00:02 [Music] 02:38 [Music] 03:40 hey boys 03:42 hello 03:45 what's up 03:46 how are you how are you how are you 03:49 personally jeremiah uh the jeremiah you 03:53 uh i'm sure that's a lot of your names 03:55 i'm sure 03:56 hello 03:57 hold on i'm going to post a discord 03:58 people say you don't need to press the 03:59 discord i don't care so listen boys 04:04 uh i'm feeling wait hold on i got to do 04:06 this first one second 04:08 cause i'm about to okay i'm good i'm 04:11 about to like get changed on camera i'm 04:14 about to get changed and i don't want to 04:15 be on camera doing it because listen i 04:17 feel like i don't trust my camera 04:19 anymore 04:20 ever since the incident at mcc 04:23 um 04:25 that could have been a lot worse so i'm 04:27 not going to allow it hold on let me 04:28 grab some pajamas that have been sent to 04:31 me 04:32 because 04:33 and 04:36 hold up oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on 04:40 let me quickly cover up 04:42 all right 04:44 okay 04:48 it's me again hello boys i'm here oh god 04:51 what happened in mcc i've uh i didn't 04:53 cover thyself very well let me quickly 04:57 turn on camera all right 05:02 i promise you 05:03 i'm definitely not in the exact same 05:06 thing i was wearing yesterday 05:10 i promise 05:12 this is new i actually have two of these 05:15 shirts 05:18 three even 05:19 uh that i changed out of the other one 05:21 is in the wash 05:22 currently which is why 05:25 i wouldn't i would never wear that that 05:27 would be 05:29 that would be gross 05:36 [Music] 05:39 there's a nice photo at the start of the 05:41 mcc video thanks uh 05:45 oh [ __ ] 05:49 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 05:52 hold on 05:54 hold on 06:00 [Music] 06:02 hold on hold on 06:04 hold on 06:15 i'm in a new outfit 06:17 do you like it 06:20 i'm being a man today chat 06:26 hi 06:28 hey you want to hear something [ __ ] 06:31 you want to hear something uh uh quite 06:33 frankly bs i'm gonna take this jacket 06:37 my father's jacket that he's left 06:40 he left me um in his will i mean no he's 06:42 alive yeah i mean like in his like you 06:44 know he gave it to me of his free will 06:47 of his free will manly man times 06:50 anyway 06:52 so 06:53 so 06:55 ah today's been a [ __ ] day dude 06:58 here's what i did today uh i've been 07:00 insulted by my own abilities and by the 07:02 internet so here's what i did 07:04 uh 07:06 a couple things i decided oh i'll be 07:08 productive today i tidied the room a 07:11 little bit i did a bit of putting stuff 07:13 in drawers but i also did a little bit 07:15 of um a bit of a bit of cooking i 07:17 decided to try cook oh [ __ ] he's back 07:20 hey mustache 07:22 get out get out now thank you thanks 07:24 mustache bye 07:26 um 07:31 i decided to do a little bit of cooking 07:32 and i thought i was craving this thing 07:34 vegetarians we don't get to have it very 07:36 much but i found one restaurant that 07:38 served it it's a little something called 07:40 butter chicken i don't know if any of 07:41 you ever heard of it take a shower i can 07:43 smell you whole way over here in the u.s 07:49 i showered 07:51 yesterday it's 6 p.m i'm fine 07:55 it's okay 07:57 your manly cosplay was good but it was 07:59 not that convincing 08:02 shut up it's doing well uh i just 08:04 haven't like taken out my hair from a 08:06 ponytail and this ah but i'm there's a 08:09 reason for that 08:10 so i have uh i i don't know if you okay 08:12 clearly you guys have never heard of 08:13 butter chicken uh 08:15 it's uh it's this thing it's quite nice 08:18 uh i don't know no one's it's unique i 08:20 think to just uh to just 08:22 my city i don't think anywhere else has 08:24 it but like you don't get to have it 08:26 much as vegetarian 08:27 uh weirdly enough in the name butter 08:29 chicken 08:30 one of those two things are not 08:31 vegetarian so i've only ever had it 08:33 recently you aren't wearing pajama pants 08:36 during dress and skirt month when you 08:38 have all those cute nighties are you 08:41 oh my god 08:43 i haven't worn any of the 90s actually 08:45 i've just got them all in a drawer 08:48 one of them's there 08:51 [ __ ] 08:52 i've worn a 90. i just go to sleep naked 08:56 instead of scam did i just sleep naked 08:58 who doesn't sleep naked 09:00 i sleep naked 09:02 that's how you do it it's more comfy 09:04 anyway uh so here's the thing 09:07 uh i i just i was having a bit of 09:08 craving for it there was one place in my 09:10 entire city that served it and i loved 09:12 it for like the one day they did it the 09:14 one week it turns out every of my every 09:16 one of my favorite places on ubereats 09:19 shuts down after a week 09:21 maybe they're not quite putting up with 09:22 the health and health inspections but 09:24 they're so [ __ ] good and i just was 09:26 craving it today so i decided 09:30 i could do that i could do that how hard 09:31 could it be could could it be to make so 09:34 i looked up binging with babish on 09:35 youtube he's because he's the only man i 09:37 trust with cooking he's the only man i 09:39 trust in general uh and i looked up uh i 09:42 wonder if he's ever made uh butter 09:44 chicken and he kind of has so i i 09:47 followed his little recipe that he 09:48 showed off 09:50 but i didn't have all this stuff and i 09:52 didn't they didn't provide me 09:53 measurements 09:55 so i just sort of eyeballed it i hear 09:56 you'd like to have another nine months 09:58 of box fin 09:59 i think i can help make that happen 10:05 anyone else hear that like buzzing kind 10:06 of glitch glitchy audio 10:09 [ __ ] didn't go good butter chicken is 10:11 legitimately a soup and i somehow burnt 10:14 it i it was awful i was so [ __ ] good 10:18 disgusting i did it so badly thank you 10:20 for the thousand bits and thankfully six 10:22 foot three inches but those two 10:24 measurements are separate shit's like 10:27 water dude how do i burn that i burnt i 10:30 one year prompt 10:32 i'm not good at cooking 10:34 and i don't like that i wish i was 10:36 but like 10:38 it's too complex [ __ ] okay 10:45 it was 10:46 the easiest thing it is not a hard 10:48 recipe to follow but it was so [ __ ] 10:51 gross when i did it i always i had naked 10:54 i never know what to do with my huge 10:56 balls 10:57 they're always in my way when i turn 10:59 over i one of them they're in the way so 11:02 [ __ ] i was like i was uh 11:04 so i did i did like a couple cups of 11:06 tomato thank you dbbs for the 10 gifted 11:08 subs very nicely i did a couple cups 11:11 tomato some water put some cream uh they 11:14 said swap it out with some greek yogurt 11:16 and i was like i'm being healthy i'll 11:18 [ __ ] swap it out some greek yogurt 11:19 add some brown sugar i have brown sugar 11:21 i'm a healthy boy i started watching uh 11:24 it's my favorite time beautiful today as 11:26 well put that [ __ ] in blend it up with 11:28 some garlic and stuff in it tasting in 11:31 my head it tastes great to the pink 11:32 chair oh oh it's still over there i 11:34 haven't cleaned it [ __ ] i haven't like 11:35 moved all the stuff well anyway tomatoes 11:38 tomatoes uh and then [ __ ] oh my god 11:43 it was and i and it was i tasted it it 11:45 was like oh it's not that sweet it 11:46 tastes very much like turmeric or cumin 11:49 or something coming and i didn't like it 11:51 so i was like oh [ __ ] it okay i'll add a 11:52 bit more this guy added 11:54 honey in it okay i'll put honey added 11:57 honey 11:59 [ __ ] [ __ ] it oh my god it was the net i 12:02 poured it down the drain immediately 12:05 immediately it's so bad yeah i could not 12:09 do it i don't know how to cook i've 12:11 accepted that fact another thing after 12:13 doing that 12:14 realize that i i'm not could i'm not cut 12:17 out for this i'm gonna just make my 12:18 basic meal 12:20 and that's gonna be it i'm just gonna 12:21 make my basic meal 12:22 i'm gonna enjoy it what the [ __ ] thank 12:24 you i see that you have the new box 12:26 looking good yeah mustache look at that 12:29 new [ __ ] i got a chat it's not even a 12:31 box it's a chest 12:33 anyway 12:34 so those so oh my [ __ ] god 12:38 oh by the way there's a there is a 12:39 reason why i'm wearing this and not 12:40 anything else uh i have a i have a 12:42 surprise hold on i have a surprise for 12:45 you oh my [ __ ] god thank you for 12:46 [ __ ] it's herbs look at this look at 12:48 this [ __ ] 12:49 look what i found 12:51 look what i found 12:53 look what i found 12:55 i found the [ __ ] gray tennis dress 12:57 look at this [ __ ] i found it i'ma wear 12:59 this surprise outfit baby look at this 13:02 [ __ ] i'm gonna wear this [ __ ] this could 13:03 be epic you do know that they sell that 13:06 sauce in a jar right 13:08 right 13:09 they do but it's not no one sells it 13:12 near me i did look but uh no one sells 13:15 it near me so i tried to cook it i 13:17 didn't i don't i don't like that i can't 13:19 do it 13:21 you have to learn tennis with all these 13:22 outfits yeah but yeah um 13:28 i have to do it after getting that all 13:29 that cooking done i decided i'm just 13:31 gonna go watch tik tok for a while i'm 13:33 going to waste the day before i stream 13:35 and as i was scrolling through 13:37 again insulted um i really 13:41 so there's this thing on tick tock where 13:42 it shows when someone follows you right 13:45 and 13:46 occasionally it's quite nice you'll see 13:47 some verified user that you find funny 13:49 and that follows you oh that's that's so 13:51 nice of them 13:52 and then i was scrolling through and you 13:54 don't see it too often so it's kind of a 13:55 rare occurrence it's enough that i check 13:57 them out 13:58 um 13:59 and a fun little i'm going to let you 14:01 guys make up your own i'm going to let 14:03 you guys make up your own 14:05 ideas after i tell you this 14:07 chat finn's masculinity la la la la la 14:11 i have a lock in my hand i'll put this 14:12 [ __ ] in a suck i will bash you in the 14:14 shoulder blade with it imagine that 14:17 how dare you i hate you 14:19 um 14:20 so 14:21 i'll let you guys make up your own 14:22 conclusions about this so there's in my 14:25 in my experience there's about three 14:27 different types of people that follow me 14:29 and it's like 14:31 it's weirdly like change your clothes 14:33 you gremlin no 14:35 i will it's weirdly it's like chad's 14:38 which i mean [ __ ] yeah 14:40 it's like and then 14:43 thank you for the eight gifted subs an 14:45 annoying number it is computer coders a 14:48 lot of computer scientists and coding 14:51 tick tock follows me 14:53 and machine and months already huh 14:56 and i've recently learned about a third 14:58 type 15:01 the third type of person that follows me 15:02 as i was scrolling through and i know 15:05 the reason why i'm putting as a type 15:06 because two in a row 15:09 two in a row 15:13 therapy tick tock follows me 15:16 why 15:18 what sort of case study am i i love the 15:20 llama in the background 15:22 uh that's worrying it's that's a 15:24 worrying thing to know 15:26 why 15:28 so congratulations therapy tick tock 15:30 you've pushed me over the [ __ ] edge 15:33 um 15:36 why why did i say 15:40 it was like 15:41 it was like oh my god if therapy attempt 15:43 follows yeah and scrolled again it's 15:44 like oh another therapy video and 15:46 another therapist follows me 15:49 so the algorithms got it in for me 15:51 apparently that's good 15:52 to know nice all i do is i like videos 15:56 of dudes throwing big rocks in the water 15:58 is that it and i 16:00 i mean come on is that is that so bad 16:02 is that it my like page is just that and 16:05 hank green 16:06 is it 16:09 oh jesus [ __ ] so that was my day 16:13 anyway i've got an outfit 16:15 oh yeah i've been like continually after 16:17 our shopping spree together chat i've 16:19 been continually just unboxing all the 16:21 [ __ ] that's been coming in and it's a 16:23 lot 16:24 uh oh god i get trucking videos too i 16:27 never like them also football ones i 16:28 always like do not show me this anymore 16:31 on football tick tock and it keeps 16:32 [ __ ] showing me i don't know what's 16:34 going on it's like fan cams i feel the 16:36 same way about like k-pop fan cams as i 16:38 do the football 16:40 tick tocks where they're like kicking a 16:41 ball in the thing and it's like [ __ ] 16:43 rap over it and look how [ __ ] awesome 16:45 this shot is it's like all right i don't 16:47 give a [ __ ] i don't know i select i 16:49 don't want to care about it every time 16:52 it's just poppy did you guys know 16:54 football is really popular ah 16:58 like it's just it's just like straight 17:00 straight dudes 17:02 being 17:03 like making kpop 13 like 13 year old 17:06 k-pop fan cams but for their favorite 17:08 football stars 17:09 i'm sure ronaldo's really cool dude i 17:11 don't know 17:12 thanks for the bits okay 17:14 yeah here's what i've gotten in the in 17:16 the thing imaging just balls the only 17:18 time that straight these can like balls 17:20 maybe the 17:21 okay wait autumn so here's the other 17:23 thing i got 17:26 i've been unboxing these things 17:28 my corsets came and i haven't tried them 17:30 on yet you may remember i have lost a 17:32 bit of weight and now my corset is too 17:34 big 17:36 [ __ ] where's my knife it matches should 17:38 i do the black one or the white one 17:41 what do you thunk 17:44 what do you thunk chat 17:48 this is the black one 17:50 i'm already unboxing it but i may i may 17:52 end up doing the wrong i'm gonna wear it 17:53 with a gray 17:55 i'm gonna wear it with a gray tennis 17:56 dress 17:57 so which one's closer to gray 18:00 white or black which one's closer to 18:02 grey 18:03 make that decision science 18:05 whoa this knife's sharp holy [ __ ] i 18:08 bought this new knife 18:10 um and it's sharp as hell 18:13 they come good from the spyderco black 18:16 white black white dude pick one black 18:18 okay 18:19 now given this could go horribly wrong 18:22 and i could realize that i am a little 18:24 bit more bloated after i've had my my 18:25 shitty butter chicken i didn't eat it 18:27 but still i made something else the um 18:31 oh 18:32 i i'm hoping this goes well i'm hoping 18:34 that they this one fits so i don't know 18:37 who did the white one black i'm gonna go 18:38 black one people said black one usually 18:40 i follow you because it's like you're 18:42 the son or daughter i never had 18:52 i've never 18:54 i'm conflicted 18:55 thank you 18:59 it feels so wholesome but also 19:01 somehow not 19:03 i don't know why 19:05 that's a really wholesome comment that i 19:07 just 19:09 it's a bit off 19:10 you know like there's a tinge of 19:13 mystery about how only been 19:16 telling you that you are doing a lot to 19:17 help the mental health of young trans 19:19 people you are very much welcoming like 19:22 that one friend who never judges you 19:24 also what happened with the tutu 19:27 you mean 19:28 you mean that too too 19:30 it's sitting on the floor it's gonna sit 19:31 on the floor for 24 hours it hasn't been 19:32 24 hours yet it says on the packaging 19:36 i'm not convinced that it's a 24 hour it 19:38 could have it just said 19:40 why seven dollars steal bones yes 19:45 it's bony i'm apprecia i appreciate hard 19:48 bones in anything that i 19:50 uh 19:51 use 19:55 it's actually the most like boned course 19:58 this is gonna sound so inappropriate 20:00 it's the most like boned corset 20:02 it's really heavily boned 20:07 i'm not a fan of what's going on right 20:08 now it feels shorter 20:11 it might just be me i don't know 20:15 we'll figure out any plans for a makeup 20:17 tutorial video i also love your content 20:20 glad i could finally catch a stream dude 20:22 i've been at the camera seems to be 20:24 focusing on the mic again oh well i mean 20:30 i control the focus 20:33 look at that 20:34 would you wait 20:39 i control the focus i said it's a manual 20:42 [Music] 20:45 i'm glad that you can tell that i'm out 20:46 of focus and i can't help but wonder 20:48 when we will see the walking streams 20:50 that have been redeemed over half a year 20:52 ago 20:53 summer's over so get ready to be cold 20:57 yeah i'm i'm sure you guys are going to 20:59 be completely fine with me wearing like 21:01 a nice 21:02 a nice warm coat out on the walks right 21:04 you guys would be fine with that and 21:06 you'd love it wouldn't you wouldn't you 21:08 chat because that's just how you guys 21:10 are you're just so nice and considerate 21:13 and so considerate 21:17 of my 21:18 temperature preferences 21:20 all right 21:22 i'm opening up the corsa right now 21:26 there we go 21:27 and let's open up this side 21:29 all this 21:30 thing 21:31 just know you help a lot of people and 21:34 that makes you awesome 21:36 i think these are the therapists that 21:37 follow me is this all of you 21:41 is that all of them 21:43 you're all just coming into the streams 21:44 now 21:45 don't worry you're pretty cool 21:48 all right oh [ __ ] i also got a bunch of 21:51 [ __ ] corset liners and i don't know 21:52 where the [ __ ] they are 21:56 oh that oh damn they're in the thing 21:58 somewhere 22:01 okay i should probably get those [ __ ] 22:04 wait let me see 22:07 can't look like a horse girl not gonna 22:09 lie 22:11 how do i take that what's the what's the 22:13 cringe around horse girls are they 22:15 usually weird are they usually shitty 22:17 what's the what's the what's the 22:19 stereotype 22:21 i don't know the st i don't know the 22:22 stereotype surrounding horse girls 22:25 course alone is like something you put 22:26 under it 22:28 i want to know what the [ __ ] that is 22:31 i know i long fa not not literal horse i 22:34 i think i'm i'm aware that it's like 22:36 girls who like horses 22:39 is i is i believe what it is 22:42 i think 22:44 right 22:45 yeah 22:49 that's not correct where is this thing 22:54 did i know what a corset line is am i 22:57 perhaps stupid 23:00 i might be perhaps stupid 23:02 no 23:04 i definitely did 23:08 yay i didn't i'm peeved hold on i gotta 23:12 go do that though i gotta go grab 23:13 something for that i think i have a 23:14 thing for it though 23:18 i gave up on my dream of you wearing 23:20 that tutu it's still there i still have 23:22 it i can oh [ __ ] you anyway hold on i'm 23:24 gonna go grab this thing i've managed to 23:26 adjust the course i think it'll be fine 23:28 i'm gonna go grab a corset liner one sec 23:30 brb hey stove one sec 23:33 i have just had inspiration for a new 23:35 outfit to send in the po box for the 23:37 winter walks oh snow bunny time 23:41 what 23:42 hold on i'm entering the room