00:19 [Music] 02:03 hey 02:05 hey 02:06 how are you hello hi boys 02:08 how are you how are we what's popping 02:12 um so 02:14 it's me 02:15 uh how are you what the [ __ ] 02:18 hold on 02:20 cool i thought i'm looking at a thing 02:23 very neat anyway 02:24 ah [ __ ] i shot my finger in a case [ __ ] 02:27 okay 02:28 [ __ ] all right oh god everything's 02:30 collapsing okay hello hello okay right 02:34 boys it's me again i look um 02:37 no makeup by the way yet 02:39 no makeup yet 02:41 i pre-picked an outfit for you i wasn't 02:43 gonna let you pick yet again the last 02:45 three days you've picked it and it's 02:47 been [ __ ] dreadful uh so i picked 02:49 something very covered up very good hey 02:51 verb hey brother uh i don't know what by 02:54 the way do you think unbuttoned or 02:55 buttoned up looks better oh yeah here's 02:57 the fit by the way hold on uh it's just 02:59 a skirt it's a little bit loose on me 03:01 but like you know 03:03 okay it does sag a bit if i could like 03:04 do this then it would look pretty it 03:06 looked pretty good i don't know 03:09 i think if i did that it would look fine 03:10 but it's it's a little bit saggy right 03:12 now anyway 03:14 ah hello it's a cute skirt thank you 03:16 that's what i thought it me belt 03:19 possibly what do you think by the way 03:21 button or on button i need a quick 03:22 consensus in chat 03:30 block 03:31 button button button unbutton 03:33 oh [ __ ] i don't know should we be really 03:35 wholesome and do buttoned let's be 03:37 really wholesome and do button hold on 03:39 and i'm gonna do an intro 03:42 i'm gonna do an intro for the inevitable 03:43 youtube video that definitely the 03:45 wholesome content is going to make i'm 03:47 sure 03:50 hold on 03:51 i don't care if you're saying on button 03:52 i wanted to see what it looks like 03:54 button 03:55 [ __ ] 03:56 i don't want to be a ho no moe 04:00 scam [ __ ] you 04:01 come on buddy you can do it okay dude 04:04 the nails and this being on the wrong 04:06 side thank you for the vibrated subs 04:08 holy [ __ ] thanks for answers uh i don't 04:10 have i don't dude i haven't 04:12 ah i don't have enough [ __ ] 04:15 i don't have enough experience with 04:16 female buttoned up shirts 04:19 oh my god 04:20 this is awful how do i do this 04:23 wait is that even the hole 04:26 i never get the right hole 04:28 funny number followers 04:31 no wait what is it 04:32 holy [ __ ] what is it if i have 420 000 04:35 followers why 420 [ __ ] yeah 04:38 i don't 04:39 what's up let's [ __ ] 04:42 ah thanks for the three months 04:44 prime bro and thanks for the 10 gifted 04:46 subs [ __ ] okay come on 04:49 dbvs what the [ __ ] 04:52 oh it's so close it's so close it's like 04:54 in bro it's in i just can't get it all 04:57 the way [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 05:01 it's in front i need to there we go 05:04 we did it 05:05 nailed it look at that month's up to the 05:07 wholesome queen 05:08 one shirt boba sagging one second you're 05:11 making this weird oh well 05:16 there we go 05:18 neato look at this so this was this was 05:21 actually sent to me hold on 05:23 hello 05:24 for the wholesome so good to see that 05:27 thank you 05:28 um but yeah this is the 05:31 the current the current fit 05:33 not too bad 05:34 uh the skirt's pretty decent but a 05:36 little bit coming soon on f1 nn5 turliff 05:39 highlights video containing all two 05:41 minutes 17 seconds of wholesome footage 05:44 from this week's streams oh 05:47 yeah 05:48 i've been being wholesome for 20 seconds 05:50 straight after the banana stuff you best 05:53 be praying in this stream 05:57 oh lord who art thou 06:00 in my bedroom 06:04 anyway 06:05 forgive me daddy for i have sinned 06:07 uh 06:09 but enough is more wholesome um 06:11 english only uh or you master it removed 06:14 i i will ban people who piss off since 06:16 i'm a solo modding toy 06:18 that's what stuff meant to say but he 06:20 said piss in the text speech shouldn't 06:21 read it buttoned up is more wholesome i 06:24 agree i'm on your side with this one i 06:26 am i am going to be doing some makeup 06:28 but again we're doing wholesome makeup 06:30 today wholesome 06:32 um divine makeup you could say this is 06:36 where the editor puts in like a little 06:37 shine behind me and goes oh you know 06:39 that sound effect that's what we're 06:40 going to do 06:43 divine makeup hours 06:47 all right uh so cat ears or just regular 06:50 headband what do you think 06:53 listen i want to be wholesome but i also 06:55 want to keep my viewer [ __ ] up ship up 06:57 what do you think 07:03 headband if not being a hoe 07:06 but okay this isn't being a hoe is this 07:08 being this will be my only donor today 07:10 but i say button halfway down and 07:13 smaller bobs i'd also suggest black 07:16 tights and comfy shoes they're not that 07:19 large 07:20 these are not that large of bob's 07:22 they're just one year pond maybe it's 07:24 just unlike me i discover a lot about 07:26 myself thank you 07:28 hey should we should we scale 07:31 and thigh-high should we scale down the 07:33 uh 07:34 should we scale down the the bobs we 07:36 easily could i think we should maybe 07:39 he's right i do want to be 07:42 uh i don't want to be a no sinner chap 07:46 oh yes wholesome cat indeed wholesome 07:48 cat girl hours 07:50 all right again i've done a bit of um 07:53 moisturizer what the [ __ ] that's a good 07:55 name thank you mario for the thank you 07:58 mario for that 07:59 uh the nails are done oh the nails are 08:01 dope [ __ ] yeah dude 08:04 again they're not gonna match the outfit 08:05 at all but still 08:07 they do look good 08:09 uh 08:10 my nail getting my the person that i do 08:13 my nails with the friend that i do my 08:14 nails with 08:16 knives tricks first 08:18 we went to ghost no this is wholesome 08:19 stream no weapons no hoeing 08:22 none of that we're just gonna sit here 08:26 and that's it the entire stream 08:28 but she went with me to go see venom 08:30 today 10 months time flies holy [ __ ] 08:36 right the people that have seen venom 08:37 right um 08:40 but 08:41 it's a really [ __ ] good movie uh it's 08:45 i'd say it's like an 08:47 7 8 out of 10 movie but then they did a 08:49 cool thing in the end so that was nice 08:51 uh and that kind of makes it pretty dope 08:54 i didn't even know that was possible 08:56 anyway um 08:58 people that haven't seen venom are just 09:01 i won't spoil you i promise 09:03 so basically what happens is okay 09:07 uh but she informed me that dude she 09:09 since we haven't been getting our nails 09:11 done together she's gonna get them done 09:13 her own on her own 09:14 but you know what that means i don't 09:16 care if she goes on a run to do that i i 09:17 don't care at all what it means for me 09:20 is that i have to get my nails done 09:22 alone if i wanted to keep up with them 09:25 and 09:26 i don't wanna 09:28 dude i have not had the i have not had 09:30 anything where i have to go into a salon 09:33 on my own 09:34 that's a little bit [ __ ] 09:36 nerve-wracking no a little bit is it 09:38 just me [ __ ] i'm terrified 09:45 who's talking about 09:47 my friend charlie i think she was on the 09:48 stream once or twice once 09:50 she did my makeup and she did it 09:52 she she held the award of worse done 09:54 makeup on me and then miko did it and 09:57 then no one's gonna beat her hopefully 09:59 but uh she had neither of them did a 10:01 great job uh charlie did semi try 10:07 semi being the operative word there 10:13 okay 10:16 semi 10:23 okay 10:24 i'm just gonna do the eyes 10:26 yeah uh finn how are you today i'm good 10:28 uh i've been watching the dc thing 10:30 there's a dc live stream happening right 10:32 now which is pretty cool i haven't seen 10:33 any of the new batman trailer or 10:35 whatever but i did see another couple 10:37 trailers again not spoiling anything but 10:38 like yeah it seems all right seems 10:40 pretty cool 10:42 thoughts on ally 10:44 what the [ __ ] is oh you mean the [ __ ] 10:45 the minecraft mob 10:47 i don't care i didn't even know it 10:48 happened until right now i'd actu i 10:51 actually still don't know what the mob 10:52 looks like 10:53 i know that it got added but i i don't 10:55 know what it was which mob did you vote 10:56 for i didn't even pay attention 10:58 i haven't dude is it good i don't know 11:01 did they make the right choice 11:03 allied dumb i want copper golem oh 11:05 copper golem could be cool 11:08 i mean i guess i know they didn't matter 11:10 but that sounds cool 11:15 or is it a cult secret 11:18 amazon 11:19 it's always amazon 11:24 if you've stuck to a sticker if you 11:26 stuck around for any amount of time here 11:28 you'll know that my answer for like 11:29 where'd you get that how did you do that 11:31 amazon it's always amazon just look up 11:33 exactly what they're called on amazon 11:34 you'll find it 11:36 oh you're gonna find what skirt finn's 11:38 wearing 11:38 and he's wearing a checkered red and 11:40 black skirt open up amazon uk and search 11:44 check it black skirt 11:46 you'll find it 11:50 you want to find fake bobs go on amazon 11:53 look up fake fake boober 11:57 hey you'll find them 12:01 bit of cursory research 12:05 um all right 12:07 amazon is the og for that stuff dude 12:09 they're really good they do like really 12:11 good cheap stuff 12:12 so does sheen if you want clothing 12:14 amazon's not the best hate chat i might 12:17 have lost my tongue somewhat today so 12:19 i'll be very quiet in chat oh and rose 12:22 just an fyi i found your thong just bend 12:26 over and look under your desk 12:28 oh and hopefully i'll get some googly 12:30 eyes soon 12:32 wait 12:40 i hate it i know you don't know 12:43 and you just know me well enough to make 12:44 educated guesses but it's really weird 12:47 and i'd stop it 12:48 i don't like that you're right most of 12:50 the time 12:51 like every time without fail that so was 12:54 it there 12:55 shut up 12:56 oh my god dude i had like i uh the five 13:00 foot nine thing right i'm gonna go back 13:02 right to this i was with when i was 13:04 doing those measurements before i told 13:06 my friend charlie about it because she's 13:08 like literally five foot on the dot 13:10 maybe four foot eleven 13:12 um 13:13 because she was wearing shoes and then 13:15 what happened was i got the measurement 13:17 out i got the measurement out and she 13:19 was like oh my god i want to know what 13:20 height i am really because i guess you 13:22 don't measure yourself constantly you 13:23 don't know here we go shut up 13:25 and i was mad i was getting i was 13:27 standing next to the thing and she's 13:28 like wait you are four foot eleven 13:30 and i was like really hold on is it on 13:32 the ground she went yeah and i strained 13:34 it out i made sure there's tension on it 13:35 and everything it's like you are four 13:37 foot eleven 13:38 and i go oh [ __ ] yeah and you're like 13:40 five foot cool i guess we're both taller 13:42 than we thought we are 13:44 and then she went ow wait take off your 13:46 shoes and then he took off my shoes 13:47 she's like i'm sorry 13:49 this is [ __ ] oh my god 13:52 four foot eleven confirmed i'm not four 13:54 foot eleven she's four foot eleven 13:56 that's genuinely her height okay thank 13:59 you i am going to go and buy stuff 14:03 [Music] 14:06 nice 14:07 you're welcome 14:09 uh i'm trying to think if there's any 14:10 other ones h m i still haven't shopped 14:12 at h m because it's out of my price 14:14 range um 14:17 but 14:18 they do good stuff too actually 14:20 [Music] 14:24 was charlie going to be holding your 14:26 hand during the salon stream 14:28 if not you will have to do that one solo 14:31 you wimp i know i have to do them solo 14:34 but the thing is what charlie always 14:36 does the reason why she's so invaluable 14:38 to have when doing nails is because i 14:40 don't know what i'm getting ever uh 14:42 there's been maybe two times that we 14:44 voted on it in chat and i come in with a 14:46 picture and i go like hey let's do this 14:49 um 14:50 and then that's cool but usually she 14:52 just picks every nail that i've ever had 14:55 couldn't find finn's feet 14:58 what 14:59 oh my god 15:02 i don't know if you'd want that anyway 15:04 they're 15:06 too large 15:08 what color lipstick are we getting today 15:11 wholesome wholesome colors 15:13 i know what that color will be but it 15:14 will be wholesome i will not become a 15:16 [ __ ] today there'll be no drinking 15:18 there'll be no hoeing there will be no 15:21 fun in today's stream none 15:23 i've i've i've maxed out on hoeness i'm 15:26 out of bananas don't ask i'm out i 15:30 legitimately am out of them i need to go 15:32 shopping 15:33 but genuinely 15:36 i'm out of like my the main thing i make 15:38 food with too i just need to go shopping 15:40 hyphen hey thanks for the thanks for the 15:42 prime stuff for four months oh yeah 15:44 light pink 15:45 why is it always gonna be pink uh drink 15:48 fin is extra fun though true 15:50 true 15:52 [Music] 15:55 if that's a wholesome stream can you 15:58 churn some butter 15:59 this is about to be a wholesome how do i 16:01 do mormon doesn't usually mean wholesome 16:03 although the shirt does kind of vibe 16:05 mormon right a little bit 16:08 like 16:11 look at my cheek [ __ ] i'm not even 16:13 wearing highlight bro 16:16 look at that hell yeah bro 16:18 that's what called having my skin 16:21 smooth smooth as a [ __ ] eight ball 16:23 bro 16:25 shiny naturally 16:28 like 16:29 5000 grit bro 16:32 50 000 grit bro my skin holy [ __ ] so 16:36 [ __ ] good 16:38 at all times 16:39 damn 16:40 no no highlight needed hot on my egos 16:43 going up 16:44 hrt side effects the amount of time that 16:46 i will spend saying i am not on hrt 16:48 before people believe me 16:50 i need to dude that's why i'm growing 16:52 that's why i'm gonna grow a beard 16:54 at some point i will do a shirtless like 16:57 photo shoot as a guy 16:59 just to [ __ ] prove it and then like 17:01 i'll do a uh i'll grow a beard all that 17:04 because i don't think anyone ever is 17:06 gonna believe me that i'm not taking 17:08 [ __ ] 17:09 female hormones until i do 17:13 but we'll see 17:16 [Music] 17:17 that's something i loki wanted to do 17:18 actually just do like a property 17:20 i went to the concert the other day in 17:22 full girl clothes and it went great hey 17:25 thanks for the confidence to go out as 17:27 myself 17:28 also several guys tried to hit on me and 17:31 that helped convince me i passed super 17:33 well he he god damn another contender 17:36 for the interview another another 17:38 potential contender for the for the fmcu 17:42 god damn let's go 17:50 okay 17:51 speaking of that i've got news 17:53 soon i don't know what i'm allowed to 17:55 say or what not allowed to say 17:57 but i have news on one of the members of 17:59 the mcu that i've created 18:01 uh we're going to be doing something i 18:03 think would be quite fun that is not 18:05 blended out very well 18:07 not at all 18:11 on the mirror it looks [ __ ] great 18:13 real life what the [ __ ] is going on 18:15 there anyway 18:16 okay i think that's fine 18:19 all right 18:22 what the [ __ ] is the femme see you ah we 18:24 created an old thing back in the day 18:28 we've uh i was saying how uh i've 18:30 there's there's like a group of 18:31 crossdressers slash online fanboys uh 18:35 fmcu i'm dying 18:37 and we've just created a bit of a tv 18:38 news 18:39 you are going to grew a beard 18:42 i mean yeah but that's not in the news 18:48 i mean 18:49 i definitely will at some point 18:54 i can't go my entire life not having a 18:56 beard bro i need to do it at least once 18:57 so i know what it's like 18:59 what if i like it a lot what if i just 19:01 like i grow a beard once 19:02 and then i just like i'm just like ah 19:04 the gold the 19:06 girl stuff's over i don't know bro i'm 19:08 really liking this look 19:19 then again i've seen me with edits of a 19:22 beard it's [ __ ] terrifying i don't 19:24 look good at all but we'll see 19:26 maybe in the right lighting 19:29 would you guys still find me attractive 19:32 if i grew a beard just for a little bit 19:35 like if you see me with a beard 19:40 will you guys be there give up on 30 19:42 more 30k a month yes no no no no no 19:45 never again just seeing that would taint 19:47 it 19:50 my god 19:53 finster with a beard make it happen 19:55 editor now don't be silly dear girls 19:58 can't grow beards 19:59 i'm not a girl 20:01 i mean 20:02 okay for [ __ ] how long for 20:05 three out three and a half hours i am a 20:07 girl okay sure that's when goldman ends 20:09 is on the 17th [ __ ] you 20:14 controversial topic 20:16 whether finch finn should grow a beard 20:18 is very controversial for three hours 20:21 three hours i'm a girl for um for the 20:23 rest of the time you wait as soon as as 20:25 soon as the clock ticks midnight 20:28 so it's clock ticks mid like all the 20:30 shit's coming off i'm getting into 20:32 [ __ ] 20:38 i got nothing 20:40 i'm just gonna be naked that's it 20:42 in the best possible taste 20:47 oh i'd have never heard of them 20:51 i'm confused 20:53 in the best part i don't know what that 20:54 means 20:55 stripping at midnight at midnight i'll 20:57 get like uh 20:58 we're gonna swap immediately to 21:00 what's it called to like 21:03 hyper masculine 21:05 ways of talking to each other okay like 21:08 when i when i uh when the clock ticks 21:10 over and garmunt officially ends on the 21:12 17th 21:14 no more no more cute nicknames none of 21:16 that just bros and bruh and uh dudes you 21:21 know dudes you're gonna say like that 21:23 too 21:24 you're full of [ __ ] wrong it is 21:26 technically the end of girl month in uh 21:28 on the 17th 21:29 uh so in three hours for me 21:33 uh 21:37 well well it's the start of the break 21:38 period anyway 21:43 one of the break periods is going to be 21:44 really fun next time 21:46 you'll wait 21:50 i have plans bro 21:52 in the pipeline i'm not allowed to say 21:54 yet 21:56 okay 21:58 all right less eagerly a little bit less 22:01 blush than today 22:07 i think 22:09 my scale of how much blush is too much 22:11 blush has kind of gone askew 22:16 thanks to being pink at all times like 22:18 it still doesn't feel like 22:20 a lot 22:22 it's a lot now okay 22:24 all right got it immediately with a 22:27 french moustache and doing a wood 22:28 shopping stream would be my fetish 22:31 oh that'd be cool 22:32 i'm down like i've i've kind of i've 22:35 never cracked a bit of wood with like 22:37 i've never cracked some wood with an axe 22:39 that [ __ ] sounds fun 22:41 doesn't it oh stop it you look hot as a 22:43 chick but what if i could be a 22:45 lumberjack dude that'd be so fun 22:47 i could totally do that like just 22:48 [ __ ] in the woods oh that sounds cool 22:51 cracked 22:52 cracked some wood baby 22:54 i like more of this kind of wholesome 22:56 outfit 22:57 me too uh 22:59 we need a break we need a break from 23:01 like 23:02 mega uber um 23:04 you know 23:05 ho mode 23:06 is this like cinderella the girl spell 23:08 ends at midnight 23:12 yeah i'll just snap out of it i'll stop 23:15 dude people point out to me and i don't 23:17 mean to be doing this i think it 23:18 genuinely is the nails or it's just this 23:20 shit's getting to me but like 23:24 people will point out you can be a 23:25 lumberjane 23:27 thanks people will point out feminine 23:30 gestures that i do and [ __ ] 23:32 and you know what's bad it's like it's 23:34 okay when someone points out that some 23:36 of the gestures you're doing are 23:37 feminine 23:39 that's normal you don't have muscles to 23:41 be a lumberjack 23:44 wrong 23:45 okay i'm not gonna tense now but later i 23:48 will i'm gonna i'm gonna do a few 23:51 push-ups before i do 23:55 are you open to bribes to don chased 23:57 matronly bobs 23:59 i have no idea what that is the last 24:01 four words that i don't know what that 24:03 was 24:04 i'm open to bribes for most things 24:07 uh 24:09 but 24:12 okay 24:14 so no 24:17 anyway let's go 24:19 oh 24:21 all right lads boys 24:23 girls 24:24 uh i'm like 24:27 [ __ ] i was saying something and i've 24:28 forgotten it 24:29 i forgot what i was [ __ ] saying oh 24:31 yeah 24:32 so it's pretty normal when people point 24:34 out like feminine gestures that i make 24:35 and all that 24:37 what's 24:38 scary is when you stop pointing it out 24:41 because it's gotten normal 24:43 what does that feel like to be 24:44 terrifying 24:55 at the start there'd be like reddit 24:57 posts if i twirled my hand well being 24:59 masculine normally go better or worse 25:01 than eating a banana normally did 25:07 i mean it'll go better for me 25:09 i don't know about you guys 25:13 fms assemble can be out here as captain 25:16 femerica i'll be the thanos and collect 25:19 all the infinity programmers socks 25:23 looks like 25:26 dude 25:28 thanos calls you small words remember 25:30 rose is a drop out 25:33 i almost guarantee you couldn't make 25:34 thanos look feminine 25:36 i'm because the the chin right there's 25:38 no way 25:40 he's bold 25:43 you cracked eggs before cracking wood is 25:45 basically the same kick 25:49 [ __ ] 25:51 what is not as hard as an eggshell 25:54 that's the thing about eggs 25:58 not a lot of stress shouldn't we be 25:59 cracking the egg before the wood though 26:01 finn 26:08 what is stronger than egg 26:11 it's like a classic game 26:13 wood paper egg 26:22 the game rules still work actually with 26:23 that 26:25 egg makes paper soggy paper covers wood 26:28 you know that works that you could play 26:29 that game anyway 26:31 you need a different thing for paper 26:33 anything you would like us to send you 26:35 any special makeup clothes or shoes 26:38 girl things to try dude i always like 26:41 when it's just a bunch like okay the po 26:43 boxes are a great thing for just getting 26:45 a bunch of different people's tasting 26:46 clothings and clothing and outfit 26:48 so dude just send me anything that you'd 26:50 want to see me wearing or like you know 26:52 doing or what 26:53 um 26:54 and then there's a solid chance i'll 26:56 actually do it because 26:58 content 27:00 but like 27:01 uh there's if i wanted something really 27:03 badly i'd kind of just buy it as a work 27:05 expense especially if it's girl stuff 27:07 you know 27:09 plenty of google image search for 27:10 feminine thanos oh [ __ ] 27:12 he said challenge accepted i think 27:16 please holy [ __ ] 27:18 that would be really good 27:21 feminine female thanos hot thanos 27:27 see you in three and a half hours boss 27:47 now freckles are kind of innocent 27:50 what i really should do is like glasses 27:53 i'm still waiting for a supergirl 27:55 cosplay 27:58 [ __ ] me too 28:00 honestly bro 28:02 maybe i've got to do that it's in the 28:05 it's in my like holy [ __ ] i need to do 28:06 that box it's the same it's in the same 28:09 vibe as like the uh the jessica rabbit 28:11 cosplay i've got to do it but i just 28:13 haven't yet 28:21 i cracked the um the not wearing a skirt 28:24 on stream fear 28:26 how's ruby doing 28:30 pretty good wait did i break skirts and 28:32 dresses month with that um with that 28:34 outfit ruby's doing really well by the 28:36 way uh she's doing really well in school 28:38 [ __ ] awesome did i break that rule 28:40 during that 12 months how did i get here 28:44 stuff's probably busy modding but no i 28:46 run a no 28:49 or are we making an exception for like 28:51 hyper [ __ ] i'll let you off yeah yeah 28:56 we're making an exception for like hyper 28:57 [ __ ] um 29:00 what's it called onesies 29:02 with fishnets and [ __ ] 29:07 it's like what you really mean by no 29:10 like skirts and dresses month is that 29:12 it's skirts and dresses month 29:14 but oh well everything has to end there 29:18 that's what it needs to be 29:20 yeah no trap no trousers no shorts 29:23 well i'm all kind of shots i also wore 29:25 shorts 29:26 for the work for the workout sort of one 29:29 i saw reason dead lift you on tick tock 29:31 last week it was dude 29:33 she's 29:34 very strong although i am stronger 29:36 obviously 29:38 um 29:40 of course i am anyway by the way my 29:42 wholesome makeup is kind of almost done 29:44 i've got to do like two extra bits of my 29:46 eyes in like there's going to take 30 29:47 seconds flat but this is kind of my 29:49 wholesome makeup now 29:51 could get long dresses i have some long 29:53 dresses 29:54 but you gotta remember even dresses you 29:56 think along 29:59 uh 30:00 for women i am very tall 30:02 i'm five foot 30:05 i'm a very tall five foot i'm on the 30:07 upper end of five foot 30:10 five foot 30:11 eleven 30:14 you gotta remember 30:16 that like you 30:20 know some of them just might not go down 30:23 to the same length you see on the 30:24 pictures you know 30:32 69 inches tall it technically is it 69 30:35 inches tall 30:37 yes with high heels looks like uh let me 30:39 grab my wait or i want to see something 30:45 oh [ __ ] 30:50 so all right canonically 30:53 right all of this stuff 30:55 can be put to rest since on google 30:59 that's what it says this is the official 31:01 height of me 31:03 that's what people get to that's my self 31:04 i wouldn't simp for any e girl and yet 31:07 here i am 31:09 thanks finn rose mommy 31:11 oh 31:12 nice 31:13 um 31:28 is five feet nine inches the new egg i'm 31:30 not five foot nine it's a 31:32 misrepresentation to say that i'm it's a 31:35 misrepresentation to say that i'm five 31:38 foot nine because i'm not five foot nine 31:40 i'm further away from five foot nine 31:42 than i am five foot ten okay 31:44 so it's it is technically wrong to say 31:47 that i'm five foot nine because i'm not 31:49 five foot nine am i 31:51 uh where's my thing [ __ ] i just love 31:53 this i've lost it where the [ __ ] is it 31:56 did i drop it 31:58 i'm an idiot 32:00 what have i done with my life 32:03 i don't know you're here 32:08 five foot eight energy bro i'm very 32:10 easily above five foot nine 32:12 it's it's literally just this one time 32:18 it's fine 32:20 rose the only streamer who can measure a 32:22 number right next to their head on 32:24 camera recorded in front of thousands of 32:26 people and still delude herself really 32:28 an impressive talent honestly barely 32:31 over five nine on record 32:34 barely a majority over five foot nine 32:40 i'm like five foot nine point six 32:43 so 32:45 maybe shush 32:55 [Music] 32:58 okay and you round that up five foot 33:00 nine point five zero zero zero zero zero 33:03 zero one inches 33:05 agreed that's roundupable bro that's 33:07 roundupable okay 33:11 it's roundupable listen if i put it was 33:13 a little bit hovering it would have been 33:14 like five foot 33:16 five foot nine point seven you know what 33:18 i mean any plans for halloween i'm gonna 33:20 dress up as the roman soldier from uh 33:22 from what's it called night at the 33:24 museum the mini 33:26 the mini roman soldier with riza she's 33:28 gonna be the cowboy character uh [ __ ] 33:30 what's his name 33:32 something 33:33 or something 33:35 a bigger sticker same guy 33:37 same guy actually i would have thought 33:39 you'd be happy to be 69 inches in height 33:43 that's what five foot nine is i'm not 33:45 five foot nine 33:47 but i'm not like it 33:49 i'm not five foot nine 33:50 it's insane i've realized that like 33:52 everyone just dude everyone is lying 33:55 about their height by one inch then 33:57 it's gotta be because like 34:00 i've met so many people that are like 34:04 dude what mascara do you use 34:07 this is the only thing where i can be so 34:09 [ __ ] about it actually i use a chanel 34:11 mascara um 34:13 it's by far the most expensive piece of 34:15 makeup that i have but it's