon 79:56 i've already won that one i already won 79:58 all of these 79:59 like look i i have no life click to 80:02 unlock oh it's new let's play the new 80:04 one 80:05 hard mode because i'm not a [ __ ] all 80:07 right let's do it 80:08 oh what the [ __ ] is this hold on what 80:10 the [ __ ] is this 80:11 this isn't anything uh 80:18 they're going every which way dude those 80:19 balloons are everywhere what the [ __ ] 80:22 okay 80:22 right fine then let's try it i can get 80:25 one monkey in the middle of this 80:33 okay i got my i got my plan i got my 80:34 plan i got my plan 80:37 i've got my ideas that's water 80:40 got it easy easy [ __ ] they circle around 80:44 the middle forever there 80:47 tak no i have got a better idea this 80:49 boy's gonna do the main bulk of the work 80:54 trust me it's a it sounds like a bad 80:55 plan but it's not it's a really good 80:58 plan 81:00 any preference on youtube or streaming 81:02 youtube makes 81:03 uh more more money but twitch streaming 81:06 is 81:07 infinitely more fun like i dude i do not 81:11 do the twitch streaming for the money it 81:12 is well i mean 81:13 i do and don't but like you know twitch 81:15 streams are just so much more fun 81:17 okay i don't drink all that much 81:20 actually 81:21 um yeah i try not to drink too much 81:24 right now i'm just gonna do 81:28 don't feel like you have to lose weight 81:29 do it for you and honor you i am 81:31 i'm i i literally just like i feel 81:34 unhealthy sometimes so i'm just like ugh 81:36 i just want to do i okay i'm more 81:39 i care less about losing weight as like 81:42 the number going down the scale i care 81:43 more about 81:45 actually eating healthy and not ordering 81:46 a [ __ ] ton of just random 81:48 terrible food for me i feel like it's 81:50 hurting my like health 81:51 i can't run as fast as i used to 81:55 so yeah that's what i'll do 82:00 i want to be out i want to be able to 82:01 sprint run around uh 82:03 dancing fields like i did when i was a 82:05 small child 82:11 oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 82:15 it what the [ __ ] the beast and then a 82:19 bunch of numbers 82:20 he's just gifting subs 82:23 oh my god was that the way you give 33 82:27 subs and then you're continuing to gift 82:29 subs 82:31 like one at a time randomly what the 82:33 [ __ ] is happening 82:34 what the [ __ ] is happening 82:38 oh my god thank you that's nuts 82:43 that's cool when you can lose weight now 82:47 what is happening thank you very pug 82:50 what the [ __ ] yeah it's dude that didn't 82:52 show up on my thing it should have said 82:53 the beast 82:54 gifted so many subs but thanks that's 82:57 insane 82:58 that's absolutely nuts thank you 83:03 that's so cool i don't know why stream 83:04 streamlabs just glitched out you broke 83:06 my stream webs thank you thank you man 83:09 let's do that easy okay 83:12 let me grab myself i he should reach 83:14 he's got an insanely big range yet 83:17 oh [ __ ] does he 83:21 yeah he can reach there we go 83:24 i think he can reach right oh come on 83:27 you can reach him right 83:29 okay they can they can okay cool pug 83:32 wait what happened again did something 83:33 happen again 83:37 did he do it again what happened good 83:39 thank you what the [ __ ] 83:41 oh my god that's what he did i heard so 83:45 i heard you get one cent each bit 83:47 ten thousand bits that's like a hundred 83:49 dollars 83:52 cool 83:58 oh [ __ ] he did it again 84:01 i like bits thanks 84:05 oh my god hold on i'm having a bit of a 84:08 moment 84:09 was it there was it because i'm ripped 84:12 literally 84:12 was it because i was i mean i'm insanely 84:15 strong 84:16 and cool was it that i think it was that 84:19 wasn't it 84:20 but thank you it's really nice 84:23 what the [ __ ] that's nifty 84:27 hold on let me i'm moving my stolfo 84:29 screen so i can actually see like media 84:31 shares and stuff 84:32 but damn it's actually mr beast i guess 84:39 media share mystified there's a bit of 84:41 bits thanks for the 84:43 thousand that's still like fifty dollars 84:44 worth of bits 84:46 oh my god dude 84:50 dude i don't make as much from streaming 84:54 yeah i mean i guess not i guess i was 84:58 wrong 84:59 thank you what the [ __ ] that's so cool 85:03 this is awesome this is okay very nifty 85:06 thank you my guy 85:07 again okay media [ __ ] i'm working i'm 85:10 working on i'm working on it uh media 85:12 share 85:13 it just ain't loading why aren't you 85:14 loading buddy 85:16 oops i tried to reload streamlabs and 85:18 just said oops to me 85:23 ah did we did you actually break 85:27 streamlabs 85:28 genuinely streamlabs isn't working 85:30 anymore 85:31 oh god hold on 85:35 this is odd yeah it look dude it just 85:39 says 85:40 oops dude 85:45 it just says oops dude he broke it 85:49 the dude broke it okay is it working now 85:53 oh [ __ ] 85:56 oh my god the big balloon dude i cannot 85:58 make this work i cannot make this work 86:02 i cannot make that work phil's is having 86:04 the same problem don't worry okay 86:06 yeah it's just brokey right now 86:08 streamlabs brokey 86:11 i guess i guess this is like the attack 86:12 on the pentagon of 86:14 streamlabs okay let's get this boy and 86:17 there we go now we just have to 86:19 make sure i don't die for the rest of 86:20 this because i'm good now i believe 86:25 oh wow wait what i i can't place these 86:28 anywhere 86:32 really oh wow i can't place anything 86:35 there 86:36 oh dude that's nuts i can only place 86:38 them in four spots 86:40 what okay well banana farm time we gotta 86:43 use our towers wisely i guess 86:50 that was a terrible placement i don't 86:52 know why i did that to myself 86:55 okay you know what would it be cheating 86:57 to use one of the power boys i'm gonna 86:59 there we go i i can't be bothered to do 87:01 that i want to read chat 87:02 no name brand mr beast it's the off 87:04 brand mr beast but he still has 87:06 he's still as rich there it is why did 87:09 that take so long 87:11 oh my god there it is it took so long 87:14 but ggs 87:15 streamlabs is broken as [ __ ] 87:18 roger finn cosplay has become very 87:20 convincing yes 87:22 i if i die i more become rose i guess 87:27 okay let's do this wait should i do 87:31 like i wanna i can't undo the no 87:34 actually i'll do that i don't need to do 87:35 the bank 87:36 there we go perfecto 87:40 oh god should we use my ability i don't 87:42 wanna 87:43 [ __ ] that up okay great value mr beast 87:46 yes wasted turtles thanks for the 10 87:48 gifted subs but it's gone 87:50 the the beast thing's still still going 87:52 on i'm just gonna call it out in chat 87:54 because i 87:55 it's goofing right now streamlabs is 87:57 having a 87:58 time of its life 88:01 well who you ww 88:05 bryan is reading bits and stuffs and 88:06 donuts for everyone's basically [ __ ] 88:08 right now okay 88:10 yeah stream labs be brokey it seems 88:13 one of these days select the outfit 88:15 yourself because i 88:17 trust your fashion sense more than chat 88:20 xd 88:21 treat yourself to some comfy [ __ ] girl 88:23 aunt 88:24 this is so fast 88:30 have fun john this is this is so far 88:32 pretty comfy i i i will say so far this 88:34 is actually quite nice 88:36 uh i this i thought this was going to be 88:38 way worse to wear than it actually is 88:40 this is quite nice down with the sucks 88:42 thanks for 10 gifted subs bro 88:44 thank you what else what okay are we 88:47 still good so there's so many gifted 88:48 subs i know 88:49 there's been so many 88:52 there we go the stream stream thing 88:54 worked okay cool uh right can i upgrade 88:56 you yet 88:57 the middle boy as soon as the middle boy 88:58 as soon as i get this middle guy i'm i'm 88:59 good 89:02 i should be good as soon as i can get 89:03 this middle guy this is where i start 89:05 making like a ton of money 89:07 i start defending really well at least 89:10 come on buddy come on come on dude 89:15 i'm like 1k away come on it's the last 89:17 upgrade on the monkey dart guy he's 27 89:19 000 i got bam there it is okay 89:23 rozier considered to make a show like 89:25 code miko does 89:26 yeah but that [ __ ] looks like it takes a 89:28 a a lot to organize 89:30 tons of work miko's rika works so hard 89:34 on that 89:37 also she's really funny and uh i don't 89:39 know i don't know whether i could keep 89:41 up 89:42 on this map range is gonna be key like 89:44 look at this he's occupying 89:46 range dude look at it look at him spin 89:48 around 89:49 look at this guy go yeah no i got i made 89:52 a good choice here 89:52 there it is where's the turtles thank 89:54 you if the tubs hey zephyr 89:56 brother costa master is going nuts i 89:58 know 90:00 how are you doing buddy he's doing good 90:01 i've got all of the upgrades for this 90:02 dude hell yeah 90:04 okay easy easy 90:08 this is why i like crossbows the 90:10 technician not milk oh sorry 90:12 i forgot about the technician oh thanks 90:14 for those bits man 90:16 waste of tills only for 20 000 bits holy 90:18 [ __ ] that's like 20 bucks thank you 90:21 hell yeah i don't know what i buy now i 90:24 can only place stuff in like a few 90:26 subsections of the map you guys said the 90:28 sub was better 90:31 i guess maybe wait can i place wait can 90:33 i place things here 90:36 no what can i place right there there's 90:38 just nothing can i just not place 90:40 anything 90:43 i can't place anything there that sucks 90:46 hmm why is the sub good what what what 90:48 upgrades do i do on the sub 90:50 chat with chat which one which one 90:52 what's the what 90:54 balloons tower defense amazing people 90:58 oh damn people that are really good on 91:00 it 205. 91:05 okay a bunch of people said 204 205. 91:08 so bottom path okay one two 91:11 what [ __ ] 91:15 i haven't unlocked it yet okay this this 91:17 does look like the better path okay 91:21 let's do that 91:24 i've only played balloon style defense 91:25 and i was bad at it whoever just gifted 91:27 this 91:28 this fanboys of t-y yeah thanks for 91:30 gifting all the subs i hope you guys i 91:32 hope you guys will subs enjoy them 91:34 fill the outside with 91:37 sniper monkeys hell yeah i really want 91:40 to use i really want to get media share 91:41 up and running but it's just not working 91:43 dude 91:45 yeah it just won't load yeah streamlabs 91:48 is kind of broken right now it's still 91:49 working but it's not like the actual 91:51 website's broken so it won't let me put 91:53 anything through 91:55 all right plane is really strong 91:58 yeah i know it's i love the plane one 92:00 but it's 92:02 you good you good dude i hope he's good 92:05 dude 92:05 let me just do this let me get cow drops 92:07 for this boy i'm around 72 i'm gonna win 92:11 i'm definitely gonna win 92:14 right i'm gonna win i'm gonna win i'm 92:17 gonna win i'm gonna win 92:18 i can't place anything i can't [ __ ] 92:21 place a single thing dude 92:26 bruh come on i can't place anything down 92:31 okay plane that's the best thing i got 92:33 right now planes like my best option 92:38 oh damn there we go got a specter 92:42 [ __ ] it that's good he's gonna [ __ ] 92:44 everything up thank you for the wasted 92:45 test thank you for the vibe giving it 92:47 subs 92:48 is it working it might be i don't know 92:50 it ain't 92:51 those media shares still not working 92:52 which is kind of annoying 92:54 i'm not good yeah i'm winning by far i 92:56 don't know why dude 92:58 i feel loaded chattarino for offline 93:00 chat oh god 93:01 do i need to do i need to try like a 93:04 harder map 93:05 because i'm just not losing i'll try and 93:09 get to level 100 i guess but i'm just 93:10 not gonna lose i'm really good at this 93:12 game 93:13 i'm just really good at this game 93:17 oh damn i'm insane 93:22 oh [ __ ] oh what was that hey dang damn 93:26 damn he said thank you my guy for the 93:29 gifted subs okay 93:31 there i go that's the wrong one i go 93:33 this one 93:35 then bam bam 93:38 that i guess maybe that's kind of all i 93:40 need i guess 93:42 yeah it's fine down 93:45 down with the stand with sucks i keep 93:47 wanting to say down with the socks like 93:48 down with the sickness 93:49 okay there we go lots of planes i'm 93:52 gonna win i'm gonna win 93:54 bloom's tower defense for big brains 93:55 only doing palpable 93:57 finn getting cocky he's about to eat 93:58 [ __ ] no i'm not i got to i'm a dude i'm 94:01 around 79 and i haven't even leaked a 94:03 single balloon 94:04 i'm good all these gifty subs and they 94:07 missed me oh sparky i'm so sorry 94:09 people are getting so unlucky there's 94:10 been so many gifted subs but not one 94:12 not one for poor sparky i'm sorry 94:18 you're so good the [ __ ] i know i'm so 94:21 good at this game 94:22 chimps chimps only is hard yeah i've 94:25 only ever beat chimps once on the first 94:27 map so i don't know 94:33 yeah the tax shooter on on bottom path 94:34 is really happy look at that dude 94:36 give me the win 94:44 i'm insane i'm so good i'm so good i'm 94:47 so good i'm so funny i'm so cool 94:49 i'm so hot and awesome i'm so cool 94:52 i'm so talented and awesome let's 94:55 upgrade this just for fun 94:56 let's see if i can get around 100 94:57 because i'm so talented and awesome at 94:58 this game 95:00 let me get another specter why not boom 95:02 double weapons 95:03 let's go get them boys sick them 95:07 the splash damage the oh the beauty the 95:10 grace 95:12 pal thanks for gifting us up oh yeah 95:14 one's a sparky 95:15 ah that's nice i have fully endorsed 95:19 that 95:19 oh wait i can place one there why can i 95:21 place one there i didn't realize i can 95:23 do that can i place a super monkey 95:25 anywhere please that'd be good 95:27 no okay [ __ ] [ __ ] 95:31 okay i can place a cannon there though 95:33 and place with cannon there 95:35 this could be good [ __ ] it why not 95:37 splash damage right in the middle 95:42 yeah this actually targets the middle if 95:44 i can get like range on this boy 95:47 and i'm not gonna arrange i'm gonna get 95:48 this this what i want yeah it does it 95:51 does 95:51 cover the middle i'm gonna sell