2:44 do 3:12 do 3:52 do 4:36 hello wait one second 7:12 wait what my camera 7:18 there we go hello welcome everybody 7:27 how's my audio do i sound good 7:45 sweet sweet how are you guys doing today 7:53 welcome welcome 8:14 hi mandalorian hi cola hey chris pratt why are you in pain chris pratt 8:20 nice congrats congrats on being done what's up diamond 8:26 what's up erosion pharaohs how you doing komodo hype 8:33 huh i'm sorry why are you not doing good you hungry 8:41 same 8:46 damn that sucks dude you mean like your body or your mind because 8:52 i could see either way yeah i'm sorry diamond 8:57 that's tough it'll get easier every one of you who's like in a tough 9:03 household situation right now like just tough it out just just wait for it 9:09 wait till the time where you can go out on your own and it'll be all it'll all be a lot better 9:15 but in the meantime that sucks 9:22 your body in your mind is always yeah well that's relatable 9:28 um but i'm sorry your body hurts so i busted my shoulder snowboarding like 9:35 two months ago or like four months ago hey tamara how are you welcome 9:41 thanks for thanks for joining much appreciated okay one sec let me 9:47 pull up my um dashboard real quick because for some reason 9:52 i don't think my alerts are working still maybe i should try some a different 9:59 program for alerts 10:10 nice yeah i i totally busted my shoulder snowboarding i was like 10:16 i was like a little bit drunk and i was feeling very confident and i just plowed it into a rock i totally ate it it was 10:23 bad i've had to go to like physical therapy and stuff how old am i i'm like around 20ish 10:30 hey my alerts do work thank you for following the bad mr frosty much appreciate it 10:36 thank you yeah i know drunk maybe i should do a drunk stream 10:45 um just kidding i don't drink alcohol 10:53 twitch i don't drink alcohol that's illegal and i can i'm not and i don't do that 10:58 um one sec 11:05 hey okay there we go um okay 11:14 drunk oh yeah do i shave my beard yeah i just shaved 11:20 right before this nice and smooth ay another follow psycho 11:27 psychotic arulu thank you thank you thank you welcome 11:33 all right guys ah sorry okay we need a little bit a little bit 11:39 more energetic music what's up julie welcome 11:46 yeah i know dude the us the drinking age in the us is so stupid 21 what like i can vote 11:53 for three years i can decide who should run the country 11:59 for three years before i'm responsible enough to drink a beer apparently 12:05 it's so dumb i'd have i don't know why the [ __ ] it's like that 12:12 okay i like this music but it's a little too slow 12:20 so let's try and find a different one 12:26 oh [ __ ] the tip thank you so much dot cp holy 12:32 [ __ ] thank you damn that's literally my second tip ever holy 12:37 [ __ ] pog thank you so much much appreciated mwah 12:44 damn [ __ ] yeah okay 12:57 future funk i i'm using this um this stream beats playlist on spotify i 13:05 don't know if that's good or not i don't know this is okay 13:11 let's try it let's try let's try another one um 13:20 future funk i've never heard of that genre sounds cool though i've been into um 13:27 i've been into hyper pop recently it's like really weird songs 13:33 um okay 13:39 all right this is fine for now whatever um 13:44 this is what we're working with 13:53 yeah and like and like alden glaive those those types of people 14:00 yeah i've been liking that type of music recently it's really uh it's really like i don't know i really like it because i 14:05 feel like it embodies like a lot of like hyper pop music like embodies like 14:12 i don't know it's just like since it's so weird like it feels like i can relate to it 14:18 heavily on like a on like a doing like what i do is kind of weird 14:23 too you know like it's just like crazy alt you know not really following the 14:30 norms yeah very chaotic i like it it matches my energy 14:36 um oh you like my yeah thank you it's like it's like a crop top here i'll do a fit check oh [ __ ] anonymous thank you so 14:43 much for the one dollar dude i can't believe people are actually tipping me this is crazy dude 14:50 thank you so much thank you okay fit check 15:02 yeah it's super comfortable it's like it's like kind of a sweater 15:10 but it's like but it's also a crop top i like it a lot 15:16 it's very cute 15:24 this music is i okay okay oh [ __ ] that's too loud okay okay 15:29 this these are the colors we're working with 15:35 yes i still use socks as fake bobs 15:43 i mean it's in a it's in a bra like a padded bra so it keeps the shape a little bit 15:50 um but yes i'm still using socks 15:58 okay i'm thinking i'm thinking 16:06 this one okay yeah no no worries diamond come back whenever come back whenever 16:14 um yeah dude thank you for stopping by thanks girl much appreciated 16:24 these look the same color but they're actually not 16:31 i'm thinking this one or we could do multiple we could do like 16:37 we could do like this on some we're like alternating 16:45 what if we did alternating these two that would be cute 16:54 now dude i can't believe people take me 16:59 thank you guys so much i feel like blushy yeah both okay sounds good and 17:06 then i also have this top coat let's see how my nails looking good 17:14 looking pretty good i need like i guess i could file a little bit oh my 17:19 god again thank you anonymous dude thank you so much holy [ __ ] dude 17:25 i'm getting like i want to like tear up like wow thank you guys so much for supporting me 17:30 that's so sweet of you much love much much appreciated 17:39 i just can't believe that like like this is crazy dude like i know i mean i like obviously i don't have that many 17:45 let's check how many people are watching right now um i just i know 17:51 i know like obviously i'm not that big but like i only started like a few months ago and it's like it's so weird just going from 17:58 literally no one knows about you and like knows what you do to like there's like 6k subscribers on youtube 18:05 like getting like okay like like that video i uploaded yesterday or the day before i can't remember it 18:11 already has like 8 or 9k views like oh my gosh like thank you guys so much like i'm honestly 18:17 blown away i can't i can't believe that you guys like like my content that much and like just wanna 18:23 like see me do stuff like that's so awesome thank you so much um 18:30 yeah wait let's check out my people watching 18:35 oops i guess i 18:41 my voice got so much better since the tutorial yeah i agree 18:46 the only reason i found you because you follow me on instagram yeah sorry i have a i've oh the monkey sniper 18:52 2002 thanks so much for following welcome to the team the squadron 18:58 um girl squad um yeah i'm kind of shameless i like 19:06 i just like followed like a ton of finsters followers just to be like because like you know if you like finn 19:11 you probably like me like my if you like fans content you probably like my content so that's how i was like initially 19:17 finding people kind of shameless but hey you gotta do what you gotta do right good gotta get 19:22 seen one way or another thank you i i i feel like my voice definitely gets better like every day like there's a you 19:29 saying that that's proof that like um if you practice it just gets better 19:35 high heels i don't have high heels i wish i had high heels i would wear some if i did 19:43 um maybe i should uh maybe i should get a po box and you guys can send me some 19:48 you guys can like send me [ __ ] that you want me to wear um 19:53 dude i i would teach i would love to teach fan the girl voice if finn wants to learn 20:00 i am here 20:06 it got so much better yeah that's awesome dude thank you for saying that i really appreciate it it's like 20:11 there you go that's literally proof like so many people like dm me on insta and stuff and they're like oh like how 20:17 long did it take you to get your voice and like you know all this stuff um 20:23 and i'm like it took a while like a couple months you know like like you know they're like oh i tried it didn't really work like i sounded like a 20:29 grandma or like or like a lot of people say like it makes them like doing this trick the float the throat trick they 20:34 say it makes them sound like um like kermit like kermit the frog um 20:40 and he's like yeah that was for me too like you really just gotta like keep going and eventually you'll sound great 20:48 um yeah tag fan on my post yeah well 20:53 i i would love he he he already watched one of my videos on his stream 20:59 like a little bit of it but but it was the one where i like showed my chest to those