00:14 foreign 00:26 [Music] 00:41 oh no 01:10 eo 01:25 [Music] 01:36 [Music] 01:48 bed neves 02:06 do 02:12 [Music] 02:26 oh damn 02:42 five months let's go 02:54 [Music] 03:00 one whole year and what a year 03:04 [Music] 03:09 four month poggers in it bruv 03:18 five months pogba 03:36 one year is approaching pogba's 03:54 well it feels weird to use my five month 03:56 on this stream but here we are 03:58 i hope all is wealth in and please know 04:01 that we are here to support you 04:06 sheesh six month bruv 04:15 [Music] 04:19 um so you may have heard 04:24 i've had um there's some bad news that 04:26 i've got to give i have not streamed in 04:28 two weeks 04:30 um not for you know i've kind of been 04:35 venturing out been recording minecraft 04:40 videos 04:42 some of you have guessed what has 04:44 happened 04:47 um i have bad news 04:52 what before anyone panics 04:57 i would like to make notes that 05:01 i'm okay i'm well uh 05:04 i'm gonna be okay 05:07 oh [ __ ] it i there was an accident okay 05:12 it was a serious accident it happened on 05:15 the on the highway we stopped off at a 05:18 service station 05:20 and the uh 05:24 someone coughed on my sandwich okay it's 05:27 gotta have been that 05:28 because no one in the brighton trip 05:33 no one else has it it's just me 05:37 does it make me a little bit angry that 05:40 [ __ ] i don't give us a heart attack 05:42 please f1 nn 05:44 i have covered i tested positive 05:47 twice because i was because it was 05:49 [ __ ] you know 05:50 i didn't want uh tested positive twice 05:54 definitely have it the symptoms are kind 05:56 of [ __ ] murdering me 05:57 um but no one else got it 06:01 i think i'm kind of salty about that 06:04 though the fact that 06:05 literally no one else got the boy got 06:08 that virus thank you 06:09 i already have one but thank you um so 06:17 i got that virus no one else got it 06:19 everyone on the brine trip was very 06:21 safe everyone's gonna test that's why 06:23 that's why i'm kind of announcing it 06:24 everyone's done a test 06:25 we're all fine besides me apparently 06:28 finney ph1 06:29 l heart what it's fine because i just 06:34 had a nap 06:34 i always feel better when i after i wake 06:36 up which is fine 06:38 is that the bad news yes i have [ __ ] 06:41 covered 06:42 it's pretty bad i'd say so myself so 06:44 essentially i'm dying 06:46 um but it's fine 06:50 because i have something i want to show 06:52 you uh here's i figured i'd set this up 06:56 um because may as well profit 06:59 uh here's the idea 07:03 [Music] 07:05 oh god no 07:09 if if it if this is the end 07:13 uh 12 months cover design i may as well 07:17 punk 07:18 i i i may as well right i mean come on 07:20 why do i look like i'm so facing 07:22 sideways by the way like i'm usually 07:24 like here right i'm recording so long 07:26 holy [ __ ] 07:26 is my [ __ ] i think it's just i'm in 07:29 the bunny girl chair it's so much lower 07:31 what i feel like i'm facing more 07:32 sideways might cover the [ __ ] with my 07:34 brain dude i'm a dying man 07:36 uh i'm deadly serious i'm deadly serious 07:41 i'm deadly serious hold on i think i can 07:42 do i was gonna do weekly but it didn't 07:44 show up let me see 07:45 can i do that there it is currently in 07:48 the lead 07:50 if this is it if this is the cause 07:54 so far music man is getting 07:57 is getting in the will 08:00 that uh included in my will are the 08:02 plans for how to become the ultimate 08:04 fanboy 08:05 i've never revealed this information 08:07 it's a serum 08:08 it's like captain america's [ __ ] 08:10 super soldier [ __ ] 08:11 it's not even it's not hrt it's my own 08:15 device it's super soldier serum but for 08:17 fanboys 08:18 okay oh my god sorry i need water 08:25 somebody donating three grand soon i 08:27 sure hope so because i'm gonna 08:28 be dealing with this for the next like 08:29 two weeks and i i'd rather get paid 08:32 than not so anyway how are you doing 08:36 i'm doing fantastic thanks for asking um 08:40 i i'm survive i i've lost all my 08:42 appetite 08:43 which is always fun i can still taste 08:44 things though because by the way 08:46 this is only the second day and 08:49 i'm i have taken some good painkillers 08:52 so um 08:55 i'm taking some decent painkillers set 08:57 don't know goal 08:58 you want to do the [ __ ] donor goal we 09:00 can 09:02 do you want to do it i'm so sorry to say 09:04 it like this 09:05 why am i facing so sideways did i move 09:07 them has it then 09:09 or is she vaccinated oh so 09:12 yeah marisa immediately after finding 09:14 out i tested positive and we were 09:15 confirmed that i tested positive 09:17 um i told marie marisa testing negative 09:20 immediately and i told her to leave hope 09:23 you get better 09:24 soon oh thank you marisa 09:27 is there honey in it more honey 09:31 what a stream to celebrate my 12 month 09:33 anniversary 09:34 feel better soon bud so i told marisa to 09:39 leave immediately and get a hotel room 09:40 three 09:42 it's hot tea it's boiling water uh i 09:45 told her to leave immediately 09:47 to which she declined and steadfast is 09:49 just not pogba because 09:50 she's became my carer apparently why has 09:53 this 09:53 changed oh wait i've got to do this 09:55 differently hold on one second 09:57 oh wait no it's this isn't it and bam 10:01 that didn't [ __ ] work did it [ __ ] 10:03 wait is this not it 10:05 wait this is it how'd this no no i'm 10:07 okay hold on 10:08 no hold on 10:12 why is it boiling why don't you give me 10:14 hot spoons this one is called 10:16 pogba's for me 10:26 boiling water please marisa has been my 10:29 carer 10:30 for the last day or two um don't worry 10:33 i've told her to leave seven months 10:34 she won't smile okay there we go 10:38 uh shall i set the donation goal up i'm 10:40 not sure if i should 10:42 i'm glad finn has lost none of his taste 10:44 in dumbassery yeah 10:46 exactly poison keep in mind 10:49 to take care of you risking life in the 10:52 world 10:53 donates his life's savings 10:59 let me set the donation goal up so 11:01 you've twitched so it goes to something 11:04 [ __ ] it it's today i was supposed to do 11:05 it like five days ago but obviously that 11:07 didn't happen 11:08 uh let's do this i also got it recently 11:11 and caused my entire to isolate hoop 11:15 oh fun 11:18 has anyone ever heard of this covered 11:20 thing before kind of sucks you guys 11:21 should be careful of this 11:23 let me find this thing uh wait did i not 11:25 set this up 11:26 i'm dumb why is this set the dollar goal 11:29 2 11:29 and well c glad you are relatively okay 11:32 but all your friends should be 11:34 self-isolating too since they were in 11:36 close contact 11:38 yeah luckily everyone is uh everyone's 11:40 taking a test everyone's done a pcr 11:42 which is always good 11:43 and then everyone antibodies via rectal 11:45 injection 11:50 my heart that threw me for a loop what 11:52 the [ __ ] that threw me said 11:54 my brain holy [ __ ] okay yeah so that's 11:57 that 11:58 oh man so sorry to hear that you have 12:00 covered probably shouldn't be licking 12:02 strange things 12:04 xd do you really think that's the cause 12:06 of it 12:07 every door handle that i tried in 12:09 brighton tasted great 12:11 every window it was great 12:15 real nice metallic and um uh 12:18 this idea is terrible but i can't find 12:21 it in myself to not want to actually see 12:23 this 12:27 okay hold on i mean call him out what is 12:29 the [ __ ] 12:30 is it 30 [ __ ] it you're not gonna hit 12:31 this goal uh 12:33 i'm deadly serious on this because wait 12:35 i'm not gonna be [ __ ] streaming as 12:37 much for the next two 12:38 weeks do you really want to do this now 12:40 [ __ ] it i'll enable it i'll just let it 12:41 go 12:42 just so you can donate now and then it's 12:43 going to something 12:46 i'll give you an extra like two weeks on 12:48 this okay 12:49 because i'm so nice maybe put you have 12:52 covered on the screen save having to 12:54 repeat yourself 12:56 oh the people not my guy i got the i got 12:59 the i got the death cuff 13:00 i got the plague is that good enough 13:04 uh okay would it be only nine 13:09 uh oh nine zero [ __ ] am i on about 13:13 wait no god i'm stupid better soon three 13:16 yeah zero and then i know the first 13:20 days don't start with zero dude this 13:21 mess in my brain finally i have an 13:23 excuse to be an idiot 13:24 okay in theory this should work 13:28 okay yes bam 13:32 there it is [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] 13:34 yeah 13:35 okay let me move this let me move this 13:37 boy up let's move this guy over 13:40 there we go you are there we go finally 13:42 i have to come over and take care of you 13:44 oh no i dude please if someone 13:48 could i need an army of care oh [ __ ] 13:51 i hope you get well soon finn me too 13:54 me too i'm i'm anticipating two weeks 13:57 but i'm a healthy young lad 13:58 slash lass if we hit the goal i'm a 14:01 healthy one so i'll be oh i'll end up 14:02 being fine 14:03 i think he'll be okay oh that's [ __ ] 14:05 why i 14:06 always put my thing over here that's why 14:08 hello welcome back to my regular 14:09 streaming cakes 14:11 what i like jeff cakes they're really 14:15 good 14:15 not my favorite though i haven't had one 14:17 in years 14:19 max amox is still in for a few days i 14:20 have some spare amoxicillin i didn't 14:22 know that really helps though 14:24 hell yeah 14:27 really should i be taking amoxicillin i 14:29 feel like i should consult a doctor if 14:31 it gets really bad and if not i'm just 14:32 going to leave it 14:33 i think i'm i'm i may not take medical 14:36 advice from twitch chat it doesn't okay 14:39 that would not help not unless your 14:41 doctor says so 14:43 at least i was at least i was smart 14:45 solid 14:47 what about hello my guy heroine what 14:50 about that can i do that 14:52 see at least that's fun it's a 14:54 painkiller 14:56 drink bleach thanks helen 14:59 take cat girl pills another solid 15:01 alternative 15:06 oh [ __ ] i'm glad that you're doing 15:07 somewhat okay 15:09 i lurk in your streams a lot and this 15:11 breaks my heart 15:12 i hope you feel better soon and that 15:14 your life goes back to normal 15:16 dude there was a point last night where 15:18 it was like bad because i was the first 15:20 time i experienced shortness of breath 15:21 can you do that 15:22 like black widow always does love your 15:25 content 15:26 i'm guessing everyone just watched the 15:28 [ __ ] black widow movie the [ __ ] 15:30 you know that [ __ ] they land hold on 15:37 ah [ __ ] i feel like spider-man and also 15:40 oh [ __ ] jesus christ 15:44 yeah that is dumb i don't know why that 15:45 helps her to be honest 15:50 who the [ __ ] was that character the 15:51 sister i vibe with her 15:54 it was actually pretty good selling my 15:56 soul to the future if you want a review 15:57 of the black widow movie i know everyone 15:59 hates that one character in it that kind 16:00 of got ruined but 16:02 the rest of them the comedy was good the 16:05 stream because unemployed now 16:07 alzheimer's research see you in the vod 16:10 chat 16:11 you have covered f1 nn sad face 16:16 i mean yeah six months pog 16:19 yikes black widow cosplay well you know 16:22 what i've heard covered makes you lose a 16:23 lot of weight 16:25 so maybe i'll fit into a cat suit at 16:26 some point 10 months punk 16:30 hello hello hey blue drugs are calling 16:33 when you do them people think you're 16:34 cool punk rock told me sir 16:37 exactly everyone thinks you're really 16:39 cool when you're addicted to drugs 16:42 people on that you ever seen those guys 16:44 just tweaking out on the street 16:46 in [ __ ] but every time i go to 16:48 birmingham city center there's 16:50 some [ __ ] with like a pigeon mask on 16:52 playing piano by standing on it with his 16:53 feet 16:54 11 and one those guys pretty [ __ ] 16:56 cool 16:57 pretty [ __ ] cool that's not even a 16:59 made-up story by the way that's 17:00 something i genuinely saw 17:01 in birmingham great city 69 420 17:07 oh but how did you get it i don't know 17:10 because no okay 17:11 here's the thing my exact timeline was 17:14 that 17:15 so here's the other thing before we knew 17:17 obviously before we knew i had [ __ ] 17:18 covered 17:19 we all got an uber back well i say we 17:21 all me 17:22 and marisa and uh guy called jacob we 17:24 all got an uber back to birmingham 17:26 and appetite assisted weight loss easy 17:30 clap 17:32 the new the man doctors hate him he 17:35 keeps getting covered 17:37 he asks people to cough in his mouth and 17:38 he keeps losing weight 17:40 fit uh personal uh trainers hate him but 17:43 you know 17:43 i've like lost my appetite so i'm just 17:45 kind of eating because i know i have to 17:47 and because grapes taste really good 17:51 that's kind of my whole thing now oh 17:55 jesus [ __ ] it's a okay chat this is 17:58 actually quite a lot of money 18:01 but hell yeah okay 18:05 did you see the low did you sell my 18:09 whisper 18:09 no not even slightly twitch whispers 18:12 there's there's no way i'll ever see 18:13 that 18:14 twitter dms yeah 18:17 um grapes that's good hey finn what 18:18 happened covered boys 18:20 um i would write it on the screen but i 18:24 think it's really funny you don't have 18:26 any long-term effects 18:28 yeah that's kind of what i'm a little 18:29 bit worried about but 18:32 hold on but it's also uh 18:37 how do i do this one whole year i guess 18:43 no [ __ ] shot there's no [ __ ] shot 18:47 okay love you finn people can figure it 18:50 out from there 18:51 uh i'm doing great what's going on 18:57 take it easy finn and don't go jumping 18:59 around while sick 19:03 i'll do whatever i want i'll do what i 19:05 want 19:06 hi finite go here sad news so when 19:10 funerals stream sorry i'm just ke king 19:13 love you i'm thinking