00:23 [Music] 00:49 [Music] 01:25 you 01:27 [Music] 01:44 oh 01:45 thank you 01:48 [Music] 02:06 i just peed myself 02:08 [Music] 02:09 have we ever had three streams in a row 02:12 i don't think we have 02:16 jesus christ it's been six months and 02:18 i'm still as down bad as i was on day 02:20 one damn right 02:21 [Music] 02:29 listen 02:31 gamers 02:32 my sub message didn't pop the display 02:34 yes it did so did this cross i've been 02:36 in i've been six months and i'm still 02:37 astounded 02:40 how dare you anyway boys 02:43 have i ever done three streams in a row 02:45 look how hot i look god damn 02:49 i've got this dress on again although 02:51 the thing is i'm not wearing a corset so 02:53 i shall not be standing up um 02:56 because i was doing an interview with 02:58 [ __ ] i was doing an interview with um 03:01 no your meme a second ago well you know 03:04 10 minutes ago and i finished the 03:06 month's pog maybe 03:08 i finished that and i'm rendering the 03:10 i'm rendering the video out that i had 03:13 to i recorded my perspective on it [ __ ] 03:14 did i do this right 03:16 oh god damn it do i need to re-render 03:18 this i need to re-render this [ __ ] i 03:20 goofed the settings 03:22 so i'm i'm doing this right i'm 03:24 rendering it out and i'm like well 03:26 i might as well do something i'm just 03:28 doing nothing 03:30 perky maybe worky 03:37 what the [ __ ] it's still broadcasting 03:39 like 03:41 this is so weird 03:45 what is going on 04:07 well 04:10 welcome back 04:12 hello 04:15 we should be fine 04:18 i may 04:20 or may not 04:23 i may or may not have been connected to 04:25 a vpn 04:27 i may or may not have been in america 04:29 for a moment 04:31 and that may or may not have been the 04:32 problem 04:35 because i didn't disconnect from a vpn 04:40 and don't don't laugh at me because that 04:42 it was i'm just being smart and 04:44 intelligent 04:45 all right pogba two streams in two days 04:49 three days three streams in three days 04:51 buddy get it right anyway sorry 04:54 we're back now hello welcome it's me 04:57 again should i add everyone in again 04:59 jesus 05:00 [Music] 05:03 okay now did my daughter come through it 05:06 did uh i was about to read that out uh 05:08 because i know that no one else saw it 05:10 outfit check yeah so let me i was doing 05:12 an interview for know your meme uh just 05:14 now and decided that it would be a good 05:17 idea to stream because you know 05:18 i [ __ ] i got dressed look at me 05:22 looking good but i'm not going to stand 05:24 up because you know the outfit and also 05:25 i'm not wearing a corset so i don't i 05:26 don't want to stand up um i don't look 05:28 as good as i possibly could and i i 05:30 haven't put any effort in like below the 05:32 waist no heels no tights no nothing uh 05:35 so i'm just 05:37 sort of 05:38 let's just sit down stream so i figured 05:39 you know [ __ ] it i've done all the 05:40 makeup 05:42 and if you're like 05:43 i'm gonna stream dot never gonna let you 05:45 down dot never gonna run around and 05:47 desert you never 05:49 so how are we now that now that we're 05:50 back how are you chat i wanna can i get 05:53 a can i get a hello can i get a house 05:55 can i how was your day chat please tell 05:58 me chat it's gonna be a very much just a 06:00 hanging out stream 06:01 sweatpants under the dress i should have 06:03 done that but it would have been too 06:04 [ __ ] them girly hand movements that 06:08 wasn't 06:09 what part of my hand movements were 06:11 girly oh john joe biden john biden john 06:14 bod minox thank you sorry i'll read you 06:16 i read your donor again i'm just stupid 06:18 uh thank you everyone for subbing by the 06:20 way very nice of you um 06:22 okay minute i'll [ __ ] it i'm just gonna 06:24 play it but i don't have to read it 06:26 plus it was five dollars thank you eight 06:28 months pogba almost twitch how is our 06:30 princess 06:31 uh i don't know i don't know any 06:33 princesses i only know finnster and he's 06:36 a very manly man i'm getting funny hell 06:38 yeah 06:39 the suggested dress in discord supergirl 06:42 that was what the donor was apparently 06:44 there's a dress in discord that i should 06:45 say 06:47 every two oh my god let's get six in a 06:50 row [ __ ] yeah 06:52 how was your day finn i guess 06:54 technically because like i'm going over 06:56 a day right 06:58 i guess technically 06:59 that was your day 07:00 my day's been pretty good i did an 07:02 interview with know your meme i've been 07:03 interviewed i'm famous chad uh that is 07:06 pretty cool though i've been interviewed 07:08 not even because like oh interviewed 07:10 about the meme more interview just about 07:11 me which is kind of cool that's kind of 07:13 nice i like that that's the first time i 07:15 was having um 07:17 now you streamed six in a row back in 07:19 march oh back in march okay i didn't 07:21 realize what he said good point 07:23 damn maybe i could try and break the 07:24 record 07:26 of six maybe i should get a week 07:28 streamed in a row i can do that uh let 07:30 me see the eagle ideas thing 07:32 i'm sure there's oh god whenever i go 07:34 through this channel though 07:36 it's so scuffed 07:39 like how am i gonna wear that how am i 07:41 gonna find this i don't have the tits 07:42 for this i don't have the waist for this 07:45 i don't have the lack of ball for this 07:47 you know i can't do this 07:50 it looks great but then this this is a 07:52 constantly suggested thing ah um there's 07:56 the you know 07:57 i again another one and there's another 08:00 one down here you know why do you want 08:02 me to be this guy and then a [ __ ] 08:04 another one 08:05 and then and then another one again and 08:06 then another one what do you want me to 08:08 be and then another one what do you want 08:10 me to be a stolfo so incredibly badly 08:14 another one okay you know what i i i'm 08:17 developing a hatred for this character 08:19 professional bodyguard that's just a 08:20 suit and a gun that's just a suit and a 08:23 gun 08:24 uh 08:26 corpse husband 08:29 ariana grande 08:30 a face after ariana grande uh 08:33 where's the supergirl thing that you 08:35 said that's some cool heel 08:37 it's fantastic rubber and it has bob 08:39 pockets i'm guessing this is what you're 08:40 on about 08:42 this is the one that you're on about bob 08:43 pockets 08:45 what do you mean bob pockets 08:47 you mean like something to put boobs in 08:50 okay 08:52 you do have a gun though i have a bb gun 08:54 actually 08:56 estopho is the biggest strap on anime 08:57 yeah this dolpho's got some serious 09:00 clout for crossdressing in anime um 09:03 pretty epic but no i've uh 09:05 what am i supposed to [ __ ] 09:08 the i i can't i've i've done a cosplay 09:10 of a cell phone 09:12 kind of if you remember that i've tried 09:14 to scrub that i think that's been 09:16 collectively scrubbed the density but 09:18 dildo gun i think that's collected the 09:21 gildo 09:24 this has been collectively scrubbed from 09:26 the internet my cosplay of a stealtho 09:28 but yes there was a time that i did that 09:30 no makeup 09:35 i am sorry 09:37 i don't spend 09:38 30 minutes doing my makeup actually no i 09:41 do i do spend 30 minutes of doing my 09:42 makeup for people to say no makeup but 09:44 really is this really what no makeup 09:46 looks like to you 09:48 i have lipstick on actually it took me 09:50 half an hour just to do this 09:52 and nothing else i'm wearing no other 09:53 makeup other than that none 09:56 absolutely zero 09:59 the bob pockets are full 10:00 snacks are your convenience 10:03 you know oh yeah sorry no the bob 10:04 pockets yeah they're i think that's 10:07 surely what they're for what the [ __ ] 10:09 pero's life i know 10:12 it might raid him by the end of the day 10:13 am i if he's still streaming i'll write 10:19 this is a bit more of a hanging out in 10:21 stream do goth makeup i did that once 10:23 it was awful it was really [ __ ] 10:25 terrible how long are you planning on 10:26 streaming i don't know i just hit the 10:28 stream button there's not even a thing 10:29 i'm just talking to you i don't even 10:31 have a plan hot bob pockets indeed i 10:34 mean oh [ __ ] i don't have any more po 10:35 boxes to do i opened all of those i do 10:37 have a letter but i may open that off 10:39 camera because it's a letter dude we 10:41 have an eight month child my dude [ __ ] 10:42 yeah craig how what's their name i've 10:45 forgotten it already 10:46 our child our child didn't mean much to 10:48 me apparently 10:51 but comfy stream it's a bit of a comfy 10:52 stream yeah i did an internet speed test 10:55 because i really thought that was it and 10:57 no i was just on a vpn i was like oh 10:59 i'll close some tabs out and then i 11:00 realize oh my vpn is running that's 11:02 upsetting i was watching i just watched 11:04 suicide squad [ __ ] that's a good movie 11:06 suicide squad was a great [ __ ] movie 11:09 james gunn my guy 11:11 it was a great movie i i i i'd say it's 11:14 one of that's definitely the best 11:15 superhero movie of the last like year or 11:17 two it was great i really liked it it 11:20 was a really really [ __ ] good movie 11:22 it was a great movie no it isn't lies to 11:25 me 11:26 are you trolling no it was a good movie 11:28 what do you mean 11:30 i'm natural the freckles 11:34 hmm natural the freckles yes 11:37 then the natural freckles that still 11:39 show up over having concealer on them 11:42 natural freckles 11:44 uh harley quinn cosplay harley quinn 11:47 [ __ ] what is she wearing that i swear to 11:48 god she just wore a red dress for most 11:50 of that movie and then the rest of it 11:52 was just 11:53 short shorts and a t-shirt and you've 11:56 seen me in a t-shirt before i don't 11:58 think it's going to be that attractive 12:01 i don't think it's going to be that 12:02 special but 12:04 i didn't like birds of prey 12:06 in fact i hadn't i haven't watched the 12:08 end of it the amount of king jar shark 12:10 rule 34 dude i watched that i watched it 12:13 with marisa and i don't like sharks and 12:15 i especially don't like the 12:18 king shark he was it's this weird mix of 12:20 being constantly terrified of him but 12:22 also he's very cute if you don't know i 12:25 have a phobia of sharks but yes king 12:27 shark was quite cute but 12:29 he he is baby truly but also i [ __ ] i'm 12:33 terrified of sharks so 12:35 a little bit of a weird emotional 12:37 conflict there 12:39 so i don't know 12:41 i don't know it's uh 12:43 every dude i i had to like close my eyes 12:45 through a few scenes of the shark boy so 12:48 i don't know he's adorable but he's 12:50 [ __ ] makes my blood go cold you know 12:52 like 12:54 scary don't likey scary don't likey 12:56 don't like that shark 11 month 12:57 anniversary we've had our baby lol 13:01 nice 13:02 we've had our baby it's three months old 13:04 now 13:05 my guy you could be that attractive and 13:07 damn what in a damn bin liner you could 13:10 have no i don't think i could i think 13:12 that i've only dressed in an attractive 13:15 way and now you've got in your head that 13:16 i would be attractive in anything 13:19 thank you thank you i think there's only 13:21 been a couple outfits that i have not 13:23 that have not worked for me 13:25 um one of them being this delpho one 13:28 that is maybe the top one and then the 13:30 other one's like oh god i can't even 13:31 remember 13:32 i've looked good in pretty much 13:34 everything besides that a stealth one in 13:35 my opinion and the and the goth one 13:38 those are the only ones i don't like 13:41 and you still have to you still have to 13:43 name i still have to name our child 13:46 i'm gonna call it craig craig 13:48 craig too that's his name when it's just 13:50 baba boo it's good 13:53 what 13:54 what 13:55 what 13:56 what what is baba boy 13:58 never heard of that in my entire life a 14:00 stuff i cosplay no did it once didn't 14:02 work i can't find an image of you to 14:04 show it but oh my god no 14:06 no 14:07 it didn't work for me 14:09 love you so much if you were there 14:12 thank you so much thank you the people 14:14 that were there please chat 14:16 whoever it was 14:17 at the estofo stream 14:20 you you know what you saw you know what 14:23 happened 14:24 you remember it chat 14:26 you know please vouch for me and chat 14:28 there's not enough of you that are 14:29 saying how awful that was 14:32 same with the goth thing anyway 14:34 oh no no 14:36 it was bad anyway 14:38 hey i can't decide if i want to go get 14:40 my hair bleached should i do it no 14:43 no you shouldn't because i mean it 14:44 depends do you value how your hair looks 14:48 over how your hair feels if true go for 14:50 it uh oh i know if true don't do it 14:53 don't bleach your [ __ ] hair it will 14:55 be bad it will feel bad it will be dry i 14:57 don't like that that's why i haven't 14:59 done it bleach bad 15:01 don't put it on you ever that's the ish 15:04 that's the thing damn it what keeps me 15:06 from my queen 15:07 your queen is waiting you're a queen 15:09 hello 15:11 knife 15:14 what do you mean bad you always look 15:15 cute 15:18 let me see i enjoyed the memory of rose 15:21 hulking out in their style photo dude 15:25 a stealth i think i tried to google this 15:27 before 15:28 and it 15:29 wasn't a thing 15:31 i couldn't find it anywhere 15:37 i can't find this anywhere 15:41 i can't find it i want to try and find 15:42 this image 15:44 i'm drawing i can't find this image dude 15:46 but i looked awful in it awful awful why 15:50 am i on deviantart 15:53 oh i saw this look at this [ __ ] i'm on 15:55 deviant apparently what the [ __ ] this is 15:57 cool deviant rose [ __ ] yeah the jojo i 16:00 saw this before and it looks sick i 16:02 don't know why i don't know how this 16:03 just was lost to time that was a really 16:04 cool image anyway 16:07 i found it did you whoo 16:09 mini marker hey minnie mooker mini muker 16:12 he was once he was once my mcc teammate 16:15 my friends i know mcc is coming up buddy 16:18 mcc is coming up buddy 16:22 it's coming up buddy 16:24 have you seen the teams have you seen 16:26 the teams 16:27 have you seen the teams minnie have you 16:29 seen the teams i've seen the teams i 16:32 know the mcc i know the mcc teams and 16:34 you all don't i know the mcc teams in 16:37 you 16:38 dummies 16:42 i know i'm mispronouncing your name when 16:43 i say murker because i have no idea how 16:45 to say it and i know a guy called i know 16:47 a guy that's i think he's like 16:48 mercaderka and that he runs a podcast 16:51 that i watch so i keep miss saying it 16:53 he's wearing extensions indeed 16:56 how how damn how high are those red 16:58 heels are you kidding me they're all 17:00 that high that's 17:03 honestly those ones are the more modest 17:05 pair 17:07 there's so many more that are worth what 17:08 was the name of the last podcast you 17:10 were on before the know your meme 17:13 the minx podcast i was on minx's drunk 17:15 cast just a mink's drunk cast was on 17:17 that 17:18 um 17:20 that was uh i'm should have a video with 17:22 sumo coming out do a thomas and train 17:24 cosplay very feminine 17:27 thomas the tank engine 17:29 uh 17:31 could do i'd need a set of railroads and 17:33 an engine 17:34 i'm down i'd throw myself on a railroad 17:37 track for you guys anything anything for 17:39 you 17:40 can you share those heels close up close 17:43 yeah but i don't want to stand up 17:44 because look i'm not wearing a corset so 17:47 i'm just like i'm a bit more frumpy than 17:49 usual um so 17:52 bit annoying 17:54 but i will gladly scoot over 17:56 goodbye 18:02 here's these 18:05 here are them 18:06 these are the more modest pair of heels 18:08 these are not that tall for me i have 18:11 got far taller heels 18:13 those i could i could run in those 18:15 friend run in them 18:17 rail you 18:20 but they're not they're not that bad 18:22 you're still good though 18:24 oh those are low yeah i know right 18:26 they're they're low for me 18:28 i've won some tall heels my guy i've won 18:30 some real [ __ ] tall like eight inches 18:32 just like just the from my bottom of the 18:34 foot under your foot going up eight 18:36 inches that is how you know [ __ ] i've 18:39 worn some heels 18:40 like 10 inches off the ground total i 18:43 gained a foot there's a you know like 18:45 i've that's a eight inches yeah dude 18:47 there is i have a pair of heels that are 18:49 like these giant ones 18:51 that i can't actually physically 18:53 straighten my legs in what does your dad 18:55 think of you cross-dressing 18:56 he's dope he's cool with it he doesn't 18:58 mind 18:59 um i mean he's [ __ ] an avid supporter 19:02 of my cross-dressing my father 19:04 uh 19:05 same with everyone honestly there aren't 19:06 that many people that dislike it oh he 19:08 needs eight inches 19:10 you wanna 19:12 i don't wanna have to go get it you 19:13 wanna go get me my you wanna you wanna 19:15 bring me some eight inches you should 19:17 get 30 inch heels 19:19 just straight from the ground too not 19:21 like platforms just heels suggested 13s 19:25 just in heel 19:28 8 inch heels make him five foot eight 19:30 how dare you eight inch heels would make 19:32 me 19:36 [ __ ] what would that be 19:38 six foot seven [ __ ] dude you look good 19:42 don't get used to how you look in a 19:44 corset 19:46 uh 19:46 nothing ah we'll see 19:50 we'll see 19:53 knows more about girl items than a born 19:55 girl incorrect i would say i don't know 19:58 anything about i know like quite a lot 19:59 about 20:00 cosmetics i know quite a lot about 20:02 dresses i know quite a lot about heels 20:06 not a lot about 20:08 boobs 20:09 no i know i love it i know a lot about 20:11 boobs i've seen many a boob and 20:14 and vagina i've seen a lot of those 20:17 i a lot of those i've seen loads of 20:19 those because i'm i'm a manly man and 20:21 but um i've so i know a lot about that 20:23 as well 20:25 but not peer i don't know anything about 20:27 periods because i'm a i'm a guy and 20:29 that's for girls 20:31 which i am not 20:35 gross 20:37 you know it's gross women cooties don't 20:39 like him never did grow wait never did 20:43 don't like him never did okay i know i 20:45 do like women but not in the [ __ ] i hate 20:47 this conversation dude this isn't good 20:50 i'm digging myself a hole 20:52 um 20:54 knives and bobs indeed welcome to my 20:56 channel i've dropped my knife shut up 20:58 shut the [ __ ] up 21:00 the way you're dressed that's misleading 21:02 i disagree i think that there's nothing 21:04 manlier than wearing a short dress 21:06 and showing your 21:07 i think there is nothing mallier than 21:09 wearing a short dress with flowers on it 21:11 because you get to sh it's far easier to 21:13 