00:00 [ __ ] 00:04 a new isp that doesn't for no reason go 00:07 down and don't help anyone yeah 00:14 how oh thanks for giving them tips 00:19 then donut then shut up 00:24 how's harvey doing i see tap l faces in 00:27 chat 00:28 we 00:35 what do we do now can they hear me now 00:37 should i start over 00:39 yeah go yell 00:43 and drink again you have an increased 00:45 chance at breast cancer 00:47 but miriza says it's fine 00:51 because if you get one breast removed 00:55 it don't matter that much just get an 00:57 implant 00:59 god damn it's a free upgrade 01:04 well either way i got the message across 01:06 i wanted to say 01:08 i'm not entirely sure if we're going to 01:09 be streaming today 01:12 well we're streaming now but i don't 01:14 know whether i'm going to carry on 01:15 streaming today 01:17 i want to i want to go play csgo but 01:20 just in case 01:21 just in case what 01:25 yeah it'll be like in three hours 01:28 but i can't schedule it that's the thing 01:30 i can't schedule streams for my phone 01:33 so this is garbage i want to use my 01:35 computer 01:37 but i can't it sucks oh my god anyway 01:41 can you turn the internet back on please 01:47 the last time you clapped through the 01:48 last time you spoke real loud the 01:50 internet that my phone crashed 02:02 two hours away boys two hours away 02:06 listen to your 02:12 oh my god this 02:21 would is don't tell 02:24 me it's not worth fighting for 02:29 i feel like 02:33 there's a good chance i died 02:39 there's a good chance i've died because 02:41 clearly i was a bad person because i am 02:43 in hell 02:45 i am no it's hell it's we're past 02:48 purgatory 02:49 this is my hell i like women 02:53 and with big boobs 02:56 laptop infinity i'm not on a laptop 02:58 you'd be 02:59 insane if you think i got my laptop all 03:00 the way up there my laptop is 03:02 i don't [ __ ] where is my laptop 03:08 well either way i don't think i'll i'll 03:10 be back later um 03:12 if i am if i'm not back later 03:15 i'm probably dead i still want my 03:17 samurai sword though for anyone 03:18 anyone that wants to get me a samurai 03:19 sword i'd really like a samurai sword 03:21 but uh yeah i don't know whether 03:24 anyone's donated i don't know if there's 03:25 been any bits 03:27 that has happened i don't know 03:33 cool but i also don't know if a resub 03:36 five times means gifted five subs or it 03:38 means he's sub for five months or 03:40 or a per or this app sucks dick 03:45 more i don't know this app sucks more 03:48 dick than 03:49 uh you and 03:52 frost oh my god you just said something 03:56 against 03:58 no we're friends we're friends no it's a 04:00 joke okay 04:01 i don't know uh this is suck stick i'm 04:04 in a bad mood 04:05 uh he might not have i don't know 04:14 uh this sucks this sucks real bad i hate 04:17 this this sucks 04:19 christ sucks more dick than me 04:22 but anyway it's [ __ ] i i can't get it 04:25 fixed this there's no way 04:34 i can't make a joke about me sucking 04:38 [Music] 04:40 dick 04:45 i already said that yesterday they'll 04:47 have to find the clip 04:50 anyway um but yeah 04:53 i mean [ __ ] if i get cancelled on 04:54 twitter for saying that i i suck dick 04:58 uh then i wouldn't be able to see it 05:00 because my [ __ ] 05:01 internet is out my god it's been 05:05 it's been 10 minutes and it's still not 05:08 fixed 05:22 i think something someone else did 05:24 something did you did you guys resub 05:26 oh someone else did something i don't 05:28 know what's happening 05:36 it's i don't know 05:40 i don't know i have no [ __ ] clue this 05:43 what have we been up to we me and marisa 05:45 played the last thing of uh 05:47 what was it the way out a way out 05:50 we just completed it you'd be surprised 05:53 i 05:53 didn't know uh it was tied in with the 05:55 marvel