did you get the 19:16 vaccine no that's why i've got covered 19:18 uh also now i can ha no i was gonna say 19:21 now i can't get the vaccine 19:22 i'll get to the goal to soon get well 19:24 soon hope we won't get to the goal again 19:26 we'll see 19:29 thank you for the [ __ ] hundred 19:30 dollars 19:32 oh my god thank you [ __ ] hell i don't 19:35 know if i can 19:36 my brains i block brain right now dude 19:39 i set up a new command in chaturina's 19:40 help what'd you write is it just like 19:42 exclamation point illness oh okay 19:45 dude don't self-medicate oh 14 months 19:49 pog 19:50 yeah the only thing is just like 19:51 painkillers if you've got painkillers 19:53 taken because my throat's just like 19:55 my throat's you the most annoying thing 19:56 throw in headache so it's definitely 19:58 that delta variant 19:59 so whoo i'm being held hostage against 20:02 my will by this sub button please 20:04 send toast and some tea i would like 20:07 toast 20:08 oh damn i would like to hafen nine month 20:11 pog also i lost 20:12 25 kilograms in six month ps for the 20:15 american that is around 55.12 pounds 20:19 smiley face jesus congrats unless you 20:22 didn't want to lose it in which case oh 20:23 no 20:25 more than half a baby tie for teaching 20:27 me how to accept people for who they are 20:31 were you fully vaccinated no oh what the 20:33 [ __ ] 20:34 paypal is upset that i'm trying to give 20:36 you money while i'm in a foreign county 20:38 but come hell or high water i will give 20:40 money to this femme boy 20:41 [ __ ] get a plane dude get a plane 20:44 obviously you can't meet me 20:45 but get a plane hand it throw it through 20:48 my window throw it through i'll open the 20:49 window get a briefcase 20:51 chuck it through the [ __ ] open window 20:53 i've taken it anyway mail order 20:55 god damn mustache thank you zinc and 20:58 vitamin c 21:00 best wishes for a speedy recovery yeah 21:03 licorice helps with the throat yeah i've 21:06 basically i've tried kind of everything 21:08 have you seen the steam deck though 21:10 it's pretty cool i've heard a really 21:12 good way 21:13 of uh getting rid of covert is to like 21:15 or helping your throat 21:17 is to get a banana and just kind of poke 21:19 the back of your throat with it 21:21 i mean i don't have a banana i do it on 21:23 stream but i don't know if you guys 21:25 haven't seen that sorry baby girl take 21:27 care of your pretty little head 21:30 no i'm pretty dude i look kind of ill 21:32 hold on one second let me show you oh 21:34 yeah 21:34 huh holy [ __ ] 21:38 okay also i've added an extra 15 days to 21:42 the thing just because i have no clue 21:44 when the [ __ ] girl mont's gonna start 21:46 because obviously 21:47 we can't do sauce we can't do this i 21:50 can't go and see milly can't go get 21:51 eyelashes done damn bro that sucks that 21:53 you have coveted anyway do you have a 21:55 low license for that illnesses 21:57 do you have a license for that illness i 22:00 don't 22:00 oh god but yeah that's fun 22:04 um i've gotta like oh what the [ __ ] 22:09 my grape 22:13 i was saying something that i forgot oh 22:15 yeah so i can unless i pick up a new 22:16 skill of doing my own eyelashes 22:19 i don't think uh i don't think i'm going 22:21 to be doing goal month for quite a while 22:23 don't analyze my friend i just found 22:25 your twitch and i need more of your 22:26 makeup tutorials 22:28 dude i've done like four okay i i 22:31 want to do i've been meaning to do a 22:33 video where i just do the ultimate 22:34 tutorial but 22:36 it's in my will make sure you're the top 22:37 donated happy birthday 22:39 baby what do we call it 22:42 uh oh [ __ ] nine months 22:46 okay [ __ ] 22:50 three months god what's a good baby name 22:51 i need a good one i've already named 22:53 like jeremy uh 22:54 [ __ ] oliver call it covert 22:58 [ __ ] hell sars i'll call him 23:03 call him sars bro jared 23:08 jared sounds like a name that does wrong 23:10 you know what i mean like jared sounds 23:11 like 23:12 it's legitimately it's either a skater 23:14 or someone that has been to jail for 23:16 like 23:16 years because they [ __ ] hit someone 23:18 with a skateboard you know what i mean 23:20 get well soon bruv rona 23:27 my [ __ ] god okay it's 23:30 it's okay [ __ ] it it's called rona it's 23:33 called rona that's what the kid's name 23:35 is 23:35 rona it's a decent name it sucks because 23:38 that's a decent name 23:39 rona [ __ ] all right name 23:42 remote ramona oh [ __ ] that's kind of 23:45 funny 23:45 gonna call it ramona ramona 23:49 that's good that's that's a real name 23:50 ramona that's the kid 23:52 get it from like the the movie that one 23:55 thing 23:57 rose with a rosa with an n 24:04 sweet flowers for roses like i'm gonna 24:06 say something wrong 24:08 sweet flowers for rose for the third 24:09 [ __ ] yeah dude 24:11 holy [ __ ] where'd you get hit with 24:13 covered yeah 24:15 uh let me [ __ ] shall i write 24:18 something on the screen 24:18 get wealth in 15 months pog can i 24:22 oh [ __ ] i don't know i'll do it later 24:25 xae12 24:26 what a good name what a solid name 24:30 scott pilgrim right yeah ramona flowers 24:32 like [ __ ] oh my god 24:33 i don't know if mink's ever tweeted this 24:35 one we went to go uh when we went to 24:37 we went to uh the football game oh that 24:39 went well the england versus italy won 24:41 when we got out of it someone was like 24:44 just very drunk we were all just hanging 24:45 around a group 24:46 and a woman some girl like approached 24:48 minx 24:49 like some 20 year old girl she 24:50 approached us just spoke directly to 24:52 minks ignored the rest of us and just 24:54 went 24:55 you look amazing you look like the cool 24:57 the cool girl that i'd want to hang out 24:58 with like 24:59 the the cool the hot girl for no [ __ ] 25:03 reason 25:03 she didn't know who any of us were 25:05 didn't know who minx was she just went 25:07 like 25:07 that girl's pretty i'm gonna just 25:09 [ __ ] i'm just gonna tell her 25:11 why doesn't that [ __ ] happen to dudes 25:13 you know what if a guy 25:15 if a guy approached me and was like hey 25:18 that you look [ __ ] you look great bro 25:20 that [ __ ] that that shirt 25:22 mint you know what i mean that'd be 25:24 [ __ ] good i mean i'm not gonna i'm 25:26 not gonna do it talk 25:27 to anyone else but you know it's [ __ ] 25:30 cool dude i wish that happened to wish 25:32 that happened to me dude 25:33 i want to have someone compliment me for 25:35 no reason literally no reason 25:38 because you only get compliments as a 25:40 girl true 25:43 hey bro those lashes look beautiful 25:44 today oh yeah except now because i've 25:46 got 25:47 none dude i i'm almost tempted 25:51 just to see if i if i put just stick on 25:54 eyelashes on 25:54 would they look good hey bro you look 25:57 sp you look especially uh 26:01 breathable today breathable and 26:02 submissive today 26:04 thanks bro thanks 26:09 you bro a specialist do it do it do it i 26:12 can do just eyelashes i haven't put 26:14 eyelashes on in so [ __ ] long do you 26:17 think they'll look the same 26:19 i don't know my depression spiraled the 26:23 last couple of months 26:25 anyways you give me so much hope keep 26:27 well 26:29 huh [ __ ] it i mean i'm glad that i can 26:32 help a little bit i'm sure 26:33 dude everything only lasts for a little 26:34 bit 26:37 you'll be good we'll both be fine we'll 26:39 make it through this 26:41 mine's only going to last a week i hope 26:43 yours does too 26:45 uh what days do you stream 26:49 [ __ ] i don't know i'm supposed to stream 26:50 so much more often but now i've got 26:52 [ __ ] well i got that virus you know 26:56 like i'm 26:57 i don't know i have no clue hey bud nice 27:00 car 27:03 see dude okay 27:08 hear me out if a guy did just go up to 27:10 you and say hey bro 27:12 nice [ __ ] 27:16 would you take it like would that be 27:20 i feel like i'd accept that compliment 27:22 no i'm 27:24 i'm so pale once you have recovered i 27:28 hope 27:28 the only long-term effect will be that 27:30 your voice is pitched higher 27:34 oh the hub you hope i was gonna say is 27:36 that really a symptom 27:37 this is just the ego virus holy [ __ ] 27:40 this is just turning people into women 27:42 that's what it is maybe it might just be 27:45 the voice gets lower because watch if i 27:46 just talk no 27:47 oh no [ __ ] i i've lost it now there's a 27:49 recording of me where i was doing a 27:50 voice test listen 27:52 let me try and find this video i just 27:54 recorded a part of this 27:56 let's see take more of my money 27:57 recording i appreciate your streams 28:00 it's true you've given me laughs where i 28:02 needed it 28:03 oh [ __ ] thanks for fifty dollars i don't 28:05 that's so [ __ ] cute 28:06 okay look at this hold on listen to this 28:09 i'm just recording a voice test because 28:10 i don't know what my voice sounds like 28:11 now and then there we go 28:15 see weird right weird right 28:20 perma deep voice maybe quite as [ __ ] it 28:22 is really quiet and i don't know why 28:26 oh jesus christ thing caught that virus 28:30 cool burp thank you bless you thank you 28:31 louder 28:33 damn this is my voice one week with kobe 28:37 this is my voice one week with covered 28:39 it's just it gradually escalates to the 28:41 point where i'm 28:42 just complete girl mode this is 28:46 my voice the voice never changes i'm 28:49 just getting more and more feminine 28:50 that's a funny tic-tac 28:53 what a good idea not that like a pelican 28:56 holy [ __ ] man 28:58 i have no idea how to look good today 29:00 i'm like just 29:05 everything i'm just scuffed bro i'm i 29:08 hope you guys are doing well 29:11 i hope you guys have good times 29:15 oh my god you realize too many grapes 29:17 and natural laxative right 29:19 there's nothing to [ __ ] out i've just 29:21 been eating grapes 29:22 that's all right i'm okay bad news 29:25 covered that's what that is play games 29:28 i don't play no games i'm i'm [ __ ] 29:30 i'm i'm no bs spin that's what they call 29:33 me 29:33 they call me [ __ ] ipl i do this every 29:37 two weeks 29:38 that's cool i don't know what the [ __ ] i 29:40 know ipl's like you you keep doing it 29:42 right 29:43 but it's all right my works suck for the 29:46 last two weeks 29:47 mine's gonna suck more wow [ __ ] stop 29:51 thought it'd get on the board but 29:52 moustache has already beaten me 29:55 stop two not top two bro you're on the 29:58 bo 29:58 that's why i've done five is so you can 30:00 get on the board if you would like 30:02 i'm gonna it's gonna be listen you the 30:04 top five will be on the will 30:06 however it's only if i die from covert 30:08 and 30:09 it's gonna be you get there's gonna be a 30:13 think of it like a patreon tearless 30:15 lowest person maybe gets like 30:17 my scooter you know 30:20 hey you finn sorry to hear you caught 30:22 covid i'm an md microbiologist 30:25 if you or your family need any specific 30:27 help or advice 30:28 feel free to reach out soon 30:32 [ __ ] ruby got covered and no we 30:34 didn't meet by the way literally just 30:36 a complete coincidence we got covered on 30:37 the same day because she went to a party 30:42 she went she went to like a party with 30:44 school friends and they she's like a kid 30:46 so she has to do a tet she's at school 30:48 i don't know about in different 30:49 countries but you have to do like a test 30:50 like 30:51 twice three times a week or something it 30:53 might even be every day 30:55 so like they know immediately if you've 30:56 got it everyone in that [ __ ] class 30:59 got covered 31:01 so ruby will be fine she's just 31:04 she's having a bad time because she's 31:05 quite young she'll that'll pass over 31:07 uh she's not high risk at all she's very 31:09 low risk but then again so am i 31:11 um so i don't know 31:15 i'm old though i'm 21. that means 31:18 that means it's over for me that means 31:20 this is it if this 31:22 is the end so be it i've enjoyed myself 31:27 finn how much money to throw out the 31:29 lights in the background 31:32 dude that's that's a question of chat 31:34 those shits 31:35 those [ __ ] oh wait do you mean the 31:37 christmas lights or do you mean the rose 31:39 like 31:40 text lights have your mom and dad have 31:43 their jabs yet yeah they're both fully 31:44 vaccinated 31:45 because they were like high risk but 31:47 they're still quarantining in the house 31:48 ruby's just like not leaving a room 31:50 but she's got my mom and dad's cooking 31:52 which is really good 31:53 so i'm ready to hear you caught covert 31:56 finn slash rose 31:58 take it easy and get well soon you're a 32:01 trooper for streaming and i for one 32:02 enjoy your hilarious content 32:05 here's a get well soon gift of cashola 32:07 more to come for girl month 32:09 5. cheers my god okay i'm trying to find 32:13 my thing 32:14 trying to find like a stand for my 32:15 mirror because i haven't oh no wait this 32:17 is perfect 32:18 am i just doing eyelashes should i just 32:19 do eyelashes should i just do eyelashes 32:22 i feel like okay [ __ ] it i'm gonna try 32:23 just eyelashes okay 32:26 because then i don't have to do a ton 32:28 and i kind of want to see if it looks 32:30 the same 32:31 or if it's just insanely scuffed you got 32:34 covered 32:34 yes my skin's got better though i don't 32:37 know if that's a symptom i've just been 32:38 drinking a [ __ ] ton of water because 32:40 you're supposed to 32:41 so my skin's got better i've lost a bit 32:43 of weight 32:44 so cut so far kobe's been pretty fun 32:48 oh my god don't know anything would just 32:51 chill in chat yeah i mean chad 32:54 i'm gonna just before god i'm gonna 32:57 finish a video and then i'm just gonna 32:59 take essentially a break and like maybe 33:01 stream for like five days 33:03 what both finn both i need to know both 33:07 both what you mean