00:09 [Music] 00:18 [Music] 00:32 [Music] 00:53 i'm waiting supposed to think 00:56 [Music] 01:53 this is such a [ __ ] 01:56 this is such an incredibly [ __ ] version 01:59 of this song i swear to god it's way 02:01 better there's a different version of 02:03 this that's better right 02:05 it is this this one [ __ ] it i'm playing 02:07 the real one 02:09 i was like made in 2009 02:13 on the real one 02:24 oh let's go baby it's the real [ __ ] 02:26 thing no blogs but 02:28 [Music] 02:36 [Applause] 02:38 [Music] 02:40 [ __ ] yeah 02:41 [Music] 02:44 hi what's up uh it's me it's your boy 02:48 back at it again being a girl what's 02:50 popping four months uh 02:53 nice outfit thank you this [ __ ] took 02:55 forever to make look good because it's 02:57 like a whole dress too like it's it's 02:59 actually a nice dress it's just that 03:02 it doesn't have any like shoulders or 03:04 anything and it's strapless so it's kind 03:06 of hard to make look good when you're 03:08 you know a rugby player like me and it's 03:12 it's hard to may look good because i 03:13 don't have uh you know boobs so 03:16 it's designed to have cleavage but i 03:19 can't give it cleavage i just can't it's 03:21 not in my capacity to do that even i 03:24 can't even fake it so 03:26 couldn't do that one uh so you you get 03:29 this 03:30 but this is also fine uh to do this i'm 03:33 not even wearing a bra i'm aware i'm i 03:35 did that [ __ ] sticky pad [ __ ] 03:38 that sucks but i did it anyway 03:40 because you know 03:41 what the [ __ ] thank you panda line 03:44 thanks for the 10 gifted subs literally 03:46 no reason no goal no nothing but thank 03:48 you 03:49 uh they they're awful but i'm having 03:51 them on for the interest of content 03:52 you're welcome 03:56 oh [ __ ] thank you [ __ ] 04:02 dude 04:03 i like the name but it makes me want to 04:05 read it in a different way anyway 04:07 i have not streamed in [ __ ] ages and 04:10 i didn't mean to it was a complete 04:12 accident i actually haven't slept yet 04:13 because i've been just been drinking 04:15 [ __ ] gamer sups because you know it 04:17 doesn't have lead in it like g fuel use 04:18 cody gill at check out on gamer subs um 04:21 but it's green it genuinely looks like 04:23 [ __ ] bane's like uh 04:25 you know what he shoots up to be jacked 04:29 it's the same [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] wired bro 04:32 i've been awake since 8pm 7pm yesterday 04:35 you have to sleep no i don't i will 04:38 later but not now 04:40 for now we stream uh i haven't done [ __ ] 04:43 i have like at most i took a shower and 04:47 actually no i did do a lot in i did i 04:49 did a lot i did a lot today and i did a 04:50 lot [ __ ] um 04:53 in the last four days i've done a lot 04:55 actually 04:56 do a spin 04:57 no 04:59 because 05:01 it's kind of short 05:03 um 05:04 so now 05:05 not a fast one anyway more like a slow 05:08 turn 05:09 but 05:10 there you go hair looks a bit better now 05:16 i kind of [ __ ] with it it's not too bad 05:18 anyway so 05:20 uh 12-month pog and give in to the dark 05:22 side of the force wanna hear what i did 05:24 today 05:26 you may have read it i only titled the 05:28 stream two things and one of them is 05:30 obvious new dress and then 05:33 i finally did that [ __ ] voice 05:36 training lesson do you remember from 05:38 months ago i said that you'd have to 05:40 stop bugging me about it if i booked 05:42 this voice lesson and i did a genuine 05:44 professional a genuine professional that 05:47 has a waiting list of two years uh i 05:50 [ __ ] i did it 05:54 so 05:55 it's not one of those things that like 05:57 you go to the first voice lesson and now 05:59 i can do it even a little bit no 06:01 incorrect completely wrong 06:04 here's uh what it actually is 06:06 is basically they're just they i did 06:08 like the assessment and some basic 06:10 exercises and oh my god the mo i 06:14 it don't help uh i did get some a lot 06:17 more valuable info with rose and it was 06:20 very funny to watch 06:22 uh her calling uh like the nat stuff 06:25 like his way of teaching people complete 06:28 bs and i i just i just love that for her 06:32 that that's a good moment you know uh 06:34 because i was equally annoyed by it 06:37 anyway 06:38 now okay listen chat 06:41 i i'm not i don't think i'm allowed to 06:43 tell you 06:44 what we even talked about because i 06:46 because you know she's like she does 06:49 it's a [ __ ] god damn it deco thank 06:50 you for the [ __ ] subs she's she's not 06:53 like you know 06:54 she's not doing this for for me and for 06:57 vr chat uh people to pretend to be anime 07:00 women uh that she's doing it for like 07:02 trans people that actually want to 07:04 change their voice in like you know for 07:05 lifestyle 07:06 tatiana petrova holy [ __ ] russian 07:09 oligarchy name my guy 07:11 [ __ ] yeah um 07:14 so she's doing it for that very big big 07:17 deal right 07:18 so she was very uh apprehensive about me 07:21 doing it and i had to very much convince 07:24 her for the first 15 minutes because you 07:26 know 07:27 um she didn't want me to [ __ ] give 07:30 you guys bad information genuinely that 07:32 was her worry that she treated it that 07:34 seriously that i was just gonna go 07:36 frivolously and spread her word 07:39 incorrectly to you so i'm not gonna do 07:41 that out of respect but i will talk 07:43 about 07:44 the experience it was awkward as [ __ ] i 07:48 made really i made good friends with her 07:49 she's great um but oh my god oh my 07:52 [ __ ] god stop calling me an egg i'm 07:54 not an egg all i did was went to a trans 07:56 voice lesson this one time that i've 07:58 booked for months ahead and paid a lot 07:59 of money for it that's not egg behavior 08:02 okay 08:03 in fact she said my voice was fairly 08:05 masculine 08:07 so mine shutting up 08:10 dummy idiot dumb little dumb little dumb 08:13 piece of [ __ ] little dumbass little 08:15 little idiots that you are little 08:17 dummies little little little dum-dums 08:20 anyway uh 08:22 so 08:24 uh uh uh yeah 08:26 um 08:27 i have an app now to do some tests 08:31 um 08:33 but yeah she says that oh my [ __ ] god 08:36 thank you she says that it'll be like 08:38 one of those um i think she goes for 08:40 like 10 sessions usually 08:44 and usually they get it before 10. 08:47 but she did oh my [ __ ] god she did 08:50 also say that she's had just regular 08:52 crossdresses in that weren't interested 08:53 in transitioning 08:54 and she said that they it it works less 08:58 well 08:59 because they don't have the same 09:00 motivation so i need to get up to the 09:03 level of motivation that i need 09:06 um 09:07 and that's gonna be [ __ ] impossible 09:08 because this shit's awkward as hell 09:11 uh 09:12 currently here in the states i could get 09:14 a custom license plate that says milk 09:18 milk me 09:20 why haven't you 09:21 why haven't you submitted a picture of 09:23 it today that's funny anyway 09:26 motivated egg is good egg bro 09:29 okay 09:30 do you want to hear about it or not chat 09:32 chat we can motivate you 09:35 you're all just saying egg and you're 09:37 pretty and mommy's milkies that's it 09:40 you're trans or gender fluid neither 09:42 she's [ __ ] straight you know how hard 09:44 that was to explain to her 09:46 anyway that was really [ __ ] hard to 09:48 explain uh 09:50 you know pka went don't know i didn't 09:52 get a date uh we'll see 09:57 but she did seem interested in the whole 09:58 thing because you know she deals with 10:00 some very probably emotional times so 10:03 she's like you're not a therapist or 10:04 anything but she's there to help people 10:07 and uh she went well it's not exactly an 10:09 issue with you so she was going over the 10:10 notes like well we can skip that bit we 10:12 don't need to see if you're going into 10:14 uh jet you need to go to a gender clinic 10:16 we don't need that uh we know your 10:18 motivation i mean like just checking off 10:21 all these box shoes like well [ __ ] it do 10:22 you want to just start knowing all right 10:24 uh 10:26 so we did it we did a little bit uh we 10:29 did some essentially the difference of 10:31 vocal exercising and [ __ ] again i'm 10:34 going to say what because you know i 10:35 have a lot of respect for her profession 10:37 and i don't want to particularly 10:38 undermine it especially because she told 10:40 me not to 10:41 so 10:42 yeah 10:43 uh 10:44 but it was interesting because i got it 10:46 was awful i can't do it it's so [ __ ] 10:49 demonstrating no that's the point um 10:52 i'm not i'm 10:53 here's the thing 10:55 i don't think i'm ever going to do the 10:56 voice until i can do it perfectly on 10:58 stream or at least do it well on stream 11:01 that's that's it 11:02 by the way it's like a month between 11:04 each session but like 11:06 you know 11:07 yikers man yikes 11:09 i i don't think i'm gonna do it until 11:11 i've got it down 11:14 and when i've got it down 11:15 that's when i will start bragging 11:20 what if we pay you 11:22 there's no point i can't do it i i can't 11:24 do it now i don't know how i have i had 11:27 one session we talked for half an hour 11:30 anyway 11:31 you gonna do the homework she assigned 11:32 you yes uh that'll take years 11:35 no it'll take less than a year it'll 11:37 take more than six months though 11:40 uh hopefully you're talking about millie 11:42 no i had a genuine like [ __ ] 11:44 uh voice person like a trained voice 11:47 like she she used to work in [ __ ] 11:50 uh 11:53 like people with voice issues like nhs 11:56 sort of thing like you know 11:57 someone's got a severe stutter i'm 11:59 making [ __ ] up but you know like if 12:00 someone's got an issue with like hello 12:02 a speech impediment that's what she did 12:04 and she ended up finding herself she 12:06 worked with singers she worked with 12:07 performers speech therapy yeah and so 12:10 she ended up just getting into like 12:11 trans voice work because it sort of 12:13 leads there when you know you can be 12:15 really good at it and then she liked it 12:16 and she did it for all time that's what 12:18 she's doing now it's pretty epic 12:20 anyway there are apps for trans voice 12:22 training i know this [ __ ] made 12:24 one of them 12:25 cool right anyway 12:26 uh so i'm gonna be a voice actor you'll 12:28 see me in many anime to come 12:30 uh basically that's the news anyway uh 12:36 when are you doing it well i did it i 12:38 did it today i did what i did one today 12:41 i did 30 minutes today or 40 minutes 12:43 today 12:44 what happened she make i don't want to 12:46 say i i really she's told me 12:48 specifically not to talk about it so i'm 12:51 just gonna talk about the 12:53 general experience 12:55 because she's a very professional lady 12:57 okay 12:58 she's very professional and i don't 13:00 wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna you 13:02 know 13:03 yeah is it a paid app i don't i think 13:05 there's a free version of it like you 13:06 get it for i haven't paid for it yet 13:09 because i only got it today 13:11 next mc upload when 50 minutes 47 13:14 minutes connor 13:17 it's in 47 minutes it's even scheduled 13:19 i've even got it on the copy paste for 13:21 posting in discord so heck you buddy 13:24 alexa set a timer 13:26 for 13:27 uh 8 55. 13:32 thank you alexa 13:35 don't feel bad baby girl it took me nine 13:38 months to get the voice right and i 13:40 practiced every week 13:42 why you gotta tell me what you gotta say 13:44 what are you gonna why you gotta what 13:46 you gotta what are you gonna say like 13:47 that what are you gonna say babe why are 13:48 you gonna say like that egg god [ __ ] 13:51 damn it did you go as rose i i went as 13:53 rose out the shower i didn't have a 13:55 video on because oh my god that's way 13:57 more uncomfortable we even talked about 13:59 it a bit how she was like 14:01 show me this guy's balls please 14:04 mustache 14:06 mustache you said [ __ ] oh you grandma 14:10 okay 14:11 i didn't i expected more from you 14:15 15 months park uh 14:18 so 14:22 really for me 14:23 looks like 14:25 if you don't record your practice 14:27 sessions for a killer montage when you 14:29 finally get it right that will be a 14:31 monumental mistake almost as big of a 14:34 mistake as not practicing every day 14:36 that's a terrible idea why would i want 14:39 my whole point is i don't want it on the 14:40 internet so why would i record it and 14:42 put it on the internet even if i could 14:43 do it well like i haven't showed you 14:46 guys the times where i've done my makeup 14:48 terribly because i want to maintain the 14:50 illusion okay that i'm just gifted 14:53 that's it if you're all right and you're 14:55 never gonna see it master the female 14:57 voice within six months you're already 14:59 subconsciously setting your goals 15:02 we can't wait until you show us now she 15:04 told me that's the amount of time that 15:06 she told me 15:08 and also i said it's gonna take longer 15:10 than six months not within six months 15:12 that's [ __ ] crazy 15:14 there are some people that i looked on 15:16 her website and there's some people that 15:18 like session two and they just sound 15:20 like women from like darth vader voice 15:22 and it's nuts and she's really talented 15:24 and then there are the ones that are 15:25 like session [ __ ] nine you know nine 15:28 months in and then and then it's you 15:30 know and then they they sound they sound 15:32 great still but it takes a lot longer 15:34 and i can guarantee you mine's gonna be 15:36 a lot longer because i have the least 15:38 motivation to do it out of any of the 15:40 people she's worked with because i'm 15:42 just do it i'm just [ __ ] 15:44 i have no reason to besides like you 15:46 guys think it'd be cool 15:49 that's kind of it 15:51 has vocals trying to written a book i 15:52 don't know yeah i've worked with a once 15:55 an hour of conversation we had 15:57 rose playing the long game but i'm here 15:59 for it ah we all said 16:02 what is the website at listen buddy i 16:04 said i'm not gonna i'm just talking 16:06 about the general stuff 16:08 generalized of it it's worth noting 16:10 though she has like a list uh she's a 16:13 she's a voice uh and speech therapist 16:15 out of the out of london and she has a 16:18 waiting list of a very [ __ ] long time 16:22 but 16:26 anyway 16:28 really the least motivation dude it 16:30 really is because it's like september 16:34 it's oh [ __ ] it's september let's 16:35 [ __ ] go is this where my subs go to 16:37 skyrocket should i move the goal 16:40 what would it be so will you bother 16:42 doing the homework it doesn't have to be 16:45 public but you know you need to get good 16:47 at something once you actually try also 16:50 you just need to avoid the accusations 16:52 of scam i thought you were just going to 16:54 leave it you need to get good at at 16:55 least something 16:58 you need to be good at something dude 17:00 you can't just like 17:03 but no yeah i i plan to the the good 17:05 thing about her was that she actually 17:07 told me what the [ __ ] to do 17:09 uh it was 17:11 you know she she told me you know good 17:13 practices instead of just like taking 17:15 transition steps while simultaneously 17:17 denying taking transition steps 17:20 impressive double think double think 17:23 what's the other one 17:25 i didn't read it i didn't read the 17:26 [ __ ] book and uh i'm so very glad i 17:30 found you can we get a sub goal please 17:33 and can i see the beautiful new dress i 17:35 don't know what it would be okay here's 17:37 the dress i got a couple new uh dresses 17:39 actually but here it is um so i don't 17:42 entirely know there's nothing on the 17:43 back but like friend's pretty cool uh i 17:46 don't entirely know what the sub goal 17:48 should be and also i have no idea what 17:50 it's gonna be 17:52 uh how long it's gonna take and also 17:55 i don't even know if it's gonna [ __ ] 17:56 work thunk yeah but this is one of those 17:58 things i can't exactly show you i kind 18:00 of feel like i cheated you on that 18:02 because i've literally just been working 18:04 the entire time and not been streaming 18:06 uh for that week 18:08 so 18:08 i may just like say like 18:11 [ __ ] 18:12 until i until i get like a few streams 18:14 in then i'll continue but the only the 18:17 annoying thing okay here's the thing i'm 18:18 gonna restart that up because i know i 18:21 scammed you on that one because i've 18:22 streamed twice i think 18:25 during that week and then [ __ ] uh 18:29 i'm not i haven't like i'm gonna be 18:31 stopping today to to i'm not gonna 18:33 stream for the next like week because 18:35 i'm gonna be recording minecraft videos 18:37 and then i'm gonna do this again so it's 18:38 gonna start like a week later i'm 18:40 watching you gender bending now for six 18:42 months i can conclude that my heels are 18:45 prettier than yours 18:48 if you even have a foot size like eight 18:50 or smaller they are 18:52 size 11 heels are [ __ ] there's no 18:54 options it's all drag queen stuff 18:57 it's it's 18:58 it's made for like 19:00 yo oh yikes man 19:03 size 11 feet man that it's hard to live 19:05 with 19:06 uh 19:07 except my balance is uncanny 19:09 i have i was 19:11 i am great at judo 19:13 martial arts it's amazing i'm the best 19:16 at it 19:17 i could beat any of you up any one of 19:19 you 19:20 i'm 99th percentile buddy 19:24 yeah hell yeah 19:25 is that a butterfly knife a fake one 19:27 it's one of the it's a trainer it's a 19:29 training balusang 19:31 five nine but have size nine feet well 19:33 that makes sense because i'm five eleven 19:34 i have size 11 feet holy [ __ ] is that 19:36 works 19:37 dude someone told me a lie and i 19:38 believed it for a solid 10 15 seconds 19:41 okay fine like a minute uh and they said 19:45 and 19:46 it was listen this is a lie but they 19:48 went did you guys the thing was did you 19:51 guys know that the size of your feet is 19:54 just in inches size 12 just means you've 19:56 got 12 inch long feet you've got a foot 19:58 long foot 20:00 you know and that's what that means and 20:02 i went 20:04 hey [ __ ] 20:06 that kind of looks like that 20:08 kind of makes sense 20:10 and then you think of a size one and 20:11 you're like well [ __ ] that's not right 20:14 it 20:17 it ain't right man 20:18 size 2 ain't gonna be right 20:21 bruh bro oh dude 20:24 great the dress is just gorgeous thank 20:26 you i would like to see your powerful 20:28 bazookas can i see them billy harrington 20:31 stare 20:32 [Music] 20:43 oh [ __ ] 20:44 see that that was just i was i don't 20:46 even know if that's allowed you didn't 20:48 even see anything but like there's 20:49 they're stuck i'm not even wearing a bra 20:51 is it tos i don't know if it's tos i 20:53 just showed manchester united but not 20:55 even chest more just like 20:57 the middle actually in size 10 no nip my 21:00 feet are no way near 10 feet long they 21:02 just wide af 21:05 10 inches you mean 21:07 i mean they could be 21:12 congratulations on your first lesson 21:14 keep it up 21:16 [ __ ] yeah um 21:18 okay so with that 21:20 um 21:21 i didn't necessarily oh [ __ ] i should 21:23 have asked her uh oh no wait she sent me 21:25 an email [ __ ] that's what it was hold on 21:27 i've got an email that i haven't read 21:29 from her or at least i hope she sent me 21:30 an email 21:31 wouldn't be very professional if not 21:34 she didn't send me an email 21:37 [ __ ] okay well she is supposed to send 21:39 me an email 21:41 hopefully tomorrow uh that's gonna say 21:43 like okay here's what we worked on 21:46 and here's what you gotta do 21:48 to improve 21:49 and then i will take that and i will say 21:51 okay 21:52 that's the homework right and i'm gonna 21:54 see her again next month 21:58 and then we'll work on it more until i 22:00 can do a woman's voice but by the way 22:02 went really [ __ ] hard in just the 22:04 lesson like i thought it was going to be 22:06 like doing that 22:08 you know [ __ ] right no it wasn't it was 22:10 like it started off that way 22:12 but it graduated like i was saying i was 22:14 she was [ __ ] trying to get me to say 22:16 like full sentences and [ __ ] 22:20 bruh i can't it doesn't work 22:23 dude 22:24 i came in there so confident like well 22:26 i'm just here for the memes well i 22:29 didn't say that but like i'm just here 22:30 you know to try and learn it i got a 22:32 massive amount of spec for what you do 22:34 and i've got a stream that really wants 22:35 me to try it and i want to try it can we 22:37 see the dress 22:38 i'm just getting here let's hear what 22:41 you worked on what uh well that's what 22:44 i'm talking about and then um [ __ ] 22:46 i'll show you the dress though and then 22:48 [ __ ] uh 22:51 heart heart heart heart heart heart 22:56 and then that confidence 22:58 erased by like 23:00 10 minutes like 40 minutes in gone i was 23:03 like going [ __ ] dude this is hard this 23:05 is really [ __ ] difficult she goes 23:07 yeah she's getting outside your comfort 23:09 zone and sticking to it 23:11 you can do this 23:13 it's a lot easier with the camera off 23:15 and when i'm like talking to a 23:17 professional but 23:18 there's no reaction of like she doesn't 23:21 even smile or like me she'll like me 23:24 sorry 23:28 my eyes 23:30 are down here 23:33 anyway um 23:36 the milkers can't the milkers can't see 23:38 you 23:41 you have low crunch sensitivity dude i 23:43 do 23:44 and it's i i get that it's one of those 23:46 things that i'm just gonna have to just 23:47 deal with for that because i dealt with 23:50 it for this and i got past this and now 23:52 this is just nothing like this is just 23:55 what this is just what i do now 23:58 uh 23:59 and i got past that 24:01 in cringe so i can get past saying words 24:04 in a high-pitched voice 24:08 yes 24:10 what no i read a different my third leg 24:12 is size sev it's size four then oh now 24:17 what the [ __ ] that's not a leg that's a 24:19 that's a toe anyway hey edgar thanks for 24:21 the 20 gifted subs 24:25 can you get a twist i don't want to 24:27 stand up anymore i've already showed you 24:28 here's the dress it's a nice