this one 95:53 though and buy one 95:56 oh [ __ ] 96:00 maybe then 96:04 yeah there bam bam bam bam bam 96:08 there we go that's gonna freeze a bunch 96:09 of balloons in the middle it's going to 96:10 be awesome 96:11 if they're in if they're stuck in the 96:13 middle it's going good there we go 96:16 upgrade banana farms oh [ __ ] yeah i 96:17 forgot about that yeah okay i'll do that 96:19 i need 20 more thousand dollars though 96:21 late game you 96:22 you'd make like no money 96:26 geez too many subs finn do you like 96:27 apples i like apples a lot 96:30 i like apples an awful lot why is the 96:34 donut thing not working bro i'm so upset 96:36 dude 96:38 streamlabs brokey dude um 96:42 yeah i want to go on some media share 96:43 but i just can't do it if i turn media 96:45 [ __ ] off and i'll eat 96:47 oh damn oh twitch is currently 96:48 experiencing issues it's giving me a 96:50 weird flag down with the socks thanks 96:51 for five good subs 96:53 i'm trying to get this to work it ain't 96:55 going out thank you 96:56 pug hell yeah how who else got it 96:59 official mo 97:00 official official momo cody 97:03 dummy they've dummy i'm not calling them 97:06 dumb 97:06 their name is actually dummy scott 97:09 russell and mello got him 97:10 nice congrats guys well done 97:13 congratulations on your insane luck 97:15 today 97:16 let's upgrade this boy though yeah look 97:19 at that the splash damage 97:22 there we go twenty more thousand easy 97:25 peasy 97:27 shoes going to have an outage just 97:28 working on it e power thanks for the 97:31 gifted sub 97:32 fin opinion on apples apples are good i 97:34 used to be like 97:36 chronically addicted to apples when i 97:37 was a child did i ever tell you guys 97:39 that 97:39 like oh i'm gonna die okay i didn't die 97:41 i used to like dude i used to eat 97:43 literally a pack of apples a day like 97:46 six 97:47 apples per day like that's kind of just 97:51 all i ate at a certain point in my 97:52 childhood once 97:55 that that's that's true you can ask my 97:57 ask my mom that oh wait 97:59 it did something 98:03 the screen turned white 98:07 no it it's gone for good now 98:13 yep it's gone it was half working 98:17 and now it's just gone we killed him 98:20 gg streamlabs is dead wait 98:26 where is it where's my thing 98:35 streamlabs is gone 98:45 we killed it we killed streamlabs boys 98:48 we did it 98:49 [Music] 98:51 apples are my right chat 98:58 [Music] 99:01 [Applause] 99:02 [Music] 99:04 [Applause] 99:06 [Music] 99:08 [Applause] 99:09 [Music] 99:12 [Applause] 99:13 [Music] 99:16 [Applause] 99:16 [Music] 99:19 [Applause] 99:21 [Music] 99:23 [Applause] 99:25 oh come on dude 99:28 i still won i still i still kind of won 99:31 like mostly kind of one right 99:36 mostly i won i didn't get around 100. 99:38 i'm gonna say if i gets around a hundred 99:40 i don't do anything i i just straight up 99:42 win round 80 on hard mode is still so 99:45 incredibly easy 99:46 it's just what am i even gonna do it's 99:49 so easy 99:51 gear it's impossible i genuinely don't 99:54 think geared's even possible it's so 99:56 difficult 99:58 spillway let's try this one this one's 100:00 like the hard hard maps 100:05 no wait [ __ ] you i just realized 100:08 let's go let's go i have a hoodie to 100:11 wear let's go 100:13 let's go [ __ ] you i don't care this is 100:15 part of the cosplay 100:17 i'm not cheating in any way this is part 100:19 of it 100:21 come on there we go 100:24 nailed it this is part of the cosplay 100:27 dude 100:28 this is part of the cosplay dude i'm not 100:30 cheating i'm not cheating 100:32 this is part of it i did dude this is 100:35 part of the cosplay 100:36 this is part of the cosplay it's part of 100:38 the 100:39 it's part of the cosplay it's not a scam 100:42 it's not a scam 100:43 this is part of the cosplay this is part 100:45 of it 100:47 i don't know why you guys are upset at 100:48 me i i'm obeying every rule of what you 100:51 guys said 100:52 i'm doing great i'm obeying everything 100:54 i'm doing everything 100:55 just as what you said you wanted 100:59 what's the cosplay it's some off it's 101:02 summer stolfo thing 101:03 i think 101:11 it's got look it's got ears and [ __ ] 101:15 good this is worth it this is good 101:19 we did it we did it read it we did it 101:22 look at that how awesome is that how 101:25 cool and awesome is that 101:27 a stuff always a man with no bobs i know 101:30 but you know they're cool 101:33 i'm unsatisfied 101:39 okay uh what should we okay shall i just 101:42 give you a free skirt 101:45 should i just give you a free skirt 101:51 i have to like i have to go put on like 101:53 underwear though because i haven't 101:54 [ __ ] 101:54 i got out of the shower and started 101:55 streaming so i gotta go do that first as 101:58 well 101:59 um no no that's cheating 102:03 you make a really good point one guy in 102:04 chat i agree 102:06 let's see if we can try this really hard 102:08 map first 102:09 okay let's figure out what is actually 102:11 happening 102:13 so they'll just rotate round the middle 102:16 and they all go out different ways 102:17 yeah okay they rotate around the middle 102:19 for a bit and they'll go different ways 102:20 okay 102:21 and i'm guessing that there's one 102:25 singular spot i can put him in the 102:26 middle 102:30 can i put them can i click on anything 102:34 to make anything happen oh 102:37 oh i can drain the middle i think i can 102:40 drain the middle 102:42 oh okay 102:46 for 2 000 oh okay 102:53 oh dude this feels like a map that i 102:54 have to i this feels like something that 102:56 i have to play 102:59 to to get to figure out a tactic 103:03 okay free dart monkey [ __ ] him off 103:05 anywhere um 103:08 for now i guess just this boy right i 103:11 can always replace him 103:13 this on chimps would be nearly 103:14 impossible 103:17 okay this is my strat media chef oh 103:20 big chunky boy what's happening 103:24 is it fixed oh 103:28 oh oh 103:34 hold on 103:38 it worked it worked it totally worked 103:43 it totally worked it's working again 103:45 boys 103:48 electric avenue gonna rock down to 103:52 okay it works now media shares working 104:07 [Music] 104:21 with a green head goblin okay 104:25 easy this guy can just tank up to like 104:27 round 20 something 104:34 just get it you're distracting me 104:38 [Music] 104:44 that's pretty good that's pretty good 104:47 holy [ __ ] media show works this is 104:56 [Music] 105:00 awesome 105:07 oh i i'm the vibing cat i like it 105:14 hey 105:20 i'm one of you what the [ __ ] why is it 105:23 asking me to pick the next video 105:26 like like i was controlling it dude the 105:29 media [ __ ] 105:42 what the [ __ ] okay i guess that didn't 105:45 really work too well 105:46 uh i don't know what okay i'm gonna 105:47 spend my two grand on this necromancy 105:49 may be legal in syria 105:51 but few will openly admit to no i don't 105:54 have to use guild has banned it 105:58 farewell dude 106:02 dude look i did it but he didn't do [ __ ] 106:06 [Music] 106:07 he didn't do anything 106:12 i have to unlock all of them oh 106:15 [ __ ] 106:18 that's bad farewell 106:23 okay this this is bad i'm leaking some 106:27 dude i'm leaking so i've 106:29 no it's over dude [ __ ] it's over it's 106:31 over 106:33 did i stutter 106:40 no 106:48 uh [ __ ] that's not how you spoken 106:55 okay we got banana oh man i'm crying bro 106:59 oh [ __ ] me too bro 107:01 [Music] 107:05 oh my god it's really hard to uh fake 107:08 art just make that hard 107:19 [Music] 107:20 ah ah 107:24 fine you get a skirt fine 107:27 yep fine 107:34 give me a minute give me a minute give 107:36 me a minute give me a minute 107:39 give me a minute give me a [ __ ] god [ __ ] 107:42 [ __ ] piss 107:54 what's that 108:14 is she 108:18 oh my god 108:42 sorry minx is on the phone i just 108:45 stepped in water 108:46 oh god 108:50 oh damn 109:19 oh damn 109:46 okay okay buddy i've listened to minx 109:49 just 109:49 i've listened to marisa just yelling at 109:51 minks i 109:52 i'm i'm in i'm in this i'm in the skirt 109:54 now i did it 109:56 i'm i'm in the i'm in the stealth oh 109:58 thing but oh 109:59 now i gotta [ __ ] sort my chair out 110:01 because i want to sit on something 110:02 that's 110:03 oh god it's not wet by the way 110:07 garbage oh damn 110:11 hi i'm in the skirt now 110:15 down socks thank you so much for 110:17 donating god damn it 110:22 wrong skirt what that's the right skirt 110:24 this matches the outfit 110:26 this is the this is what do you mean 110:28 this wouldn't mat this one wouldn't 110:30 match 110:32 this one wouldn't match though 110:35 see it doesn't it doesn't match you 110:38 don't want me to wear that 110:39 it doesn't match 110:43 it doesn't match so that would be bad 110:46 it doesn't match the outfit it's not 110:48 part of the cosplay 110:50 chat 110:55 doesn't matter we want short 111:00 hold up let's see if i can like put it 111:02 on under the skirt and then 111:04 take off this one 111:08 it's going to be too small again it's 111:11 going to be too small again hold on 111:13 it's going to be way too small again i 111:14 guarantee it one sec oh damn just in 111:17 case i [ __ ] this up 111:18 damn what don't what the [ __ ] why is 111:20 everyone gifting so many subs today 111:22 oh that's why uh [ __ ] is it the same 111:24 [ __ ] 111:30 okay we got banana oh man i'm crying bro 111:36 [Music] 111:40 the skirt does not fit fake 111:46 this skirt does not even remotely fit me 111:49 not even not even close 112:01 what is that also i'm done also i i did 112:04 the thing i did the thing by the way 112:06 i did that i'm in that skirt i'm in that 112:08 skirt but it doesn't fit 112:09 maybe just take the skirt off then i 112:12 mean dude 112:13 it's it's a thing it just don't fit 112:16 too good now i want to pull it up but i 112:20 can't 112:20 really it's short as [ __ ] 112:25 dangerous dangerous score danger scored 112:29 dangerous shorts 112:32 dangerous short short too 112:36 short 112:40 let's keep the glasses off for now i 112:42 think ryder 112:45 dengar start 112:54 okay right buddy do a spin you're insane 112:57 you're actually insane it doesn't match 112:59 sound now though i'm aware 113:01 you guys are nuts okay right listen 113:06 i've now got a new strategy for doing 113:07 this um 113:10 adora doesn't fit on this barrel i 113:13 didn't know that 113:14 i really thought she would 113:17 so my only idea 113:20 i can't put anything anywhere else right 113:24 oh dude this is impossible 113:28 i've got to get one guy that's just 113:29 going to tank everything so 113:32 yeah my only thought really is just to 113:36 [ __ ] 113:38 is just to rely on this guy and just 113:41 upgrade top path 113:42 for ages is this game hard i've only 113:45 seen 113:46 otv people play it uh offline tv 113:50 played it or different what is otv but 113:54 top attack path dude the attack shooter 113:57 no way 113:59 no no no i'm relying on like seeking 114:01 shuriken it's gotta get like 114:03 a lot of them well maybe 114:06 [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna now i'll see how 114:10 this goes i'm gonna use my strategy i'm 114:11 gonna use this i'll see if i die 114:16 because i know for a fact that the next 114:17 i there's gonna be something that you 114:19 guys want after this 114:20 i'm gonna do the [ __ ] hair things you 114:22 know there's gonna be something 114:25 oh damn there it there's the two bows 114:29 right 114:30 and then there's the thing but it 114:31 doesn't match the outfit 114:33 also why are you gifting so many subs 114:36 and thank you 114:37 where did the tail where did the time 114:39 tail go i don't remember i think i got 114:41 rid of that 114:42 um wait no did i no it's in the other 114:44 room somewhere 114:48 media oh [ __ ] yeah i forgot about that 114:50 whoopsie 114:54 there's like two media shows fine i 114:55 didn't miss out on time 114:58 wait is it what there we go 115:01 is it goofing again no it's not okay 115:02 we're good 115:05 what if it made cameos oh wow look i'm a 115:08 computer 115:09 i'm a computery guy 115:13 everything made out of buttons and wires 115:28 oh maybe you could help us answer this 115:31 question 115:32 nasty what is the biggest i'm very 115:35 clever 115:37 nice i remember when that show freaked 115:39 the [ __ ] out of me 115:40 that that scared the hell out of me when 115:42 i was killed 115:54 hey you're so [ __ ] 116:09 dude are they all made by the same guy 116:13 i don't know if they're all made by the 116:14 same guy 116:20 ready should we do this together i'm 116:21 genuinely oh [ __ ] upgrades 116:23 bam bam easy okay that should be fine 116:26 now i might be able to start getting rid 116:28 of these watch this ready 116:30 ready three 116:33 and that's one of the things that will 116:34 get cut out of the video yeah 116:38 but it [ __ ] didn't oh my edits is 116:41 annoying 116:42 as hell i'm gonna put a door down just 116:45 there i guess there's nowhere else to 116:47 put her 116:48 oh should i just save her oh gotta put 116:52 it down 116:52 oh that could have screwed me really 116:54 badly okay good thing i had access to 116:56 that 116:58 oh my god you're gonna get wrecked by 116:59 lead balloons again i didn't because i'm 117:00 smart 117:02 do you have range just have range but 117:05 it's not great 117:06 oh okay um i'm gonna start taking this 117:10 away 117:12 oh my god okay this is all i have is 117:15 just taking this away 117:17 that's it maybe maybe maybe a monk maybe 117:21 the sniper monkey i guess 117:23 you got lucky bro i did maybe this knife 117:25 monkey downward socks just got a hundred 117:27 gifted subs all together 117:28 holy [ __ ] congrats my guy and thank you 117:31 thank you a lot 117:32 bing bong hell yeah he gifted 72 of 117:35 those today 117:36 so thanks that's nuts sniper monkey 117:39 doesn't work it 117:41 relatively does it's okay bing bong bing 117:44 bong 117:46 uh use three sniper pass or one or one 117:49 of them 117:52 oh [ __ ] i just thought no i should be 117:54 fine for camo 118:06 oh there we go okay one more one more i 