00:08 [Music] 00:16 you 00:17 change your mind like a girl 00:20 change his clothes 00:22 [Music] 00:24 like a [ __ ] i would know 00:28 and you 00:39 [Music] 00:39 [Applause] 00:42 yes 00:52 [Music] 00:56 but you really want 01:03 and you're down 01:15 [Music] 01:35 [Applause] 01:38 crazy 01:48 [Music] 01:52 is 01:54 [Music] 02:30 [Music] 02:34 is 02:38 [Music] 02:44 wait there was music what the [ __ ] just 02:48 happened 02:53 [Music] 03:03 [Applause] 03:05 [Music] 03:16 oh 03:21 six months 03:24 oh [ __ ] that took me a hot minute 03:28 okay to [ __ ] with you for boys minute 03:32 all right hey it's me i got out the 03:35 shower 03:35 i i was like oh man i was thinking the 03:38 shower wouldn't it be funny 03:39 wouldn't it be funny if i just did away 03:42 with his hair that was taking me so long 03:43 to dry 03:45 i want to get a haircut i think i'm 03:46 going to go bald chat i have a razor 03:48 i've got 03:48 knives i got all the utensils to cut my 03:51 hair and 03:52 i i'm going to i'm going to do it chat i 03:55 just want you to know that 03:56 at some point in my life i'm going to go 03:58 bold because it's going to be funny 04:03 too loud oh yeah [ __ ] sorry sorry okay 04:05 there we go back to normal now 04:07 you're very quiet don't as loud it's 04:08 good now we fixed it i'm sorry all right 04:13 i fixed it again i fixed it again i'm 04:16 sorry okay 04:17 nailed it i i did it hey we're loud i 04:21 got it we we're good 04:22 make sure your audio's good i'm sorry i 04:24 was doing the vr stream so it's like all 04:26 goofed 04:27 okay so loud donors it's still 04:30 hell yeah it's not quiet still you're 04:32 wrong you're lying to me you're straight 04:34 up you're lying 04:35 lying straight to my face lying straight 04:37 to my face 04:38 it's not loud oh it's not still quiet 04:40 it's [ __ ] god damn it why 04:44 is it better is it better now is it 04:46 better now 04:47 is it better it's still too loud am i 04:49 quiet still 04:50 am i is it better yeah okay 04:57 okay on a serious note is it okay now 05:02 it's still [ __ ] ten months sounds good 05:04 it sounds bad 05:05 what are you talking about chet what are 05:07 you talking about 05:08 it's fine you little [ __ ] i hate you 05:11 okay 05:12 there we go we're good all right so what 05:14 are we doing 05:15 a while ago i got a bunch of wigs and 05:17 [ __ ] i also got that new dress and i 05:19 know with 05:19 i usually don't go live quite as soon uh 05:22 right 05:24 bruh i i don't care if you think it's 05:26 loud i don't care if you think this is 05:27 quiet 05:28 i don't care i don't care is he trolling 05:31 what the [ __ ] trolling 05:33 trolling i'm listening to me on the 05:35 thing you're 05:36 lying to me straight up lying to me 05:38 genuinely 05:40 anyway okay it's good now i know all 05:42 right listen 05:45 i have been doing i i did a covid test 05:47 today isn't that fun i did a covert test 05:49 today 05:50 isn't that cool chat i'm i'm i'm going 05:52 to find out if i have covered 05:54 uh the rona virus i'm going to it's 05:56 going to be so fun i'm going to have 05:58 such a good time 05:59 too quiet shut i i hate you with a 06:02 burning passion chat 06:03 i hate you so much all of you rotate the 06:06 mic 06:06 bro where the [ __ ] do you think the 06:08 sound's coming from 06:12 the alerts allowed oh my god you didn't 06:15 you don't even leave the house i left 06:17 the house once 06:18 okay it should okay it's 06:21 fine you're a piece of [ __ ] okay it's 06:23 normal listen 06:25 um my hair's just exploded so 06:28 uh i've got i've been preparing for two 06:31 streams one of them is gonna be the 06:36 one of them is going to be the [ __ ] 06:37 rose stream the p.o box stream with the 06:39 30th with all the birthdays 06:41 and the next thing this is also what 06:43 i've been preparing for 06:44 um is this i've had these wigs 06:48 for so long uh i say new wigs what i 06:51 meant to say is i found some in the 06:53 dusty wardrobe 06:54 and we're finally finally gonna put them 06:57 on now that i don't have giant hair 06:58 extensions in 06:59 and as you can see i can go bold pretty 07:01 quickly 07:02 it's dead easy for me to go bold 07:07 i gotta get you guys to cut it out with 07:09 the with the with the memes 07:10 with the with the uh loud noises hold on 07:13 it didn't look as good with the hair 07:15 does it uh 07:17 all right now i wanted to try a couple 07:19 things on so that's why i did like a 07:21 dress-up fin 07:22 um i want you guys to kind of choose i'm 07:25 going to give you guys the id 07:26 the the [ __ ] the uh the freedom to 07:30 figure out what i'm gonna be wearing 07:32 but there are so many [ __ ] wigs to 07:34 pick from 07:35 that you can kind of go with whatever 07:36 stuff for me we've got brown wigs we've 07:39 got 07:39 purple wigs we've got blue wigs we got 07:42 black wigs we got 07:43 pink wigs look what i have look what i 07:45 have 07:46 do you know what this is oh you know 07:48 what this is 07:49 do you know what this wig is this is the 07:51 only one in the room currently i this 07:53 hair's going let's go 07:55 uh you know what this is can anyone take 07:57 a guess 10 points if you get this right 08:00 chat 10 points to anyone that gets this 08:02 correctly 08:04 which one what what wig is it what 08:06 famous character is this 08:08 a stolfo 10 points to gryffindor 10 08:11 points to what whatever 08:12 is 10 points he gets the points this is 08:14 the estopho wig that i never tried on 08:16 look at this garbage oh yeah yeah 08:20 yeah yeah look at this i completely 08:22 didn't know i had this 08:24 it's like the whole ass a cell phone 08:25 with there's bows and everything like 08:27 i thought that was attached you know in 08:29 my defense but like there's two 08:30 one of them still in the pack look this 08:32 is the estofo wig 08:33 it's got like the [ __ ] and everything so 08:37 you've got a lot of freedom here i i 08:38 don't know whether i'll be 08:40 wearing any of the stolfo's [ __ ] because 08:42 i don't have anything in the right size 08:43 but 08:44 build off in oh [ __ ] god minx wig 08:47 i do have a minx wig 08:50 scuffed and minx cosplay maybe but yeah 08:53 i wanted to 08:54 give you guys this techno blade oh [ __ ] 08:57 you guys can kind of decide the 08:59 scuffedness of this of today 09:01 is that okay with you i feel like that's 09:03 okay with you 09:04 that good shall i bring them all in and 09:06 lay them out in front of you would you 09:08 like to see them chat 09:09 techno play oh god would you like to see 09:12 them 09:14 yes minx is scuffed already yeah true 09:17 man 09:21 oh also i have visitors hey guys 09:25 eight months swooped 09:37 there we go i got them all i think i got 09:39 them all wait no there's one other one 09:41 downstairs but that's fine 09:42 uh there's one that i'm keeping kind of 09:44 a surprise 09:45 because this is [ __ ] nuts all right 09:48 here's my minx cosplay wig do you guys 09:50 like it it's purple 09:52 oh it also comes with um like pigtails 09:55 do you guys like it i like it a lot do 09:58 you guys like it 09:59 do you like it do you like it other 10:01 people yeah my parents are having like 10:03 their bathroom like uh 10:05 ramp they're [ __ ] destroyed and then 10:07 uh 10:08 yeah good yes 10:12 i like your red hair more i don't know 10:13 what oh yeah i also have a drawer of 10:15 wigs i have like a whole 10:16 these are just the new ones every other 10:18 one is still a thing there are so many 10:20 ideas 10:21 pigtails black glue surprise wig 10:24 what are you doing stuff okay i have 10:27 like this one this is probably the best 10:28 one it's like a gray wig that's kind of 10:30 nice right 10:31 there's this one which is a black wig i 10:32 refuse to do a goth stream so this one 10:35 that's uh what else 10:38 i got this one this is brown it's just 10:40 brown it's just the exact same as my 10:42 normal hair i don't know why anyone will 10:43 pick that 10:45 there's a bob in the background 11:00 no there's not no there's not 11:04 okay right i don't want to get twitched 11:07 to west 11:08 that's not good they're on the ground 11:10 i'll use them as a footrest 11:12 dude this hair is getting so long it's 11:14 getting so 11:15 [ __ ] long at this point it's almost 11:18 unbearable 11:18 i i listen chat listen i gotta say i 11:22 said i was gonna 11:23 i said i was gonna keep this hair i was 11:24 gonna keep growing it out until i got 11:26 annoyed by it 11:27 i'm annoyed by it chat i'm annoyed by 11:29 this hair now chat 11:30 ponytail how dare you i'm a you look 11:33 like james may i'm annoyed by this hair 11:35 chat 11:36 people are insulting me people are 11:37 calling me james may 11:39 i don't like this [ __ ] 11:46 don't cut it oh dude don't have long 11:48 hair we haven't even got a donut yet 11:50 dude it's been 10 minutes 11:51 you're kidding me 10 minutes without one 11:53 single donation what is what is that how 11:55 do you expect 11:56 how do you exp uh how do you expect me 11:57 to fund my fund my [ __ ] 11:59 um uh uh labor force 12:02 like how am i gonna pay my employees how 12:05 am i gonna find the the wigs 12:07 how's that gonna happen huh oh wait [ __ ] 12:09 did i turn me did i turn 12:10 streamlabs off 12:13 i might have i don't know if i did no 12:16 okay i'm good fine look at it 12:18 bold hold on one second 12:23 right what do you think is going to be 12:24 the best hairstyle for me i do kind of 12:26 want to i do kind of want to shave head 12:27 though 12:28 hey [ __ ] deadly thanks for the five 12:30 gifted 12:33 that said leopard right 12:37 leopold leopold multi leopard multi 12:40 leopold i feel like that's almost a word 12:42 that's like i'm gonna i'm gonna this 12:44 it's something that i've 12:45 said accidentally join jack manifold i 12:48 really do 12:50 i really don't i want to join jack 12:52 manifold and just buzz 12:53 look up if you're an egg 12:59 no okay you now you really are egg i 13:02 want to be i want to be 13:04 i want my head to look like an egg how 13:06 hard is that to ask okay 13:07 so what do you want to do i've got uh oh 13:09 yeah [ __ ] wait let me show you 13:20 oh my god i [ __ ] hit my head on the 13:22 door okay 13:24 look duh you were asking a while ago 13:27 because i got those new 13:28 i got those new dresses right remember i 13:30 can't okay 13:31 listen this is too much i can do that 13:35 now 13:36 this is too much i got to do a thing i'm 13:38 sorry i can't i can't [ __ ] look good 13:40 i can't look good it's just 13:44 i either look like this [ __ ] i hate it i 13:46 hate it so much why can i not have short 13:49 hair again 13:49 why can't i have a buzz cut this would 13:51 be so much easier for me this would be 13:53 so much easier 13:54 what is cool so we we're still doing it 13:56 i just already did my eight hours 13:58 okay remember i got this 14:02 i got this this beautiful lovely thing 14:03 right remember this [ __ ] 14:05 yeah um there was a whole package of 14:07 these 14:08 and one of them is the only let it grow 14:11 very well also 14:12 the ones i haven't worn hey seven months 14:15 let's go 14:17 grow a beard i kind of want one go to 14:19 the hairdryer go to the hairdressers to 14:21 get 14:21 what the [ __ ] to get dead ends cut mods 14:24 help me mods 14:25 mods where you at mod hold on 14:29 there we go i did it i'm i'm my own mod 14:32 i am my own mod oh [ __ ] it's multiple 14:35 people 14:37 okay this is the other one though it's 14:39 just pikachu it's fine 14:41 all right this is the only other dress 14:44 it's the way it's the red one i showed 14:46 you guys it i tried it on it's fine 14:48 this is what it is it's [ __ ] i can't 14:51 hold it up 14:53 this is it oh my god okay i can't hold 14:56 it upright 14:56 it looks like this it i vouch it looks 14:59 pretty okay 15:00 there is this the only issue is if i 15:02 wear that then you've got to pick one 15:04 that actually works 15:05 like that's not going to work with a 15:06 purple wig right so you got to kind of 15:09 it depends you get to pick the outfit 15:11 you get to pick the makeup you get to 15:12 pick the wig 15:13 if you want a wig who knows you might 15:15 not but you got to make it match 15:18 and i want to give you guys a challenge 15:20 i'll do this okay 15:22 by the end of this but [ __ ] hat oh my 15:26 god where's my scissors where's my 15:27 scissors i'm genuinely about to cut off 15:29 my hair holy [ __ ] i'm gonna do it i'm 15:30 gonna do it 15:31 if i had scissors around me there it is 15:33 i [ __ ] i've got them right there 15:35 don't test me shirt okay 15:43 [Music] 15:47 if you can make this look somehow work 15:54 25 gifted subs 15:58 to each person that suggested it 16:01 or can you even give gifted subs twenty 16:04 five dollars i don't know what they're 16:06 twenty fifty dollars to each person that 16:09 suggests 16:11 the lord though create the look that 16:13 worked 16:14 there is a lot on the line here you pick 16:17 the right dress you pick the right 16:18 everything if it works together 16:20 you win that is the challenge and that 16:23 is what you must work together to 16:25 accomplish 16:25 muds where are you my god there we go 16:28 blue's here blue's here everything's 16:30 gonna be good 16:32 uh oh you poor soul that was a sub and 16:36 you just put that 16:36 oh oh you poor soul you poor soul that's 16:40 just got [ __ ] timed out 16:42 all right sub only mode we'll do some 16:44 only mode 16:45 uh ah [ __ ] it do follow it there you go 16:48 okay 16:51 they posted among us with a dick 16:55 oh no oh no 16:59 oh no they posted among us with a penis 17:03 oh god 17:04 okay right 17:07 sauce highly sus 17:12 okay so red wig plus red wig plus a long 17:17 pink sleeved with reds ah you have got 17:20 terrible fashion taste okay 17:22 right so let me red and red and 17:25 a red wig and [ __ ] a red skirt and a 17:27 pink shirt oh my god 17:28 dude listen draw it in photoshop it 17:30 doesn't sub go sub sub yup 17:33 hell yeah now this is 17:36 one of the rare times that i will try 17:37 and ask you guys to work together 17:40 um usually i really [ __ ] like it time 17:43 to get permanent spammers dude they're 17:44 gonna 17:45 if they keep doing it they're just 17:46 getting perms okay 17:48 oh it's a cervoni mode hey boys okay 17:50 subs listen you're the ones 17:52 you're the guys you're like the ones i 17:54 most trust 17:55 red dress wait red dress with your hair 17:57 that would also work but it'd be kind of 17:59 boring 18:00 i want you guys to pick something fun if 18:02 it works you win okay 18:04 can i gift subs to my own community is 18:06 that a thing that i can do 18:08 i'll just gift a bunch of subs can i do 18:09 that i wish i could do that can i do 18:12 that i think i can 18:13 [ __ ] it i can do that all right i'll do 18:14 that if it works 18:16 i'll gift like [ __ ] a lot of subs i 18:18 don't know how many yep 18:19 50 50 subs called tax deductible 18:24 dude i have to pay tax on it twice and 18:27 then twitch takes like fifty percent 18:29 poggers okay um i i wait that works out 18:32 to 90 percent 18:35 uh [ __ ] pug 18:39 no mario make him braid his hair no 18:43 mario thank you for the 2000 bits by the 18:45 way and hell yeah 18:47 wait this is kind of like 18:51 rare i almost want to i almost want to 18:53 quickly check 18:54 i don't know whether i'm being entitled 18:56 right now but are we is the donation 18:58 thing 18:58 yeah because this usually doesn't happen 19:04 because sometimes paypal just kind of 19:06 goofs up i'm just making sure no one's 19:08 sending money to the wrong place 19:10 have we [ __ ] something up 19:13 what'd it do i don't know we just 19:15 haven't seen anything yet but you guys 19:16 have been gifting a [ __ ] ton of subs 19:18 so i don't know i think there's a 19:19 problem that's what i mean donors are 19:20 getting refused 19:22 oh has my paypal been locked 19:25 do you thunk have i destroyed have i 19:28 [ __ ] broken it 19:30 hold on let's find out have i broken it 19:34 did i break it 19:37 i feel like i broke eat it did i break 19:40 it i didn't 19:41 oh 19:46 seven months pog 19:53 oh no 20:11 oh no 20:21 oh no 20:25 oh that's actually pretty bad 20:29 i'm just working out whether i can share 20:31 this to you 20:39 oh no 20:45 oh [ __ ] this is gonna be a pain in the 20:47 ass 20:49 oh my god wait it's just like 20:52 i don't think it's been hacked but i'll 20:55 show you what i'm looking at 21:00 that's what i'm looking at 21:05 oh no oh 21:08 no 21:12 oh no oh no 21:17 what did i do what did i do 21:22 oh no oh no 21:27 they don't even give me a warning are 21:29 you kidding me 21:33 like just i didn't do anything oh [ __ ] i 21:35 feel like people just mass reported or 21:37 some [ __ ] 21:45 oh no 21:52 [Music] 21:54 [ __ ] this is bad this is pretty bad 21:58 i'd holy [ __ ] i didn't know they could 22:00 just do that 22:02 holy [ __ ] that ain't two months pog you 22:06 oh hell yeah thanks 22:10 what the [ __ ] what do i even dude 22:14 this wasn't an issue i'd expect to have 22:17 while [ __ ] 22:18 streaming what the [ __ ] 22:22 i used it yes oh no 22:31 oh this is actually quite bad 22:35 like a lot worse than i initially 22:37 thought 22:39 oh my [ __ ] god 22:44 oh no 22:48 so i've just i just bought a plane 22:51 ticket 22:52 that has not gone through 22:55 and there is a chance that i could be 22:58 like 22:59 like [ __ ] deported freddie ray hey 23:03 freddie buddy this is a bad 23:07 uh time you want to do sad boy makeup 23:11 hours 23:11 what the [ __ ] 23:15 oh that's bad that's bad 23:19 hey i gotta ask that you don't donate 23:21 for a while 23:22 that's nuts 23:26 holy [ __ ] i gotta like call paypal or 23:28 some [ __ ] 23:29 that's [ __ ] insane i didn't they 23:32 didn't 23:32 like what they don't they don't say what 23:34 i did some of your products or services 23:37 are in violation did paypal ban like 23:39 streaming 23:41 i don't have any products what you can 23:44 know 23:44 oh dude call them i can't just call them 23:47 deported finn 23:48 i mean i i can't go to like germany i 23:50 was gonna go see marisa 23:52 um but if this doesn't go through and 23:55 i'm flying out in like two days 23:57 then this is bad holy [ __ ] 24:00 can i really it doesn't even say you can 24:02 do anything about it it legitimately 24:04 just goes like 24:06 uh you're [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 24:11 it doesn't say what i did acceptable use 24:13 policy what does it say that i did all 24:15 right chat we're going to figure out 24:17 it doesn't i can't there's no link it 24:19 says there's a link that i can go to but 24:21 there is no link 24:24 that's so dumb acceptable use policy 24:27 where is the acceptable use policy what 24:29 the [ __ ] 24:29 it keeps linking to acceptable use 24:31 policy 24:33 acceptable use policy paypal let's find 24:35 out what it is 24:36 let's find out what i did wrong what did 24:38 i do honestly 24:40 uh call them right now in the stream if 24:41 you have to 24:43 i'm finding out what i did because 24:45 there's a chance every now and then 24:47 some like big ass company 24:51 okay apparently it's because of uh right 24:54 so here's what it could be acceptable 24:56 use policy 24:57 let me let's read it let's read why i 24:59 got banned real quick also why is this 25:00 not working certainly 25:02 okay watch this this is what it could be 25:05 um right what the [ __ ] 25:08 dude why are you not working now 25:13 okay well i'll click it manually all 25:15 right prohibited activities 25:17 right i have been selling narcotics 25:20 steroids are 25:21 the drug paraphernalia that is pretty 25:24 that honestly 25:25 uh yeah but they don't know about that 25:28 so that's fine 25:29 um what the [ __ ] 25:33 i'm guessing like the account got like 25:36 like bought reported or some [ __ ] 25:38 cause like that's [ __ ] nuts drugs 25:41 finn well they don't know 25:43 what am i supposed to they don't know 25:44 that i'm a an international hitman what 25:46 the [ __ ] 25:47 um 25:51 pyramid schemes or ponzi schemes i can 25:55 take that off i don't know what 25:56 they don't paypal are the worst with 25:57 this they didn't tell me they haven't 25:59 emailed me 26:00 they haven't said anything that like i 26:02 was [ __ ] did wrong 26:04 what is this this is so odd 26:07 i'm dude hit woman this is just a joke 26:09 dude it's not even a meme this is 26:11 genuinely something that popped up 26:12 i was like it's really quite rare that 26:14 we don't like 26:17 dude this is weird because like 26:20 oh dude they really didn't email me at 26:22 all 26:23 that's [ __ ] nuts can they just do 26:26 that what the [ __ ] 26:27 my whole ass my own business dude 26:30 paypal let's see four months pog uw 26:34 tears didn't email me at all zero 26:37 warning 26:38 just you're banned forever what the [ __ ] 26:43 what legitimately like today the last 26:47 thing they emailed me was like how to 26:48 [ __ ] like a ad hey how to make an 26:51 invoice 26:52 what the [ __ ] what'd i do i didn't do it 26:55 i didn't do anything oh that's so 26:57 annoying anyway okay i i don't [ __ ] 26:59 know 27:00 paypal support page there isn't one 27:02 every time it just links me to what