00:12 [Music] 00:20 [Music] 00:27 [Music] 01:16 my god 01:17 it started playing my own video that was 01:20 terrifying i don't know why the [ __ ] 01:21 i was looking at crab rave and then it 01:23 auto played to my video why am i in like 01:26 crab rave recommend 01:28 okay anyway hello it me 01:31 it me your boy it me your boy girl you 01:34 you it me 01:35 it me i am me what's up 01:41 hold on i'm brushing my hair 01:42 concurrently but hello 01:44 i'm not late i promise you i'm not late 01:47 is this really live yes it's really live 01:49 god 01:49 it's not late how dare you i 01:53 i usually start i i'd start at nine i 01:55 was supposed to wake up at 3 p.m and i'd 01:57 have done all my makeup and everything 01:59 like that 02:00 it's all gonna be great and then for 02:02 [ __ ] sake 02:03 i just i woke up and i was like oh man i 02:06 guess i woke up before my alarm 02:08 because i didn't wake up when my alarm 02:10 went off and i go hey what alexa what's 02:12 the time 02:13 and this son of a [ __ ] says it was like 02:16 6 02:16 45 and i had to shower and anyway 02:19 what's up man mans was pooping as usual 02:24 um let's listen to 02:27 some solid what's a good what's a good 02:28 crab rave song what's a good meme 02:30 song what's a good meme song i wanna 02:35 i'm not late shut up what's a good meme 02:37 song you got like another whole minute 02:39 crap 02:40 i already played crap fine 02:45 god damn it 03:07 [Music] 04:00 i am brushing my hair you gremlins you 04:03 listen gremlins don't let me keep 04:05 playing like 04:06 rick roll the megalovania songs i'll do 04:08 it if i want to 04:10 anyway hey boys uh i i haven't done any 04:13 more makeup yet so we're gonna be 04:14 speeder and absolute 04:16 speed run master of a uh thing but 04:20 also i don't know how listen the 04:21 outfit's a bit of a 04:23 uh maybe okay look let me show you ready 04:26 to see me 04:26 are you ready to see my gremlin self 04:30 i'll be one of you ready 04:33 okay now boom in me gremlin 04:36 hours but yeah i just had a shower 04:40 we're very pink today though very very 04:42 pink uh i haven't done any makeup which 04:44 is 04:44 a little bit weird which is yeah anyway 04:47 we're gonna be trying to 04:48 do that because i pretty much woke up 04:50 like two hours ago and i feel like 04:52 gremlin good anyway oh you're hot not 04:56 yet 04:56 but soon but soon i have been 05:00 uh i've had a terrible uh diet recently 05:03 so this is gonna aim to set me like 05:06 normal i'm just gonna eat healthily 05:08 today because yesterday [ __ ] 05:10 me last two days has been awful anyway 05:14 i can see the glow the what the glow 05:18 what do you mean the glow of the me 05:20 being just shiny today 05:23 yeah this is like i i tried tried 05:26 real hard to straighten my hair 05:30 it's not the worst it's never been it's 05:33 it's it's okay 05:36 it is not the worst it's pretty good to 05:39 go baby 05:40 oh god and then we have a 05:45 yeah baby let's go all right oh my god 05:49 did you finally clean up the nuggets yes 05:52 but there's a new thing replacing it 05:53 which is 05:54 arguably worse that was a different food 05:57 that i also ordered also 05:59 programmer sucks i've pulled them up all 06:01 the way up but programmer sucks baby 06:03 programmer sucks is it real hair yes not 06:06 my real hair but real hair 06:07 well i do own it right didn't we have 06:09 this argument i own the hair 06:12 okay anyway clean your room huh no 06:16 put the letters back 06:19 no where'd the tits come from what do 06:21 you put amazon 06:22 it's always amazon i always buy 06:24 everything for amazon 90 06:26 of my body is made up of jeff bezos's 06:28 cardboard boxes bro 06:30 everything about it okay eight months 06:33 tier three 06:34 now pog oh 06:37 soon to be nine months and then we have 06:39 a giant 06:41 wallet very cute even without makeup 06:44 i disagree but we're gonna fix that 06:49 i disagree but we will fix it 06:51 momentarily skippy dm me 06:58 weird champ i don't know one sec 07:03 [ __ ] i forgot to do that whoopsie yeah i 07:06 forgot to do something 07:07 that makes a lot of sense 07:10 oh holy [ __ ] thanks for the [ __ ] subs 07:12 all right why is it like does it feel 07:14 dark in here or is that just me 07:17 maybe i've just i don't know oh i'll 07:19 just do this definitely need to do 07:20 pigtails 07:21 you have too much faith in me that i can 07:24 do that 07:25 have i not demonstrated enough times 07:27 that i'm terrible at it 07:29 dude i could just wear those bunny ears 07:30 holy [ __ ] 07:34 where'd it cut off the first photo 07:35 message them hips though keeps reminding 07:37 me of 07:38 what the [ __ ] keeps reminding me of 07:40 hospital candy stripper 07:42 of the hospital 07:54 no well i mean i don't know 07:57 i don't know maybe i don't know 08:01 possibly maybe but also 08:04 yeah no the the [ __ ] everything does 08:06 make my waist my 08:07 my hips look pretty big pear midriff 08:10 shirt 08:11 ah x to doubt i guess 08:15 oh my god boob falling dude my 08:17 everything is falling apart bro hold on 08:21 i'm gonna try and like tighten the 08:22 straps on this so it stays up 08:25 okay this should be fine am i loosening 08:27 daddy like he says hi for nine months 08:30 now pog 08:31 yeah i can't do the straps of the back 08:32 of the change the straps at the back so 08:35 it's kind of like 08:36 a little bit goofy for now but that's 08:38 fine 08:39 that is absolutely fine can i not look 08:42 like a gremlin and also do makeup 08:44 no 08:47 i look so garbage today bro holy [ __ ] 08:51 oh my god why do i just look like [ __ ] 08:54 today 08:57 i'm just like oh it's because i'm like 08:59 just out of the shower and all that 09:01 oh no i haven't shaved oh no i haven't 09:03 shaved oh 09:05 [ __ ] oh no oh no 09:08 okay i'm not doing this dude i don't 09:10 know if you've ever tried to put on 09:11 makeup or if you're listen if you're a 09:13 guy 09:14 ah dude makeup went okay listen for 09:16 girls and [ __ ] 09:17 if you have like eyebrow hairs no one 09:19 can tell no it's about me 09:21 bro i don't want to [ __ ] do it we 09:23 didn't notice i 09:24 know it's just me it just i can feel it 09:27 dude 09:28 oh no i hate it i really do look you 09:30 can't tell 09:31 because my [ __ ] face isn't made for 09:36 looking extra cute today also two months 09:39 let's go 09:41 guys the compliments don't work when i 09:43 know it's a lie 09:44 okay shall i is this unshaven it is holy 09:47 [ __ ] 09:48 i'm gonna go shave i am gonna shave i'm 09:50 not gonna like 09:51 i'm not gonna not i'm gonna do it 09:53 because i'm not a gremlin but 09:55 you just need to be okay with put it 09:56 being put on hold for five minutes holy 09:58 [ __ ] 09:59 uh wait what's a good oh what's a good 10:02 some good elevator music to keep you on 10:04 hold for 10:05 wait my [ __ ] monitor's broken 10:09 back i just realized my monitor's not 10:12 plugged in 10:16 there we go did that break anything 10:18 hopefully not okay 10:20 shaving on stream no that's a that's 10:23 that's a very 10:24 uh personal process i did shave 10:26 everything i shaved everything else but 10:28 on my [ __ ] face how did i forget 10:29 about that 10:30 i was busy 10 months pog we theme we 10:32 theme it is 10:34 we shop theme if you guys know it 10:38 this [ __ ] perfect the great editor music 10:42 all right one sec 10:43 let me uh let me put you before stream 10:45 one sec oh i got an idea 10:50 change [ __ ] while you shave please also 10:51 it's just cutting everyone off 10:53 what other shirt do you want let's like 10:56 i don't think anything else would go 10:57 with it 10:58 it's like just a plain white women's 11:00 shirt but i don't know what else would 11:01 go with it what do you think the shirts 11:02 good 11:03 chat what do you think about the shirt i 11:04 gotta go do this what do you think about 11:06 the [ __ ] 11:06 keep the white [ __ ] i like the i like 11:08 the white the white ghost with it 11:10 if i yeah no shirt 11:14 my guy a man of taste a man of taste 11:16 [Music] 11:18 all right i might be late and very much 11:21 not sober but you're looking extra cute 11:24 today 11:24 don't worry i'm too sober anyway i'll be 11:27 back in a minute 11:30 before stream whoa that was so weird 11:34 hold on in fact you know what i'm gonna 11:35 do just for you guys 11:37 uh i'm gonna do a hold on 11:41 is it this yeah 11:44 okay wait can i just do that oh look at 11:46 that okay i i hooked up stream labs 11:50 let's go okay there we go you're 11:52 streamlined late and very much not sober 11:55 but 11:55 you're looking extra cute today hut 11:58 i'm not 12:08 yay 12:16 [Music] 12:59 [Music] 13:08 [Music] 14:00 [Music] 14:43 [Music] 14:52 [Music] 15:10 ee 15:13 [Music] 15:44 [Music] 15:52 e 15:55 [Music] 16:20 pp 16:27 [Music] 16:34 he 16:37 [Music] 16:43 [Music] 16:48 ee 16:57 nine months pog 17:19 [Music] 17:27 [Music] 17:33 amog us 17:45 [Music] 17:58 papa 18:19 [Music] 18:26 boy 18:28 [Music] 18:54 ee 19:05 [Music] 19:09 hey hi boys how are we doing uh i'm 19:12 doing great 19:13 nice to meet you uh my name is fenster 19:15 welcome to my stream i'm not late 19:17 uh my stream's been going on for um 19:20 around 10 seconds now uh my ears i you 19:24 know what i i don't care 19:26 um so here's what we're gonna be doing 19:29 the 19:29 new we're starting the stream again okay 19:30 we're starting stream again nothing 19:32 nothing has happened since 19:33 uh welcome to my stream you haven't seen 19:37 me yet you want to see what i'm wearing 19:38 it's very pink oh my god wow it's a 19:40 surprise holy [ __ ] 19:42 so face shaving uh dick big 19:46 um everything else good anyway so here's 19:49 what we're doing 19:50 programmer sucks on uh my camera is so 19:53 like dark 19:54 why alexa set office lights to 100 19:58 why are you so dark it is why are you 20:01 just so dark alexa 20:03 alexa please okay maybe this anyway 20:07 hi boys just ask me what you'd like me 20:10 to do 20:11 and i'll try my best alexa please be 20:13 quiet i don't want to talk to you 20:14 anymore 20:18 she's so uh she's she does exactly what 20:20 i say what would you call the 20:22 what would you call a poll by the way a 20:24 vote like why would you call that when 20:26 it was like 20:27 30 seconds from when the time was 20:30 the outfit's very cute my dude hell yeah 20:32 did you guys have fun without me 20:34 you guys seem like you're having a lot 20:35 of fun dirty shirt 20:37 it's not dirty it's got a little bit of 20:39 water on it like two drops of water 20:41 there 20:42 sorry anyway sorry about it 20:46 um give us all a hug no shirt dirty by 20:48 the way it ain't where's the dirt bro 20:50 you mean the water droplets 20:52 there's like twins just go ahead and get 20:55 laser hair removal you would not have to 20:57 worry about 20:59 shaving anymore also doing my part 21:03 should i but should i not we'll do it 21:06 for a sub goal 21:07 i don't know what the sub goal is going 21:08 to be but we'll do it for the sub for a 21:10 sub goal at some point 21:14 but 21:17 thanks for boosting my confidence in 21:19 feminine clothes 21:20 i love your content hell yeah okay 21:24 so i'm going to show you how to do some 21:26 makeup penguin heart finn you look 21:28 beautiful today as always um 21:31 my confidence is not quite as high as it 21:33 usually is 21:35 because i have not i don't look all that 21:37 great but 21:38 it's soon to be absolutely just 21:42 incomprehensible i'm going to make you 21:44 feel bad about yourself 21:46 that's my goal today where's my [ __ ] 21:48 thing hey it's my favorite short egg 21:50 that can 21:51 grow facial hair i just did it looking 21:54 cute where's my thing i just did grow 21:56 facial hair literally just right then i 21:58 did it just for that 21:59 you wanna know something [ __ ] 22:00 terrifying hold on i gotta 22:03 you are not late now but that outfit 22:05 makes me want to make you one 22:10 what i'm not that means 22:13 okay listen listen buddy listen buckaroo 22:16 i can grow facial hair as proven is just 22:19 now i brew it on the spot 22:21 um but yeah no we're gonna try and do a 22:23 little bit of a makeup speedrun with 22:24 this 22:24 hopefully john alexa turn on the attic 22:28 lights 22:30 sorry i didn't find a device named no 22:33 attic lights apparently john 22:36 it's [ __ ] terrifying but okay i don't 22:38 have an i mean i do have an attic but 22:40 it's not done anything with it 22:42 oh okay listen how do you 22:50 hi finn my favorite fanboy buckaroo 23:08 can i show that 23:11 everything's going wrong i have a fix 23:14 give me a sec i have an idea 23:18 [Music] 23:21 so let's get this moved over the edge 23:23 boyos 23:24 doing my part thank you that makes up 23:28 for it entirely 23:30 [ __ ] sake how and why 23:33 my [ __ ] ah i had to have the one day 23:38 it would have happened at some point or 23:39 another it just happened today 23:42 yeah no i uh that's not making it any 23:45 better 23:46 holy [ __ ] i [ __ ] spilt 23:51 told parents my new name and started 23:53 presenting female full-time on thursday 23:57 thank you for being such a positive 23:59 influence and guide for me 24:01 oh yeah that's cool 24:05 my compliments to you and never lies 24:08 would i lie to you when have i ever lied 24:11 to a beautiful woman 24:16 i think you just lied what do you mean 24:19 i'm not a woman you just lied to me 24:20 again 24:21 god man you guys you guys is terrible 24:24 programmer sucks dude yeah there i've 24:26 got the program i'm in full effect right 24:28 now 24:29 you know what else i have that you guys 24:30 don't know about i bought something on 24:32 amazon 24:33 because it is exactly what i feel like 24:35 you guys would want with it if i ever 24:36 did like a really pink 24:37 thing look what i have i haven't even 24:39 opened it yet it's this 24:42 it's that same like remember that you 24:44 know the black uh 24:46 choker that's a bow and a bell on it 24:48 yeah i got one in pink 24:50 wow you know how cool is that 24:53 so that's what i've got now as well um 24:59 i've got all the things i feel like 25:00 you'd go really well with this 25:05 hold on one sec but i'm gonna quickly 25:07 i'm gonna quickly 25:08 uh [ __ ] around with my skirt a bit give 25:11 me a minute 25:14 i don't want to have to like yeah i 25:16 don't want to have to like 25:18 pull up my skirt while i'm doing this so 25:21 on 30 seconds 25:23 all right i'm good i'm good i'm going to 25:24 go i'm good okay 25:27 put it wait put one on oh the [ __ ] 25:28 collar where where is it there it is 25:30 i put it on the ground yeah this is not 25:32 coming off but look at this look at that 25:34 i can't i'm really trying but look at 25:35 that look at this [ __ ] mess that i've 25:37 made 25:37 god wear it i shout 25:41 at some point but not yet i'm gonna wear 25:42 it enough being late means not being 25:44 pregnant to be fixed 25:50 i don't know what that donation means i 25:53 mean i guess like 25:54 i'm not pregnant solid okay 25:57 now i'll probably do this without 25:59 dropping it again if i drop this again 26:01 holy [ __ ] okay 26:07 no emo fin today happy finn no pp slips 26:10 today 26:11 oh my god no pp slips hopefully but then 26:14 again i am wearing 26:14 dude ever since then i've been taking 26:17 like precautions like i'm now wearing 26:19 shorts under everything that i wear now 26:25 because my god 26:29 it's all fun and games when i'm wearing 26:31 underwear 26:32 but one day one day 26:35 one day i'll make a slip up that's a 26:37 little bit more dangerous 26:39 thanks for giving me the confidence to 26:41 wear cute feminine clothes about to go 26:43 to the 26:44 reopen the gym looking cute for the 26:46 first time 26:48 also doing my part oh yeah the gym buddy 26:51 i've never 26:52 i've been to a gym maybe four times in 26:55 my entire life 26:57 oh how fun they are 27:02 i did i get nervous going to a gym 27:04 anyway like [ __ ] i don't know what i'm 27:07 in all fairness is probably because i 27:08 don't know what i'm doing so all the 27:10 machines just look like alien creatures 27:11 to me 27:12 like none of them make any sense there's 27:14 that one machine 27:15 holy [ __ ] there's this one machine that 27:17 like you crunch your legs together and 27:18 it does something my bob holy [ __ ] my 27:21 bob is coming down 27:22 oh let me make him a bit more perky um 27:25 but yeah uh that [ __ ] almost killed me i 27:28 thought oh yeah i did i can push my legs 27:30 together no 27:30 turns out i can't holy [ __ ] it made me 27:33 feel like 27:34 there's a muscle that i don't even own 27:35 that that machine's for 27:39 all right i did not do enough there 27:44 this is rare 27:47 how short oh dude you mean not like 27:49 short shots like booty shots 27:51 like that's what i'm constantly wearing 27:53 under all of this 27:55 like i've got a pair of black pair i've 27:57 got a black pair and i've got one 27:58 right now that i'm wearing now which are 28:00 like just shorts like pajama shorts 28:02 they're like velvet ones so you know 28:05 still girls clothes but just you know 28:08 booty shorts right 28:09 most machines have instructions i don't 28:12 have to read 28:13 idiot dummy dummy little dum-dum doesn't 28:17 even know that i can't read 28:24 how likely is it wait is marie's gonna 28:26 take you to a gym in germany 28:28 marisa just like lifts me usually 28:32 like that's pretty much what it is oh 28:34 [ __ ] i got an idea i'm going to put on 28:35 some 28:36 of the weight i'm going to put on that 28:36 weird music i'm going to be tummy in it 28:39 hell yeah i am tommy in it now 28:43 pog champ okay too strong to read my 28:46 muscles are too big my brain 28:48 basically got uh my brain basically got 28:50 replaced by all of my bicep 28:53 but i do have a very big brain as well 28:56 one of the biggest actually i've been 28:57 told 29:02 oh this bit's always a pain in the ass 29:03 though 29:06 okay now this is where it gets fun 29:12 a pp slip that sounds awful where it's 29:15 not happened yet 29:16 but i'm waiting for the day 29:21 i'm waiting for the day dude 29:26 it's just i don't know it's just bound 29:28 to happen 29:31 if [ __ ] um if ludwig in all fairness 29:35 if ludwig can go a month and 29:38 not [ __ ] and not [ __ ] up 29:41 when he's live 24 7. i feel like i can 29:43 deal with not [ __ ] up 29:46 the average stream when i stream for 29:47 three hours like twice a week 29:50 i feel like i can manage not showing my 29:52 whole life and balls to the internet 29:59 ah thanks for the actually two months up 30:02 made chance dude i need a maid holy [ __ ] 30:05 oh my god can i tell you what was 30:06 terrifying can i tell you what was 30:08 absolutely terrifying that happened to 30:10 me 30:11 oh oh chad i'm turning off the wii music 30:14 for this [ __ ] oh my god 30:16 listen buddy i know where it is anyway 30:18 so 30:19 here's what happened right i was in vr i 30:21 was [ __ ] around in vr 30:23 as i as i frequently do mans be dope 30:26 man's be messing around in vr 30:28 i always mess around with vr it's fun i 30:30 really enjoy it um i was playing like 30:32 blade and sorcery 30:33 after hopping and i uh after hopping 30:35 onto vr chat with some friends just 30:37 talking and i was like okay i'm gonna go 30:38 to bed play blade sorcery 30:40 and the thing is with vr there's 30:42 constantly [ __ ] happening around you 30:43 like 30:44 a wind blowing or something you just 30:45 kind of realize like okay that's 30:47 happening in real life 30:48 it doesn't really take you out of it too 30:50 badly but it is a thing 30:52 and sometimes you know you can feel the 30:54 cable on your leg and [ __ ] and i was 30:55 like oh god this [ __ ] cable is like 30:57 tickling the back of my leg 30:59 it's like it's so [ __ ] annoying and 31:02 then like i moved around 31:04 and then i was like god it's god this 31:05 [ __ ] thing and i hadn't 31:07 i'm i wasn't moving much but i could 31:08 feel the cable moving it like brushed up 31:10 against my foot 31:11 and i was like oh this is [ __ ] 31:12 dreadful so i was like i oh 31:15 i took the headphones off to move the 31:16 cable 31:19 whole ass spider on my god 31:22 damn foot bro on my foot 31:26 in vr in vr bro 31:32 i haven't been in vr in three days holy 31:34 [ __ ] it was 31:35 [ __ ] terrifying i can see its dead 31:38 lifeless body there because i 31:39 mur i promptly murdered it i cried i 31:42 cried right on the spot 31:43 i didn't even do anything i just cried 31:49 awful awful terrible bad awful terrible 31:52 and bad i hated that 31:53 how big was it uh it's english spider 31:57 it's like not a not a big spider you 31:59 wouldn't see it and go like wow it's big 32:00 but it wasn't a small like medium it's 32:01 like maybe 32:03 you know it was a spider you know not 32:04 big but you know ah 32:06 [ __ ] gross yeah [ __ ] spider bad 32:10 and i i got the shoe i'm very sorry to 32:13 whoever 32:13 sent me those blue heels i just it was 32:16 the closest thing i'd [ __ ] 32:18 death death to the spider bro it wasn't 32:20 a skinny house bite it was just like a 32:23 it was a spider it was a regular spider 32:25 i don't know how to how to say it but oh 32:27 [ __ ] me now i'm just nervous in my room 32:30 i know why it happened though 32:32 and i fixed the problem the reason why 32:35 it happened was because oh [ __ ] let me 32:37 do it 32:38 all right the reason why it happened was 32:40 because of one thing 32:41 it's because remember when i opened the 32:43 uh that thing over there 32:44 i opened that over there to let in some 32:47 air 32:48 and it turned out i just left the window 32:50 just straight up open 32:51 like for a whole last day and a half 32:54 that's what that's where he got him 32:56 there's no other way it could have got 32:57 him 32:58 so it's fixed now but oh my god i'm 33:02 gonna be 33:03 dude nightmare nightmare nightmare 33:06 nightmare 33:06 nightmares that is just oh 33:10 [ __ ] awful 33:14 it was so [ __ ] weird because now 33:16 every time i feel like a small 33:18 tickle on me i'm like gah [ __ ] it's a 33:20 spider again 33:21 like i've been traumatized i've been 33:23 traumatized by this [ __ ] dumbass 33:24 little house spider but i 33:25 incinerated him bro you should have seen 33:28 it 33:29 i was mad i murdered that oh sure you'll 33:31 let a spider crawl into your mouth while 33:34 you sleep but when they try 33:35 and hang out during the day then cats 33:39 too 33:39 far double standards smh dude i don't 33:43 even 33:43 [ __ ] i hate spiders that much it's 33:45 literally just this thing where i'm like 33:48 okay i will let a spider just chill in 33:52 my house 33:52 i don't care like he can just vibe dude 33:55 if he's staying in one spot 33:57 and he wants to live for a long period 33:59 of time i'll let him vibe 34:02 bro there was a spider like in my 34:04 kitchen on the ceiling 34:05 but always in one spot for like a month 34:10 you know like i just let him be there 34:12 because you know he wasn't [ __ ] 34:13 moving 34:14 but you know what happened the first 34:16 time i saw him from one 34:18 his corner called him henry from his 34:20 corner to a different corner 34:22 [ __ ] died like they they overstepped 34:24 their boundaries they get too 34:25 comfortable 34:26 no he's dead no no no 34:29 you can dude spiders of my house 34:32 stay where you are if i don't see you i 34:34 don't care like that's that's it 34:36 if you start [ __ ] creeping and 34:38 crawling you coming near the ground bro 34:41 stay in your lane the grounder for 34:42 people you're 34:44 like roof and wall sort of [ __ ] maybe 34:46 stay in a corner stop 34:48 [ __ ] with people territory dude i 34:51 don't like that 34:51 i don't like that one bit bro i do not 34:54 like that one bit 34:55 where's my brush where's my brush i had 34:58 a brush where's my brush 35:00 where's my bruce i found my bruce 35:03 they they they get too confident they 35:05 get too cocky i don't know 35:07 the other thing is like um kill all 35:09 spiders 35:10 the uh rip henry henry died dude i felt 35:13 bad when i killed henry 35:15 because i was like dude 35:18 it was a killing henry was a mercy 35:20 killing okay 35:22 that one was revenge i don't i didn't 35:24 name that [ __ ] guy 35:27 henry died to prove a point like you 35:29 know in those movies where like 35:31 the i'm the criminal overlook the 35:33 gangster person but 35:34 you know they like they kill someone to 35:35 prove a point they go you know [ __ ] 35:38 send that oh it gets even better i like 35:40 kind of send that to you or send that to 35:41 your people don't [ __ ] with me 35:43 there was another spider there was henry 35:45 and there was harold right 35:46 sorry i've this is the vibe of living 35:50 alone 35:51 but each person eats eight spiders a 35:54 year in their sleep that's a completely 35:56 crawl right into your mouth and you 35:58 never know 35:58 that's a who the [ __ ] has their mouth 36:00 open when they sleep also it's 36:02 just a complete myth how the [ __ ] do you 36:03 even test that you gotta watch it like 36:06 thousands of people see you should play 36:07 that vr game called kill it with fire 36:10 it's a game where you go through your 36:12 house finding and murdering spiders 36:14 [Laughter] 36:16 that's funny but no [ __ ] um there was 36:18 there was henry and there was harold 36:20 right 36:22 step on me mommy 36:26 and i killed henry but harold stayed in 36:29 his spot 36:29 and it was really