[00:00:03.148] Helen_Croft: Live [00:00:23.183] edgar_ayer: he is live [00:00:34.321] edgar_ayer: thejrmAvadance [00:00:34.772] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam nanona1Nodders f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:00:36.690] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:00:38.976] estrageit: now we wait 15 minutes and i make fat stacks [00:00:43.369] Callissto_: AYYY [00:00:44.842] Helen_Croft: catJAM [00:00:46.730] Flippi_12: f1nnCowjam [00:00:47.387] jam404j: Hello [00:00:51.501] disnick123: f1nnCowjam [00:00:52.689] space_x_nasa: wassup chat [00:00:53.629] phoenixqueen05: Hii [00:00:53.700] supergamegirl78: Hiiiii [00:00:53.851] nmfulminata: Ayyyy what’s good y’all? [00:00:54.804] Glitterbomb_cass: well hello! [00:00:55.247] mr_fishy009: Hello [00:00:55.695] buasalli: Hi [00:00:56.731] Helen_Croft: !discord [00:00:56.995] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:00:57.198] zomokthedragon: E [00:00:57.942] conmxds: #hi [00:00:58.267] t3rrykew: Heyy [00:00:58.374] lora0pan0cheesy: Hello [00:00:58.695] YuseiStreamsStuff: hiiiii [00:00:59.330] nonbinary_bee_2007: Hii everyone [00:00:59.350] galatic_penguin: Hi [00:00:59.730] f3mmbot F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:01:00.112] edgar_ayer: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:00.349] itsmeshelbylol_: Hi hi [00:01:00.455] justwrenchit: Howdy [00:01:00.525] cheesegobbler69: Egg [00:01:00.620] 6strawbeemilk9: hey!! [00:01:01.334] Kinitawowi: limesDance [00:01:01.633] mando_assassin: Hiii [00:01:01.901] nathan2008123: Yup [00:01:01.948] phoenixqueen05: Hehehe haaaa [00:01:02.550] smiley_jay_: Hwyyyy [00:01:02.785] magic_wormzz: Hello [00:01:03.158] thel0ng2: Hi [00:01:03.222] Kashe_vt: Yellow [00:01:03.354] FelineFemby: Sup boiis [00:01:03.500] disnick123: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:04.217] torren1356: wussup manly men [00:01:04.942] poliwagpi4554: hello fin [00:01:05.186] hacobjill16: Are you not watching Eurovision?? [00:01:05.730] t3rrykew: BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP [00:01:06.429] 6strawbeemilk9: hiii [00:01:06.684] galatic_penguin: Heyyyy!! [00:01:07.872] pandapanda12342: Hi [00:01:08.236] tt_itsdavidbtw__: OSFrog KappaWealth NomNom [00:01:08.803] arandomwookie: Cow [00:01:08.957] zohan3699: heyyy [00:01:09.097] edgar_ayer: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:09.733] nathan2008123: Finn [00:01:10.517] Experienceknows: eyyy bby [00:01:11.483] Stovamor: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:11.712] wa_ge_man: PogChamp [00:01:11.959] theflash681: Hey bois [00:01:12.214] dashing_Fox76: Yay :) [00:01:13.128] lintrixhop: hi [00:01:13.249] duipm: WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [00:01:13.732] playboi_419937: Yo [00:01:14.708] Kashe_vt: Mommy? [00:01:14.709] arandomwookie: HypeLurk [00:01:16.804] conmxds: Damn bro that cow smexy [00:01:17.065] phoenixqueen05: FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ [00:01:17.325] Amoyamoyamoya: Goes back to organizing files. [00:01:17.374] dingosurprise: f1nnCowjam [00:01:17.969] lrgrayson2: Heyyyyyyyyyy [00:01:17.977] amoreperfectusername: Hopefully the stream ends before I have to go to work [00:01:18.113] mzinker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:20.177] t3rrykew: PowerUpL ThankEgg PowerUpR [00:01:20.402] FelineFemby: cowJAM [00:01:20.916] wakjah: and here i was wondering what i was gonna do for the next couple of hours [00:01:21.630] xenooowo: best song 2074 [00:01:21.889] KAZ00MER_: Cow [00:01:21.902] da_boxedbean: Helloo [00:01:22.581] Kolateak_: CowJAM [00:01:23.239] space_x_nasa: hey finn, chat, and mods!! [00:01:23.253] vidyagaem7: Aww yea we’re back to polish cow nice [00:01:24.112] dashing_Fox76: Comfort streamer alert <3 [00:01:24.344] emmylekiwi: Hellooooo [00:01:25.999] generationken: Cow [00:01:27.468] itsmeshelbylol_: Cow [00:01:27.594] KAZ00MER_: C O W J A M [00:01:27.744] semvd0605: Heyyy! [00:01:27.778] TheBicFish: Cow [00:01:27.890] FelineFemby: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:27.993] thericherrera9: how's everyone doing today [00:01:29.351] Wolf_Dkk: Hey [00:01:29.726] nychder87: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:01:29.914] somebodydidthatinthewater: Hi [00:01:30.709] xxmrbluedreamxx: PowerUpL MaxLOL PowerUpR [00:01:31.530] the_spartanghost: just here for rose [00:01:31.795] Wolf_Dkk: wolfdkHi [00:01:32.763] pandapanda12342: Mooo [00:01:33.132] happyspanners: first stream [00:01:33.367] KAZ00MER_: MOOOOO [00:01:34.555] Lemorgatto: PotFriend dellorMediacom PotFriend dellorMediacom [00:01:35.550] pandapanda12342: Moo [00:01:35.710] hero_of__kvatch: hero_of__kvatch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:01:35.804] Sammymy_beloved: Yeeeeeee [00:01:35.889] f3mmbot hero_of__kvatch subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:39.064] torren1356: Holy cow [00:01:39.551] onemysteriousmushroom: i dont know whether to be concerned about the title or not [00:01:39.943] michelle9O: what did I say? COW!! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:40.096] dangerous_pears: C o w [00:01:40.312] conmxds: Forgive me lord for what I’m about to do [00:01:41.231] xxmrbluedreamxx: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:01:41.798] KAZ00MER_: MOOO [00:01:42.170] pandapanda12342: Mo [00:01:42.946] WhitherSkyT: milk [00:01:43.011] nychder87: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [00:01:45.426] onemysteriousmushroom: anwyay COW [00:01:47.009] itsmeshelbylol_: Dancing burger [00:01:49.180] lrgrayson2: Mommy? [00:01:49.745] Emmy64_: catJAM [00:01:50.245] alexx_net: Good evening @space_x_nasa, [00:01:50.994] theflash681: DAESuppy [00:01:51.851] pandapanda12342: Bvdsvbbvc [00:01:52.098] Jedmaster69: burgs [00:01:52.732] Nonscentss: cum sock [00:01:54.491] FelineFemby: ezeggJam ezeggJam ezeggJam [00:01:54.738] timothygill_: hello @f1nn5ter and mods and chat!! how's it going? [00:01:55.276] thel0ng2: C O W [00:01:57.079] galatic_penguin: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:01:57.119] onemysteriousmushroom: cow be vibin [00:01:58.347] lrgrayson2: Hot [00:01:58.930] smiley_jay_: Burrrr [00:01:59.087] holy_boi_03: Beef [00:01:59.506] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:59.541] jackjlive: moo [00:02:00.557] nychder87: hello chat [00:02:01.645] lrgrayson2: Sexy [00:02:01.959] guitarbebop: Again …. So soon ? Yaaaaaa [00:02:02.283] sheeparefine: hello [00:02:02.501] 4dpolarbear: Mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry [00:02:02.879] xdwulfgar: Oi [00:02:02.946] dashing_Fox76: Wooo [00:02:03.455] fish_man_4142: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [00:02:03.567] marl_angelo: corn [00:02:05.925] snackehard: Hey Chat! [00:02:06.061] FreedomWaterfall: FreedomWaterfall subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! pog [00:02:06.240] f3mmbot freedomwaterfall subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:06.876] theflash681: VoteYea [00:02:07.187] Yorlin123: POOOOG [00:02:07.294] freenrir: cow [00:02:07.856] destiny_noob7: falloutChair falloutChair [00:02:07.897] smoky_69420: GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:02:08.008] KAZ00MER_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:08.523] jaynov18: jaynov18 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ayyy I love the dancing cow stream [00:02:08.699] f3mmbot jaynov18 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:08.832] demiderius: helmo [00:02:08.956] commanderredpanda: wibble [00:02:13.595] chompsy_: hello mommy [00:02:14.445] itsmeshelbylol_: Shuffling Big Mac [00:02:15.019] jackjlive: Nice Cocw [00:02:15.334] Yorlin123: new streaaam [00:02:16.038] freenrir: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:16.931] 57ranma: The only British queen I recognize [00:02:17.177] Yorlin123: yeaaah [00:02:17.487] onemysteriousmushroom: wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs [00:02:17.675] guitarbebop: CatJam [00:02:17.852] lurking_marshmellow: I miss Katie perry [00:02:18.439] M4rkH4wk: f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM [00:02:18.811] edgar_ayer: f1nnCowjam thejrmRave [00:02:19.354] tt_itsdavidbtw__: RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp TwitchSings SingsMic SingsNote GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:02:19.707] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam nanona1Nodders f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:02:19.820] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:20.629] WhitherSkyT: f1nnLezgang [00:02:21.033] Stovamor: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:22.175] beanandcheeseburritoboy: Cow <# [00:02:22.937] Davovitch: yall should be watching eurovision!!! [00:02:23.718] XellosMetallum: rooBobble rooBobble rooBobble rooBobble rooBobble [00:02:23.726] kyomiyake: it's 4am I'm tired and I need to sleep [00:02:25.943] les_aventures_de_jeb: GlitchCat [00:02:26.065] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:26.116] onemysteriousmushroom: wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype [00:02:26.792] WhitherSkyT: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:02:29.084] theflash681: Mooooo [00:02:29.725] smoky_69420: Squid3 PowerUpR [00:02:30.568] freenrir: wow. this is peak british content [00:02:31.800] Helen_Croft: f1nnCowjam [00:02:32.402] prestanboi: Hi [00:02:33.821] cheesegobbler69: Haha funny cow go moo [00:02:34.107] Amoyamoyamoya: !stream [00:02:34.372] f3mmbot The next stream will be "sum strimm" on Saturday at 21:00 UK time (0 hours and -4 minutes left!) . Stream Hype! [00:02:35.059] Flippi_12: catJAM [00:02:35.413] destiny_noob7: falloutThumb1 falloutThumb2 [00:02:37.235] ConixCentral: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:37.518] serfpys: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:02:37.575] imArsenn: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:37.936] Phoenix_52A: GivePLZ MercyWing1 <3 MercyWing2 TakeNRG [00:02:40.693] Leah_xp: Leah_xp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Pog [00:02:40.873] f3mmbot leah_xp subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:43.021] alexx_net: @onemysteriousmushroom, More hot means fewer clothes... f1nnEmbarrassed [00:02:43.191] uncharted_ghostz: sogYeah sogYeah sogYeah sogYeah [00:02:43.447] mando_assassin: CoolCat [00:02:43.641] smoky_69420: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:02:43.839] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnPegChamp f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:02:44.116] Kodywatrous: <( ‘ ‘ )> [00:02:45.835] saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam [00:02:45.982] floofem: eyyojiMob eyyojiMob eyyojiMob eyyojiMob [00:02:46.637] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam [00:02:47.245] kellimarie4u: Woot!!! Dancing cow!!! [00:02:47.530] mzinker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY [00:02:48.171] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:49.295] nonbinary_bee_2007: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:02:49.506] dashing_Fox76: YAY FINN STREAMMMM [00:02:49.780] pandapanda12342: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:51.823] itsmeshelbylol_: Vibing moo [00:02:52.058] grimmreaper5416: ew, caught in an add and I'm new. what is this bs. I hate ads [00:02:54.889] Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:56.410] Xylomn: obkatD f1nnCowjam obkatD f1nnCowjam obkatD [00:02:57.614] nonbinary_bee_2007: TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:02:57.867] WhitherSkyT: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:02:58.313] vanimal2118: Howdy @amoyamoyamoya [00:02:59.277] FelineFemby: ezeggLook1 ezeggLook2 ezeggLook3 [00:03:00.350] galatic_penguin: KonCha [00:03:01.420] Emmy64_: mkoJammies f1nnCowjam [00:03:01.662] theflash681: HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash [00:03:02.773] theflash681: HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash [00:03:03.202] Calvogamer559: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:03.605] mtv_dreamzz: Cow [00:03:04.000] theflash681: HypeCash HypeCash [00:03:05.431] conmxds: Dat cow HOT forgive me lord [00:03:06.111] serfpys: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:03:06.790] KAZ00MER_: KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW [00:03:07.114] playboi_419937: Wwww [00:03:07.656] tatiana_petrova: tatiana_petrova subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 14 month streak! [00:03:07.831] f3mmbot tatiana_petrova subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:08.674] destiny_noob7: falloutLove falloutLove [00:03:09.627] smoky_69420: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:09.785] saltyfcraker: rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1Shy f1nnCowjam rynali1Shy f1nnCowjam [00:03:10.085] cheesegobbler69: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:10.169] playboi_419937: S [00:03:10.317] Amoyamoyamoya: @vanimal2118, Ayoooooooo [00:03:10.390] zohan3699: hype train!!!!!!!! [00:03:10.531] monkeyman200445: FBRun InuyoFace FBBlock [00:03:11.137] serfpys: LUL [00:03:11.212] nonbinary_bee_2007: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [00:03:11.425] playboi_419937: D [00:03:12.695] Emmy64_: ezeggJam [00:03:12.880] tkmuzz09: Lets gooooooooo [00:03:13.989] playboi_419937: S [00:03:14.465] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [00:03:14.652] WhitherSkyT: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:03:15.738] marin_bendurski: hiiiii [00:03:15.943] XyroWasTaken: finally caught a stream yoo [00:03:16.221] onemysteriousmushroom: @amoyamoyamoya hello there [00:03:17.219] chassie_ttv: WASSUP [00:03:17.694] destiny_noob7: falloutChair falloutChair falloutChair [00:03:17.751] serfpys: PotFriend [00:03:17.801] da_boxedbean: ezeggLook1 ezeggLook1 ezeggLook2 ezeggLook3 ezeggLook3 [00:03:18.731] cheesegobbler69: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR [00:03:19.580] mysticbee3112: mysticbee3112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:03:19.758] f3mmbot mysticbee3112 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:21.198] tatiana_petrova: 15 months... Let's goooooooo! [00:03:21.370] vidyagaem7: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:21.846] serfpys: DarkKnight [00:03:23.160] galatic_penguin: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:03:23.796] monkeyman200445: SirMad SirSword [00:03:24.160] Temperingmars04: SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:03:24.226] thel0ng2: ph1lBIGPOG [00:03:24.602] Maestro_ofDrip420: its hot out here in cali 90 degrees fahrenheit [00:03:26.141] xxmrbluedreamxx: TableHere FlipThis CrreamAwk [00:03:26.557] theflash681: HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeCash HypeCash HypeHit HypeHit HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash HypeHit HypeCash [00:03:26.898] cheesegobbler69: PogChamp [00:03:27.949] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam nanona1Nodders f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:03:28.445] sbartram: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:03:30.744] only_oliver1: only_oliver1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [00:03:30.929] f3mmbot only_oliver1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:30.975] Kashe_vt: !stream [00:03:31.223] f3mmbot The next stream will be "sum strimm" on Saturday at 21:00 UK time (0 hours and -5 minutes left!) . Stream Hype! [00:03:33.144] phoenixqueen05: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:03:33.761] conmxds: :) :) :) :) :) :) [00:03:34.987] marin_bendurski: where is tjlhe boss [00:03:35.058] im_dying_help_me: im_dying_help_me subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 21 month streak! [00:03:35.182] kellimarie4u: mcaT [00:03:35.252] f3mmbot im_dying_help_me subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:35.346] smiley_jay_: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:03:35.645] AFeverishMarlin: Eurovision streem!?!? [00:03:35.702] im_up_to_something: Didn't expect a weekend stream VoHiYo [00:03:36.482] dashing_Fox76: Finn>>>>> anything else in the universe [00:03:37.217] phoenixqueen05: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:03:37.433] c__r__j: [Fetches water] Hydration alert! [00:03:38.090] onemysteriousmushroom: wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype [00:03:38.228] monkeyman200445: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:38.379] berserkmathew: berserkmathew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! damn 24 months my am I here just to suffer? [00:03:38.572] f3mmbot berserkmathew subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:39.755] dladdz2000: SMOrc [00:03:40.387] mtv_dreamzz: GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:03:40.700] coolboylevi: f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM [00:03:41.566] user1231612924: hiii [00:03:43.585] phoenixqueen05: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc [00:03:43.734] Temperingmars04: PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob [00:03:44.599] monkeyman200445: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [00:03:45.551] Phoenix_52A: GivePLZ MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 TakeNRG [00:03:45.948] itsmeshelbylol_: C🐄 [00:03:47.134] fish_man_4142: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [00:03:47.148] dladdz2000: SSSsss [00:03:47.170] xxmrbluedreamxx: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:03:47.199] cheesegobbler69: GlitchLit GlitchNRG [00:03:47.706] Amoyamoyamoya: @onemysteriousmushroom, H'lo OMM [00:03:48.212] annieee_uhhh: <3 <3 [00:03:48.258] conmxds: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:48.744] tt_itsdavidbtw__: FBCatch FBSpiral FBPass [00:03:50.296] demi_exe: PrideLion TransgenderPride [00:03:52.311] noballs42069: f1nn5tPegChamp [00:03:52.575] matt_b39: Damn it, why do I always get the notification after the betting poll has closed. [00:03:52.740] monkeyman200445: MyAvatar [00:03:53.072] KAZ00MER_: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack [00:03:53.174] rekhan337: wsg chatty [00:03:53.265] coolboylevi: SSSsss PunchTrees [00:03:53.370] fromthef1nn5ide: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:53.555] lay35: Shush NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:03:54.670] user1231612924: achoWiggle achoWiggle achoWiggle [00:03:54.884] mtv_dreamzz: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:54.907] buttersubstitute: HELLO [00:03:55.811] les_aventures_de_jeb: 😏🍌💦 [00:03:57.763] CrystalKyd: aruuuFierceYandere aruuuFierceYandere aruuuFierceYandere aruuuFierceYandere [00:03:57.846] prestanboi: Pog [00:03:58.344] kellimarie4u: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:03:59.533] smiley_jay_: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:03:59.780] galatic_penguin: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:04:00.085] Dyman15: Dyman15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:04:00.144] vegito_blue2018: hello thiccster [00:04:00.273] f3mmbot dyman15 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:00.678] leona392: hey [00:04:01.167] monkeyman200445: BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan [00:04:01.176] timboixd: oi oi bois [00:04:01.787] csr_1996: twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid [00:04:01.787] h3llreaper64: f1nnCancelled [00:04:01.876] varelaboys5270: 😒😒😒😞 [00:04:03.154] varelaboys5270: 😞😒😒😒 [00:04:04.072] lay35: hey [00:04:04.143] kaiicanthandle: penis [00:04:04.287] conmxds: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:04:04.637] varelaboys5270: 😒😒😒 [00:04:05.411] Maestro_ofDrip420: waaaa waaa im dababy and i need dafemboy milk [00:04:05.433] mtv_dreamzz: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush [00:04:05.486] katkafox0123: wtf is wrong with that cow?!! [00:04:05.745] coolboylevi: KappaPride KappaPride [00:04:05.756] KAZ00MER_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:04:06.234] phoenixqueen05: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:04:06.397] varelaboys5270: 😒😒😒😒 [00:04:07.698] varelaboys5270: 😒😒😒 [00:04:07.727] lrgrayson2: <3 [00:04:08.922] vegito_blue2018: RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp [00:04:09.261] Cast_Horizon: we getting some Minecraft @f1nn5ter [00:04:09.661] phoenixqueen05: SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc [00:04:09.949] user1231612924: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:04:10.730] nick_nameQ: <3 [00:04:11.514] emmylekiwi: It’s been like 30ºC all day here I’m dying (France) [00:04:11.797] galatic_penguin: PowerUpL DarkMode PowerUpR [00:04:12.891] Wolf_Dkk: Hi [00:04:13.086] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:13.462] leona392: I'm trans myself [00:04:14.326] marin_bendurski: sup men [00:04:14.359] Stovamor: @matt_b39, cos the betting ends at the planned time for the stream to start [00:04:14.619] jak1nss_: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:04:14.681] onemysteriousmushroom: wdessyHype GayPride wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype GayPride [00:04:15.138] phoenixqueen05: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:04:15.821] rekhan337: catJAM [00:04:15.950] pandapanda12342: HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta [00:04:16.031] psyrochi: psyrochi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [00:04:16.202] sheeparefine: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:04:16.231] f3mmbot psyrochi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:17.210] ITEnglishDegree: ITEnglishDegree subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! What the hell are they up to now? [00:04:17.395] f3mmbot itenglishdegree subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:17.709] itsmeshelbylol_: Bahahah [00:04:18.149] itsevanzke0516m: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:04:18.461] coolboylevi: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:04:19.372] dashing_Fox76: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:04:20.152] varelaboys5270: 😭😭😭😭😭 [00:04:20.348] vogongeltz: mommy [00:04:20.633] michelle9O: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnLaff [00:04:23.112] cheesegobbler69: LUL [00:04:24.077] Jzunreih: phewww [00:04:24.203] huntxr14: cowJAM [00:04:24.210] varelaboys5270: GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit [00:04:24.724] xxmrbluedreamxx: HotPokket cmonBruh cmonBruh [00:04:25.238] varelaboys5270: GlitchLit BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter [00:04:25.536] Stovamor: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:26.164] KAZ00MER_: SingsNote [00:04:26.855] cheesegobbler69: TehePelo [00:04:27.016] varelaboys5270: BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter [00:04:27.094] phoenixqueen05: bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride bleedPurple KappaPride CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat [00:04:28.020] lynx_dia: so hot [00:04:28.537] user1231612924: e [00:04:28.540] varelaboys5270: GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit [00:04:28.705] KAZ00MER_: SingsNote SingsNote [00:04:29.254] c__r__j: @katkafox0123 EVERYTHING is wrong with that cow. [00:04:29.386] saltyfcraker: saltyfcraker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hello [00:04:29.464] playdatewifknives: Finn turned into a cow [00:04:29.559] varelaboys5270: BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter [00:04:29.592] f3mmbot saltyfcraker subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:29.978] KAZ00MER_: SingsNote [00:04:30.970] onemysteriousmushroom: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:04:32.167] varelaboys5270: PopCorn BlackLivesMatter GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn [00:04:33.515] vidyagaem7: f1nnCowjam only on the f1nn streams do you get this action f1nnCowjam [00:04:34.151] varelaboys5270: PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn [00:04:34.473] Miss_Nova1986: really I wait all day now I turned my pc off guess who gets online 😂😂😂😂 [00:04:34.566] KAZ00MER_: SingsNote SingsNote [00:04:34.773] kilohannah: kilohannah subscribed with Prime. [00:04:34.889] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam ezeggJam mkoJammies mkoBlankies [00:04:34.983] f3mmbot kilohannah subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kilohannah f1nn5tLezgang [00:04:35.557] kinomoto_yue: HeyGuys VirtualHug [00:04:35.685] prestanboi: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:04:36.007] my_ownpath: hypeeeeeeee [00:04:36.130] KAZ00MER_: SingsNote [00:04:36.222] josecortesnival: howdy [00:04:37.197] varelaboys5270: BlackLivesMatter [00:04:38.722] user1231612924: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:04:38.825] cheesegobbler69: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [00:04:39.028] michelle9O: Big boba? [00:04:39.166] Flippi_12: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam deamhaWiggle f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:39.274] conmxds: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:04:39.274] Vonkje2000: Vonkje2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 9 months no adds [00:04:39.480] f3mmbot vonkje2000 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:39.740] varelaboys5270: BlackLivesMatter PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn [00:04:41.011] adrkib354978: HarleyWink [00:04:41.015] varelaboys5270: PopCorn BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter [00:04:42.817] varelaboys5270: BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit [00:04:43.861] prestanboi: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:04:44.070] AtlasJedi: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug MercyWing1 VirtualHug MercyWing2 [00:04:44.732] vanimal2118: obkatNODDERS obkatNODDERS obkatNODDERS [00:04:45.084] varelaboys5270: BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter BlackLivesMatter [00:04:45.196] onemysteriousmushroom: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:04:45.692] Experienceknows: PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR [00:04:48.034] kilohannah: hehe [00:04:48.274] KAZ00MER_: MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 [00:04:48.286] coolboylevi: KonCha KonCha KonCha [00:04:50.732] BennettJT96: PrideRise [00:04:52.264] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam nanona1Nodders f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:04:53.015] nick_nameQ: ResidentSleeper [00:04:54.127] user1231612924: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:04:54.638] Jzunreih: SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote [00:04:55.199] KAZ00MER_: MaxLOL [00:04:55.577] anr_lord: PogU [00:04:59.015] casflowers: so cute lol [00:04:59.194] KAZ00MER_: PixelBob [00:05:00.729] Sephtiryen: hello [00:05:04.028] itsmeshelbylol_: eugeniWave eugeniWave [00:05:05.065] user1231612924: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:05:06.287] r1cky4pl: HypePopcorn [00:05:06.863] kellimarie4u: PrimeYouDontSay PrimeYouDontSay PrimeYouDontSay [00:05:07.084] toshiyada: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [00:05:07.933] user1231612924: <3 bleedPurple <3 bleedPurple <3 bleedPurple <3 [00:05:08.557] mx_crimson: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:10.854] Slowbrodragon: It's Eurovision Finn, cant watch [00:05:11.862] Stovamor: f1nnCowjam mkoJammies coxJam anitaJAM catJAM anitaJAM coxJam mkoJammies f1nnCowjam [00:05:12.038] xxmrbluedreamxx: TableHere FlipThis f1nnRun cmonBruh [00:05:12.786] Godsquad97: you should be watching eurovision [00:05:13.602] dashing_Fox76: Yo the cow emote is in time wiv the videooo [00:05:14.624] user1231612924: NotLikeThis [00:05:15.606] itsevanzke0516m: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR TransgenderPride [00:05:15.837] AtlasJedi: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [00:05:16.211] nightwolfftw46: nightwolfftw46 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! 8 months let’s goooooo [00:05:16.354] Jzunreih: holycow [00:05:16.388] f3mmbot nightwolfftw46 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:16.741] Experienceknows: copyThis pastaThat [00:05:17.044] katkafox0123: @katkafox0123 yeah ! i dont understand it make zero sence! whyyy? [00:05:17.447] Xylomn: cowJAM in one ear, eurovision in the other, they dont really work together lol [00:05:18.101] barbie_secretstanner: streaming on a saturday? unheard of [00:05:18.701] cheesegobbler69: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 SSSsss Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:21.342] NUFC4life1979: Good evening @f1nn5ter and @chat [00:05:22.519] itsevanzke0516m: ImTyping [00:05:22.686] chassie_ttv: adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes [00:05:22.888] emmylekiwi: Guys is it still girly girl month or not ? [00:05:29.313] alexx_net: Time to get a drink and settle in. [00:05:30.872] toshiyada: p, [00:05:31.852] TakeOnWill: It's fucking roasting mate can't stand this heat [00:05:32.132] kellimarie4u: FootYellow FootYellow FootYellow FootYellow FootYellow [00:05:33.706] cheesegobbler69: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:34.769] bigtank2002: Where mommy Finn [00:05:36.390] smiley_jay_: Hi [00:05:37.691] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:37.996] Amoyamoyamoya: isitgirlmonth.com [00:05:38.112] Stovamor: !girlmonth [00:05:38.407] f3mmbot https://isitgirlmonth.com [00:05:38.750] Helen_Croft: @emmylekiwi yes [00:05:39.060] itsmeshelbylol_: Shake it baby [00:05:40.499] conmxds: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:42.567] dashing_Fox76: FINN PLZ I NEED YA <3 [00:05:43.257] mabeinvisable: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [00:05:45.713] PJ___Gaming: O! Cow from Poland! 🇵🇱 [00:05:46.679] itsmeshelbylol_: 💸💸💸💸💸 [00:05:47.528] jak1nss_: ImTyping BCWarrior [00:05:48.300] Experienceknows: riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis [00:05:50.300] lolaaaaa77: Cow dance [00:05:51.279] sammystormer: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:05:52.634] destiny_noob7: where is the MILF finn [00:05:53.518] emmylekiwi: Thanks @helen_croft [00:05:54.002] KAZ00MER_: S A T E N [00:05:55.408] toshiyada: PowerUpL Kreygasm [00:05:55.423] docsavage2010: f1nnCancelled [00:05:55.456] jacobccs: 🤤 [00:05:57.617] kiwi1_8: Where's mommy fin [00:05:58.185] lolaaaaa77: Best cow from poland [00:06:00.501] onemysteriousmushroom: help the heat in england is painful and its not even summer yet kill me [00:06:02.410] KAZ00MER_: MUMMMMM [00:06:02.428] cheesegobbler69: KomodoHype DoritosChip [00:06:03.649] ttvdylan2234: polish cow!! [00:06:04.120] lolaaaaa77: Send the german cow over [00:06:05.469] vogongeltz: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:06:05.675] toshiyada: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR [00:06:06.717] vidyagaem7: Think he’ll show up before 20 minutes this time? [00:06:06.788] galatic_penguin: LUL LUL [00:06:06.822] thel0ng2: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:06:08.367] zohan3699: show yourself [00:06:08.861] RyanElizabeth__: hurry up finn. i don’t want to wait [00:06:10.115] NUFC4life1979: Who is watching Eurovision tonight [00:06:11.637] pog_master134: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:06:13.595] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜 [00:06:17.982] bigtank2002: Mommy Finn [00:06:18.068] onemysteriousmushroom: hurry up egg boy [00:06:18.690] cheesegobbler69: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [00:06:18.786] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜 [00:06:19.000] connybro_: CoolCat [00:06:19.369] chassie_ttv: adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes adampwToes [00:06:20.158] xxmrbluedreamxx: cow goes meow change my mind [00:06:21.147] kiwi1_8: !uptime [00:06:21.229] KAZ00MER_: MUMMM- [00:06:21.420] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 6m 27s [00:06:21.671] Xylomn: @NUFC4life1979 woop woop [00:06:22.641] chevelleman350: Finally, a stream I can be dedicated to and not have work interrupt me. [00:06:23.185] my_ownpath: cowjammm [00:06:23.280] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜 [00:06:23.314] itsmeshelbylol_: 💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶 [00:06:23.803] ConixCentral: antitiTankroll [00:06:24.951] Flippi_12: catJAM [00:06:25.194] Stovamor: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:25.921] edithxputhie: !pronouns [00:06:26.168] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [00:06:26.458] toshiyada: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:06:27.286] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:06:31.340] nightwolfftw46: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:06:31.418] cheesegobbler69: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:06:31.642] sufe_bullet: f1nnLaff Ya new emote [00:06:31.969] destiny_noob7: pov I'm in England and being cooked in an oven at 170*c [00:06:32.301] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:06:34.299] Jzunreih: CoolCat CoolCat [00:06:36.425] katkafox0123: can somebody stop that cow??!! [00:06:36.471] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam nanona1Nodders f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:06:36.844] eversowholesome: oh god [00:06:37.477] emmylekiwi: I was watching eurovision but finn is more important [00:06:37.653] pyramidpancakes: catJAM [00:06:37.807] KAZ00MER_: !pronouns [00:06:38.064] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:06:38.076] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [00:06:38.294] tatiana_petrova: LMAO [00:06:38.464] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam nanona1Nodders f1nnCowjam linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:06:38.984] Kolateak_: pepeD [00:06:39.320] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG [00:06:39.818] minediamonds697: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:06:40.024] sufe_bullet: Hype [00:06:40.357] streamer_btw_199: streamer_btw_199 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:06:40.555] krrityas: VoHiYo [00:06:40.562] f3mmbot streamer_btw_199 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:40.604] Kinitawowi: f1nnJAM [00:06:41.650] bigtank2002: Mommy Finn in chat [00:06:42.481] destiny_noob7: spped [00:06:42.530] mr_willy_dog: fast [00:06:43.521] kellimarie4u: We need more 8bit jams!!! [00:06:44.531] conmxds: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:06:45.295] kamen_rider19: !uptime [00:06:45.455] Sephtiryen: quick cow? [00:06:45.548] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 6m 51s [00:06:45.687] chevelleman350: cowjam on crack [00:06:45.908] MinnaPixl: uhhhhhhh [00:06:47.035] tt_itsdavidbtw__: FBCatch RyuChamp RyuChamp FBPass [00:06:47.076] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:06:47.129] Kinitawowi: pepeD [00:06:47.207] lightwav3z: 😍😍😍😍 [00:06:48.210] KAZ00MER_: Mum [00:06:48.738] ConixCentral: antitiTankroll antitiTankroll antitiTankroll antitiTankroll antitiTankroll antitiTankroll antitiTankroll antitiTankroll [00:06:49.518] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:06:49.560] michelle9O: what a hell is this :D [00:06:51.275] my_ownpath: REMIXXXXXXX [00:06:51.449] HappyTrails2You: yes [00:06:51.944] Solus_kun: wtf KEKW [00:06:52.128] smiley_jay_: Lmao it’s faster [00:06:52.597] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:06:52.974] sufe_bullet: Yay [00:06:53.157] generationken: Oh shit sheep [00:06:53.539] itsmeshelbylol_: Or Damn best switch [00:06:53.633] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:06:53.896] aunalbrutal: leeeeeg cramp :( [00:06:53.906] dashing_Fox76: SPEED? [00:06:54.120] chassie_ttv: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:06:54.633] emmylekiwi: I AM SPEED [00:06:54.910] onemysteriousmushroom: SPEEDY JAM [00:06:55.754] sufe_bullet: Cmon [00:06:58.320] mr_willy_dog: slow [00:06:58.436] Experienceknows: FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan [00:06:58.493] generationken: SPEED [00:06:58.536] Flippi_12: KEKW [00:06:58.634] Tina_Doz_Stuff: Oop [00:06:58.753] lolaaaaa77: crack polish cow [00:06:59.078] sufe_bullet: Ik bored [00:06:59.721] Amoyamoyamoya: O. M. G... [00:07:00.345] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter, thinks she's a DJ [00:07:00.572] vogongeltz: mommy where are you?? [00:07:00.744] ttvdylan2234: TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ [00:07:00.905] TakeOnWill: ayo the cow laggin [00:07:01.110] destiny_noob7: llol [00:07:01.423] mr_ajokortti_korkort: DJ F1nn boasting his skills [00:07:01.653] vanimal2118: Don't break da cow! [00:07:02.637] dashing_Fox76: SLOWWW [00:07:03.373] smiley_jay_: Slow mo [00:07:03.551] katkafox0123: remixx LOOOL [00:07:04.645] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:07:05.250] itsmeshelbylol_: What’s happening lol [00:07:07.292] AtlasJedi: speed polish cow go brrrrrrr [00:07:07.386] onemysteriousmushroom: finn what are you doing to the cow [00:07:07.756] HappyTrails2You: SPEED CatJAM [00:07:07.865] c__r__j: Anyone actually dancing now has a sprained ankle. [00:07:08.661] Emmy64_: mko5Head [00:07:08.749] dashing_Fox76: WHO RUINED THE COW [00:07:09.029] Meiyin69: rainhoePopcorn rainhoePopcorn [00:07:09.043] lolaaaaa77: Polish cow remix [00:07:09.097] Helen_Croft: we dont need stream so see cowjam we want Rose @F1NN5TER [00:07:09.458] smiley_jay_: FAST [00:07:09.577] leona392: so catchy [00:07:11.673] W_O_L_F_exe: 8 bit cow lol [00:07:12.180] XyroWasTaken: polish cow is going through withdrawal [00:07:12.535] kilohannah: ok [00:07:12.671] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:07:12.729] sufe_bullet: Stop breaking cow [00:07:12.920] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:14.466] mzinker: f1nnCowjam [00:07:16.188] chaneiro2003: Dj F1nn5ter [00:07:16.331] tatiana_petrova: CowJam dubstep .. [00:07:18.222] Experienceknows: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime [00:07:18.471] 0thethethe0: emilym10Orangednce emilym10Orangednce emilym10Orangednce [00:07:18.807] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:19.207] itsmeshelbylol_: Dj [00:07:19.607] Zolly_1: postingSwag [00:07:20.000] katkafox0123: whaaaaaaaaaaaat??! [00:07:20.107] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:20.176] sufe_bullet: Pepase [00:07:21.680] Den_drummer: the frick is going on with the music? weirdChamp [00:07:21.927] AtlasJedi: faster [00:07:22.484] sufe_bullet: E [00:07:22.535] depprr: iluluYeboi [00:07:22.638] Jzunreih: cow already tired rn [00:07:23.167] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:07:23.598] cheesegobbler69: Aaaaa [00:07:23.796] saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:23.817] XyroWasTaken: polish cow took more cocain [00:07:24.112] beatle_88: it's a good Saturday to see a bit of eye candy GivePLZ TakeNRG GlitchNRG SeemsGood [00:07:24.297] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:24.999] minediamonds697: i hear him [00:07:25.384] KAZ00MER_: >:] [00:07:27.007] guitarbebop: Cow spaz ? [00:07:27.255] thel0ng2: cowJAM [00:07:27.284] denialdelivery798: I'm dizzy [00:07:27.524] smallerflyer276: biggyswObble biggyswObble biggyswObble biggyswObble biggyswObble biggyswObble biggyswObble [00:07:28.945] Emmy64_: DJ rose everjams [00:07:30.336] kiwi1_8: finnnnn [00:07:31.314] onemysteriousmushroom: FINN WTF ARe YOU DOING TO THE COWWW [00:07:33.099] HappyTrails2You: go slower [00:07:33.230] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn stop playing with your thingy! [00:07:33.267] KAZ00MER_: MUMMMMMMMMMMM [00:07:33.292] casflowers: LUL LUL [00:07:33.684] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:07:34.508] itsmeshelbylol_: I hear ya lmaoo [00:07:35.683] sheeparefine: @generationken I feel spoken to [00:07:35.804] dark_spirit_anri: DJ F1nn… don’t quite your day job…. Much better as Rose than a DJ [00:07:35.814] saltyfcraker: rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY [00:07:35.941] dashing_Fox76: YESSSS [00:07:36.315] AutumnNK: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:37.921] Zolly_1: postingSwag postingWalk postingWavey [00:07:38.396] mabeinvisable: PowerUpL MaxLOL PowerUpR [00:07:38.455] dashing_Fox76: FAST COW [00:07:38.843] generationken: Finn literally why is the cow still here- you menace [00:07:38.956] Slowbrodragon: Finn you should watch Eurovision [00:07:39.131] KAZ00MER_: MUUUUUUMMMMM [00:07:40.587] lolaaaaa77: DJ Rose going wacky [00:07:42.276] smiley_jay_: 😩 his laugh [00:07:42.546] Tina_Doz_Stuff: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:43.468] bigtank2002: Mommy Finn he’s here [00:07:44.238] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:07:44.316] onemysteriousmushroom: OH HI [00:07:44.346] vidyagaem7: F1nns little giggles [00:07:46.148] RyanElizabeth__: finn. [00:07:46.985] W_O_L_F_exe: 144p cow xD [00:07:47.691] ilikethis1yet: Hello [00:07:48.217] vanimal2118: Minx win boxing match? [00:07:49.398] cheesegobbler69: MOMMY!!!!!! [00:07:49.990] tom_urbanca: This got damn cow [00:07:50.198] dashing_Fox76: FINNNN<3333 [00:07:51.368] katkafox0123: why does something like this exist???! [00:07:53.149] beawitcht: hiii [00:07:54.991] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:07:57.812] fuegoonegro: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:07:58.168] awesomerem1: Hello [00:08:00.861] mando_assassin: Helios [00:08:04.584] smallerflyer276: FIN biggyswLapras [00:08:07.246] RyanElizabeth__: hurry up finn [00:08:07.255] mujo8: f1nnPegChamp [00:08:07.985] HappyTrails2You: kaitol1Heart kaitol1Heart kaitol1Heart kaitol1Heart kaitol1Heart kaitol1Heart kaitol1Heart [00:08:09.297] Epicurean556: hi there [00:08:09.576] huntxr14: irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls [00:08:09.633] funkeyhh: Hi chat <3 OhMyDog [00:08:10.718] KAZ00MER_: MUMM [00:08:11.396] king_ad_12: 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄 [00:08:12.058] zombie_1981: CowJAM [00:08:12.766] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:08:15.562] onemysteriousmushroom: wdessyLuvs [00:08:17.830] destiny_noob7: lepplsHI lepplsHI lepplsHI [00:08:18.133] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnLaff f1nnRun [00:08:18.435] buttersubstitute: CowJAM [00:08:19.062] KAZ00MER_: 😔 [00:08:19.179] kamen_rider19: !uptime [00:08:19.443] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 8m 25s [00:08:20.092] 9AVE: finn xqcL [00:08:20.969] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:08:21.014] sbartram: f1nnSad [00:08:21.723] awesomerem1: Cow jam [00:08:22.771] Stovamor: @BeepBoopMFKR, rein it in a bit, fella [00:08:23.225] onemysteriousmushroom: wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs wdessyLuvs [00:08:23.731] matthew_2409: BONG [00:08:24.822] tt_itsdavidbtw__: SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings [00:08:25.576] thekingone10: hallo [00:08:26.974] mabeinvisable: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid1 [00:08:27.233] sheeparefine: speed it up it was fun [00:08:27.340] lolaaaaa77: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:08:27.601] Epicurean556: My first finn stream. Super hyped [00:08:27.769] dashing_Fox76: U r the only streamer I could never get bored of tbf [00:08:28.998] Jzunreih: f1nnPegChamp [00:08:29.155] ConixCentral: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:08:30.689] generationken: 8 minutes of cow jam [00:08:30.797] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:08:33.609] bigtank2002: MercyWing1 KomodoHype MercyWing1 [00:08:33.889] smiley_jay_: 8 mins of nothing but cow [00:08:36.453] onemysteriousmushroom: KappaPride KappaPride wdessyLuvs KappaPride wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype wdessyHype TheThing [00:08:38.193] welldammmm: my first stream and i already lost a thew brain cells becase of a cow just vibing [00:08:38.997] fuegoonegro: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:39.401] emmylekiwi: Hi finn !! We hear you laughing like an idiot [00:08:40.598] AtlasJedi: finally able to catch a live lets goooooo [00:08:41.835] YourImperial_Majesty: xqcL [00:08:42.577] TrojanWhale1: wooo [00:08:42.822] jerrycan_smith: forsenPls [00:08:45.534] BennettJT96: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:08:45.599] vidyagaem7: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:08:45.793] K1ngCreole: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [00:08:45.878] mart_hus: I'm on Linux btw. [00:08:47.824] KAZ00MER_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 [00:08:48.042] bigtank2002: MercyWing1 OhMyDog MercyWing2 Mommy finn [00:08:49.145] one1armedwolf: I liek cows [00:08:49.528] matthew_2409: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:08:50.589] BeepBoopMFKR: 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 [00:08:51.902] pikeplays69: BOOBA [00:08:52.217] buttersubstitute: hi [00:08:52.448] xxmrbluedreamxx: hi [00:08:52.708] nightwolfftw46: slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart slushi23Heart [00:08:53.039] vogongeltz: hi princess [00:08:53.234] thel0ng2: asmr [00:08:54.291] vanimal2118: How's @stovamor today? [00:08:54.583] Helen_Croft: ASMR Rose [00:08:54.678] dingosurprise: hi [00:08:55.119] lolaaaaa77: y it stop [00:08:55.316] dyslexic_: hi [00:08:56.079] vogelzaad420: That cow has some condition though [00:08:56.316] katkafox0123: bruh the music stop [00:08:57.699] thel0ng2: no [00:08:58.188] femboy16: hwiiiiii [00:08:58.634] XyroWasTaken: @welldammmm literally the exact same here lmao [00:08:58.796] rekhan337: ASMR pog [00:08:59.936] braddle172: GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:09:00.466] streamer_btw_199: READ MY THINGGGG [00:09:01.349] NUFC4life1979: Come on uk [00:09:01.632] Epicurean556: ASMR Rose [00:09:04.164] smiley_jay_: 😩😩😩😍😍😍😍 [00:09:04.236] awesomerem1: No music [00:09:04.510] ChefNoteblock: i got covid finn it's your fault [00:09:05.937] smallerflyer276: 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄 [00:09:06.186] awesomerem1: Hi [00:09:07.409] awesomerem1: Hello [00:09:07.654] smiley_jay_: ASMR [00:09:08.063] tatiana_petrova: CodeMiko! [00:09:09.058] Jzunreih: eyooww [00:09:10.228] abbyweirdokid: hi f1nn!! [00:09:10.601] just_call_me_kei: Asmr [00:09:10.833] mart_hus: DO THE MAKEUP [00:09:11.153] Zolly_1: "haven't done makeup"and is still beaming [00:09:11.535] saltyfcraker: Hi [00:09:11.541] onemysteriousmushroom: HEYYY [00:09:11.768] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Hiii F1nn [00:09:11.839] Xylomn: finnMiko [00:09:12.017] dashing_Fox76: Heyyyyy<333 [00:09:12.338] TrunkMankey: then why are you wearing a jacket [00:09:14.795] cheesegobbler69: Need sucky sucky now mommy [00:09:14.823] itsmeshelbylol_: Ellooo [00:09:14.871] AtlasJedi: StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch [00:09:15.347] K1ngCreole: it is boiling in Newcastle [00:09:15.667] Epicurean556: What is the temperature [00:09:15.819] ZeniorAlive: temp? [00:09:16.075] augustkisskiss: hi! [00:09:16.422] awesomerem1: !uptime [00:09:16.693] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 9m 22s [00:09:16.887] saltyfcraker: Wow [00:09:17.068] leona392: I'm trans I use female pronouns [00:09:17.459] Yorlin123: sameeeee!!! its so hot [00:09:17.578] beawitcht: wym. it's like 17 degrees [00:09:17.638] dashing_Fox76: AHHHH HALO [00:09:17.959] ryanss2123: How many degrees? [00:09:18.704] tom_urbanca: Ooooo we got a bit of asmr [00:09:18.998] xxmrbluedreamxx: same here in texas [00:09:19.209] kiwi1_8: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:09:19.214] smallerflyer276: it's so warm [00:09:19.377] KAZ00MER_: Damn [00:09:19.744] denialdelivery798: don't you have ac? [00:09:20.299] lolaaaaa77: it been hella hot in Ireland too [00:09:22.075] vanimal2118: Why jacket then? [00:09:22.261] dashing_Fox76: IT IZZZZ [00:09:22.336] mattydevs77: It's 32 here in Ottawa. I feel ya [00:09:22.703] cheesegobbler69: Mommy’s milk [00:09:22.901] hacobjill16: Why aren’t you watching Eurovision?? [00:09:22.984] chevelleman350: what's the temperature and humidity? [00:09:23.245] femboy16: hwiiiii fin [00:09:23.777] onemysteriousmushroom: HELLO FINNNNN [00:09:23.924] Epicurean556: Rose is crispy [00:09:24.354] pikeplays69: I gardened in this weather. I regret nothing [00:09:24.511] mart_hus: take off the clothes then, cool off [00:09:24.958] braddle172: Heya [00:09:25.036] streamer_btw_199: UK UK HOT AF 😭🥵 [00:09:25.574] im_up_to_something: So bikini weather 👍 [00:09:26.111] one1armedwolf: is no hot is kinda cold [00:09:26.462] pinfineder: shower stream? [00:09:26.706] MewTheCrazY: Easy, don't sweat lmao [00:09:27.723] orkahm: HOTTUB STREAM [00:09:27.789] thel0ng2: move to denmark then [00:09:28.747] akira_cold: its 11° chill out [00:09:29.590] vogongeltz: it 93 here [00:09:30.450] awesomerem1: You’re too hot [00:09:31.519] c__r__j: 17°C - you doth protest too much [00:09:33.659] jonindellafoglia: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:09:33.946] onemysteriousmushroom: I KNOW ITS SO GODDAMN HOOOTTTT [00:09:34.321] troy_5he: suck it up pussy [00:09:34.839] Myoukochou: Air conditioning gang [00:09:35.031] Yorlin123: its waaay too hot [00:09:35.071] RyanElizabeth__: omg u look hot. [00:09:36.619] Jzunreih: same same so hot these days [00:09:37.243] michelle9O: Why no SWIMSUIT THEN?? [00:09:37.703] K1ngCreole: basically sweating to death in Newcastle [00:09:37.948] AFlockOfOrphans: AFlockOfOrphans subscribed at Tier 1. [00:09:37.963] chaneiro2003: Dude it’s like 20 degrees…… [00:09:38.153] f3mmbot aflockoforphans subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang aflockoforphans f1nn5tLezgang [00:09:39.511] tom_urbanca: Nah it’s just you [00:09:42.569] emmylekiwi: It’s too hot everywhere aaaaah [00:09:43.238] cheesegobbler69: BIKINI TIME WOOOOOOOOOOO [00:09:44.450] barbie_secretstanner: Look Super black [00:09:46.091] vidyagaem7: The US is pretty hot right now too [00:09:46.521] patoffcuriosity: eurovision kinda bias [00:09:46.680] Cast_Horizon: Minecraft? [00:09:50.206] ryanss2123: Bro it’s 30C in LA [00:09:50.472] Xylomn: eurovision being stupid is what makes it so good [00:09:50.488] domeni_: minxWave minxWave minxWave minxWave minxWave [00:09:50.749] dashing_Fox76: … :( [00:09:50.806] destiny_noob7: I'm cooking in England [00:09:51.484] buttersubstitute: oooooh [00:09:52.184] noballs42069: Bikini to cool off a lil [00:09:52.500] braddle172: very cool [00:09:53.127] vanimal2118: Millie good? [00:09:54.517] csr_1996: Bro its 70 there? [00:09:56.131] Myoukochou: @chaneiro2003 The UK hits different, we have humidity [00:09:57.225] zeeeerie: youre not going to the see the fight? [00:09:58.433] user1231612924: you look fine :] [00:09:59.556] SubliminalCorruption: If the water condensates on your windows, it's colder outside. Just open them! [00:09:59.963] reesesduck: 93 in Tennessee [00:10:01.552] Mary_J4ne_: gib some heat to finland, under 5c here [00:10:04.043] Stovamor: Is Millie better, or is she still ill? @f1nn5ter [00:10:04.170] SeriousMental: SeriousMental subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! What kind of Femboy Ryan Gosling Cosplay am i watching here? [00:10:04.374] f3mmbot seriousmental subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:05.540] dark_spirit_anri: Lovin the 15°C here [00:10:05.821] denialdelivery798: what about your ears? [00:10:06.010] user1231612924: wtf is eurovision [00:10:06.238] ZeniorAlive: FU [00:10:07.203] Jzunreih: mommyy [00:10:08.344] Kolateak_: Jesus [00:10:08.795] pearltzle_: damn [00:10:09.429] im_up_to_something: eyelashes on point [00:10:10.413] vogongeltz: lol England doesn't get hot [00:10:11.007] y0rk5h1r3: y0rk5h1r3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Code Miko Cosplay question mark [00:10:11.183] f3mmbot y0rk5h1r3 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:11.574] trolface1997: thats cold [00:10:11.969] Experienceknows: This Aussie wants to know, what is hot for the UK? [00:10:13.407] HappyTrails2You: kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype [00:10:13.474] Emmy64_: @myoukochou Oh come on, Venice PepeHands [00:10:15.191] wulfy_hun: it is hot [00:10:15.191] marakyra: marakyra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hi Finn <3 [00:10:15.397] f3mmbot marakyra subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:15.488] marcospaulo1: that's not that hot cmon lmao [00:10:16.057] johnna_1988: what is that in freedom units [00:10:16.175] ZeniorAlive: thats not hot [00:10:17.466] lrgrayson2: If I’m into you am I gay like really gay or am I bisexual? [00:10:19.577] uwubottomboi: bruh and its 77% humidity here [00:10:19.741] that_colin_guy: the Finn on a Saturday? [00:10:20.948] Amoyamoyamoya: Laughs in 96F (36C). [00:10:21.078] XellosMetallum: Whats that in freedom units? [00:10:22.465] ryanss2123: BROOOO ITS 35C IN LA [00:10:23.394] SinisterMisterFistR: 27 degrees Celsius in Cali right now [00:10:23.987] K1ngCreole: the UK weather is just bipolar [00:10:24.252] csr_1996: Its 92 here [00:10:25.628] xxmrbluedreamxx: 98 in texas [00:10:27.927] lolaaaaa77: 14C in Ireland rn [00:10:29.031] XyroWasTaken: bro 18c is like freezing bro [00:10:29.662] Myoukochou: Cuuuute [00:10:29.691] vogongeltz: miko mommy [00:10:30.449] c__r__j: Matching bra. Classy. [00:10:32.905] marakyra: Choo Chooo HypeWave [00:10:33.191] Flippi_12: solid fit yes [00:10:33.358] pikeplays69: no undies in this weather [00:10:34.295] akira_cold: its only 11 in ireland [00:10:34.521] redfern4: ooooooooooooo[[[[õôòó öøⁿœ⁹ō [00:10:35.084] urushihara: you complain because it's 18°? come to America where it's 64.4° [00:10:40.134] Solus_kun: @Flippi_12 D: [00:10:40.208] streamer_btw_199: READ MY SUB MESSAGE PLS [00:10:43.239] matt_b39: It just got even hotter [00:10:44.077] awesomerem1: Looks good [00:10:44.361] y0rk5h1r3: I am a Genius [00:10:46.296] sheeparefine: 10pm and 17° [00:10:46.398] Kodywatrous: f1nnBingbong [00:10:46.525] aunalbrutal: 11 c in sweden [00:10:47.199] Jzunreih: jajaj [00:10:47.808] marcospaulo1: not people thinking he's talking about fahrenheit KEKW [00:10:48.279] cheesegobbler69: Take off the cloth and on a bikini [00:10:48.286] Emmy64_: PogChamp TriHard [00:10:49.640] emmylekiwi: 18 is not hot at all you britsh fvck 😭😭😭 [00:10:49.972] sammystormer: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:10:50.245] lora0pan0cheesy: Its 23:15 for me 😅 [00:10:50.562] CoyoteTina: Its in the 80’s F here in Michigan. Very nice out for dresses ☺️ [00:10:52.270] pikeplays69: Finn is VR confirmed [00:10:53.768] guitarbebop: 18c … really [00:10:53.874] Zolly_1: Mid driff outfit to cool off [00:10:54.503] streamer_btw_199: f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam [00:10:54.789] im_up_to_something: Like the dress 👍 [00:10:55.161] cgisimon: its really nice and chilli here in denmark [00:10:56.105] Scrap_Brain: Howdy partners. [00:10:56.593] XyroWasTaken: 31c in texas lmao [00:10:57.232] HappyTrails2You: hi miko [00:10:57.734] vogongeltz: miko cosplay!!!! [00:10:58.147] Experienceknows: 18 degrees at night?? that's perfectly comfortable [00:10:59.212] disnick123: Code Miko cosplay? POGGERS [00:10:59.293] rekhan337: cries in 90 F [00:11:00.707] meowdonut: yo hello [00:11:05.456] vanimal2118: Rose turning into Vtuber? [00:11:06.353] BrotenStudios: o.O miko cosplay [00:11:07.204] moresoduh: your American accent 2 days ago was so hot 🥵 [00:11:07.979] freddd104: this girl is really complaining about it being 65 degrees? [00:11:09.570] Emmy64_: mkoHype [00:11:11.702] chevelleman350: that temperature isn't too bad even with the humidity [00:11:12.149] Crimson_Sun_JDM: It's 76 F where I live rn [00:11:12.482] XyroWasTaken: 18 converts to roughly 65f thats still freezing [00:11:13.094] BennettJT96: Turn on the aircon [00:11:13.464] Shazkucing: Cheer10 [00:11:15.183] buttersubstitute: you could put your hair up it'd be less hot [00:11:16.116] christhegendersloth: I sweat all my makeup off in an hour. it's hot [00:11:16.294] LoyalTacoBella: Yes a Miko Cosplay LOL [00:11:16.549] ryanss2123: It’s 35C in LA [00:11:16.723] akira_cold: open a window [00:11:16.859] F0R5B3R9: Hi there [00:11:17.228] jaynov18: there's always one who it's not as hot as it is [00:11:19.648] danyelp3: Yo Rose, get changed v into some nicer clothes [00:11:21.678] casflowers: the weather there is nothing compared to Texas weather its hot here i hate it! [00:11:22.985] Myoukochou: @experienceknows Not in 90% humidity [00:11:23.638] infernogrimreaper875: it really isn't that bad [00:11:23.748] SeriousMental: kek that yes [00:11:23.798] HappyTrails2You: imagine a vr rose [00:11:25.277] vogongeltz: 65 is cold [00:11:25.677] npanthony: get an ac [00:11:27.299] ZeniorAlive: Come to Brazil [00:11:27.448] adrian123478: Hi all [00:11:29.079] XyroWasTaken: BRO 65 IS FREEZING [00:11:29.243] ClairavoyaSSB: It is pretty hot [00:11:29.948] BrotenStudios: 32c here in 🇨🇦 [00:11:30.245] SeriousMental: girl voice yes [00:11:30.764] that1guy5843: Kappa Kappa Kappa [00:11:31.462] asia_minecraft: Hiiii bleedPurple [00:11:32.177] y0rk5h1r3: Schwetting? [00:11:32.554] cheesegobbler69: I’m here for F1nn milk [00:11:33.783] XellosMetallum: you don't need air conditioning at 65 deg [00:11:33.858] mzinker: hair knots when? [00:11:34.300] Panhead1010: 97 and humid in north Texas [00:11:36.089] ZeniorAlive: u will see what is hot [00:11:37.826] HappyTrails2You: true [00:11:38.379] ryanss2123: 35C with no AC [00:11:38.481] vanimal2118: Ubers don't have AC? [00:11:38.938] panda_de_dieta: feeling cute today honey? [00:11:40.267] Scrap_Brain: It was about 17 deg C today. NotLikeThis [00:11:40.360] nowaywellerman: Hiii chattt [00:11:41.501] sammystormer: GlitchLit [00:11:41.885] Alkno_93: !stream [00:11:42.160] f3mmbot The next stream will be "sum strimm" on Saturday at 21:00 UK time (0 hours and -13 minutes left!) . Stream Hype! [00:11:42.447] Myoukochou: I do have air conditioning!!! We got it this weekend!! [00:11:42.557] Zolly_1: 31 C here [00:11:42.806] vogongeltz: lol my air is set at 78 [00:11:43.734] tehikohiko: HI from Italy [00:11:44.361] NamelessDread: bro, it's hot in GA [00:11:44.750] BennettJT96: We are spoiled heh heh [00:11:45.312] XyroWasTaken: 31c in texas rn [00:11:48.272] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Once you get used to aircon there's no coming back [00:11:48.594] ErrolKnight: u look so so sexy and hot and cute and sweet and i in love with you so much [00:11:50.592] cheesegobbler69: Just turn on the ac [00:11:51.273] xxmrbluedreamxx: @casflowers yes I hate the texas heat [00:11:52.457] thrown_seeker447: American is super hot to [00:11:52.814] v0rh3xx: Am I gay [00:11:53.050] huntxr14: I fell asleep sunbathing and I’m burnt to a crisp [00:11:53.569] alexx_net: What's under Alfred the llama? [00:11:54.082] Zolly_1: Backwards UK doesn't have AC? [00:11:55.019] beawitcht: I'm in the UK it's not that hot, but I also don't have double glazing so [00:11:55.458] danyelp3: give us a spin? [00:11:55.735] dashing_Fox76: :) [00:11:57.580] chevelleman350: it's 93 degrees Fahrenheit in California today and my AC unit is gone. [00:11:58.150] guitarbebop: It’s 25 here [00:11:58.806] nmavrick: plus our houses are made to keep heat in [00:11:59.110] thel0ng2: ph1lLove [00:12:00.316] cjpikey: Your looking very submissive and breedable today rose [00:12:00.682] c__r__j: But you do have aircon, F1nn. [00:12:00.812] Kolateak_: I remember here in Canada we went an entire summer without AC, it gets up to like 35 [00:12:02.624] casflowers: @xxmrbluedreamxx me too!! [00:12:02.731] nychder87: looking like a Pokemon NPC that would challenge me as soon we crossed eyes 👁️👄👁️ [00:12:03.156] mzinker: isn't that a ac unit behind you [00:12:05.242] Helen_Croft: !llama [00:12:05.497] f3mmbot Alfred the Super Alpaca protects FInn's aircon unit! [00:12:06.195] MinusLifeYT: this heat is ridiculous [00:12:10.326] destiny_noob7: bikini stream??? [00:12:10.477] Alexis0733: Alexis0733 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! the UK wouldn't be so hot if finn's fit wasn't so fire [00:12:10.681] f3mmbot alexis0733 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:12:11.171] emmylekiwi: It was 30+ here you’re just weak 😭 (i’m french and i don’t have air conditioning) [00:12:11.485] nubian_sith_lord: schweaty LUL [00:12:12.854] jerrycan_smith: my ass sitting in my un air-conditioned van in like 95f. I'm dying [00:12:13.479] SeriousMental: ??? 22C is nothing [00:12:14.039] r1cky4pl: -3C today [00:12:14.107] abbyxiarongqian: AsexualPride [00:12:15.280] sammystormer: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [00:12:17.810] Myoukochou: @cheesegobbler69 Almost nobody in the UK has air con [00:12:18.089] AtlasJedi: ice gym leader vibes [00:12:18.704] le_toecutter: if it's hotter than 21 inside i can't do it [00:12:18.888] Lucifer356: @ignneocynical boop [00:12:20.094] ryanss2123: Bro I’m freezing when it’s 18C [00:12:20.543] lolaaaaa77: I just looked it up and 100F is like 38C [00:12:21.530] panda_de_dieta: lovely angelic face and hopefully a horse pp [00:12:21.997] urushihara: right now 29°c where I am [00:12:23.091] mika123444: mika123444 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 month's poggo [00:12:23.267] f3mmbot mika123444 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:25.167] cheesegobbler69: It was a nice temp here [00:12:25.355] ttvdylan2234: u look noice [00:12:26.505] gatsby2334: wear less clothes [00:12:27.963] fromthef1nn5ide: Dude. This is the perfect time to have a tub stream. Just imagine. Ice cubes in the water. Dipping your feet into that cold, cold liquid. [00:12:29.419] kona_isannyys: MOMMY [00:12:30.431] nowaywellerman: hiiiiiiiiiiii [00:12:35.279] emmylekiwi: Lmaooo 22 is fine [00:12:36.645] Kolateak_: 35 degrees without AC is very not nice [00:12:36.645] vogongeltz: lol it's 35 here [00:12:37.602] akira_cold: eat ice [00:12:39.906] lolaaaaa77: how these americans working in nearly 40C weather [00:12:39.915] cty3457: greetings from the Netherlands [00:12:41.157] lrgrayson2: If I’m into you am I gay or bisexual?? I [00:12:41.962] jeanp_20: 29°C isn't that hoy [00:12:42.696] thelonegrenadier: it's 40.5c with 71% humidity in Texas for me rn [00:12:43.458] HappyTrails2You: it gets hot [00:12:43.959] onemysteriousmushroom: most of us have no AC though its PAINFULLL [00:12:44.489] cheesegobbler69: MOMMY NEED SUCKY SUCKY [00:12:45.448] braddle172: alfred protector of the ac [00:12:45.487] nychder87: laughing in 48 °C Brazilian summer [00:12:46.249] barbie_secretstanner: Bikini then? [00:12:47.010] Amoyamoyamoya: You'll have to strip down for the strim then...for comfort. [00:12:47.640] laxxyo: laxxyo gifted a Tier 1 sub to nowaywellerman! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [00:12:47.817] f3mmbot laxxyo has gifted a subscription to nowaywellerman at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nowaywellerman f1nn5tLezgang [00:12:49.971] K1ngCreole: there's 2 types of people in the UK people who have the heat and fucking liars [00:12:50.317] delalovesbeer: i love your hair honey <3 [00:12:50.509] Izan_TM: if it's under 30 it isn't hot [00:12:53.529] Helen_Croft: take the vest off [00:12:56.676] vogongeltz: 18 is cold [00:12:57.056] lolaaaaa77: the hottest it's been in Ireling in the last 20 years in like 32C [00:12:57.228] Stovamor: To the little idiots from non-UK countries saying "20C isn't that hot", All houses in the UK are designed to keep heat in and are really not good in the summer [00:12:59.143] ErrolKnight: LuvBlondeL LuvBlondeL [00:12:59.387] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:13:00.007] pink_catgirl: in north Sweden it´s 6c [00:13:04.077] vanimal2118: Order another AC box or go slit system. [00:13:07.502] genericaccount135: laughs in Texan [00:13:08.315] BrotenStudios: many apartments and row houses typically have no ac in canada. my pc room gets boiling hot as well. [00:13:08.331] timboixd: strip it will be cooler [00:13:09.250] jeanp_20: 29°C is too cold [00:13:09.299] Amoyamoyamoya: Wear TikTok halter top and booty shorts to help you stay cool. [00:13:09.799] urushihara: humidity is most of the problem I'll bet [00:13:10.551] ryanss2123: 18 is winter here [00:13:11.376] im_up_to_something: Rose's body temperature run 🔥 [00:13:13.388] bearpaw1970: hello scrumptious [00:13:15.710] gaming_giant_: f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam [00:13:16.062] Brainfishes: I spent today in a gambeson and chainmail doing shield wall and spear training. So much sweat. [00:13:16.314] tiggs711: f1nnCowjam [00:13:17.343] that1guy5843: perfect time for a hot tube stream [00:13:17.806] Scrap_Brain: Kreygasm [00:13:20.125] aunalbrutal: Your just complaining Rose XD [00:13:20.259] jerrycan_smith: it's like 40 where im at stop complaining lmao [00:13:20.412] ErrolKnight: i love you [00:13:20.749] michelle9O: please UNDRESS f1nnLaff [00:13:21.061] harami666: @k1ngcreole SeemsGood [00:13:21.784] randomthingsandgamesalt: hiii! [00:13:22.933] jaynov18: it's 75F where I'm at [00:13:23.837] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor preach [00:13:25.111] dangerous_pears: I’ll be back later, but I really want to sit in the rain. See you all in a little [00:13:28.034] KAZ00MER_: L [00:13:28.102] infernogrimreaper875: you are literally complaining about it [00:13:28.804] leona392: I have normal d cups I'm trans and there real [00:13:29.162] 1AspenSilver1: Sadge no booba [00:13:31.345] MinusLifeYT: LUL [00:13:35.725] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya I wish to subscribe to your newsletter [00:13:35.766] cheesegobbler69: Show us the bikini [00:13:36.711] fromthef1nn5ide: Oh, F no. You'd die. [00:13:37.531] buttersubstitute: i'm in 80 F without AC ahh [00:13:38.206] Indarow: there is still snow on my yard in sweden [00:13:38.802] bigfatpaulie_: whats good gangg [00:13:38.901] XyroWasTaken: @genericaccount135 sameeee [00:13:39.768] asia_minecraft: How tall are you?? VirtualHug [00:13:40.312] jeanp_20: °C >> °F [00:13:40.823] grimskar88: LUL [00:13:42.373] Crimson_Sun_JDM: Bean Burrito's are good [00:13:43.988] flossincat: It’s 30c in iowa right now [00:13:44.894] akira_cold: its not the heat that will get ya, its the humidity! [00:13:47.343] sammystormer: *looks at air cooler in background* [00:13:47.468] cheesegobbler69: PUT THE BIG ONES ON [00:13:47.817] HappyTrails2You: let's goooo [00:13:47.892] nychder87: @lolaaaaa77 I've heard that the roads were melting [00:13:47.977] mrhouse987: bikini stream? possibly? [00:13:48.995] conmxds: Finn SabaPing [00:13:53.932] RealDripzz: !donate [00:13:54.283] f3mmbot You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip [00:13:55.104] barbie_secretstanner: That dress cute [00:13:56.034] Helen_Croft: Yes [00:13:58.728] bearpaw1970: too hot scrumptious..we cannot have you passing out [00:13:59.134] gatsby2334: do it [00:13:59.600] HappyTrails2You: yes [00:14:00.150] harami666: @asia_minecraft 5'8 [00:14:00.429] thrown_seeker447: yes [00:14:01.683] pokemon12312345645: I wore a binder to mow today [00:14:01.781] destiny_noob7: bikini stream pog [00:14:03.500] ELspooderman71O: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:14:04.759] lolaaaaa77: yes [00:14:05.167] uwubottomboi: love a good booba moment [00:14:05.609] Emmy64_: LUL [00:14:06.077] RyanElizabeth__: yes [00:14:09.097] SubliminalCorruption: good idea [00:14:09.203] eithriela: yes [00:14:09.560] mr_ajokortti_korkort: sounds like a solid option [00:14:10.354] lolaaaaa77: bikini stream time? [00:14:10.753] pog_master134: yes [00:14:11.108] gaming_giant_: wuna30L wuna30L wuna30L [00:14:11.822] FelineFemby: it’s damn hot today [00:14:12.501] nubian_sith_lord: VoteYea [00:14:12.922] thel0ng2: or u could wear a bikini [00:14:13.808] vogongeltz: why are you wearing a jacket if you are hot [00:14:16.363] mzinker: super booba? [00:14:16.770] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort LUL [00:14:17.070] emmylekiwi: Yeeees [00:14:17.924] rekhan337: bikini stream when? [00:14:18.483] eithriela: yess [00:14:18.516] lrgrayson2: I’m very much into you am I gay? [00:14:18.785] magic_wormzz: Yyessss [00:14:18.936] lolaaaaa77: really reduce the heat in a bikini [00:14:19.415] bigfatpaulie_: BIKINI POG [00:14:21.062] braddle172: yes ig [00:14:21.248] ELspooderman71O: f1nnCowjam [00:14:26.997] KAZ00MER_: Bikini? [00:14:28.903] nychder87: Finn is in heat? 🔥 f1nnEmbarrassed [00:14:29.815] beatle_88: in Cali you don't need to heat the tub it's way to hot right now ResidentSleeper NotLikeThis [00:14:30.414] cheesegobbler69: we need milkers [00:14:30.677] y0rk5h1r3: Boob tube and mini skirt for maximum cooling [00:14:32.015] eithriela: makes sense [00:14:32.412] vanimal2118: Local Streamer suffers Heat Exhaustion wearing fake body parts! [00:14:32.675] grocksi: soo pretty as always <3 [00:14:32.857] Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, Sign up at newsletter@f1nn5ter.com [00:14:34.782] zombie_1981: do it for less heat retention LUL [00:14:35.475] Xylomn: to hot he says wearing a long sleave jacket [00:14:35.668] jerrycan_smith: Grayson that's called being a finnsexual [00:14:35.925] NUFC4life1979: !uptime [00:14:36.194] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 14m 41s [00:14:37.530] stpmdp: Hiii [00:14:37.579] uwubottomboi: also warm [00:14:39.417] Zolly_1: Middriff [00:14:39.596] destiny_noob7: bikini is cooler [00:14:40.360] Persie_wasHere: helo [00:14:40.669] DrDoedle: it is way too hot for fake boobs. although putting roll on deoderant underneath it might stop it being so uncomfortable [00:14:41.937] c__r__j: I'd be fine with you going flat-chested if that meant you stopped bitching about the heat. [00:14:42.573] F0R5B3R9: hangover all day [00:14:43.761] thrown_seeker447: hot as balls [00:14:44.222] kittykriix: its my cats bday can i have happy bday cat pls [00:14:44.428] conmxds: Oõøōœòôöó [00:14:44.670] mothergoose56: go put dress on [00:14:46.838] bearpaw1970: it indeed hot [00:14:46.865] BoneMuncher_: Why don’t you go on walks anymore? [00:14:48.565] danyelp3: I just... admiring you ya know [00:14:50.244] blackcat11111111: moist [00:14:50.342] destinedpentacle: nice [00:14:50.581] ryanss2123: 35C in LA pretty good day [00:14:50.671] akira_cold: no clothes = cooler.....rigght? [00:14:50.910] cheyplayminecraft: my dog pissed in my bed [00:14:51.324] bananamonster35: Yo! [00:14:51.445] Myoukochou: Chilling in the room with air conditioning [00:14:51.763] harami666: @asia_minecraft finncess is small. finn is tall 😜 [00:14:52.932] KAZ00MER_: Tired [00:14:52.953] braddle172: I just woke up [00:14:53.212] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j hey 👋 [00:14:53.261] MinusLifeYT: Been burning alive as well so I'm doing good gutG [00:14:53.291] ayarcee: I'm building LEGO [00:14:53.461] Co6ra_: moost [00:14:53.466] FelineFemby: so good today! [00:14:53.718] Kolateak_: I ate a poutine and have been sick the rest of the day. That is how day has been [00:14:53.973] Xylomn: clammy [00:14:54.356] TheKnuckle44: I moved apartments today in 92 degree wrather [00:14:54.469] jerrycan_smith: DAMP [00:14:55.082] ellaissleepy: NOT MOIST [00:14:56.663] AtlasJedi: can decide what to drink hhmmmmm... [00:14:56.687] Flippi_12: skimpy outfit tend to be less warm 5Head [00:14:56.791] Crimson_Sun_JDM: My days been good got a Burrito from my Favorite Place [00:14:56.968] lolaaaaa77: eyo Rose is wet [00:14:58.589] Serumaster: What you call hot we call winter [00:14:58.759] pikeplays69: Time to sell that gamer sweat# [00:14:58.876] vogongeltz: mommy is moist [00:15:00.119] bearpaw1970: there is a higher temperatures today [00:15:00.163] kittybotboop: hottub stream? frewPanik [00:15:00.361] danyelp3: ur very good looking [00:15:00.507] thel0ng2: Good worked all day tho [00:15:00.995] veldora_hs: Moist? [00:15:01.181] troy_5he: ohhhh moist [00:15:01.493] JudeTheFoxygirl: MY HAND IS SUFFERING HELP. [00:15:02.253] tasticderf: ARE YOU A GAMING GAMER OR WHAT [00:15:02.275] huntxr14: Fell asleep sunbathing I’m burnt to shit [00:15:03.856] fromthef1nn5ide: @lrgrayson2 I'd remove the second r from your name. [00:15:04.213] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn is moist? [00:15:04.346] Scrap_Brain: Not dry Kreygasm [00:15:05.915] KAZ00MER_: TODAY IS A TORED DAY MATE [00:15:06.092] onemysteriousmushroom: ive done fuck all today [00:15:07.888] Stovamor: I hurt my back this morning and am currently on really fucking powerful painkillers. I apologise to anyone I ban tonight as it might be a mistake @f1nn5ter [00:15:08.312] cheesegobbler69: Me hørńÿ [00:15:08.560] thrown_seeker447: chilling in a room without ac [00:15:09.046] thelonegrenadier: 40.5 c in Texas with 70% humidity lol [00:15:09.147] nychder87: M O I S T??? f1nnEmbarrassed [00:15:09.580] Haslak64: Rose is wettt [00:15:09.609] buttersubstitute: Its also super hot i don't want to do anything [00:15:09.610] eithriela: I played minecraft all day [00:15:09.794] pokemon12312345645: I wore a binder to now today [00:15:09.924] vogelzaad420: My day is meh so gonna do makeup and watch F1nnster [00:15:10.538] alexx_net: That is so going to get clipped [00:15:10.636] xxmrbluedreamxx: I had to fix my transmission this morning f ing sucked [00:15:10.836] Den_drummer: as someone said: "man's not hot" ... F1nn implying they not a man? gottem Kappa [00:15:10.844] RyanElizabeth__: finn is moist?! [00:15:11.113] lrgrayson2: In simping for you [00:15:11.999] dark_spirit_anri: Very wet eh? [00:15:12.624] FelineFemby: @vogongeltz 😂 [00:15:14.216] l3igPP: fill up a kiddiepool or something [00:15:14.665] destiny_noob7: I'm sunburnt [00:15:15.611] asia_minecraft: How tall are you [00:15:16.344] corona_party69: Whats your skinroutine [00:15:17.380] danyelp3: I had Mcdonald so I been doing good yk [00:15:19.020] infernogrimreaper875: not complaining about WARM British weather [00:15:19.528] static_stars: we can hear your fan btw rose [00:15:19.689] vidyagaem7: Stuck at work, but I work in a refrigerated room which is nice [00:15:20.281] lolaaaaa77: ooh no we have to see rose wet lol [00:15:20.653] endy_dangerous: I ran 5 miles this morning [00:15:21.111] onemysteriousmushroom: finn please dont call yourself moist LUL [00:15:21.575] jerrycan_smith: no AC and it's 40 degrees. this sucks ass [00:15:22.079] dummymomy: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:15:22.212] cheyplayminecraft: my dog pissed in my bedd [00:15:22.228] grizzly_mando: Pretty warm but playing swtor [00:15:22.884] c__r__j: 11pm UK time, @F1NN5TER [00:15:23.979] Amoyamoyamoya: I just have fans going. [00:15:25.167] 57ranma: WAS ABOUT TO HEAD OUT TO FLY RC PLANES [00:15:25.333] theb1gdeer: It snowed yesterday so have to stay inside [00:15:27.039] Co6ra_: I did laundry for dogs and smelled piss and bleach [00:15:27.192] dannyboywonder07: its way too hot in my house [00:15:27.434] ruparker: in two hours [00:15:27.738] noballs42069: It’s 80f in NC today shush pussy [00:15:28.595] Amoyamoyamoya: Starts at 1500 EDT [00:15:29.202] wittlerain: nap, procrastinate, nap, procrastinate, nap, procrastinate, nap, procrastinate is tpday [00:15:29.290] Helen_Croft: eurovision is happeing now [00:15:31.331] AquaStoakes: I'm wearing skirt and short sleeve outside, pretty nice out. humid asf though [00:15:31.958] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GivePLZ MercyWing2 [00:15:33.198] bearpaw1970: gawd' d@MN her punch was amazing [00:15:33.299] duckspitz: my friend left me at the hotel for a random woman [00:15:33.880] genericaccount135: finally got some furniture built so that's nice [00:15:34.299] iamrohanraj: it's 2am here and I'm watching the sexiest man on the internet [00:15:34.492] HappyTrails2You: doing well. went to an amazon thingy where people bought tons of returns, and got some cool stuff. I got a new desk mat. also it starts at 5 central I believe [00:15:35.346] Amoyamoyamoya: 1500 EDT [00:15:35.355] y0ur_c3l: GUYS I ACTUALLY SHOWED UP TO A F1NN5TER STREAM GUYS [00:15:37.046] grimskar88: not got a fan [00:15:37.290] workabletag9644: Why is the walk reward always out of stock? [00:15:38.070] drierwolf: if you're hot get someone to blow you. I mean blow on you, sorry. [00:15:40.096] Brainfishes: Scotland is not warm [00:15:41.383] nubian_sith_lord: youre not swaeting youre glowing LUL [00:15:41.837] DrDoedle: i tried to export a video at at the fucking five hour mark it just stopped working. no clear reason, fuck media encoder [00:15:42.788] timemaster400: Finn it's 108F over here in kansas [00:15:42.908] matthew_2409: MercyWing1 PixelBob [00:15:43.396] cheesegobbler69: Show us the bikini streams [00:15:45.100] tatiana_petrova: So modest ... LOL [00:15:47.461] sgt_bonezz: Pretty solid day just woke up to see a tiktok where a girls tits accidentally popped out [00:15:49.296] lolaaaaa77: Ireland is decently warm here [00:15:51.276] vanimal2118: Painted nails don't like nude color. [00:15:52.036] y0rk5h1r3: Meoriza at Creator Clash?!! [00:15:52.699] EthosKn1ckerbocker: UK doesn't use FANS [00:15:53.737] workabletag9644: I might not have enough to buy a walk but still [00:15:56.810] chevelleman350: well I woke up at 7am to do overtime for work, opened up the building, went home and now I gotta go back at 3:30pm which is in like 2 hours [00:15:58.447] aunalbrutal: Imagine having an AC during summer and no heater during a swedish winter [00:15:58.910] csr_1996: Take it off!!! [00:15:59.446] danyelp3: YES [00:16:00.348] blackcat11111111: my first stream and im already "so nice " owo [00:16:01.732] vogongeltz: POG [00:16:03.352] Helen_Croft: dress POGGERS [00:16:03.433] harami666: @drierwolf 😁 [00:16:03.732] nychder87: pls [00:16:04.280] HappyTrails2You: we need riza to fight next time [00:16:04.345] vegito_blue2018: NotLikeThis [00:16:04.386] y0ur_c3l: OOH PRETTY [00:16:04.984] RyanElizabeth__: !uptime [00:16:05.241] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 16m 10s [00:16:05.269] bearpaw1970: yes please [00:16:06.230] xxmrbluedreamxx: @timemaster400 dame 108 already [00:16:06.591] barbie_secretstanner: Yea it’s good I like [00:16:06.615] dangerous_pears: Nvm I’m back as it stopped raining [00:16:07.407] Myoukochou: Good dress! [00:16:07.470] danyelp3: yessssss [00:16:08.407] tn_sey: i wore a hoodie,coat and 2 pairs of trousers today. IN 22⁰C [00:16:08.834] destiny_noob7: yep [00:16:09.895] DrDoedle: oh boy that is short [00:16:10.583] Flippi_12: POGGERS [00:16:11.285] Zolly_1: omg [00:16:11.886] mothergoose56: put on now [00:16:12.811] vanimal2118: Pretty [00:16:13.080] gatsby2334: yes [00:16:13.517] pog_master134: yes [00:16:13.654] mortelsson: That's cute! [00:16:14.275] axe1970: ladies don't sweat they glisten [00:16:14.875] SubliminalCorruption: yes [00:16:15.009] vogongeltz: yea [00:16:15.068] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I like it :) [00:16:15.300] JayDee969: it's 29 degrees Celsius here [00:16:15.379] blackcat11111111: pog [00:16:15.430] FelineFemby: Pog! [00:16:15.528] bearpaw1970: It's cute [00:16:15.913] sjoonyje: aw I kinda liked the outfit [00:16:16.055] onemysteriousmushroom: YES [00:16:16.267] lolaaaaa77: les go [00:16:16.349] Xandraop: love it! [00:16:16.590] lintrixhop: do it [00:16:16.603] RyanElizabeth__: absolutely [00:16:16.733] rekhan337: oh wow [00:16:16.812] Pizza_ezra: no [00:16:16.966] magic_wormzz: Yes [00:16:17.246] danyelp3: Wear nit [00:16:17.664] user1231612924: <3 <3 bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:16:17.702] vidyagaem7: It’s nice [00:16:17.711] braddle172: Pog [00:16:19.606] leontiusv: here we go [00:16:19.778] ClairavoyaSSB: Ooooo pwetty [00:16:19.782] denialdelivery798: dooo it [00:16:20.567] im_up_to_something: hell yeah [00:16:20.722] tatiana_petrova: It looks cute ... try it on! [00:16:20.810] donko812: Yeshh, cutee [00:16:20.829] Myoukochou: Yes. [00:16:21.242] lintrixhop: yes [00:16:21.242] rekhan337: that's shoet [00:16:21.790] FelineFemby: yes boiis [00:16:22.237] XellosMetallum: That is very very short. [00:16:22.328] tasticderf: MANLY [00:16:22.462] lrgrayson2: Put it on [00:16:24.446] BennettJT96: OHO [00:16:24.518] danyelp3: No one cares wear it [00:16:24.863] urushihara: look soft and comfy, but need to choose a skirt [00:16:24.952] Helen_Croft: *girl [00:16:25.197] nubian_sith_lord: VoteYea [00:16:25.729] y0ur_c3l: TALL BOY kekekke [00:16:26.466] Myoukochou: It is kinda short. [00:16:26.787] andrew_mp4: give it to the llama [00:16:27.774] SeriousMental: "tall" [00:16:27.796] nychder87: wish we could share clothing! I would look cuwute [00:16:27.858] mzinker: heels [00:16:28.110] lrgrayson2: Put on [00:16:28.222] barbie_secretstanner: Stretchy though? [00:16:30.312] eithriela: Pog [00:16:31.727] alexx_net: "Hi! I'm Terrible" f1nnLaff [00:16:31.973] workabletag9644: Cute, bikini would be better [00:16:32.856] Stovamor: Lets have some 8-bit tunes while you change @f1nn5ter [00:16:32.870] akira_cold: have you seen the north west motorbike racing that happend today, it was fun [00:16:32.970] ryanss2123: 3’6 [00:16:33.206] probablyhuman06: I am currently sitting alone in my room (as per usual) watching this instead of doing my science homework. [00:16:33.292] danyelp3: WEAR ITTT [00:16:33.473] user1231612924: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [00:16:34.077] Scrap_Brain: Small boy. 5'3" ish [00:16:35.905] lolaaaaa77: nearly as short as your dick [00:16:36.630] zombie_1981: wear a skirt under [00:16:37.156] troy_5he: 5'7 is not tall [00:16:37.995] AquaStoakes: @f1nn5ter adorable, get those views and get comfy [00:16:38.153] CavemanAZ: Only 105f/65c here right now... LUL [00:16:38.609] im_up_to_something: 👍👍👍👍 [00:16:39.123] gatsby2334: more airflow [00:16:39.442] Flippi_12: short dress for short streamer [00:16:42.055] vogongeltz: it will fit perfectly [00:16:43.019] fromthef1nn5ide: That's not a dress. That's a sleeveless shirt. [00:16:44.957] guiseppe_mundi: Hey [00:16:45.259] LittleChaSiu: "boy" [00:16:46.094] y0rk5h1r3: This is now my favourite British weather and I hope F1NN never gets proper AC LUL [00:16:46.943] DulyMoon: please wear it [00:16:48.177] emmylekiwi: I got glue on nails they’re so cool but so annoying I can’t type aaaaaah also I went outside do rollerblades (over the 30degrees) while listening to nuestra cancion) [00:16:49.343] y0ur_c3l: put heels on thatll be okay [00:16:50.066] thelonegrenadier: what are you like 5 foot? [00:16:50.561] buttersubstitute: i'd recommend a slightly darker color but its alright [00:16:50.828] NUFC4life1979: F1nn5ter your a total legend [00:16:51.152] Helen_Croft: Bad [00:16:51.717] smarc2809: gud [00:16:52.130] simpgodrudy: it should fit GREAT [00:16:52.311] Stovamor: It was bad [00:16:53.463] beatle_88: f1nnLaff [00:16:53.576] EthosKn1ckerbocker: FANS FANS FANS [00:16:54.521] TheKnuckle44: it was bad lol [00:16:54.541] nubian_sith_lord: 5'9 PogChamp [00:16:54.546] F0R5B3R9: bad [00:16:57.312] alexx_net: Bad [00:16:58.866] vanimal2118: If only u had summer dresses to choose from? [00:16:59.082] SubliminalCorruption: bad [00:17:00.666] im_up_to_something: I had fun [00:17:00.911] barbie_secretstanner: You only made yourself laugh [00:17:01.663] y0ur_c3l: LMAO [00:17:02.178] sMp_CS: sMp_CS subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:17:02.360] f3mmbot smp_cs subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:17:02.536] WodoWiesel: heels are perfect to thi [00:17:02.625] HappyTrails2You: john? [00:17:06.535] DrDoedle: maybe a floaty dress might be better, thats what I'm wearing. anything skin tight is to suffer in thr heat [00:17:07.858] jandraelune: Oh, competing with a SpaceX Starlink launch in 10mins. [00:17:07.874] xxmrbluedreamxx: lmao [00:17:10.151] Stovamor: Lets have some 8-bit tunes while you change @f1nn5ter [00:17:11.146] SeriousMental: not so great [00:17:11.274] macarous: it was fine dude [00:17:13.606] harami666: @f1nn5ter don't lie finncess is small. finn is tall 😝 [00:17:14.395] RyanElizabeth__: it was amazing [00:17:17.504] timboixd: jacket off!!! [00:17:17.971] craftycotton: you are my favorite red-pilled creator [00:17:19.798] guitarbebop: Cat ears to ? [00:17:20.691] gatsby2334: on stream strip [00:17:20.999] moonerofdarkness: im not gonna lie im so freaking confused [00:17:25.645] that_colin_guy: I enjoyed it [00:17:28.444] guitarbebop: Please [00:17:29.980] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 cool emote [00:17:33.627] SubliminalCorruption: wear [00:17:34.326] y0ur_c3l: KEKEK WHAT F1NN [00:17:36.188] SeriousMental: How about them Subbadges??? [00:17:37.171] jerrycan_smith: rose is tall. Finn is short [00:17:37.522] barbie_secretstanner: Ffs [00:17:39.318] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:17:40.066] aunalbrutal: @moonerofdarkness Why? [00:17:40.486] Scrap_Brain: Yes, annoying 8 bit music. [00:17:42.333] Scrap_Brain: Perfect [00:17:42.784] Helen_Croft: !never [00:17:43.066] f3mmbot Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert you! [00:17:43.185] Helen_Croft: !never2 [00:17:43.439] f3mmbot Never gonna make you cry! Never gonna say goodbye! Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you! [00:17:43.920] jozzes01: ah hehe [00:17:44.528] Owly_9: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:17:44.663] DrDoedle: NOOOOO [00:17:44.754] HappyTrails2You: CowJAM [00:17:44.990] patoffcuriosity: catJAM [00:17:45.242] cjpikey: perksl1Perkyparrot [00:17:47.411] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:17:47.692] Stovamor: catJAM coxJam anitaJAM f1nnCowjam [00:17:47.927] vanimal2118: What? Wholesome stream? [00:17:48.034] axe1970: ive been considering siting in my car as it has ac [00:17:49.368] wittlerain: WHERE EGG [00:17:49.708] pikeplays69: BOP [00:17:50.169] kittykriix: cow jam [00:17:50.554] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:17:50.897] cjpikey: perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot perksl1Perkyparrot [00:17:52.140] DeeJayCWL: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:17:53.297] huntxr14: Woooooooo [00:17:53.729] cookiekim_: catJAM [00:17:54.326] pikeplays69: cowjam [00:17:54.526] blackcat11111111: cant believe i got cow rolled [00:17:54.697] pomyq: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:17:56.106] nychder87: AYO I can make emotes! 👁️👄👁️ or maybe F1nn fanarf [00:17:56.108] Flippi_12: catJAM catJAM [00:17:56.583] danyelp3: Kreygasm [00:17:57.028] shaomek2002: Omg I’m at work and I just got my grad pictures [00:17:57.411] Myoukochou: Of course [00:17:57.412] emmylekiwi: COOOOOW [00:17:57.493] mzinker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:17:57.762] uwubottomboi: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:00.043] zombie_1981: f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM [00:18:00.127] timboixd: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:01.152] shayden_omq: pokeScoots [00:18:01.506] Duuhdaah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:01.720] Den_drummer: catJAM catJAM catJAM [00:18:01.989] jerrycan_smith: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:18:02.428] vidyagaem7: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:03.329] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam mkoJammies [00:18:03.690] y0rk5h1r3: Do you not have a Sun Dress, like flower print. I feel gay saying this but sun dressed look great on most women. [00:18:04.175] AFlockOfOrphans: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:05.048] HappyTrails2You: kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype [00:18:05.096] SubliminalCorruption: Wear skin coloured underwear. Otherwise it will shine through. [00:18:06.029] usertoohigh: are you a man or a woman [00:18:06.583] beatle_88: CowJAM [00:18:06.697] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:07.502] jerrycan_smith: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:18:07.665] MinusLifeYT: lol [00:18:07.871] kittykriix: cow rolled 🥱🥱🥱 [00:18:07.983] danyelp3: Kreygasm SeemsGood Kreygasm SeemsGood Kreygasm SeemsGood Kreygasm SeemsGood [00:18:08.057] bearpaw1970: f1nnSadcannot have you passing out a more comfortable 🌹 Rose is a good fun loving 🌹 Rose [00:18:08.086] dummymomy: Kreygasm [00:18:08.888] Owly_9: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:09.859] sanne_horses: catJAM [00:18:10.098] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:10.462] alexx_net: f1nnCowjam f1nnZOOM [00:18:11.382] smarc2809: notwowJam notwowJam [00:18:12.188] huntxr14: irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls irymoPls [00:18:12.295] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam catJAM f1nnCowjam catJAM f1nnCowjam [00:18:14.294] tirauflanc: MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [00:18:15.033] saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:15.853] pikeplays69: any other cow [00:18:16.386] csr_1996: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:18.433] rekhan337: catJAM [00:18:18.621] crazy8sv10: Hello there [00:18:19.871] saltyfcraker: rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY [00:18:21.341] vogelzaad420: Makeup stream??? 👉🏻👈🏻 [00:18:21.470] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:21.740] pomyq: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:22.548] jerrycan_smith: CowJAM pepeD CowJAM pepeD CowJAM [00:18:23.334] guitarbebop: Or a room screen with the same image as the body pillow [00:18:24.068] HappyTrails2You: kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype kaoriHype [00:18:24.078] Haslak64: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:24.942] thel0ng2: finnJAM [00:18:25.496] jozzes01: f1nnSad [00:18:25.741] onemysteriousmushroom: of course you rick roll us at any given opportunity [00:18:25.917] smarc2809: why does it actually sync [00:18:27.732] that_colin_guy: the best works [00:18:27.758] xxmrbluedreamxx: SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote [00:18:28.188] Stovamor: @nychder87, There is already an emote artist working on things, but thanks for the offer [00:18:28.982] vanimal2118: Hot tube stream? [00:18:31.311] Alexis0733: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:31.510] uwubottomboi: pyrocyMald [00:18:32.505] jozzes01: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:18:34.140] simpgodrudy: simpgodrudy subscribed at Tier 1. [00:18:34.243] vogongeltz: suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat [00:18:34.354] f3mmbot simpgodrudy subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang simpgodrudy f1nn5tLezgang [00:18:39.574] mzinker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY [00:18:44.268] dragon_legend1224: I am to late [00:18:45.181] alexx_net: Rose changing into something "less warm" ironically will make her hotter. [00:18:48.333] jerrycan_smith: CowJAM catJAM CowJAM catJAM CowJAM catJAM [00:18:48.639] bearpaw1970: MercyWing1 VoHiYo MercyWing2 [00:18:51.001] onemysteriousmushroom: why does this actually fit [00:18:51.477] zombie_1981: pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD [00:18:51.723] simpgodrudy: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:51.789] that_colin_guy: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:18:52.180] destiny_noob7: cold tub stream [00:18:53.792] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCancelled [00:18:55.769] y0rk5h1r3: @mzinker Hey bruv 👋 [00:18:57.779] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat [00:18:58.077] onemysteriousmushroom: @alexx_net very true [00:18:59.366] HappyTrails2You: BatChest [00:19:01.129] saltyfcraker: Lol [00:19:01.931] nychder87: @stovamor <3 :3 [00:19:02.172] simpgodrudy: lmfaoooo deadass [00:19:02.384] theb1gdeer: Wish I had that weather it snowed yesterday so I have to stay inside watching your stream and shiny hunting [00:19:03.083] xXNeroZashiXx: @alexx_net Lol so good :D [00:19:03.202] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [00:19:05.250] AFlockOfOrphans: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:19:06.650] Stovamor: f1nnCowjam mkoJammies coxJam anitaJAM coxJam mkoJammies f1nnCowjam [00:19:07.970] smarc2809: pratty1Dance [00:19:09.419] mrhouse987: has finn ever forgot to turn off his camera [00:19:12.113] mzinker: @y0rk5h1r3 rynali1Heart rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam [00:19:14.285] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:19:15.716] buttersubstitute: I WANT ICE CREAM [00:19:18.170] barbie_secretstanner: What we doing todays stream? [00:19:18.287] MinusLifeYT: jphysiQueVIBES jphysiQueLCG2 jphysiQueLCG2 jphysiQueVIBES [00:19:19.754] Haslak64: Cowdac1ng5ter Cowdac1ng5ter Cowdac1ng5ter Cowdac1ng5ter Cowdac1ng5ter Cowdac1ng5ter [00:19:20.603] ChainSaw762: CowJAM CowJAM [00:19:20.650] jerrycan_smith: I wish it would snow tf. it's to hooottttt [00:19:22.239] lolaaaaa77: imagine having a basement my guy [00:19:23.294] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam [00:19:27.593] POOPGOD: QUEEEEEEN [00:19:30.962] c__r__j: @15aac05: Sadge time [00:19:33.239] mr_ajokortti_korkort: SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote FutureMan SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote [00:19:33.721] Helen_Croft: rynali1HOLY catJAM rynali1HOLY catJAM rynali1HOLY catJAM rynali1HOLY catJAM rynali1HOLY catJAM [00:19:33.813] MinusLifeYT: This is an 8-Bit bop 😍 [00:19:35.025] magic_wormzz: I’m 5’5 [00:19:35.186] Its_Redmann: what is your "shaving" routine [00:19:36.383] zinzanish: CowJAM [00:19:37.213] DogMatic_DMS: COW JAMM [00:19:39.244] pikeplays69: WAIT ANYONE HEAR THE JAPANESE VERSION [00:19:39.245] saltyfcraker: rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam [00:19:40.743] josecortesnival: its short [00:19:42.010] lostman277: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:19:42.347] uwubottomboi: f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald f1nnCowjam pyrocyMald [00:19:43.000] lolaaaaa77: literally nobody has basements in Ireland [00:19:43.259] Flippi_12: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam deamhaWiggle f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:19:44.581] vanimal2118: @flippi_12 💋 [00:19:47.133] POOPGOD: pwease chair sniffies my qweeen. 👃🪑🥵 [00:19:47.659] DrDoedle: i live in an attic, moved in here during the winter. did not consider how hot it'd be ;-; [00:19:48.234] Haslak64: f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY [00:19:49.102] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat [00:19:54.834] y0rk5h1r3: rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY [00:19:56.519] leona392: I'm a 6'2" girl [00:19:59.060] c__r__j: @Its_Redmann Fortnightly, just to keep up the pretence of manliness. [00:20:01.703] HappyTrails2You: NEVER GONNA GIVE NEVER GONNA GIVE [00:20:01.749] Flippi_12: @vanimal2118 majiiHi HypeLove1 [00:20:03.389] Solus_kun: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:20:07.984] onemysteriousmushroom: i swear nobody has basements in the uk [00:20:11.617] romyerica: robravenRave robravenRave robravenRave robravenRave robravenRave robravenRave robravenRave [00:20:16.310] NUFC4life1979: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:20:16.311] 57ranma: !confused [00:20:16.566] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [00:20:16.788] jozzes01: f1nnSad f1nnBingbong f1nnSad f1nnBingbong f1nnSad f1nnBingbong f1nnSad [00:20:17.017] lolaaaaa77: same in Ireland [00:20:19.239] danyelp3: I'm 6'10 and they're two different measurements😏 [00:20:20.873] Radia_THOR: @leona392 liveolScoots [00:20:22.930] wittlerain: finn doesnt get hairy [00:20:23.712] chickenchasm: UK hasn't invented basements yet [00:20:23.768] Helen_Croft: !never [00:20:23.981] Helen_Croft: !never2 [00:20:24.031] f3mmbot Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert you! [00:20:24.236] lolaaaaa77: I don't know anybody with a basement [00:20:24.244] f3mmbot Never gonna make you cry! Never gonna say goodbye! Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you! [00:20:24.390] DogMatic_DMS: SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc [00:20:24.436] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:20:26.664] that_colin_guy: Finn doesn't shave, he sucks out back in 🤘🏻 [00:20:27.123] fromthef1nn5ide: F1nn, please. Just grab a bucket, fill it with ice water, put it under the desk, and use that as a heat sink. [00:20:31.340] bearpaw1970: the cow needs a hat sunglasses and a neck scarf [00:20:31.943] xxmrbluedreamxx: iamjak3Anxious iamjak3Anxious iamjak3Anxious iamjak3Anxious [00:20:34.393] nychder87: no one have basements in Brazil either [00:20:34.664] femcowboi: What do you use for your top half [00:20:38.141] lukkipukki1234: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:20:40.850] csr_1996: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:20:41.734] gaming_giant_: mommy rose time [00:20:42.009] conmxds: My mum found my fem clothes yesterday MyAvatar [00:20:42.518] zombie_1981: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [00:20:43.392] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam [00:20:44.568] lolaaaaa77: !never 2 [00:20:44.822] f3mmbot Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert you! [00:20:46.550] lukkipukki1234: MyAvatar [00:20:49.630] jerrycan_smith: f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM [00:20:51.120] AtlasJedi: I love this song!! TakeNRG TakeNRG [00:20:52.585] Nokkturtle: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [00:20:53.939] SethwMad: Ayo wattitdo [00:20:54.688] XyroWasTaken: BAHA [00:20:55.289] Its_Redmann: @c__r__j that would make sense. I struggle tho keeping up shaving [00:21:01.754] c__r__j: @Stovamor : Well that dono was almost illegible and almost inaudible. NotLikeThis [00:21:03.070] danyelp3: I really admire ur beauty [00:21:03.403] Helen_Croft: that can work for a bit [00:21:03.794] Stovamor: @SethwMad, Evening Seth [00:21:05.985] POOPGOD: laser hair removal bunghole hairs? [00:21:07.017] maxfragg: greetings from Germany, everyone has a basement here. [00:21:07.638] SethwMad: Evening [00:21:12.586] danyelp3: You're so lengggg [00:21:14.121] alexx_net: @onemysteriousmushroom, True, because in the UK they call basements "cellars" [00:21:16.573] lolaaaaa77: Bikini stream would really make you cool [00:21:18.659] jerrycan_smith: you don't have an ice maker dude? [00:21:20.749] POOPGOD: I am down [00:21:21.627] Flippi_12: you don't know the recipe for ice Rose? not surprised [00:21:23.744] vogongeltz: suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat [00:21:24.115] SubliminalCorruption: bad idea if the power cords run under the table [00:21:25.889] urushihara: just get a heat pump installed for you home. helps for summer and winter weather [00:21:27.201] 15aac05: @sethwmad u told to to whisper to I last stream then never got back to me [00:21:27.515] Co6ra_: nobody loves ass hair [00:21:33.690] SamDaMidget: its 30 in my room [00:21:37.581] huntxr14: I just yank that shit out bare hand [00:21:40.023] BennettJT96: 2k, dancing cow bringing all the viewers [00:21:41.053] xxmrbluedreamxx: true [00:21:42.523] POOPGOD: the only issue is that without it the friction is too powerful. trust. [00:21:43.086] troy_5he: don't be mean to ass hair [00:21:43.459] y0rk5h1r3: Don't it get real slippy down there without the hair? [00:21:44.649] danyelp3: SHOW URSELF [00:21:44.705] onemysteriousmushroom: @alexx_net im english and ive never heard of anyone with a cellar here [00:21:45.152] HotFortnite123Miler: I fucking love ass and arm pit hair [00:21:47.399] alexpopipipo: Hello finn [00:21:47.819] emmylekiwi: I don’t have ass hair naturally [00:21:48.583] Helen_Croft: any body hair needs to go [00:21:49.297] MinusLifeYT: More hair leads to more heat [00:21:49.985] SethwMad: @15aac05 If it was after stream I probably missed it. [00:21:50.284] probablyhuman06: I made it to stream for the first time, and this is the first fucking thing I see. This God damn dancing cow [00:21:50.980] jerrycan_smith: peek [00:21:50.981] Angelathe4everemo: True [00:21:51.828] Co6ra_: my armpit hair is honestly fine I dislike my leg hair more [00:21:53.003] Den_drummer: asshair is DansGame (speaking from experience of having it) [00:21:53.931] sjoonyje: not tos? [00:21:55.195] disnick123: HMMM [00:21:56.009] lolaaaaa77: let is judge [00:22:01.633] LamTion: @HotFortnite123Miler we found our customer LUL [00:22:02.903] meowdonut: Cow overlord [00:22:04.993] huntxr14: LUL [00:22:06.560] POOPGOD: @y0rk5h1r3 literally the opposite. the hair creates lubrication [00:22:07.248] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:22:07.269] disnick123: monkaHMM [00:22:07.515] josecortesnival: callex it [00:22:07.960] timboixd: we do like tiddies [00:22:11.241] vanimal2118: DX cooling uses water as a medium to remove heat added humidity over time. [00:22:12.120] Helen_Croft: Show us [00:22:12.121] Its_Redmann: facts! as a bisexual manly man pit, back and ass hair sucks [00:22:13.216] rekhan337: "create" KEKW [00:22:14.293] jerrycan_smith: no let's peek [00:22:15.544] Jiro_Kats: DOING WHAT on camera!? [00:22:19.974] sjoonyje: whyd you say "come" like that [00:22:21.990] c__r__j: F1nn going to quickly come on camera. O.o [00:22:22.031] alexx_net: @onemysteriousmushroom, When I lived in London, the house had a cellar. (I'd go and live down there during summer.) [00:22:22.909] spee1938: my god I almost spit my gamersupps on my monitor when I saw the cow [00:22:24.558] bearpaw1970: scrumptious teasing.. [00:22:25.569] vogelzaad420: A butt with no hair is way easier to keep yourself clean though [00:22:25.959] Chaingunner72: ditch the cow ffs [00:22:26.349] gatsby2334: show not just tell [00:22:28.230] Alexis0733: finn comes on camera, that's what I subbed for [00:22:28.243] CoyoteTina: Laser is expensive. Did my “bikini” and face an it was like $2500 for 6 sessions. But its nice, did hurt a bit though [00:22:28.315] harleythefrog: hola? [00:22:28.461] avis_2137: i like bread [00:22:29.050] braddle172: GivePLZ [00:22:29.709] Jens_LN: what the ... .still wait screen ? [00:22:32.005] lolaaaaa77: show us [00:22:32.972] urushihara: "I'm going to quickly come on camera" -- quote of the stream so far [00:22:33.050] AtlasJedi: pink dress goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [00:22:33.230] craigpp12: Hello [00:22:33.858] foxlovesblox: Hello f1nn [00:22:37.335] harleythefrog: TITS? [00:22:37.549] DogMatic_DMS: I worship the cow [00:22:41.192] magic_wormzz: Man, i love tiddies [00:22:42.143] davidrichakadisney: hello [00:22:42.456] workabletag9644: That does not sound promising [00:22:42.851] Scrap_Brain: Rawrr. [00:22:43.633] Zolly_1: awwww [00:22:44.318] TheOverhypedd: TheOverhypedd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:22:44.493] f3mmbot theoverhypedd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:22:44.758] craigpp12: Okay so now it works [00:22:45.526] BennettJT96: Cuuuuute [00:22:45.740] Jens_LN: ohh [00:22:45.874] HotFortnite123Miler: I like ass hair because when i'm doing butt fun its like a coat for my pp [00:22:46.815] grimskar88: <3 [00:22:47.109] POOPGOD: oh my gosh soooo cute [00:22:47.221] davidrichakadisney: i am life him self [00:22:47.914] SethwMad: That looks breathable [00:22:47.965] SirRingoStar: Kreygasm [00:22:48.066] barbie_secretstanner: It’s…a bit thin [00:22:48.094] im_up_to_something: <3 Wow <3 f1nnLezgang [00:22:49.458] spee1938: nice!!! [00:22:49.777] mortelsson: Cute :D [00:22:50.869] bearpaw1970: cute [00:22:50.877] imnotnathy: i thought you were a minecraft streamer uhhhh [00:22:51.851] braddle172: f1nnLezgang [00:22:52.802] pikeplays69: HAWT [00:22:52.970] Scrap_Brain: Adorable gremlin boy. [00:22:53.666] Helen_Croft: good [00:22:54.321] donko812: It's honestly really nice [00:22:54.483] Destiny_xy: scam [00:22:56.591] Radia_THOR: liveolGasm liveolGasm liveolGasm [00:22:56.630] vogongeltz: good [00:22:57.054] y0rk5h1r3: You're a bit smol [00:22:57.054] lolaaaaa77: stand up [00:22:57.809] Jens_LN: it's bimbo-month .. see through bra is ok [00:22:58.219] spee1938: cute [00:22:58.482] Zolly_1: cute [00:22:58.590] LolImNight: cuuute!!!!!!! [00:22:58.769] RipCopperGolem: awwwwww [00:22:58.999] mr_ajokortti_korkort: lookig cute :) [00:22:59.149] Gavinn420: Hot [00:22:59.236] skinnypiggy108: cute [00:23:02.057] Flippi_12: cute [00:23:02.375] emmylekiwi: Awww [00:23:03.759] Zolly_1: twirl [00:23:03.796] Chaingunner72: do want [00:23:03.936] confused_creates: hii [00:23:04.300] kevlarchicken: snol [00:23:04.323] Solus_kun: POGGERS [00:23:05.038] urushihara: it's fine [00:23:05.443] MinusLifeYT: Very breathable for this heat [00:23:06.442] davidrichakadisney: i exits in your world soon [00:23:06.710] aunalbrutal: Smol and pale XD [00:23:06.855] AFlockOfOrphans: Gotta wear a nude bra [00:23:07.043] vidyagaem7: I like it [00:23:07.380] Jiro_Kats: F1NN is my favorite titty streamer [00:23:07.605] one1armedwolf: 👍 [00:23:07.643] POOPGOD: cuteeee [00:23:08.431] Stovamor: If only some awesome mod had sent you several summer dresses [00:23:08.645] Emmy64_: mkoLove mkoLove mkoLove [00:23:08.724] DrDoedle: ah, and no 'nude' bra will match you. i have that CONSTANTLY [00:23:08.851] Solus_kun: Cute POGGERS [00:23:08.929] zombie_1981: looks ok [00:23:08.936] p_b1234: Cuteeee [00:23:08.938] craigpp12: @hotfortnite123miler bit to much information my dude [00:23:09.382] Amoyamoyamoya: Time for GigaTiddies. [00:23:10.075] y0rk5h1r3: CAKE [00:23:10.134] csr_1996: mommy sorry mommy sorry daddy sorry mommy sorry [00:23:10.213] workabletag9644: Looks cute and sexy [00:23:10.460] Kolateak_: OH [00:23:10.582] donko812: Very cute though :3 [00:23:11.647] Jens_LN: nice cake [00:23:11.852] lolaaaaa77: kinda shit tbh [00:23:12.496] alexx_net: Thinner is cooler. [00:23:12.873] BennettJT96: Cakeeeee [00:23:13.616] 1AspenSilver1: CAKE [00:23:15.034] workabletag9644: Could be thinner [00:23:15.582] ratkiing7: i love it [00:23:15.770] huntxr14: God dam [00:23:15.925] SeriousMental: yo cake bruv [00:23:15.962] stumbling_warthog: oh my [00:23:16.919] POOPGOD: yoooooo [00:23:16.969] peyton18scott18: YOOOOOOOO [00:23:17.208] jerrycan_smith: just put a white tank top on [00:23:17.732] c__r__j: Wear wetlook leggings under it! [00:23:18.416] im_up_to_something: Nice. works for me f1nnLezgang [00:23:18.461] imnotnathy: this is definitely not minecraft uh [00:23:18.554] foxlovesblox: Disgusting [00:23:18.564] HotFortnite123Miler: @craigpp12 sorry man [00:23:18.841] danyelp3: OOOOOO CAKE [00:23:18.844] JustinTimeFor420: is this a Fortnite spin-off? [00:23:19.018] c0pyto: dayam [00:23:19.206] anoniempje322: it looks like a ballet outfit [00:23:19.272] vidyagaem7: Sheeeesh [00:23:19.444] gatsby2334: more titties? [00:23:19.453] tirauflanc: MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [00:23:20.435] rodripo85: nice!! [00:23:20.726] Its_Redmann: CUTIE [00:23:21.147] sjoonyje: well you pull it off but it's a little meh [00:23:21.153] JayDee969: on camera it looks alright [00:23:21.415] blackcat11111111: cute pink uwu [00:23:23.001] eithriela: nice [00:23:23.542] urushihara: could wear leggings with that [00:23:23.623] LolImNight: Stand up forwards uwu [00:23:24.670] barbie_secretstanner: Okay I’ve decided it’s good now I’ve seen you stand up [00:23:24.672] rt_bear88: 😮 [00:23:24.826] ACRAK24: lovely <3 [00:23:24.955] nychder87: CUWUTE f1nnEmbarrassed [00:23:25.778] beatle_88: nice 😎👍 [00:23:26.590] vanimal2118: Rose Spring Collection available now @ !merch! [00:23:27.019] JungHyper: WOMEN [00:23:27.427] POOPGOD: Lookin' good [00:23:27.617] thisisnotsamm: cutee [00:23:27.819] kevlarchicken: my gods [00:23:27.940] swishy6: !uptime [00:23:28.202] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 23m 33s [00:23:28.346] lrgrayson2: Finn give me one chance just one at least let me see your Yk what [00:23:28.457] bearpaw1970: just a bit thin gawd..D@MN angel food Cake [00:23:29.335] Den_drummer: hey, at least it's breathable, which means less warm right? [00:23:31.469] mothergoose56: yea just go put a tank top crop shirt [00:23:31.711] gatsby2334: put your hair up [00:23:32.007] magic_wormzz: Cute [00:23:32.256] Cara_is_a_mess: I honestly those were real breats [00:23:32.378] ayarcee: cute outfit [00:23:32.477] davidrichakadisney: i will soon be a femboy too finn [00:23:33.659] probablyhuman06: What in the actual fuck is going on? Am I high again? [00:23:33.670] Jens_LN: since it's bimbo month, the see-through look works just fine. :) [00:23:34.227] im_up_to_something: Stand up again please 🙏 [00:23:34.908] poWnedSRB: take off your panties [00:23:35.238] stumbling_warthog: i like smol tiddies [00:23:35.858] vidyagaem7: Oof [00:23:36.036] ablackguyyy: Nice [00:23:37.855] browncamo21: Wow [00:23:38.946] POOPGOD: I want to see crotch bulge fuck [00:23:39.283] DrDoedle: its not too noticeable [00:23:39.593] barbie_secretstanner: Yes [00:23:40.423] fromthef1nn5ide: Circulation takes all that chilled blood around the body. You just have to watch out for temperature shock in the beginning. Seriously... Order ice trays. Summer hasn't even started yet. [00:23:40.564] chompsy_: what do you use for shaving? [00:23:40.936] denialdelivery798: too warm to tuck? [00:23:40.963] packagum: do it [00:23:40.968] vogongeltz: do it [00:23:40.981] gatsby2334: yes [00:23:41.453] reiziq: cutie [00:23:41.583] femcowboi: What do you use for you boobs? [00:23:42.341] cty3457: sexy [00:23:43.763] confused_creates: this is my first time catching a stream! :] [00:23:45.215] Vibery_: do it [00:23:45.622] one1armedwolf: tiddies look good already [00:23:45.846] nychder87: awooga [00:23:46.984] SeriousMental: keep booba small [00:23:47.229] vogongeltz: try it out [00:23:47.774] mzinker: cropped top? [00:23:48.438] burgess_shale: just do it [00:23:48.682] workabletag9644: Oh, did you just drop something behind your chair? [00:23:49.503] samtenius118: do it [00:23:49.513] BennettJT96: Looks great as is tbh [00:23:49.801] jerrycan_smith: titties would prob make it more see through right there [00:23:50.014] littledanthewelshman: My sexuality is being questioned [00:23:50.704] grimskar88: you look great [00:23:52.084] urushihara: it's fine as is [00:23:52.393] pog_master134: yessss [00:23:52.488] Panther216: I have AC and willing to share [00:23:52.629] vanimal2118: No dude here? [00:23:53.986] craigpp12: @hotfortnite123miler I understand if it’s Judy I will alow [00:23:55.142] chevelleman350: very sheer lol [00:23:55.659] barbie_secretstanner: Is the ac on? [00:23:57.485] guiseppe_mundi: im a gay [00:23:58.099] poWnedSRB: AUUUUUUGHHHHH [00:24:00.793] skinnypiggy108: maybe tie up your hair [00:24:01.018] SubliminalCorruption: no need for more tiddies [00:24:02.672] unicornloca: Heey Rose unicor243Love unicor243JUMP [00:24:02.999] Stovamor: Turn the ac and/or a fan on [00:24:03.068] MinusLifeYT: Hi 144p cow again [00:24:03.112] buttersubstitute: flowier is cooler [00:24:04.795] bearpaw1970: slinky [00:24:04.863] urushihara: don't torture yourself with more insulation on your chest [00:24:05.422] dark_spirit_anri: Tbh like@it as is [00:24:06.240] AutumnNK: !merch [00:24:06.506] f3mmbot Get F1nn merch! https://f1nn.shop [00:24:06.653] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j what are wet look leggings and I though fishnet was your thing? [00:24:06.743] Flippi_12: none of us think 'dude in a dress' while looking at you :) [00:24:08.339] lora0pan0cheesy: I whould wear that to sleep its so cute tbh! (๑>ᴗ<๑)ぐ〜♡. [00:24:12.804] alexx_net: But you /could/ stand up and spin. (It would make "team bulge" of chat very happy.) [00:24:13.685] beatle_88: I'm going to get heatstroke because of you fin f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:24:14.276] HotFortnite123Miler: @craigpp12 who is judy, i meant like fucking my girl friend [00:24:16.161] pikeplays69: More likc ass please [00:24:18.054] foxlovesblox: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:24:22.485] timboixd: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:24:23.500] candidcarbon: It’s probably like 75 degrees lol brits [00:24:24.883] Helen_Croft: hope there is no mold in the AC monkaS [00:24:28.950] foxlovesblox: f1nnPegChamp [00:24:31.873] harleythefrog: YA [00:24:31.927] ImTNewW: Wait that's just a bra? Finn got real titties LUL [00:24:32.615] patoffcuriosity: KEKW [00:24:33.433] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j or is that Superminox? [00:24:33.649] foxlovesblox: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:24:34.428] plushgirlsteph: love you, finn x [00:24:34.738] leona392: yea u need to when u got big boobs [00:24:34.976] DogMatic_DMS: CoWw [00:24:37.937] vanimal2118: Careful! [00:24:38.538] c__r__j: @y0rk5h1r3 Mesh, more than fishnet. Wetlook is that very glossy polyester stretch fabric. [00:24:38.673] lolaaaaa77: uhh [00:24:39.632] SethwMad: f1nnCowjam [00:24:39.818] Owly_9: f1nnCowjam NotLikeThis f1nnCowjam NotLikeThis f1nnCowjam NotLikeThis f1nnCowjam NotLikeThis f1nnCowjam NotLikeThis f1nnCowjam [00:24:39.903] Persie_wasHere: cow [00:24:40.316] tirauflanc: what is the other slav song with guitare please ?? [00:24:40.794] grimskar88: NotLikeThis [00:24:40.889] harleythefrog: KNEWWW [00:24:41.393] foxlovesblox: Yeet [00:24:41.738] lolaaaaa77: is he good? [00:24:47.034] harleythefrog: COWW [00:24:48.617] erritheaga: f1nn just fokin died [00:24:49.509] KamonJay: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:24:50.312] your1stbestie: U r good [00:24:51.464] danyelp3: Lol [00:24:51.782] unicornloca: unicor243LMAO [00:24:53.143] AtlasJedi: COW COW [00:24:54.394] ayarcee: @candidcarbon It 62 with humidity [00:24:55.482] craigpp12: @hotfortnite123miler HOW dose know actually not know fins actual name [00:24:56.070] your1stbestie: COW [00:24:58.084] Alkno_93: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:24:58.543] AestheticRaccoons: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:25:00.525] F0R5B3R9: Eat ice cream [00:25:01.390] harami666: @tirauflanc polish cow [00:25:01.545] Zolly_1: Does it actually move the heat outside [00:25:01.886] magic_wormzz: U good? [00:25:02.444] davidrichakadisney: life him self will soon exist in you memory and you will not want to live anymore after knowing life himself existing in your world anymore [00:25:06.038] KamonJay: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:25:06.477] y0rk5h1r3: What, his penis LUL LUL LUL [00:25:07.400] Alkno_93: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:25:07.843] halo4fan27: never gonna give you never gonna let you down [00:25:07.907] bearpaw1970: good that it's working for you [00:25:08.183] xxmrbluedreamxx: GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:25:09.000] Jens_LN: why wait screen just for turning on the AC ? [00:25:11.325] phlighoti: 61F in England right now? [00:25:11.625] HotFortnite123Miler: @craigpp12 im here for the first time bro [00:25:11.688] MrManIsTheMan: i wonder what kind of refrigerant does that AC unit use? [00:25:14.324] SanDiegx: never gonna give you UP [00:25:16.312] alexx_net: @tirauflanc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYNcbdwkHYg # Los Colorados 'Hot & Cold' ? [00:25:18.112] Scrap_Brain: We're having a power shortage in the UK all of a sudden... [00:25:18.237] mothergoose56: put actually tub up dress [00:25:20.921] candidcarbon: @ayarcee oh my goddd that’s hilarious [00:25:21.611] pyramidpancakes: monkaS [00:25:22.555] AtlasJedi: dont burn house f1nn [00:25:23.645] braddle172: monkaS [00:25:23.769] SeiReiJoku: monkaS ummm [00:25:24.963] strangechild6s: dam [00:25:26.358] c__r__j: Almost like it contains months of dust [00:25:26.788] potato_waffles_17: I'm in Britain and its not at all hot, I mean it's short sleeves and long trousers kinda weather [00:25:26.885] cherryymari: that's normal for the first time of the season [00:25:27.203] chickenchasm: Fire stream!! [00:25:27.332] theedoek: rosecolorRave rosecolorRave rosecolorRave [00:25:28.840] blackcat11111111: cooked finn [00:25:28.978] Zolly_1: It vents out the window [00:25:30.089] barbie_secretstanner: Dust heating up nice [00:25:30.567] LamTion: monkaS [00:25:30.895] Zolly_1: FIRE [00:25:31.149] onestupidpizza: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer [00:25:31.758] y0rk5h1r3: Probably the dust inside being heated [00:25:31.903] Jens_LN: Might be burning off some dust [00:25:32.193] femcowboi: What do you use as boobs Finn? [00:25:32.281] Rainiiru: its just dust burning off [00:25:33.149] Flippi_12: monkaS [00:25:34.744] MinusLifeYT: Might have to dust it 😂 [00:25:35.079] Hipsu1: Who on fire? [00:25:36.602] TF0rd: where do you have the exhaust going? [00:25:40.723] craigpp12: @hotfortnite123miler ah bro don’t worry I’m two years deep you get addicted fast [00:25:44.102] KamonJay: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:25:44.679] emmylekiwi: My man is gonna burn [00:25:46.591] alexx_net: @Helen_Croft, looks like you called it, with the mold in the AC. [00:25:48.228] BlockyMyma: All the dust burning off [00:25:48.672] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchairca suppyWheelchairca suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchairca suppyWheelchairc suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchairca suppyWheelchaircat f1nnCowjam suppyWheelchairca f1nnCowjam [00:25:49.071] zombie_1981: you might need to clear ac filter [00:25:49.743] Jens_LN: can't tell you if it's on fire if you put us on wait screen [00:25:49.975] character_unknown_: bout to make titties brb [00:25:50.340] BlockyMyma: hahah [00:25:50.925] vanimal2118: Rose on Fire? [00:25:51.899] DogMatic_DMS: COWWWWWW [00:25:51.914] HotFortnite123Miler: @craigpp12 nah, im going [00:25:52.369] KamonJay: f1nnPegChamp [00:25:52.402] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Better have that extinquisher ready at hand [00:25:53.700] TakeOnWill: change of plan, wear a maid outfit and clean your ac unit [00:25:54.044] Stovamor: @TF0rd, out of the window [00:25:54.290] aunalbrutal: Its not an ac its a DUST EXHAUST XD [00:25:54.461] SethwMad: F1nn please don't burn your house down. - Management [00:25:54.575] mothergoose56: put tube up dress for max chill [00:25:55.401] your1stbestie: its probably dust [00:25:55.548] rootuz: AC full of spiders? [00:25:56.391] Xylomn: "tell me if it catches fire" immediately puts cow on [00:25:57.922] nekrost14: let the fire start [00:25:58.177] harleythefrog: YAS BOOBS [00:25:58.560] Helen_Croft: hope there is no mold in the AC monkaS @F1NN5TER [00:25:59.196] vogongeltz: f1nnCowjam [00:26:00.584] know1_0: bloobySmile [00:26:01.127] kunitolive: here bc of the cow [00:26:03.037] AtlasJedi: booba go brrrrrr [00:26:03.848] craigpp12: @hotfortnite123miler you will be back [00:26:05.582] kikogitar: you shoud cleen your ac befor useing it if you havent used it for a year [00:26:05.665] sammystormer: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [00:26:06.458] vogongeltz: suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat suppyWheelchaircat [00:26:07.707] nekrost14: FIRE [00:26:08.644] KamonJay: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:26:08.969] axe1970: all the cool wind is stuck at the ports [00:26:10.865] maptihrs: wdym less warm? [00:26:11.326] lolaaaaa77: Burn the house down rose [00:26:12.352] floofem: it'll be fine [00:26:12.453] nekrost14: burn [00:26:13.440] Jens_LN: music loud [00:26:13.698] vanimal2118: A/C no burning? [00:26:14.292] craigpp12: @hotfortnite123miler they always do [00:26:14.819] ayarcee: @candidcarbon Right? It is 87 outside here [00:26:17.183] leona392: is there a discord [00:26:18.445] l3laz3de: thats why u need to clean ur room [00:26:19.065] SubliminalCorruption: If you turn of the camera, we can't tell you when it starts to burn [00:26:21.428] tasticderf: @nekrost14 INDEED [00:26:22.823] neon_soup: !uptime [00:26:23.104] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 26m 28s [00:26:24.324] y0rk5h1r3: rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam rynali1HOLY f1nnCowjam [00:26:24.443] unicornloca: unicor243JUMP [00:26:24.747] onestupidpizza: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:26:27.587] Helen_Croft: Mod can be toxic @F1NN5TER [00:26:27.711] emmylekiwi: I’m only here to worship the cow [00:26:28.638] mothergoose56: petition to have the cow just dancing the whole stream in the corner? [00:26:32.759] nekrost14: 💥 [00:26:34.760] alexx_net: mold is a fungus, not a vegetable [00:26:35.208] Stovamor: If only some awesome mod had sent you several summer dresses. Maybe you could dig those out of the pit for future streams @f1nn5ter [00:26:36.033] onestupidpizza: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:26:36.597] xxmrbluedreamxx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:26:36.766] Hipsu1: Only way to cool Roses room is to remove that Hot guy sitting at the pc [00:26:37.394] Lillian_the_loved: so is the AC not working? [00:26:41.204] harleythefrog: tits? [00:26:45.203] Rainiiru: penacilin is a mold [00:26:47.734] lolaaaaa77: perfect day for a walk lads [00:26:48.044] nekrost14: ban mods XD [00:26:48.870] craigpp12: f1nnPegChamp [00:26:49.886] aunalbrutal: Hard to tell if its burning with no picture [00:26:50.636] Jens_LN: depends on the mold ... some cheese is used in cheese, such as blue cheese and Brie [00:26:50.682] chevelleman350: fungus cam heal you, feed you, kill you or send you on a spiritual journey [00:26:51.271] Stovamor: @Helen_Croft, Ban time for yooooooou [00:26:51.704] mr_ajokortti_korkort: F1nn looking so hot that he is an fire hazard just by himself [00:26:52.313] littledanthewelshman: First time watching your stream I'm so confused [00:26:53.405] candidcarbon: @ayarcee 93 here i will never understand thinking under 70F is hot [00:26:55.010] plushgirlsteph: GIMME BOBS [00:26:56.133] emmylekiwi: Let’s start a cow worshipping chat [00:26:56.966] KamonJay: f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM [00:26:57.801] c__r__j: @Helen_Croft Epic typo! Unless... linechuThink [00:27:01.579] craigpp12: Can I be a mod because why not [00:27:03.627] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor summer dresses are POGGERS [00:27:04.826] nekrost14: hide the pain 🙂 [00:27:05.459] SethwMad: @Stovamor Check DM when u get a mo [00:27:12.390] ayarcee: @candidcarbon Same [00:27:12.984] Jens_LN: penicillin is from a mold [00:27:13.394] xxmrbluedreamxx: twitchRaid FortHype CurseLit [00:27:13.915] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:27:13.977] Helen_Croft: noooo that was a typo @Stovamor monkaS [00:27:14.239] KamonJay: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:27:24.647] HappyTrails2You: lol [00:27:24.669] MinusLifeYT: +10 Armor [00:27:25.516] matt_b39: I'm watching your stream while at the same time building a lego set whilst drunk, I can't also let you know if your room is on fire. [00:27:26.035] josecortesnival: buenin spiders, lovely [00:27:26.499] Jens_LN: dick is big ? [00:27:26.877] nekrost14: fire is starting [00:27:30.031] mothergoose56: waywar33Kim waywar33Kim waywar33Kim [00:27:31.163] Chaingunner72: LUL [00:27:35.009] bjorn_egil: I'm going to get drunk on champagne tonight, celebrating the FA Cup win [00:27:35.021] KamonJay: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:27:35.270] Jens_LN: what ? [00:27:35.562] Kronksterpher: titties dick big hard long i agree finster [00:27:36.640] awesomerem1: Booba [00:27:38.537] harleythefrog: LONG?! [00:27:38.928] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:27:40.116] TryHonesty_EP: hard, long booba [00:27:40.383] kemalh9: lowti3Run lowti3Run [00:27:41.319] Kronksterpher: very isightful [00:27:42.256] thel0ng2: wut? [00:27:44.915] user273726328: boobs [00:27:46.008] awesomerem1: Lol [00:27:46.234] HappyTrails2You: kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing kaitol1Vibing [00:27:48.128] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [00:27:50.502] chevelleman350: oh so that's why you can't stand up. the dick be too big [00:27:50.535] magic_wormzz: Oh [00:27:52.180] y0rk5h1r3: A Ha, Take on me? [00:27:53.064] mothergoose56: yesss sing pls [00:27:55.577] Amoyamoyamoya: !gaslight [00:27:55.829] f3mmbot Once upon a time, Jeff Bezos promised Finn up to $30K a month to stream as a girl to an audience of robots. You are all Cylons, chat. And the rest is history. [00:27:56.506] TheLastSecondHero: the serenade? [00:27:56.848] craigpp12: Eh you never know [00:27:57.650] beatle_88: f1nnLaff PowerUpR [00:27:58.972] craigpp12: Lay [00:27:59.387] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:28:00.830] im_up_to_something: Nice [00:28:01.435] Kronksterpher: spelling mistake for bimbo month as joke [00:28:03.593] Jens_LN: bulge is welcomed in bimbo month [00:28:04.319] KamonJay: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [00:28:04.841] Amoyamoyamoya: !boba [00:28:05.107] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:28:06.046] DogMatic_DMS: woC [00:28:08.729] SethwMad: @15aac05 DM @Stovamor [00:28:09.558] Kronksterpher: even tho i didnt meant that spelliong mistake [00:28:09.739] Solus_kun: When will the day come Finn will lean how to Loop a video D: [00:28:10.245] braddle172: !time [00:28:10.546] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 21:30 [00:28:11.592] harleythefrog: BOOBIES [00:28:13.377] Jens_LN: nice [00:28:13.572] Kronksterpher: oh no hes hot [00:28:13.830] justwrenchit: When wear new boo as rose? [00:28:13.986] Zolly_1: TITTIES [00:28:14.627] Stovamor: @15aac05, yo [00:28:15.765] Zolly_1: BOOBA [00:28:15.845] HappyTrails2You: YOU ARE SO PRETTY [00:28:16.115] burgess_shale: unimpressive [00:28:16.836] KamonJay: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:28:17.179] sammystormer: PowerUpL f1nnMakeupcheck [00:28:17.623] im_up_to_something: Bea 🔥🔥🔥 [00:28:17.707] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Why do I smell smoke while looking at you? :D [00:28:18.759] BennettJT96: Perfecttttt [00:28:19.107] jackotopper: trashm34Guns [00:28:20.355] SeriousMental: small is better [00:28:21.780] lnsanecomett: bigger [00:28:21.975] beatle_88: FBRun f1nnLaff FBBlock [00:28:22.108] vanimal2118: Could get a cold shirt uses ice water and tubes race car drivers use 2 keep cool. [00:28:25.404] Hipsu1: Their fine .. meh [00:28:26.056] freddd104: nice booba bro [00:28:26.761] Tazergames5: HOLY BOOBA GODS [00:28:26.967] foxlovesblox: MercyWing1 f1nnPegChamp MercyWing2 [00:28:28.528] troy_5he: YOU ARE FLAT [00:28:29.451] workabletag9644: Wow [00:28:29.768] aunalbrutal: Natural look [00:28:30.270] Chaingunner72: this damn cow [00:28:32.770] Stovamor: @15aac05, Stov#7342 on discord [00:28:32.968] Helen_Croft: big better [00:28:33.990] awesomerem1: Nice [00:28:34.882] DulyMoon: bigger? niiice [00:28:36.535] nekrost14: boba boob 🤣 [00:28:37.137] Tazergames5: NO RICK ROLL [00:28:37.261] Kronksterpher: chat shall we spam booba? [00:28:37.879] harleythefrog: BOOBIESSSS [00:28:38.152] mothergoose56: lord we need the big bobbers [00:28:38.348] emmylekiwi: Looking great 👌 [00:28:38.435] HappyTrails2You: gotta power up [00:28:39.970] Jens_LN: yeah, but bimbo month = big bobs [00:28:40.234] SethwMad: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:28:40.313] c__r__j: @vanimal2118 Not the slootiest outfit in the universe, that. [00:28:41.185] JungHyper: BIG' [00:28:41.841] one1armedwolf: smol bob gang [00:28:43.085] tasticderf: BOOBA GODS [00:28:43.289] Tazergames5: :(((( [00:28:45.051] alexandra_saunders: Looks good [00:28:45.976] huldakaren: you're not watching eurovision?? [00:28:48.618] ssleepyy_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:28:49.174] mothergoose56: waywar33Kim waywar33Kim waywar33Kim waywar33Kim waywar33Kim waywar33Kim waywar33Kim [00:28:49.318] craigpp12: Can we change the normal titie size to at least an h cup [00:28:52.624] chevelleman350: switching to the massive bonkhonagahoogs [00:28:56.255] y0rk5h1r3: I don't think big will suit that dress, it's stretched as is LUL [00:28:56.614] alexx_net: @Kronksterpher, No we shall not [00:28:58.074] destiny_noob7: !gaslight [00:28:58.209] packagum: nah sfine [00:28:58.344] f3mmbot Once upon a time, Jeff Bezos promised Finn up to $30K a month to stream as a girl to an audience of robots. You are all Cylons, chat. And the rest is history. [00:29:00.157] Chaingunner72: never too big lUL [00:29:00.646] KamonJay: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [00:29:00.735] TryHonesty_EP: no such thing as too big [00:29:01.721] iamcoolyk: BIG TITTIES?! [00:29:01.965] Tazergames5: show show! [00:29:02.292] user273726328: music makimg noises [00:29:04.242] mzinker: tucking fee still 250? [00:29:05.073] huntxr14: Go big or go home [00:29:06.631] Krrysalis: KEKW [00:29:10.678] harleythefrog: ÆHH [00:29:10.821] Kronksterpher: @alexx_net understood, have a good day as they say [00:29:12.282] strangechild6s: there is a woman in cow meme [00:29:12.448] burgess_shale: this is better [00:29:12.741] SeriousMental: @Jens_LN true true [00:29:12.982] packagum: GOOD [00:29:13.443] Tazergames5: BIG BAZONKERS?! [00:29:14.401] DogMatic_DMS: No pain no game [00:29:16.098] lnsanecomett: they are fine [00:29:16.724] magic_wormzz: Show [00:29:18.771] finnthegaysoup: naah i love itt [00:29:18.896] braddle172: BOOBA [00:29:19.837] user273726328: i dont like noises GlitchNRG [00:29:20.056] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bigger is good [00:29:20.367] TheLastSecondHero: them mario mushrooms are something serious [00:29:20.808] Jens_LN: nice [00:29:21.513] donko812: noice [00:29:21.683] emmylekiwi: Switching to the mega badonkers [00:29:22.043] y0rk5h1r3: Tig Ol' Bitties [00:29:22.837] bleachno9: gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps gingersnapSytaps [00:29:23.116] beatle_88: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR [00:29:24.038] im_up_to_something: whoa f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:29:24.474] BennettJT96: DAMN! [00:29:24.630] guitarbebop: Rose you always crack me up VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:29:25.700] DulyMoon: no jiggling [00:29:25.771] Zolly_1: BOOBA [00:29:27.456] harleythefrog: HOLY [00:29:27.688] KamonJay: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [00:29:28.016] gatsby2334: 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 [00:29:28.238] thel0ng2: hi [00:29:28.372] fiberms: bobas ar biger [00:29:29.012] Jens_LN: gains have been noticed !! :) [00:29:31.687] Tazergames5: BIG BAZOGAASSS [00:29:31.714] harleythefrog: BOOBIES [00:29:31.750] thedvs_1: nice [00:29:32.811] NamelessDread: when will you feminize your voice? @F1NN5TER [00:29:33.248] generationken: BOOB [00:29:33.923] l3laz3de: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:29:34.262] strangechild6s: there is a woman in your cow meme [00:29:35.724] alexx_net: @Kronksterpher, Thank you for being groovy! (Enjoy F1nn ) [00:29:35.791] packagum: ironmouseHearteyes [00:29:35.817] cherryymari: lowkey they suit you [00:29:36.405] candidcarbon: stand? [00:29:36.413] HappyTrails2You: hello [00:29:36.494] lightshot321: booba [00:29:36.697] Tazergames5: let's goooooo [00:29:36.709] chevelleman350: they don't look bad [00:29:37.168] nekrost14: fire started [00:29:37.472] barbie_secretstanner: Big tiddie gang [00:29:38.277] BennettJT96: Its a hot girl summer [00:29:38.538] magic_wormzz: Boob [00:29:38.589] Helen_Croft: !booba [00:29:38.700] timboixd: smaller better tbh [00:29:38.844] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:29:40.550] Kronksterpher: the hair n jerma mega milk [00:29:41.017] zombie_1981: OMG you're a magician LUL [00:29:41.349] vidyagaem7: Badonkas [00:29:41.542] gatsby2334: hair tie up [00:29:41.950] doppermaster: ngl those look great [00:29:41.991] burgess_shale: ADEQUATE [00:29:42.099] huntxr14: Fantastic tits [00:29:42.102] SteffenHax: adcvrDINKDONK [00:29:43.090] Amoyamoyamoya: Looks like a healthy size. [00:29:44.289] ratkiing7: double ds baby [00:29:45.678] MinusLifeYT: Firm to match the heat [00:29:47.096] im_up_to_something: Nice looking hangers <3 [00:29:47.508] xxjoyeusexx: spin? [00:29:47.779] McSnuggins: rainhoeBOOBA rainhoeBOOBA rainhoeBOOBA [00:29:48.215] wandoughtwhaffle: bazonger [00:29:48.478] Jens_LN: the rest of the stream will just be F1nn playing with his bobs [00:29:49.010] mrhouse987: Fire [00:29:50.252] harleythefrog: Boobas? [00:29:50.361] strangechild6s: there is a woman in ur cow meme [00:29:51.104] MrManIsTheMan: his booba don't jiggle jiggle, it folds [00:29:53.152] iamcoolyk: HOLA [00:29:53.234] HappyTrails2You: bongos [00:29:53.504] l3laz3de: it looks so real [00:29:53.808] Chaingunner72: 34DDD [00:29:53.903] MattyVmp3: please? [00:29:55.449] sajorl: We need more jiggle [00:29:56.571] Wh33Lz: Grinding war thunder w lorge booba Finn on the laptop, lovely time [00:29:57.171] craigpp12: Hey hey more cleavage better cpm [00:29:57.536] averylaughlin1: 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 [00:29:57.834] y0rk5h1r3: The joy playing with his bobs brings him LUL [00:29:58.067] candidcarbon: stand up finn pls [00:29:58.752] vanimal2118: Magic expanding chest dress can I get at !merch? [00:29:59.868] aunalbrutal: dududu *boss musicc starts* [00:30:00.001] braddle172: !booba [00:30:00.254] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:30:00.760] DulyMoon: your welcome chat for the jiggling [00:30:04.466] MattyVmp3: hair up cute tho [00:30:05.368] Bulldog85043: What's them temp there? [00:30:06.128] iamcoolyk: YEAHHHHH POG [00:30:06.330] littledanthewelshman: Could watch them jiggle all day [00:30:06.725] K1ngCreole: I think you dropped something behind you MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [00:30:07.866] BennettJT96: Poses plz [00:30:09.485] nekrost14: thats good [00:30:10.112] Dimonercheck: `Miss Croft!!! [00:30:10.315] Rodimus_Supreme: Nice tits, bro. [00:30:10.416] lora0pan0cheesy: I have to go to sleep… Byeee! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ Its very late for me [00:30:10.598] emmabuns: do you have strip lashes or last extensions? [00:30:10.768] Owly_9: sheeeeeeeesh [00:30:11.364] thel0ng2: cool as f u c k [00:30:11.559] huntxr14: Jimmy savile [00:30:12.292] SubliminalCorruption: A high ponytail will cool your neck [00:30:12.656] F0R5B3R9: sarah conor style [00:30:13.052] Jens_LN: FIRE !! [00:30:15.244] mothergoose56: put ur ac tube up ur dress finn [00:30:15.268] rootuz: BIG BOOBA [00:30:15.658] soul__melody: pool stream time [00:30:17.056] Jens_LN: JK [00:30:18.451] swishy6: fire [00:30:19.064] SethwMad: F1nn arsonist arch [00:30:19.828] HappyTrails2You: man, this manly man is hot [00:30:20.575] fiberms: I was watching one of your yt and i see you're streaming. so apperently you're a woman now [00:30:22.433] mr_ajokortti_korkort: walking fire hazard [00:30:22.767] Kashe_vt: Touch ur elbows lol [00:30:22.960] swishy6: there fire [00:30:24.244] alexx_net: Can you make them jiggle just by moving your shoulders? [00:30:24.483] bearpaw1970: he'll yeaz😍 [00:30:25.297] Kronksterpher: daphM i see, the booba has expand very bimbo daphM [00:30:26.090] Xylomn: that would required you to do a walk first [00:30:26.779] nekrost14: thats wood [00:30:26.889] mrhouse987: FIRE!! [00:30:26.992] draethomp: just got off work, what'd I miss? [00:30:28.557] AestheticRaccoons: AestheticRaccoons subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ball sack [00:30:28.779] f3mmbot aestheticraccoons subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:30:28.802] MattyVmp3: hair up will be cute tho?? [00:30:30.755] Jens_LN: spin ! [00:30:31.474] swishy6: flame [00:30:32.485] infested69: yes it is warm [00:30:33.572] braddle172: ellahoSmug [00:30:34.739] swishy6: fire [00:30:34.863] sime12305: darkest voice [00:30:35.273] generationken: You don’t know how to make your ponytails look cute yet??💀💀💀💀 [00:30:35.395] kappa_rulez: hey [00:30:36.156] chickenchasm: The only house fire you're gonna start is with that A/C [00:30:36.696] alexandra_saunders: Are you going to go for a run? [00:30:38.820] pikeplays69: COCKA [00:30:39.439] perfersserderg: SHOW BULGE [00:30:40.850] paccasullaspalla: HOLY [00:30:40.946] candidcarbon: i got laid today👍🏼 [00:30:42.418] Kronksterpher: COCKA [00:30:42.886] G0DBlopo: PALE [00:30:44.918] matty_and_: kyootbGasp kyootbGasp kyootbGasp kyootbGasp [00:30:45.597] freddd104: let us see your buldge [00:30:46.738] RJ20151: fire birgade, how British [00:30:47.180] AppleSaph: chat down bad [00:30:47.411] y0rk5h1r3: CAKE [00:30:47.451] skyboundmaster: SHEEESH [00:30:49.525] miastrashemporium: the weather. is never better. it is too damn hot getting fed up [00:30:51.640] LolImNight: MOVE THE HANDS [00:30:51.729] vanimal2118: Cake! [00:30:52.293] bleachno9: gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump gingersnapJump [00:30:52.794] Kronksterpher: BOOBA n COCKA LUL [00:30:52.989] fiberms: cakewh [00:30:53.572] iamcoolyk: Im confused are you a Boy or a Girl? [00:30:56.544] Chaingunner72: show us your bump LUL [00:30:57.817] bearpaw1970: 😁gawwd' D@mn [00:30:58.631] alexx_net: "That just makes it better." [00:30:58.724] ayarcee: I see London, I see France...... [00:30:59.476] rodripo85: you look awesome [00:30:59.819] beatle_88: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR [00:30:59.971] awesomerem1: Need to tuck [00:31:00.248] TheLastSecondHero: all valid [00:31:00.511] craigpp12: Didn’t your brick house ending up losing a tile of the roof [00:31:00.707] vidyagaem7: Awooga [00:31:03.620] DulyMoon: :O [00:31:06.926] disnick123: OOOOF [00:31:07.059] Flippi_12: @AppleSaph no, you :) [00:31:07.122] harleythefrog: I'm a simp- [00:31:07.935] aunalbrutal: No need to hide theres nothing there Rose :P [00:31:08.000] averylaughlin1: That why your visa keeps getting reject😂😂 [00:31:08.055] im_up_to_something: awooga Rose THICCC [00:31:08.312] sharphooter717: sharphooter717 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak! Competed in my first strongman competition and I took first place. we had to deadlift 250 kg for as many reps as possible, I got 12. Also log pressed 160 kg overhead. Safe to say, you are like a feather, Rose lmao. Look it up to see what I mean [00:31:08.514] f3mmbot sharphooter717 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:31:08.951] BennettJT96: Pose for us plzzz [00:31:10.256] Jens_LN: but chat WANTs you to move the hands ! [00:31:11.214] huntxr14: Fin looking Bundalicious [00:31:12.293] danademorgan: danademorgan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! WOW. If you are so hot, put on your bikini! [00:31:12.504] f3mmbot danademorgan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:31:13.069] HappyTrails2You: true. it would over heat you [00:31:14.544] PugStreams_: PugStreams_ subscribed with Prime. [00:31:14.747] f3mmbot pugstreams_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang pugstreams_ f1nn5tLezgang [00:31:14.859] bearpaw1970: Definition of like the cat that ate/got/swallowed the canary —used to say that someone looks very proud or satisfied about something he or she has done After pointing out his teacher's mistake, he smiled like the cat that ate the canary. [00:31:15.317] emmylekiwi: Doing a ponytail would cool you down tho hair makes body heat go woooooooo (I suggest PIGTAILS) ✨✨ [00:31:18.256] vanimal2118: What was tuck price again? [00:31:18.299] matt_b39: It just got a lot hotter [00:31:18.826] infested69: cant be too sweaty lol [00:31:18.888] Helen_Croft: sciamaHornyBOP rynali1Bonk [00:31:19.520] SeriousMental: one day we will get a dickprint LUL [00:31:20.754] pumjf: Mommy rose [00:31:22.329] swishy6: wait your a guy?!?! [00:31:23.810] alexandra_saunders: Tuck [00:31:29.136] kappa_rulez: @iamcoolyk hes a dude, just crossdresses online for money [00:31:32.163] c__r__j: I thought leggings were a very practical suggestion. Sadge. [00:31:32.984] leona392: I don't hide my d or my tits [00:31:34.505] CaddyN64: GIGACHAD [00:31:38.353] AtlasJedi: its funny because its only going to get hotter [00:31:38.572] OlivBath3: how hot is it over there? [00:31:38.944] darthjboy: Are those extensions or has your hair grown that long? [00:31:42.125] DrDoedle: spanx may be cooler to wear than a corset, I don't know if you've worn them before [00:31:43.196] SteeLJaegeR: @swishy6 he is manly man [00:31:43.639] generationken: @emmylekiwi that’s a great fuckin idea [00:31:46.931] babykat69: booty shorts [00:31:48.168] Helen_Croft: !gender @swishy6 [00:31:48.436] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [00:31:49.538] Jens_LN: outfit = nice ! [00:31:52.007] Kronksterpher: what a gigachad [00:31:52.124] emmylekiwi: @seriousmental yeah lmaoo he’s just crossdressing [00:31:54.650] Hurrad: @swishy6 Your kidding right? Yes he is a guy his pronouns are he him. [00:31:57.195] Amoyamoyamoya: Needs pink lip stain. [00:31:57.297] kappa_rulez: @iamcoolyk like for twitch subs lol [00:31:57.704] Kolateak_: Jiggle jiggle [00:32:01.624] vanimal2118: Ribbed? [00:32:02.078] emmylekiwi: @generationken ikr [00:32:02.153] craigpp12: That’s also the video that you showed your dads number plate [00:32:02.505] nekrost14: change voice [00:32:06.638] Kronksterpher: wish more chasers were like that LUL [00:32:08.953] bearpaw1970: jiggle physics..so realz [00:32:09.915] Helen_Croft: when did you wakeup? [00:32:11.331] kappa_rulez: @iamcoolyk and donations [00:32:13.513] y0rk5h1r3: You should pick those clothes up off the floor alluuxBonk [00:32:13.614] kit_katthe_rat: KomodoHype NomNom [00:32:15.702] mr_wolf0110: yep do the voice [00:32:18.440] Brainfishes: Putting hair up will help a lot. [00:32:20.847] Jens_LN: We are hot [00:32:25.170] Rookie3311: Rookie3311 subscribed with Prime. [00:32:25.344] f3mmbot rookie3311 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang rookie3311 f1nn5tLezgang [00:32:25.814] HappyTrails2You: yes [00:32:26.337] poliwagpi4554: finnster [00:32:26.872] SteeLJaegeR: i really like it your dress today just so hot. [00:32:27.615] vanimal2118: Scam5ter [00:32:28.657] Jens_LN: makeup first, then game [00:32:29.885] perfersserderg: yes :) [00:32:30.088] aunalbrutal: Any prof of that? [00:32:30.144] pollop119: watch Eurovision it's queer af [00:32:31.626] axe1970: di you have a hatch to the loft if you open it heat can escape better [00:32:32.281] zombie_1981: yes [00:32:33.271] MrManIsTheMan: yes, mind craft. [00:32:34.483] Hurrad: @F1NN5TER have you see the Walmart good value version of Finn? [00:32:38.483] sammystormer: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [00:32:40.196] timboixd: yeah no makeup day [00:32:40.745] im_up_to_something: Good job on today's look [00:32:41.257] emmylekiwi: Do PIGTAILS that would cool you up [00:32:41.771] halo4fan27: DEAD LIFTING LIKE OVER 2 TIMES MY WAIT AND I CANT EVEN LIFT 30 KG [00:32:41.796] MattyVmp3: you fr need to learn how to tie ur hair up dude [00:32:44.844] superwubbb: Never change your voice this is too funny [00:32:45.211] alexx_net: No makeup bimbo stream? I don't think that works. [00:32:45.575] neon_soup: let's play a game: you laugh you put on makeup [00:32:47.163] miastrashemporium: latvia got robbed in the Eurovision [00:32:49.419] rob_rob_ofc: y you have adds running [00:32:49.873] magic_wormzz: Yes [00:32:49.964] generationken: A no makeup day if you try putting your hair up properly [00:32:50.319] alexandra_saunders: Any deliveries today [00:32:50.424] SeriousMental: @emmylekiwi which makes it even better [00:32:50.861] nekrost14: we all are nice [00:32:53.158] Stovamor: Wasn't me this time [00:32:54.521] craigpp12: If you get banned just complain and use the gender superiority rule [00:32:55.356] Stovamor: I'm busy [00:33:00.076] Solus_kun: KEKW [00:33:02.630] vanimal2118: Mod ❤️ [00:33:07.710] huntxr14: How come you got an Uber I thought you could drive [00:33:07.969] Jens_LN: Clear Gloss no longer in the lead :( [00:33:10.972] Stovamor: Sorting out your shit, young lady [00:33:15.373] SethwMad: Show yourself! [00:33:15.854] neon_soup: You laugh you makeup [00:33:23.588] aceinthehole26: heheheha grr [00:33:23.650] vanimal2118: Problem? [00:33:24.820] iamcoolyk: Are you a Boy or a Girl? @f1nn5ter [00:33:24.972] cherryymari: zero [00:33:27.081] mr_wolf0110: none [00:33:27.886] edgar_ayer: none LUL [00:33:28.726] Hurrad: the Finn/Rose MODS are the best on Twitch [00:33:30.122] disnick123: Mods... where's the no makeup option? Rose was asking for no makeup day.... 🙃 [00:33:30.270] Jens_LN: Meeeeeeeeeeeeee [00:33:30.420] SethwMad: LOL [00:33:31.402] smileysocks: 0 [00:33:31.535] Zolly_1: none [00:33:32.202] XyroWasTaken: you dont need any [00:33:33.115] y0rk5h1r3: Zero makeup [00:33:33.345] Solus_kun: Dont tell finn CHAT [00:33:33.586] Jedmaster69: liner [00:33:34.103] XellosMetallum: You look feminine right now. [00:33:38.272] DrDoedle: i envy you, you do not need makeup today :3 eyelash extentions look so good. I want to get mine done [00:33:38.495] mr_ajokortti_korkort: You look feminine with or without makeup [00:33:39.125] im_up_to_something: Clear gloss [00:33:40.500] alexx_net: You'll have to ask the mod Union f1nnLaff [00:33:40.692] leona392: u already do look female [00:33:40.889] 1AspenSilver1: none [00:33:41.459] ablackguyyy: 0 [00:33:42.668] barbie_secretstanner: Laugh you makeup yes!! [00:33:42.850] PsychicMouse_: none [00:33:43.159] GammaNguyener_83: none [00:33:43.601] scatcha04: None [00:33:43.712] ClairavoyaSSB: @iamcoolyk Boy [00:33:44.343] FireRuby1: none [00:33:44.359] HappyTrails2You: you already do [00:33:45.359] troy_5he: you look pretty feminine right now [00:33:45.589] c__r__j: You could wear a Donalt Trump mask and still look feminine. Zero makeup is no shot at masculine. [00:33:45.959] Kronksterpher: LUL [00:33:45.966] kappa_rulez: @iamcoolyk hes a dude [00:33:46.054] l3laz3de: u're already pulling that off honestly [00:33:47.035] Jens_LN: !watch [00:33:47.358] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [00:33:47.426] vanimal2118: Bimbo Month doesn't work this way? [00:33:47.572] craigpp12: Personal I think I would be an amazing mod [00:33:48.370] nychder87: blush and little lipstick ez [00:33:48.918] mira56_94: just lashes lol [00:33:49.545] jjfrob: none [00:33:49.561] awesomerem1: You already there [00:33:52.119] 1AspenSilver1: Kappa [00:33:52.507] aunalbrutal: The mods are awsome *Quick hide them* [00:33:52.743] axe1970: you already look feminine [00:33:53.397] Kolateak_: I don't [00:33:53.866] nekrost14: fire firing fire fired 😆 [00:33:54.908] halo4fan27: PUT FAKE TIDDIES ON AND GO OUTSIDE YOU GONNA LOOK FEMALE [00:33:56.216] iamcoolyk: Are you a Boy or a Girl @f1nn5ter ? [00:33:57.444] johnna_1988: dysphoria [00:33:57.913] emmylekiwi: @iamcoolyk finn is a guy he’s cross dressing [00:33:58.049] SeriousMental: sure sure... [00:33:59.719] johnna_1988: amirite [00:34:01.292] alexandra_saunders: Did you go out in the dress [00:34:02.626] vidyagaem7: You already look pretty female rose [00:34:12.162] troy_5he: no difference [00:34:12.293] cherryymari: please we've been through this before😩 you're pretty just accept it [00:34:12.675] Jens_LN: What a cute girl :) [00:34:13.671] 1AspenSilver1: COPIUM [00:34:14.381] jrojas127_: Cheer1 [00:34:14.893] Flippi_12: X for doubt [00:34:16.343] LittleChaSiu: CodeMiko outfit pog [00:34:17.355] fungur69: Hair + Eyelashes = Girl [00:34:17.574] Jens_LN: girl [00:34:17.785] Dimonercheck: Let's play "What is the most amount of makeup!!" [00:34:18.445] VGABots: You already look like a female [00:34:18.692] mr_ajokortti_korkort: You are looking so hot rn :D [00:34:18.924] Zolly_1: Girl [00:34:18.931] XyroWasTaken: you still look feminine [00:34:19.114] FireRuby1: no [00:34:19.827] sapphire77th: Girl [00:34:20.510] one1armedwolf: nope [00:34:20.909] 1AspenSilver1: KEKW [00:34:21.046] XellosMetallum: You look like a girl [00:34:21.124] craigpp12: Thoughts anyone [00:34:21.460] CaroCanaro: can't [00:34:21.850] timboixd: nope girl [00:34:21.923] mr_wolf0110: virlt [00:34:22.097] SeriousMental: looks like a girl [00:34:22.116] mokk55: girl [00:34:22.339] Adszii: girl [00:34:22.380] Solus_kun: Girl [00:34:22.526] DulyMoon: you still look feminine sorry lmao [00:34:22.746] infernogrimreaper875: still feminine [00:34:22.940] sjoonyje: you still look feminine lol [00:34:23.219] demiderius: waman [00:34:23.251] Zolly_1: grill [00:34:23.574] GammaNguyener_83: still a girl LMAO [00:34:23.715] wandoughtwhaffle: girl [00:34:23.860] thecavejelly: girl [00:34:24.696] troy_5he: same [00:34:24.767] HappyTrails2You: gorl [00:34:24.932] burgess_shale: AWFUL [00:34:24.967] vogongeltz: look like a Lady [00:34:25.003] Jens_LN: cute girl [00:34:25.230] calming_insanity: nopers [00:34:25.590] wulfy_hun: still look feminine [00:34:25.776] unpoweredstove: girl 100% [00:34:25.877] awowyn: hawwwt [00:34:25.920] dorshfan: girl [00:34:26.111] to_bedetermined: Not a dude [00:34:26.312] SeriousTTV: still girl [00:34:26.763] ImTNewW: no [00:34:27.033] Xylomn: copium [00:34:27.111] themilkman420699: still look like a chick [00:34:27.189] kevlarchicken: girl [00:34:27.235] trolface1997: girl [00:34:27.329] kidvespa: Girl [00:34:27.445] Nutty_D: nah [00:34:27.717] XyroWasTaken: woman [00:34:27.812] BaykusGK: rosey? [00:34:27.947] AppleSaph: rainhoeDerp [00:34:28.117] F0R5B3R9: cute [00:34:28.166] redcat1633: I'm not gay but your one dude I would fukk TehePelo [00:34:28.457] DrDoedle: im sorry... girl [00:34:28.469] kappa_rulez: still woman [00:34:28.759] RipCopperGolem: girl [00:34:29.201] mr_wolf0110: lady [00:34:29.461] nychder87: girl [00:34:29.535] csr_1996: gorl [00:34:29.619] SteeLJaegeR: exactly cute girl LUL [00:34:29.653] alextorresxd2021: not like a dude at all [00:34:30.297] Kolateak_: Industrial strength copium [00:34:30.494] Florbb_: gorl [00:34:30.595] braddle172: girl [00:34:30.700] y0rk5h1r3: Am I on Code Miko's stream? [00:34:30.768] king_ad_12: nope [00:34:31.248] pianoismyforte_: totally a woman [00:34:31.256] mzinker: girl [00:34:31.335] draethomp: girl [00:34:31.461] l3laz3de: u look like someone's girlfriend [00:34:32.443] loolnood: @F1NN5TER the hair is enough [00:34:32.451] Jens_LN: feminine [00:34:32.682] EinWildesPandaa: defo not dude [00:34:32.739] vanimal2118: Yep 100% wamen! [00:34:33.341] lutiall: the lashes don't help KEKW [00:34:33.859] vidyagaem7: Girl [00:34:33.963] huntxr14: Definitely not dude [00:34:34.428] aunalbrutal: girl [00:34:34.486] PsychicMouse_: girl [00:34:34.508] VGABots: Girl [00:34:35.165] XyroWasTaken: Rose evergreen [00:34:35.242] ashcampbell: Girl [00:34:35.735] Kronksterpher: boymoder LUL id clock you as a awoman [00:34:36.045] candidcarbon: girl [00:34:36.074] denialdelivery798: nope stll girl [00:34:36.262] im_up_to_something: It's the eyes 👀 [00:34:36.633] to_bedetermined: Girly Girl [00:34:36.652] scatcha04: Girl [00:34:36.916] kikogitar: copium [00:34:36.994] troy_5he: female [00:34:37.237] generationken: Woman [00:34:37.598] genericaccount135: now you look like a chick [00:34:38.251] vogongeltz: bimbo look [00:34:38.353] disnick123: DUDE???? f1nnLaff [00:34:38.715] lnsanecomett: you still look female even without boobs [00:34:38.770] chevelleman350: ok I see what you mean but the fact of the matter is you look like a feminine dude [00:34:39.179] mr_ajokortti_korkort: definitely a girl [00:34:39.334] thedvs_1: no [00:34:39.405] kevlarchicken: KEKW [00:34:40.486] Jens_LN: definitely girl [00:34:40.551] edgar_ayer: X [00:34:40.723] nassimassb: girl [00:34:40.905] guitarbebop: girl . [00:34:41.100] marcospaulo1: def not [00:34:41.424] Jiro_Kats: Like my lesbian tomboy friend. No offense [00:34:41.682] FireRuby1: sure [00:34:42.370] perfersserderg: LUL [00:34:42.705] JourneyOnYoutube: Doesn't look like a dude to me [00:34:42.864] Owly_9: ermmmmmmmmmmm [00:34:42.944] gamesforthemotherland: whore [00:34:43.001] Florbb_: wamon [00:34:43.563] spoonsalt: Still look like a girl 🤔 [00:34:43.632] Zolly_1: 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 [00:34:43.677] thecavejelly: women [00:34:43.900] DulyMoon: GIRLY [00:34:43.930] alextorresxd2021: profile view [00:34:44.149] packagum: haha no [00:34:44.279] alexx_net: Chat just wants to help you look even more pretty. "Dude" where? [00:34:44.489] yourfriendthetaco: Girl [00:34:44.820] snarkgold: true. manly gigachad [00:34:45.192] Hurrad: @F1NN5TER Sorry you still look like a girl the eyebrows arent butch enough [00:34:45.551] king_ad_12: hirl [00:34:45.613] emmylekiwi: You look so fem even without the tits or the eyelashes [00:34:45.737] topiary05: woman [00:34:46.271] smileysocks: denial [00:34:46.392] limeequine: Still a girl [00:34:46.531] alexandra_saunders: No girl [00:34:46.610] Xylomn: do people get up and offer you their seat on the bus [00:34:46.779] dai_star: bro fin i wanna fuck the shit out of you [00:34:46.879] Helen_Croft: Vote rigged [00:34:46.904] timboixd: nope manly giga grill [00:34:46.978] neon_soup: you just look like a girl who likes sports now [00:34:47.361] HappyTrails2You: woman [00:34:47.505] Ascara89: Believe whatever you like [00:34:47.530] Flippi_12: sure KEKW [00:34:47.625] thel0ng2: KEKW [00:34:47.908] ablackguyyy: Dudet [00:34:48.006] Jens_LN: Pretty girl too [00:34:48.613] SethwMad: heavenlyChad [00:34:48.751] guitarbebop: sexy girl [00:34:48.890] nekrost14: his baby face changed his gender 🐸 [00:34:49.142] lwazithesyne: STAIN STAIN STAIN [00:34:49.261] theking_cool: girl [00:34:49.285] wandoughtwhaffle: nope :D [00:34:49.743] mr_wolf0110: female [00:34:49.956] thedvs_1: waman [00:34:50.128] ashcampbell: not dude [00:34:51.520] Arashka: How do you have your hair when going out? [00:34:51.793] Jens_LN: yes [00:34:52.212] iamcoolyk: So how you doing [00:34:52.513] trolface1997: why are you lying to your self? [00:34:52.529] sjoonyje: just your face looks really feminine [00:34:52.901] draethomp: 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 [00:34:53.120] plushgirlsteph: Dude? no. star trek science extra? yes. [00:34:53.330] GammaNguyener_83: COPIUM COPIUM COPIUM [00:34:53.708] zombie_1981: LUL [00:34:54.348] Raincelent: it's the makeup [00:34:54.602] candidcarbon: They do not [00:34:55.865] VGABots: Egg [00:34:57.929] DulyMoon: FEMININE STILL [00:34:59.084] yourfriendthetaco: Nope woman [00:35:01.339] emmylekiwi: Egg [00:35:01.411] HappyTrails2You: egg [00:35:01.579] Helen_Croft: Vote rigged KEKW [00:35:01.641] alexandra_saunders: Girl [00:35:02.375] VGABots: GIRL [00:35:02.515] alextorresxd2021: go back to that pose for 10 secs please :V [00:35:02.782] vanimal2118: So ur wearing this fit to get discounts? [00:35:03.310] DrDoedle: aint nowt wrong with being a pretty lad [00:35:03.977] craigpp12: CSGO old time come on 2 year anniversary [00:35:05.697] DulyMoon: so good [00:35:09.521] HoubickarHraje: so kawaii [00:35:09.522] yourfriendthetaco: NO GIGA CHAD FOR YOU [00:35:09.752] VGABots: YES [00:35:10.878] Hurrad: its the eyebrows [00:35:11.243] kappa_rulez: egg [00:35:11.496] harami666: @helen_croft no rigging results 😅 [00:35:11.554] Jens_LN: girly even au naturale ! [00:35:11.840] XyroWasTaken: maybe if your hair was a b it different but without it you look really feminine lol [00:35:12.011] nekrost14: Set them on fire [00:35:13.328] scruffys_mustache: Stop lying to yourself [00:35:13.777] y0rk5h1r3: You have something on your eyelids [00:35:14.865] ultimate_rowlet: 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 [00:35:17.108] foxlovesblox: Yessssss [00:35:18.819] barbaric10doglive: Coom [00:35:20.327] Jens_LN: yes [00:35:20.581] craigpp12: Had no grammar [00:35:21.867] magic_wormzz: Egg [00:35:22.137] im_up_to_something: I see a cute bimbo 👍 [00:35:22.349] chevelleman350: and when you have your hair a certain way and your long lashes it really makes you look feminine [00:35:24.454] SteeLJaegeR: not need make up. [00:35:24.548] vidyagaem7: Definitely a Stacy, not a chad [00:35:24.755] HappyTrails2You: true [00:35:25.029] nekrost14: MyAvatar [00:35:25.581] vogongeltz: 100% bimbo [00:35:26.139] d3rpy_boi: yes a "manly man" [00:35:26.612] SeriousMental: kekd @ dono [00:35:28.714] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. Gottem. [00:35:31.455] josecortesnival: no sorry [00:35:34.630] Flippi_12: say it rose [00:35:34.643] DulyMoon: WOW NO [00:35:35.967] 1AspenSilver1: Feminine Penis? [00:35:36.120] Flippi_12: LUL [00:35:36.223] TakeOnWill: "nooOO!" [00:35:37.218] peavey443: Looking lovely as usual Rose [00:35:37.238] OilP: KEKW [00:35:37.767] SeriousMental: feminin pp ? [00:35:37.929] aunalbrutal: Hahahaha [00:35:39.322] Kronksterpher: @magic_wormzz hes said hes not an egg dont push egg [00:35:39.725] guitarbebop: and you have a good fashion sense [00:35:39.798] neon_soup: TINY HANDS [00:35:40.670] Stovamor: Right - paying attention again [00:35:40.889] Owly_9: Arms are fem too [00:35:41.183] calming_insanity: is it? [00:35:41.222] EinWildesPandaa: no [00:35:42.395] Xylomn: sure [00:35:42.860] cascadianpixie: Don't lie [00:35:44.482] Jens_LN: ... no adams apple [00:35:44.570] le_toecutter: x [00:35:46.537] imboolol: the arms.. [00:35:46.843] vanimal2118: Minecraft Vid screamed Girl! [00:35:47.030] lutiall: I mean, the bobs are pretty feminine [00:35:47.369] Helen_Croft: bobs are also feminine @F1NN5TER [00:35:48.345] lnsanecomett: fem face [00:35:48.490] c__r__j: Your face. And hands. And cake. And pasty thighs. And dainty feet. [00:35:49.770] barbie_secretstanner: How about you stop lying [00:35:50.160] wandoughtwhaffle: noodle [00:35:50.527] guitarbebop: cake [00:35:50.591] burgess_shale: FEM FINGERS [00:35:52.022] XyroWasTaken: @1AspenSilver1 the funniest part is thats a real thing tho [00:35:52.444] lwazithesyne: feminine arms [00:35:55.023] octopodez: petit feminin hands [00:35:55.377] edgar_ayer: xQc arms [00:35:55.945] Brainfishes: Copium [00:35:57.815] Stovamor: and you look like a lady in almost every photo you've ever taken @f1nn5ter [00:35:58.526] cherryymari: you look more femme than most women I've seen. it's okay it looks good [00:35:58.851] thecavejelly: feminine figers [00:35:59.323] j_0ner: some dude shot up supermarket live on twitch today [00:35:59.705] RagingWind_: slender hands [00:35:59.993] perfersserderg: delicate cute femme hands :) [00:36:00.043] la_thane: no its your skin [00:36:00.190] Tom2: girly manly hands [00:36:00.556] Hurrad: @F1NN5TER Where is our dono goal for next girl month/ [00:36:01.314] to_bedetermined: OH THE THINGS YOU TELL YOURSELF! [00:36:01.536] Xylomn: skinny hands [00:36:02.163] emmylekiwi: « Nooo ✨✨ » yeah completely manly [00:36:03.008] drwebbielive: lol fem fingers [00:36:04.100] Scrap_Brain: Tiny phone. [00:36:04.454] oliplayz8891: Thats a small hand finn xD [00:36:04.961] inotblue_: HIIII finn [00:36:06.751] j0hnbanks117: skinny hand [00:36:07.868] Owly_9: wow is that an ipod mini? [00:36:10.912] nekrost14: you are small and slim [00:36:11.098] scatcha04: Your pretty androgynous [00:36:12.207] craigpp12: I think it’s a mixture of your Massive nose and lack of peen [00:36:13.197] Tom2: banana [00:36:13.409] imboolol: the forearms look masc but not the uper arms [00:36:13.921] dorshfan: tiny phone and tiny cups [00:36:14.087] braddle172: longest thumbs I've seen [00:36:14.870] y0rk5h1r3: Coke can? [00:36:15.069] yourfriendthetaco: YOU LOOKIN REAL BREEDABLE AND SUBMISSIVE ROSE [00:36:15.301] limeequine: Your rib cage is small too [00:36:15.639] thecavejelly: soda can [00:36:15.773] vogelzaad420: could you show how you do your contouring? You already have a feminine face but the contouring really finishes it! [00:36:16.184] RipCopperGolem: lipstick [00:36:16.714] Urvikarma: dick for scale? [00:36:17.482] Kronksterpher: nice nails finnster loks great [00:36:19.953] mzinker: tiny femme hands [00:36:21.066] dirik094: is this a voice changer ? [00:36:21.552] Amoyamoyamoya: Put on the fingeless Dewalt gloves. Those are very Manly. [00:36:22.078] huntxr14: Eyelashes kinda carry the feminine look [00:36:22.870] Helen_Croft: bobs are also feminine @F1NN5TER [00:36:23.203] TakeOnWill: It's not sexuality it's gender presentation smh [00:36:23.564] F0R5B3R9: banana for scale [00:36:23.699] generationken: Your nose is the most masculine thing about you, other than your dick [00:36:25.069] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Nice slender hands [00:36:25.311] im_up_to_something: she's in denial again 😂😂😂 [00:36:27.614] VeeNoxxy: VeeNoxxy converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:36:28.030] denialdelivery798: the 11 inch dildo [00:36:28.691] vanimal2118: 4 girl [00:36:28.739] DrDoedle: you know who can hold lots of stuff in their hands? women [00:36:29.225] CaroCanaro: feminine hands [00:36:29.286] dorshfan: big slender femme hands [00:36:29.503] Amoyamoyamoya: Long fingers. Slender hands. [00:36:30.368] c__r__j: Dainty feminine fingers. [00:36:30.527] cascadianpixie: You're using stereotypes to defend yourself? Lol, no [00:36:31.092] Hauubs: edward scissorhands [00:36:31.682] thecavejelly: girl fingers [00:36:31.843] clappv: WTF [00:36:32.182] mr_wolf0110: wow you really can hold a lot in hands [00:36:32.637] Kolateak_: Measure your hand, I don't know how big that is [00:36:33.114] BloodDmnd: pretty long [00:36:33.268] HappyTrails2You: jesus [00:36:33.963] packagum: average hand [00:36:34.522] clappv: HOLYSHIT [00:36:34.797] DulyMoon: if you look like a guy then im gay lmao [00:36:34.816] edgar_ayer: big hands skinny arms [00:36:35.010] TheLastSecondHero: that thumb is a deadly weapon [00:36:35.538] octopodez: no [00:36:36.040] Tom2: i didnt know they sold minature controllers for that [00:36:36.399] y0rk5h1r3: Kreygasm [00:36:36.750] layluh34: 💀💀 [00:36:36.833] vapecuck: no thanks [00:36:37.486] mzinker: monster can [00:36:37.718] XyroWasTaken: its actually possible that f1nn is very high in testosterone, he just has so much of it that the excess is converted into estrogen [00:36:37.883] robinson0017: yes plz [00:36:38.545] sjoonyje: huh [00:36:39.603] DrDoedle: BRUH [00:36:40.169] SethwMad: Prostate presser [00:36:40.224] nekrost14: small [00:36:40.315] MiloMalice: weestHUH [00:36:40.474] Helen_Croft: bobs are also feminine @F1NN5TER [00:36:40.654] TheLastSecondHero: I wouldn't even enjoy that [00:36:41.044] one1armedwolf: so slender [00:36:41.576] twitchabius: you sure that's a human hand? [00:36:43.271] kevlarchicken: oof [00:36:43.618] axe1970: long hands are feminim [00:36:44.074] emmylekiwi: My hands are bigger and I’m a cis girl [00:36:44.251] nassimassb: without the sound it looks like I'm watching a girl's live 😂😂 [00:36:44.396] destinedpentacle: i wish [00:36:44.846] lutiall: 😊 [00:36:46.440] burgess_shale: THEY FEMME DIGITS [00:36:46.467] tronmanthing_: below average hands [00:36:46.746] SubliminalCorruption: fake nails don't count [00:36:46.786] Xylomn: really wouldnt want to lose a nail [00:36:46.788] jackpilgrim205: I am [00:36:47.553] genericaccount135: long slender feminine hands [00:36:48.831] guitarbebop: k [00:36:49.524] commanderredpanda: i did think of it... now I'm moist [00:36:51.319] l3laz3de: u have skinny arms [00:36:51.347] HappyTrails2You: very bruh [00:36:52.251] scatcha04: Long fingers do not mean the same as big hands [00:36:53.107] iamcoolyk: @f1nn5ter I'M GAY [00:36:53.237] GammaNguyener_83: THATS THE WAY YOU IMAGINE THINGS? [00:36:53.396] oliplayz8891: Your short [00:36:55.451] generationken: H u h [00:36:59.831] genericaccount135: also your demeanor [00:37:00.678] DogMatic_DMS: Tiny palms slender fingers [00:37:00.715] kikogitar: you coud use those conrollers and play half life alyx [00:37:00.951] Kolateak_: COPE [00:37:01.214] drierwolf: feminine mannerisms? [00:37:01.371] emmylekiwi: Long but not big [00:37:01.840] Helen_Croft: 69" [00:37:02.292] Jens_LN: 69 inches ! [00:37:03.026] sch0t1_: Why is chat down bad [00:37:03.096] redcat1633: you have lady hands so beautiful [00:37:05.392] Amoyamoyamoya: Lies. [00:37:06.650] lwazithesyne: 5'4 [00:37:07.008] destinedpentacle: 5 7 [00:37:07.234] KingMalazar: your thumb is bigger then most dudes in this chat if u know what I mean [00:37:08.195] y0rk5h1r3: Five Foot Nine [00:37:08.469] Flippi_12: 69 inches tall [00:37:08.683] disnick123: My asshole??? 😳 Get away from me young woman or i will call the police [00:37:09.329] edgar_ayer: 5'9 [00:37:09.519] RipCopperGolem: lies [00:37:11.075] Solus_kun: meme Copium [00:37:11.922] edgar_ayer: dont lie [00:37:12.036] Stovamor: Lies. CF PKA [00:37:12.593] gaming_giant_: im 6,8 [00:37:12.624] barbie_secretstanner: It’s not a meme if it’s true idiot [00:37:13.476] loolnood: 5 feet and 9 inches is a really petite girl thats really hung [00:37:13.500] Amoyamoyamoya: !gaslight [00:37:13.752] f3mmbot Once upon a time, Jeff Bezos promised Finn up to $30K a month to stream as a girl to an audience of robots. You are all Cylons, chat. And the rest is history. [00:37:13.859] jane781461laura: you were featured in a Try not to laugh Video *** min 1:06 [00:37:14.356] mr_ajokortti_korkort: it was and always will be 69 inches [00:37:14.457] Macash: copium [00:37:14.485] braddle172: wow lied to kyle [00:37:14.511] Scrap_Brain: 5' 5" I bet. [00:37:15.392] cucumberinsane: holding a pistol and watching f1nn, pretty manly in my opinion [00:37:17.053] uwubottomboi: five nine lmao [00:37:18.211] y0rk5h1r3: 69 inches Noice [00:37:18.693] neon_soup: you met a guy? [00:37:18.906] denialdelivery798: grab the 11 inch dildo for reference [00:37:19.106] ik_kijk_nl: 69 [00:37:19.233] Prince_of_Nonsense: height in metric? [00:37:19.811] Jusses: You'd need courtesy nails for those fingers to go close to anyone [00:37:19.891] LamTion: Cope stop the cap 5'9 LUL [00:37:20.894] l3laz3de: 5'9.5" at best [00:37:20.914] RipCopperGolem: lies lies lies [00:37:21.053] MrManIsTheMan: so you're 5'8" [00:37:21.136] pikeplays69: % 10 in heels [00:37:21.750] thel0ng2: 3'2 [00:37:23.124] halo4fan27: @KingMalazar no just no [00:37:23.420] Solus_kun: COPIUM [00:37:24.022] SeriousMental: oh noes, she is brabblin about height again [00:37:25.522] Amoyamoyamoya: The laser measured you at 5'9" [00:37:27.362] leona392: im6'2 [00:37:27.508] la_thane: yah no... [00:37:27.561] tronmanthing_: i was 5'10 at 7 [00:37:28.010] jjfrob: gtwsWhat gtwsWhat gtwsWhat [00:37:29.671] Jens_LN: :D [00:37:29.937] j0hnbanks117: you're 5'9 [00:37:30.055] candidcarbon: Mmm no [00:37:30.137] walkindude1: 5'8 [00:37:30.480] to_bedetermined: 5 10 IN HEELS [00:37:32.413] OilP: KEKW [00:37:33.038] Jens_LN: they did [00:37:33.892] kevlarchicken: @denialdelivery798 KEKW [00:37:33.898] TF0rd: 69 inches = 5'9" [00:37:34.090] foxlovesblox: I’m 6 foot 2 [00:37:34.453] codecraft3r: COPIUM [00:37:34.633] calming_insanity: KEKW [00:37:34.659] axe1970: i have been when younger [00:37:35.954] ayitsmetornado: Jiggggleeeeeeeee [00:37:36.648] Flippi_12: KEKW [00:37:40.943] mrkniknt: so you measure things by how far it fits in your butt [00:37:41.367] CaroCanaro: KEKW [00:37:42.612] octopodez: why your air conditioner so loud?? [00:37:42.838] oliplayz8891: Finn has small hands, Right everybody? [00:37:43.227] iamcoolyk: do you Play VR @f1nn5ter ?? [00:37:44.664] DulyMoon: LUL LUL [00:37:44.852] ayitsmetornado: Jiggleeeee [00:37:47.753] SteeLJaegeR: Booty size? LUL [00:37:48.260] thekingone10: hallo [00:37:50.976] Amoyamoyamoya: You did FaceApp last year on strim and it ID'ed you as female. [00:37:51.019] XyroWasTaken: @oliplayz8891 yee [00:37:53.817] tanselle25: How tall is Meowriza?? [00:37:56.331] vanimal2118: @helen_croft she tries to deny Godess complex! [00:37:59.209] shadowkingz135: are you going to go to comicon this year in london? [00:37:59.332] ren_spamzzz: hi [00:38:03.919] commanderredpanda: Fin has small hands for a girl [00:38:06.630] ayitsmetornado: Jiggleeee [00:38:07.161] Thunkee_GG: Girl you are the epitome of my transgender goals!!! Mwah! 🥰 [00:38:08.753] DrDoedle: i think that 5'7 guy might of been lying, im 5'2 and im a head an a bit shorter than 6' people [00:38:09.493] meowdonut: I'm 5"10 and feel very short next to a 6ft+ person [00:38:11.111] mr_ajokortti_korkort: can't argue with that logic [00:38:12.577] epic_skrim: long ass fingers [00:38:12.853] johnna_1988: big hands... how would you like me to stick that up your ass [00:38:16.240] huntxr14: Salad fingers [00:38:17.803] barbie_secretstanner: Wow cunt [00:38:18.203] user273726328: i can every eat everyone here with my 7 foot LUL [00:38:19.845] nekrost14: 🤣 [00:38:20.313] johnna_1988: thats F1nn for you [00:38:21.741] emmylekiwi: Do PIGTAILS finn that would cool you down and it would look pretty [00:38:22.116] sredoog_: Fortnite [00:38:24.360] nekrost14: wtf [00:38:25.949] MrManIsTheMan: i hear hand reduction surgery is all the rage these day [00:38:26.374] XyroWasTaken: wait it kindof does though [00:38:27.450] naomimi2k: ur nose is small [00:38:28.694] ayitsmetornado: Jiggleeeee [00:38:30.540] Kronksterpher: wtf your thumbs are long af [00:38:31.327] kevlarchicken: wtf [00:38:33.405] Kronksterpher: cool [00:38:33.619] themysticalninja65: you have girl arms [00:38:38.983] Kolateak_: Big hands? Pff, overrated. I can put my hand all the way down a pringle can, get fucked [00:38:39.400] nekrost14: baby face [00:38:40.024] Jens_LN: someone TTS about his lacking adams apple ? [00:38:40.327] y0rk5h1r3: Yeah, for a woman LUL [00:38:40.693] TF0rd: bro your face is hella fem [00:38:40.764] lwazithesyne: nah [00:38:41.239] oliplayz8891: Finn, Are you wamen? [00:38:42.546] dorshfan: cute girl jawline [00:38:43.193] perfersserderg: take one of those beauty tests? [00:38:44.071] chompsy_: do you know how tall are you in meters? [00:38:45.589] clappv: jesus the body dysmorphia [00:38:46.011] packagum: "wide" [00:38:46.726] CaroCanaro: feminine jaw tbh [00:38:47.955] aunalbrutal: Girly XD [00:38:48.283] johnna_1988: smahhht [00:38:48.528] mr_ajokortti_korkort: If I could change anyting in your face, I would keep as it is [00:38:49.615] to_bedetermined: Very pretty jaw line [00:38:50.200] ik_kijk_nl: cheeseburger is beter than burger SMOrc [00:38:50.229] XyroWasTaken: so you know that its nothing? [00:38:52.288] craigpp12: Skips over lack of peen [00:38:52.319] cherryymari: your chin and jaw make a perfect v, pls [00:38:58.144] LaAazuli: kroneOestros kroneOestros kroneOestros kroneOestros kroneOestros [00:38:59.625] Owly_9: .. [00:39:00.031] kevlarchicken: love how everyone is just roasting f1nn KEKW [00:39:00.638] SteeLJaegeR: @oliplayz8891 No he is manly man [00:39:02.629] troy_5he: you were wrong [00:39:03.906] peavey443: Cute jawline and an adorable fivehead [00:39:04.767] Solus_kun: Kappa thats me Kappa [00:39:07.388] GammaNguyener_83: COPIUMCOPIUM [00:39:11.704] dorshfan: he show you the after pic and you were like thats me [00:39:12.872] y0rk5h1r3: What, the feminine picture? [00:39:14.509] Jens_LN: If you are guy, where is the adams apple then ? [00:39:14.599] sea_pups_: , [00:39:14.683] kinomoto_yue: rainhoeCopium [00:39:15.764] Kolateak_: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:39:15.786] braddle172: X [00:39:17.165] lewdiversal: Kappa [00:39:17.533] craigpp12: @naomimi2k you don’t need to lie to him [00:39:18.335] Matt4Majesty: F1nn5ter excuse the confusion.... iv been watch you for 2yrs are you a girl now? [00:39:18.449] burgess_shale: AND YET YOU SOMEHOW FEMME [00:39:18.824] kikogitar: X [00:39:19.052] Stovamor: X [00:39:19.151] lutiall: OMEGALUL [00:39:19.429] l3laz3de: funny [00:39:19.721] perfersserderg: X [00:39:20.406] vanimal2118: X [00:39:20.408] cascadianpixie: NOT TRUE [00:39:20.539] thegodofgods8: your soo hot [00:39:20.823] c__r__j: Copium LD50 [00:39:20.995] SethwMad: Uhuh [00:39:21.088] packagum: YEAH RIGHT [00:39:21.288] Solus_kun: X [00:39:22.141] Flippi_12: X [00:39:22.315] user273726328: big boobs 👍 brains 👎 [00:39:22.916] HappyTrails2You: x [00:39:22.996] barbie_secretstanner: X [00:39:23.087] axe1970: copeium [00:39:23.163] alexx_net: X [00:39:23.622] dark_spirit_anri: Even your facial expressions are super femme, love it [00:39:23.962] l3laz3de: x [00:39:23.976] disnick123: XX [00:39:24.129] kevlarchicken: x [00:39:24.241] nekrost14: sus [00:39:24.385] psithurismas: x [00:39:24.493] XyroWasTaken: i smell lies [00:39:24.812] BureaucraticMouse: X [00:39:25.639] Jens_LN: x [00:39:26.152] y0rk5h1r3: X [00:39:26.187] general_of_cm: X [00:39:26.659] duplotracer: KEKW [00:39:26.891] sea_pups_: ,,. [00:39:27.002] j0hnbanks117: X [00:39:27.111] obliviousxconfused: x [00:39:27.772] dorshfan: x [00:39:27.950] GammaNguyener_83: OMEGA COPIUM [00:39:29.106] aunalbrutal: The way you complain about your look prper girl mode here Rose its fine we love you :) [00:39:29.112] Altrune33: X [00:39:29.249] DulyMoon: f1nnPegChamp [00:39:29.719] shadowkingz135: press f to doubt [00:39:29.731] axe1970: x [00:39:29.806] yassqueenusksvsyk: f1nnPegChamp [00:39:30.196] ryanss2123: X [00:39:30.530] mr_ajokortti_korkort: x [00:39:30.911] y0rk5h1r3: LIP STAIN [00:39:31.186] XyroWasTaken: why is everyone spamming x [00:39:31.600] harami666: lies [00:39:31.844] user273726328: x [00:39:31.879] denialdelivery798: copium [00:39:32.014] TF0rd: masculine pink lipstick [00:39:32.482] chickenchasm: The first stage of grief is denial [00:39:32.503] crystal_monkey: X [00:39:32.668] tronmanthing_: sounds so bs [00:39:32.711] oliplayz8891: X [00:39:32.918] Jens_LN: X [00:39:33.006] JourneyOnYoutube: X [00:39:33.201] Duuhdaah: x [00:39:33.778] nekrost14: x [00:39:34.587] thecavejelly: x [00:39:34.978] Adszii: the epitome of man [00:39:35.482] guitarbebop: whahahahahahaha [00:39:35.618] demiderius: x [00:39:35.662] RipCopperGolem: x [00:39:35.762] alexx_net: "Press X to doubt" [00:39:35.897] UknownplayerXx: F [00:39:36.008] kittrinity: x [00:39:36.159] peavey443: Omg [00:39:36.549] Jens_LN: XXX [00:39:36.582] timboixd: x [00:39:36.673] Den_drummer: sounds like copium regardless of it being true or false KEKW [00:39:37.063] ryanss2123: Y [00:39:38.273] jacobccs: stop the cap [00:39:38.612] trolface1997: X [00:39:38.674] mrhouse987: X [00:39:39.118] generationken: Sure thing Finn [00:39:39.128] drwebbielive: x [00:39:39.242] UknownplayerXx: X [00:39:39.414] vidyagaem7: Drowning in cope [00:39:39.422] candidcarbon: x [00:39:39.433] FireRuby1: x [00:39:39.543] XyroWasTaken: oh [00:39:39.828] dorshfan: xx [00:39:39.901] TheLastSecondHero: you know I believed you until the massive amount of copium at the end [00:39:40.215] balphenor: x [00:39:40.259] burgess_shale: Pink stain [00:39:40.381] Matt4Majesty: is he a girl now???? [00:39:40.651] Wh33Lz: X [00:39:40.829] DogMatic_DMS: X [00:39:41.134] babykat69: masculinity is when femininity [00:39:41.405] XyroWasTaken: x [00:39:41.673] draethomp: X [00:39:41.838] Lemorgatto: dellorBeer dellorMediacom [00:39:41.848] SethwMad: f1nnCancelled [00:39:42.421] vanimal2118: All lies! [00:39:42.680] Helen_Croft: you know the docter is from spain soo he ment this is female example [00:39:43.263] emmetyura: x [00:39:43.421] kinomoto_yue: nihmunCopium [00:39:43.456] aceinthehole26: x [00:39:43.658] ryanss2123: O [00:39:43.851] uwubottomboi: XX moment [00:39:43.895] neon_soup: you have negative testosterone [00:39:44.517] rekhan337: X [00:39:45.159] Alkno_93: xx [00:39:46.546] bjorn_egil: I call BS [00:39:47.589] psyrochi: 🧢 [00:39:48.668] denialdelivery798: x [00:39:48.979] bert_the_puppet: booba [00:39:49.626] alexx_net: @Matt4Majesty, Nope [00:39:49.785] peavey443: X [00:39:50.783] ryanss2123: XOXO [00:39:51.691] y0rk5h1r3: It was Pink Lip Stain, not stick [00:39:52.364] foxlovesblox: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [00:39:53.122] Helen_Croft: you know the docter is from spain soo he ment this is female example [00:39:54.041] cascadianpixie: I'M SO MASCULINE I'M GONNA PUT ON MY MASCULINE LIPSTICK [00:39:56.770] scoobiusdoob: BORT [00:39:56.884] xRCarie: Must have been a shit doctor KEKW [00:39:57.139] ryanss2123: X [00:40:01.231] sea_pups_: ,, [00:40:03.090] scoobiusdoob: booba? [00:40:10.338] josecortesnival: that poll is biased [00:40:13.211] jjfrob: x to doubt [00:40:15.529] iamcoolyk: do you wear a wig? @f1nn5ter [00:40:15.572] XyroWasTaken: bro you already getting it across [00:40:20.593] troy_5he: try it [00:40:21.228] yeetnuggett: GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:40:23.276] craigpp12: Your nose makes you like your home is eater island [00:40:23.968] axe1970: if you were still be a twink [00:40:24.189] vds112: hair plays a big roll [00:40:25.163] nekrost14: 2 things can you [00:40:25.209] barbie_secretstanner: But I thought you were so masc you’d need a lot??? [00:40:28.025] Jens_LN: I think it's Bimbo month, you have to put it All on ! [00:40:29.517] alexx_net: It's 2022. Lipstick has no gender. [00:40:30.756] xenoman5: Sexy [00:40:30.794] Succbi_Pie: heyyyy [00:40:31.151] ryanss2123: Xx [00:40:31.240] vanimal2118: Pretty Wig! [00:40:32.189] Psibug: X [00:40:33.639] Kronksterpher: yeah youd look pretty girl w the makeup [00:40:33.782] c__r__j: We don't need to say X, because there's a poll, F1nn. [00:40:34.468] user273726328: MOMMY [00:40:34.589] Gubi__: Ye [00:40:35.062] guitarbebop: itll work [00:40:35.175] disnick123: Is this a question we're gonna ask once a year??? Cause i'm literally having a deja vu... [00:40:35.591] jazzygirl4800: that doctor is a [00:40:36.326] Helen_Croft: you know the docter is from spain so he ment you is female example [00:40:36.461] foxlovesblox: IIiiaiaia [00:40:38.695] nekrost14: but no one will like it [00:40:41.047] zenlechat: Eurovision is on right now [00:40:43.493] foxlovesblox: Luisiana [00:40:43.557] halo4fan27: hold up too warm in england? [00:40:44.258] denialdelivery798: you already look like a pretty girl bruh [00:40:45.709] peavey443: I think the eyes make or break it [00:40:46.236] drwebbielive: when are you going to put the Bob plate on [00:40:46.791] blobmer25: how do you have boobs [00:40:46.911] dorshfan: what size are those? [00:40:48.782] Goblin_Birb: Goblin_Birb subscribed with Prime. [00:40:48.976] f3mmbot goblin_birb subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang goblin_birb f1nn5tLezgang [00:40:49.151] AutumnNK: yes [00:40:49.973] nekrost14: ac [00:40:51.312] kittykriix: im down but you look pretty [00:40:52.362] barbie_secretstanner: Big tits no brains [00:40:52.425] SubliminalCorruption: stroke [00:40:52.653] troy_5he: bimbo moment [00:40:52.835] ayarcee: yes [00:40:52.936] pikeplays69: stronk [00:40:53.058] Stovamor: yes, it's air conditioner [00:40:53.874] mr_ajokortti_korkort: yeah it's right [00:40:54.070] codecraft3r: FeelsDankMan [00:40:54.454] Helen_Croft: bimbo brain [00:40:54.885] neek247: just say AC LUL [00:40:55.588] sea_pups_: ,. . . [00:40:55.633] Jens_LN: I think it's bimbo month ... outrageous makeup is needed [00:40:55.985] berserkmathew: bimbo moment [00:40:56.087] Spectre223: Are you alright there bud? [00:40:56.656] chickenchasm: Mold conditioner in your case [00:40:57.098] sea_pups_: . [00:40:57.298] y0rk5h1r3: Yeah, you're just used to saying Air Con [00:40:57.314] lwazithesyne: yeah [00:40:57.565] Kronksterpher: you right there w the sorry mommy LUL [00:40:57.570] Thunkee_GG: Girl you sooo lucky with your hair!!! [00:40:57.748] nekrost14: AC [00:40:57.868] vapecuck: Idk bro [00:40:58.623] spect_____: good side arm to breast ratio [00:40:59.053] Solus_kun: Its good shes cute ..... KEKW [00:40:59.625] Succbi_Pie: babe❤️ [00:40:59.864] sea_pups_: b [00:41:00.025] c__r__j: Rose bimbo moment. [00:41:00.779] sajorl: Since when is it warm in England? [00:41:00.962] MrManIsTheMan: yeh [00:41:01.766] vanimal2118: Bimbo Script Check [00:41:02.249] neon_soup: BIMBO BRAIN MODE [X] [00:41:03.417] fr1eddricee: air conditioning is a thing [00:41:04.881] buttersubstitute: air conditioner [00:41:05.880] alexx_net: F1nn roll playing bimbo really well. [00:41:08.846] FrankoTweest: watch the eurovision contest right now XD best one [00:41:09.436] xenoman5: do you smell toast? [00:41:10.245] oliplayz8891: Finn, Your brain is melting [00:41:10.350] guitarbebop: flash back [00:41:11.105] TheTwitch666: brain? [00:41:13.171] peavey443: Yes ur correct [00:41:13.879] craigpp12: They call you a mixture of Judy and squidward [00:41:13.913] SeriousMental: nowadays? [00:41:14.042] chevelleman350: you sound like the Irish guy saying purple burglar alarm lol [00:41:16.136] MrManIsTheMan: @sajorl since the gulf stream [00:41:19.420] foxlovesblox: Ur right [00:41:21.871] Kronksterpher: finnster would you let me call you mommy LUL chat [00:41:22.067] xenoman5: Looks hot though [00:41:25.791] vanimal2118: Oh so many? [00:41:26.268] leona392: I'm 30 yrs old [00:41:26.296] excellentme: excellentme subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! ratirlChilling [00:41:26.475] f3mmbot excellentme subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:41:27.799] Spectre223: Which mod doesn't have it out for you? [00:41:29.021] xenoman5: All of them [00:41:30.838] zenlechat: moldova's uhhhh for sure different [00:41:31.987] AppleSaph: @Spectre223, i dont [00:41:32.066] nekrost14: tardis break failed 🤣 [00:41:35.598] disnick123: Thank god you're pretty Rose and you can capitalize your looks.. [00:41:38.737] commanderredpanda: 3'4" [00:41:40.021] PlutoNash_in_3D: RaccAttack [00:41:40.832] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:41:41.913] actuallydavidblaine: nice boob! [00:41:44.386] Jens_LN: Best mod ! [00:41:45.423] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [00:41:46.060] xenoman5: 5’ 7” [00:41:47.746] TheLastSecondHero: I refuse to believe you're shorter than I am [00:41:48.871] j0hnbanks117: KEKW [00:41:50.203] MidnightDime: !weight [00:41:50.333] Solus_kun: I love this mod KEKW [00:41:53.378] oliplayz8891: If your not 5'3, then how tall are you? [00:41:54.349] peavey443: Its ok F1nn we love you smooth brain and all [00:41:54.603] pikeplays69: middle boob [00:41:54.713] Kolateak_: Left boob [00:41:55.201] xenoman5: 4’ 9” [00:41:56.180] ryanss2123: Tits are too real [00:41:57.100] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I like both [00:41:57.558] kiwi1_8: 5inches [00:41:58.687] actuallydavidblaine: the left boob! [00:42:00.271] HappyTrails2You: middle [00:42:00.719] kikogitar: you sad that mod can by toxic [00:42:01.116] Stovamor: It's not me this time, again [00:42:01.512] iamcoolyk: @f1nn5ter do you speak any Other languages [00:42:03.036] Ascara89: Perhaps if you paid the mods they'd be nicer [00:42:03.323] JayDee969: I believe ur brain doesn't have to work if u don't want it to for this type of job [00:42:03.625] yeetnuggett: Bödvhuer the destroyer : PowerUpL DarkMode PowerUpR [00:42:04.618] xenoman5: both [00:42:04.919] bert_the_puppet: nice nice [00:42:05.553] Flippi_12: ModLove ModLove ModLove [00:42:05.629] Helen_Croft: your left boob is the better one @F1NN5TER [00:42:05.872] Gubi__: He’s 5’ 8” for sure [00:42:06.874] balphenor: left [00:42:08.174] barbie_secretstanner: By 2 inches [00:42:09.602] Zyphrk: damn i can pick finn up im 6'5 [00:42:09.865] shahankery: who cares how tall? [00:42:12.510] wakjah: the final frontboob [00:42:12.662] mostafa_kami_: we support that mod he's the symbol of chat [00:42:12.777] craigpp12: It’s definitely @alexx_net [00:42:13.407] AppleSaph: @Ascara89, i agree [00:42:16.153] vanimal2118: The one in middle (best Boob)! [00:42:16.158] nekrost14: you are shorter than me 😂 [00:42:20.768] vapecuck: Roasted [00:42:21.871] candidcarbon: Towerrr sure [00:42:25.568] Stovamor: !modlove [00:42:25.656] danademorgan: 5 foot 9 and 1/2 inch tall [00:42:25.836] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [00:42:26.637] l3laz3de: ah classic whataboutism [00:42:28.548] xenoman5: are you taller on your back? [00:42:29.169] Helen_Croft: !modlove [00:42:29.783] phoenixdellem: You should try girl voice in an American accent. :D [00:42:30.589] fleeinghat212: schlattPog schlattPog schlattPog schlattPog schlattPog [00:42:31.704] Jens_LN: lol [00:42:31.762] AppleSaph: @SteeLJaegeR, kinda weird bro, can you like not [00:42:32.645] AtlasJedi: ponytail??? [00:42:33.167] Fle1oo: how you got those boobs yo [00:42:33.907] axe1970: in mod we trust [00:42:34.107] alexx_net: @craigpp12, Maybe f1nnLaff [00:42:36.391] Solus_kun: PAY THE MODS [00:42:37.678] ghosty__ash: damn, the skeppy slander [00:42:38.450] j0hnbanks117: !modlove [00:42:38.694] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [00:42:39.295] tanselle25: Are you taller than Riza?? [00:42:39.470] Stovamor: I'll be in touch Kgober [00:42:42.535] nekrost14: pay them [00:42:43.048] xenoman5: do valley girl accent [00:42:45.774] Jens_LN: Pay the mods maybe ? [00:42:50.358] GraciousGaming69420: Definitely didn’t spend 25k on 5’3” [00:42:51.112] disnick123: You think we're gonna send skeppy this clip???? I feel offended that you can think such a thing from us... [00:42:51.191] craigpp12: @alexx_net f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:42:52.247] Helen_Croft: !modlove [00:42:52.408] troy_5he: ha [00:42:52.495] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [00:42:53.115] peavey443: True [00:42:53.516] aunalbrutal: You might tower over him because you had HEELS? :P [00:42:57.081] Persie_wasHere: mods pog [00:42:59.395] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:43:01.063] Jens_LN: !modlove [00:43:01.976] Solus_kun: PAY THE MODS ModLove ModLove ModLove [00:43:02.134] AppleSaph: seperate donaton link for mods 👀👀👀 [00:43:05.032] l3laz3de: put up a poll for that [00:43:05.291] Thunkee_GG: !discord [00:43:05.545] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:43:09.598] SteeLJaegeR: @AppleSaph I dont think so LUL [00:43:10.135] Jens_LN: we think bimbo makeup ! [00:43:10.189] alexx_net: !ban F1NN5TER f1nnCancelled [00:43:10.450] f3mmbot Undude this ban! [00:43:10.781] actuallydavidblaine: hell I'd do you [00:43:10.960] PlutoNash_in_3D: Marry Me [00:43:10.995] christhegendersloth: i don't think actually [00:43:12.582] Owly_9: 5'3 confirmed [00:43:13.275] LAXtheBarsmith: !lurk [00:43:14.499] christhegendersloth: head empty [00:43:23.293] y0rk5h1r3: I've watched that film with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Mods [00:43:24.086] Flippi_12: 5'3 LUL [00:43:24.576] halo4fan27: r3beccOMG [00:43:26.299] xenoman5: don’t goal for you to spank a mod mommy? [00:43:27.166] cascadianpixie: Over half said5'3" [00:43:28.441] halo4fan27: r3beccBum [00:43:28.909] thedvs_1: 5'3 [00:43:30.116] iamcoolyk: @f1nn5ter do you Play Poppy playtime or FNAF [00:43:30.532] general_of_cm: just report the poll for bullying Kappa [00:43:31.428] AppleSaph: @SteeLJaegeR, dont say weird stuff again or I will mute you for a month [00:43:34.576] fitschgi: fitschgi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! F1nn partly because of you I‘ve discovered im trans, THANK YOU SO MUCH [00:43:34.752] f3mmbot fitschgi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:43:36.511] mr_ajokortti_korkort: the height must be correct since chat voted for it [00:43:37.497] Mara__May: Pices of piss? [00:43:38.299] kittrinity: 5’3 [00:43:39.939] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. [00:43:40.515] Helen_Croft: rig the !tip command to a mod donation link @AppleSaph [00:43:45.370] xenoman5: spank those mods mommy [00:43:55.253] skrankepave: skrankepave subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:43:55.460] f3mmbot skrankepave subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:43:58.504] Stovamor: @xenoman5, how bout no [00:43:58.536] mythic1441: I like the titty man [00:44:01.537] drwebbielive: 5'3 lol [00:44:02.218] Amoyamoyamoya: 5'3" WIN with 50% of the accurate and not at all biased vote. [00:44:07.658] nekrost14: i need to invite you to my country... and troll some People [00:44:09.298] Angelathe4everemo: Hi [00:44:10.315] SanDiegx: the titty man lololo [00:44:10.521] SABLTTwilight: os there a only pans? [00:44:11.627] RyanTheFemboy: daddy chill [00:44:13.298] DrDoedle: you say that, this is gross, but i literally sweat off my eyebrows. the one time i didn't bring my pencil with me ;-; [00:44:17.117] dummigummii: have you seen heartstoppers? [00:44:17.191] jazzygirl4800: mods are good Rose can't expect the truth [00:44:18.975] Owly_9: I was a 5'9 believer myself but the poll has shown me the truth [00:44:21.184] craigpp12: Can we get a poll to determine the size of the nose of Judy [00:44:21.364] foxlovesblox: What’s ur discord? [00:44:27.349] Emmy64_: !socials [00:44:27.611] f3mmbot Follow F1nn's socials : Twitter : https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER // YoutubeHIGHLIGHTS : https://www.youtube.com/c/F1nn5terLIVE // Discord : https://discord.gg/f1nn // Reddit : https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter // Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ // TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@f1nn5ter [00:44:28.999] Helen_Croft: !discord [00:44:29.256] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:44:30.190] c__r__j: The counter of eggs cracked seems to be showing 2,457 right now. [00:44:32.550] onestupidpizza: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:44:33.965] JayDee969: I've known for 8 years that I'm a trans male... I kinda hate boobs [00:44:34.441] vanimal2118: 5' 3" with heels? [00:44:35.693] xenoman5: I have a homemade skin lotion that I make just for you. Do you want some? [00:44:41.214] iamcoolyk: are you speaking Other languages?? @f1nn5ter [00:44:42.889] MrManIsTheMan: @Amoyamoyamoya that means he's 5'3" now, it's just how it works. i don't make the rules [00:44:44.226] nekrost14: TPFufun [00:44:47.065] Gisak787: I saw some gifs and pics of Finn in 4chan again [00:44:56.129] aunalbrutal: hahaha @c__r__j thats right XD [00:44:58.717] Jens_LN: @Owly_9 he's actually 5-foot-nothing .. we are just being nice to him :D [00:45:00.222] nekrost14: sus [00:45:05.087] im_up_to_something: Yup f1nnLezgang [00:45:05.935] xenoman5: rose is a milf [00:45:08.831] rebeccagyabeng: Hi [00:45:11.697] barbie_secretstanner: Hey the bros aren’t as thin as last year [00:45:16.050] axe1970: siblings not twins [00:45:16.174] Emmy64_: Yeah LUL [00:45:17.778] Owly_9: LUL [00:45:19.410] vogelzaad420: Do a poll to see how many people started actively cross dressing bc of F1nn! [00:45:21.045] bijox__: blushimcBonk blushimcBonk blushimcBlush blushimcBlush [00:45:23.758] xenoman5: femboy life!! [00:45:24.420] chickenchasm: What lifestyle? [00:45:28.279] HezZez14: LUL [00:45:30.576] princemania7: hola [00:45:33.806] codecraft3r: LUL [00:45:34.462] perfersserderg: LUL [00:45:34.769] Xylomn: oof [00:45:35.844] braddle172: LUL [00:45:37.104] Solus_kun: LUL [00:45:37.346] c__r__j: @AppleSaph : I think you're trapped in a nightmare meme all of a sudden. [00:45:37.744] pyramidpancakes: KEKW [00:45:37.841] PugStreams_: hola [00:45:38.438] TommyTrenchcoat: lul [00:45:39.125] craigpp12: Can we get a ruler measure ment of your nose because it’s longer than your peen [00:45:40.088] balphenor: LUL [00:45:40.879] Kolateak_: LUL [00:45:41.459] j0hnbanks117: LUL [00:45:41.471] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:45:42.053] HezZez14: Uff [00:45:42.101] RockinLockin: LUL [00:45:44.413] just_a_lady_: dramatic LUL [00:45:44.931] timboixd: bruh [00:45:45.362] xenoman5: Lol [00:45:47.880] AppleSaph: @c__r__j, huh what [00:45:47.889] aunalbrutal: Im not gonna vote in that poll im smarter then that [00:45:52.505] vanimal2118: No going back now? [00:45:52.540] zombie_1981: LUL [00:45:54.301] SeriousMental: yeah keep telling your self that LUL [00:45:55.376] iamcoolyk: @f1nn5ter do i call you she or He or they [00:45:57.916] harami666: @helen_croft who's stohn [00:45:57.994] alexastone29: well we are proud of you! [00:45:59.231] c__r__j: @AppleSaph See poll. [00:45:59.980] y0rk5h1r3: Is the Minecraft community become so toxic LUL [00:46:02.814] mrsusanson: Rose do you stand up or sit down when you pee? [00:46:06.708] plushgirlsteph: Well we still love you x [00:46:07.311] peavey443: I thought you looked cute [00:46:07.551] AppleSaph: WHY AM I THE ROGUE MOD [00:46:11.602] Helen_Croft: @harami666 dont know [00:46:17.641] AppleSaph: WHAT DID I DO :(( [00:46:18.701] Flippi_12: LUL poll [00:46:19.236] craigpp12: @iamcoolyk it’s a he [00:46:19.868] perfersserderg: we did this to you :) [00:46:27.835] Spectre223: Looking at comments is no way to live lol [00:46:38.786] craigpp12: !pronouns [00:46:39.055] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [00:46:44.320] c__r__j: @AppleSaph Any moment now you'll be floating through the vaccum of space with an "AppleSaph was not an imposter" caption. [00:46:44.698] halo4fan27: well im screwed if ur a fuck up [00:46:44.826] AppleSaph: WHY ME CAHT :((( [00:46:48.168] craigpp12: Well then [00:46:52.234] craigpp12: That changed [00:46:53.970] xenoman5: It’s because girls care about what other people think about them [00:46:55.358] TheTwitch666: the rogue mod is a mod that isn't listed in the choices [00:47:01.776] harami666: @helen_croft if there was John all votes go there 😛 [00:47:02.793] para125_: femboy femboy femboy [00:47:02.801] y0rk5h1r3: That was a top tier comment LUL [00:47:06.160] Jens_LN: Saph is innocent ! [00:47:10.236] AppleSaph: I DINDU NOFFIN [00:47:12.123] vanimal2118: @applesaph I believe in u! [00:47:13.975] alexx_net: @AppleSaph, You are the only perfect mod. (Don't stress!) [00:47:14.412] intritrrasa: it was me [00:47:14.613] vapecuck: it was all of them [00:47:16.599] xXNeroZashiXx: sus [00:47:17.050] Solus_kun: Saph is to cute [00:47:17.612] RealDripzz: FINN I LOVE YOU BRO [00:47:17.653] craigpp12: So why isn’t @alexx_net in the rouge poll [00:47:18.205] AppleSaph: I am watching eurovision ;__; [00:47:19.594] Stovamor: Wasn't me - I was sorting out things with Seth [00:47:19.630] perfersserderg: me :) [00:47:19.743] Flippi_12: democracy is always right... saph smh [00:47:25.796] axe1970: pobody nerfect [00:47:26.160] SilverrulezGaming: @F1NN5TER When in doubt, finn it out [00:47:27.290] Helen_Croft: its applejuise in dutch @F1NN5TER [00:47:28.367] ren_spamzzz: hi [00:47:29.159] alexx_net: @craigpp12, Poll can only have 5 options/ [00:47:29.167] Emmy64_: I feel it was bluj Kappa [00:47:30.398] im_up_to_something: It's OK to read comments. But can't take the negative ones too serious [00:47:30.771] funkeyhh: definitly me niaansRat [00:47:35.205] ryanss2123: Jov [00:47:37.997] ryanss2123: Stohn [00:47:43.399] lewdiversal: Shaggy – It wasn’t me. Kappa [00:47:44.615] Amoyamoyamoya: Not me. I am innocent. [00:47:45.169] dummigummii: dummigummii subscribed with Prime. [00:47:45.370] f3mmbot dummigummii subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dummigummii f1nn5tLezgang [00:47:48.602] HappyTrails2You: APPLE HMMM [00:47:50.925] Stovamor: I have an alibi! [00:47:51.786] Jens_LN: It was me all along !! [00:47:52.510] c__r__j: Amoya suspiciously quiet [00:47:55.355] theking_cool: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:47:55.984] fitschgi: F1nn will you have a meetup at TwitchCon this july? [00:47:58.324] dummigummii: you seen heartstoppers? [00:47:58.715] general_of_cm: face paint [00:47:58.946] BlueF8ce: lips [00:47:59.686] vapecuck: You're already doing it [00:48:00.633] y0rk5h1r3: Contour? [00:48:01.115] drwebbielive: bobs [00:48:03.346] Adszii: you already are [00:48:03.830] troy_5he: already there [00:48:04.415] Sharakk: eyeliner [00:48:05.388] EternalNocturnal68: Bark [00:48:06.367] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Already looking feminine :) [00:48:08.016] GammaNguyener_83: already done [00:48:09.130] M_aiq_Teh_Liar: you already do without make up [00:48:09.203] 7mei_s: how did you do them? [00:48:09.387] Jens_LN: I'm sorry ... massive amount of makeup is needed to make you look masculine [00:48:10.013] craigpp12: @alexx_net yeah I know but you should been the first one entered [00:48:13.031] braddle172: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:48:13.255] im_up_to_something: clear lip gloss [00:48:14.950] l3laz3de: u're good [00:48:15.523] MattyVmp3: could you please learn how to actually tie your hair up lol [00:48:16.135] y0rk5h1r3: It is Bimbo month [00:48:16.277] AppleSaph: you don't want me going rogue 😤😤😤 [00:48:16.465] Lucky_LUKy: @applesaph I voted randomly, what does that Rogue mean? [00:48:16.687] dorshfan: perfect as is [00:48:16.877] scatcha04: Your good [00:48:17.817] Stovamor: @fitschgi, he's banned from entering the US, currently [00:48:19.821] axe1970: you have said it before lips eye shadow [00:48:19.833] HangryPlatypusE: them some great bobs [00:48:19.952] alexx_net: I was in electrical fixing the nav computer f1nnLaff [00:48:20.028] DrDoedle: waterproof eyeliner? [00:48:20.248] Emmy64_: Yeah *lesbian noises* f1nnEmbarrassed [00:48:20.326] ayarcee: Eyes and Lips. done [00:48:23.340] its_kluh: choker [00:48:23.415] daron702: this is mod's game of mafia [00:48:23.638] anjeronett: no nose contour [00:48:24.344] chaneiro2003: Pretty [00:48:25.350] W_Plattinum: Think it’s good [00:48:25.648] bigmonkey2096: eyeliner [00:48:27.152] alexisluv: naur Do blush and Lip tint [00:48:27.707] AppleSaph: if anyone has gone rogue, it must've been f3mmbot [00:48:29.104] Stovamor: @alexx_net, SUS! [00:48:29.663] thelastoutlaw26: let me pull out [00:48:29.680] general_of_cm: blush [00:48:30.974] cainimmortal415: cainimmortal415 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! [00:48:30.997] peavey443: peavey443 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 31 in the channel! [00:48:31.148] f3mmbot cainimmortal415 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:48:31.167] emmylekiwi: Eye-liner [00:48:31.315] f3mmbot peavey443 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:48:32.045] neon_soup: he can't help himsef [00:48:32.324] barbie_secretstanner: You’re so masculine you need lots remember [00:48:32.329] peavey443: peavey443 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Anson0633! [00:48:32.330] peavey443: peavey443 gifted a Tier 1 sub to badadaboopie! [00:48:32.350] peavey443: peavey443 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gdogshankmasta! [00:48:32.351] peavey443: peavey443 gifted a Tier 1 sub to stupidest_princess! [00:48:32.368] peavey443: peavey443 gifted a Tier 1 sub to XellosMetallum! [00:48:32.599] Jens_LN: a bit of cheekbone too [00:48:32.846] gigiamoroso2: do it [00:48:33.033] thekingone10: pretty [00:48:33.555] doppermaster: nude lipstick [00:48:33.971] FlyingMortimer: You already look fem as you sit there. [00:48:34.372] iamcoolyk: have you ever met a celebrity in youre life? @f1nn5ter [00:48:38.177] lwazithesyne: lips [00:48:39.678] RealDripzz: it's been in a while since I've been in the stream [00:48:40.683] drwebbielive: can you. brush your hair? [00:48:41.348] draethomp: eyeshadow nd liner [00:48:41.980] mr_danktoasty: question do you even find the bra comfy [00:48:42.709] vanimal2118: Full makeup pretty! [00:48:43.418] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor can they not handle the Femboy? LUL [00:48:44.842] mustangcubed: lips [00:48:46.380] XellosMetallum: Eyeliner? [00:48:46.394] Amoyamoyamoya: [00:48:47.621] craigpp12: I’ve been here long enough to know a bad mod [00:48:48.645] badadaboopie: @peavey443 Thanks for the gift sub! [00:48:52.617] Helen_Croft: bit of pink eye shadow+ [00:48:52.879] Xylomn: do what you think, i think we've learned chat has bad taste [00:48:56.256] plushgirlsteph: (drools in translesbian) [00:48:57.476] its_kluh: choker [00:48:58.650] foxlovesblox: :O [00:48:58.837] RealDripzz: VoHiYo [00:48:59.270] TheStarGamer1238: bobs are looking good today [00:49:00.582] craigpp12: And Alex is a good one [00:49:03.736] peavey443: Ur already looking very cute bro [00:49:05.655] Jens_LN: Bimbo Month - Lots of Makeup ! [00:49:10.064] xenoman5: I think you still need me on you. I would look good there [00:49:14.569] PugStreams_: conceller? [00:49:14.684] perfersserderg: @F1NN5TER how warm is it there and dont worry about converting to burger units [00:49:15.582] XyroWasTaken: @its_kluh ^ [00:49:18.645] zombieklr114: Can we get Finn a daddy choker [00:49:18.842] foxlovesblox: :0 [00:49:22.811] XyroWasTaken: lmao [00:49:22.883] RealDripzz: GlitchCat [00:49:23.327] mrblates: choker [00:49:23.627] axe1970: i met Bob Carolgees [00:49:23.962] y0rk5h1r3: @jens_ln 👏 👏 [00:49:25.286] moondanzer: face contour too! [00:49:26.024] FlyingMortimer: does your AC not work? [00:49:28.661] LoadSmasher: Wow! Looking fine dude. [00:49:31.639] emmylekiwi: 18ºc isn’t hot Rose [00:49:32.331] MrManIsTheMan: if you eat the makeup it makes you pretty on the inside too [00:49:33.675] XyroWasTaken: choker [00:49:36.646] alexx_net: @plushgirlsteph, You are not the only one. [00:49:47.349] Stovamor: @perfersserderg, it's still in the high teens celcius in the UK at the moment, which is a bit much with UK houses [00:49:48.644] zombiekiller9998: hello i'm trying to write a song but i don't know how to start it, any suggestions?? [00:49:49.047] SeriousMental: LUL dono [00:49:55.973] barnycreed: o [00:49:57.367] Stovamor: X [00:49:59.710] vanimal2118: X [00:50:00.737] general_of_cm: then just do bo Kappa [00:50:01.454] Flippi_12: X 󠀀 [00:50:01.678] braddle172: X [00:50:02.760] y0rk5h1r3: For everything else, there's Mastercard [00:50:04.341] j0hnbanks117: X [00:50:04.418] timboixd: x [00:50:05.045] kidneyst0ned: kidneyst0ned subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:50:05.219] f3mmbot kidneyst0ned subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:50:05.297] LAXtheBarsmith: himbo LUL [00:50:05.333] undercovernerd666: 😂 [00:50:05.972] SeriousMental: trivago caught me offguard [00:50:07.218] Den_drummer: the "hotel? trivago!" got me LUL [00:50:07.968] aunalbrutal: X [00:50:08.093] XyroWasTaken: x [00:50:09.552] mr_ajokortti_korkort: x [00:50:10.476] undeadlegend1: are u a boy or a girl [00:50:13.211] axllow12: axllow12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:50:13.386] f3mmbot axllow12 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:50:17.001] meh_its_jack: Hahahaha trivago [00:50:17.008] nfyhring: nfyhring subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! been watching the manliest man now for 14 months.. dont tell my gf [00:50:17.203] f3mmbot nfyhring subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:50:17.257] halo4fan27: @undeadlegend1 yes [00:50:18.938] XyroWasTaken: fax no printer [00:50:19.488] vanimal2118: !gender [00:50:19.747] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [00:50:20.193] Jens_LN: You are a natural at head empty 1 [00:50:24.915] lnsanecomett: YOU NO HIMBO ONLY BIMBO [00:50:25.509] RickyMar0: hey man, i just have to ask (this is so confusing) but are those zingers real? [00:50:28.378] q442: !uptime [00:50:28.489] vanimal2118: ! boobs [00:50:28.697] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 50m 34s [00:50:29.104] bunyxxowo: Hi!