0:00 laughs 0:38 so 2:14 [Music] 3:03 yo yo what is up everyone 3:09 how are we all doing today love your videos and you oh thanks runeplays welcome to the stream 3:17 welcome to the stream oh [ __ ] it's just miss subscribe to tier three 3:23 holy [ __ ] thank you so much wow thank you mwah that's so nice of you holy [ __ ] 3:31 thank you so much [ __ ] yeah already 3:36 we already got three subs and the stream hasn't even started 3:41 yo thank you so much thank you so much it's just miss that's so nice of you wow 3:49 yo what's up tommen hey alexandra how you doing thanks rune plays 3:55 i appreciate that mwah welcome to the stream everybody hope y'all having an amazing day 4:03 hey pascal this girl how you doing what's up dot cp 4:10 what's up breon how you all doing today fan blue 4:15 lord lord michael clark mel christ yo i love your streams and ollie thank 4:21 you so much thank you so much 4:27 it's crazy baby we got affiliated so anyway let me just shout out the people who subbed we have um 4:33 apathy and cj and now it's just miss 4:39 three subs 4:44 hey how are you doing sim do work how you doing welcome to the stream what's up nippon 4:50 how you doing thanks for being here thank you so much 4:59 how are you all doing today good only broke my thumb oh dude that sucks i'm sorry 5:06 breaking your thumb is such a bummer because it's like you can't really like when you break i broke my arm once 5:13 pretty bad but it was fine because they set the bones and then they put in a cast and then a cast is just like a 5:19 weapon you know what i mean like your cast you can bash that thing all around but if you break your thumb you can't really do anything 5:25 that sucks yo i love your youtube channel thank you so much crappin how you doing welcome 5:30 welcome what's up mitch master welcome to the stream 5:35 we're just having a chill little sesh today you know you know how it be what's up comfy buzz how you doing 5:43 welcome all welcome welcome 5:48 oh wow didn't even realize you already dressed up today looking good yep i decided to just dress up beforehand 5:54 this time what's up rm trend how you doing pascal you said you can ride my bmx 6:00 still well that's good yo diamond how you doing 6:06 what's up diamond yeah just to carry no you're not late we just 6:12 started you came just in time welcome welcome 6:20 dude it's just miss thank you so much for the tier three sub holy [ __ ] that is so nice of you thank you so much 6:27 mwah i can't wait to watch you girl oh thank 6:33 you so much jaden holy [ __ ] what just happened oh my god 6:38 it's just missed gifted seven subs holy [ __ ] thank you so much 6:45 wait oh my god wow mwah thank you so much holy [ __ ] 6:50 mitch master elena dot cp y'all all got subs y'all got free subs hey you can use the beyblade emote now 6:59 wow thank you so much it's just miss that's so nice of you mwah 7:07 thank you that's so nice 7:12 yeah there you go i know don't don't worry i'm gonna change that emote i just barely 7:19 i just put that together randomly in ms paint 7:24 so don't worry the tier three mode will will be cooler in the future but you can also use the beyblade emote if 7:30 you just got um two once up 7:36 yup yeah you got the die highs 7:42 die high check 7:53 thank you so much it's just miss that's so nice of you by the way how long have you been doing crossdressing um probably like 8:00 three or four months now something like that maybe a little longer 8:07 um yeah like four or five months maybe started like in the middle of quarantine 8:15 hey what's up toyota how you doing welcome to the stream hey [ __ ] yeah beyblade 8:23 okay and who taught you to do makeup um i kind of taught myself from from like 8:29 youtube tutorials to be honest 8:35 hey all right i see the beyblades i do a spin that's the rules 8:59 wait what the [ __ ] i subbed right he's got a gift sub yo that's funny dude thank you so much 9:06 it's just this that's so nice spinny yo jj beans thanks for the follow man i 9:13 appreciate it welcome welcome 9:18 you're so damn cute what the heck oh thank you yo fanboot thanks for the sub thank you so much mwah 9:25 appreciate it welcome to the squad um 9:33 how old am i i'm around 20ish 9:42 i can't stay long but glad to see you i will see you next time if you are if you aren't still on later okay cool no 9:47 problem mitch thank you so much for joining beyblade 9:53 so you're only doing this only four months and have more confidence than me doing like a year 9:59 well it is what it is you know i feel like it's kind of exposure therapy um you know streaming and making videos 10:06 it's like i was really really nervous at first but the more i did it and the more i just released content it just kind of 10:12 got easier and easier and um yeah you just gotta you just gotta put 10:17 yourself out there and it's kind of like throw yourself into the fire and uh you might get burned a little bit 10:24 but you know get that fire resistance get that tolerance and and you know you 10:30 just get more confident every time you do it i use like for my first couple of streams i was literally like 10:38 like sweating actual bullets like the whole time like i was so scared and especially at the lead up to it i 10:44 was like freaking out but now look at me now 10:50 i don't give a [ __ ] i'll just be myself 10:58 if they spam the beyblade emo you're gonna get dizzy up yup 11:06 teach us master just gotta go for it akira she's gotta go for it 11:12 brave people find me i have bad social anxiety but i'm working on it would you would love to be begin streaming to 11:19 someday hell yeah crap in that's awesome you'll get there for sure don't worry 11:24 just takes time all of you have bravery inside of you you just gotta find it 11:38 yep and lockdown didn't help yeah that's for sure i feel that 11:43 lockdown makes um lockdown makes things weird because you 11:50 you know it's you haven't been talking to people for a while and so social anxiety can kind of 11:55 run rampant i understand that that makes sense 12:09 um hey dude wait holy [ __ ] we already hit the sub goal 12:14 we already hit the sub goal because it was just missed gifted seven holy [ __ ] thank you so much 12:21 we already hit the sub goal it's so funny have you told your friends about your streams yeah 12:26 um they know about it either i told them or they heard about it through other people 12:33 it's like i told my friends i told my friends who i knew would like be supportive and not care 12:40 um but i don't know i feel like some of my friends think it's kind of weird so i 12:46 didn't really tell them but i'm sure they all know about it now but i don't give a [ __ ] what they think 12:51 who gives a [ __ ] i'm just doing me 12:58 thanks for the sub just upgraded to your three i'll give some dude thank you so much dot cp that's so [ __ ] nice of 13:03 you i'm i promise i'm gonna work hard on like making actual good emotes for like 13:08 tier two and tier three i just like randomly chose these ones and like made them in like ten minutes because i 13:14 didn't have time this weekend but um 13:19 oh [ __ ] dot cp with the five gifted holy [ __ ] thank you so much 13:25 thank you mwah thank you so much that's so nice oh my god 13:31 alexandra thomann nenko's rm trend in mandalorian y'all just gotta sub [ __ ] yeah 13:37 that's so awesome yup yo babies beyblade 13:43 let it rip i do a spin gotta do a spin 13:51 gotta do spin for the legend it's just missed 14:16 yeah yeah so are you a straight male that are just into cross-dressing yeah i mean yeah i 14:22 feel like that's probably the way to describe me i've had two 14:28 girlfriends so those are the only people i've ever dated 14:39 oh hi totally miss you going live hey no no problem colonel how you doing welcome to the stream 14:45 room place says rye yes 14:52 yes what's up desmosita how you doing 14:59 how you doing 15:05 cube yo thanks for the follow mwah thank you so much i appreciate it 15:14 how tall are you i'm like five six i'm not i'm pretty short amazon wishlist um yes okay so i just 15:22 like as of yesterday figured out where i'm moving to because i have to move again out of this room 15:29 so i just figured out where i'm moving to and um so i can start making my wishlist 15:35 finally so i can because i didn't i didn't know where my address was going to be so i didn't know 15:41 what to put so that um you guys wouldn't just like send stuff and it would just like come here and i wouldn't be here so 15:48 now i finally know so i'm making the list so stay tuned for that 15:54 yup yup yup ruined please you said me message did you send something what did you say 16:01 oh i was brave enough to come out as bye to my parents a few months ago and i think they were confused and they 16:07 i think they were confused and they accepted me i think that's nice i'm glad rune plays congrats mwah 16:13 congrats on coming out to your parents that's really brave of you that's awesome when's the move it's um 16:21 on sunday this sunday is when i move 16:28 yo pink dino thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah welcome to the team 16:34 thank you five six isn't short it's average five four starts short well it's short for a 16:39 boy i guess i guess i'm average height for a girl 16:45 what's my address gonna be when i move [ __ ] up ain't going to tell you that boy 16:53 hey i'm also by [ __ ] yeah 16:59 what's up nivea how you doing what's up pink dino thanks for the follow 17:04 welcome to the stream welcome welcome 17:22 i'm five eight and feet giant sometimes then i remember my 17:27 ball friends was six one or more yeah 5 8 is not giant 17:34 that's totally fine yeah so some of my friends are huge too i have a friend who's 6'4 17:39 crazy i would not want to be that tall to be honest 17:44 ib59 hell yeah depends on nationality asians are 17:50 shorter africans and scandinavians are taller euro is average word that makes sense i 17:56 think in america i think americans are kind of tall in general so i think five six is pretty 18:01 small for a boy in america why does twitch send live notifications 18:07 so late just got the notification now um i don't know i might have [ __ ] it up because i went live for like one second 18:12 but then stopped going live because my title was wrong and then