00:28 foreign 00:31 diamond beanie gang 02:20 foreign 02:40 there we go there we go you're welcome 02:41 technical engineer dude 02:43 ah shut up all right look at me [ __ ] you 02:46 wait 02:47 oh my god i almost [ __ ] broke it hey 02:48 boys i'm going to be upstairs i'm going 02:50 to go record not read i'll be down 02:51 back in a second like 5-10 minutes i'll 02:54 be there 03:04 hi you sexy beast 03:07 who me hi 03:11 hi 03:17 um trying to make the mic 03:20 nice 03:21 [Music] 03:26 this should be good hey hey 03:33 how's it going okay you guys want to do 03:36 you guys want to see what we bought 03:37 today 03:44 me myself i got myself the university 03:47 blue 03:48 jordans they're very nice 03:52 very nice that's what i got 03:56 got the university blues sheesh 04:14 finn got some yeezys some yeezys 04:18 and i got 04:24 the daily bugle brothers the daily bugle 04:28 the daily bugle it's very nice very nice 04:31 set 04:32 very nice set from spider-man 04:44 we'll be building that together 04:46 eventually we'll be building that 04:48 on stream 04:55 boom 04:59 okay hold on i gotta get the tools i 05:01 gotta get the tools 05:55 okay okay what's up we got the drill 06:00 and the hammer 06:03 okay let's do some building i guess 06:08 [Music] 06:10 yeah this doesn't really hold 06:12 [Music] 06:14 whatever whatever okay oh 06:23 okay so if you guys haven't noticed yet 06:26 the donation goal the non-donation the 06:29 sub goal 06:30 uh if you hit it me and finn 06:34 are gonna crush watermelons between our 06:37 thighs 06:38 life and it's gonna be hot 06:42 on the floor i'm gonna crush them 06:49 oh 06:54 how cool how cool would that be that 06:56 would be cool 06:58 i can't see [ __ ] um who gifted subs 07:03 oh [ __ ] wiener gamer 07:07 thank you so much 07:12 this is really badly um organized 07:17 really badly organized thank you for the 07:20 gifted sounds 07:22 okay oh bam 07:25 boom bada bing we got the tonto knife 07:28 tanto sword or whatever 07:33 uh okie chloe thank you very sub 07:42 yeah just just gonna do 07:47 just gotta do a little cutting you know 07:50 that's what they used to do in ancient 07:51 japan 07:53 when they got a ikea furniture omas 08:02 this could end pretty badly 08:10 oh my god 08:14 i don't know how finn opened this 08:24 there we go [ __ ] nice 08:32 yup there we go that was good that was 08:35 good 08:36 that was very good that was good that 08:38 was good 08:41 ouch okay we got the [ __ ] pieces 08:46 um i should i should be able to remember 08:48 this correctly 08:52 yeah yeah yeah yeah these are for the 08:55 drawer these are the bags 08:59 um these are the sides 09:03 that's the bottom i think is that the 09:05 bottom that's the top i think might be 09:07 the top 09:11 back of the drawer 09:15 front front 09:18 we'll set these aside we'll organize 09:20 them like a normal person 09:23 found the plates 09:28 the bottoms 09:31 ow 09:34 look at this i can't read chat from here 09:38 so 09:40 i should just open you guys on my phone 09:42 i think 09:47 i'll open you on my phone oh 09:50 okay um let's see you on my phone 10:01 where is this streaming guys press the 10:03 follow button it's important 10:05 it's important for money 10:10 okay here we go i can see chad 10:14 you guys ready oh sup hype train no way 10:17 howdy guys okay um 10:23 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 10:27 okay i can see you now i can see you now 10:29 i'm moyamoya thank you what 10:33 20 holy [ __ ] thank you 10:42 thank you thank you thank you thank you 10:43 thank you 10:45 holy [ __ ] yeah yeah 10:48 guys if any if anybody 10:53 if anybody wants to help me finance the 10:55 daily bugle 10:56 lego set feel free couldn't help myself 11:00 couldn't help myself to buy it here 11:03 um oh i see 11:07 okay so finn didn't have to screw this 11:09 in 11:10 they were already in he'd never had to 11:13 screw these 11:17 yeah i wouldn't have expected him to do 11:19 that the two 11:20 though like there's no way he would have 11:22 been able to do that 11:24 i can't even do that it's very hard 11:28 holy [ __ ] man thank you for the gifted 11:31 my phone keeps turning off 11:36 uh murder 11:40 thank you for the gifted move the desk 11:46 what this 11:49 it's fine i think 11:53 what the [ __ ] marking 12:00 thank you brother 20. okay i guess me 12:02 and finn are gonna crush watermelons 12:06 nothing i can do about it 12:10 um i think he's busy tomorrow because 12:12 he's recording 12:13 but uh should