bring out your [ __ ] and balls at any 21:15 given moment 21:16 you know think about that you're at a 21:18 public urinal wearing a skirt 21:21 bam easy you know none of this like 21:23 unbuttoning and pull down no no and pull 21:24 down all the way to the ground at a 21:26 public urinal no 21:27 how many of us put our trousers and and 21:30 underwear on the ground at every public 21:32 unit unil urinal uh you wouldn't want to 21:34 have to do that anymore which isn't 21:36 definitely not just you know that's what 21:39 we do as men 21:41 and we want to stop doing that so we 21:42 just wear a skirt 21:46 just unzip what the [ __ ] do you mean you 21:47 just take you take them off 21:50 what do you think that what do you think 21:51 that what do you think the urinal shape 21:53 like that it's it comes out the wall so 21:54 you can hang them on there you just 21:56 drape them over there while you're 21:58 peeing 21:59 idiot yeah then it's raining raining's 22:01 good rain means that your country will 22:03 live and the crops are healthy 22:06 people used to praise rain 22:09 so think of it like that 22:10 who wears trousers idiots six is a small 22:13 number but it's a start 22:18 okay 22:20 i 22:20 thought you were on about something else 22:22 thanks for the thanks for the six month 22:23 sub dude thanks for the by the way 22:25 thanks for the twitch prime jay thank 22:26 you for the twitter prime roll thank you 22:29 what's your workout regiment 22:31 don't ask me that i don't wanna i don't 22:33 wanna have to lie to you 22:35 it is pretty illogical for men to wear 22:37 pants and women to wear skirts isn't it 22:40 i think it should be the other way 22:42 around 22:43 yeah no i i think it does make more 22:46 sense right like you're free but then 22:48 again 22:49 i don't know two months 22:53 skirts suit the female form you know 22:57 skirts don't exactly suit the male form 22:59 because like obviously with a skirt it 23:01 accentuates your hips so that's that's 23:04 why i think but also [ __ ] and balls 23:07 swinging around how many times that been 23:08 an issue that's why everyone likes 23:10 sweatpants they're most comfortable 23:11 everyone likes pajama pants because 23:14 you can let that thing just 23:16 slide down your whole leg when i wear 23:19 when i wear 23:20 when i wear joggers that thing gets to 23:22 tickle my ankle you know it's great 23:26 it goes all the way down 23:27 you know 23:29 solution everyone wears skirts skirts 23:30 for everyone 23:32 i wouldn't you know 23:34 that that does make a lot of sense 23:36 skirts and cat tails for everyone 23:38 queen of conspiracy is it's that big 23:43 that was that was after the surgery 23:45 after we had to have it shortened you 23:47 know 23:48 so it was uh you know i had to have 23:51 about 23:52 when i was when i was younger i had to 23:54 have about 10 inches of my penis removed 23:58 and it it's only left about 30 so you 24:00 know but that was more of the you know 24:02 that was more 24:03 you know a comfortability thing 24:06 you know can't live like that sometimes 24:14 bigger stickers 24:17 you're already familiar with bottom 24:18 surgery 24:21 uh 24:22 i have seen an animation of it i've seen 24:24 an anime someone like somewhat imagine 24:26 being a vegan i'm vegetarian imagine 24:28 being a vegan it would suck vegan's bad 24:30 vegetarian king i mean 24:33 i know i've someone showed me a video of 24:35 like 24:36 looking submissive and breedable that's 24:38 what your moon would say uh i've got a 24:41 i've seen a video like a shirt 24:46 the [ __ ] 24:47 no one could take 30. how big are your 24:49 intestines 24:53 isn't that thing like you can take 24:54 infinite dick isn't that a thing 24:57 is that a thing like you can technically 24:59 do that 25:00 because like you're like okay if you had 25:03 right oh yeah bear with me you can right 25:05 because it goes into your intestine 25:08 like you if you if it's you know you can 25:12 i've heard of that 25:14 you've been watching the new uh house 25:16 stuff he's pac so much monster and i was 25:18 like yeah i've no i saw his house tour 25:21 i saw that video where he did like help 25:23 me with my house 25:26 i haven't seen him do any updates for it 25:28 has he made a video on it i will yeah if 25:30 you had infinite dick you could have 25:32 infinite butt sex 25:34 there is a limit but like it's here you 25:37 know 25:38 like 25:39 okay 25:40 bear with me for a second let's say you 25:41 had infinite dick right 25:44 and you also could bend it 25:46 infinitely 25:47 you would hit 25:48 everything you would 25:50 snake your way around an intestine right 25:53 isn't that a thing 25:55 the you know 25:57 that's the thing i'm right about that 25:58 i'm right about that stomach acid 26:04 oh man 26:05 yeah that would yeah that'd do it 26:07 actually 26:08 holy [ __ ] you could have a you could 26:10 digest a penis 26:13 you're into weird stuff i didn't say i 26:15 was into it i'm just 26:16 i'm just um 26:19 putting this information on to you so i 26:21 don't have to be the only one that lives 26:22 with it 26:24 25k to dress as a girl jesus you put a 26:26 pound sign in front of that i'm not sure 26:27 how you know how dollars work and also 26:29 taxes 26:30 so actually it's only about ten thousand 26:33 dollars actually it's only about ten 26:35 thousand no it is about ten thousand 26:37 dollars to dress like a girl actually 26:39 it's not that much 26:42 [ __ ] 26:44 sounds like fun 26:46 snake all the way up 26:47 snake all the way up until it's a 26:48 [ __ ] 26:52 it's not butt sex it's a very very deep 26:54 throat sounds from kappa 26:58 it's it's not anal it's a very deep deep 27:01 throat 27:03 that's one for that's one for the 27:05 tick-tock clips that's one 27:07 it's a reverse blow job 27:10 why are you thinking so much about 27:12 begging it's been on my mind lately i 27:13 can't lie a very very deep throat from 27:16 behind 27:18 holy [ __ ] 27:21 it's all connected bro 27:23 humans have one hole 27:25 backwards digestion 27:29 humans have one hole don't they like is 27:30 it like a straw if you imagine it like 27:32 that well no i guess one you know 27:37 ugh this is getting worse as it goes on 27:39 what's laser boy [ __ ] we're gonna change 27:41 that wait i should have disabled it so 27:44 you know [ __ ] it this is the stream 27:45 we're gonna decide what this goal is 27:46 going to be we chose to change it before 27:49 tube one humans are just a tube 27:54 we're gonna change this thing and i 27:56 don't know what to change it too this 27:58 will be the stream that decides it we 28:00 will settle on a sub goal i'm not sure 28:02 what the end number will be what the 28:03 amount of subs will be 28:05 but 28:06 we will settle on our goal what are we 28:08 thunking 28:13 no no no no no i did a poll for it last 28:15 time and the number one voted thing was 28:17 to 28:18 you know extend the amount of time that 28:20 that box survives for that that box 28:23 contains all my stuff 28:24 pegged live on stream 28:26 epilator stream until everything's 28:28 smooth that is 28:29 torture literally i think i think that 28:31 actually is torture so no 28:34 i think that's 28:36 yeah no that's a terrible idea no bad 28:39 terrible 28:41 go to a beach as rose 28:44 extend boy clothes yeah extend the box 28:45 time that was the top voted one but i 28:48 don't want to let you have humans are 28:49 just a very complicated doughnut 28:57 yeah yeah we uh 28:59 yeah we are oh [ __ ] lag really 29:03 no not again 29:07 not again 29:10 what happened 29:12 did we lag for a second there 29:15 i think we're good though 29:20 uh 29:21 we good 29:22 apparently like we're dropping frames a 29:24 little bit 29:26 how 29:27 i'm not even in america i have no lag 29:29 okay weird i guess that was like some 29:32 okay weird all right 29:34 i liked it a couple times i think it's 29:36 fine can we see the dress 29:37 there it is 29:39 there's the dress 29:41 would you guys like to see under my 29:43 dress 29:46 um 29:48 so you know but that that's the dress i 29:50 don't want to stand up no no i'm not i'm 29:52 not looking as snatched as i usually am 29:55 but you know 29:56 it's not 29:57 not too bad but not the best anyway 30:02 damn shark exceeding the internet cables 30:04 yeah 30:05 i'm not sure why it seems to be fine i 30:08 don't know 30:09 the first stream i've watched i just 30:11 want to know what your pronouns are he 30:12 him or i don't give a [ __ ] 30:15 my pronouns are usually he him however 30:17 we're doing a girl month which is a bit 30:19 of a challenge which i'm kind of going 30:21 by she her although every single time i 30:23 say that out loud it sounds weird it 30:25 sounds like it's not supposed to exist 30:28 but yeah no i i don't care i will just 30:30 as easily answer to he him as i will to 30:32 see her 30:33 so 30:34 i don't mind 30:36 you can get it wrong you can get it 30:37 right she slash each 30:40 now that would be a funny joke if if 30:42 twitter wouldn't get mad at me i did act 30:45 i did set my twitter pronouns at some 30:47 point to 30:49 yeah boy slash oh the [ __ ] it's slash 30:52 that boy 30:54 so and then um 30:56 a yeah boy that boy they didn't like 30:59 that one they didn't like that one at 31:00 all 31:01 so 31:02 i have stopped making jokes about 31:04 pronouns even though it is only 31:08 only making fun of myself anyway 31:12 findubi pregnant what are you gonna 31:16 oh jeanette michael jackson's pronounced 31:19 hold on 31:21 i really want to meet you just so i can 31:24 make you decide between looking short as 31:26 hell next to me or wearing some 8-inch 31:28 heels just to look the same height as me 31:31 lol 31:32 you i'm five eleven 31:35 i'm five eleven i'm not short i'm not 31:38 sure i'm five eleven that is not short 31:41 that is not short that isn't short 31:43 that's incorrect 31:44 find finster height 31:47 oh [ __ ] do we want to set this thing up 31:49 yeah i'm 511. google says it shut up i'm 31:51 five foot eleven idiot also the photos 31:54 now change to me as a guy 31:57 which is weird someone's obviously 31:59 updating this i don't i say that's weird 32:02 not because it shouldn't be this way but 32:04 because it has never been this way until 32:06 now this is the first time i'm seeing it 32:08 i want to know 32:10 hey look at that when you google fins to 32:11 hide it's now picture of me as a guy 32:16 look at that let's go 32:18 if i search up finster 32:21 ah look at that it's the there we go we 32:23 finally did it the first picture of me 32:25 is not me as a woman we did it chad 32:28 we're the guy mode is coming back 32:30 guy mode's coming back baby eleven 32:32 months cool 32:35 oh my god it's been so long 32:38 okay how should we do 32:40 what should we do first up girl 32:42 a guy well yeah i it is i am a guy 32:48 i am 61. perfect for head kissing heichi 32:51 wu 32:54 yeah 32:56 wait two inches 32:59 yeah i guess so yeah it is 33:01 or eyebrow 33:04 five foot eleven is 180 centimeters one 33:08 meter 80 centimeters there we go 33:10 plot your hair no 33:12 i know i think i know how to do it but i 33:14 don't want to 33:15 that picture is not a guy 33:19 bro 33:23 how is that not a guy 33:24 how 33:26 how 33:28 wrong wrong 33:30 incorrect 33:33 wrong and incorrect 33:36 you should at least get the highest 33:37 heels you can find at least 30 inches 33:39 how tall would i be if i was that's just 33:41 stilts at that point i don't think 33:43 they're at they're not heels to me if 33:45 like most of the height is coming from 33:46 the platform at that point they're 33:48 stilts heels are like just the heel bit 33:51 like i've got one pair of heels that do 33:53 this but there's no platform there is 33:55 just heel 33:56 and it's like 33:57 that wouldn't make me much taller it's 33:59 probably like a three inch heel i think 34:01 the red ones over there they're like you 34:02 can't even see them but they're like red 34:04 behind the black ones they're like 34:05 probably a three inch heel maybe maybe 34:07 three and a half i don't know like a 34:08 three inch heel from memory maybe four 34:10 um but there's no 34:13 there's no 34:14 thing to them so they look shorter than 34:16 what they actually are hold on i'm going 34:17 to bend over over there so give me a 34:18 second um let me grab them 34:22 oh yeah okay this might even be like 34:25 shorter than a three inch heel this is 34:26 not bad all right look 34:28 so 34:29 look that's not that's not a terrible 34:30 heel but there's no platform to them so 34:33 i've never worn these before though so i 34:35 don't know what would it would be like 34:39 scam oh i'm so sorry 34:41 i'm so sorry 34:43 but i imagine you guys wouldn't actually 34:44 want me to be much taller considering 34:46 you know i'm a pretty tall boy you know 34:51 i'm a pretty tall boy oh no i'm gonna 34:52 try them on i don't oh my god they're 34:54 pointed what the [ __ ] i can't wear these 34:56 these are too small 34:58 they're pointed there's no way i'm 34:59 fitting into these these heels don't hit 35:00 me [ __ ] 35:02 these heels do not fit me who would wear 35:05 these 35:06 these were like my size i think oh no 35:08 these do not fit at all 35:10 like look how long these look look how 35:12 giant these look but like this and over 35:15 is completely unwearable you can't get 35:17 your toe past there so it's like 35:20 you know it's been about 1.5 years now 35:24 when you look at yourself all made up do 35:26 you still see right through it and only 35:28 see guy or can you see what everyone 35:31 else sees 35:32 [Music] 35:36 where did you set up the poll you used 35:38 in your last minecraft video get miko to 35:42 teach you pole dancing it's there and 35:44 also i don't know 35:47 holy [ __ ] you just gave me like a 35:48 [ __ ] 35:50 you gay you just gave you just meant 35:52 what 35:53 you just made my head [ __ ] not work 35:55 great question indeed i i don't know 36:00 i mean 36:05 wake up bro 36:06 yeah it was like that i was like oh my 36:08 god i mean so i've got pictures of me in 36:10 front of me right now but like yeah when 36:12 i look at that i see it but [ __ ] 36:15 like this is a far quite cry away from 36:17 that right 36:19 like 36:20 at this point 36:22 i don't see that in this but then i 36:24 again i am younger there 36:25 but also my hair is also this length 36:27 like and also i've done natural makeup 36:29 so i don't know i don't know chet 36:32 but a much taller manly man 36:35 this is more what i'm used to 36:38 because like when i i'm whenever i'm 36:40 looking at myself 36:42 most of the time it's me dressed up as a 36:44 woman 36:45 right because i only record videos 36:47 sometimes and i'm playing a video game 36:49 while i'm doing this i'm usually like 36:51 there's me right there and this chat 36:52 right there like i see me all the time 36:55 so i don't know 36:57 it's a bit weird to think that i 36:59 probably see me as a as a woman more 37:01 than i see me as a guy not like when i 37:03 look at me because like generally like 37:04 in day-to-day life 37:06 that's a bit odd i don't i didn't 37:09 realize how that has affected my mindset 37:11 oh my [ __ ] god breath into jar and 37:14 call it gamer girl air big stonk gamer 37:17 air it's just the most foul thing 37:20 the most foul smell you could think of 37:23 in just a jar 37:24 that's called being trans no it's not 37:28 being used to dressed as a girl is not 37:30 being trans 37:34 my god existential crisis existential 37:38 crisis well done 37:41 this is obvious since day one what do 37:42 you mean 37:44 gender dysphoria 37:45 no 37:47 i'm not saying one's better than the 37:49 other i'm not saying one i'm just used 37:50 to more than one it was more like a it's 37:53 affected my mindset in the sense of like 37:55 now i'm really used to this and now i 37:58 feel like it's like a 37:59 it's so close to how i normally am like 38:02 this is my normality in a sense of like 38:04 what i'm what i see the most 38:07 but also you know 38:09 i don't know that's weird that's weird i 38:11 don't know 38:12 got to be a cis 38:15 [Music] 38:16 it's not better it's it's that you're 38:18 happier i wouldn't even say that 38:20 i would definitely not say that if i had 38:23 to do daily activities wearing the [ __ ] 38:24 that i wear like this oh my god i 38:26 wouldn't be happier you kidding me 38:29 i mean then again i've dude i went to a 38:32 [ __ ] essentially a home depot for 38:34 americans but it's called b and q over 38:35 here i went to essentially a home depot 38:38 and this this girl like you know 19 year 38:41 old 20 year old sort of thing comes in 38:43 like a dress dress and i don't think 38:46 i've ever seen that in real life besides 38:48 like an occasion like who the [ __ ] is 38:50 going to home depot in a dress 38:52 and it was this girl wearing like this 38:54 really like body contour dress i was 38:56 just like 38:57 why but also damn but like why 39:01 so 39:02 i mean i know that most girls don't wear 39:04 [ __ ] like this on the regular even close 39:06 to this on the regular i probably own 39:08 more dresses 39:09 by like far than the average girl right 39:13 i probably own at least two or three 39:14 times the amount of dresses as a girl as 39:16 a regular like average girl does right 39:20 but 39:22 i mean [ __ ] the thing is i already deal 39:24 with i could deal with having like long 39:26 hair that's the only difference 39:29 like i think marisa put this to me that 39:31 like 39:32 you could live the exact same life but 39:34 just have different genitalia and then 39:36 you'd be a girl that would be it right 39:37 really that would be your entire life 39:39 like you don't have to have giant if 39:45 you know 39:46 so i don't know 39:47 who knows if i can send you some like 39:49 yes [ __ ] i'm i'm size uh i don't care 39:52 about the color and i'm size 11 in heels 39:55 and everything do you ever see a 39:56 realistic end point for the 39:57 cross-dressing how do you think you 40:00 would cope with not cross-dressing 40:01 regularly anymore 40:04 oh my god i know i said i wanted to be 40:06 asked deep questions but holy [ __ ] 40:09 um 40:10 when i don't feel it looks good i will 40:12 probably lose motivation you've 40:13 basically done hardcore method acting to 40:15 the tune of oscar award winning [ __ ] at 40:17 this point it's always come down to your 40:20 decision between interest versus money 40:22 to continue no kind of yeah 40:26 like 40:29 i wish i was born a girl all the time i 40:31 mean then that's probably being trans 40:33 right but 40:34 you know 40:36 i haven't i mean i've thought like his 40:39 my thoughts on it is like i could 40:40 probably deal with being a girl 40:42 but i would rather be a i could probably 40:44 deal