again what 23:44 the [ __ ] no snow boy 23:47 what does that even mean 23:49 like 23:50 i don't like the sound of that stuff 23:52 that sounds terrifying 23:55 hold on 24:13 okay i'm back what the [ __ ] 24:16 i didn't like that one bit one bit at 24:20 all 24:21 unless you mean like a nice furry coat 24:23 thing i found this thing that's gonna be 24:24 fine it's just a one of my one of my 24:27 tops 24:28 um 24:29 it's also grey so it kind of matches 24:33 finn knows about the latter 24:35 the what 24:37 furry oh you're just calling me fairies 24:38 now 24:39 oh oh my god i was about to let some 24:42 information slip holy [ __ ] not about 24:44 fairies but about a different thing 24:48 um has it been announced 24:50 i don't know if it's been announced i 24:52 know the teams for mcc all stars 24:55 having a baby and i'm so excited i'm 24:58 just a little nervous being a dad any 25:00 advice 25:05 oh 25:12 dude it took me a minute 25:20 congratulations 25:24 jesus 25:25 okay 25:26 oh 25:29 all right i'm gonna i'm gonna get 25:31 changed into a corset uh 25:33 go over there for a second 25:35 you oh let's not show you the absolute 25:38 state of my room how bad is it oh 25:41 okay that's that's enough 25:43 i'm gonna be over here i think i changed 25:45 it into this thing any special requests 25:48 i'm just gonna try this thing on i don't 25:50 know if it's gonna fit me or not 25:52 i will see oh wait i have a way better 25:53 idea of doing this good evening 25:55 princeton 25:57 princeton actually i [ __ ] i'm just 25:59 gonna it's gonna be fine it'll be fine 26:01 it'll be okay i'm just not gonna be on 26:04 i can't do this i've not got enough 26:06 space to work with 26:08 what does that even mean penguin heart 26:10 finn did you get my penguin outfit that 26:12 i sent 26:13 no 26:15 no i haven't yet 26:17 i mean i've got a bunch of po's box 26:19 stuff but i haven't got that that sounds 26:21 interesting 26:27 it's just going to be fin chair though 26:29 you guys all right with fin chair 26:31 momentarily 26:34 i'm going to need a different bra 26:37 i'm gonna need a different bra bruh 26:40 oh my god 26:42 now i know that there's a penguin 26:44 costume 26:48 i'm bisexual a computer scientist and a 26:51 white hat hacker 26:58 what's that [ __ ] vine 27:02 oh god i don't know you reminded me of 27:04 something 27:05 good to know 27:07 how do those things correlate 27:10 is your coding particularly flamboyant 27:14 do you have 27:16 maybe 27:21 i'm not good enough for python or java 27:23 to make a joke 27:25 about it what the hell 27:27 what the [ __ ] 27:30 yeah i mean sure but you could have been 27:31 a bit less direct 27:33 don't kill the two to dream they put so 27:36 much work into it it's still there 27:39 also what do you mean they put work into 27:41 it it's you can't you they they bought a 27:44 tutu 27:46 you didn't make it 27:48 i mean someone did probably i'm assuming 27:51 i mean [ __ ] oh my god if they made the 27:53 tutu holy [ __ ] they didn't make the tutu 27:55 right 27:56 they didn't do that i'm not just being a 27:58 dick 28:02 please tell me they didn't 28:04 build me a tutor 28:10 i do need a different breath hold on 28:12 [ __ ] boys i i've lost a bra what the 28:16 [ __ ] is that 28:17 i know where it is i think it's over on 28:19 that chair i'm a cis male turned 28:22 crossdresser thanks to you 28:26 my b just give me one second 28:28 um 28:30 i'm just gonna search the chair 28:44 i mean 28:46 that 28:47 what the [ __ ] 28:49 what the [ __ ] is this 28:52 how is this much how is there this much 28:55 [ __ ] on this chair 28:58 i need to clean 29:00 i'm the garbage man okay i'm good now 29:05 i'm good now please camera please don't 29:07 be weird there it is oh my god we're 29:10 still fine yes hell yeah baby 29:17 i'm a sis milton crossdresser you can 29:19 still be a cis male cross dresser i'm 29:22 doing it pretty well 29:24 i'm doing it fantastically well some 29:26 would say 29:29 you don't have to abandon that title 29:31 because you yeah you feel like your 29:33 skirt might be cool 29:38 egg time 29:42 i have an idea 29:45 oh my god i'm gonna do something 29:51 i thought i'd give you guys a bit of 29:52 background music because this could be 29:54 could you see that when i was doing that 29:56 no you couldn't wait could you 29:59 you could just see me over there 30:03 ah it's fine 30:06 [Music] 30:14 stream with me arizer thanks champ i'll 30:17 see you at dinner later 30:20 what 30:21 uh 30:23 i'm confusing 30:26 i'm streaming razer in a while 30:29 [Music] 30:36 i have to quickly put on a 30:38 thing 30:39 champ 30:40 [Music] 30:43 i've got to decide what size titties i 30:45 want today 30:47 and how thin my waist is gonna be 30:52 to stream with risa risa would need to 30:53 stream 30:55 oh god dude i i've been pressuring at 30:57 the stream for so long now she just 30:59 one day she will one day i'm sure 31:02 [Music] 31:04 okay 31:05 [Music] 31:07 ah 31:09 dude nothing like this sucks hold on 31:13 genuinely i'm trying so hard to do this 31:15 with with this hair it's so [ __ ] 31:18 difficult 31:19 [Music] 31:24 what the hell 31:28 when are you doing a meet-up in vr chat 31:31 holy [ __ ] that's not a bad idea 31:34 that's not a bad idea 31:37 could i do that should i do that 31:40 is that gonna be odd 31:42 i've got full body in vr and i've used 31:44 it to like meet up with people or you 31:46 know 31:48 fake meet up with people 31:50 um 31:51 i could definitely do that that sounds 31:53 like fun 31:58 i've been watching all the oh dude i'm 32:00 watching all the like news and leaks and 32:02 [ __ ] about like 32:04 uh new vr and stuff like what facebook's 32:06 doing what [ __ ] various doing it 32:09 sounds really dope i'm into vr as like a 32:11 hobbyist i guess 32:13 but like 32:14 i don't know there's like that there's 32:16 that thing that what's it called pimax 32:18 is doing right 32:19 holy [ __ ] that sounds cool 32:23 [Music] 32:25 i kind of want that thing it's like 32:27 two and a half grand though 32:30 i don't think i'm into vr that much 32:33 but it could be really dope it's like 32:35 next year like late like christmas next 32:37 year 32:38 this is a bit annoying 32:41 fed up of companies announcing stuff 32:44 two years away 32:45 [Music] 32:53 [Music] 33:03 [Music] 33:07 what the [ __ ] 33:11 dude 33:13 listen the hat dude the hair's really 33:15 cool and all but oh my god 33:20 this is pain 33:24 [Music] 33:26 oh my god it's gonna it's gonna 33:31 [Music] 33:41 this sucks 33:44 bing bong rick roll will haunt me in my 33:46 sleep 33:53 that's the plan bozo 33:57 [Music] 34:01 bro what the [ __ ] 34:11 oh that's not good 34:17 [Music] 34:18 [ __ ] hold on things have taken a slight 34:21 delay 34:26 [Music] 34:38 i got really worried for a split second 34:40 because i thought i really hurt my thumb 34:42 again holy 34:45 [Music] 34:46 [ __ ] i got yikes upon 34:50 okay i think i'm fine 34:52 oh okay good 34:55 do you guys like blue chair or pink 34:57 pink chair more 35:00 [Music] 35:03 which one's your favorite 35:05 [Music] 35:09 pink [ __ ] 35:14 how dare you 35:17 my boy my boy blue cheddar my boy ewyn 35:21 what the [ __ ] 35:22 my five-year-old like 35:25 decrepid chair how dare you my boy 35:34 [Music] 35:38 of course it's on 35:40 i so many months i'll keep making fan 35:43 art soon 35:45 hey how are you 35:46 wait what 35:48 thanks 35:52 i didn't realize there was fanart being 35:54 created 36:01 [Music] 36:04 okay 36:08 wait what the [ __ ] why is this tight 36:10 oh that's why 36:15 oh that makes a lot of sense 36:16 [Music] 36:21 okay 36:22 and then that there 36:26 [Music] 36:34 hey blue chair is that a pneumatic 36:37 piston in your shaft or are you just 36:39 pleased to see me 36:41 [Music] 36:48 you got you you guys will never know how 36:50 hard i smiled at it 36:53 okay i'm going with slightly smaller 36:56 titties today 36:58 but 36:59 technically upgradable either way so 37:01 it's fine 37:03 you even have f1 net channel in the 37:05 discord you should look through it 37:07 sometime 37:09 i'm aware i know i really do like the 37:12 stuff that comes out of that place it's 37:13 nice 37:14 oh [ __ ] 37:16 but oh my god 37:18 hold on i'm like trying to 37:22 where's the line that this is 37:25 what the [ __ ] 37:27 hold on 37:28 eight cats is here 37:30 oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you 37:32 god damn it 37:34 you know what this guy's pretty cool and 37:36 wondered how you can support this 37:37 amazing content 37:42 okay 37:46 i'm almost good 37:47 i'm just putting on the dress now hold 37:49 on 37:53 where's my boy 37:57 [Music] 38:00 you know the rules and so do we show 38:02 yourself woman i'm working on it 38:07 [Music] 38:09 i'm making sure 38:10 that i'm fully good first 38:14 [Music] 38:16 okay hold on i gotta 38:19 like 38:20 i get for for a second i know how this 38:23 dress usually fits me so i've gotta do a 38:25 thing 38:26 [Music] 38:27 okay 38:28 hello i can trigger a bob size vote if 38:31 you want rose 38:34 no i'm here boys 38:36 hell yeah i know what this dress is 38:38 usually like so it's like what there's 38:40 this like corset line there imagine 38:43 that's not 38:44 there yeah it's all right 38:52 me back 38:53 hurry up my viagra starting to wear off 38:57 i thought that was just a really funny 38:58 good nickname 39:00 hurry up my viagra 39:04 hurry 39:06 hurry dear my viagra is wearing off 39:09 again 39:11 hello 39:12 it me 39:14 pink 39:17 how dare you 39:18 good blue chair doesn't it doesn't get 39:20 so much respect 39:24 now i am wearing a corset 39:26 but damn 39:28 uh 39:31 hi it's me 39:35 holy [ __ ] looking hot today thank you it 39:38 is kind of warm in here anyway 39:40 a bit more classy today slightly looks 39:43 like a tennis uniform i did say it was a 39:45 tennis dress again i have been subbed 13 39:48 months now and yesterday's stream was 39:50 the first one i missed because it 39:51 started so late try to get a better 39:54 sleep schedule it's a healthy thing for 39:56 a young lady like yourself 39:58 how dare you 39:59 how dare you i will not where's my hair 40:01 brush one sec i'm gonna grab a hairbrush 40:10 i'd like a tennis lesson 40:17 i have an issue hold on 40:22 [Music] 40:25 very nice 40:27 this is kind of wait hold on i've been 40:29 talked give me a sec 40:32 you guys are going to see a [ __ ] 40:33 bulge if i don't do that 40:34 i have a bit of an issue with this is 40:36 the bra that i chose is not good at all 40:39 and it's a push-up bra push-up bras do 40:41 not work if you don't have titties 40:42 because look they create this shape 40:45 which is not what tits look like um so 40:48 i'm gonna change it i just don't know 40:50 into what 40:51 i know i need to change it into 40:53 something but that's not real at all 40:55 one sec i got i gotta figure that [ __ ] 40:58 out 40:59 i have no idea how to do so though 41:03 i there's dude i've gotta have a bra 41:05 somewhere that's not that 41:07 i've like 41:08 oh my god i have i have one it's just 41:10 not any good 41:12 it's like it's not good at like holding 41:14 them up though 41:15 i might my two options are so cursed 41:19 bigger bob's dude it's not that it's 41:21 that just oh my god 41:23 the string from the corset is showing 41:25 i'm a wet bruh listen 41:30 hold on 41:31 you have tons of bras 41:32 i listen i have a lot but i do i do i 41:35 necessarily 41:37 keep them in constant like you know 41:39 going no 41:41 what the hell 41:44 flat-chested fanboy stream 41:46 quite possibly down 41:50 hold on 41:51 oh my god 41:52 oh [ __ ] but i can't no 41:54 no 41:57 okay 42:02 what if i did [ __ ] just triangle 42:04 titties once 42:06 i'm all right with that 42:08 i don't 42:10 ah 42:12 i'm right with triangle titties 42:16 yeah i chose one i chose this one brah 42:19 um and these like these 42:22 okay there's these bobs right that are 42:25 universal in shape but they just scale 42:28 up the physical size of them and that 42:30 and to go with different cups and that 42:32 doesn't sound like the worst thing ever 42:34 when you realize what boobs shaped like 42:38 it makes no sense how they are so they 42:41 end up just being like 42:43 small pointy block 42:45 compared to like you know what what boob 42:47 look like now listen i don't know if you 42:49 guys have ever seen a boob before but 42:51 they don't look like 42:52 lara crofts 42:56 from tomb raider one 42:58 on the playstation poop 43:02 okay 43:07 all right hold on 43:11 do these even look good 43:13 i don't even think these look good what 43:14 the [ __ ] hold on 43:17 there's 43:18 ah why okay hold on my tits situation my 43:21 bob situation is unresolved i'm looking 43:24 at them in this thing 43:27 i 43:28 okay 43:29 this is just gonna have to be okay 43:32 it's just gonna have to be how it is 43:34 because what the [ __ ] 43:36 all right 43:38 it's better 43:39 but they aren't good oh god 43:44 anyway hello 43:47 hi boys how are you 43:52 i'm uh my name's finn 43:56 i have a dick and balls 44:02 okay i kind of [ __ ] with the longer hair 44:03 by the way i kind of don't mind it at 44:05 all like it looks kind of good 44:08 in my opinion you know 44:10 like i like it it's gonna be interesting 44:12 to see how it gets up it's gonna all get 44:15 up it's gonna be interesting to see how 44:17 it holds up 44:18 like as i take care of it instead of the 44:20 professional that did it yesterday 44:23 but still 44:25 anyway 44:26 long hair looks great on you i agree 44:29 such a silhouette god damn right if only 44:31 i had any hips whatsoever english only 44:34 in chat please i cannot be bothered to 44:37 have to translate non-english all the 44:39 time to find the bigots out there trying 44:41 to hide 44:44 there's the mods doing their work yeah 44:46 look these things are like so they're 44:48 like this right which this looks normal 44:50 but my hands like 44:53 you received a lot of brows from this is 44:55 small you are just lazy as always so i 44:58 guess i should be used to it by now have 45:01 i shown you the cut 45:02 yet it's this it's all right oh yeah i 45:05 did 45:08 [Music] 45:12 teach me how to swing 45:16 hmm to swing oh ah 45:21 massive cut yeah it's it's a bit of a 45:22 scratch but you know it's a fairly deep 45:25 boy i didn't want to [ __ ] it up anyway 45:28 trying to make sure it's still going 45:29 well it's a small small scratch but it's 45:31 uh when went real deep didn't like it i 45:34 fleshed his bit of flesh wound 45:36 uh i got it game too hard 45:38 yeah 45:39 ah i was sharpening a knife and it 45:42 didn't go well one bit 45:44 anyway 45:46 deep impact yeah 45:48 can i like make my hair look good 45:50 without it going in my face do you think 45:52 no 45:55 all the problems of having a side part 46:00 maybe 46:01 what if i just tucked it like that and 46:03 then did this 46:05 that looks good all right cool are you 46:06 gonna be in mcc all-stars i am i even 46:08 know the teams i haven't checked for the 46:10 teams yet but i know the teams 46:12 um let's read them out 46:16 who do you guys want to know who's in it 46:18 do you want to know who uh 46:20 uh let's see 46:21 i don't know 46:23 they spelt my name wrong 46:26 scott major you spelt my [ __ ] name 46:28 wrong 46:30 you little [ __ ] they spelled my name 46:32 wrong they put an s instead of a five 46:35 god damn it 46:37 that's upsetting 46:43 i'm not a fan of the scott major 46:45 who on your team did this to me 46:47 uh nothing space 46:49 f1 nn str disgusting 46:53 i'm gonna leak the entire team's 46:55 unplayable game 46:57 what's my team name 46:59 pog not bad 47:02 it's cool knowing details and you guys 47:04 don't know 47:05 i know my details i know my i know i 47:07 know my teams i know every team i know 47:09 who's gonna be with who 47:11 anyway 47:12 when's the s major dressed up stream i 47:14 tried to lift did you just 47:16 did you watch that that i just went to 47:17 grab my headphones so i could adjust my 47:19 hair 47:20 my god 47:24 i game too hard did you see that [ __ ] 47:27 so rose are you wearing perfume as per 47:29 the rules lol 47:31 always my house is constantly dosed and 47:34 i'm completely lying 47:35 uh i still 47:38 i now know how expensive that brand is 47:41 dolce and gabbana 47:43 and i've completely [ __ ] lost it i 47:45 have no idea where it is 47:49 i know what the uh what's it called the 47:50 ariana grande one is because i think 47:52 that thing's just rolling around 47:53 somewhere but i do not know where the 47:55 [ __ ] that is 47:57 um 48:01 i have something 48:03 i have i've stuff i have some stuff 48:06 so there's that 48:08 what a shock maybe oh so i haven't got 48:10 jewelry on [ __ ] bro 48:13 i mean 48:16 does this count can i wear this necklace 48:18 well i look good i know i'll look good 48:20 in it but will it count as the thing 48:21 because i like this one this one's like 48:23 my favorite one it's just the basic 48:25 bitch-ass necklace but i want to wear it 48:27 because i look good in it 48:30 i don't know if it suits the look 48:31 however i like it a lot that we're a 48:33 color 48:35 no it is a it's a choker technically 48:37 it's just not a color 48:39 so sad that finster isn't going to be an 48:41 mcc 48:42 i don't know who this so sad that 48:45 i don't know this fence the person is 48:46 must be in formula one fan 48:48 my god yeah i guess technically i'm not 48:50 an mcc 48:51 since they didn't spell my [ __ ] name 48:54 right scott 48:56 oh [ __ ] 48:57 i'm never coming 48:59 to where you live ever again almost duck 49:02 scot 49:03 uh 49:05 my hair looks shitty now what the [ __ ] 49:07 just happened 49:08 what the hell just happened just right 49:10 then 49:13 rose losing things again and not 49:16 following the rules they agree to i am 49:18 jack's complete lack of surprise 49:26 it's 49:29 anyway 49:32 i met shush it's okay i'm fine it's fine 49:35 it's all good 49:37 it's fine 49:40 right it's fine it's okay i don't think 49:42 this necklace works with this outfit 49:44 send a necklace as well 49:46 yeah holy [ __ ] 49:47 oh 49:49 i'm now just getting hyped about the po 49:50 boxes this necklace doesn't work does it 49:53 i don't think it does 49:56 rose is the better mcc player anyway she 49:59 won the last one 50:01 i always win them oh my god dude 50:05 what happens if i win mcc all-stars 50:08 is that just where like 50:09 oh what happens if i win mcc all-stars 50:12 do i have people that are good on the 50:13 team 50:15 yeah 50:16 oh 50:19 i have some people that are pretty good 50:20 on the team 50:22 i have some pretty i have some pretty 50:23 good 50:24 people do