00:00 i did this did i do it okay you're all 00:02 saying hello did it work 00:05 disney 00:07 hello i may be slightly early am i what 00:10 time is it 00:11 [ __ ] i don't know 00:12 did i do it did i do it correctly 00:17 hope it's stable me too but the hotel 00:19 internet has like 30 upload speed so i 00:22 don't know kind of cool 00:24 uh 00:25 [ __ ] oh plus we're an hour ahead [ __ ] i 00:28 don't know 00:30 does this look cool does that look cool 00:32 i think it looks cool there's a light on 00:33 the wall 00:35 hey boys how are you i haven't like 00:38 announced anywhere i'm kind of like 00:40 maybe i don't know if i exit out the app 00:42 then nothing's gonna work i don't know 00:43 if this sounds awful i don't know what 00:45 the [ __ ] how is everything i don't know 00:47 if it's good or not 00:49 is it good i can't tell you're gonna 00:52 have to relay me all the information 00:54 people 00:54 it's pretty good 00:56 nice hi everyone hi it's me hello hello 01:00 it's me 01:01 hi 01:02 uh 01:03 look it i have a [ __ ] marisa thought 01:06 this looked like porn that i was like 01:08 [ __ ] just 01:12 holy [ __ ] it's on my forehead oh it's 01:15 hair 01:16 cool 01:18 okay hello boys 01:21 kinda yeah okay cool 01:24 i'm in spain uh i've managed to get a 01:26 stream working i think i bought like 01:28 this stand with like a light round it 01:30 which looks pretty epic i think 01:33 either porn set 01:35 dude why the [ __ ] does it look like a 01:36 porn set it's not that bad all my 01:39 garbage 01:41 is over there 01:43 there's a there's like swimsuits and 01:44 [ __ ] so okay it is working people are 01:47 talking to me 01:49 i'm in spain without the s anyway hello 01:54 who's red bra is that it's mine 01:58 it's not a brat it's a swimsuit i 01:59 haven't worn it yet though look uh 02:02 so 02:02 [Music] 02:03 i've got a couple i was gonna talk about 02:05 this later but [ __ ] it we'll talk about 02:07 it now so 02:09 i in real life bought 02:12 swimsuits which was the most awkward 02:14 [ __ ] thing ever i did like a i did 02:17 this thing where i uh i i start i wore 02:20 the other stream so it was like 02:21 and then i decided we've been past 02:23 there's so many beach shops that i went 02:25 in one i was like okay i'll grab a 02:26 bikini i'll do like i'll do like a 02:28 swimsuit shot i've got a hot tub on the 02:30 [ __ ] roof so i'll do like a hot tub 02:33 thing i was gonna do a hot tub stream 02:35 but then i didn't because yeah 02:37 uh it would be 02:38 a little bit awkward because the hot 02:40 tub's like open air and if i start 02:41 yelling then it's gonna be very 02:43 uh noticeable in fact i just realized my 02:46 door's open 02:50 the dog the door just opened to the 02:52 world everyone i'm just yelling off my 02:54 balcony at you guys anyway 02:57 hey thanks for the sub i have by the way 03:00 no idea if you donate or not i don't 03:02 even know if it will work or not 03:04 uh so maybe don't donate if you want to 03:06 do something you could give the sub it's 03:08 pretty plug because i won't know uh 03:11 streamlabs brokey yeah no it's because 03:12 i'm streaming on the twitch app 03:13 streamlabs decide the app decided not to 03:15 work so 03:17 but 03:18 why are you in spain uh marie's got a 03:20 thing i'm uh i'm over here with uh with 03:22 riza i'm just kind of [ __ ] vibing i 03:25 can't tell you where i am because you 03:27 know i don't want it to be a bit weird 03:29 and i don't want to get 03:31 that'd be weird i don't know i don't 03:33 want stalker i don't know but uh i'm 03:35 gonna be back soon i'm gonna be back uh 03:37 soon i'm not saying when again but i'll 03:39 be back soon clapping cheek can you see 03:41 my ass now i'm looking in the mirror 03:43 over 03:44 over 03:45 there 03:46 you can't see my ass i'm wearing a 03:48 safety scared anyway you couldn't see it 03:49 if you tried 03:52 death clapping cheeks help you 03:55 thankful oh god there is someone below 03:57 me i didn't even think about that but 03:58 yeah so i got okay basically 04:00 i needed a swimsuit i've actually taken 04:03 a bunch of uh 04:04 i took a bunch of um pictures in the 04:06 bikini 04:08 um one of them i don't know if i can 04:10 release because it's very 04:14 it's very 04:15 different to what i normally post but i 04:17 did well i'm not very different you know 04:19 i took a photo that maybe 04:21 that maybe uh you know 04:25 maybe maybe a little bit not sus but you 04:27 know a little bit maybe it's just for 04:28 instagram i don't know put on disco yeah 04:30 okay listen listen it's 04:34 it's it's a good photo 04:36 um 04:37 it's just listen i turned around in the 04:39 bikini okay 04:41 uh and it is a bikini oh in fact i'll 04:43 show you what it is this is the one that 04:44 i actually wore 04:45 and [ __ ] the dumbest way where is it 04:47 here the dumbest [ __ ] about this 04:51 the dumbest [ __ ] about this 04:52 is that i went into a store to go buy a 04:55 bikini and i didn't realize okay this is 04:57 like 04:58 the store was next to a bunch of [ __ ] 05:00 yachts like just yeah after yacht like 05:03 multi 10 million dollar yachts right i'm 05:05 in a fancy place okay at least i got to 05:07 a fancy place it's like 10 minutes away 05:10 so i walked over there 05:11 and i was like okay 05:13 i'm going to get myself like uh i'm 05:15 going to get myself at this this 05:17 swimsuit sure it's just a swimsuit shop 05:19 it's going to be [ __ ] what's it 05:20 called it's going to be easy it's just a 05:22 swimsuit shop they're all cheap what is 05:24 a swimsuit what is this 05:26 uh 10 euro it's gonna be nothing it's 05:28 fine uh so i went into one and i was 05:30 like 05:31 hey um my uh by the way like mask and 05:35 sunglasses and a hat you know like this 05:38 is 05:39 you know just sunglasses masks couldn't 05:41 see [ __ ] so like hey 05:44 uh my uh i'm just uh my uh my girlfriend 05:47 uh she needs a she needs a swimsuit 05:48 she's about uh my height and my size and 05:52 my width 05:53 and 05:54 what's it for our size 05:57 32c i guess i don't know just making 05:59 [ __ ] up so [ __ ] i walked i got this 06:01 thing and she was giving me this nice uh 06:05 introduction to all this stuff 06:07 and she was showing me all of them and 06:08 she was like 06:10 uh do you know which one she's after i'm 06:11 an ash black something i'm just trying 06:13 to grab something for her um and she 06:16 shows me this one 06:17 and shows me a bunch of different other 06:18 ones 06:19 and eventually i end up asking like oh 06:21 okay 06:22 how much uh how much are these 06:24 and she goes 06:26 oh every one of them they're all they're 06:28 all 200 euros 06:30 and i was like ah 06:32 i'll look like a [ __ ] if i back out now 06:34 i've been here for like a few minutes 06:38 so i bought a swimsuit for 200 years 06:41 because i didn't want to be awkward 06:45 i didn't want to feel awkward so i have 06:47 this 200 06:49 swimsuit 06:51 and it's not one 06:52 it's not worth it at all 06:54 but like it looks cool 06:57 all right look i'll show you so like 06:59 there's the front of it it's very cool 07:00 very epic right and then there's like 07:02 it's basically this uh this strip down 07:04 the middle it's like you know like this 07:06 right so it's it's kind of epic you know 07:09 kind of cool 07:10 uh anyway i wore that because [ __ ] it i 07:12 was gonna get