❤💙 [00:50:30.800] XyroWasTaken: @f3mmbot bruu [00:50:43.254] Helen_Croft: !booba [00:50:43.512] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:50:44.579] Panther216: OOOOHHHHH [00:50:45.908] BlueF8ce: dont u mean dad [00:50:45.975] perfersserderg: peeFlush [00:50:46.482] Jens_LN: nice comeback [00:50:46.553] Grobgobglobgrod__: little1181KEKW [00:50:47.592] nfyhring: burn [00:50:48.111] mrhouse987: i have seen you in person you're not that big [00:50:48.183] SeriousMental: weak [00:50:49.969] KayDeeDee: they are the same person [00:50:56.457] nfyhring: yea [00:50:58.917] kikogitar: no [00:51:00.495] ohara_ch: !uptime [00:51:00.765] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 51m 6s [00:51:02.575] eternaldebuff: finns been going for 5 hours? wow [00:51:03.904] Jens_LN: get it from his dad [00:51:05.783] vanimal2118: Ur mom joke? [00:51:06.864] technoblade_bruh: !booba [00:51:07.186] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:51:10.882] 8331238u8: Simps [00:51:11.861] Jens_LN: Cheekbones ? [00:51:12.141] Techitac: Techitac subscribed with Prime. [00:51:12.339] f3mmbot techitac subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang techitac f1nn5tLezgang [00:51:13.320] peavey443: Cheer100 Brain=Smooth. Heart=Big [00:51:14.210] TheStarGamer1238: 34 is so small around [00:51:18.439] drwebbielive: you gremlin [00:51:21.188] K1ngCreole: E. [00:51:21.286] meh_its_jack: Wow rose as the grill on high heat [00:51:22.846] julster71: too darn manly! [00:51:23.990] xenoman5: Akimbo Bimbo? Dildo in each hand. [00:51:25.356] alexx_net: @zombiekiller9998, "It's easy to get lost in her eyes." [00:51:36.351] Emmy64_: Kappa [00:51:42.832] xenoman5: You make me hungry [00:51:47.284] Stovamor: I checked. there is no log in the mod view for which mod set a poll up [00:51:48.275] perfersserderg: LUL [00:51:52.202] kikogitar: more democraci pls [00:51:52.472] xenoman5: Akimbo Bimbo [00:51:53.360] Flippi_12: LUL [00:52:01.686] l3laz3de: LUL [00:52:05.215] Jens_LN: You also broke your box when opening it [00:52:05.956] AppleSaph: i am using chatterino only so i cant even make a poll [00:52:06.541] beanandcheeseburritoboy: Wooho, gun! [00:52:07.739] xenoman5: Dong in each hand [00:52:08.526] Xylomn: god help you in america [00:52:08.850] j0hnbanks117: LUL [00:52:09.368] Darth_Kyubi: 100% think you should try EE cups [00:52:10.452] binker35: It was @k1ngcreole [00:52:11.172] Goblin_Birb: KEKHeim [00:52:14.359] vanimal2118: More sexy pics with weapons please? [00:52:15.018] peavey443: Gun safetyy [00:52:16.005] FienGoemaere: tell me why [00:52:17.081] TheStarGamer1238: BBs are metal here [00:52:18.546] alexx_net: f1nnLaff The mod Union rep says that we don't have to tell you F1nn f1nnLaff [00:52:26.158] Kolateak_: D: [00:52:27.663] mr_ajokortti_korkort: You tend to have habit of hurting yourself from time to time :) [00:52:31.731] pocketfullofskittles: When’s the next PO Box stream [00:52:34.184] xenoman5: You’ll shoot your eye out [00:52:35.206] FienGoemaere: Ain't nothing but a mistake [00:52:36.507] 8331238u8: What happens when we hit the simp goal? [00:52:39.299] shadowsoferebos: shadowsoferebos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! I left my sub on by accident so here we are, qt. [00:52:39.479] f3mmbot shadowsoferebos subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:52:40.674] Stovamor: @pocketfullofskittles, l;ast stream [00:52:49.935] Kolateak_: OW [00:52:50.150] craigpp12: Started a rant [00:52:51.639] vanimal2118: Ouch [00:52:51.922] barbie_secretstanner: Men always blaming women for their mistakes [00:52:52.031] TheStarGamer1238: PrideLGBTea tea time PrideLGBTea [00:52:54.234] Emmy64_: NotLikeThis CaitlynS [00:52:55.268] 1_smart_donkey: try shooting tannerite [00:52:55.584] Royalbirhat: with your history of air guns never point the gun at your head f f s uni300 [00:52:59.467] alexx_net: @Stovamor, Oh noez. No mod logs? /s what a shame f1nnLaff [00:53:01.294] Panther216: Narrator: It was not empty [00:53:03.426] Jens_LN: LOL [00:53:03.848] DrDoedle: true brummy vibes [00:53:06.231] y0rk5h1r3: You're the sexiest Brummie I know of [00:53:07.202] fleeinghat212: So it’s a pellet gun [00:53:13.833] Jens_LN: He would get self-deleted [00:53:16.833] drwebbielive: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:53:17.512] the25radgamer: wait are you a lady or a man [00:53:23.039] rudiseb: playriBoba playriBoba playriBoba playriHello playriHello [00:53:25.773] Emmy64_: @rpnjoyr KKona WTF [00:53:26.425] vanimal2118: Ida lovely [00:53:27.657] SethwMad: Oh god no more twitch bans NotLikeThis [00:53:30.012] FlyingMortimer: pointing any type weapon at a body part is always a no-no.. [00:53:30.231] MrManIsTheMan: i once got shot in the weenie tip when playing airsoft, it sucked [00:53:30.527] shadowsoferebos: your heed is beeg [00:53:31.271] craigpp12: @y0rk5h1r3 wrong [00:53:32.380] dark_spirit_anri: You should only play with your ‘toy’ gun, you know, the floppy one. [00:53:32.472] Amoyamoyamoya: I wonder which Mod is doing it? [00:53:32.953] danteblackmetal: How do you feel being a man and looking like a hot girl? [00:53:34.764] y0rk5h1r3: You have shot yourself in your other head [00:53:38.277] Stovamor: @rpnjoyr, do somewthing other than spam emotes once you get back from your timeout [00:53:38.956] vanimal2118: X [00:53:40.295] Helen_Croft: X [00:53:40.511] maplesyrup676: !gender [00:53:40.774] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [00:53:43.539] dorshfan: x [00:53:46.063] Flippi_12: sure [00:53:46.679] FlyingMortimer: you shot yourself on stream.. [00:53:47.408] dorshfan: xx [00:53:48.051] denialdelivery798: whens the archery stream [00:53:48.566] peavey443: X [00:53:48.849] braddle172: X [00:53:50.783] y0rk5h1r3: @craigpp12 how? [00:53:52.761] j0hnbanks117: X [00:53:53.975] 8331238u8: Ouuuuuuuuu my pp hurts 😢 [00:53:54.000] axe1970: never assume its unloaded [00:53:54.634] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya Who can tell? [00:53:54.927] beatle_88: @mrmanistheman f1nnLaff f1nnLaff NotLikeThis [00:53:58.069] chevelleman350: FYI there are frangible bbs that turn to dust upon impact with hard objects. Dust Devil is the brand [00:53:58.487] saschi_boi: this is a guy or [00:54:01.368] alexx_net: @Amoyamoyamoya, Some think that it's me f1nnEmbarrassed [00:54:02.454] saschi_boi: im confused help me [00:54:03.523] craigpp12: @y0rk5h1r3 danny g is the most sexy brum [00:54:04.372] xenoman5: Except by you [00:54:07.148] Fredol7: Just in time for the femboy [00:54:07.742] AppleSaph: @saschi_boi, yes [00:54:07.799] Xatonym: anitaDab [00:54:09.373] FlyingMortimer: you shot yourself in the gut. [00:54:09.588] the25radgamer: are you a lady or a man [00:54:09.610] Emmy64_: !confused [00:54:09.875] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [00:54:10.052] plushgirlsteph: can we have freckles, please? [00:54:10.459] fukerzxjsn: hi [00:54:10.977] vanimal2118: !gender [00:54:11.282] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [00:54:13.798] xenoman5: safeish [00:54:14.438] Jens_LN: Can we get a poll for more makeup ? [00:54:16.073] Panther216: The day Rose was born by sheer coincidence a lad named Finn got hit in the nuts too hard [00:54:19.263] scatcha04: He lied? [00:54:20.236] vanimal2118: ! booba [00:54:20.342] saschi_boi: @AppleSaph thanks im confused but hes cute ngl [00:54:27.622] barbie_secretstanner: No freckles ? [00:54:27.711] TheStarGamer1238: @saschi_boi fem-boi, aka cutey [00:54:29.089] candidcarbon: my brother’s friend shot me in the back of the legs with an air gun one time [00:54:29.095] mr_ajokortti_korkort: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:54:30.436] braddle172: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:54:30.695] SubliminalCorruption: nothing changed [00:54:31.828] emmylekiwi: @saschi_boi he’s a boy crossdressing [00:54:34.348] Jens_LN: more ! [00:54:35.431] xenoman5: Thank god you’re so cute [00:54:36.224] FlyingMortimer: looks great [00:54:36.494] kikogitar: dont hold it to your head and pull the trigger becous its a twich ban [00:54:37.518] carom214: Hiii [00:54:38.528] ryanss2123: Hey finn what did you do to lose weight? [00:54:41.087] y0rk5h1r3: @craigpp12 I don't know that particular Brummie [00:54:41.273] Helen_Croft: !booba @vanimal2118 [00:54:41.543] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:54:48.173] DulyMoon: you look more masculine jk [00:54:48.326] 8331238u8: Only fans? [00:54:48.490] Jens_LN: Masisvely more XD [00:54:49.096] Panther216: PLAY THE SONG [00:54:50.934] general_of_cm: what dude? [00:54:51.294] sjoonyje: you look the exact same without makeup [00:54:59.530] vanimal2118: I agree With @jens_ln [00:55:02.131] Amoyamoyamoya: @alexx_net, potastHmm [00:55:05.219] undercovernerd666: 😆 [00:55:06.066] know1_0: love that song [00:55:06.128] psithurismas: plot twist: f3mmbot was hacked and is making the polls [00:55:11.708] Emmy64_: LUL [00:55:14.219] the25radgamer: are you a lady coz you have titties [00:55:15.034] Ascara89: Turns out it was F1nn all along [00:55:15.284] DrDoedle: have you ever been to blue banana in the city? the clothing in there is so cool, not pastel enough for me lol [00:55:17.134] ryanss2123: It’s a hacker [00:55:17.395] user273726328: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [00:55:19.378] intritrrasa: alex [00:55:19.846] Flippi_12: amoya will probably claim to be too slow to make polls [00:55:21.184] Helen_Croft: Its john he not talking in chat [00:55:21.354] Panther216: How many mods are there [00:55:23.725] xerxia7: amogus [00:55:26.111] HappyTrails2You: JOHN [00:55:28.634] y0rk5h1r3: F1NN getting forensic, Rogue Mod risking getting caught now [00:55:30.179] xoeyxoey: is your hair real or a wig? It's really nice im jealous haha [00:55:30.463] peavey443: I bet its amoya who made it [00:55:34.070] xoeyxoey: !hair [00:55:34.370] SethwMad: Remove all mods. Give Seth the only mod role. I'll moderate nothing. EZ clap [00:55:34.824] vanimal2118: @alexx_net cute [00:55:35.235] kikogitar: F1nn the privat investigator [00:55:37.971] craigpp12: @y0rk5h1r3 you don’t know the angry Xbox brum from smethwick [00:55:41.513] c__r__j: It's F3mmbot! F3mmbot did it! [00:55:41.800] xenoman5: John [00:55:43.426] j0hnbanks117: John sus [00:55:44.727] Jens_LN: Nah, Amoya would make polls about feet [00:55:46.337] ryanss2123: Jov [00:55:47.803] alexx_net: I'm not going to take credit for other people's work. f1nnLaff [00:55:48.177] intritrrasa: definitely john [00:55:48.313] Solus_kun: KEKW [00:55:49.298] halo4fan27: i know exactlly who it is but i will not say [00:55:50.579] peavey443: Tru [00:55:51.409] AppleSaph: rainhoePopcorn [00:55:52.322] wuhze: first tima catching u live [00:55:52.810] TheStarGamer1238: Bimbo Rules [00:55:57.543] Emmy64_: Can you put a bet to see if it is you john TriHard Kappa [00:55:59.082] craigpp12: @f1nn5ter it’s 100% @alexx_net [00:56:02.968] xenoman5: It’s the moth again [00:56:04.339] zenlechat: UK is up now on the stage of Eurovision [00:56:05.516] HappyTrails2You: kaoriBible [00:56:09.939] y0rk5h1r3: @craigpp12 no [00:56:12.507] l3laz3de: alex was the only person who wasn't named in the previous poll so it's probably alex [00:56:13.427] huntxr14: Danny g is a legend I’ve met him [00:56:20.199] y0rk5h1r3: Pink is never wrong [00:56:29.889] lynn_lonn: ellooo ^w^ [00:56:33.292] the_racoonfriend: hello [00:56:33.725] Grobgobglobgrod__: has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like [00:56:35.819] alexx_net: @craigpp12, Or is it? [00:56:37.781] Stovamor: Seems Amoya is safe since they're "Nope" sus levels [00:56:38.281] guitarbebop: or that big harry spider over her shoulder [00:56:38.529] natibellolive: NOW [00:56:39.504] Panther216: I can never deny pink because my fav two tone color scheme is black with pink trim [00:56:42.155] vanimal2118: Rose Summer Collection when? [00:56:42.221] 8331238u8: Hey alex suck on deez [00:56:44.768] craigpp12: @y0rk5h1r3 you poor soul [00:56:45.726] y0rk5h1r3: When you git gud LUL [00:56:54.165] craigpp12: @alexx_net no questions [00:56:55.628] vogelzaad420: Yess would love a good tutorial [00:56:55.762] the_racoonfriend: 👋👋👋👋👋 HELLO 👋👋👋👋 [00:56:56.603] zombieme33: hey how well do you think you would do in a horror movie situation? [00:56:59.034] Stovamor: I remember you saying that back last year @f1nn5ter [00:57:01.402] barbie_secretstanner: The others are so old do a updated one [00:57:05.977] general_of_cm: do a Himbo to Bimbo tutorial [00:57:06.180] Panther216: @zombieme33 Bait [00:57:08.685] emmylekiwi: No one was eliminated (skipped) [00:57:09.491] xerxia7: Copium [00:57:09.927] Helen_Croft: pink stain is hardly making a difference on Rose her pink lips @F1NN5TER [00:57:10.435] spee1938: looking good my guy [00:57:10.473] dark_spirit_anri: I’d watch that [00:57:13.062] walfleswastaken: how did you learn? [00:57:16.566] Flippi_12: cute [00:57:16.809] Jens_LN: Moar cheek [00:57:18.381] Stovamor: Very hot. Cute too [00:57:18.408] barbie_secretstanner: It’s k [00:57:19.924] blackcat11111111: very good [00:57:20.257] Panther216: Id show you my tap and die set [00:57:20.697] Emmy64_: <3 [00:57:20.840] the_racoonfriend: BUTIFUL [00:57:21.207] im_up_to_something: 👍 [00:57:21.365] DrDoedle: do you have any makeup tutorial video styles that you like? [00:57:21.439] paccasullaspalla: 10/10 [00:57:21.568] duplotracer: awesome [00:57:21.789] braddle172: gud [00:57:22.422] marieemilie1: cuttee [00:57:22.519] grimskar88: beautiful [00:57:23.232] zer0110: sweet [00:57:23.372] dorshfan: perfect [00:57:23.451] alexastone29: pretty [00:57:23.931] buttersubstitute: i need one [00:57:24.381] charliemeulenberg: yeah [00:57:25.014] bunyxxowo: Pretty! [00:57:25.787] king_ad_12: nice [00:57:26.461] vanimal2118: Yes needs more Bimbo! [00:57:26.863] intritrrasa: cute [00:57:27.170] j0hnbanks117: cute [00:57:27.271] Cara_is_a_mess: gross [00:57:27.964] mzinker: ponytail tutorial [00:57:28.428] emmylekiwi: Cute :] [00:57:29.855] alexx_net: I agree with Stov [00:57:29.929] I_________Saf_________I: lukeaf7 lukeaf8 lukeaf9 [00:57:30.032] xenoman5: Pretty [00:57:30.373] the_racoonfriend: ITS AMAZING [00:57:30.466] clysee8: yeah! [00:57:30.824] DrDoedle: very fem [00:57:31.078] zombie_1981: SeemsGood [00:57:32.176] BelicSnake: looks pretty good [00:57:32.356] 101us: fuckable [00:57:32.522] thekingone10: nice [00:57:32.553] TheStarGamer1238: TheStarGamer1238 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 3 month and 4 month sub-varsary [00:57:32.755] f3mmbot thestargamer1238 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:57:33.484] TheAmberlamps: gachiHYPER [00:57:33.790] Maliik123: pwetty [00:57:33.803] vidyagaem7: Cute [00:57:34.160] undercovernerd666: 😍 [00:57:34.194] Spectre223: Looking beautiful my dude, as always [00:57:34.228] gaming_giant_: do something cute for the clip pages [00:57:34.511] kittrinity: Pretty [00:57:35.002] Owly_9: It's good but was more fem before [00:57:35.617] aunalbrutal: Perfect [00:57:36.843] peavey443: Very pog [00:57:39.465] FlyingMortimer: looks very natural, and relaxed [00:57:39.544] guitarbebop: well done again [00:57:39.846] 8331238u8: 👌👌👌👌 [00:57:40.010] im_up_to_something: Pretty mouth [00:57:40.052] dorshfan: it is good [00:57:40.422] alexastone29: lies! [00:57:40.520] abigwhiteclock: needs more tribal [00:57:40.619] Jens_LN: it's Bimbo Month ... go wild ! [00:57:41.554] moondanzer: prettyyy [00:57:42.583] adrianoo11000: Hi 👋 [00:57:42.877] SubliminalCorruption: eye shadow [00:57:43.755] neon_soup: woah very wise words [00:57:44.046] craigpp12: @alexx_net you wasn’t mega brain enough to throw your self under the bus [00:57:44.076] Grobgobglobgrod__: little1181KEKWait amazing [00:57:44.654] mustangcubed: perfect [00:57:44.942] kittrinity: Very good [00:57:45.387] Alkno_93: we dont care we want more [00:57:45.789] lwazithesyne: poggers [00:57:46.051] y0rk5h1r3: Bimbo = Lots of makeup IMO 💄 [00:57:46.164] 8331238u8: 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 [00:57:46.517] ayarcee: o7 [00:57:47.745] witty_creative_alien: looks gorgeous as always [00:57:48.604] Helen_Croft: pink stain is hardly making a difference on Rose her pink lips @F1NN5TER [00:57:50.114] Globalnuclear: Show us your first make up [00:57:52.909] intritrrasa: just wear a bikini and you will be fine [00:57:53.966] pianoismyforte_: yes [00:57:54.236] rimurutempestsama69: yoooooooo [00:57:58.023] xenoman5: What happened to the boy? All I see is a pretty girl. [00:57:58.268] Emmy64_: Yeah you have to be "medical dose" careful [00:57:58.680] zer0110: nice tank top, cut off shorts? [00:57:59.391] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [00:57:59.606] gameplex_3: @f1nn5ter I'm so jealous of that top ;-; [00:58:01.273] TheStarGamer1238: TheStarGamer1238 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel! [00:58:01.366] mr_ajokortti_korkort: You went from looking like extremely hot woman to looking like extremely hot woman with makeup [00:58:01.630] TheStarGamer1238: TheStarGamer1238 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BenDover_xD! [00:58:01.805] f3mmbot thestargamer1238 has gifted a subscription to bendover_xd at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bendover_xd f1nn5tLezgang [00:58:02.019] xnkckxc: hi fin [00:58:03.024] mzinker: f1nnBingbong [00:58:03.757] alexx_net: @craigpp12, Ah! You're too clever for me. [00:58:06.814] Helen_Croft: Yes [00:58:07.038] Emmy64_: Bing Bong [00:58:08.679] TheAmberlamps: yep [00:58:09.317] ayarcee: no [00:58:09.806] barbie_secretstanner: Yeah but it’s fine [00:58:10.797] Jens_LN: a bit yeah [00:58:10.904] braddle172: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong [00:58:11.458] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang rynali1Heart viowynShorkHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [00:58:13.605] FlyingMortimer: slightly. [00:58:14.139] octopodez: yes [00:58:14.479] the_racoonfriend: HOW DO YOU HAVE BOOBS WHAT [00:58:14.823] ryanss2123: Fit check? [00:58:14.858] disnick123: Yes [00:58:14.980] j0hnbanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 󠀀 [00:58:15.181] Stovamor: a little, but it's fine [00:58:15.573] Globalnuclear: Yeah, but i think it's good [00:58:15.772] Flippi_12 Bing Bong! [00:58:16.099] fr1eddricee: add like light freckles, would fit [00:58:18.267] jandraelune: Can't hear the AC over my own fans [00:58:19.456] intritrrasa: still fine [00:58:19.497] AppleSaph: Bing Bong! [00:58:19.725] Spectre223: Nope, can't hear it (admittedly not on headphones) [00:58:19.755] destinedpentacle: we gud [00:58:21.157] dorshfan: it is fine [00:58:21.204] xenoman5: It was Alex [00:58:21.562] Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:23.260] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bing Bong [00:58:23.581] edgar_ayer: f1nnBingbong [00:58:24.704] DulyMoon: its like whitenoise [00:58:27.042] meh_its_jack: Jeez rose those look so real [00:58:27.124] floating_raindrop: Can't hear it. [00:58:27.976] DrDoedle: cant hear nowt [00:58:28.279] the_racoonfriend: ARE THEY SILICONE OR SURGERY [00:58:28.337] barbie_secretstanner: Bing Bong lezzz gang [00:58:29.419] dorshfan: soothing ac white noise [00:58:29.821] Rikka_Tikka_Tabby: Add some eyeliner to the lower lid [00:58:29.860] MrManIsTheMan: Bing Bong [00:58:30.171] KariNyara: @the_racoonfriend they're fake [00:58:30.840] Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong [00:58:30.962] witty_creative_alien: it’s good [00:58:31.224] Stovamor: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:31.293] alexx_net: f1nnBingbong [00:58:31.884] disnick123: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:32.554] peavey443: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Looking #veryhandesomebro [00:58:36.071] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [00:58:36.193] huntxr14: Mankini stream when? [00:58:36.321] rimurutempestsama69: i came from youtube and you are incrediabe and fabolus [00:58:37.220] TheStarGamer1238: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:39.028] xenoman5: It’s pleasant [00:58:39.065] undercovernerd666: Boob tutorial…. [00:58:42.666] lynn_lonn: the first stream am watchin from you :3 only saw ur ytbids but never chaugt u streaming [00:58:43.734] codecraft3r: PogU [00:58:44.377] TheStarGamer1238: bing to the bong [00:58:47.430] Kolateak_: YOOOOO [00:58:48.647] cinnamon_tree: YOOO [00:58:48.910] dingosurprise: oh shit [00:58:49.380] HappyTrails2You: YEEEESSSS [00:58:49.463] vanimal2118: Bing Bong Bimbo f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynali1Bonk [00:58:49.557] ayarcee: POG [00:58:49.659] ronin_samuri: Pog\ [00:58:52.859] dorshfan: who is that? [00:58:53.749] dbreach1: Bing bong [00:58:54.120] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:58:54.171] bunyxxowo: Woah [00:58:54.359] potatoofwisdom: yes [00:58:54.992] DulyMoon: an interview? [00:58:55.140] VeeNoxxy: PogU [00:58:55.984] TheAmberlamps: TIGHT [00:58:56.330] ronin_samuri: thats cool [00:58:56.638] braddle172: PogU [00:58:56.726] cinnamon_tree: interview coming up? [00:58:56.905] HappyTrails2You: LETS GOOOO KING [00:58:58.031] Florbb_: pogg [00:58:59.394] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:58:59.712] edgar_ayer: POggers [00:59:00.863] j0hnbanks117: PogU [00:59:00.924] patoffcuriosity: pog [00:59:01.273] kgober: hey he has a checkmark. what does that mean? [00:59:01.338] Cazenn: PogU [00:59:01.611] TheRainbowSlime: pog [00:59:01.844] Helen_Croft: you got more simps Rose [00:59:03.074] rensvdk: Interview?! [00:59:03.230] xenoman5: You have to stay cool to be so hot [00:59:03.878] Flippi_12: interview? [00:59:04.694] generationken: POG CHAMP [00:59:05.088] zombie_1981: PogChamp [00:59:05.386] DrDoedle: BRO [00:59:05.631] barbie_secretstanner: He interviews cross dressers??? [00:59:06.832] witty_creative_alien: pogu [00:59:07.938] huntxr14: Rip Smosh [00:59:08.520] alexx_net: The only Birmingham gang to join is f1nnLezgang [00:59:08.910] y0rk5h1r3: Who is he (not daily dose of Internet)? [00:59:14.935] DrDoedle: i spend a day with femboys [00:59:15.292] Amoyamoyamoya: Nice. Soon you will be a lorg (not pp) streamer!!! [00:59:18.668] dorshfan: dont know who the first guy is [00:59:18.857] Helen_Croft: Rose farming Simps [00:59:18.879] Panther216: Yea Finn that "Guy" [00:59:21.581] zer0110: show shorts [00:59:22.938] codecraft3r: anthony padilla interview when? [00:59:23.421] barbie_secretstanner: New interview? [00:59:26.770] craigpp12: @alexx_net they call me inspector gnoms [00:59:28.085] Stovamor: DailyDose knows Anita and Miko and has hung out with them in the past. YOu might have come up [00:59:29.180] disnick123: Anthony interview incoming??? I saw there's one with Niki on the way... [00:59:29.983] vanimal2118: Celebrity [00:59:30.874] Helen_Croft: you got more simps Rose [00:59:31.743] neon_soup: surreal [00:59:31.775] Den_drummer: finn gonna make an appearance on daily dose? 🤔 [00:59:32.548] ryanss2123: Look at him fangirling lmao [00:59:34.708] bmc118: @y0rk5h1r3 anthony was a cofounder of the smosh youtube channel [00:59:38.728] alexx_net: "Hello Internet, this is YOUR daily dose of femmeboy." [00:59:42.825] vapecuck: it's dope [00:59:47.555] DulyMoon: the wonderous world of femboys [00:59:49.645] craigpp12: Anthony chases fem girls for a hobby [00:59:57.377] lil_d3m0nboi: niknoc1BlackMetalNik [00:59:58.415] berserkmathew: Ooof [00:59:59.361] smikkelbakje01: smikkelbakje01 subscribed with Prime. [00:59:59.565] f3mmbot smikkelbakje01 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang smikkelbakje01 f1nn5tLezgang [01:00:01.493] peavey443: Daily dose of Egg? [01:00:03.395] Jens_LN: Would you let him do you ? [01:00:04.343] naomimi2k: she's a hero [01:00:05.003] PattyCakes28: PEPW [01:00:10.220] y0rk5h1r3: Do more creators connect with/follow you because of Rose? [01:00:11.993] dorshfan: Chelsea Manning ftw [01:00:15.102] axe1970: two bros sitting in a hot tub five feet apart because they are not gay [01:00:15.948] TheAmberlamps: I heard Grimes is dating Chelsea now? [01:00:17.898] uwubottomboi: bruh the wiki leaks girl follows you, pog [01:00:19.404] 8331238u8: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 [01:00:19.720] josecortesnival: mod is back [01:00:21.081] gurchy: gorl [01:00:22.822] c__r__j: Seems so, yeah! [01:00:31.949] ayarcee: Amoya is getting set up [01:00:34.563] tordenbob: chelsea manning is the best [01:00:34.892] genmd: do you play games or anything like that ? [01:00:35.045] RJ20151: Lol [01:00:41.489] craigpp12: Such an @alexx_net pole so obvious [01:00:44.175] Emmy64_: LUL [01:00:44.914] xenoman5: American spy chick [01:00:47.132] BerryAndBitty: LUL [01:00:48.525] l3laz3de: alex framing amoya [01:00:49.893] Jens_LN: it's a 5 brain vote ! [01:00:49.941] EldLilja: Chelsa is the hero who leaked the US warcrimes [01:00:50.339] hellofe1as: finn is your chat ok? [01:00:50.980] braddle172: !uptime [01:00:51.276] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 56s [01:00:51.577] ryanss2123: Detective finn [01:00:53.478] Stovamor: DailyDose knows Anita and Miko and has hung out with them in the past. YOu might have come up @f1nn5ter [01:00:53.871] RJ20151: Still, show feet [01:00:54.942] craigpp12: And yes I misspelled poll [01:00:58.357] HappyTrails2You: i dont believe it to be moya [01:01:00.432] gurchy: show amoya's feet [01:01:03.579] craigpp12: It’s alex [01:01:06.737] xenoman5: It’s Alex [01:01:17.476] peavey443: Can we see the fit [01:01:17.499] RJ20151: Show feet wins, respect democracy [01:01:20.829] general_of_cm: so youtubers are just simps? [01:01:21.663] jandraelune: Chelsea Manning has a twitch she streams on. [01:01:21.796] y0rk5h1r3: I like how F1NN knows his Mods fetishes [01:01:24.402] hellofe1as: why does people wanna see your feet? [01:01:24.728] disnick123: So you revived Finn's twitter? good for you Rose... [01:01:25.439] craigpp12: I’m onto you Alex [01:01:26.040] zer0110: show butt [01:01:30.179] DulyMoon: no feet please(reverse psychology) [01:01:30.614] vanimal2118: Do u get more followers from reddit? [01:01:31.962] AppleSaph: @y0rk5h1r3, pretty sure he doesn't know mine [01:01:37.858] witty_creative_alien: can we get a twirl? [01:01:41.516] xenoman5: The people have voted? Show feet! [01:01:43.637] Emmy64_: @hellofe1as Welcome to the internet i guess KEKW [01:01:47.043] meh_its_jack: I think it’s pretty clear Rose elevated you lol [01:01:49.058] Pandora_the_Explorer: I picked a bad time to show up holy hell [01:01:53.176] pennyarcade777: Do you paint your toenails? [01:01:53.330] peavey443: Twirl yes pls [01:01:53.792] Haslak64: SHOW tha FEET [01:02:00.634] Bjotte: !uptime [01:02:00.929] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 2m 6s [01:02:01.522] craigpp12: @applesaph is it apple sauce by chance [01:02:10.120] dorshfan: you have been doing this forever! [01:02:15.199] alexx_net: @pennyarcade777, He did in the last stream [01:02:18.015] barbie_secretstanner: Before may [01:02:19.347] AppleSaph: @craigpp12, monkaS [01:02:27.187] Jens_LN: gotta show the feet ! [01:02:30.579] jinxy9288: off topic what kind of a/c unit is that and would you reccomend it? I'm new to apartment living. had a house with central air. [01:02:31.958] hellofe1as: @Emmy64_ i already regret my decisions [01:02:35.880] xenoman5: Get a dono to paint your toenails on stream? [01:02:39.385] craigpp12: @applesaph smart [01:02:41.223] Emmy64_: @hellofe1as mko5Head LUL [01:03:05.382] jjtheriddler420: cant wait till i get my thigh highs of urs [01:03:09.036] l3laz3de: are u no longer doing the omagle thing? [01:03:10.611] Rangerbobox1: Rangerbobox1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Subsrition jumpscare haha got u [01:03:10.787] f3mmbot rangerbobox1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:03:14.835] hellofe1as: @Emmy64_ theres no way back [01:03:15.446] craigpp12: @codabear659 pleas *rezip* it [01:03:16.000] Jens_LN: Show feet ? [01:03:28.836] dorshfan: 20x as cute [01:03:32.470] craigpp12: Fell off [01:03:38.464] Ivyonger: Shush [01:03:40.059] Rangerbobox1: dont insult me [01:03:43.898] zer0110: show butt [01:03:44.570] hellofe1as: please dont show feet [01:03:47.014] intritrrasa: feet? [01:03:51.023] Rangerbobox1: BibleThump [01:03:51.204] LittleChaSiu: f1nnCowjam [01:03:52.088] Emmy64_: @hellofe1as KEKW [01:03:53.319] huntxr14: Don’t hate the player hate the game [01:03:54.968] xenoman5: Rose has been good for your fame [01:03:54.991] Helen_Croft: !of [01:03:55.239] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [01:03:56.143] Jens_LN: nice number [01:03:57.761] eternaldebuff: boycott minecraft [01:04:01.726] Stovamor: @Rangerbobox1, Here, you dropped these --> cp [01:04:03.093] F0R5B3R9: the ribbed drress looks solid [01:04:05.171] Emilization: Are you wearing "D-cup" bobs at the moment? [01:04:08.649] auf_wiedersehen97: auf_wiedersehen97 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! loyalcHi [01:04:08.825] f3mmbot auf_wiedersehen97 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:04:09.135] Kolateak_: My brother says he watched your old factions videos and says you fell off LUL [01:04:09.256] aleshasmiley: You are very pretty <3 [01:04:11.951] AKerrGaming: do a twirl [01:04:12.820] femboyzayne: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [01:04:16.060] MayBeAJinx: Are you also gonna watch the creator clash? D: [01:04:17.860] hellofe1as: @Emmy64_ KEKW [01:04:17.886] MiaxSnow: MiaxSnow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 month of this, cant wait for more [01:04:18.084] f3mmbot miaxsnow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [01:04:18.380] peavey443: peavey443 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 32 in the channel! [01:04:19.092] peavey443: peavey443 gifted a Tier 1 sub to skyr3zz! [01:04:19.266] f3mmbot peavey443 has gifted a subscription to skyr3zz at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang skyr3zz f1nn5tLezgang [01:04:27.846] craigpp12: Sorry I meant hasn’t even started [01:04:29.458] MayBeAJinx: It's in an hour [01:04:31.743] Stovamor: at 11pm uk time [01:04:36.197] c__r__j: Everyone looking at F1nn's likes is going to be baffled by that necro of a two-year-old Minecraft video. [01:04:36.546] huntxr14: 11pm [01:04:39.740] disnick123: Finn be like: *Oh man... this mc video announcement is doing numbers* [01:04:42.742] johnkeiwo: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [01:04:46.121] vanimal2118: Simp Goal? [01:04:51.432] lyssacohen: Yoooooo [01:04:51.663] c__r__j: It's pay per view. [01:04:53.533] y0rk5h1r3: Is Riza your ringside reporter? [01:04:55.853] beanloafy: beanloafy subscribed with Prime. [01:04:56.055] f3mmbot beanloafy subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang beanloafy f1nn5tLezgang [01:04:57.071] DrDoedle: you have to pay for it i believe [01:04:59.596] meowdonut: f1nn did you pay for it? [01:05:00.204] Flippi_12: rogue john has entered the chat [01:05:02.310] Stovamor: Look at john's message in chat @f1nn5ter [01:05:02.900] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, Hi Jov! [01:05:07.056] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel! [01:05:07.265] f3mmbot nufc4life1979 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:05:07.958] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Atomic_Rawr! [01:05:07.967] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to leapinglemon6! [01:05:07.974] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Star_Court! [01:05:08.008] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cemon__! [01:05:08.044] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Achila01! [01:05:08.299] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, THIS https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [01:05:08.483] sebin_cb: FFFEEETTT!? [01:05:12.209] Senevri: Is that AC hum I hear? [01:05:12.230] Emmy64_: Jov is hereeee PogChamp [01:05:12.759] DrDoedle: on a website called moment hourse [01:05:13.270] mr_ajokortti_korkort: suddenly John moment [01:05:15.360] vanimal2118: Rose 4 ring girl 2023! [01:05:15.923] binddiver63: How about getting highlights and getting your hairstyle [01:05:16.270] Stovamor: Look at john's message in chat @f1nn5ter [01:05:21.268] Jens_LN: How is you and Riza doing these days ? [01:05:24.292] ryanss2123: More polls [01:05:28.579] mr_willy_dog: !uptime [01:05:28.839] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 5m 34s [01:05:32.158] reidy_129: howay the lads [01:05:32.370] peavey443: @amoyamoyamoya Is it u [01:05:35.344] Helen_Croft: John posted the link @F1NN5TER [01:05:38.998] lyssacohen: Knife [01:05:42.336] bleb8: an egg [01:05:44.748] braddle172: pka did that [01:05:45.246] hellofe1as: KNIFE MERCH [01:05:45.337] Amoyamoyamoya: Look at john's message in chat @f1nn5ter [01:05:49.210] guitarbebop: cat ears please [01:05:53.671] Emmy64_: John posted the link PepeHands [01:05:54.236] AKerrGaming: that's not a knife [01:05:54.380] FlyingMortimer: engrave the symbol you have on your hat [01:05:55.321] undercovernerd666: 🔪🔪 [01:05:59.643] troy_5he: good idea [01:06:00.972] Prince_of_Nonsense: or maybe send a trainer [01:06:02.775] HappyTrails2You: sign it and send a knife [01:06:07.219] Tom2: yes ship weaponry all over the world, what could go wrong LUL [01:06:10.750] l3laz3de: john being ignored... sad [01:06:13.150] mzinker: at one time or overall [01:06:13.241] vanimal2118: Soon TM [01:06:14.661] barbie_secretstanner: Surprise subgoal? [01:06:15.830] Den_drummer: cuttlery knife Kappa [01:06:17.337] Cazenn: Don't open that link on stream, Unfriendly TOS words on that streams chat [01:06:17.376] y0rk5h1r3: What's conowalling? [01:06:20.755] AppleSaph: !hug john [01:06:21.153] f3mmbot john gets a big hug from applesaph <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [01:06:28.359] disnick123: What's a surprise subgoal???? [01:06:30.369] Jens_LN: Is there Knife Merch ? [01:06:31.422] burgess_shale: SCARED TO WALK? [01:06:33.477] Alkno_93: so tomorow you mean [01:06:43.814] c__r__j: Pay to win boxing? Weird idea! [01:06:44.415] Helen_Croft: Soon™ [01:06:45.859] Ascara89: Think its £20 [01:06:48.142] cumminhero: how about A-cup bobs for top dono's [01:06:48.395] craigpp12: 30 quid [01:06:49.951] TrunkMankey: you have to buy a ticket to watch [01:06:50.727] peavey443: Finn what about a custom engraved bayonet [01:06:51.928] ayarcee: WATCH THE STREAM CHAT [01:06:52.491] SeriousMental: Suprise subgoal bonjwaRLY [01:06:53.035] animeboi18: @y0rk5h1r3 It donowalling [01:06:54.326] johnkeiwo: sign in [01:06:54.701] eggymuffing: Bro i haven’t watched finn5ster in 3 years this is what i stumble upon now [01:06:54.811] DrDoedle: DONT STREAM IUT [01:06:55.414] kgober: it's for charity, you need a ticket to watch it live [01:06:58.645] cumminhero: probaly cheaper [01:06:58.804] meowdonut: it like $30 today [01:07:00.365] DrDoedle: CLICK OFF [01:07:03.474] craigpp12: Stream it [01:07:04.283] MajorAllSham: !hug Queen_Elizabeth [01:07:04.553] f3mmbot Queen_Elizabeth gets a big hug from majorallsham <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [01:07:05.261] HappyTrails2You: uh [01:07:05.957] huntxr14: £24 irymoPause irymoPause irymoPause irymoPause [01:07:07.514] Cazenn: ffs. [01:07:07.847] DrDoedle: THERE IS A PERSON SPAMMING IN THERE [01:07:10.108] SethwMad: ezeggTos [01:07:10.793] Stovamor: It's like Pay-per-View [01:07:13.544] HappyTrails2You: we saw nothing [01:07:15.636] DrDoedle: its been going on four SIX HOURS [01:07:16.026] ruparker: its a ticket [01:07:21.090] sebin_cb: pole result!? [01:07:21.775] craigpp12: This website sucks as [01:07:24.583] chickenchasm: !hug !hug [01:07:24.841] f3mmbot !hug gets a big hug from chickenchasm <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [01:07:30.341] TF0rd: michael reeves fight will be great [01:07:30.820] vanimal2118: Simp Goal ears re piercings? [01:07:35.967] y0rk5h1r3: Damn, Minx is looking good, six pack and all! [01:07:36.126] undercovernerd666: Hilarious 😂 [01:07:36.225] LittleChaSiu: boxing matches are always pay-per-view Sadge [01:07:38.164] ShinyLu: PrideWingL sukiiHi PrideWingR [01:07:38.940] DrDoedle: that person spamming has been in there for hours, its so annoying. [01:07:41.298] craigpp12: Michale reeves [01:07:44.737] xenoman5: you’ve got the golden ticket [01:07:44.845] craigpp12: Is fighting [01:07:46.323] undercovernerd666: Minx always so mad [01:07:46.899] peavey443: !boba [01:07:47.158] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [01:07:59.331] eggymuffing: My Balls itchy [01:07:59.543] cherrypaige: Dr Mike lfg [01:08:05.279] LittleChaSiu: ooh Dr. Mike [01:08:07.499] HappyTrails2You: can you watch mizkif watch the event? [01:08:07.868] DrDoedle: I've already spoken to moment house about it but he just changed a letter to 1 -_- [01:08:08.257] y0rk5h1r3: What about Harley? [01:08:10.098] general_of_cm: sad doctor mike noises [01:08:12.259] Flippi_12: @vanimal2118 that's suppposed to happen during bimbo months already [01:08:14.266] Amoyamoyamoya: Watch Dad...he's a friend of Riza [01:08:15.371] vanimal2118: Tazer = disqualification? [01:08:16.638] peavey443: @eggymuffing Y [01:08:17.796] Emmy64_: Dr mike WTF that will be bad [01:08:18.691] Owly_9: epic meal time dude was pretty hype on the press conference [01:08:23.439] craigpp12: Dr Mike is Actually Goated [01:08:25.162] intritrrasa: finn vs natt boxing match? [01:08:28.798] SethwMad: I showed you internet comment ettiquite LUL [01:08:28.821] dingosurprise: epic meal time... now that's a name I haven't heard in years [01:08:30.537] meowdonut: why is Egoraptor fighting? [01:08:33.497] thedramaking12: ab is part of the h3 podcast [01:08:33.608] thebigman2788: Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 Squid3 [01:08:36.104] MrManIsTheMan: captain sparklez was gonna fight michael reeves, but then he didn't want to [01:08:38.644] packagum: pffff i thought idubbbs was fighting Keemstar [01:08:39.057] Rainiiru: wasnt arin outed as a pedo? [01:08:40.629] Fizrug: Dr Mike is hot [01:08:41.234] DrDoedle: YOU DONT KNOW INTERNET COMMENT??? [01:08:42.443] SethwMad: Fair enough [01:08:42.854] Jens_LN: Ah, Epic Meal time [01:08:42.901] zomokthedragon: E [01:08:46.230] madfruity: madfruity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! 6 months is a really short time [01:08:46.422] f3mmbot madfruity subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:08:48.177] SethwMad: YES [01:08:50.114] craigpp12: @emmy64_ hes human body knowledge will help him [01:08:52.436] xx_zephyroht_xx: xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [01:08:52.611] f3mmbot xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [01:08:54.106] SethwMad: He's the one you "didn't know" [01:09:03.422] DrDoedle: he is :3 [01:09:03.438] Rangerbobox1: Dr. Mike gettin ripped holey moley [01:09:06.971] intritrrasa: f1nn vs natt boxing match? [01:09:19.279] HappyTrails2You: lost 2 minx [01:09:20.213] Jens_LN: You would loose [01:09:22.158] fluttershy71: what time do they fight [01:09:23.209] peavey443: @intritrrasa Hell ya [01:09:24.438] vanimal2118: X [01:09:25.191] Cazenn: You'd totally lose [01:09:25.400] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you would lose definitely [01:09:25.433] MayBeAJinx: You'd definitely lose 2 minx [01:09:25.449] timboixd: minx is gonna fuck shit up tbh [01:09:25.785] ziwuri13: You would lose to minx so bad. [01:09:26.680] craigpp12: @intritrrasa fin vs verb [01:09:26.989] finnypoint: fortnite battlepass [01:09:29.065] Amoyamoyamoya: @intritrrasa, Natt is actually tall and would have a longer reach. [01:09:29.393] Jens_LN: POLL : Who would win ? [01:09:29.508] neon_soup: minx would batter you [01:09:30.415] Emmy64_: @craigpp12 Knowledge doesn't help on how to swing a punch [01:09:30.891] xXNeroZashiXx: she would floor you :D [01:09:32.616] InfiniteCoyotetime: you've got the advantage of reach [01:09:33.349] FlyingMortimer: but she's got you on weight4 [01:09:34.170] Duuhdaah: X [01:09:34.637] ZedTheGoldenSkyCat9: I'd love to see Rose fight someone [01:09:34.977] theking_cool: x [01:09:38.855] SeriousMental: but minx got the anger [01:09:40.393] Rangerbobox1: Finn needs to do a boxing match so his egg finally cracks [01:09:40.487] aunalbrutal: BS no you wont [01:09:44.750] denialdelivery798: have you seen haer she's as big as riza [01:09:48.375] y0rk5h1r3: Surely Minx gonna destroy that Tik Tokker and she would wipe the floor with you LUL [01:09:49.917] Ascara89: Minx has a decent jab [01:09:50.721] kammersgaard20: u hit the floor so quick 🤣 [01:09:51.889] peavey443: Minx is irish tho [01:09:52.352] mr_ajokortti_korkort: minx would wreck you [01:09:54.190] AquaStoakes: @f1nn5ter omg your adorable in that dress lol and you was worried [01:09:56.012] meh_its_jack: You’re too skinny [01:09:57.394] alexx_net: I'd rather watch F1nn practice girl voice than watch anyone fight. [01:10:03.164] eternaldebuff: minx>finn [01:10:05.000] huntxr14: I’d let minx beat me up anyway [01:10:06.829] DrDoedle: its like saying getting the shit beat out of you by minx would be a punishment [01:10:08.244] ayarcee: Meowriza seems like she would beat you [01:10:09.340] MrMunk00: i would not wanna fight michael reeves or dr mike [01:10:15.194] craigpp12: @emmy64_ it was a joke I understand the concept of throwing a punch due to my kick boxing experience [01:10:16.780] ziwuri13: OMEGALUL [01:10:18.114] braddle172: minx got the Irish blood [01:10:18.371] trickyhunter404: hot hot hot [01:10:18.643] NUFC4life1979: i love gifting subs to @F1NN5TER because he is a total legend on twitch [01:10:18.740] AquaStoakes: I wouldn't want to Fight Arin or Harley cause they would eat me [01:10:22.471] mzinker: minx is ripped right now [01:10:23.528] HappyTrails2You: F [01:10:24.602] mrhouse987: girl voice? [01:10:24.757] berserkmathew: yup she dead [01:10:25.699] peavey443: You could be the ring girl for the fight at least [01:10:27.044] timboixd: pre F for her [01:10:27.271] meh_its_jack: @alexx_net Agreed [01:10:27.801] undercovernerd666: 😳 [01:10:28.887] trickyhunter404: catJAM [01:10:33.297] zombie_1981: F [01:10:34.896] trickyhunter404: CowJAM [01:10:35.760] ziwuri13: there must be right? [01:10:36.485] DrDoedle: rip haley [01:10:37.327] thecrypticskull: thecrypticskull subscribed with Prime. [01:10:37.520] f3mmbot thecrypticskull subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thecrypticskull f1nn5tLezgang [01:10:38.769] Amoyamoyamoya: How tall is Haley? [01:10:39.929] FlyingMortimer: you should encourage Minx, at times she is down in the dumps and doubts herself. [01:10:40.536] Cazenn: Rest in pieces [01:10:42.077] kammersgaard20: why did she agree to fight🤣🤣🤣 [01:10:42.533] vanimal2118: Always Bets [01:10:44.363] DrDoedle: paying my respects in advance [01:10:44.389] fire_183: yes [01:10:45.362] HappyTrails2You: kaoriTableSmash round 1 ko? [01:10:53.139] fire_183: what [01:10:56.524] Gigaknightdx: !uptime [01:10:56.785] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 11m 2s [01:10:58.892] fire_183: ad [01:11:03.652] fire_183: help [01:11:03.795] Jens_LN: yeah, she would defeat Rose [01:11:06.966] y0rk5h1r3: The girls in 16 oz gloves? If so, I'll be surprised if there's a knockout in their match. [01:11:07.310] Cazenn: Training with Esfand KEKW [01:11:15.605] AquaStoakes: @f1nn5ter what if she used the rage of her Irish ancestors, idk reach might not mater if she has the power of car bombs [01:11:18.605] xx_zephyroht_xx: 14 months with this scammin bish lets go! [01:11:21.505] perfersserderg: X [01:11:30.207] intritrrasa: 1 [01:11:32.459] intritrrasa: 2 [01:11:34.966] intritrrasa: 3 [01:11:40.154] AquaStoakes: Dad for #1 [01:11:44.108] craigpp12: @alexx_net vs @johnkeiwo [01:11:45.380] Emmy64_: @craigpp12 Yeah but i feel awful about it, if they mean to swing a good one, that will end badly LUL [01:11:54.077] ziwuri13: No, Michael Reeves is gonna win for sure. [01:11:58.319] valkyriejay98: big ups dr mike [01:12:00.495] SethwMad: Nahhh iDubbz is stacked [01:12:00.925] AquaStoakes: AB coaches killed somebody [01:12:01.360] meowdonut: arin is now Eric [01:12:02.060] Jens_LN: Minx would beat Rose [01:12:03.409] Emmy64_: @craigpp12 OMEGALUL [01:12:05.682] alexx_net: @craigpp12, John would win [01:12:06.625] SethwMad: I am betting on iDubbz [01:12:08.246] marshrover: have you not seen how buff michael reeves is? [01:12:10.113] DrDoedle: ERIC|?? [01:12:12.173] Xylomn: dr mike will beat him then fix him up after [01:12:13.558] kilsikon7: Have you seen Michael Reeeves boxing videos?> [01:12:14.071] thecrypticskull: @Jens_LN i second that [01:12:16.975] kammersgaard20: Dr mike is a mad lad [01:12:17.253] Stovamor: Which of the mod would win in a boxing match? [01:12:17.905] vanimal2118: Minx not main event? [01:12:18.563] naomimi2k: Eric Hanson lmaoo [01:12:19.184] Emmy64_: I would pay to see that LUL [01:12:20.596] SeriousTTV: impheeHi impheeHi impheeHi [01:12:20.942] general_of_cm: but theoddonesout has his secret furry powers [01:12:22.518] kasperkgf: Damn you hot, what are your pronouns? [01:12:24.927] c__r__j: ...and every single one of those competitors would KO F1nn in the first round. [01:12:25.781] craigpp12: @alexx_net my moneys is on you [01:12:26.103] Jens_LN: @Jens_LN I know right ? [01:12:26.902] reaperenzeru: I DID A THING has a ridiculous boxing glove contraption [01:12:29.649] mrhouse987: Finn Vs Natt? [01:12:34.903] ZedTheGoldenSkyCat9: I still don't get why the oddsoneout is in the fight. [01:12:36.673] aunalbrutal: Mods VS f1nn = Mods win XD [01:12:38.324] Globalnuclear: @Jens_LN we need a poll [01:12:40.156] SethwMad: Dude iDubbz has crack head energy. Never doubt crack head energy. [01:12:41.089] cherrypaige: Dr Mike is a SHNACK [01:12:43.952] alexx_net: @craigpp12, I'm a lover not a fighter f1nnZOOM [01:12:45.301] mr_ajokortti_korkort: You could distract him with your natural charms [01:12:47.708] reaperenzeru: i did a thing made a pneumatic boxing glove, you should pull up that video [01:12:50.853] HappyTrails2You: i want him to destroy the doc [01:12:51.201] Flippi_12: @Stovamor poll it? [01:12:52.288] superneet69: First time creating a twitch account finn was the first thing that came up [01:12:54.784] SethwMad: I'll put money on the iDubbz v Mike [01:12:56.474] Exotic_Dva: Idubbz got ripped ngl [01:12:56.544] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, Minx during the weight in https://clips.twitch.tv/VastFragileDootAMPEnergy-Pl55o2kpFYZMtEXV [01:12:56.754] eniliy: AB is gonna win [01:12:57.170] rodripo85: doc knows where to hit and win fight [01:12:57.178] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, Minx during the weight in https://clips.twitch.tv/VastFragileDootAMPEnergy-Pl55o2kpFYZMtEXV [01:12:58.168] kevlarchicken: muscles dont make a fighter [01:12:58.210] brotherplum: iDubbz is like 6' 2" [01:12:58.416] meh_its_jack: Mike will ice idubbz [01:12:58.892] Helen_Croft: if you lose more box time? [01:12:59.386] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:13:00.373] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, Sounds like a poll? [01:13:01.340] y0rk5h1r3: F1NN, when you setting up Femboy boxing, mud wrestling would also be acceptable LUL [01:13:02.486] Jens_LN: @Jens_LN yeah. that would be good [01:13:05.421] tobzz16: have you seen Michaels fighting video [01:13:05.558] ItsFoxyGi: ItsFoxyGi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [01:13:05.688] only_oliver1: Muscles isn't everything when it comes to boxing [01:13:05.748] f3mmbot itsfoxygi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:13:06.133] hopalongtommy: the CarWOW guy is fighting? [01:13:07.241] redlilly123: His shirt said mtf lol [01:13:07.714] vanimal2118: Rose lookin at Doctors Muscles 👀 [01:13:10.704] chaneiro2003: Dr Mike is gonna murder idubs [01:13:11.700] InfiniteCoyotetime: he could beat mike if he syncs his moves to freeform jazz and becomes unpredictable [01:13:11.730] SethwMad: $50 says iDubbz wins [01:13:17.734] Solus_kun: Whitemode D: [01:13:22.148] TakeOnWill: banned [01:13:22.940] Menschenkind0: He is a doctor. He knows how to hurt people. ;-) [01:13:24.506] berserkmathew: oh... [01:13:26.174] Gigaknightdx: cant bet on horny [01:13:33.196] MrManIsTheMan: did you know that captain sparklez was gonna be in the clash? [01:13:33.458] Helen_Croft: if you lose more box time? [01:13:36.916] kevlarchicken: damn [01:13:41.854] quetsiyah_: Does Rose like muscular males? [01:13:44.814] jandraelune: Minx has lost weight too due to this. [01:13:45.673] undercovernerd666: Oh no lol [01:13:49.498] jackgamer515: Would u go on hrt [01:13:50.047] reaperenzeru: I'd let Minx go 4 rounds with me... I would disappoint her so hard [01:13:53.081] Senevri: So when was the last time you did some physical exercise? [01:13:53.671] rgkagero: !uptime [01:13:53.919] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 13m 59s [01:13:54.009] MayBeAJinx: I'm even more confident that you'd lose now [01:13:54.648] aunalbrutal: XD [01:13:55.804] Stovamor: Minx is in great shape right now [01:13:55.975] funkifungi22: funkifungi22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! minx would rock you [01:13:56.149] f3mmbot funkifungi22 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:13:58.990] craigpp12: @johnkeiwo is a retired pensioner [01:13:59.212] meh_its_jack: Damn minx is a baddie [01:14:00.835] Finn: hey finn with a 1 [01:14:01.219] panqba45: kangurekDance kangurekDance kangurekDance kangurekDance [01:14:03.441] c__r__j: This whole competition is a scam so people can see Minx's armpits for cheap. [01:14:04.329] Ascara89: I'm sure you could run away and avoid Minx in the ring [01:14:04.476] Defrancofan67: No shot bucko [01:14:08.152] craigpp12: @alexx_net easy win [01:14:08.532] vanimal2118: Minx VS Rose 2023 [01:14:08.616] Emmy64_: I feel mike will need surgery after that monkaS [01:14:09.727] BloodOfLegendZ: i join and the first word that drops is "fck" LUL i like it [01:14:12.518] jonathan132465789: hi [01:14:14.055] Solus_kun: How can you use Whitemode D: [01:14:15.769] neon_soup: minx would absolutely batter you [01:14:15.879] Owly_9: ...... [01:14:20.145] FlyingMortimer: she only has to land one solid hit [01:14:20.249] troy_5he: and stronger [01:14:23.993] intritrrasa: too much [01:14:24.678] craigpp12: I could beat minxs [01:14:27.482] general_of_cm: none [01:14:28.027] mr_ajokortti_korkort: all of them [01:14:28.433] undercovernerd666: Minx 💪🤛🤜 [01:14:30.820] alexx_net: Minx would K.O. Rose in less than 3 rounds. [01:14:31.858] quetsiyah_: you are more girly than any other girl ;) [01:14:33.083] JonIsHexed: 60/40 in HER favour, right? [01:14:37.214] JonIsHexed: LUL [01:14:39.301] TheKnuckle44: I dont know all the mods but Id say John [01:14:40.082] reaperenzeru: Finn would you bring a knife to an internet boxing match [01:14:40.919] Stovamor: I voted for myself [01:14:41.167] Emmy64_: @alexx_net *seconds [01:14:42.568] Owly_9: All of the above [01:14:44.325] Finn: i'll take you 1 on 1 [01:14:44.792] Solus_kun: EVERY MOD tbh LUL [01:14:45.062] Jens_LN: Poll : Minx vs. Rose [01:14:45.193] peavey443: All [01:14:45.858] thecowpuncher3000: i think u could beat her [01:14:49.584] Flippi_12: all of them KEKW [01:14:50.984] y0rk5h1r3: KEKW and John's French!!! [01:14:51.458] brotherplum: Dr Mike is a manlet [01:14:55.520] Gigaknightdx: 140? [01:15:01.369] FlyingMortimer: how tall is Minx? [01:15:07.214] AppleSaph: AND OFC NOONE VOTES FOR ME [01:15:12.230] Solus_kun: ALL OF THE MODS WOULD WIN KEKW [01:15:13.338] Flippi_12: @AppleSaph D: I did [01:15:16.162] AppleSaph: what do you have against me chat 😔😔😔 [01:15:18.602] mzinker: i believe minx is as tall as you [01:15:20.518] LittleChaSiu: I'm surprised anyone voted for me at all [01:15:24.069] austinpeter69: Sup British Boy [01:15:31.749] craigpp12: F1NN5TER let’s box [01:15:32.785] Finn: 121? omg poor thing [01:15:34.360] intritrrasa: alex came last don't worry saph [01:15:34.880] InfiniteCoyotetime: it's camp [01:15:42.109] Amoyamoyamoya: I think Michael Reeves will win his match. [01:15:43.574] eniliy: I do think Ian has a fair chance [01:15:46.401] packagum: its Michel ofcourse he has his nips uncovered [01:15:47.207] alexx_net: @AppleSaph, You got more votes than me f1nnSad [01:15:48.859] c__r__j: @AppleSaph You seem sweet and harmless. I'd take that in your position. linechuHug [01:15:49.813] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:16:01.315] HappyTrails2You: good one mizzy [01:16:05.873] Finn: 121 pounds? theres no shot micheal wins [01:16:06.060] y0rk5h1r3: They the same weight class? [01:16:06.311] InfiniteCoyotetime: nah reeves is losing that one [01:16:08.054] AppleSaph: @c__r__j, rainhoeKnife [01:16:10.666] sasuke_csa: GlitchNRG [01:16:11.057] jandraelune: Reeves is legitly the smallest there. [01:16:14.132] craigpp12: Bets who would win me or Finn [01:16:18.574] Finn: @craigpp12 me [01:16:19.170] PlayingonAdele: reeves has been jacked for waaay longer than the other guy [01:16:19.897] Jens_LN: We could use a poll for Rose vs Minx [01:16:20.586] c__r__j: @AppleSaph rynali1Knife [01:16:23.370] dorshfan: minx's eye! [01:16:23.581] FlyingMortimer: Minx weights 70kg [01:16:29.590] thecowpuncher3000: rynali1HOLY rynali1Heart [01:16:29.774] LittleChaSiu: Minx in the back like "Soon™" [01:16:38.392] FlyingMortimer: she's got you by 5kg [01:16:44.969] know1_0: muscle don't mean s**t [01:16:45.127] craigpp12: @finn who are you [01:16:48.939] reaperenzeru: Minx could take Finn in a fight, I think [01:16:50.054] Finn: @craigpp12 im finn [01:16:53.920] Helen_Croft: sciamaStab @c__r__j @AppleSaph [01:16:54.861] Amoyamoyamoya: Monx could take F1nn. [01:17:03.522] vidyagaem7: Harley was being trained by Sam Hyde so yea he’s in to win [01:17:09.916] Solus_kun: This is a good poll KEKW [01:17:11.534] ayarcee: Minx will destroy you [01:17:12.056] Globalnuclear: and more training [01:17:12.367] troy_5he: how tall is she [01:17:14.101] AppleSaph: @Helen_Croft, shyyKnife [01:17:15.920] Emmy64_: what was the name of the harry potter character look alike? NotLikeThis mkoLUL [01:17:20.407] Finn: i think minx has more crazy in her eyes too tbh [01:17:20.520] general_of_cm: who would win rose or finn? [01:17:20.715] Rangerbobox1: VOTE FINN [01:17:21.862] kevlarchicken: come on f1nn got that judo fighting experience [01:17:22.389] mr_ajokortti_korkort: F1nn isn't exactly known for his great boxing skills [01:17:22.736] ryen1874: Everyone has more muscle than you [01:17:24.249] Flippi_12: Clap poll [01:17:24.615] qwertxeno: how to have fake seno? [01:17:25.484] chaneiro2003: Graham is laughing too much. Michael wins ez [01:17:26.648] y0rk5h1r3: They're in 16 oz gloves (Harvey said) so it should be hard for the smaller weight cat matches to have knockouts. [01:17:30.941] wakjah: depends if he has a knife [01:17:31.672] peavey443: Finn did u vote in the poll [01:17:36.388] craigpp12: @finn what’s your weight class [01:17:38.992] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, is a smol bean, but she'd kick the crap outta you @f1nn5ter [01:17:39.387] johnnythundertherevenger: Argentina [01:17:42.071] intritrrasa: we need a minx vs rose boxing match [01:17:48.677] xenoman5: Everybody has more muscle then you hon [01:17:51.282] LittleChaSiu: would I though [01:17:54.487] Ascara89: They'd have an intergender boxing match? [01:17:57.185] Finn: @craigpp12 75kg [01:17:58.399] qwertxeno: how t oo [01:17:59.236] HappyTrails2You: riza vs pyro, f1nn vs natt? [01:18:00.422] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:18:01.373] qwertxeno: im so confused [01:18:03.660] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:18:06.379] craigpp12: @finn ah [01:18:06.645] Kolateak_: They make cheap watermelons [01:18:07.071] eternaldebuff: Remember when Meowriza deadlifted you? Uhhh dont fight plz [01:18:08.255] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:18:09.699] ryanss2123: X [01:18:10.310] mr_ajokortti_korkort: John as an opponent would be hella scary [01:18:10.665] Cazenn: KEKW [01:18:11.998] ryanss2123: Xxx [01:18:12.872] intritrrasa: yea [01:18:14.283] ryanss2123: Xxxxxxxxxx [01:18:14.794] bread69_420: finn how do you look so good [01:18:16.725] kevlarchicken: jesus KEKW [01:18:21.943] neon_soup: they looked like architecture enemies in that video LUL [01:18:22.037] peavey443: Rip finn [01:18:22.240] kammersgaard20: let me take that back a man dressed as a women have some inner massive power [01:18:24.324] peavey443: F [01:18:26.952] neon_soup: arch* [01:18:27.289] Emmy64_: "I never bought one" Kappa [01:18:33.325] Karsten666: Would Finn be still a male after fighting with Meowriza? [01:18:36.209] Cazenn: You can punch though anything with enough force lmao [01:18:36.389] Amoyamoyamoya: I would dodge F1nn until he collapsed from exhaustion. [01:18:36.864] RoxEatsBeans: Booba [01:18:37.423] fr1eddricee: they should do a youtuber mma fight [01:18:37.625] craigpp12: @finn I’m running around in the 96kg category [01:18:37.819] troy_5he: copium [01:18:39.784] Finn: f1nn can i be your stand in [01:18:41.152] ZedTheGoldenSkyCat9: punching bags are expensive though.. why break it [01:18:42.275] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [01:18:43.480] ryanss2123: Lets watch the fight [01:18:45.294] FraserRoth2006: my dick can punch through fabric [01:18:46.041] Rangerbobox1: I'd be funny if you did a boxing match in girl mode [01:18:49.014] NUFC4life1979: finn if you want a trainer i will train you [01:18:50.300] mootie1: LuvPeekL [01:18:53.424] Solus_kun: for what ? to learn how to hug ? KEKW [01:18:55.351] Flubby_the_Overseer: hello [01:18:55.697] Jens_LN: It's usually the stitchings that break [01:18:57.294] RoxEatsBeans: i can be ur punching bag [01:19:03.380] Finn: @craigpp12 oh. i feel like this wouldnt go my way. [01:19:04.598] Emmy64_: @solus_kun OMEGALUL [01:19:06.141] Farkarth: waht brand of bobs are you wearing? [01:19:06.714] fatlip229: I don't think the bags in my gym have ever been replaced atleast since ive been there [01:19:08.407] alexx_net: @Amoyamoyamoya, That would take less than 60 seconds f1nnLaff [01:19:11.858] RogueBananna: RogueBananna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! ayyyyy [01:19:12.079] f3mmbot roguebananna subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:19:17.563] neon_soup: pyro definitely didn't like riza tone policing him. he was visibly annoyed LUL [01:19:23.013] Jens_LN: LOL [01:19:23.051] arquiJ: Hello ... WOW they re massive [01:19:29.392] Stovamor: Ha! [01:19:31.260] intritrrasa: where's riza? [01:19:31.312] Rainiiru: i did a thing built a gun into his gloves [01:19:31.972] FlyingMortimer: ouch [01:19:33.679] peavey443: My Instructor for martial arts in the marine corps punched through a sand bag once its possible [01:19:34.793] SeriousTTV: fake leather stuff = vinyl [01:19:37.147] aunalbrutal: HAHAHAHHA [01:19:37.858] Stovamor: @intritrrasa, in Germany [01:19:38.846] Solus_kun: @Emmy64_ KEKW hes super weak its true [01:19:39.621] bluj40: oh hello [01:19:41.383] ryanss2123: What did you do to lose weight finn? [01:19:42.034] Amoyamoyamoya: @alexx_net, I would smack talk him to keep him on edge and throwing sloppy punches. [01:19:42.454] arquiJ: computers are dumb as F [01:19:45.199] LamTion: ayiii [01:19:48.502] craigpp12: @finn nah don’t worry about it my kickboxing won’t have any effect in the boxing match [01:19:49.388] mootie1: 🥚e [01:19:50.488] femboyzayne: im one to live stream [01:19:50.624] Stovamor: @intritrrasa, in america, rather [01:19:52.955] W_0ZZY: Oh, you’re a dude. [01:19:53.383] Ascara89: Yep, I've swung for someone, hit a brick wall and my knuckles swole and were badly bruised for a week or so [01:19:59.356] femboyzayne: gone [01:20:02.445] Finn: @craigpp12 neither will my crossfit tbh [01:20:04.467] aunalbrutal: @W_0ZZY Welcome [01:20:11.114] OwlyWasTaken: hello [01:20:16.706] craigpp12: Okay here me out mod fight club [01:20:18.431] ryanss2123: 🥚 [01:20:20.850] Stovamor: @W_0ZZY, welcome to the stream. Don't be a dick and hang out [01:20:23.472] Emmy64_: @solus_kun I imagine it that's the thing KEKW [01:20:29.130] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER you bought the punshing bag to learn how to hug someone ? or KEKW [01:20:30.689] craigpp12: @finn cross fit makes me want to cry [01:20:31.911] denialdelivery798: he's betting on him just cus he's shirtless haha [01:20:34.275] Helen_Croft: !gender @W_0ZZY [01:20:34.548] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:20:35.383] Stovamor: @craigpp12, when we get new mods, they have to fight? [01:20:38.324] Solus_kun: @Emmy64_ yea KEKW [01:20:38.527] reaperenzeru: who would win in a fight: F1nn5ter or an average housecat [01:20:40.133] guitarbebop: I've been trimming the Roes in my garden but none of them look as good as you. f1nnPegChamp [01:20:41.058] ZedTheGoldenSkyCat9: I wonder who would win in a fight between the mods? [01:20:46.783] xenoman5: You need heels and bikini and carry the card between rounds [01:20:51.744] Finn: @craigpp12 it makes me cry, but so does getting punched pawserCrying [01:20:53.709] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Punching bags need some love too [01:20:56.110] craigpp12: @stovamor can I place my self up for this bett [01:20:57.535] AppleSaph: @ZedTheGoldenSkyCat9, I would, I have f3mmbot on my side [01:20:57.702] SusuSenpai: @W_0ZZY cope harder [01:21:00.085] periodiclive: this is just weird to look at [01:21:01.177] AppleSaph: she is like the terminator [01:21:04.836] ryanss2123: Bob with no bobs [01:21:06.007] reaperenzeru: @xenoman5 yes this [01:21:08.599] onesek_: rose's rubber guy hehe [01:21:16.564] alexx_net: @craigpp12, Who says that doesn't exist. (But 2 rules say that I can't talk about that.) [01:21:18.081] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER put a name of every sub on the punching bag so you can hug chat OMEGALUL [01:21:24.210] vanimal2118: Yes fighting dummy guy coat rack! [01:21:31.466] Rangerbobox1: God I wish I was your punching bag [01:21:34.721] craigpp12: @finn I’ve gotten used to being punched but cross fit is enough story [01:21:39.281] neon_soup: F1nn smacks his rubber b0bs Kappa Kappa [01:21:41.333] mzinker: Rose body pillow for "training" [01:21:41.960] Jens_LN: Masturbation arm [01:21:44.196] mr_ajokortti_korkort: cute [01:21:44.763] vulmiin: <3 [01:21:45.265] Kolateak_: Is that your right arm [01:21:46.346] LittleChaSiu: why just the right arm smh [01:21:46.759] PlayingonAdele: wow fin that right arm is sure strong [01:21:47.127] Flippi_12: look at what? [01:21:47.814] SeriousTTV: Hawt [01:21:48.001] vanimal2118: Strong 4 girl [01:21:48.271] unopenedcookies: Muscle Mommy [01:21:49.726] xenoman5: Punch me mommy [01:21:50.527] Amoyamoyamoya: Monthly swelling. [01:21:50.634] M4rkH4wk: whys the right one so much bigger [01:21:50.662] intritrrasa: manly man [01:21:50.822] craigpp12: @alexx_net ah yes [01:21:53.272] FlyingMortimer: so now we kknow why your right arm is stronger than the left... [01:21:54.033] denialdelivery798: jackoff arm [01:21:55.723] ryanss2123: He been jacking off too much with the right one [01:21:56.372] SeriousTTV: amoonS [01:21:56.723] arquiJ: Is F1nn using the new tiddies? [01:21:58.479] Solus_kun: idk you want one KEKW for no reason [01:21:58.575] Ascara89: I'm sure we could find a child small enough for you to beat up F1nn [01:21:59.101] YukioKanata: if fin started losing he would just pull a knife out his bussy [01:22:00.233] zombie_1981: coomer right arm [01:22:00.446] general_thane: KPOPglow [01:22:00.659] reaperenzeru: if f1nn goes boxing, we'd end up with an even more cracked egg [01:22:02.165] craigpp12: Chicken wing [01:22:08.844] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you look so adorable when you flex [01:22:09.239] huntxr14: Fin couldn’t punch his way out of a wet paper bag [01:22:13.209] Xylomn: implants :P [01:22:16.929] MoPar225: Best Minx is the fallen down Minx! [01:22:16.962] ryanss2123: Right arm be jackin [01:22:17.764] general_thane: do a girl voice [01:22:18.048] rob_d11: Show your right handed [01:22:20.203] alexx_net: It shows [01:22:20.695] intritrrasa: beating your meat [01:22:22.535] reaperenzeru: @huntxr14 a wet burlap bag [01:22:24.284] Solus_kun: housewifes do be strong KEKW [01:22:24.940] peavey443: Very swole [01:22:25.152] Amoyamoyamoya: @arquiJ, No. Looks like one of his mid-sized sets. [01:22:29.888] Iffy_Blue: !discord [01:22:30.163] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:22:30.334] vanimal2118: Minecraft muscles? [01:22:38.740] Rangerbobox1: brain fart [01:22:39.420] kevlarchicken: masturbation muscles [01:22:39.814] Jens_LN: not a good comeback [01:22:43.258] Spectre223: Gottem? [01:22:44.387] xenoman5: Gamer girl flex [01:22:45.431] Stovamor: Good come back @f1nn5ter [01:22:47.892] InfiniteCoyotetime: I haven't done a single situp in 2 years and I've still got abs [01:22:48.556] ryanss2123: May we continue watch the foght [01:22:50.675] craigpp12: Built like a kfc bucket [01:22:50.903] LoadSmasher: ew, don’t show that [01:22:51.527] rob_d11: Don’t fib you work it out [01:22:53.543] Finn: would you ever have the desire to gain muscle? [01:22:54.385] Solus_kun: POGGERS [01:22:55.106] mr_tumbles_: how u doing finn? [01:22:56.648] SethwMad: IT WAS SO FUNNY [01:23:01.590] barbie_secretstanner: Will you actually release it this time? [01:23:04.984] Silas_BR: @F1NN5TER is your hair natural? [01:23:12.021] intritrrasa: yes [01:23:12.544] SethwMad: Do we talk about the girl? [01:23:17.073] Solus_kun: New video soon ? POGGERS [01:23:19.137] ryanss2123: Yes [01:23:20.084] theking_cool: bimbo brain [01:23:20.317] arquiJ: thanks amoya [01:23:22.741] Lowan_8: @silas_xd_ yup [01:23:25.277] Finn: 16 hours? D: holy shit [01:23:25.733] chaneiro2003: “Omeggle” [01:23:26.610] xxemoslqur: hello there [01:23:26.743] Ticklish_PP: waddap homie [01:23:26.969] alexx_net: Is Omegl still an ocean of pp ? [01:23:28.355] Finn: for 1 minite? [01:23:28.401] SethwMad: The cross necklace one [01:23:32.935] SethwMad: LUL [01:23:36.892] craigpp12: @f1nn5ter we can fight if you want FBBlock [01:23:39.289] Amoyamoyamoya: @Silas_xD_, Yes. That's all his hair. [01:23:40.027] nest7heehee: I put my volume up and I was like "oh" [01:23:46.920] Finn: oh my [01:23:47.277] vikingsoup: Hi 😍 [01:23:50.434] xenoman5: You [01:23:51.884] LamTion: @alexx_net no, it's a whole planet now LUL [01:23:58.991] vanimal2118: @sethwmad dabbled into Femboy stuff? [01:23:59.626] ThatTeenNamedIan: !flollowage [01:24:03.408] ryanss2123: 16 hours??? [01:24:04.186] Finn: they say content creation isnt hard work KappaWealth [01:24:04.354] LittleChaSiu: how long have you been working on that video at this point [01:24:12.078] onestupidpizza: InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace [01:24:16.929] MoPar225: It's always so much fun when Minx fall down MaxLOL [01:24:18.631] intritrrasa: don't worry we like penis [01:24:23.850] craigpp12: What happened to pixel mon channel [01:24:23.972] mr_tumbles_: seems like u had fun then [01:24:24.986] Amoyamoyamoya: Shit. Was that his notification tone? [01:24:31.089] ThatTeenNamedIan: !uptime [01:24:31.731] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 24m 37s [01:24:37.527] xenoman5: Editing is massively unsung. It’s hard work [01:24:49.518] luciferog01: hello [01:24:50.247] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, about a year since the last one [01:24:50.353] ryanss2123: Nerdy finn [01:24:50.465] tatterwinged: hey f1nn hey chat! [01:25:09.342] vanimal2118: obkatHey rynali1Hai [01:25:13.921] timothygill_: hello f1nn and mods and chat!! [01:25:18.017] LittleChaSiu: I'm just hearing lots of white noise in the background [01:25:18.539] Chri55PBacon: hey! [01:25:19.242] craigpp12: I’m claiming champion of this chat if anyone has an objection I do not care [01:25:19.442] onestupidpizza: hmm 🤔 [01:25:20.903] chartheepicmonke: I just did a big shit and it’s very smelly. It has blood on it also [01:25:21.295] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, sorry - almost 20 months, in fact [01:25:22.331] LittleChaSiu: I assume that's the A/C [01:25:22.623] bgodwin123987: hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [01:25:26.376] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, it is [01:25:26.902] michalcleverr: Hello [01:25:36.387] alexx_net: F1nn's been working on "the next Omegle" video for so long that her hair is going to look like a timelaps video from a Sir David Attenborough episode about vines growing. [01:25:46.767] Emmy64_: NotLikeThis [01:25:54.866] Finn: how long is a typical one of these videos then? you dont get a full 10 min vid right? [01:25:59.671] Jens_LN: Dedication ! [01:26:00.566] troy_5he: Lucky [01:26:02.120] Solus_kun: Noice LUL [01:26:04.357] glittergirl153: Hi [01:26:05.324] ryanss2123: Gaaaaaayyyyyuyu [01:26:07.791] intritrrasa: seems fun to me [01:26:10.070] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, Yah, he got it running near the start of the strim. [01:26:14.050] Silas_BR: I never would have imagined it was so difficult to make a video like this [01:26:16.118] ThunderNoughts: ThunderNoughts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [01:26:16.330] f3mmbot thundernoughts subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [01:26:18.958] Finn: jesus [01:26:20.227] michalcleverr: how long are you live now? [01:26:21.386] peavey443: Sus [01:26:21.648] awesomerem1: Kekw [01:26:26.808] alexx_net: !uptime [01:26:26.885] cleopatree7: Hiii it's the first time i caught your stream omgg [01:26:27.402] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 26m 33s [01:26:29.065] Prince_of_Nonsense: outsource them :) [01:26:33.329] onestupidpizza: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS [01:26:33.793] superneet69: Probably liked it [01:26:36.510] captain_ninja_official: hey Finster.. how are ya doin [01:26:37.668] Finn: you need a rose stunt double [01:26:39.966] ThunderNoughts: cringe, it removed my message [01:26:41.888] griffith_left_nut: hi saba [01:26:43.369] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER tell us when you go on that side so you can meet chat and have more content [01:26:45.910] Tareah: @F1NN5TER what software do you use to edit? [01:26:57.448] vanimal2118: So Rose is actively looking 4 possible dates? [01:27:03.901] superneet69: Kappa [01:27:06.850] Finn: its porn [01:27:08.562] wilbur_der_graue: Hola :3 [01:27:09.083] Finn: KEKW [01:27:13.027] condritch: Sneak peak? [01:27:14.499] neon_soup: incest [01:27:16.131] Senevri: Ridiculous. If the minds are not linked, the clone is a different individual [01:27:17.391] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [01:27:18.881] ThunderNoughts: it wasn't even sus. poopy Twtich [01:27:19.349] OrlojMural: its selfsex [01:27:19.884] Jens_LN: Self-Cest [01:27:24.991] troy_5he: selfcest [01:27:25.501] Amoyamoyamoya: @Tareah, I thought I heard him say "VEGAS" [01:27:27.730] Den_drummer: I hate knowing this term but... selfcest [01:27:27.912] ruparker: its Wattpad [01:27:28.291] eternaldebuff: Finncest [01:27:33.196] johnkeiwo: Masturbation with extra steps [01:27:34.448] Emmy64_: Pp lock? TriHard ? [01:27:38.338] Tareah: @Amoyamoyamoya Thanks .. Vegas is legit [01:27:38.390] Finn: finncest not this [01:27:39.206] Rangerbobox1: auto felatio [01:27:40.766] artu2018: hey bois [01:27:41.320] Senevri: autoeroticism? [01:27:41.348] captain_ninja_official: i recently tried to arrange a threesome.. i had two no show ... but i still had f [01:27:44.050] ryanss2123: Slefsex [01:27:45.101] Prince_of_Nonsense: narcissistic? [01:27:49.458] captain_ninja_official: fun [01:27:49.947] onestupidpizza: fiasco [01:27:54.005] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER tell us when you go on that side so you can meet chat and have more content [01:27:54.411] just_a_random_someone: First thing I hear when I join..... it can be incest... the hell is happening here [01:27:57.287] wilbur_der_graue: autobeatmeat [01:27:59.347] johnkeiwo: !hug @AppleSaph [01:27:59.385] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:27:59.460] Finn: just get after effects wtf [01:27:59.623] f3mmbot @AppleSaph gets a big hug from johnkeiwo <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [01:27:59.638] WaffleSlime42: What did I come back to....... [01:28:00.862] ryanss2123: Vega??? [01:28:01.002] mr_tumbles_: cap cut🔥🔥 [01:28:03.484] YuukiAsuna_UwU: Man I sure love to autosex myself [01:28:04.098] peavey443: So how about them tigers huh? [01:28:04.353] luciferog01: hi [01:28:05.384] AppleSaph: @johnkeiwo, <3 [01:28:06.502] Solus_kun: DonoWall @Helen_Croft [01:28:09.257] Tareah: i have davinci resolve and it's nice @F1NN5TER [01:28:09.956] bmc118: the real question is would you "have fun" with yourself? [01:28:12.184] intritrrasa: cap cut sucka [01:28:13.533] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER tell us when you go on that side so you can meet chat and have more content [01:28:14.784] ryanss2123: I used to use vega it was awful [01:28:16.450] LittleChaSiu: cries in Final Cut Pro X [01:28:17.536] porgman3232: mmm [01:28:20.399] Finn: adobe AE is great idk [01:28:23.797] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:28:24.842] scruffys_mustache: Autoerotic [01:28:28.076] huntxr14: imovie stays on top [01:28:29.407] denialdelivery798: twosome masterbation? [01:28:32.638] Solus_kun: reading 2 words of the message OMEGALUL [01:28:37.500] Amoyamoyamoya: Cries in Adobe Premiere (still doesn't know how to use it). [01:28:47.521] Finn: TransgenderPride [01:28:50.627] vanimal2118: More raw data? [01:28:52.858] Rangerbobox1: TransgenderPride [01:28:52.934] michalcleverr: @f1nn5ter remember when you were in drumsy's VR youtube video? [01:28:54.613] Narglepuff: PogU [01:28:55.588] ayarcee: o7 [01:28:56.192] wilbur_der_graue: wholsome [01:28:57.725] Solus_kun: Clap Dono [01:28:58.384] perfersserderg: :) [01:28:58.650] vanimal2118: POG [01:29:00.889] wilbur_der_graue: +rep [01:29:01.786] winter69420: TransgenderPride [01:29:02.488] pianoismyforte_: o7 [01:29:02.501] DehizNuts: gratz [01:29:02.596] Emmy64_: Clap [01:29:02.805] mr_ajokortti_korkort: pog [01:29:03.030] 0thethethe0: emmamc1Heart [01:29:03.038] johnkeiwo: Clap [01:29:05.110] ryanss2123: Dude? [01:29:05.296] barbie_secretstanner: Lovely dono [01:29:06.994] braddle172: Clap [01:29:07.897] Finn: TransgenderPride Clap [01:29:07.922] Silas_BR: Clap [01:29:08.144] Flippi_12: Clap [01:29:09.369] Emmy64_: PogU Clap [01:29:09.769] SpecialOne: Clap [01:29:10.235] Helen_Croft: Clap [01:29:10.489] Jens_LN: o7 [01:29:12.412] ryanss2123: You called him dude? [01:29:12.610] odysseyextra: o7 [01:29:12.995] Chri55PBacon: Clap [01:29:14.493] Rangerbobox1: Clap [01:29:15.049] zombie_1981: Clap [01:29:15.212] Owly_9: rynali1Heart [01:29:15.257] peavey443: @amoyamoyamoya Am big fan amoya keep doin the lawds work [01:29:15.323] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [01:29:15.532] j0hnbanks117: Clap [01:29:15.792] xXNeroZashiXx: Clap [01:29:16.122] Emmy64_: o7 [01:29:16.522] McWigan: Clap [01:29:16.805] jrforsti: clap [01:29:17.884] megaroot: o7 [01:29:18.484] michalcleverr: clap [01:29:18.851] pyramidpancakes: LUL [01:29:21.109] duplotracer: clap [01:29:21.297] c__r__j: nanona1Transheart [01:29:22.631] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL [01:29:22.987] Stovamor: Clap Clap Clap mkoSalute mkoSalute mkoSalute helloitsSalute helloitsSalute [01:29:23.275] xenoman5: Flap [01:29:24.877] fazemankeys: are you a dude [01:29:25.133] peavey443: F f [01:29:27.639] McWigan: dude, not a dude [01:29:27.663] barbie_secretstanner: Clap [01:29:28.013] chaneiro2003: Clap [01:29:28.348] intritrrasa: do you edit your own videos or you have someone else do it [01:29:29.515] mrarceus15: Hi [01:29:30.534] huntxr14: irymoHypers irymoHypers irymoHypers [01:29:30.553] funkifungi22: dude is gender neutral [01:29:30.690] ryanss2123: Disrespectful [01:29:30.753] peavey443: Hell ya [01:29:30.761] xenoman5: Fap [01:29:30.975] siegezedgaming: yogurt [01:29:32.107] charthebean: dude is gender neutral you're good [01:29:33.928] Tareah: dude and bro are for everyone [01:29:34.128] Finn: im a dude Pog [01:29:34.871] Kolateak_: You fuck dudes? [01:29:38.506] axe1970: Captain Ray Holt : Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. [01:29:38.667] ridh04: clap them cheeks [01:29:39.741] meh_its_jack: What ever happened to speed dating chat? [01:29:42.899] fazemankeys: are you a man [01:29:45.229] AdsStan99: xqcDUD [01:29:45.997] HappyTrails2You: yes [01:29:47.041] charthebean: :3 [01:29:47.489] timboixd: I love fucking dudes [01:29:47.964] Rangerbobox1: CLIP IT [01:29:49.544] ryanss2123: Pancake [01:29:49.781] mr_ajokortti_korkort: <3 [01:29:50.355] DehizNuts: dudettes [01:29:50.396] Cazenn: Ok bro [01:29:50.877] octopodez: you called Her a dude [01:29:51.371] NUFC4life1979: f1nnRun [01:29:52.046] kammersgaard20: clip [01:29:52.891] Finn: so you're pan rooPog [01:29:53.092] Kinitawowi: f1nnPegChamp [01:29:53.648] Helen_Croft: !gender [01:29:53.917] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:29:58.833] intritrrasa: then i have a chance [01:29:58.980] Solus_kun: then your foooking stupid [01:29:59.531] Amoyamoyamoya: @peavey443, Thanks. [01:29:59.882] ClairavoyaSSB: @axe1970 Well said UwU [01:29:59.922] Narglepuff: dudes are hot [01:30:00.233] xenoman5: Dudette [01:30:00.636] dave9iq: Ok brooooooooooooooooooooooo [01:30:01.860] Chri55PBacon: ok [01:30:03.229] ryanss2123: Damnnnn [01:30:03.370] svampejagt: NEUTRAL LOOK QUEEN [01:30:04.156] AverousPixel: @timboixd mood [01:30:04.615] Ascara89: I thought you preferred to be on the receiving end [01:30:04.985] vanimal2118: Pretty obkatWowee [01:30:05.591] McWigan: @NUFC4life1979 msdvilAh69 [01:30:06.277] ryanss2123: Yes [01:30:06.877] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you really do :) [01:30:07.809] ryanss2123: X [01:30:09.329] Jens_LN: That's because your face is feminine ! [01:30:09.442] peavey443: Cheer100 dude [01:30:10.845] svampejagt: SHE GOT THAT NATURAL [01:30:12.198] braddle172: sheesh [01:30:12.596] Finn: too late [01:30:13.264] Solus_kun: Boooba [01:30:13.883] superneet69: Sheeesh [01:30:14.146] zombie_1981: hell yeah [01:30:16.186] megaroot: 👀 [01:30:21.958] natwentee: you are soo cute hun xoxo [01:30:22.014] huntxr14: Eyebrows on fleek [01:30:22.898] Iffy_Blue: !socials [01:30:23.155] f3mmbot Follow F1nn's socials : Twitter : https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER // YoutubeHIGHLIGHTS : https://www.youtube.com/c/F1nn5terLIVE // Discord : https://discord.gg/f1nn // Reddit : https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter // Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ // TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@f1nn5ter [01:30:25.867] YadTheLad: new viewer, is it appropriate to say Mommy 🥺, in this chat? [01:30:26.276] FlyingMortimer: your dress/figure looks amazing [01:30:26.804] c__r__j: F1nn moving on to the acceptance stage about looking feminine without makeup. [01:30:28.968] cherryymari: looks like you're making yourself blush lol [01:30:29.271] Solus_kun: finally on the knees again POGGERS [01:30:31.686] dave9iq: Sheeeesh [01:30:32.220] M4rkH4wk: fucked to tuck PogChamp [01:30:32.329] Haslak64: "I fuck dudes" - F1nn5ter 2022 [01:30:32.522] im_up_to_something: Nice 👍 [01:30:33.008] AppleSaph: @YadTheLad, only mother [01:30:35.407] cleopatree7: did you put a skirt under your dress ? lol [01:30:36.276] vanimal2118: Ribbed? [01:30:36.319] awesomerem1: Nice [01:30:38.054] Farkarth: what brand are the bobs? [01:30:39.387] intritrrasa: its girl month bro put some effort [01:30:39.861] denialdelivery798: are you wearing hip pads? [01:30:41.625] michalcleverr: remember when @f1nn5ter were in drumsy's youtube video? [01:30:42.218] Wobgels6: So wat u made do it [01:30:42.669] Shrek9871: i also cant be fucked [01:30:43.338] zimmieeeee: a great day to be confused sexually again LUL [01:30:44.883] charthebean: its summer time summer dresses coming? [01:30:46.544] mr_ajokortti_korkort: on his knees is F1nn's natural habitat [01:30:46.597] jandraelune: @cleopatree7 safety shorts [01:30:46.955] SeriousTTV: time out for emotes? [01:30:47.042] Jens_LN: Short is good [01:30:47.908] Kolateak_: DANGER [01:30:48.704] ryanss2123: Yess [01:30:50.054] mangoconchilezhy: hello! 🐢 [01:30:51.833] braddle172: danger [01:30:52.257] ryanss2123: Shorter the better [01:30:55.009] Finn: legs, legs, legs on the runway [01:30:56.902] eternaldebuff: boing [01:30:57.677] kammersgaard20: Danger [01:30:58.003] funkifungi22: it's kinda see through [01:31:00.032] Solus_kun: BOOBA [01:31:00.699] barbie_secretstanner: You need light coloured hip pads [01:31:01.197] Defrancofan67: Thighs! [01:31:04.694] YadTheLad: @AppleSaph aktWoops got it [01:31:05.446] ayarcee: Is it cold in your studio? [01:31:05.853] Akari_Exists: F1nn, why are you the only dude in my transition goals folder?? [01:31:07.063] vanimal2118: Living on the edge again? [01:31:08.296] r0ttten666: mommy [01:31:09.079] Kashe_vt: Mommy? [01:31:09.125] wilbur_der_graue: But it looks very good on you :3 [01:31:09.876] superneet69: Pray for a slip up [01:31:12.808] Owly_9: Looks like the ac is working [01:31:14.770] Sravishta: !gender [01:31:14.983] Rangerbobox1: mommy? [01:31:15.108] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:31:18.288] lukezi_: hukkaw15MIN [01:31:19.059] DrDoedle: BE CAREFUL [01:31:20.180] ryanss2123: How did you lose weight [01:31:23.073] LoadSmasher: F Me! [01:31:23.432] Stovamor: Since it's summer now (as much as we get in the UK) are you going to dig out all the summer dresses that I and others have sent? [01:31:24.359] rob_d11: That look great [01:31:25.659] DrDoedle: THIS IS DANGEROUS [01:31:26.784] thefairydingo: are we goingb to watch the boxing thing [01:31:28.389] AnY_csgo: why do you sound like a man? [01:31:31.104] Jens_LN: It's not burning [01:31:31.885] Helen_Croft: !llama [01:31:32.144] f3mmbot Alfred the Super Alpaca protects FInn's aircon unit! [01:31:33.093] vanimal2118: Ladies slips? [01:31:33.519] FlyingMortimer: nipples [01:31:33.716] awesomerem1: lol [01:31:34.802] braddle172: pokies [01:31:40.743] intritrrasa: he is a vegetarian simple [01:31:43.013] ryanss2123: Funny but seriously [01:31:45.851] svampejagt: Your nails are iconic [01:31:46.264] y0rk5h1r3: You got butt pads or is that cake all you? [01:31:46.406] Finn: i did crossfit lexicatDance [01:31:48.939] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER tell us when you go on that side so you can meet chat and have more content [01:31:51.291] Solus_kun: @Stovamor you know he lost them all KEKW [01:31:51.649] jeiceguerra1432: How to be that pretty [01:31:53.751] michalcleverr: remember when finn was in drumsys youtube video? [01:31:58.875] Kolateak_: AC working = cold = pokies [01:32:05.105] ryanss2123: Bro it’s 35C in LA stop complaining [01:32:06.310] Jens_LN: WE cannot call someone, because we don't know where you live ! [01:32:10.790] binarylight: how many calories did allow yourself? [01:32:12.459] huntxr14: What made you want to be vegetarian? [01:32:15.314] reaperenzeru: show us then [01:32:20.565] mrarceus15: Lol [01:32:21.680] scruffys_mustache: Autoerotic: being turned on by yourself [01:32:21.822] Stovamor: @ryanss2123, bro, LA houses are not built to retain the heat and have AC. Feck off [01:32:23.474] GammaNguyener_83: ?"?? [01:32:23.920] Bosinis: did u augmented ur man boobs? [01:32:31.661] vanimal2118: All natural cake! [01:32:46.339] y0rk5h1r3: It looks like it sticks out (behind) to me. [01:32:53.945] vanimal2118: Violation #69 [01:32:54.420] xenoman5: Hip pads are pog [01:32:55.452] Senevri: You can give percentage [01:32:59.424] troy_5he: what [01:33:00.677] barbie_secretstanner: You lost weight so fast last year [01:33:01.435] ZeusMoose0: thats insanely low damn [01:33:04.085] ryanss2123: @stovamor broo the ac is not even on lol [01:33:04.223] YadTheLad: thats like one bigmac combo [01:33:05.517] zimmieeeee: fin is a smol girl [01:33:06.123] Arthree: wat [01:33:09.859] ZeusMoose0: i mean, makes sense for you but for me thats insane [01:33:11.767] DehizNuts: that's fine [01:33:13.738] Jens_LN: damn, my maintenace is about 2k [01:33:18.971] xenooowo: what’s your opinion on cranberries? [01:33:28.593] charthebean: can stress this enough please be careful calorie counting!!! [01:33:30.742] troy_5he: my cut is 2600 cal [01:33:33.375] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:33:34.604] Amoyamoyamoya: It's TikTok booty shorts weather there now. [01:33:35.702] Kolateak_: Oma-gale [01:33:43.615] barbie_secretstanner: 1,200 is mine for weight loss as a 5’4 girl [01:33:49.266] tatiana_petrova: Rose's Body Sculpting, Inc. ;-) [01:33:54.722] flammenhl: just chatting MORE LIKE MORE BOOBIE! [01:33:55.615] Mak0_0kaM: 2k! [01:33:55.818] Stovamor: YOu are a smol bean @f1nn5ter [01:34:00.029] vanimal2118: See food diet [01:34:01.113] Mak0_0kaM: mine is 4K wtf [01:34:03.337] zimmieeeee: im american so i have just embraced being a fat LUL [01:34:03.649] Kolateak_: Damn, wish I could eat 2600 [01:34:04.606] c__r__j: F1nn has girly girl calorific requirement confirmed. [01:34:04.888] awesomerem1: i need 3K to maintain [01:34:06.010] chaneiro2003: How do you calculate that?? [01:34:07.652] lunarharvest: Has this become more than just for the memes at this point? [01:34:08.008] Senevri: You can have 1k and ONE good meal. [01:34:10.166] michalcleverr: @f1nn5ter remember when you were in drumsys youtube video? im pretty sure that it was 2 or 3 years ago XD [01:34:10.458] Ticklish_PP: why america make us so fat [01:34:11.423] genericaccount135: 1000 American or thousand British [01:34:12.684] Panther216: Im 6'1 and 260lbs 3k calories would probably make me lose [01:34:15.245] Senevri: Kinda hard to eat several times a day though [01:34:16.209] schadenfreudian_slip: i have tried to eat 1700 and I still gain with that little somehow [01:34:20.427] Emmy64_: Burrito isn't a good meal come on LUL [01:34:22.998] DrDoedle: have you ever thought about just dying and perming your natural lashes? [01:34:27.865] troy_5he: check calorie calculator online, that's a good estimate [01:34:31.287] Mak0_0kaM: my maintenance is 4k how are you only 2k [01:34:34.266] lunarharvest: Dont lie, when you do it with your girlfriend, do you ever stay dressed up? @F1NN5TER [01:34:35.189] Stovamor: He's also big into femboys [01:34:37.183] Jens_LN: And Kyle likes how you look :) [01:34:41.007] superneet69: 2400 for me [01:34:41.515] Royalbirhat: veggie burrito? [01:34:46.536] jacobccs: is it normal to know how many calories you eat? [01:34:48.000] chaneiro2003: KYLE [01:34:48.799] LittleChaSiu: he's into fitness dick in femboys' mouths [01:34:51.079] zombie_1981: you mean your bf [01:34:51.690] burgess_shale: CALORE DEFICIT METHOD WILL ALWAYS YOYO [01:34:52.082] Solus_kun: X [01:34:57.195] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, pow pow pow! [01:34:57.461] Kolateak_: 5'9 [01:34:57.980] c__r__j: @Stovamor Are there others? I thought Kyle was only hot for F1nn. [01:34:58.690] Rangerbobox1: X [01:34:59.068] aunalbrutal: @Stovamor Rose specific [01:35:01.680] troy_5he: convert it online [01:35:02.203] Defrancofan67: 5 9 [01:35:06.281] johnkeiwo: @LittleChaSiu, AYO ! [01:35:08.026] xenoman5: He wants to get his big boy into you [01:35:08.560] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 5'9 plus some copium [01:35:10.806] barbie_secretstanner: You can’t cheat up real height [01:35:10.945] Xylomn: 5 ft, 10 cm [01:35:12.866] jessica_starr001: jessica_starr001 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! G'day beautiful Rose how are u [01:35:13.042] f3mmbot jessica_starr001 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:35:19.099] vanimal2118: Just be healthy if u diet do it for u not others. [01:35:20.214] Stovamor: And Finn ignores that sass [01:35:24.516] Stovamor: sigh [01:35:25.502] Ticklish_PP: my chair is heavier than you LUL [01:35:26.237] eternaldebuff: 5'6. come on [01:35:27.550] y0rk5h1r3: Aren't you 22 yo? [01:35:31.450] xenoman5: 5’ 8” [01:35:52.732] LittleChaSiu: CRJ there was a meme in the podcast about a trans girl streamer named Lumi who people gave Kyle hella shit for being attracted to [01:35:57.057] michalcleverr: Hhey everyone remember when finn was in drumsys youtube video? [01:35:58.859] barbie_secretstanner: Lying about height and age [01:36:00.300] commanderredpanda: mine is 2700 [01:36:03.972] intritrrasa: are you planning on going on vacation [01:36:07.399] Arthree: BMR is how much you burn in a coma [01:36:07.528] Jens_LN: 69 inches [01:36:08.419] Solus_kun: 5,9 [01:36:08.651] ziwuri13: This isn't all there is to it. Depends on a lot of things. [01:36:08.690] rattlerake: why are we doing science i want cute boy boobs [01:36:09.391] Panther216: We know you are 5'4 its ok [01:36:11.707] Rangerbobox1: 4'10 [01:36:12.833] ryanss2123: 5’9 [01:36:13.962] AverousPixel: 5" 9' behaviour [01:36:14.393] DehizNuts: 58 [01:36:16.411] rebeccagyabeng: Lying about your age my dude [01:36:17.866] Stovamor: Chasiu's message :) [01:36:18.200] Spectre223: What do we mean? What do you mean? We measure you, shorty [01:36:19.683] winter69420: 5'1 [01:36:20.094] thecowpuncher3000: 22 [01:36:21.112] fishcake55: see outfit [01:36:21.339] grape2: 5'3 [01:36:22.101] c__r__j: @LittleChaSiu Oooh - OK. [01:36:23.598] commanderredpanda: you old bish [01:36:26.376] johnkeiwo: chasiu being sussy [01:36:28.035] fishcake55: lets see outfit [01:36:29.653] cleopatree7: how tall are you in cm ? [01:36:33.637] xenoman5: 5’ 8” [01:36:35.113] troy_5he: just Google maintenance calorie calculator [01:36:36.126] Natnnif: thanks f1nn [01:36:38.801] grape2: 3'4 (I am typing a random height in chat) [01:36:38.856] superneet69: My little brother is taller than you xd [01:36:44.350] huntxr14: Milf [01:36:52.800] 57ranma: When you pay to get a message to Finn and he still ignores you [01:36:54.293] JC_HK: try my fitness pal [01:37:03.605] fishcake55: havent seen outfit yet, lets see [01:37:03.711] vanimal2118: All on Bimbo Script chill [01:37:07.931] Jens_LN: low carb lowers insulin, which makes for less fat storage [01:37:09.694] y0rk5h1r3: I don't know 'bout you but I'm feelin' 22 [01:37:14.761] c__r__j: @johnkeiwo A sussy stream mod? Really? [01:37:15.903] rldrops1234562: jeez [01:37:23.340] general_of_cm: honesty just counting calories is way easier [01:37:29.097] Diio_1: more meat and salad. less pasta, potatos .. easy [01:37:35.470] troy_5he: yeah all that is mostly unnecessary, just make sure the total calories are right [01:37:43.850] Fizrug: it does not matter what kind of diet you are on, as long as you can stick to it [01:37:45.840] crazywink1: Hello [01:37:46.157] ozeantj: looking good F1nnyboy ;) [01:37:50.014] Emmy64_: Complex carbs are a mess, one day you are a skinny giraffe, then you look like a single mom PepeHands [01:37:53.422] commanderredpanda: I lost 110 in 12 [01:37:55.766] ICU_exe: wow i just noticed i have almost 15k points [01:38:12.830] KannaMoe: KannaMoe subscribed with Prime. [01:38:13.024] f3mmbot kannamoe subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kannamoe f1nn5tLezgang [01:38:14.247] crazywink1: Hi [01:38:16.664] fishcake55: see outfitttttttttttttttt [01:38:17.974] DeadlyPh3onix: f Ihave 20k [01:38:19.462] Keezits: Fin why do you cosplay like woman [01:38:21.184] M4rkH4wk: 300k LET ME SPEND THEM [01:38:21.670] SethwMad: heavenlyNotes [01:38:22.496] vanimal2118: Funny @emmy64_ [01:38:23.615] GammaNguyener_83: i have 25.7 k points [01:38:24.985] Helen_Croft: I made a reddit post @F1NN5TER [01:38:25.959] MrManIsTheMan: 67k [01:38:26.841] Stovamor: I already offered to heklp you on that @f1nn5ter [01:38:27.402] DehizNuts: nude [01:38:28.312] ryanss2123: I got 14k [01:38:32.816] captmarjac: Ja [01:38:32.852] noobsilent91: submit is a good word hehe [01:38:33.267] DarkMetalMouse: 114.8k [01:38:34.819] thedvs_1: 58k [01:38:36.677] Kolateak_: I never use my channel points on anything and never bet and I still have 160k [01:38:37.942] TragikSoul: i got 144k lol [01:38:38.145] duplotracer: i have 29.7 k [01:38:38.270] cvetko2004: i have 73k points ☠️ [01:38:42.283] 15aac05: I have 35k points [01:38:42.427] know1ook: was it high sodium food? sukiyuPartay [01:38:42.446] stumbling_warthog: 94k here [01:38:43.396] EmoExperat: i have 57k [01:38:44.212] skyboundmaster: 180k B) [01:38:44.814] finsquare2003: finsquare2003 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! hey, you have inspired me to start losing weight thankyou do much homie + 5 months pog [01:38:45.027] f3mmbot finsquare2003 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [01:38:46.702] Gigaknightdx: i lost All mine [01:38:46.920] Alkno_93: 852 i have [01:38:47.533] Stovamor: I also spoke to Seth already and forwarded Helen's ideas [01:38:49.143] thereal_joebiden: @DarkMetalMouse walk! [01:38:49.842] y0rk5h1r3: I've lost two stone two and a half pounds in the last four weeks [01:38:50.674] braddle172: 147k [01:38:51.571] cozysaiyan: Damn lmaoooo i got 18.5k [01:38:52.494] captskellybones: yo [01:38:53.259] buttercup4eve: my cat is crying [01:39:00.799] Tareah: @F1NN5TER that's healthy .. 