be fine uh this week 12:16 sometime 12:17 do you want me to do it as a youtube 12:19 video the crushing 12:24 thank you so much marking 12:31 i should 12:51 got it it's not so hard 12:59 yeah this is easy let's baby [ __ ] watch 13:01 this 13:02 i'm gonna sweeter on this 13:08 um boom okay 13:12 does it say the arrows 13:20 definitely youtube yeah yeah let's do 13:23 i'll do a youtube video 13:25 let me just see this [ __ ] real quick um 13:29 i can't see 13:33 where's the long one 13:38 yeah okay long one goes this way 13:44 i can't see [ __ ] 14:01 okay um 14:07 gc white bear thank you for the 14:10 subscription 14:14 okay what do we have this goes outward 14:17 let me guess 14:18 correct correct and 14:21 big ones here's where finn made the 14:23 mistake 100 14:26 because i would have put this here now i 14:29 would have put this here 14:31 but it's not supposed to be there's 14:34 two small spaces here and then there's 14:37 two big ones 14:39 the big ones need to be at the bottom 14:43 like this and then this needs to be 14:46 outwards 14:46 so this goes here this goes here 14:51 and then this goes around 14:57 boom that's how it's supposed to be 15:00 that's the right way and then we do 15:03 [Music] 15:07 this one right here goes in the middle 15:10 and that's it easy as that 15:11 easy as that there we go there we go 15:16 now we do the screws i guess 15:26 hold on 15:49 [Music] 16:32 does this not work here we go 16:46 boom does this work 16:51 nice okay 16:56 see this is easy this is baby time 17:06 this is baby time 17:10 i've done this a million times a million 17:14 times my friends 17:18 how you all doing today i still can't 17:20 read chat my it says my channel is 17:22 offline 17:24 but i know it's not i can see it 17:27 i can see that it's live 17:36 uh i can't see anything man it's like 17:39 i'm blind 17:42 but uh yeah if any of you guys care 17:44 finnish 17:45 oh finn is coming down in a bit 17:50 and we'll do we'll do the building 17:52 together 17:53 in case anybody cares 17:57 he'll be here 18:00 we'll all be here together 18:12 i should go back a bit so you guys seven 18:13 months pog 18:15 what seven months pog yeah yeah yeah 18:26 yo gc weapon thank you for the 18:30 cheer 18:39 holy [ __ ] what the hell 18:44 what the hell 18:48 barking what the [ __ ] 18:52 thank you so much for the gifted you 18:54 guys are even on the 18:55 brighton beach vlog in a bikini 19:00 bikini vlog 19:04 we'll have sex on the beach 19:08 sex on the beach 19:11 that's gonna be nice i wish i could read 19:14 chat but my phone doesn't work 19:17 i guess i guess you guys are just gonna 19:19 have to 19:20 uh have to uh communicate with me 19:22 through money 19:24 how about that nah i'll chat in a second 19:30 boom 19:34 i can't see [ __ ] man 19:42 okay boom six times easy 19:45 easy and then uh wood 19:48 12 times yep just as i thought just as i 19:53 thought 19:58 oh this goes here boom 20:04 let me do some hammering it's hammering 20:18 time 20:20 you guys like the asmr building 20:26 we call this asmr building 20:36 um i hope you're all having a good day 20:38 um it sucks that i can't talk to you 20:40 right now 20:41 because i just i can't [ __ ] see chat 20:43 from here 20:45 but i gotta build this or else i can 20:47 never stream 20:50 my streaming career will be dead if i 20:52 don't build this 21:02 boom and then same on the other side 21:25 nice you guys looking at this [ __ ] 21:30 building speed i'm so [ __ ] fast 21:35 i'm stupid fast 21:47 i'm the fastest builder in the world 21:49 [Music] 21:51 don't underestimate me 22:12 nice okay we're doing progress here yeah 22:15 i 22:16 i don't get what's wrong with my phone 22:17 actually [ __ ] dog [ __ ] phone [ __ ] 22:19 [ __ ] 22:21 hello do sexy biased dude do bist heist 22:24 yo what's up 22:28 was kid was kid 22:35 okay oh my god i can see my phone 22:39 i can maybe see chad soon 22:59 you guys like this speed i'm so much 23:02 faster than finn 23:12 nice oh i can see chad i can see chad i 23:16 can see chad 23:17 okay i can see check we can talk talk to 23:20 me 23:21 it's time 23:25 so let's have a look at this 23:29 okay 23:33 yeah so this is clearly clearly 23:37 the bottom clearly the bottom anyone 23:40 should know this 23:41 any experienced builder should know that 23:44 this is the bottom part 23:50 very obvious very obvious 23:57 very clearly the bottom 24:25 this is some [ __ ] speed this is 24:28 temple man this is 24:29 this is called temple