the lights in the 33:09 background 33:11 get well soon i quit my job and feeling 33:14 much better now 33:15 planning to move to uk closer to you 33:20 okay i'm not saying it was creepy but 33:22 the way it was phrased 33:24 oh jesus and also the uk is great 33:28 pictures 33:32 i'm not allowed to the fact that you 33:34 donated for it are not allowed to 33:36 okay if you'd have just asked me in chat 33:39 then it would have been fine but twitch 33:40 has a rule against like paying to see 33:42 parts of your body 33:43 so [ __ ] um what about okay listen 33:48 no 15 months 33:51 maybe in maybe in the future though 33:54 i still can't [ __ ] wait 33:59 sorry to hear you got coveted 34:05 yeah it's the voice device really sorry 34:08 too you got covered i'm just laughing 34:09 about it 34:10 okay i'm trying to find my hairband [ __ ] 34:12 okay fine i don't need it 34:13 i mean i could try eyeliner 34:18 eyeliner eyeliner maybe eyeliner maybe 34:23 i haven't done that in a while for you 34:25 sweet tea 34:26 eyeliner maybe eyeliner maybe 34:33 what the [ __ ] can i get the chair when 34:35 you die 34:36 if i meant it oh 34:42 new number one holy [ __ ] 34:46 if i'm any when i die okay 34:50 just see am i gonna see a [ __ ] laser 34:53 pointed at the side of me from outside 34:54 the window now 34:56 is rose isolating she's uh she's away 34:59 roses isolating in a room 35:01 uh so she doesn't even come into contact 35:02 with me 35:05 are those libraries your natural slave 35:06 shape or do you pluck them i plug them 35:08 i dude my eyebrows used to be they look 35:11 [ __ ] awful looking back on them but 35:12 they were so good like i remember them 35:14 being good 35:15 but then every time i see an old picture 35:17 of my eyebrows now i'm just like okay 35:19 these are 35:19 better they 35:22 maybe like could have been let me see 35:25 i've gotta have like 35:36 i was doing a thumbnail face this was 35:39 this is the oldest picture ever taken of 35:41 me on uh on the pc 35:50 what was the bad news 35:54 you know what it was you know it's not 35:55 really that bad is it it's not the news 35:57 isn't too bad right it's easier yeah the 35:59 eyebrows are way better yeah they are 36:00 better now 36:01 what how do you how do you find out what 36:03 are your symptoms literally every 36:05 symptom of cover besides like coughing 36:06 blood 36:07 uh shortness of shortness of breath 36:11 badass headache i have i've taken two 36:13 positive tests 36:14 throat dying constantly a constant cough 36:18 although it does get better when you 36:19 take painkillers because it's not as 36:21 like itchy and [ __ ] you don't feel it as 36:22 bad 36:23 all of the coughing and dude no the 36:26 coughing up blood haven't got to that 36:27 point yet 36:28 i'm glad at that point you go [ __ ] 36:31 hospital if you die on as i personally 36:34 come to england just to rob your ass 36:36 take better care of yourself uh jokes 36:38 aside i really wish you uh really wish 36:40 you'd get roll clean and recover quickly 36:41 thank you that's so nice of you i'll try 36:44 my best 36:47 i'm growing as many antibodies as i can 36:49 as we speak 36:52 shortness of breath is a serious symptom 36:54 no that's a very common symptom 36:56 difficulty breathing is very serious 36:58 though if i 36:59 really like i'm like you know like that 37:02 then 37:03 i shouldn't have done that then that is 37:05 then that's that's a pretty 37:07 large symptom that at that point you you 37:09 call hospital 37:13 but all good now i'm it's it's 37:16 apparently it's gonna get worse for like 37:18 five days 37:19 okay [ __ ] i don't know apparently it's 37:21 gonna get worse for a little bit it's 37:22 gonna get worse before it gets better 37:25 which sounds really [ __ ] sucky but 37:28 we'll see 37:29 been bad news turning full fin full golf 37:32 in 37:33 good news turning full what 37:36 thanks for all the subs but i have no 37:38 idea what you just said 37:40 for anyone asking finn got ligma 37:48 okay guys i'm quarantining 37:52 i'm quarantining it's a very serious 37:54 condition 37:56 i don't want anyone to make fun of it 37:59 but i got ligma ligma from alfred alfred 38:02 was great alfred's jacob that i was on 38:03 about by the way 38:04 uh he's called creepsmithpasta if you 38:08 guys are into creepypastas 38:10 i've heard his channel's really good i 38:12 don't watch anything with horror because 38:14 i will not sleep that night 38:15 but i'm assuming some of you may know 38:16 him because he's quite big in 38:18 creepypasta 38:19 reading uh what's that donation thing 38:23 mean 38:24 the donate button it means give me money 38:26 give me give me money are you the 38:27 donation goal i don't know what the 38:29 [ __ ] happening 38:31 what's ligma what's ligma 38:48 oh 38:52 both of these [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it i 38:55 [ __ ] it up again got it every time 38:56 every time 38:57 god damn it i hate this well i i never 39:01 get it right 39:02 everyone makes fun of me because 39:07 but for these nuts who's candace 39:13 all right [ __ ] all right chad i need you 39:15 to vote 39:16 i need your professional opinions uh 39:21 if i'm just doing eye eyelashes and 39:23 eyeliner do i do the eyeliner 39:26 if i'm just doing that do i do eyeliner 39:28 do we [ __ ] around with eyeliner 39:29 do you [ __ ] with eyeliner bro i can't 39:31 find it though 39:33 do i [ __ ] with eyeliner dude if i [ __ ] 39:36 with eyeliner bro 39:38 will it look better no no no yes yes yes 39:40 you [ __ ] with it you [ __ ] with uh 39:42 bro okay you're all completely mixed 39:47 vote yourself [ __ ] with islander bro 39:49 vote yourself a president 39:51 and then he can make the decisions 39:52 president of chat how are you scared 39:54 more from spooky movies and 39:56 games than a life-threatening illness 39:59 because i've i feel like i'll be fine 40:02 i'm a strong strong strong lass 40:08 so you still have internet 40:11 yeah oh sorry were you talking about my 40:14 streaming i don't know if you've heard 40:15 but i'm dying i mean i'm fine but i'm 40:17 dying to be 40:19 nice to you you were a big manly man in 40:21 your wolverine outfit 40:23 so manly giant muscle man mega 40:25 testosterone 40:29 damn right damn right 40:34 chat do you know sukhon 40:50 no just one guy no i don't 40:53 i've never heard of him ah 40:59 oh i have marie's outside i'm scared 41:03 i'm guessing okay by the way i we should 41:04 probably ask is it government it's 41:06 supposed to be girl month 41:07 is it though i don't think i can quite 41:09 do it 41:10 because i can't go and do anything i'm 41:12 not sure when 41:13 this is gonna subside has been updated 41:16 to include the bad news oh [ __ ] 41:18 it's terrible uh 41:21 hrt goal when when's the hst goal 41:25 most likely when i'm 41:29 i promise you that when i turn if i turn 41:32 80. 41:35 then 41:40 i'm gonna be a fanboy at 80 bro i'm 41:42 gonna do it 41:43 i'll be in my thigh highs in the nursing 41:46 home 41:46 in my wheelchair 41:50 then then i think it'll happen fanboy 41:53 gilf 41:56 damn right damn right 42:01 [ __ ] hell dude 18 you're not legal 42:04 what the [ __ ] i'm 21. 42:06 i'm 21 years old why does anyone think 42:08 i'm 18 42:09 did you not google me i'm famous 42:12 nine plus ten 42:17 listen bro i got uh dyslexia i don't 42:20 know what numbers are 42:22 both work very well donating to more 42:24 finn 42:25 thank you donations cure me is that uh 42:28 bats say on twitch 42:29 part of me is just like hmm maybe i 42:31 shouldn't just uh 42:33 say that don't is that allowed hope you 42:36 feel better soon 42:38 let me take my camera down a little bit 42:41 come here 42:51 in your thigh-highs and cat ears 42:58 hello father hello [ __ ] he is covered 43:00 and dyslexia 43:01 guys he has dyslexia and covered pick a 43:05 struggle 43:07 god 43:11 okay probably what the [ __ ] 43:14 only if you're committing self-harm for 43:15 donors probably um 43:17 no i'm just promising something that 43:20 most likely isn't true 43:21 that your donations will cure me but 43:23 there's no way to know there's no way to 43:25 know for sure 43:29 there's only one way to find out let's 43:31 don't eat one way 43:32 okay oh do you guys want to see a thing 43:35 okay this is 43:36 only interesting to me but look i made a 43:38 thing look at this [ __ ] look at this 43:39 [ __ ] 43:40 don't just google it says finn is six 43:42 foot eleven five foot eleven when he's 43:44 actually six foot five 43:45 true okay look what i made you remember 43:47 this knife it's called the 43:48 uh spyderco pm3 i think i showed it off 43:50 on instagram so follow me there could 43:52 have stayed off cam to relax and 43:54 recuperate but goes live to farm pity 43:56 subs and dono's 5 had 200 iq moves 44:00 exactly and then look i made a thing it 44:03 works by a compression lock which you 44:04 can uh 44:05 half see if the camera would like focus 44:07 and my nails holy [ __ ] the nails aren't 44:08 going to be redone 44:09 but i made a bit of g10 and stuck the 44:13 [ __ ] thing to it 44:14 and now it's easier to use with my nails 44:17 i just kind of press down here 44:19 like like that and then it falls it's so 44:22 good so i don't have to jam a nail in 44:24 there 44:25 hell yeah nice sharpie knife very 44:28 dyslexic and smooth braid 44:29 dyslexic smooth braid covered 19 44:33 every struggle fanboy 44:40 gamer so many different struggles that i 44:42 have to go through 44:46 yo why are you showing that to the 44:47 internet instead of patenting that 44:53 [Music] 44:56 it's not a terrible if you feel feverish 44:58 during this stream it is okay to take 45:00 your cloths off we don't mind think okay 45:03 i 45:04 will stop now i'm waiting i'm so glad 45:07 i'm allowed to do that on twitch 45:09 damn guys fanboy finance chat 45:13 dude i can't i'll make a fanboy finance 45:15 channel at some point all right [ __ ] 45:16 i've been saying i'm gonna do this 45:17 i'm gonna try eyeliner i haven't done 45:19 eyeliner in so long 45:20 i'm kind of interested to know how 45:22 scuffed it'll be 2k pockets 45:25 [ __ ] already 45:32 [ __ ] dude milkshake mustache and 45:35 oh [ __ ] all of you jesus christ how do i 45:39 not even see that 45:44 don't [ __ ] [ __ ] up 45:47 blame tos on the fever twitch gave me 45:51 twitch twitch gave me [ __ ] covered 45:54 and now ah 45:57 okay there we go all right let's try 45:59 this [ __ ] out 46:00 good lord all right m 46:04 i'm gonna goof this i'm gonna goof it 46:05 real [ __ ] quick 46:07 just walk to the bikini for comfort it 46:08 is hard actually 46:10 that's a good point shame you have the 46:12 rona uh as alex 46:14 steeple is currently stuck here in the 46:16 uk it'd be good great collab i've never 46:18 oh custom 46:19 you mean alex steele alex steele not 46:21 alex steeple 46:23 hmm solid maybe i mean 46:27 i'm not even relevant enough to collab 46:29 with that guy but i like his videos a 46:30 lot 46:40 okay how the [ __ ] do i do this i've 46:42 completely forgotten everything 46:44 my training oh my god 46:56 okay if i nail this on the first try 46:58 please if i nail this on the first try 47:02 i want 13 47:07 gifted subs 47:18 i've goofed it [ __ ] never mind 47:29 well 47:32 i got pretty oh holy [ __ ] i corrected it 47:35 oh my god 47:39 okay nailing it is a loose terminology 47:41 it's loose terminology okay 47:45 we're on the [ __ ] board chat run the 47:50 board 48:04 okay 48:12 holy [ __ ] i didn't even do it that bad 48:15 sexy fanboy makes pp go stiffy 48:22 no i'm doing eyeliner please 48:26 please not no stop please 48:32 [ __ ] 48:38 [ __ ] i gotta look at myself seriously 48:46 now 48:52 sexy fanboy 48:57 if caveman had fanboys 49:00 what's going on here dying 49:05 it's fine though i'm alive still for at 49:08 least a little while can i have your 49:10 bobs if you die lol 49:12 which size 49:29 [Music] 49:32 so finn how is your day going i hate it 49:36 uh was going well now it's not okay 49:41 dude i really don't care tbh 49:45 thanks nation thanks buddy really like 49:48 you 49:48 my favorite my favorite chat my favorite 49:51 member of chat 49:54 dude i'm not wearing any like i'm not 49:55 wearing any uh concealer so this is just 49:57 the practice run is doing pretty well 50:01 [Music] 50:04 i just realized i've just been eating 50:05 eyeliner amazing 50:12 why don't you put a message with it how 50:14 do you donate two hundred dollars to a 50:16 streamer and then say nothing 50:18 oh my god thank you though [ __ ] hell 50:21 chassis 50:22 does that put you on the board it's 50:23 gotta put you on the yep 50:25 it puts her on the board [ __ ] get it 50:38 dude as corrections to eyeliner go 50:42 this is not badly done 50:46 this is not the worst job 50:52 wait 50:54 wait wait i can even improve the angle 50:56 holy [ __ ] 51:03 oh my god i'm smart i'm so [ __ ] 51:06 clever 51:36 oh [ __ ] okay 51:40 no the worst 51:45 [Music] 51:49 so i guess the cbt boot sessions will be 51:52 pushed back a little 51:54 no i can still do that we just have to 51:56 be i just have to sanitize the the heel 51:59 i just have to sanitize it to make sure 52:00 it's okay but then that's fine 52:03 if my girl wants to go on a night as a 52:04 whammy wait what the [ __ ] 52:06 my girl wants to go on a night as well 52:08 and want to join so i don't feel weird 52:11 if your girl wants to be woman what do 52:13 you mean 52:14 and confusion or she wants you to be 52:16 woman 52:18 either way pog 52:21 women supremacy my guy 52:24 what is your go-to brand of shampoo and 52:27 conditioner 52:28 if you haven't tried out any hemps 52:30 products yet you probably should because 52:32 it's amazing for longer hair like yours 52:35 i haven't even heard of them actually i 52:37 don't know if they're a uk brand 52:40 [ __ ] i honestly i just went by what the 52:42 hairdresser recommended 52:44 and