i 27:03 did wrong 27:04 write them an email 27:07 check council chat um uh 27:11 why is this like a thing that pops up 27:12 right now 27:19 wait seems like other streamers are 27:23 having this problem 27:26 oh huh not that i feel better than other 27:30 people having the same problem 27:32 but 27:38 apparently it's a thing but this was 27:41 part of the 27:42 posted a day ago what the [ __ ] 27:46 thanks for the [ __ ] subs i'll be able 27:48 to 27:49 feed my seven children now i don't know 27:51 whether it was just 27:53 paypal 27:57 what the [ __ ] 28:03 this is so odd 28:07 this is so odd i d 28:13 dude this is one of the [ __ ] like 28:16 yeah this is nothing all it is is like a 28:19 you know those you know once you google 28:20 a problem and it's a forum post and all 28:22 the replies like i'm also having this 28:24 problem i'm also having this problem i'm 28:25 also in this problem 28:26 and there's no response it's that it's 28:28 that exact thing it's just a bunch of 28:30 people saying like 28:31 yeah hey hey pal can you [ __ ] help 28:34 and no one's helping 28:34 hey thanks for extra five gifted 28:37 substitute 28:40 this is bad oh i forgot this chair's 28:44 broken 28:45 i i forgot about it i 28:48 i keep forgetting that this chair's so 28:50 incredibly [ __ ] broke 28:52 so what do i do well 28:56 ah do you want to do 28:59 i heard my neck crack there do you want 29:01 to do some [ __ ] 29:03 ah do you want god you want 29:06 you want you want to do what you want 29:14 you want to do some makeup you want to 29:15 do some fun times you want to do 29:16 something 29:17 happy fun times no donation stream you 29:19 want to do some fun 29:20 call a lawyer i don't have a lawyer i 29:22 should probably get a lawyer 29:24 maybe i should get a lawyer or an 29:28 accountant 29:28 or [ __ ] an adult maybe i should get 29:31 an adult 29:32 oh okay give me a second by the way 29:35 look at this impressive ass sit up oh 29:38 i couldn't hold that for long okay 29:42 right i forgot his chest so incredibly 29:46 broke i can't even lean back on it 29:48 six months pog i can't even rest in 29:50 princess 29:52 okay right i'll do some happy fun time 29:54 makeup 29:56 oh god defeat i finally gave something 29:58 for the for the feet people 30:01 lawyer lawyer cosplay could i cosplay as 30:04 a financial advisor 30:06 that'd be good use a different chair no 30:09 i 30:09 don't care enough too hey thanks for all 30:12 the gifted subs boys 30:14 it really does make me feel a lot better 30:16 um 30:17 yeah i don't know where this is 30:23 that's so odd i guess this is just a 30:26 problem now 30:28 um okay the thing is i 30:31 dude calling paypal is the absolute 30:34 worst thing 30:35 because you get four it's like [ __ ] it's 30:38 like an hour at minimum 30:39 you can say like oh hey hey boys uh make 30:42 up for some times take my 11th month sub 30:47 you won it 30:48 oh holy [ __ ] hey disney hey [ __ ] you 30:51 fun times makeup you can call paypal and 30:53 just ask them what time it is and 30:54 they'll take you five hours through five 30:56 different employees 30:57 that they're the work they have the 30:58 worst customer service of ever of any 31:00 company i've ever heard of 31:02 i've they're they're terrible they 31:04 really are 31:07 go call them full i it's not going to 31:09 get fixed today 31:10 it's i just know i've had problems with 31:13 paypal before 31:15 there's nothing you can do use cash app 31:18 uh 31:20 just send me a direct bank transfer dude 31:23 you want to donate with uh credit with 31:25 your parents credit card 31:26 oh man it helps do you think it's 31:28 because i keep 31:29 joking about being a murderer serial 31:31 killer and having guns 31:33 and then um or having bb guns paypal has 31:36 seen that 31:37 and then they've gone oh no no we don't 31:40 like that 31:41 or maybe they were just scared of that i 31:44 was gonna steal that girl 31:46 i'm looking at you elon musk who 31:49 invented who the [ __ ] owns paypal now 31:52 who owns paypal i have no idea who owns 31:56 paypal but i want to know so i can [ __ ] 31:57 their wife 31:59 um i'm not helping myself much here am i 32:05 ebay who owns ebay i mean a guy ebay is 32:08 not a dude 32:09 [ __ ] ebay smith what's his name i 32:12 want his name i want his address i 32:13 wanted seven manchester united wife 32:15 and then cess mercy wing two they think 32:18 you're money laundering 32:19 that makes a lot of sense in all 32:21 fairness 32:24 i just never thought they'd find out to 32:25 be honest about the um 32:28 various empire that i've built up yeah 32:31 you know i i kind of get it i think it's 32:33 just because like there's so many people 32:34 donating from random places they're just 32:36 like 32:37 two months and many more money mommy's 32:39 credit card doesn't have a limit 32:42 how dare you donate me so much money and 32:45 from so many different locations 32:47 that i've been [ __ ] banned by paypal 32:49 for money laundering 32:51 my god dude 32:56 guys you got been banned from paypal for 32:58 money laundering i don't like this 33:03 uh this is too big to ignore 33:06 it's not really i mean you can still get 33:09 like 33:10 it's not like actually a big deal i know 33:12 i i know paypal they're [ __ ] 33:14 just like this sometimes i've it's not 33:17 even like 33:18 a thing that bothers me too much knowing 33:20 as long as you know what the issue is 33:22 where did that go 33:24 didn't i have a hairband did that fall 33:25 off when i fell out my chair 33:28 like i've had so many issues with paypal 33:30 they're genuinely just a kind of hot 33:31 garbage company that you've just got to 33:32 deal with sometimes 33:33 where did that go out of hell a hairband 33:35 and everything what the [ __ ] 33:38 what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is that okay [ __ ] 33:40 it random other hairband 33:43 sufferings from success dj khaled the 33:46 best me 33:46 the best channel meme yet lost income 33:50 there's no like as long as you guys 33:52 aren't [ __ ] 33:53 donating i don't lose anything what you 33:55 think i can't stream for free 33:58 well i mean 34:02 i mean [ __ ] it's just paypal being kind 34:05 of [ __ ] 34:06 finn was the shady in the shady side of 34:09 streaming 34:10 they finally know they've paypal finally 34:12 found out what i did for a living 34:14 i want to get rid of the link yeah i'll 34:17 get rid of it real quick 34:18 kind of sucks i don't know what the 34:19 [ __ ] um 34:22 i don't know what the thing is okay i'm 34:24 getting rid of the link 34:27 for now 34:29 [Music] 34:31 okay submit there we go i took away the 34:34 image i didn't take away the image i 34:35 took away the link it doesn't link to 34:37 anything 34:38 uh [ __ ] 34:41 hold on i gotta change the description 34:44 uh how will i correct you if you're 34:47 wrong if i can't do a donut message 34:51 uh [ __ ] hi [ __ ] i guess 34:56 paypal [ __ ] 35:00 um let me like quickly make a notes 35:14 document 35:18 oh damn guys go check the go check the 35:21 thing 35:22 oh holy [ __ ] thanks for these 20 gifted 35:23 subs go check go check the uh go check 35:26 what the dono 35:27 thing says 35:30 just quickly just quickly give it a 35:32 check just give it a give it a once over 35:33 i feel like i've uh 35:34 i i've named it pretty descriptively 35:36 well now do you like it now is it good 35:39 i think i like it a lot 35:42 i think i like it a lot pog very pog 35:44 champ 35:45 yes 35:50 holy [ __ ] paypal knows you killed very 35:52 appropriate paypal freaking banned me 35:54 paypal freaking banned me from money 35:56 laundering 36:02 oh well well i'll use my own paypal i'll 36:07 [ __ ] 36:08 i'll invent my own paypal i'll use 36:10 x.x.com 36:12 elon musk who's the dude that made ebay 36:15 i got a word with him i gotta [ __ ] 36:16 talk to that poor lad 36:20 i gotta talk to that lad 36:26 paypal oh damn it could have been that 36:29 maybe this is 36:30 maybe oh [ __ ] goggle freaks thank you 36:31 dude maybe maybe it was a um thanks for 36:34 10 gifted subs 36:35 it's kind of nuts because 10 gifted subs 36:36 like fifty dollars and it's so hard to 36:38 know 36:39 but thank you um the yeah no maybe they 36:42 ban me for um 36:44 sexual services because i'm just that 36:45 attractive call 36:47 people today yeah oh well i think they 36:50 have 24-hour service but i'm not 36:52 entirely sure um 36:55 they sometimes they're just kind of 36:56 shitty with that but 37:01 they're just not great they're an 37:03 international company i think they have 37:04 24-hour service 37:06 i'll do it later i think this is going 37:08 to be this is going to be an uh no 37:10 no no don't stream though you guys are 37:12 not allowed to um 37:14 you guys are not allowed to give me any 37:16 money please this might be the one time 37:19 this might be the one time i uh thinned 37:22 on uh i don't finn dumb during a stream 37:26 i won't have the whip out bruh you can 37:29 put ukraine 37:30 katy perry on repeat if you right click 37:33 on the video and click 37:35 loop oh [ __ ] yeah 37:38 that's cool wait i can just play the 37:40 real katy perry 37:42 i'm doing this for free now i'm not 37:43 making any money what's the point i'll 37:45 just [ __ ] 37:46 i'll just [ __ ] dmca myself i don't 37:48 know 37:53 who cares anymore it's like the joker i 37:56 [ __ ] 38:00 i'll be i'm just gonna become the twitch 38:02 joker now i'll be playing dmca 38:03 everything i'll copyright myself 38:05 into oblivion today's streams of tmco 38:08 stream 38:09 is there texas [ __ ] i'm for bits okay 38:11 you know i'll take i'll turn on 38:12 text-to-speech for bits 38:13 because we'll we'll make do with what 38:15 we've got okay 38:17 um streamlabs there we go okay 38:20 so bits i'll turn on uh alert settings 38:24 donator message 38:28 enable text to speech minimum amount to 38:30 read we'll do the same 300 bits 38:33 volume get it back to normal 38:37 [ __ ] god three months pog there we go 38:40 okay 38:40 someone try it out someone try out uh 38:42 donating 300 bits 38:46 try it out can you just quickly try it 38:49 out for me please no other reason it's 38:51 an experiment 38:51 for science you guys like science right 38:56 then give me money you guys like science 38:59 right 39:00 raid huh no raid is this still freddy's 39:04 money laundering did i miss something 39:06 yes 39:08 bits are more expensive by the way are 39:09 they i swear it's like 39:14 that was 100 i said 300 how much is 300 39:17 bits am i done did i just not know how 39:19 to use bits 39:20 am i done how much is how much is 100 39:23 bits 39:24 can someone tell me i don't feel like i 39:26 know how much a bid is 39:35 you didn't put a message 300 bits is 39:38 like three pounds 39:39 i got it right then one dollar then then 39:42 then they're less expensive 39:45 and they're less exp oh [ __ ] i don't 39:47 care 39:49 we have the power why why why why 39:52 why lll here we go 39:56 donations are now enabled but twitch 39:58 can't pay me 39:59 [ __ ] that's so insane 40:04 well my god 40:10 and take my bitties oh don't don't don't 40:14 say it like that 40:16 don't say don't say it like that that 40:18 makes it sound bad 40:22 that makes it sound gross how about now 40:24 you sound like paper 40:25 100 grin pie very cool 40:30 that guy's a smart guy that guy knows 40:32 all about quantum physics and [ __ ] 40:36 here's your bit finally a rick and morty 40:39 level intelligence person in my chat 40:42 thank you for the bit i don't know what 40:45 bits even mean 40:46 it's so hard 300 bits equals four four 40:49 twenty dollars 40:50 ask for this and you shall receive hell 40:53 yes 40:56 then it's like a little bit ah [ __ ] it 40:58 okay it's fine 40:59 that's that's what it is three months 41:04 subscribed 41:06 hell yeah six more and we have a child 41:12 it would be such a bad idea for you to 41:14 make a new paypal with an old email 41:17 i don't know i don't really want to test 41:19 them on uh 41:20 how easy it would be for them to ban me 41:22 because let's say i make another one an 41:24 old email 41:25 and then they're like oh we gotta ban 41:27 you again what uh you're never getting 41:28 unbanned why because you bannovated your 41:30 fault again 41:31 so you know because that happens on like 41:33 every other platform so i don't really 41:35 want to [ __ ] 41:36 i don't know i don't want to [ __ ] with 41:38 them to be real with you 41:40 um there is there are scary people 41:44 they they do not care about the about 41:47 you 41:47 about me so it's fine bannon banner 41:50 version is definitely tos 41:51 tian yeah it's so weird to hear tos in 41:55 any other form than twitch 41:56 maybe i am a simp don't bounce exactly 42:02 dude the amount of times paypal has like 42:04 locked my account and then i call them 42:06 boys let's give her little bitties been 42:08 like at least five times 42:11 at least five times they just like 42:13 there's no i swear to god they never 42:15 check in their system 42:16 like for anything they've just got a bot 42:19 that does it 42:20 it's nuts 42:24 like no matter how many times i've 42:25 submitted my id 42:28 bad company who is it i want to know who 42:31 the [ __ ] owner 42:32 alexa who owns ebay 42:36 tickle bitties 42:49 hello f1 and nthis ith paypal customer 42:53 service thank you for reading out to uth 42:57 we will make every effort to help you 43:00 joking get rekt nerd la la la la la la 43:03 lolo 77 trillion 777 billion 777 43:09 million 777 000 777 43:13 good [ __ ] timing dan shulman 43:18 dan shulman wow dan shulman 43:21 how dare you do this to me dan shulman 43:24 i'm upset dan shulman 43:29 dan shulman sounds like he's a breaking 43:30 bad character i don't know what else to 43:32 call that 43:33 there's like jeff bezos which is like 43:35 you could write a novel about him and 43:37 he'd be like the main villain 43:39 but you know what maybe it's because i 43:40 constantly insult the platforms that i'm 43:42 on i still have yet to insult susan 43:44 wojcicki 43:45 but you know maybe it's that maybe 43:49 that's why they don't like me 43:52 because i keep insulting them personally 43:54 i don't even insult the platform i 43:55 insult 43:56 the ceos personally they know about me 43:59 bits of what 44:00 can you set a bit skull holy [ __ ] can we 44:04 hold on let's try it um 44:12 have you tried sending your bitties to 44:14 paypal 44:15 thin bitty inspectors are watching yeah 44:18 that that would get me banned 44:19 that would do it i think okay let me try 44:22 and find what the 44:23 how do i do this okay that what's up 44:24 boys 44:26 uh okay end goal there we go because 44:30 that one was done for a while 44:31 uh let's do let's add and then a 44:35 bit goal holy [ __ ] i can 44:38 what do you want it to be chat chat 44:40 quickly go 44:41 give me a big goal i want a big goal i 44:43 was wondering if you remember me 44:45 and by the way you didn't congratulate 44:47 me on 44:49 our baby i'm so sorry the 44:52 the it i the baby was swapped at birth 44:56 i lost it called paypal goal 44:59 i don't know what the bit [ __ ] i gotta 45:00 times everything by a hundred um 45:04 it's a thousand bits times a hundred 45:06 hundred thousand hp w do you give this 45:09 a thousand am i doing this right what is 45:12 this 45:13 well i don't know uh let's let's try and 45:16 make a thousand dollars from bits 45:17 that's that's going to be the goal i 45:19 don't know what it's going to be yet but 45:20 so let's do this here 45:22 since many of the council have gone on 45:24 hiatus for various reasons we 45:28 have started recruitment please welcome 45:30 the two newest members 45:32 of the mega simp council mr underscore 45:35 mustache and little chassiu 45:39 the two new members into the mega 45:41 council good [ __ ] 45:43 okay what should the [ __ ] thing be i 45:46 want a chat i need some 45:47 i need something for the goal to be for 45:49 for a hundred thousand bits 45:51 what should the goal be for a hundred 45:52 thousand bits 45:54 oh no wait 69 420 holy [ __ ] okay it's 45:58 69 420. sorry it's not gonna be a 46:00 hundred thousand but it's gonna be 69 46:02 420 it's gonna be less just because 46:03 that's perfect opportunity 46:05 are bits better or worse for you than 46:08 paypal don't know wise percentage-wise 46:09 uh they're worse however paypal has 46:12 banned me 46:13 for money laundering so uh 46:16 until that's sorted this is what we're 46:17 doing um 46:19 so what should it be 46:23 what should the goal be for bunker hell 46:26 yeah 46:38 jesus christ mustache welcome to the 46:41 mega council welcome to the mega sim 46:43 council dude holy [ __ ] oh 46:46 oh my god okay i need a regular oh dude 46:50 oh is this on yes hello hello hello 46:53 by the way i put rose's gift in the mail 46:56 today 46:57 i hope it gets there before the 30th 47:00 look for a rectangular box held shut 47:02 with tape 47:06 okay that's cool it should get there for 47:09 the 30th then if you posted it now 47:10 if you post it now it should definitely 47:12 get there even if you ship it from like 47:14 america 47:15 uh okay what should it be chose fake 47:17 bob's i can't do that 47:18 course it for a month how no 47:22 i mean [ __ ] it's not too bad but it's 47:24 still bad 47:27 um i can add i'll [ __ ] do you want to 47:30 add a week to the course at week 47:32 course pal is broken how do you throw 47:35 money at f1 nn 47:36 now kappa holy [ __ ] okay this works 47:39 hold on i need to do this quickly hold 47:41 on oh damn 47:43 [ __ ] it why not bikini stream okay we'll 47:45 do it we'll do it 47:50 demon jinx what the [ __ ] thank you for 47:53 the 47:53 [ __ ] is i is that the first time 47:56 you've 47:57 thank you all right bikini stream i'm 47:59 not 48:00 i'm [ __ ] i'll wear a bikini 48:03 we all know you don't do laundry also 48:06 eight months 48:06 this has not worked the way that i've 48:09 wrote it to work 48:10 yeah that didn't work at all okay six 48:14 nine four twenty uh 48:17 bikini uh starting about zero [ __ ] 48:21 uh oh five [ __ ] 48:24 14 20 21 shut up and take my bits 48:29 am i stupid why is it doing that 48:33 it's not like started 48:37 there we go okay i did it there we go it 48:39 started there we go i did it i did the 48:41 thing 48:43 was the smp [ __ ] thing there the 48:45 entire time or am i just disabled it by 48:47 accident 48:50 oh i did no wait what 48:53 oh that's it i do my streamlabs is a 48:57 mess 48:59 it doesn't even say bits though it just 49:01 says [ __ ] okay it's in bits 49:03 i guess that's in bits now that there we 49:05 go done [ __ ] 49:06 i i don't know what else to do okay 49:07 right let's do this next thing i'm doing 49:09 is contour 49:11 what about a rose calendar with 49:12 different outfits 49:15 for a small goal i don't know dude a 49:18 calendar is so much 49:19 i know account is like the most asked 49:22 for thing 49:23 but it's so much work it's doing 12 49:25 different photo shoots it's 49:26 nuts um it would genuinely be so goddamn 49:30 hard 49:30 i'm down to do it but i don't know when 49:35 not a clue when slash 49:38 i don't know it might happen one day 49:43 maybe maybe maybe a day maybe one day 49:48 holy [ __ ] i haven't done makeup in like 49:49 three whole days use the old photo 49:51 shoots 49:52 i posted every photo from them in one 49:55 way or another every single photo shoot 49:57 uh every single one has been uh out 49:59 there 50:01 i mean yeah no there's not a ton else i 50:04 could do plus they don't have to be 50:05 themed 50:06 that'd be [ __ ] difficult 50:10 that would be real hard it'll be real 50:13 real hard 50:14 calendar pog sub still seems super loud 50:19 wear a skirt for a mont but you are not 50:21 allowed to take it off 50:24 what what 50:28 how would i shower how am i going to 50:31 shower 50:32 yay bit more i saved when you called me 50:35 by my chosen name which is lexi thanks 50:37 for being my hero rose 50:40 oh i mean [ __ ] it that's like uh 50:44 you know only polite okay 50:47 i put way too much contour on like right 50:50 there 50:52 is that too much that feels like it's 50:54 tub s-t-r-e-a-m-m-m 50:57 i'm gonna blend that a little bit more 51:01 oh that's [ __ ] i what is it three 51:05 days 51:05 three days without doing makeup and now 51:07 you kind of like 51:08 goof immediately okay that's fine i 51:11 don't care enough 51:15 okay so oh my god bit too much yeah how 51:17 would i shout how are you gonna [ __ ] 51:19 how am i gonna take how am i gonna piss 51:21 how am i gonna do anything 51:23 i can't just wear a s wear a skirt 51:25 forever 51:26 um i think we've got dude 51:29 okay stove will probably tell you all 51:32 what the 51:33 plan is i don't know what the schedule's 51:34 like wait can we get someone that can do 51:37 like photo shoot stuff or photo shoot 51:40 photoshop 51:41 to kind of make a timeline can we get 51:43 someone to make a timeline of what i'm 51:45 doing with goals so i can overlay it on 51:47 the screen 51:48 so it's going to be like [ __ ] it's 51:50 going to be like 51:52 you know go month in this bracket you 51:54 know bracket there on the timeline on 51:55 the avengers timeline 51:57 universe thing then it's going to be the 51:59 bob's or