looking 24:30 dress pretty do you have any po box 24:32 packages a ton i just [ __ ] 24:36 i'm tired i do have i do have a lot of 24:38 po box packages but i'm kind of waiting 24:39 to save them i want to do a really big 24:41 one when we next stream 24:42 that's a lot of damage 24:44 what happened to the bunny ears rose i'm 24:47 not trans 24:48 voice coach sure hun let's just give you 24:51 trans voice coaching anyway well that's 24:54 what you do though you [ __ ] you know 24:57 i don't want to do girl voice and you go 24:59 to the people that do girl voice that's 25:01 what you do just most of the time 25:04 the majority of the population that 25:06 wants to learn how to do a woman's voice 25:07 from a man's voice are not just random 25:10 [ __ ] guys on the internet 25:11 well 25:13 they want to get away from being random 25:15 guys on the internet they want to be 25:16 random girls on the internet i however 25:18 want to remain a random guy on the 25:19 internet but just be able to like you 25:21 know 25:22 do it 25:24 if i wanted if i wanted to 25:28 but in all fairness she did give me a 25:29 little bit of hope that was like you'll 25:31 probably be able to do it pretty well 25:34 semi early just not sustained at all 25:37 like you might be able to get out like a 25:38 sentence 25:39 by like 25:40 a few months from now 25:42 and i was like all right you know what i 25:44 could take that 25:46 that's kind of that's 25:48 that's where like matt's at he can't 25:50 really go on a tangent 25:51 you know and like the really late ones 25:54 [ __ ] oh god i can't i don't want to i 25:56 don't want to tell you about it man 25:58 because she she specifically told me not 26:00 to so i'm not going to 26:02 but like 26:03 did you get pretty advanced you know 26:06 anyway she told me some interesting 26:08 stuff like whenever whenever she got me 26:10 to do like something high pitched i just 26:12 kind of went here like this is just the 26:14 voice that i went to because that's just 26:15 my [ __ ] recording voice uh so i went 26:18 to that uh instead of speaking all from 26:20 chess i just kind of went to what i did 26:22 just then but that's 26:24 zero difference you know in my actual 26:26 voice and we're just gonna 26:29 let that 26:30 escalate 26:33 anyway what's your non-recording voice i 26:36 can't even do it it's like a switch that 26:38 goes off in my brain when i'm like when 26:39 i'm doing when i'm when i'm on stream or 26:41 i'm recording i just can't i can't uh 26:43 not 26:45 because it'd be boring 26:46 like if i just talk to you how i 26:48 normally talk to other human beings 26:50 uh i'm not even fully doing it like hold 26:53 on 26:54 okay 26:56 so let me read chat for a minute he 26:58 talks a little slower off stream yeah 26:59 that's true we can delete some 27:01 do you see what i mean it doesn't work 27:04 it doesn't work it feels wrong it feels 27:06 really wrong 27:07 uh but like that's just how i talk but 27:09 when i go like when i'm [ __ ] you know 27:11 when i'm doing this it's not exactly a 27:14 level of uh voice and 27:16 hype hyper activity that is appropriate 27:19 in regular conversation 27:21 so yeah 27:23 are you wearing the cage 27:25 okay i saw that thing was that the guy 27:27 that shipped me one i've had like five 27:30 of them shipped here four maybe thank 27:32 you kevlar thanks for taking this up 27:34 i just want to know 27:36 i just want to know the guy that sent me 27:38 that the chastity cage 27:40 but in size small 27:43 is it so much to ask to know where him 27:45 and his family lives and to 27:48 somehow eliminate them all is that too 27:50 much to ask 27:51 i feel like it's not 27:53 anyway 27:54 hey finn i'm sorry for being so 27:56 so meme horny earlier by the way not rip 27:59 tts you just don't you just can't like 28:01 say inappropriate things in tcs i'm glad 28:03 you're streaming today and that you have 28:06 so many cool things how can we 28:08 ah thank you for being thank you for 28:10 being here see what i mean by i'm a 28:11 little bit tired 28:12 thank you for thanks saying that uh 28:14 thank you oh damn 28:17 and [ __ ] edgar what the [ __ ] is going on 28:19 what do i do 28:21 what do i do right now 28:23 do i do do i set a goal what do i do 28:26 because the goal is like 28:28 holy [ __ ] we're gonna see the goal like 28:30 massively drop right or something 28:32 because it's like the time where i 28:34 stream so we're gonna see it go up and 28:35 down anyway 28:36 do you do the girl voice of course okay 28:40 no i mean genuinely i did what the point 28:42 that we're at like i'm trying to 28:46 i'm trying to think of the point where 28:47 we got to and it was just like here like 28:49 this is the best i could do you know 28:51 that's it so then we just 28:53 make that sound girl not like a guy 28:58 uh no so i do that until i don't sound 29:01 like that and i sound 29:03 real 29:05 uh 29:06 and then hopefully it's gonna be like a 29:09 turn off and on 29:10 sort of thing do the deepest voice you 29:13 still can 29:14 my voice is pretty deep normally like i 29:17 i'd consider this like fairly 29:19 deep like a fairly deep voice 29:22 especially when i'm just talking 29:23 normally 29:24 like when i'm talking normally to people 29:27 my voice is genuinely like just this i 29:29 feel like it's pretty deep besides like 29:31 some extra [ __ ] you know it gets a 29:33 little bit you know i'm paying more 29:35 attention to my voice now which is kind 29:36 of neat because you pointed me a bunch 29:38 of [ __ ] that i was like [ __ ] yeah i do 29:39 do that 29:40 i dropped the knife uh 29:43 bro your voice isn't that deep 29:45 don't tell me that don't don't 29:48 it's real to me it's the [ __ ] car 29:50 from black widow 29:52 don't say that didn't say that it was 29:54 real it was real to me 29:57 anyway 29:59 bend over for mommy holy [ __ ] hot 30:02 uh 30:05 wait what the [ __ ] 30:06 oh hey please said hey son 30:10 all the king's horses and all the king's 30:12 men couldn't put f1 nn5 tur together 30:15 again no 30:17 i mean 30:19 all my pieces are in the box 30:21 i'll get him one though 30:25 when you sound like a subwoofer that's 30:27 deep corp's husband is like the deepest 30:29 it could be and that sucks that now 30:30 that's the [ __ ] point 30:32 like he he was like five steps 10 steps 30:35 below all the competition in terms of 30:37 deep voice now everyone associates that 30:39 with 30:40 so like the the bar got raised or 30:42 lowered i guess why do you tell yourself 30:44 you have a deep voice when you got 30:46 female range on the app before because 30:49 because i'm i'm speaking like this and 30:51 not normal you know i don't no one 30:54 speaks like this in conversation are you 30:56 insane 31:00 like you know 31:02 when i speak like this it is louder and 31:04 it gets uh my voice gets [ __ ] more 31:07 feminine i'll be shorter than yours my 31:09 voice is deeper so please stop 31:11 destroying my ego frown 31:15 goddammit 31:20 we were thinking how cool it would be if 31:22 you were to do a donno goal where you 31:24 went out and did something cool like 31:26 visit england or cosplay at the local 31:29 aquarium or go to the club with milly 31:31 all while dressed super cute as rose 31:37 like visit england 31:39 like visiting england 31:50 who wants to tell him 31:51 uh 31:53 what the [ __ ] 31:54 uh cosplay 31:56 cosplay 31:57 or cosplay at the local aquarium oh my 32:00 [ __ ] god that sounds awful 32:02 uh i'll go to the club with millie while 32:03 we're dressed up uh that might be doable 32:06 but why would i go to a club throwing 32:08 the knife i don't want to get hate 32:10 crimes just to keep your jewels safe 32:14 dude i yeah i need like a one of those 32:17 like plastic cups you know so it's like 32:20 like the [ __ ] footballers using [ __ ] 32:22 so they don't get bunked that's what i 32:24 need constantly for streams i just drop 32:25 a knife on my one ball it's never both 32:28 it's always one of them 32:30 it sucks how that works man it just 32:32 amplifies the force involved 32:34 anyway 32:35 i hope you go to a con soon i've been 32:37 meaning to but i can't get to america 32:39 and there's no point going to [ __ ] 32:41 uk cons unless it's um insomnia 32:44 there's like no good ones 32:46 what you live in england you sound irish 32:48 i sound [ __ ] irish to you 32:52 how on earth do i sound 32:54 irish laugh so i did a little bit 32:56 how on earth do i sound irish 32:59 now i'm hearing it 33:03 what it's just an insult 33:07 wait they'll let you back into the us no 33:08 i said they won't let me think i think 33:10 people are generally agreed on is that 33:12 going in public around other people and 33:14 not being a constant shuts in would be 33:16 preferable 33:17 but but [ __ ] 33:20 dude 33:21 please promise don't forget yeah the uh 33:24 but use the cage for protection 33:27 [ __ ] 33:28 [Music] 33:30 nah man that shit's got a [ __ ] that 33:32 [ __ ] had a lock in that [ __ ] box man 33:34 that looks scary as [ __ ] dude 33:38 [ __ ] medal on your dick for the 33:40 people in chatham visit england is the 33:41 advert campaign for the national trust 33:44 they look after precarious stately homes 33:47 castles etc etc missed wasn't being 33:50 silly i worked there 33:53 i used to work there 33:55 my only real job you mean getting put on 33:57 constantly three days 34:00 no did i work at english heritage 34:03 i may have worked at english heritage i 34:06 think show your heels i'm not wearing 34:07 any heels should i be in heels 34:09 for three days yeah didn't last very 34:11 long you don't know what happened i fell 34:14 asleep 34:15 just generally throughout the day 34:18 i just couldn't really do it man it's 34:20 just all paperwork heels dude i know it 34:23 needs heels i just which ones and also 34:26 jesus it's so [ __ ] warm in here that 34:28 i i don't want sucks 34:30 how long you've been on hrt for that 34:32 hairline's great 34:36 13 months let's go 34:39 now see listen chat please pay attention 34:42 to that compliment hrt part completely 34:45 gone but the fact he said my hairline 34:47 was great 34:50 my [ __ ] guy why don't i get 34:52 compliments like that 34:53 why don't i do why don't why why isn't 34:55 that a thing 34:56 you'll just call me balding an egg like 34:58 can can you like say something nice 35:02 that's like you know a finn looking real 35:04 we're all handsome today and that strong 35:06 hairline 35:07 god damn 35:13 i've now been inspired to try harder 35:16 i've been doing the voice training every 35:18 week for past three months and it's 35:20 nowhere near as good 35:22 as good as what 35:24 as good as what i did 35:26 uh i dude i would love to give you 35:29 any tip that she gave me but it's 35:31 literally her business 35:33 uh and 35:34 she wouldn't feel comfortable with that 35:35 i wouldn't feel comfortable with giving 35:37 any advice 35:38 and you're not going to get good advice 35:39 i'm missing something did something new 35:41 horrible happen 35:43 i don't ask to be a troll i genuinely 35:45 worry about you you mentioned something 35:48 like this last stream but cut yourself 35:50 off 35:51 well it's a meme like i don't i i look 35:53 like this but i don't know like a woman 35:55 i don't sound like a woman 35:57 uh so you know hate crimes being a 36:00 metaphor for uh uh beaten 36:05 uh i don't really wanna go like in a 36:06 place where guys are expecting girls 36:09 you know what i mean like i don't wanna 36:12 i don't wanna go in a spot where like 36:15 i'm gonna i'm gonna throw a guy a drunk 36:17 dude off you know 36:20 we're in birmingham man everyone's got 36:22 one of these 36:25 uh don't know about it don't know about 36:27 it man they'll probably be 36:29 we go to a gay club they'll be rainbows 36:32 it's a bit better 36:34 but i'm not sure which i prefer 36:37 i don't think i have a big preference on 36:38 hey rose looking handsome today with an 36:41 exceptionally strong hairline 36:46 guys stop i'm streaming 36:50 don't make me plush god hey there 36:55 hey what's poppin uh 36:57 unconventional couple 37:01 is that two people running your account 37:03 finn is in the uk ghetto dude i i didn't 37:06 realize how 37:07 how in the uk ghetto i was 37:10 until people started talking about how 37:12 awful they were in america and i went 37:14 yeah 37:15 it's so normal 37:17 uh but i've just that's what i'm around 37:19 and i i really like the area too it's 37:21 just that 37:22 birmingham's just a [ __ ] and i like 37:25 it people there are really nice 37:28 go together yeah uh that would be 37:31 interesting except that again 37:33 completely wrong crowd for me 37:35 you know 37:37 i mean you sound like a scosman when you 37:40 get angry 37:45 a scotsman 37:46 when you get a scotsman when you get 37:48 angry i don't know what the [ __ ] i can't 37:50 do a scottish accent thank you though 37:53 i don't know if that's a compliment just 37:55 slip right into [ __ ] gaelic speaking 37:57 of your local area i forget did you 37:59 update us on the second house for femboy 38:01 building streams yeah it's going to take 38:03 it way longer than we thought i'm 38:04 probably going to get it in like 38:06 november 38:07 oh my god 38:10 you want to hear something really 38:11 [ __ ] annoying about the house that 38:12 really scared me 38:15 the woman selling it is a karen complete 38:18 genuinely 38:20 oh 38:21 and uh here's what she does 38:24 uh now listen 38:26 she won't recognize me because 38:28 or she might i don't know if i don't 38:30 even want to [ __ ] talk about it so 38:32 she's obviously got a connection to this 38:33 house it's her house right 38:36 so selling it is a fairly big deal for 38:38 her but she needs the money to go and 38:40 purchase another house the living 38:41 arrangements and [ __ ] she needs she 38:43 needs to sell the house 38:44 but 38:47 here was 38:48 what shook me a tad 38:51 i got a phone call yesterday 38:54 hold on it's 38:56 a story of my message i asked for advice 38:58 my man and i stream and he dresses like 39:00 a girl too but kids i'd hate in chat 39:06 oh i mean advice for what advice moment 39:09 like for for streaming 39:12 and coke biarro 39:15 thanks thanks for the nice cut 39:17 compliment anyway so this one i get it i 39:20 get this call here's here's the thing i 39:22 get this call yesterday 39:25 balls sorry no so 39:28 it's from the estate agent right 39:31 and then 39:32 he says hey man 39:34 got a problem and that's never a good 39:36 thing to hear from anyone involving 39:38 housing hey man got a problem you're not 39:40 gonna like it not [ __ ] good 39:42 and then he followed up with it's not a 39:43 big deal but you're not gonna like it so 39:45 i was like okay at least i'm not losing 39:46 the house um but [ __ ] close so 39:51 i was gonna bring an architect around 39:53 because the house is an unlivable 39:55 [ __ ] that needs to have everything 39:57 torn down and that's why i wanted to 39:58 it's so bad it was so cheap i need to 40:01 bring an architect in to be like hey 40:03 buddy can i live in this without dying 40:05 without if i stand on that step it's 40:07 going to collapse in so i had to bring 40:08 him around so me and him were gonna go 40:10 around i got a call from this stage to 40:12 be like we gotta cancel that the 40:14 seller's not letting us in and i go what 40:16 do you mean they're not allowing us and 40:17 you have the keys and you went yeah she 40:19 snuck in 40:21 and took the key 40:22 from the estate agents 40:24 and i went that's a little [ __ ] weird 40:27 isn't it uh and he went yeah she's awful 40:30 my estate agent and me are friends she 40:32 got she's a [ __ ] like you know she's 40:35 she's a real [ __ ] pain in the ass uh 40:38 and we're right so red flag 40:41 so 40:43 she said that she would let officials in 40:45 which an architect is pretty [ __ ] 40:47 official and i'm the guy that's gonna be 40:48 [ __ ] living there anyway 40:50 uh but the reason why that is is because 40:54 when i first went to see the 40:55 second time we saw the house 40:58 second time we saw the house 41:00 me 41:01 estate agent going into the house 41:03 park uh going into the house i bought my 41:05 dad along we were looking at the place 41:07 like okay it's more like a detailed look 41:09 it's just you and him the deal's already 41:11 been accepted he also dresses like a 41:13 woman on our stream but there's a lot of 41:15 hate in chat any advice 41:17 um 41:19 oof 41:21 i honestly 41:23 [Music] 41:27 listen to criticisms make me want to run 41:29 to your manly daddy pectorals for safety 41:31 and comfort [ __ ] yeah uh listen to 41:35 criticism but the [ __ ] the hate [ __ ] 41:37 is just like 41:38 you need mods for it yeah chat's right 41:40 you need you need mods for it band 41:41 specific terms 41:43 like if they're just being straight up 41:44 just like we get [ __ ] people trying 41:46 to say like uh slurs and [ __ ] that's 41:48 just a word that's filtered out 41:50 nightbot's good for that if you don't 41:52 have like a mod team obviously uh but 41:54 you'd be surprised how many people would 41:55 want mod at the chance just as a 41:57 difference they just they just take mud 42:00 so if you've got a viewer that you quite 42:01 like 42:02 modem see how they do but that's pretty 42:04 much the only advice i got for random 42:05 hate [ __ ] higher awesome mods are great 42:07 yeah higher stuff um 42:09 but no so 42:12 we were going around on a very detailed 42:14 look at this place 42:15 she's not letting you anymore 42:18 why not she she's not letting an 42:20 independent inspector so she is only 42:22 letting in inspectors and stuff like 42:24 that she just didn't like the fact that 42:26 there were people in the house that 42:28 weren't official 42:29 she's [ __ ] insane don't it's just 42:32 genuinely that we're just trying not to 42:33 poke the bear so 42:35 i go into this house we're looking 42:36 around and then suddenly the door 42:39 [ __ ] opens and this this lady with 42:41 the karen haircut genuinely picture 42:43 karen she comes in she pokes her head 42:45 through i thought it was a little 42:46 [ __ ] weird the estate agent 42:49 didn't know she was there didn't know 42:51 she had a key 42:52 didn't no she wasn't supposed to know 42:55 that we were there 42:57 ah right so she pops ahead and she's 42:59 like i just wanted to meet everyone 43:02 just wanted to meet the person moving in 43:04 and then she noticed the other people in 43:07 the house lifting up the carpet and [ __ ] 43:09 looking at it 43:11 and apparently she took that as a no-no 43:14 and we did look under the carpet it was 43:15 all fine i took this by the way before 43:17 you guess at this i took this as like 43:19 holy [ __ ] trying to hide some [ __ ] but i 43:21 don't think she is 43:22 she went back to the place like 43:24 apparently just bitching and complaining 43:26 on the phone like i can't believe you 43:28 let three people in the house and they 43:30 were looking at the floor they were 43:32 tearing up my carpet [ __ ] like this 43:34 which is what you do you we weren't 43:36 [ __ ] ripping it we're just like oh 43:38 okay there's a floor there it's not a 43:39 [ __ ] wooden a punji pit you know so 43:42 that's what we've done 43:44 and then we learned 43:46 that after this because my the estate 43:48 agent great guy got a complaint about 43:50 her uh he he noticed her car he started 43:54 paying attention to who was coming and 43:55 going and he recognized that that same 43:57 car 43:58 has been sitting outside that house 44:02 for like the week that it was on sale 44:04 every time someone went in she'd 44:06 watch people from across the road not 44:08 make yourself known just look at the 44:10 people going into the house and coming 44:11 out 44:13 now here's the thing 44:15 specifically 44:17 you want to hear the worst bit so on my 44:20 on on my how did we convince her to let 44:23 me buy the house because 44:26 and i'm not even [ __ ] kidding 44:28 word for word roughly you know this is 44:31 what it was said though 44:34 i'm a nice young 44:36 white 44:37 uh 44:38 white kid 44:39 that's gonna make a family home of the 44:41 place 44:42 and for some reason one word of that 44:45 was emphasized 44:49 and she was sitting outside the house 44:53 throughout all of it and by the way 44:55 if you've ever bought a house you don't 44:57 meet the [ __ ] seller it was really 45:00 [ __ ] weird to see that that is not 45:02 the done thing 45:04 tv and there's a reason why they don't 45:06 do that it's because 45:07 if if that's doing that there's going to 45:09 be like you can start screening for 45:11 things that aren't allowed you know 45:12 stuff like that 45:13 that's why she wanted to meet me she'll 45:15 be a nightmare and effing hell 45:19 well 45:21 listen 45:22 we need to get the house 45:24 it's fine we get the house 45:27 and that's it 45:28 and then it's over with and she's 45:30 [ __ ] off to a different part of the 45:32 country 45:33 and it's fine 45:34 but oh 45:36 don't buy the house well i'm gonna but 45:38 either way 45:40 we'll see how it goes through 45:41 we've decided if she's like that 45:45 [ __ ] it man 45:46 she's she can kind of do that like it is 45:49 her house still she can do whatever she 45:51 wants she's not against the law seller 45:53 can get in a lot of trouble for what 45:54 she's doing 45:56 any hint of discrimination and you're 45:57 [ __ ] as a seller 46:00 either way 46:01 we're just not gonna 46:03 replace the locks buddy that door i 46:05 could kick through that door um 46:07 with the whole thing 46:09 genuinely if you imagine 46:11 we're gonna keep 46:12 70 percent of the house 46:15 like the if you tell everything out of 46:17 the house besides the wooden to break 46:19 that karen's nico nico kneecaps if we if 46:22 we if you imagine the wood and the brick 46:24 we're still only keeping 70 of that 46:27 everything's going from the house new 46:29 window it's a [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] 46:32 it's awful first thing you need to do 46:34 once you get the house change the locks 46:37 we're kicking the door down it's going 46:39 