good what 34:18 used to happen was i my eyes used to get 34:20 like teary-eyed because of mascaras and 34:22 i bought this hyper-expensive one 34:24 because it was like 34:25 the only one that wouldn't do that and 34:27 it and it works so that's the one i used 34:34 treatment for copium addiction is 34:36 expensive my dude thank you for 34:37 notifying me i'll make sure to get mine 34:39 off the dark web the uh anti-copium 34:45 what the [ __ ] to those confused in chat 34:47 this might help you feel a sense of what 34:48 you're feeling good lord 34:50 um i'll respond to this dm 34:53 uh 35:05 are you a redstone torch because you're 35:08 activating my sticky piston 35:17 good lord 35:20 rose decides to dress as a man for 35:23 halloween 35:24 chooses costume with a skirt anyway 35:27 it's it doesn't have a skirt actually 35:29 it's not a skirt hold on 35:32 uh 35:34 [Music] 35:35 it's not a skirt it just looks it 35:37 happens to look a bit like one full 35:39 beard fin does not get enough love i'm a 35:42 gay man only attracted to masculinity 35:44 and finn is cute af 35:47 you came out only attracted to 35:48 masculinity but still oh wait [ __ ] [ __ ] 35:51 yeah wait that's that's me aha 35:54 wholesale stream but you are doing knife 35:56 tricks 35:57 well do some more 35:59 i'm down 36:01 i'm trying to look for a good example of 36:02 what this is 36:04 it's not a skirt though 36:06 it's something it's called a pogo or 36:08 some [ __ ] right like it's something 36:10 different it's like a it's what what is 36:12 it am i stupid someone else will know 36:16 what it is 36:17 it's like 36:18 it's not killed like it's a big it's 36:20 like a thing a robe it's a tunic 36:23 it's a tunic 36:25 look how about britney spears from the 36:27 pepsi and that's not a dress with pink 36:29 and beyonce that's not a dress this is 36:31 not josh you're going to tell me that 36:32 guy's wearing a dress right now he ain't 36:34 you tell me tell me that guy's wearing a 36:36 dress right now you tell me this 36:38 you tell me that guys wearing a dress 36:39 right now you're gonna tell me 36:40 you're gonna tell me 36:42 incorrect that dude feminine never you 36:44 can tell me that's a you tell me that's 36:46 feminine no you're gonna tell me this is 36:48 feminine 36:49 [ __ ] uh 36:53 are you gonna sit here and tell me this 36:54 is a dress you guys are so wrong 36:57 because they're incorrect 37:01 [Music] 37:02 but still 37:05 the first initial reaction is always the 37:08 genuine one 37:10 with what 37:11 for what i'm for what i'm confusion 37:15 he doesn't sound defensive at all shut 37:16 up 37:18 uh i mean dresses were invented for men 37:19 so yeah you mean tunics tunics were 37:22 invented for men you mean it's a leather 37:24 skirt with metal in it it's a tunic 37:26 with metal 37:28 uh what's it called armaments 37:31 and they're not in leather leather 37:33 armaments okay it's not a skirt it's not 37:34 a dress it's just little dangly bits 37:37 okay but [ __ ] it's a thing it's a 37:40 it's a manly skirt it's not a manly 37:41 skirt it's not a skirt it's a tunic 37:45 it's fine 37:47 you guys are just incorrect you don't 37:48 know your history and that's fine 37:50 right by the way do you have any 37:52 oh [ __ ] should we do eye shadow should 37:54 we do what do we do 37:56 i don't even know do we do eye shadow do 37:58 we do lips 37:59 i'm gonna do it because it i was i was 38:01 talking [ __ ] about how dudes can never 38:04 tell when you're wearing makeup and then 38:06 i watched a video of mine like a 38:07 highlight video and i was like am i 38:09 wearing makeup in that 38:11 so maybe i'm just an idiot and a dude 38:14 but like 38:15 it's it is kind of hard to tell 38:16 sometimes unless i like ham up the blush 38:19 it's kind of hard to know 38:21 uh red eyeshadow i don't know about red 38:24 like bright red 38:26 um 38:29 it'd be like brown like dot like uh 38:31 maybe like dark red or brown or 38:33 something 38:34 maybe brown 38:35 brown of work 38:38 i'm looking at my potential colors 38:42 brown maybe 38:44 maybe a nice brown it's a bit more 38:46 natural 38:48 [Music] 38:50 pink lip stain i don't know if that'll 38:51 match are you bone meal because you make 38:54 my wood grow 38:57 this may work this may work oh [ __ ] i 39:00 forgot which one i just used 39:02 [ __ ] 39:03 [Music] 39:05 you make my wood grow you make like if 39:07 you continue to play with that night 39:09 then this is not a wholesome stream 39:11 anymore and open for full bimbo 39:14 wait what 39:15 if you continue playing with that knife 39:17 it's dude it's listen 39:20 it's not even a real knife 39:24 the balusang isn't even a real knife 39:26 dude 39:30 fake knife 39:36 and i will not go be going full bimbo on 39:39 this stream do i have to sign for your 39:40 package no 39:42 why would you need to sign for it you're 39:44 not here 39:45 what only i need to sign for packages 39:49 oh you mean my package 39:52 i will be needing a consent form 39:55 yes 40:03 oh [ __ ] maybe we should have tapped 40:05 my [ __ ] off on this one 40:12 me casually waiting until juicy gets 40:14 [ __ ] eyelash extensions as well so he 40:15 knows my my hell 40:20 oh my god okay 40:24 i kind of goofed oh [ __ ] i'm just taking 40:26 off the excess 40:30 maybe not the biggest brush for every 40:33 use case might be a good idea next time 40:34 finn 40:40 in the mirror looks good 40:42 on camera lessons 40:53 just come out a little bit far 40:56 dude it really highlights how one of my 40:58 eyes is bigger than the other whoa why 41:00 is that so dramatic dude 41:02 hold on 41:05 oh that's really weird i can't even see 41:07 that holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 41:11 like dramatically 41:16 doesn't it 41:20 what the [ __ ] dude 41:23 that's like a lot bigger 41:26 i have like three to four brushes right 41:28 yeah i know 41:29 let me figure out dude it is though 41:31 right like 41:32 one eye is definitely bigger than the 41:33 other eye especially 41:36 like 41:37 like uh what 41:40 i already knew that but like doing 41:42 darker eye shadow really [ __ ] shows 41:45 that 41:48 oh that's weird i don't like that 41:51 holy [ __ ] okay 41:52 um 41:54 i think one night one is more open yeah 41:56 that's what i mean 41:58 oh my god 41:59 i hate 42:00 that hello how do i delete this app 42:03 uh 42:06 so what you do is that there's a big 42:08 subscribe button eye wings 42:11 you mean eyeliner dude i could not do 42:13 eyeliner with this 42:16 i mean i could but it never looks good 42:19 i've done a not with these eyelashes 42:22 they just don't really work for it 42:24 i've done it with just like regular 42:25 stuff it works fine but with these 42:28 eyelashes i don't know why 42:32 i think it's just how they're positioned 42:33 they're just like doesn't look good 42:42 oh maybe i should have done this 42:44 i should have done this after the 42:46 [ __ ] bottom lash mascara 42:54 just maybe 42:56 that is really weird 42:59 what the hell 43:06 it looks a bit more normal now 43:10 good lord 43:11 anyway 43:14 oh wait i actually do look all right 43:16 with this 43:17 well eye wings i don't look alright with 43:19 this actually this is not terrible 43:22 red stone is red lapis is blue i would 43:26 sacrifice my diamonds just to be with 43:28 you 43:31 all of them 43:32 but what about the nether right 43:38 would you sacrifice the nether right too 43:41 be honest 43:53 okay i think i'm good 43:54 do we want oh wait [ __ ] what do we do 43:56 for lips [ __ ] i have no idea what do you 43:58 think we should do for lips i have no 43:59 idea oh look we're at 17 000 into 44:01 another girl month 44:03 yeah we're already 50 the way through 44:05 and it was a weekend 44:09 uh dark red 44:12 uh i could maybe do dark red it kind of 44:15 fits the skirt i don't know if you can 44:16 tell but it is dark red or all the lines 44:18 on it dark red 44:20 i could do red i haven't done red in a 44:22 very long time though 44:24 [ __ ] should i 44:26 should do dark red 44:28 glossy dark red i don't think that would 44:30 match it 44:31 um 44:32 whenever i do whenever i let you guys 44:34 pick if i give you the option for like 44:37 glossy and glittery you take it without 44:39 fail every time 44:40 uh 44:41 do a gradient i'm not that talented that 44:44 is not some grady lip bro i have no 44:47 [ __ ] clue how to do that nor do i 44:49 possess the tools 44:53 oh my god that's red 44:54 okay 44:56 i would sacrifice my netherright to turn 44:59 you into another right okay 45:02 oh my god 45:13 [Music] 45:17 there are beauty schools in your area 45:19 that do online training courses it might 45:22 come in handy 45:29 i know i teach them 46:04 okay 46:06 all right 46:08 through the bottom that is it 46:29 ah 46:36 [ __ ] 46:40 i kind of slipped 46:51 fine recovery god 46:55 whoa that's right as [ __ ] what 46:59 what the [ __ ] that's not dark 47:04 what the [ __ ] camera quality what the 47:07 hell 47:08 jesus 47:11 needs a blood holy [ __ ] 47:13 a bit much maybe holy [ __ ] where's a 47:16 piece of tissue god damn wait 47:24 god jesus but i'm 47:26 in tissue paper 47:30 what the hell 47:31 it's a highlighter dude 47:36 what the 47:39 it needs to be darker tbh i don't know 47:41 if i have a dark one this usually looks 47:43 pretty dark 47:46 bread 47:48 yeast 47:50 this usually looks fairly dark 47:53 what the hell okay i mean i guess this 47:55 is what my lips look like now 47:57 um oh no not this again i don't if i 48:00 have something in my eye i swear to god 48:07 i guess i'm good 48:08 it looks fine okay it looks fine in the 48:10 mirror it looks fine it looks how it's 48:12 supposed to look 48:13 it looks white i promise oh my god oh 48:16 wow [ __ ] 48:18 with this lipstick you brighten every 48:20 room not wholesome at all yeah 48:25 i was going for a little bit more 48:26 understated but i guess maybe not 48:29 oh my [ __ ] god 48:32 uh okay i i listen 48:36 i i wholesome it's still wholesome i 48:38 don't know it's just listen makeup can 48:40 still be a very wholesome thing 48:42 wholesome i do my eyelashes on their 48:45 last legs like barely any on there right 48:47 now 48:48 huh 48:50 dude that's ferrari red 48:54 it doesn't look like that though in the 48:56 thing look look at the [ __ ] 48:58 difference as a dark red [ __ ] 49:00 kind of 49:02 i don't own a dark red lipstick then i 49:03 guess [ __ ] 49:05 you avoid the pole because people will 49:07 choose slooty and then you do this 49:10 it's not that [ __ ] it's not that 49:12 [ __ ] dude it's it's fine it's just red 49:15 it's the color red it's fine 49:20 okay last one i mean are you a pig 49:23 because i could put a saddle on you and 49:25 ride you all night but wait hold on 49:28 hold on 49:34 i swear to god 49:38 like okay 49:40 i swear you ride like you ride a guy 49:43 like you like that's the that's the 49:45 posit like isn't that how that works 49:48 aren't you just offering to write on me 49:50 all night long isn't that just you 49:52 riding on my dick 49:54 isn't that what that is do you mean me 49:55 right on you 49:59 i mean you i mean listen either way 50:02 what the [ __ ] 50:03 blow a kiss 50:05 the things i'm demanded to do 50:08 can't believe i've been watching a fam 50:10 boy for five months 50:12 me neither 50:14 i can't believe i've been a fanboy for 50:16 over five months 50:18 i got the strap oh [ __ ] 50:21 dude it's oh 50:23 good lord pegging is also an option i 50:26 know but they literally said ride so 50:28 multiple people have done that 50:30 right like the whole the town bike thing 50:32 that meme like 50:34 what doesn't that like make no sense to 50:36 anyone 50:40 this look would go great on insta with 50:42 the others from this week oh wait that 50:45 didn't happen because you said it would 50:47 me me me me me 50:50 fine give me a minute 50:56 i just it looks kind of boring on ins on 50:58 like a phone camera though because i 51:00 just i'm just 51:01 wearing a black shirt 51:02 like there's not really any like oh [ __ ] 51:05 it 51:06 not my christian minecraft server 51:13 waist snatched 51:24 hey bro can i have hug 51:27 does nick will get one needs glasses 51:33 it needs glasses you say 51:35 i've got the perfect pair 51:39 uh 51:40 i'm down one sec let's do 51:42 let's do round 51:44 oh i don't know where it is 51:46 oh [ __ ] 51:47 ow [ __ ] 51:49 i stepped on a wolverine claw 51:51 i think this is it for me boys i'm 51:53 bleeding out 52:04 [ __ ] i did that again 52:06 i knocked the mirror over okay 52:13 dusty ass glasses 52:17 all right let's do this 52:19 okay that's a good outfit props whoever 52:21 sent it yeah i i mean i bought the skirt 52:24 they've sent the shirt though not bad 52:26 most wholesome of the streams indeed 52:30 little heels just got harder 52:33 heels got harder what do you mean 52:39 uh what do you think 52:41 i don't know what a dude what do you 52:42 think i don't know 52:44 kind of an in-between of this 52:46 i look like a bit of a teacher 52:49 like i feel like i could [ __ ] i could 52:51 score you on some [ __ ] you know 52:55 you've done your homework yet sunny gym 52:58 blasts blasted too shiny i kind of agree 53:00 with you what if i did this 53:07 i've forgotten a bit of my makeup 53:08 routine i'm not sure if i like him hello 53:10 mommy all right though sorry mommy sorry 53:12 so sorry long time simp had this marked 53:15 out as a necklace 53:17 but i kind of bailed on it um because i 53:20 want to be wholesome i'm a wholesome 53:21 streamer now you don't get it 53:25 don't you [ __ ] sunny jimmy sunshine 53:27 can you [ __ ] sunshine me sonny jim 53:31 hello miss rose here is my homework 53:36 all of it's wrong f 53:38 you've got to now make up for extra 53:40 credit i'm not being hold on wait no 53:42 i'm bit wait i mean hold on you look 53:44 really hot in that outfit and with these 53:46 glasses 53:48 i'm being wholesome we're doing 53:49 wholesome moments with rose now by the 53:51 way yeah so basically what i think's up 53:54 is my eyelashes aren't big enough 53:57 like it's kind of weirding me out a 53:58 little bit the whole thing is definitely 54:01 that's why it doesn't look as good 54:03 i don't know this one might not be the 54:04 one to go on instagram purely because of 54:05 that um 54:09 was flipping the middle finger for the 54:10 height club i think people missed that 54:12 what's that 54:14 f1 then 54:16 you're in the height clip i think people 54:18 missed that 54:20 there it is 54:25 i don't know about i don't know about 54:26 that actually i i i think that is 54:28 completely incorrect that's not there to 54:30 have a teacher of that sexiness level 54:34 that's not 54:36 there doesn't actually exist i'm not 54:39 flipping the middle finger i'm not 54:41 giving you the middle finger 54:43 at all it doesn't it's not there look at 54:45 that i'm just making a fist 54:49 it's a very feminine finger 54:51 everything you could point out any part 54:53 of me and it's suddenly really feminine 54:59 thin rose chewed check my last donno oh 55:03 [ __ ] i be 55:07 i can't read uh hey bro can i have a oh 55:10 holy [ __ ] how do i not guys you're not 55:12 alerting me to you he donated fifty 55:14 dollars 55:15 people choose stupid 55:19 no thank you you cannot gladly have a 55:21 hug edgar thank you for the fifty 55:22 dollars how do i 55:25 [Music] 55:28 han 55:29 come here 55:36 [Music] 55:42 asmr hugging simulator hugging finn 55:46 tcs no working oh i'm on the wrong thing 55:49 i need to set it up again 55:51 this is is this good this is what the 55:54 asmr is 55:55 um and i whisper into your ear 56:04 i don't know i don't know what this 56:05 actually sounds like to be honest with 56:07 you i've gone but whispering to you 56:10 hey i'm going bust i'm going bust right 56:13 now get out of here 56:15 i'm going bust on your leg all right 56:18 wait let me add the audio thing so i so 56:20 it actually does work 56:23 and now tts works on the screen see and 56:26 on the screen 56:27 nice 56:28 glasses on grab a ruler caption photo 56:30 are you ready for your detention 56:33 oh [ __ ] i need a ruler do what oh [ __ ] 56:36 do i have anything that's like teachery 56:38 i don't even own a pen 56:40 um 56:42 [ __ ] i don't know i don't even have 56:44 paper 56:47 hello class 56:48 please say hello to your substitute 56:50 teacher for today ms evergreen 56:55 ms evergreen 56:57 well done well done respecting your mr 57:00 mrs and miss 57:01 um and was buy a maid dress please 57:05 dude you have no idea google finster my 57:08 dress i've gone through iterations and 57:10 guess what i've ordered two more 57:13 i've gone through so many i have a whip 57:15 it's not exactly teachery i don't know 57:17 what year you were born when teachers 57:19 were 57:20 whipping people 57:21 19 57:24 19 were you born year 19 was that when 57:26 they were doing that 57:28 i don't remember what [ __ ] dude 57:30 when school kinky teaches you mean the 57:32 teachers in porn right that's what you 57:34 mean 57:35 oh 57:36 jimmy 57:37 jimmy your homeworks i can't do a a 57:40 woman voice jimmy your homework's bad 57:42 and then the the the british kid goes 57:44 like oh 57:46 sorry love uh maybe and he's like 20 57:49 somehow as well but they're both the 57:51 teacher and the student the same age and 57:53 they go oh sorry love uh any any way i 57:57 could stay behind after class and make 57:59 up for it 58:00 with some hard work 58:02 and teach oh jimmy 58:06 do you like my idea of the porn oh sorry 58:08 love oi 58:11 [ __ ] now 58:15 i think i think it's great i can't wait 58:17 to maybe ask uh the editor to animate 58:19 that that'd be pretty cool 58:24 60s 60s nurse dress please i've ordered 58:27 one but what is that actually wait [ __ ] 58:29 i don't know if i have what's 60s 58:32 nice outfit god that's an auto complete 58:36 that's not that attractive 58:39 i mean it's it's normal ah i can't show 58:42 it [ __ ] immediately porn immediately 58:44 like a safe search needs to be on but 58:46 like the rest of it let me scroll down a 58:48 little bit the rest of it's pretty 58:49 normal if i scroll up to like the amp 58:52 like the amazon and like like shopping 58:54 links it's like just lingerie that i 58:57 can't actually show but this is 58:59 60s i don't know about that fam 59:03 not as hot 59:04 i require harder nurses than that 59:06 quite honestly 59:08 i'm sorry 59:12 that is just straight up boobs when i 59:13 searched up 60s nurse 59:15 just straight up boober 59:19 okay 59:26 no 59:30 i lost the sneeze 59:34 [ __ ] that's awful i hate that anyway 59:37 ah 59:38 get the japanese swimsuit you already 59:39 showed your ass to the world the get the 59:41 japanese swimsuit 59:43 what is the japanese swimsuit 59:48 is there is there like 59:51 ah 59:52 is there a specific type 59:55 that that's just what do you mean 59:59 just pointing those oh 60:00 what knows how i don't have nose there 60:03 um 60:04 yeah by the way i don't know whether i 60:05 should show this also all these are just 60:07 swimsuits worn by japanese women they're 60:09 just normal swimsuits 60:11 uh 60:13 like i don't i don't know what you mean 60:16 look up ellie driver nurse 60:20 costume kill bill 60:22 uh 60:23 okay well that's that's not very that's 60:25 not a very um 60:27 that's another wait i have that outfit 60:31 kind of 60:32 i kind of have that outfit also that is 60:34 not a very fair representation 60:37 of 60:37 60s nurse but she does have a cool 60:39 whistle song that's pretty dope 60:44 oh okay i gotta get the i gotta get the 60:46 japanese women off my screen or lego 60:48 maestro is gonna sniff me out and figure 60:50 out where i live 60:59 that's a joke for just me 61:03 no one getting that [ __ ] 61:05 um 61:06 search leo x very stretchy leo 61:09 hex 61:11 oh my [ __ ] god yeah no fam i can't 61:14 wear that 61:16 oh wait do you mean 61:18 oh wait are they like wait [ __ ] i don't 61:20 you mean getting like 61:22 that's just you don't swim in that bro i 61:24 sub because i am a sub none of these 61:27 women are swimming 61:29 this is not bro i can't even i can't 61:31 show this i mean i could wait could i i 61:33 don't know 61:35 this is this would be out there for 61:37 amaranth you know 61:38 this is just like latex body swimsuit 61:41 sort of thing or like lycra i don't know 61:43 what the [ __ ] it is 61:44 i don't know about it fam 61:48 swimming in [ __ ] oh my god 61:51 it's a wholesome stream god damn it it's 61:52 a wholesome stream 61:54 god careful his tuck is in the balance 61:56 bro 61:57 but imagine losing a sneeze it's not a 61:59 set of car keys is it bro i'd lost it 62:03 can we have a cooking stream with a mid 62:05 dress yes now that you cook 62:08 yes i'll make what i usually make in a 62:10 day for you guys it's very quick though 62:12 i mean like it's like a 15 minute thing 62:15 it's not like an out dude i i if i had 62:17 to cook something for an hour it would 62:19 be awful and it's kind of a speed 62:21 reliant thing too like i'm doing a lot 62:24 at the same time so i can get the 62:26 i can get it going you know 62:28 i don't know 62:29 it's a speed reliant cooking challenge i 62:31 think if i want to make it really i can 62:33 make plus you can make it unhealthy and 62:35 healthy it's great when are you gonna 62:37 start to churn some butter 62:41 hot um 62:43 let me just like 62:44 start going real quick hold on 62:46 i'm just churning butter right now 62:52 i'm making cheese 62:54 i'm making cheese in this [ __ ] i'm 62:58 wholesome i'm sorry i can't help myself 63:00 the last three days have corrupted me 63:03 i won't i'm not going to be i'm going to 63:04 be playing 63:06 f don't test me i will play factorio for 63:09 this entire stream i'll be in silence 63:11 playing factorio i don't care not latex 63:14 very stretchy type of lycra 63:16 okay well one of them that i saw on 63:17 google images was latex um and also 63:21 looked better so i'm gonna just say the 63:22 latex one was all of them because they 63:24 it looked better maybe i'm just maybe i 63:26 just like that 63:28 because i wanna press your buttons 63:30 so sad that the copper golem lost the 63:32 vote 63:33 dude that's just straight up like a 63:35 modded feature i want like 63:37 [Music] 63:40 i want like diamond golems that attack 63:42 every mob some stream 63:47 i'm just choked genuinely i just choked 63:49 and recovered i've choked so many times 63:51 that i can recover now i just choked on 63:54 saliva and recovered that seamlessly 63:57 says whole stream can i play with the 63:59 whole can i play with the wholesome 64:04 let me like let me grab my knife or my 64:07 knock knife so you're into latex then 64:09 listen it does look good 64:12 what can i say there was a woman with 64:14 the giantess tits 64:17 and skinniest twice 64:19 wearing a latex swimsuit i'm not gonna 64:21 say no 64:22 it looked better than when she wasn't 64:24 anyway 64:25 knife 64:28 it's not not wholesome to be playing 64:30 with like a balor song right 64:34 oh 64:35 who's better cook your fin rose or [ __ ] 64:37 i can't read my name even rosa marie 64:40 bleach on reddit can help with the 64:41 cursedness okay 64:43 i've dude that's a great subreddit too 64:45 i i just asked reddit 64:48 i bleach sounds like an awful awful name 64:50 for a reddit but it's great 64:54 months woo hoo 64:56 i've never heard anyone refer to a child 64:58 as rape 65:02 goddamn heels for today i don't know a 65:05 heels wholesome chat i need to know i 65:08 don't think i mean listen some heels i'm 65:10 sure could be wholesome i don't own 65:13 wholesome heels there's no way 65:17 pumps are 65:21 depends on the hills 65:23 do i even have i have these these wait 65:26 oh 65:26 wait do these fit me i seem to remember 65:28 these not fitting me though 65:31 hold on 65:33 oh wait do they oh my god wait the okay 65:35 wait these fit me hold on 65:39 these fit me they are heels 65:42 and they they're the most wholesome ones 65:43 i own they're not tall 65:46 i guess those for the simps 65:48 they work 65:49 they're wholesome 65:54 wholesome heels 65:56 finally we found some converse heels do 65:59 i have converse heels 66:00 i don't dude there are so many pairs of 66:02 shoes scattered around my house 66:05 those are great they're perfect they are 66:07 they're like about the the perfect thing 66:10 to wear for this that's the wrong foot 66:12 no it's the right foot what the [ __ ] 66:15 so there's perfect shoes for this outfit 66:17 indeed wholesome very very wholesome 66:20 wait do they fit [ __ ] 66:22 my right foot is bigger than like my 66:24 left foot and i'm just kind of wondering 66:26 i think it does it's just that this 66:28 material is not the heart the shape of 66:30 this is so hard to just like 66:32 oh yeah easily it's just the shape of it 66:34 okay yeah it fits perfectly 66:36 uh 66:38 oh [ __ ] okay hold on with knee socks 66:41 um 66:42 i don't know maybe with knee socks maybe 66:45 without let's see hold on let me grab 66:46 let me make this now now you'll be 5 11. 