something and then whatever 52:00 else i've forgotten about 52:02 what's your why size i don't know uh 52:04 without paypal do you have enough money 52:06 to uh 52:07 in your bank to pay your bills yeah yeah 52:08 no i'm fine don't worry 52:10 don't worry about me fam it's just it's 52:13 fine 52:13 i've lost a little bit of money from it 52:15 being in there but i can still 52:17 no i didn't i didn't even lose anything 52:18 it's fine i wouldn't worry about me fam 52:20 i'm doing fine 52:26 i am i'm not in any danger of uh losing 52:29 my home 52:30 because paypal goes down for one stream 52:33 and i cannot be paid as much as james 52:34 charles 52:35 it's fine oh i can cope for now 52:37 obviously you know 52:39 when the when the brand new makeup uh 52:41 finster x morphe palette comes out then 52:44 you know that's when i'm raking home the 52:46 the big bucks but for now it's fine 52:48 i don't mind it 52:53 when whenever we make the pixel palette 52:55 dude i'm gonna do it 52:56 i'm gonna do it pierce your nips for a 52:58 goal no 53:01 no definitely not what colors toothbrush 53:03 purple i used to have a green one and 53:05 then marisa [ __ ] used it 53:07 before i got to use it i took out the 53:08 toothbrush put in the thing and she 53:10 [ __ ] used it thinking it was hers and 53:11 i saw her using i was like you dumb 53:13 you dumb [ __ ] you dumb stupid you dumb 53:16 stupid [ __ ] 53:17 i threw it away uh but i bought two of 53:19 them so it's fine 53:20 and now it's purple pixel palette it's 53:23 gonna happen 53:25 that number keeps going up which one it 53:28 doesn't say what the goal is 53:30 i don't know the bit skulls then this is 53:31 so odd you have two months of government 53:33 you have three months of one week bobs 53:35 you have basically 53:36 five months of things to schedule 53:42 [ __ ] please can you measure your white 53:46 circumference 53:47 um yeah i used to have one out there 53:50 there's there's a measurement in the 53:51 discord i think i am a fan boy because 53:53 of you 53:54 generally but that's not with me in a 53:57 corset in it 53:57 so basically whatever the discord says 54:00 kind of take away like an inch i guess 54:01 or two i don't know how much of course 54:03 it takes down 54:12 is so loud it doesn't sound that loud to 54:14 me am i done 54:16 okay let me um let me take it away a bit 54:21 where does this work no [ __ ] 54:27 i should be able to turn it down hold on 54:29 subscriptions 54:32 wait is it when they're gifted or is it 54:33 when then are the normal ones allowed 54:37 because they're all the same volume 54:43 i think 54:47 oh when they're gifted they're louder 54:52 i don't know when it is when is it too 54:54 loud 54:55 it's the alert sound oh dude i don't 54:57 even know they're one in the same i 54:59 can't even change it 55:01 i'll just gonna turn the whole thing 55:02 down by like a decimal 55:04 there we go two walks you need okay 55:08 fine [ __ ] i need a timeline i need i 55:10 need a timeline 55:11 i need like stuffed stuff and uh disney 55:14 or [ __ ] 55:15 someone loud noises thank you 55:19 it's not that loud for me okay 55:22 uh that's the wrong [ __ ] side of the 55:25 brush 55:28 all right also chassis you and i can put 55:30 a timeline together but you might want 55:32 to have input into it lul 55:35 why i don't think i should 55:38 need input i i trust you tonight maybe 55:42 as a goal you could mount a pole and do 55:44 some pole dancing 55:47 i really did that sorry i mean not 55:49 already did that i already did that goal 55:51 it's gonna happen 55:51 i just haven't haven't done it yet 55:54 because i [ __ ] haven't drilled into 55:55 my roof yet 55:56 i am so [ __ ] nervous to get on that 55:59 goddamn pole 56:00 it is like just friction to the roof and 56:03 i 56:04 like if you kick the bottom of it with a 56:06 very small amount of force mind you 56:08 that thing is coming down hard whether 56:10 you want it 56:11 i don't want to do it if i wear heels 56:13 and [ __ ] it'll probably be fine as long 56:15 as i don't kick it it's fine it's all 56:16 good 56:17 on your windows calendar you can write 56:19 notes on dates sometimes fun 56:21 i don't have to do that though i just 56:22 wanted as a png that i can put up on the 56:24 screen 56:26 i wanna i wanna be able to show you guys 56:28 what the plan is for the future like 56:30 a road map of also it would be good for 56:33 me to know what the [ __ ] going on 56:36 ask someone someone ask him a donor 56:38 question 56:39 you mean the [ __ ] you mean the bits 56:42 donation you mean 56:44 because the donut push [ __ ] uh paypal 56:47 has banned me for life because of money 56:49 laundering oh but [ __ ] god 56:50 thanks for the thanks for the thousand 56:52 bits while they're infinite 56:54 so for an example we didn't know 56:55 anything about your uh real life plans 56:58 how many how many days i needed between 56:59 recording days oh 57:01 okay fair enough 57:04 i don't know i i mean i don't know 57:08 usually a video takes like two days 57:11 that's 57:12 pretty much like that maybe i'll give 57:14 you some input 57:16 oh my god i read something in chat that 57:19 i shouldn't have read 57:20 holy [ __ ] that was a pickup line 57:23 you know who you are if you if you're 57:25 the one that did it but my god that was 57:27 dark 57:28 okay done that done this now 57:32 no it's contour time wait paypal banned 57:33 you i just got here yeah so paypal have 57:35 like um 57:37 permanently locked my account because of 57:39 the uh [ __ ] they think i am 57:41 laundering money 57:42 that's aside from how funny that i don't 57:45 care i need stripper pole streams 57:51 wait what oh i don't care any struggle 57:54 i don't care down bad you got a smiling 57:57 face 57:58 it's gonna happen i'm gonna do it i want 58:01 to learn 58:01 i think it's easy i think i can do it 58:03 pretty easily i don't know why 58:04 everyone's thinking about it like oh 58:06 you know thing can never do this 58:08 athletic thing no dude 58:10 i'm athletic i can do flips and [ __ ] 58:12 dude i don't know why pole dancing 58:14 everyone thinks it's so hard and i've 58:16 already demonstrated that i'm really 58:17 good at it anyway so i don't know why we 58:19 can put it 58:20 together after stream and you can post 58:22 it to discord or something 58:25 right to d oh god to discord but then 58:29 everyone else will know 58:30 then i can't make small changes to it oh 58:32 [ __ ] there he looking real cute 58:35 what's your name in deep voice my name 58:38 is felix 58:41 you [ __ ] i wish the text to speech 58:43 accepted uh 58:44 things like that it could do like a um 58:47 a different voice depending it switches 58:50 to the american voice 58:55 uh how's marisa maurice is great she's 58:57 like she's just chilling in germany 58:59 she's like 58:59 uh just getting a new apartment all set 59:01 up it's pretty good she's been having 59:02 fun 59:07 she's got a [ __ ] coca-cola fridge my 59:09 god i'm jealous dude 59:10 when i was moving into this place i 59:12 wanted to get a red bull fridge because 59:13 i drank red bull so much 59:15 i was like yeah it'd be dope to have 59:16 like a red ball fridge i mean it would 59:18 be dope still to have a rebel fridge 59:20 but then i realized i don't want to 59:21 drink red bull as much as i do 59:23 because it's probably really bad for you 59:27 and everyone was saying it's really bad 59:28 for you and 59:29 i sorry stop doing it but i stopped i 59:32 stopped taking as much red bull 59:35 my dosage has lowered i've replaced it 59:38 with a water 59:39 because i'm cool because i am nice 59:42 uh dean the spartan uh stream idea make 59:45 fun of paypal and watch media share 59:47 i can't even do media share because it's 59:49 through paypal 59:50 you did judo d-i-d-n-t you 59:54 hope you remember how to break fall if 59:56 you're doing the poll 59:58 yeah no i i know how it's i dude [ __ ] 60:02 congratulations on knowing some deep 60:04 lore about me what the [ __ ] 60:05 how'd you know that [ __ ] when did i ever 60:08 say that i did judo 60:09 when did i ever tell anyone that just 60:12 make it a beer fridge 60:14 i don't drink much beer either that's 60:17 the that's the thing i don't really have 60:18 much that i um 60:19 i really do the law how do you know this 60:23 about me 60:24 how do you i i don't remember saying to 60:26 anyone that i did judo 60:28 i might have done but did i judo isn't a 60:31 real martial art 60:34 how dare you judo is very much a real 60:36 martial i will have you know i was a 60:39 i don't remember what belt i was i was i 60:40 was medium of judo i was not great at it 60:43 but it was fun 60:51 you did at some point that an immune 60:53 twitch stalker lol 60:55 yeah that's dude i don't remember when 60:58 the [ __ ] i said that 61:00 that's nuts you ever seen that guy that 61:02 interviews uh like famous 61:04 uh hollywood people or like rappers and 61:06 [ __ ] a lot that's like a lot of clips of 61:07 him with him and like rappers and [ __ ] 61:09 he'll like say some like deep thing from 61:11 the 61:11 some deep law from their past and 61:13 they'll be so incredibly shocked 61:16 that about like the fact that this 61:18 random guy knew that 61:19 it's like some like their best friend 61:22 once told them 61:22 [ __ ] this one line and somehow that this 61:26 guy found out about it 61:28 everyone's super impressed by it it's 61:30 like that 61:31 you like that guy where's my thing 61:39 judo is cuddling with extra judo is 61:41 cuddling with extra stamps 61:47 oh my god i can't do that anymore i 61:49 can't lean back on my chair anymore 61:51 judo is cuddling with extra steps judo 61:54 is very forcibly cuddling someone 61:56 it's it's that judo is great for when uh 61:59 for when someone says they don't want to 62:00 cuddle but you really do 62:05 god okay let's do eyebrows one sec 62:13 does phenomenally get it does fin ever 62:15 get sorry it's a bit sauce 62:17 uh does funny get any suspect gifts yes 62:20 a lot of the time actually no it's been 62:23 all right recently hasn't it 62:24 i used to quite a lot and now i it's 62:26 been okay 62:29 weirdly enough they're like really sus 62:30 gifts there's only been like one in the 62:32 past like 62:33 while 62:36 so no i don't know i i don't get them 62:38 too much i've definitely got a few but 62:40 it hasn't happened recently 62:46 holy [ __ ] that's nutty actually i didn't 62:48 think about that 62:51 raid oh god rascal raid i don't know who 62:54 this is 62:55 al alfsom rasca pog 62:58 uh i expect that it might change in the 63:00 birthday stream oh god 63:02 stef what have you sent me 63:07 what have you sent me stuff there's in 63:10 all fairness i haven't opened po box 63:11 packages in a while 63:13 but it re every time i do a po box 63:15 package opening it really does feel like 63:17 idubbbz kickstarter [ __ ] oh no the 63:19 the 63:20 what does he call that series or what 63:22 did he call that series 63:24 the um awful unboxings some [ __ ] like 63:27 that 63:27 it really does feel like that sometimes 63:30 every now and then bad unboxing 63:32 there we go 63:35 bad unboxing yeah it does i am glad that 63:38 they removed a ton of the botted 63:40 followers now 63:41 they removed all of them i think they 63:43 might be like maybe a couple 63:45 thousand but i think they've removed all 63:47 of them 63:48 i think there's like maybe no i 63:52 they might have got all of them yeah 63:55 hold on let me see 63:56 let's find out finster let's see i don't 63:59 think it's affected anything if you 64:00 bought all like boys make sure that if 64:02 you were unfollowed by accident 64:04 uh that you follow again but yeah i 64:06 think it's fine 64:09 look at this [ __ ] i lost um i lost 280 64:12 000 followers yesterday do you want to 64:14 see my follower count drop again 64:16 500k oh it's a beautiful sight 64:22 hey we're about to hit 300 000. pretty 64:25 dope pretty dope 64:28 ready for the algorithm to tank you i 64:30 can't wait i can't wait 64:36 twitch is real good with stuff like that 64:39 they're so great 64:40 twitch never really takes away the 64:42 botted subs they you've just got to kind 64:43 of wait for them to do it so 64:45 we hit a million followers and then 64:47 twitch decided to do something about it 64:50 think you should set up cameras in your 64:52 house and live stream it 24 64:55 7. i've thought about it 64:59 there okay i've not thought about 65:01 streaming forever 24 7 65:03 coming up what about that twitch baby 65:05 also chatted you know you can sub for 65:07 free using 65:08 twitch yes you can prime it's basically 65:10 free money 65:12 check if you've got a twitch prime in 65:13 use it on me um bienna i've thought 65:16 about setting up a camera like 65:17 downstairs in the living room like 65:19 because i was like i was kind of like 65:20 oh if i could press a button here and it 65:22 would go down to a wire and switch this 65:24 camera to the downstairs camera then i 65:26 could like make food on camera real 65:27 quick 65:28 you know it'd be real nice be kind of 65:29 nifty i had that idea and then i 65:31 realized how much work that would be to 65:32 set up 65:33 i'd need to get a giant hdmi cable that 65:35 only carry a really specific brand that 65:37 carries the signal that far 65:39 and i'd need to get a bunch of stuff 65:41 hook it up to the regular pc or i'd need 65:42 another laptop and at that point you 65:44 need to set up a server 65:45 that forwards all the data coming from a 65:47 web server into the laptop 65:48 or into the computer from the laptop or 65:51 you need to end the stream and then 65:52 start again down there or 65:53 [ __ ] you know simplest thing is to 65:55 just get a big old cable but [ __ ] my 65:57 god that's 65:58 even that's harder than you'd think you 66:01 still need to buy all like capture 66:02 devices and everything 66:05 i think the best thing to do would have 66:07 been um 66:10 a big hdmi a big hdmi from this to a 66:14 laptop downstairs that's always on 66:16 so i don't know it kind of worked out 66:20 when i was thinking about it more that 66:21 it's too much work 66:22 than it's worth so you could so you 66:25 could see me make a sandwich on stream 66:27 or grab a glass of water i don't think 66:29 it's worth it 66:31 i feel like you'd agree 66:36 unless me making it unless me getting a 66:38 glass of water is that interesting to 66:39 you and then at that point sure 66:42 scream capture ip cam you can use an ip 66:44 cam isn't that what i'm on about 66:47 why hdmi transmitter 66:52 to make a camera with a raspberry pi and 66:54 beam it over wi-fi 66:56 or like michael reeves yes or like that 66:59 oh holy [ __ ] thank you can't head mc 67:02 thanks for the ride 67:03 cone hanger braid conehead raid goonhead 67:06 red 67:11 oh my god 67:16 just set it up like a cctv system lul 67:21 yeah that's kind of the other option 67:24 but i feel like it'd be 67:28 a little bit weird if i had always on 67:30 cameras like all over my house 67:32 uh i feel like i'd be i'd be being 67:34 watched too much 67:36 and i'd be uncomfortable in my just 67:38 going about my daily life 67:39 you know how often it is that i get up 67:41 for i want a glass of water at night 67:43 and i just walk downstairs i don't 67:45 bother putting on any clothes or 67:46 anything like that 67:47 i couldn't do that anymore because i'd 67:48 be scared that i'd be live stream by 67:54 accident 67:56 and then uh everyone would find out 68:00 about my vagina so then then what you 68:03 know 68:07 then i'd be screwed 68:13 what i'm supposed to do them nude 68:15 sleepwalking it's not sleepwalking it's 68:16 just regular walking 68:18 at night 68:22 i want myself a glass of that yummy 68:24 night water 68:26 and i also don't want to put on uh 68:29 trousers to go and do it so i just go 68:31 get this night water 68:41 okay i think i'm done all right chat 68:44 i've done the base layer i've done i've 68:46 done the absolute 68:48 minimum of makeup okay i'm now kind of 68:50 done 68:51 now what unite now now it's kind of 68:53 where you decide what's going on now 68:55 uh this is where you decide what the 68:57 [ __ ] i'm gonna do with eyeshadow what 68:59 the [ __ ] i'm gonna do with the dress 69:00 but you guys have gotta come to a 69:02 reasonable decision on it we're gonna do 69:04 a poll for it 69:05 you gotta there's gonna be multiple 69:06 decisions on this you all have to be in 69:08 the right mindset in order to get this 69:10 done 69:11 you gotta pick a dress slash skirt out 69:13 you gotta pick an outfit and you gotta 69:15 pick a look 69:16 what do you wanna do what colors you 69:17 wanna use for eyeshadow is what we're 69:19 going to do at first that's the next 69:20 thing we're going to do 69:23 i believe in you 69:27 i okay i don't believe in you 69:31 but i have a reasonable expectation of 69:33 hope 69:38 there's a red dress there's [ __ ] and 69:40 there's 69:41 imagine that there is every dress every 69:43 every possible 69:45 every possible look is possible what are 69:48 options 69:48 anything besides purple eyeliner 69:52 because you're insane i'm going to take 69:55 the like five 69:56 most 70:00 please fake mirror on camera wait what 70:02 fake mirror on camera so we can see you 70:04 do your makeup 70:05 isn't that what i'm doing you can see me 70:08 doing the makeup 70:09 um okay 70:13 also my god we can do this camera 70:17 um thanks for the thousand bits 70:20 uh all right egg 70:23 yeah the goal's really dumb because it 70:25 doesn't like show 70:26 what the actual goal wireless is 70:30 on using hdmi 70:34 cool starburst eyeshadow 70:37 so just every color kind of a rainbow um 70:41 what do you think 70:45 pastel pink with eyeliner 70:48 okay so that's kind of like okay [ __ ] it 70:50 hold on well i'm get i'm getting i'm 70:52 getting a lot eyeshadow 70:54 remember you got to come to a conclusive 70:56 look with this you i want to see whether 70:57 we can hive mind the chat 70:59 uh 71:03 okay what are we thinking 71:07 so pastel pink [ __ ] i'll add in 71:09 rainbow 71:10 uh because a couple people have done 71:11 that nude 71:13 uh like kind of glammy nude um 71:17 latin just like a red 71:21 okay we'll add him red 71:29 and then for the fifth option we need a 71:31 good one 71:33 good morning f1 nn and chat how much is 71:36 dono gold 71:37 and bikini two months it's set to 69 71:41 420 but you can't tell because the bits 71:44 goal is dumb 71:47 okay orangey orangey thingy 71:51 okay orange that's going to be the last 71:55 one unless i found a different one 71:58 black you people are [ __ ] insane um 72:04 i mean is orange or black let me just 72:06 okay pick between orange or black for 72:08 the last one 72:10 pick between orange or black all the 72:11 rest of the options that you've said are 72:13 a thing 72:15 personally i think that orange is the 72:16 new black 72:27 all right bad joke terrible joke [ __ ] 72:30 it's pretty much even to be honest with 72:34 you 72:38 okay hold on i'm gonna do something i'm 72:40 gonna do this 72:42 i'm just gonna make the other option 72:43 orange or black and then we'll do 72:44 another poll if it gets hit 72:46 but there are a lot of other good 72:47 options i don't know why you'd want 72:49 black or 72:50 a black with i don't know why you'd want 72:53 black but okay 72:55 it's winning by far 72:58 why okay so 73:02 currently the winners are okay everyone 73:04 there's a poll boys vote in the poll 73:06 uh currently the win is okay we're at 30 73:08 for past we're 30 73:10 for pink and then 51 percent orange or 73:12 black i don't know why everyone wants to 73:14 vote in this poll so badly 73:16 are you now white wait oh you now oh you 73:19 know why they want black they want to do 73:20 it 73:22 black eyeshadow let's just morons just 73:24 take garth like he said 73:26 yeah okay 33 73:30 for pastel pink and 50 for black or 73:32 orange it's not moving from 50 73:34 49 it's not going to get overtaken 73:36 though the poll is so 73:37 short it's not going to happen pink has 73:40 no chance it's still 73:41 49 fingers at 34. it's over if black or 73:44 orange just won it 73:46 all right let's do another poll and i'll 73:48 do it either for black or orange 73:50 chat i'm i'mma be real this is not off 73:53 to a good start for you guys to find out 73:56 all right fine this is not off to a good 73:58 start 73:59 um for you guys to find a homogenous 74:01 look involved but 74:05 here's your chance this is your chance 74:07 buddy 74:08 go for it i'm just gonna quickly do a 74:10 little bit of contour a little bit so 74:15 you boys have fun you boys have a good 74:18 one 74:19 i hope that you can find something that 74:20 works 74:22 let's see you're all voting for black 74:26 why unfair voting you people are insane 74:31 i don't get it i don't get you people 74:34 it always ends up badly 74:41 it's like if pavlov's dogs just didn't 74:44 ever learn 74:47 all right um oh [ __ ] what am i doing 74:49 okay 74:52 black one all right black wins blacks 74:55 one all right 74:56 let's do it let's [ __ ] do it black 74:59 eyeshadow it is black eyeshadow it is 75:01 i'm guessing you want eyeliner i guess 75:05 oh my god okay 75:08 i'mma be real