00:02 [Music] 02:34 hello i'm a little bit later than i 02:36 usually am 02:38 hey boys oh i'm just going to quickly go 02:40 where to sponge i'm back in 20 seconds 02:47 [Music] 03:35 hello 03:36 alrighty you've all been rick rolled 03:39 many a time how are we 03:43 how are you boys i've managed to stream 03:45 like three days in a row 03:47 that's kind of nifty random time 03:49 intervals but still hello 03:52 who makes these channels 03:53 uh the guy watching some dude with a wet 03:56 sponge god damn right there was a 03:59 he's on 04:01 academy put a message in discord hashtag 04:04 live you're gremlin oh good point 04:07 sorry i had a couple things to do i 04:09 didn't want to be that late so i just 04:11 did them while the while the song was 04:12 playing 04:14 i'll put a notification in now 04:17 bam okay boys 04:19 here's where i'm at 04:22 i have just done a bit of a bit of skin 04:25 care just in a bit of 04:26 making sure i look pretty for a long 04:29 time 04:30 moisturizing 04:32 looking good 04:35 i do like a bit of a mess i just got out 04:36 the shower and i quickly threw something 04:38 on 04:39 um it's kind of a fit though right it's 04:42 kind of a fit though 04:44 uh either way 04:46 it me um 04:49 i'm still like again face moistury so 04:52 i'm trying to keep my hair on my face a 04:53 little bit 04:54 anyway hello 04:56 how have you been 04:58 so i uh let's give you a bit of an 05:00 update 05:01 um 05:02 got through more of this bottle than i 05:03 thought i would uh 05:06 were you a guy 05:08 how many of you guys were there for the 05:09 last stream long hair indeed 05:15 um 05:16 oh 05:17 i'm like chugging that dude 05:19 i was smart although i didn't mean to be 05:21 i just kind of was like 05:23 i was i need to write 05:26 um 05:27 well 05:28 live stream was fun 05:30 uh i i yeah i was kind of smart about it 05:32 i managed to just 05:34 chug a lot of these waters before i went 05:36 to sleep and i woke up not necessarily 05:38 hungover but just like body 05:41 you know but head fine head good so 05:44 things went better than i thought it 05:45 would 05:47 anyway 05:48 uh i'm so upset i only found one thigh 05:51 high that matches the outfit i'll have 05:53 to i'll have to use a black one and a 05:55 and a grey one they're not even the same 05:57 brand either [ __ ] 05:58 they're gonna look different lengths 06:00 it's [ __ ] are you sure you're not bi 06:03 i'm fairly sure why do you say that 06:05 that's a very specific one not gay 06:08 not trans bi interesting 06:13 oh 06:14 i brought snacks 06:16 i have carrots and i have a goddamn baby 06:18 bell you people don't know baby bella 06:20 slept on honestly it's not just children 06:23 that eat these they're so [ __ ] good 06:24 they're like that 06:26 they make like light ones too that have 06:28 less calories in them but for some 06:30 reason taste better but i ran out of 06:31 them baby also the [ __ ] god damn right 06:33 you know what i do look what i do 06:36 you know these they come in these wax 06:37 seals i've been collecting them 06:40 i've made a giant baby 06:43 what 06:44 dude looks like a lady not yet but maybe 06:46 soon 06:47 uh 06:49 what the [ __ ] is a berry belt bro 06:51 they're like little lumps of cheese they 06:53 come in this thing you just kind of a 06:55 little bit of wax hangover stream 06:58 there's a thing of cheese i don't know 06:59 what type of cheese it is but good 07:02 and then just do this 07:04 the nice 07:05 [Music] 07:07 a little bit i should be in like 07:08 sunglasses and [ __ ] i actually just 07:10 finished a squid game and that's the 07:11 reason why i was a little bit i would 07:13 have streamed at eight but finished 07:14 squid game had a shower 07:16 eat the wax 07:24 disgusting cow cheese most cheeses cow 07:27 cheese 07:29 there's a lot of different types of 07:30 cheese 07:32 anyway 07:33 squid game overrated you didn't what you 07:36 didn't watch it then it was [ __ ] 07:37 great um 07:39 it's definitely the best show i've seen 07:42 oh it's top five definitely 07:46 don't need it you'll die 07:47 thank you um 07:50 anyway i had a thing 07:52 um 07:55 i took me it took all my power not to 07:56 get spoiled for squid game for the week 07:58 that i didn't see it it was really nice 07:59 though 08:00 been too busy watching gotham oh is that 08:03 good 08:03 i keep seeing [ __ ] for it but i don't 08:05 know if it is anyway 08:06 boys 08:08 i got oh that's what i gotta do i 08:10 haven't plucked my eyebrows yet uh they 08:11 are fine on camera but i've got this 08:14 weird thing 08:16 just makeup over any hair even if it's 08:18 like really short just doesn't vibe with 08:20 me at all 08:21 like i shave my face before every stream 08:24 i've ever done 08:26 nasty as [ __ ] i don't like it can you 08:28 open makeup check but like 08:30 okay makeup check used to be for when i 08:32 had like no no one watching and it was 08:35 like hey just make sure your makeup is 08:36 not shiny and then put some powder over 08:38 it or something but then it was like 08:41 as more people came in they got more 08:42 points 08:43 like people had like 100 000 points they 08:45 could just like continually do it it's 08:47 insane 08:51 shave 08:52 what do you think i'm just hairless no 08:54 one is 08:55 i think unless you have alopecia no one 08:57 is [ __ ] no one is hairless at all 09:00 women you grow hair like women should 09:02 shave their face every now and then 09:04 makeup goes on better 09:06 it's not gross 09:08 uh 09:10 just the face 09:11 no oh wait i well i don't shave 09:15 everything 09:16 i 09:24 i just kind of you know i trimmed it 09:27 like a i i lawn mow a little bit you 09:29 could say 09:30 thanks to bs 09:32 in some places i just lawn mow i do 09:35 shave my legs every now and then though 09:36 i am what dude 09:38 i don't know whether i should continue 09:39 to shave my legs because i've got to do 09:40 that salon trip and we're going to try 09:42 and wax my legs and i don't want to do 09:44 that [ __ ] with like no leg hair 09:46 i think you need a certain length of leg 09:47 hair to do that i don't know what the 09:49 length is though i don't know how long 09:50 it takes to grow back because i don't 09:52 really grow leg hair out it's nasty 09:58 [Music] 09:59 my hands kind of shaking a little bit 10:00 can you see that hold on with a bit of 10:02 weight on it i can't really tell 10:06 it is a little bit though 10:08 ah anyway i don't drink a lot 10:12 don't we they don't 10:13 they don't need to shave face well women 10:16 do they do kind of like this you still 10:18 worry about freddie what why 10:21 but yeah like you still grow hair it's 10:22 just very short it's like baby hairs and 10:24 they're like blonde you can't really see 10:25 them even if women with your spare time 10:28 today i'm really happy you posted the 10:30 last two outfits on insta oh i gotta do 10:33 that 10:34 oh my god you reminded me i have a twit 10:36 i've gotta 10:40 i had a tweet planned 10:43 getting closer oh one year before 10:46 before you see this by the way quick 10:48 thing 10:50 uh so this one right 10:52 let me show you this one right it is 10:54 technically edited you see 10:57 these 10:58 a little bit of boob pokey audi you know 11:00 so there is that anyway 11:03 let's go 11:04 uh 11:05 it's a good tweet though did i just i 11:07 managed to make it look like proper 11:09 boober 11:11 wow fake i know but like twitter's gonna 11:14 kinda go nuts for it so 11:19 well 11:20 okay 11:23 [Music] 11:24 okay 11:26 how do me tweeted 11:29 all right hold on i gotta pluck some 11:31 eyebrows if i want to look pretty the 11:33 nails held up fairly well actually by 11:34 the way 11:36 you're so feminine rosie oh thank you uh 11:39 the nails held up fairly well there's 11:41 none that are like lifting at all i 11:42 don't think 11:45 yeah none of the lifting 11:49 they're pretty good going well solid 11:52 where'd you get the axe man the what 11:55 the what 11:57 correspondency last night well i left 11:59 him on red technically so he responded 12:01 to me i haven't responded yet i think he 12:03 just was like oh he's going on pka nice 12:06 axe 12:07 what the [ __ ] you want about axe oh i'm 12:10 like on [ __ ] from the dream cosplay 12:13 yeah 12:14 you're gonna put foundation on yeah but 12:15 i'm gonna do i'm gonna put my eyebrows 12:17 first i don't do foundation i just do 12:18 concealer because i don't usually need 12:20 uh like full face everything thanks 12:22 minox also it's it i still haven't got 12:24 over being like a little bit gross to 12:26 wear for like hours 12:28 um 12:30 foundation not really my thing 12:32 but concealer solid still being 12:34 entertained by your antics after two 12:36 months 12:37 smile 12:38 thank you and thanks for the [ __ ] by 12:39 the way two months up thank you dude 12:43 we get it you have perfect skin oh far 12:45 from it uh but i'm trying to it's a goal 12:48 of mine um 12:50 sadly the only way to really go about it 12:51 is a bunch of skincare which kind of 12:53 sucks it's a lot harder than i thought 12:55 it would be 12:56 but 13:00 you can't really just 13:02 magically get perfect skin 13:04 annoyingly bad genetics 13:08 unless you can does anyone hear unlocked 13:11 perfect skin how do they do it 13:15 how many points did it take 13:17 for 13:18 points to unlock that what moisturizer 13:21 to use i don't know there's one from 13:22 boots thanks thanks phantom for the 13:25 five-year-old subs dude 13:26 um 13:27 i don't have skin oh no [ __ ] how do you 13:30 do that i want to do that 13:32 pain through accutane oh that's a little 13:34 bit hardcore 13:36 like you need like a doctor thing for 13:38 accutane they need to like approve you 13:41 i've heard some [ __ ] stories about it 13:43 um 13:44 what's your assist think about all this 13:45 is she supportive she's the one that 13:46 bought me the skin 13:48 she i don't know [ __ ] about it and she 13:50 like studies that [ __ ] so she got me it 13:52 and i've been trying my best to stick to 13:54 it 13:55 but happy friday 13:59 she knows a lot more than i do thank you 14:00 for the ten dollars dude isaac friday 14:02 their days mean nothing to me they're 14:04 all just blurred together like 14:07 being a gamer for a living really does 14:10 how'd your sister afford it i paid it 14:11 back 14:13 uh it's like it was like dollars worth 14:15 of stuff it's like skincare is [ __ ] 14:17 expensive dude i paid it back also she 14:20 doesn't have a job she's here for you 14:22 for one year or two months now because 14:24 of you i believe i am a better person 14:27 oh 14:28 that's cool by the way [ __ ] thank you 14:30 for the 14 month sub matt thanks for the 14:32 16 month sub dean for the 15 months dude 14:35 now that a lot of the subs are over two 14:37 digits it's making me feel like i'm old 14:40 already 14:41 have we had it 18 months or no we 14:43 haven't had a as soon as we start 14:44 hitting 20 months up when i've been 14:46 streaming for two years that's going to 14:47 be [ __ ] crazy thanks for being 14:49 phantom thank you for the 10 gifted subs 14:51 it's so hard to put my eyebrows in peace 14:53 holy [ __ ] hello 14:58 hi hold on god 15:03 this requires way more concentration 15:05 than you people believe this is 15:07 difficult as hell 15:09 i give people tips on plucking their 15:11 eyebrows dude i'm the master at it and 15:13 the keys focus 15:15 what are your hair care and skin care 15:17 routines 15:19 leave the demos for of wink 15:22 he's the one 15:24 the demos for okay well basically 15:28 hair care i have like i just have um and 15:30 conditioner i do 15:32 a shampoo 15:33 i wash that out fairly quick 15:35 i 15:37 then do conditioner on like the back 15:40 half of my hair because i realized that 15:42 like doing conditioner everywhere 15:43 probably not good kind of weakens the 15:45 hair a bit um i did 15:48 uh and then i have like a hair mask 15:50 which is by capex or something like that 15:54 and then 15:55 yeah 15:56 no makeup no nothing yeah no i just did 15:58 skincare but um 15:59 what's it called and then yeah i just 16:02 kind of do oh so what i do in the shower 16:03 is like a shampoo and then i put the 16:05 conditioner in and then i uh wash my 16:08 body while it does its thing and then 16:10 after i'm done with that 16:11 i yeah it makes hair greasy yeah after i 16:14 do that i wash everything out properly 16:16 properly wash it out do a hair mask for 16:18 a few minutes shave my face while that's 16:20 on and then i 16:25 it's only because i keep up with my 16:27 routines i've been trying to be 16:29 i think like 16:33 when i find a direct benefit for 16:35 something 16:36 it's mailed to alpha male 1 16:41 hold on let me copy paste that for my 16:43 new bio holy [ __ ] that's cool as hell 16:48 thank you for the 2000 bits that shit's 16:50 funny that's it racks holy [ __ ] that's 16:53 funny 16:55 ah [ __ ] that's good 16:57 i'm gonna start responding to people 16:58 like that that's that's pretty [ __ ] 17:00 good oh chilly streaming multiple days 17:03 in a row finally a real streamer feels 17:06 strong man 17:08 hell yeah 17:09 dude i've been doing so well recently 17:11 like i feel really good about everything 17:13 um 17:16 hi 17:17 nnn sadly i'll have to miss the stream 17:19 for the next two to three hours due to 17:21 an off-site meeting regarding skin care 17:25 my wife has perfect skin and i don't 17:27 know what all is involved but i see a 17:29 lot moisturizers and korean face masks 17:33 she's got the classic case of the woman 17:35 she's got the estrogen one year i heard 17:37 that does it actually weirdly enough 17:39 that is the magic pill i think right 17:40 like everyone that's trans apparently 17:42 just talks about how perfect their skin 17:45 it's upsetting marisa's got [ __ ] oh 17:47 she doesn't have perfect skin 17:49 your hair a different color no paws on 17:51 marisa 17:54 maybe 17:55 maybe i don't know why i wouldn't just 17:57 wear a wig if i wanted to do it like 18:00 getting your hair done is such a 18:02 committing thing 18:04 like i'm not gonna look better in real 18:06 life um 18:08 for most things without her hayfin was 18:11 literally just re-watching your drunken 18:13 stream from yesterday good show old 18:16 chapert 18:18 thank you 18:25 you should try the face wash eye scent 18:27 it's all natural 18:30 everything's all natural 18:33 so is uranium 18:35 isn't everything natural 18:40 what does that even mean when people say 18:42 all natural isn't literally everything 18:44 natural is that just me 18:47 did that never make sense to other 18:48 people too 18:50 the sun is literally natural 18:51 everything's natural 18:54 cyanide is natural it ain't good for you 18:58 well that's the logical extreme well 19:00 where's the line i don't know what the 19:02 line is 19:03 no man-made ingredient 19:05 but it is a man-made ingredient it's in 19:08 it's a thing it's all ingredients 19:11 i'm so confused thank you kenzie 19:19 the moisturizer is a man-made ingredient 19:21 [Music] 19:25 hello normally i do tea often come on 19:27 here but when i do i really enjoy it 19:30 thanks for doing all the stuff you do 19:32 even though you get peer pressured into 19:34 it 19:35 thank you i'm glad for you guys pushing 19:38 me along 19:40 any update i'm flirting with your 19:41 boyfriend 19:42 uh no no updates yet uh i do think his 19:46 girlfriend may be a little bit mad about 19:48 it if i did manage to get him as a 19:49 boyfriend but 19:50 i'm going to carry on anyway 19:52 um i'm just that type of gal 20:02 now you're all [ __ ] they're sneaky 20:04 boys 20:08 you know what i kind of wonder i heard 20:10 that like 20:12 plucking your eyebrows a lot actually 20:14 does reduce hair growth 20:16 not a lot but a little bit i'm just kind 20:18 of wondering what my eyebrows are going 20:19 to look like when i go full 20:21 full manly man again 20:30 although having said that 20:33 when i do pluck my eyebrows 20:37 there is something about it like i don't 20:39 know 20:40 [Music] 20:42 kind of makes you feel a bit more like 20:43 clean i guess when stuff 20:46 anyway 20:50 you want me to [ __ ] a woman 20:53 disgusting 20:57 bro no need 20:58 fame boy fishing just uploaded on this 21:00 is not a drill 21:02 did he holy [ __ ] 21:04 hell yeah i'm glad he's back at it 21:11 bro 21:12 women are a little strange 21:14 hold on all right and tweet's doing okay 21:17 i kind of wonder whether i've 21:21 wait hold up 21:22 i'm just reading all the [ __ ] replies 21:24 now 21:25 the let's see 21:27 i wish i was the banana hold up already 21:30 it's gonna be a bunch of this 21:33 did you do your blush differently 21:37 i guess i did a bit more that day didn't 21:38 oh no i did didn't i i just did more 21:41 is that better do you think more blushes 21:43 are better is a better thing 21:45 do you thunk 21:47 possibly it's a better look 21:51 i want to see 21:52 yes no well i've got a perfect 50 50. 21:56 yes not for you oh [ __ ] 22:00 it's upsetting 22:04 they look good on someone else but not 22:06 you 22:09 more blush equals legal yeah i guess 22:11 that's more like you know in real life 22:12 you definitely wouldn't do that in a 22:14 mirror it looks a little bit different 22:15 and it looks a bit too extreme even what 22:18 i normally do with blush is still a 22:21 little bit extreme for blush but still 22:25 too much blush is very much thing be 22:26 careful true anyway by the way 22:29 i'm kind of confusing the sense i've got 22:32 bright by the way very very bright pink 22:34 nails that i think look really good like 22:37 i i did them pretty well i'm a talented 22:40 boy uh but i did them really well 22:42 they're bright pink but then i've also 22:43 got a red outfit i wanted i think it's 22:46 time to for me to just let you guys 22:47 dress me up just 22:49 take your pick anything you'd like 22:52 oh my god i have bright pink nails on 22:54 let's [ __ ] go 22:55 sisters brothers 22:57 uh you should post that close-up of your 22:59 nails too 23:00 uh yeah i'll put it on instagram i think 23:02 i'll put them in like just a big line of 23:04 the pictures you can scroll through 23:06 because i took like four 23:08 five including the nails of of me in it 23:11 i think i sent the other ones to the 23:12 group chat but look all right 23:15 black and classy outfit oh 23:17 the dress behind you 23:20 [Music] 23:24 now i hope you realize half deep 23:26 throating a banana in exchange for money 23:28 is the start of the slippery slope 23:30 towards only vans 23:36 i think that's probably the last two 23:37 streams are probably going to be the 23:39 worst it's it's it's got i think i'm 23:41 going to stick to what i usually do 23:47 only vans 23:49 oh that'd be fine vans are cool they're 23:51 not comfy though 23:54 the grey tennis stress 23:58 that's a [ __ ] what a shout where is 24:00 that hold on 24:02 um 24:05 that is somewhere i don't know where 24:06 though 24:09 [ __ ] 24:10 no that's a good idea that i don't know 24:12 where it is 24:14 ah wait 24:18 [ __ ] where did i put that [ __ ] hold on i 24:21 don't know what it is 24:24 where is it i don't know where it is 24:25 what the [ __ ] 24:29 [Music] 24:32 six months for one time the one time i 24:35 need to find a dress 24:37 there's dresses everywhere but none of 24:38 them are that one 24:41 this is bs 24:46 there's a conspiracy bro 24:48 i found the other grey thigh high 24:50 it's on the floor 24:52 this is great news 24:55 i found the other sock 24:58 oh wait on the closed pile next to the 25:01 not trash pile 25:03 wait like there or there 25:09 so no more [ __ ] rose well classy rose 25:12 is even better possibly 25:16 that's where you put it yeah where which 25:18 one i just pointed to which ones 25:21 [Music] 25:26 you told us you were going to wear the 25:27 tutor today scam 25:31 but still to your right this one 25:33 okay 25:35 me hunt 25:36 me hunt 25:39 uh 25:41 [Music] 25:43 but i moved it around before 25:45 seeing a house this messy isn't very 25:47 classy actually kind of skanky tbh 25:51 shut up 25:55 no that's nothing um 25:57 i just have a lot of clothes you guys 25:59 sent 26:00 what the [ __ ] 26:06 here's three whole dollars from the 26:08 chinese ninja team of drams 26:11 of what 26:12 thank you 26:19 i i what what this thing's disappeared 26:22 completely 26:23 off the face of the earth 26:26 what the [ __ ] 26:29 well we may have to wear the [ __ ] the 26:31 tutu 26:34 [ __ ] 26:38 we may have to wear the tutor i don't 26:40 know where the other one is 26:46 oh no 26:48 we may absolutely have to there's no way 26:50 around it 26:53 and here we see a wild rose hunt for 26:55 cloths in her natural habitat 27:00 yes 27:03 oh 27:04 hold on 27:05 i have boobs to put on 27:08 ah i didn't put them on yet from shower 27:12 hold on boys 27:14 this is urgent i need my boobs how am i 27:17 supposed to how am i supposed to be a 27:18 woman without without 27:20 e-cup boobs they don't exist no woman 27:23 has less than e-cups thank you for the 27:25 five gifted subs dude 27:27 by the way can i mention that tutu looks 27:29 my dad complimented it because he 27:31 cleaned this room a little bit he 27:32 complimented the tutu and by the way 27:35 it looks 27:36 a little bit too small doesn't it a 27:38 little bit when i was holding it up i 27:40 get it that it stretches but like it 27:42 looks i mean unless it's really high up 27:45 but then if it's really high up you're 27:47 going to see the underneath of it 27:49 and that ain't good for me so i don't 27:50 know 27:52 what did we see uh what did we learn 27:54 when you save an item you have put it 27:55 somewhere you can find it i thought i 27:57 did 28:05 i thought 28:07 hold on 28:08 wait your dad's my your dad finds you 28:10 cute i said that to the i didn't say 28:13 cute no one said cute in this situation 28:15 he said it looked good 28:17 tuck why 28:18 hold on 28:22 i'm not wearing the bra for this these 28:24 are really [ __ ] heavy 28:26 the ruffles can seal the inch one can we 28:28 where did the meme start that we started 28:30 calling it an inch one and can it end 28:32 now 28:35 did your dad put it away somewhere 28:38 this little [ __ ] if he [ __ ] threw 28:40 away my my prized possession 28:42 this these are two 28:44 these are too heavy 28:46 um i need a stronger bra one with an 28:48 under an underwire 28:50 strong i was the one that sent you the 28:53 gold glue script necklace 28:56 ah hell yeah thanks for the fifty 28:58 dollars by the way holy [ __ ] and um okay 29:01 cool that's like 29:03 also i don't know where it is looking 29:05 good here okay it's there fine finally 29:07 a stream because i don't have five 29:09 meetings 29:12 i'm sorry i need a bit i need a better 29:14 bra 29:15 dress is proof of your snatched waist 29:17 don't be hesitant go for it i don't have 29:20 a bro i had a subway today i'm bloated i 29:23 had a subway sandwich i'd listen you 29:26 kind of need that one after a night of 29:27 drinking 29:29 dad has a bet with someone that you will 29:31 wear the tutu 29:33 i hope not because 29:35 i mean i hope that he bet that i will 29:36 because he's gonna he'd win if i did 29:38 that okay i need a better bra 29:40 these are genuinely too heavy or i could 29:42 go smaller can i just go smaller let's 29:44 see a centimeter worm better 29:50 millimeter one 29:54 plank length one one plank length worm 29:57 uh i just don't like calling it a worm 30:01 okay 30:02 the cutlets 30:04 may just go over there i'm gonna do 30:06 small ones for now uh 30:09 these are like very much smaller though 30:12 let's see 30:13 the pico meter 30:15 the plank what is the 30:18 ah okay 30:20 the plank scale that thing 30:24 okay 30:25 so the like okay these aren't like bad 30:27 though right like they're smaller but 30:28 they're still good 30:30 pinky what do you mean pinky 30:33 [Music] 30:35 okay i thought i lost a nail for a sec 30:41 oh my god there's a name for it holy 30:43 [ __ ] that's not good 30:46 maybe um 30:47 [Music] 30:48 yeah no that's a terrible name i hate 30:50 that 30:52 thumbs up thumbs up for sensible boobs 30:54 the bra still isn't good enough though 30:56 there's it's still having trouble 30:58 holding on usually there's a tight-ish 31:00 outfit there to give it a helping hand 31:03 because you know that's what i usually 31:04 wear but with a sweater i feel like if i 31:06 jump too hard they're gonna fall 31:10 hold on one more 31:12 ah they're down here now 31:15 see what i mean uh i need to change out 31:17 of this one 31:22 dude they'll fall out 31:24 there's ain't no ain't no way ain't no 31:26 shot book 31:29 was i wearing the really big ones wait 31:33 are those the giant ones was i wearing 31:35 the giant ones 31:37 was i wearing the giant ones yesterday 31:44 what i thought we agreed on the middle 31:46 ones 31:50 and why are they there 31:54 [ __ ] what did i forget 31:56 no but 31:58 oh am i stupid i think am i just what 32:04 probably's too small oh okay 32:07 i've got a terrible memory i thought i 32:09 put them there and i didn't 32:11 me just being dumb hold on i found that 32:13 i found grey socks 32:17 i need socks on 32:18 am i stupid yes always thank you yes you 32:21 are [ __ ] stuff i can get it when someone 32:23 in chat does it but when you do it it's 32:25 upsetting 32:26 when you tried the biggest ones on then 32:27 you swapped okay 32:29 bimbo brain i've 32:31 it's all gotten through to me all the 32:33 all the pink makeup on the [ __ ] 32:35 and the 32:36 [ __ ] dresses it's happened 32:39 ah okay 32:43 [Music] 32:44 holy [ __ ] 32:48 [Music] 32:51 i'm just letting you know that 32:53 eventually i'll be getting you an 32:55 alaskan brand switchblade 33:11 oh 33:13 they don't look half bad 33:15 uh 33:16 however 33:18 i don't think that's legal 33:22 they don't look awful 33:25 also what do you mean alaskan brand 33:27 i know what alaskan brand is though 33:30 i don't know if there's actually a brand 33:32 of that 33:34 because i've just searched that up and 33:35 there's there doesn't seem to be there's 33:37 knives of alaska 33:39 and their stuff looks okay 33:42 but i don't know 33:45 hmm 33:47 interesting we'll see anyway 33:50 anything is legal if you don't get 33:52 caught 33:54 that's no 33:56 they will split the uh real switchblades 33:58 of all brands are illegal in the uk yeah 34:00 no that's what i mean 34:02 tax efficient gang hmm 34:06 you can't really get any automatic 34:08 knives or as you say switch blades 34:11 um anything with a spring in it not 34:13 really allowed there is a bit of a 34:15 caveat to that um but it's best to 34:17 assume not allowed like for example you 34:20 can't knife cena exactly 34:22 it's best to assume 34:24 that they're not allowed 34:25 but there is like a bit of a weird one 34:27 where it's like a what's it called an 34:28 assisted knife and i've owned a few of 34:30 those and they're fine but like the 34:32 government's gonna see it as a 34:33 switchblade if you get caught with it so 34:35 it's fine you know maybe maybe no 34:39 what about handcuffs there anyway 34:41 uh 34:43 automatic now knife now i have the image 34:45 of a machine gun 34:47 knife shooting machine gun 34:49 thank you 34:51 that would be pretty [ __ ] cool 34:53 there's a there's knives you can shoot 34:55 right there's like what are they called 34:56 ballistics knives that would be dope as 34:59 hell i wish i had one of those or 35:00 there's one that injects co2 into things 35:03 it's for divers just in case they get 35:04 attacked by a shark they just junk and 35:06 then and it freezes and like or like it 35:09 bla it makes them float away or 35:11 something 35:12 i don't know 35:14 don't take it personal i call them all 35:16 inch worms plus the inchworm transforms 35:19 into the beautiful geometer moth 35:27 geometry that's a bad name for that's 35:29 not a good name for a penis 35:30 also 35:32 why would you call them all inchworms 35:34 that's the that's the mo if what 35:40 that's so nasty [ __ ] oh my god you'd be 35:43 the worst you'd be the worst to date if 35:45 you if you had a guy would have the 35:47 worst time dating you if you constantly 35:49 called it an inchworm oh his pride holy 35:53 [ __ ] 35:54 that's funnier though 35:56 i can get doing it if it's funny 35:58 uh 35:59 just had a thought did you re-handcuff 36:01 the box shut yet no but i did because 36:03 they're there but i did find a different 36:06 lock fun fact i haven't tried it on it 36:08 yet but i i can 36:11 soviet knight soviet knife and spear gun 36:13 oh yeah anyway um 36:16 let's get some makeup on boys 36:18 let's do this [ __ ] 36:20 i'll do it later i'll get the i'll get 36:21 the lock later just remind me in a 36:24 little bit of an 36:25 hour's time okay 36:27 skin looking pog champ 36:37 uh 36:39 let's get started on this thing very 36:41 glowy 36:42 the moisture it's all over me 36:46 there is a handgun with a knife ah 36:49 there's like 36:51 i don't know i've seen anything that's 36:53 too hot how long did it take to take off 36:55 the cuffs yesterday 36:57 not that long 36:59 i don't i 37:00 i mean i don't remember it being a very 37:02 long time 37:03 brush your hair 37:07 do this do that [ __ ] wait hold 37:09 on i don't even know where they are one 37:11 minute 37:13 seven months pog 37:21 oh 37:22 and i found a stronger bra 37:25 i found a stronger bra let's [ __ ] go 37:31 the old the old old classic oh by the 37:34 way um fun fact that i uh i completely 37:37 just passed out in that outfit like 37:40 completely makeup and all i woke up like 37:42 an hour later 37:43 because like i knew the time but yeah 37:46 completely just fell asleep in that 37:47 [ __ ] waist trainer everything i and 37:50 then i got up got the makeup off and 37:52 then still went to sleep in it so 37:54 well hey i woke up sexy um 37:59 i was so [ __ ] tired yesterday because 38:01 i didn't sleep for so long and then i 38:03 woke up at eight am started my day off 38:05 right finished squid game got myself a 38:07 subway sandwich uh oversaw my dad 38:10 working on parts of the house solid very 38:13 nice okay 38:14 i need i need a uh i need a thing 38:21 i need a headband 38:26 i found the [ __ ] black caddies as 38:27 well 38:28 i'm feeling good i've been doing well 38:30 recently i like uh 38:32 running going well all that feel 38:34 healthier look better time someone says 38:36 inch worm f1 and then just say you're a 38:39 grower not a shower lmfao 38:44 i'm a shrinker 38:46 it's actually constantly big 38:49 but then it 38:50 goes away 38:53 upon arousal 38:55 it just hides 38:56 he's scared he's timid 38:58 okay i don't want you mocking him 39:01 i haven't named him yet but i should 39:06 good old plank i'm calling him plank 39:08 named after the plank the plank length 39:18 frank 39:20 frank's not a bad name 39:23 his name is timmy oh terrible name 39:26 i can't think of timmy as anything other 39:28 than a [ __ ] children's name like tim 39:31 i guess tim is that what that oh dude 39:34 all people called tim were actually 39:36 called timothy 39:37 [ __ ] losers 39:41 everyone i've met that's called tim 39:43 is really 39:44 timothy 39:46 damn that sucks 39:49 there's just overtly childish names 39:51 right like i'm trying to think of 39:52 another one like uh 39:54 i don't know that you just applied to 39:55 childhood 39:56 like theo theodore 39:59 theodore is a kid's name you can prove 40:01 me you can't prove me wrong 40:05 no adult is called 40:06 nn5t makeup check 40:11 [Music] 40:17 done you should go for the maximum milly 40:20 has 40:21 like overkill to the max slashes 40:25 i'm down to do it for two weeks uh it 40:27 would look [ __ ] insane though um 40:30 but i'd be down to do it i changed them 40:32 every two weeks right so 40:38 it'll just block out more stuff from my 40:41 eyes it's actually a tactical advantage 40:43 dummy 40:45 if i ever get into a fight and the 40:46 opponent throws dust in my eyes i've got 40:48 two shields 40:52 [Music] 40:56 what about underskirt concealed carry 41:02 there's no such thing as concealed carry 41:04 in my country uh you can't carry 41:06 anything 41:07 any weapon you cannot carry 41:17 what i'm doing my part almost 40 in five 41:19 days [ __ ] yeah 41:21 yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] actually what's the 41:23 record for that 41:26 i wouldn't is there a record book you'll 41:27 get too attached to it 41:32 wouldn't name it or get too attached to 41:33 it 41:36 when i finally 41:38 need to kill him when i finally need to 41:40 remove him 41:42 when i uh 41:43 and that's gonna be 41:44 not because i'm trans by the way 41:47 only because 41:50 it gets in the way for fighting it's 41:53 less of a weak spot you could beat down 41:55 people by blinking at them d 42:01 hell yeah 42:03 my superpower 42:04 god i've got so many superpowers at this 42:06 point i can turn people gay 42:09 by the snap of my fingers and do so much 42:15 i think it's time we nerfed finn 42:18 [Music] 42:21 um guy can't believe it has been 23 42:24 months already thanks for helping me get 42:26 rid of my internalized homophobia 42:30 oh holy [ __ ] 42:32 that's a new one 42:33 i'm glad 42:34 i don't uh what would be what would make 42:37 it internalized 42:38 is that like when it's against you or a 42:40 friend or something or like 42:44 what is that actually 42:46 i know internalized misogyny right it's 42:48 like when a woman's like a procedure to 42:50 the world 42:52 misogynistic things 42:54 right is that what that is about 42:55 themselves 42:57 is it just purely based on that it's 42:59 standard procedures to d1 43:01 kittens 43:02 really 43:03 oh wait you mean do oh sorry now every 43:06 time someone says worm i think of a dick 43:08 what the [ __ ] this you've 43:10 ruined me 43:19 okay 43:22 harlow i'm organizing my brushes 43:24 okay 43:26 that was the plan all along 43:29 what wait what what 43:32 what kind of 43:34 let's go all right 43:37 [Music] 43:39 worm subs painful the [ __ ] 43:42 the goal behind that donor 43:46 [ __ ] i guess so what's the um 43:48 what's it called yeah wait what uh i 43:51 don't know who would know it but does 43:52 anyone know the streak like the absolute 43:54 shortest amount of time we've made x 43:57 amount 43:58 like 43:59 that would be a cool thing to know 44:01 because i feel it feels like we must 44:03 have broken a record with how fast it's 44:05 gone so far 44:07 um 44:08 but then again i'm about to take a break 44:10 right so i'm not sure 44:15 i'm sure the fastest time to hit a goal 44:16 is something like five minutes but when 44:19 it's i'm all going based on 44:21 hey chat lolin here what is your least 44:24 favorite rapper slash hip hop artist and 44:26 why 44:29 least favorite holy [ __ ] 44:33 there's so many 44:34 i don't really listen to a ton of rap 44:37 like um 44:39 hmm 44:42 i just don't listen to i don't know a 44:43 ton of artists like that actually 44:46 can we get a poll on how many people 44:47 here have had their sexuality challenged 44:50 by finn 44:52 oh [ __ ] 44:54 dude the guy that the guy that met me in 44:56 real life recently even he was like the 44:59 first thing he said was like 45:01 uh 45:02 the first thing he said was something 45:04 like um 45:05 you've 45:06 uh you made me you made me question my 45:08 sexuality or gender or something like 45:10 that 45:11 and i was like 45:13 oh brace the bypass i mean cool [ __ ] 45:15 yeah and he was like no 45:17 seriously it's like ah 45:20 sorry 45:21 you know like 45:24 actually not even sorry that's 45:25 completely my bad the the girl that i 45:27 met i've i didn't they didn't 45:29 pronounce it just affirming their 45:31 heterosexuality because you look 45:33 completely female 45:36 oh 45:39 oh 45:42 what's this hit the original bikini girl 45:44 in seven minutes rose that was very 45:47 speedy 45:48 yeah that's what i mean so that's what i 45:50 said about that 45:51 but 45:52 it's kind of people have donated a gram 45:54 before and if you like 45:56 like in one go a fair amount of people 45:58 have done that actually crj being the 46:01 most recent and frequentest um 46:04 i'm trying to think of like the 46:06 the what's it called 46:09 [ __ ] i'm trying to think of the 46:12 thing for it 46:14 the most the most i know of is eight 46:16 thousand on on one stream holy [ __ ] 46:19 looking chat i'm looking 46:22 i saw uh 46:24 but 46:25 it's kind of neat [ __ ] yeah 46:27 that's i can i know what the goals are 46:29 for that i meant like how much 46:30 contributed to one uh to one goal in 46:33 what time 46:34 it's like 46:38 anyway 46:40 what percentage 46:47 okay 46:50 i'm going a little bit 46:52 a little bit more 46:55 understated than yesterday 47:00 since 47:01 these nails scream understated 47:04 also i'm not sure i think we might want 47:06 to go for a more red look anyway if i'm 47:08 doing the tutu and by the way i it's a 47:11 maybe because i have no idea if it'll 47:12 actually fit or not 47:21 maybe 47:23 watching just confirm my header blush 47:25 and freckles oh of course 47:27 it's a staple 47:31 okay 47:35 uh gamers we have to unionize against 47:37 fin stoppers making us gay 47:39 that's on you buddy that's on you a 47:41 hundred percent 47:44 no one can stop me not even god 47:47 i am god 47:50 not a girl but wouldn't you first put on 47:52 an outfit and then match the makeup 47:57 well if you've got an outfit plan i 47:59 think the thing is right when you're 48:00 doing makeup you don't want to like like 48:03 okay with this i'm going to like get 48:04 like powder on it or something you 48:06 wouldn't want to ruin the outfit i don't 48:07 think you could ruin the outfit but 48:09 depending on how heavy makeup you're 48:10 doing you could maybe like get a bit of 48:12 uh what's it called 48:13 someone knows what it's called and i 48:15 don't it whenever uh drop powder 48:18 i don't know what it's called you'll 48:19 know someone knows i'm waiting for it 48:21 someone will know 48:23 fall out there it is immediately 48:26 some there fallout it's called that 48:32 it might go on the clothes 48:40 amazing okay 48:42 now for the annoy the one bit of makeup 48:45 that i'm still guessing at every time if 48:48 there's gonna be something that i 48:49 improve about my makeup routine it's 48:50 gonna be this and it's nose contour i 48:53 have no [ __ ] clue how to do it i 48:55 watched one youtube video on it and i 48:57 still don't know what i'm doing 48:58 what i meant by internalized homophobia 49:01 is that i used to have some not pock 49:03 thoughts mainly about trans people your 49:06 content helped me accept trans people 49:09 and now i can be a better friend to the 49:10 people i care about 49:12 oh yeah i mean dude uh i really don't 49:15 judge people like that at all um 49:18 the uh unless you hurt someone i guess 49:20 but you don't give me the vibe that 49:21 you've done that uh but i don't have a 49:23 problem with that there's a ton of 49:24 things that's like 49:26 i don't think we can be mad at people 49:27 for changing their mind and who they 49:29 used to be 49:30 because 49:31 you know like how we all gonna improve 49:33 if we start demonizing what people used 49:35 to think 49:37 and hell like 49:38 the [ __ ] there's obviously been times 49:40 where like i didn't think the the you 49:42 know what i think now my opinions have 49:44 changed 49:45 obviously 49:48 and they will change probably on a lot 49:50 of stuff 49:51 but 49:52 you know 49:54 i'm a young lad 49:58 oh my god 50:02 what was this oh what the [ __ ] was the 50:04 poll did rose awaken something in you 50:06 yes and no [ __ ] 70 50:08 holy [ __ ] dude that's a lot 50:12 i wouldn't have even said the majority 50:14 but 50:15 it's a good way to put it 50:19 [Music] 50:20 nice 50:24 what's this yo my favorite streamer in 50:27 town [ __ ] is streaming again cute cute 50:29 cat is 50:31 cutters look cute thanks 50:33 if only i could put [ __ ] in the title i 50:35 would i promise you 50:40 i'm not allowed though i put hoe in but 50:42 i had to misspell hope 50:48 okay 50:49 i think the nose contour is a little bit 50:51 stronger than it should be i was about 50:53 to say good but then i saw it 50:56 or even maybe just 51:04 [Music] 51:05 mmm 51:07 [Music] 51:18 okay it's fine 51:20 it'll be disguised in a minute rose good 51:22 day 16 months 51:25 uh 51:26 good day [ __ ] yeah thank you for the 51:28 16-month oh hi jessica thanks for the 51:30 16-month sub dude 51:36 you're such a tart what does that even 51:38 mean that sounds like one of those old 51:40 termy bad words one 51:43 man isn't god 51:45 two 51:45 rose is a saint wrong three jude is 51:48 amazing and i adore them but i don't 51:50 wanna do anything bad with them unless 51:53 playing dress-up teasing them about 51:55 their boyfriend girlfriend is wrong 51:58 it is it is wrong it is wrong 52:02 and it's 52:06 it's upsetting i won't stand for it 52:12 oh 52:13 all right great 52:15 [Music] 52:31 okay 52:33 oh it's fine 52:34 that worked out fine 52:37 okay 52:47 all right 52:47 so boys 52:50 ah [ __ ] what do now i've like just got 52:52 to do my eyebrows and freckles and then 52:54 i'm good that's the whole look what do 52:56 now 52:57 what thunky 53:00 well there it is god i thought i lost it 53:04 you're looking pretty today hell yeah i 53:06 am only slightly tired so i'm sorry if 53:09 i'm talking a little bit less also i'm 53:10 concentrating it's hard hard work 53:14 what do you see rose and uh finn slash 53:16 rose in f in say 50s wait where do you 53:20 see finn slash rose say 50s 53:23 do you mean like if i was born in the 53:24 50s or do you mean in like in 53:27 30 years 53:34 like what do i look like in 30 years 53:36 i've like when i'm 50 i have no [ __ ] 53:38 clue 53:40 hey verb oh did he give yourself oh [ __ ] 53:43 yeah 53:44 hey bob 53:50 isn't there a thumbnail you should be 53:51 doing 53:56 oh my god 53:59 well actually you know what i'm gonna do 54:00 hold on 54:01 verb i'm gonna actually send you 54:02 something i need you to 54:04 i need you to give various notes on it 54:07 and whatever oh where's the oh that's 54:10 what you said 54:11 um i need you to give various notes on 54:14 that and just get back to me because i 54:16 haven't watched it yet 54:21 all right 54:22 single driving got you 54:24 go what 54:26 what the [ __ ] 54:28 funny enough finn at 50 would still be 54:29 in the 50s to 20 50. oh good point yeah 54:32 my age is going to be the easiest thing 54:34 to remember it's just going to be what 54:35 year is it 54:36 um but yeah so basically 54:39 [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 54:41 basically i think if i was born in the 54:42 50s i would have been killed um 54:46 maybe like 54:48 i'd be a bit more 54:50 [ __ ] i wouldn't be doing this i'd be 54:52 probably studying computers if did they 54:53 have computers 54:55 when did they have computers 54:57 [ __ ] when did they have computers 55:04 minecraft wasn't out 55:06 [Music] 55:10 dude i'd love to see you dress up in guy 55:12 mode with same same effort you do for 55:14 rose same 55:16 bro but that's the thing i don't know 55:18 how like i get like this it'll be get a 55:22 haircut that's the effort i'd put into 55:24 it 55:25 what's the retirement age in the uk and 55:27 will rose make it until then 55:29 64 or 65 or 66. 