4:32 yo what's good how we doing everybody what is good y'all what is good let me turn this up a little bit 4:47 what's up minox how are you today i'm doing just fine what's up st jj what's up mx ayaya king crj 4:54 hr buffing stuff matilda guy in a skirt blue sound what's good phoebe echo holo 5:01 what's up everybody ashbumomo kpop mr chair how y'all doing today to the stream yo 5:13 state thank you for the [ __ ] sub thank you stateside mwah thank you so much oh 5:21 hell yeah continuing the gifted from cake thank you so much mwah i really appreciate it 5:30 how we doing today how are we doing today it's great to see you all it's great to see you all how's how's your wednesday going it's wednesday my dudes my dudes what's up archangel 5:40 that short is so cute thank you what's up i'm realization bored what's good nonsensification 5:48 shirt thank you that's short that short have you recovered yes i finally have recovered from 5:56 from my uh temporary uh decommissioning yo rid thank you for the follow thank you 6:05 so much thank you thank you i have good news i bought a flat with my girlfriend hell yeah ashmu 6:10 no way i also have good news on that front i got approved for my apartment and i'm moving on 6:16 or i'm moving in next monday let's go let's go i'm so happy dude i'm so excited 6:26 my new place is gonna make it so much easier to make content guys it's gonna literally be so good because i'm gonna be by myself on the bottom floor so i can dance around 6:36 and not piss off anyone below me and i can scream and yell all i want and i know i'm not gonna have any roommates so it's gonna be sick oh we got a skirt spin time 7:14 thank you that's the fit that's the fit also yes we have sharky emotes in chat now 7:25 oh wait where's sharky sharky 7:35 we must always have the sharky 7:44 new song new song hey oh you want the playlist this is the playlist i'm listening to 7:54 hey someone stole sharky yeah we got we had to return sharky 8:00 please make a 20k point chair reward i want to grind channel points true okay what what should it be let's make one what what do you guys think a 20k 8:08 channel point reward should be should i like do a cartwheel what do you think 8:16 you're so cute thank you hey what's up what's up jose jose hypers and true sharky hypers we 8:23 do need a sharky hyper you know i bet you won't say my name what's up long 8:34 damn you got a back of stone for a good day or something eight no 8:39 you just you just returned him in time for stream 8:45 hello who will hello it will oh gosh 8:56 do a backflip bro i can't do a backflip i could do a backhand spring bro i have a teeny little backyard that might be big enough to do a backhand spring 9:03 yo mr jardmart in my new place so maybe in my new place we can do some gymnastics outside yo wait that's actually a perfect idea a little gymnastic stream that'd be so 9:13 fun that would be so much fun i would have to like get some equipment but that would be lit 9:20 20k channel points it was read complete works of shakespearean girl voice hydration check cheers 9:42 choosing music players for one stream ooh that's a good idea not about need 9 500 more channel points for cartwheel yes 9:52 house tour yes i will definitely do a house tour once i get in my new place on monday 10:00 hey if it looking fine thank you 10:06 sharkey will be mine again i formulated hopeland no please no hey say my full name 10:12 bro i ain't gonna do that because i i've been tricked enough i've been tricked enough times 10:17 with hey say this and then i say it and then i accidentally say something stupid 10:26 jackie will outfit more important than equipment from gymnastics stream true dude yeah i want to wear those ones that like what's that 10:37 what what was that girl can jim nice mahoney i want to wear the outfits that mahoney used to wear 10:49 you know like uh like one of the one of these things wait 10:58 like one of these things you know okay maybe not that 11:05 but you know one of these one of these sparkly leotards you know what i mean 11:11 that's what that's what that's what i have in mind oh should we got a chair pose 11:38 us 11:43 yeah yeah 11:49 it's looking beautiful as usual thanks con postal what's your favorite food will you already have 11:55 internet we have to wait for internet that's actually a good question at mxkky i don't know i think i'll have it already there because i saw the router in the room um what was i gonna say 12:06 um what was i gonna say what's my favorite food um the the answer that i always give when people 12:12 ask this is crepes i don't know why every time i have the opportunity to eat a crepe it's like the dankest [ __ ] i've ever eaten and like i don't have the opportunity to eat them that often so 12:22 whenever it happens i'm just like hella stoked but yeah i don't know that's just how it goes yo mr 12:27 jardvark thank you for the sub what the hell how come the alert didn't come up that's weird either way thank you so much mwah thank you dude thank you so much mr jarvik i really appreciate that 12:38 oh there it is hell yeah yo thank you dude welcome to the squadron welcome let's go baby thank you so 12:46 much oops whoops 12:56 hence my skirted suggestion yes true i skirted leotard that would be sick 13:04 tick-tock pants 20k to change the fit oh that's a good idea actually 13:11 that's not a bad idea 20k for just a full fit change and you get to choose maybe 13:21 i thought there was a pineapple that's behind but it's jake yes it's just jake it's just giant jake i wish that like i don't know i wish that like it look this 13:32 i wish the poster looked good here in my actual room because it would look good in 13:38 the background of the stream but putting it here in the actual room would not look good but maybe 13:43 in my new place i can find a good spot for it that's more visible and not hidden by the chat 13:51 mac and cheese best food that's a it's a good take it's a solid take why not waffles waffles 13:58 are god mode crepes true i mean waffles are [ __ ] god mode as well waffles are very goated i do love me some waffles like some crispy kind of like a belgian waffle [ __ ] me up a little baby 14:11 with like some whipped cream and some strawberries as well on one of them and then on the other one we got like a little bit of banana and maybe a little nutella [ __ ] me up whoa baby cool baby 14:28 do five four three two one five four three two one zero i don't know if that was good was that good 14:38 could make fresh waffles on cookie stream true dude we're definitely doing a breakfast waffle 14:44 cooking stream that sounds like a great idea 14:49 20k for next room to be only in girl boys okay that would be straight up impossible for my voice to hold for that long 14:59 how good you're dancing i think it's all right i don't know what do you guys think you think my dancing's good 15:05 is that your real hair yes it is 15:11 i grew it myself i've been working on it for a year and a half now i'm working on it every day all day long i just work on my hair i grew it myself 15:27 now i want a belgian waffle good thing i live here hell yeah five head 15:37 waffles or pancakes correct answer is pancakes oh that's controversial that is very controversial 15:43 i personally would say waffles actually so i don't know what to tell you there 15:50 personally i think i might say waffles dancing time 16:22 foreign how's that good dance good dance for what 16:44 yo gloomish what's good thank you for the follow 16:51 later ash have a good one gotta go have a fun stream all right mwah thank you so much for chilling with us great to have you great to have you with us 17:05 yo what star wars boy thank you for the 300 bits thank you mwah thank you so much 17:12 dude that's so nice thank you thank you i fixed the bit noise by the way if you guys didn't know 17:19 not to get political but is a hot dog a sandwich wow how could you say something how could you ask 17:26 something so controversial yet so brave wow truly brave exploring groundbreaking topics 17:34 we are in this channel that's all we do french knows better than waffles and waffles better 17:40 than pancakes interesting also a hot take i don't really know if i agree with that either 17:45 i don't know if i think french toast is better than waffles 17:54 yo glitch rosa thank you for the follow thank you so much thank you thank you mwah 18:05 blondie used to end streams with this song no way really that's so cute i love this playlist i'll put it again if anyone wants it that's the playlist 18:27 what's up from sweden what's up i don't know how you doing how you doing imagine asking someone for 18:33 a sandwich and they give you a hot dog that's a good point i would be upset that is a good point 18:40 it's a fair we're really getting down to it here yo one nick mock what's good thank you 18:47 for the photo according to gmm josh a hot dog is a sandwich what who the [ __ ] is that is that 18:57 some authority on sandwiches that i'm not aware of the grand sandwich authority it's like this 19:04 the grand sandwich council votes on what isn't isn't a sandwich no that's just not a sandwich 19:13 veto sharky is mine look behind you is gone i'm not getting baited i can see it 19:20 i can see i know chat was covering him but i could see you 19:28 i'm watching for you though i got my eye out for you think yoie 19:35 got my eye on that door over there in case you're trying to pop in swoop what's your take 19:40 on pineapples on toast with cheese what even the [ __ ] are you talking about are you talking about 19:45 pineapple pizza is that your is that your demon demon devil speak way of saying pineapple pizza 