funny the reason why i 36:31 make this like uh 36:33 anec or whatever this mafia thing was 36:36 because after i killed henry harold left 36:40 harold had stayed in that corner for 36:42 like a solid week with henry 36:44 and he just [ __ ] ran away after that 36:47 he went to tell his buddies and you know 36:49 what 36:49 none of them came back and they've 36:51 forgotten they got too cocky again 36:53 they're like oh no we can go into this 36:55 fucker's house no no 36:56 no no that was henry 2.0 no 36:59 no henry was nicer than that son of a 37:01 [ __ ] i don't know what to call that guy 37:04 i don't know what to call him god of 37:07 wars on it 37:08 bestie you look so good not yet but soon 37:11 i will i will i promise i'll look good 37:13 just not yet 37:18 [Music] 37:19 a little bit it's fine though they know 37:21 you eat eight spiders a year because 37:23 they go to great lengths training 37:25 spiders to do 37:27 good job think rose think think 37:30 think road think 37:33 [Music] 37:34 it's hey guess what year ago today was 37:38 the first attempted 37:39 24-hour stream where we spoke on 37:42 stream and you later convinced me to 37:44 download this stupid app called discord 37:47 long joking 37:48 i do like my oh i don't remember the 37:51 first 24 hour stream actually i only 37:52 remember the 37:53 most recent one bear now i will say like 37:56 oh i will say the um spider population 38:00 of my house is due to go up because of 38:01 the slides in the uk but 38:04 i got a i got a lot of methods of 38:06 killing them dude i got bb 38:07 guns now and swords did you guys see 38:11 did you guys see when i was taking away 38:13 the [ __ ] the the shed 38:14 seven months any primers you guys see 38:16 what i when i was taking away the [ __ ] 38:18 if you guys follow me on instagram 38:19 follow me on instagram 38:20 you'll know what i did there was this 38:22 spider in the shed this 38:23 giant [ __ ] spider i genuinely never 38:26 seen a bigger spider 38:27 one of those outdoor spiders were really 38:29 [ __ ] big 38:30 probably nothing in the uk is like 38:32 dangerous for you but still 38:34 and i couldn't we didn't want to [ __ ] 38:36 kill it we had to move the [ __ ] that 38:38 it's on so i shot it with the bb gun 38:40 i think i got it i did well dude the 38:44 you could see in that video all the 38:45 little pellets in the wall 38:49 just call the spider dead simps together 38:52 strong 38:53 well dead then 38:56 i'll call him walter 38:59 spoilers for breaking bad walter [ __ ] 39:01 [Music] 39:03 water got [ __ ] up 39:10 oh no yeah they're calling walter 39:18 [ __ ] hell the next one i think i kill 39:20 is uh 39:21 i think i'm gonna call the um the one 39:23 outside i'm gonna call him trevor 39:28 wait it makes makes more sense to call 39:30 this one trevor because 39:32 i don't know trevor's just a funny name 39:34 for a spider that died but walter got 39:35 shot and i shot walter so 39:38 maybe i'll call the one outside walter 39:39 he just didn't feel like a walter to me 39:42 you know oh dude 39:45 okay can i ask you something have you 39:47 guys ever thought about like 39:50 okay if you were gonna pick a name right 39:52 and i mean 39:53 obviously for like you know i'm just 39:55 talking to my my cisgender fellows here 39:58 but like if you like do you ever feel 40:01 like 40:02 you're nate you've grown to fit your 40:04 name or like you could pick a name that 40:06 would more fit your personality 40:09 is that not weird like when i was a kid 40:11 i didn't like the name jude by the way 40:13 named jude 40:14 but like because it was just like a 40:16 weird name like no one else had that 40:18 name 40:18 and i was like oh it'd be cool if i was 40:20 called like james 40:21 and now i think like [ __ ] i don't want 40:23 to be called james 40:25 james [ __ ] dumb i like jude you know 40:27 like it's cool i like my 40:29 cool name i just wanted like a normal 40:31 name i don't know if that was just me 40:32 james may yeah everyone said james 40:34 [ __ ] god damn it 40:35 yeah you know what i mean like do you 40:38 ever feel like you'd fit a different 40:39 like a 40:40 there's a name that's like more suited 40:42 to you james may prophecy fulfilled 40:45 oh yeah 40:49 also and then i had a friend called 40:50 james 40:52 james is a [ __ ] weirdo so i didn't 40:53 want to be called james anymore 40:57 i like james who's cool finn looks like 40:59 a james 41:00 i could take i could take james like you 41:02 know 41:03 what okay listen regular like do i have 41:06 a picture of me again hold on 41:08 no this one yeah what does that guy look 41:11 like don't say james may but like 41:12 what is what's the first name of of of 41:15 uh you know 41:16 me what do you think what do i look like 41:18 on first impression 41:20 that it cannot be finned it cannot be 41:22 finn james or 41:24 rose 41:27 robert robert 41:30 robert jessica my guy matt stephen 41:34 oh stephen you know what 41:38 oliver [ __ ] you know what he's looking 41:41 at tonight i could ethan or don't no no 41:44 ethan's are weird tell me you know a 41:47 regular human functioning human being 41:49 called ethan 41:50 barry that's just far off stephen 41:54 i feel like steven's such like a 41:57 roger 42:00 [ __ ] hell uh joe yeah 42:04 joe who uh daniel damien 42:08 i think oliver honestly i've seen more 42:10 oliver's [ __ ] it you know what 42:13 kind of do look like an oliver i'll take 42:16 oliver 42:17 that's an okay name it's not especially 42:20 interesting 42:22 i don't like it tom i don't think i look 42:24 like a tom i i disagree with the tom 42:26 idea oliver i think i look like an 42:29 oliver asher that's a cool name 42:31 let's call him bruce bruce bro i feel 42:34 like 42:34 i need to be like jacked to be called 42:37 bruce 42:38 like absolutely just [ __ ] a specimen 42:40 you know 42:41 bruce is the name of like a bouncer you 42:43 know what i mean or like you know the 42:45 hulk 42:48 why'd that just not read looks like 42:50 jesus if he was a british hipster 42:54 thank you also [ __ ] aeon thanks for 42:55 the ten dollars i didn't even sorry i'm 42:56 really sorry 42:57 like look how can cute tonight i 42:59 disagree but soon 43:00 i'll look cute soon thank you jay thank 43:03 you aeon sorry 43:05 bruce lee i'll take oliver [ __ ] it 43:07 oliver's pretty okay 43:09 [Music] 43:11 take oliver i was born with blonde then 43:14 it changed to brown 43:16 kind of wish they would have named me 43:18 savannah 43:20 sorry it just cuts off either ocean my 43:21 family wanted to name me savannah if i 43:23 was born with brown hair 43:24 i was born with blonde hair then changed 43:26 it to brown kind of wish they called me 43:27 savannah 43:29 savannah's a kind of okay name i like 43:30 some name savannah 43:33 i know someone called savannah we just 43:34 call it sav it's a decent nickname too 43:37 [ __ ] it savannah's a good name i'm 43:39 trying to think of good [ __ ] names 43:40 what would i name it 43:41 oh you know what what i name a dog i 43:43 really want to get a dog i don't know 43:45 what to call a dog 43:46 there's this show that i've been 43:47 watching called um it's on amazon i 43:50 don't know how good it is no one spoiled 43:51 me on it i'm like 43:53 i've only watched the first season it's 43:54 out of like four but i'm just now 43:56 watching mr robot 43:59 and one of them i think it's a fish or 44:02 something or like a dog or a cat 44:03 some one of the characters pets are 44:06 called qwerty 44:07 and i thought that was really cool i do 44:09 like the name but now i feel like i 44:11 can't call it a pet that or it will ruin 44:13 it 44:13 but qwerty does sound kind of funny it's 44:16 a 44:16 kind of cool name the struggle is great 44:18 it's pretty good the first season so far 44:20 is pretty good 44:21 qwerty's kind of a good name for it for 44:22 a thing wsd 44:27 [ __ ] what hey bro 44:31 oh god 44:36 wasd 44:40 come here boy come here wasd come here 44:42 i'm all alone here today 44:45 you should monster more 44:48 well yeah 44:51 we're we're in a thing about it right 44:53 we're we're looking at things 44:55 name it whap quap 44:58 walter i will never name it doug walter 45:00 although it's kind of funny ascii 45:03 ascii is kind of actually that that's 45:05 not a bad name ascii 45:07 i could [ __ ] i honestly i could kind of 45:09 get behind 45:10 f11 45:12 [Music] 45:15 or you end up like me where every place 45:18 i worked everybody called me by my last 45:21 name like 45:22 legit supervisors would yell it in the 45:25 break rooms to get my attention fml 45:28 yeah it works out whether you're like 45:31 first or second names like more unique 45:33 and easier to say like 45:34 no one's going to be saying like [ __ ] 45:36 some complex ass last name 45:39 if your first name's easier but if 45:41 you're 45:42 like matthew's a pretty common name 45:43 right so i can imagine like 45:47 they would try and go with something 45:49 else 45:50 because other people won't be called 45:51 matthew 45:53 noah verb wait is verb here 45:57 oh it's verb i was gonna say that's a 45:58 dumb name for a dog 46:04 but hey 46:08 if i had a pug maybe maybe i call it 46:11 verb 46:13 the issue is naming like animals after 46:16 something or after someone 46:17 is that they can immediately ruin it 46:19 like imagine you ne 46:21 like it's the same thing of like if you 46:22 get a tattoo of someone or like 46:24 a name my guy if you get a tattoo of 46:27 someone's name and then like 46:29 they [ __ ] do something terrible you 46:32 know 46:33 like the person uh you know like there's 46:36 there's probably a german guy out there 46:38 that on a german lady out there that 46:40 once dated a guy and she had a boyfriend 46:43 called adolf 46:44 right and she got a tattoo of it right 46:47 probably not our best idea looking back 46:49 on it you don't know what people are 46:50 gonna do in the future 46:51 so don't [ __ ] make things permanent 46:54 like that or you'll hate them 46:56 if they do something wrong you know 46:59 it's just i don't know if verb ever says 47:02 some [ __ ] up [ __ ] then i don't know if 47:04 i'm gonna be on the hook for it i don't 47:05 want my dog to be called verb 47:11 what if i caught like what if verb one 47:13 day punches me you know what if verb 47:15 doesn't like me one day 47:16 i have to look at this dog called a verb 47:18 awful 47:20 what if verb doesn't respond to my dms 47:22 one day you know 47:28 it only takes hi beautiful human have a 47:30 good stream 47:32 okay you know what i'm gonna change the 47:35 title of this stream i have a better 47:36 idea for it 47:39 i have a better title for this stream i 47:41 think 47:42 hold on okay ah 47:48 remember this title shout out if you 47:51 know where this is from 47:55 hey finn i don't know last stream about 47:58 where you got your monitors and pc from 48:00 you only 48:02 answered well you got the monitors from 48:04 bc it cut off but where did you get your 48:06 pc from 48:08 do you have any recommendations to get 48:10 one from 48:12 uh it depends so i know you dm me about 48:14 it and i i didn't like get back to you 48:17 but i don't there we go shout out if you 48:19 know where this is from 48:20 the um so no the uh okay listen 48:24 the pc it depends if you're british 48:25 because i got it from pc 48:27 uh something the overclock oh 48:29 overclockers uk 48:31 and they're just a uk website so you 48:33 couldn't get them from there if you're 48:34 american 48:35 so i can't really help much and the 48:37 monitors are a dell monitor that's just 48:39 a bunch of letters and numbers 48:41 that is correct you should mod me rose 48:44 i definitely want to abuse it the power 48:47 won't go to 48:48 my head at all i don't like the way 48:51 you're phrasing that stuff 48:53 because it kind of sounds to me like you 48:54 will abuse it and the power will go to 48:56 your head i don't know 48:57 where's the hot tub meta i think [ __ ] 48:59 cutie uh 49:01 put it really well on on a stream with 49:03 ludwig 49:04 uh she was just like going off on it and 49:06 she was like oh yeah no 49:08 like it kind of everyone's kind of fine 49:10 with it besides the people besides like 49:13 female streamers that are now expected 49:15 to do [ __ ] like that 49:16 when they don't want to so you know i 49:19 can 49:19 i can kind of relate in a way like i 49:22 don't really mind but at the same time 49:28 i can get how it'd be pretty damaging to 49:30 like normal streamers wanting to just 49:32 have some chill vibes so i don't know 49:36 hot tub stream uh hot tub meta might not 49:38 be for me especially now people are 49:39 getting [ __ ] banned 49:41 so that's fun everyone's annoyed enough 49:45 with it that i imagine twitch are going 49:46 to update their rules soon 49:49 like i always kind of think of it like 49:52 this right 49:53 if this thing happened how annoyed would 49:54 people be and i can't imagine 49:57 hot tub streams getting banned would 49:58 annoy anyone 50:00 much anyway or like maybe the maybe the 50:03 five twitch streamers that actually do 50:04 it 50:05 they'll see you know a drop in views but 50:08 like yeah 50:09 you can trust me when have i ever been 50:12 evil to you 50:30 i'll just let that sink in stuff you 50:33 were one of the people that caused this 50:34 [ __ ] 50:36 one of the reasons why this goal is a 50:38 thing 50:43 oh my god this eyebrow i'm [ __ ] it up 50:45 holy [ __ ] 50:46 i'm doing really badly at this 50:48 [Music] 50:50 not even a good [ __ ] i support 50:52 modding stuff he can't be any 50:54 worse than ban happy john 50:58 there's been a lot of john controversy 51:00 going around recently 51:01 but we'll we'll figure it out we're 51:03 seeing we'll see 51:07 back to online for now with girl clothes 51:10 shopping 51:11 also sex number in the sense 51:14 oh my god i don't oh 69 [ __ ] yeah i know 51:17 still chicken i'm still chickened out 51:19 for gold clothes in public 51:20 back to online for now seven months i i 51:23 don't 51:24 it's not that big of a deal there's 51:25 still like a lot of [ __ ] you can get 51:27 online 51:28 i don't know it's it's it's not a big 51:29 deal for me 51:31 it should be a big deal for you john's 51:32 such a nice guy we don't know 51:34 we're seeing uh john with yeah 51:37 we're seeing there's some politics 51:40 involved you know what i mean 51:42 we're thinking with it bureaucracy is 51:44 involved in this now 51:46 um yeah oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] i [ __ ] 51:50 goofed him 51:51 i'm doing things in a weird water again 51:54 we're saying that 51:57 i like john john's fine yeah 52:03 we're saying let's see it feels like the 52:06 community's kind of split on the john 52:07 thing 52:10 but john does do a lot of [ __ ] that's 52:12 the kind of 52:14 cool thing john does a lot of work 52:19 very helpful guy 52:22 what was that oh thanks for twitch prime 52:24 oh yeah and then [ __ ] 52:26 the the brahmin thanks for the seven 52:29 months holy [ __ ] 52:30 thank you 52:33 okay i need i feel like i need someone 52:37 that's really good at makeup to just 52:40 one day just show me dude oh you know 52:42 what i could try and do 52:44 what if i hired a like a makeup person 52:47 right like someone that does make it 52:49 professionally not to do it just to tell 52:51 me what the [ __ ] 52:52 it's my birthday in like two hours and 52:54 my one friend who was supposed to came 52:57 over 52:58 cancelled at the very last minute so i'm 53:00 just gonna vibe in this stream till i 53:03 turn 53:03 21 then crash into my bed 53:07 love you and everything that you do 53:09 senpai 53:10 that sucks but i'll try and make it fun 53:12 for you 53:14 i ha happy birthday my guy can we get a 53:16 happy birthday from my dude 53:18 two head viper two-headed viper [ __ ] 53:20 yeah dude 53:22 i mean that sucks i that that is 53:24 upsetting maybe you can do like a late 53:26 birthday thing though 53:27 i've done that before i mean heck my 53:29 birthday got stretched over a giant 53:31 period of time 53:32 because of just like everyone's 53:33 schedules and [ __ ] 53:35 that was probably a bad idea that i just 53:37 did i'm also in support of modding stuff 53:40 but i guess you could also mod me if you 53:42 don't trust 53:44 stuff kappa of course 53:47 i'll mod all of the chat it'll be very 53:50 good 53:51 yeah i feel like some i feel like it'd 53:53 be nice to for someone to tell me what 53:54 i'm doing wrong 53:56 you know what i mean like 53:59 i'm a makeup mentor you know 54:02 that could be good merry birthday merry 54:05 birthday my guy 54:18 solid okay that's done and now i just do 54:21 like a couple more things and then i'm 54:23 easy peasy i'm i'm i'm on the home 54:25 stretch buddy 54:27 i've gotten so good at this like dude 54:30 how is it that i'm like talented at 54:32 everything you know 54:35 like it seems unfair like i don't know 54:38 who was giving out all the talent points 54:40 you know but 54:45 i would like to be a mod i would ban 54:48 people for not being lewd enough 54:52 god damn everyone gets punished for that 54:56 what about juicy boy 54:57 he's kind of knew it as well weirdly 54:59 enough like we had a really long time 55:01 i wanted to say your outfit is really 55:03 pretty and matches you nicely you have 55:05 good 55:06 fashion sense 55:11 i disagree i saw such an interesting 55:14 thread on that though 55:15 could you do some freckles and what is 55:17 the funniest thing your family has ever 55:20 done to 55:21 you done to me holy [ __ ] 55:27 [ __ ] i don't know the uh my family's a 55:29 very 55:30 interesting bunch uh my mom can still 55:33 tell you that she was the one that 55:35 started all this because as a kid i used 55:36 to have like pretty long hair 55:38 and i she used to like do this like she 55:40 used to you'd have liked her 55:41 she used to do like i mean you've met 55:43 her you she you'd liked it when i when i 55:45 was younger she had like 55:46 she's put my [ __ ] hair in pigtails so 55:48 there's a bunch of pictures of me 55:49 around the house like 50 hair bands in 55:52 but like 55:53 i can't [ __ ] think of the funniest thing 55:55 your family's done to you 55:56 my dad scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me 55:58 once my dad scared me so badly that i 56:01 still think about 56:02 it my dad i'm convi i don't even know if 56:04 it was my dad it's probably a ghost but 56:06 i'm convinced it was my dad 56:08 i still don't know i've never asked him 56:09 about it i might have told the story 56:11 before but 56:12 listen i was just one christmas where 56:15 uh just before christmas i don't know 56:17 why he did it never asked him about it 56:18 probably should 56:19 but either way he decided that he like 56:21 felt like he wanted to get me and ruby 56:23 something 56:24 ruby's my sister if you guys don't know 56:25 she's my sibling my old sister 56:27 um and so he came back like 56:31 two weeks before christmas he just gave 56:33 me 56:34 a [ __ ] xbox 360. and that is the 56:37 biggest gift i've ever 56:39 i'd ever been got i've ever had up till 56:42 that point right 56:43 and probably like the net it was a giant 56:45 [ __ ] like that is a 56:47 big deal for me anyway like we wouldn't 56:50 that was not a you know and my mom knew 56:53 that as well this was a 56:54 very big deal i guess my dad had just 56:56 had like his payday or something he felt 56:58 nice 56:58 but he came back home with me he got me 57:00 an xbox 360 my younger sister 57:02 this giant life-sized doll of snow white 57:06 it was like that tall it was like 57:08 if i stood up now maybe like my hip or 57:09 my chest it was big but for you know 57:12 little me like you know however old i 57:14 was at the time like 12 year old me 57:16 it was my height or taller right so 57:20 basically i got this giant gift which 57:23 was just 57:24 nutty like the dude came home spent like 57:25 200 pounds just for no reason 57:27 anyway so that was really nice of him 57:29 but and ruby got this gift as well that 57:31 was like 57:32 you know less expensive but you know i 57:33 was the favorite child so didn't really 57:35 matter 57:36 anyway sorry ruby it's true though you 57:38 know it's true i'm i'm right 57:40 um the um 57:44 but what he did is i went to school one 57:46 day and i 57:47 i came back i left i'm always the first 57:50 one home hey there 57:51 i'm always the first one home when i 57:52 came back from school no one else was 57:54 home and then 57:54 like an hour go by and then everyone 57:56 else would get in so because my school 57:58 was the closest one 57:59 um and my parents would get home all 58:01 that i could just walk home it was easy 58:03 so i came home one day lights are all 58:06 off i 58:06 start turning the lights on and i go i 58:08 walk into my living room 58:10 and that [ __ ] snow white is standing 58:13 in the corner on top of a couch 58:15 in the back corner of the room that 58:17 completely 58:18 houses black out no lighting and it's 58:22 facing the corner with its head turned 58:24 backwards 58:27 ah i was horrified absolutely [ __ ] 58:31 it oh my god i don't remember being more 58:34 scared 58:35 and i'm convinced that my dad did that 58:37 because he's the last one to leave every 58:39 day 58:40 he's always the last one to leave every 58:42 day at that point 58:43 and i'm convinced that he did that 58:45 specifically to [ __ ] with me 58:49 my god and i i i won't believe anything 58:52 else about it either 58:53 i know it was him uh [ __ ] where's my 58:56 dude i'm trying to find my my freckle 58:58 brush and i can't 58:59 find it that's what i've been trying to 59:01 look for this entire time i don't know 59:02 where the 59:03 [ __ ] it is my freckle 59:06 i know where this is am i gonna have to 59:07 like impromptu 59:10 something else but yeah no that was 59:12 that's probably the funniest thing like 59:13 that's done 59:14 uh my pet my family's done to me um 59:19 but yeah 59:22 oh my god i don't know where this is 59:24 i've lost it i've completely [ __ ] 59:26 lost it 59:27 i've lost this [ __ ] thing i've 59:30 completely lost this brush 59:31 i've genuinely lost this brush how i had 59:34 two of them 59:35 what okay i've lost the freckles brush 59:39 are you kidding me what the [ __ ] fenu's 59:42 dish soap on that skirt 59:43 it will help the stain i know i'll i'm 59:46 going to put it through the wash later 59:47 don't worry it's just 59:48 i'm not going to do it now because i 59:50 would prefer not to just 59:52 have a cleaning stream 59:55 i don't know where the [ __ ] this is am i 59:57 dumb perhaps 59:59 you know we're gonna we're gonna do it 60:00 in a different way it's fine 60:02 i can fix it it's fine anyway 60:06 girl voice no why didn't you ask him i 60:09 don't know i just 60:11 i was scared someone's probably asked 60:13 this but please where did you get the 60:15 outfit 60:16 i need it amazon it's always amazon it's 60:19 literally always amazon if you can't 60:20 find amazon it's because you're in a 60:21 different country it's always amazon 60:34 that right this is this methods 60:36 requiring a little bit more care 60:40 but 60:45 it's definitely possible that i can do 60:47 it like this 60:58 my concentration is through the roof 61:00 right now anyway 61:02 girl voice will be parked cannot do a 61:04 girl voice snow white was a prostitute i 61:07 disagree with that i don't think she was 61:11 snow white's my fave snow white pretty 61:13 cool you know out of all the disney 61:15 princesses you know what she's pretty 61:16 epic 61:17 doesn't she kill that witch kind of 61:19 badass john wick 61:20 prin snow white did 61:28 all i'm asking is for one disney movie 61:32 where the princess like guns down she 61:34 goes on like a john wick like 61:36 killed my puppy killing spree you know 61:39 it's all i want 61:40 and that's how she escapes instead of 61:42 just like being rescued or some [ __ ] 61:44 that'd be fun 61:48 i just want i just want animated john 61:50 wick is that so hard to ask 61:53 they went terribly last time tricked the 61:54 arcos [ __ ] what did oh god what all 61:56 the the 61:57 voice thing yeah no no that went awfully 62:00 i can't do that 62:02 mulan dude oh yeah mulan like i've never 62:05 seen the 62:06 i didn't see the live-action one but 62:10 getting close to a year of simping pog 62:13 didn't everyone like really hate that 62:15 movie 62:17 like didn't everyone really hate mulan 62:20 like the live action one 62:22 was not a 62:33 all thing there we go because of the 62:36 actress yeah it was terrible it sucks 62:39 it was gaba it was bad it was horrible 62:41 one guy in chat wasn't that bad 62:43 i haven't d i mean [ __ ] i don't know 62:50 you can always kind of tell if a movie 62:52 is really bad because if it's made like 62:54 if it's a remake right there's already 62:56 the nostalgia that's going to go really 62:58 well 62:59 and then you know like so people will 63:02 like it if it's semi-okay 63:05 and if they still manage to [ __ ] it up 63:07 you can tell it's bad 63:12 hello lovely he's the phineas and ferb 63:14 in live action that's all i want to know 63:16 are they gonna do that i feel like 63:18 that's the thing they're gonna do 63:21 right phineas and ferb in live-action 63:24 i'd watch it 63:25 i'd see the movie 63:28 it wouldn't be good but they've got to 63:30 do it right i mean come on 63:32 it will be cursed yeah but like they've 63:35 got it 63:36 [ __ ] mark my words they'll mark my 63:38 [ __ ] words