0:37 do 1:27 so 3:35 [Music] 3:44 [Music] 4:39 [Music] 5:33 yo yo what's up everybody 5:42 hey what's up cj what's up kmack mitch master meow cat mandalorian thoman 5:50 dot cp what's good how is everyone doing today 5:59 so as you can see i'm not in full girl mode quite yet 6:08 hey desmosito how you doing 6:13 um yes as you can see i am not full girl 6:19 mode quite yet but i'm in skater fanboy 6:25 realness if you know what i mean um 6:31 what's up bro to see wrote leela how you doing thank you 6:37 you're really good at the eyelashes little thanks so much hey what's up gamer adam how you doing 6:45 yup santa cruz baby 6:51 love that thank you still looks convincing 6:58 thanks love your content keep it up thanks gamer adam appreciate that 7:03 were you born male or female i was born male 1 um what's up sukadis how you doing 7:11 i must do something be back in a minute no worries came back no worries it all yeah it'll it'll i'll be here for a few 7:18 hours don't worry about it see ya have a have a good one 7:25 thank you all for joining 7:33 how's the audio levels like the music and stuff 7:38 it's good and my in my voice 7:46 [Music] 7:54 um anything special planned for the streamer just winging it um no yeah i'm just gonna wing it i think 8:00 um i have some i have some clothes over there if we wanna if we wanna dress up 8:07 um but i also was planning on maybe playing a lot of minecraft playing a little just cause 3 8:16 for meow cat because they've been requesting that um 8:21 and also a little final fantasy so yeah those are those are my ideas but 8:27 hey whatever you guys want to do it's fine with me you know i'm here for 8:33 you i'm here to perform for you 8:42 so if y'all got any suggestions i'm all ears i'm all ears 8:50 we win these yep 8:58 i think i did a good job on makeup today 9:05 especially like foundation and um 9:12 and like powder and stuff i feel like i did a good like base i think 9:18 do you play fortnite um i do but i kind of i mean i was super into it like a while ago when it was 9:25 you know huge but i'm kind of not that into it anymore unfortunately 9:31 honestly dude i'm like bored of battle royals like overall i mean i was playing like 9:37 i was playing like minecraft hunger games like the original battle royale hey 9:43 jack zeiss what's up thanks for following thank you so much welcome to the team 9:49 um but yeah i was i played like minecraft hunger games like so long ago like 9:54 that was like the original br um and then i was playing like [ __ ] 10:00 uh dayz and h1z1 and pub and then fortnite and it's like and then 10:06 warzone and like uh i'm just over it i'm over about all right all's dude you look you look cute bro hey thanks 10:13 secretaries appreciate it 10:20 um yeah exactly i'm tired of br but what's their play at the moment exactly there's like pretty much nothing else to 10:26 play so it's like gotta play apex or or fortnite you know one of those 10:35 tts donations one good point i think we should uh we should start 10:40 that up i don't know how to do that but i'll figure it out and um and then we can get that going 10:46 that'll be fun hey grichi what's up thanks for following 10:51 what if minecraft yeah i'm down to place in minecraft later for sure 10:56 um dot cp sorry i missed your message you said you had to buy final fantasy after 11:02 last stream awesome game yeah dude i'm having a lot of fun with it i'm having a ton of fun i'm still on the free trial 11:08 version but yeah i'm really enjoying it sorry i missed your message 11:13 cj you said oh what's up danny danny longlegs what's up thanks so much for following appreciate 11:19 it danny longlegs that's that's a good name um 11:25 cj you said you wanted to get it too but you're afraid your pc won't run it yeah it's a i heard you kind of need an ssd 11:31 for it because there's a lot of load screens so if you don't have one it's kind of rough 11:38 um emil you said can you dress sunflower girl uh yes i i could i don't have 11:45 unfortunately my yellow shirt is really dirty right now um 11:51 my like bright yellow cute shirt so unfortunately i won't be able to wear 11:57 that with like the little overall dress which was my normal little sunflower girl look but 12:03 um what about battlefield the new 2042 looks pretty good yeah i uh i i like 12:09 battlefield i haven't i haven't picked it up yet but i i'll look into that one for sure hey what's up zfata 12:15 thanks for following thank you so much you're looking absolutely gorgeous thank you appreciate that 12:23 what if trey heart try some hard track mania oh what's up mink marion thanks so much for following 12:28 welcome to the tube dude i love track mania i used to play 12:34 trackmania um that [ __ ] is so fun that's like one of my favorite games 12:40 excuse me i'm kind of congested right now sorry if i sniffle into the camera or into the 12:46 microphone um but yeah i love track mania i used to play that when i was a kid or when i was like you know little 12:54 see did you say i'm so scared about tornadoes like everyone is saying that it ruins the whole game and the weather in the last few games were already 13:00 annoying interesting i haven't heard that apparently the weather in the new battlefield is kind of gnarly 13:07 dot cp says the requirements are surprisingly low for the graphics maybe download the trial yeah you should you 13:13 should um you should try the trial of final fantasy no matter what because it's free so even if your pc can't run it i'll be 13:20 fine um you gotta head back to work but have a 13:26 good stream i'll be back in stone later all right no problem mitch master have a good have a good day thanks for thanks 13:32 for tuning in for a little bit no problem at all having a good day at work 13:41 ooh new world true is that even like uh is that even out 13:47 did it come out isn't it like in beta or something yeah it's not even out yet 13:54 um when did i start streaming only like a couple weeks ago i i have a youtube channel that's been up for like three 13:59 months if you want to go check that out it's right there i mean you can't click the link but 14:06 yeah you should check me out on youtube um but yeah i only started streaming like three months ago something like that i mean 14:12 two weeks ago i started my youtube channel three months ago um 14:18 cj said well i've been playing jet plane since battlefield 3 so the weather ruins air support but on the ground it's so sick yeah yeah i remember i remember i 14:25 played battlefield my camera battlefield i played before this one there's too many at this point 14:31 but the i do remember the weather being kind of sick 14:39 you want to see me ball hell yeah hell yeah 14:45 i'm thinking i want to make that a video but it's just so scary like i want to go out and and like play pick up with some 14:50 random people like dress like this oh [ __ ] anonymous tipped one dollar thanks so much thank you thank you so 14:57 much mwah that's awesome thanks so much i really appreciate that much love much love 15:03 here one sec let me just pull up my uh my activity feed so i can 15:09 see if that person read a message 15:14 yeah the nba nba finals still baffles me how you don't have more stumps on youtube tbh hey there it's growing we're 15:21 getting there i'm getting like a couple hundred every day so um i wish i could be back here but i 15:26 have to get back to work hope you're alive later no worries have a good day 15:32 yeah i'll i'll be on for a few hours so hopefully hopefully you guys yeah i know hopefully it's not a hate don't know 15:38 that'd be funny oh my god it's literally the same guy i'm dead it is the hate dunno again 15:43 which which i don't really care about because they're giving me money but hey 15:51 yeah i have been getting hate donors which like it's fine because i don't show the text 15:57 so it's fine but um [ __ ] they're giving me money for no reason so i don't care 16:04 yeah it sucks but celebi exactly bro no cap you look better than half the girls i know 16:11 love that i love that 16:19 fitting the nba finals hell yeah dude i've been watching them bucks for sons 16:24 baby who you guys got 16:29 dude yeah i can't believe i honestly it's so funny because they donated as anonymous too so they don't even have 16:34 the balls to do their hate don't know with their name but they just give me money 16:39 and say mean things you said give cp3 some slack man that 16:46 man don't need no slack just let him win nah 16:51 nah nah man he's flopping too much 16:57 [ __ ] uh giannis deserves it i think free money's free money exactly dude 17:03 like i'm not gonna complain it's like they obviously got some 17:08 they obviously got some [ __ ] they're dealing with if they feel the need to donate yeah i know they're probably 17:14 refunding it or something i don't know who knows although i think i've set it up in my paypal with a business account that it's 17:20 kind of hard to do that but i don't really know how that works 17:27 yeah no balls no balls whatsoever 17:34 exactly oh my god look there they go oh that sucks i'm sorry guys 17:42 i don't know how to like make that not happen i'm not good at like 17:48 [ __ ] um moderating and [ __ ] see look they still have no balls no 17:54 balls to even put their name oh [ __ ] mc with 1337 thank you so much 18:02 holy [ __ ] thank you oh my god that's so nice of you 18:07 wow let me see if there's a message this is not a hate don't know 18:12 yay you'll be a big streamer one day keep it up and say awesome i love what you're doing thank you so much emcee 18:18 that's so nice thank you so much that's so nice of you 18:24 thank you um 18:29 yeah sorry guys i don't i don't know how to i guess i guess i gotta figure out a way 18:35 to like moderate those um 18:44 on stream labs you can block some people from donating yeah i mean i i have 18:51 i have mods for my chat but i don't really know how to um moderate donations 18:58 i'll figure it out if it happens again i'll just switch to 19:04 um if it happens again i'll just switch to like this 19:10 for a little bit um 19:16 sorry you guys had to see that um 19:26 once give me one moment 19:36 hey maya lost thanks so much for following welcome to the team dude's probably sitting at home with no 19:42 job or a 13 year old just got flirted yeah literally dude 19:48 it's like it's like this this person very clearly has some of their own 19:55 issues they're dealing with if you know what i mean like 20:01 obviously very insecure you can add delays to them or manually 20:06 approve them okay cool you look swag not gonna lie thank you 20:12 appreciate it but yeah i'm i'm sorry for 20:17 i'm sorry i hope i hope no one like left because of that um 20:24 true maybe i should increase the limit to shout on screen um 20:31 yeah they definitely got got a something they're dealing with some insecurity that they're dealing with if they feel 20:37 the need to do that but um 20:43 no need to apologize some people just want to watch the world burn yeah yeah i'm just i just feel like i like 20:49 created this space you know and like i feel especially responsible like on my discord 20:54 for like um for like keeping it 21:00 just like a safe space for people because like i know a lot of my viewers are like you know just 21:07 in in in communities and in in spaces where they're vulnerable to attacks so 21:14 i do feel a little bit responsible for keeping my space nice what are my pronouns i go by he him 21:21 but like you can you can call me whatever you want honestly you can call me whatever you want it's 21:27 like when i'm in girl mode you can call me she if you want but 21:33 it don't matter i'm not too i don't like to think too hard about it 21:38 um i always think that the more they hate towards lgbq plus the more they want to be a part of it but don't have the balls to come out 21:45 something like that something like that it's definitely 21:50 definitely wrapped up in that hi whatever you want i hate chuck 21:55 goddammit oh look they went back to anonymous cool 22:03 um 22:09 should i j okay [ __ ] [ __ ] it i'll just read this they said i'm not refunding i already said that my real name is 22:15 juraj sharif you guys want to see it here 22:23 where's their name they're 19. 22:29 have a job yeah that's a lie i have no insecurities sure bro 22:37 it's like normal well-adjusted people don't give money to people just to say dumb 22:43 [ __ ] [Laughter] like that is a 22:50 staple insecurity right there that is absolutely staple in security 22:55 and i love how he's giving me more money to say he's not insecure 23:02 do you mind if i share your stream to some of my streamer friends absolutely absolutely please do 23:08 thank you so much we're living in his head rent-free absolutely 23:14 like oh my god this [ __ ] is so funny hey i'll be back in a bit everyone have a good stream all right cj have a good 23:20 one thanks so much for tuning in if i had money i would donate all of it oh thank you but you don't have to 23:27 it's more than enough for you just to chill here with me more than enough thank you guys so much 23:33 for hanging out apathina thanks so much holy [ __ ] five 23:41 dollars thank you so much for the tip thank you apathy mwah they were helping me play final fantasy the other day 23:47 thank you so thank you so much 23:54 that's so nice of you thanks so much 24:08 happy chilling over here hell yeah thanks for making the space of course no problem hi you're amazing i'm trying to learn 24:14 the girl voice thank you so much you're awesome oh of course no problem of course charlie i'm so glad i could 24:20 help why am i wearing the cap i don't know because it's a cool look i think 24:26 i just think it's a cool little look but i could put on a wig if you guys 24:33 want i lost my glass in the ocean i have to get new ones at 2 30. oh hey well at least you're getting new 24:39 ones man you went you went swimming with glasses on that's brave 24:45 it's brave i am 24:50 fortunately not able to relate to glasses problems although my 24:57 uh i do i do know people who wear glasses and it does seem like a struggle 25:02 sometimes um wig yeah you guys want me to wear a wig okay 25:08 okay cool doing a girl voice is so hard especially if you have a deep voice by default yeah 25:14 it is although it'll um it'll it'll get easier like if you look up nat on youtube nat has a pretty deep 25:21 voice like a pretty naturally deep voice and he can do a better girl voice than i can 25:27 do so like it doesn't um 25:33 i don't think it's like a perfect thing oh [ __ ] dot cp thank you so much for the five 25:38 oh thank you so much that's that's so nice you've donated a few times now i really really appreciate 25:45 that thanks so much that is so nice of you wow michelle now follow my socials yay thank 25:52 you um glasses are pogba but you have to be 25:58 blind to rock them yeah yeah you can't be wearing glasses if you don't need them that's appropriating 26:04 that's appropriation of glasses culture no i think honestly your voice is better 26:10 oh thank you are you are you sure because matt's is pretty [ __ ] good 26:16 but thank you i appreciate that by the way it's okay sure i'll ban you 26:23 if you wanna if you want to uh 26:30 make yourself known i can ban you if you'd like 26:39 um i don't even know how to do that 26:48 whatever oh yeah i forgot i i you have to type in chat but 26:55 um you're back what's up k-mek welcome back welcome back 27:01 starting at the second omegle video you did your voice sounded really realistic starting at the second omega video you 27:07 did your voice sounded really realistic thank you so much yeah i've been i think it's been getting better 27:13 is that antu pro keyboard this is what it is 27:19 i honestly don't even know the brand it's a sky long 27:25 skyloon 27:32 but it's cute it's tiny little tiny little guy um 27:41 oh there it is okay 27:50 there we go okay yep that yeah i i figured out a band 27:55 thank you gamer adam um you like that shirt very way very pog thank you 28:00 hi i love you too pool of nutella also love your name also i