they're pretty good because it's 52:45 like sulfate free or something i think 52:46 it's called ogx that i use 52:49 ah bro i'm gonna goof this i'm gonna 52:51 goof this very hard okay 52:53 [ __ ] the first one was supposed to be 52:54 easy okay this one's gonna be harder 53:02 i lost my chance of getting 13 gifted 53:04 subs 53:05 okay second tries the charm let's do 53:08 up till here 53:17 i haven't blinked yet but i was gonna 53:19 say blank haven't blocked you god damn 53:21 finn you always look cute slash i'm a 53:23 squirt if you keep getting cuter also 53:26 have to change my underwear they seem to 53:28 be wet for some reason 53:36 okay let me do this i'll accept the 53:38 compliments when this is done 53:42 15 months pog what did i miss 53:46 not much not much 53:50 not a ton also god 15 months 53:53 craig my guy 53:57 holy [ __ ] 54:09 i've goofed it wait it's lower than the 54:12 other one 54:13 dude it's so weird that one of my eyes 54:14 is picking the other 54:16 big donkey 54:22 stop stop stop stop 54:29 no more no more funny jokes 54:36 none 54:49 no memes allowed in my chat 54:59 i hear marisa is that marisa 55:06 holy [ __ ] is it done pee pee soup 55:10 soup meat soup uh here 55:14 made good soup made good soup how'd you 55:15 make good soup 55:17 water water 55:22 holy [ __ ] it does look kind of good 55:23 actually it is good really 55:25 oh have you left stuff in there yeah we 55:28 left the garlic with the skin on it 55:30 didn't yeah we did i'm sure i didn't 55:36 hold on i will i'm temporarily busy let 55:40 me gordon ramsay food review i will feed 55:42 myself 55:43 yeah take this put in this one's already 55:45 taken 55:46 put in 55:57 [Music] 56:01 quick recovery and long life get well 56:04 soon 56:04 she's made soup look at my [ __ ] soup 56:07 it looks like decent soup it's broth 56:09 hey it's soup where's wait where's the 56:12 bikini hot tub stream hot tube 56:14 it's on youtube no no no no 56:17 why do the soup alone first i don't know 56:19 if the vegetables are any good 56:20 oh i just put them in because you wanted 56:23 them so badly 56:24 i did like vegetables you guys 56:28 know how 56:33 that's pretty [ __ ] good that's pretty 56:35 [ __ ] good 56:36 do you like my soup i do i got tomato 56:39 paste in it that's 56:44 finn i don't know man you've been seeing 56:46 sus lately 56:47 it's almost like we have an imposter 56:51 i saw that you wanted don't lie to me 56:53 finn you sassy backer 56:56 i took i took inspiration but the rest 56:58 is my own 56:59 i i did the measurements by by guess 57:04 you know that's a great that's that's a 57:06 good thing to hear when you're eating 57:07 food 57:08 no i'm really good it is actually really 57:10 good try it i don't 57:12 that is actually really funny 57:16 what there's only 57:23 that's actually really well done holy 57:25 [ __ ] that's nice 57:27 holy [ __ ] dude okay eat the whole thing 57:30 yeah you nailed that 57:30 holy [ __ ] you want more drink i take it 57:33 back you're actually a good cook 57:35 this is good do you want more drink no 57:36 i've still got two cans 57:38 like pretty much full ice cubes huh 57:42 yeah i'm okay they're like cold you 57:43 didn't have a single sip i did a single 57:46 sip 57:46 not a single sip of the tea not a single 57:49 sim 57:51 not a single one it's full bitter 57:54 bitter bitter had three cups today 57:58 had three cups okay guys here's here's 58:01 the other three cups 58:03 that are also full they're all so 58:06 full and then he goes like um he's on my 58:09 throat hurdy 58:10 murray's on my throat hurty but then he 58:12 doesn't drink the [ __ ] tea 58:14 he doesn't drink the [ __ ] honey tea i 58:17 make him tea with honey 58:18 and he doesn't drink it and now i have 58:20 to make him soup so you feel better 58:23 noise noise feel good now feel good 58:26 here's a scenario for you finn let's say 58:29 you're coming out of the shower and meow 58:31 riser decides to come on to you 58:33 and you're looking good you've got a 58:36 luscious vie of hair going from your 58:38 chest pubes down to your ball fro 58:40 and she grabs you by the whiner 58:44 why would you come on me happened why 58:47 that guy said you only in you no he said 58:49 come on me 58:51 what in this situation why was she 58:54 already about to [ __ ] comb bro 58:58 you drink your tea or you're losing 59:00 grimsby all the sips cold 59:02 12 months 59:09 it's always better dude it doesn't 59:11 matter how much if you want to eat the 59:12 leaves i don't even know what that is 59:14 [ __ ] i i know what it is what's the 59:16 leaves parsley 59:17 parsley can you eat them yes what do you 59:20 mean i just put them in you can't eat 59:22 rosemary oh no you can't eat [ __ ] it or 59:23 you shouldn't eat bro what was the 59:25 i don't know if it's in there i just put 59:26 it i just put stuff in i'm gonna [ __ ] 59:28 eat it 59:28 i don't know what it is be careful i 59:30 just thought it looked funny it looked 59:31 funny 59:32 found it outside look i thought it 59:34 looked funny so i put it in 59:37 i'm going to eat it anyway so you're not 59:39 going to have any of it listen dude 59:40 could it could it get any worse if i've 59:42 i have [ __ ] 59:44 that virus could this soup be the 59:46 [ __ ] 59:47 straw that bro why are you talking 59:49 towards me okay 59:52 okay all right i'm gonna do i'm gonna 59:54 continue this 59:56 you can't have some grapes put the 59:57 grapes in the soup 59:59 can't eat the bay leaves there's no bay 60:01 leaves in it did you put a grape in the 60:02 [ __ ] soup 60:04 um poison ivy in it i heard that tastes 60:07 good 60:08 you don't need bay leaves there's not 60:09 bay leaves in it uh i watched her make 60:12 it i think it's uh 60:13 it's there's kale there's rosemary 60:15 there's 60:16 parsley i believe yeah so 60:20 parsley dude 60:24 what are you feeling huh are you feeling 60:26 never felt better 60:28 i know you have 60:35 done cute ears you got there bro 60:39 thank you which is which set 60:44 stop it i'm poking things in my eye 60:47 call me if you need something go 60:50 anywhere 60:51 shut up go anywhere you need shut up 60:54 don't overdo it don't scream too much 60:56 because then you're gonna 60:58 you know guys how much he cries that his 61:00 throat hurts but then he screams 61:02 in the mic to do his minecraft video 61:04 it's only when i'm awake 61:05 like you're talking loud right now like 61:08 you're gonna regret this later in bed 61:09 you're going to cry like a baby 61:11 and you're going to be like me lisa i 61:12 want more water i want more water please 61:14 marisa has an excellent show 61:17 it's a good shirt bill and ted's 61:19 excellent adventure 61:21 you like it never watch that movie yeah 61:23 we never did 61:24 have you no why 61:28 but don't be too loud it's gonna harm me 61:31 please don't 61:32 it's gonna harm me please don't stop 61:36 my carer uh marisa have the soup 61:40 what that's all we had all the other 61:43 water vaporated because we didn't put a 61:45 lid on 61:46 so we don't have any more we put two 61:48 liters in and that's all we have left 61:49 1.5 liter you gotta get a [ __ ] like 61:52 lid 61:53 for this there is one okay 61:56 yeah but there's no more suplex that's 61:58 all okay 61:59 it's all my soup okay have fun thank you 62:02 tastes good 62:02 they do made it myself i've heard 62:06 i heard i didn't even measure the tomato 62:08 paste i just squeezed it in 62:09 how i felt okay it tastes good 62:12 [Music] 62:16 what do you call a smiling roman soldier 62:18 with a piece of hair stuck between his 62:20 front teeth 62:22 a gladiator 62:25 i don't get it oh a gladiator 62:31 ah i see your mommy dummy is taking care 62:33 of you in your time of weakness 62:35 maybe stop being a little baby and drink 62:38 your tea without whining 62:39 subs don't complain it's the road to 62:43 recovery is not an 62:44 easy one you gotta listen to me okay one 62:46 out of ten i will cough on you 62:49 yeah yeah that's not funny how much did 62:50 you have the soup uh 62:52 i'd call it a solid eight it's very 62:58 wait did you cry when england lost no 63:02 i i didn't care at all i mean i cared to 63:04 the point like ah damn 63:06 this city's gonna look like [ __ ] now 63:08 like that 63:10 no i haven't told that story yet i'll 63:11 tell you it's like i'm just trying to 63:13 find it just a gentle reminder for the 63:15 both of you the 63:16 varys [ __ ] with way more than appetite 63:18 some senses like smell and just can go a 63:20 bit wonky as well 63:22 now don't worry we both immediately 63:23 panicked and googled it don't worry 63:25 uh if you die or you play space jam at 63:27 the three and all 63:28 if i die i'm playing that one song 63:30 someone once made for me at the funeral 63:32 the finster song 63:38 the [ __ ] okay that's what i'll be 63:40 playing also 63:41 [ __ ] we saw okay marisa is gonna ask 63:44 me to tell the story but [ __ ] 63:46 as soon as we came out the pub as soon 63:48 as we lost in the same sort of time 63:50 just after or sorry just before that one 63:53 girl came up to minx 63:54 we came out the pub and immediately 63:58 there were like a group of three women 63:59 coming up the street 64:01 and they were like and there and but 64:04 everyone has like left the 64:05 bunch of like you know group like maybe 64:06 like 30 30 guys 30 people watching the 64:09 game 64:09 came out the pub and saw these like 64:12 three women coming up the street 64:13 and they were singing like italy's 64:15 national anthem and like going like that 64:16 to everyone and [ __ ] like that 64:18 bit of a dick move but not too bad 64:20 pretty normal 64:24 just take a picture of the soup for my 64:26 mom oh well 64:27 my mom told me to make you soup okay but 64:30 then 64:30 okay as these women were coming up the 64:32 street the guys that were outside 64:34 like they were all yelling back at her 64:36 blah blah they yelled at each other 64:38 there was a big [ __ ] yelling match 64:39 between them hey rose how's that 64:41 and then g reception are you already 64:43 connected to the hive mind 64:45 it's just outside that's why i got the 64:46 virus um so 64:48 they'd all they'd like and they were 64:50 yelling back and forth at each other 64:52 and then they decided the guys decided 64:57 you know what's good let's commit a 64:59 [ __ ] crime 65:01 so they went after the women like went 65:03 towards them and like threw drinks of 65:05 them and [ __ ] 65:08 not good and like 10 seconds after that 65:11 one guy in the group kept [ __ ] with 65:14 them a lot 65:16 uh but 65:19 my [ __ ] hero this dude 65:23 comes out of just [ __ ] right field he 65:26 came out 65:27 sideways [ __ ] sucker punched the guy 65:30 that was doing all that [ __ ] 65:32 i've never seen anyone get knocked out 65:36 in my entire life 65:37 holy [ __ ] that does not look pleasant he 65:41 like went 65:41 down like a brick he hit the ground hard 65:44 and everything 65:45 he ended up being fine if you care but 65:47 either way woman abuser got knocked the 65:49 [ __ ] out 65:50 pug let's go so that was fun 65:53 we immediately witnessed that after the 65:55 game which was nice 65:56 um 65:57 [Music] 66:00 so fun my god though and that was 66:03 literally 66:05 two minutes after the game actually 66:08 so 66:13 you're pretty solid a new experience 66:16 already 66:17 okay all right buckos 66:20 it's [ __ ] time let me do that by the 66:23 way i've got an idea 66:25 hold on hold on wait wait 66:28 oh [ __ ] okay okay 66:32 okay dramatic music try drawing music 66:35 okay come on 66:35 come on dude best dramatic music ever oh 66:38 [ __ ] wait this copyright i need like 66:40 non-copyrighted one 66:43 no copyright let's go uh first link 66:48 [Music] 66:51 okay that got pretty intense 66:56 let's go let's [ __ ] do this chat i 66:59 need you with me on this one 67:00 it's like that one scene at the flash 67:02 where [ __ ] everyone has to 67:04 run and [ __ ] they all help help me chat 67:06 all your power i'm combining into mine 67:08 okay 67:10 okay let's do this i haven't done this 67:12 in [ __ ] it's gotta have been 67:16 a few months now i have not put an 67:17 eyelash on 67:38 [ __ ] 14 months of tier 3 what a waste 67:44 don't say this to me i'm in my element 67:52 why is this not [ __ ] 67:58 there we go that's more like it 68:03 okay right the glue's on the glue's on 68:06 boys 68:07 one down i've just got to do it now 68:10 what's this i'm putting on an eyelash i 68:12 haven't done this [ __ ] in months 68:13 if i [ __ ] this up it's gonna be real bad 68:16 i need i have my reputation to maintain 68:19 how can i call myself how can i call 68:21 myself the best woman ever if i can't 68:23 put on an eyelash 68:24 f1 is definitely an enemy 68:31 it's almost ready it's so close okay 68:33 boys 68:35 i need to know this so i'm not going to 68:37 be able to live with myself i got to be 68:38 on duties 68:39 i got this okay [ __ ] all right [ __ ] 68:45 i'm ready 68:56 making touchdown boys 69:07 [Music] 69:12 oh [ __ ] i got a bit stuck on the thing 69:20 my god 69:24 it's looking good 69:35 [Music] 69:42 it's looking good oh my god 69:46 it's so not well timed jesus okay we 69:48 still got number two though 69:50 this could still go so wrong enough here 69:52 to become your highest donator ever 69:54 but the real question is should i smoke 69:56 it all 70:03 [Music] 70:13 you're gonna capture it or just let it 70:15 slip my guy 70:16 [Music] 70:22 [ __ ] hype myself up for this one if i 70:24 can nail this holy [ __ ] 70:26 [Music] 70:28 please i think i got it it's a good a 70:31 good variation 70:34 the music feels like you're just using a 70:36 bomb 70:40 okay don't mess up 70:43 heart surgery like finn verified let's 70:45 go 70:47 okay we're gearing up i'm gonna have a 70:49 taste of myself give me fuel 70:55 i think it's time 71:05 holy [ __ ] i