some use out of it so 07:14 i'm very much hoping 07:16 um that someone can donate or slash gift 07:20 how many subs is 200 euros 07:24 a lot how many is that like [ __ ] 07:28 i don't know however much that is 40 07:30 [ __ ] yeah i'm hoping someone can gift 07:32 like 50 subs 07:34 so i can pay for it 07:36 uh 07:37 and then i bought a bunch of a bunch of 07:39 other bikinis and i was like well [ __ ] i 07:40 didn't try it on i wasn't that well i 07:43 didn't try the [ __ ] bikinis on am i 07:45 stupid i don't wanna be like okay it's 07:46 for my girlfriend i know and i got these 07:48 as well i didn't try to anyway by the 07:50 way you guys are gonna have to tell me 07:52 in shaq it's not gonna make a noise 07:54 uh it'd be very nice if you just spammed 07:56 or something if someone actually does 07:58 gift 200 subs i actually do have an 08:00 incentive for you to please give me 200 08:03 subs i got this one as well bikini 08:06 uh bottom bikini 08:08 dub 08:09 nice good color haven't worn either of 08:11 those two yet though uh but maybe i will 08:15 maybe i will 08:17 um 08:18 and i took pictures in that one and that 08:20 one photo listen 08:22 i'm not saying that if someone gifts 08:24 maybe like a hundred subs 08:27 then maybe i'll release maybe i'll put 08:29 out the photo on instagram maybe maybe 08:30 i'm not maybe i am saying that but maybe 08:32 probably 08:36 but you know i just i just want you to 08:38 know that there is a pretty darn good 08:40 photo 08:41 what happened 08:42 oh my god what happened someone did 08:44 what happened did it happen 08:47 only a hundred gifted what happened tell 08:49 me what happened you got 45 gifted subs 08:51 [ __ ] yeah it paid for it 08:53 more 08:55 200 oh wait why are you upping my number 08:58 i only said 100. hey finn [ __ ] yeah finn 09:01 and finn hey wait can i like angle this 09:03 down a little bit 09:05 pug you can see my whole messy room 09:08 but yeah 09:09 i took this into a skill a little bit at 09:11 the top i like 09:12 200 200 000 subs holy [ __ ] i can see the 09:16 [ __ ] the thing crj has gifted 35 09:20 along with crj's gifted 13 along with 09:23 crj has gifted five i don't know why 09:24 it's saying that on the app what the 09:26 [ __ ] she was a teaser of the pic 09:29 um i'm doing this 09:31 i'm doing this 09:33 i'm doing that so just think about that 09:35 right that's what i did in the picture 09:38 so 09:42 i'm not saying 09:45 maybe maybe i will release the image 09:47 but it is a good picture i think um but 09:50 it's going to be an ins put it this way 09:51 i'm not going to post it on twitter i 09:52 couldn't post it on twitter i oh [ __ ] 09:54 thanks for the 5 good subs megan 09:57 thank you megan 09:58 my nan is called megan thank you megan 10:01 anyway 10:02 or was called megan 10:07 she was she was cool 10:11 um thanks for the 23 10:15 25 gifted subs thank you 10:19 what the [ __ ] okay there's been a lot of 10:21 gifts 10:22 sorry thank you 10:23 holy [ __ ] duck is dumber sucks [ __ ] yeah 10:26 thank you 10:27 i need something 10:30 anyway i'm still really scared that 10:31 you'll see some [ __ ] in the mirror 10:36 funny but yeah i've won this i kind of 10:38 want to do something where like uh 10:40 [ __ ] maybe i'll do like a try on sort 10:43 of thing with these and i'll take a 10:44 bunch of photos in the hot tub i don't 10:46 have any red bottoms though i don't know 10:48 why i didn't grab them but i don't i 10:50 just have this this is the only pair of 10:52 uh bottoms i have but yeah will i go out 10:54 into the ocean in them god [ __ ] no 10:56 there is no shot no 10:58 gosh darn chance on earth i'm going out 11:01 in the ocean but this room has like a 11:03 hot tub on the roof which is really nice 11:06 so maybe i'll go on the roof where is 11:07 some or some bikini maybe take a picture 11:09 or see which one is best i don't know 11:12 anyway yeah it's 11:14 apple bottom jeans bro 11:17 i'm not even [ __ ] in jeans this 11:19 entire time dude i i can't listen going 11:21 out on a skirt not too too hard because 11:23 i just have a hat you know sunglasses 11:26 [ __ ] that was another thing that i did 11:27 i'm stupid i was like i was going 11:30 sunglass shopping with marisa and 11:31 maurice is a [ __ ] 11:33 so she was like oh these look cool you 11:35 should buy these and i was like [ __ ] it 11:36 i don't have sunglasses sure are these 11:38 not i didn't look at them very closely 11:40 are these [ __ ] women's glasses are 11:42 these really not men's 11:44 these are women's glasses these they're 11:46 definitely women's sunglasses 11:49 yeah 11:51 they're okay [ __ ] well okay 11:54 that's been decided on but they're like 11:57 a good sunglasses then ralph lauren they 12:00 were like 50 euros for a [ __ ] piece 12:03 of plastic there's a bunch of scammers 12:05 here by the way or not scammers there's 12:06 a bunch of like uh what are they called 12:08 you know where they have like fake gucci 12:10 handbags all the time there's a bunch of 12:12 those and i'm [ __ ] selling like five 12:14 euros and i kind of want to come out of 12:16 here with like five louis vuitton bags 12:18 should i because i can easily 12:22 i should there's like a gucci purse 12:24 that's the other thing the only thing 12:25 that i don't have that's like or the 12:27 only thing that i have that's like hyper 12:28 masculine is my wallet there's just this 12:31 big brick 12:32 of you know just leather it's a really 12:35 nice wallet though but that's the only 12:37 thing i don't maybe i need like a gucci 12:38 [ __ ] like a pink gucci purse 12:42 oh wait someone donated oh cup megan 12:45 thank you for donating i just got a 12:46 paypal [ __ ] notification but thank 12:48 you for donating i wouldn't have known 12:50 what you said in it but thank you 12:54 get a louie wallet 12:56 for like three dude you look i feel like 12:59 i look like such a prick 13:00 if i did like 119 sub let's get that to 13:03 200 i'll post the image maybe 13:06 probably i'll post it if i get if if we 13:08 do 200 stuff i post i think i post it's 13:11 not that bad it's not that bad it's 13:12 really not but 13:15 there's but so you know 13:18 we hit 100 subtropics 13:20 okay 13:22 i asked for a a good point i'm just up 13:24 the number 13:27 i better get my [ __ ] money's worth 13:28 out of this thing i spent way too much 13:30 money on it it's 13:32 the now the most expensive item i own is 13:34 this if clothing anyway i own a computer 13:37 the most expensive item i now own 13:40 did he just gift a hundred [ __ ] 13:41 gifted subs see was that crj oh [ __ ] it 13:44 was holy [ __ ] he did 13:47 oh my god 13:49 cool 13:51 okay 13:52 okay 13:53 uh well yeah all right 13:58 it's a good photo uh it's at night time 14:01 though so there's also that basically my 14:03 pool oh [ __ ] it should i post it on what 14:05 time is it in the uk 14:08 oh 14:11 i've got to get [ __ ] stuff and john 14:14 in the call i forgot that's the whole 14:15 reason why i'm doing this stream 14:18 hey 14:20 mods 14:21 hey jonathan hey stovermore 14:24 i think you owe me something jonathan 14:26 and stovamore i think you owe me i think 14:30 you owe me a [ __ ] apology john and 14:32 stuff 14:34 oh [ __ ] i don't know what he said i know 14:35 he said something but i don't know what 14:36 it was john is asleep john has not 14:38 arrived he's scared he [ __ ] better be 14:40 