they will make a 63:40 live-action phineas and ferb 63:42 because they have absolutely no shame 63:48 you know what i also bet it will be 63:50 pretty good 63:50 [Music] 63:51 be like a go-go gadget sort of thing 63:54 that could be kind of okay 63:56 there's always like a good way to do 63:57 everything but like they're not gonna 64:01 i don't know vinderella is too good not 64:04 to catch on 64:07 i disagree i just i just disagree i 64:10 disagree very 64:11 much so they have no shame says who 64:14 says they made a [ __ ] live-action son 64:16 i'm just saying 64:17 they like hollywood you know 64:23 they made a live-action sonic for [ __ ] 64:24 sake and it wasn't even that bad the 64:26 sonic movie was okay 64:28 i am sorry if it hurted your feelings 64:30 last time 64:32 i hope you can forgive me love from 64:34 sweden 64:36 you always you hurt me 64:39 forgive you because you've got a cool 64:41 name 64:47 reminds me of germa so you get a pass 64:51 all right 64:56 second to last thing 65:05 dude part of learning makeup is 65:06 literally just 65:09 not blinking when they're [ __ ] near your 65:10 eye there we go 65:12 kind of [ __ ] nailed it kind of 65:15 [ __ ] nailed it buddy 65:16 i'm gonna do highlight and then i'm done 65:19 what do you think 65:20 chat i'm not doing um maybe some maybe 65:23 some pink lip 65:25 maybe some lip maybe ah maybe some lip 65:30 what are you thunking what do you think 65:33 where's my [ __ ] thingamajigs 65:36 do i have my 65:38 [Music] 65:41 rosie mini your last video was so sweet 65:44 and pure you made me cry 65:47 your mother is a very lucky woman bless 65:50 you and you look gorgeous today 65:52 thank you wait which which video 65:56 the minecraft one somehow i don't think 65:58 you mean the minecraft one 66:00 i don't know wait which video because i 66:02 don't really see the ones that come out 66:04 on the live channel very often 66:08 but yeah you i don't really have much 66:11 creative control over that they just 66:12 kind of 66:13 edit what i'm saying right now 66:20 oh my god come on dude 66:25 but i mean hell if that got a reaction 66:26 out of you on the minecraft channel 66:28 maybe 66:30 which one was it am i dumb i might have 66:32 done it last stream 66:33 oh last stream or last video yeah the 66:35 last stream was um 66:37 i was gonna say there was no nothing 66:38 special about the last video but the 66:40 last stream um yeah no um 66:44 yeah sad boy hours i guess my stream 66:48 but you know it was all a business move 66:52 actually 66:53 it was all a business move i got in some 66:55 of the the you know the 66:56 the tier points you know cried on stream 66:59 now so now i get like an increased 67:00 viewer base it was all a business move 67:02 it was all on purpose you're all uh 67:03 you all fell for it i wouldn't just cry 67:06 on camera i'm not 67:07 i'm not all wimp you know all faked and 67:10 on purpose 67:11 i guarantee it 67:14 i'm not some sort of dummy though cry on 67:16 camera what an idiot 67:18 um do you edit all your own youtube 67:20 videos no 67:21 actually uh warden does the i actually i 67:23 haven't edited a video in like over a 67:25 year now it's it's 67:26 [ __ ] brilliant might be two years now 67:29 um 67:29 i edit all the ch i had it i had it oh 67:32 my god oh 67:33 penguin penguin thank you 67:36 i edit all the videos that go up on the 67:38 finn channel the finn one 67:40 and that's that's all me baby that's all 67:42 me baby and then the next one was like 67:43 oh 67:44 everything else is warden so idea for 67:47 your first role 67:48 a period drama set in the english war of 67:50 the roses in the 15th 67:55 a 15th century called queen of the roses 67:58 uh 67:58 idea for your first role what 68:01 you want me to be an actor friend i 68:04 don't know if you know this but 68:06 that ain't gonna happen i can't act i 68:08 don't know what i'm doing bucko 68:15 i'm just a dummy little idiot dum dum 68:36 c 68:41 hey it's not too bad actually a little 68:44 little bit of lip stain not a lot 68:46 just a little bit makes my lips a little 68:48 bit more pink what do you think 68:50 what donkey you thunky good what's that 68:53 lipstick it's a lip stain it's like a 68:55 [ __ ] made by gosh 69:00 what thunky 69:04 pog champi what donkey pog champion kiss 69:07 the camera 69:08 it's all over there though it's like 69:09 [ __ ] an arm's length i don't wanna 69:18 all right the hair comes down now hold 69:20 on let me 69:22 let me put some epic music on 69:33 [Music] 69:38 oh my god okay 69:41 wow i have a mullet now okay just 69:43 kidding we're taking this off too 69:46 looks so weird as soon as i put a hair 69:47 band on okay 69:49 let's like brush it out a little bit i'm 69:52 like 69:53 is it still like the tiniest tiniest bit 69:56 like 69:57 it's a little bit cold which makes me 69:59 feel like it's still a tiniest tiny bit 70:01 of 70:01 like wet almost from the shower which 70:03 kind of is a little bit annoying but 70:06 it's fine it's fine 70:09 look at me 70:15 there we go right now you can now you 70:18 can compliment me on my looks 70:20 now it's okay because now i look good 70:22 now i look hot 70:24 as [ __ ] i look so good 70:27 man it only takes an hour of makeup and 70:30 then i look great 70:35 it's so easy it's so easy glass 70:38 the [ __ ] what do you mean glass you mean 70:40 glass because no i can't be bothered 70:43 you look adorable as always i feel like 70:46 weird though my [ __ ] it's my hair's 70:50 like still like dry 70:51 john mod stover more ben 70:54 stovamore mod john cool name play 70:59 i'm trying to like fix my hair a little 71:01 bit you should curl your hair 71:02 i agree i really should i want to at 71:04 some point i will in the 71:06 nice mullet doing my part 71:09 i shall i shall curl it at some point 71:11 but not yet oh dude i wonder how long 71:13 it's going to be 71:16 like when everything's over in 71:20 two months three months [ __ ] i don't 71:23 even know if i could call the girl month 71:24 yet 71:26 do you think it's gonna happen okay chat 71:28 honestly do you think this month's gonna 71:30 hit we're at 92 percent 71:32 do you think it'll happen 71:39 um all right let me grab the chocolate 71:41 there's like three different shades of 71:43 pink now it's like the lips the this and 71:44 then the dress 71:46 like gets darker to lighter 71:50 obviously not sure about the next one 71:52 yeah 71:53 i mean [ __ ] i'm fine with it dude 71:57 i did say i did say this is a 50 50 71:59 chance than the next one there's no way 72:01 uh so i can be okay with being wrong on 72:03 this one 72:05 it's like that's everyone in 1.5 ky 72:07 that's everyone in chat donating like 50 72:09 cents 72:11 uh i just got to pay out from twitch and 72:14 a bonus from work 72:16 you got to pay out from twitch so i 72:18 could finish it you got a payout from 72:19 twitch 72:20 what does that mean how do you do that 72:24 you said that about this one too that's 72:26 exactly that's what i mean so this one 72:27 is 50 50 the next one awesome 72:31 streaming you've been streaming pog 72:34 nice stuff oh yeah he streams you with 72:36 it i don't know you [ __ ] stream 72:38 why has no one ever linked me yes it's 72:41 been six months why the [ __ ] have you 72:42 never linked me your stream 72:44 what is this also this bell is so loud 72:47 chat chat 72:50 why 72:53 why the [ __ ] is it so loud 72:56 which way does this go i'm assuming this 72:58 way 73:00 dude like kitty i'm a [ __ ] cat can we 73:03 spam egg or does jon still have a stick 73:05 up his ass 73:06 i don't care if you spam egg but 25k is 73:10 almost doable 73:15 oh my god this [ __ ] oh i'm doing my 73:18 part 73:21 no stop we're not doing this again we're 73:24 not doing this again 73:30 okay 73:32 please do a basic braid you should learn 73:35 for every reason 73:36 and you'll look cute also come on chat 73:40 final push doing my part i didn't 73:43 [ __ ] i didn't [ __ ] straighten this 73:45 one bit this one bits like curling 73:47 goddamn 10 months already love your fin 73:50 nice choker by the way i have a similar 73:52 one look 73:54 oh yeah no it's it's great it's just 73:56 that 73:58 it's a little bit demeaning it's got a 74:01 [ __ ] bell on it do your part 74:03 chat a dollar each and we can have this 74:05 done 74:06 oh god i don't need to tighten this 74:07 because like half on me 74:09 even something's like just touching you 74:12 it's like the same sort of thing of like 74:13 clip the bell off i might you know the 74:15 thing of um you know when i'm on clothes 74:17 i always do i always rip the tag off 74:20 actually this shirt is broken now 74:21 because i ripped the tag off it 74:23 there's a hole in the side of it down 74:24 there because why the [ __ ] 74:26 are there tags in anything i get you 74:28 need clothes to feed you mama who cares 74:31 i don't care anyway use scissors 74:35 no because then it leaves there like 74:36 it's just partly there and then it's 74:38 even more itchy 74:39 [ __ ] no bad bad and dumb and shitty 74:43 i am doing my part 74:46 oh the caddy is actually going to make 74:48 it you know [ __ ] it i'm keeping the cat 74:51 i was putting them on as like a meme 74:52 because you know the cat stuff but like 74:55 they kind of look good with this 74:58 yeah go full kitty booty hell yeah 75:03 oh my god there we go we did it chat i'm 75:05 a cat now 75:06 hell yeah 75:10 or a beanie that looks so good on you 75:12 thank you i know they do sorry 75:14 f1 we're gonna reach this girl month 75:17 doing my part 75:19 we're not gonna reach this garment it's 75:21 not gonna happen 75:23 i mean [ __ ] we might but like 75:26 the next one is the next one 75:29 the next one we won't go to it we won't 75:31 hit the next one 75:33 can you pose again you mean the [ __ ] 75:37 full send 75:38 doing my part together strong 75:42 no thank you for the hundred dollars 75:48 what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 75:51 thank you for the hundred dollars girl 75:53 month here we come 75:54 hey from cambridge uk crossdresser by 75:57 the way 75:58 hey i high heels you know what hell yeah 76:01 cambridge ah i feel like cambridge has 76:04 got to be one of those really fancy 76:06 places though damn i look good holy [ __ ] 76:08 stream like 15 days and stop before it's 76:11 reached 76:13 show my food yeah there's 14 days left 76:16 to go 76:17 but i'll just as soon as we get like 76:19 within a dollar of it i'll just stop 76:21 never stream again i'll take the money 76:22 around first off ggs for gm5 76:25 second off war zone three character 76:28 development chat 76:30 and finally what's your next stop for 76:32 your business plan for world domination 76:35 it's not jim fight it's not going to 76:36 happen i mean wait 76:38 you're really confident that this one's 76:39 going to happen but wait is this one the 76:41 fifth of the sec 76:41 [ __ ] i don't know this is one fifth or 76:43 the fourth the next one won't happen 76:44 this one [ __ ] right there at this 76:46 point i don't know i'm kind of 76:47 i might believe it please say and why 76:49 hey it's too cute 76:51 i have a business plan for world 76:53 domination please say 76:57 yeah is that it is that all you wanted 77:01 you wanted a [ __ ] yeah now the tail 77:04 lul 77:06 no oh now i feel gross 77:10 now i've seen now i've said it i hate it 77:12 i hate myself now 77:14 um [ __ ] anyway 77:18 rob i don't know dollars work this is 77:22 five bucks right slash 77:24 yeah yep that's it that's five dollars 77:26 thank you for the five dollars rob 77:29 god just missing the pink hills yeah 77:32 true 77:33 guys leave john alone not sure why you 77:36 are all being so rude about him 77:39 he doesn't deserve this slander h is a 77:42 great mod 77:43 john is a good mod he's had a bit of a 77:45 troubled past i think that's a lot of 77:46 people are going to hold it against him 77:48 same thing with like marisa but maurice 77:49 is good now 77:50 same thing with john maybe uh well 77:54 does the vox have a lock on it yet nope 77:56 i know where the lock is it's just i 77:57 haven't bought a new box because i don't 77:58 like spending money 78:00 um i've bought a new lock on it yet 78:02 whoopsie 78:03 do insta pics of kitty fin 78:07 kitty fin kitty cat girlfriend might 78:11 maybe possibly i 78:14 [ __ ] i i always do this thing though 78:16 where i'll take pictures afterwards i'll 78:17 take pictures afterwards 78:19 because i don't want to be doing my 78:20 donation by just like doing 78:22 working on a picture for a while um 78:24 because usually i'll just end this i 78:26 don't know why in the stream i'll just 78:27 kind of sit there for like 78:28 i don't know five minutes and just take 78:29 pictures pick a good one put it up 78:33 wait did it just cut it off something 78:36 oh yeah why is it now reading my 78:38 donations i don't know 78:40 it's weird sometimes it's not working 78:42 sometimes it'd do worky 78:44 when you added the cat ears and collar 78:46 this went from cute to kinky 78:50 the caddy is making really i mean hell 78:54 i'll take it i can't wait still [ __ ] 78:57 god 78:59 thanks for the good stream [ __ ] wait 79:02 what's 79:02 me wondering yes you look 79:06 fabulous thank you i do i like it 79:09 ah i like him chad is scuffed chat's 79:12 always scuffed 79:13 stunning cat pose is it as dumb and 79:15 shitty as breaking your clothes by 79:17 ripping out the tag 79:20 this girl month is nailed on no need to 79:23 rush 79:23 the bell is just so we can hear rose 79:26 approaching 79:29 the bell is just so he can hear you 79:30 approaching holy [ __ ] 79:32 it no of the worst like like the horror 79:35 movie serial killer 79:37 just you can't hear but it's can you 79:39 hear that 79:41 it's that at all times it's so loud for 79:43 me and i know it's not allowed for you 79:45 my god penguin sad iv bean shadow band 79:51 no no it's it's reading them now i don't 79:53 know it was weird 79:54 i guess now you're here 79:56 [Music] 79:58 anyway come on chat 80:01 do your part get a new boxy scrub lul 80:05 i don't wanna it costs like twenty 80:07 dollars and who's gonna pay for that 80:09 maybe the twenty dollar stuff i don't 80:11 know i gotta buy a thing i gotta 80:13 construct it i gotta move all the 80:14 clothes i don't 80:16 i don't open it anyway i haven't dude 80:18 you know what you can tell i haven't 80:20 opened it because all the shit's still 80:21 on there 80:22 i haven't [ __ ] cleaned it like it's i 80:25 haven't opened it that's how you know 80:27 oh my god oh my mustache 80:30 finn why this hurts so much pepe hands 80:33 pepe hands pepe 80:35 hands i'm so sorry at least the nuggets 80:37 have gone 80:38 yeah but you know what that is that's 80:39 unfinished food that box is just like 80:41 that bag was just me like ordering from 80:42 a restaurant and then going i don't like 80:44 it and then not eating much of it 80:46 so it's just more just more gross [ __ ] 80:50 but at least it's in a bag i can just 80:51 take it away 80:52 easy simple simple and easy 80:55 thanks for the thousand bits my guy i 80:57 give you a lot of cuddles thank you my 80:58 dude 80:59 thank you my dude thanks penguin pengu 81:03 oh god oh god wait 81:06 i've already read this donation trying 81:09 to get a 69. 81:11 you did it but we'll probably have 81:13 ruined someone's else attempt when this 81:15 goes through 81:16 yeah you got it it says 69 and then 81:18 there was 96 so you kind of 81:19 you kind of nailed it how much do i have 81:21 to donate for you to clean your room 81:23 nothing i will not do it hello don't 81:26 care 81:26 i don't care you have a good day finn 81:28 because it's not like thank you it's not 81:30 like 81:30 a lot of stuff it's like it is clean 81:32 it's it's clean like it's 81:34 there's that sure like that bad 81:37 i i know it's bad i'm aware but 81:40 i can fix it it's fine i can fix actual 81:43 goblin shut up 81:44 that is just like random stuff that i 81:45 need to put in the fridge or like in a 81:47 cupboard 81:48 and just take it all downstairs which is 81:49 like that's more than one trip 81:51 you know and then like there's that pile 81:53 of [ __ ] in the back that that's all just 81:55 gonna go in the shed but my shed's not 81:57 up yet so i don't have anywhere to put 81:58 it you know 81:59 what if you get roaches luckily enough 82:02 the uk doesn't have cockroaches because 82:03 that's 82:04 [ __ ] awful i would move if we did 82:06 that's the oh 82:07 dude there's like three reasons why i 82:09 don't think i'd live in america and 82:10 cockroach is one of them 82:11 simps together strong the second is 82:14 because of everyone's accent you have to 82:15 deal with everyone's accent 82:17 oh i didn't read [ __ ] doesn't want to 82:19 buy a new box because money 82:21 but we'll buy a pink color with a bell 82:23 since together strong 82:24 this costs like five bucks though when 82:26 is rose going on 82:28 strictly come dancing 82:31 i'm not i can i can guarantee you i i 82:34 i will not sorry about that also i i 82:37 wouldn't do it even if they asked me 82:41 collection what do you recommend is a 82:43 nice entry level 82:45 i love when you talk about things you're 82:47 passionate about marry me 82:51 uh hold on what is the next enthusiast 82:53 level knife you have your eyes on 82:56 doing our part squeeze man grimsby 82:59 norseman crimson 83:00 norseman grimsby norseman grimsby 83:01 norsemen and what have you 83:04 did you just say squeak okay annoying 83:08 how dare you i will not i now i'm just 83:11 thinking about like 83:11 yourself a pa house like a babysitter 83:14 butler also doing my part 83:18 i'm like okay i mean yeah 83:22 i can i'm kind of doing that with my dad 83:24 my dad helps me out around the house and 83:25 stuff and i give him some money every 83:26 now and then but 83:28 ye he did scare the [ __ ] out of me so i 83:30 might have to fire him he's kind of like 83:31 my pa 83:32 he's just the person taking care of like 83:34 adult stuff for me sometimes 83:36 so that's nice i get to give him some 83:37 money because now he's retired and 83:39 everything which is nice for him 83:40 and i feel good about it too and then 83:42 also i get my someone else pays my bills 83:44 for me i mean it's still my money but 83:46 like you know 83:46 i don't have to call the people which is 83:48 great it's nice that's all i kind of 83:50 already did 83:51 balls to this impo boxing a new lock box 83:57 but it but it needs to be bit balls to 84:01 this it needs to be 84:04 listen it's fine i don't need a new one 84:06 necklace and you make a yt video and you 84:09 tell people to subscribe and hit 84:12 the bell you're pretty much asking them 84:14 to choke you 84:16 [Music] 84:18 [ __ ] of other ways to make money 84:21 oh no i just want to be a guy again but 84:24 now that you've met 84:26 the goal it seems i have no choice 84:31 [Music] 84:33 um wiggles finn please get a stitch 84:36 ripper to take out your tags 84:39 two ways the timeline for girls day with 84:41 ruby 84:42 okay that's all my money wait is that my 84:45 love 84:46 on tm everything else has got to pause 84:48 is that a real thing is there a literal 84:50 tool for that because i just break 84:51 everything snuggle stuff any penguin 84:54 heart finney 84:55 is that a thing oh my [ __ ] god it is 84:58 that's cool 85:00 it is that's sick it's like for sewing 85:03 how do they work rose says i don't want 85:05 to do girls you should 85:06 not choose girl months when there are 85:09 lots 85:10 of other ways to make money oh no i just 85:13 want to be a guy again but now that 85:15 you've met 85:17 the goal it seems i have no choice 85:20 well i i replayed it because i didn't 85:22 hear the first bit of it 85:23 i do still do the minecraft i tried to 85:25 convince myself if i was just 85:27 a fan boy your egg will crack soon 85:29 enough mine did a 85:32 few years ago 85:35 i tried to convince myself i was a fan 85:37 boy your egg will crack soon enough 85:39 i mean i've been doing this for like two 85:42 years 85:43 right and i've i've pretty much at this 85:46 point 85:46 secured myself the knowledge that like 85:49 yeah 85:50 if i wanted to be a girl i could 85:53 probably [ __ ] i could probably hack 85:55 it you know like i could do it i'd 85:56 pretty 85:57 probably work and i i don't want him 86:00 it's just why i don't see the point in 86:03 it i don't yeah 86:04 i feel like um 86:07 you know what let me give you an opinion 86:09 you know the the longer i've been alive 86:11 the more i've been doing [ __ ] like this 86:12 the more i've been thinking about it 86:14 the more sense the whole [ __ ] 86:16 abolished gender crowd starts to make 86:19 sense 86:19 you know what i mean it sounds weird 86:22 right 86:23 but you know hold on if we had followed 86:27 my idea to put the tail in the box it 86:29 would be locked by now 86:31 i agree if the tail was in the box i'd 86:34 lock it 86:35 um yeah i know okay listen i don't know 86:38 whether this is gonna be 86:39 based cancelable or you know 86:43 just whatever or a good opinion or a 86:45 good take but let me tell you 86:48 let me let me show you my level of based 86:50 that i am so 86:52 i'm thinking at this point right and i 86:54 it pains me because i used to just be 86:56 like you know i used to just 86:58 like kind of it's whatever there's like 87:00 you know 87:01 male female non-binary gender fluid 87:04 trans everything like that 87:05 all exist but they're all in separate 87:07 bubbles and the longer i've been doing 87:09 this the more i'm just like 87:14 it kind of feels like gender could just 87:16 be like a spectrum 87:19 and you know what i used to really 87:23 disagree with that idea and it makes 87:25 more sense 87:26 the longer that i've been doing this 87:28 that like 87:29 i feel like in 10 years the way i always 87:31 think about these things are just like 87:34 in 10 years time right maybe call it 87:36 [ __ ] it 87:37 50 years time i don't think 87:41 i genuinely don't think that like 87:44 we'll think about this [ __ ] even 87:46 remotely the same way 87:48 like you know that thing you're like at 87:50 what point 87:51 right at what point of how many like 87:53 things do you have to do 87:55 for like a guy to be a girl and i guess 87:58 like [ __ ] if you're gonna be the 87:59 bench parents of the world like your man 88:00 can never be a woman 88:01 you know [ __ ] like that right but like 88:03 who get who cares 88:05 who cares like it's just sure your sex 88:07 can be like male and female right but 88:09 like gender wise 88:11 it feels like you can just kind of be at 88:13 any point 88:14 like what the [ __ ] do you call this what 88:17 is this what it what 88:18 [ __ ] what is this this is just like 88:20 female gender expression 88:22 but i'm like a dude every day i'm a guy 88:24 i feel like a guy 88:25 i interact with people as a man you know 88:28 like i feel really confident in 88:29 masculinity as a concept 88:31 but also i feel pretty good in 88:33 femininity as a concept 88:35 i feel dude i'm i'm more siding with 88:37 this abolish gender gang 88:39 um on you know what it starts to make 88:42 more sense to me 88:43 maybe i'm just like a [ __ ] uh 88:46 boomer now realizing what everyone else 88:48 already knew but like you know 88:51 i can't explain it it really does start 88:53 to feel like in 50 years time it'll just 88:55 be 88:56 a sliding scale like gender won't really 88:58 be a binary anymore 89:00 you know what i mean and i'm saying like 89:02 won't be a binary it doesn't mean i'm 89:03 saying i'm non-binary or anything like 89:04 that but i mean like 89:06 binary isn't you know one or the other 89:08 you know it feels like it'll be 89:11 weird i don't know i don't know in 50 89:14 years time i don't i think that like 89:16 [ __ ] dudes doing this [ __ ] is not 89:18 gonna be dudes doing this [ __ ] it's just 89:19 gonna be dudes 89:21 you know they're in a cool outfit 89:24 like that we already see like guys in 89:26 like kind of like male-made dresses 89:28 because they 89:28 they can look really good but like you 89:31 know it's just a [ __ ] it's just 89:33 right now we have like hyper feminine 89:35 [ __ ] hyper masculine [ __ ] and then 89:36 people wearing each other's shirt and 89:37 it's just gonna be a [ __ ] it's gonna 89:39 be made for everyone at some point i 89:40 don't know 89:40 that's my opinion i think it'll happen 89:42 then yeah huh 89:46 donations that have came in in time but 89:48 yeah that's my better spider i see 89:50 behind you 89:51 no together strong 89:54 the thing is now that's going to work on 89:56 me no 89:58 it's not hopefully not yeah but you're 90:01 getting paid to do it and wouldn't do it 90:02 without the factory money true 90:03 need to go low battery and missiles 90:06 alarms 90:07 have a good stream hell yeah thank you 90:15 need to go let 90:19 i d me shift mean to make chat mad sorry 90:21 y'all 90:22 everyone experiences gender differently 90:26 oh so love from cass yeah no oh sorry no 90:29 trust me you didn't i just used it as a 90:31 talking point don't worry about it 90:33 if me ourselves says she can do girl 90:36 voice ask her for help 90:41 we all know how to do it it's just like 90:42 it's just hard it's like say it's like 90:44 saying i know how to become like 90:46 an olympic weightlifter i just don't 90:48 [ __ ] wanna you're a little 90:49 more and more like a girl i've slept 90:51 with i am a concern 91:00 jeremy 91:02 hmm what do you call this i call it 