might surgery 71:14 [Music] 71:17 it's down it's down we got touchdown 71:20 just 71:20 correcting now 71:22 [Music] 71:24 it's looking good 71:25 [Music] 71:32 a bit of corrections over at the edge 72:04 holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy 72:08 [ __ ] masculinity overload 72:12 look at that 72:16 wowie look at that holy [ __ ] i actually 72:18 kind of worked 72:25 is that surprising to no one else that 72:26 that worked that's what the [ __ ] 72:30 holy [ __ ] dude 72:38 let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go my boy 72:41 i just real i just saw myself and saw my 72:43 voice didn't match 72:45 hey i'd what to put here 72:54 i'm trying i'm trying chat i'm trying 72:57 [Music] 73:01 hey f1 then what's the difference 73:03 between a pickpocket and a peeping tom 73:05 one snatch is your watches you 73:14 i'm sure someone will be getting 73:16 screenshots i'm sure there's one 73:18 it's probably disney if he's here i'm 73:21 oh the thirteen thank you stuff the 73:23 thirteen gifted subs i made it [ __ ] yeah 73:25 dude [ __ ] yeah 73:27 that's nice thank you stuff that's oh 73:30 you didn't have to you didn't have to 73:32 that was nice though thanks buddy 73:36 welcome to help curing me oh thanks 73:41 hey minox how are you oh my god and 73:46 she's here 73:46 i'm not this is by the way i'm not 73:48 counting this as girl month 73:50 i'm gonna wait until i'm actually doing 73:53 you know 73:53 girl month until i do it so i'm not 73:55 cheating you out of this 73:57 so did you know this is just this is 74:00 free real estate for you no go month but 74:03 still the 74:03 the eyelashes the fanboy fanboy uh month 74:13 that bit was a bit weirder than soup i'm 74:14 always here filling my shim part 74:16 taking pics thank you i look forward to 74:19 seeing them on the finster reddit 74:21 all right i need some bit of water now 74:26 oh 74:30 oh my god fanboy month sounds quite 74:32 better sounds 74:33 really do you think i mean i can do one 74:36 i was gonna do a 74:37 fanboy like two weeks of the garments 74:38 where i just have this cut length of 74:40 hair 74:41 with the eyelashes on i mean that's 74:44 doable right i could do that 74:47 what you've seen the reddit i'm a mod on 74:49 the reddit what do you mean i've seen 74:50 the red yes i've seen the reddit 74:52 i'm mod on there i look at like 74:54 everything posted 74:56 your hair is already a perfect length 74:57 it's getting dude okay 74:59 where it's gonna be a perfect length 75:01 like 75:04 oh if it was straight and maybe it is 75:07 holy [ __ ] this is long 75:08 oh jesus it just disappears again look 75:11 at that 75:13 uh if it was like 75:16 i'm thinking like hold on [ __ ] 75:18 [Music] 75:20 maybe like there then it would be yeah 75:22 right here 75:23 right above the nips like not nip level 75:26 but just 75:27 just above the nips i'm thinking that's 75:30 it 75:31 bless breastplate when never them shits 75:34 suck 75:35 someone someone asked me someone 75:37 everyone thinks i'm i've never worn a 75:39 breastplate 75:40 ever as well i mean never on camera i've 75:42 never worn a breastplate for 75:44 anything um they look bad they just look 75:47 bad wait let me see five months pog they 75:52 just look 75:52 so unnatural i mean in certain lighting 75:56 conditions they can look okay there's an 75:57 old picture of me [ __ ] they they look 76:01 bad it looks bad 76:02 it looks very bad usually it looks okay 76:05 in pictures 76:06 because you can photoshop it but usually 76:09 very bad usually quite awful so not sure 76:12 about that one 76:14 let me put let me get some lighting 76:19 dixon cider hey dude that was scuffed 76:22 what's the difference between a 76:23 pickpocket and a peeping tom 76:25 one snatch is your watch the other 76:27 watches your snack 76:30 snack you mean snatch 76:38 but okay 76:44 funny i'm laughing a lot 76:48 that was a good joke i like your 76:50 username better 76:53 he is a snack okay snacks on your watch 76:56 makes no [ __ ] sense hey finn do you 76:57 have a tick tock if not 76:59 dude okay if not how come you ever made 77:01 one i have a tic tac i posted like two 77:03 things 77:04 um it's just 77:08 dude i i'm not i don't i i'm not funny 77:10 enough and i don't have enough time 77:12 you know like there's nothing that i 77:16 mean [ __ ] 77:19 if i was gonna make one i just do it as 77:20 like highlights i guess 77:22 ten percent on girl month goal today 77:29 uh hopefully not hopefully not 77:33 um but it's the first day you know 77:38 it'll it slows down the first day first 77:41 uh you know a few days they're always 77:42 very quick 77:44 and also i don't know how long i'm 77:45 streaming for which is why it's longer 77:47 so i don't know 77:51 it could be i hope i hope not though 77:55 do you have any recommendations for nail 77:57 for nails or thigh highs 78:00 um stick on nails are only good if you 78:04 want 78:05 they're like a like a video worthy like 78:08 experience 78:09 they're never useful they will 78:11 immediately come off if you grab 78:13 anything like this they'll immediately 78:14 like what that much force all of them 78:16 gone 78:18 mustache is on holiday and i get paid 78:20 next week it'll speed up mustache 78:22 already [ __ ] donated 500 78:24 and you don't need 250. what do you mean 78:26 wait 78:30 it's already insane oh my god okay 78:34 i'm washing you for a just keep it up 78:35 rose 78:37 rochelle wait god why am i bros yet i'm 78:39 not rose yet i'm finn 78:41 finn right now still in guy mode this is 78:44 my 78:45 manly aesthetic i don't know if you've 78:48 quite caught on 78:49 that i'm quite masculine right now 78:52 especially because of the especially 78:54 because of that 78:56 sweet sweet covered voice here finn how 78:59 do i look like a fam boy 79:00 i need your guidance let me read you a 79:02 bedtime story 79:04 as corpse husband 79:08 hold on what's what's corpses lyrics to 79:10 a song choke me like you 79:13 joke me like you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 79:19 uh like sean connery i don't [ __ ] 79:22 know 79:22 the voice is like butter really doesn't 79:24 feel like it feels like needles 79:27 uh it feels like i swallowed a [ __ ] 79:29 piece of velcro 79:30 uh so you know doing all right 79:34 yeah that's a full ass dude yeah 79:39 yeah feels like i've been i've inhaled 79:41 some [ __ ] hundred grit 79:45 why so deep i'm i'm giving bisex dude 79:49 it's giving bisexual panic 79:52 is this really i mean whoa 79:56 it's like the [ __ ] anna montana thing 79:58 burst of both worlds 79:59 uh [ __ ] hair on my face 80:03 right i've heard a lot from the bisexual 80:06 community that i'm quite 80:07 quite liked in there 80:11 i feel like this would look better with 80:12 eyebrows done but [ __ ] 80:14 i can't just keep doing bits of makeup 80:16 because otherwise i'm just gonna get i'm 80:17 not satisfied with anything and then i'm 80:19 gonna [ __ ] 80:21 god damn it i'm doing it i'm doing it i 80:24 don't care i'm not satisfied with it 80:26 i feel like it's gonna look better and 80:28 it's not that much work for your 80:29 eyebrows 80:30 this is this is a terrible idea you're 80:32 the main cause 80:34 you're the definition of by panic by 80:36 panic 80:38 why are you panicking about it despite 80:40 what he says finn knows it's better to 80:42 be an alpha female than an omega male 80:46 holy [ __ ] 80:49 we never said oh my god 80:53 alpha female what the [ __ ] does that 80:55 mean 80:56 holy [ __ ] dude i wanna i wanna [ __ ] 80:59 yeah hell yeah 81:00 what are the characteristics nathan can 81:01 you give the link to the epic music 81:03 also go girl month five it's the first 81:06 thing when you search dramatic music no 81:08 copyright 81:09 it's got a picture of a knight as the as 81:11 the picture 81:13 you literally searched it for no i 81:15 searched like a [ __ ] 81:16 sigma women or something like that 81:20 sigma woman i don't see alpha you tickle 81:24 both sides of by me 81:25 [ __ ] yeah dude i've been wanting to do a 81:27 guy photo shoot and i have a plan 81:30 i have a plan for it but it's for not 81:32 just a twitch thing it's 81:34 i have a plan i have a plan i have a 81:35 plan i haven't planned it it should be 81:36 actually quite good 81:39 and it's going to be fairly high 81:40 production it may even be in a video 81:42 form 81:44 hmm 81:50 who knows no it's not only fans 81:53 before you ask 82:03 i kind of part of me is kind of like 82:05 maybe i should make one 82:06 just to like i wouldn't actually ever 82:08 post anything you know [ __ ] sus 82:10 but 82:14 i feel like i could do a pretty decent 82:15 job of it 82:22 like if that was my if that was my job 82:24 dude i know so many [ __ ] people that 82:26 do it 82:28 collabs and [ __ ] 82:35 imagine like a me and jessica negri 82:39 peach jazz collab on off 82:45 i think that'd go over pretty well 82:51 what do you think 82:56 uh lights up just gonna get dude jessica 82:58 [ __ ] yeah 83:00 jessica negri [ __ ] dude 83:03 for work anyways they want to be more 83:05 mainstream 83:07 anything's becoming safer work anyways 83:09 yeah now i heard that 83:11 may i [ __ ] i don't know dude i don't 83:14 know why every site that pops up like 83:16 that they all start to like 83:18 [ __ ] who uses [ __ ] tumblr anymore 83:20 they banned the content that 83:22 [ __ ] tumblr was same with patreon 83:26 like barely anyone uses patreon anymore 83:28 i haven't heard anything from it 83:32 it's literally just safe for work stuff 83:33 now and it's way less popular 83:38 i think like what the top earner on 83:40 patreon is like 83:41 90 to 100 000 a month which is a lot but 83:44 like number one bro [ __ ] off is like 83:46 millions 83:52 and it's just one thing right now 83:55 so i don't know dude i don't know why 83:58 every [ __ ] website wants to kill 84:00 itself by doing stuff like that 84:11 okay i kind of scuffed this eyebrow 84:14 actually hold on 84:15 just the the tail end of it's kind of 84:17 goofed 84:21 okay i'll [ __ ] that way it works 84:25 okay hey i might have been right 84:35 okay i may have been correct look at 84:37 that [ __ ] 84:39 eyebrows make it better or no 84:43 there we go [ __ ] yeah oh my god hello 84:47 scared the [ __ ] out of me 84:50 don't talk about the soup i'm eating the 84:52 soup 84:53 i don't have a good message but i am 84:55 subbed nine months total 84:57 yeah you need to complete the soup 85:02 we need to complete the soup 85:06 go on i bet it's cold it's not cold 85:13 is it cold it's warm do the soup just 85:16 drink it just literally 85:18 drink i'm not gonna there's bits in it 85:19 bro just drink it there's bits in it bro 85:22 ain't ain't bits in it drink it 85:28 just slurp it man no go on 85:31 let's drink it it's a broth 85:37 no no no no no 85:40 tomatoes and to be honest her classic 85:42 makeup like without the lashes done and 85:44 stuff looks pog 85:46 wear long sad days without streams 85:51 your clap your classic makeup without 85:54 the lashes done 85:55 and stuff looks pug well long set days 85:57 with a string 85:58 wait what do you mean without lashes 85:59 i've literally i don't think i've ever 86:00 done makeup without having fake 86:02 eyelashes on 86:03 because they always look better oh my 86:06 god 86:10 yeah because it's like uh tomato and 86:12 stuff it's really good it tastes really 86:13 good 86:14 but like whenever it hits my throat i 86:15 can kind of i can't just eat 86:17 tons of it because my throat kind of 86:19 want more ice cream freezer please take 86:20 of yourself 86:22 don't let the gremlin infect you with 86:23 his cooties 86:26 it's too late it's too late i think i 86:28 mean i'm immune 86:30 she's got that she's got vaccinated the 86:32 professional asses up lashes ah okay i 86:34 mean 86:35 these are these are pretty good they're 86:37 the kind of the same they're maybe a 86:38 little bit 86:39 smaller which [ __ ] i don't know 86:44 i don't know which ones i prefer hold on 86:46 let me zoom in let's see 86:49 i don't know which ones i prefer maybe 86:51 okay can someone 86:52 research a cl [ __ ] actually no you know 86:54 what i'm gonna do it 86:56 hey kovid 87:00 the [ __ ] attempted murder 87:04 do you want some money no 87:08 no let me just say no to things god 87:11 what the [ __ ] don't go there 87:14 all right let me look at a picture yeah 87:17 my womb 87:18 i'm sick shut up get out my womb i'm 87:21 sick 87:23 get out my room okay let me see 87:26 do you have any ideas for what to stream 87:28 during the coved era yo 87:30 since we can't do the whole month and 87:32 another two weeks off would make us 87:33 even more fin starved i have no [ __ ] 87:36 clue i'm not gonna take it off i'm still 87:38 gonna stop 87:39 stop i'm not gonna 87:42 stop i'm not gonna do a bunch of stuff 87:45 but i'm 87:46 i i don't know i have no [ __ ] clue i 87:49 kind of wanted to stream just because i 87:51 wanted to ask you 87:53 because i have no [ __ ] clue what i'm 87:54 supposed to do now 87:56 trying to have grapes trying to have 87:58 grapes 87:59 i didn't okay now let me see i'm trying 88:01 to find a picture of me with the 88:03 with the professional eyelashes that's 88:06 close up 88:07 well let's see 88:15 she's just eating so loudly oh [ __ ] i'm 88:19 trying to find somewhere on google 88:21 uh [ __ ] that's it it's almost a good 88:23 picture cut down i'm just gonna go to my 88:24 instagram 88:26 jesus christ can you 88:29 stop uh let's see let's see let's see 88:35 okay this i don't like so much 88:38 you have okay 88:42 all right let's see oh okay this is this 88:46 is kind of perfect all right here we go 88:50 let me take a screenshot of this and 88:51 i'll pull it up it's the there we go 88:53 this is like the no makeup one 88:58 okay let's do it add image 89:01 image outsource add new okay 89:07 there we go 89:10 there we go all right compare