went live again so i might have [ __ ] it up by doing that 18:18 i'm new to this whole concept but what is a fanboy i'm a fanboy man you're looking at one 18:24 it's me aka the creature thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah welcome to the team 18:31 um the real question can i dunk absolutely i cannot dunk 18:37 uh how do i waste my channel points oh do i have to set that up do i have to like set up 18:42 a way to use channel points 18:47 i'm 66 damn yeah you could dunk on me for sure 18:53 anyone who's taller than 60 is either african or scandinavian in their blood fair enough 18:59 uh unless you're yao ming i know like the manchurians in in asia can be pretty big like yao ming was like [ __ ] seven 19:05 foot seven or something i'm 592. i wish i was shorter hey man 19:11 tall tall people are hot short people are hot too but like tall people can be super hot like i i think you know i 19:17 think we should all accept our height and love ourselves for who we are you know 19:23 511 here hell yeah 19:31 can't you change stream title during stream uh yeah but then the vaude the vod has the original title though on it 19:38 which is kind of annoying so i wanted the vaude to have the current title i know you can change it but 19:44 yeah i i just like screwed it up can we get a regular voice versus best 19:49 femme voice okay so the thing with that is that to do my videos i actually have to warm up 19:55 my voice for like 10 minutes or something like before i start trolling 20:02 so um i can do it i can do a femme voice but it just it won't be my best how old 20:07 are you bro i'm around 20. what's up mandalorian how you doing 20:15 wow this just became height flexing yeah i know every time we talk about height everyone's height is perfect all right 20:22 you should not be shorter or taller you are perfect just the way you are 20:30 um wait i'm a sub i didn't even notice someone gets me yeah people have been gifting like uh we have we've had like 20:35 uh 12 gifted subs so far so [ __ ] yeah 20:42 i want to i say hi but sadly i can't watch because my internet is crap good luck for the stream oh that's no worries 20:48 so so thanks for thanks for dropping in i appreciate it 20:59 sorry i just wanna see if i uh missed any messages 21:05 what games do i play if any um i play a lot of minecraft and i play 21:10 like i used to play a lot of fortnite and um and like 21:15 um but yeah oh [ __ ] nuncos thanks for the gifted sub 21:21 thank you so much hey girl sophie you got a free sub congrats 21:26 congratulations [ __ ] yeah 21:31 miss your kiss matches let me see oh 21:36 my rune please this is your outfit for the rest of the 21:42 day um or just for the stream um just for the stream i don't usually go out in 21:48 public like this tyler boston thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah 21:53 welcome to the stream welcome to the squad 22:00 no apex players i play apex too but not not too much 22:06 flower girl style deserves more love yes okay i'll do flower girl next stream 22:13 you always just missed with the three gifteds thank you so much holy [ __ ] mwah 22:19 thank you so much by the way have almost a whole fire 22:25 station watching me oh my god cj what the [ __ ] 22:30 what's up fireman mwah i love you all thank you for your service and also cj thank you for the sub you 22:36 subbed like like a day ago or something so thank you so much you're like my second sub ever 22:42 i know people are gifting like crazy it's nuts what's my play time on fortnite i don't 22:47 know probably like a couple hundred few hundred hours 22:53 what's up eagle kathy how you doing welcome to the stream my faithful moderator 23:04 oh [ __ ] cody goth yo thank you so much mwah oh [ __ ] a hype train i don't even know 23:10 what that is but we're starting it let's go 23:16 oh [ __ ] code of goth for the tier three thank you so much and that's claudia that's the person who was [ __ ] 23:22 dropping dono bombs on me last time thank you so much claudia mwah i love you so much thank you 23:28 that's so sweet of you thank you so much for the tier three wow that's super sweet 23:36 might need to update the goal yeah [Applause] yeah i think we do have to update the goal let's uh let's do that real quick 23:43 i literally had two subs starting this and i was like yeah we could probably get we could probably get 10 23:49 by the end of the day this is crazy oh my god 23:57 question fanboy god or goddess hmm good question fanboy god to be honest 24:05 um okay let me just edit my overlay real quick 24:12 you gotta update the goal yeah i gotta put that [ __ ] at 50 or something holy [ __ ] 24:18 all right 50. 24:24 there we go yo ttv super thank you for the follow thanks so much mwah appreciate it thank you so much 24:34 on the rise baby baby gonna have some scram yeah for sure 24:40 yeah we need sub badges absolutely i know i i just haven't had enough time do i get uncomfortable if people 24:47 misgender you oh my god apathy with the five subs holy [ __ ] 24:52 what is actually happening this is so crazy thank you so much apathy mwah 24:58 thank you holy [ __ ] this is actually insane 25:05 what is happening dude what is happening oh my god thank you so much mwah 25:13 it's so sweet of you guys i really appreciate all the support and all the subs and the follows and also 25:19 anyone who's just being here and chilling i love you too i appreciate everyone thank you guys all so much 25:26 anyone in my community do art i think a few people yeah there's an art channel on the discord 25:33 um yeah um but i just want to answer your 25:39 question crapping though um do i get uncomfortable if people misgender you not really i mean i'm like look at me i 25:45 mean if you if you want to call me she when i look like this that's totally fine with me if 25:51 you want to call me he that's totally fine with me honestly it doesn't really bother me at all 25:59 dude this is actually nuts dude we got a level four hype train let's go 26:04 this is so sick best laptop for a civil engineering student i have no idea cheeky wiki 26:12 i could not tell you yo decker thanks for the follow thank you so much 26:18 we're getting so many follows so many subs this is crazy this is actually crazy 26:27 you are epic thank you desmond he does so are you you are epic 26:32 just buy think pad use linux that's the that's the chad chad nerd way of doing it 26:40 i have like an i have an msi laptop it's pretty good i think 26:47 it's not bad 26:53 my budget is 4 000 usd and i need help holy [ __ ] your budget is 4 000. well you can buy 26:59 any computer at all you can buy it literally 27:05 any laptop you could possibly want yeah just buy the best one 27:13 from boy god shatters reality and my sexuality but i already knew that i was bi 27:19 well maybe not yours but others 27:29 um 27:35 i don't even know i don't even know if i actually correctly updated the title because that's not supposed to be the title if that's the title 27:51 why are you wearing a hat in the apartment because um what's up cacsopoc how you doing um i'm wearing a beanie 27:57 because i'm wearing a lace front wig so you see that thing it's like lace 28:03 um so i wear the beanie to cover it up yo 2603 thanks for the follow mwah thank 28:09 you so much thank you welcome to the team 28:14 holy [ __ ] king of grapes with the five gifted holy [ __ ] thank you so much 28:22 holy [ __ ] this is crazy dude i literally 28:27 i literally had a goal for 10 subs and we're already at 31 and i haven't even been streaming for 28:34 30 minutes holy [ __ ] this is so insane 28:40 yo um don't worry i i don't have my like payment information added but like next stream i'll gift 28:47 everyone like 20 subs oh [ __ ] thank you for the six bits thank you edwin i appreciate it thank 28:52 you so much mwah you're my fave streamer now oh thank you edwin i appreciate that thank you so 28:58 much more people asserting dominance yeah 29:04 i'm just flexing on us all many arabian princes following renault yeah 29:12 oh my god holy [ __ ] this is so crazy i literally had a sub goal for 10 subs and 29:17 i was like i will probably get like five why hello there what's up pac-man 29:23 welcome back welcome back time to play trackmania and watch you 29:29 well i would but every time i try and play game my viewership just tanks so i don't 29:35 really want to play a game uh mr hype train that's all good 29:42 yo we got a level five [ __ ] hype train on right now this is insane 29:48 yeah you're not missing it you're you're right in the thick of it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] wait it's a final level 29:55 damn let's go bring ollie what name can i call you you can call me rinali or ryan or we came up 30:02 with like a girl name for me which is riley you can use that as well if you want 30:08 whatever you want we want to watch you not some random 30:13 game yeah exactly i feel like that's kind of the uh that's the 30:20 that's the crux of the matter yo thanks so much edwin i appreciate the 30:26 bits thank you so much that's really nice of you 30:33 i do love games though yeah i feel like i'll play some games occasionally i might play a little minecraft in a bit 30:40 wait do i have a girl name yeah we we came up with one riley like ryli 30:46 i thought that was pretty cute i'm not a hundred percent set on it like i know i might pick a 30:52 different one but i think riley's cute i like it a lot 31:00 well if you're having fun long run you'll do better enjoy it more might be slower growth but you'll have more fun 31:05 yeah that's true cute name thank you fitsya thank you 31:11 yeah yeah i'm definitely going to play some games if i want to 31:17 but i also just love chatting you know it's really fun to just chill and just talk to you guys and hang out 31:24 it's a lot of fun for me for sure 31:30 spelled riley or riley well we kind of came up with it like that 31:35 but i also like that too 31:43 um can i do a flip like a backflip i don't 31:49 i don't think so at least not on the floor i can do a backflip on a trampoline 31:55 not on the floor though vr horror stream yes that is definitely 32:02 what i want to do because i'm a total wimp so if i play a horror game you guys will 32:08 laugh at me and it'll be really entertaining 32:14 kickflip and a backflip