91:05 transition goals 91:11 imagine imagine how [ __ ] up he'd be if 91:14 i was right 91:15 imagine his like mental shock he was 91:18 really controlling 91:19 all this i call it transition goals 91:21 sorry i replied it twice i was like i 91:23 had to replay them i forgot if i clicked 91:24 it 91:25 um hell man if it if it 91:28 if it gives you like something to look 91:31 for to 91:31 have aspirations for then hell yeah hell 91:34 yeah i mean i'd you know why 91:40 listen my guy jeremy did your girl have 91:42 a peepee because you know 91:46 let's make chesco size bathrooms with a 91:49 fresh bowl for every part of the 91:51 spectrum lul 91:53 yeah yeah i mean i don't know i 91:56 i used to like dude i i think i talk 91:59 about a lot i want to be pretty honest 92:00 about like 92:01 50 years ago was the start of the gay 92:04 rights movement with stonewall riots 92:06 maybe 50 years 92:09 from now trans people like me will be 92:11 mostly accepted too 92:14 i think it'd be a lot sooner than 50 92:16 years 92:17 a lot sooner i think it'd be more like 92:20 the next five to ten because like 92:22 there's a thing i think five years is a 92:24 stretch i hope it happens a lot sooner 92:26 he's been curious but no specifics 92:29 needed but what's the percentage 92:30 breakdown of your income 92:33 from minecraft server youtube or twitch 92:36 it variates that's the kind of thing 92:37 about being owning a business i guess 92:39 which is 92:40 what i do on minecraft i guess i 92:41 wouldn't even call this owning a 92:42 business 92:43 hey 6969 [ __ ] yeah you probably did that 92:45 on accident but 92:47 you didn't funny number funny number 92:51 funny number he didn't do an accident 92:52 hell yeah but no i i mean it's like 92:54 the absolute most has been like maybe 50 92:57 50. weirdly enough the best months on 92:59 twitch have also coincided with really 93:00 good months on um 93:02 on minecraft i think it's just like it 93:04 it just worked out that way 93:06 so it's it's usually 60 minecraft 40 93:09 this and it's definitely been more or 93:11 less either way 93:13 i think twitch has made more once or 93:15 twice 93:16 but then also like on some insane [ __ ] 93:18 like recently or like 93:20 yeah i don't know can you try the bunny 93:22 ears to see if it works better with the 93:24 outfit 93:26 oh and doing my balls oh yes 93:29 that'd be a cool idea actually i kind of 93:30 [ __ ] with that i i think that by the way 93:33 the trends uh how long trans accepted 93:36 long time watch a first time donator 93:39 doing my part 93:48 no 93:54 my money is 94:05 hi 94:09 what the [ __ ] buddy 94:13 i hate that i hate that one bit 94:15 millennials are all for trans rights and 94:17 we are getting on 94:18 in age so trans people are going to be 94:22 accepted a lot sooner than people think 94:24 yeah i was sorry i was gonna say sorry a 94:27 lot of uh stuff also popped up but the 94:29 yeah 94:29 now um here's the thing right i feel 94:32 like the 94:33 um trans movement and all that and 94:36 it at the end of the day we're trying to 94:39 convince [ __ ] old people that don't 94:40 care 94:41 to care right it's not gonna [ __ ] 94:43 work majority of the time but the new 94:45 generation 94:46 we give half a [ __ ] about people you 94:48 know like 94:50 there's not you'd be pretty hard-pressed 94:52 i feel like 94:53 to find someone that's like our age 94:56 and also is a [ __ ] like about 94:59 about trans people right like 95:02 because you are like if i mean sorry but 95:04 if you if you i mean 95:05 in all first i don't think many of them 95:07 are here but like if you if you don't 95:09 if you don't [ __ ] with trans people 95:10 right just because they're trans 95:12 you're a [ __ ] like it's that's how it is 95:14 but like 95:15 like if you you know it's anyway i don't 95:18 think that's a very big thing now 95:20 and i'm really [ __ ] happy about that 95:22 but there are a lot there are still like 95:24 i i think the majority of people that 95:26 are our age and younger 95:28 they don't care they think it's just 95:30 cool they just like people you know like 95:32 how it should be but you know there are 95:34 gonna be like 95:36 you know there are gonna be a lot of 95:37 people out there just because you know 95:38 there's a lot of people on earth 95:40 millions of people that are just [ __ ] 95:42 awful um 95:43 but you know times change uh things get 95:46 more accepted 95:46 gay people are still having a hell of a 95:48 time because you know like 95:50 not everyone not everyone is you know 95:52 still for that even though that feels 95:54 like something that should have been 95:55 over ages ago right 95:57 but you know it's kind of weird to think 95:59 about like gay marriage was only 96:00 legalized in america like when 96:02 [ __ ] like in my lifetime which is 96:04 really weird 96:06 like i i like it was what 10 years ago 96:09 25 it wasn't even 2015. it wasn't even 96:11 that long ago dude 96:14 2015. how crazy is that that we've lived 96:16 through to see gay marriage being 96:18 legalized 96:19 it feels like so archaic right like yeah 96:21 they should have been out it feels like 96:22 something they should have been able to 96:23 do 96:25 it feels like just something they should 96:26 have been out to do forever because of 96:28 just 96:28 i guess we are in a little bit of an 96:30 echo chamber but you know [ __ ] 96:32 we do be on turf island though right i 96:35 think trans people are gonna have the 96:36 same thing it's just going to be like 96:39 annoying as [ __ ] to get there because 96:40 you know [ __ ] doing anything 96:42 worthwhile is hard 96:43 but we'll get there boys it's just it's 96:46 just us everyone like our little echo 96:48 chamber is going to expand out to the 96:49 rest of the world at some point 96:51 i think at least like it's never going 96:53 to get worse 96:54 which is good in in like developed 96:56 countries i think it's 96:58 it's getting better sorry i'll play 97:00 donations and [ __ ] 97:01 might be 97:11 two streams that were fantastic whiskey 97:14 stream and late night stream 97:17 combining them in the future would be 97:19 five head 97:20 dude late night whiskey stream a late 97:22 night whiskey show i've got my whiskey 97:24 i've got it all i got rum i got whiskey 97:25 i got 97:26 [ __ ] 97:29 thanks for the 69 [ __ ] brilliant name 97:32 too 97:33 oh my god thanks for the 69.69 please 97:36 dude if you're gonna donate 70 dollars 97:38 take away 31 cents please 97:41 it's so much better openly judged this 97:43 was unthinkable when i was a kid it's a 97:45 beautiful thing my god hold on let me 97:49 replay it 97:50 i got it cut it cut off part of your 97:52 donation 97:53 [Music] 97:56 i can now walk down the street and see a 97:58 gay couple openly showing affection 98:01 without being 98:02 yeah openly judged this was unthinkable 98:05 when i was a kid it's a beautiful thing 98:08 yeah somebody your ears what about my 98:10 ears 98:11 also yeah no it's it's [ __ ] you guys 98:13 keep saying they're backwards they're 98:14 not i keep turning them around 98:16 literally they're just sideways look 98:18 they're just facing they're not open on 98:19 any one side 98:21 it looks like they're always backwards 98:22 but they ain't they're just how they're 98:23 made look oh damn only way to do it's 98:25 like this 98:27 hey that's that doesn't really work hey 98:29 [ __ ] it thanks for the 10 gifted subs 98:31 um the hell yeah dude huh hey alex alex 98:34 the kid 98:35 [ __ ] your boy first gifted son the first 98:37 time you've done it thank you 98:38 um audios were better 98:42 which ones which wait the which ones you 98:45 mean my real ears 98:49 i mean hell yeah ketchup yeah 98:52 good name ketchup sucks at gaming it 98:54 would it would suck 98:56 same sex marriage in netherlands has 98:57 been legal since if you think gender 98:59 fluidity is the future and you yourself 99:02 admit to enjoying aspects of 99:05 both genders why do you not consider 99:07 yourself non-binary or gender fluid 99:10 because i don't think i am i feel like 99:12 i'm male 99:14 i mean i know you don't want to believe 99:16 it but the people who are conservatives 99:18 and or hateful are 99:20 out there it was nt long ago the ban 99:24 trans people from joining the military 99:27 even if it was reversed in the new 99:29 administration it reminds me i am not 99:32 wanted 99:34 you are though you are it's 99:41 there's gonna be [ __ ] dreadful people 99:43 in power for a while 99:45 right like it's gonna be another like a 99:47 long while 99:48 until there are more young people that 99:49 know what's going on right 99:51 uh the people that are in control of the 99:53 army aren't exactly your new progressive 99:55 people 99:56 um but yeah no i remember that i 99:58 remember it being really really terrible 99:59 but like 100:01 you know it's 100:04 as soon as people that are you know our 100:07 age get in power 100:08 you know like it's it's we're just 100:10 dealing with these old people 100:12 that are still you know it in the next 100:15 when like 20 20 years or something all 100:18 those people will just be gone 100:19 it sounds really dark to say but like 100:21 yeah it it is gonna get a lot better 100:24 um it's it i i hate like hearing that 100:27 like 100:28 you know it reminds me that i'm not 100:29 wanted because you are by like 100:31 the majority of the population it's just 100:34 it sucks that the people that actually 100:35 get to make the decisions aren't 100:37 actually representative of the rest of 100:38 us you know like us 100:40 as peons you know that aren't that don't 100:42 that can't just like vote for something 100:44 and change 100:44 millions of people's lives but oh dude 100:48 i mean it'll get a it'll get a lot 100:50 better i don't want you to get all like 100:51 down in the dumps that'll it'll it won't 100:53 get any better because it will 100:54 it's just you know 100:57 it's just weird right now it'll be weird 101:00 for the next like 101:00 five years but yeah don't worry i'll run 101:04 for president soon 101:05 i'll get into america run for presidency 101:08 and then everything will be fine 101:10 fanboy president as much as i like the 101:13 plan for transfer 19. 101:14 homophobic people to please hurry up and 101:17 die 101:18 the problem is young people with 101:20 problems like poverty are told to blame 101:23 other groups for 101:25 their problems i.e you might be 101:27 unemployed but at least you're not a 101:31 that's gay blaming though is it you 101:33 don't blame the game i definitely think 101:36 ppl are becoming more accepted bc 101:39 caitlyn jenner is running under the 101:42 republican party in cali and is widely 101:44 supported 101:47 it's uh that's a lot you know what i 101:49 don't have a year 101:50 already let's go i don't know how to 101:54 feel about that as well 101:55 calendar is running into the republican 101:57 party 95 102:03 uh oh oh god that was yeah hell yeah you 102:05 were the one that made it 19. let's go 102:07 my guy 95 my god 102:11 people kaitlyn jenner 102:14 is legal in only 29 countries and 102:17 criminalized in 70. 102:20 we have a long way to go yeah that's 102:22 what i mean 102:23 it's it's like a thing of like saying 102:25 about western worlds because like 102:27 places that are like places less 102:29 developed they're always gonna have like 102:30 [ __ ] like that it's just gonna be how it 102:32 is 102:33 i mean they're still worried about like 102:35 really basic stuff i don't think that 102:37 if if they're trying to get water and to 102:39 get like armies out 102:40 the armies to stop warring and terrorist 102:42 organizations think about the country i 102:44 don't think that trans acceptance is 102:45 probably going to be 102:46 the top of the line thing for him so but 102:49 right now we can worry about where we 102:51 are at i mean 102:54 [ __ ] i don't know i don't know all the 102:57 answers my guy 102:58 but i have a i have a little bit of a 103:01 belief or maybe i'm just optimistic that 103:02 things are gonna get a lot better 103:04 sorry for being so late senpai 103:08 apology not accepted apology not 103:11 accepted 103:12 you were too late i'm uh it's it's an 103:15 hour and 43 minutes 103:16 how dare you you're late for my goddamn 103:18 birthday party um 103:22 good lord you like bad boys i'm a felon 103:24 in 70 countries 103:28 he's like bad boys i'm a fella that's 103:31 funny holy [ __ ] 103:32 hey ditto we were getting oh my god we 103:34 were planning on going to a trip to 103:35 dubai or something like 103:36 scappy invited me over oh my god doing 103:39 my part two 103:40 hell yeah thank you for the sick hell 103:43 yeah 69.69 103:44 my thigh high stockings lover 103:48 i mean [ __ ] let me like pull up my 103:51 eyes big 103:52 pog yeah i was going to say fanboy in 103:54 dubai 103:56 die house um yeah no fanboy in dubai i 103:59 was like and i i just had the nails at 104:01 this point 104:01 and i was like mate marisa said like 104:07 people liking to assign labels to things 104:10 yeah intersections 104:14 uh oh i i think the problem is that 104:16 partially down to people liking to 104:18 assign labels to things it's far easier 104:20 if everyone was human we don't care 104:21 about 104:22 yeah i mean i don't know it but 104:25 uh even working with the theory of like 104:27 just saying like male and female because 104:29 i feel like male and female i don't 104:30 think 104:31 i don't think you're gonna get rid of 104:32 those terms any time soon even for 104:35 gender right even if you're just 104:36 referring to sex i don't think that 104:38 that's going to be a term only referring 104:40 to sex for a very long time 104:42 but i do think that like 104:46 i think in like okay the person before 104:48 us i still want to answer the question 104:49 it was like um 104:51 uh if you if if you think gender 104:53 fluidity is the future and you 104:54 enjoy aspects of both genders why do you 104:56 not call yourself an unbinding in 104:58 genderfluid 104:58 sorry i read it out again but yeah no 105:00 there's a reason why it's just because 105:02 like 105:03 i identify more closely with the male 105:05 end of that spectrum 105:06 weirdly enough although i still enjoy 105:08 [ __ ] like this every now and then i 105:09 still think it looks good 105:11 but i'm a guy i i like you know like i 105:14 like women that look 105:16 that look good so i kind of know what 105:18 i'm after so that's why i kind of see 105:20 myself have you ever played final 105:21 fantasy 14. 105:23 i look good to me so it's like that you 105:25 know [ __ ] you know that meme 105:26 would you [ __ ] me i'd [ __ ] me you know 105:28 like that sort of thing 105:30 uh have you ever played in final fantasy 105:32 no i haven't i've 105:33 genuinely never even i don't even know 105:34 what the game's about um 105:36 based but you know what i mean it's like 105:39 that right 105:40 like um i i i i think that i 105:44 i think that i can be male and still 105:50 typical typical british male you know 105:54 um i think that this is something i can 105:56 do you know i think that this is fine i 105:59 think that i am 106:00 pretty good with this i identify really 106:02 closely with 106:03 the boy side of fanboy you know i i 106:07 still think that like um 106:09 i'm a straight guy sorry someone asked 106:10 in chat i'm a straight guy i'm not even 106:12 bi 106:12 i'm like um yeah i like i like women's i 106:15 like 106:16 uh you know but even even like uh beef 106:19 stew right like he's doing stuff i 106:21 wanted to interview him 106:21 he's um he's like he's kind of like it 106:24 does the same mindset of just like 106:26 just enjoys the aesthetic it's pretty 106:28 much just that i don't think that people 106:30 are brought up to be like super 106:32 comfortable and open with [ __ ] like this 106:33 though 106:34 but i luckily was like my parents like 106:35 kind of never 106:37 my parents have never said oh no that 106:38 you can't do that for girls no one's 106:40 ever said that right 106:41 they just go oh didn't know you'd like 106:42 that you know it's like that it's the 106:44 most you know like they i've i've never 106:47 felt like pressured to be cut to be more 106:49 like 106:49 manly and [ __ ] at least not from my like 106:52 um beef stews fall 106:54 stealth cosplay wasn't scuffed like 106:56 yours oh no beef stew's got that [ __ ] 106:58 unlocked he's he's a 106:59 that's my that's my next way i lose my 107:02 career is to beefster 107:03 um but yeah no he's um i got really 107:06 lucky with that i 107:07 besides like society i guess if we live 107:10 in one 107:11 um but no no one's ever like no one in 107:14 my family at least if ever like 107:15 criticized me for being more feminine so 107:17 i've been like really open with [ __ ] 107:19 like this 107:20 so wearing it wearing a dress wearing 107:22 makeup and everything it's just like 107:24 bang it doesn't really it doesn't really 107:26 faze me there's nothing 107:27 deep in the twinge of my brain it's like 107:29 i shouldn't be doing this like no i 107:30 don't care 107:31 so eh she got really used to it 107:34 i mean i guess like i guess like you 107:37 know 107:38 myself you know i'm a bit like uh i like 107:40 to preserve my uh 107:42 my manly man aesthetic but i like the 107:44 fact that i can do both right now 107:46 like i like the thing of it but i still 107:49 like the fact that i'm a guy 107:51 i i feel like if all of this [ __ ] wasn't 107:53 a thing i'd just i'd just be a guy 107:54 you know if i didn't have to worry about 107:56 societal pressures my guy i'd shave my 107:58 head and run off into the woods and you 108:00 know build a treehouse 108:01 it would be easy 108:05 you know i don't know i i like i like 108:08 the i i like identifying as a guy it's 108:10 just like a thing that's more it's more 108:11 comfortable to me 108:13 in man mode you know so i can pretty 108:15 much i went to did not have any outer 108:17 gay people non-binary i guess 108:19 back then gays were beaten to death as a 108:22 kid i got beat by my dad for trying on 108:25 girl cloths 108:27 i never thought i would see their day i 108:30 would join 3 108:31 others watching a fanboy and it is 108:34 accepted 108:35 yeah holy [ __ ] 108:38 i mean when was that [ __ ] that's [ __ ] 108:41 awful 108:42 that's good lord 108:47 my god what a time to be 20 you know 108:49 like i'm glad i wasn't 108:51 oh then it wasn't around then holy [ __ ] 108:54 oh seven's my guy holy [ __ ] 108:57 oh my the dress is a bit cheeky bro it 109:00 ain't it's a pretty 109:01 awesome dress it's got you can see my 109:03 thigh highs that's about it 109:05 it's pretty okay [ __ ] uh three months 109:07 ninety five percent 109:08 imagining a better future for all part 109:10 what happened it won't happen 109:12 next this one we probably all hit this 109:14 one but the next one 109:16 no you can identify as feminine and not 109:18 identify as this girl 109:19 i know it's like it's it's almost like 109:22 you can put on a skirt 109:23 and not want to be a woman 109:26 it's almost as if it's almost is it 109:30 my god it was nt for liberals making 109:35 people hire gays over you even though 109:37 you a superior being 109:40 a straight white male 109:43 it cut off the first bit of the things 109:45 let me replay it 109:46 but um didn't you say guys agenda 109:49 neutral term 109:50 i said dude do it do it's a german 109:52 dude's agenda neutral temp dude 109:53 dudes for everyone my dude thank you my 109:56 dude 109:57 thanks dude yeah that dude's a 109:58 gender-neutral sorry i wanna i wanna 110:00 replay the one before 110:02 it's all about people having someone to 110:04 blame and feel better than 110:06 right i you have a job if it was nt 110:11 for liberals making people hire gays 110:13 over you even though you a superior 110:15 being 110:16 a straight white male is that referring 110:19 to the thing of like blame 110:20 and [ __ ] that we were talking about 110:21 earlier and i am only 37 living in rural 110:25 america 110:26 we have come a long way i was gonna say 110:28 i thought that was a lot longer ago but 110:30 i guess america's a bit 110:32 behind the rest of us sorry sorry 110:34 america 110:35 uh britain are really leading the 110:37 charges here on turf island we're doing 110:38 great we're 110:39 really a forefront of um acceptance here 110:42 um 110:44 talk about people it's all about someone 110:47 it's all about people having someone to 110:48 buy and feel better i 110:49 have a job if it wasn't for liberals 110:51 making oh like yeah i've seen that 110:53 before like people like 110:54 kind of going like yeah oh no i would 110:57 have got this job but you know 110:58 diversity blah blah blah someone else 111:00 got it yeah 111:02 but ah [ __ ] i don't know i'm not an 111:05 economist to be honest with you 111:07 i'm not like a big i didn't ever do 111:09 social the i needed psychology 111:11 um you know because i'm not a joke 111:15 anyway sorry sociologists you know 111:17 weirdly enough that would actually be a 111:19 question for a sociologist 111:21 instead of a instead of someone in 111:22 psychology so i don't know 111:24 i don't really have a big opinion on 111:26 that one it might be 111:27 but i don't know i haven't researched 111:29 enough to give a good 111:32 answer on it anyway 111:35 president finn please president finn 111:37 president finn please please 111:38 okay i like america for the sunshine 111:41 i'll take america just for the sunshine 111:43 you're [ __ ] cockroaches though sorry 111:45 we're talking about earlier what the 111:47 [ __ ] why do you how do you deal with 111:48 cockroaches americans 111:50 how like they're just they look awful 111:54 like why poison crush them 111:57 dude i've seen a cockroach once in once 112:00 in turkey i went to turkey on like a 112:02 week holiday for a birthday 112:04 and they're [ __ ] dude they're gross 112:07 they're really nasty like what 112:10 do you just like dude i'm getting like 112:12 itchy talking about do you get like do 112:13 you just move 112:16 do you just move when you find [ __ ] dude 112:18 they look like they suck 112:20 not as bad as silverfish siltfish are 112:21 tiny they're like that big they're like 112:23 tiny little shits we have them here 112:25 they're not scary cockroaches are like 112:27 [ __ ] they can be like giant 112:32 gross cockroaches will outlive you they 112:35 will dude 112:37 wild feral hogs burn the whole house 112:39 down 112:41 silverfish eat your house meanwhile pog 112:43 game gaming games dude 112:46 park gaming gamer game i'm a gamer gamer 112:49 bro 112:49 i'm a gamer game i'm a gaming gamer um 112:53 why don't we don't just spontaneously 112:56 get cockroaches 112:57 well what do you mean can you like i've 112:59 been thinking about this right 113:01 surely you can like bug proof a house 113:03 surely 113:04 like you there's no way you can't like 113:07 if you built a new house you could build 113:09 it to be like bug proof 113:11 right dude you've got to be able to 113:14 there's no way like they can't they 113:16 don't just spawn in 113:18 it's not minecraft if you make a giant 113:20 cube and it's sealed everywhere besides 113:22 like your door 113:24 then it's gonna [ __ ] work they've got 113:26 to be able to make it 113:27 there's no way that you can like fully 113:29 proof a house that's already been built 113:31 though i get that 113:32 but like i mean come on like 113:35 these like have fun breathing but like 113:38 you can get filters and [ __ ] 113:40 like 113:43 anything that makes an audible crunch 113:46 when you step on them is a big no 113:47 no oh oh you made my whole body 113:51 oh my god 113:56 oh that's just [ __ ] oh that 113:59 thank you for that that's just oh that 114:01 makes me just 114:03 kevlar that i hated that i hated that a 114:07 lot 114:08 wow wow i dislike that 114:12 thanks what's worse roaches or spiders 114:15 i'd agree actually roaches do look 114:17 [ __ ] dreadful i'm glad that we don't 114:18 have them here 114:19 roach is definitely a reason why i 114:20 wouldn't want to go also you're a good 114:22 speaker thank you 114:23 uh what a weird compliment thank you 114:26 that makes me mandate a little bit 114:27 brighter 114:27 the um yeah no the i would say that 114:31 roaches are definitely worse even though 114:32 i've seen 114:33 one of them ever if i had to deal with 114:35 them they looked pretty bad 114:36 i wouldn't go to america i wouldn't want 114:37 to live in america pretty much just 114:39 because of like 114:40 like [ __ ] maybe it's too hot in 114:43 roaches hey 114:44 finn non-binary brit here did you hear 114:47 that a non-binary person is a mayor in 114:49 wales 114:50 no first non-binary to be mayor anywhere 114:54 that's cool i don't want to google it 115:04 uh oh yeah two days ago what the [ __ ] 115:08 this is quick 115:09 look at this [ __ ] that's cool 115:12 one time my friend had a sleepover and a 115:15 water bug came out the wall by the way 115:17 it's a 115:19 giant bug but it happened at like 4am it 115:22 scared us so bad also we were on the 115:24 floor at 115:26 some time so we stayed on the bed after 115:28 that it also happened like three times 115:31 oh 115:33 oh no that's [ __ ] gross once lived in 115:36 a bad department that would 115:38 get a lot of roaches oh i don't want to 115:40 talk about this any worry about no 115:42 oh my following one while i slept