john and stuff bet me that i wouldn't do 14:42 this i wouldn't dress i wouldn't dress 14:45 up in spain i'll just take a break why 14:47 would i but i [ __ ] did i even have 14:50 like dress and [ __ ] i had one you 14:52 haven't even seen yet well did you [ __ ] 14:53 the yellow one did you see your i think 14:55 marisa posted something about it but 14:56 yeah i'm [ __ ] it's cool anyway 14:59 shut up and post it i'm on street if i 15:00 exit out this app then i'm gonna it's 15:02 gonna [ __ ] 15:03 if i accidentally happen it's gonna like 15:05 say stream went down so 15:08 i will after the stream 15:10 we saw the yellow did you hold on i'll 15:12 show you 15:14 i don't know if you guys would rather 15:16 mean skirt and thigh-highs or a or a 15:19 yellow dress but it's not a bad dress at 15:22 all fans 15:23 [ __ ] 15:25 and again marisa too marisa like takes 15:27 pictures of the most unopportune time 15:29 like with half done makeup but yeah his 15:31 address is not enough at the back one 15:32 sec 15:34 look 15:36 there be 15:38 he'll dress it's not a bad dress 15:41 it's not bad it's a little bit like 15:44 i don't know it's not like super 15:46 slimming it's a sundress you know it's a 15:47 little bit short someone donated three 15:49 dollars i don't know who because there 15:50 was no name but either way thank you 15:54 it doesn't even say i'm super okay damn 15:56 you look good bro thank you is it isn't 15:59 it short it's a little bit short but 16:00 it's not that bad skirt plus thighs 16:02 better hell yeah thank you i haven't 16:04 taken a good photo in that i don't know 16:06 whether it's gonna be better to take 16:09 like a bunch of photos in a hot tub in a 16:11 bikini or 16:13 one in a sundress because i only have a 16:16 limited time so i don't know what's your 16:18 insta rose twitch i'm sure i'm sure 16:20 immediately someone is the mods are 16:23 jumping to 16:24 link it or something i don't know if 16:25 regular people can link it i think the 16:27 mods can that 16:28 but 16:29 uh 16:31 bikini hotel you think yeah there you go 16:33 stuff 16:35 maybe 16:37 i haven't tried on this one yet 16:39 i don't know if it's gonna be any good i 16:40 haven't tried it on yet the only thing 16:42 that kind of sucks about it is that i 16:44 can't do the really good fake 16:46 i can't do the really good fake boob 16:48 thing i can't do like the cleavage thing 16:50 which is kind of sucky so i don't know 16:53 either i could like pose and take the 16:54 photo like that or but that's it i don't 16:57 know 16:57 i couldn't do it as well as i could do 16:59 at home but then i'm gonna have a hot 17:00 tub at home so i also don't know 17:02 maybe i haven't figured out what to do 17:05 yet maybe that's gonna be do it now it's 17:08 not gonna look good it just won't it's a 17:10 it's it won't look good i need to like i 17:13 don't know what to do with it this one 17:14 was okay because you don't the way it's 17:17 shaped you don't really see it's not 17:18 like a cleavage-y sort of thing but 17:21 anyway 17:22 what do you have 17:24 what do you have in pants what do you 17:25 have in pants 17:28 um 17:29 i have levi's or i used to have levi's i 17:33 have uh the gap i used to have the gap 17:35 it's in the box now i have a i had i 17:38 didn't wear jeans too much but uh i 17:40 liked them when i had them they're all 17:41 right 17:42 you need a publicist what the [ __ ] would 17:44 i do publicist my dude this job posting 17:47 an image every now and then it's so 17:48 [ __ ] easy i took the photo for 17:50 instagram i was like jesus christ i wish 17:52 i was an instagram influencer they made 17:54 oh my god they made oh it's so [ __ ] 17:56 easy 17:58 i wish i truly do anyway 18:04 uh 18:04 gift dx ah god damn it stuff hold on 18:07 it's so hard to read so if you haven't 18:09 asked out the app uh post pictures how 18:10 are we gonna get uh called yeah no i 18:12 didn't think about that 18:14 do you want to save the call until 18:18 uh when i'm back because i genuinely 18:20 didn't think about it and i have no idea 18:22 how it would work 18:25 and we can i it's just gonna like 18:27 completely stop the stream for a minute 18:30 did you interact with the locals a bit 18:32 yeah they don't give a [ __ ] that was 18:33 that was something that i was like i was 18:35 worried about for like 18:37 two days 18:38 um 18:38 like okay 18:40 kind of anyway 18:42 like i had to buy a bunch of i bought 18:44 another bra again i've been doing some 18:46 shopping here okay i bought another bra 18:48 uh from this like local corner store 18:50 because i just realized ah [ __ ] mine are 18:52 like the ones i brought are like not 18:54 very padded they're not as good uh so i 18:56 ran into just this shot as we were going 18:58 but i was like i'll have a bra i was 19:00 like 19:01 [ __ ] how am i gonna do this i look like 19:03 but i like i sound like a guy 19:05 um so i was like okay grab it off the 19:07 shelf put it there he was just some he 19:09 was lit he was literally watching a 19:10 twitch stream of some spanish like a 19:13 music video thing and they were like 19:15 rapping in spanish he didn't give a 19:17 single [ __ ] about me i don't know if any 19:20 of you are cashiers but i bet you you're 19:23 i mean i know in the back of my head 19:24 like nah no they don't really care but 19:25 like 19:26 they won't remember me but like i don't 19:28 know i cared about it for a bit and then 19:30 i and then i stopped caring after i saw 19:31 that guy and i was like okay yeah i'm 19:33 leaving it's not even my country i'm 19:35 like thousands of miles away from these 19:37 guys they don't care that they don't 19:39 know and it's probably not even the 19:41 weirdest thing they've seen you know 19:43 like it's fine 19:44 but anyway 19:46 sorry it's hard to read chat i've been 19:47 told i have bad eyesight maybe i should 19:49 get some [ __ ] sunglasses also i 19:50 wonder if the lighting is any better 19:51 with this on or off let me see could 19:53 have a light 19:56 banger 19:57 banger lighting 19:59 yeah 20:00 um 20:00 spanish i think you're fine sven is odd 20:03 yeah i mean 20:05 it's a tourist town they're going to see 20:06 some [ __ ] 20:07 i i 20:08 guarantee you they'd rather that than 20:10 like some [ __ ] drunk guy passed out 20:12 on this on their like doorstep i don't 20:14 think they're going to care much and 20:15 they 20:16 seem to 20:17 they're like lady doing lady like 20:19 bagging these she didn't care because i 20:21 was also buying a bunch of [ __ ] i bought 20:23 like something i bought this thing 20:25 oh [ __ ] i bought this thing which is 20:26 like a uh like one of those car mount 20:29 phone mount things because i was 20:31 watching youtube in the shower 20:33 and then uh what else i bought another 20:35 thing i bought 20:38 i bought these hold on all right hold on 20:41 all right 20:44 i bought 20:46 i bought these 20:48 in the same shop so the same guy that 20:51 went in and bought a brand new bikini 20:54 bought these sunglasses 20:56 so 20:57 hey 21:01 do you like him i like him 21:03 why the [ __ ] are they here i like this 21:06 it's like i'm living in 2005 again i 21:08 love it 21:09 can you 21:12 nice 21:19 i thought it was so funny and then i 21:21 forgot i i wish i took a picture of what 21:23 the packaging was because i don't 21:24 remember it but like what would they 