with being a girl is my thoughts 40:46 it's not like oh my god i wish i was a 40:47 girl and i know i know a lot of trans 40:50 people i know how they feel about those 40:51 sorts of subjects and i'm not saying you 40:53 have to feel like everyone else to be 40:55 valid as trans but i do not relate to 40:57 any of their like mindset which is why 41:00 i'm like not even in any part 41:03 like 41:04 essentially it's like saying to a drag 41:05 queen oh you have fun when you do your 41:08 job and they go yeah trans definitely 41:10 trans it doesn't make any sense when you 41:12 put it like that right like it's 41:14 i mean 41:15 you know just because you like something 41:17 doesn't mean you you want to do it for 41:19 forever 41:20 and not be your 41:22 person 41:23 you know not 41:24 you know 41:26 people can have hobbies 41:32 does anyone ever hit on you in public 41:34 no 41:36 no 41:37 never what do you think i go out looking 41:40 like i don't go out like i don't 41:41 straighten my hair make sure my makeup's 41:44 on point get into a nice flattering 41:46 dress and then just walk about going 41:48 they're doing poses in like perfect 41:50 lighting no 41:52 shoes are clear what color light 41:55 yeah no i don't i don't mind 41:57 pink pink pink i go with most things 41:59 that i have 42:02 lighting up the streets and 42:05 i know someone who is in a crossdresser 42:06 is just like drag essentially 42:08 for straight men what i know someone who 42:10 is oh who is a crossdresser it's just 42:12 like drag essentially for a straight man 42:14 yeah that that's that's what this is 42:16 that that is this you know me that is 42:18 what i'm doing 42:19 i must can we get an mcc with can we can 42:22 we get mcc with heel heel shoes on your 42:24 hands the [ __ ] 42:26 i know the teams for mcc 42:28 i know the teams for mcc 42:31 i've got an in i've got a fun team 42:34 that's all i can say 42:36 this mcc is going to be real [ __ ] 42:38 good 42:39 real [ __ ] good 42:41 real [ __ ] good 42:44 anyway 42:45 we'll see i know the mcc teams and you 42:48 don't whoo 42:52 [Music] 42:54 mcc outfit there will be one and it'll 42:56 be new 42:57 um 42:58 i don't know i i don't actually know 43:00 what details of mcc i can release so i 43:02 don't even know if i can tell you the 43:03 dates i'm assuming the date's probably 43:04 known but if you can't find it out 43:07 not through me then i can't tell you it 43:10 you know mcc winners pov maybe 43:13 put it like that maybe maybe maybe the 43:15 win is pov maybe maybe we'll see i'm 43:18 just we're strong we're strong i'm not 43:20 going to come in 43:21 40th place this time 43:33 uh 43:34 if you competed in esports would you 43:36 dress like this or dress normal 43:39 i dress like this because then it's like 43:41 but then again people are just going to 43:42 think i'd be copying sneaky 43:44 if i if i ever did anything with esports 43:46 although i'm not good enough for any 43:48 sport 43:49 especially in esport to be doing it 43:52 professionally 43:54 yeah 43:55 can we see the outfit toddy do you want 43:56 to see underneath my dress guys i want 43:59 to see under what's underneath my dress 44:01 you want to see what's underneath my 44:02 dress chat 44:05 yeah wow it's this it's just the same 44:07 pattern but like lighter like this is 44:09 what it is i mean it's in lovely dress 44:11 and everything but this is what it is 44:13 solid 44:17 i don't know 44:18 unlike sneaky you don't have to 44:20 photoshop the [ __ ] out of stuff i mean i 44:22 don't have anything against sneaky 44:23 obviously there's photoshop in his 44:25 photos 44:26 uh i know the guy that does his like 44:28 post stuff 44:30 but like 44:32 everyone photoshops their stuff man like 44:34 [ __ ] 44:37 it's 44:38 one of the most like i don't know 44:39 whether this makes you feel better or 44:41 worse about yourself but it made me feel 44:43 better 44:44 that 44:45 okay 44:46 every single thing that you see on 44:48 instagram every single [ __ ] thing 44:52 everyone that does it for a career and 44:54 it's a picture it's photoshopped in some 44:57 way 44:58 it always is it always is 45:00 because 45:01 let's say the person is like a celebrity 45:03 the photo that they're putting out is 45:05 they're like is their product right 45:09 so 45:12 if you're producing a product right if 45:15 they're getting paid for putting up that 45:16 instagram post yes they're gonna 45:18 photoshop it they're gonna want the best 45:19 one it's i admittedly it's not some 45:22 [ __ ] crazy thing that models 45:24 photoshop their stuff but it does make 45:27 it quite 45:28 it i don't know whether it makes you 45:30 feel better or worse about it that when 45:31 you when you've been told from like a 45:33 model in the industry like yeah everyone 45:34 does what are you kidding me of course 45:36 they do 45:37 you know 45:38 i mean people models that look amazing 45:40 straight up 10 out of 10's will still 45:42 photoshop their stuff 45:43 it's just like sometimes there's bad 45:45 lighting sometimes you had a bad [ __ ] 45:47 skin day like a bit of your makeup's not 45:49 perfect you know it's it's that right 45:54 so what can i say 45:56 juicy's photoshop is amazing oh dude 45:58 when he makes the proper like pictures 46:00 like that you know obviously the 46:01 photoshop live without having to use 46:03 photoshop 46:05 yeah i mean 46:07 i've photoshopped some stuff before i've 46:08 done that before like on the on like the 46:11 big photo shoot stuff you want like your 46:13 skin to be looking good so i 46:14 photoshopped like a couple spots there 46:16 they don't need to be in a photo you 46:17 know like stuff like that 46:19 so 46:20 i need to know if the freckles are real 46:22 everything's fake the freckles are fake 46:24 as well what i would 46:26 i can wipe them off if i wanted to but i 46:27 won't 46:28 i won't because i don't want to look 46:30 worse 46:32 dummy 46:36 damn you fell off stop with this 46:39 featherless activity the [ __ ] was that i 46:41 got deleted 46:42 i don't know uh sneaky looks completely 46:45 different in his pro photos you would 46:46 legit think it was a different person 46:47 [Music] 46:49 also but i didn't completely address 46:50 that i like how there's just random 46:52 people occasionally it's like they're 46:54 solely function to see if they can get a 46:56 reaction out of a streamer and yeah 46:57 freckles look cute i know that's why i 46:59 do them but oh um [ __ ] what was i i 47:02 completely just lost track of what 47:04 you're saying 47:06 [ __ ] 47:07 the dick is faked besides that that's 47:09 real the bulge is real he looks 47:11 completely different 47:13 i don't think he does i mean have you 47:14 seen sneak when he okay wait there's a 47:16 picture of sneaky that looks genuinely 47:18 amazing and it's not photoshopped i'm 47:20 just adding more band removal like 47:22 okay got it uh 47:26 was it a zero two thing there's a photo 47:28 of him 47:31 where it's 47:32 very clearly it's not photoshopped 47:35 or like if it was photoshopped it's just 47:37 absolutely perfect 47:39 but it's just [ __ ] he looks [ __ ] 47:42 great in it 47:43 like uh 47:45 someone might be able to find it 47:47 i feel like it's this picture but from a 47:49 different angle 47:52 okay hold on i think it's this picture 47:54 but from a different angle it's like him 47:56 but someone's taking a photo from above 47:57 him and it's whatever that was he did a 47:59 photo like that that's just 48:01 [ __ ] great he looks great in that one 48:04 and also i think he streamed it too 48:06 didn't he yeah he streamed it 48:09 i think yeah yeah he streamed it look at 48:11 that he looks great in that he looks 48:12 funny i have spoken about the difference 48:14 between your brand and your genuine self 48:17 it's the fascinating part of what 48:19 attracts people in the first place but 48:21 how do you decide what to share and what 48:23 to keep jude 48:27 what the [ __ ] uh 48:30 oh my god 48:33 the [ __ ] pro interviewer uh okay 48:37 i don't think there's a very big 48:39 difference between my personality on 48:40 stream and in real life at all 48:43 like uh 48:48 i mean on stream i'm more just like more 48:50 confident in the sense of like [ __ ] yeah 48:52 i'm hot as [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what i 48:54 mean i'm not usually like that in real 48:56 life um but that's about it 48:59 i mean 49:02 i don't know there's decide what to 49:04 share i share kind of everything that 49:06 could be bad 49:08 i share everything that isn't to do with 49:10 other people like i can keep a secret 49:12 but like 49:13 if it's to do with me you know if it 49:15 doesn't have to be kept secret for 49:17 someone else's sake you probably know 49:18 about it 49:20 so i don't know 49:21 i'm trying to think of something that 49:22 you don't know 49:24 well i mean 49:25 obviously like 49:28 i don't know i think if i had like 49:33 i don't know if it's something to do 49:34 with someone else you may not know it 49:36 right like if there's there's stuff to 49:38 do with other people that obviously i 49:39 don't stream because it's not my place 49:41 to say it 49:42 but that's kind of it zero two cosplay 49:45 yeah that's the one sneaky did and 49:46 because sneaky has a way better [ __ ] 49:49 physique than me 49:50 um but 49:52 one day one day 49:54 that is definitely sneaky's best [ __ ] 49:56 outfit though it's gotta be 49:58 it's gotta be look how [ __ ] good he 50:00 looked there it's gotta be his best one 50:03 it's gotta be look at that [ __ ] damn i'm 50:06 hard as [ __ ] if you could see this my 50:08 dre my dress looks like this right now 50:10 that's what my dress looks like 50:12 it's [ __ ] 50:16 dude 50:19 uh yeah no that's gotta be the best one 50:22 i haven't seen him do a different i 50:23 haven't seen him do much else though on 50:26 sneaky 50:28 c9 50:33 sneaky cosplay 50:34 one google images i wonder if he's in a 50:36 new one yet i have no idea 50:38 pitching a tent it is 50:41 it's pitching a house bro 50:43 oh wait he did okay wait this one he 50:45 looked great in this one too i don't 50:47 know what photo this is from but he 50:48 looked [ __ ] great here he did like 50:50 like this okay look you can see like a 50:52 difference a small difference in like 50:53 face shape right like still looks 50:55 [ __ ] great there 50:58 and like there's you know you can tell 51:00 it's not super photoshopped at all 51:01 because like there's this phone in the 51:03 way like you can see small you know 51:04 [ __ ] come on dude 51:06 i think just because sneaky photoshopped 51:08 some stuff it admit you know you should 51:10 get credit he looks [ __ ] fantastic 51:12 you know but 51:16 also a little for big ones yeah see what 51:18 i mean they're good for photo shoots 51:20 they're good for photos 51:22 don't tell you 51:26 did you ever dm with him yeah yeah we 51:28 talked um 51:30 i think it may have been left off on an 51:32 awkward note 51:33 because it was oh let's see 51:37 uh yep i was like watch a discord by the 51:40 way 51:44 no response no response no response i 51:47 asked him what his discord was no 51:48 response 51:51 so i got a i got left on what uh red 51:53 there that has been 51:55 a bit annoying but uh either way i've 51:58 yikers indeed but uh listen buddy i'm 52:01 not the best pete cringe indeed but he 52:03 was really nice actually genuinely a 52:05 really nice guy 52:06 um 52:09 what the [ __ ] 52:13 twitter gave me a [ __ ] whiplash 52:15 because it was like oh my god this is 52:16 news and it was some really old [ __ ] 52:18 anyway 52:20 q-top thank you 52:23 i'm gonna stop playing with the knife i 52:25 think i'm gonna start playing with the 52:26 knife because i i'm scared at this point 52:29 i am terrified 52:34 almost yeah but i threw it off to the 52:35 side this time so it's fine 52:37 it's too much work to go and get it 52:44 okay 52:48 there you go 52:49 uh juice that made me jump it made me 52:51 jump too twitter just now highlighted 52:52 your tweet from yesterday let's [ __ ] 52:54 go 52:55 i look great in that the tennis outfit 52:57 dude 52:58 pretty epic i liked it 53:02 how's your right bull healed it's healed 53:04 it's doing well now 53:06 it recovered from the giant the the 53:08 [ __ ] steel ball that hit it you like 53:10 the compliments when you are 53:12 cross-dressing yeah when you switch to 53:14 full-time guy mode how will it affect 53:16 you without all the compliments i don't 53:18 know 53:20 we've talked okay me and marisa at least 53:22 me and someone had talked about it 53:23 before that someone said something to me 53:25 that like just made me go ugh 53:27 they were like 53:28 i think someone far more popular than me 53:30 said i'll tell you about it 53:33 f1 then then you can't stream three days 53:35 in a row i'm planning am i supposed to 53:37 get any work done let me [ __ ] it let me 53:39 get my goddamn like record i want to get 53:43 [ __ ] seven days in a row anyway stop 53:45 making him question his existence 53:47 exactly um no i'll answer it's kind of 53:49 fun i like the deep questions man um but 53:53 without the with a lack of con someone 53:55 said something to me that was like 53:57 it was far more popular than me i was 53:59 saying like what do you where i can't 54:01 remember how the thing started but it 54:02 ended with like saying 54:04 you know would it matter that much for 54:06 you to not be as popular as you are and 54:08 we both kind of went like no like i feel 54:11 like it's it doesn't affect my life day 54:13 to day right and then we kind of thought 54:14 about it more i was like 54:16 it really [ __ ] does 54:18 like if ever like it's it doesn't affect 54:20 me like mentally but i don't know 54:22 let's say if ever let's say like 54:25 [ __ ] it all went away right like no 54:29 no one was interacting with me on 54:30 twitter anymore like no one was no one 54:32 was in the stream back to like a zero 54:34 viewer andy right and like youtube 54:37 videos were just i was starting on 54:38 youtube 54:39 yeah that would be very different i'm 54:41 really not you like i'm talking to you 54:43 now right but then there's going to be 54:45 like four comments that just fly by for 54:47 whoa [ __ ] 54:48 you know like it's weird there's like 2 54:51 000 people here and it's weird to 54:53 consider that as like a norm so i don't 54:55 know what it would be like getting used 54:57 to like less people and the same sort of 54:59 thing with comments or compliments 55:02 i don't know i don't know how my ego 55:05 will be affected by it to be honest with 55:06 you there's been so little amount of 55:08 youtubers that have like got super big 55:11 and then just left 55:13 and been like no one's just gone from 55:15 like zero to oh sorry 100 to zero 55:17 right cloud's a dangerous drug yeah 55:21 that i don't know how they would have 55:22 handled it 55:24 i assume not well 55:26 you see a lot of youtubers slowly fade 55:28 out which is fine that's like a healthy 55:30 thing i guess right 55:32 jenna oh you're kidding me jenna marbles 55:34 could like 55:35 no okay there's a difference between 55:36 like someone like jenna marvel's knowing 55:38 she could come back and become and make 55:40 you know millions of dollars and get 55:41 compliments for every single thing and 55:43 millions of views right whenever she 55:46 wanted to and she would know that and 55:48 there's a difference between like 55:50 someone that just never could 55:51 you know or never know or like they had 55:53 it and then they don't 55:54 so 55:55 i don't know 55:57 i don't know 55:59 i don't know how it would affect me 56:01 i would assume like 56:04 i don't know i've been doing this for 56:05 like six years 56:07 i don't know this local youtuber that 56:09 was seen working at mcdonald's 56:11 i'm sure i'm sure 56:14 but um 56:16 what would you ever do if your view 56:17 count plummets when god month is over 56:22 start up another [ __ ] goal no um 56:27 card just dipped yeah i don't know why 56:29 [ __ ] dipped i've got his number i just 56:30 don't think i've ever asked him i should 56:31 probably ask him where he went but um 56:34 no [ __ ] 56:36 i mean in all fairness if you count just 56:38 dipped i think i just turn into playing 56:39 video games 56:41 it's not like again i think i said this 56:43 before but it's not a job for me 56:45 like it's 56:46 just 56:48 streaming is a fun thing that i do it's 56:50 not like a job that i have right like 56:52 this is for fun for me this isn't like a 56:54 career move you know 56:56 well ray william johnson but he left 56:58 again 56:59 right didn't he just leave 57:01 i don't know can you play skyblock 57:03 skyblocky i do all the time i have a 57:04 whole channel for it i'm not going to do 57:06 it on stream though because 57:08 i would want to record the things that 57:09 i'm doing 57:10 but 57:11 you know 57:12 instead of stream it 57:13 and i wouldn't want to record it while 57:15 i'm dressed like this 57:17 he's back i think i have no [ __ ] clue 57:19 as a content creator you either stay 57:21 relevant forever like pewdiepie and ksi 57:23 you fade completely no in between 57:26 there is definitely in betweens 57:28 there is definitely in between think 57:29 about jerome asf 57:30 right he's still kicking about like he's 57:32 still doing stuff right and he goes up 57:34 and down in popularity he sits at like 57:37 he sits at a good amount of views now 57:38 but like i'm sure that loads of us when 57:40 we were young he was getting millions of 57:41 views he's getting less but he still has 57:43 a great career out of it you know 57:45 like you know 57:46 it's a weird thing somewhere like maybe 57:48 vic star 57:49 but vic still around to i don't know but 57:51 he's not massive anymore he's a bit in a 57:53 bit of an in-between like all vic's 57:55 channels kind of get like a hundred 57:56 thousand views but then on sidemen he 57:58 gets millions so i don't know 58:00 but it's a bunch of other people 58:02 there are in-betweens there are 58:03 definitely but you just don't hear about 58:04 them right the only times you ever hear 58:06 about people is when they've completely 58:07 dropped off the map and that's 58:09 newsworthy or 58:11 they carry on and that's why they're 58:12 newsworthy 58:14 yogg's cast i guess so like that sort of 58:16 thing vik's still huge what he stream's 58:18 a lot of things 58:21 vickstar let's find him let's see how 58:23 many views vikkstar 58:26 right so vikkster uh oh okay on his main 58:29 channel viktor123 58:31 i believe here we are okay in months 58:34 vickster in terms of views he uploaded 58:36 two days ago but then he streamed i 58:38 guess then it was like months before 58:40 uploads and he was just uploading