people so he saw that i was about 21:06 to do that and he stopped watching it because you're not allowed to do that on twitch like almost got him banned 21:16 yeah he he already actually watched one of my videos um 21:21 so that was awesome that was 21:26 that was quite awesome um what is my job my job is i do data analysis sometimes 21:35 or like like like you know like very light coding stuff for this like non-profit that does solar 21:42 energy stuff um yeah i don't know it's boring i'd rather 21:47 do this full time if you do the girl voice in english it works but not for my native language 21:54 porky's interesting that kind of makes sense to me 21:59 because it's like when you're speaking another language you're kind of like already 22:04 like doing a voice kind of so like i kind of feel like it would make sense 22:09 that it'd be harder to switch your tone in your native tongue 22:16 yeah like that makes sense to me 22:21 hey hell yeah portuguese gay i don't know porn cheese i can speak 22:27 spanish similar i guess not the same though portuguese sounds crazy to me as someone 22:33 who does speak spanish like portuguese sounds so [ __ ] wild 22:39 it's like i'm like wait what like it's like i can almost understand it but i can't at all 22:50 interesting yeah huh i never really thought about that about 22:56 like speaking different languages and having that like affect the way you speak 23:03 i mean i'm sure it's cultural but like you know like so many women in japan um 23:10 tuck like this you know like all the way up there going up i go well i can i can't right 23:15 now well i just don't know how because like what if i get like a dick like i can't 23:21 yeah i can't uh yeah exactly 23:27 like i can't like i know some people do do it but like they must do it on a delay so that they can 23:33 they must do it on a delay so that they can stop uh 23:39 or so that they can like block it out if something bad happens you know no yeah you're good 23:46 i just don't know like i do know some people do it i know it's possible i know it's possible 23:52 to do omegle stream so like maybe i'll figure it out but i might have to do it on like a 20 or 30 second delay 23:57 but even still that's so like would you kill a random dog for 10 000 absolutely not what of course not 24:05 jesus what a question i would absolutely not that is that is horrible 24:11 um but yeah i would honestly just be like scared to do it i'm like 24:16 i feel like twitch is so fickle for banning people 24:21 like they just be banning people randomly yeah don't worry about it you would kill 24:27 a human for ten thousand no you wouldn't jesus 24:34 hi i'm a trans girl here just wanna say you helped me out a lot oh my god thank you oh [ __ ] ten dollars holy [ __ ] anonymous 24:42 thank you so much oh my god dude holy [ __ ] 24:47 wow oh my god holy [ __ ] dude thank you so much 24:54 [Music] thank you thank you wow 25:00 that's i can't believe that holy [ __ ] thank you so much dude pog 25:07 um you're welcome instant shock 5002 you're welcome you're welcome much love 25:14 i'm so glad i could help you out 25:26 yeah bro like every grand omega if they see a girl show tits yep that's that's been my experience 25:32 there was that guy who literally like okay so on my video there was two guys there was one guy that was like are you 25:37 a porn star i was so dead i was so [ __ ] dead i 25:45 was lolling um and then and then 25:51 wait what was the other one oh yeah i just joined and he was just like i want to smash 25:58 like literally first thing he sees omegle is an experienced dude 26:08 y'all are crazy talking about just [ __ ] maybe y'all should join like the assassins guild or some [ __ ] 26:16 the dark brotherhood irl y'all play skyrim 26:22 those are like my favorite quests the dark brotherhood quests those are sick 26:27 ubu murderer totally 26:32 elder scrolls i know pog i can't wait for um six which is i don't 26:39 know who knows when the [ __ ] that's gonna come out but i love that [ __ ] yeah me too 26:44 i never played eso i never played um the online 26:50 do i use vpn on omegle yeah i do yup i use cyber ghost 26:56 i pay for it because it's good um 27:01 elder scrolls best video game series ever yeah it's that's definitely up there it's definitely up there yes i 27:06 played oblivion i didn't i didn't beat it do i trust in the mother oh my god i 27:12 forgot about that quest dude i don't know what i did 27:18 i i had i played through it like three or four times so i feel like skyrim anyway um not a brilliant i 27:24 played i played i played through oblivion like once but i didn't beat it um it's just too it's kind of past my 27:29 time honestly like i know it's lame but i just like i just like can't really get past the graphics at this point in time 27:36 because i'm a zoomer um but um skyrim on the other hand yeah i 27:43 played through like four times so i did like different [ __ ] every time i can't really remember what i did 27:48 on my main one but like obviously what what what like classics you guys did you guys play in like those ones i 27:54 always just played stealth archer because it's because i'm lame and that's easy 28:00 just [ __ ] sniping people from this from from sneak for like 28:05 four times damage so dumb but it works 28:16 archer mage dude yeah i play khajiit also because they're sneaky 28:24 oh you were a vampire dude i was a vampire for a little bit but 28:29 that's hard you really gotta stay on that hey you're not late welcome you're right 28:35 on time welcome welcome 28:43 could you vampire yeah majors are great if you can install a 28:48 bunch of magic mods word i never like modded skyrim super heavily i should i should have tried though i should 28:54 definitely try 29:07 you just play mage yeah i i played i was like one of my playthroughs i just went pure magic and 29:14 that was fun like the college of winterhold and stuff um 29:22 couldn't you also become a werewolf you could also become a werewolf i think 29:27 right i think i was i think i became a werewolf although that was also like 29:34 kind of annoying because you would just like turn 29:44 dude yeah either either i need to play through it again or they just need to um 29:56 oh oh you're lily okay cool what's up lily i can mod you on here also if you want if you want to mod twitch chat 30:02 um what's up diamond welcome back welcome 30:08 back dude yeah skyrim is fun it's like either i want to play it again or it's like 30:14 just come out with the next one come on it's been a while 30:29 mods are fun but they literally give me an aneurysm when the game crashes multiple times yeah 30:34 dude yeah i've like tried to install coma mazda 30:40 it's just sometimes it's not worth it 30:46 you left mine here okay yeah sure why not 30:51 wait let's see can i do it in here 31:02 i think it worked type in um type in chat lilly 31:10 see if you can have a see if you have a sword next to your name a [ __ ] yeah 31:19 yeehaw 31:25 yes the knight of renalia 31:30 renalia is the kingdom of rinali for which i am the queen 31:37 what is my biggest fear that's a good question 31:43 hmm probably like 31:49 people hating me honestly how old am i i'm like around 20. 31:54 20-ish oh i should put that in my i should have like a little faq um 32:00 where's my biggest fear yeah i feel like probably people like hating me or like 32:07 i don't know yeah just like animosity between others i really really hate that 32:14 it's like things like death like i don't know it's like obviously i don't want to die but 32:20 it doesn't scare me in the way that scares other people it's like i kind of see it as just like 32:26 you know like in in like lord of the rings and in like star wars and stuff they say [ __ ] like 32:31 you know death is just the next step of life you know and i feel like i agree with that 32:37 i feel like that makes sense to me and um so it's like not super scary to 32:42 me i guess um 32:49 i mean it's inevitable yeah exactly so it's kind of like don't you know it's 32:55 like the one thing that i actually worship and respect is like death because it's like 33:02 it's you know it's the only it's only absolute really out there 33:07 refraining and being in water because my cousin drowned yeah that makes sense one of my dad's siblings actually 33:13 drowned when he was a kid really messed him up so i can understand that 33:18 and i'm sorry and i hope you i hope you feel better you know like 33:24 just takes time time heals all wounds yeah no no need to feel for your death 33:30 your whole life exactly it's like it's like why 33:38 um 33:45 sorry i just read um i'm just reading 33:50 the uh donuts real