to be a construction site immediately 46:40 but as soon as i own it there's nothing 46:42 anyone can do 46:43 so 46:44 uh that's the goal 46:46 uh so yeah 13 months pog 46:49 love you dude 46:52 just to be funny keep the carpet 46:54 i don't [ __ ] was there even carpet i 46:56 think it was all wood but it was like 46:57 just oh no no there was carpet in the 46:59 hallway that's what i was picking up 47:01 there's like random fake tiles 47:02 everywhere i almost feel like you know 47:04 on tick tock sometimes you see 47:06 uh them like peel away at an old like 47:10 layer over like some really nice tile i 47:12 really think there's something like that 47:14 in there 47:16 oh what's the idea with the current 47:17 house rental 47:19 [ __ ] in theory i've got a youtube 47:20 friend that actually wants to live here 47:22 in the area and i was like well [ __ ] i 47:24 might keep this one then if i was going 47:27 to get rid of it or not but like you're 47:29 welcome to stay here 47:30 so we might be doing that 47:33 so maybe 47:35 remember to have someone x-ray under the 47:37 patio for bodies 47:41 patio there is enough patio i dude we're 47:44 talking about a house with like asbestos 47:46 roofs and an out and an outdoor toilet 47:48 like that's what we're talking about 47:51 it's it's bad it's real bad you couldn't 47:54 live in it 47:56 like it would i think it would be 47:57 against the law to live in it why'd you 47:59 buy this house 48:00 because its location is great and it was 48:03 [ __ ] cheap and i can't buy an 48:04 expensive house because listen 48:07 garment is great and all but it don't 48:08 pay for houses 48:10 you'll be such a good mommy slash daddy 48:12 have to make the floors high heels safe 48:19 do you want to hear a story or do you 48:21 want to hear a [ __ ] a phone call that 48:24 i really did have with the guy that does 48:27 like that did this house he's a family 48:28 friend 48:30 the first thing 48:32 i was gonna go okay well i'll have the 48:34 ground floor it's very much structured 48:36 like this house but if it was [ __ ] 48:38 you know 48:40 you know you ever seen those like uh 48:42 decomposing time lapses is that just me 48:45 okay 48:45 like if you did like a 100 year uh 48:48 decomposing time lapse on what this 48:50 house looks like now it would look like 48:51 that house like bathtubs rotted through 48:54 like it's unlivable so 48:56 basically 48:57 uh 48:58 we're i was gonna go oh okay in this 49:01 house the roof's cut the loft is kind of 49:03 tall i've been up there once 49:05 i'll use that as the office and we went 49:07 into this other house and it was like a 49:09 foot shorter 49:10 and i genuinely had to have the 49:12 conversation that like yes i know it 49:14 would be a good office because i'm 49:16 sitting down all day but i wear 10 inch 49:18 heels dude to this builder 49:21 i'm like dude i wear 10-inch heels for 49:23 my streams i can't [ __ ] do it there 49:25 is there a connection i play vr 49:28 i'm not just 49:30 you know like i don't want to do that 49:32 and punch a hole through the [ __ ] 49:34 roof 49:34 i can't be i can't strap my stuff 49:37 properly you think i'm going to be able 49:39 to do pirouettes in 10 inch heels with 49:40 this a roof height no 49:43 so 49:44 it genuinely it it became like the 49:46 room's gonna look like this the office 49:48 is not gonna change like setting much 49:50 it's probably gonna be this but without 49:52 that tv and that air conditioner 49:55 because i'm gonna have 49:57 actual air conditioning 49:59 high 50:01 so lower the floor 50:04 i thought about digging a basement and 50:06 then went oh okay that's like a hundred 50:07 grand 50:09 it really it would be because 50:11 that's [ __ ] crazy but like it'd be 50:13 cool to have a basement but like also if 50:15 you're gonna spend that much on a house 50:16 i feel like at some point you just move 50:19 to dig a basement it'd probably be a lot 50:20 of money 50:22 only a hundred oh [ __ ] okay 50:24 jesus 50:28 finn they aren't lying if you buy that 50:30 house she is not 50:32 gong away fully expect her to call the 50:35 police on you and to continue to harass 50:37 you also the dress would look great with 50:40 your high heeled boots 50:42 which uh yeah they're all high-heeled 50:44 boots i have so many high-heeled boots 50:46 do you mean like the army boots because 50:48 actually kind of yeah 50:50 do you mean the army boots 50:55 is your sim goal counting down or going 50:57 up both uh technically it's counting 50:59 down and up when people sub it goes up 51:02 when but it's it's relapsing from the 51:04 last month so people i clearly streamed 51:08 on this day last month on the ninth last 51:10 month so subs are going down from there 51:13 so we're trying to balance it out 51:18 you could have a dungeon [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] 51:20 the stripper pole installed while 51:22 renovating the new house 51:25 all like properly installed like part of 51:27 the [ __ ] structure 51:30 because that one actually doesn't 51:31 function right like it's just a pole 51:34 it's like a fireman's pole instead it 51:35 doesn't have a house in its decrepit 51:37 state it'd be fun to see the 51:39 transformation when it's done 51:41 yes but also no 51:43 uh when i own it it's gonna be just a 51:45 series on the channel i think i'm just 51:47 gonna like [ __ ] fix up a house 51:49 because i want to throw a brick through 51:50 a window buddy 51:51 um 51:52 but 51:54 yeah it's really [ __ ] bad 51:56 um 51:58 i have a video of it but it's like 52:01 i think i can describe it better i put 52:02 your mail pick into starby face and your 52:05 number one celeb look alike by a mile is 52:07 amber tamblyn 52:11 um 52:12 amber tamblyn 52:19 [ __ ] 52:22 oh no actually the first picture of it 52:24 was not very flattering uh 52:28 okay 52:31 that's pretty cool i'll take that the 52:34 first picture of her was not good at all 52:35 that i saw on on when i googled it and 52:38 then the rest of them are really good so 52:39 i don't know what the [ __ ] 52:41 all right 52:42 pog 52:44 what the [ __ ] was she in 52:50 two and a half men 52:53 let's [ __ ] go 52:56 anyway 52:58 show us oh sorry 53:00 so this is uh this is amber tamblyn 53:04 so there is her 53:06 um pretty epic 53:08 pretty epic [ __ ] 53:11 wow she looks so great wow look at that 53:13 crazy 53:16 yeah she looks she looks pretty good 53:18 pretty pretty nifty hey i know that guy 53:21 from something can you tell us where you 53:23 got your fake boobs amazon 53:26 also they're not like [ __ ] they're 53:28 not magic or anything you just put them 53:29 in a bra 53:30 uh they they feel 53:34 real enough 53:35 uh and they look uh rotund but you know 53:38 not from all angles 53:43 can't look a bit 53:44 she was on house i never saw a house 53:47 never saw it 53:53 uh what's a search for a fake boobs 53:56 just search fake book i guarantee if i 53:58 search fake boobs 54:01 first link literally the first link is 54:03 amazon and it's exactly what i have 54:07 like i can't show you because you know 54:09 boobs but like that's what it is 54:16 oh i got the email 54:18 10 minutes ago i got the email 54:24 alexa shut your face 54:26 uh okay apparently it's got a note that 54:29 i cannot read this out loud or at least 54:31 i can't copy this to people 54:35 oh my [ __ ] god alexa shut up why 54:38 aren't you partnered it's genuinely home 54:41 alexa shut up 54:47 sometimes you have to discipline them 54:49 also i am partnered what do you mean 54:51 partnered on what 54:53 i'm partnered on twitch 54:56 what what 54:57 anyway 54:58 emcee for time yeah dude this is 55:01 genuinely homework 55:03 i it was a meme until i read this look 55:08 it's like did alexa do to you 55:11 she just keeps [ __ ] beeping like 55:14 like she's given me days to practice 55:20 [ __ ] there's a lot too this is a 55:21 two-page pdf bro 55:25 [ __ ] 55:29 god damn it that's a lot 55:35 it's all a work 55:37 you forgot your mc video no i didn't i 55:40 that was just a five minute reminder 55:42 it's coming out in four minutes 55:44 it's scheduled 55:46 uh i'm just like getting together the uh 55:51 getting together 55:53 maybe this time you can finish school 55:54 kekw 56:00 it's a good joke 56:02 it's a good joke 56:04 but i need you to stop me 56:11 great even 56:13 but 56:14 yeah together strong oh my god 56:18 okay 56:19 let's see where you going 56:26 oh [ __ ] it was mustache as well jesus 56:28 christ 56:29 thunkster [ __ ] you 56:33 i thought we agreed not to talk about my 56:35 underwear also 56:37 uh yeah i'll agree to like adding on a 56:39 couple extra days of of the thong thing 56:42 because i did just i did just like stop 56:44 streaming for like five days in a row 56:47 do a spin i just joined stream i can't 56:49 i've got to stand up for that [ __ ] 56:50 should i go get the boots 56:52 six what okay six days in a row wow 56:55 wow you can count how imp 56:59 sorry 57:02 okay shall i go [ __ ] god that was 57:04 quick 57:04 the black heels yeah so the black uh 57:07 boots what do you think like the army 57:09 boots that are heals 57:12 it's full-time [ __ ] job 57:14 i've got three minutes though [ __ ] okay 57:16 do you reckon i can do this in three 57:17 minutes flat 57:20 [ __ ] okay 57:22 uno memento oh my god my ass jesus come 57:25 down okay one sec 57:57 [Music] 58:00 hey share what you're doing 59:19 ah 59:20 okay without my dress falling down i 59:23 have got socks and i've got shoes 59:26 that's my blanket that i sit on 59:29 because my oh my chair's [ __ ] 59:31 god damn it [ __ ] 59:33 leather 59:35 chair straight hey pink chair give us a 59:38 whirl 59:41 i like pink chair stream 59:43 okay the video should actually be coming 59:44 out any second now weirdly enough the 59:46 minecraft video 59:49 uh i'm putting these boots on also it is 59:51 i forgot how impossibly hard it is to 59:53 walk around in in this underwear and 59:55 also hey by the way what is your gender 59:57 identity the straight white 60:01 mail 60:03 i'm like answering on [ __ ] autopilot 60:06 uh jesus christ 60:10 has anyone noticed something about where 60:12 my boob has gone 60:15 that's not where they're supposed to be 60:16 i don't think it [ __ ] okay 60:20 well i'll figure that out in a minute 60:21 i've got to do something else 60:23 um 60:25 hold on 60:29 do i just [ __ ] is it posted i think 60:31 it's posted 60:33 [Music] 60:35 okay it is 60:42 go to school 60:44 what why go to school when you can hold 60:46 yourself out as a cute girl on the 60:47 internet true but i am 21 and i wouldn't 60:50 need to go to school because i'm not 60:51 used to head to the side 61:00 it's too late it's already gone down can 61:03 i like fish it out dude 61:05 wait hold on 61:07 [Music] 61:10 i need to replace that this is just how 61:12 it is when you age 61:15 i need to replace that [ __ ] sticky 61:17 pad on the back of it and they're the 61:19 hardest [ __ ] thing to replace too 61:25 come on bro yeah so there's a sticky pad 61:28 on the back of this thing 61:30 uh 61:31 that i had to i i couldn't get the 61:33 positioning right macaroni noise i 61:35 couldn't get the positioning right yes 61:37 you're seeing the post okay cool it went 61:39 up so 61:40 i gotta redo it 61:43 whoop 61:45 hold on 61:53 okay 61:54 ah but the only issue is now that like 61:57 now that it's [ __ ] 62:00 if i do a fresh one it's gonna stay on 62:01 forever 62:02 that's the issue 62:06 so this is what these are by the way 62:09 and they're [ __ ] sticky as all hell 62:10 the only reason this one came off it 62:12 looks like this the only reason this one 62:14 came off is because it was like 62:16 just uh being dumb and stupid and 62:18 garbage 62:19 but shouldn't usually 62:21 [Music] 62:23 sounds like a personal problem it is was 62:25 looking at your great hairline not the 62:27 bubba oh good good 62:49 come on 63:03 okay 63:04 there we go 63:06 indeed stuff what did stuff say addict 63:08 what the [ __ ] 63:13 oh jesus factions oh my god okay i'm 63:15 trying to sticky the pad so i'm doing 63:17 this right to break the back of it a 63:19 little bit 63:21 i'm an idiot i was doing it from the 63:22 wrong side 63:24 i'm just trying to break this thing's 63:25 back is that so hard i'm just trying to 63:27 throw us back out 63:28 um 63:33 and i'm just folding it like this 63:36 and then i'm just gonna [ __ ] 63:39 join 63:40 a big old thing from here 63:42 so i yoink that by the way that is 63:44 really [ __ ] difficult to yoink off 63:48 and then i yoink this 63:52 ah [ __ ] that's what i mean it's really 63:54 [ __ ] sticky 63:55 like look how much hot i'm actually 63:57 trying to do this 63:59 you know like that's it's on there buddy 64:02 and then it's the same sticky amount on 64:04 both sides but that goes on to this 64:08 onto 64:09 that 64:10 and then i unstick the back of it 64:13 like that and now that is sticky as 64:16 heck anyway 64:19 and that's what and it 64:21 that's what i'm afraid of anyway 64:24 let's look at google for a minute in 64:26 fact no let's look at the before stream 64:28 for a minute 64:29 uh while i do this 64:30 one moment you've seen me without the 64:33 boob 64:34 and now with the boob 64:38 as long as i don't put it in the wrong 64:40 place 64:43 it's a little bit lower 64:45 well [ __ ] 64:48 and with the boob 64:52 what this one's the [ __ ] 64:54 wowie boobs are back again pretty epic 64:58 chat if i say so myself 65:01 i'm a fan oh [ __ ] the heels oh yeah 65:04 that's what i was gonna say if i 65:05 accidentally flash you with these i'm 65:07 [ __ ] because 65:08 one 65:09 you're gonna see 65:11 good lord 65:12 just awful things just awful awful 65:15 things 65:17 okay 65:20 which is why i'm trying really [ __ ] 65:22 hard 65:24 we're gonna see no you won't 65:25 listen buddy i don't care how much you 65:27 like fanboys a ball doesn't look good 65:30 ever when can we get a total recall 65:32 working lady cosplay 65:34 okay total recall working what the [ __ ] 65:37 is that 65:39 i've never seen it 65:41 oh wait no i've seen total recall like 65:43 the the remake i haven't seen the 65:45 original though 65:47 i saw the remake it wasn't that great 65:52 i don't think it does okay 65:54 i love balls i disagree 65:57 okay 66:01 so 66:02 here are the heels 66:05 pretty [ __ ] 66:07 ball crushing if you ask me 66:13 speaking of 66:14 i'm 66:16 gonna gonna make sure i sit down right 66:20 wow what a fit right 66:22 what a fit 66:23 holy [ __ ] dress is cute i agree i saw it 66:25 on amazon it's on amazon 66:28 they're always on amazon amazon and 66:30 xi'an 66:32 is [ __ ] i don't know why i don't use 66:33 that more i think i just like actively 66:35 dislike shopping uh for dresses 66:39 uh but like if i see something that's 66:41 like recommend i'll be like okay like on 66:43 amazon when i'm getting something else 66:45 i'll be like okay [ __ ] it that looks 66:46 cool 66:47 um i could wear that but sheen is like 66:50 you buy a dress for like three pounds 66:51 which really suits my like wear it on 66:54 stream like maybe two or three times and 66:56 then it goes to charity which is great 66:58 for that really financially good are you 67:00 talking no 67:03 no 67:04 i wouldn't 67:05 god no 67:06 god god no 67:08 i mean maybe it would make the voice 67:09 easier but i i didn't do it i don't 67:12 think i 67:13 wanted to prep that much for it 67:17 but 67:19 watching a new one do video [ __ ] yeah 67:22 uh shine's good i found cute ring fro 67:24 what the [ __ ] cute 67:26 find the cute thing what anyway some 67:29 gold for tuck week no 67:32 i don't think there ever will be 67:33 shopping stream 67:35 uh 67:38 maybe on amazon there's not too much 67:40 else that i don't have 67:42 i already own all of amazon um 67:45 she ends a little bit harder i was gonna 67:47 i did one with h m 67:48 and i never actually bought the [ __ ] 67:50 it's kind of annoying which is weird h m 67:52 is a step up for me h m is like wow real 67:55 quick 67:56 at once two weeks later it'll be gone 68:01 really interesting 68:03 fashion over 68:04 i don't know listen buddy i don't know 68:06 stores i don't know what i'm doing i 68:08 don't know how it works i don't know who 68:10 everyone is 68:12 i'm just lost in my own little [ __ ] 68:14 little space time 68:15 little space time time continuum all on 68:17 my own no idea who jeff bezos is 68:21 uh 68:22 you know just kind of don't know who 68:24 asos is never heard of him 68:27 guess he sells clothes anyway 68:34 let us see the collar bones 68:37 [ __ ] 68:38 why 68:39 why 68:40 is there is there a thing for collar 68:42 bones that's a thing 68:44 is that a thing 68:50 there is really i never got that 68:52 i never thought i never really like 68:55 never really been into collar bones on 68:56 women 68:58 like um 69:00 i'm trying to think of like a weird 69:01 thing what do i appreciate about a woman 69:03 that's not 69:07 uh that's not normal or not more you 69:10 know 69:11 talked about 69:17 a penis yeah 69:19 uh 69:21 maybe [ __ ] i don't even know 69:24 thighs are a big one my answer that used 69:26 to be thighs then everyone liked thighs 69:28 so now i'm i'm just the thigh hipster 69:30 man i always i liked it before they were 69:32 cool now everyone [ __ ] you know now 69:34 everyone's into it 69:36 i 69:37 [ __ ] no i've got no idea you know what i 69:39 dislike though 69:40 about women you know what i hate about 69:43 women 69:44 chat boys listen this just one for my 69:46 boys you know what i hate about women 69:48 um 69:51 i wouldn't say now the walking stream 69:53 going to be ah [ __ ] soon food at some 69:57 point i know it's gonna happen 69:59 um women they be sharpened show 70:01 carefully no i'm i no this is one for me 70:04 okay here's what i is a trend that i 70:06 disliked i never liked when when girls 70:09 did that thing where like they they 70:10 glued their baby hairs to their forehead 70:13 because like i see that and i can 70:14 immediately picture how that would feel 70:16 on my head someone's ears will be and it 70:17 would be their long hair ah let's be 70:19 going everywhere it makes me feel like 70:21 dude anything touching my forehead at 70:23 any one time is a bad time for me do you 70:25 know what i'm on about well like it was 70:27 sort of like they did that with you 70:29 do you know what i'm on about that was 70:30 is it still a trend it may still be a 70:32 trend but like they did it for a while 70:34 that was like a year where i saw it 70:35 everywhere and i was just like oh 70:37 that's the same reason i don't like when 70:38 girls like glue down their eyebrows or 70:40 like drag queens do it it just makes me 70:42 feel really [ __ ] like 70:44 no that's hair bro no i don't like it 70:48 i didn't like it it was my thing i could 70:49 i could feel it you know it was just for 70:51 wigs no not just for wigs like [ __ ] 70:54 no it was just like baby hairs 70:56 if it was for wigs you wouldn't do that 70:58 because like the [ __ ] 71:00 on a lace front wig there are baby hairs 71:02 but then you don't want to make the seam 71:04 line really apparent are you trans no 71:06 i'm a straight guy 71:09 i'm a straight manly manly man manly big 71:12 big boy soon 71:13 that's what you said a couple of months 71:15 ago 71:18 i'm waiting for a good time 71:20 uh 71:21 i'm waiting for a good time 71:30 we should go around like my local park 71:32 at like just 71:35 that would be fun 71:36 that's one of those places that you 71:38 don't get stabbed you know 71:41 like a park 71:42 you don't usually get stabbed in a dog 71:44 park 71:45 usually like it's less common i assume 71:50 unless it's a night no it's still at 71:52 night yeah i feel like you're infinitely 71:54 more likely to be stabbed at night 71:55 anywhere other than with dogs around 71:58 well you know within a in a dog park or 72:01 a park 72:03 [Music] 72:05 growing up around central park i've 72:07 actually 72:07 different doesn't count 72:10 bro i haven't not worn heels in a while 72:12 holy [ __ ] 72:15 oh now this feels odd i haven't worn 72:17 heels in a while i've just been around 72:18 my house just like 72:20 barefooted 72:22 holy [ __ ] i need to [ __ ] wear heels 72:24 more 72:25 yeah 72:28 outfit check bro i stand up every minute 72:30 get what get a onesie of your minecraft 72:32 after 72:33 how do you do that i want to i've got 72:36 merch coming 72:38 soon 72:40 shit's going to be dope too 72:41 it's just going to be real cool 72:45 yeah 72:46 use this gorilla glue to glue down 72:47 exactly what did i miss something about 72:50 collar bones 72:53 i've got them would you look at that i 72:55 can just make it pop into existence 72:59 [ __ ] how do i do that there you go look 73:01 at that collarbone all of a sudden 73:03 there it is 73:04 just [ __ ] vibing he's there that's 73:07 the weirdest [ __ ] bone apparently 73:09 that bone's really easy to break too and 73:11 that just that [ __ ] will sorry this is 73:13 not a good it's not a hot topic but like 73:15 in fact that [ __ ] will send you into 73:17 shock immediately it's just a that's the 73:19 worst bone anyway so uh yeah what do you 73:22 uh do 73:23 something fun maybe 73:25 fix that moment did he break his 73:26 collarbone [ __ ] 73:28 ankles though 73:31 [Music] 73:36 i appreciate a good 73:39 a good hand you know 73:42 like a good hand 73:43 i like a good uh 73:46 a good nose 73:48 that's a good one to have 73:50 as long as they check those boxes 73:53 they're pretty you know they're pretty 73:55 up there in my books 73:57 they've got the nose they've got the 73:58 hands nine months [ __ ] nice eyes 74:02 that's pretty epic 74:03 uh 74:04 [Music] 74:06 there's so many jokes to make about 74:08 please the other feature of a face i 74:12 can't uh 74:14 just one hand 74:18 uh a woman's dick size does matter 74:20 uh for a lot of guys they prefer a lot 74:24 smaller to the point where it's almost 74:25 imperceivable it's almost an innie 74:28 but to some 74:29 a woman having a a larger penis is 74:32 actually preferred 74:34 so 74:35 you know each of their own i guess 74:36 various sizes there's a whole range 74:40 anyway 74:47 i like my