0:02 [Music] 0:12 i know 0:24 true 0:37 [Music] i don't know why 0:44 [Music] 0:51 by your side i'll be in all your dreams tonight i'll be the reason that 1:00 [Music] 1:11 now it feels like we on a two-way street no matter what you say i never know what you mean maybe that's why i never keep 1:18 you closer to me but you don't want to talk the conversation 1:23 you would rather walk it out 1:35 [Music] still try you still act like it's all 1:42 right but we both know that you lie i know you'll miss me by your side i'll be 1:48 in all your dreams tonight 1:54 [Music] 2:08 [Music] won't you come up tonight 2:18 [Music] 2:31 [Music] i don't know why i still try you still 2:36 act like it's all right but we both know that you lie i know you'll miss me by 2:43 your side i'll be in all your dreams tonight 3:03 what up what up everybody 3:09 what's good what's good what's good what's good with all of you 3:17 how are we doing one sec let me mute my discord 3:24 yeah i slapped that mic what's up what's up 3:30 welcome what up [ __ ] yup yeah everybody check out all the new 3:36 emotes let's go everyone who's a sub there's 3:41 a lot of new emotes for you to try out give them a try 3:50 you're you're how are we doing today i'm good just had a lemon cake [ __ ] yeah 3:57 is the wrong day for all that pink yeah that's true it's a little hot but 4:02 that's okay because pink is awesome yes very pink what's up my boy how you 4:08 doing dj panzer yup rune plays there you go yo four gathers thank you for the follow thanks 4:14 so much thank you thank you everyone said let me just 4:20 my obs is too quiet there we go 4:26 your pink hoodie game what's up snow trucker how you doing 4:32 20 more channel points to unlock a random sub emote hell yeah let's go um 4:39 [ __ ] yeah that's awesome when are you gonna do a walking stream um i don't know that's a good question maybe i should make that uh that that'll be my 4:46 next typical after sleepover stream pink hoodie good 4:51 so cute today thank you so much akira 4:56 you have arrived what's up purple sky bison how are you doing hey nencos 5:02 what's up epic bro ramtoka how you doing can i do a makeup stream 5:09 yeah sure i can i can do that for sure um 5:16 it i have to get a i have to get a better mirror because like the mirror i have right now is literally just like oh 5:21 i keep hitting this mic the mirror i have right now is literally just like a square like a slab so i need like an 5:29 actual makeup mirror um looking cute as always thank you kaizo 5:35 thanks so much thanks so much 5:42 all right guys so today what we are going to do is i got like six five or 5:48 six packages from you guys um y'all we're asking for amazon wishlist and i finally got it i'm at my new 5:56 address so we can start sending [ __ ] and i can try it on so that's what we're gonna do 6:02 um yeah i have no idea what it is like i didn't check i didn't check the list at all to see 6:10 um to see like what people got me so it'll be a total surprise 6:15 so yeah let's go 6:21 precious all thanks hey microwave flip what's up thanks for the follow thank you so much 6:27 how you doing how you doing welcome to the team welcome welcome 6:34 you're okay and also don't worry i'm gonna i'm gonna make my background cooler i think i'm gonna put like a 6:39 shelf back there and put like my little figurines and stuff back there 6:45 so yes all right should we um should we get into it 6:52 shall we just get right into it or what hey love these new emotes how are you 6:58 what's up crap and creepy how you doing i'm doing great i'm doing just fine how about you 7:04 how about yourself it's been like a week since i saw all of you guys 7:09 i got vaccinated for corona i got symptoms oh no that sucks i'm sorry 7:14 when i uh when i got vaccinated my arm hurt like a [ __ ] like it hurt so bad i could barely move it 7:22 doing great too awesome what's up chris pratt how you doing welcome to the stream 7:27 welcome welcome sweet looks like we got looks like we got all the [ __ ] og's in here 7:36 hey yo chris pratt tip 10 books holy [ __ ] thanks so much dude thank you thank 7:42 you mwah thank you so much holy [ __ ] wow thanks so much that's so [ __ ] 7:48 nice of you thank you dude thank you um 7:53 monstera plant i'm not an oga that's all good welcome welcome welcome funny number 420 up 8:01 the second shot almost put me in the ground true yeah it's that's just hard 8:08 um i still owe you a sprite but for some 8:14 reason twitch is being weird for me last year i tried to gift a couple subs i didn't think they ever went through either huh that's all right cj no 8:19 worries i'll drink it in spirit cheers 8:25 thanks for being here cj what's up um 8:30 it's not gay if she looks female enough yeah exactly i mean i look like a hot girl so 8:35 if you're if you're a straight dude and you're attracted to me that's not weird because i look like a literal hot chick 8:40 so i just have money locked up in paypal account i can't transfer to my bank so i 8:45 might as well donate to people hey well thank you yo what's up p5 tool what's up thank you so much for the 8:51 follow mwah welcome to the team welcome welcome okay wait let me show 8:56 you guys my hoodie real quick it's so [ __ ] cute it's literally so cute i can't wait to show you guys check this 9:02 out 9:31 like a hoodie dress exactly exactly it's so cute i love it 9:36 that pout though damn that looks so comfy yeah it's 9:41 extremely comfy i know it's super long i love it yo miss unicorn gaming thank you so much 9:47 for the follow thanks so much thank you thank you welcome to the stream thank you thank you 9:53 welcome welcome who do you dress poggers yeah exactly so long 9:59 i'm attracted to femininity so i consider myself straight still yeah exactly it's like i literally look like a hot chick so 10:07 needs higher thigh highs true by the way you look exciting today dude yo thanks so much cj i appreciate that 10:14 thank you thank you mwah welcome to the stream can you send me the link for the hoodie after the stream yes absolutely 10:22 yo what's up molyblade you're so cool thank you so much thank you thank you 10:28 welcome to the stream i think that's called fansexual yeah i 10:34 think that is actually like the technical term for attraction to femininity but it's like whatevs man 10:40 we don't need all these like billion words it's like bruh you just what what you like is what you like you know what 10:45 i mean like whatever you think is hot that's what you think is hot that's it this is not it doesn't have you don't have to think 10:51 harder than that you don't even have to put a label on it you know what i mean you don't have to 10:56 be like straight finn's actual gay whatever like bye like it doesn't matter you can just be like 11:02 this is what i think is hot and that's what i don't think is hot you know 11:09 you can't help being attracted to someone it's just natural exactly i feel like people who say they're 11:14 attracted to you while being straight are having their bisexual awakening yeah exactly 11:21 that's what i'm here for to awaken 11:26 slumbering feelings inside of you 11:33 okay so here wait let me see if this let me see if this thing can spin i don't think 11:39 it really spins but i'll give it a shot 12:05 yeah see it doesn't really spin that well but i love it still 12:11 do people in your school think it's weird that you do this no they don't give a [ __ ] i mean i go to a really progressive like 12:18 like everyone in my school is like really like woke so yeah no one no one cares slash they 12:24 don't really know 12:32 um 12:42 you can't have to time that boy out go to horny jail 12:47 bonk horny jail 12:53 it's like it's like rules you can you can swoon 12:58 you can simp but don't be weird don't be creepy you know what i mean don't don't like say something 13:04 uncomfortable exactly horny joe 13:11 damn here they bully you if they think you act feminine yeah i mean like for sure some people at my school would 13:17 still like bully me but like i don't [ __ ] care dude whatever they're trash slash they're just like 13:24 jealous slash they're closeted slash they're insecure so 13:29 one of the above either way i don't give a [ __ ] what people say 13:35 man i need to get me some of your [ __ ] confidence my dude [ __ ] yeah dude it starts 13:40 with not giving a [ __ ] you're you heard it literally starts with not giving a 13:47 [ __ ] i was making videos on oh what's up j foss thanks for the follow thank you 13:54 thank you mwah welcome to the stream welcome welcome 14:00 um i was making videos on minecraft and one guy in my class found my youtube and 14:05 then everyone in my class found out a word hey whatever man whatever that's that's what you're doing 14:11 who cares who knows you know it's like that's what you like to do who cares what the [ __ ] they say about 14:16 it they're a bunch of [ __ ] they're a bunch of bussies yeah exactly 14:24 it's rough thankfully after i finished school i learned not to give a [ __ ] yeah exactly it takes time 14:31 takes practice learning how not to give a [ __ ] but um 14:37 you know you'll get there it's very liberating once you achieve it 14:43 and hey still i'm not uh i'm not a hundred percent there why tag fashion because i'm about to 14:50 unbox a ton of clothes and try them on so that's why it's tagged fashion um 14:57 now i can't do videos because my obs is not working because [ __ ] teams oh my god that's so annoying 15:02 i know you were talking about that in the discord i can't believe team's [ __ ] with obs like what that's so weird 15:12 do you like yourself in mirrors more or cameras hmm i don't know that's a good question 15:20 i feel like cameras because i can like control the lighting a little better 15:25 um yeah i don't know holy [ __ ] her voice uh oh someone's new 15:30 here [Laughter] um 15:36 because they got the drip yeah exactly that's why i stacked fashion yeah who's gonna tell them 15:42 yo wolf umbra thanks for the follow thanks so much mwah do i play on hypixel i don't know what 15:48 that is so no hello a little late hey all good what's 15:54 up nivera how you doing wait why are you guys doing exclamation point 16:00 voice what does that even mean [Laughter] 16:09 i don't have any bot commands that tell you about my voice 16:18 um this is just my real voice [Laughter] 16:25 yo what's up nivero welcome welcome you sipped some hard stuff or what what does that mean 16:34 what does that mean nah i'm just a boy bruh i'm just a boy 16:39 that's it 16:46 stroll what's up stroy kavan thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah welcome to this team welcome to the 16:52 stream what's good what's good how you doing today 16:58 switch to girl voice hey guys what's up how are you so like this is my girl voice 17:04 that's my un that's my non warmed up girl voice for real yes kid with a hoe i am a boy 17:12 that's what i am 17:24 damn that was still pretty impressive without a warm-up hey thank you yes exactly 17:29 [Laughter] someone's watching my videos i got got yeah you did 17:37 sounds pretty good thank you exclamation point gender 17:45 oh my god yo july 23202 thanks for the follow thank you so much 17:51 thank you welcome to the team how often do i do all michael stuff like 17:57 once every few weeks it's honestly okay i'm gonna be real with you guys 18:02 it's a lot of work and a lot of like emotional labor because i have to deal 18:07 with creeps and douchebags and like people who are just like super mean as [ __ ] so 18:14 like one out of every 10 people i get you know gives me a good reaction and then 18:19 all the other people are either just like trash or like weird and creepy 18:25 so yeah i don't do omegle stuff that often for that reason but i'm planning on 18:30 doing stuff soon you should collab with lonely he's a girl voice trailer yeah for sure 18:35 definitely um it's clearly a new people are here yep 18:41 exactly what's up coder goth how you doing welcome to the stream hey there what's up cola how you doing 18:47 how you doing welcome welcome great to have you