55:34 mid 60s 55:35 and probably not i think it like at a 55:38 certain point i'm not gonna look good 55:40 enough to do it 55:42 a little bit sad to think about but 55:45 it's definitely true it's not lost on me 55:49 this is a time timed thing right 55:51 like 55:54 i don't know when you google like um 55:56 i don't know 55:58 i don't know how i don't know 56:00 retirement age in the uk depends on 56:01 gender 56:02 does it 56:04 i didn't know that 66 okay 56:09 but 56:11 i don't think i'd get do i get a state 56:13 pension if i'm self-employed 56:16 probably hopefully 56:22 but either way 56:27 um 56:28 i don't know by the time i'm 60 i don't 56:30 know if i want to be doing [ __ ] 56:31 anything maybe i just like 56:35 start a farm you know 56:37 raise cattle 56:39 no idea 56:40 it's so hard to say like 56:42 dude when you're a streamer youtuber 56:44 anything in like social media and stuff 56:46 there's it's so impossible to [ __ ] 56:48 anyone it's so impossible to see you how 56:51 your life's going and even like five 56:52 years 56:53 like three months ago i feel like my 56:55 life was different you know what i mean 56:57 um 56:59 stuff changes so fast because it's such 57:01 like a new medium that like 57:04 you can't expect for anything to get 57:06 much better but just take care of 57:08 yourself and you will look like a proper 57:10 milf slash cougar 57:13 no because i'd look like a guy 57:15 if i'm 50 i'll look like a guy like 57:17 that's that like unequivocally a guy 57:20 unsavably a guy you know what i mean 57:23 you can point to david bowie all you 57:24 like but still very much like wouldn't 57:27 look good in a dress guy 57:29 um 57:32 that's just kind of how it is dude 57:39 like the mo there's 57:40 i don't think there's a single man on 57:42 earth that i've ever seen 57:45 that has looked feminine enough to pass 57:47 as a woman without taking any hormones 57:50 or anything 57:51 uh or got surgery at that age it's just 57:54 kind of impossible to assume that i'm 57:56 the one in sev 57:58 every human that's ever lived 58:00 you know is is insane 58:05 there are people much more feminine than 58:07 me too 58:10 [Music] 58:17 you're the chosen one 58:20 you didn't know how to look good as a 58:22 girl at one point you can figure out how 58:24 to be a hot dude 58:27 oh yeah i think i could 58:33 i've got a rough plan for it and i plan 58:35 on doing it sooner than you think 58:38 not a haircut though 58:41 i don't know when the [ __ ] i'll do that 58:43 years 58:45 i want to get my hair to like a good 58:46 length first and then i'll and then i'll 58:48 cut it i think this is like jeebus 58:50 six-speed that is gonna be the right 58:52 length for me 58:57 but i still really do think i could pull 59:00 off this hair as like in guy mode 59:11 [Music] 59:12 and still look pretty damn good teresa 59:15 dude i work with who is four feet you 59:17 could put him in a dress and never know 59:19 it wasn't a woman 59:21 yeah well i'm 5 11. 59:23 so no shot 59:26 [Music] 59:29 you look dazzling today 59:32 thank you i haven't yet done anything 59:34 yet i'm still working on the makeup you 59:36 wait until i'm done 59:38 and my hair's down 59:48 oh yeah thank you for the 69 59:50 [ __ ] yeah dude thank you 59:53 ah thanks bro that's pretty it's pretty 59:55 sweet bro 59:59 halloween 60:00 oh i don't know i don't have an outfit 60:02 planned i do have i have one plan to do 60:04 with like friends 60:06 um 60:07 like it's gonna be 60:09 a roman gladiator thing 60:11 sort of thing because we're going from 60:13 uh the two characters the two mini 60:14 characters from the 60:17 night at the museum movie 60:19 me and marisa are doing that she's gonna 60:21 be the cowboy i'm gonna be the what's it 60:23 called the roman gladiator because it 60:25 sounds dope 60:31 and i want to carry a sword 60:35 not a real one obviously that would be 60:36 illegal 60:38 but a good fake sword 60:50 okay 60:53 all right 60:54 oh [ __ ] 60:58 not blended that too well 61:03 hmm 61:05 okay 61:08 oh it's okay all right 61:11 oh [ __ ] one thing and you're not even 61:13 gonna be able to tell on camera i'm 61:14 gonna do mascara on my bottom eyelashes 61:17 [Music] 61:21 stop saying five eleven when you said 61:23 five ten for the longest time 61:30 i'm in between 61:32 marisa says she's five foot eleven and 61:34 i'm taller than marisa so i don't know i 61:36 think i'm five eleven 61:45 i haven't measured myself in forever i 61:47 just go based on what other people's 61:49 high are 61:50 and you know stack up 61:54 all cool people are five eleven 61:56 she can't be five eleven i know that's 61:58 what i mean i think that she's like five 62:00 ten she won't admit it um but still 62:04 anyway 62:06 makeup looking pretty uh pog champing 62:10 hold on 62:11 right remember how this lip stain looked 62:13 slightly red and i'm going for like a 62:16 slightly red look i think what do you 62:18 think 62:18 i'm gonna go for the slightly red 62:20 [Music] 62:23 you and your streams have been really 62:25 uplifting for me it's a non-binary 62:27 individual we in chat love to joke but 62:30 you really are such a handsome and 62:32 confident guy i'm so happy to have found 62:35 this community and i appreciate you 62:37 endlessly thank you 62:40 thank you that's a very nice comment 62:43 you got that measurement tape put it up 62:46 and we will know for sure i dude imagine 62:49 if i'm six foot 62:53 hold on 63:00 [Music] 63:04 hey f1 nn's dad if you're watching this 63:08 put up that height chart for him 63:15 [Music] 63:19 i thought i was 6ft 3i turned out to be 63:22 6ft 5 measure height on stream 63:27 there's a chance i'm six foot 63:32 it's not a big chance 63:34 but it's a chance 63:36 there we go 63:38 how is this supposed to be pink by the 63:39 way 63:41 where is it 63:42 there it is it's official your girl's 63:45 gonna study to be a court reporter i'm 63:47 gonna be captioning rose streams for 63:50 practice kw 63:53 [ __ ] yeah was that 63:55 chassis hold on 64:00 oh 64:01 hold on 64:03 oh my god it's like the perfect height 64:04 okay 64:06 wait not yet 64:16 all right do you see that i know you 64:18 can't like see where you're at hold on 64:22 kinda like 64:27 okay 64:28 i can't zoom in on the camera but i can 64:30 zoom in on this 64:32 hold on all right 64:34 right okay where's my thing 64:38 face cam 64:40 wait what the [ __ ] i don't know how to 64:42 do this 64:42 you're six feet with a 12 inch pp and 64:45 beautiful now go put on your tutor like 64:48 a good femme boy 64:51 okay right oh 64:53 this is uh i i mean i think i've done it 64:55 fairly accurately 64:58 uh okay 65:01 this is feet there 65:03 this is set uh whatever else it whatever 65:05 the numbers are centimeters 65:12 what do you think i've got a spotlight 65:14 on me so i can't see [ __ ] 65:18 my hair's like a bit of poof 65:20 though what is it i don't know i can't 65:23 really tell 65:26 that shit's 5 11 don't tell me anything 65:28 different 65:34 you realize the effort i went to that 65:36 i'm not gonna get this camera like good 65:38 like five minutes now 65:41 five ten five eleven right that's what 65:43 i've been saying 65:44 god damn it i told you people 65:48 okay 66:02 i've just been right the entire time and 66:04 you guys didn't want to believe me by 66:05 the way 66:06 hell's yeah 11 month 66:11 5 10 with the hair poofed up five nine 66:14 actually [ __ ] 66:16 incorrect i i i want to see the clip i 66:18 want to see the clip someone's going to 66:20 post it on the reddit because they 66:21 always do that and i want to i want to 66:22 measure this out with you like on 66:24 photoshop 66:26 [Music] 66:30 looked like five feet 10 inches to me 66:34 we'll see i know someone's going to post 66:36 the clip of it at some point on reddit 66:37 and i will screenshot it and do it or 66:39 someone post a screenshot can anyone 66:40 post a screenshot that would be better 66:42 on uh on the on the on the discord or in 66:45 the thing 66:46 council maybe then council chat maybe 66:49 i wouldn't lie to you it was five foot i 66:51 want to see it i want to see it 66:54 you're just under six foot god damn 66:55 right what is it 66:57 send me a screenshot i wanna i want to 66:59 find this out 100 secretly wishing for 67:02 an extra couple of inches weren't you 67:05 i want to see it 67:08 maybe maybe i was maybe i wasn't i want 67:11 to see it council council my guy i want 67:14 to see it i won't stop doing this you're 67:15 smaller in the evening because of just 67:17 cloudy all day i'm busy [ __ ] 67:21 uh exploring the evening because of 67:23 gravity 67:26 maybe 67:28 good point i can use that excuse 67:30 you also put the measure at an angle so 67:32 you would look taller 67:35 how would i put it in an angle 67:37 how would i put it at an angle it's a 67:40 fabric it doesn't go at an angle it's 67:42 made of fabric 67:47 also even if it was at an angle the 67:48 [ __ ] 67:50 uh 67:51 okay 67:53 let's say is it in picks and vids or 67:55 anything let's see 67:57 uh pics and vids 68:00 no is it on live stream clips 68:05 i've got a scroll there we go i found it 68:06 okay i'm weirded all right 68:10 let's see 68:12 god i look 68:14 okay great all right [ __ ] i shouldn't 68:15 pick a photo where i'm like posing 68:24 all right let's do this one 68:26 all right um 68:28 let's do this let's head on into my 68:30 favorite app my photoshop 68:33 okay 68:34 improve my height once and for all god 68:37 damn it all right okay 68:38 so 68:40 here is me 68:42 uh let's grab a 68:44 let's grab a 68:46 black line and let's say the bottom of 68:49 my hand i know is like on my on the top 68:51 of my actual head 68:53 should make a channel points goal for 68:55 height checks at 10 or 20 000 points 68:57 that's where it's at we check as needed 69:00 in case i'm growing 35 69:02 there we go right that's where the palm 69:04 of my hand is there it's one pixel wide 69:08 that is 69:09 178 centimeters confirmed kappa 69:13 okay 69:14 right oh 69:15 five one two three four five six seven 69:19 eight nine 69:23 ten 69:26 five ten 69:37 what happened what happened 69:39 what happened 69:41 had that that's impossible 69:44 [Music] 69:47 as the most successful femme boy when do 69:50 you get your most excellent order of the 69:52 british empire 70:05 well how did i mute my mic how even 70:09 how did 70:09 but like 70:12 how 70:14 there's no shot i cannot be i can't be 70:16 five nine there's no there's like 70:18 there's no way it's slightly off the 70:19 ground 70:20 176 centimeters long 70:24 it's got to be like slightly off the 70:25 ground then 70:29 you round up five nine point five you 70:31 round up when it's point five i'm five 70:33 ten someone edit the wiki five foot nine 70:36 and a half i am five foot ten you round 70:39 up i that's what you do 70:41 i'm five foot ten 70:47 bro that's it 70:48 maybe all those heavy bobs have curved 70:51 your spine 70:55 i'm five foot ten the scale's [ __ ] 71:04 that's that's that's complete bs i think 71:12 thinking that's complete [ __ ] 71:14 complete [ __ ] 71:15 look okay 71:17 even your own stream doesn't want to 71:19 listen to your bs about your height 71:24 see when you actually think about it 71:25 though 71:29 [Music] 71:31 when you actually think about it though 71:32 make a poll to decide height like 71:35 look 71:37 see hold on i had to 71:39 um 71:40 let's bring it down 71:42 back to where it was 71:44 would you look at that 71:46 would you look at that 71:49 six foot uh one six foot see 71:57 it's six foot 72:01 we're feeling generous 72:03 we'll let you try again with the bottom 72:05 of the measure off the ground no that 72:08 would be no that would make it that 72:09 would make it worse 72:11 i know i muted i know 72:12 i'm back now right 72:14 yes evidence i'm back now though it's 72:16 fine 72:26 i didn't cheat at the height thing that 72:28 would be that would be immoral 72:30 look 72:31 good job i have the original screenshot 72:38 uh 72:39 what do you mean 72:42 okay wait let me let me adjust it a bit 72:43 let me make sure it is what it is i want 72:45 to wait hold on i have a message it was 72:47 actually straight it would be even lower 72:50 what shut up i have a measuring type 72:51 give me a sec i'm gonna go get it 73:09 [Music] 73:12 the bottom of the measure isn't even 73:14 flat against the floor and wall 73:16 you should probably take a couple of 73:18 inches off your fake news 73:29 okay 73:33 right i don't have a measuring tape i'm 73:35 gonna have to do something i need to i'm 73:37 gonna google exactly how big my phone is 73:40 and then i'm gonna match it up okay 73:43 how 73:44 uh iphone 73:47 12 73:51 uh size 73:53 okay 73:54 half a year already 73:55 by the way you're looking absolute 73:58 fabulous 73:59 okay uh 6.3 inches it's 6.3 inches let 74:03 me take the case off this is much 74:05 cheaper entertainment than bananas 74:08 shut up 74:09 uh it's not desperation it's being exact 74:14 okay 74:16 wait what 74:20 rose 74:21 all teasing aside we know you are a damn 74:23 manly man 74:26 wait a second wait a second 74:30 hold on 74:31 that would thing 74:33 why does it why would it make it like a 74:35 real man would be honest and up front 74:37 about his lack of height 74:39 that wood thing's supposed to be like 74:41 why would they make it like this there's 74:43 a wood thing on the bottom of it 74:46 and that's like pushing it up that's so 74:48 stupid it can never lay flat on the 74:49 floor five feet nine inches seems a 74:52 little submissive and 74:54 shut 74:57 the bottom of it 75:00 there are 11 marks 75:03 so it should start at that little 75:05 one there straight measure even more 75:08 female than ever 75:11 it what to weighs it down 75:13 well it's still it's inaccurate it's 75:15 including the height no it's not look 75:18 one foot right 75:20 one foot one two three four five six 75:23 seven eight nine ten eleven 75:26 it's not included in the height 75:28 i'm five foot ten [ __ ] you 75:32 i'm five foot ten i'm five foot ten 75:36 twelve inches well yeah exactly right 75:40 0.1 75:41 0.2 0.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 75:49 i know it is 12. you dumb little [ __ ] 75:53 i'm 5 foot 10. i'm 5 foot 10. 75:56 that proves you wrong no it doesn't 76:07 it's a one inch piece of wood [ __ ] 76:09 that's a one inch piece of wood 76:13 get dressed shorty oh [ __ ] the the 76:16 fabric continues down through the wood 76:33 i'm five foot ten 76:35 i'm not five foot nine 76:37 i re you round up when you do that i am 76:39 five foot ten 76:42 i'm not five foot nine and a half i am 76:44 five foot ten 76:46 yeah sure the piece of wood counted as 76:48 an inch i get that but still 76:51 okay 76:56 this is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i am six 77:00 foot eight inch but those two 77:01 measurements are separate 77:06 damn 77:07 hey babe 77:08 maybe maybe hit me up on twitter 77:10 um 77:11 [ __ ] 77:14 this look on the bright side you're 69 77:16 inches nice 77:20 really 77:24 5 foot 10 77:26 in inches 77:29 so if you are five ten 77:31 that's just more rows for us almost 77:34 win-win 77:35 almost 77:38 i'm five foot ten i am five foot 77:40 and ten inches 77:45 i find it hilarious that this is what 77:47 causes finn to have an existential 77:49 crisis 77:51 i'm five foot ten i now know that i'm 77:54 five foot ten okay in shoes any shoes i 77:57 am five foot eleven 77:59 any shoes five foot eleven fin pressed 78:01 about his height made my knight x t u r 78:03 five apostrophe nine 78:11 [Music] 78:13 i'm five or ten 78:15 how much is your height going to live 78:17 rent free in your head for 78:25 i'm five foot ten you're a little shut 78:27 up shut up shut up shut up 78:30 five nine is a cute height own it 78:36 i tower over like 78:38 everyone though i've got to be like i 78:41 think that scale is just [ __ ] because 78:42 i'm like taller than like most people i 78:44 know 78:45 you still look fabulous rose even with 78:48 five feet 10 inches nine 78:51 like if five i'm 78:58 change out for this outfit is lame yeah 78:59 this is the this is the before outfit 79:01 you gotta dress me up a little bit but 79:03 like 79:05 i'm i'm i'm going through something 79:07 right now shush 79:09 most british people are short 79:13 british 79:14 average 79:16 average height 79:18 five foot nine lame i'm five foot 10 so 79:23 so it's fine i'm taller than average 79:29 [Music] 79:32 hey chas i know i'm 4 foot three inches 79:36 so you can use me for scale and rose 79:39 from my perspective you are just five 79:41 foot nine inches 79:42 darling please don't get too fed up 79:44 about it it gives your beautiful face 79:49 [Music] 79:49 so just wrinkles 79:51 i would be smiling if i was i don't know 79:53 why you're self-conscious you're a tall 79:55 woman 79:59 i gotta dm freddy 80:01 i wanna see his real hype freddie 80:04 i have found out 80:06 that i am 5 foot 10 181 centimeters tall 80:11 sounds bigger than 5 foot 9. 80:19 if i 80:22 we all know you're five foot three at 80:24 most we still love you 80:30 freddy's saying he's five foot three 80:32 so there's six inches of difference 80:34 between us 80:36 but i'm pretty confident i can get that 80:37 to zero rose did anyone tell you that 80:39 you're cute when you get defensive 80:43 that's my best line i've ever said 80:47 and i need you to acknowledge that 80:49 that's i created that all on my own 80:52 links do something adorable already you 80:55 5 for tatum 80:56 you aren't giving me nearly enough 80:58 credit for that line that is such a good 81:00 line 81:02 uh 81:03 for me 81:04 about to leave you from inks do 81:05 something adorable already five foot 81:07 eight 81:09 [ __ ] anyway 81:11 my tit just moved the microphone i feel 81:13 like that's pretty adorable anyway um 81:15 i could still eat freddy insert golf 81:17 clapping mode thank you um all right 81:19 everyone says they want it they want the 81:22 tutu freddy is exactly 5'3 he's 159 81:25 centimeters um 81:27 so you know 81:30 wow two days in a row what is the 81:32 occasion 81:34 three in a row actually and um what's it 81:37 called 81:38 uh 81:41 kitty's a [ __ ] 81:42 paintball kitty's such a [ __ ] she 81:44 messaged me saying there's no short 81:45 there's no shame in being a short ass 81:50 [ __ ] 81:51 anyway there's 81:53 sorry this is a bit of a moment for me 81:55 uh what what the [ __ ] should we wear by 81:58 the way i have different options um 82:00 i remember i said i bought a bunch of 82:02 stuff from that little for big place 82:09 let's do it 82:12 okay 82:14 oh some shut up someone's 82:17 shelting i am a little bit all right 82:19 boys 82:20 uh let me show you the various outfit 82:23 differences this is the same skirt that 82:25 i wore yesterday but with black and 82:26 white it's probably going to be a bit 82:28 too big because i ordered it 82:29 because that looks like a little kind 82:31 and humor rose instead of pretend she's 82:33 a manly man or that she's 5 feet 11 82:36 inches but not both her choice 82:42 i don't want to talk about it 82:46 i would i don't want to talk about it 82:47 with uh with you people we're i'm 5'10 82:51 all right 82:52 the scale shows it there was some 82:55 strange stuff where did you get your 82:56 sweater i like it 82:59 oh uh 83:03 i don't remember the brand name 83:07 maybe you can find it online somewhere 83:10 uh i got it from a store 83:12 all right here's the other one um here's 83:15 the top 83:17 i didn't know it said this hold on 83:19 here's the top of it 83:25 i didn't know it said that i just found 83:27 that out now and it comes with a skirt 83:29 as well it's a decent skirt 83:32 would you look at that it's even got 83:33 text on it that says 83:36 the same thing 83:37 with a bunch of hearts 83:39 i didn't know that it said that 83:41 um 83:43 and i think i ordered like i ordered the 83:44 same one but in pink and i ordered this 83:47 i ordered oh [ __ ] 83:49 this one's real [ __ ] stupid this 83:51 one's like 83:52 awful however i think i ordered it to go 83:55 with a different outfit 83:57 what the hell 84:02 what is this 84:03 i don't know what this is 84:07 knife not sharp enough okay 84:11 yeah i have no idea what this bit is 84:15 it's just like a 84:16 clothing 84:17 carrying case the seven emotional stages 84:20 of grief are usually understood to be 84:22 shock or disbelief denial bargaining 84:25 guilt anger depression and acceptance 84:28 slash hope rose only time can heal this 84:31 crisis 84:33 oh it's way more like gory than i 84:35 thought it was uh here's the other one 84:37 to stand on the counter and it's like 84:39 the top shelf 84:42 here's the other one it has a bunny tail 84:45 on the back i think i bought this to go 84:46 with a different outfit it looks kind of 84:48 insane 84:49 um 84:51 but those are your options 84:53 and there's also that same one dremel 84:56 the black one there's also one in blue 84:58 oh no there's not it's a different thing 85:00 it's very similar though look on the 85:02 bright side at least we can't say you're 85:05 five feet eight inches anymore 85:10 you never did i think the consensus was 85:12 that i was five foot eleven i may have 85:14 been slightly disproved and that i am 85:16 five foot ten 85:18 and i'm most certainly not five foot 85:20 nine 85:21 um 85:22 okay and then there's this one 85:25 hold on 85:27 which is like 85:28 i think a diva thing 85:30 there's that which is the onesie and 85:32 then that which is the skirt 85:35 [ __ ] wait 85:37 oh yeah that's a short skirt and that's 85:40 a very wide skirt oh those funny roses 85:42 would match 85:43 with your cute nails 85:46 um 85:48 the last oh bunny rose the last one uh 85:50 but like uh 85:53 wait there's a poll going oh okay you 85:55 already set it up 85:56 that one's like the most [ __ ] you 85:59 know it's like a very cam is off focus 86:07 there you go it's better 86:11 [Music] 86:15 the bag is used to wash it you will 86:17 regret not using the bag 86:21 um 86:23 okay 86:27 i'll come out of focus again 86:30 whether diva onesie one you five feet 86:32 nine inches town whale hell yeah town 86:36 whale 86:37 town whale 86:38 what the [ __ ] 86:40 the diva onesie [ __ ] yeah that one's 86:42 okay that one's got like blue and [ __ ] 86:44 it looks like the bit of the uh like the 86:46 the other one 86:48 uh 86:50 [ __ ] what 86:56 what the [ __ ] is going on in chat did 86:57 you not do you not like someone called 86:59 norge 87:00 but hello 87:03 hey morgan's i'm gonna look at your 87:04 channel i always do this 87:06 i'll approve it or not you have not done 87:08 any you've not made a single video okay 87:11 i have nothing to approve what the [ __ ] 87:14 you have beautiful hazel eyes 87:17 thank you what a right what a really 87:18 nice way of saying brown mud mud eyes 87:22 what happened to the tutu it's still 87:24 there uh should we do i'll do a vote for 87:26 whichever one wins this thing 87:28 uh and then the two 87:34 black brat [ __ ] sake 87:42 when skirt slash thong month is that not 87:44 happening it's happening currently i've 87:45 got two weeks left of it 87:47 i'm no i'm two weeks in and then we're 87:49 about to go on break for it because i'm 87:51 on a [ __ ] i'm on the minecraft grind 87:54 but then you know with then i've got two 87:56 more weeks left of it 87:57 when i come back 87:59 turns out i've been pronouncing you woo 88:01 wrongly 88:03 is it just 88:06 the [ __ ] but the the pink [ __ ] 88:08 bunny one one 88:13 following paul 88:15 okay the the bunnies versing the tutu 88:17 the the pink fluffy one 88:21 you know which one you should vote for 88:22 chat you know which one's right in this 88:24 one 88:26 and you're voting incorrectly 88:30 the bunny one really 88:33 but it's like we've had ah 88:36 we've had 88:38 so much pink and girly [ __ ] 88:41 which one i have one day or i'm 88:42 masculine and i can wear a tutu 88:49 you're the one who brought it dude i had 88:51 a 88:52 okay fine 88:55 hey rose i love your face 88:57 i should also mention that you won't be 88:59 super dry for long 89:08 that well that is funny 89:11 what do you break for minecraft because 89:13 i do need to have a i have a whole 89:14 minecraft channel buddy 89:16 uh a whole minecraft channel that you 89:18 know pays for my living 89:22 i take a brief break for minecraft it's 89:23 not a very long break i just record the 89:25 videos and then i'm done i just behave 89:27 like a gremlin for those few days and 89:29 then i'm right back to being a woman and 89:31 someone else in someone in the [ __ ] 89:32 council chat i forgot who it was it was 89:34 either i think it was ally 89:37 i mentioned i was as i was talking about 89:38 it ally was like wait so i was saying 89:41 how i never go outside with it and 89:43 direct because i just grind videos i 89:45 know the brand is super dry but what's 89:47 the sweater itself called or where did 89:49 you get it because i cannot find it on 89:51 the website i got it in an airport i'm 89:54 not really sure i just got it in an 89:56 airport i think i got it in the heathrow 89:58 airport uh oh no the the uh marbella 90:02 record minecraft as rose 90:04 i have done a couple times but i'm not 90:06 gonna 90:07 um 90:09 i don't think i could ever do that 90:12 um 90:13 oh hey ally what the [ __ ] you're just 90:14 lurking 90:15 hi 90:17 um 90:18 what the [ __ ] but yeah so uh 90:20 oh my god 90:22 [Music] 90:25 while you are not super dry anymore but 90:28 i will be super thirsty 90:30 okay so that's quite good the bunny one 90:39 okay 90:40 well okay but i have to wear a skirt 90:42 with it too you are you do no i do have 90:44 to wear a skirt with it as well 90:46 like hey ten dollars gang can't just 90:48 worry we can get gm like that he's gonna 90:51 be see-through simps together strong 90:54 um 90:55 so you know 90:56 no skirt there's no way i can't wear a 90:59 skirt for it though so i've gotta wear a 91:01 skirt it's gonna be [ __ ] like weird 91:06 i mean i can try it on and see how it 91:07 does i'm gonna tuck for it anyway so 91:10 we'll see but i don't think it will be 91:11 ridiculous stuff you get in the mail a 91:14 rose i wonder who bought that bunny 91:16 outfit 91:19 okay i bought that one right 91:25 i bought that one 91:27 but like it was for 91:28 okay 91:30 i don't like you guys insulting me 91:34 i don't know where the fishnets are but 91:36 they would suit that random person in 91:38 chat that mentioned it um 91:40 i don't know where i put the 91:42 fishnets yeah 91:45 yeah i have no clue 91:47 [Music] 91:48 i'll try and find them 91:52 hey hey rose could you blow me a kiss 91:56 holy [ __ ] it's censored it because you 91:57 said blow me 91:59 it didn't read it out that's funny 92:03 hold up 92:04 okay let's make sure that's fine i need 92:06 to get a corset on then i'm gonna go get 92:08 a corset on uh i have a okay what do you 92:11 think like proper corset or do you think 92:13 uh what's it called waist trainer or 92:15 proper corset prop of course it'll be 92:17 like 92:18 more like better i think though 92:21 it's so cute that you're afraid to come 92:23 out to your minecraft audience everyone 92:26 already knows that you are a cute gal 92:28 fear not you're an adorable heathen 92:32 [Music] 92:34 adorable healing is a good way to put it 92:36 how do i get out of bed looking fugly as 92:38 hell while you get out of bed looking 92:40 absolutely gorgeous oh you don't see me 92:43 out of bed bro 92:44 you've never seen me when i woke up out 92:46 of bed really 92:48 i mean you might have done once but 92:49 you've never seen me like unshowered or 92:51 anything 92:52 oh 92:54 oh feels forgotten man oh wait what what 92:56 happened i i missed i missed it 92:59 what'd you say [ __ ] 93:02 i think he meant the other alley with a 93:03 y oh 93:06 wrong ally oh yeah you left the dc [ __ ] 93:09 either way you have been lurking i 93:10 haven't seen you waiting on the kiss 93:14 i meant the other i meant the uh i meant 93:16 the alley that i was talking with in the 93:17 gc but 93:20 waiting on the kids i'm sorry let me get 93:22 can i owe you one kiss you got to remind 93:24 me though when i'm fully dressed up you 93:26 can't wear a skirt with that tail and 93:28 how about you do one minecraft video 93:31 this time as rose at 15 000. 