i 115:44 don't wanna i do i hate it 115:46 also look at the [ __ ] outfit dude i 115:48 wanna feel like that that's sick 115:50 yeah congrats lots of crunch crunch 115:53 stuff 115:53 here nice good [ __ ] 115:56 welsh non-binary mayor [ __ ] yeah he's 115:58 young as hell too that's not even a 116:00 dude that's [ __ ] nuts that he's that 116:02 young and he's a man 116:04 wait how [ __ ] old is he am i how old 116:06 is this guy how old are they how old are 116:07 they how are they 116:10 yeah and this thing is don't ask me two 116:12 months 116:14 goes fast when watching a cute fanboy i 116:17 would have done i want to know how old 116:18 are this 116:19 [Music] 116:20 what the [ __ ] i want to know it's called 116:22 white pride because it tells the members 116:25 that they can feel good simply 116:26 i said that or did i say with the right 116:29 skin 116:30 straight pride is the same thing bug 116:33 proof do you want to live in a concrete 116:35 box with no furniture or food or heat 116:38 yeah but like you have furniture 116:41 it's as it's as long as the bugs can't 116:44 get in from outside then it's fine 116:46 right then it's bug proof it might it's 116:48 not it it 116:49 kind of be bug proof if they're already 116:51 inside right 116:52 that's going to mold nah i feel like it 116:55 can be done i feel like it can be done 116:57 now poison spiders is what you got to 116:59 worry about 117:00 in bears and poisony snakes 117:03 and a dozen other animals that can kill 117:05 you 117:07 yeah i don't care about that actually 117:08 any animal that i don't you know i'm 117:10 more of 117:11 i mean my mother's high school friend 117:13 had his house burned down because he was 117:16 gay killing all of 117:18 his pets oh have the times changed since 117:22 then 117:24 [Music] 117:27 roaches can survive a nuclear blast 117:30 be afraid of roaches 117:33 yeah no but roach roaches are just gross 117:36 they can fly too 117:38 oh [ __ ] god i [ __ ] hate this type 117:42 of conversation we talk about 117:43 anything else that aren't bugs anything 117:46 dude just this is dreadful somehow like 117:49 the two worst politics we've got going 117:51 on like 117:52 uh yeah topics we're going to it's got 117:54 politics and bugs 117:56 the two worst topics you could have 117:58 sharks 117:59 not sharks either anything lit i don't 118:01 oh 118:02 god i hate them oh do you read chat i'm 118:05 reading 118:06 chat currently that's what i'm doing now 118:08 bug politics is worse 118:09 do you reckon do you reckon ants have 118:11 like 118:13 political parties [ __ ] stop myself 118:16 from talking 118:17 i was stupid how's the diet come along 118:20 badly i keep ruining it i keep doing 118:21 okay and then i ruin it again 118:23 i've been doing terrible the last two 118:24 days but ugh 118:28 how do i feel about birds birds don't 118:31 exist 118:32 i've never seen a baby one drone 118:36 spy cameras flying spy cameras if you 118:38 didn't know little known fact 118:40 so boober 118:44 td paste 118:48 absolutely based birds definitely aren't 118:50 real have you ever seen a baby bird 118:53 kind of weird looking i don't think it's 118:54 real big strong man 118:56 nope a very very strong i don't think 118:59 birds are real 119:00 birds not real 119:04 birds were made by the bourgeoisie 119:10 six months baby uh 119:16 i saw one before lies with your own eyes 119:19 i doubt it 119:22 well that's a weird [ __ ] clip 119:25 are your muscles getting smaller i 119:26 haven't worked out i've been doing many 119:28 lifting but 119:30 [ __ ] me i tense too hard 119:33 it's too hard growing up hey rob 119:36 watching a bug's life must tv 119:38 been hard and if you hate bugs so much 119:41 uh i know i don't really i just don't 119:43 like him i i don't 119:44 hate him i just have a healthy distrust 119:49 the box just happened i got anti-insect 119:52 nets in front of my windows 119:54 keeps them outside most of the time 119:58 yeah i do that too i've got like a 120:00 screen on a window it's kind of okay 120:03 oh wait the new willy video is out is it 120:05 when did that come out what's important 120:07 grab your whiskey or rum and we can get 120:10 a buzz going 120:12 wait is it on their second channel or 120:13 some [ __ ] 120:15 wait where is it where 120:18 [Music] 120:20 is it a close friend of mine have a rose 120:23 head tarantula 120:24 it is 120:29 it was posted an hour ago do you want to 120:30 see it uh do you want to watch the world 120:32 only video that i'm apparently in 120:38 i'm gonna post how dare you 120:43 well 120:52 would it be too far to say i'm glad the 120:54 boys broke up 120:56 in his comment section 121:03 square face 121:07 thank god yeah it probably would be say 121:09 it say do it 121:13 i'll post it on a different channel i'll 121:14 post it later because my minecraft 121:15 channels make much sense for this okay 121:17 shall we boys should we give a reaction 121:19 to uh the will any video 121:22 let's see hopefully he's not going to 121:23 say anything rude 121:25 he wouldn't do that would he no put me 121:28 down there 121:28 every time you press this button i will 121:31 give you 121:32 10p without it right 121:36 he gets on with that we're going to go 121:38 and [ __ ] her over the rest of twitch 121:40 will annie has just dropped to the 121:41 channel a 100 pound 121:43 donation he says hello brother i'm 121:45 comparing wait he got 100 pounds i got 121:47 30 pounds the [ __ ] was that will 121:49 you little piece of [ __ ] thirty dollars 121:51 i'm a bunch of streamers for the 121:53 blah blah gives foundation one of the 121:55 kids i just realized blamably 121:57 though has made a song i've tried to get 121:59 it to go viral would you mind reacting 122:01 to this tick tock 122:02 chat she'll i don't know if this is um 122:06 morally right i wasn't your little piece 122:09 of [ __ ] 122:10 you little piece of [ __ ] i hate him i 122:13 hate this 122:13 i hate this guy also quick note here on 122:16 the foundation i promise i'm not 122:18 frauding out a real charity 122:19 this it's just an anagram of my big fat 122:22 balls 122:22 here we go hello there big 122:28 streamer how's it going it's me willa 122:30 knee this might seem a bit hello welcome 122:32 compiling a bunch of videos 122:34 for the blumbly gifts foundation where 122:36 basically one of their kids noah has 122:38 made a song called 122:39 sunshine in my pocket and it's the one 122:41 you can hear right now and what we're 122:43 doing for noah and the foundation 122:44 because i see how he reacts to his song 122:47 sorry let me move my face cam because 122:48 it's 122:49 in the way so it's uh it's dead simple 122:52 please feel free to just follow hey gap 122:53 i got 122:54 scammed the second page make a fist with 122:56 your thumb 122:57 on the outside of your fingers with both 123:00 hands 123:00 that's right two you then want to take 123:02 your fists put them just this feels so 123:04 messy of a video 123:05 like this will up there reacting to him 123:07 reaction of will i'm reacting to this 123:10 is this not [ __ ] you're at seven 123:12 minutes okay left 123:16 [Music] 123:24 [Laughter] 123:27 okay i've watched him get that guy 123:28 should we skip let's go to uh my video 123:31 my bit's apparently in seven minutes 123:32 okay there we go oh yeah 123:34 party week one week two week three week 123:36 four weeks like 123:37 [ __ ] it i write it i rate it choose the 123:39 fourth the ordination man holy [ __ ] 123:40 will it be done oh my [ __ ] cheats 123:46 he donated 123:49 and he done it oh my [ __ ] cheats 123:52 choose the fourth will 123:56 there's a pay gap there's a pay cap bro 123:59 oh my [ __ ] cheats i look like [ __ ] in 124:02 this i just realized 124:04 what the [ __ ] sorry i don't watch your 124:06 videos man 124:08 you made him compiling a video of a 124:10 bunch of streamers youtubers for the 124:12 blameably gifts 124:13 foundation you're not gonna expect me to 124:16 dance well 124:17 oh god it's for a good cause but my god 124:19 [Laughter] 124:20 step two you then want to take your 124:21 fists oh my [ __ ] god why 124:23 every single time i'm in front of myself 124:25 above your hips and move left 124:26 to right to left to right and we're 124:28 gonna start slow 124:30 we're gonna get a bit faster this how i 124:32 dance anyway please 124:33 please no please no are you guys saying 124:36 it 124:36 they're doing it 124:44 [ __ ] you will surely 124:47 somebody knows you did you did you 124:50 [ __ ] 124:50 god damn it i look like [ __ ] in that 124:52 though my god like i was mid doing 124:54 makeup and everything 124:55 [ __ ] i got i got bad timing but gg 125:00 ah angry rose indeed 125:06 did you good good good show will good 125:08 show 125:11 [ __ ] sake though that that's 125:15 wait what the [ __ ] yeah okay sorry i was 125:18 like skipping through a bunch of [ __ ] i 125:19 was wondering who else he got 125:21 all right cool cool oh that's strange 125:23 all right 125:24 got it [ __ ] hell that was great yeah 125:27 there was a funny idea 125:28 but jesus christ that was yeah i don't 125:31 know how the [ __ ] he managed to think of 125:32 that 125:33 overreaction for the content broke the 125:35 ears sorry 125:38 rose no compose what what this 125:42 uh not much new on reddit today oh no 125:44 i'm very sorry i haven't checked it in a 125:45 couple days though 125:47 i wonder if my thing's fixed shall i see 125:49 let me see if my thing's fixed 125:52 i'll slash fenster it's let me on it 125:57 oh it fixed it [ __ ] yeah it fixed my 125:59 thing look at that i can now use the 126:00 reddit again on google chrome let's go 126:07 oh that's a cool knife actually look at 126:09 that oh that's a cool kind of that's a 126:10 kind of cool knife 126:11 it's like there's a name for that knife 126:13 and i don't know what it is it reminded 126:15 me of finn 126:16 that reminds you of finn that reminds me 126:18 of 126:19 you of me i'm done 126:22 this one's just write it down bad i 126:23 don't know if i wanna whoa 126:28 what what do you mean not 126:31 nothing new on the reddit what the [ __ ] 126:34 someone made me in [ __ ] 3d that's my 126:37 profile picture that the 126:38 the really talented artistry that's did 126:40 they make me in [ __ ] 3d bro 126:42 no one commented on it why that's kind 126:45 of [ __ ] sick actually 126:48 there's animation of these in this club 126:50 that's sick that's kind of cool 126:52 i hate instagram instagram added to 126:54 their story story and available 126:56 yeah i why would that's such a good 126:58 reaction image 127:01 that's pretty funny actually i don't 127:03 know people have been saying that i 127:04 don't know why 127:06 i go oh god i'm on a irl again oh my god 127:09 i'm an angry irl again with [ __ ] 127:11 how many [ __ ] things 9 000 127:16 new viewer weird question but are you 127:18 trans or just a fanboy 127:19 oh no i got 9 000 up votes 127:24 that got 9 000 up votes 127:33 that's like a lot actually 127:37 that's a that's a lot actually that that 127:39 that's a lot actually 127:40 what the [ __ ] that's in 12 hours 127:44 that's gonna compete with my uh there he 127:46 goes on 16. 127:47 what the [ __ ] it did that's [ __ ] 127:50 nuts all right cool cool very odd 127:55 cool i guess thanks i wish i would have 127:57 got nine dollars in your forge 127:58 oh well nifty 128:02 why [ __ ] i don't want to read the 128:04 comments of that now 128:07 should i read the comments i know i 128:09 shouldn't when the test is multiple 128:11 answers and you choose the wrong answer 128:13 indeed this dude is apparently he isn't 128:16 even translating past better the girl 128:17 that 128:17 i shouldn't read the reddit comments but 128:19 i'm gonna i'm gonna it's a 128:21 guilty it's a guilty pleasure of mine i 128:23 won't say who is this see that's what i 128:25 like to see 128:26 bespoke okay people are actually like 128:29 good i [ __ ] hate how reddit works 128:31 where it's just like okay yeah i don't 128:32 care about the [ __ ] 128:34 the random like i don't care about like 128:36 the 50 replies i just want to see like 128:37 what 128:37 people actually say when this happened 128:39 blah blah blah one clip and then there's 128:40 20 128:41 replies to it i can't find i've seen 128:43 four separate comments i don't like it 128:45 you can click the line oh well either 128:47 way finn 128:49 finn is finn and as of now i feel he 128:51 doesn't feel like an egg i respect it 128:52 okay people are actually kind of nice 128:55 uh yeah 128:58 yeah no people are actually pretty 128:59 respectful what happened on this 129:01 you can click the line okay well i'll 129:04 learn how to do that later 129:05 but still it's annoying it's really 129:07 annoying i don't like how red it works 129:08 with that 129:09 i don't care i've seen this i've seen 129:12 new stream tonight okay 129:14 obey that's [ __ ] terrifying uh for 129:17 rose's birthday buy her a nice 129:18 cute pretty necklace makeup a set of 129:21 airbrushes 129:23 for finn's birthday buy him tools let's 129:25 go 129:27 it's already been my birthday no wonder 129:28 you got me a tool why have you done that 129:30 to my face 129:31 why did you just increase the the 129:33 contrast so much now i look like a 129:35 gremlin you can see how bad my skin is 129:37 now 129:37 but this is how my skin really is and 129:40 this is makeup and everything 129:42 i mean pog please do get me knives and 129:45 tools and various things 129:47 a jackhammer dude i'll [ __ ] take a j 129:49 dude i've all 129:50 dude i kind of want i've got one of 129:52 these i i kind of want a nail gun and a 129:54 [ __ ] what is this circular saw i 129:56 don't know what the [ __ ] that would be 129:58 uh no that's a circular saw what the 129:59 [ __ ] is this an angle grinder [ __ ] yeah 130:01 i want one of those this is gonna happen 130:04 the sims finn being confident we're not 130:05 gonna hit the third month call 130:11 oh no oh no oh 130:14 no oh god oh god oh no oh god oh no 130:21 the original image oh yeah that's what i 130:24 posted on uh 130:26 thingy 130:28 [Laughter] 130:34 now [ __ ] hell oh yeah i was on this 130:37 guy's video 130:38 yeah i forgot this here you go go buy a 130:40 screwdriver 130:43 hell yeah when did i look like that oh 130:45 is that the i did i could i did good eye 130:46 shadow then 130:47 and they edited it hell yeah i'll go buy 130:49 a phillips head 130:51 i've seen this before that's good enjoy 130:54 i write about there being nothing new on 130:57 reddit 130:58 i guess i do lie to women yeah 131:01 maybe i should do uh maybe i should do 131:02 eyeshadow i mean don't get me wrong this 131:04 looks really weird because of all the 131:05 like you've added a ton of saturation 131:07 and stuff but maybe eyeshadow would have 131:08 been pretty good there 131:12 oh god shall i attempt this all right 131:14 simply keith i'd [ __ ] you 131:17 i think you were streaming for this 131:18 which was a terrible idea though 131:21 it was like uh yeah it was like [ __ ] 131:24 streaming you all hit this goal 131:26 anyway um we will not hit the skull 131:30 no thanks for the 69.69 though hell yeah 131:33 okay 900 dono incoming 131:38 don't need it save it for the next i am 131:40 often called a tool will you turn me on 131:42 absolutely no uh what i'm often called a 131:45 tool will you turn me on 131:46 are you um 132:00 rose knows she is not hot enough to 132:02 compete on that platform and will just 132:05 be embarrassed 132:07 seriously there is no way she would 132:09 succeed 132:10 oh your name's reverse psychology [ __ ] 132:14 you 132:14 reverse psychologist chloe you little 132:17 [ __ ] 132:17 i you know what [ __ ] i guess reverse 132:20 psychology works for me 132:21 the uh i listen bucko 132:24 listen i don't care if it was listen i'm 132:26 not gonna ever do that 132:28 site however i'm gonna do it on uh i'll 132:31 do some stuff on twitter when paid posts 132:33 come out maybe i'll do some cosplays but 132:35 i'm never gonna do anything like 132:36 [ __ ] you know only fans worthy wink 132:39 wink nudge nudge 132:40 can i even say that i'm never gonna do 132:41 anything that's like i'm never gonna do 132:43 what amaranth does you know what i mean 132:45 that's that's it i'm never going to be 132:47 doing hot tub streams on uh 132:49 on off that's that's that's all i can 132:51 say but 132:56 loads ah probably not do it out of spite 132:59 reverse like hello 133:03 my god you notice my camera lens is so 133:05 wide the my 133:06 room has curvature like look at that 133:08 this line there this this like wall 133:11 look at that it's like curved and then 133:13 it curves back down again over 133:17 my god only uh of stuff can be totally 133:20 tame 133:21 yeah but it's never really 133:24 and uh i i don't know i don't want to be 133:26 known as the minecraft youtuber 133:28 with with that to be honest i think 133:29 that's a bad bad optics bad pr 133:32 move you know minecraft youtubers have 133:35 had a bit of a um 133:38 bad rep um 133:41 i don't particularly want to be 133:42 promoting that to my audience if you're 133:44 not a member don't worry 133:46 we have no chance to hit that goal in 133:48 only 14 days 133:51 it's almost 1 000 also 133:54 you are so cute thank you 133:58 thank you thank you i mean 134:02 the earth is round confirmed true 134:05 i didn't notice the curvy wall until now 134:07 right yeah would you rather your clothes 134:09 always fit you or you 134:10 or you always fit your clothes my 134:12 clothes always fit me definitely what do 134:14 you mean 134:14 what oh wait do you mean oh [ __ ] well i 134:17 don't know 134:22 oh [ __ ] yeah i don't know i guess i 134:24 guess i always fit my 134:26 clothes would be easier right because 134:27 then you could just buy stuff a size 134:28 down 134:29 and then it'll be fine but then again 134:31 like 134:32 a lot of baggy stuff so i like the 134:35 feeling 134:36 you know uh making off with just videos 134:39 of weird stuff with clickbait titles 134:40 no chat please help us hit the dono goal 134:45 my wallet is itchy but i need to save my 134:48 money for the next goal 134:55 what you're a minecraft youtuber i never 134:57 know i am 134:59 i'm a whole ass minecraft youtuber it's 135:01 weird because i read the 135:03 i read the comments on [ __ ] on reddit 135:04 sometimes guys just a dollar each and 135:07 this goal will 135:08 be done do your part because like i've 135:10 genuinely seen people being like uh 135:12 thank you 135:13 i've genuinely seen people being like oh 135:15 no no no he's never been a he's 135:18 always a girl online like he's never 135:20 anywhere 135:21 he never streams when he's like a guy so 135:23 clearly he's got to be true 135:26 would you like my 600 video playlist 135:29 buckaroo like yeah it was weird i've 135:32 just 135:32 it's it's kind of weird that i have two 135:34 completely separate communities 135:37 [Music] 135:38 but funny number 135:47 no it was so close 135:51 oh my no 135:55 you tried holy [ __ ] 135:59 that oh sevens for the 007s dude it's a 136:01 moment give it give it a moment 136:03 the uh the 200 donation thank you holy 136:07 [ __ ] and also 136:08 our fallen one that's i think that's the 136:10 first time that it didn't work 136:13 it's okay in in a moire we trust 136:16 thank you for the 200 and we uh 136:20 we're very we're very um what the [ __ ] 136:24 it was 136:24 doing my part it's the thought that 136:26 counts 136:29 oh my god thank you 136:32 we're gonna hit gm through the stream i 136:34 no no 136:37 why is finn saluting it's oh sevens it's 136:39 out of respect 136:40 for this girl a year later oh it was 136:43 like my 136:44 one year anniversary rose hell yeah also 136:47 if you see finn tell him that the new 136:49 video was pretty cool 136:51 thank you thank you the uh it was an 136:53 interesting one the um 136:55 the minecraft very interesting 136:58 oh sorry my thumbnails on youtube i went 137:00 back on it what the [ __ ] 137:03 there's just a thing called thick lady 137:05 dimit uh dimitrescu 137:07 all cutscenes 16 minutes long 137:10 why'd they make another girl a them 137:14 weird it'd be gym for we're doing it 137:17 like it's 137:18 season one season two i like calling it 137:20 like that so this is the season three 137:22 girl month season three i think i'm just 137:24 resetting the counter this we're on 137:26 number one right now 137:27 i'm doing my part yeah you don't need to 137:31 vince found awesome good name but you 137:32 don't need to 137:34 my mommy vampire my god 137:39 just dawned on me that you're getting 137:40 paid 20k for this to do this month just 137:42 a little more 137:44 ah thank you jess it's 137:48 it's not just a little more it's a while 137:49 do you think you will ever hop on 2b2t 137:51 for a minecraft video maybe if i'm stuck 137:53 for ideas but 137:54 i feel like it's kind of overdone like 137:56 the hypes kind of died down for you 137:57 starting my dear 137:58 stream what 138:02 the [ __ ] oh parting like i swear to god 138:04 that said dongs 138:05 but thank you so much 138:21 can we get some peg champs from chat oh 138:23 wait jack can we get some yeah can we 138:25 get some peg champs chad 138:27 to support my favorite youtuber thank 138:30 you 138:30 thank you thank you 138:34 my god 138:42 doing my party very cute princess ah 138:46 god i hated that wow i hated that a lot 138:48 thank you rose them 138:49 i hated that immensely oh 138:53 wow that made me hurt inside i liked him 138:56 emote filled chat yes emo phil chat i 138:59 want it all 139:00 emotes only he might only chat it's just 139:03 all peg champs 139:04 without enabling any different type of 139:05 chat who does your nails a random person 139:08 i don't know their name they're pretty 139:10 good at it though they're really good 139:11 they just take a very long time you seem 139:12 to like little for big clothing are you 139:15 a b ib 139:19 you mean the [ __ ] the the i know the 139:21 seller that you're on about on amazon 139:22 they do like these like 139:23 they do keep [ __ ] though it's kind of 139:25 like a nice thing for that i guess 139:28 doing my part i don't know what a b is 139:32 though 139:36 [ __ ] goddamn let me look him up one 139:37 sec let me look him up 139:39 [Music] 139:40 oh [ __ ] i don't know who's sorry it 139:42 worked but thought i should probably 139:44 stop by and her doing my part 139:47 thank you my god dpps 139:51 welcome back oh i'm trying to look up a 139:52 thing 139:54 [Music] 139:57 no uh 140:02 little for big 140:07 yeah i know these people yeah they're 140:09 all it's a little bit weird how they 140:11 have like the descriptions of them 140:12 doing my part for girl mum you know also 140:15 rose you turn me on in the strangest 140:17 ways 140:18 the the best of ways i think um 140:22 the best of ways yeah they just their 140:24 item description is literally like 140:26 onesie pajamas 140:34 thank you see piggy jesus christ thank 140:37 you my guy 140:38 yeah hold on i'm trying to look at a 140:41 thing yeah they do a lot of weird [ __ ] 140:43 oh that's cool 140:45 holy [ __ ] this actually is kind of nifty 140:47 i found something kind of neat 140:48 i might get it i might get it still 140:52 doing my part 140:53 hell yeah i don't know dude yeah i found 140:55 something kind of nifty they make like a 140:57 onesie 140:58 thing that's like a french-made outfit 141:00 but that's pretty cool they do good 141:01 stuff they're like all made out of 141:02 normal material 141:06 they do good stuff 141:10 oh thank you for the six months bye guys 141:12 [Music] 141:15 just to make sure you can't end stream 141:18 early 141:25 holy [ __ ] 141:28 did we [ __ ] do it oh 141:32 wait you were spamming for a while i 141:34 didn't know that's what you're on about 141:35 you were just saying random [ __ ] 141:37 oh [ __ ] i am partying my dong 141:43 [ __ ] god thank you part your dong my 141:46 guy 141:53 30 more days how many how many days has 141:55 it been 141:56 so far of goal of goal month how long 141:59 has it been 142:01 like a week a little bit over a week two 142:05 weeks 142:06 it couldn't have been two weeks yet 142:10 ten days has it been ten days 142:13 it couldn't have been two weeks it 142:14 hasn't been two weeks has it it hasn't 142:16 been two weeks 142:17 because then i would have needed to post 142:18 more videos have i done the maths 142:20 [ __ ] wrong on this 142:21 how long has it been 142:25 videos one second let's find out 142:29 i think playing minecraft on your other 142:32 channel while dragon would open a lot of 142:34 minds as 142:36 far as mainstream lgbt acceptance goes 142:41 [Music] 142:43 yeah we did it guys 142:48 today is day two my god yeah [ __ ] 142:51 i already did by the way i i've done two 142:52 videos on my main channel with uh with 142:54 that and people liked him they do really 142:56 well 142:57 maybe i'll do it more maybe i'll do it 142:58 more but i don't know i'm not sure 143:02 uh does anyone have any stats on findo's 143:04 versus rose oh damn 143:06 oh thank you xendrix oh my god i'm i'm 143:10 doing it a little bit differently i'm 143:11 adding more time to the fin days 143:13 the time off thanks for 10 gifted subs 143:15 holy [ __ ] because it's basically just 143:17 like it means 143:18 you know i'm doing this for now [ __ ] 143:20 three months 143:21 we did it you did it 143:28 good job good job well done good job 143:30 well done i'm