[00:00:10.572] Jens_LN: ah .. there's the horrid music [00:00:12.823] Solus_kun: Live [00:00:16.351] JohnBanks117: Live [00:00:20.134] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod nanona1Nodders linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:00:20.989] dingosurprise: f1nnCowjam clover54Dance clover54Wiggly [00:00:23.264] JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam squchaJam f1nnCowjam squchaJam f1nnCowjam squchaJam [00:00:28.995] Xylomn: f1nnCowjam ariliaWiggle ariliaWeeee ismiyuRave ismiyuCheer obkatD shyyRave [00:00:37.210] scandibilly: first [00:00:37.677] JorWat: "Mondays with the boys (you are the boys)" Does that count as mis-gendering? [00:00:38.595] Stovamor: coxJam ezeggJam anitaJAM catJAM anitaJAM ezeggJam coxJam [00:00:40.016] mr_ajokortti_korkort: CowJAM f1nnCowjam squchaJam squchaNodders [00:00:44.582] c__r__j: So what's that teaser we can see down the left edge? [00:00:54.559] Purple_Pandas121__: hello!! [00:00:55.284] lolgirlyt: yooo [00:00:58.099] vanimal2118: Winner! [00:01:01.124] stoleyourbiscuit: hellow [00:01:02.280] robin_be_more_chill: Hiiii [00:01:04.118] total_acidity: f1nnCowjam [00:01:04.214] foxs7744: yes [00:01:04.654] unequip_yt: Hello [00:01:04.666] jurng: Hamburger [00:01:04.983] margehomerbart: Me [00:01:05.339] thebunroller: @c__r__j Old photo [00:01:06.044] mudg3_: Hii [00:01:06.193] frumpycube: Balls [00:01:06.546] somerandomduck_: Hello [00:01:06.778] f3mmbot F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:01:06.872] deadlykid6568: HI [00:01:06.974] micoans: Hi [00:01:08.808] SoggyBread37: hiiii [00:01:08.824] britelord747: Yo [00:01:09.216] SGT_Shayne: They tell you you’re the greatest [00:01:09.458] zxxxxxfff: Stink [00:01:09.931] wins_khalifa: Hello Finn [00:01:10.173] rymcen23: Hello [00:01:10.201] somerandomduck_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:10.609] c__r__j: @JorWat She misgendered a lot of us, but not herself. [00:01:10.738] Fredol7: Hey [00:01:10.794] MutedMuppet: ayooo [00:01:10.889] arson426: Hiiii! [00:01:11.193] blueoceancrystal89: Hiiiii [00:01:11.561] Rosxlina: mommy [00:01:11.733] robloxbedwars2: I go back to school in 4 days [00:01:12.214] itshunterokboii: Wsg [00:01:13.087] daisy__bee: hi chat! [00:01:14.290] awesomerem1: heyyy [00:01:15.226] str4wb3rryz97: hi [00:01:15.903] adorkablewreck: rozene1Hype [00:01:16.200] Magic_Gerry: Magic_Gerry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! 5 fucking month sweety [00:01:16.380] f3mmbot magic_gerry subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:17.153] Rtwld: pooooggeeersss [00:01:19.110] JacobCCS: 8pm? [00:01:19.554] deadshot27789: hi [00:01:19.696] tyunboyfriend: hiii [00:01:20.571] ajblockz: Men r hot [00:01:20.607] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya agh, uh- i expected my message to go completely unnoticed WutFace [00:01:20.830] alex_mccloskey: HIIIII [00:01:21.087] firePanda39: Hi [00:01:21.136] darthpetryk0: amburgur [00:01:21.668] ourain191: hi [00:01:22.206] badatmath007: cow [00:01:22.226] axel02602: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:22.689] givemelemons333: hihi [00:01:23.401] rymcen23: @robloxbedwars2 same [00:01:23.533] Golden_Knight69: Hi F1nn [00:01:23.741] daisy__bee: hype! [00:01:24.225] Carelo1: hiiiiiii [00:01:24.525] Maestro_ofDrip420: hiii FINN [00:01:24.998] Xx_Aurora_22: Hey [00:01:25.696] givemelemons333: hi [00:01:25.762] a2ktysonyt: Hi [00:01:26.811] boatman77: cow [00:01:26.876] LoyalTacoBella: Poggers [00:01:28.712] Jens_LN: nice [00:01:28.918] crizmat1c: Hi [00:01:29.459] mythicc_scope: Show cow [00:01:29.541] lucky_ducky07: Hey [00:01:30.415] LoadSmasher: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:01:30.925] ThyOverlord393: cow jam [00:01:31.411] happy_face210: hi [00:01:31.658] abandonedplay: what did I join? [00:01:31.859] Illuminate607: Hey what’s up! [00:01:31.921] spacygamez: yo [00:01:32.053] ArminGux: Hi [00:01:32.179] tommy_1110: Sup egg [00:01:32.337] skinkplatten: HII [00:01:32.739] the_boy_wonder7777: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:33.052] wins_khalifa: Helllllo [00:01:33.778] imablockermon45: hi [00:01:33.844] 57ranma: Q-vo [00:01:33.973] CritMozziYT: never clicked a stream so fast [00:01:33.974] i_echo_i_timid3: Sup [00:01:35.144] Amoyamoyamoya: @ThyOverlord393, MODS SEE ALL. [00:01:36.415] themistyvortex1313: It’s my favourite femboy!!!!!!!!!! [00:01:37.533] th3chillpill: Egg😳 [00:01:38.172] PSmithgamer: CowJAM [00:01:38.405] ArminGux: What’s up [00:01:38.613] washie06: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:39.722] BelovedKier: Hellooooo [00:01:40.407] Chronotides: Chronotides subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months...no shame! [00:01:40.588] f3mmbot chronotides subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:40.792] the15thnoahclanmens: A cow roll? [00:01:41.051] micoans: Rick ashtly [00:01:41.343] thorkold1: hi [00:01:42.254] lupismotis: Das cow [00:01:42.417] happy_face210: hello [00:01:43.298] kkasperle: kkasperle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! [00:01:43.483] f3mmbot kkasperle subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:43.755] monsterupmyas: Hello my fav femboy [00:01:44.090] magic_wormzz: HELLO [00:01:44.091] tnt_tan: i love the cow [00:01:44.245] yahwi1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:44.488] washie06: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:44.553] peppi0304: hype [00:01:44.664] sodiumfrickingChloride: hello [00:01:44.795] maybegarbage: Hi hi! [00:01:45.386] Astra_grande: hi [00:01:45.967] ajblockz: Arnt men leng [00:01:46.468] Amoyamoyamoya: (not really) [00:01:47.279] unequip_yt: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing [00:01:47.573] i_echo_i_timid3: Adverts 😎 [00:01:47.727] russian_chick: YEAHHHHHH [00:01:47.841] jetblock178_: Hello all :) [00:01:48.860] jurng: H A M B U R G E R [00:01:49.127] cloudd_bee: OH MY GOD WASSUP F1NN [00:01:49.368] tombom184: Hello [00:01:50.232] randommaiden: Helo [00:01:50.291] monsterupmyas: f1nnCowjam [00:01:50.460] russian_chick: LETS GOOOOO [00:01:50.480] Rosxlina: HotPokket [00:01:50.627] washie06: f1nnCowjam [00:01:50.813] nameless_bob: E [00:01:50.992] anastasia_motionless: anastasia_motionless subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! can't wait to see what the outfit will be xD [00:01:51.173] f3mmbot anastasia_motionless subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:52.109] Benw8888: yoooo [00:01:53.273] Scout1605: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:01:53.410] zzznightmarezz: HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket [00:01:53.428] TroyBoi160: TESSSSS [00:01:54.336] Rosxlina: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [00:01:54.625] ajblockz: Men [00:01:54.667] TheKnuckle44: new house stream? [00:01:54.817] micoans: Yes cow roll [00:01:54.827] TroyBoi160: YESSS [00:01:55.386] the15thnoahclanmens: 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄 [00:01:55.461] arson426: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:01:56.013] DemiiVinxxx: Pog [00:01:56.542] NUFC4life1979: our boy is back [00:01:57.649] bakuhoe9592: Hey fin I’m watching your 1 mil blocks vid rn [00:01:57.664] imAkiraa: imAkiraa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! THIS 15 IS FOR THE BOYS [00:01:57.849] f3mmbot imakiraa subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:58.585] tnt_tan: slay cow [00:01:58.796] CloakedN00b: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:59.016] smokeheadpyro: VoHiYo <3 [00:01:59.461] TroyBoi160: FINNSTER!!! [00:02:00.346] Maestro_ofDrip420: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:00.688] Rosxlina: HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket [00:02:00.853] supergamegirl78: Hi [00:02:01.857] kidneyst0ned: mayahiLook mayahiLook mayahiLook mayahiLook [00:02:01.924] cheyplayminecraft: this cow is kinda hot ngl [00:02:02.094] Flippi_12: catJAM [00:02:02.675] finnispeng9939: Salutations [00:02:04.374] DemiiVinxxx: eretPop eretPop eretPop eretPop eretPop eretPop eretPop [00:02:04.506] adorkablewreck: rozene1Smug [00:02:04.692] JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam squchaJam f1nnCowjam squchaJam f1nnCowjam squchaJam [00:02:05.843] fresh_moth: hey chat f1nnHeart [00:02:07.197] Maestro_ofDrip420: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:02:07.434] iiwolfplay: hi [00:02:07.542] junelyric: VoteYea [00:02:08.213] adorkablewreck: rozene1Smug rozene1Smug rozene1Smug rozene1Smug [00:02:09.034] Scout1605: Love it here!!!!! [00:02:10.955] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya <.< fear [00:02:11.508] washie06: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:02:11.896] russian_chick: FINN [00:02:11.908] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod nanona1Nodders linechuNod f1nnCowjam [00:02:12.697] Alpinefresh: catJAM [00:02:12.958] yuno_juju: hi [00:02:13.510] tnt_tan: the cow is getting jiggy with it [00:02:15.070] Maestro_ofDrip420: heyyyyyy FINN [00:02:15.885] tallorangeone: Ah, I was caught off guard - I thought the stream would only go live in an hour! [00:02:16.074] james01836: Hello [00:02:16.254] swedish_crossdresser: OhMyDog OhMyDog [00:02:16.543] Purple_Pandas121__: Yaya [00:02:16.912] rymcen23: Femboy [00:02:17.194] Astra_grande: OhMyDog [00:02:17.532] davew2001: Hey hey [00:02:19.891] kidneyst0ned: mayahiFreeze mayahiFreeze mayahiFreeze mayahiFreeze mayahiFreeze mayahiFreeze [00:02:20.048] dingosurprise: f1nnCowjam clover54Dance clover54Wiggly [00:02:21.674] Maestro_ofDrip420: whats good chat [00:02:23.418] adorkablewreck: rozene1Shook rozene1Yell [00:02:25.332] cloudd_bee: FAV GRIL STREAMER [00:02:26.013] sistemaHT: f1nnCowjam [00:02:26.443] fluffgamer15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:26.793] Stovamor: coxJam ezeggJam anitaJAM catJAM anitaJAM ezeggJam coxJam [00:02:27.473] TheBettaChecka: TheBettaChecka subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! 25 months [00:02:27.661] f3mmbot thebettachecka subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:27.971] MitchelTheBoy: hi finn [00:02:29.359] astralleka: Dancing cow [00:02:29.527] arson426: Excited for the fit [00:02:31.258] anor4k: hello it's my first time please be gentle [00:02:31.291] boompatater: found ya through pka [00:02:31.504] rozlycraft: Hello! First time watching in Twitch instead if YouTube :] [00:02:31.867] Bash1nBra1nZ: became a over night fan in January. [00:02:32.777] sistemaHT: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:32.892] Scout1605: HypeWow HypeWow HypeWow HypeWow HypeWow HypeWow HypeWow [00:02:33.082] ArminGux: A, [00:02:33.433] thebunroller: Someone with 500K points, end stream Kappa [00:02:34.081] Alkno_93: hi bab how are you my love qm back from Scout camp [00:02:35.514] godslaya4206969: Let’s get it [00:02:36.225] gtrzillla: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:02:36.856] rw03_bjw: rw03_bjw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 5 months pog [00:02:37.038] f3mmbot rw03_bjw subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:37.546] nubian_sith_lord: rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY rynali1HOLY f1nnHeart [00:02:37.772] happy_face210: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [00:02:38.268] Xx_Aurora_22: Keep the hype train goinggg [00:02:40.648] kotisek: hi boys [00:02:41.680] fatandchillgamer: he literally has the first cow dancing gif from google [00:02:42.191] jetblock178_: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:02:43.961] 57ranma: No bets on how long it takes him to get ready? [00:02:44.071] Scout1605: FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne [00:02:44.107] merpsickle: Hi [00:02:44.181] wins_khalifa: Why the cow got me horny! [00:02:44.756] marthymcf: marthymcf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 17 month streak! [00:02:44.936] f3mmbot marthymcf subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:46.692] shadowluicfer: hi chat [00:02:48.702] yougotwolfed132: finster [00:02:48.713] ibrown39: Curious what tenmuses does [00:02:48.927] adorkablewreck: MercyWing1 rozene1Hype MercyWing2 [00:02:49.087] Amoyamoyamoya: Days Since Last Strem: 12 adcvrBRUH [00:02:50.071] im_up_to_something: it's been a little while rynHai [00:02:50.779] ArminGux: Waiting for our princess we are [00:02:50.810] josecortesnival: hiya [00:02:54.929] rymcen23: VoteYea [00:02:57.543] patchworkelf: patchworkelf subscribed with Prime. [00:02:57.751] f3mmbot patchworkelf subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang patchworkelf f1nnLezgang [00:02:58.144] nubian_sith_lord: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:58.158] wastedh0bo: wastedh0bo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! wow [00:02:58.266] patchworkelf: patchworkelf subscribed with Prime. [00:02:58.338] f3mmbot wastedh0bo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:58.504] f3mmbot patchworkelf subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang patchworkelf f1nnLezgang [00:02:59.077] alexx_net: @Maestro_ofDrip420, Having a stream with our Princess Lady Rose Evergreen f1nnHeart [00:02:59.701] MilesSwann91: MilesSwann91 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 26 month streak! happy 26 months!!!!!! Hello Rose!!!!!!!! [00:02:59.886] f3mmbot milesswann91 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 