building you guys 24:32 haven't heard of it 24:34 no one has heard of it 24:38 i'm just flexing on you with my craft 24:40 with my craftsmanship 24:44 it's insane how at this point 24:48 last time when i walked into the room 24:51 finn didn't even have the [ __ ] 24:52 package open 24:54 real talk real talk finn didn't have the 24:57 box open yet i'm almost finished 25:23 there we go um next step 25:28 easy peasy pop 25:40 up 25:42 but here this is what he forgot to put 25:45 these into 25:46 these are supposed to because these are 25:48 only being held by little wooden sticks 25:50 right now 25:53 like this these little wooden bastards 25:56 and this will just 25:56 literally fall apart instantly 26:01 [Music] 26:03 but these need to go in and then and 26:05 then you're all good 26:06 and then you're all good baby baby 26:10 there you go and then you screw this in 26:12 for a sec 26:22 up 26:25 up 26:29 nice see that's [ __ ] secured that's 26:31 what i call [ __ ] security 26:34 now this is the part where he [ __ ] up 26:36 you gotta watch closely 26:38 this is the bottom and this goes 26:41 also this goes where the bottom is right 26:46 there's no other place where this should 26:47 go other than the bottom 26:58 there you go 27:02 same thing over here that's the top 27:15 boom it wasn't so hard uh 27:20 let me see chat 27:30 okay same thing again 27:34 these things up 27:41 but 27:44 12 times 27:49 this one irritates me a little bit 27:50 because this is the 27:52 natural the natural next step after you 27:56 put it in 27:57 you always do these that's so that it 27:59 doesn't fall apart this is security holy 28:02 [ __ ] 28:04 who is that who is that who gifted i 28:07 can't see from here 28:09 make yourself known i can't read your 28:12 name 28:15 thank you for the five gifted hold on 28:18 i'll come read i'll come read in a 28:21 second 28:25 belfast 28:29 thank you we just we do a little bit of 28:32 a little bit of screwing 29:04 this is my ikea closet any percent speed 29:07 run 29:11 no one is faster than me 29:20 no joke i don't even need the manual 29:23 shit's easy 29:25 it's all self-explanatory 29:46 there you go boom next step 29:58 so we set this aside this is finished 30:00 now we just do the 30:05 one we need three of these 30:09 one two three and then two of these 30:17 these are the back parts i'm gonna put 30:19 back parts over here 30:22 back hard there's two 30:26 and three then we have 30:29 this one just for the front and this 30:30 one's for the front 30:32 we have a total of six 30:37 of the side parts 30:40 and that should be it 30:45 this is what i call speed this is what i 30:47 call speed 30:51 this is speed that you have never seen 30:53 before 30:55 what's the time right now did someone 30:56 did someone count at what time i started 30:59 actually building 31:02 you know the scene in cars where 31:07 luigi the little the box 31:11 the blue the blue car like changes 31:13 lightning mcqueen's wheels really fast 31:16 that's me 31:20 that's me i'm just i'm just [ __ ] 31:23 skilled like that 31:29 no other way to go about it i'm just 31:30 good 31:32 i'll be done before finn comes down 31:37 [Music] 31:39 real [ __ ] real [ __ ] i'm done before he 31:41 comes down 31:44 how long did this take him a few hours 31:48 a few good hours 31:54 it's not even gonna take me 30 minutes 32:12 there you go that's that 32:18 i know this part 32:28 you do these two 32:41 i'm [ __ ] fast am i not fast 32:57 there you go 33:00 now we take this 33:07 this part here these two up top correct 33:12 correct boom 33:18 this is the same take this 33:25 this is also the same so it's one of 33:28 these 33:30 boom easy 33:34 um what was it yeah 34:04 but 34:09 i'm just going to do this back-to-back 34:25 back to back to back to back to back to 34:27 back to back to back to back 34:37 can you guys call me luigi 34:45 the fastest mechanic in the world 34:56 like tell me i'm not you're you're 34:58 delusional if i'm not stupid fast like 35:00 i'm 35:01 stupid fast how [ __ ] good am i at 35:04 this 35:05 this should be my job 35:09 assembling this [ __ ] 35:12 i glue i live for this man that's why i 35:15 got the daily bugle 35:19 big lego [ __ ] it's gonna take me like 35:21 five minutes to build 35:26 there we go um where's the plates here 35:37 boom next 35:56 next 36:03 boom back piece 36:07 [Music] 36:10 um 36:12 how did finn do this just in here 36:14 probably yeah 36:17 um and then if i remember 36:20 correctly it was