anyone else stack up yes holy 50:28 [ __ ] that 50:29 oh [ __ ] there's one team that's nuts 50:34 [ __ ] 50:36 i mean they're all good they all won mcc 50:37 but like there's one team that's nuts 50:40 okay 50:45 i'm i'm on a good one though 50:48 okay 50:50 did i just hear someone complain that 50:52 she's 50:55 you could always go 50:56 you know 50:57 outside 50:59 also we did take your temperature 51:00 preferences in mind as we allowed you to 51:03 postpone all of them until it got warmer 51:05 outside 51:06 now 51:10 i didn't cut it off it cut it off it was 51:11 it was just too long of a donut i didn't 51:13 do anything 51:14 uh you should try a high ponytail you 51:15 look good in the dress how many times do 51:17 i need to do a high ponytail before you 51:19 guys realize that it doesn't look good 51:21 it's dude i don't have to like the 51:23 what's it called did like hair for it it 51:26 just doesn't work 51:28 it looks good it's never look good let 51:31 me look up 51:32 if i look at finster ponytail 51:38 it has never looked good 51:41 it doesn't though it just looks so bad 51:46 like it doesn't look good at all what 51:48 the [ __ ] i mean i look great here 51:50 apparently 51:53 but yeah it's [ __ ] i mean i've only ever 51:55 done a cup what the hell is happening 51:57 here it's only ever happened a good 51:59 couple times but like compare right 52:02 number one number two 52:05 didn't work it don't work no working 52:07 don't work 52:09 it doesn't work 52:10 um i appreciate the optimism but it 52:13 never has 52:16 [Music] 52:19 every time you had a ponytail you looked 52:22 gorgeous 52:23 every time my god ever time thank you 52:28 wait sort out the left hand side of your 52:30 collar it's bugging me 52:36 what about it 52:39 that's just literally how it is 52:42 that 52:42 what do you mean 52:43 that's just how it is 52:45 i'm confused they're the same on both 52:47 sides 52:48 is it that it's not centered it's 52:50 centered 52:52 what 52:54 looks symmetrical yeah it looks crumpled 52:56 from here 52:58 no it's that's just 53:01 it's just how it is 53:04 better nothing changed 53:06 anyway 53:08 this is messing me up right now why are 53:09 you hot 53:11 because i'm dangerous 53:14 anyway 53:16 oh it's nice a lot 53:18 no one ever sells me sends me cool 53:19 knives every time you dick 53:21 i'm confused that what i said i always 53:24 forget anyway 53:26 ah 53:27 has anything new happened i always miss 53:29 news and [ __ ] i heard john melanie broke 53:31 up with his girlfriend 53:32 or wife or something didn't that happen 53:35 i don't know what's been new fill me in 53:37 i want to learn about the news purely 53:39 from twitch chat though and no one else 53:41 spider code damn right 53:44 billionaire taxes 53:46 uh is that the whole thing like they get 53:47 taxed on the stocks that shit's crazy 53:50 that's gonna be a real fun thing to 53:51 watch the stock market tank over 53:54 um 53:59 [Music] 54:01 alec baldwin oh yeah he did that a link 54:03 for the fanfiction 54:05 on twitter at fungus69 54:08 oh [ __ ] 54:09 oh no okay 54:11 hold on let's see 54:17 evening 54:19 okay what website is this well i just 54:21 clicked on a random [ __ ] link 54:24 okay 54:27 why are you so concerned about the dress 54:29 am i allowed to just look at you 54:33 am i allowed to show it am i allowed to 54:34 show the site is it going to be weird 54:36 hold on 54:39 i don't know if i'm allowed to do it am 54:41 i i mean it let ponytail you pgm 54:45 what 54:47 pgm 54:49 i just anyway [ __ ] am i let's i don't 54:53 know what pgm means pls step on me mommy 54:56 i'm just making sure that none of this 54:57 is like 54:59 bad 55:00 oh my god it's long as [ __ ] 55:04 i just want to read the comments 55:06 uh 55:08 there's comments okay right let's see 55:11 should i shall i show it oh dear show it 55:13 okay we'll be fine then 55:15 i think 55:16 okay so here's the thing 55:18 someone did a custom skin of rose cos 55:20 playing as finster why don't you use 55:21 that for the next mcc it was really well 55:23 done also yes finn 55:25 fanfic is cute it should should do a 55:27 boob vote 55:29 this is as big as they're gonna get on 55:31 this outfit dude 55:32 like whoa 55:36 if you took my shoulders off of this i'd 55:38 look pretty good 55:40 but 55:44 yeah it just looks like someone scaled 55:45 up the shoulders bro holy [ __ ] i could 55:47 really be a woman right now if i just 55:49 didn't have shoulders the size of like 55:51 a football players 55:53 i'm like look at that [ __ ] this is nuts 55:55 oh great god damn 56:00 yeah that's really odd that's cool 56:02 though 56:04 is that a spider oh knife and if so w ih 56:08 one 56:09 it's the paramilitary two um it's very 56:12 nice parametry two in s45vn blackblade 56:16 very cool i've bought a bunch of stuff 56:18 from flytanium for it but they don't 56:20 ship to the uk so i've shipped it to uh 56:22 marisa's address and then we're gonna 56:24 grab it 56:25 she's gonna hopefully send it to me not 56:26 pgm not like this 56:29 peg me nice thank you for the bits and i 56:32 definitely 56:33 i can't and my it's my my my fake my 56:36 strap-on isn't long enough to reach all 56:38 the way over there 56:40 anyway okay let me read this thing i'm 56:41 getting flustered uh mommy milkers 56:44 offense to fan fiction finnish one 56:49 oh god this is like actually about me 56:50 [ __ ] 56:51 fin uh finster is an online handle of a 56:53 real person a 21 year old costa schumer 56:55 he gets challenges from his audience and 56:57 gets donations in return one recurring 56:58 challenge is girl month vincent has to 57:00 wear makeup perfume perfume bless forms 57:03 clothes every day another challenge 57:05 resulted in his male clothing and being 57:06 a box for the leaving only only female 57:09 and unisex items were available 57:12 yeah i just saw 57:14 this just making me more annoyed 57:17 okay it's hypothetical about my life 57:20 including fictional cat there's 57:22 characters okay 57:24 uh 57:27 there's photoshop this is not an image 57:29 of me not that with this background i'm 57:31 interested 57:33 your cute manly shoulders are your best 57:36 feature 57:39 hold on 57:42 where's my like how can i like present 57:44 my shoulders i mean i could just sit 57:45 everywhere like this 57:48 but 57:50 100 dude 100 he skips through and clicks 57:53 off without actually reading 57:56 yeah because 57:58 how long do you want the stream to be 58:00 how long do you want this stream to be 58:02 dude 58:02 i i don't know how to read and this is a 58:04 novel 58:07 close your tabs 58:08 no i am using them 58:10 i'm using them what was i on 58:13 oh i followed ella hollywood back 58:16 so if i'd have just clicked on one of 58:17 those tabs 58:22 but we'll see how that works out let's 58:24 see 58:26 oh [ __ ] should i message her i've 58:28 already forgotten what i was doing hold 58:29 on 58:30 uh him 58:31 they oh god oh wait [ __ ] there was a 58:34 thing for that um you guys told me that 58:36 their pronouns were she her last stream 58:39 and you were wrong they changed it 58:42 it too uh they he so [ __ ] you guys for 58:45 making me rock incorrect 58:47 so i'm now aware of them 58:51 we're all just guessing and now we know 58:53 the truth let me know the answer okay 58:56 ah let's see this thing 58:59 right 59:07 i know this is gonna be so [ __ ] weird 59:09 to read okay i finally managed to do one 59:11 of the challenges i promised to do but 59:12 never found time for i went shopping 59:14 with my younger sister ruby while 59:15 dressed as rose oh that's going to be a 59:17 pain in the ass uh well i was browsing 59:19 through clothing racks we were recording 59:21 evidence on a phone when the sales 59:22 assistant approached me 59:24 hey hello miss yeah can i help you 59:27 no thank you i'm just i started but then 59:29 i i recognized her as katie one of the 59:32 girls i went to school with we actually 59:34 had a short fling 59:36 but it didn't work out my emotions were 59:38 a bit of a roller coaster on one hand it 59:40 was nice to see her again we remained 59:41 friends after we broke up and i still 59:43 have feelings for her on the other hand 59:45 i was afraid of how she'd react if she 59:47 recognized me 59:50 i don't think 59:54 i've had a short fling with anyone 59:57 although 59:59 i'm appreciate i like this fan fiction 60:01 because it makes me seem cooler than i 60:02 really am 60:07 oh this is gonna go terribly do you look 60:09 familiar don't uh do i know you katie 60:11 wondered oh my god you're jude look at 60:13 you so pretty i wouldn't have recognized 60:15 you if it weren't for your voice 60:17 uh thank you i'm working on my voice but 60:19 it's so hard i replied and blushed i 60:21 started uh voice pro voice training i 60:23 hadn't made much progress yet i remember 60:26 how i i remember how i put makeup on you 60:28 as you always look so cute katie 60:30 reminisced i never thought you'd become 60:32 a woman though 60:33 i'm not really a woman i'm just crash 60:35 dressing no [ __ ] this reads like um 60:38 what's it called this reads like half 60:40 something that i'd say i think the mary 60:42 jane two would complete this look 60:45 the 60:48 which one there's a couple 60:50 no there's one hold on 60:53 this one hold on one second 60:55 oh [ __ ] i want to do this without like 60:58 showing 60:59 my underneath of a dress oh there it is 61:01 this thing 61:04 i have big feet look at this [ __ ] 61:08 dude i 61:09 you know what they say about guys with 61:11 uh you know what they say about 61:12 girls with big feet 61:16 am i right fellas i'd like a bite 61:21 what do they say about girls with big 61:22 feet i'm confused 61:25 huge vagina 61:27 giant [ __ ] you know what they say 61:32 you know what they say about girls with 61:33 big feet giant 61:36 giant vagina 61:38 they got that classic case of big puss 61:43 guys don't laugh it's common it's 61:46 natural 61:49 thank god 61:50 i hate the word gaping 61:53 giant clits cavernous 61:58 cavernous 62:00 oh my god please do not read the whole 62:02 thing i'm dying yeah me too i'm not 62:04 gonna read the whole thing i physically 62:06 couldn't 62:07 also reading fanfictions literally never 62:10 worked out well 62:13 [ __ ] 62:13 [Music] 62:17 you know what they say about people with 62:19 big feet 62:20 giant cavernous clitoris thank you 62:23 oh my god cavenous clitoris 62:26 that sounds like a harry potter spell 62:29 [Music] 62:32 right 62:34 i could totally see that 62:36 being a 62:38 anyway 62:40 it's an awful spell behind the game 62:43 clitoris as a word sounds like a harry 62:45 potter spell 62:46 my thing where's the [ __ ] in the other 62:48 shoe hold on this thing is these are 62:51 really really annoying and difficult to 62:52 put on especially while i'm in a corset 62:55 oh 62:56 there was a good balance i have [ __ ] 62:58 great balance i used to do judo dude i 63:01 have size 11 feet and i used to judo 63:04 my sh dude 63:06 you know that like total wipeout game 63:08 where they're on like what's it called 63:09 they're on that like balance beam they 63:11 have to get across i would ace that [ __ ] 63:13 i forgot if there was a cash prize or 63:15 not for those people doing that but i'd 63:17 win it i have the best balance of anyone 63:19 i've ever met 63:20 um 63:21 all five of my friends i guarantee you i 63:26 okay five's an overestimate but i could 63:27 definitely out balance all of them well 63:30 i give dylan a sub good to know 63:33 it was really weird that while we were 63:35 questioning 63:36 uh while i was talking about it i asked 63:38 like i don't know what their pronouns 63:40 are it's not in their twitter bio and 63:42 then they added it to the twitter bio 63:44 a day later 63:47 interesting 63:51 interesting 63:56 interesting 63:59 interesting they changed them during the 64:00 stream 64:07 interesting 64:09 i'm waiting for my twitter dm or else 64:11 it's going to be weird 64:13 for me to message first we'll we'll see 64:15 anyway 64:16 um 64:18 i am john was right i'm 100 gonna skim 64:20 through it um because i want to see if 64:23 there's any like 64:25 oh god yeah no there's 64:27 this is like an actual story 64:30 i couldn't even skim through it [ __ ] 64:36 okay we'll see uh i 64:40 i don't know if this is like a dude i 64:42 can't even skim through it it's not even 64:43 like a funny thing to be like to skim 64:45 through because there's no if i while i 64:47 skim through it there's no like 64:49 it goes it's like all 64:52 it's just a story but there's nothing 64:54 that's like and then they started 64:56 [ __ ] on the floor or some [ __ ] like 64:58 that there's nothing like that or like 65:00 oh wait there's a hashtag that says 65:02 normalized breastfeeding 65:05 okay so the story gets 65:11 okay 65:18 this makeup i don't know i dude i don't 65:21 know if i can read the whole story on 65:22 stream anyway i'm not going to it's so 65:25 long anyway boys 65:27 [ __ ] 65:29 ah twitter has been a bit less of a 65:30 cesspool recently there's been way less 65:33 people getting cancelled it's been very 65:35 nice uh it's been a lot more wholesome 65:40 everyone's leaving it though the amount 65:42 of people that like 65:43 announced they're leaving twitter for a 65:44 while will were already left there's 65:46 been a few people that's like 65:49 i don't know 65:51 i think we all need to start using 65:52 facebook again 65:55 there's only there's there's no better 65:56 platform 65:58 we could probably do better 66:00 opinion on the whole gus johnson thing 66:02 no what happened police don't tell me 66:03 anything bad happened to ghost johnson 66:06 is he okay 66:08 [ __ ] what happened 66:11 what happened to gus 66:13 what noise did my computer just make 66:16 kept missing the last few streams stupid 66:19 john 66:20 finally caught one 66:22 what happened to us 66:25 what 66:28 what you're saying now why is he i can't 66:30 tell if you're talking about the 66:31 facebook thing or the god 66:37 gus johnson 66:41 wait what 66:44 john was right okay is he still i was 66:46 right what sky is blue 66:48 water is wet 66:50 finn scams okay twitter 66:52 johnsons 66:55 gus johnson chris brown 67:01 what 67:02 you made a video on chris brown before 67:05 i i'm so confused hold on if i just look 67:07 up cr gosh johnson latest 67:10 what happened 67:25 what the [ __ ] happened 67:29 what the [ __ ] happened 67:38 no what the [ __ ] 67:40 what happened 67:45 what happened 67:47 ella hall would just stream on twitch 67:51 oh that's cool what wait no 68:00 what 68:01 what'd he do he beat up somebody who the 68:04 [ __ ] did he get into a fight with 68:15 so this is like a breakup thing 68:23 but what happened 68:37 guess said he'd break up with her if she 68:38 kept the pregnancy and was generally not 68:40 supportive 68:45 okay 68:47 wait but like hold on i'm confused you 68:50 guys are saying like they he hit her or 68:52 some [ __ ] 68:53 oh dude 68:54 really no i like but he's 68:58 done why 69:01 there's not been many like cancellation 69:03 things that i've been like oh like 69:05 almost every like cancellation has been 69:07 like i either don't care about that 69:09 person or i didn't like them to begin 69:10 with 69:12 but like 69:13 dude 69:17 gus is so cool 69:19 don't tell me he's not what did he do 69:22 i don't know what he's done yet if he 69:24 really did hit her that's just [ __ ] 69:32 what what happened i wanna 69:35 die 69:36 he really missed that all of us 69:39 gus is unsupportive of a pregnancy 69:41 okay 69:45 okay 69:46 stuff uh in 20 in october 2021 johnson 69:50 received criticism for his actions 69:52 during his ex-girlfriend 69:54 uh 69:55 sabrina 69:56 uh 69:57 ecotopic pregnancy i don't know what 69:59 that is to be honest 70:01 after she made a video describing her 70:03 experience as a result johnson canceled 70:05 her upcoming tour and departed from the 70:06 gus and eddie podcast 70:08 uh burbank announced for the time being 70:10 he would also he would be stopping 70:11 making content with gus 70:15 forced abortion through physical beating 70:25 you can't do this to me well what the 70:28 [ __ ] 70:29 why 70:32 i literally just said 70:34 twitter's been a lot better yesterday 70:37 how did i not 70:48 uh 70:59 okay 71:02 that sucks there was no beating he was 71:04 just a [ __ ] back oh okay 71:06 that's a little bit better watch 71:09 sabrina's video i don't do i want to do 71:11 i want to shout is this going to make me 71:12 just sad 71:15 hey 71:18 bro this is a 23 minute video 71:21 is this just gonna make me sad i feel 71:23 like it's just gonna make me sad 71:25 no don't watch it it's really sad okay 71:27 from from i don't know where the [ __ ] 71:29 beating happened 71:31 or from what the [ __ ] everyone's 71:33 you're on stream i'm aware that i'm on 71:35 stream 71:36 what hey john 71:38 um but this 71:41 can we do anything else bro this stuff 71:42 is gonna yeah i'm sorry might be 71:45 but like ah 71:48 i like that guy and 71:50 that's upsetting 71:52 [ __ ] ah 71:54 you're cute on stream thank you i'm glad 71:57 anyway 72:00 all right so back to the walks i know 72:03 you're gonna have to make a public 72:05 schedule so that it at least is recorded 72:08 somewhere i like watching those walking 72:10 streams because it reminds me what the 72:12 outside world looks like without setting 72:14 a foot outside i don't want to go either 72:17 i don't want to see it i don't want to 72:18 feel the the 72:20 the wind on my face 72:23 [Music] 72:26 my god 72:29 i mean oh technically i mean okay 72:32 it's not that cold all the time it's 72:34 just a little bit shitty sometimes rose 72:37 how do you feel about little fluffy 72:39 kittens 72:40 i like kittens i just don't like cats i 72:42 mean i don't mind cats but if i was 72:44 gonna pick them over anything 72:46 i would you know i i couldn't 72:48 i don't get why people like cats man 72:51 they're cool sometimes terrible take i 72:53 do not care 72:54 okay listen kittens great cats when they 72:56 have claws and [ __ ] 72:58 how do people how do people how do 73:01 people play with cats 73:03 how do people play with cats and not get 73:05 like 73:06 destroyed 73:07 like 73:08 the shit's bad dude like okay a dog you 73:10 can't like awful take i don't care dude 73:14 if you play have you ever played with a 73:15 cat before damn demons they don't give a 73:18 [ __ ] about you they will tear up your 73:20 arm because they feel like it's fun dogs 73:22 like dead cool 73:24 dogs will sense that you're a little bit 73:26 annoyed and come and comfort you cats 73:29 are the uncomfort i don't