26 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:00.387] Scout1605: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:03:02.328] xtrapunnygamer: what's gonna happen this time... [00:03:04.191] Gonk1234: Kappa100 [00:03:04.421] sharpshot_9631: Hu [00:03:05.622] ottobotiv: MyAvatar [00:03:05.971] ilikethis1yet: Hello [00:03:06.037] blazing420scopes: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:03:06.055] smokeheadpyro: smokeheadpyro subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:06.247] f3mmbot smokeheadpyro subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang smokeheadpyro f1nnLezgang [00:03:06.711] axel02602: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:03:08.102] sharpshot_9631: Hi [00:03:08.203] cloudd_bee: LETS GOOOO [00:03:09.771] gtrzillla: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [00:03:10.267] JohnBanks117: catJAM [00:03:10.654] xorbitalratx: sus [00:03:11.822] funkymonky32061: funkymonky32061 subscribed with Prime. [00:03:12.016] f3mmbot funkymonky32061 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang funkymonky32061 f1nnLezgang [00:03:12.347] ArminGux: Is egg late again [00:03:14.511] viljosayshi: hello mods [00:03:14.967] s13midnight: Danish cow [00:03:15.468] ThyOverlord393: @wins_khalifa woah??? ayo? [00:03:15.614] makoto_elf: I was watching a vod literally this morning [00:03:16.110] littlegoosy1269: bru [00:03:16.291] wins_khalifa: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:03:17.967] divinelawgameing: yo are boys finally streaming again [00:03:18.717] ChrissythePenguin: ChrissythePenguin subscribed with Prime. [00:03:18.897] f3mmbot chrissythepenguin subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang chrissythepenguin f1nnLezgang [00:03:19.037] ChrissythePenguin: ChrissythePenguin subscribed with Prime. [00:03:19.219] f3mmbot chrissythepenguin subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang chrissythepenguin f1nnLezgang [00:03:19.570] scandibilly: PowerUpL zenkBilbo jillBooty zenkLeo PowerUpR [00:03:20.240] kidneyst0ned: mayahiCorn mayahiCorn mayahiCorn [00:03:21.870] c__r__j: Well timed, that "wow" [00:03:22.672] awesomerem1: f1nnEgg me now be like [00:03:24.805] tnt_tan: Cheer1 finn is a real hottie [00:03:25.195] bubbaPika: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:27.025] alexx_net: @ArminGux, Yes... as usual. [00:03:29.126] happy_face210: TTours [00:03:29.945] Algol_97: MyAvatar [00:03:30.611] carterbro: Yooooo Finn this is my first time to watch you live [00:03:31.066] Scout1605: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:03:32.046] littlegoosy1269: pp [00:03:32.516] smokeheadpyro: f1nnHeart [00:03:33.502] averylaughlin1: Les fucking GOOO# [00:03:34.428] josecortesnival: wonder how is the john situation going [00:03:34.484] sharpshot_9631: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:35.050] canvaspainting: hii f1nnCowjam [00:03:35.458] Golden_Knight69: Bye music [00:03:35.982] fabi_ey: whats going are hir [00:03:37.738] divinelawgameing: KomodoHype [00:03:37.857] mythicc_scope: Pp [00:03:38.474] bubbaPika: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:03:39.075] JayJamain: Yooo it's international cat day.....pls meow for us [00:03:42.298] sodiumfrickingChloride: TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:03:42.640] jeffreyhill021: OhMyDog [00:03:43.651] total_acidity: Whoa, 26 months [00:03:44.016] Golden_Knight69: f1nnBingbong [00:03:45.072] Shwol: ITS BEEN MKRE THAN A WEEK. SOMEONE SPEND 69.42K AGAIN [00:03:45.570] alexandra0526: alexandra0526 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [00:03:45.754] f3mmbot alexandra0526 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:46.202] idk_name69420: Hi [00:03:47.553] krakenhole: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [00:03:47.790] Wolfieking200_: saph if you decided to be on, send me noodles [00:03:49.704] anastasia_motionless: is it just me or was the cow perfectly on beat with the song? [00:03:50.080] eclipsi0: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:51.245] materziggy2l: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:51.419] DiabloOfTheHeadless: there is no war in ba sing se [00:03:51.813] Stovamor: @josecortesnival what John situation? [00:03:53.123] sistemaHT: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:55.888] funkymonky32061: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:03:56.237] AppleSaph: @Wolfieking200_, sure if you send me money [00:03:57.070] JorWat: It's quiet. Too quiet... [00:03:59.548] kidneyst0ned: mayahi4k mayahi4k mayahi4k mayahi4k [00:04:00.796] c__r__j: Now playing: JOhn Cage, four minutes and thirty-three seconds. [00:04:01.080] amyanneyifu: Someone broke the music [00:04:01.341] funkymonky32061: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:03.279] the_eric_herrera9: hi [00:04:04.643] Gonk1234: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:06.702] mcgrego231: rose you have inspired me to start wearing "women's clothes" and i thank you [00:04:06.797] i_echo_i_timid3: Pog [00:04:07.007] materziggy2l: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:07.917] sparklingtrash22144: sparklingtrash22144 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 months. Still getting gender envy from this lovable twink [00:04:08.098] f3mmbot sparklingtrash22144 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:08.115] alexx_net: @divinelawgameing, isitgirlmonth.com/ so she is streaming for the boys. [00:04:08.675] amyanneyifu: 🎵 [00:04:09.765] tiptonxk: comato6Hype comato6Hype comato6Hype comato6Hype comato6Hype comato6Hype comato6Hype [00:04:10.725] ewinp9: Hi [00:04:11.180] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:04:11.566] Kinitawowi: KEKW [00:04:11.971] junelyric: pp [00:04:12.312] jvlivs777: eyyo [00:04:12.467] Alpinefresh: KEKW [00:04:12.676] cloudd_bee: HELP [00:04:12.739] awesomerem1: Lol [00:04:13.580] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:04:14.089] thekingone10: halo [00:04:14.313] saint_r: KEKW [00:04:14.678] sistemaHT: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:14.855] aAndrew3030: KEKW [00:04:15.040] alexandra0526: Such a happy Cow! [00:04:15.257] toomanybees___: KEKW [00:04:15.484] Jens_LN: LOL . scuffed [00:04:15.615] tiggs711: l [00:04:15.748] Stovamor: YOu idiot @F1NN5TER [00:04:16.022] c__r__j: Scuffed streamer. [00:04:16.038] Golden_Knight69: Music left the chat [00:04:16.173] disnick123: lol [00:04:16.320] barbie_secretstanner: Welcome home scammer! [00:04:16.477] skyboundmaster: KEKW [00:04:16.625] dingosurprise: LUL [00:04:17.165] tiggs711: L [00:04:17.769] ThyOverlord393: i wish i was cute as f1nn and FR trans. streamer luck carries to EVERYONE huh? [00:04:18.448] braddle172: KEKW [00:04:18.908] eclipsi0: KEKW [00:04:19.489] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam [00:04:19.761] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [00:04:20.700] mart_hus: lmao [00:04:21.187] Xx_Aurora_22: Where’s the twink [00:04:21.229] MegaMiley: KEKW [00:04:22.397] RegenerationMC: KEKW [00:04:22.768] Flippi_12: KEKW [00:04:23.033] cloudd_bee: GAHAHAHA [00:04:23.490] zf_bread: fin I'm a straight guy but u make me bi [00:04:23.701] Browniepoobear: KEKW [00:04:23.802] alexx_net: Your mic is muted. [00:04:23.805] JohnBanks117: Dummys KEKW [00:04:24.027] Golden_Knight69: KEKW [00:04:24.485] awesomerem1: F [00:04:24.988] Den_drummer: KEKW [00:04:25.739] SinisterMisterFistR: SinisterMisterFistR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Professional streamer [00:04:25.779] makoto_elf: lolllllll mic was muteddd [00:04:25.918] f3mmbot sinistermisterfistr subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:25.969] ArminGux: Hahaha [00:04:25.971] nurodev: KEKW [00:04:26.848] kidneyst0ned: mayahiSafari mayahiSafari mayahiSafari mayahiSafari [00:04:26.857] jetblock178_: Lol [00:04:27.091] ArtaroSynix: KEKW [00:04:27.970] maybegarbage: We are dead inside [00:04:27.993] xtrapunnygamer: ... [00:04:28.472] ChrissythePenguin: KEKW [00:04:28.492] giga_chad_VI: big oof [00:04:28.690] Scout1605: ImTyping ImTyping ImTyping [00:04:28.769] randommaiden: KEKW [00:04:29.367] Helen_Croft: LUL [00:04:29.642] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:04:29.734] penguin_noot_noot: KEKW [00:04:29.808] peppi0304: NOOB [00:04:29.818] supergamegirl78: Stoppppp:0000 [00:04:30.874] TheKnuckle44: dumbass streamer [00:04:31.194] eclipsi0: women ☕ [00:04:31.410] theamazingworldofrich: BegWan [00:04:31.676] droovi05: LUL LUL LUL [00:04:32.537] unluckynumberrr: Rip [00:04:32.701] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn's worst nightmare revealed [00:04:33.197] justsnoopyy: Oof [00:04:34.346] demy_didi: aaauyy [00:04:35.383] viljosayshi: Cheer100 nobody paying attention because your mic was off f1nnLaff [00:04:35.515] eb27000: KEKW [00:04:35.643] eartnuh: KEKW [00:04:36.941] happy_face210: funny hahahah [00:04:37.338] know1_0: Mau5 [00:04:37.549] ArlekingArt: bagoflGun [00:04:37.751] invisigrill: LOL [00:04:38.040] mythicc_scope: Twink [00:04:38.222] lucadeboss1: Professional streamer [00:04:38.226] JorWat: It's good thing she's pretty... [00:04:38.400] crizmat1c: KeKW [00:04:38.671] Wolfieking200_: @applesaph i cant afford them please feed me, also dont know why im here i guess i get really bored when gf goes out [00:04:40.262] cloudd_bee: THIS IS SO FUNNY LMAO [00:04:41.034] ibrown39: We only see the cow [00:04:41.800] rozlycraft: KEKW [00:04:41.859] The_logs: D: weeeb [00:04:42.539] Jens_LN: hi anime :) [00:04:43.370] Scout1605: TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit [00:04:43.409] jvlivs777: yooo 😎 [00:04:43.654] SteakyLUL: SteakyLUL subscribed with Prime. [00:04:43.675] ArminGux: I am skipping movie night for you [00:04:43.859] f3mmbot steakylul subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang steakylul f1nnLezgang [00:04:44.517] monsterupmyas: NotLikeThis [00:04:45.123] strinx1120: hiii [00:04:45.503] braddle172: hey [00:04:45.572] JorWat: Timer starts now! [00:04:45.572] bearpaw1970: he'll yeah' so scrumptious [00:04:46.634] arson426: Lmaooo [00:04:46.813] Rigxer: kekw [00:04:46.856] jessdk1: Yasssss [00:04:47.278] kishere123: prettty [00:04:47.327] makoto_elf: yeeeaaaaaaa [00:04:47.358] AppleSaph: @Wolfieking200_, i am also poor lmao [00:04:47.473] mythicc_scope: Booba [00:04:47.835] im_up_to_something: Nice rynHeart rynHeart rynHeart [00:04:48.069] Kinitawowi: WEEEBS sihaAYAYA [00:04:48.730] Astra_grande: I SSSsss [00:04:48.821] pianoismyforte_: sheeesh [00:04:49.786] tom_urbanca: tom_urbanca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Howdy hi hi is Monday ladettes [00:04:49.970] f3mmbot tom_urbanca subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:50.852] junelyric: CUTE [00:04:51.017] Jens_LN: Hello Anime, I'm Dad. [00:04:51.876] sitooma: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:04:52.500] holohazy117: anime girl [00:04:52.759] soffan0: he is anime [00:04:52.784] xtrapunnygamer: KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! [00:04:53.255] mineva_amarissa: adorbsies [00:04:53.454] sparklingtrash22144: Wow fuck you too [00:04:55.101] makoto_elf: love anime [00:04:56.822] ArminGux: Cute [00:04:56.827] rozlycraft: You're so pretty *pat pat* [00:04:56.838] fromusernull: fromusernull subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 3 month streak! f me almost 2 years i still haven’t came out to my dad [00:04:56.918] mr_ajokortti_korkort: POGGERS Looking really nice today [00:04:57.046] f3mmbot fromusernull subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:57.124] viljosayshi: and the simping begins [00:04:57.683] cloudd_bee: BUTTERFLY KNIFE [00:04:57.949] the_eric_herrera9: looking good @f1nn5ter aka rose [00:04:58.210] ch4rc0al5: Mommy? Sorry [00:04:58.216] Wolfieking200_: @applesaph make pay [00:04:58.224] happy_face210: SALIOR MOON! [00:05:00.613] blobby_the_fish: UwU [00:05:00.616] bowlofnoodlz: f1nnCancelled [00:05:00.949] ArminGux: Kawaii [00:05:01.347] Fredol7: Fredol7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 2 month streak! S-tier outfit month? [00:05:01.412] zer0110: sailor poon [00:05:01.561] f3mmbot fredol7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:05:01.951] tnt_tan: omg so hottttt [00:05:01.989] longlegs_honey: Cute [00:05:02.465] XXL1NE4RXX: elloooooo [00:05:02.671] thekingone10: sailorrrrr [00:05:02.750] jetblock178_: ohhh shiz [00:05:04.384] AppleSaph: @Wolfieking200_, convince finn [00:05:04.763] rymcen23: Noice [00:05:06.835] kishere123: CAN WE GET MARRIED THEN FINN? [00:05:06.839] mythicc_scope: Bigger booba [00:05:06.864] femyboiii: TransgenderPride [00:05:06.952] chainedchish: Hello W0man5ter [00:05:07.522] maid_shadowdrainer: sitraNoo sitraNoo sitraNoo [00:05:08.058] yougotwolfed132: finn [00:05:08.739] BoneMuncher_: hes an anime [00:05:09.030] Stovamor: If only you had gigatiddies nearby @F1NN5TER [00:05:09.395] bearpaw1970: their just right size [00:05:09.861] scandibilly: Needs more moon. [00:05:10.837] thronebound1: Finn why are you so hot [00:05:11.376] mcgrego231: rose you have inspired me to start wearing girls clothes and i am currently watching your stream in girls clothes [00:05:11.473] supergamegirl78: It’s the cat ears for meee [00:05:11.797] jessdk1: No they’re not smoll [00:05:13.052] 1_smart_donkey: sailor boob [00:05:15.145] im_up_to_something: Cat girl sailor moon rynWOW [00:05:16.768] frumpycube: What your favorite show [00:05:17.132] awesomerem1: Lookin cute [00:05:17.488] TroyBoi160: FINNSTER MOMMY [00:05:18.043] Astra_grande: hi your literally my favorite streamer [00:05:19.684] yougotwolfed132: ou r hot [00:05:20.830] abe1_2: Pigtails Please [00:05:21.777] just_call_me_kei: just_call_me_kei subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months 😄 looking very manly tonight, sailors are manly after all [00:05:21.984] f3mmbot just_call_me_kei subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:24.106] ITEnglishDegree: ITEnglishDegree subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! Looking good Finn [00:05:24.287] f3mmbot itenglishdegree subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:05:24.563] Benw8888: Hi sailor mommy [00:05:25.532] ThyOverlord393: Ohayou [00:05:25.876] maxi7wall: Hello you beautiful people! [00:05:26.054] 57ranma: SAILOR URANUS [00:05:26.337] mythicc_scope: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:27.278] alexandra0526: Rosie Moon [00:05:28.806] Amoyamoyamoya: @F1NN5TER, Thats outfit requires GigaTiddies [00:05:29.137] macarous: oh you look good [00:05:30.014] Jens_LN: are you manly man ? [00:05:32.137] DaRealChubzy: What up m’lady [00:05:32.446] bearpaw1970: lmao [00:05:32.514] sadman_pl: drink [00:05:33.050] toxic_cru2ader: Say nah [00:05:33.181] Emmy64_: @57ranma KEKW [00:05:35.047] brbentzen: hello [00:05:35.153] maybegarbage: Lmao pog [00:05:35.535] yuno_juju: what [00:05:36.563] happy_face210: yeah [00:05:37.122] zf_bread: I love sum good femboi energy [00:05:37.685] alexx_net: Looking cute catgirl. [00:05:41.074] tnt_tan: date me please [00:05:42.419] djstras: djstras subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! Been 2 years [00:05:42.598] f3mmbot djstras subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:42.799] mythicc_scope: Bull tit [00:05:42.883] davew2001: Hey hey [00:05:43.208] fsgskate: hot [00:05:44.030] c__r__j: Do we get a choice whether or not we hear bullshit? [00:05:44.299] cardeniof: looking fine Kreygasm [00:05:44.464] makoto_elf: pronoun check for anyone and everyone [00:05:44.481] gameplex_3: I bet some glasses would be good with the outfit [00:05:45.184] viljosayshi: it's hydration time!!! [00:05:46.919] cuddlebear187: super Chad [00:05:47.221] ArminGux: In the navy [00:05:47.413] vidyagaem7: Ayyyy the boys [00:05:47.831] unbreakabledameon: hey finn [00:05:49.035] cookiepandaprincess: Red nose Kreygasm [00:05:49.144] ThyOverlord393: why is finn SO passable as girl????? BRO who DOES your makeup [00:05:49.264] sadman_pl: drink . [00:05:50.360] ScarredLemon: Bro why is your hair wet [00:05:50.389] 1_smart_donkey: what is semen [00:05:50.959] BelovedKier: Finn looking very handsome tonight :3 [00:05:51.183] CorzaEve: Your bow is wonky 😢 [00:05:53.081] JorWat: Ooh, so close. [00:05:53.995] Jens_LN: F1nn loves men ? [00:05:55.378] davew2001: Box gone????? [00:05:55.512] bearpaw1970: yes gives the cuddles sweet nothings [00:05:58.579] TroyBoi160: TroyBoi160 subscribed with Prime. [00:05:58.934] f3mmbot troyboi160 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang troyboi160 f1nnLezgang [00:06:01.259] Cazenn: It's not that hot KEKW [00:06:02.708] total_acidity: shpes? [00:06:03.092] Jens_LN: .... you're hot again ? [00:06:03.351] tom_urbanca: Manly sailor moon [00:06:04.332] Bash1nBra1nZ: holy crap it's sailor moon [00:06:04.610] jessdk1: Sailor moon? I’ll sail in Uranus [00:06:05.036] tarakagyu: 4 months on estrogen and finns still looking more fem than me lol [00:06:06.643] total_acidity: shoes* [00:06:07.450] braddle172: f1nnGremlin [00:06:10.176] cloudd_bee: SKIRT TWIRL REDEEM EARLIER [00:06:10.197] JayJamain: Kow I know why I went on sexual........damn hot dude [00:06:12.182] blobby_the_fish: Good evening [00:06:12.327] ArminGux: In the navy in the navy [00:06:13.667] sadman_pl: drink [00:06:15.618] Benw8888: what is that tucked at the back of your skirt? [00:06:15.824] reteliny: nsfw thigh highs [00:06:19.228] lucadeboss1: Reddit is gonna be loving today [00:06:19.713] JayJamain: pansexual* [00:06:21.479] ThyOverlord393: roll up the thighhighs! makes them REALLY easy to put on! [00:06:21.895] Wolfieking200_: @applesaph i wont convince finn but i would like some food, im hungry and havent showered [00:06:23.944] gud_loki: gud_loki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! say UwU [00:06:24.125] f3mmbot gud_loki subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:25.910] ThyOverlord393: i keep mine rolled! [00:06:25.966] JarethTower: Cheer100 [00:06:26.494] ArminGux: No [00:06:28.632] ibrown39: How's the heatwave [00:06:28.934] salto_king08: yo [00:06:29.918] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn is 99% estrogen...he told me so, honest. [00:06:30.579] Benw8888: yeah it looks greasy [00:06:30.646] happy_face210: tbh I can't really tell [00:06:30.977] 1_smart_donkey: not really looking at the hair [00:06:31.640] yuno_juju: looking submissively breedible with today finn [00:06:31.832] yougotwolfed132: show bra [00:06:32.047] neilrit: Were da boyssss [00:06:32.157] ArminGux: You cute [00:06:32.266] TroyBoi160: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [00:06:32.316] galacticgamer017: hello [00:06:32.325] soffan0: half [00:06:32.765] CorzaEve: Your bow is bugging me! [00:06:33.588] Rosxlina: poggers [00:06:35.509] Hallian008_: hiii [00:06:35.958] Stovamor: @femboy_caylee, calm down once you get back from your timeout [00:06:36.628] sadman_pl: finnster drink [00:06:37.620] zer0110: overconditioned [00:06:38.204] josecortesnival: nope [00:06:38.563] rozlycraft: FINN!!!! This is my first time watching live instead of on YouTube!!! Hi!!! [00:06:38.997] michalcleverr: hello! [00:06:39.172] tom_urbanca: It is now [00:06:40.149] stubborntown: DO YOU LIKE HALLOWEEN AND HIIIIIIIIIIII [00:06:40.432] Fredol7: It’s been bothering everyone who has eyes [00:06:40.497] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:06:41.756] alexandra0526: If Donald and Daisy Duck had a human Daughter! [00:06:41.998] CorzaEve: Straighten the bow plz [00:06:42.197] jetblock178_: Werud [00:06:42.561] Kinitawowi: sihaDance [00:06:42.628] wondergirl3456677: Yes [00:06:42.756] JayJamain: suunDJ suunDJ suunDJ suunDJ suunDJ [00:06:43.233] ImTheCup: ImTheCup subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [00:06:43.412] f3mmbot imthecup subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:44.717] Jens_LN: I feel attacked now [00:06:45.085] sjoonyje: sup finn sup chat [00:06:45.395] jessdk1: It takes a real man to become best girl- [00:06:46.192] tarakagyu: tarakagyu subscribed with Prime. [00:06:46.384] ImTheCup: ImTheCup subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [00:06:46.402] f3mmbot tarakagyu subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang tarakagyu f1nnLezgang [00:06:46.562] f3mmbot imthecup subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:47.161] happy_face210: never gonna give you up [00:06:48.019] JayJamain: suunPop suunPop suunPop suunPop suunPop suunPop suunPop [00:06:48.483] fromusernull: @f1nn5ter that pillow looks like it’s should be on life support [00:06:48.514] jvlivs777: jvlivs777 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! it has been 15 month,thanks for being awesome and cool [00:06:48.721] f3mmbot jvlivs777 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:49.790] pandapotatox: Why are u Gay [00:06:50.138] d4m4s74: just lost the game [00:06:51.105] makoto_elf: pronoun check everybody cause why not [00:06:51.360] Serinn: that's the little for big sir... [00:06:52.995] robis20102: what did i join to [00:06:53.950] Bash1nBra1nZ: Armingux lol in the navy. village people [00:06:55.784] JayJamain: goldie22Dance goldie22Dance goldie22Dance goldie22Dance goldie22Dance [00:06:58.907] mrsusanson: You need to get bangs [00:07:02.316] know1_0: bloobyHuh [00:07:02.904] bearpaw1970: what' gawd d@MN it it's 8bit [00:07:04.342] JorWat: Yeah, YouTube picks up on it too when I archive these streams. [00:07:06.552] JayJamain: bangs :O [00:07:06.709] Astra_grande: 👋👋 [00:07:08.347] JesseVDH_: Heya rddHello QUEEN [00:07:09.955] natholomas: cute [00:07:10.326] AppleSaph: chat don't be weird please [00:07:11.067] Golden_Knight69: f1nnEgg [00:07:12.966] dominick118_: so many people requested hydrate [00:07:14.800] Midnight_Wolf03: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:15.799] ThyOverlord393: who does F1nns makeup? [00:07:16.333] y0rk5h1r3: *continues to do it* [00:07:19.121] salto_king08: what are you wering [00:07:20.574] f1_i90: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:07:20.717] unbreakabledameon: no i love your hair just they way u are [00:07:20.767] anakin_12345: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:22.481] johnkeiwo: wtf are u wearing ... [00:07:22.770] lucadeboss1: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:07:24.142] natholomas: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:07:24.330] JayJamain: himself [00:07:24.654] 0dinscott: father Apologies father Apologie father Apologiess [00:07:25.715] ForgottenRelic0: Cheer100 [00:07:26.537] Amoyamoyamoya: @ThyOverlord393, F1nn does F1nn's make-up. [00:07:26.968] Kinitawowi: fake claim sihaMad [00:07:27.617] jvlivs777: 😎🤟 [00:07:28.152] TroyBoi160: Daddy finn [00:07:30.328] josecortesnival: copyright? [00:07:30.482] Scout1605: TwitchLit bleedPurple TwitchLit [00:07:31.294] f1nn5ter2: hi [00:07:33.798] BoredRico: @ThyOverlord393 finn [00:07:34.313] alexx_net: @ThyOverlord393, She does her own makeup [00:07:35.446] the_first_nuthing: hi [00:07:35.832] Cazenn: Twitch are not very specific when it comes to emails, they never have been [00:07:37.315] ScarredLemon: On the TikTok’s/subreddit perhaps? [00:07:37.357] awesomerem1: Lol [00:07:37.576] bambozlerwastaken: <3 <3 [00:07:37.652] josua_themen: What’s the problem ? [00:07:38.933] estrogen44: sailor moon [00:07:39.174] Kiralett: hello [00:07:39.189] commanderredpanda: Hello sailor ;) [00:07:40.165] tuesdaythe5th: ANIME [00:07:40.271] johnkeiwo: why can't u be normal ? [00:07:40.357] abe1_2: Where’s the blonde hair [00:07:42.043] goodboy141: PogU [00:07:42.126] Jens_LN: What are you ? [00:07:42.192] galacticgamer017: amine 👌 [00:07:42.504] Astra_grande: HeyGuys NotLikeThis SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [00:07:43.547] Kolateak_: Kolateak_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! 17 months? What have I been doing [00:07:43.755] f3mmbot kolateak_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:43.790] ArminGux: Needs blonde wig [00:07:44.184] maybegarbage: Anime tibbies [00:07:45.411] jvlivs777: 🙃 [00:07:45.923] natholomas: looking like a strong sailor scout [00:07:46.194] DaRealChubzy: copyright? sadge [00:07:47.143] sadman_pl: why are you on the floor [00:07:47.163] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya THATS INSANE they look AMAZING [00:07:47.419] Hallian008_: ANIME [00:07:47.424] giga_chad_VI: scam [00:07:47.431] cucumberinsane: hanime [00:07:47.729] kobanso: anime [00:07:49.526] jessdk1: Finn I got a joke [00:07:49.913] michalcleverr: hi finn! hi rose! [00:07:50.940] femyboiii: Jojo pose [00:07:52.204] shoji_kamad: sailor rose [00:07:52.438] Shwol: can we get a flex [00:07:53.791] yuno_juju: mommy voice [00:07:54.486] makoto_elf: teach me how to do makeup please? [00:07:54.540] happy_face210: you don't have the blond hair! [00:07:54.810] pandapotatox: So Pale Legs [00:07:55.196] themindscrambler: themindscrambler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:07:55.312] giga_chad_VI: where is my hydrate [00:07:55.377] f3mmbot themindscrambler subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:59.114] Xx_Aurora_22: Ur legs are so pale [00:07:59.548] jessdk1: Finn can I make a joke? [00:08:00.429] pianoismyforte_: needs white thigh high socks [00:08:01.926] alexx_net: @johnkeiwo, Normal? In this chat? hahahaahh [00:08:02.478] jetblock178_: T pose [00:08:05.952] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:08:06.623] epicdruid19: Hello! [00:08:07.673] thekingone10: AniMan [00:08:10.851] stubborntown: QUESTION DO YOU LIKE HALLOWEEN ALL MY FRIEND GROUP HATES IT [00:08:14.275] fromusernull: THAT PILLOW IS SUFFERING [00:08:14.817] bearpaw1970: oh' crap [00:08:16.435] Kinitawowi: that happens a lot [00:08:17.726] viljosayshi: so they've copyright striked you for using a sample sksksks [00:08:20.037] Benw8888: did u report them? [00:08:20.271] soffan0: gigchad behavior [00:08:20.725] kzekt: top choice meat [00:08:22.210] total_acidity: asshats [00:08:24.852] jessdk1: Deez nuts hehe [00:08:26.258] Kiralett: what is the eletric boogaloo? [00:08:27.488] smurfytoonz: hello there first time here h2odelWAVE h2odelWAVE [00:08:29.676] jman36479fgh: hiiii [00:08:31.949] MoYosry: NotLikeThis [00:08:32.171] Flippi_12: dummy strike [00:08:32.354] bearpaw1970: sorry to hear that sweetness [00:08:32.757] Helen_Croft: that is illegal [00:08:34.317] unbreakabledameon: sorry but anime is weird [00:08:34.462] viljosayshi: Choo Chooo HypeEvil [00:08:35.084] d4m4s74: you just made me lose the game [00:08:36.334] rw03_bjw: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:08:37.880] awesomerem1: Good [00:08:38.103] salto_king08: how did you got fake brests? [00:08:38.296] kateth: booooo [00:08:38.789] galacticgamer017: im good [00:08:39.440] aunalbrutal: aunalbrutal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 