and 89:13 contrast 89:16 these two people hey finn it's been a 89:18 year since i found your content and all 89:20 i'm gonna is that i'm grateful for all 89:22 the good content and thank god i found 89:24 you because if it wasn't for you i 89:26 wouldn't have met all the amazing people 89:28 in the server 89:30 oh that's so nice holy [ __ ] that's 89:32 actually really cute 89:34 oh yeah thank you 30 minutes to an hour 89:38 of health update every couple days maybe 89:40 health updates probably not going to 89:41 change too much 89:42 to be honest with you okay 89:46 [ __ ] how do i even wait one sec i've got 89:48 an idea let me do the zoom in but add an 89:50 image 89:51 what is this what's the versus thing 89:54 okay let me do 89:55 no i'm gonna add it on this screen 90:00 bam oh my god big me big forehead me 90:04 big hairline okay 90:09 righto chat compare which one which of 90:12 the eyelashes do you enjoy 90:18 more 90:20 what do you think i damn wearing 90:21 eyeliner here though so i i don't know 90:24 right you mean me 90:29 i'm wearing eyeliner though it's kind of 90:30 like cheats it a bit 90:32 can you maybe [ __ ] new ones the right 90:35 person new ones 90:36 i mean these are just like stick on ones 90:40 i mean [ __ ] i don't know left looks more 90:42 natural yeah that's what i mean i'm more 90:44 but i'm wearing eyeliner though i'm 90:45 wearing makeup here 90:47 it's not a really a fair contrast 90:51 so i don't know eyeliner helps a lot it 90:55 does 90:55 literally a bad like eyeshadow look can 90:58 be saved by just [ __ ] eyeliner 91:00 and oh my god eyeliner and uh what's my 91:03 jig 91:04 uh eyelashes that's all that saves it 91:10 eyeliner would make either of them work 91:11 really well yeah left one is softer 91:13 right ones more elegant 91:16 eyeliner dude the eyeliner [ __ ] helps 91:18 it's also an illusion sometimes less is 91:19 more on camera 91:22 yeah usually more is more on camera 91:25 but this is more it less is more in 91:27 public 91:28 i i tend to find so i'm not sure 91:32 middle part of the side part side part 91:34 definitely side part side part better 91:36 side part nicer side part op look at 91:39 this [ __ ] i'll side part all the way 91:40 down to there 91:45 side part [ __ ] 91:51 there we go the omega side part 91:55 come on buddy [ __ ] i can't get it [ __ ] i 91:58 goofed it 91:59 [ __ ] it i like this side part better 92:00 screw like side part exactly can i just 92:02 shave one side of my head 92:06 what the [ __ ] was that the mod just 92:08 timed some [ __ ] what was that 92:10 can i get banned for saying uh stuffs oh 92:13 apparently that's funny 92:17 uh middle part doesn't look bad on you 92:19 but side part 100 92:20 yeah i think it's good both ways i don't 92:23 know 92:24 come over including the bald spot that 92:26 hurts that hurts me 92:28 you don't know where my bald spot is 92:33 can you see my can you see my uh 92:35 blossoming bald spot 92:37 i think it's time for finasteride 92:41 eyeliner like minx no oh my god i saw me 92:45 minx [ __ ] hell living with minks she 92:48 is the most scuffed 92:49 person in makeup she's really [ __ ] 92:53 good at it 92:54 but she will sleep in it every [ __ ] 92:57 night 92:57 every morning where he met minx she's 93:01 got 93:01 she [ __ ] like someone rubbed her face 93:03 like she's just gone to sleep with 93:04 makeup every day 93:06 and her skin is good she's just a 93:09 [ __ ] anomaly she's got 93:11 i and then 93:14 dude you know what's worse she doesn't 93:16 take the makeup 93:17 off she just puts more on 93:22 i've seen it i've seen minx wake up 93:25 and then just go straight to the mirror 93:26 and put eyeliner over the top of the 93:28 smudged ones 93:30 she's [ __ ] she is uh she's a 93:33 dude she's some sort of demon she's 93:36 either a demon or a 93:38 or a god either way she's got 93:39 superpowers gremlin energy 93:41 i love that for her out here exposing 93:44 minks 93:44 yes because honestly were you surprised 93:49 were you surprised when i told you this 93:53 it is it's in clar it's in character 93:58 i don't know if she just didn't have 93:59 makeup wipes or that's just her thing 94:01 but oh my god oh my [ __ ] god 94:07 jesus chris oh my god i just realized 94:09 the [ __ ] i just realized my the 94:11 [ __ ] 94:12 comment from peach 94:16 my [ __ ] is throbbing nice 94:23 my boy boy [ __ ] quivering [ __ ] 94:26 throbbing 94:30 my bussy is quivering and my [ __ ] is 94:33 throbbing 94:39 anyway clip that what no yet no minx is 94:43 minks is a gremlin i i've no problem 94:45 exposing things for 94:46 being a gremlin with makeup the rest of 94:48 them are great though jack manifold's 94:50 fun 94:50 [ __ ] rihanna was cool [ __ ] all of 94:53 them were cool 94:54 uh nairo cynical parish cynical he was 94:57 cool but then again i knew him before 94:59 still a gremlin also just try it put 95:01 this big eyeliner on 95:03 minx's eyeliner isn't actually that much 95:05 bigger but here's the thing oh [ __ ] 95:06 god 95:07 here's the thing right minx does 95:09 eyeliner underneath and her eye shape is 95:11 better than mine 95:12 uh her eyes are more angled upwards so 95:14 it kind of works for her 95:16 mine are more like a little they're 95:17 either flatter angled 95:19 down so adding eyeliner underneath kind 95:20 of like 15 95:22 so hey rudy hey thanks for the 15 months 95:27 isn't pyro a nonce no watches watch his 95:30 [ __ ] 95:31 video that was just a weird accusation 95:33 but he is a bit he is into some weird 95:35 [ __ ] though 95:36 that's fun when riza uh said 95:40 she was a good role player in paris it's 95:41 same i almost died 95:43 dude that [ __ ] sent me i mean we 95:46 still do make 95:46 jokes about nile the [ __ ] it or pyro is 95:49 nile we 95:50 before the recording before the stream 95:53 they were like seeing where everyone was 95:55 going to sit down 95:56 and then [ __ ] uh 95:59 niall was like can i sit next to jack 96:02 and i went like oh yeah jack recently 96:05 turned 18 i think that's fine 96:06 that's allowed and fine 96:12 [ __ ] sent us bro i think that's fine 96:15 you're allowed to do that now 96:17 the [ __ ] uh my god 96:23 toilet podcast uh marisa was yet to 96:25 invite me to the toilet podcast 96:27 i can't wait to see all the offensive 96:28 things she's gonna have me say 96:30 you ever try smokey eyes i always do 96:33 smoky eye isn't smokey that was 96:34 this was some weird i mean you mean like 96:36 if it if you mean in black 96:38 no i mean i have done it twice and it's 96:40 always been bad 96:42 but i don't see 96:45 links one one for pyro marisa prison 96:48 okay let me see this um 96:50 smokey eye so 96:54 i've never done it with black i've done 96:56 it with 96:58 every other color but black just doesn't 97:00 suit me dude 97:01 i don't know why as soon as you add 97:03 black eyeshadow to this it just looks 97:04 bad i can't do goth 97:07 but smokey eyes just like like this 97:08 right this is just [ __ ] 97:10 normal okay let me just see i'm fine 97:14 uh look okay 97:17 like this is just like how i do my 97:19 makeup like usually 97:22 uh she needs to pluck her eyebrows 97:24 goddamn but yeah like this is just how i 97:26 do 97:27 my that's not just what i do or like uh 97:29 this 97:30 it's just like this is actually a look 97:32 that i do with quite quite a good 97:34 bit i do that all the time 97:37 but just not black because something 97:39 about it just never looks good to me 97:41 like even the models that wear it it's 97:44 just something about it just to me it 97:45 just doesn't look good 97:48 like [ __ ] hold on yeah i don't know 97:51 like [ __ ] 97:52 i don't know dude she's not my favorite 97:54 look it just don't look good to me you 97:56 know 97:57 don't like you don't likey to me look 97:59 bad i don't know what to say 98:01 you need to be such like an 11 out of 10 98:03 to pull it off 98:05 i've never seen it work it's just a 98:06 preference thing i think 98:08 but like i don't know bro 98:11 i don't know bro i don't know 98:15 i appreciate 98:22 thank you for the forty dollars but i'm 98:24 i'm trying to see why it was such a 98:25 weird amount 98:28 [ __ ] i couldn't but they're [ __ ] 98:30 thank you though jesus christ 98:32 it's the half-life three of this 98:35 uh good looking good-looking goth roses 98:38 half-life three on the stream yeah 98:39 [ __ ] i don't 98:42 i can't even say if i really tried i 98:45 could actually get it 98:46 good i i can't even say that if i 98:49 really [ __ ] tried it would ever look 98:50 good i think it just looks bad on me 98:52 it's just never a little work i'm not 98:55 sure wow i've been following you for 98:57 nine months now and did you and me 98:59 arizer get a tattoos pog love your 99:01 steams keep doing you 99:02 oh i didn't get a tattoo no 99:06 that the voice sounded so [ __ ] 99:08 realistic for a second 99:10 like it didn't sound like a robot for 99:11 just the first word 99:14 oh my god get some tips from endigo no i 99:17 think it no no no 99:19 i think it's genuinely just i can do 99:21 good black eyeshadow 99:22 i just can't it just doesn't look good 99:26 that's what i mean it just doesn't look 99:27 good on me 99:30 because okay here's why my eyes are 99:32 quite hooded watch this 99:33 okay that's why sometimes i pose like 99:36 this with my eyebrow like i'm going like 99:38 you know i'm doing that right now but 99:39 just now watch this is relaxing 99:42 wow you sound like you can't see any of 99:45 my eyelid now and the eyeliner kind of 99:47 looks a bit more scuffed 99:48 than when i do that like it looks good 99:50 now right and then 99:51 looks weird now right so all that 99:54 happens is that this just turned into 99:55 some black 99:56 mess it just looks so weird it can't 99:59 ever work for me because 100:00 my hooded unless i just sit there going 100:01 like that all the time then no it 100:03 doesn't work 100:03 i can't i can't make it happen what's 100:06 the bad news 100:07 why is your neck red 100:11 what it's not red 100:15 it's like pale white i'm so confused 100:18 the bad news is that i have [ __ ] 100:20 covered 100:23 your boy got cur redneck [ __ ] god 100:28 oh yeah look at this the gomont calendar 100:31 man 100:34 damn 100:37 the up-to-date calendar [ __ ] what 100:39 does it say finn contracted sars kov 2 100:42 and will not be able to do gomont while 100:44 recovering 100:45 this break is extended definitely see 100:47 twitch stream oh q view 19 100:49 yayker is bro yiker is bro it's 100:53 it's so sad even i'm looking at the 100:55 calendar and it's sad 100:57 that's upsetting 101:01 i'll make i'll find a way to make it if 101:03 you're on a random tick-tock 101:04 i'm very sorry that i go now you're all 101:06 over my youtube 101:09 dude everyone finds me on tech talk i 101:10 keep maybe i should take ticks out more 101:12 seriously 101:13 because everyone says i show you 101:15 unticked i show you one tick tock let me 101:17 see myself on tick tock 101:19 i'm gonna search me uh the finster thing 101:22 ah dog there's one called not fenster 101:25 who does a ton of the stuff 101:29 you make me want to try makeup again so 101:31 thanks for that kick up my ass 101:34 all so sorry about the favorite hope 101:36 your family is safe 101:38 ah well my [ __ ] my sister has covered as 101:40 well 101:41 so it sounds shitty to say but they're 101:44 not 101:46 um 101:49 they uh what the [ __ ] 101:55 i don't know uh but yeah i know they're 101:57 they're getting there 101:58 i believe it's probably fine my ruby has 102:02 it but my parents are staying safe 102:03 they're both vaccinated robert 102:05 paul robert's got it anyway 102:08 okay all right yeah look at this so the 102:11 tech talk page that's just called 102:13 not finster that just uploads clips of 102:15 me yeah they got a hundred thousand 102:16 followers 102:24 [Music] 102:26 baby 102:40 threesome 102:42 love you babs let me what 102:46 babs oh my god that's [ __ ] brummy 102:49 jesus that is the most 102:52 british thing also this means the bob 102:55 months go through to february now 102:57 just so that you know 103:10 never mind i guess i don't have to make 103:11 up for it i think i can just 103:13 i think that's that i think that's it 103:15 that's the [ __ ] that's the making up 103:17 for it 103:17 baby man little baby man my god rose 20 103:21 22. 