19:56 because if that is then no i don't like pineapple pizza but i kind of understand it a teeny bit 20:02 i don't like it but i kind of understand why people kind of do like it i don't know 20:19 okay wait can i get your guys opinion on something yo talk please what's good thank you for the photo 20:30 actually wait nevermind i don't need your opinion oh not that sounded bad i just i fixed what i 20:37 was trying to fix yo chair pose time 20:48 um 21:13 oh yes tear poses need the cat true 21:18 i forgot about sir toast a lot so toaster loss 21:42 what the [ __ ] did you name the cat it's um toast or cinnamon toast crunch or sir toast a lot the third one of those take your pick 21:56 one of those 22:22 fit on fire thank you yoki toasty i'm late here but what's up not much how you doing dt quinn 22:31 we're just chilling we're just chilling 22:41 hydration 22:48 as you're watching the dorm come from below gonna drill my way in and nap sharky please no i'm one 22:54 of those weird people that doesn't like cinnamon true bro how fun was that era of the internet we were just doing like the cinnamon challenge where people just [ __ ] shove a massive spoon of 23:04 cinnamon in their mouth and then just die for like 20 minutes or the milk challenge where you just 23:09 chug a gallon of milk and then puke your guts out like that was such a funny era where it was like 23:15 do this challenge and the challenge is basically something that is understood to definitely be 23:20 impossible and the point of the challenge is to get you to [ __ ] yourself up in some way or another wow truly a beautiful era of the internet i really miss it 23:30 when people were just hurting themselves for fun i mean people still do that but it was a more uh 23:37 i don't know there was something about specifically everyone knowing that they definitely weren't going to succeed but doing it anyway that was just beautiful 23:46 bro oh yeah or planking for no random reason bro the planking [ __ ] that was such a funny 23:51 one what the [ __ ] people oh man in fact especially because people are straight up 23:56 dying oh [ __ ] we have a girl voice oh wait i have to have to get toast a lot 24:07 no mr bond i expect you to listen well i explain the plot 24:22 what lashes do you use their fire here i'll link them i'll link them real quick 24:30 boom there you go oh [ __ ] that was a giant link holy [ __ ] yo loading loser thank you for the 24:38 follow oh [ __ ] i just [ __ ] chat completely my bad sorry guys hydration check cheers 24:56 holy [ __ ] that link though what's better airsoft goat cutting or paintball hmm i'll probably say 25:02 paintball is the most fun and then go-karting and then airsoft although all three of those things are a great time you know airsoft is great when you just are with your boys and you just have a 25:11 couple guns paintball is sick if you go to like a actual place like dude i love paintballing 25:16 paintballing at an actual facility is so much fun cinnamon toast at least everything tide 25:22 pods yeah dude wait that was a crazy one too bro just eat a tide pod what the yes back back 25:27 in the vine era exactly dude exactly the vine arrow was the best era dude i miss vine so much 25:35 something about the six seconds dude something about that six second format was just 25:40 [ __ ] perfect bring back the plank yeah dude remember the harlem oh god yeah the harlem shake dude such a random era of the internet 25:52 a bit drilled halfway through your fanboy protection shield almost there no reinforcements 26:01 dude the little rainbow badges look so good in chat with the sparkles around them what guys what do you think we should have for the next batch it's like right like we 26:09 have the rainbow sparkle badge what's like the next level yo alita thank you for the follow 26:14 uh what's the next level yo yo yo yo what's up utopia how you doing check time sorry 26:21 i'm late hey no problem turbo quick how you doing great to have you two shots of vodka 26:52 sharky badge true 27:02 i mean when i made these i just i wasn't really looking more than six months into the future you know what i mean i didn't to be honest i didn't really 27:08 know if i was gonna be doing this in six months continue the theme oh candy cane next true we could just do different types of candy 27:19 maybe we could do sharky badges for like bits because you know how you can do you have badges for like donating bits too maybe we'll do like crj or actually wait never mind that's the that's 27:29 a sub badge um but i think there's also bit badges so maybe we could do sharkies for bits 27:35 but yeah i like the idea of continuing the candy theme and just having different candies 27:42 maybe a lollipop next 24.5 k points damn laura damn love the fit thank you just 27:54 got off school hi what's up lily drinks pop how you doing how you doing welcome to the 28:01 gun is gun time dude true gun is next stage strike you with a weapon 28:15 my hair's kind of a funny texture today 28:22 what's up rich trying to drink something with toilet paper roller so 28:28 what what come up which you good bro y'all you all good you need help 28:42 really love this skirt anyone like that yes you do it's on amazon it's basically if you just type white skirt it's just that one cupcake badge true 28:53 ryan never asked this really personal question but what's your favorite ramen hmm i know that is quite personal you know i'm not super comfortable sharing this with you but 29:03 i'll tell you i would probably say pork as the meat and then like sometimes i like curry ramen 29:11 oh i just flip y'all off my mouth sometimes i like curry ramen and then sometimes i like like tonkatsu ramen which is like like pork broth or whatever but um if my tummy's feeling 29:22 a little heavy then i like the vegetable kind you know vegetable ramen yo akamara what's good 29:28 mwah and i just got lipstick on my hand thank you for the follow welcome yeah tonkatsu i think might 29:37 be my favorite kind although i had some like black charcoal ramen where the broth was literally like 29:43 black with like charcoal that was like super smoky and stuff i had some of that one time and that was 29:48 whoa that was fire so i don't know maybe that's my favorite i only had it one time though 29:57 thank you st jj for posting the playlist 30:05 the femme still has fallen i'm dribbling through the concrete base of your house tracker would be mine no no reinforce it's all ramen choices when are we getting married 30:17 oh man what the heck 30:25 weird what's your favorite game i guess if i had to like i really had to really super had to 30:33 pick one gun in my head i would say minecraft is probably my favorite game of all time um 30:41 yeah that was what i would say although if we're talking like single player games like only single 30:48 player then i would probably say bastian is one of my favorite games ever i loved that game it's 30:55 the one where it's like top down and the guy narrates the whole game and then i also just like spent like hundreds of hours in skyrim so that's probably one of my other favorite games of 31:03 all time so yeah also like wow i loved wow world of warcraft was one of my favorite games ever 31:10 when it was good it's not good anymore but when it was good [ __ ] was my favorite game of all time 31:21 fembon maybe monox iconic like the bloodline jane bond yes jane bond jane bond it will 31:30 you should do spicy ramen challenge what is that sounds if it involves eating a [ __ ] ton 31:35 i can't do it if it all if it involves eating a small amount of super spicy stuff i probably could do it sharky says no stealing and stay with right now you can't take me yes exactly 31:47 no still hola what's up mike 31:52 standing in a tux arms crossed with a walter pbk jesus 31:58 hell 32:09 from scratch yesterday very yummy hell yeah that's so sick blue so i've never made ramen from scratch but i would love to 32:17 feel like that would taste delish everything cook everything why does everything taste so good when you cook it like i'll make some just like weird like i'll literally pick like some turkey and 32:28 some onions and some mushroom like some random ingredients and just like stir fry them in a pan and then like put them over rice and i'll be like holy [ __ ] i should open a restaurant 32:38 this is the best thing i've ever had but if i had gotten that same thing at a restaurant i'd be like what the [ __ ] is this but if i made it it's like oh it's [ __ ] fire 32:48 if you don't mention silent hill 2 you're gonna get banned bro he'd break it too never played it you know how i feel about horror games 32:57 bro you know i would never willingly subject myself to that jane jane bond agent six nine 33:07 zero zero six nine will you play league of legends today maybe perhaps yo yeah benzona thank 33:14 you for the tier one dude welcome to the squad welcome to the stream welcome thank you so much 33:23 yo alexis 2 up thank you so much welcome to the stream thanks for the follow bro what the hell 33:29 something happened to my arm rest what the [ __ ] 33:39 oh well i think i broke it a little bit but that's okay it's not totally broken 33:49 it's a brilliant idea i intercepted one root no 33:55 you literally worked for it no matter how little it is you're bringing tricks into liking like anymore exactly yeah you put love into the food indeed indeed it's a combination of success from 34:08 cooking actually being good yeah also i guess like you can like make it to what you like you know 34:17 magical pan that makes you delicious food dude that would be a sick object oh i love i love would 34:23 you rathers with like magical