15 month streak! Look the natural female is back to stream again, keep up the good work Rose [00:08:39.645] f3mmbot aunalbrutal subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:39.915] f1nn5ter2: good [00:08:40.625] yuno_juju: good [00:08:41.536] know1_0: oneshotWAVE2 [00:08:42.606] SRUOperator: hello [00:08:43.816] junelyric: great now [00:08:43.870] Astra_grande: notice me please [00:08:44.071] jvlivs777: eyyooo 😊 [00:08:44.390] Golden_Knight69: My sister is playing wii fit right now [00:08:44.599] ScarredLemon: Missed you buddy [00:08:45.373] Midnight_Wolf03: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:08:46.645] viljosayshi: it's not just a little illegal [00:08:48.725] ElFuaLoco033: red bull noice [00:08:48.860] chevelleman350: it's been just dandy [00:08:48.933] viljosayshi: it's very illegal [00:08:49.518] soffan0: PizzaTime [00:08:49.808] PlushGirlSteph: hello oooo Rose! [00:08:50.213] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn is weeb? Who knew? [00:08:50.953] blazing420scopes: blazing420scopes subscribed at Tier 1. [00:08:50.980] general_of_cm: !uptime [00:08:51.160] f3mmbot blazing420scopes subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang blazing420scopes f1nnLezgang [00:08:51.321] awesomerem1: Change to bikini [00:08:51.367] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 8m 56s [00:08:51.433] jessdk1: Do you know Jamie? [00:08:52.038] Aquatic_OW: f1nnCowjam [00:08:52.178] aunalbrutal: Tuut tuuut HypeShock [00:08:52.409] 1_smart_donkey: how's the house going [00:08:52.587] Shwol: give us a flex we want the flex show us your big boy arms [00:08:52.739] c__r__j: Just look at all those channel point redeems! [00:08:52.924] shadowbanwhynot: TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:08:53.198] the_first_nuthing: HI FINN [00:08:53.414] Finn: finnnnn [00:08:53.695] vidyagaem7: I’m good [00:08:54.779] Solus_kun: Sry but Anime is the best [00:08:55.213] RolioPolioNolio: a [00:08:56.865] ThyOverlord393: oooh! fashion streeam! [00:08:57.118] medicbat: medicbat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! our lovely princess is actually streaming when she said she would? Its a miracle [00:08:57.253] 2piritnl: how was the house???? [00:08:57.298] f3mmbot medicbat subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:58.644] Ren_895: SKIRT SPIN WHY CANT I BUY IT!!!! [00:08:58.754] themindscrambler: i like this outfit [00:08:59.340] unluckynumberrr: Terrible [00:08:59.425] RolioPolioNolio: AHAHHAGAGSGAGAHA [00:08:59.745] thefpsprince221: DRINK [00:09:00.608] materziggy2l: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:09:03.913] kishere123: MARRY ME CUTIE. I HAVE REAL JUGS GayPride [00:09:04.151] dominick118_: hydrate has been redeemed 10 times [00:09:04.188] jetblock178_: You disappeared f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:09:04.383] happy_face210: anime is awesome I just finished Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood [00:09:05.490] eb27000: imagine not liking anime, cringe [00:09:05.683] RolioPolioNolio: AAAAAAAQQ [00:09:05.991] alexx_net: @salto_king08, bought them online [00:09:06.377] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:09:08.751] p01chi: p01chi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! Hi Rose [00:09:08.866] kzekt: crumpSweat [00:09:08.973] f3mmbot p01chi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:08.983] fromusernull: me like shitting my pants 👉🥺👈 [00:09:09.256] chrissi_92xx: Can a girl be a SIMP ? [00:09:09.989] ArminGux: Cat boi is love cat boi is life [00:09:10.160] jetblock178_: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:09:10.256] FelineFemby: hey booooiis [00:09:10.941] Xx_Aurora_22: What’s the other outfit [00:09:12.049] its_just_geno: GlitchNRG assholes [00:09:12.067] cormoranoimperatore: Hi F1nn you cutie! HahaGingercat your beauty makes my mood better [00:09:12.796] CorzaEve: Please get your bow from under your collar, it’s just bugging me so much 😅 [00:09:13.645] AestheticRaccoons: AestheticRaccoons subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! I farted [00:09:13.850] f3mmbot aestheticraccoons subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:09:14.151] kateth: good good [00:09:14.764] jman36479fgh: lov3 ur vids [00:09:15.127] MFBadMango: Damn I'm a sub now, thanks @TenMuses ! [00:09:15.929] tallorangeone: I love this outfit, if that helps lmao [00:09:16.195] Amoyamoyamoya: Every stream is a dress up stream. Wants variety. Wut? [00:09:16.489] shadowbanwhynot: this is interesting [00:09:16.732] Jens_LN: she wood ? [00:09:17.361] johnkeiwo: u were gonna say boring weren't you ? [00:09:18.172] Not_Yack: Color is good. [00:09:18.198] RolioPolioNolio: Mommy [00:09:19.532] chevelleman350: sugar free redbull? [00:09:22.503] dschingaxarthur: boy, i love those nails [00:09:22.614] Jens_LN: 12 days !! [00:09:23.031] MrPinkWolf: love the outfit <3 [00:09:23.137] duplotracer: I'm ok, was watching an other stream until I saw the notification that you are live [00:09:23.252] bluechicken1530: it's my favourite white boi [00:09:23.401] ArminGux: Cat egg [00:09:23.670] awesomerem1: It is a miracle [00:09:24.674] maciekitty636: yay finn finally live again [00:09:24.936] johnkeiwo: 12 days [00:09:24.994] Amoyamoyamoya: Only 12 days. [00:09:25.117] im_up_to_something: I like the outfit [00:09:25.223] meh5ter: Did you go to commonwealth games? [00:09:26.566] cuddlebear187: super Chad super Chadsuper Chad [00:09:27.578] demondave98: CUTE CATBOI HELLO [00:09:28.706] Amoyamoyamoya: Just 12 days. [00:09:30.326] Finn: its been too long rooCry q [00:09:30.932] Shwol: does anybody have 1 million points let's make her suffer [00:09:31.030] c__r__j: f1nnSCAM [00:09:31.097] chey_sooty_fan: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:09:31.101] smurfytoonz: 100 years later [00:09:31.689] ThyOverlord393: 12 days! [00:09:31.902] sp00ny76: to long [00:09:32.457] Bash1nBra1nZ: meowriza has to be tuxedo mask now [00:09:32.463] Flippi_12: 12 long days [00:09:32.729] jvlivs777: yerp [00:09:32.842] Amoyamoyamoya: Maybe 12 days. [00:09:33.354] JohnBanks117: 12 days [00:09:36.097] Amoyamoyamoya: Could be 12 days. [00:09:36.222] ibrown39: Do you wear perfume? [00:09:36.313] cloudd_bee: AAH [00:09:37.398] braddle172: yep... [00:09:38.068] Fenrir_The_Free: hey, found your YouTube, very funny [00:09:38.714] happy_face210: 12 days! [00:09:39.603] total_acidity: One stream every two weeks, just like clockwork! [00:09:40.143] johnkeiwo: no you're not [00:09:40.424] d4m4s74: time to try a pink lolita outfit [00:09:40.464] Unit4to: agse [00:09:40.645] barbie_secretstanner: We’re used to it by now ffs [00:09:40.757] jetblock178_: 12 is too damn long [00:09:40.816] abe1_2: When are you going to go goth [00:09:43.233] Not_Yack: It's been.... [00:09:44.396] Error_4_0_4_not_found: Hello everyone [00:09:44.520] meowsy_: hi finn [00:09:44.677] Thorium19: slacker [00:09:45.189] saltyfcraker: Hello [00:09:45.295] Amoyamoyamoya: Not that I was counting but, 12 days. [00:09:45.341] DanNPDog: 2 weeks to late f1nn [00:09:45.558] shahankery: tights or thigh highs [00:09:45.780] medicbat: damnit woman [00:09:46.103] mr_ajokortti_korkort: It always feels long since last time you stream [00:09:46.682] galacticgamer017: boring but good [00:09:46.690] PlushGirlSteph: naughty Rose! [00:09:46.838] cloudd_bee: GOOD [00:09:47.187] JesseVDH_: Welp there goes my evening plans [00:09:47.381] ScarredLemon: Lonesome [00:09:47.872] johnkeiwo: fuck you :) [00:09:47.942] natholomas: every stream you start with, its been a while since i streamed [00:09:48.342] yungchem777: gremlin queen has returned [00:09:49.365] DarkNeonRR: i farted [00:09:49.898] ThyOverlord393: i found out im trans [00:09:50.297] Jens_LN: 12 days .... means free girl weeks ? [00:09:50.834] alexx_net: F1nn, "I'm going to stream more regularly"... f1nnEmbarrassed [00:09:51.121] carterbro: Heyyyyyyyy [00:09:52.241] chained_is_live: where have you been we've been scared [00:09:52.437] josecortesnival: what happened [00:09:52.666] cloudd_bee: I SLEPT ALL DAY [00:09:52.802] alexandra0526: It's Donad Duck's Daughter! [00:09:53.317] jessdk1: Mommy material [00:09:53.318] zer0110: just got up [00:09:53.457] CloakedN00b: I got examns [00:09:53.461] Angenx_: its been good thanks :) [00:09:53.595] saltyfcraker: 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ [00:09:53.692] ArminGux: Family…. [00:09:54.732] Shwol: well I got banned the other day cuz I'm spent 69.420 on me [00:09:54.828] lu_sagna: lu_sagna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! oh god 20 months its definetly been a minute [00:09:55.008] f3mmbot lu_sagna subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:55.736] chevelleman350: currently on my lunch break at work [00:09:56.340] Friendigo_: hit leg day so hard I threw up [00:09:56.502] happy_face210: I am in the car [00:09:57.195] gnomeboe: kinda lonely tbh [00:09:57.539] vanimal2118: Poor Sailor Moon Girl. [00:09:57.752] sarah__ha: currently babysitting [00:09:58.123] jetblock178_: Meh [00:09:58.441] theslideagain: boring [00:09:58.444] michalcleverr: this is my first time using twitch! i watch your videos on youtube! the finnster live ones! also im subbed to it with all notifications on! [00:09:58.510] makoto_elf: been okay summer homework shiz [00:09:58.525] cookies5620: just woke up [00:09:58.641] Cazenn: Went out for a long walk today, nothing exciting lol [00:09:59.074] jvlivs777: mine great 😎 [00:09:59.354] aunalbrutal: Nothing new its like 2 days too early XD [00:10:00.299] smurfytoonz: i faught the law and the law won [00:10:00.425] Golden_Knight69: I just played wii fit [00:10:00.657] Finn: just working away geefCry [00:10:00.890] vidyagaem7: Is been so long :( [00:10:01.108] Kinitawowi: officially i was at work but i don't think i did a single thing today that could actually be considered work [00:10:01.583] 1_smart_donkey: the company I work for for 8 years went out of business [00:10:02.495] ayarcee: ayarcee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! What happened to streaming twice a week? [00:10:02.677] f3mmbot ayarcee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:03.210] im_up_to_something: Been bored, waiting for the Rose [00:10:03.463] stubborntown: DO YOU LIKE HALLOWEEN PLEASE [00:10:03.517] ArminGux: I started painting again [00:10:03.592] qu33nof7hep0nd: been good [00:10:03.720] lydia_m2f: Hi Rose and chat [00:10:03.978] tallorangeone: chill day with the boys! [00:10:06.054] FlyingMortimer: had kidney stones removed [00:10:06.640] probepackung: did nothing but laundry all day [00:10:06.649] hamishmatter: Cheer10 boop [00:10:08.277] kzekt: any tatoo babe [00:10:08.473] rtjfgjgb_sgk: I’m good ☺️ [00:10:08.489] TheBigJablonska: I've been moving 😫 [00:10:08.903] junelyric: missing you [00:10:10.003] PlushGirlSteph: <3 [00:10:10.314] know1_0: bloobyVibe [00:10:10.840] bearpaw1970: yes it has and missed you but saw your Power wash vid [00:10:11.400] wins_khalifa: Been a rough life [00:10:12.321] Fairchilld: Hello, greetings from Germany [00:10:12.448] domeni_: finess52Winke [00:10:12.632] wiccadave: Kashhhhhmir [00:10:13.023] materziggy2l: I love you f1nnHeart [00:10:14.219] jello_xoxo: just busted a nut [00:10:14.399] ezadachad: hello queen [00:10:14.581] maybegarbage: I cut my hand at work so I’ve been off work for 4 days [00:10:14.717] Golden_Knight69: Wii fit [00:10:15.606] JesseVDH_: Just ignored this chick to watch ur stream [00:10:16.065] dschingaxarthur: what are commonwealth games [00:10:16.637] natholomas: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:10:16.933] t0picc: Trash [00:10:17.042] jetblock178_: I made tablet [00:10:17.475] Amoyamoyamoya: "I will stream more often," lied F1nn (any date) [00:10:17.585] ThyOverlord393: F [00:10:19.042] Stovamor: @stubborntown, don't spam the same question [00:10:19.478] ArminGux: Can I paint you rose [00:10:19.620] ghoobie: Headache cause I didn't sleep enough on the weekend [00:10:19.751] jessdk1: I got bullied a lot and my parents are verbally abusing me [00:10:19.847] Benw8888: F [00:10:21.094] estrogen44: I'm cramming pre calc homework [00:10:21.835] Shwol: ha sucker [00:10:22.690] macOS13Ventura: totally normal straight cis sigma male behaviour [00:10:22.751] Steavatron: This better be a good stream. I left Zentreya's stream for this [00:10:23.588] starsjem: F [00:10:23.888] cloudd_bee: I SLEPT ALL DAY AND WOKE UP ENRAGED THEN U STREAMED [00:10:24.311] Jacob135Evans: Jacob135Evans subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:10:24.490] f3mmbot jacob135evans subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:10:24.591] Jacob135Evans: Jacob135Evans subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:10:24.770] f3mmbot jacob135evans subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:10:25.243] DaRealChubzy: I found out that I’m a femboy because of you Rose, thank you and I love you so much. ❤️ [00:10:26.322] jozzzy_: Went to Whitby today saw loads of dogs [00:10:27.286] kobanso: 6/10 burp [00:10:28.044] longlegs_honey: We tjhought you got lost ??????? [00:10:31.213] ezadachad: u took everything from me [00:10:33.169] zer0110: quit and unemployed [00:10:33.328] fromusernull: !discord [00:10:33.608] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:10:33.715] red_army_01: I beat monsterhunter world base game [00:10:33.724] holohazy117: got a project car [00:10:34.803] MoYosry: may the the power of god and anime on ur side [00:10:35.331] Golden_Knight69: Raging at wii fit [00:10:35.439] Jens_LN: I blew up a truck [00:10:36.260] ThyOverlord393: I ALMOST got hit by a car last night! [00:10:36.472] nurodev: It's my birthday tomorrow? LUL [00:10:37.668] bluechicken1530: had my appendix out recently [00:10:38.039] OGpiepro: emt certified [00:10:38.470] unluckynumberrr: The game [00:10:38.971] ScarredLemon: I started a fan tiktok for you? [00:10:39.312] Stovamor: I got a raise [00:10:39.368] SinisterMisterFistR: Car's engine overheated. Have to pay over $1800 for repair [00:10:39.383] natholomas: bought a bunch of cute outfits, still cis tho [00:10:39.623] tallorangeone: barbeque? [00:10:40.119] probepackung: my flowers started blooming and they smell rly good [00:10:40.312] sitooma: I got blood taken out today [00:10:40.798] fellow_mello_: FOund out im trans [00:10:41.353] nothudhub: Cheer15 [00:10:41.752] radialred: hellllooooooo beautiful 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 [00:10:41.866] Benw8888: getting an interview with a super unethical company! [00:10:42.151] Cazenn: Just too busy being an adult KEKW [00:10:42.887] unbreakabledameon: i have been dying with out you [00:10:43.618] saltyfcraker: I got coach for yelling at another employee for being an asshole with me [00:10:43.786] ArminGux: Can I draw/animete you? [00:10:43.841] PlushGirlSteph: I bought my brother an ice cream if that counts? [00:10:44.210] kishere123: My dad died but I found you [00:10:44.364] Not_Yack: I just bought a lawn sprinkler. That's good, right? [00:10:44.411] CupOfKaffee: I slept [00:10:44.494] total_acidity: Not a lie: my dad died Sadge [00:10:44.617] happy_face210: my cat has been sleeping in my closet for the past week [00:10:45.092] Solus_kun: I loved it We Had OfflineChat for a while ! @F1NN5TER [00:10:45.275] stumagoo992: i had a tooth extraction and its 5am i cant sleep [00:10:45.286] cloudd_bee: HELP [00:10:45.296] Thanatos0925: Moved out for college [00:10:45.393] Finn: no fun only sadness [00:10:45.503] rw03_bjw: Blue balls [00:10:45.972] 0ksman: depressed FeelsBadMan [00:10:46.424] domeni_: Sadge [00:10:46.911] shadowreaperxs: F1nn5ter can I rail you I want to do bad [00:10:47.691] grim_250: Rick Astley is from the same town I live… that’s my only claim to fame 🙄 [00:10:48.269] CloakedN00b: I tought my mose to fight rats [00:10:48.867] badatmath007: holidays go brr [00:10:49.648] thatonestrangekid: My girlfriend is pregnant [00:10:50.006] t0picc: I kicked a child [00:10:50.053] jozzzy_: I went to Whitby lol [00:10:50.209] DanNPDog: I died and un died [00:10:50.582] galacticgamer017: i slept until 1:35pm [00:10:50.738] cyrano_red_canada: HeyGuys <3 [00:10:50.807] CuleSensei: CuleSensei subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! f1nnHeart [00:10:50.987] f3mmbot culesensei subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:50.992] ghoobie: It's monday, fun is every other day [00:10:51.157] bestboi10: its my birthday today [00:10:51.239] viljosayshi: spent 9 hours at work today, sold someone £156 worth of tea [00:10:51.633] makoto_elf: summer hw not pog 🥲 [00:10:52.219] 1_smart_donkey: I have a bottle of tequila next to me and in my glass [00:10:52.326] braddle172: life boring [00:10:52.716] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, I read that as "More shit for Rose" [00:10:52.863] mustangcubed: We come here to get away from our miserable lives… [00:10:53.204] Finn: fun = money [00:10:53.224] Ren_895: DO A SKIRT SPIN SINCE I CANT BUY IT!!!! it ran out 😤 [00:10:53.288] garbage_teir: I got suspended from work [00:10:53.817] robloxbedwars2: Dog died [00:10:53.991] cloudd_bee: I GOT BODYSLAMMED [00:10:54.144] wins_khalifa: I have the unemployment [00:10:54.340] Steavatron: F [00:10:55.011] Emmy64_: Playing new games TriHard [00:10:55.251] nagsis: nagsis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:10:55.365] amyanneyifu: Tummy Tuck [00:10:55.366] dominick118_: just got done beating one off [00:10:55.430] f3mmbot nagsis subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:55.485] jetblock178_: My dug like five homes in my garden [00:10:56.796] pianoismyforte_: Broke up with gf [00:10:56.882] KwiteAsh: failing math [00:10:57.112] GRAVITY_SQUEEZE: If I legitimately have a crush on "Rose" am I gay? because the girl I was on a date with says it makes me gay. which is fine [00:10:58.432] bits0w0: I smoked so dry ass weed now i have famboy bf [00:10:58.608] epicdruid19: My chronic illness is getting worse and my medicine is giving me heart problems [00:10:58.771] alexandra0526: I got Abductd by ailen drag queens [00:10:59.801] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, OfflineChat weirdChamp [00:10:59.861] duplotracer: KEKW [00:11:00.448] giga_chad_VI: my cat almost got killed by a racoon [00:11:00.460] FlyingMortimer: will be going back to Africa at the end of the week if that helps. [00:11:00.547] M3ltdwn: my boobs started growing [00:11:00.713] viljosayshi: who the fuck needs £156 of tea??? [00:11:00.925] medicbat: sent out some VA auditions, one of them liked my audition [00:11:01.103] Nasian: WOAH [00:11:01.491] femyboiii: Did my school exams [00:11:01.882] ElFuaLoco033: D: WTF [00:11:03.075] estrogen44: I got laser hair removal [00:11:03.336] OGpiepro: holy shit guys [00:11:03.730] ayarcee: bought a 5K computer [00:11:04.229] random_muffin_: I am jet lagged as fuck [00:11:04.983] bluechicken1530: had my appendix removed recently [00:11:05.003] JesseVDH_: ???? [00:11:05.031] Jens_LN: Bitch, we come here to forget about our sordid lives. [00:11:05.185] jetblock178_: My dog lol [00:11:05.875] abe1_2: My foot got run over by forklift at work [00:11:06.291] SimplyVibingYeah: KEKW [00:11:06.652] follyollie: consuming grass, gas, and ass [00:11:06.927] Flippi_12: oof [00:11:07.346] ry_drake_331: rydrakFrogaDance rydrakFrogaDance rydrakFrogaDance rydrakFrogaDance [00:11:07.454] t0picc: Kicking children is fun [00:11:08.190] smurfytoonz: h2odelCRY h2odelCRY h2odelCRY [00:11:08.368] braddle172: rip [00:11:08.705] domeni_: D: [00:11:08.743] Golden_Knight69: I am good at raging at wii fit [00:11:08.884] cloudd_bee: WHY WAS THAT FUNNNY😭 [00:11:08.956] stubborntown: DO YOU LIKE HALLOWEEN I WILL ASK TILL YOU ANSWER<3 [00:11:08.993] Courier6___: Booze cruised and t boned a family of 5 [00:11:09.269] Mickey_c1: i have university exam soon :( [00:11:09.536] gnomeboe: mfw cute boy on twitch DOT television [00:11:10.389] duplotracer: f [00:11:10.503] tarakagyu: watching your highlights thanks for the cleavage trick [00:11:10.583] blimpblue: Had to miss brothers bachelor party for work [00:11:11.086] sitooma: Got blood taken out today [00:11:11.171] Cazenn: Oh I got a Herman Miller Aeron now @F1NN5TER So very poor as a result KEKW [00:11:11.265] ninjamatt954: My dad left for milk and hasn't come back yet [00:11:11.267] quest_of_a_lifetime: my horse almost killed me [00:11:11.744] awesomerem1: Nice [00:11:12.201] timabar: lost job [00:11:12.215] Serinn: Had dental surgery. I now have life time numbness in my tongue. upside, no more hag reflex... shame I'm not gay [00:11:12.313] Kolateak_: Bruh my mom bought a whole ass car for 1800 dollars [00:11:14.961] Shwol: Do you consider crossdressing an art form or a hobby. Now don't say "well it's both" [00:11:15.553] awesomerem1: Oh shit [00:11:15.990] rkanjl: pay rise [00:11:16.418] Astra_grande: my trash ran away from me [00:11:16.547] unluckynumberrr: The game [00:11:17.778] jetblock178_: :) [00:11:18.825] Rainiiru: my brother smashed his phone screen and i replaced it for him [00:11:18.830] elliott1246: i went to prague:)) [00:11:18.966] skeeter8302: I got an armadillo [00:11:19.572] Emmy64_: F [00:11:20.217] mr_stijket: I ran into mall naked, [00:11:20.838] commanderredpanda: I'm trans and out because of you. 9 months on whoremoans... and none of my friends guessed. I now have tatas. Nice. [00:11:20.958] ArminGux: My grandma didn’t recognise me when I visited [00:11:21.855] total_acidity: Thanks for the sympathy, @F1NN5TER [00:11:22.173] Benw8888: divorced with my nonexistent wife [00:11:22.920] wins_khalifa: Been questioning my sexuality [00:11:23.678] Solus_kun: NO it was Great had a lot of fun in OfflineChat ! :) [00:11:24.506] OGpiepro: went in a waterfall [00:11:25.091] robloxbedwars2: School coming back [00:11:25.220] lucky_ducky07: My hamster dead my dog eat him 💀 [00:11:25.609] h6m6d: I get hit by a car [00:11:26.126] janeisenbeton: yea today sucked [00:11:27.496] bestboi10: its my birthdayyyyyyyyyy [00:11:27.599] johnna_1988: im going to vegas tommorrow [00:11:27.927] swedish_crossdresser: Vacation and crossdressing in swimsuits [00:11:28.603] 0ksman: dad died FeelsBadMan dog died FeelsBadMan cat died FeelsBadMan goldfish died FeelsBadMan [00:11:29.537] unit525tinu: Got a new gun [00:11:29.607] unbreakabledameon: it has [00:11:29.899] fischfuttermaker: 420? [00:11:30.051] Bash1nBra1nZ: rough day. but knowing cyniko has lesbian art of u and Natt. gets me through [00:11:30.311] unluckynumberrr: Wait no I did I wrong [00:11:30.564] kzekt: NOTAGAAAAIINNN COOOOMMREI [00:11:30.750] yungchem777: my friend got a cat [00:11:30.997] johnkeiwo: chill out chat [00:11:31.449] RolioPolioNolio: I killed my entire family in a house fire [00:11:31.532] ThyOverlord393: @GRAVITY_SQUEEZE nah! youre attracted to the feminine features its still straight UNLESS You like him cause hes a cute boy then youre gay [00:11:31.792] bearpaw1970: got covid past 2 weeks but got over it after my new meds [00:11:33.630] ElFuaLoco033: we live in a society that is the worst new [00:11:33.795] DanNPDog: Tbf, I had a fight with a chair, I won [00:11:34.749] Shwol: MONKE [00:11:35.160] JesseVDH_: Yeah cheer us up [00:11:35.392] johnkeiwo: i'm not joking [00:11:35.444] Golden_Knight69: I didnt eat a banana [00:11:35.447] chevelleman350: I got switch led to day shift from the night shift so that's good. [00:11:35.562] mothmantrash: Went to a restaurant and ordered a lemonade, got a mango smoothie instead. It was a nice surprise [00:11:36.724] Not_Yack: I got turned into a newt. [00:11:38.229] Nasian: Monke [00:11:38.341] alexx_net: None of my job interviews have given me a reason not to be here. [00:11:38.838] kishere123: I love you Finn [00:11:39.377] unluckynumberrr: You lost the game [00:11:41.621] duplotracer: monke [00:11:42.336] bearpaw1970: yes it is [00:11:42.703] HornyFerret: i just trim my bonsai tree [00:11:42.761] jetblock178_: I made food [00:11:43.402] gnomeboe: true [00:11:43.650] LittleChaSiu: KEKW dono [00:11:43.761] jessdk1: I dragged deez nuts down your throat [00:11:43.769] dominick118_: I just got done beating one off.. [00:11:43.967] ThyOverlord393: TRUE [00:11:44.042] JesseVDH_: We need more capybara's [00:11:44.081] TheWizX1999: car engine blew up on me and now I have to pull a loan to get a new one [00:11:45.299] cloudd_bee: WEAR A MASK AND DISINFECT GUYS [00:11:45.597] CorzaEve: I went to Leeds Pride, which was nice [00:11:45.687] yeetfox21: @bestboi10 IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY?? ME TOOOOOO!!!!!! [00:11:45.788] bestboi10: ITS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY [00:11:45.924] ourain191: little brother is going to school for first time [00:11:46.170] im_up_to_something: Gonna start training for a race SirPrise [00:11:47.714] Stovamor: !confused [00:11:47.974] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [00:11:48.486] Cazenn: Regularly? X [00:11:48.565] Finn: @kishere123 i love you too [00:11:48.666] CloakedN00b: so never? [00:11:49.424] ArminGux: Yes stream more [00:11:50.061] alexandra0526: Alien Drag queens abducted me... [00:11:50.510] noodle711: fun story, i cracked my egg (: then cracked 2 more and made breakfast [00:11:50.631] jvlivs777: world is pog 😎 [00:11:50.688] GRAVITY_SQUEEZE: @thyoverlord393 appreciate you homie [00:11:51.543] fire_drgn: I jumped off a bridge after my friend did and latter my mom said if your friend jumped off a bridge would you and I said already have [00:11:51.784] kateth: bro I've just been chilling [00:11:51.984] Flippi_12: @solus_kun glad you had fun seth :) [00:11:52.634] cuddlebear187: did rose get lucky [00:11:53.450] ghoobie: I played games with friends not everything was bad [00:11:53.722] tampanmenawan18: do ponytail please [00:11:53.879] Setua_: Setua_ subscribed with Prime. [00:11:54.066] f3mmbot setua_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang setua_ f1nnLezgang [00:11:54.280] makoto_elf: school is soon very not pog [00:11:54.517] happy_face210: instead of covid it's now monkey pocks [00:11:56.132] lydia_m2f: How about 6 weeks with jaw wired shut [00:11:56.866] toxic_cru2ader: Say nya [00:11:57.569] maybegarbage: No it’s a lie the government is just trying to put us back in our holes [00:11:57.824] stubborntown: DO YOU LIKE FUCKING HALLOWEEN I NEED TO KNOW [00:11:59.039] comongamer24: how do you survive playing mchub i play it a bunch and grinding is painful [00:12:00.744] RolioPolioNolio: I killed my whole family after starting the house on fire [00:12:00.884] spacedoutzane: Hello finnster [00:12:02.877] 57ranma: Negative bank account, $600 insurance payment went thru [00:12:04.393] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, Seth OMEGALUL [00:12:07.039] Solus_kun: Shush Flippi [00:12:07.258] EllycaUndeadWolf: EllycaUndeadWolf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! Do you need new make-up? 