5 ish pounds per month is very very healthy and sustainable. you did AMAZONG [01:39:01.714] awesomerem1: I like link [01:39:02.252] kasperkgf: I hate you!! you destroyed my sexuality!! [01:39:03.459] Tareah: amazing [01:39:05.768] hampyhampy: Hey nice Booba [01:39:05.908] Kolateak_: This is much more comfy [01:39:11.123] techano: my office lights are pink now NotLikeThis [01:39:11.768] benmaccagaming: Good daymmm [01:39:11.807] Helen_Croft: SeemsGood [01:39:12.817] vanimal2118: Pink overload? [01:39:15.515] barbie_secretstanner: Sleepover stream lighting [01:39:17.897] c__r__j: @y0rk5h1r3 ...and then you went baking. :p [01:39:21.147] fishcake55: lets see the outfit please, new to stream [01:39:21.234] mirissa_thisdud3186: Oh dam [01:39:21.423] troy_5he: you just need to go on a surplus and gain muscle now [01:39:29.466] Helen_Croft: @Stovamor SeemsGood [01:39:30.873] Stovamor: @matu6699akaloretta, cis crossdresser [01:39:31.383] Den_drummer: @techano F KEKW [01:39:40.955] Emmy64_: @vanimal2118 I mean i didn't had very much of thighs and hip meat, then i returned to pasta and other things, and well..... mkoTech [01:39:41.423] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j mostly for other people LUL [01:39:45.766] disnick123: BRED? I love bred... [01:39:48.109] superneet69: You ever fast before? [01:39:49.690] 57ranma: What happened to the collector cards on stream elements [01:39:49.877] mirissa_thisdud3186: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:39:53.386] intritrrasa: why do you eat your pizza with [01:39:54.736] midnight7432: Hiii [01:39:58.388] VTuberKandy: HELLO HOW ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!! [01:39:58.519] chaneiro2003: Why are you pink? [01:39:58.713] Diio_1: "delicates" xD [01:39:59.571] LittleChaSiu: 95, that's 35 in real units [01:40:00.293] FishWantGG: Truuu [01:40:01.409] Stovamor: ewww [01:40:04.416] matu6699akaloretta: Crossdresser= Man wearing women clothes? [01:40:07.119] vanimal2118: So ur room being pink working magic ? [01:40:11.436] nowaywellerman: @matu6699akaloretta yeah [01:40:13.775] Kolateak_: Pink is better [01:40:13.813] Jens_LN: is ok [01:40:13.979] barbie_secretstanner: Keep lighting [01:40:14.983] ThunderNoughts: yes [01:40:16.332] Stovamor: @matu6699akaloretta, yes, bgasically [01:40:17.320] ZeusMoose0: breathable underware exists??? [01:40:17.696] SeriousTTV: ammoHeman [01:40:18.231] matu6699akaloretta: Thanks! [01:40:21.094] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Why didn't you ever paint your streaming room to pink like you did paint your bedroom? [01:40:21.287] ryanss2123: Love pink [01:40:22.316] Chri55PBacon: its good [01:40:23.641] NUFC4life1979: @McWigan u ate a legend [01:40:28.133] Kolateak_: monkaS [01:40:29.557] VTuberKandy: Pink is amazing [01:40:29.734] barbie_secretstanner: No you gremlin [01:40:30.569] sniperlyfe911: Simp stream [01:40:30.685] OrionGamerCat: BRO STOP [01:40:31.005] tatterwinged: dan [01:40:31.012] denialdelivery798: good very good [01:40:32.778] timothygill_: <3 <3 [01:40:32.993] c__r__j: Tasteful. Very Amsterdam. Not at all sus. [01:40:33.686] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKE [01:40:34.712] Xylomn: for god sake will you stop changing my office lights [01:40:35.056] vidyagaem7: Looks good [01:40:35.640] Stovamor: Ah! The Gremlin's lair [01:40:35.887] PlayingonAdele: oh yeah [01:40:36.643] braddle172: monkaS [01:40:36.971] intritrrasa: pink better [01:40:37.109] Diio_1: Im surprised... you room i soo clean for ones [01:40:37.129] CyrusSQ: xqcStare [01:40:37.923] tatterwinged: alexaaa [01:40:37.990] Jens_LN: but .. you are not scary [01:40:39.815] kammersgaard20: sus [01:40:39.925] PlayingonAdele: "scarier" [01:40:40.314] techano: MY OFFICE LIGHTD ARE RED NOW [01:40:42.666] M4rkH4wk: set office lights to gremlin [01:40:42.807] Emmy64_: This is TOS [01:40:43.100] LamTion: monkaS [01:40:43.443] j0hnbanks117: monkaS [01:40:44.835] commanderredpanda: sexy [01:40:45.335] ryanss2123: Set office lights to black [01:40:45.815] Emmy64_: LUL [01:40:47.282] GammaNguyener_83: scary? more like sexy [01:40:47.416] glocxjay: If thats Scary, Then i Want it 😈 [01:40:48.439] OrionGamerCat: NOO [01:40:50.240] y0rk5h1r3: I love using stones (for weight) neither the Yanks nor the Europeans know what you're talking about LUL [01:40:50.676] OrionGamerCat: STOOP [01:40:50.848] alexx_net: Sus little gremlin [01:40:52.325] tatterwinged: ewww [01:40:52.881] packagum: SHREK [01:40:55.665] Jens_LN: Even Alexa isn't scared [01:40:55.862] Diio_1: "office" birnooKekw [01:40:56.672] barbie_secretstanner: Kinda cool [01:40:56.892] boomerangjack360: Did he admit to changing underwear whilst driving? [01:40:56.902] superneet69: Sloot eyes [01:40:59.897] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Gremlin color [01:41:02.554] duckdude21312: hi [01:41:04.160] tatterwinged: put to blue [01:41:04.847] Emmy64_: Green marketing vibe LUL [01:41:06.190] finsquare2003: wow colours [01:41:06.615] stg_eddie_ed: ya setting my alexa off!! [01:41:08.453] TonyaEllie: finn more like finally some good content [01:41:09.115] Den_drummer: I wonder what hot pink would result to (because bimbo month) [01:41:09.560] ozeantj: shrek2 [01:41:11.866] tatterwinged: thats cool [01:41:12.416] becausethatguy: put em hoops on [01:41:13.207] benmaccagaming: MY ALEXA WILL NOT SHUT UP NOW THANKS [01:41:16.835] Xylomn: stop playing with our lights [01:41:19.544] toxic_jaguar0711: hi [01:41:20.395] Emmy64_: Lesbian music video vibe TriHard [01:41:20.957] finsquare2003: purple is a vibe [01:41:22.978] M4rkH4wk: BisexualPride lighting PogChamp [01:41:25.875] ruth_being: its not flat i repeat [01:41:26.128] hampyhampy: Alexa set office lights to blue cheerwhal100 [01:41:26.331] woomy_47: Ur setting off my Alexa pls for the love of god stop BibleThump [01:41:27.103] mr_ajokortti_korkort: pink is the best color [01:41:29.895] MiloMalice: purble better [01:41:32.072] intritrrasa: i think he likes pink [01:41:32.296] DehizNuts: show neck [01:41:33.295] y0rk5h1r3: HE LIKES PINK!!! [01:41:34.516] smallsullivan: R u a man or a woman I’m new here [01:41:35.493] Varginator: Varginator subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! [01:41:35.703] f3mmbot varginator subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:41:36.797] tatterwinged: pink is nice adn soft [01:41:39.795] ThunderNoughts: red was good [01:41:41.236] finsquare2003: noe [01:41:42.733] techano: magenta is pretty good on my lights if you wanna give that a shot SeemsGood [01:41:43.281] braddle172: purple kinda cool [01:41:44.466] mozzer9321: You prefer white on your face [01:41:45.441] fishcake55: lets see dress [01:41:46.456] ryanss2123: Poll [01:41:46.801] ryagod04: bro is mesmerising 💀 [01:41:47.371] just_call_me_kei: When you change the office lights it reminds me of that sleepover stream, that was fun [01:41:48.190] duckdude21312: hi [01:41:49.195] benmaccagaming: Purple fav colour [01:41:50.250] eternaldebuff: sloot lighting [01:41:51.335] burgess_shale: "I FUCK WITH PINK" [01:41:58.448] tatterwinged: OHH blue is nice!! [01:41:58.611] glocxjay: Bro [01:42:01.442] Emmy64_: Purple looked very cute tbh [01:42:03.332] y0rk5h1r3: Da ba dee da ba die [01:42:03.356] Den_drummer: da be dee da be dai [01:42:04.437] Kolateak_: Dim blue would be very nice [01:42:06.489] Jens_LN: Set office light tp Plaid [01:42:07.267] scruffys_mustache: It’s 46° C where I am [01:42:08.278] alexx_net: Rose blames chat for pink, then says, "Pink best, I like pink." f1nnLaff [01:42:08.716] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [01:42:09.550] Defrancofan67: Eh too dark [01:42:10.285] InfiniteCoyotetime: blue is the warmest colour, after all [01:42:12.433] xxlillybear: You look really pretty today as always :D [01:42:14.996] cleopatree7: blue soo cool [01:42:15.557] techano: give a shot at magenta [01:42:17.564] GammaNguyener_83: is there options for multiple colors [01:42:18.395] DehizNuts: you know what they say: two in the pink one in the [01:42:19.873] Helen_Croft: !lips [01:42:21.204] duckdude21312: hi********************** [01:42:21.975] VTuberKandy: PINKKK [01:42:29.107] becausethatguy: put the hoops earrings on [01:42:30.995] mzinker: channel points to change lights [01:42:31.685] benmaccagaming: Bloody colour rave in my room your pissing off my Alexa [01:42:31.981] birdpuller108: damn the mexico filter is sick [01:42:34.708] tatterwinged: anything blue-ish is flattering for ur skin [01:42:36.514] alexx_net: @InfiniteCoyotetime, f1nnLezgang [01:42:37.639] Helen_Croft: !lipstick [01:42:37.900] f3mmbot Pink. It's always pink. [01:42:39.046] M4rkH4wk: Alexa, set office lights to Octarine. [01:42:42.891] Xylomn: yeah mine [01:42:44.451] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn making my Alexa crazy rn now... [01:42:45.263] Emmy64_: Changing? TriHard [01:42:45.405] LanaBread: fiiiiinnster, you dont have to put on the red light [01:42:47.722] DehizNuts: hey bixby [01:42:48.973] great_cthulhu__: Pink is too bright [01:42:50.545] kikogitar: can alexa hear tts? [01:42:52.286] 6Foot3Inches: you room is a disco show KEKW [01:42:55.803] Jens_LN: You know that Alexa learns ? [01:42:55.970] Gigaknightdx: orange! [01:42:56.966] ryagod04: PogU [01:42:57.724] SethwMad: heavenlyNotes heavenlyNotes [01:42:59.388] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:43:00.291] c__r__j: @M4rkH4wk I spy a Pratchett fan! [01:43:01.011] GammaNguyener_83: SET IT TO MANGENTA [01:43:02.410] techano: my lights are going insane NotLikeThis try magenta though [01:43:02.456] sailorvalued: everytime I tune into this stream I question everything about myself. 😫😫 [01:43:06.637] dr_kegel: dual light mode: red from one side, blue from another? [01:43:07.819] matt_b39: I had to hit the privacy button [01:43:08.477] VTuberKandy: Hello @F1NN5TER how are you? [01:43:09.529] denialdelivery798: what are you playing with [01:43:11.558] Emmy64_: This will be a RGB lamp rose CaitlynS [01:43:12.178] Amoyamoyamoya: @M4rkH4wk, Sounds like a "Color of Magic." [01:43:13.369] Kolateak_: Set office lights to off [01:43:18.152] M4rkH4wk: guilty as charged [01:43:18.193] Farkarth: waht brand of bobs are those? [01:43:19.770] IRatCheese: fem boi [01:43:21.560] Jens_LN: nipples. :) [01:43:24.767] ruth_being: we can see nippies [01:43:28.560] kasperkgf: Idk what does "Most popular "woman" mean. I'm so confused, please someone tell me what that mean!! [01:43:36.387] vanimal2118: @sethwmad in secretary outfit today? [01:43:37.426] ryanss2123: Racist [01:43:37.728] hampyhampy: Alexa change office lights off [01:43:43.015] vidyagaem7: Nice nips bro [01:43:45.746] jvlivs777: eyyyoooo 😊🙌 [01:43:46.102] beanloafy: how do they fit on so seamlessly? [01:43:46.274] LittleChaSiu: white label yee [01:43:47.092] DarkNeonRR: YO [01:43:49.838] sailorvalued: @kasperkgf join us [01:43:51.646] Globalnuclear: Change light for channel points = epilepsia warning [01:43:52.466] SethwMad: @vanimal2118 No [01:43:53.361] K1ngCreole: f1nnLezgang [01:43:55.577] hampyhampy: Alexa change office lights off cheerwhal100 [01:43:58.369] kikogitar: show it [01:43:58.746] ewoetoe: proof it [01:44:00.254] burgess_shale: DO TEN [01:44:01.293] techano: f1nn try magenta it works really well on my lights Kappa [01:44:04.131] K1ngCreole: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [01:44:04.921] lwazithesyne: proof [01:44:05.429] soerrenderman: x [01:44:06.407] braddle172: prove [01:44:07.160] Solus_kun: X [01:44:07.200] sjoonyje: do them then pussy [01:44:08.110] mr_ajokortti_korkort: all words and no deeds [01:44:08.696] Flippi_12: X [01:44:09.680] vanimal2118: Could? [01:44:10.839] troy_5he: I'm sure there not full range of motion push ups [01:44:11.672] dmaxFIN: testotTesto testotTesto [01:44:12.050] jvlivs777: !uptime [01:44:12.327] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 44m 17s [01:44:12.477] j0hnbanks117: X [01:44:14.140] baelphes: plz dont, we need the noodles [01:44:14.171] rob_d11: Prove it [01:44:14.249] kikogitar: X [01:44:14.390] DehizNuts: do 20 without breathing [01:44:14.594] ThunderNoughts: coward [01:44:15.799] Silas_BR: Channel points for push-ups [01:44:15.917] dominqtor131: manly man can only do ten lmao [01:44:16.132] tatterwinged: im a girl and i can do 12 [01:44:16.833] alexx_net: X [01:44:17.289] SeriousTTV: f1nnBingbong [01:44:18.073] LittleChaSiu: we need to get Seth in on the official outfit [01:44:21.041] birdpuller108: dew it [01:44:21.153] ryanss2123: Scam [01:44:26.840] LittleChaSiu: like a version of our moderator outfit [01:44:26.878] scruffys_mustache: Cap [01:44:30.595] VTuberKandy: How are you and how was your day? [01:44:35.661] Senevri: Push-ups are a function of STR and weight. I can maybe do 10 push-ups, but I weigh waaaay more. [01:44:36.558] Xylomn: gremlin mode [01:44:38.949] tatterwinged: isnt flattering [01:44:40.248] sailorvalued: f1nn I beat ninja on a ft10 be proud of me [01:44:40.794] Solus_kun: Put it to Black [01:44:43.736] finsquare2003: infact green [01:44:44.241] voconathem: Are boneless chicken wings real? [01:44:44.287] kasperkgf: @sailorvalued my sexuality is destroyed, what now?? [01:44:45.392] Senevri: Alexa, set the office lights to bisexual [01:44:47.154] techano: put lights to magenta [01:44:47.542] Stovamor: @tytsyyyy, a person. fuck off [01:44:50.683] mzinker: 10 dollars a pushup? [01:44:53.998] InfiniteCoyotetime: blacklight stream when [01:44:55.252] finsquare2003: bruh... [01:44:55.921] c__r__j: Green contrasts nicely with Pink Chair, though. [01:45:00.458] AppleSaph: @tostyboi456 a guy [01:45:00.597] Kolateak_: I love it [01:45:00.664] M4rkH4wk: can alexa set office lights to rainbow RGB? [01:45:00.678] jvlivs777: omg 😱 [01:45:09.591] Solus_kun: I WANT BLACK argggggggggggggh [01:45:09.909] sailorvalued: @kasperkgf you'll figure it out eventually [01:45:12.471] jvlivs777: !uptime [01:45:12.614] Kolateak_: I live in the darkness [01:45:12.750] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 45m 18s [01:45:13.514] vanimal2118: Do have black light? Scary! [01:45:16.994] Jens_LN: You look even more Feminine [01:45:17.539] DehizNuts: turn off lights uwu [01:45:18.499] StrawberryUtopia: You just turned off by lights here lol [01:45:18.955] braddle172: cozy [01:45:18.982] techano: uv lights in Finns room Kappa [01:45:19.372] xxemoslqur: hi finn [01:45:19.898] InfiniteCoyotetime: it's moody [01:45:21.337] Helen_Croft: monkaS [01:45:21.783] finsquare2003: spooky [01:45:21.876] ryanss2123: No [01:45:22.047] empirechaotix: Kinda surprised you didn't to a watch-along to eurovision this year. i could imagine your commentary would have been quite funny. [01:45:22.597] eternaldebuff: WHAT IS THIS ZOOM [01:45:22.889] Amoyamoyamoya: If you're illuminated in a color that is the complement to your clothing color, the clothing will appear "neutral" so white or a shade of gray. [01:45:23.340] Jens_LN: Not scared [01:45:24.392] VoxExsulis: Alexa forcibly feminize chat [01:45:24.625] Solus_kun: i like it tbh LUL [01:45:25.604] InfiniteCoyotetime: tell us a scary story [01:45:25.700] SethwMad: Are ye shcared keeds [01:45:25.855] mr_ajokortti_korkort: sounds intriguing [01:45:25.957] rgkagero: no [01:45:26.929] j0hnbanks117: monkaS [01:45:27.520] grape2: monkaS [01:45:29.609] feelmyfunk: scared of that big IQ [01:45:29.969] ryanss2123: Nope [01:45:30.169] rgkagero: horny [01:45:30.440] xxemoslqur: nah i am excited [01:45:30.724] Flippi_12: monkaS [01:45:30.760] timboixd: don't touch me there f1n!!!! [01:45:31.905] dave9iq: I’m scared [01:45:34.552] Emmy64_: Kappa im tickling actually LUL [01:45:35.024] denialdelivery798: oh now we're talking [01:45:35.543] finsquare2003: timbers = shivered [01:45:35.731] Defrancofan67: Gremlin! [01:45:35.782] ZeusMoose0: spoopy [01:45:35.796] vanillestern: play the evil dead game [01:45:35.820] silvalie_: why are you girl? [01:45:36.530] Jens_LN: scared of .. you ? :D [01:45:36.562] spicydiarrhea62: but finn, the name lore BibleThump [01:45:37.051] generationken: Try purple/magenta [01:45:39.953] Kolateak_: My room never has the lights on [01:45:41.215] tronmanthing_: not spooked just uncomfortable [01:45:41.686] Globalnuclear: Beautiful girl cannot scare me [01:45:42.280] disnick123: Im scared mommy... turn on the lights again.... [01:45:43.814] alexx_net: "Don't threaten me with a good time." [01:45:44.035] general_of_cm: m o i s t [01:45:44.390] the_mist_demon: not really [01:45:45.374] alpahpleco: !uptime [01:45:45.630] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 45m 51s [01:45:45.770] Flippi_12: gremlin in the dark are scary [01:45:45.824] eternaldebuff: creepypasta lighting [01:45:46.336] c__r__j: Moist? Sweaty, you mean. [01:45:46.438] Chri55PBacon: mommy im scared [01:45:47.913] GrahamFoxDelta: It do appear moist [01:45:48.492] nowaywellerman: @silvalie_ BigPhish [01:45:49.652] y0rk5h1r3: I'm not stuck in here with you, YOU'RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME!!! [01:45:50.288] troy_5he: not it's just a 5'5 girl making weird faces [01:45:50.426] theking_cool: I was born in the darkness molded by it [01:45:50.702] grape2: OMEGALUL [01:45:51.795] benmaccagaming: My Alexa: sorry I do not understand Me: Shut the fuck up bitch [01:45:52.078] Princzhun: gremlin [01:45:53.033] TurnOneBrainstorm: Hold me Fin, I’m scared [01:45:55.066] finsquare2003: pog? [01:45:55.834] superneet69: Pp rising [01:45:59.596] Emmy64_: Moist KEKW hold on.... [01:46:08.351] kasperkgf: @sailorvalued ohh god [01:46:09.622] meh_its_jack: I like this lighting [01:46:13.613] jvlivs777: have a nice day 😁 [01:46:17.143] Jens_LN: You say "Thank you for the apology" [01:46:18.291] fishcake55: tuck so u can show us full outfit [01:46:20.503] SethwMad: M O I S T [01:46:24.239] Kong712: i see you had fun on the pka podcast [01:46:29.346] InfiniteCoyotetime: second-biggest moist [01:46:29.626] lwazithesyne: UNBAN REQUESTS [01:46:31.290] im_up_to_something: Enjoyed the mood light ✨️ [01:46:34.333] agh0ststory: @sailorvalued agh0stGaussHog [01:46:37.432] spicydiarrhea62: you were gonna explain the lore behind your name? BibleThump [01:46:44.127] finsquare2003: based? [01:46:54.655] techano: TRY MAGENTA looks really good on my lights [01:46:56.450] vanimal2118: $250 grants wish [01:47:03.156] Stovamor: @sjoonyje, welcome to twitch. If you don't like it, you're not gonna have a good time on this site [01:47:05.361] Amoyamoyamoya: Laughs in 5000K lighting. [01:47:12.229] tatterwinged: BEDROMM [01:47:15.125] Solus_kun: Ohhhhh [01:47:18.533] OGpiepro: alexa whats my ip addresss [01:47:19.724] mr_ajokortti_korkort: magenta is actually not a color [01:47:20.190] tatterwinged: magenta is nice i think [01:47:21.479] Emmy64_: Meh [01:47:23.092] Solus_kun: Magenta such a great idea [01:47:24.071] Jacob135Evans: Jacob135Evans subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [01:47:24.255] f3mmbot jacob135evans subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [01:47:25.766] Globalnuclear: challenge - do makeup only with ultraviolet lamp [01:47:29.478] libbyxhx11: Hi [01:47:30.208] TakeOnWill: i like the darker colours [01:47:31.038] Solus_kun: who had the idea for Magenta ? [01:47:44.967] zombie_bear34: try navy blue [01:47:47.274] Emmy64_: @techano that dude [01:47:51.819] mr_ajokortti_korkort: magenta is a color that your brain has made up basically [01:47:53.253] that_colin_guy: want f1nn someone's name that you took [01:47:56.585] grape2: miles "tails" prowler [01:47:56.849] general_of_cm: Finster is the original Mumbo Jumbo [01:47:58.211] finsquare2003: I was called finster throughout my childhood lol, but my name is finlay so I get it [01:47:59.008] that_colin_guy: ? [01:48:01.321] Solus_kun: !hug @techano [01:48:01.623] f3mmbot @techano gets a big hug from solus_kun <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [01:48:03.595] techano: @solus_kun me [01:48:03.855] spherist777: Are you gonna transition? @f1nn5ter like start estrogen? [01:48:09.784] Stovamor: @spherist777, nope [01:48:11.080] IRatCheese: Dude amouranth cant even compete with you [01:48:12.871] spherist777: Im trans but ill never transition [01:48:27.281] Globalnuclear: @spherist777 in 2-3 years we will see [01:48:38.064] Solus_kun: @techano great idea totally forgot it :) [01:48:38.631] smin2001: @spherist777 u don't need transition to be valid [01:48:39.621] Emmy64_: Just put it on RGB breathing already, this will be a mess with all of our points LUL [01:48:43.989] kasperkgf: I'm not gay, pls someone say that this person, is a woman. pls [01:48:53.411] stumbling_warthog: and that's how he started dressing like a woman [01:48:55.204] techano: @solus_kun magenta works really well for my setup which is why I mentioned it, not as bright as pink and not as dark as purple SeemsGood [01:48:56.031] chonkymonkythegoat: @kasperkgf its a dude [01:48:57.880] sjoonyje: @kasperkgf nah [01:48:58.614] Kolateak_: F1NN lore [01:48:59.069] skyboundmaster: Stole someones username KEKW [01:48:59.860] vanimal2118: !gender [01:49:00.131] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [01:49:02.248] johnkeiwo: YOINKED [01:49:02.409] MiloMalice: wow poser [01:49:04.352] spicydiarrhea62: POGGIES the lore [01:49:07.478] y0rk5h1r3: You play on Woodycraft back in the day? [01:49:07.790] finsquare2003: thief [01:49:10.670] M4rkH4wk: literally yoinking [01:49:11.167] braddle172: l o r e [01:49:11.606] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER put the lights to Disco mode KEKW let it changed every sec OMEGALUL [01:49:13.612] that_colin_guy: thought I heard the story before [01:49:13.643] Lazanite: Lazanite subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:49:13.698] packagum: YOINK [01:49:13.830] f3mmbot lazanite subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:49:15.934] troy_5he: so his real name isn't Finn? [01:49:16.120] mx_crimson: YOINKED indeed [01:49:16.642] sp00ny76: I just subed a few days ago and now twitch is asking me to extend my sub [01:49:18.581] tatterwinged: wait ur name isnt actually finn [01:49:18.958] spherist777: @smin2001 im just very fwminine looking and yeah idk [01:49:19.159] PlayingonAdele: so wait, youre not really finn? [01:49:26.485] d1nnozo: @kasperkgf You might be finsexual. [01:49:26.512] Amoyamoyamoya: Our life is a lie. [01:49:28.350] SusuSenpai: YOUR NAME IS NOT FINN ???????? [01:49:32.058] babykat69: hey jude [01:49:32.258] 6Foot3Inches: WOODY used his kids for content so freaking wierd [01:49:33.458] Solus_kun: @techano yea Magenta is really great :) [01:49:38.759] Kolateak_: I was also given this username and just... took it for myself. My friend had a friend and I was given a Club Penguin account called Kolateak [01:49:38.805] fatsopatso1: !uptime [01:49:39.078] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 49m 44s [01:49:39.159] dominqtor131: bro you have to keep checking walls [01:49:40.863] bmc118: so youre telling me there's some bloke out there raging about how a crossdresser stole his account and is now more successful than him? [01:49:42.200] kasperkgf: @sjoonyje bruhh, what now? [01:49:43.154] zombie_bear34: try navy blue for the lights [01:49:43.510] that_colin_guy: does the original f1nn still play MC? [01:49:45.800] the_random_art_kid: your names not Finn [01:49:47.289] SethwMad: I played hardcore and you have more hours than me :( [01:49:47.472] alexx_net: She's called Lady Elizabeth Rose [01:49:48.175] libbyxhx11: Cheer10 [01:49:51.473] acaldri: What are you swinging around? [01:49:51.496] Helen_Croft: @SusuSenpai Its Rose [01:49:54.886] Jens_LN: Bobs are good though [01:49:56.614] HadukenSpammer: They look great! [01:49:57.049] superneet69: Thicc [01:49:58.312] l3laz3de: so what I'm getting is... someone else owns you [01:50:00.939] awesomerem1: Jude [01:50:02.627] Farkarth: waht size are the bobs? D or DD? [01:50:03.207] ZeusMoose0: hey jude [01:50:03.892] M4rkH4wk: na na na na [01:50:04.191] vapecuck: all my friends think im gay because of you [01:50:04.944] LittleChaSiu: Rose Elizabeth smh it's Girl Month [01:50:05.674] Lawrantra: <3 <3 <3 [01:50:05.866] finsquare2003: he is jude, I am fin :) [01:50:06.639] Star_Court: hey jude. both make it bad [01:50:07.022] general_of_cm: not Rose?!?! Kappa [01:50:07.369] tatterwinged: my life is a lie [01:50:10.540] troy_5he: Judy? [01:50:13.350] GammaNguyener_83: jude?! [01:50:14.558] TheRainbowSlime: naaaaaaaaaaaa [01:50:17.238] Helen_Croft: !bobs [01:50:17.503] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [01:50:20.460] jpatadia: How much do we have to donate for a stream where F1nn gets different hairstyles [01:50:22.107] arumikat: Jude!? [01:50:22.876] xenoman5: Love them titties [01:50:24.120] dominqtor131: @vapecuck i think you are too [01:50:26.510] vidyagaem7: Hey Jude [01:50:26.998] zombie_bear34: wow [01:50:32.774] stumbling_warthog: the beatles made a song about him [01:50:36.351] disnick123: What's a jude Rose??? Is like something related to Judo??? Like the sport? [01:50:36.641] cerberuscorpse97: cerberuscorpse97 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! hey man been watching for a while luv you hope you're doing well [01:50:36.826] f3mmbot cerberuscorpse97 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:50:38.265] zombie_bear34: wow moment [01:50:38.330] murphythedoge: What do you think about eurovision [01:50:41.069] c__r__j: I thought you bought your mum an iPhone, F1nn! [01:50:42.716] mx_crimson: isn't it ROSE this month [01:50:47.920] fr1eddricee: WHAT YOU CAN DRINK AT 16??!! [01:50:50.372] jpatadia: Sorry [01:50:50.854] xenoman5: Are you hot or are you cool? [01:50:53.107] Emmy64_: I got a hot wheels for drinking one time, its the intention f1nnSad <3 [01:50:53.607] unopenedcookies: how ironic to still have a gender-neutral name in real life [01:50:54.884] M4rkH4wk: gift from the inlaws PogChamp [01:50:58.915] y0rk5h1r3: Jude, it's like your parents knew your future LUL [01:51:02.910] jpatadia: What do we have to do to get a hairstyle stream for Rose [01:51:04.358] LittleChaSiu: "son" [01:51:04.715] Helen_Croft: !freesub [01:51:04.972] f3mmbot helen_croft just subscribed! Welcome to the lez-gang helen_croft f1nn5tLezgang [01:51:06.934] j0hnbanks117: @fr1eddricee welcome to UK buddy [01:51:07.898] c__r__j: iPhone is cheap gift, confirmed. [01:51:08.266] vanimal2118: @littlechasiu violations extend GM's? [01:51:10.120] LittleChaSiu: """son""" [01:51:13.293] huntxr14: Only thing I got for my birthday was a high five [01:51:15.107] Jens_LN: !watch [01:51:15.381] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [01:51:15.689] packagum: my parents paid for my drivers license when i turned 16 [01:51:16.287] Cannonboot: @F1NN5TER I guess love language , some peoples and families love language is gift giving [01:51:18.707] LittleChaSiu: """"""""""son"""""""""" [01:51:19.367] spicydiarrhea62: @j0hnbanks117 LUL rest of the world seems to have way mroe sensible drinking laws [01:51:20.405] Emmy64_: daughtern't [01:51:20.737] mzinker: same guy who bought a watch for himself doesn't get gives gifts [01:51:21.065] general_of_cm: the pc [01:51:23.086] stumbling_warthog: and the knives [01:51:24.134] alexx_net: "Son" f1nnLaff [01:51:27.214] TopbitActual: Son? Daughter, apparently [01:51:29.020] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, IKR? [01:51:33.111] c__r__j: Son "still" [01:51:35.447] fishcake55: tuck so u can show u outfit [01:51:37.295] disnick123: Son??? you have a brother Rose? [01:51:37.908] xenoman5: Isn’t it your daughter is a success? [01:51:39.283] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, Sum ting wrong. [01:51:40.185] meh_its_jack: Knives [01:51:41.224] finsquare2003: @fr1eddricee you can drink as young as 4 I believe as long as its in ur own home with parent permission, in the uk at least lol [01:51:41.627] meh_its_jack: Guns [01:51:41.809] denialdelivery798: didn't you get a 40 dollar underwear [01:51:41.926] Jens_LN: knives ? [01:51:43.932] janciiis: why are you dressing up as a girl [01:51:45.178] tangolettuce: Wait what kind of watch? [01:51:45.710] Jansiman: @F1NN5TER Show the omega PogU [01:51:48.011] packagum: is to blow up [01:51:49.551] mx_crimson: "still" [01:51:49.643] sp00ny76: sp00ny76 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [01:51:49.824] f3mmbot sp00ny76 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:51:50.333] Amoyamoyamoya: !watch [01:51:50.590] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [01:51:51.160] meh_its_jack: Girl clothes [01:51:54.194] DustyBune41: that's what she said [01:51:55.986] murphythedoge: my mango is 2 blou up [01:51:56.450] xenoman5: Booba [01:51:57.323] MattyVmp3: and act like i dont know nobody [01:51:58.073] Stovamor: @janciiis, cos he can and cos people pay him to [01:51:59.875] fishcake55: tuck so u can show us outfit from the front [01:52:02.076] M4rkH4wk: blow up and act like you dont know nobody? [01:52:03.059] MaJiiKz: den act like i dont no nobody [01:52:03.659] Cannonboot: AGREED [01:52:04.774] Emo_Jensen: "my main goal is to blow up" [01:52:05.616] AppleSaph: @tangolettuce, for the money [01:52:15.200] zombie_bear34: what's the toy in the background cmonBruh [01:52:17.575] meh_its_jack: And then act like I don’t know nobody!!! [01:52:18.316] xenoman5: Girls wardrobe [01:52:19.158] general_of_cm: isnt your main goal to blow up and then act like you dont know nobody [01:52:19.691] Cannonboot: w OMEGALUL rk [01:52:20.683] carlosdiazm_: @xenoman5 my man [01:52:25.316] MaJiiKz: my mango blow up [01:52:26.655] stumbling_warthog: a peepo pleaser [01:52:30.670] spee1938: the most expensive thing I own is my 4000 dollar gaming computer [01:52:31.986] LittleChaSiu: it's a guitar [01:52:32.272] jpatadia: Can we agree that rose has the best job [01:52:32.439] superneet69: Pure [01:52:35.332] LittleChaSiu: Fuslie moment [01:52:36.148] grape2: a lump of wood conurePOGGER [01:52:37.662] empirechaotix: when you get to a certain amount of money, money can no longer give you happiness. you have to look for it elsewhere [01:52:41.158] dominqtor131: ehr [01:52:42.025] vanimal2118: Doubt u would b alone unless u wished 2 b? [01:52:42.930] Stovamor: @zombie_bear34, it's an alpaca [01:52:43.674] M4rkH4wk: it was well shite [01:52:43.985] spicydiarrhea62: i'd pick the 10 million dollars cuz making friends is way more accessible than trying to claw your way up to 10 milly lol [01:52:45.595] jacobccs: Europe is biased [01:52:47.127] finsquare2003: @emo_jensen "and act like I aint know nobody" [01:52:50.203] Typh00nSimRacing: im clipping that lmao [01:52:51.909] xenoman5: Didn’t you buy a house too? [01:52:53.603] colintard: I need bacon [01:53:02.737] Chri55PBacon: hey [01:53:09.795] vanimal2118: Bacon! [01:53:12.443] Spectre223: It is this year! Sam Ryder is a beautiful human being. We won't win because no-one likes us as a country and people vote for countries, not songs, but Sam is great [01:53:13.316] huntxr14: I’d rather watch paint dry than Eurovision [01:53:16.678] Kolateak_: Moth [01:53:18.572] Kolateak_: D: [01:53:19.601] awesomerem1: The moth again [01:53:19.865] Jens_LN: There is no Moth ! [01:53:20.453] jpatadia: How much for a hairstyle stream? [01:53:21.013] codecraft3r: D: [01:53:21.052] acaldri: wait! [01:53:22.704] juddle: noooo [01:53:23.583] TheStarGamer1238: use air soft [01:53:23.889] mr_ajokortti_korkort: poor moth [01:53:24.368] Jens_LN: Girl Moth [01:53:25.250] Tavsh: CowJAM [01:53:25.541] juddle: :( moth [01:53:25.966] packagum: NOOOOOO [01:53:26.678] braddle172: moth back [01:53:27.126] xXNeroZashiXx: cry baby😂🌹 [01:53:27.737] Silas_BR: F [01:53:28.482] sp00ny76: monster moth kill it [01:53:28.484] GammaNguyener_83: NOOOOOOOO [01:53:30.640] superneet69: Moth invasion [01:53:30.763] rgkagero: the moth still alive [01:53:31.764] CyrusSQ: fuck moths [01:53:31.912] hhehehehehehehheeh: 0-0 [01:53:32.785] chal1xx: lollololo [01:53:32.825] general_of_cm: F [01:53:33.048] Flippi_12: m OMEGALUL th [01:53:33.254] troy_5he: MURDERER [01:53:33.552] rgkagero: noo [01:53:33.861] finsquare2003: NO UR VEGGIE DONT KILL IT [01:53:34.375] j0hnbanks117: what moth [01:53:34.477] stumbling_warthog: murderer [01:53:36.275] Tradjiik: o7 for the moth [01:53:37.163] pyramidpancakes: D: [01:53:37.672] Anxious_Dreamer: D: [01:53:38.238] donko812: Nooo [01:53:38.281] VedoNobal: lol [01:53:38.414] Kashe_vt: F [01:53:39.676] mx_crimson: l a m p [01:53:40.073] zombie_bear34: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog [01:53:40.752] packagum: ellahoCrie [01:53:41.320] Chri55PBacon: uh oh [01:53:41.346] theking_cool: the moth [01:53:41.504] chaneiro2003: NOOOOOOO [01:53:41.630] HappyTrails2You: mothra [01:53:43.091] acaldri: dont kill the moth!! D: [01:53:43.674] oshilou: Let us watch the killing! LUL [01:53:43.917] zombie_1981: D: [01:53:44.634] j0hnbanks117: D: [01:53:44.909] staleplate: poor moth [01:53:45.494] donko812: let it out of your stinky room! [01:53:45.904] Jens_LN: Why did he put wait screen on ? [01:53:46.645] general_of_cm: use Gun!!! [01:53:47.250] hhehehehehehehheeh: Man [01:53:47.280] hetisjeneef: the spoonk [01:53:48.315] fiyaproof: literal animal cruelty [01:53:48.546] aunalbrutal: Eurovision is too old of a show and needs to be replaced [01:53:49.771] kiefer95856: LOL!! [01:53:49.781] packagum: MOTH FRIEND [01:53:49.855] vanimal2118: Camera Malfunction alert [01:53:50.605] xenoman5: Show us [01:53:50.883] finsquare2003: SAVE THE MOTH [01:53:51.786] hetisjeneef: sponk [01:53:51.786] hhehehehehehehheeh: It’s a man [01:53:51.847] madfruity: LUL [01:53:51.949] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [01:53:52.759] tronmanthing_: EAT THE MOTH [01:53:55.229] tangolettuce: Let him live D: [01:53:55.564] VietnamVet1: LUL [01:53:55.611] dominqtor131: KILL THE MOTH [01:53:55.731] xenoman5: MOTH [01:53:56.491] cleopatree7: just the sound is so funny [01:53:56.792] colintard: moth murder is required for free bacon [01:53:57.216] mzinker: f1nnCowjam [01:53:58.074] chaneiro2003: #SAVETHEMOYH [01:53:58.175] dave9iq: 😂🤣 [01:53:58.899] finsquare2003: NOOOO [01:53:59.775] denialdelivery798: hez high again [01:54:00.189] Amoyamoyamoya: She needs her boyfriend to come help her. [01:54:00.442] hhehehehehehehheeh: SLAUGHTER IT [01:54:00.575] zombie_1981: noooooooooooooo [01:54:00.872] CrabTheDog: Use one of your knives [01:54:01.229] VedoNobal: PETA didn't like that [01:54:01.466] Spectre223: @Jens_LN Because he's not tucked and the dress is real short [01:54:01.526] dominqtor131: UGLY BUTTERFLY [01:54:01.670] mr_ajokortti_korkort: that moth never hurt anyone [01:54:01.880] Jens_LN: Girl moth ? [01:54:02.488] hhehehehehehehheeh: E [01:54:02.733] josecortesnival: moth wins [01:54:02.952] peavey443: Call riza [01:54:04.133] TheStarGamer1238: !quote add how do you kill a monster moth [01:54:04.170] braddle172: F [01:54:04.201] arumikat: We are witnessing a murder [01:54:04.327] Silas_BR: natiSadge [01:54:04.866] xenoman5: Kill it! [01:54:05.334] packagum: sadge [01:54:06.875] zombie_bear34: animal abuse [01:54:07.104] itzpinecone: Moths are cute :( [01:54:07.148] y0rk5h1r3: You took the lessons from Fast & Furious to heart. It's all about family! [01:54:07.922] Helen_Croft: Fight start in 5 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:54:07.932] casflowers: BibleThump BibleThump [01:54:08.317] Karsten666: For a moment I thought the insect did win. [01:54:10.962] FlyingMortimer: Funny how a mainly man is afraid of bugs. [01:54:11.659] murphythedoge: uk is shreddin [01:54:12.364] packagum: ellahoCrie ellahoCrie [01:54:12.386] psithurismas: is that vegan [01:54:13.134] tangolettuce: F [01:54:13.814] superneet69: Moths are harmless [01:54:14.268] xenoman5: Call Riza [01:54:14.788] finsquare2003: MURDERER! [01:54:14.949] Emo_Jensen: he might have had a family :( [01:54:15.726] Kolateak_: PepeHands [01:54:17.573] spee1938: rynali1Shy [01:54:18.075] hetisjeneef: f [01:54:18.905] TrashyHumors: LUL [01:54:19.596] MaJiiKz: SHADOW REALMED DAT ASS [01:54:19.843] acaldri: was it a fluffy moth? [01:54:20.328] hetisjeneef: ded [01:54:21.123] dunnovx: hows eurovision? [01:54:23.088] hetisjeneef: F [01:54:23.841] tronmanthing_: save the moths life by eating it [01:54:24.336] Helen_Croft: Fight start in 4 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:54:25.286] wheaties_96: F [01:54:25.668] sp00ny76: Clap [01:54:25.678] InSaNeDevil78: Hello [01:54:25.888] packagum: you have blood on your hands [01:54:26.006] rob_d11: RIP moth [01:54:27.738] j0hnbanks117: MURDER [01:54:27.754] xenoman5: Leave it be [01:54:27.796] peavey443: F for month [01:54:30.097] sjoonyje: this guy really thinks saying fuck is cool [01:54:30.132] benmaccagaming: Lmao I do the same [01:54:30.193] finsquare2003: that's it I'm unsubbing [01:54:30.470] j0hnbanks117: D: [01:54:31.084] Amoyamoyamoya: Did you commit murder? [01:54:31.154] InfiniteCoyotetime: It's so hot that you hunt for your snacks, that moth will probably be so delicious [01:54:31.420] kevlarchicken: murderrrrr [01:54:34.123] dominqtor131: bro is that a valorant knige [01:54:39.471] xenoman5: Ghost moth will haunt you [01:54:40.588] awesomerem1: It looks intresting [01:54:42.140] colintard: burgerrrrrr [01:54:45.430] hhehehehehehehheeh: BUT STUFF [01:54:47.635] Cannonboot: @Amoyamoyamoya a homicide actually [01:54:47.914] chaneiro2003: Rip moth [01:54:48.466] berserkmathew: @F1NN5TER looks like A benchmade copy [01:54:48.586] johnkeiwo: u wanted pink right Kappa ? [01:54:48.992] hhehehehehehehheeh: Nice [01:54:49.141] PHDrigo: AYO what bob bra do you use to get them real looking? asking for a friend [01:54:51.771] janciiis: @F1NN5TER why are you dressing up as a girl [01:55:00.350] dave9iq: Pizza 🍕 [01:55:00.444] Helen_Croft: Fight start in 3 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:55:02.555] CakeTM06: I am so confused and oddly aroused. [01:55:03.975] zombie_bear34: if you don't like it then buy it for me OpieOP [01:55:05.467] TheStarGamer1238: set out a candle [01:55:08.196] IRatCheese: Bro buy titanium handmade butterfly [01:55:10.117] Stovamor: !reset [01:55:10.165] hetisjeneef: do you flip trainers or sharp knifes? [01:55:10.634] f3mmbot Set the stream info to Unknown [01:55:16.476] finsquare2003: what's the knife for? murdering more innocent moths? [01:55:17.951] vanimal2118: Minimalistic? [01:55:24.050] FlyingMortimer: ceracoat them [01:55:31.204] Jens_LN: She could be a girlfriend [01:55:32.741] HadukenSpammer: You'd make a great wife [01:55:34.684] InfiniteCoyotetime: shitty boyfriend, but GREAT husband [01:55:39.658] 6Foot3Inches: shitty boyfriend, cus rose is the perfect girlfriend <3 [01:55:40.751] LittleChaSiu: tfw not married [01:55:43.158] Jens_LN: Would be the Wife ! [01:55:49.799] troy_5he: don't want half your shit taken [01:55:50.724] c__r__j: Why be a shitty boyfriend when you can be a sexy wife? [01:55:54.159] FlyingMortimer: Married is more about finances than romance [01:55:54.483] ThunderNoughts: at seperate locations [01:55:54.676] zombie_1981: marriage is scam [01:55:56.923] mx_crimson: jude gets married to rose [01:55:58.244] Leahim_: lesbian? [01:55:58.995] jpatadia: I would want Finn as much boyfriend but I’d want to dress him up as a girl [01:56:00.342] Helen_Croft: Fight start in 2 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:56:07.604] Xylomn: alright son time to join the family business f1nnLaff [01:56:11.426] aunalbrutal: Your a shitty bf but a lovely wife [01:56:14.019] kiefer95856: are you a boy or a girl because you sound like a boy when you look like a girl? [01:56:14.066] VedoNobal: Big time F1nn W [01:56:15.058] Royalbirhat: attn : this just in the moth relatives have just put a hit out on finnster they asked the sharks to do the hit uni300 now finn is sorry [01:56:15.140] mzinker: can we see the wedding ring you got sent? [01:56:15.765] vanimal2118: Single Life Rules! [01:56:20.330] FlyingMortimer: I job you enjoy doesn't feel like work [01:56:21.377] cherryymari: idk if life is that cut and dry but yeah I get it [01:56:21.947] mr_ajokortti_korkort: why marry when you can become the wife yourself [01:56:22.591] brosseadam: @kiefer95856 he's a troll [01:56:24.399] danademorgan: spend your life as a woman [01:56:25.112] Kolateak_: Wish I could marry [01:56:25.180] johnna_1988: are you over a thousand dollaraire [01:56:30.050] rootuz: Who sent the ring? [01:56:34.996] Jens_LN: Gonna be a fun Marriage ... two brides dresses !! [01:56:35.348] barbie_secretstanner: I feel too young to be in a relationship I’m in my 20s [01:56:36.358] sp00ny76: make money so your future gf can waste it , good plan [01:56:42.661] j0hnbanks117: D: Moth [01:56:47.130] TheNeverShow: land truck bf & gf [01:56:50.149] str9wberri: Squid Industries Krake Raken V2.5 Tanto Balisong Knife Teal (4.5" Inked)? what about that? [01:56:50.890] TheStarGamer1238: home invasion [01:56:51.606] murphythedoge: Chat, who's gonna win eurovision? [01:56:54.394] perfersserderg: OMEGALUL [01:56:58.450] Kolateak_: D: [01:57:00.369] Helen_Croft: Fight start in 1 minute @F1NN5TER [01:57:01.316] vanimal2118: Bet not all Americans? [01:57:03.213] Ascara89: F1nn, boxing should be starting shortly if you still want to watch it [01:57:03.353] finsquare2003: no moths > humans [01:57:03.938] zombie_bear34: what about retirement? your thought's. [01:57:05.158] funkifungi22: but bugs are friends [01:57:05.341] hetisjeneef: squid trainers are epic [01:57:06.220] stumbling_warthog: stand your ground laws [01:57:08.830] hampyhampy: I think this might be a little over share I just had a shower first time washing my balls listen to a man talk shit cheerwhal100 [01:57:10.153] floating_raindrop: I've had a moth infestation before. Not fun at all. [01:57:14.489] awesomerem1: Are real guns against tos? [01:57:14.569] InfiniteCoyotetime: The Punisher, but for bugs [01:57:15.187] berserkmathew: lol the moth wasnt armed but fair? [01:57:15.264] Amoyamoyamoya: Laughs in "Men in Black" [01:57:17.746] FlyingMortimer: killing the bug is not the issue, it's the extreme way you react to it. [01:57:21.737] acaldri: people are stinky and carry diseases, moths are cool. [01:57:22.369] jandraelune: Get a Gecko, it will crawl around and eat all the bugs. [01:57:24.285] Kolateak_: Fuck fruit flies, set up one of the traps so they go in and can't get out and die [01:57:40.016] K_Dogg94: meowriza new insta post.. hot [01:57:41.084] aaaaaaaadjfjendjenj: fill your house with carbon monoxide, then you wont have any flies [01:57:41.577] xenoman5: Stand your ground [01:57:41.771] jpatadia: Everytime Finn moved his hair my knees give way [01:57:56.733] braddle172: f1nnLezgang [01:57:57.085] megaroot: cake [01:57:57.794] thefairydingo: WOW [01:57:59.331] Jens_LN: the small jacket with the "Rose" stiching on the back ? [01:57:59.385] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [01:57:59.906] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang rynali1Heart viowynShorkHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [01:58:01.068] Flippi_12 Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:58:02.688] beatle_88: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR [01:58:02.811] troy_5he: tiny buldge [01:58:03.348] HadukenSpammer: We want to see! [01:58:04.992] LittleChaSiu: boing boing [01:58:05.250] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bing Bong [01:58:06.691] AppleSaph: f1nnBingbong [01:58:07.285] j0hnbanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 󠀀 [01:58:07.319] f1nn5terschair: Bing Bong [01:58:08.481] ciphercifear: Its not popping that much, uits okay [01:58:09.164] occupiedsplash: lol bulge [01:58:10.271] brooklyn_8976: hi [01:58:12.672] Ascara89: Bring bong [01:58:14.179] mx_crimson: bing bong [01:58:14.367] pianoismyforte_: feet [01:58:14.624] dbreach1: Bing bong [01:58:14.631] dave9iq: Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh [01:58:14.745] TheStarGamer1238: penis issues [01:58:16.690] Leahim_: jackpot [01:58:17.022] braddle172: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong [01:58:17.221] Ascara89: Bing bong [01:58:18.921] Amoyamoyamoya: Blinded by pasty white thighs. [01:58:19.133] superneet69: Pp rising x100 [01:58:19.229] aunalbrutal: What D you dont have any XD [01:58:19.858] ciphercifear: Just gotta learn to tuck comfy [01:58:20.657] HangryPlatypusE: hot [01:58:20.860] johnna_1988: if girls can show cleavage [01:58:21.481] JT5695: how do you get that figure tho??? [01:58:23.509] jpatadia: Twirl twirl twirl [01:58:24.899] d1nnozo: Bing Bong [01:58:26.082] GammaNguyener_83: nice bulge bro [01:58:26.178] johnna_1988: can't guys show a bulge [01:58:26.285] zombie_1981: bulge PogChamp [01:58:26.362] zombie_bear34: I scared for life now [01:58:27.881] timboixd: just cut it off [01:58:28.968] ciphercifear: Which takes some practive finding the right spot [01:58:29.798] dominqtor131: seems kinda small [01:58:30.059] 1_smart_donkey: boxers no panties [01:58:30.371] Chri55PBacon: !uptime [01:58:30.623] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 58m 36s [01:58:31.752] rgkagero: bulge nonexistent [01:58:33.510] LittleChaSiu: 8 inches sounds painful [01:58:37.573] timboixd: don't need it [01:58:37.583] Helen_Croft: Fight started @F1NN5TER [01:58:39.259] jpatadia: DO A PONYTAIL [01:58:39.450] xenoman5: Cake!! [01:58:40.751] Jens_LN: is smoll [01:58:42.245] LittleChaSiu: that could just be because I'm smol though [01:58:43.334] ciphercifear: I hear its different for everyone who does drag, where/how they tuck [01:58:43.518] mckammersgaard: Hey Finn what glock is it u have? [01:58:45.732] denialdelivery798: is a little bump [01:58:46.066] Stovamor: There are numerous summer dresses that were sent to you. Lots to choose from [01:58:46.570] braddle172: !time [01:58:46.831] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 23:00 [01:58:49.555] Jens_LN: oohh, interesting [01:58:50.129] rootuz: heels? [01:58:50.772] funkifungi22: 8 inches too big [01:58:53.417] troy_5he: them jacking off to you [01:58:55.564] Jansiman: Can you show the watch that you bought recently? The omega gloriHeart @F1NN5TER [01:58:57.736] TheStarGamer1238: time zones? [01:58:58.382] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya It's amazing how white they look even under pink lighting, really. [01:58:58.735] oxonace: !socials [01:58:58.986] f3mmbot Follow F1nn's socials : Twitter : https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER // YoutubeHIGHLIGHTS : https://www.youtube.com/c/F1nn5terLIVE // Discord : https://discord.gg/f1nn // Reddit : https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter // Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ // TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@f1nn5ter [01:58:59.384] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:58:59.566] Defrancofan67: It's okay its' too small to see :) [01:58:59.623] squarertrout41: Then tuck? [01:59:01.357] stumbling_warthog: we're too thirsty [01:59:04.453] TheStarGamer1238: torture of you? [01:59:05.882] acaldri: have you ever had an unfortunate exposure moment on stream? [01:59:07.186] superneet69: Smoll pp [01:59:09.106] oxonace: !instagram [01:59:09.353] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [01:59:09.809] commanderredpanda: we group marry you. [01:59:10.237] psithurismas: yes you can [01:59:13.058] c__r__j: !watch [01:59:13.224] mscoldchickensoup: 8in too smol [01:59:13.279] hetisjeneef: bulge mommy [01:59:13.318] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [01:59:14.846] HadukenSpammer: @stumbling_warthog That's literally the point of the stream [01:59:21.319] scruffys_mustache: Are you ever going to wear an actual summer dress [01:59:23.036] TheStarGamer1238: 'mommy' [01:59:26.420] j0hnbanks117: !watch [01:59:26.675] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [01:59:33.603] InfiniteCoyotetime: sundress season [01:59:36.814] commanderredpanda: you became our bish? [01:59:40.752] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, here is the link for the fight btw https://www.momenthouse.com/moment/71b3d661-52d1-4139-a6db-d033f8eb6386/ticket/8bd83673-4107-4426-af26-4684ca324d15 [01:59:45.597] xenoman5: Go slow mommy [01:59:46.001] generationken: No ass, zero ass🥲 [01:59:48.404] ignNeocynical: @F1NN5TER influencer fights now? [01:59:52.387] rgkagero: too scammy [01:59:54.371] TheStarGamer1238: critque? [01:59:56.910] peavey443: Less radical coomers [01:59:57.692] johnkeiwo: weirdos [01:59:57.742] Senevri: thirst? [01:59:57.883] HadukenSpammer: I think you're great :) [01:59:58.938] braddle172: !uptime [01:59:59.203] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 4s [02:00:03.035] FlyingMortimer: constructive criticism? [02:00:08.043] vanimal2118: U look beautiful today. [02:00:08.330] Boomslang42: judgment? [02:00:10.111] burgess_shale: NOT TUCKING IS NOT BIMBO [02:00:10.215] Strength_in_Tiberium: Doesnt matter, youre beautiful :) [02:00:12.345] ZeusMoose0: Today's my first day here and I'm already a big fan [02:00:16.722] cherryymari: I'm sorry to hear that happens [02:00:22.054] Helen_Croft: the fight has started @F1NN5TER [02:00:23.565] chickencrisper_: Sadge [02:00:28.138] jaydendarat: jaydendarat subscribed with Prime. [02:00:28.245] alexx_net: "Welcome to being a woman on the Internet" Rose. [02:00:28.316] f3mmbot jaydendarat subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang jaydendarat f1nn5tLezgang [02:00:31.020] Stovamor: yeah, it went a bit odd last year [02:00:32.696] TunnelRatXIII: you lookin cute today queen. Hope ya have a great stream. [02:00:33.718] HadukenSpammer: "normal" KEKW [02:00:33.930] TheStarGamer1238: !2hours [02:00:38.957] Jens_LN: the more money involved, the more critisism perhaps ? [02:00:39.135] hetisjeneef: White suits pink [02:00:56.955] el_cineaste: jaeeKek [02:00:57.944] Stovamor: fair amount of fall out from that behind the scenes too [02:01:01.288] sailorvalued: bro... [02:01:02.035] braddle172: KomodoHype [02:01:02.792] FlyingMortimer: SO does it feel like chat is more 'hostile' toward you? [02:01:03.191] denialdelivery798: ye also got a few stalkers I'm sure [02:01:07.090] HadukenSpammer: I saw it POGGERS [02:01:07.190] tirauflanc: PP [02:01:07.435] jaydendarat: I LOVE YOU FINN f1nnZOOM [02:01:09.801] TheStarGamer1238: no slip up [02:01:10.259] meat_monster12: meat [02:01:10.504] TunnelRatXIII: That is indeed... nuts. [02:01:10.892] jorge_roku: peepoSimp peepoSimp peepoSimp peepoSimp [02:01:11.513] ignNeocynical: the fight is starting? @F1NN5TER [02:01:11.544] occupiedsplash: PogU [02:01:12.538] Defrancofan67: Those legsssss [02:01:12.846] vanimal2118: Pretty obkatWowee obkatAwooga rynali1Bonk [02:01:13.618] ciphercifear: as a trans guy who used to wear dresses like that... you are way more comfortable in them then i ever was XD [02:01:14.449] el_cineaste: ashwumWoah [02:01:15.790] Watty_6666: PP [02:01:15.898] macdrai: thatsapenis.jpg [02:01:17.454] SeriousTTV: bulge [02:01:17.517] kaylathepear90: u need to tuck it hunny [02:01:18.196] Emmy64_: iPP [02:01:19.334] cherryymari: women definitely get more criticism online than men. maybe looking like a woman invites that criticism [02:01:19.893] superneet69: Cat calling material [02:01:21.554] scoodels_: yo what's up [02:01:22.989] aunalbrutal: Hahahahha no pp [02:01:23.212] ciphercifear: also walk better in it too XD [02:01:24.861] peavey443: Very cute pog [02:01:26.658] IRatCheese: gn everyone [02:01:27.249] taarna86: I love finn too [02:01:33.619] vidyagaem7: V cute [02:01:34.258] tech_constant: yoo [02:01:34.978] chickencrisper_: Little pp [02:01:35.436] f1nn5terschair: Just use a fannypack to hide the bulge. [02:01:40.280] occupiedsplash: PogU PogU PogU PogU [02:01:40.447] tech_constant: peg meh [02:01:46.926] prophetkenzie: Waddup [02:01:51.955] FlyingMortimer: Maybe you just feel pressured to keep the standards up? [02:01:52.912] Den_drummer: as Dan Bull sang: "Effort? F it!" [02:01:54.113] Jens_LN: more money got involved, more critique ? [02:01:54.312] johnkeiwo: woops chat, do not use the link I put in chat earlier :) [02:01:58.760] ignNeocynical: when are the fights? [02:01:59.273] Amoyamoyamoya: Laughs in wearing booty shorts sans tuck. [02:01:59.294] johnkeiwo: was my mistake [02:02:02.653] SethwMad: True facts. [02:02:04.978] maskaras12: Step up on me [02:02:10.173] alexx_net: @cherryymari, Yes! and I think that you are correct. [02:02:13.011] HadukenSpammer: I agree. You need to start doing more outrageous things [02:02:18.510] scoodels_: streaming on youtube is super hard [02:02:21.134] vanimal2118: was funny? [02:02:25.520] SethwMad: I think the fights start now? [02:02:27.376] Tom2: you can keep getting bigger boobs LUL [02:02:29.097] tech_constant: Haiii finn this the first time im seeing one of your streams [02:02:34.345] zombie_1981: nah you're funnier than most talk show hosts [02:02:35.698] hippo88311: boy or girl lol [02:02:40.739] nowaywellerman: @hippo88311 lol [02:02:41.482] simpson_minus_son: peepoSimp [02:02:44.232] pineapple_33: your makeup and dressing skill are much better now [02:02:46.160] HadukenSpammer: sigmoidal growth [02:02:46.162] vanimal2118: !gender [02:02:46.418] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:03:05.003] tech_constant: komedy [02:03:13.877] hippo88311: boy or girl [02:03:19.526] arty_theasrtystTV: hello :>! Today my wìday was truly truly hot and the temperature about two hours ago was 28° C but now it's only 22° C, still hot but more accetable. It's feels like to be in the end of June when the summer start to be more hotter [02:03:19.962] Jens_LN: You mean horny bois ? [02:03:23.344] McWigan: @hippo88311 yes [02:03:24.372] zombie_bear34: what platform do you find better? twitch or YouTube? EntropyWins EntropyWins CrreamAwk CrreamAwk [02:03:27.168] peavey443: @hippo88311 Or [02:03:30.336] JT5695: oh we're into you... [02:03:32.661] occupiedsplash: peepoSimp for Rose [02:03:34.367] estrageit: @hippo88311, that's a good question [02:03:37.003] meh_its_jack: !uptime [02:03:37.241] FlyingMortimer: so you wanted to attract a public crowd, then end with real/close friends [02:03:37.254] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 3m 42s [02:03:38.004] beanz_bags: thats understandable [02:03:47.592] scoodels_: for streaming i think twitch is the way to go [02:03:57.829] tech_constant: cya [02:04:02.323] captaindemon472: @hippo88311 you can say both [02:04:12.590] barbie_secretstanner: Question time fun [02:04:14.387] johnkeiwo: hasMods OK DUD [02:04:16.953] johnkeiwo: hasMods OK DUD [02:04:17.639] johnkeiwo: hasMods OK DUD [02:04:22.095] troy_5he: this dude [02:04:25.846] HadukenSpammer: Some chicks are into this [02:04:26.419] str9wberri: aro? [02:04:27.672] general_of_cm: X [02:04:27.780] GammaNguyener_83: COPIUM [02:04:31.679] simpson_minus_son: nr1faiGun no [02:04:32.541] tordenbob: hasMods [02:04:33.739] sailorvalued: I'll fall into your lap bro ong [02:04:35.880] Stovamor: Despite me giving you shit occassionaly, I think you're having more fun with the streams than at the "bad time" last year, and that's a cool thing. @f1nn5ter [02:04:35.956] j0hnbanks117: X [02:04:35.982] zombie_bear34: cmonBruh [02:04:37.474] FlyingMortimer: so she took the masculine role [02:04:37.508] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:04:38.313] xFionna: I'd ask you out too :/ [02:04:38.401] ElijahKo7: Skete or Kanye [02:04:38.826] Cve_997: bottom [02:04:41.549] sofia_soll888: lol [02:04:41.621] c__r__j: @HadukenSpammer Yes, they're called lesbians. [02:04:41.792] Emmy64_: X [02:04:42.244] zombie_bear34: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh [02:04:43.784] 1_smart_donkey: and she put you in makeup in a dress [02:04:46.958] Amoyamoyamoya: Ooooh, look at Mr. Alpha Male... [02:04:52.313] denialdelivery798: i believe it, they saw the potential [02:04:56.146] spencer2408: Hi [02:04:57.469] ItsSlumpii: LUL [02:04:58.399] taarna86: I'd date you ;) [02:04:59.058] jandraelune: @HadukenSpammer Nah, it's the otherway, MANY are into this. [02:04:59.585] apritchettt: hi [02:05:02.622] Stovamor: @arty_theasrtystTV, stop with the spam, please [02:05:03.631] Jansiman: but what about the watch 2020ByeGuys [02:05:05.339] Emmy64_: @c__r__j HeyGuys LUL [02:05:06.945] tangolettuce: Wow same [02:05:16.667] jeffjefferson10e: Fin who would say no [02:05:21.773] xFionna: gn chat <3 [02:05:25.161] spencer2408: I think I’m gay [02:05:27.350] sailorvalued: I'll throw myself at you bro ong [02:05:30.900] Stovamor: Despite me giving you shit occassionaly, I think you're having more fun with the streams than at the "bad time" last year, and that's a cool thing. @f1nn5ter [02:05:31.254] ElijahKo7: women's rights [02:05:33.602] JT5695: humble brag [02:05:37.632] jacksonryner5: What’s your favorite video game of all time? [02:05:38.147] Slinkario: what a flex [02:05:40.033] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya Sigma male, alpha sloot, omicron PP. [02:05:41.312] FlyingMortimer: good for you, rejection hurts [02:05:42.847] y0rk5h1r3: Brits don't really seem to date like Americans [02:05:45.247] vanimal2118: Dense F1nn5ter [02:05:45.511] jxsseluvsyou: Chad brag [02:05:47.960] d1nnozo: mishdjYEAHNAH [02:05:49.866] nowaywellerman: bruh [02:05:50.958] Benw8888: ._. [02:05:51.694] maskaras12: Chad brag [02:05:53.488] peavey443: Very chadpog [02:05:53.628] spencer2408: I am gay [02:05:53.934] hippo88311: are u a boy or girl [02:05:55.788] apritchettt: hello [02:05:57.058] jeffjefferson10e: sslstoSSL sslstoSSL [02:05:57.255] TheStarGamer1238: *** [02:05:57.805] thatoneguy34756: So lucky [02:05:58.461] johnkeiwo: Read stov, he is being nice for once :) [02:05:59.327] tangolettuce: Not necessarily [02:06:00.839] scoodels_: i never had a girlfriend before i was always to afraid to ask them out [02:06:01.371] denialdelivery798: he is the "main character" [02:06:02.188] Emmy64_: Some of us we are here because of the female, not the manly man Kappa [02:06:03.285] HadukenSpammer: You need to sneak into some DMs [02:06:04.202] nowaywellerman: @hippo88311 lol [02:06:05.013] Choghii: I got ghosted once but never rejected [02:06:05.083] hippo88311: Or trans [02:06:05.931] TheRealTechnobladeChan: did you ever kiss anyone [02:06:06.016] packagum: •_• [02:06:06.042] jxsseluvsyou: very Chad brag [02:06:09.118] Azara_5: Oh please. We all know how much you’re absolutely drowning in women [02:06:09.998] JonIsHexed: keeps turning Rose down internally though... [02:06:10.208] xenoman5: Pog [02:06:10.466] jeffjefferson10e: Olh [02:06:11.874] guitarbebop: I for one am here because in enjoy your sense of humor , and I wish I could look as good as you do X dressed [02:06:12.405] Amoyamoyamoya: My Sweet Summer Child... [02:06:13.334] Watty_6666: Dominate me pls [02:06:13.650] sailorvalued: f1nn me you mkx ft10 wassup what it. [02:06:15.445] titanium347: uni100 how's the fit? I came to the stream late [02:06:16.721] jeffjefferson10e: Ooh [02:06:17.157] sailorvalued: wit* [02:06:18.181] zombie_bear34: stop flexing [02:06:19.065] mckammersgaard: Real Chad moment [02:06:19.300] McWigan: @hippo88311 or [02:06:21.205] Xatonym: haleyLove [02:06:26.154] Stovamor: @johnkeiwo, maybe I should just insult him more. THat seems to go through [02:06:27.202] TheRealTechnobladeChan: did you kiss people [02:06:28.598] jeffjefferson10e: Ooh. [02:06:29.836] jxsseluvsyou: big Chad moment [02:06:33.437] johnkeiwo: @Stovamor, yep [02:06:35.013] SnakeKiller9: Spencers literally doesn't care what u buy [02:06:35.081] burgess_shale: Is TUCKING IN BIMBO RULES? [02:06:36.950] TunnelRatXIII: HOw many women ask you out now? [02:06:38.068] im_up_to_something: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [02:06:40.518] TheRealTechnobladeChan: HE KISSED PEOPLE [02:06:44.170] undercovernerd666: 😆 [02:06:45.841] Stovamor: @burgess_shale, no [02:06:49.611] jxsseluvsyou: OMG HE KISSED PEOPLE [02:06:52.019] TheRealTechnobladeChan: How many men did you kiss [02:06:52.463] c__r__j: @Stovamor I tried being nice to F1nn in a TTS once. He donowalled me. [02:06:53.079] vanimal2118: @hippo88311 Dude but Bimbo Month so has to say Rose. [02:06:56.531] TheRealTechnobladeChan: and hoe many women [02:07:01.404] canvaspainting: Hi [02:07:02.706] ElijahKo7: It reminds me of the Einstein Quote, "Thee man who has never failed, has never learnt and is stupid, my man who makes 1000 mistakes becomes smarter." [02:07:04.034] Jens_LN: @Stovamor You could start a poll on what insult would make him react ? :D [02:07:04.900] FlyingMortimer: what attracts you to a random woman? one you aren't already friends with? [02:07:10.377] njcatra: njcatra subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hey Finn, thank you for everything you do, you helped me discover that im actually trans! So thank you <3 [02:07:10.555] f3mmbot njcatra subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 2! PogU [02:07:16.749] thegodofgods8: HI FINN [02:07:18.153] jxsseluvsyou: PicoMause [02:07:18.561] jandraelune: @SnakeKiller9 They use to carry NSFW toys. [02:07:18.619] scoodels_: i dont really edit my videos i just post them [02:07:24.913] fungur69: fungur69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! So much time spent in front of the computer [02:07:25.107] f3mmbot fungur69 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [02:07:34.810] thatoneguy34756: How long did the massive cactus farm video take [02:07:47.507] TheStarGamer1238: secret f1nnLezgang les gang [02:07:58.892] TheRealTechnobladeChan: ive actually been around for like 3 years [02:07:58.919] HadukenSpammer: KEKW [02:07:59.335] Bonanaman: LUL [02:08:00.568] Azara_5: What are your pronouns for today? [02:08:00.792] codecraft3r: KEKW [02:08:01.614] Kolateak_: LUL [02:08:01.808] braddle172: KEKW [02:08:02.130] Emmy64_: Honey you don't have to lie.... TriHard LUL [02:08:02.626] njcatra: KEK [02:08:03.276] murphythedoge: UK IS LEADING THE EUROVISION [02:08:03.808] troy_5he: ouch [02:08:04.941] HadukenSpammer: They knew KEKW [02:08:05.220] jxsseluvsyou: KEKW [02:08:05.536] general_of_cm: hmmm [02:08:06.100] nieunnn: KEKW [02:08:07.251] demiderius: kekw [02:08:08.245] tordenbob: KEKW [02:08:08.681] lhsidn: oh [02:08:08.987] cookiepandaprincess: KEKW [02:08:10.010] im_up_to_something: LUL LUL LUL [02:08:11.418] Flippi_12: KEKW [02:08:11.816] sailorvalued: that's crazy but I'm into you tho so wassup [02:08:12.037] SethwMad: I've gotten told I am a "soft" guy so that's why they asked me out LUL [02:08:12.396] Emmy64_: Femboy confirmed KEKW [02:08:15.133] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:08:15.546] duplotracer: KEKW [02:08:16.068] Globalnuclear: yeah we too here [02:08:18.561] TheStarGamer1238: !gender [02:08:18.577] denialdelivery798: they knew what was going on [02:08:18.613] vidyagaem7: Hahaha [02:08:18.866] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:08:19.498] j0hnbanks117: KEKW [02:08:20.164] donko812: KEKW [02:08:21.260] njcatra: KEKW [02:08:21.323] barbie_secretstanner: Honesty is key [02:08:21.610] MiekaMarieHodson: !pronouns [02:08:21.763] amandal02: argenNoFaceSip [02:08:21.863] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:08:24.330] cherryymari: women love a complex guy who's comfy in his femininity [02:08:24.354] troy_5he: they agree [02:08:27.100] FlyingMortimer: they are trying to reinforce their attraction to your vibe [02:08:28.338] chickencrisper_: That’s tough [02:08:28.343] Bjotte: Bjotte subscribed at Tier 1. [02:08:28.617] f3mmbot bjotte subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bjotte f1nn5tLezgang [02:08:28.644] Alkno_93: UK 1 fist so far Sweden 2 so you mite need to listen to the UK song [02:08:29.819] Xatonym: ninjaaHeart [02:08:33.060] commanderredpanda: would you date a guy? [02:08:34.082] OwenDunc20: Doors or wheels? [02:08:34.723] SnakeKiller9: Spencers still sells nsfw stuff lol. I would know [02:08:36.814] sjoonyje: that's a compliment though [02:08:39.059] Amoyamoyamoya: That's good info. You've got to know your market. [02:08:41.509] undercovernerd666: Dang 2 weeks bro that’s a lifetime [02:08:42.355] ablackguyyy: Emotional damage [02:08:47.574] thegodofgods8: I wish i was subed to you but i am broke [02:08:48.489] washingtonmtz93: HELLO FINN [02:08:52.920] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:08:54.714] Emmy64_: LUL [02:08:55.967] demiderius: fuck tests [02:08:56.083] timboixd: wtf bro [02:08:57.354] Bonanaman: how could you?! [02:08:58.061] TheStarGamer1238: not a test [02:08:58.118] vidyagaem7: F1nn has the soft uwu vipe on lockdown [02:08:58.543] TheRealTechnobladeChan: It was a test [02:08:58.907] Amoyamoyamoya: Dang Birmingham girls... [02:08:59.203] dingosurprise: yikes [02:09:04.734] JT5695: it was a test for her and she failed [02:09:04.775] zombie_bear34: you can't eat without her it sounds like [02:09:04.802] TheRealTechnobladeChan: you failed [02:09:05.651] denialdelivery798: yeah phsycho [02:09:05.716] Chri55PBacon: CoolStoryBob [02:09:06.153] scoodels_: yeah some girls are just weird [02:09:08.375] NUFC4life1979: COME ON THE UK [02:09:08.420] ayarcee: RED FLAG!!!! [02:09:09.740] zombie_1981: Amber Heard class crazy [02:09:10.490] peavey443: Idk why they would say that because you are clearly the most masculine man any of us have ever seen [02:09:10.870] Kolateak_: O' [02:09:14.321] TheRealTechnobladeChan: RED FLAG [02:09:15.704] sailorvalued: I wouldnt do that to you bro ong [02:09:17.502] Emmy64_: Huuhhh?! NotLikeThis [02:09:17.628] Jens_LN: girls that test you all the time, are annoying [02:09:18.333] Amoyamoyamoya: Yah...Mind Games. [02:09:19.531] thegodofgods8: RED FLAG [02:09:19.599] Ben_Lewton: well... she did kinda pass the test... [02:09:19.629] timboixd: thank god you got out of that lol [02:09:19.664] im_up_to_something: Girls are clearly not for you f1nnPegChamp [02:09:21.432] jvlivs777: eyyoo,im back 🙃 [02:09:24.554] ablackguyyy: 🚩🚩 [02:09:26.314] Xatonym: anitaHug [02:09:28.008] PsychicMouse_: wtf that’s manipulative 🫥🫥 [02:09:31.159] Kolateak_: I've really missed out on a lot of experiences, I'm 22 and I've never dated or even kissed anyone [02:09:31.341] johnkeiwo: BASED [02:09:33.016] matt_b39: She didn't shit on your bed did she? [02:09:33.708] spencer2408: Hi I love you you made me Come out [02:09:33.805] FlyingMortimer: definitely a crazy woman [02:09:35.556] xenoman5: Psycho [02:09:36.851] PIST4CH1O: dude you sound like a bloke [02:09:37.107] xXNeroZashiXx: @jvlivs777 Welcome back :D [02:09:43.447] OwenDunc20: Is there more doors or wheels in the world? [02:09:46.458] lil_d3m0nboi: niknoc1BlackMetalNik [02:09:50.535] vanimal2118: Single Life Rules don't have to tell anyone where u r what doing etc... [02:09:56.930] TheRealTechnobladeChan: How many men did you kiss if you did [02:09:57.030] jvlivs777: @xxnerozashixx aaa thanks Nero 😊🙌 [02:10:08.526] sailorvalued: you fine tho ong [02:10:13.331] c__r__j: A year ago WAS last year, by definition? [02:10:18.875] Stovamor: I meant when the big blow up happened in Council @f1nn5ter [02:10:18.955] hetisjeneef: i think covid [02:10:19.991] hardskydiver_849: outfit check? [02:10:22.605] troy_5he: I reject that [02:10:23.230] hetisjeneef: what he means [02:10:24.533] Cannonboot: @F1NN5TER yo speaking of eurovision, uk is leading on points so far [02:10:25.696] c__r__j: Femboy confusion. [02:10:30.797] general_of_cm: your panties? [02:10:34.344] LittleChaSiu: "lined by dropped panties" [02:10:34.401] ZeusMoose0: lmao [02:10:34.731] TheRealTechnobladeChan: the panfies fall [02:10:35.189] LittleChaSiu: X [02:10:36.247] jinxy9288: lmfao [02:10:36.362] duplotracer: xd [02:10:36.492] Solus_kun: X [02:10:36.542] ZeusMoose0: LUL [02:10:36.717] scoodels_: lol [02:10:37.888] Emmy64_: X [02:10:39.408] disnick123: XXXXXX [02:10:39.666] Amoyamoyamoya: X [02:10:40.126] SethwMad: Maybe you're onto something with this secretary outfit.... [02:10:40.492] OwenDunc20: What’s your answer? Doors or wheels? [02:10:40.628] braddle172: X [02:10:41.523] zombie_1981: PogChamp [02:10:41.529] Jens_LN: You shit so much they need flooddrains ? [02:10:41.642] Flippi_12: LUL [02:10:41.711] ayarcee: Was it when you took the unannounced stream break [02:10:41.791] timboixd: x [02:10:41.895] jvlivs777: 🙃 [02:10:42.240] TheStarGamer1238: icky [02:10:44.808] obliviousxconfused: xxxxxxx [02:10:45.913] barbie_secretstanner: Yeah man I gotta go [02:10:46.207] princecharmling14: I'm scared [02:10:46.966] zombie_bear34: wow [02:10:47.526] Solus_kun: BIG X [02:10:47.658] Amoyamoyamoya: X in Chat please [02:10:47.802] ashenjag: whaaaaaaaaaaaaa [02:10:50.354] im_up_to_something: Someone is delusional [02:10:50.714] Flippi_12: X [02:10:51.021] stumbling_warthog: every woman wants you and wants to be you [02:10:51.345] sailorvalued: I can be your hole in the ground bro ong [02:10:52.708] LittleChaSiu: X [02:10:54.948] barbie_secretstanner: X [02:10:55.194] Chri55PBacon: X [02:10:55.277] tronmanthing_: X [02:10:55.628] burito_fist: X [02:10:55.955] funkifungi22: this is truth I dropped my panties for f1nn [02:10:56.320] kikogitar: X [02:10:56.746] BloodDmnd: dude [02:10:57.262] EpsRay: tsunami in the streets [02:10:57.264] nothappysadgirl: x [02:10:58.156] lil_d3m0nboi: honestly would be glad to wake up to that voice at this point [02:10:58.739] guitarbebop: good on ya dude [02:10:59.398] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:10:59.789] arquiJ: X [02:10:59.983] thegodofgods8: X [02:11:00.101] ewinp9: X [02:11:00.277] j0hnbanks117: X [02:11:00.559] peavey443: X [02:11:00.783] nothappysadgirl: X [02:11:01.029] hetisjeneef: x [02:11:01.667] aunalbrutal: X [02:11:02.520] Stovamor: X [02:11:04.319] TheRealTechnobladeChan: all the women got wet and thats why we need drains [02:11:04.727] Emmy64_: Did he just wrote a full fantasy? LUL [02:11:05.272] timboixd: X [02:11:05.552] c__r__j: X [02:11:06.708] troy_5he: X [02:11:06.737] frntli: you boy ? [02:11:06.832] nothappysadgirl: x [02:11:07.498] str9wberri: dangerously dehydrated [02:11:08.110] denialdelivery798: that's why he goes out as little as possible haha [02:11:08.174] laurens392: X [02:11:09.582] y0rk5h1r3: X [02:11:12.420] 1_smart_donkey: wow you sound desperate [02:11:12.806] xenoman5: LOL [02:11:14.510] thegodofgods8: x [02:11:15.118] elric_toivonen: Based [02:11:15.548] bmc118: the mental image of a literal flood of vaginal secretions is going to haunt my nightmares [02:11:23.707] mckammersgaard: Facts [02:11:25.018] dominqtor131: a pokemon??? [02:11:25.779] titanium347: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam rynali1Knife [02:11:25.932] undercovernerd666: April gang [02:11:26.426] estrageit: finn you need to hit that yoinky sploiky [02:11:29.102] y0rk5h1r3: The Pokemon? [02:11:29.947] aunalbrutal: Rose you need to change tampon XD [02:11:34.514] vanimal2118: So ur chat isn't that into boxing? [02:11:36.395] EpsRay: when are you gonna start using different earrings [02:11:36.961] guitarbebop: stay inside for the good of humanity ? [02:11:38.874] TheRealTechnobladeChan: whats the x [02:11:39.164] spencer2408: Hi there [02:11:39.554] HadukenSpammer: Why can't you just meet a nice girl? [02:11:44.618] disnick123: X [02:11:45.431] hetzr: you'd likely be a pretty good wingman KEKW [02:11:51.842] Alastair_is_awesome: FINN I JUST GOT A NEW KITTEN [02:11:54.961] Jens_LN: @HadukenSpammer Nice girls aren't real [02:11:55.904] janciiis: @F1NN5TER why are you dressing up as a girl [02:11:56.409] TheRealTechnobladeChan: Tights [02:11:58.116] FireRuby1: whats going on Uk wining eurovision, looks like your going to have to watch it later [02:12:00.921] TheRealTechnobladeChan: fin is tights [02:12:00.926] awesomerem1: Those are the best friends [02:12:01.994] ElijahKo7: that's what she said [02:12:05.345] jvlivs777: bruv, relatable [02:12:05.935] johnkeiwo: OMG DAD REKT MATT WATSON [02:12:08.684] TheRealTechnobladeChan: rose is [02:12:12.051] OwenDunc20: More doors or wheels? I’m on more doors [02:12:18.382] barbie_secretstanner: My best friend lived 15 mins away but we’d go 6 months without seeing in person. But talk everyday [02:12:18.403] thegodofgods8: OMG TITS [02:12:20.282] FlyingMortimer: you connect on an emotional level first. That's a really good thing [02:12:26.293] im_up_to_something: I have one good friend like that [02:12:26.858] troy_5he: big deal for the girl [02:12:29.976] cherryymari: shouldn't you want to talk to them lol [02:12:31.596] Icy_Sandman: Yo [02:12:34.883] troy_5he: ikr [02:12:36.426] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, Nice. [02:12:36.820] ElijahKo7: Biofems, amiright [02:12:40.297] tronmanthing_: yes and its so annoying [02:12:40.934] disnick123: @janciiis why not... 😁 [02:12:41.525] Jens_LN: They are checking up on you [02:12:41.756] JT5695: just date boys Kappa [02:12:42.482] Bonanaman: drowning in it [02:12:42.959] LittleChaSiu: I'm just clingy okay 🥺 [02:12:44.168] Stovamor: English in chat please [02:12:44.449] AppleSaph: @dizzz___, speak english please [02:12:45.962] jvlivs777: a year? that's really a long time without communication [02:12:49.341] vanimal2118: Rose requires same body type 2 steal clothes! [02:12:50.533] sailorvalued: sounds like you need someone in your life that someone being me ofc [02:12:52.676] littleKAZU: Omg Hello lunateHi the first time i see you here. Watching you a long time a go on YT lunatePls I look up to you and love look a like lunateAww lunateWow [02:12:53.750] denialdelivery798: at the start of a relationship that's pretty normal [02:12:54.804] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, I thought he might. Dad was going all out with his prep. [02:12:54.859] revolve_ratio: U r hottest drag queen [02:12:59.293] mustangcubed: marry them and then they'll ignore you thereafter. [02:12:59.386] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:13:04.043] Jens_LN: It has been a while since you uploaded on that channel [02:13:07.704] FlyingMortimer: the more secure she is with herself the more comfortable she is with limited communication. [02:13:20.555] nessi2611: nah me and my gf also only talk about 1-3 times a week haha [02:13:23.438] anelm8799999: fin…….:.👹😮‍💨🤭 [02:13:25.013] eniliy: Really? Girls want to talk to you, [02:13:27.143] jasonryan2: I don’t trust the tree’s in my garden they seem kinda shady [02:13:32.705] songcrit: i noticed if i get a girl with a job they tend to not bury you with texts n questions [02:13:34.565] Stovamor: August 2020 was the last one @f1nn5ter [02:13:40.870] f1nn5terschair: Are you going to Twitchcon Amsterdam? [02:13:43.411] peezeear: what is going on here [02:13:44.338] mustangcubed: 22 years, we've talked enough [02:13:44.435] Azara_5: Look at this chad who actually got married [02:13:45.076] Sionax2001: GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit [02:13:46.388] vanimal2118: Great GF! [02:13:46.845] thedarkelement333: CAN YOU BE MY WIFE [02:13:50.660] TheRealTechnobladeChan: Me and my non existing boyfriend talk all the time [02:13:53.551] thegodofgods8: Sup Finn [02:13:53.632] jvlivs777: @f1nn5terschair eyyo,chair :)) [02:13:54.900] Jens_LN: That long ? ... Damn, Rynali has made a 100k subscriber channel in less time than 2 years. :D [02:13:56.984] disnick123: Talking about that 2nd channel, did you have any new ideas for videos there? [02:13:57.876] sailorvalued: me and you can talk whenever you want f1nn ong [02:13:58.762] ElijahKo7: get into a Poly Relationship [02:13:58.820] rox2_: grill content [02:14:00.554] LittleChaSiu: bit late for that innit [02:14:01.345] anelm8799999: 🥸😛🥹☺️ [02:14:04.266] phlighoti: DAD won in 22 seconds [02:14:04.614] f1nn5terschair: Hi @jvlivs777 [02:14:05.719] Globalnuclear: @peezeear we don't know but it's fun [02:14:07.091] spencer2408: You made me come out I love you [02:14:09.229] Icy_Sandman: How was your day? [02:14:11.454] ayarcee: Have you considered a long distance relationship? Really cuts down time talking to each other. [02:14:15.234] that_colin_guy: once a season? [02:14:16.910] jotaestacogido: mami [02:14:20.708] TheRealTechnobladeChan: GET A HAREM [02:14:21.925] HadukenSpammer: He's very traditional, chat [02:14:22.312] Sionax2001: 💦💦💦💦💦💦 [02:14:22.933] Amoyamoyamoya: Read: He will never post on that channel ever again. [02:14:24.786] LamTion: once a year, mega recap type of thing? [02:14:25.441] Kolateak_: Strict monogamy for me [02:14:25.961] jvlivs777: yip yip 🙃 [02:14:29.728] TheRealTechnobladeChan: get a harem full of WOMEN [02:14:30.076] ElijahKo7: stumbles on his words hmmmm [02:14:32.097] billy_hargrove1010: hey [02:14:39.980] peavey443: Would you ever go on chuckle sandwhich? [02:14:42.253] TheRealTechnobladeChan: HAREM NOT HARAM [02:14:44.040] Stovamor: Chat - cut down on the parasocial a bit, please [02:14:49.967] PsychicMouse_: hot take monogamy isn’t natural [02:14:52.826] mzinker: what happened to minx and riza [02:14:53.136] ElijahKo7: Keep it Halal [02:14:57.511] Jens_LN: yeah, I can see how traditionally he is [02:15:05.387] titanium347: bet [02:15:06.766] spencer2408: Hi [02:15:07.349] Jedmaster69: the old roman days [02:15:07.958] zombie_1981: LUL [02:15:08.188] FlyingMortimer: so before you were born? [02:15:08.433] eternaldebuff: booba [02:15:08.729] EpsRay: yee old days [02:15:11.056] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:15:11.215] AppleSaph: yeah chat is not down bad, its just down sad at this point [02:15:11.314] Amoyamoyamoya: Laughs in married to identical twins. [02:15:11.845] galentine_: where women were women and men were women [02:15:12.194] AppleSaph: sad to see [02:15:12.572] undercovernerd666: Lmao [02:15:12.638] vanimal2118: Sex, Lies and Video Stream Goals! [02:15:13.313] TheNeverShow: bare ankel woo hoo [02:15:14.137] Kolateak_: Based? [02:15:14.415] Defrancofan67: Ok dud [02:15:15.439] troy_5he: gonna get canceled for speaking the truth [02:15:17.103] TheRealTechnobladeChan: the good old greek days [02:15:17.239] sailorvalued: how about we get a drink together f1nn ong [02:15:17.430] levilec: f1nnBingbong [02:15:17.670] Maliik123: mega pint ? [02:15:18.255] mr_danktoasty: you drink cocktail hush [02:15:19.172] DUBttv_: Men were men and sheep were scared? [02:15:21.201] ElijahKo7: Back when it was hidden bisexuals and ridiculed gays [02:15:22.550] LittleChaSiu: "the female waitresses" as opposed to male waitresses [02:15:23.450] disnick123: @Amoyamoyamoya yeah... its so sad.... Rose doesn't like us... Finn on the other hand really loves us since he uploads weekly... [02:15:23.635] alexx_net: f1nnCancelled f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnSad NotLikeThis [02:15:24.912] Emmy64_: KEKW pre covid FeelsBadMan [02:15:26.646] braddle172: KEKW [02:15:27.033] Maestro_ofDrip420: @mzinker theyre at florida for the creator boxing match [02:15:28.038] floating_raindrop: My parents were in a trans-oceanic LDR in university back when airmail was expensive. They wrote letters once a month. [02:15:28.230] josecortesnival: ale? [02:15:28.247] packagum: oh god [02:15:28.572] hetzr: based [02:15:28.648] ablackguyyy: Ah yes the good ole days [02:15:29.024] Jens_LN: go back to the medieval time, where all men wore leggings ? [02:15:32.462] 1_smart_donkey: it's now called a country club [02:15:34.821] jmqlll: Hi [02:15:36.038] Keeper_Bolleck: Hey F1nn just want to say that you helped come to terms with being non-binary/fluid. thanks my dude. [02:15:36.879] SniperGirlX_: yeah "the good ol days" riggghhhhttt [02:15:38.503] PsychicMouse_: women want me fish fear me [02:15:38.532] superneet69: Lmaoo [02:15:39.455] Trorrrbooo: Huge Awesome boobs <3 [02:15:40.316] thegodofgods8: Mommy sorry [02:15:41.097] undercovernerd666: Hooters the best restaurant [02:15:41.352] scoodels_: yeah this generation is weird as fuck [02:15:41.846] mckammersgaard: @ayarcee not true tried that [02:15:42.296] johnkeiwo: Hell yeah brother YEE YEE KKona all these damn libtards feminizing the youth ! [02:15:42.750] troy_5he: I agree with you [02:15:46.689] Trorrrbooo: Niucee <3 [02:15:46.770] EpsRay: finn would make for a great hooter waitress [02:15:48.727] vidyagaem7: Hell yeah brother [02:15:49.701] Amoyamoyamoya: @disnick123, Rose? That sloot... [02:15:49.864] TheNeverShow: femboyhooters [02:15:49.914] jvlivs777: 100% 😎 [02:15:52.569] LittleChaSiu: cunt-ry club [02:15:53.108] revolve_ratio: u can easily win drag queen competition, why r u not participating ? [02:15:53.142] TunnelRatXIII: They're called waiters and yeah, always been that way. [02:15:53.567] Jansiman: Would you consider a job at hooters? @F1NN5TER [02:15:57.649] disnick123: Waitress cosplay? 👀 [02:15:58.379] Jakyubis9: at femboy hooters [02:16:02.996] titanium347: I wanna be like the Roman's, queer people EVERYWHERE [02:16:04.575] jmqlll: I’m lonely when I look at u I feel like sticking my dick in baloney [02:16:04.591] Maestro_ofDrip420: femboy hooters [02:16:05.007] Emmy64_: f1nnEmbarrassed [02:16:05.427] foreverfroster: Holy [02:16:08.117] Stovamor: You have the shorts too [02:16:08.462] general_of_cm: "i could be a male" -Rose 2022 [02:16:09.109] DrasticLion8408: Mommy? [02:16:09.777] SniperGirlX_: Femboy hooters lol [02:16:09.915] cherryymari: lowkey you could make mad hooters tips. [02:16:12.310] ElijahKo7: She's a cunt-try, music fan [02:16:12.603] cifexhydra: Sup [02:16:12.869] johnkeiwo: Yep I sent that shirt :) [02:16:13.027] KateChon258: KateChon258 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! There's nothing to see here [02:16:13.202] f3mmbot katechon258 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:16:20.012] elric_toivonen: Will you be doing a VR stream anytime soon? [02:16:21.724] Jens_LN: Hooters dress up would fit Bimbo Month SO GOOD !!! [02:16:22.341] sailorvalued: finn let me brush your hair while we talk about your day [02:16:26.164] undercovernerd666: Pog hooters [02:16:26.697] vanimal2118: Reality Rose no work, Trophy Wife! [02:16:26.788] vexedraccoon: you're goals honestly [02:16:29.936] LittleChaSiu: I heard that as Waitrose [02:16:35.102] xenoman5: Sorry mommy [02:16:35.405] barbie_secretstanner: Waitress in a suit? Where [02:16:38.085] EpsRay: you need an apron around your waist and a notebook, hair in a bun [02:16:38.939] LittleChaSiu: what even is a Waitrose cosplay [02:16:40.880] ElijahKo7: I'm a male Waitress irl, fight me [02:16:42.147] bridgetlacy8: is that your real voice? [02:16:42.525] TheRealTechnobladeChan: play minecraft in vr [02:16:42.676] Jansiman: Fiiiiiiin, are you still planning on showing the watch? 😊 @F1NN5TER [02:16:44.732] redcat1633: do you have onlyfans because I will pay top dollar for it TehePelo [02:16:45.546] aunalbrutal: Yeey my kebab is soon here Im hAngry :o [02:16:49.344] peavey443: Femboy hooters stream when? [02:16:54.710] Stovamor: Go back and finish Alyx @F1nn5ter, unless you're a wimp [02:16:55.193] xenoman5: Nope [02:16:56.434] Maestro_ofDrip420: doom on vr [02:16:57.313] ozeantj: when do we walk again ? [02:16:57.796] thedarkelement333: you can play meeeeee [02:16:59.200] Jens_LN: !watch [02:16:59.490] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [02:16:59.787] hetisjeneef: the one like cs [02:17:00.167] shaylahstone: Social liberals and progressives were subverted by marxism thats why they are off there rocker so to speak [02:17:03.277] foreverfroster: Bro wtfff [02:17:03.533] FRJGuy: What do you think about eurovision? [02:17:03.590] braddle172: !watch [02:17:06.201] ElijahKo7: Sus VR from Finn [02:17:07.624] titanium347: oompylFrunkchunk finn's ideal bod [02:17:12.273] gaming_giant_: dad won his fight [02:17:13.251] elric_toivonen: @stovamor agreed [02:17:13.373] jvlivs777: that's a short dress ngl [02:17:14.738] Stovamor: She's a wimp [02:17:15.434] mr_danktoasty: hold up did I see someone saying they feel lonely and wanna stick there meat into baloney [02:17:15.870] thedarkelement333: deym dat cake [02:17:17.031] vanimal2118: Voice Changer [02:17:17.366] TheRealTechnobladeChan: He is gone [02:17:18.054] Amoyamoyamoya: Half-Life Alyx. Half-Life Alyx. Half-Life Alyx. [02:17:19.453] sailorvalued: wish I was Alex bro [02:17:19.499] EpsRay: !chair [02:17:21.074] Maestro_ofDrip420: first off first off first off the watch phew [02:17:23.504] ThunderNoughts: f1nn threatening people with a good time smh [02:17:24.154] ayarcee: @mckammersgaard Sorry to hear that. [02:17:25.024] _으__르 (kcol1230): he or she? [02:17:26.126] brannought: Nice tits bro [02:17:26.245] ElijahKo7: SUSSY VR STREAM [02:17:27.445] Maestro_ofDrip420: W cake [02:17:27.862] TheRealTechnobladeChan: she is gone [02:17:28.312] topdogsidxtqy: you should get a wheel for your pc and do drunk driving stream VoteYea VoteYea [02:17:29.903] beatle_88: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR [02:17:30.215] elric_toivonen: Half Life Alyx [02:17:30.311] hoosier_daddy615: Hiii do you mind saying 'Hi Ace' If you dont mind. Love the outfit btw <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:17:31.302] awesomerem1: !commands [02:17:31.556] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !backstory, !birthday, !bluechair, !bobs, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !hunting, !instagram, !lipstick, !measurements, !merch, !pinkchair, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !soda, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !watch, !youtube [02:17:32.344] reaperenzeru: F1nn lookin cheeked up today [02:17:33.075] zombie_1981: 🪑 <3 [02:17:34.282] cifexhydra: Yo I’m surprised he hasn’t pulled out one of his many knives yet [02:17:34.804] mzinker: cake holder [02:17:34.880] TheRealTechnobladeChan: Your balls [02:17:36.319] alexx_net: I can what? Hard pass! [02:17:36.410] Jens_LN: !watch [02:17:36.532] vanimal2118: !gender [02:17:36.673] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [02:17:36.836] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:17:39.285] ElijahKo7: !reddit [02:17:39.579] f3mmbot The subreddit is at https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter [02:17:39.619] Mimiqes: LMFAO HE OR SHE LOOOL [02:17:39.638] Maestro_ofDrip420: W print [02:17:43.058] Jansiman: oooh a speedy [02:17:43.327] skey3456: Hi all [02:17:43.453] jvlivs777: Danggggg [02:17:43.893] superneet69: Finn can get it ngl [02:17:44.557] Gigaknightdx: dumppy [02:17:46.042] xenoman5: Nice [02:17:50.519] mr_danktoasty: how much did that set you back? [02:17:50.723] Jens_LN: OMEGALUL [02:17:53.789] huhn___: !pronouns [02:17:54.121] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:17:54.796] SethwMad: Holy crap Matt Watson got DESTROYED [02:17:55.730] jvlivs777: Holy molly 😳 [02:17:56.288] idiiotrat: you look like a sexy mom [02:17:56.846] spaghettiman__: @mr_danktoasty 1000 [02:17:57.124] PHDrigo: ayo nice OMEGA [02:17:58.123] jandraelune: horHeart horHeart horHeart [02:17:59.223] beatle_88: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [02:17:59.903] ayarcee: BOX [02:18:02.290] skey3456: I have Ps5 got two new games Love your stream wow nice watch [02:18:02.763] 1_smart_donkey: I thought you had a really nice expensive knife [02:18:03.018] SeriousTTV: bling bling impheeBucky [02:18:04.021] bosvi: Hello I think this is the time when u must change the clothes ;) [02:18:04.702] redcat1633: damn she got a cake LUL [02:18:06.007] jvlivs777: !uptime [02:18:06.266] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 18m 11s [02:18:06.406] PHDrigo: MSRP?! [02:18:06.756] sailorvalued: if you was with me youd have nothing but nice things ong [02:18:07.503] johnkeiwo: @SethwMad, yep ! 22 seconds with DAD ! [02:18:08.569] c__r__j: !watch [02:18:08.820] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [02:18:13.242] xenoman5: Less [02:18:14.159] johnkeiwo: Now dad is matt's daddy [02:18:15.615] mzinker: it's the to big for Rose [02:18:21.483] TheRealTechnobladeChan: Turn the lights off it gets the mood [02:18:22.372] ElijahKo7: Nice watch 👀 [02:18:25.875] Jansiman: MSRP is around 8,000 Euros [02:18:27.868] SethwMad: 22 second with Dad isn't surprising Nathan is nuts. [02:18:34.769] Natt: the ICE [02:18:36.160] thedarkelement333: chat craving for cake? [02:18:37.092] jvlivs777: that is a nice looking watch 😎 [02:18:37.514] Amoyamoyamoya: Your boyfriend gave you a nice watch. [02:18:37.664] denialdelivery798: is it pink? [02:18:37.800] hetisjeneef: jesus christ [02:18:38.320] thegodofgods8: What Are Your Pronouns Finn? [02:18:39.319] titanium347: bye bye!!! [02:18:42.168] mscoldchickensoup: Elastic nato strap comfy [02:18:42.318] HadukenSpammer: It's too rough on his dainty arm KEKW [02:18:43.682] CosmicTalksAlot: what are ur prns btw? [02:18:47.249] xenoman5: Tritium vials? [02:18:48.624] TheNeverShow: metal is in right now [02:18:48.860] Icy_Sandman: Kappu Kappu Kappu StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese PinkMercy PinkMercy PinkMercy TheTarFu [02:18:49.657] vanimal2118: Bids Open 4 Femboys in Space! [02:18:50.410] acaldri: !pronouns [02:18:50.721] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:18:51.629] tehikohiko: Don't like pantyhose? I'm so sexy [02:18:52.026] twerkerberzerker: rose gold? [02:18:52.700] ElijahKo7: Finn loves Leather Strapa [02:18:53.255] ZEN1X_: there is a pink moonwatch [02:18:55.000] spaghettiman__: @mr_danktoasty Nevermind, different watch, 6700 euros [02:18:56.314] barbie_secretstanner: For the girl months lol [02:19:02.228] xenoman5: Or phosphor face? [02:19:04.319] thegodofgods8: Finn [02:19:08.325] TheRealTechnobladeChan: Wow ur getting a strap?? [02:19:10.513] beatle_88: it fits loose f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:19:11.727] gaming_giant_: dad won his fight 22 secons [02:19:14.091] brannought: I’d like an ogre type body and be all green and stuff do you think there’s anything out there I could take to make that happen? [02:19:14.892] denialdelivery798: useless [02:19:17.762] ZEN1X_: there's a pink version of the moonwatch speedmaster tho [02:19:19.553] CPTONI: Girl Month!!