quick um 33:56 life scares you more than death 34:02 yeah sorry i'm sorry i just had a adhd moment life scares you more death yeah i feel 34:08 that yeah it's like it's like life hurts you know like life like sucks 34:14 but death is like whatever you know death is just gonna be like before i was born 34:20 which that was fine um am i religious no not really 34:26 it's like i'm like agnostic i guess you could say 34:31 my family is pretty catholic like not my parents but my like extended 34:37 family and definitely my grandparents were super catholic so my parents grew up that way but they both kind of like were 34:43 like i don't know about that that seems weird and i was like yeah i agree 34:51 so yeah 35:01 damn that anonymous whoever donated and honestly is like thanks for the donut but like 35:07 [ __ ] you they wrote some bad messages in their donors 35:16 um i'm glad i didn't have those displayed 35:21 um but like hey if you want to keep hate donoing go for it [Laughter] if you want to just give me money while 35:28 you hate on stuff go for it i'm all here for it 35:36 life equals pain death equals nothing so nothing pain yeah well life can be fun too though you know 35:42 while we're here we can make the most of it hey i put that here i think you're super cute oh thank you 35:50 thank you so much what is my third favorite cheese okay well i have to start with my first 35:57 favorite cheese [ __ ] which is really hard i don't know 36:03 okay i'll just use like my top three 36:08 my top three have to be like a salted gouda is [ __ ] fire 36:16 what was in the donuts oh just some like just some like lg deep lg tv q hate messages 36:24 which are is like weird but it's like dude if you want to anonymous anonymously donate money to me and just 36:31 like you know also send hate messages as long as they're not being displayed on stream 36:36 go for it dude i'll take your money for sure um 36:46 um okay wait back to cheese back to cheese cheese cheese all right all right i think a salted 36:51 gouda is up there and then number two like might just have to be parmesan because i really love pasta 37:00 um just saying you're really pretty like i was oh thank you so much thank you 37:05 that's really nice um okay yeah so like gouda and like parmesan just because i love just like 37:11 normal pasta and then like i don't know dude cheese are so good there's so many good types 37:18 of cheese like it is brie breeze really fire um goat i like goat cheese like like 37:24 goat cheese with some herbs in it delish love that 37:31 if anyone is watching and is not following and is enjoying the stream i'd love it if you give me a follow 37:38 much appreciated but yeah thanks instant shock 37:44 thank you so much i'm really surprised you don't have much followers content you're doing the views 37:49 we make thank you i i really appreciate that you said you said you really deserve a 37:55 lot more in i hope i mean i hope i hope people find me i've only started like a little bit 38:00 ago so like i think i'm you know 38:07 that's just you know we're just we're just getting started you know um 38:14 yeah i'm i'm really excited i've had like i've had so much so much good responses from people 38:20 on my videos and like in my discord and on here like it's been so fun like i'm i'm 38:26 having a great time cam and bear oh yeah camera is five what's up liz 38:31 how you doing um yeah camera is great cranberry is kind of like breeze just like different brie 38:37 kind of um but yeah i 38:43 i'm stoked like i feel like the amount like i'm you're surprised i don't have much 38:49 followers but i'm surprised that i have any followers like i'm surprised that i'm literally 38:55 just shocked that like i have like i'm even like partnered on youtube that's something i wanted to do 39:01 for so long since i was a little kid that's just so crazy 39:06 like obviously it's like like not you know 39:12 nearly enough to like live on yet but like making making a little money from youtube feels so good it just feels like 39:17 damn like i accomplished a goal that i've been wanting to do since i was so young like 39:23 that's that's just so fun 39:28 dude i'm shooting for the [ __ ] stars like let's take this as as high as we can go let's go world famous like let's 39:34 do it i'm down i would love to this is the most amount of people that 39:41 have been on stream at once yeah [ __ ] i oh look i don't even want to know like don't even tell me i feel like i stream 39:46 better when i don't know how many people are watching and i'm just like being myself and just vibing 39:54 after you follow me on instagram everywhere well my strategy works 39:59 thank you so much though i really appreciate it but yeah like i [ __ ] like i'm stoked dude i 40:05 i would love to just take this as far as it can go let's take on the world 40:11 watching two streams right now chilling out with a friend hell yeah congrats we're not congrats but awesome 40:17 i hope you have a good night or evening or afternoon wherever you are 40:23 you watched all my videos thank you yeah i i can't i'm like i'm like blushing right 40:28 now i just feel so like that's so cool you can't i can't believe you guys like 40:35 my [ __ ] that much it's just so fun and i just want to keep making it i wish i just had like 40:41 i wish i could just spend all my time like just making videos and stuff but we got other stuff to do 40:50 okay this music is too quiet next song 41:01 dude i can't believe that guy was a hate donoing that's so funny like what a weird thing to spend your 41:07 money on 41:12 when i first started a video i got in my recommendation it was a voice tutorial i watched a lot of finn's videos and was shocked that he 41:18 had not as much followers as him yeah well [ __ ] let's get it going i mean i did only 41:23 start a couple months ago so i feel like we're off to a great start but like yeah if i can somehow just like 41:29 i mean it already happened like a couple of times so like you finn like watch my video on stream but if i could somehow 41:34 like access his audience and it's like i i don't know i don't wanna like steal finn's viewers i think we could benefit 41:40 each other like a lot like we could feed off each other and like collab and like do you know 41:48 you need to say oh thank you so much liz appreciate that hey dominator how are you doing 41:56 yeah i hate donoing is definitely a pretty shitty thing to do i mean hey definitely offense to that person 42:04 i would like i would like to offend that person their piece of [ __ ] but i mean they gave me money so 42:12 what's up exhausted sushi welcome welcome what is my life goal 42:19 that's a big question i mean [ __ ] if i could become the most famous femme boy in the world 42:24 that's a bad bad i'd feel pretty accomplished 42:29 if i could like i mean i want to like perform like that's a big goal of mine and hey i'm doing it right now so 42:35 cool but but yeah like i definitely want to like yeah fanboy world domination that is yep 42:42 that's my life goal but yeah i definitely want to like perform i think that's like my biggest 42:48 goal like i wanna dance i wanna sing i wanna 42:53 talk i wanna laugh on a joke i wanna game you know i just to try to perform for people and have them like 43:00 enjoy it and make people happy like that's what i want to do i have to do my nails like thin yeah 43:06 okay well should we do our nails let's do our nails all right wait i need to get some um 43:15 i had to say earlier with my transition my voice is the thing that hurts me most in your videos the first one that makes sense to me yay i'm so glad i'm so glad 43:22 that makes me so happy i really did want that to like help any trans girls that watched it that that need to learn the 43:28 voice because like i know that can be a super tough thing dude i need to enable that emote that's like one of my 43:35 favorite emotes i need to enable like a lot of emotes but they only let you add like 15 or something at first 43:41 well at least with the like um at least with the overlay thing that i'm using 43:47 okay we're back i'm going to get a paper towel so i can do my nails 44:26 no i'm back 44:33 behave yourselves children 44:40 i would like i would like do the girl voice for you guys more on stream but i have to actually prepare kind of a lot 44:47 like it's not exactly oh sorry 44:52 all right that's not gonna work okay 44:58 um i actually have to kind of like prepare a lot when i 45:03 do the girl voice like warm it up and stuff oh shoot 45:08 dude they're doing it again literally this person is just hate 45:13 donoing it's so funny like keep going dude keep it up 45:21 oh