remember your name from earlier 28:06 um what switches are they i think they are reds 28:13 let me make sure yeah they're reds yep 28:20 indeed they are finn's voice yeah finn's voice not the best 28:26 but he can get there i think finn honestly just has like a mental block 28:31 with doing the voice and not necessarily like um 28:38 not oh pool of nutella thank you so much for following appreciate that um like i don't think i think finn can 28:43 do it but i think he just kind of has like a like in him i don't know i think he's just kind of embarrassed like he's like cringing about it which that makes 28:50 sense um 28:58 yeah they're not the best i think these switches are actually not 29:03 cherries i think they're like knockoff ones unfortunately 29:09 um i'm thinking of getting a new keyboard soon just because this i like the tiny 29:16 keyboard but i actually um 29:22 but i actually kind of missed the arrow keys is there something like cookies coins from watching i need to get affiliate 29:28 first so i need to stream like i'm gonna stream like today and tomorrow um 29:35 so everyone's like i keep getting texts oh cool um 29:42 um 29:47 5k people watching you do some cringy stuff is a bit old michael block yeah yeah that makes sense fanboo thanks so much for the five bucks thank you so 29:54 much yay thank you mwah i recognize you also i think you've donated before thanks so 30:00 much um and there he goes again with another 30:06 dollar i'm not even going to read it but thanks for the dollar i'll read fanboos message though 30:13 um um how are you today i'm doing good 30:20 i'm doing great thank you so much for the five that's so nice um 30:28 where'd i buy my wigs i went to a wig store um 30:34 yeah i just went to a wig store um what's thick thaky lube what are you talking about oh are you talking is that 30:40 for my is that for my keyboard is that what you're talking about got it um 30:46 but yeah i went to a wig store in my hometown um and just like made an appointment and was like hey 30:52 what's up i want some wigs and they showed me like the real hair wigs which are like super 30:58 expensive and then i just got like two like fake you know synthetic wigs um 31:03 your instant's very cute thanks so much get some gatorade yellow milky switches 31:09 they're cheap and good out of the box no lube needed interesting okay 31:14 yellow milky switches got it sounds very interesting 31:21 i'll have to check those out for sure wig moment 31:26 get a short little pixie cut wig ooh that would be super cute that would be so cute 31:35 um one sec i'm just gonna reply to a text real quick 31:59 oh my god oh my god 32:06 no way 32:12 mwah love you guys love you pool of nutella 32:20 um probably gonna be lazy and buy a hot swappable board word yeah i is that the 32:26 ones with the little where you get the little claws and you can pop out the switches 32:32 alright guys should i um put on a wig i feel like i should and the team wants that 32:40 the people have requested it and the time has come 32:59 all right should we um 33:05 a fender guy 3000 thanks so much for following thank you so much 33:11 um all right let's see welcome to the [ __ ] team fender guy 33:20 you're already beautiful without it thanks so much that's really nice of you wait time work time 33:27 i have to go wish you didn't wish i didn't you're so underrated and beautiful and everyone loves you just started out so all of us will be here 33:33 known as og fans absolutely no problem pool nutella i hope you have an amazing day 33:40 i love you have an awesome day 33:48 um yeah i love you guys thank you all so much for being here 33:54 having a great time 34:00 here she is she's looking great 34:06 looking absolutely silky 34:17 love that 34:28 okay oh wait first i need my uh wig cap 34:37 fender guy yo thank you so much for the dollar thank you so much for the tip i really appreciate it 34:44 thank you so much 34:49 ignoring the donor is a good strategy but 34:55 oh my god this guy 35:01 it's like i'm not mad bro you could geek you could still give me you can keep giving me money i will not 35:07 be a post um okay bear it back i'm gonna 35:14 put on my wig cap 35:31 all right yeah given money given in spite is the best money received exactly 35:37 it's like dude literally how insecure do you have to be to anonymously anonymously give money just so you can 35:43 say some dumb [ __ ] and then give more money to say no i'm not insecure oh like 35:51 bro come on cringe cringe bro 36:05 i mean you get a buck and now you can spend it to buy stuff exactly i mean this dude's giving me like ten dollars 36:10 at this point like more than that like bruh sick thanks for buying me lunch dude 36:16 appreciate it all right got my wig cap here 36:26 it's like more money for keyboard exactly hey 36:32 aarons thanks so much for following or sorry arya rams thank you so much 36:39 welcome to the team to the squad 36:51 it's got this weird little meshy bit and it's funny because it has a hole 36:57 on the top i don't really know why but it was like that when i got it 37:04 but if you have long hair like mine and i know i've tricked 37:09 everyone but this hair that's coming out right here is actually the hair from the back of my 37:16 head not the hair from the front he might be insecure about his bank 37:22 account i would be twofold giving away my money though yeah he's insecure about a lot of things that's for sure 37:28 um that's that's the one thing we can be certain of 37:40 thank you so much here wait they they told me how to pronounce it 37:47 athena okay cool i'll call you athena 37:53 or apathy whatever you'd like i'll call you apathy 37:59 thank you so much apathy i really really appreciate that sorry they just said that they didn't that i didn't have to 38:05 read it out loud but thank you so much that's so nice of you 38:13 that's so nice of you thanks so much 38:22 hey you should check your title you should send it some random game and not just cause three 38:29 you should open a po box for fans to send you stuff yeah i should i should that's that'd be a great idea 38:35 because then i could do like p.o box streams and like open things from you guys and like okay i've been wondering about 38:41 this because mcmahon you just said with the way hey donors are i'm not sure that would be great right now and i agree 38:47 but it's like big streamers must deal with that all the time in their po boxes so 38:55 how do they do it um how do they deal with like people 39:00 sending them like bad [ __ ] uh yeah i don't know 39:07 shipping is more than one dollar so he's fine 39:14 boom roasted yeah hey hey hate guy donate more than one dollar if you're not a [ __ ] all 39:21 right if you're not an insecure little [ __ ] donate ten dollars right now you won't 39:26 you won't you [ __ ] won't because you're a little [ __ ] 39:33 omg i love your shirt thank you so much thank you so much 39:38 i appreciate that i know i love it too the colors are so good the pix po boxes are expensive gain a 39:44 larger following then get one okay yeah that's a good idea 39:49 um 39:56 at it get some content out of it sell it on ebay double win totally 40:02 goat whisperer what's up how you doing welcome to the stream 40:07 welcome welcome i love this guy's spirit makes me want to be just like him oh thank you hey 40:13 green devil what's up thanks for following welcome to the team 40:19 welcome thank you so much devil 1971 40:28 damn we got a lot of chatters today hell yeah thank you guys so much 40:33 your makeup is cool thank you mc holy [ __ ] with another 10. thank you so much 40:39 that's so nice of you wow thanks so much holy [ __ ] 40:49 he actually did it 40:57 wait this guy 41:05 wait he actually did it oh my god okay okay okay if you're not an insecure little [ __ ] you'll donate a hundred 41:12 right now literally if you don't donate a hundred dollars you're an insecure little [ __ ] forever and ever till till 41:21 the day you [ __ ] die all right and that's coming from me i that's coming from me 41:28 [Laughter] holy [ __ ] that [ __ ] is so funny oh my 41:36 god cole addict and i'm insecure little [ __ ] hey well if if you if you want to 41:42 be that go for it 41:52 are you gaslighting him to donate you money like basically yeah but he's hate donoing to me so it's fine 42:01 i remember someone got a p.o box and it had wax strips in it oh god that's 42:06 disgusting like from like their legs or some [ __ ] that's gross 42:13 sorry late peeps no problem what's up instant shock welcome to the welcome to the stream 42:21 bro i'm waiting i'm waiting for that hundred but if it if it doesn't come you are forever an insecure little [ __ ] for 42:28 the rest of your life till the day you [ __ ] die i'm waiting on the hundred 42:33 i'm waiting [Laughter] i remember watching a p.o box opening 42:39 and they got sent a used condom oh no see this is why i don't want to do it you guys are making me not want to do it 42:47 that's disgusting dude 42:52 hey no no i'm i'm not talking i'm not talking to anyone except for the 42:58 anon that's been hate donoing everyone else you're fine but the anon who's been hate dunnoing if you 43:03 don't what was his name let's see he said his name jiraj yo jiraj you're a little [ __ ] if 43:11 you don't oh my god 43:21 [Laughter] 43:28 what the [ __ ] 43:36 oh my god wow 43:44 oh my god dude i'm actually speechless i cannot believe that 43:50 holy [ __ ] yo 43:56 oh my god wait that wasn't even anonymous that was 44:02 that wait holy [ __ ] that wasn't even the anon apathy you're insane thank you so 44:07 much wait that wasn't even anon thank you so much apathy 44:13 i love you so much i wasn't even talking to you i wasn't even talking to you i was talking to [ __ ] i was talking to 44:21 this guy that was hate donoing oh my god dude [Applause] 44:28 wow thank you so much girl or or or guy whoever you are i love 44:34 you so much thank you that's so nice of you wow what a nice thing to do that's so 44:41 sweet thank you so much top twin top 10 fanboy plot twists wow 44:50 holy [ __ ] you made like a wee's worth of money in one stream welcome to being an eagle or something yeah dude 44:57 starting from the egg oh my god thank you so much apathy 45:03 that's so that's so [ __ ] nice of you i literally just by the way i wasn't talking to 45:09 all of you when i was saying you're an insecure little [ __ ] if you don't donate a hundred dollars by all means 45:14 you don't have to donate a hundred dollars but my boy uh my boy jiraj 45:20 oh my god yo you guys are crazy dude you guys are 45:27 crazy holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening oh my god 45:34 oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] thank you guys so much i 45:41 need some water 45:48 you slaying it thank you so much m.c oh my god dude [ __ ] i'm freaking out dude my heart is 45:55 beating i'm like flushed holy [ __ ] thank you guys so much 46:02 wait this is actually insane holy [ __ ] thank you so much guys wow 46:09 wow bro if i had 100 hour donut don't worry instant shock it's totally totally you 46:15 gotta save don't worry at all you you gotta you gotta do what you gotta do it's more than enough just to be here but thank 46:22 you guys so much oh my god dude oh 46:27 wow i'm freaking out damn oh my god 46:33 this is crazy loving what you're doing mate thank you so much dude thank you guys for being here also sorry if i if i 46:41 call anyone dude who doesn't want to be called that just let me know i'm sorry i just call everyone dude 46:47 um xena boop what's up thank you so much for following thanks for coming appreciate you being here 46:54 we just hanging out having fun getting [ __ ] donated hundreds off the 47:00 random holy [ __ ] honestly so crazy 47:07 yes you did just come back to extreme donor hype yes cj 47:13 i was trying to bait well actually i successfully baited the hate donor to donate ten dollars and 47:19 then i was trying to bait them into donating a hundred and two other people donated a hundred 47:26 which is awesome and thank you guys so much that's so crazy you guys are insane 47:35 what's up xena boop how you doing welcome to the team 47:41 not even an hour in the stream you make 200 yeah i know it's insane i mean more than that even like holy [ __ ] 47:53 oh my god dude i can't believe that see negging works 48:01 um dad the community is great here i love it here thanks dude i'm so happy i i i've 48:08 been i've been trying hard to to curate my [ __ ] uh 48:14 just friendly and [ __ ] supportive ass community you know 48:21 dude that's awesome i told you you're gonna blow up [ __ ] dude this is crazy i'm sorry if i'm like stuttering and [ __ ] i just like 48:28 can't i can't [ __ ] focus right now oh my god dude i'm freaking out what the [ __ ] 48:35 i lost 51 dollars thank you so much i lost i appreciate it thank you so much 48:43 appreciate that that's really nice of you mwah i love you thanks so much 48:48 who or what inspired you to become a fanboy honestly finn i mean yeah i mean like i like also my 48:56 girlfriend at the time was uh helping me a lot with like 49:01 exploring you know that kind of stuff and like wearing crop tops and stuff but like 49:06 honestly finn was like the reason at least why i started doing this like online and 49:12 making videos and stuff um when do the game playing start meowcat 49:19 just wants me to play games which i respect um 49:25 which more i wish more people around where i live were supportive hey what's up band speedrun thank you so 49:30 much for following tips to be a fan boy i mean i have a i have both a girl voice tutorial and a 49:37 makeup tutorial on my youtube so go check those out if you want to are you trans i mean nah i i i call myself a 49:44 crossdresser slash femboy i don't know i don't like to think about it too much um i just like to wear what 49:51 i want to wear and be who i want to be and that's that's who me and that's who that's who i am my dumb [ __ ] ass just 49:58 went to the queerest place in my country and didn't find the pride flags from them well 50:05 gotta order them online i guess laggy stream oh i'm sorry my uh my wi-fi is not the best 50:13 what are what am i gonna do on stream okay well um 50:21 i'll allow that one 50:31 i was gonna put on a wig um it was 50:39 dude so you lost so okay so you you you you you can only donate a dollar you're not 50:45 rich enough to donate a hundred dollars i.e you're an insecure little [ __ ] 50:51 sorry about it what's your name again uh sorry everybody jiraj 50:58 you're a little [ __ ] you're a little broke boy 51:05 you i'm dead i absolutely enjoy watching 51:11 your videos yay i'm so glad thanks so much 51:16 okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna [ __ ] do it i'm putting on a wig 51:22 i've been stalling for too long 51:36 guess you made more money than all of us combining last hour 51:42 it was me somehow dude somehow i have no idea how 51:48 the [ __ ] that happened also bill gates that's for damn sure okay 51:54 um be right back i'm gonna put this on 54:00 ta-da 54:10 okay sorry i gotta read these messages be whoever you wanna be 54:16 [ __ ] anyone who doesn't like it exactly real fans family will accept you no matter what hell yeah 54:22 wig looks great yay glad you guys like it 54:39 the wig and the ta-da gave me a heart attack 54:56 should i um should i put on a little um skirt 55:02 and a little uh thigh highs as well 55:08 my hair is going to start dating soon because all the aimab in my family have that problem and the hair thing is what gives me comfort oh 55:15 i mean you might get lucky sometimes i think people just get lucky and even though like lots of people in 55:21 their family that happens to them it just doesn't happen them so you might get lucky how many weeks do i have i just have two i have this one and i have 55:28 that other blonde one um drive mods for chat i do 55:36 but i don't know if they're on right now i had a lot of fun bye oh thanks 55:42 i'm glad thank you so much for the dollar 55:48 um thank you so much i really appreciate that mwah 55:57 okay yes skirt square and that guys all right well sounds like the people have spoken 56:07 i need to get more skirts 56:13 this is the only one i got at the time 56:18 yes the people have spoken oh 56:24 boot plate donation target oh true true 56:31 um will be some gameplay or amigo yeah i'm gonna play some games later i can't do an omega on stream for obvious reasons 56:38 cause you know someone was just gonna whip out their dick and then i'm [ __ ] banned so can't do that um 56:45 yes i should get an amazon wishlist made true how much were my my wigs my wigs were 56:51 like um this was like 30 or 40 i think i think 56:56 this one was 40 and the other one was 30. 