making the 143:31 gm3 uh 143:34 the calendar yay and girl month done 143:38 next pog come on done next 143:45 next it's just the laser hair removal 143:48 oh damn thank you kevlar for the 143:52 thousand five good subs do you really 143:54 want to [ __ ] do that 143:56 or is there not do you really ugh god 143:58 damn is the hair real or is it a wig 144:00 it's real hair 144:01 it's even attached to my real like you 144:03 know it's 144:05 real hair dude thanks for the five subs 144:08 do you want to do it do you want to do 144:09 the [ __ ] do you laser hair do you want 144:11 to do 144:11 [ __ ] golf for it now is this going to 144:14 be a sub goal though 144:15 do you want to do a sub goal for that 144:22 you want to do it now we could wait a 144:23 year it's fine if we could wait a year 144:25 belly button pissing no also 144:30 well done chat this means that the bob 144:33 months are pushed out until 144:35 september through to november l-u-l 144:39 god you will have to adjust the calendar 144:41 again 144:42 [ __ ] november jesus 144:46 the weird stuff being the adult baby 144:48 diaper lovers chat look it up moist cr1 144:51 tickle today 144:53 video change the thing yeah 144:59 oh yeah no i'm i'm aware i know it can't 145:01 do 20 145:02 000 pounds to dress as a girl for a 145:04 month i'd do that for a double 145:06 cheeseburger 145:07 20 000 and then you got to half it 145:09 because taxes so 145:11 so that's fine okay welcome welcome and 145:14 then well well 145:15 not half it if i can spend all the money 145:17 on on random work [ __ ] so let's just 145:19 start buying pcs and dresses 145:21 thanks a lot for the oh that's a weird 145:22 thanks for the 18 subs lana 145:24 but you oh damn oh dude taxes are great 145:28 man 145:29 every every month you've just got a half 145:30 the amount that you think i make buy a 145:32 30 90 hell yeah 145:33 um sub number isn't going up it does go 145:36 up it's just not real time in like five 145:37 minutes it goes up 145:39 my god buy a pc and start mining coins 145:42 hell yeah 145:43 it can't be tacked bitcoins non-taxable 145:45 that's not true 145:47 is it is it no it's it's definitely what 145:50 probably is keep the donors going they 145:53 roll over to the next month 145:57 yeah all right i'll i'll i'll do it like 145:59 that we can do it like that 146:01 pay someone's find you with 39 dude it's 146:04 just scalpers bro that you can't 146:06 get them you just can't [ __ ] get them 146:08 bro if we hit that goal i'll buy the 146:10 thing 146:10 it's a [ __ ] business experience yeah 146:12 the laser hair removal zappy things like 146:15 400 pounds so you know business expense 146:18 baby 146:20 but it should only work for 146:23 six months at a time so it's you know 146:26 six months of not having six months of 146:30 laser hair removal doesn't seem too bad 146:31 i feel like i could do with that that's 146:33 fine 146:34 but you know i can deal with six months 146:35 of not having like you know leg hair 146:38 that's okay that's all right i could do 146:40 that 146:42 i couldn't i could do that keep the 146:44 doughnuts going roll over to the next 146:45 one okay i got it all right 146:47 yeah now she's mad i'm not mad 146:50 i'm just disappointed 146:55 it's no trick you're attractive no 146:56 matter how you dress i disagree have you 146:58 seen me looking sideways 147:00 i stuff 147:03 thanks for the 10 gifted subs my god 147:07 new donor goal 25k government for yeah 147:10 i'll set it up 147:11 later yeah i don't know would you guys 147:14 want to do a girl month goal 147:16 immediately like now i feel like you'd 147:19 want to wait for a minute now 147:21 you just want to have to not shave oh 147:23 yeah pretty much 147:24 i'll do it on my face for six months 147:25 like oh that'd be cool but 147:28 [Music] 147:33 not laser laser is ineffective 147:36 untrue and also i don't want it to be 147:38 gone permanently 147:39 so that's what i'm after i don't want it 147:42 to be gone permanently 147:44 slowing down hair growth and just partly 147:46 taking some away sounds like a good idea 147:49 yeah hold off the next gm goal we have 147:51 two and a half months to finish 147:53 [ __ ] anyway 147:57 when's the toilet stream anyways when is 147:59 the toilet stream 148:01 nasty nasty or thank you for the gifted 148:04 subs by the way 148:05 um my god council what do you think 148:09 i'm never gonna do a i don't think i'm 148:11 ever gonna do a goal for permanent hair 148:13 removal 148:15 even as as like as whatever it would be 148:19 as white what [ __ ] what is it as like 148:22 tempting as it is to not have to shave 148:24 my face 148:24 i don't know what i'm going to be like 148:26 in like you know 20 years 148:28 or i'm going to be like oh [ __ ] maybe i 148:30 shouldn't have said a [ __ ] 148:32 five grand dono goal or some random [ __ ] 148:34 to you know 148:36 remove my ability to grow a beard you 148:38 know like maybe i'll want a beard one 148:39 day i'm i don't know or maybe i want leg 148:41 hair one day 148:42 is that a wig no it's hair extensions 148:44 pretty cool 148:45 not even for your armpits 148:48 maybe armpits maybe maybe armpits but 148:52 i don't think i'll ever [ __ ] want 148:54 armpit hair that's just gross 148:59 maybe maybe for that but it's so easy to 149:03 do though like removing armpit hairs 149:04 just like [ __ ] 149:05 look done it's like you know legs legs 149:08 and beard that's 149:09 pretty much the annoying bits but it's 149:10 also two bits that i probably wouldn't 149:12 want to 149:13 i wouldn't want to get rid of because 149:15 you know might be useful one day what if 149:17 i wanted to live in the arctic and i 149:18 need a big fluffy beard and nice leg 149:20 hair 149:22 oh well it could use a break it's okay 149:24 mustache 149:25 maybe we do something else first then 149:27 we'll do the a sub goal thing 149:28 well i'm not going to do any other goals 149:30 for a bit um 149:32 the sub goal for laser the hairy thing 149:35 sure if we hit if we hit 4 000 subs then 149:39 i'll get it 149:40 and we'll we'll start doing it because 149:42 it's only six months not too bad 149:44 so that means a new chair is busy nurse 149:47 expense so no excuse now 149:51 bossiness yeah no i mean i could buy a 149:55 new chair i'm not gonna 149:56 because i don't want to spend money yeah 149:58 i don't like spendy money 150:00 uh did you know minx is gonna do uh lip 150:02 lift surgery 150:04 i didn't but [ __ ] park dude that's 150:07 cool 150:08 i hope it goes well for her i don't know 150:11 i'm brave but yeah no she's uh i'm glad 150:14 i didn't know she was gonna do it 150:16 why though if she let me see what thinks 150:18 his lip i don't know what makes his lip 150:20 looks like 150:21 just uh minks 150:25 why is she doing a thing nose job yeah 150:27 maybe one day 150:29 that's a weird yeah sure makes his lips 150:32 look fine but [ __ ] it if she wants to 150:34 get him changed she can change 150:35 up to her um obviously 150:38 she doesn't need it she's she looks 150:40 she's a beautiful lady but you know 150:42 [ __ ] she feels confident doing 150:44 something else props to her 150:46 good on you minx um candice who 150:50 who the [ __ ] is that uh i think i've 150:53 been getting a gaming chair is the pink 150:54 one you're using a nice one what brand 150:56 is it it's by this guy 150:57 it's pretty good i didn't buy it though 150:58 someone sent it to me in a po box and 151:00 it's pretty good 151:01 actually i like it it's it's pretty 151:03 decent i i enjoy it 151:05 uh not trying to be offensive but are 151:06 you transitioning or are you just 151:07 cross-dressing i'm just cross-dressing 151:08 i'm just a 151:09 just a regular manly man i uh in my free 151:13 time i shoot 151:14 uh rocket launchers at um 151:18 civilians so 151:22 pretty pretty uh jacked also too i lift 151:24 weights 151:25 i can uh very strong um 151:30 you make me feel safe someone says 151:33 immediately as i was saying that 151:34 oh i'm glad that this is your safe space 151:37 [Laughter] 151:40 rocket launching at civilians oh man i 151:42 feel so safe here 151:44 um he's in peaky blinders 151:52 my god not like other guys 151:55 i know i'm very i'm very strong finn 151:58 2021 yeah i am i'm very strong 152:00 i'm a very strong guy i beat marisa and 152:02 amresol 152:05 uh took three days to lift the nugget 152:10 yeah it took three days to move the 152:12 notes probably four to be honest 152:13 uh you won't even pick up your room i 152:17 listen oh we have weights down here i 152:19 just don't want to gain muscle mass i 152:20 gain muscle my stupidly easy like 152:23 like my arms i've never [ __ ] worked 152:26 out bro 152:27 like never once i just gained muscle i'm 152:29 jacked 152:30 like that's just how i am i just never i 152:32 mean i've worked i used to work out 152:34 and now i don't i just gain muscle 152:36 really [ __ ] quickly 152:38 it's just easy if i worked out for a 152:40 month i'd just be [ __ ] 152:41 um i'm built like a bodybuilder bro 152:43 that's just how i am 152:44 got like wide shoulders from rugby and 152:46 [ __ ] like i'm good 152:48 yeah i benched 33 152:52 350 000 kg exactly 153:00 finished strong his example of beating a 153:01 girl in an arm wrestle but she's like 153:03 built though she's like she's [ __ ] 153:05 got like [ __ ] giant 153:07 she lifts weight she's got arms bro she 153:09 takes pride in her being strong and i 153:11 still beat her 153:12 anyway i beat that woman she's [ __ ] 153:15 just bam you know 153:18 just really proud of that achievement 153:31 it's fun to say out loud 153:36 my god 153:42 all right the um so anyway the uh 153:45 i i beat her in an arm wrestle so the uh 153:48 here's the thing got him for caught in 153:50 4k indeed so the uh 153:52 peter and ambrose the uh 153:56 so here's my thing well i might do like 153:58 a couple things at some point maybe one 154:00 day you know what i might get 154:01 for me i'll get there you know when they 154:02 whiten teeth and [ __ ] might do that 154:04 uh because that's been a thing that i'm 154:05 not i'm not insecure about but i'm just 154:07 like [ __ ] 154:08 can't seem to i brush my teeth twice a 154:10 day can't [ __ ] do it anyway i might 154:11 do that 154:12 um but yeah everyone [ __ ] does [ __ ] 154:15 like that i just haven't done it yet 154:17 lana block term piss lana block turn 154:21 come lana block term piss lana block 154:24 term 154:25 come lana block turn comb 154:28 lana is blocking a lot of good words 154:31 unblock oh unblock oh sorry 154:35 guys you can say piss and come now let's 154:38 go 154:39 you can guys you can say piss and come 154:41 lana's freed you 154:42 let's go piss and come guys 154:49 piss and come hell yeah 154:52 guys we did it chat we did it piss and 154:55 come 154:55 we did it chad we did it we did it chat 154:59 person come my favorite things 155:02 piss and carmen coomb hell yeah hell 155:06 yeah 155:06 [Music] 155:09 yes yes jacked are you over compensating 155:13 that you are so incredibly sweet in your 155:15 pink dress honey 155:25 yes yes i am oh my god my waistline's 155:27 like all the way down there 155:28 ah do you like i got my [ __ ] 155:32 programmer or something and i got i 155:34 think 155:35 cool [ __ ] epic [ __ ] this chair is so 155:38 small bro i hate it i want my big chair 155:41 back 155:41 my [ __ ] big boy chair back but you 155:44 can't 155:45 oh hey alana stain i know 155:48 we did that earlier pay attention next 155:51 time 155:52 missing heels i know [ __ ] saying bro 155:54 it's a [ __ ] foundation stain dude i 155:56 dropped oh concealer 156:02 it is still not the thing i know i 156:04 haven't pierced them yet i'm sorry 156:06 uh what the [ __ ] what was that it's 156:09 better to come in the sink than sink in 156:10 the [ __ ] 156:14 is it i've never came in a sink 156:20 where are your heels i i haven't got 156:22 them on and yet i haven't got them on 156:24 base better to sink in the [ __ ] than to 156:28 come in the sink am i right get lip ring 156:30 no dude let that getting a lip piercing 156:33 or anything pierced in your mouth 156:35 [ __ ] that any no terrible idea i hate 156:38 that idea it's a terrible idea i don't 156:40 like that idea 156:42 you're proving why words were blocked 156:45 yeah well anyway i don't mind 156:49 funny 156:52 wait never mind someone said get [ __ ] 156:54 lips and then uh no i get it now i get 156:56 why the world was blocked 156:58 uh chat this is not a heels outfit i i 157:01 half agree maybe low heels would work 157:03 i might want like just like i don't know 157:05 maybe i need some pink shoes 157:07 they're not just regular ones 157:11 uh mr mustache how do you know what's 157:14 the gender 157:14 me gender man me gender big mentally men 157:18 [ __ ] i was going to buy i was going to 157:19 buy a thing and i don't remember what it 157:20 was oh that's cool 157:27 hmm what do i want to get i was going to 157:28 get a thing what am i getting 157:30 [ __ ] i'm on amazon i don't know what it 157:32 was 157:35 [ __ ] 157:41 hmm 157:45 pringles hell yeah what's gonna get the 157:47 thing 157:49 what was it gonna get 157:55 well that's cool 158:02 [Music] 158:12 feel like i'm kind of dumb am i kind of 158:14 dumb i feel like i'm kind of dumb 158:15 yo can i get like a [ __ ] 158:18 red [ __ ] oh i can't that's upsetting 158:21 oh yeah 158:22 new chair wasn't gonna get that 158:23 two-piece bikini no uh 158:25 never i don't think i'll ever do that 158:27 he's fighting yeah i'll do that at some 158:28 point but i'm going to go to a place for 158:30 it 158:30 maybe i'll do like one of elf is already 158:32 got him i've already got some actually 158:33 but there 158:34 get the laser oh the [ __ ] laser i'm 158:36 not there yet though i'm not gonna get 158:38 it yet 158:38 if we hit the goal i'll get it if not we 158:40 do not um vienna 158:42 sorry i [ __ ] blacked out there for a 158:44 second she got a bodysuit 158:46 oh yeah there was like a thing this 158:47 little big thing look they 158:49 they do like they do some they do like a 158:52 maid 158:52 thing which looks kind of dope like it's 158:55 the same it's like a 158:56 bodysuit thing but it's a made thing 158:58 aren't white strips illegal in the uk 159:02 white strips i what the [ __ ] is that 159:06 teeth won't i don't know they might be 159:08 you go you go to a place though like 159:09 you gotta like someone does it like a 159:11 doctor person or dentist person does it 159:13 little for big women's lace-up owned 159:15 over bust 159:16 course at the steer body shaper pink 159:18 medium or large 159:20 you were getting made version i 159:23 wait [ __ ] if it's a corset i get medium 159:28 if there's anything to do with shoulders 159:30 because you know if it if it covers 159:32 shoulders if there's some 159:33 part of it that shoulders i always get 159:35 sides large if it doesn't cover your 159:37 shoulders like all my shoulders i always 159:39 get size medium because 159:40 i'm medium everywhere besides my 159:42 shoulders 159:44 so can a turtle be a homosexual question 159:48 mark exclamation 159:49 mark question mark exclamation mark 159:52 probably 159:53 yes it is [ __ ] i don't have to um 159:57 hi finn did you finally grow your hair 159:58 out it's been growing out dude it's 160:00 it ends around here so like i can 160:02 probably find you a bit like right this 160:04 here this is my fringe 160:05 like we went from a fringe that was here 160:07 to this so you know pretty long hair now 160:09 like 160:10 this there my hair right there like 160:13 oh no that's not my hair actually 160:15 [ __ ] this is 160:16 like part of that is my hair what [ __ ] 160:19 what part of this in my hair 160:20 this part is my hair okay that's my hair 160:22 look at that my real hair right there 160:24 actually 160:26 long-ass hair 160:29 shorter than this though so pretty okay 160:32 the frogs are being 10k but the turtles 160:34 haven't got their 160:34 fair share yet you need a pair of mary 160:39 james 160:40 by the way how is tyrone painting an ear 160:43 piercing going 160:45 are you going to do it or are you just a 160:47 swindler 160:48 come on princess also no 160:52 it's soon it's soon it'll happen soon 160:56 it'll happen soon it'll happen soon 160:58 doing an ft 160:59 i already did a bomb i've already got 161:01 one i've just never released it it's a 161:03 good photo too 161:06 i did one last girl month and i just 161:08 never released the photo 161:12 fun fact i was gonna do an nft for 161:15 charity i've got it done though 161:17 why mardu dudette when will you be 161:19 taking us on a date 161:21 uhm walk again oh 161:24 i don't know 161:28 yeah it's a decent photo 161:31 i i wish i brushed my hair for it 161:35 hmm it's a decent photo i would have 161:37 just done it for charity but 161:39 yay so i can simp with my ethereum 161:42 i mean i've even got the ethereum symbol 161:45 in it 161:45 so it is a thing can i release it and 161:48 have it not be in it i kind of want to 161:50 show you but i also don't 161:51 it's nothing like it's not a big special 161:53 image but 161:54 it's got it's got a bit of thigh 161:58 so there is that 162:02 it's got a bit of thigh it's got a bit 162:05 of thigh 162:07 have you ever considered putting 162:08 highlights in your hair 162:10 no because it i don't like that it looks 162:12 [ __ ] stupid 162:13 sorry it looks dumb it's like so 90s 162:16 i don't like it it looks weird it's like 162:18 what avril lavigne would do 162:22 [ __ ] me most valuable nft 162:26 most valuable on ft bro highest sold 162:28 well i made one because like 162:30 we weren't ever going to i was always 162:31 going to be for charity i made it 162:33 because like 162:33 my buddy sir more was talking to me 162:35 about it he hyped me up about the 162:36 concept of nfts two mads sold a picture 162:39 of his left 162:40 left and right tit for um two and a half 162:43 thousand dollars in in ethereum 162:45 which is pretty cool so we're like oh 162:47 maybe there's something to this so we 162:48 could pretty much 162:49 just do that i think could probably do 162:51 that make like a 162:53 i don't know make a couple hundred bucks 162:54 for charity i think it could do good 162:56 we were gonna do it but then we just 162:57 backed out because like it's [ __ ] 162:59 complex and i don't understand 163:00 cryptocurrency or nfts 163:03 so there is that 163:06 did you just avril lavigne like it was 163:08 an insult it's a no it's like an 163:10 old-fashioned thing it's like early 163:12 2000s like 90s sort of thing 163:14 he was a skater boy she said see you 163:16 later boy 163:19 dude skater boys are in right now though 163:21 avril lavigne's avril lavigne how old is 163:23 ever living she old now 163:25 karen highlights dude i couldn't get 163:27 away with it you guys keep 163:28 thinking like i'll get a feminine 163:29 haircut short feminine hair is 163:31 essentially karen haircut 163:33 there's no there's no feminine hairstyle 163:35 that's 163:36 that's short and isn't a karen hairstyle 163:38 anymore 163:39 like it just doesn't exist anymore i 163:42 look up 163:43 karen haircut like it's just 163:46 every [ __ ] like you can't it's every 163:49 [ __ ] 163:50 short hairstyle with highlights in it 163:52 like it's short hair with highlights and 163:54 you're asking me to do this 163:56 like why would you want this 164:00 why would you want that bad 164:07 there's even a picture of [ __ ] 164:09 scarlett johansson 164:10 on this like my guy no one's safe from 164:13 the karen style 164:16 it's just not possible you can't do it 164:17 well oh that's just 164:19 [ __ ] that's just grim 164:24 my god 164:34 why do you have so many heels has no one 164:37 ever sent you a pair of sensible pumps 164:40 once or twice yeah we have i have been 164:42 sent him but you know 164:47 people like their heels a lot a lot more 164:49 than 164:51 my god 164:55 all right yeah yeah the best way the 164:58 bisexual bob haircut 165:00 no no the the best that we could do 165:04 is like essentially you you cut down on 165:06 the carony 165:07 effect of it by getting like bangs and i 165:09 [ __ ] refuse to get american like 165:11 bangs 165:11 like that [ __ ] well i think it could be 165:14 okay 165:15 no i refuse that's the only way you stop 165:18 the karen thing 165:19 like that's it you can have short hair 165:21 but if you don't have bangs it's just 165:23 like 165:24 yeah you just go [ __ ] off i'm sorry to 165:26 insult you but i mean come on 165:29 it's true 165:32 oh [ __ ] what was this oh don't do that 165:35 to me 165:35 hold on 165:40 i honestly didn't know you were a girl 165:42 your voice is so deep 165:53 let me introduce you um let me let me 165:56 should we not tell him should we not 165:59 do do we just let him live in this world 166:02 in this fantasy world 166:04 should we tell him i don't know 166:08 [Music] 166:12 when is the hot tub stream uh never 166:16 probably never probably never probably 166:18 i'm a chain smoker dude 166:20 don't smoke cigarettes your natural 166:22 feminine voice will turn into this 166:24 so ugh tell him you're a guy 166:28 i mean no oh what no i'd never do such a 166:30 thing why would i lie to him 166:33 i never lie to the guy he got punched in 166:36 the throat as a kid 166:38 the girl voice tease not a good voice 166:41 terrible voice um 166:47 give me the gender no 166:51 sorry that that's pretty much my peak of 166:52 the girl voice by the way 166:54 um and no usual that is the best i got 166:56 and so no i i don't know how to do a 166:58 girl voice 166:59 uh probably that means there is a chance 167:02 no uh don't know girl funny number don't 167:06 i got funny number oh 167:07 69 let's go don't go funny number funny 167:09 number funny number it's been six times 167:10 for like a while though 167:12 ah gayer than the rainbow rainbows 167:15 aren't gay they're just colorful 167:18 what about looking at a rainbow makes 167:20 you think of gay sex 167:23 what about what about that makes you 167:25 what about looking at a rhema makes you 167:26 think of a guy [ __ ] another guy in 167:28 the ass 167:29 why i don't i feel like it's just a 167:31 colorful thing 167:34 it's just a bit colorful in the sky 167:36 ain't it bro 167:37 it ain't gay it's just a [ __ ] rainbow 167:40 it's just a [ __ ] rainbow dude 167:44 no need for the detail bro no there is a 167:46 need for the detail it's funnier that 167:48 way 167:49 why'd you lock us in the eyes because it 167:50 was funnier 167:55 two guys flirting in the sky 167:57 [Music] 167:59 what the [ __ ] funny number 168:03 funny number funny number hell yeah 168:06 funny number thank you for the funny 168:07 number 168:13 jesus amoya you don't need them i mean 168:16 i'm rolling them all 168:17 i'm rolling the donations over but 168:20 oh my god if you mix all the colors you 168:22 get white 168:23 is that true i feel like you don't get 168:26 white you get like brown 168:27 i don't feel like that's true if you mix 168:29 all the colors together you get white 168:31 i don't know if you've ever been a child 168:33 and mixed a bunch of paint together 168:34 you just get brown 168:38 visible light mixes to like oh you mean 168:40 like the yeah colored light yeah 168:42 well you mean like anyway do you mean 168:46 like um 168:47 [ __ ] unless you mix black into it but 168:49 there's no like black light right 168:52 well i mean [ __ ] there is a black light 168:54 but 168:56 i've never wanted to shine it in my 168:57 house 169:06 looks like a jackson pollock pain 169:09 because of the [ __ ] 169:10 yeah because of all the [ __ ] and the piss 169:15 because of all 169:29 because of all the um 169:47 because of all the the the come 169:51 it's just like this that's what you'd 169:53 see 169:57 pug champ anyway what's happening 170:00 jackson 170:01 pollock i think chat is on the same page 170:04 when i say that girl voice was actually 170:06 pretty decent and 170:08 quite promising you weren't good at 170:10 makeup at first right 170:12 same thing 170:17 [Music] 170:21 no i don't know the girl voice is just 170:23 like meh 170:25 like andy warhol oh god andy warhol 170:28 my [ __ ] girl uh 170:32 i don't know the the girl voice it 170:33 doesn't really work you sound like a 170:35 puppy 170:38 i i don't think the girl voice kind of 170:39 does i don't think it works for me 170:42 maybe one day but i mean i feel like 170:44 anyone can do 170:45 like a quick feminine voice but can't 170:46 really do it very well 170:48 stop resisting the voice no new goal for 170:50 voice no 170:52 you need to work on your self confidence 170:54 i'm very self-confident i'm like 170:56 i just don't know i just can't do the 170:58 voice like ever it's just everyone wants 171:00 me to do the voice i can't do the voice 171:01 i'm dude i'm self-confident as [ __ ] look 171:04 at how much money i just made look how 171:06 hot i am all the time 171:07 right like i'm dude i'm my peak of 171:09 humanity 171:10 like i'm better than most people it's 171:12 just how it is 171:13 i'm hotter i'm 11 out of 10. but like 171:16 you know 171:17 there i understand that there are no 171:19 downsides 171:21 to to how i look besides this one thing 171:24 right 171:24 i can't do the goggles i'm a perfect 171:26 human being in any other way 171:28 besides this one thing revert back i 171:30 just 171:32 that's my one floor oh damn 171:35 i have no other flaws uh 171:39 he's wearing a dress he's super 171:40 confident