get it 73:32 i have owned both a cat and a dog i've 73:34 had both cat and the dog was pets in my 73:36 parents forest cat first then real 73:39 outside d and i didn't 73:42 and 73:43 listen okay i like the cat a lot cat's 73:46 great i'd be very upset if if you know 73:48 if i didn't know the if if we didn't 73:50 have the cat 73:51 um but as soon as i got a dog 73:54 i won't say that like 73:56 i didn't care about the cat anymore 73:59 dan mitch's been a while like steve but 74:01 i like the dog a lot more 74:03 but i like the dog a lot more than i 74:05 like the cat 74:06 um 74:07 the cat is a bit of an [ __ ] 74:10 you hate eric eric's great he's just an 74:13 [ __ ] 74:14 like you can't walk past that guy 74:16 without him like a girl clawing you 74:18 enjoying some cute poses smile 74:24 i don't know [ __ ] 74:27 yeah i don't know i get a dog 74:29 i can't wait so i can move so i can get 74:30 a dog 74:31 it's the right it's 74:33 the right decision for me milo's doing 74:34 great uh 74:37 he's so [ __ ] cute dude i miss him 74:40 i want that guy back he's 74:42 i'm still deciding on a dog breed that i 74:44 want to get uh 74:46 it's so far away though 74:48 you're the first other dude to put a 74:50 kink in my arrow congrats i guess 74:54 what the [ __ ] does that mean 75:00 i'm the first one to turn uh to boil the 75:02 spaghetti you say i'm the first one to 75:05 to bend the ruler a bit funny i'm great 75:09 i'm doing well 75:10 the uh i'm i'm i'm really turning the 75:12 i'm really turning men 75:14 i like it 75:18 have you seen the spyderco bug 75:20 if not check it out it's the small 75:22 airless knife ever it's quite funny xd i 75:25 owned one i own the spyderco ladybug i 75:27 went to the airport with it they didn't 75:28 like that uh so i had to throw it away 75:31 it's like 20 pounds 75:32 like 25 pounds to get this thing but i 75:35 did bring a knife to an airport which 75:37 was maybe not the best decision couldn't 75:39 get on a plane with that so i had to 75:40 just like throw it away 75:42 um because it was on i was on my key 75:44 ring not allowed knives apparently not 75:46 allow little razor blades on you on your 75:47 person on the plane 75:49 [ __ ] yeah 75:54 i didn't realize it's on a key ring it 75:55 just sat on my key ring for so long i 75:57 just didn't realize it was there 76:01 and by the way it's not like you had a 76:03 daughter that would make it very 76:04 interesting reboot of me myself and 76:06 irene 76:09 around the door i've never seen it it's 76:11 not like a small knife like this is like 76:14 this is smaller than this it's small 76:16 like the whole knife extended is like 76:18 this big it's really easy to forget 76:21 about like you couldn't like you grip 76:23 the thing like that but you pinch it 76:25 it's you know put it in a suitcase i 76:27 didn't like that idea either as soon as 76:29 i was like hey i've got this like little 76:31 knife on me and i particularly want to 76:32 throw it away um you know 76:36 did you ever took a dildo in your ass 76:43 the mods got to that guy quickly did you 76:45 ever took a dildo in your ass not in my 76:47 ass 76:51 not a dildo either 76:55 i'll tell you about the story was it was 76:56 it autumn day 76:59 the neighborhood just purchased 77:01 a cactus and put it outside their lawn 77:03 and i thought 77:05 i'mma need that in me 77:07 and so i did 77:08 and that's the story 77:10 anyway 77:12 put that knife somewhere they don't know 77:14 uh had there was a small knife if there 77:17 was all the things 77:18 not a dildo 77:20 i put a small spyderco ladybug up my ass 77:24 as to as to get through airport security 77:26 i kept setting off the alarms but they 77:28 couldn't figure out what was making the 77:29 beeping they scanned me they still 77:30 didn't know what was going on they asked 77:32 me to walk through the x-ray they 77:33 figured it out 77:35 then only get one they let me get on 77:36 anyway purely because of my perseverance 77:38 they were impressed 77:41 ah the old prison pocket so that's the 77:43 story of how i brought a knife onto an 77:44 airplane 77:47 i don't know what to do with this lock 77:48 now it feels like it's made of like 77:50 aluminium 77:51 because it's so like light and it's so 77:53 big but janky anyway 77:57 no right right ally you're too pure for 77:59 all this talk here is what ah don't 78:00 worry i'm talking about how much i can 78:02 fit in my ass 78:04 anyway 78:05 ah 78:09 tell me you lost your v card 78:11 oh 78:12 dude 78:17 i feel like i need a drink 78:19 i need to drink alcohol i feel like do i 78:21 have any i don't have any oh i do i have 78:23 rum oh i have rum oh do you want a drink 78:27 let's have a drink together i feel like 78:29 i kind of need it 78:31 then i'm gonna drink one of these 78:33 ah okay so 78:36 oh 78:37 oh my god 78:41 dude i've got passion fruit soda and rum 78:43 that's just going to go together so well 78:51 i don't have any ice cubes though [ __ ] 78:55 okay that's fine it's still pretty cool 78:57 anyway so let me tell you 79:00 badly the uh most of my like first times 79:03 doing anything with girls like um 79:05 they're always annoying stories that i 79:07 don't like looking back on 79:09 um 79:11 like i think i've told the story of my 79:12 first kiss 79:14 being like 79:15 awkward as [ __ ] and i think it usually 79:17 is i don't think everyone's like first 79:19 time as awkward as [ __ ] anyway but 79:23 i don't know why but i feel like mine 79:24 was especially so i'm combining these 79:27 two together 79:29 roman thingy okay there we go 79:32 but ah basically we went to a friend's 79:35 party and um 79:37 oh my god i think my story is way less 79:39 interesting that everything else 79:41 happened there 79:42 so my friend 79:44 um 79:45 and a bunch of other people i was 79:47 friends with a lot of girls actually 79:52 i was friends with a lot of girls um i 79:54 was just i just hung around a lot of 79:56 girls when i was kid maybe 79:58 maybe that's a sign of what i was 80:00 eventually to become but either way most 80:02 of my friends were girls when i was a 80:03 kid um 80:05 or at least in high school 80:06 with the other girls yeah um 80:10 so i always got invited to these like um 80:12 these random [ __ ] parties when i was 80:14 like 16 they're okay to like you're all 80:17 right to drink alcohol when you're like 80:18 16 or at least i think you are on 80:20 private property or some [ __ ] like that 80:22 either way 80:23 in the uk you start trying alcohol 80:25 really young 80:26 um 80:27 compared to america 21 80:37 that wasn't as good i thought it was 80:38 going to be 80:39 anyway some done by dude 80:41 americans have some dumbass laws when it 80:43 comes to 80:44 that one 80:46 jewelry two perfume slash scent 80:49 three rose minecraft skin for mcc 80:57 [Music] 81:00 out of perfume well that's a shame and 81:02 yeah i got mine today and i don't even 81:04 know how to hold it xd also got the bird 81:07 spyderco company 2 crossbill and i quite 81:10 like it as well 3. [ __ ] yeah 81:13 oh yeah dude there's some good ones the 81:14 bird one's just the affordable range of 81:16 spyderco they're all the same thing 81:17 though basically 81:18 so i went to this party uh and there was 81:21 this like it was basically 81:23 three other girls my girlfriend at the 81:24 time uh my friend 81:27 uh her friend 81:29 and 81:30 this dude 81:31 just this guy i don't remember his 81:33 goddamn name 81:34 um 81:35 but he was this like he was this older 81:37 guy he was like this older black guy he 81:38 was really cool 81:39 um he was really nice actually he was 81:41 like 81:42 i'm thinking the one that brought 81:45 alcohol and [ __ ] but now i'm just 81:47 realizing looking back on it he was like 81:49 a little bit older and it's a little bit 81:50 weird to be like over 18 81:52 and dating like oh my god he was dating 81:55 a 81:55 15 year old 82:03 oh my god 82:06 [ __ ] dude that guy was weird [ __ ] i have 82:10 not reminisced about this for a while 82:12 anyway so he was there over i think yeah 82:15 odd yeah there's there's always guys 82:17 like that but like 82:19 a bought story oh no no no the story 82:21 doesn't involve this guy at all he's 82:23 only a part of the and then i [ __ ] the 82:25 guy no he was only a part of this for a 82:27 very short period of time because he 82:28 [ __ ] up afterwards but like he was a 82:31 he was like around but i think he was 82:32 dating one of them 82:34 did you know that you always avert your 82:36 eyes and blush when you are ashamed of 82:38 something or don't want to admit 82:40 something it's cute and amazing for the 82:43 next question 82:46 have you ever watched prn and imagined 82:48 yourself as the girl 82:55 i almost choked what the [ __ ] 83:01 oh my god 83:09 why would you ask me that i was like a 83:12 lead up to it as well 83:13 i was like waiting oh that's like i 83:16 didn't know what the question was gonna 83:17 be and it was that 83:19 oh it could have been anything no 83:21 no 83:22 is that good i always avert my eyes and 83:25 flush holy [ __ ] 83:31 oh my god i haven't 83:33 oh i don't watch porn a lot weirdly 83:37 is that a weird thing i don't think 83:38 that's that weird i've spoken to my 83:40 friends about that before like 83:43 i don't watch it a lot 83:46 i think i need to you know 83:49 what the [ __ ] come on buddy 83:51 yeah i did this so well now it's not 83:53 working 83:55 okay that's good enough i don't need to 83:58 i'm not entirely sure whether that's 83:59 like 84:00 but i'm not saying i'm not saying i'm 84:02 some pure wholesome human being that i 84:04 don't ever do anything like that 84:06 i definitely do 84:09 an unhealthy amount too much of my time 84:12 an addiction that i've got to this but i 84:14 just don't watch pornography i just i 84:16 just i mean 84:18 i'm saying i don't ever but like i just 84:20 tend not to 84:22 it's not my go-to 84:24 um i think that it's like i can never 84:26 take myself out of the [ __ ] like 84:28 cringe of it or it's like 84:30 you can see maybe i'm just a movie snob 84:33 but like when someone like dude they're 84:35 acting so [ __ ] bad and it's so 84:39 why do they bother pretending sometimes 84:41 i can't get past like how shitty the 84:43 acting is in all of it you know what i 84:46 mean 84:47 no plot i want you for the plot and the 84:49 plot's bad i don't 84:52 even if it's like dude 84:54 i'm trying to think of a [ __ ] example 84:56 it all just it's all a blur anytime 84:58 you've ever watched it but like 85:00 well you don't skip the intro [ __ ] 85:02 no i watch it 85:04 you don't it's like 30 seconds 85:07 or a minute or something it doesn't last 85:08 that long of course i i want to know 85:10 that i want to know scenario i want to 85:12 know the scenario 85:13 i just skipped this bro i want to know 85:15 the scenario of it 85:17 how am i supposed to like get involved 85:19 if i don't know the characters 85:21 what do you mean 85:23 isn't that long i mean 85:26 i don't last long 85:29 i finish by the time the pawn starts i'm 85:32 i'm i start and finish by just the story 85:36 so it's when the acting's bad i just 85:38 really can't get into it you're telling 85:40 me after that first two minutes and a 85:42 half they start having sex 85:45 oh my god i've been missing that the 85:47 entire time 85:49 yeah i'm a romance guy how can i say but 85:52 no um 85:53 amateur oh actually uh [ __ ] i guess 85:56 actually one of my friends has said that 85:58 same thing that they that's all they 85:59 watch and that's cool and all but like 86:08 oh dude 86:10 it's an 86:14 i don't know it's just never really been 86:15 my thing to be honest i think it's 86:17 mainly about like i'm trying to think of 86:19 the reason but like it's mainly about 86:21 like it just makes me cringe sometimes 86:23 where they're like 86:24 ah dude i can't do it without being 86:26 cringy as hell but like open the zipper 86:28 it's already halfway open some people 86:30 would look at this as halfway full 86:32 halfway down i look at it as halfway up 86:34 i'm a positive type of guy 86:36 um i've wasted so much time on pawn it 86:39 corrupted me 86:40 for sure one minute you're beating it to 86:42 a girl then the next you just nodded to 86:44 kermit the frog 86:48 that's the [ __ ] the rabbit hole dude 86:51 you're clicking on suggested and it just 86:53 gets worse 86:55 i've had those days they aren't ever fun 86:57 you kind of seem like a bit of a [ __ ] 86:59 monster after it just ah [ __ ] i'm a bad 87:02 person these like 87:04 you know 87:06 these guys are just doing this because 87:08 it's their job and it suddenly hits you 87:10 that that's true 87:11 it's like ah 87:13 they don't love each other really 87:21 i wasn't watching a loving relationship 87:23 guys it just i just can't do it damn it 87:25 is going to be weird 87:29 it's going to be greatly acted it's 87:31 going to have a lot of good acting in it 87:34 let me dm ella hollywood 87:38 you're like hey dope 87:40 listen 87:42 i need i need to ask you a question 87:44 about a acting prowess 87:46 anyway 87:48 king bark is a comedy genius for example 87:51 alex and this one shine king alexa asks 87:54 his friend shut up some ice cream his 87:56 friend then says only a spoonful and two 87:58 that king bark pulls out an enlarged 88:00 spoon the comedy is that not everyone 88:03 carries around a giant spoon and it's 88:05 only a spoonful 88:07 the comet the the comedic aspects was 88:09 that that was 88:11 a big reaction there must be more to 88:13 this 88:15 i bet your favorite genre is finn cest 88:19 i'm getting mad girl next door vibes 88:21 from your look today though it's great 88:24 thank you 88:25 um 88:28 thank you that's so nice of you 88:30 my spoon's too big his spoon too big for 88:33 he goddamn ice cream that's what it was 88:37 i like the tough questions i like the 88:39 tough questions keep them coming 88:41 i'm not that last one was just a pun 88:43 though 88:44 i if you mean about favorite genre 88:49 romance 88:51 uh 88:53 well i feel like you guys don't need to 88:55 know me that well wait they don't love 88:57 each other in prn 88:59 they don't it's actually they're all 89:01 just working it's crazy they get paid 89:05 they it's oh my god have you ever what 89:08 have you ever's oh my god have you ever 89:10 watched it and they acknowledged the 89:12 camera 89:13 i've what this is the i've watched one 89:16 before and they never acknowledge it 89:18 until like halfway in have you had gta 89:21 definitive editions trailer what are 89:23 your thoughts will you ever do a let's 89:25 play of san andreas no i've never even 89:27 [ __ ] heard of that sounds cool but 89:29 then in the middle of it they [ __ ] 89:31 tell they notice it and they make it 89:33 known that is the creepiest [ __ ] that 89:36 took me out of my goddamn skin 89:38 that oh my god when they oh like [ __ ] 89:42 seven minutes into this video awful 89:45 half the time the camera guy joins 89:48 i've never seen that 89:50 oh [ __ ] wait is this true hold on 89:54 [Music] 89:56 gta 89:57 definitive edition trailer i've never 89:59 heard of that 90:00 gta 90:02 like definitive definitive edition 90:07 what there's there's not even 90:09 oh 90:10 they're 90:11 [Music] 90:12 oh are they just remastering it 90:14 who needs a storyline or romance when 90:17 you can just look out for that one 90:18 castle i never played the other gto's i 90:21 never played any of the other gta so i 90:23 don't think if they remastered the game 90:24 i'm gonna i'm not gonna have some crazy 90:26 reaction for it 90:29 don't know go bur 90:31 every time you miss it it's always 90:34 slightly off crj oh no but 90:37 good job well done 90:41 you tried really hard thanks welsh jams 90:44 you ruined it for crj 90:46 but thank you for the 46 dollars first 90:48 time chatter oh my god all marriage 90:52 all 90:53 wait is that error a i 90:56 merge any mergani merjani tv i don't 90:59 have to pronounce your name but hello i 91:02 have no idea how to pronounce though 91:04 not one bit 91:06 but pretty epic next time you meet me 91:08 i'll rise to ask her why rum leaked 91:10 hearstro 91:15 you're gonna let me google it 91:17 the only thing i know in uh german is 91:19 schmuderlig 91:21 because i keep it's it's actually a 91:23 really useful word 91:24 because 91:26 that and berliner 91:29 german okay 91:31 what does this mean 91:34 german 91:36 to english 91:40 it means [ __ ] nothing apparently 91:43 did i type that correctly 91:45 yeah i typed that perfectly and it means 91:47 nothing 91:49 it did 91:52 there's something similar to it 91:54 but then it's not right either how lays 91:57 around here stro 91:59 what 92:00 the [ __ ] i don't know what the [ __ ] it 92:02 means 92:03 some the germans all know it was fake 92:05 german i don't know 92:06 it didn't mean [ __ ] 92:12 oh no 92:14 hold on 92:16 [Music] 92:18 schmutter like like grubby hey there f1 92:21 says i just tuned in why the f are we 92:23 talking about prawns are you looking to 92:26 get a new job or just for fun kappa 92:29 uh i've started drinking rum and that's 92:31 just kind of what happens 92:34 finn's getting rum drunk again your dad 92:36 would think you would one day present as 92:38 a princess to the world at large 92:43 you know i don't think it's possible for 92:45 any parent to predict their child's food 92:47 future but i do think that he's proud of 92:49 me 92:51 i am paying for his retirement 92:54 so 92:55 what can i say 92:57 hey chat i'm sorry i'm going 92:59 to think i think he's got to be all 93:00 right 93:01 i sent something to your p.o box hope it 93:04 counts as a necklace for the council 93:06 it's partially pink with some text on it 93:09 hope you like it oh see now i'm not 93:12 gonna i don't know i want it what's the 93:13 text say what does the text say that's 93:17 crucial information for if i'm gonna 93:18 wear it is that our favorite little pog 93:20 champ hey juicy how are you 93:23 i've got a new knife 93:28 nice knife favorite male juicy boy tv is 93:31 my favorite male 93:32 as far as i know i was about to order 93:34 you some replacement perfume for the po 93:36 box but then it was pointed out to me 93:39 that it would be used once sit on your 93:41 desk for three months and then get lost 93:44 so i cancelled the order 93:47 it depends if it's less than ten dollars 93:49 then you know what explains it tequila 93:52 does it for me but each their own 93:57 oh god i don't have a specific type of 93:59 drunk like that i guess rum is the 94:01 [ __ ] 94:02 [ __ ] me up one absinthe is a real big 94:05 one do you mean smuggling it's a 94:07 