21:26 even tell them are they like the deal 21:27 with the glasses they just funky 21:29 sunglasses i don't know what they titled 21:30 it but now i want to know 21:32 anyway 21:33 the mlg glasses maybe but are you gonna 21:35 wear the bikini though i already wore 21:36 one i don't know if there's a bikini or 21:38 a swimsuit because it's like it's 21:39 technically a one piece 21:41 like there's no there's not even sides 21:43 to it 21:44 it's just 21:45 this is this is just a flat bit of thing 21:48 you know what i don't know what it is 21:50 is it a swimsuit is it i don't know what 21:52 it is i have no idea 21:54 i'm not gonna wear it outside no uh and 21:56 tucking in that is awful i can't do it 21:59 um so the pictures have been gonna be 22:01 very they're not like that you don't see 22:03 that bit i do have one photo of my legs 22:05 with that but at that point [ __ ] it i've 22:07 got a photo of it but i don't even think 22:08 i'm gonna post that because it's you 22:10 know it's literally like 22:12 just a picture like i thought it looked 22:14 cool i don't think it's gonna get posted 22:15 though 22:16 um 22:17 maybe if i even that that's something 22:19 that i could i could see uploading on 22:20 the on the future i'll put it in the 22:22 archive of the future 22:24 finster 22:25 the only fins you know 22:27 the archive if i ever do it 22:29 but yeah 22:31 it's an idea 22:32 even though everyone has a gun very well 22:35 it's quite warm 22:36 but have you tried tucking have you 22:38 tried tucking it in have you tried 22:40 tucking in it 22:41 in the bikini yeah it doesn't work i 22:44 mean i don't have like the materials on 22:46 hand to do so like i don't know if like 22:48 anything that i can use to do tucking 22:50 properly so i'm just like relying on you 22:54 know so it just didn't work 22:56 my schlong too large you know just wants 22:59 to burst out of there to be honest these 23:01 look like almost cat ears if you think 23:03 of it if you blur your eyes 23:05 they look like 23:06 a little bit there you go fine one type 23:09 yeah i don't have tape why would i bring 23:10 tape i've got like a suitcase worth a 23:11 [ __ ] 23:12 everything what i don't i 23:14 it would look really sus if i even 23:18 looks as i go in like fully 23:20 guy mode and i go like i buy a bikini 23:23 duct tape 23:24 and deal with the glasses 23:29 i think i was into some [ __ ] you know 23:31 they'd think i'd be up to some i think 23:32 i'd be up to no good and zip ties 23:36 just [ __ ] yeah and um 23:39 in a van with no window and rented a van 23:42 with no windows yeah 23:44 spain is pretty cool i went [ __ ] jet 23:47 skiing i don't know murray if you i 23:49 retweeted i went jet skiing that [ __ ] 23:51 was so cool i went like uh it would go 23:54 so [ __ ] fast like 23:56 you're on the water and listen buddy i'm 23:58 afraid of sharks i still am but like 24:01 phobia cured with that i i'm not like 24:03 super afraid of like 24:05 uh water i guess like ocean 24:08 but oh my god it's so fun it was so fun 24:11 i kept like getting i kept like [ __ ] 24:13 drifting and getting in the jet ski and 24:15 it splashed a [ __ ] ton of water and 24:17 memories i kept trying to like [ __ ] 24:19 you know drift into each other and she 24:21 hit me not like you know with a fist but 24:23 with the jet ski it hit the jet ski and 24:25 the guy went 24:27 you know and then we didn't do that 24:28 again because we were scared because 24:30 that guy was [ __ ] jacked uh 24:32 he was like wait till he was a rose 24:35 taller than us bold and [ __ ] jacked i 24:37 didn't want to upset that guy 24:38 oh hello 24:41 room service 24:44 ruser is back 24:45 how was jim 24:47 oh my god 24:56 sweaty 24:58 oh it was just racing against my own 25:00 stomach 25:02 huh i was racing against my own stomach 25:04 who would lose first throw up or the 25:05 treadmill 25:08 oh yeah i went to the gym too i lost a 25:10 bunch of calories 25:12 lost all my weight all in one go but it 25:15 was fun i don't exercise a ton my ankles 25:18 like [ __ ] kill me i bought new 25:20 running shoes back in back in the uk 25:22 which i'm kind of annoyed i didn't bring 25:23 but man why check i think the lowest i 25:26 got two was like 71 but then i've just 25:28 been eating cheese 25:29 all the time here and 71's like the 25:32 lightest i've been but i've just been 25:33 eating cheese the entire time because 25:35 it's not the best if you're a vegetarian 25:37 i guess but it's all right it's not too 25:39 bad we've just been eating cheese 25:40 butters and then uh 25:42 i haven't weighed myself since i have no 25:44 idea i always gained weight on holiday 25:45 though so 25:47 hopefully not a lot he's doing great 25:49 yeah 25:50 okay 25:52 i'm close to giving it up 25:54 you wanna go to the hot tub awesome 25:56 go relax 25:57 nice and second yeah 25:59 good underwater 26:02 water i need water uh not a lot but 26:05 there's water there 26:13 did you show them your ass pic yet 26:16 no but i've told them about it but 26:19 it would be bad if i hadn't told them 26:21 about it and you just said that 26:26 guys 100 million subs and i will show 26:29 you the ass pick i'll post it on twitter 26:32 i'm not paying for my dinner tonight 26:34 i'm showing the house pick 26:35 if i pay for your dinner no if they pay 26:37 for our dinner they give you 100 subs 26:39 they already get they i already did this 26:41 i already i already put the offer up i 26:44 actually i think i said two did you show 26:45 it 26:46 not yet 26:47 right 26:48 because if i click if i accept the app 26:50 then 26:51 thing no working should i give them a 26:53 tease and cover your bottom half no 26:55 no i want it i feel like no one to be 26:58 surprised 26:59 because i'm gonna post them all 27:00 okay because there's a bunch of stuff 27:03 what dropped air dryer no it's on there 27:06 cable 27:07 whatever 27:08 yeah 27:11 look like a scam bro 27:14 if instead is actually the biggest 27:15 scammer biggest scam fintech deal with 27:18 it show the picture i will not now 27:20 though scammed 27:22 no okay if i pay 500 euros for a picture 27:25 i wanted to have it you know i don't 27:26 want to wait for tomorrow you don't you 27:28 don't know why 27:29 30 minutes do you go to a door and be 27:31 like hey one of your best pictures 27:32 please here's 500 euros okay come back 27:35 in 15 hours come back in 30 minutes 27:37 we'll have it ready for you it's booked 27:40 uh captain not available 27:42 i flip i flip 27:44 what do you mean this is not what an 27:45 honorable person 27:50 sorry [ __ ] inside meme we booked a 27:52 boat tour 27:56 with alberto uh we booked this boat tour 27:58 with this guy that we didn't really 28:00 it was a bit it was a bit sketchy like 28:02 we were going to go fishing or something 28:05 look at dolphins and they were there 28:07 like registered address was to a 28:09 different boat store 28:11 and we went there going like oh hey do 28:13 you have is it ready and he kept trying 28:15 to call us on the phone asking for our 28:16 card details 28:17 like he wanted them over the phone not 28:19 in person which was also really [ __ ] 28:21 weird so we got into this thing we got 28:24 into the store that we thought where it 28:25 was there was the other boat store they 28:26 went we have no idea who you are 28:28 and then we got a phone from him phone 28:30 call for him like okay go wait by this 28:32 port oh i'll send the captain over there 28:34 and we waited there for like 28:36 20 minutes or so and then 30. 