emily in the chat totally 18:54 emily in this beach ain't ain't no [ __ ] you should do those 19:00 omegle videos and freak everyone out i do do them kid go check out my youtube channel i already have them up 19:06 how long did it take you to learn the girl voice um a few months a few months yo 19:11 thank you so much for the five subs holy [ __ ] j.r foresty holy [ __ ] let's go 19:17 thank you so much mwah welcome welcome let's go baby 19:23 hell yeah thank you [ __ ] yeah dude nova poe papa 98 glisten 19:30 digital matt all of y'all just got a sub let's go baby 19:35 um which person did your emotes do you have a link to the artist yeah they're called twitch tube on fiverr so if you 19:41 know the website fiverr it's like you can like pay people to do stuff or like make art and stuff um they're called 19:47 twitch tube that's who i bought my emails from um right now i'm making blank you're 19:53 damn straight emily damn straight paw you 20:00 what will we do if i get male pattern baldness i don't know i think i'm a little too young to think about that 20:06 excuse me yeah hopefully i mean i don't know but yeah i'm not worried about that 20:12 quite yet i think that might be down the road for me 20:18 we need a bonk emote yeah we do need a bonky mo that's for damn sure 20:28 what is the girl voice warm-up uh go watch my girl voice tutorial on youtube and it'll teach you 20:33 how to do it i had friends that went bald at 25 word well i'm still a ways away from that so 20:40 we're all good bro i went to school for the first time this year and since i started going to college i told my teacher to use my new 20:46 name and pronouns so she dated my mom just out here wondering why the [ __ ] teacher call my child emily 20:55 oh my god that's hilarious but also sad but that's funny well that's awesome 21:00 that your teachers are doing it though [ __ ] yeah congrats emily that's so cool 21:06 who made your banner though that looked like some kindergarten stuff yo me bro wait which banner the starting soon one 21:12 yeah me bruh that's why it looks like some kindergarten stuff i am not an artist 21:20 um yep do others in your family have baldness um 21:26 isn't it like aren't you supposed to look at your mom's brothers and like your mom's grandpa i mean your mom's dad 21:32 my mom's dad passed away so i can't look at that but all my mom's brothers have like a full head of hair so i feel like 21:37 i'm chilling and they're all like 60 plus like all my mom's brothers literally have like 21:43 full ass manes of hair um 21:50 wasn't it a myth that that if you have fam that's bald you also go bald yeah i don't i don't know 21:57 if that's uh it bald yeah i don't know if that's if that's 22:02 true or not i don't really know um 22:09 you're not the channel banner oh word yeah someone someone made me that i think it's cute 22:15 um but yeah i think i'm gonna pay someone to make me some more art for all my stuff 22:22 and like make me like a starting soon screen and an intermission and like a stream ending screen and all that type 22:28 of deal yeah it's on the mom's side i'm [ __ ] her brother's ball and her dad was bald oh man that sucks sorry buddy 22:37 i think it's genetic word how do you manage to have perfect eyes 22:43 like this i don't know man i grew myself 22:51 i've been working on it my whole life is that my real eye color yes it is this is 22:58 my real eye color i love the new emotes by the way so cute yay hell yeah i'm 22 and hard to have 23:04 hair loss so i'm sorry that sucks i think it's like whatever man hair is overrated wear a wig wigs are sick 23:12 how do you like your hd20 pros what do you have before them is that what these are i like them a lot i think they're 23:18 really good before this i had like whatever razer's like cheapest little headset is 23:24 um yeah that's what i had it was really shitty these are awesome they're super 23:30 [ __ ] comfortable and uh yeah they're they're great they sound awesome 23:36 i just love them eyes oh thank you riley has the prettiest size thanks so much 23:41 yeah hair is overrated for real i may need to try the bald with beard style hey that shit's that [ __ ] looks 23:47 great that's clean as [ __ ] bro learning girl voice was fun i i 23:54 could say that [ __ ] i could say [ __ ] girls would not normally say yeah exactly 23:59 exactly epic bro you can you can be the girl that you've never met before you can be the girl that you wish you could 24:05 meet that would swear like a sailor 24:12 you should add more channel point rewards okay yes i should i don't know how i don't really know how to do that 24:17 but i will figure that out after the stream for sure um what's up igor how you doing 24:25 idk why but my internet is [ __ ] today maybe i'll join later if it's better good stream for y'all all right i'm 24:31 sorry nivera is um is it uh is it lagging for anyone else like should i lower the bitrate or 24:37 something is it lagging for you guys or is it good 24:44 i feel like i can pull off i feel like i can pull it off can't grow a beard got decent double 24:50 word oh yo super minox thank you so much for the stream i mean for the stream for the sub 24:56 thank you so much mwah much appreciated and welcome to the team welcome to the 25:01 squadron it's not lagging okay sweet sounds good perfect 25:07 great news [Music] 25:13 yo stream pog sorry if i missed anyone's messages we 25:19 got a lot of people in here today shit's going fast i love it love to see it thank you guys so much for being here 25:24 dude holy [ __ ] like this is so fun thank you guys so much for being here i love all of you you 25:30 guys are all [ __ ] awesome you guys are my [ __ ] champions dude my champions 25:40 yo king of grapes with the five subs holy [ __ ] thank you so much thank you 25:45 thank you thank you sugar cola you got a sub let's go emily you gotta sub snow 25:50 trucker kaizo let's go [ __ ] yeah 25:56 [Music] thank you so much for the follow welcome to the stream welcome welcome thanks so much 26:05 [ __ ] yeah dude let's go baby let's go have your sub now cola yourself 26:10 now emily let's [ __ ] go what am i doing today all right so 26:17 soon i'm gonna get into it very soon i got packages i got my hair look these are just some of them yo holy [ __ ] 26:24 taco john live with the [ __ ] five subs we got a hype train going now boys 26:29 boys and girls let's go we got a hype train going let's [ __ ] go dude 26:36 hell yeah [ __ ] yeah dude let's go thank you so much dude thank you thank 26:42 you mwah thank you for the gifteds thanks so much that's super nice of you man 26:47 slash woo man thank you much appreciated 26:54 thanks so much taco let's go holy [ __ ] it's just miss coming 26:59 in with the ten subs oh my god what the [ __ ] is happening literally what is happening holy [ __ ] 27:06 all right boom hype train reached we're on like level five now i think holy [ __ ] 27:11 let's go baby let's go all right i'm gonna do a little outfit check just just for the hype 27:24 yo utopia thanks for the follow thanks so much 27:41 yard thank you guys thanks so much for the subs holy [ __ ] dude damn we're already 27:48 at ninety percent on the level five hype train oh my god there we go what the [ __ ] what is happening king of grapes 27:56 with the [ __ ] five subs holy [ __ ] let's go baby let's go thank you so much 28:03 grape you're [ __ ] going crazy dude holy [ __ ] king of grapes the savage 28:10 yo thank you so much final level oh my god agor yo what's up 28:16 thanks for the follow thank you thank you wait did that did you just give more 28:22 taco you're actually insane oh my god 28:28 holy [ __ ] what is actually happening dude 28:33 what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] 28:39 yo oh my [ __ ] god thank you so much dude thank you so much 28:48 oh my god taco with another sub 28:53 holy [ __ ] you guys are actually insane taco king of grapes you guys are nuts 28:59 what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i honestly have no idea what happens when we reach the goal for for 29:05 the for the hype train but for donations um we're doing a sleepover stream for that goal 29:12 all right i got i got sub goals and follower goals but i don't even have anything planned for him [ __ ] 29:19 i'll think of something i'll think of something i bet everyone here somehow yeah it 29:25 feels like it feels like they gotta be like how could you not be subbed at this point 29:30 y'all let's go with the with the [ __ ] beyblades let it rip step bro step bro adrian hilarious name 29:38 we need a maidstream word okay i need i forgot to put a maid outfit on my wishlist i'll do that 29:44 oh my freaking god can i get a nonstop to talk i want to even it out 29:51 yo oh my [ __ ] god dude 273 percent on the hype trade let's [ __ ] go dude 29:58 better start playing it fast yeah will this hype train get over a thousand i don't [ __ ] know dude hello 30:05 sub goal golf stream follower go makeup stream true oh my god it's just mist also dude miss grape and taco you guys 30:12 are absolutely nuts thank you so much for the three subs holy [ __ ] dude thank you thank you oh my 30:19 god oh my god taco you absolute madman you 30:24 guys are absolutely nuts this is just crazy dude this is crazy 30:31 just missed with 50 total thank you so much man that is that is so [ __ ] awesome that is so 30:38 nice of you thanks so much mist man slash wool man y'all are amazing holy [ __ ] dude this is 30:45 so crazy i can't even focus on anything ah who wants a beyblade battle 30:52 yeah let him rip let him rip in the chat see who wins 30:57 let him battle come happy step bro ryan ollie do you watch any series and 31:04 you recommend any oh distinctly yo thanks so much for the follow um yeah so let's see i was 31:11 watching um angel beats recently i like that anime and i was also watching this anime 31:16 called dr stone i thought that was pretty cool um i've been watching a lot of anime recently 31:22 uh oh my god taco again with the soap thank you so 31:27 much thank you thank you tried doing makeup today it did not go well hey that's all right new stock you 31:34 just got to keep trying my [ __ ] looked so bad i wish i had pictures i mean i was too embarrassed to take them but i 31:39 wish i had pictures of the first time oh my god taco another one another sub 31:45 14 subs dude thank you so much taco holy [ __ ] okay i this is just nuts dude 31:53 this is just nuts three two one boom oh my god thank you guys hype train 32:00 success let's go oh [ __ ] yeah i got a new emote 32:05 yeah we all got emojis let's go baby 32:10 hype scream let's [ __ ] go 32:17 let them rip baby oh my god dude we just got all these emotes this is sick 32:23 33 [ __ ] subs holy [ __ ] this is just nuts 32:29 right now we're free oh my [ __ ] god dude thank you all so 32:36 much i'm sorry if i missed any message we got hella people in here so many chat messages is crazy dude this is crazy 32:42 this is crazy oh my god yeah new stock dude that i literally 32:48 love that emo it's so cute it's literally so [ __ ] cute i'm so glad that we have actual sub emotes now 32:54 they're so adorable i literally love them this one is just like too [ __ ] cute 33:01 uh wait yeah this one that one's so [ __ ] cute i 33:07 love that one yes got the train let's go baby let's go taco thank you so much for 33:14 [ __ ] making that train happen and and you two miss and and uh and and uh 33:21 and king of grapes all of y'all with the [ __ ] crazy gifteds thank you so much yo what's up mushy loves gaming thanks 33:27 for the follow thank you so much much appreciated 33:33 knife gang yeah that's a big flex oh my god oh my [ __ ] god 33:39 helen croft with the 50 33:45 holy [ __ ] oh my god thank you so much 33:51 thank you so much helen croft mwah i love you so much 33:57 holy [ __ ] dude we [ __ ] hit it we hit the goal we hit the sub goal 34:06 how dude this is actually insane we reached the sub goal 34:11 holy [ __ ] dude 34:19 oh my god dude let's go let's [ __ ] go dude let's go holy [ __ ] dude 34:26 oh my god thank you everyone thank you