man that's hilarious okay 45:29 like how you about to give money to someone while being hateful 45:36 hilarious 45:41 it's funny because it's like i'm not gonna stop you like 45:52 okay i think we're gonna do alternating those two colors 46:10 oh maybe they can refund i don't know hey 46:15 thank you thank you so much dot cp this is sharing some love in the donations instead of hate thanks so much i'm much 46:22 appreciated thank you thank you i really really really appreciate that that's so nice of you 46:29 thank you so much seriously and you're right it is 46:36 although they are giving me money it still does suck to just read hateful messages um 46:43 yeah wait can't can they just refund i don't really know how that works maybe they can 46:49 um 46:56 let's see hey exhausted sushi thank you so much 47:03 thank you so much screw the haters hell yeah much appreciated mwah thank you so much 47:12 um ah why are you so pretty huh victor answer 47:18 me that made it so you can't yeah i uh i don't 47:25 know i'm not sure how that works 47:31 don't mind them they're jealous yeah that's true that's very true 47:39 very much true hey okay 47:44 i wish i could like 47:50 show you guys while i paint my nails um let's see 48:02 there there we go that's kind of a weird angle though 48:18 transphobia equals jealous of someone getting bops yeah exactly why are you jealous bro 48:30 yeah any any trans people in chat um we're here for you we support you it's 48:37 got to be really tough and like you know anyone in the in the like 48:44 non-conforming to what you're supposed to do when you're born a man community 48:50 gang [ __ ] oh let's see is it another heat no no 49:00 you said they're not gonna refund and then more hate it's like it's not they're not hating on 49:06 me they're just hating on like other people whatever i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get 49:12 much attention i mean i kind of want to keep giving an attention because they're giving me money so 49:18 um and you guys don't have to read them anyway so like [ __ ] it why not 49:25 um dude this is crazy this is like [ __ ] 49:33 dude someone donated ten dollars whoever the anonymous is who donated ten dollars you're a g 49:39 and also exhaust sushi you're a [ __ ] g2 because you're my first donator ever um 49:46 but like [ __ ] dude this is like this is like 49:53 this is [ __ ] better than my normal job 50:00 oh my god okay 50:06 maybe i should get a pillow and then i'll do them on top of that 50:39 okay now that made the lighting really weird can't do that my normal job is um i do like 50:45 like excel data analysis for just like non-profit in where i live that does 50:52 like solar energy stuff it's like kind of chill it's whatever it's just like 50:58 money first lunch and stuff yeah putting yeah no that was a that was 51:04 a bad idea um 51:10 all right i'll just i'll just like show you guys as i go i'll just show you my progress as i go 51:19 i had tried donating 6.9 dollars but it didn't go through next stream and see if it works you're going to get funny sex number okay 51:26 thank you very much lily and and no problem at all you get like don't feel 51:31 no one should feel any pressure to donate at all but thank you so much i really appreciate it 51:36 i would love to get a haha funny sex number 51:43 okay let's give this a shot 51:56 boop 52:02 okay and we said alternating right yeah so i'm gonna do 52:08 purple on thumb purple on the middle 52:13 and then purple and pinky 52:24 i joined your minecraft server but i couldn't play because in 1.17 i can't use a plugin called sodium made for 52:29 potato pc so i get like 20 fps oh i'm sorry 52:37 that sucks i didn't even know that that was a mod 52:42 oh [ __ ] instant shock thank you so much for the ten dollars 52:49 holy [ __ ] dude thank you so much wow i'm like getting emotional about you 52:54 guys supporting me like this is so sweet thank you so much 53:02 wow thank you guys just the fact that i could make 53:08 something or like do something that would make someone want to support me like that and 53:14 like show their appreciation just makes me feel so good 53:19 i'm so happy that i could like make someone else happy like that 53:30 all right probably our boy again 53:36 thank you though for the one dollar maybe i should up the minimum dono 53:46 get this person to uh give me five every time 53:56 okay i've never been the best at doing nails 54:01 because i have like shaky hands but that's okay 54:08 for some reason when i do my makeup my shaky hands are better 54:20 um okay boom 54:26 there we go thumb fingies 54:37 how is it possible how is one possible 54:44 i suck at painting nails they're bumpy when i do them yeah me too me too 54:49 that's okay 54:56 see the thing the thing that i mean like i don't know if everyone here is like a fanboy 55:02 or a trans girl the thing about being one of those things 55:08 is that the girls they're real they're not the real girls but the the 55:13 cis girls the girls who were born a girl 55:19 have a lot more practice than we do at doing this stuff so if you're a fanboy 55:24 or you're a trans girl don't put too much pressure on yourself because 55:32 you have only tried doing all this stuff for like a little bit and they had their whole life 55:42 that you do make up with shaky hands 55:48 or about wait what i'm confused sorry 55:55 yeah my for some reason when i do my makeup my hands don't shake as much 56:01 because i think it's like i'm looking in a mirror and it's like on my face i don't know 56:08 oh [ __ ] bamboo seven bucks thank you so much wow 56:13 i really really appreciate that mwah thank you so much 56:19 dude what the heck yeah i i maybe i should let my hand on 56:24 the table so it's stable yeah that's what i'm gonna do for my next ones dude 56:30 thank you guys so much oh my god this is crazy dude i've gotten like 20 donors 56:38 i can't believe this 56:45 the person okay wait guys 56:51 the person who was like hate donoing they said something like hateful and then they said i'm going to go do some 56:58 something productive now bye 57:04 what you were literally just giving me money for no reason no 57:15 hey kathy welcome welcome welcome plus i've never had a person really teach me the techniques all i have is sneaking my 57:21 mom's makeup table yeah yeah i feel that that's what i'm saying is like don't 57:26 feel pressure like if you're just experimenting with this stuff like i know it can feel 57:33 like a lot of pressure and like you need to do it right and like oh it's gonna be like you you know 57:39 you you don't you're scared to do it because you're afraid it's gonna look bad um but like 57:45 what you understand is that all those like girls in like sixth grade 57:51 when they were first trying makeup and stuff they all looked terrible like they all looked so bad 57:57 and like i mean hey they were they were in sixth grade so no one gave a [ __ ] but like they spent years perfecting makeup and 58:06 and nails and like all that so if you're just experimenting with this stuff if you're like a femme boy 58:12 or if you're trans or if you're just cross-dressing or doing this for fun 58:18 don't feel bad just go for it just do what you want to do and 58:24 don't let anyone [ __ ] tell you [ __ ] 58:30 or let them tell you [ __ ] but make sure they donate while they do it 58:36 yeah just do it exactly do it 58:42 yes like shia labeouf precisely 58:47 oh yeah i'm watching you're watching me while you play valerian nice i was playing valerie the other day 58:55 play a little vowel play a little vowel dude it is hot as hell in here 59:00 god damn i have like an ac bit over there but i can't turn it on or else the mic will 59:06 sound awful 59:13 dude this is like doc music like doctor disrespect 59:19 i wish i could carry you in dude you could carry me in val let's play some valor in later 59:27 i love carrie um 59:34 all right i need i need a little change up oh i'm in a right duh 59:44 hey 59:49 actually no about this one what's my skirt oh i just got off amazon 1:00:07 i'll look up the brand in a sec um but hey i forgot to show you guys 1:00:20 ta-da not done yet i'm gonna do another coat on each thingy 1:00:26 and then and then um and then i'll put the top coat on ah 1:00:35 thanks guys thanks guys no kathy this is my only skirt 1:00:42 as too loud um 1:00:49 how do you manage to wear a wig without itching i don't 8 itches 1:00:56 honestly the only way i think you can get a wig that doesn't itch is if it's real hair like real human hair 1:01:02 but those are really expensive and i don't have any of those 1:01:07 unfortunately 1:01:15 okay i'm gonna do my