different way to say schmutzigvish means 94:09 dirty that's what i'm saying schmuderlig 94:14 that's that's what i'm saying 94:17 how am i saying that badly 94:21 i'm saying that correctly 94:23 absent always dude i mean it's absinthe 94:26 is kind of overrated it's just like 94:28 stronger vodka i mean it tastes like 94:29 something i guess 94:31 it tastes a bit licoricey i guess but 94:33 like 94:34 eh 94:35 it gets you there 94:37 you said it crazy yeah that's what i'm 94:39 saying 94:40 yeah pronunciation yeah i got it 94:43 but you were like do you mean 94:45 the the word i said i was like yeah 94:46 that's that's the one i'm saying 94:48 yeah 94:49 the voice speaks german surprisingly 94:51 well yeah i guess so 94:53 although only that one's a pretty like 94:56 good sounded out one it like it reads 94:58 exactly like how you'd say it in english 95:00 like if you pronounce if you said that 95:02 to an english person it would read it 95:03 that's fine 95:05 stro directly translates to straw it 95:07 means dried leaves grass and stalks i 95:10 didn't know that anyway 95:12 tastes like alcohol poisoning hell yeah 95:14 jaeger oh god jaeger sucks sambuca i 95:17 feel the same way about oh my god it's 95:19 not good 95:20 are you kinky though germans are kinky 95:22 all of 95:26 them all of every german 95:30 without 95:31 oh yeah okay [ __ ] jesus christ 95:37 for in in my experience yes 95:40 what do i win nothing 95:43 uh 95:44 and then whiskey is king 95:46 my personal preferred drink is whiskey 95:49 uh or vodka to be honest cause like 95:52 vodka is just like the perfect i mean i 95:54 mix stuff i'm a bit of a wurst wisher 95:56 like that i cannot appreciate good 95:58 whiskey 95:59 in my opinion i've never had bad whiskey 96:01 and i've had every whiskey 96:02 um and every time i've had objective or 96:05 what people say is really good with i've 96:07 had hibiki i've had a good cognac louis 96:10 i've had louis whatever it was or just 96:12 use singles 96:15 rowena and boobs shop have great plates 96:18 uh cutlets because breastplates are 96:21 awful i just don't i just don't get it 96:25 there uh ryan has reached out to me to 96:27 do a sponsorship before and i've had to 96:29 say no because i just 96:31 i just don't get the product 96:33 they just don't look good to me 96:36 they just don't 96:37 maybe it's like 96:38 my skin tone is near transparent so 96:41 nothing is ever going to match my skin 96:43 tone 96:44 um it's if if though it did a casting 96:47 for snow white i could i could fulfill 96:49 that role 96:50 um but 96:52 like are you okay my concealer is the 96:55 absolute 96:56 the lightest shade of i think one 96:58 company's brand was too dark for me so i 97:01 had to find this other concealer that 97:03 was even lighter and then pick their 97:05 lightest shade that's how light my skin 97:07 is it's 97:08 [ __ ] nuts um so none of those like 97:11 breastplate things ever look good on me 97:14 and they always feel awful too 97:16 so i'm not sure trying to interrupt you 97:19 you didn't donate three dollars so it 97:20 didn't interrupt me sorry to interview 97:22 but i've noticed that your chest is 97:23 getting bigger every stream i kind of 97:24 like that what's the secret 97:27 it's not getting bigger i just have 97:29 different bulbs today 97:32 you know these ones i just swapped out 97:34 for 97:35 these are normal size they're not 97:37 getting bigger maybe my waist getting 97:39 smaller 97:41 maybe it's just the rest of me getting 97:42 so much smaller because i'm losing 97:43 weight and i'm a skinny [ __ ] 97:48 variety is a good thing variety is the 97:49 spice your life i choose to variate my 97:51 titties 97:53 oh my gosh can you cosplay snow white 97:54 dude if he's so dope to cosplay snow 97:56 white i've been wanting to do like i 97:58 could def oh [ __ ] the world of disney 98:00 princesses i could do there's gonna 98:02 there's gonna be good outfits for them 98:04 on amazon if i look up uh [ __ ] what's 98:07 a good what's a good disney princess 98:08 outfit again uh snow white snow white 98:11 outfit let's see 98:14 oh yeah dude i could rock this [ __ ] easy 98:16 i just i just i have no ex i'm just not 98:19 gonna get a wig i'm just not gonna 98:21 change the hair but yeah [ __ ] i could 98:23 definitely do a snow white bell 98:27 bell costume 98:29 that's a little bit more i don't know if 98:31 that's my color 98:34 elsa oh jesus [ __ ] 98:36 what's another good one 98:38 um 98:39 rapunzel 98:40 rapunzel i don't actually know what she 98:42 was 98:44 uh costume 98:48 oh [ __ ] looks ugly as hell 98:52 finish the story about your first kiss 98:55 free oh i already told that story um 98:58 first kiss was like uh i uh 99:02 uh me and a girl 99:04 kissed 99:05 she's actually been on stream before men 99:07 and girl kissed 99:10 and then uh i pulled back 99:14 she sat back up 99:17 and i was i was like oh that like that 99:19 was like [ __ ] 99:21 [ __ ] fight off i was adrenaline going 99:23 right because it was it was my first 99:25 time was it celestia vega how in the 99:27 [ __ ] would it have been celestia vega 99:29 make that make sense for me i am in brit 99:32 i'm in england anyway so the 99:35 either way uh i like i sat back down i 99:38 was technically in a laying position at 99:39 the time on the couch 99:41 and then uh she looked out the window i 99:43 was like oh okay cool this is all one 99:44 second of time by the way 99:46 and then go for the fish one 99:49 and then um i went i made a joke that 99:51 was like oh 99:53 wasn't that bad was i 99:57 and then she turned to me and she said 99:59 she said she said ah you'll get better 100:09 that oh my god 100:13 oh the worst she could do is say no 100:14 right boys 100:16 oh 100:18 um 100:19 so that's been the one the my first kiss 100:22 was immediately accompanied by the 100:24 politest ooh that's ever happened 100:27 so that was that was cool um 100:32 funny number haha 100:34 thank you 100:37 nice 69.69 thank you edgar 100:41 holy [ __ ] every hundred dollars we have 100:43 the [ __ ] the funny number it would 100:45 work if and if everyone donates like 100:48 not like if everyone just donates the 100:50 same amount every time 100:51 it'll this will happen every time like 100:53 five dollars at a time we'll have 69.69 100:56 every hundred dollars it'd be easy 100:58 or two and a half dollars at a time 101:00 still better than a restraining order 101:02 that's 101:04 it 101:05 yeah she kissed me and i didn't get a 101:08 restraining order so 101:10 i didn't i didn't set up one after that 101:12 i was alright with it 101:15 i even approached that comment but 101:17 anyway um but yeah 101:20 yeah 101:23 oh good lord at this rate finish it 101:25 finish just gonna become a full-time 101:27 woman 101:31 ah 101:32 for the next little bit fun fact roses 101:34 also kissed two men 101:36 holland too 101:38 have you ever kissed a guy 101:41 yeah 101:42 yeah 101:43 haven't we all 101:45 haven't kissed a dude bro 101:47 what are you like 101:49 you haven't kissed a dude what the [ __ ] 101:51 that's weird oh 101:53 still funny 101:57 still funny technically 101:59 yeah there's still a 69 in there 102:01 hell yeah let's go 102:04 you were like three dollars off though 102:06 you got caught out but hell yeah 102:08 it was almost two funny numbers was only 102:10 one 102:12 what's your favorite bobs these ones 102:13 currently these ones are pretty good i 102:16 i could go smaller though in my opinion 102:19 um 102:20 annoyingly some of them are just broke 102:22 eat after a while 102:24 that's embarrassing if you have any 102:26 story behind the dude kissing 102:28 i don't think i will i don't think i'll 102:30 tell you that but no dude if you haven't 102:32 played a good old game i've kissed more 102:34 than two dudes in one game of spin the 102:37 bottle 102:40 what do you mean it's not that bad you 102:43 can kiss guys it's fine 102:45 [ __ ] what's it called weird flex yeah 102:50 it didn't mean nothing 102:52 quickly figured out that i didn't like 102:53 kissing guys 102:54 it's just how you do it how are you 102:56 supposed to know without kissing a few 102:58 dudes 103:01 how would i find out that i'm 103:06 i feel so bad for 103:08 him i feel so bad for him 103:12 every time 103:13 you are gay 103:15 if you know i guess yeah what are you 103:17 gay or something you never kissed a dude 103:20 what do you say what are you gay 103:22 yeah no i mean i feel like you need to 103:24 kiss a guy at least at least once you 103:26 got to do it you got to figure out how 103:28 shitty dudes are kissing um sorry to my 103:32 friend group you're not good at it i'm 103:33 going to one of those weddings soon they 103:35 ain't good at kissing sorry buddy 103:40 i mean i definitely am not either 103:42 because i haven't had a [ __ ] 103:43 girlfriend in like 103:45 i don't know two years 103:48 it might have been longer [ __ ] two years 103:50 three years i don't know just don't have 103:52 a girlfriend in a while 103:55 can't confirm guys suck at kissing 103:57 [Music] 104:00 i'm probably i'm out of practice i don't 104:02 like kissing that guy i must be straight 104:05 better try many more times just to be 104:07 sure oh yeah that was just the first 104:10 game of spin the bottle 104:12 afterwards i went to an all guys frat 104:14 party and then played the same game 104:16 just to make sure i had to know 104:19 anyway 104:21 why have a girlfriend when you can 104:22 become the girlfriend 104:24 that's a tweet that i made 104:30 ah 104:33 trans girl here looking for help i'm 104:35 really curious about the things you do 104:37 to look feminine and the products you 104:39 use especially the boobs cause i'm a 104:40 trans girl and been wanting to improve 104:43 my feminine ass for if slash when i 104:45 wanna go out and about 104:47 [Music] 104:49 i have answers for that actually 104:50 extensive one ask his wife if he's 104:52 improves his technique lol 104:58 shall i i've got a discord 105:05 i 105:06 i don't think i should i feel like 105:07 that's me is the paramilitary it is i 105:10 feel like i feel like i shouldn't but i 105:12 could 105:13 just know it he knows who he knows who 105:15 i'm talking about too 105:17 anyway 105:20 anyway so 105:22 sorry my skirts my dress is coming up so 105:24 uh let me i had to recently so i've got 105:27 a friend who wanted to um 105:29 i have a friend who wanted to know about 105:30 the same sort of thing too 105:32 and um i'll give you the same answer i 105:34 gave them 105:35 basically 105:37 it's really [ __ ] hard to make these 105:39 look good 105:40 really [ __ ] hard um 105:46 there's no situation the tough answer is 105:49 there's no situation which you can make 105:51 these look good while you're looking 105:52 directly at them the whole 105:55 the whole art i'm sorry the whole art 105:58 form in it is making it so you don't see 106:00 these but they still get the effect of 106:03 it looking like fake bobs like 106:05 undershirts yeah these look great right 106:08 but when you're looking directly at them 106:09 they'll never look good ever 106:11 they're just not made for that right 106:13 like they're always gonna be like 106:15 that they're just not gonna ever look 106:17 good 106:18 um 106:19 and they they're just not really a thing 106:21 that exists that can accomplish that or 106:24 you know 106:25 not that i know about anyway 106:27 but yeah 106:31 i've had mental breakdowns trying to get 106:32 them even and [ __ ] yeah you can make 106:34 them look fine without anything but like 106:37 that they you cannot look directly at 106:39 them and have that be okay hrt i'm sure 106:43 you could take hrt that is also a good 106:45 idea 106:46 and you just get real boobs but you know 106:48 what that's not an option for all of us 106:50 chat 106:51 some of us don't want to take the hrt 106:53 some of us don't want to take the 106:54 estrogen 106:55 i just want to be 106:57 i just want to be a dude that 106:59 occasionally has boobs 107:01 not all the time i don't want to have 107:02 these things 107:03 [ __ ] all the time on me dude i don't 107:05 want these attached to me 107:08 just put everything backward plus tight 107:10 underwear and easy tuck 107:13 ah i've that shit's never worked for me 107:15 you can always whenever i tuck you can 107:17 always tell 107:19 like i've never had like a perfect tuck 107:21 ever once you can always tell 107:23 is it i it's and i know for a fact it's 107:26 that mine i know i'm doing it wrong i've 107:28 got to be doing it wrong because i'm not 107:30 just like 107:32 i'm there's no way i'm just packing that 107:34 much heat there's no way 107:36 it can't be 107:38 not to brag or anything but i am quite 107:40 firmly average that's 107:43 there's no way i'm there's i mean 107:45 there's no way 107:46 i so i just 107:49 i'm i know i'm doing something wrong 107:50 whenever i tuck i just don't know what 107:52 it is yet 107:54 so i don't know 107:55 just throw it over your shoulder yeah 107:58 not to brag or anything but i'm an 108:00 average 10 inches 108:03 get reason to help 108:04 ah hey yo pull this thing back for me 108:07 just [ __ ] yanking it 108:10 lovely tiara thanks they asked me for 108:12 jewelry so this is gonna count as 108:13 jewelry 108:14 um 108:16 the hair is nice thank you i bought it 108:18 myself 108:23 i don't know if it looks better like 108:25 that 108:26 it does but like it's in my eyes and 108:28 it's gonna get all shitty and greasy if 108:29 i keep having to move it 108:40 gaming gaming harder than ever boys 108:46 try beat saver i tried it i don't like 108:48 it there's another game that i like a 108:50 lot more in vr that's like a white wig 108:52 no not a wig but it's a hair extensions 108:55 um there's a better game that i have 108:56 like a beat game i think it's called 108:58 like a pistol whip yeah it's called 109:00 pistol whip 109:01 it's re it's a lot in my opinion i like 109:04 it a lot more than beat saber the only 109:05 thing that i dislike about it is that i 109:07 cannot figure out how to import my own 109:10 songs into it there's a very limited 109:12 selection so i don't know 109:15 um but i i enjoyed the levels that 109:17 they're on there i played all of them 109:18 they're pretty good they're really fun 109:20 be game yeah it's a big game it's like 109:22 shooting though it makes you feel cool 109:24 because there's they don't tell you this 109:26 and everyone that's played the game i've 109:28 i like introduced them to it and they're 109:29 like oh my god i'm so good at this 109:32 i'm so [ __ ] good at this game and i 109:34 don't i never tell them that there's an 109:36 auto aim feature in it 109:38 because it makes them feel like they're 109:40 really good at it but when i figured i 109:42 was like oh [ __ ] 109:44 they shouldn't tell you that there's an 109:45 auto aim i don't think bone works is 109:47 really good i [ __ ] love bone works 109:50 blade and sorcery oh beauties 109:53 beauties of like physics engines so good 109:59 saline injection injection when oh 110:02 you can turn off the auto aim yeah but 110:04 it's way less fun 110:06 it's way less fun when you turn off the 110:07 auto 110:08 but how did you end up in a drumsy video 110:10 drums and me are friends i'm friends 110:12 with like peach jazz moxie 110:14 all that uh [ __ ] emmy 110:16 yeah they're cool they're just a cool 110:18 bunch i like that even a guy can't find 110:20 an answer online for some reason lol 110:23 maybe i'm typing the questions wrong or 110:26 something 110:27 you're spelling it tug not tuck 110:32 how to tuck 110:33 with a ck 110:35 not tug 110:37 if you're googling how to tug you'll 110:39 find very different answers 110:47 what if i go how to tug 110:51 damn i just can't find any answers 110:56 god 110:59 how to tug for cross-dressing 111:02 oh [ __ ] thanks 111:04 thank you sigma mail for 2069. 