guys so much thank you helen oh my [ __ ] god people 34:33 are going crazy today yes they are oh my god new stock gifting the one sub 34:40 thank you dude thank you so much paying it forward like an absolute legend thank you so much 34:48 the next person i give to sub is gay got him 34:53 oh my god wish i had my sub yo no worry step bro you're already subbed you're already sub 35:00 baby someone gifted it to you i have to pay for you know hey that's a legend move right there that is a legend 35:06 move new stock thank you so much for paying that [ __ ] forward oh my god hell kitty you got a sub 35:12 hell kitty 88 if you're in the chat you got a [ __ ] sub all right 35:18 okay i feel like at this point we got to start the unboxing let's do it let me show you guys the 35:24 pile of loot i got yurt 35:31 right one two three four 35:36 and a big boy for last five let's go 35:43 okay age hides yeah i need to do a faq but uh i'm 20 ish 35:50 i'm around 20 years old that is my age if you're wondering all right guys oh wait i just started 35:57 opening it already wait did i just did i just 36:03 frick um 36:14 did i just leak anything i did didn't i [ __ ] 36:20 damn i did didn't i [ __ ] dude 36:28 um all right well oh well 36:33 um all right guys first thing we are opening 36:49 we got the hello let's go 36:58 are these what i think they are yes they are 37:05 cute we got these cute little hand things all right i'm not gonna be able to 37:12 wear these for very long because i'm already getting really hot but they're so freaking cute 37:20 let's go i love these things 37:39 they're so cute i love them 37:46 you're pretty hot already deliver if you're concerned about a 37:52 leaky yes i will do that i will do that 38:00 here okay i gotta take these off though they're way too hot 38:06 they're so cute though thank you so much whoever sent me that thank you thank you much appreciated 38:13 oh baby all right yeah this is gonna be a short stream because i'm [ __ ] getting so hot already it's 38:19 so hot here look at that i'm sweating all over the place all right next one 38:32 next one i clipped and checked you didn't leak anything yay okay awesome 38:40 awesome all right bro horny jail for you sorry bro bunk go to horny jail 38:50 um all right bonk 38:56 okay good that's good i didn't yo enough reggie what's up thank you so much for the follow thank you thank you 39:02 welcome to the team all right let's see what we got next on this list 39:12 let's see what we got i don't know what it is let's check it out 39:18 yes we need a bonk emo absolutely 39:24 oh baby yes let's go let's [ __ ] go 39:30 let's go we got the dress slash skirt overall thing 39:36 yurt yard a lot of pink going on yup 39:41 i do like pink i do enjoy me some pink i look back you should be completely 39:47 fine yay thank you so much that's okay thank you guys so much for checking and telling me because i would have been 39:53 like stressing this whole time um so yeah thank you guys 39:59 god i'm such an idiot dude i can't believe i didn't think of that 40:05 yo what's up laura thank you thanks for joining us no no problem being late all good 40:15 [ __ ] yeah all right i'm super excited about this one this one looks so cute 40:22 okay number two 40:28 um yeah i could tell you were stressing yeah thanks so much i really appreciate it pink is the best color i tend to agree with you 40:35 i do tend to agree with you um 40:40 yo also i forgot i haven't been reading any 40:45 donation messages or anything if there have been so let me um and so that way 40:52 that way i can turn on my ac but you guys don't have to hear it and we can stream a little longer 40:58 um i gotta go i gotta head out see you later hey no problem new stock thanks for hanging out have a good day have an 41:04 awesome day thank you so much for chilling and for the subs and yeah thank you so much 41:12 hello i just wanted to say that i love your streams you bring a smile to my face every time i watch you cheers oh thanks so much told toldowsky thank you 41:19 so much much appreciated thank you thank you 41:24 okay wait let me just find chris pratt says hello nerds 41:30 that's what they said in their message okay i just had to read my donut messages real quick 41:36 all right let's move on to the next package 41:49 all right what do we got here just saying you're number two number two on my follow channels with viewers 41:55 you're doing amazing holy [ __ ] are you serious that's [ __ ] awesome wow my internet just went crazy hey 42:02 weird internets be a fickle mistress 42:08 dude that's crazy cj holy [ __ ] all right what do we got now yo miss thank you so much with the five dollars 42:15 thank you thank you hope i hope you like this skirt also read the note with it oh there's a note with it i 42:22 didn't know there was a note and also thank you so much miss thank 42:27 you for the skirt i really really appreciate it where's the note 42:45 oh enjoy for miss jessmas thank you so much thank you thank you i really appreciate 42:52 it that's so nice mine too the stream appeared to be 42:57 offline then it started again huh oh i think that might have been that might have been my end then 43:04 i think that might have been from my end because my because my stream elements my stream elements like gave another 43:10 notification that i was live so i think that might be why 43:15 um the notes are small yeah thank you so much that's so nice of you 43:23 i already crumpled it up because i'm a [ __ ] animal and i like crush every piece of paper i hold but 43:31 hello can you white scale can you 43:36 enjoy from it's just miss thank you so much miss i really appreciate that you're such a sweetheart mwah i love you i love 43:44 you all okay you're number one for me oh hell yeah hell yeah that's so cool 43:51 [ __ ] yes okay shall we move on perhaps 43:58 yes we shall 44:03 all righty what do we got here 44:13 ah looking pretty today thanks laura thanks so much 44:18 alrighty 44:28 hmm 44:37 all righty this one we got the chokers let's go 44:43 um helen croft my wish list is in the announcements page on my discord but 44:48 i'll link it in my stream later um or if someone wants to link it in chat you can um 44:55 but i'll put a button for it let's go yo lunik445 thank you for the follow thanks so much 45:00 welcome to the team check it out baby yes i'm so happy 45:08 let's go miss says miss says 45:13 no more breathing for you sorry thank you miss thanks so much 45:20 much appreciated ah hello why are you out of focus camera 45:27 thank you thank you okay 45:32 let's check these out let's check these out 45:42 yeah i'm so happy i'm so excited for these 45:49 [Music] hola i'm here what's up mustache 915 how 45:56 you doing welcome to the stream what's up alexey 46:02 what's up red fx hello renai chat how's everyone doing i'm doing great how are you doing red fx 46:08 i am just doing just fine all right should i put it on it's gonna be kind of hard to put it on 46:14 with the wig but we'll give it a shot 46:33 ah 46:40 wait i need to do one more you do one more button 46:53 there we go 47:04 do you listen to songs that are not in english language um sometimes i mean i speak english so mostly i 47:10 listen to them in english adorable thanks g-sec 47:16 looking good thank you guys so much 47:23 even putting a choker on was adorable oh thanks cj looking good thanks ot gruner 47:29 thanks so much bruh my adam's apple is something else 47:36 that [ __ ] needs to chill 47:45 yard sim do it thanks guys thanks so much yo jimbo64 thanks for the follow thank you 47:52 thank you thanks so much mwah welcome to the team 47:57 oh okay 48:03 wait i need to take off this one 48:14 oh wait that's not gonna work oh i [ __ ] up 48:21 [ __ ] [ __ ] 48:29 dude your arms are veiny yeah i know i know they're vein as [ __ ] oh no i blew it 48:37 ah there we go oh 48:43 bro you ain't even seen my arms yet you ready for this 48:57 veiny rainy baby 49:07 oh baby it is just hotter than a [ __ ] okay wait i didn't i didn't show you guys what i just unboxed 49:15 um i didn't show you guys what i just unboxed check it out 49:23 super cute oh my god this camera does not handle white things very well 49:30 but it's uh it's extremely cute 49:36 it's a little crop there we go now you guys can see it and it's got like this little tide 49:42 front fang so you could show my little tummy oh my god look at me holy [ __ ] did you just 49:49 see how sweaty i am look at that that was so bad 49:55 holy [ __ ] okay yeah um i'm gonna have to take a break and sit 50:03 next to the [ __ ] ac for a sec so maybe i'll run an ad i don't even know 50:09 if that's a thing i know i have an ac unit right here but it's just too loud i can't do it while i'm streaming 50:15 um okay okay okay okay okay okay i gotta take a break cause i'm gonna die 50:25 yo king of graves thanks for the ten dollars thank you so much oh my god sorry you guys had to see my 50:31 sword thanks for the 10 that was not 50:37 it um my crop top will look really good on you 50:42 yay i don't think i added a note but i sent the pink arm socks oh thanks so much alex thank you so much i really 50:49 appreciate it no one's gonna mess with you with those strong ass arms hell yeah um 50:57 all right let's see let's put it on for now yeah see that's kind of loud huh 51:06 oh my god that feels so [ __ ] good um 51:12 one second one second i gotta go to my dashboard 51:19 gotta go to my dashboard oh it's not that bad actually okay weird 51:25 well i gotta change because i just sweat through this hoodie so 51:31 let me just let me just run a one minute ad break if you will 51:39 boop okay yes i'm gonna put on the crop top i will 51:46 be back 54:22 [Music] 54:33 wait there we go yo thank you so much for the follow thank you so much 54:39 oh my gosh oh my gosh what's going on 54:46 yeah am i still muted or am i good now 54:53 wow um 55:00 thanks everybody thank you so much looking good 55:06 cute top thanks so much okay yeah sorry if i um 55:12 i didn't know that they came with notes so i'm really sorry if i missed any of the notes 55:19 um because i'd be crumpling [ __ ] up 55:26 but but yeah thank you guys so much for sending me stuff that's like so sweet of 55:31 you thanks so much mwah 55:38 i'm sorry sleep ahead good good good night everyone hey no problem diamond thank you so much for hanging out thank you so much 55:44 mwah sleep tight olivia sleep tight 55:50 okay oh baby 55:56 um man now my ac is too cold now i'm chilly 56:05 all right let me just make sure i didn't miss any notes 56:18 i i did miss some notes i did miss some notes i did miss notes 56:26 oh hey alex he says enjoy your gift thanks so much and miss says all i ask for is one 56:34 spin you got it once i got this skirt on i shall spin 56:40 okay we got the last the last box baby 56:47 this one's the big one seemed the best for last let's go 56:53 i like how wholesome and nice this chat is compared to finster where's chaotic yeah it's nice 57:01 finish your chat chaotically can we help less gang all right i have my 57:10 knife my giant knife is huge look at that thing it's massive this is the biggest 57:16 knife you've ever seen that's not a knife this is a knife 57:34 small knife everyone is welcome and loved here yes absolutely 57:41 oh let's go let's go this is what i really wanted i'm so happy 57:46 let's go baby thigh high city thigh high city thai high heaven 57:53 are in thigh high [ __ ] heaven right now oh my god and this 57:58 [ __ ] finally i have a straw let's go baby let's go 58:06 yeah yurt yurt 58:15 okay we'll try on the thigh highs in a sec but first i'm gonna put this straw in my drink 58:21 so that i can drink it 58:27 [ __ ] yes [Music] 58:43 stoked let's see how high they are yep don't do dangerous stuff with the knife out twitch toss don't play how true 58:51 true i didn't know about that what's up runeplays how you doing 58:58 how you doing yes missed finally i have a straw finally 59:04 finally big tired goodnight ragnay chat good night tomment thanks so much for hanging out 59:12 but finn can't open boxes by hand too i'm never