👀 [00:12:07.465] f3mmbot ellycaundeadwolf subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:10.981] Stovamor: @reece2020stream, No. Stop asking or I'll time you out for more than 10 mins [00:12:13.781] ThyOverlord393: @toxic_cru2ader no. no this. do this. [00:12:14.288] wins_khalifa: Rose makes me question my sexual identity [00:12:14.440] jman36479fgh: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:12:15.691] sir_public0_0: sir_public0_0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hi, gurl [00:12:15.872] f3mmbot sir_public0_0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:12:16.903] onestupidpizza: onestupidpizza subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! boom chakala I'm glad you're back rose also what's was going on your Instagram mind asking [00:12:17.208] f3mmbot onestupidpizza subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:19.643] strahd05: Heya! Here from YouTube. [00:12:23.425] ArminGux: “Big on privacy “ [00:12:23.644] maybegarbage: maybegarbage subscribed at Tier 1. [00:12:23.866] f3mmbot maybegarbage subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang maybegarbage f1nnLezgang [00:12:25.264] smurfytoonz: do youi need new eyes? [00:12:26.379] braddle172: braddle172 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! 2nd twitch baby [00:12:26.585] f3mmbot braddle172 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:27.269] Golden_Knight69: I need to eat lunch [00:12:28.650] lostlittlesammie: I went with my dad and big bro to the zoo and saw a panther cub, does that count as a fun story? [00:12:29.127] Shwol: @roliopolionolio I wouldn't commit crimes then tell people. Don't pull a Homer [00:12:30.168] Astra_grande: me just remembering that school started today [00:12:33.209] onestupidpizza: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer [00:12:38.560] spacedoutzane: I missed you 😩😩😩 [00:12:39.121] Fredol7: Fix the makeup [00:12:39.295] YABOYLUCAS_: YABOYLUCAS_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 17 month streak! 17 month pog [00:12:39.475] f3mmbot yaboylucas_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:39.743] 2piritnl: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:12:41.647] Elflite: cant wait for another 2 week break after this stream FeelsBadMan [00:12:42.986] Jens_LN: Wasn't some of your makeup getting so old it almost had mold on it ? [00:12:43.183] vanimal2118: Poor Superstar [00:12:45.406] Shwol: MY SCHOOL STARTS THE 18TH FUUUUCCC [00:12:45.503] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter oh well he is back only a couple of days left of a month sub! Gremlin [00:12:45.973] ComputedBee: wassup it's me, the boys [00:12:46.161] garbage_teir: Rose sends P.O. Box stuff through shell companies [00:12:46.277] starsjem: Which mascara [00:12:47.076] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 momths of Rose, nice 🌹🌹🌹 [00:12:47.271] f3mmbot bfritz0815 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:47.639] ThyOverlord393: finn passes so well :( [00:12:48.714] bearpaw1970: secret FemCU Service [00:12:49.489] Courier6___: Is it just me or are the eyelashes a bit fucked up? [00:12:50.556] ParallelThought: perhaps lack of bangs [00:12:51.557] itsatena: hi f1nn [00:12:51.837] know1_0: life is bloobyCHAOS [00:12:52.318] jvlivs777: @onestupidpizza whadup 😎 [00:12:53.981] skystrobe: yooo f1nnCowjam [00:12:54.365] f1nn5ter2: ok [00:12:54.669] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn: Has favorite mascara. potastHmm [00:12:55.326] ibrown39: 2wk enjoying boys clothes [00:12:55.685] DanNPDog: "I am big on privacy" - F1nn5ter 2022 [00:12:58.727] enbycrimson: enbycrimson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! 27 months. can't wait for 2 and half years of this. you are an inspiration for so many people. [00:12:58.929] f3mmbot enbycrimson subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:03.842] Flippi_12: watching this stream on public transport is starting to be risky monkaS [00:13:05.747] ThyOverlord393: WhAT? [00:13:06.389] abe1_2: Put on a blonde wig [00:13:06.491] ilovemejustonlyme: Hiiiii [00:13:06.945] jessdk1: Fin you look bombing today your a 9/11 [00:13:07.663] Cazenn: How much?? Fucking hell [00:13:09.209] starsjem: AYO?? [00:13:10.648] stubborntown: OPTIONS ON HALLOWEEN [00:13:12.320] zer0110: wash without conditioner [00:13:12.800] Jacob135Evans: Jacob135Evans converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:13:14.311] itsatena: what [00:13:14.998] cloudd_bee: Mascara [00:13:15.333] unbreakabledameon: what [00:13:16.438] mrfrump730: @jessdk1 KEKW [00:13:16.665] JacobCCS: bruh [00:13:16.685] WhoIsZivx: shower!? [00:13:18.018] MajesticFvckingEagle: So how's secret project GirlVoice coming along?? [00:13:18.492] onestupidpizza: @jvlivs777 hello [00:13:19.170] skystrobe: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:20.982] heyitscrystleiguess: I’m just casually binging on blue Berries rn :) [00:13:21.033] ArminGux: Shower stream? [00:13:21.385] yungchem777: quick shower?? [00:13:23.192] 1_smart_donkey: and 30 minutes later he'll be back [00:13:24.297] estrogen44: get [00:13:24.979] DanNPDog: Came here for rose, we get a polished dancing cow [00:13:25.580] epicdruid19: Halloween is my birthday bro [00:13:27.009] Benw8888: @Flippi_12 prayge [00:13:27.229] DanNPDog: noice [00:13:27.697] Nintendo2ds2008: catJAM [00:13:28.980] ComputedBee: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:29.856] kenOBiD: kenOBiD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! 20 months woop woop! [00:13:30.036] f3mmbot kenobid subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months using Prime! PogU [00:13:31.879] ilovemejustonlyme: OMG YOU USE CHANEL???? [00:13:32.660] KwiteAsh: YO [00:13:33.262] estrogen44: get's contentID [00:13:35.074] bearpaw1970: 🌹 Rose 0_0booba [00:13:35.710] hugrold: betrayal [00:13:35.722] unbreakabledameon: i love the music [00:13:37.107] stumagoo992: ohh no, showers are liminal spaces, theres no way to track time in there [00:13:37.452] ayarcee: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:37.722] i_am_worse1441_: I just got here what happened and why do I feel watching stream at work is a bad idea [00:13:39.741] makoto_elf: cow dance pog [00:13:40.289] PSmithgamer: CowJAM [00:13:40.451] jvlivs777: @yungchem777 whadup yungchem 🕺 [00:13:43.257] cloudd_bee: Did anyone know skittles have titanium oxide? [00:13:45.056] alexandra0526: Can't wear the same makeup for 2 year!~ Makeup goes Bad! [00:13:46.090] blurrmike9: blurrmike9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 21 month streak! [00:13:46.320] f3mmbot blurrmike9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:47.337] Jens_LN: *shoots cow* [00:13:47.387] Poseidon13589: A QUICK SHOWER [00:13:47.507] salto_king08: what is doing??? [00:13:49.588] polobear3098: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:50.094] canvaspainting: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:50.409] anakin_12345: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:50.509] onestupidpizza: f1nnCowjam f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:13:53.785] rebelia24: shower time [00:13:55.234] ArminGux: Wait [00:13:55.897] vidyagaem7: This bimbo is not putting on hold while they shower NotLikeThis [00:13:56.406] wins_khalifa: Cow dance time! [00:13:56.455] kobanso: where go bb? [00:13:57.885] JohnBanks117: catJAM [00:13:58.501] jvlivs777: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:13:59.161] strinx1120: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:13:59.523] Flippi_12: f1nnCowjam deamhaWiggle f1nnCowjam deamhaWiggle f1nnCowjam [00:13:59.830] dire_winter: wa [00:13:59.848] duplotracer: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:00.449] i_am_worse1441_: Well I’m gonna go back to work [00:14:00.947] saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam rynHOLY [00:14:03.201] dominick118_: this is when 43% of viewers leave the streets [00:14:03.562] daniel_peck: Hello boys ponynaWave [00:14:06.180] yungchem777: @jvlivs777 ayo! what's up buddy? [00:14:06.939] blueish4: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:07.347] Astra_grande: yo if you could dress up like Ariana grande i would start questioning my life [00:14:07.378] lolmeisje_2009: catJAM [00:14:07.517] stumagoo992: my quick shower was 1.3 hours this morning :o [00:14:07.880] wins_khalifa: Rose should go cow mode for a stream [00:14:08.474] ThyOverlord393: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:14:10.247] nsufferable: vicksyDance dicksDance dsaDance [00:14:10.393] nandosjr0800: Cow [00:14:10.456] PeterbiltAmsterdam: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:10.522] Stovamor: coxJam ezeggJam anitaJAM catJAM anitaJAM ezeggJam coxJam [00:14:12.379] i_am_worse1441_: Have a good time y’all [00:14:12.438] Emmy64_: @cloudd_bee 99% of candy have it mkoTech [00:14:15.332] mr_ajokortti_korkort: catJAM [00:14:15.352] Amoyamoyamoya: adcvrARRIVE adcvrLEAVE adcvrARRIVE adcvrLEAVE adcvrARRIVE adcvrLEAVE [00:14:16.880] bubbaPika: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:17.183] AestheticRaccoons: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:18.044] kateth: CowJAM [00:14:19.274] sabinmag: LUL LUL [00:14:21.522] rw03_bjw: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:22.376] cloudd_bee: Bye gangalanche f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:14:22.479] johnkeiwo: lvndmaJAM f1nnCowjam inconRad [00:14:24.115] daniel_peck: ponynaJam ponynaJam ponynaJam ponynaJam ponynaJam ponynaJam ponynaJam ponynaJam [00:14:24.925] bearpaw1970: PowerUpL GlitchCat PowerUpR [00:14:27.467] grim_250: That cow dances better than I do [00:14:27.817] ArminGux: The egg is boiling itself in hot water [00:14:29.796] dingosurprise: f1nnCowjam clover54Dance clover54Wiggly [00:14:31.845] sir_public0_0: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:32.332] jvlivs777: @yungchem777 been great,having fun here 😊🙌 [00:14:33.112] tidybananasnj: blackh4CLOWN blackh4CLOWN blackh4CLOWN blackh4CLOWN [00:14:33.941] DaRealChubzy: nayaRatPride [00:14:34.401] bubbaPika: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang [00:14:36.134] daniel_peck: sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue sarcas37Tongue [00:14:42.674] 2piritnl: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:43.133] wp70001: @grim_250 and me :( [00:14:43.641] Amoyamoyamoya: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [00:14:44.356] jvlivs777: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnLezgang [00:14:44.903] daniel_peck: ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love ionice1Love [00:14:45.109] heyitscrystleiguess: gnfPogRave [00:14:45.920] bubbaPika: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:14:47.114] makoto_elf: we do be jamming tho [00:14:47.822] JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam [00:14:48.080] onestupidpizza: MechaRobot MechaRobot MechaRobot MechaRobot MechaRobot MechaRobot MechaRobot MechaRobot [00:14:48.211] saltyfcraker: rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY [00:14:48.397] Chrisabes66: Chrisabes66 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:14:48.602] f3mmbot chrisabes66 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang chrisabes66 f1nnLezgang [00:14:49.758] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:49.945] axel02602: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:50.878] a2ktysonyt: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:53.250] heyitscrystleiguess: gnfPogSpin [00:14:53.887] strahd05: This song makes me happy [00:14:54.099] Mchellion: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:54.363] xxjoyeusexx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:55.083] jessdk1: Goodnight bottoms [00:14:55.612] saltyfcraker: PrimeYouDontSay [00:14:55.694] bubbaPika: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:57.884] Jakyubis9: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:58.528] wp70001: chats just vibing [00:14:59.427] kishere123: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowja f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnCowjam [00:14:59.903] anakin_12345: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:15:00.198] bfritz0815: @i_am_worse1441_ crossdressing stream at work? No worries mate, chances are your boss won't catch you as they are also watching finnster [00:15:01.126] heyitscrystleiguess: olives4Pop [00:15:01.396] ThyOverlord393: @grim_250 me too sis :( [00:15:02.207] aunalbrutal: Wazzup @jvlivs777 [00:15:02.602] thecuxspm: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:15:02.695] bluj40: f1nnCowjam [00:15:03.092] onestupidpizza: music time [00:15:08.077] rw03_bjw: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:15:09.045] heyitscrystleiguess: beauti57Sus [00:15:09.536] JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:15:10.752] yungchem777: @jvlivs777 oh definitely, watching the gremlin queen is always a treat! [00:15:12.443] jvlivs777: @aunalbrutal eyyo aunal 😊🙌 [00:15:15.134] saltyfcraker: Hello [00:15:15.965] anti_shock_tv: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:15:16.857] onestupidpizza: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend [00:15:17.392] heyitscrystleiguess: jamesm13Why [00:15:17.546] sitooma: How to find discord [00:15:18.963] kishere123: f1nnCowjam f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:15:18.968] ayarcee: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:15:19.568] mr_ajokortti_korkort: rynHeadpat Seth [00:15:19.653] bfritz0815: f1nnCowjam anitaJAM [00:15:19.782] arquiJ: and I thonk I was late [00:15:20.080] AestheticRaccoons: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:15:21.491] skystrobe: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:15:24.431] Amoyamoyamoya: !socials [00:15:24.716] f3mmbot Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:15:26.570] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:15:26.906] heyitscrystleiguess: manifoldPog [00:15:27.218] CloakedN00b: thats [00:15:27.313] Stovamor: So @F1NN5TER, you said you'd post daily proof of the Skirts and Dresses on Insta - We've seen "proof" of two days [00:15:29.312] im_up_to_something: MercyWing1 TwitchRPG MercyWing2 [00:15:31.242] jvlivs777: @yungchem777 yup yip 😊 [00:15:32.067] CloakedN00b: thats fast [00:15:32.900] ragingwafle67: finsexual [00:15:34.022] the_soggybaguette: Hey [00:15:35.495] bfritz0815: PETTHEMODS [00:15:35.771] jvlivs777: wooooooooo [00:15:36.753] ArminGux: What was that scream [00:15:39.090] x_lukas05_x: levelu20Jamming [00:15:39.150] funkygamelord121: I celebrated my first ever pride last weekend [00:15:39.182] unbreakabledameon: yeah [00:15:39.793] 2piritnl: copyright police... nock nock [00:15:40.643] wins_khalifa: Are you trashing your male clothes that have been in a box for 2 years? Since Yk you’re committed to fem month. [00:15:42.212] Seriously42gaming: bald finn [00:15:43.414] starsjem: D: [00:15:44.903] fluffgamer15: egg [00:15:44.999] shinra_dun: oh [00:15:45.156] The_logs: bald femboy streamer when? [00:15:47.050] jvlivs777: 😱 [00:15:47.909] ThyOverlord393: SOO fluffy!!! [00:15:48.009] ThatCrazyHawk: bald [00:15:49.398] Helen_Croft: Nooooooo [00:15:50.171] ArminGux: Bezoz it [00:15:50.269] kishere123: Dry shampoo is bae. I used it as well today f1nnLezgang [00:15:51.753] starsjem: no!!!!!! [00:15:51.884] purplesingeram: Hii [00:15:52.322] funkygamelord121: Bald femboy [00:15:53.038] Cupcakez92: 3mm straight off..perfect! [00:15:53.099] Zac_in_the_game: have some bits finn Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:15:54.135] RolioPolioNolio: bald [00:15:55.770] MajesticFvckingEagle: Shave half [00:15:56.455] femyboiii: Noooooo [00:15:57.127] alexx_net: Dry shampoo is poggers [00:15:57.860] unbreakabledameon: bald finn then [00:15:59.465] tarakagyu: do you want to go back to wigs? [00:16:01.054] general_of_cm: you dont decide what to do with your body, ten dose [00:16:01.177] DrCastiel: dougdougClaude dougdougClaude dougdougClaude [00:16:01.393] Amoyamoyamoya: You will lose your personality if you cut your hair. [00:16:01.588] vanimal2118: Go 4 it! [00:16:02.656] bearpaw1970: hiya Jvlivs777💅👩hugs [00:16:03.902] DaRealChubzy: woah lmao [00:16:04.422] blueish4: head smooh as an f1nnEgg [00:16:07.904] the_first_nuthing: BRUH IT GETS IN UR M0UTH WHEN U EAT SAME HERE DUDE XD [00:16:07.942] ThyOverlord393: HOW is your hair so smooth!!!? i try so ahrd to get mine that good! [00:16:09.501] nandosjr0800: Deal with the wig again [00:16:10.501] jetblock178_: I’ll be back in 10 chat:) [00:16:10.541] PSmithgamer: CowJAM [00:16:10.956] strahd05: Bald chicks are hot [00:16:12.138] pyramidpancakes: KEKW [00:16:14.353] jvlivs777: wow f1nnSad [00:16:14.615] Helen_Croft: !modlove [00:16:14.872] f3mmbot ModLove The mods need to get paid! 💵 💷 💶 They're awesome! ModLove [00:16:17.117] Kai_Marcad: You think hair gets in your mouth? Try a beard. Oh... right. Sorry. [00:16:20.036] yeetfox21: Can we get a fit check???? [00:16:20.414] funkygamelord121: Femboy Andrew tate in his pink Bugatti [00:16:20.719] ArminGux: He turning into tru brish male by going bold [00:16:21.510] DaRealChubzy: bald femboy??? less gooo [00:16:23.361] CloakedN00b: peepoSad CrayonTime [00:16:24.451] abe1_2: Have you considered shaving your eyebrows [00:16:24.641] Flippi_12: LUL [00:16:24.762] kzekt: peepoSimp [00:16:24.874] cuddlebear187: super lag [00:16:25.408] jvlivs777: @bearpaw1970 eyya 😊🙌 [00:16:26.110] conzel6697: Hello [00:16:26.299] vanimal2118: Full send! [00:16:26.714] Emmy64_: fembald [00:16:26.869] johnkeiwo: SILENCING THE MODS weirdChamp [00:16:27.491] purplesingeram: Lolll [00:16:27.745] johnkeiwo: SILENCING THE MODS weirdChamp [00:16:27.860] Rayne_Coulds13: agreed [00:16:28.159] johnkeiwo: SILENCING THE MODS weirdChamp [00:16:28.447] johnkeiwo: SILENCING THE MODS weirdChamp [00:16:32.164] ZYRLXRD: ZYRLXRD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! 16 months of bless thank you finn [00:16:32.278] potatomaster69_angrytree: GET A KARAN HAIR CUT [00:16:32.370] f3mmbot zyrlxrd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU [00:16:35.367] Shwol: Have you've the art of you? Very...... interesting, I would say... [00:16:36.740] ragingwafle67: finsexual [00:16:37.791] kateth: if you go bald they'll just make you w ar wigs again and you don't want that [00:16:38.852] kishere123: You'd be a bald cutie [00:16:40.017] feloniousmonk381740: i wish my hair hadn't fallen out [00:16:40.188] daniel_peck: Sunday was my birthday [00:16:40.316] The_Belli_Infernus: How ya doin preciosa? [00:16:42.085] ArminGux: Bald == blonde [00:16:43.882] dire_winter: I think that specific mod needs help [00:16:45.177] robin_be_more_chill: :D [00:16:46.185] Bulldog85043: Bulldog85043 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 26 months! Yipee! [00:16:46.278] sympatheticmimic: !uptime [00:16:46.364] f3mmbot bulldog85043 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 26 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:16:46.553] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 16m 52s [00:16:47.566] wins_khalifa: I’m finnsexual that’s it [00:16:48.105] makoto_elf: Fave makeup products? [00:16:48.664] Amoyamoyamoya: You're like Samson...your masculinity and strongth are dependent on your long hair. [00:16:49.518] FlyingMortimer: no, you need a nicly shaped head to look good bald. [00:16:49.536] codecraft3r: FeelsBirthdayMan [00:16:49.637] Cazenn: johnkeiwo form a god damn union already Kappa [00:16:51.558] y0rk5h1r3: Nah, grow hair till you can tuck it in your trousers. [00:16:51.752] Jens_LN: Aw, he ignored my TTS [00:16:51.758] bearpaw1970: 💪👩▶🔥🦊🔥 hot fox [00:16:51.998] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, you said you'd post daily proof of the Skirts and Dresses on Insta - We've seen "proof" of two days [00:16:55.833] trickyhunter404: streamergirl is live [00:16:57.224] jvlivs777: pog face 😎 [00:16:57.985] elder_bingo61: elder_bingo61 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak! [00:16:58.165] f3mmbot elder_bingo61 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:16:58.825] CloakedN00b: FeelsBirthdayMan [00:16:59.944] duplotracer: pogU [00:17:01.915] cuddlebear187: lag lag LG lag lag [00:17:02.815] Jens_LN: oh, he noticed it [00:17:05.236] l0ns_is_cool: l0ns_is_cool subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! wow 7 months [00:17:05.420] f3mmbot l0ns_is_cool subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:17:09.438] Helen_Croft: 12 month after you open the make-up [00:17:10.045] ragingwafle67: sloot month [00:17:10.858] trickyhunter404: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:17:12.029] onestupidpizza: rose in your insta your nails changed [00:17:13.035] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, RIP Hitch, I guess? [00:17:13.611] ayoitspidge: i used makeup from like 8 years ago almost every day like 3 years ago [00:17:14.780] anjeronett: anjeronett subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Hi, 9 months. Baby name? [00:17:14.966] f3mmbot anjeronett subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:17:16.193] unbreakabledameon: bald finn will be the next Johnny sins but a woman [00:17:21.075] bearpaw1970: happy happy 🎂 Birthday [00:17:21.103] mirot47: hey there F1nn5ter hope you're doing well today 😊🏍️ [00:17:24.626] potatomaster69_angrytree: when we getting an Onlyfans? [00:17:37.427] blackbandit0: 👀 [00:17:37.995] Helen_Croft: po box opening? today? [00:17:39.085] robbie1945: was worried i missed "Plot/Content" from my fav slooty mc streamer gorl [00:17:39.739] ArminGux: I like casual f1nn not hyper dressed up [00:17:40.944] Jens_LN: you are 3 days late, right ? [00:17:42.690] barbie_secretstanner: You were meant to start one week ago scammer [00:17:43.103] ayoitspidge: PO BOX? [00:17:45.422] Amoyamoyamoya: Gaslighting. [00:17:46.210] trashy_pandaa: you’re so hot [00:17:48.613] Stovamor: thursday, friday saturday sunday today [00:17:49.869] ragingwafle67: how many insta does he have [00:17:51.180] medicbat: !of [00:17:51.194] codecraft3r: Kappa [00:17:51.451] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [00:17:53.609] jsrocker1: hey, fucker! hi! [00:17:54.356] Amoyamoyamoya: Evasion [00:17:56.120] Jens_LN: "never" means "soon" ? [00:17:56.699] MortallyTransparentCupcke: small pp so no OF [00:17:57.032] viljosayshi: if you're gonna cut your hair off, make it a channel points goal [00:17:57.552] Amoyamoyamoya: Deflection [00:17:58.240] makoto_elf: What's your favorite makeup product or brand? [00:17:58.737] johnkeiwo: no [00:18:01.177] ayoitspidge: OVA day yall [00:18:01.980] commanderredpanda: I'm sat here, rubbing oestrogen gel into my thighs. And it's all because of you. How's that for a chuckle? You helped me to "come out" Oh, im 42 BTW [00:18:02.056] Szymek1213: walk? [00:18:02.398] Dolfje: hello BishuBois [00:18:04.026] sky_night4213: finally my first stream on time f1n since I started following you. [00:18:06.365] cookiepandaprincess: blazed af [00:18:06.685] ArminGux: Fem sailor [00:18:08.193] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER go Offline and Hang out in OfflineGang with us :) [00:18:08.756] johnkeiwo: chat, be mean, bully him [00:18:08.815] Blind_Play: did anything ever come of the guy who said hed buy you implants? [00:18:09.298] onestupidpizza: your nails changed by the way [00:18:13.412] codecraft3r: great name [00:18:14.025] ayoitspidge: morty [00:18:15.031] ScarredLemon: Drinking stream maybe? [00:18:15.059] thorfinn69420: PowerUpL TheIlluminati PowerUpR [00:18:15.462] garbage_disposal_kun: in class rn lol sorry I'm late guys [00:18:17.575] salto_king08: how did you get your brests fixt??? [00:18:17.724] Sindre623: Sindre623 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 13 month streak! keyComfy [00:18:17.907] f3mmbot sindre623 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:18:18.171] ThyOverlord393: @commanderredpanda hell YEAH sis [00:18:19.076] SinisterMisterFistR: Kyle expects you to start an OF within the next year [00:18:19.120] denden12332: hes back [00:18:19.217] your_local_otaku_gamer: hi, this is my first stream I'm so happy to be here [00:18:20.899] abe1_2: When are we going to see goth rose [00:18:23.760] fakepacman: how the other house going? [00:18:23.997] aAndrew3030: F Rick it is [00:18:24.037] spacedoutzane: Your so cute today! [00:18:24.637] wondergirl3456677: I’m pregnant [00:18:25.088] viljosayshi: RICK [00:18:25.431] Courier6___: RIP [00:18:25.816] Helen_Croft: rick ashly? [00:18:26.141] Millie_26: Millie_26 subscribed with Prime. [00:18:26.324] f3mmbot millie_26 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang millie_26 f1nnLezgang [00:18:26.371] ArminGux: He about to trap the navy fllet [00:18:27.563] Millie_26: Millie_26 subscribed with Prime. [00:18:27.743] f3mmbot millie_26 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang millie_26 f1nnLezgang [00:18:28.056] Logrez: a gay? wot [00:18:29.893] purplesingeram: WOWW [00:18:29.944] cookiepandaprincess: 200 iq name [00:18:30.434] GRAVITY_SQUEEZE: Was he ok? [00:18:31.246] CGClaes: CGClaes subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! 