118:08 just need two grand more 118:09 and then i can actually open up the 118:10 inside this has cost me eight thousand 118:12 dollars come on 118:16 one more thousand come on four hundred 118:20 or four inches let's go now 300 200 100 118:22 come on 118:23 bam area give me some stuff come on 118:27 drain it 118:33 what 118:41 what 118:46 what what 119:00 what 119:06 was it literally just i can play stuff 119:08 here 119:10 boats oh line of sight 119:19 i'm an idiot i'm an idiot 119:34 [Music] 119:41 devil in the skies men 119:46 men don't have the most area there hell 119:49 yeah do i love 119:50 men 119:54 [ __ ] sake okay more trash talk please no 119:57 please no 119:58 stop distracting me i'm doing good why 120:00 didn't no one tell me that that was what 120:02 that was 120:02 why did no one tell me i thought that 120:04 was gonna drain the middle of it 120:10 [ __ ] 120:14 god damn it why that was awful 120:24 ah okay i guess i have boats i guess 120:27 this is fine 120:29 you know what i'll do i'll sell the top 120:30 ones and i'll get the i'll get a 120:32 submarine because you guys keep saying 120:33 submarines are better 120:39 okay what was it was it 2 120:42 5 204 120:45 oh jesus christ range 120:50 oh range buddy okay maybe for this map 120:53 it's not all that useful but still 120:57 oh my god they're expensive though 121:00 wait what the [ __ ] i swear to god that 121:01 chain oh 121:04 weird okay thought you realized earlier 121:08 no you're still in just chatting 121:11 i know but i i'm kind of just chatting 121:13 normally 121:14 this is i'm just using this as a 121:16 distraction 121:17 okay cannon ship uh yeah 121:22 i'm trying to go with the method that 121:24 you guys suggested here 121:26 i guess these are better i think you 121:28 said 121:29 i'm a piercing dart i haven't got to 121:31 that point yet though 121:32 let me get the destroyer destroy is good 121:36 three destroyers and then i've got some 121:38 of those 121:40 oh god what have you done 121:46 i don't i believe i'm understanding this 121:48 twitch is still 121:49 experiencing some issues apparently 121:53 was the s t or outfit for the ac season 122:12 it is the same guy it is the same dude 122:15 that's the same guy 122:17 oh [ __ ] okay 122:20 i need to be on this guy's radar 122:24 some good songs okay 122:31 there we go there we go there we go got 122:35 it got it 122:35 i got it i'm winning i'm winning now i'm 122:37 actually going to win this and you guys 122:38 going to be so upset 122:40 you guys are going to be so you're going 122:41 to look so dumb you're going to look so 122:43 dumb and so 122:44 stupid when i win and you're gonna look 122:47 dumb 122:48 you're gonna look so dumb oh man i can't 122:50 wait you guys are gonna look stupid when 122:52 i win 122:55 try to float with xqc oh i've been 122:57 trying for days 123:01 x for doubt no you're gonna look dumb 123:06 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh 123:09 [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh 123:11 [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 123:27 [Music] 124:05 [Music] 124:07 nailed it what was that about you 124:10 winning and us looking dumb again 124:12 uh i haven't won yet but i'm almost 124:13 there i'm gonna win it's fine i'm i'm 124:15 almost there 124:17 that bit got edited out the video so 124:19 it's fine 124:25 sorry you what you were saying i didn't 124:26 hear you 124:28 what's happening scam i don't know i 124:30 don't know why you'd say that 124:32 i don't know why you'd say scam that 124:35 sounds like it that doesn't sound right 124:36 to me that didn't sound correct in my 124:39 opinion 124:41 i'm just a humble man playing some 124:43 balloons tower defense 124:44 why must you why would you be so mean to 124:50 me 124:52 i don't know why you'd say something 124:54 like that 124:58 i'm gonna humble bloons man balloons 125:01 tower but i'm 125:03 i'm playing blue 125:21 i'm not reading chat i'm not reading the 125:22 chat i'm oh [ __ ] 125:27 i i shouldn't have read the chat 125:32 i shouldn't have read the chat i 125:34 shouldn't have read the chat i don't 125:35 know why okay listen 125:37 let's let's try and do like let's try 125:39 and complete this a bit i guess 125:42 there's like these uh there's these bows 125:45 right 125:46 do you put in your hair should we try 125:48 and complete this a little bit 125:51 okay there's also this 125:54 there's this little kerchief 125:57 thing that goes on on me i believe 126:02 the back of the skirt the back of the 126:03 skirts [ __ ] did you see it 126:06 it just it does not fit brush your hair 126:09 okay hold on all right 126:11 oh [ __ ] what have you done media shares 126:13 just like bugging 126:15 i'll fix it in a in a moment 126:19 don't worry i would never be mean to you 126:22 pause the game 126:27 thank you okay double down 126:31 talking because you scammed us no bro is 126:33 that a wet 126:34 a wet brush it's not a wet brush but 126:37 it's a wet brush 126:39 i guess so it's not my brushes maurice's 126:42 i'm borrowing it because mine apparently 126:43 fell out of a window or something 126:45 so there is that oh 126:51 it's talking time why do you want me to 126:53 talk why do you hate me so badly 126:55 why do you why do you want this why must 126:57 you try and hurt me 127:02 where does it go on my head like there 127:09 this is just wait which way is up 127:17 which way is up for a bow 127:20 is it that way is it is it that way or 127:23 is it or is it that way 127:28 one or two which one was the right one 127:30 no idea 127:38 is it is it 127:47 it is yeah did i do this right i can't 127:51 tell if i did 127:52 long parts down i didn't do it right 127:54 then [ __ ] okay 127:55 all right like like there 127:59 where would this be like there 128:04 okay [ __ ] and then this one goes 128:08 like wait 128:12 like there wait like like there 128:17 [Music] 128:19 i tried your energy 128:25 so you should wear the leather pants 128:29 wait 128:32 like there wait hold on i wait like 128:36 wait like uh 128:39 wait like that 128:45 wait like 128:48 like the ah [ __ ] wait 128:52 like 128:56 wait like there wait like that 129:01 that also doesn't look right like there 129:03 way like there 129:05 like there um 129:10 and then this thing is equally scuffed 129:16 because i've got to do this [ __ ] 129:18 manually 129:20 because i got to do like wait it goes 129:23 like 129:24 it goes like this right and then it's 129:27 [ __ ] 129:29 and then it's [ __ ] um 129:33 and this you do you [ __ ] wait 129:38 wait and then you just put the hold on 129:41 let me shove this through there 129:47 and then let's 130:07 [Music] 130:12 and then and then how what okay what do 130:15 we and then 130:16 we do [ __ ] wait did i let go of this 130:19 no wait okay it got this folds 130:23 i'm looking on the i'm i'm looking at 130:24 the cosplay 130:26 and i 130:29 i believe it goes in the side of this 130:35 like that and i just [ __ ] 130:39 is this 130:51 do i look good is this is this good is 130:54 this what you wanted 130:58 [Music] 131:23 i did it 131:27 [Music] 131:36 okay 131:40 [Music] 131:42 did i do it this cosplay is weird i 131:45 think i did it 131:46 um i mean 131:49 seeing boobs with this cosplay is weird 131:51 yeah you're right hold on can i like 131:52 hold on 131:57 boobless wait well besides a padded bra 132:00 but 132:01 yeah i still got a padded bra on one sec 132:04 can i somehow take this off without 132:07 doing anything this is the travesty no 132:09 bro boober or no boober 132:11 one one bubble no bob bubble no bob bob 132:15 what do you want 132:18 hold on 132:24 bob yes 132:27 no go 132:30 vote vote my children go vote 132:34 vote on it 132:39 what would you oh [ __ ] god damn it 132:43 no bob pit piece of piss bow 132:47 this bow has a [ __ ] i hate it 132:51 on the record this bow's a little [ __ ] 132:53 there we go nailed that [ __ ] 132:55 now this one looks worse that one looks 132:57 way better now well [ __ ] 133:00 okay 133:04 wearing headphones seems to defeat the 133:06 purpose 133:07 ah [ __ ] i'm gonna change my sounds 133:12 what about makeup well we haven't i 133:13 haven't died yet 133:15 i haven't died again yet so let me 133:17 quickly do a thing 133:21 uh [ __ ] i gotta tab out one sec oh [ __ ] 133:27 [Music] 133:28 uh 133:32 okay there we go where's my sound 133:33 settings 133:36 bam there we go 133:41 is this working i feel like this is 133:42 working now 133:44 no offense but are you straight i am 133:56 boober 134:00 okay i don't know how well this is gonna 134:02 be uh 134:03 done but let me i'm gonna put boobs on 134:06 one sec 134:07 i'm doing boober oh bob i'm doing 134:12 how did this start long story fella 134:18 oh yeah i'm gonna go win this now hold 134:19 on because you guys kept doubting me for 134:21 some reason 134:22 oh i can upgrade look at that 134:30 these ones first 134:40 okay i'm pissing darts that's got to be 134:42 good right 134:43 they're expensive as [ __ ] they're like 3 134:45 000 a piece so they've got to be good 134:47 right 134:48 they must be good they're expensive as 134:52 heck 135:02 red balloons 135:09 oh [ __ ] dude that was nuts 135:18 there's so many of them there's so many 135:20 of them okay there we go we've got a 135:22 tier four on this 135:24 dude how is this possible how can amod 135:27 us be everywhere it didn't work 135:31 wait wait wait that one just said kw i 135:33 don't know what the [ __ ] 135:36 i'll accept all of them there we go 135:38 there we go next upgrade on there 135:40 bam insane now i just need to upgrade 135:42 all of the rest of them 135:50 that was it 135:55 oh wait i can't play this it's joji [ __ ] 135:57 he's i'm gonna get [ __ ] copyright 135:58 striked 136:02 i would you [ __ ] up 136:23 [Music] 136:32 [Music] 136:34 welp he's tucking 136:38 why why must you do this to me 136:43 i why must you do this to me i go 136:46 through 136:47 i go through all of this i and now it 136:50 now it now tucking 136:53 you're you're insane 136:58 i 137:02 why is there a solid toilet paper roll 137:05 in the toilet 137:06 what just solid cardboard in the toilet 137:11 i don't know halfway flushed i don't i 137:14 don't know 137:14 i was gonna relieve myself on the toilet 137:18 but there's an entire toilet roll just 137:20 in there 137:22 i i don't want to fish it out well 137:26 yeah but like tweezers 137:30 i don't i don't want to fish out the 137:33 toilet roll 137:34 it's it's very submerged what you're 137:37 telling me is there's 137:38 the cardboard bit of the toilet paper 137:40 roll you put it in there 137:41 it's in the toilet yeah deep in there 137:44 why i don't know i didn't do it i didn't 137:47 do it maybe the wind blew it in 137:48 maybe probably there's a big window open 137:52 next to the toilet paper roll 137:54 well yeah technically i did open the 137:56 window 137:59 just scoop it up dude i'm not getting in 138:01 there there's also your 138:02 your p in there my p's in there your p 138:05 and the third roll and i'm not flushing 138:07 your p 138:08 because then the toilet roll goes get 138:09 like a um 138:13 you don't want to use your hands for it 138:15 no mouth 138:17 yeah no i can't get my head down there 138:20 true you got a big head 138:23 you got long hair too it will drip in 138:25 there i do have longer hair 138:27 um what about like 138:31 like you know like when old people just 138:34 like crash like 138:35 the gripper oh no i don't have that 138:37 because i'm not i'm not 90. 138:40 no i don't have a gripper you could use 138:42 one of the plastic bags and like 138:44 i'm not finishing it with the plastic 138:45 bag that's just going to drip everywhere 138:48 um you lost 138:52 yeah that one gets you that's the one 138:56 i lost yep round 78 dude it [ __ ] 139:00 it got me yeah so what are we gonna do 139:05 um i'm not i don't i don't want to plan 139:07 on flushing the cardboard because then 139:08 we have 139:09 two star toilets 139:13 it's a toilet paper roll just use this 139:18 it's a knife it's a utility just scoop 139:21 it dude yeah but then 139:22 when i scoop it how do i move it to the 139:25 trash without dripping all over the seat 139:27 and the floor 139:31 quickly quickly yeah then it's going on 139:34 the wall 139:36 throw it out the window i don't know how 139:39 do you expect i can solve this 139:41 problem for you on the fly stop on your 139:43 [ __ ] window like the 139:45 glass what why why now of all times 139:48 do you think this is this is where i'm 139:50 going to be able to help you fish a 139:51 toilet paper roll 139:52 out of the toilet this is my best 139:54 solution having to 139:56 urinate this is my best solution knife 139:58 it's a scoopy knife 140:00 i'm going to leave this here no i'm 140:02 going to spin the chair around here 140:04 because i don't want to be the stream 140:05 and this is my best solution 140:09 that's my that's my solution i'll take 140:11 your tweezers 140:12 you're not going to use my tweezers on a 140:14 toilet paper toilet 140:16 roll who put it in here 140:19 i know the god god god did 140:25 okay final offer move the trash can next 140:28 to the toilet 140:31 don't no not my gamer subs please not my 140:34 gamer stops using code eagle 140:36 or code meow if you want to support 140:38 transgender people 140:42 stop 140:55 i did it anyway i spit mostly towards 140:58 you 140:59 i'll try to find a solution if not then 141:02 that's on you 141:03 you gotta go fishing i'm sorry this is 141:04 such a scuffed stream 141:06 this is so incredibly scuffed 141:09 the goddammit 141:17 i've never swallowed anything yeah yep 141:22 code eagle yeah or code meow 141:26 you can use coke meal too you get more 141:28 off 141:30 and you support a good cause i watched 141:32 it just flinch as soon as i turned 141:34 around she was like 141:35 oh god it's not a good cause it's you 141:40 yeah i'm a good guy you're not a good 141:42 cause i'm a good cause if you support me 141:43 you are supporting trans 141:45 transgender individuals if you're 141:46 supporting me 141:49 you are throwing away you're throwing 