oh [ __ ] at the same time i think i've actually seen a video of 32:20 someone doing that um 32:25 yeah everyone feel free to join the discord please do oh [ __ ] i can't handle horror games yeah 32:32 totally yeah don't worry i my my auto mod my auto moderator is on like turned all 32:39 the way up right now because we were getting some trolls the other day um so sorry if it blocks like the word [ __ ] or 32:45 something i'll i'll allow it like i'll i'll let the message through if that happens 32:51 um dude if i'm such a wimp i'm literally such a wimp at horror dude i will 32:57 literally like i'll cry i feel like if i play vr horror 33:02 game which hey that'll be good content 33:08 that'll be good content i guess 33:13 i would join the discord but i literally don't ever go on to it hype train success let's go 33:19 level four hype train emote let's go hey 33:25 that's what i got it's creepy i don't like it it's a tarantula 33:36 what horror games are you planning on playing um i don't know that's a good question any 33:41 recommendations i bought resident evil 7 like two weeks ago but i'm too scared to play it yeah 33:47 dude toyota i was watching people play that and i was like dude i could never freaking play this one holy [ __ ] 33:53 how did i become a sub well eagle kathy people have been gifting like 20 subs that's probably how someone gifted yet 33:59 probably it's just mist or apathy or or dot cp they've been gifting a lot 34:11 outlast okay two people say outlast all right sounds good silent hill 34:18 got it okay wait let me write these down let me write down outlast 34:25 out last 34:33 all right i'm seeing beyblades spinny spin time spinny spin time 35:08 spanish spoon 35:14 do that spin 35:23 i'd recommend the evil within even though it's more of an action horror game okay 35:29 cool thanks tomment 35:34 thank you 35:41 just flat read village for nope i gave up don't have a graphics card on my laptop and track me i literally got running with the live 35:47 stream playing on the side until dawn or any of the dark picture 35:53 anthology titles would be decent okay cool i'll check those out apathy thanks i might join in the discord soon when i 35:59 feel more comfortable but you guys seem awesome hey well well you're welcome anytime crap craypin thank you so much 36:06 for being here and for chillin welcome to the community you are more than welcome and the 36:11 discord is a very supportive and caring place love your outfit it's so cute thank you 36:17 so much claudia i appreciate that 36:25 hello i'm back what's up pascal welcome back welcome back any tips for choosing a cute outfit 36:32 hmm well you can never go wrong with a crop top that's for sure crop tops are cute as [ __ ] 36:37 and then obviously a skirt is one of my favorite things to wear and then if you throw on some thigh 36:43 highs that's basically every outfit that i wear is a crop top skirt and thigh-highs 36:50 um but honestly i feel like with fashion it's kind of like an intuition thing you 36:56 know you got to just like try stuff on see what you like and develop your own little style you know 37:02 and yeah my discord is the safest place i know yes i agree 37:09 it is a very safe place 37:15 oh [ __ ] got some uh got some nicks and subs in the chat 37:27 the discord is so safe that i don't even have to do my job yes exactly how tall are you i'm like five foot six about 37:33 something like that congrats on affiliate yo thanks so much moogie i appreciate that welcome to the 37:39 stream thanks for thanks for joining us thanks for hanging out 37:45 yep refashion yeah i agree you gotta just try stuff out and develop your own little style 37:52 i know everyone wants to know how tall i am i need an faq on the side to tell people 37:59 how old i am and how tall i am also guys look at my nails they're so [ __ ] up 38:07 that's eyeliner right there i need to repaint them but i don't have 38:13 any nail polish remover 38:27 eyeliner like eyeliner not eyeliner but eyeliner 38:34 can't wait to see you in a made outfit hell yeah definitely on the list 38:40 that's cause you look so short and cute thank you 38:45 yes on the list for my future outfits 38:51 maid outfit goth girl 38:56 kitty girl 39:02 you rocked the thigh high so good yo thank you so much kinotron thank you i got black nails done at a salon i 39:09 think they were a little surprised that a guy went in there though that's cute congrats that's awesome for you crepin i 39:15 really that's so cool mwah good on you for being you and 39:22 not giving a [ __ ] about what people think 39:33 hot tub stream we could do a hot tub stream i don't have a hot tub though or a pool 39:39 so i don't know how to do that we are definitely gonna do a um 39:45 sleepover stream so we're gonna all wear cute little pajamas and it's gonna start late and we're gonna like make popcorn 39:51 and eat candy and watch tv together so stay tuned for that 40:01 do you like anime because you look like an anime girl but i can't remember i i do a lot of people say in this i look 40:06 like zero two oh cox dogs thanks for the follow a funny name 40:12 yo thank you for the follow you're good [Laughter] 40:18 thank you for the follow though and welcome to the team welcome to the squad 40:34 rick harris what's up hello there just tuning in for this dream yo thank you so much 40:40 the team 40:45 when you say late how late are we talking well i feel like it'll start at like 8 or 9 p.m my time 40:51 or maybe not eight or nine maybe maybe i'll do it earlier so that my eu viewers can tune in too so maybe like maybe i'll 40:56 start it at like five or six huh but then my california viewers won't be a sleepover 41:02 that's hard all started at like seven my time which i know is pretty late for eu but 41:10 that's like afternoon for california so 41:22 that's 1am for you okay well i can do two then i'll do i'll do a sleepover i'll do a sleepover with my uh 41:30 with my eu and my you know oceania and asia 41:36 fans and then i'll do another one for my n a fans 41:43 zero two cosplay at 50 subs i'll do that that sounds like a great idea 41:48 i want to actually do like a real cosplay like instead of just dressing up as a girl like i want to 41:54 pick a character that would be fun 42:06 it's 2041 in the netherlands cool karaoke night one oh that's a good idea i'm not the best singer ever 42:13 i don't know if you guys would want to hear me sing ex-wolfie yo thanks for the follow thank 42:19 you so much welcome to the team welcome welcome 42:31 i watched a few late night streams from eu though it's most australia struggle with that makes sense 42:40 mine aren't long just painted with polish and dried for me not like not that inconvenient cool 42:47 i'm so glad you got nails crap and that's awesome um you're in seattle so not california 42:54 but same time zone okay cool good to know good singing defeats the point 43:00 fair enough that's a good point that is definitely a good point 43:13 how do you feel about doing some long press-on nails yeah i should i should do that i should get some 43:19 acrylics that's a good idea a lonely russian oh what's up thank you for following you don't have to be lonely here 43:28 um oh my god it's a rickroll guys don't 43:34 click it it's a rickroll it's a rickroll don't click it it's a rickroll 43:43 no it's a rickroll don't click it 43:49 the friars from the us came here to greenland yesterday oh [ __ ] that's crazy the smokey mean oh 43:55 that's a bummer yeah i have a it's pretty smoky here where i am it's pretty hazy 44:06 when only fans never sorry about it just a twitch streamer 44:12 not an only fanzer i know rickroll in 2021 right 44:23 with acrylics the store-bought ones don't stay on well they easily pop off okay well 44:29 how do you how do you get um good ones do you have to go to a salon 44:34 to get good acrylics or press-on nails 44:40 damn that's cool you're from greenland rune plays i don't think i've ever met someone from greenland 44:46 i love how many people from all over we have here it's so cool yeah salon okay cool good to know okay 44:52 this song is a little much um 44:58 what state do i live i live on the east coast i'm from california though 45:13 is greenland the one with ice or am i mistaking that was iceland [Laughter] 45:20 yeah i think they switched it iceland is actually greener than greenland 45:28 and then hearts are broken today ry while not making only fans unfortunately not i can make maybe i'll make a patreon 45:35 where i can put post like better more professional pictures than i 45:41 post on my instagram that might be cool salon is the only a salon is the 45:47 only option if you want nails that last more than a few days okay got it that's good to know 45:54 yeah maybe i'll go to the salon like tomorrow that'd be fun 46:02 belgium what's up sim doer welcome welcome 46:08 that's cool from belgium welcome to the stream great to have you 46:15 hey i'm a former former california too now in pa hell yeah that's awesome 46:20 california baby i feel like i'll eventually end up back in california 46:26 i just like it too much i love the beach and the mountains 46:32 and the air yo substantial thanks for the follow 46:39 thank you so much mwah thank you appreciate it welcome to the team 46:47 brazilian here moving to germany next year cool that's awesome congrats on your move 46:58 the netherlands cool yo messina thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah 47:03 welcome welcome welcome to the team 47:14 oh nice we got two brazilians hell yeah 47:21 went to one on saturday and they just did overcoats as i couldn't have paint on or anything the overcoat is already 47:27 coming off oh that's a bummer yeah nails are so ephemeral 47:34 the netherlands here cool martin welcome to the stream thank you for being here that's so cool 47:40 we have so many people from all over that's awesome got netherlands brazil germany 47:46 greenland usa 47:52 it's awesome guys it's great to have you guys all here 47:58 yes got a lot of got a lot of dutch 48:03 in the chat norway very cool and finland as well i 48:08 saw earlier and two swedish we have a lot of scandinavia 48:14 slash just northern europe in general which is very cool 48:30 mr worldwide exactly british person here very cool pac-man 48:36 awesome great to have