28:39 it was supposed to take five and it was 28:41 a good 30. yeah 28:43 and we waited there no one ever showed 28:45 up we uh there was a different guy which 28:47 was the guy i was telling you about that 28:48 we went jet skiing with he 28:51 was doing like an ad like hey you want 28:52 to ride in a [ __ ] jet ski we went 28:54 yeah and then we 28:56 we just ended up going with him we 28:57 texted the original boat guy back saying 28:59 hey we can't do it and he got real pissy 29:02 with us in dms yeah i messaged him hey 29:05 sorry we have to cancel the trip and 29:07 then he said 29:09 this is not what an honorable person 29:11 would do and it wasn't that is not 29:12 honorable one bit oh [ __ ] thanks for the 29:15 28 29:16 i don't know if i can read your name but 29:17 thank you 29:18 uh 29:20 streamlabs isn't working right now i'm 29:21 not streaming on there on streamlabs so 29:23 it's not going to work i'm just on it 29:25 you can basically gift subs and i'll see 29:27 it but that's kind of it 29:28 or bits i will see bits i think 29:31 oh it's yours yeah this is like better 29:33 quality than your restricted home really 29:36 give 29:38 yeah i'm holding it you [ __ ] [ __ ] i 29:40 don't wanna turn hey thanks for the 29:42 twenty games i don't wanna thank you all 29:43 right thank you tony give this stuff 29:44 some stop stop uh sub stuff 29:48 hey that's not that bad 29:49 it's not good but it ain't that bad 29:52 you didn't even go to a full screen in 29:54 oh same thing i'm going to show you a 29:55 picture from far away no what if i show 29:58 it from like way back no consent no 30:01 what if i i no i cover it like this no 30:05 no 30:06 dad you guys give money to this guy he's 30:08 a scammer 30:11 unless you give more and you get faster 30:13 the more you money you live marisa is 30:15 trying to leak my my private photos i 30:18 think that's a crime actually i already 30:20 paid for it i think that's a crime i i 30:22 control when when people see a bikini do 30:26 we have a fresh towel or not no 30:29 how am i going to shower 30:30 uh why would you need to shower why 30:32 would i need to there's an ocean there's 30:34 an ocean right there cause i just gave 30:36 my all 30:38 my absolute everything at the gym 30:39 there's an option right there i use my 30:41 my avengers towel 30:44 yes 30:45 that's cool 30:47 shut up 30:48 [Music] 30:52 [ __ ] 30:54 i closed twitch chat how do i get it 30:56 back [ __ ] i don't know i broke it i 30:58 broke my [ __ ] thing [ __ ] i did it 31:00 again [ __ ] 31:02 video quality is really good no dropouts 31:03 yeah [ __ ] 31:05 i got it back all right the [ __ ] the 31:07 hotel has like a 30 gig 30 megabyte 31:10 upload speed and no one's using it 31:11 because who's uploading in a hotel so 31:15 not bad 31:16 you're in spain now but do you have a 31:18 plan on visiting japan i do want to 31:20 visit japan i've never been we're gonna 31:22 we were gonna go to japan together yeah 31:24 we could go to japan 31:25 what's in japan having sex 31:30 it's always going to be about sex for 31:32 you 31:32 it is it is you just don't want them to 31:34 know what if i don't want you to [ __ ] me 31:37 too late 31:39 way too late not definitely 31:41 many times too late 31:43 many times all the times we've had sex 31:45 yes but the uh i don't want to go to 31:46 japan the only thing is like 31:49 i don't know i don't know why i don't 31:50 speak part of the language [ __ ] 31:52 warden is like 31:54 uh what's the quinta bilingual quin 31:57 quinn lingle she can speak like five 31:58 languages and i can i can speak one and 32:01 like a couple words of 32:02 gem and like i can say c and bonjour 32:06 which i don't even think of the same 32:07 language so this 32:10 i got nothing if i i'm terrible with 32:13 languages man 32:15 you can almost speak one yeah 32:17 should i do a school review a what 32:19 school room 32:21 what guys i got into a horrible action 32:23 today oh hey don't show i got into a 32:25 horrible horrible accident and they had 32:27 to do a scan on my head so this is my 32:29 this is my school for anyone who can 32:31 roll marisa it's my school horrible 32:34 accident wouldn't it be so [ __ ] cool 32:35 if you put that on a shirt or a hat 32:38 that it kind of go hard if you put that 32:40 up if you can see exactly my bones are 32:42 my skull is cracked in multiple places 32:44 they advise me not to go to the gym 32:46 that's not true but i didn't go to the 32:48 gym 32:49 are we gonna say what it is oh no no it 32:51 was a [ __ ] accident okay 32:53 well either way uh i now know what 32:55 maurice's skill looks like i want to put 32:57 it on a t-shirt it would look it would 32:58 go [ __ ] it would go so hard to have 33:00 your literal skull on a shirt 33:03 that's so sick 33:06 so future meriza match baby 33:09 flex cash can i see can i can i do the 33:12 gun show i want to see 33:13 i want to see what i've been working on 33:15 all right 33:17 fellas last time you see me why are you 33:19 just sweaty bro 33:20 what the [ __ ] 33:22 i'm just sweaty 33:25 yeah i went to the gym 33:27 oh my god 33:28 the [ __ ] 33:30 jesus christ almost died can't go to the 33:33 gym anymore my hands are dripping 33:37 ah 33:38 that's so [ __ ] gross go shower 33:43 grim 33:45 can't be 33:46 can't even go to the gym anymore because 33:48 someone's [ __ ] waterphobic 33:53 can't even piss on people anymore water 33:55 phobic 33:57 we've we've been sweaty together before 34:01 yeah we went to the gym 34:03 okay when how long has your stream so 34:05 because i'm gonna get it like the joker 34:06 that was the perfect setup for a joke 34:08 what i was i was gonna go out of the 34:10 shower eventually so 34:13 i'm gonna i gotta time my shower with 34:15 you ending so i don't have to be hostage 34:16 in there sure you said you were gonna be 34:18 in hot tub though so i was like okay i 34:20 got time yeah uh 34:22 i'll hide some screen 34:25 time is it now 34:27 1917 34:29 world war one 34:32 so like 30 minutes 34:35 yeah i'll go shower in like 10 hug 34:37 i'm looking at your ass pig 34:40 yeah cool it's not okay listen where's 34:42 my phone oh it's the oh i got the thing 34:45 i got the simulation i'm a [ __ ] 34:47 simulation what do you mean oh no [ __ ] 34:50 cool 34:51 oh 34:52 you guys sharing a bed now that two 34:53 different beds are like 34:55 two singles 34:57 sleeping on a single bed [ __ ] sucks i 34:59 miss home the uh 35:01 i don't know 35:03 and listen if you're an adult you should 35:04 not not be on a single bed it's not 35:06 built for you i don't think it is i 35:08 spent like 19 years on a single bed i do 35:11 not miss it it is not fun it ain't good 35:14 i just want to be able to spread out and 35:15 i can't 35:17 oh what a shame dude it's fun it sucks 35:20 it's like um 35:22 we went to uh we went to this place in 35:23 the shad and my room had like a uh a bed 35:26 that was 35:27 just [ __ ] giant like 35:30 i don't even know what the size of bed 35:32 was i don't know i think i have a king 35:34 size at home but it was like one and a 35:36 half of those 35:38 i look good in hats 35:41 not like that but i do look normally 35:43 good in hands 35:45 oh goodness hell yeah 35:49 well