111:07 all right it's official none of you have 111:10 better names than that guy 111:13 you're not 111:14 holy [ __ ] that's so good 111:16 sigma mail 420 has the best name and 111:18 none of you will ever beat him good to 111:20 know 111:23 thanks for the sub dude 111:27 pull it back and tape down get tucky 111:29 underwear oh never done that but still 111:32 thanks homie uh how are you 111:35 i got that was you've never typed in 111:36 chat before but you did sub so thank you 111:39 queen of the sims how are you 111:43 can you wear a cheerleading outfit dude 111:45 i've worn a cheerleading outfit before 111:48 does not look great on me oh yeah by the 111:50 way i've got the shoes on now i've had 111:52 the shoes on i just remembered i never 111:53 showed you anyway 111:56 hips wise i'm doing okay i've been 111:58 training muscles a little bit there 112:01 but 112:04 i've been training my hip muscles a 112:06 little bit it's been going fine not 112:08 amazingly cute oh my god i've given hold 112:11 on i've put myself in his conundrum one 112:13 second 112:15 okay 112:16 oh my god 112:19 there we go 112:20 jesus [ __ ] 112:26 do you use hip pads i don't but i do own 112:28 them i just don't ha i just haven't got 112:31 any now 112:32 i had to untuck i know i was sitting on 112:34 my sitting on my foot 112:36 not my best idea 112:38 tell us the routine maybe uh some of us 112:40 want to do it too 112:41 the put them on oh my god maybe um there 112:44 are downstairs i could try them on um i 112:47 don't know where the [ __ ] 112:48 i don't know if they're gonna be any 112:49 good though um i just i do um what's it 112:53 called i do hip thrusts i do i do the 112:56 weighted hip thrust so i have a barbell 112:58 right with about like 30 kg maybe on it 113:01 i better know what it is 20 maybe 20 113:04 let's say 20 20 kg 113:06 i don't have any more weight so it's 113:07 just gonna stay at 20. i could probably 113:09 do more um but i could definitely do 113:12 more but like 113:13 i don't know i do like four different 113:15 sets of it so i do like 113:17 uh 113:18 12 or 15 depending on how lazy i'm 113:20 feeling 113:21 uh repetitions of it so i do 12 take 113:25 like a 30 second respect do another 12 113:27 30 and i do that four times 113:29 um 113:30 and then 113:31 by the end of it you want to be like 113:34 to like almost failure right and then i 113:37 do i have these like bands right i have 113:39 these like 113:41 uh [ __ ] exercise bands they're like 113:43 uh 113:44 resistance bands or some [ __ ] they're 113:45 just big elastic bands you put between 113:47 your legs like that and i do this thing 113:49 called like i do 113:50 uh fire 113:52 dehydrants i think they're called you 113:53 basically your legs if these are your 113:55 legs you're going like that right with 113:57 your legs and then another one which is 113:58 donkey kong where you go like that with 114:00 your legs so like yeah 114:02 but it's fine that [ __ ] almost kills me 114:04 every time that shit's hard 114:07 oh my god you're doing lower triangle 114:08 workouts 114:10 i'm doing hip and ass workouts yeah for 114:13 obvious reasons 114:16 rosade you not to dress up as a girl for 114:18 one stream 114:20 are you familiar with my 114:22 entire body of work 114:25 that's that's my life 90 of the time 114:27 usually before streaming started anyway 114:30 i have like an entire youtube channel 114:32 where i am a guy and it's the best 114:34 performing youtube channel 114:36 so maybe 114:38 maybe frick you did 114:41 anyway main job 114:44 yeah 114:50 my entire body of work yeah i mean i'm a 114:53 guy for that i'm a professional gamer 114:55 i'm literally a pro gamer 114:57 in minecraft i'm a little literally a 114:59 pro minecraft player 115:02 literally literally literally literally 115:05 [ __ ] 115:07 toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota 115:10 toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota 115:12 toyota slash will there be streams about 115:15 factorio that beat was kind of hard uh 115:19 no because factorio sucks to stream it's 115:21 a really fun game but like oh my god 115:23 it's the most it's so uninteresting to 115:25 stream 115:26 it's it's the most boring [ __ ] game 115:29 because it's a game where you spend four 115:31 hours making one tiny part and 115:34 optimizing it's so incredibly 115:37 uninteresting 115:38 that 115:39 in 10 minutes of time you can easily 115:41 just do nothing in factorio or nothing 115:44 of consequence anyway you can like just 115:46 be crafting for 10 minutes it's like 115:50 it's it's listen the game is 115:52 literal crack and i have to peel myself 115:54 away from it every time i get into it 115:56 again but like 115:57 ah 116:00 it's so it's so boring to watch it's so 116:03 [ __ ] boring to watch it's like rust 116:05 honestly someone just said they're off 116:06 to play rust it is like rusty 116:08 investments 116:15 what the [ __ ] is that 116:21 what is that i don't know what that is 116:23 you could just moan food comment about 116:25 your let's play d 116:30 nice 116:33 another in the next one the next [ __ ] 116:35 donna i already read it yep 116:38 i remember you getting so excited about 116:40 some green and red things some green and 116:43 red circuits actually it's blue circuits 116:45 they're they're the tier three they're 116:47 the [ __ ] oh my god a whole belt of 116:51 blue circuits holy [ __ ] 116:54 god damn 116:55 have you tried a dyson sphere 116:57 have tried dyson sphere 117:00 no i'm not a hyper advanced alien 117:03 species 117:04 i haven't tried a dyson sphere yet in 117:06 real life i think it'd be cool if we did 117:10 i can't wait for the new imagine dragons 117:11 that's league of legends song tomorrow 117:14 oh 117:16 i am can't wait to be hearing that every 117:18 time maurice is over here good to know 117:20 is that true is that actually going to 117:21 be happening 117:22 bedrock robots nice 117:25 your tiara is a little crooked hold on 117:28 because i'm a corrupt queen 117:42 it's fine 117:43 this is i don't even think i made it any 117:45 better 117:47 if that's as good as it's gonna get 117:50 it's fine 117:51 it's all right 118:00 i should do a mukbang asmr 118:02 there's nothing interesting that i want 118:04 to eat dude there's like i've been 118:05 trying to lose weight so i can't even 118:08 like 118:09 my my gen genuinely my meals right now 118:12 are the most 118:14 grossest [ __ ] but i like them like um so 118:16 there's this stuff called corn pieces 118:18 right and they're just really hyper 118:20 healthy 118:22 like 118:23 one calorie a gram right and they're 118:26 like they're just good for you they're 118:27 just all protein 118:29 please 118:33 it 118:34 [Music] 118:35 that shit's just never gonna work is it 118:37 dyson sphere program is basically 118:40 factorio in space 118:42 nice 118:43 hold on 118:44 i though that's very cool hold 118:47 come on 118:48 pieces 118:50 okay look at this so it's this stuff 118:52 right let me grab it 118:55 it's this stuff 118:56 it's this stuff 118:57 i this this is my main food sauce 119:01 that right it just just quant the 119:04 vegetarian thingy it's like imagine 119:05 chicken but vegetarian it's it's boring 119:08 but it's that 119:09 i just have like that and vegetables 119:14 some mushrooms maybe 119:16 if i'm feeling good 119:18 maybe some [ __ ] like that's it i have 119:21 like 119:22 that that's my whole day of eating like 119:24 i have a cup of tea with a sugar in it 119:27 and some almond milk i have an apple and 119:30 then i go easy calorie deficit indeed 119:33 a dinner i have like random snacks of 119:36 like cheese 119:37 it looks disgusting 119:40 what is it disgusting what about 119:42 argument my quorn is having um 119:45 and then i have like a and then for 119:47 dinner i make that i make i make that i 119:49 maybe have some caramelized onions with 119:51 it 119:52 damn that shit's nice actually some 119:53 brown sugar some [ __ ] onions 119:57 good [ __ ] and then uh what's it called 120:00 if i have like a proper big meal with it 120:02 what i'll do is i'll make this like 120:03 pasta sauce style thing for the corn 120:06 it's gonna fall 120:08 i made this thing my queen you look 120:10 great today [ __ ] i make this thing i put 120:14 a can of tomatoes 120:16 do a can of tomatoes in a pan 120:19 with or at least i'll do 120:21 i'll cook i'll chop up some onions i'll 120:23 put some garlic in the pan as well cook 120:25 down until it's a bit softer softer put 120:28 a can of chopped tomatoes in the thing 120:32 cook that down put some almond milk in 120:33 that so it's a bit more creamy 120:36 and then i'll make some [ __ ] 120:37 mushrooms and i'll make that corn put 120:39 that in the pan [ __ ] mix that [ __ ] 120:41 together bam it's good 120:44 and then i do that 120:45 and then that's like uh that's like 700 120:48 calories in that and then i'll have like 120:50 random bits of cheese and stuff hit that 120:52 fat oh i also put an egg in it that's 120:54 where the other cow is coming in i'll 120:55 put like an egg in it to get some good 120:57 protein in there and also eggs taste 120:59 good um all right last time i just did a 121:02 fried last or not a friday last time i 121:03 just did a poached egg i just had the 121:05 poached egg with it it was good 121:07 and then uh yeah i have like salads if 121:09 i'm feeling snacky throughout the day 121:11 bunch of salads in there egg and then i 121:13 have like um 121:15 these like [ __ ] baby bells just bits 121:16 of cheese it's good 121:19 um 121:20 and then i end the day with like a 121:22 maybe three to four hundred calorie 121:25 deficit thing and i lose weight 121:27 um 121:29 on my if i was gonna main if i was gonna 121:30 do maintenance i just maintain weight 121:33 all i would do is then i just add a [ __ ] 121:35 ton of parmesan to that sauce 121:38 oh dude if i wasn't trying to lose 121:41 weight oh my god that sauce is already 121:44 [ __ ] it slaps it's genuinely really good 121:47 if you added a ton of cheese in that 121:49 [ __ ] oh my god it's so [ __ ] good oh 121:52 yeah and then i just have a bunch of 121:53 like peas and stuff with it so peas 121:55 broccoli all that uh that's what i have 121:58 alongside that sauce and everything it's 121:59 a lot of food it's gene it's more food 122:01 than i i finished 122:06 hello rose since you're a numbers girl 122:08 what are your opinion on this donno goal 122:11 is it gonna be hit or are we not gonna 122:13 make it 122:14 please tell me rose 122:18 let me check let me check the clouds 122:20 outside let me make a prediction 122:23 give me a palm i'm going to look at the 122:24 clouds in the sky and see what they tell 122:26 us for this goal hmm 122:39 [Music] 122:44 silence 122:48 [Music] 122:55 i'm feeling it 122:56 i want to see 122:58 whether this goal is gonna be hit or not 123:00 i don't know yet i gotta i gotta i'm 123:02 calm 123:08 i know 123:10 i know 123:11 i know what it's gonna be 123:14 i figured it out 123:33 hold on 123:39 dirty man 123:41 in the dirt so 123:43 ain't gonna happen it's gonna happen 123:45 ain't gonna happen ain't gonna happen 123:47 ain't gonna happen i don't know why it 123:49 came up with [ __ ] kim kardashian just 123:51 saying dirty man 123:54 it was close though almost got it 123:56 ain't gonna happen ain't gone [ __ ] 123:58 happened angle [ __ ] happened 124:01 dirty man 124:03 look this is the thing i went on to this 124:05 look 124:08 but it was 124:11 dirty man 124:13 what the [ __ ] i didn't realize that clip 124:15 just continued 124:19 that's so odd what the [ __ ] 124:26 dirty man 124:27 it sounds like the [ __ ] guy the it 124:30 sounds like the [ __ ] 124:33 the last thing you'd want in your burger 124:35 king burger 124:36 is a dirty man 124:39 those are the gifted subs by the way 124:41 star gamer why is there a bunch of 124:43 hearts around your name by the way what 124:44 the heck 124:45 what does that mean 124:47 i don't know what that means the re when 124:49 other people gifted subs they didn't get 124:51 hearts i'm confused 124:53 cooler 124:54 69 69 thank you k boat okay gilbert 125:01 oh [ __ ] 125:02 dude that [ __ ] doesn't taste good 125:05 it's it tastes good but it doesn't smell 125:06 good 125:07 that's really [ __ ] me up 125:09 oh are you a vegetarian because of 125:10 ethics or taste if you don't mind me 125:12 asking 125:14 neither i was it's just what i'm used to 125:16 i was raised vegetarian i don't 125:18 necessarily have an issue with people 125:20 eating meat 125:21 uh it's thanks crj for those six gifted 125:24 subs that's why you got to be so [ __ ] 125:26 weird about it 125:27 goddamn okay 125:29 just gift the whole give the whole 125:30 number give like a 125:32 a multiple of five 125:35 instead of i should not do either one 125:37 i'm gonna regret it but shoot you all 125:39 aboard simps together strong do your 125:42 part chat 125:47 oh damn 125:49 no 125:50 i won't allow this i don't make me do it 125:52 i'll be i i will stay on this screen for 125:54 the rest of the stream you better 125:56 [ __ ] not 125:59 we reached 23k of the stream no shuttle 126:01 yep 126:02 this is my opportunity hold on 126:04 [ __ ] hold on 126:06 hold on 126:08 kanye we get in the dirt so 126:11 ain't gonna happen ain't gonna happen 126:13 ain't gonna happen 126:15 i know it ain't gonna happen 126:17 uh 126:21 i was saying something oh yeah no i'm 126:23 just it's just what i'm used to i 126:24 sponsor vegetarian food 126:30 together crusade nice 126:32 [ __ ] okay 126:35 thanks for the 11 gifted subs by the way 126:40 okay [ __ ] six hundred thousand you 126:42 voted for yes 126:43 uh stream's already been going for two 126:45 hours boys this may be where we have to 126:46 end it 126:48 the breaks are up and we're all i'm 126:50 kidding 126:52 it's 126:54 i mean oh [ __ ] okay 126:57 i'm doing my part 126:59 [Music] 127:01 thanks buddy chat 127:04 thanks buddy 127:12 as you command i did i commanded nothing 127:17 this is stuff this is stuff and john 127:22 not 127:22 bias third parties 127:32 another cell phone 127:36 another cell phone i only have the one 127:38 buddy guess who's calling 127:41 it's your mom you know what to do smile 127:44 hey 127:46 sharon 127:48 oh yeah last night was great 127:51 i'm gonna i'm gonna do it again i'm 127:53 gonna i'm gonna 127:56 yeah i'm sorry i know i won't talk to 127:58 you later again i'm sorry 128:00 i'll see you tomorrow 128:04 okay i love you bye 128:06 don't you dare to end early we need to 128:09 finish this bet d 128:11 sharing makeup text tips for the mom 128:16 thank you for 123 buddy 128:18 [Music] 128:21 wow 10 months 128:26 it's going well 128:27 but i've had a long industrious career 128:29 i'm i'm i'm good to end it already i'm 128:32 good to end it here i'm fine with that 128:36 [Music] 128:37 holy [ __ ] ftc [ __ ] health thanks to 128:39 the tip 128:42 thanks 128:44 thanks triple panda 128:45 [Music] 128:46 panda panda panda thank you buddy thanks 128:48 for the [ __ ] thanks for the 30 128:50 dollars 128:51 i feel like chat might have got the 23 128:53 000 right on this one although i will 128:55 say i've noticed a big uh uptick in 128:58 people voting no 128:59 so yep has 1. 1.8 million points and no 129:04 shots does 120 000 so hmm 129:07 you need to rethink twitch and discord i 129:09 know 129:11 do you plan to do interviews again 129:14 oh when i find someone good to interview 129:16 yeah i think we definitely could do 129:18 it's just that i don't know i don't want 129:20 to have that whole thing of like 129:22 being responsible for someone else's 129:23 like career 129:25 you know 129:26 i always have that thing where they do 129:28 something wrong and then they're 129:28 associated with me 129:30 so i don't know 129:33 thanks for 50 129:39 oh my god 129:42 it's not gambling if you know the 129:44 outcome 129:50 but then that's what you'd say about 129:52 every gamble that you'd make so i'm not 129:54 sure really 129:57 doing my part what would you gamble if 129:59 you didn't think that you knew the 130:00 outcome 130:03 interesting 130:06 oh someone just randomly say ella 130:07 hollywood 130:10 are they are they here 130:12 do your part what the [ __ ] 130:14 why is this such a weird number 130:17 why is it such a weird number though 130:18 chassiu 130:21 when why is so close 130:26 yeah okay they're gonna hit it it's fine 130:27 keep it up chat every dollar helps 130:30 also you need to re-sync your twitch 130:33 with discord i am i know dude i 130:36 as soon as someone sends me a link to it 130:38 i'll do it i promise i'm just not good 130:40 i'm just forgetful okay 130:42 do an interview with ryan ali 130:46 i could also do that again i i don't 130:49 know it's a 130:51 it's a thing of any time i do that i'm 130:53 gonna be like linked to the person 130:55 forever so i'm not sure 130:57 full send simps together strong 131:03 well it it's okay this one sure we'll 131:06 hit 23k i'm sure we will 131:09 um 131:12 the actual goal in general though maybe 131:14 not i'm still waiting so i can prove to 131:16 you that i can grad a beard fully oh my 131:19 god did i tell you about that i grew out 131:20 a beard i didn't shave for the entirety 131:23 of the time of uh what's it called i 131:24 didn't show for the entirety of the time 131:26 i wasn't doing streaming 131:28 turns out it's been a long time since i 131:31 have done this simps together strong 131:35 demo nice to see you turns out 131:39 turns out 131:41 i grow hair really [ __ ] weirdly 131:44 no hold on i am wondering if you read 131:46 alice in wonderland or wizard of oz 131:49 i've read it oh my god no i don't read i 131:52 didn't know there were books i thought 131:53 were just movies 131:54 what the [ __ ] 131:55 but yeah i grow my my beard grows hair 131:59 like this interview a lot hollywood kick 132:02 great idea i grow i grow hair here 132:05 only by the way literally only where i'm 132:07 touching not like general area literally 132:10 only where i'm touching i grow hair here 132:14 uh here bumping the number 132:16 here 132:18 here and here but not here just here 132:21 um and then here 132:24 and then here 132:26 that's where i grow hair 132:27 the rest of it smooth as a baby's butt 132:29 how does feel make me fat 132:32 i can i i may want to go back 132:35 on that whole um bet we made we've hit 132:38 23k 132:40 okay you guys can stop now that's good 132:42 that's good that's enough slices who's a 132:45 pretty princess 132:46 okay that's just 132:48 that's just um that's just your meaning 132:51 i'm not a i'm not a i'm not a dog 132:55 peach fuzz for a tiny bit bro it's so 132:57 bad 132:59 interview rynali maybe 133:03 i'm not gonna read all that dude i'm not 133:05 gonna read that entire thing stuff 133:07 that's a whole ass document 133:09 it's a whole ass document that you've 133:11 linked 133:15 [Music] 133:17 top is how to do it oh it's fine decided 133:19 it again 133:21 thank you that's just extra i'll take it 133:24 thank you thanks demo 133:26 you're very very nice with everyone who 133:28 voted no 133:30 oh dude [ __ ] big rip that was him two 133:33 million points against you yeah the 133:34 strong 133:36 holy [ __ ] three million points against 133:38 you 133:39 that's three steps you idiot 133:43 [Music] 133:44 okay 133:46 i wanna dude i need to get back into my 133:48 eating over eating ready 133:51 nothing is over until we decide it is 133:54 f1 nn wants to bury our finces 133:57 wants to wear those nasty old hoodies 133:59 and boy clothes that we locked away with 134:01 our hard-earned dollars 134:03 here stoves call he john's wore 134:06 [Music] 134:10 i know 134:12 calls you princess and i agree that it's 134:15 cringe so don't worry baby girl i got 134:19 you 134:22 now that i can get behind thank you 134:24 that's so much nicer too nervous to come 134:26 up with a clever message no one's 134:28 allowed to call me baby girl unless 134:30 you're my sugar daddy okay 134:32 so hit me up if you are a sugar daddy in 134:35 which case i will allow it 134:37 but i'm an expensive [ __ ] i will warn 134:39 you 134:40 interviewing hani 9 would not affect his 134:43 career because he is already successful 134:45 in his language 134:46 also doing my part 134:52 [Music] 134:55 i don't know who that is so does that 134:56 mean you can't count to three 135:00 oh i don't know what i said 135:02 only nine 135:06 uh 135:09 oh what the [ __ ] am i on 135:14 i clicked a random 135:16 i have no idea who this is 135:19 it's just like a guy they've got 150 135:21 followers on twitter are you getting 135:23 tired of that donald sound yet 135:26 yes you can stop 135:28 good name but holy [ __ ] thank you for 135:30 the [ __ ] 135:31 thank you for the hundred dollars 135:33 dude you you really can't stop though 135:36 you really can we hit the thing protect 135:38 the queen you did it congratulations you 135:41 did it you don't need to anymore 135:45 can you do the pose what pose 135:47 what pose exactly i just speed run them 135:51 oh god what's this one 135:53 but here you go baby girl 135:56 simps together strong 136:02 thanks dude 136:04 69 before the end of the stream what 136:07 would that mean somebody declared sis 136:08 straight mail says on stream i want an 136:10 hourglass figure this ain't ending 136:15 i have an idea i have an idea 136:17 