00:13 [Music] 02:23 hi 02:25 it's me 02:26 it's finster 02:28 it's your boy 02:31 hello other boys 02:33 definitely 02:34 hey dude i gotta i got a big haircut do 02:36 you want to see my hair cut i got i i 02:38 you remember how he said i wanted that 02:40 buzz cut 02:41 i finally plucked up the courage and got 02:44 it you know i figured short hair you 02:46 guys would like a lot more you know 02:49 anyway i think it looks pretty good you 02:51 know now it's all cut i like it you know 02:54 i'm thinking of keeping it this sort of 02:56 style for a while maybe i'll grow it out 02:58 again i'm not sure 02:59 how do you how do you feel 03:02 how do you like this idea hello 03:05 [Music] 03:07 i mean don't let the eyelashes fool you 03:11 man 03:14 oh hello everyone 03:19 hi [ __ ] as the twitch thing come 03:22 through yet the goddamn theme of [ __ ] 03:25 hello i'm gonna guess the [ __ ] thing 03:27 hasn't come through yet 03:30 i am bold 03:31 oh wait i'll post it in oh i know it was 03:33 posted on discord what the [ __ ] hello 03:36 thanks stuff 03:38 i'm guessing the twitch thing hasn't 03:39 come through yet but hello 03:41 ah 03:42 how's the house does life been treating 03:44 you i got a thing to do today 03:48 white ponytail no i i i took it off 03:52 i i chopped the hair right or wore it 03:53 right off me 03:55 what do you mean ponytail 03:58 gang 04:03 hello got that notification [ __ ] yeah 04:07 ah there it is 04:10 okay boys i have a thing to do 04:12 there 04:13 i can immediately tell when the twitch 04:15 notification comes through because of 04:16 all the first time chatting people 04:18 sometimes it just takes an extra minute 04:19 or two anyway 04:21 hello it's c-section time 04:26 what oh [ __ ] god 04:28 i thought it was a threat what an 04:30 interesting threat 04:32 i do have hair i'm very sorry i have 04:34 kept it but okay here's what we're gonna 04:36 do today uh i've decided that i i wanna 04:38 have um 04:40 i'm gonna have a fun time 04:43 here's what i've got 04:46 everyone said i wanted to do a q a with 04:48 you guys well we're gonna do that i'm 04:50 gonna do our makeup because i haven't 04:51 done it yet um here's what we got 04:54 i have bought a smirnoff of lime i 04:56 haven't tried it yet but it sounds nice 04:58 i've got [ __ ] another vodka but it's 05:00 passion fruit which i have tried before 05:02 it is very good 05:03 and then i've got some good ol 05:05 lemon cello 05:08 all of these are above all the lowest 05:10 the lowest alcohol percentage on this is 05:11 26 percent 05:13 so here's what we're gonna do 05:18 which is scary 05:19 i 05:21 i'm gonna be answering i'm gonna be 05:22 answering the tough questions today i'm 05:24 going to be answering the ones 05:26 uh that you guys have thought of 05:27 anniversary wow and i'll be telling the 05:30 the truth 05:31 i'll be drinking if i do not 05:33 want to answer the question if i if i 05:35 don't answer i give a less than 05:37 satisfying answer i will be drinking 05:40 um 05:42 if i answer the question i do not have 05:44 to drink 05:45 i need to try cinnamon vodka 05:49 that 05:50 sounds like it's bad that sounds shitty 05:54 i mean it sounds like 05:55 cheers mate i don't know and i like 05:57 something sweet you know 05:58 make eggnog how do you make eggnog 06:05 recipe 06:06 is it just [ __ ] 06:09 ah 06:11 i don't have any of this 06:13 it's been three months i don't have any 06:15 of the ingredients i don't even have 06:16 milk i don't even have whole milk let 06:18 alone double cream nothing anyway 06:21 i gotta do makeup there's no way this 06:23 can end badly none at all smile i'm 06:25 thinking i'll go pretty well i'm a very 06:27 i'm a very i'm a very truthful guy you 06:29 maintain eye contact when you deny 06:30 something oh here's another thing 06:32 speaking of eye contact look at this 06:36 i have my camera on auto focus but it's 06:39 only tracking my face so in theory 06:43 i'm gonna always be in focus look at 06:45 that 06:47 you know 06:49 always in focus 06:52 look at this 06:54 hell yeah first tough question why are 06:57 you gay 07:02 which one i have first 07:03 i'm not that's a trick question i'm not 07:05 gay 07:07 there we go that's the answer okay hold 07:08 on take a step back god damn what do you 07:11 mean 07:12 i'm not i'm not in anything interesting 07:14 yet i haven't even got dressed properly 07:15 yet 07:16 okay 07:17 answered the bot what'd the bots say i 07:19 didn't see the butt i will be kind of 07:21 going through donations a little bit um 07:24 because 07:26 i'm gonna be looking at a different 07:27 thing most of the time i don't want to 07:28 miss something nine months 07:31 finally focused right look it's not even 07:33 gonna watch this it's not even even if i 07:34 do something stupid 07:36 like this like this is very clearly in 07:38 the plane of focus it's covering most of 07:40 the screen it's still not gonna focus on 07:41 this like no matter what it's always 07:44 going to stay on my face and even still 07:46 it's going to take a second so i can 07:47 show you something 07:48 like this look at my nails right it'll 07:51 focus on that see that 07:53 but then as soon as i show my face it's 07:54 on me 07:56 i learned 08:04 hold on can i give like a three two one 08:06 or something uh 08:08 let me like 08:09 [ __ ] start makeup process uh 08:13 [ __ ] that's a 08:15 jesus christ okay listen when i say 08:17 tough questions maybe maybe a bit less 08:19 tough you know 08:20 uh i think i like 08:22 i think when i put effort into how i 08:24 look i like more what the [ __ ] focus uh 08:27 i think i like how i look more as a girl 08:30 because i put more effort in right like 08:32 i i i look better like that for a bit 08:35 however 08:38 i don't remember the last time i've 08:39 properly tried to like dress really well 08:42 as a dude like get a suit and everything 08:44 i planned too soon 08:46 you got your ears pierced correct no 08:49 that's tomorrow because uh i called them 08:51 and they said don't come 08:53 i called them like i called them 08:54 legitimately five times and i i called 08:56 them five times they picked up on the 08:58 fifth time and then 09:00 that's required and then they said 09:01 there's an hour's wait there's like an 09:02 hour and a half wait 09:04 come in you gotta you gotta come in 09:05 tomorrow we're not gonna i don't wanna 09:07 [ __ ] it's two hours [ __ ] hour and a 09:08 half away you're not no 09:10 uh so i went should i just come in 09:12 tomorrow then she went yeah i went sick 09:13 okay cool so 09:15 that's what i'm doing 09:16 it's a bit 09:19 i was annoyed because i wanted to come 09:20 back to streambuilder look what i did 09:22 anyway i'll do it tomorrow though i'm 09:23 still gonna be streaming tomorrow uh 09:26 how did you solve the focus problem i 09:27 set it to auto face focus which is like 09:30 i used to be set on one 09:32 plane or one point tracking but there's 09:34 so much [ __ ] a different like 09:36 like the microphone it's so much [ __ ] a 09:38 different [ __ ] placement it's hard 09:40 for it to figure out what to focus on 09:43 when did you first identify with the 09:45 classic michael jackson song in the 09:48 closet i haven't heard that song 09:51 i've only heard the 09:53 the popular ones of us 09:55 at least i think i have 09:56 uh and i do not have something 10:00 i don't know what the song is though 10:01 i've never heard it if if it's about 10:03 what i think it is i don't identify with 10:05 it i'm very sorry 10:07 same 10:08 nails look very good i know all right 10:10 hold on 10:11 208 just for a five minute person on the 10:13 arrows no thanks right they said it but 10:15 although i have hope for tomorrow 10:16 because the reason why it was a thing is 10:18 because they said it every monday right 10:20 so they they said like it happens every 10:21 monday just come back tomorrow and we're 10:23 like all right well they said it happens 10:24 every monday sorry can i should i just 10:26 come back tomorrow yeah so 10:28 cool 10:29 uh 10:31 and the person i was speaking to did a 10:32 funny voice on the phone which was very 10:34 funny and i laughed and they left 10:36 and then we said bye 10:40 i made a friend today 10:46 i'm kind of interested how well this 10:47 turns out because i feel like there's 10:49 not many questions i won't answer 10:52 you know 10:53 also 10:54 my skin's gotten better 10:58 how much time do you spend admiring 11:00 yourself in the mirror each day 11:04 not often the uh 11:08 not often i mean i don't really have a 11:09 reason to 11:13 i'm not like done up to a point where 11:15 it's impressive right 11:17 like 11:19 so i don't know i'm not wearing some 11:20 crazy outfit toughest question if you 11:23 had to have sex with two people with the 11:25 combined age of 30 what ages would you 11:28 choose okay well no 11:30 wait [ __ ] you that's just a trick to 11:33 make me [ __ ] drink 11:36 that's upsetting 11:38 i cut 11:39 that's awful that's a that's a that's a 11:41 bad question i'm going with the lemon 11:42 cello first what the hell 11:44 uh 11:46 14 months you sexy mofo 11:51 oh my god 11:53 i taste so good though 11:56 that's a dangerous drink that doesn't 11:57 taste like it's 26 11:59 oh hey juicy 12:01 i'm doing a terrible 12:03 terrible i'm making a bad decision here 12:05 oh [ __ ] 12:07 oh hi 12:10 31 and -1 12:13 i wanna 12:17 no that's still [ __ ] weird i was 12:19 gonna say a pregnant lady and i was like 12:21 ah it's still weird 12:23 okay now 12:27 that's an impossible question 12:31 why is the way two of you said the exact 12:33 same thing at the same time 12:37 [Music] 12:38 stream lag 12:39 i don't know there was a two-hour wait 12:42 well 90 minutes over an hour at least 12:46 four minutes 12:47 so i didn't go 12:49 it was an hour and a half but that's a 12:52 weird number so like you cut your brain 12:54 kind of wants to are you even happier 12:56 now than you were a year ago 12:58 yeah 13:00 a lot 13:02 how was i a year ago 20 20 yeah 20. you 13:04 know what's weird 13:06 two years ago i made a for me in the 13:08 future video 13:10 and i haven't edited it so it's a 12 13:12 minute course of rambling some of it's 13:15 meant to be like 13:17 some of it's we're watching a slideshow 13:18 really 13:22 using a vpn no i'm not 13:26 [ __ ] 13:30 oh i see 13:32 all right one sec 13:36 uh that might have done something i'm 13:39 not sure 13:49 hmm 13:51 that's not 14:07 ah 14:12 maybe 14:15 automatic autofocus making the stream 14:17 like 14:18 what the hell i wouldn't know why 14:20 i haven't actually changed any programs 14:22 from what was open 14:23 i guess maybe like i've got a lot of 14:25 tabs 14:27 let's see 14:29 hello 14:30 hello 14:40 let's see 14:45 is that any better seems kind of fine 14:47 now thought it was wi-fi hello finn this 14:49 is the first live stream i have been 14:51 able to catch and i just wanted to say 14:53 that as a trans woman i am both 14:55 surprised and jealous at how well you a 14:57 cis guy passes so damn well 15:00 keep up at being such an icon 15:02 thank you 15:04 i'm not downloading anything this is 15:06 weird will this stream be entertaining 15:08 enough that i don't need my skiffs game 15:11 show in a separate dab 15:14 [ __ ] yeah 15:16 maybe we will see 15:17 i'm seeing if i've got a vpn 15:19 i can't tell if it's still it seems okay 15:22 woo 13 months unbelievable so i'm not 15:25 connected to a vpn 15:27 yeah okay i'm not connected to vpn 15:30 my internet seems fine 15:33 and i'm not 15:35 i i in my stats i see that it is like 15:38 getting a couple drop frames so i don't 15:41 know 15:42 lag yeah okay 15:47 hmm 15:56 i don't know 15:58 13 months my name jeff 16:04 google is really having a hard time with 16:06 this what the [ __ ] hold on idea time 16:17 18 months 16:21 [Music] 16:40 [Music] 16:58 [Music] 17:13 [Music] 18:05 [Music] 18:24 [Music] 18:49 [Music] 18:55 is it working 19:01 i don't know 19:04 apparently it's fine 19:07 16 months simp 19:09 is it fine now i don't i can't tell 19:13 lag 19:13 is just saying lag now i don't know 19:21 oh it's very bt having [ __ ] issues 19:28 i'm not with bt but they do own the 19:29 lines to pretty much everything 19:32 is it fine i don't know 19:33 it's c it's telling me it's fine 19:37 it's telling me it's fine so i don't 19:39 know hold on let me 19:41 hello oh [ __ ] 19:46 it's telling me it's okay but i don't i 19:49 have no clue 19:51 it's okay right now 19:54 it's better 19:55 oh [ __ ] 19:59 it's fine 20:01 i know but now i'm gonna have an issue 20:03 now it's gonna be like everyone that's 20:05 here is gonna disconnect usually 20:06 whenever the stream has an issue it has 20:08 to stop and start 20:09 it like it cuts those like people in 20:12 like a third 20:14 i don't know 20:15 running smoothly 20:21 are we fine i don't know it says fine 20:24 okay 20:25 boys i need a bit of a chat poll 20:28 i need a chat paul give me a sec 20:30 let me do it what am i gonna do 20:33 i think it's fine 20:34 hi 20:42 okay let's see 20:45 vote in the poll 20:48 ah boys are gonna have you to pokemon go 20:50 to the polls 20:52 but 20:53 let's let me see hello no lag 20:56 okay 20:57 are we good we might be good 21:00 have you decided to take hrt full-time 21:02 or what i have not uh i've decided 21:04 against it 21:06 i've decided that i do not want to 21:07 become a woman 21:08 uh i decided that a very long time ago 21:12 okay i'm checking my own stream it seems 21:14 fine 21:15 i think we're good 21:17 it looks fine for a few minutes then 21:19 starts lagging 21:20 are you sure about that 21:22 it seems fine 21:23 it seems completely fine i've got like 21:25 nothing 21:27 yeah 21:34 okay 21:39 i'm gonna change title all right there 21:40 we go i think we're fine did the time go 21:43 simping for 12 months now 21:45 where did the time go 21:49 all right [ __ ] it we lost like 21:51 i guess a few minutes of the stream 21:54 i think we're fine 21:55 i'm gonna operate under the assumption 21:57 that i'm just absolutely okay because 21:59 literally no one's saying it's lagging 22:01 everyone's like seems okay to me 22:04 uh anyway hello uh what was i saying 22:07 before it started to get all cut off and 22:09 shitty 22:10 i forgot 22:12 anyway you want to do a new intro for 22:14 the youtubers anyway uh 22:17 editor please still use the first one 22:19 because i did a better intro anyway 22:21 like seven 500 people in chat 22:24 oh let me see 22:31 yeah it seems fixed seems fine it's fine 22:34 you were saying you're going to tell the 22:35 truth 22:36 maybe 22:39 okay so hello welcome to my stream uh 22:42 i'm going to be doing 22:45 this is weird now okay 22:48 i have a variety of alcoholic drinks 22:50 with the lowest percentage being about 22:52 26 22:53 exactly 26 percent the rest of them is 22:55 just straight up vodka 22:56 um 22:59 weird now 23:00 now it's anyway 23:04 any question you ask me i will answer 23:06 truthfully if i do not or i give a less 23:08 than satisfying answer in the words of 23:10 your stream i will drink 23:12 uh i will be doing my makeup in the 23:13 meantime i've already 23:16 partly started i haven't done a ton but 23:17 anyway 23:19 alcoholic fanboy damn right why is your 23:21 ponytail feel so low it doesn't feel 23:23 right uh because it's just getting out 23:25 the way of my face so i can do makeup 23:27 easier but i am going to look like a 23:30 strange strange lost little boy for for 23:32 a minute this is what the haircut could 23:34 be if i wasn't streaming 23:38 less so the eyebrows and the and the 23:39 eyelashes though those would be 23:41 different 23:46 okay 23:48 all 23:48 right and the cat is 23:52 that's artistic interpretation that's 23:54 just like 23:58 the cat yeah the carries were all i had 24:00 on hand okay i shaved my face with the 24:02 cat ears on i can do whatever i want 24:04 it's just a hairband i need a hairband 24:05 so i've got a hairband okay anyway 24:08 will this be uploaded to youtube i 24:10 assume so 24:11 why mine what why what do you mean why 24:13 minecraft what do you mean why minecraft 24:14 it's not said about minecraft a high 24:16 pony asap gremlin 24:19 no i can't do it dude i don't know how 24:23 what else did you first drink alcohol 24:24 that's an easy question 24:26 15 24:27 15 i think yeah 15. because it's 16 yeah 24:31 15. it would have been but then again 24:33 the first time i ever drank alcohol was 24:34 like i went to a park my local park and 24:37 there's this one tree stump in the 24:38 middle of a field that just wasn't ever 24:40 removed 24:41 um but it's a very nice scenery and we 24:43 went out there 24:44 and i had my first 24:46 sip of cider i had like half a can of 24:49 cider as my first time and then we went 24:51 back to the like the friend's house and 24:53 then their older brother was smoking and 24:55 i was like this is my scene buddy i 24:56 can't breathe anymore i'ma leave so not 25:00 a great party guest however second time 25:02 i drank was pretty good nice bit of 25:03 stronghold no another [ __ ] strong bow 25:06 dude well actually stronger okay listen 25:08 [ __ ] uh copperberg dark fruits baby 25:11 that's the [ __ ] it's still good now i 25:13 don't care if i dude that's a taste i 25:17 got immediately cough burg dark fruits 25:20 or mixed fruits or whatever i'm not sure 25:22 what it is but either way shit's dope 25:25 apparently american side is like wait 25:28 like completely a different thing than 25:29 uk cider right 100 jacks yes odd 25:34 thing 25:37 what the [ __ ] 25:40 as i said before by the way i will kind 25:42 of be going off like 25:45 i don't want to miss a bunch of stuff in 25:46 chat so i'm kind of going to be going 25:48 off donors um 25:50 about questions 25:55 oh my [ __ ] god 26:02 dino nuggies or chocolate milk i saw in 26:04 chat i'm vegetarian and on a 26:08 diet haven't had chocolate milk in 26:10 [ __ ] 26:11 i don't dude i think i've maybe only had 26:13 chocolate milk like a couple times ever 26:15 in my life 26:16 like genuinely um 26:19 my parents were like when we were like 26:21 parents never wanted 13 months already 26:24 hell yeah 26:25 nice thank you for sticking around 26:28 and yet 26:30 i think for the [ __ ] things for the 26:32 13 months dude um insider all i think 26:35 all cider in the uk is alcoholic i 26:37 haven't found non-alcoholics i mean i'm 26:39 sure there is non-alcoholic cider but 26:41 like when people talk about cider they 26:42 mean alcohol yeah 26:44 which one of your mods is your favorite 26:46 and which one is your least favorite 26:48 greater than 26:50 well blue's definitely my 26:53 blue's definitely up there all my mods 26:56 you know 26:57 uh who else is here currently 27:00 stuff definitely a top five to top 20 27:04 you know blue same for you 27:08 i hate to pick favorites but you know 27:10 you guys are pretty good 27:11 [Music] 27:15 dark fruits is a great flavor in any 27:17 alcohol tba damn right yeah like i mean 27:21 this non-alcoholic cider would be like 27:22 saying non-alcoholic beer to someone in 27:24 the uk i guess like 27:26 you know there's no alcoholic versions 27:27 of it but like beers beer side of cider 27:30 would you rather suck some cork or get 27:32 cork up the behind now we're getting 27:34 into it 27:38 uh [ __ ] 27:48 i don't like either of those [ __ ] out 27:54 i don't know which one's worse 27:56 because 27:59 i feel like i just throw i feel like i 28:01 just throw up 28:03 that answer was insufficient 28:06 pick your favorite mod 28:08 oh i thought he meant the other uh 28:10 warden's my favorite mod because she 28:12 edits for me i'm so sorry it is worn by 28:14 default uh if i don't answer one i'm 28:18 worried she'll leave i'll drink you in i 28:21 kind of want to try the i haven't i 28:22 haven't tried oh no okay i'm gonna have 28:24 lemon cello for now but i have shot 28:26 glasses downstairs that i really want to 28:27 try the smear 28:29 lime vodka someone sent me shot glasses 28:31 and they're in my cupboard because i'm 28:32 keeping them because they were dope um 28:35 and they're downstairs but i didn't 28:36 bring one so i'm gonna get one after 28:37 this 28:38 i'm calling it now finn's going to be 28:40 moving to america eventually it's just a 28:42 matter of when 28:44 moving permanently 28:47 no 28:48 i don't have any plans to 28:51 i do want to move for like a year though 28:53 um 28:58 would it be a good time to note that 28:59 i've had a salad today what was the 29:01 longest you have let a guy think you are 29:03 a girl for 29:05 hold on 29:08 what was the longest you've let a guy 29:09 think you're a girl for i've never done 29:11 that in real life 29:12 um i'm usually like i mean 29:16 usually you don't get that into it with 29:18 conversation because as soon as i speak 29:20 they know 29:21 but on a megal you don't have to say are 29:23 you actually going to keep trying for 29:25 your voice goal or have you fully given 29:27 up by now 29:37 [ __ ] first a joke do they allow loud 29:40 laughter in hawaii or just aloha 29:43 [Laughter] 29:46 okay i'm drinking on that other one 29:48 um i don't know the answers i don't know 29:51 i don't know i don't know 29:56 [ __ ] this is a terrible idea 29:58 i have no like measurements i'm just 30:00 taking swigs 30:02 oh my god 30:03 holy [ __ ] um it does taste good though 30:07 holy [ __ ] 30:08 would you rather sit on a cake and eat 30:10 cork or sit on a cork and eat cake 30:15 that's the same [ __ ] question as 30:17 before 30:20 okay 30:21 can i have a rule in place that we're 30:22 not going to do variations of the same 30:24 question that i've that you've got to 30:26 drink from 30:27 that's the same question 30:29 i'm not going to i'm not accepting 30:30 that's a question that didn't happen 30:32 what the [ __ ] hey gurgle fricks thank 30:34 you for the 10 gifted serves that's very 30:37 nice of you 30:42 i still don't know what gay green is who 30:44 do i 30:47 shade you got those awesome nails and 30:49 then you didn't stream for 10 days 30:52 how much of that time did you spend 30:54 enjoying them 30:57 i think getting used to them is a 30:58 probably better way to think about it 31:00 like 31:02 listen 31:03 nails aren't like 31:05 nails aren't the worst thing ever 31:07 they're the i would say out of 31:08 everything that i do 31:10 yes the nails are sorry mommy sorry 31:12 daddy sorry mommy 31:14 the nails are the easiest thing to like 31:16 keep up with and also like maintain and 31:18 like deal with right 31:20 that's not a question that's not an 31:22 answer what do you mean um 31:24 i mean 31:27 i don't know [ __ ] 31:29 the eyelashes are far far worse so i 31:32 guess it was why do you act more 31:34 feminine when you're in girl mode 31:38 do i 31:40 i don't even have an answer do i don't 31:42 think i do personally 31:44 do i 31:45 like hold on i need you for this one 31:47 chat 31:48 do i 31:49 really 31:53 yup you do 31:55 i want like i want examples 32:00 name the time and date absolutely name 32:02 the time and date of when i was more 32:05 feminine name the second of the day 32:07 um and then name the second where i was 32:10 uh more masculine name it 32:12 right now you are what do you mean like 32:15 more masculine or more feminine 32:17 the way you sit 32:21 what is this this is a good in-between i 32:23 feel like is this masculine is this 32:25 feminine i don't know 32:27 i personally see this now the real 32:29 question whom is the best fanboy besides 32:32 yourself 32:34 oh 32:36 oh well okay 32:39 it's 32:43 the thing is my usual like go to is 32:45 going to be just 32:47 i feel like there's always going to be 32:48 someone on tick tock but i don't know 32:50 any of their names like occasionally 32:52 i'll see a person i'll be like holy [ __ ] 32:54 my career would be gone if they decide 32:56 to do what i did like if they were like 32:58 damn 32:59 you know what i want to do i want to 33:01 start i want to start cross-dressing 33:03 career over they're just like very uh 33:06 you know like more feminine guys 33:08 um but again it goes back to my theory 33:11 there's probably like 33:13 ultimate it's like a girl with bi energy 33:17 it's so specific boy looks like a girl 33:19 that sits like a 33:21 boy 33:22 [ __ ] now 33:24 a boy that looks like a girl that looks 33:26 like a boy that sits like a girl nice 33:30 uh i think by definition if you dress 33:31 more feminine you're more feminine 33:33 i don't know 33:35 i don't know to answer the question i 33:37 don't know why 33:39 i don't know why i do 33:42 if i if i'm gonna operate on the 33:43 assumption that i do i don't know why i 33:45 do 33:46 that's my answer 33:48 because i don't know i can't i don't 33:49 know 33:52 has it really been 17 months 33:57 i guess so what the hell thank you crazy 34:00 what thank you crazy 34:02 thank you you are crazy all right i'm 34:04 going to grab a i'm gonna grab a shot 34:05 glass listen can you swear on your 34:07 parents life that you and rizzu are 34:09 dating or not 34:11 uh well not well yeah but the [ __ ] what 34:16 can you swear on your parents life that 34:17 you and marisa are dating or not 34:19 i can swear 34:26 sorry the question what the [ __ ] i can 34:27 swear yes sorry what the [ __ ] that took 34:30 me a minute to understand that avoiding 34:32 the question i answered the [ __ ] 34:33 question man 34:35 i got flabbergasted bro i'm [ __ ] one 34:38 salad in i have no carbs today 34:42 have i 34:43 no 34:44 when did i [ __ ] wake up 34:47 how could it be woke up at a good time 34:49 today 34:50 you're dating yourself now no 34:56 hey rose do you prefer doing the dirty 34:58 with yourself while in girl mode or do 35:01 you prefer doing it in guy mode 35:03 [ __ ] okay i thought the questions were 35:05 going to be more like 35:07 okay i don't know what i expected of 35:08 course they're going to be nsfw 35:11 uh i haven't let me okay i haven't ever 35:14 i haven't [ __ ] anyone while i'm in 35:16 girl mode 35:18 i haven't [ __ ] anyone oh damn 35:20 i've [ __ ] anyone in guy mode for year 35:23 z 35:24 [ __ ] that's depressing thanks for the 35:26 [ __ ] subs 35:28 been like what 35:29 two years 35:31 so i don't know 35:32 with yourself 35:34 i it's just this just telling me to go 35:36 [ __ ] myself 35:39 like like jerk okay 35:42 boys 35:46 i usually want to get out of everything 35:48 though like usually as soon as this 35:49 stream's done i'm usually like okay 35:51 corset oh [ __ ] 35:53 whatever dress off done i'm usually so 35:56 done with it by the time i'm stopped 35:58 streaming because usually i stop 35:59 shooting when i feel like 36:00 i've had enough 36:02 um so i usually i just don't 36:06 would it be lying to say that i haven't 36:08 ever 36:13 it would be however 36:15 it's more just like i've taken all dude 36:18 i i don't think there's ever been a time 36:19 where i've kept any of the clothes on 36:20 because the clothes are uncomfy as [ __ ] 36:21 but i've like left makeup on for a 36:23 minute you know 36:25 i've done that i've left makeup on for a 36:27 bit and i've still got the nails and 36:28 [ __ ] so it's like ah 36:30 you don't notice it i don't know that 36:32 there's like i'm wearing makeup if i i 36:34 feel like if i knew that i was like 36:36 dressed up as a girl it would take me 36:38 out of it i'd be like oh [ __ ] this feels 36:40 kind of like [ __ ] cringe like i don't 36:42 know i need to 36:44 no like 36:46 i rose without makeup too good to know 36:52 what the [ __ ] this is a trap by the way 36:54 because i know if i drink for any of 36:56 these you're gonna just immediately take 36:57 it as whatever the worst version of the 36:59 answer could be 37:03 i guess that last one's up to 37:05 interpretation if you deem me wearing 37:07 makeup 37:08 then the answer is yeah 37:11 i have 37:12 if you don't i follow you on two cats 37:15 not a shrimp toe not sisto either 37:18 anymore 37:20 wait why two accounts what's the benefit 37:22 like an ultracap 37:23 well they don't get the benefit okay 37:25 well i mean thanks for the extra thanks 37:26 for the extra follow really inflating 37:28 the numbers here making me look more 37:30 important to twitch steph 37:33 well that's why i have not got banned 37:35 yet even throughout my antics 37:37 the 37:39 drinking is pleading the fifth which 37:41 typically means more guilty since you 37:43 are doing this did you ever like legit 37:46 got aroused by rose 37:49 [Music] 37:50 there's no 37:52 i'm not like 24 hours at 3 000 simp goal 37:59 this is the worst thing to blend out 38:03 i don't even think i need forehead 38:04 contour my forehead's already so small 38:09 but no i haven't the uh 38:11 the what's it called 38:13 no 38:17 i think it's very patrick baitmany you 38:19 know like the [ __ ] with the dude 38:25 in her life 38:27 uh why did you and on twitter marisa 38:29 call you a solomon the most important 38:30 person in life because i'm a good person 38:33 i want to get into what maurice is 38:34 feeling the um 38:36 [Music] 38:39 i feel like it's too personal for me to 38:40 talk about marisa's like experience and 38:43 [ __ ] that i've helped her with you know 38:45 it's not my thing to go into 38:49 it'd be that'd be a question for ariza i 38:50 think 38:51 if she wants to answer it but 38:53 yeah 38:56 you know like i was i was the one to 38:57 take it to the the clinic for like her 39:00 like 39:02 surgery what's it called the 39:05 the thing the [ __ ] what's it called 39:06 when you talk to them consultation which 39:09 was a big thing i feel like that was a 39:10 really good thing to do you know stuff 39:12 like that consult there we go that's 39:14 nice i'm a good guy serious question in 39:17 one of your earlier 24 hours streams you 39:20 told the story about the number 20 you 39:22 carved into your desk 39:24 is this really no problem anymore we got 39:27 in dark quickly 39:28 uh yeah i mean 39:31 again 39:32 i find it really interesting looking 39:33 back on that i recorded a video oh 39:35 that's what i was talking about before 39:35 it looked out i recorded a video for me 39:38 in five years 39:39 and 39:40 uh that's really interesting because 39:43 that's after i hit 20. 39:46 and it's just really interesting to hear 39:48 how how i'm feeling about stuff 39:51 and i guess you'll see it one day 39:53 in like 2025 39:55 no but 39:56 you didn't really answer michael 39:59 so i require you to drink 40:01 otherwise you're scamster again 40:04 next question when will you do the walks 40:07 that you still love us 40:10 i want to do it this week i want to but 40:13 marisa is here and marisa [ __ ] hates 40:15 it 40:18 yeah i mean 40:21 i forgot the walk yeah me dude 40:25 i mean i think it's like three i don't 40:27 want to do them 40:28 i realistically it's probably best to do 40:30 it when i move because i'll be in a way 40:32 better like area 40:34 it's gonna be way harder to leak my 40:36 address where i'm planning to move to 40:38 but again i feel like when i like when i 40:40 tell you stuff that's like a good thing 40:42 it always get it's always like a jinx 40:44 and it never happens so i've kind of 40:45 like let off telling you about this one 40:47 but i'm hoping to move and when i do 40:50 it'd be way easier to do that however 40:53 it's still moving 40:55 if i do it that way but i want to do at 40:57 least one before i move is what's in my 40:59 head in my head i want to do one just to 41:02 satiate the crowd and then i want to do 41:04 the more the rest of them when i'm like 41:06 when i moved out and like all good 41:07 that's what 41:09 charlotte that's my idea 41:12 uh 41:14 also i have no idea what the first 41:16 question said do you prefer doing the 41:17 daddy yourself and girl model 41:21 is less [ __ ] involved 41:23 that was the question that you asked 41:25 guy mode i prefer gamma i thought i just 41:27 answered it in a better way 41:28 anyway 41:30 i want to get the shot glasses one sec 41:32 thank you your questions i'll be back 41:33 momentarily i have cool shot glasses 41:35 that i want to try 42:13 also 42:14 oh look god i have look at this thing 42:16 it's a [ __ ] shot glass but like 42:19 there's like a little little [ __ ] 42:21 bullet in it look at that 42:23 that's dope as hell you guys sent that 42:25 one that's sick i mean it's not a real 42:26 bullet but it's still cool anyway uh 42:29 good evening hello 42:31 um oh yeah to answer your uh to answer 42:33 the question a little bit better with 42:34 the 20 on the desk thing uh no i'm 42:37 feeling pretty [ __ ] good now i like 42:38 that it's a it's it's a it's a 42:40 heartwarming memory have you noticed any 42:42 ego changes now with the constant 42:45 compliments and attention 42:49 oh 42:58 oh 43:07 probably 43:09 i haven't thought about it 43:11 i'd assume so 43:19 okay i don't think that i have 43:22 from the compliments and attention 43:27 no what i've i don't know so okay let me 43:30 tell you about a thing uh 43:33 ellie streams you were kind of cringed a 43:35 bit from compliments 43:37 i've gotten used to compliments 43:53 judge just wondering about it 43:56 um 43:57 the difference of living like with 43:59 someone for a bit or like having a 44:01 roommate 44:02 uh 44:04 is 44:05 is that it's that like i i okay like the 44:08 house is generally more messy but i 44:10 generally clean more because i'm 44:12 cleaning like 44:13 a hundred and ten percent of this stuff 44:15 you know what i mean 44:16 uh 44:17 let's throw marisa under the bus there 44:19 or 44:20 like i don't know like i can't like 44:23 there's part of me that's like okay well 44:25 it's now completely off limits to like 44:28 uh jerk off in the kitchen now because 44:30 you know it's kind of a public space 44:35 okay i didn't do that before but you 44:37 know what i mean like you can't just do 44:38 anything anywhere i can't just walk 44:39 around the house naked or something 44:41 that's a better example 44:45 that's a way better example i don't know 44:46 why i didn't go with that first 44:48 i made it weirder than it needed to be 44:50 but you know what i mean 44:53 you know what i mean or like you know 44:55 like i've got to be conscious of how 44:56 loud i'm yelling sometimes right 44:59 like 45:00 i've i've gone a bit red 45:02 um sure she wouldn't mind any of those 45:05 oh my god 45:07 um 45:08 you know that's so it's it's it's living 45:11 with someone it's like 45:12 i i had like a year where i wasn't 45:14 living with anyone was living in the 45:15 place like completely alone outside like 45:17 since i moved house from like family and 45:19 stuff like moved out from there moved 45:21 out from family house came here 45:23 uh it's a bigger place than my bedroom 45:26 so it took a while to fill up with all 45:27 the stuff but it's still a very small 45:29 house and now i'm realizing that two 45:30 people in the house is like that's once 45:32 more a bad answer you stated you 45:34 wouldn't really go walking because riza 45:36 hates it so you seem to be avoiding it 45:39 time to drink fem boys i said i gave you 45:42 you said when would it happen i said i 45:44 want to do one this week and then i'll 45:45 do the rest of them in a few months 45:47 that's a that's about as good as an 45:48 answer i could possibly get 45:51 i'll drink anyway how because more just 45:54 more just because i want to use the shot 45:56 the shot glass and i want to no wait i'm 45:58 going to try the uh the smell of 46:00 lime i haven't tried this yet my dad 46:02 tried it 46:03 and he he said um you shouldn't even mix 46:06 that you can just drink it straight 46:07 because i wanted to mix it with like 46:09 coca-cola or something because it's lime 46:11 flavored vodka and lime goes [ __ ] 46:13 great with coca-cola 46:17 what did that warning sticker say on 46:19 your bed at your parents house oh it was 46:22 the tempered glass sticker it was it 46:24 just said warning like shadow 46:26 or something like that it was like 46:27 something about shattering it was like a 46:28 warning sticker that was uh from the 46:30 tempered glass on my pc case 46:33 weirdly this this pc case came on with 46:35 one as well but i just took it off and 46:37 threw it away 46:38 it would have been a good memory maybe i 46:39 could stick it on stick it on that but i 46:41 remember i remember that that's that's 46:42 funny i remember what you're on about 46:44 that's the cool all right cheers boys 46:47 wait 46:50 this is a terrible plan 46:52 i am sorry for this question i've heard 46:55 the nasty [ __ ] guys say to pretty girls 46:57 and heard the deranged things that jerks 47:00 write in their dms what would you want 47:02 to tell the jerks who haven't you if you 47:05 saw them face to face 47:07 oh [ __ ] hold on i was so distracted 47:10 would you want to tell the jokes who 47:11 have dm'd you if you saw that there's 47:13 like no one 47:14 i've got like no bad dm's or at least no 47:17 dm's that like 47:19 ugh 47:20 state of constant agony i've got none 47:22 that seriously bothered me that much 47:25 like 47:26 there's no there's 47:27 oh my god okay vodka's a lot i've never 47:30 like had a i've never had a dm with 47:32 someone that's like 47:34 i came away from it like [ __ ] man that's 47:36 gonna ruin the rest of my day 47:38 um 47:40 usually it's pretty like funny 47:43 it's not usually bad i've yet to receive 47:44 a dm bad enough that i'd be angry at 47:46 someone 47:47 um 47:49 yeah 47:51 26 48 47:55 no it's 40 47:56 that one's 40. 