the brits as well 48:46 michigan right right i remember that australia 48:52 awesome rm tran filipino very cool 48:57 scandinavians love fanboys seems like it 49:02 seems like it 49:10 ah greek guy in germany oh very cool very 49:17 cool i've always wanted to go to greece 49:25 we can start our own olympics hell yeah fanboy olympics 49:35 hey don't call us out of scandinavians with that even though it's true 49:48 actually i'm portuguese but i live in brazil cool 49:54 i've heard brazil is amazing except for the cops are kind of corrupt 50:00 but i've heard great things about the um the nature and the and the people 50:11 not all salons are good that's why i check them out on yelp before booking whenever i can't go to my regular place yeah that's a that's a good idea 50:19 that's definitely a good idea 50:26 i can do a nail stream a nail salon stream i'd have to ask them if that if that's 50:32 okay though also let me know if the stream's laggy because i know it was lagging a little 50:37 bit last time so let me know 50:51 yes this line stream oh yeah that'd be awesome yes but actually no 51:00 i'm dead hey guys guess what guess what guess what 51:05 i got a straw 51:11 i got a straw baby let's go it's a plastic one but it's better than nothing 51:23 got a straw 51:29 was there any cross dressers that inspired you to start doing it yup finster for sure finn and also nate 51:36 both of them on youtube it was like kind of a combo of like my ex-girlfriend at the time 51:42 um my girlfriend at the time she was uh she was like just like hey you should put on a crop top like that would be 51:49 kind of cute and i was like okay let's do it and then i tried it and i was like oh [ __ ] this is hot and then i saw finn 51:55 doing what he was doing and i was like okay maybe i should do that too that sounds fun 52:02 doesn't have any transcoding so some might be lagging due to no ability to downscale the stream okay 52:07 got it i'll try and look into that can i dance like do i have any do i have 52:13 the moves i can dance i feel like here let me put on a let me put on a song and then i'll 52:20 extend my headphones and dance a little bit let me just read these messages 52:25 as the review of the week would say plastic straws are reusable just wash them okay cool 52:30 sounds good i'll keep i'll keep my straw then 52:36 this is some nice drum and bass yeah it's um harris heller's stream beats copyright free 52:43 finn aka aka rose yes exactly rose was a big inspiration for me for 52:49 sure 52:57 they should arrest the person who invented paper straws dude yeah paper straws are annoying 53:03 i had a straw the other day that was made out of bamboo which was really cool 53:09 because it wasn't like the paper straws where they get all mushy you know when you chew on them 53:15 because i like to chew on my straws a little bit um 53:27 yeah paper straws but contain flimsy plastic and then won't last 30 minutes yeah they're so bad 53:32 i had a ban the bamboo straws are cool though 53:38 never had an issue with paper straws to be fair yeah i think it depends on what kind of drink you're drinking like if 53:43 you're just drinking a quick coffee or something like it's fine or like a quick you know whatever but 53:49 if it's like a smoothie or a milkshake then the paper straw really doesn't hold up well 53:57 i choose straws do i hate when they get mushy yeah me too i don't really get that whole straw 54:02 debate yeah i mean the thing about it is that here's the thing about the straw debate 54:09 yes we should try to use less plastic straws however the fact that we had so much 54:17 like uh wait one sec i just got to fix my 54:23 my overlay there we go um oops 54:29 there we go um the fact that we had so much attention drawn to that 54:35 is indicative of like corporations trying to blame us the common people 54:41 for climate change and pollution and it's honestly just a redirection from the 54:46 fact that straws have like literally a tiny effect compared to you know like 54:51 nestle just like [ __ ] up the whole world so um i think the straw debate is kind of 54:57 silly because it just distracts from the actual problems 55:03 so yeah that's kind of how i feel about it 55:13 bamboo ones are actually great since they're sustainable exactly yeah 55:21 any truers farming truths just farming trees in chat 55:28 like trash buildup it's not the consumer problem is too much packaging waste being shipped to customers exactly 55:34 bingo it's not my fault dude like it's not my fault i don't i hate when people are talking 55:41 about like people always talk about like um 55:47 uh like taking shorter showers and [ __ ] and i'm like dude 55:52 the amount of water that we use to uh take a little longer shower is nothing 56:00 income even if all of us took longer showers that still doesn't matter at all in comparison to amount of water they 56:06 use in the cattle farming industry so screw that i'm going to take a long shower it's not my fault it's literally 56:13 like big big beef and like big you know farmer exactly yes 56:21 yes precisely farm uses way more water especially factory farmers like factory farming cows is literally like 56:28 so much water and it's minuscule the amount of water that you use to take a longer shower in comparative comparison to that but 56:35 the big beef guys will tell you oh you got to take a shorter shower it's your fault that there's a water shortage not mine 56:42 even though i'm using like 100 of the water to factory farm these goddamn cows 56:50 right it's time for bed for me good night everybody good night tommen thanks so much for chilling i really appreciate it mwah thank you so much 56:59 exception if you live in much of california where water's a bit scarce yes that's true but but even still even still in 57:06 california it's not my fault that water's scarce 57:11 it's the cattle farmers yes cattle farmers or or 57:17 or when farmers planting thirsty crops in the desert that's the other thing exactly like almonds in 57:23 um in california use way more water than me taking a long shower 57:30 am i vegan no i'm not a vegan because i think you can eat beef in a in an ethical way if it's like pasture raised 57:36 and grass-fed um and it's not factory farmed so i'm not a vegan but but i definitely try to 57:43 not eat from like mcdonald's and stuff just for that reason although i'm hey 57:48 full disclosure i do eat there a couple of times you know i'm like every once in a while 57:54 so so i'm not perfect um hold on somebody asked me a question 58:01 how do i take care of my hair um this is a wig by the way so i condition this just like normal hair and then i brush 58:07 it just like normal hair um yeah so that's how i take care of it i don't wash it i just condition it well 58:13 i do wash it like at like at once you know every once in a while but if you wash it too much it 58:19 gets really frizzy with shampoo um 58:25 mcdonald's made a sippy cup type of lid for their drinks to reduce plastic but not only is it more inconvenient it literally contains as much plastic as 58:31 regular distraught yeah that's so stupid i was watching this documentary on las 58:38 vegas although the hotels have massive pools of water most of that water is reused when las vegas suffer water 58:43 shortages due to sprinklers and gardens as people want lush green gardens yeah like like palm springs in california is 58:50 so whack because it's it's so whack dude palm springs is crazy 58:55 it's like this absolute barren desert but they're using so much water for so 59:02 much grass and and golf courses and gardens it's so bad 59:08 it's so fake california's water scarcity is more resource planning failure yeah word 59:14 makes sense you're not perfect i want a refund 59:20 yo zirtex thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah thank you welcome to the team 59:28 farm is using too much ground water to raise crops in the desert yeah 59:33 texas has the same farm or water use problem as california 59:40 i gotta go have a nice dream yo thanks for chilling just rihann have a good night no problem at all thank you so 59:46 much for hanging out bye-bye 59:54 those lush gardens are so dumb to have their trees for shade or where it's at yeah exactly 1:00:00 she's getting a big tree i've used metal straws for years now 1:00:05 thank you for following [Laughter] thank you 1:00:11 um since the standard plastic straws everyone up here is selling when i grow up way too narrow i had a tendency to 1:00:17 melt when using hot drinks oh god that's scary drinking melted straw 1:00:24 golf courses are big empty places for the risk you to spend the weekends yeah golf courses in the desert are just a 1:00:29 damn tragedy honestly i have to go too lovely meeting everyone in this community hey lovely to have you 1:00:35 creep and love you lovely to have you thank you for hanging out mwah have a good day slash night wherever you are 1:00:44 i think all consumers should take every step possible to reduce waste and corporation be forced to limit their own 1:00:50 waste we can only be climate change with every single person taking the same effort you know what yeah but also no i also 1:00:56 disagree with that like yeah i should do my best but i'm just saying the conversations like in the media should 1:01:03 be only talking about the corporations because they're dealing they're causing 95 of climate change so we shouldn't be 1:01:10 talking about me we should be talking about nestle we should be talking about bp we should be talking about exxon 1:01:15 mobil like these are these are these are companies whose effect if we were to regulate them would would give us way 1:01:22 more progress than like telling everyone to recycle you know what i'm saying which obviously yes everyone should 1:01:28 still recycle but what i'm saying is that the conversations in the media and or just in public should be 99 focused 1:01:36 on corporations because it's way more low-hanging fruit yeah consumers actually use very little 1:01:42 waste exactly that's the point is that is that it's the corporations are way more of low-hanging fruit 1:01:52 um wait sorry one sec 1:02:02 metal and plastic straws work pretty good yeah exactly 1:02:08 i need i'm gonna get a metal straw i think pretty soon 1:02:17 yeah it's just