really through me for a 75:10 loop i don't 75:11 i do not have a plan for this so i'm 75:14 gonna what 75:15 i'm gonna kind of rely on like you 75:17 guiding me a little bit 75:18 let's see let me let me google a [ __ ] 75:23 black eyeshadow 75:26 let's see what other people have done so 75:28 i can maybe get some inspiration 75:31 uh 75:34 have you ever seen something that 75:36 doesn't look good on [ __ ] anyone 75:38 uh because i now have this doesn't look 75:40 good on anyone 75:43 and also all of these are just black 75:44 eyeshadow no they're like black eyeliner 75:47 with brown eyeshadow usually it's just 75:49 like a way more subtle approach 75:59 look good on anyone bro like 76:03 okay let me show you what i'm looking at 76:04 hold on let's find let me let me show 76:06 you 76:07 i i swear to god nine out of ten they 76:10 don't look good at all 76:11 let me show you let me rant okay look at 76:14 this 76:15 uh black eye shadow 76:19 all right let me let me let's see uh 76:21 images 76:23 right oh let's find out okay let's go 76:25 through the list 76:26 this isn't even eye shadow this looks 76:29 like [ __ ] 76:29 that looks like [ __ ] that looks like 76:32 [ __ ] 76:33 uh what else that's not black eyeshadow 76:36 that's the same one this looks like [ __ ] 76:38 this is the one i did before and 76:40 it it's just a picture of an eye that's 76:42 not eye shadow 76:43 this looks like [ __ ] this isn't okay 76:46 that's 76:47 that's about as close as it can get but 76:49 then again it's on goddamn demi lovato 76:52 um this looks like [ __ ] this looks like 76:54 [ __ ] this looks like [ __ ] 76:56 that's not black eye shadow this looks 76:58 like [ __ ] 76:59 uh this 77:02 is okay i think but then again 77:06 my god we already have a baby [ __ ] 77:09 okay oh baby time uh 77:13 this looks okay actually this looks like 77:15 [ __ ] that looks like [ __ ] that looks 77:16 like [ __ ] they all look like [ __ ] they 77:17 all look 77:18 so bad i don't know why you want it i 77:20 don't know why you guys like 77:22 [ __ ] the idea of this it never looks 77:24 good it never looks good 77:26 fine we'll do it we'll do it we'll do it 77:29 uh the second stop option was pink and 77:31 i've just now seen this 77:33 which actually doesn't look half bad 77:35 what do you think about this 77:37 what do you think about this 77:41 it could be okay that is some pinterest 77:45 [ __ ] though like ice 77:46 that's gonna go wrong 77:50 uh that's more like purpley yeah okay 77:57 i claim full uh i claim 78:01 full rights by the way to endlessly mock 78:05 you 78:05 if this looks bad if i manage to make 78:08 this look good 78:09 uh then i get credit obviously but if it 78:11 looks bad then i blame you 78:13 if it looks good i get the blame if it 78:15 looks bad you get the blame 78:17 sound good good deal okay black 78:20 eyeshadow is a son of a [ __ ] it either 78:21 doesn't come out at all 78:24 or it really [ __ ] does and it messes 78:26 you up so let's do it 78:28 uh yeah okay right we're gonna somehow 78:31 try and blend like 78:32 we're gonna go from like pretty much 78:34 black to dark purple 78:37 uh let me quickly try out dark purple 78:40 yeah that works okay and then go like to 78:42 pretty [ __ ] light pink 78:45 all right let's do it uh i'm not even 78:48 gonna 78:48 really wipe the brush off much because i 78:51 guess 78:52 it gets a little bit of purple on there 78:54 six months 78:55 pog oh dude this could go so wrong 78:58 this could go so wrong if it looks bad 79:00 that we can laugh at each other 79:02 can someone please pull up the fire 79:06 can someone pull up the what the thing 79:08 shannon did or when 79:09 [ __ ] or when charlie did my makeup 79:13 every time someone puts black on my eyes 79:15 it looks 79:16 [ __ ] trash it's so bad 79:20 okay dude i wiped so much of this off 79:23 and it's so 79:24 [ __ ] 79:27 pigmented 79:30 oh this is gonna look terrible 79:34 it's fine i reserve the right to mock 79:36 you about it 79:39 if i somehow make this look good just 79:42 don't look like a trash panda with a 79:44 blue eye 79:45 uh i 79:48 that's gonna happen i can tell you it's 79:51 gonna happen 80:00 oh yeah 80:07 okay and now we start kind of blending 80:10 it 80:11 kind of not going up too much 80:15 just a little bit 80:19 i agree with you black eye shadow and 80:21 black makeup doesn't work for you 80:24 you don't oh i don't allow people who 80:27 don't learn in chat 80:29 chat chat chat 80:33 chat chat my 80:36 god 80:40 it looks so bad okay [ __ ] it i don't 80:42 even feel gross about it though this 80:44 time 80:44 this time it's just funny 80:48 yep 80:51 this time it's just gonna be funny for 80:53 me 80:55 because let me okay listen let me tell 80:57 you why 80:59 it makes your eye look smaller which is 81:01 like the opposite effect that you want 81:03 to have 81:05 okay it's fine it makes your eye look 81:08 smaller because like obviously it's a 81:10 lot of dark areas around your eye 81:12 which is like not really what you want 81:15 uh 81:15 it also looks like garbage i don't know 81:17 what it is about it there's a quality of 81:19 black makeup that looks 81:21 like black eyeshadow specifically that 81:23 looks [ __ ] terrible 81:30 this is going to be so bad 81:36 [ __ ] this is okay 81:43 i'm not talking to you i'm being silent 81:45 dude i'm gonna do i'm by the way this is 81:47 the point in time what you may notice 81:48 ah finn's makeup routine's changed a bit 81:50 doesn't it usually go 81:52 from one color to on one eye to one 81:54 color on the other 81:55 you have some stuff on your eye just fyi 81:58 i know i'm aware 82:03 also oh this is not good i'm going to 82:06 use a 82:06 different brush also this is not really 82:10 the [ __ ] 82:12 look for it i don't think 82:19 oh bro this is bad this is bad chat chat 82:22 this is bad chat 82:24 chat this is bad chat you know i always 82:27 ignore you when you always say oh do 82:29 purple eyeshadow do black i 82:31 should do [ __ ] you got makeup this is 82:34 why 82:35 this is exactly why 82:38 i'm gonna fall off this chair this looks 82:41 terrible 82:43 i just want you to know that you're not 82:45 doing too good 82:46 you realize there was money on the line 82:50 you realize this is there is money on 82:52 the line that you could have won chat 83:10 oh my god 83:23 he's so bad it's so bad it's so bad 83:27 it's so bad it's so bad 83:35 it's so bad it's so bad so it's a judo 83:39 chop when you get a chance 83:41 judo doesn't have chops god damn it it's 83:43 a [ __ ] throwing sport 83:46 it's like a blood of [ __ ] throws and 84:00 holes 84:22 you like it do you like it chap is this 84:24 what you wanted champ 84:25 black eye shadow is cute because it 84:28 sucks change my mind is this what you 84:29 wanted chat 84:30 chat is this it was this pink was a much 84:33 better option it's almost like the part 84:34 that looks bad about this 84:35 is the bit that's the black bit no do 84:38 you think 84:39 you think this is bad you think this is 84:41 good i think this is nice 84:45 i think this is good 84:52 what do you think chat continue 84:54 [Music] 84:56 pink would have been better not gonna 84:57 lie i agree 85:00 i agree i definitely agree it looks 85:02 awful i know 85:03 it looks [ __ ] dreadful but you guys 85:06 picked it 85:11 okay okay okay 85:14 um 85:21 thanks for the thousand bits bernal hey 85:23 bernal welcome back bernal 85:25 hey bernal hey you want a [ __ ] uh you 85:28 have a knife or a gun or something i 85:30 need to use it chat we [ __ ] up yeah 85:31 you did 85:33 close-up of shinner what the [ __ ] is do 85:35 you mean shimmer and there is none i 85:37 have no idea what that is black eye 85:39 it looks like i've been punched i 85:45 uh 85:49 now that's the same [ __ ] there's a 85:52 chance 85:54 there's a chance i can say it needs to 85:56 be darker that is gray eye shadow 86:00 no it's not no it's not 86:03 it's not at all that's what it is you 86:06 know the [ __ ] 86:07 it's [ __ ] black as anything so what 86:09 you are saying is you don't have the 86:11 skills to do 86:12 a judo chop 86:15 yes that's exactly what i'm saying 86:35 oh this is terrible dude 86:43 i mean like [ __ ] technique-wise 86:49 i'm trying to blend it a little bit 86:52 more out just to see if i can 86:56 somewhat salvage it but it's it's not 86:59 working 87:01 it's not working dude you want to do a 87:03 poll what the hell are you doing 87:05 what chat suggested it ain't this ain't 87:07 working buddy 87:08 this ain't working buddy get more color 87:12 on it 87:12 you asked for black god damn it this is 87:14 what do you mean 87:17 i even dude okay 87:21 uh maybe gray or silver instead of the 87:24 pink to make it look less like a bruise 87:26 no it do dude it doesn't even look like 87:29 the bit that 87:29 you're missing the bit that's bad about 87:31 it the bit that's bad about it is the 87:33 black bit 87:34 because it looks [ __ ] dreadful i i 87:36 don't know what 87:37 you don't do you disappoint me more than 87:40 i disappoint my family 87:41 you have no idea 87:46 panda eyes no [ __ ] restart let's see 87:49 please gotta go back yep omg security 87:52 you look 87:53 so good kappa psych can we get a redo 87:55 thank you 87:56 yep uh you guys are genuinely awful at 88:00 picking stuff 88:01 you know why i never you know what i 88:03 never missed an eye 88:05 even the option to do black or purple 88:08 and stuff 88:08 is because it looks [ __ ] terrible 88:12 it never works for anyone 88:16 all right one sec 88:28 the only time and i do mean the only 88:31 time it works 88:32 if you use this absolute hot garbage 88:36 dog [ __ ] um style is if you're a giant 88:39 international celebrity 88:41 that is that has had so much [ __ ] 88:44 they're just 88:45 11 out of 10 women right they could wear 88:48 a plastic garbage bag and it would look 88:50 good this is the equivalent the look of 88:53 eye shadow is wearing 88:54 garbage that's why they work 88:58 what just wing out the black a bit 89:01 that's what okay [ __ ] it before we 89:04 before we ruin this 89:05 i'm gonna do exactly because i don't 89:07 know if you've noticed 89:09 but i have 89:12 there's no like let me use a [ __ ] 89:13 proper brush for the shirt 89:19 it doesn't like my eye doesn't shape 89:22 work for this dude 89:25 bring out the black a bit to the middle 89:26 it is now far past the middle of it by 89:29 the way 89:34 it's now more towards the outside of the 89:36 eye 89:50 it just looks [ __ ] it look the more 89:54 the only thing that i've noticed is the 89:56 more you apply black to it the worse it 89:58 gets 89:59 it's so bad can we start gambling now 90:03 put on lashes it's so bad this is so so 90:06 bad 90:08 maybe it'll look better if you hit you 90:09 in the eye must have been a judo top 90:12 is this better now does this look much 90:14 better for you 90:23 i mean given right it does look better 90:26 when you add eyeliner and [ __ ] 90:28 everything 90:29 uh we could commit to it and just 90:31 [ __ ] go for it but 90:35 it's 90:43 there's no redo it's it's either like um 90:46 we don't do it or we do there's not 90:49 really like a redo 90:50 but 90:54 the best i've got is let's try and go 90:57 out a little bit there 91:00 more towards that 91:06 and then that now it's a little bit more 91:07 even look the issue is like i think it's 91:10 because 91:10 a lot of it is because my eyes like 91:12 hooded a little bit so 91:14 this just looks like there's no 91:16 distinction you need to do this to make 91:18 it look like it's blended 91:19 there's no way to make it look like it's 91:21 blended and then when you do that not 91:22 look like [ __ ] 91:24 unless you go like really up let's try 91:26 it hold on 91:28 i'm before we before we bail on it chad 91:31 i'm giving this [ __ ] all i've got 91:33 i don't care how many viewers we lose i 91:35 want to prove this is a point that this 91:36 is terrible 91:41 oh okay that was my fault i [ __ ] that 91:43 one up 91:45 i [ __ ] something up there real bad do 91:47 you see what i did 91:48 okay i [ __ ] that up okay it's [ __ ] i 91:52 don't care it's [ __ ] 91:53 it's [ __ ] let's do something else i'm 91:55 gonna give you one last chance for this 91:56 to work 91:57 uh i'm taking it off there we go 92:02 uh now listen chap i'm not unreasonable 92:05 i'll keep the option open for you to 92:07 still somehow win this 92:09 but just so you know i trust you a lot 92:13 less now 92:15 a lot less 92:20 second place pastel pink alrighty 92:24 alrighty i wonder why finn never 92:28 gives them the option of doing black 92:30 eyeshadow i wonder why 92:38 the only time i think i made the 92:39 eyeshadow look okay when i did black on 92:41 the outside 92:43 and then uh silver on the inside 92:48 that was pretty much the only time 92:50 because then it actually kind of 92:51 works a little bit but it still doesn't 92:55 look good 93:03 there we go 93:19 okay uh i gone i i gone now i gone 93:23 um it's still it's like oh you can see 93:25 like the shape of it because i haven't 93:26 [ __ ] redone 93:28 uh foundation but do you want to vote 93:31 again 93:32 do you want to vote again delete the vod 93:34 delete the entire vod 93:38 do you want to go again 93:44 now that you know kind of what you might 93:45 like 93:48 and i've showed you the way would you 93:51 like to go again 93:53 try your hand at another option 93:58 what do you think orange 94:01 red and white i cannot [ __ ] get 94:04 through to you people 94:11 boy 94:15 green oh my god it's like talking to a 94:19 toddler 94:22 it's like [ __ ] 94:25 you ever spoken to a child before and 94:27 they're like 94:29 you kind of tell them one thing and they 94:30 just go they 94:32 it just goes in one ear out the other 94:34 again and they're just like they 94:36 they don't they don't absorb the 94:37 information at all 94:39 you just kind of go like oh god 94:42 it's like if you tell a kid hey buddy if 94:45 you touch the hot stove 94:46 it'll [ __ ] hurt and then they just go 94:50 okay i get it and then they jump off the 94:52 goddamn roof 94:53 that is what it's like talking to your 94:54 people about eyeshadow looks 95:03 [ __ ] god makeup choice is too 95:06 confusing senpai 95:08 please choose for us no 95:11 do you guys want to just choose the 95:12 outfit instead was the makeup choice a 95:14 bit much 95:16 i'm sorry i'll make it more simple on 95:20 you next time 95:21 uh this is just gonna be a little bit 95:26 darker forever until i take off the full 95:28 makeup but 95:29 that's fine it's just like fall out 95:32 and i don't really want to do this 95:34 entire like whole area again 95:36 it's fine when i i'll go over it with 95:38 other stuff and it'll be fine 95:40 i've got to clean this these brushes now 95:42 that's the other thing every time you 95:43 use black eyeshadow it's 95:44 [ __ ] the whole brush you throw the 95:46 whole brush out the window because it's 95:47 just now 95:48 dark everything's darker 95:53 oh you dug your own grave when you gave 95:54 them the option i know and then you know 95:56 what's funny 95:57 next stream they'll do the same thing 95:59 i'll say what do you want and they'll go 96:01 black you're one of them 96:06 tbh minster i just wanted to see you 96:09 dude 96:13 that's what i mean that's funny though 96:16 hey [ __ ] it listen okay listen it's a 96:18 learning experience we would have never 96:19 known that it wouldn't work 96:22 until we tried it right we would have 96:24 never known 96:25 we would have never known 96:31 finn chat doesn't learn but neither do 96:32 you dude i did learn and then everyone 96:35 else forgot 96:36 okay um i knew it would never work 96:40 you just oh my you're not avril lavigne 96:44 yeah i know i know the only person that 96:46 it looked good on 96:47 that wasn't and like international 96:49 celebrity was this person 96:51 i don't know who they are but like it 96:54 looks pretty good because they've got 96:55 [ __ ] the joker eyelashes and they 96:57 look cool you know like they've got good 96:59 makeup overall 97:00 and they got they've got a good face but 97:03 my god 97:04 unless you look like a 11 out of 10. 97:07 donations 97:08 i don't think i don't think my my five 97:10 six out of ten can make black eyeshadow 97:12 work 97:13 um minx 97:16 it ain't minx uh i just called her an 11 97:20 out of 10. 97:21 uh you cannot uh put that through like 97:23 it was minx 97:24 minx looks like um minx looks like 97:28 you know when you upload a jpeg of an 97:30 image and um 97:32 let's say you start with her right 97:35 if you continually save 97:38 uh the jpeg of that image and then 97:42 it gets all compressed and it gets all 97:44 like 97:45 compressed and all artifact-y and shitty 97:48 eventually after a few thousand cycles 97:51 you kind of get minks 97:52 after that you know pinocchio 97:58 pin-up girl look that's not a bad idea i 98:01 could probably handle that 98:04 okay we've learned that i cannot do 98:06 black eyeshadow though that's problem 98:07 that's pretty much the one thing okay 98:10 fin jelly very 98:12 um uh send that to me 98:17 please don't send that to minx uh i've 98:21 uh please do not send that to minx 98:27 i'm kidding call me she's crying dude if 98:30 i go into a stream right now 98:32 she's just [ __ ] crying so 98:35 i i all my entire life i wanted to make 98:38 minks cry 98:39 is [ __ ] soldier boy streaming of 98:41 course he is okay 98:42 too late good minks is is mink's life 98:44 now all right 98:45 what uh what what do you want to do what 98:47 eye shadow look do you want to do this 98:48 is your one redeeming chance 98:50 chat this is the one thing that you've 98:52 got 98:54 this is the time where you can redeem 98:55 yourself 98:57 let's do the poll okay right 99:02 i 99:06 right i stand minx 99:10 i will report you 99:15 uh sunset vibes i've done that a couple 99:18 times actually 99:19 it works out pretty well somehow i've 99:20 managed to master that 99:22 uh i think red looks good with me so i 99:25 kind of do 99:26 i think i can kind of pull off the 99:27 orangey ready sunsetty thing it just 99:29 takes a while 99:30 um blues i didn't do anything with blue 99:34 [ __ ] it pink blue red um 99:39 nude 99:43 a few people saying nude that usually 99:44 never happens 99:47 uh and then [ __ ] uh 99:54 orangey like orange 99:59 pink red red to pink 100:06 uh 100:11 no 100:16 in all fairness it can work with 100:17 something 100:21 no um okay what do you thunk 100:26 red red red golden [ __ ] uh 100:30 red to pink clashes you dummies yeah it 100:32 do that's why i was kinda like ah okay 100:36 we'll do it like this pinks blues 100:38 reds nudes oranges there we go 100:42 nudes i 100:45 [ __ ] did a fall it said content did 100:48 not meet guidelines 100:53 because i write the word nude nuds i'm 100:56 putting nuts 100:58 it doesn't work anymore really 101:01 nude i can put nude but i can't put 101:05 nuts okay 101:08 guess it's that nuts 101:14 okay let's see what we got 101:18 oh this is kind of interesting pinks and 101:20 nudes are in the lead by quite a bit 101:23 pink's massively going up news is 101:26 fading a little bit but news was that 101:28 nude was still 101:30 currently up top by only a few percent 101:33 this is kind of interesting that minx is 101:35 taller than you 101:55 she's five foot five 102:00 a [ __ ] what a what a lot of dumb stupid 102:03 little dumb 102:04 no it doesn't no it doesn't minx is 102:07 five foot five 102:13 shorty 102:16 irish giant they said oh my god nude won 102:20 by 41 102:21 and pinks were second place by 40. holy 102:24 [ __ ] 102:26 okay all right so we'll incorporate a 102:30 little bit of both 102:31 nude you had me at nude oh that's so 102:34 nice 102:35 taller than freddy minks is taller than 102:36 freddy that's funny 102:41 wait i feel like this is a troll 102:45 nationality american ethnicity mixed 102:47 christianity 102:49 i was i read christianity i was like oh 102:52 she never told me she was christian 102:53 ethnicity oh she she never told me that 102:56 and feel like that's 102:58 american i don't know if i'm dumb 103:04 i feel like i know minx is not american 103:10 i get the feeling uh that 103:13 i get the feeling that stars gab 103:16 uh didn't get this one right 103:21 uh 24 okay you know i can believe that 103:26 it says [ __ ] she holds iranian ash i 103:29 believe 103:30 okay uh i color dark brown 103:41 [Music] 103:46 oh man oh this this 103:50 this website does their research man 103:52 holy [ __ ] 103:54 it's about every photo 103:57 not a single photo not a single photo or 104:00 a dark brown eyes 104:02 oh my god 104:06 cup size how the [ __ ] do they know that 104:10 boyfriend single i've never heard of 104:11 that guy um 104:13 net worth 500k [ __ ] birthplace you 104:17 know 104:17 she wait was she born in the us i don't 104:19 think she was no she wasn't born in the 104:20 us i'm not dumb 104:21 she's [ __ ] what uh she 104:24 obviously everyone knows she's uh 104:26 [ __ ] uh 104:28 uh from what was it island 104:33 something about me want to say scotland 104:34 i don't know why there we go 104:37 look at mink's wonderful brown eyes oh 104:40 she's great 104:40 look at those look look into those look 104:43 into