141:50 away i agree but it's really cool 141:52 um 141:56 you need to learn to spit better than 141:58 you swallow 142:00 i spit pretty good actually i think i 142:02 got some good range on that 142:16 that's good range i got good range good 142:19 mouth power 142:22 scuffed is an understatement hold on 142:26 will you turn on media show again 142:31 how do i do this 142:36 my god what this is a pile of wet 142:39 clothing outside your door 142:42 what the [ __ ] it's a trap 142:45 so you don't get him so you don't come 142:47 in my room 142:49 i'm playing mine i'm playing balloon 142:51 style defense 142:58 hush child okay i'm looking at memes get 143:02 out of it 143:08 that's just upsetting that's not even 143:11 funny 143:12 that's like a solid 2008 meme i guess 143:25 yeah look at this [ __ ] goat 143:42 this clip with no like context 143:46 is that it and mom fight 143:50 moment okay 143:53 tuck time tuck time tuck time 143:56 tuck time tuck tuck tuck tuck 144:00 time talk time cameraman running 144:04 way faster dude okay let me play this 144:07 [ __ ] 144:09 oh it's the guy 144:13 where's his face i want to see the exact 144:16 moment 144:19 i think we already have it 144:26 okay right 144:30 eight months let's go pog what do i love 144:34 dicks love you dicks 144:40 oh [ __ ] i goofed that one eh 144:45 uh so i did my makeup so good that day 144:49 yeah look okay my waistline is kind of 144:51 the same i i use this 144:52 great tactic of just wearing a skirt 144:54 here the right 144:56 right belly button line you know great 144:58 tactic 144:59 all right [ __ ] it let's like 145:03 okay we're good media show good right 145:07 let's do it let me go talk this [ __ ] 145:09 finn's getting around the face because i 145:10 gained weight i'm like heavy now i gotta 145:13 lose it all right give the techno blade 145:17 with 145:17 what am i supposed to do with all of 145:19 this hair dude i'm not gonna manage to 145:21 hide this [ __ ] somehow under a wig 145:25 like there's no shot bucko okay 145:30 i'm gonna avoid doing makeup at all 145:32 costs today i promise you i will 145:34 at the three hour mark i'm calling it 145:36 quits okay 145:38 right let me be rb i'm gonna go get i'm 145:41 gonna go get the thing i'm gonna go get 145:42 tucked 145:44 wig cap i have done a wig cap but like 145:46 dude it looks insanely dumb 145:48 i cannot make it work with this much 145:51 hair 145:53 all right play ad you want an ad you 145:55 want an ad hey guys you want an ad hey 145:57 guys you want an ad should we see if an 145:59 ad actually works today do you want an 146:00 ad 146:02 oh god 146:05 i played the ad right as i did that by 146:06 the way for the people that didn't get 146:07 an ad 146:08 all right one sec prp 146:12 let me uh let me turn off my first 146:13 camera real quick good 146:15 talk time 147:17 all right 148:05 why is that white clothes right outside 148:07 my room reason 148:09 that's why i've just 148:17 hi there i've just been told that if i 148:20 turn around you can just straight up see 148:21 my ass 148:22 like this this shirt this skirt is so 148:25 incredibly short it's just i if i turn 148:29 around 148:30 you can just see my whole ass apparently 148:34 cool good to know um showers 148:37 no i am wearing underwear so it's fine 148:40 but no 148:41 put on a proper skirt i asked for that i 148:44 did that and then everyone got mad at me 148:46 so i guessing that i'm guessing that's 148:48 not gonna be a thing 148:51 ah [ __ ] 148:54 oh [ __ ] cover it with the larger skirt i 148:57 wanted a larger skirt 148:58 but no apparently not apparently that's 149:01 not a 149:01 apparently that's not okay 149:05 god damn it also how did i lose i was on 149:08 round 78 i had that [ __ ] in the bag bro 149:13 i'm gonna go with you guys your guys's 149:15 thing 149:16 this was your this was your plan by the 149:18 way 149:20 this was your plan 149:33 man you guys are really good at this 149:35 game you guys are so good at this game 149:37 what a good plan you guys had what an 149:39 amazing plan you guys had okay 149:41 i know that i knew that wasn't gonna 149:43 work okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna 149:44 go 149:46 i'm gonna go with [ __ ] pro plays from 149:48 chat i'm still gonna go dude the only 149:50 good way i'm doing this is like 149:52 with this [ __ ] guy he's the best 149:57 don't read this out loud hi i dissed you 150:00 but you missed it 150:01 i didn't see it i'm sorry 150:07 wasn't it a donation how was i supposed 150:08 to see it 150:14 necromancer yeah that would be a decent 150:16 idea but i can't your voice goes up when 150:18 you tuck wait what you no it doesn't 150:24 i wasted 10 grand last time on like 150:27 the on on getting rid of all of these 150:30 and i didn't need to 150:32 the only thing i can imagine 150:35 maybe line of sight for a [ __ ] for 150:37 something else 150:38 like i don't know like 150:42 what's got a ton of range 150:45 oh 150:53 hmm 150:58 this dude that dude 151:02 he'll do good plop a door at as 151:05 close as you can get maybe there 151:10 now best option 151:13 there okay so you can see through walls 151:14 as well so it doesn't really matter 151:17 okay fin if you get two zero zero subs 151:20 you need to remove barriers 151:22 but you don't need to remove the 151:23 barriers you can hit in the circle 151:26 i don't believe that's true 151:29 i don't believe that to be true either 151:30 way i'm getting one on the side so i'll 151:32 i'll test it out 151:43 allows long-range targeting of okay 151:44 let's try it out hold on 151:49 oh god this is going to be a risk is it 151:52 too big of a risk 151:56 yeah i'm gonna get with this thing first 151:58 i'm gonna grab this boy and then i'll 152:00 upgrade that boy i don't want to lose 152:01 again i really don't want to lose again 152:02 dude i really don't want to lose 152:04 my internet died but he looks 152:05 uncomfortable did he did he do the 152:07 tucking yes 152:08 um we can now afford to do this oh that 152:10 wasn't i'm glad i did that plan so i 152:12 didn't lose 152:14 yeah you're insane look see all this 152:17 being read 152:18 god damn it it's fine i need to get 152:21 those upgrades anyway 152:23 what 152:28 arrow point aeroplane 152:31 oh [ __ ] airplane 152:37 forgot about these infinite range buddy 152:41 i forgot about this oh my god i used to 152:44 love this tower 152:46 i used to love this tower it's awesome 152:49 let's get up this guy all the way up 152:51 though 152:54 i know why i did that though i don't 152:56 know why i bought that that was a 152:57 terrible terrible plan 152:58 put the glasses back on like the glasses 153:03 poetry dissing is my thing because i 153:05 don't believe in 153:07 kissing you can be a wait you can be it 153:10 be an ego but you can't be a roll of 153:12 toil tp out the toilet 153:14 open a window and a breeze is going to 153:16 blow up your skirt tucking underwear as 153:18 seen by the stream 153:20 what will finn do if cow goes moo and 153:22 hops out the bun 153:24 i don't know if that's poetry that just 153:26 sounds like words 153:29 not to say that it's bad but it's not 153:32 good 153:34 move bows to headphones i can still hear 153:36 you you can donate i still hear you dude 153:38 i 153:38 hear everything going on if the media 153:40 shares happen it works 153:42 watch this i hear everything i hear all 153:44 it's just playing out my monitor 153:48 whenever it works hold on 153:53 there we go this is just gibberish you 153:55 know this is just 153:56 a random word generator 154:00 okay 154:08 [Music] 154:11 okay uh okay i've got that boy all the 154:14 way upgraded let's get these now 154:16 center path easy that should do some 154:19 pretty significant damage now but i 154:21 really want this 154:22 this is the big one this is just 154:24 infinite range it's perfect for me 154:28 i want the bottom one which is 2 300 154:31 and i've got i'm almost there i'm a 154:33 thousand away 154:34 oh 500 away holy [ __ ] i got a lot of 154:36 money there 154:37 almost there bonk there we go 154:42 now oh 154:45 lead balloons please the next one's the 154:47 spectre which is 154:48 real expensive yes i'm a sim 154:56 sniper monkey oh you [ __ ] 155:01 i just didn't do it oh 155:05 [ __ ] it just didn't do it he just didn't 155:07 do it welcome to the battle of sterling 155:10 let's meet the leaders 155:25 he's brian he's brian 155:28 he's brian i i like brian 155:32 brian's pretty cool he's the he's the 155:34 most normal of all of them 155:37 brian's like the gym you know like that 155:39 the one character that's just meant to 155:40 be the normal one 155:42 so that the rest of them can look dumb 155:44 comparatively it's that 155:46 he's that okay now i just wait i guess 155:50 like all of these are fine i just need 155:53 five thousand dollars 155:56 oh damn and then i can start wrecking 155:59 [ __ ] 156:01 i'm gonna grab this boy down here 156:04 and then what just happened oh my god 156:06 weston thanks for the gift thanks for 156:08 the five gifted subs 156:10 lots of money i've just spent on this 156:13 there we go fully almost full upgrade 156:15 that guy 156:18 um poor now 156:23 [Music] 156:26 okay this is fine i'm gonna win i am 156:27 gonna win this one you guys have doubted 156:29 me so much he's brian 156:31 you guys have doubted me 156:43 oh no oh no oh 156:46 no oh no 156:50 okay oh 156:53 oh i lost i lost a bit of money there i 156:56 lost a bit 156:57 oh [ __ ] okay right we're gonna slow 156:59 everything down 157:00 i some of them got through i don't know 157:03 [ __ ] how 157:11 i don't know how they did that i don't 157:14 know how they did that 157:31 i'm scared 157:36 i'm scared dude i'm scared um [ __ ] 157:40 [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um 157:44 i need something i need something that's 157:46 going to help me out here 157:49 oh my god i don't want to lose again 157:57 i'm on the button for up for dora's like 158:01 if i if i didn't have that upgrade i'd 158:03 be screwed 158:04 that sells for 2.6 000 they also have 158:08 2.6 000. i've got 10 no 158:10 i've got seven and i've got eight 158:13 thousand dollars here 158:15 i've got ten thousand dollars if i sell 158:17 a bunch of stuff if i get to fifteen 158:19 thousand i can get the spectre 158:22 but this dude has popped a lot actually 158:24 maybe i'll keep him 158:29 oh god 158:34 oh this hurts okay it's fine it's fine 158:37 i'm like 158:37 stressed though i'm so stressed 158:42 i'm so stressed i'm so stressed while 158:43 you're are you guys putting your points 158:45 in the chat 158:46 did mystic ass how many okay if i get 158:49 20 000 i can do it 158:54 i think i'm fine i'm like hovering i'm 158:57 hovering over the slow-mo button though 159:01 i might not have to sell the farms 159:06 jesus you guys have so many points that 159:09 guy has fifty one thousand what is that 159:10 verifiable 159:14 three thousand more three thousand or 159:15 three thousand more come on 159:19 i'm gonna use the ability there we go 159:21 cause 159:22 oof i'm just relying on a door 159:26 here buddy there we go 159:29 come on bud 159:32 oh come on i'm 200 away 159:37 yes i got it i got it i got it i got it 159:40 we got 159:41 this vector let's go oh my god 159:45 that is nuts [ __ ] hell 159:53 upgrade that oh my god 159:56 that was peak stress i had that 160:00 that was upsetting i'm a dude 160:04 oh my god that was that was scary that 160:07 was 160:08 really scary jesus christ okay 160:12 um i can't really upgrade this boy 160:14 anymore i reckon the spect is gonna be 160:16 my 160:17 saving grace here so i don't have to do 160:19 any makeup 160:20 uh never miss targeting this is good i'm 160:24 around 64. 160:26 we're it's significant we're having a 160:28 bit more of an issue than last time but 160:30 it's fine 160:39 okay if i put him here i in theory i can 160:43 if i get like another thirty thousand 160:45 dollars i could either get another 160:46 spectre or i could get the uh 160:48 the final upgrade long range monkey 160:51 depends how much money i'm making i 160:52 guess 160:54 i think i'm gonna need to do stuff i'm 160:56 gonna need to upgrade the banana farms 160:57 i can i can for a while i can leave it 161:00 be for a while 161:03 because i'm making quite a lot of good 161:06 good good damage 161:09 i'm upset dude i'm dude i believe in you 161:11 i am 161:12 i know i'm just starting to take this 161:14 really seriously but i i am 161:16 dude i don't want to lose i really don't 161:19 want to lose 161:22 there we go okay we're good we're good 161:26 high school vibes dude it really is 161:28 that's why i like this game so much it 161:29 just reminds me of like back in the day 161:31 when i used to be playing like 161:32 the really old flash game version of it 161:36 what's up gamer 161:40 i'm around 70. i'm gonna win though why 161:43 no betting 161:44 dude start up a bet start up a bet with 161:47 a mod start up a bet whether i 161:48 i win this you're making me stressed out 161:51 so cool 161:52 i know i know 161:59 they do a circle and then they go back 162:01 where they came 162:05 it's quite hard it's one of like the 162:08 really like harder hard levels it's 162:10 ranked hard it's not ranked expert but 162:12 it's ranked hard 162:17 okay flaccid all right 162:23 okay a couple one over there that's fine 162:28 i think so yeah i need to be ready with 162:30 my ability with the door on that one 162:32 or else i'm gonna get screwed 162:40 it's fine i'm doing good it's going 162:42 absolutely 162:43 fine i might want to actually get this 162:45 dude 162:47 just in case if i'm relying on that 162:52 oh okay 162:55 you guys wait you guys are actually 162:56 confident in me 163:02 75 two more rounds and it's the big one 163:11 two more rounds one more round 163:16 come on i just need the second spectre i 163:18 could probably do it 163:23 i don't want to have to use my ability 163:24 this round okay i got the seconds back 163:26 there 163:27 if i get a if i get a spare 3k i'll use 163:30 it on this 163:31 this is the one this one that i lost on 163:34 this