66:49 i know i would be like six foot in these 66:51 at least six foot one in these heels 66:55 what the [ __ ] how does this even attach 66:58 this is like what 67:01 oh it's backwards i was like trying to 67:03 do the buckle completely backwards 67:05 cloudy live 67:06 who's cloudy live why should should i be 67:08 scared you've all found him what did he 67:11 say 67:13 what did he say oh my god what did he 67:16 say i didn't see the message 67:18 uh yes let's work okay cool uh 67:22 what does stuff say 67:23 here you see this last night 67:25 what the [ __ ] 67:26 these are so like 67:29 difficult 67:32 these are the most annoying shoes put on 67:34 chat 67:35 [ __ ] it chat i'm gonna i'm about to put 67:37 on pink thigh highs just because they're 67:38 easier to wear than these [ __ ] 67:40 okay there we go 67:41 let me like buckle it up 67:43 because we're being wholesome 67:46 we need to be 67:47 proper 67:48 okay 67:50 it's not buckled and [ __ ] 67:53 good lord 67:56 look at this like okay anyway 67:58 we're in conversations while you ignore 67:59 chat i'm sorry don't worry you're pretty 68:01 little head dude i'm 68:03 busy doing this just give me one moment 68:06 i'll pay attention to your random 68:08 rantings i think thighs bro 68:14 i'm done with being a hoe that those 68:16 days are behind me 68:17 i'm trying to i'm trying to commit to a 68:19 more wholesome classy lady look because 68:22 for the last three hours of girl month 68:24 okay all right one down 68:26 i've got one to go 68:29 one down three to go uh 68:33 can we get entertainment today beyond 68:35 complaining 68:36 no 68:39 what the hell 68:48 huh 68:49 who's your bf i haven't found one yet 68:51 what the [ __ ] fam one 68:53 today it kind of feels like the donation 68:55 load has been blown in the last couple 68:57 of streams yeah so here is some monetary 68:59 encouragement for the cute and wholesome 69:01 stream as well thank you i am really 69:04 interested to i am really interested to 69:06 see what the stats are like on these now 69:08 that it's like i do what i do a 69:10 wholesome stream and i do a uh i do 69:12 multiple very not wholesome streams and 69:15 i just see which ones 69:17 you know how different they are because 69:19 they are going to be different funny 69:21 number oh [ __ ] it was the funny number 69:23 696 [ __ ] yeah i didn't even notice that 69:26 that's what that was kyle reacting to 69:28 the spider on his microphone yes okay 69:30 hold on i got the heels on 69:35 okay you know what they're not that bad 69:37 actually they kind of work with this 69:39 hey they're not terrible 69:42 let's [ __ ] go 69:43 nice 69:46 oh 69:50 finn's true height is well it's now 69:52 about dude i can walk in these like i 69:55 should be wet needs white socks i kind 69:57 of agree but i know i don't have any i 69:59 have 70:00 pink tights 70:02 from uh i have pink tights from uh for 70:05 for when i do the ballerina thing but 70:07 it's not exactly uh you know 70:11 what's it 70:12 what the hell 70:13 anyway 70:15 handstand 70:16 maybe not what did dad say about the 70:18 yesterday stream he hasn't i don't think 70:20 he's watching the streams i've been 70:21 straight i've put a lot of content out 70:23 the last few days so i'm not really sure 70:24 he would need to 70:27 uh 70:29 couldn't be any less like 70:30 white thigh yeah i know 70:33 well they could they're a light color 70:35 stocking 70:36 you know cute shirt thank you someone 70:38 sent it some dude sometimes the the 70:41 viewers have decent like fashion sense 70:45 don't get me wrong it's like half and 70:47 half but like you know no knives you 70:49 smooth throwing fan boy 70:51 but i wanna i look so cool and like it's 70:54 not exactly not wholesome to be playing 70:56 with it's just like a fidget spinner 71:02 also it's i guarantee you it's just the 71:04 bright red lips like it's just the lips 71:07 that are making you think this is not a 71:09 wholesome thing to be doing and maybe 71:10 the fat giant titties but like 71:14 if you take away the fat titties 71:16 and 71:17 maybe a little bit 71:18 makeup 71:20 and short skirt then it's kind of 71:21 wholesome 71:23 you know i'm covered up 71:28 just a tip for nice content 71:31 lovely 71:34 just a tip for nice content thank you 71:36 fizzrog long time no see how has it been 71:40 oh by the way now i can wear my hair 71:42 like this i i've okay when i was growing 71:45 my hair out i was waiting for the day 71:46 that i could just do this and it would 71:48 just stay there like my hair just stays 71:51 in whatever position because of gravity 71:53 like naturally it just kind of falls 71:54 back down again but i can just like [ __ ] 71:56 around with it and just make it do any 71:57 crazy [ __ ] now and it just kind of 72:00 kind of stays wherever i put it 72:02 kind of cool right 72:04 anyway i like that because when you have 72:05 short hair it just sort of goes back to 72:07 normal because it's got no weight 72:08 pulling it down but 72:11 now it's not 72:14 anyway 72:15 finn mullet please 72:17 please chat oh my god 72:19 can i chat please maybe maybe chat 72:22 please oh my god 72:26 [ __ ] wait 72:27 i just figured something out hold on 72:29 i'm gonna see whether millie's actually 72:32 said yes to me getting these off 72:34 tomorrow 72:37 okay 72:39 10 am tomorrow 72:42 [Music] 72:45 okay 72:45 so 72:46 do real knife's tricks 72:51 oh with a real knife no lipstick on 72:53 point today 72:54 um thank you uh 72:57 i told you red lipstick are the favorite 72:59 bro it's pink and red rivals 73:01 wholesome not which one do you like more 73:05 actually when i do a pink look or a more 73:06 like like this 73:08 i'm going to do a pole hot 73:11 which 73:12 do you prefer 73:14 generally 73:16 the bali song is part of the brand 73:18 totally wholesome also never get a 73:20 mullet 73:22 okay 73:25 all right go 73:26 the color's growing on me fair enough 73:32 i asked like 10 a.m tomorrow right and 73:33 she doesn't respond with words she just 73:36 sends me 73:37 uh a picture of her 73:41 i have no idea where the [ __ ] she is 73:43 but 73:44 cool 73:47 18k oh [ __ ] god 73:51 crj thanks for pushing it over the edge 73:57 you mean knife tricks with these the 73:59 best thing i can do with like real 74:00 knives is literally just doing that like 74:03 taking it from here to just go there 74:05 like fairly quickly 74:08 you know that's it i'm not ever gonna do 74:10 tricks with real knives because like 74:12 i'm not an idiot really 74:15 like in the same way that i don't know 74:16 if i 74:17 okay once a strong word i do want a real 74:19 one but i don't think i do tricks with 74:21 it like the absolute most tricks i do 74:23 with the real one is this like just 74:25 doing 74:26 this because that's that's all i'd be 74:29 doing like this looks more complex than 74:32 it is i'm just doing the same move over 74:33 and over again in random directions 74:37 but like it never comes out my hand 74:41 even with that 74:43 never out my hand never losing this 74:45 handle control as long as you always 74:48 hold this handle like 74:50 that handle you can you've got it always 74:53 oh [ __ ] it's like it's more even than i 74:56 thought it was gonna be but i am wearing 74:57 red i'll ask you the same poll again 74:59 while i'm wearing pink and i'll i'll uh 75:02 we'll see i do notice that my viewers go 75:04 up significantly when i wear pink though 75:07 just so you know 75:08 i've got a stats brain maybe it's some 75:11 maybe it's something you don't even 75:12 quite realize but when i wear pink 75:14 i don't know people just seem to like it 75:16 maybe i act more like a hoe while i'm 75:17 wearing pink less like red less less so 75:19 when red 75:23 possibly bright colors do that to us 75:25 yeah like 75:26 it's caveman brain you know like just 75:28 you always just bright colors 75:32 red makes you look more mature and for 75:34 me it's better hmm 75:35 so i know all about things like hey babe 75:38 you want to hear about 75:40 uh taxes you want to hear about um 75:42 [Music] 75:44 that's all i know that's adult 75:46 mortgage trying to hit 18 000 exactly 75:49 and got sniped yet again 75:51 notice me rose i require sympathy 75:55 wholesome wholesome stream wholesome 75:56 it's being awesome i'm talking about 75:57 adult topic i mean i'm talking about 75:59 mature topics 76:01 we don't use the t word in this 76:02 household 76:04 talk about you want to talk about state 76:06 tax and pensions babe 76:08 uh 76:11 i'm trying to get 18k exactly got snipey 76:13 again you got sniped before and after by 76:15 the way 76:16 i'm sorry crj don't worry if you donate 76:19 right now 76:20 991 dollars you will get to 19k thank 76:24 you 76:25 [Music] 76:30 oh [ __ ] what are they called 76:32 14 76:32 where's the word in the uk for them but 76:34 i don't know the american one 76:35 uh 76:37 roth iras you want to hear about roth 76:39 roth iras let me talk to you about 76:42 let me talk to you all about interest 76:44 rates i'm talking about how the 76:48 hey oh babe the economic crisis 76:55 the poverty line has risen significantly 76:57 and hasn't grown with the wages of the 77:00 national part of the general public 77:02 even though living and expenses have 77:04 gone up then 77:07 salaries on average have gone down i 77:09 don't know i've got nothing i'm just 77:10 bullshitting now 77:14 talk dirty how much more do you make as 77:17 rose compared to finn 77:19 tbh only here for rose 77:22 you phrased it wrong 77:24 it's how much more do i make as finn 77:25 compared to rose 77:28 i've been doing minecraft for five years 77:30 i know how to monetize it 77:32 this is my side gig 77:34 i don't know if i i don't know if i drop 77:36 that bombshell often enough that this is 77:38 what i do for fun this is my side thing 77:43 don't get me wrong it is the most fun 77:45 part of my job 77:46 and it's also like i don't know i get i 77:48 like streaming is very very fun 77:51 uh that's why i do it i i started doing 77:54 this whole thing we are calling you 77:55 about your car's extended warranty 77:57 you're not saying it in the right voice 77:59 you know the voice you got to say it in 78:02 it's got to have like an ah before it 78:04 like a little moan 78:06 miss evergreen 78:10 oh my god am i the student now i thought 78:11 i was the teacher of this class 78:13 [ __ ] 78:14 uh 78:15 god what a nightmare that that is i 78:17 forgot dude it's been so long since i 78:19 was in school i hate that 78:22 dude being asked for homework or knowing 78:24 you don't have the homework or some [ __ ] 78:26 it means nothing as well no one ever 78:28 tells you that well i mean it doesn't 78:30 mean nothing so it means a little bit 78:32 you look like a girl not for money but 78:34 because you like it 78:42 it's not that that's i phrased it wrong 78:44 what i said was i stream for fun 78:47 but i still make more on the fins the 78:49 side of things so 78:51 um 78:52 count yourself lucky i guess 78:55 i started doing this dude okay listen i 78:58 was doing this when i had 50 i was doing 79:00 a cross-dressing thing on stream when i 79:02 had 50 viewers on and i was making 79:05 barely anything uh 79:07 it's just that 79:10 i used to just cross-dress just for 79:12 streams just for like an hour a day you 79:14 know for like and i used to do it like 79:16 once a week for an hour it was fairly 79:19 normal but now it's more like hey finn 79:21 you want to wear um just dresses and 79:24 never wear guy clothes for 79:26 the future 79:28 uh just just kind of ever it's gone a 79:31 little bit further hasn't it chat just a 79:33 little bit the fact that i can't take 79:35 off the eyelashes right now and my hair 79:37 is 17 times longer than it used to be 79:39 when i started 79:41 uh 79:42 i have gained a good amount of practice 79:44 with makeup though and i've and by the 79:47 way 79:48 i dude charlie came round to my house 79:51 today after because we went out to the 79:52 cinema and she was like wow 79:54 i 79:55 underes she said like do you not have 79:57 any guy clothes around because it's just 79:59 a mess everywhere my clothes are just 80:00 scattered around the house she's like do 80:02 you not have any in here and i was like 80:04 no 80:05 she's like 80:07 i i mean i guess i kind of knew that but 80:09 like what the [ __ ] this is just seeing 80:11 the just 80:12 carnage of outfits every outfit i've 80:14 ever worn you 80:16 know eyebrows are trim now yeah [ __ ] 80:20 eyebrows are feminine 80:24 roses no side piece true 80:27 rough quote i make way more doing the 80:29 youtube channel this is just for fun way 80:32 more is a bit of an overstatement i'd 80:34 say that there's been months where i've 80:35 made more as rows uh there's been a few 80:38 but there's it's it's just like a 80:40 reliability thing just tuned in you look 80:43 ridiculously dashing today i'm happy 80:46 you're switching it up heart 80:48 hold on you've ruined my train of 80:50 thought 80:51 i really hope that i don't make more 80:53 doing this 80:54 i really hope that i don't make more if 80:56 i start doing the math on it 80:58 oh [ __ ] 81:04 so the rest is up to you chat no round 81:07 number been there done that 81:13 okay 81:14 wait 81:17 oh [ __ ] 81:20 wait but i'm like not oh [ __ ] wait do i 81:22 should i swap the lip i got wha 81:26 in the future i get wait what what do i 81:28 do do i do now do i do in the future i i 81:30 don't know maybe i need like but i'm 81:32 going to go on a break soon 81:34 [ __ ] 81:35 oh no what do i do i can't fulfill your 81:37 price i can definitely do it but it's 81:39 going to be in like a week 81:44 oh no 81:45 you okay with that tension 81:48 i got a vip tension 81:50 oh [ __ ] do it in a week then 81:52 i gotta do it in a week though 81:55 okay i can do the no break i can't just 81:58 not do a break i have a minecraft 82:00 channel to run that i really really hope 82:02 makes more than this because now it's 82:04 it's i've 82:06 [ __ ] does it 82:07 you realize if i find out right now that 82:10 this makes more 82:12 i've never sat down honestly i just 82:14 record the videos and then i pay for the 82:16 bills and i buy food and there seems to 82:18 be money in my account she's one 82:20 dollars donald and keep this hype train 82:22 going simps together strong 82:26 hold on i gotta know 82:28 because i'm if i find out that that's 82:29 true i'm oh my god i forgot about twitch 82:32 payments 82:33 [ __ ] how do i even calculate for that 82:36 uh 82:37 let me scroll down a little bit 82:39 i forgot that so i was saying like okay 82:41 when you add up youtube channel revenue 82:42 and everything then yeah it's gonna be 82:45 oh my god but then i have two girl 82:47 youtube channels that's where the mid is 82:49 that the majority 82:50 oh [ __ ] please 82:52 no 82:54 is it 82:55 hold on 82:57 i'm looking at how much dude i'm looking 82:59 at my account right now this shit's like 83:03 oh i better not make more as a girl than 83:04 as a guy [ __ ] man's losing it right now 83:07 bro 83:08 dude 83:19 the panic setting in a little bit 83:21 uh 83:23 dude 83:26 tenshi respect trump's together oh [ __ ] 83:32 wait hold on 83:36 oh [ __ ] 83:41 simp together strong 83:50 i make more as a girl 83:52 oh no 83:56 this is my main job 83:58 wait [ __ ] 84:03 oh [ __ ] i don't really have like a oh 84:06 [ __ ] 84:11 this is my this is my like 84:13 oh [ __ ] 84:22 okay 84:27 you just made 19k yeah i know that's why 84:29 that's what i'm thinking 84:31 that's what i mean 84:33 it i guess you make the most money with 84:35 your most authentic persona 84:40 what does that even mean for me though 84:43 oh [ __ ] because i've put less time into 84:45 this because i 84:46 i thought i made more on minecraft gonna 84:48 be in this for the long haul a 84:54 day there's 84:58 [Music] 85:01 honor for the angel 85:07 i i genuinely am lost for words oh [ __ ] 85:12 oh my god 85:15 oh [ __ ] 85:16 sounds like i asked a great question did 85:19 realizations have been made simps 85:22 together strong 85:24 i thought you don't have a leg the third 85:27 leg to stand on 85:28 [Music] 85:31 to help push rose over the top 85:34 yeah thanks 85:36 thank you thanks thanks mazenka 85:39 red lipstick looks nice on you i sure 85:41 hope it does it's what's keeping my 85:42 career alive apparently [ __ ] oh my god 85:46 thank you both for the two and people to 85:48 catch your streams live lately and i 85:50 wanted to contribute to the current 85:52 forever rose gold while i have a chance 85:54 thank you for inspiring us all to be 85:56 better people ps love your entertaining 85:59 content 86:04 oh my finn i make more than you rose 86:08 hold my small tits i'm putting on the 86:09 big ones 86:15 [ __ ] dude 86:17 congratulations on the egg cracking 86:20 i realize like what i did in my mind was 86:23 like i just took my best month ever on 86:25 minecraft right and then just it looks 86:27 nice on you thank you 86:29 i just took my best month ever on all of 86:32 youtube and compared it to 86:34 what i normally do on twitter you didn't 86:36 need to do math to know that you don't i 86:39 didn't know over on youtube 86:43 [Music] 86:48 and then like that's that's not how you 86:49 do a calculation to figure that out 86:52 when you look at the average technically 86:53 this does make me 86:54 like more 86:56 oh bro but then that's just gonna mean 86:59 that this this is like 87:00 this uh 87:04 that just means i have to keep doing 87:05 this forever do what you love and the 87:06 money will come my guess 87:09 yeah i guess i do enjoy this 87:11 but like 87:18 dude 87:19 okay 87:20 let's do our part and make rose the 87:23 bread winner 87:25 ah 87:26 god damn it 87:29 all right so um 87:30 maybe it's time i get some real acrylic 87:32 nails and i get my eyelashes actually 87:35 cared for and they're making money and 87:37 looking cute too so what's the matter 87:40 i think it literally is that that i'm 87:42 just like [ __ ] 87:44 it just became real like just now 87:47 [Music] 87:51 seems like rose is the breadwinner of 87:53 the house for finn i'm so proud 87:55 female empowerment 87:58 boob job sounds pretty good right about 88:00 now i 88:01 still doesn't it just sounds 88:03 every [ __ ] 88:06 and the best bit is you could even keep 88:08 earning most of the mc revenue if you 88:10 did all your mc streams in girl mode 88:16 you mean videos not streams 88:18 yeah the [ __ ] uh 88:21 just accept it rose this is your future 88:24 forever rose 88:26 thank you for the fifty dollars dano 88:30 ah okay there's 88:32 [Music] 88:34 right 88:36 the baffled realization is worth every 88:38 penny and pence have some quid simps 88:41 together strong thanks 88:43 oh [ __ ] 88:45 uh you'd make more if you did mc videos 88:47 in girl mode i don't think i would 88:49 um 88:50 nine months more to come i don't think i 88:53 would 88:57 i'm just making sure my lipstick's fine 88:59 because you know 89:00 i guess the donald goal should be fine 89:02 since he's obviously the side dude 89:08 i guess the donut girl should be fin 89:10 months since he's obviously the side 89:11 dude finally be get to be finn for a bit 89:14 don't forget you're here forever 89:20 dude 89:22 that's what i mean 89:24 that's what i mean that's what just hit 89:26 me there was like oh my god this is what 89:29 i mainly do you should just keep doing 89:31 this for fun regardless of what you make 89:33 from it oh yeah having your hobby turn 89:35 into your career isn't always a good 89:37 thing 89:38 yeah no that's it's the same thing with 89:40 minecraft like everything becomes a job 89:42 but like 89:43 i still find both of them very funny 89:45 doing mc videos as a cute girl rather 89:47 than unkempt finn is a financial net 89:49 gain not a loss i disagree there's like 89:53 [ __ ] 89:54 hmm 89:56 well i mean i still really enjoy playing 89:58 minecraft the things i really like about 89:59 streaming i like much money you would 90:01 make with this if you really invested to 90:03 rose 90:08 wait what's there to even invest in what 90:10 could i invest into what can i improve 90:13 from here about me 90:14 with investment take money but i'm 90:17 chuckling to myself at your realization 90:19 of what we've all known for ages and 90:21 have tried to tell you previously i did 90:23 the that i did the things only 90:25 real bob's earpiece i'm getting the ear 90:27 piercings 90:30 rose for the win 90:31 estrogen 90:34 okay 90:35 all right don't know goal for 90:38 straight up estrogen i'm gonna swap out 90:40 every blood cell in my body i'm gonna be 90:42 an estrogen monster that's what i'll be 90:45 long live every single cell replaced 90:48 lives okay fine uh point received there 90:52 is a lot of things that i could invest 90:54 into to do this 90:56 i think it oh [ __ ] 91:00 quick 91:01 someone look up the ld50 of copm 91:05 okay it was more just like not every 91:08 estrogen 91:09 not every yes 91:11 i'm so confused 91:13 a thousand squats today i've been doing 91:14 squats not how he works 91:17 do your next mc video as rose 91:20 just the next one and test the ratings 91:23 versus the statistics of your other f1 91:25 nn videos 91:27 i know you are a numbers guy i am saying 91:30 this though there is a huge 91:33 [Music] 91:34 no you're not saying that apparently 91:35 hold on 91:36 if you're against of then a youtube rose 91:38 channel deserves more commitment easy 91:41 money without mixing channels 91:45 yeah dude that's the thing right now 91:47 actually that that's currently an issue 91:49 that i can't find a good editor for uh 91:51 for the finn channel it's really really 91:53 hard funny good editor the guy that used 91:54 to do it which i really liked was uh he 91:56 was he's gone off to college uh he's 91:59 like one of the best editors i've worked 92:00 with and he's just like gone 92:02 ugh 92:04 what i need to do is like hire that guy 92:06 to like train editors that's what i'd 92:08 really like to do because good lord 92:11 anyway 92:15 eat veggie burgers and burger king for 92:16 hrt that's what i eat anyway i'm a 92:19 vegetarian 92:21 they don't have any of the modest 92:22 buttoned up outfit it leaves much space 92:25 for your beautiful personality 92:33 thank you my beautiful personality okay 92:36 between 2019 and 2029 in your cv 92:44 well uh 92:46 2029 92:49 i don't know if i'll be doing this 92:51 niceness even though you may make more 92:53 money as a rose focus on what you enjoy 92:56 don't transfer all your attention to 92:58 rose if your main love is minecraft 93:01 so i have a bit of a thing i i've i dude 93:04 i've been doing minecraft youtube for 93:05 long enough to know how i think without 93:07 trying to convince him to become trans 93:09 for the money oops as a trans woman i'm 93:11 feeling really weird about this 93:13 situation i'll ask my hairband 93:15 completely completely normal comment i 93:17 am just making memes about it but like i 93:19 did i i baited them into answering a 93:21 certain way 93:23 on twitch he's nuts i said like cutie 93:25 cinderella i i said he's lgbt i couldn't 93:29 think of anything that was like how can 93:31 i invest into myself and then everyone 93:33 immediately went like i saw like like 93:35 [ __ ] you know cosmetic procedures and 93:37 i saw estrogen i was like yes i will 93:39 consume all of the estrogen and then 93:41 people just ran with that we're all just 93:43 [ __ ] around i don't think anyone in 93:44 the chat genuinely wants me to just be 93:47 trans for money i'm 93:49 like you know i couldn't be transformed 93:51 but i guess you know get sex 93:52 reassignment surgery for money i really 93:55 doubt that that's actually on their 93:56 minds uh i we're just kind of membing 93:58 for the most part 94:02 someone in chat speak for yourself 94:07 i mean it would be less interesting see 94:09 exactly i'd just be i should be a woman 94:11 and then what's the [ __ ] what's the fun 94:13 in that what i want to be a woman 94:17 regardless of what are going to do i 94:19 think you should celebrate this 94:20 achievement with a shot 94:23 now i can't you've said it now i can't 94:25 do it 94:26 um also is it an achievement 94:30 yes we want our srs dick inverse surgery 94:33 i'm on it stream training is coming 94:35 along nicely you've started to let me 94:37 put the tip in 94:49 are you the same guy 94:51 oh 94:53 that's quite good 94:57 that's quite good how am i what am i uh 95:00 like what am i wearing in the dreams i 95:02 want to know what's like literally your 95:04 dream outfit for me 95:05 or is it one of those things where like 95:07 a lucid dream is so like 95:09 indistinguishable from reality like are 95:11 they really detailed as well 95:13 or are they like dream dreams where it's 95:14 kind of like i wearing [ __ ] something 95:16 i know they're wearing something but my 95:17 brain can't exactly work it out like i 95:19 want to know what that is are you 95:21 spending more time as a girl or a guy 95:26 i'm spending more time as a girl as if 95:28 recently fast as we go now it's the 95:32 least rose commitment you could offer 95:34 release i'm going to get it eventually 95:36 but i'm going to get it now or as soon 95:38 as possible 95:40 dude dude you got to speak to a trans 95:43 person about that that shit's part of 95:44 their identity and it's still 95:47 really [ __ ] hard 95:48 it's not even like part of who i am and 95:51 it's like it's it's even harder it's not 95:53 even better who i am it's [ __ ] 95:55 insanely hard to stick to practicing 95:57 that [ __ ] 95:59 don't forget to give f1 and share some 96:01 space 96:02 also do what you want to do but ask me 96:05 arizer first 96:09 [ __ ] wait what do you mean 96:11 do you mean you're streaming i thought i 96:13 immediately took that as like you need 96:14 permission to do minecrafters you could 96:16 celebrate by getting a cute rosetta too 96:18 oh what a great idea uh that weirdly 96:21 enough that was the first idea that 96:22 someone ever gave me for a tattoo that i 96:24 was like like a minecraft a minecraft 96:26 flower but i was like yeah that's both 96:29 uh lame and nerdy stuff 96:32 can we know the approximate percentage 96:34 difference in the numbers also do what 96:37 you love but for real female viewership 96:40 needs to be tapped in minecraft i don't 96:42 play but they feel alienated 96:46 uh well the thing is you'd assume that 96:49 like 96:50 okay you'd assume that like just because 96:53 i'm dressing as a girl then it's 96:54 majority female viewership but it's like 96:56 10 girl voices and on the minecraft 96:58 channel it's not far off either should 96:59 we find out let's see 97:01 hold on like it wait what was that 97:03 uh 97:04 think of the girl voice of the stream 97:05 give me that you can do for channel 97:06 points autonomous oh i still can't do it 97:08 though it's still really hard it's not 97:11 like a quick thing it's like a [ __ ] 97:12 okay you got to practice this [ __ ] for a 97:14 year 97:15 constantly 97:16 constantly like a year of work you know 97:20 like 97:22 oh i don't know if i'm up for that and 97:23 it's still it's still like it still 97:25 works me out when i do it like it's 97:26 still like ah it's weird um 97:30 okay let's see 97:34 uh oh that's a new stat 97:36 youtube implemented a new stat for 97:38 returning viewers okay let's see 97:40 um 97:42 right can i see me for male female 97:45 subscribe not subscribed so the majority 97:47 are not subscribed so subscribe right 97:49 now 56 uh not subscribed subscribe 43.9 97:54 uh agent gender female on the on the 97:57 female chat on female channel on the 97:59 live channel 98:00 female 98:04 sorry not sorry 98:06 this fit makes you look like karen 98:12 what 98:15 really i mean 98:17 i don't know maybe i can kind of see it 98:19 i guess can you unbottom one no 98:22 oh i goofed the [ __ ] 98:25 i don't i goofed the chair i don't know 98:27 about karen i think it just 98:30 mature older lady 98:32 i mean man hold on 98:34 okay let me see the minecraft channel 98:36 now 98:37 switch account 98:38 minecraft let's see 98:40 my guess is it's eight percent 98:43 eight percent female on the minecraft 98:44 channel 98:45 if i remember correctly 98:47 seven point five okay so so it's double 98:50 but it's still 15 98:53 you sounded quite nice 98:55 you could try more of that 98:57 i i didn't sound like a i didn't sound 98:59 like a woman though uh there's a 99:00 difference between like 99:02 you know like 99:03 every i think every guy can do that like 99:05 faux like that faux girl voice where 99:08 it's like 99:08 oh hey you know she like that everyone 99:11 can do that but getting one that sounds 99:13 realistic is the hard thing 99:18 like i don't know 99:20 and i know for a fact like some of you 99:22 gonna sound like that sounded perfect 99:23 because there's some random [ __ ] 99:24 clips on the reddit happens and they're 99:26 just like like i'll say one word 99:28 slightly higher pitch than like he did 99:30 it perfectly oh my god it's insane um 99:33 but 99:35 uh practice with us no 99:38 no not at all never 99:41 uh 99:43 can slur channels make it easier i don't 99:45 know what that means it's not perfect 99:46 but it's not a bad start it is a bad 99:48 start it's literally everyone's start um 99:51 it's just like a thing that it's very 99:52 very hard to do uh i wonder what it's 99:55 like on the omegle channel now weirdly 99:56 enough i think the omegle channel 99:57 audience is gonna be 99:59 really male dominated like 100:02 like barely any female 100:04 i'm wrong it's the highest one 100:06 21 female on the omegle channel 100:09 interesting 100:11 huh 100:16 [Music] 100:18 weird 100:19 hmm that oh hey sounded quite convincing 100:22 it doesn't mean much just a few ticks 100:25 higher as your usual pitch 100:27 yeah but like you can't 100:30 it's it's kind of impossible to do 100:34 or not impossible but you know that's 100:35 not a faux girl voice speaking 100:37 femininely like that is how feminine 100:40 women sound you're focusing on pictures 100:42 the main factor for a female voice when 100:44 presentation is key which you just did 100:47 very well 100:49 [Music] 100:51 what do you mean i don't think that's 100:52 doing a girl voice in an american accent 100:55 is so much easier than a british one 100:57 just saying 100:59 but then i have to do an american accent 101:01 i can't do an american accent anyway uh 101:03 it's like i've my brain's working on 101:05 [ __ ] all cylinders if i had to do 101:07 that 101:07 i terrible