able to make it offensive stream because i live in such a different time zone oh man that sucks 59:19 well hopefully you can make it to mine um 59:25 alrighty boom and then we got one more we got one 59:33 more thing let's go key cat ears oh sorry rune plays i didn't see it 59:40 looks like the narrow clipper fire or something yeah yep that's what it is it's not a real knife um 59:47 let's go baby let's go cat ears 59:52 and they got little bells on them that's so cute check it out 1:00:02 that's so cute that's adorable 1:00:07 that's cool 1:00:13 should i try on the white ones or the black ones 1:00:19 which ones 1:00:35 miss says about time you get these i don't want to see lipstick stains on the glasses anymore 1:00:41 thank you so much miss thanks so much exactly no 1:00:46 no more of those all right black ones sounds good 1:00:54 sounds good my internet is so bad this stream is at 420p all huh i'm sorry 1:01:00 okay 1:01:09 [Music] there we go yo cats 69 thanks for the follow 1:01:39 there should be two more notes in there oh let me see them 1:01:44 meow come on 1:01:50 meow thanks miss thanks so much ears in front of the headphones okay ah 1:02:03 here i'll just try one without the headphones for a sec 1:02:19 well gonna go and be sociable but i'll leave you on my phone keep it running cause i think you deserve the views oh thanks so much laura well yeah have fun 1:02:25 being social no worries at all i'm supposed to be asleep and my dad is walking around the house 1:02:31 totally and you're watching catboy on twitch and you're supposed to be asleep 1:02:39 if you thought you couldn't become hotter than the cat ears i'm so stupid i literally tried to block 1:02:46 the sun irl to read the note 1:02:54 okay 1:03:03 kitty cat alex are you supposed to be asleep but instead you're watching me put on 1:03:08 cat ears 1:03:14 [Laughter] sleep is for the time yo wheels thanks 1:03:20 so much for the follow 1872. thank you so much welcome to the team mwah 1:03:26 welcome welcome welcome [Laughter] 1:03:33 sleep is for the week yes indeed sleep is for the week 1:03:39 something for a fanboy oversleep absolutely can i paint those claws yeah i could i 1:03:45 could do that right now actually 1:03:53 um i'm late for this dream glad i'm here now hey no worries fan boo no worries at 1:03:58 all thank you so much for being here and for joining thank you 1:04:04 alexei says flex yurt bet you didn't think i had them guns huh 1:04:10 oh yeah cat flex yurt 1:04:17 what colors do i have i like purple and like kind of pinkish as well okay wait 1:04:24 now paint now okay okay i'll paint them after but i want to wear these also i want to wear this 1:04:31 i'm going to try this on i'm going to wear this i'm going to wear it 1:04:37 i'm going to wear it here oh my cat ears fell off 1:04:46 can't have that 1:04:51 okay i'm gonna try this girl one imagine a dad oh 1:04:58 do my stream hello are we are we still is it still working 1:05:06 um okay imagine a dad walking on their side the 1:05:12 moment you flex like that totally i'm dead 1:05:21 okay okay okay okay okay okay 1:05:26 let's go baby are you winning something yeah [Laughter] 1:05:35 oh my god okay 1:05:41 we're still good all right cool oh my god dude this camera goes nuts 1:05:48 with the freaking brightness adjustment 1:05:54 okay which which color thigh highs 1:06:03 okay wait let me just put on the skirt first 1:07:59 camera why are you not focused huh 1:08:13 dude this skirt spins so well 1:08:19 [Music] yoho i love it yo the god thank you so 1:08:25 much for following thank you the god among men guys we have the god among men in the chat holy [ __ ] 1:08:41 it looks a teeny bit funny because this shirt is like tied right here 1:09:00 dude this skirt is incredible this skirt is literally incredible 1:09:08 i love your ears again now give me i love my ears too 1:09:15 i love my ears too yo thanks for the follow whoever just 1:09:20 followed sorry i missed it thank you so much 1:09:25 oh my god this outfit is so cute bro is alpha so [ __ ] cute yo hydrophonics tv 1:09:31 thanks for the follow thank you so much thank you thank you 1:09:36 welcome to the team 1:09:42 that was a fine choice that my friend was a fine choice of skirt absolutely it was black wig and goth makeup would make 1:09:49 this look complete true oh would you look so good love the skirt 1:09:54 thanks so much oet grinden oh my god it's just missed with the five dollars oh my god thank you so much 1:10:01 they said i only asked for a single spin but i will gladly take as much as you'll give oh 1:10:06 thank you so much for the skirt nest thank you mwah you're so nice and for 1:10:11 the ears and for the shirt and for these okay wait should i put these on 1:10:17 because i i feel like i could put them on now cause i'm not too hot 1:10:22 because i'm not too hot followers pouring in after that spin yeah i know that always happens every time i every 1:10:28 time i spin you need to shave your arms off meh i don't need to 1:10:36 oh [ __ ] gamer boss thanks for the follow thank you so much much 1:10:42 appreciated oh yeah and i can wear the matching socks true okay yeah we'll do that 1:10:48 and the pink thigh highs yes exactly cj exactly i'll say again fanboy powwow 1:10:54 [ __ ] yeah hell yeah hydroponics thank you for the follow welcome to the squad 1:10:59 oh my god dude these are literally the cutest [ __ ] things 1:11:05 ever they're literally so cute 1:11:11 that's the perfect skirt for spinning yes it really is super minox it really is 1:11:16 abso freaking lutely dude these are just 1:11:24 i don't think there's anything more adorable than these things gamer boss what's a fanboy you're 1:11:30 looking at one buddy you're [ __ ] looking at one i'm a fanboy 1:11:46 not too hot impossible thanks g-sec 1:11:52 am i the only one to notice how cute riley is when he tries to focus in his eyes squids a lot dicks 1:11:58 duh stop it honey stop it 1:12:03 new jersey huh all right 1:12:12 oh my god there's also purple ones let's go 1:12:19 cute cute cute okay i'm gonna put him on be right back 1:12:24 y'all do i get more compliments as a girl as a guy definitely as a girl 1:12:34 definitely as a girl that's for damn sure programmer socks yes exactly 1:12:45 okay brb the blue ones would look cool with maybe a cyberpunk or all kind of style yes exactly 1:12:52 yeah the the blue ones would look sick and also i really like these purple ones those are 1:12:57 also super dope and then these are just classic 1:13:04 okay brb kaizo you can actually do a head pat 1:13:09 emoji or there's a there's a head pat emote for subs if you want to do it hey 1:13:20 wait stop it there we go yeah 1:13:26 oh thanks for the head path guys 1:13:36 okay brb i'm gonna put them on i'ma put them 1:13:50 how about yourself 1:14:55 okay 1:15:51 oops 1:16:07 i think i did good job yes you did missed indeed you did 1:16:15 thank you guys so much cute thanks guys 1:16:20 i don't know why i think you might look good with glasses true i think this this um 1:16:27 this outfit would actually look really good with some little black frames or something 1:16:32 or like those clear the clear frames those are all so cute 1:16:38 you could do a dancing stream true true oh i had an idea i had an idea um 1:16:45 i have an oculus and i could do beat saber i could do a beat saber stream 1:16:51 like dress like this that would be cute oops my heart dropped 1:16:56 uh 1:17:03 i'll be 10 out of 10 absolutely are all cali girls look as hot as you 1:17:08 no i'm the hottest i'm the hottest cali girl there is 1:17:16 yes yes i know a beach saber stream would be super fun i think or just a normal 1:17:22 dancing stream like that would be sick oh my god i have an idea you guys i 1:17:27 could set it up i wonder how i could do this i know i know you stream elements lets you do it somehow but you can set 1:17:32 it up so that you guys can like donate to to choose a song and then i could dance to it 1:17:38 and that would be hella fun i heard it's a pain in the butt to 1:17:44 stream twitch from the quest aw [ __ ] damn that's a bummer 1:17:49 well i really do gotta go so bye chat bye cj bye riley alright alright laura no problem at all 1:17:55 mwah love you have an amazing day thank you so much for being here 1:18:02 um but yeah that's a good idea i could do a dancing stream where um 1:18:09 dude i can't get over these i'm just gonna wear these all the time 1:18:14 they're so freaking cute oh my goodness 1:18:24 um where you guys like donate and choose songs and then 1:18:30 i do them if you know what i mean 1:18:36 oh a mask would go great true true actually 1:18:42 i lost my mask yesterday oh got a frog in my throat 1:18:50 those are honestly so cute i know right i know they're so freaking cute 1:18:55 um say ooh and a girl voice 1:19:05 hey stop oh look 1:19:15 personally i love your smile i think a mouse would rob us thanks 1:19:23 [Laughter] 1:19:30 true 1:19:45 oh my god i love this outfit i love this outfit so 1:19:50 much it's so [ __ ] good it's literally so good ah 1:19:56 my ears my shoulders 1:20:08 um 1:20:44 well the cute voice then the skater boy laugh after gets me every time yeah 1:20:52 those biceps though you're built hell yeah you're 1:20:59 yeah let's go baby your parents seen you in girl mode um yep they have they know about my channel 1:21:08 i came into the stream and i thought you was a girl for a sec that's the goal success got him 1:21:20 don't undress on stream yeah yeah flex my biceps once dirt cute dance 1:21:28 thank you i know i really want to do a little dance journal i feel like that'd be so fun i feel like that would be super fun 1:21:39 you pull it off way better than i do oh thanks 1:21:46 and chat went pretty quiet when he was posing like we all was thinking the same thing little head pat 1:21:55 oh my god dude i can't get over these arm sleeves they're so freaking cute 1:22:19 i want to do like you know like there's that type of dancing where people are like 1:22:27 you know what i'm saying [Laughter] 1:22:32 and you mentioned before excuse me you learned makeup from youtube videos right yes and also my 1:22:37 girlfriend kind of taught me for my exit now but my my girlfriend at the time 1:22:44 taught me how to do makeup as well why is it so hot because of you 1:22:50 yup it's because of me sorry guys that's why there's a heat wave going on my bad you know 1:22:56 can't control this well my adam's apple just flipped my [ __ ] you know can't control it you know what 1:23:03 i mean i'm the reason i'm causing global warming [Laughter] 1:23:13 can't type while watching the cat girl exactly 1:23:18 it perfects the look and makes your arms very feminine yes it does it does indeed 1:23:27 oops i just whacked off some of my lipstick 1:23:33 oopsie oops wait you had a girlfriend yes i had a 1:23:38 girlfriend don't remind me though i'm sad about it 1:23:43 i don't want to talk about it yo cali be [ __ ] hot i was dying at 1:23:49 work yesterday yes yeah absolutely stay hydrated y'all yes good idea yo new 1:23:57 johnston thanks for the follow thanks so much 1:24:04 your ex must be pissed because you're making more money as a girl and she doesn't true 1:24:11 i mean yeah she was very supportive which is very nice and is very supportive 1:24:17 but it's sad and i miss her 1:24:27 ronaldo was so sad about it that she became the girlfriend exactly 1:24:33 get dumped that's cool just become a girlfriend 1:24:41 what color lipstick do you use i order some but it's too bright um i don't know if it has a color on it but 1:24:47 i'll show you how my ears keep doing that 1:25:12 okay it literally like doesn't say a color on it 1:25:20 i literally just saw this heart and was like that looks like a good color 1:25:30 i don't know i don't know what to tell you that's what it is 1:25:36 oh [ __ ] yeah i just kobe that [ __ ] let's go 1:25:41 let's go vegas labor is that yurt isn't it is it become the gf the fanboy mono yup 1:25:49 best cat boy thanks 1:26:01 why have a girlfriend when you can become the girlfriend big brain move yes five head absolute five head can we get some