like the thing is that the corporations what they'll do is they'll like submit all these media 1:02:23 stories and they'll like do all this propaganda campaign to make you the consumer feel responsible for climate 1:02:29 change when it's actually not i mean like sure you are in some level a part 1:02:34 of the system so you all have some responsibility but the responsibility way more lies on them but they're trying 1:02:41 to shirk that onto us and make us feel bad so that we don't get mad at them but what we should really be doing is 1:02:46 getting mad at them and getting mad at the corporations 1:02:52 problem is corporations are usually stakeholders in news outlets exactly yes so what they do is they have these 1:02:57 propaganda campaigns and they uh have all these news stories to make me and you feel bad 1:03:04 but it's uh it's not it's yeah it's swac 1:03:10 it's funny how we in the usa in europe are trying our best to save climate but in asia and africa still doing stuff we quit 20 years ago it's like yeah but 1:03:17 also no like like you know the usa uses so much the usa [ __ ] so much [ __ ] up like 1:03:24 especially like our corporations in america go to africa and asia and 1:03:30 [ __ ] [ __ ] up over there like our mining companies go to south america go to 1:03:36 africa and completely pollute the area and then we're like oh we in the u.s we 1:03:41 don't pollute that much it's like yeah maybe we don't as much on our home soil but like our corporations are ravaging 1:03:48 the whole world like the us is no better 1:03:56 luckily over here newsrooms must remain impartial impartial especially bbc yeah well that's that's good 1:04:02 we don't have the most impartial news reporting in america that's for sure i mean if the corporations don't care 1:04:08 it's never going to be better that's just how it is i mean no that's not true like we can pass legislation and we can 1:04:14 pass laws as a community and as people to force them to regulate themselves so 1:04:19 no i disagree nivera it's not just how it is we can change it 1:04:26 like vote you guys got to go out there and vote for people on all levels on your for your mayor for your congressman 1:04:33 for the president you have to get out there and vote and replace corrupt politicians with politicians that 1:04:39 actually have people's best interest at heart 1:04:44 i was watching a thing about us news outlets they're so doom and gloom and in your face and bad news yeah it's it's so 1:04:49 bad u.s news is trash usa was a mistake return to monkey i agree 1:04:57 listen to news sources that do not get funding from businesses exactly yes agreed 1:05:05 um what kind of headphones am i wearing good question 1:05:20 they're called sennheiser and they're the hd280 pros 1:05:34 antitrust profiteering and racketeering laws just need to enforce them exactly yeah it's like we can we can change we 1:05:40 just have to pass the legislation and enforce it 1:05:46 a lot of some decent headphones yeah they're these are nice i like them a lot these are really nice 1:05:56 get the 560s okay i'll check them out nice cans 1:06:08 yeah i'm wearing a wearing a little bra with some socks in it you know hobby you know how to be 1:06:23 sennheiser 560s okay cool i'll check them out 1:06:33 um but yeah i i i just want to talk a little bit about like just defeatism like 1:06:38 yeah i think i think there's a lot of sentiment in our generation 1:06:44 that we [ __ ] up the world's done and everything sucks and everything's getting worse and it's all [ __ ] but 1:06:50 it's like that's not how it is it's really not how it is things are getting better i was not 1:06:56 allowed to do this even 10 years ago you know what i mean like 10 years ago people there would be way more trolls in 1:07:02 my chat calling me you know the effsler and all that thing for wearing [ __ ] like this so 1:07:09 i don't know i mean that's one tiny example but but i just don't like being defeatist 1:07:14 about things like i think we can change things i think we can vote and i think we can um 1:07:20 you know maybe it'll take a revolution but i think i think things will get better for sure 1:07:25 and things have been getting better we're also we're also statistically in the least violent time 1:07:32 in history like literally look this up we are in the least violent time in history even though it doesn't 1:07:38 seem like it the news outlets report bad news all the time um 1:07:43 and so we think there's only bad news but actually we're in the least violent time in history 1:07:50 that's saying something especially when we're living in the most densely popular like we're 1:07:56 living as close together as we ever have and yet there is the least amount of violence 1:08:02 and violent crimes going on in the world as there ever has been in the past so 1:08:08 it's not good to be defeatist 1:08:13 nothing to pass legislation is already in place has been since the 60s problem is reagan made it easier for corrupt business practices 1:08:20 david koch made two non-profits to help corrupt businesses more yeah well um maybe not legislation but what i mean 1:08:26 i guess is just is just use your votes to vote in people who will get rid of those 1:08:33 you know non-profits or get rid of those things that reagan put in place like i just think 1:08:38 whatever it is it's possible and the people can the people can come together and make change 1:08:46 pandemic certainly didn't help people realize yeah i mean i think we're definitely in a slump 1:08:51 in terms of like good things happening like this year was [ __ ] and last year was [ __ ] um 1:08:58 but you know it's kind of like a pendulum i think it's like we go [ __ ] is [ __ ] up and it 1:09:04 swings the other way and things are really good for a while and then get [ __ ] up and these are good for a while but i think the graph kind of goes like 1:09:10 this it's trending upward generally like quality of life of everyone is improving 1:09:17 generally okay i think my roommate want to see me more girl than ever she bought me 1:09:23 lingerie the bra have boobs in it like fill up already what do i do 1:09:28 put it on stuff some socks in there babe i live in chicago so i say my news is 1:09:34 pretty accurate cool i get the pythamic has been bad but it's 1:09:40 helped highlight the social divide in terms of wealth and is making governments actually start implementing policies to change yeah i agree i think 1:09:46 the pandemic was kind of a a silver lining in a lot of ways there was a lot of 1:09:52 things that came to light and a lot of change that people are now advocating for and yeah 1:09:58 i think it's good there's plenty of legislation left to pass yeah i fully agree on that i think 1:10:05 i think it's silly to say that the legislation is already there 100 because obviously we can always change 1:10:12 things for the better um 1:10:17 we still don't have a meaningful federal carbon tax exactly there you go oh [ __ ] dot cp with the with the gifted sub 1:10:23 thank you so much hey just to cure you just got a sub congrats [ __ ] yeah 1:10:32 that's awesome 1:10:38 that's awesome yo i'd be getting my first dose tomorrow 1:10:45 hell yeah rune plays congrats that's awesome oh yeah i was gonna dance i'll do some 1:10:50 dancing light in the mood after that serious convo 1:10:59 this okay wait i just have to address this well besides the pollution the corp do give us a lot of things like mcdee's 1:11:05 fetish for a long time okay okay okay okay no like no mcdonald's exploited you and 1:11:13 exploited the environment and exploited workers to provide 1:11:19 us with the cheap burger yes so i go there and i get the cheap burger yeah that's good for me but 1:11:24 behind the scenes of that two dollar burger is suffering and and pollution 1:11:30 and like exploitation of workers so no they didn't they didn't do 1:11:37 a good thing there like the overall net effect was very bad and we could actually organize ways to feed 1:11:45 everyone ethically if we were organized that way but we're not 1:11:52 um but no i don't like forgiving or giving praise to mcdonald's for feeding 1:11:58 people when they're doing it on the backs of exploited 1:12:03 workers and um a [ __ ] up planet 1:12:14 so no mcdonald's is [ __ ] up [ __ ] mcdonald's 1:12:20 yes we shouldn't subsidize cheap food at the cost of poisoning the atmosphere for everyone thank you nencos for 1:12:26 articulating what i was trying to say in a much more elegant way thank you okay i'm gonna dance a little bit 1:12:33 light in the mood 1:12:41 yeah i've mostly voted against mcdonald with my wallet i look elsewhere food's crap yeah exactly yeah 1:12:48 exactly um 1:12:54 i don't know why my auto mod just blocked the term thing okay i'm gonna dance i'm gonna dance 1:13:10 [Music] 1:13:33 [Music] so 1:14:15 i can't spin with the cable on yo we gotta follow thank you for following whoever just followed 1:14:22 thank you so much oops 1:14:28 thank you so much spin it like a beyblade 1:14:37 forgot who said it but there's a quote saying a prosperous nation is not when the poor have cars when the rich use public transport boom 1:14:44 [ __ ] yeah i agree with that 100 rm trend 100 1:14:52 damn she dancing boys got moves thank you 1:14:58 i know i did almost bust my ass with that [ __ ] cable i was trying to do a spin with the cable 1:15:04 lizzie thank you nice moves by the way thanks so much 1:15:14 yo purple thank you so much for the follow mwah thank you so much 1:15:21 thank you thank you welcome to the team 1:15:30 cute thanks dot cp sounds like some maxis [ __ ] i don't know 1:15:35 what that means can you teach us the fanboy way of 1:15:41 dancing is there a fanboy way of dancing i can just teach you i mean i don't know 1:15:47 if i can teach you i just kind of dance it's kind of like intuitive i guess but 1:15:54 let me see if i can break break down my move 1:16:08 oh [ __ ] cj with the five gifted holy [ __ ] thank you so much cj holy [ __ ] dude 1:16:16 pac-man g-suck can of spam for you pat pacho and king of grapes all y'all just 1:16:21 got a sub [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] thank you cj mwah thank you so 1:16:28 much that's so nice of you holy [ __ ] dude this is so crazy dude holy [ __ ] 1:16:35 we've gotten so many gifted and