i'm like [ __ ] i'm like so shiny 35:52 because it's so [ __ ] warm i don't 35:54 dude 35:56 my face completely matte all the time in 35:59 uh in the uk and in spain 36:01 warm don't like it one bit awesome pka 36:04 thank you 36:05 dude 36:06 the longer that's been out the more 36:08 comments uh it's racking up that's like 36:11 you know there was a guy in the comments 36:13 like 36:14 there's one dude if you find that video 36:17 like replying to every comment that's 36:18 positive about me being on there just 36:20 saying like abomination 36:23 abomination what was the other one j 36:25 business uh demon possessed man demon 36:28 possessed man i think he said that about 36:30 john uh 36:33 john was arguing for a demon possessed 36:35 man one thing was like someone said 36:39 oh [ __ ] dbs there's a thank you to 36:41 something someone said like what's wrong 36:42 with you and he's like just spreading 36:44 the word of god um 36:46 some fanatics in the [ __ ] in in the 36:49 comments but it's kind of it's funny 36:51 still i still like demon possessed men 36:54 i've just been repeating it memories 36:55 have just been calling each other demon 36:57 possessed it's funny 37:00 i was looking at you in a certain way 37:02 yeah 37:03 someone talking yeah i was i was really 37:05 looking forward to meeting uh to meeting 37:07 all of them the i spoke to carl before 37:09 uh i hadn't spoken to woody much and i 37:12 hadn't spoken to sailor at all so like 37:14 that was kind of a like mostly first 37:16 time meeting on 40p dude it's gonna go 37:19 up and down i can't stop it i'm sorry 37:21 but the uh 37:22 well it was cool talking to woody about 37:24 like a woody craft back in the day it 37:25 was cool talking to taylor about archery 37:28 like bows and arrows because it is 37:29 really [ __ ] cool 37:31 uh cute outfit hell yeah look at this ah 37:34 look at this [ __ ] 37:35 it's good this [ __ ] the safety skirt 37:38 has just been like a lifesaver for 37:39 everything because 37:41 no chance at revealing that you know 37:44 uh 37:45 it's different some as there's there's 37:47 something under there there's no chance 37:48 of showing it but uh yeah it's just what 37:50 i've been wearing for ever and then i 37:52 wore the uh [ __ ] 37:54 sundress that one time which is even 37:56 more scary 37:57 i really like these glasses i'm gonna 37:58 keep these 38:00 i'm gonna keep these glasses they're 38:02 good 38:04 and i see that one tweet about having 38:06 sensory issues with frosted mini wheats 38:09 wait what 38:10 so 38:11 some like in this guy someone 38:14 oh [ __ ] 38:15 huh someone on twitter said uh to not 38:19 buy kellogg products anymore because uh 38:21 the workers are treated unfairly 38:24 okay 38:24 uh and then someone called tweeted and 38:27 said 38:27 because the kellogg's workers are 38:29 striking right yeah and uh then uh 38:33 the person said oh don't don't 38:36 [ __ ] buy kellogg's products and 38:37 someone tweeted said hi someone with 38:39 heavy food sensory issues here frosted 38:42 mini wheats are the only thing i can 38:44 consume what is food sensory not to get 38:47 sick from guilting people who can't 38:49 support boycotts is ableist as [ __ ] but 38:52 you all ain't ready for this 38:53 conversation catalogs aren't gonna shut 38:55 down 38:56 kellog's i'm gonna shut down i'm sorry 38:58 if it's like if it's like bad to laugh 39:00 at this but this sense it's high sorry 39:02 frosted mini wheats are the only thing i 39:05 can come soon 39:09 it's ableist because they can only 39:11 consume this 39:16 but the tweet wasn't really targeted at 39:18 that person so like you know you can 39:20 continue eating your frosted mini i 39:22 would be fine eating frosted winnie 39:24 weeds 39:24 they're pretty [ __ ] good i haven't 39:26 had that in years my disability says i 39:28 can only consume frosted mini wheats 39:36 i get special access to the store 39:38 there's always one package 39:43 what food would you like wanted to make 39:45 fun of food sensory issues because i 39:47 don't like if you if you literally if 39:49 you're in that position you had to eat 39:50 one food forever what would it be um 39:53 probably something healthy like chicken 39:56 protein and low carbs or low calories 39:59 boring what do you mean you'd probably 40:01 eat leaves like maybe spinach 40:03 so well if we said salad then it would 40:05 literally if it would be forever then i 40:06 would do chicken breast and then i get 40:09 my [ __ ] protein as [ __ ] stones i can 40:12 probably take like vitamins beans beans 40:15 on toast people talk too much [ __ ] on 40:17 beans but if you might only be able to 40:19 eat beans on toast then you probably get 40:22 fat 40:22 because of all the carbs but it's so 40:24 good 40:25 beans on top i'm a beans on toast 40:27 apologist it's really [ __ ] good 40:28 lasagna 40:30 beans are mad and healthy are they i 40:32 guess it's like salt sugar in carbs 40:34 right on bread and butter 40:37 yeah holy [ __ ] that is unhealthy but 40:39 like it's so [ __ ] good because of 40:41 that it's really [ __ ] good i hate 40:43 beans not green beans like you know 40:45 baked beans beans are healthy no like 40:47 baked beans because beans are like beans 40:49 of carbohydrates 40:52 go shower 40:57 they can see you in the mirror by the 40:58 way 40:59 really yeah 41:04 no 41:08 stump did you actually pull that down 41:11 [ __ ] burritos 41:16 where's this [ __ ] jesus the jesus 41:19 behind bed over there 41:21 finn bought me a nice shirt and jeez it 41:24 did and she got me airpods airpod max 41:27 so i owed her money 41:29 according to race 41:31 he bought me jeezy slides very nice of 41:33 him how much were they 41:36 too much exactly way too much 41:39 oh [ __ ] i'm like thinking about it i was 41:41 really i was really hoping you wouldn't 41:43 mention how much money they were 41:45 but then again airpods max are also very 41:47 expensive 41:49 yeah 41:51 such a caring wife indeed 41:54 i'm so i'm such a i'm so caring 41:58 i do need a shot and a towel though 41:59 spiderman 42:00 yeah do you have my adventures huh it's 42:03 in the shower you know what's the worst 42:05 part my hairbrush is filled with water 42:07 because you [ __ ] brush it he brushes 42:09 his hair in the shower who does that me 42:11 well i didn't used to i thought that was 42:13 the worst part we have this ultra long 42:15 charging cable he plugged it in in the 42:17 bathroom and then took the phone 42:19 with the charging cable in the shower 42:22 and charged it under the water 42:24 to use his phone in the shower and now 42:27 it's broken and he's acting surprised 42:29 he's like why does this not [ __ ] work 42:32 he's shocked he's literally [ __ ] 42:34 flabbergasted like he doesn't know 42:36 what's going on why does this not work 42:38 and the worst part is it was my cable 42:39 too 42:40 i wanted to watch youtube 42:43 i want to touch youtube in the shower 42:45 i don't think it's that big of a deal 42:46 why don't you whip your [ __ ] out also no 42:48 it's not you 42:50 it's also not your charging cable it's 42:52 my charging cable that you stole from me 42:54 i stole the truck and then i stole it 42:55 back and broke it it's my position 42:58 i stole the charging cable months ago 43:00 bro i'm allowed to break my own 43:01 possessions i'm in jail it 43:05 they got me for stealing all