five 1:26:08 heads in the chat 1:26:14 also great if the parents are supportive yeah that's true my parents are are totally cool with it which is nice 1:26:22 can i paint my nails painted matching gloves yes sure okay yeah you guys wanted me to paint my nails should we do that next 1:26:29 is that what we should do yes five heads 1:26:39 imagine becoming hotter than your dm yeah all right let's get my nails stiff 1:26:48 [Music] it keeps happening 1:27:22 yar we got hella colors let's go can you please links your instagram i can't find it yes thank you for linking 1:27:29 it guys thank you for linking it yo what's up 1:27:36 cuss dad how you doing welcome to the stream mwah 1:27:41 welcome welcome all righty time for the nails 1:27:48 time for the nest okay okay okay yo mist thank you so much for my literal 1:27:55 whole outfit on right now 1:28:01 and also alexei thank you guys so much 69 viewers nice 1:28:07 nice yes that is nice that's what we're going for the sex number 1:28:12 whoa [ __ ] my ears dude okay 1:28:18 my adam's apple is wiling out on this choker i don't know what to do about it 1:28:25 all right all right so we got like a bajillion colors 1:28:34 all right guys which wait there's one in the back 1:28:40 wait let me put him let me pull oh should i do a pull yeah i'll do a pull i forgot you could do that 1:28:46 i forgot you could do that let's do that let's do that 1:28:54 um oh right uh you gotta do a shopkins treasure 1:28:59 church true true true straw poll 1:29:05 okay wait let me show you guys them all first i'll put them in between my 1:29:11 fingers okay 1:29:17 this is what we're working with team this is what we're working with we have 1:29:23 shiny pink we have like hot 1:29:28 pink red and we have like a different hot pink over here we have the blue 1:29:34 and we have the purple um 1:29:40 gotta sleep now thanks for the stream ain't no problem kaizo thanks so much for joining us have a great night sleep tight mwah sweet 1:29:47 dreams sweet dreams 1:29:53 my nails are spectacular naked thank you always pink with everything and change 1:29:58 reeling totally there's hey wait sorry he's missing these messages 1:30:04 guess people are gonna vote for pink yeah we'll see we'll put the straw and put the straw poll there are some of those leather chokers that come with the 1:30:10 removal expansion i bought two one with the heart one with cat ears one with counters camo extension okay good good 1:30:15 to know night night kaizo sweet dreams 1:30:22 do a cotton candy theme true that would be kind of sick that would definitely be kind of sick okay 1:30:29 okay wait i'm going to do this this is what i'm 1:30:35 going to do so [ __ ] sorry 1:30:43 okay starting from this side this is number one 1:30:49 this is number two oh [ __ ] [ __ ] 1:30:56 i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i keep screaming 1:31:04 i'm sorry okay wait i'm just not focusing why are 1:31:09 you not focused focus on me camera hello 1:31:16 okay there we go sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that's uh that's my bad that's my bad that's my bad that's 1:31:23 my bad that's my bed um i [ __ ] up 1:31:29 yo i don't know how to show them all at once bruh 1:31:35 [ __ ] 1:31:43 okay wait i'm just gonna do the straw poll [ __ ] this this is too hard 1:31:48 this is too hard i'm so sorry for the loudness i really apologize that's bad streamer bad streaming by me 1:31:55 okay um purpley pink 1:32:01 okay hot pink okay sparkly pink 1:32:10 okay um purple 1:32:18 okay oh you can do a pull on twitch my bad 1:32:25 um uh my computer's fan is louder than your ac 1:32:32 i'm dead um i can do a pawn twitch okay i will uh 1:32:40 yeah i'm really sorry for dropping that twice that was um 1:32:47 bad streamer by me no worries baby girl oh thanks bamboo 1:32:53 okay okay okay damn do you have jet turbines for your fan somewhere 1:33:00 did i miss unboxing yes you did unfortunately but that's okay because i will make a video about it um 1:33:10 okay wait how do you do a poll i don't see that i don't see the option to do 1:33:15 that oh here we go 1:33:24 create a new poll pog okay nail color 1:33:31 wait your nail color 1:33:37 boom okay purpley pink 1:33:44 hot pink purple shiny pink 1:33:51 and blue boom 1:33:57 let's go start pull 1:34:03 righty can you guys see that did it work did it work did it work did it work 1:34:12 gonna dip out have a nice rest of the stream all right taco thanks so much for chilling and for gifting and for just being a general awesome human thank you 1:34:19 so much taco john have a nice day have a nice day yes i will add some more channel 1:34:26 points okay so this is the purpley pink this 1:34:33 is the hot pink so this is purple pink and hot pink they look the same on the camera but they're actually kind of different this one's more purple 1:34:39 this one is the actual purple one this one is the shiny pink one 1:34:48 and then this is the blue one boom 1:34:53 okay shall we see the results of the poll 1:35:00 okay looks like shiny pink wins overwhelmingly with 71 percent of the 1:35:06 vote sounds good shiny pink it is 1:35:11 shiny pink it is we're just going full pink we're just leaning into the pink 1:35:18 it's so cute and i love it yes this is a lavender purplish thing 1:35:24 yes lavender lavender oh wait let me uh let me 1:35:31 brb and go get um what am i thinking i'm adhd what do i need i need a [ __ ] i need paper towel 1:35:38 that's what i need brb 1:35:47 so 1:36:11 ah i am just dropping [ __ ] 1:36:18 all day long all day long 1:36:27 [Music] okay let us get into it 1:36:36 do i need to file at all 1:36:42 i don't think so 1:36:48 i don't think i need to file i think my nails look good already let's just do it 1:36:58 let's just do it oh my god i can't open it because this is so slippery 1:37:04 [ __ ] this [ __ ] is like 1:37:11 [ __ ] it's so hard to open [ __ ] 1:37:17 does it hurt to talk in your girl voice uh no it doesn't it's it's like it doesn't hurt but it's like it definitely 1:37:24 feels active if you mean um hello ry my beloved hey ugly dog 1:37:32 i love you welcome to the stream um it definitely feels like uh active if you know what i mean like it's not 1:37:38 it's it's like more energy to do that than to just speak in my normal voice 1:37:45 damsel in distress yes yes please someone open it ah now i got it we're good 1:37:55 um yo madness personification with the follow thank you mwah thank you thank 1:38:01 you how long did you practice your girl voice um yo green knight ttv thank you so much 1:38:08 for the follow thank you thank you welcome to the team welcome welcome 1:38:14 um i practiced it for a few months not too long but yeah a few months before i uh before i started doing like 1:38:21 omegle stuff um oh damn i thought someone called to run 1:38:27 out ugly dog my oh [ __ ] all these follows let's go baby mitsubishi one operator thank you for 1:38:34 the follow thanks so much thank you thank you mwah oh my god i love how the gifted subs are 1:38:40 15 14 and 13. they were just like out doing each other that was so crazy dude that was such an insane 1:38:46 like hype train at the when i first opened the stream that was so nuts 1:38:53 where did you buy that color it looks real nice um i think i just got this at cvs i'm pretty sure 1:38:59 yeah i think so wait you're not a girl no i'm not a girl i am not a girl green knight 1:39:07 yeah welcome newbie how to spot a newbie could you please say ooh 1:39:20 how am i she's tangled my shit's tangled i'm worried for this world now yeah you 1:39:25 better be i'm gonna take this [ __ ] over i'm gonna be your fanboy queen green knight 1:39:31 you're gonna be my simp slave you should be worried 1:39:39 good night all sleepy time for me all right helen no worries mwah sweet dreams 1:39:44 have a good night thank you so much for joining and thank you so much for the gifted subs helen 1:39:51 you are amazing and i love you and have an awesome night sweet dreams 1:39:58 yo the loki with the follow thank you so much thank you thank you 1:40:08 thank you and welcome okay let's get after this let's [ __ ] do it brett 1:40:16 you heard every time i'm saying you're like yurt 1:40:21 i always am also almost saying you heard 1:40:27 all righty we're probably gonna have to do like three 1:40:33 three or four coats of this she's [ __ ] hot you're not 1:40:40 you heard yeah we're probably gonna have to do 1:40:46 like two or three coats because this [ __ ] doesn't really 1:40:52 fit can you talk like a pirate our matey 1:40:58 ye get your yellow bellies out on the deck and heave the hoist the sails are 1:41:06 [Laughter] can you talk like a six out of ten work 1:41:12 yeah my my pirate voice is not the best it's not my best voice 1:41:21 we need a year emote yeah we do that's so true pirate fun boys are the best that's so 1:41:26 specific pirate fem boys that is literally the most specific thing i've ever heard of 1:41:41 yes dude this color is so [ __ ] cute i can't australian girl voice okay let's see 1:41:48 i can do an australian accent so wait australia 1:41:53 far out my oi you [ __ ] 1:42:00 it's kind of hard to like combine like i have to think about it and then i also have to think about it 1:42:05 when i'm doing my girl voice it's kind of hard to combine things 1:42:10 i can also do a little bit of a british accent if you will 1:42:16 water i like to drink water 1:42:25 mind them isn't the way they're hoped yes exactly scary voice 1:42:33 hello oh god that was embarrassing hello 1:42:38 i'm going to kill you that's my scary voice it's not that scary 1:42:46 oh frick oh frick sorry yeah i'm dropping my ubers all over the place 1:42:56 so like yeah this is just my girl voice with no warm up 1:43:02 it would be better if i warmed up for a little bit but i can just like do it off the cuff just like this 1:43:10 but it would be even better if i sat there and did my exercises for a little bit 1:43:22 what people think our pirates keep is a misnomer created in the early movie on treasure island in reality they 1:43:29 not speak any different than english or spanish yeah that that makes sense 1:43:34 what about randy macho man savage voice i don't know if i can do that how the hell i like the scary voice 1:43:41 better doesn't it hurt to do that voice no it doesn't hurt 1:43:47 it's really easy it's like it doesn't hurt it's just like i have to contract my muscles so it gets tired 1:43:52 after a little while [Laughter] 1:44:01 the erections are really wholesome from both sides yeah i make sure to put the most wholesome reactions in there rest assured not everyone i meet is wholesome 1:44:08 in fact most people i meet are not wholesome yo deadly mouse 106. thanks for the follow thanks so much welcome to 1:44:14 the stream yeah rest assured most of 1:44:21 the people that i follow or uh that i meet on omegle are not very nice 1:44:29 you guys are only seeing the nicest people dude yeah omega has been kind of 1:44:35 transphobic and racist recently dude recently that [ __ ] has been always like the most [ __ ] up place 1:44:41 literal cesspool of like bigotry 1:44:48 but yeah i i kind of feel you it's gone a little worse imagine if you did girl girl voice for 1:44:54 30 minutes straight yeah i'll get there i'm jealous you can do girl voice oh 1:45:00 you can too gamer boss go look on my youtube channel i have a tutorial if you want to learn how to do it 1:45:09 yup and a whole lot of dicks yup i'm angles 90 of [ __ ] dumpster yes it 1:45:14 is after recording for like eight hours i can only get 20 reactions oh my god yeah that's it's it's rough out there 1:45:21 sometimes it can get pretty discouraging just like getting [ __ ] after [ __ ] and then actual [ __ ] after 1:45:27 actual [ __ ] and then douchebag transphobe racist all these 1:45:32 [ __ ] people and uh but then you get the nice people and it honestly makes it all worth it 1:45:39 you get the nice reactions and you get the cute the cute people and the 1:45:45 funny laughs and it makes it all worth it 1:45:53 um sorry i am missing [ __ ] so use omegle only to make content yeah pretty