well exactly a designer dress 171:43 that i made this myself 171:45 it's worth millions uh thank you thanks 171:48 for the gifted service man 171:49 sorry yeah no i i don't know i can't do 171:51 the voice um 171:52 i that's not confidence that's 171:56 con what the [ __ ] is that conceit 171:59 i don't know what the [ __ ] that is we 172:00 love confidence i do it all fan okay 172:02 realistically i do look pretty good like 172:04 i 172:04 i like i'm confident in this sense that 172:06 i look pretty good right now i like that 172:07 but i still can't do the voice 172:09 um stuff thanks flying 172:13 why the [ __ ] that is flying thanks 172:14 carrie man thanks flying 172:17 cabbie man thank you um thanks for the 172:20 gifted selves man yeah no i know that 172:22 you're supposed to 172:23 just start a [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't 172:26 know it's just not possible i can't do 172:27 it it's just not a thing 172:28 you're supposed to start all soft and 172:30 feminine but i just can't do it 172:32 i just can't make it into a real thing 172:34 there's never give me a thing i can do i 172:36 just kind of accepted that at this point 172:38 now well did finger extension again yes 172:40 who's your celebrity crush 172:49 confidence uh 172:54 [ __ ] who guys i can't speak spanish 172:59 i may have never tried but i just can do 173:01 it 173:02 and i never will able to 173:06 yeah it's the same thing 173:10 no one that doesn't know spanish can 173:12 ever learn spanish 173:13 it's just how it is sorry you got to be 173:16 born with it if you're not born learning 173:17 to speak spanish you'll never speak 173:19 spanish just how it is 173:24 it's just nothing i can do chad this is 173:26 nothing sure 173:27 in like a year in like a year 173:31 maybe but 173:35 a year of constantly trying to do this 173:37 thing sure 173:38 and then i have a cool party trick but i 173:40 would it would be a year of just 173:42 cringe for me i would hate it i would be 173:45 dying on the inside i'd be [ __ ] talk 173:48 dude i'd be walking around the house 173:49 going you know i can't do it i just 173:51 can't my 173:52 my brain please don't make him do girl 173:54 voice 173:56 if he did i would be so down bad that i 173:58 would be literally six feet under 174:00 god okay i just can't be bothered it's 174:03 just too much 174:04 refund the goal then what goal i can't 174:06 do the god works it's just not gonna 174:07 work 174:08 i just can't do it it's just not a thing 174:10 i can do ah 174:12 no it's just not gonna work because as 174:14 soon as i 174:15 no it's no i don't like the idea of it i 174:17 just don't like it because 174:20 yeah so many reasons i have so many 174:24 reasons for it 174:25 it's just cringe it's just cringe i 174:28 can't do it 174:29 it just sounds bad and it's just cringe 174:32 that's my final opinion on it it's just 174:35 cringe and i can't do it 174:37 [Music] 174:40 if only girl voice was a donor goal that 174:43 got met 174:44 oh wait it was since you've given up on 174:47 it i think you owe us 174:49 one free goal otherwise i [ __ ] no 174:53 i i did a goal to practice it and i i 174:56 did a goal to get like a lesson on it 174:58 and i streamed 174:58 for like two hours of me trying this 175:00 [ __ ] i feel have you guys forgotten all 175:03 i've done for you with the girl voice i 175:05 tried so hard 175:07 i can't do it it's just not a thing i i 175:10 tried i did try which is not a thing i 175:12 can do 175:12 i i streamed it i we did a lesson on it 175:15 live 175:16 and that worked out [ __ ] terribly so 175:19 i feel like it's 175:20 we're at a good point where i can just 175:21 say no i just can't do it i'm just not 175:23 gonna be able to do it it's not a thing 175:30 dude i practice for a year and a half to 175:32 do a dead nipple 175:33 trying to speak in a female voices 175:35 cringe is kind of cringe 175:38 saying people are trying no it's cringe 175:40 for me to do it 175:41 it's dude it's the thing of like [ __ ] 175:44 okay right 175:45 i can't sing right i just can't sing i 175:48 just 175:48 i i may never be able to sing right 175:51 well anyway everyone can sing 175:56 it is not cringy for me to hear bad 175:58 singers 175:59 it is very cringy to me to hear me 176:03 genuinely trying to sing and not being 176:05 able to 176:06 it's cringe that's the only way i can 176:09 put it it's just not 176:13 [Music] 176:24 you can totally do a feminine voice just 176:26 not consciously 176:27 no i just can't do it 176:30 i can other people doing other people 176:32 doing it sure it's not cringe if other 176:34 people [ __ ] do it if i do it it's 176:35 [ __ ] cringe though 176:36 because it's me it's me doing it 176:39 uh 176:44 so were the mocking valley god voice 176:46 can't even do that buddy and i'm 176:47 definitely not gonna be able to do it 176:49 uh streaming it's it's it's almost as if 176:52 you guys think that the 176:53 the barrier blocking me is just like oh 176:55 he just won't do it no i [ __ ] can't 176:57 i just can't do it it's not a thing that 177:00 i can do 177:02 that's why i won't do it on stream is 177:04 because i cannot do it and everyone 177:05 wants me to do it 177:06 it's like saying i do a backflip like 177:08 it's legitimately the exact same thing 177:09 like do a backflip and like i can't 177:11 [ __ ] do a backflip like 177:12 it's just a self-confidence thing bro 177:14 it's like no i can't [ __ ] do a 177:17 backflip bro 177:18 it doesn't work my body won't allow it 177:21 that's just how it is 177:23 chat give rose a break grill voice is 177:26 just too 177:26 hard it's too frightening and hard 177:30 rose is just not good enough or smart 177:32 enough to do 177:35 reverse it chloe [ __ ] you 177:38 how much money do we have to dump into 177:41 your wallet for a voice coach off stream 177:44 it's just not gonna happen i'm just 177:45 never gonna do it i can't i can't like 177:47 do it 177:48 it doesn't matter how much money there's 177:50 it there isn't it i'm just not gonna do 177:52 it 177:53 it's just one of those ones you know 177:55 it's just not gonna be a thing 177:58 because it's yeah 178:06 practice off stream man i don't want 178:08 this cringe off stream it's cringe 178:09 anywhere 178:10 it's just i can't do it without like no 178:17 rose is more of a dumpster than dumpster 178:19 defensively you give her money and she 178:21 dumps your girls 178:22 what girls [ __ ] oh my god i did the 178:25 [ __ ] voice coach thing and you know 178:27 what's funny 178:27 we i've been in like i've been in okay 178:29 listen let me pour streamers 178:31 i've been in different calls with other 178:33 people like 178:34 trying to learn this voice right the um 178:37 it doesn't work i've gone into countless 178:40 discords 178:41 there are people that say like oh finn 178:43 was you know oh 178:44 god i've seen this going around the 178:46 internet here's the thing there's like 178:48 someone that was like oh 178:48 i've seen finn's definitely trans of 178:50 seeing seeing uh seen him hanging around 178:52 in trans discords 178:53 because i asked people how the [ __ ] the 178:55 voice is done 178:57 and i get in calls with them and they go 178:59 oh you do it like this and i try for a 179:00 second 179:01 in front of them and then it doesn't 179:04 work and i've done that 179:05 maybe five four times and it's never 179:08 worked it's never been a thing that i 179:11 can improve on 179:12 because literally everyone has the thing 179:14 of like you just do this 179:16 and then you just work on it and i'm 179:18 like but that's not a tip 179:19 that's just you got to just figure it 179:21 out like that's 179:23 how you do it is you try it and then you 179:25 keep going until 179:26 it works that's literally how you do a 179:28 girl voice like every single youtube 179:30 tutorial is like 179:31 okay here's what you do to do a girl 179:33 voice right you try and sound 179:34 think of a girl's voice and you go and 179:37 then you do it 179:38 and then you do that for a few months 179:40 every day and and then 179:42 make sure you don't like make your 179:44 throat bleed but you do it as much as 179:46 you can 179:46 and then you'll be able to do it you 179:48 just [ __ ] figure it out bud 179:50 that's just how it is and i don't want 179:52 to have to do that 179:54 so it's just oh it's too much work it's 179:57 too much work 179:59 it's it's too much work to cringe too 180:00 serious don't like it don't like you 180:02 don't like it 180:12 we're trying to figure out when the 180:13 donations came in 180:15 there it is 180:16 [Music] 180:18 there go rose you are a strong powerful 180:21 woman you can do anything you want to do 180:25 damn right but not the girl voice 180:30 but not the girl voice 180:31 [Music] 180:34 hey rose how long did it take to get 180:36 good at doing your makeup 180:39 how long did it take to get good at 180:41 talking to the cam 180:43 how long did it take to get good at 180:45 minecraft 180:47 just practice and over time you will be 180:49 better 180:50 yeah i know 180:51 [Music] 180:54 i tried it for a second at a time 180:56 several times 180:58 and i never could get it in that second 181:01 so 181:01 impossible my guy 181:11 it's no okay 181:14 it's not that oh let me read the i'll 181:16 let this one play 181:18 get a real voice coach not a discord one 181:21 also you need to put in a lot of hours 181:23 to get 181:24 yeah good at something try your hardest 181:27 for a month or three i tried i did if 181:29 you haven't 181:30 i don't after then we might consider 181:32 dropping 181:33 i did that's the point i did try for two 181:37 months i did 181:38 it didn't work thank you for making the 181:40 builder that's why 181:41 the more tolerable senpai i just can't 181:44 do it it genuinely helps a lot 181:47 i feel like listen it's a mental block 181:50 it is a mental blog i don't care 181:51 listen this is going to sound mean 181:55 but you know the the examples you did 181:57 like how good did it 181:58 how long did it tell you to get good at 181:59 minecraft or something if you put a 182:01 thousand hours into minecraft and you 182:02 don't know how to [ __ ] make a 182:03 crafting table maybe you shouldn't play 182:05 minecraft 182:06 it's just not your game you're not good 182:08 at it like 182:09 and you probably won't be good at it to 182:11 a point where you want to be good at it 182:13 it sounds shitty but that's just how it 182:15 is sometimes 182:16 sometimes you just can't and that is me 182:18 with this 182:20 i'm sorry dude if you see us if you're 182:22 play if you've got a thousand five 182:24 hundred hours like i do in cs go 182:26 and you're only nova one like i am in cs 182:28 go then maybe it's not your game 182:30 if you find it fun keep doing it it 182:32 don't matter you're never gonna be great 182:34 at it 182:35 like that's just how it is i've accepted 182:36 that that's just one of those things i'm 182:38 just never gonna be great at cs go 182:41 the best way to achieve girl voice eye 182:43 to be pegged by rizza 182:45 i agree and she just won't do it it's 182:48 just so upsetting 182:49 i bend over i'm open she just won't it's 182:52 weird 182:54 one thousand i'm how let me see my hours 182:56 practice throat singing instead if i can 182:59 do that so can you lul 183:01 i've got 1413 hours on cs go and i'm 183:05 nova 2 183:07 my highest level is mge 183:11 not great at that game but it is fun 183:14 what's your omegle page wait what a 183:16 megal page it's just finn f i n 183:19 a two hour attempt doesn't count penguin 183:21 heart finn i have to go bye bye now have 183:24 a good day beautiful penguin heart 183:26 heart heart heart heart heart heart finn 183:29 have a good one penguin 183:34 have fun i put 500 hours onto league 183:36 still silver 183:37 which is probably not your game if it's 183:39 fun though you know 183:41 you have a weird obsession with being 183:42 good at it no need to be good just doing 183:43 it is enough 183:44 yet just doing it is being good at it 183:46 that's the point 183:47 it's like doing a backflip how about 183:49 this how good can you get it 183:51 more gently that's easy uh 183:55 how about this you can speaking of 183:56 normal register but more gently that's 183:58 just that 183:58 that's what i'm doing right now right 184:00 now i'm doing exactly what you just said 184:02 there it is i'm speaking my normal maybe 184:04 try reading the female dialogue in a 184:06 novel aloud it's less cringe 184:09 also look for a resource on how voice 184:12 actors do girl voices for audiobooks 184:15 i don't believe you about risa she would 184:18 hit you like that 184:19 would you run over that's true in fact 184:22 it's pretty much just me saying like oh 184:23 no stop pegging 184:25 every time she she starts i just i can't 184:27 stop she's a machine dude 184:28 uh you know you're able to tighten your 184:31 throat 184:33 you're able to slide my throat if you 184:35 know what i mean um 184:37 but remember chappas [ __ ] i do 184:40 how do you know how do you know that i 184:42 know chappers 184:46 i saw that he's coming back right how do 184:48 you know that i know who that is 184:55 chad's dead set on me doing my voice i 184:56 know dude wait sorry that was a thing so 184:59 yeah no chappers i've seen him he's like 185:01 coming back and forth he's been great 185:03 uh i used to be i used to play on the 185:06 same server that he did he really got me 185:07 into youtube and [ __ ] 185:08 back in the day before i even recorded 185:10 you i mean the first video ever recorded 185:11 was on chapter server 185:13 it's cool though i used to help him out 185:14 with videos and [ __ ] kind of anyway 185:19 um 185:24 just try it oh god my sister is 185:27 transgender 185:29 she was in extreme denial like you are 185:31 now 185:32 she started watching youtube videos of 185:35 women speaking and copied them for a 185:37 while and it eventually came 185:39 even yeah no it'll happen 185:42 it's just you know i don't want to 185:44 dedicate a year to it because 185:46 sure mentally it's going to be cringe i 185:48 don't like it it's cringe 185:49 don't like it i don't like doing it it's 185:51 cringe so i'm not going to do it just 185:52 how it is 185:53 i don't think i'll ever get over that 185:54 mental block of it just being cringe 185:57 like it's just how it is like it's just 186:00 just how it is 186:01 like i don't know 186:05 uh 186:09 finn your ants trip what the [ __ ] 186:17 hold your voice box up with that with 186:19 hand what 186:21 yeah also there's stuff like that right 186:22 like i don't know what the [ __ ] my 186:24 throat muscles are called right like it 186:25 feels like i need to study a biology 186:27 degree to get some of the tips like okay 186:28 you need to tighten your larynx and make 186:30 sure your 186:30 voice or your your vocal cord no lie 186:33 when 186:34 i hear rose speak that is her girl voice 186:37 i've normalized it in my head 186:41 true yeah a lot of it's weird how 186:43 there's like a disconnect for it but 186:45 yeah it's it is the the analogy of 186:47 getting good do you actually 186:48 want a good night's story stream from 186:50 rose where she reads us 186:52 a story so we can sleep tight 186:57 maybe one day i'll read you harry potter 187:00 um 187:00 bienna the [ __ ] yeah it it the the 187:03 thing of like 187:05 uh what's it called the thing the 187:08 analogy of getting good at a video game 187:10 is pretty true 187:11 but imagine every single time you logged 187:13 onto the vid it's like getting good at 187:15 roblox right 187:17 every time you log on it's just like 187:18 [ __ ] this [ __ ] stupid-ass 187:20 dumbass game like why sure i'd like to 187:23 be good at roblox 187:25 but it's [ __ ] dumb and stupid and it 187:27 hurts me to play this game i don't like 187:29 this game 187:30 it's that and it's gonna take you a year 187:33 to get good at it of constantly working 187:35 on it 187:36 but the game [ __ ] sucks dude 187:39 it's just that's how i imagine it or 187:43 fortnight 187:43 fortnite oh my god i can't log onto 187:45 fortnite i logged onto fortnite once 187:47 tried it once hated it 187:48 i won't do it now roblox was a bad 187:50 example because robots kind of roblox 187:52 kindest slaps 187:53 fortnite [ __ ] though replace roblox with 187:56 fortnite 187:56 fortnite hurts me to boot up roblox i've 187:59 played roblox in my free time before 188:01 i'll let me replay the donation might be 188:05 [Music] 188:08 there's always surgery for when you 188:10 eventually go full conversion just get 188:13 the voice 188:13 done you know 188:17 it's almost like i want to be a guy 188:21 it's almost like it uh thailand ninja 188:24 the fortnite blephas 188:29 thailand ninja the fortnite blevins 188:32 i like it it's a good name good nickname 188:35 for him 188:39 yeah the sliding scale is minecraft 188:40 roblox fortnite it's in the in the 188:42 cringe to and then there's no cringe to 188:44 cringe scale 188:47 real hater [ __ ] going on right now 188:48 listen i'll hate on fortnite i don't 188:50 care 188:51 for nine in the girl voice i'll be toxic 188:53 towards i just can't do it 188:55 i just can't do it it's just how it is 188:57 just how it be 188:58 you know like um i mean sure i guess 189:01 there's like an attitude thing about it 189:02 like 189:03 if i try and like if i try a new game 189:05 and i'm not immediately good at it it 189:06 does discourage you but that's just how 189:08 it is right 189:09 like some games aren't like that like 189:12 overwatch 189:12 is a game that i'm terrible at but it's 189:15 enjoyable 189:16 i lose every time i barely get a kill 189:18 every game but it's fine could you 189:19 change your twitch name to rose but like 189:22 since you stream as her no 189:25 but um but let's say something like 189:27 valerian right i've played valorent i 189:29 should be good at valerian because i'm 189:30 okay at cs go 189:32 and i [ __ ] hate valor and i'm not 189:33 good at valerie nothing makes sense in 189:35 that game it feels like something that 189:36 it shouldn't be 189:37 it's cringy to boot up i hate it it's 189:39 not good i don't like the game valor and 189:41 bad in my opinion 189:43 it's like that there are there's stuff 189:44 that i'm good at and the stuff that i'm 189:46 bad at and the stuff that i'm bad at 189:47 that i enjoy and the stuff that i'm bad 189:48 at that i hate 189:49 and that's one of those things doing a 189:51 girl voice is big cringe and i don't 189:53 like it 189:54 so i don't know because it literally is 189:58 just me going around the house 189:59 squeaking and then it's just like it 190:01 doesn't sound anything like 190:02 what it's supposed to and it won't sound 190:04 like that for like a year so why 190:06 why why my like reason for doing it is 190:09 just like 190:10 i kinda wanna i guess like that's that's 190:13 it like 190:14 i kinda wanna i guess it would be cool 190:17 to be able to do 190:18 wouldn't benefit me a ton doesn't matter 190:22 i don't care about it so it's no point 190:25 dedicating like 190:26 months and years of my life to learning 190:28 this thing that i'm never gonna be that 190:29 good at 190:30 so why uh 190:33 anyway i love your nails thank you 190:36 pretty good 190:42 what'd you get the outfit it's always 190:43 amazon learn to throw it saying i 190:46 don't know anyway 190:49 i'm i don't think anything with my voice 190:51 is going to be a dude the nail smiler 190:56 it's fun though 190:59 doing this on my table 191:03 why don't you like valorent because it's 191:05 cs go but one random character can fly 191:09 it's just seems so dumb 191:11 [Music] 191:13 like anyway go learn it because the sims 191:16 may stop simping if you don't lull 191:21 i don't care i don't care like it's 191:24 dude anyway i don't care 191:30 do you like anime i do i oh cody 191:34 i know you from chapels from back in 191:36 your faction in 2014 191:38 uh when you used to make cannons with 191:39 louise yeah i used to see you up on 191:41 skype like two years ago 191:43 [ __ ] yeah dude 191:47 oh that's dude that's the long 191:50 that wow holy [ __ ] 191:54 that's but that's before everything 191:56 that's 191:57 crazy 192:00 that was like before i even uploaded on 192:02 anything i haven't even made 192:04 like a second channel video yet that's 192:05 that's [ __ ] crazy 192:07 holy [ __ ] that's cool that you know me 192:10 from there cody 192:11 that's awesome i don't know what 192:12 happened to louise i wonder what she's 192:14 up to now 192:20 challenge random people in cs go to 192:22 sniper v sniper i'm not good at it 192:23 i said i'm okay at cs go i'm not good at 192:25 it though uh 192:27 how old are you i'm 21 now i'm 21. i can 192:29 drink in america 192:30 pretty epic uh were you ever on 192:33 playstation wait 192:34 was you ever on playstation home 192:38 [ __ ] i've never i've owned a playstation 192:41 2 when i was like 10. 192:42 and that was it i don't know what 192:44 playstation home is if that's a 192:45 different thing 192:46 i haven't used a playstation in a good 192:48 while oh no i had a ps5 uh well i mean i 192:51 didn't have a ps4 reese i had a ps5 and 192:53 she took it back to germany 192:54 i played on it i played spider-man 192:56 pretty cool i guess consoles aren't my 192:58 thing though 192:58 spider-man's great though the only i 193:00 feel like the only reason consoles stick 193:02 around is because they keep making 193:04 games specifically for them like 193:06 otherwise no one would buy a console 193:08 i think they know that that's why they 193:09 keep doing it anyway because a pc goes 193:12 the exact same and you can run way more 193:13 [ __ ] 193:14 so my hot take um 193:18 to the five people who got a ps4 yeah 193:20 marisa was sitting on like a whole thing 193:22 marisa was sitting on like a live stream 193:24 with a with a butt going 193:26 like we we we wrote her a a bot so that 193:29 when something popped up when a drop 193:31 happened that we'd like heard through 193:32 the grapevine about we'd get it really 193:33 quickly 193:34 we could just buy one and we got it that 193:36 was the thing that we genuinely did it's 193:37 great my 193:39 minecraft hacking experience really got 193:40 me one 193:42 we just set up a like a uh what's it 193:44 called a macro for 193:46 on razer just [ __ ] click once and it 193:48 fills out everything it's great 193:51 um but a pc is expensive an expensive pc 193:54 isn't expensive it's expensive 193:56 a pc that costs the same as a console is 193:58 the same as a console 194:00 it's almost like they're the same short 194:02 games can be optimized for stuff but 194:04 like yeah it's just you can buy all the 194:06 parts of a playstation 194:08 for the same price or cheaper than a 194:09 playstation 194:12 and and then you can play the games it's 194:14 the same 194:15 the only thing is you know you can't 194:18 play spider-man because it's built for 194:20 playstation 194:21 it's the thing auto hotkey razer macro 194:24 oh yeah but i don't know how to use 194:25 razer macro i just don't know how to use 194:27 razer 194:28 hockey very easily random thought one if 194:32 you do paid twitter posts you should do 194:34 a photo titled seeing your 194:37 c word and use that to announce having a 194:40 pet chicken 194:41 two rose musk sounds like a perfume 194:44 ingredient three pc master race four 194:47 odds of you getting sent adult diapers 194:50 are high 194:52 [Music] 194:54 fair enough ps5 194:57 for demon souls and bloodborne hopefully 194:59 more exclusives come out or 195:02 burning in 400 for two games you are 195:05 though 195:06 i feel like a 400 pc is an insane 195:09 downgrade from a console 195:11 it not though no okay it not though if 195:14 you just use a pc to play video games 195:16 it's the same thing as a console it is 195:18 the same hardware 195:19 it's the same [ __ ] thing it's 195:22 literally just like 195:23 it's the same thing 195:27 anyway a bit literally a ps5 195:30 is a pc it just is it's all the same 195:33 [ __ ] 195:34 but it's got a different os it is oh my 195:37 god 195:37 a playstation 5 is a [ __ ] pc that has 195:40 the playstation os on it not windows 195:43 that is the only [ __ ] difference but 195:45 oh my god and the games are like 195:47 optimized for and all that but like ah 195:50 anyway it's the same [ __ ] thing it's 195:51 just like yeah i get the fact that 195:53 people are gonna like consoles consoles 195:54 have their place in the world but 195:56 if they just made the same games for the 195:57 pc console sales would probably stop 196:00 going 196:00 up it's not that the chips are custom 196:03 and the ssd attack is not available pc i 196:05 work 196:05 i work for playstation i know my guy i 196:08 mean the chip is combination 196:09 cpu and gpu are generally true my dude 196:13 yeah 196:13 sure it's the same way like you know 196:14 apple have like the m1 chips and all 196:16 that it's 196:16 like there's some proprietary [ __ ] but 196:19 like it's the same [ __ ] thing 196:21 it's the same thing it's the same thing 196:28 i don't care if playstation makes the 196:30 playstation one chip it's gonna be the 196:31 same it's gonna have a direct competitor 196:33 immediately anyway 196:34 uh you can't get a 500 pc to run 196:37 minecraft with ray tracing like you can 196:38 on xbox 196:41 you can get any pc to run any to run 196:44 minecraft with [ __ ] 30 fps 196:46 it doesn't