the frosted 43:06 mini queens they got me good 43:10 too much discord in one evening is it 43:12 that bad to watch listen i've got this 43:14 like i said it earlier i've got this 43:16 like uh where is it going i got this 43:18 thing 43:20 i got this thing it's like a [ __ ] 43:22 it's like a car 43:23 thing it's a car 43:25 phone stand 43:26 so naturally there's the shower is like 43:28 two what two person wide like so there's 43:31 a dry bit and a wet bit which is you 43:33 know where the shower but the drive it i 43:35 figured okay i'll boop bop it onto the 43:38 wall and i can hang it there i thought i 43:40 was a [ __ ] genius which i am by the 43:42 way 43:43 turn it shut up and turn it sideways and 43:45 then watch youtube videos in the shower 43:47 watch them casually explain it's the 43:49 best 43:50 it's so [ __ ] good it's efficient god 43:53 damn right it is it's efficient it's the 43:55 best form of watching content it's so 43:58 [ __ ] good you don't touch it it 43:59 doesn't get wet 44:00 but it may have broken in the shower you 44:02 know that wetness can come from steam 44:06 which comes from hot water the air can 44:08 also be quit it doesn't need to touch 44:11 the phone the steam is water it's not 44:14 that bad it's fine 44:16 we didn't break 44:19 it's working 44:21 just not as well as it used to be 44:25 nothing 44:27 i'm not whispering 44:29 it still works it still works it still 44:31 works 44:32 sometimes it still works sometimes 44:34 sometimes it works 44:37 i broke it i really did break it i'm 44:38 just pretending 44:41 stream in the shower [ __ ] yeah 44:45 that's didn't ludwig do that also no 44:47 have you you've never you've seen my nip 44:49 one time and it was an accident i intend 44:51 to keep it that way 44:54 yeah i've seen your nipples well yeah 44:56 [ __ ] i did that stream and then like 44:58 people uh it was when i was getting 44:59 dressed they got so lucky it was a 45:02 minecraft stream too they got so [ __ ] 45:04 lucky that obs glitched on that frame 45:07 and not while i was getting dressed holy 45:10 [ __ ] 45:11 my whole career almost ruined because of 45:13 a streamlabs bug my god you want to know 45:16 an interesting secret back home i have 45:18 that thing at the very start of the 45:20 screen where i can make my camera a 45:21 little that's purely there so that 45:24 [ __ ] 45:25 streamlabs doesn't bug again 45:28 so i've got it always on so it doesn't 45:30 have to boot up and then show the last 45:31 image that is so loud 45:35 have you shut the door of the shower 45:37 yeah 45:38 i don't think it's shut 45:41 now it's shut 45:42 oh my god 45:45 hot tub string once 45:46 shush is it too loud no it's you got to 45:49 just shut the door 45:51 not for a bit it wasn't 45:54 i could hear the difference yeah 45:57 i might do a hot tub string oh no no i'm 45:59 definitely not gonna do a hard tip 46:00 stream we've got some stuff to do today 46:02 and then we're leaving soon um is that 46:04 okay yes so i'm not doing a hot tub 46:07 stream 46:09 i don't want it 46:11 how is the audio by the way i don't know 46:13 how bad that is for you 46:15 uh 46:16 have you been watching picture stream i 46:18 [ __ ] saw that i thought it scared the 46:20 [ __ ] out of me because i searched at 46:21 finster in the only livestream that came 46:23 up with that one and i got scared 46:25 shitless that i really did leave my 46:26 computer and ever and stream on 46:29 ah anyway it's good okay fine not that 46:32 bad all right all good 46:33 but yeah i can't do a hudson stream 46:35 maybe i should just buy a hot tub at my 46:37 house and then i can finally get some 46:39 yeah i've got [ __ ] bikinis for no 46:40 reason i have like five bikinis now 46:44 and one of them is literally the most 46:45 expensive piece of clothing that i own 46:50 it's so stupid i've never 46:53 i don't buy like expensive clothes at 46:55 all for like for streams definitely 46:58 like uh the best i'll do is like this 47:00 shirt which was like 47:03 22 pounds like 30 bucks 47:07 it's pretty good but it's you know it's 47:08 nice it's a nice shirt i'll wear it you 47:11 know but i'm not gonna wear this all the 47:13 time you know i need to come up with an 47:15 excuse to wear a [ __ ] bikini now so 47:19 you know maybe there's a bikini stream 47:21 in the future 47:23 the shirt is nice i like it a lot the 47:24 color's nice hell yeah 47:26 uh for no reason 47:28 just wear a bikini for [ __ ] no reason 47:31 i don't know if you're allowed to do 47:32 that but you should be able to actually 47:33 studios cost more than that shirt surely 47:37 i mean acne studio stuff is like 100. 47:40 this was like 180 like 200 euros 47:44 i think it was 180 because she said at 47:45 the she clearly noticed that i made a 47:47 face when she said that uh when i when 47:50 when she said 200 euros and i went oh 47:53 okay 47:53 uh for all you know for all them 47:55 together or just one just like one 47:58 it was this lesson like some of you may 48:00 know the brand i don't know the brand 48:01 it's called 48:05 villain villabre quinn 48:07 vile brickwin 48:09 billabrickwin do you guys know that 48:12 it's spanish i don't know someone might 48:14 know it 48:16 but either way they i was asking at the 48:18 checkout like uh i was there was a big 48:20 row of like men's swim trunks and i was 48:22 like oh you know how much of these by 48:23 the way she said 500 euros i was gonna 48:27 say pounds 500 pounds 500 euros for 48:30 [ __ ] a pair of swimming trunks 48:33 what the [ __ ] man 48:35 it's 48:37 500. so who the [ __ ] is buying it from 48:40 some random brand i've never none of you 48:42 have heard of them well that's obnoxious 48:44 i know it's so stupid why is the bikini 48:46 more expensive or less expensive even 48:48 [ __ ] oh my god it's less material oh 48:51 no sorry it's it's [ __ ] more material 48:53 than swim trunks this is like a whole 48:54 thing anyway 48:57 where does it put in mc videos a few 48:58 times true like actually a good bit 49:02 three dollar brand no hair accessories 49:05 no i only have a hairband i didn't bring 49:07 any hair accessories i just brought hats 49:09 because i'm gonna be i bought caps look 49:12 i just i'm outside always wearing like a 49:15 cap 49:16 so there's no real point in having a 49:18 bunch of hair accessories so just a cap 49:21 oh [ __ ] almost goofed it 49:25 but 49:26 yeah [ __ ] my hair gets 49:29 dry and salty so easily in there here 49:31 because whenever you're walking around 49:33 the seafront it's just a bunch of salt 49:35 hitting you and then it like dries the 49:37 water and then you know you just left a 49:38 bunch of salt in here it's awful 49:41 try yoga 49:42 pants but it's a bikini like how am i 49:45 gonna 49:46 oh you mean like if i award like the top 49:48 and yoga pad right so just wait [ __ ] 49:52 wait [ __ ] 49:53 so like 49:56 like the this and then and then just 49:59 yoga pants or like a skirt or something 50:02 i could maybe when the [ __ ] skirts 50:04 and dresses months are over i could do 50:05 that i could i could maybe pull that off 50:08 if i get something that's the same color 50:09 i guess 50:11 can i do that am i allowed to just wear 50:13 essentially a bra on twitch 50:16 i love salty hair you're [ __ ] insane 50:19 that's awful because it's like 50:22 you you can't run your fingers through 50:23 my hair's so