women with massive dongs god 74:50 damn right a man of culture 74:54 is rose getting merch yes and it's kind 74:57 of [ __ ] cool too 75:00 it's kind of [ __ ] cool we've got oh 75:02 [ __ ] wait but yeah 75:04 so 75:05 finn's getting merch which is going to 75:07 be the main one and then rose is also 75:08 getting merch which can be pretty epic 75:10 too 75:12 so 75:13 that's something to look forward to 75:18 uh rose one is gonna be a sweatshirt i 75:20 can give you that information sweatshirt 75:22 and t-shirt design the back there's 75:25 going to be a back design and the back 75:26 design is pretty epic i'm still working 75:27 on the front design 75:31 still working on that 75:32 but 75:34 yeah 75:35 dysphoria sweatshirt no just a [ __ ] 75:37 regular sweatshirt by the way i've got a 75:40 bunch of so okay can i quiz you 75:42 i got a bunch of samples and [ __ ] and i 75:44 think i vary from the pack on this one 75:47 so 75:48 in terms of clothing 75:50 would you rather have like 75:52 peak 75:53 softness but a little bit thinner like 75:56 actual clothes so it's like more like 75:57 breathable but it's really [ __ ] soft 76:00 i like my men and women like i like my 76:02 cream whipped oh my [ __ ] god 76:08 or 76:09 would you prefer a thicker like heavier 76:11 thing 76:13 that's just like 76:15 you know it's just thicker and heavier 76:19 and it's like uh 76:21 what do you think 76:30 the thick one would still be soft but 76:32 maybe not as soft as the other one 76:36 thick feels more premium i'm aware but 76:39 weirdly enough we have options with this 76:42 so i think well thick would still be sad 76:45 no way 76:47 we'll see we'll do okay here's the thing 76:50 that's fun about it 76:52 if you don't like it i'll just change it 76:54 that's what's fun about doing much i get 76:56 to make the rules 77:02 um so yeah 77:04 so if the normal eye live is in the 77:05 desert fair enough 77:07 we will see though 77:09 dexter can be worn in the winter 77:11 yeah it's still like a long-sleeve shirt 77:13 though so i don't know even if i was 77:15 wearing that i'd probably i don't know 77:16 we'll see i've got i have my own 77:19 preferences uh but they've slowly been 77:21 changed weirdly enough by 77:24 one of the options and i don't want to 77:25 skew you 77:28 anyway 77:29 i live on the surface of the sun please 77:31 not the heavy on okay good point uh 77:35 so all right 77:39 what have it meant to be out 20 minutes 77:40 ago it is 77:42 it's a minecraft video buddy it's not 77:43 it's it's not a it's not a my it's not a 77:46 uh makeup video it's a it's a minecraft 77:48 video for once i'm really branching out 77:51 nowadays 77:52 speaking for those of us of a larger 77:54 stature will the merch come in bigger 77:56 sizes so many merch stores don't 78:00 yeah i assume it depends how big 78:01 obviously 78:02 like 78:04 it depends how many x's there there are 78:06 that you want on there but i can check 78:08 actually [ __ ] shall i ask 78:14 eight 78:14 what's 78:16 the sizes 78:20 up to 78:22 someone asked 78:23 okay i'm getting an answer 78:27 largest size possible 78:30 that we're doing 78:33 3xl 78:35 so xxxl is the largest 78:38 solid 78:40 that's usually pretty solid that covers 78:42 a good amount of population or pink i 78:45 don't know 78:47 what coolio hell yeah 78:49 um so we've done like i think usually 78:52 we're just gonna do like i personally am 78:53 a decent fan of like a white sweatshirt 78:56 with a good design on it so i know i 78:58 want one in white and there's gonna be 78:59 one in black obviously maybe shirt in 79:01 that too 79:02 but yeah 79:04 can be can be good anyway we need a pink 79:06 girly hoodie dude it's probably not 79:08 gonna be this one we're gonna focus more 79:10 on the on the fin aspect of it for this 79:12 one 79:13 uh and then the next one will probably 79:15 be more like rose stuff you know because 79:17 it's a test run i haven't really done 79:19 like proper merch before 79:21 what is hard to keep play though i know 79:23 but it looks good though doesn't it 79:25 how is thung week annoying as [ __ ] uh 79:28 but then again i've been it's been warm 79:30 as hell so i've been like either naked 79:33 as much as i possibly can or i've just 79:35 been lazing around the house doing 79:36 nothing after a shower like like i've 79:38 just i've genuinely been cheating on it 79:41 and that's why i said like i should 79:43 probably just [ __ ] 79:45 redo it because i think i've i've done 79:47 it like on two streams i think the rose 79:50 coomers are going to buy more merch than 79:52 any of the minecraft kids 79:54 i agree 79:56 and it's not like it's gonna be there's 79:58 there's nothing that's just like i play 80:00 minecraft on it but you know 80:02 it's more like a brighter color sort of 80:04 thing 80:05 more bluey is the main one and then the 80:07 rest of them are going to be more like 80:09 more black and red and then we've got a 80:11 different one which i feel like would be 80:12 quite fun as well anyway 80:13 yeah 80:15 still very cute i've made it so i can 80:18 like wear a skirt with it all and [ __ ] 80:19 you know like 80:21 yeah 80:24 how are people gonna know i play 80:25 minecraft uh well we're gonna have a hat 80:28 that says i play minecraft rapping all 80:30 the way around it so that's good 80:32 um 80:35 oh [ __ ] thank you joy holy [ __ ] thank 80:37 you 80:38 oh my boob is falling no it's not 80:41 is it no this shit's just 80:43 stuck man they aren't going anywhere i'm 80:44 not even wearing a goddamn bra 80:47 yeah they're they're [ __ ] they're 80:48 they're on there they ain't coming off 80:50 for a while 80:53 i should where i drink from my creeper 80:55 mug thank you 80:56 i want you to at least be on theme 81:01 yeah the the other match is still 81:02 available but um 81:06 i don't like it 81:08 i mean i i liked it for a bit of a meme 81:10 but i don't want that to be my only 81:11 merch collection and i also wanted to up 81:13 quality a little bit and i wanted i 81:15 wanted a proper website that i really 81:17 liked the website's hopefully going to 81:18 be really cool 81:19 i'm putting a lot of [ __ ] work into 81:21 the website um to get it working the way 81:24 i want and hopefully it'll be really 81:25 unique 81:26 that's the plan anyway 81:31 are you what are you gonna dress again 81:33 as an ego 81:38 what the [ __ ] do you 81:40 what the [ __ ] do you think i'm doing man 81:43 this is my what 81:45 bro 81:46 what is this even 81:48 is this not good enough of dressing up 81:50 like a girl 81:53 come on man 81:54 not girly enough what do you need 81:57 what do you need for this to be girly 81:59 enough man 82:04 what else 82:06 just 82:08 show heels 82:14 they're like army boots but they're also 82:16 heels 82:17 i'm like really trying not to show my 82:19 underwear because it's [ __ ] good lord 82:21 anyway 82:24 rose ever going to cross-dress as a boy 82:25 again 82:27 hopefully soon 82:29 a pink tutu yeah i just need like all 82:31 pink all the time and then finally 82:33 finally the internet will see me as an 82:35 ego i've always wanted looking dominant 82:39 and infertile thank you 82:41 jiggle physics for days 82:43 yeah 82:44 uh 82:45 i thought girl mode is i thought gomer 82:47 wait i thought garmunth is you're a girl 82:49 except for minecraft you should be in 82:52 heels most of the time 82:54 well yeah but who wears heels just 82:55 around the house 82:57 you know 82:59 like i could it just be a chore like no 83:01 one wears like shoes in the house really 83:05 like it's just easier i do you wear 83:07 shoes around the house man 83:09 needs a necklace it do 83:12 i do need a necklace [ __ ] should i do a 83:13 choker i've got a choker like 83:16 it's always right [ __ ] here i always 83:18 see it 83:22 and i always lose it it's gone 83:26 it's like always there until you need it 83:28 and it's just [ __ ] gone 83:31 smile 83:35 where's the gun i know it is here 83:38 somewhere 83:39 i just don't know where 83:41 no those are the butt plugs what the 83:43 [ __ ] where are these i know where it is 83:49 when's voice training happening it did 83:51 today what about steve's necklace from 83:53 your birthday [ __ ] i i think i put that 83:55 in my drawer 83:57 unless i kept it on the desk cause i 83:58 liked it [ __ ] i don't know 84:00 it's in the drawer do i have to really 84:01 go to the draw if i have to go to the 84:02 draw then that's like a lot of work 84:13 oh [ __ ] i don't want it's so much work 84:15 to find this [ __ ] 84:16 pump plus 84:18 do you okay 84:20 what type of necklace do you want with 84:22 this what would work well i'm trying to 84:24 find something black and not 84:27 like maybe not any of these i think 84:29 please watching you be dominant and 84:31 infertile 84:33 time well spent 84:37 uh 84:40 a bunch of like black chokers and [ __ ] 84:48 what's a good symbol to have 84:52 what would it what would someone like me 84:54 right now wear 84:56 like what matches there's a piece symbol 84:59 there's a cross there's a moon there's a 85:01 key there's a turtle there's a tree 85:04 there's a 85:05 wing 85:06 there's a hand 85:07 and there's an anchor 85:09 what do you think 85:13 this boobs come off as well [ __ ] 85:16 moon okay but it's not a full moon it's 85:19 like a crescent moon with a weird face 85:20 on it 85:21 look at him 85:23 ah it still looks funny my boob dude 85:25 this boob this 85:27 i don't have to replace the [ __ ] 85:29 sticky pads bro they stay on for too 85:31 long 85:32 okay [ __ ] i'm gonna have to do it again 85:34 aren't i 85:36 it's a different one this time 85:47 it worked i didn't you didn't see [ __ ] 85:49 did you 85:51 when's the indigo collab happening dude 85:53 he asked me to uh he asked me to make a 85:55 song and i was like i don't know 85:57 it'd just be really [ __ ] hard to do 85:59 so i didn't do it 86:01 how many butt plugs have people sent you 86:03 yeah i've still got i'm i'm looking at 86:05 some because i used it to squish a bug 86:08 i used the box of butt plugs to squish a 86:11 moth 86:12 and i haven't moved it because i find i 86:14 found it gross 86:16 so i've it's just there i like the 86:18 genuinely there's a set of three butt 86:20 plugs there that i'm looking at like 86:23 right there 86:26 rip moth yeah [ __ ] rip moth bro that 86:28 guy got messed up he got killed by butt 86:30 plugs bro what a stupid way to die 86:34 what an idiot anyway 86:37 uh i've held the box on stream i know i 86:39 can't show it 86:43 you can use double-sided tape yeah no 86:45 you can't i tried that i've got some 86:47 right here you can't do it it just 86:48 doesn't work do it jiggle 86:51 it do but it depends what it is because 86:54 the fake these do 86:56 but 86:57 you know 87:00 the the 87:00 uh you know 87:04 i only jiggle in places that i can 87:06 uh 87:08 fabricate 87:10 [Music] 87:13 hello ma'am have you heard about our 87:15 lord and savior jesus christ 87:18 who's he 87:20 is it a he i didn't want to assume uh i 87:23 didn't want to assume 87:24 pronouns 87:28 delicate femboy scared of pretty much 87:30 all bugs but claims he's so manly 87:33 okay 87:34 [ __ ] it genuinely could have been 87:36 like marisa that said that [ __ ] 87:39 listen i don't want you in to insult 87:42 my uh 87:43 [ __ ] my 87:46 stature okay i'm not delicate 87:49 i'm tough 87:52 and cool 87:55 and i'm not scared of bugs in fact i 87:58 killed that bug actually 88:00 so 88:01 uh screw you idiot 88:04 idiot guy idiot what an idiot 88:06 sort of scared of a bug i killed that 88:08 bug 88:09 what are you dumb anyway kill it in fear 88:11 killed it in uh so it didn't launch a 88:14 [ __ ] uh bug uprising actually it was 88:16 for the good of you 88:17 think of it like a planet of the apes 88:20 but you know way more important you know 88:22 like think about it would you rather 88:24 fight a [ __ ] april or a month 88:32 wish i could meet you one day and pay 88:34 you a kfc smile 88:36 pay you a kfc i don't eat meat 88:39 i don't eat meat you gotta get me that 88:41 vegetarian kfc boyo gotta cook me 88:45 chicken vegetarian corn baby 88:48 gotta make it yourself 88:52 okay 88:55 my titties are stuck back on 88:59 uh so now these are gonna stay forever 89:01 because i'm probably gonna stay in these 89:03 for another hour in which case they will 89:05 speaking of stature when are you putting 89:07 up that height chart 89:11 i can do it now while i'm in the heels 89:13 uh i do have to do it though i recognize 89:16 that i 89:17 should 89:19 but just haven't 89:24 what sticky pads to use i have no idea i 89:26 think either someone sent me or i bought 89:28 them so long ago 89:30 [ __ ] it did really need a necklace 89:31 didn't it 89:32 this is way better 89:34 yeah you're right it did need a necklace 89:37 [ __ ] 89:39 finally i can i feel like the type of 89:41 girls talk to you about like 89:44 astrology 89:45 like i like 89:47 just give me something chat 89:49 give me something 89:51 super pretty and handsome and handsome 89:53 that's dude that's such a virgo thing to 89:55 say so have you heard about crystals 89:59 uh you do need to recharge them every 90:01 night 90:02 but i think they could do wonders for 90:03 your heart nailed to acr 0ss 90:07 he's get jesus was into bdsm he's okay 90:10 with being nailed to a cross 90:12 that's really 90:18 libra of you 90:20 that's re that you know 90:23 that's pretty um 90:26 you know 90:28 verging into a bit of capricorn there a 90:31 bit out of character but i can tell i 90:34 can tell 90:38 as a libra rude 90:41 i'm a [ __ ] uh taurus 90:45 which is like isn't taurine or something 90:47 the the bull uh bulges 90:50 will come 90:52 and i'm named after it so that's pretty 90:54 [ __ ] epic i think 90:56 anyway so uh 90:58 anyway 91:00 um i [ __ ] yeah how are you 91:05 man's been making [ __ ] up true i am 91:08 taurus though i don't know what that 91:09 means 91:15 what does that mean for me 91:17 hello halo uh witches what does that 91:19 mean it means [ __ ] all i know but what 91:21 does it really mean 91:23 give me um 91:25 tell me my future 91:29 if only you had a pink sparkly glittery 91:31 dream catcher to hang up dude that would 91:34 complete the image i still have it you 91:36 think i throw that [ __ ] away i've still 91:38 got it 91:39 it's 91:40 it's i think it's on the shelf outside 91:42 over there i think 91:44 i still do have it though 91:47 and i never hung it up 91:49 i know that's why you said it yeah i've 91:51 got it um i've never hung it up because 91:54 on my [ __ ] gun 91:56 listen my whole room is pink and even 91:58 that's a bit much fun show us your 91:59 helmet 92:13 finn you're a tory i thought you were 92:15 more progressive than that 92:24 i'm a virgo i'm a capricorn i'm a libra 92:27 i'm a leo [ __ ] i'm a tory 92:31 that was funny 92:32 what's your star sign i mean tori um 92:36 what are you guys tori i've never heard 92:38 what are you guys known for i would just 92:39 kind of ass 92:43 [ __ ] 92:44 i'm aquarius that's not real that isn't 92:47 that's not a real thing 92:49 gemini i know that's real that's 92:51 something 92:54 what is it 92:57 is it real is that just stupid 93:00 asparagus i don't think that one's real 93:02 aquarius is one of them 93:04 ah [ __ ] that one that just sounds like 93:06 uh aquaman and his [ __ ] 93:10 uh 93:11 i'm convinced that like you could kind 93:13 of fool me with a lot of these 93:16 because i know i don't know all of them 93:19 there's probably one that i haven't even 93:20 heard of 93:24 oh [ __ ] i don't even know i don't wanna 93:27 cassiopeia 93:29 that's a piano that ain't real 93:35 cancer and i'm about cancer scorpio know 93:38 about scorpio 93:40 ukip 93:41 uh 93:45 guys i'm so sorry i'm being such a 93:47 tourist right now taurus definition 93:50 uh 93:53 what 93:55 i didn't what 94:02 ah 94:04 okay 94:06 strong desire for social and corp 94:08 corporate stability they have a strong 94:11 desire for extravagance 94:13 contentment and great things which has 94:15 led to intense neediness 94:20 that ain't true taurus 94:22 taurus natives like the ball who 94:24 represent their sign are prone to anger 94:27 and once enraged they can be terrifying 94:36 look at that right hook look 94:37 look at that 94:40 [Music] 94:42 that was the move that made ksi cried 94:46 [ __ ] i dude 94:49 i'm 94:50 a unit 94:51 why is megan is megan foxxer taurus holy 94:54 [ __ ] what does megan fox look like 94:57 she was like a peak in like what she was 95:01 like oh [ __ ] she still looks [ __ ] 95:02 great but like wasn't she like 95:04 everything that the internet talked 95:05 about for like five years at one point 95:09 were you around when that stage was 95:11 like 95:13 anyway that's that's how old i am that's 95:16 it 95:16 to to know to know the the 95:19 two-year megan [ __ ] megan fox face 95:22 anyway 95:25 [Music] 95:26 my hair looks [ __ ] 95:31 just came back from a night of uh molly 95:33 or something from what i know taurus 95:36 horny hungry angry 95:38 yeah right fair enough 95:42 fair enough are you in drag 95:44 what the [ __ ] do you call this even is 95:46 this drag i don't [ __ ] know it might 95:48 be it depends up how do you define drag 95:52 doesn't drag require talent so probably 95:54 not 95:57 drag definition 96:02 uh 96:08 okay clothing 96:11 clothing more conventionally worn by the 96:12 opposite sex especially women's clothes 96:14 worn by a man 96:15 i guess 96:18 i guess i don't know 96:21 it's such a [ __ ] weird 96:24 is that this cross-dressing the same as 96:26 drag i don't know what the [ __ ] it would 96:27 be 96:28 anyway 96:30 i just call it clothes buddy 96:36 talk about fluid dynamics man 96:39 what the [ __ ] 96:41 good lord 96:42 track in a fluid dynamic setting rod 96:44 drag queen 96:46 let's see 96:47 a man who ostentatiously dresses up in 96:50 women's clothing 96:51 okay 96:52 i wouldn't call this ostentatious 96:58 i guess what mouse you got 97:00 uh the g903 logitech wireless mouse 97:03 pretty [ __ ] epic actually 97:07 anyway 97:11 is it's dressing up too much yeah it's 97:14 just trying a bit too hard for no 97:15 [ __ ] reason anyway how many knives do 97:17 you have 97:18 over 10 good ones 97:21 over like maybe 15 good ones 97:24 i'd say that's good 97:27 anyway [ __ ] yeah over 15 good ones i 97:29 really like them they're i've no 97:32 i've gone back and forth on like uh 97:34 making merch do with knives but i don't 97:36 think that 97:37 you guys are that big of an audience 97:39 that would be into that 97:43 i'm sorry doing drag is just 97:44 cross-dressing for try 97:47 yeah a little bit 97:48 it's just it's just 97:50 better better cross-dressing is drag 97:53 um i think drag is kind of artsy combat 97:55 squash watching true 97:57 i'm not really i'm just trying to 98:00 you know 98:01 drag is a persona while fam boys live 98:03 out their naturally feminine personality 98:06 you are a femme boy cross-dressing is 98:09 like drag but less extreme and more 98:10 quote unquote natural 98:15 god look at that [ __ ] bro 98:19 it's kind of [ __ ] hot 98:23 just giant [ __ ] arms these aren't 98:25 giant arms but like just can someone 98:27 like photoshop this to be just just 98:30 jacked 98:33 you know some [ __ ] 98:35 i know that's that's an audience i know 98:37 that's an awesome are you going to get 98:38 your nails done do the makeover stream 98:41 soon 98:43 soon 98:44 i gotta book it i gotta do the thing 98:46 with millie as well 98:47 i know i'm just bad at organizing 98:49 [ __ ] it 98:50 yeah i know i gotta do it i gotta do it 98:53 also major difference between dragon 98:55 cross dressing is that drag is a 98:57 performance while cross-dressing as a 98:58 personal thing 99:01 i don't know what this is then 99:03 because it is a i guess a performance 99:04 [ __ ] i don't know um by the way 99:07 you know that salon thing 99:09 so here are the options 99:11 i can get my hair done and my nails done 99:13 that we're doing right i'm going to have 99:15 my hair styled you know that'd be pretty 99:17 cool styled hair 99:19 and nails done 99:21 makeup would be a pain in the dick 99:23 makeup would be a pain in the ass so i'm 99:25 kind of thinking of not doing that one 99:28 uh 99:29 because i'm gonna do my makeup better 99:31 because i know my face i'm just gonna 99:33 straight up do it better uh 99:35 i don't think anyone's done my makeup 99:37 better than i've done my makeup 99:39 ever i'm just really [ __ ] good at it 99:41 i thought you did your own makeup i know 99:43 but i want a third thing 99:45 i want a third thing 99:48 i need a third thing what would it be 99:55 is i can't do that there that's that's 99:57 not what they do a boob job also not 99:59 what they do they're not a surgery 100:02 waxing so they could do waxing but they 100:04 would just like wax my [ __ ] arm right 100:06 they just wax like my arm hair and 100:08 that's it 100:09 24-hour breast enlargement that what 100:12 [ __ ] anime are you in that 100:14 you can't just get boobs for 24 hours 100:17 lips sure but maybe probably not 100:22 i if i was going to do my [ __ ] lips 100:24 i'd have asked for a lot more money 100:27 short for feminine boy i see no boy here 100:32 do you want 100:34 do you want it uh what about legging 100:37 bikini wax 100:38 [ __ ] 100:40 well also i couldn't stream a bikini wax 100:42 uh 100:44 and i don't know how long i could 100:45 actually cope with a leg wax 100:48 but i could in theory i could like let 100:51 my leg hair grow out 100:57 hmm 101:03 i shaved my armpits bro do you you kind 101:05 of need to 101:06 like 101:07 i'm a fan of just shaved armpits anyway 101:09 in on anyone for any reason just i if i 101:13 look up 101:15 shirtless 101:16 guy in fact a guy yeah i was going to 101:19 say shirtless model but i don't want to 101:20 look at just porn 101:22 so all these [ __ ] have shaved 101:24 armpits bro all of them 101:26 every single one of them because it 101:28 looks better and it's it's [ __ ] gross 101:31 they're all shaved because it's [ __ ] 101:33 gross dude i don't know 101:35 i dude chest hair back hair armpit hair 101:38 will never look good to me in any way on 101:41 anyone 101:42 it just ain't 