objects like would you rather have a pan that no matter what you cook in it is [ __ ] delicious or would you rather have like let's say a cup that no matter what 34:36 you put in it or would you rather have a pan that no matter what you cook in it it's [ __ ] delicious or would you rather have a cup that no matter what you could take a 34:43 sip from it and it's always the most delicious drink that you've ever tasted it doesn't matter 34:49 at what time of day it is it's exactly what you wanted like in the morning you take a sip and it's like the best coffee ever and then in the moo in the evening you take a sip 34:56 and it's like the best cocktail or like the best smoothie you've ever had or something 35:04 love you bro love you too y'all better know y'all benzona the guns are too much for the armrest 35:10 yeah for real my arms are too don't trigger the ejection seat launch into there and flying through 35:18 the ceiling think we do the horror game stream for the donut you should do that in the dark for effect yeah no for sure bro i'm so excited for my new place because like my new place is going to 35:26 be able to be perfect for horror game streams too because i'll be able to like scream and and i can do vr in my new place because i'll have a big open spot oh it'll be great i can't wait 35:39 something happened to the armrest it did got rested to fall to the ground yep 35:44 you've seen we got a problem the drill melted itself from drilling oh no got him got him the 35:50 defenses are holding try being seven years old watching silent hill oh god please no i'm sorry 35:58 lots of people have gone bankrupt trying to turn awesome home cooking into a viable restaurant true 36:05 cup everyone choose the cup interesting i would choose the pan okay we got one pan we got one vote for the pan 36:14 pan i mostly drink water interesting i'm surprised that was controversial i for some reason i thought everyone would choose pam 36:21 i just thought for some reason that would be more important to people chair post time 36:51 tv 37:04 i got being jacked hell yeah right now if you get vr you want to do beat saber together dude i'd be down 37:14 pop anytime i want pan for sure yeah lily drinks pop pop anytime i want true true to your name pick the pan true 37:26 all right well we got a nice mix that's how you know it's a good question see that that's i'm glad i have that now i know i now know that's a good would you rather question i love would you rather 37:34 questions it's my favorite [ __ ] ever but i know that's a good one now because it was split so now i can ask that to people and see what they say and i know it's a good one are going playing vapor 37:44 vader immortal lightsaber dojo vr oh my god that was a lot of adjectives 37:51 dude imagine being able to throw a little dog [ __ ] into a panda being good i know dude that would be sick hello right now you look very nice and perky today how is your basketball game going 37:59 what you mean in my basketball game um 38:07 oh oh basketball game as in my game true it's going it's going great i played like i 38:13 thought you meant like my game that like like my match but you mean my game is in like my skills 38:19 um yeah it's going good i played with my good friend like yeah the day before yesterday and it was a lot of fun it's pretty cold here right now 38:28 so it's like we can't really play for very long or else our hands just [ __ ] freeze but yeah it's fun i'm going to go see right now all right immediately have a great day 38:38 hey queen boy what's up sophia what's good 38:44 hope i'm not late no you're not late what's up little froggy chair how you doing 38:54 only one thing can save the mission bringing the bomb and defend mom no to the bomb show 39:00 go go go yo shah here is thank you for the follow thank you thank you 39:09 welcome to the stream any plans for a sharky tower like emira has with kirby's dude i 39:17 i think that's actually a great idea in my in my new place i'll get like a pile of sharkies 39:28 50 50 was always my favorite um due to the shock factor yeah true 39:37 i wouldn't mind just being able to cook maybe an apron that magically gives you cooking skills if gordon ramsay oh that's a good one just happy to be here today hope you 39:45 guys are good oh i'm doing great little froggy chair it's great to have you too 39:51 if you play league of legends can you try and play a champion set perhaps i don't think i own set 40:00 youtube video with now had me rolling hell yeah i'm so glad how tall are you i'm like five five something like that i'm still growing though even though i'm like 40:11 i don't know in college how tall are you well i just read that one nice hair new 40:18 here so i have lots of silly questions that okay yeah that's no problem some other thing no problem at all go for it and thank you i appreciate the compliments 40:47 yo crj thank you for gifting little froggy chair a sub that's so sweet 40:54 that's so nice of you thank you so much welcome to the squadron little froggy chair welcome a boy in my class has a crush on me oh 41:04 that's fun i played with him today he gave all of his bis loot no way dude what game were you guys 41:10 playing damn that's how the kids are flirting nowadays give each other your best in slots 41:18 instead of trading use instead of trading nudes you just trade each other your best in slot items 41:36 yo phoebe phoebe rc thank you for the sub thank you so much mwah i'm so glad i'm so glad you came 41:45 back thank you so much welcome welcome great to have you want to hear a joke go for it go 41:52 for it that's your joke yo superman dogs thank you for the five thank you for the five subs 42:04 thank you thank you thank you nixon missa watch kai little dazzy all y'all got subs 42:11 hell yeah let's go yo royal high lover thank you for the follow yo minox thank you thank you thank 42:18 you [ __ ] yes mwah and and m's anchor also thank you oh hydration check cheers 42:34 cute outfit thanks eric 42:46 you're cute as hell cute giggle have to see how to get mailed to you yes i have a p.o box soon yellow 5 minus 5 b minus faux [ __ ] i don't know if i said that right but thank you for 42:57 the follow oh we got a skirt span skirts do you like purple yes i do like purple 43:36 oh 43:44 oh cute dance time 44:11 me 44:31 the moves the moves 44:45 i like to dance with you yes if i get up and dance feel free to get up and dance with me 44:52 when you get po box up and running i was gonna send that top in a few more colors hell yeah sounds good i'll let you know when i get it up 44:59 where were the boys like you back in the 60s you're funny 45:05 i failed my commander will be mad sharky will not be mine yes success defense yo anka five fo six 45:12 who thank you for the follow do you slip asleep well tonight i did actually i slept very well 45:20 i spent zero seconds that seems wrong 45:26 watch time seems wrong 45:33 yes we have successfully defended sharky from the insurgents good job commanders 45:41 report back for tomorrow and will attack again 45:49 bet you don't back down from a good fight hell now put your dukes up 45:57 yo m zinker thank you for the five subs thank you thank you thank you so much that is so nice of 46:05 you holy [ __ ] thank you so much dude control all livy chronically now hey nellis here ben oh y'all 46:14 just got a sub one more more thank you so much thank you thank you thank you hell yes hell yes 46:23 thank you i'm thinking i really appreciate that not home from work today yet so if i can't watch you this time i'll be off work earlier on friday if you're looking for something new new pokemon 46:31 games absolutely crazy all right hell yeah mitch mwah sounds good no problem though no problem that 46:36 you're all that worked oh whoa what happened to music oh it's just doing something funny 46:42 it's just the song hell yeah though dude i i would love to try the new pokemon game i'm still trying to figure out my capture card i'm like having trouble with it i don't blah 46:51 that's another story but yes once i figure that out i would love to try it i heard it's good i heard like the you know there's a few things left to 46:58 be desired but i did hear that overall the uh the new pokemon was pretty fire 47:06 i spent too much on this shark is too powerful yes indeed give sharky a laser 47:15 i'm dead true a tactical dude sharky needs oh okay okay this is what sharky needs sharky needs both 47:23 a skirt and like a tactical like helmet you know like a [ __ ] like special opera spec ops helmet 47:35 dude that's what he needs that's what chuck he needs 47:45 good attitude silly face is worth following with a smile oh i think some other thing i appreciate that how do i dolly hope you're well i'm doing just fine how are you doing happy trails hype 47:59 yo nonsensification thank you for the sub thank you thank you i really appreciate 48:06 that that is so nice of you thank you so much welcome to the squad welcome 48:14 do you have any advice i want to do one deeply depressed to be honest in my experience of personally being deeply depressed at certain points in 48:22 my life and also observing other people my loved ones and my friends being deeply depressed to be honest it kind of is different for everyone and it eventually is just kind of like 48:33 something happens you know like it's it's it's not like there's a formula where you just are like 48:38 okay if you follow this you won't be depressed anymore you kind of just have to keep taking care of yourself keep doing what you're doing you know keep doing things you love keep spending 48:47 time with people you like and then eventually something kind of clicks