is the one 163:35 this is the one if i lose it's here they 163:38 haven't even got through dude they only 163:39 got through 163:41 they aren't even on the screen bro 163:45 they're on the screen okay i got 3k 163:48 i think i've got it i think i've got it 164:02 oh [ __ ] i think i got it 164:05 i think i got it 164:10 i'm stressed dude i'm stressed 164:13 wait we made it past 78. it did it we're 164:16 on 79 now 164:18 we just need one more round and i win 164:21 and this can all be over 164:31 wait why is this 164:50 ah 164:54 i have the magic touch i'm good at this 164:56 game 164:57 i have them 7k points gained yeah that 165:00 was almost a million points gambled 165:02 well done chat well done well done 165:06 well done me everyone give yourself a 165:07 good good pat on the back okay 165:09 you did good 835 000 points 165:14 let's go have we ever gambled a million 165:17 points before 165:20 hey hi 165:27 you got the touch you got the power i do 165:30 i do i do i do 165:32 [Laughter] 165:37 i inhaled hair dude having long hair 165:40 sucks 165:41 this sucks uh okay this is good 165:45 should we do a different should we do a 165:46 different um i got look at that six 165:48 hundred dollars you get as a reward for 165:49 that 165:50 okay let's read a different map 165:54 i i i didn't i did so good 165:57 there's one called cargo yeah these are 166:00 all the advanced maps they're called 166:02 congratulations good work thank you 166:04 thank you thank you at your million 166:06 points 166:07 welcome you're welcome the the the 166:09 [ __ ] astolpho got you got you 166:11 uh uh good good stuff 166:17 well dude expert modes i don't think i 166:20 have unlocked them 166:22 i have unlocked one map oh i can unlock 166:25 i can unlock these apparently hello 166:30 hello dark castle no balls 166:36 on hard mode a normal mode or hard mode 166:40 hard mode castle no okay 166:43 dark castle bro oof where am i even 166:46 gonna put 166:48 oh look at that the range doesn't cover 166:50 the third row 166:53 wait that's like the shortest map 166:56 oh my god that dude i haven't there's no 167:00 way 167:03 this is not winnable 167:06 you can but there's no like you need 167:09 like 167:10 oh dude this is nuts 167:16 dark castle no balls 167:20 not winnable dude it's winnable 167:21 everything's winnable 167:23 it's not winnable bro okay i'm gonna put 167:25 him there i might have to sell him one 167:26 map that we said like an entire day on 167:29 yeah yeah okay this might this might 167:33 i know chat's going to like this because 167:35 it's going to be the 167:36 absolute hardest for me to win 167:41 this is literally dark castle so you're 167:43 going to have you [ __ ] 167:44 get your balls removed yeah look if they 167:48 come down this row 167:50 i've got only this tiny bit of area to 167:53 get them 168:00 oh dude we almost lost immediately there 168:02 okay we must lost some 168:04 points there immediately okay i need 168:06 seeking shuriken numb [ __ ] 168:08 what what the [ __ ] it's round two 168:13 i'm i'm [ __ ] i can't that i there's no 168:15 way 168:17 i'm [ __ ] with this one 168:22 if you think that you can come into my 168:24 house in the middle of the night 168:26 sneak and creep up the stairs 168:30 into my room where i sleep 168:34 pull the sheets off of my bed exposing 168:37 me nude 168:40 and put mexican style spicy hot sauce 168:43 down my weenie hole if you think that 168:47 you can do that 168:47 then we're not gonna be good friends you 168:49 and me 168:53 oh [ __ ] heels heels are my they're 168:56 discussing what i'm gonna do 168:58 literally they're deciding amongst 169:00 themselves what's gonna happen after i 169:02 lose this 169:02 that's how not confident they are in me 169:04 of losing 169:06 i know i'm gonna win this oh 169:11 i don't know why i'd lose this i could 169:13 never 169:16 i'd never lose that's not something that 169:19 would happen 169:22 even though i'm struggling like a few 169:24 rounds in 169:29 make up heels heels make up make up 169:31 heels 169:32 ballet oh [ __ ] those heels dude you're 169:34 not getting me to wear those 169:36 makeup for sure only face makeup 169:40 you mistaken the makeup only gets you 169:42 one piece of makeup at a time buddy 169:46 you got to think of it like that right 169:47 which one would you rather have 169:49 you get one piece of makeup you get like 169:52 concealer 169:54 you gotta think of it like that okay i'm 169:57 gonna throw down cow drops 170:00 because i need something over there or 170:02 else i'm 170:03 screwed okay hmm 170:08 it'd be good if i could get something 170:11 i guess i can use this area for like a 170:13 plane maybe 170:16 i'll just i use it up here oh dude i 170:23 missed i 170:23 these are expensive i forgot centered 170:25 path i guess 170:27 and then 170:31 oh oh [ __ ] i forgot about adora oh no 170:36 i'm stupid 170:37 i should have put it down ages ago no 170:40 oh god that's going to screw me they're 170:43 all talking about what i'm going to be 170:44 wearing after this 170:46 [ __ ] you one i2 of makeup means lip 170:49 stain 170:50 i'm not losing i'm not losing good 170:52 morning all of them 170:54 dudes 170:57 what brush do you use uh like hairbrush 170:59 i i don't know just from random amazon 171:01 brush called tangle teaser 171:06 oh dude they're getting way too close 171:08 for comfort there like they he made it 171:10 right right into my gates 171:14 there you go 171:18 okay the lead balloons was was what 171:19 we're gonna screw me but i've got a door 171:21 for that now that's fine 171:23 what if i win if i win this holy [ __ ] 171:29 okay right i just want this one 171:32 shoots 12 darts at a time that'd be 171:34 really helpful okay 171:36 now that thing i can just leave alone 171:38 that can become a spectrum ballet heels 171:41 ouchie 171:44 it's not gonna happen i don't know why 171:46 they think this is gonna happen 171:48 i'm not gonna lose i'm not gonna lose 171:50 i'm not gonna lose i won't i can't i 171:52 won't lose i won't lose 171:54 i have never lost a game of balloons 171:55 tower defense my entire life i will not 171:56 lose this 171:58 i need to get blue jitsu it's gonna be 172:00 fine everything's gonna be good 172:02 and good and fine it's gonna be great 172:05 best game i've ever played 172:11 he made it out of the range dude 172:14 come on there we go i got blue jitsu 172:16 that's that'll help out a little bit 172:18 oh my god okay i'm gonna sell uh 172:21 means nothing i'm gonna sell him and i'm 172:22 gonna replace him with i need that open 172:24 location for 172:26 a alchemist to buff these two because 172:30 these are my first 172:31 and only line of defense 172:34 they're still talking about what i'm 172:36 wearing oh my god 172:40 this is upsetting i almost think acid 172:42 pool might be a good investment here 172:46 it never is it's just a side add-on but 172:48 it might be because of this the way this 172:49 map works 172:51 i'm at round 3 oh dude the [ __ ] the moab 173:01 how was i supposed to beat that though 173:10 they don't count that as if i continued 173:12 they'd be pissed if i didn't do anything 173:22 right 173:24 oh [ __ ] i'm not doing the tail that's 173:27 just not even on the table by the way 173:30 right what i'm not doing the tail that's 173:33 just not a thing 173:36 okay 173:42 uh 173:48 what else do you guys i'm not doing the 173:49 tail i'm not gonna do the tail or 173:51 anything 173:52 of the sorts okay 173:58 there we go 174:01 i've made a poll i made a poll for you 174:07 in the meantime i'm going to continue it 174:09 because i still want to try 174:10 at this at this i think i might win 174:13 maybe 174:17 [ __ ] how could i even make this worth it 174:25 oh just 174:28 oh my god i just made it like i thought 174:31 i lost and i didn't 174:36 yeah the tail tail's not happening boys 174:38 oh i have an idea 174:39 uh what about what about a frost guy or 174:43 glue what about glue yeah glue 174:48 i'll see which thing wins 174:52 which one was the i usually do 174:55 middle path and then bottom path with 174:57 this 174:59 oh [ __ ] that drain my money i thought 175:01 that was way less expensive than it was 175:02 ah okay 175:09 cannon also i think i'm gonna use a 175:11 cannon here 175:16 go [ __ ] 175:21 i think it's gonna have to be extra 175:24 range 175:26 and bigger bombs 175:30 oh this hurts me 175:35 is am i gonna get [ __ ] up with moabs 175:37 or am i gonna get [ __ ] up with things 175:39 heals what 175:44 heals one 175:47 okay right chat fine 175:52 now you get to do this okay right you 175:55 get to you 175:56 [ __ ] and it wasn't ever gonna be the 175:58 tail and it blocked him now you don't 175:59 have to block the tail by the way you 176:00 don't have to block the term tail but 176:02 i'm not gonna do it you don't have to 176:04 block the term it's still funny 176:07 okay corset oh 176:11 jesus maybe for the next one all right 176:13 um 176:16 heels which ones do you want uh 176:19 right give me the heel options that 176:21 you're after 176:22 pink heels the uh what else 176:30 giant ones 176:34 the the the ballet giant ones 176:37 and then the [ __ ] uh 176:41 one in one inch heels tiny tiny hills 176:47 okay why would you want white ones but i 176:52 mean the white ones are under me 176:54 okay stiletto they're all stiletto heels 177:00 all right ready go 177:06 okay in the meantime let's [ __ ] i'm 177:09 gonna win 177:09 in the meantime i'm gonna win i'm gonna 177:11 win this game it's gonna be fine 177:18 that would be really really expensive to 177:20 get it to moab 177:22 maybe with frag bombs this could be good 177:25 maybe 177:28 i want balloon impact there we go that 177:30 should slow it down i guess 177:32 hopefully blooming impact should freeze 177:35 them as where they stand 177:38 i'm gonna need another one though up 177:40 over here maybe 177:43 no i won't i'll just keep it like this i 177:44 do want another one 177:47 oh that hurt oh my god 177:55 63 63 danger okay 178:02 uh 178:06 yeah i could get a super monkey i'm just 178:07 trying to like slow down the balloons as 178:10 much as i possibly can that's my strat 178:12 if i can slow them all down they're 178:14 [ __ ] giant ones 178:21 what's the what's the ice what's the 178:23 good ice path 178:30 i think finn needs to make an e-girl 178:32 calendar 178:36 roger radius re-freeze that's all i got 178:40 this this is all i got which one's the 178:42 path for ice do you think 178:47 bottom and middle yeah but like which 178:50 one's like which one 178:51 is the good the really good one you know 178:53 which one's the one that i should really 178:55 go 178:55 in on 179:00 because this dude's not doing [ __ ] right 179:01 now 179:05 mid course the championship went from 179:08 dressing finn 179:09 up to torturing finn k ekw 179:12 where are my giant hill marisa can you 179:14 fetch me my giant heels 179:17 i don't know where they are bedroom 179:19 which ones 179:20 the giant black ones with straps and 179:22 [ __ ] on them 179:23 where's my thigh highs because 179:27 this is going to make this a little bit 179:28 more comfortable for me 179:30 if i'm in some or some socks 179:33 in general 179:39 did i have another one of these yep 179:41 those are the ones 179:42 [ __ ] christ i think you look better 179:44 barefoot but oh yeah no me too 179:47 wait what do you have a feet thing no 179:49 you need your feet 179:50 but it looks cute you're welcome 179:54 thank you have a good one i'm just 179:57 trying to see you 180:00 i'm gonna spoil it because i can hear 180:01 you yell no through the wall 180:04 and it spoils the stream okay 180:07 uh okay choke x i'm trying to get some 180:10 there we go i got my i got some fly 180:11 highs it's only because you're not going 180:12 to see them and i want i want to be 180:14 i want to be comfortable in some way 180:17 okay you need to show them i'll show you 180:20 hold on 180:21 i don't use ice often yeah no i'm just 180:23 trying to like 180:24 [ __ ] i'm just trying to alleviate 180:28 some stress 180:28 on the middle monkeys like look at him 180:31 they are having a hard time 180:36 yeah that i'm trying to not not let 180:39 anything through 180:40 okay hold on was barefoot an option 180:45 i mean that would have been do nothing 180:47 yeah 180:49 okay slows them a lot 180:52 okay oh middle path slows them bottom 180:55 path hurts them 180:56 okay that's smart 180:59 but getting xp for this dude is gonna be 181:02 impossible isn't it 181:04 i'm just thunking super glue's like 181:08 the big one but i can't afford that i'd 181:10 rather get spector 181:12 25 000 should i just try and save up 25 181:16 grand you share the bedroom with your 181:17 roommate 181:18 cute three-wink smile i'm just gonna 181:21 have to i think i'm just gonna have to 181:22 save up the money 181:23 i can't really do anything else 181:28 why 63 is fine 181:31 63 is not that bad what the [ __ ] is this 181:34 thing oh it goes over there 181:39 are they doing are they doing bets is 181:41 chat doing bets 181:46 why what there's nothing to buy okay 181:48 hold on i'm 181:49 i'm trying to put on these [ __ ] 181:51 stupid heels i haven't worn these in 181:53 months 181:54 okay next one's the corset oh [ __ ] god 181:58 damn it 182:00 okay let me try and add these 182:05 you're gonna die on level 63 get cluster 182:10 what's cluster like 182:13 oh cluster bomb yeah it's really good 182:17 course it next oh [ __ ] they're trying to 182:20 scare me marisa 182:21 then upgrade 63 63's death wave 182:26 63's death i don't think i've had a 182:28 problem on 63. 