101:43 and there's no benefit to it zero 101:46 it's so much better without 101:49 uh arm hair 101:50 yeah i 101:52 do i like my arm hair now i don't know i 101:55 i've shaved it a couple times but i just 101:58 end up letting it grow back because i my 102:00 arms look too [ __ ] dainty without 102:02 them 102:03 and i don't like it i gotta look at them 102:05 all the time no hold on 102:08 red wax oh head wax holy [ __ ] 102:12 jesus there you go 102:15 ugh 102:16 [Music] 102:18 dude it takes like five seconds to shave 102:20 your arms but like i don't wanna 102:24 could we see bob's no i don't wanna get 102:25 banned don't get banned on twitch 102:27 surprisingly 102:29 you can get boobs for 24 hour it's a 102:31 saline injection that slowly gets 102:34 absorbed into the body 102:36 there's no way that's true 102:40 i i guarantee there's no reason for that 102:42 to exist 102:43 there's no way that's true 102:48 it is real 102:50 [ __ ] 102:51 24 hour 102:53 boob 102:55 24 hour 102:56 oh wait is it 102:58 holy [ __ ] it is real i heard myself why 103:02 three grand 103:04 for for a day 103:05 why 103:12 why 103:13 don't i go [ __ ] that why would you want 103:15 it though 103:19 why 103:26 at that price should get a boob jump 103:27 wait was i reading hold on 103:31 i might have just read like how much 103:33 does it cost for a boot 103:35 oh okay 103:36 wait what 103:40 no it is it's like three grand why 103:42 though 103:43 oh it's like a lift thing i don't think 103:46 this goes from like what i've got to 103:48 [ __ ] double d's you know what i mean 103:50 images shouldn't have done that 103:53 uh 103:58 i don't know fam 104:02 that costs crap as well i mean bro 104:06 boob jobs are upwards of 3k per boob 104:09 bro 104:13 i mean i'm sure it exists 104:15 but like why 104:18 why how much and where can you get it 104:20 i don't know 104:23 i don't know 104:25 why you just ipo your body i don't what 104:28 if i do want hair one day why would you 104:30 not 104:32 why would i not because it costs three 104:33 grand and i feel like what like 104:36 for for a regular i think it's for 104:38 people that like hey i've got a photo 104:40 shoot coming up 104:42 and it's it's gonna make me like 20 104:44 grand 104:45 i want my tits to look giant inject them 104:48 [ __ ] with some with 104:50 200 to 300 cc's of saline 104:54 but i'm not sure how much that is like 104:56 an actual boob amount 104:58 so 105:01 and then it's like if you've already got 105:03 bob's you know it just makes them grow a 105:05 little bit more 105:07 300cc is a can yeah that ain't much 105:10 that's like [ __ ] a cups then right 105:12 like to go from nothing to like a cups 105:16 you know man eh 105:18 it sounds scary doesn't the water just 105:19 flow everywhere else in your body 105:22 yeah that's what saline is but like 105:24 that's also like 105:25 it's used all the time like in like 105:27 surgery it's like it's it's safe i'm 105:30 like 105:31 it's probably definitely safe it's 105:32 saline it's just salt water 105:34 uh but 105:36 why 105:39 well what the [ __ ] 105:42 oh dude it does 105:46 let me see this [ __ ] i wanna i'm reading 105:48 a [ __ ] page on it 105:55 what the [ __ ] 106:04 oh no am i just stupid 106:06 okay no i was looking at something else 106:08 anyway but yeah no that does exist i was 106:10 just reading a page where they were like 106:11 oh my god blood and there was it was 106:13 about just like 24 hour recovery from a 106:15 regular one anyway my god 106:19 i can't think of a reason why 106:24 dude 106:25 let's say [ __ ] okay 106:30 let's see 106:31 i wonder if it exists near me 106:33 does it 106:34 hold on 106:35 well let me look up okay 106:38 how do you spell saline 106:42 oh that's how 106:44 uh 106:48 saline boob 106:52 okay yeah so what is that 106:54 that's so [ __ ] weird this is now just 106:56 like 106:57 absorb my train of thought that this 106:59 actually exists that someone would do 107:01 this 107:02 because like if like 107:03 like the examples they're listing is 107:05 legitimately like the dumbest [ __ ] like 107:07 it's they they say like okay you go get 107:09 this and then you go out to dinner 107:12 what 107:15 who spends three who who goes into a 107:18 surgery room 107:19 spends drops 3k because they've got a 107:21 nice dinner later what the [ __ ] is going 107:23 on 107:24 good lord anyway 107:28 just get one boob centered on your chest 107:30 that's a good [ __ ] idea 107:31 that's actually a good idea i don't know 107:33 why no one else mentioned that you guys 107:35 are so uncreative 107:37 anyway 107:39 rich people bro 107:41 dude there's no way 107:44 if it was 24 hours and it was just like 107:46 a you know thing 107:49 like you could just be like you could go 107:50 in and just go there it is now you have 107:52 boobs for like a day 107:54 that's kind of dope 107:56 that's genuinely kind of dope they go 107:58 away after a day that's kind of cool 108:01 like i'd do that for a donut goal if it 108:03 was that easy but it's not there's 108:05 surgery involved 108:06 like there's no way there isn't 108:09 it's [ __ ] crazy 108:10 i just can't get what woman would do 108:12 that for like 108:14 a night out that's insane to me anyway 108:17 women do be inflating that 108:24 the black mirror episode starts and they 108:26 don't go away 108:27 dude it's just all the trick by surgery 108:29 it's an injection that takes 20 to 30 108:31 minutes 108:33 [ __ ] there's no [ __ ] way that 108:35 exists 108:37 i don't think it actually does exist i 108:38 think it's like a trial fool thinks he's 108:41 getting boober and it just deflates as 108:43 he's eating his meal yeah wait okay 108:47 uh saline also is super hydration it's 108:50 like carrying around an iv bag with you 108:51 drink it all no hangover oh no way so 108:54 the boobs are actually just a hangover 108:56 cure 108:58 no way okay solid good to know 109:02 uh 109:04 good point mustache 109:07 bro okay [ __ ] finn look it up as well 109:09 i did look it up but like the longer i 109:11 look at it the more you're just gonna 109:12 call me an egg uh 109:16 let's say it costs three grand 109:18 i would ask for like 109:21 if it dude if it's something you go in 109:24 half an hour you're out again and you 109:26 got tits for a day 109:30 i don't know dude that's such a weird 109:32 thing 109:39 that's so 109:40 weird think of all the trolling you 109:42 could do not much 109:44 i mean sure it'd be neat right 109:48 i just did what if i like took that day 109:51 oh my [ __ ] god wait what if i took 109:54 that day and just did like 109:56 oh okay wait what if i did that and then 110:00 started it 110:01 [Music] 110:02 that's my [ __ ] in bro 110:06 uh 110:09 okay 110:10 the money involved holy [ __ ] i mean 110:13 realistically you'd want to capitalize 110:15 on that [ __ ] you want like you'd want to 110:17 get that done in the morning and then 110:19 just photo shoots all day 110:21 i'm guessing that's what actually 110:22 happens for these people but 110:28 so i'm saying this implants can last 10 110:29 years not a day yet no that's not what 110:31 we're about saline bags that you put in 110:34 sure but saline just injected in it's 110:36 just a bubble of water that's all it 110:38 would be as far as i can [ __ ] tell 110:40 like look 110:42 equivalent size to about half a bottle 110:44 of water that's exactly this this amount 110:46 of water that's in here 110:49 actually it would be almost this is 500 110:51 whole bottles 500 milliliters 110:57 yeah so it's like that much water 110:59 that's not where that water line is but 111:01 just like in boob 111:02 there's no way that's that's i think 111:04 that's like an a cup but still i don't 111:06 know 111:07 chess would just feel like a water bed 111:09 yeah 111:10 odd 111:12 it's barely anything true 111:14 true 111:15 it does say an average let's just go 111:17 like uh 2000 cc just get those like zed 111:20 cup ones that are out there 111:24 this amount of water in your boob 111:27 uh 111:28 well [ __ ] it 111:29 listen i'm sure that stuff or someone is 111:33 going to look it up for me and they're 111:34 going to be like right there's a place 111:36 three doors down from you that does this 111:38 finn 111:39 uh you should do this for a donut girl i 111:40 know it'll happen because it always 111:42 happens like this 111:44 so 111:45 you know 111:46 we'll see would i do that yes 111:52 listen bro 111:54 titties for a day don't sound that bad 111:56 if the if it's like there's zero 111:58 complications and it's just 112:01 they're there for a day and then they're 112:02 gone 112:04 you know can you try a middle part did 112:05 that worse look uh 112:09 did it twice 112:11 my most disliked photos oh my release 112:13 like photos 112:15 don't disappear after a day and finn is 112:17 forced to turn woman it was all planned 112:20 by chat 112:21 yep 112:24 you know it's 112:25 exactly like that and you don't ask a 112:27 doctor about it at all you decolletage 112:29 would look really great for a day 112:31 chat we need to make it worth his while 112:34 decolletage 112:37 get i don't think it dude we don't even 112:39 know it [ __ ] exists 112:41 anyway 112:44 your skin one stretch though oh true 112:47 well not if it's small 112:56 i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on 112:59 uh 112:59 a month off goal mode if thing gets bobs 113:01 for a day 113:05 so 30 grand 113:21 bro that's [ __ ] damn i don't know 113:26 your mic's making a faint popping sound 113:28 every second no it's my knife i'm just 113:30 doing this i'm just like 113:33 doing that just away from the mic 113:35 so by the way [ __ ] thanks for the 113:37 gifted subs joy i'm preoccupied i'm 113:39 thinking about boobs dude anyway 113:42 you should wear that roman soldier 113:43 outfit on stream marieza's got the rest 113:45 of it and it's for a halloween outfit 113:47 spoiler alert 113:48 it's like the night at the museum one 113:50 i'm gonna be the 113:51 [ __ ] 113:52 corset saline comes squirting back out 113:55 the hole 113:59 that's so [ __ ] gross 114:04 you just clamp down on a 114:06 corset ah bruh that's that's grim that's 114:10 pretty [ __ ] grim 114:12 boobs become water guns 114:14 it's not the knife dude it is 114:16 i'm just always okay 114:18 yay finally the baby is here 114:22 still popping it probably isn't it's 114:23 probably fine 114:24 what 114:26 oh [ __ ] nine months happy nine months 114:28 baby let's go 114:29 we are all thinking about boobs sweetie 114:32 i know 114:33 all the 114:34 time at all times 114:39 i feel like i'll take the deal i don't 114:41 know 114:45 for 30 grand 114:50 30 grand for boobs for a day ain't too 114:52 bad 114:55 you can do a lot with 30 grand 114:58 it doesn't exist i don't think it 115:00 actually exists if it did exist and it's 115:02 like completely flawless 115:06 sure like 30 grand like nothing happens 115:08 there's no difference from me now to 115:10 after it happens 30 grand 115:14 i five months 115:20 [Music] 115:25 they do 115:28 3 000 not 30. 115:29 not what do you think i'm just gonna get 115:31 you to pay for and that's it it's 3k i 115:34 know i'm asking for that for me 115:36 i don't want to [ __ ] i don't want to 115:38 just have boobs 115:39 like just next goal should be only finns 115:45 indeed anyway 115:50 i'm sure i'm sure that someone in the 115:52 council will figure it out 115:55 i'm sure it will anyway 115:57 you get so many more sims 116:00 dude 116:01 chat will you do 100k for real boobs for 116:03 a few days yeah no i'm never gonna do a 116:06 goal like that because 116:08 putting them in and getting them out you 116:10 you get left with like scars and [ __ ] 116:13 like that no i'm all right 116:15 i'm all right with that that's what i 116:17 mean by like no complications those 116:19 scars nice 116:21 but 116:22 that that'd be [ __ ] 116:24 anyway 116:26 post stuff in the council chat later oh 116:28 [ __ ] yeah is there a fan on your desk no 116:30 there's not 116:32 i i'm constantly touching the desk like 116:34 i'm 116:35 i'm it's i'm sorry i'm like just 116:36 overactive 116:39 you get do you just get tits forever 116:40 problem solved yeah but at that point 116:42 you will dude if someone if mr beast 116:45 came up to me he's like listen buddy two 116:46 months of my salary [ __ ] 10 million 116:48 dollars 116:51 i feel like earl month 6 would be a 116:54 better investment 116:55 true 117:01 how much money would it be probably like 117:04 10 million probably 117:07 so there's a price there's a price for 117:09 everything for anyone to do anything 117:12 well okay not really my dick stays 117:14 there's no price on that well i guess 117:16 there is like [ __ ] 117:18 [Music] 117:19 oh [ __ ] would i even no 117:21 i don't know it was 5 million before 117:24 fine then my price has been upped i 117:26 don't care did your price go up 117:28 that's my range is like 117:31 if i don't [ __ ] know dude it would 117:33 need to be a like amount of money that 117:35 you'd never need to work ever again five 117:38 t les gang f1 nn5t less gang 117:41 not for the get go bye bye i don't think 117:43 i've ever given a price on that i think 117:45 at some point i said 500 million 117:48 because that's that's my boy 117:50 that's my boy he stays with me that's my 117:52 boy i need him 117:56 uh so no 117:59 mr beast just joined the stream thank 118:01 you hey beasty uh got a proposition for 118:04 you um 118:09 most trans girls don't get bottom 118:10 surgery okay but that wasn't what we're 118:12 on about i'm not trans and also that 118:14 wasn't in consideration 118:16 uh 118:18 5 million equals 200k a year for the 118:20 rest of your life adjusted for inflation 118:22 yeah exactly so like 118:25 boobs forever 118:27 5 million sounds pretty 118:29 apt you know 118:32 but 118:33 it depends 118:34 because like 118:39 how big 118:42 how big 118:43 how big do the boobs be and i'll give 118:46 you my number on that because that is a 118:47 factor 118:48 like a cups 118:50 uh uh i would say a lot lower for a cups 118:52 than it would be for [ __ ] 118:54 rkd all right yeah five million 118:59 like at the at that point yeah it's 119:00 [ __ ] it's in the millions 119:04 but for a 119:08 like three 119:10 like it go i'd say it goes up a million 119:12 every cup size maybe a couple million 119:14 every cup size you know what i mean 119:17 5 million for back pain 119:19 5 million bro 119:21 no one's bitching about [ __ ] back 119:22 pain when they get 200 grand a year no 119:25 nothing 119:28 anyway 119:31 there was that guy like there was just a 119:33 guy that on a bet 119:35 got tits for i think like 400 grand he 119:38 got boobs and then just [ __ ] kept him 119:42 like for a hundred grand that is 119:44 stupid 119:45 like 119:46 anyway 119:50 listening 119:51 please mr beast 119:53 uh my chat needs five million dollars of 119:56 funding is that cool good 119:59 we need five million dollars 120:01 and 120:03 yeah that's it 120:05 what's wrong with 100k 100k for tits 120:08 forever would you rather get bob's 120:10 implants or swap bobs with butt cheeks 120:13 cursed i know 120:17 oh 120:20 probably definitely but right like waste 120:24 because then you you could almost not 120:25 tell have you seen have you seen 120:27 bicyclists asses 120:29 it's [ __ ] crazy 120:32 olympic bicycle people have bigger asses 120:35 than any girl on instagram hold on 120:46 like let me i'm trying to find a photo 120:48 of these [ __ ] off the bike 120:52 i'm just gonna start [ __ ] i'm just 120:54 gonna search it 120:56 bro 120:57 look at this 120:58 look at that okay let me make sure this 120:59 is all fine look at look at that look at 121:02 that [ __ ] 121:03 what the [ __ ] 121:08 you know 121:09 like that dude 121:11 that's not like the dumpy bro that's not 121:13 like hyper it is abnormal but like it's 121:16 not like insane right you just be i have 121:19 broad shoulders i'd just be balanced i'd 121:21 just be balanced out 121:23 so 121:25 you know probably that like i don't 121:26 think anyone would even particularly 121:28 price of 15 per milliliter for day bombs 121:32 see how big they get 121:37 what for day bobs that's not how that 121:38 works 121:40 i mean i'm i'm almost certain you can't 121:41 just pick any amount there's padding in 121:43 biker shorts 121:45 still though 121:47 still though i mean come on bro 121:50 f1 and n5t 121:52 champ 121:54 anyway 121:56 still though 122:01 not that big bro not that giant start 122:04 doing squats get cake and thick thighs 122:06 too much work uh i'd rather get paid 122:09 millions of dollars for it instead 122:13 shirtless men an olympic bicyclist i 122:16 didn't even i searched up olympic biker 122:18 but i didn't even 122:20 search like 122:21 my search results are so scuffed i've 122:23 like i've looked up shirtless men 122:24 olympic bikers 122:27 simultaneously 122:30 uh 122:31 well i mean sure but also jesus too much 122:34 work 122:35 anyway 122:38 uh how much for you to go on a date with 122:39 a sub 122:41 none that's weird 122:43 it'd be really odd 122:45 and also 122:47 subs don't date subs so it's 122:51 what can i say it's too crunchy 122:56 got a joke i used to be an elite level 122:58 cyclist but sadly i never developed ears 123:01 ah there we go proved wrong 123:03 so 123:05 yeah no i'd take my like 123:07 five-minute 123:08 [ __ ] 123:09 for like acid for a [ __ ] ass implant 123:12 bro for like waste implants 123:19 three milli three milli bro 123:22 three milli that's my number 123:27 that was strong holy [ __ ] anyway 123:30 triathlete cosplay when 123:34 just like a lycra suit 123:36 uh when i'm in a lip we're not when my 123:38 body looks like an olympic athlete sure 123:43 i like that knife but swords are better 123:44 incorrect can't play with a sword on 123:46 your desk very easily 123:48 um 123:49 it needs to look good in proportion 123:51 exactly so i just have it the same as my 123:53 waist so like it would look like this 123:55 usually you know that's that would be i 123:58 assume for three million pretty good and 123:59 moya just donated three million dollars 124:01 [ __ ] yeah 124:04 so even if a prince from saudi arabia 124:06 number one donator two year in a row 124:08 back-to-back leaderboard competition 124:10 offered you 10 million for a single date 124:12 you'd say no 124:15 well we're talking in just crazy 124:17 hypotheticals now aren't we though 124:19 you know 124:21 if jeff bezos subscribed and then went 124:23 hey buddy my net worth to you if you 124:25 [ __ ] eat a pizza with me then you 124:27 know i'm not a [ __ ] idiot i turn it i 124:30 i 124:31 turn it down because he's a monster but 124:32 you know 124:33 [Music] 124:35 it's to be simple they're 3.69 on my 124:38 onion thank you thank you for the mile 124:41 onion 124:48 that was hard to swallow 124:51 that was a lot 124:53 yeah 124:55 i kind of like had a bit too much water 124:57 and yeah 124:59 how'd this whole girl costume thing 125:01 start oh my [ __ ] god the stories a 125:03 megal 125:05 is it often hard to swallow 125:08 no i have a really easy time actually 125:14 really easy time just downing most 125:16 anything 125:18 uh 125:21 besides sparkling water you can't really 125:23 down that 125:26 rose swallows like it was [ __ ] 125:27 nothing exactly 125:30 we've we've gone into like 125:32 such shitty territory would you date 125:34 shrek [ __ ] there were 125:36 there's there's we're i'm looking at uh 125:39 good lord let me exit out this you know 125:40 this page sorry i was just looking at 125:42 one ass forever um is it those thunkster 125:45 month it's a week and also yes 125:48 uh it's a week though not a month it's a 125:50 week so shut the up okay 125:54 bail bail escape the stream 125:59 cool 126:01 [Music] 126:04 [ __ ] the shut up look up desk cycle you 126:06 can both be a shut-in computer nerd 126:08 while getting healthier at the same time 126:10 i i'm not actually usually at my 126:12 computer weirdly enough 126:15 oddly 126:16 fun week yeah yeah yeah whatever 126:19 um 126:22 sparkly is sparkling water spicy water 126:24 that's the one 126:26 god the amount of questions that got 126:28 deleted by moderators 126:32 [Music] 126:35 alfredo sauce [ __ ] yeah 126:38 have i had that i don't know if i've 126:39 ever had that 126:43 the dude question's so weird how do you 126:45 like the new dress it's pretty great i 126:47 think it looks pretty [ __ ] i think it 126:48 looks pretty great pretty epic i like 126:51 the fact that i could literally just 126:53 take it off by going like that but i'm 126:55 not going to 126:58 but i could if i wanted to uh but yeah 127:01 so i'm just gonna it's just gonna be one 127:03 sheet tos not really uh there's no boobs 127:06 there's nothing it's just manchester 127:08 anyway my [ __ ] anyway my boobs are 127:11 slouching 127:13 oh my god 127:15 goddammit link to dress no idea it's on 127:16 amazon just search up like zip up dress 127:19 it's uk amazon too so i don't know 127:21 manchester incorrect 127:23 birmingham idiot uh does it it does look 127:26 comfy to be honest it is give us the 127:28 link no it's on i don't know 127:31 [ __ ] zip up dress 127:37 okay that's just [ __ ] lingerie what 127:39 the [ __ ] okay it's somewhere on amazon i 127:41 don't know i don't care 127:43 it's somewhere you know what no you 127:44 don't get this i get this it's just 127:47 gonna be mine you don't get to have my 127:49 dress it's copyrighted 127:52 idiot 127:53 it's not even off the shoulder it's just 127:54 completely strapless there you go 127:59 why the alpacas still have the mantle 128:00 dude it's i haven't put the shirt away 128:04 so it's just still got a cape 128:11 i can't turn off profanity settings and 128:13 the amount of asterisks worries me 128:16 this is funny 128:18 just different 128:19 uh 128:22 thug mods 128:25 uh 128:27 what is holding it up my ginormous 128:30 titties um but mainly well in all 128:33 fairness it is kind of just titties but 128:35 yeah 128:39 my interchangeably sized boobas 128:49 it's probably that i don't know helen i 128:51 really don't know i got no clue i don't 128:53 want to need to find it what else did