with accents i don't even uh 101:11 i can't even do an american accent let 101:13 alone like speak like a girl with it i 101:15 can't do either one of those it both 101:17 requires maximum brain output there's 101:19 going to be steam coming out of me at 101:21 that point 101:22 try an american act 101:27 i can't i don't know you say words buddy 101:30 like i've already got like a weird 101:31 in-between of the accent where like if i 101:33 try and do an american if i i can phase 101:35 out british for my accent maybe 101:37 i don't know if i can do an american 101:38 accent but i can phase out british 101:41 british british british i'm trying to 101:44 sound american when i say it that's yeah 101:47 i feel like i could pass for an american 101:50 you know what i mean not in texas but i 101:51 could pass for an american in like new 101:53 york 101:55 british i can't say british 101:57 do you do like do americans pronounce 101:59 british trafficking like took me a few 102:01 months of straight talking in a female 102:03 voice to convince people but practice 102:05 pays off and now i trap all the me boys 102:08 he he 102:10 yeah dude 102:13 it's easier to believe something when 102:15 it's coming out of like 102:17 what you expect right like that's i feel 102:20 like that's a whole thing when people 102:21 people get sucked into that fire drop 102:23 the knife so people get sucked into my 102:25 content because of that like weird 102:27 you know like 102:28 looks like looks kind of like woman 102:31 sounds like guy voice just now and 102:33 before as the secretary just saying i 102:37 know it may feel embarrassing to do on 102:39 camera but it's better than you've ever 102:41 done i know 102:43 i mean 102:44 dude 102:48 not really there's there's so much more 102:50 to it than that 102:54 no it's the force feminization got you 102:56 i'm glad i know my audience so well 102:59 ugh 103:00 every one day i'll just do a poll of why 103:02 are you here 103:04 what's what's in this for you it better 103:05 be my memes it better mean but be my 103:07 witty comments and my puns maybe it's 103:09 for my my political rants that i 103:12 frequently go on 103:14 and my good 103:15 and elizabeth holmes impression she has 103:17 a very deep voice 103:19 i'm constantly doing an elizabeth holmes 103:20 impression i don't know if you've heard 103:23 um 103:24 but i mean i'd it'd be good to sound you 103:26 know it'd be good to be able to turn it 103:28 on and off but by the way 103:30 the 103:31 by the vibe of talking to the person 103:33 that the the woman that like coaches 103:35 these classes right 103:37 uh she very much seems to think that 103:39 like this is more a thing that you do 103:41 constantly because it is right that's 103:43 what she teaches 103:44 it's not like a tr she's not teaching 103:46 you a trick i really like your voice 103:49 also do more ants i have nothing to rant 103:53 about 103:54 bright head empty dude 103:57 oh [ __ ] 103:58 peanut brain i got i um brick brain 104:02 what political rent there hasn't been 104:03 one i'm just i do political stuff i have 104:06 no opinions i think um 104:10 i don't care i don't know 104:12 i'm listen buddy i purposefully don't 104:15 watch the news 104:16 i get all my news from like other people 104:19 telling me about world events you know 104:21 what i mean it's the same reason why i 104:23 don't get spoiled for movies because i 104:25 feel like i just don't follow topics 104:27 that's like that's like that i guess i'm 104:29 really good at staying away from [ __ ] 104:30 that i know is gonna make me uh 104:34 they are hot for f1 nn and what 104:36 percentage want to be f1 nn 104:39 do you want to be me or do you want to 104:41 be in me 104:47 12 months punk you need to care more bro 104:51 yeah 104:53 listen i will but you know [ __ ] it 104:55 doesn't affect me 104:56 i'm here because you're the hottest just 104:58 chatting channel 105:00 oh 105:03 don't make me blush god 105:05 that's so nice of you can you give me 105:07 more compliments like that chat thank 105:09 you 105:11 i think you could easily look and sound 105:13 like megan fox you have so much 105:15 potential you manly man also put on 105:19 glasses we want to see the naughty 105:20 librarian i have gladiator in the chat 105:23 if you agree i have okay i know it's 105:25 gonna happen 105:26 i have them next to me hold on let me 105:28 google you megan fox right now because 105:31 clearly you just didn't google it 105:33 beforehand playing minecraft right 105:36 so this is megan fox 105:39 so this is megan fox 105:41 right this is megan fox 105:44 i 105:46 okay hold on let me just quickly check 105:48 that that was nothing 105:49 i swear to god i thought i almost got 105:51 banned on twitch i thought that one of 105:53 the suggested images was literally just 105:55 hits uh this is megan let me get a good 105:57 picture of her face up 105:59 okay that's megan fox 106:03 i do not look like that woman bro 106:07 at all 106:09 uh let's see what like i don't know what 106:11 she sounds like 106:12 megan fox voice 106:15 oh interview interview 106:18 uh okay 106:20 [Applause] 106:26 seriously 106:27 misremember what jimmy kimmel looked 106:28 like 106:30 hmm 106:31 who has worked alongside shape-shifting 106:34 what a mandela effect 106:36 it's farmers 106:38 and martial arts loving turtles 106:42 now she's sharing the screen with a half 106:44 [ __ ] 106:48 i did magic johnson and he wouldn't do 106:50 johnson or your man um you like healthy 106:54 juices i do 106:56 yes 106:57 yeah how 106:59 dude i mean 107:01 i saw you all 107:04 but listen 107:05 same lipstick 107:07 i'll i've got to ask her where she gets 107:09 it from i mean listen i kinda see it 107:12 really like comparison 107:16 ain't no shot 107:18 i'm here for the pavlovian social 107:20 experiment but it's chat being 107:22 conditioned not f1 nn 107:25 oh to what wait i re no hold on you 107:27 can't leave it there i want to hear the 107:28 theory 107:29 what is it being conditioned for same 107:31 cheek bones 107:32 but a little paler 107:34 yeah it's 107:35 the same cheekbones and nothing else 107:38 um 107:38 not the same mouth or eyes 107:42 she's got a bit of an eyebrow ridge 107:44 going on though a little bit what's your 107:46 opinion on the new world 107:48 rpg but not as big as mind definitely 107:50 not even remotely the same nose 107:52 and 107:55 the bottom half of my face is shorter 107:58 it's a weird comment and also wider 108:00 because you know man 108:02 it's an odd comment to make but still it 108:04 is true 108:07 she is very attractive though she is 108:08 like [ __ ] she's doing great 108:11 i don't know how old she is now but 108:12 she's doing great anyway 108:16 because you know man i you know i am i 108:18 am still technically a guy a guy guys 108:21 man guys 108:23 need realistic breast plate they don't 108:25 exist they legitimately don't exist 108:27 there is never one 108:29 breast plate that looks realistic 108:32 even to a good like even to like 108:35 like a good camera you know with 108:38 amazing lighting like it's not gonna you 108:40 know this stream prefers you to megan 108:43 you're being too self-critical of your 108:45 voice and appearance 108:49 [ __ ] a lot of work done though true i 108:51 have not had a lot of work done yet 108:53 dude maybe i will dude again i might get 108:55 a nose job just for me when she was 108:57 younger i'm telling you that you can for 108:59 certain pull it off also why did i get 109:02 muted in the chat lol i 109:05 i'm not in charge of it 109:07 oh no that's an even on me 109:10 wait how much younger because that's an 109:11 even more unrealistic unrealistic 109:14 unrealistic expectation because she 109:16 looks better 109:21 that's that's that's that's peak bro you 109:24 could read a short story on stream with 109:26 girl characters speaking to get more 109:28 comfortable with being in character 109:31 no 109:36 just ain't going to happen 109:38 uh 109:40 pit stops being a bit of a dictator mod 109:43 right now he's doing his thing he's the 109:44 sole mod of the stream i didn't really 109:46 give much warning so 109:48 uh your nose is a major part of your 109:50 perfect face don't change it 109:54 i mean okay here's listen 109:57 now that i've got like a good margin on 110:00 like 110:01 let's say now that i stare at my face 110:02 all the time and i know what masculine 110:04 features are after going with oh [ __ ] i 110:06 can't even talk about 110:07 uh 110:10 after knowing a lot of trans people i 110:12 know what male and female like features 110:14 are on the face 110:15 uh 110:17 i went to spain 110:18 the people that no no 110:19 you know 110:20 for anyway uh 110:26 sterling from tipping the velvet 110:28 i know what like masculine i will google 110:30 it but i know what uh masculine feminine 110:33 features look like so i can point them 110:34 out on me 110:36 sterling 110:40 okay i lied this is my last donno for 110:44 today with enough makeup contouring 110:47 plastic surgery and one hundreds of one 110:49 thousands of dollars you could look how 110:51 she does now too true she looked better 110:54 in the original transformers movie yeah 110:57 because she was younger she was like 110:59 like 20 something 111:00 if you're concerned about the major 111:02 commitment and risk of a nose job lip 111:05 fillers balance the profile without 111:07 being invasive 111:10 listen i okay i can't see a future in 111:13 which i get lip fillers just because 111:17 because i'm not trying to look like 111:19 features would never guess you're a dude 111:21 if i didn't hear you speak 111:25 you want to have a trip watch until i 111:27 have to face off camera sideways like 111:29 you see every masculine feature watch on 111:31 do you want to see my profile 111:33 not really 111:36 good 111:38 not really great 111:39 uh 111:42 a lot of lip fillers of course just a 111:44 little yeah actually weirdly there was a 111:46 thing actually today fun fact that like 111:48 oh by the way my so profile is all right 111:52 for a guy besides the nose um it's not 111:54 about your looks but about the journey 111:58 and the knife's tricks 112:01 [Music] 112:03 oh [ __ ] that's the wrong blade handle i 112:04 would have cut myself so many times 112:07 the chanels are 112:08 i mean 112:10 so male so male features are not good so 112:12 listen let me let me listen let me 112:14 [ __ ] 112:16 put some information right let me find 112:18 first nice okay so let me put some 112:21 information right i don't mind how i 112:23 look the only thing is like the only 112:25 thing that i care like personally about 112:28 is my nose i feel like it's a little bit 112:29 sized up it's an odd like down shape a 112:32 little bit but that's literally male or 112:34 female i feel that way anyway you 112:36 misjudge what i think about as like a 112:38 good nose for me as being like this 112:40 perfectly feminine rounded thing you 112:42 know i'm not i'm not trying to get that 112:45 literally just the same thing but a tiny 112:46 bit smaller like that's it so it's like 112:51 and that's for me like 112:53 masculine right 112:55 and i the parts of me that have that uh 112:58 that are not feminine that are masculine 113:00 i still do like i still don't like i 113:03 don't give a [ __ ] about the fact that i 113:04 have an eyebrow ridge or the fact that 113:06 my jaw is like more square right like 113:09 that's not stuff that i give much of a 113:10 [ __ ] about or like there's a bone there 113:12 in your eyes that like you know makes 113:13 your eyes more open 113:15 it's not something that i really give a 113:16 [ __ ] about or like a hairline thing 113:19 these are all things that just turn you 113:20 into a woman if you get them fixed right 113:23 but like 113:24 yeah it's not stuff that i really give a 113:25 [ __ ] about how do you know all about 113:27 that but reason please let me because 113:29 it's so hard to explain 113:33 dm jesus christ 113:35 um but either way so i learned a lot 113:38 from a source that i can't name 113:39 apparently but yeah so all that stuff 113:43 um 113:47 okay okay where is that 113:49 you can speak oh can i 113:51 am i allowed to no okay well wait i'm 113:53 [ __ ] let me just dm you 114:04 oh okay i can hey guys secret reveal um 114:09 hey uh so the reason we went to spain uh 114:12 big pogs by the way i want you guys to 114:14 be very supportive because it was a very 114:15 cool thing 114:17 uh marisa went to we went to spain 114:19 together we went to marbella as some of 114:21 the people may know as i've said 114:23 uh that there's a very popular like uh 114:26 trans-facial uh surgery slash clinic 114:29 there it's really [ __ ] nice too we 114:31 went there and i even sat in on like the 114:34 [ __ ] conversation there for a 114:35 consultation 114:36 and it's just really cool that she's 114:38 doing it but i learned a lot and i swear 114:40 to god i was gonna i'm so happy i can 114:42 talk about this because there's so many 114:43 stories like in this room yeah big pogs 114:46 dude uh she's doing great i hope i hope 114:48 it works out [ __ ] great we're gonna 114:50 go again obviously for when it happens 114:52 you sat in i did sit in i didn't get to 114:54 go to the ct scan though which is 114:56 [ __ ] i should have i wanted to see 114:58 that [ __ ] i wanted to see the machine 115:00 that scans a brain that's dope odd skull 115:03 so 115:04 here's what it was uh we can i had to 115:07 sit across from this guy while he was 115:09 explaining all the of how these 115:11 surgeries work and he's the nicest 115:14 [ __ ] doctor i've ever met or surgeon 115:16 and then his secretary or again very 115:18 nice like is the type place they sat 115:20 while she was doing a thing they sat me 115:22 down in a garden and they asked me what 115:24 tea i'd like and they listed like five 115:26 different types of tea and then i named 115:29 one at random because i thought it 115:30 sounded posh and then she got it for me 115:32 in an instant it was great [ __ ] 115:34 had tea and coffee damn right it was 115:36 great and there's like sculptures and 115:38 fountains it's really nice it's so 115:39 [ __ ] cool um 115:42 and it just they make you feel great 115:44 there so 115:45 and i felt very comfortable talking like 115:47 well listening to this guy talk about 115:49 everything right uh and there was i 115:51 always like i was singing like theresa 115:52 doctor there and then like he was 115:54 talking about how they do all the 115:56 surgeries and i'm [ __ ] clutching my 115:58 knee and doing this in the chair like 116:00 trying not to be noticeable that i'm 116:01 this close to passing out like 116:04 because i'm so [ __ ] squeamish when 116:06 they talk about all these surgeries oh 116:08 my god anyway 116:10 which tea did you pick 116:12 moroccan 116:13 or 116:14 m.a i don't know moroccan it was minty 116:17 like it was a minty tea sweet minty a 116:20 little bit 116:21 it might have began with an a m a even 116:25 what surgery did you pick it's not for 116:27 me for marisa 116:29 marrakesh marrakesh t [ __ ] 116:34 they named uh moroccan tea as well 116:36 anyway uh lobotomy the bottom 116:40 some reasons there for a lobotomy 116:42 uh so basically 116:44 yeah it's uh 116:46 she's she's doing a lot of cool stuff 116:47 there 116:48 uh don't know if she said like what 116:50 she's getting or not but either way i 116:52 learned an awful lot they had like a 116:54 little model of a skeleton i could [ __ ] 116:55 around with while they were talking 116:58 marrakesh city in morocco i was right 116:59 then same thing um 117:02 but yeah there was that so that's why 117:04 i'm on about it but 117:05 my point being 117:07 even if i changed all these small bits 117:08 of my face it wouldn't really make a big 117:10 difference to me the uh sure i look more 117:13 feminine but i'm not sure if that's 117:14 necessarily a goal with my with my face 117:16 anyway nose 117:17 uh 117:18 that's more a thing just for 117:20 male fin as well as female fit to be 117:22 honest with you i don't know maybe i'd 117:24 do it but or maybe i'd just get my jaw 117:26 lifted up 117:28 that same the same thing same thing 117:30 just [ __ ] link the jaw up so it's 117:32 just next to my lip that's very a 117:34 feminine thing apparently 117:35 but oh my [ __ ] god that 117:38 oh the hell they get to it bro 117:41 no dude 117:42 oh i'm not serious but let me tell you 117:44 about how this works you're gonna get 117:45 ffs no but let me tell you about how 117:47 this [ __ ] works 117:50 if i listen if i don't somehow like 117:52 you'll watch me go pale through 117:54 explaining it they do it through the 117:56 mouth they do it through the [ __ ] 117:57 mouth bro they go oh okay wait how do 118:00 they get to your jaw aren't they gonna 118:02 be left with a scar 118:03 no here's how they do it the velma 118:05 cosplay and you get stuck in the clothes 118:07 washer while investigating a mystery and 118:10 i try to get you unstuck 118:12 that's hot okay 118:14 deal you keep lucid dreaming i'm gonna 118:16 okay fine like should i tell you i'm 118:18 gonna they're going through the mouth 118:19 they go in under the lip like 118:23 oh like there that's how they get to it 118:25 i'm not detailing it but that's how they 118:27 do it oh my god it's [ __ ] terrifying 118:30 huh 118:36 the danger of ffs is it makes your skull 118:38 look bigger alien-like 118:40 if you have a feminine or like yours 118:42 it's not a good idea 118:45 you mean smaller it would never make it 118:47 look bigger 118:50 what 118:51 anyway 118:52 uh 118:54 more details of your mouth please 118:57 yeah dude 118:59 don't hurt your beard 119:00 guys you i'm talking about marisa i'm 119:03 not talking about me 119:04 this is com this is not me this is 119:06 marisa i'm on about this is where we 119:07 went i'm going to talk about this and 119:08 then people are going to be like you 119:09 hear finn's going to get trans surgery 119:11 he's going to go ffs no i happen to i 119:14 happen to have a trans friend where i 119:15 went with uh but i was in this room with 119:18 it's [ __ ] nuts 119:19 uh 119:20 in through the mouth like the lips no 119:22 like where your where your gums meet 119:24 your 119:24 you know 119:27 i've been getting our first confirmed 119:28 thank you finally do you have some 119:31 wholesome fruit to eat i don't have any 119:33 fruit dude i need to go shopping i meant 119:35 to go shopping like two days ago and i 119:36 just haven't 119:37 um 119:38 and it's already really late and i can't 119:40 really get everything i want delivered 119:41 so i need to go to the shops like 119:43 tomorrow and do it 119:45 finding out for a friend yes 119:48 that enormous expense 119:51 thank god 119:53 ah 119:54 we dressed the girl for the consultation 119:56 i was dressed to go for all of it i had 119:57 the eyelashes everything happened to the 119:59 new house and the crazy they just don't 120:01 really speak to me because i know i'm 120:02 not there for that 120:03 they're not sorry 120:05 no update on that yet actually um well 120:08 we're just waiting it out and it's gonna 120:09 happen as soon as we can but yeah uh 120:13 yeah like uh 120:15 they 120:16 so i've like just walked everyone spoke 120:18 directly to marisa they didn't really 120:19 acknowledge me besides like i was just 120:21 the person there so they honestly know 120:23 how i got these scars you think at the 120:25 transfer surgery congrats on your 120:27 journey miraizer 120:29 you think you think of the trans surgery 120:30 they're gonna be weirded out by a 120:32 feminine guy you think they're gonna be 120:34 like whoa dude 120:36 get out of here we don't like your type 120:38 in here get out of here and then they 120:39 kick you to the curb no they didn't give 120:42 a [ __ ] um 120:44 but 120:45 it was cool 120:46 it was a really nice place like really 120:48 nice like we went down a set of stairs 120:50 and it's really [ __ ] futuristic too 120:52 like i we were walking down a set of 120:54 stairs and i was like okay acknowledge 120:56 the room desk there and then a a wall 120:59 opened like i truly didn't know it was a 121:01 door it was like a wall just went and 121:03 then a duck came out with a with a thing 121:05 with a trolley oh there were it was 121:07 [ __ ] crazy it's cool people like 121:09 milling out it looked like a scene 121:11 congratulations 121:12 you are amazing for one doing it and two 121:16 being willing to share i'm still mad at 121:18 you about the prom dress but i love you 121:20 regardless god bless 121:23 yeah dude she's great with that she did 121:25 break the prom dress though i'm really 121:26 glad she's cool with it 121:30 i'm fat lord 121:31 uh were you going there in formal girl 121:33 mode well i didn't do like all the 121:35 makeup and everything but i 121:36 i'm always i was always in a skirt for 121:38 it 121:39 like 121:40 girl mode is a relative sense you're 121:42 always wearing a mask because it's a 121:43 medical facility and i had a hat on 121:45 because it's sunny and i had sunglasses 121:47 too because it's sunny um but inside i 121:50 basically just wore just the mask and 121:51 then just and then the skirt but they 121:53 can't even see that over the desk 121:55 to make a photo shoot in the jacuzzi 121:59 no weirdly enough i'm glad we can talk 122:01 about it finally but like obviously 122:03 that's something that like 122:04 i didn't want to leak for maurice's sake 122:07 you know it's not my information to to 122:09 give but i'm very glad i can talk about 122:10 it now 122:14 if the ice to the top of your head and 122:16 your lip to your chin are of equal size 122:19 it looks imbalanced if you get ffs 122:21 because the eyes and up will look bigger 122:23 just a warning to trans women in the 122:26 chat 122:27 if the eyes on the if if the eyes to the 122:30 top of the head 122:37 uh i'd sub head and your lip to chin are 122:39 of equal size it looks in 122:42 it looks imbalanced if you get ffs 122:45 this is what you want it supposed to 122:46 look like thanos jaw 122:51 and then if you shortened it to where my 122:53 height would be at it looks imbalanced 122:55 i'm so confused 123:00 what 123:01 careful all trans women 123:04 i'm so confused that's why we haven't 123:05 seen marisa no you haven't seen marisa 123:07 because she's lazy and hasn't streamed 123:09 marisa is literally she could she could 123:11 be doing stuff anytime she just hasn't 123:13 she hasn't actually had the surgery we 123:15 just had the consultation 123:17 you can still bug her about going 123:19 yeah you can still bug her about not 123:21 streaming enough we miss you riza see 123:23 um but yeah 123:26 i'll called you out yeah she's been 123:28 making 123:29 false news i'm busy 123:31 of course you are 123:33 anyway 123:34 hairline move forward yeah but you can 123:36 also do that i don't know 123:39 the concerns come out when you when you 123:40 have an ffs consult yeah oh yeah that 123:43 was the other thing again 123:44 this [ __ ] doctor's so cool he slipped 123:47 he slipped into casual conversation like 123:49 oh we do two of these a day you do two 123:52 of these a day [ __ ] two a day 123:55 these are complex surges four five hour 123:58 surgery right two a day this 124:00 [ __ ] has done a thousand seven 124:02 hundred of these 124:04 a thousand 124:06 seven hundred 124:07 dude the most experienced guy ever it's 124:10 so [ __ ] interesting hearing him talk 124:12 about it because it's like he knows his 124:14 [ __ ] completely like 124:17 oh dude he was talking us through all 124:19 the like complications and stuff and by 124:21 the way we didn't ask he was just very 124:23 nice about it when marisa asked for a 124:25 certain thing he'd be like well you 124:26 could do that 124:28 but here's your bone structure and it 124:30 doesn't necessarily benefit you to make 124:31 that choice you don't have to do the 124:33 surgery you don't have to pay more money 124:34 for it 124:35 i don't think it will matter that much 124:37 or hey i think this may look bad he 124:38 would say that like that's that's 124:40 something that that doctors like he was 124:42 just a really [ __ ] stand-up guy 124:44 really cool can do a gender test i've 124:45 done many um my gender is very strictly 124:48 a man slash like i think we got like the 124:51 absolute most it ever was was like i'm a 124:53 little bit more feminine but a guy 124:56 my jaw surgeon is done over ten thousand 124:57 i was like okay i think i'm good yeah 124:59 right 125:00 they're [ __ ] crazy i think he did uh 125:02 1 700 like forehead surgeries and 1 300 125:06 chin and he does two a day 125:09 it's [ __ ] crazy to me i was like oh 125:10 he must have done a couple hundred days 125:12 like imagine a hundred surgeries you 125:14 know you're [ __ ] by a hunt maybe 200 125:16 like you're a professional by like 125:18 you you know completely your [ __ ] at 200 125:21 a thousand two hundred thousand seven 125:24 hundred bro 125:25 i don't know it's just cool 125:28 uh 125:29 mail slash egg that was my result 125:35 well listen it's not a perfect test it 125:36 was based on the old dsm 125:40 finn more masculine than jason mama 125:42 [Music] 125:44 easily just call me just call me getting 125:46 flashbacks to that one guy who did two 125:49 lobotomies at the same time only it's 125:51 for a better cause 125:54 i'm so confused i have no idea 125:57 uh 126:00 jeez dude these dogs is crazy more 126:02 experienced more expensive 126:04 uh well yeah kind of i mean not 126:06 necessarily 126:08 but 126:09 you know 126:10 more i don't know 126:12 oh but and that was just him personally 126:13 there's so many [ __ ] ducks anyway so 126:15 just sounds hello nice he was great he 126:17 was like he was very like apologetic 126:18 about certain stuff like for about this 126:21 one thing i was just it shows how nice 126:22 he was he was like he spoke to his 126:24 assistant in spanish to easily get a 126:25 point across but he was like and then 126:27 like turn back to us he's like oh i'm 126:29 really sorry i'm gonna speak spanish for 126:30 a sec you know sorry about the spanish 126:31 that's what he said and it was just so 126:33 it was i don't know he didn't need to 126:35 we're in [ __ ] spain he didn't need to 126:36 apologize for speaking spanish he was 126:38 just nice i know really good guy i'd 126:41 have had a beer with that guy if he 126:42 isn't you know 126:44 if he wasn't a surgeon that can't drink 126:48 oh my god 126:50 what you're saying is he got at least 6 126:52 800 hours of experience on that one 126:54 surgery yeah 126:56 oh god damn right they use like 3d 126:59 printing and [ __ ] so they nail it every 127:00 time oh it's cool as hell 127:03 it's part of the sales pitch though 127:05 well no the people that sell it to you 127:08 are different people the surgeon's 127:09 literally there to be like okay what do 127:10 you want to do buddy you know 127:13 not even 10k hours what 127:15 oh no 127:17 but i'm 127:18 not an expert damn 127:20 i've got i've got bro i've got more 127:22 hours in minecraft 127:24 and i still can't parkour like dream i 127:26 don't know if i trust this guy so 127:28 we our eyes are found a doctor 127:30 are you also going to spain again 127:33 are we getting another jacuzzi shoot 127:36 i will definitely be going back to 127:37 marbella i think a couple times or is it 127:39 just the ones i don't actually know 127:42 it may be a couple times but i'm 127:43 definitely going back at some point i'm 127:45 not entirely sure when it maybe soon may 127:47 not be 127:48 wait i haven't asked marisa a question 127:49 yet hold on 127:55 anyway 127:56 um 127:58 so you wanted to do a jacuzzi hot tub 128:00 