93:35 this time at fifteen thousand 93:38 uh what do you mean by fifteen thousand 93:40 oh you mean dollars but lin i i already 93:42 do that i already do that though i 93:44 already have like um what's it called 93:48 i've done minecraft videos i've done two 93:50 now i was actually 93:51 thinking that as well you go into butch 93:53 mode long hair in your mc videos yes 93:56 like you're ashamed of the self that 93:57 lives your truth every day 94:00 but 94:01 it's it's the other way round i have fun 94:03 either way 94:05 but if you didn't take the breaks to 94:06 record minecraft girl months would end 94:09 before christmas 94:13 oh [ __ ] 94:16 [Music] 94:20 but then it's so much on levan's content 94:22 for free now i've got to take care just 94:24 make one already putting that way you 94:26 can make extra money and satisfy the 94:28 audience 94:32 you give us i've kind of threw one and 94:33 you may just make one already though 94:34 because it's not that long 94:36 i promised myself i wouldn't do this 94:38 today 94:39 i lied to myself 94:41 crj what the [ __ ] i thought you'd 94:44 [ __ ] just take a break for this one 94:46 stream you're all right you've you've 94:48 proved yourself 94:50 thank you for the [ __ ] hundred 94:51 dollars after you get dressed 94:53 okay 94:57 i mean 94:58 oh you killed an mcc hell yeah you know 95:00 what i'm almost thinking can you see my 95:01 adam's apple yet 95:06 can you 95:07 tell 95:12 kind of maybe a little bit 95:16 maybe a little bit 95:19 maybe it's i'm getting like as i'm 95:20 getting skinnier as i'm being a skinny 95:23 legend 95:26 shave it my adam's apple oh my god 95:31 oh that's got to be the scariest surgery 95:33 to think about imagine that [ __ ] 95:36 oh i was being talked through a bunch of 95:38 like i get talked through [ __ ] trans 95:40 surgeries all the time because i think 95:41 people know it's gonna like 95:44 it's gonna make me cringe 95:47 but like holy [ __ ] imagine someone like 95:49 having to cut your throat open on a 95:51 surgery table that shit's insane 95:53 oh my god 95:59 oh 96:00 there's something in my eye i'm not like 96:02 an eyelash 96:19 oh my god 96:24 [ __ ] this is maybe the worst thing that 96:25 could happen hold on let me go to the 96:26 mirror 97:42 oh 97:51 [Music] 97:54 oh chair please seduce me 98:02 oh my god 98:04 that sucks i hate it when that [ __ ] 98:05 happens dude wearing makeup there's like 98:07 nothing worse i managed to save it 98:09 though i saved the makeup anyway 98:14 it's time for courted hours but the 98:16 thing is with corset hours is i can't 98:18 really be on camera when i do it also 98:20 i'm gonna 98:21 change bras because this one cannot hold 98:24 the sheer girth of my titties all right 98:27 one sec brb i'm gonna like turn the i'm 98:29 gonna move the face cam like 98:33 this way 98:34 all right i'll be on the 98:38 [ __ ] 98:39 that side of the camera so brb i'll see 98:43 you in a second one second i'll be over 98:46 there 98:47 have a good time i'm gonna be over there 98:50 all right one sec 98:53 oh my god all right i'm just 98:56 i've managed to get like 98:58 and is there a tv reflection no it's 99:00 just over there okay i'm good 99:03 all right 99:04 oh [ __ ] wait let me grab the bra first 99:06 because otherwise things might get 99:08 awkward when i need it all right 99:17 we want the chair you want to see the 99:18 chair hold on i'll move him in or her in 99:21 i'll move her in 99:22 there you are look at that the beauty 99:24 the absolute beaut 99:30 is femoring the scout from the velvet 99:31 cosplay i was 99:33 um 99:35 makes 14 grand has expensive tutu throws 99:39 two to one floor and runs chair over it 99:42 wears a cheap af shirt instead 99:45 it's it's it this it was not cheap 99:49 the women's section is kind of expensive 99:51 everywhere 99:52 it was maybe like you know 99:54 like 99:55 20 pounds 99:57 it's not it's not cheap 99:59 [Music] 100:06 hi chair glad one of you isn't being a 100:07 whiny [ __ ] about wearing a bunny outfit 100:09 today 100:10 ah 100:11 okay 100:13 listen [ __ ] oh 100:16 shut up 100:17 i don't like it you're hurting my 100:18 feelings 100:21 i'll crush you i am five foot ten and i 100:24 am bigger than you 100:25 and i will i i will be i will i will 100:28 ruin your day 100:30 i'll bonk you on the top of the head 100:31 buddy with my clenched fist 100:35 dunk that's gonna be the top of your 100:36 head and then your eyes are gonna go all 100:38 like uh swirly like a cartoon 100:42 don't steal chair spotlight 100:45 spotlight moonlight 100:48 hold on 101:02 oh [ __ ] 101:06 goofed 101:09 [ __ ] 101:10 can i grab you without being seen on 101:11 camera yes i can okay 101:13 huh 101:16 [Music] 101:20 for 20 pounds i would get maybe half a 101:22 shirt you went shopping at the same 101:24 shops that i am bucko 101:28 like these big brands and stuff like hnm 101:30 you can get a hoodie for like six pounds 101:32 at h m 101:34 they're great 101:36 and they're good quality too 101:39 if you want to spend more 101:41 uh i can recommend [ __ ] uh what's it 101:43 called arcat 101:44 arquette 101:46 i bought like a i bought a jacket from 101:48 them 101:49 and i've bought like uh sweatshirts from 101:51 them before and they've got like a bunch 101:53 of stuff it's an h m brand one too so 101:55 it's like 101:56 only a little bit more than i'd say 101:58 normal like a sweatshirt it's like 35 102:01 pounds instead and they're great 102:04 only chairs 102:05 can i make it only friends but for the 102:06 chair 102:07 just put the put the like the the 102:10 the rollers of the chair in like 102:12 five thigh highs 102:14 or like fishnet tights or some [ __ ] oh 102:17 [ __ ] the fishnets where the [ __ ] are 102:18 they i've lost them too 102:21 oh my god chat wait what the [ __ ] 102:24 alright so i didn't even need to loosen 102:26 the corset to put the corset on today 102:28 that's interesting 102:32 nice 102:33 all right 102:39 that's pretty pog 102:44 i can always 102:46 have i fully [ __ ] laced the corset no 102:49 i couldn't have hold on 102:51 no i'm just my arm length is just not 102:52 long enough now one sec 102:55 that's a cool feeling 102:57 [Music] 103:00 it's probably related to my height of 103:03 195 centimeters d 103:08 wait no i did it i what 103:11 chat 103:13 chat i need a new corset i i genuinely 103:15 this is fully on 103:17 um and it's not even it's not actually 103:19 done it's not actually 103:21 really done anything 103:23 again i wish i could show you but like 103:25 what the [ __ ] that's kind of cool 103:28 i need a smaller corset hell yeah weight 103:30 loss baby 103:33 what the [ __ ] 103:35 40 yeah yeah that [ __ ] moved in two days 103:43 sheesh thank 103:51 hold you 103:55 [ __ ] i need to tuck do i need to talk is 103:57 it worth talking wait chat is it worth 103:59 talking i can't even tell if it's worth 104:01 [ __ ] talking i need to grab the thing 104:03 i'm gonna be wearing a skirt 104:05 but either way i haven't worn the skirt 104:07 before so maybe i should 104:10 okay 104:13 where's the 104:14 there you go you have the tuck kit over 104:15 there 104:17 uh 104:18 you have to tuck no skirt i'm gonna be 104:20 wearing a skirt like almost 100 chance 104:24 i'm gonna be wearing a skirt 104:26 okay all of you are saying talk jesus 104:28 close 104:29 all right 104:34 i'm like 100 chance gonna be wearing a 104:36 skirt though 104:43 it'll be a pink skirt but it will be a 104:45 skirt 104:52 okay 104:53 no skirt i don't know if you can make 104:55 that decision bucko 105:14 there but rose why would you tuck it's 105:18 not like there's anything to hide 105:23 let's make it dude it's made me question 105:25 every measurement that i've ever taken 105:38 was it all real 105:41 oh no 105:53 i don't 105:55 tuck's been a little bit [ __ ] been a 105:57 little bit [ __ ] 106:16 [Music] 106:20 it's always worth talking 106:24 it's definitely not always worth talking 106:26 though is it 106:37 [Music] 106:40 stay strong chair we all gonna make it 106:48 measurement stream brewing guest on to 106:50 verify womanly dimensions what does that 106:53 even mean 106:54 [Music] 106:58 your measurements shrink your heart 107:00 grows 107:03 what what does that 107:06 mean hold on i've got to go grab a let 107:09 me go grab a bra one minute 107:35 hey new bra hours i've had this one 107:37 forever but i've like never worn it 107:40 it's actually a decent price just that 107:42 it never really like fit me right 107:44 um 107:45 so it's always just been uncomfortable 107:46 but [ __ ] it i've lost a bit of weight 107:48 let's try it um 107:50 it's also the right color for the outfit 107:52 kind of 107:55 if i had a white one it would have been 107:56 better but still 107:58 hey chat can i get some encouragement 108:01 for our great mod team oh yeah the mods 108:04 do a great job 108:09 that's a cute bra thank you how nice of 108:11 you it's so cool 108:15 okay 108:17 let's grab this 108:19 let's grab 108:20 medium bobs i think 108:26 all right now since i'm tucked i'm gonna 108:28 go put on the thing but i'm gonna go 108:30 check it in the mirror first um i'm not 108:33 i don't think i can find any of the um 108:36 any of the things 15 the fishnets oh but 108:40 i doubt it 109:42 [Music] 109:46 cher if i didn't have you as a role 109:48 model i would never have come out as a 109:50 piece of furniture 110:08 i guess what i found i found fishnets um 110:12 woohoo 110:14 what was that 110:15 wait everyone's saying lol i have no 110:17 [ __ ] clue what happened 110:22 i maybe shouldn't have just put that 110:23 there 110:26 let's start a chair cult what do you 110:28 mean start you mean join it's already a 110:30 thing 110:31 [Music] 110:35 so the 5.25 to 8 inch measurement is now 110:39 in question 110:40 noted 110:43 wait what 110:45 i don't know what you mean 110:55 5.25 110:57 what 111:02 i'm so confused by what that means 111:05 cute 111:09 wait i'm so confused what the [ __ ] you 111:10 what what the [ __ ] is happening fishnets 111:13 yes it's well i'm working on it 111:21 one year subscribed and i have missed 111:23 many of the latest streams and the first 111:25 thing i see when tuning back in is a 111:27 half black screen a beautiful chair and 111:30 a hand holding a bra in the cam 111:34 i'm sorry buddy um 111:38 no one told me that life was gonna uh be 111:40 this way 111:42 um 111:43 hold on 111:47 i got it oh wait that's why i don't know 111:49 that's dude these aren't the same thigh 111:50 highs that i was wearing these are a 111:52 different pair of thigh highs that i 111:53 have or not thigh highs fishnets 111:56 um 111:57 and the reason why they're a different 111:58 pair are not the main ones because i 111:59 think there's like a slight one of them 112:02 is like brokied 112:05 so i'm not sure 112:06 well actually the inside part of it is 112:08 like one of the laces or whatever you 112:10 call them one of the nets has like broke 112:14 probably due to the force of my 112:16 absolutely 112:18 [ __ ] gigantic [ __ ] and balls 112:21 uh that's the only thing i could assume 112:23 it is 112:24 um 112:26 nothing else 112:28 but 112:29 i don't actually know how i [ __ ] 112:30 broke that i guess i just men spread a 112:32 bit too hard 112:35 in your dreams it's gigantic every i i 112:38 know exactly what i did 112:41 i just opened the stream to [ __ ] and 112:42 balls [ __ ] yeah 112:45 welcome to my streams it's all this 112:47 always 112:48 waiting for something good 112:51 is it monster can sized 112:54 don't insult me 112:55 how about that 112:56 how about you don't insult 112:58 why would you say that it's just monster 113:00 can size 113:02 think pringles can kid dummy dumb little 113:06 [ __ ] 113:09 and then add another one 113:12 but this time to the side of it and then 113:14 double that length i love my vantage 113:17 points oh and not to harp on about is 113:19 but please don't discourage rose about 113:21 her height she can always use me to 113:24 reach the cupboards i love you chat just 113:26 don't be weird and try to sniff me ok 113:30 [Music] 113:33 chat what about some praise for our 113:36 dearest council members 113:41 oh yeah the council have been pretty 113:42 pretty helpful pretty pretty pogba's i 113:44 think 113:46 oh how the [ __ ] does this go on 113:48 gigantic that's a relative term in this 113:51 case i mean given your measurements four 113:54 inches is gigantic yeah given that 113:56 you're five foot four 113:58 i'm five foot ten hold on i gotta go 114:01 check this in the mirror 114:02 um 114:05 nobody can tell if it's there or not 114:07 unless they actually look in the 114:08 underpants 114:28 okay 114:29 since you're right i've got an idea 114:32 um 114:33 you're gonna be peeved 114:35 um i am gonna need to wear a skirt 114:38 but 114:39 i i i i'll give you this right 114:42 i'll do what i did with the maidstream 114:45 where i wore this i wore a skirt but 114:47 i'll show you the outfit with like i'll 114:50 cover myself up a bit there okay 114:52 because you know 114:54 as i said not to brag or anything but 114:57 it's not exactly like a small thing to 114:59 hide 115:01 okay that it 100 to brag but like you 115:03 know what i mean okay 115:06 i actually don't know how i look 115:08 um 115:10 i actually don't know how i look yet 115:12 uh i was pretty much just looking at my 115:14 dick 115:16 hold on so this is gonna be the first 115:19 time i see me too oh yeah and you can 115:21 definitely see the bra 115:22 um that's another thing which is a bit 115:24 like 115:25 okay 115:28 ready 115:29 let me like stick my head in the camera 115:31 right 115:33 oh okay ready 115:35 and three two one 115:38 oh my god 115:40 um 115:42 hi 115:45 me this is baggy by the way look 115:47 weight loss buddy um so 115:51 okay 115:57 i'm gonna cross my legs for this because 115:59 i think i kind of need to 116:02 it's baggy look at that 116:11 see what i 116:12 mean um i could wear this but i just 116:15 can't stand up 116:17 wait you were just looking at your pp 116:20 did it take you so long to find it 116:23 should have used a magnifying glass 116:27 okay here's what i can do white wide 116:30 belt 116:31 i mean 116:33 i don't know 116:35 okay here's what i can do 116:36 hey what about heels 116:38 remove the corset 116:40 uh 116:41 nah it's fine 116:43 okay 116:44 i don't want to fill it out more 116:47 okay here's what i'll do 116:49 um 116:53 i can get up stand up and everything 116:55 like that in 116:58 in heels oh no not in heels in a skirt 117:01 but i can't necessarily do it like this 117:04 because like 117:06 i mean hold on i don't really want to 117:07 show like 117:08 there's the there's the what's it called 117:10 there's the bunny tail 117:12 and i don't mind sitting like this 117:15 but 117:18 oh my god 117:21 wait where did rose go all i see is a 117:24 cute pink bunny see the 117:27 tail 117:28 also the straps of the [ __ ] hold on 117:30 it's absolutely cool so kind of hanging 117:31 out so sorry about the aesthetic change 117:33 but 117:34 yeah the outfit's cute 117:37 looks like a pretty less than three also 117:39 high chat smile 117:41 but 117:44 yeah 117:46 but like you've gotta you gotta be fine 117:47 with this i'll do a vote on it whether 117:50 you i'll hold on i'll do a vote on it 117:52 right let me do a poll 117:55 it's a little bit um what's it called 117:59 it's a little bit very short though 118:01 just just a tiny tiny bit very very 118:03 short i should raise the [ __ ] camera 118:06 up a little bit 118:08 a little bit a little bit exposed 118:10 not gonna lie okay 118:14 all right 118:18 but it also means i can't really stand 118:20 up without taking the camera off if you 118:22 pick no skirt 118:23 very short suits you 118:25 oh thanks 118:30 by the way there's no skirt for this 118:32 outfit so there's like i can grab like 118:34 so this would be the skirt i'd have it's 118:36 a different type of pink but 118:39 that is a thing 118:42 this definitely needs to go on twitter 118:44 ah but 118:47 in all seriousness has tucking become 118:50 easier less uncomfortable 118:52 yeah actually it has uh it's become a 118:54 lot easier i got better at it 118:56 um 118:57 like to the point where i can just sit 118:59 like this kind of um do you have arm 119:02 sleeve gloves or however they are called 119:06 not white ones or pink ones 119:09 no 119:10 i have black ones and i have per like 119:12 bright purple ones and neither of them 119:14 would work with this really 119:17 someone had to do it 119:18 onlyfins.uk 119:22 wait really 119:26 i don't want to get ratted or anything 119:29 but that's very specific to not be real 119:37 [Music] 119:41 was just checking in but couldn't resist 119:43 sending a reward after you got all 119:45 dressed up 119:47 looking very cute today thank you 119:50 thanks for the [ __ ] 250 dollars holy 119:53 [ __ ] 119:55 um 119:55 it covers more than your bikini 119:59 yet technically 120:01 um it's still a bit 120:03 revealing 120:05 just redirect but cool link redirects to 120:07 what 120:09 i'm i'm gonna straighten my titties out 120:12 okay 120:14 i have to leave for 20 minutes okay boys 120:16 i'm gonna get my [ __ ] and balls out for 120:18 20 minutes yeah just kidding 120:21 all right 120:22 um 120:24 purple might work oh skirt one okay 120:26 purple i don't think would work it's 120:28 it's not like lavender it's like purple 120:30 like dark purple 120:32 i don't know 120:34 um if you wanted to take a screenshot or 120:36 something i could put it on twitter 120:38 let's see 120:39 um reminding you owe me a kiss 120:42 i mean [ __ ] do you oh [ __ ] hey 120:46 um 120:50 hold on 120:51 i have kind of an idea 120:55 [ __ ] hold on 120:57 let me like make this look half good 121:00 i can like just sit like this 121:05 you're gonna see just my whole ass if i 121:07 continue doing that [ __ ] hell 121:11 jesus um 121:13 if you're all black heels the black 121:14 gloves might work i don't know it's very 121:16 like a white and pink look though not 121:18 sure 121:19 if i had white heels i don't have white 121:21 anything really i'm unpure i do have 121:23 white heels actually 121:25 i'm wrong about that do i 121:28 i do somewhere 121:30 i know i have some form of white heels 121:33 um but i don't know where it 121:34 is it's 4 26 9 [ __ ] yeah thanks k cobra 121:40 and pure 121:42 oh damn 121:44 damn the [ __ ] rewards whenever i 121:46 dress slowly um you do have white heels 121:48 yeah i know um i just don't know where 121:50 they are thank you for the [ __ ] subs 121:52 dude 121:53 um 121:54 [ __ ] 121:57 they might be in my bedroom 122:00 oh cool fins online click on email link 122:05 oh look he's dressed as a hoe on twitch 122:07 shakes head and laughs while thinking to 122:09 himself dude is getting paid no 122:12 complaints dude is getting paid oh [ __ ] 122:15 i broke this thing 122:16 look 122:17 [ __ ] god damn it 122:19 how did i already break this 122:22 what the hell fine you already have the 122:24 usual folder oh okay fair 122:26 um 122:27 all right let's like let's do this for a 122:29 sec then i'll keep the chat there i 122:31 can't see 122:32 um 122:34 let's do 122:37 this for a sec 122:39 [Music] 122:40 actually let's just turn it off for a 122:41 sec 122:42 would drag my balls through a mile of 122:44 broken glass just to hear you fart into 122:47 a wall 122:49 i clicked the wrong one 122:52 i meant to do that but 122:54 [ __ ] 122:56 okay that was quite funny 123:00 legendary down bad moment 123:02 okay 123:03 all right let's do some uh 123:07 [ __ ] 123:08 that's where it broke see that hold on 123:11 i'm like now i'm [ __ ] out of focus 123:15 [Music] 123:17 okay 123:23 [Music] 123:27 so you have the purple glove bunny ears 123:29 red dress does that mean jessica rabbit 123:31 halloween cosplay 123:40 i don't know um 123:48 i that's what it was meant for 123:50 but 124:02 okay 124:03 i've gotta have one there i've gotta 124:04 i've got one from disney there 124:07 let me get back in focus 124:09 okay 124:11 right so skirt or nose get 124:14 uh the best person hey 124:24 we voted for skirt last time so you can 124:26 kind of go [ __ ] yourself 124:29 oh it's uncomfortable enough that 124:31 laughing makes me feel like my [ __ ] i 124:33 don't know 124:35 [Music] 124:41 uh 124:43 skirt if it's white it's a pink skirt 124:45 it's this pink skirt 124:47 not the mismatched pink one please i 124:49 don't have a light pink skirt um i've 124:52 only got this one 124:54 ah 124:59 [ __ ] what about um 125:04 do i have a light pink skirt i can check 125:06 but i'm not gonna be able to 125:12 hmm 125:15 i don't know 125:17 to be 125:18 honest you look really sexy in this 125:21 outfit especially with these fishnets 125:24 thank you 125:25 um i try 125:27 i try my hardest to look as best as i 125:29 can 125:31 good lord you do donate a lot more 125:33 whenever i'm dressed in something 125:35 whenever i'm dressed in something a bit 125:36 more skimpy um 125:39 by the way the lipstick's like basically 125:40 just red now do we do a different color 125:43 uh something more pinky because 125:46 i we either okay we can do the lip gloss 125:49 from last time the same color i will on 125:50 the left right leg actually looked 125:52 pretty great 125:56 my left or your right my what my 125:59 my left or your left 126:01 uh left leg over right leg hold on 126:05 half here pug 126:20 you can like see through 126:22 this where the fishnets come up too 126:26 has there ever been a time when you've 126:27 told you dad not to check in on your 126:29 stream because you knew you were going 126:31 to be a slot no because i know he would 126:34 i know he would check in on stream 126:37 that's exactly why 126:38 look no panty line uh there is 126:40 definitely a penny line 126:41 uh you just can't see it 126:47 uh you just it's not that see-through 126:49 because i'm wearing 126:52 light-colored ones i'm not gonna really 126:54 like 126:55 i'm not gonna i'm not gonna tell you 126:56 that i mean you're not gonna see it now 126:58 i know you're not gonna see it 127:00 your nips look cold 127:01 you can't see them you can see a bra the 127:04 features of it anyway 127:06 just damn with the weight loss but now 127:08 the outfit is too baggy you need bigger 127:11 bobs to fill it out better also you lost 127:14 the stick ripper 127:18 no it's still there this one's just 127:19 meant to be there um i didn't lose the 127:22 stitch ripper 127:23 it's somewhere i know it's somewhere 127:25 [Music] 127:28 oh donna's myself 127:32 okay we'll do a vote on it [ __ ] it 127:34 okay there we go we'll do a vote on it 127:36 it should be back any second there it is 127:39 plastic surgery okay so pink lipstick or 127:42 uh plastic surgery that's the pole hold 127:45 on 127:46 uh 127:49 you have if you have a black and pink 127:50 skirt it's my birthday today and this 127:53 outfit is the best present also please 127:55 show feat 127:57 i don't know if i'm allowed to now that 127:58 you've said that 128:00 like that's that's kind of how twitch's 128:01 rules on it i can't really be paid to do 128:03 it 128:04 give it an hour um 128:06 okay right let me do the pole mods i'm 128:08 doing the poll hold on 128:11 okay 128:14 ah right pink 128:16 okay 128:18 pink lip gloss 128:22 i think plus lip gloss 128:24 uh 128:25 what else is there 128:28 just keep adding them pink plus lip 128:30 gloss plus glitter uh 128:35 pink pinkles glittery [ __ ] it 128:38 what else is there with pinkiness 128:40 um 128:42 nude 128:44 pink 128:46 okay 128:47 right go 128:49 stop tugging on the top of the outfit 128:51 you'll tear it worse 128:54 i can't tell it was 128:56 i have a hot glue gun 128:58 okay let's see for lips 129:01 all right what will it be what could it 129:03 possibly be 129:04 um 129:06 let me grab them all that i need 129:08 okay i really only have 129:10 four options listed there that don't use 129:12 each other 129:13 okay the nude one 129:15 okay it's a bit more ready 129:20 that's darker 129:23 that's very dark okay so this one for 129:25 nude 129:26 okay 129:28 um 129:31 photographs what do you think i use the 129:32 most 129:34 uh i used the 129:36 leg what the [ __ ] 129:38 legalese when he painted his toes 129:41 oh yeah i don't have my toenails painted 129:43 either yet 129:44 paint your townhouse alright thanks for 129:45 coming in just now i don't have them 129:47 painted either um 129:49 all right i don't have them painted yet 129:51 choker for the playboy bunny effect 129:53 oh [ __ ] do i ever 129:56 do i have one please walk to the other 129:58 side of the room and totally don't show 130:00 us your feet if i got up and walked 130:02 around i couldn't show you the front of 130:04 me um 130:06 i don't think i'm allowed to uh 130:10 why are you a rabbit 130:13 why are you a little [ __ ] 130:17 idiot 130:18 okay [ __ ] god 130:20 what a joke from yesterday oh the bell 130:22 one 130:23 hold on i there might be a better one 130:25 that oh my god i'm trying to like tuck 130:27 this in the back of me 130:30 okay 130:35 can you like tell us from the 130:36 back yeah you can there's a little bump 130:38 okay it's fine 130:40 uh 130:43 back is the thing you can show yeah 130:45 technically the back i can show but like 130:47 i don't think it's gonna look good in 130:48 this 130:49 i don't know 130:51 wow 130:53 what the [ __ ] 130:56 holy [ __ ] that is 130:58 70 percent of the vote went to one of 131:00 them 131:00 [ __ ] hell 131:02 pink heart choker please 131:06 oh my god where is that actually hold on 131:08 i don't know where that is uh 131:12 [ __ ] hold on 131:14 i'm not entirely sure where it is 131:18 um 131:22 yeah i'm not 100 sure on where that is 131:24 but that would be a good fit 131:26 i found it 131:29 this one 131:31 i found it holy [ __ ] 131:33 okay 131:34 we can have another vote for the choker 131:36 it is a slightly different pink again it 131:38 kind of looks salmon when you compare it 131:40 to this 131:41 um 131:42 you have not seen any cake hold on let 131:44 me do my lipstick first but 131:47 i guess i'll put the [ __ ] 131:49 right wait wait so i have here's what 131:51 i've got by the way 131:52 uh i've got to grab this other option 131:54 then hold on 131:56 okay what i usually do when we do 131:59 like glittery lip gloss all that is i 132:01 usually use the lip stain and then go 132:03 over it with that we also have the very 132:05 very bright 132:06 pink 132:07 should i do the very very bright pink 132:08 and then do the gloss on it or 132:11 what do 132:12 so this one's going to be a bit like 132:13 darker colored and this one's going to 132:15 be a lighter color which may match the 132:17 outfit a bit better 132:19 but 132:22 i think i may go with the lighter one so 132:23 it matches a bit better 132:26 okay 132:29 match okay lighter 132:42 [Music] 132:44 okay 132:45 this is the kind of outfit that deserves 132:48 multiple picks head to toe 132:52 maybe not uh 133:00 i don't know about the head stir thing 133:11 loving the blue and white stripes 133:13 winking face 133:15 where 133:16 where's the blue 133:18 it's only pink right now 133:20 [Music] 133:24 i can't remember the last time when i 133:26 saw a cute bunny eat a banana i'm sure 133:29 today is going to be special 133:32 oh no it is inevitable that you will 133:34 grab a banana again today 133:37 why am i so damn bad see i dre no here 133:40 right now sorry 133:43 okay then i do light pink on top 133:47 like very light pink on top 133:59 and i don't do much of this just to make 134:01 it glossy 134:09 and then i go over that one only a 134:12 little bit 134:13 on millie's technique i do the glitter 134:26 just pat it on the middle 134:28 and there we go okay 134:31 it's only only a little bit slightly 134:33 lighter than the other one 134:34 uh 134:41 that's [ __ ] bimbo [ __ ] jesus that 134:43 pose 134:47 okay 134:48 i think that did pretty well 134:50 carrot i do have carrots 134:57 i just let them dress me up again do you 134:59 have carrots you could nibble on one i 135:02 have a i have 135:04 carrot sticks 135:07 like that's the best i can do really 135:10 hold on 135:12 wait oh shall i show you the choker so 135:13 here's the choker here's what it would 135:15 be like 135:18 without 135:20 with 135:21 um and then here's the one from 135:24 i have no idea where the one from before 135:26 was 135:27 it's gone 135:29 or there's a very light pink one 135:32 that says rose 135:34 oh no we can't do that one it matches i 135:36 get it but i look like such a hoe if i 135:38 wore that 135:41 i know that the color matches but [ __ ] 135:44 dude seriously what has your life become 135:48 i heard that this dude is deep throating 135:50 bananas on stream no 135:52 and only for 1k 135:56 behavior oh really 135:59 the rose one looks good it's just a 136:01 little bit a little bit hoey 136:03 okay let's do a poll 136:06 okay 136:07 though the heart one's not the color's 136:09 not gonna match completely though 136:13 so that's the heart one 136:15 and then this is the color of the rose 136:17 one matches it but 136:19 i look like a bit of a [ __ ] 136:22 okay well either way i'm gonna kind of 136:23 look like a bit of a [ __ ] um 136:26 choker 136:28 rose 136:30 all right okay right go 136:32 vote we're backwards it's still 136:40 yeah the choker makes you look that way 136:42 it okay shut up it does okay it's just 136:45 that 136:46 i'm just completely normally 136:50 i'm just completely normally other than 136:51 that fact 136:52 other than that i'm good 136:57 copium white necklace i don't have one 137:00 um 137:02 i still don't think i do 137:04 no 137:05 you really are in your bimbo pink phase 137:08 these days aren't you also let me break 137:10 your brain for a second do you know why 137:13 sand is called sand slash because it's 137:15 between the sea and the land also i'd 137:18 advocate for the heart one even though i 137:21 bought the roars 137:24 good point 137:26 stop [ __ ] slut-shaming rouse i'm not a 137:28 [ __ ] there's not i'm not 137:31 what the [ __ ] is the poll lip injection 137:33 so many people ask me about lip 137:34 injections 137:35 uh they last like six months 137:40 they last like six months i don't know 137:42 if that will be happening um 137:45 all right what's the pot it's all for ro 137:47 it's 70 of the vote 137:53 [ __ ] okay 137:57 right you're a horn on a slot a town 137:59 hall actually 138:03 okay let's try it 138:05 big hoop earrings oh my [ __ ] god i 138:07 don't know who pairings suit this ah 138:10 [ __ ] 138:12 hold on 138:14 the village bike 138:16 what what does that mean 138:19 what does the village bike mean 138:26 stuff said it so i know it wasn't a 138:27 misspell 138:32 ridden by everyone 138:36 but wouldn't i be the one riding 138:39 or am i just like a stud like 138:42 ridden by everyone like that doesn't 138:44 that mean like 138:46 what 138:48 yeah wait doesn't that mean that i'm 138:50 like [ __ ] a bunch of people but like 138:52 as the guy 138:53 you know being ridden on 138:55 because girls right you know what do you 138:57 mean 138:59 oh 139:01 wouldn't it be you right everyone 139:04 haha 139:08 okay 139:10 you know what's weird after everything 139:12 i've worn this feels the [ __ ] this 139:14 one feels like i am the most 139:16 inappropriate 139:20 good lord 139:22 it's gotten worse like every day 139:24 [ __ ] okay 139:26 um 139:31 okay 139:32 there's a good reason for that indeed 139:33 hello my fellow gamer any tips on gaming 139:36 i'd like to become as pog of a gamer as 139:39 you 139:40 oh 139:41 no i'm bad at it i'm bad at all gaming 139:44 [ __ ] okay let me grab uh shall i grab 139:46 the heels if your ears pissed 139:48 if you had your ears pierced you could 139:50 use all sorts of appropriate earrings 139:53 and not just the clip-on ones 139:56 damn the thighs though 139:58 as soon as i stand up it's not gonna 139:59 look like this these are my thighs it's 140:01 going to go back to being shaped like an 140:02 arrow watch all right i'm going to go 140:03 grab the heels bye-bye 140:26 [Music] 140:30 bikes don't ride people people ride 140:32 bikes 140:33 p.s still here 140:36 i don't know where they are 140:38 uh i can't find them anywhere 140:44 yeah i don't know where the [ __ ] they 140:45 are dude 140:48 and 140:50 i have no [ __ ] clue where the heels 140:52 are 140:53 we may have to just live without 140:56 slash maybe just the pink ones 141:00 pink heels may have to work 141:02 i'm not really sure 141:14 dude stop hiding your paper you are 141:16 tucked you can still see it like you can 141:19 still see a visible like 141:21 you know you can still see it 141:23 a little bit not it's not like it's 141:26 you know you can still see it anyway 141:29 prove it no you can shush 141:33 suck a shot glass full of lips ah yeah i 141:35 knew that but i'm not gonna um 141:38 all right what what heels do you want 141:40 it's kinda gotta be pink right but 141:42 there's only two types of pink ones 141:44 there's these 141:46 oh my god [ __ ] i just [ __ ] probably 141:48 broke that not the heel but the thing i 141:50 dropped 141:51 [ __ ] 141:54 okay 141:56 there's these 141:58 these ones you guys didn't particularly 142:00 like these before 142:02 or 142:04 they may work with this 142:06 or the thigh-high ones 142:10 that i wore last time 142:11 oh no i only wore them for a second and 142:13 then does bunny outfit easter is 4th of 142:16 april date is 15th of october confirmed 142:19 f1 nn isn't stupid f1n is just desperate 142:23 to crack 142:25 [Music] 142:28 well i wanted that choker but i think 142:31 you look better without it so take it 142:33 off 142:34 oh okay we'll do a revert on it but 142:36 let's do the heels first 142:39 okay which ones 142:40 the thigh highs are a better color i 142:42 don't agree with that i don't have any 142:43 white ones or clear ones 142:45 i don't think no 142:48 i have over there there's only black and 142:50 red there used to be white ones i'm kind 142:52 of annoyed because i don't know where 142:53 they [ __ ] where they went anyway 142:57 i don't have any media share stream 143:01 oh i don't know hold on hills 143:08 no 143:10 okay 143:11 there you go do a voice changer it 143:13 wouldn't sound good and you know it 143:15 wouldn't sound good they always sound 143:16 like roboty 143:19 anyway while you're doing that bottom 143:21 i'm a little bit hungry i'm gonna munch 143:23 on some carrots like a rabbit 143:26 are you sure you have no blue and white 143:28 stripes on you 143:30 kappa yeah i'm wearing all pink 143:34 what 143:45 i can't make you getting a carrot sexual 143:47 at all 143:51 okay 143:55 ah 143:56 is pistol platinum blonde when 143:59 i'm never gonna be platinum platinum 144:00 blonde and uh i'm already in a corset 144:03 but it's just i didn't manage to 144:04 actually tighten it down all the way 144:06 because it's too loose on me oh should i 144:08 need to buy another one 144:10 so 144:11 i'm sorry brother one oh what the [ __ ] 144:16 okay 144:18 dude i was so 144:20 in in the back of my head i'm like oh 144:21 wow i can't lift my leg up too high what 144:23 if they see my underwear what if they 144:26 find out that i'm 144:28 [ __ ] sake i'll lift my skirt up 144:31 jesus christ 144:35 being a [ __ ] has its benefits 144:37 um 144:41 okay 144:44 oh by the way 144:45 just 144:46 i don't think i'll ever dye my hair 144:48 which skirt 144:50 yeah i'm not wearing one if i was gonna 144:52 wear one i'd wear this one um it's not 144:54 really the right color though and we're 144:56 trying to match colors here because you 144:58 know 144:58 that's what matters 145:01 i'm sure the majority of people 145:03 that like 145:04 oh my god 145:07 hold on 145:09 i'm sure the majority of people that 145:10 didn't want me to wear a skirt don't 145:12 want to don't want me to wear it because 145:14 it doesn't match 145:15 not for any other reason 145:17 we're going a very very pink aesthetic 145:19 today yeah 145:20 are you meeting with the voice lady 145:22 again 145:22 uh yeah i just haven't booked another 145:24 session yet i don't know what the date 145:25 is for it 145:27 okay hold on 145:29 heels are on um 145:32 heels are on there you go 145:34 back 145:35 all right let me see hold on 145:38 there 145:40 i know it doesn't quite match but still 145:43 okay 145:46 a wooga 145:47 i'm slowly learning to walk better in 145:49 heels too 145:52 how's kyle i don't know i haven't talked 145:53 to him yet 145:57 cylinder shape yeah 145:59 i'm shaped like just that 146:02 but 146:04 digging out oh yeah in house match too 146:07 [ __ ] bimbo hours bro 146:11 hi finn i just wanted to thank you for 146:13 the cool reaction you had about my 146:15 cousin's newborn baby girl last stream 146:18 it made my day i finally have a small 146:20 update about her would you like to hear 146:22 it of course it's another emotional 146:24 roller coaster if you want to hear it 146:26 i'll send another donut with update 146:28 sure 146:29 do i want to 146:30 buy pink crocs ah great idea except 146:33 crocs feel awful on your feet 146:36 unless you're in socks 146:40 you eating 146:43 chat me eating is gross i'm sorry 146:50 i guess you don't want me to eat another 146:51 banana 147:06 my god i've conglomerated so many 147:07 verified twitch users 147:11 so many streamers in my chat 147:13 backflip oh hell yeah on that right away 147:15 but i just i can't do it in these heels 147:17 i'm so sorry 147:21 [ __ ] hell dude it surprised me every 147:23 goddamn time we're pink rocks in sports 147:26 mode 147:29 oh yeah i don't own any pink rocks i 147:31 easily could i also need to buy a new 147:33 corset uh so let me grab onto amazon 147:35 real quick i can't screen share it 147:37 because obviously it's going to show my 147:38 address uh but i'm going to go into my 147:40 orders and i'll show you the course that 147:41 i have just in case anyone wants to buy 147:43 it 147:45 so i think i ordered this one 147:48 in 147:49 yeah i ordered this one in medium and i 147:51 need to order a small one 147:53 i'm gonna order a black one though 147:54 instead 147:56 oh [ __ ] should i order two they're like 147:58 40 pounds each though plus rep btw for 148:01 defending yourself any idiot in the 148:04 trans community offended by you doing 148:06 this is just an idiot i think your 148:08 content and rose character is great keep 148:11 going there we are 148:13 thank you 148:15 that's nice 148:16 be realistic tucking is definitely not 148:19 comfortable but i have a idea say bye 148:22 bye pp 148:25 oh my god that's such a good idea 148:27 and i can get rid of the balls as well 148:29 and then it'd be really comfortable to 148:30 tuck like three months of watching 148:33 you guys are so much smarter than me all 148:34 right how do i get that to happen who 148:36 can do it in this chat right now 148:38 uh here's the course by the way try 148:40 dipping those carrots in a sour cream 148:43 herbs sauce oh 148:46 sorry i'm on a diet i can't i can't have 148:48 any cream 148:49 um so i need to order a small one which 148:51 is sounds cool to say um 148:54 but yeah this is the one just in case 148:55 you want to find it it costs a good 148:57 amount of money for a corset but they 149:00 are pretty [ __ ] good they're like 149:02 heavy [ __ ] a lot of boning in 149:04 it it's really good though 149:06 or you even fit very definitely a very 149:08 good one um but 149:10 um 149:12 wait is that is getting a mesh one gonna 149:14 be better it doesn't seem like it would 149:16 be should i get a white one and a black 149:18 one it's gonna be like [ __ ] a hundred 149:20 dollars though 149:23 do i take the plunge 149:26 the white ones came in really handy for 149:27 this because you'd be able to see a 149:28 black one 149:30 hmm 149:32 do i get a white one too boning in it 149:34 yeah there's steel boning it's called 149:37 [ __ ] 149:40 buy both 149:43 if i [ __ ] about how much something 149:45 costs you're gonna you're gonna complain 149:46 at me because i've got because of it you 149:48 know the donut look up woman's polo 149:51 dress 149:54 uh women's polo dress 149:59 oh yeah okay that looks kind of [ __ ] 150:02 cool 150:04 hell i'd wear both 150:08 it was it was uh 80 pounds actually it 150:11 was 84 pounds 150:14 sorry already 83 pounds 150:18 i don't know if i should get both 150:20 yeah these look cool actually 150:22 oh my god what the [ __ ] have i stumbled 150:23 across hold on 150:24 let me like uh these are expensive for 150:27 amazon 150:28 all right let's go on to this all right 150:29 look so something like this they look 150:31 kind of dope there's a polo that's a 150:34 dress pretty [ __ ] cool looking i 150:36 don't mind that comes in comes in white 150:38 comes in black comes in pink comes in 150:41 pink 150:42 uh also pink and blue 150:44 do i get every color they're 35 150:48 let's do some shopping boys what do you 150:50 think it's a bit long though 150:53 long can be pretty good for my 150:54 day-to-day life considering i'm doing 150:56 girl month 150:57 not as good as the tennis dress you miss 150:59 mislaid 151:02 yeah you're right i know you're right 151:03 but like still 151:07 fine let's [ __ ] find a different one 151:10 it's it's 151:14 it comes in pink indeed the pink ones 151:16 plus black the pink ones all of them 151:22 how much is that gonna be hold on 151:24 ah would i be medium in this or large 151:26 [ __ ] i don't know um 151:30 [ __ ] i have no idea 151:37 four corsets or plugs your choice 151:42 oh what 151:44 thanks by the way 151:49 all right and we need uh some butt plugs 151:51 might be tennis dress zip cuter than 151:54 polo shirt buttons fight me i know it is 151:58 i agree with you but there ha i 152:00 i'll find it it's got to be here 152:02 somewhere i just couldn't find it now 152:03 find it now 152:07 english in chat please i will remove any 152:10 messages in other languages because i 152:12 can't be bothered having to translate 152:14 all of them to find the bigots trying to 152:16 hide their scummy messages 152:20 it's made of good stuff too 96 cotton on 152:22 our last name that's [ __ ] good 152:23 materials 152:25 [ __ ] okay 152:26 it's for that would be medium my 152:28 shoulders have not shrank any though 152:30 even due to all the weight loss my 152:31 shoulders have not shrank yet 152:33 um i could get a large one it's just 152:35 gonna really sag around like my lower 152:37 hand just sent you an argyle white and 152:39 blue one 152:42 an argyle white and blue one of a polo 152:44 dress or of the tennis dress 152:47 oh i don't know 152:49 maybe i should measure my shoulder so i 152:50 actually know 152:51 uh 152:54 usually i'm like somewhere in between 152:55 medium and large but 152:57 um 153:00 there's no real thing of like this runs 153:03 small or this runs large 153:05 oh my god 153:07 so it's kind of hard to tell 153:10 oh well the black one's only available 153:11 in medium so [ __ ] it we'll give that one 153:13 a shot 153:14 um 153:15 sweet baby ella rose still has fluid in 153:18 her lungs so she is struggling to 153:19 breathe 153:20 that's why she is in the neonatal icu 153:22 where she has a nurse nearby 24 7. 