much i don't really like going on 1:45:59 there if i'm not making content i don't know if i can ask this but how often do you get one of those stray mail parts 1:46:04 yeah about two or three times a session it's okay you can ask that finn said i 1:46:09 know megelvid takes hours or days with the amount of tos that shows up or just lack of reactions yeah it's it's whack 1:46:14 dude like an omegle video is so much work it's literally just so much work like you 1:46:20 need to oh [ __ ] no we're good you literally just like need to sift through so much [ __ ] to 1:46:27 get actual good reactions but the actual good ones are great but yeah 1:46:32 you know my voice has been tight lately any tips honestly i don't have tips you can look up trans voice lessons on 1:46:37 youtube they have really good tutorials um i don't really know what voice being tight means though by the way how did i learn spanish i 1:46:44 lived in mexico for two years actually when i was like a kid in like fourth and fifth grade so that's how i know spanish 1:46:53 i um be mad if i got shut down to be honest people on there are just so weird yeah it's it's it's whack 1:46:59 but it's also nice like i do meet random people that are like just want to chat and talk like 1:47:04 sometimes i like get a reaction but then i'll just like talk to someone for like a really long time 1:47:09 and that's always nice just like you know chatting with some random stranger like that's kind of cool 1:47:15 i went on there cross-dressed and shot at least 10 dick yeah while i was on a movie yeah yep you 1:47:22 gotta have the escape key on the [ __ ] ready to get the [ __ ] out of there 1:47:28 what about a discord dating channel for video content true that true 1:47:34 yeah word i kind of feel bad about that though because it's like on omegle oh my god 1:47:40 it's just messed with the ten dollars holy [ __ ] miss you are just insane you're literally my champion oh my god 1:47:47 mwah i love you so much thank you so much mist thank you thank you wait let me read let 1:47:53 me see if they left a message i said well it's time for me to go to bed i hope you hope you love all the 1:47:59 gifts and there might be more that comes oh thank you so much miss you're literally just an angel of a human thank 1:48:05 you so much for the gifts and for this like actual whole entire outfit thank you [ __ ] so much you dressed me today 1:48:11 babe you dressed me today miss 1:48:16 um it's even worse when they pull it out after they see yeah no that's why you got to have the escape key on the ready 1:48:22 that's why you got to have this gatekee on the ready yo henry what's up thanks for the follow thank you thank you 1:48:29 new follow up welcome to the stream um have you met any other fanboy oh mega 1:48:35 well recording no i haven't i wish that would be cool any stories from when i lived in mexico 1:48:41 hmm let me think about that i'll get back to you on that omegles where finn met nat yeah i 1:48:48 know i saw that video that [ __ ] is so funny dude that [ __ ] is so funny how long do you crossdress each 1:48:55 well i mean i mostly do it for content um i mean like i wear like some crop tops 1:49:00 like randomly just for fun but uh yeah i mean like you guys see most 1:49:07 most of my cross-dressing content um i can always take a vip hey you get a 1:49:13 vip i don't know how to do that or what that means but you [ __ ] you absolutely get a vip 1:49:20 missed you definitely do i will i will um i'll write your [ __ ] name on my 1:49:27 forehead if you want me to it's just missed 1:49:34 now you start look like some anime cross gender character word new video soon yeah i'm actually gonna 1:49:41 make a video out of well i'm gonna make a video out of this stream so you might not care about that because you're 1:49:46 already watching the whole stream but that's what i'm gonna do next and then maybe after that someone on my other 1:49:52 video suggested they were like okay you should do a video where you dress up as a girl and then you 1:49:59 start as a girl and like use your girl voice and then you ask people to rate your boy voice 1:50:07 i thought that was a good idea so i think i'm gonna do that um but after this oh do vip name oh for 1:50:14 sure yes um wait i need a 1:50:24 boom boom vip miss is a vip for literally 1:50:31 dressing me today 1:50:39 ah 1:51:41 yeah check out ugly dog on youtube they also do the e-girl thing thanks now i'm gay 1:51:49 yo those are my funniest those are the funniest [ __ ] comments dude 1:51:55 oh my god i'm dead oh baby 1:52:02 all right time to do coat number two yo thomas thanks so much for the follow 1:52:08 thomas without tech thank you so much welcome to the stream welcome welcome 1:52:15 the real queen thank you muscular cat girl yup gotta go to sleep now catch up soon all right cats no problem thank you 1:52:20 so much for for chilling and for joining the stream much love to you 1:52:25 much love and have a wonderful night sweet dreams babe 1:52:43 gotta do my nails yeah 1:52:48 i gotta do my nails did anyone else question their sexuality 1:52:54 after watching finn rhinology 1:52:59 got to go have a great stream ooh all right gamer boss no problem sweet dreams have a great night 1:53:07 much love to everyone thank you guys all so [ __ ] much for 1:53:14 being here and just for hanging with me i literally feel like we're just like on a play date 1:53:21 i literally just feel like we're on a play date and we're just hanging out thank you guys so much for chilling 1:53:27 just got my best f first femme outfit hell yeah thomas hell yeah night right now all right night night 1:53:33 henry it's literally 3am here all right no problem henry oh northeast india cool have a great 1:53:40 night henry love you guys 1:53:46 um yes anyone who's who's got to go no 1:53:52 problem much love to you and have a wonderful night 1:53:58 sweet dreams you got the same choker nice yeah it's 1:54:04 so cute someone i opened it today actually someone brought it for me 1:54:10 well not really i already knew i was vinsexual before then fair enough i became comfortable with my bisexuality 1:54:17 after watching fanboys yep it's uh we're doing the world of service 1:54:23 we're awakening people's dormant feelings and uh letting them be who they want to 1:54:29 be and that's what we're all that's what we're [ __ ] all about over here on this 1:54:35 being channel you want to [ __ ] be and not giving a [ __ ] about what people say about it 1:54:40 not giving a [ __ ] not giving a [ __ ] [ __ ] yurt 1:54:53 um dude i can never come out to my parents they would literally just tell me oh i'm 1:54:58 sorry crapping dude that [ __ ] sucks man i'm so sorry that sucks 1:55:04 that's such a bummer but don't worry you'll you know 1:55:10 your parents aren't you you can be here you can be your own self regardless of what they think 1:55:20 watching while editing a fin vid ah cute no way 1:55:26 are you are you one of finster's actual editors or are you just making like a fan video 1:55:31 yo i'm new and loving the wholesome vibes oh so that's awesome the alley cat thank you for being here 1:55:39 it's just a can't give a [ __ ] world these days and it sucks hey it also kind of sick though 1:55:45 sometimes it's good to just not give a [ __ ] you know it feels good 1:55:57 sorry if i missed anyone's messages shit's going fast now 1:56:04 i'd like to cross-dress but they kill me if they found out oh i'm sorry man that sucks but 1:56:10 you will move out one day and when you are no longer living at your parents house 1:56:16 you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want and it doesn't matter no one's gonna say [ __ ] 1:56:22 and if they do [ __ ] them because they're not you and you can do whatever you want you heard 1:56:30 you missed my message right now oh i'm sorry rune please you gotta ascend it again i can't scroll up there's too many also 1:56:36 i can't use my mouse right now because i got these on 1:56:46 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 1:56:51 no i'm fencer cameron you do okay cool cool cool cool yo 1:57:01 yeah your edits are awesome fisting finster cam i love those i love them 1:57:12 nails look really glittery nice yes yeah baby 1:57:20 congrats roon plays you already came out to your parents as bisexual that's awesome good job 1:57:25 congratulations runeplace i'm just drying my hands on my ac over here 1:57:44 yo those nails be looking fresh hell yeah 1:57:53 oh my overalls are struggling 1:58:03 thankfully i'm about to move out then i won't have to be scared about showing my sexuality yay that's awesome crapping exactly 1:58:10 exactly 1:58:15 i'm so glad my mother and my sisters are so supportive of me being a fanboy don't know about my dad word yeah that's tough 1:58:21 thomas interestingly enough my dad was totally like way more 1:58:26 like didn't give a [ __ ] about it um i mean my mom didn't either but for some 1:58:32 reason my dad was extra like not giving a [ __ ] about it 1:58:38 i like how some people want to crossdress because of finland is literally making army dude literally finn finn is inspired so much finn 1:58:44 inspired me now look at now look where we are lovely eyes in class oh thank you 1:58:55 i thought my dad wouldn't like my crotch dressing but he loves my youtube videos yeah exactly ugly dog me too i was like 1:59:01 i was like oh man my dad's gonna be weirded out by this but not he didn't give a [ __ ] 1:59:07 yes everyone go check out finstercam on youtube they're in the chat they make awesome edits of finn's videos and they 1:59:12 made a little edit of me or with me in it too um 1:59:18 yeah go check them out i have the same problem with that skirt the shoulder straps don't like stand up i know they really don't 1:59:26 it's like made for a wider person than me i'm not not white enough 1:59:32 and that's awesome your dad sounds awesome yeah same with my dad yeah 1:59:39 did your dad also say something like finn's i never wanted a boy anyway 1:59:46 that would be really sweet that's so cute i didn't know finn's dad said that that's hilarious well i already have a sister so 1:59:53 he already has a daughter my dad's attitude is do what makes you happy and be who you want to be [ __ ] 1:59:59 yeah your dad's my guy your dad's my champion dude that's my [ __ ] motto 2:00:04 that is my motto be who you want to be [ __ ] everyone else i literally go downstairs to the girl 2:00:10 and he's like you look you look nice oh that's so sweet your videos and riley videos were the 2:00:16 first ones i watched and then when i was learning about fanboys weird yeah that's awesome that you watched 2:00:22 ours before fans i got a super cute crop top hoodie yay i 2:00:28 was so happy for you thomas congrats oh my god guys i can't believe 2:00:33 i literally was like sweating through that hoodie earlier that was so disgusting i'm sorry you guys had to see that 2:00:41 oh my god um 2:00:54 trying to build up the makeup list that you suggested but i still got a long way to go hey that's that's all good 2:00:59 no worries all right i think i'm gonna do one more coat 2:01:06 i'm gonna do one more coat of these try to tie the straps together in your back maybe that helps oh that's a good 2:01:12 idea or like clip them together or something 2:01:18 i can't believe it's 90 fahrenheit here in ohio that's just that's just unreasonable yeah it's like 90 [ __ ] 2:01:24 five here or something i don't even know i don't even know bra 2:01:32 it's [ __ ] ridiculous bro one one voice that i can do really 2:01:37 well because i'm [ __ ] from california is a surfer boy voice like oh bro dude 2:01:42 that's [ __ ] ridiculous dude are you [ __ ] kidding me bro god damn bro 2:01:48 it's [ __ ] gnarly out there dude oh [ __ ] bro 2:01:57 um uh uh 2:02:04 somehow today it's not hot here hey [ __ ] yeah autumn hates me 2:02:10 yeah my auto mod is um my auto mod is like is like juiced up because you know so 2:02:16 many people say dumb [ __ ] and like hateful things so my autumn is is 2:02:22 juiced to the [ __ ] brim with uh with banned words 2:02:42 sorry if