stream there i could do that i mean i 128:02 didn't say i wanted to if i did that 128:04 we'd we'd want to spend a bit more but 128:06 also i think that they have like a care 128:08 facility where you spend it when you 128:10 spend like 128:11 where you spend the time 128:13 uh that's so nurses can check up on you 128:16 and [ __ ] 128:16 so it's yeah thinking you do kissy kissy 128:19 face for an experiment an experiment you 128:22 say 128:26 an experiment 128:27 anyway 128:28 look for 128:30 anyway 128:32 [Music] 128:42 well done 128:44 well done thanks crj you appear out of 128:47 nowhere just to do this by the way what 128:49 the [ __ ] 128:50 can i know stuff's gone but i want to 128:53 extend my vote to let cij into the 128:56 council holy [ __ ] dude 128:59 20k 129:01 in four days 129:06 god give this man vip he kind of does 129:08 deserve it obviously so i can see his 129:10 messages in chat sometimes 129:12 dude 129:14 is it just one underscore 129:15 i don't know 129:17 someone will tell me 129:19 it's not i don't think 129:22 i think it's two on each right 129:26 no i don't know 129:28 i have no [ __ ] clue 129:30 uh 129:31 but yeah two okay 129:34 uh 20k in four days is over a million a 129:36 year millionaire fanboy oh i'm sure 129:38 we'll continue doing this every day 129:40 still think we won't hit gm6 129:42 lol 129:59 no no 130:00 no no you can pay for your own goddamn 130:03 surgery this shit's expensive 130:05 that's a lot more than a than a [ __ ] 130:07 hotel room 130:10 uh 130:11 god damn 130:13 don't rub it in rose i'll cut the 130:14 streams oh i mean i i technically am 130:17 cutting the streams for like a week this 130:19 is the last stream that i do for like a 130:20 week anyway 130:22 how expensive is it 130:24 it's less expensive than you may think 130:27 it is but it's still very expensive 130:29 um 130:30 like 130:32 am i even allowed to say i don't even 130:33 know if i really should it's not worth 130:35 disclosing but it's it's 130:36 it's in the tens it's in the tens 130:39 you know in it's got digits it's in the 130:43 it's in the it's in the dozens of 130:45 dollars 130:46 uh 130:49 anyway 130:52 not oh wait not tens but you know what i 130:54 mean like 130:55 anyway [ __ ] it 130:57 uh 130:58 it's definitely more than three dollars 131:01 definitely oh a hundred percent more 131:03 than seven uh a boob job can be as low 131:06 as 2k 131:07 why would you get a 2k boob job 131:09 ever why would you trust someone that's 131:11 offering a boob job for two grand 131:13 they're just gonna put what they 131:14 recently found on the street in 131:17 oh my god 131:22 i'm sure you could google it you find 131:24 that surgery stuff's normal but anyway 131:26 uh 131:29 imagine if someone thought you're a real 131:31 girl 131:32 i don't think it would i don't think 131:33 they could i'm i mean [ __ ] hold on dude 131:37 you think someone could think i'm a 131:38 woman with these [ __ ] 131:41 with these [ __ ] 131:43 we 131:44 oh my god with these [ __ ] with these 131:47 [ __ ] uh 131:49 shut up 131:50 i've read about ffs procedures costing 131:52 upwards of 20k uh involved multiple 131:54 seaters yeah correct 131:56 um 131:57 okay over i'm back what's this about 132:00 rose voting for council members how can 132:03 she do that when she's not on the 132:04 council i am i'm in the group chat what 132:07 do you mean i'm in the group show of the 132:08 council 132:10 what do you mean i even have my own 132:11 special role 132:12 uh 132:14 i think i do do i 132:18 let's see 132:21 i do i have my own role in the discord 132:28 holy [ __ ] let's [ __ ] go 132:30 all 132:32 right if you don't want what the [ __ ] 132:36 uh 132:37 if you don't want perma-boober try 132:39 sailing infusion for 24-hour boober 132:42 experience 132:43 [Music] 132:45 you're in one of them not the main 132:47 council chat bro 132:51 i'm in the council chat i know what you 132:52 guys are talking about it's fine 132:56 i mean daddy are arguing 132:58 [Music] 132:59 that's to keep you separate bro that 133:01 listen it's i i'm shush 133:04 i'm in the council chat and people can't 133:05 tell me any differently i know what's 133:06 going on 133:07 they don't it's not like some secret 133:09 society they're not discussing like 133:11 plans 133:12 we're all good 133:13 council is definitely not the illuminati 133:15 no they don't do it they don't make as 133:16 many plans as they used to they aren't 133:18 cunning up they aren't like coming up 133:20 with cunning ideas you know 133:23 uh i'm i've got i've got them i've got 133:25 their i got their minds worked out i 133:27 think i got their i got their brains all 133:29 figured out because they keep adding new 133:30 members 133:32 i got stubs though have you thought 133:34 about getting getting abs for cosplays 133:36 that show you wait what that's what oh 133:38 you mean for like 133:39 you mean like a fake ones why would i 133:40 just get real ones 133:42 that's the goal 133:46 i'm just going to get abs i'm just going 133:47 to work out a lot uh 133:49 when you went out uh when you went out 133:52 with bruiser just dressed in pink did 133:53 anyone give you a second look did i go 133:55 out in pink 133:56 you mean the blue one the blue shirt the 133:58 blue and pink shirt 134:00 bailey dude it's holiday i didn't really 134:02 go out and like pink everything 134:04 but 134:04 [Music] 134:07 everyone's doing their own thing can you 134:08 say hello gamers 134:12 hello firestone gamers 134:17 [ __ ] firestone 134:19 [Music] 134:21 it's my favorite outfit when you order 134:23 with that flex it makes me think of 134:25 strong woman pin-up style maybe an 134:28 outfit 134:29 like the what's that called what's the 134:30 woman called dorm where it's like 134:33 what what the [ __ ] is it the one that's 134:34 like 134:35 uh 134:36 with the 134:38 you know what is that 134:39 rosie the riveter [ __ ] yeah that one the 134:42 mechanic one 134:43 that's a gonna be a cosplay i could 134:45 actually fit that style pretty well 134:49 if i got like the henna in a bun i 134:50 actually do have the kind of arms for it 134:53 kind of 134:54 the reason could do it too reasonable i 134:56 was like the [ __ ] really arms she got 134:58 big arm 134:59 cap bro shut up 135:02 ah the socialism girl i don't know 135:06 you're thinking of hassan you're 135:08 thinking of hassan hassan hasan you're 135:10 thinking of him he's the socialism one 135:14 phil's a cosplay or i just need to grow 135:16 just like a beard on just my chin and 135:18 then go blonde i'm good i already played 135:20 the minecraft they got the second half 135:21 of his name down 135:22 okay boomer girl no 135:26 socialism girl hassan 135:28 uh we need a rosie the river to cosplay 135:31 i think it's possible 135:32 shuster 135:34 she won head maybe oh the socialism girl 135:37 she wanted 135:41 oh damn 135:42 thanks for the five good subs 135:45 lexus oh my god how do you pronounce the 135:47 rest of the stuff in your name just 135:48 lexus i'm to call you lexus i think 135:50 that's right 135:52 please stand right now ryan alley oh do 135:54 you see no right alley oh yeah 135:56 um 135:59 it's a it was a surprise it's on the 136:01 fence the cm site 136:02 the [ __ ] is the fence the cm site 136:09 site 136:10 oh god is there a surgery someone's made 136:12 that surgery a [ __ ] website someone's 136:13 made did you ever get the surgery to 136:15 remove beard and mustache hairs because 136:17 it looks like no hairs were ever there 136:19 um that's not a surgery that's i think 136:21 laser lasers um and also no 136:25 um i still shave my face every time 136:27 before i stream 136:29 maybe i just haven't got like really 136:31 thick hair but like 136:34 i just don't like growing hair on my on 136:35 my face when i have to put makeup on 136:37 i'll grow hair on my face and it's just 136:39 like ugh i don't know i can't put makeup 136:41 over here it just doesn't vibrate with 136:44 me vladimir putin cosplay can i shave my 136:47 head for it oh 136:49 the only youtuber 136:52 stop shaving finn for november i plan to 136:54 i want to i'm going to do it it's not 136:56 going to be november though annoyingly 136:58 um he was considering laser incorrect i 137:01 was considering doing one of those 137:02 at-home laser thingy that lasts for like 137:05 a few months 137:07 um 137:08 but i don't know i don't like crying 137:10 with faucet chassis you've picked 137:13 half of a sentence 137:15 um oh damn make a skincare routine you 137:17 need my sister to do that not me okay 137:20 but thanks for the 10 gifted subs 137:22 oh 137:23 10 gifted subs total of 144 that's 12 137:25 times 12. thanks buddy on your legs 137:27 though right yeah because like [ __ ] it 137:28 i've got shaved legs for the next six 137:30 months anyway like that was why i don't 137:32 want to [ __ ] with my face though i 137:33 didn't want to blast something into my 137:34 face if i like dude i don't know if i 137:36 was going to get a laser hair removal 137:38 anywhere it would be my armpits first 137:40 they suck it's just growing hair that's 137:43 awful 137:45 shaven legs prove it they're always 137:47 shaving 137:48 smooth mostly i'm gonna get them waxed 137:50 at some point 137:52 that's gonna be fun 137:54 chest hair will be first i don't have 137:56 any chest hair i'm good 137:57 uh all back hair shoulder hair maybe i 137:59 got lucky with genetics my dad doesn't 138:01 have any either 138:02 my grandad had a very small amount of 138:05 chest hair like a little bit there 138:07 that's it so maybe when i'm like 80 then 138:09 i will but 138:11 the wax is not gonna be fun no 138:13 but i'll see if i oh that's why i'm only 138:16 doing the bottom half of my legs i'm not 138:17 doing everything 138:18 you don't have a unibrow well yeah 138:19 because i pluck my eyebrows 138:24 i'm italian oh no 138:26 oh no i'm you're like an italian for 138:28 body hair just you're like an italian no 138:31 you're an italian 138:33 yeah hairy dude ah well 138:36 i mean 138:37 i'm not a hyper hairy i'm just kind of 138:39 average hairy maybe a little bit less 138:41 than average um 138:42 [Music] 138:43 but i'm only 21 so maybe there's time 138:45 maybe i need to be like 25 before i 138:47 start seeing a [ __ ] ton of hair growth 138:49 everywhere i don't want it chest hair 138:50 would be gone if i do there's just no 138:53 eventuality the only time i'm ever gonna 138:55 get laser hair removal is gonna be on 138:56 chest hair or [ __ ] if i ever get back 138:58 hair 138:59 yeah i don't know i'm good for this for 139:01 now though 139:03 waxing is a piece of cake no you can't 139:05 eat wax it's not cake 139:08 um waxing legs doesn't even hurt that's 139:10 incorrect and wrong 139:12 i remember time almost a year ago when 139:14 finn said he do a jessica rabbit cosplay 139:26 oh god 139:28 uh 139:30 good sneeze 139:33 you have to grow some more hair if you 139:35 can have some sort of 139:37 uh wait what 139:39 you will probably grow more hair but if 139:41 you don't have some sort of peach fuzz 139:43 there at 21 you'll probably never grow 139:44 it 139:45 uh i guess slightly peach like you know 139:48 like not 139:49 like 139:50 like hair that doesn't even like you 139:51 could you know like you can just see it 139:53 if you get the right light you know but 139:55 that's unlike all of your skin 139:56 everywhere right like the underneath of 139:58 my forearm has the same hair that's like 140:00 on my stomach right 140:02 or like on my chest i guess you know 140:05 the underneath of it where it's just 140:07 like hairless there 140:09 but 140:11 it depends what you mean 140:13 ipl handheld since you don't have any 140:14 tattoos uh i'm just not gonna do it 140:17 i'm just not gonna do laser hair removal 140:19 i don't think if i actually dude i don't 140:22 know maybe 140:24 yeah no 140:27 there's that i don't think there is 140:28 actually a price that i could even put 140:29 on laser hair removal because that's a 140:31 very future thing you know 140:33 maybe i want leg hair at some point 140:35 maybe i want face hair at some point i 140:37 don't know if i'll want to laser it 140:38 because i look a little bit more cute as 140:40 a girl when i do 140:42 you know also it's accomplishable by 140:44 shaving it like saves me no time like i 140:46 mean okay it just saves me time it 140:48 doesn't actually make me look any better 140:50 anyway 140:52 it's like i don't know it's the same 140:54 thing with like getting getting a stick 140:56 on nails or getting acrylic nails the 140:59 only difference is that 141:01 acrylic nails stay on for a lot longer 141:03 and i can't do anything about it like 141:05 that's that's the only thing 141:07 if i if i got any of that then it'd be 141:08 like i don't know but they look 141:10 functionally the same 141:13 ain't laser only good for a few years 141:14 though no it's it's like good forever 141:16 you do so many sessions of it or 141:18 something it's just like zip zap gone 141:21 um 141:26 have the same hair density as apes our 141:27 hair is just much finer 141:29 yeah 141:30 um you should dye your hair red no body 141:32 hair sucks you're not gonna lie yes i 141:34 agree 141:35 like i'm completely fine being 141:37 completely hairless but for now anyway 141:40 it benefits me but 141:43 i don't know if i want that in 50 years 141:45 you know like or you know 141:47 20 years 141:49 i think that's kind of the thing is when 141:51 i'm like 35 141:55 i ain't going to be doing this at 35 i 141:57 ain't going to be doing this at 40 i'm 141:59 very sorry to break it to you um i'm 142:01 it's just not going to be a thing that 142:02 happens 142:04 you never know oh i do i won't look 142:06 enough i won't look feminine enough at 142:08 like 30. 142:12 yeah i won't i don't think i'll look 142:13 feminine for like 25 142:15 that's just like how genetics work buddy 142:22 yeah listen i'm aware if that i 142:23 transitioned into a woman i could look 142:25 like a woman if i was 30. but guess what 142:28 i'm a guy 142:29 i'm gonna stay you know a guy i'm gonna 142:31 you know age like a guy so i won't look 142:34 feminine enough by around that time 142:36 um but what if you do 142:39 i mean listen i'll stop when it doesn't 142:41 look good i'll stop when i stop enjoying 142:42 it 142:43 but 142:45 i'm okay stop quoting me and stop 142:47 quoting me suspiciously 142:54 people in 142:55 people transition in their 70s and look 142:57 good 143:00 there aren't 70 year olds that look good 143:03 generally 143:05 i don't know 143:06 also why so many though [ __ ] that's i 143:09 mean i get that like it wasn't able for 143:10 a lot of people to happen until 70 but 143:12 like 143:13 i don't know listen body ah 143:19 36 and can still do it just makeup is a 143:21 bit different now i'm 21 then what 143:23 is a bit different now than 21. 143:26 uh 143:28 yeah but rose makes more money than finn 143:30 good point maybe i should just like 143:32 ah damn 143:36 wait can't you just accomplish the same 143:38 like 143:39 isn't money doesn't it doesn't it just 143:41 solve everything anyway 143:43 like if you really wanted to you don't 143:46 really need [ __ ] hormones or whatever 143:48 wouldn't you just get surgery for 143:49 everything if you just had like 143:51 200 grand wouldn't you just get surgery 143:54 for everything and then you just never 143:56 take hormones and then it just fixes all 143:57 the aging you know i guess [ __ ] aging 144:00 of the skin is not really gonna help 144:02 well i mean that can be [ __ ] help too 144:04 wouldn't you just do that 144:09 kate beckinsale is in her 50s i don't 144:12 know who that is there are benefits to 144:14 high e levels i don't know 144:16 nope i don't look dude it's not an 144:18 understanding 144:19 hrt is on the side of these other 144:21 effects than that literally just do 144:22 skincare 144:24 testosterone is a poison god my chat 144:26 really vibes a certain way hey uh 144:31 underworld chick you know who she is 144:33 that meant nothing to me 144:35 balasang hitting nails asmr 144:44 testosterone hair loss i know i'm aware 144:46 but you can also do stuff for that too 144:49 hormones have a psychological effect as 144:51 well 144:52 not a positive one though right i'm 144:54 pretty happy now 144:57 oh what if you just took str what if you 144:59 sh 145:00 if you straight line serotonin or you 145:02 just took straight serotonin shots of it 145:04 my guy you can do that right like you 145:06 can technically get serotonin does it 145:08 work like that anyway 145:11 he's still gonna do cell autographed 145:13 photos 145:15 maybe maybe it's maybe it's in mind 145:17 maybe i will maybe i won't i'm not sure 145:19 when i'd do it but maybe i 145:21 might 145:27 you would completely ruin your reward 145:28 system uh good point 145:33 uh 145:34 animate 145:37 oh god we're talking about big drugs now 145:46 dude i'm it's so str people talking 145:48 about way more like stuff out of my pay 145:52 has some of the effects of hrt 145:56 uh but it don't though 145:58 it doesn't like there's no studies on 146:00 that at all 146:02 like there's there's no studies on doing 146:04 that it converts it can okay so dmt or 146:07 dmt it's not dmt it's deep it's d 146:09 something d 146:11 test it's some some sort of testosterone 146:13 is something that uh inhibits hair 146:15 growth uh dht that's what i mean 146:18 that inhibits air growth right 146:21 dmt 146:23 so basically what happens is finasteride 146:26 just 146:27 stops it right like it stops making 146:29 testosterone being converted to that but 146:31 dht has no effect on like your 146:34 physiology right like it's just 146:36 you know you don't you don't just get 146:38 pumped full of estrogen when it's not 146:40 stopping testosterone production it's 146:42 stopping a very specific type of 146:43 testosterone but it's still 146:45 it's it's only not converting the 146:48 testosterone that's all it does so 146:50 you've still got all the testosterone 147:02 it doesn't affect hair loss hair loss 147:04 it's it affects thickness well that does 147:06 affect hair loss though if you have 147:07 really thin hair then it like hit the 147:10 way you lose hair his hair gets really 147:11 really thin and then it poof that's how 147:13 that works 147:14 uh weirdly enough i have quite thin hair 147:16 i've been told which was terrifying to 147:19 hear knowing that thin hair is a 147:21 kind of sign of that 147:23 yikes 147:24 but you know not thin like sparse but 147:27 thin like the actual strands of my hair 147:28 then 147:31 maybe i need to get on the finasteride 147:33 train 147:34 um 147:35 no kind of shame in that though 147:36 finasteride's a pretty normal thing that 147:38 people take 147:39 finasteride block dht but it won't 147:42 reverse hair loss it doesn't reverse 147:44 hair loss well yeah it can it rarely 147:46 reverses hair loss but it's it prevents 147:48 it quite a lot 147:50 finasteride and fin thin asteroid 147:53 uh wigs are a thing oh why the [ __ ] dude 147:56 no okay i'm aware wigs are a thing my 147:58 dad again the reason why i know so much 148:00 about this [ __ ] my dad works in hair 148:02 loss stuff like that's what it is he 148:04 works when he fits wigs and [ __ ] 148:06 his advice by the way if you want to if 148:08 you want advice from someone that 148:10 literally fix fits those perfect wigs to 148:13 guys do you see an instagram they look 148:15 indistinguishable do you like cats cause 148:18 our restaurant adopted a street cat 148:20 today oh that's cool nice outfit today 148:22 btw like i like cats wouldn't want to 148:24 live with one um i did used to and i 148:27 didn't like it by the way i can't thanks 148:29 for the three months prime and thanks 148:30 for the 100 best dude but um yeah so he 148:32 if you want advice from a guy that 148:34 literally fits those for a living don't 148:36 [ __ ] get to that point 148:38 don't do it 148:39 just 148:41 just [ __ ] take some finasteride or 148:43 minoxidil if you're if you really were 148:45 far gone 148:46 and just [ __ ] or you know you put 148:48 apply for minoxidil but like you know 148:52 yeah 148:53 you just gotta like [ __ ] uh 148:56 don't get to that point it is not a 148:58 preferable thing that you can just like 149:00 ah [ __ ] it i'm just gonna wear a wig 149:02 it's not do it imagine a wig glued to 149:05 your head all the time and it feels like 149:07 that too crazy to know that most 149:08 messenger substances get created in our 149:11 guts 149:12 i don't know what that means 149:18 pretty sure you can figure out if you 149:20 lose potty hair by looking at your 149:21 maternal ground grandfather 149:24 yeah he was bold not bold but like he 149:26 was losing his hair my dad's not though 149:30 doesn't it skip a generation either way 149:33 uh but either i'm not super concerned 149:36 about it just because there is stuff for 149:37 it now like it's 149:39 maybe it's not something that dudes like 149:41 want to talk about much or whatever but 149:42 like yeah you can just do that 149:44 there's nothing stopping you on that one 149:46 buddy just just take some finasteride no 149:48 shame it 149:49 contrary to popular belief it doesn't 149:50 affect 149:51 much to do with you you know it's not 149:54 hrt it's not going to make you a woman 149:56 you're good 149:59 what butterfly knife do you have 150:01 uh 150:02 it's called the kershaw lucha and it's 150:04 the trainer version of it this truth and 150:07 wisdom too late for me but hey 150:09 yeah 150:10 you can always get a wig i've got a guy 150:12 i know a guy uh 150:14 he's promise you he's not related to me 150:16 i guarantee 150:20 oh 150:21 nice 150:22 i got a good dm 150:24 uh 150:28 what the [ __ ] [ __ ] hell 14 months up 150:30 thank you dude 150:32 thank you holy [ __ ] no hell this way uh 150:35 do you buy stunks i [ __ ] need to get 150:37 into that i haven't though 150:38 oh all right 150:40 voice 150:41 my hair is so thick it's broken 150:42 hairdressers clippers [ __ ] your hair 150:45 is not made of titanium it's broken 150:47 hairdresser clippers 150:49 broken 150:51 those [ __ ] oh dude there's that your the 150:53 hairdresser has some cheap ass [ __ ] 150:55 clippers bro oh do you mean electric 150:57 clippers because that they're meant to 150:59 do that like getting clogged up and [ __ ] 151:01 that's normal i'll just say like 151:02 scissors bro oh my god you couldn't 151:04 break those if you tried 151:06 they have to be very cheap to do that 151:08 they're literally made for it 151:10 robert head of most people say smp 500 151:12 yeah okay i'm aware s p 500 and then 151:15 i'm just gonna go uber safe bets 151:17 property in the s p 500 baby that's what 151:20 i'll do 151:21 i'll be like a 50 year old before i see 151:23 any return on it but it'll be great 151:25 uh 151:29 uh opinion mc mob vote i don't care i 151:31 still don't know what the mob is 151:33 is it like 151:34 i forgot what that it's even called i 151:36 don't care i think the whole concept of 151:38 a copper golem sounds dope i know what 151:41 it is i don't care about crypto either 151:43 i've just kind of it's just gambling 151:46 uh ally 151:51 what does it do 151:54 does it do anything 151:57 uh 152:01 what do you what do you think what what 152:03 it do 152:04 it's whatever dream says it is good 152:06 point 152:10 oh kind of crap i mean i would have 152:12 voted for the golem in all fairness if 152:14 you could just different types of golem 152:16 sounds neat 152:18 especially if they did different [ __ ] 152:21 picks up items you give it 152:23 what 152:28 it picks up items on whatever items the 152:30 la is holding 152:31 really that's that sounds really useful 152:37 if you give an item it will go pick up 152:38 similar ones 152:40 and drop them on a note block 152:42 wait what 152:44 are you kidding me that sounds hyper 152:45 useful 152:48 what about farms 152:50 that sounds really useful what do you 152:52 mean that sounds like really good like 152:54 what about for farms and [ __ ] that you 152:56 can't use like hoppers for 152:58 you should have one of those guys 153:01 that sounds way better that sounds 153:02 pretty good 153:04 copper golem just presses copper buttons 153:06 oh my god 153:08 does he really press copper buttons 153:11 like does he have the idea to do that 153:13 because that sounds alright too it 153:14 lagged the [ __ ] out of the world if 153:15 you're using 50 of them yeah 153:17 and buttons trigger a redstone signal do 153:20 you have to tell the iron golem to press 153:22 it or does it just do it normally 153:26 basically rng and redstone ah 153:32 yeah i honestly copper golem sounding 153:35 pretty randomly well it's going to be 153:37 like between a certain amount of text 153:39 because that's how minecraft like code 153:40 based just works at least in java sorry 153:42 i'm being [ __ ] only just learning 153:44 about this now you know for a fact uh 153:47 what's it called 153:48 mumbo jumbo would make something where 153:50 it's like my whole world is automatic 153:54 20202 153:57 thanks crj why what numbers how do you 153:59 pick this [ __ ] thank you 154:03 what the [ __ ] 154:05 thank you my guy very nice of you 154:09 goddamn 154:10 it's called factorio yeah dude i love 154:12 factorio 154:18 came back from jack manifold what i miss 154:21 me being hot and sexy i mean wholesome 154:23 and 154:25 pretty wholesome and pretty not hot and 154:26 sexy wholesome and pretty it's a 154:28 wholesome stream chat let's talk about 154:30 uh factorio let's talk about how 154:33 um let's talk about 154:35 automation babe let's talk about [ __ ] 154:38 um 154:38 [Music] 154:41 you want to talk about green circuits 154:43 you want to talk about ah do you want to 154:44 talk about [ __ ] 154:46 uh at least i watched [ __ ] what's it 154:49 called 154:50 i mean i'm in a weird mood 154:54 go through a green circuit production an 154:56 optimal you want 154:59 hold on you want to hear something to 155:00 really get me going 155:02 a full blue belt of red circuits and 155:04 blue oh my god a full blue belt of a 155:07 full blue belt of blue circuits 155:10 so [ __ ] wet dude 155:15 that [ __ ] listen if you play factory a 155:17 full blue belt of 155:19 a full blue belt of uh blue circuits 155:22 damn that shit's rough 155:25 that's like you need a part of the map 155:26 to produce that [ __ ] 155:28 that's hard to make 155:30 stream titled wrong 155:32 wholesome wholesome that's the voice 155:34 please keep doing it 155:36 i just moaned 155:39 just my voice being a constant 155:46 i'm so ashamed that's not the 155:52 voice i have to answer the girl voice 155:55 sir girl voice right there yeah i can 155:57 moan like a girl good to know 155:59 uh 156:01 which makes me think chat has never met 156:03 a woman right 156:06 okay listen 156:08 every time that i see a reddit post 156:10 that's like oh my god he did the girl 156:11 voice uh twenty uh two hours in one 156:14 second uh he says this word perfectly as 156:17 a woman and it's like you've never spoke 156:18 to a woman you have no idea what they 156:20 sound like it's just slightly feminine 156:23 just like a higher pitch in my usual 156:25 voice higher pitch like all i do is say 156:26 words like that and they're like it's 156:27 perfect he's figured it out 156:30 actually if i had a whole stream where i 156:31 just spoke like mickey mouse people 156:33 would be like he cracked the code bro he 156:34 can do it completely 156:38 imagine talking like a girl 156:40 it would be so lame and bad 156:44 doesn't have to be perfect don't be a 156:45 perfectionist 156:46 no it does though that's the point 156:48 like 156:49 if you 156:51 it does though that's the point 156:52 that's the whole point of