something kind of flips 48:52 and the feelings pass you know i think there's not really a set like oh this is what you gotta do to 48:57 not read a birthday anymore you know i think you gotta just try to enjoy yourself as best you can 49:03 you know love people as best you can and uh something will eventually click 49:13 also go to therapy see a therapist that's a huge one should i become a new pokemon yes indeed 49:20 and dude it feels really like fiona for adventure time casual cosplay true dude wait that's actually 49:27 that's actually true wait oh my god i'm accidentally cosplaying fiona from um 49:35 adventure time yo fanboy my crew thank you for the fun maker um dude i just realized that 49:44 you're so right nella's here i'm literally doing uh accidental almost okay if my skirt was blue 49:53 if my skirt was blue i would be doing a really good one actually 50:00 like literally i have the white hat the right shirt the right socks even perfect 50:07 socks i just need the backpack and a blue skirt i even have a i actually do have a blue skirt 50:18 but obviously it wouldn't be it wouldn't be complete without the actual um the actual hat though i guess i do have i do have this hat 50:32 this hat this hat is like kind of a fiona hat even though it has a face on it 50:41 i guess i have these bunny ears right here 50:49 my hair kind of matches i i would have to style it out the front like this 50:57 yo finally wait you're live what's up film boy gold titanium alloy skirt dude i'm down 51:09 do i send a cosplay stream oh absolutely 51:18 hair almost matches yeah i could snipe right now with a tranquilizer dart and still shocking bro these strategies are getting are getting complicated 51:26 we need to make a movie out of it saving private sharky 51:35 i would watch that movie 51:52 cute hat is that a freaking shark with freaking lasers trash with freaking head yeah bro 52:00 dude we do need okay we need to we need a tactical helmet a laser for the shark and a skirt 52:09 it's not tower defense it's sharky defense exactly 52:24 just do like i did bar sharky clone and return the original none the wiser excuse me you think 52:30 i wouldn't know if i had a fake clone sharky mean sharky talk every night before i go to bed 52:42 i'll summon sharky card with the damage goes up by 200 every turn no 52:49 let's change every movie to a sharky movie exactly yeah every war movie is now a shark sharky movie saving saving private sharky 1930 sharkey 53:06 dun dun sharky dunker sharky shark gun shark hey are you sorry this skirt's 53:17 been clipped got a really bad thumbnail oh no all right let me see this [ __ ] 53:24 oh god hey yeah yeah okay wait actually i don't know how to find it from here 53:39 corsets never seen it of course yet i have never seen myself in a corset either 53:50 bro normalize wearing like straight up armor again like i missed when it was like totally chill to like walk around town 53:58 with like your shoulder pads and your breastplate in your sword like why is that not chill anymore 54:05 i want to just wear armor dude like [ __ ] something might happen i might need my i might be 54:12 might need to be ready for action dude like i just i just i don't know i would feel i would feel good if i was if it was acceptable for 54:20 me to just wear like fully tactical armor outside every day yo nonsensification what's good what 54:28 the [ __ ] is up thank you for the 10 subs thank you dude thank you so much that is so nice of you 54:38 thank you thank you thank you thank you bum joy jeff pee pee pacoon der shonreel rolly osean light 54:48 game spy an8 all y'all got a sub hell yeah thank you thank you thank you i really appreciate it 54:57 i have chain mail true hell yeah you think someone is gaming girl i think that's why he likes me true it will 55:09 if you can't beat them join them that was me when i started my streaming career 55:19 mainly because full plate isn't effective against guns the affair bring back the tactical fanboys from sparta exactly 55:30 good luck getting out of it without hurting him then 55:37 i'm glad i always wear i would always wear a sword or two too bad i can only carry a pocket knife yeah dude carrying a sword would be sick 55:57 this song is so happy dude i want to do like these kind of pigtails 56:10 this is sparta it will 56:16 this is sparta 56:31 i have an arsenal of anti-shark weapons no you've been watching your stream since early october love your energy and positivity always a highlight of my day 56:39 just being yourself is more been more of an inspiration for me than i can express yo nonsensification that is so sweet thank you so much dude i really appreciate you 56:50 being here and i'm so glad that i could be an inspiration dude thank you so much 56:55 do it or do that i love you thank you so much for that message that made me feel very happy 57:09 hey you like one piece anime i do like one piece although i'm not cut up so before you ask no i do not know what the current pirate king is or whatever 57:21 ain't nobody got time for that all right everyone's like dude bro you gotta get into one piece you just have to watch 874 episodes 57:28 it's super easy bro i'm like i don't got time for that give me a give me a synopsis what's the gist 57:39 sucks i'm going to carry a sword in my house i know dude it's honestly [ __ ] meanwhile there's those like [ __ ] trump supporters walking around with like m16s protesting and 57:48 you're like okay buddy you can do that but i can't wear my katana outside man that's [ __ ] 57:57 i just joined the stream what's up iron queen if you can't beat them eat them or something like that yeah 58:07 it's like movie blade just carrying a sword on your back like wizzy snipes exactly are there places in the world where you can carry swords in the open probably there's got to be some places 58:16 i know that like i know that like seek people like the religion seek sikhism i don't know if 58:24 it's still a thing but i know that traditionally they they have always like part of the religion like one of them was like you know never cut your hair so that's why they have the big turban 58:32 and the other one was like i mean there's a few you know commandments or whatever but one of them was like you always have to carry a sword on you or a knife or something like literally always 58:40 and so i met a sikh guy that basically had a tiny little knife that he wore around his neck like a super tiny one that was like a necklace basically it wasn't a real knife it's like a 58:49 charm and that was his way of like adhering to the to the rules but like kind of getting around 58:54 it like not having to actually carry a real sword i don't know i just found that kind of interesting 59:01 how long did it take you to learn the girl voice um like three months or something like that i mean my voice is already kind of like i've already i've always had like a really high vocal 59:11 range like i don't know if you notice when i talk i like go really high and then i go really low like just in my normal sentences of just me like talking and like having a conversation 59:19 so like i don't know maybe i had a predisposition to like being able to do this but also it's like 59:25 not if you look on youtube that has a super deep voice so like i think no matter what if your voice super deep you can still learn to go boys learn the girl voice i have an idea right 59:34 ask briannelli nicely and say ooh at the end if he doesn't say yes you can say to girl voice 59:43 poland i'm coming although germans have vanished going to poland why are you going to poland you really think there's going to be a pirate king 59:50 of century high it's an anime still only 5 000 episodes for that true fair enough 1:00:03 your store friends eat some of your delicious cobas wow 1:00:10 going to a renaissance fair i've seen blacksmith selling long swords they're true dude i should look up where the nearest renaissance fair i would love to go to 1:00:18 renaissance fair just as like an observer i think that would be awesome are you even allowed to go 1:00:24 to renaissance fair if you're not participating i feel like you're not you'd ruin the vibes 1:00:33 remember flamethrowers are only restricted in two states which states are those so i can know to never go there which two states are the lame states that say you can't have a flamethrower 1:00:49 yo minimum range one four one one what's good thank you for the follow bro the u.s 1:00:57 is funny because of the whole state thing where like different states can have different laws you could you kind of get a a gist of like of like what states are like cool 1:01:08 and what aren't because you're like oh [ __ ] damn you guys have like a curfew 1:01:14 that sucks that means you're kind of lame that means you're snitches 1:01:22 california has man that sucks damn how that's horrible i was born in california how dare my home restrict my flamethrower 1:01:33 my flamethrower usage bro flamethrower is one of the biggest tongue twisters tongue twist tongue twisters try and say it flamethrower flamethrower flame flamethrower not start actually 1:01:45 it's not as hard as toy boat toy boat is still the hardest one toy boat toy boy immediately dude 1:01:51 immediately toy boy not even i didn't even get i got one toy boat out and it was toy boy 1:02:04 sorry now i do mind if i drop a thermonuclear bomb on top of your house steel sharky i mean like i do i mind like if you really need to like go for it i guess but like you know and be a little 1:02:15 bit of an inconvenience to get nuked or i guess but like you know if you really have to go for it 1:02:30 my lipstick something's going on what's