just nailing it 36:37 fast as [ __ ] boy 37:06 that's done next 37:49 done next 37:55 see how much faster this is if you 37:58 organize 37:59 the pieces out of time like if you 38:01 already know where they're going to be 38:02 i can just grab this [ __ ] man i can just 38:05 grab 38:06 this [ __ ] 38:10 i can just grab whatever i need and move 38:12 on 38:14 you know no problem no problem 38:18 from the fin side thank you very soon 38:24 [Music] 38:30 finished boom 38:34 and you already did this 38:39 i don't need that step already did it 38:43 [Music] 38:45 this goes like this boom 38:48 wooden one goes up nope one goes down 38:51 here 38:55 two times right 38:58 of course two times why would i only do 39:00 it one time 39:02 that makes no [ __ ] sense 39:19 um i may have 39:24 misplaced one part 39:29 one two three 39:33 oh no it's in here 39:39 yeah these are hard to see because 39:40 they're like borderline transparent 39:43 on the carpet it's really hard to see 39:45 already did that 39:58 boom 40:03 magics six months three let's go 40:09 six months let's go 40:17 oh [ __ ] off man 40:21 just broke it 40:24 yeah literally just broke ah 40:27 that's what i mean it's exactly my point 40:36 yeah you're not you're not supposed to 40:38 do this at all with a with a drill 40:40 it has too much power and it can just 40:42 easily break off 40:44 but uh should be okay it's only the 40:47 inside of the [ __ ] 40:50 drawer it should be okay 40:55 yeah you're not you're not supposed to 40:57 these aren't supposed to have that much 40:59 power 41:03 but it's fine it's just going to be held 41:04 together by this 41:14 we'll hold it together instead 41:34 these are too delicate to be [ __ ] 41:36 drilled 41:39 i got a little too excited and drilled 41:41 too fast 41:45 but it should be fun 41:51 that's fine 42:11 that's gonna be really careful 42:30 i'm gonna prank finn in a second i'm 42:33 gonna be like 42:34 come down i quickly need your help and 42:36 then i'm just gonna be finished 42:40 that's fine it's gonna be quite funny in 42:44 my opinion 43:04 quite the funny 43:17 there we go there we go there we go 43:19 there we go there we go 43:38 but 43:44 anybody got the time 43:53 anybody get the time on that 44:08 there you go how fast was that 44:21 uptime is 40 minutes but my mic didn't 44:23 work i was unboxing 44:24 that must have been like 30 25 to 30. 44:28 that was pretty fast hold on 46:20 go there 46:31 oh god that was so heavy 46:35 i don't know why you made me carry all 46:36 that i don't know why oh 46:38 it was this weird thing where like we 46:40 got to the bottom of the stairs after i 46:41 carried it down and she was like hold on 46:42 let me grab it 46:44 i just say that yeah so they make they 46:46 make it it makes you look strong 46:47 not me i just did that in under 30. wow 46:50 very epic 46:51 that was a [ __ ] run that was a good 46:53 run congrats high five 46:55 i can't believe i carried all that i 46:57 understand why you did it wrong 46:58 is is that when you unbox your thing it 47:01 looks so weird right 47:02 no the way you saved one year to donate 47:04 this do you a 47:05 f1 nnn live what does it even say do you 47:08 live together here 47:10 no no she just visits from click the 47:13 light on that little switch see the 47:14 switch hanging right there look it looks 47:16 so pretty 47:17 you look so pretty i know but like look 47:19 at that 47:20 and then wait point i can't see it where 47:22 the camera looks so cool 47:24 look at that [ __ ] 47:29 look at that [ __ ] look at the fairy 47:30 lights look at all the work i did that 47:32 took a while 47:33 in that call chat isn't that dope this 47:36 room's epic 47:38 here's your mango oh thank you 47:41 uh and then look what i can do hold on 47:44 look at this [ __ ] 47:45 look at that isn't that sick and then 47:46 watch this oh 47:48 look at that [ __ ] epic and they 47:50 change color how are you 47:52 hey boys have you seen the she showed 47:54 you the batarang i bought 47:57 i got it as a present before i got like 47:59 a batarang from ebay you can throw these 48:01 into wood they'll stick like a shuriken 48:03 that's so cool it's like breaking it 48:06 might be 48:06 it's not a very expensive thing you 48:09 could put that on the back of it it 48:10 might be a bit better 48:12 on the table yeah i guess so but 48:16 all right i just want to let you know 48:18 yeah and i just built that 48:20 and hold the mic please oh yeah 48:23 i just built