it 156:54 if it didn't then why what do you mean 156:56 that's the whole point of it 156:59 it's an achievable goal that's the thing 157:01 or at least like for a lot of people 157:02 it's achievable it's just really [ __ ] 157:04 hard like 157:06 there are some things that need to be 157:08 done perfectly to be done right it's 157:11 it's gotta 157:14 drop the knife again 157:16 uh 157:26 the hottest girls on the planet at this 157:28 time don't sound that girly though 157:44 talking about me he's talking about what 157:45 are you talking about hey what you 157:46 talking about uh 157:49 hot tub's great get one i live in a 157:51 british home i do not have the room 157:53 mickey mouse stream when 157:58 hey man i can start speaking like i can 158:00 start speaking in a really high pitched 158:01 voice if you need 158:02 but it ain't going to sound like a woman 158:05 uh 158:06 it would i think it would more just 158:08 terrify people 158:12 the amount of people who don't know 158:13 friends of guys is funny 158:15 you don't know i'm a guy by now bro 158:18 really 158:22 you're gonna talk you're gonna tell me 158:23 you're gonna tell me that 158:26 please explain more cool off editorial 158:28 stuff miss evergreen 158:32 uh 158:33 green green belt's pretty easy to get 158:35 green green circuits pretty easy start 158:38 it starter item 158:39 uh 158:40 do you just want facts i got nothing 158:42 i've installed mods at this point i've 158:44 got like this cool mod that's like uh 158:45 mini factories 158:47 really cool so they really condense 158:48 everything down why are you pointing to 158:50 yourself when he says hottest girls 158:53 i thought you were trans mask 158:55 throws you thought i was a woman that 158:57 then is being a gut that then's like 158:59 a transition into being a guy 159:02 oh my god you made me rethink my whole 159:04 life 159:06 was i born a woman is that how it works 159:08 when did i when did i transition one 159:11 i can't i don't remember 159:13 all right pictures almost nothing to do 159:14 with voice feminization 159:17 it has a lot to do with it um resonance 159:19 is the main thing have you tried saying 159:21 words properly but pitch is definitely a 159:24 a deal in it 159:26 um 159:28 no i haven't tried satisfactory i like 159:30 factorio i don't want to get a new game 159:31 to be addicted to 159:33 um i like that i will stick with that 159:35 same thing with minecraft for ages like 159:36 i just really didn't branch out from any 159:38 games until i found one that was really 159:40 good you know 159:42 little boo peep stream when 159:46 what 159:50 mean bo peep a little people 159:55 what why are they so sexual immediately 159:59 like some of them 160:00 dude what the [ __ ] 160:03 as soon as you write costume 160:08 listen dude 160:10 i am not accepting 160:12 this 160:13 this adult this adult content on my 160:16 google right what the [ __ ] am i supposed 160:19 to do i don't want to see this i don't 160:21 want to see stuff like this anymore 160:23 you know i will show you chat 160:26 i don't want to see [ __ ] like this 160:28 anymore this is not this is not what i 160:30 go on the internet for i don't want to 160:32 be i don't want to see [ __ ] 160:44 oh my god 160:46 oh my god 160:49 jeez 160:51 oh 160:53 please buy 250 pounds holy [ __ ] 160:57 god damn 160:58 it's professional dude 161:01 oh 161:03 i need to call my accountant 161:05 why does that exist i don't know it's 161:07 not got any sales 161:08 um 161:10 jesus 161:12 i found it online 161:14 my god i did look up just 161:17 oh my god it's weird 161:19 i had the jamaican bobsled team there's 161:21 a costume for that too that's fine 161:23 oh my god 161:24 why don't you sound like ozzy osbourne 161:26 if you're from the same place 161:30 we don't all sound like that 161:32 i think that's a little i think that's a 161:33 little brahmist 161:35 uh we we don't all sound like ozzy 161:37 osbourne in all fairness ozzy osborne 161:38 doesn't sound like all it was the um 161:41 he's 161:43 i don't know ozzy osbourne does have a 161:45 an accent but it's not 161:47 typical of the of birmingham you know 161:49 what i mean 161:54 it's it's it's it does have a bromix but 161:56 still drug accent 161:57 [Music] 161:58 i didn't know how i heard that 162:02 sing crazy train 162:04 just scream all aboard 162:08 [ __ ] it up 162:09 [Music] 162:11 a lifetime of heavy drug and alcohol 162:12 uses i would like some more cookies 162:15 mother 162:20 no 162:21 eat your greens first your little [ __ ] 162:23 your little little [ __ ] [ __ ] go at 162:25 your greens get your cookies after lunch 162:28 so i'm going to speak to my kids 162:30 hey [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't get any 162:32 cookies i'll order i'll order you a 162:34 subway cookie oh 162:36 are you kidding a subway cookie that's 162:38 the best yeah you gotta eat your [ __ ] 162:39 broccoli though [ __ ] i've made 162:41 you three bowls 162:43 oh i think it was some some oh god 162:45 that's what i'll do 162:47 more tick tocks finn i don't have any 162:49 more original jokes 162:51 and i don't want to be one of the tech 162:53 talkers that just like see a good joke 162:55 and then just copy it 162:57 i don't know 162:58 eating silk white cookies too bro 162:59 they're so good they're so good 163:02 i had one or something they're really 163:03 good but 163:06 mr pink i see you trying to steal my 163:09 color 163:10 can you rename yourself to mr pink like 163:12 but with a y 163:13 oh 163:14 maybe oh i already read the dino 163:18 milly's cookies oh my god wait oh let me 163:21 hold on maybe aussie's voice changed 163:23 when he bit of the head of the bat 163:27 oh 163:29 god he did that the uh okay all right so 163:31 here's the thing millie's cookies 163:32 interestingly you bring that up did i 163:34 ever mention uh [ __ ] my friends my 163:37 best [ __ ] my my best married couple 163:40 friends uh that are my age which is 163:42 terrifying or maybe i need to find a 163:44 husband quick um i mean wife 163:48 um but so basically when i hit 500 000 163:51 subscribers they they wanted to 163:52 celebrate it with me and they said 163:54 and i was like i'm in spain i can't do 163:56 it so when i was back they shipped me 163:58 and i was in quarantine when i was back 164:00 when when i was back they shipped me a 164:02 uh a millies cookie which is just a 164:05 large a bigger than a large dinner plate 164:07 sized cookie with like 164:09 you know icing and [ __ ] on it shut the 164:10 [ __ ] up no i can switch my color if you 164:13 want pink 164:15 oh 164:16 what about can we oh i don't know what's 164:19 an equivalent color to to pink 164:22 mr red mr light blue 164:24 mr light mr sky blue mr sky blue mr blue 164:27 sky mr voice 164:32 uh 164:33 mr gray good lord just a bunch of misc 164:35 misters mr pink and pink 164:37 uh uh two different names salmon 164:40 mr salmon or just salmon 164:43 uh 164:44 how will you explain this to your 164:45 offspring 164:46 hey you want to see how we're living in 164:47 this house hey you want to see how the 164:49 mortgage got paid sunny jim well let me 164:52 show you 164:53 and when you grow up we're going to go 164:55 into the family business 164:56 uh 164:58 unless you're a female if you're a 164:59 female you cannot do what i do i'm sorry 165:01 it's subway guys are just harder than 165:03 women 165:05 also which time are you referring to 165:07 about aussie and a winged creature he 165:09 did it a few times phew tell peter i 165:12 thought he did it once 165:15 goddamn 165:17 how does that work mr rose okay 165:22 that works 165:25 mr pinkman 165:27 uh 165:29 [Music] 165:30 did you enjoy your time at cambridge 165:32 darling good morning i would appreciate 165:33 that very much thank you smile 165:36 that's pretty good did you enjoy your 165:37 time at cambridge darling good we've got 165:39 an old family friend to see they're 165:41 called stovamall and moya they all live 165:43 in one house apparently steven moore 165:45 moya crj uh tenshi [ __ ] oh my god the 165:49 um the list of donators that are gifted 165:50 so much 165:52 matthew john [ __ ] if you 165:59 and then and then shave it off and then 166:00 go into the family business of being a 166:02 [ __ ] got it 166:05 my god 166:10 appreciate it 166:12 uh you forgot chassis yeah chassis dude 166:15 i'm forgetting a lot of people there's 166:16 just so [ __ ] many 166:18 uh 166:19 god damn dude there's been a lot of 166:21 people as hammer statue 166:24 [ __ ] hell 166:25 death metal flak fat cat flying caramel 166:27 and these are just the people in the 166:28 council [ __ ] taylor samuel stop me 166:31 now zenger sanger 166:33 yeah like we've there's been so many 166:36 it's so it's yeah and they all live in 166:38 one house okay they're all together good 166:39 then pink 166:41 sending some love 166:46 god they've they've settled the dispute 166:48 copyright claim has been reached 166:52 it's a [ __ ] awesome mansion yeah 166:53 because they're all just rich they're 166:59 rose leaking the council 167:00 the people in the council are unknown 167:03 they're known to be in the council 167:05 uh it's more just that we don't know 167:07 their their goings on right like 167:10 i well i mean i do i do know what that 167:13 what is going on i don't know where the 167:14 [ __ ] mustache has been though which is a 167:16 little bit terrifying because the last 167:18 thing mustache always leaves me with is 167:20 like oh you wait oh you wait till i'm 167:22 there 167:23 i don't know he hasn't been here for a 167:25 bit i'm not sure views dropping like 167:27 flies actually the highest i've been at 167:29 was 3400 and now it's 3200 167:33 and i started on 1 000. 167:36 i disagree 167:38 uh 167:39 he frequent payment penny up he 167:41 frequents pay money will be streams ah 167:43 that's a good point 167:45 so you actually want children [ __ ] no 167:47 not now maybe in the future i don't know 167:49 congratulations on finding your way into 167:52 the one of the last male only 167:53 professions 167:56 nice 168:01 holy [ __ ] 168:02 yeah male dominated fields bro that's 168:04 where i exist 168:06 uh i'm just see listen 168:08 i just dress up like this to close the 168:10 gender pay gap 168:15 just one uh just doing just doing the 168:17 lord's work what can i say 168:19 uh smashing the patriarchy one brick at 168:21 a time 168:26 going on ock would bring many views 168:28 going to otk will bring many views 168:30 maybe i don't know it listen if if 168:33 schlatt or what's it called rasman gold 168:35 want to invite me to otk i'll hear him 168:37 out but i don't know what that i don't 168:39 know what i get for it slash i don't 168:40 know what i give them 168:43 i can think of something 168:44 um 168:45 but hey listen if schlatt one day wants 168:47 to come in he hasn't responded to me 168:49 sending him a kissy face on discord yet 168:52 so we'll see 168:55 switch play is legal in the uk they're 168:56 not at all based 169:01 content bro 169:03 content make them crossdress oh 169:07 oh can i join otk just so i can make you 169:09 guys craft stress what a good invite 169:11 still see that tattoo uh tutu yeah and i 169:14 don't know what to do with it for a bit 169:15 too i'm i'm gonna be doing like um 169:18 90 day fiance [ __ ] great idea i'm 169:20 gonna be doing like uh 169:22 the my i'm gonna be doing the minecraft 169:24 break soon 169:25 and i kind of want to keep streaming for 169:27 another like over an hour just so i can 169:28 hit the [ __ ] just started watching 169:30 today's stream is that the shirt i sent 169:33 you look okay is it a good shirt 169:36 i sent you a cigarette yeah this is a 169:38 great shirt this is the one that's in 169:39 this yet [ __ ] fashion bro it's 169:41 actually really good 169:43 and then i've paired it with this nice 169:44 skirt that i had laying around i think 169:46 it works out pretty well in fact 169:49 i was gonna wear this what color you 169:50 didn't see [ __ ] uh i was gonna wear the 169:52 skirt anyway i was looking for a shirt i 169:54 was like [ __ ] perfect we're gonna 169:56 wear this 169:57 you didn't see a color 170:04 okay good you don't know 170:06 who vince do you have business to attend 170:08 to oh uh i'm not sure 170:11 when i'm done 170:12 um 170:15 pink it's always pink dude 170:19 it's you guys send me pinks you guys 170:21 send me pink underwear and then you're 170:22 like i can't believe he's wearing pink 170:24 underwear i can't believe this guy he's 170:26 just so feminine 170:29 you saw stripes you didn't 170:31 a skidmark 170:33 that maybe 170:34 uh smuggling peas under your skirt 170:41 not being rude but are you trans that's 170:43 not rude and no i'm not 170:45 uh 170:47 wait no it is rude 170:49 do you have to curtsy and bow your head 170:51 in deference 170:55 don't give them ideas 170:58 don't give them ideas i don't think i 170:59 want i don't think i want that being the 171:01 uh 171:02 don't think i want that being what 171:03 they're what they're um what's it called 171:06 what they assume meeting me will be like 171:08 if we ever do meet 171:10 sounds like a new rule i don't want that 171:11 to be a rule 171:12 i mean in all fairness the likelihood 171:14 that it happens is fairly low so i'm not 171:16 entirely sure i'll add it 171:19 what rules can you just add that's not 171:21 what how that works 171:24 so the council doms rose no that's not 171:26 how that works that's not that works 171:28 they don't just get to add rules and 171:29 [ __ ] 171:30 they just more rally the troops to if i 171:33 scam someone 171:35 if i scam for a donor goal they're the 171:37 people to come in and uh 171:39 make sure it happens 171:42 the a team you could say 171:44 anyway 171:47 wait can we create a house of commons to 171:49 support the council 171:52 how do we create a house of commons well 171:54 isn't that just polls isn't that just 171:55 doing polls all the time 171:58 and then 171:59 but then that means the council gets 172:01 final say over everything 172:03 right because the house of commons 172:04 doesn't just like 172:06 oh well i guess i don't know 172:08 no polls or elections 172:10 well you don't elec we could elect 172:12 members 172:14 we could elect members of different of 172:16 the of the stream to be like the the 172:19 what's it called the uh the house of 172:21 commons we can elect house of commons 172:22 because they need tattoos 172:25 no i don't actually uh i keep thinking 172:27 about like the idea of it i don't think 172:29 i'd get it just because i'm not entirely 172:31 sure i want 172:32 i don't know i don't see the point of it 172:33 i feel like you only really get a tattoo 172:35 if you for the first time at least if 172:36 you like you know you want a tattoo and 172:38 i'm just kind of indifferent about it 172:41 not sure 172:42 it's not the type of thing i i i'd get 172:44 in all fairness 172:47 house of commons is offline gang good 172:49 point what happened here 172:52 what happened where 172:55 what's so different about me 172:58 whoa 172:59 ah 173:04 no 173:05 [ __ ] where'd that go 173:08 no have i lost it [ __ ] boys 173:24 i have no idea where that went 173:28 [ __ ] 173:30 oh no 173:34 vote for me i promise to crack any 173:37 problems 173:39 wait hold on 173:46 [Music] 173:48 if we vote to elect members 51 percent 173:50 of people want [ __ ] makeup means 173:53 slooty makeup wins in 100 of poles yeah 173:56 we need some proportional representation 173:59 around here 174:06 what would it be 174:07 how do we do that how will we do it 174:10 but then that's not how that would work 174:11 right it's always going to be a majority 174:13 of vote 174:15 because then you can't do 51 [ __ ] and 174:19 49 classy that's impossible 174:22 i don't know how politics works that's 174:24 how democracy works it's always based on 174:26 a 50 50 though or like who has the 174:28 majority 174:31 proportional representation doesn't 174:32 exist in this 174:35 just bribe him yeah that's how that 174:37 works to be honest with you if it's 50 174:39 50 and someone donates like 100 bucks 174:41 it's going that way it's either [ __ ] 174:43 makeup or only finns 174:45 i'll take the first 174:49 you seem to think that everyone is equal 174:52 what do you think this is a democracy 174:55 good point 174:56 maybe we like 174:58 we could elect people to a house of 175:00 voters like an electoral college 175:03 but then again that's just the council 175:05 but with extra steps 175:09 uh that's how we got the bobs on the 175:11 mommy milker school outfit yeah true 175:13 yeah 175:14 it's bimbocracy 175:18 bimbocracy you got it 175:21 i'm trying to find what like 175:26 do i should i redo a nail just because 175:28 i've just lost that [ __ ] 175:31 you need earrings where's the hoops oh 175:32 but i'm being classy 175:35 i'm not a heretic do i need to redo that 175:37 one nail now i've completely [ __ ] 175:39 lost it 175:41 oh you gremlins 175:43 oh okay give me a minute 175:45 i have no idea where the [ __ ] it went 176:00 okay by the way since when did we just 176:02 decide that i'm keeping up with these 176:04 like 176:06 we just when did we decide that finn's 176:09 just like the these things are just on 176:11 forever apparently they're only stick on 176:13 nails but until acrylic nails are on 176:15 this is this 176:17 i'm gonna take these off eventually and 176:18 i don't know if i'll be swapping them 176:20 out immediately for acrylics right 176:22 you decided that not particularly i 176:24 didn't decide that i was just gonna keep 176:25 them on until further notice 176:27 i was just gonna i was putting them on 176:29 for a little bit 176:30 um i had planned for maybe like a week 176:33 um 176:34 over the break where the [ __ ] is that 176:38 i've lost the [ __ ] nail glue as well 176:40 what the [ __ ] 176:44 am i insane 176:47 oh it's there 176:48 um 176:49 it's harder with acrylic acrylic blue 176:52 what 176:55 you decided that there was never a goal 176:56 to have long nails forever 176:58 yeah oh yeah with the acrylics 177:00 wait what if i just never get acrylics 177:02 i don't mind that 177:05 [ __ ] 177:06 actually 177:08 if i just don't get acrylics 177:10 just make it socialism 177:14 i'm was there really never a goal to get 177:16 acrylic nails 177:18 what 177:21 acrylic nails are pretty though well 177:23 yeah but i 177:25 i don't know i cope pretty well without 177:27 them for a while 177:30 hmm that was a standalone goal a long 177:32 time ago 177:34 i set a standalone goal a long time ago 177:37 to just go like 177:39 i will now have these forever 177:42 there's no way that's true there's no 177:43 way i did that 177:45 here's give me 200 i will have these 177:48 forever 177:55 all right okay 177:57 oh i just kept getting them done again 177:58 right like i think we did a standalone 178:00 goal for it and i just kept them up 178:02 or something like that 178:06 it's so long ago dude no one has a good 178:09 memory bing bong new hour 178:11 uh 178:13 i recently started working a manly man 178:15 job and i really miss miss my acrylics 178:17 oh dude 178:19 oh no 178:22 i started i start my manly man job today 178:24 or tomorrow sorry doing a minecraft 178:26 video spock or not dressed like a lady 178:30 and then you got bribed yeah 178:32 go month over uh well the break starting 178:35 in uh in 178:37 on this on the 17th which is in one hour 178:40 for me 178:42 there's that 178:44 the only reason you kept on going with 178:46 the acrylics is that you liked them a 178:48 lot and also it was easier than having 178:50 glued ones all the time it is easier 178:53 than having these on because i'm 178:54 constantly not like i'm painting them 178:55 again now 178:57 i wouldn't have to do that with 178:58 acrylics uh also you have to maintain 179:01 paint and nails and not a lot and 179:02 someone doesn't do it for you 179:05 so i can get why i did like them because 179:06 it was a bit of a time skip but like 179:11 you know 179:12 i've now i've not had them for a while i 179:14 don't know 179:17 i'm not sure we'll see 179:19 more bananas today i don't have any more 179:21 bananas i'm very very sorry 179:23 uh 179:24 this is a wholesome stream i'm not doing 179:26 any no banana eating no nothing we're 179:29 all good not even carrots i'm sorry 179:32 paint your real nails instead ah but 179:34 then that's more work as well 179:36 and then they look worse and it's more 179:37 work 179:39 it's soft girls room 179:41 look fantastic on your small hands 179:44 minecraft videos 179:46 it's nice for a girl to have a hobby 179:48 that she enjoys 179:51 uh-huh i even dr i even cross dressed 179:53 for them my dress is a guy in them 179:57 it included in the gm goal 179:59 really cool that you moonlight as a 180:01 minecraft streamer i don't know look 180:04 is it 180:07 oh [ __ ] did we is it including the 180:08 gunman 180:12 well i'm do i have fake nails now 180:14 so i'm i'm doing it 180:20 oh 180:21 is it in the gum hold on wait stop is it 180:23 in the government rules to have like 180:26 uh the nails done 180:32 i'm doing them by the way i'm getting 180:34 them done 180:36 i'm just i've just missed one i missed 180:38 one nail i'm good now i'm working on it 180:43 i forgot it's wholesome dude we're 180:45 having a wholesome stream i'm just doing 180:46 some pink nails real quick though but 180:48 it's still that doesn't make it more or 180:49 less awesome 180:51 why even ask because i don't know 180:57 [ __ ] and now i gotta get this [ __ ] 180:59 right too 181:05 i'm trying to get the edges good 181:10 so look down 181:14 so my bright pink nails don't look silly 181:18 we wouldn't want that 181:28 i think i kind of just always assumed 181:30 it's in the goal month but now i don't 181:32 actually know if that's true 181:34 gm month doesn't include nail ah never 181:38 has as jon said you liked them so kept 181:41 getting them we have nothing against you 181:43 doing so obviously 181:46 fair enough all right i think i just 181:48 always kind of assumed it did 181:50 but 181:50 pog 181:52 maybe i'll just do stick ons for a while 181:54 or uh 181:56 oh not at all 181:58 i don't know 181:59 i don't know [ __ ] 182:01 i have i have i get more likes when i do 182:03 them 182:05 how is not wearing earrings not 182:06 wholesome are you saying women that wear 182:07 earrings are not wholesome yes 182:10 all of them are sinners 182:13 all of them a woman that wears ear 182:15 piercings 182:16 uh disgusting i can't even fathom that 182:20 anyway 182:21 you've just always had them yeah true 182:23 um 182:25 if only the gm rules were stick to in 182:27 the council check you have access to oh 182:29 wait there 182:30 we get let me see 182:32 [Music] 182:34 ear piercing done a sixty that's just 182:36 straight up not gonna happen for obvious 182:37 reasons 182:38 shopping is a girl we're working on that 182:40 one i know voice done but can you do a 182:42 formal rereading of girl month rules i 182:45 swear i see you doing things and doing 182:47 drives me crazy and i think i'm being a 182:49 gremlin please 182:51 m c rose video done 182:54 uh 182:54 gorman's ongoing okay cool oh no these 182:57 are goals these aren't the 182:59 these these are just the current goals 183:00 never mind this isn't go month rules but 183:01 still uh go close until end february 183:05 2022 183:08 three months bob's three months uh three 183:10 months and one week bob scheduled after 183:12 girl month two walking streams have been 183:14 redeemed so i gotta go walking twice i 183:15 meant to do that this week actually but 183:16 then i didn't 183:18 uh 183:20 okay so the rules have gone 183:23 like since last year almost exactly 183:27 um 183:31 hold on because all the ones that are 183:33 okay let me go back to the very start 183:35 because the world okay all the pin 183:36 messages they track they change a lot 183:39 okay 183:41 and there's also like how to walk like a 183:43 girl tutorials and like fam easy okay 183:47 okay i failed at the first hurdle 183:49 [ __ ] 183:51 oh god okay i need to be reminded of 183:53 these rules every now and then because i 183:55 already forgot about this one 183:57 hold on i'm busy doing a nail i'm too 183:58 busy to tell you what it is 184:01 [ __ ] 184:08 okay 184:11 hold on i've got to do this now sorry 184:12 chat 184:13 you can't you can't know for now 184:19 okay 184:22 it's a damn good nail though 184:25 um all right here's what it is oh [ __ ] i 184:27 goofed it [ __ ] i goofed it hold on can't 184:30 do it yet 184:31 did you do your shopping trip with ruby 184:33 yet 184:34 no okay we got to talk about that at 184:35 some point because that's that's one 184:37 that we're trying to work on figuring 184:39 out how to do 184:40 um because there's a lot of issues with 184:42 that 184:50 like for example ruby is i don't really 184:53 like putting her in stuff because i get 184:55 weird comments better hold on i i 184:57 there's so much to explain i just let me 185:00 let me i'm doing my let me do this now 185:10 i've goofed this bro i touched the top 185:12 of the nail thing and now it's a little 185:15 bit goofed and scuffed 185:26 [ __ ] 185:27 okay it's gonna be scuffed all right 185:29 it's fine 185:30 so 185:31 is that sorry i'll stop scamming you now 185:33 here's what it is um 185:35 okay here's what we have so far number 185:37 one 185:38 cross legs while sitting slash posture 185:41 straight 185:47 all the time 185:49 uh 185:50 ruby to be enforceable available just 185:51 never because i've moved out since then 185:53 uh allowed to call him rose girl 185:56 pronouns 185:58 forgot to ask how did the sponsored 186:01 video work out during the first girl 186:03 week in 2020 badly joke really curious 186:08 weirdly they didn't give a [ __ ] about 186:10 that the sponsored video just just 186:12 happened to work out badly uh because 186:14 they wanted like a [ __ ] ton of promo 186:15 i've got so many horror stories about 186:17 [ __ ] nvidia the worst [ __ ] company 186:19 to work with if you want to do that 186:20 whoever they're whoever their pr team is 186:23 or whoever their like marketing team is 186:25 awful anyway um 186:28 they like didn't know who i was while 186:29 they were pitching the [ __ ] anyway 186:31 and like they didn't know the content i 186:32 was making so i made the content they 186:33 were like ah we didn't and then after 186:35 doing so many revisions on it they just 186:37 went ah we didn't know you were gonna 186:38 make that 186:40 so you gotta do the whole thing again 186:41 completely differently and in a format 186:43 that you don't do and i was like i don't 186:45 do that and they were like oh abby we 186:48 just put you through a month's work and 186:50 have lost you a ton of money 186:53 and that was it that was my experience 186:54 working with nvidia [ __ ] terrible 186:57 company i don't think i'll ever work 186:58 with them again 186:59 um so it was it was this anyway that was 187:03 how that worked out i'm glad that you've 187:04 got that rant sorted god they're [ __ ] 187:06 terrible they make great gpus but oh my 187:09 god they're bad at the rest of their 187:10 business 187:11 um 187:12 so 187:14 what's next number three 187:16 after after using you know the name rose 187:19 and you know she her pronouns 187:22 that's that's that's what we've been 187:23 doing that one two's good 187:25 um three 187:26 corset slash tucking 187:38 damn it 187:40 it's 187:42 um 187:45 i more took the gold month rules to be 187:47 more of a suggestion 187:50 uh 187:52 and i believe that like i don't know no 187:54 it's never been brought up to me that i 187:55 was breaking the rules by not doing that 187:57 every day 187:59 um 188:02 i'm not 188:04 sure scam okay 