i 128:54 order 128:57 it's called the 129:02 it's called the uh 129:04 yeah that's the one you got it al guerra 129:07 alegra or whatever the [ __ ] 129:10 i also ordered a different like a 129:12 checkered dress 129:13 and i don't know where that went but 129:14 i've got it somewhere it's probably 129:16 downstairs 129:17 i also got another [ __ ] maid outfit i 129:19 don't know where i'm gonna wear that 129:20 because it's like i just thought it was 129:22 funny how [ __ ] 129:25 it was it's an out there one so i 129:26 haven't worn it yet but i'm waiting for 129:28 a special occasion 129:31 yeah 129:34 yeah you got it anyway 129:36 what are you going on pka i don't know 129:37 actually uh 129:43 mainstream vr dude i'm gonna [ __ ] 129:47 that one's uh 129:48 but yeah no um 129:51 pka i'm not entirely sure 129:54 i haven't really gotten a date from them 129:55 yet so we'll see 129:58 it's so [ __ ] warm man 130:01 i okay i want to lobby that i looked 130:03 better with short hair 130:05 i looked pretty [ __ ] good with short 130:08 hair hold on let me can i give you the 130:10 most insane before and after 130:12 because i put it in the council chat 130:13 before 130:17 look at this 130:22 like 130:23 [Music] 130:29 little different huh 130:32 i think i looked better with short hair 130:37 get your screenshots by the way while 130:38 you can 130:39 i want i want to have like a before and 130:42 after is that your brother that's me fam 130:44 from like two years like two years ago 131:02 [Music] 131:08 it is now not as long as extensions but 131:11 not butch either 131:14 i i think i looked pretty masculine like 131:17 pretty pretty strong pretty good there 131:20 eyebrows were pretty solid by the way 131:22 this was when i was doing this too that 131:24 was still in this phase like this was 131:26 still while i was doing this on twitch 131:28 you can tell because my [ __ ] eyebrows 131:30 are plucked like look you can you can 131:32 tell like my eyebrows are clean they're 131:35 more like shaped you know 131:36 you can tell but i still don't peak 131:39 there in my opinion 131:41 masculine 131:46 there's a pole up i know i see the 131:48 [ __ ] long hairs at like 90 of the way 131:55 all right let's see this 131:57 eagle ideas 132:05 oh you just put the same dress yeah 132:06 that's the dress 132:07 uh 132:09 your skin is lighter and softer and your 132:11 hair is thinner 132:15 what oh from [ __ ] back then 132:18 not really it's the same hair 132:21 i mean out of fringe so it kind of you 132:23 don't really see 132:25 like 132:25 you know 132:26 whatever i wasn't doing anything to it 132:29 so it was you know is it thinner now 132:31 that's not a good sign it's a sign of 132:33 [ __ ] testosterone kicking in 132:35 uh 132:36 it's what is it called dht 132:39 or something that makes hair fall out 132:41 i know that's a thing because i know 132:43 like there's a my dad's like in [ __ ] 132:45 hair replacement 132:46 uh 132:47 so 132:48 or something 132:50 someone someone knows what the [ __ ] 132:51 going on 132:52 uh but also what the [ __ ] do you mean by 132:54 like dude i had better skin back then my 132:57 skin got [ __ ] worse somehow like i'm 132:59 wearing makeup now 133:01 and still somehow it's worse 133:03 like 133:07 like i'm wearing makeup now too and when 133:09 you compare like it's is that you know 133:11 no makeup to 133:14 yeah 133:16 hair tends to look lighter when it's 133:17 longer well yeah and the fact that i've 133:19 got extensions in that are different 133:20 colors to my hair anyway uh 133:24 does makeup irritate the skin no it's 133:27 just eating like if i haven't i've 133:29 realized that like my skin is crystal 133:31 clear if i 133:33 like when i'm sick and i just eat salads 133:35 and water and nothing else like 133:37 coverdera perfect skin but then i will 133:40 have like a spoon of sugar in my tea 133:43 [ __ ] [ __ ] forever my skin just can't 133:45 cope with it like that 133:46 it's nuts 133:49 fun fact extra mic your skin your skin 133:51 nice and you'll look younger oh dude 133:53 estrogen's so great you take estrogen 133:56 right you get your skin softer 133:58 uh you look younger 134:01 uh your head 134:02 is better 134:04 um your skin's smoother and healthier 134:07 your dick stops working you grow boobs 134:10 you start to look like a woman 134:12 and um 134:13 yeah not great not not 134:16 the trade-offs are kind of not for me 134:18 you know what i mean 134:19 the downside is fairly high 134:25 dick no working grow boobs not good bad 134:28 even 134:32 like it's not some [ __ ] miracle oh 134:35 yeah depressing 134:38 you can get like and that's just 134:39 physical changes like that's going to 134:40 [ __ ] with you mentally too 134:42 shit's nuts 134:45 balls are now just cause literally no 134:47 downside depression literally no 134:49 downside 134:50 uh i mean i guess not everyone gets 134:52 depressed but i've heard from a lot of 134:55 [ __ ] trans people that's a big side 134:57 effect 134:58 uh 134:59 what's the price for estrogen 135:01 oh my god 135:03 uh wait i just there isn't one i don't 135:06 think i i don't think i'd sacrifice 135:08 my [ __ ] dick and balls and [ __ ] and 135:12 and nuts for for any amount of money 135:15 five million no not five million [ __ ] 135:18 500 million is what i said before 135:21 500 million dollars 135:27 dick stop dick stopping working is false 135:30 maybe less horny but still working 135:32 i don't know fam 135:36 it ain't supposed to work like that 135:38 it i don't want it smaller bro it can't 135:40 get much smaller 135:46 bro i can't take the risk on one inch 135:49 bro it takes it down to it to a flat 135:51 plane i can't take that risk 135:57 anyway 135:58 uh 136:00 ruins your libido bro i'm my libido's 136:03 [ __ ] anyway i don't even have much of 136:04 it like i've never been super interested 136:07 in like i've just never been super 136:10 interested in just sex in general 136:12 like that might be really [ __ ] 136:14 personal i guess but i've just never 136:15 really been interested in it i mean i 136:16 have but you know [ __ ] 136:18 it's just one of those things that it's 136:19 not on my mind as much it is it's on 136:21 everyone else's 136:23 ace oh my [ __ ] no 136:24 definitely not i i jerk off ten times a 136:27 day but like i'm just like it's just not 136:30 an interest that i have super like 136:33 you know 136:35 i'm definitely not asexual 136:37 but like i've just never had a super 136:39 high uh horny 136:41 you know what i mean 136:45 being a kumar is a curse i'm envious 136:48 thank you um 136:50 but no like i i just sort of 136:53 i don't know 136:54 didn't need to know that 136:57 jerk off ten times a day learn that 137:00 you already can't grow facial hair odd 137:03 are so womanly already micro peepee 137:06 okay listen 137:08 dummy uh 137:10 i 137:11 i should i would have to shave i do 137:13 shave my face every day if i'm wearing 137:14 like if i'm doing any of this i have to 137:16 shave my face beforehand i just have to 137:18 that's just how it is 137:21 asexuality is just the lack of sexual 137:23 attraction well that's not what i have 137:24 though 137:26 so cool i'm not asexual but you know 137:31 i'm not asexual i'm just like i'm just 137:33 my libido's not that high 137:35 is that that bad it doesn't mean you 137:37 have to fit into a category it's just 137:38 like 137:39 i'm just not looking to [ __ ] everything 137:42 jerking 10 times in a day and is never 137:44 on a a does not compute 137:48 i didn't say never horny i just said 137:49 like i'm it's not super i'm just not 137:51 it's not my okay also i don't jerk a 137:53 [ __ ] 10 times a day uh but you know 137:58 do you check off standing up or lying 138:00 down who the [ __ ] does it 138:03 done both prefer laying down who the 138:05 [ __ ] what psychopath is standing 138:08 realistically 138:12 that's got to be a [ __ ] 138:15 askew 138:16 of like 138:18 preference that who [ __ ] stands 138:20 shower 138:21 i own a house 138:23 like i'm i'm good 138:24 i could jerk off anywhere i don't need 138:26 to have my private time in the shower i 138:29 could go into my [ __ ] 138:31 i i did i could jerk off anyway i'd go 138:33 into my attic 138:35 go into my little jerk off cave in the 138:36 attic that's what i do i go up into the 138:38 dusty 138:39 no lights in their attic 138:42 and i just that's where i do it i take 138:44 down the ladder 138:45 and i and i crawl up there 138:47 and i take a deep breath in of the 138:49 fiberglass and i just get going 138:52 anyway um 138:56 that's the only time i'll ever stand is 138:58 so i can shoot like targets and [ __ ] 139:01 yeah that's my room 139:03 the walls are actually shiny up there 139:07 now anyway 139:09 anyway 139:19 yeah no it's crazy i had builders over 139:21 and they're like dude if these beams 139:23 been freshly uh been freshly varnished 139:25 and i went yeah 139:29 uh just this morning actually 139:32 uh 139:35 jesus [ __ ] 139:37 we're gonna have to get 70 of the houses 139:39 after you moved up yeah they're gonna 139:40 have to get it there's no way it's 139:42 it's not fit for human 139:44 uh 139:45 anyway jesus christ i've got i've made 139:47 i've left this gone too far 139:48 um 139:51 jackson pollock would be proud 139:55 anyway 139:57 i catch life and i get spent life for 139:59 one once and this is his content yes 140:03 are you surprised cynical drew again 140:05 [ __ ] yeah let's see 140:08 he's playing minecraft what a loser 140:12 you cannot you can't you cannot tell me 140:14 this picture of finn just does not you 140:16 can't where's the where is this where is 140:18 his pee pee why did you take it off 140:20 where did it go where did you oh 140:23 i can show you exactly where i went 140:25 just [ __ ] junk 140:27 huh 140:28 like what you can jerk off anywhere but 140:30 if you aren't interested in sex sounds 140:31 like copium for being single happen i 140:33 will help you go find it we can go on a 140:35 scavenger hunt 140:36 since people have just never really been 140:38 all right so uh so i'm drawing finn and 140:40 net the best duo eagle that's why i 140:43 the fake women you know uh we're back 140:45 drawing them while i'm playing some 140:47 minecraft why in that pose man 140:50 uh 140:51 why in that pose though 140:53 cynical 140:58 why in this pose seneca i'm going to 141:00 skip 141:02 that that doesn't 141:03 uh 141:06 happen dude nat 141:10 my tits are straight up out in this what 141:13 the [ __ ] just boobs out for sure dude 141:16 got him so much better at his girl voice 141:18 you're huge i'm so terrified now it's 141:21 like you just have like another girl in 141:22 the room and they're just you're just 141:24 switching with them every time i want to 141:26 skip i want to see what its final result 141:27 is 141:28 listen i'm better at minecraft so i find 141:31 it hard to watch it 141:32 they're all illustrations of 141:34 just 141:35 just jesus [ __ ] christ 141:39 it's 141:41 it's it's 141:42 why 141:44 why why 141:46 why is why am i grabbing nat like that 141:48 and why is he grabbing my underboob like 141:51 that 141:52 what this is a crime 141:54 uh uh against nate i don't know this is 141:57 something i i i want to say it's illegal 141:59 where heels already in heels buddy 142:02 idiot already in him anyway he likes 142:05 drawing you but why'd it gotta be what 142:07 i'm with nat though 142:09 why'd it gotta be when i'm like 142:11 you know like that why why why 142:15 anyway 142:16 i'm not saying i don't support it i 142:17 support it master is a thing good to 142:19 know 142:21 good dinner didn't see the hills don't 142:23 care 142:24 i 142:24 do 142:25 request him to draw just you he's done 142:28 that like four times 142:30 so it's like 142:31 [ __ ] 142:36 that is eight inches taller than you 142:38 he's not six foot 142:40 seven he's like six foot like four or 142:43 six foot three or something like that 142:45 and i'm i'm five foot eleven 142:49 five foot ten five foot eleven five foot 142:50 eleven i'm five foot eleven 142:53 i'm five foot eleven 142:54 uh 142:58 so he's like yeah he's d a little bit 142:59 taller than me not a lot though 143:01 like i could wear heels and be taller 143:03 than that 143:07 if i wore my like my tall heel if i wore 143:09 these i'd be as tall as nap just these 143:11 heels that i'm wearing right now like if 143:13 i stood up i am as tall as now why do 143:15 you lie about your height every day i 143:16 don't god damn it 143:19 hang that ruler 143:21 eventually i will my boobs have straight 143:23 up 143:24 disintegrated man 143:27 they're there but they ain't 143:29 dude okay there we go 143:33 oh wait i just realized i'm breaking 143:34 government rules i'm supposed to be in a 143:36 bra 143:38 but i'm not 143:39 i don't know where this lies i feel like 143:40 they'll let me off 143:42 anyway 143:44 boobs have left the chat 143:46 they they didn't leave the chat they 143:48 more just sunk 143:51 5 foot 11 with 10 inch heels shut the 143:52 [ __ ] up 143:54 bob's a no bra fine 143:57 stick on your count i agree 143:59 it's an exceptional we made this time 144:01 fam the the [ __ ] yeah it should be 144:06 strapless dress and stick on bobs they 144:09 make up for it i think i feel 144:15 sagging already bet boobs for a day 144:16 would hold up better bet bob's ready 144:18 would hold up better you're right but it 144:20 doesn't do it stuff i need you to be my 144:23 research man on this 144:24 stuff go make it happen okay we're gonna 144:27 try and see it how possible it is and 144:29 then i'll ask people for money if it is 144:31 and if not i get to laugh at people okay 144:34 good thank you stuff my assistant thank 144:36 you 144:37 knife scary 144:39 but i was gonna look at the pub all day 144:40 tomorrow ah too bad now you're looking 144:42 into 144:43 uh boobs 144:45 um 144:46 now you don't know your meme is it real 144:48 is it what 144:50 now that you've done an appearance on 144:51 know your meme it's really time to make 144:53 and 144:54 make your application to missed it to a 144:56 mr beast challenge 144:57 i don't even know that you apply for 144:59 that 145:00 i'll send you the bill at my hourly rate 145:02 okay 145:06 thank you holy [ __ ] thanks for the sub 145:08 my dude they're sagging should i swap 145:10 into a bra real quick because these are 145:12 just sagging and i can't just be 145:13 replacing i'm going through sticky pads 145:15 like water 145:17 what do swap to bra or 145:20 more sticky what 145:22 thunky what donkey chad i need your 145:24 opinions 145:32 bro okay this one for the editing and 145:35 bra 145:36 and then it all they'll cut 145:39 all right let me see i can get a black 145:41 brow one sec use glue what the [ __ ] 145:44 you're insane edgar okay 145:46 uh stream 145:48 all right one second 145:49 it's like right next to me too 145:51 so i'm like i'm good for a sec 145:57 i'm just taking like 145:59 this damn pad off 146:04 it sucks that it's so hot in the [ __ ] 146:07 uk right now 146:08 it's this what i mean by i want air 146:09 conditioning i wouldn't even know it was 146:11 warm it's nighttime it's [ __ ] 10 p.m 146:15 bro 146:18 god it's 10 p.m and it's still a pain 146:22 awful 146:34 it's like 146:36 doing 146:40 come on 146:42 oh 146:44 ooh 146:45 that was a tough one 146:47 okay next one 146:51 wait i got an idea let me put on this 146:52 for a bit because i'm just gonna be 146:53 grunting 146:55 and you'll like this i'm sure 147:26 [Music] 147:44 [Applause] 147:45 [Music] 147:48 [Applause] 147:49 [Music] 147:52 [Applause] 147:53 [Music] 147:55 [Applause] 147:57 [Music] 147:59 [Applause] 148:00 [Music] 148:03 [Applause] 148:04 [Music] 148:10 hello dylan smile 148:15 who the [ __ ] is dylan 148:17 you cheating on me who the [ __ ] is dylan 148:19 bro 148:20 i'm still here i haven't left 148:23 which what the [ __ ] man i thought i 148:25 trusted you 148:27 that's [ __ ] up 148:29 is this it years years of our of our uh 148:32 our relationship gone down the drain for 148:34 this for dylan 148:40 i don't know if i 148:41 i don't know if i can support uh this 148:43 anymore 148:45 this is upsetting 148:48 well one thing more to do 148:56 [Music] 149:49 [Applause] 149:51 [Music] 150:05 [ __ ] how the [ __ ] the [ __ ] did they get 150:06 the timing off 150:08 how the hell are they like it's [ __ ] 150:11 what 150:12 good lord 150:15 fine 150:16 still gotta put a bra on 150:18 it's mildly infuriating for me too don't 150:20 worry 150:24 [Music] 150:44 oh that's [ __ ] listen to that 150:48 oh it was so bad a second ago 150:52 ah 150:58 jesus okay well i'm almost done 151:02 [Music] 151:05 and so is it let's do it timing 151:09 ben can we please get another doomer 151:11 catboy stream again sometime soon 151:13 i need possibly 151:16 oh maybe actually i'm down to do a cat 151:18 boy stream 151:20 you know just some regular guy mode [ __ ] 151:22 some fanboy stuff 151:24 i'm down for such a thing 151:27 i made it stop don't worry 151:33 there you go black bra doesn't really 151:35 hurt it too much eh it almost looks like 151:36 it's meant to be there like it almost 151:38 looks like an actual dress now but 151:40 anyway boys how are we 151:42 uh 151:45 but i could tell that dude you can 151:46 probably make a better version of that 151:48 but this version has 12 million views 151:50 it also has 11 000 dislikes so i'm 151:52 guessing people also know about it being 151:55 off 151:56 cat is i don't know where the [ __ ] they 151:58 are i no i do know where they are 152:00 they're downstairs i have bunny ears but 152:02 it's just not the same is it there's no 152:04 doomer bunny boy 152:07 there's no doomer bunny help me they 152:08 banned me for advertising dylan is an 152:10 earl person not a flipping streamer 152:14 wait what 152:15 you got banned 152:17 what are you banned for 152:18 are you what 152:23 what happened what 152:28 did he really what did he do what did he 152:30 say 152:32 i mean i can check uh we haven't done 152:35 i've been asking the mods not to go 152:37 through unban requests so should we 152:39 should we do an unban check 152:41 i think i can actually do it now [ __ ] it 152:43 should we do the first one of these 152:47 mod view oh 152:49 let us see 152:51 let us see what was justified and what 152:53 was not 152:54 okay 152:55 on bank request 24 oh okay 152:58 oh he hasn't he hasn't suggested an 153:00 unban he needs to he needs to have an 153:03 unban i think 153:05 he needs to he needs to submit an unban 153:07 request 153:08 and then we will review it together 153:10 there's 47 on ban requests by the way 153:15 so that might be interesting 153:18 when does the pk go live i haven't 153:19 filmed it so i don't know 153:20 uh 153:25 let's see 153:29 oh what the [ __ ] 153:30 i don't know whether it'll happen 153:32 uh you posted that you're gonna go watch 153:34 someone else so i banned you for 153:35 advertising 153:37 i abandoned that 153:38 okay 153:40 fair enough 153:43 watching someone else isn't advertising 153:46 but all right fair enough i don't want 153:48 to the mods are on the mods are under a 153:50 lot of pressure they do good work 153:52 i didn't see the actual dms anyway 153:54 so 153:55 i do want to go through on band requests 153:57 at some point on baron quest review 153:59 stream yeah i've been stacking them up 154:01 i've really been wanting to uh weirdly 154:03 enough we don't ban enough people uh or 154:06 at least not enough submit for requests 154:10 okay well john just timed someone out 154:11 for a million seconds 154:14 i can't wait 15 minutes to submit an 154:16 unban request frown i was shouting an 154:18 earl person out who was also watching 154:20 your stream not a streamer sorry lol 154:24 well either way [ __ ] dylan dylan bad 154:27 uh we can at least all agree on that 154:29 dylan bad 154:31 ooh 154:33 there we go 154:34 what do you think do you think strapless 154:36 or strapped 154:37 on 154:39 strapless or 154:40 str uh strapless or strapped uh strap on 154:43 chat what uh 154:45 chat do you like 154:46 what are you um 154:51 what are you uh what are you uh what 154:53 what what's your preference 155:00 good lord 155:02 you'd also strap on anyway 155:07 apparently everyone likes 155:08 i can't tell whether like 155:11 i can't tell whether you guys want me to 155:12 be either a top or a bottom and i i i 155:15 don't know i don't know what you guys uh 155:19 think what do you guys want from me 155:21 because you're what half of you are 155:23 gonna be wrong 155:26 i assume 155:29 loving your fem narrow shoulders and 155:31 delicious collar bones 155:34 my narrow shoulders 155:36 my narrow shoulders 155:43 my [ __ ] what 155:47 i mean i added a strap to it so it sound 155:49 it looks a bit more like narrow but like 155:51 buddy 155:54 buddy 155:57 this looks kind of good actually 156:03 contents ma'am yeah 156:06 buddy 156:08 uh not pretty passing shoulders not in 156:10 real life buddy i am a [ __ ] isometric 156:13 triangle 156:14 like my my body shape is like michael 156:16 phelps but a bit toned down i'm like a 156:19 [ __ ] paddle 156:20 you know 156:22 like i just shoulders wide waist narrow 156:26 no working 156:28 it's so [ __ ] warm in here bro 156:33 you expect a coherent decision from the 156:36 screeching mass that is chat lol 156:39 a bit 156:40 a little bit 156:43 a little bit i wanted that 156:45 i turned on a fan 156:47 you're prettier than a lot of cis girls 156:50 i didn't deny that i look i'm i'm a 9 to 156:54 9.9 at lowest to 9.8 156:58 so 156:58 i understand 157:00 right there are like maybe a couple like 157:03 you could probably 157:04 there's a solid maybe ten or five people 157:07 that are more attractive than me 157:09 uh ever 157:11 that have lived or are living 157:13 but you know 157:14 there's definitely some there's gotta be 157:16 i wouldn't feel too bad 157:19 how about dominant power bottom 157:22 [ __ ] jesus i'm furthest away from that 157:27 uh 157:29 no [ __ ] i don't know 157:31 what would i be 157:38 i i don't go for i don't uh power bottom 157:41 is kind of [ __ ] nuts 157:43 why be top or bottom when you can be the 157:45 middle part of a human sandwich 157:48 that sounds like the worst [ __ ] pot 157:52 ah dude that i didn't like that one bit 157:55 i didn't like what that means 157:57 pillow princess 157:59 what 158:03 oh can you fetch me a pillow that'd be 158:05 nice 158:06 my this chair isn't just soft enough i 158:09 wouldn't 158:10 peasant fetch me it oh dear sim fetch me 158:13 one fetch me a pillow to sit on 158:17 top five fighters people they're all 158:18 ryan reynolds i agree uh 158:21 that that's why he's only slightly above 158:24 me i can't think of another one megan 158:25 fox is in the running but like not 158:27 really obviously i mean 158:30 god i wouldn't want to compare megan fox 158:32 to me that's just fair on megan 158:35 oh well 158:42 you were kind of hot 158:45 damn right 158:46 megan fox so 2010. 