sniper 58:42 stuff and get like a couple hundred 58:43 thousand views i wouldn't call that 58:45 massive on a youtube scale for someone 58:47 with seven hundred thousand seven seven 58:48 million subs like obviously he's gone 58:50 down a bit but it's still like a really 58:52 healthy career right 58:54 yeah 58:58 [Music] 59:00 bruh just hook up with some popular 59:02 anyone's work is going to take up a 59:04 large part of their life 59:06 the only way to be satisfied with that 59:08 is to do great work 59:10 the only way to do great work is to love 59:12 what you do 59:13 how much do you love what you do this a 59:16 lot 59:17 definitely a lot i really do like this a 59:19 lot it's um 59:20 [Music] 59:22 i don't know i i someone asked me it on 59:25 instagram i was just like i don't think 59:26 i could think of a more fun job vic made 59:28 his money from minecraft servers 59:30 still is same by the way 59:33 same and also he still definitely is he 59:35 still has a side channel where 59:37 he's making a good amount for minecraft 59:38 servers i'm i'm privy i know i know the 59:40 minecraft scene buddy i know the 59:41 minecraft stream i know the minecraft 59:43 scene 59:44 it's good 59:45 he's doing well he's doing well fixed 59:46 that's doing well 59:48 exactly really well anyway 59:55 my god 59:56 corpse cosplay 59:58 as what corpse cosplay as a dead person 60:00 or you mean corpse husband 60:03 corpse cosplay what a polite way of 60:05 saying kill yourself 60:08 [ __ ] 60:09 corpse husband okay all right well we 60:11 don't know what he looks like sorry i 60:12 was really tired uh we don't know what 60:13 he looks like how can i do a cosplay 60:15 anyway um philip defranco still is going 60:18 strong 60:19 yeah i know that's what i mean like you 60:20 hear about them like that because 60:22 they'll just you know they'll pop off 60:23 sometimes 60:28 you have any you ever play any games as 60:30 rose for fun on stream well yeah i mean 60:32 oh [ __ ] i haven't done it in a while the 60:34 only thing is whenever you play a video 60:35 game you completely knock out your 60:38 viewer base that doesn't play that video 60:40 game and isn't interested like i don't 60:41 want to watch a [ __ ] pub like i don't 60:43 want to watch your pub g stream i don't 60:44 [ __ ] know how it works i don't want 60:46 to watch your valorem stream i don't 60:47 know how it works 60:48 pubg is a really slow game mode don't 60:50 want to watch it 60:52 i don't play valerian and i don't like 60:53 the game taka i wouldn't watch a tarkov 60:56 stream because i don't know what the 60:57 [ __ ] is going on it's the same sort of 60:58 thing you completely section off your 61:00 audience into everyone that hasn't 61:02 played the game and has 61:04 so 61:05 eh vr yeah vr i do want to do again i'm 61:08 just lazy uh i will i need to hook up my 61:10 full body tracking in it and then i i'm 61:12 gonna [ __ ] strange for my sake i 61:15 really want the experience of running 61:16 around blatantly can i get a freaking 61:18 shout out or something for the deep ass 61:20 questions i've brought to the table 61:22 without me it's all just heels and lips 61:25 stain 61:26 smh 61:28 and corsets and dresses and 61:32 boxes 61:36 and boxes so the index 61:39 what what no i have an index but it's 61:41 not full body tracking 61:43 uh it gets you know i'm tracking the 61:45 same as every vr headset does 61:48 the index doesn't do that though i mean 61:50 i wish it did you know but i've got 61:53 different things that i need to figure 61:54 out how to use 61:55 least favorite 61:56 girl voice but can you do corpse husband 61:59 voice 62:01 no 62:03 the closest i can get is just my regular 62:05 talking voice 62:06 my regular talking voice is about the 62:08 closest i can get to corpse husband 62:11 um but least favorite type of makeup 62:13 product 62:16 least favorite type of makeup rod i 62:17 don't know 62:19 um 62:20 nice thank you choke me 62:22 choke me like me 62:24 um 62:26 i would say like [ __ ] 62:29 god i don't know i think highlight is 62:30 overrated i think primer is overrated 62:34 that's just my feelings on it i know 62:36 that's going to be upsetting to a few of 62:37 them i completely stopped doing 62:38 highlight 62:39 i completely stopped maybe i'll put it 62:41 back again maybe i will again i don't 62:43 know bronzer doesn't make any sense to 62:45 me either but maybe it's just because i 62:46 don't know how to use it [ __ ] 62:49 primer 62:50 i think primer's my least favorite 62:52 because it's never actually accomplished 62:54 anything that i feel like i don't know 62:57 rose fills our heart with warmth what 63:00 would we do if you go who will we simp 63:02 to i don't know when i grow a beard 63:04 maybe i'll maybe you could still sing 63:06 for me but it's going to be because i'm 63:07 [ __ ] ripped in the future 63:10 like 63:11 yeah that'd be funny hi it's good for 63:13 certain lighting angles i agree there 63:15 was a girl that i went to school with uh 63:17 we never actually i say that there was a 63:19 girl that i saw at school 11 st month 63:22 punk 63:24 i have a what 63:27 wait what i didn't even see that 11 63:29 months through oh eleventh 63:31 eleventh 63:32 month god damn that [ __ ] oh 63:34 but um 63:36 i saw a girl that was just like white 63:38 like it was just a white 63:40 stream 63:44 already did buckaroo 63:46 thank you 63:48 what does finn have an illegal weapon i 63:49 don't have an illegal weapon it's a 63:51 knife it's a completely legal weapon 63:54 it would be illegal if i took it outside 63:55 but it's legal's own you can own 63:57 anything besides most things 64:00 can you tell us any youtube tips upload 64:01 frequently and consistently that's it 64:05 upload frequently consistently clickbait 64:06 and edit well 64:08 and that's pretty much my entire mantra 64:10 follow trends there you go if you do all 64:13 of those you'll be a youtuber 64:15 and like if you're going wrong on a 64:16 channel it's probably because of one of 64:18 those things 64:21 everything i don't do yeah if you want 64:23 to become a youtube hire a warden yeah 64:26 if it's more like a [ __ ] 64:28 youtube advice like i'm already a 64:30 youtuber but i'm finding a little bit 64:31 hard that's a completely different thing 64:33 like if that's your if that's something 64:36 that you're thinking about hire an 64:37 editor hire people to help you no shame 64:40 in it dude 64:41 learn to trust people and learn to build 64:42 good teams that was my most recent bit 64:45 of advice is learn to build good teams 64:48 uh because that's something that i'm 64:49 currently trying to do or currently 64:51 doing i did a bit but you know 64:53 your editors go a bit too hard with 64:54 clickbait 64:56 yeah 64:58 recently 65:00 i'm glad that we're talking about that 65:02 that the that recent uh finster channel 65:04 finster live channel video 65:07 it did well 65:09 so i don't know i i think it i think it 65:11 worked 65:14 it was um 65:15 it was good it was good 65:17 anyway 65:18 the titles are cringe i agree 65:22 i agree but it's girl channel stuff you 65:24 know like what are you gonna do 65:25 um in all fairness most of them aren't 65:28 like [ __ ] 65:29 i tried weird american food 65:31 uh most scuffed hot tub stream i got 65:33 paid 20k those ones those ones are 65:36 pretty those ones aren't cringe the ones 65:38 that are like 65:39 i mean 65:40 i honestly okay the ones that a bit 65:42 further back get a bit more cringe where 65:45 they're uh 65:47 i took off my clothes for eight grand 65:48 but that's something that i didn't 65:50 actually come up with like i didn't 65:51 actually do those there was someone else 65:53 but he's left so 65:55 now it's all me baby and just verb and 65:57 leah 65:59 what is going on five for 66:01 oh that's this for a month this [ __ ] for 66:04 every day for a month 66:06 [ __ ] youtube cringe is required i agree 66:09 one pole dance poland's in vr probably 66:11 that'd be fun 66:12 i'm definitely going to do a pole dance 66:13 in vr because i want to kick people in 66:15 bladen sorcery 66:17 while doing a pole dance 66:19 that should be fun 66:22 stream with your mom was most cringe i 66:24 agree i wanted to do a stream with my 66:26 dad 66:27 um so i had an idea to do a stream with 66:29 my dad 66:30 but drinking but the title would be 66:34 uh the stream ends when my dad gets me 66:36 cancelled 66:37 so i'll wait for my dad to get drunk 66:39 enough that he says something that would 66:41 get me canceled on twitter 66:43 and then that's when the stream ends 66:45 what do you think of that idea 66:48 i think that's a solid plan 66:50 just get two one [ __ ] 60 year old man 66:53 and one 20 year old drunk enough 66:55 that's what it would be because he has 66:57 no media training zero he's never been 67:00 in front of a camera in his goddamn life 67:02 he won't know what the [ __ ] to say my 67:05 mom however a very mild-mannered you 67:08 know she wants to be very polite she 67:09 works at a university she works with 67:11 young people all the time she knows what 67:12 to say my dad however oh my god the 67:15 kindest individual that will definitely 67:17 say some [ __ ] that's wrong what is the 67:19 milly drunk stream happening i don't 67:21 know but i could text her 67:23 um 67:24 i could ask when she wants to do it or 67:26 if she wants to still do it now let's 67:28 see 67:31 okay 67:33 uh where's millie where's milly 67:36 hey you wanna 67:37 do that trunk i don't need i need to 67:39 [ __ ] clean my room that drinking 67:42 straw i won't say drunk 67:44 that makes it sound like something else 67:46 drink drinking stream soon could you 67:47 answer rescue 579s 67:50 question of if you're a girl why is your 67:52 voice so deep 67:55 um 68:00 how can i answer this without talking 68:02 about my balls 68:04 it's my balls okay it's my dick and 68:06 balls that's why it's so deep my throat 68:09 is a bit bigger 68:11 because of my because of dick and bull 68:13 that's not right my throat is wider and 68:15 thus makes deeper sounds mostly because 68:17 of all the dick and balls that have been 68:18 down did we decided the donald goal 68:21 no we didn't and also the donor goal yes 68:24 subgoal no i know you mean sub goal but 68:26 the donor goal is go month so go no we 68:28 haven't we need to figure one out 68:30 what do we thunk 68:32 i know we want to do the box thing but i 68:34 don't want to do the box 68:37 i don't want to set the box thing as the 68:38 subgoal 68:39 i really don't want to set the box thing 68:40 of the sub goal um 68:43 [Music] 68:46 did you get a response from your hair 68:48 saloon regarding ear piercing yeah they 68:51 said no they said they don't uh but they 68:53 said no but claire's do i'm like [ __ ] 68:56 i don't have to but then again 68:57 everyone's been like everyone in my 68:58 chat's like don't go to eclairs so i 69:00 don't know 69:01 maybe it's an american class of garbage 69:03 but apparently in the uk they're fine 69:05 and also [ __ ] i want to wear headphones 69:07 dude 69:08 earphones scare me br [ __ ] 69:10 don't go to class i know i if i could 69:12 say anything you'd be like don't go 69:14 there you're [ __ ] ah 69:16 don't go to claire's don't go to 69:17 claire's but then everyone else go to 69:19 claire's you know he's [ __ ] i don't 69:20 know who to trust buddy 69:25 i don't know bro go to a tattoo piercing 69:27 place i don't know honey 69:29 bro do you see how this is way more 69:31 complex as soon as you get into the 69:33 nitty-gritty of it 69:36 you can wear earrings and headphones no 69:38 because they touch my [ __ ] ears and 69:39 you don't want to rub them too much when 69:41 they're when you first do them because 69:43 they don't heal right away 69:46 it doesn't actually matter where you go 69:47 i don't know 69:50 i'm peeved 69:52 there's something called google maps 69:53 nowadays yeah there is but then again 69:55 you don't know if it's any good if i 69:57 looked up ear piercing and guarantee 69:59 there's a million results for claire's 70:00 that are five stars on google but 70:02 everyone in my chat's like no no no it's 70:04 a hellscape it's basically satan's 70:06 [ __ ] 70:07 bathroom like i don't know what the [ __ ] 70:08 it's gonna be like look at claire's ear 70:10 piercing i'm gonna look it up 70:13 let's see what are the [ __ ] ratings 70:15 why they know ratings 70:18 ear piercing 70:19 near me 70:21 okay 70:23 let's see 70:25 i'm gonna i'm gonna 70:27 four and a half stars and you're like oh 70:29 it's the [ __ ] hellscape it's the 70:31 worst four and up five four four and a 70:33 half stars again 70:36 again three four point three there we go 70:38 that's the there's one that's bad 70:40 apparently 70:41 but not by much 3.5 there's another one 70:44 that's bad but all the ones near me are 70:46 apparently great i don't know 70:52 okay i'm peeved i'm i'm utterly peeved 70:57 there's there's a place called there's a 70:59 tattoo place near me 71:01 in not a very good bit of town but it's 71:02 very highly rated 71:04 um 71:08 jesus [ __ ] 71:09 i have to go in there and be like i just 71:11 [ __ ] stick a hole through my ears 71:14 avoid claire's go to a proper tier two 71:15 and [ __ ] okay 71:16 because claire's use an ear gun which is 71:18 worse than using a needle 71:21 okay 71:22 i'll go to a tattoo shop there's one 71:24 rated highly but 71:32 i'm scared 71:34 i don't know i don't know the person 71:35 doing it right that's why it's scary 71:37 because i don't know whoever's doing it 71:40 anyway 71:41 getting my nose in another air done 71:43 tomorrow all right it's scary though it 71:45 is a little bit 71:46 a tad i don't know them just do it 71:48 yourself that's worse 71:50 tell us wonderful have a good day thank 71:52 you 71:53 i do look 71:58 scared of needles yes 72:04 anyway 72:05 a little bit a little bit terrified just 72:06 a tad terrified i didn't even think of 72:08 what it would be like to get my ears 72:10 pierced like i'm just now thinking about 72:12 like imagine having pierced ears 72:15 oh [ __ ] that's weird 72:17 that's a weird feeling i think i was 72:18 just like it's i've seen it in text and 72:20 words but like 72:22 hmm 72:23 interesting 72:25 class uses a gun you got both ears 72:27 pissed at a proper tattoo place in the 72:28 next moon uh 72:30 they're next to no pain 72:32 next to no [ __ ] i thought they numb that 72:34 [ __ ] never mind 72:38 doesn't hurt too much 72:39 [ __ ] dude you have to film them doing it 72:42 why would i want to film them doing it 72:44 that'd be so awkward 72:46 anyway we've got the wrong idea a tattoo 72:48 shop will have a professional piercer 72:50 who's used to piercing everything 72:52 okay 72:53 still though 72:58 [Music] 73:00 i don't like the idea of piercings that 73:01 aren't in you go on a date with the 73:03 tattoo shop person first get to know 73:05 them 73:06 that's how you do it 73:09 if you suck a dick then you know them 73:10 right that's it 73:13 if you 73:14 i've been talking a lot about sucking 73:15 dicks lately 73:18 i'm gonna stop doing that 73:24 it's like a handshake yeah exactly i've 73:26 been i'm gonna i'm gonna stop doing that 73:28 um 73:31 thanks for the tail one set ready 73:33 thanks for this tim what's up ready park 73:35 [ __ ] thanks for the thanks for the 73:36 prime quattroid 73:38 nice 73:39 i would like to say that you've inspired 73:41 me to look at cross-dressing in public 73:43 it used to be for spicy time but i think 73:46 after watching you i think i've got the 73:48 courage to go out as rosie rosie holy 73:51 [ __ ] it's a little bit derivative don't 73:52 you think which one of us came up with 73:54 at first i'll sue 73:55 i will sue 73:57 anyone um 73:59 but yeah 74:00 [ __ ] though i even still i don't like 74:02 going outside like this that's why i go 74:03 out at night that's why i go out at 74:05 nighttime dude even i don't like even 74:07 this is 74:08 this would be scary for me to go out in 74:10 [ __ ] daytime 74:11 i don't know 74:13 well okay with you know what's weird i 74:15 could probably pretty easily go out in 74:17 this in daytime like myself pretty 74:20 easily on camera though like filming 74:22 myself that's more of the issue 74:25 like if i was had to go out and i was 74:26 like you know 74:29 film it and that's making a big deal of 74:30 me being a guy 74:32 that would be harder if i was 74:34 talking throughout it all yeah 74:36 not fun 74:38 but yeah 74:40 rosie is short 74:42 rosalina rosa linda 74:45 rosa linda i've never heard of that name 74:46 before solid 74:50 thanks bernie people think you're a 74:52 vlogger 74:53 they may but i sound like this so maybe 74:56 it won't work very well 74:58 i don't know 74:59 plus whenever you talk on camera you 75:01 talk loudly you don't just speak like a 75:03 normal speaking voice because if i spoke 75:05 like a normal speaking advice then you 75:06 guys would think that this is that i'm 75:08 damned quiet you know 75:10 so it doesn't work you've got to speak 75:12 loudly 75:13 [Music] 75:14 i don't want to be yelling in public 75:16 make the sub goal that you have to 75:18 complete all the prior sub goals that 75:20 you haven't fulfilled all next week 75:27 [Music] 75:31 speaking of your dad saying something 75:33 that could cancel you two classics when 75:35 was the last time you had one and a half 75:38 thousand people watching you i think 75:40 that was in the park when i was flashing 75:42 he's a good guy i'm not i'm a capitalist 75:46 did he say that i can picture him saying 75:48 that did he say that was those words 75:50 from him solid 75:53 i'm not i'm a capitalist 75:55 my god 75:56 [Music] 75:59 hey we're okay rose when will you do the 76:01 backlogged walking streams or should the 76:04 sub goal be for a daylight walking 76:06 stream 76:07 i'll do them i'll do them eventually 76:11 voice feminization surgery 100 subs 76:14 voice feminization surgery 76:17 uh 76:20 i [ __ ] i don't know i know i will do the 76:22 walking streams at some point but i just 76:24 don't know when 76:25 and i i you're gonna have to 76:28 when i do them the issue is part of part 76:30 of it also is like i wanna make a good 76:32 stream right like i wanted the stream to 76:34 be good and i know if i do a walking 76:35 stream the stream's not going to be very 76:36 good because it's going to be shitty 76:38 quality there's going to be lag it's 76:39 going to be [ __ ] 10 fps like you know 76:42 it's sometimes anyway it's going to be 76:44 at night and i don't look as good you 76:46 know like 76:49 you keep saying soon when i don't know 76:52 as long as you guys don't care about 76:54 that i could do them like within the 76:55 week i don't care about that i could do 76:58 some walking streams 77:04 