matter also 196:49 ray tracing is a thing for ray tracing 196:51 is a thing for rtx gpus 196:53 you just did rtx gpu we'll do it 196:57 and and also it's [ __ ] uh ah anyway 197:00 um 197:00 i hate everything i hate everything i 197:03 with so many frustrating topics we've 197:05 been talking about 197:06 bugs politics me doing a girl voice that 197:08 i'm not gonna be able to do and now 197:09 peace and now 197:10 console versus pc this is a this is a 197:14 very we're we have very frustrating 197:16 topics chat 197:18 something cool let's talk about 197:19 something fun that's not going to make 197:20 me upset and angry 197:22 the 3080 costs 800 even more because why 197:25 the 197:26 why do you want like i need a budget pc 197:30 but i can't afford a 30 80. you're no 197:32 [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway 197:35 [Music] 197:37 oh kill me bro you can't buy a pc for 197:41 cheap you can't buy a pc for cheap 197:43 because you can't buy a 30 90 for cheap 197:45 you know 197:46 [ __ ] anyway 197:51 uh sydney cornell knife slightly yeah i 197:53 actually went onto a chinese uh 197:55 like this [ __ ] listen i don't care if 197:58 i'm a bad person for this but i went on 197:59 to like one of those like 198:00 uh you know those uh chinese sites dhk 198:03 is what i use 198:03 it's like a wholesale site and it just 198:05 does a bunch of counterfeit [ __ ] 198:07 there's these okay so fun thing about 198:09 knife culture 198:10 it's something you kind of need to know 198:12 all these factories and [ __ ] they'll 198:13 make knives 198:14 for you know they'll make them in a 198:16 specific steel that's really [ __ ] 198:17 expensive 198:18 and then titanium which is weirdly not 198:20 as expensive or like g10 carbon fiber 198:22 something like that fake carbon fiber's 198:24 the cheapest [ __ ] in the world so 198:25 g10 is also really really cheap it's 198:27 really good though um 198:29 what these they'll hire these companies 198:31 that make [ __ ] 198:32 on dhk and these wholesale websites with 198:34 their own designs or they'll just copy 198:36 other 198:37 makers designs and they'll just like 198:39 make these things or 198:40 alternatively they'll take a design that 198:42 exists and improve upon it 198:44 like one i bought recently was like a 198:46 benchmade knife but with a button lock 198:48 and i [ __ ] 198:48 always wanted a benchmade that's the you 198:50 know the 940 but with a button lock and 198:52 benchmark don't make that no one will 198:53 ever make that because their parent 198:55 besides these people so i bought one of 198:56 those from there for like 20 bucks it's 198:57 probably gonna be terrible but it's 198:58 gonna be fun to play with 199:00 but yeah something like that all these 199:01 companies out there will be like uh 199:03 titanium is bad 199:04 bad for blades that's why they never 199:06 touched the titanium 199:09 oh you mean like to be made oh to be 199:10 made of it yeah you're not going to be 199:12 making a blade out of titanium i mean 199:14 i'm sure someone has but like 199:16 meh titanium's cheap but difficult to 199:18 machine yeah so these companies out 199:19 there called oems 199:20 they're like they they do all the knife 199:22 making for these giant places like 199:24 spyderco 199:25 has a ton a microtech otf now is legal 199:28 in the uk 199:29 not not even close not slightly no 199:31 they're definitely not 199:32 um so i'll try and find one do you have 199:35 a spyderco knife near me 199:37 yes so this one was made this might have 199:39 been made in the us actually 199:41 yeah this one was made in the u.s uh 199:43 spyderco has 199:44 a plant in like taiwan they have one in 199:46 japan as well i don't know 199:48 these overseas oems do it because it's 199:49 way cheaper some of them have better 199:51 standards than others obviously but like 199:54 you know that's why they're all made so 199:55 you can just buy directly from them 199:57 instead of going through the usa seller 199:59 that 200:00 does a bunch of [ __ ] and everything like 200:01 that you can just kind of just buy it 200:03 from the guys so 200:05 it's kind of just what i did they're 200:07 just like these designs that never 200:08 that never would exist and also they're 200:10 way cheaper than if like a usa company 200:12 made them 200:13 so pretty good pretty good ship 200:16 i just don't order illegal stuff you 200:18 could i just don't 200:19 because that would be illegal a brass 200:21 knuckles legal no 200:23 although i wouldn't want to i mean i 200:25 don't think i'd want them either they're 200:26 not they're not fun you don't get to 200:27 play around with them 200:28 i like i like i like these things 200:30 because they're like you know you can 200:30 [ __ ] around with them they're like fun 200:32 to play around with 200:33 open and closing that they're like a fun 200:35 little process 200:36 you can learn about so i like it 200:39 but like if it's just like that's why i 200:41 don't really have like swords or fixed 200:42 blades 200:43 i have one but like i don't have a lot 200:45 of them because you know 200:48 just more fun to do this like folding 200:50 ones that can do [ __ ] like that 200:53 knife skill hell yeah new tricks 200:58 that's the best i've ever done that holy 201:01 [ __ ] that was cool 201:02 that was dope actually that was i've 201:05 never done that better that was [ __ ] 201:06 awesome i've never done that 201:08 hell yeah thank you 201:11 spy from tf2 hell yeah that's cool 201:14 opinion on damascus damascus steel got 201:16 any 201:17 i don't i want some i don't have 201:20 anything that's in damascus 201:21 um but i really oh well i do have a 201:23 brick of damascus or marisa does but 201:25 she's left it here 201:26 i bought it for a present but i've got 201:27 it still uh i really like damascus steel 201:30 really really like it don't have any 201:31 knives in it because they are 201:32 ridiculously expensive and also just 201:35 here's the thing right 201:36 a badly designed knife they can tack on 201:38 damascus steel and 201:40 sure it's fine it makes it like over a 201:42 hundred dollars wow expensive knife 201:44 um but or usually that's very cheap for 201:47 damascus steel but like 201:48 uh they'll just do that on a bad design 201:50 and i don't want the bad design 201:52 but the mask is still okay cool but the 201:54 the good design that's already really 201:56 expensive as soon as they add 201:57 damascus steel and fancy materials to it 202:00 it just goes to like a grand 202:01 for the knife like a good design knife 202:04 would be like maybe three hundred 300 202:06 and then they start going like oh we 202:08 added carbon fiber and damascus still 202:09 and now you have to pay like over a 202:11 thousand dollars so i'm just 202:12 and i just don't own one so 202:15 there is that we own a knife when you 202:19 can have a v3 cannon 202:21 why i own a knife when you can have a 202:23 gun why own a knife when you can ha 202:26 i don't know wearing a knife when you 202:28 can have anything else there's this 202:29 you know i just like playing around with 202:31 them they're a hobby of mine 202:33 damascus can be cheap but the ones with 202:34 nice patterns of whales or hearts yeah 202:36 it's it's it's not like it's like 202:37 titanium right like oh 202:39 [ __ ] it's not like titanium it's like uh 202:41 it's like anything like 202:43 better materials on an already good 202:45 quality product is going to be more 202:46 expensive good materials and a bad 202:48 quality product are going to be cheaper 202:49 just how it is 202:53 because the company can charge that much 202:54 so they do plus it's it's 202:56 they've got an incentive like if apple 202:58 started making computers made of 203:00 damascus steel on the outside then sure 203:02 i'm sure they'd charge a hell of a lot 203:03 even though it's not worth it 203:05 uh grimsmo and i fancy cnc knives but 203:07 god they're pricey 203:09 listen buddy you're talking to the 203:10 expert here grimsmo they've they've 203:12 emailed me twice now i've been i've 203:14 received their mailing list twice and 203:16 i've said no twice because of 203:18 my financial position at the time but i 203:20 think i might be getting one 203:21 i'm gonna sign up to their mailing list 203:23 again if i if if they email me 203:25 [ __ ] i'm gonna do oh no i can't actually 203:26 do it because they don't ship to the uk 203:28 bit of a pain in the ass 203:29 if i have the opportunity to buy a 203:30 grimsby norseman in the uk i'll buy it 203:33 i will i just will it's just a it's just 203:35 they're just 203:36 great [ __ ] knives and i really want 203:38 one but 203:39 i don't think i'll be getting one 203:41 anytime soon if anyone has a hookup for 203:43 a grimsby norseman 203:46 hit me up uh they do pens though 203:50 they do some pet like 300 pens 203:55 so that is fun yeah this i'm looking at 203:58 one of their pens right now 204:00 honestly their pens look kind of like 204:02 just pens but 204:03 they're good stuff knife makers in uk 204:07 yeah what do you think of chaperone 204:09 nontran 204:11 they make their handles out of boxwood 204:13 incredibly light 204:20 let's see oh these just look like um 204:25 what are they called you know those 204:27 knives they're just like 204:30 [ __ ] what are they called the the ones 204:31 that would spin it they lock by spinning 204:33 a on the 204:34 they're these someone knows someone in 204:35 the uk knows what are these called it's 204:37 not victor knox it's someone else 204:39 it's like there's victor knox and then 204:40 this company that does these am i stupid 204:42 i think it begins with a no am i dumb 204:43 oppanel yeah up and all they just look 204:46 yeah they look like open all's knives 204:47 i'm sure they're perfectly functional 204:49 good stuff up and out good 204:51 you know i i mean it's not something i'm 204:55 super into 204:56 i don't like the nail neck design again 204:58 i'm into like real flashy 204:59 sort of knives but not you know like 205:01 these look cool and stuff just 205:03 i have i have my own design taste but 205:05 they're cool functionally they're great 205:07 functionally they're like near perfect 205:08 because they're super thin so they cut 205:10 through stuff like butter 205:11 and they've got a really strong lock but 205:14 functionally 205:15 i endorse it but eh not my thing 205:28 imagine not using a butter knife i know 205:30 can't even take a burn knife outside in 205:32 the uk 205:34 thanks thanks oh my god thanks for 205:36 what's up awesome 205:37 um i don't want to [ __ ] an sas fighting 205:42 knife no 205:43 i feel like i'm just going to collect 205:44 shitty knives and i don't want to 205:45 collect shooting knives 205:47 i i do have some knife design stream 205:52 there's some good [ __ ] out there but 205:53 it's just two months pug 205:56 i had like a whole tab open for and 205:58 everything um 206:00 you know what's a really good one that i 206:01 really wanted but i don't really want to 206:03 take the plunge on 206:06 i'll show you it's one bite of vv yeah 206:10 the this one it's a really simple really 206:13 clean 206:13 simple knife can't get it they're not 206:16 shipping to the uk 206:18 uh this isn't even the uk store that's 206:20 the american store but like 206:21 look clean button lock it looks nice 206:23 made by brand called suv you can get one 206:25 over in the uk tranship 206:26 over here but expensive my guy expensive 206:30 indeed um 206:34 oh [ __ ] i want a knife center i think 206:38 there's one on knife centered 206:40 uh cv 206:43 bottom lock there we go i think i found 206:47 it 206:48 yeah look there's one made of my car and 206:49 everything look there are like 66 bucks 206:51 not too bad 206:52 there's one in damascus i think i think 206:55 this one's damascus 206:57 yeah look at that it's like 100 bucks 206:59 it's really cheap 207:00 for i'm surprised that's real damascus 207:02 but a carbon fiber handle real damascus 207:04 pretty good 207:05 pretty good stuff i want one but 207:08 cannot have one because america 207:12 welcomes the uk clean lines indeed clean 207:14 knife 207:15 big clean knife um do you wanna see a 207:17 cool opening mechanism look at the 207:18 eclipse by bill 207:20 what the [ __ ] dual action okay hold on 207:24 eclipse by 207:34 okay oh is this what is up everybody and 207:37 welcome in today's video 207:39 we are gonna does not need to be a 207:43 am i a hand rub satin blade am i wrong 207:47 in thinking that it's automatic because 207:48 of a handle scale moving 207:51 so you might be thinking how does he 207:53 close it 207:56 place the right here attic 208:00 oh no it's a liner look so we're gonna 208:03 go ahead and close the knife and you can 208:04 see 208:05 right here that's just an assisted back 208:07 spring 208:08 so i'm going to load the back spring 208:10 again and click the knife into place 208:12 yeah and then i'm just going to casually 208:15 open it 208:17 as a thumb stud knife weird that's kind 208:20 of cool 208:21 that's kind of dope there's one that 208:22 opens like with nothing on it 208:25 imagine turfs in the chat that hair 208:26 would explode dude the [ __ ] dude if a 208:29 tuff was in this chat 208:30 dangerous fanboy looking at knives on 208:31 the internet they they i don't know what 208:33 they'd even say 208:36 uh i sent you a teaser pick of the 208:38 handle 208:40 let's see i'm gonna be 208:43 obsessed with knives for a minute 208:47 oh that's cool 208:50 that's a cool looking handle i like that 208:52 handle 208:54 i appreciate it i like it are you gay 208:57 i'm not 208:57 weirdly everyone thinks i am oh let me 209:00 look up let me show you a really cool 209:02 opening knife that i'm never allowed to 209:03 wear because it's automatic 209:16 i think it's called the magic it's 209:19 something like that 209:20 is it this hey no i don't think it is 209:24 this 209:26 wait it's [ __ ] something like that 209:30 no it's like a really custom one but 209:33 oh no it was a oh no no it wasn't an 209:35 automatic knife 209:37 uh it was something like that 209:41 found it it was this [ __ ] look at this 209:42 [ __ ] so the way this knife opens is 209:45 nuts it's like this 209:49 you can't even see how he [ __ ] closes 209:51 it like he's gonna close it here but 209:53 there's no way you'll be able to tell 209:54 how you [ __ ] close this knife 209:58 like how the [ __ ] did he do that it's 210:00 it's what it is is the 210:01 this whole thing moves all of this moves 210:04 you pull 210:04 back on this whole thing and it moves 210:06 it's nuts anyway i'm sorry 210:07 i'm kind of got it the knife thing it's 210:09 cool though it's really really cool i 210:11 really like it nick shabazz is my guy 210:13 uh if you bleach your [ __ ] i'd [ __ ] 210:15 you probably 210:32 okay just tell me where to put it just 210:33 tell me i'm ready just tell me where to 210:35 put it 210:35 i'm on it i'm on it boot uh dude come on 210:38 when can we do this 210:41 that smells [ __ ] dreadful 210:55 my god 210:59 oh my god 211:02 sorry puffing bleach is not something i 211:04 wanted to do today 211:06 are you a girl or a boy i'm a boy 211:09 big boy the happy ending 211:13 the happy ending come here i'm ready 211:18 so i stayed in marisa all the time she 211:20 just never did all right 211:23 smell of bleach is dreadful so as a 211:26 serious question 211:27 what's the serious question um that belt 211:30 dude it can you hear the [ __ ] bell 211:33 anyway i'm glad you can hear it's not 211:34 just me um 211:39 but you're not a boy you're a manly man 211:40 true 211:42 girl or a boy is the wrong question it's 211:45 it's sexy woman or manly man and to that 211:48 i would say 211:52 i'm the best at both worlds i'm hannah 211:54 montana baby 211:57 i'm hannah mont just call me hannah 211:59 montana because 212:01 i can be both it depends what you're in 212:04 the mood for 212:05 a bisexual's kryptonite indeed 212:10 i'm ready i'm ready for it dude yeah 212:16 got any interesting plans for post 212:18 covert streams i didn't [ __ ] do it 212:20 the post covered streams in this stream 212:23 nothing changed 212:24 uh like i'm pretty much just gonna be 212:27 inside all the time i mean maybe i'll be 212:28 going out shopping a couple times maybe 212:32 uh likely wanna say oh these these 212:35 my fake bubs they sit in a bra uh would 212:38 you want to be buried as rose 212:40 that's [ __ ] dark and no cause that's 212:43 that's dark as [ __ ] why would i want 212:44 someone to 212:45 i couldn't trust someone to do my makeup 212:47 as well as me what i'm gonna get millie 212:49 over hey milly 212:50 i'll do my [ __ ] eyelashes and my hair 212:51 extensions on my [ __ ] corpse dude 212:54 that'd be 212:55 great that's such a dark question 212:59 i know shopping with rubypug yeah 213:03 much lighter question my god 213:09 why would i ever die anyway i'm 213:10 unkillable i'm like my skin is made of 213:13 steel bro 213:15 my my [ __ ] shell is made of steel 213:19 uh 213:22 what do you think about anteaters ants 213:24 suck and the anteaters are doing a 213:26 world of favor i like them 213:30 corpse princess oh ah 213:33 put makeup on before dying true good 213:36 idea 213:37 i'll just have to time it it depends how 213:39 the death happens though i guess it 213:41 depends if i'd be able to see it coming 213:42 like if it was a bus i could see that 213:44 coming but like i wouldn't have enough 213:45 time to do makeup you know 213:52 fake boobs but real dude i bet your skin 213:55 is soft as silk 213:58 parts of me are parts of my skin is 214:03 you want to find 214:10 what point in the day do i end the 214:12 stream because of just 214:14 shame when do i do that do you think 214:16 what's a good point 214:18 you dude you gotta stop i'm trying don't 214:21 worry you won't come 214:22 dead when we bury you ultimate live 214:24 stream idea 214:29 it can't tell if it's an innuendo 214:34 you want to bury me 214:38 in 214:44 [Music] 214:47 louise has a kid now tbf 214:51 really you wing man me so hard i had a 214:54 crush on her back then 214:57 did i i don't remember i don't remember 215:01 do you still keep in touch with louise 215:03 i'd like to say hi at some point 215:04 actually 215:06 i would really like to reconnect with 215:07 louise that'd be fun if she still has a 215:09 skype holy [ __ ] she's gotta have a 215:11 discord i'd like to say hi to louise 215:13 again that'd be fun 215:14 um already received your monthly 500k 215:17 yeah that guy hasn't dm me back i'm 215:20 i don't think that guy ever had 500 000 215:23 to give me 215:24 i uh the the conversation goes as 215:25 follows hi 215:27 and i say so uh looking for a sugar baby 215:30 hey 215:30 and he goes hey babe girl how 215:34 are you uh are you sure 215:37 you're going to be my sugar baby and i 215:39 say you're gushed down 215:41 right what's your offer and he didn't 215:42 respond 215:44 sorry because i said gosh down right 215:46 isn't it 215:48 hmm never mind 215:57 weird he hasn't tweeted either i don't 215:59 know i think we've lost him forever 216:01 when was wednesday what date was 216:03 wednesday 216:05 12th he hasn't tweeted since the sixth 216:08 weird 216:08 skittle still hasn't followed me back on 216:10 twitter which is upsetting 216:19 i'm gonna do i'm gonna tweet at them 216:39 hopefully they'll follow me back 216:43 wow that's getting a lot of likes i 216:45 guess tweeting at skittles works pretty 216:48 well 216:49 um cool cool anyway 216:53 jesus has sneaky posted anything else 216:55 i'm checking my i'm doing my general 216:56 twitters 216:57 can i get her answer on if you want a 216:59 nasa astronaut a knife 217:03 [ __ ] nasa had knives 217:08 i'm googling it nasa astra astro 217:11 ass [ __ ] nasa ass 217:15 knife nasa ass 217:20 whoa why that's weird they just look 217:23 like bread knives 217:28 it just looks like a i mean not really i 217:32 probably wouldn't use it it looks like a 217:33 it looks like a space machete 217:37 now in space yeah no i 217:40 i don't feel like i'd want one why would 217:43 you need this big of a knife in space 217:45 bro what are you doing up there 217:49 what the [ __ ] i saw you want a slash all 217:52 congrats 217:52 am i am i on r slash all 217:56 where i wanna know now what what did it 217:58 what what post was i on an r slash all 218:10 you can't actually search for anything 218:11 on reddit god yeah it's it's 218:13 genuinely easier to search like 218:18 [ __ ] god yeah it's genuinely easy to 218:21 search 218:22 uh the things on reddit 218:25 on google than it is to search things on 218:28 reddit on reddit 218:30 anyway to fight aliens for the cia i'm 218:34 sure 218:36 wash your hair i just [ __ ] sh 218:39 this [ __ ] what do you mean wash mite 218:43 let me wash my hair this is [ __ ] 218:46 right out the shower buckaroo 218:48 you mug you mug i am like 218:52 fresh and so clean 218:55 oh the egg iron post got to the front 218:57 page the 218:59 [ __ ] well either way i'm glad i i 219:02 i'm i you know i i don't resent the fact 219:04 that i'm always and i go real it's still 219:06 funny 219:07 still good 219:15 my god sorry i'm looking at the reddit 219:19 again 219:19 i never should but i always do 219:30 i'm glad the person that made that 3d 219:31 like fan art thing i i've checked the 219:33 red again apparently they commented that 219:35 they saw that i saw 219:36 it so i'm glad i'm glad that they think 219:38 that i that they know that i think it's 219:40 cool 219:40 pretty epic anyway 219:44 remember that jenna marbles video hey 219:47 the um yeah the uh the the title from it 219:50 how to trick people into thinking you're 219:52 good looking 219:53 yeah i think it's all right i'm just 219:56 reading the 219:57 reddit comments again 220:06 [Music] 220:10 shouldn't read reddit comments i know 220:13 you found out that finster nsfw is 220:15 cursed and he's in bleach help 220:16 finster sfw is [ __ ] nuts there's a 220:18 dude there's a post on there that i so 220:20 badly want there's two posts on there 220:21 that i really want to talk about 220:23 but i can't because i don't want to 220:24 endorse it and i don't endorse it but 220:25 like 220:27 i just want to know how he did them if 220:28 you're on the reddit you know what i'm 220:29 on about how the [ __ ] did he do that 220:33 anyway uh 220:37 uh when it comes to the best ah ready 220:39 comments on me 220:40 the uh they're not the best i don't like 220:43 them 220:43 i mean sometimes they're okay but it's 220:45 just a bunch of people i it's 220:46 if it's on a joke it's it's a bunch of 220:48 people complimenting their jokes 220:50 and if it's about me it's usually uh two 220:52 people disagreeing to say i the past is 220:54 a girl or i don't pass the girl i'm 220:56 being one of them's usually a little bit 220:57 more 220:58 aggressive than the other so 221:01 why are you looking at your own nsfw 221:04 page 221:05 if you had an sfw page wouldn't you look 221:07 at it i mean come on 221:09 i don't look at it usually but every now 221:11 and then i check it like every couple 221:12 weeks 221:13 you know however i check i'm like what's 221:15 happening there 221:16 but 221:20 oh sweet yeah okay she's going now stuff 221:24 uh be let me know because yeah 221:28 just came from reddit ah sweet awesome 221:30 yeah sure i'll do that 221:31 i will surprise them finn supremacy i 221:34 rose rose supremacy offense supremacy 221:38 is there more content of me as rose now 221:40 than there is a fin 221:41 i just kind of realized with all the re 221:42 like all the uploads of clips and [ __ ] 221:44 there's gotta be 221:46 hmm finster live has uploaded like 221:51 60 videos the finster channels uploaded 221:55 like 400 222:03 i don't know 222:12 is this girl month happens to be rose 222:14 true aurora supremacy for currently also 222:16 i'm getting kind of tired 222:17 i'm uh i'm gonna go take some pictures 222:18 for uh twitter and instagram i think 222:21 and then uh i'm gonna i'm gonna end the 222:24 stream 222:24 i'm gonna raid a uh uh one of our mods 222:27 cam 222:27 she does great [ __ ] work she's doing 222:30 a charity stream actually 222:31 for the trevor project which is pretty 222:32 epic uh so i'm gonna rate her uh like 222:34 now and then i'm gonna go take some 222:36 pictures for twitter and instagram for 222:37 you guys 222:38 so i hope you enjoyed that hopefully i 222:40 will look good 222:41 but you won't tell me if i look bad 222:43 right like you're just complimently all 222:44 the same 222:45 just say that i look good i am queen and 222:47 10 out of 10. 222:48 cool let me find 222:52 a camera real quick 222:57 there we go 223:02 oh i feel like she knows it's coming all 223:03 right boys have fun over there she's one 223:05 of our mods i 223:06 hope you guys have a lot of fun there um 223:09 anyway 223:11 i do it i think i did it okay sweet john 223:13 if you want to go do some 223:14 it's that she's streaming for a charity 223:15 stream she's a great great person 223:17 um for the trevor project all stuff like 223:19 that i'm not sure details of it but 223:21 it's a good person to write anyway 223:22 anyway boys i will see you in the next 223:24 one 223:24 i'm going to take pictures and [ __ ] i 223:26 look all cutie [ __ ] 223:28 you know all that stuff there's nick i 223:30 hope you got your pictures i didn't do a 223:31 ton 223:32 i'll tell you when you look back thank 223:35 you anyway 223:36 see you boys