30 you're looking beautiful thank you 57:01 horror boy i appreciate that um do i play valerian yes i do i can play some valerian i'm [ __ ] trash 57:08 though so if you guys want to watch me be absolutely trash at valorant then 57:13 we can do that it was me the hate guy bye one dollar all right whatever dude i'm not even 57:19 gonna acknowledge you but you can keep giving me money if you want to 57:25 um you're buying a wig yeah dude wig is uh 57:31 is really not that it's not too expensive who's not trasher valve i can barely aim 57:37 yeah one of dude want me any game i will poop on your head you can yes you probably can 57:44 i'm not that good except i'll probably [ __ ] on you in rocket league 57:50 i feel like i could probably [ __ ] on you in rocket league who knows though i haven't played in a good long bit 57:56 um how much in total does this guy hate donald just keep him going i know dude i 58:01 think it well well i baited him into donuting ten dollars 58:10 i told him if he's not a [ __ ] that he'll donate 10 and he did so 58:16 next time you do final fantasy 14 over the chat box is a good place for you to put your cam so you're not hiding any 58:22 actual gameplay things okay good sounds sounds good i'll i'll do that next time 58:28 um fanboy on twitch talks [Laughter] 58:37 i think that god just said something to me it was something like tower nollie via twitch and via his twitch chat to 58:42 play just custody i'm getting there i'm getting there don't worry i promise today i will play just cause three this 58:49 will happen just for you meow cat just for you 58:54 but okay wait um what was i doing 1v1 me rocket league winner gets to keep 59:00 your channel um 59:05 no because actually you'll probably shout on me all right now i gotta go for now it's 59:11 been a real pleasure honestly again definitely thanks and stay awesome thank you so much for joining mcmahon i appreciate it a lot have a good one 59:18 peace thank you for thank you for chilling yeah i'll be on for a couple hours so maybe if uh 59:24 if if you if you get on later i might still be on i need sleep instant shot dude if you need to go to sleep you got 59:29 to go you're champ tune rocket league don't even talk to me okay yeah [ __ ] you can probably beat me there too then 59:36 um so i'm just going to make sure i didn't miss any messages 59:41 i keep missing buttons on windows my aim is inferior to all yeah i know i can't even hit the xbox 59:48 the [ __ ] x oh no on a window how can i play valorent 59:53 now but i like valen i'll play if you guys want um 59:59 i'll all wonder when you rocket league uh at some point for sure um 1:00:04 but i have promised some other people to play some other games 1:00:10 first what's up charlie um what's your favorite game i like minecraft the most 1:00:16 honestly yeah me too probably minecraft is probably my favorite game ever i would 1:00:22 have to say it's it's been definitely the one that i think i've played the most hours in and 1:00:30 over the like most amount of years like i freaking i had minecraft when it when 1:00:35 it cost like 10 and it was like you just bought it off this weird website 1:00:42 um and like way before like way before microsoft even bought it so 1:00:49 i [ __ ] love minecraft i've been long been on that do you play ganshin no i don't i i could 1:00:55 though it's free i think i mean like i'll play whatever you guys want me to play so far i've promised minecraft and just 1:01:01 cost today and actually final fantasy as well so i've got a lot to do 1:01:06 you know g i remember playing when it was in beta yeah i'm a [ __ ] 1:01:12 minecraft i remember when when there were literally like five blocks in minecraft like [ __ ] there was like 1:01:18 wood one type of wood stone dirt 1:01:24 and then there was like i mean obviously there was like cobble and then there was like the oars but 1:01:30 like literally like that was it hi i figured i would say hello and wish 1:01:35 you the best of luck at streaming if it wasn't ending it today then wait what the [ __ ] dude oh gosh 1:01:41 don't hey hey you i love you we love you you have people that are here to support 1:01:48 you don't do anything rash dude don't do anything rash you have people here to 1:01:53 support you you can get help like don't do anything rash all right i love you 1:02:01 please stick around hang out with us we're just chilling 1:02:06 danger just stick around we're just hanging out all right come come chill with us 1:02:13 feeling when you're good at one game and the streamer having only that one 1:02:20 is this stream lagging um all right i mean i'm gonna 1:02:30 i'm gonna delete those messages just because 1:02:35 they're gonna yeah yeah they're just gonna trigger people it's like it's not really cool to just 1:02:41 like throw that in here but but dude just know 1:02:46 anyone who needs help like you're loved you got support we're here 1:02:55 um okay let's see maybe i can take down the bit rate 1:03:03 maybe that'll maybe that'll help 1:03:11 yeah i do i do need mods i have some i have 1:03:18 a couple mods but i don't think they're online right now 1:03:24 i know i've only uh i've only started streaming like a couple like i didn't expect to be averaging like 20 or 30 1:03:30 viewers like randomly like this um 1:03:37 uh you said i have to do something probably back in about 10 minutes hope this stream will still be on oh yeah don't worry man don't worry kmack 1:03:43 kami k yeah ah i see kami k there we go that's that's how you pronounce that um 1:03:50 yeah we'll still be here don't worry um you want pizza hell yeah what's up jody hi how you doing 1:03:57 i have 60 right now holy [ __ ] wow 1:04:03 i almost wish you didn't tell me [ __ ] now i'm all nervous 1:04:10 what's up everybody nah it's chill i'm just i'm just pretending i have zero 1:04:15 viewers that's that's how i that's how i like to do it no one's watching me i'm just talking to 1:04:22 myself nah nah i love having you guys here 1:04:28 i can't believe dude wow 60 holy [ __ ] thank you guys so much for joining me 1:04:33 it's been so fun um 1:04:39 you don't think kathy wanted to discord my song because she's away yeah i don't think so either 1:04:44 i thought diamond is diamond on oh no diamond's not on either dome 1:04:49 i was hoping diamond would be on that was my other mod or one of my other mods 1:04:56 don't worry it's only about 66 people all watching you 1:05:01 well here i [ __ ] am alright here i [ __ ] am mwah i love you guys thank you so 1:05:08 much for being here lamar you deserve each viewer you're generally a natural and fun to watch uh-huh thanks so much dude wow thank you 1:05:16 so much i really appreciate it that's so nice 1:05:24 oh there's one of my mods what's up rich yeah don't worry 1:05:30 no worries someone it wasn't too bad um 1:05:36 worry every one of those 60 people watching your every movement that's not in thought that's all no pressure 1:05:43 uh yep no pressure at all man just just [ __ ] just standing in front of a 1:05:49 literal crowd right now like actually like imagine imagine if 66 people 1:05:54 were like gathered in front of my [ __ ] house like that's a lot of [ __ ] people 1:06:03 you're my cat scared the crap out of me jesus lol dude i really want a cat my mom is 1:06:10 allergic to cats and so i've never been able to ever get a cat but finally i'm 1:06:15 not living at home anymore oh what's up carol meliss what's up carol meliss 1:06:22 thank you so much for following welcome to the team welcome let's go 1:06:28 um looking at it it's kind of a common theme with these kind of streams idky it's not the time of the place yeah 1:06:35 yeah it's weird i don't know but anyway thanks rich for uh for for 1:06:41 being here and standing god 1:06:47 i'll give my cat a pet for you he's a sweet he's a sweetheart thank you good 1:06:52 i really would appreciate that please do 1:06:59 basically just a crowd basically oh wait sorry a crowd outside your window yeah 1:07:05 literally basically what you're doing yup 1:07:13 yeah good thing thanks rich that's good um 1:07:19 dude that's crazy dude like i'm literally just like i mean also on my instagram like i'm just sitting there 1:07:25 like looking at or even i mean especially my [ __ ] youtube like that i can't i 1:07:32 can't fathom the fact that i posted a video like a week ago 1:07:37 and it has like almost 50 [ __ ] thousand views like holy [ __ ] dude that's actually 1:07:43 what that is so insane to me i remember literally three months ago it was like 1:07:49 it was like let's see when was it like march 1:07:55 april like march dude literally like march and april um 1:08:03 yes yes i i see got sorry i'm so adhd i need to read all the messages in the 1:08:08 mid-sentence but i see you got some more decoration on the dresser it doesn't look like an ikea section anymore yes 1:08:15 finally um but like dude literally in april i was 1:08:20 like i was like so hyped off of getting literally like 100 views a day or something and now my 1:08:27 channel is getting like 10k views a day it's honestly insane dude 1:08:33 yeah woo 20 from adsense yeah dude yeah i know [ __ ] youtube youtube ads really 1:08:40 do not pay that well until you're actually big my youtube has been killing it it's 1:08:46 crazy yeah people like fem boys to watch i guess dude i found you from a video comparing 1:08:52 you and fristers in finster's omegle videos dude okay that so like that uh that person who made 1:08:59 that video is in my in my discord now they're called like finster cam or something and they have like they have like almost 20k subs and yeah like they 1:09:06 made a video about me or just with me in it with like comparing me and finn um like a week or two ago and that blew me 1:09:13 the [ __ ] up like that got a lot of people coming to check out my [ __ ] which was awesome 1:09:20 which was very awesome 1:09:25 oh my gosh okay wait oh i'm getting so distracted sorry if 1:09:30 i'm burping i'm a little indigestion um are you being distracted i was gonna 1:09:36 wear a skirt that's what i was gonna do 1:09:52 be right back 1:10:11 naked right now but you guys don't know you guys can't see 1:10:16 no peeking 1:10:46 okay i'm gonna put the um socks on 1:10:55 gotta put on the thigh highs of course 1:11:01 can't forget those are you i'mma play valve soon for sure 1:11:07 i've got a dash but hopefully we'll be back later alright cool thanks leo the man no problem at all 1:11:13 take do what you got to do was great having you here um i was so glad i found your channel on 1:11:19 your third omega video i rarely laugh that much i'm glad 1:11:25 i am glad i can make you laugh that is definitely the goal 1:11:30 um yo can i join me play valorent yes absolutely cola for sure 100 1:11:37 um there's something about watching dudes questioning their sexualities that makes it hilarious yeah it's so funny 1:11:43 um thanks horror boy thank you so much 1:11:49 um you're amazing oh thank you so much emma x11 1:11:55 i appreciate it thank you for being here thank you so much all right i'm putting on the thought hoes 1:12:02 real quick thank you guys all so much for being 1:12:09 here it's been so fun it's literally been so much fun 1:12:18 okay one thigh high on upgrades people upgrade 1:12:26 dude that is one of my favorite memes that [ __ ] is so funny 1:12:34 my goal in life is to become flower girl like as transgender goals dude totally 1:12:40 become do that's awesome dude do do do what you want to do choose whatever ident identity you want 1:12:47 to be and [ __ ] go for it 1:12:53 might be confused that's the goal success 1:12:58 [Laughter] out of all your lego videos what is your 1:13:03 favorite genuine reaction okay 1:13:09 i think my favorite ones i think my favorite reactions are the 1:13:14 ones when i switch forward and back from the girl voice and then they literally 1:13:19 just have no idea and they're just like i i could i like they're like please 1:13:25 tell me what you are i love that i wish i could send you money but i'm 1:13:30 saving to go to america hey don't worry at all you do not have to donate but thank you so much for for being here and 1:13:37 just for supporting me and chatting that's i really appreciate it um 1:13:42 yeah the beat saber dude that guy was one of them that was a really good one i have one 1:13:48 i have one that i haven't put in a video yet i'm saving it for 1:13:53 um for my next video but it's a really good one he literally just like 1:14:01 he just he's absolutely stumped he's just flabbergasted he can't he can't figure 1:14:06 out what the [ __ ] to do 1:14:15 yup more content definitely confirmed 1:14:21 cola said my girl my goal in life is to wear lolly clothes to an anime con hell yeah 1:14:27 sounds like a good goal okay wait 1:14:32 okay actually i'm just gonna put these down for some reason for some reason i like 1:14:39 i have this idea in my head then i need to have my headphones on to hear you guys 1:14:48 no dum dum they're on chat 1:15:42 better root okay i'll do more spins baby 1:16:19 shirt goes spinny i mean it's not shirt skirt go spinny baby 1:16:25 fun boy supremacy yeah yeah 1:16:35 finn bout to get competition [ __ ] yeah hell yeah we coming for that boy 1:16:41 nah we can all be fanboys together 1:16:51 you get to get dizzy doing that yeah i did get a little dizzy that's why i had to stop 1:17:00 you remind me of the last mandy [ __ ] i meant what does that even mean like mandalorian 1:17:06 mando 1:17:13 do we even need women anymore nah i don't know 1:17:18 i think we can just we need to have fun boys 1:17:25 i got dizzy watching mdma girl 1:17:31 there 1:17:36 you like to uh like to go to those raves and stuff 1:17:44 wait what do you say oh yeah 1:17:56 no we we need the women we need the men we need the women we need the femme boys 1:18:02 we need the tom girls the tomboys the femme boy tom girls the tom girl fem 1:18:08 queens we need them all we need everyone 1:18:14 i'm jealous you look better than i do and i'm a girl hey girl i'm sure you're [ __ ] gorgeous babe 1:18:19 don't let anyone tell you different don't let anyone tell you [ __ ] 1:18:26 different 1:18:31 your drop dead gorgeous hun literally like [ __ ] everyone else who says anything 1:18:38 else 1:18:46 dude i can't believe i baited that guy into donating ten dollars that's so funny 1:18:51 me after seeing my friend on fire so we can have a lg bbq 1:18:58 i'm dead sound like a polish person's wet dream 1:19:04 not sure if i understand that but fair enough 1:19:11 day four of asking for game playing okay yes sorry meow cat i will play a game 1:19:17 yes okay let's play some valerian sure actually i promise mao kat i'll play a little bit of just cause i'm gonna do 1:19:22 that first um hey techmarine1980. thanks so much for following thank you so much 1:19:29 all men and women are beautiful except these alias fans 1:19:34 who's very specific but not opposed to the sentiment [Laughter] 1:19:41 um okay we're gonna play a little just cause because i promised meow cat 1:19:48 and we will do that femboy 1:19:54 explodes you and 1:19:59 everything you love 1:20:05 that's gonna be my title um 1:20:10 affiliate when okay affiliate when i get off my ass and i stream like two more times this month 1:20:17 and then i'll have it so i'll just do it i'll just do it tomorrow and the next day and then we're 1:20:22 good dude we do need a beyblade emote oh my god that's so true 1:20:28 spam the beyblade emo