those brown eyes and tell me that 104:45 and tell me that that person is five 104:46 foot nine exactly she's five foot five 104:49 i don't know what i said i don't know 104:50 what you guys are thinking all right you 104:52 guys wanted 104:53 you guys wanted nudes so uh let's do 104:55 let's do like a pinky nude sort of thing 104:57 okay 104:58 she's the she's irish pure soul 105:03 unless in every single photo she's 105:06 potato woman in every every single photo 105:08 she's got a filter on 105:10 that just changes her eye color wouldn't 105:13 that be funny and i was just wrong 105:15 brown eye go wouldn't i [ __ ] dude now i 105:18 kind of almost think that that's 105:20 maybe what happened 105:25 it's like the most obvious thing as well 105:29 stop saying nude you're going to be 105:30 banned oh we're talking about eye shadow 105:32 means kind of scares me like she beat 105:34 you up or something 105:37 ah she should um minx is an intimidating 105:41 uh lass i will say 105:44 please please close some pages no no no 105:46 i won't 105:48 um okay so i don't know what there's not 105:51 like a nude 105:52 color on this i guess there's this one 105:54 but it's like shiny um we can do like i 105:56 mean there is this but that's 105:58 pretty much like light pink we could do 106:00 [ __ ] 106:01 like this mixed with that you know 106:05 what do you think so this for the like 106:06 scent uh eyeshadow eye and then this for 106:09 the outer bit 106:10 i think that makes a lot of sense 106:14 that shirt yes i'm a gamer girl 106:18 try to keep up 106:22 i'm a gamer girl chat chat i'm a gamer 106:25 girl 106:27 that was a good deep voice holy [ __ ] you 106:29 hear me do that you hear me do that just 106:30 then that was pretty good 106:32 that was pretty good actually i kind of 106:34 [ __ ] nailed that deep voice 106:36 dude i could totally pretend to be a 106:38 dude on the internet 106:39 totally pretend to be a guy on the 106:40 internet for a while started minecraft 106:42 minks is the tall mad queen 106:44 rose is the small tiny short fragile 106:47 pretty princess 106:52 do i need to google my height again do i 106:55 need to google my 106:56 height i need to go do i need to google 107:00 my height again 107:02 [ __ ] god what's wrong with my [ __ ] 107:04 voice 107:06 google 107:09 don't catch me i goego all right right 107:12 let's do it 107:13 [ __ ] let's start out with pink [ __ ] 107:17 he's even talking like minks now i don't 107:19 think that was talking like minks 107:21 at least i hope it wasn't all right 107:24 should we start out with [ __ ] yeah 107:26 start with like very very light pink 107:30 like i'm like this is just like a base 107:32 layer light pink just so i can [ __ ] 107:34 clear some ground and take out a lot of 107:38 the 107:39 um dark spots from the uh from the last 107:43 eye shadow a bit 107:50 uh just a nice base coat with a blending 107:52 brush in a light pink with a pastel pink 107:54 finish five for four you liar you 107:56 absolute liar you scumbag 107:58 scumbag scam artist liars chat you keep 108:01 calling me a scammer when you do this 108:04 what i have to sit here and listen to 108:08 you guys call me five foot four and 108:10 short i like you 108:14 such a cute blossoming young egg how 108:16 dare you 108:18 i'll not stand for this level of um 108:21 intolerance this 108:25 bigotry of accepting cis men 108:29 we've been oppressed for too long 108:33 oh there we go oh dude that [ __ ] oh 108:36 i like some like makeup remover in my 108:38 eye 108:41 guys don't be mean he's four foot five 108:42 not five foot four finally 108:44 someone understands finster is three 108:47 foot two he doesn't have legs you guys 108:49 have never once seen my feet 108:58 ever 109:06 [Music] 109:11 okay no more no more no more no more no 109:14 more no 109:14 no no more no more no more no more we 109:16 lost 50 viewers i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm 109:18 sorry 109:26 i'm so sorry i didn't mean it 109:31 i didn't mean it 109:35 i'm going kind of if you wanted to do 109:36 nude i'm gonna not do like super super 109:38 pink 109:40 but 109:45 not like i'm not going [ __ ] 109:50 i don't know why i think everyone just 109:52 likes it more when i go [ __ ] full 109:54 barbie mode i either go like look like a 109:56 goddamn barbie or i look like a goth 109:59 like a scared panda 110:02 and it's kind of my two modes now thanks 110:04 to you guys whenever you choose my 110:06 makeup 110:07 anytime i give you the option to i'm 110:09 only one of those two things 110:13 there we go like i'm only really doing 110:14 that i think that's pretty okay 110:17 princess or goth indeed exactly actually 110:19 now i'm gonna do a little bit more 110:24 just because i know as soon as i put on 110:26 like uh 110:27 [ __ ] eyeliner and uh the eyelashes 110:30 it's gonna like kind of go 110:32 it's gonna look a little bit more subtle 110:34 as soon as you add eyeshadow 110:35 eyeliner and eyeshadow [ __ ] my god as 110:38 soon as you add eyelashes and eyeliner 110:41 this [ __ ] kind of becomes like nothing 110:43 so i'm kind of going a little bit 110:44 more a little bit more 110:48 yeah it's okay all right let's do that 110:51 on the other right impartial to red but 110:54 mob rules 110:57 red but mob rules what's that oh like uh 111:01 yeah i to be honest i like red as well 111:04 i can do i can get i can vibe with red 111:06 eyeshadow i've done that a few times 111:08 [ __ ] i mean 111:09 the the sunset eyeshadow thing i've i've 111:12 done that like 111:12 three times now it works i can do it 111:14 okay 111:16 i've done rainbow a couple times i did 111:18 blue 111:19 uh did blue a couple times what kind of 111:22 works 111:24 i most settle on just turn cut down ping 111:26 okay chat while i'm doing this because 111:28 this is not going to take very long at 111:30 all because it's real simple 111:31 um do you guys want to try and pick what 111:33 lipstick's going to go with it 111:35 huh play barbie girl by aqua high key 111:39 bangs no it doesn't 111:46 never pass this guy the orcs chord he'll 111:48 play [ __ ] barbie girl 111:51 it does not bang 111:54 it does not slap you're gonna tell me 111:55 you listen to a hundred decks and then 111:57 you listen to barbie girl and you say 111:58 that that is better 111:59 three months now i've realized i'm 112:02 buying non-binary you have some power 112:04 rose 112:05 [ __ ] yeah i'm glad that i'm corrupting 112:07 people 112:10 that's [ __ ] awesome that you managed 112:12 to you know wait was it within the three 112:14 months 112:15 or was it before that and you've kind of 112:16 like more accepted it 112:18 because that'd be very funny if i 112:21 genuinely 112:22 um corrupting the use of the nation 112:24 american christian pastor 112:26 pastors hate me only americans though 112:30 all right 112:33 uh hot pink lip stain you [ __ ] 112:36 devils you corrupted me a long time ago 112:39 uh 112:40 hot pink or hot pink black [ __ ] 112:43 why 112:47 why why why 112:50 blood blood 112:53 okay 112:57 blood genu blood 113:03 blood 113:06 will you do another vr stream soon it 113:09 was really fun 113:11 yes i really enjoyed it i just found 113:13 this game called pistol whip and it 113:15 almost made me start streaming again a 113:16 couple hours later 113:18 because i started playing pistol weapons 113:19 like holy [ __ ] this is such a good game 113:21 and it is a really really really good 113:23 game 113:24 if you've got vr i [ __ ] highly 113:26 recommend it i'm definitely gonna stream 113:29 it 113:31 it's ten times better than uh [ __ ] 113:33 beat saber 113:35 ten times better i don't think there's 113:38 like a modding api for 113:40 it though and i think all of their stuff 113:41 is an ost so i can use it but 113:44 it's good it's really good 113:47 okay this is kind of like the almost 113:50 finished eye 113:52 i can't really do too much else with it 113:54 nude and pink nude and hot pink is 113:55 pretty much like 113:56 a little bit hard to blend i'm glad you 113:58 like pistol whip i really really liked 114:00 it it's one of my it's 114:02 it'd be i still think blade and sorcery 114:04 and bone works and [ __ ] they're my 114:06 favorite games but 114:07 dude as a mini game sort of thing that 114:10 that shit's so 114:11 fun it's it's it's definitely the most 114:14 fun like active game 114:16 eric you underestimate the level of 114:19 depravity of some members of chat eric 114:22 if you came here 114:23 eric if you were here a minute ago i'd 114:26 have been so upset 114:27 because you'd have been so disappointed 114:28 me i does anyone have a clip of what i 114:31 look like 114:32 that's what i look like a minute ago 114:34 like before i took the last 114:36 eyeshadow off hold on i gotta find this 114:39 [ __ ] it's gonna be in like live stream 114:41 clips or some [ __ ] 114:43 oh god it's just my foot okay never mind 114:46 eric i look so terrible eric we tried to 114:49 do like a goth looking thing 114:51 it didn't work eric it didn't work at 114:54 all 114:55 it was very bad i looked like a uh i 114:58 looked like i'd been 114:59 so that's why that's why i stopped 115:03 we had some purple we had some reds we 115:06 had some pinks we had some black 115:08 on one eye i warned them it would be bad 115:10 and it was bad 115:11 i was right i need to see this you do 115:14 and i 115:14 i don't know where the [ __ ] i don't know 115:16 where the picture is and i want to find 115:17 it 115:18 where is it no i have it's gone it's 115:20 gone forever oh eric i got banned from 115:22 paypal 115:23 eric i got banned from paypal for money 115:25 laundering eric eric they found mike 115:27 eric they found my deal 115:28 eric they realized that i was laundering 115:30 money wow 115:32 yeah eric they they thought i'm 115:35 laundering 115:36 i mean they found out i'm laundering 115:37 money eric eric they know 115:40 eric hide hide the [ __ ] boxes of 115:42 receipts 115:43 get the coke out eric they know 115:46 oh man yeah i logged into i 115:49 we were like 20 minutes into the stream 115:51 i was like damn it's kind of weird to 115:52 not have like any 115:53 donations this far in and i was just 115:56 making sure cause you know 115:57 maybe people don't have anything logged 115:59 onto paypal and it was like 116:02 you've been banned forever so 116:05 that was fun that was a fun start of 116:08 this 116:08 that was a fun start of the stream um 116:14 but well i can cope with a little bit of 116:16 ban for money laundry 116:23 holy [ __ ] this is like the worst bit 116:26 you know there's like oh dude there's 116:28 girls that can do oh there's 116:30 there's guys and girls that can do this 116:32 thing where they put i they put a 116:34 white eyeliner on the inside of their 116:36 eye like the water line it's called 116:40 how hope you didn't store money in there 116:42 i did 116:44 it's fine i can still take money out 116:46 it's just like 116:47 they said like we'll keep it for 100 116:49 days but then you're gone i've seen that 116:50 it's terrifying it's 116:53 i don't know how they do it i don't know 116:54 how they do it 116:56 i've seen uh my friend alex that is 116:59 strong eyeshadow i've seen my friend 117:01 alex do it in real life 117:03 and it's terrifying to watch happen 117:07 it's like i get second hand my eyes 117:09 start to water when i'm even watching it 117:14 but even this is a little bit much for 117:17 me like just doing like the underneath 117:18 of your eye there just to make it a bit 117:20 more blended out 117:21 oh rip oh dude 117:24 eric have you ever wait have you ever 117:27 actually done makeup i know spy fees 117:28 like um 117:29 these have tried his hand at some makeup 117:32 i don't remember if you have 117:33 you've worn the strawberry dress you got 117:35 some heels i think that's the next step 117:37 as you try it 117:41 i'm down to be your teacher i don't know 117:44 anything 117:45 i've not shown off publicly but i've 117:46 tried hell yeah 117:49 i don't i don't i dare it i've never 117:51 shown them i've never shown them my 117:53 first try 117:53 surprisingly enough now actually skilled 117:55 eric don't feel bad 117:57 if i showed these dude if i showed my 117:59 chat if i showed these people my 118:01 my first ever attempt at doing makeup 118:04 they'd leave they'd leave they'd see me 118:07 in a completely different light they'd 118:08 all be gone 118:10 they'd realize that i'm not uh good at 118:12 this at all 118:13 and never was 118:16 my when i tried makeup with uh the i 118:19 like all my eyebrows and [ __ ] 118:21 uh every single i have eyebrow hair 118:23 without me taking it out 118:25 without me plucking them they've uh 118:28 oh they've improved dude they've 118:30 improved a lot we want to see 118:32 i can do your part chat shall i give 118:35 okay listen 118:37 all right we're doing it we're doing it 118:40 i'm not gonna show you the full thing 118:41 because i haven't drank enough um 118:45 but i'm gonna try and get you up a 118:46 picture 118:48 from the furthest back point i know that 118:52 i tried to do any let's find out 118:57 [Music] 119:00 um 119:12 it's dreadful oh 119:15 it is it is dreadful 119:18 it oh dude i don't know whether i want 119:21 to show this now 119:22 i didn't realize it was as bad as it was 119:28 it's pixelated as [ __ ] but i can show 119:30 you hold on i'm not going to show you 119:31 the full image by the way before you ask 119:36 oh dude it's it's not it's pretty bad 119:40 they look you can't even tell because of 119:41 how terrible the camera quality is 119:44 gonna exit out of that exit out of that 119:46 make sure there is absolutely zero 119:47 evidence of 119:48 this ever existing uh make that full 119:51 screen maybe 119:52 save as oh dude i feel so bad eyebrows 119:55 um okay i'm putting it up on screen 120:00 uh image i don't want it i don't want to 120:03 show your screen just 120:04 like you could never rely on chat 120:05 k-e-k-w 120:07 yeah no okay image add 120:11 eyebrows look at how bad these were chat 120:15 look at how these eyebrows were chat 120:17 what do you think 120:18 what do you what do you think do you 120:19 think i do you think they work well do 120:21 you think they work well 120:23 let me just remind you that this was 120:27 not even the worst bit this is just the 120:30 most notable change i think in my mind 120:33 this 120:34 oh i showed them some bushy boys 120:38 god damn dad i don't know 120:44 you look like a random 80s girl at the 120:45 mall from literally any movie 120:48 right now my god show the full thing 120:52 no no 120:55 it look looks like a templated brow it 120:58 wasn't 120:59 um yeah no i i don't think you're ever 121:02 gonna actually see the full image 121:04 it's genuinely that bad i have not 121:07 reached the point 121:08 of uh confidence that i could just show 121:11 you the full image 121:13 that is how bad it is it is so bad 121:16 somehow reminds me of foolish and his 121:18 eyebrows 121:20 dude everyone we all start out with the 121:23 bushiest brows and then you start to 121:24 realize that 121:25 they look better when you when you do 121:27 anything to them 121:29 oh my god it was terrible though 121:32 i remember i had a friend called mandy 121:34 that saw them 121:36 and when listen when you don't know 121:38 something looks bad 121:40 you're more likely to be like okay no no 121:43 it's fine i know what i'm doing it's 121:45 fine you're just 121:46 freaking out about nothing and i 121:48 remember really specifically talking to 121:50 my friend mandy 121:52 and she was saying how like dude they 121:55 look like [ __ ] you got to do this and 121:57 then sent me a picture 121:58 and i was like no i don't need to i 122:00 don't particularly want to do that 122:02 for just for like youtube [ __ ] like 122:04 there's no point 122:07 and then i did it and now looking back 122:10 on it 122:11 she was right i remember really 122:13 vehemently defending it 122:15 and i shouldn't have she was very 122:17 correct she was correct 122:20 bushy brow boys bushy about brow gang 122:23 all right 122:27 release images to an off account no that 122:30 it's just not going to be on the 122:31 internet some things are better left 122:33 unseen some things are better left 122:38 unseen 122:38 i don't want to do that to you um 122:42 that's why it's for your protection not 122:44 mine okay uh i've done that 122:46 it's time to actually make the eyes look 122:48 good now uh if i grab myself some 122:50 eyeliner and uh we'll start undoing the 122:53 eyes 122:53 making it look good what did you guys 122:55 vote for what did you want for lips 122:56 though 122:57 what did you want a bit of lag 123:01 i might have been a bit like don't 123:04 stop don't just spam [ __ ] i don't 123:07 need chat to be rick rolled yet again 123:09 oh god i gotta remind you for new people 123:12 uh 123:12 yeah no that's that's not real 123:18 all right let's try and make this look 123:19 good peach ah 123:21 gloss oh my god chad 123:24 your taste natural oh my god green black 123:27 i was about to say are your tastes 123:28 actually getting good 123:29 no apparently not 123:37 the first person that said green was the 123:39 one that ruined it for you all of you 123:47 i mean don't get me wrong when i did the 123:49 dream cosplay i debated on doing a 123:52 green like a green eyeshadow look no 124:01 some stuff you just gotta realize what 124:02 you can and can't pull off you know 124:18 oh that is a clean that is a clean line 124:25 when i fill this in god damn 124:48 hell yeah that's a [ __ ] spiky boy 124:51 that's a spiky boy 124:52 hell yeah i nailed that spiky boys 124:58 spikey boy spikey boy boys okay 125:01 beautiful 125:01 damn right i hear this hissing nude wait 125:03 what hissing 125:06 what the [ __ ] is this a meme that i 125:08 don't know 125:16 oh i'm so sorry i'm ignoring you this is 125:18 some high octane stuff right here 125:33 okay i'm kind of proud of that one i'm 125:34 kind of proud of that actually i'm kind 125:36 of proud of that that actually 125:37 went pretty well i'm i'm kind of proud 125:40 please tell me why am i watching this i 125:42 don't know 125:54 it's all these years of playing video 125:57 games my hand-eye coordination 125:59 is sublime look at that 126:02 my hand-eye coordination dude i've been 126:04 telling my parents for years 126:06 minecraft's gonna help me with something 126:07 that's gonna help me dress up like a 126:09 woman in the future 126:10 they never believed me they always said 126:12 finn why are you saying it like that 126:14 why are you yelling at us when you talk 126:16 and i yelled back at them 126:18 you don't understand it's not a phase 126:20 i'm training 126:21 i'm training my hands i'm training my 126:23 [ __ ] reaction time 126:24 life skills exactly i'm training just so 126:27 i can do a cat eye with eyeliner on the 126:29 internet 126:30 in in five years time that's what i've 126:32 been saying 126:33 that's why i played modern warfare 3 126:35 until i got the gold 126:36 ump this is exactly why 126:43 and now i've got to do it with my left 126:44 hand i didn't ever i i never i never got 126:46 the gold 126:47 i never pvp with my left hand this is 126:49 where this is all going to go wrong chat 126:59 oh my god 127:04 could it be 127:08 oh my god could it be 127:13 oh [ __ ] no i'm [ __ ] dude i'm shaking 127:16 i it's it's that thing it's in it's 127:18 modern warfare where you hold your 127:20 breath with the sniper for too long then 127:21 you let go 127:29 oh okay it's worse but it's not terrible 127:32 i think we got i think we're okay i 127:35 think we lived 127:55 oh [ __ ] it oh no no no no no no i 127:57 [ __ ] it up 127:58 oh [ __ ] oh semper fi chat uh help me out 128:14 lend me your spirits i need ever don't 128:16 breathe don't move 128:17 no it's fine it's fine it's fine 128:21 it's salvageable 128:41 it's not the best but it's not the worst 128:44 i believe this can be salvaged 128:49 sweat is pouring off of my fingertips 128:52 i'm 128:52 i'm doing it marines in makeup dude i'll 128:54 host that online class 128:56 don't get me started i'll make up i'll 128:58 make a master master class on this 129:13 oh i goofed it i goofed it real good 129:33 okay i'm gonna call that okay i'm gonna 129:35 call that good 129:36 i can breathe i can breathe now instant 129:38 bad i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good 129:40 what the [ __ ] just happened oh someone 129:43 just got banned okay cool 129:45 we're good we did it i've i'm calling 129:48 this fine i'm calling it fine 129:49 i'm just i'm i'm good i'm i'm good it's 129:51 time for eyelashes now 129:56 semper fi chat thanks for helping me out 129:58 through through all of that 130:00 that was real nice here 130:03 okay now among us 130:07 oh did someone post the among us penis 130:09 again in chat 130:10 did the the mods got it in time i 130:12 believe but my god 130:14 looks fine it's not terrible lucky 130:17 come on focus buddy it's not the worst i 130:19 feel like i could have done thicker on 130:21 the top of the eye there but 130:22 comparatively 130:24 okay it's not great but it's gonna have 130:27 an eyelash on it it's fine 130:29 it's