47:58 oh so it's it's it's not that bad it's 48:01 like 12 percent more it's fine fine just 48:04 tastes way stronger 48:06 oh okay 48:11 looks like you don't like your drinks so 48:14 do you like the drinks or want to drink 48:16 some more it's not a 48:18 question oh [ __ ] 48:22 do you like the drinks i want to drink 48:23 some it's not choose one or the other 48:25 uh 48:29 i'll drink some yemen let yum i've had a 48:31 salad today [ __ ] this is hitting me a 48:33 lot harder than it should do 48:37 just a bit just a bit 48:39 that's the vodka taste out 48:41 uh 48:42 eyebrows that's what i wanted to do i 48:44 want to do this before i get too 48:46 far my man is going to be hammering an 48:49 hour 48:50 oh it's been 30 minutes yeah we'll be 48:52 holy [ __ ] 48:56 it's been 30 minutes of the stream 48:57 that's not good okay [ __ ] it let's let 48:59 me do eyebrows if i [ __ ] up eyebrows 49:01 like i'm not gonna be doing eyeliner 49:03 today you know 49:04 that there's just not that shit's not 49:06 gonna happen drunken uneven brows i'm 49:09 you watch me i'm gonna get five months 49:11 of nothing but manly content i might be 49:13 gay now 49:14 hell yeah 49:18 i feel like i could ask you guys some of 49:20 the truth or drink questions 49:22 that would be entertaining 49:28 wowzers rose getting off her face on 49:31 stream i hope no accidents happen nudge 49:33 nudge wink wink 49:39 why do you enjoy flirting with thousands 49:41 of men on a regular basis it's fun what 49:43 do you mean it's funny 49:45 it's the same sort of thing as like 49:48 i feel like everyone flirts with their 49:50 guy friends 49:51 i mean at least a little bit not in like 49:53 a proper [ __ ] a man you wanna come 49:55 with me for a drink you know you wanna 49:57 come back to my place i mean you do but 49:59 like in a joking way like it's just 50:01 funny i don't know 50:04 maybe that's like 50:06 i don't know it's just funny to flirt 50:08 with dudes i don't know 50:09 it's funny to 50:11 there's no like risk of it coming off 50:12 weird right like you could just [ __ ] 50:14 say anything to like guy friends because 50:17 it's like a very comfortable thing you 50:18 can just be like you can [ __ ] around you 50:20 can tell whatever jokes you want like 50:22 dudes tell each other the most [ __ ] up 50:24 things i feel like the only people that 50:25 i ever see talking about how weird it is 50:27 that guys like like fake the gay thing 50:29 with each other or fake the guy you know 50:31 like being like like bro you know 50:34 there's a word for i don't know what the 50:35 word for it is 50:36 but like the only people that get weird 50:38 about that are girls because they just 50:39 don't get it 50:40 like 50:42 i don't know 50:43 like 50:44 dudes 50:45 i guarantee you've heard your friends 50:47 say some [ __ ] that would just [ __ ] 50:50 dude if you said it to the wrong person 50:54 confused 50:55 i don't know i've i've 50:57 and i don't know you make just [ __ ] up 50:59 jokes 51:00 uh and i guess the like i don't know 51:03 it's just funny they just don't get it 51:04 they just don't they just don't 51:06 understand homosexual indeed 51:10 like 51:14 i don't know i can't really put in in 51:16 another way 51:19 but 51:20 no no it's just so like 51:23 one of those things that's so out of 51:24 bound that it's funny 51:27 are you now more appreciative this is 51:29 like all the [ __ ] that i'm going through 51:30 every day 51:32 you're now more appreciative of all the 51:34 [ __ ] of the women go through every day 51:38 i guess it depends 51:40 i'm going a little bit more out there 51:42 like i don't think every woman's getting 51:44 like 51:45 eyelash hair nails 51:46 hair extensions specifically what the 51:49 that's very it's more rare 51:52 but if i know that a woman has done that 51:54 [ __ ] yeah i'd like talk to them about it 51:56 i'd be like damn dude how about that 51:58 suck and they're like you know or like 52:00 i've seen what you can tell when 52:01 something's eyelash extensions versus 52:03 fake eyelashes 52:04 so like occasionally you'll see someone 52:06 in a store oh like okay 52:08 like or like when you're at the checkout 52:10 like occasionally um 52:12 there there is why am i saying 52:14 receptionist 52:15 the retail person the person like 52:17 bagging groceries what are they called 52:20 they're called something 52:21 cashier or something there's a dif 52:24 there's i swear there's a word beginning 52:25 with our anyway 52:26 so 52:27 when you speak to them about it maybe 52:29 sometimes like they have fake nails or 52:30 fake eyelashes on and you like i've said 52:33 to them before like oh nice eyelashes by 52:35 the way and immediately they're just 52:36 like ah 52:38 immediately it becomes like a really 52:39 friendly thing 52:40 so i've had like 52:42 my experience of being the gay best 52:44 friend because i'm guessing that's 52:46 pretty much exactly what that's like 52:47 of just 52:49 immediately women are just super 52:50 comfortable and they're like you know 52:52 [ __ ] nice thanks for appreciating 52:54 that which is really nice 52:56 it feels good to do it too because it's 52:57 like an easy compliment to make and 52:59 obviously like 53:00 they're clearly spending time on it so 53:02 it's cool i don't know 53:04 i like i yeah i get how like 53:08 if they were doing that you know it's 53:10 it's worthy of appreciation so yeah i 53:12 guess i do 53:19 okay 53:21 [Music] 53:24 so you do the girl talks with other 53:26 girls yeah legend's fun 53:32 this shit's fun man like uh it depends 53:35 like obviously i can't talk about 53:36 [ __ ] everything like 53:42 not i can't get into like 53:43 i don't know 53:44 i don't know i can't talk about 53:46 absolutely everything i don't know what 53:47 a [ __ ] period's like 53:49 but like i do know exactly what it's 53:51 like to go get fake nails done so i can 53:53 talk about [ __ ] like isn't it shitty i 53:55 hate when they do the push back your 53:57 cuticles thing and then like 53:58 occasionally someone's like oh yeah that 54:00 sucks and i'm like you're right it does 54:01 suck it's awful i hate that [ __ ] 54:04 you know 54:07 rose joking around with male friends is 54:09 completely normal it's just a 54:12 coincidence half of them have 54:13 transitioned and most of the rest want 54:15 confused corky times with me 54:20 oh yeah 54:23 well at that point they're either not 54:24 male friends or 54:30 you're making a point 54:35 it but then again it does become weird 54:37 if it's like you're like 54:39 doing the flake fake 54:42 [ __ ] fake flirty thing 54:44 with like 54:45 a dude you know wants to [ __ ] you i 54:48 don't know i haven't met one in real 54:49 life 54:50 and it's i'm basing like my interactions 54:52 with you guys off people in real life 54:54 right like 54:55 no one knows how to talk to just an 54:57 audience 54:58 like there's no one that's never talked 54:59 to a human being that does know how to 55:01 talk to a giant audience right 55:05 uh 55:06 and like we have like a small enough 55:08 little twitch channel thing where i can 55:09 see and do every individual like comment 55:12 right 55:13 uh so it's not just like a ludwig 55:15 [ __ ] emo spam so i can actually kind 55:17 of talk with you guys so i'm basing 55:19 everything off like what i'd speak to 55:21 how i speak to like a person 55:23 kind of 55:27 ugh 55:30 or like someone or a person online you 55:32 know not a person in real life that'd be 55:34 weird when you hard dressed as rose are 55:36 you more flattered by compliments from 55:38 men or women both is not an answer lol 55:43 dude compliments don't work on me 55:44 anymore 55:46 they don't work dude um 55:51 i don't know i've got i get them so 55:53 often i feel like if i was complimented 55:55 as a guy would you rather have penguins 55:57 sized nipples or a nipple-sized pinkies 56:09 oh 56:11 i don't want to know i don't want to 56:12 think about that i'm going to go with 56:13 the i'm going to go with passion fruit 56:15 vodka this time i don't want to think 56:17 about it 56:18 that's just a bad question i hate that 56:23 i am this thing is one shut away by the 56:28 way okay [ __ ] 56:32 i plead the fifth i don't want to think 56:34 about it all right 56:44 you know 56:46 you never taste like vodka 56:48 it's always just the aftertaste why is 56:49 there already so much lying in a stream 56:52 titled telling the truth what lying what 56:55 did i do 57:02 ah 57:03 give me a hug give me a hard question 57:05 then buddy give me a hard question then 57:08 buddy 57:09 hold on 57:19 i should have thought about this way 57:20 more oh 57:22 like water of makeup 57:40 [Music] 57:43 rose yesterday if i don't do that 57:45 tomorrow you have full permission to 57:47 yell at me well time to start yelling 57:50 you do realize a decent number of us 57:52 still don't think this is ever going to 57:55 happen right 57:56 rose queen of the weasels 58:01 queen of the resorts hello listen i have 58:04 questions 58:05 my god you can take part two on this 58:07 question okay so metal core is here why 58:11 australian metal core sounds more 58:13 aggressive depressed and brutal than 58:15 american and british black to your guys 58:21 because they have to live in australia 58:22 that's why 58:24 it's just a i don't get how australians 58:26 are so happy when they live in australia 58:30 you know 58:31 either it's not as bad as i think it is 58:33 which i don't think is true 58:35 uh it sounds dreadful anyone us 58:37 explaining australia usually can't come 58:40 up with any good points besides like 58:42 it's sunny you know that's kind of it 58:45 like 58:46 whenever i ask someone about like why do 58:48 you want to go to australia like it's 58:49 sunny i go what about the bugs and they 58:51 go ah what about the internet ah what 58:53 about the [ __ ] 58:54 everything about australia 58:57 what about the [ __ ] it's what about the 58:59 fires 59:01 i don't know it doesn't seem to be 59:02 anything i don't like it 59:05 there's spiders 59:07 it's my only reason have you ever smoked 59:09 mj while in the uk 59:13 i don't like the fact that questions 59:14 coming from a a and a non 59:16 anon anonymous user 59:23 either are you glad that you're a knack 59:25 aren't you i know you are 59:27 answer me 59:30 no 59:31 i will not answer you 59:34 are you ever worried to admit to 59:35 enjoying some parts of being feminine 59:37 because chat will automatically assume 59:39 you secretly want to be a girl also 59:42 drink some water and mixer i have that 59:44 here i got my water 59:48 hmm why don't you say buckle holy [ __ ] 59:51 anymore 59:53 what do you mean i do that's like a 59:55 really common part of i think i said 59:56 that like five times today like recently 59:59 someone brought me up that i keep saying 60:00 bucko to them 60:01 i maybe have faced out buckaroo 60:04 i phased that buckaroo from my 60:06 vocabulary but i still say [ __ ] you 60:08 bucko you know that's a that's a big 60:10 part of my dialect 60:14 princess rose should i get my programmer 60:17 socks now or once i manage to get hired 60:20 as a developer 60:21 no you gotta have a job you gotta you 60:23 gotta be able to fully you gotta be able 60:25 to make like a a game in python before 60:27 you get the 60:29 before you get the programmer socks 60:30 that's the barrier to entry also uh are 60:33 you ever worried about oh i'm just going 60:34 to replay it so i don't have to read it 60:36 because i it got scared 60:38 [Music] 60:41 but i do know are you ever worried to 60:42 admit to enjoying some parts of being 60:44 feminine because chat will automatically 60:46 assume you secretly want to be a girl 60:49 also drink some water and mixer oh that 60:52 one yeah okay i got the last bit of that 60:54 um 61:10 i'm trying to think about parts of it 61:11 that i enjoy 61:13 and i 61:18 i guess the final product is interesting 61:20 like when i'm fully done would you 61:21 rather be not a job 61:25 i like the reactions from people i don't 61:27 necessarily like 61:30 do i 61:33 i was gonna say i don't necessarily like 61:34 the experience of it but like 61:38 i don't know i wouldn't call it 61:43 it's like saying that you like drinking 61:45 right 61:46 as it relates it's like saying you like 61:48 drinking 61:49 i'm tr i still don't think that anyone 61:51 really likes the taste of alcohol but i 61:53 think people like the effect that it has 61:57 that's the best way i could put it i 61:59 don't necessarily like the process 62:03 but 62:04 the end result is pretty good you know 62:06 like i get i get to enjoy what happens 62:08 after like i get to enjoy the experience 62:09 of like [ __ ] 62:11 like 62:12 you know having fun with friends and 62:14 [ __ ] or like serious question again will 62:17 we ever get new ones which batches 62:21 you want me to commission warden for 62:23 them like 62:24 in all fairness she's i've kept one 62:26 really [ __ ] busy but i'm sure warden 62:28 could do like could knock out some sub 62:30 badges i don't know i could always ask 62:32 one 62:33 i think i could do that 62:36 what the [ __ ] was this one 62:40 i'm replaying it 62:43 would you rather be a nut job or but on 62:45 the job monkerham 62:49 or butt on the job i don't know what 62:50 butt on the job means what are you 62:51 drinking uh 62:53 lemon cello 62:55 uh whatever that is palini lemon cello 62:58 absolute passion fruit and smirnoff of 63:00 the lime 63:02 so really high percentage fat 63:06 uh 63:07 sister reveal 63:09 sister of ill someday i've showed ruby 63:11 on the channel part of the reason why i 63:13 haven't done that shopping stream with 63:14 ruby is just that it's [ __ ] 63:17 i don't know i got like a couple weird 63:19 comments about ruby and 63:21 i'm a bit overprotective brother sort of 63:23 thing 63:25 and i don't want to hear that said about 63:27 are you happy about presenting his mail 63:28 or presenting as female 63:31 are you happy presenting as male or 63:32 female 63:42 what would your life be if you were born 63:44 female 63:45 oh my god 63:47 okay let me answer the first one 63:48 properly 63:49 i think i'm 63:52 far more like 63:53 at peace presenting as male you know 63:56 what i mean like far more like so you 63:57 told me that you wouldn't wear the green 63:59 bikini until you met your goal weight 64:02 now i seem to forget that it exists 64:05 are you ever going to wear the green 64:06 bikini what yes 64:09 i'm sending you more stick rippers for 64:11 your christmas po box maybe i will maybe 64:13 i will actually you know what i'm 64:15 feeling all right about 64:16 body i guess you know maybe i will 64:20 maybe i will wear the green bikini 64:22 however i don't know if i'd do like a 64:24 full body shot in it because i'm still 64:26 not shaped like woman you know what i 64:28 mean i'm still shaped like a guy 64:31 but i can i can do the upper half of it 64:33 you know i could do that also the tuck 64:35 job on that holy [ __ ] 64:38 oh hi katie hey katie what the hell 64:41 they did 64:44 okay 64:48 what was they saying there was something 64:49 else i definitely missed one what is 64:51 what does bud on the job mean would you 64:54 rather be a nut job or butt on the job 64:58 what does that mean 65:01 don't talk we want bulge oh my [ __ ] 65:03 god 65:08 not on the job oh 65:10 uh 65:12 [Music] 65:14 i think i'd rather be a nut job at least 65:16 they're entertaining 65:17 oh nothing on the job is just 65:19 a crime 65:21 so 65:25 that's where i actually put myself in 65:27 the eye have you ever had a dream that 65:29 that you had that you had you would you 65:30 could you want you could do so you want 65:32 him to do so much you could do anything 65:35 i'm gonna replay don't know i missed 65:38 yeah 65:42 what would your life be if you were born 65:44 female 65:51 oh [ __ ] i don't know 65:55 i'd have definitely been better at 66:02 i don't know 66:05 it'd be a lie to say that i could do 66:06 this better because i don't think 66:07 there's a market for it like just just a 66:09 gold well there is okay 66:12 just a girl doing stuff 66:15 um 66:21 i'm sorry i'm like really making sure i 66:23 don't [ __ ] up like poke myself in the 66:24 eye would you like to be a scuffer 66:26 or a scammer oh wait 66:29 i might have just like 66:32 might be a high market maybe i mean i 66:35 might have just i might have just gone 66:36 into computer science and just [ __ ] 66:38 done really well in that because oh my 66:41 god imagine being a girl and actually 66:42 being good at computer science like 66:44 there's such a market for like 66:46 programmers in general and like women in 66:48 stem is such like a big thing that 66:50 people want to promote 66:51 so like if i was good at if i had this 66:54 if i was me but with the same interests 66:56 i would have done really well on 66:59 minecraft youtube 67:00 i'm really well and computerized but 67:02 that means i understand your gender 67:04 i'm wondering if the thought ever 67:06 crossed your mind of transitioning 67:08 coming from a trans woman 67:11 [ __ ] dude 67:12 blurry uh well i know you've said that 67:15 you're confident in gender as a man i'm 67:16 wondering here i thought about 67:17 if the thought ever crossed your mind of 67:19 transitioning coming from a trans woman 67:21 well yeah in the same way that like 67:24 the am i gay thing comes up for 67:26 everything i think everyone's had the 67:27 like am i 67:29 no like i've had that with the gay thing 67:31 and then as soon as um 67:33 what's it called as soon as i started 67:34 doing this and everyone was like are you 67:35 gay you trans are you gay you trans i 67:37 was like 67:38 am i 67:40 and i go well i keep doing this a lot 67:42 does that mean i'm trans i don't feel 67:44 like i'm a girl you know like [ __ ] like 67:46 that and i just kind of go like then i 67:48 then no i don't feel like i want to be a 67:50 girl i feel pretty confident in being a 67:52 guy 67:53 no i guess i'm not i've never heard it 67:55 like i don't think i'd be happier if i 67:57 was a woman you know 68:00 like sure doing the whole cross dress 68:01 anything's cool and all 68:03 oh [ __ ] katie's here katie's trans 68:06 give me a give me your give me your uh 68:08 what's it called your thoughts on this 68:10 i'm sure that's not a lot of pressure to 68:12 put on you at all 68:13 um 68:15 but like you know i feel like being 68:17 trans is more than just like 68:19 damn i look cool as a girl i should do 68:20 this forever you know like there's got 68:22 to be more to it than that 68:26 i feel like you gotta have like actually 68:28 one today is my last day the psychiatry 68:31 watched every live stream in the last 68:33 two and a half months in here lol holy 68:36 okay i thought you meant you've watched 68:37 like the vods or something but [ __ ] yeah 68:39 thanks for showing up thanks man [ __ ] 68:42 good 68:43 psychiatry for a good reason or a bad 68:44 reason either way [ __ ] props for you 68:46 for 68:47 figuring out yourself if you're 68:48 questioning if you're trans you're most 68:50 likely trans coming from a trans person 68:52 um 68:55 yeah there's way more to it yeah i mean 68:59 blue ads this is not true 69:02 uh i mean okay 69:04 if you i don't know i have like a very 69:06 good reason to question if i'm trans 69:08 because people keep [ __ ] asking me so 69:11 i so i think about it and i always go no 69:13 not really like uh 69:16 like 69:18 i can't think of a really good analogy 69:19 if i could think of a good analogy i 69:20 think i'd be a published author author 69:22 or something for just like exp like just 69:25 the [ __ ] how to know 69:27 uh 69:28 if i think of a good analogy i'll 69:30 probably sell it for millions of dollars 69:32 uh 69:34 i don't know 69:35 i can't think of a good way to know 69:38 but i don't know i guess just you know 69:40 that you're not all you know that you 69:41 are right i assume 69:43 everyone that i've ever talked to that's 69:44 trans usually just goes like i [ __ ] 69:46 know dude 69:47 like 69:49 like they got they go like well 69:51 marisa put it best for me i think 69:54 oh [ __ ] okay hold on 69:55 to be honest while as far as i'm aware 69:57 most folks who assist tend not to wonder 69:59 about it 70:00 but oh hold on let me make sure chad's 70:02 not moving uh but again everyone is 70:04 different the fact that you cross-dress 70:05 and everyone says uh and 70:07 everyone always shoves it down 70:09 shoves it down your throat for lack of a 70:11 better term behaved 70:13 so of course that thought would cross 70:15 your mind yeah okay you were saying like 70:16 what i was saying as well 70:18 um 70:19 i have a yeah okay fair enough i have a 70:21 reason to question it for that exact 70:23 reason however 70:25 the answer i always come to is like 70:28 i don't think i would i don't think i'd 70:29 be happier as a guy drive sell outline 70:31 or lithium-ion batteries put car seat in 70:34 shopping cart 70:42 those are just words those are just 70:44 random words 70:46 thanks google 70:50 what the [ __ ] 70:52 i thought it was just me what the hell 70:54 i'm just having a stroke 70:56 um 70:57 okay 70:58 what am i missing i'm missing something 71:00 lips 71:01 13 months let's go 71:03 oh yeah i'm missing lips i haven't done 71:05 my lipstick 71:08 or an outfit actually 71:10 i might try and get into the tutu today 71:13 maybe because i'm i haven't i haven't 71:15 done this 71:18 don't push people into being trans 71:20 that's not a good look 71:21 fair play 71:22 you know 71:23 i can't tell if you're talking to me or 71:25 not because i'm definitely comedian said 71:26 it best if we were in a sci-fi movie and 71:29 your brain was transplanted into a 71:31 woman's body would you identify as a 71:33 woman or would you want to get back into 71:35 your original body i heard that and it 71:38 just clicked 71:52 yeah i want to be a dude 71:56 you know 71:58 like if you're gonna pick any there's 71:59 like a magic button to choose which one 72:01 i feel like i'd want to be a dude 72:04 it's just better sorry women 72:07 i'm real sorry but like 72:09 it's better 72:12 it's better it's so much more fun you 72:14 should try it 72:17 it really isn't bro 72:21 i'm just saying it's pretty good 72:23 why do you try to look masculine for 72:25 your minecraft videos 72:29 i barely try and look masculine i just 72:31 don't do fake eyelashes and fake well 72:33 okay 72:34 like dead dead honest the oh [ __ ] thank 72:37 you thank you helen thank you helen for 72:39 the seven gifted subs that's very nice 72:40 of you um i mean okay 72:43 for minecraft videos number one it's a 72:45 younger audience 72:47 dude you gotta think we're in a bit of a 72:49 bubble here of like you know it's so 72:51 normal 72:54 or am i hallucinating 72:56 yes i've got it in the other room and i 72:58 haven't got dressed for that reason so 73:00 maybe it's a thing um but like 73:04 usually people just or like a younger 73:07 demographic just goes this is weird 73:09 click off and that massively affects 73:10 youtube analytics so i just don't do it 73:13 oh my god 73:16 [ __ ] hell thank you for the 20 gifted 73:19 subs 73:20 i don't have a thing that we're doing at 73:21 the sub goal 73:22 we haven't set a goal but thank you 73:25 thank you gifted subs 73:28 rose serious question again if you were 73:31 a girl how much of a slot would you be 73:42 i need a drink i think the only specific 73:44 reason you've ever given for wanting to 73:46 be a dude is pp can you think of a 73:49 second 73:52 oh my god 73:55 um 73:58 that's a hard question 74:02 okay let me run let me run through the 74:04 training thoughts i'm not just silent 74:06 okay so number one me personally i need 74:09 my dick that's just a thing i feel like 74:11 i couldn't live without this point and 74:12 balls thick and balls 74:14 um 74:16 so that's a thing 74:17 um 74:19 i don't know i don't think like okay 74:23 because i'm thinking of it from my 74:24 experience as like just cross-dressing 74:25 like it's way easier to like i wouldn't 74:27 want to have any [ __ ] issues that 74:29 just 74:32 like society i don't think matters 74:35 i think i do better on youtube if i was 74:37 a girl technically 74:39 okay i know i do better on youtube if i 74:41 was a girl because oh my god am i wait 74:44 can i wait am i like the same person but 74:47 a woman in this scenario like the same 74:49 personality 74:52 i'm gonna assume i am right 74:54 yeah okay so same personality i do 74:58 exponentially better if i was a woman 75:00 um 75:01 [Music] 75:02 especially on like because in a like 75:04 male dominated game i feel like dude 75:07 like 75:09 if you were as 75:10 [ __ ] let me try and think a way to put 75:12 it 75:14 i don't know i feel like just women get 75:15 more attention than guys because there's 75:16 a billion dudes getting like there's a 75:18 billion dudes making gaming videos but 75:20 like 75:21 a million women you know what i mean so 75:23 like it's got to be better that way 75:25 because more guys want to watch women it 75:27 kind of kind of it works that way but 75:29 there's not a ton of them doing the 75:30 thing they want to watch 75:32 i feel like i do better on on youtube 75:35 but 75:37 [Music] 75:39 i don't know 75:42 you need a tick to live exactly 75:44 um 75:47 this is definitely dodging the question 75:49 no i just said i'm running through my 75:50 train of thought 75:52 um to before i get to an answer 75:57 do you ever wonder after stream when you 76:00 fall in bed whether all of this crossed 76:02 a threshold that you feel like you won't 76:04 be able to return from 76:06 no 76:08 i mean like 76:10 if i asked myself the question i'd say 76:12 no it hasn't because like you know i 76:14 haven't done anything that's like get a 76:16 tattoo or some [ __ ] that's complete like 76:19 eyebrows go back fake ashes can't get 76:23 taken away so so does the hair these are 76:25 fake you know like 76:27 i mean i haven't done anything 76:29 being a biological women sounds great 76:32 only for one [ __ ] reason 76:34 multiple orgasms sound so [ __ ] great 76:37 so 76:38 okay that's it 76:39 uh 76:40 that's a that's a fair point but like 76:42 you know life is more than masturbating 76:46 for most people i assume anyway um but i 76:48 don't know 76:49 any person tomorrow 76:51 ear piercing i guess is permanent but 76:53 that's more something i was okay with 76:55 because 76:56 you know my dad's got his ears pissed 76:57 you know it's like a guys have their 76:59 ears pierced one last question if you 77:02 could go back in time and change one 77:04 decision you made what would it be i 77:06 wouldn't 77:08 immediately i wouldn't i wouldn't change 77:09 a thing 77:11 um 77:12 if i 77:14 um i wouldn't change the thing would you 77:15 use manjaro linux or mint linux 77:19 linux [ __ ] sucks 77:22 [ __ ] linux i don't care 77:23 um 77:26 i have every time like every time i talk 77:27 to someone that uses logs like it's so 77:29 much better for all these reasons i'm 77:30 like no it's not and they're like you're 77:32 right 77:35 you're right man like oh does steam 77:37 games work with it no 77:39 it's just 77:41 not worth it 77:45 good job chat in one year we went from 77:47 forced feminization to forced transition 77:50 from staunch denial to literally having 77:52 hrt rubbed on his skin 77:55 if we keep gaslighting him about non-pp 77:57 related changes we might get him to 78:00 transition mad ladies let's go we're 78:02 only this close we can do it we can do 78:03 it uh yeah i know um one and then being 78:07 truly and calmly honest is so different 78:09 from the crazy sequel lord he usually 78:11 portrait i like it 78:15 that's what alcohol does i guess 78:17 would you prefer to be a do-dog to have 78:19 a schlong 78:21 what 78:24 let's just why 78:28 i don't get it okay i'm gonna wait hold 78:30 on i i can what 78:32 i just wanna lose twitter account that 78:33 isn't moneygated what you're not gonna 78:35 get that 78:37 oh yeah what do you mean or that's the 78:39 same well i mean 78:42 you know like you can be a dude with a 78:44 with a [ __ ] 78:46 gigantic throbbing schlong as i am 78:52 you know 78:53 it is 78:55 giant 78:57 much larger than average 78:59 um 79:01 i mean hold on i know i didn't answer 79:03 that one question oh you're a cat today 79:05 yes 79:06 um well technically i'm gonna get into 79:08 something else i might get into the tutu 79:10 that everyone wants me to wear however 79:11 for now i am i'm a cat wearing a rock 79:14 hard hard rock ah the mind see what it 79:16 wants to see 79:17 hard rock shirt 79:19 um 79:22 titties and shlongaroo hell [ __ ] yeah 79:24 dude that's badass 79:26 wash the blocks box clothes i can't 79:30 uh 79:33 hold on 79:35 yeah no i wouldn't change a single 79:36 decision i made um 79:37 [Music] 79:40 i if it was a single transition 79:43 single transition [ __ ] i'm trying to 79:45 think of the the transition meme or 79:47 transition question as well if it was a 79:49 single like change or a single decision 79:52 um 79:53 no i wouldn't change the thing i think i 79:55 made like i've got very very very 79:58 [ __ ] lucky i don't believe any of 80:00 those youtubers 80:02 i feel like 80:03 i don't believe any of those youtubers 80:04 that say that it wasn't luck i don't 80:05 even trust logwood like when he says it 80:07 doesn't look 80:08 uh 80:09 yes meow 80:11 um i don't trust like sure youtube is 80:14 about like 80:15 in the same way 80:16 like 80:18 getting a great job 80:20 as a doctor 80:22 takes luck and talent 80:24 right like it takes you know it it is 80:27 always at least somewhat luck there are 80:29 great youtubers that just don't reach 80:31 [ __ ] pewdiepie levels right 80:33 but 80:34 i don't know 80:35 who's that 80:37 success requires luck yeah 80:40 but generally i have been a very very 80:41 lucky guy 80:42 uh 80:43 i've all i've 80:45 dog car seat bed car basket with dog 80:48 seat belt dog cats travel seat protector 80:51 for back seat for small and medium pets 80:53 thank you put in shopping cart 80:56 thank you alexa that's so nice of you 80:58 um 81:00 all right guys we get the pp thing 81:02 picking them uh 81:04 but yeah i know the the the the [ __ ] 81:08 i think i think like being successful on 81:10 youtube's probably gonna be like 81:14 like 60 81:16 ability 81:17 40 luck 81:20 you know 81:22 is the makeup done i want to do lips and 81:24 eyes uh but i haven't yet because i 81:26 don't know what i'm gonna wear that was 81:27 pretty feminine when i did that 81:29 i get what you mean when you say i hate 81:30 more feminine 81:32 it's about drive it's about power 81:35 red lips pog yeah 81:37 but um 81:38 i don't know like there's definitely 81:40 people that just straight up couldn't do 81:41 it like i'm never gonna be able to be to 81:44 be what xqc is right there's no [ __ ] 81:47 way i just don't possess that ability to 81:50 do it i'm not as funny and i'm not as 81:52 [ __ ] driven 81:54 right 81:54 but there's people that's like the same 81:57 way but on my level which is weirdly to 82:00 weird to think 82:01 um but also it'd be weird to say it'd be 82:03 wrong to say that xqc didn't get lucky 82:05 right i think everyone got lucky that's 82:07 successful in what they do 82:10 you have to be you have to stumble 82:12 across the right opportunities 82:14 i forgot the [ __ ] question 82:18 i don't know what i'm answering at this 82:19 point 82:22 what am i talking about anyway that's my 82:25 theory i'm going to get the tutu 82:29 i forgot what i was on about maybe you 82:31 can remind me 82:35 so mister you and reeza really a thing 82:38 and if not her jokes ever get old 82:44 ah 82:45 this thing is small as [ __ ] okay hello 82:48 what do you say 82:50 are you a master you and riza really a 82:52 thing if uh like umri is really a thing 82:54 and if not her jokes get old 82:56 they do a little bit i will say 82:58 maurice's jokes do get a little bit 83:00 we've talked about it a bit like i think 83:03 that uh 83:05 i think mainly uh i 83:07 oh 83:09 i'm not annoyed by her memeing about i 83:11 think it's still funny but sometimes 83:12 it's like 83:14 okay at least give me something to go 83:15 with you know like she'll be like hey 83:17 jerome we [ __ ] in in the ass at uh 9 83:20 28 p.m on the 15th of december you know 83:24 she's like 83:25 yeah i've no i have no jokes 83:28 but then you need to have the ability to 83:29 keep the things you've gotten from that 83:31 luck 83:33 was challenged to think what the [ __ ] is 83:35 this thing 83:39 yeah i agree with that that's a good way 83:41 to put it thank you challenged to think 83:43 of a non-pp reason to be a man i'll 83:46 fetch the two too was that what i was on 83:48 about okay um 83:53 i like being strong but that's not 83:55 inherently a male trait 83:58 kind of testosterone does help 84:00 [ __ ] i don't know 84:03 uh 84:14 i don't know that's a hard question 84:16 i don't know i'd just like to interject 84:18 for a moment what you're referring to as 84:21 linux is in fact gnu slash linux or as 84:24 i've recently taken to calling it gnu 84:27 plus linux 84:29 linux is not an operating system unto 84:31 itself but rather another free component 84:34 okay okay thank you 84:36 i don't care about linux thank you for 84:38 the 10 gifted 84:40 we don't care we don't care we don't 84:42 care 84:44 okay i'm just gonna take the drink for 84:46 the [ __ ] 84:47 can you think of another reason besides 84:49 pp of being a guy because you know what 84:52 i don't know i genuinely don't 84:55 if there was a magic button to become 84:57 woman 84:58 i don't [ __ ] know i think that the 85:00 thing that i'd miss most is pee pee 85:03 i need it dude it's just cool the f it's 85:05 cool to have i don't have any 85:07 specifically male related interactions 85:09 with people that are absolutely needed 85:12 to be that i was a man i do better on 85:14 youtube i think or if not just as well 85:17 as a woman 85:18 if i was the same person 85:21 but then again it's a magic button thing 85:23 would i want to go through the process 85:25 of transition 85:26 [ __ ] no i'm watching marisa do it and it 85:29 seems like a pain in the ass dude no i 85:32 don't want it like if just the switch in 85:34 your brain goes like male female i don't 85:36 give a doesn't change anything i don't 85:39 know 85:40 it sucks thank you katie 85:43 like i don't know i don't 85:46 i can't i don't know 85:49 every person with a what the [ __ ] 85:57 i think it's a stupid question 85:59 that's my thing 86:01 i think it's 86:02 greater than linux 86:04 sure i don't give a [ __ ] 86:05 i think it's a stupid question 86:07 i think or not stupid question i think 86:09 it's a i think it's an unanswerable 86:10 question 86:12 like if you're like okay 86:14 you can be a woman you keep your dick 86:16 you give everything about you but you 86:19 are a woman what the [ __ ] difference 86:21 does it make 86:25 couldn't any of you be women if like 86:27 just the thing that you care about most 86:29 you kept what do you mean 86:31 i don't get it i'm 86:33 i don't know boobs okay you mean like 86:35 having titties okay 86:37 it's not that difficult it's not that 86:38 deep that's my that's my thing it ain't 86:40 that deep like 86:42 transitioning and being a woman 86:44 different thing we're on about like 86:46 magic button your room and you're a man 86:48 having a bigger ass in titties and like 86:50 just being seen as woman doesn't seem to 86:53 for me in my life it wouldn't make a 86:55 [ __ ] difference at all i wouldn't be 86:57 able to do this 86:58 but like you know 87:00 so like i wouldn't prefer it based on 87:02 [ __ ] career-wise i don't know but 87:04 like 87:05 it doesn't seem to make a difference 87:07 so you're a roman no 87:10 you're far more competitive as a guy 87:12 what about being a guy makes you 87:14 competitive 87:16 boobs are great but also hurt balls are 87:17 great but also hurt we have our own 87:22 female mind crafting more views exactly 87:24 uh 87:25 i'm trying to be like testosterone 87:27 what's the okay sure but like what does 87:30 he want to keep you schlong means going 87:33 full footer would be okay 87:35 also thanks for your tip regarding 87:36 paypal support 87:39 you're welcome that is that 87:41 literally my most valuable piece of 87:43 information for the universe is that 87:44 paypal support you have a favorite call 87:46 of duty 87:48 no i like csgo 87:50 um the one that i've most enjoyed would 87:52 honestly 87:53 be [ __ ] whatever the last one was 87:56 vanguard no vanguard's the new one i 87:59 don't whichever the last one was i 88:00 played it with friends it was fine i've 88:02 been thinking about the whole aussies 88:04 sure there's nothing much that is 88:06 special to us but hey we have beaches 88:08 without that pebble [ __ ] and feel 88:10 generally safer than the us la 88:13 you know what [ __ ] that's a very good 88:15 point i was getting up for something but 88:16 i don't know what i was getting up for 88:18 what was i getting up for 88:21 tutu 88:24 i was getting up for something i've got 88:25 the tutu it's there 88:28 it's there 88:29 was i not getting up for something else 88:33 should i get dressed i need like a put 88:35 it on i need like a corset maybe also i 88:38 don't know if it fits me 88:40 i'm to pee 88:42 i'll leave you some time to figure out 88:44 questions you'd like uh because i'm 88:46 going to go piss and then i'm going to 88:47 put a couple would you rather go fully 88:49 pulled or go on hrt 88:53 hrt [ __ ] being bold i'd i'd be a woman 88:56 soon 88:59 that's only half a joke by the way 89:03 oh no okay i don't know if i leave it 89:05 there people are going to think that 89:06 it's weird 89:08 i'd really not like to be a bold guy 89:11 ah this is a terrible question [ __ ] that 89:16 hold on 89:17 okay 89:19 i think that being a bolt i'm drinking 89:21 because i know i'm not gonna give a good 89:22 answer being a bald guy would absolutely 89:25 [ __ ] suck i'm so sorry i just 89:27 couldn't pull it off 89:28 i just know that i couldn't pull it off 89:30 like how do you manage to keep your room 89:32 so bland and empty yet it always looks 89:35 totally scuffed 89:38 you know what i thought about the same 89:39 thing i don't know i'll drink for that 89:41 one too 89:46 it is weird how people are pressuring 89:47 you into identity when in reality you're 89:50 comfortable is who you are they should 89:52 respect that 89:56 oh my [ __ ] 90:01 a good argument 90:03 is that you don't get as hairy when you 90:05 get older 90:07 that's true um 90:09 dude okay 90:10 when i think about the concept of like 90:13 let's say you want to get older right 90:16 like how old do you want it like okay 90:17 let's say when i'm 70. 