i miss your messages i'm just gonna finish painting my little claws 2:02:48 my little claws my little clothes 2:03:06 yanny or laurel oh my god don't [ __ ] trigger me bro don't trigger me 2:03:13 white dress or blue dress oh god [ __ ] that [ __ ] i hated that thing that was such an annoying 2:03:20 time everyone was just arguing about it 2:03:26 oof have people been talking in your chat yeah a few people that's okay though 2:03:32 that's okay though everyone gets haters i don't care at all it literally doesn't affect me in the slightest 2:03:39 it literally doesn't affect me in the [ __ ] slightest like i 2:03:45 whatever people say is like i don't care because i know i'm sick and i know i'm 2:03:50 awesome and i know i'm hot as [ __ ] so i don't care you can say whatever you want 2:04:06 oh my god these are looking so good these he's looking so good 2:04:12 yes yes [ __ ] yes queen 2:04:29 east coast is warmer than texas at the moment yeah east coast is [ __ ] right now people just hate what they don't 2:04:35 understand yeah exactly [ __ ] the haters i don't give a [ __ ] dude you guys should have seen it i mean a lot of people here 2:04:40 know what's up but uh new people any new people who are here today last stream if 2:04:45 you go watch my my latest youtube video you can see you can see uh 2:04:51 like an edit of me basically baiting this like hater to donate money again and again to me and i literally baited 2:04:57 like 30 out of this guy it was [ __ ] hilarious it was so funny 2:05:04 um if you have the bravery to sit in front of a camera and do this then a little last comment and [ __ ] exactly 2:05:10 yeah exactly [ __ ] the haters you're 2:05:15 hurt ah um 2:05:23 when's the next stream uh i don't know maybe sunday 2:05:29 one time a hater confessed to having a crush on me yeah see that adds up ugly dog that adds up see that's the thing is 2:05:35 that they actually just like you every hater actually just likes you and wants attention from you 2:05:41 but um they're just [ __ ] too insecure to say it and that's it and that's literally 2:05:48 every hater and the netherlands is luckily not too warm right now oh lucky 2:05:55 lucky blondie rocks worked on a maid cafe as i made for five years oh that's sick 2:06:03 hate donuts what a fun stream yeah that was so funny these homophobes we closeted i swear yup 2:06:10 abso [ __ ] lutely oh no 2:06:18 no we're good 2:06:24 we're good we're good guys check him out 2:06:30 they're super cute and shiny and cute 2:06:38 we're gonna put some top coat on soon 2:06:50 [Music] 2:07:05 they're so cute and i really love them 2:07:14 okay i'm gonna dry them on the ac real quick and then we gotta put some top coat on 2:07:24 they're mad because they find you attractive exactly it's so ass backwards they're like pissed at me for making them 2:07:32 question their sexuality it's like bruh you 2:07:37 i just awakened it and you you were always like that my guy 2:07:44 just because i awakened a feeling in you doesn't mean it's my fault it was always there 2:07:50 the more crap they talk more their inner feelings want to come out exactly that's it i'm dressing up to ah cute 2:07:57 [ __ ] yeah thomas as i said i don't know why 2:08:04 people suffer let me take a drink i need more water i'm running out of water okay i'll be right back i'm gonna 2:08:10 go water you know what i'm gonna do like the [ __ ] streamer thing and and run and add like a [ __ ] 2:08:16 weirdo all right guys i'm gonna run an ad while i go get some water hear me 2:09:00 hmm no ad gang 2:09:08 no i'm gang yeah when everyone's subbed and there's no ads 2:09:14 literally yeah 2:09:20 chair ad and we're back 2:09:27 and we're back yeah there won't be any asses everyone's a sub yeah 2:09:33 a couple people a couple people aren't yo what's up comfy buzz what's up custat okay had you been here but what's up 2:09:40 comfy buzz welcome back welcome to the stream thanks for being here 2:09:45 to have you guys oh [ __ ] gotta go in a few minutes parental guardian on radar uh-oh 2:09:51 run away atassial run the parents are coming get the [ __ ] out 2:09:58 okay now i'm gonna put some top coat on 2:10:04 yeah wait did prime count yeah it does 2:10:10 it does you can totally subscribe with prime and i think you'll get all i think you get access to all the emotes and stuff 2:10:16 and you won't and you won't see ads bro do you shave your beard i often 2:10:22 crossdress and get so [ __ ] out for this um i just hope for the laser to work uh yeah i shave 2:10:29 i shave luckily for me i don't grow that much facial hair like at all but yeah i do shave 2:10:36 changing recent topic what kind of girls do you like find attractive hmm good question um 2:10:47 oh [ __ ] i keep doing this 2:10:52 i keep doing this 2:10:59 let me think do i even have a type well i kind of do have a type like my all my girlfriends 2:11:05 have looked kind of similar so i kind of do have a type which is kind of like short 2:11:11 long like medium or it doesn't matter like just short brown hair 2:11:18 blue slash green eyes um this is i'm just naming what my 2:11:24 girlfriends have looked like like i don't really have a type but this is just like i guess i do because this is what all my girlfriends look like like 2:11:30 shot short with like brunette long brunette hair and curly or straight 2:11:36 and like like greenish bluish eyes um yeah 2:11:42 that's what i like i also kind of think that super tall girls are like really hot 2:11:49 like i love really short girls um because i'm short and you know that's just how that works 2:11:56 but i [ __ ] i kind of think super tall girls are really hot on like a mommy 2:12:02 type of level you know what i mean like mommy step on me mommy [Laughter] 2:12:09 you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying 2:12:15 i like cat girls with pink hair hmm 2:12:23 yo quentin world thanks for the follow thank you what's up also what's up bro bro bro how you doing 2:12:30 all my exes are the complete opposite of what people expect me to date the way i look and dress for it 2:12:37 i love your eyes all right thanks brother bruh thank you 2:12:44 i made them myself 2:12:49 yeah tall girls are hot sometimes yeah dude my wife is short brunette blue eyes hey 2:12:54 keep your wife away from me bro keep your wife away from me hide your wife imma get her 2:13:06 all right time to put on the top coat the top coat if you will 2:13:13 juicy juice boy gets a shout out after like eight hours word 2:13:19 that sucks and go on youtube the other hand he went two plus weeks and no shaving only got some under chin fuzz 2:13:24 that's just ridiculous even i have a little more than that 2:13:31 even i have a little more than that yo bruh bruh thanks for the follow welcome 2:13:36 to the stream mwah welcome welcome welcome my friend 2:13:42 my friend i'm gonna turn off the ac it's kind of cool 2:13:49 probably gonna have to turn it back on in like two minutes but ah that's a nice break from that humming 2:13:55 noise yo i literally love putting on top coat i don't know why 2:14:01 i just love it 2:14:06 i like girls the same height as me not gonna lie word shoot g2g now i love you hey no problem itacio i love you too 2:14:13 have a great night thank you so much for chilling it's great to have you it's wonderful to have you here 2:14:21 talking to them i had a tall girl in my high school class she was also the strongest in 2:14:27 class lit what type of facial hair do you have i get 2:14:33 like corner little bits and also down here 2:14:38 that's what i have to shave off but that's literally it like i don't have 2:14:43 i barely get i can barely grow facial hair to be honest to be completely honest with you 2:14:52 oh [ __ ] ah i should build a top coat that's okay 2:15:00 i literally i'm sure you guys have noticed by now but i drop and spill like everything i own 2:15:07 so yeah you're in for more of that again i very 2:15:13 much apologize for destroying your guys's ears earlier twice 2:15:19 twice i'm dead i learned to love all kinds of girls the 2:15:26 cuter harder the better yeah exactly 2:15:39 man we got to stop talking about girlfriends i'm getting sad again i'm getting sad again 2:15:46 i miss my girl but we can't be together right now 2:15:53 sad i really want to shave my legs but i'm really scared i mess up word 2:16:00 the inner big brother in me has been released from big bro 2:16:07 juicy boy wants to do something with finn sometime so does ally enjoy it i mean [ __ ] every 2:16:12 fem boy wants to do something with finn he has like eight million [ __ ] subs on youtube or something like that 2:16:20 it's like people people don't want to collab like look i like finn is awesome and i 2:16:25 would love to collab with finn just to collab and and like you know have fun together but like come on the reason 2:16:31 people want to collab with finn is because he's [ __ ] huge and famous like obviously 2:16:42 shaving your legs less painful in your face skin isn't sensitive yeah your legs easy peasy 2:16:49 easy peasy 2:16:56 um dude you are your own girlfriend word thanks epic bro i appreciate that 2:17:02 that's true 2:17:09 that's true 2:17:15 i've been singing over three years now word single life baby i'm joining you 2:17:22 what's my favorite game minecraft baby you already know yeah you know it's minecraft 2:17:30 minecraft 2:17:37 okay i'm gonna turn the ac again so i can draw my nails it's gonna draw my nails 2:17:44 finn's great work do y'all minecraft probably my favorite game but 2:17:49 i also love brs like i played a lot of pub and fortnite as well 2:17:56 like pubg and some war zone 2 and apex all of them there's so many dude 2:18:02 i collab with you on something not sure what though wait let's collab that would be sick 2:18:09 i remember you finster cam you were talking about like getting a collection of pictures um i could still do that 2:18:17 am i the only one who found finn through his minecraft channel no i actually was watching finn before he started doing fanboy [ __ ] too 2:18:25 where did you get that poster oh my god thank you wait i know i love it too it's so amazing yo 2:18:32 dj goes hard thanks for the follow thank you so much mwah welcome welcome welcome to the stream 2:18:38 um i know isn't it sick adventure time x studio ghibli oh my god dude these 2:18:44 straps let's try hips 2:18:50 um i don't really care finn because more of him being funny doing it for money music for watching people 2:18:57 do it legit because they actually want to wired i mean he actually wants to too i think i think finn definitely likes doing it 2:19:05 um but he does talk about money a lot that is true hey do any of you believe in our lord 2:19:10 and savior allah not me bro not me 2:19:16 try is also a great game dude i love terraria terraria is sick i haven't i've never beat the moonlord though should we 2:19:22 make a [ __ ] we should make a community terraria server that'd be tight yo with steven the guy thanks for the 2:19:28 follow thanks so much thank you thank you i love the 2:19:34 trollishness of finn i wish there was more word word he just talks it up about it being 2:19:41 for the use of money in reality it's not he's been dressing for his friends for years interesting i didn't know about that 2:19:49 i know he talked the other day he was on streaming he was like if we don't hit the donation goal for the next girl 2:19:55 month i'm growing a beard i was like bro you can't even grow a beard what are you talking about 2:20:01 like he does not he does not look like he could grow a beard 2:20:08 totoro is my favorite movie and no one can change my mind hell yeah dude totoro is literally one of the best movies ever i [ __ ] love that 2:20:14 movie i think he likes doing it but i don't think he would have done it if it wasn't for twitch word i mean he did do it without 2:20:21 twitch just for doing like omegle stuff a few streams ago finn made eight 2:20:26 thousand donuts that's just ridiculous that is nuts finn was supposed to do it as a joke 2:20:32 yeah oh my god 2:20:41 i've been in on master mode yard yeah sorry what's