one moment jen 136:22 simps together strong 136:24 also your streams are why i'm 136:26 crossdressing and that has my wife 136:28 questioning her sexuality lol 136:33 [Music] 136:37 is it weird to pee in the shower i think 136:40 i just save water 136:42 no it's not weird it's great everyone 136:45 does it i do it 136:52 [Music] 136:56 sorry mommy i did it wrong 137:07 [Music] 137:11 we all know he's not a princess he's a 137:14 queen damn it 137:35 all right 137:37 okay 137:38 uh there we go all right so now i've got 137:41 uh 137:42 hips 137:44 what do you think chet 137:48 much better way better right wow 137:50 look at that your boy has hips now let's 137:53 [ __ ] go 137:55 damn hourglass [ __ ] 137:57 look at that 138:00 it's and it's it's all a hundred percent 138:02 real baby 138:04 100 138:05 real cake i just did a bunch of i just 138:07 did a bunch of squats in the other room 138:09 thirds of the way 138:11 also not gambling if you know the 138:13 outcome 138:16 what the [ __ ] is going on now did you 138:17 bet for 24k 138:21 why are you still thank you for the 138:23 hundred twenty nine dollars fifteen 138:24 cents why is that the number normal 138:26 people that don't pee in the pool slash 138:29 shower and degenerates that think 138:31 everyone pees in the pool shower 138:34 everyone pees in the shower 138:37 why would you not pee in the shower i 138:39 pee in the shower 138:40 you pee in the shower who the [ __ ] 138:42 doesn't pee in the shower what are you 138:43 uneconomical 138:45 idiots why pee in the shower bro be 138:48 normal 138:52 hands-free peeing is the [ __ ] 138:57 exactly 138:58 you're in the shower like it's it's fine 139:01 it's it's not like it's anything bad is 139:03 it 139:05 you guys are you know you're wrong about 139:07 this there's two types of people those 139:09 who pee in the shower and liars agreed 139:14 agreed 139:17 shower clean anyway yeah 139:22 hands-free 139:24 money for showing off her femininity 139:28 he goes 139:30 uh ecal getting more money for for 139:32 getting fake hips 139:34 shit's crazy 139:36 let's go 139:37 we can do this chat 139:40 god damn look at this look at this [ __ ] 139:42 hell yeah 139:44 just completely real and then there's no 139:47 there's no butt pads 139:50 so it's just 139:51 still flat as hell 139:53 it's the corset line's so [ __ ] 139:55 annoying 139:56 i meant wrong sorry mummy the dude i 139:59 can't like get rid of this lime while 140:01 wearing a corset so i'm just gonna have 140:03 to like get that level of waistline 140:06 and then wear hip pads without a corset 140:09 get a bbl 140:10 good idea i sent you two steps to link 140:13 your channel to discord including 140:15 pictures to both council chat and in a 140:17 dm 140:18 even my nine-year-old niece could follow 140:20 those instructions although 140:26 have you seen my keith's bunny outfit 140:29 maybe you can interview him lol 140:39 i haven't but now i'm googling it seven 140:47 let's see 140:48 oh he owns a bunny i'm googling bunny 140:51 outfit and all i see is bunnies 140:56 um 141:01 no i haven't seen his bunny outfit i 141:02 don't i can't find it until all i see is 141:05 just him with a with a literal bunny 141:10 this stream 141:11 what the [ __ ] it really has 141:13 actually reacted to you 141:16 i 141:17 lost jesus i'm so [ __ ] hard i'm rock 141:21 solid my god 141:24 so he hated it nice 141:27 nice 141:30 he's looking good the stream is 141:33 it's um 141:35 do i own that same one no okay here's a 141:37 slightly different one to me 141:41 miss kev crossdress is an awful an awful 141:43 bunch i don't know what's uh what's up 141:45 with that dude that's weird 141:49 that's real weird that 141:51 maybe he's uh maybe he's just 141:53 uh weirdo little god you know not not 141:56 good 142:00 how come you don't like him i do like 142:02 most gifts mrs fine 142:03 what did i ever say i don't like 142:04 mischief i think it's just there's 142:06 someone in my chat called nation that 142:07 just demands raiding mischief for some 142:09 [ __ ] reason every time i do a stream 142:11 so i i've said no many times to that 142:14 because like i eh 142:17 this is a content demon true 142:19 i'm good at this [ __ ] 142:22 why the nut why 142:24 i'm so [ __ ] confused by this it makes 142:26 me feel like you're trying to reach your 142:28 funny number but there's no number 142:30 that's even remotely close to it 142:32 why the why that 142:35 crj thanks so much for the 93 142:38 and 45 feet 142:39 am i stupid 142:41 oh it was two three four five six seven 142:42 eight oh 142:53 good job crj 142:55 good job 142:56 uh i noticed that 142:59 i noticed that dude 143:01 i just 143:02 it was just a bit it was for it was just 143:04 a bit for like clips and stuff you know 143:07 so 143:08 it's just a part of my bimbo character 143:11 obviously i knew 143:12 i noticed 143:14 because i'm smart and i i'm not dumb 143:17 but you know 143:18 it's just part of the character that i'm 143:20 doing 143:24 i'd if this was your goal but you were 143:26 showing off the bulge earlier might want 143:29 to refrain for toes 143:32 wow 143:34 it never is i'm never a big fan of it 143:36 but i just it's hard to hide it's just 143:38 something that i have 143:40 hey rose can i interest you in a 143:42 money-making opportunity don't answer 143:45 that i know i can 143:47 all you have to do is think of small 143:49 donor goals for within the stream maybe 143:51 you could start with 100 for hrt oh what 143:55 a great 143:56 a hundred dollars man yeah oh yeah and 143:59 what is special about this number it's a 144:02 good idea 144:09 1307. 144:10 [Music] 144:12 there's the civil war 144:14 something something good job she's 144:16 pretty something something 144:21 uh 144:22 i was the year the civil war ended 144:26 the it was when american bred the east 144:30 and west 144:31 fought each other 144:33 and then abraham lincoln said stop 144:36 and they stopped 144:39 it was about women's right to vote 144:44 i bruv that's really funny but now 144:47 listen here 144:50 why isn't mommy helen a vip yet she more 144:53 than deserves it 144:54 hashtag vic mommy helen 144:57 huh 145:01 sorry 145:02 sorry i'm like i'm like this close to 145:06 crying 145:08 because of the fight i was 145:13 just really trying to keep a straight 145:15 face holy [ __ ] 145:17 i don't know why helen's not vip yet her 145:19 one's great i am just so [ __ ] tired 145:25 oh you just got a hashtag that's a good 145:27 idea 145:28 huh 145:30 cheese 145:31 cheese 145:33 cheese 145:34 i want some cheese i have cheese but i 145:36 just i can't eat it 145:38 i'm losing weight bro my diet don't 145:40 allow it 145:41 [Music] 145:43 i'm trying to be healthy 145:45 no rose it was a prime number d 145:49 ah well so shows 145:51 seven 145:52 so is one 145:55 you know 145:57 nothing special about them there's tons 145:58 of them 146:00 [Music] 146:03 tree 50. 146:07 nice 146:08 350 146:11 like that rapper 146:14 350 cents 146:18 it's actually a 146:20 group of rappers 146:22 there's three of them thanks helen 146:25 you really you're trying to buy your way 146:26 into being uh into being viped aren't 146:29 you helen and it's 146:32 working congratulations to the new vip 146:35 helen 146:36 helencroft 146:39 well done 146:41 it worked surprisingly well 146:45 i didn't talk to you amazon boy this pee 146:48 in the shower that just pee on my face 146:51 mommy 146:52 also i made a paypal just for this 146:55 also also sweet princess baby girl 146:59 thanks joe biden for your kind words 147:01 i think that people don't pee in the 147:03 sink 147:04 purely 147:06 because they're pissed off they 147:08 are too short to reach it 147:19 oh damn 147:25 hey by the way it says that like 147:30 what's it called 147:34 anyway it says that my twitch is 147:35 actually integrated thanks for the five 147:37 good tips kevin kev kevin kevlar chicken 147:40 what the [ __ ] 147:41 train is here maybe soon p.s i hope you 147:44 have a good day 147:46 seriously use your toilet 147:48 is that what that big [ __ ] balls for 147:51 is that where you're supposed to piss 147:54 i've been doing that like maybe 40 of 147:57 the time 148:00 the rest of my piss 148:03 i don't know usually i just put it in 148:05 bottles and drawers just keep it around 148:07 the house 148:09 might come in useful someday i've heard 148:11 that it's technically sterile so you can 148:12 just drink it again 148:14 what if the what if the [ __ ] water 148:15 supply gets shut off you're gonna be all 148:17 crying to me but i don't care knock on 148:20 my door to get some of my piss you're 148:22 not gonna get any 148:24 the reason why people don't pee in the 148:26 shower or sink is that they know what 148:28 these are for d 148:31 you wait till [ __ ] 148:33 uh 148:34 the government decides to shut off the 148:35 water supply ain't gonna be getting any 148:37 of my piss no no no 148:39 how do you reach the sink though since 148:41 you are only five foot six 148:44 what dude the fact that i'm five foot 148:46 eight is 148:48 five foot nine oh damn the fact that i'm 148:51 five foot nine 148:53 is a bigger insult you can you can make 148:56 up the [ __ ] you can make up numbers 148:58 all you like but five foot nine still 149:00 worse the truth shut up i'm five foot 149:03 nine and a half i'm five or ten but all 149:06 my dude i can't even keep up thank you 149:08 demo for the 10 gifted subs and thank 149:10 you 149:11 oh my god 149:12 thank you uh thank you foxy for the uh 149:15 for the five good subs this is very nice 149:17 of you 149:17 edit the wiki no if i google finns to 149:20 high is it still five foot eleven 149:26 it is it is 149:29 it's still i'm still canonically five 149:31 foot eleven so 149:36 get [ __ ] 149:37 i'm five foot 149:39 eleven 149:41 and that's correct 149:43 and that's on and that's on um 149:46 something 149:48 anyway guys 24k 149:51 oh i see someone voted that you're gonna 149:53 that you're gonna get it ah he's trying 149:56 listen i'm gonna stream for the next 149:58 half an hour 150:00 um 150:01 i'm gonna shoot for the next half an 150:03 hour 150:04 i will be ending the stream after half 150:06 an hour 150:07 that's i'm just warning you if you want 150:10 to hit 24k you can hit 24k there was a 150:12 vote on it i'm not doing it any longer 150:14 than that though the three hour stream 150:16 markets going bye bye 150:19 but why because i find it funny 150:24 i'm six foot ten and going through a 150:26 gender crisis 150:27 there's no way you're six foot ten 150:32 they don't build them that tall dude 150:34 there's no way 150:38 that's cool as [ __ ] is that true 150:41 dude i that's cool as hell if it's true 150:43 i don't think it is but like god damn if 150:46 it was how tall shaq 150:50 and i would do that six foot nine 150:52 whoo 150:55 that's all shaq 150:59 seven foot four good to know let me see 151:03 shaq he's seven foot two 151:08 lied to me wait no 151:24 does google know what the [ __ ] is going 151:26 on 151:27 okay 151:32 uh 151:33 seven foot exactly he is holy [ __ ] or 151:35 seven foot one 151:38 i put 20 000 channel points on yes 151:44 okay 151:46 interesting 151:47 we will see how it works so you've got 151:48 half an hour i can confirm people get 151:50 tall i'm seve six foot seven and trans 151:53 damn 151:54 it's [ __ ] crazy 151:56 i mean 151:58 god damn 152:00 i feel so bad for you buying airplane 152:02 tickets 152:04 oh 152:05 i'm i'm tall for me holy [ __ ] thank you 152:08 my bank account sucks but i believe we 152:10 can get 24k chat simp together strong 152:17 i disagree it's gonna be fun watching 152:19 the people that voted no one voted yes 152:21 like figure out what they're doing this 152:23 in this one but um by the way 152:27 the uh 152:28 holy [ __ ] i'm just realizing on an 152:29 airplane right i i used to be really 152:31 annoyed that like they do not build 152:33 airplane seats for people of like my 152:35 height 152:36 but i'm like i i've recently learned 152:38 that i am average height 152:41 they aren't dude why is there not enough 152:43 leg room for literally just average 152:46 people 152:47 that's insane to me 152:50 like i am average like five foot nine 152:52 dude five foot ten five foot nine it's 152:54 average height right 152:56 but like why like i can't just get like 152:58 the cheapest uh airplane seat because 153:01 there's just straight up not enough leg 153:02 room like my my knees just will hurt 153:05 badly by the end of the flight so i have 153:07 to get like the economy plus the extra 153:09 like one inch of leg room they give you 153:12 just to be like not touching the seat 153:14 using mechanics and if they lean back 153:16 it's immediately garbage as well 153:18 but like that oh dude that's annoying 153:20 it's in the emergency window bro i did 153:22 do that actually that's what i do from 153:24 now on if i didn't want to pile up for a 153:25 flight that's what we did for marbella 153:27 when we came back 153:29 sat in the [ __ ] uh emergency row 153:34 stop sitting in the lap of your seat 153:35 mate 153:37 that's so comfy 153:38 uh 153:40 what 153:45 stop flying air amputee you mean ryanair 153:48 oh dude ryanair is like 153:50 a bus ryanair is like a bus but in the 153:53 sky like a british bus like not a good 153:56 like a bat 153:57 like oh 153:59 it there's you can't like there's no 154:00 electricity like it's so bad 154:03 i'm six feet 10 inches ryanair is 154:06 genuinely issues and only six or 14 154:08 all whilst not being able to find any 154:11 fem ship that fits me yay 154:15 yeah that's rough 154:18 like you are above average personality 154:21 wise 154:22 thank you i'm like 154:24 i'm not quite in the same boat i can 154:26 find like 154:28 dude everything that fits me is like 154:30 women's large and uh 154:33 dude if it's shoe size 154:35 no women's shoe fits me the only thing 154:36 that fits me is like cross dresser [ __ ] 154:38 that's like oh his this is for drag 154:40 queens so there's no like women's stuff 154:42 that does actually fit my like feet i 154:44 guess because i'm size 11 which is on 154:47 the large side of guys guys feet because 154:50 you know 154:52 what can i say 154:58 you know what they say about guys with a 154:59 big d i mean guys with big feet 155:06 hard to find heels that fit really 155:07 [ __ ] hard to find heels that fit 155:09 actually 155:10 god 155:11 it sucks 155:12 anyway 155:13 but like 155:14 all all my heels are like 155:16 ludicrous because of that reason i have 155:18 no idea what it's going to be like for 155:20 size 17. 155:23 is this like 17 nails there might be 155:30 oh wow 155:32 i just got look i looked on ah 155:34 [Music] 155:35 i got a twitter comment 155:37 the just i got a twitter comment i don't 155:40 want to 155:41 leak them but it said you should stop 155:43 with the freckles you look better 155:44 without them 155:48 i don't have freckles on right now 155:51 i don't actually know if any of you guys 155:52 noticed so i don't have freckles on 155:54 right now 155:56 compare 155:58 i look the lighting is so [ __ ] 156:00 different 156:01 compare 156:03 no freckles i don't know 156:06 so this is a downgrade or an upgrade who 156:08 knows 156:10 i personally like the freckles i just 156:12 literally forgot today and i didn't 156:14 realize until right now 156:16 i zoomed in on my face because of that 156:18 comment i was like 156:19 have they faded off i thought my makeup 156:22 looked different today i didn't know 156:23 what it was and i just didn't do that oh 156:25 my god 156:26 but 156:27 hmm 156:29 i don't know 156:34 what happened yeah that thing right 156:37 there you got that you got that boy 156:39 don't know what that is my beauty mark 156:42 now i've seen it and i can't unsee it 156:43 holy [ __ ] freckles makes you extra cute 156:46 thank you 156:48 i try i when i did them they worked 156:50 really well and i like i've done i've 156:52 done them ever since i tried them for 156:53 the first time but like 156:56 ho-hum 156:59 hmm 157:07 so my tweets are good and they don't get 157:09 likes which is upsetting to me 157:11 like it's a good tweet 157:14 this is a very good tweet actually 157:17 i'm gonna piss in the sink and none of 157:18 you are powerful enough to stop me 157:20 that's a great tweet seven thousand 157:22 likes that's upsetting to me it's a 157:24 great tweet 157:25 out i got work tomorrow also you're 157:27 shorter than my mama 157:32 well i'm taller than my mom so ghost go 157:35 go i 157:39 don't like that person 157:41 i wanna ah [ __ ] i'm this close to just 157:44 ordering some food because i am 157:46 like 157:51 i just want butter chicken dude 157:54 i feel like i'm genuinely the i i didn't 157:56 quite prepare i didn't quite 157:59 lay out how how annoyed i am about that 158:02 that i managed to not make that [ __ ] 158:05 butter chicken dude 158:06 i'm really annoyed by it 158:09 like 158:10 it has affected me a lot more than i 158:12 than i let on i think 158:14 because my god 158:20 is this place open 158:23 it's not 158:29 i'm upset by it i can't find any either 158:32 butter chicken aren't you vegan i'm 158:34 vegetarian but the sauce is doable and 158:36 makeable the only thing is i've had it 158:38 once that's vegetarian 158:40 the best [ __ ] thing ever it's so good 158:43 i i i'm really annoyed that that was 158:45 kept for me my entire life 158:47 um but i had the sauce the sauce is 158:49 great really [ __ ] unhealthy i'm 158:51 guessing but i can't find it 158:53 order food and accept the delivery with 158:55 your tiara on of course 158:58 you kidding me 158:59 oh dude i spent the entire day dressed 159:01 exactly how i was last stream like all i 159:03 i didn't get changed at all i didn't 159:04 take the makeup off i didn't do anything 159:06 like that i just stayed in it all until 159:08 i like went to sleep that day beige food 159:11 so much 159:13 quite a 159:14 british crave beige foods have you ever 159:17 seen uh butter chicken it's like orange 159:20 what do you mean 159:23 since beige checking out twitter check 159:25 out a telepath turtle some cute gifts 159:28 no 159:30 no 159:32 ah now 159:35 like the [ __ ] commenting thing it was 159:37 like are you a boy 159:38 and then someone uh star gamer thanks 159:40 buddy yes she is a boy by birth but her 159:44 clothes are locked up 159:46 what a [ __ ] sentence if you have no 159:47 idea what my streams are like holy [ __ ] 159:50 corn vegan is belgium rose 159:53 why 159:54 i dude i'm so [ __ ] tired maybe i need 159:56 like 159:58 oh 160:00 maybe i need some 160:01 caffeine but it's like 11. 