that 1:02:50 tongue twister this sixth chic six sheep stick oh [ __ ] 1:02:57 the sixth each this sheep i can't even get through it oh the six chic six sheep stick 1:03:12 i feel dude saying that feels like getting slapped around a little bit trying to say 1:03:17 that literally feels like someone like grabbing you by the scruff and just being like bam bam bam 1:03:42 how can i come out to my parents do you have any tips to be honest coming out to your parents the way you do it isn't gonna matter like for my friends that have like 1:03:53 been in the lgbtq community and come out to their parents how they did it didn't matter you know because like their parents were always gonna respond in the way they were gonna 1:04:02 respond you know the parents had a predisposed notion about their opinions on lgbtq stuff 1:04:10 and when my friend came out to them they had you know that was the reaction they had so honestly 1:04:18 i think the way you do it doesn't matter too much i think all that matters is that you stay true to yourself and you tell them and you speak from the heart you know and however they respond is to 1:04:27 unfortunately kind of out of your control and they might respond well they might respond poorly but 1:04:32 it's if they respond poorly it's not your fault you know you gotta remember that it's not your fault that's just you know the way they grew up so 1:04:43 we got a fit check in the house yo what star wars boy thank you for the 300 bits thank you thank you 1:04:53 you thank you yeah you're so right yeah exactly it's like it's like you know there's no way that 1:05:01 you could like there's nothing that you could you know if you if you go to your parents and you like tell them something about yourself and they react badly it's like there's nothing you could have 1:05:10 done that would have made them react better you know what i mean it's like you have to just accept 1:05:17 that they're gonna have these predisposed opinions about certain things and that's how they're going to react however you did it is not going to change how they react yeah that's just was that's my two 1:05:27 cents on the matter once you got adhd so do i adhd gangs yes indeed indeed okay one sec 1:05:38 fit check time 1:06:08 yo jacob thank you for the follow thank you thank you 1:06:16 serena what's good how you doing 1:06:26 hydration check 1:06:37 for what it's worth my mother calmed down a bit about my not being hetero the first time i brought a boyfriend home and they were just a nice normal guy yeah i mean like i think that's a lot of 1:06:47 that's like that's like a an example of like what happens i think to a lot of like bigoted people 1:06:53 is like i think a lot of bigotry and like hate and stuff comes from literally just not um 1:07:01 having experience with the thing that you're scared or you hate or you don't like you know what i mean so it's like i've known people or i've like observed people that are like kind of racist 1:07:13 and like or kind of sexist or kind of homophobic and then they have experiences with the thing that 1:07:18 they're hateful about and then they're like oh they're just normal people too this is what it is 1:07:24 so like yeah i feel like that actually happens kind of a lot is like once people just meet a gay person or meet a black person or me you know hang out spend time with the thing that they're 1:07:33 hateful about the person that they're hateful about then they actually realize that they're just good people they're just normal people just like them 1:07:42 no problem bro you feel the good work hell yeah thank you pretty good in yourself i'm doing just fine what are you drinking i'm drinking 1:07:51 tell me tell me how this is possible why do some british people say bottle of water 1:07:56 and some say bottle of water 1:08:06 are those knee-high socks or stockings they're knee highs knee highs or i guess i guess you would call them thigh highs right die highs 1:08:24 i'll walk in and say hey no nat and walk out with sharky that ain't gonna work sharky will eat your face well i always wanted to ask you what your sexuality is but i do want to ask this bit rude 1:08:34 very personal or the answer if you want to of course um yeah sure i can answer i mean like 1:08:39 it's like you know i don't like to think about it too hard i guess the information that i have that i'll give you is that i've only ever really dated girls so like i've had 1:08:48 two girlfriends yo star wars boy thank you for the 500 bits thank you so much 1:08:56 thank you thank you thank you dude i really appreciate that that is so nice um 1:09:02 uh but yeah i was gonna say i've only really ever dated girls like i've i've had two girlfriends um and like i've only ever really like kind of like been involved with girls but like 1:09:12 at the same time like there's been boys where i'm like damn now you're kind of cute you know like co-sprouse for example was the first boy when i was like 15 that i was like damn bro 1:09:20 that boy's kind of cute so like i don't know man sexuality is a spectrum i don't like to think too hard about it people like what they like you know 1:09:34 we play league legends i have midnight just asking will there be some gameplay i don't think so i i would i would guess probably not today orion um but thank you 1:09:41 for staying up with us but we'll we'll definitely do some league soon i promise i'm glad that people will want gameplay you know because every time i play games my 1:09:50 viewership drops so i'm i'm glad that there's at least some people that actually want games 1:09:57 common versus posh okay word i live in britain trust me okay sounds good laura 1:10:03 if you're in pa you say water yeah dude pennsylvania accent is [ __ ] weird 1:10:09 i love dude the us the spec the spectrum of the us accents is very interesting 1:10:19 a lot of different accents in the uk i know it's just interest like the fact that there's so many different accents in the uk is kind of interesting to someone from america 1:10:26 because like california as a state is like bigger than the uk as a whole 1:10:32 and like everyone in california sounds just like you know a west coast accent but like you know 1:10:37 within in within uh whatever the uk there's like a bajillion different little accents yeah exactly uk accents change every like 20 or 30 miles and that's just crazy to me as like an 1:10:47 american because that is not how it is here they change but you know in like hundreds of miles 1:10:58 make me style with those faces so freaking silly thank you 1:11:03 some kind of started doing donuts outside my house and he made me type in the wrong nuclear codes damn i hate when that happens i hate when i type in the wrong nuclear codes ah 1:11:13 face palm oops duh suggestion to anyone trying to steal sharky wait until tuesday 1:11:19 i'm sure right now i will leave sharky low's old bedroom after moving out freeze for the taking absolutely i will not sharky's going to be moving for me dude sure i'm hurt i'm hiring sharky 1:11:28 to move for me he's going to be doing all the heavy lifting picking up the big desk and [ __ ] 1:11:36 so many people have such ingrained prejudices about others that the brains kind of melt when actually encounter someone from a group that shatters all those 1:11:41 expectations hopefully that's when they start to change their views yeah exactly and like to be honest like in my experience it generally does it generally like 1:11:49 when people actually are confronted with like their hatred they they generally are like you know 1:11:57 malleable in time for bed i'm dizzy and i've been up for freaking long have a nice time everyone heading 1:12:03 to bed all right great to have you no problem i've been binge watching your vids lately hell yeah dude i'm so glad would you wearing a gaucher in public yeah man for a sub goal 1:12:14 i want games but like duh yeah true hell yeah i'd love to see some gameplay hell yeah i'm 1:12:19 glad what game fanboy simulator 2022 update number two bro who's gonna make that game 1:12:28 for me it depends a lot on the game but then i like your energy while playing games so even to watch you play games and when i normally wouldn't okay cool 1:12:35 i'm glad i'm really glad you guys like to see me play games too 1:12:43 yo what jacob d 02 thank you so much for the sub dude 1:12:50 thank you for the prime i really appreciate that welcome to the stream welcome welcome great to 1:12:56 have you not as bad as papua languages never mind accents change every few miles oh jesus 1:13:03 you have three different languages yeah true 1:13:09 that then is really small but every village has a different accent damn multiple regional languages yeah i know that's such an interesting thing for 1:13:18 someone from the us because like that's just so not how it is hydration chuck 1:13:29 is there still a christmas tree mind you yes there is i'm one of the my family was always that house that had a [ __ ] christmas tree in like april 1:13:39 hey man it's nice it smells i mean well this one doesn't smell nice but a real christmas treat it's like i don't fault anyone for leaving their christmas 1:13:46 tree up for how long because it smells good it's nice to have 1:13:53 yes the christmas tree is still there indeed 1:13:59 i just haven't taken it i don't know it's just kind of like a cute cute decoration i'm just too lazy to take it out i'll take it out when i move yo bo3 what's good thank you 1:14:07 for the follow thank you so much black ops three was all right moderator 2 is 1:14:14 better though love from norway thank you kitty kitty and rain cute name have you ever played 1:14:22 cod i ifs o what's