up mk2 how you doing 2:20:48 sorry i missed your message i'm doing great how are you doing i'm doing just fine 2:20:56 um have you seen the photoshops of film with a beard no i haven't 2:21:02 i have not girl you get me 2:21:15 well it's not necessarily racist if they're if they're muslim i mean all akbar just means like praise god or something right 2:21:27 um ah 2:21:32 but yeah i could see how i could oh i could see how that could be a racist comment if they're not 2:21:40 there's a lot of friends that pressure him the girls that know him ira want the won't let the topic go well that's pretty hilarious 2:21:48 i do think it's awesome that is a chance to actually open up and try it with such a supportive supportive community behind 2:21:54 him yeah that is that i think that's super cool i think finn's sick like i love finster finn 2:22:00 has paved the way for people like me and lots of other people to [ __ ] try this [ __ ] out and like 2:22:07 inspire people so that's awesome so that's awesome i gotta go to bed good 2:22:13 night hey good night bruh bruh love you mwah much love thank you for chilling 2:22:19 thank you so much for hanging out 2:22:25 thank you so much for hanging out 2:22:32 guys check it out check it out 2:22:40 they're so cute and shiny i love them 2:22:46 i love them i want to buy makeup but i don't know to 2:22:51 buy hey thomas go watch my youtube uh tutorial go watch my tutorial on youtube for for makeup uh 2:22:57 i i i lay out very clearly what i use at least and i totally just 2:23:02 got it at cvs or like some like cheap drugstore so it's not like it's not like a james charles tutorial where he's like 2:23:08 okay and so now we have our foundation it's a little expensive it costs like eight hundred dollars and you're like 2:23:14 what the [ __ ] so yeah i just use like drugs cheap drugstore makeup so it's [ __ ] chill 2:23:21 go watch my tutorial on youtube um my beard only started growing when i 2:23:26 turned 23. oh [ __ ] well that's bad news for me i hope it doesn't start growing 2:23:32 so when are you gonna post more videos on youtube uh soon very soon i'm gonna try and make a video out of like the 2:23:39 unboxing and trying on the outfits and stuff but 2:23:44 i also want to do a little um hello trolling 2:23:53 where i go and i tell people sorry guys my adhd is [ __ ] going crazy right now i gotta i gotta i gotta end the stream 2:24:01 soon because i'm having an episode i'm having an episode what was i saying 2:24:07 oh yeah i was gonna be a girl and then tell i was gonna use my girl voice and ass but ask people to rate my boy voice 2:24:12 and then do my normal voice and then just see what they think because then it's like i'm telling them 2:24:18 i'm a girl and doing a boy voice instead of a boy doing a girl voice hilarious 2:24:24 do i have a girl name like finn has rose well people have been calling me riley which i think is cute 2:24:30 i think that's cute um 2:24:36 i had a full beard at 18. that's nuts that is nuts makeup is like any other 2:24:42 art form it's not about the supplies about the skills sure some some better supplies help that's not the key component yep 2:24:49 exactly it's like painting your face and um 2:24:54 you can totally just use cheap ass makeup it's totally fine 2:25:00 have you seen brianna fox on youtube her channel is nothing but makeup tutorials no i have not 2:25:05 i will definitely check that out 2:25:11 okay gotta clean up these edges here 2:25:20 i went a little crazy on some of these 2:25:25 how did i feminize my voice i also have a tutorial for that on my youtube channel but um yeah i have a few tricks 2:25:33 um the main one if you watch the the video i can't do it right now because i'm got my nails but the main one is i do this 2:25:40 like throat flicking trick and that's how i like regulate my pitch 2:25:45 um yes check it out 2:25:52 and then you can like just talk like this and it's like cool it's like totally chill i'm just like a girl yeah 2:25:58 hey what's up guys that's so that's so adorable oh wow 2:26:07 fanboys with beards yeah farmers with beers that'd be sick i would love to see a guy with a big 2:26:13 beard and full makeup and a skirt that'd be 2:26:18 awesome that would be awesome 2:26:25 i used to do drag a lot but then i got a job and i had no time i find dressing up to be a chore now oh i'm sorry 2:26:33 that's cool that you did drag though it was very cool 2:26:45 oh i used to do kind of girl voice troll my friends over the phone when i 2:26:51 was a teen nice 2:26:59 all right i'm gonna do one more layer of top coat i think and then i think i'm gonna end 2:27:05 the stream because my adhd is giving me help and i gotta go 2:27:10 distract it and do something else because it's freaking me out and i can't focus on shoot 2:27:21 yeah yeah yeah yeah yo yo yo 2:27:26 whoa whoa whoa la la 2:27:34 guys do you know what song is like one of my favorite songs and i'm not afraid to say it 2:27:42 how old are you by the way i'm around 20 20 ish as i like to say 2:27:49 um 2:27:54 2012 is a wild time you're um 2:28:01 okay wait what was i saying oh yeah do you know what song i like and i love but i'm not afraid to say it 2:28:08 let it go from frozen i literally love that song 2:28:14 dude that song is literally about if you okay go and listen to the song 2:28:21 let it go from frozen but imagine that elsa is a boy 2:28:28 that wants to dress like a girl and it makes so much sense 2:28:33 it makes so much sense 2:28:38 conceal don't feel don't let them know well now they know 2:28:45 [Music] let it go so good 2:28:52 that line literally hits so [ __ ] hard i love that song too yeah oet granny 2:28:59 it's such a good song it's literally such a good song 2:29:16 all right all right all right all right all right all right 2:29:25 kaboom all right i think that'll do it i think that'll do it for the nails 2:29:40 there we have it 2:29:45 i follow some now 40 fanboys on twitch oh my god 2:29:51 you shaving your mustache and stuff or you don't have yeah i shave it but i really don't have that much 2:29:57 hi i love youtube yo thank you uh at trio 2019 thank you so much 2:30:03 thank you welcome to the stream great to have you 2:30:08 unfortunately i'm ending it soon because i am tired 2:30:14 but do i skate often yeah i actually do i actually skate quite a bit i skate every 2:30:20 day to get around i'll show you guys my board i'll be right back it's so [ __ ] sick 2:30:52 vegeta baby super saiyan blue 2:31:01 and then we got panda 2:31:11 [ __ ] swag i love that board 2:31:17 vegeta has such wonderful character growth yeah he really does i [ __ ] love dragon ball z dude 2:31:24 oh wow okay have you looked at a boosted board 2:31:31 no what's a boosted board yo i treat you thanks for the follow 2:31:37 thanks so much mwah thank you welcome to this [ __ ] team welcome to the squad 2:31:45 have you looked at a booster board and i i'm not sure what a boosted board is oh electric skateboards word 2:31:51 um i haven't because i like to like ollie up curbs and like 2:31:57 and i like to like go to the skate park and like you know grind and stuff so i feel like it would it wouldn't be good 2:32:03 for it if i did that and they're so expensive but that would be cool to have one 2:32:08 i saw this one thing that was like it's called a one wheel i don't know if you guys know what that is but it's like a wheel 2:32:13 one wheel obviously and then a platform and then like guys standing on the platform and it's like an electric 2:32:19 skateboard like that and they look sick and i want one 2:32:26 bulma cosplay true any advice for diet for friend boys that want to be 2:32:34 like you and finn um what do you mean diet like to get skinnier 2:32:41 or to like get a get bigger hips you know 2:32:46 um which one were you looking for 2:32:58 um here in ollie i did a week of crossdressing on my stream and took your youtube video for doing the makeup you 2:33:03 made it really easy to follow along thanks so much yay i'm so glad that's awesome i'm so happy 2:33:10 that's so cool zotek thank you for chilling i'm so glad you loved my video 2:33:16 yeah no problem of course of course you had to lose weight and slip down um 2:33:22 i honestly don't know the thing about me is my metabolism is like obscenely fast and so i couldn't even 2:33:28 gain weight if i wanted to which i've tried like quite a bit to gain a little bit of away because i'm like really [ __ ] 2:33:34 skinny oh [ __ ] zotac with the sub thank you so much thank you mwah thank you so much 2:33:40 for subscribing that's so nice of you welcome to the squad let's go baby 2:33:47 you're doing a great job by the way hey thank you so much thanks attribu i really appreciate that 2:33:54 bigger hips and such that's some key exercises yeah yeah you gotta do you gotta do exercise for that 2:34:02 yay i'm so glad oh my god i love that emote i love when people use my emotes 2:34:09 thank you guys so much oh my godness 2:34:18 i wasn't trying to be held defensive somewhere i just don't like the thought of people mocking someone else's belief that a lock bar term has been used to 2:34:23 discriminate a lot of people i spent the last eight years of my life back and forth the middle east met a lot of amazing people in the process who get a 2:34:29 lot of hate and discrimination because of who they are and where they're from hey no worries you don't have to say 2:34:34 sorry i think you're totally right in calling out the you know perhaps insensitive nature of that comment um 2:34:40 yeah no problem it totally makes sense that that that's where that's your background is 2:34:46 um i think yeah that's no problem at all cj any other streamers that crosstalk that 2:34:51 you watched pretty much just finster also freddie the one that finster interviewed but those are the only other ones that i really know of 2:34:59 i like to see weird people on a middle word well that makes one of us 2:35:04 i know you're going to go but it's been awesome to see you live hey thanks so much for you i really appreciate that 2:35:10 that's really sweet of you know the feels of being blessed by a good metabolism got the hourglass figure 2:35:16 by design noise still need to step in my clothing game though hell yeah yeah i i see 2:35:23 i'm so [ __ ] skinny my my metabolism is so wild that i don't even get the hourglass i just get er and i just get 2:35:29 stick mode i gotta go now it's been nice to have to 2:35:35 do my daily workout hey damn that's savage midnight and you're doing a workout good luck that's sick what's up ethan ethan duggan 2:35:41 how you doing welcome to the stream all right oet gronin go get that go get that workout in 2:35:48 much love thanks for hanging out 2:35:54 all righty guys i think it might be about time to go 2:36:01 but thank you all for being here i'm super happy i found you oh thanks thomas 2:36:06 i'm super happy you found me too welcome the blue eyes for you make it great oh 2:36:13 ever thought of doing a valley girl 80s impression true that'd be a good idea like big old blonde hair type of deal 2:36:20 i'm gonna be sick my my metabolism slowed down by the time i was 13 oh 2:36:28 okay spin before i go true true true true true good call 2:36:56 um 2:37:34 skirt goes spinny baby oh baby nothing's the best and that's 2:37:40 never going to keep you down oh thank you graves love you guys 2:37:46 thank you so much for being here and for chilling with me this has been so much fun as always 2:37:52 i know this skirt is literally perfect for spinning it's actually insane i feel like i'm watching somebody do a 2:37:57 photo shoot session thank you guys so much for chilling this 2:38:03 has been so much fun i love you all so much and 2:38:08 chase your dreams be who you want to be don't give a [ __ ] when anyone one else 2:38:14 says you know what i'm saying be who you want to be wear what you want to wear do what you want to do and [ __ ] 2:38:20 everybody else yeah i love you guys thank you so much for being here 2:38:28 mwah sweet dreams to everyone 2:38:35 have a wonderful night much love mwah 2:38:41 love you guys see you later