that in like under 30 48:25 minutes damn 48:26 that was such a [ __ ] run that's 48:28 pretty cool 48:35 [Music] 48:38 nice tits oh thank you 48:42 nice my titties okay um 48:54 this this thing's cool 48:57 over here 49:11 i had to pay warden she was demanding 49:13 her eyes she wanted strike i had to pay 49:15 one real quick and then uh 49:17 yeah everything's going pretty good i 49:18 just have to make sure everyone's happy 49:21 yeah i got the new donation goal set up 49:23 hey 49:24 donation girl what do you mean uh 49:26 subgoal yeah 49:28 nifty 49:32 ow [ __ ] oh no okay 49:36 hey look one time i'm actually here huh 49:38 this i broke 49:41 those right here 49:44 because like i said the drill is way too 49:46 powerful for this you don't do it that 49:48 hard 49:48 i know it was an accident that's why you 49:50 got to be smart like me 49:53 it's an accident why don't you grab a 49:54 sword 49:56 two unbots okay how are we supposed to 49:58 do this while the stream's running 50:00 like how are we supposed to get the 50:01 table top on there or do you want to end 50:02 the stream and then we'll do it now 50:04 let's just put it on there leave it for 50:05 tomorrow and then do it for real 50:06 okay wait with what space 50:10 bro 50:22 that was awesome i feel so powerful okay 50:26 with the paper oh wait we gotta unbox 50:28 the big tabletop and then we go that's 50:29 where i'm moving everything 50:31 move this out of the way i'm already 50:34 moving a little bit 50:35 you don't want it there i want to put it 50:38 i'm gonna put it there 50:39 i think we have to put it like right 50:41 there because it's not gonna fit in the 50:43 room 50:44 if we don't put it like right there 50:46 rizza 50:50 you're streaming nothing on your phone 50:52 can be that important 50:54 you're just checking tick tock [ __ ] 50:57 help me 50:59 i've done so much work helping reason 51:02 you're just checking tick tock and eric 51:04 commented on my tick tock again 51:06 okay and he doesn't follow me how does 51:08 he comment on like three of my tick 51:09 tocks and not follow help me 51:12 help me help me well okay who did all 51:14 the work here 51:15 me please can you 51:22 this anywhere else 51:25 no like the the help go away 51:29 get it no okay there we go come on 51:33 take off the shoes and put on your 51:35 yeezys 51:37 okay give me a minute 51:41 i wonder where you're using so yeah let 51:45 me take these off 51:47 chad's gonna be fine with me taking off 51:49 heels at this point it's your stream not 51:51 my stream 51:51 correct indeed 52:16 okay 52:42 how can you hear this have you got the 52:44 sound side now this is quiet as hell 52:47 what's quiet the noises 52:50 the noises from the this from the when 52:52 someone subs 52:54 thanks for subbing by the way 52:57 there was a gift itself oh yeah 53:01 finn is definitely the housewife i 53:03 disagree it's 53:05 marie's the one building everything for 53:06 me you're kind of a housewife okay 53:08 let me just lay here where you put it 53:10 here right huh 53:14 3m adhesive what i don't need any of 53:18 that 53:19 little [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] do you 53:21 have to build the desk what 53:26 oh no what happened did you step on the 53:29 cable 53:30 no oh [ __ ] advert wait what the [ __ ] 53:33 scuff no rip stream what's the stream 53:36 folks 53:36 backpack fish what the [ __ ] happened 53:42 stream restarted i'm guessing we went to 53:44 that blue screen for a sec 53:45 internet bad for a minute we need a new 53:47 ethernet cable bro 53:50 okay are we good chat shadow we're here 53:54 are you this are you alive are we alive 53:58 oh look at that the stream like actually 54:00 ended look it started from zero again 54:02 yeah it's weird what the [ __ ] i don't 54:04 have no viewers now 54:06 ah well we're only just putting a 54:08 tabletop on it 54:10 jeff by the way uh everyone chantelle 54:12 where's their fat [ __ ] instruction 54:13 manual 54:14 it's just like be safe don't [ __ ] 54:16 drop this on a human 54:18 to walk tell people in the chat to 54:20 restart 54:21 because [ __ ] sometimes you need to 54:23 refresh the page 54:24 if they if they still see it like not 54:26 working i need your help here 54:28 yeah you need to unbox the thing first 54:34 i'll grab here 54:48 you've just got a piece of paper over it 54:50 no that's not the favorite this is the 54:51 bottom no it's well it might be 54:53 we just stopped waiting to flip it can 54:54 you