your favorite card modern warfare 2 i think is my favorite cod for sure 1:14:35 you really treat up a long time you have a lot of claim to do yeah that's true you got to put a little skirt under it i have a tree skirt at my house that we put under 1:14:42 it to catch all the to catch all the little needles also to make it um what you call it 1:14:51 cute tree still left last time i had like four years ago is up until like april so you're 1:14:58 doing fine yeah exactly let's go next level skip the trail together no dude i love the tree 1:15:10 let's go i just found a place to stay let's go dude holy [ __ ] goodbye parents basement yo 1:15:15 no way mr jardvar congrats mwah congrats dude that's awesome i'm so happy for you 1:15:25 okay i'm just removing competition so now i can get more views hell yeah 1:15:35 i bet that true didn't smell good though let's do poo too plastic for that yeah that tree doesn't smell good 1:15:43 a fem tree exactly sending love from texas yo what's good collective welcome mwah 1:15:49 welcome welcome i hope texas is going good tree skirt's been rewarded too 1:15:55 hello from greece yo what's up sauer hello from greece dude dude i am going to greece 1:16:02 this summer for vacation with my family yo mr h2399 i'm so excited thank you for the follow 1:16:09 i'm so excited i'm going to greece i'm really really excited we're going to see all sorts of stuff i'm like a huge history nerd about like ancient greece and stuff so that's 1:16:17 going to be really fun we're gonna sail around the cyclades a little bit and then we're gonna see delphi and then we're gonna and and then we're gonna we're also gonna 1:16:26 see the site of the the battle of thermopylae even though it's literally like not interesting anymore i just wanna see it i just wanna stand where they stood you know what i mean that kind 1:16:34 of deal we're going to see like the temple of artemis and all that stuff i'm so excited 1:16:40 so excited all right let's just transfer and ask why they sent him just say shark 1:16:46 is a grudge okay sounds good texas freezing right now damn yo what lexi thank you for 1:16:51 the follow yeah dude uh freaking new york is pretty freezing too right now actually 1:16:59 new york start 1:17:06 you ever went to south america i have been i've been to um actually i've never been to south america i've been to central america 1:17:20 i've been to um panama i've been to costa rica guatemala and what was the last one honduras 1:17:31 i went i did a little study abroad uh like a year ago in um in central america when it was 1:17:37 a couple years ago it was very fun 1:17:46 ancient greece fan chit and stream went true true true 1:18:01 dude i mean the greeks were hella fem boy as [ __ ] so you know a greek fanboy stream would not be out of character 1:18:14 hi it's michael yo what's up michael how you doing how you doing welcome to the stream 1:18:24 hey you just want to say i find youtube channel today i love your videos much love for pulling yo mwah py cure thank you so much for [ __ ] joining the stream it's so good to have you 1:18:32 i'm so glad you like the videos hey 1:18:38 i'm headed out before my dog asked where the news i then thank you like have a good one see ya 1:18:46 ever been in eu yes i have actually i've been to france that's about it i was in london when 1:18:52 i was like a tiny baby and then i went to france when i was like 10 but that's about it i'd love to go back though i was going to visit austria i was going to visit one of my 1:19:00 one of my dad's um good college friends kids in austria who's going to college in vienna right now 1:19:06 but they closed down oh sag yo what jacob mwah jacob thank you so much for the three subs dude 1:19:15 yo thank you so much that is so nice mr nightcore 1:19:20 das klein soul rag all y'all just got a sub hell yes dude hell yeah thank you so much 1:19:28 hey yo star wars boy thank you for the 300 bits thank you so much 1:19:38 i gotta mute this okay yo thank you so much star wars boy thank you thank you thank you 1:19:44 for 300 bits that is so nice of you holy [ __ ] i really appreciate it 1:19:52 and jacob jacob thank you for the three subs y'all are so nice to me thank you thank you thank you mwah mr nightcore yay i announced those already all y'all got subs 1:20:02 do you know french fries weren't actually cooked in france they were cooked in greece damn true 1:20:09 how funny was it bro one of the most hilarious things is uh is the fact that um 1:20:16 during world war ii when the french surrendered that america was like we're not going to call 1:20:22 them french fries anymore we're going to call them freedom fries america kona 1:20:31 like bro what the shut the [ __ ] up what is that fyi evangelist performed a live concert at the temple of zeus the launch of 1:20:40 the mars odyssey spacecraft yo for real holy [ __ ] that's awesome that is [ __ ] sick 1:20:50 i was in austria for skiing this january yo that's sick how was it was it awesome i really wanted to go but they literally austria was like really loose about covered restrictions 1:21:00 so i was gonna go but then they shut down literally like a week before i was about to go 1:21:05 sad very sad 1:21:13 for the last week i've been watching all your videos they really gave me a boost of happiness during all the stress i have with uni so i figured i'd return some of the love yo thanks jacob i'm so 1:21:20 happy dude i am so glad dude like it literally makes me so fuzzy and warm inside to hear people 1:21:28 say that i've like helped them through some tough times or something like that thank you so much i really appreciate it yo and manuel thank you for the 100 bits dude thank you thank 1:21:40 you i appreciate that thank you so much the last week i've been watching oh wait blah blah sorry i 1:21:45 read that that was when france didn't want to get involved desert storm not world war ii oh my bad 1:21:51 got it wait really that makes it even worse that makes it so much worse bro and that was so much 1:22:00 more recent dude that's so cringe i thought i thought that was like a while ago and i 1:22:06 was like ah those you know dumb asses bro that was way too recent that's so cringy oh my god 1:22:18 the real french fries from belgium mail instead of ketchup interesting i like mail actually okay by far the best thing to dip your french fry in a garlic lemon aioli 1:22:30 i know that's from that's some fancy [ __ ] for my american friends but 1:22:36 try that it's [ __ ] that's that's the best thing to dip a french fry in my opinion so good 1:22:51 is that an illusion or is your waist really that small i don't know maybe it's an illusion yo reg it's like 1:23:05 my waist is pretty small i'm like really i'm like really really skinny 1:23:20 i'm like the doctor is always like dude you gotta eat more [ __ ] bread and cheese dude 1:23:26 what are you doing i'm like i eat pizza all the time and he's like oh 1:23:33 potato wedges are the best form of fried potato true well i don't know maybe it's like french just a french fry is really good sometimes 1:23:42 just like a depends you know i feel like a potato wedge that's good with like steak you know but like i want french fries with my hamburger you know what i mean like if i'm if i'm 1:23:53 going in and out and i'm gonna get a burger i need french fries i don't want [ __ ] potato wedges 1:24:00 i really appreciate appreciate you bro i'm gonna be in uni for the next couple years you better not stop making great videos all right i won't i'ma keep streaming and keep making videos i promise 1:24:11 hey as long as i have my [ __ ] amazing community as long as i have literally 1:24:16 the best group of individuals on the planet in my [ __ ] chat every day 1:24:22 i'll do this for [ __ ] forever i love you guys this is so much fun 1:24:37 my 1:24:54 am i the only one who likes male ketchup nah that's not blasphemy that's super normal that's called like pink sauce or something something like that hella people like that that's a huge thing 1:25:04 in like central america like people love pink like mayo ketchup that's like a classic sauce 1:25:14 they call it pink sauce why does sharky look like he's been through childhood trauma bro because he has to watch me do whatever i do every day 1:25:25 he has to watch me exist in my room and be who i am 1:25:34 is right right now you're going to stop really for everyone you realize we all suck no you don't you guys are amazing i have a message thank you and one god killed my dog is also hungry 1:25:45 okay got it thank you bum joy appreciate it thank you for relaying the important message 1:25:54 has looked incredible as usual today thank you it's hot it's like doing something funny i don't know it's like it's not quite as silky as it normally is but hair is so 1:26:06 fickle dude like you do one different thing and it just throws the whole situation out of whack 1:26:28 yeah hair had a rough weekend yeah that's true that's true damn that i'm really lucky to be part of this great community now hell yeah jacob 1:26:38 so good to have you yo fantasy oh cool name fantasy i like your name thank you 1:26:44 for the follow mwah appreciate it so trying to figure out how to donate um 1:26:50 you gotta click on in the about page there's a donate button 1:27:03 i know that size is red and white yeah true 1:27:15 sounds really bad watching you do in your room 1:27:20 you plan on planning any omegle prank content anytime soon yeah i have a couple ideas what are my ideas for an omegle video okay tell me tell me tell me guys tell me what 1:27:30 you guys think about this idea also tell me if you think that this is even allowed on youtube okay so