90:19 i would prefer being a 70 year old dude 90:21 rather than being 70 or a woman 90:23 so when you say you don't know whether 90:24 or not outfits will fit have you 90:27 honestly not already tried them no i've 90:29 never tried on the tutor 90:31 i mean 90:32 you i okay 90:35 maybe it's like 90:36 i don't maybe it's a lazy thing but i 90:38 usually just don't try stuff before i 90:39 actually have to try them on because 90:41 then it's just more work i don't know 90:43 also i don't want to get into a corset 90:45 and a bra and stuff before i try 90:46 something like um 90:49 i don't know 90:51 i haven't tried this one on though so i 90:52 don't know i've tried i tried some of 90:54 them on before stream 90:56 um but this one has just been like i 90:58 don't want to try it on so i don't know 91:01 maybe 91:51 please tell me you're not talking about 91:52 the chair i know that you are 91:56 hello it's me again your favorite and 91:59 your favorite's not the chair 92:01 oh in chair we love and share we trust 92:04 it's me again what are we talking about 92:06 um 92:07 i've broken the seal now so i'm probably 92:09 gonna need to pee a lot more 92:12 oh okay 92:14 i'm gonna assume that of course it would 92:16 be good for this but i don't actually 92:18 know 92:20 because it looks so small like it looks 92:22 like it only cove it's only gonna cover 92:24 like that much of me you know what i 92:26 mean yeah probably 92:28 okay give me a poll is a corset a good 92:30 idea or a bad idea 92:32 whoa what [ __ ] 92:34 my [ __ ] earrings connect to my knife 92:36 that's cool 92:38 mods i'm gonna need a i i'm not in the 92:40 capacity you mentioned earlier that as a 92:42 girl you would go into computer science 92:45 programming i'm curious can you code and 92:48 if not would you be interested to learn 92:51 yes 92:51 uh can i code no i do understand the 92:54 fundamentals though what's up with that 92:57 single ugly shoe by the door 93:01 [Laughter] 93:04 it's just there man 93:08 don't call it ugly 93:10 poor guy do you read the 4chan threads 93:12 about yourself 93:14 i wish i knew how it's dude okay i've 93:16 got the ego to want to know like 93:19 the thing is jon was like my connection 93:21 to 4chan because i don't know how the 93:23 [ __ ] to use it it's like 93:25 let me go on it no course it with the 93:27 tutu it will show it wouldn't be proper 93:31 oh wouldn't it oh that's upsetting 93:33 like look dude okay look look at this 93:36 can i show it no i can't holy [ __ ] i 93:38 would have got banned on twitch i really 93:39 need to be 93:40 better about this in your hallway 93:43 okay hold on i'm really analyzing 93:44 whether i can show this or not 93:46 okay if i scroll up i'm gonna get banned 93:48 on twitch but i'm 93:51 but i'm good otherwise 93:55 i'm 93:56 [ __ ] quadruple checking this okay 93:58 look i can show this 93:59 right 94:00 what is this site i don't know what to 94:02 click on bro 94:04 there's no it's not like reddit i can't 94:06 like search some [ __ ] the ads with 94:08 nudity that's exactly what i was about 94:10 to show 94:11 but like i've been on this before i went 94:13 onto this site and that because [ __ ] 94:15 pyro was like oh bro i got the best 94:17 memes and then i was like okay 94:20 uh you know obviously that was before i 94:22 knew he was a disgusting furry 94:25 um 94:27 but i like he messaged me with pyrometer 94:29 me before like oh dude they make thread 94:31 like i see you in like [ __ ] in 94:33 threads on 4chan and i'm like oh no [ __ ] 94:35 what are they saying they're like oh 94:37 they said like i was just coming over 94:38 here and john would occasionally send me 94:40 a thread from 4chan like a link to it 94:42 i'd be like oh okay i get it you just 94:43 scroll 94:44 i don't know how [ __ ] replies work it 94:46 seems like everyone knows how but like i 94:48 know i saw those threads but it's been 94:50 like a good few months since i've 94:52 [ __ ] actually been on this website 94:55 because john was like my [ __ ] in on 94:57 4chan now i don't know how the [ __ ] to 94:59 use it 4chan has a lot of hate i don't 95:01 know about it dude 4chan has read it for 95:03 aliens 95:05 it's fuller degenerates from what i've 95:07 seen yes 95:08 go on b but don't show it i don't know 95:10 how i do is it like a search bar thing 95:13 like do i have to actually type it in 95:14 like ah oh corset yes 80 okay [ __ ] fine 95:18 you win 95:19 um 95:22 this one 95:27 it's fine how can your room be so empty 95:29 and planned but so messy at the same 95:31 time 95:40 i should just hire like an interior 95:42 decorator hey rose hope you have a good 95:43 stream angelic face 95:46 thank you 95:47 thank you 95:49 thank you 95:51 a while ago someone posted on the reddit 95:52 with a few links to boards with you on 95:54 it 95:54 yeah i mean 95:57 i don't know i feel like whenever i get 95:58 whenever it gets linked i see it but 96:01 when it doesn't i i have no [ __ ] clue 96:03 how often do i get brought up wait oh 96:05 [ __ ] now we have like a lot of 4chan 96:07 people in the chat don't we like people 96:08 actually use this 96:11 do people like me on there 96:13 am i in good am i in good standing with 96:15 the four channels that site has content 96:18 that will get you put in jail be careful 96:20 going to websites like that 96:23 nice 96:24 good ships 96:25 on b you are people like me on b what's 96:28 b 96:31 4chan i realize this may sound cocky and 96:34 all but if you want to get into slash 96:36 learn programming i could help slash 96:38 teach you as reference i'm a state 96:40 certified computer scientist with a 96:42 grade point average of 2.2 and yes i'm 96:46 serious and no that's really a thing 96:49 [ __ ] yeah i don't know what grade point 96:51 averages are i don't think we have that 96:53 in the uk 96:54 however that would be really [ __ ] 96:56 sick 96:57 but i don't think i have much of an 96:59 interest i kind of judged like the my my 97:01 alternate path as a computer program guy 97:04 is like sure i could have made some good 97:06 money doing programming but like 97:09 i'd rather do this 97:11 like dude getting my nails done every 97:13 now and then 97:15 is low oh it's low okay what's high 97:19 out of four 97:21 oh 97:23 failure 97:29 i'm [ __ ] around but like 97:31 i was terrible at school i always judge 97:33 it as like the what i'd be if like i 97:35 didn't succeed at this you know 97:38 i was genuinely interested in it however 97:41 every step of the way i'd prefer doing 97:43 this 97:45 a hundred percent like even if i i think 97:47 if you brought this up to like 97:48 however old i was 16 year old me i'd 97:51 still be like oh [ __ ] 97:53 i can make like 97:55 like the amount of money that it was 97:57 possible for me to make 97:59 was 98:00 like 60 grand a year 98:03 max that would have been a very 98:05 successful career for me 98:07 and like i make more than that i'm doing 98:09 good like 98:11 i like i really like this job i job 98:15 i really like doing this this is like my 98:17 favorite [ __ ] thing streaming at 98:19 least like streaming is my favorite 98:21 thing after after my shoe donna was 98:23 really cute smile 98:27 nice 98:28 i started 98:29 the ugly shoe in the background 98:32 yeah 98:33 it's my favorite shoe don't insult him 98:35 he's nice 98:36 my god another fatherless child i should 98:40 stop subbing to streamers soon it's been 98:43 12 months we've already had our 98:45 fatherless child dude it's been three 98:47 months 98:49 hell yeah two 12 month subs in a row 98:51 hell yeah 98:53 uh finn is now a straight girl with 98:54 eagle mindset maybe 98:57 maybe 98:58 wait what 99:00 straight dude with eagle mindset hell 99:02 yeah yeah it's mostly true 99:05 um 99:08 i'm gonna go okay [ __ ] i gotta try this 99:10 corset on uh i gotta go try the two two 99:13 one but i'm gonna put the corset on 99:15 first 99:17 okay give me a minute 99:19 oh this may be a bad plan oh wait no uh 99:24 i have this to go on under it nice what 99:26 mic do you use is the rode nt-1a with a 99:29 yamaha 99:30 ag06 99:32 audio interface it works most of the 99:34 time 99:36 sometimes it doesn't 99:37 [Music] 99:39 but when it doesn't it just like cuts 99:40 off so hey both finn and chat make sure 99:43 to patch your minecraft clients and 99:45 servers against that security bug yes 99:49 that is true please do that 99:51 it will 99:54 i'm pretending to know what you're on 99:56 about i know it's the i know 99:58 [Applause] 99:59 i know it's the the security bug where 100:01 people can insert [ __ ] 100:04 your packets and control something i 100:06 know it roughly 100:09 i should know more about it but i just 100:11 did the thing i was like oh i'm supposed 100:13 to reset everything 100:15 anyway um brb 100:18 i'm gonna like set my screen too early 100:20 in the stream and i'm gonna go get into 100:22 a corset 100:24 hopefully it does well hopefully this 100:26 this works 100:27 all right brb before stream bam uh 100:30 rick astley 100:32 where's my rick astley 100:35 rick astley let's go 100:40 [ __ ] yeah piss all right 100:43 i'm just gonna get into the [ __ ] 100:46 should i get into the corset chat or or 100:48 everything because if i get into 100:50 everything it's going to take me longer 100:51 but i'm going to need to like i'm going 100:53 to need to stop and get into it all 100:55 anyway 100:56 everything 100:58 all right [ __ ] it let's do it 101:00 um 101:02 i don't know whether okay this is going 101:03 to take me a while though okay that's 101:05 going to take me a while all right one 101:06 sec 101:07 i need the thanks 101:13 [Music] 101:26 do i even get into the shoes 101:28 because there's ballerina shoes man 101:33 [Music] 101:52 oh this sucks 101:54 hold on i'm trying to get like my 101:56 thing under the corset 102:00 [Music] 102:09 oh wait hold on we can still do 102:11 i just realized we can technically still 102:12 do a q a however i've got one question 102:15 i'm gonna leave that someone donated 102:17 like a one dollar 102:18 i would use this time to think of 102:20 something that you want to ask me and 102:22 don't donate it yet donate it when i'm 102:24 when i'm back okay 102:26 that's a good idea okay i'll see you 102:28 then 102:29 [Music] 102:31 because 102:32 oh my god this thing sucks to put on 102:35 [Music] 103:20 foreign 103:22 [Music] 103:46 do 103:47 [Music] 104:10 [Music] 104:20 hey everyone no no i'm resetting you 104:24 [Music] 104:51 richard astley what the [ __ ] 104:54 i thought rick was like there's no way 104:56 richard was his rick is short for 104:58 richard 105:01 [Music] 105:07 make you cry never gonna say goodbye 105:14 [Music] 105:27 inside we both know what's been 105:31 [Music] 105:36 and 105:37 if you ask me how i'm feeling 105:43 [Music] 105:47 good lord make him stop 105:49 sorry 105:50 [Music] 105:54 so based on your laughter after my last 105:56 donno i take it as a yes 105:58 [Music] 106:02 thank you whatever 106:06 [Music] 106:08 oh my god okay i've got the corset on 106:11 i'm just mainly trying to figure out how 106:13 the tutu works 106:15 there's like a thing that i've gotta 106:17 [Music] 106:18 what 106:20 [Music] 106:23 wait this is so confusing 106:26 [Music] 106:28 oh what 106:30 [Music] 106:32 okay i shouldn't be doing this drunk 106:35 there's a thing that i i i don't know 106:38 how it works 106:42 [Music] 106:43 and i can't show you because i'm [ __ ] 106:48 how do i do this 106:49 [Music] 106:54 all right [ __ ] it i'm not including it i 106:56 don't know what i do 106:59 [Music] 107:04 there's like two things there's like two 107:05 elastic bands on the back of it and i 107:07 have no 107:08 clue how to do it 107:10 [Music] 107:16 and there's like a core city looking 107:17 thing but i can't spin it around 107:22 [Music] 107:25 oh okay wait 107:27 wake up reese yeah that's what i mean i 107:28 feel like i need riza to 107:30 to do it 107:32 duct tape but there's no like 107:37 i like your makeup today you can't even 107:39 see it 107:41 hold on 107:42 i'm gonna grab a mirror 107:44 this is by far the hardest thing to get 107:46 into i've ever tried to get into 107:50 [Music] 108:00 okay that's a knot i'm assuming i've got 108:02 to untie that but i don't know 108:05 i don't i'm going to reset the thing 108:10 all right 108:12 boys this is there's a reason why i 108:14 never wore this what the [ __ ] 108:16 [Music] 108:21 this is inappropriate 108:22 [Music] 108:30 all right give me a quiz uh 108:32 how much do you care if i actually do 108:34 wear this or not 108:37 cuz 108:38 [ __ ] 108:40 oh my god 108:42 [Music] 108:46 a lot 108:49 but it's so like 108:53 [Music] 109:08 okay you know what i'm gonna get rizza 109:09 one sec one minute 109:13 [Music] 109:22 do 109:25 [Music] 109:28 never mind she's just completely [ __ ] 109:30 asleep 109:33 she's completely asleep there's no way 109:36 [Music] 109:39 oh whoops that's not good 109:43 [Music] 109:50 okay hold on 109:51 if i can get this top one done 109:54 i reckon i'm good 109:57 [Music] 109:59 is there really no way of doing this 110:00 that's not like 110:01 [Music] 110:06 what the [ __ ] 110:08 [Music] 110:21 okay you know what [ __ ] it the back's 110:24 just not gonna be done 110:26 um 110:29 all right 110:30 boys 110:33 the back's just not gonna be done 110:36 baxter's not gonna be done 110:38 i just cannot do up the back however it 110:41 does look semi-good i guess like from 110:43 the front anyway 110:45 um other thing do you need like the full 110:48 thing should i do like the tights and 110:49 the [ __ ] what's it called in the 110:51 boots and everything one of the boots 110:53 but the shoes 110:54 do i do everything 110:56 because i probably should have done the 110:57 tights first 110:58 rather than last 111:00 oh my god you guys are [ __ ] okay one 111:03 second then 111:06 i can't move in this thing 111:10 [Music] 111:18 there's like two bands i don't know 111:19 where they go 111:23 [Music] 111:27 oh this sucks 111:32 this is going to be one of those [ __ ] 111:33 like victorian things where like 111:36 everyone else know like someone else has 111:39 to dress you there's no way it's like 111:41 that what the [ __ ] 111:43 [Music] 111:45 oh wait have i got these backwards i 111:47 [Music] 112:01 absolute 112:02 dumbest [ __ ] i've ever worn 112:06 one hour later you think i give a [ __ ] 112:09 [Music] 112:12 don't go inside 112:13 to stop it slipping 112:15 well you know what 112:17 [Music] 112:19 change the norms you know 112:21 hey rose i'm sorry i can't help you 112:23 putting it on and even if i could i 112:26 still can't see 112:28 oh and rose would you prefer to open the 112:30 door to get pizza in a tutorial in a 112:32 sleuthing bikini bikini this is awful 112:35 [Music] 112:41 [Music] 112:43 oh my god 112:44 [Music] 112:45 oh my [ __ ] god 112:46 [Music] 112:50 what the [ __ ] 112:51 [Music] 112:54 oh this sucks this is the dumbest [ __ ] 112:57 i've ever done i'd rather do anything 113:00 else 113:03 oh my god 113:04 [Music] 113:06 oh my god i got one of the shoes on 113:09 okay they're not like socks they're like 113:11 an actual shoe 113:14 i'm out of breath 113:17 like 113:18 oh my god 113:20 [Music] 113:24 okay 113:27 [Music] 113:59 i'm trying to get like one button of the 114:01 back of it done 114:03 [Music] 114:05 wait i've got an idea hold on 114:07 i've gotta like hail mary 114:11 okay if i take it off 114:13 and then 114:15 like twist it round as much as it'll go 114:18 oh my god never mind that's gonna hurt 114:20 my balls 114:22 hey everyone i don't care 114:25 [Music] 114:54 oh this is impossible 114:57 [Music] 114:59 [Applause] 115:03 [Music] 115:14 do 115:20 i have a plan 115:21 [Music] 115:32 can be like i'd rather do anything else 115:34 while going to so much effort to look 115:36 pretty for us 115:37 mommy 115:38 sorry mommy sorry egg 115:42 [Music] 115:50 oh my god 115:52 never gonna give you up never gonna let 115:54 you down never gonna run around all 115:56 right [ __ ] it it's backlash 116:03 this is now a backless outfit it's not 116:05 going to happen there's a third party 116:07 that needs to be comments from off 116:08 screen plus the mental images of me 116:10 smiling the whole time thank you d 116:13 thanks buddy you're so nice 116:17 i hate this so much this is the worst 116:19 one you've ever had me do 116:21 this is the absolute worst outfit we've 116:23 ever done back 116:26 yeah reese's asleep okay hello 116:29 it's me 116:31 what the [ __ ] do i do 116:35 i hate this i hate this unfathomably 116:39 how's our favorite manly man doing today 116:43 badly 116:45 i hate this so much 116:48 just ask me tough questions please 116:52 can i not wear this this is awful i hate 116:55 this 116:56 like my waist 116:58 snatched given however but like dude 117:09 wow 117:10 i can't do the back the back's just open 117:14 what do i do come on 117:18 this 117:21 i feel stupid 117:23 can i get out some of us have to be 117:25 software engineers or the trickle-down 117:27 economics don't work and there's nobody 117:29 awesome for fm boys 117:31 speaking of trickling down what's that i 117:33 wonder with you and i want 117:35 shut up i want the [ __ ] biggest 117:37 donation to stay in this 117:39 you said you don't like maths of what i 117:42 know of the united states calculus is 117:45 required for comp sci degree i'm peso 117:48 favorite programming language python 117:50 [ __ ] pipe i don't care 117:52 where's my hairbrush 117:55 would you agree that the tutor doesn't 117:56 actually fit 117:58 it fits fine it actually fits perfectly 118:01 the only thing is it's embarrassing as 118:03 [ __ ] 118:04 the [ __ ] where's the hairbrush i have 118:08 this but i don't have my good one 118:11 oh and there's also like 118:13 oh my god there's also these 118:16 and i i'm gonna guess that there aren't 118:18 bands now put on tchaikovsky and show us 118:21 your moves 118:23 [ __ ] you 118:27 are these armbands 118:30 someone that knows better tell me are 118:32 they on bands 118:33 they look like what does one do in a 2-2 118:36 give us a twirl 118:38 shut up 118:40 yes 118:41 okay 118:52 you look like you spend the last hour 118:54 having lots of fun 119:02 yep 119:07 i'm doing computer science in england 119:10 maths is generally required here too 119:19 [Music] 119:22 please do a spin for us and show us the 119:25 shoes 119:26 watch 119:27 okay the shoes are like [ __ ] ugh 119:34 [Music] 119:35 they're the shoes 119:37 can we be done now 119:39 this this spin is gonna suck cause like 119:41 look it's not done up at the back like 119:43 look wow 119:47 can i sit down now this is stupid i hate 119:50 this 119:52 asume first position please fem 119:55 ballerina i don't know what that means i 119:57 don't know what it means 119:58 can i can't 120:00 i [ __ ] you 120:18 all right 120:19 i'm gonna finish the makeup so the 120:20 prince's dress was better 120:30 [Music] 120:31 can you ask me a tough question so i can 120:33 drink that would be really nice of you 120:35 actually can you ask me like a really 120:36 tough question so i can have some 120:38 alcohol thank you thanks chat 120:43 i get the cone of shame vibes yep 120:47 oh my god it's the messy hair just the 120:50 perfect after scx look 120:52 thanks buddy [ __ ] my kids 121:03 i mean someone loved you enough to send 121:05 you the tutor so that is a thing on the 121:08 other hand i have to advocate for the 121:10 green bikini whenever you'll listen 121:12 also i know you are uncomfortable but 121:15 you do look very pretty okay 121:21 looking submissive and breathable 121:29 ah 121:30 thanks buddy thank you how nice of you 121:36 a tough question please thank you thanks 121:38 please 121:40 thank you please please ask me one 121:43 [Music] 121:47 bikini or tutu 121:51 i know if i say twos i know if i say 121:53 bikini or have me change into a bikini 121:56 so i'm going to say 2 2 purely out of 121:58 spite 122:00 um 122:01 is my hair going a different way it's 122:04 usually like that isn't it 122:10 hold on let me fix my hair 122:17 okay 122:22 i want to do oh let me do my makeup 122:26 okay um 122:28 out of all the uh i want to do red i 122:31 think how would you top your sub 122:36 forcefully 122:43 i don't know what that means 122:45 ah 122:46 i don't have a sub 122:47 red lipstick which red would you like 122:50 i'm not gonna get changed again i'm done 122:52 now this is it 122:54 [Music] 122:57 when you look in the mirror in girl mode 123:00 do you see a girl or a guy in drag does 123:03 your job make your dating life 123:05 challenging or weird in any way 123:12 daily life done i hope you're wearing 123:13 your dance belt with that wouldn't want 123:16 to hurt the marbles 123:18 dance belt 123:20 [ __ ] is a dance 123:21 dance belt dating life don't 123:23 particularly have a [ __ ] kick all 123:25 right 123:26 don't really dan don't really don't 123:28 really have a dating life 123:29 um 123:30 [Music] 123:31 oh my god 123:34 when i look in the mirror do i see a 123:35 girl or a guy in drag 123:42 i see me wearing makeup i don't know 123:45 like i see i see me in [ __ ] dressed 123:48 as a woman i don't know how much do you 123:50 drink a lot 123:53 i feel like i need some bread um 123:57 oh this is 123:59 oh okay red uh pick red lipstick i think 124:02 uh i've got the lip stain i've got um 124:05 i've got still straight or have you had 124:07 your awakening yet 124:11 he's still straight over you're right 124:12 making it that's a terrifying question i 124:15 i'd say that i am still straight i have 124:17 not had my awakening yet that implies 124:19 that it's some point in the future 124:22 or will you take a drink 124:26 i'm a i'm dominant and masculine 124:29 i'm 124:30 dominant and infertile 124:38 okay 124:39 um this is water by the way 124:43 [Music] 124:46 it's [ __ ] great water too 124:50 big mask energy hell yeah 124:52 thank you 124:54 uh 124:55 during that twelve we've experienced the 124:56 saggiest ass and 124:58 wait what the saggy stuff that 125:00 everything just that ever existed 125:02 uh talk about wanting to grow old as a 125:04 guy or mayo oh no is my ass saggy [ __ ] 125:09 oh no 125:10 i don't have that much of an ass that 125:11 can be saggy i'm confused 125:18 what do you mean i'm confused 125:20 i want to see the clip 125:22 that's what i'm i need to know 125:29 because the tights are backwards oh is 125:31 it 125:32 [ __ ] the tights are sagging hold on 125:35 oh wait yeah okay no i haven't done the 125:37 tights properly do you really give her 125:38 that much of a [ __ ] about the tights 125:41 i haven't done the tights i didn't pull 125:43 them up all the way 125:46 do you really give a [ __ ] dude okay i 125:48 don't think you realize i have to take 125:49 all this off 125:51 all of it off and then redo the tights 125:52 and able to do the tights 126:01 i hate you all 126:08 okay [ __ ] this isn't gonna take very 126:09 long i'll do it 126:11 redo or i'll call you saggy ass 126:13 [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you 126:15 [Music] 126:17 i i swear to god 126:19 [Music] 126:22 all right i've done like everything 126:24 besides this it's fine 126:26 do it we can tolerate the rickroll yeah 126:29 [Music] 126:42 a dance belt is what male ballerinas 126:44 wear it is like a padded thong 126:47 oh my god 126:48 well i don't have one of those 126:50 no one sent me one i only got sent the 126:52 tights in the shoes 126:54 [Music] 126:56 in which by the way the shoes are 126:58 definitely like one size too small 127:02 or at least maybe they're supposed to be 127:03 that tight but oh my god 127:06 [Music] 127:30 oh my [ __ ] 127:33 i want to know the name and address of 127:35 the man that sent me the [ __ ] tutor 127:39 [Music] 127:41 not for any uh terrible bad reasons 127:45 just have a conversation 127:49 [Music] 127:52 i just want to talk 127:54 [Music] 127:59 maybe a little bit of awesome 128:01 [Music] 128:16 oh okay yeah the tights okay i see what 128:19 you meant about them being backwards 128:22 i get it do you prefer panoptix 128:24 segmentation versus semantic 128:26 segmentation for your machine learning 128:28 applications 128:31 boys stop i don't know what's going on 128:34 [Music] 128:40 [Music] 128:48 all right okay 128:52 all right so fact that i've learned so 128:54 far is that apparently 128:56 um ballerinas tights 128:58 um 129:00 really [ __ ] tight huh 129:02 really really [ __ ] tight 129:04 um 129:05 got the feeling that these are meant for 129:08 um meant for women i don't know if i've 129:10 got maybe i've got that right or wrong 129:12 but i'm thinking the tutu and [ __ ] maybe 129:15 went meant for women all right i'm gonna 129:18 i'm gonna 129:19 take a piss while you still can one 129:22 minute extra 129:25 [Music] 130:43 oh my god i'm back okay 130:46 [Music] 130:49 okay shoes are on tights are on 130:52 now i'm just gonna pull up the dress 130:53 this shouldn't be that hard though 130:57 [Music] 130:59 we might not be able to see you but we 131:01 can hear your struggle 131:04 ah is that supposed to be sweet 131:06 because thanks 131:07 [Music] 131:09 i kind of wonder if i do it at first 131:12 will that be easier or harder to get 131:14 into 131:17 i think it's possible one sec 131:19 [Music] 131:22 but the only difference it's gonna make 131:24 is gonna be 131:25 really really difficult to get out of 131:31 [Music] 131:54 i'm gonna try it let's see 131:57 okay i'm stepping into it let's see 131:59 [Music] 132:04 oh wait okay this is gonna be better 132:09 it's just not fully done up 132:10 [Music] 132:12 so weirdly it was the right size 132:17 holy [ __ ] i did 132:18 it holy [ __ ] wait a second 132:22 i'm actually in this what the hell 132:27 [Music] 132:31 i finally found you on twitch welcome 132:33 this is maybe the worst time to find me 132:36 pug let's go okay 132:39 good job thanks 132:41 you just being nice to me 132:44 [Music] 132:48 done i'm done i'm done literally just in 132:50 time okay 132:52 do i look okay all right i think i look 132:54 fine let me just pull this up a little 132:55 bit 132:56 uh okay 133:00 the only thing is this is like 133:02 all right 133:04 look at this 133:06 wow 133:07 it's actually done 133:09 wow 133:12 am i done now 133:13 i've worn the tutu 133:16 i'm good right 133:20 i'm good i'm done i'm i'm done 133:22 donating because you look banging in 133:24 that tutu i am objectifying but 133:27 respectfully 133:28 thank you 133:31 looking like a shrek character nice 133:39 i'm done right 133:40 i'm done 133:46 when i made it he warned me that he 133:48 could do it but there would be side 133:50 effects i wished for rose to forget she 133:52 was trans 133:57 you never were gay 133:59 the [ __ ] meme when i click my fingers 134:01 you'll forget you were ever gay 134:03 all right 134:05 um 134:09 what do 134:10 what do okay 134:13 chat i'm just gonna go based on 134:14 community poll 134:15 regular red 134:17 uh bright red or lip stain red thing so 134:21 regular red why not regular red 134:25 bright red 134:26 lip stain red 134:28 the only thing is lip stain red's gonna 134:29 stay on for like five days 134:31 or at least one 134:33 so maybe not that one 134:40 gonna be real you guys picking the wrong 134:41 option 134:42 i think the stain red is the wrong one 134:48 you know [ __ ] it it doesn't woo 134:51 it doesn't smudge so i guess that's a 134:53 benefit 134:54 okay [ __ ] it let's do this one 134:58 oh 134:59 twirls twirls twirls maybe i will maybe 135:03 i maybe i'll do like a proper ballerina 135:05 twill 135:06 all right what the [ __ ] 135:08 yep lip stains [ __ ] wedding okay 135:19 [ __ ] jesus 135:21 it's quite bright 135:58 okay wait can i have some questions 136:02 yeah thanks 136:04 [Music] 136:08 hey finn i've struggled to find 136:10 motivation on losing weight in the past 136:12 but you inspired me to keep going let's 136:14 go i'm about 10 kilograms 136:17 pounds down by now holy just wanted to 136:20 say thank you 136:22 well done 136:28 that's like exactly what i lost 136:31 well done dude 136:59 [Music] 137:03 it now feels empty without the music 137:05 being played so long la mao never gonna 137:07 give you up 137:11 hey everyone hey 137:17 [Music] 137:40 okay well this is staying on literally 137:42 for the next like two days 137:44 i hope you made a good decision 137:47 what do you think 137:48 [Music] 137:49 um 137:51 can you toss some of that inspiration my 137:54 way i'm eating ice cream watching the 137:56 stream but really should lose the 137:58 coveted 70 pounds i gained 138:01 uh try halo top ice cream it's like 300 138:04 calories a thing a pint 300 calories per 138:08 like can of whatever it is so halo top's 138:11 pretty good 138:12 that's like a good cheap food 138:14 i can recommend it it tastes pretty good 138:15 too 138:17 nice lips for the ear piercing tomorrow 138:20 oh [ __ ] 138:23 yeah 138:25 that's gonna be fun 138:28 i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm gonna 138:29 wear 138:30 the next day 138:32 oh my god 138:33 this thing is like 138:35 camera what the hell 138:37 lost my face for a sec what the [ __ ] 138:39 yo what's up oh hi by the way what's 138:42 what's going on um how long has it been 138:44 since i've wear the tutu i i'm i'm in 138:47 the [ __ ] tutor all right 138:49 what do we do 138:51 it's very nice too so you should 138:52 appreciate it more i love it it's so 138:54 nice it's so great um 138:58 [Music] 139:02 question time then 139:04 what would you say has been your 139:05 favorite stream or favorite thing to do 139:07 on stream since you started doing this 139:10 um 139:11 [Music] 139:12 i mean 139:16 [ __ ] 139:22 i think i just really like talking well 139:24 that's why i do so many just chatting 139:26 streams and what like insane [ __ ] 139:28 like gaming or whatever like i just like 139:30 just talking to you guys 139:36 yes immediately what the [ __ ] 139:39 wait phil don't direct december 139:42 i don't i don't uh ascribe to any of the 139:44 no novembers whatever the [ __ ] that 139:46 don't jerk like i haven't even heard of 139:48 that one i don't ascribe to it 139:50 uh i think 139:52 can i at least take the armbands off 139:54 because this 139:55 this is [ __ ] 139:59 like they're just 140:00 like i see them whenever i do this 140:02 um 140:04 anyway 140:06 uh i don't ascribe to it i don't do any 140:08 of it 140:08 thank you for the 30 yards i don't know 140:10 why you didn't say anything with it but 140:12 thank you 140:13 um i don't ascribe to any of it 140:15 show the guns 140:17 damn they do make the guns look good 140:19 though not gonna lie 140:23 um 140:24 [Music] 140:29 the armbands complete the outfit is it a 140:31 wig no this is just my 140:33 literal actually to the stream but did 140:35 you get your ears pierced today no you 140:37 mentioned it would happen today during 140:39 last stream if i'm not mistaken 140:42 yeah they had a really long waiting list 140:43 and i called them and they were just 140:44 like can i just come in and they were 140:46 like no and i was like all right well 140:48 they they