and then i'll and then i'll do skirt do spinny that's perfect 1:20:34 um i'm really self-conscious but recently sent a selfie to a friend of mine that 1:20:39 knew for over two years he said you're not as ugly as i thought and and it sounds weird but i really like the compliment because it was honest 1:20:45 yeah i mean that's um that's uh a little candid i would say but 1:20:52 but that's nice to hear hey what's up and on thanks so thanks for giving me a dollar 1:20:57 it's probably that guy so i'm not gonna read the message but thanks for the dollar um 1:21:03 fanboy blows up yeah we need sub emotes yeah we definitely 1:21:09 need sub emotes we're going to have we're going to have those once i get affiliate um and we'll have a beyblade 1:21:15 one we'll have a skirt one we'll have i don't know like you guys should give me ideas like what kind of emotes you 1:21:20 guys want um [ __ ] 1:21:26 the day rinali hugs me on my piece was life oh p.s i wasn't here when the name was chosen 1:21:33 um oh yeah by the way we we let when we um 1:21:41 hey what's up apathy thanks so much for the dollars thank you so much that's so nice of you wow you're crazy you've 1:21:46 donated so much to me that's like that's so nice you're so supportive mwah thank you so much i really really 1:21:53 appreciate that um sorry i just need this i just need to 1:21:59 pull up my activity feed 1:22:12 idea for emo pepe the frog oh that's original that is very original 1:22:19 my neighbor's cat has a habit of coming to my house he did that yesterday dude i would love that i would love if my 1:22:25 neighbor's cat came into my house title femboy destroys dictatorship okay wait that's actually a better that's 1:22:31 actually a better title that more destroys dictatorship and your sexuality 1:22:43 oh my god 1:22:49 okay gotta change the category just cause three baby 1:22:56 update kabam all right let me turn off this music 1:23:04 get the game sound oh that's way too loud holy [ __ ] 1:23:12 um yeah you're going to go down there and there we go 1:23:18 holy [ __ ] all these buff hell yeah check that out [Music] 1:23:23 i don't even work out i don't know why my arms are like that 1:23:29 pepe the goat 1:23:36 um here's the thing he looks similar to mine 1:23:42 yep fanboy fanboy muscles baby let's go 1:23:47 all right back into just cost oh wait i'm playing the game but i need to switch to the game the game thing there we go 1:23:54 there we go 1:24:05 okay what are the controls for this game again i totally [ __ ] forget 1:24:10 um reminder everyone stay hydrated true thank you apathy you're always reminding me of that 1:24:23 oh you don't know why that armor is so strong do you hey shut up 1:24:32 shout out oh my god i love this game 1:24:39 i gotta toss this box over there 1:24:45 i freaking love this girl you're more muscular and more feminine 1:24:51 [Laughter] got the best of both worlds baby 1:24:58 because it's the best of both worlds oh yeah i'm in town today saw some 1:25:04 really cute um i assume you mean gothic dresses or catholic um to be i think rinali the 1:25:11 nickname rhino yeah you can call me raina um could pull the goth outfit off yeah i 1:25:16 definitely need to do a goth look that's definitely on my to-do list 1:25:22 ah why are you not full screen hello full screen please 1:25:30 wait what am i getting trolled 1:25:37 oh there we go thank you 1:25:44 got stream soon goth girl cooking stream okay sounds good um 1:25:51 we should play jessica's multiplayer as a community that would be fun i don't does just cause um 1:25:58 does uh just cause three ooh what happened hey thank you so much for the follow i 1:26:03 appreciate it oh wait i gotta get my activity feed there we go there we go 1:26:09 shiostar in thank you so much for following oh my god now i gotta turn it full screen again so classic wait 1:26:16 what i'm getting trolled i am getting trolled 1:26:26 um oh it's free dlc for dress cause three or is it just for just cause two 1:26:31 because i know just cause two had multiplayer but i didn't know three had it oh [ __ ] that looks like 1:26:37 a statue that i need to explode let's go and do that 1:26:43 now oh my god i love flying like that so fun hold on i think i need to turn on my 1:26:48 graphics just a little bit cause the stream holy [ __ ] is the goth girl flipping die 1:26:54 to see goth cooking stream okay [ __ ] i guess we need to do that goth girl cooking stream burned down the 1:27:00 house making a bowl of cereal yeah 1:27:05 that's a good idea um okay yeah i'll set that up um definitely 1:27:11 oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] shouldn't have clicked out dude this game is so troll 1:27:16 um okay we'll do we'll do high 1:27:22 we'll do off we'll do 1:27:29 um we'll do medium and i don't really like the motion blur 1:27:35 it's kind of annoying all right 1:27:41 wait did that even save 1:27:48 yeah it did but now we need false credit 1:27:53 yeah i'll check out the um the just cause multiplayer and um 1:27:59 and we can do that like next stream for sure oh [ __ ] three bucks it's just miss thank you so much for the three dollars 1:28:05 they said have you heard of the invention called a straw kappa 1:28:11 [ __ ] roasting me thank you so much for the donation well i really appreciate it 1:28:17 um i gotta get my wally dress sometimes a decade hell yeah 1:28:23 i need to be fully in character the whole time and everything needs to be dark and drab okay i like this idea 1:28:32 now we need to beat the unborn children of chickens into your puree [Laughter] 1:28:38 as in beat the eggs that's a great idea all right looks like 1:28:43 we're doing goth girl cooking stream looks like that is going to be the next 1:28:49 thing that we do i mean i need goth girl clothes first i don't really have goth gothair clothes 1:28:55 that much what's up kokolo how you doing welcome to this train 1:29:00 excuse me sir but i don't appreciate your propaganda 1:29:06 yep thank you thank you very much for shutting the [ __ ] up 1:29:12 all right also yeah your your little billboard here it's ugly as [ __ ] 1:29:19 get that [ __ ] out of my sight thank you 1:29:24 i love how dude this is the funniest part about this game um 1:29:29 what's up coco yeah welcome to the stream um go to hot topic you'll spend like 40 1:29:35 bucks and pull it off dude this guy's looking are you looking for me dog 1:29:42 what was that bro it's me 1:29:50 dude i love how liberating in this game often often amounts to literally 1:29:56 like destroying the town completely 1:30:01 you're like yep you're welcome i liberated you while basically taking out your power source 1:30:08 and like destroying your water tower got any makeup tips um shio sarin go 1:30:15 look at my youtube channel and i have a makeup tutorial on my youtube channel for for how i do my makeup for my videos 1:30:21 so go give that a watch if you would like to see how i do it oh there's a guy up 1:30:27 here what's up i did not mean 1:30:32 i did not mean to do that ooh halloween special that's a good idea 1:30:39 that's such a good idea that's a great idea yes you're being liberated please do not 1:30:46 resist stop resisting your liberation 1:30:51 boom no propaganda get out of here 1:30:57 die 1:31:04 shoot him from the air i was like doing that now 1:31:17 die [ __ ] hey you oh wait i tried to kick him in the face let me do that 1:31:25 i keep missing i'm so bad dude these these poor soldiers they're 1:31:32 literally just running around on the ground while this absolute god with a [ __ ] grappling 1:31:38 hook is like flying around just blowing them up with a rocket launcher 1:31:44 they're just going to work man 1:31:52 hey what's up my life gaming thanks so much for the follow much appreciated 1:31:58 all right what else do we need okay we have oh yeah we gotta liberate the police 1:32:04 station where is that at wait first we gotta do some flying real 1:32:09 quick just some little just a little sick wing suiting yeah 1:32:15 yeah i love that dude this game flying is just so sick 1:32:23 um yeah halloween theme stream cobwebs got 1:32:29 dark kind of style for everything dude that would be awesome yeah i'm definitely gonna do that for halloween 1:32:35 i just realized corset is normally goth but damn strange they're uncomfortable yeah corset is not something i've tried 1:32:41 yet i don't know if a corset would really look that good on me because i'm really skinny 1:32:47 so it might just make me look really weird because it doesn't i don't really have 1:32:52 enough body to like shape with the corset if you know what i mean 1:32:58 um i need to like gain a little weight honestly i've been trying to gain weight 1:33:05 casually flying around with a rpg on my back yup that's just that's just my vibe you know that's just what we're doing 1:33:11 well let's see if i can shoot this gap shoot the gap whoa let's go oh can i shoot this gap ah no 1:33:20 hey alexander saunders what's up welcome to the stream 1:33:25 thank you for joining us put instructions in the discord okay 1:33:31 cool i will check that out later meowcat and we can set up a multiplayer 1:33:36 just cause three situation all right i gotta get my boys in here i 1:33:42 gotta get my squad come on boys 1:33:47 help me liberate the [ __ ] hey how do i do melee again 1:33:55 is it like tab oh sorry 1:34:00 no it's not tab that's what this is 1:34:07 oh god what am i doing i tried to blow up the thing i gotta go away 1:34:13 oh i'm so close to dying i literally just took like 100 bullets 1:34:18 um i want my own corset to help my dysphoria but i'm not allowed one oh i'm sorry you'll get you'll get one 1:34:24 eventually everyone who's struggling with the fact that 1:34:30 you're at home so you can't do what you want to do don't worry it'll get better i know it 1:34:35 feels like you're stuck at home forever and ever and ever and ever but you're not 1:34:40 and you will be able to wear what you want to wear once you 1:34:46 leave your house and your parents aren't controlling you anymore you'll send me some cash when people get 1:34:53 set up oh thanks alexandra but you don't have to like just being here is more than enough 1:35:00 thank you guys so much for watching ah die 1:35:06 grenades oh my god look at how many there are all right you guys need a little rocky 1:35:12 launcher oh i don't have a rocket launcher oh god i gotta get out of here i'm taking a million bullets a million 1:35:19 bullets okay cool choppers are inbound i repeat 1:35:26 choppers are inbound that means that i'm going to steal one oh there it is 1:35:33 oh sh you think you're going to hit me with that rocket 1:35:39 hey hey i would love to yeah this is mine now thank you very much haha 1:35:46 a pumpkin stabbing stream true could carve pumpkins in a in a goth 1:35:51 manner oh god is there another helicopter that i'm not seeing 1:35:58 die 1:36:11 yeah bad idea to give me this helicopter guys bad idea 1:36:17 bad i [ __ ] yeah no no reinforcements oh there's another 1:36:23 helicopter oh [ __ ] it almost killed me okay aired aerial combat time oh [ __ ] 1:36:33 see can i get it oh i'm bad ah ah come on 1:36:38 come on no house yes yes yes 1:36:47 you got him all right all right all right 1:36:54 oh lordy lord boom billboard done 1:37:01 next billboard done exploded 1:37:08 oh that looked bad all right what do we got next we just we just have 1:37:15 do we have one more billboard how the [ __ ] many billboards are there goddamn 1:37:21 with every sub he just throws a knife at a pumpkin yeah great idea 1:37:31 dude where is this other billboard 1:37:36 i need to take down this goddamn guy's shitty contemporary art that i hate 1:37:45 um is it no it's not that is it 1:37:52 oh oh okay i'll switch i'll change 1:37:59 i'll take this one thank you 1:38:04 all my brain is thinking of is a post i saw a while goes a transform getting roasted transport said gender and sex 1:38:10 the same thing and the ally said i don't have gender with you in my mind with your mom every night 1:38:20 that's a good one i'm dead 1:38:26 okay let's see 1:38:34 dude i'm confused as [ __ ] about 1:38:40 where haha i got him oh there it is i'm stupid 1:38:48 there [ __ ] is boom 1:38:53 okay wait and then what's going on with the police station i thought i already liberated that [ __ ] i thought i already liberated that [ __ ] 1:39:02 oh i gotta call in the other rebels i gotta call on the other team 1:39:08 oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 1:39:15 no sir no sir that's mine now okay wait where's the other 1:39:25 where's the other goddamn oh [ __ ] can you destroy the towers 1:39:32 that's awesome um 1:39:39 dude how do i call in 1:39:45 how do i call on the other rebels dog 1:39:51 doesn't oh oh that's oh i see it wait what 1:39:57 what just happened 1:40:03 yeah dude the rat you're dying from the ragdoll physics yeah the ragdoll physics are the best part of this [ __ ] game 1:40:09 oh get me in hey 1:40:14 oh my god look at that tank right there what are you doing oh god what is happening i'm about to 1:40:21 get exploded i gotta open this i gotta open this hello welcome to the stream how are you 1:40:28 doing i can't see your name it's too dark for some reason lo ghetto what's up 1:40:33 thank you for joining us we're just liberating some people 1:40:39 against their will real quick as as as one does 1:40:44 oh yeah i need that again thank you i don't know why they keep bringing helicopters here when i just take them 1:40:49 every [ __ ] time like a kind of silly dog oh yes we can 1:40:57 [ __ ] raise the flag let's go time to raise the flag baby 1:41:07 let's go as i just oh god guys run away 1:41:15 those citizens just got [ __ ] raise the flag 1:41:20 well the helicopter is literally bombing us 1:41:27 oh my god dude that's so funny holy [ __ ] 1:41:32 we did it 1:41:38 we did it 1:41:46 hey person are you happy now that you're liberated 1:41:53 whoa that was kind of a rude gesture excuse you miss 1:41:58 i just liberated you you gotta go yeah 1:42:04 bye 1:42:11 see that's what happens when you don't appreciate my liberation how about you are you appreciating my 1:42:17 liberation 1:42:23 interesting kissers chrisers thank you so much for following what's up welcome to the team 1:42:31 thank you so much for joining us we're just chilling playing a little just cause 1:42:38 just having fun thank you so much for following i appreciate it i feel like i end up wasting my whole day playing this game 1:42:44 yeah it's uh it's very easy to do it's definitely very easy to do there's a lot you can just [ __ ] around with 1:42:52 what's up do something 1:42:59 oh don't give me that gesture get the [ __ ] out of here guy get the freaking [ __ ] out of here 1:43:04 god people in this game no one appreciates my liberation 1:43:10 one dollar point the ryan punther line thank you so much why do blind people not go skydiving because their dogs are 1:43:16 scared of it oh i just got it i just got it i just 1:43:23 got it i was like wait what [Laughter] 1:43:28 true thank you so much for the one dollar i really appreciate it appreciate it 1:43:34 panther line much appreciated thank you so much 1:43:39 um 1:43:50 sorry i just wanted to read the message real quick 1:43:55 see if i missed any muscle girls 1:44:01 should we let's go up high let's go to top of mountain 1:44:06 dude i love flying around it's so fun i love it i love how the physics in this 1:44:13 game when you're when you're on the ground like you're a normal person and you 1:44:18 weigh a normal amount but when you're in the wing suit you literally weigh like two pounds 1:44:26 bro i'm beatboxing and watching the stream hell yeah love that 1:44:32 here let me let me let me give you a beat to to beatbox with it's that's 1:44:37 that's that's that's that's that's 1:44:43 boom hopefully you made a little cool beat off that one 1:44:48 i know imagine being able to do this irl i know well [ __ ] some people 1:44:53 some people that was sick that was close wow this game is so fun 1:45:01 ah get out of the thing weapons why are you there 1:45:09 flying ow ow ow i hit the tree uh