182:30 i know it's harder but i don't think 182:31 i've had an issue with it 182:35 i'm not gonna i'm gonna be fine i'm 182:37 gonna win 182:38 okay these are what these are by the way 182:41 what you what you asked for 182:43 i don't know whether it comes across but 182:46 these are [ __ ] i 182:47 you cannot stand up straight in these 182:51 like they're so um i can't see with the 182:54 hair 182:55 they're they're so tall that you can't 182:57 actually like stand up straight 182:59 the only person i get everyone dude 183:02 everyone that comes in the house 183:03 i get them to try on these heels it's 183:05 kind of like a rite of passage 183:07 you know how some houses like uh oh my 183:10 god you know how some houses they like 183:11 have 183:12 why would you do that sorry i'm sorry 183:15 ah dude 183:19 i have to [ __ ] fix my lights now 183:23 razer i walked into 183:31 i blame you for everything bad in the 183:33 world 183:35 is this working this isn't doing 183:37 anything 183:39 wait is this the right room 183:44 alexa set office lights to white 183:50 okay alexa 183:53 turn off office lights why are you 183:54 saying it looks better in dark mode 183:57 alexa okay this looks better 184:00 this looks cute gamer girl gamer girl 184:03 gamer hours 184:04 rgb gamer girl this looks better rgb 184:06 gamer hours 184:09 okay [ __ ] it fine 184:12 all right it is it is very cozy this is 184:15 how i choose to game normally 184:20 well now chad can 184:34 ups ups 184:39 uh is that better with a white screen or 184:43 no 184:48 makes my boobs look awesome all right 184:52 [ __ ] it all right listen here's what 184:55 we're gonna do 184:56 let's try it baby we're proper this is 184:59 this is actually like what a normal 185:00 twitch streamer looks like 185:02 green image but nice move with the 185:03 lights off a comparison 185:06 it is like world war ii and i was 185:09 talking about 185:09 you were talking about world war ii when 185:11 this happened if you 185:13 let the you know if you let the 185:15 oppressor do its thing 185:19 i goofed you i'm sorry i'm sorry marisa 185:24 i'm sorry i just wanted to show 185:26 something i wanted to show my outfit 185:29 i want it 185:34 you didn't have anything for camel metal 185:39 i forgot to buy a tower for it 185:42 no oh my god 185:57 dude dude i'm gonna what dude 186:01 i'm gonna have to um 186:06 i'm gonna dude i'm gonna have to 186:09 do a continue i could have 186:12 easily won this though i just forgot i 186:15 got 30 186:16 14 000 ah 186:21 i lost i lost i forgot i'm stupid 186:27 look this is all i needed to do was buy 186:28 one of these great 186:30 love the streams thank you thank you 186:38 god damn it 186:48 man okay right 186:52 chat what do you want 186:56 [ __ ] what do y'all want 187:00 what do you want in chat while i play 187:01 this 187:03 that's not a thing that's not a thing 187:11 what do you want scam i didn't scam you 187:13 i'm just 187:14 dude this is a whole new thing i'm 187:15 giving you i'm not scamming you i'm 187:17 asking you what you want 187:19 all right why is this media show just 187:22 goofed okay 187:23 what do you want 187:27 corset tail corset corset corset tail 187:30 [ __ ] okay if they ask for corset i'm 187:33 [ __ ] 187:34 uh response uh corset 187:39 one item makeup 187:42 well before chad votes yeah 187:45 if if you vote corset then you just 187:47 cover up the midriff you just cover up 187:49 his belly and his 187:52 just cover up his waist what's the point 187:54 you don't want to see that 187:55 we'll see i can't see it anyway 187:58 they just see it's fine all right 188:04 who knows you don't need to add block 188:05 term tail by the way i don't really care 188:06 about the towel 188:13 uh if it's the better get married or you 188:15 become spinster [ __ ] 188:18 well that is a good pun i hate you 188:22 okay righto brighto buddies uh best idea 188:26 i've had 188:26 we're just doing this the rest of the 188:28 money's just gonna go into getting the 188:30 uh 188:32 this guy how much how many balloons this 188:35 guy popped 8 000 188:37 that's not bad at all 188:42 wait what this one yeah the house 188:47 do you want about the house oh yeah yeah 188:52 no not the bureau where would you need 188:53 that 188:56 uh i haven't needed it yet 189:00 corset 189:03 63 is fine i got it i've got both the 189:05 upgrades on adora it's easy fine 189:07 easy peasy yep uh-huh 189:11 yes 62 almost [ __ ] me 189:16 dude i got that upgrade on that [ __ ] 189:27 i told you and you didn't believe me 189:31 chad if you voted on 63 congrats 189:34 they didn't vote all right get me my 189:37 corset 189:37 fetch me my corset it's not hard at all 189:41 fetch me it's fine fetch me my corset 189:44 do you have a court no i don't want your 189:46 costume fetch is nicer it's high quality 189:48 i bought it in real life 189:49 it's bigger than mine mine's like my 189:52 size 189:53 means you are bigger than 189:58 no 190:03 okay 190:08 i did i started to get clustered but man 190:09 you just said cluster what does that 190:11 mean 190:14 it's bigger than mine we already i tried 190:17 i tried it on me you have smaller waist 190:18 than you no you don't 190:19 i do no you don't i do incorrect as 190:22 always 190:23 no all right 190:27 show the boots okay i'm fine fine you 190:29 can see 190:30 i can't stand in these 190:35 dude why 190:38 i can't stand up straight in him 190:42 oh my god i can't even stand in these 190:45 [ __ ] boots dude why 190:54 hey warden 190:58 god damn those heels are terrible 190:59 they're the worst 191:01 they're so annoying this i can't do 191:04 anything in him i can't move 191:06 all right dude the thing is 191:10 i have no clue where my corset corset is 191:14 like my actual like string 191:18 corset i do not know where the [ __ ] it 191:20 is 191:22 i'm gonna briefly look for it but if not 191:25 i know where my leg waste trainer is 191:26 that 191:26 that's fine as well but either way i'm 191:29 gonna briefly look for it 191:30 i'm not gonna spend too much time on it 191:32 because i'm gonna walk around these 191:33 [ __ ] heels 191:34 so give me a minute um i'm gonna run you 191:37 an 191:38 ad because again apparently i'm supposed 191:40 to do that i'm supposed to be making 191:42 money from this i don't know run an 191:43 ad pace okay for people who didn't get 191:46 an ad 191:47 you're better than everyone else but 191:48 also i'm gonna go [ __ ] try and [ __ ] 191:50 find this [ __ ] brb 191:54 oh my god i can't walk in this [ __ ] 192:16 c 192:35 [Music] 192:38 i come back to say you all are brain 192:40 dead and have no fashion 192:42 sense um comfy boots a corset while 192:46 wearing a crop top really stop thinking 192:49 with your worms 192:51 chat actually incredible shame on all of 192:53 you and i ain't even joking 193:15 it's not yours 193:18 oh my god okay i didn't i genuinely not 193:22 a thought in my mind thought i would 193:23 actually find this thing and i did 193:25 i actually found this [ __ ] corset i 193:28 really did 193:31 no i had pog dude 193:35 i actually did it i actually found it 193:36 look at this i actually found the thing 193:39 i was looking for this for so long and i 193:42 had the sudden 193:43 burst of inspiration 193:46 and i've of where it could be and i 193:48 found it it was there 193:50 i'm insane i'm so smart 193:54 and intelligent [ __ ] how do i open this 194:00 um i haven't got anything to open this 194:04 corset up with 194:04 because every single time i get lazy and 194:06 i don't do it i don't do a bow i just do 194:08 a double knot 194:10 dude you know what is if if the day that 194:13 like one of these straps at the front 194:15 break 194:16 i'm just never getting out the corset 194:18 i'd have to cut myself out of it because 194:19 i always do it wrong 194:21 intentionally wrong but wrong because 194:24 it's 194:24 because i'm lazy 194:29 i'm genuine genuinely just that lazy 194:32 that i would just 194:34 you know it's too easy it's too easy to 194:37 do it 194:39 i'm trying to open it up now i'm trying 194:42 to like 194:42 i'm trying to [ __ ] uh undo this knot 194:45 that i always do 194:47 do i have like a really small brush 194:52 no hmm 194:56 something small read the last oh no 195:05 that was funny although you're dumb and 195:07 you didn't realize that the one teledono 195:09 didn't work 195:11 one guy did also i know wait that didn't 195:13 even show up in chat i don't know how 195:14 you noticed that 195:15 uh john i'm guessing you mean the donut 195:17 by john i come back 195:19 to say you all are brain dead and have 195:21 no fashion sense uncomfy boots plus of 195:23 course orient cropped up really 195:26 stop thinking with your worms chat 195:29 stop thinking with your worms 195:33 i don't even care about the rest of the 195:34 thing you said but the phrase stop 195:36 thinking about 195:37 stop thinking with your worms is maybe 195:39 the funniest thing you've ever said john 195:44 quit thinking with your worms all right 195:47 let me try and get this on uh 195:50 how am i gonna do this also is this 195:53 gonna be comfy 195:55 that's really what i care about um 196:03 let's do it tight you know [ __ ] i 196:05 know 196:06 that's usually how they work all right 196:10 look look at my defeat screen for a 196:11 minute while i do this because i 196:13 partially take my top off in order to 196:16 make this work 196:19 oh my god 196:30 it still an earned win if i just keep 196:32 continuing it 196:33 like i'm still gonna keep continuing 196:37 this thing 196:41 no i mean i'm gonna class it as an 196:43 earned win 196:44 i've i earned the monkey money to be 196:47 able to 196:47 just keep continuing rounds 196:51 i believe that's earned 196:55 i i call that an absolute win 197:16 oh [ __ ] 197:25 yeah in all fairness with a crop top not 197:28 exactly your best 197:31 sense of like uh 197:35 oh my god wait okay chat how tight are 197:37 we going with this 197:39 like how tight exactly 197:45 low we told you uber tight 197:49 very oh my god 197:57 today is a torture stream 198:01 whammon type 198:11 oh my god i did it i'm insane 198:16 i'm insane 198:20 this is insane dude 198:24 oh my god okay let me move my hair 198:28 oh this tire's mary's looking pull 198:32 i don't think she'd be holding it's oh 198:35 my god 198:36 the starters i can pull but it's still 198:38 good 198:39 we did it 198:42 hold on i can still talk 198:50 online chat has no sense of fashion oh 198:53 they don't 198:54 saw a chat i can't bonk anyone i'm on 198:57 vacation 198:57 and i don't know when ill be able to 198:59 service 199:01 you all again love to the wholesome 199:03 peeps in here offline gang love mods 199:05 love to taboring 199:08 warden mystic blue jelana and camway do 199:11 have the best mod team of twitch i do 199:14 they're awesome 199:17 okay hold on my thing is under there 199:22 just generally well my skirt now almost 199:26 fits 199:30 oh my god ready oh 199:34 okay so i just i just 199:38 dude rembon 199:42 if i'm not sitting up straight your boy 199:44 can't breathe 199:46 so i'm good 199:52 hell yeah we're good chat doing awesome 199:55 buddy 199:59 pretty that waistline though oh yeah 200:01 weirdly enough with these corsets you 200:03 usually 200:04 go dude good posture is now good 200:07 posture is mandatory in my stream 200:09 apparently 200:12 alexa turn off his lights on 200:19 didn't work i don't know i don't think 200:20 it works with robot voices 200:23 you tried 200:26 okay oh you do get used to it 200:31 all right you do get used to this you do 200:33 get used to courses after a while 200:35 okay we already settled on the fact that 200:38 we're just doing scuffed 200:40 scuffed cosplay so this is now just a 200:42 torture stream 200:44 shorter short ass skirt tight-ass shirt 200:46 crop top corset 200:48 even for no reason and giant heel 200:51 got it right go 200:57 what do i need right now like what can i 201:00 what can i upgrade that is worth 201:03 upgrading 201:06 this is round 63 still what can i even 201:09 buy 201:10 super monkey maybe 201:24 with knockback and 201:27 that that's got to do it 201:32 that's got to do it that's an expensive 201:36 thing 201:38 i already got a glue guy 201:46 come on 201:50 come on i'm gonna win 201:58 yes okay got it all right my god 202:02 chat why just why i'm disappointed in 202:04 you all 202:11 remember a year ago when you had that 202:12 waste without a corset pizza left 202:14 yeah i need to get back to that imagine 202:16 the waste i could have had with a corset 202:18 that's what i want to do that's what i 202:20 got to get back to dude 202:26 finally putting the uh the [ __ ] 202:29 constant rumors that i'm somehow on hrt 202:31 because i had a round face 202:32 no i gained weight and i told you 202:35 now you've seen it now you've seen the 202:37 the literally the underbelly 202:40 of finn there you go and then we got the 202:42 batarang guy he's op 202:44 okay the the next thing i want to get is 202:46 this done 202:48 and then and then i've go and then i win 202:50 i win if i get inspector 202:52 simple as that 202:58 okay the belly of the beast the belly of 203:02 the beast exactly 203:06 gain rate because of hrt oh that also 203:08 makes sense 203:13 every time i have marisa over i gain 203:14 tons of weight 203:16 like i i always gain like five like 203:19 kilograms whenever marisa comes over 203:21 because i just eat like [ __ ] because i'm 203:23 just not worried about anything 203:28 super monkey first path 203:31 like bottom path and then first path is 203:33 better i 203:34 i still can test that this is really 203:36 good because this thing 203:38 melts moabs and in this map there is no 203:41 time to kill the moabs 203:43 so i'm trying to get them out the way as 203:44 fast as i can i ideally i want another 203:46 one down here actually 203:53 73 oh [ __ ] this one's bad too 204:00 oh oh big guy 204:04 me tony dude hold on okay big guy 204:09 i'm gonna get this as well i'm gonna go 204:12 bottom path on this one 204:14 i just needed to melt those moabs dude 204:21 oh you can remove the trees oh [ __ ] 204:25 i didn't know that 204:28 thank you for telling me what the [ __ ] 204:31 oh my god 204:32 okay that's good to know i guess it 204:35 doesn't help me a ton in all fairness 204:37 but 204:38 yeah i mean it really doesn't help me a 204:40 ton 204:42 i should have put him there is it worth 204:45 selling him 204:47 is it worth the loss 204:50 it is 204:58 oh god that's painful that got really 205:01 far 205:02 knocked back got him okay 205:06 we're good oh my god down with sucks 205:08 thank you for the 10 gifted