clipping you on my goal yeah that video 77:05 got a lot of views me and that was fun 77:08 uh set the walking stream to 250 77:12 thousand point what the [ __ ] 77:15 i'm not go i'm not allowing that dude 77:16 200 000 [ __ ] 250 currently you can't 77:20 even do it 250 000 points is too much 77:23 hey juicy what's popping 77:25 hey josie 77:27 how are you when will you do a stream 77:29 with mikko the 15th 77:33 apparently 77:34 apparently 77:36 i don't know we will hit 30k i disagree 77:40 i disagree well let me see miko's dms 77:46 hell yes 77:49 wait 77:56 time 78:00 there we go 78:01 it's been confirmed i've officially 78:03 confirmed with miko that we're doing 78:04 something 78:05 you went up like 7k in one day aka 78:07 actually 78:08 peasant 78:10 get someone to film you on a your walk 78:12 like doing a walking photo shoot 78:15 why it would just look worse 78:17 like the lighting here is good the 78:20 lighting outside under [ __ ] street 78:21 lamps isn't surprisingly 78:24 um 78:25 i mean 78:29 and also 78:30 what they got to walk backwards the 78:32 entire time i don't know that seems so 78:33 awkward 78:35 and i did we went out i went out with 78:36 ruby once and that was that was a stream 78:39 i don't know 78:40 also it feels weird to like you're 78:42 letting technical logistics get in the 78:44 way of what the people want when it 78:46 comes to a walking stream 78:48 that's not what professionals do 78:50 figure it out 78:52 that sentence you're letting technical 78:54 logistics get in the way of doing 78:56 something figure it out 78:58 that is technical logistics figuring it 79:00 out is technical logistics idiot 79:03 that's what that is 79:04 what the [ __ ] do you mean [ __ ] flying 79:07 to sp 79:08 the idea of going to mars the technical 79:10 logistics is stopping you from doing it 79:12 just figure it out dumbass it's a what 79:14 do you mean it's just 79:17 just do it isn't a usable solution 79:23 i can do it you just gotta let it be 79:25 scuffed 79:26 anyway 79:30 i can do it you just gotta let it be 79:32 scuffed and at night time because like 79:35 why the [ __ ] would i you know 79:42 [Music] 79:45 why is it that every time i get on this 79:47 stream i hear you denying this girl 79:50 month's inevitability 79:53 because you hadn't showed up yet that's 79:54 why 79:56 that is why 79:57 [ __ ] 79:59 what the [ __ ] man another deep question 80:02 cut or uncut 80:04 what 80:07 what 80:09 i don't know what that means and also 80:11 thanks for the 250 dollars milkshakes 80:13 and also andrew what the [ __ ] are you on 80:14 about 80:17 wait [ __ ] i gotta add a hundred dollars 80:18 to this i gotta add a hundred dollars 80:20 for kevlar i forgot about that 80:23 pp no foreskin oh cutter uncut 80:25 circumcision 80:27 well 80:28 welcome to everywhere else in the world 80:30 where circumcision isn't a norm so i am 80:32 uncut 80:34 the [ __ ] 80:35 it's such a weird way of saying it uncut 80:38 cut 80:40 just say the word dude it's less 80:42 creeping 80:43 cuts weird 80:45 but also isn't that just america where 80:47 they want to take babies foreskins and 80:49 collect them i guess i don't know what 80:51 you guys do with them 80:52 what happens to the foreskins 80:57 what happens to those where do they go 80:59 do you throw them away you're telling me 81:01 if i go to a [ __ ] if i go to a dump 81:03 there's gonna be a mixed with the 81:05 garbage there's gonna be baby foreskins 81:06 you bury them 81:08 where are they buried why would you bury 81:09 that 81:14 is it so creepy to know where all the 81:15 americans foreskins went 81:17 americans must live some jews yeah but 81:20 like 81:21 even christians in the uk i don't think 81:23 they do that may i ask would you 81:24 actually identify just so i 81:26 know a guy man manly man manly big dick 81:30 guy manly giant giant muscles big giant 81:33 trt taken giant muscly man manly manly 81:37 man big brain hunter gatherer with a bow 81:39 and arrow out in the field hunting d in 81:41 british hunting circumstances chasing 81:43 after them on just by keep man 81:45 in the cradle next to my bed 81:50 what 81:51 i'm british and circumcised i keep my 81:53 force getting a cradle next to my bed i 81:55 haven't heard of anyone in the uk being 81:57 circumcised weirdly enough i've never 81:59 heard of that in the uk 82:00 because like it's mainly an american 82:02 thing right like i haven't really 82:04 you know it's got to be the most common 82:06 thing in america and 82:07 i guess 82:08 just any religious countries i wouldn't 82:10 say the uk anymore is like a religious 82:12 sort of country 82:13 you know like i i meet 82:15 far more like non-religious people than 82:17 i do religious people 82:19 but then again there are i guess it's 82:20 the area 82:21 there are barely any criticism 82:26 yes there are barely any christians 82:27 where i am a lot of sick a lot of muslim 82:29 a lot of uh 82:30 hindi hindu uh there's there's a lot of 82:33 that around here but i'm in birmingham 82:35 so that's like a you know the scales are 82:36 kind of tip my f's is in a family album 82:39 somewhere in the house 82:42 what'd you say fs why's everything got 82:44 to be in why is why have you got to put 82:45 it all in code dude uncut cut fs say 82:49 circumcised foreskin it's less creepy 82:52 weirdly enough 82:55 are you willing to trade it 82:59 what there's basically a world at large 83:01 now especially larger cities have become 83:03 less religious slash more likes yeah 83:05 i mean i'm not personally religious i 83:06 don't have anything against religion 83:08 it's just not one of those things that 83:09 i've assigned anything to there's so 83:11 many different religions around me 83:12 constantly that like 83:14 you know you know 83:16 grown up around religious people i went 83:17 to a weirdly enough went to a christian 83:19 primary school we sung hymns didn't know 83:20 what the [ __ ] was going on when i was 83:22 that young though 83:23 that's a weird thing that like you don't 83:25 understand what the [ __ ] religion is and 83:26 why you're singing kumbaya my lord 83:29 at school you don't get why you just 83:31 think that's a thing that people do you 83:33 know i didn't i never understood why 83:35 i just did it 83:37 because i was [ __ ] five you know 83:39 like 83:42 young generations is gonna stop caring i 83:44 guess so 83:46 i mean there were literal wars fought 83:47 over it so you know i think i think it's 83:50 a very healthy thing to stop caring 83:52 about different people's religions 83:55 be religious if you want i think it's a 83:56 very healthy thing to stop giving a [ __ ] 83:59 that other people don't believe the 84:00 thing that you believe though you know 84:03 spiritualism is what i follow yeah sure 84:06 same here regular hymns singing at 84:08 primary school not religious at all 84:10 that's how it is man 84:24 religion is the only thing saving you 84:25 from saving you from absurdity religion 84:28 is the only thing upside saving you from 84:29 absurdity how does it save me from 84:31 absurdity how is this not absurd sir 84:35 you judge this is completely same is a 84:37 better name for a musician than knows 84:40 change my mind 84:42 people you know 84:43 better name but maybe not funny 84:46 hold on let me set my turn hold on let 84:48 me dm my discord i'm gonna take a 84:50 screenshot of that 84:55 hold on 85:07 what was the other one i remember i used 85:09 to like that song 85:11 something 85:12 guy in the palm of my hand or something 85:14 like that i don't remember it oh well 85:18 you don't need religion to have liver 85:19 filling moral life 85:21 yeah 85:22 i mean isn't that like a you know i'm 85:23 gonna go read my bible now 85:25 you should after being in this stream 85:27 yeah 85:29 but 85:30 probably 85:31 what the [ __ ] your mail 85:34 can be whatever you want me to 85:38 be uh you know baby no money yeah i mean 85:41 him are good me and him with tight bro 85:44 i'm we're doing uh he's doing like a 85:46 festival yeah i know baby no money he's 85:48 cool 85:49 really nice guy actually 85:51 i feel like it's surprising the amount 85:53 of people that i know not to name drop 85:54 but you know what i mean like i'm i've 85:56 been around in the community you know 86:00 [Music] 86:04 not mr beast thing can you have my 86:05 babies listen i know it's not really not 86:07 not mr beast because not mr beast would 86:10 have donated three dollars idiot 86:12 and yes i can have your babies 86:14 uh 86:15 wait it might it could also it's either 86:17 a random person or it's [ __ ] chad and 86:20 max if it's chat and max 86:25 stop 86:27 if it's a random guy 86:29 all right i guess the i guess that was 86:31 the joke 86:35 think about why people want walking 86:37 streams they want to see you on 86:39 adrenaline and they hope to see 86:40 strangers react to you 86:43 yeah 86:44 yeah wait also if it is chad yes if it's 86:46 max no by the way just so you know 86:49 chad 86:50 impregnate me hon 86:52 max 86:53 yeah you i had to ask you to follow me 86:55 on twitter you know 86:58 um anyway 87:01 yeah no with that um 87:04 ultimate chad well from cold ones you 87:06 know those guys 87:08 virgin max versus chad chad yeah 87:12 virgin max 87:17 i've been around the community she says 87:19 xd 87:23 yeah 87:24 the karina kampf of uh fanboys 87:32 how about a walk and talk with a friend 87:34 who is carrying the camera in and sling 87:36 so it captures the view forward your 87:39 friend can turn to look at you as 87:40 appropriate to what you are talking 87:42 about it can be very casual and chat is 87:45 just along for thea ride you gotta 87:47 understand how that looks though like 87:48 what am i gonna do walking downstairs 87:50 just like and you know 87:52 like what am i gonna be like a [ __ ] 87:53 presenter like no it's it's easier to 87:56 just hold a camera and talk to that like 87:57 i'm doing now 87:59 it's so like weird like what do i do 88:00 with my arms 88:01 if i'm i don't know that's so weird i 88:03 don't know i can't think about how that 88:05 would look 88:06 right 88:07 people will hit on you no they won't 88:09 uh because i'm gonna go out at night 88:12 so no 88:13 uh what is your content currently this 88:16 just knife tricks and [ __ ] knife tricks 88:19 and dressing as a woman is that that 88:21 hard to understand 88:28 anyway what will i do with my arms i 88:31 there's not 88:32 yeah 88:34 good lord stick your arms in the air to 88:36 signal the onlookers that you're in 88:37 attack mode 88:39 yeah 88:40 knife tricks and accidental bottom 88:42 surgery exactly 88:43 i mean 88:45 if you had the choice 88:47 wouldn't you want like both you just 88:49 have titty and have 88:51 penis wouldn't that be the like [ __ ] 88:53 best alternative 88:55 right 88:56 wouldn't that be the best 88:58 you know because like 89:00 arguably 89:05 the sentence structure that i had in my 89:07 head was about to be really misogynistic 89:13 do a daytime tour for the stream show us 89:16 what are to visit tourist places 89:20 there's no don't come to birmingham it's 89:22 always [ __ ] there's nowhere nice here 89:25 there's like you'd need to leave 89:26 birmingham to find somewhere nice 89:28 thought you said you were putting that 89:30 down before you kill yourself i lied 89:33 also it's not a real blade so it's fine 89:35 i've been on his misogynistic arc yeah i 89:38 was about to say like you had a full 89:40 beauty day out with ruby on millie 89:41 longer lash longer lashes new nails 89:44 piercing and professional makeup 89:46 oh what about that for a sub goal 89:48 a full like full makeover 89:51 like go and get like makeup done 89:54 you know all that like get like 89:56 everything 89:58 that would be kind of interesting 90:01 baby no money replied bruh why me 90:06 i don't know 90:10 what the [ __ ] 90:12 there you go 90:14 macro he replied he he's just upset that 90:17 you insulted him like that hold on let 90:20 me put it on the screen hello finn slash 90:22 rose hello you're looking very 90:24 submissive and breadable today 90:28 why do they always say this why is this 90:30 true 90:32 they're always bright there's always 90:33 bryson oh yeah dude go to [ __ ] 90:35 brighton go to brighton 90:37 oh my god go to brighton instead of 90:39 birmingham oh 90:40 full makeover prom dress 90:43 breathable oh breedable's fine ah i'll 90:45 take breathable 90:47 oh 90:48 um 90:52 oh 90:54 what about that for the sub goal an 90:57 actual like prom day going like like 90:59 getting the makeup and hair done like 91:02 getting hair styled and everything 91:05 and then coming back and doing the 12 91:07 hour stream that could be part of the 91:08 stream what do you think 91:10 for a sub goal oh [ __ ] 91:12 what we do for it though 91:16 i joined i'll take readable yeah yeah 91:18 i'll take readable it's fine 91:23 um bro why look 91:26 at this 91:31 well done you successfully hurt baby no 91:33 money's feelings 91:37 this poor lad this poor lad 91:39 oh my god 91:41 you can call me whenever you want what 91:43 the [ __ ] 91:44 thanks for the tail one sub 91:47 thanks for it 91:50 yes yata thanks for the two one subject 91:52 you need a date though oh my god 91:54 welcome raiders there are raiders 91:57 did anyone raid 91:59 [ __ ] i don't think anyone raided buddy 92:01 um 92:03 cooking is part of a 12 hour stream i 92:04 mean [ __ ] it's 12 hour stream so how may 92:06 buy subs does my m 92:08 need 92:12 how many subs does 92:13 does my m need 92:15 so how many how what 92:18 so how may be maybe subs does my m need 92:22 i don't know what the [ __ ] you just said 92:24 to me 92:26 i don't know what on earth you just said 92:27 to me 92:29 what just happened 92:31 how many subs does my what anyway admin 92:35 raid [ __ ] is an admin raid i don't know 92:36 what that is what is that 92:38 anyway what is m i don't know 92:42 [ __ ] that doesn't make sense i don't 92:43 know mistress oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 92:46 i love this stream 92:48 huh i love your stream thank you 92:50 uh english english mummy 92:54 do you want to do that for a thing 92:56 [ __ ] should that be the sub god wait 92:58 what needs to get done for the full 92:59 makeover then 93:01 i t english degree 93:04 how did i never [ __ ] see that name i 93:06 bet you that i've laughed at that name 93:08 before and i'm just i've just forgot it 93:10 that's fine isn't rose the broad who 93:12 hogged the entire door my memory has 93:14 gotten pretty murky down here 93:18 i don't know 93:19 yes master mistress misogynist all of 93:22 them okay what would need to be what 93:24 would what would be done hi umperville 93:26 video person hello 93:29 you still don't you still always that 93:30 prom dress trying to reach there this 93:32 one this is what this would be for so 93:34 okay sorry i've got all right here's 93:36 what the sub goal could be 93:38 right 93:39 but what we do here's what we would do 93:41 oh ramble ended okay here's what we do 93:43 we go to a full makeover place because 93:46 that's what it does to my hair we get 93:48 the hair done and we get makeup done 93:51 i don't know about nails nails might be 93:52 done elsewhere go to that salon that 93:54 does like everything you talked about 93:56 and get the full program wasn't tar 93:58 something that was considered for a goal 94:01 no we didn't put it up as considerably i 94:03 mean part of it was you say full program 94:05 but you could really be a different 94:06 person if you got the full thing 94:08 like i'm not gonna get a spray tan i'm 94:10 not gonna get waxing you know 94:12 also holy [ __ ] moya thanks for the tier 94:14 three for six months 94:16 um 94:17 hey rambo viewers i'm gonna swear a lot 94:19 and 94:22 uh i've watched a pink stylus video 94:23 before because it's skills when it comes 94:25 to makeup i haven't 94:26 um 94:27 interesting that that's anyway um so 94:31 spray tanning wax oh there's no shot 94:33 that i'm doing that i don't think that 94:34 i'd ever get a spray tan because it 94:36 seems so [ __ ] everyone that i've 94:38 known that has ever gotten a spray tan 94:40 it just comes off on everything like 94:41 everything they wear is orange it's 94:42 essentially just like wearing makeup 94:44 let's 94:59 bud rose bud rose bud rose butter man as 95:01 if rambo viewers aren't used to swearing 95:03 yeah 95:06 vaccine hair nails makeup dress and go 95:08 dancing not waxing i could i couldn't 95:11 [ __ ] i couldn't do waxing i don't have 95:13 enough hair 95:14 i don't have enough hair on my legs i've 95:16 shaved recently don't have enough 95:20 [ __ ] i couldn't 95:21 nails i okay nails might get done 95:23 somewhere else though [ __ ] i don't know 95:26 i mean i could also go dancing where 95:29 go dancing where um i could get my hair 95:32 done and my makeup done 95:35 potentially nails maybe potentially 95:38 nails maybe 95:39 i don't know 95:41 and then 95:43 [ __ ] i don't know 95:45 that seems like an easy one 95:48 you look beautiful just the way you are 95:49 i don't think lip filler would help 95:51 anything but yeah i mean 95:53 i don't know get [ __ ] in the ass by 95:55 marisa thanks marisa um 95:56 [Music] 95:59 oh my god 96:02 i i mean lip filler you can get taken 96:04 out 96:05 like i've heard fairly easily i don't 96:07 think it would be what the [ __ ] 96:10 you come in this right here 96:15 i'm coming 96:16 what day is friday 96:19 oh yeah that should be fine 96:20 i'm coming i'll be on baby no money's 96:22 like stream be fun 96:25 you anyway glitter nails 96:28 i mean you could try and pick the nails 96:30 oh [ __ ] i could probably film in there 96:34 oh [ __ ] i could probably film in there 96:37 they would probably not care they like 96:39 me in there they're really cool 96:42 oh [ __ ] they have internet 96:47 [Music] 96:49 oh 96:50 don't forget a pedicure 96:54 you don't want to see my feet no no one 96:56 see my feet on stream um 96:58 [Music] 96:59 oh [ __ ] 97:01 wait 97:02 you realize how long nails take to do 97:04 right and you realize how little content 97:06 you can get out of doing nails like 97:08 i mean maybe at some point nails take so 97:11 [ __ ] long to do nails are like no 97:14 joke 97:15 two hours minimum to do acrylic nails 97:21 i don't know possibly though 97:25 i'll i'll call her okay but we need to 97:28 book it like properly book it 97:31 [ __ ] 97:33 no content there's like 10 nails 97:35 just 97:36 the big highest donation picks the 97:37 design for each nail 97:39 oh that could be fun 97:41 higher stone honest donator picks each 97:43 one of the things like a hairstyle i can 97:45 get someone to style the hair i know i 97:47 can get someone style the hair i guess i 97:49 want to do the nails and i get someone 97:50 to do makeup and