oh oh yep i'm going down guys i'm going 1:45:15 [ __ ] down oh no oh god oh oh we're good 1:45:21 wait that's the other thing that's hella funny in this in this game is you can like ragdoll yourself completely 1:45:28 and literally be totally fine 1:45:36 wait like let's try it 1:45:45 oh what come on i want it to fall damn it okay wait let's see if we can do this 1:45:53 come on ragdoll yes yes ragdoll come on yes 1:45:59 oh no oh 1:46:04 god the pain is too much 1:46:10 have you worked out my girl name so last time i streamed we played final fantasy and 1:46:16 we were naming my character and we named it riley and so that's been my girl name for now 1:46:22 since then i like it i might keep it i might change it to a different one but for now riley is what is what i've 1:46:28 chosen is what we chose together 1:46:33 um at some point though i'd like to record some beat boxing up and post it on the server yeah dude you should go for it 1:46:40 definitely absolutely you should go for it 1:47:06 i got you boy i got you son oh [ __ ] 1:47:13 i got you son hey get out of here 1:47:20 dude how the [ __ ] do i clear heat when i'm in a car though that's is he in the back yeah he's in 1:47:27 the back my boy 1:47:38 oh nice nice 1:47:43 i think i cleared them i think i cleared them okay 1:47:51 hell yeah all right guy you want to get out 1:47:57 there you go buddy keep the fight alive no problem 1:48:03 no [ __ ] problem any time all right and now we're gonna [ __ ] send it wow look at this mountain road 1:48:09 this is so pretty dude imagine like this this map is so gorgeous like 1:48:15 imagine living here dude on an island like this damn 1:48:20 all right i think it's time to um send 1:48:26 i think it's time to send it wow 1:48:33 when is riley going out in public that is a good question oh god okay we're getting out 1:48:39 oh no this is not that's not what i planned 1:48:44 oh we're fine so that's the thing with rico he always lands on his feet that's the thing with rico 1:48:52 he always lands on his feet that's for sure 1:49:02 um imagine living on an island where a maniac and a wingsuit flies past your window at 3am yeah 1:49:10 just [ __ ] shooting double pistols off into the into the night time but don't worry he's here to liberate 1:49:16 you so feel safe oh [ __ ] it's the twin towers 1:49:23 damn um from what i remember hearing aren't 1:49:30 the just cause islands based like in cuba caribbean islands so i think just cause two was but this one is in the mediterranean 1:49:38 just cause three is like is like mediterranean islands like because the the dictator's name is 1:49:47 and all the names are like like massos and like 1:49:53 lacos you know they're like greek slash italian latin type names 1:49:59 um 1:50:04 so riley is um riley's gonna go in public okay so once 1:50:10 i get affiliate i'm gonna start doing sub sub and dono and like and follower goals and stuff 1:50:16 and i think so like first goal would could be like get 1:50:21 breastplate or something and then another goal could be to buy some golf clothes or 1:50:27 something like that and then definitely like the big goal is public stream walking around in public 1:50:33 and grow clothes so wait for that once i get affiliate which 1:50:38 should be soon hopefully oh [ __ ] who are who are you 1:50:44 who are you 1:50:52 do you need to be launched into the stratosphere i think you do bye 1:51:00 wait wait that didn't work 1:51:07 bye how old am i i'm around 20 20ish 1:51:14 what's up malachi welcome to the stream thank you for joining us oh oh that's 1:51:20 not what i'm going to do 1:51:26 oh [ __ ] this is like the capitol or something something wait is that his palace over there is 1:51:32 that literally my guy's palace over there let's check it out wait i gotta disable all the monitors in 1:51:40 two minutes okay okay okay okay okay okay i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this 1:51:49 wait wait wait i need i need to get there 1:51:56 can i do this [ __ ] i'm not very good at this 1:52:03 welcome out welcome everyone thank you so much for joining just playing a little 1:52:10 little femme boy just cause three liberating the simps 1:52:15 from their in-cell dictator 1:52:20 okay i don't know if i can get all monitors 1:52:26 in the next two minutes but we will give it a shot this one right here 1:52:31 kapow all right now going here 1:52:38 hey guys is the um is the stream still laggy i str i tried to uh 1:52:45 i tried to take down the bit rate a little bit 1:52:51 and um and i think it helped 1:52:59 um no it's good on your end okay cool sweetness 1:53:04 great to know okay wait 1:53:09 frick what have i done um full screen this game is so annoying 1:53:15 why does it always do that all right 1:53:23 okay cool great to know 1:53:32 oh hello guys don't mind me 1:53:38 i'm just here to send you off into space bye oh [ __ ] 1:53:50 um wait i forgot about the monitors [ __ ] 1:53:57 ah god damn it the [ __ ] me me killing that guy made 1:54:03 it so that i have to get all the monitors again 1:54:09 oh no what what just happened oh [ __ ] now i'm 1:54:15 skydiving ow and rico 1:54:28 i thought i was gonna come out of that one nope 1:54:34 absolutely not it's funny dude people were telling me 1:54:40 that my girl voice tutorial some of some some people were telling me that my girl voice tutorial 1:54:45 um basically just taught them how to do like a kermit the frog voice 1:54:51 like like kermit you know um which i think is funny because i don't 1:54:56 know how doing that like i don't know how doing that trick makes a kermit voice but 1:55:02 apparently it does for some people um but yeah it was funny like 1:55:08 i think the flicking trick works for most people but there's a lot of people that either it doesn't work for them or 1:55:14 it makes a difference sound so i think i'll have to try and make another video that's using another trick 1:55:20 um out here looking for baddies yup 1:55:28 there's a baddie right there okay wait i need to do the uh 1:55:36 i need to do the sick way of taking it down 1:55:41 this is the sick way of taking down the statue 1:55:54 all right got it tethered up bring it down 1:56:00 yes hey you love your you love your president that much 1:56:06 really you love your president that much that you'll shoot me over taking down a statue 1:56:12 that's f'd that is just effed 1:56:17 that is [ __ ] up whoa yeah oh you see that wind stream i just 1:56:23 had on that one that was sick all right now we're gonna fly down this canyon 1:56:28 yeah yeah oh yeah dude oh yeah oh my god it 1:56:35 flying i'm an absolute goddess flying 1:56:41 oh [ __ ] yeah it's a gas station let's blow this [ __ ] up this [ __ ] always gives great explosions 1:56:50 come on blow up all the way come on there you go 1:56:56 come on yeah whoa oh my god dude 1:57:03 this game just has absolutely immaculate explosions what's up momando how you doing 1:57:09 welcome to the stream all right i think that's enough just 1:57:16 cause for me for now 1:57:22 we'll turn it back to just chillin 1:57:29 um turn it back to just chatting 1:57:38 boom and we're back 1:57:43 that was fun how are we all doing since i liberated 1:57:50 the town 1:57:56 kami k back for the back for the just chatting 1:58:03 i feel like my viewer account went down hello when i was playing just cause but it's all right i had some promises to 1:58:08 keep we playing some no man's sky nice hell yeah 1:58:14 i played that a little bit um i tried it on my oculus 1:58:21 which was fun but it kind of gave me a little bit of vertigo 1:58:26 haven't played in ages it's got as a gift it's pretty fun now nice oh yeah i got a new nizuko pin from 1:58:32 demonslayer hell yeah congrats very very pog 1:58:41 dude this shirt with this wig is just 10 out of 10. 1:58:47 it goes so well 1:58:52 what's up how you doing sorry sometimes the names are in dark blue and on my thing i can't it's hard 1:58:58 to read your name what's up gissack787 how you doing no man sky vr has been so neglected by 1:59:05 the devs yeah it kind of made me nauseous it didn't work super well 1:59:11 i know we don't have any good space fighting games 1:59:16 hey i am uh i'm actually i was actually like 1:59:22 programming a little um 1:59:29 i was actually programming a little uh or like creating a little space combat 1:59:36 like exploration game in unity um if you guys want to see that sometime i can 1:59:41 show you guys sometime um but it's like 1:59:46 it's just like a little sandbox thing it's fun 1:59:55 yeah it's a little gamey game hi pool of nutella 2:00:01 i love you too thanks for coming back 2:00:10 thanks for coming back pov nutella love you so much 2:00:16 um and we love a big brand king hell yeah 2:00:22 yeah you guys want to see i i can show you guys right now here it's just a little 2:00:29 just a little thing 2:00:36 um okay cool wait i need to um 2:00:43 i need to plug in my controller real quick 2:01:01 so 2:01:09 komodo height okay 2:01:16 i'm gonna do the yoinky spoingy i'm not sure what that means but fair enough 2:01:23 okay let's see 2:01:30 all right so 2:01:36 so here is the little solar system that i created 2:01:42 oh did it did the volume just get loud 2:01:50 how did that 2:01:56 that's weird oh my god it's 2:02:11 [Music] um 2:02:34 is that how's that 2:02:40 is that how's that is that better 2:02:49 how are we sounding now frick 2:02:58 okay what about that is that good 2:03:04 is that quiet or is that is that is that loud enough okay 2:03:10 okay cool perfect 2:03:18 okay cool sounds good um let me know let me know if it needs to go up or down 2:03:24 because i just i messaged or i just messed with it a lot so 2:03:30 okay so yeah here is the little solar system um i got a lot of the like 2:03:37 like generating of the planets and stuff off just like the internet so a lot of 2:03:42 the code is just stuff that i took from other places but anyway here's the 2:03:50 little character and yeah i'll just i'll just show you guys i want to show you guys what it does 2:04:06 oh oh what's up rhythmic arya thanks so much for following um for some reason 2:04:13 i think i have to restart the program because i plugged in my i plugged in my controller after i 2:04:18 opened the game so i got to restart it real quick 2:04:24 um because it's not 2:04:29 it's not sensing my controller input for some reason 2:04:36 i disagree with the title you can you can destroy my sexuality he's been destroyed for a long time [Laughter] 2:04:44 cool background thank you i appreciate that game looking good thanks darcy we appreciate that 2:04:49 reminds you of astroneer yeah well that's definitely a big inspiration i think for for my game 2:04:55 okay let's do this one 2:05:03 i hope it works for some reason my controller is not working 2:05:11 there we go yay okay so here is my little game 2:05:19 here's the little character i got some nice got some nice camera movement what am i 2:05:24 playing this is a game that i'm actually creating um nippon de silva so yeah 2:05:30 i'm developing this over like many years of just screwing around 2:05:37 but here's a little here's a little village that i created 2:05:44 using art that i got online um 2:05:49 and like here's like the little town square and check it out there's a dude 2:05:56 he looks just like me but with with no jacket on he's he's doing his rounds um and then 2:06:03 here's something that's kind of cool is oh they're actually not moving right now 2:06:09 but the planets actually orbit no you can't sit on any benches yet unfortunately 2:06:14 but you can you can jump on top of them um 2:06:20 oh yeah and you can jump really high and really far because i like to get around fast 2:06:25 and then you can go up this little cute path 2:06:31 and check it out there's the other planet over there which is pretty cool hey what's up um link venus thanks so 2:06:37 much for following um see you meow kat thanks for thanks for joining the stream 2:06:43 here's a little cute cauldron up here 2:06:48 um okay that's just a little bit we can we 2:06:56 can we can cool it with that 2:07:03 um okay so 2:07:10 oh my god oh god okay 2:07:15 this is why i need mons 2:07:24 um okay and then you can actually get in the spaceship 2:07:31 too and fly away 2:07:38 so check it out that's the planet we were just on 2:07:44 and then um you can actually fly to the other planets as well 2:07:51 so let's cruise over here do i know the film kingsman yeah i love that movie 2:07:57 such a good one 2:08:08 and here you go you can you can go over to the moon and 2:08:14 you can walk around oh and you can do this too check it out 2:08:19 so you see the little the little um the little gun he has you can take it out and you can aim 2:08:26 and you can shoot pew pew pew pew pew pew and and 2:08:32 when he when he goes around he aims which is very cool what game is this this is my game i i made this game 2:08:41 um yeah it's just a little thing i'm developing pew pew 2:08:52 so yeah that's pretty much that's pretty much the whole thing 2:08:57 oh [ __ ] um going to school for this no actually uh i go to school for physics that's my 2:09:04 major but um i just do coding for fun honestly 2:09:11 um 2:09:16 yeah i'm so proud of my little game yeah can i shoot the guy in the village uh i don't think he has a hitbox let's go see 2:09:23 i don't think he does you're an environment and a prop designer cool well rich did you see my uh 2:09:30 did you see whoa okay that was a bug i'm not sure what just happened there 2:09:36 um but rich did you see my little village 2:09:42 um check it out i didn't make any of these props and 2:09:48 stuff but i did place them all in terms of this little village 2:09:59 hey stand and deliver oh yeah look you can't shoot him 2:10:04 he has a hitbox nice wait there's no crosshair so i don't know where i'm aiming 2:10:10 die pee pee 2:10:16 can you fly into the sun uh i could try i don't think anything will happen 2:10:24 this game looks cute thanks diamond um bro let's get a dev team together 2:10:30 hell yeah dude i'd be down i mean this is just kind of like a project that i just randomly work on when i'm bored 2:10:36 um all right let's fly into the sun and see what happens ah oh okay i guess we're just inside the sun 2:10:42 now yeah nothing happens 2:10:50 look at that shading though it looks cool whoa that looks sick 2:10:57 okay let's go to the other planet over here too there's one more planet with purple ocean 2:11:07 also yeah nothing happens if you crash the ship and just well it just goes into the planet 2:11:16 bunk ah oh [ __ ] i'm not gonna be able to get 2:11:22 back into the [ __ ] ship 2:11:28 okay yeah the jump i need to fix the jumping the jumping is is [ __ ] up but but the ground movement's good and i 2:11:35 i think the camera movement's nice 2:11:44 pee pee brb no worries rich let's make a space 2:11:50 dogfighting game dude i'd be so down let's do it physics is a good entry into development if that's where your um 2:11:57 interests are ooh add a jetpack good idea yeah that that's a that's a good point uh random 2:12:04 old uh i think physics definitely has helped me in certain like coding aspects of this 2:12:09 game um dude diamond that's such a good idea though i definitely need to add a jetpack 2:12:19 yeah definitely 2:12:24 okay so yeah that's uh that's kind of the game here let me let me fix the jumping real 2:12:30 quick because it's kind of annoying me um 2:12:40 player character 2:12:48 wait where's the 2:12:53 oh right i have my ghost player um oh [ __ ] flex x comics thanks so much for 2:13:00 following live development known it exactly 2:13:06 um okay um 2:13:11 oh wait it's not here it's on the planet i think 2:13:18 or maybe it's not i'm trying to change 2:13:25 the drag oh yeah here we go air drag yeah that's what i need we need like we need like one 2:13:31 on that okay cool um 2:13:38 what happens when you jump out of the ship when you're in space i think you just float there let's try it though 2:13:45 yeah there we go uh okay jumping looks a little better but it still needs 2:13:54 um oh that's why it's because i did that okay