103:22 i oh you're vey 103:26 holy [ __ ] full of year baby 103:29 no no [ __ ] it's just bob's i'll just 103:31 look like a manly man with bobs on 103:34 hopefully it'll just be that why did i 103:35 [ __ ] agree to that that's a terrible 103:38 decision on my part how do you feel you 103:40 have no symptoms no i have all the 103:42 symptoms besides like the serious ones 103:44 i mean i've got everything that's 103:47 considered common 103:48 i'm nauseous i got a headache i have 103:52 very bad throat pain i have a continuous 103:54 cough i'm 103:56 slightly short on breath sometimes uh 103:59 usually it's like i'm very very slightly 104:01 short on breath all the time 104:02 sometimes at night when i'm like laying 104:04 down it's a it's a little bit more 104:06 a little bit more pronounced but it's 104:09 not like 104:10 struggling to breathe sort of thing if i 104:12 if it was really serious i wouldn't be 104:13 streaming right now i'd be streaming 104:14 from like a [ __ ] hospital bed 104:16 um diarrhea i haven't had that yet but 104:19 then 104:20 i haven't [ __ ] eaten much so i don't 104:22 know 104:23 are you trans now no um god there's a 104:26 lot of [ __ ] going on on the screen isn't 104:27 there 104:28 you know [ __ ] i i'm still somehow 104:30 even still with covered 104:32 i'm still a straight guy when i get the 104:35 vaccine that's probably going to be the 104:36 thing that turns me into a woman 104:38 i think that's going to be it 104:42 tip when resting lay on your stomach 104:44 what a [ __ ] great idea 104:46 having trouble breathing stack a bunch 104:48 of weights onto your back and lay down 104:50 flat 104:53 that isn't good that's wait this isn't a 104:56 covert vaccine this is hrt 104:58 have your first second third fourth 105:01 though every day 105:02 uh for like five years and then there 105:05 you go you're fully vaccinated 105:08 my god that's how it works right that's 105:10 what they've all been telling that's 105:11 what maurice has been telling me 105:14 i always thought the vaccine would come 105:15 in a syringe like every other vaccine 105:17 but apparently this one is 105:19 little pills she tells me not to read 105:21 the front of the pills though 105:23 very odd i don't know i think she's 105:26 telling the truth though 105:33 can i be the white 105:35 [Music] 105:38 why'd i laugh like this 105:41 you can anyone the top 105:44 top donator gets to be the weight on my 105:46 back uh 105:48 gay and autism goddamn vaccines 105:53 what the [ __ ] turning the kids gay 105:56 it's the fluoride doing that my guy can 105:59 you mitiflick that spyderco 106:01 can i ever i was really thinking i 106:04 wouldn't be able to do it 106:05 yes but it's kind of annoying i don't 106:07 actually use it like that because it 106:08 takes like some time to like get 106:10 to the right position with it ow because 106:14 it does that all the time 106:16 yeah without like here's what i do i i 106:19 just do this 106:20 without doing anything i just press the 106:23 press the f i did this thing i added a 106:25 thing there 106:25 so it's just i just hold that down it 106:27 opens like a button lock it's pretty 106:28 good or i do i open it 106:30 a little bit of the way and then fling 106:31 it so just to get it past the descent 106:34 this could do with a stronger detent to 106:36 be honest but yeah well 106:38 it takes out fin accounts needs to get 106:39 to work and dude 106:42 yeah [ __ ] man 106:48 what else which one of these got a bunch 106:49 of views 106:52 uh let's see 106:56 did you consider that you're gender 106:57 fluid no i very much feel like a guy 107:00 uh i don't care about being perceived in 107:03 a feminine way 107:04 yeah just [ __ ] explaining while there 107:07 are simps willing to donate to you rose 107:09 will never die 107:11 oh god she will i cannot [ __ ] wait 107:14 it's gonna be it's gonna be 107:19 a few months from now two three i don't 107:22 remember what the calendar is at 107:24 it's gonna be months from now but then 107:26 rose is [ __ ] dead no more go a month 107:28 no more girl month maybe in the future 107:30 but god not it not there's none in the 107:32 works 107:33 after the after this after this [ __ ] 107:35 goal isn't 107:36 it we're good i'm gonna grow a beard 107:40 it's gonna be so good i'm gonna grow a 107:42 beard i'm gonna get 107:44 [ __ ] uh i'm gonna go to the gym and 107:46 build up the muscles bro 107:48 it'll be so good when rose gone 90 of 107:51 your followers are gone 107:52 oh dude 107:56 i don't care i have the minecraft 107:58 channel minecraft channel is key 108:02 good luck with that beard laser-y boy 108:07 oh [ __ ] we've never hit it though so i 108:10 don't know 108:11 2.5 k oh nice 108:14 holy [ __ ] gg [ __ ] 2.5 108:19 well done chant i can't wait for this to 108:22 hit 108:23 wouldn't it be so [ __ ] good at like 108:25 the last second 108:26 it's like 29. oh 108:31 finished temporary roads 108:36 i can't wait what the [ __ ] 108:39 wait this is cool hold on i just saw a 108:42 thing 108:43 i don't want to get canceled wait look 108:44 at their analytics 108:46 50 50 it's mostly women 108:57 hey ladies 109:02 uh not uh 109:06 you know it's tick tock though so 109:08 they're [ __ ] 109:10 seven hey uh over 18 uh ladies 109:16 um feel free to dm me 109:20 i was a little like conchita worst in my 109:26 head 109:28 what i've never heard of that like 109:31 conchita wurst in my head 109:33 worst like the [ __ ] like a sausage 109:35 bro what the hell 109:36 [ __ ] happening oh [ __ ] thanks for 109:38 watching thank you that's very nice of 109:40 you we're not getting to that goal 109:41 though either of them 109:42 um the lasery one i'm still thinking 109:45 about changing because we 109:46 aren't hitting it so maybe we should 109:48 change it to something better 109:50 i'm fine with not doing laser hair 109:52 removal so i don't know 109:55 conchita worse is a is a person ow worse 109:58 a good second name like the sausage 109:59 oh my god your voice yeah i don't know 110:02 whether you're just hearing me for the 110:03 first time that i'm 110:04 i'm not a woman or 110:08 it's the fact that my [ __ ] voice is 110:10 goofed because covered 110:11 um a swiss singer 110:15 okay where is swiss is that switzerland 110:21 i don't know 110:26 conchita means vagina in i don't know 110:29 what language 110:31 vagina vagina sausage that's her [ __ ] 110:33 name 110:37 finn what do you mean australia austrian 110:40 is that what swiss is 110:44 [Music] 110:46 austrian i genuinely didn't know that is 110:48 that true you [ __ ] 110:49 me is that true rose is queen but rose 110:52 is also princess for meow riser 110:54 can we get a covid spreading core 111:03 [ __ ] hola 111:06 i was gonna cough louder for the joker i 111:08 didn't want it to hurt but it hurt 111:10 anyway 111:10 [ __ ] hell oh they streak austra they 111:14 speak austrian in switzerland 111:16 swiss what no [ __ ] what 111:20 swiss so swissy am i right swiss people 111:22 are from switzerland 111:24 yeah so i'm right damn uk education 111:28 no i was correct what do you mean i was 111:30 right 111:31 why are you booing me i was right 111:39 what's the bad news lego covered yep 111:45 they said swift someone said swiss i was 111:47 confused 111:48 oh from [ __ ] eurovision yeah no i 111:52 i've heard it i've heard of them i saw 111:54 their first performance 111:56 that's [ __ ] nuts it's a hell of a 111:59 look 111:59 the what what do you mean what 112:04 uh conchita wurst the singer you like 112:08 yeah what about i was just told who they 112:11 were 112:11 you [ __ ] eating this man i made it 112:13 with love i made it with her 112:15 hurdy hurty throaty too acidic 112:19 too acidic too acidic you're drinking 112:22 sparkling water 112:23 yeah which is neutral ph 112:26 what sparkles here is this is 112:33 is she vaccinated yet maurice is fully 112:34 vaccinated luckily although she's 112:37 very close to me no 112:40 do you want something else what do you 112:42 want something else 112:46 i don't want ice cream ice cream for 112:48 trout i don't want ice cream 112:52 i'm not really hungry to be honest do 112:55 you want sweet 112:56 i want mashed potatoes mashed potatoes 113:00 yo i'd [ __ ] dude mashed potatoes 113:04 mashed potatoes you don't oh hold on i 113:07 no wait i really want to try making 113:09 mashed potatoes do you want mashed 113:10 potatoes 113:12 sure i feel like i can make good mashed 113:13 potatoes i call your bluff since you're 113:16 taking a break from girl months go ahead 113:18 and try to grow that beard 113:20 you will look really manly with those 113:22 two chin hairs 113:30 what do you mean i can't grow body hair 113:32 i can 100 i'm [ __ ] 113:36 you can like literally not shave for a 113:37 week and it looks the same 113:40 that's incorrect no no no i just say you 113:43 just don't see me shaving all the time 113:44 spend so much time 113:45 no i live with it more than i live with 113:48 myself 113:50 i'm gonna look like jay schlatt if i 113:54 we our eyes should feed rouse no no [ __ ] 113:56 you i'm calling your bluff 113:58 until this covert is over i'll grow the 114:00 beard i'm not gonna shave 114:02 stop yelling because i know you're gonna 114:04 cry about it 114:06 i'm gonna uh uh no 114:09 rose acts like she's going to get all 114:11 masculine when she can barely grow 114:13 facial hair and her voice placed in the 114:15 female range until she actively lowered 114:18 it 114:18 the only person you've convinced that 114:20 you're masculine is yourself 114:24 i'm going to draw a beard under a bit i 114:26 don't know if i can grow like 114:27 because i just don't grow up like please 114:29 don't find him and he is after the 114:31 stream so i can grow 114:33 if you have to i will admit that this 114:36 bit of my 114:37 thing doesn't grow hair this does and my 114:40 sideburns do 114:41 i'll grab a [ __ ] beard do it 114:45 don't shave normal i'll grow a [ __ ] 114:47 bit under a [ __ ] beard 114:49 but then you realize i'm not going to be 114:50 able to do makeup if i do that if i 114:52 don't shave i'm not going to 114:53 do makeup i don't care buddy no one 114:57 cares 114:59 i want to grow a beard bruh we don't 115:01 care 115:03 okay [ __ ] it paul let's do a poll i'm 115:05 going to poll in two weeks 115:07 let's go come on chat beard no beard 115:15 yeah please bear no bid can i have 115:18 another 115:18 water quarter let me prove you wrong 115:21 chat 115:23 water please uh cara 115:26 uh cara 115:29 cara is saying i 115:45 ableist they can still hear you i have a 115:48 rare illness 115:51 they can still they can still i have an 115:53 illness 115:54 and you're they can still hear you 115:57 you're 115:58 being rude to a dying man 116:03 this is extremely upsetting 116:07 to a dying man i've still got that you 116:08 can't share that on the stream that's 116:09 this was the thing i was playing with 116:11 it's not a microphone and i well now 116:15 it's a microphone remember that thing 116:16 always 116:17 okay you want to say something to the 116:20 audience 116:23 with my microphone 116:27 and now the end is near 116:32 and so i face the final 116:36 curtain my friend 116:40 i'll say it clear i'll state my case 116:46 of which i'm certain 116:49 i've lived a life that's full 116:54 i traveled each and every highway 117:00 hey no covid no exactly 117:08 wait did you know this mic did you know 117:10 this microphone does this oh my god 117:14 and now 117:18 oh [ __ ] how do i stop it 117:19 [Music] 117:22 oh stop how stop how stop just put on 117:25 the desk 117:31 grow a beard bet you won't 117:44 i killed 118:04 my goddamn expensive ass knife 118:09 okay well you know what if this is it 118:12 chat 118:12 it was a mic see here's the microphone 118:15 cable 118:17 here's the it glows how'd you cut the 118:20 nice play you knew the pole would say no 118:22 beard 118:23 we know you can't grow one 118:26 [ __ ] i yeah but it was like 50 50 to 118:28 go up i want to grab it 118:32 water yes please i've been asking for 118:35 water but you only wanted to destroy my 118:37 microphone 118:38 it's a dragon but it's not finished 118:40 wagon it's not finished 118:42 it's not finished because i can't leave 118:43 the house because your boy got covered 118:46 because your boy your boy got covered 118:48 your boy got pigtails 118:50 your boy got the big deal your boy got 118:53 them your boy got them [ __ ] 118:55 your boy got them [ __ ] up 118:57 [Music] 119:00 you know it'll be good 119:09 yeah i personally find beards annoying 119:13 however i do like a challenge 119:16 i feel like i can i feel like i could 119:18 grow a beard if i wanted to 119:19 if i really tried it might take like a 119:21 month 119:22 but i can do it without the [ __ ] 119:24 rubber girl i need your hair for me 119:29 not gonna lie this annoys me i agree i 119:31 am also an microphone i have ever seen 119:34 can i have a water what annoys you who's 119:36 talking rip 20 mode personal microphone 119:39 can i have my water please can i just 119:42 have my water i want to say we're 119:44 talking 119:44 [ __ ] can i have my water 119:49 uh if you stop being a baby 119:55 our ip20 mode personal massager 119:59 [ __ ] yeah sorry i read that before it 120:02 came in 120:03 rip it's it's they tried 120:07 oh my god that's my chat twitter 120:19 it's fine now it's all good 120:26 there's no longer a functioning 120:28 microphone 120:33 can i make it functioning if i like 120:36 just touch these wires together will 120:38 electricity go through why do you have a 120:40 vibrator i thought guys didn't need one 120:45 someone sent it me and also it's not 120:48 that 120:49 it's a microphone i can't make it 121:00 jesus christ uh it was the last po box 121:03 stream yeah 121:04 [ __ ] fun 121:16 hey almost uh and how do you enjoy such 121:19 a small microphone 121:20 i haven't yet honestly it's quite 121:22 pleasurable because it bounces around 121:24 and it's funny to watch 121:25 or it did until someone destroyed it 121:29 yeah red bull it's water maybe a 121:32 drinking stream it's 121:33 literally sparkling water speaking of 121:35 which i know youtubers own this brand 121:37 like caspar lee 121:38 hit me up fam i spend way too much money 121:40 on this i would like a sponsorship 121:42 hmm 121:47 can someone tell me who th who that is 121:50 i'm new to his dreams 121:51 it's marisa she occasionally pops in and 121:53 then i lose like 121:54 [ __ ] 30 viewers 300 viewers 121:59 but occasionally she is funny and i do i 122:01 like it i like to keep her around 122:03 bro who drink sparkling water out of the 122:05 can try it dude 122:07 [ __ ] it's so good it gives you like it 122:10 gives your caveman brain 122:12 like the [ __ ] same feeling as like a 122:15 [ __ ] as a soda can it's so good 122:18 like it releases a bit that little bit 122:20 of serotonin 122:21 because that noise from the lid you know 122:24 it's so nice 122:26 that good if you don't if you like 122:27 sparkling water you'll like this but it 122:29 is a lot of money 122:30 because it's like you literally i go 122:32 through it like water 122:34 they're not expensive per can but i have 122:36 tons of them like hey 122:37 finally got our stream baby looking 122:40 seven of them on my desk right now and i 122:41 add that today 122:43 not even i've had like 10 today or like 122:46 eight or nine today like lacroix yes 122:48 exactly like 122:49 it's uk lacroix 122:52 how much is it uh i think it's like 122:57 i think it's like a pounder can 123:00 so even when you order in bulk it's kind 123:03 of 123:03 kind of quite a bit you know 123:07 if you think about it like i'm going 123:08 through 10 pounds a day 123:12 not fun no it's not actually that's a 123:14 lie it's even more than that i think 123:16 it's [ __ ] oh no wait no it's not it's 123:18 less it's nine pound 123:19 for 12 of them nine pounds for 12 of 123:23 them but they're also usually 15. 