the ears can't be done 97:52 but the eyelashes also can't be done 97:54 because they're already on 97:55 eyebrows don't need to be done because i 97:57 do my own eyebrows so like there's no 97:59 there's nothing to be done with my 98:01 eyebrows 98:02 but i could do nails makeup hair 98:05 and that's a long [ __ ] shame that's 98:06 like a four hour stream 98:09 that's that's a while 98:11 whoever's your nail only two hours 98:12 whoever's your nail attack is a wizard 98:13 minimum two hours buddy 98:15 it depends what you're getting done if 98:16 you want to get these off and then more 98:18 on 98:19 you know it's gonna take a long while 98:21 which i do that's what i need to do it's 98:23 gonna take like at least three hours 98:25 don't know 98:27 also i don't know how good their nails 98:28 are it'd be so [ __ ] annoying if like 98:30 they don't do a good job and it's my 98:32 first time going there because i've 98:33 never got nails done there before 98:36 interesting 98:37 um 98:40 i'll call them 98:42 and see if i could get them in for that 98:44 but that sounds really fun 98:47 where's your butterfly knife from it's 98:48 made like this one i it's new uh you 98:51 just buy a good one from amazon honestly 98:53 this is really cool i've never had an 98:54 expensive one before because this one's 98:56 like 100 over 100 bucks uh but i got 98:59 this after having like i've got a ton of 99:01 really nice knives but i've never had a 99:02 good balance on because i'm in the uk 99:04 you can't really find them but this is 99:05 the cursor kershaw lucha 99:08 luca cursor lucha i think it is 99:11 but it's really really nice runs on 99:12 bearings which some people don't like i 99:14 do but it's really heavy some people 99:16 don't like you i'm going to regret the 99:17 donno for nails idea 99:19 i won't 99:21 i won't regret it because i think that's 99:22 funny uh and it's only three [ __ ] 99:25 weeks that you get to keep them for 99:27 biggest donor decides the length next 99:29 biggest donor signs the color that's 99:30 what it'll be um 99:32 all right 99:34 thanks for the twitch prime corrupted 99:36 uh i still hate bearings don't care 99:38 modding 99:40 i will pay for a better cure okay 99:45 hold on i'm gonna 99:46 i'm gonna 99:47 i'm gonna dmr now hey 99:50 hey uh 99:52 i've got an idea 99:55 might be fun 99:58 i want to do a stream 100:01 of 100:04 i mentioned 100:06 about 100:07 getting a lot done in a day 100:12 in the day 100:15 would 100:16 be 100:18 would it be all right 100:20 if i 100:23 filmed 100:25 in the salon if i stream or i guess i 100:28 streamed in the salon 100:32 doing okay what are we deciding on right 100:34 let's say hair nails makeup right is 100:38 that is that what we're thinking or what 100:40 i can't do ear piercing stuff they don't 100:42 do wear piercings there 100:43 because they're just it's a salon it's 100:45 not a tattoo place 100:49 hair nails makeup 100:55 you can't do piercings there how many 100:56 times do i say it my god said it like 100:58 four times now full send full send all 101:01 right and waxing and fake tan and 101:05 lip filler and botox and 101:08 you can do everything there lips 101:11 i mean listen 101:13 they'll i'm sure they'll what if i 101:14 stream there they'll talk up the fact 101:16 that [ __ ] lip fillers are actually 101:19 something that you can do 101:20 temporarily 101:22 don't let them convince you 101:24 uh 101:26 eyes how do you do eyes at a salon 101:33 butt bleach 101:36 god damn 101:37 lips do lips ah you need to pay me a lot 101:39 of money to do [ __ ] lips i think 101:42 not botox no jesus [ __ ] christ not 101:44 botox that's insane 101:46 you can say botox is one thing 101:49 but [ __ ] lip fillers are one thing 101:50 botox is jesus god no i like to be able 101:53 to move my face 101:56 this is with hair makeup nails that's 101:58 like four hours 102:00 bum wax 102:02 there you go 102:04 okay 102:19 uh 102:28 she owns the salon too so it could be 102:30 fun 102:31 good promotion 102:38 plus i imagine that's gonna cost a lot 102:40 of money 102:46 there we go 102:50 i've sent the text i've sent the text 102:52 because it does sound like a really fun 102:53 idea i've sent the text if she says yes 102:57 then uh then i'll set it as the sub goal 102:59 but around 200 103:01 you're insane if you think that it would 103:02 only cost 200 to do all of that you're 103:06 nuts 103:07 that's a lot of money 103:09 that's you're talking a lot of money to 103:12 200 be the very low end if you wanted to 103:14 get 103:15 professional makeup done 103:17 you're ahead your hair professionally at 103:19 least styled 103:20 and then also [ __ ] 103:22 uh nails as well nails aren't as much 103:24 nails probably like i don't know 50 50 103:26 quid um 103:28 hair 103:29 maybe another like a hundred 103:32 [ __ ] eyelash extensions alone or at 103:34 least 150 103:35 they're around 50 actually my last uh i 103:37 pay millie a bit more just because 103:39 millie's great 103:40 um 103:42 i imagine the [ __ ] the 103:45 oh my god the makeup's probably going to 103:46 be a lot though but i've never had my 103:47 makeup done professionally 103:50 i don't know i've never had my makeup 103:52 done professionally 103:57 who knows 103:58 it could be anything at that point like 104:00 makeup done is probably the most costly 104:03 thing i'd assume 104:05 because i bet you people will pay quite 104:07 a lot 104:08 you should ask tommy in it but i don't 104:09 need fake eyelashes though for it 104:11 because i've got these and that's 104:12 usually you pay like a little bit for 104:14 that as well like that almost like ups 104:16 the cosplay quarter maybe he's right 104:18 about the 200 thing depending it could 104:20 be around 200. 104:22 [ __ ] i might have yelled at you for 104:24 nothing you might be right i pay 40 104:26 pounds yeah that's about going right 104:28 it's a bit that's on the cheaper side 104:30 i've heard people in la will pay a 104:32 [ __ ] bunch though like if you're in 104:34 la it costs a lot more to do all of 104:36 stuff like that like when i was planning 104:38 on going to la for a bit and that got 104:39 kind of [ __ ] cancelled uh if i was 104:41 gonna get my nails done i think it would 104:42 have been like 70 80 104:44 which is [ __ ] crazy 104:46 boop i pay merely about that though i 104:49 pay merely a little bit more than that 104:50 um i mean i at least try to i try and 104:52 overpay for stuff because i know it's 104:54 like 104:55 not usual clientele 104:57 and i need like stuff quickly you know 104:59 like i'll be like milly i need to get 105:00 these off now and she's like all right 105:03 so there's stuff like that too so i 105:05 usually overpay people 105:06 because you know [ __ ] it they deserve it 105:08 they're doing it they're doing a good 105:09 service they're doing a good service for 105:11 me i see it as an investment 105:14 what's the process between boy mode and 105:15 femme finn 105:16 the process boy mode is nothing literal 105:19 nothing maybe on a nice summer's day 105:22 i'll go out in a in a hoodie that i like 105:24 that is clean that's the process 105:27 as always but usually i'm walking around 105:29 the house half naked with just a shirt 105:31 on or the other no actually that's wrong 105:33 half naked would you just like a color 105:35 change in the hair department 105:37 what color change in the hair department 105:40 [ __ ] that i'm not i'm not bleaching my 105:42 hair you need to bleach it to diet i'm 105:44 not bleaching my [ __ ] hair 105:46 no pants only shirt 105:49 it depends when i'm in girl mode i 105:51 usually just wear a shirt when i'm in 105:53 guy mode i usually just wear pants so i 105:55 don't know 105:56 usually in usually in girl mode i'll 105:58 wear like a long shirt 106:00 you know 106:02 just half i'm either way i am usually 106:05 half naked 106:08 illness 106:09 [ __ ] up top versus bottom i agree 106:14 in goal mode i am just waiting to be 106:16 pegged in guy mode i'm more the 106:19 you know 106:20 i'm ready to do some hard labor you know 106:22 what i mean 106:23 i'm ready to like go out to work on the 106:25 fields 106:39 [ __ ] where's my knife this one 106:43 top 10 women one finster that concludes 106:45 my list hell yeah baby scissors though 106:47 what 106:49 what 106:51 when my aunt got married the makeup and 106:52 hair cost alone about 230 quid 106:54 yeah wedding stuff wedding stuff yeah 106:57 definitely but everything to do with 106:59 weddings they can charge you out the ass 107:00 for right because they know you're gonna 107:02 pay it 107:03 like it's such a smart profession to be 107:05 in because 107:06 they know you'll pay them the money you 107:08 aren't just going to not where you're 107:10 going to shop around for your perfect 107:12 summer day no you'll pay 230 quid 107:14 because the [ __ ] band alone cost you 107:16 thousands you know what i mean like 107:18 something like that the tablecloths cost 107:20 me more than this you know may as well 107:22 pay it so who cares 107:28 imagine your currency being called squid 107:30 it's not it's called quid idiot 107:32 idiot i don't know what quid means 107:34 though but also imagine your currency 107:36 being called bucks 107:38 also 107:40 i asked if you were british and now 107:42 people won't stop dming me telling me 107:44 you are indeed british am i british 107:47 guys dm me i need to know 107:50 finn can you tell a joke i'm sad 107:53 no stay sad 107:56 next 107:57 um 107:59 it's usd 108:02 it's gbp then [ __ ] it shut the [ __ ] up 108:06 quick 108:07 quid to a buck a pound to a dollar yeah 108:09 a quid is to a buck like a pound is to a 108:11 dollar like you guys saying boxes are 108:13 saying quid 108:14 and you guys saying dollars is just 108:16 saying pound 108:17 so 108:21 who i give pound two pounds to your mum 108:25 [Music] 108:33 [ __ ] your mom last night in the ass 108:37 hole 108:39 i 108:40 did it thing getting pounded no your 108:42 mother that was harsh right you my mom 108:44 is cremated 108:46 don't worry i had lube it wasn't as dry 108:48 as you'd think next fanboy on space oh 108:51 god 109:05 hello sorry that may have been one of my 109:07 darker jokes 109:09 um 109:12 again with the pegging rose on mars oh 109:14 i've got a mask my mom's homophobic 109:17 wowie 109:18 that's not good 109:20 yikes hey rose if you were on the menu 109:22 at mickey's you'd be the mc gorgeous 109:27 i'd be the muk 109:30 i'd be the uh 109:34 i'd be the cake you know what i mean i'd 109:36 be that one cake from tick tock you 109:38 order that one cake from the employees 109:40 on mcdonald's the mcdonald's cake i beat 109:41 them a cake 109:43 i'd be the [ __ ] i'd be the mc cream 109:45 i'd be the mcflurry baby because i'm 109:47 creamy because i'm creamy and now oh 109:50 cause i'm creamy and there's a lot of me 109:53 i'm creamy in it but it's not sweet 109:56 it's 109:58 savory a savory mcflurry 110:03 turn off and turn off shut the [ __ ] up 110:09 oh 110:10 they finally changed their cheese things 110:12 at mcdonald's they're not the best ones 110:14 but they're better than what the 110:15 mozzarella sticks nastiness 110:19 if you pay for liposuction in england 110:20 you you lose pounds twice well done well 110:23 done except you don't lose pounds 110:26 because we're english you you lose stone 110:29 or kilograms you know an actual unit of 110:32 measurement instead of 110:33 pounds idiot 110:35 no kilograms then it's a gram it's 110:38 easier to calculate what is with 110:39 americans and they're like weird 110:41 calculations like the fact that like 110:43 anyway 110:44 and we use miles as well so 110:46 if you were on the menu at mcdonald's 110:48 you would be the big dyke 110:54 interesting 110:56 interesting 110:58 interesting 110:59 interesting 111:01 kg is okay but stones okay true stones 111:04 kind of make no [ __ ] sense but you 111:06 know 111:15 i googled my white in stone i shouldn't 111:17 have done that um 111:20 my fridge is about a rose with what's up 111:22 that must be a skinny fridge you must 111:25 have such a skinny fridge if your fridge 111:27 is rose width oh my god 111:30 such a tiny fridge how do you fit 111:31 anything in their skinny legend like me 111:34 how do you fit anything in that fridge 111:36 you couldn't even get a loaf of bread 111:37 through that thing oh my god anyway 111:40 would you put a loaf of bread in the 111:41 fridge 111:43 anyway 111:46 teach us what the [ __ ] of stone is it's 111:47 some type of and an amount of kilograms 111:50 is a stone i don't know what it is 111:53 150 centimeter fridge 111:56 i am 111:58 shut up you're gonna make us act 112:00 up 112:02 the stone is 60 pounds 112:04 60 pounds no it's not 112:06 no it's not 60 pounds you're [ __ ] 112:09 crazy a stone is not 60 pounds 112:14 a stone is 60 pounds i'm i'm [ __ ] i'm 112:17 good lord i could easily be on my 600 112:20 pound life then 112:23 stone is 14 pounds 112:24 that's a lot more sense uh 112:32 what am i in pounds 112:34 i'm 158 pounds 112:38 solid 112:39 and i wanna be 112:42 i wanna be uh 112:46 my goal weight is 145. 112:49 so that's that 112:51 that's currently the goal weight 112:54 want to get there eventually 112:56 but i have zero [ __ ] willpower 112:59 um 113:00 so 113:01 i won't be 113:06 how many stones are in a 113:07 [ __ ] 113:08 i know that is a real unit of 113:10 measurement i'm five foot 11. yeah 113:14 are you sorry is that bad you're 5 foot 113:16 11 and you're only 158 pounds 113:19 yes 113:21 that's not like that's not that's not 113:24 that's like pretty in the middle of a 113:25 bmi 113:26 that's not like any measure of like 113:29 impressive or not that good you know 113:31 what i mean 113:32 like it's not great 113:33 you should be 165. no i shouldn't like 113:36 you dropped something you know what to 113:38 do okay buddy this is a long-ass dress 113:40 [ __ ] oh where is it buddy doesn't 113:42 matter look at that you see nothing bud 113:45 oh i dropped something it's nowhere you 113:48 got nothing on me dude nothing 113:50 anyway 113:55 the usa has been metric for decades 113:58 just don't ask scientifically illiterate 114:00 rednecks also drug dealers here have 114:03 always traded in metric 114:05 really oh i guess so so that's why the 114:08 us is kept metric 114:11 that's funny 114:13 i mean 114:14 wait [ __ ] i don't know what metric is 114:16 now how much isn't you know what's 114:18 always weird i don't do a lot of drugs 114:20 uh how much what the [ __ ] is an ounce i 114:23 don't know what an ounce is 114:25 you know that i don't know if that's our 114:27 measurements or if that's yours 114:29 but i can't 114:31 someone has said an ounce of weed and 114:33 i'm like that sounds like a really tiny 114:34 amount and they were like oh my god 114:37 that's [ __ ] insane that's loads and 114:39 they're like 114:40 i'm like it doesn't sound like it 114:43 you know 114:45 1 16 of a pound 114:49 that's nothing 114:52 what's an ounce i don't know what an 114:53 answer 16 ounces to 114:55 just do it by 114:56 tens bro why is that this is such a 114:58 [ __ ] [ __ ] system 115:00 rosie you're such a cutie three one five 115:04 one five nine two six five three five oh 115:07 also isn't your name gilletti cause 115:10 you're the best a man can get 115:12 married 115:13 it'll be the bottom to your top and the 115:15 top to your bottom you woo 115:17 thank you nerd thank you 115:20 how do you have female underwear without 115:21 talking 115:23 i thought we agreed i know that not many 115:25 people know this i remember specifically 115:28 saying this sentiment that we wouldn't 115:30 talk about my underwear on stream i 115:32 agreed that i'd put all my [ __ ] guys 115:34 underwear in the box if we never brought 115:36 up the fact that it's that that's the 115:38 fact okay i thought that we agreed that 115:41 together did we agree that has my 115:43 audience just cycled and everyone that 115:45 has remembered that as left 115:51 those of us who have agreed haven't 115:53 talked about it okay true now you're all 115:55 in the know okay no one talks about it 115:57 we don't talk about that here i don't 115:59 want to be brought up the fact that 116:00 that's the underwear that i've got all 116:02 right 116:03 i don't want to talk about that's the 116:04 rules 116:05 but i do it [ __ ] sure shut up 116:09 i hate you i usually go commando 116:11 that's not even a that's that's actually 116:13 a fact i usually just go commander 116:16 women's underwear can be quite comfy if 116:18 you get the right type these ones are 116:20 i haven't not noticed it 116:22 i don't know 116:23 [ __ ] 116:24 jesus 116:26 i we agreed not to talk about it 116:28 uh we also don't talk about rose 116:30 sleeping with the brown 116:31 we don't that is true 116:33 um 116:34 you know the rules and so you they don't 116:37 know the rules but i do 116:40 anyway 116:42 [Music] 116:45 finn i have to go take my bobs off 116:47 because i have literally melted im 116:50 liquid now 116:51 have a wonderful night purple heart 116:53 purple heart purple 116:56 that's why we take them off at night do 116:58 you sleep with lebron indeedy 117:00 um 117:01 not not this one though this one kind of 117:03 sucks to wear the uh 117:05 there's you know it's because i can't 117:07 wear bobs to sleep so that's kind of the 117:09 rule that we've done i don't want to 117:11 wear these to sleep but a bra easy it's 117:13 not actually that hard at all more 117:15 granny panties 117:18 fungal crap 117:20 uh 117:21 shoot make your mind up these are what 117:23 someone sent me and they're real soft 117:26 so i guess 117:27 granny 117:30 so they're real soft 117:33 so they were all right 117:34 but def i haven't worn a thong 117:37 ever like no i have i don't know i don't 117:39 it's been a while though i just know i 117:41 have 117:41 it's been a while though 117:48 punch the alpaca nine months w-o-o-t 117:54 i missed and i hit the tv 118:03 i missed it it is one foot away from me 118:05 it is not far away from me at all 118:08 well never mind 118:12 why did i even build that tv for you you 118:14 didn't do oh you did 118:16 yeah you did do that 118:20 you did do that i forgot about that so 118:22 serious question what's the creepiest 118:24 thing that has happened to you as rose 118:27 and how about in your inferior sort of 118:29 manly form 118:31 not much i mean there was a time where 118:34 someone found my address that's probably 118:36 the creepiest thing nothing in real life 118:38 though all online people 118:40 like 118:41 like uh nothing in real life creepy has 118:43 happened besides like i've been 118:44 catcalled like a few times 118:46 but that's it you're the van i guess the 118:48 van 118:49 yeah 118:50 but ah it wasn't that bad 118:53 