help me yeah you wanna well let's 54:56 take out the plastic first 54:59 why are you cutting straight into the 55:01 table i'm not very lightly 55:03 very light cut i'm 55:06 i saw you step on that cable i don't 55:08 know 55:12 i wouldn't lie 56:05 yo 56:08 finn broke the internet cable again 56:29 it's workout time 57:10 um 57:32 can't do it 57:41 what 57:50 nah man i'm out for today 57:54 i did too much earlier ah 57:57 i'm out for today i got any workout 58:14 i'm just fixing my pants i'm just fixing 58:17 my pants 58:19 my back hurts from all this working out 58:22 just gonna yeah 58:26 just gonna it's gonna fix my pants 58:29 because my back hurts from working out 58:32 so much 58:36 no worries no worries guys 58:42 i'm just fixing my pants 58:47 i'm not showing ass i'm just fixing my 58:49 pants i think oh okay 58:52 hey what am i doing hey 58:56 hey no what stop 59:00 no no there's something on this chair 59:02 that i know not there's nothing on this 59:04 is my phone 59:05 you picked up air 59:10 speaking of phones my phone's on your 59:12 shoes can i have my phone 59:14 can you stop posing for one one minute 59:18 i this is not instagram this is this is 59:22 a gaming website 59:24 this is this is not it's a live gaming 59:27 this is not like this is no 59:28 bad that no what do you think this is 59:31 the olympics 59:33 no you're my phone well i'll give you my 59:36 phone 59:37 that's not your phone no my phone come 59:38 here no i don't want to have a podcast 59:40 no no 59:43 phone take the blanket 59:52 looks like you got to come get it no 59:54 your phone looks like you gotta come 59:57 looks like 60:02 thank you can you have another one of 60:04 these 60:07 i tried you you give me you give me 60:09 phone i'll give you this 60:12 razor 60:27 huh are you gonna get it huh 60:30 yeah you want your water are you gonna 60:32 get it 60:33 are you gonna get it i'm gonna put a 60:35 hole in the wall ain't gonna get it 60:37 huh are you gonna get it yeah 60:55 water no water 60:58 no water water 61:03 can be found give me fine i'll turn it 61:06 off 61:06 i'll do it i'll pull that lead i'll 61:08 twist it that way 61:12 it's really cold yeah been in the fridge 61:16 you don't want to stand behind me no 61:18 this is because you have 61:19 these piss dots on here no that's not 61:22 [ __ ] the 61:25 he's wearing booty shorts and he has 61:26 piss thoughts on his no i don't that's a 61:28 lie 61:29 fabricated fabricated 61:32 pissed himself fabricated it's your 61:35 phone i can't even take a picture give 61:37 me phone 61:38 walk backwards straight where's mom 61:42 cut no okay oh give me a phone 61:47 okay here you go no risky 61:50 yes stop it you drop my [ __ ] phone 61:54 this is bad 62:08 do you want to have your nail backwards 62:09 again oh that hurt 62:11 my fingernails 62:12 [Music] 62:18 okay 62:21 that's what it's not what that's 62:23 cardboard 62:24 why are you throwing that on it floated 62:27 to the ground 62:29 it was cardboard it floated down to the 62:31 ground 62:32 clip it's pieces of paper stepped on top 62:35 of each other 62:37 literally abused he climbs abuse but 62:39 seriously i'm abused oh my god 62:43 what if i just sit in the dark you 62:44 backed the dog into a corner 62:47 a dog yeah i'm a big dog 62:51 [ __ ] for me puppy boy that's transphobic 62:54 literally 62:58 what if i turn this off what 63:01 oh [ __ ] i don't know why you don't just 63:03 direct the lamp at the wall 63:05 also can you please for the love of god 63:07 just up the camera iso jesus 63:10 uh it doesn't work on auto yeah you turn 63:13 it off auto to change the 63:17 your mom your [ __ ] mom 63:22 i love your mom your mom's nice i love 63:24 his mom his mom loves me too because 63:26 um she thinks i'm a good partner for him 63:36 of course i have met your mom you 63:37 [ __ ] [ __ ] was on your birthday 63:40 what do you mean 63:53 come here for a second hold this no no i 63:56 gotta direct it i can't i don't have a 63:58 table 63:58 put it down then [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] 64:01 [ __ ] boy 64:02 [ __ ] boy i'm gonna [ __ ] you later 64:06 no you have nothing to say 64:10 you don't get to say no that's 64:14 not good did you eat all of that by the 64:18 way the 64:18 salami and cheese yeah why now you're 64:22 gonna flame me for eating salami and 64:23 cheese what is this 64:24 [ __ ] household guys if you eat salami 64:27 and cheese is it bad or do you get 64:29 flamed 64:33 finn is