said that you can come in but 140:50 there's like a two hour or an hour and a 140:51 half wait so just just don't come 140:55 just come tomorrow and i was like okay 140:56 i'll come tomorrow then so apparently 140:57 it's tomorrow 140:59 solid 141:00 um i'm gonna quickly do something with 141:01 my hair because my hair looks kind of 141:02 shitty okay one sec one sec 141:06 wait fine okay may i add by the way 141:09 i cannot get through my destroy dick 141:11 december watch this hold on watch this 141:16 like i'm touching the door as i leave 141:22 i can't 141:24 [Music] 142:42 do 142:45 [Music] 143:45 dude 143:47 i kind of like semi-fixed my hair 143:50 hello 143:51 i semi-fixed my hair i've like 143:54 just done a bit of like 143:57 maybe if it 143:58 wants to look good it will 144:01 [Music] 144:03 if you're a girl how much of a [ __ ] 144:05 would you be a [ __ ] 144:07 um 144:12 big bulbs time terrible idea i don't 144:14 think they'd work with this 144:16 um 144:17 [ __ ] i don't know 144:19 alex put illustrations of some ballet 144:21 positions in hashtaggy girl ideas you 144:25 should look and learn 144:26 you're not really gonna try and get me 144:28 to do ballet right 144:31 so how much um 144:33 i could be a fairly conservative you 144:36 know like i'll be i'll be i'll be i'll 144:38 be down 144:40 this 144:44 i think going to the hairdresser all 144:46 dolled up would normalize your 144:47 activities for the stylists my question 144:50 is are you worried that dressing up as 144:52 rose is becoming your most profitable 144:54 brand 144:58 worried no 145:00 uh 145:05 this is a bad plan i don't know 145:07 bella's very hard work let me see i want 145:10 to know 145:11 eagle ideas 145:14 hey finn you look great you inspire all 145:16 of us 145:17 thank you 145:20 oh my god they've like posted proper 145:22 like 145:23 instructional [ __ ] 145:25 i don't know 145:26 okay what the oh okay this is just poses 145:28 and [ __ ] like there's no way that's 145:30 actually difficult i don't know about 145:32 any of the movements i'm not gonna be 145:33 able to do that but i can do all these 145:35 you know like what was that what is 145:37 [ __ ] 145:38 one of them is just that like nailed it 145:40 look at that bam 145:42 uh 145:44 bam that's just a t-pose 145:47 uh 145:48 wait 145:50 bam um 145:53 bam there's another one give me another 145:55 one one of them is like this 145:57 bam 145:59 easy 146:01 balor the [ __ ] uh ballet is easy dude 146:05 all these are [ __ ] professionals they 146:07 haven't got my talent i don't know what 146:08 to tell i don't know what to say 146:11 amaya stop being so negative no grace so 146:14 much grace tippy toes i can't do that 146:17 that's hard 146:19 check the reddit no terrible fun 146:22 she moves like a hippo god damn right i 146:25 do 146:26 uh 146:28 [ __ ] 146:29 oh let's see 146:35 when you see your 146:37 end point i don't know what that is 146:39 [ __ ] 146:41 uh 146:43 no i'm searching on reddit all i see is 146:47 no way i'm not on the fence to read it 146:48 oh [ __ ] hold on 146:50 no search by noo 146:54 you can do you can do tippy toes just 146:56 imagine you're wearing heels oh you know 146:59 in heels i would fall over in this 147:01 [ __ ] dress 147:02 there's no shot 147:04 um 147:08 that's what happens when you don't learn 147:09 maths 147:12 thank you good to know 147:16 oh my god oh yeah this seems fine but 147:18 it's fine i don't send anything holy 147:21 [ __ ] 147:22 i look hot as [ __ ] 147:27 [Music] 147:41 not exactly hitting the notes but okay 147:44 [Music] 147:50 okay 147:53 [Music] 147:55 [Applause] 147:56 [Music] 147:58 this would make it a lot easier if i 147:59 knew what the [ __ ] that means 148:03 what the [ __ ] 148:05 how does he have tits 148:08 how does he have titties 148:10 i don't know it's impossible i don't 148:12 know how i do it but i do 148:13 it's a really a magic trick i think 148:26 i mean it's totally not like i'm just 148:28 literally just pushing my chest together 148:29 but that's fine 148:43 i got nothing 148:45 all right i wore the tutu are you happy 148:47 now we do are we good 148:49 um i would like to answer some more 148:51 questions 148:52 give me some more questions give me some 148:53 hard stuff he can wink 148:55 i i still can i wink yet 148:59 did i do it 149:00 i just get here and i see rose in a 149:02 beautiful ballerina outfit nice 149:06 still can't [ __ ] wink holy [ __ ] 149:10 i'll bark if you ask me to 149:12 bark for me 149:13 i am asking you to why are none of you 149:15 barking for me what the [ __ ] 149:18 solid wink look at this learning 149:21 [Music] 149:24 can you do a ponytail to go with the 149:26 ballerina aesthetic 149:28 no 149:30 i don't know how 149:34 i don't know how i i can never do a good 149:37 ponytail it doesn't ever work for me 149:40 oh [ __ ] me 149:42 what the hell thank you for the 20 149:43 gifted subs what the [ __ ] 149:46 i don't know what happens when i hit 3 149:48 000 subs we haven't said anything 149:50 we haven't said that there's anything's 149:51 going to happen but oh thank you thanks 149:53 for barking for me you and you are stuck 149:55 in a room without wi-fi and the only way 149:58 out is for you to bottom for risa how 150:00 long would it take for you to walk out 150:02 with a sore bum are we talking about 150:04 like forever 150:06 like forever forever 150:09 like you and risa are stuck in a room 150:11 and the only way out is for you to 150:12 bottom 150:13 that that's just hell 150:17 you're stuck in a room and the only way 150:19 out is for you to uh take it in the ass 150:22 i mean i don't know what like a week of 150:25 your first pet 150:26 and your mother's maid 150:28 how about the name of your first school 150:31 no reason 150:34 uh 150:35 what's the name of your first pet in 150:36 your mother's maiden name 150:38 uh news goal 24 hours in the 2-2 150:45 no 150:46 this is awful hell no um i know don't 150:49 answer i'm aware of stuff don't worry i 150:51 i got the joke you were trying to make 150:53 um 150:54 although the funny story about my mom's 150:56 [ __ ] my mom generally like my mom was 150:59 uh my mom was adopted right so she's 151:01 named like a german german [ __ ] i'm 151:04 thinking ariza my mom's name like a 151:06 welsh name because that was her adopted 151:08 parents but she's not welsh she's just 151:10 like an adopted person she's just 151:12 adopted i think i've said this before 151:13 that my mom said mom's been adopted that 151:15 was uh i went to a funeral recently my 151:17 uh grandma died you dodged this earlier 151:19 what's the fascination but it was my new 151:21 house biological explanation 151:24 for a year 151:25 hold on i'll do this i'll do this now 151:27 but yeah like my mom was adopted so 151:29 she's had like a welsh name for a while 151:31 and my like my grandma who i knew my 151:33 grandma as was welsh 151:35 so i i've just been under the assumption 151:37 that like i'm just [ __ ] half welsh or 151:39 some [ __ ] i'm just never well the blood 151:41 blood related never been welsh ever 151:43 so for the loss yeah she was a lovely 151:46 she was a nice lady i don't think i ever 151:47 talked about that the um the funeral 151:49 very 151:50 very beautiful funeral actually like um 151:52 we were like looking at across a hill of 151:54 like all um 151:56 [Music] 151:57 like there was like these uh what's it 151:59 called 152:01 windmills beautiful she [ __ ] she had 152:04 great text 152:05 and uh my actual biological grandma was 152:08 uh from uh brighton which is weird 152:11 because i love brighton brian's great we 152:12 go there all the time so like both my 152:15 sets of grandparents were from brighton 152:17 weirdly do you feel attraction to sheep 152:20 no i guess that's what wasn't passed on 152:22 down down through the welsh genes 152:25 yeah 152:26 he does this earlier what's the 152:27 factional uh fascination with urine 152:29 explain yourself 152:31 urine's different than piss piss is 152:32 funny urine's not urine's like the 152:35 [ __ ] urine is nasty and gross piss is 152:37 funny 152:38 anyway 152:40 i love your lipstick color thank you 152:46 why am i like higher up than i usually 152:48 am 152:55 [ __ ] why am i like higher up i don't 152:57 know why i'm higher up than i usually am 152:59 am i just sitting up straight 153:04 i know why anyway 153:07 i haven't drank in a while it's it's 153:08 it's coming off 153:10 uh that would explain the 153:11 disappointingly birmingham accent i'm 153:13 yeah no i don't really have the brummie 153:15 accent i guess that's why 153:16 camera angle maybe but i i don't know 153:19 you want hard questions 153:21 sure you can have one do you ever want 153:24 to be the woman while watching adult 153:26 entertainment videos 153:28 also by the way i really thank you for 153:30 showing that cross-dressing is okay 153:35 no 153:36 i never want to be [ __ ] by a guy 153:40 is that weird is it weird for a straight 153:43 guy not to be one of not not to want to 153:45 be [ __ ] by a dude i don't know if it's 153:47 weird 153:48 i want a question that i can't answer 153:51 oh it is weird oh i'm sorry 153:54 yeah no i'm 153:56 i've never had that 153:58 what about in lesbian porn i've never 154:00 watched lesbian porn 154:04 that might genuinely be weird i've heard 154:06 like a lot of straight dudes like 154:09 liar no genuinely she's never been the 154:11 thing that i've like wanted to watch a 154:13 ton 154:14 i don't know now that is weird yeah i 154:16 mean 154:17 i've just never watched it 154:23 straight dude 154:26 i've just never watched it 154:31 i've literally only watched like the 154:32 most boring [ __ ] i guess straight 154:34 point could you do i should get into 154:36 that and top me 154:37 what 154:39 could you do my makeup and tell me 154:42 it depends are you a woman 154:44 because yes if you're not 154:47 then no there's a lot of factors that go 154:49 into this what exactly is spooky to you 154:52 about getting your ears pierced it's 154:54 pretty instant and it's over just gotta 154:57 keep it clean for a bit till it's fully 154:59 healed see right now try out all of the 155:01 cute earrings out there 155:03 age yeah that's also a factor but yeah 155:06 i've gotta like okay right now after 155:08 like what five shots 155:10 end 155:16 there's a random one but a constant 155:18 argument i'm having a chunky opposite 155:19 soup 155:20 uh blended you can have bread with it 155:22 it's better have you tried it from 155:23 behind or thought about it and did you 155:26 ever do it to the looks of yourself 155:33 well i mean it depends on who 155:36 with a girl like 155:39 okay with a girl i've had like with a 155:41 past girlfriend 155:43 female experience since starting cd 155:47 i'll answer that it's like with a girl 155:48 i've had the i've had the conversation 155:50 of like would you let me do that to you 155:55 getting paid no oh wait okay no the 155:56 conversation hasn't happened about me 155:58 getting from that way but the opposite 156:00 of half the opposite has happened 156:03 the um 156:05 these are pretty weird questions don't 156:06 worry that's what i was anticipating um 156:08 [Music] 156:10 bienna i've we i've never actually done 156:12 it i've never like [ __ ] a girl in the 156:14 ass never done that before 156:16 uh 156:18 have you thought about it for bro i mean 156:20 i've again thought about it never 156:21 happened though i never did it i never 156:23 i haven't done it i guess like uh 156:26 yeah it's not that great 156:28 i mean it never really got brought up i 156:29 guess it's tight i mean sure 156:32 but i guess like 156:34 biologically you'll like it i mean sure 156:37 it on me no 156:39 uh 156:40 the conversation has happened though 156:42 like the what's it called the 156:44 conversation of like would you let me do 156:45 this but like it ends after like a 156:46 minute you know what i mean so i don't 156:48 know okay wouldn't it be funny have you 156:51 heard of pegging and i'm like yeah i've 156:52 heard of pegging it's funny and they go 156:54 all right cool funny no no just never 156:57 happened 156:59 uh he's a condom though oh it never 157:01 actually happened though 157:03 would you rather have pubes for teeth or 157:05 teeth for pubes 157:06 bad question can't consider it i'm gonna 157:08 drink more 157:10 [Music] 157:13 in the spirit of christmas remember to 157:16 give to your local charities or 157:17 cross-dressers or both tis the season of 157:20 giving after all and winter is a hard 157:22 time for many people on the streets and 157:24 people hit by misfortune love y'all 157:30 that's a weird one there's like um i 157:31 wouldn't say there's a lot of homeless 157:33 people where i live 157:34 um but there's enough that like if you 157:36 go out you'll definitely see one 157:37 like um 157:39 i feel like uh 157:40 there's been a point where like i uh 157:43 what's it called 157:46 i don't necessarily feel like 157:48 i always should give homeless people but 157:50 whenever i pass one i feel like 157:53 if i've got money in my wallet 157:55 i'm talking about the chocolates because 157:57 that [ __ ] might be that [ __ ] must be 157:59 tough as [ __ ] 158:01 like i've given a homeless but i've went 158:02 round um i don't know if i ever said 158:05 but i got denied for a u.s visa once and 158:08 on that day 158:10 i saw a homeless person coming by from 158:12 coming down from what's it called i saw 158:14 a homeless person when i was coming back 158:15 home because you got to take a train to 158:16 london and all that i got off the train 158:20 and there's a bunch of homeless people 158:21 in in birmingham city center so i just 158:23 went up to one of them i just had a chat 158:25 for a bit 158:26 and we ended up uh 158:29 and what what ended up happening was 158:31 i 158:32 just said hey whatever you want to buy i 158:34 was in a bad mood because i was like 158:37 i was in a bad mood because i get denied 158:38 for my us visa 158:40 and what we did was we went round to 158:44 uh whatever shops they wanted to do i 158:45 was just like i will literally buy you 158:47 anything in this shop just pick out a 158:49 bunch of [ __ ] you like 158:50 i'll buy a girl in the pool it doesn't 158:52 matter but pleasant 158:54 constant fear 158:56 is there because it can get infected 158:58 horribly i i feel like i've only paid 159:01 attention to the last paid attention 159:02 last bit but yeah like um i just went to 159:05 like uh i just went to a bun i went to 159:06 this homeless person i said hey whatever 159:08 you like just pick it out from the shop 159:10 i feel like i would just want to make 159:11 someone else's day a bit better 159:13 because my day's been so [ __ ] 159:14 horrible 159:15 um and then after that i just went i 159:18 said like hey do you know anyone do you 159:19 like anyone like is there any other 159:21 people that might need help and i went 159:23 and we went and we did that too and then 159:25 they said yeah 159:26 you know whatever uh and we went around 159:28 to just giving a bunch of other homeless 159:29 people like a a bunch of like i just 159:31 took them around the shops and said hey 159:32 whatever you want your bread you want 159:34 some [ __ ] some water like just load 159:36 up on whatever the [ __ ] you want i don't 159:37 want because 159:39 and it's a thing you should probably do 159:40 too like it doesn't matter like the 159:42 what's it called like it makes their 159:44 like weak you know like it's just nice 159:47 to do 159:48 i don't know if it felt nice doing 159:50 something good to people so ever since 159:52 that day i always give money to homeless 159:53 people and stuff because i'm just 159:55 very very fortunate with 159:58 how i am in my life i guess so it just 160:00 felt nice to 160:02 local angry team helps the homeless i 160:04 wasn't angry i was just like i don't 160:06 know i was just in a i wasn't in a okay 160:08 i was in a bad mood more like i was just 160:10 like 160:11 just feeling a bit it's i guess sad so i 160:13 was just like i want to help someone out 160:15 because i couldn't really do much for me 160:18 i always buy an extra burger to give 160:19 someone see that's a good way i made the 160:21 whole week i want to make 160:23 [ __ ] how does that get turned sexual 160:25 what the [ __ ] whom still your friends 160:27 would you like to bonk 160:30 skittles what the [ __ ] 160:32 uh 160:34 that's a terrible id that's a terrible 160:36 answer question i can't answer that 160:39 how about you set up a business and 160:40 employ all the homeless people to work 160:41 in factory making products i don't have 160:43 any anything that in a factory i can 160:45 produce there's nothing i don't know how 160:47 to make that the [ __ ] if i was like a if 160:50 i mass manufactured something sure i'd 160:52 definitely do that 160:54 in fact what are my dreams as a kid hold 160:55 on 161:00 what am i uh 161:02 one of my dreams as a kid 161:04 um i still might do that one day i'm 161:06 really hoping i do 161:07 it was um 161:09 to set up at least one like 161:11 flat and just rent it out for free or 161:13 something 161:14 that was like a really big thing i 161:16 wanted to do i still probably will do 161:18 that 161:19 like um i just want to get one house or 161:20 something rent it out for completely 161:22 free 161:23 and then like 161:24 just give a homeless person a home or 161:26 something that'd be nice i feel like 161:28 that'd be cool 161:29 [Music] 161:32 i don't know 161:33 make a business that employs homeless 161:35 men but they have to dress as femme boys 161:40 sir your 161:42 your uniform for the day 161:44 is a tutu we've got a 161:49 what the [ __ ] 161:53 oh my god we could really like create 161:55 the fmcu 161:57 that'd be great what a good idea 162:00 did marisa put you up to the tutu no you 162:01 guys did you guys suggested the tutu and 162:03 i'm wearing a [ __ ] tutu 162:05 fanboy youth hustle that's just the ymca 162:11 um 162:14 you do we definitely need to get you a 162:15 light nice set of glasses to drink from 162:17 dude i got a shot glass that you guys 162:18 sent me with a bullet in it that's cool 162:20 as [ __ ] 162:22 it might be a little bit like what's it 162:23 called it might be a little bit like uh 162:26 i don't know cliche i don't know it 162:27 might be a little bit like 162:29 i don't know i like it i like it you 162:31 guys sent it and i i kind of like it 162:33 did the ymca dance 162:36 i don't know it [ __ ] why 162:41 [Laughter] 162:44 thank you for the dress compliments 162:47 i mean in heels it would be like a bit 162:49 more what's it called [ __ ] can i like 162:52 can i do the oh [ __ ] 162:55 wait wait 162:56 yeah i did it one sec i actually did it 162:59 okay [ __ ] that hurt a lot i'm not gonna 163:01 do that again but like i can do tiptoes 163:04 easy but i can't do like 163:06 tip-off 163:08 i did it once though 163:10 be tall with small peepee or short with 163:12 big peepee or stay as you are short with 163:16 small peepee 163:19 i feel like i'd rather have i'd rather 163:21 be taller there's actually an 163:22 interesting study there's a 163:24 what's it called the more like the 163:26 taller you are the more money you make 163:28 that's true there was like a direct 163:30 coloration uh 163:32 direct correlation between how much 163:34 money making how tall you are so i guess 163:36 being taller is way more beneficial 163:49 so once you get something to tie you in 163:51 i don't know what that means i have 163:53 handcuffs 163:54 um i don't know where the [ __ ] they are 163:56 though i used them for like is your pp 163:58 really boomerang shaped if so does the 164:01 bend help or hinder 164:02 tucking what when the [ __ ] did i ever 164:05 say that no my dick's not [ __ ] 164:07 boomerang shaped 164:09 what 164:12 no 164:14 i've seen it dude what the [ __ ] 164:17 i've seen a dude in porn once whose dick 164:18 was like 164:20 like okay if you imagine this is normal 164:22 his was like downwards curving i've seen 164:24 that before 164:25 uh but mine's pretty normal i'm pretty 164:28 [ __ ] happy with the shape of my dick 164:30 actually i'm i'm pretty [ __ ] i'm 164:33 pretty pretty good with that 164:37 like i've never been like i've never 164:39 been what's it called unhappy with with 164:41 it 164:42 it's fenced up no 164:46 never been unhappy with it i've been 164:47 pretty happy with uh the general state 164:49 of 164:51 the shape of me 164:53 what are your thoughts on cuddling 164:55 specifically spooning and you being the 164:57 little spoon also spooning with a guy a 164:59 few years older than you and in a 165:01 non-sexual way 165:06 really three gifted subs i think it 165:08 would be nice to twirl do 165:14 yeah i mean i haven't been gifted that 165:15 many subs yet so we'll see 165:17 um 165:19 it seems really asking for a friend 165:23 dressed as a grandma also love your 165:25 content and i can't wait to see you in 165:27 20 years after the femme boy uprising of 165:30 2023 when you've become leader of the uk 165:33 femme boys 165:35 i'll start a political party based on it 165:37 i think 165:40 your legs are long you really could be a 165:43 ballerina but that's another thing you 165:45 won't train for 165:48 i support my drink oh [ __ ] 165:53 wait you definitely what 165:55 why were you looking at the dude finn 165:56 explain yourself 165:59 uh 166:00 why were you looking at the dude phoenix 166:02 playing i don't know what that means 166:04 well and i spot a bit of water one sec 166:06 oh damn 166:07 what do what do you mean you know you 166:09 mean 166:10 [ __ ] that was so quick after i said 166:13 people haven't gifted that many subs 166:16 what the [ __ ] 166:17 okay hold on i spilled some water let me 166:19 clean it up first i'm just like it soaks 166:22 into the desk scenarios where taller 166:25 equals richer makes sense the modeling 166:27 industry and just generally seeming more 166:30 intimidating 166:32 okay but the thing is the tutu like is 166:37 like okay i think it's good what i did 166:38 gift three subs somehow it didn't went 166:41 through 166:43 yeah let's go 166:44 it works 166:46 oh i'm dizzy one sec 166:48 okay 166:49 all right i'm good all right 166:54 i'm getting used to it 166:55 oh damn 167:02 thank you for the five kids 167:08 drinking mostly water now did you eat 167:10 i've had a salad today 167:12 so maybe not the best idea to start just 167:14 drinking um 167:16 please give me uh give me some questions 167:18 though because 167:19 i feel like i've been able to answer 167:21 them pretty much 167:22 perfectly every time there's no 167:24 challenge involved here i'm doing great 167:39 you should spin on tippy toes there's no 167:41 shot i i don't have that strong of a toe 167:43 i don't have that strong toes 167:50 like i can't uh 167:57 didn't answer the spoon question 167:59 domino's or subway dominoes i haven't 168:02 had dominoes in legitimately like five 168:04 months though 168:05 uh it's it's been so long since i've 168:08 i've had a domino's i have like 45 168:11 minutes left to order a domino's though 168:13 so there's a shot that i order it 168:15 tonight but i i will try my best not to 168:19 i don't know subway has less calories uh 168:21 i think a whole sandwich from them is 168:23 like what 600 calories and it's like 168:25 that's usually what i ordered if i 168:26 wanted like a cheat day that wasn't that 168:29 bad i just ordered a subway 168:31 i i i'd feel like i had a cheat day even 168:33 though i kind of didn't it's okay 168:36 but i prefer domino's you are more and 168:39 more wholesome when will you give time 168:41 to the poor this year have you given any 168:44 non-perishable 168:46 uh no i usually giving uh 168:50 i remember 168:51 i got taught that giving money is a lot 168:53 better are you just like the other girls 168:55 like you said you wanted to be in an 168:57 earlier stream 169:02 one minute 169:04 giving money is a lot better if you give 169:06 to charity because they can usually bulk 169:08 by 169:08 too sober to answer honestly 169:13 what 169:16 uh giving money giving 169:18 giving money to uh to charities is 169:20 usually a bit better than giving uh just 169:22 straight up non-perishables because they 169:23 can buy more how do 169:31 [Music] 169:39 who's less attractive than rose 169:42 no 169:43 [Music] 169:47 i have high standards 169:48 listen dude if i can make myself look 169:50 better 169:52 i mean come on you should go to the raf 169:55 museum dressed as rose and take sexy 169:57 poses next to the lancaster and lincoln 169:59 bomber and maybe the b-17 170:02 i don't know what any of that is 170:04 i've been to the raf museum though 170:07 uh it's like a school trip though why do 170:08 you only watch smut with pp's in it and 170:11 why do you study those pps 170:15 why do you know what's smart with pbs 170:16 and what are you saying 170:19 what 170:20 do you mean smart like [ __ ] 170:22 like porn i don't usually what do you 170:24 mean oh you okay wait do you mean like 170:27 um how i said i don't watch the lesbian 170:29 whatever 170:30 uh 170:32 oh 170:35 i don't 170:36 i just try to spot that down my chin 170:44 i need a full can 170:47 [Music] 170:51 rubik's cube is that impressive enough 170:59 no 171:00 the um 171:02 no 171:03 uh 171:04 i don't study do you see roses as an 171:06 alter ego or a character you cosplay as 171:12 neither i think i just see it as like 171:14 i don't see it as anything i see it as 171:16 just like me wearing makeup i don't know 171:20 did you ever cheat and use the clothes 171:22 that are locked in the box 171:24 no i can't be [ __ ] bothered i think 171:27 if i like ever wanted to 171:29 i think if i ever wanted to cheat on 171:30 like do you mean like the box goal what 171:34 i i mean 171:36 no i think what i'd like 171:39 i think the closest i ever got to 171:41 cheating on box goals was like ordering 171:43 something unisex like on amazon 171:46 but like even still it would be like all 171:48 like just wearing something that someone 171:49 sent me a p.o box but like they'd still 171:51 be like everything i have right now that 171:53 i wear is feminine in love with a trans 171:56 girl still with a pp 171:58 what do you do 172:02 um if let's say you fall in love with 172:04 the trans girls with the with the dick 172:06 what do you do 172:08 um 172:12 it depends if they'd want to get it like 172:14 if they'd want the surgery or not i 172:16 guess you know 172:18 like if they'd want the 172:20 the the big one 172:22 i don't [ __ ] know 172:24 i don't know this scenario pogba 3k subs 172:27 more box please 172:30 no 172:33 no 172:34 uh 172:35 i know i was gonna set something as the 172:37 3k goal but i i it wasn't going to be 172:39 the box 172:45 i don't know i've got like um in my mind 172:47 like trans women completely trans women 172:50 are women uh but i do have like never 172:52 been able to touch girl clothes for the 172:54 rest of your life 172:57 would you rather be a girl or never be 172:59 able to go close the rest of your life 173:01 i'd rather i'd rather not be able to 173:04 touch girl clothes 173:05 walking down the street do you ever look 173:08 at a girl's outfit and think you could 173:10 wear it better 173:26 yes 173:31 oh my [ __ ] god 173:33 there's okay let's listen 173:36 that's so incredibly specific but yes i 173:39 do 173:40 i've seen i've yes 173:43 that's so [ __ ] specific 173:47 i've like okay 173:55 i've seen like i've seen girls in like 173:57 literally the same skirt that i wear and 174:00 i'm like oh dude no this would be way 174:02 better with like oh dip bro 174:04 yes the answer is yes to that i've seen 174:06 girls wearing clothes that like oh [ __ ] 174:09 i looked better i know what that is and 174:11 i looked better in that 174:12 so 174:16 yes 174:18 oh my god 174:19 [Music] 174:22 i'm waiting to drink but i haven't yet 174:23 i've been answering so so well 174:26 um 174:27 i think if i miss one i don't know 174:33 when you're walking down the street do 174:35 you ever see a guy's outfit and think 174:37 you could wear it better 174:49 no i don't trust my sense of fashion 174:51 i don't trust my like fashion sense 174:53 better i've seen dudes that are like oh 174:56 [ __ ] they're just no i don't think i 174:57 ever do 174:59 supergirl cosplay for 3k also you didn't 175:02 answer my question 175:06 i don't remember the question 175:10 are you just like other girls like you 175:12 said you wanted to be an early stream 175:15 i don't know what that [ __ ] means i'm 175:16 sorry you gotta ask that in a better way 175:19 are you just like other girls like you 175:21 said you wanna if you mean like okay 175:24 are you just like all the every girl 175:27 you gotta ask that in a better way i 175:29 have no [ __ ] clue 175:30 spider-gwen cosplay oh we're already at 175:33 3k so i don't know 175:36 but like i don't have the [ __ ] hips 175:38 dude i don't have the body for that all 175:40 right it's just like a 175:43 maybe one day 175:45 maybe you want to get the 175:46 rather 175:47 walking stream in the 2-2 or auction the 175:50 box for charity 175:55 that's impossible you can't ask me that 175:58 i'm gonna choose not to answer 176:00 what would impress you underscore 176:07 oh my god 176:09 um 176:14 what would impress me just generally 176:16 miss interpret finn's answer having a 176:18 gent one tile preference isn't 176:20 transphobic and completely fine just 176:22 wanted to throw that out there 176:24 what 176:27 i don't think anyone thinks that having 176:29 like a genital preference is transphobic 176:32 my god 176:34 i thought i [ __ ] 176:36 that's gotta be pretty [ __ ] obvious 176:40 having a preference whether you want to 176:42 some do 176:48 you trans no 176:52 what would it take for a walking stream 176:55 tonight 176:57 no 176:57 i'm i'm way too even if it wasn't like 177:00 insanely cold in the uk and i'm wearing 177:03 this 177:04 i'm too drunk to be able to to even set 177:06 it up 177:08 uh 177:11 did you give money if not um uh 177:12 non-perishable 177:14 uh yeah i've done it to a women's 177:16 charity before and i've uh done into a 177:18 homeless charity before got done seeing 177:20 the new spiders 177:26 it's actually out in the uk first in 177:28 like two days um 177:30 i usually i usually like giving money to 177:33 just straight up homeless people that i 177:34 meet because then i get to have like 177:37 especially if i've seen them 177:39 you know like if i know who they are and 177:41 stuff 177:42 i don't know the um 177:44 [Music] 177:46 i never liked the idea of giving to just 177:47 a straight up charity because the uh 177:50 i don't know money gets filtered like at 177:52 the end of it like 20 goes to the people 177:54 that actually need it and the other 177:55 people the the rest of the money goes to 177:57 people that like are dealing with it 177:59 so i usually like just straight up 178:01 giving my money to like people that i 178:02 know need it um 178:05 like there was there was this thing 178:06 where like i went out my store and my 178:08 friend that i was with was like dude 178:10 this uh this [ __ ] homeless person is 178:12 always outside this store i can't 178:14 believe they're just begging for money 178:15 and [ __ ] outside of the grocery 178:20 i was gonna say but it's like it's 178:22 raining [ __ ] no one is outside 178:24 pretending to be homeless or some [ __ ] 178:26 or pretending to need the money it's 178:27 like raining in the [ __ ] cold 178:30 awful conditions and [ __ ] like they 178:32 deserve that [ __ ] 178:34 you know like trying to do a back flip 178:35 once in the water and i ended up looking 178:38 like a lobster and i couldn't breath for 178:40 a solid like knowing that that should 178:41 help someone i guess 178:43 raining in the uk i know 178:50 sake for a person who keeps preaching 178:52 tolerance and body positivity you 178:55 constantly saying you don't have the 178:56 curves for something is just go dorfal 178:59 women come in all shapes and sizes and 179:02 you have or can buy pads sorry but 179:05 sheesh 179:08 i mean i don't know 179:10 i think i'd rather be like 179:14 i don't know 179:15 i listen 179:18 i'd rather know that i look good in 179:19 something i guess like 179:23 this is a bit [ __ ] out there a bit 179:25 only a little bit but like i mean i know 179:28 that i look good at least face wise i 179:30 don't know like if i if i think that i 179:32 look bad i'm i'm not i'm gonna enjoy the 179:34 stream less i don't know 179:40 talking today there's no reason for me 179:41 to tuck i can't be [ __ ] 179:44 also it takes like 10 minutes i don't 179:47 give i i i know there's no shot i'm not 179:49 talking 179:50 i can't bother like [ __ ] going to go 179:53 like shave take this whole thing off and 179:55 then tuck there's no shot 179:58 show your whole outfit yep 180:05 it's like completely outwards 180:08 like what the [ __ ] 180:17 uh thanks for the tutu whoever sent it 180:19 to me um but it's really [ __ ] 180:22 really annoying 180:28 skirt go spin 180:33 3k sub goal equals talking already hit 180:35 3k there's no challenge maybe 3.1 3.1 k 180:39 and i'll tuck 180:41 yeah 3.1k and i'll do it 180:43 3.1 000 subs i will tuck 180:50 this is water by the way 180:54 you got to do something for 3k 180:58 i don't know i already hit it before i 181:00 just took a break and the subs went down 181:02 i don't know 181:04 oh 181:10 eight months punk hey thanks for the 181:12 eight months 181:13 no shot what do you mean no shot live 181:15 3.1k it's a lot of subs it's like 100 181:17 subs it's like 250 bucks i'll take that 181:21 virgil of your hairline and freckles 181:23 well the freckles are fake the hairline 181:25 is real 181:26 there we go uh 181:29 why am i so tall on the [ __ ] thing 181:35 that's too much 181:43 i'm wait what the [ __ ] 181:47 hairline reel 181:49 i mean hairline solid 181:51 freckles completely fake freckles are 181:53 makeup so 181:54 sorry then you dodged my question about 181:56 your thoughts on cuddling spooning 181:59 also what are your thoughts about being 182:01 the little spoon when cuddling with a 182:03 slightly older guy 182:07 if you cut out the guy bit then it makes 182:09 one more did you go to dinner dressed up 182:10 femme if it was with sneaky and he was 182:12 also fully dressed up yes 182:15 of course what the [ __ ] yeah of course 182:17 that's a [ __ ] that's what a good meme 182:19 what the [ __ ] 182:20 of course i would what the [ __ ] that's 182:22 such a good like video at least what the 182:24 hell 182:25 yes 182:26 definitely sneaky hit me up we have each 182:28 other 182:32 show up but it's not polite and ruins 182:34 the theater experience some 182:39 oh hold on i didn't i didn't my brain 182:41 didn't get that 182:42 um i don't want a spoon with a dude that 182:45 would make me feel pretty uncomfortable 182:47 however 182:48 um 182:50 listen i'd i'd be the little spoon down 182:52 to be the little spoon with a girl 182:54 before i've done that it's comfortable 182:57 what can i say it's just not something i 182:59 prefer every time i guess like the pure 183:02 variety of it you know sure 183:04 like i've been the little spin up in the 183:06 big spoon 183:07 usually prefer being the big spoon 183:10 but you know 183:14 if it's someone that i like 183:16 i will beat the little spoon it's a nice 183:18 variety i will say being the law spoon 183:20 underrated it's pretty cool 183:24 uh do you watch anime yeah uh i watch 183:26 more i've been trying to get marisa into 183:28 different anime other than naruto she 183:29 pretty much only likes naruto 183:32 um 183:33 but you know anime's pretty good i just 183:34 haven't watched the series and 183:36 i just haven't watched uh a series of 183:38 stuff in a while 183:40 but yeah um 183:42 she still hasn't watched death note 183:43 which is [ __ ] weird it's just such a 183:45 great and or if she's watched any of the 183:47 big ones besides naruto like she hasn't 183:49 watched one piece she hasn't watched 183:50 she hasn't watched oh she's watching 183:51 herself she's she's watched borrowed 183:53 naruto she hasn't watched death note she 183:55 haven't watched uh full mental outcomes 183:57 she hasn't watched sasha nate's 183:58 classroom big one she just watched mob 184:00 psycho she's watched [ __ ] anything 184:03 there's another one which is like um 184:07 what's wrong with the parasite she 184:09 doesn't want parasite parasites [ __ ] 184:11 great by the way 184:12 uh would you spend with sneaky 184:18 for the meme 184:20 yeah uh 184:22 for the real life 184:25 nah i'm sorry buddy 184:27 maybe not 184:31 i'm so sorry 184:33 sorry sneaky 184:35 i haven't watched that no 184:37 love peanut no idea 184:41 spider gwen cosplay also little spoon is 184:44 pogbas and watched jujitsu kaiser 184:50 no sailor moon i haven't watched sailor 184:51 moon actually or dragon ball z 184:55 i don't know 184:56 i've watched like in my mind a lot of 184:58 anime 184:59 but just not i guess not like the 185:02 all right how long have you been growing 185:05 your hair well these are hair extensions 185:06 however uh i've been growing my hair for 185:08 like two years 185:09 a year a year one year at least like a 185:12 year and a half you know smashed your 185:13 dress 185:18 yeah hold on 185:25 yeah they kind of match i guess like 185:28 i'm wearing what a lot of red recently i 185:30 need to know what i want to do for like 185:32 proper christmas nails have you watched 185:33 this black shooter 185:38 no 185:53 i can't really look good with these i 185:54 don't think 186:12 attack on titan [ __ ] yeah dude i'm 186:15 waiting for the [ __ ] last season to 186:16 come out 186:17 that's one i've watched marisa has not 186:19 still watched that 186:24 what kind of music 186:26 uh 186:30 let me show you my playlist and then 186:31 you'll get your own idea i guess 186:34 because i have no clue what i see 186:45 no one's 186:46 if anyone has that offshore dude okay i 186:48 need like i need some tougher questions 186:50 buddy these are too easy these are too 186:52 easy d 186:55 uh playlists 187:00 all right so 187:02 let me read them out all right i got a 187:04 let's see 187:06 there we go 187:07 [ __ ] no lesson by soviet soviet 187:09 pretty [ __ ] good but and then a [ __ ] 187:11 ton of tick tock songs 187:13 oh 187:15 young saying pablo money uh ball game 187:17 this one's just a sad song well time 187:19 goes [ __ ] pretty dope oliver tree 187:22 banger uh 187:25 love boy banger three nights banger hot 187:28 rod banger i don't like banger 187:31 i don't know pretty [ __ ] good dancing 187:33 in the moonlight [ __ ] 187:34 hell yeah favorite song 187:36 uh this one's pretty good too 187:38 be maybe no money my [ __ ] 187:41 baby no money [ __ ] streaming [ __ ] 187:43 he's so cool 187:45 he's like dope as well like as a person 187:47 baby no money great guy 187:50 it's so weird because i know i know the 187:52 guy so it's like every time i see him on 187:53 the radio it's just like 187:55 cool 187:57 if you could redo one moment of your 187:58 life what would it be 188:02 i think that i think that i've got will 188:04 you post a picture of you in the tutu on 188:07 twitter and if not why not 188:12 maybe i don't know 188:18 maybe if disney comes comes through and 188:20 has like a really good uh twitter photo 188:23 um 188:25 but to be honest with you i can't tell 188:26 if i look good or not 188:29 i'm at a point of uh i'm at a point of 188:31 drunk where i don't quite know what 188:32 looks good and what doesn't look good so 188:34 i don't know 188:38 like 188:49 i don't look good 189:10 i think this looks like i'm not ashamed 189:12 of this 189:15 thank you 189:16 thanks for the 16 months up 189:22 i don't know 189:24 we will see 189:29 [Music] 189:32 theoretical question if you knew you 189:35 could get the same amount of money and 189:36 popularity looking like a man would you 189:39 never go into girl mode again 189:41 if so would part of you miss it 189:54 uh sorry let's shut the bottle 190:28 good question 190:30 um 190:33 oh 190:36 have you seen black lagoon there is lots 190:39 of guns stuff and if you could cosplay 190:42 revvy i can die happy 190:46 i don't know who that is 190:51 scythe is a simp three 190:54 i think he said save holy [ __ ] in which 190:57 case like sive like the pewdiepie editor 190:59 yes holy [ __ ] 191:02 like 191:03 oh my god 191:06 oh my [ __ ] 191:11 but 191:12 like this side this guy 191:15 matt bro 191:16 man is 191:19 definitely 191:21 that's just straight up [ __ ] too mad 191:23 uh sive simp 191:28 definitely so 191:30 he's a funny guy though that's not 191:34 safe that's so so it's cool as [ __ ] 191:37 though sounds funny as hell um 191:39 definitely a sim though 191:41 um 191:43 yeah besides funny guy um live is 100 191:47 sims for me though 100. 