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:19:22.854] xenoman5: Strap it on mommy!! [02:19:24.921] Gigaknightdx: need it sized [02:19:28.385] xenoman5: Strap [02:19:31.503] mr_danktoasty: @spaghettiman__ damn that's more than I've ever managed to save up [02:19:35.258] xenoman5: Strap! [02:19:35.681] snackehard: theres a pink swatch x omega version [02:19:37.877] barbie_secretstanner: No they were good vibes [02:19:45.550] snackehard: the venus verion [02:19:49.150] TheRealTechnobladeChan: How big is your di- [02:19:49.791] xenoman5: What size lugs? [02:19:52.779] AlgoBro: Do you like the new Star Trek? [02:19:55.339] TheKnuckle44: whens soda coming to UK? [02:19:56.942] CPTONI: CPTONI subscribed with Prime. [02:19:57.116] f3mmbot cptoni subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cptoni f1nn5tLezgang [02:19:57.501] nyxxxx_boi: how should i wear my makeup for prom tn? [02:20:00.823] Icy_Sandman: Do you wear any necklaces and/or bracelets often? [02:20:02.021] SethwMad: Talk about how Dad wrecked Matt Watson. weren't you betting on Matt? [02:20:04.616] ElijahKo7: @xenoman5 dyslexics reading this [02:20:08.611] EpsRay: can you smack someone in the face with the watch [02:20:08.716] denialdelivery798: nip [02:20:13.299] Jens_LN: G-cups ? [02:20:14.443] sailorvalued: ask you questions? me you nettlix and popcorn what's the word? [02:20:15.178] c__r__j: F1nn just showed the TOS bit of that bob. [02:20:16.242] stumbling_warthog: nip slip [02:20:18.609] johnkeiwo: @spencer2408, no spam [02:20:19.574] jvlivs777: BOOB is life 🙃 [02:20:21.215] vanimal2118: Girl down! Medic! [02:20:23.205] indigo_ikaris: hello [02:20:26.040] tangolettuce: They’re not gonna sell it online :( [02:20:26.269] TheNeverShow: thight flats or Heals ? [02:20:27.196] scruffys_mustache: Nip [02:20:29.730] Flippi_12: cheer200 [02:20:33.542] johnkeiwo: dad rekt matt in 22 seconds [02:20:34.963] kiziryry: Opinion on global warming? [02:20:35.081] cieri27: Heyyyyyyyyyy [02:20:37.800] brannought: @redcat1633 same but with you instead [02:20:38.787] Stovamor: @spencer2408, you're on thin ice. stop spamming [02:20:40.059] car_soniscool: hi [02:20:40.812] xenoman5: I saw nip [02:20:42.401] CPTONI: How is Finn today?? [02:20:44.338] Jansiman: Please be careful with watches...they become an easy addiction... I thought it wasn't bad...now I have around 30.. @F1NN5TER [02:20:46.526] stumbling_warthog: f1nn showed booba nip [02:20:49.254] mckammersgaard: Nip slip [02:20:51.311] hentaihaven211: they yassified my man [02:20:52.892] jandraelune: If you want a pair of fake bobs that are not fragile. Look at ' Nearly Me ' [02:20:54.387] skey3456: Can i ask you into anime [02:20:54.560] car_soniscool: how are you [02:21:00.136] xenoman5: Keep knives away from bobs [02:21:00.871] redcat1633: LMFAO [02:21:04.567] TheNeverShow: did arron win ? [02:21:06.195] ryzeeer223: Mans gonna go accidentally buy real boobs and not fakes ones then get fucking destroyed by twitch [02:21:11.777] ElijahKo7: Fin loves older bigger men [02:21:18.980] emmetyura: emmetyura is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [02:21:19.172] f3mmbot emmetyura has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:21:19.988] emmetyura: emmetyura gifted a Tier 1 sub to OpulentMyzery! [02:21:20.016] emmetyura: emmetyura gifted a Tier 1 sub to drskull452! [02:21:20.024] emmetyura: emmetyura gifted a Tier 1 sub to Filippen! [02:21:20.083] emmetyura: emmetyura gifted a Tier 1 sub to ldragon_kingl! [02:21:20.104] emmetyura: emmetyura gifted a Tier 1 sub to songcrit! [02:21:31.756] vanimal2118: Fights with brothers count? [02:21:33.525] Jens_LN: Hypetrain [02:21:34.448] sjoonyje: is the whole fight event over already [02:21:35.262] SaMStaNthEMaN: oh yeah [02:21:47.220] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [02:21:53.065] hetisjeneef: reéeeeee [02:21:54.194] ruikkuperse: What are you? [02:21:54.739] Jansiman: @tobywuzhere_ gift me a sub weirdChamp [02:21:58.700] Jens_LN: eyebrows [02:22:03.782] HadukenSpammer: KEKW [02:22:03.842] sailorvalued: what's the word finn me and you long walks in the park under the moonlight what's the word? [02:22:07.813] justmaike: where can u watch the fight? [02:22:07.874] ThunderNoughts: so, not masculine at all [02:22:08.026] Snowie225: denial [02:22:09.453] TragikSoul: X [02:22:10.074] Globalnuclear: yeah [02:22:11.334] Amoyamoyamoya: X [02:22:11.715] grape2: babies are not born very masculine [02:22:13.584] fruityrumbum: are u wearing gee [02:22:14.118] JT5695: very masculine baby [02:22:14.911] funkifungi22: yes [02:22:16.109] hetisjeneef: X [02:22:16.330] SaMStaNthEMaN: no [02:22:17.812] Flippi_12: X 󠀀 [02:22:18.314] vanimal2118: X [02:22:18.477] braddle172: yes [02:22:18.746] alexx_net: X [02:22:18.949] barbie_secretstanner: Quick tell her she’s pretty [02:22:18.983] FlyingMortimer: coming form the guy putting gloss on his lips [02:22:20.013] Stovamor: @sailorvalued, the word is parasocial. Cool off [02:22:21.377] Defrancofan67: Yass [02:22:23.099] fellow_mello_: Absolutely [02:22:24.353] fruityrumbum: are u wearing heels [02:22:25.256] ThunderNoughts: cute [02:22:26.009] LittleChaSiu: weirdChamp [02:22:26.432] 27_Peace: those boobs are VERY masculine [02:22:26.648] Jens_LN: eyebrows and shaved armpits ? [02:22:27.222] cieri27: YESSSSS [02:22:28.189] 57ranma: How long since you had a girlfriend [02:22:28.317] P3R3_: awooga [02:22:28.852] im_up_to_something: I like [02:22:30.111] jvlivs777: it isss 🥹 [02:22:30.198] ElijahKo7: Red lipstick and Red nails [02:22:32.250] chaowuh: Ohh yess [02:22:34.407] Haslak64: The dress is the finest part [02:22:34.414] c__r__j: F1nn as masculine as a newborn baby, confirmed. [02:22:35.948] FewDreng: Matches the dress well [02:22:36.247] ruikkuperse: ihanat [02:22:36.621] peavey443: Cheer Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Finn, Opinon time, potato or tomatoes? [02:22:37.497] DogeWarriorX: bro [02:22:39.083] alexx_net: "As masculine as the day I was born." Sure you are baby f1nnLaff [02:22:39.347] zaraki_san_230: seno [02:22:40.276] redcat1633: oh my God I'm so wet right now TehePelo [02:22:41.261] disnick123: AAAAAAAAAAA [02:22:42.145] quillsquills: still as masculine as the day i was borne *puts on lipgloss* [02:22:43.320] disnick123: AAAAAAAA [02:22:43.697] TheRealTechnobladeChan: PoroSad [02:22:45.653] Amoyamoyamoya: Applies lip gloss after saying he's as masculine as the day he wa born. [02:22:48.342] undercovernerd666: Your cute af 😘 [02:22:48.750] M0rbulus: @F1NN5TER did you know that the most appealing lip colour is the colour of your nipples? [02:22:49.814] chaowuh: GIVE US A TWIRL PLEASSEE [02:22:51.609] disnick123: I'M CRYING... [02:22:53.593] sourl_lsugar: im still as masculine as when I was born by the way how does my lip gloss look [02:22:58.454] karasktheman5: Are gonna go on omgel [02:23:00.235] TheNeverShow: have you seen the new friends Nail polish collection? [02:23:01.190] ShoeHash: You're very well dressed and matching. Hi. I have no idea why I'm here. [02:23:01.484] karasktheman5: U [02:23:04.397] julster71: Rose Conan Tarzan Evergreen [02:23:10.749] cieri27: True [02:23:11.714] FewDreng: Bright red [02:23:11.971] XxHaydukexX_: dark [02:23:12.161] 0ghoatbees0: bright [02:23:12.948] Pergatory_Aligery: dark [02:23:14.261] barbie_secretstanner: Dark [02:23:14.401] amoreperfectusername: !uptime [02:23:14.651] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 23m 20s [02:23:15.292] Royalbirhat: wait we you born? i thought eggs were layed sorry not sorry uni300 [02:23:17.730] mustangcubed: dark [02:23:18.453] hetisjeneef: bright [02:23:19.425] vanimal2118: Howdy @disnick123 [02:23:21.488] cieri27: DARK [02:23:23.782] Snowie225: light [02:23:24.611] chaowuh: Dark [02:23:25.120] puppcake23: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:23:25.217] im_up_to_something: bright ❤️ [02:23:26.952] karasktheman5: DRAK [02:23:26.972] hetisjeneef: fits hest [02:23:27.560] chaowuh: Dark bro [02:23:30.058] Flippi_12: dark [02:23:30.256] mzinker: dark red [02:23:30.935] cargilly_: LMAO [02:23:32.431] karasktheman5: DARK [02:23:32.571] JT5695: LUL [02:23:32.713] hetisjeneef: poll [02:23:34.803] FewDreng: Dark red is waaayy to basic, also very formal. Bright red gives off the right vibe. [02:23:35.459] j0hnbanks117: Dark [02:23:36.167] ElijahKo7: 50 Shades of Red - Finnsters new movie [02:23:36.490] chaowuh: Dark is hot [02:23:37.638] 57ranma: Dark [02:23:39.386] disnick123: @vanimal2118 Ello PrideWave [02:23:39.485] zombie_1981: LUL [02:23:41.538] Chri55PBacon: dark [02:23:41.644] redcat1633: OMG I'm falling in love you got to let me take you out on a date [02:23:43.288] denialdelivery798: you can make a lot of sauces with tomatoes and more solid foods with potatoes [02:23:43.459] alexx_net: @spencer2408, Yes he is. [02:23:44.281] Jens_LN: blue ! [02:23:45.562] thornofarose69: poll? [02:23:47.674] 57ranma: Poll [02:23:47.694] jinxed_panda11: I'm gay :D [02:23:48.262] hetisjeneef: poooill [02:23:51.264] thornofarose69: do a poll [02:23:52.158] barbie_secretstanner: The ones who said bright meant dark [02:23:59.979] blast_blue56: Hello there [02:24:02.233] quillsquills: dark (goes with more things, and better for more acasions) [02:24:09.653] Stovamor: brb. need more pain killers [02:24:09.929] anelm8799999: GUEESSD WAYTTTt😡😡😡 [02:24:11.251] chaowuh: I vote blue [02:24:11.491] fellow_mello_: @redcat1633 Eww? [02:24:12.049] scatcha04: Daro [02:24:14.118] Snowie225: @barbie_secretstanner ... [02:24:15.213] alexx_net: @redcat1633, He doesn't have to do anything that he doesn't want to. [Consent matters] [02:24:15.809] scatcha04: Dark [02:24:16.567] jacob10777: aplle water [02:24:19.160] undercovernerd666: 🏳️‍⚧️ [02:24:19.184] redcat1633: XD [02:24:19.792] 57ranma: Finn hasn’t been laid since 2018 [02:24:20.630] anelm8799999: IM GAY🤬 [02:24:24.618] Shuqg: !uptime [02:24:24.877] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 24m 30s [02:24:29.472] redcat1633: lol [02:24:32.844] nosabernolife: OMG ITS F1NN, O: sorry im mindblown from actually watching you live for the first time lel [02:24:36.477] nosabernolife: HI F1NN [02:24:44.086] shaylahstone: Do you want kids or were you like f that? [02:24:45.297] eternaldebuff: fin has been live for 2hours? not 6 hours? [02:24:45.352] barbie_secretstanner: @barbie_secretstanner im taking the oiss [02:24:45.733] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:24:53.495] jvlivs777: @nosabernolife congratulations 🙃 [02:24:55.427] Vlimox: Hello you sexy Person <3 <3 <3 [02:24:58.511] redcat1633: I've done enough damage I'm out [02:24:58.911] jandraelune: Look at ' NearlyMe ' for durable fake bobs. [02:25:00.024] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:25:01.133] Jens_LN: but you like bobs [02:25:07.123] ElijahKo7: that's not a bad thing Fin [02:25:10.365] Macch10: hey @f1nn5ter it is my birthday and so far it has kinda been sad. could I get a positive congratulation or motivation? [02:25:10.465] FreaKazaN: f1nnLaff [02:25:12.249] nosabernolife: @jvlivs777 cg for what lol [02:25:13.216] pianomanstreams: Hi [02:25:15.009] HadukenSpammer: Imagine his kids seeing this chat KEKW [02:25:19.359] nosabernolife: lol RIGHT [02:25:19.901] PHDrigo: Which boob pushers do you buy? asking for a friend [02:25:27.461] artsyfanart: as a genderfluid person I wished I had your shapeshiftting power [02:25:30.739] Jens_LN: G [02:25:31.009] grape2: FeelsDankMan [02:25:31.803] nosabernolife: if u had kids, how would you explain your entire ttv career? XD [02:25:32.150] thedarkelement333: you can give birth [02:25:39.319] vanimal2118: Go Big or go wait... [02:25:42.361] jvlivs777: @nosabernolife for gettin tune in for the stream 😊🙌,welcome welcome [02:25:43.640] zombie_1981: kids DansGame [02:25:43.963] ayarcee: Yoda is in charge of layout [02:25:51.701] nosabernolife: @jvlivs777 tyty <3 [02:25:52.586] Jens_LN: Bounce ! [02:25:56.408] songcrit: if you did have kids son or daughter??? [02:25:57.394] jvlivs777: omggg 😨 [02:26:01.886] disnick123: FFFFFFFFFFCK [02:26:03.837] vanimal2118: X [02:26:11.174] jvlivs777: !uptime [02:26:11.427] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 26m 17s [02:26:19.821] The_Galpster: HELLOOO [02:26:20.113] barbie_secretstanner: Do you have a book? To drop [02:26:21.406] Jedmaster69: lore [02:26:22.563] nosabernolife: lolololo [02:26:22.600] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL mko5Head [02:26:24.724] beatle_88: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [02:26:25.498] ThunderNoughts: pog [02:26:25.548] ElijahKo7: himbo bimbo fin [02:26:32.284] Bhyper: Your shameless lol [02:26:33.614] KeeKzap: KEKW [02:26:34.295] fruityrumbum: r u wearing heels [02:26:34.651] packagum: f1nnLaff [02:26:37.534] jamie_nyaa: Be bread of breed? @f1nn5ter [02:26:47.106] dummigummii: hey have you seen heartstoppers on netflix @F1NN5TER [02:26:48.657] troy_5he: porno [02:26:48.910] LittleChaSiu: guilty pleasure [02:26:50.873] BureaucraticMouse: guilty pleasyure [02:26:51.604] Jens_LN: We like the rogue Mod [02:26:52.296] Helen_Croft: NSFW stream [02:26:54.607] ElijahKo7: KAHOOT [02:26:55.419] finsquare2003: taboo [02:26:56.707] IvanStickitinski: smut [02:26:57.205] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tacolikeslemons! [02:26:57.394] f3mmbot ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to tacolikeslemons at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tacolikeslemons f1nn5tLezgang [02:26:58.923] SeteroSofi: taboo [02:26:59.019] bmc118: forbidden [02:27:01.720] Jens_LN: Rose is NSFW [02:27:01.997] HoneycombCentral: I finished Avatar last night and I need to share that anyways your hair looks lovely [02:27:06.581] ayarcee: This stream comes in a brown paperbag [02:27:09.061] chaowuh: Thingy ma Bob [02:27:09.578] jvlivs777: 🙃 [02:27:10.229] colindurr: A not-allowed-thing [02:27:13.174] alexx_net: Taboo [02:27:13.982] Psycho_Static: My bf ask what type of streamers I watched and I linked him your twitch :3 [02:27:22.495] nosabernolife: lol [02:27:24.918] y0rk5h1r3: Fem Wars: Rogue Mod [02:27:24.944] sp00ny76: again [02:27:26.724] colindurr: Not-Allowed-Thing was my nickname in high school [02:27:27.040] josecortesnival: stern warning? [02:27:28.052] Jens_LN: Shaved armpits [02:27:30.410] SeteroSofi: egg questions [02:27:31.119] Flippi_12: we treat this stream like a shameful kink. we like it, but we don't share it with our familly [02:27:35.715] Jens_LN: plucked eyebrows [02:27:48.492] colindurr: Self-critical and worried about appearance is feminine, true Kappa [02:27:50.455] xenoman5: Taboo [02:27:51.588] general_of_cm: didnt we already had this question lol [02:27:52.958] gregorytnt100: hi [02:27:56.101] denialdelivery798: that's not innately feminine tho [02:27:59.386] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:27:59.504] Emmy64_: !hug roguemod [02:27:59.758] f3mmbot roguemod gets a big hug from emmy64_ <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [02:28:06.446] VietnamVet1: Changed answer LUL [02:28:13.858] vanimal2118: !merch [02:28:14.118] f3mmbot Get F1nn merch! https://f1nn.shop [02:28:14.622] denialdelivery798: it's just a being on camera thing [02:28:14.872] nosabernolife: oooo F1NN if u want a trainer, Im ur guy ^^ [02:28:21.120] nosabernolife: in case ur ever interested :3 [02:28:24.057] femboyphysics: <3 [02:28:28.995] colindurr: NO PUNISH FTW [02:28:33.644] Jens_LN: Rogue mod was good for this stream :) [02:28:36.195] c__r__j: Give the rogue mod a pay rise! [02:28:47.580] djchampion4116: Hi I am new here Why do u dress like a girl? [02:28:50.612] nosabernolife: nonoon i mean personal trainer [02:28:53.260] y0rk5h1r3: Rogue Mod = Best Mod [02:28:59.646] generationken: Corporal punishment [02:29:01.381] spencer2408: Hi [02:29:01.647] c__r__j: X [02:29:01.835] xenoman5: Spank him [02:29:05.710] spencer2408: Yea [02:29:06.682] troy_5he: X for doubt [02:29:07.591] jvlivs777: true 🙃 [02:29:09.171] vanimal2118: @c__r__j wishful thinking. [02:29:09.297] Flippi_12: X [02:29:09.707] xenoman5: Or he spanks you [02:29:17.590] xenoman5: Spank him [02:29:21.214] HadukenSpammer: Do you not want these things? [02:29:31.094] nosabernolife: but then again idk if u wanna get cut tho might contradict the appearance you're going for [02:29:34.079] barbie_secretstanner: The pointer chin helps [02:29:45.252] Jens_LN: Also, barely any Adams Apple !! [02:29:46.132] stumbling_warthog: egg jawline [02:29:51.452] nosabernolife: you know what they say, THAT JAWLINE DONT LIE and NEITHER DO I :3 [02:29:53.188] jvlivs777: closeup 🙃 [02:29:53.459] eversowholesome: your jawline is more feminine than mine, and im a girl' [02:29:58.288] Jens_LN: Heh, Egg Jawline :D [02:29:59.557] thornofarose69: it all fits together perfectly [02:30:01.610] Alkno_93: whats happening Uk are 1th how The hell the UK song is great [02:30:05.116] xenoman5: Egg [02:30:07.399] aethermonger: I'm trans myself and you're more feminine. Don't worry haha. [02:30:07.480] FlyingMortimer: it also forces your eyes to be wider/bigger when your camera is high [02:30:08.056] im_up_to_something: ok kinda see it [02:30:09.093] Alkno_93: its not over jet [02:30:11.177] themysticalninja65: you have girl arms [02:30:11.734] jvlivs777: true 😎 [02:30:14.310] Stovamor: I return [02:30:25.294] Chri55PBacon: eeyy [02:30:30.291] jvlivs777: especially as a man too 👌 [02:30:31.016] nosabernolife: BUTG [02:30:31.364] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor SUS [02:30:35.917] eternaldebuff: self criticism < saying "it be like that sometimes" [02:30:37.740] Techmarine1980: whatever you say rose Keepo Keepo gptvKAPPA gptvKAPPA gptvKAPPA [02:30:38.092] Stovamor: @y0rk5h1r3, wat? [02:30:39.093] ayarcee: Hi Stov, welcome back [02:30:39.107] nosabernolife: lol but ur funny af [02:30:45.363] thornofarose69: you look very beautiful and very masculine [02:30:45.602] shrek431: hi I saw you on tiktok [02:30:46.826] based4keem: crackstream ws dad just won in seconds he liked my comment "just train rear punch like bas rutten" dad has hajime no ippo tattoo LMFAO [02:30:51.410] Jens_LN: It's a good thing she's pretty ? [02:30:51.598] HadukenSpammer: He knows he's hot. He just wants to be accepted for his personality. [02:30:54.228] spencer2408: When will you walk [02:30:55.017] alexx_net: Lifting your chin just makes your neck look bitable [02:30:55.489] nosabernolife: FUCK those haters f1nn , ur funny af [02:31:01.482] Fredol7: You’re very entertaining content [02:31:03.900] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor being away, you Rogue Mod? [02:31:05.005] eternaldebuff: all hail gremlin princess [02:31:05.135] rapy__: rossz buzi [02:31:10.042] themysticalninja65: @alexx_net lmao [02:31:12.668] ryanss2123: !uptime [02:31:12.910] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 31m 18s [02:31:15.942] LAXtheBarsmith: look, your a better looking dude than most dudes , and are better looking while female presenting than most women . its aggravates us all [02:31:16.784] Globalnuclear: Finn, you fix bobas often, is that habit appears accidentally when you without bobas in boy life? [02:31:17.311] 1_smart_donkey: you're so funny you brought me out of depression [02:31:17.462] vanimal2118: New shampoo better, did u order Mane and coat? [02:31:18.217] Amoyamoyamoya: @alexx_net, POGGERS [02:31:18.590] InfiniteCoyotetime: "you can call my looks mid all you want, but don't you DARE say my jokes are mid" [02:31:19.515] Stovamor: @y0rk5h1r3, nah. I have an alabi for several of the first rogue polls [02:31:20.790] whosrusty: bro he is so pretty [02:31:22.660] disnick123: But you're not a gremlin today... you finally look cute for once... [02:31:24.525] freenrir: hail the gremlin princess [02:31:25.226] guitarbebop: i thought it was F1nnsess [02:31:26.144] nosabernolife: if ur not funny or entertaining idk how else to explain ur amazing ttv views lol [02:31:27.227] shrek431: hey I saw you on tiktok [02:31:28.710] jvlivs777: we'll stay here anyway 🙃 [02:31:29.575] Dutezy: !pronouns [02:31:29.832] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:31:33.899] whosrusty: why are you so pretty [02:31:39.446] shaylahstone: Has sodacat asked you a question yet? [02:31:45.462] barbie_secretstanner: That’s such a weird one [02:31:49.513] vanimal2118: F1nn5ter Nice? [02:31:55.977] lilbeel2x: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 you a dude ? [02:31:56.807] HadukenSpammer: That's just quality content [02:31:57.634] Haslak64: EGG [02:32:01.751] spencer2408: Will you Walk [02:32:07.202] princecharmling14: good [02:32:08.733] alexx_net: @Amoyamoyamoya, I can't help my nature 🧛🏻󠀂♀ [02:32:08.892] Helen_Croft: !bobs [02:32:09.164] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [02:32:09.793] anelm8799999: 😈😈😡🥵 [02:32:12.460] princecharmling14: be confident! [02:32:12.526] FlyingMortimer: you used to be innocent, now you aren't as much.. [02:32:13.786] thegodofgods8: Is That a Wig? [02:32:14.618] Defrancofan67: You can't get funnier but you can always get bigger bobs :p [02:32:14.679] Flippi_12: someone said: I miss innocent F1nn LUL [02:32:14.859] braddle172: they said more innocent [02:32:15.331] jvlivs777: BASED [02:32:15.790] whosrusty: I love u so much [02:32:19.193] tallorangeone: dude, I've always been genuinely so impressed by your ability to just talk into a camera for literal hours - into the void - and still be interesting to listen to! You're like a really hot, really funny podcast with eye candy too! [02:32:20.272] Amoyamoyamoya: @alexx_net, That's fair. [02:32:20.835] Stovamor: @jaxonbaker66660000, calm the fuck down, sire [02:32:22.490] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor what if the Mods are working as a Collective, Anonymous style, and the Rogue Mod isn't actually a single Mod? [02:32:24.674] chaowuh: Bro exactly [02:32:25.951] denialdelivery798: that's the funny part tho, we get to bully you more cus youe more confident [02:32:30.340] shaylahstone: I like you [02:32:36.968] chaowuh: I like you too [02:32:38.640] Stovamor: @y0rk5h1r3, that'd be very sus and probably something we'd do [02:32:44.067] cherryymari: well you're lovely. also your eyebrows look good from all angles [02:32:45.219] nosabernolife: tbh i think ur fine [02:32:49.519] ayarcee: Some people like the humiliation content [02:32:50.018] y0rk5h1r3: BIG BRAIN! [02:32:51.873] nosabernolife: least ur jawline looks better w the cam that high [02:32:52.784] lilbeel2x: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 I really thought you a girl [02:32:55.231] JT5695: finns got a couple of big... monitors [02:32:58.182] mzinker: bbe before banana eating [02:32:59.710] keklelw: Finn can you finally admit your an egg [02:33:12.279] Helen_Croft: !pinkchair [02:33:12.544] f3mmbot The pink chair is a slooty sloot of a chair but we don't judge and still lub her. [02:33:18.345] xenoman5: Scrambled [02:33:23.394] Jens_LN: Very feminine :) [02:33:24.823] keklelw: 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 [02:33:27.217] xenoman5: Fried [02:33:28.337] HadukenSpammer: It's literally the same [02:33:31.810] xenoman5: Baked [02:33:33.390] vanimal2118: Bunny Ears obkatWowee [02:33:33.670] itzmagic_07: epic primers in chat [02:33:35.043] Jens_LN: Submissive and Breedable [02:33:36.901] c__r__j: @Helen_Croft : Time for a Gremlin Princess LFB onesie, perhaps? :-) [02:33:37.670] xenoman5: Boiled [02:33:38.311] artsyfanart: oh shoot I was going to sleep but you just reminded me I forgot to take off my makeup [02:33:38.553] alexx_net: Looks better [02:33:39.535] nosabernolife: lool i pay attention to my appearance, i mean from experience at least the cam is better above than below, IDK [02:33:39.613] ryanss2123: Head cut off [02:33:45.048] riocasso: bro...this aint no girl, no way. [02:33:45.255] ryanss2123: You need a wider lense [02:33:46.654] vinco_te: looks like a green screen [02:33:47.052] freenrir: wait can you do that leaning over towards the keyboard again, but slower [02:33:52.895] 1_smart_donkey: now you look taller [02:33:53.663] FlyingMortimer: higher camera angle thins the chin/neck and makes your eyes look more innocent. [02:33:54.877] anelm8799999: sheeeeeesh [02:33:56.524] jvlivs777: noice [02:33:57.404] denialdelivery798: your confidence is what makes it easy for is to make fun of you so that criticism was probably from a angry coomer [02:33:57.534] nosabernolife: SEE?! [02:33:58.254] xenoman5: And my personal favorite over easy [02:33:58.563] InfiniteCoyotetime: the difference is so small that no one would notice without anyone calling it out [02:33:59.145] nosabernolife: THERE U GO [02:34:00.085] s1gtex: uk are winning [02:34:01.420] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [02:34:04.302] Helen_Croft: @c__r__j shipping was a pain [02:34:04.461] ryanss2123: Yes the most important [02:34:06.179] know1ook: sukiyuFrieza [02:34:06.798] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff SeemsGood [02:34:07.598] nosabernolife: least ur titties are visible XD [02:34:08.405] xenoman5: EGG [02:34:09.085] tallorangeone: Entertainment wise, this is legit better content to even just listen to in the background than a ton of big podcasts - you always feel super approachable and friendly xD [02:34:11.973] vanimal2118: Wholesome Streamer [02:34:16.575] Fizrug: Would love to be in the situation to see you from below <3 [02:34:20.635] galentine_: w i d e f i n n [02:34:24.535] ryanss2123: You kidding me??? 12mm????? [02:34:26.257] InfiniteCoyotetime: holyshit any wider and you've got a fisheye [02:34:26.327] riocasso: are you a man or girl forcing man voice? [02:34:27.700] KrutkiLTD: You know what else is 12 milimeter [02:34:30.916] songcrit: joke on you we like seeing you from this view unless >.> you wanna hold the cam in your lap so we can pretend we're resting on your lap [02:34:33.675] ryanss2123: I was expecting 35mm [02:34:36.833] nosabernolife: fuck I gtg stream tho :C nice to finally see you live tho, take care XD [02:34:40.553] keklelw: but your shoulders never look wide kekw [02:34:41.173] FlyingMortimer: a lower camera angle makes the perspective look more like a child looking up at an adult [02:34:42.078] mrstreamer302: fit check just joined [02:34:47.743] c__r__j: @Helen_Croft I'm in UK. I could have it sent here and forward it. [02:34:47.934] Jens_LN: Only BARELY 12 mms [02:34:48.169] Stovamor: !gender [02:34:48.312] shal_grace: ooohhh so thats why you walk over there to flex lol [02:34:48.436] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:34:52.196] ImTens: 12 milimeter sounds like average bro what do you mean? :c [02:34:53.899] Kolateak_: Girl forcing man voice [02:34:55.262] ryanss2123: Neithery [02:34:58.092] Teambou: no [02:35:00.197] perfersserderg: nein [02:35:03.952] troy_5he: are they though [02:35:13.780] xenoman5: your man voice is convincing honey [02:35:15.518] DJGrinder: you´re transgender? [02:35:16.686] deadlyjessica: Hey Rose how is the heat over there? [02:35:21.165] xenoman5: Inch worm! [02:35:22.173] Kolateak_: Couldn't be me [02:35:25.257] Helen_Croft: @c__r__j you can order and design it on there site yourself [02:35:28.523] keklelw: ur gona be a girl dont fight it [02:35:28.747] jvlivs777: true [02:35:31.057] thedarkelement333: A MASCULINE MANLY MAN IN A PINK DRESS YESSSSS [02:35:36.288] spencer2408: Do you live with family [02:35:37.745] burgess_shale: I CARE LESS OR I COULDNT CARE LESS [02:35:40.343] Laress: !uptime [02:35:40.593] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 35m 46s [02:35:40.659] xenoman5: Girly man [02:35:44.231] ayarcee: @DJGrinder He is a femboy crossdresser [02:35:44.779] Unikore00: @keklelw lol [02:35:46.007] Jens_LN: and no adams apple [02:35:46.399] LAXtheBarsmith: FINNS A UNIT. A CHAD UNIT [02:35:47.903] FlyingMortimer: said every woman who likes shoulder pads in their clothes. [02:35:48.101] Haslak64: U can be a mansculine girl [02:35:48.429] c__r__j: @Helen_Croft Ponder ponder [02:35:49.800] jvlivs777: and a really great face 😎👌 [02:35:53.123] fruityrumbum: what shoe size u? [02:35:54.655] stelesthick: big and wide [02:35:55.467] xenoman5: Pp? [02:35:55.488] Mittens2022: Every time I’m not a [02:35:59.778] superneet69: Small shoulders [02:36:01.297] stelesthick: like pause fr [02:36:01.853] tallorangeone: F1nn gonna outdo Zyzz' peak aesthetics when? [02:36:02.752] CuddlesKnuffels: chonky gorl [02:36:02.797] vanimal2118: Try the 5 min quiet bit! [02:36:03.408] kevoo6353: is this a girl or a guy? [02:36:04.432] nosabernolife: if u fix ur posture a bit [02:36:05.776] deadlyjessica: It hit 92° here the other day [02:36:06.633] CaroCanaro: you got a feminine neck tho [02:36:06.897] ItsMeEpocast: not obvious [02:36:10.212] ryanss2123: !camera [02:36:10.609] cherryymari: strong shoulders are a plus for guys and women [02:36:10.938] ayarcee: your bobs balance your shoulders [02:36:12.692] tomb932: the tin neck hides it [02:36:13.251] Fredol7: There’s no other femboys that look this good, how can you explain this? [02:36:14.050] nosabernolife: u can be have the less wide look u want [02:36:15.324] songcrit: one of the manliest things you can do is do a windmill with your long hair [02:36:17.036] deadlyjessica: Now it's at 86° [02:36:17.874] chaowuh: How are they big and wide bro [02:36:18.945] mzinker: ponytail [02:36:19.834] Globalnuclear: i cant [02:36:20.261] Kolateak_: DAMN [02:36:20.891] yametedkudasai: boy or girl ??¿¿¿¿¿???? [02:36:24.327] vanimal2118: X [02:36:24.488] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:36:25.208] ryanss2123: Gay body [02:36:26.095] Jens_LN: Such a pretty girl :) [02:36:26.360] Mittens2022: Every time I’m not watching twich your live [02:36:32.457] anelm8799999: … [02:36:32.571] Emmy64_: "Guy face" [02:36:33.128] thedarkelement333: how thicc is rose? [02:36:33.153] itsquits: BUFF WAMAN YESSS [02:36:33.161] SeriousTTV: both ways impheeKek [02:36:33.170] jvlivs777: 🙃 [02:36:35.108] Teambou: you have small shoulders [02:36:35.590] beanandcheeseburritoboy: Transformer moment [02:36:36.207] scruffys_mustache: Nah not that wide [02:36:38.115] TunnelRatXIII: Sorry sister, seen too many athletic females in media. You def a chick. [02:36:38.837] tomb932: you have a very long thin neck which helps [02:36:41.686] TunnelRatXIII: Kappa [02:36:43.863] guitarbebop: Bob"s offset the shoulders [02:36:44.661] M0rbulus: would you like to change your body to a more androbynous one? [02:36:46.039] alexx_net: "go both ways" f1nnLaff [02:36:46.656] Mittens2022: wakanda [02:36:46.716] spencer2408: Do you live with family or friends? [02:36:47.586] Flippi_12: Kappa [02:36:47.657] FlyingMortimer: but it IS your choice [02:36:47.813] Senevri: It is your choice. [02:36:48.582] y0rk5h1r3: X [02:36:48.748] HangryPlatypusE: you're a small boi [02:36:49.200] Amoyamoyamoya: You have narrower shoulders than my ex-wives. [02:36:49.334] 696969_Shrek_696969: What are you pronouns? [02:36:50.238] superneet69: Best of both worlds [02:36:50.552] barbie_secretstanner: I mean quit streaming then babe [02:36:51.289] sjoonyje: man shuddup [02:36:52.349] freenrir: sure, you keep telling yourself that. [02:36:56.599] MeowJon: Are you trans yet? [02:36:57.182] keklelw: You are an egg [02:36:57.503] Gisak787: he can go both ways, sounds like a clip [02:36:58.452] Fredol7: It is YOUR choice tho :) [02:37:01.269] tolucky4u: “I can go both ways” good news fin is bi [02:37:02.625] freenrir: sure finn, you just keep lying to yourself [02:37:03.258] jvlivs777: neutral i guess [02:37:03.271] Helen_Croft: Just check it and try make something @c__r__j https://www.littleforbig.com/product/design-your-onesie-bodysuits/ [02:37:03.758] everimpybruh: but can you grow a beard [02:37:03.948] InfiniteCoyotetime: lithe [02:37:04.688] fruityrumbum: show us your shoes [02:37:05.711] kevoo6353: is this a boy or a girl [02:37:06.456] eRiiic___: wakanda forever [02:37:08.555] chaowuh: HMMMM IS IT NOW [02:37:10.285] FlyingMortimer: ectomorph [02:37:10.579] vanimal2118: Always ur choice, u allowed all this. [02:37:11.230] troy_5he: Joe's cool [02:37:12.173] BadNewsBearsBnB: @kevoo6353 yes [02:37:13.217] nosabernolife: im telling you i can help u get lean and muscular :P [02:37:13.875] general_of_cm: how much do you preset yourself feminin in public, so like when you go out? [02:37:13.991] packagum: basically you like buff femboys [02:37:14.154] auttasmic: hows the girl voice coming along ? [02:37:15.446] stelesthick: @kevoo6353 its a birl [02:37:18.115] Kolateak_: He cannot grow a beard [02:37:19.807] scruffys_mustache: Would you be considered bi-gender [02:37:20.003] Fizrug: so into twinks? [02:37:21.793] Haslak64: @kevoo6353 Boy [02:37:23.195] wilvoraaa: @kevoo6353 boy [02:37:26.467] xenoman5: One of us! [02:37:26.608] feral_lama: wait you are boy??!!! I guess I am gay. [02:37:28.164] keklelw: In 10 years you will be dressed as a cat girl turning tips for 10$ on crydon street [02:37:28.270] stelesthick: its not a boy its a birl [02:37:30.292] InfiniteCoyotetime: you're into being androgynous and lithe [02:37:32.400] keklelw: kekw [02:37:33.716] shaylahstone: What did joe ever do to you [02:37:34.737] doctor_harald: Hold up wait a minute some aint right [02:37:39.101] Arthree: do they though? [02:37:41.130] nosabernolife: other ryan lol [02:37:41.165] lucess_: reynolds? [02:37:41.326] awesomerem1: Renolds [02:37:41.357] disnick123: I kinda see it so... when are we having a manly man cosplay Rose? [02:37:41.650] y0rk5h1r3: Are your fingers super long or is it an illusion of the fake nails [02:37:42.020] braddle172: Reynolds [02:37:42.645] tomb932: renolds [02:37:42.849] jvlivs777: ~i can do both~ 🙃 [02:37:42.859] InfiniteCoyotetime: Reynolds [02:37:43.210] CuddlesKnuffels: it is your choice though [02:37:43.472] general_of_cm: rainolds? [02:37:43.627] ayarcee: Reynolds [02:37:43.922] XxHaydukexX_: renolds [02:37:44.346] payson_pieces: I wish I could do both, seems nice [02:37:44.352] itsquits: RYAN REYNOLDS [02:37:44.437] denialdelivery798: Reynolds [02:37:44.479] moondanzer: reynolds [02:37:44.576] Senevri: Reynolds [02:37:44.896] ItsMeEpocast: I like my women best when they're men [02:37:45.176] LittleChaSiu: Reynolds!! [02:37:45.365] Jens_LN: Jude goes both ways ... and he kisses dudes! [02:37:45.703] toastiiieeee: reynolds [02:37:47.499] wilvoraaa: renolds [02:37:48.055] Import_Scanner: reynolds [02:37:50.762] alexx_net: Ryan Reynolds [02:37:50.922] keklelw: jenner [02:37:51.414] y0rk5h1r3: Reynolds [02:37:52.621] everimpybruh: bill Cosby [02:37:53.209] denialdelivery798: tom holand [02:37:56.846] Jens_LN: the Lore is better [02:37:57.706] Haslak64: Reynolds [02:37:59.130] 696969_Shrek_696969: Reynolds [02:38:00.859] packagum: id do ryan Reynolds [02:38:01.539] BadNewsBearsBnB: mine is chris hemsworth [02:38:02.275] spencer2408: Do you have a flip niff [02:38:05.344] Teambou: yeah soon you're gonna realise that your exception includes most men @F1NN5TER [02:38:05.476] ryzeeer223: What’s the progression on the girl voice? [02:38:06.210] generationken: Reynolds [02:38:08.277] ryanss2123: Sneaky is very sneaky [02:38:08.488] HadukenSpammer: Nic! [02:38:08.665] KateChon258: So. The Androgynous look [02:38:09.483] funkifungi22: I'm gay and straight [02:38:09.629] red_dead202: wtf [02:38:10.204] nosabernolife: WHOA [02:38:10.696] Kolateak_: I don't get Ryan Reynolds, like I can see that he's traditionally attractive, but I feel nothing towards him [02:38:10.892] LittleChaSiu: my exception is Rose Kappa [02:38:10.938] general_of_cm: @everimpybruh cursed anwser [02:38:11.298] moondanzer: wahhh [02:38:12.332] nosabernolife: WHO WAS THAT [02:38:13.320] eternaldebuff: AYE YO [02:38:14.850] Helen_Croft: What about https://twitter.com/Stardust_Sigil ? @F1NN5TER [02:38:15.130] stumbling_warthog: you're my exception [02:38:15.162] Globalnuclear: seanvrPeak seanvrGasm [02:38:15.182] braddle172: God damn [02:38:15.926] jvlivs777: i use to be straight tho 😅 [02:38:15.951] beanandcheeseburritoboy: Michael Cera <3 [02:38:16.891] im_up_to_something: nice [02:38:16.950] PHDrigo: SNEAKY PLS [02:38:17.495] Jens_LN: yeah, that is impressive butt picture [02:38:17.636] troy_5he: is that a guys [02:38:17.917] elric_toivonen: Kyle? [02:38:18.601] HadukenSpammer: @nosabernolife Sneaky [02:38:19.859] justapeepohug: SNEAKY GAWS DAMN KreyGasm [02:38:20.144] chaowuh: I don’t have that exception hes like 40 bro [02:38:20.692] stelesthick: GYAT [02:38:21.058] LillianAlert: I've just gotten an ad for underwear and I had to see a mans bulge BibleThump [02:38:21.200] y0rk5h1r3: Who's Sneaky? [02:38:22.236] nosabernolife: ohhhhhhhhhhh [02:38:23.352] nosabernolife: ty [02:38:23.450] Amoyamoyamoya: Chad F1nn Cosplay when? [02:38:23.511] Fredol7: Sneaky is way below you in looks [02:38:23.983] topdogsidxtqy: what abt bob ross [02:38:25.506] denialdelivery798: was that tos? [02:38:28.110] KrutkiLTD: I keep my exception for Tom hardy tbh. Hope to bump into him in London one day [02:38:28.647] superneet69: Hurrie shiet [02:38:30.055] PlayingonAdele: enough exceptions, finn, and they become the rule [02:38:31.791] genericaccount135: what youre describing is just in shape [02:38:32.464] vanimal2118: Bar has been raised Rose! [02:38:32.889] DorileBooche: Zach Scuderi [02:38:34.596] florainnit_: HELLLOOO [02:38:35.280] alexx_net: "Everyone has their exception", Ryan Reynolds, Sneaky, FPSRussia ... the list keeps growing. [02:38:36.168] Defrancofan67: Sneaky out here caked up [02:38:37.261] PHDrigo: THOSE SNEAKY PHOTOSHOOTS THO [02:38:37.749] river_katz: youre so prettyy [02:38:40.357] c__r__j: Sneaky butt is TOS isn't it, @F1NN5TER ? [02:38:41.593] red_dead202: lol [02:38:41.758] 57ranma: What about Kyle [02:38:41.975] EL_PTG: link to sneaky [02:38:42.483] xenoman5: You are my exception [02:38:42.555] CuddlesKnuffels: you're so hot brother [02:38:43.523] Helen_Croft: What about https://twitter.com/Stardust_Sigil ? @F1NN5TER [02:38:44.069] genericaccount135: you're just describing being in shape [02:38:45.684] murphythedoge: The uk is literally winning right now [02:38:46.894] honkregalzgaming: are you gonna make urself sound like a girl? [02:38:47.747] eternaldebuff: Im about to put my laptop in my left hand [02:38:58.106] fruityrumbum: are u wearing heels [02:39:03.614] HadukenSpammer: POGGERS [02:39:03.750] poiterg1st: ive seen u on tiktok! [02:39:05.053] JT5695: owo [02:39:05.192] ryanss2123: Yes show ur oss [02:39:06.000] y0rk5h1r3: Refuse to, for now. [02:39:07.018] superneet69: Sneaky double cheeked up [02:39:07.350] Emmy64_: PogChamp [02:39:09.032] spencer2408: Do you woch ph [02:39:10.359] LAXtheBarsmith: FOR NOW LUL LUL LUL [02:39:11.097] im_up_to_something: Gotta have your limits [02:39:11.581] Stovamor: YOu just have the Magic Photo Leaning Wall @f1nn5ter [02:39:11.946] braddle172: !of [02:39:12.204] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [02:39:12.432] Xylomn: the uk won the judge vote just the public vote now [02:39:12.615] Defrancofan67: Didn't you already tho? [02:39:13.209] ablackguyyy: Why [02:39:14.280] keklelw: Its what happens when you play to many video games you ebcome a cross dresser [02:39:21.451] ryanss2123: We’ll wait [02:39:21.587] superneet69: Finn take notes from sneaky [02:39:22.705] mARY_dIZZY: What r ur pronouns? [02:39:29.405] Amoyamoyamoya: !pronouns [02:39:29.676] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:39:29.702] diseased_deadrat: damn you looking hot wtf [02:39:30.230] Stovamor: !pronouns [02:39:32.024] disnick123: YOU SAID BUT... 👀 [02:39:33.123] ryanss2123: !pronouns [02:39:38.596] Amoyamoyamoya: !thiccness [02:39:38.843] f3mmbot Finn's Measurements: Shoulder to waist : 38 cm / upper bust : 63.5 cm / Bust : 106 cm / under bust : 88 cm / waist : 84 cm / Hips : 96 cm / Ring: 50mm / Bra : 34C (usually) [02:39:38.893] FlyingMortimer: how you interpret ToS is kind of your appeal. Leaves things to the imagination. [02:39:41.647] ttvwraithist: Ass pog [02:39:41.899] 696969_Shrek_696969: I’ve got a year to spare [02:39:43.342] keklelw: Why is everyone here pro nuns? [02:39:44.927] Mittens2022: Is it weird that I’m a guy and can do the owo voice but my sister can’t? [02:39:49.841] Stovamor: You just have the Magic Photo Leaning Wall @f1nn5ter [02:39:51.051] y0rk5h1r3: Just saying, you're better off doing them while you're in your prime Femboy years LUL [02:39:56.050] skey3456: I still love watching Lego Masters Hamish Blake Australian one also I love music too I love Jack Black [02:39:57.422] Amoyamoyamoya: !bluechair [02:39:57.674] f3mmbot The blue chair is a bit broken but still good, yeah, still good [02:40:00.234] xenoman5: Moth behind you! [02:40:01.611] ivyquinnn97: ivyquinnn97 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Hi fin I just wanted to say you are my idol and you made me feel comfortable coming out as a trans women thank you [02:40:01.829] f3mmbot ivyquinnn97 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [02:40:02.874] mooton240fps: tbh you're kinda hot or is that just me? [02:40:05.151] Amoyamoyamoya: !pinkchair [02:40:05.404] f3mmbot The pink chair is a slooty sloot of a chair but we don't judge and still lub her. [02:40:06.010] Stovamor: I asked you about the new measurements months ago @f1nn5ter [02:40:08.222] nosabernolife: ngl tho, i dont mean to sound like captain obvious but its more entertaining to watch you live vs on YT, not saying ur not entertaining on YT though :3 [02:40:18.231] jvlivs777: @amoyamoyamoya long live the pink chair 😊🙌 [02:40:20.896] Kolateak_: A transwomen [02:40:22.500] nosabernolife: lol [02:40:27.810] general_of_cm: LUL [02:40:28.384] spencer2408: Dodo lollipop [02:40:31.689] LittleChaSiu: we could really use that counter now I think [02:40:31.781] xenoman5: Does it make you more attractive? [02:40:36.126] Stovamor: twitch contracts don't let you [02:40:37.554] Man_Beast: Man_Beast subscribed with Prime. [02:40:37.761] f3mmbot man_beast subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang man_beast f1nn5tLezgang [02:40:39.862] y0rk5h1r3: The one with the Black skirt and NSFW thigh highs? that picture is POG [02:40:42.136] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, Yah. [02:40:43.761] Stovamor: Same for associate [02:40:43.983] Mittens2022: Is it weird that I can do the owo voice and my sister can’t? [02:40:48.828] vanimal2118: When PKA invented to ur stream or r they here? [02:40:51.146] mARY_dIZZY: Pronouns?? [02:40:52.142] Stovamor: affiliate, rather [02:40:52.446] LittleChaSiu: both for people coming out thanks to Rose, and for Rose inadvertently misgendering them [02:40:53.314] Jens_LN: It would be good, if they allowed it [02:40:57.147] BingoDingoMan: omg you're so pretty! [02:40:58.141] SethwMad: To be clear it's gonna be a while till YouTube can top the primes tho. [02:41:00.002] ryanss2123: Bezos need do buy YouTube [02:41:04.331] saint_r: why would you wanna stream on youtube? [02:41:18.356] vanimal2118: Invited [02:41:18.654] chaowuh: Thoughts on the movie brave? [02:41:27.107] mmynameismyname: hello [02:41:28.202] uwubottomboi: Is YouTube live better? [02:41:29.202] SethwMad: heavenlyNodders [02:41:38.220] Jens_LN: YouTube is huge [02:41:38.222] topdogsidxtqy: @Mittens2022 most guys can ShazBotstix [02:41:38.980] jandraelune: Youtube has an absolute garbage notification system. [02:41:44.186] jvlivs777: yeahhh,its trash [02:41:49.065] xenoman5: Invited [02:41:56.783] Helen_Croft: and Vod stay forever on YT [02:41:59.612] nosabernolife: yeah garbage ass notification system [02:41:59.701] y0rk5h1r3: Hasn't Twitch done away with the 70/30 split? [02:42:03.651] mmynameismyname: yeah yt stream is trash [02:42:04.264] SethwMad: Facebook Gaming has a whole different set of problems too. [02:42:07.553] LAXtheBarsmith: YT IS ASS for streaming, [02:42:07.679] Knightfly: Google know what I google at night [02:42:15.830] ttvwraithist: You need to wear more skirts, you look really good! [02:42:15.979] Prince_of_Nonsense: Ludwig has a company with fixes for a lot of problems [02:42:19.428] Defrancofan67: Mixer was nice [02:42:23.874] LAXtheBarsmith: ugh fb gaming is a hella joke [02:42:25.541] Kolateak_: Facebook Gaming KEKW [02:42:27.942] tordenbob: YouTube has better vods [02:42:29.575] denialdelivery798: apparently they're working on a lot of stuff on yt [02:42:30.485] Stovamor: Even Ludwig had some bad things to say about it after he moved over [02:42:37.075] bearpaw1970: 😆 [02:42:37.395] 696969_Shrek_696969: YouTube wants to be twitch,Tik tok rather than being itself [02:42:45.229] Kirin_Linst: You have to have a certain amount of subs to stream on YouTube [02:42:48.811] chaowuh: Bro Facebook live is a joke [02:42:54.465] jandraelune: Twitches 70/30 split was a hold over from yrs ago. [02:42:56.876] jvlivs777: @bearpaw1970 eyyo bearpaw 🙌 [02:42:59.273] BingoDingoMan: r u trans? [02:42:59.394] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:43:00.911] Mittens2022: YouTube is for the people who want to have a sleep so they just prerecord the live video and then play it a bunch [02:43:01.082] ttvwraithist: Wear more skirts, you look great in them. [02:43:01.392] beanandcheeseburritoboy: YouTube has been getting worse over time ngl [02:43:02.101] SethwMad: STOP [02:43:02.852] urasmellyduck: the 70/30 was for people who got partner like years and years and years ago [02:43:04.610] SethwMad: EH [02:43:05.342] auttasmic: TOS [02:43:09.483] BingoDingoMan: are u trans? if so, me too! [02:43:13.872] SethwMad: Bad idea [02:43:14.187] LAXtheBarsmith: @F1NN5TER your still 50 50?????? i thought partners auto got that, and past a certain point it was individual based [02:43:17.323] auttasmic: you cant talk about your split [02:43:20.157] nosabernolife: jfc this channel is impressive af, ngl [02:43:20.192] Globalnuclear: better no [02:43:21.677] uwubottomboi: Should be 75 for creator 25 for company [02:43:22.290] picklesdontaruge: R u a boy or girl [02:43:22.927] iReLog: its fine [02:43:22.998] villhelm54: YO THE UK IS WINNING THE EUROVISION FINN [02:43:24.175] ColonGlock: seqOMG [02:43:24.913] micknaughty0080: fight the system [02:43:28.652] SethwMad: Its not about the guy it's the response. [02:43:31.685] 6Foot3Inches: @F1NN5TER i watch some streamers with low numbers but been here a while that have the 70/30 and they wont be able to stream afterwards [02:43:45.409] chichenisbudforu: l [02:43:47.727] Chri55PBacon: better be careful [02:43:50.185] SethwMad: Ehhh I mean your call I think it's a bad idea. [02:43:52.860] iReLog: @SethwMad its not aginst tos [02:43:53.051] sinuwu: talk about it anyway [02:43:54.945] bearpaw1970: wow ' union of twitch personalities [02:44:05.693] everimpybruh: gotta go on YouTube to talk about it [02:44:10.721] tee_with_marie: @BingoDingoMan na hes just a femboy but i think quite a lot of wiers are trans [02:44:17.674] im_up_to_something: Big brother is watching 👀 [02:44:23.328] zbxnksalt: hey [02:44:24.231] ColonGlock: seqS [02:44:29.588] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:44:30.898] picklesdontaruge: Are you a boooy or a girl [02:44:30.992] lf_shy: hi [02:44:32.857] jandraelune: @6Foot3Inches Yeah there are MANY old times partner streamers that got partner over 5yrs ago and their viewership has caved since then. [02:44:33.845] ajmonkey21_: Do a Spin and show the fit [02:44:37.747] skey3456: Saw Johnny Depp on youtube the court case thing wow [02:44:39.169] zbxnksalt: tmmy7 tmmy7 [02:44:41.260] xenoman5: Big biz doesn’t like wage discussion [02:44:43.846] Dantakular: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [02:44:44.534] Ry_X__: @picklesdontaruge boy [02:44:48.569] Kirin_Linst: kirin_linst is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:44:48.924] Knightfly: cause they have 80-20% split Kappa [02:44:49.552] Kirin_Linst: kirin_linst gifted a Tier 1 sub to jamesmarriott! [02:44:49.728] f3mmbot kirin_linst has gifted a subscription to jamesmarriott at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jamesmarriott f1nn5tLezgang [02:44:52.244] uwubottomboi: f1nnCowjam [02:44:53.030] 57ranma: Talk about it. Well keep the secret [02:44:53.786] tordenbob: imGlitch tsk [02:44:54.352] MyraOstro: My uncle works for Nintendo, he'll get us in CoolCat [02:44:55.928] lf_shy: what doing [02:44:59.914] chris1811_: please any femboys DM me [02:45:03.015] hornet_2512: BloodTrail [02:45:04.301] houndsoccer14: hi how are you [02:45:05.058] SethwMad: I guess it's fine [02:45:05.928] Emmy64_: Jefrey eipstein type of sh.... CaitlynS [02:45:09.703] know1ook: thedea31Evilpooh [02:45:12.419] PyroTechnical1: PyroTechnical1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 1 month streak! its my birthday can I get a happy birthday from Rose? [02:45:12.603] f3mmbot pyrotechnical1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU [02:45:14.461] zbxnksalt: zbxnksalt subscribed with Prime. [02:45:14.626] uwubottomboi: Secret twitch club [02:45:14.635] f3mmbot zbxnksalt subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zbxnksalt f1nn5tLezgang [02:45:19.190] LAXtheBarsmith: cheers to the cannabis enjoyers in chat [02:45:19.932] micknaughty0080: This about the 2.99 vs. 2.49 or is there another one? [02:45:23.646] topdogsidxtqy: now we wait for stream to go black :)) [02:45:28.449] Stovamor: It's basically the top thousand at most, I'd guess [02:45:33.085] keklelw: @LAXtheBarsmith cheers yo puff puff pass [02:45:37.205] y0rk5h1r3: You are Twitches greatest Femboy [02:45:37.255] ryanss2123: So the 10k we donate is actually 5k for you? [02:45:37.988] 6Foot3Inches: @F1NN5TER no thats not true there are low viewer streamers that have been here for years that have that contract [02:45:39.787] CuddlesKnuffels: I'm femboy girlboy boygirl [02:45:41.849] im_up_to_something: Maybe more to OF 😆 [02:45:41.942] Knightfly: I heard once its 10k+ viewership streamers but all just rumour [02:45:44.561] Stovamor: Where the ad revenue and twitch's cut gets fecking huge [02:45:45.594] thetrealjoebiden: Hello [02:45:53.371] Codiaz: omg, i lost [02:45:57.292] general_of_cm: op 50 at most [02:45:57.478] jandraelune: Top 100 more like it [02:45:58.453] Codiaz: NUT [02:45:59.820] topdogsidxtqy: @LAXtheBarsmith can i have some aswell? [02:45:59.958] chaowuh: Air conditioning??? In England how warm is it there? [02:46:02.467] sjoonyje: off topic, but anyone got any updates on the boxing event [02:46:09.712] longliveisraell: are you a trans > [02:46:11.878] renfox1987: Man Finn makes my bisexual girl heart scream XD [02:46:11.974] blueguywhohasnoname: r u girl or boy? [02:46:15.688] Stovamor: @vladimirputin1191952, calm your tits, edge boy [02:46:16.249] everimpybruh: wait how about raid shadow legends? [02:46:17.074] uwubottomboi: It’ll be all the well known ones [02:46:19.685] johnkeiwo: @longliveisraell, no [02:46:25.763] sjoonyje: @blueguywhohasnoname a bit of both [02:46:26.502] y0rk5h1r3: @ryanss2123 donos aren't through Twitch [02:46:29.280] xbot67h: wtf [02:46:30.180] Codiaz: @blueguywhohasnoname Finn is a boy, Rose is a girl [02:46:30.634] ImTens: i know about a german stremer that has a 70/30 split and he average has aroudn 3-5k viewers [02:46:33.188] johnkeiwo: @longliveisraell, and we don't say " a " before trans [02:46:36.264] ttvwraithist: Love u [02:46:38.661] mootie1: wow 💖 HahaCat [02:46:42.360] lf_shy: hi [02:46:44.104] ryanss2123: @y0rk5h1r3 oh ok tnx [02:46:45.382] auttasmic: they dont give that split to girls? they didnt tell you ? [02:46:47.410] Den_drummer: I legit was convinced the 70/30 was the default, but I haven't checked since 2014-2015 LUL [02:46:47.770] confusedchance: bye. take this follow as a part gift (for now) [02:46:47.841] blueguywhohasnoname: @codiaz who's rose [02:46:49.931] c__r__j: Can we go back to that dono question, pls? [02:46:54.911] vanimal2118: Some people stink at business deals. Older u get u will know ur worth. [02:46:57.799] y0rk5h1r3: @auttasmic KEKW [02:47:03.024] hero_of__kvatch: Cheer1000 you know Finn i was a try sexual before where i would try anything once but now i am strictly Finn sexual [02:47:05.260] SethwMad: YES F1NN WAS WRONG ERNST WINS ROUND TO SUCK IT [02:47:09.261] ayarcee: Don't you have a manager? [02:47:14.020] SethwMad: Two* [02:47:14.230] 6Foot3Inches: i know streamer with 50-120 viewers with the 70/30 split it mostly depends on how long you been on twitch [02:47:16.964] zbxnksalt: zbxnksalt gifted a Tier 1 sub to lf_shy! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [02:47:17.178] f3mmbot zbxnksalt has gifted a subscription to lf_shy at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lf_shy f1nn5tLezgang [02:47:18.037] dragonzed76: finn is a boy who dress as a girl for money [02:47:18.558] Jens_LN: YouTube can be weird too [02:47:23.696] longliveisraell: @johnkeiwo what is this ? HUh [02:47:26.002] alexandra_saunders: You should get an Arizona knife soon [02:47:27.541] LAXtheBarsmith: youtube is better for streamers, worse for chatters, twitch is the direct opposite [02:47:28.882] FlyingMortimer: that's because they have all the power. You don't like it, where are you goign to go? [02:47:29.452] gameboi300: Rose is so Fine [02:47:32.470] Haslak64: f1nnPegChamp [02:47:35.674] Keula_: I think a lot of older streamers have better splits even if their veiwership is lower [02:47:35.833] Stovamor: You also don't stream that often. Lots of streamers do every day or most days a week [02:47:36.828] SethwMad: DAMNIT [02:47:36.977] johnkeiwo: @longliveisraell, just crossdressing [02:47:41.794] jandraelune: @LAXtheBarsmith Yep [02:47:42.012] blueguywhohasnoname: are you a girl or a boy???? [02:47:42.821] SethwMad: I WILL WIN THIS [02:47:45.705] everimpybruh: fin NFT's? [02:47:46.612] lf_shy: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [02:47:47.919] im_up_to_something: Big companies hate sharing $$$ [02:47:49.440] zbxnksalt: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:47:53.639] cougr9967: LUL @ some of these chatters [02:47:57.160] agentshiny: viewers under 3k do the thing pls mommy [02:47:59.266] beanandcheeseburritoboy: FinFT's [02:48:04.114] SethwMad: I WILL WIN I SWEAR [02:48:07.312] lf_shy: f1nnBingbong [02:48:09.863] thedrewboat: no SHOT Graham wins [02:48:14.875] velvetbruvo: FINN SEXUAL INDEED [02:48:15.835] alirezasaeedi: W [02:48:16.390] Amoyamoyamoya: I took this note at about 1h11m: "Predicts winners: Dad. Internet Comment. Minx. Graham. Alex. I did a thing. Harley. Dr. Mike" [02:48:23.283] charmedginger69: hiii [02:48:24.410] SethwMad: Ok ok [02:48:26.686] Snowie225: fhe fhe fhe fhe fhe [02:48:33.511] keklelw: I dont think minx can even beat her shadow [02:48:33.740] barbie_secretstanner: Boobies [02:48:38.717] LAXtheBarsmith: LUL [02:48:39.143] Helen_Croft: more box time if you lose the bet [02:48:39.166] Jens_LN: you need bulge [02:48:41.176] c__r__j: Answer that dono question about how you started cross-dressing? [02:48:41.910] Haslak64: Humansexual [02:48:42.806] braddle172: LUL [02:48:45.341] ItsJustTyree: Really big fan [02:48:45.526] Defrancofan67: Booba [02:48:45.637] jvlivs777: be pweety 🙃 [02:48:46.278] Amoyamoyamoya: I took this note at about 1h11m: "Predicts winners: Dad. Internet Comment. Minx. Graham. Alex. I did a thing. Harley. Dr. Mike" [02:48:46.863] JT5695: awooga [02:48:47.187] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:48:47.527] vanimal2118: @sethwmad winning the boxing rounds? [02:48:49.398] jvlivs777: omy... [02:48:50.201] disnick123: Please don't do cute sh*t i'm not ready for it [02:48:51.569] nurullahabe: you boy ? [02:48:53.085] packagum: *wardrobe malfunctions* [02:48:56.322] thornofarose69: uh oh im stuck in the dryer [02:48:56.716] Gurglefrix: lindisYikes [02:48:59.981] Stovamor: They don't though [02:49:00.106] oliverfowl: weirdChamp [02:49:00.528] Gurglefrix: LUL [02:49:00.764] johnkeiwo: hello incel [02:49:01.117] Kolateak_: Spicy [02:49:01.430] jvlivs777: !uptime [02:49:01.697] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 49m 7s [02:49:03.728] InfiniteCoyotetime: literal word salad [02:49:04.112] rgkagero: oof [02:49:04.575] LAXtheBarsmith: LUL LUL LUL [02:49:05.297] Stovamor: Stupid dono [02:49:05.927] charmedginger69: hi im a new viewer [02:49:06.267] Defrancofan67: Oof [02:49:06.533] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:49:06.608] braddle172: weirdChamp [02:49:07.838] Helen_Croft: more box time if you lose the bet @F1NN5TER [02:49:11.614] hoodie_ninja420: you dropped a pencil? that's where I "draw the line" LUL [02:49:13.874] Emmy64_: KEKW [02:49:14.432] HangryPlatypusE: perfect timing [02:49:16.030] oliverfowl: weirdChamp weirdChamp weirdChamp [02:49:16.537] Kirin_Linst: “Oh nO mY sHirT fElL oFf” [02:49:17.583] xenoman5: Paint toenails for is [02:49:20.238] y0rk5h1r3: Step-Chat, what are you doing LUL [02:49:22.982] vanimal2118: obkatHey rynali1Hai [02:49:23.281] rob_d11: When does your hot tub come? [02:49:24.255] LAXtheBarsmith: stepfinn, the ENTIRE chat is stuck LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [02:49:25.038] 696969_Shrek_696969: Uh oh all of you clothes just magically disappeared [02:49:36.144] 57ranma: Get stuck in the dryer [02:49:36.394] matz450: @hoodie_ninja420 ah! [02:49:39.638] nurullahabe: you boy ? [02:49:49.121] Jens_LN: YouTube can be stranger too [02:49:52.818] SnakeKiller9: what da booba size now? (I use DD/E's, lol) [02:49:52.831] SethwMad: Ori!!! [02:49:56.619] alexandra_saunders: When are you going to change your name to get into USA [02:49:59.247] auttasmic: When we getting IRL rose? [02:49:59.958] russianhuge: legi [02:50:00.101] SethwMad: I saw Ori hehe [02:50:01.481] packagum: vtubers cool 😎 [02:50:02.196] c__r__j: Otters! Otters! Otters! [02:50:05.683] Stovamor: yeah for the otters! Best stream on Twitch [02:50:09.244] packagum: ironmouseWiggly [02:50:12.083] jvlivs777: yip [02:50:14.220] Kolateak_: LUL [02:50:15.281] vanimal2118: @helen_croft u know how well Rose does betting! [02:50:20.887] c__r__j: @Stovamor DashDucks is superior. [02:50:21.874] songcrit: there's always Susu_jpg [02:50:27.703] HangryPlatypusE: that middle one [02:50:33.177] johnkeiwo: AZAN PogO [02:50:41.419] Defrancofan67: Hasan my himbo [02:50:42.526] russianhuge: milkers? [02:50:42.782] Helen_Croft: more box time if you lose the fight bet @F1NN5TER [02:50:48.735] Jens_LN: Deepfake Rose ? [02:50:51.829] bmc118: says a dude who's watching a dude with his tits out [02:50:53.061] cheesycinnamon: peepee [02:50:56.395] xenoman5: F1nn being ‘normal’ [02:50:57.797] InfiniteCoyotetime: when do we get vtuber rose, then? [02:50:58.349] Stovamor: @alexandra_saunders, Stupid suggestion. That doesn't work [02:50:59.164] ryanss2123: Face reveal? [02:50:59.847] Anders515: vtuber rose when? [02:50:59.962] SethwMad: vTuber confirmed. [02:51:01.096] Haslak64: When we go for walk? [02:51:01.110] y0rk5h1r3: When is Rose gonna do a touching grass stream? [02:51:01.459] auttasmic: When are you going into the world and streaming as rose? [02:51:02.273] dragonzed76: show your live do a spin lol [02:51:06.256] alexandra_saunders: When are you going to catch up with pyrocynical [02:51:08.735] Amoyamoyamoya: I think they mean out of doors. [02:51:08.832] neon_soup: not watching the boxing? [02:51:09.895] prettydan_19: loving the nails [02:51:11.934] SnakeKiller9: vtuber rose??? [02:51:13.015] topdogsidxtqy: @Helen_Croft that anit half bad hah [02:51:13.193] josuelaralopez210: hey [02:51:18.853] edithxputhie: you dropped something for 2 minutes [02:51:21.853] vanimal2118: U could use ur Vtuber model to open new markets? [02:51:22.740] SethwMad: Three times* [02:51:27.797] cheesycinnamon: smazh [02:51:27.875] xenoman5: Moth! [02:51:28.600] auttasmic: GET THAT RAID MONEY 1 [02:51:29.778] cheesycinnamon: tbh [02:51:31.167] cheesycinnamon: smash [02:51:34.139] im_up_to_something: I only joined Twitch for Rose 🌹 [02:51:35.654] packagum: do it 😂 [02:51:37.677] Amoyamoyamoya: Get. That. Bag. [02:51:40.725] nosabernolife: lol [02:51:41.384] auttasmic: GET THAT BAG AND DIP MY GIRL [02:51:42.247] LAXtheBarsmith: @F1NN5TER doing a vtuber version of rose but code miko style, in order to be able to keep doing rose after your bearded up and what not , may not be a bad idea [02:51:43.188] realJohnKramer: yo [02:51:44.120] chaowuh: No don’t sell out [02:51:45.009] everimpybruh: haha 2 hours of RAID [02:51:48.590] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:51:50.362] OurSorrow: Bro get that shmoney [02:51:54.134] dino_nugget65: heyo! [02:51:57.340] cheesycinnamon: Finn, smash or pass, yourself [02:51:58.836] superneet69: Theirs a moth on the floor behind you [02:52:03.110] Helen_Croft: we need a LFB sponsorship KEKW [02:52:04.108] jvlivs777: ngl,i would watch that long tbh [02:52:04.810] nosabernolife: thats respectable i guess v: [02:52:05.772] eternaldebuff: play the game poorly for two hours [02:52:06.387] burgess_shale: TIME TO SET A GOAL? [02:52:11.841] cheesycinnamon: Be honest [02:52:13.079] nosabernolife: lol [02:52:13.126] cheesycinnamon: smash [02:52:13.767] xenoman5: Moth behind you on floor! [02:52:14.257] cheesycinnamon: or pass [02:52:15.278] SnakeKiller9: f1nnSad (Just wanted to use it cause I unlocked it) [02:52:15.497] cheesycinnamon: urself [02:52:19.113] disnick123: Do you have to show the game to make us download it? Or can you meme it a bit? [02:52:20.667] Jens_LN: Work with a knife sponsor ? [02:52:21.243] Stovamor: Little For Big [02:52:23.965] Snowie225: littleforbig [02:52:24.412] c__r__j: LFB = Little For Big [02:52:24.883] Chri55PBacon: TombRaid shadow legend [02:52:25.066] Fredol7: It’s really too darn hot in here [02:52:25.369] Helen_Croft: LFB LittleForBig [02:52:27.489] zbxnksalt: hru mate [02:52:28.674] auttasmic: there is no such things as 'selling out' just good business decisions [02:52:31.984] Snowie225: the baby stuff [02:52:32.916] vanimal2118: @natt needs ur help on girl game! (Sad) [02:52:37.921] cheesycinnamon: soooooo u a femboy? [02:52:38.041] guitarbebop: shampoo ?? [02:52:39.212] Amoyamoyamoya: LFB = Little For Big [02:52:41.663] cheesycinnamon: im new lmao [02:52:43.598] c__r__j: Rose should do modelling for LFB. [02:52:46.160] denialdelivery798: speaking of sponsors you probably shouldn't talk about droogs on stream [02:52:51.002] xenoman5: Check on it [02:52:51.805] HaKuNa_MaTaTiZo: hey babe !!!!!! [02:52:52.035] edithxputhie: what if you pick up that dead ant behind you [02:52:55.016] y0rk5h1r3: What about a Sour Skittle sponsorship? [02:52:55.837] SnakeKiller9: I never use Concealer or Foundation anymore tbh [02:52:57.905] SethwMad: wait what company name? [02:53:00.244] 696969_Shrek_696969: There’s a fly twerking on your floor go turn and watch it [02:53:00.910] Amoyamoyamoya: Roanyer sponsorship when? [02:53:06.959] buttersubstitute: revlon? [02:53:07.993] Globalnuclear: @cheesycinnamon do you like in here? [02:53:08.906] Defrancofan67: Little For Big would be a dope sponsor honestly [02:53:09.461] Fredol7: Can the next outfit be boob-less [02:53:12.384] kiziryry: there is a shark behind you! [02:53:14.245] ayarcee: When is the next joint stream with Riza? [02:53:17.293] cheesycinnamon: @cheesycinnamon yeah lol [02:53:20.938] cheesycinnamon: its greA [02:53:20.972] xenoman5: Fav butt plug brand? [02:53:21.574] Stovamor: @SethwMad, Littleforbig - Finn has tons of outfits from them [02:53:24.279] Amoyamoyamoya: Did she just say she's streaming in 2 days...? [02:53:24.482] chaowuh: U gonna drink today? [02:53:26.000] cheesycinnamon: *grat [02:53:27.592] lan_ne_karilar_var_bee: Kreygasm [02:53:29.932] cheesycinnamon: **great [02:53:30.656] skey3456: Been watching The Witcher Season 2 Netflix Stranger things Season 4 out 27th May maybe [02:53:31.465] Juizeri: tittyes [02:53:33.014] PrusliVAL: boba [02:53:35.657] SnakeKiller9: @xenoman5 relax lol [02:53:36.038] LAXtheBarsmith: TOS be damned LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [02:53:38.685] haithem350: the sound ? [02:53:39.168] ZestyMildorp: Wait omg I love your nails!! [02:53:39.847] majhal01: and then you crashed their website [02:53:40.823] Kolateak_: Get banned for a sponsor [02:53:43.348] Cute_Foxen: it's actually pretty weird how this guy gets so much money from pretending to be a girl and some people are actually hard working for money, but hey I don't mind what he is doing to get money. keep it up <3 [02:53:44.511] thegodofgods8: HI [02:53:47.566] nosabernolife: those are nice nails... [02:53:48.851] Kirin_Linst: There’s a thousand dollars on the ground behind you! [02:53:51.827] haithem350: voice ? [02:53:52.754] Stovamor: !setdate 16-05 20:00 [02:53:53.208] f3mmbot The stream will be online in 1 days, 20 hours and 4 minutes. [02:53:53.297] nosabernolife: wow i didnt knwo u do ur nails [02:54:01.324] cheesycinnamon: GUYS BE HONEST, SMASH OR PASS [02:54:01.353] Stovamor: !settitle Maybe a stream [02:54:01.691] f3mmbot Set the stream title to Maybe a stream [02:54:01.991] johnkeiwo: u have a few [02:54:01.998] general_of_cm: lol [02:54:03.041] vanimal2118: Yikes! [02:54:03.257] RyuNeko_: LUL [02:54:06.751] Juizeri: nissan is a great buttplug [02:54:07.370] Stovamor: !stream [02:54:07.634] f3mmbot The next stream will be "Maybe a stream" on Monday at 20:00 UK time (1 days, 20 hours and 3 minutes left!) . Stream Hype! [02:54:07.684] LittleChaSiu: "imagine dragons" LUL [02:54:08.842] awesomerem1: Lol [02:54:10.394] thegodofgods8: Hi hows ur day? [02:54:10.638] Cannonboot: LOOOOL IMAGINE DRAGONS BUTT PLUG [02:54:11.449] Snowie225: does bad dragon make buttplugs [02:54:11.470] Fredol7: Smash [02:54:11.766] anelm8799999: 😢 [02:54:12.325] everimpybruh: radioactive [02:54:12.659] nightmarelol1234: .. [02:54:13.444] eternaldebuff: oh the misery [02:54:15.006] moondanzer: new merch idea [02:54:15.181] jvlivs777: ahh 😅😭 [02:54:15.251] packagum: ooh k1nk5ter? [02:54:15.514] Amoyamoyamoya: Dang I want some pizza right now. [02:54:17.790] thefairydingo: here you go guys *** [02:54:18.698] confused_creates: omg bad dragon- [02:54:19.310] OMGLeftz: why you so hot [02:54:19.612] nosabernolife: lol [02:54:21.715] j0hnbanks117: !stream [02:54:22.010] f3mmbot The next stream will be "Maybe a stream" on Monday at 20:00 UK time (1 days, 20 hours and 3 minutes left!) . Stream Hype! [02:54:22.886] kiziryry: the misery [02:54:24.335] FAUXRE: what shade of the revolution concealer do you use [02:54:28.905] thegodofgods8: HI [02:54:28.960] c__r__j: Ironically, Roanyer's probably had more customers from the one you received than most of their sponsorships. [02:54:30.537] Cute_Foxen: can I order you a bad dragon? [02:54:30.987] BadNewsBearsBnB: @Snowie225 yes [02:54:31.352] SethwMad: Adam and eve? [02:54:36.693] uwubottomboi: Neesan [02:54:37.234] johnkeiwo: D: [02:54:37.650] y0rk5h1r3: No that it's getting too hot for you, we gonna get a bikini stream, strictly so you keep cool rynali1Shy [02:54:38.220] takumi__22: lol not recently [02:54:38.261] braddle172: !soda [02:54:38.523] f3mmbot Sodacat is a friend who streams on twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/sodacattv [02:54:41.075] mystchevious1: mystchevious1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 10 month streak! Hi F1NN I'm soo happy to see you. Still waiting for you to name our 2nd child. [02:54:41.254] f3mmbot mystchevious1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:54:41.847] vanimal2118: Oh no! [02:54:45.730] confused_creates: bad dragon is a furry sex toy company lol [02:54:46.599] Cute_Foxen: #FURRY GANG [02:54:47.205] Stovamor: oh dear [02:54:47.536] SnakeKiller9: I buy toys and don't know the companies lol [02:54:49.363] Cute_Foxen: LOL [02:54:51.456] crilpus: im waking up, to ash and dust, i shake my brow and clean my plug [02:54:51.811] jandraelune: @Amoyamoyamoya Rin has gone through at least 3 of them, maybe 4 by now. 2 they sent him. [02:54:51.818] thegodofgods8: LOL [02:54:53.559] bearpaw1970: your on the right track with clothing lines investment [02:54:54.418] nosabernolife: lol [02:54:56.684] everimpybruh: gonna respond imagine dragons [02:54:58.841] skey3456: Last of us Part 3 not coming out yet [02:55:02.718] Snowie225: jerma [02:55:03.937] Jens_LN: Jeremiah ? [02:55:07.588] Stovamor: @twitch_jaxdagamer, Go away *shoo* [02:55:07.821] superneet69: Homiesexual [02:55:08.395] nosabernolife: Ace [02:55:08.836] zombie_1981: jakob [02:55:12.065] nosabernolife: lol [02:55:12.204] Cute_Foxen: Have you ever tried VR? [02:55:12.827] oriondevilbbic: jermaine [02:55:17.020] uwubottomboi: Jedidiah [02:55:17.233] InfiniteCoyotetime: Jereyou [02:55:17.966] Jens_LN: Jennie ? [02:55:17.996] Chri55PBacon: james [02:55:18.184] jewgold22: Real doll [02:55:21.589] 696969_Shrek_696969: Germany [02:55:22.476] cherryymari: what's it like having internet friends know you and call you Finn even tho it's not your name [02:55:22.825] Kirin_Linst: Jerrian [02:55:23.746] Amoyamoyamoya: @jandraelune, ? [02:55:24.432] hibana_shotgen: bob [02:55:25.920] superneet69: Jerome [02:55:27.988] Noobtellatoast: Nice [02:55:28.128] Stovamor: @cotn_cndy_faygo, begone [02:55:28.544] bleb8: jesus [02:55:30.372] bearpaw1970: what about The Girls [02:55:31.326] thornofarose69: jasmine [02:55:31.477] y0rk5h1r3: Jeremiah the Bullfrog? [02:55:32.762] ryanss2123: Stov [02:55:32.848] InfiniteCoyotetime: Jeb! [02:55:33.326] xXAtomicOutlawXx: Jakeb [02:55:38.325] Dimonercheck: Jasmine [02:55:39.285] comic_sans7: @sethwmad i was going the say Adam and eve too [02:55:40.473] nosabernolife: we need less jessicas [02:55:41.488] nosabernolife: lol [02:55:41.498] Snowie225: isn't jenny the blue robot [02:55:41.741] Amoyamoyamoya: Half Life Alyx [02:55:43.889] bearpaw1970: exactly [02:55:46.490] Jedmaster69: me [02:55:46.595] Cute_Foxen: How do you're parents feel about you doing this on the internet? XD [02:55:46.893] Stovamor: @ryanss2123, yes? [02:55:47.381] Jens_LN: Yay Jennie. :) [02:55:47.769] nosabernolife: jenny is cool [02:55:49.077] xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER do vr YT vids :D [02:55:51.551] Chri55PBacon: jeannie? [02:55:51.996] y0rk5h1r3: Jenny from the block? [02:55:52.801] JT5695: usually, people name babies [02:55:53.160] bearpaw1970: 1st girl [02:56:00.312] royalebobatime: hi [02:56:00.755] Kirin_Linst: Jemma [02:56:01.743] superneet69: Jroc [02:56:02.096] Suunday_: what's your pronouns ?? [02:56:03.960] Fredol7: Do some femboy beat saber on youtube [02:56:04.318] kikogitar: i am just here waiting for a half life alyx playtrue [02:56:04.755] confusedfemboy: jensen [02:56:04.883] uwubottomboi: Jedidiah can be a woman [02:56:05.678] bearpaw1970: 💪👧 [02:56:06.544] SethwMad: Finn is Little for Big the company? [02:56:07.297] dominqtor131: J3NNI5ER? [02:56:07.411] Stovamor: !pronopuns [02:56:10.178] Cute_Foxen: DO MC VR SKYBLOCK [02:56:12.076] Stovamor: !pronouns [02:56:12.352] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:56:12.445] Cute_Foxen: YES [02:56:14.494] c__r__j: F1nn naming kids after @LittleChaSiu confirmed. [02:56:15.139] buttersubstitute: jacqueline [02:56:18.963] Cute_Foxen: I used to be addicted to skyblock [02:56:21.096] Stovamor: @SethwMad, that's right [02:56:26.495] Cute_Foxen: it was a bad addiction [02:56:27.591] SethwMad: Cool [02:56:30.744] burgess_shale: WHY YOU NO SET GOAL? [02:56:30.768] Den_drummer: I think I've heard of someone doing skyblock in vr, but not sure [02:56:30.791] dominqtor131: play a modpakc [02:56:34.721] just_call_me_kei: Hitman VR, its janky as all hell but hilarious [02:56:35.234] ryanss2123: @stovamor lol I jokingly said your name as the child’s name [02:56:38.927] alexandra_saunders: Are you about to give birth? [02:56:41.311] topdogsidxtqy: do some drunk sim racing in vr (btw that means get a wheel) [02:56:41.638] jesus_c_christ69: Juan [02:56:44.526] jandraelune: @Amoyamoyamoya Roanyer bob vest. RinTaichi has gone through a few of them. [02:56:50.635] SethwMad: Omfg... [02:56:50.898] chaowuh: Those videos do well everywhere mate [02:56:53.954] Snowie225: they're cool ngl [02:56:54.560] TehShadowKat: !pronouns [02:56:54.889] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [02:56:56.768] bearpaw1970: lmao [02:56:59.093] y0rk5h1r3: You know LUL [02:56:59.154] SethwMad: My search history not again... [02:57:01.021] Jens_LN: oh, don't show their webpage [02:57:02.462] chaowuh: Be Minecraft videos do great [02:57:02.998] Stovamor: @SethwMad, welcome to the mind bleach [02:57:03.884] danielletg24: love the nails, they're somewhat permanent. Curious about how much you would need to be paid for lip fillers?they do metabolize and disappear in time [02:57:04.859] InfiniteCoyotetime: no shaming! [02:57:05.217] johnkeiwo: lots of age play on LFB [02:57:05.982] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER I heard you named one of your kids after me, I'm honored PogU [02:57:09.121] majhal01: half your wardrobe [02:57:13.703] johnkeiwo: Seth is gonna contract brainrot KEKW [02:57:14.149] Cute_Foxen: Can you do marbles on stream? [02:57:15.021] everimpybruh: wish dot com [02:57:15.292] Helen_Croft: https://www.littleforbig.com [02:57:17.447] BureaucraticMouse: wow kink shaming [02:57:19.343] InfiniteCoyotetime: (okay maybe a little shaming as a treat) [02:57:20.592] uwubottomboi: Adult baby things should be war crimes [02:57:20.717] Helen_Croft: https://www.littleforbig.com @F1NN5TER [02:57:20.805] Dab_Pr1ncess: Finn out here kink shaming lol [02:57:22.614] Stovamor: Poor @SethwMad [02:57:23.365] Helen_Croft: https://www.littleforbig.com @F1NN5TER [02:57:26.205] Helen_Croft: https://www.littleforbig.com @F1NN5TER [02:57:27.554] vanimal2118: Screen time = Advertisement 4 company [02:57:29.994] xenoman5: They are awesome [02:57:32.588] CuddlesKnuffels: i have adult pacifier [02:57:33.055] Jens_LN: And those vacuum bags for adult people [02:57:40.216] jandraelune: Endigo wears their outfits. [02:57:40.599] CuddlesKnuffels: stimtoy [02:57:45.810] Snowie225: mods, i was helping finn [02:57:52.273] thornofarose69: what website? [02:57:59.401] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [02:58:00.031] zombie_1981: kinda weirdChamp [02:58:00.086] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang rynali1Heart viowynShorkHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [02:58:00.228] Flippi_12 Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:58:00.518] superneet69: Cursed kinks [02:58:02.896] dbreach1: Bing bong [02:58:04.580] ayarcee: New Merch? [02:58:05.686] Stovamor: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:58:07.086] AppleSaph: f1nnBingbong [02:58:08.397] berserkmathew: oh god age play Ooof [02:58:09.957] c__r__j: NOBODY would send F1nn a custom LFB onesie, would they? [02:58:11.700] braddle172: Bing Bong [02:58:13.141] W_0ZZY: You’re a man rofl [02:58:19.868] mzinker: f1nnBingbong [02:58:23.092] PlayingonAdele: butt-fucking hell indeed [02:58:26.871] Altex1: f1nnBingbong [02:58:27.429] xenoman5: I have the pink schoolgirl outfit from them [02:58:28.518] j0hnbanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 󠀀 [02:58:29.370] vanimal2118: Bing Bong Bimbo f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynali1Bonk [02:58:29.441] jewgold22: Nice [02:58:31.292] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [02:58:31.319] auttasmic: Hey anyone know what 'kino' means? [02:58:35.131] superneet69: Mommydom [02:58:37.097] Jens_LN: facemask with a dildo inside it [02:58:37.209] Defrancofan67: Get it get it! [02:58:37.249] Ben_Lewton: cursed side of the interwebz [02:58:40.898] Cute_Foxen: What is your least favorited game? [02:58:41.191] bearpaw1970: 😁👉hello kitty [02:58:42.019] thornofarose69: what's the website? [02:58:45.234] sjoonyje: @auttasmic movie theater [02:58:45.808] aunalbrutal: @W_0ZZY ohh ypur back [02:58:52.917] mzinker: i enjoyed the maid outfit from them [02:58:55.124] edithxputhie: Rose hot tub stream on onlyf1nn5?🤔🤔🤔 [02:58:59.389] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:58:59.658] vanimal2118: Never happen! [02:59:00.772] dominqtor131: play a minecraft modpack [02:59:02.974] Cute_Foxen: Play UNO [02:59:03.190] kikogitar: play half life alyx [02:59:05.237] Cute_Foxen: lol [02:59:06.256] topdogsidxtqy: @Stovamor this your call bud [02:59:07.291] Helen_Croft: I would never send Rose a custom LFB outfit Kappa [02:59:09.651] jvlivs777: 🙃👌 [02:59:10.010] Cute_Foxen: smirky7Pog [02:59:13.225] c__r__j: F1nn donowalls Chat when he plays a game, though. [02:59:14.479] theknowwon: simps came here to watch a girl, I came here to watch the simps. Everyone has a zoo of their liking [02:59:14.618] killercotton: you used to be into minecraft :P [02:59:14.768] fenris2020: Play factorio! [02:59:19.331] haithem350: the voice ? [02:59:19.381] W_0ZZY: Two steaks having LUNCH. [02:59:20.211] alexandra_saunders: How’s house buying going [02:59:22.757] barbie_secretstanner: MCC when? [02:59:27.382] Jens_LN: Vampire Survivors [02:59:30.024] Stovamor: @topdogsidxtqy, WHy is it my call? [02:59:34.521] LAXtheBarsmith: ID BE HERE FOR MINECRAFT SADGE [02:59:34.927] Helen_Croft would never send Rose a custom LFB outfit Kappa [02:59:36.503] eternaldebuff: Boycott [02:59:36.983] dominqtor131: modded mc is entertaining [02:59:37.235] ghosty_ghostie: Are you trans? [02:59:38.613] Cute_Foxen: whats your least favorited game [02:59:43.019] thornofarose69: what was that website name? [02:59:43.053] tallorangeone: gotta head to bed - love you finn! hopefully catch you soon! [02:59:45.579] Pikatscha_TV: @auttasmic cinema in german [02:59:45.854] edithxputhie: i thought this was a christians minecraft stream? [02:59:45.997] jewgold22: Og god of war [02:59:46.360] eternaldebuff: Boycott Minecraft its working boys [02:59:46.592] Amoyamoyamoya: Don't talk about the house. [02:59:47.127] ryanss2123: There aren’t many 12 years olds in your stream [02:59:47.777] LuckyPuppy: @Jens_LN I looove Vampire Survivors~ [02:59:48.577] y0rk5h1r3: I thought it was slow when it took me 6 months LUL [02:59:51.055] topdogsidxtqy: @Stovamor why wouldnt it be ? hmmm [02:59:53.680] superneet69: Game stream with only thong [02:59:58.854] songcrit: minecraft survival n everytime you die you take off something [03:00:05.011] Jens_LN: @LuckyPuppy It's surprisingly good. :) [03:00:05.072] chaowuh: Just stream when u want to stream and don’t care about the views bro do what you want to [03:00:05.227] Stovamor: @topdogsidxtqy, I'm only a mod. Not the streamer [03:00:07.329] berserkmathew: @F1NN5TER alright stream idea jeanie and henry attempt to teach you to cook on stream? [03:00:11.359] bearpaw1970: MC is entertaining and I hope you get to pull off another win [03:00:11.995] Cute_Foxen: APEX LEGENDS! [03:00:13.350] c__r__j: F1nn is going to be awash with pacifiers in the PO Box now... [03:00:16.420] thegodofgods8: @ryanss2123 well i am 13 [03:00:18.219] LAXtheBarsmith: let chat buy you games [03:00:22.736] fenris2020: Factorio? [03:00:25.668] killercotton: Hunt Showdown! [03:00:26.048] InfiniteCoyotetime: cookie clicker [03:00:26.057] Cute_Foxen: new season PLAY IT [03:00:26.065] obliviousxconfused: mods, do a game poll and force f1nn to play it on stream. [03:00:27.141] Kirin_Linst: Pride1 [03:00:27.258] LAXtheBarsmith: like borderlands and shit [03:00:27.554] DougieJ: Apex movement is 10/10 [03:00:28.051] SethwMad: Valorant is a terrible game. I play it often. [03:00:28.963] songcrit: there's a new evil dead game that dropped [03:00:29.487] ryanss2123: Not bad but not good [03:00:31.075] thornofarose69: please someone tell me the name of that website? [03:00:32.316] L0rry: what about cracktorio (factorio) @F1NN5TER [03:00:32.668] topdogsidxtqy: @Stovamor how abt we change that hah [03:00:33.592] Jens_LN: Vampire Survivors is strangely good. [03:00:34.154] bearpaw1970: what about DC universe [03:00:37.683] bfritz0815: @songcrit like "stripmining" mode for Minecraft 🤣 [03:00:40.312] 696969_Shrek_696969: I saw a touch grass simulator on steam [03:00:40.422] nurullahabe: you boy ? [03:00:43.621] kikogitar: half life alyx pls [03:00:43.905] jvlivs777: have a noice day mayte [03:00:45.119] KeeKzap: what about chess, it has nice crafts [03:00:48.580] chubby_we3b: @berserkmathew I would love to see that [03:00:49.490] cozysaiyan: Wha about elden ring wanna see the rage [03:00:51.239] ghosty_ghostie: Can someone please answer KT [03:00:53.281] ghosty_ghostie: It [03:00:56.886] Cute_Foxen: Play VRCHAT [03:00:57.270] fenris2020: which steam game do you have the most hours in? [03:00:59.066] xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER please play gorn on stream [03:01:00.410] y0rk5h1r3: DO IT, DO IT NOW!!! (not really, just quoting Arnie) [03:01:03.418] KeeKzap: graphics* my brain just gave up for a second there [03:01:05.064] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter you should play Valorant with @camisanxious - She'll teach you the ropes [03:01:05.259] mentallyill_gay: Wsp what’s your pronouns? Btw you look cool [03:01:06.159] HangryPlatypusE: APEX'S MOVEMNET IS THE ONLY THINGS IT HAS GOT GOING FOR IT [03:01:09.005] cobyneedmedicine: you are in the tools menu [03:01:10.764] Stovamor: @topdogsidxtqy, no. [03:01:11.559] jacobccs: have you played any fighting games? [03:01:11.751] superneet69: DC universe is god tier [03:01:13.845] Jens_LN: Tools [03:01:14.526] InfiniteCoyotetime: I saw Arma 3 let's goooo [03:01:15.641] hulkhogan420: @ghosty_ghostie idk man [03:01:16.830] M0rbulus: vr game in a dress you cant stand up with? @@ [03:01:17.925] alexandra_saunders: Will you be ordering food for delivery [03:01:18.361] dominqtor131: you played any hitman games? [03:01:18.740] Defrancofan67: Are you gonna play BoneLab when it comes out? [03:01:22.269] Mubble: Proton is for Windows emulation on Linux [03:01:22.631] ryanss2123: He got hacked [03:01:23.000] bearpaw1970: oooh' proton is awesome [03:01:23.114] ayarcee: Phasmaphobia with Riza and Minx [03:01:24.111] Tara_a: youre under tools, not games [03:01:25.025] Jens_LN: Select Games instead of Tools [03:01:25.237] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter you should play Valorant with @camisanxious - She'll teach you the ropes [03:01:29.083] hopalongtommy: whelp, euro is eurovision is rone [03:01:29.494] fungur69: You selected TOOLS [03:01:30.199] y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor great idea [03:01:30.232] Cute_Foxen: Play a UBISOFT game called GROWTOPIA [03:01:30.325] zenouta: hes on tools not games [03:01:30.566] Arthree: Tools [03:01:30.985] cobyneedmedicine: switch from tools to games [03:01:32.114] chaowuh: I remember u played csgo with tubbo once that was great [03:01:32.592] 696969_Shrek_696969: Touching grass simulator>>> [03:01:34.470] Nikman555: its et to tools [03:01:34.500] InfiniteCoyotetime: you have it filtered through tools m8 [03:01:37.358] l3igPP: Click on tools [03:01:37.786] xenoman5: Let us watch you play gorn [03:01:45.794] Cute_Foxen: download a free game called GROWTOPIA [03:01:48.796] bearpaw1970: love it for Linux compatability [03:01:53.056] packagum: bimbo brain no worky [03:01:56.073] vanimal2118: Tabs apocalypse! [03:02:02.509] nharding1967: They do tank paintball in the UK [03:02:06.324] bearpaw1970: what about board games [03:02:06.794] superneet69: Play Riders Republic [03:02:06.925] toxicitynegitivity: WHy does finn dress as a girl on stream [03:02:07.880] Cute_Foxen: go download a game at growtopiagame dot com [03:02:09.729] dominqtor131: play qwop [03:02:09.896] ToolsLight: did you see the Light though? [03:02:12.409] barbie_secretstanner: Cooking stream? Now we talking [03:02:13.082] xenoman5: It’s set to tools [03:02:17.243] SethwMad: Rust we could get you on a creator server. [03:02:19.669] SeriousTTV: Rust <3 [03:02:19.769] y0rk5h1r3: Hotline Miami? [03:02:20.741] SethwMad: safer to stream [03:02:22.658] cougr9967: Ark: Survival Evolved [03:02:23.517] HangryPlatypusE: IT DIED SO HARD [03:02:29.489] fenris2020: CRAB GAME WITH CHAT? [03:02:29.964] Cute_Foxen: Download amorous [03:02:31.798] JT5695: amogus [03:02:33.255] BlueHerronn: rocket league? [03:02:33.317] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter you should play Valorant with @camisanxious - She'll teach you the ropes [03:02:33.577] Nicolas__SK: what about some 7d2d ? [03:02:36.513] Defrancofan67: Splitgate got not fun incredibly fast [03:02:38.754] Cute_Foxen: Download a game called Amorous on Steam [03:02:39.957] sjoonyje: splitgate died harder than Michael Jackson [03:02:43.051] y0rk5h1r3: @sethwmad great idea 👍 [03:02:43.269] Cute_Foxen: do you know Amorous [03:02:43.441] dingosurprise: btd6 >>> [03:02:43.851] liiilFish: h games? [03:02:47.113] topdogsidxtqy: gta see how many people kill each other in the lobby @F1NN5TER [03:02:53.048] toxicitynegitivity: Valorant kinda suck [03:02:53.509] cvetko2004: how much hours do you have in CS? [03:02:55.193] packagum: i bought balloons because a stream you once did on it [03:02:55.463] Stovamor: She's obsessed with the fecking thing [03:02:56.637] johnkeiwo: @DWAYNEch_, go cool down [03:02:58.267] Helen_Croft: play the stanly parable it has the same voice as brian you use for TTS [03:03:02.679] bearpaw1970: what about rust with kyle [03:03:07.452] TheKnuckle44: lol nice john [03:03:09.179] bfritz0815: @ghosty_ghostie you mean answer to your comment filled with asterisks (and probably for good reason)? If you tried to post a link, that doesn't work [03:03:10.637] Cute_Foxen: Play Amorous [03:03:14.001] Kirin_Linst: You should play the long dark [03:03:15.473] superneet69: Jump Force [03:03:16.975] chaowuh: I do think csgo is better than val [03:03:16.993] denialdelivery798: do some more streams with soda [03:03:21.325] barbie_secretstanner: Wasn’t enough build up [03:03:22.009] LAXtheBarsmith: you can game in the just chatting area finn, so youd never have to go in a specific category while gaming [03:03:23.217] s1gtex: whats your favorite vr game [03:03:26.287] mystchevious1: @Helen_Croft Oh lord please no. soo creepy. [03:03:26.942] kikogitar: half life alyx stream pls [03:03:30.522] Jens_LN: Oh yeah, the new Lego game should be good [03:03:33.125] 57ranma: PLAY APEX AGAINST TITANIA [03:03:35.715] vanimal2118: Have to b a popular game, play games because they r good. [03:03:39.410] mrhouse987: The long dark or jump force [03:03:40.525] jandraelune: MANY players of Splitgate just don't think with portals. So they are just playing half the content making it like any other FPS and boring. [03:03:41.244] xenoman5: Pro woodworker here [03:03:42.330] eternaldebuff: elden ring strem [03:03:43.510] bearpaw1970: what about older games [03:03:45.764] Cute_Foxen: There is a Furry Steam game called "Amorous" it will be good content LOL [03:03:47.346] f1nn5terschair: Factorio Femboy Friday?? [03:03:53.275] johnkeiwo: No fucking ? [03:03:57.343] Jens_LN: no fuckery ? [03:03:58.345] packagum: "nothing" [03:03:59.086] josua_themen: if you could change your voice would you do it [03:03:59.661] ToolsLight: Time to d-d-d-d-d-duel with Jump Force Yugi ? [03:04:05.522] TheTimeZoneX: The plot thickens [03:04:05.692] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter Helen had a great idea. Play the Stanley parable, especially the re-make version that just got released. I think you'd find it interesting [03:04:05.965] ArticWolfLMAO: I think the only hot thing around here is you finster. SeemsGood [03:04:09.979] vanimal2118: Howdy @f1nn5terschair [03:04:10.243] c__r__j: GeoGuessr stream when? You'd be good at that. [03:04:10.921] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter Helen had a great idea. Play the Stanley parable, especially the re-make version that just got released. I think you'd find it interesting [03:04:14.347] Kirin_Linst: Play the long dark [03:04:15.486] Chri55PBacon: hmmm [03:04:16.165] hacobjill16: We came second in Eurovision to Ukraine [03:04:20.696] josua_themen: play valorant [03:04:22.536] json_online: Portal? Beat mikos time…. [03:04:22.653] Cute_Foxen: Play a game called GrowTopia [03:04:23.324] 57ranma: APEX AGAINST TITANIA [03:04:26.024] eternaldebuff: cod blops [03:04:29.924] josua_themen: play warxone [03:04:35.004] KNOCKERS_WORLD: Yooooooooo finnnnnnn [03:04:40.338] kikogitar: tos [03:04:42.779] johnkeiwo: Welsh wins the third match :) [03:04:42.873] bearpaw1970: what about older console games [03:04:43.345] rosey_awa: Pride1 [03:04:44.234] Cute_Foxen: There is a under rated game called Growtopia. [03:04:46.115] awesomerem1: Yess [03:04:46.182] josua_themen: play regular minecraft [03:04:47.257] Cute_Foxen: you should play it [03:04:48.516] Lonlypillow12: u so pretty [03:04:49.420] c__r__j: @Stovamor Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe is awesome, but could be a bit slow-paced for F1nn? [03:04:54.123] kr4bbo: play hunt showdown [03:04:55.183] InfiniteCoyotetime: GTA V roleplay stream [03:04:56.704] Emmy64_: Hacked zombies was the funniest thing [03:04:59.148] Kirin_Linst: The long dark is a fun game [03:05:01.405] mediana91: hi [03:05:02.269] Cute_Foxen: Play a underated game called GROWTOPIA [03:05:05.311] vanimal2118: Old school games good? [03:05:05.988] y0rk5h1r3: Play it takes two with Riza or Soda LUL [03:05:06.363] 57ranma: APEX AGAINST GRAND TITANIA [03:05:07.097] dominqtor131: kinda dead now but titanfall? [03:05:07.699] johnkeiwo: Geo guesser PogU [03:05:08.352] topdogsidxtqy: GTA [03:05:08.375] Stovamor: YOu could play Geoguesser against the mods [03:05:08.466] josua_themen: play gta 5 [03:05:13.952] eternaldebuff: yas [03:05:18.576] Snowie225: lmao [03:05:21.256] cleetourus: is this real? what happened [03:05:23.108] Cute_Foxen: Download Growtopia [03:05:23.464] j0hnbanks117: oh god [03:05:23.632] mx_crimson: Uk geoguesser? [03:05:24.582] SethwMad: @stovamor is bot setup to let you change game? [03:05:26.713] Jens_LN: Fantasy combat game [03:05:29.439] xXNeroZashiXx: @Stovamor great idea :D [03:05:31.523] bfritz0815: Karaoke stream? 😊 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [03:05:31.618] Kolateak_: Hmmmm [03:05:31.862] JT5695: hmmmm [03:05:33.299] mediana91: f1nnBingbong [03:05:34.193] TheKnuckle44: please play something with soda [03:05:34.644] braddle172: hmmm [03:05:35.043] KeeKzap: KEKW [03:05:35.801] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [03:05:35.884] Gloom_Slayer: Are you SURE you want smut in a fanfiction? I can write it, but I didn't think you would want it. [03:05:36.125] Stovamor: @SethwMad, as in the stream title? no [03:05:36.283] barbie_secretstanner: It’s Italy [03:05:37.818] packagum: dublin spire [03:05:38.468] berserkmathew: lmao drunk geoguesser? [03:05:39.132] KNOCKERS_WORLD: Play me on call of duty rn 😤 [03:05:41.787] eternaldebuff: dude i know where that is, they got ninjas there [03:05:42.779] y0rk5h1r3: You playing Landmark version? [03:05:43.780] Amoyamoyamoya: Birimingham. [03:05:44.975] berserkmathew: Hmmm [03:05:45.871] SethwMad: @stovamor just game [03:05:47.054] Stovamor: @SethwMad, I meant the game on twitch, no [03:05:48.000] j0hnbanks117: she gonna get at least 1000 points [03:05:50.565] Globalnuclear: Dark souls marathon let's go [03:05:53.386] SethwMad: Agh [03:05:55.137] josua_themen: south [03:05:57.985] Cute_Foxen: Download a game called Growtopia [03:06:01.968] LittleChaSiu: this is gonna hurt to watch [03:06:03.451] josua_themen: it is by water [03:06:03.804] c__r__j: Even then, F1nn didn't actually click on the Eiffel Tower on the map. Gngh! [03:06:07.594] jjfrob: Move your camera around [03:06:09.298] Amoyamoyamoya: Staten Island? [03:06:15.533] berserkmathew: @Li [03:06:15.725] braddle172: ayy I've been there [03:06:22.123] Helen_Croft: How cam you fail during the tutorial weirdChamp [03:06:22.698] KeeKzap: oh wow dude you are so good [03:06:29.438] fantasiaslime: You would be livin under a rock if you had never heard of elden ring [03:06:31.271] josua_themen: do usa [03:06:40.515] JT5695: country streak is fun [03:06:41.397] vanimal2118: X [03:06:47.571] KeeKzap: KEKW [03:06:49.701] IC3Gen: LUL [03:06:50.687] DougieJ: This is so england is hurts [03:06:54.701] Cute_Foxen: You are blind [03:06:55.375] y0rk5h1r3: Look at PUB [03:06:57.489] Jens_LN: not UK, drive in right [03:06:57.530] alals64: wales [03:06:57.940] DougieJ: Gwy Wales KEKW [03:06:58.583] lilmoefow: how long did it take to grow your hair that long? [03:06:59.095] c__r__j: Look at the direction sign on the island, F1nn [03:06:59.877] y0rk5h1r3: Wales [03:07:00.747] packagum: you can tell by the grey buildings lmao [03:07:00.826] Arthree: wales [03:07:01.769] N_8_t_e: love yah [03:07:10.019] Jens_LN: drive on the right [03:07:13.010] huntxr14: Wales [03:07:14.764] Kinitawowi: chepstow in the url on the cafe [03:07:15.370] Stovamor: It's near birmingham [03:07:15.882] Amoyamoyamoya: That looks Welsh? [03:07:17.986] f1nn5terschair: Ireland?? [03:07:18.657] y0rk5h1r3: Go to bridge [03:07:21.314] bfritz0815: sign on the road isle [03:07:28.083] Cute_Foxen: Is this pre recorded [03:07:29.140] LittleChaSiu: pain [03:07:34.095] johnkeiwo: looks like pakistan [03:07:34.423] ryanss2123: Russia [03:07:37.999] turtle_tod: bulgaria? [03:07:39.279] c__r__j: Why did F1nn not look at the direction sign right beside him? NotLikeThis [03:07:39.429] y0rk5h1r3: Bulgaria [03:07:39.708] Kolateak_: Oh easy [03:07:40.787] Kinitawowi: bulgaria [03:07:41.088] turtle_tod: oh [03:07:41.948] josua_themen: belarusia [03:07:43.642] eternaldebuff: italy [03:07:43.816] ryanss2123: Poland [03:07:47.349] kiziryry: belgarus [03:07:47.534] Kinitawowi: 🇧🇬 [03:07:47.859] TwoWeeksTwo: Belarus [03:07:49.440] y0rk5h1r3: IT'S BULGARIA [03:07:49.549] jjfrob: Bulgaria [03:07:50.249] DougieJ: It's confused italy KEKW [03:07:50.260] wulfy_hun: bulgaria [03:07:50.567] Flippi_12: bulfaria [03:07:50.923] josua_themen: wit rusland [03:07:52.490] winterruwu: bulgaria! [03:07:53.582] cvetko2004: bulgaria [03:07:54.370] bfritz0815: @cute_foxen nope, is live 😊 [03:07:56.115] packagum: belarus dingus [03:07:56.382] sl4sh4ndd4sh: You don't know Bulgaria? [03:07:56.549] Fredol7: Bulgaria [03:07:58.706] j0hnbanks117: bulgaria [03:07:59.186] ThinkUrCute: ThinkUrCute subscribed with Prime. [03:07:59.360] f3mmbot thinkurcute subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thinkurcute f1nn5tLezgang [03:08:00.115] Chri55PBacon: bulgaria [03:08:00.468] BloodDmnd: belarus [03:08:00.704] Cute_Foxen: no its recorded for sure [03:08:01.144] Fredol7: Hahahaha wow [03:08:01.182] johnkeiwo: Lets guess the town now ! [03:08:03.631] ryanss2123: Soviet union contry [03:08:05.410] josua_themen: east europe [03:08:08.205] DougieJ: Eastern Europe [03:08:08.744] Kolateak_: Yes LUL [03:08:09.894] Arthree: right next to north macedonia [03:08:11.222] berserkmathew: @littlechasiu lol do A shot every time rose gets it wrong make it intresting [03:08:11.754] Cute_Foxen: this isn't it, its recorded [03:08:12.319] Fredol7: Femboy learning the existence of bulgaria [03:08:15.043] kikogitar: swiched up hungary [03:08:15.808] Flippi_12: bimbo geoguessr KEKW [03:08:16.578] ryanss2123: I’m from 1969 [03:08:20.314] Kolateak_: YOU WERE UNSURE IF IT WAS IN EUROPE? [03:08:21.094] donko812: bulgaria [03:08:26.525] Emmy64_: @cute_foxen You sure LUL [03:08:30.867] Fredol7: Gosh, a true bimbo [03:08:31.007] BlackCross55: Avarage english speaker at geography LUL [03:08:31.646] Helen_Croft: small town [03:08:33.971] fakepacman: lanuge on window [03:08:34.088] Cute_Foxen: yep pre recorded for sure [03:08:36.266] j0hnbanks117: My brain hurt watching this [03:08:38.367] Amoyamoyamoya: Not like this... [03:08:38.564] kiziryry: does it look like a major city? [03:08:39.220] LittleChaSiu: @berserkmathew can't dude, I'm a lightweight [03:08:46.055] vanimal2118: Ur chat is smart Rose they r good at helping. [03:08:48.311] Emmy64_: We have new viewers LUL [03:08:52.248] Tara_a: thats a school caled kiril i metodij, i read cyrilyic for you [03:08:57.262] y0rk5h1r3: Varna [03:09:07.028] josua_themen: so at the coast [03:09:07.406] cvetko2004: it's a sea not an ocean [03:09:09.360] Jens_LN: not bad [03:09:10.792] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [03:09:11.786] BloodDmnd: wow [03:09:14.191] johnkeiwo: could have been worse ! [03:09:14.299] packagum: lets goo [03:09:14.851] Emmy64_: PogU [03:09:16.825] ayarcee: impressive [03:09:17.791] winterruwu: Pog [03:09:18.037] y0rk5h1r3: I FUCKING SAID VARNA!!! [03:09:18.255] Chri55PBacon: gg [03:09:19.841] braddle172: void [03:09:21.003] LamTion: POG [03:09:21.049] Jens_LN: south america ? [03:09:22.261] jvlivs777: aaaa this big brain of a dud :)) [03:09:22.775] SethwMad: f1nn change game to Geoguesser? [03:09:23.281] big_d_man_from_poland: what do you mean a ocean? [03:09:23.564] fakepacman: porugal [03:09:23.713] eternaldebuff: pompeii! [03:09:24.344] berserkmathew: @littlechasiu fair point I would also die still recovering from drinking with friends lastnight [03:09:24.950] dominqtor131: SPAIN [03:09:25.410] turtle_tod: feliz navidad! [03:09:26.524] bfritz0815: metro station near the ocean [03:09:28.638] tkmuzz09: Sup [03:09:29.261] johnkeiwo: latin country [03:09:30.015] thegodofgods8: THE VOID [03:09:30.609] chris1811_: any femboys here please dm me [03:09:30.624] barbie_secretstanner: Spain [03:09:30.681] BlackCross55: Somewhere at LatinAmerica XD [03:09:31.312] Cute_Foxen: Play Growtopia [03:09:35.291] perfectly_unstable: spain [03:09:37.560] kevlarchicken: UK just came second in the Eurovision Song Contest KEKW [03:09:40.817] y0rk5h1r3: It's a song [03:09:40.917] nathantheking465: brazil [03:09:43.609] BlackCross55: IT's not SPAIN! [03:09:43.996] Rightplan: mexico [03:09:45.643] 2bmikunico: mexico [03:09:46.549] LoadSmasher: peru [03:09:47.964] topdogsidxtqy: Did everyone sing that when they saw ut hah [03:09:48.168] eternaldebuff: feliz navidad is merry christmas i think [03:09:50.768] ultramuffinn: cuba [03:09:53.139] vanimal2118: Black hole singularity? [03:09:54.533] josua_themen: south ameruca [03:09:54.906] Cute_Foxen: Download Growtopia <3 [03:09:56.268] fakepacman: mexico [03:09:57.078] jvlivs777: someone throw it [03:09:57.205] nathantheking465: brazil for sure [03:09:58.747] vander_esch38: leafville [03:09:59.031] BlackCross55: It's somewhere at latin america, good luck [03:10:02.261] matias_warfare: colombia [03:10:02.264] c__r__j: Felix Navidad is both Spanish AND Portugese, isn't it? [03:10:03.159] josua_themen: peru [03:10:05.247] takumi__22: thats el salvador [03:10:06.666] packagum: bruh [03:10:09.370] josua_themen: peru or colombia [03:10:09.441] Emmy64_: That's.... argentina maybe [03:10:10.144] Bubblicus: Mexico [03:10:10.614] Xylomn: not spain [03:10:11.483] nico_cccxv: Perú [03:10:12.810] vander_esch38: peru [03:10:14.319] chris1811_: Ecuador [03:10:14.783] josecortesnival: thats kot spanish [03:10:15.473] recrutapaum: @c__r__j no [03:10:15.706] mustangcubed: Mexico [03:10:15.733] johnkeiwo: KKona that's right [03:10:15.863] bfritz0815: south or central America. Spanish roads look different [03:10:15.916] MiaxSnow: @c__r__j not quite [03:10:16.184] berserkmathew: lmao [03:10:16.698] LunaTV_: @c__r__j not portuguese [03:10:16.957] chris1811_: easy [03:10:17.407] mediana91: isnt spanish more common than english [03:10:17.637] LoadSmasher: lol [03:10:18.682] obliviousxconfused: mexico [03:10:19.173] KNOCKERS_WORLD: Mexico [03:10:21.606] f1nn5terschair: Spain, or the half of South America [03:10:21.838] chris1811_: ECUADOR [03:10:21.873] y0rk5h1r3: Or Chille, Mexico, Panama etc. [03:10:22.648] jandraelune: Spanish is spoken in Central America and South America. [03:10:24.266] Cute_Foxen: Japan [03:10:25.842] fennec456: thats colombia [03:10:26.402] mystchevious1: Isn't he still doing the european Union? [03:10:26.523] dark8_8angel: omg hii [03:10:27.279] Cute_Foxen: its Japan [03:10:29.267] beatle_88: mexico [03:10:29.412] Staldaa: south mexico mayhaps [03:10:30.203] DaveInAccounting: Russia. [03:10:30.426] josua_themen: yh el salvador colombia [03:10:33.388] KNOCKERS_WORLD: ITS FREAKING MEXICO [03:10:33.823] josecortesnival: southamerica [03:10:35.509] BlackCross55: Try Perú [03:10:38.073] Cute_Foxen: its japan [03:10:39.124] il_pierrot: mexico [03:10:39.692] uwuvalem: Mexico [03:10:40.513] disnick123: they have tigo so it has to be or central america or north of south america [03:10:43.201] obliviousxconfused: somewhere in south america [03:10:43.656] c__r__j: @c__r__j Oh, OK. [03:10:45.597] Cute_Foxen: smirky7Plead its japan [03:10:46.231] ryanss2123: Mexico [03:10:46.332] uwubottomboi: Birmingham [03:10:46.660] JT5695: la paz is bolivia, yeah? [03:10:47.063] f1nn5terschair: Dominican Republic??? [03:10:47.521] Helen_Croft: has US size license plate [03:10:49.874] dark8_8angel: maybe mexico city [03:10:51.148] mscoldchickensoup: La Paz [03:10:51.381] Defrancofan67: It's def Mexico [03:10:51.419] Jowi1337: that's dominican republic [03:10:51.668] AniSkywalker: la paz Bolivia [03:10:52.493] thepeoplesbodega: its not mexico cht [03:10:52.820] chris1811_: ECUADOR [03:10:53.376] Cute_Foxen: japan [03:10:53.789] josua_themen: do central america [03:10:54.068] il_pierrot: MEXICO BAJA CALIFORNIA [03:10:55.167] johnkeiwo: look at the position of the sun to guess the emisphere [03:10:57.984] Chri55PBacon: bolivia? [03:10:58.017] berserkmathew: @stovamor 10/10 poll [03:10:58.599] josua_themen: el salvador\ [03:10:58.882] trashcanwastaken: how hot is it there? its 91 here in [03:10:59.291] HangryPlatypusE: THE ENTIRETY OF MEXICO AND HALF OF SOUTH AMERICA [03:11:01.966] fennec456: the car plates are colombian [03:11:02.226] jorge_roku: stop signs are not translated xD [03:11:05.702] eternaldebuff: cancelled [03:11:10.206] bfritz0815: sign says "de la paz" [03:11:12.207] jorge_roku: in spain [03:11:16.870] fakepacman: street sign [03:11:17.514] nathantheking465: where was it? [03:11:17.742] BlackCross55: Ecuador or Colombia? [03:11:20.090] Stovamor: @berserkmathew, wasn';t me, but yes [03:11:20.180] dark8_8angel: what kind of shirt are you wearing? [03:11:23.678] that1guylouis24: don't self dox monkaS [03:11:23.681] josua_themen: this is google mapos maps [03:11:23.751] Helen_Croft: Germany [03:11:23.867] packagum: uk [03:11:23.977] barbie_secretstanner: Uk [03:11:26.459] Cute_Foxen: this is Japan [03:11:31.134] Kinitawowi: driving on the right [03:11:31.333] brandt_connors: not enough traffic [03:11:33.251] Jens_LN: Canada ? [03:11:34.744] Cute_Foxen: its brazil [03:11:36.312] johnkeiwo: europe for sure [03:11:36.651] barbie_secretstanner: No not uk [03:11:36.825] TwoWeeksTwo: Europe [03:11:36.915] takumi__22: that looks like germany [03:11:38.255] Cute_Foxen: its brazil for sure [03:11:39.115] eternaldebuff: that looks like florida [03:11:40.785] Cute_Foxen: brazil [03:11:41.339] LoadSmasher: romania [03:11:41.402] c__r__j: Driving on the right. [03:11:41.588] Rigxer: Look at the sky if the sun is in the north you're south of the equator and if its in the south you're north of the equator [03:11:41.989] Helen_Croft: Norway [03:11:44.854] josua_themen: sweden [03:11:45.472] JT5695: looks baltic [03:11:45.848] Staldaa: looks like eastern europe tbh [03:11:47.739] dark8_8angel: its not arizona [03:11:47.841] berserkmathew: too sunny lmao [03:11:48.379] mystchevious1: They are driving on the right side of the road. [03:11:49.551] Cute_Foxen: it is da brazil [03:11:49.612] Den_drummer: cars on wrong side of road aren't they KEKW [03:11:50.268] johnkeiwo: northern country [03:11:52.063] Cute_Foxen: go to brazil [03:11:54.834] Cute_Foxen: it is brazil [03:11:55.761] TwoWeeksTwo: France [03:11:57.931] johnkeiwo: I'd say Norway [03:11:58.063] dominqtor131: terrible architecture [03:11:58.876] brandt_connors: driving on right side [03:12:01.071] sjoonyje: !uptime [03:12:01.504] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 12m 7s [03:12:02.617] topdogsidxtqy: @mystchevious1 nooo wrong way mann [03:12:03.357] Cute_Foxen: brazil LUL [03:12:03.598] Amoyamoyamoya: Hey, there's a Poll... [03:12:04.827] tolucky4u: Sweden [03:12:06.007] y0rk5h1r3: Looks like England but nicer LUL [03:12:06.773] huntxr14: Germany? [03:12:07.324] josua_themen: england is eurooean too [03:12:10.311] vanimal2118: Sounds like F1nn5ter needs to travel more? [03:12:16.128] johnkeiwo: look at the licence plates [03:12:17.000] jesus_c_christ69: try and check license plates [03:12:17.427] dark8_8angel: very cottage core [03:12:18.723] fr4do: Belgium? [03:12:18.890] LikeBigMunson: looks quite dutch to me [03:12:20.940] mystchevious1: @mystchevious1 Right hand side. :P [03:12:21.191] Emmy64_: Scotland.... [03:12:22.300] BlackCross55: The Netherlands? [03:12:25.082] BigCDG: are you a guy or a girl [03:12:25.610] jjfrob: Nordics [03:12:29.914] WetBellyButtonLive: this is between finland and sweden [03:12:30.075] anelm8799999: wait a second finnn……. where those pockets at…..? [03:12:30.194] johnkeiwo: BEHIND [03:12:30.929] tomb932: germany [03:12:33.289] ronin_samuri: @BigCDG yes [03:12:33.962] mortelsson: What are those window frames KEKW ? [03:12:35.793] Zibella: !hug Joohn [03:12:36.060] f3mmbot Joohn gets a big hug from zibella <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [03:12:37.430] keklelw: thats ur house right nmow isnt it? [03:12:38.123] yaboycole7287: English or Scottish. Bey [03:12:39.985] Jens_LN: find signs [03:12:40.741] Rikka_Tikka_Tabby: Germany [03:12:41.894] Kirin_Linst: Looks old [03:12:42.449] Amoyamoyamoya: Not US. [03:12:43.163] BloodDmnd: that is not germany [03:12:45.056] Ticklish_PP: fortnite map [03:12:45.094] yunghunn: eu plates [03:12:45.578] TwoWeeksTwo: Francios [03:12:45.970] FOlvr: Good thing she's pretty lmao [03:12:46.550] jakeypoo00: can I ask are you a top or bottom? [03:12:48.395] fakepacman: road sign [03:12:50.155] xenoman5: License plate [03:12:52.978] j0hnbanks117: look at the sun [03:12:56.539] barbie_secretstanner: In what!!! [03:12:56.757] VEDS24: Denmark? [03:12:57.022] Kinitawowi: eurovision [03:12:57.338] BigCDG: @jakeypoo00 wtf [03:12:57.610] someotherthing: Hello everyone.... just got home and was surprised to find our Mad Lad on line.... good way to end the day [03:12:58.476] Xylomn: eurovision [03:12:58.544] c__r__j: Eurovision, is that? [03:12:59.341] Jens_LN: find road signs [03:12:59.387] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:13:01.457] timboixd: Eurovision [03:13:01.558] jandraelune: Its a wide license plate, so that not in the Americas. [03:13:02.865] jorge_roku: eurovision ? [03:13:04.147] roxacy: eurovision [03:13:05.461] dominqtor131: ukraine won [03:13:10.163] InfiniteCoyotetime: it's definitely Scandinavian [03:13:10.936] JT5695: you can use the general shape/color of license plates to get an idea of where you are [03:13:11.528] jacobccs: eurovision [03:13:13.344] y0rk5h1r3: BRITAIN CAME SECOND IN EUROVISON [03:13:14.279] keklelw: u got 500,000,0000 for a 1 bedroom in the uk? [03:13:14.325] Warden_rck: Russia [03:13:15.064] Jedmaster69: canada [03:13:15.353] vanimal2118: License plates, people, personal things blurred out. [03:13:16.254] Warden_rck: for sure [03:13:18.422] yunghunn: find language signs [03:13:20.424] xenoman5: Dang [03:13:20.909] Cute_Foxen: l [03:13:23.443] bfritz0815: not Germany, because overhead power cables [03:13:24.482] vidyagaem7: My guess is Finland somewhere [03:13:26.317] Emmy64_: @y0rk5h1r3 Who won? [03:13:31.494] roxacy: uk 2nd in eurovision [03:13:32.223] brandt_connors: cyrillic [03:13:32.476] johnkeiwo: cyrilic [03:13:32.859] y0rk5h1r3: I didn't think I'd live to see the day [03:13:32.892] TwoWeeksTwo: cyrillic [03:13:33.178] Kinitawowi: cyrillic [03:13:33.435] Jowi1337: cyrics? [03:13:33.580] perfersserderg: c [03:13:33.777] SethwMad: OKAY NOW YOU WERE WRONG F1NN [03:13:33.889] perfectly_unstable: cyrlic [03:13:34.129] Fyaasko: cyrillic [03:13:34.179] SpaghettoWolf: Russian [03:13:34.313] c__r__j: Cyrililc [03:13:34.423] yunghunn: cyrilic [03:13:35.101] Globalnuclear: lol [03:13:35.449] Helen_Croft: cvyriclic [03:13:35.489] Ticklish_PP: cyrilic [03:13:35.784] sjoonyje: if there wasn't war in Ukraine, u would've won [03:13:36.159] InfiniteCoyotetime: cyrillic fam [03:13:36.603] Warden_rck: ukraine [03:13:36.870] eternaldebuff: russian [03:13:37.077] Stovamor: cyrilic [03:13:37.137] AniSkywalker: Cyrillic [03:13:38.300] Warden_rck: kiev [03:13:38.399] joecro88: serbia? [03:13:39.031] il_pierrot: rusia [03:13:39.056] dark8_8angel: combodia [03:13:43.341] onesek_: moonrunes [03:13:44.116] keklelw: khazakstan [03:13:44.230] TwoWeeksTwo: Ukraine [03:13:44.299] Jens_LN: Ukraine ? [03:13:46.761] HangryPlatypusE: russia [03:13:47.384] Staldaa: belarus/ukraine [03:13:47.868] ryanss2123: Cunt? [03:13:48.477] Rikka_Tikka_Tabby: colorado [03:13:51.193] tomb932: poland [03:13:51.275] jjfrob: Russia [03:13:51.334] SethwMad: Finn! Hundar won [03:13:52.809] Fizrug: russia [03:13:54.731] iamfreaky2: this is russia [03:13:54.764] Snowie225: @Rikka_Tikka_Tabby bro [03:13:57.138] keklelw: Colorado pmsl [03:13:59.402] keklelw: thats a good one [03:14:00.191] mrjebby: russian [03:14:02.372] SethwMad: Erik TKOd [03:14:03.149] y0rk5h1r3: Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, etc. [03:14:05.729] Helen_Croft: belarus [03:14:07.513] Den_drummer: while not likely, it could also be Estonia [03:14:07.524] mortelsson: Russia double eagle [03:14:09.041] xenoman5: Cyrillic [03:14:09.404] Kinitawowi: look for urls [03:14:10.224] dark8_8angel: Uzbekistan [03:14:10.234] johnkeiwo: but russia is big AF [03:14:10.521] Warden_rck: belarus [03:14:11.572] Jowi1337: bulgaria [03:14:12.123] Xylomn: the crest [03:14:12.791] Kerenhb: Greece? [03:14:14.147] timboixd: Romania [03:14:14.809] mrjebby: russia [03:14:16.530] cvetko2004: could be Kazakhstan [03:14:17.352] Chri55PBacon: ukraine [03:14:18.436] AniSkywalker: Bulgaria [03:14:18.782] Fizrug: russian language [03:14:19.653] SethwMad: or wait [03:14:19.693] Kirin_Linst: I’m so fucking lost lol [03:14:20.891] Jens_LN: find a roadsign for a city ? [03:14:23.174] SethwMad: DJ welch [03:14:27.222] iamfreaky2: na na this is rusia because of the license plates on the cars [03:14:27.783] dominqtor131: look behind [03:14:28.204] Helen_Croft: belarus [03:14:28.962] josua_themen: belarus [03:14:31.393] InfiniteCoyotetime: very definitely florida [03:14:33.090] kiziryry: belgarus [03:14:33.187] mr_danktoasty: what have I coke back to [03:14:33.859] perfectly_unstable: look at the park sign [03:14:34.706] fluttershy71: @Kerenhb not greece [03:14:35.811] wulfy_hun: romania doesn't use cyrillic [03:14:37.212] perfectly_unstable: I can read it [03:14:38.111] ryanss2123: Look at the grass [03:14:39.286] anelm8799999: imagine chad chungus in the woods [03:14:40.171] Ticklish_PP: canada [03:14:40.956] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Poland perhaps [03:14:41.830] bfritz0815: closer look on the Eagle on the sign [03:14:43.696] c__r__j: It's going to be the Western side of Russia with roads that good, if it is Russia. [03:14:46.831] mrjebby: russia the european piece [03:14:48.222] berserkmathew: former soviet union country pick one [03:14:49.145] ronin_samuri: @fluttershy71 how do you know? [03:14:50.768] daddyfade0701: WHY IS ENGLAND SOO HOT [03:14:54.684] joecro88: try serbia [03:14:55.981] mr_danktoasty: this geoguesser? [03:14:59.253] WetBellyButtonLive: Bulgaria [03:15:01.225] fluttershy71: @ronin_samuri im greek [03:15:03.024] SethwMad: F1NN MINX IS UP NEXT [03:15:04.493] Warden_rck: only russia and belarus [03:15:06.087] huntxr14: Serbia [03:15:13.647] ronin_samuri: @fluttershy71 you got me [03:15:15.998] ryanss2123: russia [03:15:16.389] zment: russia [03:15:19.783] johnkeiwo: looks like an airport [03:15:20.230] vanimal2118: @daddyfade0701 Rose [03:15:21.756] y0rk5h1r3: Mall or Airport? [03:15:21.898] ryanss2123: RUSSIAN TEXT ON THE BUILDING [03:15:21.929] tomb932: its poland [03:15:22.895] dark8_8angel: russia [03:15:27.368] TwoWeeksTwo: Is it a mall? [03:15:28.654] mikaelaproween: thats russian [03:15:28.920] ryanss2123: RUSSIA] [03:15:29.352] daddyfade0701: russia [03:15:29.872] Rikka_Tikka_Tabby: Ask for directions [03:15:31.467] aniani_2003: bulkans maybe? [03:15:31.545] Emmy64_: russiaaaa [03:15:31.636] SPINKZOR: it's cyrillic so not poland [03:15:32.397] ayarcee: Russia [03:15:36.769] Jowi1337: is not russia... [03:15:37.183] perfectly_unstable: odesa [03:15:39.011] Mistre55_Sarah: Russia [03:15:40.093] Jens_LN: near moscow [03:15:40.196] mrjebby: Lada russian The european piece [03:15:43.331] jandraelune: @johnkeiwo Actually isn't. That is the Merknader view stretching the land the further from the equator. [03:15:43.929] Kirin_Linst: Just guess something [03:15:44.289] Helen_Croft: left [03:15:44.781] y0rk5h1r3: European side [03:15:45.474] secret_squid1: soviet concrete rectangles [03:15:46.578] mr_ajokortti_korkort: south western area [03:15:47.546] zment: nearer europe [03:15:52.208] ryanss2123: kazan' [03:15:52.829] zment: moscow [03:15:54.458] ryanss2123: KAZAN [03:15:54.576] Jowi1337: lituania [03:15:56.537] vanimal2118: Western or Moscow? [03:16:00.068] bfritz0815: west [03:16:00.678] Discount_Diogenese: russia is all on the western 1/3rd [03:16:01.329] zment: NICE [03:16:01.854] johnkeiwo: WOW [03:16:02.637] finsquare2003: hell yeah google earth, I spend hours on it [03:16:03.895] Kinitawowi: @jandraelune it's the biggest country in the world, it's not just the projection [03:16:04.545] barbie_secretstanner: Mateeee [03:16:06.253] Jens_LN: thta's good [03:16:06.499] ryanss2123: I SAID KAZAN [03:16:06.703] dark8_8angel: woahh [03:16:08.610] richpluto_108th: holy ... [03:16:08.765] perfectly_unstable: noice [03:16:10.499] cloutneeder: WHAT THE HELL [03:16:11.060] johnkeiwo: actually not bad ! [03:16:11.061] Chri55PBacon: yooo [03:16:11.739] HangryPlatypusE: oh shit [03:16:11.895] LamTion: Pog [03:16:12.052] vanimal2118: Clap [03:16:12.939] daddyfade0701: Well done babes [03:16:13.417] c__r__j: Not bad. [03:16:13.485] xXNeroZashiXx: gg [03:16:14.668] Globalnuclear: compare to Russia size it's not bad [03:16:15.895] zment: almost spot on :D [03:16:16.482] braddle172: Clap [03:16:17.843] mr_ajokortti_korkort: good guess I think [03:16:18.260] finsquare2003: gg [03:16:18.386] zombie_1981: Clap [03:16:18.449] VEDS24: Clap [03:16:20.162] xenoman5: West [03:16:22.891] shirtlessmoth: Clap [03:16:25.795] dark8_8angel: clap [03:16:26.602] thegodofgods8: GOOD JOP [03:16:26.821] berserkmathew: Huh [03:16:26.861] j0hnbanks117: Clap [03:16:28.021] eternaldebuff: finn the gamer [03:16:29.172] Emmy64_: Clap [03:16:29.268] bfritz0815: anitaClap [03:16:30.755] anelm8799999: no [03:16:30.996] fantasiaslime: Claps [03:16:31.342] ryanss2123: dman [03:16:31.912] Jens_LN: Clap [03:16:33.087] Kirin_Linst: NICE [03:16:33.613] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Clap [03:16:33.734] biscuitvoid: xqcSus xqcSus xqcSus [03:16:34.418] timboixd: clap clap [03:16:34.583] SPINKZOR: proflandoCheer [03:16:37.031] barbie_secretstanner: She’s smart guys [03:16:37.254] Haslak64: U have so many money finnn [03:16:39.669] ryanss2123: never been to russia butguessed it all [03:16:40.391] mystchevious1: outfit check? [03:16:40.992] brandt_connors: except Mexico [03:16:41.894] Discount_Diogenese: chat must pay for it [03:16:43.805] Fredol7: What a gamer [03:16:44.295] xenoman5: Pog [03:16:45.373] anelm8799999: 🤤 [03:16:45.563] ryanss2123: hey chat helped [03:16:45.824] Ticklish_PP: !clap [03:16:46.628] perfectly_unstable: clap [03:16:46.640] dominqtor131: you got mexico tho [03:16:46.859] y0rk5h1r3: Stream Idea: Play it takes two with Riza or Soda [03:16:47.136] AniSkywalker: Mexico [03:16:51.174] ryanss2123: don't take credit [03:16:52.028] daddyfade0701: do 10 star jumps [03:16:52.493] SethwMad: Ayo variety streaming archm [03:16:53.354] vanimal2118: C just not pretty. [03:16:53.784] Kolateak_: You can pay, you're like a billionaire or something [03:16:56.279] Amoyamoyamoya: Poll result in Council Chat. [03:16:59.518] biscuitvoid: meow [03:16:59.646] JT5695: did soda respond? [03:17:01.806] ronin_samuri: @Ticklish_PP Clap [03:17:05.729] SPINKZOR: woah ur bobs are looking good [03:17:06.403] Fredol7: UFC? [03:17:07.343] perfectly_unstable: perfectly_unstable subscribed with Prime. [03:17:07.539] f3mmbot perfectly_unstable subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang perfectly_unstable f1nn5tLezgang [03:17:09.205] KNOCKERS_WORLD: Gei 🗿 [03:17:09.785] SethwMad: You can live commentate [03:17:10.136] y0rk5h1r3: Describe it to us LUL [03:17:10.877] InfiniteCoyotetime: you need to watch some super advanced geoguessr playthroughs because it's insane [03:17:12.586] Warden_rck: shooting on twitch [03:17:14.968] johnkeiwo: like miz u can " watchparty " u rzact to it and we watch on our side [03:17:17.583] daddyfade0701: can u do 10 star jumps [03:17:17.623] Helen_Croft: end this stream and watch the fight [03:17:22.245] 1jakestaff10: Fake bob [03:17:23.014] albus_07: can u be my wife pls [03:17:26.934] ryanss2123: we helped [03:17:27.085] Amoyamoyamoya: You missed a Poll while you were GeoGuessing? [03:17:27.541] anelm8799999: 😛 [03:17:30.522] 1jakestaff10: 😀 [03:17:34.797] onestupidpizza: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:17:35.163] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you did good [03:17:36.605] mystchevious1: outfit check please? [03:17:45.372] johnkeiwo: im watching rn [03:17:47.231] awesomerem1: Yes [03:17:47.985] Haslak64: f1nnCowjam [03:17:49.050] Defrancofan67: Well at least we said you're pretty [03:17:51.071] ronin_samuri: @albus_07 rynali1Bonk [03:18:01.446] johnkeiwo: u need to pay the ticket and sign up [03:18:01.448] vanimal2118: Howdy @mystchevious1 [03:18:02.035] Fredol7: Watching UFC? [03:18:04.152] SethwMad: It's Pay per view [03:18:05.667] Kirin_Linst: Can you play the long dark? [03:18:09.814] aniani_2003: the stadium is already sold out [03:18:11.705] y0rk5h1r3: I ain't gonna watch, but I'll listen to the Femboy Sports Radio commentary [03:18:13.159] huntxr14: Ticket is the ppv [03:18:14.458] 1jakestaff10: How do you get bob [03:18:17.964] mystchevious1: @vanimal2118 Hola <3 [03:18:22.865] 1jakestaff10: I need to troll [03:18:24.687] 1_smart_donkey: it's like a stream you buy a ticket then you can log in to view it [03:18:27.694] SethwMad: Do you need help with the fight setup? [03:18:31.455] daddyfade0701: ur fitter than Ryan Reynolds [03:18:31.952] SethwMad: or whatever [03:18:32.984] ryanss2123: who the hell wathces ufc [03:18:44.999] Fredol7: True [03:18:47.812] albus_07: i just wanna see dr mike get beaten [03:18:47.991] Fredol7: Truee [03:18:48.140] general_of_cm: just epilate [03:18:48.198] jandraelune: Epilate the legs. [03:18:48.683] RockinLockin: what's the worst that could happen [03:18:49.485] 1_smart_donkey: well that would be an interesting stream [03:18:53.007] vanimal2118: Just text Riza 4 boxing updates? [03:18:53.258] Jens_LN: Are you and Riza still getting on well ? [03:18:53.600] albus_07: but he strong af so idk [03:18:56.684] Fredol7: Wax ‘em [03:18:58.166] InfiniteCoyotetime: nair bro [03:18:58.352] anelm8799999: 💗💓💞 [03:18:58.421] johnkeiwo: just sign up [03:19:03.854] dominqtor131: animal crossing? [03:19:06.543] johnkeiwo: and u'll buy the ticket and boom done :) [03:19:07.646] sigmamale42069: what's chillin Fin? [03:19:08.171] ryanss2123: lazer? [03:19:09.769] Warden_rck: bralizian wax hehe LUL [03:19:12.093] general_of_cm: wax stream [03:19:14.215] cozysaiyan: Rizas a smart women listen to riza [03:19:15.293] daddyfade0701: put on make up [03:19:16.513] empirechaotix: just get a pro to wax you [03:19:17.587] brianthebaker: Waxed is so much better you get the clean sheet feeling much longer lol [03:19:18.794] vanimal2118: Nair Sucks! [03:19:20.534] ryanss2123: yes [03:19:20.565] Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/NeighborlyVainOstrichDBstyle-jlQPXmAcxD5YVrNG [03:19:21.515] Amoyamoyamoya: You've waxed on strim before tho [03:19:22.961] ryanss2123: 5k [03:19:23.533] y0rk5h1r3: a real man would wax his legs instead of wimping out! [03:19:26.343] perfectly_unstable: I use Veet it last longer than shaving imo [03:19:26.665] general_of_cm: 5k [03:19:28.574] RockinLockin: 5k [03:19:29.691] sigmamale42069: 42069 [03:19:29.713] packagum: i think you did [03:19:31.172] xenoman5: no pain no gain manly man! [03:19:33.173] EmoExperat: 5k [03:19:33.190] TakeOnWill: I epilate because I'm an idiot! [03:19:35.334] pepperspraylaughing: sell jar of shavings plz [03:19:38.284] xenoman5: Barbie? [03:19:38.373] Jens_LN: you did a lasery boy didn't you ? [03:19:38.573] mystchevious1: Lazer is not permanent. sheesh [03:19:38.941] nathan_on_two_wheels: bro my legs are literal carpets, waxing arent that bad. its a sharp pain thats over quickly [03:19:39.629] c__r__j: You had the lasery boi goal, but it was scuffed IPL not real laser. [03:19:39.830] Fredol7: You did a laser goal [03:19:45.209] yaboycole7287: How much for a guy month [03:19:45.491] Mistre55_Sarah: 5k [03:19:45.979] JenniferJDiaz: flesh tone ballet tights - works wonders [03:19:46.833] SethwMad: Sent link [03:19:49.259] johnkeiwo: 5k subs [03:19:50.063] fwilsss29: Like 5 quid [03:19:50.608] ryanss2123: 10k [03:19:50.617] daddyfade0701: PUT ON LIGHT PINK NAIL POLISHHH [03:19:51.672] danielletg24: legs waxed and lip filler name your price [03:19:52.807] Emmy64_: You do it quick af to work [03:19:53.580] Kirin_Linst: kirin_linst is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [03:19:54.262] Kirin_Linst: kirin_linst gifted a Tier 1 sub to PollyWoggo! [03:19:54.443] f3mmbot kirin_linst has gifted a subscription to pollywoggo at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang pollywoggo f1nn5tLezgang [03:19:55.714] johnkeiwo: not 5k dollars [03:19:56.399] that1guylouis24: @pepperspraylaughing bungotExcuseMe [03:19:56.918] mr_danktoasty: do what unstable said use Veet hair removal cream [03:19:57.576] sigmamale42069: bruh laser are scary [03:19:58.931] EmoExperat: 5kk [03:20:01.233] empirechaotix: IPL laser, but you didn;t use it much... [03:20:01.353] Engtech47: Epilating isn't that bad... after the first time. [03:20:08.093] vanimal2118: Real Lazer armpit hair? [03:20:09.190] mystchevious1: The only REAL PERMANANT hair removal is electrolysis. Laser is temporarty. [03:20:14.121] ryanss2123: 50k lip filler? [03:20:14.210] 1_smart_donkey: it was some like half-ass laser removal system [03:20:25.766] lutiall: is it tho? [03:20:26.349] Fyaasko: So... lip filler goal? [03:20:28.151] obex34: hi [03:20:28.345] Mistre55_Sarah: 10k laser? [03:20:28.696] tomb932: its not perm [03:20:30.113] emmadelicious: But leg hair is ugly af [03:20:30.746] sigmamale42069: is it permanent? [03:20:31.089] Amoyamoyamoya: Order foodz for later? [03:20:34.668] tomb932: just long lasting [03:20:35.969] c__r__j: Lip filler hella cringe, though. [03:20:40.100] obex34: hgi [03:20:43.265] obex34: hi [03:20:44.271] fungur69: There are quite some lip filler horror stories [03:20:44.298] Amoyamoyamoya: Won't you hair be too fine for laser tho? [03:20:44.516] Warden_rck: show your legs [03:20:46.994] ryanss2123: no small lips look better [03:20:47.376] JungHyper: femboy vibe bc the lights ;-; [03:20:50.344] kalloo_o: 2nd in eurovision let's fucking go [03:20:52.717] xenoman5: Nose job? [03:20:53.775] haithem350: whats your sex ? [03:20:57.255] daddyfade0701: stream ur make up [03:21:04.927] ronin_samuri: @haithem350 yes [03:21:09.328] empirechaotix: you do need to get your hair styled professionally tho [03:21:09.496] kaname870: kaname870 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! 18 months wooowooowooowooo [03:21:09.676] f3mmbot kaname870 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU [03:21:11.505] someotherthing: @Amoyamoyamoya I remember that... was fascinating,,, and F1nn had fun. By the way congrats on getting F1NN's Hobbit feet on Reddit... was fun [03:21:11.693] Spectre223: @kalloo_o Our boy Sam did us proud [03:21:16.982] Helen_Croft: Epilator is only bad the first time after that you dont want to go back [03:21:19.347] ZEN1X_: do it again KEKW [03:21:19.355] ryanss2123: he does it everytime [03:21:19.776] Kolateak_: I barely see your bodily hair, it's gotta be fine [03:21:19.903] emmadelicious: @haithem350 a lot [03:21:20.182] Mistre55_Sarah: Fuck I would laser for free just pay for it I’m down 😂 [03:21:25.250] xenoman5: Electrolysis is perm, lazer is temp [03:21:28.486] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya That's true. First hour of the session would be them trying to find a hair to laser. [03:21:28.583] l34ch_: go run a marathon in that dress haha [03:21:28.819] johnkeiwo: The aussie destroyed his opponent ! [03:21:31.788] aunalbrutal: Get millie over sometime when you get your lashes is always amazing [03:21:39.837] daddyfade0701: sorry I just joined [03:21:44.473] mr_danktoasty: do you even grow facial hair? [03:21:44.596] daddyfade0701: mummy [03:21:50.703] vanimal2118: If only the council wrote down failed assignments? [03:21:52.196] ComradeLolan: Yooooo first time able to catch a stream [03:21:55.286] tomb932: hows Riza doing? [03:21:56.246] Jens_LN: Isn't minimum makeup a breach of Girly Girl Month rules ? [03:21:56.984] ayarcee: Laser will grow back, mostly [03:21:59.079] danielletg24: lip filler a maybe, what's your price [03:22:00.636] ryanss2123: bless you [03:22:01.339] Den_drummer: thing with laser is that it's like 8 visits for it to give "permanent" results (what was it? a couple years of no hair?) [03:22:02.926] l34ch_: yoooo is that a rolllllllly [03:22:09.886] daddyfade0701: are you pansexual [03:22:13.355] Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/NeighborlyVainOstrichDBstyle-jlQPXmAcxD5YVrNG [03:22:15.195] braddle172: !time [03:22:15.461] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 00:24 [03:22:19.669] ronin_samuri: @daddyfade0701 i am [03:22:30.163] daddyfade0701: Nice same [03:22:30.881] obliviousxconfused: cake [03:22:31.784] sigmamale42069: the drip [03:22:31.801] SweetDickWilly: cake! [03:22:33.527] ryanss2123: niec [03:22:35.143] mr_ajokortti_korkort: <3 [03:22:36.199] timboixd: where dick? [03:22:36.593] dark8_8angel: did I just get shamed by Finn [03:22:37.267] Fredol7: No-boobs outfit > boobs [03:22:38.839] someotherthing: Big Butt Yummy [03:22:39.155] son_of_solaire: cake [03:22:39.802] peyton18scott18: oh i would hate if you kept talking down to us! [03:22:40.373] VGABots: cake [03:22:40.580] xenoman5: Show cake! [03:22:41.106] dark8_8angel: I love it lmao [03:22:41.191] Knightrizz: dick? [03:22:44.289] sodacatTV: damn bro u caked up [03:22:44.665] BaconBoy3123: SHOW US DICK [03:22:45.658] dark8_8angel: No I can't spelllol [03:22:45.993] dave9iq: Cake [03:22:47.603] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): @xenoman5 lies, i do laser, it’s perm AF, electro is efficien on the remaining light/blond hair [03:22:47.902] ashentrash: bangers n mash [03:22:49.200] daddyfade0701: u got a big but [03:22:51.856] HangryPlatypusE: Casey [03:22:52.075] xenoman5: fit check [03:22:52.380] VGABots: C A K E [03:22:54.175] son_of_solaire: show D [03:22:55.224] eternaldebuff: yo who s winning the boxing matches? [03:22:57.203] SethwMad: heavenlyNotes [03:22:58.648] fwilsss29: How much for dick print cam? [03:23:00.723] daddyfade0701: bangers and smash [03:23:03.039] braddle172: ellahoWow [03:23:04.827] 1_smart_donkey: I did a thing just one [03:23:07.539] oriondevilbbic: im new here, do you ever tuck so you dont have to cover up your dick while showing off your outfits? [03:23:09.057] vanimal2118: Howdy @sodacattv [03:23:10.807] obliviousxconfused: its ok, your inch worm wont show up in that dress. [03:23:11.140] HangryPlatypusE: cakey cake [03:23:14.191] xenoman5: Boing! [03:23:16.546] sodacatTV: why was I asked that question [03:23:20.354] y0rk5h1r3: ellahoSneff ellahoSneff ellahoSneff ellahoSneff ellahoSneff [03:23:28.884] ryanss2123: oh hey @sodacatTV [03:23:32.109] mr_danktoasty: 2 centimetre defeater [03:23:34.502] jotumhein: big fan here 1500chan from brazil, i love you [03:23:35.074] xenoman5: Cakey cake cake [03:23:39.531] sigmamale42069: buyyy [03:23:40.200] Ticklish_PP: minisoda [03:23:41.251] notswaee: what happened to you finn :( [03:23:43.314] nickHN_poggies: damn finn ur boobs looks so realistic [03:23:45.129] y0rk5h1r3: @sodacattv F1NN wanted recommendations LUL [03:23:48.553] ryanss2123: @sodacatTV it was a question asked by a donator [03:23:49.394] ronin_samuri: @xenoman5 i love coconut my self [03:23:50.174] jvlivs777: @ticklish_pp eyyo pp [03:23:51.801] sigmamale42069: just but it lol [03:23:52.827] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter you last set the goal for Laser hair removal as 4000 subs [later 3000, then 2900] [03:23:57.330] daddyfade0701: I have a 2 meter defeater [03:23:57.377] Jedmaster69: por [03:23:58.064] hunter_pls: already started KEKW [03:24:00.383] pandapoopow: hoshiLove hoshiLove hoshiLove hoshiLove [03:24:03.013] johnkeiwo: CLICK CHECKOUT [03:24:03.928] c__r__j: Maybe you can't buy now it's started? [03:24:04.723] Ticklish_PP: @jvlivs777 hey hey fatihDance [03:24:05.608] johnkeiwo: AT THE BOTTOM [03:24:09.168] that1guylouis24: S OMEGALUL LD OMEGALUL UT !! [03:24:09.673] vanimal2118: Ask Riza 4 updates? [03:24:15.800] ron3z: lemme smash [03:24:23.047] valkyriejay98: she [03:24:25.312] daddyfade0701: what is ur sexuality [03:24:31.158] Jens_LN: First world problems [03:24:31.468] johnkeiwo: YOU'RE WELCOME :P ! [03:24:32.839] johnkeiwo: BIMBO [03:24:35.966] hunter_pls: wow big brain mod I couldn't figure that out either [03:24:40.624] Pandatica: @daddyfade0701 first day? [03:24:40.996] Ticklish_PP: john D: [03:24:41.095] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo so mean [03:24:44.181] vanimal2118: All on Bimbo Script [03:24:46.391] Jens_LN: Bimbo [03:24:46.941] ronin_samuri: @daddyfade0701 she is straight [03:24:50.042] dark8_8angel: @peyton18scott18 exactly [03:24:50.743] Kirin_Linst: You’re so mad god damn [03:24:52.430] LittleChaSiu: surely you're used to that by now [03:24:52.561] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): Lmao classic brainworm [03:24:59.397] someotherthing: Calm Down.... you will blow a Booba [03:25:00.199] daddyfade0701: whats ur sexuality [03:25:00.226] sodacatTV: This guys DERANGED [03:25:00.858] Jens_LN: No brain, all boobs ! [03:25:02.277] Ticklish_PP: its ok im also a bimbo [03:25:04.004] StarlingFlight: can i get a hello [03:25:04.243] 57ranma: Maybe someone is streaming it live on tiktok [03:25:04.328] Amoyamoyamoya: Professional Streamer. [03:25:05.977] Khulk000: what watch is that? [03:25:08.986] obliviousxconfused: bimbo.exe executed [03:25:11.670] sigmamale42069: moist [03:25:11.845] bradyv54: bradyv54 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [03:25:12.041] f3mmbot bradyv54 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:25:15.169] sigmamale42069: moist is tall [03:25:17.273] that1guylouis24: give us the play by play [03:25:20.184] sigmamale42069: tall in spirit [03:25:29.366] dr_dee_snutts: minx is next [03:25:29.870] johnkeiwo: its coming up [03:25:33.253] daddyfade0701: r u pansexual [03:25:45.378] Ticklish_PP: moist is 6'9 [03:25:46.122] mr_danktoasty: would you fight as rose or f1nn [03:25:48.182] vanimal2118: Go Minx! [03:25:51.889] dr_dee_snutts: @F1NN5TER hVE YOU SEEN HER TWITTER TRANSFORAMTION [03:25:52.170] mooommo15: Comment Etiquette got wrecked [03:25:52.795] johnkeiwo: minx is gonna destroy that girl [03:25:54.448] Spectre223: @daddyfade0701 He's straight [03:25:54.654] 1_smart_donkey: same reason as I bought the ticket [03:25:56.332] overezeggs: what nails u got rn [03:25:57.774] dark8_8angel: okay I gotta go now that was super fun [03:26:00.584] ronin_samuri: @daddyfade0701 you are really looken for an answer arent you [03:26:01.464] lautarofede12: son of a bitch your fucking mother's shell [03:26:06.750] sigmamale42069: fingerblades [03:26:07.117] jvlivs777: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR [03:26:09.048] sjoonyje: oh hi eggs [03:26:10.039] Fatutch: Goodmorning F1NN [03:26:11.437] dark8_8angel: sharpen your nails use your heels [03:26:16.768] mystchevious1: Oh yeah good news. Blondie said that if you and he were to box you would beat the crap out of him. He offered to be the ring girl for you. [03:26:17.131] empirechaotix: Rose vs Minx [03:26:18.765] Jens_LN: What if you could fight against the girls if you dressed as Rose ? [03:26:19.065] valkyriejay98: critical looking like a child lol [03:26:25.590] y0rk5h1r3: Same height [03:26:27.214] berserkmathew: place your bets chat how badly is minx gona beat that poor lass [03:26:27.730] vanimal2118: Pretty Nails in boxing gloves [03:26:29.966] empirechaotix: Minx would win [03:26:30.284] Kirin_Linst: You’d win as rose [03:26:31.818] overezeggs: OH IS THE FIGHT RN [03:26:33.785] barbie_secretstanner: And the height of minx [03:26:36.485] mr_danktoasty: what hight are you [03:26:42.572] LittleChaSiu: PogU PogU PogU [03:26:45.766] vidyagaem7: Sure you are [03:26:46.649] sodacatTV: i keep hearing of this minx [03:26:48.383] SethwMad: @overezeggs it's like round 5 now [03:26:48.625] sjoonyje: so pretty much minx is about to steamroll someone your size [03:26:48.646] Sniper_x_Foxx: @daddyfade0701 , dude please stop , she is straight. [03:26:49.318] sigmamale42069: minx gunna win forsure [03:26:51.021] mystchevious1: minx is savage. She'd kill F1NN [03:26:51.496] johnkeiwo: the poor girl is 19 [03:26:52.118] Ticklish_PP: f1nnPegChamp_TK [03:26:52.791] sodacatTV: I should investigate [03:26:56.106] thegodofgods8: I WANT A SUB TO YOU BUT I AM BROKE! [03:26:56.602] Jens_LN: he is 69 inches tall [03:26:57.887] dark8_8angel: thats very tall [03:26:58.044] johnkeiwo: minx is gonna massacre her [03:27:02.059] ronin_samuri: @Sniper_x_Foxx LUL [03:27:04.686] general_of_cm: she means 5ft9 [03:27:06.300] mr_danktoasty: I'm the same hight as you woop [03:27:09.177] Defrancofan67: 5 9 [03:27:11.122] overezeggs: @SethwMad im gonna watch the replay - ive been so hyped [03:27:11.394] Arthree: 5 foot "10" [03:27:12.766] dr_dee_snutts: the loser spamming N-word in the event chat WeirdChamp [03:27:12.993] berserkmathew: X to doubt [03:27:17.654] mystchevious1: Rose is 5'9" [03:27:17.655] general_of_cm: X [03:27:25.613] c__r__j: Boxing? During a boxing match? Is that allowed? [03:27:26.602] johnkeiwo: she gonna be ded [03:27:32.447] Amoyamoyamoya: !pronouns [03:27:32.716] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [03:27:32.727] Ticklish_PP: minx throwin hands??? [03:27:33.950] sjoonyje: I feel like the tiktok girl is gonna surprise knock minx out, or get mollywhopped, no in between [03:27:35.049] vanimal2118: Minx is Rose "Official GF" [03:27:35.857] ryanss2123: show us [03:27:36.109] Emmy64_: mkoTech HypePopcorn [03:27:36.903] xenoman5: Five foot nine [03:27:40.133] eternaldebuff: hope no one hits her in the face [03:27:40.655] alexandra_saunders: You seem to live more as a girl than as a boy? [03:27:43.614] dr_dee_snutts: Minx has the GUNS [03:27:46.114] mscoldchickensoup: Minx go monke? [03:27:52.757] ryanss2123: minx or finn? [03:27:52.912] 1_smart_donkey: I think her arms are bigger than yours [03:27:56.951] LAXtheBarsmith: @hypercloud21 well shes a guy sooooooooo [03:27:58.965] ronin_samuri: @hypercloud21 bad opion [03:27:59.391] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:28:00.808] goosesayquack: smasg [03:28:02.159] stranger_gorl: ✨ [03:28:02.411] goosesayquack: smash [03:28:02.676] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): Cockoing these pumued action rifles [03:28:04.072] Jens_LN: That's cool actually [03:28:04.822] vanimal2118: Just 2 years? [03:28:08.734] y0rk5h1r3: Recently LUL Sure [03:28:13.684] mr_danktoasty: what's the fight? [03:28:16.133] dummigummii: you ever play league? curious xd [03:28:18.686] Stovamor: @overezeggs, Good evening btw. Looking forward t the new emotes [03:28:20.838] A7MD_s: I wanna watch too [03:28:21.924] Globalnuclear: @hypercloud21 you will get used to it [03:28:27.121] general_of_cm: whats the best girl voice yoou can do? [03:28:31.935] IWatchBiggy: my mum said we can't date [03:28:32.299] Jens_LN: Kinda cool that you can go on as girl. :) [03:28:32.790] Ticklish_PP: @ChildPeanut D: [03:28:33.419] Amoyamoyamoya: @overezeggs in Chat! [03:28:34.250] dr_dee_snutts: CTE for clout [03:28:35.760] johnkeiwo: @hypercloud21, yes [03:28:38.042] ronin_samuri: @hypercloud21 LUL what? [03:28:38.068] aunalbrutal: @hypercloud21 Behave [03:28:41.116] vanimal2118: Human Bean [03:28:41.147] A7MD_s: Where is the match on [03:28:42.381] overezeggs: @Stovamor yUH YUH YUH - i make em good >:) [03:28:43.408] barbie_secretstanner: Great idea [03:28:44.941] ayarcee: no [03:28:45.862] mystchevious1: You gonna keep the bobs too? [03:28:47.542] Jens_LN: cool with me [03:28:49.061] Helen_Croft: permanent girl mode sounds good [03:28:49.502] sigmamale42069: I thunk [03:28:49.548] Kirin_Linst: TRY A GIRL VOICE [03:28:50.312] ryanss2123: we thinkin [03:28:52.538] Stovamor: You mean how we've suggested you do it from GM 1 onwards? @f1nn5ter [03:28:56.837] ryanss2123: we thonkin [03:28:57.086] TheNeverShow: will you play poppy play time ? [03:29:02.590] theoneyed: rose should be the round girl in a boxing match [03:29:04.563] TrueMezzo: @hypercloud21 its so funny how confused u are [03:29:07.011] overezeggs: hello pal :) [03:29:07.283] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER it's up to you, you specifically asked for the breaks to you could keep filming Minecraft videos [03:29:08.467] vidyagaem7: Nonstop girl [03:29:11.555] c__r__j: Feels like more flexibility for you is better for you, and therefore also for us. [03:29:11.708] DarkMetalMouse: How has the voice training been going? Are you still seeing that person? [03:29:18.018] LittleChaSiu: but if you're fine dropping that then by all means [03:29:18.752] Etskari: Etskari subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [03:29:18.939] f3mmbot etskari subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:29:20.783] Zibella: !hug Saph [03:29:21.067] f3mmbot Saph gets a big hug from zibella <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [03:29:26.282] ronin_samuri: @TrueMezzo haha laugh at him [03:29:26.668] marcospaulo1: just transition and then you'll never have that problem again Kappa [03:29:26.763] mzinker: pink chair in mc videos? [03:29:26.855] xenoman5: Yes [03:29:28.195] judgedame: Will they hold up. [03:29:30.561] sigmamale42069: what's the deepest your voice can go? [03:29:32.968] AppleSaph: !hug zibzib [03:29:32.988] pick6_34: Hi!! [03:29:33.245] f3mmbot zibzib gets a big hug from applesaph <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [03:29:37.439] vanimal2118: So denial removed? [03:29:37.821] Hizora9: Can you stick your tounge out and look up [03:29:38.447] SpaghettoWolf: where do we watch? [03:29:46.250] Amoyamoyamoya: !pinkchair [03:29:46.519] f3mmbot The pink chair is a slooty sloot of a chair but we don't judge and still lub her. [03:29:46.549] barbie_secretstanner: Couldn’t you do more mc for them viwers then? [03:29:46.727] Stovamor: @overezeggs, Woo! It'll be about time. Hopefully the sub badges are going on beyond 2-3 years worth as well :) [03:29:49.686] Vadabutu: onlyfans when? [03:29:50.957] averylaughlin1: Big bets [03:29:53.467] jessicaaluna: fuuu i want to watch so bad but i have literally no money rn [03:29:56.199] ryanss2123: is riza there? [03:29:59.709] braddle172: !bluechair [03:29:59.976] f3mmbot The blue chair is a bit broken but still good, yeah, still good [03:30:01.962] vanimal2118: Howdy @zibella ! [03:30:04.152] josua_themen: why didnt england win eurovision [03:30:05.809] Helen_Croft: @LittleChaSiu make the calendar girlmonth permanently forever LUL [03:30:08.544] c__r__j: Minx looks nuts? Surely not. [03:30:09.828] ninjadragon03020: can you do a minecraft stream [03:30:10.102] empirechaotix: minimum b cup booba for MC vids? :P [03:30:12.537] jandraelune: @Vadabutu At current never. [03:30:13.791] obliviousxconfused: sounds like a crack in the egg is forming. [03:30:15.353] Zibella: @vanimal2118, o/ [03:30:19.521] johnkeiwo: she looks bigger than I thought, but minx fights old dudes in bars bro, she is gonan wreck her [03:30:20.438] disnick123: Why was Finn wearing one of your shirts the other day?? [03:30:21.732] 1_smart_donkey: that's awesome [03:30:23.407] Globalnuclear: @Hizora9 you mean this? trappyFappy [03:30:24.330] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Minx means business [03:30:26.511] sjoonyje: @josua_themen cause ukraine [03:30:26.666] packagum: minx always has been kinda scary [03:30:30.948] c__r__j: What's the record so far? 22 seconds? [03:30:31.133] ttvwraithist: you should really wear more skirts you look really good in them [03:30:32.689] y0rk5h1r3: @josua_themen came second [03:30:35.313] marcospaulo1: she'd beat the shit out of you KEKW [03:30:36.477] Jens_LN: Rose should be in the ring ! [03:30:40.883] alexandra_saunders: Will you give away your boy clothes permanently [03:30:44.764] Hizora9: @globalnuclear yes. I. Want. To. See. [03:30:48.606] c__r__j: Dad won in 22 seconds, yeah? [03:30:49.604] TrueMezzo: i think minx would beat u [03:30:53.110] timboixd: minx looks like she's ready for murder [03:30:54.378] c__r__j: Minx could maybe win quicker? [03:30:54.538] abigaild24: hi [03:31:10.280] josua_themen: @y0rk5h1r3 i wished sam ryder/england had won the song so great [03:31:11.534] thedarkelement333: minx is kinda amazonian. rawr. [03:31:12.653] ko_luck: hi [03:31:16.293] vanimal2118: Rose 4 ring girl 2023! [03:31:16.337] sjoonyje: imagine minx just one taps her [03:31:18.667] Jens_LN: Could Rose win against Minx ? [03:31:27.950] johnkeiwo: minx might have shit stamina tho [03:31:28.369] obliviousxconfused: minx has that irish bar fight energy inside of her. of course she's going to win. [03:31:30.310] danielletg24: have you had any second thoughts about how much you enjoy your girl months ? finding yourself loving your lashes [03:31:31.280] cheese_apocalypse: meme [03:31:32.927] Stovamor: @hypercloud21, stop being such a twunt. [03:31:33.189] Hizora9: mewsJam please [03:31:39.320] Lavalot: How did Matt Watson lose that quickly KEKW [03:31:40.547] mystchevious1: I really don't want to pay for this. [03:31:40.740] josua_themen: your eyes are like light brown [03:31:42.392] Hizora9: Do his head motion [03:31:43.883] MaJiiKz: where can we watch again? [03:31:45.547] c__r__j: @johnkeiwo I can't imagine stamina being an issue, tbh. [03:31:46.954] eternaldebuff: Minx = Roy Jones Jr apparently. didnt see that coming [03:31:47.258] xvedxx: minx has this easy [03:31:51.276] y0rk5h1r3: @josua_themen triggering all the Scots and Welsh, it's Britain 🇬🇧 [03:31:51.600] mr_danktoasty: am I stupid or something I can't find the fight [03:31:51.801] josua_themen: fight minx [03:31:54.187] johnkeiwo: I think minx hits hard [03:31:54.803] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): Is it like rookie league ? [03:31:55.796] Jens_LN: Minx vs rose ! [03:32:03.692] zombi_will: hi [03:32:06.701] johnkeiwo: the ref will stop it if it looks overwhelming anyway [03:32:06.909] josua_themen: @y0rk5h1r3 you right [03:32:09.288] braddle172: ellahoSneff [03:32:16.051] ko_luck: i like [03:32:19.034] cheese_apocalypse: not was i was expecting [03:32:20.701] hunter_pls: nyannPOG [03:32:23.027] VGABots: CAKE [03:32:26.429] jessicaaluna: cutee [03:32:27.506] Stovamor: Chasiu did [03:32:28.038] ryanss2123: me [03:32:28.327] johnkeiwo: the music for minx KEKW [03:32:28.900] Helen_Croft: @LittleChaSiu send it [03:32:28.967] MilesSwann91: hot [03:32:31.116] Fatutch: Love the warch [03:32:32.505] theoneyed: show heels [03:32:33.547] ko_luck: hi [03:32:34.312] djthaijay1: love the top [03:32:34.824] Kirin_Linst: How long has the stream been? [03:32:34.883] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER you're welcome [03:32:36.126] dave9iq: Cake [03:32:36.625] thedarkelement333: CAKE CAKE CAKE [03:32:37.611] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Littlechasiu sent it [03:32:39.761] Amoyamoyamoya: ChaSiu [03:32:45.702] Amoyamoyamoya: How can you forget that?!?!?! [03:32:48.153] vanimal2118: $250 makes magic happen! [03:32:50.003] timboixd: Riza was on the stream! [03:32:50.474] trickyhunter404: hii rose [03:32:51.567] mzinker: cake holder [03:32:52.115] pikawoo27: how to find wishlist..... [03:32:55.994] sigmamale42069: chasiu chad [03:33:03.175] LittleChaSiu: Stacy but sure [03:33:05.787] mystchevious1: @LittleChaSiu You got a thank you!!! Lucky. [03:33:06.773] mr_danktoasty: who is minx fighting [03:33:08.034] crazyladspeck: Streams been going on for 3:33:10 [03:33:12.112] Stovamor: @pikawoo27, for FInn? There isn't one [03:33:18.543] Jens_LN: I just wanna see Minx vs. Rose. :D [03:33:23.148] ryanss2123: don't underestimate the quite one [03:33:24.546] Atekka_: where is fin watching the minx fight [03:33:25.720] johnkeiwo: LETSGOOOO [03:33:26.334] tehikohiko: black shiny pantyhose are missing! [03:33:26.647] y0rk5h1r3: She's in the ring?! I thought the fight was gonna take place outside, WWE style! [03:33:32.785] c__r__j: @crazyladspeck 3:33:33 now [03:33:33.616] IMMAchink: No boobs? [03:33:34.381] TheChrisseJones: We came 2nd in Eurovision Awesome show. [03:33:37.173] TheNeverShow: wish my fans would send me a pillow as I'm sitting Emergency flotation cushion [03:33:40.806] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! love to be here for 2 month's pog [03:33:40.978] f3mmbot trickyhunter404 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:33:46.412] sigmamale42069: @littlechasiu lmao a true Stacy [03:33:46.707] johnkeiwo: maybe she hasn't realised yet what's gonna happen to her [03:33:50.924] ryanss2123: the girl knows something [03:33:54.591] mortelsson: Where can we watch this? [03:34:05.384] SethwMad: Can't wait for streamer reaction compilation video LUL [03:34:09.138] Amoyamoyamoya: That might be part of her training. Stays focused. Centered. [03:34:13.694] y0rk5h1r3: What was it Mike Tyson said? Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face? [03:34:17.440] mystchevious1: They think it's fun. But Minx is gonna kill people. [03:34:20.196] kmibrl: Hii [03:34:24.835] Atekka_: link? [03:34:28.093] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:34:28.441] vanimal2118: They can call fight at anytime. [03:34:32.917] trickyhunter404: pride300 posture check [03:34:36.964] sigmamale42069: minx stronk [03:34:43.835] ttvwraithist: hey finn, if you were presented the opportunity would you become completely female for a week if you could go back to male after? [03:34:50.068] c__r__j: How long until Minx KOs the referee? [03:34:53.169] johnkeiwo: I'm so excited ! [03:34:57.431] the_spartanghost: the_spartanghost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! your cracked bro so manly [03:34:57.608] f3mmbot the_spartanghost subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [03:35:03.395] Emmy64_: @c__r__j KEKW [03:35:04.352] johnkeiwo: LETSGO [03:35:07.021] Amoyamoyamoya: Amoyamoyamoya subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! Seems like longer... [03:35:07.190] f3mmbot amoyamoyamoya subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:35:18.324] LittleChaSiu: hey, nice reaction stream KEKW [03:35:24.035] sjoonyje: she's on the ground already [03:35:24.944] timboixd: minx is eating them tho [03:35:25.444] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn [03:35:26.470] Jens_LN: that was fast to have someone on the ground [03:35:29.278] sigmamale42069: Hailey underdog? [03:35:30.552] son_of_solaire: where can I watch the fight? [03:35:34.123] Petersonnn: Hello? [03:35:34.900] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:35:35.862] ManuOpTwitch: why cant you show us? [03:35:39.200] trickyhunter404: did you see the song contest? [03:35:40.070] MaJiiKz: damn needed tickets before the fight started [03:35:42.044] redroyaldeath: minx half power if she isnt drunk [03:35:44.174] braddle172: HypePopcorn [03:35:47.745] Amoyamoyamoya: @ManuOpTwitch, It's not free to view. [03:35:48.762] johnkeiwo: LETSHOOO [03:35:51.778] Stovamor: @ManuOpTwitch, cos it's pay per view and he doesn't want to get Copyright struck [03:35:53.938] nitro_thunder_beast: NomNom [03:35:59.808] vanimal2118: Off limits 2 show. [03:36:01.274] TakeOnWill: of course they're smiling, monsters [03:36:01.818] y0rk5h1r3: Can't wait for someone to cut this next to the fight footage for YouTube [03:36:02.011] Emmy64_: Minx is doing the ORAORAORA thing [03:36:02.334] ManuOpTwitch: ah [03:36:29.241] LittleChaSiu: 360 no scope but in boxing LUL [03:36:32.541] johnkeiwo: they are trading ! [03:36:36.184] bimmerwon: Gosh darn [03:36:42.658] sjoonyje: just do proper commentary [03:36:43.580] Emmy64_: Minx aplying the Jojo's punching stuff CaitlynS HypePopcorn [03:36:46.724] ryanss2123: di they even train for this [03:36:49.084] johnkeiwo: Minx swings very slow ! [03:36:51.091] TheNeverShow: do a a blow by blow anouncer [03:36:55.195] bimmerwon: I appreciate that this is a Christian channel now. [03:36:58.078] mr_danktoasty: 30 bucks for a fight tf [03:36:58.510] johnkeiwo: I said stamina [03:36:58.546] ttvwraithist: @bimmerwon what did you say lmfaoooo [03:37:04.970] ryanss2123: they look tired af [03:37:05.801] hopalongtommy: mynx looks like she's punching through syrup [03:37:05.872] johnkeiwo: minx is out of gas [03:37:08.517] K_Dogg94: i want to watch but can't on the site [03:37:10.071] timboixd: minx is swinging slow, but she keeps hitting hard ones [03:37:11.213] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [03:37:11.407] f3mmbot trickyhunter404 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [03:37:12.664] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 gifted a Tier 1 sub to le_toecutter! [03:37:12.688] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thunderorlightning! [03:37:12.690] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Daokkupo! [03:37:12.702] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nico_Kon! [03:37:12.950] trickyhunter404: trickyhunter404 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HelaNeavia! [03:37:18.134] bimmerwon: @ttvwraithist lmao [03:37:28.866] dandilionandburdock: !uptime [03:37:29.105] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 37m 34s [03:37:37.414] Emmy64_: I mean slow swings can hit way harder than faster ones ezeggZoom2 HypePopcorn [03:37:39.824] ttvwraithist: @bimmerwon bro, you saying gosh darn killed me lmfaoaoa [03:37:40.003] johnkeiwo: OMG , on miz stream they bet 232 MILLION points on minx [03:37:46.269] imapotato211: how do we see it? [03:37:50.497] johnkeiwo: minx throw haymakers [03:37:52.833] lucidwaslost: hi finn [03:37:53.208] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:37:53.646] LittleChaSiu: holyyy that's a lot of points [03:37:59.148] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, POGGERS [03:38:04.526] xFizzKhalifaXx: what is this on? [03:38:07.224] Chri55PBacon: dayum [03:38:09.117] hopalongtommy: Hayley looking good for the long game, those jabs score, mynx is lumbering and not scoring big [03:38:10.883] bimmerwon: Sorry. I didn’t mean to kill anyone @ttvwraithist [03:38:13.277] dandilionandburdock: Did i miss anything? [03:38:13.680] udjade: udjade subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! almost a year now, thank you for letting us watch you [03:38:13.904] f3mmbot udjade subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [03:38:16.230] Emmy64_: POGGERS PogU [03:38:16.931] trickyhunter404: !commands [03:38:17.204] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !backstory, !birthday, !bluechair, !bobs, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !hunting, !instagram, !lipstick, !measurements, !merch, !pinkchair, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !soda, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !watch, !youtube [03:38:18.702] johnkeiwo: minx is just smiling at her as she tanks the hit to the face ! [03:38:22.778] FogBlade13: wassup brah [03:38:24.212] johnkeiwo: SHE is hitting her hard ! [03:38:25.540] ttvwraithist: @bimmerwon lmfaooaoaoa [03:38:30.592] SeiReiJoku: OUCH that combo [03:38:35.778] nosabernolife: ok im back, idk how u get pple to watch on saturday DL [03:38:38.644] nosabernolife: D: * [03:38:52.162] timboixd: her head keeps going back minx is hitting hard [03:38:52.678] redroyaldeath: hooks [03:39:01.258] ryanss2123: this is so bad [03:39:02.213] ttvwraithist: hey @F1NN5TER, if you were presented the opportunity would you become completely female for a week if you could go back to male after? [03:39:08.417] Hurrad: Im rooting for Mink [03:39:08.993] trickyhunter404: !watch [03:39:09.250] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [03:39:09.571] Emmy64_: All in to minx LUL [03:39:20.938] ryanss2123: minx is lauging [03:39:21.082] MrSokrates: wtf do a backflip [03:39:22.078] johnkeiwo: Minx hitting a lot but hailey tanking [03:39:28.064] bimmerwon: Is your dad proud of your success? [03:39:31.895] j0hnbanks117: 1.500 points on minx [03:39:32.843] MrSokrates: do a backflip <.< [03:39:36.158] hendryyyyyy: is there a link for the matchh? [03:39:38.264] justOsaka: can you show nails [03:39:38.392] Amoyamoyamoya: @ttvwraithist, He's answered this before. If he can return to normal afterwards he would do something like that. [03:39:43.032] muhammed_li: WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU [03:39:43.125] MrSokrates: do a backflip <.<<<< [03:39:43.402] Amoyamoyamoya: @hendryyyyyy, https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:39:46.310] Hurrad: I put 85k on Mink [03:39:48.563] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I would be surprised if Minx lost [03:39:49.062] TheNeverShow: i got 500 on minx [03:39:53.160] johnkeiwo: MINX HITS HARD [03:39:54.006] MrSokrates: leave ma pre wive out of it [03:40:00.648] ttvwraithist: @Amoyamoyamoya okay, thank you! [03:40:00.694] MrSokrates: she just preg [03:40:03.374] empirechaotix: i've put all of my points on minx [03:40:08.749] empirechaotix: over 100k [03:40:09.040] MrSokrates: do a backflip [03:40:13.903] y0rk5h1r3: Stop for blood? [03:40:16.834] nosabernolife: lol i just got back what i miss , what are we watching? lol [03:40:18.734] Cameron2418: does your girlfriend enjoy the girl stuff lol [03:40:19.183] johnkeiwo: If minx doesnt KO her, hailey will win at points and technique [03:40:25.433] Emmy64_: The nose jelly is out ezeggZoom2 [03:40:26.142] Stovamor: @bimmerwon, his da works as an assistant sometimes, so yes. [03:40:31.865] trickyhunter404: !uptime [03:40:32.118] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 40m 37s [03:40:37.395] Hurrad: Mink is a beast. any normal guy should be scared of her she can kickk some ass. [03:40:37.715] MrSokrates: do a backkflip<.< [03:40:39.452] dark8_8angel: where did you get your nails done? [03:40:42.098] burgess_shale: BOXING IS BARBARIC [03:40:45.169] j0hnbanks117: all in for minx [03:40:46.179] bimmerwon: Why is their a passed out track runner sliding across my screen? [03:40:54.694] MrSokrates: do A BACKFLIP >:< [03:40:58.523] ryanss2123: this is not good [03:41:01.128] johnkeiwo: if minx swung faster, hailey would be done [03:41:04.959] MrSokrates: backflip [03:41:05.409] ryanss2123: I hope they get paid well [03:41:07.610] nosabernolife: where can i watch? lol [03:41:16.890] Amoyamoyamoya: @nosabernolife, https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:41:17.578] dandilionandburdock: What is this [03:41:22.530] Emmy64_: This will became UFC at this point, rip his head minx ezeggWhat ezeggZoom2 [03:41:24.493] nosabernolife: @Amoyamoyamoya ty [03:41:25.408] Amoyamoyamoya: It's PPV. 30USD. [03:41:27.246] y0rk5h1r3: @ryanss2123 me too. [03:41:28.237] mystchevious1: Is haley gonna win on a technical? [03:41:28.330] johnkeiwo: some good hits ! [03:41:28.776] bimmerwon: *performs a backflip* [03:41:31.684] johnkeiwo: she is going in [03:41:32.865] MrSokrates: backflip <.< [03:41:41.057] Hurrad: Hailey is faster but her jabs are soft Mink his slower but hard hitting [03:41:42.362] xxx_tentacles69: someone ask for another fit check [03:41:54.498] nosabernolife: @Amoyamoyamoya ah ok [03:41:57.440] nosabernolife: am I too late ? lol [03:42:02.593] Emmy64_: Halley is like when the youtube video stucks in the loading thingy LUL [03:42:09.014] vanimal2118: TKO Minx! [03:42:09.075] nosabernolife: sounds like its almost over given what f1nn is sayin [03:42:10.195] MrSokrates: backflip<.<# [03:42:12.786] mscoldchickensoup: Faked being tired? [03:42:18.631] mr_danktoasty: steam is on YouTube not that it helps anyone [03:42:22.734] Heyo_its_Sky: Idk what is happening but I put 5k on not minx [03:42:23.727] johnkeiwo: hailey pushed her back ! [03:42:27.248] johnkeiwo: she is going to rush her [03:42:29.990] thedrewboat: is today the day we see a woman die [03:42:33.275] weener69_: Cheer1 [03:42:37.902] Emmy64_: KEKW [03:42:38.049] johnkeiwo: BIG RIGHT HOOK [03:42:40.440] maxxsheridan: Hi finn [03:42:42.314] dark8_8angel: your american accent is coming out [03:42:44.586] y0rk5h1r3: I can't see, but alot of people don't fully straighten their arms fully when punching until they've been trained into doing it. [03:42:46.732] nosabernolife: lol [03:42:47.464] Chri55PBacon: sheeesh [03:42:48.391] braddle172: HypePopcorn [03:42:52.611] SeverusSnek10: im so fucking confused rn [03:42:53.423] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn HypePopcorn [03:42:55.021] johnkeiwo: hailey bleeding hard ! [03:42:58.214] Jens_LN: Rose would loose [03:42:59.394] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:43:02.316] beatle_88: PowerUpL f1nnLaff PowerUpR [03:43:04.363] Hurrad: Mizkif is like cringing and like a baby [03:43:11.669] timboixd: that was a good round for minx [03:43:13.778] maxxsheridan: Show [03:43:22.822] marcospaulo1: holy shit [03:43:23.437] Icelantum: what site is it [03:43:24.289] johnkeiwo: That's a good match ! [03:43:26.392] Jens_LN: Does Rose still think she could win ? [03:43:30.226] Emmy64_: Give her a freaking plastic surgery minx HypePopcorn ezeggZoom2 [03:43:31.830] mr_danktoasty: if anyone is curious the stream is live YouTube (free) [03:43:33.676] trickyhunter404: Pride300 this isnt that girly if you ask me. how about you chat? [03:43:36.452] 0Superstar0: What was the website [03:43:39.014] Amoyamoyamoya: Haley's not looking that good... [03:43:42.561] Den_drummer: I went all in with like 178.8k KEKW [03:43:49.948] Jens_LN: very girly [03:43:50.363] jxcxb_123: FIN U NEED TO SLEEP [03:43:51.062] Chri55PBacon: goodness [03:43:52.014] johnkeiwo: minx is just smiling through the punches [03:43:52.766] ryanss2123: I like how minx is smiling [03:43:53.068] nosabernolife: lol [03:43:53.895] c__r__j: Bet against Minx just because I don't think she's four times as likely to fin. [03:43:54.926] 57ranma: Imagine if boxing commentators talked like Finn [03:43:55.537] Hurrad: Hailey pissed mink off so now Mink will unleash the beast with in. [03:43:58.779] Icelantum: By the gods WHAT IS THE SITE?! [03:44:03.974] braddle172: !time [03:44:04.232] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 00:46 [03:44:13.007] maxxsheridan: peterp33Rage peterp33Rage peterp33Rage peterp33Rage peterp33Rage peterp33Rage [03:44:14.869] jxcxb_123: its still unhealthy [03:44:22.208] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j yeah, I couldn't pass up them odds [03:44:24.411] sartanxar: It is between to women so it is kinda girly [03:44:26.101] johnkeiwo: minx jabs getting to hailey ! [03:44:28.053] Amoyamoyamoya: Damn. Minx got a good hit to the head... [03:44:30.611] johnkeiwo: everytime she steps in [03:44:31.522] Hurrad: @F1NN5TER Can I post the website link for chat? [03:44:37.571] Stovamor: @Icelantum, it';s been posted many many times - https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:44:41.014] 1_smart_donkey: she's got a weird design on her mouthpiece [03:44:42.136] Hurrad: ty [03:44:45.060] johnkeiwo: OH NO [03:44:46.271] Atekka_: PLS WIN MINX I BET SO MUCH ON YOU [03:44:47.677] johnkeiwo: HAILEY [03:44:48.703] maxxsheridan: Hi finn how arw [03:44:52.248] johnkeiwo: MINX FUCKED HER UP [03:44:54.300] johnkeiwo: WOOOOOOO [03:44:54.357] Emmy64_: KEKW YESSSS [03:44:54.566] Icelantum: @Stovamor Thanks ya bloody legend [03:44:55.281] marcospaulo1: hell yea [03:44:55.890] braddle172: KomodoHype [03:44:56.132] Solus_kun: D: [03:44:56.362] mr_ajokortti_korkort: F1nn should've brought the round number plates and present them to the chat between each round [03:44:57.886] Shadeslayer2332: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:44:58.066] awesomerem1: Tess [03:44:58.453] Solus_kun: MY POINTS [03:44:58.686] lewisbaitup: aye [03:44:59.507] dingosurprise: yesss!! [03:44:59.649] Den_drummer: lesgooooo [03:45:00.428] awesomerem1: Hell yeah [03:45:01.368] Emmy64_: ezeggYarderegg ezeggYarderegg ezeggYarderegg [03:45:01.546] xXNeroZashiXx: poggers [03:45:03.228] awesomerem1: Good shit [03:45:04.153] Atekka_: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:45:04.213] maxxsheridan: Are you today [03:45:04.431] TakeOnWill: WOOOOOO [03:45:05.254] j0hnbanks117: LETS GOOOO [03:45:06.378] Emmy64_: POGGERS [03:45:06.747] Amoyamoyamoya: They're trading blows... [03:45:06.869] kdude996: Wtf are you? [03:45:07.645] braddle172: PogU [03:45:07.657] 1_smart_donkey: well worth the price of the ticket [03:45:07.954] Chri55PBacon: lets gooo [03:45:09.326] Alkno_93: lets gooo [03:45:09.391] jessicaaluna: lets goooo minx!! [03:45:11.006] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:45:11.788] y0rk5h1r3: Yay, Minx won!!! [03:45:12.713] j0hnbanks117: 3.3k PogU [03:45:12.907] Icelantum: ah nvm, a bit late Sadge [03:45:13.044] Amoyamoyamoya: Damn [03:45:13.825] xXNeroZashiXx: gg [03:45:14.492] ryanss2123: is riza fighting? [03:45:14.656] thefairydingo: daam bets fight so far [03:45:15.113] Hurrad: @Stovamor i would never post in any streamers chat with out asking. its rude [03:45:15.250] saint_r: holy that combo [03:45:16.585] johnkeiwo: That was a fucking good match !! [03:45:17.115] Rangerbobox1: LEZ FUGGIN GOOOO [03:45:17.655] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG. [03:45:18.657] gamesforthemotherland: i got 2k on minz [03:45:19.044] Pubathed0g: MINX WON [03:45:20.024] awesomerem1: Poggers [03:45:20.971] fantasiaslime: Yoooooooooo [03:45:22.752] johnkeiwo: Props to hailey Clap [03:45:24.192] sjoonyje: they were both shit lol [03:45:25.681] ThatTeenNamedIan: LLLLLLEEETSSS GOOO [03:45:25.753] spiritwolf9969: let's gooooooooooo [03:45:26.200] Amoyamoyamoya: Solid hit to Haley's head. [03:45:26.333] ayarcee: GOOOO MINX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [03:45:26.714] Solus_kun: -100k FeelsBadMan [03:45:28.361] mckammersgaard: Lets go [03:45:28.527] nubian_sith_lord: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:45:28.548] Den_drummer: 217.4k points kanatuHappy [03:45:29.913] MaJiiKz: Miz is going crazy lol [03:45:30.312] 3d_eeeee: !pronouns [03:45:30.564] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [03:45:32.124] Jens_LN: Do you still think you could win against Minx ? [03:45:32.379] dandilionandburdock: Woo [03:45:33.071] Stovamor: @Hurrad, links get automodded away anyway [03:45:34.648] j0hnbanks117: LETS GOO MINXX [03:45:34.648] jxcxb_123: minx sounds like the name of a pet [03:45:34.989] Solus_kun: Clap for the boxing tho [03:45:35.832] braddle172: I only made 2k points lol [03:45:40.665] empirechaotix: 128.2k points :D [03:45:41.101] HangryPlatypusE: LET'S GO! MINX [03:45:43.063] Amoyamoyamoya: TKO? [03:45:44.133] Anxious_Dreamer: @braddle172 same [03:45:55.140] dandilionandburdock: I made 108 points [03:45:56.292] CursedCold_: that was amazing to watch [03:45:56.411] Maestro_ofDrip420: what happened, did minx win? [03:45:57.341] ryanss2123: -50 points lol [03:45:59.759] tabitha_pickles: Isn’t it really bad for minx to fight after facial surgery [03:46:01.856] y0rk5h1r3: I regret nothing [03:46:02.532] hopalongtommy: that became Rock 'um Sock 'em TikToks at the end [03:46:02.882] Solus_kun: my Points ;( [03:46:03.222] Emmy64_: @burgess_shale Keep the salt on the crisps dude TriHard [03:46:05.381] trickyhunter404: noppers [03:46:07.738] Hurrad: @Stovamor dose not matter I have way to much Respect for Finn/Rose to do any thing wrong in there chat. [03:46:08.547] mrijsthee: Honestly, u make me question myself. [03:46:09.867] LAXtheBarsmith: minx a monster LUL [03:46:10.201] Flippi_12: had to bet against... love the low odds monkaS [03:46:10.732] mystchevious1: Why would you bet against Minx? She will find you at night and kick your arse. [03:46:13.455] timboixd: Minx deserves it tbh [03:46:14.443] idlesuicidal: !uptime [03:46:14.684] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 46m 20s [03:46:17.140] Garmors: Won 12k [03:46:17.647] Amoyamoyamoya: It wasn't an easy win though. [03:46:18.524] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @solus_kun it feels bitter doesn't it? [03:46:22.439] Atekka_: YEAH MICHAL [03:46:25.342] mxllo84: where are you watching these? [03:46:26.294] Atekka_: MICHAEL [03:46:27.401] Jens_LN: !uptime [03:46:27.656] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 46m 33s [03:46:29.041] centr_ttv: I want to see Michael own lol [03:46:29.750] MrSokrates: do a backflip :3 [03:46:30.107] TheNightSkyeOfficial: TheNightSkyeOfficial subscribed at Tier 1. [03:46:30.337] f3mmbot thenightskyeofficial subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thenightskyeofficial f1nn5tLezgang [03:46:33.518] Solus_kun: @mr_ajokortti_korkort no D: [03:46:33.799] Amoyamoyamoya: Minx took some punishment. [03:46:37.482] Atekka_: michael is scary asf [03:46:37.742] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:46:38.480] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:46:38.736] fantasiaslime: Imagine being able to put points in at all [03:46:39.614] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [03:46:40.698] MrSokrates: backflip<.< [03:46:40.951] ryanss2123: creator clash on tiwtch [03:46:42.794] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort solus lost a small drop in his stash of points [03:46:45.621] TheNeverShow: has arron hanson fight happed yet [03:46:46.068] Helen_Croft: It's also on youtube [03:46:48.343] Stovamor: It's pay per view though - $30 [03:46:48.542] lilmemergolin: Hm [03:46:54.309] Maestro_ofDrip420: less gooo minx [03:47:01.051] MrSokrates: minx is preg leave her aloine xD [03:47:07.817] burgess_shale: HEY LET'S ALL CELEBRATE VIOLENCE! [03:47:08.346] MrSokrates: shlat was there <.< [03:47:09.595] jjfrob: 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪 [03:47:12.876] Maestro_ofDrip420: tis but a scratch [03:47:14.221] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @flippi_12 small drop of points is still points :) [03:47:18.078] tabitha_pickles: Isn’t it bad for her face surgery to get punched [03:47:19.046] MrSokrates: actualy she preg [03:47:19.422] VeeNoxxy: Minx W [03:47:19.717] Defrancofan67: I kinda wish Minx woulda lost so the points economy crashed [03:47:20.748] mystchevious1: Minx isn't a proper fighter. But she's got that irish blood and crazy eyes. [03:47:22.516] Maestro_ofDrip420: the irish are built different [03:47:27.700] MrSokrates: fkn dima didi it xD [03:47:27.733] lilmemergolin: BegWan BegWan BegWan [03:47:27.990] jjjanaaa: sports aren't for me i'm always like yay [03:47:30.270] ryanss2123: pp too big [03:47:31.855] Amoyamoyamoya: Minx being uppity rn... [03:47:33.546] trickyhunter404: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:47:36.545] mystchevious1: Can we see your heels? [03:47:43.719] trickyhunter404: CowJAM [03:47:46.229] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort lost 12.5k, because I plan to receive 10k soon from you :) [03:47:54.953] wh4ts_up: looks like it free live on youtube [03:47:55.028] M4rkH4wk: laxatives LUL [03:47:57.813] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @flippi_12 you monster [03:47:58.516] MrSokrates: she is pregnant soon she be a momm <,< [03:47:58.733] Maestro_ofDrip420: built different, or constructed alternatively in british [03:48:00.779] trickyhunter404: heels? [03:48:05.432] casflowers: its showing on twitch so thats cool [03:48:07.058] TheNightSkyeOfficial: Hello! I'm a trans girl and was wondering if you could give me some advice on being and looking more feminine. :) [03:48:13.874] LAXtheBarsmith: SHE SAID SHE WAS ABOUT TO SHIT HERSELF IM CRYING LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:48:16.787] c__r__j: Has Minx bitten anyone's ear off yet? [03:48:16.976] thegodofgods8: How much longer are you steaming today? [03:48:17.760] MrSokrates: dimitri did it <.< [03:48:25.331] Amoyamoyamoya: Yah...just saying stuff in the interview. Thank fam now. [03:48:26.536] johnkeiwo: same [03:48:28.414] MrSokrates: all his fault [03:48:30.407] johnkeiwo: She did three rounds [03:48:30.897] ryanss2123: damn [03:48:35.935] Stovamor: @MrSokrates, noone cares about you rumours / memes. [03:48:37.344] mystchevious1: @c__r__j Don't jinx it. We want these people to be able to stream afterwards. [03:48:38.286] malikjaya: WoW you look cute [03:48:44.894] johnkeiwo: and also she wants to box again [03:48:46.098] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter claimed he could easily defeat Minx earlier. :D [03:48:48.138] empirechaotix: don't fck with the irish [03:48:49.005] vanimal2118: @c__r__j not Tyson! [03:48:53.133] tabitha_pickles: Isn’t it bad for her facial fem surgery to get punched [03:48:53.477] MrSokrates: actualy true xD [03:48:54.493] ryanss2123: how tall is minx? [03:48:57.768] flapjack44: what is the out fit of the day today? [03:48:59.865] Chri55PBacon: ฅ'ω'ฅ [03:49:00.028] Solus_kun: X [03:49:03.525] vanimal2118: X [03:49:03.894] M4rkH4wk: BPD is a performance enhancing disorder [03:49:04.136] Flippi_12: X [03:49:06.161] ryanss2123: x [03:49:06.763] mr_ajokortti_korkort: x [03:49:09.336] packagum: x [03:49:09.414] braddle172: X [03:49:10.821] j0hnbanks117: X [03:49:12.707] orlanTEEN: orlanTEEN subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Looking Hot Mate. [03:49:12.882] f3mmbot orlanteen subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:49:18.139] Amoyamoyamoya: Highlights. [03:49:18.812] VerySketchy_: VerySketchy_ subscribed at Tier 1. [03:49:18.991] f3mmbot verysketchy_ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang verysketchy_ f1nn5tLezgang [03:49:20.312] thegodofgods8: Finn how long are you streaming today? [03:49:20.983] burgess_shale: What's so great about violence? [03:49:21.070] Amoyamoyamoya: Damn. [03:49:25.671] thanatoscar: so when are the twitter femboy fights? :p [03:49:27.456] Stovamor: @flamennx, fuck off bigot [03:49:38.053] Amoyamoyamoya: Haley gave as good as she got. [03:49:39.943] Solus_kun: you would be out of breath after 1 round LUL [03:49:40.321] thefairydingo: whens your fight [03:49:44.953] thefairydingo: kyle [03:49:46.236] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you should pick someone easy [03:49:51.369] vanimal2118: X [03:49:51.671] Anders515: finn vs sneaky [03:49:54.150] thegodofgods8: How long are you Streaming Today? [03:49:55.543] johnkeiwo: Rynali ? [03:49:58.565] mxllo84: shii i'll fight i'm a femboy [03:50:00.436] rhorima: femboy fishing with a salmon [03:50:01.005] Solus_kun: Finn vs Sneaky OMEGALUL [03:50:02.187] y0rk5h1r3: Rynali got muscles bruv [03:50:04.424] Maestro_ofDrip420: natt? [03:50:04.989] johnkeiwo: U could not beat Rynali, his arms are massive [03:50:05.139] TheNightSkyeOfficial: are you a femboy or a trans girl? [03:50:09.960] know1ook: blondi13Lol [03:50:10.620] josecortesnival: freddi? [03:50:11.048] moparforlifey: hi!! [03:50:12.060] xenoman5: Could you take sneaky in a fight [03:50:13.206] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Rynali would wreck you still [03:50:13.242] Hercamir: juicyboy? [03:50:14.637] alexandra_saunders: Rynali [03:50:17.915] johnkeiwo: he will punch u into another universe [03:50:18.371] Amoyamoyamoya: @TheNightSkyeOfficial, Femboy. [03:50:20.003] Flippi_12: natt [03:50:24.333] thegodofgods8: How long will you be streaming Today? [03:50:24.840] Zonbilol: C9Sneaky [03:50:26.204] ryanss2123: finn vs minx? [03:50:26.526] empirechaotix: no you would not [03:50:29.783] Chri55PBacon: natt [03:50:30.616] moparforlifey: My name is Tiffany [03:50:30.721] y0rk5h1r3: I'd take Rynali over you in that fight [03:50:31.491] TheNightSkyeOfficial: @Amoyamoyamoya ah ok, thank you! [03:50:32.250] c__r__j: Sneaky would wear lubed latex. Punches would just slide off him. [03:50:33.029] trickyhunter404: how can we become a VIP? [03:50:34.581] johnkeiwo: Jean ? [03:50:37.417] EpsRay: "Femboys Fight Fury" sounds like an epic match [03:50:41.468] Fizrug: Skylar? [03:50:44.880] ryanss2123: finn vs nuts lamo [03:50:45.758] 57ranma: Titania? [03:50:46.039] packagum: i think rynali could be one of them quick ones [03:50:47.533] rhorima: FINN VS ME, in bed <3 [03:50:49.319] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I remember how well you took hits from Riza [03:50:54.870] 57ranma: TITANIA [03:50:55.027] Maestro_ofDrip420: @rhorima me first [03:50:55.468] general_of_cm: we need a femboy vs tomboy boxing event [03:50:57.194] trickyhunter404: !hight [03:50:57.574] moparforlifey: hi there I am sorry [03:51:00.767] Emmy64_: With jean it will end kinky Kappa [03:51:00.966] LittleChaSiu: BlondieRox PogU [03:51:04.183] topdogsidxtqy: Just fight with riza [03:51:06.800] trickyhunter404: !commands [03:51:07.048] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !backstory, !birthday, !bluechair, !bobs, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !hunting, !instagram, !lipstick, !measurements, !merch, !pinkchair, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !soda, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !watch, !youtube [03:51:10.325] ryanss2123: ah damn blonde finn would be hot [03:51:12.228] johnkeiwo: Blondie OG [03:51:18.935] Maestro_ofDrip420: finn is one inch taller than me [03:51:19.259] SethwMad: Lol f1nn look at Twitter [03:51:19.747] Globalnuclear: @mr_ajokortti_korkort high pain tolerance [03:51:19.798] thegodofgods8: !bob [03:51:19.916] cherryymari: wanted to try boxing until I learned dying in the ring is a real possibility 😩 [03:51:20.589] jammontwitch: minx took a W [03:51:21.202] LittleChaSiu: probably like my height but skinnier [03:51:23.275] mxllo84: hol up you 5'9" we arnd the same height i'm down to box j saying lmao [03:51:23.608] Halation1: finn im trans and you started my journey of self reflection last year pepeD notice me peepoSimp [03:51:24.016] Jens_LN: Dude, have you seen Rynali's muscles ? [03:51:24.131] 57ranma: WHAT about Titania [03:51:28.844] cheese_apocalypse: look [03:51:30.029] thegodofgods8: !bobs [03:51:30.195] Amoyamoyamoya: Rynali might be too fast for you. [03:51:30.287] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [03:51:30.804] cheese_apocalypse: now [03:51:31.041] y0rk5h1r3: Fr3ddi yeah but I think Rynali got the muscle and he'd be faster than you [03:51:31.755] vanimal2118: Blondie is a bit shorter than u. [03:51:32.954] xenoman5: How about if you fart Riza [03:51:36.204] Maestro_ofDrip420: @cherryymari ay, fuck it [03:51:41.093] Emmy64_: Freddie is a pocky stick in comparison LUL [03:51:47.335] EpsRay: where can I watch the actual match [03:51:52.223] TheNightSkyeOfficial: I'm just here xD [03:51:54.661] trickyhunter404: @Halation1 you must know we love you [03:51:57.179] Defrancofan67: Honestly I'm doubtful on you beating Freddi he's short but he's got a good bit of muscle [03:51:57.699] maxi7wall: BenjyVR? He’s pretty fit [03:52:03.024] SethwMad: Swagger and Chad are fighting over being beat next. [03:52:03.071] cheese_apocalypse: tiny man [03:52:04.765] vanimal2118: X [03:52:07.816] johnkeiwo: big arms, he would fuck u up [03:52:10.273] Maestro_ofDrip420: @epsray arrrrgh [03:52:20.339] lilmemergolin: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours [03:52:28.603] cheese_apocalypse: 5 dollers for a aniser [03:52:30.161] ryanss2123: the watch looks out of place ngl [03:52:32.065] Nai_006: u have my body confused [03:52:37.125] y0rk5h1r3: I agree with @johnkeiwo [03:52:37.787] Stovamor: !confused [03:52:38.058] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [03:52:40.859] EpsRay: holy charlie is tiny [03:52:44.476] cheese_apocalypse: no penis [03:52:44.841] c__r__j: The shoes look pink in this light anyway! [03:52:46.719] alonzoleal41: minx won!!!!! [03:52:48.732] ryanss2123: black [03:52:49.593] Jens_LN: Black [03:52:50.175] trickyhunter404: feet [03:52:51.956] mr_ajokortti_korkort: :) feet [03:52:52.579] ryanss2123: blackkkkk [03:52:52.782] lilmemergolin: # [03:52:53.765] tehikohiko: black shiny tights are missing [03:52:56.111] blackhippy21: hot [03:53:00.444] burgess_shale: WHY YOU GLORIFY VIOLENCE? [03:53:00.837] Chri55PBacon: black [03:53:01.136] Globalnuclear: that will be a clip [03:53:02.020] rhorima: finn if you don't mind me asking where do you get most of your clothes, im trans fem and struggling to find clothes <3 [03:53:05.411] theoneyed: black [03:53:06.812] Aetreus88: uhhh😫 [03:53:09.577] lilmemergolin: YOOOO@@@ HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [03:53:11.978] mzinker: black? [03:53:17.213] cheese_apocalypse: no worry no panis [03:53:20.812] TheNeverShow: i cant fight as I have only one good hand but I have boxing & Martial arts training so it wount be a fair fight [03:53:31.995] ryanss2123: no [03:53:32.575] DonKuga: Is that your real hair ? [03:53:33.174] sjoonyje: oh he doesn't even realize [03:53:33.707] Jens_LN: No, no no .. black safety shorts [03:53:36.695] ryanss2123: black panties [03:53:37.942] centr_ttv: Boxing is a fun sport though. [03:53:38.251] perfersserderg: 😳 [03:53:40.871] vanimal2118: I believe Rose would rather be fighting than ogled over rn? [03:53:42.144] Chri55PBacon: uh oh [03:53:42.555] Emmy64_: @rhorima Not f1nn but he usually does amazon, littleforbig, shein etc [03:53:42.852] ryanss2123: black underwear [03:53:48.946] general_of_cm: @rhorima i belive he erlyer said he just looks on amazon [03:53:50.331] ryanss2123: we know [03:53:50.744] Stovamor: @burgess_shale, it's a charity event. Calm your tits [03:53:53.074] xenoman5: Dono goal for locking heels so you won’t keep taking them off? [03:53:59.203] ryanss2123: let us have fun [03:54:00.141] Discount_Diogenese: @rhorima shien is usually a decent choice for cheap but reasonably fitting clothes. [03:54:04.540] cheese_apocalypse: o no [03:54:05.429] Discount_Diogenese: amazon has it [03:54:05.861] rhorima: okay thank you so much!! <3 [03:54:10.591] MaJiiKz: Rose Evergreen is a warrior [03:54:12.976] centr_ttv: "safety shorts" *wink wink* [03:54:16.241] y0rk5h1r3: I thought Bimbo month required thongs? [03:54:19.795] mystchevious1: Hailey is only 19. Minx just demolished a child. [03:54:23.296] someotherthing: Why not PINK Safety shorts [03:54:26.753] lexi5536: i don't see the issue with that? [03:54:28.112] alexandra_saunders: When are you going for a walk again? [03:54:31.737] ryanss2123: that's torture [03:54:32.481] LittleChaSiu: how do you even lock them [03:54:36.006] LittleChaSiu: that makes no sense [03:54:37.429] Flippi_12: weirdChamp [03:54:40.895] TheProdigalS0n: TheProdigalS0n subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Rose you are beautiful, thank you for the laughs and smiles! X-fucking-D [03:54:41.073] f3mmbot theprodigals0n subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:54:41.573] thegodofgods8: h [03:54:42.154] general_of_cm: makeit adonation goal [03:54:45.789] ryanss2123: you're halucinating [03:54:47.655] Emmy64_: @burgess_shale twitch and entertaiment in general is not for you dude weirdChamp [03:54:51.647] LittleChaSiu: the way you say "motherfucker" is so funny to me for some reason [03:54:58.369] LittleChaSiu: it's just an American accent but like it's funny [03:55:04.441] secret_squid1: @F1NN5TER what kind of watch are you wearing [03:55:04.638] jareddean147three: can you shout out my boy Kyle? [03:55:09.747] mr_ajokortti_korkort: that was so sweet [03:55:14.552] ryanss2123: you mean the lack ther of [03:55:24.095] Jens_LN: !watch [03:55:24.348] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [03:55:24.787] thegodofgods8: Hi Finn [03:55:25.122] Helen_Croft: !uptime [03:55:25.386] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 55m 30s [03:55:26.649] sjoonyje: this is a long ass stream today [03:55:31.320] secret_squid1: no it looks good [03:55:33.595] ryanss2123: watch too big [03:55:34.542] xenoman5: Padlock [03:55:37.873] empirechaotix: watch too manly.... box it [03:55:38.341] y0rk5h1r3: @jareddean147three FPS Kyle? [03:55:45.168] Amoyamoyamoya: !watch [03:55:45.429] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [03:55:46.132] Jens_LN: BOX [03:55:47.728] xenoman5: padlock [03:55:50.649] kgober: it's nice, but it's kind of a guy watch [03:55:51.162] ryanss2123: do they make a 69 caliber one [03:55:55.981] ryuu_kun98: cool a speedmaster! [03:55:58.207] secret_squid1: get you an omega speedmaster [03:55:58.228] Defrancofan67: the Omega Lul watch [03:55:59.389] Amoyamoyamoya: Her boyfriend gave it to her. It's his watch. [03:56:06.496] TheNightSkyeOfficial: how is he so damn pretty, tf?! I wish I looked as feminine as that! xD [03:56:08.664] Jens_LN: Watch too manly ... BOX [03:56:11.676] M4rkH4wk: need some links removed. just like your.... nevermind. [03:56:15.182] mystchevious1: Would you wear a nice watch but made for women? It might fit better. [03:56:20.324] turtle_of_the_morning: lookin fine [03:56:20.452] blusau: The manly watch makes for a nice contrast [03:56:21.859] Gigaknightdx: f1nnPegChamp [03:56:30.984] secret_squid1: you can get pink nylon straps [03:56:31.471] ryanss2123: pink strap on? [03:56:32.181] LAXtheBarsmith: @Maestro_ofDrip420 YOOOOO im crying LUL [03:56:34.189] disnick123: fetish heels??? please tell me it's not what i'm thinking... [03:56:35.083] CozyGolem: Pink Strap 😳 [03:56:38.727] vanimal2118: @amoyamoyamoya Discount;) [03:56:45.111] cranisss: hola [03:56:56.099] kxlapex: just came back here for some nostalgia from when you played factions and i see this... [03:56:58.601] clulabell: What it do fellow humans [03:57:00.285] perfersserderg: 😳 [03:57:00.567] samithmhak: Please dont get a pink strap for that beautiful watch [03:57:02.948] ryanss2123: will you ever try meat [03:57:03.798] adam33013301: wow itsa dude [03:57:05.620] turtle_of_the_morning: sausage [03:57:07.146] Emmy64_: Kappa [03:57:07.540] LAXtheBarsmith: WAIT, FRFR i didnt know [03:57:07.829] Jens_LN: Might not have the bacteria to break down meat [03:57:08.484] adam33013301: shocked [03:57:09.783] xenoman5: We do it to you [03:57:11.608] LAXtheBarsmith: hmmmm [03:57:13.360] xerxia7: bacon [03:57:14.941] drastikkitty: hi finn :) <3 [03:57:16.393] xenoman5: $$$ [03:57:20.418] ryanss2123: it better be an In N Out burger [03:57:24.636] thegodofgods8: BRB Finn [03:57:28.285] FlyingMortimer: Nomeat, Not even as a little kid out of curiosity? [03:57:32.912] buttersubstitute: itll mess up your stomach [03:57:35.096] ghouldr: F1nn, when do i get my thigh highs man, ordered them weeks ago [03:57:35.331] LittleChaSiu: In N Out PogU [03:57:36.519] grogu21k: ho [03:57:39.530] vidyagaem7: At this point you could get sick [03:57:39.560] secret_squid1: mods are deleting comments before i even read them [03:57:39.702] Emmy64_: Or just enjoy a good beefy steak in your privacy mkoTech SeemsGood [03:57:39.965] c__r__j: F1nn has researched lockable shoes. Researched. Nod. [03:57:40.438] ashleyjg93: honestly as a meat eater. you're in the right. don't start now lmao [03:57:42.031] grogu21k: hiiii [03:57:42.622] perfersserderg: yes [03:57:44.285] secret_squid1: yes [03:57:44.856] mckammersgaard: Poggers [03:57:46.051] adam33013301: yea [03:57:48.219] theking_cool: yes [03:57:48.335] mr_ajokortti_korkort: yea [03:57:48.436] ryanss2123: bad heels [03:57:49.596] SPINKZOR: no wwhat is it? [03:57:49.757] y0rk5h1r3: Yeah [03:57:49.991] another_ariel: no [03:57:50.362] locknutz_: nope [03:57:50.520] Lavalot: "Lifelong vegeterian eats meat for the first time" would make for a nice clickbait title [03:57:51.059] disnick123: Oh i know what they are... or at least i think i know [03:57:51.183] Flippi_12: yes [03:57:51.394] LittleChaSiu: @secret_squid1 that is the point, yes [03:57:52.122] tsinpson19: Yo hello you probably won’t see this but it’s my birthday and I wanted to pop by and say hi [03:57:52.209] InfiniteCoyotetime: I know EXACTLY what those are [03:57:52.877] empirechaotix: they hurty [03:57:53.489] 生涯ねこちゃん (neko__ttv): How could you have not [03:57:54.433] MilesSwann91: yes [03:57:54.602] j0hnbanks117: yes [03:57:54.812] awesomerem1: Yes they look really cool [03:57:54.998] peyton18scott18: yes hot [03:57:56.182] Stovamor: @ghouldr, if you read the site, you'd have seen that they'd be fulfilling the pre-orders in June [03:57:56.811] vanimal2118: Don't feed fire Rose!? [03:57:57.023] Jens_LN: I know what ballet shoes are [03:57:59.392] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [03:58:00.354] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang rynali1Heart viowynShorkHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [03:58:00.384] Chri55PBacon: yes [03:58:01.889] mystchevious1: There are locking heels that aren't fetish wear. the locks are ornamental but keep the shoes on your feet. [03:58:02.610] Fyaasko: wtf [03:58:02.813] 57ranma: Try bacon [03:58:02.903] adam33013301: ballet girls are thott [03:58:05.095] locknutz_: ow [03:58:05.642] packagum: ew [03:58:05.713] Bulldog85043: Think...Lady Gaga [03:58:06.285] bluj40: bing bong [03:58:06.694] j0hnbanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 󠀀 [03:58:06.935] Irratix: why is everything pink [03:58:07.603] adam33013301: no [03:58:07.715] mzinker: f1nnBingbong [03:58:07.756] Emmy64_: Bing Bong [03:58:07.925] Gurukast: Fetish BAllet heels [03:58:08.441] dbreach1: Bing bong [03:58:08.707] perfersserderg: classic heels for sitting down [03:58:08.740] mckammersgaard: Yes [03:58:09.269] AppleSaph: f1nnBingbong [03:58:09.992] braddle172: Bing Bong [03:58:10.733] jandraelune: I have 2 pairs of those. [03:58:11.032] locknutz_: ow ow ow [03:58:11.847] viridianstwitchaccount: the Patrick Star shoes [03:58:13.314] LoyalTacoBella: Bing Bong [03:58:13.941] secret_squid1: 0/10 boot design [03:58:14.011] SPINKZOR: oh, that red guy from powerpuff girls had those [03:58:14.617] adam33013301: they are ballet heels [03:58:14.667] Flippi_12 Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [03:58:15.813] Stovamor: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:58:15.979] Gurukast: the fetish part is important lol [03:58:16.781] snesokk: How do you walk in that? [03:58:16.894] mr_ajokortti_korkort: heels lvl10 [03:58:18.909] idlesuicidal: ? [03:58:19.167] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bing Bong [03:58:19.171] packagum: that's uggo [03:58:19.172] Chri55PBacon: jeezz [03:58:19.241] Zibella: Bing bong and plz have a glass of water [03:58:20.780] dingosurprise: ouch [03:58:21.078] barbie_secretstanner: I HATE THEM [03:58:23.845] Stovamor: New hour f1nnBingbong ! [03:58:24.041] bluj40: WO [03:58:24.213] buttersubstitute: ew [03:58:25.057] locknutz_: i can barely wear 4 inch heels LUL [03:58:25.354] Amoyamoyamoya: Meh. [03:58:25.457] Fyaasko: Looking like some pony play shit [03:58:26.258] eRiiic___: omg [03:58:26.700] SPINKZOR: HIM wore those [03:58:26.767] shxgarbabyxoxo: !pronouns [03:58:27.103] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [03:58:27.794] Emmy64_: Oh no practice flashbacks PepeHands [03:58:29.074] Juan__Cena: Ahh the dude from powerpuff girls heels [03:58:29.618] ryanss2123: it doesn't even look good jeez [03:58:30.313] marshrover: i really want some [03:58:30.320] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): I want to,die, seeing these [03:58:30.588] that1guylouis24: ouch [03:58:31.365] xenoman5: Dang [03:58:32.050] bluj40: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:58:32.233] secret_squid1: @F1NN5TER ask silvervale what are good boots to wear [03:58:33.092] mystchevious1: Don't you have Some? [03:58:33.776] Gurukast: my friend walks in it [03:58:33.790] c__r__j: f1nnBingbong [03:58:33.952] ghouldr: @Stovamor goddamn [03:58:34.682] idlesuicidal: i thought it has no heels wtf [03:58:35.691] nosabernolife: lol you dont, just for photos :P [03:58:36.349] barbie_secretstanner: Bing Bong [03:58:38.413] LittleChaSiu: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:58:39.609] casflowers: oh yes dancer heels [03:58:39.975] marshrover: you're not meant to walk in them [03:58:41.031] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [03:58:41.746] SeverusSnek10: !twerk [03:58:43.237] packagum: cursed heels [03:58:43.624] Altex1: f1nnBingbong [03:58:45.054] xenoman5: Tallllllll [03:58:47.553] theking_cool: he did [03:58:52.656] vanimal2118: Not intended to walk. [03:58:55.982] mckammersgaard: They are cursed [03:58:59.109] Globalnuclear: Finn why you so rarely go to toilet on streams? I think you are shy. [03:58:59.401] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:59:07.028] locknutz_: i feel like youd have to mess your feet up just to wear them [03:59:08.575] TheNightSkyeOfficial: please give me tips on being feminineee [03:59:12.412] vanimal2118: Bing Bong Bimbo! [03:59:13.567] mr_ajokortti_korkort: at least you would be 5'10 in those heels [03:59:13.969] Stovamor: @Globalnuclear, weirdChamp [03:59:21.360] y0rk5h1r3: That Sneaky fella puts himself out there, had a look at his twitter after you talked about him earlier. [03:59:23.494] turtle_of_the_morning: batting those eyelashes [03:59:26.429] locknutz_: @TheNightSkyeOfficial lemme know if you get any good tips LUL [03:59:26.697] jitai_gen: oh hi [03:59:37.083] j0hnbanks117: j0hnbanks117 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 month PogU [03:59:37.264] f3mmbot j0hnbanks117 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:59:38.037] Helen_Croft: !uptime [03:59:38.314] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 59m 43s [03:59:38.547] deadlyjessica: He holds it in [03:59:38.685] nosabernolife: lol..... really? [03:59:39.714] bluj40: ??? [03:59:41.599] c__r__j: F1nn stealing Alexandra Potter's Ballet Heels look when? [03:59:42.949] vanimal2118: Diapers [03:59:45.937] Emmy64_: mkoHmm [03:59:48.318] thefairydingo: 1st round stop [03:59:49.395] nosabernolife: wow f1nn doesnt have a 5 year old bladder like us confirmed lol [03:59:52.567] LittleChaSiu: LUL [03:59:52.594] Helen_Croft: So its piss time now [03:59:57.387] ryanss2123: you need to drink more water [04:00:01.882] braddle172: !uptime [04:00:02.139] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 7s [04:00:05.601] xenoman5: hydrate [04:00:13.626] LottoLad: Pain in the ass? ... Wearing them wrong 😆 [04:00:15.189] johnkeiwo: piss time sounds like fun tbh [04:00:16.724] jandraelune: Only a few ballet heels you can walk in and they are expensive. The ones just for looks is cheap. I got a cheap pair ($100), can't walk in them. The pair I can walk in ( $400) [04:00:18.129] johnkeiwo: what ? [04:00:18.353] aunalbrutal: i dont drink and have a p every 30 min [04:00:18.977] lucif3rx_o: wtf ? [04:00:20.296] Bonanaman: apparently people pee an average of 7 times a day [04:00:22.765] ryanss2123: tnx for reminidning me [04:00:24.477] trickyhunter404: i want you to be happy [04:00:27.252] nosabernolife: lol oh yeah dude ? ;p [04:00:28.166] TrueMezzo: u good john? [04:00:29.369] nosabernolife: pppp [04:00:29.775] vanimal2118: Rose is vampire [04:00:32.034] Helen_Croft: Did you finish all the stroopwafels i send? [04:00:33.643] nosabernolife: ooioooo sodastream [04:00:35.318] TheNightSkyeOfficial: @Bonanaman that doesn't sound right xD [04:00:39.027] mckammersgaard: Ksi just tweeted about the minx fight😂 [04:00:39.721] ryanss2123: that's limenade not lemonade [04:00:40.239] LittleChaSiu: stroopwafel mmm [04:00:40.831] drastikkitty: when life gives you limes you make lemonade [04:00:41.099] mystchevious1: F1NN Charges $250 to tuck. that's the only constant I can think of. [04:00:42.456] lexi5536: lemonade is not made out of limes [04:00:42.467] ELspooderman71O: ELspooderman71O subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Heyo [04:00:42.644] f3mmbot elspooderman71o subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [04:00:42.655] buttersubstitute: thats limeade [04:00:44.749] 生涯ねこちゃん (neko__ttv): so lemonlimeade [04:00:45.636] huntxr14: Are you hyped for the obi wan kenobi series? [04:00:48.238] trickyhunter404: I want you to be happy in stream [04:00:48.482] MilesSwann91: !uptime [04:00:48.754] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 54s [04:00:54.675] deadlyjessica: Ever tried Gin and Orange Juice? Pretty good [04:01:02.630] Jens_LN: who is ksi ? [04:01:05.000] Bonanaman: @Bonanaman yea it doesn't sound right but it's what it says when you search it up [04:01:05.353] jitai_gen: hello im new to your streams but not you yt videos [04:01:05.742] Hercamir: !time [04:01:05.993] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 01:03 [04:01:09.199] SethwMad: Its on trending [04:01:18.453] deadlyjessica: Sounds good [04:01:21.987] MessySausage: You get posted on femboy threads on 4chan SeemsGood [04:01:27.925] Fyaasko: Didn't you Just say you were browsing twitter? [04:01:29.115] berserkmathew: lol that completes my joke from earlier [04:01:34.492] drastikkitty: what chanel is it on? [04:01:35.043] johnkeiwo: hundar vs AB from h3h3 [04:01:39.997] huntxr14: It’s me [04:01:43.328] johnkeiwo: he was a powerlifter and now he boxes [04:01:47.820] LAXtheBarsmith: its AB from the h3 poscast [04:01:50.856] vanimal2118: Arnold Palmer 50 lemonade 50 tea? [04:01:57.585] Chri55PBacon: from h3 [04:02:05.574] Hercamir: I'm waiting on Dr Mike to fight [04:02:08.638] LAXtheBarsmith: this will prolly be decent [04:02:13.614] PollyWoggo: Lemonlimeade+caffeine=Sprite [04:02:17.664] johnkeiwo: we will see, hundar seems to have good stamin and hits hard [04:02:19.393] vanimal2118: Muscles? [04:02:22.541] topdogsidxtqy: They should get danny g on they CrreamAwk [04:02:24.047] johnkeiwo: we will see if AB is good [04:02:24.823] pedoscu: tgirl? [04:02:27.382] Maestro_ofDrip420: minx vs goku fight when? [04:02:28.185] max_with_a_hat: say hi max [04:02:28.740] topdogsidxtqy: there* [04:02:31.403] NUFC4life1979: Nice @chat and F1nn5ter [04:02:36.963] Stovamor: @max_with_a_hat, no [04:02:41.411] MaJiiKz: BRETT FROM COWCHOP :D [04:02:44.444] valkyriejay98: why didnt you or riza participate in this haha [04:02:45.347] general_of_cm: Rose just wrote the skript thats why she knows who will win [04:02:45.989] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn [04:02:55.617] LittleChaSiu: https://isitgirlmonth.com [04:03:00.821] c__r__j: You had to pay US to do Boy MOnth [04:03:07.985] disnick123: And sorry Rose... but you cosplaying a guy wasn't that interesting... [04:03:10.431] bizarregengar: can you please eat lasownya now [04:03:10.641] johnkeiwo: hundar is so focused ! [04:03:11.282] MaJiiKz: THATS BRETT FROM COWCHOP [04:03:12.672] Amoyamoyamoya: @valkyriejay98, F1nn cant travel to US. Riza had surgery and couldn't sign-up. [04:03:20.023] ryanss2123: yeah chopped some wood in your room and then put on big ass boobas [04:03:21.341] jvlivs777: 🌹 [04:03:22.124] johnkeiwo: i feel that if AB gets hit it will be hard to just tank it [04:03:32.606] vanimal2118: How do u think we got Bimbo Month? [04:03:33.342] max_with_a_hat: big black balls [04:03:35.945] Jens_LN: bigger hits, more to loose from getting hit [04:03:36.691] valkyriejay98: fairs [04:03:38.984] dwannthenerd: damn sheeesh u look good [04:03:40.931] Alkno_93: am of to bed rosse scout Leader out fin its 2AM [04:03:47.428] uncle_mustard: yeah I'm thinking you'd have to pay me 300$ to cancel pretty finnster month [04:03:47.673] ph1kn1ght: How do you look through your eyebrows...? [04:03:48.698] PollyWoggo: Caterpillar eyebrows? [04:03:49.064] danademorgan: rose is rivited to this guy [04:03:56.606] NUFC4life1979: Night @chat and @f1nn5ter [04:03:58.193] Amoyamoyamoya: Order foodz for later. [04:04:03.315] bluj40: so its like real boxing where the barely connect [04:04:14.462] ph1kn1ght: lol [04:04:14.694] Helen_Croft: goodnight @NUFC4life1979 [04:04:17.483] FlyingMortimer: you wear a skirt too. [04:04:17.671] vanimal2118: GN @nufc4life1979 [04:04:19.550] mystchevious1: Do what Amoya says. She knows things. [04:04:19.950] berserkmathew: @bluj40 lol yup [04:04:30.518] j0hnbanks117: night @nufc4life1979 [04:04:31.587] Jens_LN: That's the thing, when you can get punched out in one hit, you try to not get hit [04:04:36.688] johnkeiwo: @NUFC4life1979, gn [04:04:42.275] jvlivs777: @nufc4life1979 night 😊👌 [04:04:44.292] theartcher7: may i squeeze ur bobs [04:04:47.722] trickyhunter404: bobas [04:04:51.172] Jens_LN: and it's looking lovely. :) [04:04:52.216] josua_themen: who won creator clash [04:04:59.105] Gigaknightdx: PokCharizard [04:05:02.031] topdogsidxtqy: @NUFC4life1979 night [04:05:03.704] locknutz_: where did you get your boba's and how did you figure what size to get? [04:05:03.831] jvlivs777: buba [04:05:03.921] ryanss2123: tos [04:05:04.207] FlyingMortimer: Nice stress balls [04:05:07.940] LittleChaSiu: the real ones are pretty fun too [04:05:11.277] NUFC4life1979: I hug everyone [04:05:12.097] zombie_1981: LUL [04:05:12.845] jvlivs777: !uptime [04:05:13.105] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 5m 18s [04:05:13.729] vanimal2118: Real ones better! [04:05:13.936] Veanerys: Isn't it tomorrow the ufc? [04:05:15.814] trickyhunter404: !pobox [04:05:16.066] f3mmbot Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [04:05:19.869] TheNightSkyeOfficial: @locknutz_ I want to know as well [04:05:20.745] orlanTEEN: Those are nice boobas, New? [04:05:22.470] Helen_Croft: @LittleChaSiu KEKW [04:05:28.588] deadlyjessica: which is better these or the real ones? [04:05:35.839] johnkeiwo: and matt watson vs dad [04:05:35.930] samu2716: are you trans [04:05:35.992] Stovamor: @TheNightSkyeOfficial, @locknutz_ amazon and guess work [04:05:40.545] johnkeiwo: where matt got rekt [04:05:42.784] locknutz_: @Stovamor fair [04:05:45.010] theking_cool: nice bobs f1nn [04:05:48.806] dpgames45: slay fin [04:05:51.394] ronin_samuri: @samu2716 no [04:05:52.753] loggedos: Wut is ur fit [04:05:53.561] josua_themen: @samu2716 he is a crossdresser [04:05:56.675] mr_ajokortti_korkort: they say you should try all things at least once [04:06:10.535] locknutz_: @Stovamor do you know if theres like a listing somewhere based on size and weight? [04:06:18.843] johnkeiwo: sorry im watching the match too x) [04:06:20.364] dpgames45: slay [04:06:26.109] M4rkH4wk: has micheal reeves fought yet? i only tuned in when minx was on [04:06:27.871] SethwMad: Ididathing beat oddones [04:06:27.916] Stovamor: @locknutz_, just open amazon and search for fake breasts [04:06:34.941] Nico_Kon: which one did you buy what size is that? [04:06:35.911] hippiedream4200: I love your content [04:06:37.402] REALMARKETPLIERS: Erik lost ididathing won [04:06:45.780] SethwMad: And the one you messed up the call on was Erik [04:06:46.919] SethwMad: He lost [04:06:47.968] Dingy099: alixxaHE [04:06:55.841] Chri55PBacon: lost [04:06:59.924] hippiedream4200: <3 [04:07:03.711] deadlyjessica: What was the one you wore the other week that you said had a lot of bounce it was a full boob, chest thing [04:07:06.875] vanimal2118: Do the winners move up next year? [04:07:10.260] SethwMad: I'm still betting on iDubbz [04:07:22.678] josua_themen: let me see it [04:07:24.133] SethwMad: Crackhead energy man [04:07:25.982] trickyhunter404: all of my money is to muts for you. i cant spand 2M dollors on you just to stream [04:07:26.644] Jens_LN: yes, she is [04:07:27.612] loooosah: mike hawk? [04:07:28.495] SethwMad: You doubt it [04:07:29.527] kaylaheartheart: transg6LOVE transg6LOVE HeyGuys HeyGuys [04:07:30.275] Helen_Croft: You lost Rose so extra week of box [04:07:32.822] LittleChaSiu: Dr. Mike is poggers [04:07:34.701] josua_themen: do you find Dr Mike atrqctive [04:07:35.566] LittleChaSiu: he's so hot 🥺 [04:07:37.379] M4rkH4wk: micheal reeves is a proper gremlin tho [04:07:38.512] bluj40: idubbz gonna throw some bites in i bet [04:07:39.669] loggedos: just a girl, looking at guys, nothing to see here [04:07:40.234] Stovamor: @deadlyjessica, royaner chest plate [04:07:46.610] Helen_Croft: You lost Rose so extra week of box [04:07:46.902] Globalnuclear: @Helen_Croft good idea [04:07:52.311] deadlyjessica: @stovamor thats what it was? [04:07:52.728] josua_themen: let me see your prediction sheat [04:07:54.685] vanimal2118: @helen_croft funny [04:07:58.156] M4rkH4wk: reeves has that chaos gremlin energy [04:08:04.947] SethwMad: iDubbz is going to take so many punches then smile and attack [04:08:04.971] johnkeiwo: if I was there i would scream " GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT " ! [04:08:09.726] harrietcrackmen: f1nnEmbarrassed [04:08:13.797] ronin_samuri: @daydaywills151 good [04:08:17.518] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted a Tier 1 sub to M4rkH4wk! They have given 376 Gift Subs in the channel! [04:08:17.736] f3mmbot helen_croft has gifted a subscription to m4rkh4wk at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang m4rkh4wk f1nn5tLezgang [04:08:20.026] Jens_LN: @daydaywills151 good for you [04:08:25.729] M4rkH4wk: thanks helen <3 [04:08:25.894] justwillow_123: do u have any advice for people that are just starting to stream [04:08:27.521] josua_themen: do you find mr Dr Mike attractive? [04:08:28.506] aunalbrutal: @johnkeiwo XD [04:08:30.262] braddle172: ol dick twist [04:08:31.990] Stovamor: @daydaywills151, congratulations. now don't spam [04:08:32.448] centr_ttv: lol so true on reeves [04:08:35.052] i_love_bread117: How are u today [04:08:37.741] vanimal2118: Congrats @daydaywills151 [04:08:39.477] johnkeiwo: what a simp [04:08:48.325] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, CrreamAwk [04:08:53.352] chip151: AAAAAAAAAAA [04:08:53.540] Helen_Croft: @johnkeiwo FeelsBadMan [04:08:54.484] idlesuicidal: Kappa [04:08:55.152] Emmy64_: Kappa [04:08:58.232] LittleChaSiu: imagine having a dick [04:08:59.005] Solus_kun: Kappa [04:09:00.109] c__r__j: @johnkeiwo Yeah. Gifting subs is cringe. [04:09:00.274] Alkno_93: Kappa [04:09:00.824] j0hnbanks117: Kappa [04:09:03.518] Stovamor: yeah, who would gift subs? *hides 880 gifted sub badge* [04:09:04.062] mr_ajokortti_korkort: yeah, so you say [04:09:04.167] trickyhunter404: you have a PP? [04:09:09.328] josua_themen: Dr Mike is a russian smart giant [04:09:10.423] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, IKR? [04:09:11.667] Nap5000: I like how everyone can agree that Mike is just objectively hot lul [04:09:16.419] deadlyjessica: Which would you pick of the big 3 youtubers? [04:09:19.035] loggedos: a girl, looking at guys, normal behaviour, nothing to look at here [04:09:26.071] justwillow_123: Do you have any advice for people that are just starting to stream [04:09:43.462] trickyhunter404: pink pink pink [04:09:52.442] mr_ajokortti_korkort: the pink ones look nice [04:09:55.438] Amoyamoyamoya: IKR? I _NEVAR_ gift subs. [04:09:58.574] barbie_secretstanner: In rose [04:09:59.782] jandraelune: @justwillow_123 Ignore the viewer count and always stream as if someone is watching. [04:10:00.598] grumpykittu: the pink one [04:10:00.629] Solus_kun: GET IT POGGERS [04:10:00.886] alexandra_saunders: When are you and Kyle going to get married? [04:10:02.139] josua_themen: when are you going to try butt pads [04:10:02.739] deadlyjessica: Why so many tabs? NotLikeThis [04:10:04.005] vanimal2118: Pretty obkatWowee [04:10:05.629] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): Champagne pink lmao [04:10:05.948] ayarcee: @Stovamor You are an important part of this community. you do good. [04:10:05.973] Alkno_93: how long are you streaming to Rosse [04:10:06.398] kacper_the_ghost_: When you going to troll [04:10:06.803] rudylmaolive: rudylmaolive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! 