188:11 light makeup uh and then number four 188:13 okay 188:14 number four this was made a year ago 188:16 again before i grew my hair out the 188:18 tucking got swapped to what 188:22 to what 188:25 i am to what 188:32 [Music] 188:35 why are you always being a bad girl and 188:38 breaking the rules 188:39 you're being a naughty princess oh yeah 188:42 jesus [ __ ] 188:43 uh because no to what what did they get 188:45 swapped to 188:47 so added in a heal day okay right so all 188:49 right cool so of course it but the 188:51 corset one's staying 188:53 but the course it once stayed am i 188:55 supposed to be in a corset 188:56 am i supposed to be waste training i 188:58 know that would technically benefit me 189:00 but still 189:02 yeah 189:04 okay 189:06 cool 189:07 are hair extensions worth it my manly 189:10 job recently allowed long hair so i am 189:12 in awkward phase 189:14 used to have hair longer than yours 189:18 it depends 189:20 i would it really depends what type you 189:22 get 189:23 seems unhealthy oh no they're not 189:26 talking about like 24 hours a day 189:27 they're talking like a few hours a day 189:29 okay um 189:30 if if not wearing a wig outside number 189:33 four at lea if not wearing a wig outside 189:35 this was a year ago at least a serious 189:37 attempt to look femme light makeup 189:39 minimum 189:40 and i do that that's what i do like i do 189:43 like i i do my eyebrows i have eyelash 189:45 extensions all that's my light makeup 189:46 minimum um 189:48 number five more activity on rose 189:50 instagram which i have more was just a 189:54 bit of a figurative term more has been a 189:56 thing number six is more to be added uh 189:58 using rose your name and included in 190:00 public situations like getting coffee 190:01 okay doing that 190:03 um just to add to the original one hip 190:05 and work out from ali i'm doing that um 190:09 new rule must wear uh basically this old 190:13 perfume that i had daily and then that 190:15 got changed to a just wear perfume daily 190:17 and then that got changed to like ah 190:19 [ __ ] it doesn't matter 190:21 um 190:23 okay and then it gets swapped to heal 190:25 okay someone just says like diet waste 190:27 trainer heals 190:30 so heals have now been added i'm not 190:31 sure what the thing the pin messages are 190:33 not very like 190:35 here's a list after the first but it's 190:37 just random people in the group chat 190:38 just saying things i guess everyone 190:41 understands why the rules are so loose 190:43 stove me and the council in general are 190:45 just tired to keep bugging finn about it 190:48 and some rules not being respected so we 190:50 just stopped reminding him and let him 190:52 do his thing because we can't be 190:54 bothered 190:55 okay let's see and then one 190:58 random message from someone else just 190:59 posting right 191:05 i think that's it 191:07 yeah okay that's it 191:09 i i need like an updated complete list 191:12 but that's like 191:14 where it's at so essentially the things 191:16 i'm not doing right oh sorry the things 191:18 i haven't been doing 191:20 uh perfume 191:21 i don't know where it is 191:23 wait a second don't she in cabana that's 191:25 a pretty [ __ ] high-end perfume uh i 191:28 [ __ ] i i don't know where that one is i 191:29 don't have the ariana grande perfume 191:31 though that shit's gone 191:32 uh slightly out of date but i can group 191:34 things together into single posts later 191:35 for you that would be pretty good but 191:37 like okay should we go through the 191:38 updated rules then i think 191:40 tell me if i'm missing anything right 191:43 use name rows slash female pronouns 191:46 right 191:46 um every day at least a serious attempt 191:49 to look feminine like doing a little bit 191:51 of makeup like a light makeup look sort 191:53 of thing 191:54 uh number three 191:57 sitting with your legs crossed slash 191:59 posture straight 192:01 anytime while sitting 192:03 [ __ ] 192:05 um okay 192:07 number four 192:10 hi ponytail what the [ __ ] 192:12 uh number four what else was it 192:16 [ __ ] heels three times i think 192:20 three times a week heels three times a 192:21 week i'm doing that one uh 192:23 five 192:25 [ __ ] what else was it 192:26 five what was number five 192:32 i don't remember 192:42 insta okay 192:43 try more on instant but then i also am 192:45 trying more i guess she can't sit 192:47 properly she's she's a bi the [ __ ] i 192:50 just i no i have balls 192:53 uh oh yeah well the waist trainer we've 192:55 swapped out for the heels i guess so 192:57 waist training did i say waist trainer 192:59 anyway waster i think i said that 193:01 um 193:03 and then just yeah the rest of them are 193:04 just like 193:06 yeah that's kind of it to be honest with 193:08 you 193:09 and then one of the and then the other 193:10 ones just exercise 193:14 diet and exercise like hip and butt 193:15 workout which i have been doing actually 193:17 so that's cool i've done a different 193:19 workout than what they linked i'm doing 193:20 um freddy's one i'm doing freddy's 193:22 workout routine which jesus christ that 193:25 dude is a dude and has thighs it's 193:28 [ __ ] crazy 193:30 okay one female pronouns uh slash rose 193:32 name two girls clothing yeah that didn't 193:35 even 193:36 nowhere in that did it mention girls 193:38 clothing by the way 193:39 uh 193:41 three posture four heels three times a 193:43 week five ways trainer six workout okay 193:46 that's easier than i thought it was 193:48 you could add nails to that 193:51 that a funny fun new rule we could add 193:54 nails to that 193:57 it's not hard to stick to 193:59 what fun new rule would you like chap 194:09 come on 194:13 gold clothes wasn't even on there that's 194:15 that's one we've got to add yeah gold 194:16 clothes wasn't even on that i'll add 194:18 acrylics if you want that on the list i 194:20 won't add it on i don't know if i'll add 194:22 it on this gold clothes is covered by 194:24 other things 194:25 interesting 194:26 peak of brass trap you definitely can't 194:28 see my bra strap anywhere 194:31 um 194:33 eat a peanut butter sandwich seems like 194:35 a lot of fun for your stomach peanut 194:37 butter sucks 194:41 uh 194:41 it just sucks 194:43 uh to the list for completeness no i no 194:46 i didn't oh the girl's close thing i was 194:47 gonna say you don't need to add the 194:48 nails one that's that's that's we 194:50 haven't added that i don't want to add 194:52 that and then just you get a free thing 194:54 um 194:55 oh should we do one [ __ ] it should we be 194:57 fine about it 194:59 i'll do one considering i haven't been 195:01 doing the legs cross thing for a while 195:02 and i've been doing the waist training 195:04 thing and i remember the waist training 195:06 thing that i think we agreed like 195:07 basically just like 195:09 during day time like i think it was like 195:10 six hours at a time or seven hours at a 195:12 time like that's like 195:15 you know a few hours less than what you 195:16 can max wear in a day and a bra yeah 195:19 that's the thing i'm already doing that 195:22 is try to look feminine role i guess so 195:24 um 195:25 i'm doing more than the one let's be fun 195:28 about it i've got an idea 195:30 ponytail with bangs like an asian girl 195:33 absolutely gorgeous oh i'll just get my 195:36 hair cut just for that 195:38 get bangs that are just there just ruin 195:40 like a ton of hair growth 195:42 um 195:45 how about we do a community poll like an 195:48 asian girl like every single asian girl 195:50 only has one haircut 195:52 um 195:53 how about we do a community poll 195:56 oh we do a bit of a community poll 195:59 uh 196:00 to add one of the go month rules a 196:02 normal one i'll be picking what gets 196:04 added 196:05 we could add one 196:11 i'm down 196:13 uh 196:16 why don't i get stick on back and see if 196:17 you like bangs that's not a bad idea i 196:19 could probably get my hair person to 196:21 just diet 196:24 i could probably get my hair person just 196:25 dye some hair that's like already in a 196:27 clip for it 196:28 and i met and dude she's matched my hair 196:31 up perfectly i could get like perfect 196:32 bangs 196:33 um 196:34 if i just got her that or if i maybe if 196:37 i asked her they're like hey can you put 196:38 can you make clip-on bags bought a pair 196:39 of clip-on bangs hey swap all the hair 196:41 out for um 196:42 like real human hair and just like diet 196:44 my color all right thanks 196:46 maybe it's possible but like i don't 196:49 know women's hairs their hairline's 196:51 built a different way they don't have 196:52 like this bit there it's more rounded so 196:54 the hair thing is more rounded so it 196:56 might look a bit odd with on me 196:59 and there we go new nail repaired 197:02 it's only it's not actually that scuffed 197:04 i kind of did it all right i fixed it a 197:06 little bit 197:07 58 197:09 yep let's ignore that um 197:16 simple raw pink chair and like well i am 197:18 using picture only during garments yeah 197:20 i already am because whenever i'm doing 197:22 a garment i'm not recording minecraft so 197:23 i always use the picture 197:25 if your extensions aren't needed anymore 197:28 could you get some converted into bangs 197:30 yeah i've still got spare you know also 197:35 oh you put the [ __ ] hair 197:37 the hair and eyelash extensions weren't 197:39 included on the gomun thing 197:41 on the rules 197:46 add squats to the track there it is 197:48 i'm already doing a ton of squat i'm 197:50 already doing uh i mean i'm doing squats 197:52 enough that like my legs hurt afterwards 197:54 in like the morning after i'm doing all 197:55 the squats 197:59 he's english so fringe not bangs i know 198:00 what you mean though i mean there's no 198:02 there's no english name there's no 198:04 english word of bang so add hormones to 198:06 the girl month rules kappa we'll vote on 198:09 it 198:11 um 198:12 get a strip poll in your room i have one 198:15 it is it's just movable it's there 198:22 hydrants donkey kicks hip thrusts all 198:23 that jazz 198:24 i don't know how to do you could die 198:26 there extensions for strands 198:30 uh what yeah 198:33 oh my god hold on let me see something 198:36 um fire hydrant exercise 198:41 oh dude there was this other one that's 198:43 okay 198:44 some of these have like a lot of [ __ ] 198:47 like 198:48 it's really [ __ ] difficult to uh 198:50 what's it called 198:55 [Laughter] 198:56 wow that was so [ __ ] funny 198:58 someone in chat went have to have to 199:00 refer to john and stuff as boyfriends 199:03 and they both simultaneously attitude 199:05 him and both said the same thing no 199:08 she'd be a [ __ ] nightmare to date 199:11 in half in 40 minutes it's gonna be he's 199:13 gonna be a nightmare today so [ __ ] you 199:15 oh no finn you dropped something over 199:17 there behind you oh no 199:20 i'm wearing shut up 199:23 i've i haven't seen fire hydrants maybe 199:24 i should do these is that like a number 199:27 one exercise to just getting a bigger 199:29 ass and thighs like hips i'm aiming for 199:32 hip growth to get that hourglass you 199:34 know what i mean i don't know if there's 199:35 a number one 199:37 exercise for that someone might know it 199:39 though 199:41 sure he's cute but i couldn't squat 199:43 uh isn't that so many different types of 199:45 squats and also i'm doing that it's 199:47 called hrt okay 199:49 [ __ ] okay 199:51 uh 199:53 eat food and squats got it uh my weight 199:56 doesn't go to my hips though my weight 199:57 goes straight to my chest and belly so 200:00 very very manly hours can you get 200:02 surgery what a great idea 200:07 by the way stuff i guess we we add the 200:09 false like eyelash extensions to what's 200:11 it called okay i'm gonna post it 200:16 uh all right by the way you may wanna do 200:18 the add eyelash extensions to it as well 200:20 because that's part of it as well 200:22 um all right 200:24 go month rules 200:26 updated october 2021 200:29 uh 200:30 so number one there's ten apparently 200:34 number one use rose's name and she her 200:37 number two at least some light makeup 200:39 daily number three 200:43 good posture 200:44 number four heals three times a week 200:46 number five actually post on instagram 200:48 six waist trainer and some exercise 200:50 seven some scent 200:53 if left that fairly open for 200:55 interpretation 200:56 i'm gonna [ __ ] 200:57 i'm gonna be smelling of garbage 201:00 uh eight girls clothing even though it's 201:02 covered by other girls 201:04 uh nine long hair using extensions if 201:06 required ten eyelash extensions 201:09 oh he's changed it to some female 201:10 perfume slash scent 201:13 good lord 201:15 the ten commandments of femboying ah 201:20 okay 201:22 why isn't tampons in the gold month 201:24 rules 201:26 number 11 201:28 number 11. stuff i'm gonna need an 201:30 update to that list 201:31 number 11. 201:34 tampon up the atoll that's gonna need to 201:37 be out in there we're at least one piece 201:38 of jewelry every day oh [ __ ] that i dude 201:41 i don't wear i don't wear jewelry ever 201:44 i'm not wearing any now even for a full 201:46 look 201:47 you know 201:50 uh 201:54 you have so much of it i know but like 201:56 i don't know 201:58 it's so like it's so ex i don't know 201:59 there's constantly something on you 202:01 right it's just 202:02 so wear it but like 202:04 it's not on the rules stuff it's not the 202:06 rules therefore i don't have to do it um 202:09 earrings i mean maybe after i get my 202:11 ears pierced it would work a little bit 202:13 easier to do earrings because you just 202:14 kind of keep those in right or something 202:16 do you just keep bearings in at night or 202:18 do you have to put them on every morning 202:19 i don't know um earrings would be a bit 202:21 of a pain in the ass with the with 202:22 without them like clip-ons 202:24 not sure 202:26 pads though why would i do that to 202:27 myself 202:28 uh 202:29 get a gold rolex 202:31 yeah 202:32 what a good 202:33 you [ __ ] 202:37 [Music] 202:39 god damn it stuff 202:41 women workout channel on youtube have 202:43 targeted hip and butt routines that 202:45 don't use squats 202:51 oh [ __ ] 202:53 i don't know i have no idea what it is 202:55 someone ask someone is the posture rule 202:57 necessary everyone needs to slouch every 203:00 now and then for comfort purposes well 203:03 take this hold on 203:05 i'm wait 203:06 i think it was like good good posture 203:08 slash cross legs so like this is what 203:10 i'm in order i'm not exactly in great 203:12 posture i'm leaning back for comfort but 203:14 like 203:15 i'm assuming it's sort of like 203:17 because also this should be this would 203:19 be fairly feminine too if i just step 203:20 straight back like that right knees 203:22 together like that 203:24 um so i don't think it's like one i 203:26 think it's more like a one or the other 203:28 thing just decent posture but that also 203:30 counts as like i can slouch just cross 203:31 legs you know 203:33 that's sort of all about sort of the 203:35 posture it's not on the rules you added 203:36 it to the rules you put earrings or some 203:38 minor jewelry you little [ __ ] 203:41 okay fine then so number 11 i'm wearing 203:44 jewelry every day apparently 203:47 the rose gold rose i'll be in necklace 203:50 well with this fit 203:52 the more stuff you add the more the 203:54 harder it is to hide i don't have any i 203:55 don't have any jewelry that's masculine 203:58 okay 204:02 btw chat i'll be posting this list to 204:05 reddit and to the discord as well once 204:08 it's finalized 204:10 okay 204:12 that's the point okay but still 204:16 there's not really anything in girl 204:18 month stuff 204:19 style like braids ponytails pigtails 204:23 deaf prey 204:25 there's not like 204:26 there's not much in like okay 204:29 there's not a ton in girl month rules 204:32 that i oh there is there's a i don't 204:35 know 204:40 feel like i can hide stuff 204:43 if i really needed to you know i could 204:45 be more masculine you know 204:48 kind of with the current rules like 204:50 i can be in 204:52 uh john sent me a bunch of joggers 204:55 um 205:02 pounced 205:05 guys wear necklaces not the ones i've 205:07 got 205:08 they don't wear necklaces with uh like 205:10 rose on it 205:13 um and it's like a little dinky chain 205:15 and all that like it's this really thin 205:16 feminine chain and then just like 205:18 rose in okay lord 205:20 uh or like the other ones which are just 205:22 like 205:23 sparkly 205:25 uh 205:26 ankle bracelet counts as jewellery ah 205:28 what girl doesn't wear jewelry what a 205:30 good point i'm so glad it's on the rules 205:32 i don't know what other rules would 205:34 there be about why is there no rule 205:35 about styling hair like once a week 205:39 this is a style everything's a style 205:41 what do you mean 205:42 like i already straightened the hair 205:44 like that's that is styling it 205:46 i just don't think it looks good in many 205:48 other ways like i'm constantly just 205:50 changing my hair up but anyway 205:53 bob's on the list 205:55 oh sh 205:59 i've just been wearing bobs every day 206:00 why am i doing that was that ever on the 206:02 list 206:04 i'm wearing these like every day was 206:06 that ever on the list have i just 206:07 [ __ ] been doing that that wasn't the 206:08 list right 206:09 yes okay it was on the list i was oh 206:12 good lord i was about to doubt 206:13 everything well it's not on the current 206:14 list 206:16 dude if you'd have hit me with the same 206:17 thing as the nails like no you just 206:19 started doing that i'd have [ __ ] 206:20 freaked out 206:24 uh coursing instead of posture 206:27 that's that's already one on there waist 206:29 trainer 206:30 um 206:32 compare this hair looked how thin looks 206:34 in mcc yeah 206:36 compared this with how i look in 206:37 minecraft videos 206:39 there's a there's a difference 206:43 um wait stop 206:45 i think you need to add the uh the bobs 206:46 to the list 206:48 um 206:49 just gaslight the [ __ ] out of you yeah 206:51 bro i just been doing it and no one had 206:53 ever corrected me holy [ __ ] is there 206:54 anything else like that 206:58 [ __ ] i don't even remember um 207:01 in mc videos it looks like the hair's 207:02 exploded yeah 207:04 i'm just constantly 207:05 [Music] 207:07 number three is just says bob's maybe 207:09 you could wear the black diamonte 207:11 chopper with with thick's fit 207:17 i know what you're on about wait do you 207:19 mean the one with the sparkles on it 207:22 possibly i'm not sure 207:24 finn why would you want to hide the 207:26 female accessories just have fun and 207:28 embrace it open mouth smile 207:33 uh 207:35 because you know 207:37 i don't know hopefully i i can't do like 207:39 shut up i don't i cuz i it's it's dude i 207:44 haven't lost everything for this i'm 207:46 still like a guy under all this i'm 207:48 still like you know this is this is just 207:51 uh oh 207:52 we're doing we're doing this but i am 207:54 still a dude i still don't want to be in 207:56 like [ __ ] girls clothes all the time 207:59 i don't want to be like [ __ ] 208:01 what's it called you know i want to be 208:04 manly and [ __ ] 208:07 so maybe maybe that's why i want to 208:10 not have fun and embrace it we're all 208:12 dudes we're all dudes here copium shut 208:14 up uh 208:16 okay sorry no 208:18 my bad i am a girl for the next half an 208:21 hour 208:22 my name's rose she her and all that for 208:25 the next half an hour 208:27 there's no rule against that 208:28 we're all dudes here 208:32 uh 208:34 you wouldn't need to hide if you could 208:35 do a girl voice 208:36 yeah that's true um 208:39 but then 208:40 still i don't know 208:42 cookie and just sent send her garlic 208:44 flying i hope she 208:46 i hope it lands on the floor 208:48 um 208:49 bob's your choice of size but 208:51 most of the day while awake 208:54 that's less than one car i'm doing it 208:56 all of the day besides night time i'm 208:58 doing it all the day 209:00 but most of the day while you're awake i 209:02 guess [ __ ] it it's not technically all 209:03 cause there are there are minutes in 209:04 between when i'm waking up and get on 209:06 the get on a bra 209:08 um okay 209:11 hmm 209:12 is there anything else that's on there 209:13 that i've that we've forgotten about 209:17 half an hour till bing bong half an hour 209:19 till i just 209:20 take everything off 209:22 uh 209:22 if you want to cross your legs without 209:24 problems surgery 209:26 yeah that seems like a bit of a leap it 209:28 sounds like a bit of a leap to get there 209:32 ruby called you her sister you dad says 209:35 he always wanted you to be a daughter 209:37 that was and your mother even said you 209:39 were fit in your latex bunny outfit well 209:41 no you're still f1 nn but everyone else 209:44 has fully embraced rose stop trying to 209:46 hide her 209:51 bad 209:52 uh run me by again what strangers would 209:54 pay you tens of thousands of dollars to 209:56 do an easy thing that we were gonna do 209:57 anyway 209:59 yeah i know 210:00 [ __ ] but 210:02 fine 210:03 i i'm aware 210:05 fire hydrants maybe i should get one of 210:06 those weight bands then for fire 210:08 hydrants 210:10 um 210:17 i don't know anyway 210:20 or not wait it's those like elastic 210:21 bands or something 210:22 it's called 210:23 bro 210:25 ah 210:26 that one hit the shush i'm okay 210:29 i'm doing the things 210:30 resistance bands that's what it was 210:33 cross my legs fine without any surgery 210:34 that's a myth by certain people yeah you 210:36 can do it it's just like you know i i'd 210:39 say that putting your leg putting your 210:40 knees together is harder than crossing 210:42 them 210:43 crossing your legs is kind of 210:44 comfortable but like putting your knees 210:47 together while they're flat not really 210:51 resistance is futile 210:54 is there anything else that needs to be 210:55 on the list because we've just forgotten 210:56 like three of them that we had to add 210:58 for la in the last 10 minutes so what 211:00 fun ideas did you have for the poll oh 211:02 my god 211:04 damn it i'd suck as enforcer feeling 211:06 guilty and sorry for rose now 211:07 i just you don't need to uh 211:10 you definitely don't need to i've got 211:12 like uh i've got the i've got 20 [ __ ] 211:14 i've made 20 grand in four days 211:18 feeling good 211:19 all right 211:20 let's see i added some new notes 211:23 oh he also capitalized them okay 211:27 uh 211:29 number one use rose uh two light makeup 211:32 bobs your choice of size but all the day 211:35 while awake 211:36 okay you've changed it from most to all 211:38 but that's fine 211:40 good posture stop being such a slouchy 211:43 boy 211:44 uh heals three times a week for most of 211:46 the day 211:51 actually post on instagram do it there's 211:54 no thing on size of heels so i can wear 211:56 these ones uh actually post on instagram 211:59 do it yeah yep waist trainer exercise 212:01 get them squats in 212:02 uh some female perfume scent nine girls 212:05 clothing even though this is covered by 212:07 other girls well 10 long hair use 212:09 extensions if required 11 eyelash 212:11 extensions 212:12 12 earrings or minor jewelry cool 212:20 let's 212:20 see 212:22 counting money in stannis 212:25 [Music] 212:29 voice should be number one 212:30 these are secondary 212:39 okay the voice wasn't technically part 212:41 of the go month goal but like 212:43 there's a different goal 212:46 the egg has cracked what's your 212:48 boyfriend's name jude does he look like 212:51 jason momoa or pee-wee herman 212:53 definitely definitely jason momoa or i 212:55 think 212:56 uh 212:57 these are achievable the voice might 212:59 happen 213:01 might 213:03 i bet the chastity cage would count as 213:05 jewellery thanks kyogre um 213:08 oh [ __ ] kitty was telling me before i 213:10 even dmed her about it because i was 213:12 like really i dm kitty about it and she 213:15 she had like since it's locked over she 213:17 was saying how she had five dudes 213:20 chastity keys 213:22 five the [ __ ] power that you must 213:25 wield holy [ __ ] like one of those 213:27 janitor like those full janitor keyword 213:29 keyrings of just keys of dude's [ __ ] 213:32 oh 213:33 good lord 213:36 anyway i still think that's [ __ ] 213:37 crazy that people do it anyway 213:40 luck tube locked over i knew you're into 213:41 that you weren't here for last stream 213:43 people were talking about it and i have 213:44 a friend that's in oh well i have a new 213:46 friend that's into a kink thing so i was 213:49 asking about it i was saying i don't 213:50 understand the um the appeal of it 213:52 because you don't get anything out of it 213:54 i still think that way i still don't get 213:56 it i've never been offered an 213:57 explanation other than just denial and i 214:00 know that that's a thing but then also 214:02 like 214:04 you don't get anything 214:06 um 214:09 damn man i respect you thank you 214:12 it's the reward at the end 214:16 bro that ain't worth it it's like nofap 214:19 bro no who abides by that 214:22 um 214:24 it's the lack of power for some bro yeah 214:26 but how do you get anything out of it 214:29 so chat any sensible suggestions to ed 214:32 i can't wait to get there wait get their 214:34 opinions isn't there a plugin that's 214:36 like it goes based on how many people 214:38 said a word or something 214:43 it's part of dumb sub i'm aware of what 214:44 it's part of but like operate operative 214:46 words sensible do ponytail or pigtails 214:48 they don't work too well i've done them 214:49 before 214:50 but like you can kind of imagine pretty 214:52 sure it feels good that you could have 214:53 more keys than that 214:57 i gotta beat her hey boys 215:01 send it to the p.o box 215:03 [Music] 215:06 wait okay 215:08 i no i cannot wait before i say that i 215:10 cannot be held responsible you will not 215:12 get that [ __ ] key back just so you 215:14 know i'm not going to bother sending it 215:16 back forces you to seek other means of 215:18 pleasure if you catch my meaning 215:22 yeah no that's maybe not 215:25 i i i think i there was a comment about 215:27 that [ __ ] i think they put it in the 215:29 group chat let me read it out because it 215:30 was funny hold on 215:33 i don't remember who okay right 215:35 uh someone said 215:36 uh right jokes aside it's a bad idea to 215:39 get him to wear a chastity cage a 215:41 chastity cage can turn a man gay the 215:43 inability to fap with the cage forces 215:46 them to consider alternative methods of 215:48 release uh to release the sexual tension 215:51 anal sex is the only way that 215:53 that release will happen and if you're a 215:55 friend make sure she never takes on a 215:57 challenge like that so apparently if i 215:59 put on a chest cage i will become gay 216:02 so i don't think that's gonna be part of 216:04 it 216:07 it's confirmed i i don't i don't need to 216:08 be i don't i don't i don't particularly 216:10 want to be gay 216:11 down in my future 216:14 not sure fibro 216:17 i mean listen it's fine but is it really 216:20 better than any other look you know 216:23 what shoes are you wearing 216:27 oh hold on 216:28 they're [ __ ] really they're heavy as 216:30 [ __ ] though they're really easy to walk 216:32 in but they really are heavy like like 216:34 taking steps in them is actually kind of 216:35 hard i don't know what can i do the spin 216:37 again hold on 216:40 boom shirt's getting like this is really 216:42 baggy on me now it's not actually 216:44 sitting on my waist right 216:45 but oh 216:47 [Music] 216:50 tie it you can't oh my [ __ ] god 216:56 okay 216:57 i have the same shoes they're all right 216:59 they're