like soft and nice but as 50:25 soon as there's salt in it it's like 50:26 tangled 50:27 yeah wait i forgot what the question was 50:29 did i say can you 50:31 good idea more score good idea more 50:33 skirts have discovered 50:35 yes you are what did i say i forgot what 50:37 i said 50:38 a lot of them oh you're allowed to 50:40 i mean yeah you can okay cool all right 50:42 that's fine i can do that then it's 50:44 essentially just a cropped up then 50:47 just a very very cropped top 50:50 uh hey dixie when is the skirz and dress 50:53 months over stealth please 50:55 when is it over because yes i would that 50:58 would be fine amaranth where is it okay 50:59 then it's fine i'm sure i can just do 51:01 all the same things that amaranth got 51:03 away with i'll just do that and then 51:05 twitch will also look at me the same way 51:08 i don't really see action 51:10 i can get away with everything 51:14 i thought i made the stream oh yeah it's 51:15 good it's only going to be a short 51:16 stream though because i've got to go out 51:17 and do stuff i'm going to go to a 51:19 restaurant although i'm not going to be 51:21 wearing this shirt i'm probably gonna 51:22 wear like a black one because it seems 51:24 like a fancy [ __ ] uh restaurant and i 51:26 want to get dress coded as i'm already 51:28 looking like an absolute whole 51:30 uh bra only month 51:33 [ __ ] 51:34 that's kind of just how i am about the 51:36 house 51:37 oh [ __ ] yeah this is just gonna become 51:38 like okay finn doesn't wear he's not got 51:40 hair extensions in he's only got the 51:42 eyelash extensions and he can just 51:45 not even get changed for streams 51:48 i'm constantly doing a bra month and no 51:50 makeup month that's all that's what i'm 51:52 doing at all times 51:54 are you sure about that 51:56 well i mean i wouldn't actually do it 51:58 but you know 51:59 it's what i it's what i'm walking around 52:01 as like at home 52:02 you barely need hair extensions honestly 52:04 yeah right like i mean 52:06 we're doing this as a bit of a test run 52:07 to see if this is good 52:09 but 52:11 i don't know i kind of want to i think 52:13 peak hair length is going to be like 52:16 there 52:16 maybe lower i don't know 52:19 i i'm just gonna let this i'm just gonna 52:20 let it grow and see if it looks 52:23 okay or not by the end of it but 52:26 hold on let me be at home again 52:29 okay cool 52:30 anyway 52:32 sorry uh i need to get to uh i need to 52:35 get viewers up 52:37 i gotta do it i'm sorry i know you guys 52:39 all hate this but this is just how it 52:40 has to be 52:42 how my amaranth [ __ ] amaranth's uh 52:44 earnings got leaked i gotta i gotta 52:46 compete i can't do it i'm not even on 52:48 that [ __ ] top 100 list i feel awful 52:54 i gotta match it 52:58 okay i love it thank you i mean i'm sure 53:02 you i'm sure you guys are much more 53:04 classy and you you're not here for this 53:07 you and i have what 53:10 what 53:12 i [ __ ] up 53:13 what 53:14 i used shampoo for my entire body 53:18 i just realized that shampoo is smelled 53:21 off 53:23 now i'm [ __ ] full in shampoo 53:26 cause you switched 53:37 is convinced that i emptied her shampoo 53:39 bottle into her body wash bottle 53:46 sabotage by scamster 53:50 mums are fighting again 53:56 okay we're fine i thought she can't say 53:58 yell at me again 54:00 she see what you're wrong 54:03 uh 54:05 i just bought some body wash yeah dude i 54:07 don't [ __ ] know i'm pretty is an icon 54:10 she can't she doesn't know what the [ __ ] 54:11 shampoo is but she's an icon 54:13 uh 54:14 body washes she's like a honeymoon over 54:19 placing the shampoo to a set dominance 54:21 wipe this in the shampoo when i can just 54:22 piss on marisa 54:25 i could piss off this balcony and i said 54:26 that one it's over everyone there's 54:28 turtles in the there's like a little 54:29 pond just show you that we're in like 54:31 i'm in like a mid-level fancy hotel like 54:34 you know to the point where there's like 54:35 there's single beds and it's you know 54:38 the food is okay uh but they're like you 54:41 know but they have like fish you know so 54:45 doing pretty well out here uh there's a 54:47 little there's a [ __ ] turtle there's 54:49 like a fish pond and there's turtles in 54:51 it literal tails we can touch them and 54:54 it's like it's not encouraged but you 54:55 can and like we did or marisa did and 54:58 the cleaning lady like smiled you know 55:00 like they're fine [ __ ] turtles like 55:02 always just standing there like like the 55:04 [ __ ] parent of marisa because she's 55:05 poking this turtle all i'm poking but 55:08 she's like like who can i touch his back 55:10 and then she like touched it back and 55:11 went out yeah so 55:13 she's like i'm like standing like a 55:15 parent like yeah don't fall in now don't 55:17 don't mess with the turtle too much you 55:19 know so 55:22 that was pretty cool they are they like 55:23 sit on the rocks all day in the in the 55:25 sun and then they're like when it's a 55:27 bit cooler they go underwater it's cool 55:31 drop some straws on them 55:35 should i test the theory 55:41 i've never seen it i've never seen a 55:43 turtle drink out of a straw but i'm sure 55:45 i can get it to happen 55:53 i have now i lost another nail i now 55:55 have three 55:56 of the acrylic nails left but they're 55:58 still not they're still growing out 56:01 so yeah i've got to get my nails redone 56:03 too when i'm back okay are you at the 56:05 shower yeah all right boys i think 56:07 that's it i'm gonna go uh cover my eyes 56:09 marie's gonna get changed and [ __ ] 56:17 um tell them that we're having fancy 56:20 dinner tonight i did we're having oh i 56:22 don't know if i said fancy dinner is it 56:24 really fancy how many vegetarian options 56:26 are there like ten listen [ __ ] 56:29 [Music] 56:33 oh yeah [ __ ] i gotta go post the 56:34 pictures what's up guys what time is it 56:36 in the uk right now just look at the 56:38 time tell me the time 56:39 it's an hour or less in the uk i don't 56:41 know what the time is 56:43 so it's fine someone else is going to 56:44 say in a second in 1930 i think 1930 so 56:47 in the uk it's 6 30. 56:50 oh okay wait 7 30 in the uk 56:54 six though 56:55 okay cool 56:57 in 20 minutes i'm going to post it then 56:59 that was now 57:00 20 minutes 57:02 now or maybe i'll post now 57:04 i post now i'll post as soon as the 57:06 stream ends so go check that out 57:07 um 57:09 [ __ ] which one should be first on 57:10 instagram should it be me turning like 57:13 you know the first photo on instagram 57:14 should it be the first one or should it 57:16 be the second one the ass pic 57:18 yeah which one should be first 57:20 the ass pick should be more of a 57:22 surprise 57:23 sure okay so just there's two two images 57:26 on instagram 57:27 on twitter it's gonna not be that 57:29 i don't care that you cold you [ __ ] 57:32 wore it 57:34 i'll [ __ ] until you love me 57:37 okay so uh i'm i'm gonna end the stream 57:40 aspect indeed all right see you then 57:42 it's gonna be bikini this thing uh i 57:44 don't know if it's not i've hyped it up 57:46 a little bit too much it's fine anyway 57:47 go go check it out uh i'm gonna go get 57:49 it eat at a restaurant uh i hope i 57:51 looked i hope i look pretty good i think 57:53 i do but i'm a little bit shiny because 57:55 makeup 57:57 see you boys