second coat of the purple 1:01:23 on each of my fingies 1:01:40 oops 1:01:46 hey there how's it going what's up colonel lorraine how are you doing how are you doing today 1:01:53 we're just chilling painting some nails chatting 1:01:58 voiding you know how it goes 1:02:05 do i get my wigs from amazon no i actually went to a wig store i only have i only have these two um 1:02:12 i only have this this pink one and the blonde one that you guys have seen but i actually went to a wig store 1:02:21 which maybe that would be a good video like would you guys like that make a video of me going wig shopping 1:02:39 oh yeah 1:02:49 yes okay cool that's a lot of support for that 1:02:57 you would love that because you no idea what the wig environment is like yeah for sure basically here i'll just i'll just 1:03:03 give you a rundown also right now of like how it goes um 1:03:10 basically the first thing you want to make sure 1:03:18 even if you're not um even if you're like just a cross dresser like me 1:03:23 like ask them are you trans friendly because that's how you know that if they'll be 1:03:28 fine with you going in there um and then if they are then you're golden 1:03:34 and you go in there and basically you can like make an appointment at some places like make appointments 1:03:40 or other places you can just walk in um and basically they sit you on a little thing you just 1:03:46 tell them like the colors and the length and the styles you want and then they just like bring out wigs to you and you just sit in this little pod with a 1:03:54 mirror and they just bring them out and put them on and you try and you try them all on it's really fun it's like trying on 1:03:59 shoes 1:04:10 okay well i kind of screwed up my thumb but that's okay 1:04:19 that is okay all right now we're gonna do coat number two of 1:04:25 this weird pink stuff 1:04:33 burn iron out okay i don't know if i love this music either dude 1:04:38 music for streaming is so hard because it's like i just want to play i just want to play 1:04:45 music everyone likes but if i do my whole vod will get muted 1:04:52 okay we're going back to hifi no we're not 1:04:58 what is this okay fine whatever 1:05:10 like i really wish i could just play like my spotify playlist 1:05:20 what are your favorite types of music i need records give me recommendations 1:05:27 it could be anything anything at all 1:05:46 what's up bailey doomy how you doing welcome to the stream 1:05:55 vaporwave for sure i [ __ ] with vaporwave favorite is cool i like it and i like the like aesthetic 1:06:02 too it's very cool 1:06:15 techno is good yeah i love techno you listen to everything so yeah fair enough fair enough 1:06:29 dude thank you guys so much for donating thank you everyone who donated that is such a sweet thing to do wow 1:06:36 i really really appreciate that mwah 1:06:43 psytrance2 cool i have never heard that but i'll look it up 1:06:52 classical but you know it's not that popular hey i like classical music 1:06:59 okay we had an issue on that nail that's okay 1:07:25 now it's looking great 1:07:34 i know they're looking so good there's such a good combo of colors look at that 1:07:42 yeah fleek absolutely absolutely hey thank you so much for the 1:07:49 two bucks let's see is it is it her is it our friend 1:07:57 oh no thank you hope you're doing well thank you so much and corindu thank you so much for following holy [ __ ] thanks 1:08:02 guys mwah welcome welcome welcome 1:08:10 we are just vibing just chilling painting some nails talking about random stuff 1:08:17 thank you so much for hanging out guys and for supporting me i really really really appreciate it like holy [ __ ] 1:08:22 thank you so much thank you 1:08:28 right now exactly exactly 1:08:38 okay i just gotta wait for this to dry and then 1:08:45 then we can put on top coat nice hair color thank you welcome welcome to the stream 1:08:53 how are you doing today okay 1:08:58 also i might have to stop this stream after only like 1:09:04 two hours or like an hour and a half because i'm hot i don't do base coat should i do is that 1:09:10 a thing is base coat a thing i didn't even know 1:09:17 that was a thing i just saw this at the store and it said top coat so i was like okay 1:09:23 i guess i should just buy that but i didn't see anything that's a base coat 1:09:29 but oh well can you use top coat as base coat or do you need something else 1:09:36 no i'm actually hot like like temperature wise like really like i'm sweating 1:09:44 um it's because it's because they're awake and it's like i have ac 1:09:51 i have ac um i mean hey [ __ ] i'm hot as [ __ ] too but no [ __ ] 1:09:58 but i'm not for real i have ac but it will make the mic sound horrible if i turn it on so i can't 1:10:04 but yeah for that reason i can only stream for another like 45 minutes or something because i'm 1:10:10 already dying excuse me bass code is optional just helps keep it 1:10:16 longer okay good hey [ __ ] anonymous two dollars thank you 1:10:21 so much wow thanks so much they said love the outfit thank you so much 1:10:27 fit check for that 1:10:49 thank you so much i really appreciate the donation 1:10:55 oh i can't believe it i actually can't believe i'm even saying those words thank you for the donation like 1:11:01 wow it's so weird i can't believe this thank you guys so much 1:11:09 okay i can't do it yet they still need some time 1:11:23 my outfit looks very cute and comfy thanks yeah it is it's really comfortable i mean of course 1:11:29 oh [ __ ] oh well yeah i dented my nail a little 1:11:36 bit that's okay um 1:11:41 i mean of course the bra is not super comfortable but that's okay oh thanks you love my eyes 1:11:48 that's so sweet damn that's such a nice thing to say thank you guys so much ronald is my 1:11:54 youtube twitch crutch oh my god 1:12:01 thank you guys that's so sweet i don't know what to like oh my god you 1:12:07 guys are so nice to me thanks so much 1:12:13 i think you're not the only simp here 1:12:22 oh my god thank you guys 1:12:30 wow you guys are so sweet you like my left elbow wow thanks so 1:12:36 much [Laughter] 1:12:41 i'm dead i love you my simp army let us conquer 1:12:48 the world together 1:12:57 always simply thank you guys i love you guys so much you guys make me feel so happy i'm gonna stream more 1:13:05 because like this [ __ ] makes me feel so happy like i just i just love like performing for 1:13:11 you guys and just like hanging out like it's so fun um i'm going back so i'll let you guys know 1:13:18 i'm going back to visit um i'm going back to visit some family 1:13:24 next week so next week i'll be pretty like off grid maybe i'll 1:13:30 well maybe i'll try and like film a little bit on there but and like i'll be tweeting and like i'll 1:13:35 uh post i'll hopefully post some like pics on instagram but yeah i'll be a little bit radio silent for a week but 1:13:41 after that i'm gonna try and really stream like a lot like once like or yeah like twice or two three 1:13:47 times a week even like i would love that random question did you have a lot of anxiety when you first started this fam 1:13:52 yep definitely i mean yeah i think that that uh i think that like comes with the 1:13:58 territory it's like you know we've we've been told our whole lives that like you're not supposed to 1:14:04 do this and that it's weird and that you're not allowed to um 1:14:10 so certainly there's a lot of internalized feelings there you know like 1:14:15 i myself have been conditioned heavily that 1:14:20 someone like me is weird and like i feel weird about myself all the time and 1:14:26 um yeah i just i think it just takes time honestly like and like it's like 1:14:33 exposure therapy you know you just have to do it um and it gets easier 1:14:38 but yeah definitely lots of anxiety lots of like weird pictures i mean weird picture 1:14:45 weird feelings and just like weird like yeah reservations about it 1:14:52 oh you're not weird you're cute they're too hard thanks das thanks diamond much appreciated 1:14:57 you're cute as well you're adorable um am i from the us yes i am 1:15:04 does my family know you cross-dress yes they do and they do support it some more than others um 1:15:11 of course some some more than others but that's just how it goes you know 1:15:17 you can't can't choose can't choose how people react you can just do what 1:15:22 you want to do and if they react badly [ __ ] them it's basically how i feel 1:15:30 that is my take on the situation 1:15:38 dude my nails look awesome nails look so good 1:15:44 they're so [ __ ] cute i said this on last stream but i saw 1:15:50 this awesome tick tock where this guy was like replying