153:26 thankfully she is a little better today 153:28 my family has been getting pictures 153:30 throughout the day i'll try to keep 153:32 every 153:33 ah 153:34 i'll try to 153:35 [ __ ] cut off i'll try to keep everyone 153:38 updated with the progress thank you to 153:39 everyone for your thoughts and prayers 153:41 this sweet two day two day old needs all 153:43 the help she can get 153:45 wow [ __ ] 153:47 that's [ __ ] 153:48 ugh that was a roller coaster you're 153:50 right damn i hop dude again [ __ ] 153:53 thoughts impress the little baby yeah 153:55 they're uh 153:57 i do hope they get better that sucks 153:59 terrible timing and now i asked for it 154:01 um 154:03 it was mixed in with a bunch of people 154:05 in chat going like you should buy hips 154:08 get a [ __ ] bbl but then it's like 154:11 then a very sad one but oh well i hope i 154:14 get better my thoughts to you my guy 154:18 oh [ __ ] 154:20 hold on at least she's feeling better 154:25 a little bit better together uh that's 154:27 always a good sign that they'll continue 154:28 to get better i guess finn how are you 154:30 so cute uh always 154:32 there's hold on i get do i have a voice 154:35 changer installed i think i do but it's 154:37 not gonna be any good 154:39 um 154:41 i don't hold on 154:45 uh 154:46 [Music] 154:48 okay 154:51 let's see if i can get it i'll just i'll 154:53 just quickly download clownfish or 154:54 something 154:55 hold on 154:56 uh is it 60 what the [ __ ] 155:01 uh there's just two of the same links 155:04 okay 155:05 interesting 155:07 all right i'll grab this 155:10 i hope this doesn't [ __ ] do some dumb 155:12 [ __ ] like turn off stream or something 155:16 okay 155:19 uh 155:22 what the hell 155:38 can you hear me 155:41 oh there it is what the [ __ ] it just 155:42 stopped for a second 155:44 oh i got scared 155:47 oh my god 155:49 all right 155:53 you need to add the software caption now 155:54 it makes an audio uh in place i think 155:57 let's see 156:01 all right i haven't done anything yet i 156:04 don't know if this is doing anything at 156:06 all is it oh okay it is working 156:08 well this is female apparently 156:11 doesn't sound quite good then does it 156:14 this is supposed to be a female voice i 156:16 think this matches female voice 156:18 perfectly what do you think i think it's 156:20 gonna be perfect 156:24 yeah i thought so too absolutely 156:26 flawless sounding good looking good 156:29 that's what i'm all about 156:33 my god 156:34 okay i think it would be better if i 156:36 just did like this or something like 156:38 this is just my regular voice but one 156:41 one in the other direction and it's 156:43 still gonna sound robotic 156:46 tommy in it 156:50 no 156:51 how how how um 156:57 500 shadow points for real voice 156:59 okay 157:00 uh what about now 157:06 this is good 157:09 a woman in it 157:13 uh wait which one is this one and which 157:15 one is 157:30 yes 157:31 i don't have any that i don't know what 157:32 to find 157:33 i could do i could continue to do some 157:35 amazon shopping 157:37 deep 157:39 okay can i turn this off 157:46 there we go is it off now 157:48 oh by the way was that was that last one 157:51 uh 157:52 tts isn't sounding on stream okay i'll 157:54 fix that 157:55 um donut muted i don't know why but i'll 157:58 fix it um 158:01 is that one like is that last one was 158:02 that deeper so deep okay hold on 158:08 what about like this then isn't this 158:10 just like a tiny tiny tiny bit like 158:18 see what i mean it doesn't sound good in 158:20 like any way can't know the difference 158:22 yeah or like let's go 158:24 there you i still don't think that's 158:27 like 158:29 that's normal 158:30 uh bearable opposite direction wait is 158:32 this deeper 158:35 is this deeper or less 158:42 okay 158:46 what about now 158:47 how's this 158:51 are they both going in higher okay 158:54 but like this one's not gonna be good 158:56 either they're not gonna sound good 158:59 not bad i can't [ __ ] hear it 159:02 is it 159:05 there's a denoiser 159:08 what the [ __ ] i don't know what that did 159:10 might not have done anything but still 159:12 weird 159:13 interesting 159:15 it's bad it's i immediately after it's 159:17 bad and not bad 159:20 anyway this is fruit fly 159:22 okay it's stupid i'm going to turn it 159:24 off there we go 159:28 i know you can't hear this 159:30 but i don't know i'm back i'm back i'm 159:32 back 159:32 okay let me some let me [ __ ] around with 159:35 streamlabs then because i'm not entirely 159:37 sure why that just stopped 159:40 working 159:44 odd 159:47 let me run this 159:50 uh afinster hiding uh check out hiding 159:54 cross-dressing gaff panties on amazon 159:56 there might be an alternative to tucking 159:58 i've tried them before they don't work 159:59 um 160:01 let me let me replay the donor 160:04 just because i have no idea if this 160:06 works okay that's it's not working is it 160:08 ah [ __ ] how do i get this to work again 160:13 i just broke it 160:15 audio is routed through the voice 160:16 changer 160:18 okay 160:22 it's not 160:24 at all 160:26 what the hell 160:34 okay maybe this 160:36 uh 160:37 i'm gonna replay it again hold on 160:41 i wanna see 160:44 what can i 160:45 it's not working [ __ ] did i break it i 160:48 just [ __ ] broke down i was 160:50 [ __ ] i'm just gonna have to restart this 160:52 but if i restart it then the stream's 160:54 gonna stop so i don't [ __ ] know 160:56 i can hear it fine tts is on but it's 160:58 hella quiet you're wrong you can just 161:00 hear it through this um it is on 161:03 but it's like it's just not actually 161:05 playing show the fit with heels i've 161:07 shown it and i don't like getting up 161:10 obviously 161:14 here's the there's the heels i don't 161:15 know why like 161:17 yeah 161:17 i don't like standing though 161:20 i don't like standing there it's it's 161:22 muted on there what's it called i can 161:24 hear it fine because it's coming through 161:25 the monitor but anyway 161:28 ah audio kidnapped by voice changer yeah 161:32 let me let me turn the whole thing off 161:36 like stop it running 161:38 and then maybe it'll change i don't know 161:41 bulge i lost yeah there's a little bit 161:43 of a bulge because it's just the tuck 161:45 can't do everything 161:46 anyway 161:48 voicemail has multiple man-to-woman 161:50 options 161:51 uh manta one works best but you must 161:53 change your voice a little yeah still 161:57 i don't know it's just going to change 161:59 the 162:00 all it's going to do is just change the 162:01 [ __ ] what's it called the pitch of it 162:03 and just going to make you sound a bit 162:04 more like high-pitched that's not really 162:06 how it works 162:08 she's sh is she better any better at 162:10 walking in them i'm great at walking in 162:11 them i'm just not going to walk in them 162:14 because i have to stand up and you see 162:16 it it's [ __ ] ah when's the media 162:18 shares playing they probably won't play 162:20 because [ __ ] the audio's not working 162:22 anymore 162:27 anyway 162:29 wanna see bulge no 162:31 ugh 162:32 is your dad a beaver cause damn hold on 162:34 i'm still waiting until like some 162:36 different donor or something comes in so 162:37 i can test if that work put a skirt on 162:39 then i could 162:41 would you be fine with me putting a 162:42 skirt i mean i'm not gonna get up much 162:44 like what am i gonna do there's nothing 162:46 for me to do 162:47 anyway 162:51 um 162:56 okay 162:57 she could make you could make a vid with 162:59 willow me or mimi 163:00 uh they both follow me on twitter 163:03 and they're both in the uk i'm not sure 163:05 what they'd want to do but i'm down 163:15 fake nails yeah look at these 163:17 i like pink and [ __ ] 163:19 i did them my own look i did them myself 163:21 it worked out okay 163:25 but i've managed i keep poking myself 163:27 with them because i keep forgetting that 163:28 they're on and they're so spiky 163:37 well now streamlabs just isn't working 163:41 okay hold on 163:44 there it is it's still not working 163:46 though 163:49 hold on 163:58 okay i'm gonna end the clownfish task 164:02 but i don't think that fixed it 164:04 it didn't fix it i'm testing it now 164:06 yeah it's not fixed it 164:09 i think just installing it kind of 164:10 goofed it there's nothing running that 164:12 would take advantage of it 164:14 [ __ ] that sucks 164:18 i'll replay these but 164:20 sorry 164:31 that doesn't really work though you know 164:33 it doesn't make you sound more like a 164:34 woman it just makes you sound like 164:36 you're talking slower and saying words 164:37 properly 164:41 what 164:44 what is that even how i'm not funny 164:47 uh 164:49 where's my i know i've just read it 164:50 already 164:52 some knife tricks perhaps 164:54 hell yeah 164:57 uh the donor before said pitch up a 164:58 little bit talk slower and then see 164:59 that's what i was talking about 165:05 working great 165:07 every day 165:10 every day in every way you feel more 165:12 feminine and chat and chat can't hear 165:15 the subliminal message 165:18 oh i don't like that i read it out 165:20 because [ __ ] you 165:23 god that'd be weird 165:25 that would be really [ __ ] weird if 165:27 like there was a donut like that i go 165:28 like wow that's a weird donut you guys 165:30 are just like what what don't know i 165:31 don't know what you're talking about 165:32 it's just a voice in your head uh i 165:35 wanted some knife tricks can't find it 165:36 though i'm sorry 165:38 i'm busy eating carrots 165:42 busy crunching what 165:44 [Music] 165:45 what how did you learn your knife tricks 165:48 ah i just flung it around a bit until it 165:49 did it 165:52 hey there bunny boy 165:54 hey dude thanks for the 14 month sub and 165:57 thanks for the twitch prime dude 166:02 god this is hard to chew carrots bro i 166:05 can't continue talking 166:08 um 166:09 yeah you can't eat carrot suggestedly 166:11 same thing by the way 166:13 i would like to point out 166:15 i make no promise of eating any bananas 166:18 and 166:20 which how many what what donor were we 166:22 at before the stream started what was it 166:24 at i can't exactly remember 166:29 but i think it's purely based on the 166:31 bananas 166:34 i saw it 166:36 and it wasn't it wasn't at all i feel 166:40 like i could do that voice if i really 166:41 wanted to 166:42 like all it was was when i was just 166:44 talking like this you know it's not like 166:46 i said february like that and it doesn't 166:48 sound like a female voice it sounds like 166:50 me 166:50 with whispering 166:52 in a slightly higher pitched voice it 166:54 doesn't sound like a female voice 166:58 that's pretty good wrong 167:01 prettier than most girls these days 167:03 right 167:06 but that's the exact same thing it was 167:08 just saying february or something like 167:10 that 167:12 it totally sound like a female voice 167:14 god you are easy to trick 167:18 the trick is uh sing or shout as a girl 167:21 eh 167:22 eh bellasong tricks i threw it over 167:24 there 167:25 is it that you just want me to go get 167:26 the [ __ ] balor song because it's over 167:29 there i 167:30 i like threw it all the way to the 167:31 [ __ ] tv 167:33 how many do you have one 167:35 i have one bala song because that ballot 167:37 sounds like a [ __ ] 150 bucks 167:40 just for the trainer 167:42 god 167:43 also you're i'm not gonna bend over i'm 167:44 just gonna like squat 167:48 it's really [ __ ] comfortable to squat 167:49 in heels too because you can just like 167:53 you can just like this is ver i'm just 167:55 sitting right now 167:56 on nothing 167:57 it's good 167:59 nope 168:02 is so [ __ ] baggy bro look at that 168:05 yeah 168:07 better pick that up 168:08 okay let me go pick it up then 168:10 one second 168:13 [ __ ] you 168:14 look at this 168:16 uh 168:18 anyway oh sucker chat is that really 168:21 what you're waiting for i'm just i'm not 168:22 gonna bend over like at the waist i'm 168:24 just gonna squat down like [ __ ] watch 168:26 it's gonna be the least sexual thing 168:28 ever hold on ah i [ __ ] bumped it with 168:30 the mic 168:38 okay 168:48 it's not gonna be a sexual thing 168:50 it's 168:56 you didn't see [ __ ] though 169:00 why are you freaking out about that you 169:01 didn't see anything 169:03 i didn't show my ass at all 169:05 there's no way that looked good 169:14 oop 169:16 how are you still freaking what the [ __ ] 169:17 did that look like 169:20 what 169:24 i want to see now i want to know now i 169:26 want to know where's the where where is 169:27 the clip bro 169:29 what the [ __ ] was it 169:31 maybe no a warning over 18 what the [ __ ] 169:34 did that look like what the [ __ ] i want 169:36 to know where's the clip i'm waiting for 169:37 the clip in the discord or some [ __ ] 169:41 what 169:43 i just bent down 169:46 pop out tit they are 169:48 uh i'm not going to though 169:54 i wonder why you are trying to hide the 169:56 bulge i think it is the only thing that 169:58 proves you are a manly man i don't know 170:01 it looks a little bit gross when you can 170:02 see it in like female clothes i guess 170:04 well not gross it's i'm not i'm not 170:06 grossed out i mean like the [ __ ] it's 170:08 just weird to see it i guess it's just 170:10 odd 170:12 sure 170:24 can 170:26 shut up stop calling me and i go you 170:27 know that was a mistype on this word 170:30 um 170:31 how's the cake 170:32 i'm sure the chair's doing really well 170:34 the oh by the way that like i should 170:37 really be reading out the donations 170:39 because i know they're not playing they 170:40 said um i wonder why you're trying to 170:42 hide the bulge i think it's the only 170:43 thing that proves you're a manly man and 170:45 then that guy said uh now juggle knife 170:47 smooth brain town war town whale good 170:50 lord 170:54 now the blender move i can't do that 170:55 that's really [ __ ] difficult same 170:57 thing with like i don't know what move 170:58 it is where i'm like where it's like 171:00 it spins around at the 171:02 handle or some [ __ ] i don't know 171:05 okay i found the clip what did this [ __ ] 171:07 look like 171:11 oh my god 171:13 that's not that bad 171:16 that's not that bad it's not that bad 171:18 look 171:20 i mean sure i've got like my legs spread 171:21 apart but still it's not like not bad 171:26 you just saw me from behind it's not 171:27 terrible 171:38 yes 171:40 yes 171:41 indeed 171:43 please do thanks for 171:56 ah 171:58 [ __ ] i don't know um 172:00 i don't really update when i'm streaming 172:02 i'm more just like so twitch has a 172:04 stream schedule thing and i usually if 172:07 i'm streaming i'll usually schedule them 172:09 at least two hours beforehand 172:12 um 172:13 usually i'll do it like at the start of 172:15 the day that i'd stream 172:17 um there hasn't been one would have that 172:19 i've done like 172:20 besides today weirdly enough there's 172:22 there's usually not ones like that but 172:24 sometimes i'll just stream randomly it's 172:26 kind of hard to keep up to date with my 172:28 schedule to be honest with you tts too 172:30 quiet i'm aware it's literally just not 172:32 on 172:33 um they asked about a makeup sorrel 172:35 stream and when i stream uh makeup 172:37 tutorial thing it's it's kind of like 172:41 it's kind of weird because then [ __ ] 172:43 i've got fake eyelashes on and when you 172:45 have fake eyelashes on like eyelash 172:47 extensions makeup gets infinitely easier 172:49 like way way way easier because you 172:51 don't need to bother with any like you 172:53 don't need eye shadow you don't need 172:55 like mascara on the top eyelash you 172:57 don't need eyeliner you don't need 172:58 another fake eyelash on top of it all 173:02 but 173:03 like lipstick looking good today hell 173:05 yeah although the gloss has kind of gone 173:07 away a little bit that's the thing about 173:09 lip gloss you kind of need to keep 173:10 reapplying it but 173:13 um let's try it 173:17 that's why girls keep lip gloss in there 173:19 uh what's it in their purses 173:21 at least that's my theory 173:30 there's the glitter 173:32 there we go 173:34 see it goes away after a little bit 173:36 ah 173:38 [Music] 173:39 eyeliner still looks amazing though yeah 173:41 i haven't done it in [ __ ] ages i 173:43 don't know if you'd want a tutorial on 173:44 eyeliner did you get a purse 173:46 i don't have a like i don't really have 173:48 a like a proper purse i have like a 173:51 black one and i have one that's like 173:53 i have one that i don't know where it is 173:54 but i know i own it i have one that's 173:56 like bluey and 173:59 yeah 174:00 it's all right the black one's a bit 174:02 more wearable though but it's also like 174:04 got frills on it so it also kind of not 174:06 i don't have like a proper something a 174:08 girl would wear purse you know 174:10 uh wait does garments mean you dress 174:12 like this constantly all day yes 174:15 uh 174:16 in that case what about those eyelash 174:18 extensions treatments 174:19 that last for like a month and they look 174:21 like false lashes but they don't like 174:23 come off 174:26 that's these buddy 174:28 that's what i wear exactly 174:31 well done that you managed to catch that 174:33 uh that's what these are 174:37 when i take my makeup off i still look 174:38 like this but without the freckles and 174:40 pink lips uh i even do my eyebrows every 174:43 day like oh well most days 174:46 it's just like i'd try and look a little 174:48 bit more feminine for like if i'm going 174:50 out and doing something i don't want to 174:51 just look like a guy plus i'm wearing a 174:53 mask so you really only see the eyebrows 174:55 anyway 174:56 but 174:57 ye 174:58 flex your arms 175:01 i feel like they're getting skinnier too 175:03 not a lot though this one's all right 175:05 this one i still got a little bit 175:08 a little bit of muscle 175:09 not a ton but still not bad 175:12 skin and also bones 175:14 wrong uh big muscle big muscly big guy 175:19 if you don't look at that but still 175:22 that's all right 175:23 you look more girly than most girls do 175:26 ah i'm five foot eleven 175:28 and i have fairly broad shoulders so i 175:31 don't look like really feminine in real 175:33 life i don't think i think i'm still 175:34 very much like 175:36 on camera at work sort of thing 175:39 5 foot 11 by the way 175:45 i'm definitely five foot eleven don't 175:46 listen to chat 175:48 at all 176:01 i think that i think it was floating a 176:03 little bit 176:04 like a little bit like a few centimeters 176:06 off the ground so i think i'm 5 foot 10. 176:11 yeah 176:13 five foot eleven in heels shut up i'm 176:16 i'm i'm gonna be like six foot something 176:18 in heels this time i'm not gonna change 176:20 the camera and do it again because [ __ ] 176:21 that took me a second to get back to 176:22 that 176:23 tts is off yeah it's [ __ ] not working 176:27 [ __ ] 176:29 oh god dressed up like this for no pay 176:32 none at all okay hold on where's i i 176:34 can't get it working either i think what 176:36 happened was like this genuinely just 176:38 just does just need to be restarted the 176:41 program because it just stopped working 176:42 when i installed something 176:45 yay crews 176:48 yeah there's not really any issue i can 176:49 deal with everything's set to the right 176:51 device nothing else is run in the 176:52 background i don't know 176:54 he's five foot nine i'm not five foot 176:57 nine i'm five foot nine and a half you 176:59 round up for that i would even say that 177:02 five foot uh nine and a half right it 177:04 was actually floating a little bit up to 177:07 make so it'd seem shorter on the scale 177:11 i'm like i'm probably 5 foot 9.6 177:14 and that means you definitely have to 177:15 round up 177:17 reset device options but it's an audio 177:20 it's on the mixer there's no device 177:29 there's audio input capture there's no 177:31 oh wait audio output capture 177:35 okay i added it 177:38 um maybe that'll work 177:42 hold on 177:45 oh it worked 177:47 i fixed it 177:52 i fixed the audio oh you're so smart 177:55 hell yeah we fixed it boys let's [ __ ] 177:57 go 177:58 i think we did it 178:00 um 178:01 all those noises oh it's this 178:05 it's a clip 178:06 we did it though right [ __ ] yeah now we 178:09 can uh donate to finn again 178:11 uh thank you that was exactly what it 178:14 was um 178:16 by the way the polo dress do we get polo 178:19 dresses 178:20 um they're the hold on 178:22 do we get any of the polo dresses chat 178:24 which one's these do we get any of these 178:27 there it is the audio let's [ __ ] go 178:28 oh [ __ ] 178:30 please ignore there it is 178:33 sorry i need to add it on this screen 178:35 let me add an audio device one sec 178:37 um 178:39 audio output capture add 178:42 there we go 178:44 check check one two three working black 178:48 one all right so i've added the black 178:50 one to the cart already 178:52 uh in medium should we get a pink one 178:55 but there's two pink ones there's very 178:56 pink and there's light pink 178:58 what thank you five foot nine and a half 179:01 picture proof is in council chat 179:05 i think it's fine i i think it was 179:07 floating a bit all right 179:09 i was floating a bit all right 179:11 it's not 179:13 look hold on i'm not [ __ ] i don't want 179:15 to expose counsel chat it's not five 179:17 foot nine and a half look that so 179:21 nine is like 179:23 that right so hold on 11 179:26 right 11. 10 i was like right here 179:31 and see look there's see i'm i'm 179:33 actually here 5 foot 10. 179:35 um 179:36 you know i don't know where anyone's 179:38 getting this other information by 179:40 the hair doesn't count 179:42 listen if i grew it myself it counts 179:45 the tip of my hair five foot ten 179:48 so [ __ ] you poofy doesn't count it does 179:51 but like i okay i'm definitely not here 179:54 like that's definitely 179:56 that's definitely not where my head is 179:58 right it's like that 180:00 but like 180:01 i'd say that's like 180:03 five foot 180:04 nine point seven 180:06 so i'm gonna say five four ten you round 180:08 up 180:08 okay you round up 180:11 it's five foot five foot ten 180:14 shush 180:16 i i'm upset that i'm definitely not five 180:19 foot eleven 180:20 because that's what i've been telling 180:21 everyone my entire life 180:25 but okay 180:27 yep five point nine point seven nine 180:29 thank you 180:30 uh 180:32 can we go back we back together like 180:34 dude it's an important thing 180:36 anyway [ __ ] might be 180:41 five foot ten two separate measurements 180:44 yeah five foot ten inches 180:49 i'm back had a couple delicious beers at 180:51 a brewery time to go home listening to 180:54 finn's wonderful voice 180:57 oh hell yeah 180:59 oh i got a carrot stuck in my throat 181:03 [ __ ] 181:10 ah i've got pink lipstick on all of that 181:13 [ __ ] 181:14 everything's just gonna become glittery 181:19 everything i put my lips on just becomes 181:20 like pink and glittery 181:22 ugh 181:23 so many guys have walked away with their 181:26 lower abs pink and glittery 181:29 um 181:29 [Music] 181:31 thanks for the three dollars by the way 181:32 completely random though um 181:35 okay 181:36 carrots don't push it down with a banana 181:39 oh i'm waiting for crj's thousand dollar 181:41 donation to get another banana but no 181:44 i've meant dude i can't have my streams 181:46 just become like 181:49 no 181:50 we're you know no 181:52 it's not gonna happen 181:57 finn you're five feet nine inches why 181:59 can't you just admit it it's not very 182:02 manly of you i am five foot ten 182:05 definitely 182:07 easily i thought banana was at 15k 182:09 no when did i say that 182:12 did i say that 182:15 when did i say that 182:21 [ __ ] 182:22 no did i say it i don't think i did okay 182:25 so 182:26 rose you're way too cute can you just 182:28 give chat your cutest poses in rapid 182:31 succession 182:32 thanks for 120. also did you know we are 182:35 going to make gm6 gm7 and gm8 you aren't 182:40 i'm not going to be doing this once 182:41 again next year it's not going to happen 182:43 i'm going to speed run the [ __ ] 182:45 brakes best day ever finnstream and 182:47 there is a black bear in front of my 182:49 house 183:00 what else do i have um 183:03 i don't know i don't know any other ones 183:04 what are the poses are there 183:06 [ __ ] i need to i need one speeder making 183:08 everyone get indeed i need i need 183:09 another pose 183:16 what else 183:17 that's it pose with a carrot 183:35 i don't know what it is 183:47 hand on the chin 183:49 what 183:53 [Music] 183:56 the 5th of september 1969 final call 184:00 bunny girl better behave haha 184:07 finally i joked on something 184:08 huh 184:10 five nine point six nine dollars because 184:13 i can't sure i'll take it 184:14 it's that means ten foot though 184:17 thank you 184:19 thanks for ten dollars don't choke 184:21 just gagging uh no bracelets i don't 184:23 think i have any bracelets actually [ __ ] 184:26 think of it this way if you're five nine 184:29 then marisa must be five seven [ __ ] 184:32 exactly 184:34 no wait i'm five foot ten though she's 184:35 five nine 184:40 jesus 184:43 i seen you two rose gold bracelets let's 184:45 see 184:47 if i've kept them there definitely in 184:48 here then 184:49 or if i've not lost them 184:51 oh okay well this is no that's a 184:53 fin you're six foot with heels on 184:55 remember that 184:58 that's just depressing 185:00 oh [ __ ] i'd have lost them 185:03 because they will be in a bunch of 185:04 streams due to school but i am here now 185:06 to get good clips for the tick tocks 185:10 nice 185:13 what the [ __ ] 185:23 feminine male was an option and not 185:25 wasted half my life suppressing myself 185:28 oh yeah yeah that's like uh 185:31 that's a fun one to learn i have no idea 185:33 where the bracelet is 185:35 i had different ones too it's gonna be 185:37 in like the draw somewhere though 185:39 uh 185:40 look at the end of your nose that's the 185:41 best way to learn how to cross your eyes 185:44 did i do it did i cross it 185:48 am i doing it i don't know if i did it 185:50 i don't think i did 185:53 no okay 185:56 hold on i saw two things over here 186:00 i found two earrings that may actually 186:02 work with this look at these little 186:03 diamond and pearl little thing look at 186:05 that 186:06 like diamond and pearl earrings like 186:09 clip-ons as well 186:11 oh [ __ ] 186:18 nine months pog our twitch baby has been 186:21 born mommy f1 nnn you think 186:23 works 186:25 they're really light to wear like i 186:26 can't even feel them on 186:28 okay [ __ ] it let's do this 186:30 uh how do someone ask me how do i get 186:32 those thighs 186:33 best way to what a compliment i have no 186:35 size glasses and looking at the middle 186:37 of them 186:41 i guess so but my eyes just don't focus 186:43 like i can only make my eyes like go out 186:45 of focus 186:47 you need cop you need cuffs and a collar 186:49 i have cuffs i have a collar 186:51 um 186:54 woo i'm back and you are still streaming 186:57 wait how did you turn into a pink bunny 187:01 read the title of the stream uh 187:04 chat dude chat voted for this one out of 187:06 the [ __ ] tutu as well they picked 187:08 this one anyway 187:11 to admit that you are five nine 187:15 i'm not five nine i'm five ten i'm not 187:18 five nine i'm five foot ten 187:20 you've seen it 187:22 use a penalty i'm not going to be able 187:23 to cross my eyes 187:25 it feels like i'm crossing my eyes but i 187:27 know i'm not like 187:30 it feels like i'm crossing my eyes but 187:31 it's just like 187:36 anyway i'm upset 510 prove is wrong i 187:40 did i did prove you wrong i did prove 187:42 you wrong 187:43 59.69 you accepted the final call but 187:46 that means 510. 187:54 shorter than me and i'm not a tall guy i 187:56 am above average for the uk 187:59 shut it i bet you i'm way above average 188:01 for america americans are same height 188:04 horizontally 188:07 that's not true either 188:09 what 188:10 that's definitely not true have you 188:12 never watched my 600 pound life 188:16 there could be three of me in a row 188:18 i mean five of me in a row i'm very 188:20 skinny 188:22 agree with me agree with me agree with 188:24 me 188:25 anyway 188:27 three eight oh my god 188:29 you're tiny for canada 188:30 shut it 188:32 five nine yeah no i'm i'm five uh bro 188:35 i'm 5 10. i'm 5 10. i am at least above 188:38 baseline five nine 188:44 finger tips to fingertips is the same as 188:46 height well that's not either that's not 188:48 the same either you've clearly never 188:50 been to a bow shop and had them and had 188:52 it measured because it matters if you 188:55 have a small 188:56 less long draw weight you've never 188:58 watched boxing there's more reach ways 189:01 dumb anyway 189:04 i'm 5 10 you're to all the most people 189:07 i'm 5 10 exactly i am taller than most 189:09 people 189:10 majority buddy 189:18 i'm 592. we're tall girls i'm not a girl 189:20 ah it's okay i'm getting very defensive 189:22 about everything i will say it's slash 189:24 you are tall slash and sis slash as a 189:26 woman lll get [ __ ] kid that's for the 189:30 francophobia 189:34 israel is for anti-french relief called 189:37 francophobia you got the worst [ __ ] 189:39 name you got the worst phobia 189:42 name garbage phobia 189:50 i'm just going to be i'm just going to 189:51 cut i spit on you i'm just going to call 189:53 it anti-french 189:54 that's that's what i am i'm anti-french 189:57 people is that bad 190:00 because it's true 190:05 leave the french alone no 190:07 i'm busy doing being too pretty 190:10 um 190:12 by the way do you like the bra 190:14 you can kind of tell what it looks like 190:15 it's like pink and licensure i've not 190:17 worn it in ever i've i've worn it i've 190:20 worn it maybe two or three times 190:22 it's it's never comfy and now it's 190:24 comfy garbage phobia garbage country 190:27 correct 190:29 god only the south of france is any good 190:30 just because it's sunny the rest of it's 190:32 not noteworthy at all they've got a big 190:34 metal tower 190:36 and you can go on it and look at stuff 190:38 even though there's so many things 190:40 taller than the eiffel tower to go up 190:42 and look at 190:43 it's okay rose five feet nine inches is 190:46 above average for a women and you might 190:48 not be smart but you're pretty 190:55 whole that whole donation that entire 190:58 donation 190:59 is 191:00 ah toxic work environment 191:02 i agree your donator ain't on and on 191:06 you're making this is a toxic a hostile 191:09 work environment 191:12 five it's okay rose five foot nine is 191:14 above average for a woman 191:16 and you might not be smart but you're 191:18 pretty 191:24 okay 191:25 god dear nagging 191:28 [ __ ] sake 191:30 ugh 191:32 brother's good job indeed it's holding 191:33 these gigantors in in fact this is these 191:36 aren't the big ones but they're still 191:38 why they look small now 191:41 okay they are big though there is a 191:43 bigger size but they're like massive 191:45 and uh what's it called amoya's not even 191:47 was it chassis or why they're not even 191:48 here to get it um 191:51 but by the way crj 191:53 i'm almost confident i didn't say 15k 191:57 for a banana 191:58 right 191:59 and i don't remember if i did 192:02 i don't remember if i did say it 192:05 are you going to be in the next playboy 192:07 catalog yes looking really gorgeous plus 192:11 i have a thing for pretty girls under 192:13 five feet eight inches so this how the 192:15 thing has me confused about my sexuality 192:20 i mean i'd love to be in the next 192:21 playboy um 192:25 i bet you i get paid quite a lot being 192:27 in playboy you got it the models 192:33 uh but if not from 14k where is 1k 192:35 counted from 192:38 what 192:44 i can't just eat bananas every stream 192:46 there's no way i can't just continually 192:50 ah 192:56 there's so many clips 192:58 there's um um 193:00 i don't know about that fam 193:02 i'm yeah 193:04 banana's good for you though 193:06 i'll gladly eat a banana normally on 193:08 stream 193:12 i'd eat a banana normally on stream 193:15 for 193:18 i could be a dick and be like 50 cents 193:19 no one can donate 50 cents 193:22 hey caviar man you're small i'm not 193:25 you spoiled you're wrong you dumbass you 193:28 little [ __ ] dummy 193:30 you idiot how dare you 193:33 dummy 193:35 my small what 193:37 you're small 193:40 make it a million point reward for 193:42 making you eat banana 193:44 that's not a bad idea 193:46 you could eat a pickle i only you only 193:48 have sliced pickles also i don't own any 193:50 pickles thanks for the 50 by the way 193:52 bananas are radioactive i knew that 193:54 actually bananas for some reason just 193:56 picked up a bunch of background 193:57 radiation or some [ __ ] that's cool 194:02 time to eat bananas 194:05 everyone knows that you have to deep 194:06 throat the banana to properly absorb the 194:08 potassium in it damn you know what i 194:10 didn't know that i've been eating 194:11 bananas 194:12 i guess i've been eating them correctly 194:13 my entire life but it wasn't for the 194:14 potassium lemon literally so desperate 194:16 for comebacks you correct grammar 194:23 you should have put a comma after lamel 194:25 [Music] 194:30 anyway 194:31 idiot um eating avocado oh 194:35 nasty 194:36 nasty i know you know i you know i know 194:38 the [ __ ] what's it called the rumors 194:42 ever considered an eggplant yeah i've 194:44 eaten an eggplant they're called 194:46 aubergines here i think they are yeah 194:48 they're called aubergines here they're 194:49 not good 194:50 they're bad jackfruit time i've never 194:53 tried plain jackfruit i've always had 194:55 them in a burrito 194:56 they're good though like they they are 194:59 good they do taste good 195:01 they taste like meat like that they 195:04 taste i mean i've never had meat before 195:05 but 195:06 i i get oh [ __ ] you anyway um 195:10 so is it banana time 195:15 i'll eat a normal banana on the stream 195:18 i'll eat your banana on stream just no 195:20 i'm not doing anything specific i'll 195:21 just eat a regular banana 195:24 because you guys 195:26 yeah 195:28 for a hundred 195:32 and sixty nine dollars only a regular 195:34 banana 195:36 but i'm not gonna deep throat it 195:39 i did 195:40 ah 195:43 what about some ice cream nothing could 195:45 go wrong with that but you i don't have 195:48 any ice cream and you've realized i need 195:50 to order some from like mcdonald's if 195:51 you wanted that same level of effect but 195:54 you realize that it's it's 195:56 that was a fluke a one in a million 195:58 fluke that that would have happened one 196:00 in a million it's not just gonna happen 196:01 again i'll gladly take your 25 and have 196:03 some ice cream but oh my god it's not 196:06 gonna happen again 196:08 you don't got ice cream no i'm being 196:11 healthy 196:14 honestly the only thing in like my 196:16 freezer and everything right now is 196:17 vegetables corn and in the fridge there 196:20 and and that's it vegetable and then in 196:22 the 196:24 in the fridge there's like vegetables 196:26 cheeses 196:28 water 196:31 mill 196:32 almond milk 196:40 that's it really 196:41 that's kind of all i have oh and yeah no 196:43 that's it 196:44 oh and some butter 196:46 and some like low calorie cream cheese i 196:48 don't eat a lot of food 196:51 you're doing a great job and everyone 196:54 thinks you're neat 197:00 okay 197:03 crisps i don't have crisps either 197:06 ah 197:07 my house is not great if you want snacks 197:09 oat milk superior i've heard that and i 197:11 think it is too 197:13 but our milk's healthier and i use it 197:14 for cooking and stuff 197:16 okay let me do it yeah i'm on it give me 197:18 a minute ah hold on let me like not be 197:20 on camera with my [ __ ] ass out 197:22 like 197:23 jesus 197:24 christ let me like correct my outfit a 197:27 little bit 197:28 wait does this work if i did this oh it 197:31 does 197:33 okay give me just i'm going to be off 197:34 don't let me do this 198:24 petition to rename this week of streams 198:27 as just whole week 198:29 um 198:31 because 198:32 did i stay off camera [ __ ] god damn it 198:34 i'm trying to stay off camera 198:39 anyway 198:41 soy milk i have almond milk it's better 198:43 it's quite good actually i've never 198:45 really found it's not too different to 198:46 regular milk it just tastes a little bit 198:48 less 198:48 creamy oh my god 198:51 [ __ ] strength dude 198:53 i'm so strong 198:55 i'm so cool and strong 198:58 nice banana replacement thank you 199:00 i'm just eating this normally i'm not 199:02 gonna wait this is how i actually 199:03 bananas hold on i take the skin fully up 199:12 sorry boys 199:13 uh 199:15 i have another banana um 199:18 i'm so sorry have i ruined this 199:20 completely 199:22 i mean 199:24 get a new banana 199:25 i have one more banana 199:27 really like it isn't that big 199:30 shirts 199:31 every pretty girl slash manly man should 199:33 have a real man's shirt in their 199:35 wardrobe and so i'm sending you of them 199:38 it might be a bit big but you can wear 199:40 it baggy maybe with a belt 6-6 inches 199:46 foot six 199:47 that's just gonna make me feel like less 199:49 of a guy if you send me a six foot six 199:52 guys [ __ ] 199:53 flannel work [ __ ] i'm not gonna be out 199:55 of [ __ ] where oh good lord 200:00 [ __ ] you who was it the donut hey thanks 200:03 for 169 let me go get a [ __ ] another 200:05 banana i only have this last one left by 200:07 the way so no banana stream tomorrow oh 200:09 my god all right get a minute 200:13 what 200:49 ah 200:53 okay 200:54 right this time 200:56 i'm going to cut the top off 200:58 there's two 201:00 better secure 201:03 there we go look at that 201:05 okay i'm being very gentle 201:07 hold on i'm being i've got to be very 201:09 gentle with this banana i usually fully 201:11 take the skin off 201:16 i usually usually i'm sorry i usually 201:18 fully take the scalp because that's 201:20 easier to eat 201:22 i usually just cut off so any even 201:24 slightly masculine shirt in rose's 201:26 wardrobe is now a boyfriend shirt 201:29 it's 201:32 shut up 201:35 this how i eat bananas usually 201:39 likes to get messy no it's not messy at 201:41 all they're not a messy fruit to eat 201:43 banana circumcision 201:45 ah 201:48 you opened the banana from then wrong 201:50 end i'm aware i know that 201:52 i know that rule with bananas sticky 201:54 fingers not at all like it's a pretty 201:56 normal fruit tweet like that 201:59 clips ready oh my god 202:01 let me fix my hair then after that 202:03 height conversation we all learned finn 202:05 is capable of denying reality endlessly 202:08 even when it's obvious i wonder what 202:11 that could mean 202:13 that's not normally wait i'm just gonna 202:15 eat a banana you're not gonna uh you're 202:17 not gonna spam like scam if i just eat a 202:20 normal eat it normally right 202:26 if you're gonna be annoyed at me the 202:27 entire [ __ ] time 202:29 you're not okay you can eat it sideways 202:31 like normal 202:34 [ __ ] hell 202:38 well 202:38 let's see you try to eat it normally 202:47 could eat more female related fruit like 202:49 what 202:50 what's female related fruit 202:53 like a [ __ ] some [ __ ] with a hole in 202:55 it 202:56 a a raspberry i don't know what the 202:59 what what's like a female 203:00 strawberry dorian 203:02 peach 203:04 ah peach doesn't er a donut 203:07 [Music] 203:10 only if it manly enough for the little 203:12 lady 203:17 this now feels really weird this feels 203:19 very inappropriate 203:22 eat it like a dick 203:24 uh do you eat dicks holy [ __ ] i should 203:26 probably stay away from women for a 203:28 while 203:28 is that a thing that they do what the 203:30 [ __ ] 203:33 how are you letting this become a normal 203:36 thing on stream 203:37 two times in two days it's like you want 203:40 to it's three times in three days 203:48 make normal eye contact 203:52 good lord woman 203:57 could they pay me 203:58 thank you for the 69 204:01 ah he's got a mortgage to pay bro 204:03 i got a mortgage to pay bro 204:08 now it feels weird 204:10 [ __ ] 204:12 now it feels really weird 204:16 [ __ ] 204:20 jesus christ i've got performance 204:22 performance anxiety 204:37 169 is 169. 