191:51 go to the airplacing piece go to the ear 191:54 piercing place in the morning so you 191:55 don't have to sleep with sore ears 191:58 yeah no i that's the plan anyway i plan 192:00 to go there like kind of when i wake up 192:02 because i usually get up kind of late 192:04 anyway uh i have to go pee so 192:07 um that's gonna take a bit because i've 192:09 got to disassemble all of this 192:11 please have fun in the 192:16 meantime um think of questions i want to 192:19 answer more questions i want to see all 192:21 right baby i'm gonna have to somehow 192:23 walk through all the doorways in this 192:24 [ __ ] 192:26 i'm like pushing down the dress to get 192:28 through doorways 192:31 [Music] 193:48 so 193:50 [Music] 195:27 that noise is 195:29 [Music] 195:34 there's no [ __ ] way that the noise of 195:37 me like 195:38 pushing through that door is as isn't as 195:41 loud as i think it is 195:42 like 195:44 the noise of me like my my tutu [ __ ] 195:47 scrubbing through the the house 195:50 it's so loud 195:52 anyway 195:53 i heard it yep hello it's me again 195:59 hi 196:00 drunk check can you say susie works in a 196:03 shoe shine shop where she shines she 196:05 sits and where she sits she shines of 196:08 course i can 196:10 susie works in a shoeshine shop 196:13 where she shines she sits 196:16 um where she sits she shines 196:20 i'm not drunk 196:25 nailed it 196:26 i passed the test 196:30 [ __ ] 196:31 [Applause] 196:37 i'm doing well 196:40 hey i just want to say thanks for 196:41 streaming recently uh i've been dealing 196:43 with depression and anxiety and your 196:45 streams really make my day so i just 196:46 want to say thank you for everything 196:48 uh 196:50 i can't take that compliment man the um 196:53 i did it's 196:55 i think tab this is me something 196:57 recently that was like 196:59 um i don't know when did you realize 197:01 rose had got you're putting too much 197:03 love the tiara 197:05 thank you you're putting too much um 197:07 [Music] 197:09 you're putting too much stress or 197:10 putting too much stress you're putting 197:12 too much emphasis on me 197:14 and you're not 197:15 thinking about how much work you want to 197:17 start learning to do your makeup long 197:19 before twitch etc 197:22 you're putting too much you're putting 197:23 way too much emphasis on me helping you 197:25 and not much on you yourself you're a 197:27 very strong person i think everyone 197:29 would be if you're uh if you've managed 197:31 to make you know the time if you manage 197:34 to make any progress on depression or 197:36 anxiety you're a very strong person you 197:38 should remember that um 197:41 so 197:43 don't uh don't think i'm doing 197:44 everything for you you should uh 197:49 you know 197:50 have confidence in yourself you're doing 197:52 really well i'm proud of you 197:54 i'm glad you're doing better 197:57 um 197:57 [Music] 198:01 what's the next one well thanks for the 198:02 tier one sub dude 198:03 uh when did you realize rose had gotten 198:06 out of hand love the tiara i'm not in a 198:08 tiara i have a dif i have a tiara hold 198:11 on 198:14 no i have a tiara 198:18 i have one hold on 198:21 whoops i have one 198:26 is this better or worse 198:29 is that a two-two realize my favorite 198:31 fanboys online and i smiled 198:36 tiara or not wait did you say 21 on it 198:38 do i not have one that doesn't say 21 198:44 i do i have another tiara 198:48 hold on i have yet another tiara 198:54 this next question is rather dangerous 198:56 but i'll risk it go forward you ever 198:58 tried wearing any of the butt plugs or 199:00 chastity cages that you have received no 199:02 if so did you like the experience no 199:07 i tried them all i didn't like the 199:09 experience 199:10 no i haven't tried any of them 199:13 uh 199:14 all the chastity cages get thrown out i 199:17 have kept the butt plugs though because 199:18 they're a funny story i've got them like 199:20 oh that door's gonna fall out 199:23 i've got them in a drawer 199:25 so i've got a lot of them uh because i 199:27 think it's always funny to like have 199:29 like a thing of oh and this is all the 199:30 things people have sent me um but the 199:33 chastity cage is always like 199:36 well that's a bit too weird that's not 199:37 like i don't think many people know what 199:39 a chastity cage is so i just kind of 199:40 throw them out but um the butt plugs are 199:42 kind of funny 199:44 so i've got them all 199:46 uh but like yeah no i don't i've never 199:49 used them i'm very sorry i've never 199:50 tried them i don't think i have much of 199:52 an interest in putting anything up my 199:54 ass 199:55 so 199:57 very sorry 199:58 what's the ak 200:00 the ak behind me 200:06 you mean this one are you super 200:10 what 200:11 you were saying 200:16 i bet you this is something that you 200:18 have not seen before got a good bb gun 200:20 um 200:23 are you secretly uh 200:26 what the [ __ ] 200:28 you see i don't even know what that 200:30 [ __ ] says 200:33 [Music] 200:36 are you secretly a sunderer 200:39 i don't know what the [ __ ] that is 200:41 chat help me 200:43 sundrei 200:45 sun to sunderay 200:48 did you misspell it 200:49 tusson 200:51 [ __ ] that's gotta be a misspell anime 200:54 fake weeb doesn't watch animes oh bro 200:56 tell me what it is i don't know what it 200:58 means 201:03 loving someone but acting like you don't 201:06 fake weeb 201:09 actual plastic i'm so confused 201:12 help me uh this thing is metal and 201:14 plastic like this is plastic this is 201:16 plastic this is metal 201:19 can you help me 201:21 i don't know what the [ __ ] is happening 201:23 anime girl obsessed with the guy kind of 201:25 like a psychopath 201:27 what 201:29 no i guess i don't know 201:31 the only guy i'm obsessed with is uh 201:33 sneaky don't tell him i've just recently 201:35 added my discord 201:38 no i i don't really i'm not particularly 201:40 into dudes to be honest with you 201:42 i'm so sorry 201:44 to crush the dreams although i did dm 201:46 sneaky uh i've got him on discord now i 201:48 said league pro meets minecraft pro 201:51 bracket's real 201:53 and he responded back saying history is 201:54 being made and i have left him on red i 201:56 don't know what to say to him we'll see 201:57 though 202:00 uh so i now have sneaky on discord i 202:02 don't know what to say to him 202:04 uh i can't for everyone i know that 202:06 people are gonna ask for like a collab 202:08 or something 202:09 i can't collab with him because he's in 202:11 a different [ __ ] country than me 202:13 um but i don't know 202:14 you're bad at flirting i'm not trying to 202:16 flirt 202:18 only slightly only slightly um he's got 202:21 a girlfriend i'm so sorry 202:23 he's got a girlfriend and i'm not 202:24 particularly into dick 202:26 um but we'll see you want some [ __ ] 202:30 or other drinks 202:31 everywhere just give me give me a 202:34 question that i don't want to answer 202:37 give me a question that i can't answer 202:39 and i will drink 202:41 or i will tell the truth 202:43 it's a good option for either of you i 202:45 either drink or i tell the truth so 202:47 let me know what you want me to 202:50 answer 202:53 not particularly into dick no i'm not 202:56 poor skeppy's been left in the dust i 202:58 recorded a video with scappy today 202:59 actually so looking forward to that bro 203:02 uh finn ella hollywood 203:05 uh ellie hollywood collab when 203:07 i don't think there's anything me and me 203:09 and ella can collab with there's nothing 203:11 that she does that he does that i can 203:13 like 203:13 pronounce 203:14 bad you trying so big what the [ __ ] 203:17 i'm the transphobia police hey marisa 203:20 you are transphobia i'm sorry i got one 203:22 pronoun 203:23 i'm sorry i got a pronoun wrong 203:27 don't let it happen again i won't i'm 203:29 sorry 203:30 [Music] 203:33 i got the they updated their pronouns 203:35 i'm so sorry i got it wrong 203:38 oh my god 203:41 frieza's woken up apparently 203:45 um but yeah no i'm not gonna 203:47 i don't think there's anything me and 203:48 erica ella can collab with 203:51 get reasons to fix your dress it's good 203:54 now actually 204:02 kyle's definitely got more money 204:05 and also more guns but he can't use the 204:07 guns because he's a felon 204:10 i don't know 204:12 kyle i think kyle i'm gonna choose kyle 204:16 better stories 204:19 [Music] 204:20 uh 204:23 there's someone to put you to bed thank 204:25 you good 204:27 maurices take care of me 204:29 uh if you get away with any pr if you 204:31 could get away with it any if you could 204:33 get away with any crime what would it be 204:35 and why arson 204:36 it would be tax evasion 204:40 it would be tax evasion 204:41 um 204:44 and that's what it would be there's 204:45 there's no better there's no better than 204:47 that tax evasion definitely or yeah no 204:50 tax evasion 204:52 pace 204:54 [ __ ] taxes bro tax taxes tax is a theft 204:59 i'm a i'm a capitalist through and 205:01 through 205:05 it's so funny the difference of like 205:06 american capitalists versus like uk 205:08 capitalists like american left is like 205:11 uk right it's so [ __ ] funny 205:14 fruity raid 205:16 oh no 205:17 oh no 205:19 who i don't know who would be 205:21 tax evasion's the worst of course arson 205:24 far better than 205:25 tax evasion 205:31 uh 205:32 let me know one that one 205:36 am i allowed to say the s word on twitch 205:37 the [ __ ] is the s word 205:43 [ __ ] all politics good idea 205:46 wanna [ __ ] every politician 205:51 is that a pancake tutu yeah look at this 205:53 [ __ ] 205:55 like 205:58 like 205:59 i i'm 206:01 wowie 206:02 so night it sticks out [ __ ] 90 206:05 degrees 206:06 like there's no [ __ ] i've got nothing 206:08 for it 206:09 i don't know what to do from here 206:14 this is cool i guess 206:18 what the [ __ ] do i do 206:20 how does that work when sitting it 206:22 doesn't that's the thing look it just 206:24 does this 206:27 i'm just gonna maintain an angle how 206:29 does it do that i don't know it's i 206:32 don't like it it's not fun 206:35 why do i have 3 000 why did my viewers 206:37 just go up by 800 206:41 what's the perfect size for dick 206:44 whatever mine is 206:46 it's perfect 206:48 we'll brand it oh okay hello wilbur 206:51 viewers 206:52 i'm so sorry your pg minecraft stream is 206:55 gonna have to be replaced by 206:57 random [ __ ] guy wearing a tutu that 206:59 has 207:00 drank a lot today 207:02 i'm doing a uh i'm doing a um 207:05 a truth or drink game 207:07 you ask me a question 207:09 i will answer it 207:12 for mobiles okay well done 207:14 [ __ ] well brought like 70 000 viewers 207:16 holy [ __ ] he wasn't playing minecraft 207:18 nice 207:20 it's eagle hours babe baby how drunk are 207:23 you 207:24 yes 207:26 nice lipstick thank you it's actually 207:28 lip stain so this is going to be on for 207:30 uh like 48 hours so tomorrow's gonna be 207:33 really fun 207:37 freddy apparently got into a mess and i 207:40 don't need to go into that but you've 207:42 spoken about collabing with him and such 207:45 are you going to address what happened 207:46 with him or find a way to try to mend 207:48 broken bridges 207:50 me and freddie are cool 207:52 it's a very complex question 207:54 uh what brand of lip stain 207:56 uh but me and freddy are really cool 207:58 i'll try and get you 208:00 it's by 208:01 it's this one i don't know what this is 208:10 hold on it'll focus 208:13 no i don't know it's by 208:16 star 208:17 gazer 208:19 i don't know what it is 208:21 what 208:22 where's 208:26 bedroom probably 208:29 not cap correct 208:36 what why are you turning the camera on 208:38 me because it's interesting 208:41 what 208:42 what that's mean 208:52 what the [ __ ] 208:55 is 208:57 are you drunk or are you dr ukn 209:04 yeah i 209:07 i don't think i'm drunk 209:09 i think i'm just having a 209:14 i'm just vibing 209:16 i only have 10 minutes left to order a 209:18 dominoes by the way 209:20 if i do order dominoes high unofficial 209:22 wobble raid oh yeah by the way hi wilbur 209:25 viewers 209:26 what was a good guy i met him in real 209:28 life just in case any guy any of you 209:30 will reviewers want to know what will's 209:31 like in real life cool dude genuinely 209:34 lives up to the expectations [ __ ] um 209:38 very interesting dude he can like 209:40 [ __ ] sing 209:41 he just sings spontaneously and [ __ ] 209:45 fun guy he's funny as well so well then 209:48 if you guys if i know that like uh 209:51 knowing what youtube was like off camera 209:53 is a big thing 209:55 what was wilbur [ __ ] 209:56 good guy 209:58 i like ball he's a cool guy same with 210:00 like same with manifold and nikki just 210:03 genuinely the most wholesome people 210:05 people i know 210:06 just [ __ ] cool dudes cool cool dudes 210:08 and and lasses 210:12 don't wash your finger 210:14 fine 210:16 good point 210:26 he's a cool guy pulls out a knife i mean 210:28 i'm not a cool guy the answer my 210:29 question 210:32 what did you say 210:40 kyle j schlotzgep i said i said kyle 210:43 order something to eat a salad alone 210:45 isn't enough for a grown girl wrong 210:49 way no 210:50 freddie apparently got into a mess and i 210:51 don't i i don't 210:53 and i don't need to get it i don't need 210:55 to get in there so we're gonna collabing 210:57 yeah me and freddie are trying to 210:58 organize something together but i don't 211:01 uh me and freddie are cool though i 211:02 think i said i said i said that before 211:04 me and freddie are cool um 211:07 i don't know how him and the discord are 211:08 but me and him are cool order a salad 211:10 from domino's think about the progress 211:13 also what's your favorite energy drink 211:18 monster uh the 211:20 sugar free monster the monster ultra i 211:23 think 211:24 but i'm doing a bit of a sober test 211:26 right now to see if my muscle memory is 211:28 going to be good enough 211:34 that's fine 211:37 that one i can't do though 211:39 there's one move that i can do 50 50 211:41 though 211:44 okay [ __ ] 211:45 i'm not gonna be able to do that 211:48 i can do this one though 211:50 that one's fine 212:05 hey 212:09 son 212:10 i just can't do the uh behind the eight 212:12 ball 212:13 two months here 212:19 [Music] 212:23 thanks for the stream finn 212:26 i'm fine 212:28 it's not actually a bladed thing so it's 212:30 fine 212:31 hello 212:33 i'm protected now 212:34 can 212:38 bleeding drunk finn in three two one 212:42 damn right it's not enough you know why 212:44 it wasn't before 212:46 i was naked oh guys oh 212:51 you remember when i used to come in and 212:53 i was fat as [ __ ] 212:55 but now i'm i'm good looking 212:57 wow 213:02 compare 213:03 compare compare nothing 213:05 compare 213:06 are you drinking this maybe compare 213:08 good morning good morning 213:11 [Music] 213:13 it's 10 it's 11 pm 213:18 it's not so bad yeah it's pretty good 213:20 compare 213:21 compare can you put yours like right 213:23 next to mine 213:27 which one like this arm the one that i'm 213:29 holding up 213:32 guys do not drink british water look 213:34 what it does to you 213:37 i'm ruined 213:40 come back i want to know come back get 213:42 back 213:45 no don't no stop stop look at this stop 213:48 look at this stop who does this no 213:51 nothing oh oh who's that on your screen 213:53 saver it's me because you love me 213:56 we're best friends 213:59 compare 214:01 you don't fool me risa you're still 214:03 naked under your clothes 214:06 holy [ __ ] 214:07 that's the pump 214:08 let me get a pump going 214:10 what do you mean let me get a pumpkin 214:12 stronger someone's going to measure this 214:14 on photoshop yeah mine's going to be 214:16 better they're back though that's not 214:18 going to come here it looks bigger too 214:19 it's not sure one's bigger on my knees i 214:22 have bigger muscles 214:27 i've got the testosterone you're taking 214:29 estrogen 214:31 this is true garbage 214:33 got the bad chemicals in you what the 214:35 [ __ ] 214:37 doesn't work 214:44 wait someone asked me a hard question 214:45 while maurice is here 214:47 yeah 214:48 i kind of want to know what the [ __ ] the 214:49 difference is going to be 214:51 see my my belly button 214:54 some freckles on riza what the [ __ ] 214:57 i didn't even notice 214:59 stop 215:01 i don't know why everyone always 215:04 this happens when i get drunk uh abuse 215:07 in the household 215:09 you haven't even drink you've just woken 215:10 up write it down 215:13 take notes 215:15 physical abuse nice 215:20 what's the questions 215:22 nothing i was oh holy [ __ ] 215:24 thank you robin for the 19-month tier 215:27 three sub 215:28 jesus [ __ ] if you order pizza will your 215:31 answer will you answer the door like 215:32 that yes but i've only got literally 215:34 four minutes to water pizza so i don't 215:36 think i'm going to be ordering pizza 215:38 four minutes 215:39 because domino's closes in four minutes 215:41 butter 215:42 i don't wanna okay 215:45 why do they want to you to order so 215:46 badly i don't know i've been talking 215:48 about it i like you with a little bit 215:49 more meat on the bone i've been talking 215:52 about dominoes for a bit who's got 215:54 softer skin between you or risa 215:56 yeah i have i have better okay my skin 215:59 is softer 216:00 right oh wait 216:03 marissa has a really american voice for 216:05 a german 216:06 also finn is definitely a bottom and 216:08 marissa is the biggest top out there 216:10 makes my body keep finn's bottom sore am 216:13 i bottom 216:16 dude can i just move this piece 216:19 i'll put it back no 216:21 no 216:22 stop showing them 216:23 stop showing them the mess i'll put it 216:25 back no i'm changing the screen 216:28 what the [ __ ] i'll put it back you've 216:31 just 216:32 i'll put it back it's just dirty clothes 216:35 it's not like it's your [ __ ] priced 216:37 collection of 216:38 items it is you wanted me to come in so 216:41 badly so i didn't 216:44 hello [ __ ] 216:47 oh yeah my skin is softer but i 216:51 have worse face skin my face feels nicer 216:54 but i have more acne but my body is 216:56 perfect 216:58 and you 217:00 have 217:02 perfect skin perfect skin 217:05 he has not been taking steroids 217:09 steroids 217:11 i mean of course i've been taking trt 217:14 bro been taking testosterone 217:16 there's actually um like bodybuilders on 217:19 tick tock or like people just work out 217:21 and the moment they 217:22 the moment they turn around and they 217:24 have like one spot on their back 217:25 everyone's like you're juicing 217:27 really yeah nice trend bro holy [ __ ] 217:31 my skin is thicker so 217:33 you have to shed skin you have to shed 217:36 skulls to get 217:38 you have to shed cells to get softer 217:41 okay 217:42 finn's a bottom lol 217:44 it was a button before it broke no 217:46 bottom i'm on top 217:48 i guess like macbeth yeah oh you should 217:50 spell it for wrong take testosterone you 217:52 know why i'm going to marbella 217:54 testosterone gives you all for acne true 218:04 i thought the test i thought 218:06 estrogen was like the [ __ ] fix all 218:08 like and why do i have a shitty face 218:13 how does risa know what rose's face 218:15 feels like how do you think i mean face 218:18 feels like 218:19 i've you can see my face you guys can 218:21 know what my face looks like 218:24 what lick my face 218:27 [Music] 218:28 hi riza have you also any knife tricks 218:32 who is better at it i can do 218:35 wait i gotta look at it i can't look at 218:37 this because then i'm mirrored i can do 218:39 the opening that's it and then i can do 218:42 like it's pretty good actually 218:44 i can do the opening and the closing 218:47 and i can do like the standard wait just 218:50 the same you're just doing the same to 218:51 be able to do you haven't drank 218:53 i look i used to be able to which one 218:55 did you take this one hey taught me the 218:57 spin and then it goes around and you 218:59 catch it and then 219:01 how did it go 219:02 you show me i do it the simplest one is 219:04 just this 219:06 yeah that's what i've been doing but i 219:08 was literally talking about this spin 219:09 it's not hard to catch ketchup so it's 219:12 just that you never let go of the 219:13 sandals so you just go like that 219:15 you know that's what i've been doing 219:17 this spin i'm talking about the spin 219:19 you mean like you mean this 219:22 into couples counseling that's hard i 219:24 can do that 219:26 it was um 219:28 which way was it this right no no no of 219:31 course it is this way yeah but like 219:33 you're holding it weirdly i'm not 219:34 holding it weirdly look 219:36 don't touch me look it spins and then 219:39 you catch it here where there's not the 219:41 blade and then you go this 219:43 i'm doing it correctly 219:45 like this no like this look 219:47 pinch it like a pencil like here like 219:50 here 219:51 like that pinch it like a pen why won't 219:53 she spend more time with rizu after her 219:55 procedures in march 219:57 she will need someone to look after her 220:01 yeah no [ __ ] but he doesn't want to 220:05 watch this 220:06 yep 220:08 that was really [ __ ] close 220:10 that was really good holy [ __ ] 220:13 here here we go 220:16 that was less good but that was really 220:17 [ __ ] close 220:20 ah 220:20 hold on 220:22 it's not a real knife twitch no it's not 220:25 like a pencil yeah like 15 months punk 220:30 here we go easy 220:34 one more time last try 220:38 i'm doing this domino's is now closed by 220:39 the way here we go 220:42 oh my god doing it too slow hold on 220:44 drink 220:46 where in germany is frieza from there 220:48 you go i got it did you see it no oh my 220:51 god 220:52 clip it okay got the trig 220:56 no dominoes i know katie i'm so sorry 220:59 please flip and blink there are a 221:01 million places that you can order it 221:02 from 221:04 the tiara is the best i want it i have 221:05 no idea where i got it from i got um we 221:08 got today why won't you 221:10 spend more time with riza after 221:12 precision in my season this is true 221:14 here's what the fight we have going on 221:16 i'm going to give them insight in our 221:17 relationship 221:19 he i tell him stay for 221:22 13 days he says no only seven and then 221:25 i'm like i'm gonna be sad and he's like 221:27 don't care [ __ ] i scream 221:30 i tell him stream from spain he's like 221:32 no it's impossible 221:35 true or not 221:36 true 221:38 f for domino's no dominoes today 221:40 apparently i don't know why 221:43 i like my my instinct is to reach for my 221:45 pockets but i don't know where my phone 221:47 is 221:49 where is my oh it's that 221:51 oh my god yeah domino's nowhere i'm so 221:53 sorry 221:59 here's a less harmful one 222:02 there you go 222:07 spa bend over wouldn't even bend over 222:10 ass headed on your ass no 222:14 nasty that [ __ ] doesn't hurt that one 222:16 would definitely hurt a lot no 222:18 that one would have a lot that the other 222:20 one doesn't hurt at all though 222:22 show me your [ __ ] no okay my bad bye 222:25 bad guys i forgot it's not 18 plus 222:28 no 222:35 reason can you pick up rose in the tutu 222:38 i can no 222:40 no 222:42 no 222:43 what the [ __ ] 222:49 they're filling up definitely 222:55 reduction surgery 222:57 it's too much to handle 222:59 was it forehead and something i don't do 223:01 not actually know the names of it cog 223:04 [ __ ] reduction 223:06 reduction i'm keeping it it's too big 223:09 it's just 25 inches long 223:12 ah 223:17 i think she's doing something with the 223:18 forehead and that's pretty much it i'm 223:19 doing something with your forehead i'm 223:20 going to come on it and he's going to 223:22 knock down your face 223:25 okay 223:27 so when's the wedding between you two he 223:30 doesn't want to get married he's scared 223:31 i'll steal all his money true he's 223:33 scared i'll divorce him right after can 223:35 we sign a print up 223:37 is it the from the tick tock it's like 223:39 why would you do that does that mean 223:40 we're gonna prank him 223:42 yeah can we sign a prenup that's like 223:44 what that means keep all of my 223:46 all of my money 223:48 all of my can i tweet 223:50 real question if you take all my if we 223:52 get married and we get divorced do you 223:54 keep half my twitch subs 223:56 no 223:56 good i don't give a [ __ ] i just want to 223:59 love you babe 224:02 what the [ __ ] 224:04 what the f you just woke up what the 224:06 [ __ ] in it for the money i'm in it for 224:08 you and i love you with my whole heart 224:10 what the [ __ ] is going on 224:13 would finn let raises spank him no 224:16 [Music] 224:18 oh yeah you wanted me to 224:21 what no do you want this yes 224:23 oh yeah i don't spank him i have never 224:25 spanked him i'm testifying in court my 224:28 right hand to god left hand on the bible 224:30 i have never twitched his [ __ ] i want 224:32 a tough question boys 224:34 tough question give me a question i want 224:36 to i want a drinking question i want a 224:38 question that i do something that we 224:39 where we cannot answer like marisa what 224:41 is your home address 224:45 where's the cat oh good lord you know 224:46 how in my camera we're both in focus 224:49 yeah your camera is egotistical i know 224:51 it just focuses on the main face 224:54 sorry about that buddy 224:55 the money right here 224:59 by the way if i'm getting too much you 225:01 can always kick me out 225:05 get out 225:07 nice try 225:09 is that what is that 225:13 how long have you been streaming 225:15 three hours 26 minutes 35 seconds 225:19 i should tell you something yep 225:25 wait they can hear us that was nothing 225:27 you just made noises yeah you're muted 225:29 for a second 225:30 give me a mute 225:33 wait 225:36 how much do we need to pay you for you 225:38 to play lol 225:41 wait what 225:42 lego legends 225:44 league i don't know it's [ __ ] i don't 225:46 know how to play league 225:47 oh 225:51 what has been your most unleashed on 225:53 league 225:56 what has been your most least favorite 225:58 interview i've only done two right 226:00 like i've only have to pick between two 226:02 i mean the interview of freddie was 226:04 really good dean's fee with um 226:06 [ __ ] 226:09 both the interviews are really good 226:11 uh do a club uh review of right now like 226:14 right now is cool too i don't know i've 226:16 kind of stopped doing interviews because 226:17 i don't want to oh i'm blondy too yeah 226:19 blondie's great johnny yeah johnny was 226:22 great too 226:23 i've kind of stopped doing interviews 226:24 because i 226:25 i don't particularly want to like 226:27 endorse a channel because 226:30 i don't know 226:31 people do weird [ __ ] you don't expect 226:33 him to 226:36 what's your mom's name last name homes 226:37 home address card security number social 226:39 security number 226:42 what weird stuff like me 226:44 i don't even weird stuff like you people 226:46 do weird stuff 226:47 on your 226:48 interviews we've never done an interview 226:50 what the [ __ ] do you mean 226:52 no like the people that i interviewed do 226:54 weird stuff and then it's associated 226:56 with stream 226:58 i can't take responsibility for stuff 226:59 out of everyone you've interviewed yes 227:02 100 i've only interviewed like two 227:04 people then again i want to interview 227:06 pyro and pyro's definitely don't wear 227:07 this [ __ ] 227:08 uh 227:11 he's a furry i got a question for you 227:13 what you have to drink or 227:15 answer 227:16 out of the interviews you've done what 227:18 is the weirdest thing one of them has 227:20 done that you think 227:22 bruh 227:23 during the interview yeah can i count 227:25 pyro 227:26 no he's not interviewed 227:29 also shut the [ __ ] up what i can talk 227:31 about pyro being a furry 227:34 oh yeah 227:35 um 227:36 i mean 227:38 i don't know i don't think any of them 227:39 have jumped anything particularly weird 227:41 i think it just i'm cringe 227:44 what reese's cringe 227:47 oh i i talked about you and naruto 227:49 reason why do you hate naruto what do 227:51 you mean 227:52 reese's makeup okay yeah no um the 227:55 [ __ ] um 227:57 miko miko and her makeup tutorial mikko 227:59 and makeup toro is by far the worst 228:01 thing that any of them has either done 228:02 what is she doing 228:04 my makeup terribly 228:06 she did awful makeup 228:08 mikko's bad 228:11 will the tutu princess return at any 228:13 point uh i nearly pogged my knickers 228:15 what the [ __ ] katie what the [ __ ] 228:18 uh no this is definitely the last time 228:20 i'm wearing the [ __ ] tutu 100 228:24 true you look like star time ah 228:27 what did you say 228:28 what 228:29 oh god frieza makes my knees break 228:33 what does that mean 228:38 what's that mean 228:40 i'm not sure 228:42 i don't know 228:45 do you want all the food 228:48 nice outer kfc already 228:50 and it was okay 228:52 yeah i know you haven't cleaned it it's 228:53 all downstairs 228:56 oh yeah mute the microphone for a second 228:58 i gotta ask a question 229:16 [Music] 229:19 put risa into tutu 229:32 lip read 229:34 order breakfast for reason 229:37 thank you 229:38 thank you 230:03 she's ordering breakfast i think oh my 230:06 god 230:08 um 230:09 looking drunk my guy i'm not drunk at 230:11 all i don't know what you're talking 230:12 about 230:13 good morning princess rose 230:15 stop calling me princess i'm a princess 230:16 i'm a guy i'm a manly man i'm a guy 230:20 look at these [ __ ] guns bro 230:24 i am man 230:25 katie can vouch for me i am man 230:30 have her pick up the clothes 230:32 what you pick up you mean like pick some 230:34 clothes or you mean like clean the room 230:36 because i've got freddy for that 230:40 the disney princess we need i want to do 230:42 like a disney princess stream at some 230:44 point 230:48 i want to be asked a difficult question 230:49 buddy 230:50 ask me a difficult question i will 230:51 answer it truthfully 230:55 uh or i will drink depending not as dip 230:58 not as 231:02 gets the 231:03 the he gets the cat's stamp of approval 231:05 thank you kelly 231:06 very nice of you 231:08 what do you think of turtles they suck 231:11 i'm gonna start buying metal straws to 231:13 put into the ocean 231:15 so they die faster 231:18 are we saying 231:21 how often do you let risa of a german 231:23 taxes reasons taxes are higher than mine 231:26 she doesn't have a good accountant what 231:27 is the thing you regret the most doing 231:29 on stream 231:32 banana banana bad not a good idea 231:36 banana bad but on a terrible 231:39 maybe uh