158:48 okay finn and chad i have to head out to 158:50 finish up work for the rest of the day 158:52 chat always remember kings together 158:58 i wonder what i should do uh 159:02 when should i do the next goal 159:04 or what should be the next goal or 159:06 [ __ ] what 159:08 what should be a goal to have 159:10 i'm trying to think of one because the 159:12 next one could be uh girl month but i 159:14 could also try and strain it to any day 159:16 xd 159:18 i could try and drain it a bit 159:20 and set a different goal so you guys 159:22 don't have as much for uh [ __ ] 159:25 go a month 159:27 what's the sub goal i don't know [ __ ] it 159:29 let's just say the sub goal for 159:30 something i don't know what that would 159:32 be but we'll say something is that 159:36 you get some value out of the currently 159:37 achieved governments first true you know 159:40 this thing about abolishing binaries 159:42 just be switch 159:44 a little bit a little bit 159:46 chastity what is up with you guys and 159:48 eliminating my dick i i want it there 159:51 it's pretty epic and i like it 159:53 i 159:54 as a pan ambi i must 159:56 my [ __ ] and balls must have 159:59 stopped the pride 160:06 bad wrong 160:08 so you like dick specifically mine 160:12 yeah 160:13 i like i like to the the idea that mine 160:15 would stay 160:17 so yes 160:18 others don't really care what you do 160:21 with your own 160:22 you know as long as it's not hurting 160:24 anyone 160:25 or 160:27 other bad things you could do 160:30 um 160:31 but if it's not doing any of that 160:33 then i don't care what you do with your 160:35 your uh 160:36 [ __ ] and balls whether you like them or 160:38 not 160:40 acceptance is what we're about over here 160:42 on the finster channel 160:48 like cutting this 160:51 satisfying 160:54 it's called junk for a reason it's just 160:55 chunk 160:57 [ __ ] sake 160:58 uh 161:02 wouldn't be a fanboy without a micro 161:04 penis 161:06 ah 161:07 okay you're listen buddy you're [ __ ] 161:09 your memes are turning into just hatred 161:12 my [ __ ] 161:14 okay my dress is like 161:20 if you can't think of anything else you 161:22 can always add months to the box 161:25 people would probably donate for that 161:28 you don't it though i want my [ __ ] 161:30 box back 161:35 you're getting surgery for your voice to 161:36 sound femme 161:38 god no 161:40 i don't think i could deal with that i 161:42 don't think i could deal with having a 161:43 female voice 161:44 i think that'd really [ __ ] i think i'm 161:45 really [ __ ] with me 161:47 if i had like a female voice and i just 161:49 couldn't change me good lord 161:52 did you ever do that last that last goal 161:54 yeah it's [ __ ] 161:58 this is what this is 162:01 on stream leg waxing i already 162:05 at the salon should we do that 162:08 new torch riders indeed at the salon we 162:10 could do like leg waxing but like oh my 162:13 god 162:16 my leg hair needs to grow out a lot more 162:21 to do that i think 162:26 is your dress on backwards no it's just 162:29 the design of the dress buddy that's 162:31 just how you wear it it's got a zip up 162:33 front for easy access uh 162:36 but 162:36 i could do uh waxing at that salon 162:40 because i i think they do that 162:41 but 162:43 sheesh 162:45 um 162:47 maybe not hyper fun idea for me 162:51 you take ruby on a shopping spree 162:53 yes but yeah i did actually i i got a 162:56 some converse she only what it's so hard 162:59 to get ruby to spend money because like 163:01 when you say like spend like buy 163:03 anything you want she goes like she 163:04 wants to be very polite like i need to 163:06 physically i was like physically pushing 163:08 and be like just get him you're like she 163:10 wanted some converse i was like just get 163:12 him get the ones you really like and 163:14 they end up being like 70 pounds or 163:15 something but like she was you know she 163:17 didn't want to spend any more than that 163:18 which was very sweet but you know 163:21 you filmed it then no it was it wasn't 163:23 for that it was for um 163:24 it was for what's it called she did 163:26 really well in gcses she did really 163:29 [ __ ] well i'm really proud of her she 163:30 did 163:31 very well like all a's and like 1b 163:34 and like the rest of my a's on a style 163:36 she's [ __ ] amazingly she's way 163:38 smarter than me uh she did a lot better 163:41 so 163:42 yeah i just i thought you know 163:45 [ __ ] be good to 163:49 treat the success you know 163:51 so i did yeah she's ruby 163:56 i what the [ __ ] thank you the five 163:58 united subs you're new i'm arson 164:00 i'm arson what a [ __ ] good name thank 164:02 you for the five good subs there we go 164:04 i'm carving a piece of paper at least 164:07 you'll at least you're at least one of 164:09 the parents 164:10 at least one of your parents daughters 164:12 turned out smart 164:21 okay 164:24 listen 164:25 number one not the daughter i'm the son 164:29 and i'm cool as well you know i'm the 164:31 [ __ ] 164:32 you know giant i'm the [ __ ] 164:35 uh very handsome guy 164:39 and uh 164:41 number two 164:43 i am smart i have a big brain 164:47 i haven't ever seen it but neither of 164:48 you in all fairness there's no way to 164:50 prove it 164:51 i feel like it's a big brain 164:54 because i can do maths really well and i 164:56 can read good 164:58 so 165:02 jokes on you fellas 165:03 looks like you're the idiots today 165:08 whatever the new goal is can you work 165:10 out the details before we reach it a 165:12 good portion of the last stream was you 165:15 just trying to change the requirements 165:17 of a goal that you'd had a while to 165:18 think about this isn't brexit 165:21 yeah good point 165:23 um 165:25 that's what i mean i i don't know 165:27 whether we i don't know whether i should 165:28 like 165:33 i don't know what it would be i i'm 165:34 trying to settle on one 165:38 commoditing himbo energy 165:42 what about i can't think of one for for 165:44 a sub goal i can't think of one for that 165:46 for 165:48 ballet boots bro i can't do ballet 165:50 but my my toes are fragile they've never 165:52 had a workout in their entire life ear 165:54 piercing it's already going to happen it 165:56 is going to happen i don't want to ask 165:57 for more money to do it it's going to 165:58 happen i'm just delayed 166:00 um 166:01 but a new thing i don't know i can't 166:03 think of one i'm not going to extend the 166:04 box i'm just not going to there's no 166:06 [ __ ] way it's happening 166:09 whoops 166:12 finn self-senses himself 166:14 dude what the frick i i i can't i can't 166:17 hecking do that 166:19 there's no way 166:21 you know what the fudge man 166:23 it's it's stupid 166:24 i record i record fudging minecraft 166:26 videos for a living i'm not gonna i'm 166:28 not gonna censor myself for you 166:32 what what a bozo 166:36 what a bowser 166:39 i'd like to extend your box 166:44 live on stream accidental or 166:46 orchestration when 166:50 jesus [ __ ] 166:52 what the [ __ ] 166:54 what the [ __ ] 166:57 [Music] 166:58 pro makeup lesson uh i would be the one 167:00 giving them all no more goals good idea 167:05 good idea 167:06 wait minecraft for a living this is 167:07 minecraft never played it 167:09 what well i do play minecraft for a 167:11 living weirdly enough gold burn the box 167:15 no apple dance stream 167:17 oh [ __ ] i should have done that with 167:19 miko but she didn't come over here i 167:20 went over there and she didn't have a 167:22 pole because she was in the she was in 167:23 the uk 167:24 lip liner tattoo 167:26 that's the most tacky [ __ ] i've ever 167:28 heard my god 167:32 like when you get a tattooed on tattooed 167:34 on makeup is the most khaki ship 167:37 my [ __ ] god and now she's no longer 167:39 in the uk 167:40 yeah but like that's the thing her her 167:42 pole dancing thing is in america i would 167:43 need to go to america you may look like 167:45 a gorgeous woman but you truly are 167:47 amazing big brother also i know chat can 167:50 be a bit cruel but you are so fiscally 167:52 intelligent it boggles my mind 167:54 thank you for sharing just a portion of 167:57 your life with us 167:58 i'm definitely not i'm trying but i'm a 168:01 21 year old i'm i'm kind of [ __ ] dumb 168:04 uh 168:07 yeah i'm trying though 168:09 don't stroke his ego yeah it's hard yeah 168:12 no 168:13 get the wholesome out of here all right 168:15 back to awful [ __ ] um right what next 168:22 i need some i need the chat back i need 168:24 normal chat back where it's just 168:26 constant garbage all the time 168:32 male brain finishes development at 25 168:35 when does female brains stop 168:38 uh 168:39 one 168:41 wait a minute women am i right fellas 168:46 um 168:48 you know 168:51 hey you're a 21 year old that's buying a 168:52 house i'm mortgaging a house most of 168:55 this when you're on your own uh i don't 168:56 know i can't pay rent you're doing all 168:58 right yeah no economy's [ __ ] 169:01 it's not lost on me 169:03 like everything that i everything that i 169:05 if i was trying to rent this house out 169:07 it'd just be for way less than market 169:08 value but like the goddamn 169:12 it's [ __ ] nuts man 169:15 watching you play with knives makes me 169:16 want to buy one 169:19 yeah it should i mean don't get a dumb 169:21 one like this get like a really good one 169:24 i mean not a really good one but like 50 169:25 bucks can get you pretty damn far 169:28 the rat one the rat two the spyderco 169:30 tenacious that's a damn good one 169:32 spyderco tenacious 169:34 uh spyderco pm2 is like what people 169:37 consider peak of knives that's like 100 169:39 or 200 169:40 so 169:42 but it's it's definitely not but some 169:44 people just get that one and then never 169:45 buy another one spidey chef it's another 169:47 good one but very expensive 169:50 depends what you're after this benchmade 169:52 bug out again people stuck with that one 169:54 too 169:57 got the luna set from little for big i 169:58 don't i don't remember what it is 170:00 there's a ballast 170:01 train wrecks in your chat how's it going 170:04 man recently got into uni so off on the 170:06 pub crawl laughing the income to toss 170:09 any in your direction 170:13 thank you 170:15 instead of extending the boy clothes box 170:17 how about starting a new box with the 170:19 unisex stuff 170:23 no 170:24 no 170:25 i just ain't happening 170:26 uh 170:28 i'm not that that no 170:29 that would be literally like 170:31 just i i can't just go around with like 170:36 what would it even be just [ __ ] it just 170:38 girl [ __ ] 170:39 like [ __ ] there's no way 170:41 i i've 170:43 there's no way 170:45 the fear in his eyes i could do like 170:47 something for just like uh like feminine 170:51 clothes for like only only female 170:53 clothes 170:54 for like a week to try it out 170:57 you know what i mean 170:59 but it's never gonna go in the box 171:01 because i like sweatshirts i like 171:03 hoodies john calm down 171:08 jungkook 171:09 john's [ __ ] memeing but jesus christ 171:11 it went far 171:13 john's [ __ ] around he went uh 171:15 you should be ashamed of yourselves 171:16 you're a garbage human waste 171:20 my life 171:21 i could do it for a week 171:23 i could maybe do it for a week 171:26 like just female clothes and only female 171:30 clothes 171:32 just get a femme hoodie well that's what 171:33 i mean that's not that's that it 171:35 wouldn't be that it'd be like you know 171:37 proper 171:38 did the rice pretty 39 on the rice 171:40 purity test maybe a photo session or 171:43 juggling with pineapples and oranges 171:47 what about juggling with knives on fire 171:50 well and one of them isn't a knife it's 171:52 a gun and it's loaded 171:54 but it it it's it's it's uh all the 171:56 knives are open 171:58 and and the gun is like the the primers 172:01 pull back that the hammers pull back 172:04 even 172:05 you know 172:07 now that's it now that's a juggling show 172:11 that's a cool idea damn right 172:14 it's russian roulette but for anyone 172:16 around you as well yeah 172:20 for your tickets on my ticket for you 172:21 patch [ __ ] yeah i've posted two bangers 172:24 like two videos that are like one and a 172:26 half million views let's go 172:28 full alternative look like corpse album 172:31 cover cover 172:33 i don't suit it bro i just don't like 172:35 suit the vibe of like 172:37 alternative or gothic or anything like 172:39 that i just can't do it i don't get me 172:41 wrong respect for anyone that can pull 172:43 it off but ah 172:44 it's it's real hard 172:48 pastel goth is still 172:49 this it still doesn't [ __ ] work dude 172:52 anything gothic i just can't do 172:55 like this is this could be considered 172:57 gothic if i was if i just had like 173:00 [ __ ] this i don't know 173:03 it's just i'm throwing all black patreon 173:06 photoshoot for patreon i'm not gonna 173:07 make a patreon or only fans anytime soon 173:10 uh 173:14 i don't know 173:16 oh my god corsets though 173:18 for what you can wear a corset anyway 173:23 ask minks 173:25 no it's not dude it's not a look that i 173:26 that i enjoy 173:28 i i dude there's a picture of minx in 173:30 like uh wait 173:32 if i look up just a minks 173:35 dressed 173:37 normally 174:00 [Music] 174:03 oh it's so [ __ ] good 174:07 what the [ __ ] 174:09 oh that's that's great 174:12 hold on 174:15 that's so [ __ ] good 174:18 uh just roasted by google 174:22 oh 174:24 send her a screenshot problem i'll tweet 174:26 it 174:29 oh my god 174:33 that's funny anyway 174:35 poor minx man what if i go on to like 174:36 google images if anything will pop up 174:39 uh 174:42 this is what pops up for mink's dressing 174:43 normally 174:44 but like okay look i prefer this makeup 174:46 style right like 174:49 in my opinion it looks better she can 174:51 give it she doesn't give half a [ __ ] and 174:53 that's her style it's [ __ ] her 174:54 style's [ __ ] great but that's what i 174:56 mean by like gothic stuff is just kind 174:58 of not my true nice things can we please 175:00 get serious about making a sub goal 175:03 september is only here for so long and i 175:06 figured you would want to get the most 175:07 out of it 175:08 oh come on you got the big brain let's 175:10 do this i will okay 175:13 i'll do the like female like girl girly 175:16 only clothing for all week 175:19 i'll do it for a week 175:24 but 175:26 it is only a week i'm not you're not 175:28 gonna i'm not setting it with any 175:29 intention of it going longer than a week 175:31 so we're not gonna do a goal for it to 175:33 be longer than a week it's gonna be a 175:34 week okay 175:35 that's what it will be that's what it 175:37 will stay 175:38 you gotta be okay with that all right 175:45 jesus [ __ ] 175:54 uh 175:55 40 you might 175:59 you might stream once that week 176:00 [ __ ] i don't know what would i do 176:08 doesn't count if no streams 176:11 okay that's fair um 176:14 how would we sort such a conundrum 176:17 what would we want to do 176:19 because i guess you technically could 176:21 have it as like 176:24 uh what's it called 176:28 you could have it is like uh just during 176:31 streams and [ __ ] 176:32 but i don't know 176:34 what are you thunky 176:48 okay 176:52 so i'm just screen 176:53 something for twitter 176:54 screenshotting that thing 176:57 all right 177:05 there we go 177:12 uh how is that different to doing skirts 177:14 and dress all month well yeah that 177:15 wouldn't be now 177:17 every day if no stream if no stream or 177:20 ig then it resets 177:22 the the skirts and dresses thing for a 177:24 month 177:25 listen 177:26 i wore the last time i wore a hoodie in 177:28 a skirt if that would be the difference 177:30 of like what the [ __ ] alexa turned on 177:33 stop i thought i told her to be quiet 177:34 it'd be the difference of like instead 177:35 if i wear a hoodie in a skirt it'd be i 177:37 wear like a [ __ ] you know a crop top 177:39 and a skirt or something like that that 177:41 would be the difference this [ __ ] 177:43 zipper hayfin my friend says i look like 177:46 you i think you're pretty so i said 177:48 thanks for the compliment keep up the 177:50 good stuff bro 177:55 thank you 177:56 um 177:58 do you have any makeup lesson videos on 178:00 youtube yeah like three or four uh i 178:02 wanted i want to do a proper good one 178:04 but like to be honest with you it's very 178:06 dependent on your face there's a good 178:08 few tips of just like don't do too much 178:10 uh concealer is sometimes enough you 178:12 don't have to do full foundation because 178:13 it makes you look a bit like too much 178:15 makeup on 178:16 uh 178:18 you know yeah there's a bunch of stuff 178:20 like that just don't go overboard and 178:22 you'll probably end up being fine 178:29 what's the point of your stream once a 178:30 month true that's what i mean you could 178:32 set the set the week or something i 178:33 don't know i'm not dead set on the goal 178:35 do you have any do you have any good 178:36 ideas for a goal 178:37 i'm new to us what's up with the 178:39 subgoals laser salon etc laser didn't 178:41 laser not happening uh salon so i'm 178:44 gonna next time i go into the shop 178:46 because i'm gonna get the hair out in 178:47 like two days i think so i'm gonna get 178:50 the hair out 178:51 and i'm gonna have a talk to them about 178:53 like when and set a date to do the salon 178:56 thing 178:57 to get my like to go into a salon set up 178:59 the stream do 179:00 my nails get my nails done my hair done 179:04 and maybe waxing i haven't decided on 179:07 that yet because oh my [ __ ] god 179:09 that's terrifying but maybe 179:12 alexa turn the lights off 179:18 alexa stop 179:20 holy [ __ ] that's the first time that's 179:22 worked 179:23 oh my god 179:26 super glue the bobs what a great idea 179:28 uh 179:31 jesus i've never seen that activate 179:33 what the [ __ ] 179:38 that was funny 179:40 anyway 179:44 uh 179:46 chet decides the game to play on stream 179:49 bro that's 179:50 boring but yeah 179:52 why no laser-y boy well it [ __ ] i mean 179:56 number one the goal didn't get hit in 179:57 like ages so we just didn't do it uh 180:00 which is kind of how goals work 180:02 and then 180:04 i was i was only gonna be ipl 180:06 and i feel like if people were gonna 180:08 like 180:09 want something like that 180:12 then it would be like proper laser hair 180:14 removal and i don't i can't think of a 180:17 part of my hair that i'd be like all 180:19 right with leaving forever 180:22 you know what i mean so and also god 180:25 that'd be a nightmare to do 180:27 so it it seemed like too small of a goal 180:30 too much to ask for like you know unless 180:33 i s unless i did a goal of like 180:35 [ __ ] laser hair removal on my legs 180:37 which i wouldn't do 180:39 like people it's 180:41 that girl's probably not gonna get hit 180:45 ow [ __ ] 180:46 neck hair 180:50 or like facial i'm never gonna get rid 180:51 of facial hair 180:52 because i might want to grow a beard one 180:54 day i don't know 180:55 even armpits i don't know whether i 180:57 don't 180:58 i i don't anticipate that what the [ __ ] 181:01 no i don't i don't i'm why i i don't 181:04 anticipate wanting armpit hair but like 181:06 what if it's like 181:08 okay like what if in the future 181:11 there's [ __ ] marvel zombies and the 181:13 only cure lays in the [ __ ] gross 181:17 armpit hair of humor uninfected humans 181:19 then what right then i'm gonna be like 181:21 damn if only my fanboy years i could 181:24 have cured the human race you know like 181:25 i don't i don't want that to happen 181:28 toe hair no one's gonna donate for that 181:30 and also there's like 181:32 two hairs on 181:34 my foot 181:37 two and they're like blonde you couldn't 181:39 even see him if you look at him 181:49 anyway 181:54 there's plenty of manly men with armpit 181:55 i know that's my point 181:58 so that's why i don't want to get rid of 181:59 it zombies why i don't know it's just 182:02 you know you can't predict the future is 182:03 what i'm saying you don't know 182:05 what if it's valuable what if it's like 182:08 it's the it's the [ __ ] price the of 182:10 gold you know we don't know i think so 182:12 we got ad deluded it wasn't wasn't 182:14 popping off 182:16 anyway 182:20 thank you knife thank you 182:24 oh 182:24 how nice 182:30 it's so [ __ ] funny that that search 182:32 result comes up just negative 182:35 yeah 182:36 uh 182:38 also yeah possible uh possible marketing 182:41 opportunity to sell my armpit hair 182:45 i'll just sell the leg waxing strips 182:47 when they do it 182:48 that would [ __ ] suck do you even 182:50 think that's worth it i don't know 182:51 whether the leg waxing thing is 182:54 gonna be a good idea 183:11 it okay i mean i'll have a talk to her 183:14 about it and i'll check back i'm not 183:16 gonna give a yes or no 183:18 oh 183:20 they're back again 183:21 and stuff and john back to the [ __ ] 183:24 just 183:25 ban charade let's go 183:27 they've got that [ __ ] like they've got a 183:29 like a 183:30 a button or something 183:32 like a panic button it's great 183:34 fanboy bathwater 183:36 uh 183:37 people buy your people would buy your 183:39 diluted piss good to know 183:41 at least one at least one i don't think 183:44 there'd be a lot of sales of my diluted 183:45 pierce 183:48 anyway 183:50 there's