subs 205:10 how many subs have you gifted today 205:13 man man has no idea on the game he's 205:15 playing i don't 205:16 really don't let's get rid of that guy 205:19 easy 205:21 oh i could have just moved him he's got 205:24 an ability for that 205:25 i'm an idiot 205:59 [Music] 206:08 oh no oh no 206:13 oh no oh god 206:21 i saw nothing you didn't 100 you didn't 206:23 lose 206:24 yeah a tail would finish your scuff look 206:26 no it wouldn't 206:27 bad tail spammed back i'll [ __ ] you 206:38 what can i get what can i agree to 206:41 so i don't do makeup or a tail i'm not 206:43 doing a tail 206:44 it's never gonna happen tell would be 206:47 nice it's not gonna happen 206:49 you know that it's not gonna happen 206:50 eyelashes are you insane 206:53 buddy they're already on 206:57 fine fine fine right 207:01 okay right 207:04 right 207:08 you get one item you get one item of 207:10 makeup 207:12 because i i don't have anything else to 207:14 offer you other than that 207:16 i am like i'm there is i you cut you 207:19 can't 207:21 i i what else is there knee-high sock 207:24 i'm already in knee-high 207:25 boots bruh okay 207:29 you're not gonna do the lip stain dude 207:32 that's not happening 207:36 what which one give me give me items the 207:39 only one you've said 207:40 is um is the is the lips 207:44 i need options 207:49 choker [ __ ] it right fine 207:53 poll what i fine i know what's gonna win 208:00 bright hair what i don't know how 208:18 it's way more even than i thought it'd 208:20 be 208:23 it's suddenly becoming not very even 208:26 [ __ ] 208:27 i'm gonna continue i'm gonna waste all 208:29 my money on this 208:31 i'm i need to beat this [ __ ] level 208:34 what is this cosplay it's barely a 208:36 cosplay 208:37 i do mascara on i can only really do it 208:39 on my bottom eyelashes 208:41 and you wouldn't even notice it on 208:42 camera either 208:45 third boob 208:50 red lipstick red lipstick why would you 208:51 want red well maybe 208:54 lipstin's the right option 209:03 i'm surprised choke is doing so well 209:04 weirdly enough 209:07 all right okay right 209:10 right right right 209:14 handcuffed i i need to still 209:17 buddy i still need to play this game 209:23 all right third poop 209:26 third bob will be funny as [ __ ] all 209:28 right 209:29 no no it's all on pink lips to go with 209:31 the outfit 209:33 ah yep right 209:46 where did i put it oh no i might have 209:48 lost it 209:49 oh no oh guys 209:52 i might have lost it oh no what would it 209:57 what 209:57 whatever would we do oh 210:00 god how awful 210:04 oh no what catastrophe 210:12 what a catastrophe chat 210:15 how terrible is that chat 210:19 you had two lip stains i don't have two 210:20 lipsticks i have one 210:22 i have a pink one oh my god what the 210:26 [ __ ] am i on 210:28 there you go 210:33 all right lip stain one what do we where 210:37 let me try and [ __ ] find it 210:43 i know i know that was a joke that i was 210:45 saying about losing it 210:56 but 211:10 uh 211:15 oh [ __ ] 211:20 wait let me take my glasses off 211:23 wait i might have actually lost this how 211:26 the [ __ ] did i actually do that 211:28 the universe is on my side today 211:35 wait where is it 211:42 i dude i i promise you i 211:45 promise you that i did not 211:48 mean to lose this hold on 212:06 um 212:08 my god this corset 212:20 oh [ __ ] okay 212:23 well 212:29 i don't know where this is i don't know 212:32 where it is 212:33 i genuinely don't i 212:37 i promise you i'm not [ __ ] around i'm 212:40 not like i'm not being i'm not being 212:42 like 212:43 purposefully dumb 212:47 i'm not i didn't move it or anything 212:50 i just don't know where it is 212:53 it's just [ __ ] gone 213:00 it's just gone 213:08 it just gone 213:16 oh and i found it 213:20 i found it you're getting real mad you 213:23 you guys got real mad at me then i guess 213:28 we would trade full lips lipstick before 213:30 makeup oh my god 213:34 hell yeah just do full makeup to avoid 213:37 the scams 213:38 i found it i got it i found the thing 213:41 so i don't have to but god damn it 213:44 i wouldn't have obliged in that anyway 213:48 let me put all of that there i guess oh 213:51 look how like 213:52 my face all blurry now because my camera 213:54 is trying to focus on this 213:56 okay [ __ ] 213:59 let me speed run this in the dark 214:02 because what could go wrong what could 214:05 go wrong 214:07 he says unwilling to acknowledge all the 214:10 things that can go wrong 214:26 um 214:47 how much of this should i put on 215:06 all of it what does that even mean 215:11 the mirror lights up i haven't charged 215:22 it 215:36 okay i think i put 215:40 i think i applied this pretty well for 215:42 being in the dark 215:44 you can't even [ __ ] tell in the dark 215:46 hold on 215:48 right oh now you can god damn it okay 215:52 when it focuses on me again i guess why 215:54 don't i even put this there we go 215:56 [ __ ] it over there that's fine let's see 215:58 if this will focus on me 216:00 oh [ __ ] god 216:10 these are now my lips for the next two 216:12 days 216:14 got it buddy thanks chat you're awesome 216:18 you're amazing chat thank you 216:22 oh my god you're a mix of scuffness with 216:24 that cosplay with 216:26 not much cohesion nothing at all 216:30 this is the [ __ ] torture finn cast 216:34 just plug in you know how much i i you 216:37 know how much money 216:38 i could charge for the plug thing 216:41 i could genuinely ask you for like 216:44 a hundred grand 216:50 and i swear to god i'd get it 216:53 i'm i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do 216:55 the plug though 216:58 god i'm not continuing that game 217:06 all right uh alrighty 217:09 should i do another like is there even 217:11 an advanced one that's not this 217:17 ah god 217:23 [Music] 217:25 which one i haven't done i haven't done 217:27 underground 217:28 apparently this one's good yeah torture 217:32 whoa 217:32 torture baby all right 217:37 [ __ ] it put this guy there and 217:41 can i just go with that can i make 217:44 can i make all the money just for a dora 217:47 and i don't even have to waste anything 217:49 [Music] 217:52 just to a clip and tail to shut him up 217:56 yeah that's a good point actually i 217:58 don't know where it is though 218:03 bigger boobs oh god 218:08 the charger for the mirror plug was the 218:11 mirror 218:12 oh yeah that's what you mean 218:15 i get what you mean yeah 218:22 all right and 218:25 bam the mirror does charge it's got 218:27 batteries and stuff 218:29 i just haven't put batteries in it 218:31 that's fine though 218:32 it's all good bam oh my god 218:40 dude i'm trying i'm breathing i'm 218:42 getting more and more used to the corset 218:44 like the thing is with courses right you 218:46 naturally get used to them 218:49 finn his plug and makes an immediate 218:50 assumption yeah 218:52 because i know what chat asks for 218:54 usually 218:57 it's and it's not it's not usually a 218:59 power related item 219:02 uh either way 219:06 when you're done with stream raid 219:07 pokeman oh yeah that'll that'll 219:09 i'm sure our viewers translate actually 219:12 they might 219:13 finish the straight mellow and just 219:14 crosstalk they're all streaming indeed 219:16 all right 219:17 my my mind took a second like yeah 219:20 um nice posture there i know it's great 219:24 of course it also gets seasoned so it 219:26 gets more flexible 219:27 i guess so this one i have i have had 219:30 for a while but it's not exactly 219:32 flexible at all um 219:35 but yeah no the uh okay you're either 219:38 hot as hell or what the hell 219:40 yeah isn't it always a power thing oh 219:43 god 219:44 these poor [ __ ] innocent souls 219:48 what fake bob shape is the best circular 219:51 triangular or teardrop 219:55 i don't know 220:00 tear drop is the way that i 220:03 think that it would be that i guess i 220:06 don't know 220:08 i i genuinely didn't know there were 220:09 different types 220:13 what's your favorite corset not this one 220:17 course it more often for your slacking 220:19 posture 220:20 god that's how i'm gonna lose weight 220:24 that's how i'm genuinely gonna lose 220:25 weight is i'm just gonna wear the corset 220:27 all the time 220:27 i'm just never gonna be hungry ever 220:29 again because it's compress your stomach 220:33 that does actually happen by the way 220:34 funnily enough it's just that you know 220:36 wearing a 220:37 wearing like a really tight article of 220:39 clothing is just not very fun 220:40 i mean it's it's comfortable fine with 220:43 like with a waist trainer but you just 220:45 sweat dude it's the worst 220:47 i pity your lower back my lower back's 220:49 fine now 220:50 i'm just gonna sit like this i'm gonna 220:53 lay 220:54 i'll do i'm just laying my back's 220:55 perfectly straight 220:57 but i'm i'm not i mean well i not like 221:00 that i mean like [ __ ] my 221:03 i'm at a slant is what i'm trying to say 221:13 i [ __ ] god i knew i was gonna get 221:15 taken uh 221:16 way out of context i knew that was gonna 221:19 get taken as soon as i said it i was 221:20 like 221:21 [ __ ] anyway this shut up 221:24 shut up it's fine 221:28 ah 221:32 i'm acing this by the way 221:35 i've only let five balloons through on 221:38 the first round put on the reddit 221:40 not straight confirmed [ __ ] you 221:48 all right uh bam bam 221:51 i need about 2k then i win 221:55 next finster clip has appeared no 221:58 hey person that's putting this on the 222:00 clip channel you've got to edit this in 222:02 it's my first or or or i'll legally take 222:05 the video down okay 222:07 because i can do that i think on youtube 222:09 i'll copyright strike it because it's 222:11 mine 222:12 you gotta keep this next clip in 222:17 this is finster the streamer you've just 222:19 watched say a bad thing 222:22 i regret my decision to say that and 222:25 this 222:25 and it needs context the context that i 222:28 was referring to 222:29 was the position of my back versus the 222:31 position of my head 222:34 i swear to god if this youtube title is 222:36 titled 222:38 finn says he's not straight i'm gonna 222:41 i'm i'm i'm gonna be very mad i'm gonna 222:44 be upset 222:47 make sure you leave a comment saying 222:50 that finn is straight as he says 222:53 and that it was out of context thank you 222:58 there we go 223:02 the clips channel can work with that 223:05 some some all the clips channels they'll 223:07 be fine 223:10 i've just enforced a bit of um a bit of 223:13 a bit of 223:14 mandatory uh participation from 223:17 on their part i finally get to 223:21 see a stream i'm just gonna win now 223:26 you finally get to see a stream and that 223:27 was the first thing you hear 223:29 amazing 223:32 plus i got tons of room for these look 223:35 at these banana farm 223:36 i got my banana farms look at that this 223:39 is my first time watching you and i have 223:41 a very important question 223:42 uh does that make me gay to be here no 223:46 uh not that i had any hopes of getting a 223:48 girlfriend everything i just wanna 223:49 know for scientific purposes no you can 223:51 watch my streams and not be gay 223:53 that's that that's how that works i 223:55 believe you see me one time 223:58 it all it takes is a passing glance to 224:00 be here 224:02 and you're immediately attracted to men 224:05 no worries finn 224:06 we know what you meant oh god damn it 224:10 why is my media share not working 224:14 that's why 224:22 that's not working there we go 224:28 unless that actually happens 224:56 is 225:00 he's a amazing singer 225:04 he's great 225:09 i thought i thought i really did 225:13 i thought this was going to end badly 225:21 where's the bar just glitched okay the 225:24 boss has glitched the [ __ ] out 225:26 nice all right there we go we got the 225:28 finally got the media shares out the way 225:31 people stop obsessing over if something 225:34 is gay challenge 225:35 [ __ ] failed 225:39 i mean it does matter you know if you've 225:44 got socks on i guess it's not 225:46 but that's at least fine 225:51 all right there we go my dude i'm doing 225:54 insanely good i haven't even needed to 225:55 add more towers yet 225:57 i'm not around 63 yet i guess but like 225:59 still 226:00 i'm kind of acing this 226:06 yeah i'm kind of doing nuts not gonna 226:08 lie kind of doing bits 226:14 there we go he's got that he's got that 226:18 somehow that's connected to that i guess 226:22 uh just i guess this works bam bam 226:26 easy i'm doing great 226:29 logic to the rest of you if you like if 226:31 you both like guys and girls 226:33 uh but you also dress yourself as a guy 226:35 or a girl that automatically makes you 226:37 straight always 226:39 holy [ __ ] if i was bi i'm straight 226:44 either way i'm straight but i could 226:47 totally be by and straight at the same 226:48 time oh 226:51 do you need to do you need the camo 226:53 thing i don't i don't know why i did 226:55 that i 226:55 i think i mainly got it for adora 226:57 because i might get screwed over with uh 227:00 lead camo balloon so yeah no i did need 227:02 it 227:11 just came told my boss to start using 227:13 they then 227:15 have been wearing dresses to work lately 227:18 thank you for helping get courage 227:22 i'm glad that you've got the courage to 227:24 do all the things you'd like to do 227:36 i'm upset chat stop teasing it's been 227:40 said a lot rose is a straight 227:42 fum and capper straight woman 227:47 oh my god 227:52 how can i even how did i defend against 227:54 763 before 228:00 i'll read what you're uh what you're 228:02 right you guys take a minute amongst 228:04 yourselves to decide what you want 228:06 i'm gonna figure out what i'm gonna do 228:08 here 228:12 [ __ ] whoa 228:15 whoa i'm just an icon this is the 228:19 fruity one they have 228:37 who [ __ ] coughs like that either way 228:40 who the [ __ ] knows they're about to 228:42 cough and go whoa 228:46 and then cough how do you have time 228:50 close to the arms good idea 228:54 it's the only idea i've got 229:00 so why not i guess 229:10 i guess there's this thing it's 3k i'll 229:13 get one of them 229:14 [ __ ] it why not whoa 229:25 i think we're good i think we're good 229:28 time for makeup now oh i you get one 229:30 piece you get one piece 229:35 bigger boob third boob which one 229:38 you gotta pick you gotta you gotta pick 229:40 dude 229:45 you gotta pick all right i'll do a poll 229:51 okay oh [ __ ] banana 229:55 banana [ __ ] it let me pause 229:58 all right 230:04 okay um 230:12 there we go it's not gonna be the tail 230:16 there we go 230:18 make your choice 230:22 fanboy gang rise up holy [ __ ] 230:35 bigger boo bigger bobs and cat ears are 230:38 exactly tied 230:40 legitimately well i'm saying this 230:41 they're at the same vote okay they 230:43 they don't have the exact same votes 230:44 anymore 230:46 but it's so close 230:50 they're eight votes apart 230:55 four votes apart one of the caddos is 230:58 now winning 231:04 six votes apart in favor of carriers 231:07 nine 231:08 oh a lot more oh [ __ ] it looks like 231:11 carry as [ __ ] takes it 231:15 works for me easy works for me 231:19 works for me hold on 231:23 neko finn let's go 231:27 works for me bucko 231:31 i'm a stolfo cat boy 231:34 cat girl let's go let's go 231:38 i mean it does look good though let's go 231:42 now it's the it's now second time i've 231:44 played this game 231:45 as a cat girl by the way thanks for the 231:49 cluster bomb suggestion they're doing 231:56 nuts 232:13 there we go and then i'm gonna get long 232:16 range 232:16 and top path 23k 232:21 there isn't each one's like 70. 