a little flammer [ __ ] can i 64:36 have something to eat 64:53 not everyone can be blessed with a 64:55 forehead you just don't want to show 64:58 the third eye that's under that 65:03 shut up dude i'm insecure okay let me 65:04 get surgery i don't think you need to 65:06 take the third eye out i think it's a 65:08 cool feature 65:09 it's called being insecure you can see 65:11 through that thing dude 65:13 come here come here in front of the 65:14 camera and turn segways why 65:18 why why this is this is you when you 65:21 turn sideways in front of the camera 65:23 hey guys 65:30 wait wait this is lizzy wait wait i 65:32 don't like these 65:33 about mine hey guys 65:36 oh sorry this is all gonna be in my twit 65:38 longer 65:40 shut up you with your bird's beak 65:45 you get to make fun of my forehead i get 65:47 to make fun of your insecurities you 65:50 say i'm your reason i never take my head 65:51 off [ __ ] you [ __ ] 65:53 you're putting pressure on me i set up a 65:55 bit it's a bit 65:56 i said you had a third eye i'll show you 65:59 a bit 66:00 i'll show you a bit of [ __ ] [ __ ] in 66:01 your ass i made a joke and you insult 66:04 my biggest insecurity you're insulting 66:07 my base into your reverse 66:09 you know okay i apologize i think finn's 66:12 nose isn't long it's 66:14 pretty it's like it's in all directions 66:17 nice 66:21 but you know what they say big nose 66:25 you know what they say big nose long 66:27 toes 66:30 small [ __ ] 66:34 yeah he loves me deep down he loves me 66:40 and i love him too deep down 66:44 sometimes sometimes 66:48 occasional love is uh uh 66:52 there sometimes you know uh 66:55 you know how uh you gotta make love work 66:58 you gotta make a lot of work 67:07 oh [ __ ] no pizza okay okay 67:11 okay 67:24 okay i'm not making fun of any noses 67:26 anymore 67:40 you can tell they love each other 67:43 yeah i'll be honest with you um 67:48 friends are nice to each other but best 67:50 friends they insult each other fact 67:54 all right seriously true 68:09 yeah finn broke the [ __ ] stream 68:24 you know this table building should have 68:27 happened 68:28 five hours ago 68:33 but he was too busy being a [ __ ] online 68:39 also don't ever think that anything 68:41 between us is serious by the way 68:45 me and finn every time we insult each 68:46 other it's all fun 68:54 it's all um 69:09 it's all between us 69:17 what is that noise 69:28 hello hey amy what's up 69:34 really loud [ __ ] car 69:39 i gotta pee i don't want to take off my 69:42 makeup too 69:44 while you're here guys uh follow me on 69:46 tick tock 69:48 all of you right now dude [ __ ] 69:56 tick tock or youtube you choose follow 69:58 me on one of the two 70:11 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 70:17 yeah totally follow me on everything 70:19 please it's important 70:21 trying to grow also um if i 70:24 if i if i if you follow me on youtube 70:41 [Music] 70:56 this is why i hate this [ __ ] room man 70:57 it's just 70:59 scary um yeah if you follow me on 71:01 youtube guess what we're gonna i'm gonna 71:02 do vlogs with finn it's gonna be so 71:04 funny 71:05 [Music] 71:08 you're gonna like that right funny vlog 71:11 you're gonna love that 71:13 you're gonna love the [ __ ] out of that 71:17 funny vlogs with finn it's gonna be the 71:19 best thing you ever heard 71:25 my [ __ ] intestines fruits 71:28 my intestines hurts badly 71:34 but that's fine we can't all be [ __ ] 71:38 nice 71:51 funny vlogs with pyro and finn yes 71:55 happening happening happening happening 71:59 but yeah yeah uh we got to fix the desk 72:02 tomorrow 72:05 i might screw it in to be honest 72:08 what do you think would be the smart 72:12 thing to do 72:20 to screw it because like the the table 72:22 top moves quite a bit 72:27 the walk stream with rosia i honestly i 72:30 don't like it much when he goes outside 72:32 um like like hyper cross dressing you 72:37 know 72:38 it's fine if he just goes outside you 72:40 know but um 72:42 it's kind of sketch you know the like 72:44 someone like just obviously 72:45 cross-dressing 72:47 well it wouldn't be obvious 72:48 cross-dressing but if he like streams 72:50 then like he's talking and [ __ ] 72:52 obviously and you're just asking to be 72:54 [ __ ] like 72:55 harassed you know i it just just sucks 72:58 i don't like it i don't like it for him 73:01 because 73:02 even though it hasn't happened yet i 73:03 just feel like it's a matter of time 73:06 and it can be traumatizing 