well we can take that down to like 2:14:01 three and then the jumping should look a little better 2:14:07 i'm just imagining what kind of aliens you'll have in mind dude i don't know that's a good question like unfortunately i'm not the best like 2:14:13 modeler yeah there we go now the jumping looks good 2:14:18 okay let's go try and get in the ship and see what happens sorry i'm so adhd i 2:14:24 like answer a question halfway and then start talking about something else um but yeah i'm not the best like mod 3d 2:14:30 modeler um but apparently rich said that they're able to do like environment prop 2:14:35 design so if we could collab that'd be sick 2:14:40 wait let's go on to space and get out see what happens um okay 2:14:46 all right so [ __ ] buggy as [ __ ] that's what 2:14:51 happens if you get out in space it breaks the game that's what happens 2:14:57 oh [ __ ] what's up back your ex thanks so much for following welcome to the team 2:15:02 [ __ ] yeah welcome dude we've gotten so many followers today [ __ ] i need a i should have put a follower 2:15:08 goal but [ __ ] yeah thank you guys so much we've had so many followers and some donors and those [ __ ] i still 2:15:14 can't believe apathy donated a hundred [ __ ] dollars and someone else like oh my [ __ ] god 2:15:20 and emcee apathy and mc both donated a hundred [ __ ] dollars like that's so awesome holy [ __ ] thank you 2:15:27 guys so much dude yeah rich let's make it i'm so down 2:15:33 adhd thanks paul i'm sure there are enough talented 2:15:38 people in discord yeah dude absolutely um i have actually 2:15:45 i have actually also coded some dog fighting already although 2:15:50 i can't show it right now because it's like not set up but i'll show you guys another time um 2:15:58 but anyway yeah that's my game thank you thanks for checking it out guys 2:16:04 um you have a formal education for it well hell yeah it's perfect 2:16:09 like i'm saying i don't think it'll be long until this channel fully blows up [ __ ] yeah 2:16:15 love to see it love to hear that that's that's what we want to hear for sure thanks instant shock i appreciate that 2:16:23 you're a software developer if you guys need help oh [ __ ] let's do it diamond said i'd be i'd be down but just 2:16:29 starting to learn c sharp network with unity hey what um hey diamond you're very talented get 2:16:35 out of here what are you talking about everyone has talent 2:16:42 um you got a preference for unreal engine 2:16:47 fair enough i don't do they use c sharp and unreal i feel like they don't 2:16:53 i do i do mostly know how to do c sharp i can do python a little bit and i can do java a little bit but c sharp is 2:17:00 definitely my best language actually python i can do i can do python well but i don't think you can program 2:17:06 games in python really that well or like i don't know if very many games are programmed python 2:17:16 diamond we would love to have you on the team unreal is c plus main engine two 2:17:21 interesting okay well hey maybe i could maybe i could download it and give it a shot 2:17:27 um but i mean my my whole [ __ ] is is in 2:17:32 unity right now so at least that game would uh would would stay in unity 2:17:37 um 2:17:43 i think i have no life because yesterday i played osu for 10 hours 2:17:48 yup you know hey you got to do what you got to do i played uh 2:17:53 i played like 20 hours of like runescape the other day because i was nostalgic and i wanted to 2:17:59 go on my own character so no worries 2:18:06 i play piano guitar drums a couple of other instruments so like you need so like you need music and once i get 2:18:12 myself new software just give me a shout hell yeah that's awesome instant shock thank you 2:18:19 join up to now but i shall depart good day good streaming good luck thanks so much shadowed hunter appreciate it mwah 2:18:24 have a good day thanks for joining us 2:18:36 richie said you want to get into freelance dev yeah that'd be awesome do you do you work as a 2:18:42 um like for a company right now doing dev 2:18:51 chop suey system of down it's a good one it's a good one to play on the drums for sure 2:19:02 oh my god finally finally i'm not like actually dying of heat during a stream 2:19:09 literally like my past like four straight like all right the past three which is all the streams i've ever 2:19:15 done i've been actually sweating my ass off the whole time 2:19:30 i actually don't work in games even though my degree is in that you work in i.t or fair enough it's probably 2:19:36 more money in that anyway i've heard games is kind of a bad at least like working for a company as a 2:19:41 game developer is not really the most lucrative venture is what i've 2:19:46 heard i don't have a double kick so some of the bits are like painful fair yeah that's that's probably hard to 2:19:53 do the double kicks of chop suey without with just one that's 2:19:58 pretty gnarly that's impressive um 2:20:04 once you got to the end of your degree realize you didn't want to work in that culture of being overworked 2:20:09 and not having a steady job yeah yeah i've heard the games industry as a dev is not good 2:20:19 um you get some rewarding moments once the 2:20:25 project is done you might have might not have a job anymore yeah see that's a bummer i don't 2:20:32 know if i could deal with that well hopefully i become a famous fanboy 2:20:39 streamer and we don't have to worry about that 2:20:51 this one guy worked for dice for about six years before they brought him on the payroll and a year later they closed down 2:20:57 damn that's just rough famous fun boys 2:21:12 dude this has been such a good stream we've had so many [ __ ] followers and doughnuts and chatters and everything 2:21:17 this has been awesome yes should we like 2:21:24 play little minecraft or do you guys just want to keep chilling 2:21:33 mm-hmm fanboys trans names taking over absolutely 2:21:40 all right cool 2:21:46 but i'm totally down we can break down the idea we can go with keep it simple and manageable then i can break down the assets onto a tracker hell yeah that'd 2:21:53 be awesome nah don't play all right fair enough 2:22:00 so if you're serious i'm serious about getting serious all right word well i mean i'm gonna be working a lot on like 2:22:06 rinali stuff and like my youtube channel and streaming and stuff so at least for the foreseeable future 2:22:12 um but it's always been a dream of mine to make a game so 2:22:18 i think you know if once i start getting like a steady schedule and stuff and i start knowing like you know when exactly 2:22:24 i'll have like a couple hours of free time every week or every day or something like yeah i'd be down to work on it that'd be sick 2:22:32 talk to me in like three weeks or something once i because i have to i'm moving again i have to 2:22:38 move places again and i'm just some other life [ __ ] that i got to deal with before i get like uh 2:22:45 what you would call it a steady schedule 2:22:50 um where's the ip to the server it's in the if you scroll up on the announcements section in the discord 2:22:56 that's where it is i want to stream but my obs is not 2:23:01 working because i have teams on my pc oh that's so annoying thanks pool of nutella 2:23:07 we did my nails last time 2:23:13 this is what we did last stream thanks 2:23:21 yeah i have to redecorate a gun i know it's such a bummer 2:23:27 no russian he takes time yeah for sure okay cool you found it nice yeah i'll 2:23:32 probably play on that later tonight after i stop streaming oh what's up dark gags thanks so much for following 2:23:38 appreciate it thank you so much in two months you get a new pc [ __ ] yeah 2:23:45 man momando [ __ ] yeah that's awesome 2:23:50 yeah last time we did my nails they're kind of messed up now unfortunately 2:24:05 oh what's up remtt dk sorry rem tolka thanks so much for following 2:24:12 much appreciated welcome to the team you'll go on the server too diamond cool 2:24:19 sounds good thank you so much 2:24:29 i like how everyone's speaking my name wrong is it momondo how do you pronounce it 2:24:35 i've just uh i've been watching the mandalorian so uh 2:24:43 what are my thoughts on sorry i'm gonna respond to that one first i've been watching the mandalorian um so i got mando on the brain but if 2:24:50 you want me to um pronounce your name another way let me know mandalorian ruby yeah 2:24:58 you know you know what's up what's up alex you watching mando also 2:25:05 okay gloomy so you asked what are your thoughts on female erasure um in what context like what are you referring to 2:25:13 i mean like female you know scientists and athletes have 2:25:19 been erased all the time that sucks you know [ __ ] the patriarchy if that's what you want me if that's 2:25:25 what you want to hear [ __ ] the patriarchy i don't really know exactly what context 2:25:31 you're asking that question but if you want to elaborate i can give you a little more thoughts 2:25:38 i come from germany so we don't say the long o interesting so like 2:25:45 like just o instead of like oh just like 2:25:51 mamando instead of momento is that is that what you mean is that 2:25:57 the difference 2:26:17 amanda perhaps 2:26:30 okay yeah you're being banned 2:26:51 yeah horrible take such a dumb take this is 2:26:57 literally the stupidest take of all time that somehow 2:27:02 somehow a boy wearing a skirt is um 2:27:09 is somehow bad for women like [ __ ] off with that that's the dumbest [ __ ] ever 2:27:17 i'm just a random guy getting into streams greeting them have a great day and have a great stream see ya thank you so much dude thanks for joining for a 2:27:23 sec dude how do these people look away for 2:27:28 two minutes last time i did there was donut hype now someone's getting banned sounded looked 2:27:33 like a real tristram yeah dude thank you so much imaginary ryan 2:27:40 or imaginarian i appreciate you stopping by 2:27:46 exactly you should be able to wear whatever the [ __ ] you want oh thank you so much 2:27:52 i appreciate that 2:28:04 yeah that that is literally that person had such a dump take dude they said they're talking about like 2:28:10 i'm not even gonna acknowledge it whatever stupid take they're gone 2:28:18 [Music] 2:28:32 here's an idea if a boy can never be a girl or change anyone the number what what 2:28:44 i don't really know what that means 2:28:49 but if a boy can never 2:28:55 yeah i don't really know what that means um 2:29:00 but not dude like a boy can be feminine or masculine who gives a [ __ ] 2:29:06 people should be able to wear do whatever they want don't get like get why people so triggered over someone else trying to be who they are 2:29:13 um yeah exactly 2:29:19 i feel dumb for having read it yeah i know it was the dumbest take ever 2:29:25 um sorry cj i adhd when i was reading your your message but yes people should be 2:29:30 able to wear or do whatever they want and i also don't get why people get so triggered over someone just being who 2:29:35 they want to be like who cares man 2:29:44 who cares i know this is kind of wild it's like i didn't really expect to get 2:29:50 this many followers like this many viewers as quickly so i i'm not really prepared for 2:29:56 like trolls and like nate dono's and all that stuff 2:30:07 how long have i been on twitch literally only like a week and a half like two weeks 2:30:13 i've had a youtube channel for like three months and it's kind of blowing up a little bit but um 2:30:21 i'll have to fill your block list yeah absolutely um yeah my youtube channel has been 2:30:26 going on for like three months but um yeah i've only been streaming for like a 2:30:32 week and i uh have like so many viewers i don't really know how to handle them all 2:30:38 i must go away again i probably um don't come again so thanks for your 2:30:43 stream you're beautiful and love you see you guys thank you of course kmk have a good one mwah thank you for joining 2:30:50 great to have you here great to have you on the team 2:31:06 bye have a great night day whatever whatever it is for you 2:31:11 have a good one take care 2:31:24 i read my classes telling me to get a girlfriend because i play too many games so i replied is it your 2:31:30 [ __ ] business but in german nice nice response 2:31:35 yeah dude if you don't want a girlfriend who cares you don't need a girlfriend hey what's up alex thanks so much for 2:31:40 following so you were in my recommended i've been watching too many fencer streams ah nice i'm glad i'm getting 2:31:47 recommended though that's good we're coming coming for that audience now i'm just 2:31:53 kidding i keep saying um 2:32:01 i keep saying i'm coming for finn but nah it's like i really feel like we could add to each other like the more 2:32:06 fanboys the merrier you know we can add to each other's success for sure um 2:32:20 yay rum tulka i'm glad that's also how you found me 2:32:28 infester fandom is gonna start getting recommended here yes dude yes 2:32:41 can't wait 2:32:46 who needs a girlfriend you'll just come out come out to them and get dumped sad yeah i mean 2:32:54 whatever you need is what you need if you you know it's 2:32:59 like don't get a girlfriend for other people obviously like if if a girlfriend is something you want then yeah go for 2:33:06 it like for you know for emotional support for love for 2:33:12 companionship all that sure get a girlfriend but if you're only asking girls out and you're getting trying to 2:33:18 get a girlfriend because you think it'll make people think you're cool or like 2:33:24 have people accept you that's not a good idea you know 2:33:29 do it for you not for them and that's a motto 2:33:35 that i think everyone should live by in all aspects of their life do it for you 2:33:41 not for them except when you're baiting nerds except when you're baiting in cells to 2:33:47 donate ten dollars then you can do it for them 2:33:55 man if you're 14 you don't got to worry nothing about a girlfriend man you should play it play osu 2:34:01 play games dude who cares i updated some auto mod settings 2:34:07 hopefully it'll cap some things okay cool thank you so much rich appreciate that 2:34:13 instant shot i'm just trying to get a boyfriend in college because i'm a lonely trans girl who's gender christ every week yeah 2:34:19 you know what though don't put too much pressure on yourself i know it's it's always like it always 2:34:25 feels nice to look at someone else and look at a relationship as just like 2:34:31 you know something to fix you put a band-aid on your wounds but honestly 2:34:37 you need to be able to like love yourself and feel secure in your own skin before you can be a good partner to 2:34:43 someone else so i would say 2:34:50 love yourself and work on yourself as much as possible and then partners will just they'll just 2:34:56 come into your life it's you know it's uh once you you know confidence is really attractive 2:35:03 so if you're walking around at uh you know at a function with your friends or something with some people at a social 2:35:09 event and you're feeling awesome and you love the way you look and you're just feeling [ __ ] fabulous and amazing 2:35:17 people will think that's attractive no matter how you actually look but if you think like if you carry yourself in a 2:35:24 way that you are like [ __ ] yeah i'm a badass i'm a bad [ __ ] and i'm 2:35:30 i'm a god let's go like if you feel that way about yourself people people will see that and they'll think it's 2:35:35 attractive hey what's up seeing dart thank you so 2:35:41 much for following i appreciate that i'm glad i found this stream randomly this is this really boosted my self esteem 2:35:47 i'm so happy that's so nice mwah welcome to the stream welcome to the team 2:35:53 the squad we are a very supportive bunch and you 2:35:58 are very welcome here 2:36:06 yes confidence is attractive no matter who you are absolutely 100 2:36:14 no matter who you are confidence is extremely attractive 2:36:19 i want to get natural long hair yeah dude you should do it you should grow that [ __ ] out 2:36:26 my hair is getting pretty long