this is what i'm doing i do normal girl voice trolling you know comes on i say 1:27:39 hey and then i just start going like this i just slowly start lifting my shirt and then underneath 1:27:44 my shirt i have a big sign that says bunk it's just a big sign that says bunk on it yo manuel 1:27:50 thank you for the bits dude thank you so much thank you thank you dude i appreciate that but 1:27:56 yeah under my shirt i just have a big sign that says bump and then go boom and it just says bunk 1:28:03 is that a good idea also is that even allowed would that even be allowed on youtube 1:28:14 okay as long as you don't show nips okay bet it's funny 1:28:21 because i have a video on youtube right now where i show my nips 1:28:30 yeah yeah and be like gotcha [ __ ] got you [ __ ] exactly 1:28:40 yeah i did i did flash in one video yeah i did 1:28:49 it was funny because i'm pretty sure the two girls that i flashed were gay because like i'm not positive but they seemed really interested in me about to flash them 1:28:59 and they were like you know sitting in a way that kind of made me think they were in a relationship yo lulu thank you for the resub thank you for the three months thank you so much 1:29:11 thank you thank you thank you i really appreciate that um what was i going to say 1:29:18 um oh yeah i'm pretty sure the two girls who i flashed were gay and so they were actually like like like she tapped her her friend and they were sitting in a way that kind of made me think that 1:29:26 they were intimate but i don't know it could be wrong but but she tapped her friend being like yo yo yo and then i was like ah i just showed him my boy nips it was hilarious that was great 1:29:34 that was great stuff i just saw you have emotes i love them the fact that they're thigh 1:29:40 emo loki had me dying exactly do you know luke fk i do know luke fk i love luke afk 1:29:49 the kfk is so good dude he's one of the best omegle content creators like he might be the best 1:29:56 his his uh his jump scare ones are so good you should try and do a collab dude i mean i'd be down but he has like eight million subs 1:30:05 so it's kind of the ball the ball is in his court on that one 1:30:16 you would do it so like chronologically it's okay yeah exactly 1:30:23 if a female chest is sexual isn't a male chest sexual too yeah i mean i agree with you phoebe it's like it's kind of a super silly rule that like only male nips 1:30:32 are allowed like what it doesn't make any sense but you know oh schwell 1:30:40 it is white edies sorry i need to go be here on friday all right sounds good board 1:30:45 thank you for chilling 1:30:51 you streaming right now i could try and rate him after he gets some attention oh is he is luke fk streaming yo we're definitely gonna raid luke 1:31:00 we're definitely ready to yo what oh he is damn let's go yo brimor aka thank you for the follow 1:31:11 dude yeah we're definitely gonna raid luke for sure 1:31:18 but yes please anyone who is in chat and is not in the discord please join the discord 1:31:25 and we would love to have you it is an amazing group of people we are very chill very sweet very cute very wonderful please do 1:31:37 after being a year on um after being on hrt for almost a year i can no longer show nipple on stream damn they gotcha the boobies gotcha yo molesh7 i don't think i'm allowed to show 1:31:49 nipple on stream either though right i don't think males are allowed to show nipple on stream i think they're allowed to show nipple on youtube wait are they aren't males not allowed to 1:31:58 be aren't dudes not allowed to stream with their shirt off i thought that was a thing 1:32:05 imagine dudes had to put a top and a swim to be on youtube that would be silly yeah i mean like yeah 1:32:12 maybe girls should allow to swim topless too then yo kenneth thank you for the follow thank you mwah 1:32:19 thank you thank you 1:32:25 christopher concord is you nat luke fk and fence their best line up true the council fax what's up oh brads how you doing back from my ashes dog 1:32:36 gave bomb the wrong information okay good glad to have you back 1:32:43 nano nano just went live also contender for a raid true 1:32:50 i'm going to end the stream pretty soon because i have some logistical work to do 1:32:57 but um that's not what i'm mad about i was i was checking out nano nano i'm not sure 1:33:02 who that was i'd give him a fall um but yeah i'm gonna have to i got some logistical work with my apartment to do i gotta like send them some stuff and fill out the forms and etc etc 1:33:20 i have to wait two thirds of a year before i engage our t stupid waiting list uh i'm sorry matilda that sucks that is so annoying i think male presenting nipples are fine on 1:33:29 twitch okay really interesting male presenting nipples sorry that just 1:33:37 that just gave me an image of a nipple sitting there and like putting stubble on itself and 1:33:43 like binding like the nipple the nipple itself is like you know drawing a mustache 1:33:52 it's a male it's just a male presenting a nipple 1:34:04 if you like jump scare wiggles you need to watch iphonics he mastered it okay word i'll check it out when's the collab with fenster coming bro i'd love to got my intro into you with finn yo 1:34:14 that's awesome i'm so glad star wars boy i mean i would love to collab with finn it's kind of it's kind of on on the onus is kind of on him though how are you gonna pack before monday anyway bro 1:34:25 i'm gonna basically do it in uh one day i'm gonna wake up and just pack all day 1:34:33 bro i love adventure time also very cool aesthetic yo thank you molesh i appreciate that and hell yeah dude adventure time is the best is the best 1:34:47 you ever tried skateboarding in female clothes i'm gonna do a video on that that is definitely a video that i'm gonna do is going to the sk it's super cold right now and i can't skateboard 1:34:57 it's just far too cold to go outside but i once it warms up i will promise i will be doing a video of 1:35:02 going to skate park in girl clothes and shredding male presenting nipples are fine on twitch 1:35:17 important question are you presenting male or female at the moment twitch2s wants to know see that is a good question considering fully tight top as in you can very much oh [ __ ] damn 1:35:29 look at them i'm smuggling raisins in here bro what the [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] jesus christ 1:35:41 holy [ __ ] i'm not gonna lie you look high right now bro why does everyone say that what why do i get 1:35:49 that all the time do i really okay i guess my my eyes are just kind of red i think from uh doing 1:35:56 eye makeup you know like i poke my eyes when i do my makeup and stuff and when i put on the lashes 1:36:04 maybe that's why goth skater yeah exactly your voice is very good thank you i mean abroad occurring nips yeah 1:36:15 they've been like that the whole stream bro 1:36:26 epilating or sugar waxing face i'm not sure what that means wintec but welcome to the stream though 1:36:33 doing eye makeup so fiddly i know it is it's the worst 1:36:39 thing can never be bothered to stream enough perhaps twice a month the moment he's too lazy pay months in advance probably get five hours yeah yeah i mean you know some people 1:36:48 have [ __ ] going on like you know streaming it's hard to stream when you're not in a good state you know because like if if you're kind of going through a hard time then it's hard to like 1:36:58 put on a happy face and like turn on the camera and like be entertaining you know if like you're not feeling super happy so i can understand why people you know take kind of long breaks from 1:37:08 streaming because it's hard to like always be happy and like always be switched on you know 1:37:18 as a male i try to do the girl voice but it's so hard modest wrecked you can do it thank you 1:37:24 an epilator is a mechanical hair plucker true that's cool no i don't use any of that i just shave 1:37:39 finn also has all the minecraft exactly he he has a whole other minecraft channel and all that stuff to work on so he's got he's got a lot of stuff going on so i don't blame him 1:37:51 do you teach finger girl boys i'd be down 1:38:00 nips our friends are pretty eyes you're very good at this thank you no one is actually always happy yeah no one's always happy um but it's like you know if i if i streamed you know 1:38:13 if i if i was like feeling super bad and i just got on stream and i just like didn't try to like improve my mood at all you know i wouldn't be very entertaining at all i would just be like so yeah 1:38:26 crj you dog 1:38:31 you dog 1:38:41 no mr bond i expect you to admire my 1:38:47 my [ __ ] 1:38:58 good 1:39:14 dance party 1:39:22 alrighty hi you look beautiful thank you looking for leo 1:39:30 chomp chomp chomp 1:39:36 i think a lot of people don't realize how much work it is to act happy and energetic on stream i know yeah it's uh it's not always the easiest thing although for me personally 1:39:48 sometimes it's nice to stream because it's kind of an escape you know it's like you guys are kind of my escape sometimes like sometimes i'm like having a horrible day 1:39:56 and i'm like i don't want to stream i don't want to get on stream and then i put on my makeup and i get on stream and i'm like woohoo i'm having fun and then i get off stream and i'm like oh 1:40:04 i'm sad again but like when i'm streaming i was like damn hell yeah this is fun so yeah 1:40:10 it's kind of kind of goes both ways sometimes yeah sometimes it's hard to turn on stream when i'm not feeling good but also at the same time streaming makes me feel good a lot of times so 1:40:20 it's a