fine i'm gonna put an eyelash on it 130:31 so it you're not really gonna see 130:32 the place that i have messed up you're 130:34 pretty much just gonna see the wing of 130:36 it 130:36 so it's okay could be worse try without 130:39 the eyelashes 130:40 no uh definitely not definitely 130:43 incorrect 130:48 i'm of i'm of age and just got banned on 130:50 discord for being underage 130:52 uh if you're 13 you'll probably be 130:54 banned 130:58 hello discord's got a uh underage limit 131:01 thingy 131:02 hello thanks for the prime thanks to the 131:06 three-month prime do the inner wait do 131:08 do inner eyeliner no okay 131:12 oh you mean the [ __ ] the waterline 131:14 thing 131:22 no 131:24 lol i'm 14 just made it you just made it 131:28 past the barrier to entry into the 131:29 discord 131:37 dude i cannot do my left eye it's so 131:40 much harder 131:43 every everything that i do on my left 131:45 eye i look like a caveman trying to do 131:46 it 131:48 and i've never got any better with it 131:50 either it's just kind of like learning 131:52 how not to [ __ ] up and that's pretty 131:53 much it 131:55 okay good enough good enough i agree 132:00 i was born in [ __ ] a thousand bc 132:03 no my goddamn eyelash 132:06 oh no i dropped my fake eyelash okay 132:09 caveman cool i agree 132:10 did you not see me with the vr headset 132:14 need to be 13 plus the joint discord 132:16 yeah i think discord in general has like 132:18 a 13 132:19 age age thing not waterline in a corner 132:22 oh i don't really do it there it's just 132:24 a it's just a like preference of mine 132:26 that i think it looks better on me 132:28 without doing it like that without doing 132:29 the full eye with eyeliner i think it 132:31 looks better for me 132:32 but 132:37 die you [ __ ] finn why are you going 132:40 at 100 miles an hour you always make 132:42 mistakes unless 132:43 slow down listen a bit street's been 132:45 going for two hours i feel like i've 132:47 been kind of slow with this actually 132:50 usually my makeup takes like an hour 132:52 maybe if i'm being relaxed about it 132:56 it's just because streaming i've slowed 132:58 down than what i usually do 133:02 i'm a speedy please don't tell people 133:04 your ages online there are probably 133:06 pedos about 133:08 i agree also 133:11 if you're suspected of being under 30 133:13 that's exactly why we have to ban 133:15 everyone that's under 133:16 13. um because it's [ __ ] 133:19 creepy [ __ ] happens online dude we don't 133:22 want to be responsible for that 133:24 uh okay there are discord mods about 133:28 indeed a hype train is close one more 133:30 person needs to sub 133:32 gift uh gift or use bits 133:35 holy crap hype train almost boys 133:38 is it time for a hike train i don't like 133:40 men but i like you hell yeah holy [ __ ] 133:44 pyro was streaming earlier today 133:45 i didn't even notice that okay 133:48 official discovers that you must be 13 133:50 indeed okay i'm getting this eyelash a 133:52 little bit tacky and then i'm going to 133:53 be able to put it on 133:54 there we go what happened hey thanks for 133:57 the day what's up 133:59 hell yeah okay 134:02 we've got a hype train going uh 134:05 oh my gosh vince to just use uh peach 134:07 and uh watermelon what 134:12 uh wait what watermelon what do you mean 134:15 watermelon 134:16 what do you mean watermelon it's like 134:18 lipstick color okay 134:19 i'll i'll do a poll for it i'll drag 134:21 hole but i think peach was like a really 134:23 high one up hey kefla thank you 134:26 thanks for [ __ ] subs how are you dude 134:29 i'm i'll do it i'm gonna be out i'm 134:31 gonna i'm gonna have so many subs 134:33 i'm finally gonna hit a million subs on 134:35 on youtube 134:36 on twitch i'll hit a million subs i 134:38 can't wait wait how many subs 134:40 is there a way to check how many subs 134:42 i've had overall glass 134:45 that's also an option we could do that 134:47 actually that works really well for what 134:48 you wanted to do for the color 134:50 yeah okay that works actually all right 134:52 we'll do it 134:54 let's do it let's do this first though 135:17 have some more pie grin 135:21 hell yeah 135:30 do you like it do you like what i've 135:32 done i sent it to your wedding dress 135:34 photo and he wants tp wife you 135:38 know what i sent your wedding just 135:41 phoned in he wants to wipe it 135:43 send it to who 135:48 also i'm fine with marrying anyone as 135:50 long as i get half the stuff in the 135:51 divorce 135:52 that's fine like i'm i would i i 135:55 yeah i'm a bit of a gold digger i don't 135:57 know if you've noticed 136:01 gradient pink phillips i've never done 136:03 that actually 136:06 oh hell yeah i've never done like any 136:09 lip thing 136:10 any like lip design i've never done it 136:14 should i try i actually don't know how 136:19 i genuinely don't know how to do that 136:22 first time for everything yeah i don't 136:24 know how to do that 136:26 i didn't have to do that i kind of i 136:28 kind of want to try it at some point 136:30 though 136:33 wait no that's silly yes okay finally i 136:35 got half the stuff in the divorce thank 136:36 you 136:37 you guys want to get married i get to 136:39 take half the stuff but you guys want to 136:40 get married 136:43 okay i get half your [ __ ] 136:46 i'll take your house and your kids and 136:48 i'll take the car 136:50 and you'll have to find it i'll move to 136:54 spain and run from the authorities 136:59 okay 137:02 i'll move to puerto rico and no one will 137:05 find me ever again i'll steal 137:08 uh your stuff that's my goal 137:12 if i ever disappear from the internet 137:13 i've either been murdered or i've stolen 137:15 half of someone's stuff and moved to 137:16 puerto rico 137:18 all right finn i beg you 137:22 finn i beg you don't take the kids i'm 137:24 sorry 137:26 you know what no you're right the kids 137:27 that are alive i don't want them they're 137:29 annoying also 137:30 kids are [ __ ] awful hey [ __ ] you did 137:33 something thank you 137:35 oh dude oh dude i read an awful chat 137:38 message 137:39 oh god i read oh [ __ ] that's awful 137:44 um someone's 137:48 someone said finn are you going to split 137:50 the kids horizontally 137:51 everything except my dogs wait 137:54 you can take one of my dogs i'll take a 137:57 dog i'd actually really like a dog 137:58 that'd be cool 138:00 the russian ex-wife got everything 138:01 except my dogs 138:04 okay i'll take the dog i'll like a dog 138:05 i'll take the dog i'll have a dog i 138:07 would like a dog 138:08 i've been trying to get a dog i've been 138:09 really wanting to get a dog but i wanted 138:11 to get my license in a car so i can take 138:12 to the park really easily 138:14 i really want dude i'd feel dreadful if 138:17 i couldn't take care of a dog properly 138:19 so i'm just trying to do everything i 138:20 can to just make sure i'm 138:22 like ready for it but i really want a 138:24 dog 138:30 because i mean there's tons of people 138:32 that have told me like oh just go get a 138:33 dog it's great just go get one it 138:34 doesn't matter and i'm like 138:36 why don't 138:40 i think for me i like absolutely have to 138:42 be able to take like 138:45 best care of the of my of my boy of my 138:48 dog 138:50 and i don't want a cat 138:57 because cats um you can love a cat for 139:01 their their entire life 139:02 and it will still try and rip your leg 139:04 apart and it will eat you if you die 139:07 cool [ __ ] 139:11 cats are not very pog champ dogs are 139:13 literally always pog champ 139:15 that's my opinion you're gorgeous 139:19 i only look gorgeous when i finish with 139:21 the eyelashes 139:22 up until this point i looked awful and 139:25 now i look okay 139:27 when i let the hair oh there we go we 139:28 did it chat do you like the eyeshadow 139:30 it's nude and pink and it's sparkly and 139:32 it's great 139:33 do you like it isn't it nice this is the 139:36 first step by the way 139:38 still haven't picked the lipstick uh 139:40 okay do you wanna do a poll for it we're 139:41 gonna do like peachy 139:42 thingy okay let's do it or gloss 139:46 or anything okay right let's do it um 139:49 lips okay 139:54 i actually really think the eyeshadow 139:56 worked out really well especially with 139:57 this eye like look 139:58 it's kind of like a really cool design 140:01 but not even design sorry it's just a 140:02 good pairing and [ __ ] maybe you guys 140:04 do actually have okay taste 140:06 um all right um 140:10 glittery plus 140:14 and then oh what breed of dog do you 140:17 want 140:18 i really like the idea of getting a uh 140:20 australian shepherd 140:21 but they're way too much work i can't 140:23 keep australian shepherds like the dream 140:25 dog 140:25 same thing with like getting a husky or 140:26 a sheba you know they just require 140:28 so much maintenance that i've just i 140:31 know realistically i 140:32 i can't i can't give it them so i can't 140:34 really get one but 140:35 really i think what i want to do with a 140:37 dog is i want to get one that's like 140:38 older 140:39 because i don't i'm not i don't like 140:41 want a dog because oh cute little puppy 140:42 thing 140:43 i i wanted i want to have a dog as like 140:45 you know a companion like my boy you 140:46 know my guy 140:47 uh so i kind of had the idea of getting 140:49 like a rescue dog like a really 140:51 older rescue dog um and then 140:54 just kind of vibed with them because 140:55 they it kind of fits the lifestyle too 140:57 like they they don't need 140:58 constant attention and i i there's 141:00 something real cute about having like an 141:02 older dog 141:03 i i just i like the idea of it and i 141:06 feel like i'd be doing some good 141:07 so i don't know 141:10 i like dogs a lot um taking care of 141:13 puppies i don't think i could i think 141:14 that's too much for me 141:16 um i think it's a lot nicer just to get 141:19 one from like a rescue 141:21 okay at least for me i don't have any 141:22 problem with them i know you think 141:24 you're a gold digger but 141:26 you have shown a lot more respect and 141:28 compassion 141:29 for your community and the trans 141:31 community whom you have become an ally 141:33 for than many 141:34 no i'm i'm still streamers out there 141:37 thank you for being a role model 141:39 please stay humble and awesome i 141:41 disagree that i can't i can't be both 141:44 i think that everyone should pick up 141:47 that's nice i don't i dude it's so hard 141:49 to accept compliments like that 141:51 i can't do it okay uh 141:55 so let's go guard dog oh great idea i'll 141:58 get like a really tough 141:59 uh dog okay um 142:02 i'll keep like one of those dogs that 142:04 are just like scary but they're also 142:06 real cuddly like normally anyway 142:08 okay so what's going to be the thing 142:11 i've got pink 142:12 lip stain because i know you guys want 142:13 that glittery i got 142:15 regular gloss like peachy 142:19 okay and then um 142:23 i've got the other ones that are like 142:25 maroony 142:26 like maroon like nude what 142:30 i don't know dark blue you're insane 142:35 you're insane okay rottweiler 142:39 okay what 142:42 i think that might be it i think that 142:44 might genuinely be the 142:45 be the selection no i guess i'll include 142:48 bread 142:49 but i don't know why dark red 142:52 dark red would clash a bit is that this 142:56 this is not a bad color watermelon 143:02 it's not a terrible color 143:07 i've never actually used this before boy 143:09 that's nasty 143:10 i've left that in the jar for too long 143:16 nah that's gross that's nasty oh damn 143:18 good color though 143:19 still bad though hey thanks for the five 143:21 gifted subs that's nasty now 143:23 how the [ __ ] do i get this off my hand 143:30 thank you okay uh 143:33 yellow i want one more i got one more 143:35 slot to fill in 143:37 come on buddy he's ignoring lip stain 143:40 comments i've already added in the lip 143:42 stain 143:43 what else i've had i've added it in i'm 143:47 just waiting until i get one more option 143:51 uh 143:55 i pick [ __ ] it i'm gonna put ipic okay 143:57 there we go you go 143:58 just go just go just go go go go go go 144:00 go go go go go go go 144:04 pick my lip go 144:08 lip stain's gonna happen possibly not i 144:10 had a pretty big like thing 144:12 a lot of people on um the nude peach lip 144:15 gloss thing 144:16 like a nice natural thing 144:20 so we don't know pink lip stain could 144:23 win but i i've got a feeling i got a 144:25 feeling 144:26 vote in the poll chat i've only given 144:27 you a minute vote in my poll 144:33 i believe i might be right but i i don't 144:35 know 144:39 oh my god 144:43 [Music] 144:49 why do i have like a thing i had another 144:51 music thing that i really liked 144:53 it's close what's it gonna be i'm 144:55 thinking yep nudes i think nudes got it 144:58 oh my god nude slash peas look like you 145:00 got it chat 145:01 good job chet you picked the option that 145:04 i think would look best 145:05 that would have been my pick as well um 145:08 so good job i 145:09 i you know what your tastes are 145:10 improving as a as a group 145:12 as a as a collective they're improving 145:14 um i just realized i haven't actually 145:16 done the playlist yet holy [ __ ] 145:19 how could i forgot the po box yet no 145:22 i'm saving them all up i'm saving them 145:24 all up for the 30th 145:26 that's when that's gonna happen i'm 145:28 saving them all i'm gonna do a giant po 145:30 box unboxing stream 145:32 um i'm trying to find like a good 145:35 [ __ ] 145:35 brush where's my brush where's my brush 145:38 my brush 145:39 there it is okay 145:43 i'm so i'm kind of glad pink lipstine 145:45 didn't didn't win that 145:48 okay i mean [ __ ] we there's one 145:51 option we could do that still involves 145:53 the lip stain 145:58 because what we could do is do like 146:02 the pink lipstine a very small amount of 146:04 it just so it has a little bit of like 146:06 pink to it 146:09 it's not enough for it to actually stain 146:12 uh there's like that we could do like 146:14 pink lip stain and then have like the 146:16 gloss over it 146:17 like a tiny bit what do you think about 146:19 that 146:20 what do you thunk your mind what do you 146:24 think 146:25 what do you think is close 146:29 what's your favorite music this 146:37 [Music] 146:43 holy [ __ ] it's new hour 146:58 you don't really want to say 147:09 and you're down 147:16 [Music] 147:28 i don't care i haven't got dmca from 147:30 that yet it's a parody i don't know okay 147:32 let's do it uh let's do the [ __ ] 147:36 let's do this all right i'll go with 147:38 i'll go with what we decided on doing 147:49 okay let's see how badly this works out 147:56 first 148:07 stay strong 148:11 even though they can't donate 148:14 stay strong guys 148:28 okay a little bit pink see what i mean 148:32 little bit pink it's not that bad though 148:35 a little bit pink what do you think so 148:37 far 148:38 not bad and then 148:42 change your mind where is it 148:45 where's his clothes 148:54 okay ready good looking good all right a 148:56 little bit pink is fine 149:00 and then it's the boy and then it's the 149:02 lip gloss all right let's do it 149:34 there we go we're done 149:37 what do you think i think we're done 149:40 with the makeup what do you think 149:41 what are you thunking chat i can't even 149:43 see myself properly 149:45 hold on there we go hey that doesn't 149:48 look too bad actually 149:49 i don't even mind that what do you think 149:52 good now put a lot of pink can't do it 149:56 now 149:57 okay oh my god 150:01 i really like your eyes oh yeah thank 150:04 you 150:04 i really tried i did not brush my hair 150:07 holy [ __ ] 150:08 my favorite parts of the shirt it 150:10 honestly matches the shirt 150:12 i think that's why you got the idea of 150:14 black and purple that one time because i 150:16 was wearing black and pinky purple 150:18 okay it kind of matches this 150:22 okay there we go we did it cutie 150:27 i do look like a gamer girl honestly 150:29 like couldn't i be playing overwatch 150:31 right now 150:35 you know you know what i mean i could 150:36 tell you playing overwatch right now 150:40 why overwatch you ask you know exactly 150:43 why or league of legends 150:46 okay so with the diva chair exactly it's 150:49 i still haven't bought that chair oh my 150:51 god i can't now paypal's [ __ ] ah 150:53 i can't even buy it anymore paypal i 150:54 know working okay 150:56 bob's a gamer girl so the next thing 150:58 you've got to pick though is an outfit 151:00 um this is going to be a little bit hard 151:05 because i know for a fact none of you no 151:08 i didn't see 151:08 one single comment one single comment 151:12 talk about how you were gonna try and 151:13 match this with anything 151:15 not gonna lie i like the shirt it's an 151:18 okay shirt 151:19 i don't mind the shirt i've worn it once 151:23 uh gamer girl outfit that's fair 151:26 only problem with lip gloss is that 151:28 random strands of hair get stuck in it 151:30 all right you forgot but you forgot 151:32 bob's we haven't done the outfit yet 151:34 uh all right should we vote on what you 151:36 guys want uh let's 151:38 find let me do a poll for like a general 151:41 okay okay 151:51 okay um 151:57 and then 152:02 what else what give me give me things 152:03 give me thanks we haven't we haven't 152:04 done anything with the wig yet 152:06 i haven't done that [ __ ] yet we're gonna 152:07 we're gonna figure that out in a second 152:08 right now we're gonna try and 152:10 pick an outfit we're gonna see if these 152:11 three parts you got really quite 152:13 pink makeup uh we're gonna see whether 152:16 it matches with the stuff you're gonna 152:17 pick okay 152:20 um we're not doing the we're not doing 152:24 the wig yet we're doing uh we're doing 152:25 the outfit so red dress was the thing 152:28 that i showed you 152:28 i've got that down i put this shirt plus 152:30 a skirt etc you know the 152:32 corset bobs everything um and you guys 152:35 can pick a skirt 152:37 um what else what else do you think 152:42 latex dress nope that would take a 152:46 long time to do also i don't know where 152:49 it is 152:50 okay 152:53 uh oh god 152:56 this is just dreadful this is just 152:59 dreadful 153:01 okay other dress 153:04 all right let's just get one out let's 153:06 get something out the way first 153:09 because i know a lot of you guys kind of 153:10 like this uh pink dress 153:13 okay uh 153:17 what else all right let's do this 153:20 let's just do other other 153:24 i'll give you that option there you go 153:27 black red titan dress from the photo 153:28 shoot i've got it i know where it is all 153:30 right 153:30 i don't know if it matches with the 153:31 makeup though okay go for it 153:34 chat pic i want to be surprised i don't 153:36 want to know what it's going to be i 153:37 want to be surprised by this answer 153:40 color white shirt under a sweater 153:43 chat you're already [ __ ] this up oh 153:46 mustache i'm sorry 153:47 this is this is what happens when chad 153:49 decides i want to know though 153:50 it's it's i'm it's like a social 153:52 experiment i'm seeing whether they can 153:53 work together to achieve a common goal 153:57 okay what's it gonna be what's it gonna 153:58 be what's it gonna be what's it gonna be 154:00 what's it gonna be 154:06 what's it gonna be what's it gonna be 154:08 what's it gonna be 154:12 we already know they can't well i wanna 154:13 know i wanna see you want to see i want 154:15 to see i want to see i want to see 154:16 i want i want i want i want to see 154:21 okay i'm hyped i'm kind of hyped kind of 154:23 hyped kind of hyped and kind of hyped 154:25 about this dude 154:26 i'm kind of hyped pink dress [ __ ] 154:28 what 154:30 okay why one guy 154:34 said that 154:38 okay there's a few i have a lot of pink 154:41 dresses in all fairness 154:44 we'll try it all right i'll get you guys 154:46 some options okay i've got one here 154:48 already on the ground oh my god 154:51 i'm gonna dude i'm gonna this is gonna 154:53 get in my eyes without me putting a 154:55 hairband on 154:57 okay yes it's yes i'm a gamer girl 155:01 try to keep up all right this 155:17 uh option number one we got this thing 155:20 uh 155:21 it's it's the one i wore before it's 155:23 pretty cool i it's a good one it's a 155:25 solid option let's get more 155:27 all right it's gonna take me a minute 155:28 now wait a second 155:31 this is the perfect opportunity for me 155:33 to run an ad 155:34 let's go let's go let's go let's go i'm 155:36 running an ad i'm running an ad because 155:37 i can 155:38 let's go okay uh let's grab my 155:41 channel link okay uh 155:44 stream manager all right let's go on to 155:46 this let me set up my uh let me set up 155:48 my 155:49 before stream uh with this let's change 155:53 this to 155:54 uh changing or wait 155:58 getting outfits okay right there we go 156:02 uh adds no i'm gonna give you a one 156:05 minute ad one minute at a one minute not 156:07 a very long ad what 156:08 i lied a three minute ad one sec 156:11 all right if you didn't get an ad uh let 156:13 me play you off with some katy perry 156:16 all right 156:22 [Music] 156:35 like a [ __ ] i would know 156:38 and you oversink always be 156:42 pretty clean i should not 156:45 stay on the court for me 156:56 [Music] 157:02 is 157:04 [Music] 157:13 and you're down 157:19 [Music] 157:29 i can go 157:33 [Music] 157:44 is 157:48 [Music] 157:58 is 158:02 you really 158:18 [Music] 158:26 me 158:31 [Music] 158:54 is 159:08 [Music] 159:21 [Applause] 159:23 it's me it's me 159:27 it's me again it's me again 159:30 now okay there's a couple things oh my 159:33 god the strawberry dress i didn't even 159:34 [ __ ] think about that one what the 159:36 [ __ ] 159:36 where is that 159:40 i don't know where that is i don't know 159:42 where oh wait what where 159:44 i don't know where that is 160:04 the strawberry dress i don't know where 160:05 it is it's gone i [ __ ] lost it i 160:07 don't know what else to tell you 160:08 it's gone i don't know what else to tell 160:10 you all right 160:12 it's gone dude strawberry dress on the 160:15 chair 160:16 no it ain't no i don't is it 160:20 one sec it might be 160:24 is it wait no 160:29 it ain't is it 160:33 no it ain't i don't know what you're on 160:34 about 160:36 all right [ __ ] it let me show you i 160:38 don't know okay let me show you right so 160:40 hey boys here's what we got we got a bit 160:42 of a mound of clothes 160:43 uh they're all god i don't know why you 160:46 want this 160:47 okay here's every pink dress that i 160:49 could find 160:50 i'm honestly the strawberry dress might 160:53 be in the wash 160:54 um but here are these 160:57 um here's the first one 161:01 here's the first one um it is 161:04 just uh literally frills 161:08 everywhere it's got uh roses on it 161:11 and it's bright pink number one i want 161:15 you to remember this 161:16 number one number two is one that you 161:18 guys sent to me 161:20 and it is i haven't even taken the tag 161:22 off this thing yet 161:23 the pinkest [ __ ] thing i've ever seen 161:25 yet again it's like it's getting worse 161:27 as it goes on this is not the best uh 161:30 this is not good for me all of these 161:32 things are pink as all hell 161:34 uh here's another one it's like a 161:37 it's like a [ __ ] 50s dress thing 161:40 it's polka dotty you know it's got a 161:43 it's got a thing you know it's a polka 161:45 dot 50s dress 161:46 pretty nifty it's you know but yeah 161:50 there's this one there's the one the i 161:52 already said that one 161:53 uh there's the one you've already seen 161:55 okay and then there's this one 161:57 and then there's this one it's the same 161:58 thing as the other one but it's like as 162:00 if a granny made it it's like very very 162:01 peach 162:03 it's not pink it's like peach okay 162:06 so that is what i've got that is what 162:09 i've got 162:10 um i'm gonna go and do a poll because 162:13 you guys voted for a pink dress for some 162:15 reason 162:16 okay let's do a poll for it um dress 162:22 right let's do this again let me make 162:23 let me number them right i'm gonna 162:24 number them differently this time 162:26 this is now the final conclusion uh wait 162:29 i got an idea i'm just gonna name them 162:30 this is the 50s dress okay 50s dress 162:35 uh this one peach dress 162:40 i would call it grandma dress but i 162:41 don't want to i don't want to bias the 162:43 results 162:46 uh this one uh flowered 162:49 wait flower dress flower dress 162:53 okay although i've already worn that one 162:58 flower dress okay 163:01 next one this is the 163:04 uh pink abomination issues 163:07 um i i don't know what else to call it 163:10 it's it's 163:12 uh the the pink abomination 163:18 okay next up and last finally uh at 163:22 least 163:22 um it is the uh pink flowery frilly 163:26 everything dress it's like what a flower 163:28 girl would wear to a wedding 163:30 uh um 163:33 pink frilly thing 163:36 there we go and i want you to vote on it 163:39 go 163:39 do your thing chat i'm ready bearing in 163:42 mind we still don't have a wig picked so 163:44 think about that in your in your final 163:46 results i want you to bear that in mind 163:48 and i want to know exactly what you guys 163:50 think where's the wedding dress it's in 163:52 the other room 163:53 all right oh the results are mostly 163:57 going to 163:57 50s dress that is kind of interesting 164:01 wow is this what you came to after 164:02 lockdown yes pink abomination is also 164:05 hot on the tails of the 50s dress 164:07 how dare you by the way i don't like any 164:09 of you and you're upsetting me 164:11 uh 50 dress is mostly winning have i 164:13 ever worn that before 164:14 have i ever worn the 50s dress before 164:18 have i pink abomination gang 164:22 yes have i when 164:25 when did i i don't remember 164:29 no the cooking stream i was in the red 164:30 one almost one year 164:32 big ups pog the 50s cooking stream no 164:34 that was red 164:35 this is pink this is a whole different 164:37 thing this one's pink this time 164:40 50s dress okay i've never 164:43 yeah it was the red one hell yeah 164:46 okay fifth dress wins it i yeah 164:49 there we go i haven't had the 164:51 opportunity to wear this yet it's 164:52 literally just been in the wardrobe 164:53 forever 164:54 so there it is it didn't notify me but 164:57 it's okay 164:58 twitch is trying to kill me i can't even 165:00 let this chair 165:01 sit upright it's like 165:04 oh okay that's the best we're gonna get 165:09 oh my god i don't wanna test it okay 165:13 okay i've got to [ __ ] undo this thing 165:15 all right 165:16 yeah let's get into a 50s dress shall we 165:20 chat wait [ __ ] 165:22 oh [ __ ] wait [ __ ] 165:26 this doesn't have like a thing this 165:28 looks like this on you it 165:29 don't ignore this bit it looks like this 165:31 because there's like two straps 165:32 it oh dude do i need to use the [ __ ] 165:35 stick on ones 165:36 the stick on bob's i'm gonna oh [ __ ] 165:40 this is gonna suck though if i have to 165:41 do that 165:44 petticoat i do also have a pedicure do 165:45 you guys want a petticoat with this 165:47 thing 165:48 i mean i do have one but it's dumb 165:51 it's real dumb it makes it 165:56 it's so done it makes it look better but 166:00 my god okay 166:04 let's do it i'm becoming a 50s housewife 166:06 all right ready uh let me get you on 166:08 some like 166:08 nice polish cow in the background that 166:11 really am that really amps everyone up 166:16 polish cow 10 hours let's do it 166:22 pedicure and it must pedicure it's a 166:23 must for a 50 stress okay right let's do 166:25 it 166:26 you need the stick on bobs i am working 166:28 on it dude [ __ ] god 166:32 i hope you enjoy your time without 166:40 [Music] 166:53 [Music] 167:09 [Music] 167:25 [Music] 167:41 [Music] 167:56 [Music] 168:12 [Music] 168:28 [Music] 168:44 [Music] 169:00 [Music] 169:16 [Music] 169:32 [Music] 169:48 [Music] 170:20 [Music] 170:35 [Music] 170:51 [Music] 171:07 [Music] 171:39 [Music] 171:55 [Music] 172:11 [Music] 172:27 [Music] 172:43 [Music] 172:59 [Music] 173:14 [Music] 173:37 [Music] 173:50 change your mind like a girl change his 173:54 clothes 173:58 like a [ __ ] i would know 174:01 and you overseeing always 174:11 [Music] 174:19 [Music] 174:38 okay so here's what's happening uh 174:42 i have maybe tightened this corset the 174:44 most it has ever been tightened 174:46 this [ __ ] corset week has really 174:48 taken its toll boys 174:51 but you know why not [ __ ] what is back 174:54 thank you chad you're so nice to me oh 174:56 man you're so kind and 174:58 kind and considerate chat you're so nice 175:01 okay 175:02 so right now i'm just tying the end of 175:04 this thing it's a bit of an annoying 175:05 dress to put on 175:07 weirdly enough no i've got zero organs 175:13 my organs have been pushed into 175:24 i think this is fine uh this stick on 175:26 bobs are a pen in the [ __ ] but it's 175:28 fine 175:29 i did them they're not like giant 175:30 they're pretty natural looking i believe 175:33 um and i'm ready 175:36 but then again there's no like i swear 175:38 they used to be a waistband 175:40 like yeah there used to be a waistband 175:43 for this 175:44 holy [ __ ] okay i'm gonna quickly run if 175:47 i can find it one sec 175:49 one moment 175:58 [Music] 176:10 oh 176:20 i want to show you how snatch the waste 176:36 all righty i'm almost done i believe 176:40 i have to kind of tie this around my 176:42 waist twice or else it won't really fit 176:43 well 176:45 or else it will [ __ ] i don't know 176:47 whether do you guys want a big bow at 176:48 the front or do you want a small bow up 176:50 front 176:51 because i can do it like both ways 176:54 okay big bowl small bow give me a quick 176:57 give me a quick option 176:58 big bowl small bow go 177:01 go go go go go go go go go big okay i'll 177:04 work on that 177:08 it's not even that big it's just 177:09 somewhat big 177:11 but i just kind of realized okay this 177:13 can tie a bow even if it wraps around me 177:14 twice 177:15 so i might as well just do a nice bow at 177:17 the front 177:19 okay oh all right chant you ready 177:23 all in all it's glory are you ready 177:27 let me shut my door so it doesn't blow 177:30 in the wind and freak me out 177:35 should i get hold on shall i get some 177:36 intro music one sec where's my where's 177:38 my favorite like uh what was it 177:41 hold on there it is disco sweet trip 177:46 all right 177:49 okay i'm just brushing the hair out 177:53 i don't know if i can look like a 177:54 housewife but i'm trying my best 177:58 okay how do i look 178:05 okay tam platform heels or white ones 178:09 uh i don't know about the tan ones okay 178:11 ready ready champ 178:14 wait wait 178:21 [Music] 178:31 okay there we go i got the thing we're 178:33 in it oh dude this place this is still 178:36 loops okay 178:39 there we go we did it i kind of want to 178:41 go and grab the pedicle i just 178:43 remembered i forgot to do it 178:45 i kind of forgot the pedicoat holy [ __ ] 178:47 i'm like 178:48 i did this terribly i'm gonna run and 178:50 grab it one sec i'll show you what i 178:51 mean 178:51 look at this look at this [ __ ] thing 178:54 this is what it is that goes under it 179:03 this entire giant thing is what goes 179:06 under this dress 179:08 like this is how big it's supposed to be 179:11 shall i do it 179:12 one sec hold on the only issue i see is 179:16 i'm not like what 179:17 god damn it i'm not wearing any like 179:20 thing that kind of protects 179:21 if you guys see something so i'm kind of 179:24 a bit 179:25 um a bit hesitant for it but 179:28 let's [ __ ] do it one sec 179:34 okay all right chat 179:40 what do you think good like it i 179:43 couldn't tie the bow at the back 179:45 what do you think nice do do like 179:48 do indeed enjoy 179:52 this feels so [ __ ] weird to sit on 179:55 princess how dare you 179:57 ah how many times do i need to say to 179:59 not call me princess 180:01 you need the spandex shorts yeah i know 180:04 but 180:04 oh well okay 180:09 housewife hours dude even even going 180:12 into uh 180:14 vera cuddle needs heels what the [ __ ] 180:19 do you want heels i know that this oh 180:22 i know that you're picking my outfit but 180:25 do we really have to add heels again 180:30 yeah okay i can breathe fine 180:34 right if we were gonna do heels what 180:36 would you like chat 180:38 what which ones what color what style 180:40 what would you like 180:41 what heels would you enjoy 180:47 the white ones white ones okay 180:51 i didn't think about the white ones 180:52 actually you want to do white heels 180:55 there's black ones too there's white 180:58 heels there's black heels 181:00 i'll do a pole oh i'll do a pole you 181:02 guys are like kind of divided dude this 181:04 course is making my [ __ ] 181:06 thing go weird my voice okay heals 181:10 um [ __ ] yeezys 181:15 uh so looking pogba's tonight black 181:19 white thank you pink and then what 181:22 uh oh my god tan there we go 181:26 i don't know why you'd want tan but some 181:27 a couple people said it you need a 181:28 hairband 181:29 i do do i have like a light pink one i 181:32 do 181:37 hold on 181:42 there we go 181:47 nice cool okay 181:50 white one holy [ __ ] by a while too i 181:52 almost thought pink would win it okay 181:54 let me oh dude the petticoat's so 181:56 annoying i can't do that 181:58 ah one second 182:02 oh my god 182:09 one sec this is such a [ __ ] dreadful 182:12 situation i find myself in with this 182:15 sometimes 182:16 because i can't bend over and get this 182:19 or that 182:19 my god or as soon as i bend over this is 182:23 going to come 182:23 up so i'm kind of [ __ ] i'm going to 182:25 just like kick them over or do you want 182:30 the gold ones 182:34 oh my god okay all those these 182:37 do you think it matches the outfit oh my 182:40 god 182:41 okay white ones white ones we've got the 182:44 white heels 182:45 we've got them oh my god the corset is 182:48 so tight 182:50 not the gold yeah no i don't think 182:53 they'd match 182:56 what you know okay can i quickly say 182:59 how's your cleaning skills 183:00 bad uh can i quickly say that whenever 183:03 you guys pick my outfit 183:05 it always somehow ends up pink 183:08 every time it's i gave 183:18 oh dude i can if you spend two hours 183:21 three hours making yourself look like 183:24 uh 50s housewife you'll be able to do it 183:27 there we go i've conveniently got a lot 183:30 of practice in walking in heels since 183:31 the vr stream 183:32 so there we go we're in heels white 183:35 heels pink dress 183:36 looking fly i do believe not terrible i 183:40 got smaller bobs 183:41 this time but hey what do you think what 183:44 we 183:44 what we funkin like it good indeed 183:50 chad doesn't pick anything else they 183:52 pick black and then pink that's pretty 183:54 chair fainted chair chairs had enough of 183:57 this [ __ ] dude 183:59 okay now for vr no 184:03 lose the pedicle is the wrong length i 184:05 can fix that but 184:07 i can't be [ __ ] hold on do i need to 184:09 one sec i can fix the pedicle but 184:11 i gotta go off camera again one sec 184:15 one moment i've gotta like pull the 184:18 dress 184:18 way up and then pull the course and pull 184:20 the uh 184:22 uh the pedocode up as well 184:25 so it's kind of like correct 184:29 but in all fairness it was bought just 184:31 as a random pedocode it wasn't sized so 184:33 i don't know 184:36 this is a little bit better but 184:39 honestly i don't even mind how it looks 184:41 where it's like a little bit of a rim 184:43 around it i don't mind it 184:46 but the only issue is i've got to do 184:47 this every time i 184:49 sit down oh my god okay 184:52 i can do this do you have any necklaces 184:54 not really i have earrings 184:56 i have earrings but i don't have any 184:57 necklaces this whole chat needs to be 184:59 bonked 185:01 oh my god you look so much like a 50s 185:05 housewife that i feel like 185:06 yelling at you after work she didn't 185:07 cook dinner i cooked vegetarian dinner 185:10 and then the the husband comes home and 185:12 he's not happy at all 185:18 become an ocean violation do you guys 185:20 want uh which which earrings do you want 185:23 there's the classics the silvery like 185:25 bandy ones or there's the silvery 185:27 you are my spirit animal rings which one 185:31 the rings the hoops or the um or the 185:34 spiralies 185:35 hoops or the spy release what do you 185:36 think nope pearl necklace 185:39 i don't know what the pearl necklace is 185:40 i might have one 185:43 oh my god 185:46 uh uh 185:50 do i 185:54 oh my god chat 185:57 wait everyone needs to stop 186:01 everyone needs to stop doing exactly 186:03 what they're doing the hoops okay 186:04 we've agreed on the hoops got you all 186:06 right 186:08 everyone needs to stop pause 186:11 pause everyone shush 186:15 do you remember when i said 186:18 that i happen to have bought 186:21 some of the sticky pads 186:24 that freddy had that said they stick 186:28 way too hard for the bobs 186:31 and i got them and then [ __ ] lost 186:33 them and then 186:34 everyone was annoyed at me 186:37 guess what i've just found guess what 186:41 i've just found 186:44 i've just [ __ ] found them i found the 186:46 i 186:47 found the bobas i found the bob stickers 186:50 i've look at this [ __ ] i [ __ ] found 186:53 them 186:54 i have so many of them and i found them 186:59 these are already stick on though at 187:01 least then because i'm [ __ ] this is 187:03 funny 187:04 i found them holy [ __ ] i lost these i 187:07 spent money on these 187:08 i didn't buy any more because i didn't 187:09 want to spend more money 187:12 but look okay i want to test how sticky 187:14 they are before i apply them to my 187:15 actual skin 187:18 what the [ __ ] how do i even do this just 187:20 in time for the two months of girl month 187:22 in the three months of bob 187:24 bruh that is no no 187:27 dude listen to that hold on 187:31 i'd lightly touched it very lightly 187:33 right 187:36 that is [ __ ] five months that is like 187:40 gorilla glue bruh i i mean 187:46 do i swap them out for that should i try 187:49 them 187:50 do i try them or what wait how do you 187:54 stick them to both sides 187:56 wait how do you stick them to both sides 187:59 oh my god 188:01 wait how does it stick to you because i 188:03 see one sticky side but i don't see the 188:05 rest of it 188:06 what the [ __ ] how does this work do it 188:10 save them for next dude i've got 40 of 188:12 them 188:13 there's 10 just in that one pack that 188:15 they i open i've got four more 188:18 okay i found what they are hold on 188:22 uh right how do i do this 188:25 okay i don't care 188:29 how do i do it what is there any 188:32 instructions 188:33 i feel like there should be instructions 188:35 okay i found them 188:37 i found the instructions i cut up the 188:38 last one and i'm not gonna this time 188:41 okay right what is it 188:44 uh for best results in summer i need to 188:47 uh wash with water 188:49 uh so it's not like oily and [ __ ] um 188:53 what the [ __ ] 188:58 expense wait what is there more to this 189:04 no what okay 189:07 glue the side that's not sticky to the 189:09 bobs glue 189:11 what no that's not right 189:15 that's not correct there's no way that's 189:16 correct 189:20 uh allowed to drive ben tape slightly 189:22 the middle split 189:23 i probably to apply to the best breast 189:25 form go 189:26 okay got it bend tape okay was this the 189:29 tape 189:31 okay well i did that okay 189:34 uh leave for one minute god it needs to 189:37 it needs a minute that was what it was 189:39 after 10 seconds okay 189:41 uh remove all skin side backing 189:44 there isn't any there isn't any though 189:49 what is there a backing to this 189:52 do i need to ask freddie no 189:55 what there isn't what am i done what 189:59 about this is like 190:00 get some pink nails on i don't have any 190:02 pink fake nails 190:03 paint your nails oh my god how do i do 190:06 this 190:09 how would i do this just get breast 190:12 implants 190:13 how do i do it do i have to go and ask 190:15 [ __ ] freddy for this [ __ ] 190:18 get freddy on vc i don't know if he's 190:20 here 190:22 dude i don't know where the [ __ ] i do it 190:24 bend it i mean i could just bend it but 190:26 oh my god daddy's [ __ ] on dude that 190:29 hurt a little bit 190:31 okay [ __ ] oh my god um 190:44 what where's the tape there's the tape 190:47 am i stupid 190:52 oh stick this side to your skin oh wait 190:55 okay this okay this side goes on me but 190:58 how do you get this to the bobs 191:02 what the [ __ ] what tape 191:06 where's the tape 191:09 where's the tape though is there tape 191:12 though 191:12 i'm confusion i'm so confused 191:17 wait do you think hold on 191:24 no what call a professional 191:31 no it's not this is meant to stick to uh 191:33 this is meant to stick to the skin this 191:35 side 191:35 is meant to stick to skin uh 191:39 the other side stick to bob to you i 191:41 don't think that's true 191:43 what it doesn't say to bend it 191:47 peel clear backing from the middle split 191:50 what the [ __ ] 191:53 no way 191:57 no way 192:03 is there a split in this wait a minute 192:07 wait a minute 192:10 wait a minute one sec there's something 192:14 to this that i don't know 192:22 what no this is wrong this has got to be 192:24 wrong 192:25 there's no way that's correct it is 192:33 i figured it out i figured it out i 192:36 figured it out do i do it i figured it 192:38 out i did it i did it i did it i did it 192:40 i what do i do it 192:41 i figured it out i did like do i do it 192:44 do i [ __ ] do it 192:47 chad i just want you to know that i want 192:49 like 192:53 i want uh when we hook up paypal again 192:57 i want big donor big donor boys 193:01 holy [ __ ] i did it okay 193:06 oh no oh no did i do something hold on 193:10 all right let's take that back down 193:14 oh no from the middle oh my god 193:17 it's so like sticky it's so sticky 193:23 it's so [ __ ] sticky like 193:26 incredibly so 193:30 there we go okay and then this side goes 193:33 like this 193:34 on that bam there we go 193:38 and i did it look at that okay that's on 193:42 there and then i take that away 193:44 and then that goes on me i did it would 193:46 you paint your nails 193:48 yeah not now i don't