to a comment that someone had had made on 1:15:56 his tick tock and they were like why are you wearing nails and he and he made a tick tock in response and he was like 1:16:02 oh i'm sorry man you don't know about doing whatever the [ __ ] you want oh that sucks i hope you 1:16:10 find it i hope you figure it out someday i was dead i was like yup that's sad 1:16:17 that's how it goes 1:16:22 like a lot of people out there don't actually realize that they can just do what they want 1:16:28 like they're very entrenched in beliefs that they think they hold but 1:16:35 they actually were implanted there by like other people 1:16:41 um yeah it's it's sad it's a bummer 1:16:47 so many poor men out there thinking that they need to just be macho and 1:16:53 no we're a strong man like what [ __ ] that bro whatever who cares 1:16:58 like if that's what you want to do go for it but like every man does not have to be like that like are you kidding me 1:17:04 that's so boring getting new outfits soon and it has rainbow gloves oh that's awesome dude 1:17:11 [ __ ] yeah let me show you some some of these socks i have 1:17:25 [Music] 1:17:39 aren't those sick i know right i found them at target 1:17:46 you should get some and it's like i'm well i'm not irish i mean like i'm american but like my like 1:17:54 my family name is like irish and like my family immigrated from ireland a little bit ago 1:17:59 um so i like the shamrock for that reason 1:18:09 yeah pride socks for sure 1:18:15 okay i think we can do top coat now let's try it i like top coat because it dries fast 1:18:22 what do you think of trump's wish twitter version wait what 1:18:28 so you're hot irish [ __ ] yes absolutely that is that is what i am um 1:18:36 what is uh trump's wish twitter version i'm not even sure i'd know about that 1:18:43 i thought he got banned on twitter uh-oh do i even want to open that link 1:18:57 oh my god yeah all right i'm already closing that 1:19:05 yeah i'd love to just never think about him ever again personally 1:19:12 this is like that is a 1:19:18 a horrible memory that i hope we can leave in the past 1:19:24 and that he can just fade out of relevancy because he's a [ __ ] weirdo 1:19:32 but anyway i don't want to talk about him he gone 1:19:38 at least it's like biden's like whatever but at the very least 1:19:44 he's boring which is like a nice thing 1:19:49 um i went golfing last weekend and felt like yeah 1:19:56 weird i've i've been golfing like three times it's kind of fun actually i 1:20:04 i thought i would hate it but it's kind of chill like if you have your 1:20:10 if you have your friends and you just like go out there and mess around yeah no politics i agree 1:20:16 i agree boring and also triggering 1:20:25 ah sorry sorry if that was loud i just 1:20:30 i just dropped my top coat brush 1:20:41 okay 1:20:51 there we go 1:21:00 yeah i couldn't hit the ball it was my first time yep yeah golfing is like 1:21:07 i don't think golfing would be very fun if i was like actually trying hard to be good at it but it's funny just like like 1:21:14 golf courses are always really peaceful would be an awesome supermodel 1:21:19 thank you we need like 1:21:24 there needs to be like an androgynous or like femboy like fashion company 1:21:31 and then they need to sponsor me i need to become their head model 1:21:38 do i ever get my nails done professionally i've i got him done once 1:21:47 bro just a queer fashion hey chico dredd thank you so much for following welcome welcome 1:21:54 yeah yeah we're just just uh yeah just like a non straight people straight cis people oh 1:22:01 [ __ ] anonymous three dollars thank you so much holy [ __ ] thank you mwah 1:22:07 wow dude i can't believe this thank you guys so much 1:22:14 damn this is the longest i've ever watched a stream usually i get bored real quick wow 1:22:19 that's such a sweet compliment thank you so much but feel free to to dip out if you want 1:22:26 um no need to stick around for longer than you want to but if you are enjoying yourself 1:22:32 i'm very happy to have you that's awesome 1:22:38 i'm just glad that i can like make content for you guys and like make 1:22:43 you guys day better it makes me so happy 1:22:50 dude holy [ __ ] i need to like freak out for a sec like i can't believe i've gotten like 1:22:56 let me count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1:23:05 donations today what the hell 1:23:25 [ __ ] 1:23:31 i screwed on my nail but that's okay worth it for the excitement 1:23:40 okay 1:23:45 i'm just so [ __ ] excited holy [ __ ] i can't ah 1:23:50 i like can't contain myself 1:24:03 i know i don't think i've ever i don't think i've ever um 1:24:10 i think i've ever done my nails and like waited long enough for them to 1:24:16 actually dry properly like i always just like freak out and like do something stupid and then [ __ ] ruin them 1:24:37 can i have your energy of course sending it now 1:24:44 there you go take my energy 1:24:52 take my energy babe what is that ay bailey do me donate 420 thank you so 1:24:58 much bailey wow thank you so much i love you i love you guys 1:25:06 dude holy [ __ ] thank you guys so much that's so sweet 1:25:13 i literally feel like 1:25:19 like i don't know like those um 1:25:26 i feel like a little girl doing like a talent show in like a preschool 1:25:33 like 1:25:44 oh thanks bailey thank you thanks so much 1:25:50 my heart can't take any more wholesome 1:25:59 okay all done they're super [ __ ] up because i've been running around but that's okay 1:26:10 you seem like as you blow up getting more famous the fame won't go in your head yeah i hope so i don't think so i think i'm pretty like 1:26:19 real if you know what i mean like i feel like i feel like no matter 1:26:24 what i'll always just want to like make y'all happy like that's my that's 1:26:30 my goal like obviously like making money and like you know success or whatever fame like that's like cool 1:26:37 and i wouldn't say no but like truly what i want to do is just like make you guys happy and like 1:26:43 inspire some boy to wear a [ __ ] dress if he wants to like that is honestly why i do it like getting like dms and 1:26:49 messages from you guys and like and like on discord and like on instagram and [ __ ] where people are like 1:26:55 people like send me a picture of them in a dress and be like yo this is the first time i've ever worn a dress and it's because of you thank you so much like 1:27:01 that oh my god that makes my [ __ ] weak like a boy like wearing a dress 1:27:07 print on a skirt wearing some makeup because of me dude [ __ ] yeah that's so [ __ ] awesome 1:27:13 like that literally makes me so happy would you be trans girl for one million dollars i don't know 1:27:19 i don't know if i would i don't know weird question 1:27:25 um i don't know if i would do anything for just money that i didn't want to do you know it's like 1:27:32 also it's like whatever so many people i know used to be cool get a little fame and changed yeah 1:27:41 yeah yeah exactly you can't just become a trans girl you have to be a trans girl to be a trans girl exactly um 1:27:50 so many people i know used to be cool get a little a little fame and they change yeah i feel like that makes sense 1:27:55 i hope i mean i hope i'm not like that like call me out if i change but i don't think so i mean like i just 1:28:01 think because my goals like and the things that makes me happy really are like making you guys happy and like inspiring 1:28:07 you guys then like that i feel like that will never change so you know at least that'll be nice 1:28:16 um so renale literally helps when i get dysphoria if they're 1:28:21 yeah word i'm so glad i can help you guys like 1:28:28 renault is the reason why i got hoped to get a female voice one day hell yeah diamond 1:28:33 hell yeah you'll get it you will absolutely get it 1:28:38 it just takes time just takes a little practice 1:28:53 bailey thanks for the message bailey 1:29:00 um i'm just cross-dressing i mean like 1:29:06 honestly i don't think too hard about it but like yeah i'm a boy i like being a boy sometimes 1:29:11 a lot of the time i like being a girl sometimes you know i try to i try not to think too hard about it 1:29:17 like i'm just like doing what i want to do and like wearing what i want to wear when i want to wear it and that's about 1:29:22 it um what do you do when you're not busy looking pretty on stream um 1:29:28 i do some work i was saying i like do some like data analysis work i do some school work 1:29:35 um yeah um uh my voice just been cracking so much 1:29:41 recently i don't know why it's like i'm like going through puberty again or something