123:28 so i don't know make of that as you will 123:30 i don't know how to do maths get a soda 123:32 stream 123:32 got one but i like the can thing 123:36 it's cool i i like it more i don't like 123:38 it 123:39 i don't know no beard that's still 75p a 123:43 can 123:43 yeah it's quite a bit that's insane yeah 123:47 but it nice though i enjoy it i enjoy it 123:51 i the gomuns gotta [ __ ] count for 123:54 something 123:55 you can get reusable cans but yeah but 123:58 it's 123:59 good it's so good 124:04 plus i recycle it it's so good 124:07 it's like thrice what it should be yeah 124:09 true 124:10 they're dumb overpriced but 124:16 i'm not that interested in like forge 124:18 knives is that a heritage 124:20 heritage [ __ ] heresy is that bad 124:24 i mean they're kind of cool but i really 124:27 like pocket knives 124:28 i really like pocket knives like folding 124:31 knives 124:32 they're they're way more interesting to 124:33 me way more interesting 124:36 uh i've i've nev i've only ever bought 124:39 two or three non-folding knives 124:42 i really like uh i really like just 124:44 folding knives dude the mechanism you 124:45 can actually use them 124:46 like okay here's the thing with uh 124:50 [ __ ] with i've got one over there 124:53 with fixed blades you can't do anything 124:55 this at least you can 124:56 you have any gravity knives no they're 124:58 illegal in the uk i do have a butterfly 125:00 knife trainer 125:01 and i'm really good with it uh ones 125:04 without a blade on that are perfectly 125:05 legal in the uk i have one of those 125:07 i just don't have one that's actually a 125:08 knife because that would be 125:10 not good aren't knives illegal in the uk 125:15 aren't knives illegal 125:21 sorry i've been lying to you the entire 125:23 time you know what sucks about the uk 125:25 the most 125:26 the fact that we need to use a spoon and 125:28 fork to cut our 125:30 vegetables and meat it really sucks the 125:33 laws around here 125:34 so annoying ever since they banned 125:37 knives in 125:38 1906 over here uh america got given guns 125:42 and we got our uh we got our knives 125:44 taken away we're not allowed to uh 125:47 they don't trust us with sharp objects 125:49 we're essentially babies in the uk 125:53 my cutting spoon yes 125:56 you've heard of a spork well 126:01 uk has no scissors oh yeah sorry no no 126:03 we do 126:04 we we do have scissors we just don't 126:05 have knives so for instance 126:08 oh you want to you want to cut a piece 126:10 of wagyu beef you just got to get in 126:12 there with [ __ ] 126:13 uh safety scissors because we were only 126:15 allowed those that's how it is 126:17 you want to cut some lettuce it's a bit 126:20 awkward to cut lettuce because it's so 126:21 big and you got to use these tiny little 126:23 pairs of scissors 126:24 i don't know you have to be 25 years old 126:27 to buy cutlery this is a joke 126:29 uh you don't have to be 20 you need to 126:30 buy you need to be 16 to buy any 126:33 knife thing 126:41 [ __ ] sparkling water 126:45 ah butterfly knives are illegal to 126:47 illegal in the us only some states 126:49 uh butterfly knives are legal in most 126:51 states in america but not all 127:02 i feel like i look good only slightly 127:05 though 127:06 with like if you cover up 127:09 the random spots 127:20 could be all right i think i like it 127:23 this is a decent look i 127:24 i don't mind it the eyeliner eyelashes 127:26 [ __ ] i need to do eyeliner more this is 127:28 good i like it anyway [ __ ] 127:30 i have i've been streaming for two hours 127:32 now 127:33 your spots are cute i don't know why 127:36 wrong 127:38 uh 127:41 i'm shooting for two hours now and i 127:42 don't want my throat to just die 127:44 so i'm gonna go pee and uh 127:47 recognizing he looks female out of girl 127:50 my time 127:51 finn recognizing he looks female to go 127:53 month i don't 127:55 when i add eyeliner and eyelashes up 127:57 dude 127:58 okay this is literally just look 128:02 this is i'm essentially just wearing one 128:04 of those snapchat filters that add like 128:06 eyeliner and eyelashes in a [ __ ] bad 128:08 [ __ ] way 128:09 everyone looks like a woman like that 128:11 literally everyone 128:12 give me give me a person and i'll take a 128:14 phot i'll take a photo of my phone and 128:15 apply the same filter and they will look 128:17 like a woman i guarantee 128:18 give me someone ludwig that's [ __ ] 128:20 ludwig he's like the manliest looking 128:22 dude i know 128:23 that doesn't have a beard i can't wait 128:25 11 months 128:27 what have i become let's see see if i 128:30 can get a photo with him 128:31 not [ __ ] 128:35 with a microphone in front of his eyes 128:36 okay let's see 128:40 let's see let's see let's see let's see 128:41 let's see uh 128:48 garbage that's okay 128:51 all right let's do it let me out let me 128:53 get that filter on 128:55 i've got the sh i got the exact one the 128:57 one that i used on the instagram video 128:58 that's what i'll do with ludwig hold on 129:03 okay let's do this story 129:08 this thing this side 129:15 there we go look at this [ __ ] look at 129:17 this [ __ ] 129:23 it ain't [ __ ] focusing but like come 129:25 on dude 129:27 it is though it do be though 129:31 give me another one give me a [ __ ] 129:32 give me another one give me a nope dude 129:34 i'll fight miss kiff 129:36 he's also got a beard though which kind 129:38 of goofs it miss kiff 129:41 no okay listen listen listen okay miss 129:44 kip's not gonna work 129:45 i need someone without a beard wait this 129:47 one will wait [ __ ] 129:49 okay [ __ ] it let's do miss kev let's do 129:51 biscuits 129:52 discard i think i found a decent photo 129:54 of miss gift to use because it does not 129:55 really 129:56 oh my god miss kif looks [ __ ] okay 130:01 miss kifone looks slightly horrifying 130:10 come on dude 130:15 come on bro focus 130:19 that is just not [ __ ] working 130:22 off christ christ's sake 130:26 god damn it 130:29 [Music] 130:31 come on come on come on what did i miss 130:33 what's the bad news he only looks 130:35 slightly horrifying 130:40 um 130:42 oh my god hello 130:44 [Music] 130:46 miss kiff if you want to look like a 130:49 manly man you'll probably need a jawline 130:51 filter for starters 130:54 filter yeah 130:57 we got a decent jawline 131:03 grog 131:08 i can't i can't do that what the [ __ ] is 131:11 going on here 131:12 do you need more drink the wink 131:15 uh no 131:18 do you want ponytail 131:25 yes and then i'm going to end i already 131:26 said i was going to end but do you want 131:28 pigtails do you want space button chat 131:31 what do you think 131:32 pigtails or ponytail 131:35 or space bun grog 131:39 rock jerusalem myst 131:44 wow my streamer is going big 131:48 pigtails yeah pigtails all right 131:52 good luck oh jesus [ __ ] we're gonna 131:54 start fresh 131:55 okay maybe 132:00 hey stop i'm just putting it back finn 132:02 please take care of yourself 132:04 i can't 132:09 this is better just [ __ ] putting that 132:11 you don't need to put it in front of my 132:12 eyes 132:13 you don't want it in the middle i do 132:15 wait in the middle what do you mean 132:16 [ __ ] there and there 132:18 there and there 132:27 you don't need to put it in front of my 132:29 face though you just poke him in the 132:30 eyes 132:32 you can still do a middle part move your 132:35 head forward 132:38 finster balding 132:42 wait do you know what a middle part at 132:43 first that's what i was trying no you 132:45 were pushing it 132:47 no you went you went like this how's 132:49 that gonna do a middle part 132:50 you do it you'd do a middle part by 132:52 [ __ ] pushing it back and then doing 132:53 that what do you mean whatever dude 132:55 gremlin where's your head 133:01 see it's almost like you didn't have to 133:02 nice i can move it forward 133:04 fists are balding shush not bolding 133:08 where's your [ __ ] hairline bro 133:11 no it's fine it's cute my bald spot's so 133:15 cute 133:17 where's your [ __ ] hair i don't know 133:19 where to start i think we go like 133:22 i think we go like here we go 133:30 you want to go fairly high up right yeah 133:32 it's 133:33 ah the problem is just that you don't 133:35 have a haircut yet 133:36 ah what dude pretty 133:39 pretty pretty hurty cry about it 133:43 i am 133:47 oh my god we do we do 133:51 looks great yeah it's cause yo you don't 133:54 have 133:54 like your hair in the back is weird 133:56 shape okay hold it hold this like 134:00 i i got it i have my hairdresser i got 134:04 it i'm a hairdresser 134:05 i got it i i got this one 134:08 for sure i got this one for sure locked 134:11 up 134:12 what do you think oh [ __ ] 134:15 jesus so it's 134:18 why is it falling off i don't get it 134:20 you're just tying like one loop 134:22 one loop i get it there is no ball 134:30 oh my god how many loops do you want 134:33 enough that you don't have to keep 134:34 pulling on my head 134:36 okay you can't just put one thing in and 134:39 then 134:39 have it like stay and he's yeah ah 134:42 you're kind of right 134:42 [ __ ] [ __ ] dude 134:47 here we go okay that's it that's gonna 134:49 be enough that's gotta be the one that's 134:50 the oh man it looks so good up 134:54 beautiful also you're grabbing like half 134:57 my hair look it's still all down there 134:59 oh you want more what do you mean do i 135:01 that's that's the word 135:03 it's because it's so unbrushed and 135:05 uncured hair brush here 135:08 go for it i don't got the hairbrush 135:11 though 135:13 stop poking why are you why are you 135:15 magnets to my eyeballs 135:17 accident every time accidented accident 135:20 it was an accident my [ __ ] cornea 135:24 okay it was an accident what is a cornea 135:30 how what how you're pulling up on me 135:33 dude 135:34 yeah gotta get the hair in okay and then 135:36 you do 135:38 okay let anything near my eyes please 135:42 okay and then we do a triple no no we 135:44 don't do the dribble we should put it 135:47 shut up okay 135:52 off my head it's [ __ ] pain 135:56 stop touching my hair okay let me redo 135:58 this one no no no 135:59 no no no no it's scuffed that's it i'm 136:01 ending the stream this is i'm in 136:11 you're only pulling away when it hurts 136:14 yes 136:14 then it hurts more oh my god 136:19 you asked for this did you want to brush 136:21 it if you were bitching about being 136:23 brushed 136:23 yeah i can do that what she would cry 136:27 when i brush it 136:31 oh my god it hurts so much 136:34 mr pain rock someone someone called me a 136:38 karen 136:38 i'm upset by this you don't know how 136:40 many hairs have came out of me 136:42 well this is happening i restart this 136:45 you just brushed it 136:46 i restarted shut up 136:51 that that is what has been yanked from 136:53 like already in the [ __ ] 136:54 incorrect that is what's been yanked 136:56 from my head and you're like oh 136:58 he's being such a little [ __ ] haven't 137:00 tr 137:01 have haven't not true lying 137:10 not behind myself but rose is looking 137:12 like what i imagine 137:14 thotty girls hanging outside the pub at 137:16 sus ours wood 137:18 cute cute you gotta keep these down 137:20 these are cool i'm trying to but i'm 137:21 encouraging 137:22 okay i'm trying to make it look good and 137:25 then you go like 137:28 this you gotta like i don't know this 137:29 you gotta like 137:31 cutie cutie [ __ ] [ __ ] from the 2000s 137:39 yeah i mean it could it i can do better 137:43 maybe 137:44 but not today maybe 137:47 i can do better ah 137:50 we are blocking it you want you come 137:52 this bit what 137:54 what making you know no you're pulling 137:59 like 137:59 [ __ ] okay 138:02 right i don't trust this hairdresser 138:04 this this needs to go 138:05 like okay you just put it in the same 138:10 classic face the sideways 138:13 do the swiper [ __ ] 138:18 okay do you want me to undo i'm in such 138:20 pain i mean i mean i'm so uncomfortable 138:22 the last 10 minutes have been so 138:24 i'm not trained enough all right i'm 138:26 ending the stream i will see you guys in 138:28 the next one good enough i'm sorry 138:30 chat uh thank you 138:34 i will be i will be leaving uh 138:37 hopefully i make it through the night 138:40 um hopefully marisa doesn't 138:44 um hey not funny 138:47 funny from you and i'll see you in the 138:50 next one chat i'll be all right by the 138:52 way uh 138:53 i should mention again just in case 138:55 anyone's worried literally just me got 138:57 covered wasn't due to a meet up or 138:58 anything like that 139:00 they're all everyone every other 139:01 youtuber is tested negative for it just 139:04 making sure everyone knows 139:07 we went on the highway we got the uber 139:10 dude 139:10 jokes aside i hope everything gets 139:13 better 139:14 and then nerd your sister if you die 139:17 well [ __ ] hey if you die 139:21 put my channel on auto host oh my god 139:24 anyway 139:24 i'll see you guys in the next stream i 139:26 don't know when it'll be yet just pay 139:27 attention to when i schedule something 139:29 there'll be word going around 139:31 maybe i'll post it on instagram or 139:34 i'll post on instagram i'll do a story 139:35 before right before i plan to do it 139:37 anyway 139:37 boys i'll see you in the next one thanks 139:39 for coming into this one i'll see you 139:45 peace