my natural hair although 2:36:32 i don't really like it that much compared to the wigs sorry i'm kind of got indigestion kind 2:36:37 of burping guys look you want to do something funny 2:36:45 i [ __ ] i dropped this lamp the other day 2:36:54 i dropped my lamp and it [ __ ] broke 2:37:03 look up hair growth oil mask works like a charm yes pool of nutella 2:37:09 that's good advice you know yeah yeah i bought that earlier 2:37:16 in the stream it was like it was like five dollars or earlier in the in the month it was it 2:37:21 was only like five bucks at a little dollar store but what are you gonna 2:37:30 do balling on a budget right now lol you really need a wish list so we can 2:37:37 help you with stream yeah thank you so much okay i'm going to 2:37:42 i'm going to make a amazon wishlist like literally right after the stream um 2:37:50 but yeah 100 i will do that so thank you so much tj that's really 2:37:56 nice sorry sorry if i just like randomly adhd when i'm like reading one of your 2:38:01 messages and just like trail off i just especially when i get this far into a 2:38:06 stream like damn i've been streaming for like [ __ ] like almost three and a half hours now [ __ ] that's a long time 2:38:12 um when i get this far into a stream i literally just like 2:38:18 my brain my adhd starts acting up so much like i literally get so like ah 2:38:26 it was hard to pay attention 2:38:33 it's a pain to keep clean to dry gets in your way when from behind is your biggest enemy yeah 2:38:40 long hair definitely is a lot of maintenance but it can be worth it 2:38:46 you grew mine out you i grew mine out when i was in my emo phase and hated caring for it mad props to anyone with 2:38:51 long hair yeah it takes a lot of care is what i'm realizing my english is not very good today hey no 2:38:57 worries do not worry at all there's no shame in 2:39:02 not knowing how to speak english very well nobody nobody thinks anything different of you 2:39:21 yes long hair does keep you warm pool and nutella has a great point for that 2:39:27 where am i from i'm from california cali baby 2:39:34 sorry i hate saying that 2:39:43 don't worry neurodivergent representation we appreciate you so much you should be getting paid thirty dollars an hour stream 2:39:49 thank you so much that's such a nice thing to say 2:39:56 um whoa damn so many chats holy [ __ ] 2:40:03 hello what's up hello from michigan hey what's up i've never i don't know if i've ever been to 2:40:09 michigan honestly but i hear the lake's nice 2:40:14 um i had longish hair in high school but didn't care for it looked bad now 2:40:20 i've grown it out caring for it gives me euphoria i can't get it to i can get it to curl which is cool but 2:40:26 um it always falls out quick well that's cool though that you can curl it i'd love to curl my hair at some point at 2:40:32 this point my hair almost reaches my butt and people keep saying i should cut it hey do do you if you don't want to 2:40:38 cut it let that [ __ ] grow um 2:40:45 hell yeah saudi arabia is that where you're from 2:40:50 m7md welcome welcome if you are um oh i was a complete idiot today because 2:40:57 it was like 30 degrees celsius we're all black i had to go to london underground oh god that's rough 2:41:03 that is rough 2:41:09 my hair is curly but not on the top like on the sides interesting huh 2:41:14 i feel like i want to chrome my hair at some point cool damn we got a viewer from saudi 2:41:21 arabia in here welcome welcome that's awesome 2:41:26 i can't believe that dude like the internet is so cool someone from saudi arabia is just 2:41:32 watching me that's awesome oh god 30 degrees in london that's so 2:41:39 bad i want long hair but i couldn't be bothered to keep good care of it yep 2:41:51 oh thank god i went to the mall forgetting you were going live and you're still live yay what's up new stock thanks for joining us 2:42:00 it's so cool to see so many people chatting right now people are coming out of their shells yeah it's really awesome i agree cj it's so nice 2:42:08 dude we've had this has been by far the most active stream like we've had so many 2:42:14 um chatters and donations and follows like wow 2:42:20 it's awesome if anyone is not following and you want to give me a follow i'd really 2:42:25 appreciate it it would make me super happy join the fam join the squad 2:42:31 oh my god 50 celsius in saudi arabia that is a lot 2:42:39 geez yeah the algorithm gods are blessing me today absolutely 2:42:53 yay yes love to all true 2:42:58 okay i need to get some water actually thank you instant shock i've been um 2:43:04 i've been [ __ ] i've been sitting here with an empty water glass looking at it every 10 minutes being like hmm 2:43:09 why is there no water in there okay i'll be right back let me get some water 2:44:02 oh my gosh yes 2:44:07 adventure time x totoro i love it 2:44:13 it's so cute how old am i i'm like around 20. okay i need to uh i need to put in an faq 2:44:30 we are really attracted to american culture you can easily find someone on the street that talk fluent english interesting in saudi arabia that's cool 2:44:39 um 2:44:44 wow that is insane holy [ __ ] 125 degrees fahrenheit oh my 2:44:53 god that just is just unreasonable that is just 2:44:59 unreasonably hot 2:45:17 i went to egypt at new year's in 2018 2019 and it was 20 celsius so i'm 2:45:23 worried about how hot it gets in the summer yeah that's uh it's pretty rough 2:45:30 nutella that's not a real weather temp guys 2:45:36 it's just unreasonably hot most likely to sun exposure and a lot of 2:45:41 tarmac heating up that makes sense 2:45:48 we just have too many ac so we're okay law yeah yep 2:45:54 you just gotta run to your car and jump in the car 2:45:59 i i know i know some some like teslas now have an option where you can pre-cool your car so you're like in your 2:46:06 house in your nice air-conditioned house and you press a button and your tesla turns on and starts cooling it down and 2:46:12 then you sprint to your car and you get in and it's already air conditioned and then you can sprint from your car to 2:46:18 your job like how do you do that that is just nutty 2:46:35 i wish i may see i've been melting all day it's about 25 celsius all day oh god 2:46:42 yeah i uh it's getting a little warm in here now i cooled my room down before 2:46:48 basically what i do is i like oh sorry if i i just moved my mic closer so sorry if 2:46:54 it's louder but um i realized it was kind of far away but basically what i do 2:47:00 is um is i cool my room down for like an hour 2:47:06 to before the stream and then i turn it off and then basically progressively get hotter 2:47:11 and hotter and hotter as the stream goes on and then start dying at some point 2:47:16 um inside of your building at work can get up to 50 degrees celsius in the summer 2:47:23 oh god that's so rough under the real questions what's the goal for major stream okay 2:47:31 i need to get affiliate so bad because there's so many things i want to do with 2:47:37 what it can give you like sub goals and all that stuff well i 2:47:43 mean i guess you could do like follow or don't go right now but anyway 2:47:48 yes once i get affiliated i will be doing lots of stretch goals like made 2:47:53 dresses outdoor streams cooking streams breast plates breast forms all that jazz 2:48:00 we're gonna do all of it so don't you worry 2:48:12 in florida you have temperature reach 40 degrees oof 2:48:17 ice again my room is about 32 celsius but live next to the baltic sea so you can go swimming that's nice 2:48:23 where do you live that's right next to the baltic sea i live in the middle of uk so you can just go swimming whenever you want fair 2:48:30 enough um momento for affiliate i need to just 2:48:37 stream like two more two more times because because i have the follower requirement i have the viewer requirement um 2:48:46 that looks good 2:48:52 sorry i'm messing with my eyebrows i'm messing with my eyebrow muscles um i have a follower requirement i have the 2:48:58 viewer requirement now i just need this time requirement i need that or the day requirement i need to 2:49:04 stream seven days in a month and i i need to do like this one and one more and then i think i'm there 2:49:12 remember the god halloween event yes absolutely that will definitely be there well that i'm doing that regardless so 2:49:18 that won't be a goal i'll just do that no matter what but 2:49:24 um test you live in north where it doesn't get hot which is good because my my classic never had ac one day i'll get 2:49:31 restomod air yeah some people some people are 2:49:38 snow creatures and some people are 2:49:43 desert creatures and some people are in between 2:49:48 um yeah i'll probably just do another stream tomorrow just so that i can get affiliated 2:49:54 so yeah tune in tomorrow probably like around the same time 2:50:02 i've been to america a couple of times i need to have sun cream for the first time although i live in saudi that was 2:50:07 nuts yes yeah i feel like 2:50:12 if you're from saudi you know you know how to deal with the sun enough america doesn't get that sunny 2:50:19 i mean depends on where you go of course if you go to death valley sure sunny as [ __ ] 2:50:26 you should be able to join tomorrow after my friend's birthday cool well have fun at your friend's birthday tell them happy birthday for me 2:50:34 june 20th that's a good birthday 2:50:39 huh some people are snow creatures and some people are a bunch of degenerates 2:50:49 i'm dead people who are from cold climates i feel like 2:50:54 like people who are from hot climates look at people who are from cold climates 2:50:59 as like this like mythical creature like oh my 2:51:05 god like how do you like do that like you're this magical creature like living in the snow 2:51:11 like that's crazy but then i feel like people who are from snow climates look at people from hot climates like they're 2:51:17 just actually off their rocker like i feel like they just like don't even 2:51:25 they can't they can't even engage with it at all 2:51:32 you're a fog creature i guess it's thick today hey i love fog i love fog that's kind of what i am too 2:51:38 because i'm from like a beach town so it's like not really a desert not really cold um 2:51:44 but it's right next to the ocean so it never gets too hot but there's a [ __ ] ton of fog all the 2:51:50 time which i actually like i like fog in the morning it's nice waking up to a really foggy morning and 2:51:56 then having it burn off by this from the sun by like uh 2:52:02 like one or two or something like or like noon like that's always so nice because it's like cozy in the morning 2:52:08 it'll be a good day i'm making cookies and we're playing two man hide and seek awesome so all the couples are getting 2:52:13 together and i'm stuck with my ex oh my god limo but you're good you're good friends with your ex well that's good 2:52:19 at least you guys are on good terms just life in a normal temperature country and suffer always 2:52:28 oh diamond my train cancelled and then had to wait 2:52:33 two hours oh bummer hopefully we can keep you company while you wait 2:52:40 can't confirm people in hot climates trying to drive in one centimeter of snow is a meme for us yeah 2:52:48 yup same with complaining about below 60 fahrenheit being cold okay well i'm that 2:52:55 person so you can make fun of me i am literally that person if it goes 2:53:00 below 60 fahrenheit oh boy i'm wearing a big old jacket especially especially if there's any 2:53:07 type of breeze if there's any type of breeze whatsoever 2:53:13 screw that need layers baby 2:53:21 coolest you've personally seen in michigan was like negative 20 but oh my god 2:53:28 that is just a scary temperature 2:53:35 discounted negative 15. yeah that's rough where i'm from 2:53:44 i'm i'm like from the most literal most temperate climate ever where i come from 2:53:49 it doesn't ever get below 62 and it doesn't ever get above 2:53:54 82. and like it does sometimes throughout the year of course 2:54:01 but mostly like 95 of the days have a low above 62 and a high below 85. 2:54:12 pretty [ __ ] nice pretty [ __ ] nice not gonna lie 2:54:29 to be honest i like the cold i can hide under blankets have a hot chalky and like cuddle with my teddy bears and 2:54:34 watch movies hell yeah dude hell yeah i love a little hot chalky cup 2:54:40 cuddle with your stuffies watch tv love that love that 2:54:46 that's winter in michigan but the summer it goes the other way up up to 105 with 98 humidity oh my god 2:54:54 that is just not ideal 2:55:00 summer it can be 37 degrees and negative five oh my god yeah humidity 2:55:07 humidity is something that i did not grow up with at all i did for a little bit because i actually did live in mexico for two 2:55:13 years which is why i can speak spanish like i don't know if you guys watch my videos um if you've seen the parts 2:55:20 where i like get spanish-speaking people oh what's up mr blackstar216 thanks so much for following 2:55:25 appreciate it welcome to the team to the team 2:55:34 um but yeah i can speak spanish and so i lived in mexico for two years so i have 2:55:39 a little bit of experience with humidity in like humid climates but 2:55:45 i'm kind of from a dry place so the humidity wrecks me 2:55:50 i was at a ski place once and zero fahrenheit forgot to put on socks choose a jacket and regretted it yeah 2:55:55 that seems rash 2:56:01 cold is great gives me an excuse to stay in my room all day and blame it on the temperature totally totally 2:56:07 bilingual king same i'm from wisconsin it can be hellish in winter or summer 2:56:13 oh god beatboxing is just boots and cats with 2:56:19 extra steps fair enough yeah humidity just wrecks everyone 2:56:26 a dehumidifier works wonders says pool nutella interesting i've never tried one of those in a humid climate 2:56:32 i guess doesn't does ac kind of work as a dehumidifier 2:56:37 how long did i train my girl voice and what got yourself into it so 2:56:43 um i was like experimenting a little bit with like girl clothes um at the time that i discovered finn 2:56:50 and that so i was already experimenting a little bit but then i discovered finster and 2:56:55 that of course and um yeah they really just inspired me so i 2:57:01 basically been working on my girl voice for like four or five months i'd say 2:57:06 um and yeah i was like i was experimenting with doing it but then seeing them on youtube just really 2:57:12 inspired me to do it so yeah so that's what got me into it my mando or amanda i don't know how you're 2:57:18 saying your name i'm sorry um 2:57:24 ac is kind of a dehumidifier but a real dehumidifier is so good yeah word pool 2:57:29 nutella okay good i should try that i've never tried like a real one 2:57:37 yeah outside of the ac needs its own bucket or drain pipe yup 2:57:46 how long did i train it um 2:57:51 so bef so before my first video i only trained it honestly for like a month and a half or like a month maybe even less 2:58:00 um but i did it a [ __ ] ton like i was literally just like walking around my house 2:58:05 again and again just like i was like literally just narrating what i was doing i was just like cooking or doing homework or doing whatever just like 2:58:12 talking in a girl voice just being like okay next next i'm gonna add the eggs you know something like that um 2:58:18 just narrating what i'm doing and and yeah that's that's uh that's how it goes 2:58:24 i found him on tick tock eight months ago and it made me question myself but i'm okay with it that's the goal that is the goal 2:58:33 i'm glad you're here dude thanks so much for joining alex um and again i'm sorry if anyone 2:58:40 doesn't if i call you dude and you don't want to be called dude please let me know i just call everyone dude by default because i'm [ __ ] from 2:58:46 california and that's what everyone does there but if you don't want to be that please let me know and i will absolutely acquiesce 2:58:53 to your request yes origin story arc for sure 2:58:59 that's really nice and i'm sure there's plenty of people