maybe i wouldn't have done that 231:41 if i had the chance to read what's your 231:42 favorite dress 231:46 um 231:47 [Music] 231:51 i'm gonna i've got an idea if i'm gonna 231:52 google i'm gonna google finster dress 231:58 finster 231:59 cheerio fenster 232:05 um 232:10 i think frieza is a doll but what the 232:12 heck is with reese's one disregard for 232:14 the gifts from chat for example her 232:17 cutting up clothes or her throwing 232:19 outfits on the ground 232:21 and so on 232:24 what i don't know she hasn't cut up any 232:26 of my clothes so she hasn't thrown any 232:28 of my outfits on the ground i'm confused 232:33 wait i'm i'm so [ __ ] confused 232:36 i don't know 232:38 what 232:39 what were you doing 4 43 p.m october 2nd 232:43 2021 oh my god 232:48 october 2nd 232:53 what what are your thoughts on getting a 232:55 tattoo or a temporary henna tattoo 233:00 uh if i was gonna get a tattoo i know 233:01 exactly what i'll be get be getting i'd 233:04 get um 233:06 a minecraft moon i tried to do the 233:08 backflip for the follow on insta now i'm 233:10 in amd getting stitches lamar i sent a 233:13 pic on insta of the cut i got on my hand 233:16 man try impress grill but fail frown 233:19 you're [ __ ] with me 233:20 you're [ __ ] with me there's no way 233:23 whoa what the [ __ ] millie 233:26 i swear to god i go on instagram and 233:28 milly posts like this [ __ ] 233:30 like 233:32 the the girl that does my eyelashes 233:33 millie 233:35 um what's it called go follow millie by 233:37 the way she does she she does these 233:39 eyelashes but jesus milly what the [ __ ] 233:42 okay hold on let me go on to my uh dms 233:46 uh requests 233:50 how am i supposed to know which one's 233:51 you 233:57 [Music] 234:00 i don't know i can't really that's the 234:02 thing people always say like oh when are 234:04 you gonna go out to a club or something 234:06 i could never go with millie because she 234:08 has real you know and i don't 234:12 the first question 234:14 why did you first start practicing 234:16 makeup um 234:18 [Music] 234:19 i mean i i never really had to practice 234:21 i think i was just always naturally 234:23 great at it now um 234:26 i mean when i did uh the first omegle 234:28 video i think well my girlfriend will 234:30 make up for the first omegle video and 234:31 then i basically just like 234:33 tried it myself was absolutely terrible 234:35 at it and then just got better over time 234:37 i started doing makeup for streaming 234:39 stuff and then i did another omegle 234:41 video with my makeup done 234:43 and then i started streaming 234:45 i think i was just i was good at i was 234:47 okay enough at makeup within like a 234:49 month or two 234:52 two months i'd say 234:54 right 234:56 doing my doing my own makeup with such a 234:59 [ __ ] annoying step that i had to take 235:02 like 235:03 i didn't want to have to learn my own 235:05 how to do my own makeup but i but i did 235:08 i don't know 235:10 um 235:11 bing bong nice 235:14 [Music] 235:16 i don't know the first step i took would 235:17 be like my insta is a guy 235:24 guys holy [ __ ] let's just die guy in his 235:26 skirt 235:38 okay i found it 235:46 difficult question huh what do you think 235:49 about the fact that some people find 235:50 marisa off-putting and avoid streams 235:53 with her and a couple actually think you 235:55 two are in an abusive relationship 235:58 what the [ __ ] 236:00 i mean listen though you have to like 236:02 every person on earth i don't give a 236:04 [ __ ] 236:05 um you don't have to like every person i 236:07 don't care if you like murray's or if 236:09 you like me or not i'm gonna [ __ ] like 236:11 um 236:13 if you find marie's if you find marisa 236:15 off-putting in the same way you find 236:17 [ __ ] i don't know pokeman off-putting 236:20 i get i don't give a [ __ ] 236:22 like i don't mind 236:24 it it doesn't really it doesn't really 236:26 matter to me 236:30 uh if you like maurice or shock go watch 236:31 your streams it's interesting when she's 236:33 online 236:34 but uh 236:36 yeah what do you think about the fact i 236:38 don't care 236:40 one year she's like for 12 months sub 236:43 holy [ __ ] 236:46 when you kiss guys during the spin the 236:47 bottle on a scale of one to five 236:50 how would you rate them uh i kissed 236:52 three dudes i kiss 236:54 george my friend i kissed my friend 236:56 george i kissed my friend morgan and i 236:58 kissed my friend eden 237:00 uh 237:01 none of them none of them were better 237:03 than the other 237:04 they were all just shitty 237:07 it just was not an enjoyable experience 237:09 for any of them to be honest with you 237:11 i'm sorry boys 237:12 uh 237:13 i don't know whether that's a whether 237:15 that's up to you or a bad kisser or not 237:17 but i just didn't enjoy the experience 237:19 it was just wasn't my thing to be honest 237:20 with you 237:22 uh off-putting of putting off 237:25 off-putting 237:27 i said it wrong 237:29 oh you're drunk already i've talked 237:30 about the uh like dude i've kissed a 237:32 dude before uh it doesn't i didn't but 237:35 during the spin the bottle thing 237:37 like 237:39 eh 237:40 i kissed a dude uh i kissed 237:44 yeah three three dudes george morgan 237:46 eden they're like my friends from 237:48 college 237:49 um but it was like it's been the bottle 237:51 thing 237:52 but no i didn't kiss george 237:54 george was just there i didn't kiss 237:55 george though i guess two dudes 237:58 both of them were shitty at it 238:01 i didn't enjoy it 238:03 i didn't enjoy the experience having 238:05 said that i think i kissed like 238:08 i don't want to say one because one of 238:09 them's getting married 238:14 three 238:14 girls 238:16 yeah three i remember kissing three 238:18 like his three girls and two dudes 238:21 uh both the guys were shitty 238:24 uh i had a girlfriend at the time that i 238:26 kissed obviously that's what you do 238:28 um 238:30 and she was great obviously uh other 238:33 girl 238:34 sure 238:35 the the guys were shitty at it though i 238:37 didn't enjoy the kisses with the guys 238:39 so 238:40 i don't know what i can say about that 238:42 well well 238:44 you're one guy kiss away from being tied 238:46 good point 238:48 um 238:49 i can't say i have that many guy friends 238:51 though 238:54 if someone called you a [ __ ] would you 238:55 be offended isn't that just like an 238:57 insult straight up an insult it's like 238:58 being called a [ __ ] yeah it would be 239:01 isn't like that on par with like being 239:03 called like [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah isn't 239:05 that the same thing 239:07 so yeah 239:08 okay [ __ ] you 239:10 the girls will be better huh 239:12 and one of them was my girlfriend at the 239:14 time so i don't know i've since broken 239:15 up with her so 239:16 not sure 239:20 i'm not drinking i haven't i haven't i 239:22 i'm wait what drinking i'm not doing 239:25 anything no one's ever uh whatever 239:28 [ __ ] is a slur against feminine boys 239:32 what 239:34 is that like [ __ ] uh what's it called 239:38 wasn't the thing with um 239:40 wasn't the thing with boogie like the 239:42 guy that he like okay boogie tune on at 239:44 8 right like wasn't his thing like he 239:47 someone insulted him a bunch about being 239:49 like a [ __ ] and [ __ ] like the [ __ ] 239:52 hypno [ __ ] 239:55 wasn't that a thing do you prefer i know 239:57 about that 239:58 but 239:59 [Music] 240:02 all right no i don't give a [ __ ] 240:05 ah there we go 240:06 i never i don't think i've ever kissed a 240:08 vegetarian 240:09 uh i am the vegetarian i've i'm the only 240:12 like vegetarian i've ever met in fact no 240:14 um g um she's a vegetarian for like 25 240:17 years she's got my beat on that one 240:19 she's got me beat on that one 240:22 someone say piss hell yeah 240:26 you're missing out 240:28 question hard mode how would you 240:30 undelete something on windows statement 240:33 you're interesting and pretty based may 240:36 you win at everything forever 240:41 thanks 240:44 [ __ ] hypno 24 7 i'm in spiral what the 240:47 [ __ ] 240:49 dude the uh 240:50 i know about the [ __ ] hypno meme like 240:53 like i feel like when i first went on 240:55 pka 240:56 uh that got brought up 240:58 like that's a thing i know about that uh 241:00 so don't get me wrong i'm aware of the 241:03 good old memes 241:04 but 241:06 like that's the only that that's the 241:07 first way someone brought up to me that 241:10 so i know about that i don't know if 241:11 it's a slur or not i feel like i'm i'm 241:13 making some mistake do i make a mistake 241:15 by saying it i don't know uh [ __ ] is 241:19 this here it's like that [ __ ] where it's 241:20 like [ __ ] you're a woman 241:23 or whatever you want to suck some dick 241:25 but uh 241:26 that's a thing 241:27 like uh it's this some meme like um 241:31 i feel dude it's just a meme 241:34 i'm sure it's like technically real but 241:36 like i don't know it's like the foot 241:37 fetish meme like in my opinion it's the 241:39 same thing it's just like a meme 241:42 it's more of a kink than a meme 241:44 i mean okay yeah in the same way the 241:46 like foot fetish thing is a meme is more 241:48 of a kink than a meme like still a meme 241:50 i don't know 242:04 what's happening 242:06 chat can do its thing i'm just gonna 242:08 drink 242:16 god damn 242:17 finale take a sip from the bottle and 242:20 don't open and close it 242:22 sorry 242:25 i just wanted to i did it then again 242:27 [Music] 242:29 ah 242:32 [Music] 242:38 it's gone midnight so those diapers did 242:41 you ever get curious and try one 242:45 diapers 242:46 those ones oh i just use them as like a 242:48 [ __ ] if i spill something i like 242:51 mopping it up with that 242:52 you mean try one like wear one no i've 242:54 never [ __ ] wore one of them 242:57 dude if you needed hip padding what a 242:59 great plan if you just needed some like 243:01 impromptu hip pads yeah 243:04 uh but no i've never worn one of them i 243:06 mean 243:07 i thought it was like a meme okay 243:10 i thought it was like a joke right 243:12 like i thought the [ __ ] adult diapers 243:14 [ __ ] joke right 243:16 i've only ever heard that on like the 243:17 office 243:20 no uh occasionally i'll keep i keep them 243:22 around because they're really good to 243:23 clean up spills they're really absorbent 243:27 so i just keep them around just in case 243:28 i spill like a bottle of something on 243:30 the ground right 243:31 i just mop it up with that easy 243:40 oh [ __ ] 243:51 what's the biggest hit pads you have i 243:53 only have one i legitimately have one 243:55 hit pad 243:57 um i only rarely rarely use them i think 243:59 i've only worn it like maybe four or 244:00 five times ever 244:03 um but they're alright 244:05 diapers are great for serious gaming 244:07 sessions oh hell yeah 244:09 dude who needs a pistol when you have 244:11 some diapers bro just pissing those 244:14 [ __ ] you want to become global elite 244:16 all the serious gamers have [ __ ] you 244:18 just pee while you're gaming 244:20 in all fairness all the serious gamers 244:22 do have piss draws 244:24 some if you had diapers for spills why 244:27 did you use the beanie earlier 244:31 that's a good point 244:33 i mean i can see at least like 10 over 244:35 there they're like stacked up look 244:39 do you see okay you can't see them but 244:40 they're like right there see the white 244:42 things they're like 244:43 there 244:45 yeah 244:47 uh but like this wasn't that big of a 244:49 spill and i didn't want to [ __ ] it 244:51 was 244:52 i don't know 244:53 i don't know they're just like a good 244:54 like [ __ ] 244:56 whatever tissue paper sort of thing 245:00 i don't know where the diapers [ __ ] that 245:03 what the [ __ ] 245:07 this 245:08 no 245:11 have you ever thought about being gay 245:14 uh i've considered whether i was and 245:16 then like within 20 seconds come to the 245:18 conclusion nah 245:21 i'm all right 245:24 i don't think that's a good idea i don't 245:27 feel like i am 245:28 true gamers use catheters good [ __ ] 245:31 point zero seconds spared not gaming 245:34 ping 245:35 hell no 245:37 catheter hell yeah 245:40 it's not gay if it's a lady penis 245:44 i mean 245:47 what knife you flipping 245:48 uh 245:49 benchmade 245:51 benchmade bug out and the 245:53 ramp 245:54 that's the benchmade bug out and this 245:56 one is the grimsmo norseman you managed 245:58 to get your ears pierced legitimately 246:00 and though i felt like you only half 246:02 answered any of my questions you wearing 246:04 the tutu is proof you're a man of your 246:06 word have a blessed night oh yeah 246:09 this is a hundred dollar knife this is a 246:11 thousand dollar knife 246:14 genuinely i didn't buy this but someone 246:16 sent it to me 246:18 um the person that sent that to me holy 246:20 [ __ ] i am forever grateful this is an 246:23 ins 246:23 damn right dude this knife is like 246:27 genuinely the most expensive thing i own 246:29 is that your reason the computer is 246:32 gorgeous 246:33 can you do a fake moustache with it also 246:36 your crown looks cute 246:38 thank you 246:44 what 246:46 uh is that you or her it is it is my 246:48 real hair well most of it is 246:50 um i'd say my real hair ends like 246:54 here and then my fake hair which is 246:57 technically real hair just russian it's 246:59 not my hair i didn't grow the hair from 247:02 here until here 247:04 so 247:05 there's where my real hair ends and 247:07 here's where my fake hair begins so you 247:09 know there it is 247:16 have you wore panties before yeah like 247:18 female underwear uh pretty much [ __ ] 247:21 constantly annoyingly uh we did a goal 247:23 to put all my guy clothes in the box 247:26 in that box over there 247:29 that box that chest of drawers that 247:31 thing that chest that's where all the 247:33 guy clothes is um so yeah i've gotten a 247:36 bit more used to it i'm looking forward 247:38 to wearing boxes again when the [ __ ] 247:40 box opens up but until then no 247:45 knowingly 247:48 the box 247:52 uh as a former serious gamer i can 247:54 confirm that 247:56 all of us had pissed draws because i 247:58 didn't have a draw good point well that 248:01 wait 248:02 all of us had pistols 17 months pog also 248:06 finn any updates on merch 248:10 i've got the website done 248:14 no okay i'm drunk i shouldn't i 248:16 shouldn't i shouldn't show you i was 248:18 about to 248:19 uh the website's done uh but nothing 248:21 else well the web everything's done i 248:23 just haven't released it so 248:25 have you ever thought of sporting a 248:27 moustache while crossdressing no 248:31 oh my god 248:32 i mean 248:33 that would look so bad 248:35 that would look bad i don't know i i 248:37 don't get the vibe of like 248:39 i know there was that one person on 248:41 eurovision song contest that did like 248:42 the beard and full thing that one lady 248:45 uh but no i'm not into the bearded lady 248:48 look it's not my thing 248:49 uh i don't personally like wearing 248:51 makeup when i have literally any facial 248:54 i shave before every stream without fail 248:57 like no i'm not into that uh that's not 248:59 my thing um it would feel uncomfortable 249:02 to me i don't like it 249:06 i've seen a certain line of aluminium 249:08 wallets on aliexpress for twelve dollars 249:11 the exact same ones and some 249:14 knives as well 249:15 don't shop smart shop smart 249:19 yeah dhk 249:21 dhk it's a great one to get knives from 249:23 um i gots where did i get a knife from 249:26 dhk from 249:33 got this one 249:34 got this one from dhgate very nice 249:38 the benchmade infidel 249:42 of course it's not definitely not an 249:44 automatic knife because that would be 249:45 illegal 249:46 um but the hk is a good one to get nice 249:48 from 249:51 not a crime don't worry it's just a 249:53 fixed blade it's not a uh not an 249:54 automatic knife just there's no way to 249:57 put it back in the handle it's just this 249:59 forever 250:02 100 250:03 um 250:11 criminal no 250:12 incorrect 250:14 okay 250:16 it surprised me every time katie pops 250:17 into the chat i swear to god 250:20 i forget that you're watching sometimes 250:21 hey katie what's up 250:23 um 250:25 would you hook up with kyle 250:27 i can't be [ __ ] dude i i can't be 250:30 bothered getting [ __ ] in the ass i 250:31 just can't be bothered 250:33 i'm so sorry kyle but like dude 250:38 [Music] 250:40 i can't be bothered man 250:41 so much one mustache slash beard stream 250:44 slash time 250:47 i've grown a mustache for i've grown a 250:49 beard i haven't shaved for like a week 250:51 before it's not that impressive what it 250:53 comes up with i don't even think you'd 250:54 be able to recognize it on stream 250:56 have you seen evil dead army of darkness 251:00 if not you should watch it d 251:02 i haven't 251:04 car would snap you like a twig dude 251:07 kyle's [ __ ] nuts kyle 251:11 uh 251:12 uh fp wait [ __ ] 251:15 fps 251:18 rush can't spell 251:21 russia 251:22 tinder 251:24 okay 251:26 images 251:28 kyle would [ __ ] kill any habits 251:31 you've picked up for girl months that 251:32 you'll keep doing after all of this 251:36 kyle would [ __ ] destroy me dude 251:38 kyle kyle's bicep is the size of my head 251:42 the um 251:43 [Music] 251:44 like 251:46 bro i there's no shot 251:50 kyle is in better shape than i've ever 251:52 seen another human being in my entire 251:55 [ __ ] life 251:56 right 251:58 i've never seen a person like that man 252:01 well why not like that but like like 252:02 this bruh like [ __ ] like that dude 252:05 carl would kyle would [ __ ] 252:07 put me in half 252:09 um 252:10 however having said that 252:12 don't particularly want to be [ __ ] by 252:13 a dude don't particularly want to be uh 252:15 [ __ ] 252:16 uh at all in the ass not particularly my 252:20 thing 252:21 um but you know 252:23 i could definitely not get into a fight 252:25 with the guy i would lose 252:31 giga chad noises yeah carl is kind of 252:33 vibing giga chad you know what i mean 252:37 uh 252:40 but hey you know 252:42 i give full permission for this to end 252:43 up on the pka clips channel 252:46 kyle 252:47 dm anytime 252:50 if i'm ever in uh 252:51 or 252:52 georgia i don't know where the [ __ ] he 252:53 is if you if you're in georgia if i'm 252:55 ever in georgia hit me up 253:04 that's a shame 253:06 why gwen finn you good 253:09 i'm good i'm solid 253:13 so you're saying you want to display now 253:14 for hell 253:23 what the [ __ ] 253:31 he's in heckin 253:33 joe 253:34 jotum heim 253:36 from the looks of him what the [ __ ] does 253:38 that mean 253:40 i don't know how that means 253:44 all right 253:45 drink a drink no give me a question that 253:47 i don't want to answer 253:49 come on 253:50 give me one i'm sure there's something 253:51 there's got to be something that i don't 253:53 want to answer 253:54 norse realm of from norse realm of 253:56 giants 253:57 nice 253:58 oh jothenheim jotunheim oh i forgot to 254:01 pronounce it right 254:03 jotunheim 254:05 cattle dog dog 254:12 oh shit's blurry as hell what the [ __ ] 254:29 oh my god 254:32 will he keep all of your girly stuff if 254:34 you stop streaming 254:37 yeah i feel like i would 254:39 i feel like i'd keep it right 254:42 i mean it's not like so much stuff that 254:44 would be 254:46 like i don't know 254:48 if you 254:49 i mean if i had another reason to do it 254:51 i wouldn't keep it if i didn't have 254:52 another reason to do it i feel like i'd 254:54 throw it out 254:56 right like 255:00 if i had no reason to dress up as a girl 255:03 i wouldn't keep it obviously not 255:05 uh if i did have another reason then 255:07 sure yeah if i started doing it on 255:08 youtube sure 255:14 do you cross do you cross dress for 255:15 streams or for yourself uh for streams 255:19 i have never like just got dressed up 255:21 out of the blue like just completely 255:23 done all this work for no reason just 255:27 for me i've never done that before 255:31 what's your credit card number and pin 255:35 uh 255:38 i wish i could make a joke about i don't 255:40 actually remember how many 255:42 numbers there are in a credit card 255:44 also i don't have a credit card i don't 255:46 have a debit card 255:48 i mean that's bad finance but 255:51 i don't know 255:52 i don't 255:53 i don't care that much 255:56 would you ever consider doing another 255:57 stream with your mom or dad i think it 256:00 would be fun 256:04 i wanted to do a stream with my dad 256:08 uh entitle it something like 256:10 the stream ends while i get cancelled or 256:12 something like that because my dad is 256:13 the most like 256:16 cancelable person in my family do dad's 256:19 makeup holy [ __ ] i don't think he'd let 256:22 me 256:23 maybe though i don't think he'd let me 256:25 but maybe though 256:27 i think if i promised my dad like all 256:28 the money that the stream made he would 256:30 let me but i don't think he would 256:32 naturally just let me do that 256:34 so you didn't answer it it's a good idea 256:36 though 256:39 you so you didn't answer check it up 256:42 and then so what 256:44 oh [ __ ] credit card and pin 256:47 you make a good point 256:49 are there any habits you've picked up 256:51 since starting cross-dressing that'll 256:52 you'll continue to do after you've done 256:55 shaving my armpits 256:56 i think i will continue shaving my 256:59 armpits for the rest of my life 257:02 i think yeah 257:05 politically incorrect dad 257:07 yeah at least while he's drunk i will i 257:10 i think he's that do your dad's makeup 257:12 and let your dad style your hair 257:15 terrible idea great idea 257:18 wait no great idea terrible idea 257:30 [Music] 257:32 oh my god 257:35 oh so vanilla why did you need 257:37 technoblade as a safe word 257:40 this is funny 257:43 oh my [ __ ] 257:45 it was just funny 257:46 uh it was a good meme it was a good joke 257:49 i'm just here for minecraft 257:53 hell yeah 258:07 oh 258:10 oh my god finn how much have you had my 258:12 dude 258:13 good bit good bit 258:15 i'm having fun though 258:17 i in all fairness i've had a salad to 258:19 eat today so i'm i'm in a bit of a 258:21 lightweight sort of mood 258:23 sick nails how'd you do those 258:25 uh my eyelash tech the person that does 258:27 my eyelashes actually has a cousin that 258:29 does nails 258:30 so at some point i may actually learn 258:32 how to do these myself but they're 258:34 pretty good 258:37 i don't think you do that 258:40 how do you do that tell us some more 258:41 stories of factorio smile 258:45 factorio [ __ ] 258:47 i mean factorio i'd basically just i had 258:50 like i tend to have addictions for games 258:52 for like a week or so and then i just 258:54 let go of them 258:55 so sometimes thanksgiving stream 259:00 so some drink like oh [ __ ] no bad plan 259:03 bad plan indeed there's nothing i mean 259:05 to do on minecraft like i want to do 259:08 uh i want to do a survival world but i'm 259:10 waiting for my like server to release on 259:12 that 259:14 i've had vegetarian sausage hell yeah 259:17 it's great would you have said us with a 259:19 clone of yourself if they had a vogue 259:54 if you had to give up all but one 259:56 youtube or twitch channel which one 259:58 would you keep 260:05 [Music] 260:09 are you afraid to get old 260:15 finn 260:16 no 260:18 i mean 260:20 i mean 260:21 [Music] 260:24 that picture is like a straight up nine 260:25 out of ten i'm not gonna lie this is 260:27 like a five 260:29 it's like a 260:30 six 260:32 six 260:33 six 260:39 nine slash eight i mean 260:43 different okay i mean 260:51 maybe 260:53 what else are the questions maybe have 260:55 you possibly sleeping in the new door 260:56 nightgown 260:58 nude definitely what the [ __ ] i haven't 261:00 slept in there i slept in the nightgown 261:01 like three times and then i was like 261:04 no there's no shot 261:06 like 261:07 i don't know i just usually sleep nude 261:10 if i don't have a reason to sleep in the 261:11 nightgown if i didn't have to then i 261:14 wouldn't do it 261:15 like 261:16 there's no goal that's been reached for 261:18 me to sleep in the nightgown so i just 261:20 don't 261:21 because like it's so 261:23 there's no shot bro 261:24 then i get on so much work i don't know 261:28 i don't want to sleep in the nightgown 261:29 it makes me feel embarrassed are you 261:30 saying that you are your own type 261:35 oh [ __ ] 261:36 hold on 261:39 i'd say that like i usually like oh my 261:42 god 261:43 drank a lot uh i'd say that like 261:47 if i was gonna go for like mass ep [ __ ] 261:50 if i was going to go for like mass 261:52 appeal right 261:54 i just 261:56 you got to give me my question about 261:58 your hypothetical clone 262:00 give me a minute 262:01 okay 262:03 right 262:05 if i was going for like 262:10 oh my [ __ ] god 262:12 if i was going for like 262:15 mass appeal 262:17 right 262:20 of how 262:22 was the question 262:25 [Music] 262:30 you are three questions behind girl 262:35 give me a minute give me a minute hold 262:37 on i'll catch up the [ __ ] i you just 262:39 are answering you just you just 262:42 you're just talking too quickly give me 262:43 a minute 262:45 uh would you slap your dad for a hundred 262:47 bucks no he's a good guy 262:50 uh have you been sleeping in the noodle 262:52 nightgown nude uh i've been saying 262:54 you're your own type 262:55 uh sure oh okay that was the question 262:58 i mean i basically styled myself like 263:01 off of like girls that i've dated right 263:04 like 263:08 hold on i wonder if i can google like 263:09 vince their girlfriend 263:11 because evie's the one girl i think i 263:14 dated 263:18 uh 263:19 let's see 263:21 okay 263:22 so here's the one girl i dated on camera 263:25 right 263:26 so that's my ex right 263:28 this is my ex-girlfriend also if you 263:30 girl ex-girlfriend's [ __ ] marisa but 263:32 um 263:33 uh here's the girl i dated before 263:37 um 263:37 [Music] 263:39 i don't know i guess i've taken some 263:41 like [ __ ] inspiration from her like 263:44 makeup look because she she was the one 263:45 that does my makeup right i just 263:47 expanded on that so i don't know my 263:49 question would you have sex with a clone 263:52 of yourself if they had a vogue 263:56 no i know how i look off camera no shot 264:00 if i looked how i look on camera sure if 264:03 i look down 264:04 how i actually look off camera 264:07 now 264:08 um 264:11 off camera i know there's a significant 264:13 difference like i don't look like 264:14 [ __ ] 264:15 absolutely perfect on camera 264:19 you know 264:20 like oh off camera i guess that's not a 264:22 great look but still 264:25 i don't know 264:26 no not particularly not interested in it 264:30 when did you guys break up uh 264:33 [ __ ] 264:34 like years and years ago 264:36 i can't remember 264:37 four or five years ago 264:39 i think we must have broke up when i was 264:40 like 17. so like three four years ago 264:44 ages ago 264:45 um but like 264:51 if you can't have a girlfriend become 264:52 the girlfriend good point good point 265:03 holy [ __ ] 265:06 oh my god 265:08 are you single currently yeah 265:13 what year were you born in 2000 265:15 uh 21st of april 2000 so my my birthday 265:18 is 21st of april 265:20 whatever yeah if you want to buy me 265:22 something please do 265:24 [Music] 265:27 still too unanswered question so drink 265:30 up buddy 265:31 what's the 265:32 question i don't know the [ __ ] 265:35 questions what do you mean 265:39 [Music] 265:42 my question are you proud of yourself 265:44 that you made me by you all yes huh are 265:47 you 265:48 i am 265:53 i'm the [ __ ] sorcerer baby 265:56 i've possessed the magic to turn anyone 265:58 into liking guys one youtube slash 266:00 twitch channel which one would you keep 266:04 finster the minecraft one 266:09 i have the magic power to make you like 266:11 dudes 266:13 [Music] 266:21 you are lagging oh 266:41 do you like guys 266:42 just saying 266:49 that's the sorcery that i possess 266:54 ah 266:56 [ __ ] put on 267:33 [Music] 267:53 [Music] 267:57 you sleep naked even when sharing the 267:59 bed with risa 268:02 i share a bedroom these are all i'm 268:03 naked what the [ __ ] 268:07 this usually if i'm not sharing a bed i 268:10 will sleep naked that's my preferred way 268:19 listen i find it interesting that i just 268:22 can be seductive it's kind of fun 268:25 they just made me 268:26 uh go from four guys to straight from 268:31 uh 268:32 oh folks that's settled roses horny 268:34 drunk 268:39 i hope you realize that if you wear the 268:41 nightgown to bed you would look adorable 268:44 there's no reason for you to be 268:46 embarrassed i hope you will consider 268:48 wearing it again soon to get over your 268:50 embarrassment 268:53 it's nightgown though it's too much like 268:55 [ __ ] i don't know so 268:56 you like to get us to simp us as a girl 268:59 egg equals cracked 269:03 yeah 269:05 it's fine 269:12 i found a sequin but i don't know where 269:14 it's from 269:15 um i mean okay 269:20 fourteen months we've already had the 269:22 time gone 269:24 have you gotten used to thongs yet i 269:25 have not really worn thongs to be honest 269:28 with you 269:29 thongs are different to just female 269:31 underwear i guess 269:33 can't be girl [ __ ] because don't girls 269:35 don't poop good point 269:37 i've nev weirdly enough since i started 269:39 wearing makeup i've not needed to poop 269:41 ever 269:44 just eat by her 269:45 just eat 269:47 just eat eat hot chip be bisexual and 269:50 lie 269:51 that's also a thing that i've noticed 269:52 since becoming like uh becoming woman is 269:55 either i've just been bisexual eat hot 269:58 chip and started lying more 270:01 i have started eating eating more 270:03 cheetos so 270:06 can you stand up i just got here 270:08 i can 270:12 in fact it's a good point to like maybe 270:13 put the chair away so give me a sec 270:17 i guess like 270:20 she dumped all my [ __ ] stuff on the 270:22 floor but 270:23 wow 270:27 i'm [ __ ] 270:29 all right there we go wowie my dress is 270:33 kind of coming down a bit but 270:36 can you see my ass no 270:39 i don't think you can okay 270:43 wow 270:44 cool 270:46 not the most 270:48 [ __ ] but not the most flattering thing 270:50 in the world but 270:52 a thing indeed 270:54 huh 271:05 oh my god 271:07 you're plastered 271:11 what do you mean 271:14 i don't know what you're talking about 271:16 i'm perfectly sober 271:26 are you drunk enough to have dropped 271:27 something dude if i drop something like 271:29 the only thing you'd see is like hold on 271:32 knife 271:33 gone 271:34 it'd just be a [ __ ] right angle of 271:36 like the skirt going up 271:38 there's no shot 271:40 oh my god hold up 271:47 so what's your favorite self-made 271:49 vegetarian food 271:53 uh i make uh 271:55 corn fillets 271:56 they're called corn fillets corn fillets 272:00 i do that and i do some 272:02 i do i do caramelized onions 272:05 i do that okay hold on i do caramelized 272:08 onions in one pan i put tomatoes tomato 272:10 chopped tomatoes in the same pan after 272:12 they're done being caramelized i put in 272:15 a different pan some corn fillet corn 272:17 fillets about three which is 150 272:19 calories or a bit under that 330 272:22 calories i think 272:23 um 272:25 when they're done i put them in all 272:26 together i put some salt i put some 272:29 pepper i put some uh some almond milk i 272:32 put some 272:33 [ __ ] white cream cheese 272:37 and some garlic uh and then great 272:40 i if you want to be like a bit higher in 272:42 carbs i'll do pasta but i usually don't 272:45 um favorite girl outfit 272:49 i usually just wear like the skater girl 272:51 sh skater girl skirt on like any top 272:55 any top and just the scaredy girl shirt 272:57 scared a skater girl skater skirt that's 273:00 my favorite one that's like my favorite 273:03 skirt and i just wear like a normal top 273:04 on top of that 273:06 [Music] 273:07 don't onions take little raw ammo can 273:09 you hours to caramelize that's not that 273:11 bad 273:12 i cannot do a handstand no 273:14 i can i could do a cartwheel but i don't 273:17 have enough room for that my room isn't 273:18 that big 273:24 [Music] 273:28 and what's your favorite vegetarian food 273:30 you order 273:32 you bought a chicken there's a there's a 273:34 place that near me that does butter 273:35 chicken yeah it's vegetarian it's 273:38 [ __ ] 273:38 insanely good i tried to make butter 273:40 chicken sauce 273:42 doesn't work 273:43 i i even ordered like i was like [ __ ] it 273:45 calories don't matter i'm gonna try and 273:47 order this stuff doesn't work i even 273:48 ordered pre-made butter chicken sauce 273:50 it's not as good as this place that does 273:52 it it's just so [ __ ] good 273:55 and they're only on like ubereats 273:58 but they're so 274:00 insanely nice 274:02 uh 274:03 so i kind of get that 274:05 you just made me hungry [ __ ] 274:08 one [ __ ] two percent battery 274:17 how can you do vegetarian chicken it's 274:18 just soy whatever the [ __ ] it is i don't 274:20 know corn is good too 274:22 i don't give a [ __ ] 274:24 why did ubereats add stories what the 274:26 [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] 274:28 i don't care 274:31 sounds good do a do the filet cooking 274:33 stream for it fill it i don't know how 274:36 you say it i know it's supposed to be 274:37 pronounced fillet but it doesn't it to 274:39 me it seems like a film have you ever 274:41 been tucked off stream 274:44 no 274:45 there's no point 274:46 what the hell i don't have a reason to 274:48 disguise my [ __ ] and balls 274:51 i don't have a reason to do it to like 274:53 hide it off stream 274:55 because the [ __ ] i don't go out like in 274:57 tight fitting clothing 274:59 you know who cares 275:05 i'm under bru i'm i'm on delivery 275:08 do you still want to try me or gone back 275:10 to only vegetarian i still want to try 275:11 meat 275:12 uh 275:13 i just don't i just don't i mean i still 275:16 want to try meat 275:18 there's an answer to that i still want 275:19 to try it 275:20 i just haven't 275:22 wow holy [ __ ] there's no good delivery 275:24 options open 275:28 you might be screwed i might have to 275:29 actually cook my own food what the [ __ ] 275:36 i shouldn't do this 275:39 so let's hear about it when with this 275:40 just hopefully things get better also 275:42 what the [ __ ] i don't know what that was 275:44 that happening 275:45 shmeet 275:47 you should try bacon at least i want to 275:48 try every type of meat i just haven't 275:50 yet like i want to try it like fully 275:52 cooked by someone that knows what 275:54 they're doing 275:55 uh i just like like [ __ ] i want to if 275:57 i could i want to get like gordon ramsay 275:59 to make me like the first meet i've ever 276:02 had 276:02 on gordon ramsay to give me his meat 276:05 um 276:07 but i do really want to i just like just 276:09 haven't i guess i don't know 276:18 i'm saying what the most popular thing 276:20 on ubereats is right now 276:24 hello when will you try fish or meat 276:27 i don't know 276:29 um i want to try it like 276:33 i want to try it for a video i just 276:35 haven't got a date for i wanted to try 276:36 it on my 18th birthday and i just never 276:38 did i just [ __ ] down that's been two 276:40 [ __ ] years over two years now 276:43 i just haven't done it i want to though 276:47 i don't have a the thing is that's weird 276:49 about me being vegetarian i never chose 276:51 to be vegetarian it was just i was 276:53 raised vegetarian that's genuinely it 276:56 like 276:57 i never chose i never had a point in my 276:59 life where i was like [ __ ] me 277:01 it's immoral i don't want to eat it i'm 277:03 