25 months jezus [04:10:06.980] f3mmbot rudylmaolive subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [04:10:10.940] TheGrinch89: it was meant to be Finn! go for it [04:10:11.039] bluj40: id call that salmon [04:10:12.901] Stovamor: @justwillow_123, firstly, don't try to advertise, no matter how subtley, in other streamer's chats. Secondly, go look at the hundreds and hundreds of youtube videos on how to get started in streaming [04:10:13.403] Amoyamoyamoya: @deadlyjessica, Mogul Moves. [04:10:20.206] M4rkH4wk: AB is tired but Hundar is dizzy [04:10:21.880] Cletis_: do it jiggle [04:10:30.680] josua_themen: jezus is the dutch spelling [04:10:32.077] grumpykittu: hey how about......the pink one [04:10:34.035] trickyhunter404: jigle jigle [04:10:35.064] deadlyjessica: thecha158AAAA thecha158AAAA thecha158AAAA [04:10:39.095] 1_smart_donkey: get the rose colored one [04:10:41.473] Jens_LN: Nice jiggles [04:10:45.910] Rex_Kram3r: you're lookin pretty today [04:10:48.033] johnkeiwo: AB the underdog is putting a good fight against hundar [04:10:51.492] ytytrtrttyyutrtre: hi [04:10:55.794] myrukun: when will you change your minecraft profile into a femboy profile [04:11:01.954] mr_ajokortti_korkort: pink ones would most likely go well with most of your outfits [04:11:02.244] joe_greaves: joe_greaves subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! are you going to turn into one of those old watch collectors on top of all the guns and knives? wow [04:11:02.462] f3mmbot joe_greaves subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [04:11:04.654] ronin_samuri: @daydaywills151 you wish [04:11:08.053] johnkeiwo: yep [04:11:11.932] johnkeiwo: he put hundar on his knees [04:11:12.913] guitarbebop: spend enough that it wont break and damage your watch ! [04:11:16.601] scopey_official: ong in straight but id smash ong ong [04:11:19.044] c__r__j: Remember to buy the tool for switching straps, @F1NN5TER You don't want to fuck the case of your watch. [04:11:25.008] l3igPP: dont get a strap that stands out more than the watch itself [04:11:25.611] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait, was he looking at Men or watch bands? [04:11:30.514] josua_themen: when are you going to do fitness get those muscles [04:11:34.096] peyton18scott18: we LOVE straps [04:11:37.246] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [04:11:40.042] ryanss2123: how much longer are you gonna streeam? I have a college project to finish [04:11:42.017] mckammersgaard: Drunk stream with minx? Could be funny [04:11:45.753] cumberdong: feeling any back pain with carrying around those? [04:11:47.234] f1nn5tersimp: yo [04:11:52.120] vanimal2118: Rose needs a smoking hot rifle rack! [04:11:53.732] ronin_samuri: @ryanss2123 LUL [04:11:55.959] Rabidspanial1: get a calculator watch [04:11:59.217] Stovamor: @ryanss2123, go do it then. the vod will be here later [04:12:05.863] REALMARKETPLIERS: They traded knockdowns one after the other [04:12:06.398] Amoyamoyamoya: @ryanss2123, Any minute now. It's late for her. [04:12:08.746] ryanss2123: @ronin_samuri LUL LUL LUL [04:12:14.548] hvrlemjvmvicvn: definitely too darn hot [04:12:17.020] mortal_view: ming [04:12:17.766] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): Hefty watches do feel good [04:12:21.707] ryanss2123: @Stovamor but I wanna chat lol [04:12:27.805] loggedos: drinking with an Irish, never a good idea [04:12:30.987] ronin_samuri: @ytytrtrttyyutrtre yes [04:12:37.056] disnick123: Minx Chaotic??? What do you mean??? 🙃 [04:12:38.888] trickyhunter404: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [04:12:40.658] ryanss2123: @Amoyamoyamoya very late. poor baby needs to sleep [04:12:42.438] vanimal2118: Yep girl [04:12:42.539] alexandra_saunders: You are looking very good [04:12:46.797] toxic_jaguar0711: that's obviously a voice changer right [04:12:57.875] hvrlemjvmvicvn: BIKINI SEASON MFFF [04:12:59.388] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [04:13:01.141] Stovamor: !gender [04:13:01.416] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [04:13:02.069] ronin_samuri: @toxic_jaguar0711 she was hit in the throat [04:13:04.013] f1nn5tersimp: f1nnEmbarrassed [04:13:07.220] rivenRRT: bracelet > leather strap [04:13:09.054] ryanss2123: the messages are getting boring [04:13:10.052] lavenderblueboy: What’s the temperature for you? 👀 [04:13:10.432] Amoyamoyamoya: @ryanss2123, He has a VERY SCUFFED sleep schedule. He might not even go to sleep after the strim ends. [04:13:16.059] LoadSmasher: burgsCONTENT [04:13:16.638] trickyhunter404: !pronounds [04:13:19.645] trickyhunter404: !gender [04:13:23.155] josua_themen: @loggedos doesn't the English the scottish the Irish the Australians all drink alcohol [04:13:26.242] vanimal2118: Voice Changer 5000! [04:13:28.144] mckammersgaard: the glock u have, where did you get it from [04:13:32.593] Jens_LN: OMEGALUL [04:13:33.152] johnkeiwo: AB on his last leg, can barely defend, went for hugs [04:13:33.419] josua_themen: a lot [04:13:39.003] johnkeiwo: 5th round coming up [04:13:40.225] WombatEvoLive: finn what are your thoughts on pizza hut [04:13:40.819] scopey_official: @loggedos ur right they cant drink for shit they weak im slovakian a slav and we handle wayyyy more [04:13:43.812] deadlyjessica: Hows the girl voice coming along? [04:13:46.256] ryanss2123: @Amoyamoyamoya oh damn. Sometimes I get 4 hours of sleep and I feel bad [04:13:48.155] Emmy64_: @mckammersgaard he was born with it [04:13:49.183] disnick123: Rose... you can turn off the voice changer... We love you for your real voice too... [04:13:49.524] minitruck4lyfe: minitruck4lyfe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! love your streams, wish I could be like you. :) [04:13:49.705] f3mmbot minitruck4lyfe subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [04:13:55.388] MaJiiKz: chat gets hug [04:14:03.007] aunalbrutal: @deadlyjessica Too lazy [04:14:07.467] josua_themen: isn't AB being beat [04:14:12.104] deadlyjessica: @aunalbrutal makes sense lol [04:14:12.616] vidyagaem7: Rose and her brother are both great in their own ways [04:14:20.907] idlesuicidal: Kappa [04:14:21.950] Helen_Croft: KEKW [04:14:24.499] josua_themen: it does you look so feminine [04:14:25.398] trickyhunter404: did you look at the eurovision song festival? [04:14:27.271] Jens_LN: and loosing some weight [04:14:29.477] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): @josua_themen it’s just a continuum of bogan crossing t’ough,the artic lmao we good [04:14:31.631] hvrlemjvmvicvn: G4Y5T3R <3 <3 much appreciated you [04:14:32.496] eternaldebuff: nah fam i got a big ass beard i cant be femme like you bro [04:14:37.710] idlesuicidal: build like a babe [04:14:41.226] cumberdong: facial structure and body shape do play a part i think [04:14:41.963] M4rkH4wk: AB is near sleeping between rounds [04:14:43.397] WombatEvoLive: did you know that mozzie from r6 can canonically crip walk [04:14:44.858] LoadSmasher: quackStressed [04:14:45.123] trickyhunter404: 1modlove [04:14:46.987] loggedos: Also f1nn, with pale skin and long hair and nicely shaped face [04:14:48.148] chronic_Jingy: How are you a man [04:14:50.569] ryanss2123: dancing> [04:14:51.695] ryanss2123: ? [04:14:51.796] trickyhunter404: !modlove [04:14:52.069] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [04:15:01.000] barbie_secretstanner: Don’t listen to them stay [04:15:08.464] InfiniteCoyotetime: how much for a sleep stream [04:15:09.022] SethwMad: LUL [04:15:12.954] FlyingMortimer: Even your 'Gremlin' videos are pretty cute. Much of it is your attitude and personality. [04:15:13.927] Helen_Croft: !uptime [04:15:14.187] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 15m 19s [04:15:20.323] Stovamor: @Cute_Foxen, fuck off with your advert [04:15:26.023] vanimal2118: Gold good investment! [04:15:29.783] marcospaulo1: what about a 10 grand knife tho? [04:15:30.179] Stovamor: Bluj beat me to it [04:15:41.136] josua_themen: play valorant [04:15:42.030] trickyhunter404: !socials [04:15:42.317] f3mmbot Follow F1nn's socials : Twitter : https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER // YoutubeHIGHLIGHTS : https://www.youtube.com/c/F1nn5terLIVE // Discord : https://discord.gg/f1nn // Reddit : https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter // Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ // TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@f1nn5ter [04:15:43.237] johnkeiwo: Referee calls it off, HUNDAR wins by TKO [04:15:44.797] hvrlemjvmvicvn: another Omeegle video please [04:15:47.796] vanimal2118: Dance Lessons? [04:15:48.254] ronin_samuri: @Stovamor smack em [04:15:55.271] disnick123: Why not??? You feel like you're not a good dancer??? [04:16:01.986] aunalbrutal: If you need to sleep *Sleep to Rose lovely voice* Its a blessing in the night XD [04:16:08.651] Jens_LN: You could also pay the Mods [04:16:10.902] ryanss2123: did you buy the 1k knife you wanted for boy month [04:16:22.217] PortEmperor1081: only one 10 hour stream and you would have all the money [04:16:22.500] FlyingMortimer: And they are harder to damage [04:16:27.602] c__r__j: !modlove [04:16:27.864] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [04:16:27.937] Stovamor: !modlove [04:16:34.672] packagum: gold also wears a lot quicker [04:16:35.809] eternaldebuff: Femboy Boxing Stream. Just punch into the air with the fake booba on [04:16:36.748] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Someone tried to sell me a golden rolex for 5$ when i was on holiday in spain [04:16:37.243] j0hnbanks117: !modlove [04:16:39.278] c__r__j: @Stovamor Beat you :p [04:16:39.317] hvrlemjvmvicvn: AP Vs Cartier Vs Rolex Vs Patek ??? [04:16:39.893] vanimal2118: Mod ❤️ [04:16:40.338] trickyhunter404: !modlove [04:16:40.583] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [04:16:42.735] M4rkH4wk: buy the mods a watch PogChamp [04:16:45.273] nameformetoremember: I thought you meant to steal a watch [04:16:46.016] Stovamor: You're gonna talk to the mods [04:16:47.249] infested69: good morning didnt think ull be streaming this late [04:16:48.062] SethwMad: heavenlyNodders [04:16:50.573] Stovamor: SAint's preserve me [04:16:53.952] vidyagaem7: I dig skeleton watch’s personally [04:16:55.134] bluj40: 👀👀👀 [04:17:00.334] SethwMad: @Stovamor Can confirm mod conversation happening. [04:17:07.485] SeriousTTV: M-1 [04:17:07.860] deadlyjessica: @stovamor I thought he locked you up in a basement? [04:17:09.680] JustSwufty: girl??? [04:17:11.838] infested69: PokCharizard [04:17:13.849] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Britling [04:17:17.488] trickyhunter404: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAMCowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [04:17:18.011] bluj40: i just graduated i could use the coffee money [04:17:18.152] JustSwufty: NOOOO [04:17:18.660] vanimal2118: @stovamor ur dreaming! [04:17:20.310] supreme_ten: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [04:17:20.485] centr_ttv: Beard guy won [04:17:21.775] DavidBowieVerified: The only good investments in 2022 are German WW2 memorabilia and monkey picture .pngs [04:17:30.295] c__r__j: @deadlyjessica Only the mods who are into it. [04:17:33.490] Stovamor: @SethwMad, please can we get more than 1 hour notice so that we can all be there :D [04:17:35.733] JustSwufty: deep voiced girl [04:17:38.134] JustSwufty: sick [04:17:43.951] hvrlemjvmvicvn: a CASIO better [04:17:50.314] robbie1945: Nothing better than watching a cute English female streamer [04:17:50.383] hvrlemjvmvicvn: gold CASIO [04:17:55.536] SethwMad: @Stovamor A mod meeting AND a notice. Sheesh... Will see what I can do... orihimeKek [04:17:59.508] mr_ajokortti_korkort: didn't even have a digital display [04:18:07.654] ronin_samuri: @JustSwufty ballen [04:18:15.918] xeno734: Let me see your wrists (Haha) This ain't it, I just spoke with the chief (I just spoke with your boss) [04:18:16.045] Helen_Croft: another MC stream? [04:18:20.047] hammy1993: hammy1993 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 17 month streak! can i get a pog please [04:18:20.222] f3mmbot hammy1993 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [04:18:21.855] blast_blue56: Hello [04:18:22.130] mystchevious1: Play a game. Ask Postastic. You know she's got ideas [04:18:22.433] ylachi: doo ittt my two favorite streamers [04:18:22.732] alexandra_saunders: I have too many watches [04:18:26.871] Gurukast: you will do an mxr plays reaction video [04:18:26.988] ryanss2123: @JustSwufty corona [04:18:32.051] Gurukast: lol [04:18:33.192] frntli: who you boy why not girl [04:18:35.841] bluj40: how about talk to eachother [04:18:38.780] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Cartier GLASSES be nice on you!!!! [04:18:42.059] ronin_samuri: @frntli yes [04:18:44.670] trickyhunter404: shreenshot [04:18:46.186] Stovamor: Jeannie said she enjoyed the last stream. Ask her what game she'd like to play - you can talk to her [04:18:47.508] johnkeiwo: michael reeves fight coming up [04:18:48.176] LAXtheBarsmith: hundar won [04:18:52.487] LAXtheBarsmith: ref called it [04:18:53.206] Amoyamoyamoya: Rose Gold Baby G for Rose. [04:19:02.135] mystchevious1: Do what Stov said. [04:19:02.392] c__r__j: Jeannie + Henry + F1nn + Riza might work better for a collab than Jeannie + F1nn? [04:19:02.978] disnick123: I feel like you're the one with the bad ideas... so why don't just ask then? [04:19:08.823] supreme_ten: flex [04:19:18.370] Helen_Croft: have makeup / girl talk stream with potastic [04:19:20.237] PteLiy: PteLiy is gifting 1 Tier 2 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [04:19:20.852] PteLiy: PteLiy gifted a Tier 2 sub to S0L02323! [04:19:20.937] vanimal2118: Who we voting 4? (Boxing) [04:19:21.025] f3mmbot pteliy has gifted a subscription to s0l02323 at Tier 2! Welcome to the lez-gang s0l02323 f1nn5tLezgang [04:19:21.063] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Plain Rolex Presidential then [04:19:22.782] frntli: @ronin_samuri gay or girl [04:19:25.536] packagum: a good watch will last you a lifetime [04:19:25.709] mystchevious1: @c__r__j Henry would just stare at Roses boobs. [04:19:26.256] JustSwufty: manly watch [04:19:28.911] winter_willows: winter_willows subscribed at Tier 1. [04:19:29.095] f3mmbot winter_willows subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang winter_willows f1nn5tLezgang [04:19:30.851] ronin_samuri: @frntli neither [04:19:34.128] infested69: VoteNay [04:19:42.178] trickyhunter404: !prime [04:19:48.687] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, I've got a feeling Michael Reeves will have Honey Badger energy and rekt his opponent. [04:19:49.324] ryanss2123: *** [04:19:50.803] mr_ajokortti_korkort: sounds like when gangsters put all their money on golden jewelry since they can't confiscate them when they get to jail [04:19:52.690] Jens_LN: Could get a RoseGold watch ... not quite as expensive [04:19:54.165] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Plain Rolex value goes up [04:19:55.297] ryanss2123: sorry [04:19:56.935] c__r__j: And Jeannie would react, and there would be content. :-) [04:19:57.352] snoop_uwu: BUY GOLD [04:20:01.746] snoop_uwu: BUT GOLD [04:20:04.525] vanimal2118: @mystchevious1 we all stare. [04:20:11.211] wearywisp: wearywisp is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel! [04:20:11.390] f3mmbot wearywisp has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [04:20:11.907] wearywisp: wearywisp gifted a Tier 1 sub to peachwalker! [04:20:11.909] wearywisp: wearywisp gifted a Tier 1 sub to thyggfug! [04:20:11.940] wearywisp: wearywisp gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_r1ddle! [04:20:11.943] wearywisp: wearywisp gifted a Tier 1 sub to emilywantsatelly! [04:20:12.141] wearywisp: wearywisp gifted a Tier 1 sub to crunchywatermelons! [04:20:18.370] snoop_uwu: BUY GOLD [04:20:21.531] trickyhunter404: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [04:20:21.556] frntli: @ronin_samuri who [04:20:27.331] Daisy_Games29: UwU so pretty [04:20:30.131] ronin_samuri: @frntli straight [04:20:31.108] mystchevious1: @vanimal2118 Yeah but his girlfriend would be on stream and he doesn't need to get in trouble any more than he already does. [04:20:37.158] trickyhunter404: Bobs [04:20:41.521] bluj40: and fake weapons [04:20:50.782] trickyhunter404: red nails [04:21:02.722] ryanss2123: what a world we live in. buying fin tits online [04:21:02.939] trickyhunter404: noppers [04:21:07.912] thanatoscar: right, we are talking years :) [04:21:08.420] thegodofgods8: red nail [04:21:16.322] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Red indeed [04:21:17.775] Gurukast: lolol [04:21:20.430] Fakesmi1e: eyyyyy [04:21:23.641] trickyhunter404: noppers red [04:21:26.513] disnick123: But you're going to forget if you don't buy it now [04:21:27.566] mr_ajokortti_korkort: pink nails look amazing though [04:21:29.147] josua_themen: it will chip eventually [04:21:38.848] the_internet_fairy: hi hii [04:21:41.067] mcplayer215: mcplayer215 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! im so happy for us [04:21:41.241] f3mmbot mcplayer215 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [04:21:44.926] MaJiiKz: it will keel [04:21:47.498] meoeev: Hello! This is my first time watching ur stream, I came from YouTube! [04:21:48.970] ryanss2123: doctor [04:21:56.111] invalidooo: What's this ? abyssa31Hi [04:22:07.563] hvrlemjvmvicvn: you have strong hair. it handles a little pulling? OneHand Kappa [04:22:08.282] Jens_LN: And nice big titties [04:22:09.604] Helen_Croft: bobs look good in the dress [04:22:09.893] eternaldebuff: imagine idubbz actually catches the W [04:22:10.335] invalidooo: mmmmmmm CaitlynS [04:22:13.154] 707boy: pretty dress [04:22:15.260] ninetailedtweed420: what's up peeps [04:22:19.767] trickyhunter404: S P I N ? ??? [04:22:19.834] kxtaeclipse: sup cuties [04:22:20.516] ronin_samuri: @the_internet_fairy hi [04:22:21.923] 707boy: I like the pink [04:22:23.453] vanimal2118: Slooty? [04:22:24.604] ryanss2123: don't look into the camera is scary [04:22:26.522] Fakesmi1e: nice watch bro [04:22:28.887] Jens_LN: that clevage tho [04:22:30.005] mystchevious1: I feel like one day you'll admit that even though dressing up is a lot of work You Like dressing as a woman. [04:22:38.218] trickyhunter404: can we get a spin? [04:22:38.536] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [04:22:39.613] barbie_secretstanner: Need more of a v cut dress [04:22:41.178] phoenixdellem: !uptime [04:22:41.441] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 22m 47s [04:22:41.966] 707boy: I think you look pretty in pastel colors [04:22:44.170] vanimal2118: Only when u play with bobs. [04:22:44.442] Rellyblades: where did you purchase your breasts [04:22:45.185] hunkypex: good size, not too big not too small [04:22:45.410] invalidooo: r4avaPika [04:22:47.100] sjoonyje: tbh I honestly think idubbz has a bigger chance than some think [04:22:47.478] disnick123: NOOO PLEASE NOOOO NOOO [04:22:49.839] Snomoprobro: when was the last time you didn't stream as rose? [04:22:51.259] Bonanaman: monkaS [04:22:54.938] Ticklish_PP: fatihHuh [04:22:55.503] mzinker: ribbed for Rose's .... [04:22:55.670] that1guylouis24: Kreygasm [04:22:56.085] Jens_LN: submissive and breedable [04:22:57.210] mr_ajokortti_korkort: f1nnEmbarrassed [04:22:58.253] ryanss2123: nope [04:22:58.609] Fakesmi1e: ah gawd [04:22:58.916] hvrlemjvmvicvn: you make.the dress look more expensive. drip A1 [04:22:59.161] eternaldebuff: HELP [04:22:59.300] josua_themen: wow beatifull eyes light brown eyes [04:22:59.511] 707boy: ahhhhh [04:23:00.081] 1_smart_donkey: who's going to win this one [04:23:01.611] SeiReiJoku: monkaS [04:23:02.275] braddle172: monkaS [04:23:02.614] ryanss2123: not a gamer chiar [04:23:03.142] Amoyamoyamoya: Illusion? [04:23:03.417] MaJiiKz: woah [04:23:03.896] FlyingMortimer: your eyes are beautiful [04:23:06.783] 707boy: oh- [04:23:07.550] ryanss2123: just a regular chair [04:23:07.615] barbie_secretstanner: Eyelashes looking good dough [04:23:07.685] stepladderwick: no [04:23:09.093] j0hnbanks117: monkaS [04:23:11.322] Jens_LN: no adams apple. :D [04:23:11.600] SeriousTTV: impheeKek [04:23:12.026] ryanss2123: Im in LA its day [04:23:12.442] hvrlemjvmvicvn: LOL [04:23:12.460] packagum: i am in bed [04:23:13.386] Amoyamoyamoya: Not like this... [04:23:14.360] Fakesmi1e: sir this is a chillis [04:23:15.041] Creeper_USA: leave my creeper cave out of it LUL [04:23:15.951] trickyhunter404: mankeS [04:23:17.469] hvrlemjvmvicvn: 😆😆😆 [04:23:17.948] Metaellihead: That's not my name [04:23:18.146] Ry_X__: I'm on my bed [04:23:19.499] vanimal2118: 5 min quiet Bit go! [04:23:20.139] aspecbeker: are you a girl or a boy [04:23:21.325] josua_themen: light b brown eyes are something else [04:23:25.613] TheGrinch89: come over and make me? Kappa [04:23:25.679] vJeree: jokes on u im on a yago ball [04:23:26.269] jaa5c: ever hada kebab? [04:23:28.444] Crunkology: I just kissed my monitor [04:23:30.585] aunalbrutal: @aspecbeker Yes [04:23:30.849] roxy_gaming18: I’m already in bed [04:23:31.413] ryanss2123: Ryan [04:23:32.872] ronin_samuri: @aspecbeker yes [04:23:32.912] l3igPP: dude those eyes tho [04:23:33.157] centr_ttv: Reeves fight is up soon. lol [04:23:33.482] Snakes341: my name is jeff [04:23:33.741] trickyhunter404: monkeS [04:23:35.140] Jamzieeeee: wat [04:23:37.917] c__r__j: BRB, changing my name to Dan so I can be dommed. [04:23:40.197] disnick123: No mommy... i wanna stay up late.. its a sunday... [04:23:40.385] eRiiic___: whoa [04:23:41.042] loggedos: damn those tits, looks real [04:23:41.462] barnabeelive: You think I sleep [04:23:45.884] Helen_Croft: !gender @aspecbeker [04:23:46.188] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [04:23:46.964] Snomoprobro: last time streamed as Finn? [04:23:47.364] Stovamor: here comes the bargaining [04:23:53.148] judgedame: Got me. [04:23:53.388] josua_themen: @aspecbeker man who cross dress who is also straight [04:23:58.355] TotallyNotJansu: TotallyNotJansu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! weeeeeeeeeeeeee 4 momthss [04:23:58.439] trickyhunter404: !pronouns [04:23:58.536] f3mmbot totallynotjansu subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [04:23:58.695] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [04:24:00.314] ryanss2123: lmaoooooooooo [04:24:00.410] mystchevious1: I don't care if you stop the breaks as long as you wear the boobs and girl clothes like you agree too. [04:24:06.429] johnkeiwo: no [04:24:08.408] idlesuicidal: Kappa [04:24:09.791] johnkeiwo: no. [04:24:11.973] aspecbeker: it look soo real [04:24:13.476] eternaldebuff: Dormammu Ive come to bargain [04:24:14.203] LittleChaSiu: damn it Stov you gave her an idea [04:24:16.866] disnick123: No [04:24:17.344] hvrlemjvmvicvn: I rate you a 0, because you broke the scale <3 KPOPlove [04:24:17.951] Jens_LN: WE know you well enough to know when a bargain is coming up [04:24:20.010] ryanss2123: no\ [04:24:21.917] johnkeiwo: no [04:24:23.154] josua_themen: @aspecbeker what looks real [04:24:24.641] trickyhunter404: no. [04:24:25.432] Helen_Croft: Rose has a week of extra box because she lost boxing prediction [04:24:29.415] Senevri: O hlo. Still streaming, I see. [04:24:31.443] kallee_kan: hi [04:24:32.024] disnick123: Don't even try cause you're going to lose whatever you're thinking [04:24:37.501] BaconBoy3123: bob [04:24:38.079] ronin_samuri: @josua_themen wamen [04:24:42.349] invalidooo: F1NN5TER ara ara abyssa31Heartreak [04:24:43.900] guitarbebop: scam ? [04:24:47.439] josua_themen: rose I'm here to bargain [04:24:48.763] Amoyamoyamoya: OK, here we go.... [04:24:54.510] SethwMad: Meowriza posted a locker room tweet [04:25:02.403] ryanss2123: why are the colors oppostie? [04:25:03.478] ayarcee: A Rose stream is like watching the 5 stages of grief regarding the rules [04:25:04.182] BaconBoy3123: bobe [04:25:04.768] Jens_LN: butt [04:25:05.923] johnkeiwo: no [04:25:07.332] trickyhunter404: no [04:25:08.782] mystchevious1: No [04:25:09.438] mr_ajokortti_korkort: no [04:25:09.731] idlesuicidal: Jebaited [04:25:10.901] Helen_Croft: no [04:25:10.958] packagum: no [04:25:11.389] Jens_LN: no [04:25:11.761] ryanss2123: no [04:25:11.894] dingosurprise: no [04:25:11.960] cumberdong: no [04:25:12.440] vanimal2118: Scam5ter [04:25:12.807] Fakesmi1e: it say 10 bro [04:25:13.268] RockinLockin: no [04:25:13.315] j0hnbanks117: no [04:25:14.071] barbie_secretstanner: More streams then? [04:25:14.517] xeno734: no [04:25:14.824] PortEmperor1081: NO [04:25:15.043] Flippi_12: no [04:25:15.094] invalidooo: ShadyLulu [04:25:15.816] ryanss2123: nono [04:25:16.120] steamtyrrell: no [04:25:16.556] c__r__j: Wait, what are we getting there? [04:25:18.385] ryanss2123: no no no [04:25:19.964] SubliminalCorruption: no [04:25:21.873] ryanss2123: nixt [04:25:22.143] mr_ajokortti_korkort: don't get too greedy [04:25:23.417] alyssa_nelhah: yes [04:25:24.005] mystchevious1: We get nothing out of that. [04:25:24.079] m1lkyw1zard: yes [04:25:24.802] ryanss2123: nope [04:25:25.999] trickyhunter404: scamster [04:25:27.482] josua_themen: @ronin_samuri this is really how he looks now but he is probably talking about boobs [04:25:27.989] aunalbrutal: No [04:25:27.993] PortEmperor1081: WE REFUSE [04:25:28.007] packagum: we gain shit all [04:25:28.494] Flippi_12: you will scam on the no-break anyway [04:25:30.724] LittleChaSiu: it sounded like you were already planning to not take breaks lol [04:25:32.224] alexandra_saunders: No [04:25:34.447] ryanss2123: noer [04:25:35.204] classyhotdog286: it sound good to me [04:25:37.844] johnkeiwo: I'm gonna get angry if I tell you why so I'll keep quiet. [04:25:41.237] just_call_me_kei: No [04:25:41.363] ryanss2123: ye [04:25:41.423] barbie_secretstanner: But not more streams [04:25:42.327] ttv_shadowteamknight: POP ONE [04:25:43.390] steamtyrrell: nope [04:25:43.728] ryanss2123: ss [04:25:43.739] hvrlemjvmvicvn: would you dye your hair ever? [04:25:45.827] ryanss2123: yes [04:25:46.925] trickyhunter404: scamst3r [04:25:47.967] xnotsleep: coryxkenshin ahh breaks [04:25:49.301] ronin_samuri: @josua_themen ah [04:25:49.798] packagum: we can survive a week we're used to it [04:25:50.296] idlesuicidal: you already give us a reset for a boymonth though [04:25:52.747] vanimal2118: No more Girly Girl Bimbo months? [04:25:53.382] disnick123: @F1NN5TER Rose... i have to admit that you have a good point.... but i'm gonna have to pass on it... [04:25:56.972] cpfun: Hi [04:25:57.386] Fakesmi1e: tell em john!! [04:26:03.355] Metaellihead: Isnt' girl mode easier? [04:26:05.791] josua_themen: you would be such a hot girl with long hair of wait you already are [04:26:09.231] cumberdong: how much for girl year [04:26:09.336] Helen_Croft: you can always be in girl mode during your break [04:26:11.820] idlesuicidal: why it will set higher? [04:26:12.555] trickyhunter404: GTG [04:26:15.186] Jens_LN: meh [04:26:16.412] dark_spirit_anri: When can we start talking about Girl Year? [04:26:21.860] Senevri: You know, I'd quite like to allow more non-girl month time, but with more high-effort streams [04:26:24.153] eternaldebuff: its easier for her bank account [04:26:24.462] alexandra_saunders: No [04:26:26.225] c__r__j: Sure, there aren't breaks, but ALSO we give you money quicker. [04:26:27.028] Stovamor: I'd say a nope from me. If you don't have the breaks, you'll twist and dodge more during the month and everyone will get pissed off [04:26:27.843] ttv_shadowteamknight: pop one [04:26:33.941] ronin_samuri: @dark_spirit_anri now you are thinking [04:26:35.197] Mandeloin: HII HELLO [04:26:38.849] pumpkinkit: imagine enjoying being a guy this post made by transfem gang [04:26:43.046] aunalbrutal: Your never a guy even tho you thinks so sometimes ;) [04:26:45.099] sjoonyje: why is it even girl month anymore aren't you always a girl [04:26:50.250] Jens_LN: When do we get Trump Months, where you have to wear a Trump mask every day ? [04:26:51.457] barbie_secretstanner: Have breaks otherwise streaming will great on you [04:26:52.751] cumberdong: lets bargain for girl year [04:26:52.817] vanimal2118: Theories need 2 be tested! [04:26:53.865] SethwMad: heavenlyNotes [04:26:54.743] lookingformyfather: Wtf is this? [04:26:57.100] Senevri: I mean, you're barely accessorizing, your makeup is minimal and so on [04:26:57.874] arquiJ: in theory [04:27:03.143] ryanss2123: the less you stream the straighter I become [04:27:03.448] alexandra_saunders: No [04:27:06.022] Senevri: Knives are not an accessory [04:27:06.387] idlesuicidal: Jebaited [04:27:06.742] Amoyamoyamoya: SCAM [04:27:06.766] aunalbrutal: @lookingformyfather twitch [04:27:08.821] bluj40: @lookingformyfather not your father [04:27:08.877] PortEmperor1081: GIRL YEAR ????????? [04:27:09.854] blusau: What does it matter when there are weeks between streams [04:27:09.920] SubliminalCorruption: you may skip the break but we are not willing to pay more [04:27:13.438] oden63152: I came, I saw, I came. [04:27:15.349] Bonanaman: PotFriend [04:27:16.301] lucky_seven: Hiiii [04:27:18.706] trickyhunter404: SCAMST3R [04:27:19.279] Fakesmi1e: what ya thonkin [04:27:21.202] logan0406c: scammer no scamming [04:27:22.466] Helen_Croft: !of [04:27:22.723] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [04:27:25.074] ItsBayWatch: ItsBayWatch subscribed with Prime. [04:27:25.247] f3mmbot itsbaywatch subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang itsbaywatch f1nn5tLezgang [04:27:27.654] mckammersgaard: New goal coming up when? [04:27:30.858] lookingformyfather: @aunalbrutal 😐 [04:27:35.706] idlesuicidal: not bargain Kappa [04:27:36.879] Jens_LN: I came, I came, I came ? [04:27:38.378] vanimal2118: Girl Boss! [04:27:43.072] lookingformyfather: @bluj40 🤫 [04:27:47.736] josua_themen: I mean man month fitness beard cutting hair chopping wood paint call of duty [04:27:48.177] cumberdong: heres the deal, girl year 2023 [04:27:48.862] ttv_shadowteamknight: bro be a man and pop one [04:27:50.860] Ticklish_PP: but [04:27:51.417] eternaldebuff: Down with minecraft! Girl Mode Forever [04:27:58.057] packagum: so you played yourself [04:27:58.787] ZomBriee: popCat SETH popCat SETH [04:27:59.392] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [04:28:01.263] dark_spirit_anri: Girl Year 2023 [04:28:03.432] fornimbo: looking perfect today [04:28:12.112] SethwMad: @ZomBriee Hmm? [04:28:13.671] barbie_secretstanner: How is it a girl month if you HAVE to dress as a guy to record [04:28:14.159] orlanTEEN: true [04:28:14.922] berserkmathew: yup months [04:28:17.617] HaPpY_DrUgZ: Lo [04:28:23.684] ZomBriee: @SethwMad Egg is calling oyu lmao [04:28:26.311] josua_themen: I want man month fitness beard cutting hair chopping wood play call of duty [04:28:29.321] mystchevious1: Look at the full calandar [04:28:30.742] idlesuicidal: march? hello [04:28:31.143] SethwMad: -_- [04:28:31.909] Fakesmi1e: hows riza? [04:28:33.024] hvrlemjvmvicvn: 2 months sounds real Kappa [04:28:40.428] mystchevious1: Riza is justified. [04:28:41.554] Helen_Croft: you can always be in girl mode during your breaks [04:28:43.868] mr_ajokortti_korkort: you have done pretty long breaks from time to time, don't deny it [04:28:44.436] johnkeiwo: Can we just not do this please ? [04:28:50.659] thegodofgods8: hi [04:28:53.102] johnkeiwo: Like ? please for real ? It always happen [04:28:54.594] trickyhunter404: medical is ok [04:28:55.469] IWatchBiggy: please read this I love you so much your my idol please I beg to be like you [04:29:06.432] lookingformyfather: Dam L char [04:29:10.095] Ticklish_PP: nice [04:29:11.499] barbie_secretstanner: You only took January off [04:29:21.635] judgedame: Very justified. [04:29:21.723] ryanss2123: like three stream [04:29:23.232] thegodofgods8: hey Finn ur really cute [04:29:23.784] IWatchBiggy: please read this you are my idol and I wish to be you [04:29:24.664] TotallyNotJansu: cant wait for more streams to distract me from work [04:29:26.516] ronin_samuri: @IWatchBiggy rynali1Heart [04:29:28.355] ashlyencutegirl_: I love u finn [04:29:28.729] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter if you don't have the breaks, you'll get annoyed by it all and start dodging and scamming and everyone will get pissed off [04:29:29.500] vanimal2118: @mystchevious1 just doesn't stream unless @stovamor treatens her. [04:29:34.672] Helen_Croft: you can always be in girl mode during your breaks, we wont mind that @F1NN5TER [04:29:35.593] SubliminalCorruption: You went to spain in girl mode before. There was no need to go there in boy mode. [04:29:36.213] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter if you don't have the breaks, you'll get annoyed by it all and start dodging and scamming and everyone will get pissed off [04:29:41.164] trickyhunter404: subs [04:29:42.116] KamariOnlySimps2: your the one who's hot, because I feel cold [04:29:43.881] OneFemboyMuffin: The simps are goin crazy lmao [04:29:46.159] hvrlemjvmvicvn: can you do IRL dress as a baddie [04:29:46.761] thegodofgods8: OMG BOBS [04:29:50.678] trickyhunter404: !subcount [04:29:56.999] ryanss2123: breaks are good [04:29:58.574] Amoyamoyamoya: X [04:30:02.100] ozeantj: so beautiful bro :) [04:30:03.125] little_chef2: I found you lol I can for tiktok [04:30:04.273] thegodofgods8: !subcount [04:30:06.005] 88sashko77: pdal [04:30:06.195] KingyWoo: What mic is that? [04:30:06.899] TotallyNotJansu: f1nnCowjam [04:30:06.945] disnick123: X [04:30:07.592] scarface9997: are you gay [04:30:07.981] little_chef2: came [04:30:10.524] barbie_secretstanner: I’m on your side for once [04:30:12.412] robbie1945: @f1nn5ter Nothing better than watching a cute English female streamer [04:30:12.781] ronin_samuri: @IWatchBiggy missed your messsage LUL [04:30:15.263] ryanss2123: @scarface9997 yes [04:30:15.912] Jens_LN: anyways, no deal [04:30:20.589] bluj40: you still are [04:30:21.312] PkmnYoshii: hey dad [04:30:21.946] eternaldebuff: scammster is at it again with the gaslighting [04:30:23.938] johnkeiwo: this is why I hate the bargaingn sessions, people go crazy it gets annoying [04:30:30.729] LittleChaSiu: Røde NT-1A [04:30:40.110] nubian_sith_lord: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [04:30:42.594] OneFemboyMuffin: Beans [04:30:43.522] Jens_LN: Røde make good microphones [04:30:44.019] doppermaster: dude at the beginning of this year you went mia for at least a month [04:30:45.042] hvrlemjvmvicvn: those airports shall be gone tonight. thank you [04:30:47.146] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [04:30:48.381] IWatchBiggy: sit on me [04:30:51.018] ryanss2123: you streamed on youtube??? [04:30:51.894] Stovamor: @alexandra_saunders, never. you've been told. change your programming [04:30:52.024] hvrlemjvmvicvn: airpods* [04:30:53.402] TotallyNotJansu: @OneFemboyMuffin BEANS [04:30:56.322] johnkeiwo: @doppermaster, for riza surgery [04:30:58.607] MonochromaticGay: ppl just like you so much it feels like months [04:31:06.433] ronin_samuri: @IWatchBiggy WeridChamp [04:31:07.616] vanimal2118: @littlechasiu the best! [04:31:09.231] LAXtheBarsmith: HOW ABOUT chat decides to be happy for finn in whatever he does , and accepts it [04:31:09.280] OneFemboyMuffin: Baked beans on toast [04:31:10.441] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER some of them were actually on YouTube, yeah, but most were on Twitch but the VODs are now on YT [04:31:10.642] burito_fist: the fight is starting [04:31:12.228] REALMARKETPLIERS: Micheal reeves fight about to start [04:31:14.906] bluj40: reading chat he might want to [04:31:18.568] toon_vwr: I am confused! You look so hot! No homo! [04:31:19.635] rushhard: someone know who Candice is? [04:31:33.115] aunalbrutal: Even tho it would be amazing with "more" streams even during your YT weeks you need a break to be "human" all tho we tend to be annoying t times XD [04:31:34.067] Amoyamoyamoya: @rushhard, You're kidding right? [04:31:35.340] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Bobs are set really well, bravo [04:31:44.406] ronin_samuri: @toon_vwr it is not homo you are attrated to the femine [04:31:44.667] Jens_LN: it gave up :D [04:31:45.294] megaroot: monkaS [04:31:46.083] Helen_Croft: !llama [04:31:46.273] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER I based it off JorWat's archive channel, but the streams with no VODs were off some other website I'm forgetting the name of [04:31:46.352] f3mmbot Alfred the Super Alpaca protects FInn's aircon unit! [04:31:47.343] EllyzabethDesu: uhhh that was eerie as PHUCK [04:31:49.513] LAXtheBarsmith: ghosts bruh run [04:31:50.120] NathirVT: monkaS [04:31:50.627] cherryymari: rip [04:31:51.497] TotallyNotJansu: ok but like [04:31:51.587] robbie1945: Lmao @88sashko77 [04:31:51.866] GrinchMD: KEKW [04:31:52.698] IWatchBiggy: your to hot I'm gonna need you to stop making me gay 😭😭😭😭 [04:31:52.783] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): Background agrees [04:31:53.395] barbie_secretstanner: The ac unit agrees with chat [04:31:53.528] braddle172: monkaS [04:31:55.163] Flippi_12: ghost LUL [04:31:57.530] idlesuicidal: monkaS [04:31:58.248] mr_ajokortti_korkort: your house is haunted [04:31:58.398] vanimal2118: This wasn't on the Bimbo Script? [04:31:59.756] judgedame: Ghost? [04:32:01.275] packagum: ironmouseMeltdown [04:32:02.170] ryanss2123: the booba do nothing [04:32:02.795] Firelo114: Bargaining streams are like Dormammu I’ve come to bargain [04:32:02.802] EllyzabethDesu: tryna catch that ghost SLACKIN [04:32:03.535] c__r__j: Did F1nn just throw a bob out his window? [04:32:04.560] PortEmperor1081: and the ghost agrees ' [04:32:04.567] rushhard: @Amoyamoyamoya No actually my friend searching for her, she is wife of my friend [04:32:04.758] thanatoscar: was that a bob? [04:32:04.909] toon_vwr: She thick? [04:32:05.917] hvrlemjvmvicvn: Ghost Adventures woooo [04:32:08.140] marshrover: titty attack [04:32:08.192] classyhotdog286: bruh what was that [04:32:08.929] InfiniteCoyotetime: THE MOTH'S GHOST IS HERE FOR REVENGE [04:32:09.299] Fakesmi1e: satan dat you? [04:32:10.751] lookingformyfather: Bro you’re kinda hot. I think I need to leave [04:32:12.794] general_of_cm: the ghost of Bimbos gone [04:32:17.540] ronin_samuri: @toon_vwr very [04:32:17.870] barbie_secretstanner: But he needs to film his mc [04:32:19.759] Amoyamoyamoya: RIP F1nn. [04:32:22.451] hvrlemjvmvicvn: @lookingformyfather LUL LUL LUL [04:32:25.098] mzinker: throws booba [04:32:26.166] classyhotdog286: she dead [04:32:26.565] mr_danktoasty: how have you been today F1nn/rose [04:32:30.008] candidcarbon: !uptime [04:32:30.265] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 32m 35s [04:32:37.691] TotallyNotJansu: time for the girl century [04:32:40.633] mystchevious1: Breaks from Streaming!!! [04:32:45.320] floorknob123: is chat being mean rn [04:32:47.177] HaPpY_DrUgZ: This is fantastic [04:32:49.723] general_of_cm: stream your recordings [04:32:51.729] Stovamor: I made my point on this already @f1nn5ter But you do what you want [04:32:55.204] ronin_samuri: @floorknob123 is it? [04:32:56.069] HaPpY_DrUgZ: Smoke some dabs [04:32:56.919] ryanss2123: this person is living the life of two people. Finn and Rose [04:32:57.761] CooksnCreams: !uptime [04:32:58.018] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 33m 3s [04:32:58.298] sirtony454: just dont depend on streaming [04:33:00.371] HaPpY_DrUgZ: Hotbox [04:33:03.528] empirechaotix: i think they means the unscheduled white blocks of breaks [04:33:06.756] saint_r: michael reeves fight now [04:33:07.761] toon_vwr: Daamn i am curieus about the thickness now [04:33:09.595] floorknob123: as soon as i enter i see some censor marks lol [04:33:10.630] idlesuicidal: Hard to bargain when she's not drunk [04:33:10.812] SubliminalCorruption: Fix the AC outlet. The way it is now, it has no effect. [04:33:12.597] Jens_LN: more dense income [04:33:18.392] c__r__j: And that's why you don't get to hike the price, you scammer. :p [04:33:21.570] SethwMad: Michael Reeves taser? [04:33:27.625] barbie_secretstanner: Then goals won’t reach and girl month dead [04:33:29.837] TheGrinch89: i just saw Finn's eyes roll over the dollar signs XD [04:33:29.954] LittleChaSiu: FYI the white blocks aren't "breaks" so much as just not having a specific goal going on [04:33:33.963] sjoonyje: michael is winning bro [04:33:36.531] Emmy64_: CoolStoryBob [04:33:39.327] IWatchBiggy: STOP TALKING AND FLEX YOUR HOT [04:33:40.578] Cellfan11: Have you ever heard of the Michael Rosen Hallway? [04:33:41.273] vanimal2118: @c__r__j big brain [04:33:42.843] M4rkH4wk: reeves looking more tired, but hitting harder [04:33:43.967] sjoonyje: so far at least [04:33:44.216] mr_danktoasty: F1nn if everyone here rn gave you $1 it still would less than the body pillow [04:33:45.662] SethwMad: Michael win you say? LUL [04:33:50.575] TotallyNotJansu: what model is rose's chair? [04:33:50.789] Stovamor: if you don't have the breaks, you'll get annoyed by it all and start dodging and scamming and everyone will get pissed off [04:33:51.811] cumberdong: deal is, girl year 2023 [04:33:54.168] ryanss2123: I'm jealous of your hair [04:34:04.843] johnkeiwo: second round [04:34:05.625] darkstar_j_: ac vent blowing hot air into room [04:34:07.756] sjoonyje: just got done with r1 [04:34:09.017] M4rkH4wk: round 1 just endwed [04:34:13.120] ronin_samuri: @IWatchBiggy hmm [04:34:13.517] Stovamor: @darkstar_j_, the ac is off [04:34:16.236] alexandra_saunders: Can we trust you wth girl month [04:34:19.805] darkstar_j_: aw [04:34:22.521] Fakesmi1e: some kinda boxing match? [04:34:23.650] hvrlemjvmvicvn: I forgot the boy side CarlSmile CarlSmile you do real well Girl [04:34:25.051] vanimal2118: Who we betting on? [04:34:31.762] c__r__j: @Stovamor This is a concern. Concur. [04:34:35.182] Helen_Croft: another week of box ? [04:34:41.121] toon_vwr: Will the real streamer please stand up, please stand up haha [04:34:44.243] M4rkH4wk: GREMLIN ENERGY [04:34:46.369] LittleChaSiu: I was gonna start another prediction but it might be too late [04:34:59.907] IWatchBiggy: I'm losing hope now 😔 just pose for me baby [04:35:07.703] ronin_samuri: michal is jabbin jabbin [04:35:16.310] Amoyamoyamoya: Yup...Honey Badger. [04:35:22.369] Helen_Croft: SCAM [04:35:24.264] centr_ttv: Imagine being 30 and already balding on the top of your head. Geezus lol [04:35:28.314] idlesuicidal: Jebaited [04:35:33.894] vanimal2118: Scam5ter [04:35:34.963] ryanss2123: they look so tiny [04:35:38.360] jerrie_aleena_wood: as much as I love watching F1nn I got plans for tonight so going to lay down for a couple of hrs. I will catch the archived vid later. [04:35:40.030] hvrlemjvmvicvn: butt pads coming [04:35:42.034] MuffinFromEgg: I'm sorry to ask that, dont take it bad but, is he a girl or a man ? I dont understand [04:35:44.141] Flippi_12: squchaScam squchaScam [04:35:45.885] Cellfan11: Michael Reeves vs Michael Rosen when? [04:35:47.326] ronin_samuri: @centr_ttv asmond [04:35:49.979] SethwMad: CRACK HEAD ENERGY!!!!! [04:35:52.712] IWatchBiggy: OMG POSE I NEED TO C!M [04:35:53.060] TotallyNotJansu: @MuffinFromEgg manly man [04:35:54.028] eternaldebuff: WOW [04:35:55.632] Senevri: I wish I'd find someone who looks at me like Rose looks at Michael [04:35:55.743] johnkeiwo: MICHAEL WON [04:35:55.834] centr_ttv: They're both 5' 3" [04:35:56.741] MobiusHexaflexagon: WOW [04:35:56.789] Helen_Croft: !gender @MuffinFromEgg [04:35:57.051] johnkeiwo: TKO [04:35:57.061] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [04:35:57.146] dom12345678910123455: hi how r u doin [04:35:58.338] TheGrinch89: god damn now i want to watch it... [04:35:58.577] peyton18scott18: peyton18scott18 subscribed with Prime. [04:35:58.786] f3mmbot peyton18scott18 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang peyton18scott18 f1nn5tLezgang [04:35:58.859] bluj40: thats my guy [04:36:00.864] LittleChaSiu: PogU [04:36:08.554] Amoyamoyamoya: He's landing good hits. [04:36:09.653] InfiniteCoyotetime: michael reeves got hands???? [04:36:10.871] SethwMad: Finn I TOLD YOU CRACK HEAD ENERGY [04:36:11.002] ryanss2123: no fucinfucking way [04:36:11.668] vanimal2118: @mystchevious1 F1nn5ter thinks Minecraft better. [04:36:13.382] M4rkH4wk: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS [04:36:14.258] mckammersgaard: Pog [04:36:14.369] marshrover: i fucking knew it [04:36:21.332] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn HypePopcorn [04:36:24.345] M4rkH4wk: gremlin energy too powerful [04:36:24.373] eternaldebuff: MAMMA MIA [04:36:24.556] shibesrule1212: bruh [04:36:25.060] sjoonyje: Michael tko'd him [04:36:26.569] johnkeiwo: how could u doubt michael ? [04:36:27.491] Amoyamoyamoya: Not long now. [04:36:30.510] johnkeiwo: he is strong af [04:36:31.144] Defrancofan67: Crack head wins over experience [04:36:34.611] minamagdy6: w8!you are boy! [04:36:35.135] Flippi_12: michael is a small ball of energy and violence [04:36:37.117] marshrover: everyone who's seen how buff michael is saw this coming [04:36:37.378] ryanss2123: a real estate agent got kicked by a youtuber [04:36:37.938] Amoyamoyamoya: TKO. [04:36:40.522] IWatchBiggy: I told my mum about us [04:36:40.700] Helen_Croft: So you lost 2 predictions that is 2 more weeks of box @F1NN5TER [04:36:44.105] thund3rjaw: thund3rjaw subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak! [04:36:44.280] f3mmbot thund3rjaw subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [04:36:49.410] ronin_samuri: @minamagdy6 !gender [04:36:51.228] vanimal2118: !gender [04:36:51.484] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [04:36:56.248] 1lilcancer: I’m the head collector [04:36:57.063] the_precise1: it was originally supposed to be michael cpt sparkles [04:36:59.590] Amoyamoyamoya: Honey Badger got him. [04:37:01.086] huntxr14: Bro can build robots and throw hands impressive [04:37:03.199] eyy_boio: Hey Finn, my first time join your stream [04:37:03.610] Solus_kun: No Helen is right !! [04:37:04.164] SethwMad: @Helen_Croft KEKW [04:37:04.434] shibesrule1212: so hot [04:37:08.079] LittleChaSiu: whoa CaptainSparklez boxing I would watch that [04:37:15.965] tony20282: slickssShe slickssEsh slickssDad slickssDy [04:37:20.048] toon_vwr: Just start a onlyfans tbh [04:37:20.720] the_precise1: the cap didnt think it would be fair for michael [04:37:26.244] SethwMad: MC creator boxing? [04:37:28.170] ronin_samuri: @eyy_boio we are watching creater crash [04:37:31.577] mr_danktoasty: F1nn hows the fight going [04:37:32.885] 1lilcancer: I’m the head collector Finn [04:37:34.609] aunalbrutal: @Helen_Croft your on to something with the loses XD [04:37:39.543] SethwMad: LUL [04:37:41.953] johnkeiwo: michael is a bulky fucker, smol but strong [04:37:44.262] Crunkology: omg [04:37:58.107] xalkieran: Hi mommy\ [04:38:00.880] mr_danktoasty: Micheal reave? [04:38:05.546] grindolchumm: whens the IDAT fight [04:38:07.022] SethwMad: When you lose on this iDubbz wagger [04:38:08.949] cruellatmon: Bruh why do you stream at 3 am my time [04:38:11.758] bluj40: wiry strength [04:38:12.288] johnkeiwo: trapu in french [04:38:14.520] ronin_samuri: @mr_danktoasty yep [04:38:16.779] Panhead1010: Stocky [04:38:19.075] ryanss2123: I've seen captainsparkles in real life lol. he drives a carera gt [04:38:19.637] eternaldebuff: Harley is gonna destroy egoraptor and im so sad for his wife [04:38:19.762] 書斎の女 (libriothecaire): A chonker [04:38:19.924] badninjaw: dang u lookin' fine today 🔥 [04:38:20.265] sjoonyje: Micheal didn't get hit once [04:38:21.575] johnkeiwo: dont know th eterm in english * [04:38:23.680] mr_danktoasty: dammm [04:38:23.933] thefairydingo: wow [04:38:28.138] dariohall: fem boi thighday [04:38:31.221] 1lilcancer: Do you want some heads on prison [04:38:32.172] Fakesmi1e: where to watch boxing? [04:38:32.886] MiojoVinsmoke: MiojoVinsmoke subscribed with Prime. [04:38:33.086] f3mmbot miojovinsmoke subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang miojovinsmoke f1nn5tLezgang [04:38:35.382] DoLe_bLuDgE: i love you [04:38:38.122] know1_0: scrapy [04:38:42.753] xalkieran: whats good f1nn your extra hot today [04:38:42.934] TotallyNotJansu: Cheer100 [04:38:45.242] toon_vwr: Can we find a reddit section from you? You look thick! [04:38:47.983] eternaldebuff: no micheal got clocked in the face but his counters were chef's kiss [04:38:48.164] IWatchBiggy: I just want you to say hi biggy PLEASE 😭🥲😪😭🥲😪😭🥲😪😭😋🙂 [04:38:57.953] emilywantsatelly: @wearywisp Thanks for the gift sub! [04:38:59.095] huntxr14: Human punching bag [04:39:01.158] Stovamor: !reddit [04:39:01.420] f3mmbot The subreddit is at https://reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter [04:39:02.276] ryanss2123: I so wanna se you there fighting [04:39:02.762] xtravmon: you talking about creator clash? [04:39:03.513] mr_danktoasty: if anyone is curious it's live on YouTube [04:39:05.881] Icelantum: Diamond mouth guard LUL [04:39:16.157] TotallyNotJansu: Cheer500 [04:39:17.087] blusau: Scrappy is the word [04:39:17.596] mckammersgaard: Who is He [04:39:18.434] Stovamor: Yes [04:39:19.183] Helen_Croft: !roseinsta [04:39:19.434] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [04:39:19.540] kaelibells: hii [04:39:19.924] bluj40: i think they want nsfw stuff [04:39:21.011] Kolateak_: All of the above [04:39:22.670] xalkieran: no like curvy [04:39:23.177] Flippi_12: bimbo thick [04:39:26.467] eternaldebuff: dummy thicc lol [04:39:28.112] TotallyNotJansu: hype train [04:39:28.631] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [04:39:28.852] ShibuyaTomato: how about curvy and dumb? [04:39:29.299] shayyxclipz: Cheer1 [04:39:31.759] viridianstwitchaccount: you don't know thicc? [04:39:31.767] Fakesmi1e: what to type in to see the boxing match? [04:39:32.392] Dokoboe: playLad bunny [04:39:33.640] cumberdong: think they meant thicc* [04:39:42.827] 1lilcancer: I need heads on prison’s [04:39:45.629] MiskatonicRich: Rose the sugar babie [04:39:46.273] vanimal2118: Curve check dumb sometimes fat nope [04:39:50.986] IWatchBiggy: wear bunny suit [04:39:51.578] eyy_boio: Think they meant hella thicc [04:39:52.320] ryanss2123: none of the above [04:39:55.242] floorknob123: legit question, what do you use to make fake booba? [04:39:55.623] LAXtheBarsmith: ANY STONERS in the chat, we sparkin up [04:39:55.861] xalkieran: DO THOSE FAKE TITS HAVE NIPS?! [04:39:56.096] kaelibells: this looks like Playboy Bunny catfish [04:40:00.572] general_of_cm: rose where your only fans at Kappa [04:40:03.542] badninjaw: you look fine 😍 [04:40:05.404] ryanss2123: @xalkieran YESSS [04:40:12.585] know1_0: >.> [04:40:12.772] general_of_cm: @xalkieran yes [04:40:29.227] Jens_LN: Grindset mindgame ! [04:40:32.509] howlingmonkey91: oh shit [04:40:32.802] Metaellihead: No fake tits have nipples they're fake [04:40:34.243] Stovamor: in all seriousness, read my message [04:40:36.535] vanimal2118: I predict make more either way. [04:40:40.788] topdogsidxtqy: @F1NN5TER listen to the music there playing in the stadium [04:40:41.114] ryanss2123: rouge poll [04:40:42.485] Stovamor: It's not a nasty thing [04:40:50.975] classyhotdog286: sure [04:40:52.536] empirechaotix: but you would burn through GMs faster... and probably not make as much money overall [04:41:11.559] barbie_secretstanner: I just don’t want you to start hating your time streaming with us [04:41:14.551] Stovamor: I mean "break" as in not having to Girl-up [04:41:18.795] fr4do: Increase it by $4K each month instead of $5K to balance it out [04:41:20.908] daniel_said_no: pog [04:41:25.363] toon_vwr: Stand up and pick it up! [04:41:29.582] YoloZachLahjar: How have I already seen a tiktok of you in that dress [04:41:30.228] Dpmiinator: did she just realise that girly stuff is better than minecraft? [04:41:31.809] Jens_LN: the Minecraft videos have a LOT of editing [04:41:32.858] robbie1945: If you just full transition then you won’t have to take breaks [04:41:43.052] da_panda_bexz: demonq4Sheeesh [04:41:47.144] sjoonyje: when being a girl IS the brake [04:41:47.763] lrgrayson2: Ima simp now don’t know if I’m gay tho [04:41:49.461] c__r__j: This is where F1nn's painted himself into the corner of admitting he's fine with dressing as a woman full time for months. [04:41:50.856] mr_danktoasty: creator clash live YouTube by icheatthegrind [04:41:52.026] ryanss2123: increase the pay by 5k every two months [04:41:54.364] Stovamor: you say it's fine, but I know (from past experience) that you'll get pissed off at it very quickly [04:41:54.733] bluj40: @Dpmiinator its not actually [04:41:59.423] vogelzaad420: omg still streaming [04:42:03.691] johnkeiwo: @alexandra_saunders, say scam one more time, I will time you out till 2023 [04:42:04.780] marcospaulo1: did michael win? [04:42:05.168] huntxr14: Go chase that bag [04:42:05.649] LittleChaSiu: oh great [04:42:08.176] daniel_said_no: where u get ur chair? [04:42:08.930] someotherthing: How do your MC viewers feel about rose [04:42:10.583] eyy_boio: That brain ticking thinking of an excuse [04:42:12.150] vanimal2118: U have choices ur fate is in your own hands. [04:42:13.736] LAXtheBarsmith: EPIC MEAL TIME IS COMIGN UP! [04:42:21.463] sjoonyje: @marcospaulo1 by a landslide yes he did [04:42:28.034] centr_ttv: LOL RIP [04:42:31.198] johnkeiwo: that feels goood [04:42:34.722] bluj40: what the [04:42:36.276] AppleSaph: 48 to,es da,m [04:42:36.625] Jens_LN: I think you're hitting your limit for monthly donations in a continious manner. [04:42:39.320] scrubisherebruh: Cheer100 Love your content keep up the great work [04:42:43.025] marcospaulo1: @sjoonyje thanks [04:42:44.298] AppleSaph: 48 times damn [04:42:48.232] johnkeiwo: i wanted to do this for so long [04:42:49.233] M4rkH4wk: arin is in big TROUBLE [04:42:51.007] AppleSaph: i should look before typing [04:42:57.211] howlingmonkey91: Harley is a big boy [04:42:58.050] estebanzap7: dang 🧐... threw me for a loop there for a sec [04:42:58.262] mystchevious1: It's getting super expensive. [04:42:59.390] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [04:42:59.530] Eberwald: Eberwald subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! whoop! [04:42:59.686] gr1ngogamer18: @F1NN5TER u don't play minecraft no more?! [04:42:59.713] f3mmbot eberwald subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [04:43:01.333] barbie_secretstanner: Try it for a month then make a decision on how it went for you [04:43:09.561] sourl_lsugar: !uptime [04:43:09.807] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 43m 15s [04:43:10.546] bluj40: johns got an auto clicker, exposed [04:43:12.057] Flippi_12: to be fair john gave a clear warning [04:43:12.107] Kolateak_: wOOp [04:43:14.989] howlingmonkey91: woop [04:43:19.250] johnkeiwo: @bluj40, no, just pure rage [04:43:24.442] JustVurb: we're gonna make you box next [04:43:24.770] lrgrayson2: Kinda hit ngl and im not even gay [04:43:34.481] vanimal2118: Mental Stress [04:43:34.994] Kolateak_: Pretty good pro [04:43:39.477] Stovamor: you say it's fine, but I know (from past experience) that you'll get pissed off at it very quickly @f1nn5ter This sort of thing has been tried in the past [04:43:41.903] Jens_LN: cons : More likely to burn out [04:43:42.272] howlingmonkey91: mo money mo problems [04:43:44.211] Helen_Croft: More $ is cons [04:43:46.320] Stovamor: @JustVurb, evening Vurb [04:43:47.079] estebanzap7: 💰💸💸💸💲💲💲💲 [04:43:54.705] scrubisherebruh: Choo Chooo HypePat [04:43:55.963] Kolateak_: Pro: Lorem Ipsum [04:43:59.082] eyy_boio: Here comes the excuses everyone [04:44:01.645] JustVurb: stov wat is he doing [04:44:10.804] TheGrinch89: in all seriousness though Finn, if MC videos are such a pain to get through, I would suggest asking yourself if it really is worth your mental health and to find something you'd enjoy making videos on. [04:44:11.827] Helen_Croft: @JustVurb scamming [04:44:15.210] JustVurb: is this me getting fired [04:44:15.357] barbie_secretstanner: Pros for us? Where I see none [04:44:17.364] estebanzap7: there are no cons lmao [04:44:19.383] ryanss2123: cunts? [04:44:20.850] IWatchBiggy: please just say hi biggy [04:44:21.429] Stovamor: @JustVurb, talking about not taking "guy breaks" and just recording MC in girl mode [04:44:23.588] howlingmonkey91: lol [04:44:24.002] LittleChaSiu: lorem ipsum [04:44:24.450] c__r__j: Con: You bankrupt Chat [04:44:25.094] mystchevious1: @JustVurb he's trying to kill us. [04:44:29.335] Kolateak_: That's another pro [04:44:29.902] Amoyamoyamoya: @JustVurb, He's pro/conning taking breaks or not. [04:44:32.616] lrgrayson2: No cons [04:44:32.761] K_F0UR: more frequent [04:44:33.309] FlyingMortimer: more consistent time [04:44:33.460] Senevri: forEVER [04:44:34.992] Jens_LN: girl more of the time [04:44:39.845] empirechaotix: for all time [04:44:43.040] vanimal2118: House Prep U want to have meeting with building contractors like this? [04:44:43.339] l3igPP: is that really a con? [04:44:46.032] mckammersgaard: mckammersgaard subscribed at Tier 1. [04:44:46.235] f3mmbot mckammersgaard subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mckammersgaard f1nn5tLezgang [04:44:46.733] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER hey what's wrong with being girl 😡 [04:44:50.152] lrgrayson2: Your hot as a girl tho [04:44:52.039] danademorgan: girl makes way more $ [04:44:52.688] JustVurb: LOLLL that would be interesting [04:44:56.296] AlexChevelu: $$$ [04:44:59.903] Eberwald: Lorem Ipsum was the name of my Oingo Boingo cover band. [04:45:00.101] nubian_sith_lord: rynali1Knife [04:45:00.370] eyy_boio: I don’t see anyone pros or cons for us lol [04:45:00.443] mr_ajokortti_korkort: being a girl is a pro [04:45:03.752] ayarcee: There is nothing wrong with being a girl [04:45:06.178] estebanzap7: your hand 🧐🧐🧐 [04:45:12.552] Stovamor: @JustVurb, I think he'll just fucking implode [04:45:16.007] mckammersgaard: New sub who dis [04:45:17.310] Jens_LN: Con : Higher likelyhood of burnout [04:45:18.703] estebanzap7: you went all out [04:45:23.327] aunalbrutal: You like the compliments for your beauty soooo ;) [04:45:33.533] JustVurb: the illegal pickaxe video took 2-3 days to fully record [04:45:39.110] vanimal2118: @justvurb pay raise? [04:45:42.392] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, Yah. I think he'll grow to dislike the arrangment. [04:45:46.054] huntxr14: You could always try out the whole no break thing then decide if it suits you better or not [04:45:49.938] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [04:45:55.088] deekay2223: Your voice [04:45:57.087] moojimjam: Hello [04:46:04.816] mckammersgaard: f1nnCancelled [04:46:06.372] lrgrayson2: Kinda hot;) [04:46:13.289] JustVurb: LOL [04:46:14.990] mystchevious1: This sounds like reasons NOT to do this. [04:46:15.936] JustVurb: he right [04:46:20.934] POOPGOD: show armpit [04:46:21.692] mr_danktoasty: Michael reave won his fight [04:46:22.084] cherryymari: Harley match in less than 1 minute [04:46:31.391] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn [04:46:33.272] babeeberry12: Cheer1 [04:46:37.212] sirtony454: why hire a editor, seems like a waste of cash. sure extra time but editing gives your own taste/love to it [04:46:47.504] TotallyNotJansu: Choo Chooo HypePat hype train emote f1nnCowjam [04:46:52.216] JustVurb: sirtony [04:46:54.813] nigelnorton2: Hi [04:47:00.713] POOPGOD: hot armpit, king [04:47:02.269] JustVurb: this man would take 2 weeks to edit a video [04:47:04.196] M4rkH4wk: my prediction: arin is screwed - can't reach harley's face without eating shit [04:47:04.646] Amoyamoyamoya: @sirtony454, Um, no. [04:47:04.917] polishedstatus: you shaved the pits [04:47:09.264] toon_vwr: What cup are those? [04:47:10.081] eyy_boio: Finn for someone that hasn’t got a lot or next to 0 makeup on you’re naturally beautiful [04:47:12.360] irn_bru_1901: Just watched a fortnite add life is good [04:47:12.668] jandraelune: @sirtony454 Editing literally takes twice as long as the recording. [04:47:13.697] Stovamor: @sirtony454, you are so utterly wrong [04:47:17.447] jenzenbg: Marry meeeeee [04:47:20.805] c__r__j: @JustVurb This "man"? [04:47:25.182] lrgrayson2: You dropped something [04:47:28.242] galentine_: editing is an entire other skillset [04:47:49.450] huntxr14: People don’t understand how draining constantly editing videos is [04:47:52.895] sirtony454: I do i've been doing film for about 6 years lol... I just like editing cos its creative [04:47:53.545] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter hold on how does you playing mindcraft then making a videos against girl month! You must make more doing girl month as the last one was $30k and their is no way you make that a month on Minecraft [04:47:53.584] babeeberry12: I’ve never catched stream from you I always watch from YouTube I finally catched one! [04:47:58.103] bluj40: idk ive used windows movie maker transitions im pretty sick tbh [04:48:14.293] empirechaotix: it's about telling a narrative. [04:48:16.006] cupflower_: im new and omg your so pretty [04:48:21.722] Defrancofan67: Cause it's dumb [04:48:30.578] polishedstatus: Imagine someone making a rose trivia game [04:48:32.564] sirtony454: maybe its different and more boring for youtube videos [04:48:33.653] ryanss2123: I've tried youtube. I gave up [04:48:34.150] t0bylarone96: nice face finn [04:48:34.637] Amoyamoyamoya: @sirtony454, That's fine for you. Doesn't work for F1nn. [04:48:37.380] FearedIcee: @cupflower_ haha u turned on audio yet? [04:48:43.542] ryanss2123: 600 subs later I gaev up [04:48:44.870] Jens_LN: meanwhile ... the mods get none ? [04:48:47.798] JuicyBoyTV_: We talking editing? [04:48:50.309] JuicyBoyTV_: Also hi <3 [04:48:51.439] stglide: hahaha your voice [04:49:02.118] Stovamor: @JuicyBoyTV_, evening Juicy [04:49:07.800] Defrancofan67: @JuicyBoyTV_ Yooooo watsup man [04:49:08.399] ryanss2123: missed [04:49:17.820] valkyriejay98: shoutout juicy [04:49:19.762] mystchevious1: @JuicyBoyTV_ Yep. Someone said the wrong thing. [04:49:24.350] c__r__j: @JuicyBoyTV_ : You seem familiar from somewhere. [04:49:34.630] cherryymari: missing epic Harley entrance [04:49:37.349] eternaldebuff: did i miss femboy boxing commentary? [04:49:41.435] InfiniteCoyotetime: just editing short shit for memes is tedious af, so yeah editing for something youtube is proper work. people need to understand that lol [04:49:46.753] jandraelune: One thing many Youtubers have started is offering their editors to stay in the same house as them. That way the editor is spending less and you need to pay them less while they get to keep more of it. [04:49:50.139] irn_bru_1901: If I had 928474 pineapple and I ate 7 how much will I have [04:49:51.481] JuicyBoyTV_: Oh lord, hi everyone [04:49:55.726] cupflower_: @FearedIcee haha yes it was kinda surprising but they're so pretty [04:50:01.917] ryanss2123: yes [04:50:03.623] ryanss2123: money [04:50:05.190] JuicyBoyTV_: @mystchevious1 oh really? [04:50:07.640] bluj40: so just flip a coin [04:50:10.954] thanatoscar: i disagree! [04:50:11.765] babeeberry12: I’m gonna watch this on YouTube when it comes out and just look for this message- [04:50:12.450] InfiniteCoyotetime: The Illusion of Choice [04:50:15.192] Amoyamoyamoya: @sirtony454, No. F1nn has to spend his time in a way that works best for him. [04:50:21.656] vanimal2118: Howdy @juicyboytv_ [04:50:22.787] johnkeiwo: The point we agree on is do what u wanna do [04:50:26.035] hopalongtommy: I disagree with that [04:50:29.744] barbie_secretstanner: I mean I just want you to do what you want to do [04:50:31.917] johnkeiwo: no ? [04:50:32.153] eternaldebuff: We all love booba. We all agree to booba [04:50:32.438] of_oddity_unknown: Hi F1NN I just wanted to say thanks for making me laugh when I thought I couldn't love the streams! [04:50:36.337] 1_smart_donkey: take care of your business [04:50:40.255] mystchevious1: @JuicyBoyTV_ Yeah they said that F1NN didn't need editors. That he should save money and do it himself. [04:50:42.332] johnkeiwo: i mean health and business first :'( [04:50:42.831] huntxr14: Just Do what makes you happy you can’t please everyone [04:50:46.325] mzinker: we all agree with booba [04:50:46.874] dar1kness123: mom come pick me up I'm scared [04:50:47.083] blast_blue56: Hello rose [04:50:52.031] Jens_LN: We agree to boobs. :) [04:50:55.759] vanimal2118: @johnkeiwo has good advice [04:50:59.336] johnkeiwo: i always say things in your best interests [04:51:02.293] t0bylarone96: i do editing for youtubers on the side, (professional video editor fulltime), i enjoy it, but the creative control is always a point of contention because a lot of youtubers want a particular style of video [04:51:02.730] bluj40: you should hire someone to be you [04:51:13.381] Helen_Croft: So get a new Finn [04:51:21.130] ryanss2123: a body clone [04:51:27.751] mustangcubed: F1nn rant = good content [04:51:41.473] vanimal2118: Rose stunt double auditions open! [04:51:44.487] irn_bru_1901: I love how you are flipping a knife while talking about editing. Idk why [04:51:48.184] babeeberry12: F1nn rant = good cont [04:51:50.722] JuicyBoyTV_: We all know Finn doesn't need to explain how hard they work. We're lucky to have so much! [04:51:57.126] general_of_cm: Dream just hires Technoblade Kappa [04:52:01.231] 1_smart_donkey: you could at least get one or two a week done that way [04:52:03.099] of_oddity_unknown: your better at make up then most ladies tbh [04:52:07.114] Jens_LN: you're going on a tangent [04:52:17.819] c__r__j: But you could do that even if you're on screen, can't you? Just waggle your hand over the mouse convincingly. [04:52:22.378] M4rkH4wk: GG VS EMT NOW [04:52:23.264] vanimal2118: We want a manly man new F1nn5ter! [04:52:33.003] InfiniteCoyotetime: @t0bylarone96 thank you for your service o7 [04:52:34.394] natetubeo: F1nn I have your stream hooked up to a loud speaker can you please shout something silly [04:52:44.653] black_rayden: Hiii how arw ya'll doing? [04:53:02.502] t0bylarone96: those types of jobs are more difficult though, as the script needs to link up with the video - you can't just do one first and then finish the other half, as you'll end up with inconsistencies [04:53:06.204] johnkeiwo: work smarter not harder right ? [04:53:15.782] nope_57: hello just came out to my parents and it was weird [04:53:21.521] locknutz_: @t0bylarone96 write the script after [04:53:24.581] topdogsidxtqy: the fight strating [04:53:26.899] hero_player1: sup [04:53:36.313] mr_danktoasty: current fight has a large ish man with rather small nipples but he still has man bobs [04:53:41.479] of_oddity_unknown: that and showing booba [04:53:47.847] TheGrinch89: oh i completely agree to off load the editing work to other more skilled people. It just sounds like you weren't enjoying the work you put into the MC vids. I mean work is work, but you have a better position to do the things that you enjoy for work. (some people are stuck doing crappy full time jobs that they only do to earn just enough to support their own life and interests) [04:53:48.086] Jens_LN: boxing ? [04:53:49.418] butcherhound420: Hey Fin [04:53:50.070] LAXtheBarsmith: HARLEYS FIGHT!!! [04:53:50.916] dapple_streams: holy shit i clicked on thisn stream expecting a hot tub stream to get banned but nvm [04:53:52.509] quantumm8: YOU LOOK SO GOOD♡♡ [04:53:55.911] nosfer_v: bruh [04:53:56.753] sunlesskiss: fewmeTAIL fewmeMEOW [04:53:58.327] locknutz_: a lot of your vids also have to have your facecam involved because its more about the performer than the platform [04:54:00.013] levelsunknown: wait, it's a guy [04:54:02.347] butcherhound420: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [04:54:12.418] snoop_uwu: please answer twitter dms its a surprise for my partner!! [04:54:14.615] bluj40: yeah but if youre saying "i built a thing" but in reality you didnt its kinda lame imo [04:54:18.848] GiveToTheFire: what are these fights on? [04:54:27.826] huntxr14: The difference is people come to your channel for you and your personality not just some gameplay [04:54:31.378] LaughingD0nkey: @levelsunknown u new here ? [04:54:31.908] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [04:54:38.321] hero_player1: play war selection [04:54:38.677] psithurismas: then what about this stream? [04:54:39.660] ryanss2123: you're still 12 [04:54:41.278] sunlesskiss: what do you play on mc [04:54:44.324] of_oddity_unknown: I miss when beds were just red and the tutorial was the shit! [04:54:46.100] M4rkH4wk: dude you're missing the co-main event [04:54:48.480] locknutz_: @levelsunknown is that an issue? [04:54:48.946] cakeisamadeupdrug: I wish I could wear dresses too I MEAN UH WHAT KappaPride [04:54:53.204] JustMelodly: :) [04:54:53.970] SeriousTTV: The replay value seem to be good [04:54:56.580] irn_bru_1901: Which mando is better jango or boba [04:55:00.786] Jens_LN: @levelsunknown Are you sure ? [04:55:02.314] h4wrt: I just came here to say that I came here [04:55:03.945] vanimal2118: @ryanss2123 funny [04:55:08.877] t0bylarone96: i really respect what streamers do, keeping up enthusiasm for every stream is hard [04:55:12.821] LaughingD0nkey: nope just asking that finn is a guy lool ur fine , welcome [04:55:13.807] InfiniteCoyotetime: I'm a software engineer, so yeah that's extremely relatable [04:55:18.519] Icelantum: Fight started [04:55:25.210] the1mother2lands: idubbbz vs drmike [04:55:26.800] sunlesskiss: fewmeJAM [04:55:26.801] locknutz_: @cakeisamadeupdrug everyone can wear dresses, just purchase a dress that you like and wear it LUL [04:55:27.805] josephthefourth: Dodo [04:55:30.277] meoeev: I can't even play MC or many games for 30 minutes lol [04:55:32.831] sunlesskiss: fewmeSWAY [04:55:38.379] InfiniteCoyotetime: I absolutely LOVE writing code but god it's tiring [04:55:44.323] sunlesskiss: fewmeAYAYA [04:55:47.720] mckammersgaard: A YouTube Channel back in the days, used the same reaction video for all their reactions [04:55:51.581] shayden_omq: @cakeisamadeupdrug just 4Head [04:56:01.833] ryanss2123: you are dealing with us [04:56:10.437] Jens_LN: but it eats up time [04:56:12.902] of_oddity_unknown: I miss when you could build saddles, beds were only one color, and the tutorial was the best! [04:56:18.013] bluj40: customer service people are doing gods work [04:56:24.742] SethwMad: Lol [04:56:25.183] MaskedWhispers_: hey [04:56:29.434] Kolateak_: Damn, this stream is long [04:56:29.457] AppleSaph: wait, since when do you message people back [04:56:31.689] Bonanaman: gigachad ceo [04:56:31.776] mr_ajokortti_korkort: outside chores are also part of the work [04:56:35.075] 1_smart_donkey: yeah I hired somebody for that [04:56:35.207] TheGrinch89: but again, perhaps i was reading too much in your comment on the MC work effort. Just saying that if you'd choose to try vids on other games, i'd might watch those. (personally i'm a little burnt on watching MC prison vids tbh, but that is just my interests i guess) [04:56:36.221] mystchevious1: That's part of my job. 20k Emails. Grrr [04:56:41.266] Jens_LN: Karen [04:56:44.030] Stovamor: @AppleSaph, he responds to non-mods [04:56:45.075] sjoonyje: !uptime [04:56:45.326] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 56m 50s [04:56:53.138] POOPGOD: managing expectations is a bish [04:56:53.879] AppleSaph: @Stovamor, damn 😔 [04:56:54.054] SethwMad: heavenlyNodders [04:57:00.748] Emmy64_: CoolStoryBob <3 [04:57:10.588] poggy_panda: <3 <3 [04:57:11.762] mckammersgaard: Taking care of the Karens [04:57:33.056] snoop_uwu: my partner loves you please answer twitter dms its for his birthday xxxx [04:57:34.062] Helen_Croft: Mods and VIPs get donowalled @AppleSaph [04:57:37.714] ryanss2123: Is your camera full frame? [04:57:38.761] therealjeanhollywood: sup [04:57:44.809] floorknob123: odd question, how do your parents feel about your streams? [04:57:52.114] mzinker: you answer emails why have i never gotten a reply :( [04:57:53.313] mystchevious1: Hey F1NN since you're complimenting your staff don't forget your mods. [04:57:54.292] someotherthing: How do your MC viewers take to ROSE [04:57:59.046] AppleSaph: @Helen_Croft, it incentivises donos i guess [04:57:59.390] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! [04:57:59.876] vanimal2118: Top of the company have more work they r heavily invested into their companies. As well as their success or failures. [04:58:00.010] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang rynali1Heart viowynShorkHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [04:58:03.188] Flippi_12 Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [04:58:03.229] sjoonyje: epic meal time won [04:58:05.410] AppleSaph: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong [04:58:06.916] bluj40: bing bong [04:58:07.036] TheGrinch89: i mean there is always royalty free stuff? [04:58:07.490] j0hnbanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 󠀀 [04:58:09.108] snackehard: bing bong [04:58:11.315] bluj40: f1nnBingbong [04:58:12.260] braddle172: Bing Bong [04:58:13.765] 15aac05: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [04:58:14.055] InfiniteCoyotetime: pfft, who would [04:58:14.324] mckammersgaard: Bing bong [04:58:15.649] mzinker: f1nnBingbong [04:58:16.625] of_oddity_unknown: people think that streaming is so easy and all you do is talk infront ofba camera but there is so much more work involved we really appreciate what you do to make people smile [04:58:16.698] SethwMad: EMT won already? [04:58:16.879] Defrancofan67: True [04:58:18.585] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bing Bong [04:58:21.716] Stovamor: f1nnBingbong New Hour f1nnBingbong [04:58:22.068] barbie_secretstanner: Bing Bong [04:58:22.525] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [04:58:24.021] sjoonyje: harley tko [04:58:27.647] vanimal2118: Me 2 [04:58:29.664] bluj40: yeah thatd be a problem [04:58:30.494] FearedIcee: we know [04:58:31.432] Helen_Croft: !uptime [04:58:31.682] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 4h 58m 37s [04:58:32.964] roxy_gaming18: !uptime [04:58:34.975] SethwMad: One more Match [04:58:35.616] AppleSaph: we know finn, we know [04:58:36.184] Dpmiinator: I dont understand how someone can possibly be late for something [04:58:40.842] InfiniteCoyotetime: imagine being on time to things, that's pretty cringe [04:58:45.696] jkjoshua567: Woman lifestyle [04:58:45.940] vanimal2118: Bing Bong [04:58:48.628] Kolateak_: I think I got the sleep gene [04:58:52.784] mr_danktoasty: 6hoirs how do people get that much I'm jealous [04:58:53.931] dbreach1: Bing bong [04:58:54.518] barbie_secretstanner: That’s insane [04:58:56.647] botforlife_botfordeath: fiin u are nocturnal tho [04:58:58.352] huntxr14: I wouldn’t be able to handle that beeping noise at McDonald’s 24/7 it would drive me insane [04:58:58.553] Kolateak_: KEKW [04:58:59.168] TF0rd: 10 is too much! [04:58:59.226] panda_de_dieta: youre such an inspiration for every closet sissy around the world, thank you [04:58:59.394] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [04:59:00.389] Amoyamoyamoya: Late? Really? [04:59:01.577] XxHaydukexX_: bro I get like 4 [04:59:03.592] VeeNoxxy: EMT W [04:59:04.575] sjoonyje: 10 hours your a full on woman now [04:59:06.287] SethwMad: Wait people are allowed to sleep? [04:59:08.636] InfiniteCoyotetime: you're a cat [04:59:08.741] Solus_kun: i sleep 10h aswell :) [04:59:10.677] Kolateak_: JESUS [04:59:12.962] c__r__j: Do you snore? Might be sleep apnoea. [04:59:13.137] empirechaotix: it changes overtime. when you reach 30 you'll change [04:59:14.072] marcospaulo1: is she though? i'm pretty sure that people might feel fine, but the human body isn't really happy with 6 hours of sleep, ever [04:59:14.564] meoeev: I wanna do something creative but it's so hard to have a consistent idea stream. [04:59:15.001] bluj40: 10 is not too bad, more than that is pretty bad [04:59:15.838] JuicyBoyTV_: It's called beauty sleep Finn [04:59:16.184] Jens_LN: 10 is a bit high [04:59:16.264] DJ_FLAKO: i sleep 4 hrs [04:59:16.981] mzinker: 10 holy [04:59:17.059] flormph: need 10 as well [04:59:19.231] Flippi_12: 10 hrs is too much [04:59:19.601] t0bylarone96: i slept for 20 hours after glastonbury [04:59:22.347] j0hnbanks117: my record is 14 hours [04:59:26.460] jewgold22: rookie numbers [04:59:26.604] mr_danktoasty: damn I sleep like 3-4 hours [04:59:27.825] Kolateak_: That's an awake amount of being asleep [04:59:29.264] juulinator64: im lucky.if i get 9 [04:59:29.313] barbie_secretstanner: I will be more tired if I see too long [04:59:29.663] know1_0: 10h every morning [04:59:32.625] TrueMezzo: wow youre lucky you can sleep straight like that [04:59:33.325] Tara_a: my avrage is like 4-3 hours [04:59:33.480] vanimal2118: More brain power! [04:59:33.751] Emmy64_: my record is 13 hours LUL [04:59:33.932] pepegaloll: I'm here from pka [04:59:35.569] awesomerem1: i usually go 5-8 [04:59:37.435] SimplySoulius: I think I've slept for up to 23 hours once [04:59:40.411] Jens_LN: I usually sleep 6-7 hours [04:59:40.518] shortking12: Bro is sleeping his life away lol [04:59:40.584] SvarletBatfire: i either sleep for 2 days or stay awake for 2 days.. [04:59:40.597] SpaceBoyComic: hiii [04:59:40.992] InfiniteCoyotetime: I think my record is 23 hours [04:59:42.892] Amoyamoyamoya: Seems like a lot. [04:59:43.013] of_oddity_unknown: I get around 10 hours in total throughout the week fire department is not as fun as I thought it would be... [04:59:49.271] LittleChaSiu: I slept like 16 hours after back-to-back work and exams, lots of fun [04:59:50.624] SpaceBoyComic: WAIT THATS A DUDE??????? [04:59:50.675] darthnithin: What do you even do on stream? I have no clue from watching your videos for 2 years [04:59:51.386] P3R3_: P3R3_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 month, mm [04:59:51.561] f3mmbot p3r3_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [04:59:52.674] viridianstwitchaccount: I get like 6 usually [04:59:53.034] mzinker: @jens_ln same [04:59:53.347] Aseralia: Max for me was 17 but I took melatonin and NyQuil [04:59:54.606] TheCakeJaffa: you screwed up your sleep [04:59:55.725] braddle172: 4-5 for me [04:59:55.926] Owly_9: I sleep around 4 - 5 hours and work 12 hour days lol [04:59:56.851] IvanStickitinski: Maybe you need some meat in your diet to stop this extra sleep problem [04:59:56.886] Kolateak_: Oh dear god [04:59:58.755] GrinchMD: monkaS [05:00:00.594] JuicyBoyTV_: circadian rhythm [05:00:00.929] poggy_panda: thats crazy [05:00:01.781] Helen_Croft: 5 hour stream already NotLikeThis @F1NN5TER [05:00:02.487] natetubeo: Can you please shout something funny I have my phone hooked up to a loud speaker [05:00:03.136] HangryPlatypusE: THATS BAD [05:00:04.221] Senevri: yeah that probaby caused some permanent damage [05:00:04.867] darthnithin: @SpaceBoyComic bruh that's their whole brand [05:00:08.667] Ticklish_PP: yea thats not good [05:00:09.490] TheCakeJaffa: mentaly? [05:00:13.704] mr_danktoasty: I usually sleep 3-4 hours but my records is 3 days straight sleeping [05:00:23.028] braddle172: !uptime [05:00:23.283] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 28s [05:00:26.997] meoeev: I could never! I sleep around 9 hours [05:00:33.091] t0bylarone96: my record is 20 hours after glastonbury [05:00:33.556] lovelyclementine000: HI gymmikLove gymmikLove [05:00:33.952] LaughingD0nkey: ur estrogen levels are to high!!! [05:00:35.504] sjoonyje: @mr_danktoasty wat [05:00:35.856] fumpyy_: same [05:00:35.989] SageJT: pls reject me so i can move on @F1NN5TER [05:00:41.818] TheCakeJaffa: you where in school? [05:00:42.393] TF0rd: sleeping long makes you more tired [05:00:44.393] Helen_Croft: !time [05:00:44.656] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 02:02 [05:00:45.243] Kolateak_: You got some damn crazy drive [05:00:46.462] Amoyamoyamoya: I usually need 6 hours max. [05:00:47.095] FearedIcee: your circadian rhythm? [05:00:48.643] darthnithin: !help [05:00:48.893] f3mmbot Try typing "!commands" instead [05:00:51.470] darthnithin: !commands [05:00:51.731] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !backstory, !birthday, !bluechair, !bobs, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !hunting, !instagram, !lipstick, !measurements, !merch, !pinkchair, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !soda, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !watch, !youtube [05:00:55.522] bluj40: most people in college sleep way too much its not that weird at your age [05:00:56.727] darthnithin: !bobs [05:00:56.978] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [05:00:58.085] vanimal2118: @helen_croft F1nn5ter messing with ur sleep schedule? [05:00:59.379] JuicyBoyTV_: @LaughingD0nkey Those can NEVER be too high [05:01:02.220] darthnithin: !uptime [05:01:02.465] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 1m 8s [05:01:05.797] eternaldebuff: egoraptor lost [05:01:05.946] darthnithin: !hunting [05:01:06.217] f3mmbot "Rose doesn't need to hunt for his food...it just kind of grows in place... " [05:01:08.961] santisnotboss: !archive [05:01:09.250] f3mmbot You can find the F1NN5TER Stream Archives at https://www.youtube.com/c/F1NN5TERStreamArchives [05:01:11.123] EvilDaedalus: bro ever since i got fired i realized how much i was missing out on life [05:01:12.607] TheStarGamer1238: late night for rose [05:01:13.697] poggy_panda: !time [05:01:13.940] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 02:03 [05:01:14.984] TF0rd: !confused [05:01:15.237] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [05:01:16.593] sjoonyje: wait so if finn sleeps 10 hours he's about to sleep till like 3-4pm tommorow [05:01:16.928] Helen_Croft: maybe fix your sleepschedule @F1NN5TER [05:01:17.102] darthnithin: !lipstick [05:01:17.357] f3mmbot Pink. It's always pink. [05:01:19.803] j0hnbanks117: !pinkchair [05:01:20.051] f3mmbot The pink chair is a slooty sloot of a chair but we don't judge and still lub her. [05:01:22.563] darthnithin: !commands [05:01:22.829] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !backstory, !birthday, !bluechair, !bobs, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !hunting, !instagram, !lipstick, !measurements, !merch, !pinkchair, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !soda, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !watch, !youtube [05:01:25.251] botforlife_botfordeath: !pronouns [05:01:25.499] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [05:01:28.803] misslovelylollipop: HELLOOOOOOOOOO [05:01:29.162] barbie_secretstanner: The days I work I run on no sleep. I will use my days off to sleep as much as possible [05:01:32.316] TheStarGamer1238: this is the better chair [05:01:34.457] poggy_panda: !bobs [05:01:34.707] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [05:01:34.899] LAXtheBarsmith: HARLEY JUST CALLED OUT THE DOCTER OMG [05:01:35.601] Noobtellatoast: !backstory [05:01:35.881] f3mmbot Once upon a time, Jeff Bezos promised Finn up to $30K a month to stream as a girl to an audience of robots. You are all Cylons, chat. And the rest is history. [05:01:41.260] mckammersgaard: 24 but was deling with anxiety [05:01:42.992] Helen_Croft: you sleep during the day [05:01:43.737] TheCakeJaffa: then its not hypersomnia maybe? [05:01:47.787] santisnotboss: !bobs [05:01:48.037] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [05:01:49.059] misslovelylollipop: (●’◡’●)ノ [05:01:52.482] Cliche_OCE: hello from pka podcast cliche4Hey [05:01:52.907] aunalbrutal: My life has changed alot since i started to watch you, now i schedule my life to be able to watch your streams. Because you are so amazing as a person *Blush* XD [05:01:53.681] poggy_panda: !uptime [05:01:53.930] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 1m 59s [05:01:55.153] t0bylarone96: everyone sleeps different amounts, it's only a problem when it affects your life [05:02:04.933] sjoonyje: yooo he just called out Dr disrespecg [05:02:06.587] itsKhry: why do you always have a knife in your hands? [05:02:13.315] ppturd: are they real [05:02:13.523] frntli: I can't see you rnails [05:02:18.552] darthnithin: !bluechair [05:02:18.814] f3mmbot The blue chair is a bit broken but still good, yeah, still good [05:02:21.619] misslovelylollipop: BRO I'M A SIMP NOW WOOOOOOOOO [05:02:22.518] of_oddity_unknown: Finn what's your favorite solo game? [05:02:24.502] Stovamor: I'm glad it's sunday tomorrow / today - Gonna sleep til the afternoon [05:02:28.998] Amoyamoyamoya: @itsKhry, He likes knives. He has them all over his house. [05:02:29.258] p_stain: she kinda bad tho....... [05:02:30.757] darthnithin: Finn how fast do you type [05:02:34.033] Solus_kun: i hate when i dont get 10h sleep aswell [05:02:42.321] poggy_panda: !commands [05:02:42.568] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !backstory, !birthday, !bluechair, !bobs, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !hunting, !instagram, !lipstick, !measurements, !merch, !pinkchair, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !soda, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !watch, !youtube [05:02:49.163] Jens_LN: Rose was lazy ? [05:02:53.640] poggy_panda: !confused [05:02:53.897] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [05:02:56.525] vanimal2118: Doing what u love is priceless! Don't let them take that away from u! [05:02:58.372] t0bylarone96: !soda [05:02:58.617] f3mmbot Sodacat is a friend who streams on twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/sodacattv [05:03:08.902] barbie_secretstanner: So back to the pros and cons [05:03:09.078] darthnithin: 1v1 me in typeracer finn [05:03:13.389] Lyinginbedmon: My work schedule is essentially 24/7 night shifts, morning appointments are the utter worst for me [05:03:14.926] Helen_Croft: maybe fix your sleepschedule @F1NN5TER [05:03:21.007] ryanss2123: lmao [05:03:28.936] t0bylarone96: sodacattv as in ella hollywood lol @F1NN5TER [05:03:32.298] JuicyBoyTV_: Mods shot on sight [05:03:35.857] darthnithin: damn skipped over my message again smh 🤦‍♀️ [05:03:35.978] General_Kenobi53: General_Kenobi53 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! hello there [05:03:36.154] f3mmbot general_kenobi53 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [05:03:42.726] xxxdevil54xxx: how do u live whle you are dressed as a girl [05:03:43.356] sjoonyje: man sleeps 10 hours and it's already 2am wtf [05:03:44.320] Kolateak_: My sleep schedule is like a treadmill, it's constantly going around and around. I woke up at 5 AM today, but a week ago I was going to sleep at 5 AM [05:03:48.256] poggy_panda: <3 <3 [05:03:50.802] Helen_Croft: GO to bed at 0:00 as a start @F1NN5TER [05:03:55.842] vanimal2118: Soda cool [05:03:57.655] mr_ajokortti_korkort: fixing sleep schedules is not very easy usually [05:04:01.135] LoadSmasher: Don’t push your hair back on the opposite side of the part. f1nnMakeupcheck [05:04:01.254] Owly_9: ellahoWow [05:04:02.464] braddle172: ellahoSmug [05:04:05.053] thecanadiangamer98: Soda [05:04:06.180] Defrancofan67: French name ewww [05:04:06.198] M4rkH4wk: hard to keep a sleep schedule with a 10 hour cycle [05:04:17.195] Solus_kun: @M4rkH4wk yeeep [05:04:26.699] brianbebo: really [05:04:27.228] ryanss2123: brooo 5 hours of stream I'm out [05:04:31.722] ryanss2123: c ya boysss [05:04:34.724] brianbebo: wow [05:04:42.901] brianbebo: o.o [05:04:50.301] ropewxys: xqcK [05:04:52.386] Helen_Croft: start recording earlier [05:04:58.388] brianbebo: ok... [05:05:00.270] darthnithin: just take melatonin until your sleep schedule normalizes [05:05:04.762] rodrigovidal013: hahahahahahahahahaha [05:05:08.592] kimbo_kr: Hi [05:05:12.995] NAStuckInGroups: @ropewxys KEKW [05:05:14.104] bujaczynio: bujaczynio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! hello [05:05:14.161] amouro_: premierWow [05:05:14.321] f3mmbot bujaczynio subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [05:05:14.680] greenlandisicey: hello [05:05:21.292] rodrigovidal013: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [05:05:22.960] brianbebo: how much sleep does you get each week [05:05:33.014] ropewxys: @nastuckingroups yo xqcJuice [05:05:36.885] JustVurb: its time to become a girl on the mc channel [05:05:40.560] darthnithin: What do you want to do in the long term? [05:05:51.249] JuicyBoyTV_: I feel that so much, sometimes you risk going to sleep thinking it wont happen but it does everytime [05:05:53.491] Mitchsel: understandable, have a great day [05:05:55.233] vanimal2118: Feed them ur raw videos let them work out the details? [05:05:56.439] marcospaulo1: how many gigabytes does a ready to upload video have on average? [05:05:59.780] brianbebo: like how much sleep do you get each month or year or week [05:06:03.702] Kolateak_: And that's when you stay awake for like 20 hours for a few days so you can get it to the point you wanna be at [05:06:11.726] c__r__j: But you don't KEEP losing days over and over. If you just once started recording a MC video one day early, you could then be one day early from then on, and use that slack to sleep sensibly? [05:06:12.750] darthnithin: What is your audience demographics on the minecraft channel vs the live one ? [05:06:13.926] JuicyBoyTV_: Missing the next 24 hours [05:06:26.010] PhshGaming: you just need a cuddle buddy XD [05:06:30.444] brianbebo: really? [05:06:30.474] tiggs711: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [05:06:34.071] brianbebo: whoh [05:06:36.851] nimmbo_boss420: I’m on the toilet right now by the way ! [05:06:37.660] phantom_wolf77: Hey @f1nn5ter [05:06:40.033] someotherthing: Do the MC viewers accept ROSE [05:06:43.742] emma_phant: I'm so sad hehehe [05:06:43.939] Maestro_ofDrip420: sogMoist [05:06:49.617] brianbebo: im on a computer [05:06:53.343] ppturd: i just sleep in class [05:06:55.080] that1guylouis24: @nimmbo_boss420 bungotExcuseMe [05:07:00.141] 1_smart_donkey: Dr Mike's about to flat box [05:07:03.336] mr_danktoasty: idubbz vr Dr Mike is about to happen [05:07:05.413] azilala: pebis [05:07:10.818] PhshGaming: why not sleep then edit? [05:07:11.168] brianbebo: and i just went to urban air for 3 HOURS! [05:07:11.662] AppleSaph: !restart [05:07:11.967] f3mmbot f1nn5tSad [05:07:12.131] f3mmbot added 24 row to the database [05:07:12.236] f3mmbot Restarting... o7 [05:07:16.852] darthnithin: W-t [05:07:21.071] Solus_kun: F3mmbot D: [05:07:22.367] Maestro_ofDrip420: dr mike is gonna knock out idubbbz and treat him afterwards [05:07:22.794] nimmbo_boss420: I’m trying to poop. But I’m also bleeding out of my coochie [05:07:23.480] LoadSmasher: More sex would help your sleep patterns [05:07:23.517] whostolejoesbutplug02: Your a guy [05:07:23.879] emma_phant: get it ig [05:07:24.172] Amoyamoyamoya: You should go ahead and do what you think you need to. Try it out. If it works great. If it doesn't you can always fallback and re-evaluate. [05:07:25.282] Stovamor: See you on the flip side F3mmbot [05:07:34.069] neo_lyx: great talk, nice rack! [05:07:37.765] whostolejoesbutplug02: This dude crazy [05:07:38.668] darthnithin: How old are your minecraft viewers [05:07:42.137] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter outfit check please [05:07:48.763] ppturd: finn are they real? [05:07:50.328] mr_danktoasty: idubbz Vs Dr Mike bout to start for anyone who cares [05:07:54.585] Maestro_ofDrip420: @loadsmasher sex is always good [05:07:56.252] brianbebo: i like your super hero cat [05:07:56.443] huntxr14: It’s the conversations like these that make me love your streams so much [05:07:58.379] Dwaggs01: z box [05:07:59.519] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya "Mods... and Amoya" NotLikeThis [05:07:59.795] f3mmbot F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [05:08:00.946] InfiniteCoyotetime: Dr. Mike be like "I'm a healer, but...." [05:08:01.483] johnkeiwo: @whostolejoesbutplug02, welcome [05:08:01.855] bladegoose: @mr_danktoasty I don't [05:08:02.279] Stovamor: @ppturd, no [05:08:10.190] darthnithin: @mr_danktoasty do i have to pay to watch this [05:08:11.150] AppleSaph: !commands [05:08:11.410] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !instagram, !measurements, !merch, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !youtube [05:08:11.688] bluj40: go off sis [05:08:13.074] oldsoho: Hello there [05:08:14.668] Maestro_ofDrip420: @infinitecoyotetime combat medic [05:08:15.824] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, Poor Amoya [05:08:16.422] Amoyamoyamoya: I've made some notes that people can read so they'll know which strim to look for. [05:08:19.912] xoeyxoey: is his hair real? it's sp nice [05:08:21.028] nimmbo_boss420: I just wanna watch the streamer fight [05:08:23.880] ppturd: @Stovamor wheres the seam? [05:08:24.093] brianbebo: i just new here so [05:08:24.820] nimmbo_boss420: 😭😭 [05:08:27.202] saschaileana: hi guys VoHiYo anyone here can tell me them/her/him pronoum? [05:08:28.923] Emmy64_: I watch for you f1nnSad <3 [05:08:29.012] Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, He's onto me. [05:08:31.696] whostolejoesbutplug02: @bluj40 Dont you mean bro [05:08:34.130] xoeyxoey: @saschaileana he/him [05:08:35.199] Stovamor: @ppturd, inside the top [05:08:36.540] bluj40: lmao DAILY UPLOADS [05:08:37.487] brianbebo: i gess i will be both [05:08:38.315] Mitchsel: i forgot that you made minecraft videos [05:08:38.680] Solus_kun: i dont want a stream everyday D: [05:08:39.636] darthnithin: just keep the shit seperate and collect money from everyone 😂 [05:08:41.059] mr_danktoasty: @darthnithin it's on YouTube free account called icheatthegrind live [05:08:44.380] c__r__j: We don't want you to stream every day! You asked that! [05:08:45.043] AppleSaph: @Solus_kun, me neither lmao [05:08:45.475] saschaileana: xoeyxoey oh thanks <3 [05:08:50.730] johnkeiwo: stream everyday would get tiresome [05:08:52.212] Globalnuclear: I am going to have my 10 hours sweet sleep and wish you same one, Princess Rose trappyComfy [05:08:53.948] ppturd: @Stovamor oh thanks [05:09:00.529] mckammersgaard: The fight is about to start with Mike [05:09:00.592] ninjadragon03020: cN you do a minecraft stream [05:09:01.349] nimmbo_boss420: I only watch ur clips tbh and I love themmm [05:09:01.900] Solus_kun: stream everyday would be way to much KEKW [05:09:02.192] grumpykittu: Yep [05:09:02.739] Jens_LN: burnout sucks [05:09:02.920] Defrancofan67: To be clear I don't want daily streams just more than once a week [05:09:03.700] guitarbebop: i watch both just cuzz [05:09:04.705] chaos_climatic: wait wtf [05:09:05.454] someotherthing: You are a GIFT [05:09:05.835] Solus_kun: !hug Saph [05:09:06.157] f3mmbot Saph gets a big hug from solus_kun <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [05:09:06.409] Helen_Croft: stream people main care about fixed start time because its live [05:09:09.923] PhshGaming: @saschaileana for this month they pronouns are she/her but normal he/him/doesnt care [05:09:10.091] johnkeiwo: everyday FeelsBadMan [05:09:10.736] darthnithin: Not me bruh [05:09:10.878] jjfrob: Keep up the double life, it constrains supply for both audiences and elevates your value [05:09:11.013] tehikohiko: you are pretty ! <3 By Yo [05:09:14.702] phantom_wolf77: Bikini stream when 🤣 [05:09:17.721] chaos_climatic: not me joining the stream thinking I'm about to talk to a girl [05:09:19.248] brianbebo: Squid3 is what you fell every day [05:09:19.724] chaos_climatic: nope [05:09:20.271] darthnithin: i can't get shit done [05:09:21.505] dusabutterfly: Watdahell why are you so cute [05:09:22.759] AppleSaph: i gotta fix f3mmbots emotes since the prefix changes 😔 [05:09:25.629] Helen_Croft: stream people mainly care about fixed start time because its live [05:09:25.666] mr_danktoasty: think the thumbnail was SpongeBob or something [05:09:27.044] AppleSaph: !hug solia [05:09:27.334] f3mmbot solia gets a big hug from applesaph <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [05:09:30.161] johnkeiwo: Everyday for the past two years PepeHands [05:09:30.181] xyzblake: THATS A GUY WTF [05:09:30.561] n2Fast: n2Fast subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [05:09:30.750] f3mmbot n2fast subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [05:09:33.227] bujaczynio: FishMoley [05:09:34.379] brianbebo: i cant spelll [05:09:36.771] azilala: pebis 2 [05:09:38.047] K_F0UR: could you do some stream where you play minecraft that would work for the MC channel? Or are they to separate for that? [05:09:38.548] johnkeiwo: @xyzblake, welcome [05:09:39.039] InfiniteCoyotetime: some days you're just like "vibe's off, not getting out of bed today" [05:09:41.596] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, ur based [05:09:41.935] xoeyxoey: @F1NN5TER is your hair real or is it a wig (if it's a wig where did you get it :flushed:) [05:09:42.100] PhshGaming: !gender [05:09:42.373] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [05:09:44.175] huntxr14: Yeah I feel like your almost fighting a loosing battle you can’t pick a side and someone is always gonna be asking for more [05:09:46.801] Stovamor: @xyzblake, welcome. don't be a dick [05:09:48.016] guitarbebop: got up on the wrong side of bed [05:09:48.971] Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo only 2 years tzz little kid :P [05:09:50.652] grumpykittu: That's normal... Its called life [05:09:50.793] JuicyBoyTV_: Burnout feeds itself because if you make a bad video it'll just make you even more off [05:09:53.798] darthnithin: !commands [05:09:54.069] f3mmbot Commands: !archive, !confused, !discord, !donate, !followage, !girlmonth, !highlights, !instagram, !measurements, !merch, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !time, !twitter, !uptime, !youtube [05:09:54.820] vanimal2118: @brianbebo me 2 [05:09:55.271] Maestro_ofDrip420: !hug F1NN5TER [05:09:55.542] f3mmbot F1NN5TER gets a big hug from maestro_ofdrip420 <3 TwitchUnity f1nn5tLezgang ❤ [05:09:57.389] bluj40: do it live [05:10:03.596] darthnithin: !measurements [05:10:03.846] f3mmbot Finn's Measurements: Shoulder to waist : 38 cm / upper bust : 63.5 cm / Bust : 106 cm / under bust : 88 cm / waist : 84 cm / Hips : 96 cm / Ring: 50mm / Bra : 34C (usually) [05:10:03.980] xyzblake: HOW ARE YOU A GUY [05:10:04.161] iselin80: Heyyy [05:10:05.661] j0hnbanks117: !hug everyone [05:10:05.911] saschaileana: @F1NN5TER someone told me your pronouns are he/him, so hello mister~~! HypeLove1 [05:10:07.516] bujaczynio: @AppleSaph FishMoley [05:10:09.237] JustVurb: 24 hour stream [05:10:11.827] captainbinc: !pronouns [05:10:12.155] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [05:10:12.694] johnkeiwo: @xyzblake, crossdressing [05:10:14.119] bluj40: im full of them [05:10:14.131] JustVurb: recording mchub [05:10:14.134] AppleSaph: @JustVurb, FishMoley [05:10:15.478] brianbebo: hey i like your supe hero CAT [05:10:15.745] darthnithin: hell no im not buying cloths [05:10:17.937] Dwaggs01: yes [05:10:18.226] itsbraise: !confused [05:10:18.264] InfiniteCoyotetime: naur, that's a bad idea lmao [05:10:18.500] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [05:10:19.286] Stovamor: Did you say you'd be planning to stream on the 16th? Monday [05:10:19.474] azilala: do it live right now with your bobs in [05:10:27.316] Maestro_ofDrip420: @xyzblake he was born with an xy chromosome in his dna [05:10:27.683] mystchevious1: 12 hour stream was too hard. [05:10:28.644] bujaczynio: FishMoley <- do this irl [05:10:29.691] darthnithin: i believe it [05:10:29.995] drybone_valkyrie: hello Rose hello chat I'm probably late but hi [05:10:32.755] psithurismas: you can edit it later [05:10:35.942] Maestro_ofDrip420: sleep stream? [05:10:36.378] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, i wish 😔 [05:10:36.878] brianbebo: is that a knufe o.o [05:10:37.860] johnkeiwo: it would take away the magic [05:10:40.803] blusau: When I'm feeling off, my work numbers go down, if my numbers are down 2 days in a week I no longer have a job [05:10:45.625] iselin80: Heyyy [05:10:46.726] beaver2412: Yoo [05:10:49.888] vanimal2118: This live streaming very exciting some days! [05:10:52.844] xyzblake: @maestro_ofdrip420 Lol fr tho [05:10:57.012] brianbebo: i dident [05:10:59.609] generationken: How long has this live been? [05:11:03.104] AppleSaph: @jesicaubica, 1. speak english 2. that is not appropriate [05:11:03.765] AYAYA_IF_T1_ON_POPPY: booba [05:11:03.826] brianbebo: ok ok ok [05:11:03.844] darthnithin: Yea it's cringe I tried to watch it [05:11:05.291] Solus_kun: i only watch Rose TriHard [05:11:09.217] brianbebo: ohhhhhhhhhhh [05:11:13.009] brianbebo: no [05:11:19.738] darthnithin: oh shit it's going in the video [05:11:22.285] cryptiksypher: yoooo what watch you rocking?? [05:11:25.710] LAXtheBarsmith: Idubbs inna get wacked [05:11:32.660] masterdrago9000: wow you are still live [05:11:35.313] Jens_LN: !watch [05:11:35.582] f3mmbot F1nn5ter recently bought himself a watch...it's an Omega Lul. OMEGALUL [05:11:36.242] bluj40: pleeeease get them to make a compilation of that [05:11:40.297] Amoyamoyamoya: OOh....we're learning how the sausage is made! [05:11:44.797] Maestro_ofDrip420: @laxthebarsmith then dr mike is gonna treat his wounds [05:11:47.051] brianbebo: its fine cringe turns funny then it turns to a meme [05:11:48.330] bujaczynio: @f3mmbot what the fuck [05:11:49.197] idare_u: holy 5 hrs [05:11:55.227] idare_u: gg finn [05:11:57.426] Bonanaman: @f3mmbot OMEGALUL [05:12:00.528] darthnithin: dont record at 5 🤷‍♀️ [05:12:03.189] aunalbrutal: The best is when cam broke so we get a nice beautiful image XD [05:12:05.158] brianbebo: ok [05:12:06.061] huntxr14: Yeah a lot of things can go wrong when doing it live [05:12:08.547] mr_danktoasty: of someone's curious search, icheatthegrind on YouTube filter set to live for the fight [05:12:10.118] brianbebo: uhg [05:12:10.172] Volgraza: Hi, Rose, I'm showing you to my girlfriend can you show her your sick moves with your butterfly knife? [05:12:15.735] saschaileana: his hair is so beautiful chokicHype chokicHeart [05:12:17.987] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER I manly want a fixed stream start time that does not go on for to long because i will miss the end, YT is on demand so is less time sensitive for the viewers [05:12:19.665] ggthehypeman: BloodTrail PogChamp [05:12:27.313] iselin80: Heyy [05:12:28.239] Maestro_ofDrip420: dr mike knows exactly what places to hit [05:12:28.322] mr_danktoasty: idubbz vr Dr Mike bout to start [05:12:32.083] masterdrago9000: girl rants [05:12:32.406] ajmonkey21_: !uptime [05:12:32.667] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 12m 38s [05:12:33.593] darthnithin: "manly" [05:12:35.537] xyzblake: When are you gonna get plastic surgery for ur voice 💀 [05:12:36.131] maniwut: do a flip [05:12:37.892] brianbebo: ??? [05:12:38.130] neo_lyx: always the devs fault, i feel the pain [05:12:43.056] idare_u: finn how do prisons [05:12:46.959] bujaczynio: manly OMEGALUL [05:12:51.636] brianbebo: ... [05:12:52.652] timothygill_: amazing outfit @f1nn5ter !!! [05:12:53.499] darthnithin: is that english w0t [05:12:55.379] Solus_kun: manly KEKW [05:12:59.370] Jens_LN: she means videos versus streams [05:12:59.409] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [05:13:06.413] PhshGaming: they are saying they prefer youtube cause they casn watch at their l;easure [05:13:06.850] empirechaotix: they want a stream schedule [05:13:08.401] barbie_secretstanner: I like long streams like this. Just go with the flow [05:13:08.811] brianbebo: mainly' [05:13:12.854] Dwaggs01: he dont know what he was even typing just then [05:13:13.619] Helen_Croft: Late stream means i miss the end of it [05:13:13.816] POOPGOD: show armpit my beautiful armpit queen [05:13:13.854] brianbebo: not manly [05:13:18.104] ggthehypeman: Hey mods do you mind if I spam emotes [05:13:18.811] Maestro_ofDrip420: @xyzblake he does this just for fun [05:13:20.031] LAXtheBarsmith: she wants a schedule of short streams so she can watch the whole thing [05:13:23.936] AppleSaph: @ggthehypeman i do [05:13:24.992] johnkeiwo: @ggthehypeman, yes [05:13:27.083] Helen_Croft: It the weekend [05:13:27.182] brianbebo: i think [05:13:28.298] vanimal2118: Surely there is enough content to make great videos from some stock footage? [05:13:29.404] mr_danktoasty: !uptime [05:13:29.669] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 13m 35s [05:13:30.881] drybone_valkyrie: hey Rose, my life been hell lately, but watching you helps make me smile, i hope your day has been great, thank you for being you. [05:13:31.028] brianbebo: o.o [05:13:31.897] c__r__j: This is a weekend, F1nn. [05:13:32.090] thegodofgods8: is that a wig @F1NN5TER [05:13:32.432] Solus_kun: its 3 AM D: [05:13:33.712] thefairydingo: mike for the win [05:13:35.247] idare_u: @F1NN5TER do u have a free prisons starterpack? [05:13:36.040] johnkeiwo: @ggthehypeman, start and i time u out for ywo weeks [05:13:36.060] Stovamor: @ggthehypeman, do it and get timed out [05:13:37.227] brianbebo: its nine for me [05:13:37.315] barbie_secretstanner: There’s a vod though [05:13:38.500] AppleSaph: @ggthehypeman, thanks for asking first i guess [05:13:39.110] darthnithin: uk wack just do normal time 🤷‍♀️ [05:13:40.732] ggthehypeman: Ok I won’t [05:13:41.051] InfiniteCoyotetime: what a record [05:13:50.465] bluj40: he likes the americans more :) [05:13:51.051] doodlywoobly: @thegodofgods8 his real hair, he grew it out [05:13:52.277] grixisnotbad: just stream 24 hours you wont [05:13:52.375] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun normal time in chat only weirdChamp LUL [05:13:52.937] bujaczynio: FishMoley [05:13:53.121] Solus_kun: 3 MODS 1 guy OMEGALUL [05:13:53.224] darthnithin: bruh [05:13:54.066] The_Dolphinator: 9pm [05:13:55.490] SeriousTTV: 9:15 [05:13:56.073] jewgold22: 8 [05:13:57.391] POOPGOD: 8 [05:13:57.413] FirynRS: 9pm [05:13:58.447] ayarcee: 6:15pm [05:13:58.687] Defrancofan67: 7 [05:13:58.892] nickixix: 8:15pm [05:13:59.154] eternaldebuff: 9pm [05:13:59.229] TotallyNotJansu: 6pm [05:13:59.326] Senevri: Yeah I came in at 1h30min mark, and I went to sauna in the middle [05:13:59.565] LAXtheBarsmith: its 815pm for me [05:14:00.582] thegodofgods8: 9 [05:14:00.622] darthnithin: there are like 4 time zones in the US [05:14:01.183] saschaileana: 22h15 here [05:14:01.432] MrLavender: 8pm [05:14:01.744] rodripo85: 615 [05:14:02.094] LittleChaSiu: it's 6pm where I am [05:14:02.298] derpfox_: 7 [05:14:02.992] Proskye94: 9 pm [05:14:03.158] HangryPlatypusE: 9 on east coast [05:14:04.676] idare_u: @F1NN5TER 6pm [05:14:05.103] darthnithin: its 6 pst [05:14:05.330] Maestro_ofDrip420: 6:16 [05:14:05.838] AFlowerBoy: 9:15 [05:14:06.350] Dwaggs01: its not bad for the us [05:14:06.659] Jens_LN: 3 AM here [05:14:06.830] classyhotdog286: 6 16 [05:14:07.343] deevishreddevil: 8:16 [05:14:08.212] doodlywoobly: 1:15 pm [05:14:08.500] someotherthing: 6 [05:14:09.542] gillotine419: 9 ish [05:14:09.567] Jermeister2: america is big [05:14:10.069] Tabttu1: Texas it's 8:15pm [05:14:11.018] Mr_Max5000: 7 PM [05:14:11.835] buttersubstitute: 9 est [05:14:11.857] PhshGaming: do you ever do rebroadcasts? [05:14:12.362] vanimal2118: 9:15 pM EST [05:14:12.830] press_x_to_sadness: its 6 on the west coast [05:14:13.037] TazzyDevl: it's 11am in Australia [05:14:13.732] Maestro_ofDrip420: 6 on the west coast [05:14:14.206] Solus_kun: 3 AM it is D: [05:14:14.281] mustangcubed: 9pm in NUC [05:14:14.406] averylaughlin1: Been a long ass stream [05:14:14.582] InfiniteCoyotetime: it's 6pm on the west coast of the US [05:14:14.889] Kashe_vt: Here is 22:15 [05:14:15.265] Dwaggs01: which works [05:14:15.435] lord_mistfire: 2:15 from essex [05:14:15.859] jewgold22: IL [05:14:16.501] barbie_secretstanner: As someone who doesn’t sleep I enjoy the late streams [05:14:16.591] aunalbrutal: 3 at night in sweden [05:14:17.137] daddlos: 8 pm [05:14:17.228] Amoyamoyamoya: 1800 PDT [05:14:19.034] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 4am here [05:14:19.322] darthnithin: "america time" 🤦‍♀️ [05:14:19.479] da_panda_bexz: 6:16 pm west cad [05:14:19.568] ajdemon2: 8:16 [05:14:19.672] milianodexucanan: 6 in california [05:14:19.986] TotallyNotJansu: yo 6:16 california gang [05:14:20.355] eRiiic___: what time is it on your watch? [05:14:21.527] rodripo85: america! [05:14:21.725] ollyhunter09: holland it is 3:16 at night [05:14:24.166] AppleSaph: 3 am 😔 [05:14:24.504] mr_danktoasty: anyone wanting to watch the fight? [05:14:25.110] Dwaggs01: 9:15 et [05:14:25.773] LittleChaSiu: I was out having lunch when stream started LUL [05:14:26.928] Maestro_ofDrip420: cali gang [05:14:27.203] judgedame: 18:16 [05:14:30.500] guitarbebop: 7pm in Mt time zone [05:14:33.396] 0Superstar0: 7pm [05:14:33.697] darthnithin: literally 3 time zones in america 🤦‍♀️ [05:14:34.273] averylaughlin1: 9:15 [05:14:34.516] meh_its_jack: 3 in hawaii [05:14:36.415] idare_u: anyone got a mchub prisons starterpack? [05:14:36.543] bujaczynio: EU OMEGALUL [05:14:37.397] jewgold22: Spanish [05:14:37.417] mckammersgaard: In Denmark its 3.16 am [05:14:38.615] gillotine419: we are going to bed actually [05:14:40.112] masterdrago9000: I got a notification at 10 am for me today and now 9:16pm [05:14:40.683] FirynRS: ya Americans got $$$$$ [05:14:40.866] classyhotdog286: 6:16 [05:14:41.448] braddle172: 10:45 am aussie time [05:14:43.110] micah18198: 8:16 pm [05:14:46.371] luisdeath1993: 8:19pm here [05:14:46.402] thegodofgods8: i have 1.7k Points rn [05:14:46.998] blusau: It would be nice to know a day or two ahead when a stream was happening [05:14:47.468] Solus_kun: FUCK america dud [05:14:48.300] rodripo85: woop woop! [05:14:48.504] cmarvel9r: 9:16 pm florida [05:14:48.660] SeriousTTV: US <3 [05:14:48.977] beatle_88: f1nnLaff LUL SeemsGood [05:14:51.180] vanimal2118: Can target different regions of the world? [05:14:51.558] Maestro_ofDrip420: i just got back from the gym when you started [05:14:51.756] AppleSaph: hey finn, surprise surprise, the europeans here ALSO SPEAK ENGLISH [05:14:54.949] neo_lyx: jokes? lamo [05:14:55.134] brianbebo: its 9:15 for me [05:14:55.313] saschaileana: braddle172 im that time but pm KEKW [05:14:57.892] awesomerem1: just do a never ending stream then the only thing that can be missed is the beginning but it will be forgotten after the third month of constant stream [05:14:58.428] j0hnbanks117: 8:16 am here [05:14:58.591] Dwaggs01: usually you start streams at 3pm- 12:00 in the us [05:14:59.340] therealjeanhollywood: hey [05:15:01.558] rodripo85: lol [05:15:01.652] fishfooduwu: uwu [05:15:01.941] MiskatonicRich: Rose loves her American Sugar Daddies [05:15:03.131] derpfox_: sorry uk [05:15:03.245] Maestro_ofDrip420: muricans [05:15:03.492] POOPGOD: KKona English = Jesus' language [05:15:03.995] Helen_Croft: 8Pm and 4 hour stream was perfect [05:15:04.212] thecanadiangamer98: Hi Finn, looking great <3 , just want to say good luck with your stream and you're actually inspiring me to question my gender [05:15:07.123] zenwife: your hair looks so healthy!! [05:15:08.080] Dwaggs01: depending on time zones [05:15:08.319] rodripo85: $$$$ [05:15:08.701] idare_u: murica [05:15:09.155] press_x_to_sadness: thats right USA USA USA!! [05:15:10.396] Bonanaman: capitalism strikes again [05:15:12.476] Jens_LN: that's where the money is. [05:15:12.976] bluj40: what can i say we love to consume media [05:15:14.228] randomstuffwithryan: its the best time for aussies, mid day [05:15:15.089] luisdeath1993: true [05:15:15.884] darthnithin: @AppleSaph I mean not everyone like the us which is what finn's tryna say [05:15:16.959] Maestro_ofDrip420: finn is a business man, doing business, man [05:15:18.451] ayarcee: Majority of North America speaks English, blame the English [05:15:18.688] 1_smart_donkey: and the sour skills [05:15:20.380] TheGrinch89: well english is debatable Kappa also 90% of the world understands english [05:15:20.661] nubian_sith_lord: si LUL [05:15:21.775] darthnithin: yea guns [05:15:23.121] brianbebo: hey im perter rican you think i care for amaricans [05:15:23.508] idare_u: holywood isnt really what its meant to be tho [05:15:23.828] Maestro_ofDrip420: finn gettin that bag [05:15:25.299] Helen_Croft: NO heathcare POG [05:15:25.646] bujaczynio: @AppleSaph naaaaahhhhh 🤯 [05:15:25.819] darthnithin: come ere lol [05:15:26.737] jewgold22: drugs [05:15:26.939] Eri_The_Awesome_One: not the medical care [05:15:27.512] AppleSaph: finn we europeans also speak english [05:15:28.821] huntxr14: Obesity crisis [05:15:29.691] br4nd0nh347: sunshine modCheck KEKW [05:15:30.221] Jens_LN: they also have hella expensive healthcare [05:15:30.595] xkkdkeksksks: 15:44 [05:15:31.182] that1guylouis24: low taxes ?? KEKW [05:15:32.025] POOPGOD: we do be got dem guns doe [05:15:32.211] derpfox_: soooo many guns [05:15:34.688] eternaldebuff: dr mike bout to take idubbz to the harmacy [05:15:37.411] idare_u: $6 for a gallon of gas rn is stupid [05:15:38.477] luisdeath1993: sometimes America sucks [05:15:38.647] Solus_kun: i dont wanna live in america at all seems so fucking bad LUL [05:15:39.091] awesomerem1: lol [05:15:39.460] Kolateak_: @that1guylouis24 Yes [05:15:39.639] darthnithin: i would pay so much to see a finn gun video [05:15:39.805] Proskye94: yeeeea brother ! guns [05:15:40.083] Ocean1121: captai911Captainlove captai911Captainlove captai911Captainlove [05:15:41.126] Maestro_ofDrip420: americans also got big people, very BIG people [05:15:42.430] animeravenstream: Bro you ever getting implants little1933Laugh Cheer1 [05:15:43.732] xkkdkeksksks: Bombs [05:15:44.423] Helen_Croft: NO heathcare as Pro for the US [05:15:45.852] brianbebo: wha- [05:15:46.050] POOPGOD: sitting here with my AK47 [05:15:46.866] aunalbrutal: and no healthcare [05:15:48.527] nubian_sith_lord: ivyskyDONO [05:15:50.838] simplyseculardave: Gunz... yeah 38DD Gunz... lol [05:15:51.708] natwentee: starts at like 4am in Australia [05:15:55.970] Dwaggs01: are roads are poo in the us lol [05:15:56.112] nickixix: Cheer100 Cheer100 [05:15:56.814] POOPGOD: @aunalbrutal unless your rich [05:15:59.107] Ocean1121: thewwoJam thewwoJam thewwoJam thewwoJam [05:16:00.578] POOPGOD: KKona [05:16:03.743] brianbebo: wheres my russhion missile [05:16:05.716] doodlywoobly: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Don't forget little old new zealand. Everyone leaving us off the map. When we getting new sub badges? Coming up to 2 years now. [05:16:05.934] mr_danktoasty: F1nn am I allowed to let chat know where to watch the fight? [05:16:06.586] lord_mistfire: Hi from Essex [05:16:07.442] Dwaggs01: our* [05:16:14.142] darthnithin: finn do color contacts [05:16:17.023] bujaczynio: @lord_mistfire haha sex [05:16:19.266] johnkeiwo: doesn't have to be bimbo month, and its fairly hot with the corset [05:16:24.072] TheGrinch89: i think blue might look good on you Finn [05:16:24.877] johnkeiwo: by hot I mean temperature [05:16:27.522] masterdrago9000: how about skirts on skirts [05:16:29.148] Solus_kun: i dont even wanna visit America LUL [05:16:29.909] thegodofgods8: @F1NN5TER I Have 1.7k Channel Points [05:16:31.222] idare_u: is there an mchub prisons starter strat? for like nubs who just joined an have no money? [05:16:33.246] Maestro_ofDrip420: goth outfit when finn? [05:16:34.303] br4nd0nh347: @F1NN5TER this is your best outfit IMHO [05:16:35.845] bluj40: @mr_danktoasty links arent aloud [05:16:35.866] vanimal2118: Howdy New Zealand! [05:16:38.229] darthnithin: new zealand talk to me when you have more that 10 covid cases [05:16:38.406] Icelantum: @F1NN5TER Next fight is up bro. [05:16:42.891] therealjeanhollywood: goth outfit? [05:16:44.800] brianbebo: @lord_mistfire whats sex? [05:16:44.842] Jens_LN: Meanwhile everyone forget about Mongolia !! [05:16:49.018] Maestro_ofDrip420: where is old zealand [05:16:49.200] micah18198: how are you @finn [05:16:51.224] Ticklish_PP: new zeland has 34 people [05:16:52.577] quetsiyah_: soon is summer tiem, than you can where hot pants [05:16:54.094] bhorv24: Cheer1 [05:16:55.511] mr_danktoasty: @bluj40 wasn't sending link would give direction how to watch on YouTube [05:16:57.701] simplyseculardave: 37 Million in Canada [05:17:02.463] cmarvel9r: should do a catwoman outfit soon [05:17:04.586] M4rkH4wk: airsoftfatty o7 [05:17:05.352] PhshGaming: you should follow up "bimbo month" with "Bilbo Month" where every day you dress like a hobbit [05:17:09.777] darthnithin: mike [05:17:12.577] empirechaotix: if that's your logic then surely you should be targetting india [05:17:13.057] brianbebo: what? [05:17:15.040] mr_danktoasty: idubbz Vs Dr Mike [05:17:15.867] masterdrago9000: could we see all the clothes [05:17:19.454] SeriousTTV: main event [05:17:19.597] santisnotboss: santisnotboss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! cool [05:17:19.612] sjoonyje: wtf is this singing [05:17:19.799] f3mmbot santisnotboss subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [05:17:21.985] POOPGOD: YES [05:17:22.371] Kolateak_: KKona [05:17:22.646] Dwaggs01: west [05:17:24.664] bujaczynio: hello from Martinique KKona [05:17:25.680] POOPGOD: KKona [05:17:26.443] brianbebo: no no NPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [05:17:26.740] packagum: oh no [05:17:27.620] LittleChaSiu: pain [05:17:28.478] thegodofgods8: I Have 1.7k Channel Points @F1NN5TER [05:17:28.527] ayarcee: 39 Million in California alone [05:17:29.926] Maestro_ofDrip420: dr mike vs idubbbz [05:17:31.590] huntxr14: Bruh [05:17:37.125] brianbebo: brine! [05:17:37.567] Maestro_ofDrip420: MURICA [05:17:38.242] jjfrob: @phshgaming Excellent idea [05:17:38.554] AppleSaph: JESSE [05:17:40.234] AppleSaph: WE NEED TO COOK [05:17:41.609] brianbebo: brian! [05:17:48.787] packagum: why always names with a J bro [05:17:52.367] Thormar: hey hey! [05:17:53.029] MrLavender: kippDance kippDance [05:17:54.011] klounix: did u see mix won the fight? [05:17:55.043] brianbebo: BRIAN WILL BE HIS NAME! [05:17:55.621] Maestro_ofDrip420: JESSE WE NEED TO COOK [05:17:56.796] j0hnbanks117: New Zealand doesn't exist Kappa [05:17:58.186] averylaughlin1: Yikes [05:17:58.257] c__r__j: F1nn prefers guys? [05:17:59.086] Defrancofan67: That's my brothers name :D [05:17:59.324] franhauty: is that all ur natural hair? it's gorgeous [05:18:03.725] Dwaggs01: north east of australia [05:18:03.732] ayarcee: next to Australia [05:18:04.567] LAOnAirStudios: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [05:18:04.813] Ticklish_PP: breaking good [05:18:04.825] brianbebo: BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [05:18:05.128] mr_ajokortti_korkort: near australia [05:18:05.380] Jens_LN: it's next to Australia [05:18:05.593] Helen_Croft: bimbo brain again [05:18:06.203] franhauty: u should try putting it in a bun [05:18:07.511] daddlos: daddlos subscribed at Tier 1. [05:18:07.640] idare_u: southwest of australia [05:18:07.717] f3mmbot daddlos subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang daddlos f1nn5tLezgang [05:18:08.026] PhshGaming: you heard it rose prefers guys [05:18:09.384] Solus_kun: Rose prefers guys LUL [05:18:12.239] InfiniteCoyotetime: NZ isn't real [05:18:14.758] bluj40: science bitch [05:18:15.034] rodripo85: California most populous state [05:18:15.068] brianbebo: ok ok ok [05:18:17.990] Maestro_ofDrip420: old zealand [05:18:19.984] vanimal2118: On ur upgrades can u put in where peps r around the world? [05:18:20.754] ShadyPyro: bottom right [05:18:21.586] LAOnAirStudios: FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ [05:18:21.959] empirechaotix: they're in the upsidedown bit [05:18:21.963] ayarcee: bottom corner [05:18:22.062] mr_ajokortti_korkort: east from australia [05:18:22.191] johnkeiwo: saw riza on the stream [05:18:22.507] j0hnbanks117: south east of Australia [05:18:22.801] Stovamor: Bottom right corner [05:18:23.043] darthnithin: bruh [05:18:23.572] Jac_Craft: Is new Zealand even a real place? i heard it was just a place made up by someone in the hobbit :D [05:18:23.594] c__r__j: It's behind Chat, F1nn [05:18:24.234] Ultramecia: next to old zealand [05:18:24.461] braddle172: NotLikeThis [05:18:24.504] Kolateak_: KEKW KEKW KEKW [05:18:25.435] Al_blu: Est of Australia [05:18:25.893] Amoyamoyamoya: Next to Australia. [05:18:27.065] darthnithin: south east [05:18:27.707] huntxr14: It’s by Australia [05:18:29.518] johnkeiwo: they are singing the american anthem [05:18:29.578] idare_u: AUSTRALIA [05:18:30.139] bluj40: bottom right silly [05:18:30.337] bujaczynio: oh my fucking god [05:18:32.012] CptSemer: LUL [05:18:33.952] Mysticflyr: bot right corner [05:18:34.676] idare_u: WEST [05:18:36.869] darthnithin: bruh its always on there [05:18:37.461] jjfrob: Good thing he's pretty... [05:18:38.463] brianbebo: hehe boi [05:18:40.227] idare_u: yee [05:18:42.483] Flippi_12: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [05:18:43.134] darthnithin: mercator headass [05:18:43.530] bujaczynio: absolute ignorant [05:18:46.845] SethwMad: Dude mizkif chat has 148million points on dr mike [05:18:48.495] SethwMad: Sheeeeesh [05:18:50.875] Stovamor: Clap Clap Clap [05:18:51.848] TheGrinch89: Ultramecia not in the North Sea Kappa [05:18:51.914] AppleSaph: at least his geography skills is american level ironmouseKEK [05:18:51.918] darthnithin: thats what im saying [05:18:56.961] mr_danktoasty: on YouTube search, icheatthegrind filter search to live only [05:19:00.587] 420710machine: wow a live F1nnster [05:19:01.858] TazzyDevl: try an american map [05:19:02.970] mr_danktoasty: for fight [05:19:03.589] AppleSaph: r/mapswithoutNZ [05:19:12.027] nickixix: Cheer1 But can you find Vermont, US. on the map. [05:19:15.472] mystchevious1: Look for map without new Zeland [05:19:15.850] 420710machine: Don't get to see you live much [05:19:19.362] mystchevious1: There are out there. [05:19:19.560] doodlywoobly: r/mapswithoutNZ [05:19:20.344] Dwaggs01: its south of antarctica [05:19:23.168] TheGrinch89: Finn but can you find Old Zealand? Kappa [05:19:24.036] darthnithin: @AppleSaph yea there is a subreddit for it [05:19:26.312] brianbebo: i think he looked on *** [05:19:26.857] huntxr14: Fin plays geo guesser once and thinks he’s a geography whizz [05:19:28.160] idare_u: prisons starter strat? [05:19:28.250] wesdagreat: Can’t find Wyoming [05:19:28.326] PhshGaming: i much prefer old zeland [05:19:30.312] Mysticflyr: @AppleSaph just like maps without tasmania [05:19:30.661] j0hnbanks117: check r/mapwithoutNZ [05:19:33.251] InfiniteCoyotetime: there's a subreddit called mapswithoutNZ [05:19:34.797] bujaczynio: then show Martinique on the map 🤨 [05:19:38.391] darthnithin: finn not checking chat lmao [05:19:46.300] Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/ [05:19:47.722] idare_u: minute 10 asking for prisons starter strat [05:19:51.962] buttersubstitute: theres a whole subreddit [05:19:54.293] Ticklish_PP: its not on my map [05:19:54.637] nickixix: @wesdagreat because Wyoming doesn't exist HypeLurk [05:19:56.149] Defrancofan67: Eh who cares about Australia jr anyways [05:19:59.594] AppleSaph: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/ [05:20:00.496] Solus_kun: i love how finn always asks but wont look at chat KEKW [05:20:00.715] derpfox_: New Zealand is taking over [05:20:02.931] SeiReiJoku: literally arguing with a meme [05:20:03.280] yvonne_itskei: Wtf veiHUH [05:20:04.382] sjoonyje: but can you find the enderlands [05:20:11.531] Dwaggs01: they loaded more chunks [05:20:13.358] vanimal2118: Bimbo Script don't stress Rose out. [05:20:13.724] SethwMad: ITS STARTING [05:20:16.590] Tabttu1: If a company made a map that didn't include NZ, they wouldn't be very good map makers... [05:20:16.914] andre_b_de_abreu: Beautiful girl [05:20:17.187] huntxr14: New Zealand is just an illusion [05:20:17.212] masterdrago9000: prison stream girl? [05:20:22.016] InfiniteCoyotetime: it's because NZ wasn't invented until 1997 [05:20:27.331] prillarguri: @F1NN5TER the match is starting soon [05:20:28.225] franhauty: put ur hair up in a bun [05:20:28.576] Ticklish_PP: reddit is bad for your health [05:20:30.301] Solus_kun: weirdChamp [05:20:31.884] brianbebo: its weird [05:20:31.945] 420710machine: sometimes the screen may cut off the ends of the map [05:20:32.668] Solus_kun: BLACK ! [05:20:32.968] HangryPlatypusE: GO BACK [05:20:33.585] barbie_secretstanner: Was softer lighting [05:20:34.330] mr_ajokortti_korkort: looks very yellow yeah [05:20:34.434] Bjotte: instant piss stream [05:20:35.257] j0hnbanks117: it's weird now [05:20:36.296] mystchevious1: just look up Maps without Newzeland. [05:20:36.399] johnkeiwo: WutFace [05:20:38.294] Solus_kun: get black back D: [05:20:39.735] TheGrinch89: Finn New Zealand is easy, but what about the Old Zealand? Kappa [05:20:40.374] brianbebo: CHANGE IT TO BLUE! [05:20:41.855] mustangcubed: pink is better [05:20:42.471] jewgold22: to asian [05:20:46.285] j0hnbanks117: GO BACK [05:20:46.312] aunalbrutal: Go baaaack [05:20:46.871] meh_its_jack: Gross [05:20:49.379] luisdeath1993: looks weird [05:20:49.673] indiabishesar: F1nnster what is your prounounse [05:20:50.481] andre_b_de_abreu: nice babe [05:20:50.607] Flippi_12: blacklight? [05:20:52.499] Kolateak_: Make them yellow for a while [05:20:54.835] Helen_Croft: kill the stream [05:20:56.542] masterdrago9000: hay Alexa turn lights pink [05:20:57.929] sonicgi572: F1nn should try a corset [05:21:03.368] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER do it black :) [05:21:03.430] classyhotdog286: turn it back to pink [05:21:03.852] brianbebo: BLUE!!!!!! [05:21:05.105] meh_its_jack: Lol not gross but meh [05:21:06.169] luisdeath1993: better [05:21:09.854] Kolateak_: Make them yellow so when you go back it looks normal again [05:21:11.300] InfiniteCoyotetime: the warm white light can't hurt you it's not real [05:21:11.838] that_colin_guy: set them to "daylight" finn [05:21:12.521] BunnyProwler: im view parting <3 [05:21:13.363] vanimal2118: @flippi_12 probably bad idea [05:21:19.652] bujaczynio: changing lights to black would make them just off [05:21:22.258] 420710machine: there is always tucking [05:21:22.471] idare_u: do one when we not around [05:21:23.110] darthnithin: alexa fuck you 🖕 [05:21:24.586] Den_drummer: @InfiniteCoyotetime that would've meant I'm older than NZ o_o [05:21:26.132] c__r__j: "Alexa set office lights to light pink" - shift gradually. [05:21:29.163] Flippi_12: @vanimal2118 I know, but solus keep asking for black [05:21:31.189] Kolateak_: I like no light [05:21:33.524] 420710machine: no [05:21:33.640] indiabishesar: Hi @f1nn5ter what is your pronounce [05:21:33.992] Ticklish_PP: turquiose [05:21:35.440] NarumiHayaashi: Maybe say cool white? [05:21:36.438] psithurismas: set it to blue [05:21:43.381] masterdrago9000: Alexa turn lights to purple [05:21:47.703] Dwaggs01: no [05:21:48.465] brianbebo: maby light blue [05:21:48.785] johnkeiwo: U think the black corset I sent will fit tho ? [05:21:50.355] darthnithin: YES [05:21:50.432] johnkeiwo: yes [05:21:50.450] Amoyamoyamoya: !pronouns [05:21:50.602] russian_chick: <3 <3 <3 <3 [05:21:50.671] AppleSaph: yes [05:21:50.714] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [05:21:51.298] Solus_kun: @Flippi_12 he already did it to black for me like 3 hours ago LUL [05:21:51.403] Bjotte: no [05:21:51.978] mzinker: should probably fix your a/c [05:21:52.258] SethwMad: Mods poll? [05:21:52.809] Dwaggs01: never time to end [05:21:53.675] mr_ajokortti_korkort: already? [05:21:55.151] bujaczynio: yes please yes [05:21:55.348] darthnithin: yes [05:21:56.127] mr_danktoasty: idubbz vr Dr Mike about to start [05:21:56.655] Kolateak_: I do reckon, I wanna cook [05:21:56.660] vanimal2118: Just save 4 next stream! [05:21:58.370] InfiniteCoyotetime: fight first! [05:21:59.462] darthnithin: just end it [05:21:59.588] braddle172: probably [05:22:03.092] SeriousTTV: Hawt amoonS [05:22:06.569] beatle_88: MercyWing1 f1nnLaff MercyWing2 [05:22:08.969] classyhotdog286: omg [05:22:09.562] 420710machine: well I got a couple of minutes with my favourite guy [05:22:10.239] indiabishesar: Nooooo [05:22:10.595] brianbebo: blue [05:22:11.024] meh_its_jack: Nope [05:22:13.228] darthnithin: where does one watch the fight [05:22:13.239] natwentee: turn lights to silver [05:22:13.679] Solus_kun: D: [05:22:15.726] brianbebo: YES!!!!!!!! [05:22:17.909] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun I said blacklight, instead of black color, that's what I was talking about :) [05:22:18.048] fla528i: Chastity cage? [05:22:19.016] idare_u: minute 15 asking for mchub prisons starter strat [05:22:20.041] Hercamir: !time [05:22:20.294] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 02:24 [05:22:21.357] Solus_kun: F all the sleep shedules KEKW [05:22:21.650] brianbebo: LET US SEEE [05:22:29.573] meh_its_jack: Stream till after fight [05:22:30.075] indiabishesar: What is your prounounce? [05:22:30.671] brianbebo: I WAN NA SEE [05:22:38.962] sjoonyje: it's about to start lessgo [05:22:41.005] Solus_kun: @indiabishesar use the command :) [05:22:42.408] brianbebo: HEY I WANNA SEE [05:22:42.488] c__r__j: !pronouns [05:22:42.776] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [05:22:43.879] TheGrinch89: i hope we get to see some highlights. Dr Mike got my vote [05:22:47.775] krzyzewskiman: are you pronoun or antinoun? [05:22:55.474] Defrancofan67: Mikes got this [05:23:02.020] brianbebo: can we see? [05:23:10.391] Bonanaman: what is he watching [05:23:11.821] johnkeiwo: iddubz doing good moves ! [05:23:13.612] Stovamor: @idare_u, https://www.google.com/search?q=mchub+prisons+starter+strat [05:23:14.008] nosabernolife: wow i was wondering how long u were on for but holy shit u stream for a long time o: impressive [05:23:14.794] MiaxSnow: F1nn its 2:25am wtf [05:23:15.907] InfiniteCoyotetime: damn I think my stream of the fight is like a whole ass minute behind [05:23:24.611] snoop_uwu: my partner loves you please answer twitter dms its for his birthday xxxx [05:23:25.121] indiabishesar: What is your pronounce? [05:23:25.822] elric_toivonen: Will you go to a hair stylist to get a trim or your hair styled? [05:23:26.825] natwentee: turn lights silver [05:23:44.550] HezZez14: @indiabishesar !pronouns [05:23:45.629] memfox77: How much money for hot tub stream [05:23:46.179] 420710machine: Minx went hard [05:23:48.373] Crit1calSh0t: AGHHHH ur cute [05:23:48.533] Amoyamoyamoya: @indiabishesar, !pronouns [05:23:51.609] bujaczynio: yeah do piracy and show us the stream KKona [05:23:52.538] idare_u: @Stovamor ty [05:23:52.680] toni_kus: !uptime [05:23:52.945] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 23m 58s [05:23:57.545] Stovamor: the boxing match is on a pay per view stream, so no, you can't see without paying yourself [05:23:59.093] nosabernolife: how do I highlight my message? [05:24:01.546] TheGrinch89: quality over quantity [05:24:01.700] johnkeiwo: grapple [05:24:02.160] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Mike is going down [05:24:05.201] j0hnbanks117: all to mike [05:24:10.338] AppleSaph: oh no, two people i dont know fight eachother ResidentSleeper [05:24:11.327] johnkeiwo: OOF [05:24:18.345] NoLifeJoel: ? [05:24:19.150] vanimal2118: Channel points [05:24:20.362] johnkeiwo: OH [05:24:24.348] johnkeiwo: Mike hitting hard ! [05:24:31.983] 420710machine: @toni_kus he has been watching the creators fights [05:24:32.619] mr_danktoasty: @bujaczynio if your wanting to watch search, icheatthegrind on YouTube filter live only [05:24:33.891] PortEmperor1081: where to watch [05:24:37.603] nosabernolife: hey f1nn what mic are you using? just curious [05:24:41.853] huntxr14: To be fair this whole event has been pretty good compared to the other boxing events we’ve had [05:24:47.760] dadbodmica: Whatcha watchin love? [05:24:48.237] derpfox_: where do i watch [05:24:49.745] Jublings: idubbz getting lit up right now [05:24:51.859] bujaczynio: @AppleSaph D: D: D: D: [05:24:55.438] MiskatonicRich: what we do here is go Back back back... [05:24:57.364] Solus_kun: Flippi tzz [05:25:00.580] LesTheLegend_GG: Mommy [05:25:01.330] idare_u: where do u watch it [05:25:02.500] Flippi_12: D: [05:25:04.784] 420710machine: there was so much blood it some fights [05:25:05.005] Stovamor: @nosabernolife, RODE NT-1A [05:25:07.414] Crit1calSh0t: Arghhhhhhhhhhhh [05:25:08.094] JessMatrix: Fit Check? [05:25:10.766] Den_drummer: oh god... I went all in 🤞 [05:25:13.734] AppleSaph: how do you know which one is which [05:25:15.630] iamtherealhusk: Cheer1 [05:25:15.890] brianbebo: have you played inde cross? [05:25:16.584] sjoonyje: dr Mike is destroying him dude [05:25:17.010] aweseque: who is doctor mike [05:25:17.598] derpfox_: how do i watch this [05:25:17.882] maxoralan: f1nn u listen to the new kendrick album [05:25:18.695] Jublings: idubbz looks in much worse shape than the other guy lel [05:25:27.332] j0hnbanks117: i have 0 points now D: [05:25:29.239] mr_danktoasty: @idare_u search, icheatthegrind on YouTube filter to live only [05:25:30.060] nosabernolife: lol [05:25:31.323] brianbebo: ok [05:25:32.225] NAStuckInGroups: Pog [05:25:35.814] mystchevious1: sooo cute [05:25:37.906] Ticklish_PP: solid [05:25:38.460] JessMatrix: it cute [05:25:39.811] 420710machine: dude [05:25:40.694] hopalongtommy: idubz caught a good couple, looks rocked [05:25:41.110] reallegend007: wtf is up with your voice [05:25:41.359] Gluribus: just got here from Twitter. didn't know u would be live PrideRise [05:25:42.903] snoop_uwu: Hey buddy pplease answer twitter dms its for his birthday xxxx [05:25:44.130] GammaNguyener_83: TOES? [05:25:47.538] Ticklish_PP: OO [05:25:49.043] Amoyamoyamoya: @AppleSaph, iDubbs has the Eagle tatt [05:25:50.318] Owly_9: I'm watching it on here [05:25:53.149] brianbebo: can i see [05:25:53.169] sbeans1o: Hot [05:25:53.574] FlyingMortimer: That is not a slutty dress, very cute [05:25:55.556] Bonanaman: where is he watching this [05:25:56.678] AppleSaph: @Amoyamoyamoya, thanks [05:25:57.471] vanimal2118: Why dirty? [05:25:59.439] MrManIsTheMan: damn sharty ok [05:26:00.383] Mr_Max5000: feet pics [05:26:01.418] robbie1945: Toes [05:26:04.438] brianbebo: WE WANT TO SEE [05:26:04.674] gmplays02: hey, will you ever stop dressing like a girl? XD [05:26:05.436] johnkeiwo: mike hitting good jabs ! [05:26:20.690] Solus_kun: FeelsBadMan cant see anything [05:26:24.062] TotallyNotTheGirthyGang: hi [05:26:25.701] Stovamor: @brianbebo, it's a payperview stream. You can't restream it [05:26:26.657] Gluribus: thank you for making me understand my sexuality more PrideRise [05:26:26.802] toby_does_things: you look very pretty! /p [05:26:28.261] Bjotte: !uptime [05:26:28.518] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 26m 34s [05:26:28.592] Amoyamoyamoya: Dr Mike looking stronger right now. [05:26:32.041] eliyokutg: hello finn [05:26:33.422] masterdrago9000: should do a try on stream of everything you own [05:26:34.455] AppleSaph: i dont get the appeal of fighting sports but ill watch i guess rainhoePopcorn [05:26:34.805] Jens_LN: @brianbebo he can't stream it, he would be hit with DMCA [05:26:40.675] derpfox_: where do i watch this! [05:26:47.732] idare_u: yea where do i watch it [05:26:55.055] M4rkH4wk: dr mike looking surgical [05:26:55.325] loggedos: f1nn should fight minx, to show that women can be better [05:26:55.696] Jublings: idubbz looks winded AF [05:26:58.509] nolace: it's PPV y'all [05:26:58.625] Amoyamoyamoya: Dr Mike's managing his energy better. [05:26:58.801] fiizy_is_best: Hi just join:) [05:27:01.053] hopalongtommy: Mike looks very happy to wait for his moment and pace [05:27:02.451] mr_danktoasty: @derpfox_ on YouTube search, icheatthegrind filter search to live only for creator clash [05:27:03.147] johnkeiwo: @AppleSaph, its just very gay, sqweaty men hitting each other making noise [05:27:08.001] Amoyamoyamoya: iDubbs not as tight. [05:27:08.247] j0hnbanks117: is Mike winning [05:27:09.339] Solus_kun: @chat everyone who cant see fight asell put a 7 in chat :P [05:27:09.819] johnkeiwo: while other sweaty men watch [05:27:11.589] Solus_kun: 7 [05:27:12.205] AppleSaph: @toby_does_things, when i have to google whatever that tone indicator means, then it's not really useful [05:27:15.690] Jublings: idubbz gassed AF, it's over just give it time [05:27:15.938] Stovamor: https://www.momenthouse.com/creatorclash [05:27:19.155] idare_u: 7 [05:27:20.592] idare_u: 7777 [05:27:20.635] Hercamir: 7 [05:27:20.877] snoop_uwu: my partner loves you so much finn my partner loves you please can your answer twitter dms its for his birthday xxxx [05:27:28.083] AppleSaph: @johnkeiwo, i like gay but the other kind [05:27:32.591] c__r__j: @loggedos How would a fight between two women show that? [05:27:32.787] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn [05:27:33.757] Amoyamoyamoya: iDubbs definitely getting more swing in. [05:27:36.576] fiizy_is_best: What is going on i just joined [05:27:39.624] vanimal2118: @johnkeiwo pretty much. [05:27:41.003] braddle172: HypePopcorn [05:27:50.058] Emmy64_: So mike a bouncer like HypePopcorn [05:27:53.065] eluna607: eluna607 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [05:27:53.548] eluna607: eluna607 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CladCrashTest! [05:27:53.726] f3mmbot eluna607 has gifted a subscription to cladcrashtest at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang cladcrashtest f1nn5tLezgang [05:27:54.434] Amoyamoyamoya: Good hit [05:27:55.113] nosabernolife: wow that mic is a lil steep lol, was it worth? [05:27:56.336] AppleSaph: rainhoePopcorn rainhoePopcorn [05:27:56.688] loggedos: this match is as long as ur pp [05:27:58.315] toni_kus: what time is for you now finn? [05:27:58.923] Ticklish_PP: sheesh [05:27:59.397] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [05:28:01.126] toxic_koala474: Finn [05:28:01.516] SethwMad: serwCry [05:28:04.047] braddle172: !time [05:28:04.327] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 02:30 [05:28:05.076] johnkeiwo: they are rigging the timer ! [05:28:07.724] t0bylarone96: oldbury is brum isn't it, your accent is strange though, almost aussie [05:28:08.753] 420710machine: it's brutal isn't it [05:28:08.823] Madmouse53: First seen you on YouTube lol holy shit did not know you did twitch LUL what up Finn SeemsGood [05:28:12.238] sjoonyje: idubbz just got saved by the bell [05:28:13.545] Jublings: idubbz was about to slump on the ropes [05:28:16.375] Amoyamoyamoya: iDubbs can't take much more. [05:28:19.603] SethwMad: You think that's steep you aint seen nothing yet [05:28:23.562] Crit1calSh0t: how many rounds are left in the fight [05:28:25.797] johnkeiwo: iddubz is very done [05:28:28.142] AppleSaph: idubbs more like iL's [05:28:29.776] 420710machine: it's like entry level mike [05:28:31.245] Solus_kun: Why is it not free to watch FeelsBadMan [05:28:31.521] big_potato109: mommy [05:28:33.613] toni_kus: what time is for you now Rose? [05:28:34.353] fiizy_is_best: What is hamster in background lol [05:28:39.997] mckammersgaard: Yeah dubs not taking the w [05:28:43.842] 57ranma: Best sports commentator [05:28:43.963] guitarbebop: look up a Newman U47 [05:28:45.894] bujaczynio: @AppleSaph BatChest [05:28:48.631] that1guylouis24: just boot leg it @Solus_kun [05:28:49.176] mr_danktoasty: @solus_kun on YouTube search, icheatthegrind filter search to live only for creator clash [05:28:50.590] that1guylouis24: Kappa [05:28:51.549] snoop_uwu: please can your answer twitter dms its for my partners birthday he loves you smxxxx [05:28:58.420] idare_u: nvm the stream is pay per view [05:28:58.836] frogsforlife67: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [05:29:00.904] braddle172: !llama [05:29:01.184] f3mmbot Alfred the Super Alpaca protects FInn's aircon unit! [05:29:04.514] InfiniteCoyotetime: idubbbz is getting eaten tbh [05:29:05.669] vanimal2118: !alpaca [05:29:08.541] muster_merito: hello there! hug from Switzerland [05:29:08.645] Crit1calSh0t: if idubbz wins ill drink my piss [05:29:09.511] frogsforlife67: Hey I’m new !! [05:29:11.605] uriel_154: Cheer 1 [05:29:12.242] hopalongtommy: Mike looking like a decent fighter, idubz swinging desperately looking for a lucky shot [05:29:12.959] LittleChaSiu: we got an 80/20 for Dr. Mike in this chat PogU [05:29:16.880] johnkeiwo: nice sparring from ian [05:29:18.802] Stovamor: @snoop_uwu, stop spamming. This is not the way to go about things [05:29:21.926] fiizy_is_best: What is that hamster in the backround lol??? [05:29:23.163] uriel_154: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [05:29:24.116] toxic_koala474: Finn can we get a fit check also if you don’t need anything just send it to me [05:29:38.907] johnkeiwo: mike does box for like years [05:29:44.717] vanimal2118: !lamma [05:29:45.862] 420710machine: is moistcritical fighting anyone [05:29:54.633] Stovamor: @fiizy_is_best, it's an alpaca [05:29:56.060] AppleSaph: i know y'all didnt vote for me with the boxing poll, but i could take idubbz looking at this footage [05:30:02.575] johnkeiwo: @420710machine, just commenting [05:30:03.560] GarrusVarkarian: arthreShock sup [05:30:04.404] k1y0mi__: wtf is going on lmao [05:30:10.449] AppleSaph: why are they hugging like 80% of the time [05:30:12.954] Amoyamoyamoya: iDubs losing steam. [05:30:16.380] Jublings: iDubbz is done [05:30:18.607] TheGrinch89: well Mike has been boxing for a few years, although he did mention it wasn't full competition boxing though [05:30:18.660] Amoyamoyamoya: Dr Mike looks fresh. [05:30:19.399] 420710machine: @johnkeiwo ah ok lol [05:30:20.475] Solus_kun: @mr_danktoasty Thanks :o [05:30:22.331] johnkeiwo: oof ! [05:30:24.801] bujaczynio: @AppleSaph sure dud Kappa [05:30:26.415] johnkeiwo: good hit from ian [05:30:27.388] fiizy_is_best: @Stovamor ok that makes way more sense [05:30:32.414] mr_danktoasty: @solus_kun np :) [05:30:38.109] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, just bring a knife 5Head [05:30:41.095] XavierSweet93: logan paul KEKW [05:30:41.447] Crit1calSh0t: key word being tapped [05:30:44.722] mystchevious1: Did you pay for logan paul? [05:30:51.395] bluj40: @AppleSaph they have to after every punch that connects, its sportsmanship [05:30:54.451] mr_danktoasty: who wanting to see fight? [05:30:58.773] SethwMad: I'm losing faith :c [05:30:59.077] lord_of_all_pandas: bro I'm waiting for Ididathing [05:31:03.839] AppleSaph: @bluj40, ahw thats cute, do they kiss as well? [05:31:08.975] SethwMad: Yes [05:31:14.122] johnkeiwo: mike is letting him breath, he could end him so hard [05:31:14.967] mariabargum: Hello there [05:31:15.788] bujaczynio: @AppleSaph knoife KKrikey [05:31:19.228] Ticklish_PP: seth mcfarlin [05:31:20.752] xnotsleep: Doctor mike diff [05:31:20.874] sjoonyje: ok idubbz is really struggling [05:31:20.919] hopalongtommy: idubz got lots of heart, gotta give him props for his scrappy endurance [05:31:21.624] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, Yah [05:31:23.030] thegodofgods8: <3 <3 [05:31:24.408] Stovamor: @AppleSaph, @bluj40 only a quick smooch, then back to the hitting [05:31:31.490] Flippi_12: Idubbz can take more punishment, but mike is clearly better [05:31:41.410] sjoonyje: idubbz just keeps hitting back though, big respect [05:31:42.584] AppleSaph: @Stovamor, damn, i guess ill have to watch when the girls are fighting [05:31:44.218] Solus_kun: Boxing is so grewat [05:31:44.458] rexy6764: Sup [05:31:55.443] fiizy_is_best: @Flippi_12 yeah:) [05:31:56.311] johnkeiwo: ian does swing but its more to push him back [05:31:57.903] hero_of__kvatch: Cheer100 i genuinely love your streams thank you so much [05:32:01.396] Den_drummer: my total points are going to be almost 1.5 times what I had compared to start of stream (went all in twice, won first and I feel like I'm winning again) xD [05:32:06.184] bluj40: kisses not mandatory but highly encouraged [05:32:10.065] cosmicflush: Dude, i got baited [05:32:17.653] vanimal2118: @stovamor so real relationships [05:32:20.312] SethwMad: Dubbz has stamina [05:32:23.843] AppleSaph: @bluj40, that's what I tell girls that I date [05:32:25.313] johnkeiwo: another clinch [05:32:35.836] johnkeiwo: yeah he is getting bullied now [05:32:41.568] AppleSaph: rainhoePopcorn [05:32:43.592] Jublings: idubbz punches look soft af [05:32:45.910] johnkeiwo: mike is going easy rn [05:32:47.248] bluj40: @AppleSaph im sure youve had a lot of success with that [05:33:03.295] hopalongtommy: Mike starting to look frustrated, looking to finish it [05:33:04.199] ronin_samuri: iddubz is just skinny [05:33:04.427] AppleSaph: @bluj40, it works better than saying they're mandatory [05:33:04.695] thegodofgods8: w [05:33:06.943] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter outfit check please [05:33:10.700] huntxr14: It’s about time we actually had a good YouTube boxing event [05:33:11.839] Amoyamoyamoya: How much more can iDubs take? [05:33:12.502] johnkeiwo: his nose is very fucked [05:33:20.367] 420710machine: bye Finn have to catch you on YT [05:33:20.761] NPCNro71551: Wait? i came from pub. and twich suggest this first. "TOO HOT" and this girl look like male and souds like that.... Kappa [05:33:26.443] memfox77: f1nnLaff [05:33:29.377] loggedos: he gon be idubbed [05:33:29.448] 57ranma: Watching stream on my drive from Dallas to Lubbock [05:33:39.563] johnkeiwo: last round ! [05:33:40.004] AppleSaph: mike looks like its just a regular saturday [05:33:52.368] hopalongtommy: stick and move johnny! stick and move! [05:33:52.924] johnkeiwo: mike is getting tired but he is playing with Ian [05:33:55.993] vanimal2118: @laonairstudios $3 get her attention [05:33:56.656] johnkeiwo: he is gonna end him rn [05:33:59.423] AppleSaph: mike really looks like he is vibing rn [05:33:59.482] Ticklish_PP: W [05:34:04.977] rexy6764: is this 24 hour stream?? [05:34:06.353] Jublings: I'm guessing the contract was for 5 rounds, Mike could have easily ended it by now [05:34:11.722] AppleSaph: guys, english only [05:34:15.379] LAXtheBarsmith: bro, dr mike is sparing him hardcore [05:34:17.557] Amoyamoyamoya: @rexy6764, No. Just running long. [05:34:21.523] LAXtheBarsmith: hes being nice [05:34:23.436] zenzeini: hi [05:34:24.631] rexy6764: oh ok [05:34:32.122] averylaughlin1: Idubbz holding up tho [05:34:34.354] thenoirphoenix: oh good, you're still here [05:34:35.393] Stovamor: @Sergio_Trineo, no [05:34:36.493] fredrico1the1third: where do you watch this? [05:34:36.781] sjoonyje: idubbz keeps hitting exactly where Mike is blockinh [05:34:37.082] johnkeiwo: yeah mike is either gonna KO him or let him walk around [05:34:37.805] AnAnonymousCheerer: Anon100 [05:34:38.374] hero_of__kvatch: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Finn genuinely enjoy your streams thank you so much. [05:34:38.718] NPCNro71551: i might get boner. is this wrong [05:34:39.290] AppleSaph: @averylaughlin1, don't care, cry about it on twitter [05:34:40.893] AppleSaph: english only [05:34:41.233] InfiniteCoyotetime: dr mike doesn't even look that tired lmao, it's just playing with his food [05:34:44.282] AppleSaph: ah fuck wrong replyu [05:34:46.316] c__r__j: Wait, has Stov sneaked off to bed? [05:34:47.009] AppleSaph: @kamasutratv, dont care [05:34:50.374] AppleSaph: @kamasutratv, english only [05:34:51.359] Stovamor: @c__r__j, no [05:34:54.228] mr_danktoasty: anyone wanting to watch the fight? [05:34:56.225] Owly_9: Dubz got a good chin [05:35:05.892] johnkeiwo: ryan made it till the end [05:35:14.045] johnkeiwo: no tko on second match [05:35:15.233] im_up_to_something: Outfit and makeup still on point [05:35:18.030] c__r__j: Oooh. I was expecting to see your english-only-o-gram just then. :-) [05:35:22.042] LittleChaSiu: English only in chat, please [05:35:25.311] NPCNro71551: good night honey <3 <3 <3 [05:35:29.193] AppleSaph: dude got banned :) [05:35:31.076] Ticklish_PP: godzilla vs kong [05:35:31.768] Stovamor: Te rugăm să scrii în engleză. Por favor, hable Inglés. Bitte sprich Englisch im Chat. Parlez anglais dans le chat s'il vous plait. Houd de chat in het Engels alstublieft. Por favor, fale em inglês no chat. Vänligen tala engelska. Per favore parlare inglese in chat. Lütfen sohbette İngilizce konuşun. Prosím mluvte v chatu anglicky. Пожалуйста, говорите по-английски. الرجاء التحدث باللغه الانجليزيه فقط. لطفا توی چت انگلیسی صحبت کنین 請說英文 채팅창에선 영어만 써주세요 チャットで英語を話してください。 [05:35:31.946] thenoirphoenix: Can we speak pig Latin? That's just backwards English lol [05:35:33.733] rexy6764: hey mods [05:35:35.747] Bonanaman: boxing is rough damn [05:35:38.073] know1_0: yup [05:35:41.036] Defrancofan67: Yes [05:35:45.989] l3igPP: dude you look great ngl [05:35:46.140] vanimal2118: GN @npcnro71551 [05:35:46.161] Defrancofan67: :) [05:35:47.986] albinodingo: I’m confused and aroused [05:35:48.327] huntxr14: Bro got that natural beauty [05:35:49.844] SeriousTTV: beautiful af [05:35:52.083] Amoyamoyamoya: @thenoirphoenix, No. [05:35:55.469] Stovamor: !confused [05:35:55.739] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [05:35:55.790] hopalongtommy: idubz like "I can do this all day" [05:36:01.168] XavierSweet93: Given that they're not actual boxers, the ref probably has to make the call to literally save their lives LUL [05:36:01.257] bluj40: im impressed with how many punches idubbz has eaten [05:36:01.952] Jublings: lol Mike not even trying with his punches [05:36:02.656] ronin_samuri: @thenoirphoenix erus [05:36:04.265] FlyingMortimer: Difference between 'daily' pretty and 'dating' beautiful [05:36:12.751] thenoirphoenix: @amoyamoyamoya 😐 [05:36:18.826] guitarbebop: you look gorgeous Rose [05:36:20.713] johnkeiwo: yeah mike is being nice [05:36:25.699] Jublings: Clearly there was a stipulation that said no TKOs [05:36:29.419] mckammersgaard: Mike is a true Chad [05:36:29.505] huntxr14: Mikes playing with his food [05:36:29.984] LAXtheBarsmith: OK this message is NOT in dutch LUL LUL LUL [05:36:31.084] hopalongtommy: Mike gassed [05:36:33.918] mr_danktoasty: yeah big guys got it [05:36:36.033] thenoirphoenix: @ronin_samuri one of the mods said no 😔 [05:36:38.177] rexy6764: what is going on [05:36:45.265] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, ok <- this message is in dutch [05:36:51.368] ronin_samuri: @thenoirphoenix damn [05:37:03.146] kawaiinutaku: BOO [05:37:07.375] Ticklish_PP: MICHAELLLL [05:37:07.648] TheGrinch89: johnkeiwo nice would be to go for the clean knock out instead of pummeling idubz XD [05:37:10.154] Synge_: oi whats going on? [05:37:10.465] huntxr14: Fair play to idubbz he did well [05:37:16.597] Gensokyan: mommy [05:37:17.681] krzyzewskiman: Thus misssoje r in Inglush boot i r no spell gud [05:37:18.025] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, morgen [05:37:23.042] logan0406c: i dont know why yall think it would cost more its called girl month thats not restricted to a 4 week period [05:37:28.988] M4rkH4wk: its going to the judges but clearly dr mike won [05:37:29.203] silent_shouter: Hi [05:37:29.907] johnkeiwo: @TheGrinch89, yeah but I guess its not a good look to knock out the organizer of the event x) [05:37:33.462] sjoonyje: yeah dr Mike easily won this one [05:37:35.507] vanimal2118: Who ever scored more won. [05:37:35.881] c__r__j: This is bizarre. Why is everyone all at once trying to chat in languages other than English? [05:37:36.925] hopalongtommy: corner guy trying to hype dubai for the judge's [05:37:47.014] AppleSaph: @c__r__j, idk man, kids get ideas from other kids [05:37:47.893] barbie_secretstanner: I’m 30 seconds behind watching some stream for free [05:37:49.323] johnkeiwo: mike won obviously [05:37:51.240] huntxr14: Hasn’t been announced yet [05:37:55.557] AppleSaph: mike hunt [05:37:58.149] Stovamor: @c__r__j, because the morons have woken up and want to try it [05:38:00.780] Ry_X__: mike had to have won right? [05:38:04.374] Jublings: You could tell Mike was pulling his punches [05:38:17.343] Flippi_12: @AppleSaph mike hawk? [05:38:20.024] fredrico1the1third: i have no idea what is happening [05:38:20.313] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, english only weirdChamp [05:38:22.607] Daniel_H212: whats the link [05:38:25.820] mrjoshmackay: Mike Hunt? [05:38:27.388] johnkeiwo: boxing cuts a lot [05:38:32.640] mr_danktoasty: tag me of you want to see fight [05:38:32.891] huntxr14: All the fights tonight were pretty decent [05:38:35.574] AppleSaph: @mrjoshmackay, yes [05:38:36.257] aunalbrutal: All the wierdos getting on at this time [05:38:43.547] c__r__j: @mrjoshmackay rynali1Bonk [05:38:48.351] vanimal2118: EL Gato The Cat year of Spanish! [05:38:59.158] Daniel_H212: GGGG [05:39:00.828] AppleSaph: @bujaczynio, nothing, but the other mods will :) [05:39:01.402] bill_18436572: peewoop [05:39:04.939] Den_drummer: LETSGOOOO [05:39:06.197] johnkeiwo: Mike Clap [05:39:08.486] TheGrinch89: GG [05:39:10.456] huntxr14: Jheeze [05:39:11.950] j0hnbanks117: LETSSSS GOOOOOOO [05:39:12.731] Solus_kun: Clap nice fight [05:39:13.434] AppleSaph: mike hunt mvp [05:39:16.953] j0hnbanks117: Clap [05:39:17.287] SethwMad: Rematch rematch [05:39:22.638] vanimal2118: Winner! [05:39:25.166] MrManIsTheMan: cptGG cptGG [05:39:25.492] Daniel_H212: GGG [05:39:25.533] Xatonym: dizzyDab dizzyDab dizzyDab [05:39:27.134] braddle172: Clap [05:39:27.735] huntxr14: gg ez [05:39:27.887] mr_ajokortti_korkort: my points [05:39:29.419] beatle_88: no NotLikeThis f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [05:39:29.930] bujaczynio: bruh [05:39:31.454] sjoonyje: ok Mike got the official W now [05:39:32.640] SethwMad: serwREEE [05:39:32.716] mckammersgaard: Gg [05:39:35.486] j0hnbanks117: I got 4.9k PogU [05:39:36.790] Ry_X__: Clap good fight [05:39:46.278] averylaughlin1: Eyyyy Les gooo [05:39:49.867] hopalongtommy: Big props, idubbbz got lots of guts [05:39:52.569] Owly_9: He threw like double the punches [05:39:54.011] Den_drummer: now wtf do I do with 271.2k points? besides going all in on predictions KEKW [05:39:55.102] mystchevious1: Good Fight. Good Night [05:39:55.254] johnkeiwo: yas [05:39:56.344] barbie_secretstanner: good steam [05:39:58.523] loggedos: minx should fight f1nn, show women can be better at boxing than women [05:39:59.473] jjfrob: good night [05:39:59.668] Stovamor: Did you say you were going to stream Monday @f1nn5ter ? [05:40:00.524] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose [05:40:01.313] bluj40: start training finn [05:40:01.344] mr_danktoasty: on YouTube search, icheatthegrind filter search to live only for creator clash [05:40:02.442] braddle172: !uptime [05:40:02.698] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 5h 40m 8s [05:40:02.782] rexy6764: bye [05:40:03.213] c__r__j: Good stream! [05:40:03.956] Gumbula: hello [05:40:04.657] barnabeelive: bye [05:40:06.403] johnkeiwo: gn [05:40:07.330] Solus_kun: <3 Cya Rose <3 Cya Chat <3 [05:40:07.562] Gumbula: i just came here [05:40:08.527] Crit1calSh0t: BYEEEEE [05:40:08.981] AppleSaph: finally freedom! [05:40:09.637] thenoirphoenix: aw damn it 😔 [05:40:12.210] braddle172: byeee [05:40:12.507] huntxr14: Goodnight babes [05:40:12.615] fredrico1the1third: Gn [05:40:12.795] j0hnbanks117: Good night @f1nn5ter [05:40:13.006] mr_ajokortti_korkort: thanks for the stream [05:40:13.889] kr3ideprinz: go to bed finn [05:40:14.320] daddlos: Goodnight! [05:40:15.010] c__r__j: nanona1Claps [05:40:15.654] Helen_Croft: best booba today [05:40:15.862] Jens_LN: good tits :) [05:40:16.810] thornofarose69: bye!!!!! [05:40:17.086] know1_0: your geting raded [05:40:17.331] Flippi_12: bye Rose [05:40:17.505] SeriousTTV: impheeHi impheeHi impheeHi [05:40:18.457] airborn4132: bye [05:40:18.800] mckammersgaard: Bye [05:40:20.555] AppleSaph: @drkangel___, no spam [05:40:21.470] generationken: YUP [05:40:21.985] vanimal2118: GN Rose and Chat all r beautiful! [05:40:23.639] Sweet_Anita: 2350 raiders from Sweet_Anita have joined! [05:40:23.670] lillyrose457: byeee [05:40:23.704] Ry_X__: bye finn <3 [05:40:23.773] dingosurprise: bye! [05:40:23.982] LUXIIUS: anitaDyarr [05:40:24.496] bea_appet: sweet anita raid!!!! [05:40:24.951] fredrico1the1third: Bye [05:40:24.988] Requibumz: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:25.739] braddle172: GivePLZ f1nnLezgang TakeNRG [05:40:25.803] Tabttu1: Gnite QT [05:40:26.161] wurfelEis: byeee girllll NonbinaryPride PansexualPride [05:40:26.300] Stovamor: !reset [05:40:26.676] hopalongtommy: cheers f1nn, nice rack. night all [05:40:26.892] f3mmbot Set the stream info to Unknown [05:40:26.995] arachnik01: hasRaid [05:40:27.270] Cx_Mex: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:27.437] JuiceConnoisseur: ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart [05:40:28.225] Pliskin683: double raid potastCrusade [05:40:28.530] mr_ajokortti_korkort: good night F1nn [05:40:28.644] Jens_LN: byyee [05:40:28.659] Jublings: eh, still better than a Mayweather fight [05:40:29.022] NukanukaShibanuka: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:29.032] DragonBornIsMe: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:29.136] pucktheluck: BYE [05:40:29.215] MZ1003: ahoi potastLove potastCrusade potastLove potastCrusade potastLove potastCrusade potastLove potastCrusade potastLove [05:40:29.223] Stovamor: grrrrrr [05:40:29.275] LUXIIUS: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:40:29.296] mckammersgaard: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [05:40:29.573] jambotheonly_: lovetrCursed lovetrCursed lovetrCursed lovetrCursed [05:40:29.923] DeathbirdMoose: anitaDyarr anitaFish anitaJAM anitaDyarr anitaFish anitaFish anitaJAM anitaDyarr anitaFish anitaJAM anitaFish anitaJAM [05:40:30.463] parbruek: potastLove potastRISE potastLove [05:40:30.535] mini_man_xp: TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade [05:40:30.692] Defrancofan67: Gnight Finn you look beautiful btw <3 [05:40:31.021] bluj40: cya o/ [05:40:31.326] Solus_kun: RAID OMEGALUL [05:40:31.331] atlas6524: KEKW [05:40:31.610] Hazrn: anitaHey anitaHeart Anita Raid anitaDyarr anitaHey anitaHeart Anita Raid anitaDyarr anitaHey anitaHeart [05:40:31.909] Bonanaman: KEKW [05:40:32.082] CalamityGamingAndCreating: raid [05:40:32.153] bea_appet: OMEGALUL AGAIN??? [05:40:32.286] Macerat0r: Gnight chat [05:40:32.363] JuiceConnoisseur: OMEGALUL [05:40:32.595] ash_pptx: KEKW [05:40:32.644] barbie_secretstanner: love ya chat. night rose [05:40:32.759] michin_saeggi: who re you? [05:40:32.774] know1_0: ssttttooop [05:40:33.067] The_Martinizer: KEKW [05:40:33.313] judgedame: night [05:40:33.503] AncalagonArt: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastOmegasp [05:40:33.773] PhilipSte7ens: LUL [05:40:33.893] nassem_mkv: KEKW [05:40:34.047] NukanukaShibanuka: potastLOL potastLOL [05:40:34.523] iPFFfood: KEKW [05:40:34.551] Peeksnon: LMAO [05:40:34.560] Cx_Mex: lol [05:40:34.675] Amoyamoyamoya: Very masculine content rn [05:40:34.714] leo_pard7: SWEETANITA [05:40:34.751] ppoat: potastIrenelaugh potastIrenelaugh [05:40:34.766] Honey_Bees: HAH [05:40:34.774] Requibumz: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [05:40:34.952] ahc_club28: Omg hello [05:40:34.959] xnotsleep: NOOO [05:40:34.980] fantomking113: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:35.004] achemann_95: Hahaha [05:40:35.113] misaya650: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:35.277] Macerat0r: too l8 [05:40:35.341] SohnnyJilverhand: anitaWave ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart [05:40:35.371] SethwMad: AHAHAHAHAH [05:40:35.455] thenoirphoenix: I was asleep for half the stream 😔 [05:40:35.473] bea_appet: NOT AGAIN [05:40:35.476] Cakecrust: KEKW [05:40:35.539] mzinker: raid [05:40:35.643] ShadowMorphyn: KEKW [05:40:35.645] MZ1003: Everyone ending KEKW [05:40:35.703] usmanawab: WTF [05:40:35.748] doccerebrum: anitaSmart anitaSmart anitaSmart anitaSmart anitaSmart anitaSmart [05:40:35.807] jeworge: potastCrusade [05:40:35.957] Owly_9: Cya nerd [05:40:36.025] braddle172: KEKW [05:40:36.049] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [05:40:36.109] johnkeiwo: FUCK [05:40:37.099] bluj40: lmao [05:40:37.674] Lostboi9555: true raidception [05:40:37.781] Doyouevenownlitecoin: im horny tonight, but thank god I can see you [05:40:37.798] FearedIcee: lmao [05:40:37.809] Mr_Jakeabeer: ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart [05:40:37.874] Jens_LN: LOL [05:40:38.110] PixelArtSage: RaccAttack Hi! [05:40:38.498] imi_2: KEKW [05:40:38.576] mini_man_xp: KEKW KEKW KEKW [05:40:38.759] LittleChaSiu: welcome, raiders [05:40:38.797] Hazrn: KEKW [05:40:38.800] SohnnyJilverhand: OMEGALUL [05:40:38.806] parbruek: Raid Time! [05:40:38.890] bowb01: RAAAAAIIIIIIIDDDDDDD [05:40:38.947] Altex1: PrideLaugh [05:40:39.093] atlas6524: 2x Raid [05:40:39.094] usmanawab: NO WAY [05:40:39.128] mabu_jpg: Anita RAID anitaHeart [05:40:39.141] aweseque: lmao [05:40:39.321] wurfelEis: loool [05:40:39.469] Solus_kun: RAID L OMEGALUL [05:40:39.805] confused_creates: byeeee imma continue drawing the ref sheet i was drawing while watching this! :] [05:40:39.837] classyhotdog286: bye [05:40:39.855] LaurentSE: LUL cursed raid [05:40:39.939] Sweet_Anita: no way [05:40:40.097] Daniel_H212: HAHAHAHA [05:40:40.117] freddyafx: nob out now x [05:40:40.333] Kode713: KEKW [05:40:40.758] KrieSeaX: HAHAHAHA, the same just happened Anita [05:40:40.894] Dwaggs01: lets go [05:40:40.921] Pyrate_Apostrophy: Hahahahaha [05:40:40.946] sora2025: bruh [05:40:41.076] confusedchance: want a cat???? meowww [05:40:41.343] the1mother2lands: toes [05:40:41.434] MrSlappyTv_: LUL LUL LUL LUL [05:40:41.440] Hellmoth123: WAR PATH!!! XD [05:40:41.902] mabu_jpg: KEKW [05:40:42.027] fufuandkenke21: lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL [05:40:42.295] loggedos: extendo [05:40:42.504] warforgedbarbarian: CHAIN RIAD! potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:42.660] TheGrinch89: hahahahahaha [05:40:42.725] SohnnyJilverhand: Awwwww KEKW [05:40:43.214] nilyt_: KEKW [05:40:43.453] FeiMiru: rofl [05:40:43.712] iPFFfood: OMEGALUL [05:40:43.961] huntxr14: No wayyyyyy [05:40:44.013] mr_ajokortti_korkort: :) bad moment for a raid [05:40:44.130] Macerat0r: anita raid [05:40:44.972] impertinentgremlin: raid [05:40:45.051] dingosurprise: lol [05:40:45.075] jeworge: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:40:45.701] YHUNIIQ: lmaooo [05:40:45.774] ppoat: again potastDerp [05:40:46.444] fufuandkenke21: lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL [05:40:46.491] Gilly901: KEKW [05:40:46.526] real_drumboo: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:40:46.735] that1guylouis24: ANOTHER HOUR !!!! [05:40:46.896] Sweet_Anita: chain raid [05:40:47.230] Peeksnon: WE GO AGANE [05:40:47.316] michin_saeggi: raid other person [05:40:47.324] mzinker: hello raiders [05:40:47.572] ahc_club28: Hahahahaha [05:40:47.612] Flippi_12: L Rose [05:40:47.706] Philosophont: Anita got raided just before raiding you! :) [05:40:47.728] fantomking113: RIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade RIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade TRIPLE RAID potastCrusade [05:40:47.740] Xatonym: anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab [05:40:47.946] Macerat0r: Its fine [05:40:48.009] Senevri: Just five more minutes [05:40:48.241] Cloud_Zeru: yyjYou yyjHype [05:40:48.385] generationken: Not us getting raided at the end lmfaoooo [05:40:48.476] calming_insanity: KEKW [05:40:48.620] RobotRalf: LUL [05:40:48.647] darhas41: Pass the raid on [05:40:48.680] PhilipSte7ens: SwiftRage dang it Anita! [05:40:48.755] MrSlappyTv_: ennipcRageface ennipcRageface ennipcRageface ennipcRageface ennipcRageface [05:40:48.812] usmanawab: third one raid [05:40:49.332] nilyt_: anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart ANITA RAID anitaHeart [05:40:49.371] LittleChaSiu: holy fuck guess we'll be on here for a bit longer [05:40:49.446] Lostboi9555: anita also got raider right beofre [05:40:49.468] BeeNTea: thats great [05:40:49.546] johnkeiwo: STAY A BIT THEN KEKW [05:40:49.881] TheGrinch89: welcome raiders XD [05:40:50.450] classyhotdog286: omg bye [05:40:50.515] thenoirphoenix: bye Rose 🌹 [05:40:51.004] Bjotte: You got to stay now girl [05:40:51.087] braddle172: OMEGALUL [05:40:51.105] vanimal2118: obkatHey rynali1Hai [05:40:51.328] mr_danktoasty: haha gotta stay now [05:40:51.414] mabu_jpg: oooih NOOOO how is this possible KEKW [05:40:52.050] that1guylouis24: LET"S GOOOO [05:40:52.311] c__r__j: Raid PotasticP! [05:40:52.416] beatle_88: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [05:40:52.562] LUXIIUS: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:40:52.628] AncalagonArt: raid nemo? [05:40:52.628] MZ1003: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade from both anita and jeannie as well KEKW [05:40:52.762] SohnnyJilverhand: that was some unfortunate timing LUL [05:40:52.847] Tabttu1: LMAO [05:40:52.978] Amoyamoyamoya: Welcome Anita RAIDERS!!!! [05:40:53.706] natwentee: bye hun xoxo [05:40:54.077] averylaughlin1: Good night 🌙 [05:40:54.204] mini_man_xp: QUADRUPLE RAID LETS GO KEKW [05:40:54.428] Xatonym: anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab anitaDab [05:40:55.045] 0ddacity: Unending chain of ending streams of raids [05:40:55.056] Solus_kun: L you raiders KEKW [05:40:55.916] SohnnyJilverhand: LULW [05:40:56.065] taller_than_you_lmao: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [05:40:57.691] LUXIIUS: oh no. Not again [05:40:58.191] Macerat0r: Prob to sooshi [05:40:58.279] lillyrose457: lol [05:40:58.539] neo_lyx: + 1 hour [05:40:58.732] GhostChili: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:40:59.344] arachnik01: KEKW [05:40:59.663] KrieSeaX: Raid chain never stops [05:41:00.136] Philosophont: KEKW [05:41:00.190] Stovamor: Welcome Raiders [05:41:00.474] da_panda_bexz: LUL LUL [05:41:00.530] Hellmoth123: LET THE MATRCH GROW! [05:41:01.411] parbruek: From PostaicP to Anita, to yyou. Hilarious [05:41:01.783] garyoster: 30 more minutes! It's Twitch courtesy rule! [05:41:02.098] soccerninjago: 3 people have raided each other, and raided to someone ending the stream LUL LUL LUL LUL [05:41:02.106] braddle172: f1nnLezgang [05:41:02.188] j0hnbanks117: KEKW [05:41:02.961] fufuandkenke21: lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL lacL LUL [05:41:03.109] just_call_me_kei: Raid trappychan [05:41:03.116] nilyt_: anitaPog [05:41:03.749] boxer__dog: anitaGasm anitaGasm anitaGasm anitaGasm anitaGasm anitaGasm anitaGasm anitaGasm [05:41:04.321] awesomerem1: Bye [05:41:04.387] Requibumz: potastOmegasp [05:41:04.495] meximaniacz: the krewsade [05:41:04.884] Helen_Croft: Rade potastic @F1NN5TER [05:41:05.080] Jens_LN: outfit check ? [05:41:05.090] johnkeiwo: welcome raiders [05:41:05.311] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP would be fun to raid [05:41:05.382] LaurentSE: You were the 2nd choice @F1NN5TER KEKW [05:41:05.692] mabu_jpg: This just happened to Anita's stream KEKW [05:41:06.090] pucktheluck: i lost [05:41:06.973] jambotheonly_: lovetrCursed lovetrCursed lovetrCursed lovetrCursed [05:41:08.059] classyhotdog286: please dont leave [05:41:10.966] berserkmathew: lmao [05:41:11.999] nosabernolife: ME [05:41:12.367] Stovamor: PotasticP [05:41:12.646] wurfelEis: haha [05:41:12.788] thenoirphoenix: you look so good omg [05:41:12.866] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER PotasticP !! [05:41:13.237] fantomking113: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:41:13.642] TotallyNotJansu: WELYN [05:41:13.645] nosabernolife: :P [05:41:13.880] iPFFfood: SHROUD [05:41:14.120] Stovamor: PotasticP [05:41:14.621] AncalagonArt: NEMSKO [05:41:14.951] Stovamor: PotasticP [05:41:15.219] c__r__j: Raid Jeannie? [05:41:15.256] Stovamor: PotasticP [05:41:15.490] nosabernolife: ME [05:41:15.637] Stovamor: PotasticP [05:41:16.246] Stovamor: PotasticP [05:41:16.279] Hellmoth123: mousy [05:41:16.556] usmanawab: potasticp has ended [05:41:16.829] Helen_Croft: Rade potastic @F1NN5TER [05:41:16.844] Solus_kun: Amouranth ! [05:41:17.155] chrischin1: Dragon PogChamp [05:41:17.409] SIN_Prince: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 [05:41:17.781] Sweet_Anita: fusilie [05:41:17.874] arachnik01: hasUppy [05:41:17.976] Jonasfmeyer: anitaL [05:41:18.312] warforgedbarbarian: Cdawg va [05:41:18.418] leo_pard7: HasanAbi [05:41:18.614] Pliskin683: @Stovamor she ended LUL [05:41:19.005] Daniel_H212: DashDucks [05:41:19.423] Flippi_12: anywhere [05:41:19.752] bill_18436572: meowdalyn [05:41:20.042] Macerat0r: Sooshi! [05:41:20.226] j0hnbanks117: Postastic [05:41:20.522] LUXIIUS: raid-ception continues! [05:41:21.258] 0ddacity: All people are ending T.T [05:41:21.315] michin_saeggi: here we go [05:41:21.371] Lillekurth: emmelie [05:41:21.554] SethwMad: Me [05:41:21.590] SeiReiJoku: SatoNanami [05:41:21.627] GldisAter: a streamer [05:41:22.629] Helen_Croft: potastic @F1NN5TER [05:41:22.938] DragonBornIsMe: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:41:23.064] bujaczynio: twomad [05:41:23.226] Tag747: dasnert [05:41:23.574] leo_pard7: or Tectone [05:41:23.827] johnkeiwo: FILLIAN [05:41:24.074] peat_85: mizkif [05:41:24.117] FearedIcee: swiftor [05:41:24.175] Jens_LN: Ironmouse ? [05:41:24.560] spaadeee: twomad [05:41:24.763] bluj40: potatoP [05:41:25.322] 1_smart_donkey: the demonic Baker [05:41:25.569] mr_ajokortti_korkort: potastic [05:41:25.679] logan0406c: potastic [05:41:25.687] parbruek: Ironmouse? [05:41:25.845] freddyafx: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [05:41:25.872] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP [05:41:26.096] randomstuffwithryan: broxh [05:41:26.292] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP [05:41:26.390] blusau: Meowdalin [05:41:26.980] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP [05:41:27.122] Philosophont: Your choice [05:41:27.127] pucktheluck: KEKW [05:41:27.268] Macerat0r: OR her [05:41:27.598] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP [05:41:27.615] emilywantsatelly: Carsomn [05:41:27.628] Sweet_Anita: lmao [05:41:28.088] LanceDragonGod: Mizkif [05:41:28.140] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP [05:41:28.339] MZ1003: @Stovamor we came from her to anita to here KEKW [05:41:28.874] LittleChaSiu: PotasticP [05:41:29.043] spaadeee: TWOMAD [05:41:29.864] AppleSaph: threemad [05:41:30.119] nosabernolife: noooo [05:41:30.828] Amoyamoyamoya: Eggs [05:41:30.834] Defrancofan67: Potastic pls [05:41:30.967] Helen_Croft: Yes [05:41:31.101] AncalagonArt: no dont [05:41:31.107] usmanawab: no [05:41:31.540] iPFFfood: KEKW [05:41:31.543] grinlowr: @LittleChaSiu Potastic raided Anita LUL [05:41:31.555] PixelArtSage: fusle [05:41:32.052] judgedame: Pantast [05:41:32.202] nosabernolife: raid me ;; [05:41:32.868] hopalongtommy: masterpankcake [05:41:32.931] logan0406c: yes [05:41:32.955] atlas6524: o/ [05:41:33.112] stuartystu: Shroud? [05:41:33.139] NukanukaShibanuka: potastLOL [05:41:33.190] braddle172: PotasticP [05:41:33.443] Peeksnon: POTASTIC RAIDED ANITA FIRST [05:41:33.610] Sweet_Anita: she raided me [05:41:34.189] michin_saeggi: bye [05:41:34.277] parbruek: NOOOOO [05:41:34.286] ppoat: she ended already [05:41:34.524] 0ddacity: Shes not streaming [05:41:35.069] Pliskin683: she offline LUL [05:41:35.346] huntxr14: Raid twomad [05:41:35.449] Requibumz: LUL LUL LUL [05:41:35.519] boxer__dog: LUL LUL LUL LUL [05:41:35.688] Hellmoth123: no XD [05:41:36.044] mini_man_xp: NOBODY SAY POTASTIC SOME OF US COME FROM THERE KEKW KEKW KEKW [05:41:36.079] AncalagonArt: we game from here LUL [05:41:36.154] Amoyamoyamoya: Eggs [05:41:36.181] Cx_Mex: potastLOL potastLOL potastLOL potastLOL [05:41:36.451] packagum: ironmouse [05:41:36.518] Flippi_12: I wanna go to offlinechat :) [05:41:37.204] Sweet_Anita: LMAO [05:41:37.277] bigrontheboss19: no [05:41:37.326] fantomking113: no LUL [05:41:37.917] achemann_95: She ended [05:41:38.106] Stovamor: @MZ1003, oh dear [05:41:38.342] Jens_LN: Potastic not online [05:41:39.207] Tag747: dasnert1 [05:41:39.276] JackDaniel5No1107: IronMouse [05:41:39.520] MZ1003: Nooo we came from her KEKW @F1NN5TER [05:41:39.760] Peeksnon: OH NO [05:41:40.327] DeathbirdMoose: GP_TV [05:41:40.466] 0ddacity: OvileeMay [05:41:40.491] Macerat0r: KEKW [05:41:41.217] bea_appet: peepoGiggles [05:41:41.232] Peeksnon: KEKW [05:41:41.344] LittleChaSiu: bro WHAT [05:41:41.636] Philosophont: She's the one who raided Anita [05:41:41.851] Ishilong: no [05:41:41.910] The_Martinizer: she is not live [05:41:43.717] grinlowr: KEKW [05:41:44.481] MiskatonicRich: Mizkif [05:41:44.485] Cakecrust: KEKW [05:41:45.731] saltyfcraker: Bye [05:41:45.912] SohnnyJilverhand: Potastic just raided Anita LULW [05:41:46.004] immmawarlock: raid XtraSparkles @F1NN5TER [05:41:46.396] LittleChaSiu: god fuckin [05:41:46.565] theozone__: shinoknows [05:41:46.837] Cx_Mex: potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade potastCrusade [05:41:46.974] AncalagonArt: dont raid Jeannie [05:41:47.632] F1NN5TER: The raid has been canceled. [05:41:47.864] mini_man_xp: WE CAME FROM THERE NO [05:41:48.311] usmanawab: we litterally came from her raid to annita to finster [05:41:48.419] Sweet_Anita: she just raided me [05:41:48.786] thatsabigoof78: We have Potastic people with us rn [05:41:49.139] tae__oppa: no [05:41:49.491] RobotRalf: KEKW [05:41:49.517] LittleChaSiu: LUL [05:41:49.668] 0ddacity: AvaGG [05:41:49.898] Tag747: dasnert3 [05:41:50.895] real_drumboo: nolol [05:41:51.050] bigrontheboss19: She not live [05:41:51.903] The_Martinizer: KEKW [05:41:52.121] anonymousbottw: KEKW [05:41:52.607] boefjeetje: sassygamelady [05:41:52.916] SohnnyJilverhand: KEKW [05:41:52.996] LaurentSE: Jebaited [05:41:53.159] Peeksnon: POTASTIC RAIDED ANITA FIRST LOL [05:41:53.408] Macerat0r: no so go to sooshi [05:41:53.762] fuggemup: Payo [05:41:53.851] KrieSeaX: no, she just raided Anita, the Raid circle is complete WAYROODANK [05:41:54.634] Lillekurth: emmelie [05:41:55.199] Quick_MPR: MIZ [05:41:55.533] fredrico1the1third: Bye fin [05:41:55.617] Cloud_Zeru: raid in a raid in another raid heavHypers heavHypers heavHypers heavHypers [05:41:55.626] vanimal2118: F [05:41:55.707] Stovamor: she went off, raided anita anfd then they came here [05:41:55.843] sora2025: patstaresat [05:41:55.930] blusau: meowdalyn [05:41:56.125] theozone__: Shinoknows [05:41:56.234] johnkeiwo: Jebaited [05:41:56.249] Pliskin683: chat, Potasticp raid Anita, and anita raid you LUL [05:41:56.514] bea_appet: raid circle peepoGiggles [05:41:56.809] dan2L: KPOPvictory [05:41:57.479] atlas6524: Ironmouse [05:41:57.685] Tag747: dasnert5 [05:41:58.086] j0hnbanks117: KEKW [05:41:58.277] SohnnyJilverhand: LUL [05:41:58.412] huntxr14: Twomad [05:41:58.921] Solus_kun: Amouranth Raid !!!!! @F1NN5TER [05:41:59.064] l3igPP: LUL LUL LUL [05:41:59.192] atomikcsgo: toemad [05:41:59.285] Kolateak_: What a mess NotLikeThis [05:41:59.589] SurrealNirvana: raid jesse cox [05:41:59.717] SeiReiJoku: fillian [05:41:59.820] Cx_Mex: potastLOL potastLOL potastLOL potastLOL potastLOL potastLOL [05:42:00.113] DeathbirdMoose: RAID GP_TV [05:42:00.218] mr_ajokortti_korkort: :D [05:42:00.369] CalamityGamingAndCreating: KEKW [05:42:00.936] bluj40: COMPLETE THE CYCLE [05:42:01.045] SohnnyJilverhand: KEKW [05:42:01.270] braddle172: KEKW NotLikeThis [05:42:01.345] Hazrn: anitaLUL [05:42:01.413] misaya650: Jeannie raided Anita raided you [05:42:01.707] bea_appet: OMEGALUL [05:42:02.157] mabu_jpg: KEKW [05:42:02.185] MZ1003: we all came from her to anita to you KEKW @F1NN5TER [05:42:02.673] AncalagonArt: Raid NEMSKO [05:42:02.767] mini_man_xp: KEKW KEKW [05:42:04.548] Defrancofan67: Wait what [05:42:04.572] YHUNIIQ: lmfao [05:42:04.635] Pyrate_Apostrophy: Raiding in circles! [05:42:04.809] Tag747: dasnert6 [05:42:04.918] Philosophont: CEPTION [05:42:05.285] Dreamz0103: shibuya_kaho [05:42:05.618] pucktheluck: oh boi [05:42:05.712] Jens_LN: Ironmouse [05:42:05.941] MrManIsTheMan: KEKW [05:42:06.015] mystchevious1: Sneaky? [05:42:06.197] imi_2: KEKW [05:42:06.221] nigelcf: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:42:06.353] MiskatonicRich: Mizkif bro [05:42:07.265] Xatonym: anitaLUL anitaLUL anitaLUL [05:42:07.887] vanimal2118: Egg? [05:42:08.601] MasterPo999: Shibuya Kaho [05:42:09.147] Sweet_Anita: LMAO [05:42:09.474] Helen_Croft: GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:42:09.614] Amoyamoyamoya: She's not on. [05:42:10.147] theozone__: shinoknows [05:42:10.236] achemann_95: Ironmouse [05:42:10.341] bigblackchaulk: ironmouse [05:42:10.578] LUXIIUS: Guess you're working overtime! [05:42:11.136] TheGrinch89: Raid Tsunami!!! [05:42:11.247] johnkeiwo: FILLIAN ? [05:42:11.269] Stovamor: Is miko on? [05:42:11.321] YHUNIIQ: raid distortion [05:42:11.655] k1y0mi__: karl?? [05:42:12.134] parbruek: ironmouse? miskiff? sure [05:42:12.537] 1_smart_donkey: demonic Baker [05:42:12.576] shriveled_manlet: bobross [05:42:12.734] Amoyamoyamoya: See us to Eggs [05:42:12.836] nassem_mkv: LUL [05:42:13.252] Tag747: dasnert3 [05:42:13.527] bujaczynio: twomad [05:42:13.974] Jens_LN: Raid Ironmouse ? [05:42:14.086] packagum: ironmouse! [05:42:14.707] airborn4132: mixkif [05:42:14.912] Eranwyn: everyone putting their eggs in the same basket [05:42:15.041] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:42:15.082] MZ1003: ahaha the timing LUL [05:42:15.221] BueCar: lol\ [05:42:15.407] emilywantsatelly: Carson [05:42:15.412] just_call_me_kei: Trappychan [05:42:15.908] SohnnyJilverhand: awwww KEKW [05:42:16.180] AncalagonArt: NEMSKO ?? [05:42:16.885] nosabernolife: lol [05:42:17.194] PixelArtSage: XD [05:42:17.320] leo_pard7: HasanAbi [05:42:17.512] PocketDva: ironmouse [05:42:17.523] foolykooly: hyoon [05:42:17.597] misaya650: IronMouse [05:42:17.746] DaWhale08: Miz [05:42:17.967] bim94: Bob Ross! [05:42:18.002] 3iumi: bob ross [05:42:18.231] Tag747: dasnert [05:42:18.513] Hellmoth123: Ironmouse [05:42:18.625] Amoyamoyamoya: Eggs [05:42:18.900] 0ddacity: OvileeMay! [05:42:19.046] PocketChipsSal: Send the to Hasan. KEKW [05:42:19.823] allsicle: fuslie [05:42:20.402] Evenden1: atrioc [05:42:20.459] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:42:21.341] AppleSaph: @MasterPo999 based as fuck [05:42:21.425] flash173onpsn: miz [05:42:21.547] Macerat0r: send to the best.. Sooshi [05:42:21.810] bigblackchaulk: IRONMOUSE [05:42:21.992] hopalongtommy: masterpancaketheatre [05:42:22.265] stuartystu: SHROUD [05:42:22.805] MZ1003: dis is chaos KEKW [05:42:22.897] j0hnbanks117: Raid EGG [05:42:23.250] rexy6764: karl [05:42:23.651] Tag747: dasnert1 [05:42:24.162] DeathbirdMoose: GP_TV [05:42:24.275] ayarcee: HASAN [05:42:24.346] Philosophont: Fuslie? [05:42:24.691] jeworge: ironmouseSHRUG ironmouseSHRUG ironmouseSHRUG ironmouseSHRUG ironmouseSHRUG ironmouseSHRUG [05:42:24.758] mk_tommy: hasan? hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [05:42:25.369] Peeksnon: KEKW [05:42:25.765] atlas6524: Disperse chat [05:42:26.153] bea_appet: bob ross NODDERS [05:42:26.264] judgedame: Amaranth [05:42:26.353] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:42:26.374] parbruek: akanemsko? [05:42:26.423] RedPixie: Yuggie_tv [05:42:27.082] AppleSaph: ironmouse [05:42:27.302] Sweet_Anita: A LEAST YOU KNOW I THINK YOURE COOL [05:42:27.414] mabu_jpg: LUL [05:42:27.585] Macerat0r: Im odne [05:42:27.618] thecrimsondd: Send us to sdlonyerm! [05:42:27.697] misaya650: Ironmouse [05:42:28.102] dan2L: fuslie [05:42:28.131] mr_danktoasty: linklight he's playing Bloon tower defence [05:42:28.157] mr_ajokortti_korkort: just do more poses while you think about the options [05:42:28.157] SohnnyJilverhand: LUL [05:42:28.687] Kolateak_: KEKW [05:42:28.702] jackwatsky: HASAN KEKW [05:42:28.826] BloodDmnd: sneaky [05:42:28.877] tobibal: karrrrl [05:42:28.911] j0hnbanks117: Raid Egg [05:42:29.142] Ishilong: fuslie [05:42:29.321] pucktheluck: yp [05:42:29.684] Tag747: dasnert2 [05:42:29.752] Sweet_Anita: SO JOB DONE [05:42:29.920] Macerat0r: glhf [05:42:30.856] LAOnAirStudios: Hootshouse live [05:42:31.208] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter fillian ? [05:42:31.793] Jens_LN: go for Ironmouse [05:42:31.860] michin_saeggi: triciasbirdy [05:42:31.950] AnInsomniacWeeb: Karl [05:42:34.370] braddle172: LUL [05:42:34.406] bigrontheboss19: Pick a random streamer [05:42:34.535] lillyrose457: karl [05:42:35.212] nilyt_: KEKW [05:42:35.397] rexy6764: karl jacobs [05:42:35.974] huntxr14: Raidd twomad [05:42:36.013] Amoyamoyamoya: Overezeggs [05:42:36.284] Stovamor: @Sweet_Anita, well done! [05:42:37.069] bill_18436572: meowdalyn [05:42:37.724] MyMindIsGonzo: Pick someone with under 10 viewers or something [05:42:38.197] flash173onpsn: fuslie [05:42:38.622] K_F0UR: mouse [05:42:38.709] AncalagonArt: yuggie? [05:42:38.987] AppleSaph: ironmouseAYAYA ironmouseAYAYA ironmouseAYAYA [05:42:39.018] bowb01: KingGeorge [05:42:39.338] 0ddacity: AudryEnjoys [05:42:40.364] AppleSaph: ironmouse [05:42:40.534] BostonRocks: QueenPib [05:42:40.866] PhilipSte7ens: Sweet Anita raids a stream that's raids Anita then raids an ending stream. bajoGoodone [05:42:40.994] UpAt5AM: fark [05:42:41.137] lukeyboye: anitaEf [05:42:41.258] Pyrate_Apostrophy: DashDucks [05:42:41.326] Dreamz0103: shibuya_kaho [05:42:41.636] RobotRalf: KEKW [05:42:41.927] MZ1003: potastLOL [05:42:42.537] Philosophont: HasanAbi [05:42:42.961] jeworge: Ironmouse [05:42:45.101] atlas6524: ironmouse? [05:42:45.275] Peeksnon: OMEGALUL [05:42:45.676] thecrimsondd: Sdlonyerm! He is an up and coming streamer! Lets surprise him! [05:42:46.425] The_Martinizer: KEKW [05:42:47.155] ThatTeenNamedIan: Joe_baritozzi [05:42:47.236] SohnnyJilverhand: KEKW [05:42:47.288] IvanStickitinski: lol [05:42:47.767] thenoirphoenix: idk no one else I follow is on except MST3K [05:42:47.873] confusedchance: shxtou?? [05:42:49.250] pucktheluck: she s kween [05:42:49.491] fiyaproof: pick someone super tiny [05:42:49.851] Tag747: raid dasnert [05:42:49.971] mabu_jpg: KEKW [05:42:50.731] Sweet_Anita: KEKW [05:42:50.903] MasterPo999: Ironmouse! [05:42:50.996] shriveled_manlet: bobross [05:42:51.285] PixelArtSage: Fuslei is live! [05:42:51.342] Namera_TV: FrtingGlitter [05:42:51.384] 0ddacity: HisandHersLive [05:42:51.511] jadedChimp: Yuggie [05:42:51.537] InfiniteCoyotetime: ironmouse let's goooo [05:42:51.603] AnInsomniacWeeb: Karl jacobs is doing jackbox [05:42:51.827] berserkmathew: overebgzs [05:42:52.672] tobibal: karl [05:42:52.757] tubbysailor: raid carnyjared [05:42:53.588] fufuandkenke21: lukeafkfan??????????? [05:42:54.160] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:42:54.906] GhostChili: summit or akanemsko [05:42:55.622] SohnnyJilverhand: PauseChamp [05:42:56.171] bea_appet: colin camacho? [05:42:56.321] huntxr14: Twomad [05:42:56.363] llazion96: Karl [05:42:56.657] Jens_LN: To Ironmouse [05:42:57.739] Lillekurth: emmelie [05:42:57.767] vanimal2118: overezegg? [05:42:58.604] mystchevious1: Show them the outfit. [05:42:58.682] PERBLISS: Anita clearly has a massive issue with gender [05:42:58.802] AppleSaph: @Sweet_Anita, from another person with tourettes, mad respect prayge [05:42:59.186] Macerat0r: sooshi [05:42:59.233] Tag747: dasnert5 [05:42:59.391] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [05:42:59.483] Amoyamoyamoya: Overezeggs [05:43:00.350] parbruek: Ya, mousey is someone anita and potastp know [05:43:00.639] YHUNIIQ: yes shibuya kaho is live [05:43:00.697] Defrancofan67: Is Hasan still on? [05:43:01.140] tubbysailor: carnyjared [05:43:02.875] PERBLISS: Its all she talks about [05:43:03.023] michin_saeggi: akanemsko [05:43:03.037] misaya650: Ironmouse [05:43:03.610] ronin_samuri: @fufuandkenke21 true [05:43:03.830] bigblackchaulk: why you no chat with us? Cheer100 [05:43:05.478] Macerat0r: yes random [05:43:05.920] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:43:06.539] thatsabigoof78: Viking Raid [05:43:06.677] Owly_9: f1nnPegChamp f1nnCowjam f1nnPegChamp f1nnCowjam [05:43:07.245] nope412: just send us somewhere god damnit [05:43:07.400] PERBLISS: WHy tho? [05:43:07.904] mk_tommy: hasan hasWut hasWut hasWut [05:43:08.342] atlas6524: Ye [05:43:08.514] aweseque: yes [05:43:08.863] SohnnyJilverhand: that sounds like a cool idea Pog [05:43:09.134] SethwMad: I have a small one [05:43:09.238] chewbacca4days77: halo [05:43:09.747] DeathbirdMoose: anitaHype anitaDyarr anitaHype [05:43:10.411] LaughingD0nkey: Takarita lol [05:43:10.589] parbruek: 0 viewer would be funn [05:43:11.536] thecrimsondd: Sdlonyerm! he has 3 [05:43:11.681] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sweet_Anita! They have given 881 Gift Subs in the channel! [05:43:11.844] SethwMad: Hehe [05:43:11.880] f3mmbot stovamor has gifted a subscription to sweet_anita at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang sweet_anita f1nn5tLezgang [05:43:12.025] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB @F1NN5TER [05:43:12.090] SohnnyJilverhand: HYPERS [05:43:12.186] sjoonyje: yeah do that [05:43:12.230] anonymousbottw: yes [05:43:12.313] meximaniacz: ironmouse!!!!!!!! [05:43:12.479] AncalagonArt: sounds fun [05:43:12.879] boefjeetje: sassygamerlady please [05:43:12.950] theozone__: shinoknows!!!! [05:43:13.537] darhas41: sounds good [05:43:14.196] confusedchance: just send us to Shxtou [05:43:14.608] 0ddacity: Bulky raid [05:43:14.616] Kolateak_: Random streamer yess [05:43:14.955] tobibal: karl pleaaase [05:43:16.015] fredrico1the1third: yes [05:43:16.166] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter hootshouse live [05:43:16.271] Solus_kun: Why am i not streaming right now Kappa [05:43:16.604] Lillekurth: emmelie ! [05:43:16.924] Namera_TV: FritngGlitter [05:43:18.107] real_drumboo: Pokemon [05:43:19.223] SethwMad: Valorant [05:43:20.219] tubbysailor: niko_ssbm [05:43:20.703] bea_appet: ohmods is a small streamer!! [05:43:21.342] UpAt5AM: game [05:43:21.713] parbruek: Game! [05:43:22.014] buttersubstitute: insideamind [05:43:22.297] quetsiyah_: jattin [05:43:22.298] kiroksx: ASMR [05:43:22.607] logan0406c: chatting [05:43:22.667] wurfelEis: to pierbi pls [05:43:22.854] anonymousbottw: game [05:43:23.314] Eranwyn: we're gonna end up at NASA at this rate [05:43:23.452] pucktheluck: what you want [05:43:24.087] supernovaeexplosion: Apex? [05:43:24.483] THeartnet: warframe [05:43:24.525] DeathbirdMoose: chat [05:43:24.592] tonyenion88: flight simulator 2010 [05:43:24.610] mr_danktoasty: linklight smaller channel playing Bloon tower defence [05:43:25.048] Ticklish_PP: FORTNITE [05:43:25.114] mr_ajokortti_korkort: factorio [05:43:25.158] thecrimsondd: He is playing 7 days to die [05:43:26.337] bowb01: rainbow 6 [05:43:26.611] immmawarlock: \Prop Night [05:43:27.295] Kolateak_: Minecraft [05:43:27.344] MZ1003: Apex? [05:43:27.846] beatle_88: game [05:43:28.139] huntxr14: Destiny 2 [05:43:28.856] micknaughty0080: Let me start to stream real quick [05:43:29.564] jadedChimp: Just Chatting [05:43:30.494] vanillestern: dashducks [05:43:30.678] AncalagonArt: something obscure [05:43:30.757] vanimal2118: Freak out random streamer? [05:43:30.866] bea_appet: poppy playtime? [05:43:31.403] meximaniacz: ironmouse !$# [05:43:31.563] nolace: DayZ [05:43:31.604] xXNeroZashiXx: minecraft [05:43:31.644] donniemon_12: got raid @gp_tv [05:43:31.770] ThatTeenNamedIan: Joe_barlozzi [05:43:32.056] ayarcee: Overreggs [05:43:32.278] Amoyamoyamoya: TrappyChan [05:43:32.646] 0ddacity: Magic the Gathering Arena [05:43:32.685] mitrid92: hs [05:43:33.370] UpAt5AM: Minecraft [05:43:33.489] ramtinx11: valheim [05:43:33.778] paul83ness: smal streamer raid ponynaHellYeah [05:43:34.184] Stealthblade17: gamer Monica [05:43:34.244] BeeNTea: stanley parable [05:43:34.765] braddle172: mc [05:43:35.061] 0MissAndromeda0: EVE Online [05:43:40.703] bjlogna_: mc? [05:43:41.316] tubbysailor: smash bros melee [05:43:44.037] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB he does Minecraft @F1NN5TER [05:43:44.549] Amoyamoyamoya: TrappyChan playing Elden Rings [05:43:45.993] sakg13: Pokémon unite [05:43:46.510] confusedchance: HADESSSS [05:43:46.557] Solus_kun: Among us streamers KEKW @F1NN5TER [05:43:47.560] DeathbirdMoose: @donniemon_12 anitaHype SeemsGood [05:43:50.466] allsicle: raider Fuslie [05:43:50.741] nope412: timmy [05:43:51.269] just_call_me_kei: Raid trappychan, they’re A small non binary streamer [05:43:51.941] 0ddacity: Mario Kart [05:43:54.424] Kolateak_: LUL [05:43:54.711] fufuandkenke21: Lukeafkfan @F1NN5TER [05:43:55.705] 1_smart_donkey: sterly valley [05:43:55.911] SohnnyJilverhand: awwww [05:43:56.977] Stealthblade17: gamermonica [05:43:56.979] ThatTeenNamedIan: Game [05:43:57.890] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB he does Minecraft @F1NN5TER [05:43:57.915] theozone__: shinoknows! He plays final fantasy [05:43:58.161] UpAt5AM: LUL [05:43:58.955] Cakecrust: LUL [05:43:59.367] mini_man_xp: KEKW KEKW [05:44:00.617] LUXIIUS: Liking the mic for 2 viewers [05:44:01.089] jackwatsky: KEKW [05:44:02.082] DeathbirdMoose: gp_tv chatting gamers [05:44:02.311] ayarcee: pierbi [05:44:05.369] AppleSaph: ironmouse [05:44:06.088] Solus_kun: ASMR Raid ? POGGERS [05:44:08.792] confusedchance: hades [05:44:10.300] meximaniacz: ironmouse!!!!! [05:44:10.393] nosabernolife: f1nn today was my first time seeing u live but i gotta say this was fun lol [05:44:10.483] bigblackchaulk: IRONMOUSE [05:44:10.621] AppleSaph: raid ironmouse :) [05:44:12.281] JackDaniel5No1107: DJMiyuki [05:44:13.941] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB he does Minecraft with only 200 viewers @F1NN5TER [05:44:15.791] SohnnyJilverhand: @0ddacity Heyo Odd anitaWave widepeepoHappy Hope you've been well, dude [05:44:16.553] vanimal2118: Could b fun! [05:44:17.372] AppleSaph: raid ironmouse or i quit [05:44:18.519] pucktheluck: omg goth gf [05:44:19.980] mini_man_xp: IRONMOUSE [05:44:21.909] meximaniacz: IRONMOUSE [05:44:22.090] nosabernolife: stream me mb? ;; [05:44:22.462] bea_appet: ohmods playing poppy playtime? PauseChamp [05:44:23.875] atlas6524: Ye [05:44:25.899] SohnnyJilverhand: Charity subathon Pog [05:44:26.278] Amoyamoyamoya: TrappyChan is playing Elden Ring [05:44:26.437] ValdeStultus: yup [05:44:26.576] AppleSaph: ironmouse ;__; [05:44:26.798] real_drumboo: Ye! [05:44:27.059] LUXIIUS: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:44:27.894] LaughingD0nkey: lmao [05:44:28.634] Cakecrust: let's go [05:44:28.883] sjoonyje: YES [05:44:28.965] Xatonym: dizzyDance dizzyDance dizzyDance dizzyDance dizzyDance dizzyDance dizzyDance [05:44:29.601] aweseque: yes [05:44:29.830] anonymousbottw: YES! [05:44:30.164] mr_ajokortti_korkort: yeah [05:44:30.482] bea_appet: jakeS [05:44:30.880] iPFFfood: mitchPls mitchPls mitchPls mitchPls mitchPls mitchPls [05:44:31.333] Helen_Croft: Raid GenerikB he does Minecraft with only 200 viewers @F1NN5TER [05:44:31.719] dingosurprise: nicee [05:44:31.762] parbruek: Hilaious. Why not? [05:44:31.949] nolace: let's shall [05:44:32.562] jambotheonly_: it's raid time boys [05:44:32.686] kiroksx: xerafaMedo xerafaMedo xerafaMedo [05:44:32.758] ImprisonedNutz: SUP [05:44:32.931] bigblackchaulk: PEACE [05:44:33.976] arachnik01: KEKW [05:44:34.481] classyhotdog286: yes [05:44:34.588] Solus_kun: L @AppleSaph [05:44:34.643] bluj40: fun [05:44:35.897] braddle172: YES [05:44:36.218] SohnnyJilverhand: Sounds great HYPERS [05:44:36.896] DeathbirdMoose: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaFish anitaFish anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaFish anitaFish anitaJAM anitaDyarr anitaJAM anitaDyarr anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaFish anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaSquish anitaWave anitaWave smoshBowrf anitaHype [05:44:37.242] AbyssGnasher: do it [05:44:37.503] dan2L: peace [05:44:37.809] AnInsomniacWeeb: KEKW [05:44:38.020] thatsabigoof78: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:44:38.783] saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [05:44:42.340] michin_saeggi: bye [05:44:42.731] mabu_jpg: it's gonna be fun anitaWave anitaDyarr [05:44:42.836] bea_appet: NODDERS vv fun jakeS [05:44:43.297] AppleSaph: tungstenrat PepeHands [05:44:43.376] 0ddacity: Well said I think so too [05:44:43.660] TheGrinch89: let's do it! [05:44:43.776] MZ1003: lets do it potastComfy [05:44:43.984] braddle172: byeee [05:44:44.668] anonymousbottw: byeeee [05:44:44.731] parbruek: Yay! Let's go! [05:44:45.081] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose [05:44:45.525] pucktheluck: KEKW [05:44:45.737] Solus_kun: <3 Cya Chat <3 Cya Rose <3 [05:44:45.989] Jens_LN: Have fun ! [05:44:46.219] fredrico1the1third: Bye [05:44:46.556] mr_danktoasty: oatsplToast [05:44:46.639] SohnnyJilverhand: widepeepoHappy [05:44:46.774] supernovaeexplosion: Good night all! [05:44:46.857] bluj40: l8r [05:44:47.282] YHUNIIQ: ✌🏿 [05:44:47.924] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [05:44:48.026] mr_ajokortti_korkort: byee [05:44:48.385] nosabernolife: bye f1nn [05:44:48.554] parbruek: Thank you! [05:44:49.036] Pliskin683: thank you for the stream potastAyaya [05:44:49.208] bea_appet: mxgsWave [05:44:49.328] RobotRalf: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:44:49.569] TheGrinch89: night night Finn [05:44:49.946] j0hnbanks117: Byeeeeee [05:44:50.390] imi_2: anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr anitaDyarr [05:44:51.378] ayarcee: RAID [05:44:51.446] Owly_9: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [05:44:52.336] ImprisonedNutz: kriste46Gun [05:44:52.835] sjoonyje: bye [05:44:53.068] wurfelEis: bye [05:44:53.611] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose [05:44:56.561] Solus_kun: BACK [05:45:03.324] Helen_Croft: Good sleeps [05:45:03.931] Flippi_12: !offlinegang [05:45:04.190] f3mmbot Offline gang is the most wholesome gang [05:45:05.803] AppleSaph: !offlinegang [05:45:08.362] AppleSaph: dang flip [05:45:09.594] Helen_Croft: See you [05:45:11.109] Flippi_12: @AppleSaph F [05:45:17.654] Solus_kun: OfflineGang <3 [05:45:23.590] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose go sleep now [05:45:24.275] Flippi_12: Goodnight Helen [05:45:26.809] doccerebrum: anitaSmart [05:45:28.881] j0hnbanks117: !offlinegang [05:45:29.132] f3mmbot Offline gang is the most wholesome gang [05:45:53.710] mr_danktoasty: cya guys been a pleasure as always [05:46:02.272] Solus_kun: Cya mr dank :3 [05:46:09.277] AppleSaph: @andybae3, this is offline chat [05:46:15.731] TheGrinch89: wait why am i stuck here and not in the raid? :O [05:46:23.547] AppleSaph: @TheGrinch89, https://www.twitch.tv/xhumming [05:46:26.996] Helen_Croft: kiss for offline chat Rose? @F1NN5TER [05:46:36.139] AppleSaph: GUYS THIS IS FINNS CHAT [05:46:36.166] TheGrinch89: thanks AppleSaph [05:46:38.711] AppleSaph: https://www.twitch.tv/xhumming [05:46:39.345] AppleSaph: https://www.twitch.tv/xhumming [05:46:39.971] AppleSaph: https://www.twitch.tv/xhumming [05:46:40.148] freddyafx: antihaEvil antihaSigh antihaWave antihaHype [05:46:41.268] AppleSaph: go there [05:46:42.105] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose [05:46:42.651] xnotsleep: byee [05:46:44.692] Solus_kun: STILL FINNS CHAT [05:46:45.198] Flippi_12: bye rose [05:46:46.004] HiMaxHere: byeee [05:46:48.741] awesomerem1: Byee [05:46:49.465] TurnOneBrainstorm: Bye [05:46:52.015] thornofarose69: bye [05:46:53.846] f3mmbot f1nn5ter just went offline! Welcome back offline gang FeelsGoodMan [05:47:03.636] AppleSaph: !offlinegang [05:47:03.898] f3mmbot Offline gang is the most wholesome gang