who do the same because of you oh that's not nice yeah i i really hope so 2:59:06 i i really hope that um that i am inspiring a lot of other people because that makes me so happy 2:59:13 it's 8 30 pm where i live and it's about 18 celsius for me it's too hot sleeping tonight going to be hell ah good luck 2:59:19 good luck seeing dart i'm sorry about that that's rough sleeping in the in the heat is such a bummer 2:59:26 narrating is the same strategy i still use today to practice english pronunciation yeah for sure 2:59:32 that's i think i think just like stream of consciousness just narrating whatever you do i think that helps so much with 2:59:38 like any type of voice training yeah dudes are due dates exactly 2:59:49 i've been uh trying to avoid saying duder bro because you don't want to offend anyone yeah i mean i think like dude dude could be a general neutral 2:59:56 term but there's some people who oh [ __ ] what's up thank you so much for following lola inverse thank you so much 3:00:03 um um yeah dudes do dots and everything in 3:00:09 between exactly yeah like i think dude can be considered a general nutrition but they're 3:00:14 definitely people who um don't really identify with it so if you 3:00:20 don't let me know yeah girls rise up exactly 3:00:27 i don't think i can do the girl voice because i'm in the voice thing i don't know the vocabulary 3:00:32 um i think anyone i don't think anyone could could do the girl voice like if 3:00:38 you look at nat uh he he has a he has a deeper voice than mine 3:00:45 and some people say this is getting big stop coming from finn oh hell yeah what's up lol inverse 3:00:50 awesome i'm so glad you're here oh you're so you're absolutely cute aw thank you so much 3:00:58 thank you um oh thanks paul nutella you guys are so sweet 3:01:05 um sorry what was i saying oh yeah well nat that has like a deeper voice than mine and some people say mine's better 3:01:11 but i honestly think nat has a better girl voice than me and his is even deeper than mine so 3:01:17 so i think i think pretty much anyone can do it thank you guys so much for being here and being so sweet and 3:01:24 supporting me that's so nice i love you guys 3:01:38 [Music] you said not trained for six years damn 3:01:44 okay well that is a long time 3:01:53 room fluster is adorable thanks i'm gonna go now as i want to try and 3:02:00 sleep so have a good day or night everyone have a good one seeing dart thanks so much for joining 3:02:06 hope you have a fabulous rest of your day and stay safe love thanks so much 3:02:13 also not everyone needs a high-pitched voice a voice can be female too even if it's a dark tone right yeah i 3:02:19 um i agree with that fully 100 there's lots of like raspy deep voices 3:02:27 that can be totally f um you know feminized 3:02:33 exactly there's plenty of females with deeper voices exactly yeah i'm an old smoker lady for 3:02:40 sure yeah exactly there's this 3:02:46 there's no one way to do a girl voice which is why which is why when i make my videos when i'm like doing like girl 3:02:53 voice tutorial or like in the future soon i'm gonna do a body a girl body language tutorial um 3:02:59 is that i always try and say like this is like traditional girl you know there's this isn't every girl this is just like 3:03:06 tv hollywood girl voice and like you know girly girl body language but 3:03:12 like i i try to make a point of saying all of my tutorials and everything are 3:03:18 not for you know this isn't how to be a girl this is how to be a traditional girly type of or like not how to be but 3:03:25 to how to present yourself as a traditional girly type of way so there's all types of girls 3:03:32 exactly you're a girl if you say you're a girl and that's that boom there you go exactly 3:03:48 is the perfect example of a girl voice coming from new jersey word 3:03:54 langevin langevin levine i don't know how to say that people always make fun of me because i 3:04:00 don't really know a ton of like celebrities um 3:04:08 yay i'm so glad i got it right hell yeah of course though there's no problem 3:04:16 um how do you even freaking pronounce that 3:04:22 name i got i got mad um 3:04:28 oh and zack i'm gonna close my window 3:04:42 there we go lighting was weird 3:04:49 can i do a valley girl impression like yeah like kind of a little bit if you know what i mean like totally 3:05:01 kind of um 3:05:07 yeah i just want to touch on what pool nutella said because you're a girl if you say you're a girl in that set you're 3:05:12 a boy if you say your boy you're non-binary if you say you're non-binary you are whatever you say you are no one 3:05:18 else gets to decide your label except you be a fanboy if you want like me be a tomboy calm girl 3:05:26 whatever you want to be it's up to you and you only that's it 3:05:34 i try to understand the girl voice tutorials but my vocabulary is not such professional okay i'm sorry 3:05:40 i feel like that tutorial may have been a little convoluted so 3:05:46 maybe i can make a try and make a little more dumb down a little simpler one that might help 3:06:04 yes exactly stupid parents or even just like my son can't wear a skirt if he wants to like 3:06:12 like obviously people are super conditioned with like gender and everything and that's like a hard thing for a lot of people to get over with and 3:06:18 get over but i don't understand why people can't just like get over clothes like 3:06:24 like your clothes don't mean anything about you like i don't understand why a parent would get mad at their son just 3:06:30 wearing a skirt like you know not even saying they're i mean like obviously they shouldn't get mad if 3:06:35 they say they're a girl too but like even less than that just like putting on a skirt putting on a dress like just let 3:06:42 them do it if they want to [ __ ] do it like why do you care i don't understand that at all 3:06:48 people have been wearing dresses for as long as history oh my god 3:06:54 do have you guys seen i'm sorry i just remembered uh this meme i saw where it was like it was like the [ __ ] 3:07:01 uh it was like a roman soldier wearing their little like wearing their like skirts dude like they 3:07:06 wore skirts and they're like oh i'ma just i'm i'ma just wear this to battle oh [ __ ] three bucks from anon thanks so 3:07:13 much anonymous fast driver shave my arms and legs i have a couple times um maybe i could 3:07:19 make a video about it like a body transformation um but yeah right now 3:07:24 as you can see kind of hairy but yeah i should uh i'm gonna i'm gonna 3:07:31 shave him um 3:07:36 uh okay wait but it was like this romance it was like this roman soldier wearing wearing their little skirts 3:07:43 which like they wear they wore those things and they're like hehe i might just wear this to battle i was like oh my god dude the romans 3:07:49 were fem boys dude um what's up what's up broke the ceiling how are you doing welcome to the 3:07:55 stream welcome welcome welcome to the team 3:08:01 um there are schools that would not allow boys to wear shorts in hot weather because of time of year but allow girls 3:08:08 to wear skirts so the boys wore skirts in protest love that 3:08:13 that's awesome i actually think i saw that i actually think i did saw that 3:08:19 depresso mode i'm sorry dude well we're here for you we're here to support 3:08:25 much love you know come hang out with us everyone feels depressed every once in a while nothing to be ashamed of 3:08:39 yo thanks for the follow much appreciated thank you so much welcome to the team 3:08:45 to the squad we are here to support we're here to [ __ ] hang out like we're you know 3:08:51 this is this is a very supportive place you can feel at home here 3:09:03 what do you guys think should i make a video i mean like obviously i wouldn't film 3:09:10 the whole process of me actually shaving myself but would you guys 3:09:15 think that's a good idea for a like a body transformation video where i shave all my whole legs and my arms 3:09:22 and put on breast forms and stuff 3:09:29 yeah join the discord um yeah you guys want to see that okay cool 3:09:39 unless you wanted only fans yeah can't do that 3:09:47 um yeah i'm not sure if you can link in chat actually but the link to the discord is in the about page on the 3:09:54 stream i don't i don't think you can post links in chat but oh you can nice 3:10:03 yeah please everyone join the discord come hang out with us we're super supportive community 3:10:09 we like to play games like to talk about random stuff 3:10:16 i have a good amount of makeup um what's up joey hi uh yeah i have i've like 3:10:22 here you guys wanna see i'll show you some my makeup 3:10:34 it's my makeup box 3:10:42 oh sorry guys um 3:10:48 oh my god i'm sorry i don't know how to do this i 3:10:55 don't know how to ban [ __ ] i know but they're just [ __ ] their name is so long 3:11:26 okay they're banned sorry guys um 3:11:36 um yup another no life hater 3:11:41 um i have a question is that the real fit in my discord wait a second finn did not join my discord 3:11:51 no i don't think so no that person that person in my discord 3:11:58 is um is is a they run a finster fan page on youtube 3:12:08 um 3:12:21 show mod icons ah boom there we go thank you so much oh my 3:12:28 god wait wait that's so good thank you punther line that's literally exactly what i 3:12:34 needed holy [ __ ] thank you so much that's perfect 3:12:41 yeah no worries no life haters who gives a [ __ ] no one cares um 3:12:48 what games do we like to play well we like to play uh we like to play minecraft a lot we got a minecraft server 3:12:54 um we got uh we i was going to play some valorent with my viewers um earlier 3:13:01 although i got distracted so yeah like minecraft valorent play a little um 3:13:08 uh what do you call it fortnite and the rest of them apex those you know 3:13:14 the brs um goth girl look you got it down yup 3:13:20 that is what is on the list that is next on the list 3:13:25 i don't have the wardrobe for that yet or the makeup for that matter but we will do that soon 3:13:35 does anyone else like the one who likes comforting and their friend who likes comforting people in their friend group 3:13:40 yeah i feel like i feel like i'm kind of like that with uh at least with some of my friends from 3:13:46 home like i feel a little bit like the person with the sage advice if you know what i mean 3:13:52 okay let's show off a little bit of makeup huh 3:14:02 so fyi all of this is extremely cheap 3:14:07 shitty cvs makeup so if you're if you're here to 3:14:14 figure out if you're here for like a james charles tutorial it's not it's not it's going to 3:14:19 be this is like the cheapest worst [ __ ] ever 3:14:24 um but 3:14:31 this is the foundation i use 3:14:36 i got it recently i like it a lot it's a little squirty guy i usually put like three pumps on there 3:14:43 rub it in all of my face um 3:14:49 gotta get a battle station in the corner now yup absolutely 3:14:54 um morphe has really good palettes on amazon okay cool i'll check that one down for sure thanks paul nutella 3:15:02 all right i'm gonna jump on val okay cool have fun have fun instant shock thank you for chilling 3:15:08 i kind of want to play valerian too sounds fun okay so usually 3:15:16 do foundation first and then i put this powder on it 3:15:25 to like set it which is something that i've recently started doing um i didn't used to do that i didn't do 3:15:31 that in my makeup tutorial for example um but yeah i've started setting my 3:15:37 uh setting my foundation with powder 3:15:44 oh getting a little getting a little steamy in here 3:15:51 um okay and then 3:15:58 this is the eyeshadow palette i have but it's not good i don't ever use it 3:16:03 i use okay the one that i use is this just occasionally 3:16:10 to put right there on the on a little bit 3:16:15 weight makeup i'm staying for a little bit yeah gotta stay for the makeup so i put the white like right in there 3:16:22 i think that's kind of a cute look um but otherwise i literally don't use my eyeshadow palette because it's super bad 3:16:29 and the powder just comes off and like gets all over my other makeup so it's shitty 3:16:34 um 3:16:40 looks nice i wonder how you look in bangs you can check out i have a wig oh i have a wig that um 3:16:47 that has bangs and i think i wore it in some of my videos so if you go check out my youtube channel or my ig yeah you can 3:16:53 check it out my instagram um 3:16:58 okay now this is this is my lip pencil i'm this for anyone who's like 3:17:05 a boy or like melbourne or whatever um who wants to practice girl makeup lip 3:17:12 pencil is huge because it helps you over draw your lips like it 3:17:17 you over draw the bow which is like the the this shape thing that's that's the bow 3:17:24 so you over draw the bow of your top lip and you over draw the bottom lip with the pencil 3:17:29 and then you fill it in with uh with the lipstick and it looks really really good 3:17:36 and it makes your lips just look a lot bigger than they actually are which is nice um 3:17:42 sorry we won't be winning a rocket league not just now but we will don't worry join the discord 3:17:48 wholesome redditer um yes the m for mcdonald's precisely that is the bow 3:18:03 loser hey that's not nice man 3:18:11 no i'm just kidding not for real though join the discord um and we can we can play games together 3:18:17 okay it'll be awesome thank you thanks pool of nutella 3:18:24 that's super nice of you 3:18:37 thanks thank you so much that's so sweet 3:18:46 yeah blue eyes as well nice 3:18:57 yes dude the pink pigtails of pink hair that would be [ __ ] awesome i did them 3:19:02 with the blonde wig but i haven't done them with this one yet so i gotta do that for sure 3:19:16 good job yup okay wait i was going to show you a 3:19:22 little more this is my blush 3:19:29 you open it has that little thing in it get a little brush 3:19:38 put it on and then since my last video 3:19:43 i got a big spongy i got one of these guys so that's good because before i was just 3:19:50 using those tiny little sponges blending sponges but now i got this one 3:19:56 and it's better 3:20:01 um i would slay it yeah thank you thank you i know i need to try the pigtails with 3:20:06 the pink but i think that would look super cute all right guys i think i'm getting to 3:20:12 the point where my adhd is acting up and i can't focus on anything at all 3:20:18 so i might have to end the stream kind of soon um but 3:20:23 let me see you said you sent a picture and discard okay let's check that out real quick let's check that out real quick 3:20:34 cute i like your hair it's very cute 3:20:40 you should grow it out if you want to oh okay 3:20:49 thank you so much everyone for joining me yes i need to eat lunch thank you for reminding me 3:20:56 thank you all so much for joining me this has been so much fun wonderful time to have with all of you 3:21:03 chilling we got so many followers we've got hella donations so many chatters this was so much fun 3:21:11 thank guys so much thank you for keeping us all company of course thank you guys thank you guys for 3:21:17 hanging out with me i feel like you guys are keeping me company thank you guys so much i really 3:21:24 appreciate it guys and i think i'm gonna stream again tomorrow 3:21:30 so that i can get that affiliate status and we can get the subs going and we can 3:21:36 get this [ __ ] on the road let's go hell yeah 3:21:42 very stoked positive vibes absolutely i love all of you so much 3:21:50 thank you so much for joining and hanging and chilling thank you diamond and thank you rich for for moderating i 3:21:57 really appreciate you guys thanks so much diamond mwah i love you um 3:22:02 and yeah i love all of you love yourself follow your dreams 3:22:08 do what you want to do be sure you want to be and [ __ ] everyone else who says anything else mwah 3:22:14 goodbye boys girls and everyone in between it's been wonderful i love you all 3:22:22 hey one last follow shooky one two three one two three two seven thanks so much love you so much mwah 3:22:29 love you guys bye