204:41 lick it all the way along oh wow it 204:42 tastes so great 204:44 [ __ ] 204:47 i've already read the donut 204:51 sorry to say this but your door sounds 204:54 like it farts lol i've heard that it 204:56 does i need to oil it 204:58 uh it's really weird in the when i leave 205:00 the window open a little bit it shuts 205:02 and comes open so it's constant that 205:03 noise 205:06 three times is a pattern 205:11 yeah 205:13 eat it before it goes soft oh [ __ ] you 205:16 eat it please i'm working 205:17 [Music] 205:21 of course he wants to gotta get his 205:23 vitamin ds 205:32 [Music] 205:36 complete fatherless behavior 205:41 good timing um 205:47 [Music] 205:51 so you just can't eat it normally 205:58 that's normally 206:01 and it's still a bit weird 206:11 i felt it good lord 206:13 [Music] 206:16 heck yeah i just did it for a laugh can 206:19 you even eat it normally yeah way less 206:22 about being scamster more about setting 206:24 boundaries with chat uh 206:28 [Music] 206:32 are red violets are blue your face is 206:35 cute suddenly turning gay for you 206:38 thanks buddy 206:42 too far down the rabbit hole i can't eat 206:44 a rake i can't eat bananas regularly 206:47 it's normal i'm eating a banana in a 206:49 normal way the last like two bites were 206:50 completely normal 206:52 [ __ ] you 206:53 eye contact please there's no like 206:56 bro 206:57 it is sideways 207:08 [ __ ] anyway 207:11 hold on 207:12 this is this is gonna be the last time i 207:14 eat a banana on stream 207:16 so [ __ ] you 207:19 you look like someone i would love to 207:21 take to the movies but they won't let 207:23 you bring in your own snacks 207:26 um this is the first thing i see when i 207:29 turn up ah people turn up all the time 207:34 roses are red violets are blue already 207:36 right at me 207:38 okay 207:41 would it be pegging if i did it it 207:42 wouldn't be pegging then right it'd just 207:44 be [ __ ] 207:47 just suck the banana until it softens in 207:49 your mouth like a [ __ ] lollipop 207:51 i'm not gonna do it that's a terrible 207:52 idea 207:56 that's that's a no 208:00 my god 208:03 depends on if you use a strap-on or not 208:04 i guess so 208:06 yeah 208:08 almost did it but like okay if i just 208:11 left a banana in my mouth that's not 208:12 really like sexual at all 208:14 like 208:15 that that's that's almost just a little 208:17 bit gross right 208:18 next p.o box will be crates of bananas 208:21 lol oh god please don't i've seen like 208:23 [ __ ] banana spiders before they are 208:26 [ __ ] gruesome don't send me a crate 208:27 of bananas it's it's not 208:30 it's not it just seems gross to just 208:32 leave food in your mouth that you can 208:33 see women's workout channel on youtube 208:36 plenty of workouts to get a brazilian 208:38 butt oh yeah that's that's i'm just 208:41 doing squats and [ __ ] but 208:44 it's not pegging since you're a guy see 208:45 that's what i thought like it is just 208:46 kind of gross it is right can we get a 208:48 pole on this if you see food in 208:50 someone's mouth it's a bit gross 208:53 you already have fruit flies please no 208:54 banana leftovers 208:56 like watch 209:01 it's just gross 209:02 i shouldn't have [ __ ] taken it out ah 209:04 [ __ ] that's worse 209:08 now it's weird okay i'm gonna stop i'm 209:10 done i've eaten enough banana i'm good 209:12 i'm done 209:19 why yes 209:24 if you peg someone if you peg someone 209:26 with a 209:27 if you peg someone if you're a cis woman 209:29 if you use a strap on one come on 209:30 shadows i guess so you can peg someone 209:32 if you're a cis one 209:33 [Music] 209:37 it's a slippery slope it starts with the 209:40 banana you wait in a few weeks f1 nn's 209:43 stream will be watch me destroy this 209:45 cucumber 209:47 it just levels up no it goes banana and 209:49 then it goes like carrot right and then 209:51 it goes i did carrot and it goes what 209:53 would it be would it be cucumber or no 209:55 it should go pickle banana no i should 209:57 go pickle carrot banana cucumber 210:01 is there any other like more dick shaped 210:03 things parsnip 210:04 [ __ ] i thought a parsnip's like really 210:06 big 210:07 or is it just like carrot shaped again 210:09 no dick is carrot shaped 210:11 i mean i hope it's not 210:15 eggplant 210:16 what okay no one can fit a [ __ ] 210:18 eggplant it just it doesn't it 210:21 it doesn't even look like it though why 210:23 did why was that why was eggplant or 210:24 aubergine why was that like our go-to 210:27 for what looks like a dick in texts 210:29 because it looks nothing like it at all 210:37 you've destroyed a cucumber on stream 210:39 ready i just bit the tip off it like 210:40 through his side of my mouth so bananas 210:43 jackfruit and durian ruined what's next 210:47 no i'm just gonna forever now eat 210:49 bananas [ __ ] sideways 210:51 so it's not sexual 210:53 that's all i have left just [ __ ] 210:56 i'm on a seafood diet i see food and i 210:59 eat it 211:03 that being said you look like a snack 211:05 and i'm hungry so 211:08 [Music] 211:11 uh how much for butternut squash 211:14 ah 211:18 butternut squash is like the size of 211:20 someone's arm 211:24 [ __ ] 211:38 i'm gonna stay over here for a while 211:40 i'm going to stay here think about what 211:42 i've done 211:43 um 211:46 all right 211:47 listen buddies 211:49 i want no more mocking that i have 211:51 charged you like thousands of dollars to 211:53 eat bananas i think i gave you money's 211:55 worth 211:56 [ __ ] you 211:58 you're welcome crj 212:02 oh my [ __ ] god 212:10 you're welcome 212:20 let's i'll do it from now on 212:22 with absolute excessive force 212:31 how much for bud nut squad isn't button 212:33 squash like genuinely absolutely massive 212:35 like 212:40 yeah it's do wow that is 212:43 very phallic shaped 212:45 what the [ __ ] 212:47 y'all looks good though holy [ __ ] 212:52 damn that looks [ __ ] great 212:55 yeah that is very very fun but like that 212:57 is a large fruit like look at look at 212:59 the 213:00 what the [ __ ] 213:04 i don't think that's even possible 213:07 it's entirely impossible 213:10 guess finn doesn't know about sis wet 213:12 sweat sis sweat like don't 213:16 anus is stretchy okay good good to know 213:19 um 213:23 huh 213:26 it does look so much like a so much like 213:28 a deck like look it's even with the ball 213:30 shapes there oh my god 213:35 my work here is done 213:39 mine too 213:41 god damn 213:43 ugh 213:47 wait till he hears about sea cucumbers 213:51 [Music] 213:57 but it's clipped for sure d 214:06 oh my god 214:09 i think like sideways i think it's 214:10 supposed to go like that like 214:15 uh you can't bite that [ __ ] bro i don't 214:17 get any like banana in my mouth 214:20 i got the tiniest little bit 214:22 it's even orange yeah the wait what what 214:25 dicks are orange 214:27 dixon orange 214:29 dixon not nearly butternut squash color 214:39 that 35k does seem possible well i'm 214:42 gonna tone it down from here on out so 214:44 maybe we'll get there a little bit 214:45 slower uh 214:48 maybe it is a banana shake 214:50 ah 214:51 they're kind of gross if you're gonna 214:52 get a milkshake of anything you get 214:54 chocolate what are you insane or at 214:56 least vanilla 214:57 you don't do you don't do banana have i 214:59 broke this [ __ ] 215:00 nevermind 215:02 finn taking it sideways 215:07 sparkles 215:08 c-h-o-m-p sparkles 215:11 it's fine i wasn't doing anything that's 215:13 like i didn't look good for when i was 215:15 doing it though so it's probably fine 215:17 um 215:22 [Music] 215:23 i didn't look any like whatever that 215:26 onesie makes you look like you got a 215:28 cake my guy 215:29 cake in the chat if you agree it doesn't 215:31 it looks like pretty okay 215:34 it looks fine i might i don't think it 215:36 looks that great though like um it just 215:38 looks like it how it does in anything 215:43 okay 215:45 that looks how it looks normally though 215:49 you went from that's very phallic shaped 215:51 too that looks good though in a matter 215:53 of less than five seconds but well okay 215:55 but like it looked like [ __ ] macaroni 215:58 and cheese enough one photo 216:03 hold on 216:09 uh now i'm just looking to see if anyone 216:11 got the twitch clip 216:14 i think like sideways i think i'm right 216:19 i'm i'm saying just [ __ ] 216:23 food diet 216:24 okay well it did look not great 216:27 um 216:29 i posted on twitter of course you did 216:31 yeah 216:32 okay it doesn't look like 216:34 it's not that bad it's just 216:36 [ __ ] goddamn it anyway 216:39 it looked like mac and cheese by the way 216:40 with the thing did i google it still 216:43 i'm gonna 216:45 like look okay this [ __ ] does look quite 216:46 look at that that just looks like 216:48 [ __ ] mashed potato that looks nice as 216:50 hell 216:51 i don't know why they don't just serve 216:52 it in a bowl but it looks really good 216:54 like that it's [ __ ] great it looks 216:56 like cheese or some [ __ ] 216:58 never had this before though these look 217:00 great that looks [ __ ] good i kind of 217:02 want that now 217:05 what four oh [ __ ] 16.69 217:09 yay looks like garlic bread it do thank 217:11 you for the [ __ ] hundred and fifty 217:13 one dollars cake over 217:17 [ __ ] macaroni cheese you harlot okay 217:20 no one [ __ ] macaroni and cheese it's 217:22 too like 217:23 it doesn't maintain a shape you'll just 217:25 move stuff out the way and it's too hot 217:27 if it's melted cheese it's too hot 217:29 feared balls okay 217:31 check the reddit 217:33 should i check the reddit 217:44 my god it's [ __ ] 217:46 literally all it is 217:49 is this the same clip 217:52 what 217:56 what the [ __ ] how does reddit work with 217:59 clips 218:00 oh i can just click this 218:02 just [ __ ] 218:04 new beef stew tweet pepe hands 218:09 it's not that bad 218:10 it wasn't that bad oh [ __ ] new beef stew 218:13 tweet 218:14 oh the first thing i [ __ ] 218:16 oh my god the first 218:21 disney's tweeting again 218:22 um let's see the beefs do tweet let's 218:25 get everyone away from this remind me 218:27 why we were quibbling about 15 000 again 218:35 we're at 16 218:37 oh [ __ ] i can't show 218:42 he can put that on twitter 218:44 i don't think you can put that on 218:46 twitter 218:48 i can't show that on twitch 218:51 what the [ __ ] 218:53 i what 218:54 i can't show that 218:57 i didn't think you could put that on 218:58 twitter you can literally put anything 218:59 on twitter 219:01 i guess but like i didn't think you 219:03 could just post 219:05 he posted just bear the tweet on stream 219:08 all right 219:10 oh [ __ ] okay cool 219:14 wait what 219:16 don't show the tweet on stream no i 219:18 can't oh my god i definitely can't show 219:19 it on twitch 219:21 twitter has a lot of intimacy stuff 219:24 does it there's porn on twitter okay 219:26 i've never seen porn on twitter i've 219:28 seen cosplays that are like i'd say a 219:29 bit of a 219:32 that straps a little bit too close to 219:34 there you know like that's that i feel 219:35 like you need to order something a 219:37 little bit more thick thicker strap you 219:39 know or thicker um what's it called this 219:41 part thicker that 219:43 you know 219:46 there's a hell of a lot of porn on 219:47 twitter okay i don't follow much pawn on 219:49 twitter 219:51 i follow my account which is about as 219:54 close as you can get i think to just 219:56 absolute 219:58 the hottest thing 220:01 good lord 220:03 oh [ __ ] i thought you were a woman just 220:05 now it keeps getting better 220:08 yeah 220:10 god lord 220:12 i want to put it i want to cover up i 220:13 want to put a skirt on now 15. i feel 220:15 like i feel like i've been two left f1 220:18 and then five zoom 220:20 i feel like it's been too uh what's it 220:22 called i've been not as innocent as i 220:24 should be 220:25 uh 220:27 won't cover up shield dirty um 220:30 okay well anyway 220:32 next stream is going to be normal 220:34 tomorrow wait yeah tomorrow it's going 220:37 to be a normal stream 220:39 well you follow other borderline lewd 220:41 people i follow peach shirts 220:43 but she's my friend um i only follow 220:46 friends of mine 220:48 i mean that's true for anything i don't 220:49 usually follow people that aren't like 220:50 i'm friends with or well i guess i do i 220:53 follow like um yeah i follow a bunch of 220:55 other creators but i don't follow any 220:57 like 220:58 you know 221:01 normal it will be normal you say that 221:03 yeah 221:04 don't call me princess it will be normal 221:06 uh i'll be innocent it's gonna be fine 221:08 you gotta sleep on time now i do it is 221:10 like 1am but not really 221:14 put a skirt on make my alley not think 221:15 you're a [ __ ] i don't know where ally 221:17 went i don't know where morelli went um 221:20 she's just she hasn't popped up in 221:22 stream too often or like ever since for 221:24 a while now 221:26 she doesn't she it's because i got too 221:27 slooty that's why 221:29 um 221:31 far away 221:33 oh she was nice though 221:36 ugh 221:36 unless there's something i don't know 221:38 about okay showed up briefly yesterday 221:40 oh okay didn't notice that 221:42 uh ballerina costume with tiara princess 221:46 uh they did give me a tiara to wear for 221:48 it 221:49 um 221:51 dude this outfit's so [ __ ] you can 221:53 tell it's an appropriate outfit when i'm 221:55 just like oh i shouldn't i can't put 221:57 this skirt on over this on stream and 221:59 stand up at the same time because then 222:01 it would be inappropriate but like i 100 222:04 can i'm still not going to but like 222:06 you've already seen what's like 222:08 everything i don't look like a princess 222:10 and we won't call you one 222:12 process 222:14 it's so incredibly demeaning this 222:17 oh my god 222:19 like dude there's certain words that 222:21 have been completely ruined for me like 222:23 i can't hear the word daddy or mommy and 222:26 not think it's sexual because of the 222:27 [ __ ] internet it's been ruined for me 222:29 it's the same thing with princess 222:31 or like 222:32 uh 222:33 yeah anything i can't hear that [ __ ] 222:35 dude 222:36 okay yeah like 222:40 weight loss baby um 222:43 okay 222:44 let me undo this 222:47 yeah like the skirt honestly doesn't 222:49 look that bad with it right 222:51 kitten yeah i can't hear kitten either 222:57 it's worse because my friends have cats 223:01 this is why i go with queen still 223:04 yeah queen actually isn't sexualized yet 223:08 not until not until queen liz [ __ ] 223:10 pops off 223:13 she's sure she like shortens one of her 223:15 dresses one day 223:17 it's still loose [ __ ] hold on 223:21 okay we can use the queen himself 223:23 instead then 223:24 that's fine that's funny wait [ __ ] ah 223:27 [ __ ] goddamn at the tail 223:31 the queen himself is pretty funny though 223:33 i like that 223:45 oh my god where's the button it's so 223:47 hard to do buttons with nails 223:49 ah come on 223:55 god 223:59 come on bro 224:00 don't no [ __ ] you 224:04 hey can anyone help 224:06 i need a hand 224:08 my nail nail's too long can i just take 224:10 off a nail for a second 224:14 oh i got it i got it [ __ ] yeah 224:17 holy [ __ ] 224:19 what is in gem buttons in general hard 224:21 yeah they're even harder when you're in 224:22 [ __ ] like long ass nails 224:25 um 224:26 okay let me lower this a little bit so 224:28 it's not like super high up because now 224:30 it feels inappropriate to see underneath 224:32 it right 224:33 holy [ __ ] can i untuck now 224:35 can i untuck now that i'm in this 224:37 jesus 224:40 the fishnets oh indeed can i still don't 224:44 approve of the boots too oversaturated 224:46 you don't get to make the rules stove we 224:49 demand a pole 224:50 queen versus princess 224:56 i'm not gonna make that poll because 224:59 it you know the one that it's gonna get 225:00 voted for and that's just gonna mean if 225:02 we do a poll it's gonna mean that i'm 225:04 like it's gonna look like i'm okay with 225:06 it 225:09 like i endorse calling me [ __ ] 225:13 good lord anyway 225:15 oh you're talk that's gotta be painful 225:16 uh i am tucked it's not really painful 225:19 it's only like it's only 225:20 very uncomfortable if i like go from 225:23 this position to this position 225:25 completely but like this is fine 225:28 this 225:29 ah 225:31 i think you should be comfortable 225:33 what does this mean 225:35 thank you for the 300 225:37 did you [ __ ] add in an extra zero 225:40 what the [ __ ] happens 225:43 stove literally gets to make the rules 225:44 that's what being on the council does is 225:46 about i guess so um i guess it is 225:48 actually 225:49 why is crj not on the council ten she's 225:51 a [ __ ] big contender 225:55 uh 225:56 tenshi what the [ __ ] 226:00 it means they paid you 300 seagal bulge 226:03 well the skirts not coming off if i 226:05 untuck you realize that right 226:09 i'm just saying 226:10 it just won't all right i'm going to 226:12 talk thanks for the 300 dollars too 226:14 until let's [ __ ] go hold on um 226:18 all right this is going to be a quick 226:19 job it just needs to be a quick 226:21 off-camera job i think i'm really hoping 226:23 it is anyway 226:25 uh oh yeah there's buttons underneath 226:27 this thing 226:29 [ __ ] sake fun 226:33 okay 226:34 oh [ __ ] wrong button 226:40 why is there a what 226:44 okay 226:46 oh it's such a weird feeling bro the 226:48 feeling of like undoing like underwear 226:50 or some [ __ ] and then it's like you're 226:52 [ __ ] like 226:54 nothing gets more free like it's still 226:56 in the same level of like 226:58 tucked is so [ __ ] odd i've have never 227:01 gotten used to it it's just like a it's 227:03 just a weird 227:04 like this isn't supposed to be this way 227:06 sort of feeling 227:10 i really can't see chat i can pretty 227:12 much i only see the [ __ ] the old 227:14 donor messages from where i'm standing 227:17 i'm still standing like off camera like 227:18 just in case streamlabs decides to bug 227:21 out or some [ __ ] 227:34 okay 227:35 i'm pretty much 227:37 okay i'm pretty i'm on top now 227:39 one tip now i just need to redo it i'll 227:41 redo that chat i think you all forget 227:43 that finn is the streamer and he can do 227:45 whatever he wants if he wants to untuck 227:48 let him there is no benefit to you 227:50 weirdos having him tuck under a skirt 227:53 let the man set his boundaries let the 227:55 man's balls go free 227:59 okay all right i think i'm good 228:02 it's not it's got okay weirdly enough i 228:03 got lucky with the uh with the tucking 228:05 oh god uh so i got lucky with the 228:07 talking though i've like 228:09 i someone mentioned that like it 228:11 shouldn't be uncomfortable and then i 228:12 was like okay i'm probably doing this 228:14 wrong and then i did it differently how 228:16 i thought it would be more comfortable 228:17 and it both looks better and is more 228:19 comfortable it's 228:21 you know 228:22 i'm not like someone in chat thank you 228:23 for the word of advice i don't remember 228:24 who it was 228:26 but thanks anyway it's pretty [ __ ] 228:28 cool 228:29 all right 228:31 i've just got to do buttons now oh [ __ ] 228:32 hold on 228:34 okay what the [ __ ] 228:38 uh 228:45 okay 228:49 this is the weirdest so this thing's 228:50 like a onesie right so like it's got 228:52 buttons underneath it 228:54 so i can just sort of like 228:57 ah [ __ ] 229:00 come on bro 229:01 [Music] 229:04 chat used to pay to tuck now we pay to 229:07 untuck 229:09 how the mighty have fallen 229:13 ah hold on 229:16 i just don't tuck for most streams this 229:18 was a special occasion um 229:21 also if it was if i was in this outfit i 229:23 feel like i'd want to um just because 229:26 you know keeps maybe me safe i'd i'd 229:28 rather be tucked than for you to see 229:30 bulge if that makes any sense like 229:33 that's now it's a little bit more 229:34 comfortable it's a bit more like doable 229:37 so now i've got my preference of that 229:39 okay 229:41 would you look at that 229:42 i'm back and free as anything now i can 229:45 do this completely comfortably wowie 229:50 oh god let's go 229:52 and when he and when we said that 229:54 changing back was almost always a win 229:56 for the streamer they mysteriously 229:58 disappeared wait what 230:03 [ __ ] sus cut wait i'm so confused 230:05 have we seen dolly recently uh no we 230:08 haven't holy [ __ ] 230:10 we have not seen dolly recently which 230:11 makes me a little bit scared 230:13 um dolly finn yeah we haven't seen her 230:17 where the [ __ ] did kelly go 230:23 what happens when you tuck and you get 230:25 hard 230:26 also the bulge is cute 230:29 i don't know it's never happened i've 230:30 never looked at anything that will get 230:31 me hard on 230:32 when i'm tucked you gotta remember i'm 230:34 tucked on stream all the time and i can 230:36 confidently say i've never been hired on 230:38 stream there's never been like there's 230:40 never been something that makes me hard 230:41 on stream 230:45 now that you have a skirt on please do a 230:47 spin 230:48 oh okay 230:51 hold on you're not gonna see any 230:52 underwear now anyway 230:58 right okay i'm still good finn's 231:00 humongous nuts cannot possibly be 231:02 contained forever 231:04 how do you do a spin without like 231:05 staggering is it like this 231:08 yes 231:09 oh [ __ ] i nailed that 231:11 i learned how to spin finally 231:14 um 231:15 sorry bananas oh wait 231:18 i'll empty the bin later 231:21 good spin hell yeah i nailed it now i 231:23 can spin 231:25 i learnt it 231:27 oh 231:28 i've kept a boob on my desk 231:33 you're not hard on stream so it's just 231:35 me 231:36 it's just you buddy i'm sorry it's it's 231:38 i'm sure it's just you that's ever been 231:40 hard on one of my streams 231:54 they're very firm 231:58 stop playing with your tits 232:00 you can't stop me 232:07 i just want a sub fanboy to love one day 232:09 i'm so sorry you have to stick with me a 232:12 dumb a dominant fanboy 232:14 very dominant 232:19 oh 232:26 anyway 232:28 different different uh frequencies these 232:30 are the giant ones though these are like 232:31 the absolute 232:33 you know look at the size difference of 232:35 these and you know 232:37 i 232:38 and that's apparently only one cup size 232:39 away so i have no idea why they're that 232:41 big you're a freaking beyblade dude on 232:43 paper 232:45 holy [ __ ] right 232:47 hold on should i try these on with 232:48 though with this outfit 232:50 because these aren't 232:52 small but they're not big i guess 232:54 i mean maybe 232:56 i'll leave them here just in case i want 232:57 to try them 232:59 i am perfectly fine with the dominant 233:01 femme boy 233:04 all right 233:07 uh 233:09 i was about i was about to say like uh 233:12 get on your knees 233:14 give me bubba 233:16 i have 233:17 i can't do it 233:19 i don't think i can do that i don't 233:21 think it i don't think it works 233:24 do you have a pocket bra 233:26 a what 233:28 no 233:29 can't even can't even be dominant 233:31 but like 233:33 i'll dm kitty i'll ask kitty for help 233:35 kitty apparently is uh very much a dumb 233:39 every time she dm's me every time i re i 233:42 go into your stream it's reached a new 233:43 level of crazy 233:44 what did you see this time 233:47 oh she's in the stream the dominance 233:50 needs some work oh 233:52 um 233:53 what do i say 233:55 well i mean 233:58 all i know is how to be a sub 234:00 yeah i don't really know if five feet 234:02 nine inches really fits dominate but i'm 234:05 five foot ten 234:07 i'm five foot ten 234:08 it's that's a that's a good that's above 234:11 average height 234:12 i guarantee you kiddies [ __ ] 234:16 yeah 234:17 two foot what five foot i bet you she's 234:20 five foot two 234:21 guaranteed that's up five foot four or 234:23 five foot two 234:24 that's the vibe kitty gives me is five 234:27 foot four 234:32 she dm's me it's about tone more than 234:34 words 234:35 she's five foot seven 234:37 looking dominant and virile today bro 234:42 it's pretty good 234:47 five foot four game imagine being five 234:49 foot and four inches 234:51 you didn't throw in three bananas 234:52 because we told you to very dominant of 234:54 you listen if being if being 234:57 if being dominated involves me getting 234:59 paid a lot of money i'm down 235:06 can you just dm me uh old thing and she 235:08 was like uh she oh good lord 235:11 i roasted her in dms 235:13 um 235:15 if i hear one one person's stereotype 235:17 dominance with height i swear i will 235:19 lose it 235:20 oh but like i can't picture a very very 235:22 short person being really dominant 235:24 because their voice is all squeaky in 235:25 there we've never gotten you 235:30 uh shall we've never gotten what 235:34 and then followed i love spelling this 235:36 like spelling or grammar mistakes 235:38 followed up by oowoo it's so [ __ ] 235:40 confusing it's good 235:42 we need a desk in cherry mode you do 235:44 [ __ ] that's a good one we should get two 235:46 cherry mods one for the blue and black 235:47 one and one for the white and pink one 235:51 one of the scariest dumbs i know is five 235:53 foot 235:54 you get scared too easily i don't think 235:56 i could be scared of someone that's like 235:59 under five 236:00 five you know what i mean 236:02 there's like nothing you could do unless 236:04 you have a knife 236:05 then it's a little bit scary 236:07 but 236:08 like 236:10 you know 236:14 i have a friend who's like four foot 236:16 eleven it's impossible to take us 236:18 seriously on any topic 236:21 i'm just dissing short people i'm so 236:23 sorry 236:25 not at all she just uh wants to know how 236:28 she just knows how to use space and tone 236:30 well 236:33 i guess so but you gotta imagine like 236:36 so i'm assuming she's in like a similar 236:38 field right 236:40 so 236:43 the people that are being 236:44 dumbed by her uh are there to be dumbed 236:48 they're like they want to be scared you 236:50 know what i mean 236:51 like 236:52 there's a difference 236:54 i feel like if you're going in 236:56 regular like you know normal attitude 236:58 you're not wanting one thing or another 237:01 or you know you're not it's not gonna be 237:02 you're not gonna be too scary at all 237:04 wait what kitty is in a is has like a a 237:09 piece in the in the king scene i guess 237:10 she knows a lot of people there so i'm 237:13 assuming that's what she's talking about 237:14 anyway 237:15 um size doesn't matter 237:21 well bdsm does require consent law you 237:23 don't just go around dominating randoms 237:26 interesting that you mentioned that 237:30 you could talk to chad about that i 237:32 think they've got a thing they've 237:33 currently got an issue with that 237:37 short people are very dangerous 237:39 also women are built different to most 237:41 wait for most 237:43 the what are literally built for the 237:45 most dangerous martial art forms i guess 237:48 yeah 237:49 weapon collection tour they're not all 237:50 in one place they're around the house i 237:52 don't think i could send your sideways 237:54 banana clip to kyle's smile no 237:58 hopefully that's that i'm a no 238:01 that that's gonna that that clip's gonna 238:03 be kept in a [ __ ] archive i hope that 238:05 never goes anywhere that's gonna stay on 238:07 the reddit and the discord 238:08 um 238:09 i think we're good 238:13 are you a woman or a man i don't know 238:14 what's going on take your wildest guest 238:16 guess 238:17 looking bratty and impotent rose 238:24 impotent 238:26 pretty and impotent 238:28 that's pretty good all right i'll let 238:29 you have that one 238:30 that clip that clip needs to be sharp 238:32 under five foot nine men are sure it's 238:34 on someone five foot nine women are tall 238:38 it's on my discord everywhere 238:40 yeah hold on i'll send you 238:42 yeah five foot nine women would be tall 238:44 but they wouldn't be like yeah i guess 238:46 so 238:48 just for reference of finn being tough 238:50 finn once said he was so scared of 238:52 sharks he would rather transition than 238:54 c1 no that is completely wrong you're 238:57 bending my words i said i think what i 239:00 actually said was i'd rather get a boob 239:01 job than being a shark tank 239:04 that's what i said 239:05 i didn't i did not say that get the clip 239:08 get the clip i'll prove you wrong it was 239:10 the we were talking about being in one 239:11 of those shark cages where they're 239:13 around you and biting at the cage yeah 239:15 no that's that's my nightmare that's my 239:18 hell i think 239:19 did you did say transition 239:22 okay that i might have been overplaying 239:24 it a little bit but like i may have said 239:27 it but either way you just said see a 239:29 shark that's completely wrong 239:33 get the clip get it it's the same i'd 239:35 rather transition than ever see a shark 239:37 again i didn't say that it would no the 239:40 context of that was someone donated 239:42 saying how much to go into a shark shark 239:44 cage 239:45 and that's what it was did you say cage 239:48 my god everything with chat you could 239:50 make a pillow sexual you could make an 239:53 empty can sexual how the [ __ ] 239:56 [ __ ] what it was about the topic of that 239:59 anyway 240:04 uh you'd rather be a girl than being a 240:06 shark cage 240:07 yeah a little bit 240:09 it's it's hard to overstate it's a 240:11 phobia it's a bad phobia i really 240:13 [ __ ] dislike that idea 240:16 it's it's awful 240:18 we were going through a [ __ ] we were 240:20 going through the airport when we were 240:21 landed i think it was in heathrow no it 240:23 was it was in marbella actually and 240:25 there was a surf ship there was a surf 240:27 shop like they were selling like swim 240:28 stuff 240:29 uh weirdly at departures which you think 240:32 would be at arrivals if you're leaving 240:33 marbella anyway but they sold like a 240:35 bunch of stuff like memorabilia from 240:36 there blah blah and it's like a quick 240:38 tourist trap thing like oh do you want a 240:40 souvenir from your vacation but 240:43 there was like life-sized shark models 240:46 on the walls that were doing exactly 240:48 what my goddamn nightmare is which is 240:50 just biting and [ __ ] like that [ __ ] 240:52 what's it called shark open mouth it 240:54 like a white a great white shark like 240:56 hanging from the roof looking at you 240:59 and i didn't notice it and neither of us 241:01 did and i'm a [ __ ] idiot and marisa 241:03 noticed at first she was like whoa don't 241:05 look because she knows i don't like him 241:07 and of course i'm a [ __ ] stupid guy 241:09 so of course i look i shouldn't have it 241:12 was [ __ ] terror it ruined my like 241:13 flight back 241:15 you know i was literally just like or at 241:16 least it ruined the next like hour for 241:18 me 241:19 of a fake shot bro i don't know 241:23 guy 241:27 not dominant it's a shark that 241:31 i don't like him i don't like him 241:33 exposure therapy is what you need to get 241:34 over sharks i disagree i will go to the 241:37 grave without going into a shark tank 241:39 um it's not just not gonna happen 241:45 uh 241:46 b sigma dominate the sharks 241:49 that's why you say trigger one instead 241:51 of don't look 241:53 hey don't look hey don't look but i'm 241:55 about to say a slur i think don't look 241:58 or don't listen that sounds so much 242:00 that's so much funnier than trigger 242:02 warning 242:03 ah damn but also no one says trigger 242:05 warning in real life 242:07 uh 242:09 there's some real bottom energy it's not 242:11 i just don't like shot i [ __ ] you i just 242:14 don't like sharks it's fine that's my i 242:16 everyone's a loud one everyone's allowed 242:18 one phobia if you have too many then 242:20 you're a [ __ ] if you have like five 242:22 phobias you may just be a [ __ ] uh i 242:24 have one so it's fine 242:31 you get you get like maybe it's a three 242:33 strikes and you're out thing 242:36 baby sharks are cute they're literal i 242:38 know they're called puppies they 242:39 shouldn't be 242:41 i'm not really scared of baby sharks 242:43 just [ __ ] good lord most of the other 242:45 ones 242:48 you know what's weird nothing against 242:49 hammerhead sharks 242:51 which is odd i don't know why that works 242:54 like baby shark 242:56 doo doo doo baby sharks and like 242:58 hammerhead sharks i'm weirdly lying 243:00 roads looking cute those hammerhead 243:02 sharks look so [ __ ] sound 243:06 shark mafia we have your house 243:08 surrounded 243:09 hello we are the shark mafia we have 243:12 your house surrounded 243:13 if you don't do everything chat wants we 243:15 will be forced to do sharky things in 243:18 your general vicinity no don't do it 243:20 please 243:24 literally was shaking panicking playing 243:26 vr in a non-horror game 243:31 yeah it was no it was a horror game it 243:34 half-life alex is definitely it has some 243:37 hollow horror parts 243:39 come on don't 243:40 it's it's not a horror game but it's 243:42 like it's it's about as close as you can 243:44 get without it being that 243:47 come on it's like it's a [ __ ] zombie 243:49 game and jump scares and head crabs and 243:51 [ __ ] the jumps of your face you're gonna 243:53 tell me it's not a horror game come on 243:56 there's like open people in it it's a 243:58 horror game 243:59 hey rose so then how are you with reggae 244:02 sharks what does that even mean 244:04 what does that even mean what about not 244:07 subnautica 244:08 no i skip every clip there's some 244:10 there's been times where i've got 244:12 recommended some jacksepticeye 244:13 subnautica clip and i purposely every 244:16 single time without fail skip it so it 244:18 resets go back hold the thing down and 244:20 press uh i'm not interested so it 244:22 stopped showing me them i do not like it 244:25 finta vr subnautica good [ __ ] lord 244:29 you ever tried inhaling helium i have it 244:32 doesn't sound like how you'd think it 244:33 would i just sound like a guy that's got 244:34 a higher pitch doesn't sound normal 244:38 uh 244:39 those trans girls know what uh you 244:41 really go to marbella for hopefully 244:43 marisa is recovering well 244:47 it's not my thing to tell dude 244:49 um 244:50 anyway 244:51 uh 244:54 confused 244:56 to what the [ __ ] do girl voice can't do 244:58 girl voice don't know how 245:00 uh anyway 245:03 do you know what finnwood place of new 245:04 orleans is if someone made a mod that 245:06 removed all the animals dude i kind i 245:09 wouldn't still it's just a big like 245:11 underwater game it freaks me out dude i 245:13 don't know 245:14 shark mafia again 245:16 please disregard earlier message we have 245:18 not surrounded the house please come 245:21 outside shut up definitely not out here 245:24 at all why why are you called bruce 245:26 which one of you is called bruce 245:28 the name got changed from international 245:31 shark mafia to bruce 245:36 that head injury is re that head injury 245:38 is risa okay 245:40 yep reese is fine we had to go to 245:42 marbella to get her skull scanned 245:44 so she can recover 245:46 from her devastating 245:48 skull injury 245:51 is what the trip to marbella was for 245:58 yeah 245:59 literally i went we went i all that was 246:01 said on the stream was like 246:03 i'm in spain and then people on like 246:05 reddit were like 246:07 on egg irl were like 246:09 what's he doing in spain 246:11 was it what are they doing in spain 246:13 i don't know 246:14 uh so 246:16 pretty immediately 246:18 anyway 246:20 so subnautical subnautica minus the 246:22 animals