subs today holy [ __ ] 1:16:40 [ __ ] yeah dude it's like everyone in here's a sub now this is awesome 1:16:46 this is so sick now y'all can use the beyblade emote by the way can i sing not really 1:16:54 i don't i don't really have a good voice the zero two cosplayers are and get your 1:17:01 ass ready yup yay uh the beyblade baby 1:17:11 i don't think there is one it's just dancing more femme yeah exactly all right we got the beyblades you know 1:17:17 what that means 1:17:55 yo cp with another gifted sub for diamond thank you so much let's go 1:18:01 we've gifted seven subs we got it's just missed with 10 gifted dot cp with seven gifted and apathy with 1:18:08 five gifted damn thank you guys so much oh [ __ ] what's up instant shock how you 1:18:13 doing i can't stop today hey don't worry instant shock no problem at all no 1:18:19 problem whatsoever thanks for being here chuck slash laura 1:18:26 your total beyblade hell yeah 1:18:33 yay diamond gets a sub now we can all spam the beyblade 1:18:39 so precious i love you all thanks roon please thank you 1:18:46 i love you too 1:18:52 blue eyes oh [ __ ] cj gifted instant shark is sub holy [ __ ] 1:18:57 cj thank you so much cj with the six gifteds he's on the leaderboard now 1:19:03 cj's at number three on the leaderboard [ __ ] yeah thank you cj spreading the love 1:19:13 those blue eyes are hella nice thank you so much 1:19:23 it's cool because because my mom had blue eyes but my dad had brown eyes so 1:19:28 the likelihood is that i also have brown eyes but 1:19:33 both me and my sister both have blue eyes so that's they think like a one in 16 1:19:39 chance that us both have blue eyes because my dad had brown eyes and those are supposed to be the dominant gene 1:19:48 cj the legend dot cp the legend just missed the legend 1:19:53 you guys are legends and apathy too apathy gifted five earlier you guys are crazy 1:19:58 thank you so much holy [ __ ] we're already almost at the 50 sub goal let's go 1:20:05 this is so nuts dude 1:20:11 you put on an amazing show in the discord voice chat you deserve the sub oh that's so nice 1:20:17 i love my community you guys are awesome 1:20:24 yeah 1 out of 16. yup blue eyes right dragon exactly that's what i am 1:20:36 also my friend did my makeup and i sent the results on selfies in the discord server ooh 1:20:41 let me check it out let me check it out 1:20:47 oh my god laura you look so cute wait you look so adorable 1:20:52 laura that's so awesome i love the rainbow and the hearts 1:21:00 that's so cute laura you look so good you literally look so amazing i'm so happy for you 1:21:08 yeah anyone who wants to please join the disc throne and discord what's up naflo how are you doing 1:21:15 with the little s i see you welcome to the chat welcome to the squad 1:21:26 dude this is so nuts i can't believe i can't believe i put the the goal 1:21:34 i can't believe i put the goal at 10 subs and now we're at 39. 1:21:39 all i see in this stream chat included our gigantic wholesome dubs being spammed everywhere yep exactly 1:21:45 exactly coder goth we're just some wholesome group of fanboys and 1:21:52 fanboys boys and girls and everyone in between how can i join the discord okay so on the about page navira there's um 1:22:00 on the about page on my twitch there should be a button to click the discord 1:22:06 i think laura actually is the cutest looking person on discord oh that's so cute 1:22:13 i'll maybe give five subs um yeah you thought oh me [Laughter] yeah dude i was like 1:22:19 oh my god some goals should never be set lower than 69 okay that'll be my next one 1:22:31 yeah diamond you're freaking adorable you're so cute 1:22:37 wait are you a guy like how did you start doing this yeah i'm a guy um i started doing it because i wanted to i 1:22:42 don't know i saw finster i don't know if you you know him and a fuel um 1:22:47 if you know finster he does this kind of thing too he and he inspired me and also my girlfriend was like you should wear a 1:22:54 crop top and i was like okay and she was like damn you look hot and i was like sweet 1:22:59 so yeah momo what's up thank you for the follow thanks so much mwah welcome to the team 1:23:10 yes finster is definitely pog what's up humber brian how you doing welcome to the chat 1:23:15 hope you're having an amazing day i hope you all are chasing your dreams 1:23:22 being yourself being unapologetically you and not giving a [ __ ] about anyone else 1:23:30 do the voice okay i'll try and do the voice it's i'm just gonna warn you guys is not gonna sound as good as it does on 1:23:35 my videos because i have to warm up for like a while when i do it on my videos but let me see if i can try 1:23:42 hey there hey what's up how are you how are you doing 1:23:48 oh my god you're so cute there you go there you go 1:23:56 you should wear a crop top and then ronaldo was a fanboy yup basically my girlfriend turned me into a fanboy 1:24:05 tired of chasing dreams i just want to wake up true fair 1:24:11 pretty good thank you 1:24:16 does your dad helps you with your makeup no i do my makeup myself i just followed some tutorials on youtube and 1:24:23 got some random makeup from cvs and uh yeah here we are if you want to learn um in a fuel i have 1:24:30 a little uh makeup tutorial on youtube if you want to check it out 1:24:36 it's just using super cheap drugstore makeup so like it's not like a james charles tutorial where he's like hey so 1:24:41 i got this foundation it's four hundred dollars um and i'm gonna put like one dot of it 1:24:47 on my face no it's not like that it's i have um i have a tutorial with some really cheap 1:24:53 makeup so yeah you should try it out 1:24:58 holy [ __ ] that's a perfect girl voice thank you [Music] that's very good for not having warmed 1:25:03 up thanks so much i'm still in scotland and the views are fabulous oh that's awesome laura that's 1:25:09 so cool 1:25:14 i work in the same areas where finn lives so to me the accent is mad as i hear it all the time yeah fair enough 1:25:21 that makes sense i got cursed with near inability to sound like a guy despite being born one 1:25:30 hey it's a it's a curse to some a blessing to others maybe you need it maybe we need a male 1:25:36 voice tutorial hey sup bro what's up dude how you doing 1:25:42 bro this is [ __ ] it's what's it like being a man these days 1:25:52 though near might be understating it a lot i just can't sound like one at all now 1:26:01 and there you go we all have our qualities that make us 1:26:08 unique same i still have my 17's voice 1:26:15 i have to module my voice to become more masculine yeah i i do that all the time i like whenever i'm ordering something 1:26:22 or like on the phone or like i want something from someone like in public i get really hey hey hey 1:26:28 man what's up can i get something you know like i get really like deep 1:26:34 but then like when someone calls me cute in chat i'm like oh my god thank you so much 1:26:41 oh my god what's your favorite female voice um i 1:26:46 don't know yeah male voice tutorial is riley that's 1:26:52 a good idea that would be really funny that would be funny 1:27:00 i'm a femme envy so not usually complaining yeah sounds like a good deal for you cody goth 1:27:08 you're cute not gonna lie bro hey thank you alarco welcome to the welcome to the chat how you doing 1:27:14 welcome welcome i have such a deep voice that it makes it almost impossible to do a girl voice 1:27:20 i just go to stereotypical overdramatic valley girl voice yeah hey that's that's never a bad way to go but i will also 1:27:26 say if you practice more and more you will get it it is a muscle that you can train cj so if you if you want to learn 1:27:32 how to do it you can you just got to keep trying again and again and just get that bench press and get 1:27:38 those reps in you know what i mean my view has been posted in irl chat 1:27:46 oh i'll check it later your voice is quite androgynous thanks yeah i think so too 1:27:53 which i do understand having such an androgynous voice definitely does make it easier for me to 1:27:59 do a girl voice so i do get that um 1:28:05 so yeah i i understand it's probably easier for me than most guys 1:28:11 my voice just didn't drop hardly during puberty yeah mine neither really mine neither it's like 1:28:18 it's definitely deeper than it was obviously but it didn't yeah it just didn't it didn't drop that much 1:28:27 well i really wouldn't ever use it maybe to mess with my friends yeah [ __ ] yeah 1:28:32 that's a great use of the girl voice i am very much a proponent for trolling with voice acting 1:28:42 i'm also kind of jelly for all you can drop your voice that far hey we all got our we all got our 1:28:48 qualities as i said we all have our qualities that make us unique and 1:28:54 special gizmo dude has been taking sing lessons cool 1:29:03 you're the legend you can do it absolutely 1:29:10 i don't know can you guy i don't know if you guys can hear it but there's an ice cream truck outside 1:29:17 well turn up by the way 1:29:22 i don't know if you guys can hear that ice cream ice cream 1:29:28 ice cream ice cream ice cream mama i want ice cream [Music] 1:29:35 oh my god it's actually kind of annoying because it'll just chill for like so long right outside my window 1:29:42 it's like get out of here go buy some i don't i don't have any cash i don't 1:29:48 have any cash unfortunately on me to go buy one 1:29:54 ice cream ice cream also if i if i ate it it would mess up all my lipstick i can't eat ice cream right now 1:30:04 let me get a spongebob pop yeah for real this dude the spongebob pops i forgot about those holy [ __ ] 1:30:11 wait where's diamond i didn't i didn't see you had to go diamond have a good one diamond thank you so 1:30:17 much for chilling with us i didn't see your message sorry and i heard it before you turned it up 1:30:23 oh cool yeah you heard in the background photograph that's cool 1:30:29 i know i kind of want to go get one but but not if i if i ate it um 1:30:35 it would mess up all my makeup eat it with a shot right duh 1:30:43 um you could if you hooked up your twitch payout to receive payments for all these 1:30:49 new subs yeah that's true well i meant i don't have any like physical cash on me like i 1:30:55 don't have any dollars or fives because