it's a it's so you know wow this chat is really chill loving streams with the chat there can be really weird yeah they're 1:40:30 slightly down bad i'm one might say 1:40:36 glad you enjoyed the chat here sharky looking fine i like him in my stolen stream items 1:40:42 hey i just joined what's up princess great to have you 1:40:50 the more energetic you are so we can also blow out the voice yeah it's undeniable that's a lot of work especially have a regular stream schedule yeah for sure 1:41:03 it really is it is a lot of work you and your discord are my escape so glad to have a safe space yay i'm so glad that you have a safe place 1:41:16 we ever do your makeup on stream yeah i do makeup on stream sometimes um once uh sometime soon i'm 1:41:24 planning on doing like a pretty long stream um and when i do that i'll start stream with no makeup 1:41:29 and do it on stream but yeah if you check like like a month or two ago in my vods you should find 1:41:35 one of those streams so i started without makeup also you can see one of my videos i have a makeup tutorial so you can watch me put on makeup there too holding a pencil in your mouth makes you more 1:41:48 prone to laugh because your mouth is already in smiling position yeah exactly yeah and you guys 1:41:54 are also so fun and awesome and cute and amazing and cool you know that's part of it that's part 1:42:02 of why streaming so fun for me is because i literally have like the best [ __ ] community of all time like imagine if imagine if i didn't like you know like chatting with you guys like i 1:42:11 wouldn't stream literally i love talking to you guys you guys are so fun to chill with 1:42:18 you need your own makeup brand dude hell yeah that would be sick 1:42:25 maybe do a reaction on stream or no what do you mean a reaction like reacting to videos and stuff oh skirt spin time 1:43:00 uh 1:43:15 skirt spin 1:43:22 spin let it rip beyblade let it rip i feel like a lot of people don't know what the 1:43:28 rhinoli spin emoji is because beyblades were only a thing actually were they were beyblades a thing outside of america did y'all have beyblades in europe too 1:43:41 sugar sugar sugar sugar could have a perfume brand it's like yeah but for some reason perfumes seems more scammy yeah you had him oh [ __ ] hell yeah okay no way 1:43:53 that's awesome [ __ ] yeah i'm so glad you guys weren't deprived of beyblades 1:44:04 dude okay here's the thing here's what i don't get so crj says when i when i got fin to raid ranali he did comment on ryze spins looking too risky for 1:44:13 him bro finn does way more risky [ __ ] than i do on stream are you kidding me the mo the most risky 1:44:19 thing that i do is do a skirt spin his outfits are way more risky than i am are you kidding me dude 1:44:37 i played as beyblade as a kid hell yeah in germany dude okay sounds like in germany beyblades were 1:44:43 huge that's sick to each i have no idea what it would have beyblade is it looked like a tornado 1:44:49 to me fair enough super minox it's like this toy that you like shoot it's like these tops 1:44:55 where you go pew and then you you shoot them at each other and then the tops kind of fight each other in which everyone's last standing wins it's really fun actually we would spin our 1:45:04 cups of tea in an arena that's the british version of beyblades just spinning tea cups 1:45:14 they were we had a beyblade we actually started large metal ring inside destroyed a lot of cheap blades true damn that's [ __ ] 1:45:25 used to go on walks while on stream at 2am the tune is true offshore dedicated to all you folks at the beach 1:45:33 you know there's something special about falling in love in summer once again 1:45:38 yo stuffy130 thank you for the follow thank you thank you 1:45:47 hey yoa truthhunter05 thank you for the follow 1:45:55 thank you so much 1:46:02 great to have you great to have you welcome to the stream 1:46:08 hi 1:46:24 oh baby going outside at night when the stripper outfit was so risky yeah that seems i mean i feel like finn lives in kind of a sleepy area am i wrong 1:46:32 is this true or is this not true he lives in kind of like a sleepy kind of town area i live 1:46:38 in like a really [ __ ] dense big city so walking outside for me is like a little bit uh less safe 1:46:47 i think than it would be for him so if i did an outside stream i would probably do it 1:46:53 when i go home to california or like if i just drove to some other small town that wasn't mine 1:46:59 um yeah i don't know it's a little different it's just a little harder for me 1:47:08 y'all staying out here eating bananas yeah exactly bro finn finn's finn's all right friends are like oh oh skirt spin duh that's risky he's 1:47:16 straight up eating a banana on stream like come on bro i ain't the risky one 1:47:32 lives in the suburbs but the city lives in not great generally fair 1:47:44 ooh ariana grande i want to do an ariana grande cosplay i feel like i would pull that off well 1:47:52 you kind of have a similar like jawline i feel like yo turtle of the morning thank you for the fun huh thank you thank you 1:48:03 i'm back hell yeah lulu yes that's a nice outfit idea i know right 1:48:08 do you really have an audi no i don't have an audi i wish 1:48:15 i wish i drove an audio i do not that's what if you see in the video there's a 1:48:21 tiny flash of it saying i wish when i said i'd drive an audi also guys look at my nails 1:48:27 they're very long i'm doing a good job i'm preparing for getting acrylics 1:48:34 they're healthy and good i thought you said an outie true 1:48:40 i think you'd look great as ariana thanks dude i appreciate that sness-up where i live you dress up as a girl went out you'd be called an uphill gardener tosser bro what 1:48:54 i have no idea what that means oh [ __ ] first time i see you on twitch you're awesome on my tv hey 1:49:01 yo af avf av4 at fandom thank you so much for chillin in the stream great to have you 1:49:13 hey yay yay in a rough bit of the uk the uk's way safer in the u.s overall yeah it's like bro everyone in 1:49:20 the uk just has knives everyone here has guns everyone here has guns bro like everybody 1:49:31 like literally the grandma that lives downstairs has a [ __ ] m16 1:49:37 okay maybe not an m16 but she has a big gun 1:49:54 first image which comes to mind when someone says ariana grande is the bunny outfit ooh true that's a good one i also really like the the silver hair one she did you know 1:50:02 like the big silver ponytail that was pretty sick 1:50:14 so once you move in we get through the back of goals then ariana ariana grande cosplay yes indeed 1:50:20 that's that seems to be the plan uphill gardener tosser means gay man and a [ __ ] interesting 1:50:31 and when uk does not have knives finnish is built different true 1:50:40 we also have cutting sarcasms too that's fair that's fair i forgot about that i forgot about the the brutal passive aggressive sarcasm and and uh witty quips 1:50:51 that the british have yes that that that too makes it quite quite a dangerous place 1:50:58 i wish you lived in the u.s i love guns yeah i mean like look i'm not gonna lie guns are fun as [ __ ] i've shot a gun before and it was awesome only once but it was really 1:51:07 fun it was super fun so i'm like you know a liberal kind of left leaning person for sure 1:51:14 but like i don't know dude guns are sick i totally i totally like understand all the arguments about 1:51:21 like i think they should be regulated for sure no one should be allowed to get like assault rifles etc all that [ __ ] but like bro i'm not gonna lie that they're fun to shoot at a barrel 1:51:33 or like at a you know target that shit's fun not gonna lie i'm not gonna cap i will not cap 1:51:49 damn did you get political all right i got i got i gotta dance this song this song is too dancing 1:51:57 yo thank you for 100 bits bro holy [ __ ] thank you yo camera what's good 1:52:04 yo mr dardmar thank you for 100 bits bro i appreciate it camera what's good 1:52:17 yes 1:52:42 yo star wars boy thank you for the 200 bits baby thank you thank you thank you 1:52:49 appreciate that i thank you so much that is so nice of me 1:52:56 alrighty guys i think that might do it for me today i gotta go do some logistical things with 1:53:03 my apartment and stuff huh why did i just for some reason i'm like out of breath from dancing 1:53:08 just now i don't know why did i like hold my breath by accident or something huh anyway 1:53:17 i am going to have to go at this point but yes we will raid someone all right 1:53:22 wait let's see who to raid who to raid who to raid who to raid everyone spam and chat 1:53:28 who you want me to raid whoever whoever uh wherever i see first i'm going to do 1:53:37 a a a yo star wars boy another hundred bits thank you so much 1:53:43 nano okay we're with the bro raid nano sounds good no no no no no no no okay all right guys 1:53:55 i love you guys sorry it's a little hot in here 1:54:01 i love you guys so much thank you so much for chilling with me it has been so much fun a great 1:54:08 time as usual y'all are just the best people of all time i literally have the best chat the best 1:54:14 community on the planet this is literally so much fun i'll see y'all on friday get out there have a 1:54:20 great rest of your week one one one chase your dreams be who you want to be say what you want to say and do not give a single [ __ ] about what anyone else says about it all right you 1:54:31 heard me you heard me be yourself love yourself mwah peace y'all let's do it let's raid nano nano 1:54:42 oh man i love raiding i can't wait to see with the reaction it's so much fun all right y'all