just gonna eat vegetarian food forever i 277:05 never had that point i never had that i 277:08 was just always raised by vegetarians 277:10 like my parents are both vegetarian i've 277:12 never eaten meat my entire life i've 277:14 literally never tried it i didn't have 277:16 the point where i was at meat for a bit 277:18 and then i just stopped 277:20 i just never tried it poor you 277:23 i don't care that much ramsay a message 277:25 with a picture attached and asked for a 277:27 dinner date smile i'd love to gordon 277:29 ramsay please if you're watching this 277:32 i will fly to anywhere where you are i 277:35 just want to be cooked a nice wagyu 277:37 steak or something for the first time i 277:39 ever try me 277:40 i would like you to prove that it's 277:42 actually that good 277:43 um 277:45 that's child abuse not really i grew up 277:47 perfectly healthy i do look a little bit 277:49 i try to cut down on meat because of you 277:52 it got me to thinking why eating meat 277:55 dude the uh the thing that i've heard a 277:57 lot which was uh my personal theory on 278:00 it too was that isn't it kind of 278:03 interesting that like 278:05 the one that's like 278:08 i'd argue that i am the most popular 278:11 fanboy 278:13 is that true i'd really like that to be 278:15 true i don't think it is but like 278:17 because there's definitely more popular 278:19 drag queens but like 278:21 is that true i want it to be can you 278:23 boost my ego a bit just tell me that it 278:25 is 278:26 um 278:27 but like 278:28 if it is true it's interesting that like 278:30 my diet for my entire life was that was 278:33 vegetarian right 278:34 like that's 278:36 gotta [ __ ] cut down on like 278:38 testosterone or something 278:39 it's gotta be 278:43 this is dangerous territory 278:46 like don't get me wrong i'm definitely 278:47 not the most like [ __ ] feminine drag 278:49 queen ever i don't really consider 278:51 myself a drag queen 278:52 at all 278:53 um 278:55 what is the last thing you pussied out 278:57 of 279:03 i don't remember 279:05 probably the [ __ ] probably the i'd 279:07 say that i only really pussied out of 279:09 like 279:09 they're trying me for the first time i 279:11 wanted to do it for a video piercing i'm 279:13 doing it tomorrow i'm doing it tomorrow 279:16 i'm getting my earp ears pierced 279:18 tomorrow i swear to god i'm gonna do it 279:20 i'm gonna do it juicy boy knows how to 279:22 do makeup like [ __ ] no one else i 279:25 think that like 279:27 i think that like 279:28 [Music] 279:30 i don't know 279:31 it is wildly true you are the most 279:33 popular femme boy 279:36 maybe 279:38 see the thing is i want to believe 279:40 that's true i don't think it is though i 279:42 i genuinely believe that is not true 279:46 i don't know a 279:50 um 279:54 literal soy boy yeah right 279:58 this is what happens when you raise a 279:59 child on a soyboy diet strung as [ __ ] 280:03 uh which is weird because 280:05 like 280:06 in my opinion right like i was raised 280:08 pretty like 280:09 my parents were both like going you're a 280:11 strong [ __ ] athletic lad like when i 280:13 was looking for a job the first time my 280:15 parents never really introduced me to 280:16 the concept of him being feminine if you 280:18 eat the best meats to start then it can 280:21 only get worse yeah you should start at 280:23 the bottom and work your way up so no 280:26 that's the point that's better i want 280:28 the clip of like me trying [ __ ] wagyu 280:30 steak and like me being like it's [ __ ] 280:35 i don't care i don't want to like meat i 280:37 just want to try it 280:40 um 280:42 what did katie say and [ __ ] scroll 280:43 past it 280:45 i [ __ ] missed it hold on 280:48 it's known that fruits including soy has 280:50 phytoestrogen which acts pedestrian in 280:52 the body i don't know maybe 280:54 like 280:57 i don't know try venison 281:00 i don't know the uh like my parents 281:02 never raised me with the thing of like 281:04 oh being feminine is fine you know like 281:06 whatever like i was never raised with 281:08 like a super i mean i was like really 281:11 like uh i guess liberal i don't know 281:13 like left wing 281:15 like i was very accepting like i guess 281:17 that's a good thing about how i'm raised 281:19 like i'm very like cool with everyone 281:22 i'm very accepting like i'm very like 281:25 i don't know like 281:26 i was raised very politically left-wing 281:29 i guess 281:30 i know how the [ __ ] that would be 281:32 in the uk left-wing's different than 281:34 [ __ ] 281:35 the us i don't know how you'd say 281:38 i was pretty 281:39 open-minded in terms of like for some 281:41 reason 281:44 and false progressive 281:46 also i am jealous of how beautiful you 281:48 look big hugs 281:51 [ __ ] yeah thank you that's very nice 281:54 i think i i've received compliments a 281:56 bit better when i'm drunk than when i'm 281:57 not 15 months 282:00 default liberal i mean listen dude 282:03 i don't know like i was pretty um 282:06 thin for hermit hermitcraft dude hell 282:08 yeah have me turmeric crab that'd be 282:10 sick 282:10 um i'd really enjoy that but uh i i know 282:13 my redstone um 282:16 exception is more than liberal left less 282:18 yeah i mean i was just really like 282:20 accepting my family was just really 282:22 accepting 282:23 as a family i guess that was just the 282:25 opinion of my family is very accepting i 282:27 i grew up in a very like [ __ ] i don't 282:29 care like you know you want to play with 282:31 [ __ ] barbie dolls you do that 282:34 your fun facts about my childhood i grew 282:36 up like the only feminine thing that i 282:38 only that i actually remember was that i 282:41 liked high school musical 282:43 that's the only thing like i really 282:45 liked high school musical and people 282:47 were like why are you oh you like heist 282:50 even what like are you like high school 282:52 musical what are you gay and i was like 282:53 i just [ __ ] like it it's a fun movie 282:57 like that that's the only thing that i 282:58 remember from my head 283:00 egg really 283:02 dude it's not that bad it's just it's 283:04 only a little bit only a little bit 283:05 flamboyant um but i i used to really 283:08 like high school musical my parents 283:09 would say the same thing 283:11 uh and no one i never really got any 283:13 like backlash from that from like 283:15 my family i guess i was just a very like 283:18 i was raised in a very progressive 283:20 household you could say 283:21 um 283:22 i don't know 283:24 and i was raised vegetarian that's gotta 283:26 have had some impact in on like genetics 283:29 i don't know 283:30 um 283:33 high school musical is a gateway to 283:34 fanboy pipeline 283:38 less talked about but very true 283:41 um 283:42 but yeah i don't know 283:44 the uh 283:48 [Music] 283:51 are you from the uk i am i'm from 283:53 birmingham uk you are literally 283:55 accepting feminine the more drunk you 283:57 get long 283:58 what do you mean oh my god dude you 284:01 can't say that 284:03 that's not true oh my god 284:07 oops 284:09 not hating anyone about some race gender 284:12 slash whatever is not radical left it 284:15 should be normal human understanding 284:17 yeah 284:18 i wouldn't say it's radical 284:20 not hating it no that's that's just 284:22 normal um 284:24 i think [ __ ] 284:26 i wouldn't say that i wouldn't say that 284:28 i think like what would your parents say 284:30 if they watched this whole stream 284:33 uh they'd say i'm being [ __ ] stupid 284:35 and drunk uh but like they wouldn't have 284:37 any problem with me wearing a dress i 284:39 don't think i had it 284:40 they wouldn't i know they wouldn't have 284:42 any issue with me wearing like a dress 284:44 and makeup i know they wouldn't give a 284:45 [ __ ] 284:46 like 284:47 i just know my parents they they 284:49 wouldn't give a single [ __ ] if they if i 284:51 was wearing a dress 284:56 sorry the ak-47 kind of went down 285:04 if you want to try meat i would strongly 285:06 recommend ostrich meat 285:08 it's delicious 285:11 australia 285:12 australian maybe 285:15 what eye shadow should i do i'm gonna do 285:17 eye shadow what what should i do 285:20 i'm thinking brown slash like rose gold 285:24 uh what should i do 285:25 i'm going to do something 285:28 because i'm pretty bright out i'm 285:30 thinking brown because i did that last 285:32 stream it worked pretty well 285:38 you scouse [ __ ] no 285:40 smokey eye i mean definitely rose gold 285:43 let's see 285:49 um 285:54 [Music] 285:57 if you want to try me to try this sex 286:00 joke 286:02 what 286:07 what does that even mean 286:09 i don't know what that means 286:26 what it means buddy 286:32 scouseland is great what the [ __ ] 286:34 i actually uh katie i have no idea if 286:36 you're from the us or the uk by default 286:40 i kind of assume everyone's from the us 286:42 so i i'm not sure 286:51 liverpool oh my god you are scouser what 286:54 the [ __ ] 286:56 the only accent that's worse than 286:58 brummie 286:59 what the [ __ ] 287:05 good to know 287:18 why do i feel like i'm gonna end up 287:20 doing my makeup badly 287:21 purely because of just this 287:46 [Music] 287:47 we will see 287:48 my scouse is that wu stream till 2am 287:51 also why do you think everyone is from 287:54 the usu racist gremlin also wow 287:59 wow 288:00 i don't know i meet so many people from 288:02 the us man 288:03 like 288:08 it's like guilty until proven innocent 288:10 you know what i mean 288:11 like i don't usually 288:13 i don't know it's because 60 of my 288:16 audience is from the us so i just kind 288:18 of assume usa viewers 288:22 like i think people have called me out 288:24 on like 288:25 using us 288:27 terms like router like gas station like 288:32 trash can 288:33 you know [ __ ] like that 288:35 uh and it's not stuff i say in real life 288:38 but because it's like online it's 288:40 something you say right 288:43 you ask until proven nut yeah right like 288:45 same thing with like canadians you count 288:47 as u.s people to me um 288:49 [Music] 288:50 did i do my 288:51 my eye makeup well or did i just got to 288:54 the stream could you show your dress 288:55 when you get the chance yes what the 288:57 [ __ ] of course i can 288:59 um 289:05 isn't it nice 289:06 wow 289:10 isn't it nice 289:13 thanks chad for putting me in such a 289:15 nice outfit you're so welcome 289:18 i mean like 289:19 it's a [ __ ] right angle it's supposed 289:22 to be like this like it's supposed to be 289:24 like a right angle so like i guess 289:26 dancers can go whoo you know but 289:29 i don't know mine's mine's just stupid 289:34 wow so nice 289:40 why are we 289:42 wow 289:43 bowling hell yeah 289:46 [ __ ] 289:50 this is the most difficult 289:51 difficult to wear dress i've ever worn 289:59 do a spin i just did a spin 290:04 gross is a good sport 290:07 thank you 290:11 show me again with shoes on i have shoes 290:13 these are like ballerina shoes and the 290:15 ballerina now 290:20 sorry just tanking the ego hit that me 290:23 saying that was 290:24 all good 290:24 [Music] 290:28 with this dress you will always have a 290:30 table with you a table 290:34 what do you mean a table i'm so confused 290:39 what do you mean a table 290:43 can i ask your pronouns 290:45 uh he him i do not give a [ __ ] if you 290:48 say she her 290:49 i don't mind 290:50 because i looks 290:52 natalie portman in the movie black swan 291:00 i'm googling it 291:03 [Music] 291:06 how dare you call us canadians from the 291:09 us 291:12 same thing same thing you know 291:15 personally i don't think i look similar 291:18 i don't think i look quite similar 291:21 wait do your makeup oh you mean do your 291:23 makeup like this 291:25 no this is a [ __ ] this is garbage 291:27 makeup look i'm so sorry 291:30 this is why with no makeup this so with 291:32 makeup this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] makeup 291:34 look 291:36 this is terrible 291:37 can we all agree this is this looks 291:39 shitty 291:40 is it just me 291:42 this looks bad it looks bad okay 291:45 it looks bad 291:48 it looks bad 291:54 it's a bad look i'm 291:57 her wings about to take off bro it's a 291:59 bad luck it's a bad luck i'm out of 292:00 water 292:05 i'm so strong 292:07 look at that 292:09 i'm so strong 292:11 i hope that like threatened you a bit 292:13 you know 292:16 so strong 292:20 thanks stuff 292:21 [Music] 292:23 not enough of you are applausing me for 292:25 that 292:26 feat of strength 292:29 i want a round of applause thank you 292:37 nice hold on wait 293:04 thank you chet 293:06 thank you buddy thank you but thank you 293:08 guys 293:10 wow 293:11 you guys are so nice 293:14 thank you thank you thank you 293:17 worship me 293:20 wow guys 293:23 what the [ __ ] is this stuff 293:38 [Applause] 293:46 hell yeah 293:48 nice 293:56 [Music] 294:12 golf club men at work hell yeah 294:15 uh sitting in a chair comfortably in a 294:17 tutu comfortably is a strong word that's 294:20 carrying that sentence i feel like 294:22 asmr please 294:32 [Music] 294:43 you 295:05 back for more now finish off the bottle 295:12 finish off the bottle holy [ __ ] 295:15 there's no way 295:17 i 295:18 the [ __ ] will kill me 295:23 i'll die 295:27 nice flipping asmr 295:29 [Music] 295:37 that's unsatisfying this dude legit 295:39 looks like he gonna pass out in exactly 295:41 3 minutes and 46 seconds or some lmfao 295:44 we'll see 295:49 [Music] 295:58 i'm doing asmr i'm trying my handed asmr 296:10 um 296:12 arsenal liverpool both terrible 296:15 i don't even watch football 296:17 eat something i'm planning on ordering 296:19 some form of food 296:21 however i can't find anything 296:24 there's nothing that's open near me 296:26 that's any [ __ ] good 296:29 [Music] 296:45 i will say that 296:49 [Music] 296:51 hey marisa 296:58 hey hey gremlin 297:04 what's up 297:08 hey 297:15 [Music] 297:19 hello 297:22 has rose mastered the beauty queen wave 297:25 you're ordering food 297:28 uh 297:29 i want to but i can't find anything 297:31 that's good 297:34 i can't i can't turn it i don't know why 297:36 i just broke let riza cook you some eggs 297:39 she can't [ __ ] cook 297:41 i can't cook you can't [ __ ] cook i'm 297:44 the cook it died my phone died i can get 297:47 the pizza from last time again the good 297:48 one yes 297:50 high five 297:52 i want a lot of it on a bigger size than 297:55 last time 297:57 do you want my [ __ ] 297:59 not particularly i want a pizza instead 298:03 where is it 298:04 what 298:05 it's not here you said you can get it i 298:08 usually can 298:10 do it what day is it it's tuesday they 298:12 shouldn't be closed 298:17 pizza 298:19 almost 15 months and look what you did 298:21 to me rose i used to be daggy likey and 298:25 now are my maggie heels i've never been 298:28 happier than i am right now 298:30 thank you 298:31 [ __ ] yeah 298:33 i'm an inspiration 298:35 who i'm an inspiration asked 298:42 maurice is the sole reason why my ego 298:44 doesn't get that high 298:49 i think that's like that's pretty much 298:51 it 298:54 all right 298:57 okay order me a pizza quickly i need it 299:00 i hit my weight goal i'm good i can 299:02 order a pizza i'm good 299:07 oh come on do you want to suck on my 299:09 nets not particularly i'd rather have 299:11 pizza i'd rather suck on some pizza 299:14 [ __ ] you in the [ __ ] [ __ ] i'd rather 299:16 be [ __ ] by a pizza 299:22 by the way i don't know if i ever 299:23 mentioned but i changed my lighting and 299:25 my camera it's only min uh minuscule 299:28 difference but 299:29 i changed my camera angle i changed the 299:30 lighting i changed the autofocus i did 299:33 like a big camera overhaul how big do 299:35 you want it 16 299:37 [ __ ] yeah 299:39 16 inches just the size of my i want to 299:42 be able to i want the exact size of my 299:44 my uh my penis on the on the side of it 299:47 i want it the diameter of my penis 299:49 tomato base so 16 inches will be perfect 299:52 thin crust cheese crust nah 299:56 garlic sauce dip [ __ ] yeah 299:59 mushrooms nah 300:00 plain 300:01 margarita baby you're not getting the 300:03 margarita you're getting the one from 300:04 last time 300:06 i won't let you have margarita i won't 300:08 let it happen margarita better guys 300:10 listen to me marisa will you please get 300:12 finn to go to bed we don't want him to 300:14 miss his ear piercing appointment 300:15 tomorrow 300:17 he cannot go to bed there's something he 300:19 needs to stay up for what is it i can't 300:21 say 300:22 cisco did i miss an announcement i mean 300:25 maybe if you want but there's another 300:26 reason i already told you don't you 300:28 can't talk about it you cannot talk 300:30 about it is it today with you 300:32 no you cannot talk about it 300:34 i don't know what it was you're too 300:36 drunk just stop talking about it trust 300:38 me one time i'm not drunk 300:40 here's my problem with finn he always 300:42 wants to order margarita because he's 300:44 like oh it's vegetarian right yeah then 300:47 there's like other vegetarian options 300:48 like you can have one with mushrooms 300:50 olives mixed peppers cherry tomato feta 300:52 cheese like you can have the greatest 300:53 pizza feta cheese gonna have the 300:55 greatest pizza of all time 300:57 and the base is still a margarita i 300:59 don't know why anyone would just eat add 301:00 some pineapple to the pizza 301:02 no don't do that to me 301:05 what i don't understand is how he 301:06 doesn't um 301:09 like every 301:10 pizza is a margarita 301:13 you don't need a margarita hey f1n do 301:16 you like the taste of ginger there's a 301:18 really simple cocktail called a dark and 301:20 stormy that's just ginger beer and dark 301:23 rum it's great 301:25 futa cheese falfuta fetter 301:28 footachi 301:42 all right now uh my favorite guy 301:45 my favorite cocktail is uh my favorite 301:47 cocktails uh whiskey sour 301:49 uh just for the lore 301:51 thanks thanks kelly [ __ ] footed 301:53 cheese i'm taking the ballerina shoes 301:56 off these these suck 301:58 oh my god i think i'd rather wear heels 302:01 than the [ __ ] ballerina shoes they 302:03 suck 302:04 so much balls 302:06 look at me begging 302:08 what look at me begging could we get 302:10 extra garlic dip i tried ordering more 302:11 but then it comes with an extra thanks 302:13 for the stream tonight got to go to bed 302:17 oh my god do you guys want to see good 302:19 night bro i don't know if you can is it 302:20 mirror or no wait just not don't don't 302:23 worry about it just in case of uh i 302:25 don't know no it doesn't say 302:27 leaking that doesn't say 302:29 is it better idea 302:31 it's not gonna it's not gonna adapt 302:32 don't worry i've set it to a different 302:34 setting it's not gonna work 302:36 i've set it to a set iso so it's not 302:38 gonna adapt but it does look better 302:41 cola 302:42 no i'm okay quite can i have fries 302:46 can i have fries 302:48 possible 302:50 can i have this hat no you cannot touch 302:52 my hat you [ __ ] [ __ ] 302:56 can you get me that hat on the ground 302:57 over there 302:59 lunch fries i don't want chicken large 303:01 fries hell yeah can i have that hat over 303:04 there 303:06 can i have that hat over there 303:09 rizza 303:11 hey i'm gonna store your hands look it 303:12 just says cans oh there you go can i 303:15 have your hat can i have that house oh 303:16 they only have diet coke she's being 303:18 abusive 303:19 right someone why don't you pick it 303:21 yourself what is your abusive about this 303:22 can i have that hat over there you're 303:24 not listening to me why don't you get up 303:26 and show me your [ __ ] hole can i have 303:27 that hat over there if you if you let me 303:29 [ __ ] you in the bud oh my [ __ ] god 303:31 yeah you'll get the head 303:33 okay i'm ordering 303:35 not everything has to happen instantly 303:38 and now he's acting like it's it's my 303:40 fault 303:42 can someone please 303:44 call the police 303:46 someone's actually gonna what is this 303:48 what is this why is it wet it's not oh 303:51 that okay not that hat there's a hat 303:54 can have that hat 303:55 no that hat there you go you already 303:56 picked it up thank you no you can't have 303:58 the hat i want the hat 304:02 you just want to copy me 304:04 yes 304:05 because i am cool 304:08 so now that you're writing an all-time 304:09 low viewers i decided to come back and 304:11 give you some cons finn is acting like a 304:13 three-year-old 304:15 this is correct and i am fed up 304:20 can i have the hat back 304:22 i dropped it 304:33 drunk finn is cute and hilarious fun 304:39 yo wait no that's a leak that's a merch 304:42 leak 304:43 it's dirty okay much like 304:48 it's a leak my merch is this marbella 304:50 puerto banos that's not true that's a 304:52 merch like if you like the hat it'll be 304:54 coming soon 304:56 i feel like we should end the stream no 304:58 we just ordered food yeah but that's a 305:00 good reason to find the stream i want to 305:02 get changed out of the [ __ ] tutu as 305:04 well this is the most absolutely the 305:06 most embarrassing thing i've worn on 305:08 stream to date 305:09 why do you want to uh end just do 30 305:12 more minutes until the pizza comes ah 305:16 why 305:16 just do it no because you know as soon 305:18 as the pizza arrives at the door they're 305:20 gonna want me to get the door in tutu 305:24 you'll get the door no we won't tell 305:26 we'll get the door 305:38 wait should i get the door into it it'd 305:40 be kind of funny well it doesn't matter 305:42 if you do because i couldn't fit in the 305:43 [ __ ] porch with this dress the thing 305:46 is uh whatever you do 305:48 all they have is your word for it it 305:49 doesn't matter what you do you can tell 305:51 them you did it or you can do it it 305:53 doesn't make a difference well either 305:54 way if i go downstairs and you're here 305:56 it's a paradox 305:58 it's apparently whatever you do it 305:59 doesn't matter marisa why are you so 306:02 patient why is finn so soy 306:06 uh because i am [ __ ] awesome and he's 306:08 a 306:09 fat 306:11 whoa 306:14 okay 306:15 frieza stop f1 nnn from stopping the 306:18 stream 306:19 does anyone want to hear me say a slur 306:21 no 306:23 that's against 306:24 morals 306:26 here we go 306:28 what do you mean here we go 306:30 i mean here we go 306:33 i need my chin fixed look there's a hole 306:35 in it 306:37 what 306:39 oh my god 306:41 yes get the door in the tutu 306:45 i could do that that'd be kind of funny 306:52 we're gonna say gamer word say a game 306:54 award frieza 306:57 what say gamer word 307:00 rush be 307:02 read 307:03 rush b 307:04 you know what i like to do rush b 307:07 you know how you can 307:10 look at art 307:14 yeah like pictures you can look at art 307:16 yeah what do you do if there's text on 307:18 it 307:19 read 307:20 read what read the text 307:23 no it's art 307:29 do you read it or not 307:31 what would you say that would be 307:34 what would you be 307:44 frieza f1 nn is still two shots behind 307:48 force him maybe 307:50 forcing to drink is always wrong 307:53 yeah this is very predatory and 307:57 um 307:58 wait i don't even i don't even believe 308:00 that to believe that to be true that's 308:02 not true i've answered every question 308:06 i answered 308:08 every question 308:10 i don't owe you any shots lance do you 308:12 know what our delivery 308:20 [Music] 308:26 what's this first name 308:27 joe 308:28 show me four-month punk also it would be 308:32 cute to see a kiss 308:34 no we don't know yet 308:36 oh we haven't got a driver yet he 308:38 doesn't like kissing me when he's 308:39 wearing makeup god i don't like kissing 308:41 you normally 308:42 joe joe 308:48 this is dangerous though what do you 308:49 mean it's danger 308:51 zero no 308:54 ah 308:55 [Music] 309:03 okay 309:05 it's okay 309:09 you know what's bad when maurice is when 309:10 reason is moderating finn 309:14 that's a form of abuse yeah 309:17 i can't read chat spyderco 309:20 oh i've actually introduced you to knife 309:22 brands holy [ __ ] 309:24 i've reached the point in drunk where 309:25 i'm just not energetic at all i'm just 309:27 like no that's really [ __ ] sharp you 309:30 should be careful with that 309:33 no please ow you forgot me please don't 309:36 stop i can't i don't joke about that 309:38 it's not gonna be sharper than a razor 309:39 blade it literally will be oh yeah you 309:43 sharpened this more than a razor blade 309:44 yes yeah he's capping guys look at him 309:46 how many questions did you answer less 309:48 than completely truthfully tonight that 309:50 you didn't drink for 309:52 guys look it up what strawberry zero 309:54 spyderco knife or a razor blade 309:56 i sharpened it by hand 309:59 he actually thinks it's gonna be sharper 310:00 if he sharpens it he thinks he's iron 310:02 man 310:04 i have a knife that will like cut hair 310:06 easily yeah no [ __ ] what do you think 310:08 razor blades do no no like 310:10 this is so sharp guys get it it cuts 310:12 hair 310:16 oh he can do it but if i do it it's 310:17 dangerous 310:18 yeah look at that 310:20 good for you give it no 310:23 i trust me with it i don't trust you 310:25 with it 310:27 no seriously i immediately the amount 310:30 that i sobered up as soon as you started 310:31 using a knife dangerously holy [ __ ] 310:35 that one's that's blunt as [ __ ] that's 310:36 nothing is that [ __ ] it's not even 310:38 sharpened you cut me 310:40 darker then 310:41 jesus [ __ ] 310:43 i trust not i [ __ ] 310:45 i don't know it's like um 310:49 i respect the knife's danger as a lot 310:53 it's too much i don't feel like you 310:55 should be playing with it if you if you 310:56 don't know what you're doing i know what 310:58 i'm doing i've had knives longer than 310:59 you were alive in 311:01 incorrect 311:02 this is a huntsman 311:05 breeze can you can sharpen knives a lot 311:06 sharper than you think true yeah you can 311:09 but you can you can put i can you can 311:12 put your thumb on a razor blade without 311:14 it cutting you you can you can't push 311:15 your thumb start juggling knives no this 311:18 is a grimsmo norseman that's true 311:22 and this is a what's the company name 311:25 grimsmire or norseman 311:27 uh grimsmo did you believe that should 311:30 be true 311:31 no it's norseman because there's a 311:32 viking here 311:34 the company name's grimsma 311:36 okay i i was right then 311:39 but why why is there a viking on there 311:42 uh because graham's most the that's the 311:44 company's 311:58 knife is more dangerous than a sharp one 312:00 if you stab someone but not if you like 312:02 try to cut your hair 312:04 it depends what you mean if you give a 312:06 sharp knife to someone that doesn't know 312:07 how to handle knives then the sharp 312:09 knife is definitely more dangerous this 312:10 person is a suspicious user monitored 312:12 band evader that's true 312:14 uh t40 relationship reveal when was t 312:18 that wouldn't make any sense what does 312:20 t14 mean 312:21 transfer trends 312:24 what i think it's like it's if it's a 312:26 trans girl and a trans boy [ __ ] 312:30 but 312:30 we can't be it's too late you're trans 312:33 i'm not high five 312:35 he's trans 312:37 he's been sneaking out my hormones at 312:39 night 312:41 i've been stealing the hr the thing is 312:44 or trans girl entrance girl okay if that 312:46 if that works he can um 312:48 you know you don't actually that's fine 312:50 so cool 312:51 nowadays 312:52 like no cap 312:54 like if he said he's trans he's trans 312:56 right 312:58 what 312:59 like you don't you don't need proof 313:02 you can't prove it anyway can you prove 313:04 you're trans 313:05 no that's what i'm saying it works in a 313:07 way where if you say you are trans then 313:09 you are trans sure but i'm not trans 313:11 yeah but if you just said it then you'd 313:14 that's how it worked any time yeah but 313:16 that's the thing you can just lie 313:18 well okay sure but like who would lie 313:20 about that 313:22 so it's a net negative you know how many 313:25 people on tick tock are like i'm trans 313:27 i'm actually a boy just for like views 313:29 not particularly hey you know and we 313:31 talked about it 313:32 huh 313:33 we looked at 313:34 uh i don't know if anyone on tiktok is 313:37 transfer views i feel like that's a 313:40 good yeah 313:41 okay look when when um when the fanboy 313:44 thing started popping off and everyone 313:45 was like haha fanboys 313:47 a lot of um not a lot but there were 313:50 confirmed cases 313:52 of women 313:54 just doing 313:55 confirmed cases of actual actual 313:57 real-life women females 314:00 like doing it 314:01 wearing a dress and makeup and dancing 314:03 and then it's like i'm actually a boy 314:06 right just for the meme and that was the 314:08 whole like 314:09 fake fanboy trance thing like there's 314:11 ones that are actually trans i have a 314:13 question but there's some that face i 314:14 know what you're on about where it's 314:15 like trans men that were born female and 314:18 identifies men wearing a dress again 314:20 and then saying that they're fanboys is 314:22 that right they don't know how do you 314:24 feel about remember the one like me at 314:26 the strip club they don't know i 314:27 actually identify as even 314:30 iron fighters like them old man no no 314:32 there was a tick tock there was a 314:33 stripper 314:34 yeah stripping 314:36 and then they 314:38 came home and it was born female 314:40 stripper right 314:41 vagina 314:43 came home and then did a take talk 314:45 me making money from stripping to 314:47 cis-head white men 314:49 and then there was like a cut 314:51 they don't know i'm trans-masculine he 314:54 him non-binary and then it was like a 314:57 checkmate 314:59 when it's like it's like 315:02 yeah they just welcome to them streams 315:04 with risa are always the best all the 315:07 best to you 315:08 good night to you all 315:10 i'm giving marisa her like how long is 315:13 how long's the delivery away 315:15 i'm going to stream as long as this 315:16 delivery comes in should i cancel it no 315:18 how long is it coming how's it coming uh 315:21 140 20 minutes okay i'll give you you'll 315:23 set it right you're 20 minutes 20 20 315:26 minutes of fame 315:27 ah 315:29 20 minutes of fame ah yeah 315:32 your viewers are dropping already oh no 315:36 it's not because of me the reason you 315:38 would have entered the stream have you 315:39 ever been to a strip club strip club do 315:41 you want to go to one 315:42 kind of 315:46 okay 315:47 i'm down to go sister we can get a 315:49 transgender escort 315:51 and then make her do fortnite dances 315:53 until she cries 315:56 what 315:58 what the [ __ ] 316:02 until she caught until she had i think 316:04 anyone would cry if you made them do a 316:05 fortnight dance 316:08 transgender escort 316:10 i don't think even you're allowed to 316:12 talk about escort stuff if you're on 316:14 only fans 316:15 and you even like mention being an 316:17 escort you get banned because it's like 316:19 illegal prostitution i guess so in some 316:21 countries it's legal 316:23 i've been invited to a gay bar before uh 316:26 like i've had like for some reason 316:28 straight girls absolutely love gay bars 316:31 i've never been to one straight girls 316:32 love gay bars because they're 316:33 appropriating gay culture and all 316:35 straight girls need to be sliced and 316:37 diced 316:38 i want to i want to play in their blood 316:42 what the [ __ ] 316:44 i've been invite i was just saying i've 316:45 been invited to go to a gay club by a 316:48 straight girl which is odd to me yeah 316:50 and i've been invited to go to australia 316:54 girls need to stay away from 316:56 homosexual culture because if i see them 316:58 in my gay club they're getting assaulted 317:02 by you 317:04 by you yeah okay 317:06 someone called the call the popo 317:09 what bro like imagine imagine like a 317:14 i don't know it's just it's 317:16 like what do they want 317:18 i don't know that's not imagine you're 317:20 like a 50 60 year old like gay bear 317:23 right you're like 317:24 [ __ ] beer drinking 317:26 man looking for a rough night right hell 317:28 yeah and then 317:31 your bar spots is just taken by women 317:33 who find it funny apparently yeah 317:35 apparently that's like a big thing yeah 317:37 because they're taking up space so is 317:39 going to the strip club in girl mode 317:41 going to be a goal now look look what's 317:43 the point of having a gay bar good idea 317:45 if it's going to be filled with straight 317:47 people yeah there's no point and then 317:49 it's not a gay bar anymore there's 317:51 enough bars kill joy is this 317:53 i don't know uh how do you feel like 317:55 queer people bringing their sis straight 317:57 friends 317:58 if you bring one it's fine like for an 318:00 experience but 318:02 i think it's a little weird if you like 318:03 actively take up space yeah i feel like 318:06 i'd like there's a reason there are gay 318:08 bars right if you go to like a 318:10 if you go to like a drag show right 318:11 that's funny you can look at it it's art 318:13 but if you go to a gay bar like 318:16 intended for gay people to meet each 318:17 other 318:18 it's a 318:19 do you have nothing else to do yeah i 318:21 don't want to be one of those guys that 318:22 like i'm not like cancel them but it's 318:24 like okay what do you want like yeah are 318:27 you looking for something 318:28 i feel like it'd be cool to go but i 318:31 don't want to be one of those guys that 318:32 are like 318:33 in the way you know what i mean like i'm 318:35 not like i feel like it's just taking up 318:36 space and yeah making it less of a gay 318:39 bar 318:40 i've never been though have you ever i 318:41 don't even know there's one in berlin if 318:43 you wanna go i was gonna say this one in 318:44 brighton 318:45 is it probably a lot in brighton we can 318:47 go like one time things is like fine 318:49 like go there have fun but like if you 318:52 regularly go there because you enjoy the 318:53 culture 318:54 it's a little like annoying in my 318:56 opinion i guess 318:57 that feels like a bit of a 318:59 this is just my opinion because i'm not 319:01 a gay bar goer like i don't know have 319:03 you ever been no neither 319:05 i was gonna say we could we could go and 319:07 just find it i'm allowed we could not we 319:09 could not like it all i'm allowed 319:12 all you have to do is say that you're 319:13 gay 319:15 i don't think there's an entry 319:16 requirement 319:17 but uh 319:19 uh a lot of people go to phil safe and 319:21 protest yeah that's what i hear a lot 319:22 from women right like they don't get 319:24 like approached as much and stuff 319:26 because then don't go to a [ __ ] bar 319:28 like what do you expect yeah i don't 319:29 know like i'm sorry like i'm not saying 319:32 it's their fault but 319:34 okay here we go here comes the [ __ ] 319:37 evil thing but 319:39 um like obviously drunk people are drunk 319:42 people right if you don't want to be 319:44 around drunk people 319:46 then don't go into a bar like you can 319:47 drink at home if you want to have fun or 319:49 go out with friends 319:51 gay people need a safe space too 319:53 where can gay slash by people that don't 319:56 drink go to meet other gay people 319:58 that don't drink 320:00 well i don't know you can always mean i 320:01 it's like that's the same question as 320:03 straight people that don't drink i don't 320:04 think there's much of a place that's 320:06 straight people like you know the thing 320:07 one you know the thing with that is like 320:09 it kind of defeats the purpose if you're 320:11 like 320:12 actively looking 320:14 for