little small heels only a little 217:01 bit heels the angle's not very steep 217:03 there are platforms though 217:05 um 217:08 are you actually on hormone replacement 217:10 no all seriousness no i'm not on hrt i'm 217:13 not taking any drugs to be more feminine 217:15 uh although i might start finasteride 217:17 but that's not exactly to be more 217:18 feminine that's more just 217:20 make sure i don't lose my [ __ ] hair 217:23 please for the love of god teresa 30 217:25 minutes left just do the ponytail please 217:28 just [ __ ] dead bro 217:30 look hold on it's not gonna look good 217:36 okay 217:37 look 217:39 watch hold on 217:41 hello mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy 217:43 sorry but i am back daddy finn 217:48 thanks 217:51 welcome back gaming giant holy [ __ ] 217:56 i'm trying to go like 217:58 high ponytail i guess because that's the 218:00 only thing i could ever see looking half 218:02 good 218:03 and it's still not going to look good 218:12 you need a brush lol 218:13 dude it's already like 218:16 look 218:18 those mary janes suit the fit really 218:21 well 218:22 dude it's not like it's not a thing that 218:25 works 218:26 you know 218:30 it's not a thing that looks good on me 218:32 to be honest with you especially this 218:33 short 218:36 i don't know this isn't a look for me at 218:38 all 218:39 it's not though 218:41 it's it's really not though 218:43 really innocent not really [ __ ] god 218:45 damn i should have put this out a little 218:47 bit easier taking that a bit easier 218:49 [Music] 218:51 in my opinion now 218:53 has anyone already suggested sending 218:54 kitty the key to the box 218:58 no no one suggested that and i don't 219:00 want i no 219:02 i i'm not i'm not sending her the key to 219:04 that i'm keeping that not so much 219:09 not so tight though but what do you mean 219:11 but 219:12 then it just like falls down i'm trust 219:15 me there's not like a way it works 219:17 no stop oh no i'm not sending 219:20 stuff she stuff she 219:23 you realize that she'll get a kick out 219:24 of that she's a dumb you realize this 219:26 right if i send her a [ __ ] if i send 219:28 her the key to the box then i'm gonna 219:30 get [ __ ] from her as well as you 219:31 people 219:33 i'm gonna get kid kitty is like on kitty 219:36 was like right riling up chat to get 219:38 like [ __ ] outfits oh she was staying 219:40 and stuff like that 219:42 i'm not sending that goddamn key that 219:44 ain't gonna happen 219:45 win-win situation 219:47 how much do i have to pay for that key 219:50 what i have okay listen there's not a 219:52 great 219:57 i've just kept the key i think it's 219:58 either like you just trust me not to 220:00 open it because i haven't i guarantee 220:01 chat would vote for high pony it looks 220:04 fantastic 220:05 oh my god 220:08 who can i send a key to that's not 220:10 that's not good 220:12 i mean kitty's cool 220:16 but i know that she's going to [ __ ] with 220:18 me 220:19 i know that she's going to [ __ ] with me 220:21 i know that she is 220:23 if we did that she's going to [ __ ] with 220:24 me marie's oh god no maurice is worse 220:31 stuff possibly council member i'd look 220:34 after it 220:36 and then he put the smiley face 220:39 minx oh [ __ ] 220:42 you know what now that i'm thinking 220:43 about it i think kiri's the best option 220:45 here out of everyone that you've said 220:48 [Music] 220:52 i don't like ponytail open hair looks so 220:55 much better i agree i agree 220:58 it's like the it's it's listen maybe if 221:01 i got like a really good female hairline 221:03 or something like that but also it just 221:04 makes my face look weird like with my 221:06 hair there's something to frame my face 221:08 when you just get rid of it it's like 221:09 hold on 221:11 it's just odd 221:13 it doesn't look as good 221:15 hair frames the face 221:18 kitty drop me a dm if you around 221:22 she's not here 221:25 right yeah she's not in the stream right 221:26 now 221:30 okay we're good 221:32 all right hold on 221:33 let me ask her 221:36 are you 221:37 in the stream 221:40 right now 221:41 let me see have a you have a good 221:43 hairline i know i do it's great pull 221:44 some strands out no 221:47 uh side back side bangs with high 221:49 ponytail 221:51 what 221:52 oh wait hold on i can make a ponytail 221:54 look good hold on wait i can't actually 221:57 do this one second 221:59 right 222:00 all right i'm gonna make this look good 222:02 once i'm gonna try actually really hard 222:04 on this ponytail i'm not good at them 222:06 but i'll actually try like this one time 222:08 so you guys maybe shut the [ __ ] up about 222:11 it all right 222:17 okay 222:19 dripped out a couple hairs 222:20 and so one of my face ah 222:23 okay 222:24 okay i'll make i'll make it good like 222:26 one time 222:28 stuff suspiciously disappeared now i 222:30 think that the kitty is actually teaming 222:32 stuff all right um 222:34 chad said ponytail like 800 times oh 222:36 never mind all right 222:39 so brush the hair 222:41 let's like do this i'm here i'm busy 222:43 being mud okay brushed hair doing this 222:46 minx would lose the key stav would frame 222:49 it forever kitty would dm you pics of it 222:52 angling above a sewer it doesn't matter 222:54 if you think it looks good we think it 222:56 looks fine 222:58 [Music] 222:59 okay 223:00 right 223:01 add some glasses and you are a librarian 223:05 i kind of agree with that 223:07 tammy doesn't like ponytails not one bit 223:10 but i think 223:12 i think i can make this look okay 223:15 but it's just your hair combed back is 223:18 actually nuts you have no strays and 223:20 it's combed beautifully 223:25 it's just gonna be like i've got a plan 223:28 for it oh [ __ ] me hold on 223:30 oh hey kitty um what's up uh 223:34 hey we got a question 223:37 so 223:39 what we say just send me the key to the 223:41 box honestly i don't care if i can't 223:43 keep it safe for long 223:45 plus i live in the usa so you'll have 223:47 some incentive to immigrate here sooner 223:50 winking face 223:52 okay adam 223:53 try to make this look 223:55 okay 224:00 i'm seeing if i can make a ponytail look 224:02 any good and honestly i don't think i 224:03 can 224:04 now looking at it 224:05 oh [ __ ] i don't know i can't do it 224:08 nah there's no shot buddy 224:10 i can't do that uh sorry i was 224:12 preoccupied doing something else this 224:14 just it just won't look good azula 224:16 hairstyle 224:17 it just won't look good i just don't 224:19 have like the i don't have the face for 224:21 it i really don't anyway uh so 224:24 other question um we were talking about 224:26 you 224:27 i was saying how i think this people are 224:30 [ __ ] out 224:31 people in chat were joking about how uh 224:33 or someone said oh has no one said 224:35 uh to send the [ __ ] key to the box 224:38 the box of my guy close to kitty since i 224:40 was saying how funny it is that you have 224:42 five dudes keys 224:44 i think i said that before yeah five 224:45 dudes keys on a [ __ ] key ring 224:47 somewhere i think that's so [ __ ] 224:49 goody like so [ __ ] funny so someone 224:51 said that and i went oh my god no she 224:54 would [ __ ] with me the entire time 224:55 that's awful and then everyone they 224:58 suggested after that fact has somehow 225:00 been worse 225:02 send it to the council member random 225:04 guys in chat to the highest donator 225:07 is kitty a guy not the last time i 225:08 checked 225:10 box not locked anyway at the moment but 225:11 i do have a i [ __ ] good point but i do 225:13 have a key for it um 225:15 but 225:16 apparently i'd be the worst choice stub 225:18 would definitely be the worst choice 225:20 um 225:23 when you finally get the key for the 225:24 clothes none of them are going to fit 225:25 anymore that's incorrect 225:28 it's not like a 225:29 [ __ ] what i'm no no 225:32 the ponytail looked fantastic mate 225:35 it didn't 225:37 i think what i should have done is 225:38 actually do the ponytail and then pick a 225:40 couple strands out instead of like doing 225:42 it what i was doing i could probably 225:44 pull it off but like oh my god 225:48 okay 225:51 okay i'm gonna try this again but i'm 225:52 gonna just talk and chat while i'm doing 225:54 this instead of just being silent 225:58 uh 226:01 hold on 226:05 never mind i am being silent i'm reading 226:07 [ __ ] 226:08 why why why by why what do you mean by 226:11 why 226:12 oh but why 226:13 or no why why i'm confusion 226:16 so essentially they want you to be caged 226:18 no hold on you've met why not you missed 226:20 you've misinterpreted a point 226:23 no no one's been no one's being caged 226:25 here uh you've misinterpreted 226:28 uh 226:29 jesus [ __ ] don't give them that 226:31 impression that's not what we're doing 226:32 uh i have a box of my guy clothes did 226:34 you know this i have a box of all my guy 226:36 clothes i don't actually have any guy 226:38 clothes because it's in a big old 226:39 [ __ ] box and they've 226:41 i've got the key to it we're basically 226:43 just done a trust factor 226:45 that like i won't open the box 226:48 and that is not good enough for a lot of 226:50 people 226:51 okay 226:52 do ponytail but leave a couple of bits 226:54 loose either side 226:59 that's a little bit better 227:04 completely defeats the point of the 227:06 ponytail by the way 227:07 [Music] 227:11 okay making kitty keyholder was my idea 227:14 yeah you're welcome 227:16 before midnight 227:18 it's not it's okay thanks for the 73 227:20 dollars by the way [ __ ] hell 227:22 oh 227:25 dude the thing is i just i'm like gonna 227:27 pick hair off and i'll pick like pick 227:29 hair off to the sides of them until it's 227:32 just normal again because it looks 227:33 better when there's more hair 227:35 anyway but 227:39 it's 227:40 an interesting look i still don't like 227:41 it more but anyway you've seen it you're 227:44 welcome quit bitching that i haven't 227:46 done a ponytail 227:48 uh wouldn't you have lost like 10kg 227:50 yeah but i was still medium i don't 227:52 change like insane sizes i think dude i 227:55 think i 227:56 i gained weight like when i 227:59 oh [ __ ] like the 228:01 two three years two years ago i don't 228:02 know 228:04 what to post well they still had all the 228:05 going back 228:07 no 228:08 it doesn't look good no keep it please 228:10 no it doesn't look good 228:14 just me anyway 228:15 so the current 228:17 the current good idea 228:20 is to send it to is to send it to kitty 228:22 but i do need to buy a new box to do 228:23 that 228:24 so i'll be on amazon for a minute 228:27 uh 228:31 do i buy a box that i can't easily break 228:34 into or do i buy a box that i can easily 228:36 break into 228:37 um i don't want to spend too much 228:40 money okay 228:43 get a steel box what do you think yeah 228:45 yeah 228:46 uh 228:49 [Music] 228:53 so what you're saying is your face looks 228:55 better with all long hair framing it yes 228:58 wait yeah well 229:03 shut up 229:05 it's 229:07 it does look 229:09 technically better 229:10 yes get a metal safe 229:13 how big of a 229:15 look how big that [ __ ] is how 229:17 big of a safe would that even need to be 229:19 i think it's massive 229:23 safes are a lot of money bro 229:26 gun safe gun safe on uk amazon 229:33 why is that so cheap 229:35 it's like 100 bucks 229:36 oh wait they're like really tall and 229:38 thin 229:40 large safe 229:43 um 229:46 yeah no all of these are small and even 229:48 the small ones that hold like 10 bucks 229:51 in them cost like 400 pounds 229:53 uh 229:56 yeah nah 229:57 ain't happening bucko i don't think he 230:01 there's one for two grand 230:03 there's one for two grand i'm not buying 230:04 a two grand safe 230:07 being q home depot yeah i'm aware i'm 230:09 just oh [ __ ] okay let me go on 230:11 b and q 230:13 is it really the same brand by the way i 230:15 didn't know it was actually the same bat 230:16 i know it's like the same stuff but i 230:18 didn't know it was actually the same 230:19 brand 230:20 uh 230:22 garden box 230:23 or box should i just search box 230:27 [ __ ] box oh no okay not boxed needs 230:29 to be a garden box 230:31 uh okay 230:35 plastic one plasma plasma 230:38 uh 230:39 okay there is a wooden crate 230:42 it's not too big though wait it's 230:46 what does four by two mean wait four 230:48 foot 230:49 four foot 230:53 that's pretty big right 230:55 four foot by two foot 230:57 that's a [ __ ] big box 231:03 hmm 231:05 is that big 231:06 filing cabinet i've got a file cabinet 231:08 that's a big box right 231:10 almost fin size 231:12 four zero meter that's pretty big get a 231:14 metal lock box 231:15 just this tiny little metal lock box for 231:17 all the one t-shirt i have 231:19 if you wanted to buy this as a safe 231:21 you'd literally pay thousands of dollars 231:22 two grand seems cheap for me to for a 231:24 safe like that 231:25 would be a lot 231:28 i hear a click on one two is set three 231:32 is loose 231:33 slight click onto that oh 231:36 three is binding 231:40 it's 231:42 funny hello everyone this is the lock 231:45 picking lawyer and today we're going to 231:47 be unlocking finn from his [ __ ] from 231:49 his hell 231:50 uh his 231:52 search for a used one oh the wooden 231:53 one's only a hundred quid 231:56 that ain't bad 231:58 so there's that um 232:02 let's see what else there was 232:04 let's see 232:07 that was it 232:08 that was that was kind of it 232:10 uh 232:12 what about maybe 232:15 hmm 232:20 cody i'm not gonna buy a gun safe i'm 232:22 also in the uk you can't really 232:24 uh custom made by captain no 232:30 if you are really worried about not 232:31 getting the key back just give it to 232:33 your sister we don't have to see the 232:36 transfer also a trunk should do for a 232:38 box 232:40 trunk 232:45 oh 232:47 oh that's literally by the way the first 232:48 thing comes up is that wooden one 232:51 yeah 232:52 oh my [ __ ] god this looks cool 232:55 wait how big is this hold on i found one 232:57 that looks dope 232:59 it's like a coffee table does it work 233:01 that would be cool as [ __ ] it's on 233:03 wayfair 233:05 it looks dope though 233:06 wait it's big 233:08 wait this looks really [ __ ] cool wait 233:11 a second 233:12 uh i got to see this i want to see the 233:14 size of it hold on can i show you this 233:16 am i going to see my address 233:18 uh now look at this [ __ ] 233:20 look at that [ __ ] dude 233:23 that looks [ __ ] dope look how big it 233:25 looks though 233:29 it looks [ __ ] cool that's like just a 233:31 cool decoration 233:32 i'm trying to see what how big it is 233:34 though 233:36 size okay 233:38 the large over 150 centimeters 233:42 wait now what am i what am i doing no 233:43 how big is this thing i'll see full 233:45 details 233:46 oh okay i can screenshot this a bit 233:47 better look at that [ __ ] big boy 233:52 it's at least three times bigger than 233:53 needed i want a guy class um 233:57 solid what this just [ __ ] cool i 233:59 might just have this for me 234:02 it's just neat looking 234:06 um 234:07 only thing is 234:09 i can't oh no okay that is all right 234:12 um 234:15 right 234:17 how i can't see how big it is though 234:20 90 centimeters by 40 centimeters what 234:22 does that mean 234:24 that's not that big 234:27 right 234:29 is it 234:31 could use it for mcc mce cosplays a box 234:36 big box 90 by 40. 234:39 90 by 40 by 40. 234:43 how big is that it's bigger than what 234:45 you have now is it hold on let's see i 234:47 want to compare it to the one i have now 234:52 half your height in the long 234:54 wait it's about half your height on the 234:56 but i'm a little six foot elephants i'm 234:58 six foot nine don't you know uh let's 235:00 see 235:02 box i'm going on my old amazon orders 235:08 okay 235:10 all right i found it 235:13 how big is this one 235:14 it is it is twice the size 235:17 okay it is twice the size 235:20 but only in length so it's just like 235:23 it's almost twice the size in length 235:26 interesting but it looks cool as [ __ ] 235:29 and it actually looks good instead of 235:31 like 235:32 okay i actually kind of like this just 235:33 because it looks nice 235:35 okay this one it looks nice and it's not 235:38 all that expensive and i can use it 235:40 after i'm done with this [ __ ] i can 235:42 actually use this okay i'll do this i'll 235:44 get this thing 235:46 get it by the 19th 235:49 okay 235:51 we're doing this 235:58 okay that's the most creative one of it 236:01 from all the like burn them thing that 236:03 i've heard casting it in resin is maybe 236:06 the funniest one yet that's pretty good 236:08 that's the most creative one 236:10 oh my god 236:15 okay 236:19 uh 236:20 check out 236:23 okay 236:25 [Music] 236:27 okay 236:28 find address let's do it i'm not screen 236:31 sharing solid 236:32 um 236:34 there 236:37 [ __ ] okay i don't need any of that 236:43 there 236:45 save 236:48 what 236:58 what are they insane are they maybe 237:00 stupid 237:04 it's like i entered what i entered like 237:06 i entered like it's a city birmingham 237:07 and they went are you sure the postcode 237:10 invented seems to match birmingham have 237:12 you wrote that it's like can you not 237:14 [ __ ] read 237:15 um 237:20 interesting 237:21 anyway 237:23 why are we looking at boxes i'm 237:24 replacing that one over there 237:25 i say get that trunk i'm getting the 237:27 trunk buddy it looks cool as hell i'm 237:29 getting it because it's just gonna be 237:30 good i'm gonna be able to use that in my 237:32 like cool like hip on this home as a 237:34 coffee table in the future when i get my 237:36 [ __ ] clothes back all right saving 237:39 continue 237:40 i'm gonna be able to use this as like a 237:41 coffee table it's meant for to be a 237:43 coffee table it just looks cool as hell 237:45 or just like storage this is [ __ ] i 237:47 like this idea it's just a cool thing 237:51 oh paypal let's [ __ ] go 237:54 and then i can actually trace the 237:55 transaction easily 237:58 all right 238:00 this is a business expense 238:04 boys this is a business expense right 238:09 it is literally going to be used for 238:10 business 238:16 change his twitter bar defense keyhole 238:17 oh you [ __ ] no you can't you can 238:21 for your main job yes okay thanks buddy 238:25 if you said it to finn's key holder 238:27 people are gonna assume the worst 238:28 immediately 238:30 uh 238:31 okay from there 238:35 primary shipping address 238:37 let's go 238:39 it's a business expense it is totally 238:41 doesn't sound like a bromine i don't 238:44 want to give to a shelter no 238:48 i'll give i'll give a little bit of 238:49 money to a shelter why not it rounds up 238:51 the order 238:53 all right 238:55 place 238:56 order okay i think i've done it wait 238:59 it's still loading it's still loading 239:03 i'm not sure when you think you're 239:05 getting your dry clothes back but i'm 239:07 sure chat will make sure you won't until 239:09 you quit streaming february it's gonna 239:11 be february 239:13 um 239:14 i did it it worked i got it i got the 239:17 got the box we got the box really like 239:19 the top where is it from i don't know i 239:22 got sent it it's from a po box 239:24 it's one of those magical things that 239:26 just gets gifted to me capitalist finn 239:28 damn right hassan [ __ ] yes a son can go 239:32 [ __ ] himself come mess with me you 239:35 socialist little sexy ass 239:38 i'm kidding 239:39 um 239:41 but it's still funny also i'm in the uk 239:43 we are socialists 239:45 that's our whole thing 239:46 um 239:47 okay let's go let me see the let me see 239:49 uh the orders make sure to visit my 239:51 orders 239:52 make sure i didn't just order something 239:54 stupid 239:56 okay 239:58 estimated delivery october 19th 240:01 2022. um 240:04 let's see 240:05 hell yeah all right i'm just making sure 240:07 yeah hell yeah this is great no assembly 240:09 required 240:10 this thing's just gonna ship as a solid 240:12 [ __ ] piece of wood 240:15 oh that's dope wait this is like just 240:17 worth its money in just wood dude i need 240:20 a lock though 240:22 i don't know how to add a add a lock to 240:24 that i don't think it's built to have a 240:26 lock in but there's a hole in it where 240:28 you can very easily just put a 240:29 screwdriver like put a drill through 240:32 it's got a metal plate it looks like it 240:33 should have a lock but it doesn't 240:36 so i think i need to like buy one of 240:38 those like what are they called those 240:39 like loops that you screw in 240:42 and then you like just put it through 240:43 that like a little latch 240:45 just a padlock yeah i don't actually 240:46 have a padlock with a key though i have 240:48 a number lock um 240:51 okay 240:52 let's go 240:54 padlock amazon 240:57 what makes you think february we're 240:58 almost there 241:00 no not 241:01 uh 241:04 what the hell that one looks cool i'm 241:06 trying to find a cool looking padlock 241:07 now 241:09 for my cool looking 241:11 jesus 241:13 uh okay 241:14 wait can i look up like what uh what's 241:17 his face what the what the lock boy said 241:20 to uh 241:21 to get what the most easy pickable lock 241:23 is 241:24 since it's inevitable how much for you 241:27 to donate all your guy clothes 241:29 no 241:30 no no i got stuff in there i like 241:36 i've got [ __ ] in there that i want to 241:37 keep they're not going to happen 241:41 it's going to be like the total cost of 241:43 the clothes which is probably not that 241:45 high but still you need to change your 241:47 about page under the gimme money it 241:49 still says well i'm your guy stop lying 241:51 rose 241:52 finn is only part of your imagination 241:55 forgot that exists i am still your guy 241:58 listen on my id it says dude so 242:06 okay how big is this thing 242:08 i found a really long one 242:15 okay 8.8 millimeters 242:18 is the 242:19 okay and then it comes with this weird 242:20 looking 242:21 key how am i going to pick 242:26 that hmm 242:29 i don't know if i can pick that that 242:30 looks like a weird key i don't know 242:32 about that 242:34 [ __ ] i shouldn't get this one i'm not 242:35 gonna be able to pick it 242:37 okay 242:38 let's see i'll keep looking 242:41 whereas being so dishonest about the key 242:42 bro i want to pick it 242:46 the top is from the uj collection on 242:48 amazon 242:50 there you go someone that was asking for 242:51 the top thank you the guy with the style 242:53 mask locks the most 242:55 mass locks are most pickable okay cool i 242:58 haven't this oh this isn't a mask this 243:00 is just like a nothing brand lock after 243:02 a year without them you won't find them 243:03 comfortable anymore that's not how 243:05 clothes work 243:07 there's a jumper out there that's the 243:09 most comfortable thing on earth that i 243:10 haven't worn yet 243:13 it's still gonna be comfy when i wear it 243:15 you know 243:16 like 243:18 it's now clothes work 243:20 okay 243:21 yet another item to my amazon order jeff 243:23 bezos is looking at me with shame poop 243:26 i can get it today holy [ __ ] oh it's 243:28 today 243:31 [Music] 243:33 chat i would like you to tell me what 243:35 day it is in uk time right now i'd like 243:38 you guys to tell me the date 243:45 what day is it [ __ ] 17th and 243:48 look at this look at this hold on 243:50 let me go on to the brand new website is 243:53 it girl month.com 243:55 now let's find our date today on twitch 243:58 would you look at that 243:59 where is it would you look at that 244:03 october let me get in one column 244:06 october 17th 244:08 break period time let's [ __ ] go chat 244:11 can you just oh i can get out of this 244:12 thing bit 244:14 can you just unscrew the locking bit 244:18 no it's one piece 244:20 getting naked i'm taking the heels off 244:22 oh [ __ ] yeah 244:25 um 244:27 did you see kyle hi as [ __ ] on pk i 244:28 haven't watched that episode yet no i've 244:30 seen a clip of it floating around on 244:32 youtube that was just like and take off 244:34 just keep one key and send the other one 244:38 there's always two 244:39 wait we're taking a 244:41 there's three actually we're taking a 244:42 break from uh what's it called 244:45 uh the skirts and dresses right 244:48 so the skirts and dresses we were like 244:50 pausing for the break period 244:54 stuff 244:55 correct 244:56 i'm relying on stuff i think that's what 244:58 we agreed on you can still wear them if 244:59 you want that's not what i said 245:02 sour skittles good name i don't think 245:04 you understand the thicker clothes does 245:07 make it heavier and less comfortable 245:09 speaking from experience 245:12 it's up to you you can wear them the 245:14 next week if you want to what but like 245:17 well okay basically but now because then 245:19 it's like you won't see them in videos 245:20 so it's fine i'll do i'll i'll pick back 245:23 up on it and then i i think i'm gonna go 245:25 take these off and i'll keep the shirt 245:28 and i'm gonna i'm gonna swap into 245:29 something else 245:31 take the dress off then slowly 245:33 you've done two weeks skirts and dresses 245:35 so we pause it until the next two weeks 245:36 so two weeks when we get back as well 245:38 all right brb one second boys i wanna 245:40 i'm i'm gonna get myself 245:43 into something a bit more comfortable 246:14 [Music] 246:17 hey chair 247:05 [Music] 247:09 did he really just say he was slipping 247:11 into something more comfortable poor 247:13 choice of words if you ask me 247:23 huh 247:25 let's [ __ ] go boys 247:29 back 247:31 holy [ __ ] it feels so [ __ ] weird to 247:33 be in like leggings 247:35 hello ella 247:37 no 247:39 oh my god no [ __ ] 247:41 oh i feels weird too anyway i always 247:43 have this moment at the end of the 247:43 breaks 247:44 oh 247:46 me again take that leggings yeah it's 247:48 kind of what i got 247:50 must feel so constricting 247:52 this no this is great this is like now 247:54 this is now my most comfortable form hey 247:57 bear bub i'm just celebrating that i am 247:59 now 248:00 i'm now a masculine guy again 248:02 i want a break from garment i do have a 248:04 bunch of makeup on 248:06 um but you know that's just because i'm 248:08 too lazy 248:10 to like go and take this all off and 248:11 then come back and say goodbye 248:14 need to convince us for a simp goal for 248:15 thongs for a month not gonna happen um 248:21 get a large plastic tote and run chains 248:23 around it 248:25 it's just [ __ ] 248:28 so what uh 248:29 what kitty suggested was to just get 248:31 like a large like bin and then just wrap 248:33 it with [ __ ] chains and [ __ ] 248:36 oh good lord 248:38 that should be good okay they're the 248:40 same fun and colors good good play good 248:42 play good point 248:45 that was the pre-chest find 248:47 okay fair the chest is pretty decent 248:49 though 248:50 um anyway 248:52 so 248:55 i think i'll be leaving you now so 248:56 dominant and infertile um who's this 248:59 hottie where did rose go 249:02 bro's taking a bit of a break for about 249:03 a week 249:04 um i need to start doing this more often 249:06 is actually streaming the end of the end 249:08 of the end of the goal month but anyway 249:11 boys 249:12 i think i'll be going now i'm gonna go 249:13 take some makeup off just a little bit 249:15 i'm gonna keep the bright red lips 249:16 obviously um but i'm gonna go take the 249:19 makeup off and then i'm gonna go get the 249:21 eyelashes off tomorrow morning at like 249:23 11. so 249:24 officially guy moding again all right 249:27 boys it was very fun we've secured a box 249:30 should have got a bike lock that'd be 249:31 better anyway so i'll see you 249:33 [Music] 249:34 wait [ __ ] no guy mode hold on 249:37 see you boys 249:42 let's go bye boys