cinematic universe so i didn't i 05:57 really didn't expect thanos 06:02 i didn't expect that [ __ ] but either way 06:05 uh what else have we done that's kind of 06:07 it i've just 06:07 i wanted to stream cs go the universe 06:10 doesn't want do you reckon if i change 06:11 my stream title to say that 06:13 i'm streaming uh minecraft it'll work or 06:16 just chatting it'll work 06:18 because it what i want to die this is 06:21 bad i hate this 06:27 thanos how are you guys doing nice shirt 06:30 thank you 06:31 uh gamer shop sentiment 06:41 holy [ __ ] yeah i know i got nothing i 06:43 got absolutely no ideas for this 06:45 um play my playing mobile minecraft i 06:49 wouldn't know how on this [ __ ] 06:51 show us your pink toenails i haven't 06:52 done the toenails 06:54 also for some reason marisa has a thing 06:56 against uh toe 06:57 pet or painted pink things you don't 07:00 like the color pink 07:02 so i'm gonna if the color pink is fine 07:04 but 07:06 painted pink painted nails on the foot 07:09 or on the finger 07:10 literally i don't want to sound 07:12 dangerous but if i see pink 07:13 nails on fin 07:20 i'm sorry i just can't deal with it do 07:23 the donation goal or something when i'm 07:24 gone but 07:25 it's like i can't i know it's his body 07:29 his choice 07:30 but he he signed a agreement that 07:33 if bing bong if he wears pink nail 07:36 polish 07:37 his toes are forfeit i didn't say 07:40 anything bing bong 07:41 another hour that the internet's still 07:42 not fixed god [ __ ] 07:45 if i say oh don't piss on the floor 07:47 you're going to respect that right 07:48 barely if i see no pink toenails 07:51 [Music] 07:54 in my house you've came in under my roof 07:57 and you're making up your own rules 08:01 that political refugee i am what's 08:04 happening in germany right now 08:07 no politics are 08:10 stopping me from going back to my 08:11 country so i am currently here 08:14 i'm homeless you've claimed to escape 08:16 angela merkel i'm currently homeless and 08:18 i'm a 08:18 refugee from corona virus in here 08:24 because of politics oh at least make it 08:27 uncomfortable for me i don't have a room 08:29 i don't have a bed i don't have a desk 08:32 so your pink toes are unnecessary why is 08:35 the audio quality low why is the 08:36 everything quality low my [ __ ] 08:38 internet's gone um 08:41 so we're just going off my mobile phone 08:43 and my front facing camera 08:45 and whatever the [ __ ] the phone's 08:47 picking up that's it 08:49 i should be in airpods but they decided 08:51 they wouldn't want to work today even 08:53 though the sound works 08:54 fine i it just the mic doesn't 08:57 paint them red then would you guys care 09:00 if they were red 09:01 instead of pink can we get a quick poll 09:03 in the chat i don't know whether mods 09:05 can sort that [ __ ] out but you're gonna 09:06 need to spam the results otherwise i'm 09:08 not gonna be able to see it 09:10 but i either wait for marisa or i 09:13 after this stream i'll go and paint them 09:15 red oh no yeah 09:18 so you either wait four days 09:23 or red 09:27 it's not gonna happen on the stream 09:28 either way it's not happening on stream 09:30 before you ask 09:32 that's it 09:38 why i don't i don't need to charge 09:40 anyone for it i didn't need to set a 09:41 donation goal up for it i just wanted i 09:44 all i wanted was to have pink toenails 09:46 dude 09:47 you stand in the way of that 10:02 okay okay 10:10 oh wow 10:15 it's a pretty normal picture actually 10:19 it's just it's like a selfie 10:22 yeah and what are you wearing my 10:25 uh my shirt 10:28 thing from borah i'm wearing my acne 10:30 studio [ __ ] 10:32 the what 10:35 i have no idea where i'm at you mean the 10:37 the mankini thing 10:39 oh yeah i figured that is what i'm 10:40 wearing 10:43 red one red one apparently