um 1:29:49 but i i mean i practice makeup too and i play games i play a lot of video games 1:29:55 of course naturally play valorant play um 1:30:00 what do you call it what have i been playing minecraft obviously duh 1:30:06 play minecraft on our server i've been playing um 1:30:12 some what is it why am i forgetting the games i've been playing 1:30:19 oh yeah duh um apex sieve terraria rocket league those 1:30:24 are like some of my favorite ones but like honestly i'm in a bit of a gaming drought like i play i have like 1:30:31 all these games that i like but i only play him for a little bit like there's no game that i have right now oh yeah i 1:30:36 was going to try final fantasy today but i'm too hot to do it right now so i'll do it another day but 1:30:42 um but i really want to try that game because i don't know if you guys saw but like asman osmond gold has been 1:30:48 streaming and he's gaining like 180 000 viewers um 1:30:54 all right i'm gonna go back to valerian just sleeping in the background you deserve the watchtime thanks so much instant shock i really appreciate that 1:30:59 have a good day have a nice time in valorem wreck those noobs get some headshots for 1:31:04 me um 1:31:10 yeah we should all play apex i'd be down definitely um i'm bad i'm not not that good at 1:31:17 shooters so you guys can carry me um 1:31:26 no i mean like temperature wise i'm too hot like i literally like i'm too 1:31:33 sweaty to like start a game right now like i need to end this room in like 15 minutes because i'm gonna die 1:31:39 um but that is something i really want to play like i don't know have any of you 1:31:45 guys tried final fantasy 14 because like asman was playing he was getting like 150 000 viewers or 1:31:51 something so i was like damn this must actually be pretty popular 1:31:58 i'm sorry that's just me you're just that hot fair enough fair enough kathy respectable 1:32:06 um 1:32:12 psx wanted you to play it word yeah i 1:32:18 think it would be cool i mean at least i just want to like try it out like make a character cause 1:32:23 they have um like you know cat girls and like cute 1:32:28 cute races 1:32:34 maybe might be might be kind of fun might be a little yeah as you said it's pretty good but the 1:32:39 base game 150 is kind of a slog but you get it and the first expansion the free trial word 1:32:44 yeah that's what i've heard i feel like i feel like yeah it might it might not be the most interesting content like i've 1:32:50 i'll probably like start it on stream and then like 1:32:55 do a little bit on and then like you know play the boring parts off stream and then like you know when i'm on stream i can like 1:33:02 do a dungeon or like do the main quest or i don't know something cool 1:33:07 i don't know you'll be right back all right no worries kathy 1:33:12 fantasy star on line two a free game with cute girls bunny all right 1:33:18 let's look that up 1:33:23 ah 1:33:30 okay okay love it bunny girls love that 1:33:40 now following you on insta and might have blowing up your feet with some likes awesome no worries thank you thanks for 1:33:46 following me um oh [ __ ] dude fanny's fanny star online 1:33:53 looks sick these these these swords look 1:34:02 awesome oof it is hot 1:34:18 no don't apologize you're gorgeous babes you're you're glowing love 1:34:25 don't let anyone tell you different brown 1:34:36 this is nice for real 1:34:42 all of you watching me you are gorgeous don't let anyone tell you anything 1:34:48 how hot is it it's like it's like not that hot but it's like i mean it's kind of hot it's like 1:34:54 um 80 something like 85 fahrenheit i don't know where you're from but we use fahrenheit 85 fahrenheit but it's like i 1:35:01 mean like that's pretty [ __ ] hot but it's the wig and then like this like this makes me so hot 1:35:06 it makes me so hot ronaldo needs a name for her fans yeah true what do you guys want to be called 1:35:13 my champions my girls my gals 1:35:19 my buttercups that's what i was calling people on my unlike my youtube video 1:35:25 descriptions some sometimes say what's up buttercups 1:35:30 i always liked that phrase thought it was cute what's up buttercup 1:35:37 okay i need to i need to not touch the desk because i literally like bounce my knee out of anxiety so much 1:35:43 and you're [ __ ] yeah i'm down what's up [ __ ] 1:35:55 this okay all right y'all can be my [ __ ] unless you want to 1:36:00 opt out of being a [ __ ] then you can be something else 1:36:14 okay i mean like i'm actually kind of not that hot anymore would you guys 1:36:21 would you guys want me to go play a little final fantasy or would you want to just keep chatting for 1:36:27 a little bit butter [ __ ] 1:36:36 totally i'm a butter [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] for some butter 1:36:43 i love me some butter 1:36:55 dude edm music is so extra 1:37:04 dude nails take so long to drive 1:37:23 dude we got like so many followers and [ __ ] today hell yeah thank you guys all for joining me 1:37:30 i don't even want to know like the view count and stuff i feel like i just stressed me out 1:37:37 but having a great time i can't wait i can't wait like i really want to like stream like i want to have a schedule i want to 1:37:43 stream like monday wednesday friday or like tuesday thursday like saturday something like 1:37:49 that and like so you guys can be there like every every week and like you'll know when i'm on so like i won't have to announce it 1:37:55 and like yeah that's what i want to do this is my first time on stream and i already hope to meet ronaldo one day 1:38:00 oh that's so nice i hope to meet you too maybe we can do like in the future we'll 1:38:06 do a fan meet-up that'd be sick that'd be awesome 1:38:12 the beginning of final fantasy 49ers like seven to ten minutes scenes but character creation might be good yeah 1:38:18 yeah i'll leave it for another time for now um 1:38:23 thanks for the info frosty um what's up kathy 1:38:30 yeah i i'll leave it for another time or maybe i'll 1:38:35 or maybe i'll just like make my character off stream because that's kind of boring and then um 1:38:41 and then we can like do some other stuff on stream i've been did any of you guys play 1:38:48 uh runescape when you're a kid i've been i've been playing some old school runescape on my phone 1:38:54 because i'm bored i do it like in bed before i go to sleep 1:39:01 you meet celebs sometimes in new york or nollies now unlisted people to meet nice 1:39:09 you think making the character might be the funniest yeah well that's what i was thinking that's what i was thinking 1:39:14 i'll leave it for another time though i'll leave for another time so i can like um 1:39:21 so i can like focus on it and everything and like make it a whole thing yeah you did a lot wait dude i love 1:39:27 runescape want to become famous but oh god get out of here bam 1:39:33 bam how do i ban somebody 1:39:39 purge oh wait i only timed him out for one 1:39:45 second oh nice nice mod [ __ ] mod [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah diamond 1:39:52 thank you dude we got our first spam bot pog 1:39:59 it's how you know we're really gonna make it do i have friends who crossdress no i'm 1:40:05 the only one out of my friends nothing called too much makeup yeah i 1:40:12 think you banned him yeah i think you ban them good job diamond um 1:40:23 you want to be a streamer kathy i got you um because you're you're in the discord 1:40:28 here i'll mind you 1:40:37 i think you might know bye-bye spam boom 1:40:42 you got oh i got one for stream okay nice dude y'all are doing a great job okay kathy the only thing you have to do is 1:40:49 just if someone's being mean if someone's spamming if someone's hateful 1:40:54 just ban them that's it i mean if someone's like if someone's only just like rude you can time them 1:40:59 out for like a day or something you don't have to ban them completely but if they're at all 1:41:05 like hateful or bigoted or like anything like that [ __ ] ban them immediately 1:41:11 um and that's about it yeah 1:41:17 i mean there there might be some other responsibilities like when i'm um like for example when i'm 1:41:24 if i'm playing a game and people are like spoiling [ __ ] then you can time them out 1:41:29 yeah i think i think twitch already has like a pretty good um list of 1:41:35 words that they automatically ban but yeah we could expand that um 1:41:41 but yeah like if i'm playing a game and people are like spoiling stuff then 1:41:47 you can time them out just stuff like that stuff to just like don't go too crazy though you know let 1:41:53 people say what they want to say