would just be swim swim i quit 246:24 rust because they added sharks 246:26 well i didn't quit rust because they had 246:27 a chucks i quit ross because you can't 246:28 play that game without 10 hours of 246:30 playing you can't have any fun in rust 246:32 without spending at least a day in it 246:35 thailand next time 246:40 so you read egg irl 246:42 i get linked everything that i'm posted 246:44 in any time where someone like mentions 246:46 me in a big thread or like is me in a 246:48 picture i get linked it by like twenty 246:51 there's ah ten people sorry too much 246:53 banana 246:55 went in the wrong hole went down the 246:57 wrong hole 247:02 pipe i have my mind somewhere else bro 247:05 went down the wrong pipe uh [ __ ] 247:10 uh why fencer are you pretty i'm trying 247:13 to move on 247:14 uh from i'm not coming 247:16 come on bro i'm trying 247:18 uh 247:19 15 months 247:24 uh 247:25 froze down back indeed 247:27 oh my god i'm in the i'm envious of meow 247:30 risers six pack 247:32 she doesn't have a [ __ ] six pack 247:35 she's gonna get there but she doesn't 247:38 i roasted kitty in dms and she just and 247:41 she just went noted dot 247:44 she put a [ __ ] she put a [ __ ] full 247:46 stop after the after the word 247:49 that's some [ __ ] if someone that you 247:50 know do spotiko's top tier playing one 247:52 they are uh i don't have one on me 247:54 though 247:55 if someone that doesn't put [ __ ] full 247:58 stops after everything puts a full stop 248:00 i'm you know you're in trouble dude 248:03 where's any of my spydercos i don't know 248:05 where any of them are my para 3 is just 248:07 gone 248:08 i have a great pair of three too oh i 248:10 have this i completely understand your 248:12 phobia i have literally scratched my 248:14 skin until i bled because someone bumped 248:17 into me chat may not quite understand 248:19 but at least know that i get you oh my 248:21 god phobias suck hard 248:23 yeah dude they're not great phobia bad 248:26 didn't like it all worth it not a big 248:28 fan 248:31 ally with a y is that ali with a y [ __ ] 248:34 yeah thank you for the 16 month sub 248:36 maybe we have a lip tutorial 248:38 uh i just 248:40 i don't even over line them much at all 248:43 i have i didn't overline these ones 248:44 these are just my lip shape 248:47 um but 248:48 i don't know my lips aren't that big i 248:49 mean maybe i did overline them a little 248:51 bit thin your bra showing i know 248:53 there's there's no look there's it's 248:55 there's a strap here too like this is 248:56 part of the outfit so 248:59 um i don't know why bra showing is such 249:01 a bad thing i just picked this color 249:03 because it blends in a bit easier than 249:04 like a black strap you know 249:06 so 249:07 [Music] 249:10 all jokes side phobia as a hell yeah 249:12 there's a bunch of clips online where 249:14 like they're these big dudes right 249:16 they're these big dudes and they're 249:17 terrified of puppies and they're like 249:19 300 pounds of muscle guys right 249:22 they shouldn't be afraid of puppies um 249:25 so they're like 249:27 terrified of them and it's supposed to 249:28 look like our hand you know [ __ ] the 249:30 guy's scared of a goddamn puppy and he's 249:31 that big 249:32 um but they don't make any sense like 249:34 the reason it's a bit of a weird one 249:37 phobias generalize themself 249:39 so will you touch my pp 249:42 yes 249:43 um 249:44 and that's on record why is the bra 249:46 showing a bad thing like yeah i have 249:48 boobs so what 249:49 i don't have boobs and i'm wearing a bra 249:51 i think that's why it's bad because i 249:53 don't have boobs 249:54 um 249:55 yeah generalize oh [ __ ] i'm gonna swap 249:57 to the big ones 249:58 hold on where's my sensor 250:01 i love it wait i want an image that just 250:03 says sensor actually 250:05 um 250:06 a dedicated like boob swap sensor i 250:08 wanna see what this looks like there's 250:12 yeah phobias they're irrational so yeah 250:15 good point so basically what phobias do 250:17 like for for me right how i said like i 250:19 wouldn't play subnautica even if there 250:20 weren't animals in it um it's basically 250:23 just like oh my god 250:25 these are too big 250:30 they're always gonna be too big it's so 250:32 diff it's so weird how different the 250:34 sizing is 250:38 oh my [ __ ] god they're cold 250:41 hold on 250:43 oh my god 250:46 that's so [ __ ] 250:48 cutlet too big yeah hold on 250:53 sound like a moan it definitely didn't 250:55 sound like a moan 250:56 oh 250:59 jesus they don't even look that bad with 251:01 this but they're [ __ ] gigantic 251:04 oh my god 251:06 okay should we swap back or do we keep 251:08 these because these are [ __ ] i 251:10 can't i now can't move my arms in front 251:12 of me 251:14 uh 251:16 screening black gives it away 251:18 oh that one well yeah but you can't see 251:19 it like happening 251:22 this one's lower hold on 251:24 keep [ __ ] okay um it's fine we're four 251:27 hours in the stream i'm really gonna 251:28 stream for like another 45 minutes 50 251:31 minutes and i'm good anyway elbow to 251:34 button you wouldn't see anything anyway 251:35 look like there's a big pound of fluff 251:38 in the front see you don't see [ __ ] 251:40 there's no real cleavage it's just 251:46 cutlets rose will bring back fence to 251:49 close to december which is almost sad 251:53 but sad that it's gonna take that long 251:55 or sad that it's like so soon 252:00 is december close for you that feels 252:02 like forever also it's not even december 252:05 it's [ __ ] uh february 252:08 although i'm not going to be doing girl 252:09 month then i will have boobs though 252:12 [ __ ] how long is the boobs for three 252:14 months end of february february end of 252:16 february same [ __ ] 252:18 how long are the boozers is it for three 252:20 months 252:22 get some t-shirt bras 252:26 what what are they never even heard of 252:28 those 252:29 t-shirt bras 252:31 i don't even know what they'd look like 252:32 based on that description hold on 252:35 t-shirt bra 252:42 these just look like regular bras 252:46 these just look like bras 252:48 i'm so confused what you mean by this 252:52 what 252:55 doesn't show as easily under a shirt 252:58 that's just getting a black or white bra 253:02 what of course i have different color 253:04 bras 253:06 of course i do 253:10 i have different color 253:12 okay i have different color ones but 253:13 they're like you know what what's it 253:14 called 253:15 it's for a reason it's so they don't 253:17 show as easily this one's the most like 253:19 it's pink right it's pink and white so 253:21 it doesn't show as easily you can see 253:23 because there's a bunch of like 253:25 stuff on it but 253:28 the rose thing wasn't supposed to last 253:29 this long right no it was not supposed 253:31 to last this long it was supposed to 253:33 last until like what 253:35 uh 253:37 when was it supposed to stop holy [ __ ] 253:40 what's the demographic of your genders 253:42 on stream i don't think you can check 253:43 that i don't think there's any stats for 253:45 that on twitch 253:47 a week 253:50 was it really supposed to stop after one 253:52 week 253:54 oh my god 254:01 jesus 254:04 god damn 254:06 bro uh where's this 254:10 channel channel analytics 254:13 uh 254:18 oh 254:19 interesting 254:20 two percent of you are from xqc 254:24 hmm 254:30 i can't see age demographics or any 254:32 personal demographics i don't think 254:35 um 254:39 which tanks are users filtering by to 254:41 find your channel lgbtq followed very 254:44 closely by visual asmr followed closely 254:47 by furry 254:52 i don't know what 15 of you 254:56 furry how is that even loosely related 254:59 what the [ __ ] 255:08 jesus christ 255:11 yeah i can't see anything i can't see 255:13 age demographics or anything like that 255:15 um 255:17 yeah i can't see any of that but 255:20 or can i 255:21 community activity no followers list no 255:25 roles manager no yeah you can't see that 255:27 um so yeah cruz very confirmed 255:31 pole for gender ah i don't know maybe 255:36 take a mirror what 255:41 rose there are there are two wolves 255:43 inside of you the furry convention is 255:44 going off my god 255:46 oh 255:48 these are so 255:49 these are [ __ ] unrealistic bro 255:54 like my back bro i want to do this that 255:56 these are the first ones that i'm just 255:58 like 255:59 i feel the weight of like doing this is 256:01 actually like 256:03 ah sitting up straight is actually kind 256:05 of difficult 256:08 jesus christ 256:10 that's literally what it's like like in 256:12 real life though yeah i don't because 256:14 while i'm doing girl month 256:16 listen there was no rule against wearing 256:18 the absolute smallest ones that i can so 256:21 i wear the absolute smallest ones that i 256:23 can i never wear these 256:25 like 256:27 these are like these are like purely on 256:29 stream 256:30 fun thing like hey it looks funny with 256:32 this outfit 256:34 that's what they're for in real life 256:35 these except in real life you can't take 256:37 them off true but you know 256:40 for me i can at least swap them out 256:43 boober weight training arc oh we wait 256:46 till the hey that's a good simp goal to 256:48 not do the box goal 256:52 do one of the girl months but with big 256:53 boba you know that would be easier irl 256:56 you can get reduction true or like a 256:58 spine splint so you can keep up the 257:01 giant hit arc you know how much do they 257:03 weigh like three kilograms 257:07 each 257:10 big boober plus spine brace damn right 257:13 now that's good 257:15 what shampoo do you use hair looks sick 257:17 brother thank you it's i use ogx i 257:20 forgot it's called it's like a blue 257:22 bottle is it ogx 257:26 oh gee 257:28 x 257:29 also i don't think it would be harder 257:30 yeah ogx shampoo i don't think it would 257:32 be cool uh i don't think it would be 257:34 hard at all 257:36 to 257:37 uh 257:38 i think it'd be hard at all to deal with 257:40 this for a month to deal with big big 257:42 booba for a month 257:44 like i'm not gonna get back pain from 257:45 dealing with it for a month right 257:49 why should we donate subs to you uh when 257:51 you do something you already do 257:53 but i don't wear these off i don't 257:55 that's what i mean like if i spent a 257:56 month just in these instead of the small 257:58 ones i don't wear these off stream holy 258:00 [ __ ] 258:03 don't shampoo hair 258:04 don't shampoo hair every time you shower 258:07 it dries out yeah that's also true 258:10 i but then again i just don't shower for 258:12 weeks on end 258:13 um 258:15 look up locations your views you can't 258:17 do that either oh you might be able to 258:19 do that actually 258:20 stuff you have not responded to my thing 258:24 uh 258:25 wait what the [ __ ] 258:27 oh now whenever you add someone i have 258:29 to go and find it mischievous what did 258:31 you say 258:33 okay i'm thinking like john here there 258:35 is no universe in which you actually 258:37 follow through of 30 days on boober all 258:39 day 258:39 even seven day break in the middle oh 258:42 god okay well no 258:44 okay whenever i no i'm not gonna do that 258:47 i'm not gonna wear [ __ ] boobs for 258:49 when i'm 258:50 when i'm doing when i'm doing uh what's 258:52 it called streaming oh streaming videos 258:55 i couldn't there's no way that's insane 258:58 i'm not gonna wear a bra and and boobs 259:00 while i'm recording a minecraft video 259:05 that's not what government is 259:08 scam but it's what i'm being a guy 259:11 i don't have to not in the rules 259:13 yeah full 259:14 you agreed to do that for three months 259:20 during videos 259:24 but like 259:30 you said we but we said you could wear 259:32 the smallest one 259:35 how small 259:36 i'm going on 259:37 i dropped that right next to one ball 259:41 holy [ __ ] 259:43 how small you can wear the very small 259:45 ones 259:47 uh 259:48 i can dredge the clop up if you really 259:50 want i don't remember saying that we 259:52 could do it in video [ __ ] uh 259:55 [ __ ] why do i not think about that how 259:56 it would be 259:58 fake boober fake boobs i'm seeing if i 260:01 can find like double a cup or 260:04 just a cups i don't think i own any a 260:06 cups 260:09 hold on i've got to do a thing i've to 260:11 do this i've got to find the absolute 260:13 smallest ones 260:14 because you're you maybe a little bit 260:16 you're taking advantage of me being an 260:18 idiot though 260:20 so the really small ones that i've got 260:22 were a 260:23 20 okay that's fine they can take 260:25 forever to arrive i don't mind 260:27 um 260:28 25th of october 260:30 okay 260:31 um 260:32 should we get that pole should we get 260:34 the polo dress by the way 260:35 so a black one and i'm gonna get a light 260:38 pink one in large 260:41 large 260:41 likely ones a medium black one 260:44 that's not what i said 260:46 i said that there is no timeline in 260:48 which while you are not doing your break 260:50 you will wear the biggest boobs for 30 260:53 days even broken up you won't follow 260:56 through with it what if i just got rid 260:57 of all the other ones for like a month 261:00 and it you know i wear that i wear them 261:02 any like i wear the other i wear the 261:04 other bobs off stream anyway 261:07 since i'm just 261:08 honestly i've never [ __ ] 261:13 i'm having a moment i there's no reason 261:16 for me to do it besides that like it's 261:18 just a part of my habit now it's been 261:20 going on for like so many months that 261:21 like i get up 261:23 i get a like i'm either i change the bra 261:26 because i sleep in one 261:27 and then like that's my day 261:30 and then i always have them like on the 261:31 on the top of the closet on the top of 261:33 the wardrobe 261:34 the only 261:38 yeah 261:39 i mean i already already do it 261:42 i don't really have an issue with it 261:44 they're not too big of a deal 261:46 because like if i wear a sports bra you 261:48 can't really tell that they're there 261:50 oh that's what i'll do 261:53 hell yeah 261:54 i mean you can it just looks like i've 261:55 got a slightly bigger chest 261:58 at least you are prepared that's good 262:00 prepared 262:02 fix your ear what 262:05 what what what's wrong with the ear 262:08 oh this one but this is that that's what 262:10 it's supposed to look like it's cute i 262:11 mean i can do that too but 262:14 um 262:16 do you identify as a boy or a girl 262:18 identify as a boy as a guy as a man as a 262:22 as a [ __ ] as a 262:24 arnold from bodybuilding arnold uh do 262:27 you have do you have boobs off stream 262:29 yep that's well during goal month yeah 262:32 like i just wear the small ones and 262:34 that's why like like i got new ones 262:36 because the old ones are like 262:37 taking a bit of wear and tear you know 262:40 um so i got new ones even in the same 262:42 size so that's there's that these are a 262:44 bit more dense though which kind of make 262:46 me worried that i'm not gonna be able to 262:48 like hide them very easily 262:54 finn plays a binder to bind his fake 262:56 boobs 262:59 my god 263:00 alpha male indeed identify as a [ __ ] 263:03 legend 263:05 do you even lift bro i don't 263:07 bobs are now are consumable yeah a 263:09 little bit 263:10 they do there's wear and tear you want 263:12 to buy new ones every now and then 263:15 well anyway yeah he fixed it 263:18 now i mentioned it before 263:20 sorry shush 263:22 i identify as cute as [ __ ] 263:24 an alpha male 263:27 reject gender embrace cute 263:29 uh 263:30 how long till the how long until the e 263:32 you're taking gives you uh manly boy 263:34 bumps 263:35 [ __ ] it's it's gonna be 263:38 when do old people just get like saggy 263:41 boobs for no reason like um 263:44 like 70. be like uh 50 years from now 263:49 very sorry 263:50 the estrogen i'm taking 263:52 uh 263:54 the onion the the it's maybe like the 263:57 estrogen amount that i'm taking is when 263:59 marisa puts it on because she has a gel 264:01 and i'll accidentally brush her arm and 264:04 she'll say ah you're a woman now and 264:05 then um 264:06 then i'm you know that's how that works 264:08 so accident if i bump into her or some 264:10 [ __ ] it's happened like three times now 264:13 ever 264:14 but it has happened so maybe i do have 264:16 like 264:18 a milligram or whatever 264:20 what's the smallest amount of 264:22 measurement i mean like one mill i have 264:24 probably one milligram extra 264:27 estrogen in my system from theresa 264:31 that must be that's lots of uh that must 264:33 be lots of bumping into teresa it's 264:34 happened a few times 264:36 a weed nug of estrogen 264:39 my god i'm sure that's what maurice is 264:41 doing oh i thought it was a fruit fly 264:43 but it's fluff from my 264:46 fluff 264:48 confirm female finn i am now a woman 264:53 my god 264:54 i think that just like gets micro dosing 264:57 estrogen 264:58 yeah 264:59 oh my god 265:04 okay i don't know to be honest with you 265:07 i have no idea how estrogen works it's 265:09 completely possible that that's like all 265:11 you need just just a little bit 265:15 but and then i'm suddenly a woman that 265:17 explains why i now have a vagina [ __ ] i 265:20 was wondering what it was so 265:21 transitioning is contagious i think so 265:24 uh why have i not viped kitty 265:26 frieza's slowly micro dosing with 265:28 estrogen yeah i'm sure whenever she's 265:30 round she'll just slip it into food even 265:32 though it's a gel i guess not food she 265:34 has one where you rub she rubs it on her 265:36 arms i'm not sure if that's normal 265:39 but 265:40 vip 265:41 uh pimple kidding 265:46 chucky idioms are you really gonna tell 265:48 me that that 265:49 uh 265:54 wait you are telling me that now bigots 265:56 have an excuse to say that 265:58 transgenderism is something you can 266:00 contract by being in contact with people 266:03 stepping out i have some people to hug 266:05 be right back 266:07 that's funny 266:10 i think 266:11 oh good lord 266:12 you know there's estrogen and urine 266:14 right not mine no 266:17 all the urine i've been all the urine 266:19 i've been drinking [ __ ] 266:20 um 266:22 not my urine my urine has zero i am 266:26 perf i i am the perfect man i have no 266:29 estrogen in me at all 266:31 that's why my skin's bad it's because 266:33 i don't have the estrogen bro that's it 266:36 so my hairline will be gone i will have 266:39 no hair by the time i am 23 i'm sure 266:43 22 even probably 266:45 estrogen in soy two 266:47 well i don't have any soy uh i have 266:49 almond milk and that doesn't have 266:51 estrogen in it 266:52 i have 266:54 i don't know it's 100 testosterone 266:57 zero body fat percentage 100 266:59 testosterone 267:01 um 267:03 [ __ ] everything really hold on let me 267:04 fix my lips 267:12 so here's the thing about being like 267:17 here's the thing about being like pumped 267:19 with testosterone 267:24 you just get to be like 267:28 a bit of an alpha all the time 267:35 like when you look at me 267:37 um you think alpha right like we don't 267:40 need to we don't even need to debate 267:41 that so 267:43 you get pumped we don't 267:46 let me fix my lips size the manly man 267:49 manly matt listen you know what you know 267:51 what's uh masculine bread 267:53 bringing home the mortgage money putting 267:55 food on the table 267:57 um 267:59 without soy in it without estrogen in 268:02 the food that's what's manly 268:08 as she paints her lips she paints her 268:10 lips and then does my nails too with 268:12 [ __ ] 268:13 yeah very alpha energy 268:17 oh can we make that the meme now alpha 268:20 male fin i think that's better uh 268:24 i don't what the [ __ ] 268:26 two mil on tick tock i think it's big 268:30 getting paid for sucking bananas 268:33 i'm sorry finn but being pumped with 268:34 testosterone sounds like getting 268:37 creampied 268:40 may i add 268:41 i did not suck a banana on stream there 268:44 was no sucking 268:45 there was biting 268:47 biting but not eating bananas on street 268:50 digesting 268:51 why'd you say it with that word there 268:53 was no sucking involved 268:58 aha there wasn't you saw me you saw me 269:01 though like 269:02 it sucking's like a [ __ ] you know 269:05 it's not that 269:08 for a quick second you did suck i don't 269:10 think i ever did i think i just bit it 269:16 kitty's just kidding's just mad i've 269:17 caught her in in a lie 269:19 caught her in 269:21 propagating a lie a myth sure wrong 269:24 kitty i'm not 269:25 [ __ ] hold on 269:27 nope 269:28 i will not 269:30 middle finger 269:35 she asked me to do something in dms i 269:37 have d i've no now i won't 269:46 my god i didn't suck a banana that's not 269:48 up for debate i didn't i didn't anyway 269:50 you did suck it at some point then to 269:52 remove it 269:55 no i didn't 269:56 to me that's not what that 269:58 is you sulking 270:05 i'm sulking about how i didn't 270:07 didn't do this sucking anyway 270:10 would madam like a glass for her copium 270:12 or would she just like the whole bottle 270:19 okay 270:20 um brood 270:23 but funny 270:24 ah good lord 270:28 okay that was pretty good 270:30 it's still upsetting 270:33 madam like a glass for her copium 270:36 ah okay 270:38 ah 270:38 [ __ ] it i'm gonna risk it and go just 270:40 medium for this 270:42 okay so boys here's how much uh i am 270:46 owed uh from doing some shopping oh [ __ ] 270:48 i also want some headbands i'll pay for 270:50 this one 270:52 like hair bands 270:56 bands 270:57 okay 270:59 oh no it is a headband isn't it 271:02 why are there not just any plain back 271:03 black ones why they all have to be like 271:06 this 271:11 just just a normal head hair band bro 271:15 like just a pack of them oh that oh that 271:17 kind of shitty 271:20 why are they not just normal ones 271:24 i swear i bought so many of these before 271:26 and now they're just not there [ __ ] it 271:27 this will work 271:29 but ugh let's buy like 271:32 four of those 271:34 i keep losing them okay what else do we 271:36 want on amazon what am i shopping for 271:37 chat 271:40 uh you get tons you got tons in the in a 271:42 po box oh that might be why i keep 271:45 losing them they just they just 271:46 disappear around the house i'm not sure 271:49 what i'm doing with them they're just 271:50 all gone new tights 271:54 ah [ __ ] do i need new tights maybe i 271:56 don't know 271:58 some muppet knee-high socks 272:01 what why is there the word muppet in 272:02 there um 272:04 like thigh highs you mean thy highs do i 272:07 need more thigh highs i always need more 272:08 thigh highs oh my [ __ ] god 272:11 maybe one with uh [ __ ] garter straps 272:13 apparently 272:16 i've i think i've ordered these before 272:18 no i haven't 272:19 but 272:21 [Music] 272:25 do we want ones with bows on them 272:28 all regular 272:32 okay 272:34 god about one 272:36 um 272:37 don't know about the god about one 272:43 okay 272:49 let's go i'm going to go on my orders 272:51 and see what i've got before i have 272:53 because i know there's some that are 272:54 like 272:55 really short and then there's some that 272:57 are very very long 273:00 uh 273:04 okay these 273:06 and 273:07 [Music] 273:08 uh they work 273:10 oh my god i found these boots god i'm 273:12 scrolling far back 273:14 uh 273:17 okay 273:18 right so these are good i'll get like 273:20 two of these because they are actually 273:22 good 273:22 and then 273:24 so i found ones with bows what color 273:26 bows are you after so there's a pack 273:29 that's white uh black and pink and 273:31 there's one that's two 273:33 reds and one black 273:35 there's one that's 273:37 mid 273:37 uh 273:38 not pink uh pink purple and black 273:41 there's one that's two blacks one white 273:43 but the like but the leggings are really 273:45 weird colored 273:47 anyway which ones do you think 273:49 the ones with pink black white pink 273:52 okay 273:54 tube tops holds boobs in case of loose 273:56 outfits no they don't dude they they 273:57 don't at all 273:59 um tube tops like are terrible because i 274:01 mean i'm sure they do for like uh real 274:03 women but when they're fake like that 274:04 they just don't keep these things up 274:06 because there's it's just gravity 274:09 i've got one before and i've even got 274:10 one that's like that a strapless bra 274:12 that's like a tube top they don't work 274:13 either or at least they're just very 274:15 uncomfortable 274:16 uh not many bras are made for carrying 274:18 fake boobs 274:20 um that aren't attached to you 274:22 regular bobs won't usually fall off you 274:26 usually in all fairness 274:28 two hundred and thirty pounds so far 274:30 what do you think what else 274:33 two cup combined bro then why even get a 274:35 set of pjs 274:37 black white 274:38 pink i don't even it'd be a waste i 274:41 don't even have i don't even use pajamas 274:43 the only time i wear pajamas is 274:45 literally as clothes around the house 274:49 like that's kind of it 274:52 i just work like that's 274:54 yeah 274:56 hold on 274:57 uh tennis skirt 274:59 do i need a tennis skirt so they're like 275:01 pleated i guess 275:03 yeah [ __ ] it i'll grab a black tennis 275:05 skirt 275:06 okay 275:12 uh what size am i 275:14 i guess 10 275:15 10 i don't oh [ __ ] i don't know this is 275:17 supposed to sit like near your waist 275:19 right 275:20 [ __ ] would i be lower than that 275:23 is it adjustable 275:25 i don't know what size i am 275:27 [ __ ] 275:30 if it sits on your waist i don't know 275:31 this is not a stretchy thing i only own 275:33 stretchy shirts skirts even we're only 275:36 10. 275:38 what would be like my what's oh god by 275:40 the way that's my old measurements but 275:42 um 275:43 what would be my waist 275:45 let's say 80. um 275:49 is there a [ __ ] what's it called 275:53 is there a maybe size chart thing no 275:57 okay 276:02 so [ __ ] i don't know send us new info i 276:04 haven't done it though use better 276:06 clothing sites the [ __ ] bro i don't 276:07 wanna 276:08 why would i i mean maybe uh i'll order 276:10 size 10. maybe like 276:13 what's it called maybe uh 276:16 h m urban outfitters [ __ ] like that i'm 276:19 never gonna buy expensive ones because i 276:21 don't i'm in my mind i'm not gonna need 276:24 stuff like this all the time like i 276:25 don't go out much i'm not going like to 276:28 fancy restaurants dressed 276:31 i'm not going outside like this much am 276:33 i so why spend a ton of money on it 276:36 always hard to know sizing on chinese 276:38 sites though yeah true 276:39 then 276:40 i just go by reviews usually they're 276:42 pretty accurate like that plus amazon 276:44 has like a does it fit larger or smaller 276:46 than your size 276:48 look up pop up closet shape what 276:51 pop closet women shapewear 276:55 pop closet 276:56 women's shapewear 276:58 oh this stuff like uh that's a lot 277:01 though that feels like it'd be real warm 277:03 um 277:06 oh my god 277:07 yeah that takes up a lot of space too on 277:09 your like body 277:13 and it's not really like a corset or 277:15 anything it's just a tight piece of 277:16 fabric 277:17 so i'm not really sure how that's gonna 277:19 work there's a cutout for [ __ ] 277:22 anyway 277:23 ah i guess that could work 277:28 interesting 277:30 anyway 277:31 so he's got goal mode for when he 277:32 streams 277:33 he dresses up as a wait what 277:35 so he's got a girl mode for when he 277:37 streams he dresses up as a girl yeah i 277:39 mean i'm pretty much like 277:41 i don't know 277:42 i i've never really like okay well i 277:44 started the stream in uh [ __ ] is there a 277:46 clip of when i started the stream in 277:48 that outfit that's more like what i wear 277:50 around the house or like what i wear 277:52 like anywhere 277:53 like at least in skirts and dress month 277:55 if it wasn't if i didn't have to wear a 277:56 skirt with that i just wear leggings 277:58 like a sweatshirt 278:00 with like a skirt right and i barely 278:02 ever bothered to match them but still 278:05 pick up some proper purples my corset 278:07 liners oh wait [ __ ] that's actually not 278:10 a bad idea 278:11 [ __ ] yeah okay 278:13 i'll grab 278:14 [Music] 278:16 i'll grab that thing the shapewear thing 278:18 tacticality 278:19 i need to start wearing a sleeping cap 278:21 for your hair stockings in the colors 278:23 nude and black a black business pencil 278:26 skirt probably made of cotton hair bands 278:30 you will never have enough yep makeup 278:32 wipes with moisturizer love me 278:35 micellar water micellar water's better 278:38 love mist thank you um 278:43 corset liner there we go 278:45 [ __ ] yeah 278:46 um 278:51 okay 278:53 why do they have to be with underwear 278:55 just 278:56 just to like just just nothing 278:58 waist trainer don't want a waist trainer 279:00 just want like a piece of fabric really 279:03 um 279:07 i'm i'm gonna guarantee so it's not 279:09 really well uh well uh what's it called 279:12 it's not well reviewed at all and i'm 279:14 gonna guess it's because people think 279:16 it's a waste trainer 279:18 yeah i'm gonna guess someone's buying it 279:20 because they're like it's a waste 279:21 trainer but it ain't or a corset it's 279:23 just plain 279:25 i'll get like two of those cardigan and 279:27 leggings 279:28 sundress 279:30 shorts and eraser back tank oh baby 279:33 t-shirt dress baby don't like a [ __ ] 279:36 like you mean like uh what's it called 279:38 like a nightgown like a nighty 279:41 no 279:42 i'm never gonna wear it ever 279:44 there's no 279:45 i sleep like basically naked or in like 279:47 a shirt i'm not gonna i'm 279:50 there's no opportunity there's no i have 279:52 no motivation to get into a 279:54 pretty little [ __ ] nightgown 279:58 i think want to hear a joke 280:01 oh maybe i don't want to hear the joke 280:03 it's it's not a bad but still 280:06 flannels bruh 280:08 uh 280:09 okay what'd you say 280:11 sleeping cac fear what is the purpose of 280:13 getting a sleeping cap 280:15 what is that what does that do 280:17 uh stockings in the colored uh nude and 280:20 black i already have that 280:23 uh i just usually don't wear them with 280:24 outfits black business pencil skirt okay 280:27 pencil skirt 280:29 all right let's find one of those 280:32 oh for a [ __ ] secretary cosplay 280:35 okay 280:38 all right we can grab one of these 280:42 ask kyle what he wants to see you in no 280:47 holy [ __ ] i don't know about that 280:50 let's get that medium 280:52 add that okay black pencil skirt got it 280:55 all right what else 280:57 i have at least uh at least get a 280:59 sundress like the yellow i have so many 281:01 sundresses oh i know do i i don't 281:03 actually have a sundress i have like 281:05 summery dresses i don't have a sundress 281:07 though 281:10 ah 281:12 [ __ ] 281:15 do i really want one 281:18 they're so like 281:20 they're kind of like granny 281:22 thanks for the five gifted subs at least 281:24 the one on amazon's amazon is thanks for 281:26 the five good subs john 281:27 um 281:29 [ __ ] 281:31 slowly going up in subs it's good i'm 281:33 glad okay 281:34 listen while i like regular money i do 281:37 like 281:38 subscriptions instead of uh contributing 281:40 to the donut goals sometimes all right 281:44 third time that messed up you're you're 281:46 ha ha 281:47 uh 281:48 what else did you think hair vans got 281:51 that makeup watch moisturizer i use my 281:52 cello water it's a lot more calm a lot 281:54 more like a lot less scrubby you know 281:57 um 281:59 kind of like is 282:00 shorts an eraser back tank 282:04 racer 282:05 back tank don't know what that is 282:09 oh okay 282:11 that looks neat i guess i would never 282:13 wear it 282:14 for really anything 282:16 uh i just have regular t-shirts that are 282:18 more 282:19 i mean okay 282:20 if you guys are in the business of just 282:22 having me wear overtly women's 282:24 everything all the time with no unisex 282:26 stuff there is this 282:28 um 282:31 i guess there's that but i don't think 282:33 that's part of the part of the goal i 282:35 think that's part of the deal that i 282:36 made with you 282:38 um 282:40 unisex considered okay yes 282:43 i think unisex is considered okay 282:47 right 282:48 i've been i've been doing it anyway um 282:53 okay i'll get one of those uh 282:57 in medium 282:58 i'll get 282:59 two 283:00 i got two black ones okay oh damn 283:06 thanks oh [ __ ] thanks k over thanks for 283:08 the 5 good subs bro virginia sweater not 283:10 a shot no i've i own one or at least i 283:12 owned one i threw it away because i 283:14 didn't wear it in like months someone 283:16 sent me one there's no shot i'm wearing 283:18 that 283:18 can you do a maid outfit i have won so 283:21 many made outfits go month not unisex 283:24 month 283:28 hold on 283:31 oh wait i've been i've been linked 283:32 something 283:36 god damn 283:40 oh my [ __ ] god hold on let me get it 283:42 up for you that [ __ ] kitty just 283:44 linked me 283:45 what do we think 283:46 what do you think chat hold on let me 283:48 get my camera out the way 283:51 what do you think 283:53 you like it 283:56 i think it's great 283:58 thanks kitty you're so helpful oh damn 284:00 um 13 pounds as well that [ __ ] is not 284:03 gonna look good [ __ ] why seven gifted 284:05 subs though just do five it's so much 284:08 easier than five it's so much easier to 284:09 just do five what's a cool trick to 284:11 learn on a bala song 284:24 that's the index roll over 284:26 i did it right the first time um 284:29 you go on to regular amazon all right 284:30 i'll get that it's like 13 pounds why 284:32 not oh damn um thanks for the five good 284:35 subs see someone that knows what they're 284:36 doing thank you denchi 284:38 um 284:38 [Music] 284:41 you j you just sent this 284:43 butte mail i'll look it up 284:47 how do i spell beaut t 284:49 okay beaut 284:50 mel dude beauty is such a weird word to 284:53 spell 284:59 okay 285:03 oh [ __ ] that's not a bad one i don't 285:06 know what color you got but that's not a 285:07 bad one it's pretty cool 285:09 and it's a body contrast so it's short 285:11 as [ __ ] um 285:13 yeah all right thanks thanks fam 285:17 that's gonna be a fun one to wear 285:19 [Music] 285:22 the hair and freckles are really doing 285:24 something for me rose super cute thank 285:27 you 285:29 damn 285:30 uh 285:38 let's see the uh 285:41 reviews on this 285:45 [Music] 285:48 okay 285:55 all right 285:56 is dropping the barley song part of the 285:58 trick uh some of them are sometimes it's 286:01 part of it maybe that's where you and i 286:03 ended my routine with it that's what it 286:04 was it's like a it's showing how much 286:07 control you have over the bala song 286:09 without 286:11 actually needing to [ __ ] like you know 286:13 by 286:14 by dropping it so 286:17 you can show that you're so good that 286:19 you didn't even need to hold it 286:21 is what it is 286:26 yep 286:31 fifth element costume halloween i don't 286:32 know what that looks like actually 286:37 i don't think there's anything else 286:38 that's like 286:39 what the [ __ ] 286:42 mini jesus that's like a belt 286:44 why does it have 200 reviews 286:47 oh the images on amazon are fun when you 286:49 find something really slowly 286:52 cool anyway 286:56 the banner did dress [ __ ] is that i feel 286:59 like i've been covered in [ __ ] what 287:01 did i do wait hold on i want to ask 287:02 something and [ __ ] oh i've been sent 287:04 something else 287:07 you realize what am i being sent 287:10 i'm not going to wear that 287:12 kitty sent me this and i'm already 287:14 pressing it 287:17 wasn't sure you would like them 287:20 what the [ __ ] is this 287:21 can i not click it okay apparently i 287:23 can't click it i'm not gonna wear this 287:26 it's 287:26 it's stupid it's so dumb it's an 287:28 inflatable [ __ ] 287:30 good lord 287:33 my god dude oh there's another one hold 287:36 on 287:38 [Music] 287:39 see now i don't think i should show 287:40 anyone this because no no no nation 287:42 boards any more frown 287:44 oh no 287:46 so sad 287:47 she also like me this um 287:51 french maid outfit in red 287:54 uh 287:55 cool i don't own one in red they do pink 287:57 dark red 288:00 and black and white wait black and white 288:03 and black 288:05 cool 288:06 it's got it's well reviewed at least 288:09 i've seen this dress before i swear this 288:10 is like what all the [ __ ] the tick 288:11 tock guys do 288:14 get the pink the pink is 288:16 think of the viewers kitty don't kitty 288:19 you're you're guilting me and and you're 288:22 and you're baiting them like you want 288:24 them to 288:27 uh 288:28 you're just rallying them kitty 288:32 oh this is asian size maybe smaller than 288:34 europe's size we suggest you choose a 288:35 size up okay i'll grab large maybe i 288:37 should go extra large 288:39 because if it's order one to two sizes 288:41 up i'm usually medium but this does have 288:43 shoulders 288:44 ah [ __ ] wait 288:46 there's no like 288:47 usually is smaller 288:49 okay 288:50 i'll go actually 288:53 all right the black one i already have a 288:55 lot of black ones the pink one we 288:56 demanded either black or pink 288:59 or both 289:00 i'll get both 289:02 i do so many pink looks i don't dress in 289:04 pink enough guys 289:06 uh classic blue 289:09 schoolgirl out from japan dude my amazon 289:11 [ __ ] list is so long at this point 289:14 uh 289:15 hold on 289:20 okay 289:26 oh they have measurements 289:33 oh wait large actually seems like larger 289:35 than my size 289:37 oh but i don't know what my shoulder 289:38 width is [ __ ] i have no idea what my 289:40 shoulder width width is 289:45 oh and they also don't give a 289:47 measurement for 289:48 ah 289:55 you're a slope now remember happy to 289:58 wear no skirt at all 290:00 so short skirt outfits no longer a 290:03 problem they definitely are a problem 290:05 i'm wearing a specific outfit that 290:08 doesn't 290:09 shut up 290:10 did it okay listen 290:12 [ __ ] you 290:13 also by the way there's just 290:15 small medium extra large on this one and 290:17 then it goes multiple excels 290:20 okay 290:29 