it's you know i just i my standards for 118:56 that have gone up so much they're just 118:57 like ah 118:58 [ __ ] it could happen again i wouldn't 119:00 care 119:00 yeah 119:02 the van the van that stuff was a little 119:03 bit weird that was a little bit your aim 119:05 is as good as always 119:09 thanks thanks thanks minox that's really 119:12 nice of you 119:14 the van people don't what van people 119:16 don't know the law of the van dude 119:20 is that very realistic said boys you 119:22 have two separate breast forms or is it 119:24 a one-piece appliance 119:28 what 119:31 they're like what they're um they're 119:33 like just 119:35 these aren't realistic can i have to do 119:36 this i am sorry not sorry these are just 119:39 like graphics because you may not see my 119:41 reality are you the never because you're 119:44 hot did i mention you're looking 119:45 optifine tonight 119:47 hey baby let's go to my house and change 119:50 your spawn location 119:52 [Music] 119:54 okay that one was good dallas 119:58 that one was good as [ __ ] i like that 120:00 that was smooth 120:01 that was smooth 120:03 name out alpaca please 120:07 i don't know what to name the alpaca 120:09 alfie 120:11 alfie gonna name him alfie 120:13 i've decided it's a hymn alfie 120:16 get it alpaca alfie you know kind of 120:18 works 120:20 kind of kind of kind of works i've named 120:22 everything jeremy alfie is kind of cool 120:24 i like the name alfie 120:29 you're bad at naming wrong alfred 120:32 alfred is kind of better 120:35 alfred alfred the llama alfred alfred is 120:38 kind of cool 120:40 al 120:41 alfred alfonso alfred alfred alfred 120:45 alford alfred should we alfred should we 120:46 do alfred alfred alfred it's alfred i 120:48 like alfred 120:52 i like alfred alfred 120:54 alfredo now alfred 120:57 alfred alfonso 121:00 i won't remember if it is alfonso i can 121:02 remember alfred because i like batman 121:05 alibaba 121:07 ah 121:08 [Music] 121:11 didn't mean what you had today i meant 121:14 the bobs you have described as very 121:16 realistic 121:18 which ones have i described as realistic 121:20 i've never described any as realistic 121:22 they're always unrealistic you mean the 121:23 ones that like when they actually look 121:25 real when like it looks like that 121:26 they're not bobs they're just me 121:29 you know they're just like me doing that 121:30 like if i pull this dress down and i go 121:32 like this it's the same effect 121:35 like it's just that like does this kind 121:37 of break the illusion now see what i 121:39 mean 121:40 when you just look at my chest i'm doing 121:41 that that's that's what i'm doing 121:43 essentially but with a but with the 121:45 thing 121:47 oh they felt realistic these are these 121:50 then these feel semi-real 121:53 they don't feel like actual boobs though 121:59 so i don't know 122:01 that alpaca is watching indeed plato's 122:03 phone actually has a big big man's boobs 122:05 yeah these have never been fake one bit 122:08 i'm gonna pull up my dress a little bit 122:10 because i don't want to be inappropriate 122:12 on twitch 122:13 no one's ever been inappropriate on 122:14 twitch you get banned really quickly no 122:16 i mean of course you couldn't like 122:18 show your bra on twitch or something and 122:20 then still have a platform after that 122:23 that wouldn't be the platform that i'm 122:25 on of course 122:30 let's see 122:33 you got multiple bobs oh dude i need to 122:35 buy some bubs 122:38 i need to buy some i haven't bought any 122:40 yet 122:42 uh 122:45 the full commitment is what i'm thinking 122:47 of 122:48 did you show your face it's everything 122:57 how are you boys 122:58 we can just stay like this forever i'm 123:01 down 123:06 feels like a bag of sand 123:08 no it doesn't feel like a bag of sand it 123:10 feels like a 123:11 not a water balloon but very close to a 123:13 water balloon 123:15 like a water balloon with maple syrup in 123:17 it that's what this feels like in fact 123:18 that's probably the best way i could put 123:20 him 123:22 you know i mean you can't see what i'm 123:23 doing but like you know about 123:26 yeah a a a water balloon but with maple 123:29 syrup but wait there is more 123:31 hey baby wanna come back to my base and 123:33 let me explode my creeper in your mind 123:36 tunnel i am not a professional miner but 123:38 i can make your bedrock i know i'm not 123:40 an enderman but i just want to pick you 123:42 up and take you away with me quite nice 123:45 i like the reset your spawn location one 123:47 though that's pretty good 123:49 someone lowered the cam now 123:53 oh it's a reference to 48 123:58 i'm tired i'm tired as hell 124:02 some women are firmer some are softer 124:04 i've only felt softer ones than this 124:08 but this is i've only felt softer ones 124:11 than these 124:15 so i would say 124:17 i would say that these are firmer than 124:19 the real thing you there's no way for 124:21 you to know though you got to try them 124:26 real question is when's the female voice 124:27 apparently september 9th 124:29 i have a consultation booked with 124:31 someone to learn it because you guys 124:32 wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up about it 124:34 um 124:35 you should look into the ones that come 124:37 with a bra that's made for made for use 124:39 of restaurants they work wonders 124:42 these do too they're just they never 124:44 will look like your actual chest 124:47 making that thing they just won't 124:50 they just won't you know like they just 124:52 won't do it 124:53 how long do you wipe your ass if you 124:54 have long nails i don't have long nails 124:56 and also uh you don't do it like that 124:59 you do it like [ __ ] just 125:01 you know 125:03 where's the tissue do i have anything 125:05 around me no 125:06 that somewhat can be like that 125:09 no 125:10 my knife that's how i do it you [ __ ] 125:12 you know like a 125:13 more like it more like a you know like a 125:15 like a that motion you know what i mean 125:18 anyway that's gross that's gross as [ __ ] 125:22 he bends his fingers yeah i don't just 125:23 [ __ ] 125:27 water brah exactly 125:29 nice thank you thanks 125:30 i mean that's only in the act that's 125:33 only you know in theoretics right and 125:35 theoretically you know hypothetically 125:38 because obviously i don't poop 125:41 i'm a hot girl i don't poop that doesn't 125:43 that's not a thing 125:45 i'm a hot lady and i don't i've never 125:47 [ __ ] 125:48 it just goes out into the universe i 125:50 don't know i also don't eat anything but 125:52 salads and when you don't eat anything 125:53 with salads it just you sweat it off you 125:56 know it goes away from you 125:58 you you i do you fart and you only fight 126:00 in boy mode yeah the makeup and 126:02 everything comes off i put a hair band 126:04 in i turn my hair up and then i can find 126:07 i take the dress off the makeup's gone 126:09 and then then i fart that's what it is 126:11 that's how i that's how you have to do 126:13 it 126:14 that should evaporate yeah 126:16 when government ends with 126:19 poop like six months worth that's gross 126:23 this isn't a minecraft one but anyway 126:26 girl let me tell you your alphabet he'll 126:28 give you an a because you're amazing a b 126:30 because you're beautiful a c because 126:32 you're cute and ill give you this d 126:34 because you deserve it 126:38 thank you 126:39 that is that is very kind of you to give 126:42 me that to give me the d just like so 126:44 many of my professors did 126:46 so many of my teachers did it at uh 126:49 a level 126:51 oh no 126:52 [Music] 126:54 i found out that 126:56 hey girl are you a tool box cause i'd 126:58 like to put my tool in your box 127:01 hey mom are you decoration 127:03 cause i'd like you to decorate my house 127:05 with your presents oh 127:08 that one was wholesome that was 127:09 wholesome i like that that was a 127:11 wholesome one 127:13 i liked that a lot that was smooth yet 127:16 respectful 127:18 i liked it 127:23 what's your sexuality i'm straight i 127:25 like women 127:26 um 127:28 oh my [ __ ] god there's a christian 127:30 thing on the other hand i'm uh i'm 127:32 straight 127:34 however 127:36 i 127:37 strongly 127:38 presume that a lot of people don't 127:40 believe me 127:41 uh but i do like women i've only dated 127:43 women 127:46 give us a twirl 127:47 no 127:49 no 127:50 i don't think i look that great in it 127:52 right now in terms i'm not wearing any 127:54 anything to make my waist a little bit 127:55 slimmer so i'd rather not 127:58 but i don't look that great 128:01 you know my my full 72 kg is showings 128:05 are your vitamin d levels low because i 128:07 can help with that 128:15 i'm straight he giggled 128:18 well so to sum it up you are severely 128:20 constipated and have a dirty hairy bum 128:23 very clean hairy bum actually very clean 128:26 i wash i wash it every day 128:29 very clean 128:30 though that those hair are spotless you 128:32 could you could [ __ ] 128:35 you could floss with my ass hair they're 128:38 clean as hell 128:43 cleaners heaven more like 128:50 bro boy i hope you got a gf who who's 128:52 into cross-dressing 128:55 into the crossroads thing and pushes you 128:56 further 128:57 further they're out they're out there i 128:59 swear i know they are i've had i've been 129:01 messaged by a scale from one to ten 129:03 you're a nine and him the one you lack 129:06 nice 129:07 nice 129:08 hey women women of my chat 129:10 women of my chat i need just you men 129:13 shut up men men you suck women only the 129:16 women hello women only the women talking 129:19 now hello uh hi hello i am woman hello 129:23 womans 129:24 right alia you don't count uh 129:27 right 129:28 women's 129:32 cross-dressing yay or nay 129:36 if you're okay actually 129:38 i almost want this is a serious thing 129:40 whoa wait i want this is an actual poll 129:43 hold on hold on 129:45 women for i can't limit it to women so 129:47 men be respectful 129:52 hey girl are you a painting cuz i want 129:54 to pin you against the wall 130:02 right 130:04 yes 130:06 no 130:09 okay 130:11 for women 130:13 okay 130:15 there we go women i need your opinions 130:18 i need your opinions i've put a poll up 130:20 there 130:22 as a bisexual crossing cross-dressing is 130:25 blessed good point 130:27 i'm i'm i want to know this i'm a she 130:29 her then you count 130:31 if you if you are a woman 130:34 a lot of yays but then again i assume my 130:36 audience is biased i would assume a 130:38 couple nays because in all fairness 130:42 don't don't feel pressured to put yay by 130:44 the way because i assume 130:46 there are some women that like the the 130:48 the 130:49 specul spec specular spec spectacle of 130:53 cross-dressing but not actually date 130:55 someone that is actually cross-dressing 130:57 in all fairness right like 131:00 you know 131:01 it will be a little bit odd you don't 131:03 want sometimes you you wouldn't want 131:04 your guy stealing your clothes you get 131:06 their own wardrobe right that's what you 131:08 do 131:09 so i can assume 131:11 i i'm gonna guess a few of them in there 131:13 very good point indeed you have to have 131:15 your own wardrobes though yay but you 131:17 have to have your own 131:20 you painting cause i wanna paint are you 131:21 my little toe cause i want to bang you 131:24 on all my furniture oh my it's just 131:26 [ __ ] pickup lines 131:29 girls steal guy clothes all the time 131:33 girls still guys hoodies all the time 131:34 but you i wore her dress once 131:37 and suddenly it's a big deal anyway i 131:40 stole her one dress one dress 131:43 and one pair of high heels and one bra 131:46 and one set of makeup and it's a big 131:48 deal she comes home without a big deal 131:53 hey girl are you my dad because i want 131:56 you inside me 132:09 no i had a visceral reaction to that oh 132:11 my god 132:13 what do you look like a girl 132:15 wouldn't you wouldn't you if you looked 132:16 this hard as a girl wouldn't you dress 132:18 like a girl 132:19 i mean come on 132:20 at this point 132:22 it's just science it's just maths bro 132:24 just math 132:26 just statistically you dress like this 132:28 you would 132:39 anyway 132:40 um 132:44 f 150 the best pickup line 132:47 f-150 132:49 [ __ ] is that the truck 132:51 the truck ford f-150 132:54 get in my truck 132:56 there's two seats and ab 132:58 that's it 133:02 the alpaca 133:10 how much money to knife the alpaca 133:22 playing with you see the background on 133:23 tv 133:25 it's my knife 133:34 what sorry i got distracted 133:37 how do you explain all those holes in 133:39 the floorboards when you sell this house 133:42 uh well i'm not selling it i'm keeping 133:44 it forever and carpets 133:51 don't believe him it's 133:53 glittering in the in the light 133:59 huh poor alfred i know he's gonna have 134:01 to die though 134:04 stabby stabby 134:05 some card i'm down for some card 134:07 do you want to get this together any 134:09 chance i can get a rose in a ponytail 134:11 hairstyle stream in the future 134:16 where's my [ __ ] where's my hair tyler 134:23 you can but you won't like it 134:28 maybe a high ponytail would be okay 134:31 maybe i could try doing hey rose you're 134:33 so bright can i use you instead of 134:35 glowstone 134:36 hey dude your torch is much bigger than 134:38 mine is can i put it on fire hey lady if 134:41 you were an alarm clock i like to wake 134:43 up to the sound of you screaming 134:46 [Music] 134:49 how much more do you make from minecraft 134:52 than from being an e-girl what would it 134:54 take for you to do streaming as your 134:56 main gig 134:57 tbh i'm only interested in femme boys i 135:00 can't really 135:03 tell you that without telling you 135:05 exactly how much money everything makes 135:07 and i don't know if i want to discuss my 135:09 earnings on a twitch stream where i'm 135:10 doing a ponytail badly 135:12 um 135:14 [Music] 135:15 but a lot 135:17 don't hurt the alpaca 135:20 this has gotten suddenly so much worse 135:23 wow 135:29 do i look pretty chat do i look pretty 135:38 oh [ __ ] i goofed it 135:40 oh 135:42 awful awful awful times 135:47 my god 135:51 that looks so shitty dude that's why i 135:53 don't like doing ponytails they're so 135:54 [ __ ] they don't look good i mean go 135:56 with the classics i want to get you 135:59 pregnant i do this all the time like 136:02 i mean this would actually look good if 136:03 i did this hold on 136:05 like this sure hi no i can't do a high 136:08 ponytail and make it look good this 136:10 though 136:17 this could work this is okay it's not 136:20 great but it's fine 136:25 you know 136:37 i don't i mean it's not better than than 136:39 it was a minute ago though like i don't 136:41 see this is better than what it was you 136:44 know 136:45 do spice buns no don't know how don't 136:47 care don't want to 136:48 uh 136:49 the side thing would be annoying exactly 136:51 which is why you don't normally wear it 136:52 like this 136:53 like 136:54 sure this looks 136:56 acceptable but it's not better right 136:59 it's not better than what it was 137:00 so i don't know 137:02 what's up finn alfredo must be 137:04 sacrificed to appease the twitch gods 137:07 hell yes 137:09 i've gone on to your twitch channel 137:10 you've got a trailer and everything oh 137:12 my god you care more about streaming 137:16 you're much better at streaming than i 137:18 do than i am 137:19 good [ __ ] all right let me take this out 137:22 because my god 137:24 ow [ __ ] 137:29 when you go for you are makeover get 137:31 them to style your hair up 137:34 yeah 137:36 possibly i think they might come to the 137:39 same conclusion of like you don't look 137:40 good in a ponytail i'll be like yeah i 137:41 know i know i almost okay you know a 137:44 side bet without us telling without you 137:46 guys telling them can we take a bet that 137:48 like let's say that this happens right 137:50 let's take a bet that at some point 137:52 during the stream they both everyone 137:53 realizes that i don't look good in a 137:55 ponytail 137:56 i think that's gonna happen 137:58 higher up i did do it really high up it 138:00 doesn't look good 138:02 it just don't look good buddy do you 138:03 have extensions i do these are 138:05 extensions uh you can kind of see them 138:07 if i do like 138:09 let's see if i can get you to see them 138:11 hey rose can you do a collab with 138:13 displayed so that i can actually 138:14 decorate my house with you 138:16 also are you a bed because they'd like 138:18 to be inside you you see 138:21 okay you see these 138:23 see these right there 138:24 see that 138:26 those are micro bead extensions except 138:28 they're really thin you can't they're 138:30 like really good with hostage takers 138:33 and they all feel good you know they're 138:35 not like [ __ ] 138:37 you know glue in or like [ __ ] tape in 138:40 extensions that are really [ __ ] gross 138:42 and hot you can't you can't brush your 138:44 hair with you can't do this thoughts on 138:46 the inevitable shot i'm doing that with 138:48 [ __ ] tape in extensions you know yeah 138:54 how long is your natural hair now 138:56 it is this long 138:59 [ __ ] 139:01 see that that's my natural hair 139:03 that 139:04 long so like half the way to okay you 139:08 see this this like really clear line 139:10 where the most hair is here like if you 139:12 ignore this this is natural hair 139:14 they're not bad not terrible actually 139:16 like ignore this down there there's 139:18 natural hair 139:21 and these are natural [ __ ] guns baby 139:23 you want oh you want to see something 139:26 [ __ ] all natural hell yeah that's me 139:29 strong as heck 139:33 we turned female short hair look yeah uh 139:35 i want to do just like 139:37 um no or not long hair 139:40 wait short hair i don't know shorter 139:42 than this yes longer now i don't know 139:44 like short short now i don't know 139:47 i can't predict the future 139:49 looking like a stick figure 139:52 what 139:53 stick figure babe already lost the heart 139:56 i sent you hurting alfred will be 139:59 hurting me 140:02 okay i won't do it won't that 140:04 ah 140:06 there is nothing good open to eat 140:08 absolutely [ __ ] nothing 140:11 dude at this time of night it's straight 140:12 up just like you want some [ __ ] just 140:16 dog [ __ ] food you want some do you want 140:18 some frozen pizza delivered for 50 140:20 pounds you want some frozen pizza and 140:23 some wet onion rings you want that idiot 140:26 that's what you get that's what ubereats 140:28 is like in like where i live at this 140:30 time of night 140:32 when it's past like 1am it's just you 140:34 want some [ __ ] wet fries buddy 140:37 because 140:38 we'll give you some wet fries 