um but yeah if it's if it's like hateful like yeah just ban them 1:41:59 i know the three femboys started streaming this week uh oh got competition 1:42:09 uh kathy you you just write right-click people's names and that's how you can time them out or ban them i don't know if you can sing but it'd be cool to see 1:42:16 you seeing dancing to a song you like on youtube word i would love to do a dance video i can't really sing unfortunately 1:42:23 but i can dance kind of i can definitely dance i love dancing 1:42:32 um don't worry i'm the best oh 1:42:38 thank you thanks so much 1:43:06 dude i can't believe it that last video i posted 1:43:12 has gotten so many more views in the first day than any other video 1:43:20 in the first two days it already has almost 12k views holy [ __ ] 1:43:27 my next best one after that only had 4k views at this time so 1:43:33 that's [ __ ] progress that is absolute progress right there 1:43:43 dude seriously i can't i can't even believe it i honestly can't even believe it it's like 1:43:50 i wake up and i'm like wait do i really have [ __ ] 6k subscribers on youtube like that's insane to me that is insane 1:43:58 to me 1:44:04 what is that baby don't hurt me 1:44:10 creeper are you playing minecraft 1:44:17 yeah hate donos apparently 1:44:25 but we also got a lot of love donors today thank you guys so [ __ ] much mwah i really appreciate it like wow 1:44:33 it just makes me want to explode like i'm so happy i'm so happy that i can make something 1:44:39 that you guys like enough that you would literally support me for it like 1:44:44 that just makes me so happy 1:44:54 i know right they're literally giving me money like what this is a weird move 1:45:00 like i'm 1:45:06 youtube just caught onto the omegle trolling videos i found another three fun boys making them and two of them stream damn 1:45:12 cool youtube youtube's uh dude's giving us the love we deserve 1:45:17 dude i know though instant shock it's so funny like it's like if they're they're not even being read 1:45:23 on stream like it's like only i'm only i'm 1:45:28 reading them and here's the funny thing is that they said they said i like your stuff 1:45:33 but and then like something mean about like 1:45:39 some marginalized group um that i'm not even a part of and 1:45:45 so it's like like what is the point of that like literally what's the point of that and then they said i'm gonna go do 1:45:51 something productive like okay dude whatever like 1:45:57 like what the [ __ ] i mean [ __ ] 1:46:03 that person gave me like six dollars so they came in here and gave me six 1:46:09 dollars every day wouldn't be mad about it 1:46:15 even if they're doing it for a bad reason 1:46:29 okay i think it's getting to that point where i'm dying of heat 1:46:36 and i might have to go take off all these clothes and 1:46:43 have a cold shower i know what's up with chat i mean maybe 1:46:50 this is why youtube devs don't deal with comment trolls you troll that comments is another out of you yeah 1:46:57 yup totally just another ad view that's all they want 1:47:04 um 1:47:10 but yeah i am i'm getting to that point where i can't really think straight because i'm so hot 1:47:17 so give it to the end of the song and then i think 1:47:22 i'm gonna go take a cold shower but for anyone who's still here thank 1:47:28 you guys so much for watching like this has been so [ __ ] fun like holy [ __ ] 1:47:36 [Laughter] 1:47:44 take off the makeup of your hot lull you're helping me to focus on game 1:47:50 [ __ ] well i mean i if you guys want me to keep streaming i'll keep streaming for a little bit 1:47:55 more but i'm honestly like perishing actively i'm perishing 1:48:04 i keep having to like do this kind of sweating 1:48:19 beauty a hundred percent is pain 1:48:27 why is that why is everything that makes you hot 1:48:34 like uncomfortable i never thought that a family would be my crush 1:48:39 there you go that's the goal confusing people's sexualities since three months ago 1:48:46 that's my channel baby overheating is very bad for health yeah 1:48:52 exactly yeah thanks guys i really appreciate it 1:48:59 it's all good if you have to go freshen up especially if it's not thank you thanks bailey yeah i'm gonna give it 1:49:05 to the end of this song and then we'll go do that i went on a full-day trip to a city with 1:49:12 my mom and decided to wear high heels holy [ __ ] hell yeah awesome 1:49:17 that's so cool congratulations that's also rough though 1:49:26 i can't walk in high heels at all like i have no idea how to do that i don't know how people do that 1:49:32 that shit's crazy to me 1:49:43 you like fanboys equals you're gay because you like boys don't liking vampires equals gay because you don't like people looking like a girl 1:49:49 exactly and that is literally it's so funny when i go in omegle and like that 1:49:55 exact thought process like goes through all of these guys heads like when i mess with them they're 1:50:01 like [ __ ] how do i not be gay right now 1:50:12 oh it's so funny [Laughter] they're like oh god okay what what 1:50:18 reaction can i give that makes it so that i'm not gay 1:50:24 i'm like dude it's okay to think i'm hot like i look like a hot girl like you're you're don't 1:50:30 worry about it guy like you're fine no one's judging you 1:50:38 you own like 30 pairs of them holy [ __ ] 1:50:48 to be honest i think you're a guy and you like a boy that looks like a girl then you're not gay exactly like i literally look like a girl so like 1:50:55 thinking i'm hot as a straight guy is like not weird but they all think it's weird and i always want to get them to admit it i'm 1:51:01 like bro you know i'm a boy but like but like don't lie that you you thought i was hot as [ __ ] when i first got on 1:51:07 this on this chat so don't be lying and they're like nah nah and i'm like shut up like yes you did 1:51:15 you were literally like flirting so hard but they always try and backtrack i wish i could just get some 1:51:20 some guy that's like actually confident in himself and not insecure to be like well i do occasionally i do they'd be 1:51:26 like well [ __ ] you're still [ __ ] hot but it's so annoying like so many guys are just like oh no no i'm like you were 1:51:34 literally simping for me like two seconds ago i'm like shut up 1:51:40 easiest to walk in his wedge tennis shoes yeah for real i have um 1:51:48 have those like platforms that i wear that i think are cute 1:51:56 even i think you're hot and you're straight girl with a boyfriend exactly 1:52:02 yeah for real thank you guys yeah why can't they admit it renaissance was that exactly exactly 1:52:10 you look hot i'm a boy you're so hot boom there you [ __ ] go exactly with heels three inches and 1:52:17 higher get them a full size up for comfort more support than the shoes has around the ankle less stress than 1:52:22 the toes huh interesting that's good to know hey what's up trickster i trickster 1:52:28 i remember you from last time welcome welcome how you living 1:52:34 unfortunately i'm just about to end the stream because i'm dying of heat but 1:52:40 it was great to have you and thanks for stopping by but yeah once this crazy song ends i 1:52:46 know i've said that for like the last three songs but actually when this song ends i'm gonna end oh thank you guys so much for watching 1:52:54 mwah it's been so much fun one more check 1:53:01 wait i'm gonna bring my headphones 1:53:28 boom there you go nope 1:53:37 dude this dress the dress or this skirt helps make your butt look good 1:53:46 the skirt helps because i actually don't got cake 1:53:51 really but the skirt makes it look like i do you really want you really want heal as 1:53:58 high heels yeah yeah spinny spin dudes benny spin skirt spinny he's 1:54:04 10 out of 10. i love your laugh thank you that's such a nice compliment that's honestly like 1:54:10 one of the sweetest things you can say to someone like saying that you like your laugh like that's so sweet 1:54:18 okay guys thank you so much for watching this has been so much fun i'm definitely gonna do this again i once again i'm 1:54:24 traveling next week so i'm gonna be a little bit like off the grid but once i get back i'm really gonna try and get 1:54:31 like a set schedule stream like three times a week and see how far we can take this baby 1:54:38 let's take over the world hat fanboy gang let's get it crosstalk is good 1:54:46 all right guys mwah much love have a wonderful day girls boys and everyone in between i 1:54:52 love all of you you're all wonderful you are beautiful you are loved accept yourself 1:54:58 [ __ ] the haters boom [ __ ] them be yourself mwah 1:55:06 bye guys