what the [ __ ] 290:34 [Music] 290:35 hold on 290:36 one of the reviews for that is so good 290:39 urge rose if you want a bra to hold the 290:42 large bras buy a pocket bra from amina 290:45 as a trans girl i wear the same large 290:47 breast forms and the bra from amina 290:49 really does the job of keeping the 290:51 breast forms in place 290:53 fair enough 290:54 how are you okay 290:57 um 291:00 have you ever considered argyle socks or 291:03 fast john kiva 291:06 i've never heard of them 291:08 sucks i don't even know what the second 291:09 one is but the um all right 291:12 so one of the sorry i was uh 291:16 out of it rose dress up is a dream come 291:18 true 291:19 i want to gently hold your cheeks and 291:21 kiss your chin cheeks nose brows and 291:25 pouty pink lips 291:27 what what cheeks which cheeks uh one of 291:29 the reviews for that maid outfit is just 291:31 god is scared got this so i can trample 291:34 on god as a fanboy search little four 291:36 big cotton romper onesie pajamas 291:38 bodysuit luna onesie skirt sets do i 291:41 wanna did you just donate the exact 291:43 amount of money that i need to get it 291:46 okay [ __ ] it let's grab that and i'm 291:47 gonna check this chord again because i 291:49 guarantee you yep 291:51 okay hold on 291:53 you know what i'll do i'll get the pink 291:54 one in large and i'll get the 291:57 i'll [ __ ] it i'll just get them both in 291:59 large i think i'm gonna be fine with 292:01 that i'm usually medium 292:04 okay let's go 292:05 all right got those 292:11 uh 292:13 wait instead of socks or oh you mean 292:15 instead of fast 292:17 um 292:17 okay 292:21 argyle 292:22 sucks 292:25 uh i'll go vest 292:28 they look kind of ugly 292:32 they look kind of ugly 292:34 they look very ugly 292:36 they're like 292:37 they're like if you were gonna dress up 292:38 a nerd in a movie right 292:46 anyway 292:50 oh my god i was a hair in like one eye 292:54 okay i think we should be good now right 292:56 have we got everything that we need 292:58 uh totally in my basket is 293:01 440 pounds how the [ __ ] did that rack up 293:04 so quickly 293:07 oh 293:08 funny number 293:10 that was really convenient 293:15 thank you 293:17 [ __ ] yeah six nine six nine six nine 293:20 here we go 293:21 [ __ ] hell 293:23 uh we pay you a lot okay i know 293:25 [Music] 293:30 it's a business expense uh 293:34 the current is the is the currency 293:35 conversion not bad okay well it's not 293:37 technically that it's a little bit if 293:39 you wanted to 293:41 i think alexa 440 pounds in dollars 293:47 oh my god 293:49 six hundred dollars 293:51 a [ __ ] number for us bloody girl thank 293:53 you 293:56 i'm weirdly perfectly fine calling me 293:58 [ __ ] completely fine uh any of the pet 294:01 names though maybe not 294:03 bit weirder oh i've been linked another 294:05 one 294:06 uh thanks kitty you're being very great 294:08 here size 18 294:10 i think i'm size like 10 in 10 in skirts 294:12 anything that involves 294:14 chest area i'm 294:17 larger than average anything that like 294:18 yeah kitten 294:20 kitten sub 294:21 princess 294:23 saying daddy or mommy um 294:26 you know maybe not i didn't select a 294:27 size how dare you i've got already a 294:30 pencil [ __ ] it i'll get another pencil 294:32 skirt what if i might need another 294:33 pencil skirt already spending 400 450 294:36 quid 294:37 why not 294:38 okay 294:40 i like kitty shopping for me is 294:42 so great 294:44 oh my god 294:50 yeah kitty literally dm's me ah this 294:53 will get this 294:54 this'll get them talking i'll enjoy my 294:56 sadism here 294:59 thanks kitty i'm glad you're on my side 295:01 uh 295:04 more pencil skirts there's two in there 295:05 that's enough 295:07 don't scan your chat i gave you 100 295:08 early true you did 295:11 um 295:12 i am uh 295:13 i'm spending it on stuff 295:17 trying to find uh more good stuff that 295:20 works you know 295:21 trying to think if there's anything else 295:22 i need 295:24 kitty is doming rose via amazon 295:26 yep 295:28 that's exactly what she's doing 295:30 uh what else is there to get 295:33 what the hell 295:40 my god there's one [ __ ] hair that i 295:41 don't know where it is 295:43 oh okay 295:46 tell us how tell us where you get your 295:48 bobs amazon it's literally always amazon 295:50 it's a business expense exactly 295:52 i'm glad kitty's getting something out 295:54 of it uh gonna spend money to make money 295:57 bro i i do agree with that i don't mind 295:59 buying outfits on amazon it's just that 296:02 these are a lot and i'm kind of 296:03 picturing having to wear them these 296:04 these all have like long skirts though 296:06 everything like that what was it the one 296:08 about i guarantee you a little 296:10 or big 296:12 pajamas 296:14 someone suggested though for big pajamas 296:16 oh my god 296:19 see 296:21 but this is maybe not hold on 296:24 business shirt 296:27 business shirt 296:29 a business yep but look at this though 296:32 hold on 296:34 but look at this though these are not 296:35 pajamas hold on 296:37 ah 296:39 fifty percent of gm six this stream 296:42 these are not pajamas bro 296:44 how are these pajamas 296:48 i don't need this this is not what i 296:50 will be going to sleep in i just sleep 296:52 com i just don't wear anything to sleep 296:53 bro 296:55 oh nice really 296:56 um 296:59 good lord yes you do i 297:03 [Music] 297:05 by the way crj thanks for the ooty 297:07 clothes oh nicknames we're almost there 297:10 boys the eggshell has spider web cracks 297:14 keep it up babe you're the ten tenths of 297:16 all our dreams also both sets of cheeks 297:20 thank you thanks thanks bro 297:24 it is a good job that you're not too 297:26 tall or the outfits will look insane 297:29 i 297:35 that was funny okay i'll give you that 297:37 that one was a funny one 297:39 but like 297:41 [ __ ] like 297:42 all right fine then let's get some 297:44 pajamas let's get those 297:46 they look great 297:48 oh that's a good they do do i have a 297:50 cool dress actually it's like a cat face 297:52 and [ __ ] that's neat 297:54 uh have you ever been to the actual 297:56 little for big site yeah i have um i 297:59 went on there once because people were 298:00 saying you should go on their website 298:02 it's not as bad as i thought it was 298:04 gonna be i obviously know what this what 298:06 the site's for 298:07 like that's you know but they make good 298:09 outfits you mentioned last stream 298:11 possibly changing your female persona 298:13 name from rose to ella i didn't ever say 298:15 would you please elaborate on that no 298:17 also i would strongly recommend googling 298:19 the meaning of the name ella 298:21 p.s if you look it up make sure chat 298:23 doesn't see the modern hebrew meaning 298:25 we 298:27 hebrew meaning like inflate your ego 298:32 i did never i never said that i said 298:34 that it used to be not the little four 298:36 big one i suggested my word 298:39 with a skirt 298:40 the word ella means she or her 298:43 the word ella can also mean girl or 298:45 feminine 298:47 good lord 298:48 [Music] 298:50 yeah so 298:51 pretty what's the hebrew one 298:54 original wait 298:59 hebrew 299:00 name 299:02 beautiful fairy maiden 299:04 let's [ __ ] go 299:06 i mean okay listen i think we're too 299:08 attached to rose at this point 299:10 also 299:11 um 299:12 ella is a little bit odd considering 299:17 thank you thank you cup 299:20 good lord the um 299:23 more goth with skirt i can't click links 299:25 also that's the dot com website not dot 299:27 co dot uk and i'm uk 299:29 uh it does amazon doesn't work like that 299:31 um 299:32 yeah plus i've got a rose color um 299:36 dude 299:37 imagine if i'm like 299:39 take your pills alice hello 4chan um 299:43 there's like what's it called [ __ ] 299:47 uh 299:49 i don't know i don't think i could 299:51 say to my parents oh they're going by 299:54 ella now because then it's going to be 299:55 con [ __ ] you know they want to call 299:57 me ella now because then it's going to 299:58 be constantly like 300:00 oh that's interesting did they pick ella 300:02 did you pick it you know i don't know if 300:05 i want to i don't know if i want that 300:06 conversation bro 300:08 um 300:09 your parents could have called you judy 300:10 if you were born a girl though that is 300:12 also true but they picked ella and then 300:14 they picked jude ella was like their 300:16 first bet 300:17 and then you know 300:19 oh good slap on the bob but yeah ella 300:22 was like their first bet uh they 300:24 couldn't pick what's it called 300:27 oh [ __ ] oh my god i'm getting sent a lot 300:29 wait you deleted they deleted one 300:32 i'm confusion 300:35 oh my [ __ ] god 300:37 um 300:39 this might be a little bit too much this 300:41 might be a little bit much chat 300:44 don't you need a business shirt for 300:45 secretary cosplay 300:47 you mean just a shirt 300:51 what do you think 300:56 what do you think chat 300:58 you like it 300:59 good good pajamas 301:01 good pajamas 301:02 finally something i can wear to bed you 301:04 know 301:06 good lord 301:10 deleted the u.s link ah okay 301:12 dear god 301:15 i need pajamas chat i don't know what 301:16 you're talking about 301:22 sarah means princess in arabic which is 301:24 fitting for our lovely desert rose stay 301:27 beautiful princess 301:29 also 301:30 we all see you flicking that tongue out 301:32 and we know why 301:37 i don't also what do you mean 301:39 i still don't know why 301:42 and what do you mean flicky like i'm not 301:46 wait what now i'm genuinely confused by 301:48 the last comment there 301:49 a hoodie 301:51 oh finally chat we found it we found the 301:55 the feminine hoodie the only hoodie 302:00 we found the one hoodie that can overtly 302:02 be considered a female hoodie we did it 302:05 chat finally something i can wear 302:12 christ 302:14 get a night gown finn let it hang i'm 302:16 not gonna i'm never gonna wear a 302:17 nightgown it's ears it's the ears for me 302:20 yeah the ears with the the ears with the 302:22 bow on it and the rainbow heart 302:25 it's you know 302:27 pretty she looks very happy to be 302:28 wearing it it's great 302:32 uh 302:36 he's saying it like you use your tongue 302:38 right 302:39 what i'm confused 302:41 i care about hoodie indeed looks like a 302:43 care bear i've never is this an american 302:45 thing care bear rose cosplay this is 302:47 care of a rose this is genuinely gonna 302:49 just be [ __ ] 302:51 it's americans everywhere i've never 302:53 seen the show i don't know what it is 302:55 and that's something you grew up with in 302:56 america 302:58 when you pose you put your tongue out 302:59 tongue between your lips 303:02 i do a bit actually 303:04 but it looks good 303:07 what can i say 303:08 uh 303:09 i've never seen it 303:13 oh you make your tongue really thin 303:21 how's the [ __ ] 303:24 i should do that bell bell gave like a 303:27 table i'll need some nails like that's 303:29 not pink 303:31 yeah yeah that's true maybe red ones 303:33 maybe some red maybe black maybe like a 303:36 blue i've got a hat in my head i have 303:38 all that but i just didn't 303:41 e thought moment okay 303:44 a little bit just a tad 303:46 i'm just waiting on the next link from 303:47 whatever [ __ ] kitty sends me 303:52 kitty suggestions are always good i 303:54 don't think i'm gonna add the teddy bear 303:55 onesie in because again i will never 303:58 wear it 304:00 i'm very sorry 304:01 i don't think i'll be wearing that about 304:03 any time soon kitty because the thing 304:04 requires me to tuck for it um 304:07 it's a onesie where's it gonna go 304:10 do your parents still watch the streams 304:11 or have they become bored with it 304:13 my mom never did my mom never watches 304:15 any of my like videos or anything 304:17 because you know why would she my dad 304:18 just has too much time in the day and he 304:20 checks in on nearly all of them 304:22 like you know 304:25 he checks in on nearly all the streams 304:26 so i always get comments about it 304:27 afterwards not like you know just like 304:29 oh nice uh what's it called i saw the 304:31 new video that came out and i was like 304:32 oh yes well i literally said it was good 304:34 you know nice 304:41 check eagle ideas and discord oh god 304:43 it's been so long since i've checked 304:44 that 304:45 hold on 304:46 get down on the stream i'm down too 304:49 i think you've got plenty for a while 304:50 we're up to like 500 bucks so yeah let's 304:53 see the e-girl ideas 304:56 oh my [ __ ] god um 304:59 okay number one what do you think 305:01 so let's move my camera like all the way 305:03 over here number one what do you think 305:05 pretty pug uh another pajama thing can't 305:08 click on it on this but still oh i can 305:11 got um it's the actual website 305:16 okay hold on 305:18 all right 305:19 there's what do you what do you think 305:20 about this one chat 305:22 hold up 305:23 wow very cool 305:26 feet are you kidding me 42 305:28 holy [ __ ] this is fun to just scroll 305:30 down this 305:31 ah 305:32 wait oh do you mean like this this is 305:34 what i should be wearing to bed right 305:36 this 305:38 this is what i need chat we found the 305:40 product got it oh there's a blue one 305:44 even better 305:48 [ __ ] that 305:50 i'm 305:51 definitely yeah endowment really i'd 305:53 you'd never see it though 305:56 oh my god 305:58 well listen it's on their website it's 306:00 not on amazon i don't know where it 306:01 listen if it was on amazon i'd buy it 306:03 right but it's on their website if it 306:04 was on amazon i'm sure i get it but it's 306:07 only on their website so there's no way 306:09 to get it oh my [ __ ] god 306:12 okay 306:14 if only it was on my website guys i'm 306:15 sorry we have to miss out on this 306:16 opportunity 306:18 um 306:20 that's a neat little that's a neat dress 306:22 it could be cool um 306:24 what the [ __ ] neat 306:28 that's kind of dope i don't mind that 306:29 aesthetic uh besides 306:34 what could it be oh this is the one okay 306:36 that was that if i had a way smaller 306:39 waist and way wider hips that would be 306:40 pretty dope too 306:42 this is i could never wear that on the 306:45 stream 306:46 uh 306:47 if i ever needed a handbag i guess so 306:49 yeah 306:50 i've worn that that's a cool [ __ ] 306:53 skirt and [ __ ] okay [ __ ] it i like that 306:55 fit 306:56 um 306:57 they should be neat 307:01 i don't have the body painting skills 307:03 for that 307:04 tactical fan point down 307:08 uh 307:11 well let's see 307:13 and there's just a mech get a bunch of 307:14 mech gala photos 307:18 oh hey riza 307:20 hello finster fans can you please make 307:22 it so that girl month includes sitting 307:24 down to pee because he literally pisses 307:26 all over the toilet seat every time and 307:29 i have to clean it all day darn greatly 307:32 that's 307:33 it's listen it's shut up it's happened a 307:36 few times but like woman's wrong 307:38 looks back 307:41 i'm sometimes tired and i sometimes miss 307:44 it's happened to literally everyone 307:47 okay it's happened to little literally 307:50 everyone it's fine 307:54 it's fine 307:58 oh okay well listen so here's the thing 308:01 they do have them 308:03 hold on [ __ ] 308:04 all right well technically right they do 308:06 have that outfit on amazon 308:09 they do have it on amazon 308:11 however 308:13 i'm gonna need to go back on my promise 308:14 on that one 308:16 i might need to go back on my promise 308:17 for that one 308:18 um 308:19 i never wear it though 308:22 this i [ __ ] knew it skip piss boy 308:26 only a chastity cage could force a 308:28 fanboy to sit down to pee nothing can 308:30 force me to sit down 308:32 with the council if you started using 308:34 ello as another alias you fem persona 308:36 would be called rose elizabeth ella 308:38 evergreen ree 308:40 ella evergreen 308:43 bit meh 308:45 you can't back down now but like 308:47 fine bro i'll waste 26 pounds buying it 308:50 i can't guarantee that i'll ever work 308:52 shut up i can't guarantee i'd ever wear 308:54 it piss in the sink 308:56 good idea i'm i'm like five foot eleven 308:58 so it's fine it is october the amount of 309:01 [ __ ] dms and tweets i've get about 309:03 that no i will never wear a chastity 309:06 cage ever not even for a 309:09 minute i will i ever do that 309:11 there's like 309:12 ah 309:13 there are chastity cages make you please 309:15 sitting down yeah i don't care 309:16 um this it's just not gonna happen 309:20 it's just never again 309:24 but a chastity belt is okay you said oh 309:27 yeah no a belt's fine a belt's kind of 309:29 funny to me and i want to own that as a 309:31 possession not even for five grand 309:34 for and from one minute 309:36 for one minute sure 309:39 five grand for one minute i'm down 309:43 for a singular minute 309:45 um 309:46 [ __ ] hell 309:54 five grand for one minute dude you'd be 309:56 a fool that's like what but jeff bezos 309:58 makes in one minute or some [ __ ] right 310:00 not bad how much for a month though yeah 310:03 none there's no 310:05 there's 310:06 no there's there's no opportunity to do 310:08 that 310:10 just not going to happen i'm not even 310:11 said i wouldn't even set a price on it 310:13 it's just not going to happen 310:18 some perv's going to jump at the 310:20 occasion but it wouldn't 500k for a 310:22 month 310:24 half a million dollars for a month 310:26 sure 310:27 half a million dollars 310:31 one hour 310:34 uh 310:35 [ __ ] 310:37 i don't 310:38 yeah i would not force coach with 24 310:40 hours for that further yeah one hour i 310:42 don't [ __ ] know 310:44 dude it's not gonna happen we're talking 310:46 about it like it's ever gonna happen 310:48 it's just listen boys 310:50 ain't no way 310:52 ain't no way i'm sitting down to pee it 310:54 ain't gonna happen no one can make me 310:55 i'm gonna break these [ __ ] change it 310:57 won't happen 311:01 but i ain't no no one can force me to 311:03 sit down to pee buddy it's not gonna 311:05 happen 311:08 good lord 311:10 okay the 27 items in my basket now 311:12 totally queen 311:14 510 dollars 311:18 there we go 311:19 queen himself 311:21 at the rate of 5k a minute it would cost 311:23 20 to 311:24 223 million for a month 311:27 yeah 311:30 it's quite funny holy [ __ ] that kind of 311:32 is what jeff bezos makes 311:34 nice 311:36 didn't you get the same thing about 311:37 getting makeup though 311:43 nah but i already 311:48 no 311:49 i don't think that's ever happened aging 311:51 gravity gonna force you eventually yeah 311:54 i guess so when i'm like 70 year old 70 311:56 years old maybe i'll need to wheelchair 311:58 myself to the pisser you know 312:01 but meh 312:03 i keep forgetting that a certain at what 312:05 the [ __ ] 312:07 animalistic hind appendage isn't allowed 312:10 to be uttered 312:11 what [ __ ] and balls you can say [ __ ] and 312:14 balls if you want to 312:15 uh hey 312:18 hey who's this guy wearing a pink ears 312:21 and women's dress 312:22 my name's finn 312:24 nice to meet 312:26 you ah oh my god 312:34 okay uh anyway 312:36 your name isn't finn 312:39 currently it's rose name's rose 312:44 sorry didn't mean to scam you 312:49 bonk bad streamer oh my god 312:51 fine shush the names right fine my 312:54 name's rose um it feels so incredibly 312:57 wrong to say 312:58 uh 312:59 oh [ __ ] i forgot 16 by the way 16 months 313:03 hand for tier 2 [ __ ] yeah thanks for 100 313:06 bits boy can i see the outfit 313:08 now say that in a girl voice no 313:10 uh maybe one day but it's not gonna 313:12 happen anytime soon oh my god okay this 313:16 [ __ ] blanket on the chair anyway 313:18 here's the outfit 313:19 there was a time where i used i wasn't 313:21 wearing the skirt 313:22 wish you were there to see it 313:25 but dude even short ass skirts like this 313:27 like this stuff reaches just you know 313:30 it's on my ass but i'm fine with it now 313:32 apparently because 313:34 you know 313:34 i used to wear this thing without a 313:36 skirt 313:39 you make loads on of patreon i know 313:43 don't worry i know what i'm turning down 313:45 i'm just not doing it like 313:48 imagine underwear with stockings wow 313:50 imat you can imagine it you'll have to 313:53 uh it's not happening 313:54 finn finally getting used to the short 313:56 skirts just like the rest of us 313:57 i guess over the years it's it's gotten 314:00 easier 314:01 but 314:02 oh god i've been linked to new one plane 314:04 though 314:05 oh wow holy [ __ ] 314:07 it doesn't look bad in all fairness 314:12 that's like a proper like 314:14 if i ever wanted to do a cinderella 314:16 cosplay i guess 314:18 it ain't but that ain't a bad dress 314:20 it's not terrible 314:22 hey with the jacket [ __ ] yeah 314:25 new new there's tons of colors there's a 314:28 black one hell yeah 314:30 that's not bad though is it that's not 314:32 terrible i don't mind that looks cute 314:34 the first one that i don't think uh i 314:37 don't think kitty is trying to troll on 314:41 that's not bad actually 314:43 [Music] 314:44 it's not bad 314:46 getting home drunk thinking about 314:48 [ __ ] your best friend and then 314:50 watching rose stream 314:52 such is life as a buy 314:56 what a [ __ ] what a day 314:58 what a day 314:59 we just okay you know what we're just 315:02 gonna get a [ __ ] ton of dresses today 315:05 and random outfits to where let's get 315:07 medium of that doesn't cover me 315:09 shoulders wait does it yep always true 315:11 to size hell yeah 315:13 do you want just a blue one have you 315:15 ever looked at the steampunk style as 315:17 opposed to gothic amazon has some styles 315:21 uh 315:22 no i haven't actually i can 315:27 don't know where champ oh [ __ ] i didn't 315:28 even read it 315:29 uh so cage is bad but beld is good i 315:31 think the belt's funny 315:33 uh would you ever wear a would you ever 315:34 wear a chassis belt 315:36 you're rather confusing pierced the 315:38 modern hebrew meaning of ella's goddess 315:40 [ __ ] yeah um 315:42 yeah i read it i saw it but the uh 315:44 no okay i'm memeing i'm memeing a lot 315:46 about the 315:48 another's in pink that i guess yeah i 315:50 guess so we just need more pink stuff 315:53 always um 315:56 yeah so 315:57 i mean okay listen i'm meaning about the 315:59 chastity belt because it doesn't really 316:00 exist right when i say chastity belt in 316:03 my head it's like the medieval giant 316:06 like it would cost like maybe a thousand 316:08 dollars with for this much metal on the 316:10 thing i think that's hilarious it would 316:12 need to be tailor-made to you right 316:15 that's why it's so insane 316:16 um that's why i keep saying like wow 316:18 someone's got to send me one of those 316:20 because it's funny 316:22 chastity cage 316:24 i don't know if i want to that's that 316:25 that's a big part of my life i don't 316:27 feel like i want to 316:28 i don't want to keep him keep him down i 316:31 don't want to put him down 316:34 you know i don't okay personally i don't 316:36 see the point of them 316:37 i it doesn't make sense i don't even get 316:40 how people get a kick out of them 316:42 because it's like 316:43 but that's the whole point 316:45 they're cute 316:46 they're a decoration 316:49 but like they're not [ __ ] what's it 316:51 called what's the if you you can't get 316:53 anything out of it 316:54 i don't get i don't get the hype 316:57 it's one of those things i'll never 316:58 understand 317:00 um it's it's like 317:02 let's say if you've got a fetish that's 317:04 like for anything foot fetish 317:06 uh you're like ankles you're like uh 317:11 women 317:13 um 317:14 fanboys [ __ ] like that right let's say 317:16 you've got a or 317:18 [ __ ] what else is a fetish 317:20 uh tights i've been told by kitty it's 317:22 like a what's he called anyway so 317:25 i'd say you got one of those right you 317:26 get something out of it like you you'd 317:28 get like enjoyment out of it because you 317:30 know 317:31 but if it's a chastity cage then you 317:33 can't what's the point 317:36 what's the point in it i don't get it 317:38 denial is the point they mob demands 317:41 cage i don't get it 317:45 i don't get the point of it bro it's a 317:47 mental thing 317:49 it's a physical thing that's what i mean 317:51 you can be horny without hard 317:54 i disagree women isn't that a thing 317:57 that's like for women that's like like 317:59 women are more like mental stuff denial 318:01 and control but like 318:03 but you can't enjoy it i don't get it i 318:05 really don't the 318:06 i get okay right i can get like like red 318:10 light green light is a really popular 318:12 thing i get that right because you're 318:15 getting something out of it but if you 318:16 physically nothing like oh come on 318:20 i don't know 318:22 damn guess you really are still a guy 318:24 huh 318:25 what they're four guys i just don't 318:27 understand it 318:29 uh 318:30 a few hundred dollars you can get a cage 318:32 for like 30. 318:34 oh no 318:35 oh wait that she's a male version of him 318:37 chastity belt just the belt 318:42 i'm never gonna get a [ __ ] cage it's 318:44 just not gonna happen uh what's your 318:46 safe word 318:48 [Laughter] 318:50 i have one do you wanna know it do you 318:53 genuinely do you actually wanna know it 318:55 i'm so sorry 318:58 so you know this it's not banana 319:04 it's funny though 319:06 it's a really good safe word it's like 319:08 the perfect word 319:11 well i'm really sorry about this by the 319:13 way i've never actually used this use 319:15 this safe word but you know obviously i 319:17 just it's just one of those things that 319:19 me and a girlfriend made up because it 319:20 was funny it is 319:22 like we never had to use it but it's 319:24 just like 319:25 you know it's funny anyway uh my safe 319:28 word was technoblade 319:30 genuinely no [ __ ] that was what we 319:33 came up with 319:34 because you would never say that 319:37 [Music] 319:40 it's such a you'd never say that word 319:43 it's so like it's 319:48 and we were meaning so we'd say it like 319:50 i think the joke started like ah that 319:52 should be our safe word and i thought it 319:54 was funny and she thought it was funny 319:56 we were laughing about it for a while 319:57 but then obviously it never never got 319:59 used with like that but then um 320:01 it was like okay someone like [ __ ] 320:05 tickles the other one too hard ah 320:06 technoblade she'll like that like that's 320:08 what it was 320:11 it works i'm sorry techno uh i've never 320:13 told him that 320:14 but 320:15 blood for the blood god is a [ __ ] 320:17 great safe word a safe sentence 320:23 but 320:24 who's telling him we'll see 320:28 i mean we never used it in any nsfw 320:30 context only sfw context you know 320:34 so 320:35 but it is it is quite funny 320:38 are you hitting the simp goal tonight 320:42 hey anyone want to uh gift 3000 subs 320:45 look at dm oh what's their name 320:47 it's a power exchange people love giving 320:49 up control lol 320:53 can i read it out loud what you said 320:59 what the [ __ ] 321:01 can i read it because that's cool 321:04 the amount of [ __ ] 321:06 yeah she goes i am holding five keys for 321:09 locktober 321:11 god damn 321:12 the badass [ __ ] of that sentence bro 321:16 five 321:18 dude the power in that holy [ __ ] 321:21 what have you lost what if you lost one 321:24 what if you lost one 321:25 what if you got mugged what happens then 321:28 those poor guys 321:31 [ __ ] i've got a dremel i could dude 321:35 hit me up listen if you lose a key i'll 321:36 ship them a dremel okay i got gifted a 321:38 dremel it's gonna be a very useful tool 321:41 the eight thank you amaya yeah 321:44 bdsm protocols have backups but it's 321:47 really funny 321:50 oh my god are they labeled like what if 321:52 you got them mixed up 321:55 is one of them kyle's oh my [ __ ] god 321:59 oh 322:00 i'm sure it is i'm sure but oh that's 322:03 that shit's funny as hell dude 322:08 i mean congrats i guess that's that's 322:09 pretty that's pretty epic 322:11 well done 322:13 anyway 322:15 what if you mix them up they're labeled 322:17 right 322:18 pretty sure default locks are pretty 322:20 easy to snap and break 322:22 but near there i mean i'm fine with 322:24 putting something in a vise and then 322:25 just like putting two wrenches in and 322:27 you know snapping it but like snapping 322:30 metal next to your groin holy [ __ ] 322:32 danger hours 322:34 um that'll be pretty bad 322:36 or like 322:38 what's it called or even a dremel [ __ ] 322:40 the amount of times i've slipped with a 322:42 dremel i'm gonna be so broke 322:44 rose my friend is a literal armorer for 322:47 the local chapter of the armored combat 322:49 sports team if you are serious about 322:51 getting a plate chastity belt it can be 322:53 a range i'm not sadly i can't afford to 322:56 do it for you that's on you i'm not 322:59 gonna no okay listen i don't want a 323:00 chastity belt i do but i don't it's 323:03 never gonna be anything that i'd wear 323:05 it's like it's just a cool ornament 323:08 like you know what i'm on about though 323:10 where it's like from the old movies or 323:11 some [ __ ] like that's kind of neat 323:13 though 323:14 i'll have that as an ornament you 323:15 couldn't wear it because it's made of 323:17 metal how are you going to resize it 323:18 what if you lose a like what if you gain 323:21 one kilogram then you now long now you 323:23 can't do it that's got to be insane 323:25 that's why there's chastity cages not 323:27 belts but like oh my god 323:30 it's the same thing 323:33 it's the same the uh [ __ ] 323:36 i don't know listen i still don't get it 323:38 i still won't understand it because 323:41 i don't get the i don't get the aspect 323:43 of 323:45 i it's not my thing i guess i don't get 323:47 the ash but aspect of like 323:49 pleasure from it or it's like if it's 323:51 not 323:53 maybe i'm a psychopath and maybe it's 323:55 just that 323:57 i think we've cracked the case body i 323:59 might just be a psychopath 324:01 i feel no joy 324:03 only 324:05 only physical pleasure that's it 324:07 zero 324:08 nothing 324:09 no no thoughts behind these eyes no 324:12 emotion no brain 324:14 uh there's been prices really two grand 324:17 oh 324:18 holy [ __ ] 324:21 that's nuts 324:26 for a dude who dressed as a woman you're 324:27 pretty vanilla yeah dude i fell into 324:30 this [ __ ] like 324:31 it's it's kind of weird how when you oh 324:33 my god 324:35 uh when you 324:37 i'm staying on my now i've got a bit of 324:39 mark on my now sorry let me fix one now 324:41 uh the [ __ ] when i uh 324:44 oh that's a weird 324:46 when you look at like how this all 324:47 happened it's such like the perfect 324:51 sequence of events like like if i never 324:53 did youtube i'd never be doing this 324:55 right if i never had like 324:57 any 324:59 like if one thing [ __ ] up along the way 325:01 then it wouldn't have happened right i 325:02 guess that's true for everything but 325:03 like 325:05 there's i was i was telling marisa about 325:06 this 325:07 there's 100 325:10 guys like straight dudes that would look 325:12 way better than me like the best person 325:15 at drag or passing as a woman on the 325:17 planet is that's a guy he's gonna be 325:20 some straight dude that doesn't give a 325:22 [ __ ] right like 325:24 he's grown a beard out by now 325:26 like he's just like ah you know i've got 325:28 kind of wide hips and narrow shoulders 325:29 and my face is a little bit feminine but 325:31 [ __ ] it got work to do like that's that 325:33 person exists out there but they don't 325:36 have any fall into this like you chose 325:38 to do this yeah no one forced you 325:41 it was all you yeah that's what i'm 325:43 that's what falling into it means it's 325:44 like saying like i fell into a job as an 325:46 i.t worker it's just sort of like oh it 325:49 just presented itself when i'm in fact 325:51 that's what i do now you know that's 325:52 what i mean 325:54 you think government will ever end yes 325:55 it has to it literally has to physically 325:58 economically it has to end 326:00 that's that's why i'm doing those every 326:02 month i add five grand to it eventually 326:04 it's not going to be able to get hit 326:05 um 326:06 but basically like um 326:09 when it does [ __ ] 326:11 lumberjack month i swear to god i'll 326:13 grow a beard i can't [ __ ] wait for 326:15 that i'm gonna grow a beard on the month 326:16 that uh gold month ends 326:18 also uh kitty said meatloaf 326:21 safe word meatloaf because i would do 326:23 anything for love but i won't do that 326:25 interesting i don't know the reference 326:27 grow a beard i will i could i could 326:30 anyway bob's in a beard 326:32 when the bobs are over i will grow a 326:34 beard when i can be 100 masculine and 326:37 great i will grow a beard i don't care i 326:40 will do it 326:42 anyway so 326:46 so may at the earliest shut up 326:51 that [ __ ] is it really me 326:53 but uh 326:58 god damn it what was i doing well stop 327:00 memoring and go and go sleep no what was 327:02 i talking about before 327:04 i don't know what i was talking about 327:06 [Music] 327:15 dude if we get through all the way of 327:17 2022 without me growing a beard i'll be 327:19 pissed um 327:21 but basically like 327:23 uh i got through 327:26 they require therapy and a male image 327:28 consultant thanks 327:29 uh i don't understand are you 327:30 transitioning no i'm just i'm just doing 327:33 this yeah the most feminine guy that 327:35 could do this job as like the best ever 327:38 put everyone out of business and what i 327:40 do uh they they they're just they just 327:42 don't give a [ __ ] enough like the 327:44 they're not like 327:45 they're not good in front of a camera 327:47 they're they don't want to do it that's 327:49 going to be the biggest thing they don't 327:50 want to do it they don't know about it 327:53 they you know whatever right just that's 327:55 just gonna be how it is uh but 327:59 if i had like if i didn't if i wasn't 328:01 any good at youtube like if i didn't 328:02 have like a the personality for it i 328:04 guess or like the ability to do it in 328:06 the brain for it um then i couldn't do 328:09 it right i wouldn't be doing this 328:10 but like you know hitting like all the 328:12 marks of like kind of used to make up 328:14 already girlfriend wanted to see me like 328:16 dressed up 328:18 um a lot a smaller note was like that my 328:21 friends really liked it and i got a 328:22 [ __ ] hell tap tap tap is this thing 328:25 on 328:28 what it is on now 328:30 wait you are hearing it right tts isn't 328:32 muted anyway how's locktober treating 328:36 you great 328:39 great it's going really well for me i 328:41 heard it's not going well for at least 328:42 five guys um 328:45 thanks to kitty uh 328:49 jeff made you do the 328:51 gf made you filthy rich yeah one one uh 328:54 evie thanks buddy uh 328:57 but yeah 328:58 she put me in makeup a good few times 329:00 like she she'd like she'd go out and buy 329:02 new makeup or i'd buy her like uh we 329:04 went to france and she bought some like 329:06 really fancy mascara 329:08 um i'm not friends that was just normal 329:10 she bought some really fancy mascara 329:11 that i don't remember what it was and 329:12 she was like oh i want to try it but i'm 329:13 already wearing [ __ ] i'm already 329:15 wearing makeup can i do it on you and i 329:16 was like 329:18 fine uh so i do that she thought it was 329:20 cool and then i was all right with dirk 329:22 with makeup and then she ended up doing 329:23 my like proper makeup like fully and 329:26 then i had another friend that was into 329:27 drag and they did everything like a 329:29 dress and everything and that's when i 329:31 did the omegle video and then that took 329:34 off but it took like a year to make that 329:36 take off if that took like another three 329:38 years then i wouldn't be doing it or 329:40 some [ __ ] like that right i don't know 329:45 anyway so that's the thing 329:47 the cage is arousing for us the audience 329:49 the ability to deny your horny uh giving 329:52 chat power 329:54 yeah 329:56 that's probably why i won't do it 330:05 no 330:06 no 330:07 one down boys one down where is it [ __ ] 330:10 no no 330:13 it's gone 330:14 the where is it the glue f 330:18 that was remarkably quick i just pressed 330:20 down on my phone and put all my body 330:22 weight into it by accident 330:23 i like tried to push it from the table 330:25 but my phone was there just like it's 330:27 the perfect ridge there's just a little 330:29 bit above my thumb damn okay 330:32 it's fine 330:34 i can put it back on again 330:36 we can restore it to its former glory 330:43 okay 330:52 alrighty 330:53 uh 330:54 check all right i'll get up hold on 330:56 i can't belie believe we have a woman in 330:58 here 330:59 uh 331:00 i hope there's there's a new girl month 331:02 after this there's a new girl month for 331:04 the next [ __ ] like three months 331:07 um right is it three 331:09 i think it's three it might be two 331:11 though it might be two that'd be good i 331:13 think it's for another two months 331:14 all guaranteed for two months and then 331:17 if we hit this one it'll be three four 331:19 no it's not four i'm not doing another 331:21 four months 331:23 it's gonna be a go month this time next 331:25 year 331:27 is it come on 331:29 okay 331:31 okay fine technically it's for like 331:36 technically it's up until the first week 331:38 of january so sort of mid for early 331:41 january is when it's ending 331:44 currently 331:46 which is way too long 331:49 that's a thought after the after 331:50 garments are over check can be on 331:53 whether wait what 331:55 check wait what he's going to check him 331:58 but on whatever finster forgets he pouts 332:01 the bobs after waking up he puts the 332:03 bombs on after waking up 332:05 yeah true wait what i don't know what 332:07 that [ __ ] message was 332:11 i don't know what the [ __ ] that is yeah 332:12 so there's a calendar made for it i love 332:14 this for you 332:15 thanks 332:16 kitty i'm glad 