73:09 we're dangerous too like who says it 73:11 can't escalate you know there's a lot of 73:13 [ __ ] homophobes 73:15 especially in the uk i mean jesus 73:20 you hear all this [ __ ] about stabbings 73:23 and kidnappings 73:24 and then he's like oh i'm gonna take a 73:26 walk in that ariana grande bunny outfit 73:28 at 3am 73:30 okay buddy i don't like it i don't 73:32 [ __ ] like it man 73:35 you know he goes outside in like a 73:36 swimsuit at 3am 73:38 vlogging it's like you know it's a 73:41 little unsafe 73:42 in my opinion i don't like it 73:46 that's why i'm coming on on the walk 73:51 yeah it should be daytime 73:56 daytime yeah more people see him it's 73:58 just 74:00 you know 74:05 it's just dangerous you know not not 74:07 everything in in life is 74:09 uh fantasy world and fetishes and stuff 74:12 you know 74:15 at some point there's reality that kicks 74:18 in 74:19 and uh you know 74:23 some people can be [ __ ] evil in real 74:24 life 74:26 like even in like a in like a 74:30 low case scenario like even best case 74:33 let's say he walks outside he gets 74:35 harassed 74:37 any insult that gets thrown at him 74:40 would literally just get him banned on 74:42 twitch 74:43 so even that like even the softest case 74:45 scenario is bad for him 74:55 yeah i i'm not gonna say like if he goes 74:57 outside once it's gonna happen or twice 74:59 but i'm saying like if it hap if he goes 75:00 again and again and again it's only a 75:02 matter of time that some random homo 75:04 he will like just uh like 75:08 come across a homophobe or imagine just 75:11 a group 75:12 of like like young adults [ __ ] drunk 75:16 you know just [ __ ] harassing him like 75:17 what's he gonna do run away 75:19 if he can heal like you know 75:22 i know people that would do that i don't 75:24 i know people i live in berlin 75:27 when i go out at night i there's groups 75:29 of people that would 75:30 like mess with him you know 75:37 and uh you never know how far it gets 75:41 it's just i don't like it i really don't 75:43 like it 75:57 bring a knife but imagine what what what 75:59 is that gonna do 76:00 if finn pulls a knife it's just gonna 76:03 escalate 76:04 like it it's it's gonna get worse than 76:06 it ever could have gone 76:07 you know 76:18 i just think it's a little sketch i 76:20 think it can be unsafe 76:29 goodbye atticus thank you for joining 76:35 yeah you know what i mean right you 76:37 understand me 76:39 i i i wish i could say i'm being 76:41 paranoid but i just 76:42 i it ha it happened to me you know 76:46 and uh i dress nowhere near as feminine 76:49 as he does 76:52 it's like yeah 77:02 which is a concern i have because i know 77:03 these things happen 77:06 it's like going in a store without a 77:08 mask you know like 77:10 doesn't mean you have to get corona but 77:12 the chance is increased 77:15 you know you something can happen 77:17 doesn't mean you get it and die 77:18 you could get it and just get sick 77:20 doesn't mean you get it at all 77:22 but things can happen if you take risks 77:26 i'm just you know i'm just i'm just 77:28 worried sometimes 77:31 because uh i've been through the most 77:32 [ __ ] 77:34 uh so i know what it's like and uh it's 77:36 it's not so nice 77:39 i don't i don't want it to happen to him 77:47 and then again i don't wear heels i can 77:49 actually do a [ __ ] 77:51 tech window flip kick 77:54 thank you for the gifted awesome 77:57 art fan 78:06 and then compared to germany england 78:07 this [ __ ] sketch 78:11 i can kick i used to be able to kick 78:13 high but um 78:16 i would need to stretch i haven't 78:18 stretched in a long time 78:20 long long time i'll tell you that much 78:23 buddy 78:24 tell you that much i'm stretched 78:35 yeah but you get me you get me you get 78:38 me 78:39 you get me you get me 78:43 totally get me 78:47 totally get me there's no way you don't 78:48 get me you gotta get me 78:51 you gotta get me on this one 78:54 for real you're getting me right 79:06 oh this one's 79:20 asmr 79:25 too loud i'm lucky 79:41 sorry for the noise well i'm gonna go to 79:45 sleep 79:46 me and finn are having a [ __ ] sex 79:49 appointment 79:50 so i'll see you guys 79:53 some other time uh do we host someone 79:58 i don't think i can gift kiss 80:04 let's see if this works raid casey 80:07 tron this work 80:10 nice okay hop in hop in the raid 80:16 i'll do some vlogs with finn and then 80:19 [Music] 80:20 it'll be nice it'll be nice love you all 80:23 good night