by half 76 10:46 for red oh [ __ ] it's not going to happen 10:49 now 10:52 i mean we could i could [ __ ] do my 10:54 nails now but 10:55 [ __ ] i don't know if i want to that [ __ ] 10:57 took a while for my hands and that's my 10:59 hands dude 11:00 i'm gonna goof this [ __ ] real hard red 11:04 one 11:05 oh god wait how many people are here it 11:07 says there's two thousand one hundred i 11:08 don't know whether that's 11:10 accurate do we i don't know that's a 11:12 good idea 11:13 red one by a lot okay 2k okay right it 11:16 is accurate good 11:17 good good good got it yeah whenever the 11:19 stream crashes it's just like everyone 11:21 like 11:21 there's like a thousand people that just 11:23 time out so 11:25 but ah well i don't know i don't know if 11:27 i want to stream to be honest i'm in a 11:29 bad mood 11:30 [ __ ] internet down we can do it on 11:32 stream late night 11:33 maybe but then again it's 11:37 i don't want to have the makeup on for 11:39 like three more hours 11:41 and then stream more you know 11:44 you can always do tomorrow no i do want 11:47 to stream today i just don't want to 11:49 have make fun the entire time while i'm 11:51 waiting for something that may not even 11:53 happen 11:54 do you want me take care of it let's 11:56 take care of it 11:58 what do you mean by take care of it 12:00 hotline and i'm gonna say if this 12:01 doesn't turn out in the next 12:02 30 minutes we're gonna sue 12:05 no i'm gonna have to intervene 12:08 okay yeah 12:13 maybe i should get two internet 12:14 providers i'll be good 12:19 now i can't double the connection 12:22 you know what well 12:25 [ __ ] all right well either way i'm 12:27 probably gonna end it off i only wanted 12:28 to stream for a second just to say like 12:30 hey this is what's happening internet 12:31 down 12:32 i might be live at like midnight my time 12:35 so 12:36 two to three hours time we'll see 12:40 it might i might not be i have no way to 12:42 warn you ahead of time 12:45 i'm just gonna be live or i'm not so 12:48 i'll see you then 12:49 or not i don't know but either way have 12:51 a good night 12:52 um hopefully this all gets sorted 12:56 but if it if it don't it don't there's a 12:59 good chance this is the last time you 13:01 see me 13:02 forever probably yeah dude this sucks 13:06 i always rely on the stream so like 13:08 because whenever i stream i don't really 13:09 feel like uh bored and then 13:12 like bored eat random shitty food so 13:16 now i've gotta [ __ ] just deal with 13:18 this 13:19 i can't do [ __ ] i might just like play 13:22 balloons tower defense for the rest of 13:23 the day 13:24 i can't play balloons tower defense it's 13:26 a [ __ ] online only game for some 13:28 reason 13:29 it is it's not like you don't have to be 13:32 online but it's one of those things i 13:33 believe that you need like a connection 13:35 for 13:36 i can't log into steam 13:39 wait i'm already in steam oh 13:43 let's go let's go it's booting up ninja 13:46 kiwi 13:47 i'm still going to end off but i might i 13:49 might have just figured out what i'm 13:50 doing for the rest of the night but 13:52 see you guys have a good one internet's 13:55 not back 13:55 i'll see you when it is or not do you 13:58 like my shirt i like my shirt a lot 14:00 also hold on uh i don't know if you can 14:02 tell the waistline's the exact same but 14:04 again did lose three kilos 14:06 uh so that's pretty cool i'm back to 14:09 being very uh 14:10 hot now am i good did i do good 14:14 i feel like i did good anyway 14:17 ray minks i can't do [ __ ] i can't raid 14:19 anyone this is just an 14:21 off on i barely it could have cut out a 14:23 minute ago i wouldn't know 14:24 stop it please i'm tripping i can't see 14:26 anything in this map well either way 14:28 i'll see you guys i love it 14:30 it's mine peace