i don't think the ice cream truck would take my debit card 1:31:03 i mean maybe i didn't feel like everything they probably take [ __ ] venmo nowadays i don't know i bet you the ice cream truck takes venmo 1:31:13 yeah i do have to hook up my twitch account to get all this all these subs um 1:31:20 to get the the payout for these subs for sure i don't have that hooked up yet 1:31:26 if i have to go i'll leave you in the background okay cool thanks so much i appreciate that outfit check 1:31:44 oops 1:31:54 okay i can't do this can't do the spin with the cord 1:32:03 i missed chasing down an ice cream truck trying to finesse him to give us free ice cream yeah dude i love 1:32:10 the ice cream truck when i was good okay i'll do some actual spins without the cord 1:32:48 oh my god i'm dizzy i'm dizzy 1:32:59 gotta keep your view kind of thank you so much laura 1:33:07 rose would never spin why not bro five foot six and 1:33:13 not skinny makes a man look way shorter but you're lucky you're 1:33:18 skinny thanks world world record spin yeah 1:33:26 tummy peak he's way better than rose that's why oh 1:33:33 thanks do i fap on myself no i don't 1:33:42 that would be kind of narcissistic i think to jack off to my own image 1:33:54 um are you going to decorate my new room as nicely as this absolutely and hopefully even nicer 1:34:03 yeah exactly who the [ __ ] would jack off to their own self that seems like a very 1:34:08 egotistical thing to do 1:34:18 would i hit up my own clone though no that would be too weird absolutely 1:34:23 not self-love i guess 1:34:30 i'm dead love the hair to this day oh thank you 1:34:36 so much yeah self love chad is down bad 1:34:44 yeah chad is down horrendous oh [ __ ] simone yos thanks for the gifted sub thanks so much 1:34:50 holy [ __ ] thank you mwah i really appreciate that thank you so much that's so nice of you 1:35:01 i've heard people jacking off in the mirror yeah that's some that is some down bad [ __ ] right there go to horny jail bonk 1:35:08 exactly yeah down horrendous 1:35:17 self-love and positive oh what the [ __ ] it's just myth with the ten subs with the ten gifteds 1:35:24 holy [ __ ] pug let's go 1:35:30 let's go holy [ __ ] it's just miss absolutely flexing on everyone oh my god is there 1:35:38 anyone in here that doesn't have a there you go there's 50. there's 50 1:35:43 right there holy [ __ ] there's [ __ ] 50 subs baby 1:35:49 let's go sub go okay this is actually insane i literally 1:35:56 how the [ __ ] okay okay yeah i gotta change the sub goal again i literally had this sub goal at ten 1:36:02 i had it at ten how did that happen oh my god 1:36:08 okay new sub goal 69 what is happening 1:36:16 boom holy [ __ ] dude 1:36:23 20 20 total thank you so much dude thank you so much it's just missed 1:36:29 holy [ __ ] yeah that seems like the zero two cosplay has to come has to come now 1:36:35 i gotta get some little devil ears and some little uh and that cute little outfit she wears 1:36:44 oh my god dude thank you so much dude thank you so much mist holy [ __ ] 1:36:50 oh [ __ ] instant shock with the 18 bits thank you so much holy [ __ ] mwah 1:36:56 i really appreciate it thank you wow oh my god this is so fun 1:37:04 thank you guys so much i think you're still safe for a while 1:37:10 yeah oh my god dude i'm getting 1:37:17 my freaking adhd is acting up now now that i'm getting all excited dude this is what happened when i was getting 1:37:22 [ __ ] this is what happened when i was getting so many donors last time it's like i get too excited 1:37:29 my adhd starts acting up and i literally can't focus on anything at all 1:37:37 put the goal 420 we can do it with chass okay i'll do that after 69. i'll do that 1:37:43 after 69. i'm gonna keep it at 69 though first gotta have the sex number 1:37:50 holy [ __ ] dude missed you're insane missed apathy.cp cj thank you guys all 1:37:56 so much for gifting that's so nice and thank you guys everyone else for subbing yeah claudia's still mvp last time for 1:38:02 sure 100 oh my god dude i can't focus on anything 1:38:09 now holy [ __ ] oh okay i'm gonna do some spins yo instant shot with 71 bits holy [ __ ] 1:38:16 thank you so much oh i don't know why it doesn't show all the all the flags on my on my stream but 1:38:23 thank you thank you so much for the bits mwah i really appreciate it 1:38:37 i don't i mean cp can stand for a lot of things i know what you're referring to legito but it can refer to a lot of things it 1:38:44 could be just a name i think we can give him the benefit of the doubt yeah don't don't don't let's let's not 1:38:50 talk about that let's steer away from that topic oh [ __ ] coder goth with the thousand [ __ ] 1:38:57 god said amateurs i'm dead oh my god absolutely flexing absolutely [ __ ] 1:39:04 flexing dude holy [ __ ] cody got with a thousand thank you so much thank you so 1:39:10 much mwah that's so nice of you [Laughter] 1:39:16 they said amateurs oh my god that is so tough that's [ __ ] that is some badass 1:39:21 [ __ ] right there holy [ __ ] that's a huge flex yo 1:39:27 little blood thanks for the follow 1k [ __ ] it's a five dollar donut hey that's that's all good that's it's not 1:39:34 nothing it's very much appreciated thank you thanks for the follow dude i appreciate it i forgot your name i just read it out 1:39:40 but thank you welcome in the squad you can stack cheer bits with ffc cool 1:39:49 it's not about the value but the number exactly a thousand sounds like a lot so 1:40:00 dude this is so nuts dude what is happening dude oh my god i i actually 1:40:05 it's so so funny to me [ __ ] i haven't thought about that now i 1:40:10 need to change my nick hey no you don't i didn't think anything about it i like your name 1:40:16 you know it's like you know yeah i don't think i don't think most people 1:40:23 see the bad thing if um if uh 1:40:30 if they see your name correction is ten dollars yeah exactly 1:40:36 because i think each bit is a penny which is a fun way of doing it i like 1:40:42 bits it's fun cause a thousand sounds like a lot and it is a lot ten dollar donation is 1:40:48 not is not nothing at all thank you so much cody goth but also by all means no one else 1:40:54 um no one else feel obligated to donate you you can by all means you can just hang 1:41:00 out with us no problem but i do really really really appreciate the support coder girl thank you so much 1:41:06 that's so nice of you and just missed and dot cp and cj and apathy and everyone else who subbed 1:41:12 [ __ ] yeah dude 50 [ __ ] subs on day one are you kidding me dude 50 subs on 1:41:18 day one what the [ __ ] sorry that was really loud sorry 1:41:28 my internet crashed hey well good to have you back instant shot good to have you back 1:41:34 yes absolutely everyone is welcome here 100 1:41:44 percent yeah sorry that was really loud i think i just kind of yelled in oh shoot apathy with the 1500 bits let's go 1:41:53 holy [ __ ] thank you so much hype dude hype 1:41:59 [ __ ] yeah dude damn cody got you just you just got you just 1:42:04 got upped yo thank you so much mwah that's so nice 1:42:10 of you thank you thank you i feel like i gotta do some spins after all this 1:42:33 so 1:42:46 let it rip let it rip 1:42:56 the spins baby yes dude i love having my own custom emotes it's so fun 1:43:03 beyblade's in the chat beyblade's in the chat 1:43:09 thank you guys 1:43:15 maybe my other nick louise 13 is more suitable hey whatever you want to use is fine with me 1:43:20 when i get more money i'm donating oh thank you but you don't have to laura just 1:43:25 just keep that in mind you being here is more than enough need a [ __ ] emo tbh hey i can get on 1:43:33 board with that for sure i can definitely get on board with that dude [ __ ] 1:43:38 [ __ ] is like a gender fluid icon because cause 1:43:45 cause [ __ ] is like a robot first of all but [ __ ] has like their alter ego 1:43:51 football that's like a little boy that they look at in the mirror 1:43:58 but i mean i guess [ __ ] is also a boy but still i feel like they're very androgynous they're an androgynous icon 1:44:08 you should be working soon cool that's awesome 1:44:13 holy [ __ ] dude this is crazy 1:44:19 [ __ ] i'm donating hey well i can't stop you thank you so much 1:44:26 yeah sorry i'm really i have like bad indigestion right now sorry for burping 1:44:35 hey i'm glad it was adorable though 1:44:42 i get mad like no matter what i eat my tummy hates me for it i don't know why 1:44:49 i gotta get going now thanks again for adjustments for the sub alright alright miss i hope you have a good day 1:44:55 thanks for chilling and i hope you have an awesome day and follow your dreams mwah thank you 1:45:02 yo law abiding citizen with a follow thank you so much welcome to the team 1:45:08 welcome welcome going to have to shoot unfortunately you're all awesome stay wholesome any 1:45:14 next stream sorry that i can't stay no problem at all pac-man no problem thank you so much for chilling 1:45:19 have a great one what up my bro how's it going dj panzer oh what's up you're in the disc yo julie 1:45:26 nader thanks for the sub thank you so much 1:45:33 thank you thank you i really really really appreciate it that's so nice of you 1:45:38 thank you 1:45:44 that scene when [ __ ] played with himself weirded me out though yeah i know bima 1:45:50 bimo's weird little delusions are kind of unsettling but i still love i still love [ __ ] 1:46:00 i have to map things but i'm here damn you adhd yeah i am lah i literally 1:46:06 like that's why streaming is good for me though because there's so much to pay attention to you know i can like oh 1:46:12 someone followed someone's doing this that's why i get kind of like antsy when things slow down i'm like oh 1:46:17 there's nothing no i'm paying attention to nothing from my mind to freak out about 1:46:30 yo everyone subbed i know this is crazy it's actually crazy 1:46:36 sorry for the people who missed uh missed the gifteds hey got 1:46:41 some adhd bros in the chat [ __ ] yeah you know the struggle it's so real dude 1:46:48 it is so real 1:46:54 i'm actually seeing a psychiatrist kind of soon for that and some for some other stuff but hopefully 1:47:01 i can get some help with it because it's getting a little crazy 1:47:11 all right i'm getting hungry so i