140:40 they taste like paper 140:43 great the pain of looking good it's 140:45 never good enough you're already a 140:47 beautiful goddess 140:50 damn right i'm a big believer and 140:52 there's always a best 140:55 so why would you do anything else you 140:57 know 140:59 i always kind of figure that out 141:01 whenever i'm doing like economy work for 141:03 um 141:04 for this minecraft server show like that 141:06 we always talk about this thing of like 141:07 oh different ways players can make money 141:09 and everything like that like different 141:10 ways they can play the game how does it 141:12 feel no you're not going to use the one 141:13 the most viable agenda for you would be 141:15 to become a girl also those guns got 141:18 nothing on those milkers 141:20 how does it feel knowing that people 141:21 think the more viable gender for your 141:23 beats become a girl 141:25 uh 141:26 i mean no definitely the more vibe do 141:28 you mean what do you mean by viable 141:30 because like 141:32 looking better sure um 141:35 but 141:36 i don't know 141:38 like 141:40 i think i look better as a girl than as 141:42 a guy 141:43 however 141:46 that might also just be the fact that 141:47 like i know how to look better as a girl 141:50 than i know how to dress better as a guy 141:51 right like 141:53 i'm you know 141:55 it's a bit odd doing my part i don't 141:57 base everything based on looks you know 142:00 i'm not a big i'm not oh you know 142:02 there's a lot that i value past looks 142:04 but i think i would probably 142:07 do better in luke's department if i was 142:09 a girl sure 142:11 uh but that doesn't really bother me 142:13 much 142:15 so i don't know 142:16 but then again i've like in the same 142:18 like body type sort of thing like if i 142:20 was like actually trying to look good as 142:22 a guy i'd work out more i'd like you 142:25 know grow a little bit of photo i guess 142:27 i don't know i'd dress differently i'd 142:29 wear my hair differently you know 142:33 and i definitely not pluck my eyebrows 142:35 all the time like 142:36 you'd you'd 142:39 when i because i've got longer hair 142:41 right and i pluck and i pluck my 142:42 eyebrows 142:43 people will mistake me for a girl on 142:45 like on camera anyway right that's a 142:47 thing in real life no in real life i've 142:50 got a pretty good build like i've got a 142:52 pretty good marisa said i'm built like 142:54 michael phelps if you put it like that i 142:56 have zero hips and really wide shoulders 142:58 right 142:59 a real thing by the way and she's not 143:01 trying to be mean she's just like i'm 143:03 built like michael phelps and i agreed 143:04 because we both at the same time well i 143:06 look like that guy 143:08 um 143:10 so i don't know 143:12 i'm i've got like a good [ __ ] 143:14 physique for if i wanted to get into 143:16 something like bodybuilding right like 143:18 i'd actually do pretty well at that 143:21 weirdly like i'm built for that sort of 143:23 thing but i'm not like you know michael 143:25 phelps yeah you ever seen microphones 143:26 you're just [ __ ] 143:28 triangle shaped that's kind of me 143:30 i'm more like square to triangle shape 143:32 you know what i mean 143:36 sure but not quite not that wide 143:38 shoulders man's wings yeah true michael 143:39 michael phelps shoulders maybe like 143:41 [Music] 143:42 there on me you know what i mean an 143:44 extra fist can we do a rose style 143:46 dress-up stream but just for finn 143:49 it wouldn't work because i need to 143:51 [ __ ] 143:53 i don't i don't have any good guy 143:54 clothes 143:55 as sucky as that is to say i mean 143:58 i know what i look good in i look good 143:59 in if i wear some like if i wear some 144:01 like cargo cargo trousers 144:04 and a good shirt you could kind of get 144:06 away with like a good bit of street wear 144:08 with that and that's what i usually 144:09 would wear 144:10 i don't know how i look in a suit though 144:12 but we'll see there's a wedding next 144:13 year that i'm going to what amount is 144:14 required for you to jackhammer my dirt 144:16 box dressed as rose 144:29 half a million 144:31 no 144:32 half a mill 144:34 750 000 144:39 half a million half a million half a 144:42 million yeah 144:45 well i mean rose your body language and 144:48 mannerisms have become way more feminine 144:51 since i started watching you also i 144:54 really wonder what you'd look like if 144:56 you were an apache attack helicopter 144:59 [Music] 145:00 i wonder too i wonder what the 145:01 photoshop's gonna be weird how americans 145:03 say michael phelps and i would say ian 145:06 thorpe i assume you're american so's um 145:09 why would you assume i'm american 145:12 you think i'm american 145:13 what that's a terrible [ __ ] accent i 145:15 think i'm american really [ __ ] 145:17 really [ __ ] you think i'm american 145:20 really absolute [ __ ] wanker bro this 145:23 absolute dude this guy don't know this 145:25 guy don't know anything about where i'm 145:26 from bro he don't know [ __ ] what a dick 145:30 what an absolute [ __ ] wanker that 145:32 just told me that 145:34 i don't even know it's like three 145:35 dollars what do you think 145:37 idiot 145:40 how good sorry they slash them and pan 145:43 here so maybe i'm biased but i find 145:45 every bit of you to be ideal 145:47 it's so cool to me that you can be 145:49 handsome and masculine while also being 145:51 pretty and feminine and it just yes 145:54 i both love to see you and would love to 145:56 be you lol 145:58 i think it's cool that like i could pull 146:00 it off you know what i mean like it is 146:02 kind of cool to me in a theoretical 146:04 sense that i can kind of do both you 146:06 know what i mean 146:08 to be fair your accent doesn't sound 146:09 very british most of the time yeah i 146:11 mean 146:14 i've heard like people people in britain 146:16 ask my accent all the time and then when 146:17 i say i'm from birmingham they expect me 146:19 to have like a proper birmingham accent 146:21 and i used to don't get me wrong i used 146:22 to because i didn't pronounce words 146:24 right and now i just pronounce words 146:26 right and now i'm some weird in between 146:28 between british and american where i'm 146:29 not i don't really have a strong accent 146:31 that's first american bromine yeah 146:35 uh 146:36 [Music] 146:38 if i google brummie accent right 146:43 why are you blotting it's boston in here 146:46 hello everyone okay i don't want to 146:48 [ __ ] get an intro from you a broomy 146:49 accent okay first question do you guys 146:54 i think so yeah mate i do have a bit of 146:57 accent i've been told 146:59 yeah that's that's the brit that's 147:00 that's a birmingham accent 147:04 that's that's you know that's [ __ ] 147:06 weird that's the first like really good 147:07 like a proper bromi accent that i've uh 147:11 you know 147:13 yeah it's a birmingham accent and then 147:15 that's people really don't like 147:17 birmingham accents though 147:18 pyro 147:21 a promise you're not [ __ ] pyrocynical 147:24 is a really good example of a brummie 147:26 accent because he's from [ __ ] 147:27 birmingham are you brought up in berlin 147:29 yeah actually yeah 147:32 but yeah pyrocynical is a good example 147:34 of that is most recent stuff let me say 147:38 check out opera gx please 147:41 positivity 147:44 positivity positivity you know he's got 147:46 the broom he's got the brummie accent 147:48 but you know it's not as bad as coconut 147:50 i can't do coconut 147:52 can i see your knife collection it would 147:53 take me so much it'd take me so much 147:55 time to get them all 147:57 you dude if you ask anyone that's been 147:59 around to my house i have a i have a 148:00 knife in every room i have a bathroom 148:03 knife 148:04 what 148:05 the [ __ ] rose just built different i 148:08 have a bathroom knife just so you know 148:10 that's how differently built i am i have 148:13 a bathroom knife 148:14 there's a knife in the bathroom 148:16 uh i there's so many 148:19 around the house that to collect them 148:21 all it would take way too long 148:23 because they're all they serve different 148:25 functions too 148:27 i called you american once and you've 148:29 pulled a knife on me people runs away 148:34 stop it 148:36 yeah you can tell i'm not american 148:37 because i didn't pull a gun 148:39 i pulled a knife which is much more 148:41 british stabby style one of the reasons 148:43 i realized in pan 148:47 my humor is so [ __ ] 148:50 my humor is so incredibly [ __ ] up you 148:52 know that like you know the quagmire 148:54 meme 148:55 where he turns into a toilet it's like 148:58 you know 149:00 i just heard i'm pan 149:03 and i picture just a person turning into 149:05 a pan with that sound effect 149:08 i am pan 149:09 and then she turns into a pan 149:15 my humor's so [ __ ] dude 149:18 i'm so glad that you're confident 149:24 i'm so glad that you're now comforting 149:25 this keep that one in the draft yeah 149:27 yeah maybe 149:32 you should do a knife stream where you 149:34 just show off all of your knives it 149:36 would legit take hours it would take 149:38 around an hour 149:40 but 149:41 that's if i was actually if i really 149:43 wanted to talk about lifestyle talk 149:45 what the [ __ ] 149:50 it was so close 149:52 crj was so close 149:55 no dude oh buddy it was so close it was 149:58 close 149:59 it was oh okay well never mind 150:03 how many knives do you have a lot um i 150:05 would say i usually have over like i'd 150:07 say 150:08 i have over a thousand pounds what do 150:09 you see yourself doing maybe when you 150:11 are closing around 2 000 150:14 but you have a poop knife 150:18 what do you see yourself doing when 150:19 you're 30 150:21 retired bro holy [ __ ] or at least the 150:23 ability to retire i don't know what to 150:24 do do you have a poop knife if you 150:27 haven't seen the reddit post read it 150:30 sorry i'm advanced for ruining your life 150:33 what reddit post 150:34 [ __ ] what is that 150:37 let us see let us find out what the [ __ ] 150:40 is going on on reddit 150:45 [Music] 150:47 i got nsfw rosa down there what happened 150:49 sauce what the [ __ ] i don't know what 150:50 the [ __ ] is that what that means 150:55 hey there do you have a name or can i 150:57 call you mine your lips look only want 151:00 me to give them some company my love for 151:02 you is like a declared variable that 151:04 hasn't been set yet 151:06 undefined where's the rose fan club 151:09 [Music] 151:11 well i'm still look pretty good actually 151:13 sad face but can you tell me a joke 151:19 this is this 151:21 what the [ __ ] 151:24 [Music] 151:26 the original fanboy hoosiers i have guns 151:28 the way you have knives lol 151:34 oh my [ __ ] god 151:36 uh 151:40 what the [ __ ] 151:42 wait what the [ __ ] 151:44 my [ __ ] the bala song oh god 151:47 oh my god 151:49 another finn is actually i feel like 151:50 doing some more fun i just thought 151:54 oh my god 151:58 that's funny 152:00 that's kind of funny i like that 152:03 solid good solid reddit review so i'm 152:05 apparently i was trending on sports not 152:07 bad 152:09 on twitter 152:10 man of honor i've learned this 152:12 oh my god this got 500 upvotes holy [ __ ] 152:17 i've learned this as a guy i'm not 152:19 deleting this because i live by my 152:20 mistakes 152:22 i'm american but i was in the uk this 152:24 month in 2010. after a week you could 152:27 tell where people oh my god they said 152:29 lovely he read three days i was saying i 152:32 made lol manchester was the best lou 152:34 flay 152:35 he he retweeted it saying would 152:38 i have learned this is a guy and i'm not 152:40 deleting this because i live by my 152:41 mistakes so save the internet that's 152:44 amazing 152:45 that's so good 152:46 that's so [ __ ] funny 152:50 holy [ __ ] 152:53 why do people think that i look good 152:55 when i don't 152:56 i feel like i'm the only person that 152:57 knows when i look good i do not look 152:59 good in this picture 153:01 there's another one like i feel like i'm 153:02 the only one that can guess when i look 153:04 good 153:06 like people take screenshots they're 153:08 like oh it looks so good here no i don't 153:10 no i do not 153:12 i i'm the only one that knows when i 153:14 look good i feel 153:20 because it looks natural 153:22 yeah 153:22 yeah your highest credit harshest critic 153:24 no i'm just correct 153:26 i'm not harsh i'm just like i know when 153:28 i look good and that's it 153:31 i know 153:32 i if there's a photo where i'm smiling 153:34 with my teeth in i don't think i look 153:35 good i don't feel like i'm one and this 153:37 is fine by the way i'm not it's not a 153:40 anything like that but just my face 153:42 isn't built in a way that 153:43 lets toothy smiles work you know what i 153:45 mean 153:53 need american teeth no i still i just 153:55 don't know it's not even the teeth thing 153:57 you could take away the teeth you can 153:58 make like perfect teeth i just feel like 154:00 the way my face is when i'm smiling like 154:02 that doesn't work 154:04 you know 154:07 this looks better than 154:09 that it looks really [ __ ] weird 154:12 i don't like that i don't like the way 154:13 my face is when it's like that 154:16 that's just me 154:17 anyway 154:20 might just be me just never really 154:22 smiled with teeth in photos 154:25 yeah 154:26 i feel like this was a solid fun time 154:28 stream 154:30 this was a solid fun time stream 154:33 i know when i look good and now isn't it 154:35 your conversion to a girl persona is 154:37 complete guys i need you 154:39 guys i need you fps rusher is streaming 154:44 guys 154:46 guys listen i need you all here on your 154:47 talking chat i need to know that you're 154:49 with me on this one chat 154:50 fbs rusher is streaming right now 154:54 and i'm gonna raid him he's playing a 154:56 game warhammer god knows what i don't 154:58 care 155:00 i need i'm gonna raid fps russia if you 155:04 don't know him he's american by the way 155:06 don't be freaked out by the accident not 155:08 really russian it's called fps kyle on 155:10 this 155:11 i'm gonna write him 155:13 i need this guy to know who i am all 155:16 right i just need that in my life okay 155:19 just 155:20 say my name a couple times all good she 155:23 hasn't he hasn't streamed this is second 155:25 [ __ ] stream ever by the way 155:28 and i like his podcast that he's on pka 155:30 guest oh my god if i would dude let me 155:32 on pka anyway we'll see 155:35 i'm gonna raid him i was gonna end the 155:36 stream anyway but i was checking who was 155:38 streaming i'm gonna write this guy 155:39 please do your thing chant i love you uh 155:42 i love you and i'll miss you 155:44 please go do your thing i love you um 155:47 promise i will show you thigh anything 155:49 you need just 155:51 do your thing finster raid say [ __ ] 155:54 you know 155:56 anything you want just be nice you don't 155:58 need to spam you don't need to like just 156:00 promote me or anything like that just be 156:01 natural just be a good community just be 156:04 a really nice community 156:06 over there for a second you only need to 156:08 stay there for like five minutes 156:10 right 156:11 just say finster head a couple times and 156:13 that's it all right bye guys guys love 156:15 you maybe slipping that i'm a maybe 156:17 slipping that i'm a i'm a good looking 156:19 uh cross-dressing fella um anyway boys 156:22 i'll see you peace 156:25 i promise there is thighs for you in the 156:27 next stream because of what you will do 156:29 today good luck soldiers 156:32 oh sevens i'll see you boys 156:38 oh my [ __ ] god all right let's see 156:40 how this works out 156:42 time for uh an upgrade on the pc it's a 156:44 2080 ti and 8700k um so it's like spec 156:50 not too bad uh oh jesus 156:55 okay well fenster rated my stream with 2 156:57 000 viewers i feel like we can't leave 156:58 now like immediately jesus christ 157:02 what's up boys welcome to the stream 157:03 we're playing a little vermintide 2 here 157:05 having a good old time 157:07 um 157:08 the game crashed 157:11 like 2 000 people joining the game crash 157:14 hang on i'll get it fired back up 157:17 what are the [ __ ] odds 157:20 oh man 157:22 thank you fenster for sending uh your 157:25 legion of 157:26 devoted 157:27 pay pigs my way 157:30 jmeds thanks for the subscription yeah 157:32 feel free to subscribe if you guys are 157:34 uh we're gonna be playing i i i'm really 157:36 enjoying this this is my second stream 157:38 ever but um he talks about it like you 157:39 know his royal balls thank you for 157:40 subscription 157:41 um 157:42 we just mostly did just chatting the 157:44 first time and we're playing with 157:45 vermintide 2 right now hack and slash 157:47 co-op based on the warhammer universe 157:50 just hacking rats to bits sharp you 157:52 think it's a subscription but uh i'm 157:54 trying to get the game fired up right 157:56 now you guys you guys raid was so 157:57 goddamn powerful that it crashed the 158:00 game the grain the game could not handle 158:02 it 158:03 devoted surprises you haven't crashed 158:05 yet 158:06 pon fonzo thanks for the five gifted 158:08 subs yeah it's been super stable tonight 158:10 um whereas i usually have a few issues 158:11 as time goes on 158:14 it's a hot i i don't know if i should 158:16 say that 158:18 uh elfie i'll be fighting here on the 158:20 side just subscribed yeah i try to be a 158:22 little careful with what i what i say 158:23 out loud you know do the best i can to 158:26 deal with this tos 158:28 well you're doing great rap man thank 158:30 you for the sub i read lightning thank 158:33 you arthur natalie 158:35 fonzo 158:36 all right they're getting a bit much now 158:37 uh 158:38 donna cam still having fun though thank 158:40 you thank you i've probably watched this 158:41 stream for a while i just want to see 158:43 what the [ __ ] happens so you're you're 158:45 starting up and we'll do another one 158:47 yeah yeah i i'm going to keep going i'm 158:49 going to keep going for a little while 158:50 i'm going to get another uh 158:52 yeah i'm going to get another water i'll 158:53 be back yeah i'm going to run to the 158:54 bathroom in just a second he's 158:55 threatening with knives for this i don't 158:57 know what that means but but seems like 158:59 you better do what the man says 159:01 thank you lick my master balls 159:05 [ __ ] hell paul fonzo thanks for that 159:07 gift 159:09 dude very cool i'm itself end the stream 159:10 i'm just gonna talk and chat for a bit 159:13 uh can you guys join with me or should i 159:15 join all right 159:16 see you boys i'll see you uh [ __ ] 159:19 i'll i'm ending this one i'm 159:21 perplexed by what the [ __ ] is gonna 159:23 happen here