want to have to 193:51 paint them 193:53 okay i already goofed this side up the 193:55 really sticky side is the bit that goes 193:56 on you and i already kind of goofed this 193:58 so i'm just going to kind of do that and 194:01 move it to the side 194:03 away okay i've got like so many of these 194:06 okay you bend it down the middle like 194:07 that you've got to find the middle part 194:09 though 194:10 there it is okay and then you do it no 194:12 more chest hair i don't know if i need 194:14 to begin with baby 194:17 okay okay okay okay okay 194:20 right holy [ __ ] 194:24 oh my god okay okay 194:28 oh 194:31 should i just [ __ ] you have to audio 194:33 record when you take them off 194:36 see that's a good idea 194:41 there we go okay i've got the hang of 194:43 this now 194:44 and then i do the same thing on this 194:46 side like 194:50 so 194:53 oh you [ __ ] god dude you 194:56 dude as soon as your hand touches this 194:58 it's like on 195:00 i guess it is like meant to stick to 195:02 your skin 195:03 but still 195:06 it's impressive how on it is okay 195:09 i did it i did it look at that i did the 195:12 thing i did the thing 195:13 chad i did the thing oh okay i'm done 195:16 now 195:19 i gotta take these ones off you're not 195:21 doing it right 195:22 the stronger glue goes on the bob side 195:25 the peel from the middle 195:27 instruction is for the side that sticks 195:30 to you 195:30 really really are you 195:34 sure are you sure 195:38 are you sure stop 195:42 because i'm pretty sure that i'm right 195:46 that's what it said no it didn't that's 195:48 that's not what it said there's two peel 195:50 off sides 195:51 that is one that peels off and so was 195:53 what i was doing so 195:55 okay f after stuff just saying stuff 195:59 nailed it um 196:04 wash bob spots should i [ __ ] shall i 196:07 wash do i like quickly run into the 196:08 bathroom and just 196:09 i don't want it to stay on forever 196:11 though like 196:13 i don't i don't want to like wash my 196:15 chest 196:16 because then it's like it'll really be 196:18 [ __ ] stuck 196:19 you know 196:24 uh i do need to take this off though 196:28 [ __ ] 196:31 i'll just do it how bad could it be it's 196:32 fine i'll do it 196:34 oh okay give me a minute i'm [ __ ] i'm 196:37 gonna go create some bobs 196:39 i'm gonna go give myself bob's brb 196:43 cat jam oh dude do you want what what do 196:45 you want katy perry do you want 196:46 disco what do you want what do you want 196:48 i'm thinking disco it's a short song 196:50 three minutes 196:50 what do you think i'm thinking this one 196:55 all right let's do this one okay teddy 196:57 perry 197:02 disco disco what a good idea 197:05 what a great idea see you in a minute 197:08 all right chad if you're here you're one 197:10 of the good ones i'll see in a second 197:13 [Music] 197:26 [Music] 197:47 [Music] 197:58 [Music] 198:22 [Music] 198:30 [Music] 198:42 [Music] 198:48 so 199:04 [Music] 199:14 [Music] 199:47 [Music] 199:59 okay right i'm not done 200:04 i'm not done i'm almost i haven't put 200:06 them on yet but i am now 200:08 washed uh it's now ready to go on 200:11 obviously i can't show you it because 200:13 there's multiple types of nipples here 200:16 i'm just trying to get the positioning 200:17 right uh because that's pretty important 200:19 i guess when i'm 200:21 dude that i've never felt something like 200:24 adhere to me 200:25 so quick 200:29 okay and now i do i leave it for a 200:32 minute apparently i it's one of them's 200:34 on 200:35 one of them is on okay one of them is on 200:40 uh let me do the other i'm really 200:43 [ __ ] hoping that i didn't do any of 200:44 this wrong 200:47 from listening to freddie these things 200:50 sound like 200:51 a major pain in the ass but obviously 200:54 like he's used him he knows 200:56 he wouldn't give me any he wouldn't give 200:57 me advice that'd be bad 200:59 he wouldn't tell me to get these things 201:01 if they were gonna 201:03 [ __ ] hurt me would he woody 201:06 it's not like he was one of you guys for 201:07 a while one of the viewers 201:14 okay okay so now i just stay with them 201:17 for a minute 201:18 okay do i just stay with this 201:21 he wouldn't do anything of the sort no 201:24 okay 201:26 um i'd wager there more of a pain on the 201:29 chest 201:30 my god okay 201:34 [Music] 201:36 okay i feel like it's almost been a 201:38 minute has it been a minute 201:40 can you guys count down from 60 thank 201:42 you guys i'm relying on you can you 201:44 count down from 60 please thank you 201:46 thanks chad thank you no 201:49 you're bad at this i want some counting 201:51 60 seconds start it 201:52 start the clock ready all right someone 201:55 said one so we're pretty close to 201:57 finishing 201:58 okay thanks boys almost at 50 seconds 202:08 oh god 202:13 all right it can't be that bad 202:16 okay i'm gonna tie this up i'm gonna tie 202:19 this while it's happening 202:20 damn you guys can't count huh no not at 202:22 all we've managed to get 202:23 like four digit numbers in the chat from 202:25 counting down from 60. 202:28 he's gone into the negative five 202:29 thousands 420 202:31 i don't think that's right 202:35 there's like three people genuinely 202:37 counting 202:41 okay stop the count no okay keep going 202:45 i think we're on 20s i think we're on 202:46 the 20 seconds 202:48 around 20 seconds to go 202:53 okay oh 202:57 and now listen i know fred freddy 202:59 wouldn't freddie wouldn't [ __ ] 203:01 freddie wouldn't [ __ ] me about on this 203:02 freddie wouldn't do freddie wouldn't do 203:04 anything to hurt me 203:06 he's uh he's a good guy and he wouldn't 203:08 [ __ ] 203:09 oh god oh my god 203:13 i'm really hoping this works out okay 203:16 i'm really hoping these come off 203:17 okay otherwise i'm gonna have to spam uh 203:20 help me okay 203:26 ready i think we're good okay i think 203:28 we're good you guys counted down from 203:29 zip there we go zero zero okay we're all 203:31 right we're good we're good ready 203:33 nothing's changed there's no countdown 203:36 hey we're back 203:37 nothing changed uh to you anyway um 203:40 this however feels 203:45 really secure 203:49 oh god almost worryingly so is that bad 203:53 is that something that i should not uh 203:56 not like 203:56 because these are like on 204:00 how long are they supposed to last never 204:02 read that 204:08 uh how do i even do it is this one of 204:11 those multi-day adhesives 204:14 i don't know oh god i don't know 204:18 i genuinely don't know i know someone 204:20 that's worn it though 204:21 oh damn so i don't know 204:25 i actually don't know how long they're 204:26 last [ __ ] thanks for the [ __ ] subs 204:27 logan 204:28 hell yeah logan you give did a few this 204:30 stream thank you 204:32 okay let's do some earrings uh i'm gonna 204:34 quickly message 204:36 good practice for the three months dude 204:41 but yeah like dude they're on like that 204:44 they're on like that they're not oh yeah 204:47 okay should i message freddy 204:51 and see how long they last for 204:57 shall i find out i don't 205:01 okay that looks okay actually it doesn't 205:04 look 205:04 trashy bob's weak oh god okay let's 205:08 let's find out let me ask freddie oh you 205:10 would dm me already 205:13 oh god uh the longest i've done is like 205:15 four hours i think they're good 205:16 up to 12. okay that's not bad that's 205:19 okay 205:20 that's fine that's fine 12 hours 205:25 i mean i can take them off though right 205:27 like [ __ ] god i can take them off 205:29 though 205:29 so it's fine four hours the stamina dude 205:33 he's just sending me crunch what a 205:35 [ __ ] guy he's in chat 205:38 okay i think we should be fine then we 205:40 should be fine 205:41 we're fine we're fine fine we're fine 205:42 fine but like they won't like 205:44 they're not hard to take off though 205:46 right freddy 205:48 no they're not right i need to i need to 205:51 now okay cool freddie says they're not 205:53 they're not hard to take off 205:54 easy [ __ ] easy [ __ ] i'm good chat 205:58 i'm solid 206:01 it's like a shitty plaster okay 206:04 i'm sure they come off in the shower i'm 206:06 sure they come off if i just pull them 206:08 i'm sliding down my chair because of 206:10 this [ __ ] thing 206:12 okay it's fine we got him we're there on 206:14 there on 206:15 but they'd stay on for a while my god 206:19 okay they stay on for up to 12 hours 206:22 which is a lot longer than the um than 206:24 the other one 206:25 than than the normal ones so for the for 206:28 the 206:28 have fun with the stream you two my guy 206:30 thanks for the ride um 206:32 holy [ __ ] joy thanks for the thing 206:34 gifted subs we're now done i think 206:36 i think are we good have we completed 206:39 this is so hard to brush my hair and 206:40 wear this 206:41 what the [ __ ] have i just done what the 206:43 [ __ ] have i just done 206:44 what the [ __ ] okay are we good with this 206:48 or what do you think we've now got 12 206:50 hour bobs of 50s housewife 206:52 uh outfit makeup done stunning by the 206:55 way chat and then um 206:57 there we go 207:03 uh tell freddie his check is in the mail 207:05 for him 207:07 he's in the stream so that's that way 207:10 your hair look 207:10 wait your hair looked good like that it 207:12 did for a sec but i couldn't have keep 207:13 kept it like 207:14 oh damn my god thank oh 207:17 welcome to the council oh chase oh my 207:19 god thanks for the 10 gifted subs 207:21 we've almost dude we almost are gonna 207:24 hit the [ __ ] 5000 sub mark and we 207:25 didn't even like 207:27 oh nothing for the neck i don't have any 207:29 necklaces i have no necklaces 207:32 i've i've got no necklaces i have okay i 207:34 do i have like 207:35 collars um they might be a little bit 207:39 [ __ ] 207:40 that's the only issue that i can find 207:41 with it um 207:45 like oh dude look the [ __ ] perfume 207:47 and shit's still in here 207:48 um okay 207:52 yeah i basically got really a little bit 207:54 [ __ ] colors 207:55 like this that says daddy on it 207:58 uh i've got this one that's a pink love 208:02 heart 208:02 i've got [ __ ] this one that's just a 208:06 bell 208:07 i've got so guess you're sleeping with 208:09 bob's tonight then 208:11 no i'm taking them off before then i've 208:13 got this one which is like a black 208:15 i wore this once before that's pretty 208:17 good it's like got a it's black with a 208:18 love heart on it it's pretty nifty 208:20 uh it's cool necklace i like it i got 208:22 this one it's a color with a bow on it 208:24 and a bell 208:25 what do you want which one of those d 208:27 would you like chat 208:32 oh my god wait look what i found i found 208:34 the pearl one 208:36 never mind i'm not wearing any of the 208:37 [ __ ] ones i'm wearing the pearl one 208:39 oh god and there's also this one which 208:41 is just a bit over the top 208:42 okay pearl one we got it 208:46 the one thing the one necklace the one 208:48 that will save me from looking like a 208:49 [ __ ] 208:50 okay how do i even wear this there we go 208:54 how do i even wear this thing i wore it 208:56 when i was doing the bunny stream but 208:58 now i don't know how 209:01 oh god i hate that i hate that so much 209:05 holy [ __ ] whenever hair gets in your in 209:07 your face like mouth 209:09 do you have long white gloves i don't i 209:11 have long purple gloves 209:13 okay so i had to quickly pin my hair 209:15 back 209:16 okay oh my god doing this with long 209:18 nails would be insane 209:20 i've already got like pretty long 209:21 natural nails too 209:24 okay this is really quite a balancing 209:28 act 209:32 okay 209:38 how do you make the wigs look natural 209:41 beanie 209:43 a beanie this is not a wig obviously 209:45 this is my normal hair what would be the 209:47 goal for a feminine or androgynous 209:49 haircut i don't know what that would 209:51 look like 209:52 and there we go that's the necklace 209:56 there we go got the pearl necklace on 209:58 and everything 210:00 i don't know what that would look like 210:05 actually it can a one pearl necklace can 210:08 okay 210:08 uh we've got like [ __ ] what 210:12 what [ __ ] what was the question oh a 210:15 haircut what would that even 210:16 look like like um uh 210:19 like women uh 210:23 what would that look like like what 210:25 would the haircut be 210:28 azula hair um 210:32 mr mustache is right don't know girl 210:34 take it out face deserves a subscription 210:37 i mean i'm i am growing my hair but also 210:40 i can't we can't do a donut goal i mean 210:42 i am growing my hair but 210:45 um 210:46 [Music] 210:49 you look like an old lady that's trying 210:50 to look young welcome to looking like 210:53 you're a 50s housewife okay 210:55 so a pixie cut 210:59 the [ __ ] 211:05 [Music] 211:06 i wouldn't really say that's feminine 211:10 hold on let's look wait is it i mean 211:14 i mean okay okay i have let let me let 211:17 me show you right 211:18 i know my tabs are insane but like 211:20 doesn't that just look like a 211:22 funny number doesn't it just look like a 211:25 dude's haircut 211:27 like i swear i've had this hair 211:32 uh i don't know i i think that would be 211:34 kind of like 211:35 a strange one because then you'd all get 211:37 pissed at me that i just got a hair a 211:38 guy's haircut 211:40 the necklace doesn't fit i kind of agree 211:43 it also it's a very cowarny thing 211:45 yeah it's it's kind of the karen cut i 211:48 don't know about pixie cut i think 211:49 you're thinking of the wrong thing i 211:50 think you're thinking of like a bob 211:54 you're thinking of a bob you're thinking 211:56 of a bob right 211:57 this is the karen haircut yeah look this 212:00 is this is the karen haircut dude like 212:02 uh like bob hare okay look right this is 212:06 tell me this is not tell me this this is 212:08 not the karen haircut dude 212:10 like this is [ __ ] it's the it doesn't 212:13 matter if it's on taylor swift 212:14 or random woman it is the karen cut like 212:17 that's what this is 212:19 this is let me see the manager so i 212:22 can't i don't know 212:24 short bangs you mean like this 212:29 i don't know i don't know dude i don't 212:32 know dude 212:33 i think that growing the hair out's the 212:34 better one daddy collar would be cute 212:38 no you could just cut your ends to make 212:42 your hair look more neat 212:44 true true could do that but you know 212:49 do i by the way do i keep keep or remove 212:51 the necklace 212:53 people remove this one i don't know what 212:55 you guys what your opinion is on how 212:57 this looks 212:58 what do you think remove wow that's a 213:01 lot of moves okay 213:03 that's a lot of removes my god 213:06 because i kind of agree it doesn't 213:07 really fit but it's close if it was like 213:10 not goldy it's a little bit goldy 213:15 alright there we go i need like a 213:18 regular silver necklace like not 213:20 anything like big big like just like a 213:22 regular silver looking one 213:24 replace with daddy one no that will look 213:26 bad ball gag 213:27 don't own one yet weirdly enough i 213:30 haven't managed to go on the black one 213:31 with the chains i don't think that would 213:32 fit actually 213:34 a simpler pearl necklace i kind of agree 213:37 time to buy one 213:38 my god what i don't own one yet what was 213:42 i saw what 213:44 what 213:46 uh necklace off much better i kind of 213:48 agree um 213:50 oh my god there we go bell choker 213:53 ah that's a decent idea actually you 213:56 know what actually that does fit hold on 213:57 one sec i was just envisioning it 214:01 that might actually fit well hold on 214:05 that actually fits hold on 214:10 there we go 214:14 although it is mind-numbingly annoying 214:17 how loud the bell is for me 214:20 it's like it's all the time 214:23 okay there we go now each one cat ears 214:26 see now you're just making it like a cat 214:28 girl thing but 214:30 it cut it it does kind of work actually 214:32 this kind of looks good i like it [ __ ] 214:34 it this is better 214:34 this is better this is a better fashion 214:36 statement i like it 214:40 all right now i can finally like figure 214:42 out my game plan to take these bobs off 214:47 dude i like flicked him a little bit 214:49 there that [ __ ] like 214:51 that felt like something dude that was 214:53 like [ __ ] like that 214:54 little bit of pain like these things are 214:57 on 214:57 what size the dress i think it's like uh 215:00 i think it's like 12 215:02 12. yeah 12 is probably a good guess 215:05 hot water no they'll come off it's just 215:07 going to be annoying 215:08 it's not gonna be hard it's just gonna 215:10 be like oh my god they're on 215:12 i could okay it's good to know that i 215:13 could actually like keep these on for a 215:15 little bit longer 215:16 that's okay i can do so i can do a 215:18 stream with that at some point 215:20 at some point not now sleep with them on 215:23 no i don't think you're supposed to 215:24 i also don't want to 215:29 like there's a warning on this that says 215:30 removal from skin may cause a red mark 215:32 just like a plaster 215:34 that's how strong it is 215:38 just sleep like that um no i mean 215:42 listen if we can hit 215:45 no i'm not gonna do that that's gonna 215:47 make a sub goal for it no 215:49 i'm not gonna make a sub goal to keep 215:51 bobs on all day um 215:53 i don't really wanna 50 slubs to sleep 215:55 with them on no 215:56 uh you fool no 216:00 also 50 subs far too low far too low you 216:03 you have no idea 216:04 the extent of my gold digging um 216:09 oh my god my voice kind of like going a 216:10 little bit i've been streaming for like 216:11 three and a half hours 216:14 glue them on for 150 that's what this is 216:16 they pretty much are 216:20 okay there we go solidly um 216:24 actually can sub-god be corset month no 216:26 i'm going to try and fix 216:27 uh fix the paypal situation and then um 216:29 we'll do 216:30 further goals like that but of course 216:33 it's such a pain in the ass dude 216:37 like this one's um what the [ __ ] this 216:40 one's fine 216:41 like right now it's the tightest it's 216:42 ever been and i barely feel it 216:44 because i've gotten better at like 216:46 actually lacing the corset and and 216:47 making it to a comfortable point but 216:53 courses wouldn't be too bad it's just 216:55 that it's just like 216:56 having to having waking up at a time 216:58 when actually putting them on 216:59 all right uh can you try the reading 217:01 dress on with the stick on boobs it 217:02 would redeem it 217:04 it wouldn't redeem it it's not the bob's 217:06 that came down it's the it's the dress 217:07 that came down 217:08 that's why it's a pain instagram twitter 217:11 nah i don't think this is an outfit for 217:12 instagram 217:13 instagram twitter tucking i'm not 217:16 talking 217:17 [ __ ] that um i'm there's no shot i 217:20 can't be [ __ ] ah oh just use the oh 217:24 dude i got a better idea i'll just use 217:25 the bob things the sticky pads and just 217:27 stick it there 217:28 easy just tuck by gluing it in place 217:31 simple um sawyer set up on ltt damn 217:36 right 217:37 damn right you did el the linus tech 217:39 tips finally released that video 217:40 i'm proud well uh maybe i'll i'm gonna 217:44 i'm gonna end the stream off here uh 217:45 maybe i'll take some photos for twitter 217:47 i don't know maybe maybe i will maybe i 217:49 will 217:51 maybe maybe maybe uh 217:54 photos in the discord okay well i'll see 217:57 you chat uh this was a fun little stream 217:59 i'm gonna try and fix paypal 218:02 uh try and fix that whole situation no 218:04 wigs oh [ __ ] i forgot about that 218:10 i can't think of a wig that would fit 218:12 with this 218:14 already cute yeah we didn't really make 218:17 it for a wig you know what i'm going to 218:18 do next stream i'll do a wig 218:20 i'll bring some to germany because the 218:21 next stream i do is probably going to be 218:23 in germany 218:24 um but yeah this is the last uk stream 218:27 baby 218:29 uh heels 218:32 on we already got the heels on dude five 218:34 inches 218:35 it's great all right i will see you guys 218:38 chad i'm gonna be 218:38 i'm gonna be [ __ ] um i'm gonna be 218:40 calling paypal on the phone 218:44 playing time in the council chat playing 218:46 time okay 218:47 we'll do i'll i'll come help you out 218:49 with that um 218:50 no need wig pretty awesome hell yeah 218:53 next time we'll do something with the 218:54 wig because i want to do like 218:55 i've got a nice grey wig and i really 218:56 want to do something with that i'm 218:58 thinking 218:58 gray wig and then the beige um the beige 219:01 hoodie 219:02 and wear that as like a dress where the 219:04 tat where the beige like tan heels 219:07 wear some like [ __ ] thigh highs or 219:09 [ __ ] yeah some thigh highs 219:11 some heels that's a look anyway 219:14 i'll see you boys bye daddy god [ __ ] 219:17 damn it all right 219:18 i'll see you in the next one uh cooking 219:20 stream that's good idea with theresa 219:22 all right i'll see you next one boys 219:23 peace bye 219:26 wait hold on i can't do this i can't do 219:28 a wink oh my god i can never figure out 219:30 the wink 219:30 i close both eyes