might have to end the stream semi soon 1:47:16 so i can get some food but i'll still chill for like 10 or 15 more 1:47:22 minutes dude this is nuts dude 51. i see it is 1:47:28 actually just comical it is so comical that i put the sub goal at 10 and then i thought we wouldn't 1:47:34 even get it oh man 1:47:39 one of my friends do a dyno on my hand oh cute 1:47:46 all right i'm just trying to hyper focus mapping but you're too cute to ignore all thank you 1:47:57 food stream let's go um yeah i i 1:48:03 i will do that but i don't have anything right now i was gonna actually go get some food somewhere else 1:48:09 but i don't have any food in my house right now so i can't do that unfortunately but i will i will in the future 1:48:16 i'll do a cooking cooking slash eating the food stream 1:48:23 yo your man's ricky thank you so much for the follow mwah got some sims in the chat 1:48:31 that's true nothing wrong with that order food i guess i could order food 1:48:40 um dollars what 1:48:49 my friend just texted in the group chat a dollar to someone who knows a good cheap sinus massage spot 1:48:56 what what the [ __ ] is a sinus massage 1:49:02 i'm dead i'm stimming in my family and ollie nothing wrong about it yeah exactly nothing wrong with simping creeping is 1:49:09 where we can draw the line but simping is very acceptable 1:49:25 and i think it's pretty obvious when the line gets crossed from simping to creeping 1:49:32 yo [ __ ] to the 2006 zero thanks for the follow thank you so much 1:49:38 mwah i appreciate it kind of feels like a bot but all good 1:49:43 i'll take it i will take it 1:49:51 yes you may simp absolutely you may simp 1:49:57 i give permission to simp 1:50:03 guess what we don't have tik tok in hong kong oh that's a bummer 1:50:09 i guess because it's it's owned by china or it's owned by like the ccp 1:50:16 it's like their day it's their way of collecting all our data 1:50:22 that sucks though we don't have international tick tock nor chinese tick tock damn 1:50:27 that's a bummer are the um how is being in hong kong 1:50:34 right now like i mean i know there was a lot of protesting going on like a while or like you know a 1:50:39 little bit ago is that stuff still going on or is it kind of calm down or i'm curious 1:50:46 don't say that the spies will hear yep 1:51:04 i'm on usa tick tock i'm from the netherlands come on 1:51:10 yeah i kind of want to post more tick tocks just more like silly ones there's this really funny one 1:51:16 that i really want to like redo which is the sound is like or the caption is like my boy side 1:51:24 my boy side um looking at my girl side and um 1:51:31 and he goes like like it's like it's just like a guy like just you know dressed cute and he's like in front of mirror he's like trying 1:51:37 to like be cute and then it pans over to him dressed as a boy like over there and the boys like what the [ __ ] are you 1:51:43 doing you look stupid like and it's just like me trying to look cute and it's just so real because like 1:51:51 i don't know at least i judge myself so hard for like how i look when i'm in girl mode but like i don't give a [ __ ] 1:51:57 at all how i look when i'm in boy mode someone won a gold medal in hong kong and the last one was 24 years ago damn 1:52:03 that's awesome congrats that's so cool all these simpson chat and no one pushed 1:52:09 me off the latest tippy at smh true true 1:52:14 although we have had subs that counts basically i guess there's not too much motivation 1:52:21 to tip anymore now that there's subs because i don't have tts but i'm going to get tts for my donors and then 1:52:27 and then donuts will be fun again yo davey jones thanks for the follow thanks so much mwah i appreciate 1:52:33 it thank you so much for being here welcome to the team 1:52:42 i had that separation the whole time between tick tock and do you know secret yeah 1:52:49 i wouldn't complain duck chick talk is cringe i usually use usa tick tock too 1:52:55 luxembourg tik tok is very lackluster oh yo luxembourg that's so cool law-abiding 1:53:01 citizen damn we got people from all over we got how do you how would you call yourself 1:53:07 are you a luxembourgian or luxembourg gua 1:53:23 i'm not surprised given luxembourg's got zero people in comparison yeah i feel like if if someone in luxembourg makes a tick 1:53:29 tock you probably know them 1:53:37 damn with the tts the sims might bring the whole gang that's that that's the goal that is 1:53:43 definitely the goal a mass i'm trying to amass a simp army 1:53:51 a legion of simps following the commander 1:53:57 the femme boy commander 1:54:03 okay this song is too much for me 1:54:08 too much for me okay cool that's what i that's that's yeah that's what i thought 1:54:17 luxembourg possibly i don't know if i'm pronouncing 1:54:23 that right sorry if i got that totally wrong i'm i'm german but i've lived in 1:54:28 luxembourg for 10 years so i'm more used to luxembourg at this point i think most here would call themselves luxembourgers 1:54:34 oh okay cool 1:54:42 good to know that's so cool i've uh what made you um what made you go to luxembourg what made you stay there i'm 1:54:48 curious yeah i look some luxembourgers 1:54:54 hey how are you today i'm doing just fine ollie waib how are you doing doing it just fine 1:55:02 thank you for chilling with us how you how are you how are you living how's your day going 1:55:09 we uh are doing great today i thought i was gonna get like less than 10 subs and 1:55:14 on my first day i have like 50 plus so we are doing just fine 1:55:25 it is a great [ __ ] day today a great [ __ ] day 1:55:49 my parents jobs and now i'm still here for uni no clue how much longer i'll stay alive cool 1:55:54 that's awesome well i'm i'm glad you you know you moved 1:56:01 there and now you're used to it that's really cool a lot of times people go somewhere hey go to god with the one bit let's go 1:56:09 thank you background music reminds me of your 1:56:15 geometry dash hell yeah that's awesome i love that game 1:56:20 it was a great game great shoot em up 1:56:32 i feel like a lot of times when people's parents move for their jobs it's not well maybe not a lot of times but it's 1:56:38 not always super smooth so that's cool that you know you feel more used to luxembourg now that's awesome 1:56:50 okay just some of these songs are just a little too much 1:56:55 i don't know can i do a child voice mama like i don't know i guess 1:57:03 it's like i feel like my child voice is like the same as my girl voice 1:57:09 um i don't know looking beautiful as always thank you eric how you doing welcome welcome to 1:57:15 the stream welcome welcome keep trying a more natural color look yeah sure i can do that next time i'm 1:57:21 gonna end the stream pretty soon because i gotta get food and yes didn't i say i was gonna eat something yes i did say 1:57:27 that i gotta go get food um and i'm overheating 1:57:33 in this wig and in my room with no ac so i gotta turn off this stream soon and turn on 1:57:39 the ac and get some calories if you know what i mean 1:57:44 some fuel some energy um but yeah it's been just [ __ ] 1:57:51 amazing having all of you here today it's been literally incredible 1:57:56 and um yeah 1:58:03 flower girl no wig stream when okay i can do that i did say next stream i'm gonna do 1:58:09 flower girl so that sounds like what we're doing next um it wasn't very smooth all but 1:58:16 honestly it wasn't nearly as diff different as some people i know hear from asia and such oh well it's and well it's been 10 1:58:22 years yeah that's true well i'm glad at least uh you know smoother 1:58:27 for you than than others you know that's always nice 1:58:34 my apartment doesn't offer it at all for my unit dude that sucks yeah i mean i have this giant like um 1:58:41 i have this giant floor unit it's not even like installed it's like literally sitting on my floor this is a giant weird thing 1:58:49 um cute hat thank you sailed halo appreciate it 1:58:55 one cat or mate girl soon as soon as i get my amazon or as soon as i move into my new place and i can order stuff 1:59:02 slash um set up my uh amazon wishlist 1:59:08 how did you set up tips and donations on your twitch go to um look up a tutorial on how to use stream elements 1:59:14 on youtube look up what stream elements is that's what i'm using for my for my tips and stuff 1:59:21 greenplays did i did i miss your message oh sorry love you riley have a good rest of your day hey thank you so much 1:59:26 sorry for some reason i like missed the highlighted messages because i assume they're like 1:59:32 um a sub or like a follow or something yeah sorry about that rune place i love you too thank you so much mwah 1:59:42 stream elements or stream labs yeah one of those two i also couldn't install it because my 1:59:48 windows open weirdly love your stream rinali keep it up gotta go love you hey love 1:59:53 you too have a good one nivera 1:59:58 have an awesome day i did but it didn't work 2:00:05 stream elements allows uploading your stream overlay and events in the cloud server and use it everywhere yeah exactly 2:00:13 yeah sorry sorry i missed your message room please i love you too thank you so much and you also have a good rest of 2:00:18 your day 2:00:27 okay all right let me 2:00:33 let's end it let's end it with a little lo-fi huh 2:00:39 chill the mood out oh wow it's been so good having you guys 2:00:46 here it's been amazing it's been so great 2:00:52 i love you all so much thank you so much for chilling 2:00:58 yeah chill is good while we're winding down thanks for the stream again have a nice 2:01:04 day and good luck with life everyone thanks rick harris you too good luck with life 2:01:09 follow all your dreams be who you want to be [ __ ] the haters 2:01:15 wear what you want to wear be unapologetic about it [ __ ] yeah 2:01:22 love you all have a wonderful evening or day or morning wherever you are 2:01:32 love you guys have an awesome [ __ ] day 2:01:39 and welcome everyone and thank you so much for the follows and the bits and the donations and the gifteds 2:01:46 mwah thank you so much this has been so fun and i can't wait to keep streaming 2:01:51 and [ __ ] yeah let's see how far we can take this thing man let's see how far we can do this alright guys 2:01:58 mwah bye