gay people because like at the end 320:16 of the day the goal is for everyone to 320:18 be the same right like trans people 320:19 don't want to be labeled trans people 320:21 and so on like if if you're like i want 320:23 to find trans people 320:25 then like 320:27 you know it it kind of defeats the 320:28 purpose because at the end of the day 320:30 you don't want to be trans anymore right 320:32 like you want to hit the other side of 320:34 the road 320:35 right 320:36 so like if you constantly label yourself 320:39 as like i am gay i am trans these are my 320:42 pro blah blah blah like everything 320:44 you kind of like 320:45 put yourself outside of the group and 320:48 exclude yourself a little bit in my 320:50 opinion katie's saying agreed the thing 320:52 is i've got to like i i base my whole 320:54 like opinions or like not opinions but 320:56 like my views on it i think here's 320:59 my experience here's my simple thing the 321:02 more you label yourself the more you 321:05 exclude yourself i think 321:08 cool that's what i think 321:10 if you have like 20 like it you know 321:12 people who like they have like um 321:15 5 000 labels like 321:17 uh monogamous and this and what does 321:20 monogamous mean uh one couple 321:22 yeah they have like a time they're like 321:24 polygamous means dead multiple people 321:26 they have their 321:27 sexuality their 321:28 race their gender their pronouns their 321:30 occupation their mental illnesses have 321:32 ocd 321:47 look 321:48 there's people who literally 321:50 introduce themselves online with their 321:53 name age race gender religion 321:56 disabilities 321:58 uh 321:59 like 322:01 like 322:02 world views i'm anti-nazi i'm 322:04 anti-fascist i'm anti-this i'm blm okay 322:07 kind of everyone is anti-fascist yeah 322:09 but a lot of people have it in their bio 322:11 i guess like 322:13 thanks i guess i have people that i 322:16 follow where it says auntie nazi that's 322:18 no [ __ ] yeah 322:19 that's default though yeah but there's 322:22 people who have anti like racism in 322:24 their bio like 322:26 thanks no [ __ ] 322:28 no [ __ ] that's default and i think the 322:31 more you have labels most people don't 322:33 want to be a label they want to be 322:35 themselves that's your point i guess 322:36 right yeah but then there's people who 322:42 just by default i think you should be 322:45 anti-racist 322:47 yes but i do know people who have it in 322:49 their bio 322:50 good point 322:52 uh 322:53 the more inclusive you get the more 322:54 exclusive it is i don't [ __ ] know i i 322:56 this this varied a lot from like gay bar 322:58 thing 323:00 yeah i guess but um i know what you mean 323:02 i'm just kind of like listening 323:04 i'm with razer on this one katie says 323:07 my auntie is racist 323:09 your auntie could not put anti-racist in 323:12 the bio then 323:13 sad times 323:15 unbelievably based 323:17 uh you're what you convince yourself you 323:19 are i don't know auntie right 323:23 auntie ray aunty racist ah here comes 323:26 the jokes 323:28 you guys oh [ __ ] 323:32 get your head up for a second that's my 323:33 forehead oh no 323:35 uh um 323:37 just how does this relate to attacking 323:39 cis women who go together i don't i care 323:41 if they go to gay bars i attack them 323:44 anytime 323:45 oh okay you know what 323:48 i don't think either of us have an issue 323:49 with like 323:51 no fairness i hate 323:56 neither of us gone to a gay bar i don't 323:57 really know the atmosphere i don't care 323:59 about the gay bar anymore i hate women 324:01 oh my [ __ ] god 324:03 all women 324:04 yeah we weren't relating it to that i 324:06 think she just went off on a tangent 324:08 why does risa wear a hat because of my 324:10 horrible hairline 324:12 that's going to be fixed soon though 324:15 oh not a knife just fist nice 324:19 these nuts 324:21 nice 324:23 bruiser has anti-women tagging a buyer 324:25 how much should i have to pay you to put 324:27 anti-women in your buyer 324:29 you i didn't need a payment i'll pay you 324:34 i'll pay you a hundred bucks to put 324:35 anti-women in your bio for a week 324:39 i'm an anti-trans too oh my god i'm also 324:42 anti-fat people 324:46 and anti-gay 324:49 i mean 324:50 that's not good 324:53 what i'm just being honest 324:56 i'm not being honest would you like me 324:57 too you're anti-gay 324:59 yeah really what do you have a problem 325:01 with gay people 325:03 what about them 325:06 they talk too funny 325:11 [Music] 325:15 oh my [ __ ] 325:16 oh my [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] british 325:20 i'm a [ __ ] name are you anti-british 325:22 as well now i'm pro-breast milk 325:26 see okay i know that's true 325:29 [Music] 325:34 i'm fine with anyone under 250 pounds 325:42 anything over is too much fellas sure 325:46 unless you lift if you're a power lifter 325:48 the uh 325:49 i think like 325:51 i think i'm completely fine with like 325:53 if you're [ __ ] overweight who gives a 325:55 [ __ ] me 325:59 no there's okay there's gonna be a point 326:01 in which is not taken as a joke anymore 326:03 though it's not a joke oh my god 326:06 race 326:07 [Music] 326:08 oh my god fat phobia pays off 326:12 how fat phobia saves lives 326:16 um 326:18 some 326:19 and some it ends 326:20 50 50. i'm willing to take the gamble 326:24 when's the pizza again 326:25 we literally ordered pizza what the [ __ ] 326:27 guys it's a joke okay a little bit there 326:30 you go only for twitch reasons oh my 326:32 [ __ ] i'm joking 326:34 the nhs 326:36 nhs hell yeah bro 326:39 oh my 326:40 god my self-confidence bro 326:43 no you're fine you're fine just um 326:47 the thing is 326:48 what i believe if someone says something 326:50 about you 326:52 and you get mad 326:53 then it's prob like about something you 326:56 have like if someone like 326:58 insults my forehead and i get mad it's 327:00 because i don't like my forehead right 327:03 if someone insults my 327:05 legs and i like my legs i'm like 327:09 not mad right like if i insult you have 327:11 such a pretty you have such a feminine 327:13 face right you're not mad 327:15 okay that's a compliment though no but 327:17 people use it as an insult you look like 327:18 a woman you look like a [ __ ] right but 327:20 people also yeah just agree with me 327:22 okay if i say something about you as an 327:25 insult that you don't mind you don't get 327:27 upset right yep 327:29 so if someone calls you fat 327:31 and you don't mind being fat it's fine 327:33 right you're not upset what if you do 327:35 mind being fat if you do mind being fat 327:37 and you get upset then you're just mad 327:38 at the fat fact that you're fat 327:41 what does that mean though you dislike 327:43 being fat 327:44 okay that's unusual like what if that's 327:45 on you what if you can't change it 327:46 though 327:47 you can change it what if it's like if 327:50 you're like super disabled then okay 327:52 unlucky but like what no you can always 327:53 eat less what if you're just like 327:55 depressed though i have like a i'm like 327:57 i give that a complete pass yeah you're 328:00 allowed to be fat i'm saying if you get 328:02 mad if someone calls you fat then you're 328:04 unhappy with being [ __ ] if i was if 328:07 someone calls me if i'd gain fake or 328:09 something yeah and i'm i'm not mad at it 328:13 i don't like but like okay if i was like 328:15 when i was like uh i gained a bit of 328:17 weight from being like a bit more sad 328:20 you know 328:21 and then i gained weight and then 328:22 someone called me fat i feel bad either 328:24 way it would have been like my yeah but 328:26 there's ton there's people that's still 328:27 bad no there's people that are fat 328:31 and when you call them fed 328:32 they don't get upset because they don't 328:35 mind being fair there's people that are 328:36 happily fed i don't get the point i i 328:39 don't get your point what do you mean 328:40 like what i'm saying usually when you 328:42 get insulted and you get upset by the 328:44 insult 328:45 it's only about something that you don't 328:47 like about yourself 328:49 okay it's usually rooted in like 328:51 self-dislike 328:54 if someone calls my nose small 328:56 i'm not upset right it's a beauty 328:58 standard i guess what is a beauty stand 329:00 like i have big arms like most women 329:01 don't want big arms if someone says my 329:03 arms are big i'm not upset because i 329:05 don't hate my big arms if i hated my big 329:07 arms i would be upset at the comment 329:10 i'm saying what i'm saying an insult's 329:12 only an insult when you're insecure 329:13 about it 329:14 yes an insult is only an insult if you 329:16 dislike the part that they're insulting 329:20 something like that 329:22 okay what if someone says something that 329:23 you can't change like what if you 329:24 genuinely can't change it 329:26 yeah then it's it's an l 329:29 it only 329:31 it depends if you if you if you stand by 329:33 it or not like if you 329:36 the thing is okay look 329:38 look there's nothing that i hate more 329:40 than my forehead i was gonna say well 329:41 like your your insecurities your 329:43 forehead mine's like maybe my nose look 329:46 the thing i hate most about myself is my 329:47 forehead yeah and i used to get really 329:49 upset but now i stand by it i still hide 329:52 it because i don't like it but if 329:53 someone insults my forehead i'm like 329:55 yeah bro [ __ ] sucks 329:57 but i'm not like 329:58 [ __ ] you you know like piece of [ __ ] i'd 330:01 say piece of [ __ ] i'd say [ __ ] you piece 330:02 of [ __ ] if someone enter i think like 330:05 that like insults about my nose i'm like 330:07 i've been fine with it 330:09 however it's still an insult though 330:12 yeah i'm saying like 330:14 the the 330:16 the the degree to which it how much it 330:18 hurts you depends on how much you let it 330:20 hurt you 330:23 yeah like you only get hurt as much as 330:24 you let them that's what i'm saying 330:28 you only get hurt as much as you let 330:30 them hurt you 330:31 right you know 330:32 i got the [ __ ] worst insults 330:34 throughout my entire [ __ ] life like 330:36 online and everything 330:38 but i don't let it get to me 330:40 fair play 330:42 if you're fat and you get upset then 330:44 you're letting it get to you 330:46 and if you really don't want to be fat 330:48 there's always a way out when's the 330:49 pizza 330:50 um 330:51 i'd like to be fat please where's the 330:52 pizza yeah we are fed 330:55 please i wanna be 330:57 i'm looking 330:58 when i 331:00 ten minutes ten minutes [ __ ] yeah 331:02 [Music] 331:04 i can say that i'm not physically fat 331:06 but i do have a fat [ __ ] 331:13 [Music] 331:18 how much for y'all to smudge 331:21 uh 331:22 how much food smooch there's no number 331:26 there's you're 331:28 awful this guy's just still interested 331:29 why because it's free money what do you 331:31 mean free money like it's free money if 331:34 someone just donates it's not free you 331:36 have a weird view of free what do you 331:38 like i'll stream sometimes and she'll 331:40 say like oh it's just free money you 331:42 know are you stupid what's the like the 331:44 kiss right now is the freest money in 331:46 the world that's not free i have to kiss 331:48 you marissa 331:52 finn is too used to you guys sticking 331:54 money up his ass so he doesn't work for 331:55 it anymore no 331:58 i still like for him a kiss is now 332:00 considered hard work for free man that's 332:01 not hard work but it's still not 332:03 something that i want to do work's 332:05 different to something that you don't 332:06 want to do being paid to do something 332:07 you don't want to do is different to 332:08 like 332:09 work it's money bro 332:12 that's a different thing you have too 332:13 much money it's like saying like okay go 332:15 jump off a bridge 332:18 i'm sorry i'm not comparing you to 332:20 kissing you to jumping off a bridge 332:21 however neither is work 332:24 yeah you stop playing with the knife i 332:26 don't like that 332:27 you're physically ill okay 332:33 what what would the number be 332:36 million a million a million dollars 332:40 i know behind your brain you're just 332:42 thinking i want one pizza i want one 332:44 free margarita margarita pizza i didn't 332:46 order a margarita [ __ ] 332:48 i'm upset 332:51 kiss for money is prostitution it's 332:53 illegal we can't do it it's impossible 332:56 thank you chad thank you 332:59 i can just get you banned if i want 333:02 how 333:06 how can you how can you get me back you 333:08 need to like show kitty 333:10 ah 333:12 jesus [ __ ] 333:15 [Music] 333:18 stop 333:20 no 333:21 [Music] 333:22 can we in the stream before the [ __ ] 333:24 pizza gets her 333:25 but you want to open the door in your 333:28 dress right when when's the pizza get 333:31 here what time 10 minutes 333:33 this is just gonna take like an hour he 333:35 didn't flinch he didn't flinch which 333:36 means i don't abuse him that's untrue he 333:38 didn't flinch i'm just i just have slow 333:41 reactions he didn't flinch 333:42 do it again 333:44 do it again 333:47 his [ __ ] fell out 333:49 [ __ ] 333:51 what's your diet fitness routine um i 333:54 have a decent diet besides when i get 333:56 drunk on all the pizza um no i have a 333:58 pretty good diet actually do i not stop 334:00 it do i not have a good diet i basically 334:03 what i do 334:04 if i want to go like ultra low calorie i 334:06 guess what i do is i um in breakfast i 334:09 have a cup of tea and i have an apple 334:10 that's what i do every day no matter if 334:12 i do low low carb lower low calorie or 334:14 not 334:15 uh i do i have like baby bell light 334:18 which is like 40 calories a thing so you 334:20 get to have some nice cheese with it i 334:22 do um what's it called i what my main 334:25 meal of the day 334:27 broccoli and peas 334:29 mixed with corn filling can you please 334:31 change clothes 334:32 that outfit is ridiculous 334:35 i know it's ridiculous but it is exactly 334:36 what people wanted wait can you shift 334:38 them all that way 334:46 more that way 334:49 can you shift more that way 334:51 thank you 334:54 flynn's deal with riza 334:58 chump 335:01 i'm stuck 335:03 it sounds like miserable food it's 335:05 pretty good actually um you'd be 335:07 surprised 335:09 i mean to be honest with you like i grew 335:11 up vegetarian right so i'm pretty 335:12 [ __ ] i genuinely do like salad 335:16 like that's a food that i actually get 335:18 some enjoyment out of like 335:21 i'll take your hat right off your head 335:23 i'll take it right off of your head 335:26 oh my god i'll show them your side 335:27 profile ignore that donut 335:30 can you please change clothes 335:34 i'll show them your side profile 335:37 my side profile 335:39 there it is yeah without the hair 335:41 white 180 degrees 335:45 that all the way 335:49 mine straight from the cave 335:54 oh my god 335:56 don't know my nose is crazy 336:02 that knows crazy i see the nose now oh 336:04 dude 336:05 yeah that's the thing your forehead my 336:07 nose but you can cover it with a nice 336:09 see the absolute i was gonna do that the 336:12 flinching of [ __ ] three 336:14 months attempting to explain a concept 336:17 we are familiar with in behavioral 336:19 social psychology but is light years too 336:21 deep for twitch still a fascinating 336:24 point 336:25 thank you dr professor 336:27 i agree with you does f1nn taste good 336:32 asking for a friend 336:36 um 336:38 concept we're familiar with in 336:39 behavioral social psychology do i taste 336:42 good they said 336:43 it tastes like salt 336:46 that's all to come 336:48 i'm gonna stick it in your [ __ ] not a 336:50 hundred percent of it being mine 336:54 [Music] 336:56 only ten percent of it being mine 336:59 finn's caveman knows the maurice's five 337:01 head 337:04 ah no [ __ ] you 337:06 i usually smell his armpits it's not so 337:08 bad 337:10 i actually like the smell what 337:12 your armpits whenever you smell my 337:14 armpits all the time [ __ ] when 337:17 we sit on the couch 337:19 or lay in bed you smelt my armpits 337:22 you're acting nasty [ __ ] 337:24 that's nasty you're acting like you're 337:26 nasty 337:30 you know i've smelled your armpits you 337:31 don't need to lie about it i know you 337:32 smelled it a few times there you go like 337:35 he's denying it like evening no you're 337:38 nasty i know you did it a few times i 337:40 know but you're nasty it doesn't make it 337:42 less natural like someone you can smell 337:43 them 337:45 my armpits 337:47 have you smelled my [ __ ] 337:50 no that's exactly what i have actually 337:52 it's just now you fart in bed every day 337:55 multiple times like dog [ __ ] fries it's 337:59 less 338:00 tsunami farting 338:04 it's not on tr 338:06 you guys are if you like someone there 338:08 their smell when's the pizza 338:10 actually gets good like if you smell a 338:12 stranger they stink like [ __ ] but if you 338:14 smell someone that you like the stink 338:16 smell is kind of addicting fact 338:22 true and do you like my smell too 338:25 what smell he wears my clothes when i'm 338:27 gone 338:29 because they smell like me 338:31 okay no i've worn your clothes because 338:32 they are clean 338:34 i have a terrible 338:37 what do you mean 338:38 you said your clothes smell like you 338:40 they smell like [ __ ] 338:43 [Music] 338:45 i've you know you know okay there's a 338:47 there's a box of your clothes like a 338:49 little laundry bag that's under the sink 338:52 right now you know that under the sink 338:53 right now there's a laundry bag of your 338:55 clothes that just smell 338:57 [ __ ] dreadful in the laundry room 339:02 frieza 339:03 do you know that 339:05 you know that massachusetts 339:06 sex already 339:08 oh my god that's my [ __ ] what do you 339:10 mean the basket there's a basket under 339:12 the sink in the world i mean you know 339:13 how bad my second bathroom smells 339:16 yeah it smells like that it's the same 339:18 thing i only have one basket i do i do 339:20 relative amounts of laundry i've cleaned 339:22 some of my stuff i guess 339:24 i don't have any [ __ ] clothes man 339:27 uh 339:29 jeez just have sex already when you want 339:31 to um 339:32 when you want to have sex 339:34 as soon as you [ __ ] clean your 339:35 [ __ ] i don't want to have poopy [ __ ] 339:38 [Music] 339:42 okay 339:44 what's up 339:45 jesus [ __ ] we've been trying for so long 339:48 we're trying like a baby 339:50 yeah you just won't get pregnant i'm 339:52 sorry 339:54 i didn't think it was gonna be so hard 339:57 you know to get 339:59 i don't know i feel like everything i 340:00 was taught in biology class makes it so 340:02 easy to get pregnant 340:04 but 340:05 i don't know what's wrong with him i 340:06 guess i will impregnate you babe 340:12 when's pizza 340:18 our men's is on a bicycle so i don't 340:20 know 340:22 who said fence there's a bottom 340:24 am i a bottom or a top marisa 340:26 your bottom 340:29 wrong have you ever tried wrong answer 340:31 me 340:32 huh have you ever talked to me 340:35 no but i haven't [ __ ] what he's 340:37 submissive and 340:38 breathable 340:42 there's the bottom incorrect finn's a 340:44 power bottom what's the difference 340:46 between a bottom and a power bottom he 340:48 died 340:49 he fell on his bike 340:54 what man has only eighty percent 340:57 approval rating that means one in five 340:59 orders he completely [ __ ] up 341:02 [ __ ] really eighty percent 341:04 how do you [ __ ] up that bad on uber eats 341:06 you just need to leave it at the door 341:08 yeah imagine one in five you just [ __ ] 341:10 it up what the [ __ ] 341:12 power bottom is a dominant who takes it 341:17 what the [ __ ] power bottom is what a 341:19 dominant who takes it so like yes that's 341:22 a power bottom the one who gives the 341:24 [ __ ] like 341:26 yeah 341:27 [ __ ] me that's not you yeah [ __ ] me in 341:29 the ass let's go it's not you ah 341:36 you think i'd cry 341:38 i wouldn't cry i could i could 100 341:41 taking the ass without crying 100 341:44 i'm cool can you cosplay 2b no 341:49 can i punch you 341:51 yeah 341:53 harder 341:55 okay come on harder do you want me to do 341:57 a full one yeah no that's gonna i don't 341:59 know 341:59 go on going on 342:01 that's not gone i don't think you're 342:02 allowed 50 50 50 342:17 yeah what if it breaks it's 342:22 you're not [ __ ] conor mcgregor 342:26 really yeah hard 50 342:30 do you really have one 50 342:37 you hit me too this is for the uh the 342:38 court documents 342:41 go on 50 50 power yeah 342:44 omni man 342:45 i missed 342:50 i missed i slowly 342:53 guys 342:55 she hit me 342:57 again 342:59 i heard pretty no i don't want to hit 343:00 you that would be mean 343:03 and i wouldn't do that 343:05 okay 343:08 that wasn't too bad i didn't i missed 343:10 that hurt pretty bad though 343:13 can i do 343:14 you 343:16 don't worry he can cover the bruise with 343:18 makeup good point 343:21 how hard oh as much as you want no how 343:24 hot it's not gonna hurt it's it is how 343:26 hard hard 343:27 how hard do you want to do it standing 343:29 up give me a percentage 100. 343:32 that's not true don't hit my face 343:35 100 343:40 i don't want it i feel bad 343:43 i missed you so it's fine can i like i 343:45 feel bad though i hid i missed your arm 343:48 so you can hit me 343:50 [Music] 343:52 don't hit like this by four rose doesn't 343:54 sleep naked with risa rose has only 343:57 slept in women's well three times that's 343:59 straight it's girl month 344:01 huh 344:02 that's straight that's that's a weird 344:04 punch i want to do like that he hits 344:06 like this 344:07 what the [ __ ] 344:08 that's how i do it like that that's how 344:10 i hit 344:12 okay ready what a [ __ ] f i have to 344:14 punch like that because my [ __ ] nails 344:16 so i have to go like that go for it 344:17 don't break your finger ready 344:20 don't break your fingers are you ready 344:22 don't go too i feel bad your fingers 344:25 i feel bad 344:33 i felt hard no 344:36 no 344:37 one more time no i don't want you to i 344:39 don't know i feel bad wait wait i feel 344:40 better in between no what no i don't 344:42 want you to hit me again i feel bad 344:44 but my arm feels bad and also i don't 344:46 want to hit you wrap this around your 344:47 arm 344:48 no 344:49 it's funny come on let me wrap this 344:51 around like in this that's funny 344:55 [Music] 344:57 i think i hit pretty good 344:59 like here okay this is this is pretty 345:01 good right 345:03 uh slightly okay 345:11 here yep 345:13 i missed again how am i missing why do 345:15 you miss and then hit a concert you kind 345:18 of hit twice bro that hurts cause like 345:20 it's it's like it looks like this like i 345:22 don't know where to hit what do you mean 345:24 i don't know that hit dead on my bones 345:26 as thin man but i keep missing my bones 345:28 are thin that no no 345:30 my bones are thin that was good i keep 345:33 missing weak little [ __ ] i keep 345:35 missing weak weak as hell 345:38 it's because i'm sitting look 345:40 i'm sitting opposite like 345:42 like this it's hard to hit because my 345:44 swing goes here 345:46 right otherwise i would have to like 345:48 backwards your angle is good 345:50 you were hitting into me i'm hitting 345:51 away from you 345:53 if we switched positions i would hit you 345:54 easily all i'm saying is i hit better 345:56 arm wrestle 345:58 yeah 345:59 where here in the uh in the air yep 346:05 we didn't even get in position are you 346:06 ready he's like yeah surround the 346:08 wrecking in it 346:10 where do you want to have the elbow okay 346:12 ready 346:15 three 346:16 what are you doing three two one go 346:20 you're moving wait wait wait wait wait 346:23 you can't move the chair i'm not moving 346:24 look where he's going i'm not moving 346:26 you're pushing me i'm off kill stop 346:29 go back into position you immediately 346:32 move the swing 346:33 incorrect 346:35 wait what 346:37 razor swing no okay i think we're done i 346:39 i obviously won 346:41 i obviously won the strength contest 346:46 i obviously won the strength contest 346:49 it's just the testosterone bro i'm sorry 346:52 [ __ ] an action arm wrestle on the box 346:55 no 346:57 i feel like i already won 347:00 i wonder why this guy has like bad 347:02 approval rating he's just dead but 347:04 approval rating yeah he's 20 minutes 347:06 late oh this guy how's it going what are 347:08 you talking about 347:09 no he's he's just sitting at the side of 347:11 the road somewhere maybe he crushed 347:14 i hope so what if he's like bad rating 347:16 because he like crashes almost every 347:17 time i've had an uber driver literally 347:19 just steal my food 347:21 i got like it's the craziest [ __ ] like 347:23 what's the point in sacrificing your 347:24 entire job over just like you steal 347:26 someone's food and then you just leave 347:28 like that that was genuinely what i did 347:29 he picked up my food from like a burrito 347:31 place and then just [ __ ] left and 347:33 then i reported it he's like oh yeah he 347:35 and then the report people said like 347:38 yep we asked him he just stole the food 347:40 and he just lost the job 347:42 what's the point i don't get that 347:46 a [ __ ] like 10 pound burrito 347:48 worth your entire job 347:50 oh my god 347:52 he got hungry on the way i needed a 347:53 snack 347:54 yeah my like my order's so [ __ ] good 347:56 he just left it it was what my order's 347:58 so good he left the job for it 348:01 happens all the time 348:03 best burrito ever 348:08 good nails right better than yours 348:12 let me kiss you let me kiss you babe 348:17 babe how are you so strong 348:20 oh this is unpunchable 348:25 uh 348:26 did you smoke 348:28 smoke weed no i just drank it's just 348:31 your armpits then 348:35 what the [ __ ] 348:46 when's the pizza come i don't know he 348:48 died 348:52 he's just sitting here look 348:56 he's 348:56 what's not even from the pizza places 348:59 he's just been sitting here he's like 349:01 he's picked up the wait hold on can i 349:02 hold up don't show on screen 349:05 i'm not 349:06 what the [ __ ] 349:08 he's been sitting there for the wait 20 349:09 minutes 349:13 he's picked up the order gone round a 349:16 different road and just sat there he's 349:18 getting 349:22 he's yeah what the [ __ ] he just like 349:23 went round the corner and just like 349:26 has sat there 900 deliveries 349:28 90 349:29 satisfaction i don't trust that face 349:31 that means a hundred deliveries he 349:33 trolled 349:35 how do you [ __ ] up a hundred deliveries 349:37 oh my god what the [ __ ] all you have to 349:39 do is bring the food 349:42 yeah what the hell 349:44 has he moved oh he's moving he's moving 349:46 he's going let's [ __ ] go pizza time 349:48 pizza but it's gonna be like half a 349:50 pizza 349:51 [Music] 349:52 it'd be funnier if he actually like i've 349:54 never seen an uber rating as low as an 349:56 uber eats rating as low as 90 349:58 i've never seen that 350:03 be respectful i didn't finish his meal 350:05 good point 350:11 what the [ __ ] they're on two routes no 350:13 no he's just sitting still 350:15 nat over he needs to get involved in 350:18 this madness that's like [ __ ] 350:21 american like some little little [ __ ] 350:24 like modest cube dm what the [ __ ] yeah 350:26 he's it's a epic smp reunion 350:29 oh what the [ __ ] i was obviously the 350:31 like literally the best one 350:34 uh 350:37 [Music] 350:38 don't mention that 350:39 [ __ ] two it's so late 350:42 bring ryan they're all american i want 350:44 to go over to the states at some point 350:45 it's pizza time pizza time 350:48 oh 350:49 how do you feel about getting you don't 350:51 want me to talk about it 350:54 i'm going to talk about it how do you 350:55 feel about getting to see spider-man for 350:57 the first time in the entire world 350:59 literally the first time in the entire 351:01 world 351:02 immuting 351:04 no don't mind in the stream don't know 351:06 the stream 351:07 but it's like we're literally with book 351:09 to see spider-man for the first time in 351:11 uh on earth 351:13 stop 351:15 oh my god 351:17 fine it's not out yet 351:19 five hours from now 351:22 they're not 351:24 they're not 351:26 so far with like 351:28 best 351:30 oh my 351:31 god 351:32 she doesn't want to get spoiled so it's 351:33 like can you mention it 351:35 what did you mention it that was amazing 351:37 that was abuse [ __ ] [ __ ] that was 351:39 the domestics it's i'm recording you're 351:41 such an idiot 351:43 i'm such an idiot it's like 351:45 mirrisa doesn't want 351:48 someone to say the letter a what do you 351:50 think people are gonna do [ __ ] i'm 351:52 not gonna surely chat wouldn't say the 351:54 letter a a ton of times 351:56 they wouldn't how can you be this stupid 351:58 how can you like push it 352:02 [Music] 352:03 i got an idea we go see spider-man and 352:06 then we spoil it for them 352:07 [Laughter] 352:10 we're okay here's the problem okay 352:12 here's the problem we are seeing the 352:14 first screening ever right literally 352:16 like 352:17 he and me we're going to the first 352:18 screening all time like we'll see it 352:20 before everyone else in the world except 352:23 for the critics and i'm scared that one 352:25 of the critics is going to be an idiot 352:26 and spoil it that's it 352:28 the only one who sees it before us is 352:30 the critics 352:31 and that's what i'm scared of 352:34 because last time critics already 352:36 spoiled it 352:37 yeah 352:38 okay enough now 352:41 pizza is here let's end it pieces here 352:44 okay 352:44 how soon nevermind he died again 352:47 he's pulled over to the side of the road 352:49 oh there he is oh he literally is here 352:51 what the [ __ ] 352:52 goodbye guys wait and stand the stream 352:54 for a sec keep the stream instead i'm 352:56 gonna come i'm closing all the chad no 352:58 no no no no no wait give me my phone 352:59 give me my phone it's empty it's not 353:01 empty you just turn it on all right i'm 353:04 gonna see because i'm gonna get a 353:05 notification when i use that show your 353:06 toes 353:09 no stand further back look stand back 353:11 and now turn your feet towards each 353:13 other not like that two words yeah cute 353:15 cute 353:18 no don't do that why that's the enemy 353:20 stand more like this 353:22 yes that's how you ask to stand 353:24 alright 353:25 uh bend over a little bit 353:28 which way 353:29 turn towards the door and show me your 353:31 ass 353:33 oh yeah oh yeah babe 353:36 one sec 353:37 tell me when he tell me what road oh 353:39 don't tell me you're like he's on no 46 353:42 no 353:43 are you sure 353:44 it's gonna update in a sec 353:47 oh he's coming 353:49 he's on 46 bunnies he's not here yet 46 353:51 banana lane vanilla lame 353:56 i'm seeing i've got like my ring 353:58 doorbell set up so i i will know when 353:59 he's here 354:01 46. 354:04 my name is water walter hartwell white 354:09 oh i think i see him look 354:11 this see how this tree is all light lit 354:13 up it's gonna be his car um 354:15 wait who 354:16 this one asked 354:21 oh i was looking for a tic tac but i 354:23 installed it 354:27 i'm seeing when he's here when he pulls 354:29 up oh he's here okay one sec stay there 354:32 don't end the stream 354:33 entertain them while i'm gone i'm gonna 354:35 get the pizza he's here boys 354:42 let's host me ariza 354:47 what do you guys want to talk about 354:50 i'll do a speedrun of answering every 354:52 question ever 354:54 that he doesn't want me to answer 354:57 just go fast 355:01 how big is this [ __ ] it's like 355:03 seven 16 centimeters maybe 355:06 um 355:13 can you actually take the whole thing 355:14 what do you mean are you a couple a 355:16 couple of besties 355:26 i don't know if i'm allowed to say this 355:29 but i can hear him and you know what he 355:30 said 355:32 okay look he said he said to the guy can 355:34 you leave it by the door he's not 355:36 actually confronting him he said 355:39 hey mate can you leave it by the door 355:41 so he's waiting for him to go and then 355:42 he's gonna get the pizza so no one's 355:44 gonna see him let's see if when he comes 355:46 in here if he pretends 355:48 that he had like a weird interaction 355:50 with him or something he's gonna be like 355:52 oh he looked at me so weird but it's 355:55 it's not true like he said can you leave 355:57 it at the door 356:00 don't don't betray me okay let's just 356:02 see if he 356:03 let's just see if he trolls it 356:05 he comes in like oh the guy looked at me 356:06 so weird that was the most awkward thing 356:10 ever guys 356:17 let's see it 356:28 silencio 356:41 here he comes 356:43 took him a long time to get the pizza 356:45 waited for the guy to leave 357:00 bye hi 357:02 how was it 357:04 what how was it pretty pretty cool 357:08 ah 357:09 do you have a weird story no no 357:10 particularly i shot him to leave it at 357:12 the door 357:14 i kind of pussied out 357:16 i mean i he was walking in the driver i 357:18 was like can you live by the door please 357:19 because i didn't want to talk to him in 357:20 person 357:21 so it's like 357:23 hey 357:24 i'm sorry 357:25 all right 357:26 boys i think how big is this 357:28 pretty [ __ ] what the hell 357:30 yo 357:32 what the [ __ ] all right boys i think 357:34 it's time we ended up for the night uh 357:36 we've streamed for [ __ ] five hours 357:38 and 40 minutes i think it's a good 357:40 decent time to own it off uh this was a 357:42 fun stream i enjoyed answering all your 357:44 tough questions i'm now gonna completely 357:46 break the diet can i tell you something 357:48 what i told him that you told him to 357:50 leave it at the door yeah and we were 357:52 gonna see if you make up a fake story 357:53 like oh that was so embarrassing 357:55 no we usually do 357:58 what do you mean 358:00 i tell the truth i'm a truther yeah yeah 358:03 i know what's in your head right i told 358:05 him to leave it at the door i know 358:06 exactly what you're thinking of right 358:07 now what 358:10 gremlin 358:13 anyway boys i will see you uh i'm a 358:15 truth-teller reason might be lying too 358:18 see now that you've got 358:19 i feel like everyone tells me that i'm 358:21 lying about things but i'm actually 358:22 saying the truth 358:24 yeah 358:25 will you stream tomorrow 358:29 time to lie 358:31 no you don't want stream 358:33 i know we don't want to get spoiled 358:34 that's the thing 358:35 uh so i don't i can't promise me 358:37 streaming 358:40 i might stream really early like before 358:42 the stuff gets leaked but i don't know 358:45 we will see 358:46 but i i'm just saying no i'll say no if 358:50 i do stream it's gonna be a surprise 358:52 uh i know i'm definitely gonna stream on 358:53 the 15th because i'll have a lot of 358:55 stuff to talk about from spiderman 358:57 someone said 358:58 why is the cheese yellow 359:01 why would it be oh good point anyway 359:03 boys i will see you it's gonna be uh i 359:06 hope you had fun today uh hopefully i 359:08 should have my ear pit my ears pierced 359:10 tomorrow so that's gonna be fun yeah 359:12 boys i'll see you uh it was a fun stream 359:16 goodbye do you wanna say goodbye you 359:17 wanna wave goodbye i was i'll see you 359:20 hopefully you had fun 359:23 bye 359:25 wait 359:27 do you want to do like a pose for the 359:28 end off 359:29 me yeah come on 359:31 i'm gonna sell the camera 359:36 here's my pose 359:37 [Music] 359:41 give it a kiss goodbye go on big big be 359:43 like feminine like me 359:49 go on do a kiss goodbye come on please 359:51 please please please please please 359:54 go and do this 359:56 do that 359:57 do that please