232:25 it's it's an expensive hobby but i do i 232:28 do enjoy it 232:30 [Laughter] 232:34 what is that with you i think she's 232:37 oh dude how much do people love hugging 232:41 finn while he's wearing the fake boobs 232:43 yeah but dude they're um i've been told 232:47 it's 232:47 it's an interesting feeling it's 232:48 definitely an interesting feeling for me 232:50 belong to you as i've been on hrt oh 232:53 sure i 232:54 am now legally a woman and my name is 232:56 now legally changed 232:59 thank you for being my friend's goal 233:02 congrats for getting through all that 233:03 [ __ ] dude 233:04 that's like a ton of bureaucratic 233:06 [ __ ] in order to get that 233:08 done but i'm good thing you [ __ ] get 233:10 it dude 233:11 amazing what an achievement man 233:14 oh whoa sorry 233:18 i call every one guy oh man sorry i mean 233:21 i just realized the context 233:22 but yeah [ __ ] dude dude god i'm such a 233:25 like 233:26 why do i internally i'm a surfer bro 233:28 from a goddamn disney movie 233:30 but pogba's let's go 233:34 good good [ __ ] good [ __ ] 233:37 i can't say anything other than bro good 233:39 [ __ ] bro i'm proud of you 233:42 i hope you're uh good [ __ ] sis oh yeah i 233:45 think this is 233:46 dude i'm a sir a 233:49 i'm a disney channel surfer dude on the 233:51 inside i don't know what i can say 233:56 dude hell yeah good job dude it let's go 234:00 yes queen yeah ass queen nah 234:03 it's a tournament it's a ton of [ __ ] 234:04 you have to go through depending on the 234:06 country you're in it 234:07 vastly changes how much [ __ ] you 234:09 have to go through to get that [ __ ] done 234:11 so i've heard some horror stories so i'm 234:14 glad you uh 234:15 glad you got through it my guy [ __ ] 234:18 i can't everyone's everyone's 234:22 everyone's a dude in my eyes it's 234:25 genuinely it's unconscious ah 234:30 let's try and get wave 100 234:34 for free insta monkey let's go punk 234:37 champ is general neutral 234:38 no i promise i'm not sexist i'm not 234:40 transphobic i'm just [ __ ] stupid 234:47 yeah can you quickly vouch for me that i 234:49 call everything everyone bro 234:52 man and just i'd talk like a [ __ ] 234:55 disney movie 235:01 i said dude 235:04 say my guy my guy 235:07 that's a big one for me 235:12 yeah dude 235:19 what i like hey bro it's cool hey mate i 235:21 do i do hey 235:23 hey bro hello 235:33 i do say mate i say bro but i also say 235:36 mate because it's like a 235:37 it's very quintessential british thing 235:39 to say hey bro 235:41 hey bro you know since you 235:44 went on infinitely you are eventually 235:46 going to lose this 235:48 yeah but i'm just this is this is my i'm 235:50 trying to see what i get 235:53 this might be my last one because i only 235:55 said i was gonna stream for three hours 235:57 and i've streamed for four 235:59 so it's been a while it's been a long 236:01 long boy stream 236:03 yeah another monkey village 236:11 sacrifice him to the sun god where's my 236:14 oh bananas 236:15 where's my [ __ ] oh my god there's a 236:18 point here where i can place this down 236:21 there it is 236:26 there we go and then sun god 236:29 with a ton of range there we go 236:33 i wanted to be able to reach the middle 236:34 there we go i've created an absolute 236:36 nightmare for the middle of this nice 236:40 should i get a hundred thousand dollars 236:43 i'm not gonna 236:44 i mean should i try and beat it or 236:45 should i i don't know what i'm doing 236:47 long stream yeah it's been a while all 236:49 my friends are female i call them dude 236:50 bro man 236:51 yeah if you're british you'll get the 236:52 mate thing though or you call them joe 236:55 mama 237:03 no i'm gonna beat ram 100 that's my goal 237:08 um i have 27 000 i could buy a 237:11 i'm gonna buy a spectre they're kind of 237:12 good 237:16 oh pog 237:21 oh i'm not plugged 237:24 if you die do i like get your uh do i 237:27 get your um 237:28 [ __ ] uh do i get your twitter account 237:30 followers can you transfer them 237:33 thanks well how would you do that if you 237:37 did that's just dumb 237:40 number 237:46 wiped out one town my friend just gone 237:50 down 237:50 i revived him now we're heading 237:52 southbound now we're in the pleasant 237:54 park streets 237:54 look at the map go to the market take me 237:57 to your xbox to play fortnite today 238:02 [Music] 238:14 it's a piece of classic entertainment 238:18 it's insanely good 238:22 a musical masterpiece a genius a work of 238:25 art 238:28 what else more can you say about it 238:30 really you know 238:34 oh yeah 238:42 big 238:44 buddy i made it past 97 almost 98 time 238:48 baby 238:49 we might actually beat it maybe oh 238:52 [ __ ] oh we might not oh no no okay uh 238:55 let me put down another specter 238:58 it might be winnable the specter's good 239:08 where where where 239:34 i guess like this guy's got it 239:41 [ __ ] nightmare time nightmare nightmare 239:43 nightmare 239:52 oh what the [ __ ] i just did the ability 239:55 early 239:56 oh no 240:01 it was so close 240:06 [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 240:09 finish it finish it finish it for the 240:12 for the boys 240:13 finish it for the boars 240:18 why don't you use your abilities i damn 240:20 i they're on timeout 240:23 finish it for the boys for the boys 240:29 put some [ __ ] down 26k i do now 240:32 oh put some batman 240:39 that was a mistake 240:59 and then they go really stupid crazy 241:07 wait but it's on timeout 241:11 big ability secondary ability 241:14 round 100 [ __ ] yeah go go go go go go 241:18 [Music] 241:20 yo he's [ __ ] him up yo that [ __ ] 241:22 him up 241:24 you're the [ __ ] him i'm so bad that 241:25 was a good call 241:27 we got it it's easy it's done it's done 241:28 they're done for they're done for dead 241:30 end for 241:34 nice what the [ __ ] are instant monkeys 241:36 i've never used them 241:37 i have no idea how it works 241:41 i get to keep my balls i now have 241:45 uh nine hundred dollars i had like 241:49 four thousand when i started the stream 241:51 well but you also got the nations 241:53 true oh it's his meow 241:58 paid for it gf or just a friend 242:01 free did where did you get the game 242:04 steam it's great it's a power up it's 242:06 pat dude 242:11 i gotta ask for the monkey money at 242:12 tesco's you're gonna present the monkey 242:15 money and then they give you the monkey 242:16 game 242:19 all right i'm gonna face when you spent 242:22 1k 242:22 for zero zero three what can someone 242:24 please explain to me what the [ __ ] 242:26 insta monkey is 242:27 you can place with pre-upgrades how 242:31 i've never seen that on anything 242:36 because i've i've done it how 242:39 like what how how do i do that 242:45 where's the button powers menu 242:50 yo wait that's kind of op 242:56 no they're not zero zero zero you tell 243:00 him i got a 243:01 a regular monkey i want a regular monkey 243:08 let's go regular monkey 243:13 wow none of these are good eh like not a 243:16 single one of them are good 243:19 not a single one of them 243:33 i'm going to call up kiwi whoever the 243:35 [ __ ] who made this game 243:38 i'm gonna call it and tell them my 243:40 honest opinion 243:42 i'm gonna call what's the guy 243:45 jack no the dude that owns the [ __ ] 243:48 what the guy that owns steam what's his 243:49 name 243:51 i'm going to call dennis dude he's the 243:53 guy who's the dude 243:54 gaben i'm going to call gaben 243:58 that's what he does 244:03 oh gabe newell doesn't own steam 244:07 does gameplay not the same thing 244:14 gabe i thought valve's the game 244:16 development part of that 244:18 yeah valve own steam valve own steam 244:26 gaben big daddy gabe and i'm gonna find 244:30 him i'm gonna give him a strongly worded 244:32 letter dude 244:35 i can't breathe you're saying ninja 244:39 monkey on steam 244:40 ninja monkey on steam good lord 244:44 how does reason not know this i knew it 244:46 was gaben you doubted you made me doubt 244:48 my 244:48 myself um i go outside regularly 244:51 you don't go outside regularly that's 244:53 the thing 244:54 you're on twitter all day i have a sex 244:56 life i'm in a loving relationship 244:58 you are you're on twitter all day that's 245:01 it did anyone with like more than 245:03 10k hours in steam i have 10 i've gotta 245:06 have 10k 245:07 now okay i don't have 10k hours i'm 245:08 close though i gotta have like at least 245:10 six 245:11 at least six maybe maybe less i don't 245:14 know i've gotta i've had a lot of hours 245:18 how many how long alexa what is 10 000 245:21 hours 245:21 in days 10 000 hours is 417 days 245:26 i played steam for a year bro 245:33 alexa what's 10 072 hours in days 245:37 us dollars cannot be converted to hours 245:42 alexa what is 10 072 hours 245:46 in days 10 072 245:50 hours is 420 days 246:25 what is marisa from me um i'm 246:28 from germany 246:31 i don't know what from you means i'm 246:34 your i'm your 246:35 offspring my offspring marisa is my 246:38 child 246:38 you birthed me you spawned me into this 246:41 planet and now you nurture me 246:43 and nurse me and that is these good 246:47 breast milk i remember that you have 246:50 sharp teeth 246:51 i have sharp teeth yeah yeah 246:55 popping coming from microphone you may 246:56 need to look at this later it always 246:57 does 246:58 i don't know why i believe i know why it 247:00 might be the mirror 247:02 but is there anyone on to raid should we 247:05 raid someone 247:06 who's online i owe them i owe them 247:08 something i don't really know if we're 247:10 going to count the last one because i 247:11 just continued after winning 247:12 nikki nick i i mean i feel like we 247:16 should break me 247:18 nikki does have movies 247:35 the smallest streamer that i know about 247:36 make a smaller streamer's day 247:38 you can make someone's day right now or 247:40 you can make a 247:41 a dent in someone's [ __ ] like you can 247:44 add a pebble to the beach 247:46 dan the diamond minecart you can 247:50 you can add a pebble to the gush johnson 247:52 or you can make it 247:53 strong make someone's date ghost johnson 247:55 yeah go for it make someone's day 247:57 yeah gus is small but he's funny as [ __ ] 247:59 writing happiness is better than 248:01 overfilling the beach gus is funny as 248:03 [ __ ] dude 248:05 yeah i read him then him and his leg 248:08 and she's like and the kid tries leaving 248:11 with his plate 248:14 yeah i yeah okay uh yeah okay he's 248:18 he's in slow mode weirdly enough is he 248:19 on follower anymore 248:22 he's in fuller only chat god damn it god 248:26 [ __ ] [ __ ] gus [ __ ] you guys 248:29 what casey nah 248:34 cara yeah who else 248:38 just imagine any of these i dude 248:46 she's playing code names though oh shoot 248:48 she's playing codenames with 248:50 code names is kind of fun but kara also 248:52 beats me all the [ __ ] time at 248:53 codenames 248:54 she makes me angry i'm angry at cara 248:57 all right but he's on far only chapman 249:02 i haven't watched the case do you have 249:03 any po box packages to open 249:06 yes but i'm doing that tomorrow that's 249:08 specific i'm trying to stream every 249:10 single day 249:11 at least until the hair extensions has 249:13 come out 249:14 so yeah i do but that's gonna be 249:16 tomorrow buddy 249:17 um hopefully it'll all be good 249:21 yeah i guess 249:25 i want to raid nikki i had fun with 249:27 nicki in the in thingamajig 249:30 but she's writing mature apparently for 249:32 some stream 249:33 oh she's playing the game 249:36 oh no no no no no yeah she's playing the 249:38 game she's playing a way out 249:40 okay let's ride nikki let me raid nikki 249:42 hold on i'm sorry i'm gonna write nature 249:46 i know we do okay ray i'm gonna write 249:49 i'm gonna stream tomorrow 249:50 same time at eight uh and i'll pick my 249:53 own clothes yeah 249:55 all right goodbye goodbye chat see ya 249:59 peace i'm gonna wreck i gotta wait eight 250:08 seconds 250:10 ready all right ready chat you ready to 250:12 go with a moment of silence for the raid 250:14 uh i'll see y'all have fun do good 250:18 things 250:19 um say hi from me 250:32 have fun chat all right now 250:35 for people that stuck around for the 250:36 people that had a weird time 250:39 um thanks for the thanks for the uh 250:41 torture that was really fun 250:43 of you um now i'm gonna be going 250:47 hopefully to bed actually yeah 250:50 it's like a.m so i'm i'm knacking anyway 250:53 i'm gonna i'm gonna be popping off the 250:54 bed 250:54 i'll see you guys have a good one i will 250:58 i will leave now