160:05 oh 160:10 okay no that 160:12 let me look up on 160:13 what's it called if i can get butter 160:15 chicken sauce delivered to me because 160:17 now i'm just craving it and i don't 160:19 think i'm gonna be able to get by today 160:21 i don't think i'm gonna i don't think 160:22 i'm gonna i don't think i'm gonna uh 160:25 i don't think i'm gonna get by without 160:26 this 160:29 because i tried to make it and i tried 160:30 to make a big part of it i sacrificed 160:32 like two cans of chopped tomatoes for 160:35 this 160:37 it was bad call that one pl place near 160:39 the thing what does that even mean 160:50 it's not for sale dude 160:56 i'm peeved 160:57 i'm real upset okay i can't grab there's 161:00 no there's nowhere that stocks are near 161:01 me i have to buy it on amazon this sucks 161:06 need some real chicken no 161:08 i'm gonna make it with goddamn 161:10 corn because it's good resist the 161:12 temptation 161:14 temptation but i want it but i want it 161:17 real bad 161:18 just by the source in tesco pesco closed 161:21 right now bro 161:22 it's 11 p.m tesco [ __ ] closed 161:28 anyway 161:32 i know what you're gonna say yep 161:36 don't order food are you not on a diet 161:39 i want it though 161:42 i want it though 161:46 i want it though 161:51 a finn you've got a face for radio and a 161:54 voice for print 161:55 meanwhile rose over here has a voice for 161:57 radio and a face for video 162:00 rose evergreen is your ultimate form and 162:03 i am so down with that thank you 162:05 [Music] 162:07 do a cooking stream you'd hate that i 162:09 would hate that together strong 162:14 or if there is a tesco near me [ __ ] 162:17 what thanks for the fifty dollars why 162:18 what the [ __ ] 162:19 i dude the people that are trying to get 162:21 this to 24k after before the stream ends 162:24 there's less than 20 minutes remaining 162:26 now 162:28 okay i'm gonna go on 162:30 where's the tesco near me 162:33 oh there's one that closed in 15 minutes 162:35 and that's it 162:37 so 162:39 ain't ain't nothing close to me 162:40 apparently 162:43 how is there only two tescos in all of 162:44 birmingham what the [ __ ] 162:50 okay what about this one 162:54 11 p.m bro it's going to close holy [ __ ] 162:58 yeah they're all closed at 11. it ain't 163:01 gonna happen 163:03 find the strength for your diet 163:06 i want this thing though i want this 163:09 thing though 163:10 oh my god yeah the only there's only 163:12 like 163:13 [ __ ] oh my god three miles away that 163:16 there's a small one petrol station well 163:19 we would love the stream you can still 163:21 hate the food you cook if you want 163:24 oh it's so it was so awful when i did 163:27 deliver or get tescos for you no they 163:29 won't um too far away um 163:33 look for 24 hours did there's one three 163:35 miles away from me and i don't want to 163:37 go that far in this 163:41 wearing this 163:42 just hop on over to tesco it's just you 163:45 know 163:46 11 p.m at night wearing this [ __ ] you'll 163:49 it'll be fine going to tesco's without 163:52 chat for shame 163:54 it'll be fine 163:56 anyway 164:00 maybe when i get a i'll get a bbl and 164:03 i'll look great in in uh dresses like 164:06 this then i'll go to tesco's at [ __ ] 164:07 11 p.m at night i'm sure it'd be very 164:09 safe 164:10 i'm so [ __ ] tired i need to start 164:12 like getting up later 164:17 because i have no energy at all 164:19 oh my god 164:22 i feel like i know what the hell on a 164:24 real thing i feel like the last this 164:26 stream and the live stream have been a 164:27 bit like for me i'm not sure whether 164:29 i've just been like in my opinion i've 164:31 been a little bit less entertaining 164:33 um 164:34 but i don't know i think it's just kind 164:35 of tireder than usual holy [ __ ] 164:41 first cocoon stream you did awesome fun 164:43 the second one was scuffed as [ __ ] 164:44 replicate the first one was the first 164:46 one when i did the the burrito because 164:48 that was nice i did really well with 164:50 that one i remember that 164:53 get more rest true i should 164:56 uh that time of the month maybe 165:02 did you get the facts oh bro did you 165:04 ever get vaccinated 165:07 i missed my vaccine it was today i 165:10 missed my second dose 165:13 i forgot about it and i've got to book 165:15 it now i've got to do it tomorrow 165:17 but like i forgot about it today i'm an 165:19 idiot 165:20 um so i'm going to get it tomorrow 165:23 ugh 165:25 i know that was stupid himbo dude i you 165:28 complete idiot okay well i woke i woke 165:30 up like fine and then i was on the phone 165:32 to my sister and i was like i've got a 165:34 weirdly free day today i wonder why i 165:36 didn't schedule anything dude in my 165:38 hometown even their pizza delivery 165:40 closes at 10 pm supermarkets are closed 165:42 at 9 to 9 30. 165:45 yeah same thing with me 165:46 i'm in the second biggest city in in 165:48 [ __ ] in the uk and it 165:50 there's nothing near me open after 10. 165:52 have you had anyone hit on you while 165:54 it's been girl month if so what was 165:56 their reaction when they found out you 165:58 weren't a girl no there's only been one 166:00 time which has been like a catcall thing 166:02 but like no no one's ever 166:05 nothing that's ever really happened 166:07 you are such a gremlin but you look good 166:10 also most people like it 166:13 no one ever like what's it called like i 166:15 maybe it's just an american thing but 166:17 like 166:19 just talks to random people in the 166:21 street who does that number no one does 166:23 that in the uk i feel like no one just 166:25 like approaches people 166:27 right 166:29 it's been very few times where like i've 166:30 ever spoken to a stranger while out in 166:32 public 166:33 that you didn't need to 166:36 right homeless people yeah sure but like 166:40 we're just not really like super 166:42 conversational i guess anyone drunk yeah 166:46 maybe it's an american thing americans 166:47 being overly friendly yeah i mean oh my 166:50 god when i went to when to when i went 166:52 to vid holy [ __ ] my sentence when i went 166:54 to vidcon they're like 166:56 the the number one like culture shock 166:58 was like talking to cashiers 167:01 like they asked me questions 167:03 and it was so [ __ ] weird because they 167:05 were being so nice and i got back and i 167:07 remember streaming and telling everyone 167:08 like holy [ __ ] they're really nice over 167:10 there in in la and people going like l.a 167:13 my god those people never talk to you 167:15 they're all uppity [ __ ] like they're 167:17 all they're all egocentric no one no one 167:20 there's no everyone hates people in l.a 167:21 i was like my god dude they're so 167:23 [ __ ] nice like compared to british 167:26 people 167:27 la is like 167:29 la la people are way more friendly than 167:31 british people 167:33 it like it's a culture shock thing 167:36 um so i've i've never been to like a um 167:39 like a um 167:41 what's it called maybe a southern state 167:42 people say they're really nice sudden 167:44 hospitality all that 167:45 i maybe i do want to go to texas and see 167:47 like what people are like i've heard 167:49 from everyone in new york that new york 167:51 is probably like the most similar in 167:54 like 167:55 everything to the uk just people in 167:58 general and also uh what's it called 168:00 weather like if you i don't get 168:03 i feel like if you're gonna go from the 168:05 uk to anywhere 168:09 24k 168:16 hi 168:22 what the [ __ ] 168:25 thank you for the 300 168:29 what the hell 168:31 sag nasty slim 168:35 thank you for the three hundred dollars 168:36 pog 168:37 that was real nice of you 168:40 that you're 168:41 you're newer hello how many people lost 168:45 holy [ __ ] 168:46 it was a million points on that are 168:48 still another hundred thousand people 168:50 lost okay we're not doing another one by 168:52 the way we're not doing a 25k one 168:54 because dude 168:55 i want to go eat some cheese i'm gonna 168:57 figure out something to make i may do it 169:00 guess what 169:01 i may bread today holy [ __ ] 169:04 i may have a piece of toast 169:06 i don't need bread i don't actually have 169:08 any bread in the house 169:11 oh 169:12 actually i do have a calorie deficit of 169:15 like 700 right now 169:16 i need to fill 700 calories i can order 169:19 like a giant pack of crisps for that 169:20 [ __ ] yeah 169:22 i'm gonna order 169:23 some pringles and then lose weight 169:25 because i'm [ __ ] cool as hell 169:27 anyway 169:30 i'm gonna uh i'm gonna go to sleep i'm 169:32 gonna have my like 169:34 i'm gonna have my uh 169:36 packet of crisps from a random delivery 169:37 place 169:39 uh and then go to [ __ ] to sleep 169:43 congratulations for your million points 169:45 that you guys won 169:47 bread bread yeast 169:49 what the what are you the [ __ ] 169:52 i can be anything you want to be i can 169:54 be anything you want me to be i'm tired 169:55 as hell holy [ __ ] 169:57 okay 169:58 ah 169:59 by the way can i do a quick thing before 170:01 i go i wanna i want you to uh twitch 170:03 integration's still broken i'm aware 170:06 right i want you to answer me something 170:08 so out of everything out of all the uh 170:11 hair that you've seen there's a hair 170:12 question 170:14 do you prefer 170:15 the lung care 170:18 over what it used to be 170:20 because honestly 170:23 i kind of do 170:25 in my opinion i like the long hair more 170:28 i have not had to shower with it so i 170:30 don't know 170:32 anyway 170:33 [Music] 170:34 let me uh i'm gonna do a poll because 170:36 i'm gonna do three options don't do it 170:38 mods i'm gonna do it 170:47 okay 170:49 i'm gonna do 170:51 what the [ __ ] 170:53 service error there we go that worked 170:55 again go shower with it and then decide 170:58 good idea 171:00 long hair mine's longer though ah dude 171:03 i like this one 171:04 okay let's see vote on the pole chat the 171:06 longer hair is quite like 171:08 i feel like i can do more with it you 171:10 know the uh the one from before the old 171:13 hair extensions weren't that long they'd 171:15 only get like down to like there 171:17 so having the extra little bit of length 171:19 kind of gives a little something to it i 171:21 don't know 171:34 i'm appreciating the princess crown to 171:35 be honest 171:37 all right 171:39 i wanted to see what you guys think 171:40 about it also you can do more with it 171:42 i'm not sure when my when my natural 171:44 hair gets like a lot longer maybe i'll 171:46 be doing this a similar sort of thing so 171:48 right now right 171:50 my natural hair is like here 171:54 so it needs to gain like twice the 171:56 length at this length i need to be 171:57 growing my hair like things 172:00 proceeds to wear the same hairstyle 172:02 every stream damn 172:04 right buddy 172:05 but maybe i'll maybe i'll come into a 172:07 stream like this one day have like a 172:09 messy bun 172:11 but like it's most comfortable like this 172:13 like 172:14 this is 172:16 you've okay you did see what my hair 172:18 looked like this is what i look like off 172:20 camera all the time look 172:26 oh [ __ ] hold on let me revert back to 172:30 manly man look 172:32 this is as soon as i get off stream 172:38 look at my like [ __ ] acuteness of 172:40 this that i can do this so quickly and 172:42 well 172:44 welcome to like me off stream all the 172:46 time 172:49 brothers biceps 172:57 not bad karen yeah 173:01 but like this is our stream all the time 173:04 i don't get why like i don't get why 173:05 people like ponytails i think it looks 173:07 shitty as hell but like cool 173:10 not on me anymore instagram post or scam 173:12 scam scam scam scam scam scam scam you 173:15 won't get an instagram post i can't be 173:17 bothered 173:19 because it's just like this doesn't look 173:21 good compared 173:23 like the only the only way the ponytails 173:25 look good is when i do this with it and 173:27 it's only because it mimics how my hair 173:29 would look and it still doesn't look 173:30 good i don't know keeps hair off neck oh 173:32 yeah no it's like the most comfortable 173:34 thing don't get me wrong but like this 173:37 is my hair off stream all the time 173:39 girl question mark question mark man 173:40 question my question mark who knows 173:43 with hips like these 173:45 who knows 173:47 i could be any 173:53 oh yeah wait where that hat what the 173:55 [ __ ] 173:56 oh dude that and like ow [ __ ] 174:00 i there's again another questionable 174:02 thing that i don't get about chat is 174:04 that i for some reason you guys don't 174:06 like me in hats i look [ __ ] good in 174:09 hats look hold on in a cap anyway look 174:12 at this [ __ ] 174:15 look how good i look 174:19 rose just forgot how to login into 174:21 instagram 174:24 i look so [ __ ] good in hats dude 174:27 this shit's like 174:29 this is my peak dude 174:31 wrong cap i don't care it looks so good 174:34 rose got the wife look already down 174:38 i look great in hats you guys don't know 174:40 [ __ ] 174:42 no 174:44 the cap it looks like sexy chap you guys 174:46 have 174:47 bad opinions 174:49 first times donating to a streamer 174:51 you're my favorite 174:58 great 175:00 looks so good in hats dude i know you 175:02 are i look good out of hands too but 175:04 still 175:05 not cute very cute 175:07 it's so i i look great in them 175:10 okay we've got to decide what the rules 175:12 violations are going to be because 175:13 you're obviously enough wow okay 175:18 i'm aware tennis coach [ __ ] damn right 175:22 punishment for bad hat it's a good dude 175:24 that's what i mean i don't get how you 175:26 guys don't think i look good in hats and 175:28 i don't get me wrong you guys are in the 175:30 majority not the minority because i 175:32 remember i posted something on instagram 175:34 in which case i thought i looked great 175:37 well let me show i i bet you i can get 175:38 the photo up bottom 175:40 insta 175:42 cap [ __ ] 175:47 images 175:48 look i look what about a cosplay of a 175:51 world war ii women's air corp 175:54 maybe 175:55 oh i look [ __ ] great here i look good 175:58 in this picture this is shit's unedited 176:01 just a picture from the stream i look 176:03 great here right 176:07 no 176:07 one of my less liked posts it's a good 176:10 [ __ ] look too [ __ ] stream i look 176:13 great in that photo 176:16 i don't know 176:19 anyway 176:21 uh 176:24 it's interesting finding the ones that 176:26 you guys think that uh are the best ones 176:29 versus the ones that you don't like oh 176:32 here's another one for instance 176:33 uh this one was another one of those 176:35 ones that's like less liked even though 176:38 i think i look great there um let me see 176:44 but then uh 176:45 dress too big went well maybe because 176:47 it's kind of just funny 176:49 uh what else chat i like the hat 176:53 i like that too 176:54 i'm trying to think i'm trying to think 176:56 of one that i that went way better than 176:58 i thought it would 176:59 like a look that you guys liked more 177:01 than i did 177:02 uh 177:08 same thing here this is in my opinion 177:10 the best i've ever looked 177:13 like 177:14 this is my this is the best i've ever 177:16 looked this is great 177:17 um but 177:19 one of the less length ones 177:21 i think the red dress one was maybe like 177:25 i like this less than you did 177:27 but i don't know 177:32 uh 177:36 oh the wedding dress actually okay 177:39 definitely the wedding dress was 177:41 definitely one of those ones that i 177:43 thought was a lot 177:45 like 177:47 i i mean don't get me wrong i thought it 177:48 was great but like 177:50 i thought that this one was gonna be a 177:52 lot 177:54 worse received than it was this one was 177:56 a [ __ ] banger of a tweet everyone 177:59 liked this one i always hear comments 178:00 about it but like 178:03 this one was not my favorite one weirdly 178:05 enough so i don't know 178:08 i had to think about there's some stuff 178:09 that i don't know 178:11 i i haven't quite narrowed down your 178:13 guys's tastes yet i'm not sure 178:18 when is the po box opening 178:22 next stream that's a good idea actually 178:24 for the next stream i'll do that next 178:25 stream there's not a ton of stuff but 178:27 there is some stuff wedding dress won't 178:28 look great it does look good but 50 000 178:30 likes 178:33 well i can explain why you like the hat 178:35 pictures so much you look more like a 178:38 guy in those 178:40 tldr you just like manly men the more 178:43 manly the better 178:45 i don't know if i'd wifed up rose there 178:47 are enough takers 178:49 i don't know if i i just think i look 178:50 good in hats 178:52 like i didn't used to look good in hats 178:53 in my opinion i used to look really bad 178:55 in hats i but now i feel like i do 178:57 whitley with the long hair i feel like 178:59 it looks better in hats with long hair 179:02 like when you have really short hair 179:04 when you wear a cap you kind of look 179:05 bold when you 179:08 but like yeah i don't know that's just 179:10 kind of like 179:11 just so [ __ ] good i don't know 179:14 oh we're one minute off all right boys 179:16 i'm i'm ending the stream in 40 seconds 179:20 beanie over hats for me good point hold 179:22 on do i have a picture of me in a beanie 179:29 yeah i've looked good in being i've okay 179:30 i've worn a beanie a lot 179:34 i've worn a beanie a lot 179:36 and don't go wrong i am into it people 179:37 don't like like the red hair either 179:39 what the [ __ ] is this um 179:50 but yeah i do i do wear beanies quite a 179:52 bit or at least i used to i haven't worn 179:54 them in quite a while though 179:57 but like compared right this one versus 179:59 like this one i think the cap looks 180:00 better anyway boys it's been a fun 180:03 stream it's been three hours 180:06 i will see you in the next one boys i 180:08 wanna i think i look better in caps but 180:11 maybe i'll do a beanie stream next time 180:13 who knows or a beanie for the next 180:15 stream i'll figure out some luck to wear 180:18 and wear a beanie for it anyway boys 180:20 it's been fun when's next stream 180:22 tomorrow 180:23 stream next tomorrow i will be opening 180:25 po boxes maybe i'll even be vaccinated 180:27 by then 180:28 volley vaccinated hell yeah i'll be able 180:30 to cough 180:31 and be 180:32 finally 180:33 finally random people can cough into my 180:34 mouth again i've been waiting for that 180:36 it's been one of the biggest things i've 180:37 missed since covert and now i can start 180:38 doing it again anyway i'll see you boys 180:40 peace 180:43 still can't [ __ ] wink though god damn