bots here wow 183:52 the mayor said 183:53 dude if you want to talk you just 183:54 subscribe it's that easy 183:57 monster pog tonight true 183:59 sub gold diy making what diy desk making 184:02 stream buddy this i don't need a new 184:05 desk this thing is my [ __ ] end game 184:07 desk it's like my it's like the almost 184:10 perfect desk like the only thing that i 184:12 would change about it is i probably have 184:14 like got someone that knows what they're 184:16 doing to finish it in something so it's 184:18 a bit more like 184:19 you know a bit better for that but it's 184:22 it's the [ __ ] perfect that's good 184:24 it's awesome i love this desk 184:31 are you full trans now no weirdly enough 184:34 uh do you have suggestions for being new 184:37 to crossdressing 184:39 yeah just [ __ ] have fun it's like a 184:41 hobby right just just do whatever you 184:43 want uh if you want to look good 184:45 my like my best tip is just to not do 184:47 too much 184:48 like learn as much as you can about 184:50 makeup uh 184:52 that's 184:53 gonna be the thing that you know makes 184:55 the difference eyelashes make a pretty 184:58 big difference the only thing that you 184:59 can 185:01 finally go overboard on 185:03 uh is eyelashes like by fake eyelashes 185:06 they always look good um don't go like 185:08 drag queen fake eyelashes but you know 185:10 like you can go fairly big fake ashes 185:12 and they still look good uh and then 185:14 also 185:15 if you want to pluck your eyebrows pluck 185:17 underneath your eyebrows it gives your 185:18 eye eyelid more space it looks more 185:20 feminine 185:22 there you go and then the makeup that's 185:24 kind of like to your face 185:26 i can't give you any tips on like 185:27 contour or anything other than just less 185:29 is more sometimes 185:31 um 185:34 i thought you're gonna have a cell under 185:35 your makeup yeah i thought about that 185:37 and then i realized god that is really 185:39 hard that would be hard to do 185:42 cause like 185:44 oh [ __ ] hell 185:48 i could do at the salon i could do uh 185:50 the nails the hair and the and the 185:52 waxing i think that's the 185:54 that [ __ ] 185:56 that's that's like the that's the 185:58 consensus right now 186:00 but oh my god [ __ ] 186:03 a hair styling takes like barely any 186:05 time though 186:06 um 186:09 because they're just like putting it up 186:10 they're doing something fancy to it like 186:11 they're going they're making all like 186:13 you know some cool [ __ ] happen 186:16 right it look all nice that's what they 186:18 do so i'd walk out of there 186:21 with because i'm gonna go like dressed 186:23 up right so i'd walk out of there with 186:26 fully done hair new nails and freshly 186:29 waxed legs 186:30 and fully dressed up i think i don't 186:33 know if i'd go in a dress like this 186:35 but 186:36 you know i def i could bring a change of 186:38 clothes 186:40 get a tattoo [ __ ] that i don't have any 186:43 tattoo 186:44 i i don't know if my first one's gonna 186:46 be a sub goal 186:48 hey rose i don't know if you know but 186:50 you can tell alexa pop down down left 186:52 right left right be a start 186:55 when she what she do she turns into 186:57 transformer and i get like a virtual uh 187:00 like a whole ass robot 187:02 it's the cheat code for just life 187:04 get bridal makeup done 187:06 i'm better at doing my makeup than 187:09 than anyone else at doing my makeup 187:11 because i know how my face works like 187:13 this illusion doesn't quite work as well 187:16 when it's someone else doing it 187:19 it's a it's a it's a hard fact to face 187:21 but it is true 187:27 oh [ __ ] can we just set something for 187:28 the sub goal just something so people so 187:31 i can stop asking 187:33 freshly wax might be red i think they 187:34 give you like [ __ ] you know like a 187:37 rob down 187:41 miko did a great job yup uh it's 187:43 traumatized me miko has traumatized me 187:46 from getting my makeup done from now on 187:53 hmm 187:57 main channel rose videos 5k subs i've 187:59 done it like three times 188:01 or twice at least 188:03 uh twice where it's like branded as that 188:05 but i've done like two whole like three 188:07 videos where i've had like me in the 188:08 video like most of the way through yeah 188:13 fan meetup oh my god i wish but i'm not 188:15 in america and i would not want to do it 188:17 in the uk because that's jesus christ 188:19 uh 188:20 i want to do it while they couldn't 188:21 follow me home you know 188:24 anyway 188:25 uh would you rather 188:29 what 188:31 i'm not even [ __ ] reading that 188:34 mcc video dude the mc's mcc i'm not uh 188:38 i'm not gonna upload anything like that 188:39 they're already doing the next mcc now 188:42 i am a burly balding manly man with a 188:44 beard how do i try crossdress without 188:46 looking creepy 188:51 get a wig 188:53 and shave the beard 188:56 that's kind of it 188:59 get a wig shave the bed 189:03 and then 189:04 yeah get awake shave the beard get a 189:06 good wig at least you know get a good 189:08 wig and that's why like that's why like 189:10 the [ __ ] growing the hair out doing 189:12 extensions was such a good idea because 189:14 this looks so much [ __ ] better than 189:15 any of the other options 189:17 way better yeah 189:21 i love you do [ __ ] with it like this 189:22 looks kind of neat right 189:23 [Music] 189:26 you have never had professional makeup 189:28 done though 189:30 bro trust me 189:32 fine dude okay listen it's not to talk 189:35 [ __ ] 189:36 but every time someone does makeup in 189:38 the uk 189:40 like a makeup artist you in five months 189:43 now it ends up being really uh 189:46 out there 189:48 you know 189:50 and 189:51 i don't know i don't know we wanna 189:54 deal with that because i can't i don't 189:56 know 189:57 okay would you rather have makeup or 189:59 waxing though like waxing legs or makeup 190:03 because you see makeup all the time i've 190:05 never [ __ ] waxed the legs 190:10 i don't know both 190:14 [ __ ] though 190:17 i can just do my makeup beforehand 190:19 though so okay my my thing is right i 190:22 can just do my makeup beforehand and 190:24 i'll be in i'll like by the time i'm 190:27 streaming i'll be fully dressed up just 190:29 with some hairy legs like that would be 190:31 it so i'd be fully dressed up makeup and 190:34 all 190:35 like an outfit on and everything like 190:37 that 190:38 and then we'd get everything done 190:40 instead of like i will look kind of 190:42 garbage throughout the whole thing until 190:43 we get to the very end 190:45 so i kind of did that 190:47 do you use mascara or just the falsies 190:49 uh both so mascara bottom lashes and 190:51 then these are eyelash extensions 190:53 they're not false eyelashes like i 190:55 can't really 190:56 take them off 190:57 um well i mean you know with enough 190:59 force i definitely could so you had 191:01 three videos on your main channel with 191:03 you in it yeah 191:05 well with [ __ ] 191:07 me dressed up in it yeah 191:11 every video on my main channel is me in 191:12 it but still 191:19 eager mate tries different homemade 191:21 fruit juices 191:24 what 191:26 a relish extension is expensive no like 191:29 it depends if it's a hobby of yours yeah 191:31 to get them done once now 191:32 like 191:33 you you should do them as like special 191:35 occasions sort of thing so like 191:37 uh they're like 50 50 pounds or so for 191:40 like a good one you know 191:43 so like 60 70 70 or so 191:48 it's about where it is 191:49 do they last long 191:51 yeah like they they look good for like 191:53 three weeks 191:55 but then the thing is people that get 191:57 them done a lot they just have more 191:59 added they can just put another eyelash 192:01 on where someone's come out because they 192:02 come out like they they'll fall off and 192:04 all that 192:05 like one at a time 192:06 so they just have like they're called 192:07 infills they just it's the same with 192:09 nails like this bit between your nails 192:11 where it's like grown out they just fill 192:12 that in same thing with eyelashes 192:15 as your hair naturally along with your 192:16 rowing extensions both my hair is 192:18 naturally very long 192:20 uh almost the length of the extensions 192:22 so i i don't know what it's going to be 192:24 like when 192:25 this is all out so like 192:28 anytime okay everywhere where my hair is 192:30 wavy it's my natural hair 192:33 so like it's 192:42 [ __ ] i can't even tell anymore hold on 192:49 so that's my natural hair 192:51 so here's my natural hair right 192:53 and then here is the extensions 192:56 so like 192:57 that's the difference in it of like 193:03 that far 193:04 it's like another few months 193:06 almost another few months and then it'll 193:07 be the same favorite type of nails short 193:10 but apparently that never [ __ ] 193:12 happens i've been really enjoying my 193:14 fairly short nails but no it's gotta be 193:17 the [ __ ] acrylics every time i'm 193:19 perfectly happy with just 193:21 not having acrylic nails you know chat 193:23 we could just do that instead we've 193:25 never had this conversation 193:29 like you know how much do you really 193:31 care about my nails 193:33 like not a lot you know you wouldn't 193:35 notice 193:36 if i didn't have them 193:38 how much do you really care 193:40 it's not that big of a deal 193:43 a lot 193:45 we care a lot 193:48 a lot 193:50 well this 193:57 hmm 194:01 acrylics are trashy 194:03 what are you thinking acrylics usually 194:05 i'll defend acrylics in the sense of 194:06 like 194:07 there's trashy ones where people get 194:09 them like that long and they're like 194:11 they're like squared off nails that are 194:13 that long and they're like bright colors 194:15 that they like i have this memory of 194:17 there's a there was a corner shop when i 194:19 went to school 194:20 and we used to buy like snacks there if 194:22 we had like pocket money or we just like 194:24 had some change like we give them like 194:26 okay here's your one pack is the one 194:27 pound 50 for the chocolate bar or 194:29 something and they they'd like do it 194:31 like [ __ ] like that's the hand open 194:33 they do like 194:35 like that on your hand where they take 194:37 the 194:38 and that's that's trashy shitty god 194:40 awful nails maybe grow your reels real 194:43 nails out a bit 194:44 but then it's just they'll just break 194:46 and they bend and then it's just it's 194:48 worse acrylic nails are like i prefer 194:51 the strength of acrylic nails like i get 194:53 a lot out of like how [ __ ] strong 194:55 these [ __ ] are right like 194:56 they're they're just like 194:58 they're bulletproof bro they're really 195:00 strong also they're gel nails not 195:01 acrylic nails technically but 195:03 if i call them gel nails people think of 195:05 gel polish instead of gel nails so 195:09 yeah 195:09 be careful no 195:11 uh 195:14 hard at the break indeed 195:16 have you tried glue on yeah they come 195:17 off in an hour 195:19 as soon as you put any force on them 195:22 from one's claws yeah sharpened metal 195:25 holy [ __ ] 195:27 metal can i get them in metal 195:29 oh 195:31 so just do acrylic yeah exactly okay i 195:33 mean 195:35 like i could 195:36 but like i could get short acrylic nails 195:39 i usually get fairly low acrylic nails i 195:41 could get short acrylic nails 195:43 or i could get mega long acrylic nails i 195:46 don't know 195:50 i doubt that i doubt the idea for really 195:53 long acrylic nails is actually gonna 195:55 i don't think people would actually want 195:57 that i'm almost certain you guys 195:58 wouldn't want 195:59 like hold on let me look 196:03 let me look up acrylic nails and i'll 196:04 show you 196:07 okay i can almost guarantee you guys 196:10 don't want like [ __ ] like this 196:13 you know i i i don't oh [ __ ] i don't 196:15 want to go onto your website i i can 196:17 kind of guarantee that at least like 196:19 these 196:20 all right 196:21 they're just [ __ ] it's billy eilish 196:22 god of course it is 196:24 but like 196:26 let me see if i can find like 196:29 these are on the upper echelon of 196:32 that i've never had nails quite this 196:34 long but i've gotten close 196:36 i've gotten close to that i think the 196:38 longest i've had my nails is probably 196:40 like 196:47 [ __ ] i don't know 196:49 uh oh what the [ __ ] is that 196:53 oh 196:54 like i've had something like this length 196:56 before maybe a little tiny tiny bit 196:58 shorter than that i've had that before 197:01 so there is this 197:03 i've had that 197:05 and you guys [ __ ] loved when i got 197:07 those by the way that was like 197:08 everyone's favorite pair of nails 197:10 um because they will add like clouds and 197:12 [ __ ] on them 197:13 i don't need pointy nails should i get 197:15 some pointy ones what type should i get 197:19 what what color even sorry i don't know 197:21 what type pointy but what what 197:24 color actually [ __ ] it 197:28 i wish there was a way to just pull like 197:30 just chat without doing this okay [ __ ] 197:32 it one minute 197:35 oh someone put a live i saw the fishbowl 197:37 nails yeah someone put a live fish on 197:38 the net 197:40 okay 197:41 uh 11 months 197:45 okay 197:49 uh 198:00 [Music] 198:02 was like french tips yeah french tips 198:04 actually look fairly good like for kind 198:06 of everything uh because they suit 198:08 everything [ __ ] it 198:10 i'll add that as well all right i've 198:12 i've gave i've given you a few options 198:14 on the poll 198:15 so there you go 198:21 we will see 198:24 so 198:25 some stuff matches with kind of 198:26 everything 198:27 like french tipster oh god everyone's 198:29 going pastel so these ones were pastel 198:31 you can kind of see what i mean by like 198:33 they're like just multi-color that but 198:36 i'm not in 198:37 would you want multi-color pastel or 198:39 would you want like 198:41 one color pastel 198:46 i don't know or like a couple color 198:47 pastel who knows it is winter i guess i 198:51 could go like uh light blue and [ __ ] 198:55 how's the voice coming along badly well 198:57 i mean i've only done one thing and i 198:59 haven't even done the homework for it 199:02 no option for neutral nail color that's 199:04 what i kind of had as like french tips 199:06 but i've given you a couple options i'm 199:07 gonna pick between the winners of these 199:09 okay and then i'm gonna do another one 199:11 it's autumn is it 199:13 that [ __ ] it okay pastel wins and then 199:15 french tip number second okay new poll 199:17 all right so 199:20 color again 199:22 let's do pastel 199:25 uh 199:26 neutral 199:29 ah [ __ ] what was another one chad i need 199:31 something else french tip i need two 199:33 more chat i need two more options chap 199:39 autumn 199:40 how do i spell autumn 199:43 that's probably how 199:44 autumn autumn autumn 199:51 pink or black man everyone's [ __ ] 199:54 just on it on a pink or black thing 199:56 uh sparkly something 199:58 something shiny 200:01 all right i'm just gonna gradually 200:03 narrow down the polls as we go so the 200:05 losers get voted out 200:09 all right go vote 200:12 all right pastel taking a major l in 200:14 this one autumn winning it by a bit of a 200:16 landslide uh neutral got [ __ ] no 200:20 votes 200:21 uh something shiny and french tips are 200:23 pretty much tied something shiny is 200:25 coming out above french tips which is 200:27 interesting so in our second place is 200:29 pastel autumn and then oh no autumn 200:32 pastel and then something shiny 200:35 blue got voted out sorry about blue 200:37 pink and blue got voted outside of bread 200:40 pink was like the closest one to be in 200:43 but yeah 200:45 voter fatigue decision fatigue 200:49 spooky nails 200:50 we could do spooky nails but then they 200:52 don't match with much 200:56 i was distracted with research hey stuff 200:58 how's your research coming along 201:04 okay yeah okay i was right so pastel and 201:06 something shiny kind of won it uh on oh 201:08 sorry it's kind of tied and then autumn 201:10 won it by a landslide so autumn nails i 201:13 guess 201:14 we got it 201:15 that's what we shall do 201:17 puggers 201:18 uh 201:22 i spelt autumn right let's [ __ ] go 201:25 all right chat 201:26 so these are the sort of color schemes 201:30 you know 201:32 i don't know what exactly you find that 201:34 you'd like 201:36 uh holy [ __ ] 201:38 holy [ __ ] what are you doing with them 201:42 how would you do anything 201:46 god 201:49 i'm so garbage at picking colors or 201:51 picking designs i'm really [ __ ] bad 201:54 at it 201:56 uh 201:58 these look cool 201:59 they look pretty classy 202:02 uh 202:04 my god 202:07 this is something for another day i 202:08 think oh [ __ ] just neutral colors man 202:11 hell yeah 202:12 anyway 202:13 don't get the one super long them silly 202:15 i know i don't usually 202:17 uh 202:18 i get just like like wait let me find 202:20 i'm trying to find like the actual 202:22 length that i usually get but apparently 202:24 no one does the length that i okay this 202:26 is what i usually get you can barely 202:27 even see it but this sort of one on the 202:28 on the right over here is the length 202:30 that i usually go for 202:33 and that's like not it's like you know 202:35 it's not that long but it's still like 202:36 long nails or like this this is actually 202:39 probably the length that i'd go for 202:41 that's usually what i do that's what i'm 202:43 used to 202:44 i don't usually go longer than that 202:46 because nails grow out and stuff so it 202:47 gets longer over time 202:50 it's a good length indeed 202:52 anyway boys 202:53 i've been i've been live for [ __ ] 202:55 three and a half hours and my throat's 202:56 beginning to give out 202:58 so 203:00 i may i may leave 203:02 where's my [ __ ] phone 203:05 where's my phone 203:08 [ __ ] 203:09 where's my phone 203:11 i don't know my phone is oh it's there 203:15 i don't know if you want to uh picks him 203:16 today but i sent you a photo oh [ __ ] 203:17 yeah thank you um 203:19 anyway 203:20 no don't leave dude my throat is dying 203:22 you can hear it anyway i know it sucks i 203:26 look so [ __ ] hot oh my god 203:28 thank you goba should we try okay let's 203:31 really [ __ ] quickly decide on the sub 203:33 goal really [ __ ] quickly i'm gonna do 203:35 a poll for any of the ideas that you 203:37 guys have uh 203:39 okay 203:41 [ __ ] okay 203:42 goal so i can set the goal and then i 203:44 can dip 203:47 butt plug month okay solid idea 203:50 um real boobs another great idea 203:54 uh 203:58 this is gonna be [ __ ] this like 204:00 pulling teeth man 204:02 a girly tattoo this is [ __ ] dude it's 204:04 escalated so much it's oh good lord 204:08 chastity it has escalated so highly 204:10 above normal 204:14 uh 204:15 chastity [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going 204:17 on 204:20 hrt only fans 204:22 what on earth is going on 204:26 what 204:27 okay hold on 204:32 look at the options you guys have you 204:34 guys have offered 204:39 uh 204:40 what was it uh 204:44 i'm gonna make a poll of just the [ __ ] 204:46 that i've seen in chat so far 204:51 resident evil or subnautica 204:56 uh 204:58 neither i can't i can't you can't make 205:00 me decide between that it's insane 205:04 it sounds like a bad idea oh wow 205:07 plug month right there we go these are 205:09 the options that have been suggested to 205:11 me uh have fun picking that's exactly 205:14 what it's going to be 205:16 the camera 205:17 my god all right 205:21 right i really want to know what the 205:22 results are going to be 205:24 okay so plug month is winning 205:27 buy a landslide 205:30 like no nothing else everything else is 205:32 10 205:33 and then plug month is 70. 205:35 good lord 205:37 that's insane anyway 205:39 uh how do i cancel a poll 205:43 uh 205:44 i think it's 205:45 uh 205:46 paul 205:47 council poll 205:50 [ __ ] i don't know what it is end poll 205:51 okay 205:53 it okay [ __ ] with sixty percent of 205:55 the votes plugmont would have won good 205:56 to know check good to know you're 205:57 [ __ ] 205:59 good to know your uh your priorities 206:02 anyway 206:04 [ __ ] hell 206:07 okay 206:08 uh 206:10 scam 206:11 scam okay good to know uh scam chat 206:15 okay what a what would be oh [ __ ] i'm 206:17 trying to think of a good goal 206:21 like a real goal not that let council 206:24 decide i mean we could 206:27 [Music] 206:38 bro i want to set a sub goal 206:40 before the end of the [ __ ] stream but 206:42 there's like i don't have a ton of 206:43 options without consulting people 206:46 okay well there we go 206:48 uh 206:51 hey beautiful just got here can i get a 206:54 look at the dress that's better 206:57 hey beautiful just go here can i look at 206:58 the dress yes but i'm i'm just quickly 207:00 setting something 207:07 okay and 207:14 there you go [ __ ] whatever 207:16 thousands that's not a what that's not a 207:18 thousand okay good i thought i'm [ __ ] 207:19 mistyped 207:22 how long how long of the box would it be 207:24 for 6 000 subs i'm just gonna set it i 207:27 it's not actually going to stay up but 207:28 how long would it be 207:30 what is what is what does that get me 207:34 6 000 [ __ ] 207:36 what does that give me 207:49 that's the point i'm i'm it's i'm 207:51 setting it so i can just set something 207:53 another year [ __ ] that six months 207:56 six months take it or leave it 208:02 [ __ ] it for you for you i'll send it is 208:04 um 208:08 for you all said it is nine whatever 208:09 anyway i'm gonna stream uh i doubt this 208:12 will actually stay up as the i'll i 208:13 doubt this will actually stay up as the 208:14 goal but i'm ending the stream uh i'll 208:17 we'll figure out something real 208:19 uh hopefully next time but i will see 208:22 you goodbye 208:23 thanks for the subscription thanks boys 208:25 bye 14 months 208:27 damn i did look good today the makeup 208:29 the dress it all hold on i don't know if 208:31 you've seen the dress yet let me like 208:33 grab this 208:34 to end the stream and wow look at that 208:37 neat dress right anyway and cool heels 208:39 bye