332:20 that's like 332:22 looks like 332:23 ugh what sort of breast forms do you use 332:25 just stick on ones in fact no i just 332:27 wear a bra and i use regular brush forms 332:28 they look like this 332:30 ah no no nipple though there are a 332:32 nipple on it but it's on that side can't 332:34 show you that side they look like this 332:36 like little chucking chicken cutlets 332:38 i'm hoping that this may be 332:41 i'm hoping this does end in january 332:43 because then on by april 332:46 [ __ ] i'm gonna have boobs on my birthday 332:48 god damn it i could speed run it though 332:50 it's only boobs the last two days of 332:52 april 332:53 of so and my birthday is april 21st and 332:56 it's for the 21st 22nd i could speed run 332:58 a break instead of doing it for a week 333:00 do it for like 333:02 five days instead 333:04 or like 333:06 like do it one day less for the next few 333:08 months and then i won't have bob's on 333:10 birthday let's [ __ ] go i definitely 333:12 won't be a woman on the birthday 333:16 wait how many months would that need to 333:18 be 333:19 one 333:20 two 333:21 three four yeah you need to hit four 333:23 after this for me to be a woman on my 333:25 birthday four 333:28 so it would need to be 333:31 on 333:32 girl month nine 333:33 for you to hit that so i think i'm good 333:35 i won't be a woman on the birthday 333:37 want to bet yes 333:39 you can clip this now at 60k yeah 333:42 calendar is assuming gm6 doesn't get hit 333:44 if it does things move forward yeah i 333:46 know i know that so 333:48 six 333:50 six seven eight yeah it would need to be 333:53 nine 333:53 yeah it needs to be nine unless i take a 333:55 really long break in which case you 333:56 could get it in eight but like you'd 333:58 need it to be nine 334:00 i can guarantee you can we have a 334:02 princess fin vince's birthday i will 334:04 throw 334:05 the girliest whatever party i'll dress 334:08 up for it i'll go out it's just not 334:10 gonna happen 334:11 i'll bet you that but if i wait wait but 334:14 if i win the bet it's bob's on birthday 334:16 is basically guaranteed i could if we 334:18 don't hit this goal i could speed run it 334:20 and then not not have it so actually 334:22 yeah um 334:26 okay 334:27 setting yourself up for an l no 334:32 no betting without heavy drinking to be 334:34 fair to chat no no we can make this a 334:35 thing 334:36 how about the what the [ __ ] 334:39 god will likely get hit cage during soon 334:41 i'm not betting the okay listen if i get 334:43 if i hit it right if if 334:46 oh 334:48 if we are if i'm not a girl on the 334:50 birthday i'm taking that beard goal 334:52 completely serious what about like 334:55 oh 334:57 [ __ ] what i want from you 334:59 what do i want from you 335:00 hmm 335:10 i don't know i need a good one 335:12 you mean if we hit it okay fine if you 335:14 hit it 335:15 uh 335:17 you get a lot from us already a lot of 335:19 money yeah it's nice more money more 335:21 money uh no i want like i want like uh 335:24 okay 335:25 no egg for a week 335:26 no egg comments for a week one and they 335:28 get banned no i want that beard month i 335:30 wanna i wanna have like a full guy month 335:32 if i'm if i'm not a girl on the birthday 335:34 i want like a full guy month 335:41 that's what i want 335:43 and wait 335:44 if the box has actually expanded past 335:47 then for the birthday 335:49 i want to i want guy clothes 335:52 chastity cage you want to bet the 335:53 chastity cage on it 335:56 or it for an hour 335:58 i'll wear it for one hour if i'm a girl 335:59 on the birthday but like you know 336:02 there's i i get i get one guy outfit 336:04 from it i gotta go outfit shoes 336:05 everything like that that's what i get 336:07 and i get a guy i get like beard guy 336:10 month 336:11 that's what i get 336:13 you think if we did a 24 stream and got 336:16 100k we finally get that only oh 336:18 no 336:19 you wouldn't if i wanted if i wanted 336:22 money to start and only fans i just 336:23 started only friends 336:27 by the time you forgot what he said he 336:28 described that you can't grow a full 336:30 beard on stream kiddo but i could 336:34 if it was a month i could 336:37 like in this eventuality it would be 336:40 what's after april very very much april 336:43 may by may beard month [ __ ] 336:45 lumberjack months baby 336:48 hell yeah 336:52 all right let's go 336:55 uh 336:56 there's no way you actually have strong 336:57 fights you'll have prove it don't shave 336:59 during the break 337:01 i usually don't what do you mean i mean 337:03 in all fairness i i shaved before and 337:05 back from stream thanks for [ __ ] subs 337:07 but you can't tell on stream if i paid 337:10 you 420 million dollars would you make 337:12 an off 337:13 well yeah sure but i wha what 337:16 420 million dollars 337:19 yeah 337:20 more million pounds however hell yeah 337:22 bro it's not all i wouldn't do for half 337:24 a billion 337:25 uh 337:26 after tax that is 337:28 uh 337:30 go to bed dummy you wanted to two hours 337:31 ago good point one hour ago 337:34 uh 337:35 i have all your chat sending you to bed 337:38 they they want me to hydrate and go to 337:40 bed i see your message stuff i don't 337:42 care i wanna i want this [ __ ] i want 337:44 this bet i want i wanna have a beard 337:46 month baby i wanna have like 337:49 a month of purely it seems like good 337:51 content too if i did like a whole month 337:53 of just purely masculine activities what 337:56 like i'm trying to think of one like 337:57 [ __ ] 337:59 oh [ __ ] like go get like a suit tailored 338:02 or some [ __ ] go do that go like [ __ ] 338:04 motorbiking like dirt biking or some 338:07 [ __ ] that seems cool as hell 338:10 [ __ ] skydive 338:13 if f1 nn can't grow a beard in a month 338:15 we get a free girl month oh i've got the 338:18 best one for a guymonth thing 338:20 best one for a garment thing what i can 338:22 do i can get my car and then every woman 338:24 i see on the street i beep the horn at 338:26 them real creepy that's the most 338:28 manly thing i know how to do 338:30 i'm sure i could pull it off it's not 338:32 too hard those guys are all idiots i 338:34 guarantee you i could do it 338:36 uh so that's going to be for the month 338:38 too 338:40 i can't wait for misogyny this month 338:41 it's going to be so good 338:43 drifting oh yeah 338:47 go fishing that'd be great 338:51 um hmm 338:53 throw axes 338:54 thraxes in the yard while drinking beer 338:57 i already throw axes in the yard while 338:58 taking shots of rum thanks thanks lord 339:00 ghost 339:03 such any month 339:07 i'm sorry 339:10 if finn can't grow a beard in a month we 339:12 get a free gal month 339:26 oh 339:30 what do i get though 339:31 you act like you never heard of femboy 339:33 fishing 339:35 i definitely have i just you know 339:37 i want to do it i'll go i'll go out with 339:39 the i'll go fishing with fanboy fishing 339:41 but i'll be like you know giant and 339:43 wearing a suit at all times um 339:49 wait when do we do it i'm confused wait 339:52 so when would we do when would we try 339:54 and do this because to grow a beard in a 339:55 month i'd need to not be doing this 339:57 you know what would i be doing i mean i 339:59 could still stream and [ __ ] but i just 340:01 wouldn't put any makeup on 340:03 i don't know 340:07 i could do it i could do it during like 340:09 the bob month i guess 340:11 you said after the 340:13 ah but that wastes a bunch of time 340:17 you said if we miss a month we'd start 340:19 over at 15k 340:21 no i didn't say we'd start over actually 340:23 i said we wouldn't start over because 340:25 otherwise wouldn't you just want to not 340:26 hit the goals and then wait till they're 340:28 over and then start another one 340:30 i'm not dumb 340:33 i've got a better one i'll do this 340:37 if i can't grow a beard in one month 340:39 i'll restart the gomun thing 340:44 so i'll give you a second chance of 340:46 doing gold months 340:49 because i know i can grow a beard in a 340:50 month 340:52 i can get a well okay wait what classes 340:54 is beard though defined beard right what 340:56 happens is beard though 341:04 define beard yeah hold on if i google 341:06 beard 341:08 nope that's bread 341:12 bread not a long beard like okay this is 341:15 not what i'm on about i couldn't grow 341:17 this 341:18 like at all i couldn't do that i'm not 341:20 saying i can grow that 341:22 i wanna i mean like 341:24 let me find like 341:29 hmm 341:35 you can have your one guy month you will 341:37 miss dressing up and feeling cute like 341:39 this 341:41 i could do this 341:43 this is what i could maybe do in a month 341:45 it wouldn't be as nice looking but it 341:47 would be that 341:49 roughly 341:50 or at least definitely i i could maybe 341:53 do this 341:54 possibly possibly do this 341:59 in a month 342:06 that i could do that i could do that a 342:07 month ah 342:09 round number what number 342:11 hey 342:13 holy [ __ ] 50 342:17 [ __ ] in three days my [ __ ] god 342:21 [Music] 342:24 rose that's how i look after five days 342:27 without shaving do you get the chad 342:29 jawline as well 342:31 do you get the chad jawline 342:33 um okay 342:34 in like a week if i google terrible 342:38 beard 342:39 terrible short beard 342:41 um 342:43 wait okay more realistically this is 342:45 probably what is accomplishable 342:48 wait why is jay schlatt on here 342:52 terrible short beard joe schlep pops up 342:55 uh 342:56 like my hair growth is so weird though 343:02 like this guy on the left 343:05 you know 343:06 that's more likely to be what it is 343:10 [Music] 343:14 i'd still call this counting that was 343:16 working 343:17 i think i could do that in a month i've 343:18 never not shaved for a month though but 343:20 i think i could do that poor schlatt 343:22 he knows he has a bad beard 343:24 um 343:25 you mean a a bum fluff a bum fluff beard 343:27 then yeah 343:29 what if i do mean that that is exactly 343:30 what i mean 343:32 um 343:33 okay 343:35 i could do that in a month 343:36 guaranteed 343:42 yeah okay doable 343:47 okay cool 343:50 got it 343:54 uh the beard must seem like a proper 343:56 beard to count 343:57 that seems like a proper beard no that 343:58 doesn't count as a bit that definitely 344:00 counts as a beard 344:02 my my hair just physically doesn't grow 344:04 that long that fat in a month hot and if 344:06 i look up like 344:08 one month 344:09 beard 344:11 let's do that look at this 344:13 right 344:15 ah 344:17 see 344:18 that's it's it's impossible this guy 344:21 that's doable that's this is just looks 344:23 like fills a minecraft 344:26 that's what it's gotta be otherwise it's 344:28 physically not possible the argument is 344:31 me as me couldn't do the same thing that 344:34 a lot of guys could and i completely 344:36 disagree i think that i totally can 344:40 i totally can 344:42 anyway 344:47 is the intention to never cross-dress 344:49 again when girl month ends or just stop 344:51 living as the girl month rules the 344:52 second one i i think i'm still probably 344:55 going to do cross-dressing stuff just 344:58 because you know i look hot as [ __ ] but 345:00 the uh 345:02 but i'm but the girl month rules you 345:04 know they're they're um 345:06 i could live without them i could really 345:08 enjoy a pair of boxers back that would 345:10 be quite nice uh having bob's on all the 345:13 time he's in your army on purpose what 345:14 have you said 345:17 uh 345:18 match mine i'll shave one day and see if 345:21 you can keep up 345:24 now you're now you've got like you're 345:26 like a no i i've set i've set the goal 345:29 that's gonna be the goal i've streamed 345:31 it i hope you guys clipped it that's 345:33 what it's gonna be 345:36 and if i do that i win 345:41 i'm a guy if you're a guy you can keep 345:42 up 345:44 but like no okay i don't know wait how 345:46 old are you stuff you're older though 345:48 you're gonna like you're older than me 345:49 you're gonna have like a better 345:51 you know you're gonna have like easier 345:53 time 345:54 you've already grown a bit before your 345:55 hair follicles are used to it 345:58 so 346:01 them's fighting 346:02 words you'll never i listen i can't run 346:05 against stuff but still that's ageist i 346:07 know that 346:09 that's not how it works it is completely 346:12 coward 346:13 i set the parameters 346:15 i set the parameters 346:16 listen buddy if you want if you want the 346:19 bet take the bet you know 346:20 i'm not going to try i'm not going to 346:22 say and try and do what's physically 346:24 impossible i've set the rules it'll 346:26 happen 346:27 i'm going to go a bit 346:30 what are the goal month rules oh my god 346:32 well basically i i'm wearing these at 346:34 all times not this big not even half of 346:37 this big not even a quarter of this big 346:39 i'm wearing small ones of these at all 346:41 times so bra female underwear 346:44 that's kind of the worst one by the way 346:46 uh i'm trying to do i do a little bit of 346:49 makeup every day not a lot pretty much 346:50 just my eyebrows um like just to look 346:53 feminine uh that's kind of one of the 346:54 rules 346:55 i don't do the full thing just sort of 346:57 my eyebrows really work for it 346:59 especially when you've got a mask on 347:00 everything eyebrows is enough um 347:04 what else um 347:06 oh yeah oh ow the main one i've gotten 347:08 so [ __ ] used to it no guy clothes 347:10 literally none um 347:13 even if it's you if it's unisex chat 347:15 throws a fit at me 347:16 all female clothes everything all the 347:18 time 347:20 here's my part good luck with the beard 347:24 thank you it'll happen 347:28 can you use things like castor oil i 347:30 don't know what that is heals three days 347:32 a week yeah that's one of them 347:34 i'm i mean i've been in heels i've grown 347:36 i've gathered up a bunch of time i've 347:37 been in heels one every day this week so 347:40 i should actually have like a bit of 347:41 overlap there 347:42 uh i'll oh yeah eyelash extensions what 347:45 were you this is the first first month i 347:47 haven't done it but i usually get hair 347:49 extensions but people were asking to not 347:51 do hair extensions for a month and 347:52 actually now that we're getting for the 347:54 fro to the end of to the end of it 347:56 before i forget well i've still got a 347:58 lot of you guys here 347:59 what do you prefer 348:01 longer hair or this hair 348:05 interested in knowing buddy 348:07 how do you have cleavage 348:09 uh did you ever push it bruh uh that 348:11 wouldn't really work this okay let's do 348:13 a vote let's do a vote let's do a vote 348:16 by the way this is for like all of the 348:18 girl months 348:19 i'd be very i'd be happy not to do hair 348:21 extensions for all the garments uh but 348:23 you know 348:24 yeah um okay 348:27 shorter 348:29 like 348:29 this 348:31 oh currently i voted 96 to 4 for no 348:34 extensions i suggest not getting them 348:36 back in 348:39 but only for a month 348:42 longer 348:43 okay 348:44 current 348:46 length 348:46 all right 348:48 hair preference 348:50 and i'm still growing the hair so it 348:52 gets longer but still all right let's 348:54 see 348:54 oh no would you prefer this but longer 348:57 or this now 349:00 okay you and john and stove have a 349:02 rivalry going so when you attempt to 349:05 grow a beard as a contest why don't you 349:07 three make it a contest between the 349:09 three of you also can you tell me what 349:11 you've learned about women since you've 349:13 been in gm 349:16 oh my [ __ ] god that's a deep one ah 349:20 holy [ __ ] 349:25 how do i even [ __ ] how do i even how 349:27 do i even answer that i've learned that 349:29 like 349:30 uh doing makeup every day 349:32 is 349:34 even though i feel like i heard about it 349:36 quite a lot 349:37 like how hard it is to do makeup all the 349:39 time 349:40 why am i being brought into this even 349:42 though i heard about women complaining 349:43 about it all the time 349:45 it is pretty [ __ ] annoying especially 349:47 if you do a full face of makeup 349:50 i wouldn't say there's some aspect 349:52 listen there's some aspects that are 349:53 easier that i like more there are some 349:56 aspects that i don't like more 349:58 it's the majority don't like more but 350:00 there are some stuff that's like there's 350:02 like one in ten things that are like 350:04 that's pretty neat you know weight of 350:05 boobs 350:07 good point i usually have small ones on 350:09 though and when i have big ones on i'm 350:10 in a chair so i'm not sure weight of 350:13 bob's is on the negative side of that 350:15 however positive side you get boobs and 350:18 you get to [ __ ] around with them 350:21 okay what else uh 350:24 i think it being more normal to shave 350:26 stuff that's like armpits legs um [ __ ] 350:28 like that i put or chest i personally 350:31 prefer having like being more shaved uh 350:35 that's just me uh maybe i've just maybe 350:37 i've got that opinion after doing it for 350:39 so long but whenever i grow hair now i 350:42 dislike it 350:43 not like everywhere but you know 350:44 whenever i grow hair like under my 350:46 armpits that shit's gone immediately 350:47 within the day that i notice it um you 350:50 know 350:51 with sometimes within the hour within 350:53 the minute that if i'm if i'm doing if 350:55 i'm not doing something currently i'll 350:56 shave it like it's just nasty uh 351:00 what else [ __ ] there's a i'm trying to 351:02 think of positives 351:05 hmm 351:06 compliments holy [ __ ] i get my one 351:08 compliment a year as a guy 351:10 i get chat i bet you in the current like 351:14 20 messages of chat there's one in there 351:16 you're gorgeous immediately see what i 351:18 mean i can consistently rely on 351:21 compliments 351:22 everyone [ __ ] compliments your looks 351:24 that is not a thing you get as a guy 351:26 um 351:27 at all i mean i didn't maybe i'm not 351:30 quite chris hemsworth but like you know 351:32 what i mean 351:33 guys don't really get compliments 351:34 especially compliments from love from 351:36 the women uh 351:37 so compliment your guy friends that's a 351:40 big one weirdly enough like that if if 351:42 there was a margin you know you're funny 351:44 and entertaining hell yeah even i like 351:47 when i did minecraft on youtube a lot 351:49 like i didn't really get like oh you're 351:51 really funny i got like ah you know 351:53 funny editing show like that i guess 351:55 you know 351:56 it's all like 351:58 videos funny [ __ ] like that i don't know 352:00 well this was cool you already get like 352:01 compliments on appearance at all as a 352:03 guy at least i didn't maybe i was 352:04 unlucky uh unless it's from girlfriends 352:06 and [ __ ] like that but uh i'm trying to 352:09 think 352:13 uh 352:14 so you're saying compliments me nothing 352:15 as a girl got you no what do you mean 352:18 the eager the [ __ ] ego trip that i'm 352:21 constantly on 352:22 constantly 352:24 you look cute as [ __ ] see what i mean 352:26 another just a boost to the ego it's 352:28 easy um 352:30 anyway so i'm trying to think about the 352:32 positives 352:36 at least [ __ ] i don't know 352:37 i guess like a confidence thing is 352:39 basically the the [ __ ] ego boost of 352:41 getting a bunch of compliments and 352:43 knowing you look good like that's one 352:46 uh 352:50 but then again that's not all women 352:53 just the majority i guess they feel like 352:56 a five and up 352:58 kind of same sort of thing 353:00 uh 353:02 nails 353:05 i'm medium on the nails i don't mind 353:07 them 353:08 i wouldn't continue to get them if i 353:09 wasn't doing this like i'm gonna 353:11 continue to shave everything kind of 353:13 forever uh i don't think i'd continue 353:15 getting fake nails 353:16 uh eyebrows 353:18 it's the same thing with body hair 353:20 things eyebrows listen i personally 353:22 prefer my eyebrows not maybe this 353:25 not this trim [ __ ] thanks for the 353:26 photo cool cool edwin good name 353:29 uh but maybe a bit like a bit more bushy 353:32 when if i was a guy 353:34 but cleaner looks better to me i don't 353:36 know 353:37 how did you feel when you read the 353:38 reddit roast thread of you oh that ah 353:41 but no one really gave a good one like 353:43 the best one i i mean there were just a 353:45 bunch of very creative like 353:48 uh 353:51 i don't know like i'm trying to think of 353:53 one of the ones basically very creative 353:54 like wow your nose is big um but then 353:57 the rest of them were like what the [ __ ] 353:59 like that was like the best roast thing 354:01 people get oh no or attention seeking 354:03 which yes like it would say there's no 354:06 like 354:07 i was almost disappointed that there 354:09 wasn't more like 354:10 life-altering comments in there that i 354:12 was like [ __ ] that hurts or like i think 354:15 i had my elbow like that and they were 354:16 saying that my elbows were red which 354:18 isn't really an insult it's such a 354:20 shitty roast but like three of them were 354:22 good attention seeking yes dude of 354:24 course i am what do you mean i'm a 354:26 youtuber i'm a youtuber and streamer you 354:28 think i'm not attention seeking the [ __ ] 354:31 uh 354:32 what's 354:33 what's the worst part of his what's 354:35 finster's worst part of his personality 354:37 thank you 354:38 finster's desk 354:40 uh he yells too much yells way too much 354:42 he also slams his fist down on the desk 354:44 gotta hurt you a lot finster's desk i'm 354:46 sorry 354:47 um 354:49 red elbows aren't normal see what i mean 354:51 it's just 354:52 not a good roast right 354:54 the scamming constant scamming 354:58 i put a banana all the way down my 355:00 throat i made up for the 355:02 moderate level of scam 355:04 um 355:06 what else 355:07 i'm trying to think of positives for it 355:09 uh 355:11 [ __ ] honestly the main thing is just 355:12 like it's an ego trip 355:15 ah 355:16 i don't know how every woman isn't like 355:18 this 355:19 i swear you wear like you wear makeup 355:20 like good you do you can do your makeup 355:22 well 355:23 everyone holy [ __ ] 355:26 uh [ __ ] 355:28 i like more about this 355:32 my skin's better 355:34 weirdly 355:35 i don't know what it is i think it's 355:36 because i'm constantly washing my face 355:38 like just having makeup on washing my 355:40 face my skin ends up being better 355:41 uh i'm not talking about anything that's 355:43 like specifically the streamers if i was 355:45 saying something specifically with 355:46 streaming i'd be like well i [ __ ] met 355:48 loads of cool people but like 355:50 um 355:52 that's my favorite thing about being a 355:53 streamer by the way meeting everyone 355:55 it's really [ __ ] cool but i don't 355:58 specifically just women i don't know 356:00 [Music] 356:01 [ __ ] i shouldn't think of any other 356:03 positives basically you've gotten so 356:05 used to a female appearance that while 356:07 you don't mind being a guy you just 356:10 prefer feminine hygiene 356:12 which is actually a good thing girls 356:14 seem to take care of themselves better 356:17 yeah 356:18 did i ever mention i tried that like i 356:20 tried doing the shaving your ass thing 356:22 uh i don't notice a significant 356:24 difference maybe like you feel a little 356:26 bit less less weird 356:28 when like just in case your hand 356:30 accidentally brushes the inside of your 356:32 ass cracks of being 356:38 some girls get that like [ __ ] lays it 356:40 off 356:41 feels good to be smooth a little bit a 356:43 little bit but like i don't know not 356:45 something that i don't i think i'd keep 356:47 up with 356:48 um 356:50 [ __ ] is so much better without assa 356:52 i guess so i guess you feel a bit 356:54 cleaner maybe that okay positive but 356:56 like body hair stuff i prefer how women 356:58 treat their body hair 357:00 uh women's like women's oh [ __ ] i guess 357:03 clothing is kind of better 357:07 ugh 357:08 you've got more options in style and 357:10 [ __ ] and looks like oh yeah here's one 357:12 that's like a bit more niche that's like 357:15 that you wouldn't think of 357:16 if you as a guy you decide well i want 357:19 to look great like i want to look so 357:21 good it's like 357:23 a different person like zero to [ __ ] 357:25 100 right 357:27 you can't 357:28 you can't go nearly as far as a girl 357:30 that wants to do the same thing like if 357:32 you take it if you take a dude that 357:34 wears joggers in the sweatshirt all the 357:36 time doesn't really keep up with himself 357:39 and then you get him to the point of 357:41 like wherever like you know where most 357:43 regular guys are 357:45 there's not you know the different 357:46 number one that difference is not a lot 357:48 and then going to absolute peak is also 357:51 not a lot but with a girl if you take 357:53 them from sweatshirt and like joggers 357:55 and gross [ __ ] everywhere not taking 357:57 care of themselves you can go like 357:59 inside 358:00 you've talked about how you enjoy 358:01 clothes cooking personal hygiene but you 358:05 have taken a much larger interest in 358:07 self-care and maintenance yeah but you 358:09 haven't mentioned how you are treated or 358:12 how you interact with people i don't 358:14 interact enough people 358:15 i don't talk to enough people while i 358:17 look like this to be honest question 358:18 mark 358:21 what 358:22 but thank you for the 50 358:24 the question mark i am confusion 358:27 just just a general question hi i'm finn 358:30 i'm a guy i promise 358:32 um 358:34 you appear to have a zip between those 358:36 tatas i know it's not really i'm i'm 358:38 working on it using skincare don't worry 358:40 it'll be gone away in a week 358:42 uh 358:44 a good suit and trim beard is the best 358:45 thing i could do yeah 358:48 just cut you just get it that's what i 358:50 mean by like guys can get a haircut 358:53 that's kind of it if you 358:55 i would find it like you dude i've never 358:58 met a guy that even could spend more 359:01 than half an hour on his appearance 359:04 right 359:06 like i don't know what you'd be doing 359:07 for all that time 359:09 that's the whole meme of like oh women 359:10 take so long to get ready but like 359:12 because they can dude like they're 359:14 taking themselves from like 359:17 like 359:17 normal level to just [ __ ] peak bro 359:20 give them time but like 359:22 i don't know i have i have like a lot of 359:24 respect for that now i guess um but yeah 359:28 i'd say that it would be cool if there 359:29 was like because women have like a bunch 359:31 more to do with style that they can do 359:33 or that people like doing they've got a 359:34 lot a lot more to show off than guys do 359:37 um there's no tops for dudes that just 359:39 shows off just their ab area if they 359:42 have them um but like all women have 359:44 like oh you know 95 of women have like 359:47 above like a cup boobs and that's 359:50 every [ __ ] top is like low-cut women 359:52 so you can see him and [ __ ] like there's 359:54 that there's i don't know in my opinion 359:56 women look better than guys i need to 359:58 sleep can you end the stream i am 360:00 addicted thank you no but i might 360:02 i've seen the next donation come through 360:04 and i've already read it hold on 360:06 i'll need to carry on for a little bit 360:07 longer but i'm just [ __ ] talking 360:12 most male actors wear makeup 360:14 yeah so uh sure day to day 360:19 on camera it's a completely different 360:21 thing if you've got a zip that you want 360:22 to cover up doesn't have got an actor 360:24 for this one scene 360:26 cool 360:29 it's like nowhere near the same thing 360:31 there's you know tell me what tell me 360:33 what guy can get [ __ ] pink sparkly 360:35 lips and it looks great or whatever or 360:37 um there's no like there's no other 360:38 option for it even if you said like 360:41 there's no like guys would look better 360:42 if they did this but no one does it 360:44 there's just no guys would look better 360:45 if they did this there's just no thing 360:48 men could wear crop tops show off eggs 360:49 they don't cause raisins i guess it just 360:51 doesn't look right right it's not made 360:53 for dudes 360:55 um 360:59 i don't know 361:00 there's i don't know 361:03 not sure 361:04 you can do a lot you can do a lot 361:07 just a crop top trousers with just balls 361:10 out just the balls though 361:12 no no shaft just ball that'd be good 361:15 i don't know 361:19 did you get breast implants no these are 361:21 uh these are just 361:24 yes i did 361:25 someone gave me 300 dollars and i got 361:28 breast implants 361:34 brad look brad pitt looked pretty great 361:36 in troy good point guys can just carry a 361:38 sword 361:39 i think the benefit of guys versus girls 361:41 is like 361:43 girls looking scuffed 361:44 does look worse than when a guy looks a 361:46 bit scuffed right like not trying for a 361:49 girl and not trying for a guy is 361:50 different 361:51 because 361:52 oh my god thanks for the 10 gifted subs 361:55 um 361:56 depending on who you are i guess thank 361:58 you [ __ ] hell because if your version 362:00 of scuffed 362:01 is like 362:02 leggings and a t-shirt you already beat 362:04 every guy 362:06 right because you're wearing leggings 362:07 you've won um 362:09 i mean okay 362:10 i'm going to say there's going to be a 362:11 lot of bias i'm probably not going to be 362:12 able to give a great answer because 362:14 women obviously 90 of the department 362:16 store 362:17 men eight percent the other two percent 362:19 is the snack aisle 362:21 okay 362:23 i guess basically women could look just 362:24 as good as guy closing her makeup yeah 362:26 them can look just good even in guy 362:28 closing their makeup yeah they can 362:30 um there's that i guess 362:33 [ __ ] 362:34 i don't know i'm gonna be like bias on 362:36 it realistically i need to speak to like 362:39 a bi guy that has no preference or a bi 362:41 girl that has no preference right 362:43 because then they'd give a better answer 362:45 but i'm obviously gonna be like in every 362:47 context women look better 362:49 even aesthetically like i'm not gonna 362:51 have a great judgment call on that 362:54 i am that 362:56 but it lends itself to different things 362:58 right for a guy to hit the absolute peak 363:00 of what he can look like it's relatively 363:02 easy like me wearing jeans and a t-shirt 363:05 that fit 363:06 look pretty [ __ ] good uh 363:09 at least it did 363:10 years ago um so you know there's that uh 363:15 like let me see 363:17 i don't know 363:18 there's a lot like that women have 363:20 access to like all like all guys clothes 363:23 plus all girls clothes so it's like more 363:25 options like you can do 363:27 uh 363:28 i'm a lesbian i wouldn't be much help 363:30 yeah 363:30 i don't know 363:37 been lurking in the shadows are you 363:38 streaming they've come out offensive 363:40 desk 363:40 androgyny is inherently attractive hot 363:42 take 363:48 wait hold on that's wait um hold on 363:52 if i google androgynous guy and i google 363:55 androgynous girl 363:57 okay 363:59 wait that's not a guy 364:02 it can't be 364:04 i don't want to see like 364:06 trans folks i just want to see like just 364:08 a dude that's androgynous i guess 364:11 like 364:15 i don't know man 364:16 because my level of like how hot are you 364:18 is kind of like [ __ ] are you more 364:20 masculine or more feminine you know 364:23 i don't know 364:27 if i look up androgynous girl 364:29 right 364:31 oh 364:34 androgyny my guy and complete i can't 364:37 tell i have no idea if that's a man or 364:39 woman i have no idea [ __ ] 364:41 dude you gotta help me i found the 364:43 perfect in-between i don't get it 364:45 oh my god 364:50 oh wait okay that's that all right 364:52 that's a decent in-between but it 364:54 doesn't look good to me because you know 364:56 very masculine so it's like i don't know 365:01 i don't know 365:03 i'm not into dudes 365:09 uh 365:10 [ __ ] ruby rose 365:14 she's the one oh she's in one of the 365:15 drum works 365:17 cool 365:19 got a very small like chin 365:22 on assertion but still 365:25 [Music] 365:29 i don't know 365:30 i like i hey man i i move more towards 365:33 like fat like this isn't a thing that 365:35 looks good to me uh like that's not a 365:38 look that i like 365:39 in in people i guess in like uh what's 365:41 it called it's not what i'm attracted to 365:43 but that's fine 365:44 but you know 365:49 george gord who's a mind [ __ ] i think 365:51 i've heard of that 365:52 oh might be might be 365:58 oh god 366:00 uh the first shows yeah it's gonna i 366:02 don't know but the [ __ ] this wasn't even 366:04 close to the original question 366:06 there's some 366:07 [ __ ] what was it 366:08 just what do you what's like oh yeah 366:11 you've mentioned uh 366:12 i didn't mention how i get treated or 366:14 how i interact with people as a girl 366:16 um 366:17 to be honest with you i don't go out and 366:19 do much like in full full 366:21 attire right 366:23 uh and if i did i wouldn't be around 366:25 like 366:26 i don't get comments from people in real 366:27 life dressed as a guy you know i 366:29 wouldn't know the difference i guess 366:31 like when i did go out dressed as a girl 366:32 i got more stairs but then i wouldn't 366:34 know if it's just because like it's a 366:35 guy in women's clothing or it's ah they 366:37 look alright you know i wouldn't know 366:40 um 366:41 there was that guy that like cat called 366:43 me from behind and then i turned i think 366:45 that's on stream like a guy was like oh 366:47 hey and then i went i turned around i 366:48 was like hey anyone oh 366:50 or some [ __ ] like that so there was that 366:52 that's the only other interaction i 366:54 think was more genuine but i don't like 366:56 have any um what's it called 367:00 i usually just don't interact with 367:01 people in general 367:05 lighting up the streets indeed yeah 367:08 that's a good quote 367:10 one of the walking streams way back yeah 367:12 yeah 367:13 whoa 367:20 i'm clapping my ass together 367:24 okay i'm moving 367:27 i'm moving the uh 367:29 i'm moving the i'm dropping picking up 367:30 and dropping the bobs 367:37 uh 367:38 that [ __ ] is what people think every 367:39 trans girl is going to do 367:41 what this 367:43 clapping your ass cheeks get together or 367:45 fake boobs 367:50 anyway yeah you don't talk to people 367:51 like in real life when do you really 367:53 talk to people like i've been mammed 367:55 before 367:56 oh my god did i tell you that wait did i 367:58 ever tell you about that that was funny 368:00 the uh i walked into a uh i walked into 368:03 like a changing room to get changed for 368:04 the you know the the race the go-karts 368:07 i'll end stream i'll slingshot him in a 368:09 second the um 368:11 finn showing the lack of stealth 368:12 capability so basically i went into i 368:16 was you have to get changed for the 368:17 go-karts into like a suit helmet all 368:18 that they have a changing room and i 368:20 walk in and on the other side of the 368:22 room there's like three shirtless dudes 368:23 one of them is [ __ ] giant like dave 368:26 batista think that right just [ __ ] 368:29 giant the rest of them aren't doing too 368:30 bad either but like this dude's [ __ ] 368:32 jacked right 368:33 and i got mammed yeah 368:36 and they went oh [ __ ] i'm sorry is this 368:37 the women's room as i walked in 368:40 like they went oh is this are we in the 368:42 wrong room 368:43 and i was like nah and they went oh all 368:45 right 368:46 so that was that so woohoo 368:53 that was the time i got mad i've also 368:54 been mammed uh like an account at a cash 368:56 machine as well 368:58 whenever we're all like retail [ __ ] when 369:00 i've got a mask on and i haven't spoken 369:02 i get married i got mad at dinner 369:04 when we went to say hi 369:06 i got like oh you know like oh hey man 369:08 oh like did ma'am here's the thing um i 369:11 got mam to dinner at town 369:13 um 369:15 when i was like when i hadn't spoken yet 369:17 she'll like that but like that's not 369:19 like proper interaction with people 369:21 those are more just like 369:23 you know 369:28 emphoric [ __ ] does that mean 369:33 it's so easy here as man instead of 369:34 ma'am oh like ma'am 369:37 because otherwise they say sir 369:39 um at dinner anyway 369:41 nice outfit dude thank you you haven't 369:43 even seen all of it what do you mean 369:46 you know hell yeah that's not even all 369:48 of it that's not all 369:50 look at this [ __ ] god damn 369:55 all right boys i think it's time to i 369:57 think it's time to end stream uh the 370:00 pink boots yeah i'll see you in a bit uh 370:02 i'll see you tomorrow hopefully 370:04 if i don't stream tomorrow i won't be 370:06 streaming for a very long time uh or at 370:08 least like another week another stream 370:10 tonight i'm not sure or i guess 370:11 technically tonight the 16th 370:13 uh we'll see 370:15 it says maybe right now it'll be at 370:17 eight o'clock if i don't know uh 370:20 it will be 370:22 not being a hoe i guarantee it this time 370:24 i'm not gonna be a [ __ ] i won't wear 370:26 any of this i'll wear something normal 370:29 like 370:31 i know the playboy outfit or something 370:32 anyway boys i'll see you in the next one 370:35 uh peace nice shopping spree oh [ __ ] 370:37 shall we get the let's get the order in 370:39 first before i leave i'm gonna get this 370:41 amazon order and proceeds check out 370:43 it's loading bro [ __ ] this thing is a 370:46 lot of items so in a lot of pajamas and 370:49 night gowns pencil skirts made dresses 370:52 regular dresses nurse outfits 370:55 [ __ ] corset related things stocking 370:56 skirts hair bands bobs 370:59 [ __ ] oh my god everything more 371:01 dresses another corset 371:03 oh my god anyway 371:05 558 pounds it's like nearly a grand in 371:07 dollars i don't know all right guys all 371:09 right guys all right guys i will see you 371:10 in the next one peace 371:14 oh and banana sucking there was also 371:15 that hold on let me have a carrot 371:18 bye