14 months it is [00:18:31.435] f3mmbot cgclaes subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [00:18:32.111] ayoitspidge: @wondergirl3456677 cobgrats? [00:18:32.312] Flippi_12: solus monkaS [00:18:33.354] Lucridis: Probably pushed him [00:18:34.031] unbreakabledameon: what [00:18:34.179] wins_khalifa: Ahh yes baby named “fuck” [00:18:34.400] f0xyy420: yoooo lookin very manly td [00:18:34.455] TheKnuckle44: did u push him? [00:18:34.837] thorfinn69420: GivePLZ PowerUpL TheIlluminati PowerUpR TakeNRG [00:18:37.373] jsrocker1: bullshit! [00:18:37.719] aluna128: you pushed him? [00:18:37.807] Kolateak_: LUL [00:18:37.942] ayoitspidge: POOR RICK [00:18:39.366] starsjem: what [00:18:39.581] spekayy: hello [00:18:40.070] Lord_Huffington: Lord_Huffington subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! pog pog pog [00:18:40.267] f3mmbot lord_huffington subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:40.549] dire_winter: Rick? rick astley?? [00:18:41.224] Jens_LN: you're into baby play ? [00:18:41.496] strahd05: OnlyF1nn [00:18:41.754] bfritz0815: Astley [00:18:43.124] WitchboneNomad: haleyHi [00:18:43.187] supersesar: school starts in 2 days [00:18:43.508] ArminGux: He about to trap the enemy fleet bois [00:18:43.708] catbarf_: hello [00:18:43.763] yungchem777: was he hot and bald? [00:18:44.645] unbreakabledameon: damn rip [00:18:44.744] enbycrimson: did you push him off [00:18:44.783] Courier6___: Kid named Rick: [00:18:45.656] robbie1945: @Blind_Play yes rose is going to marry him for the money divorce then take half and alimony [00:18:45.984] daniel_peck: I'd give my left nut to have seen that fall! LUL [00:18:47.177] CashoutQuantunn: damn daddy you lookin fine [00:18:47.558] ayoitspidge: oh okay GOOD [00:18:49.673] viljosayshi: your baby's named after a guy who didn't do any work [00:18:50.004] bearpaw1970: Aw' Dang [00:18:54.567] Solus_kun: D: [00:18:56.320] JohnBanks117: D: [00:18:57.881] LittleChaSiu: what the fuck [00:18:58.233] TheKnuckle44: called it [00:18:59.822] LittleChaSiu: he was only 6 [00:19:00.185] alexx_net: If it's a chill stream you can catch up on the reward-queue [00:19:00.679] CatFIshCat64: Woman [00:19:01.648] Spectre223: Spectre223 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! When he hit the ground, did Rick roll? [00:19:01.842] f3mmbot spectre223 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:19:01.897] Cazenn: D: Toxic [00:19:02.000] HappiMoose: Lindberq, are you here? [00:19:02.228] sft_alpha: Heels….? [00:19:03.616] OGpiepro: homelander moment [00:19:04.552] Duuhdaah: Sadge [00:19:05.836] dire_winter: ah yes Rick, mwahaha rick roll rick [00:19:07.095] ayoitspidge: he's just like me fr [00:19:07.651] duckstm: hello police? [00:19:07.864] kishere123: I want to get pregnant by a manly man f1nnCowjam [00:19:09.792] xXNeroZashiXx: Hope everyone having great day :D [00:19:09.904] thorfinn69420: 😅 [00:19:10.481] Stovamor: @Spectre223, oof! [00:19:11.704] ayoitspidge: KEKW [00:19:12.063] yungchem777: all my homies hate rick [00:19:12.339] longlegs_honey: you taught him well [00:19:12.399] duplotracer: @supersesar I feel you, same on here [00:19:12.405] ArminGux: Rick ain’t gonna run around or desert you, why you so mean [00:19:12.625] Flippi_12: poor rick [00:19:13.590] Solus_kun: KEKW [00:19:13.665] pyramidpancakes: KEKW [00:19:14.245] aluna128: nice [00:19:14.359] braddle172: KEKW [00:19:14.427] Cazenn: KEKW [00:19:14.460] codecraft3r: KEKW [00:19:15.234] LittleChaSiu: poor Rick, he was only 6 [00:19:15.893] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:19:15.904] unbreakabledameon: WHAT how could u [00:19:16.607] duckstm: KEKW [00:19:16.615] bluj40: bluj40 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak! oh boy 25 months. yippee [00:19:16.678] TubToaster74: TubToaster74 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 3 months of degeneracy [00:19:16.834] f3mmbot bluj40 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:19:17.038] f3mmbot tubtoaster74 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:19:17.619] Jens_LN: laugh ! [00:19:17.838] Chrisabes66: @f1nn5ter what’s up dude I love all your YouTube videos and I just Subscribed to you on here [00:19:18.157] sky_night4213: just like Rick and morty ??? [00:19:18.255] Duuhdaah: KEKW [00:19:19.012] ThyOverlord393: KEKW [00:19:19.144] Helen_Croft: KEKW [00:19:19.654] onestupidpizza: f1nnLaff [00:19:20.363] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [00:19:20.430] blueish4: KEKW [00:19:20.710] neo_lyx: KEKW [00:19:20.907] zer0110: lol [00:19:21.030] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:19:21.997] Onlmusha1: How do the Asian ladies like doing your nails? [00:19:22.475] toomanybees___: KEKW [00:19:22.815] dingosurprise: KEKW [00:19:22.840] Amoyamoyamoya: @kishere123, weirdChamp [00:19:22.893] strinx1120: KEKW [00:19:23.402] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:19:24.253] maybegarbage: Nice [00:19:24.955] Jens_LN: LOL [00:19:25.894] garbage_disposal_kun: KEKW [00:19:25.991] kzekt: babyma20Wink [00:19:26.563] femyboiii: When fin is with the boys on Monday but it's Tuesday for you...😢👍 [00:19:26.878] zombie_1981: f1nnLaff [00:19:27.075] OilP: KEKW [00:19:27.149] Duuhdaah: Yes it is [00:19:27.258] Golden_Knight69: KEKW [00:19:27.663] ZYRLXRD: LUL SeemsGood NotLikeThis [00:19:27.949] Benw8888: kekw [00:19:28.171] anti_shock_tv: KEKW [00:19:29.128] aunalbrutal: HAHAHAHAH [00:19:29.545] aluna128: very funny [00:19:29.583] spekayy: damn [00:19:29.795] Solus_kun: it is funny OMEGALUL [00:19:29.953] duplotracer: KEKW [00:19:30.432] Jens_LN: it is SO funny ! [00:19:31.005] fluffgamer15: KEKW [00:19:31.103] ElFuaLoco033: good one KEKW [00:19:31.154] Flippi_12: LUL [00:19:31.193] ThyOverlord393: iTS SO funny [00:19:31.443] cloudnico: LUL LUL [00:19:31.547] purplesingeram: AHAAAA [00:19:32.355] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:19:32.414] dire_winter: ehehe [00:19:33.981] ayoitspidge: ITS FUNNY WeirdChamp [00:19:34.283] JohnBanks117: LUL [00:19:35.383] funky_fox06: hiiii [00:19:36.082] maybegarbage: This is where the stream ends [00:19:38.431] comongamer24: nah [00:19:38.599] wins_khalifa: Rick in the chat like 0: [00:19:40.637] bearpaw1970: grin.. [00:19:42.281] bjorn_egil: bjorn_egil subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! [00:19:42.580] f3mmbot bjorn_egil subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:19:42.746] jsrocker1: he went splat! [00:19:43.555] dsfcrombie: KEKW [00:19:44.095] thebunroller: Did you get something large with teeth in the PO-box last week? [00:19:44.247] im_up_to_something: How was the house thing [00:19:44.592] catbarf_: hiii [00:19:44.639] jvlivs777: haha 😅 [00:19:44.890] DaRealChubzy: KEKW [00:19:46.878] Cazenn: It's pretty fucking funny KEKW [00:19:46.893] kateth: KEKW [00:19:46.898] actual_femboy_uwu: finn be like MyAvatar [00:19:47.482] CloakedN00b: YES officer this woman right here dannyd43FenCry [00:19:48.149] HornyFerret: LUL LUL [00:19:48.947] Owly_9: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 HEY u guys [00:19:50.416] sharphooter717: sharphooter717 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 11 month streak! Oh wow a whole year [00:19:50.596] f3mmbot sharphooter717 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:19:50.788] Jens_LN: And he is still rolling ! [00:19:50.880] ayoitspidge: po box streammmm [00:19:53.127] Dab_Pr1ncess: Dab_Pr1ncess subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Four months with my lovely egg [00:19:53.317] f3mmbot dab_pr1ncess subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:19:53.620] ArminGux: So you don’t like rick but you like d… [00:19:53.982] thorfinn69420: GivePLZ PowerUpL TheIlluminati PowerUpR TakeNRG [00:19:54.092] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:19:54.260] neo_lyx: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:19:54.433] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to lumoslynx! [00:19:54.613] f3mmbot ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to lumoslynx at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lumoslynx f1nnLezgang [00:19:57.721] ZYRLXRD: f1nnLaff [00:19:58.948] onestupidpizza: 🤔 [00:19:59.020] salto_king08: @F1NN5TER how did you get your breste fixt? [00:19:59.354] reteliny: reteliny subscribed with Prime. [00:19:59.434] Helen_Croft: po box opening? today? @F1NN5TER [00:19:59.534] f3mmbot reteliny subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang reteliny f1nnLezgang [00:19:59.620] Lucridis: Media share? [00:20:00.510] saltyfcraker: rynGiggle [00:20:01.322] codecraft3r: mediashare stream when? [00:20:01.661] khachidze01: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:20:01.971] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER Play a agame ? [00:20:02.864] killer_berry26: what did you do with the bunny plug [00:20:03.752] ArminGux: Dance stream [00:20:05.435] soccota: KomodoHype [00:20:05.873] ElFuaLoco033: tilted towers [00:20:06.250] FlyingMortimer: What are your plans for the house? [00:20:07.919] Ryndinovaia: Hollow Knight? [00:20:09.327] ThyOverlord393: its SO darn pretty [00:20:09.562] maybegarbage: Escape from Tarkov [00:20:09.693] bearpaw1970: shot Rick off the roof like a cannon [00:20:10.356] unbreakabledameon: watch memes on discord [00:20:11.273] ForsbergInTheHouse: play some random game ey [00:20:12.443] obliviousxconfused: are we cosplaying sailor moon today [00:20:14.653] yungchem777: we want to see you not be scuffed [00:20:18.273] Golden_Knight69: Eat food [00:20:19.408] kzekt: bexukiPopper bexukiPopper bexukiPopper [00:20:19.536] thorfinn69420: 8-----D [00:20:19.577] Benw8888: wtf is on his back [00:20:20.962] Solus_kun: Mods suck ? D: TOXIC STREAMER [00:20:24.556] Jens_LN: LOL [00:20:25.161] LittleChaSiu: LUL LUL [00:20:25.500] Courier6___: Goofy ahh donation [00:20:25.722] Emmy64_: LUL [00:20:25.899] saltyfcraker: LUL [00:20:26.229] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:20:26.983] Loelinverse: try bangs? [00:20:27.589] viljosayshi: "you bastard" lmaoo [00:20:28.780] pocketfullofskittles: PO Box 📦 [00:20:29.334] edgar_ayer: L L L L [00:20:29.473] braddle172: LUL [00:20:29.755] jvlivs777: wow.... [00:20:31.039] Jens_LN: does Rose suck the Mods ? [00:20:31.917] ThyOverlord393: wait JUST NOTICED F1nn has booba WOAH [00:20:32.049] Etskari: LUL [00:20:32.360] Owly_9: Hair be looking lit SHEEEEEEEESH [00:20:32.885] itsatena: we can play dress up our f1nn5ter [00:20:32.969] FixableAlmond: Pixelmon [00:20:34.260] megaroot: hi f1nn, you look really cute today igoesrAyaya [00:20:34.859] longlegs_honey: PO BOX ????????? [00:20:35.055] 2piritnl: HOW IS THE NEW HOUSE? [00:20:35.230] robbie1945: Bumhole bleaching stream today? [00:20:36.960] johnkeiwo: YOU DESERVE IT [00:20:39.023] thel0ng2: thel0ng2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hey finn i like your outfit [00:20:39.226] f3mmbot thel0ng2 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:20:40.324] godsbeenswinging_: hotdamn! [00:20:40.634] johnkeiwo: lil shit [00:20:41.340] duplotracer: l l l l [00:20:43.157] Onlmusha1: @F1NN5TER Did you shave your legs?? [00:20:46.741] saltyfcraker: HarleyWink [00:20:48.351] swedish_crossdresser: he fell in dog shit🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺 [00:20:48.463] aluna128: cute. [00:20:50.550] kristy_y: I wanted to drink an iced coffee but it was late. And then I saw you with the redbull, so now I'm drinking it. If i can't sleep tonight, it's on you, Finn [00:20:51.491] onestupidpizza: TwitchSings talk about the nails TwitchSings [00:20:51.533] ArminGux: If you were my dog I would buy a lot of peanut butter [00:20:53.842] junelyric: bald finn [00:20:56.009] kateth: GET HER JOHN [00:20:56.139] makoto_elf: chat is creepy sometimes [00:20:56.450] momo_senpai09: Talk crap to me mommy [00:21:02.550] Jens_LN: hair need a wash + conditioner + straightening. [00:21:02.563] bearpaw1970: cuteness upgrade activated [00:21:02.919] richardpg27: richardpg27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:21:02.940] PhantomMagic14: Cat ears are nice [00:21:03.102] f3mmbot richardpg27 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:21:04.902] ThyOverlord393: its absolutely sooo pretty! [00:21:05.362] TenMuses: So, how's the girl voice going? [00:21:06.731] Lucridis: Surely that counts as the bet? [00:21:08.313] TheOneTrueNuT: Hey Finn [00:21:08.390] robbie1945: @ArminGux lmao [00:21:09.489] unbreakabledameon: cat ears yes [00:21:09.794] ajmonkey21_: do a twirl [00:21:10.139] jonathanvh2: what shampoo do you use? [00:21:10.884] ArminGux: Egg [00:21:12.199] Stovamor: There are 17 ban requests waiting, there might be some PO Boxes, you could talk about the reddit, @F1NN5TER [00:21:13.799] alexx_net: "Happens to men" I think Rose just misgendered herself [00:21:13.875] jvlivs777: 😊 [00:21:14.498] Ahri_02: you should play elden ring [00:21:16.163] Millie_26: I think I'm late [00:21:18.094] strahd05: Dress Up Darling with F1nn instead of Marin. [00:21:22.288] mr_stijket: hair looks great [00:21:24.079] ragingwafle67: sailer moon cosplay walk [00:21:25.612] abe1_2: Dude sailor has pigtails [00:21:27.094] edgar_ayer: Heyo @TenMuses [00:21:28.273] robbie1945: mediashare [00:21:29.339] Jens_LN: waiting for the other shoe to drop ? [00:21:31.627] dire_winter: E [00:21:33.657] harrietcrackmen: Hey peeps my late what’s going on [00:21:34.431] johnkeiwo: imagine having content [00:21:36.171] thomas_1_the_1_train: your hair looks so soft [00:21:39.709] Onlmusha1: @F1NN5TER What is your haircare routine? [00:21:40.344] kauw2008: o [00:21:40.598] viljosayshi: @Stovamor oh I bet the ban requests are good [00:21:43.636] NerdexDK: finn. when were the last time you was wearing male cloths [00:21:43.867] thefpsprince221: !lurk [00:21:45.896] nomad2375: nomad2375 subscribed with Prime. [00:21:46.079] f3mmbot nomad2375 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nomad2375 f1nnLezgang [00:21:46.263] nomad2375: nomad2375 subscribed with Prime. [00:21:46.445] f3mmbot nomad2375 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nomad2375 f1nnLezgang [00:21:51.645] duckstm: what if we all just be nice to f1nn so he just feels weird the whole stream [00:21:52.352] kauw2008: jurk [00:21:53.086] ragingwafle67: coom in hair [00:21:54.853] starless_x: you look so pretty! [00:21:56.478] 2piritnl: John is on a roll LOL [00:21:57.580] tarakagyu: do you have a favourite set of cat ears? [00:21:58.319] ThyOverlord393: O-o? [00:21:59.187] saltyfcraker: f1nnLezgang [00:21:59.210] thorfinn69420: GivePLZ PowerUpL TheIlluminati PowerUpR TakeNRG [00:21:59.929] robbie1945: i watch finn for the "Plot/content" @johnkeiwo [00:22:00.752] jvlivs777: bruv 🙃 [00:22:02.090] mr_stijket: no [00:22:03.528] Jens_LN: but not the sticky we thought of [00:22:05.193] chaynie45: Æ [00:22:05.194] mirot47: wife says to the husband I'm fat and ugly would you give me a positive comment? husband says damn! you've got bloody good eyesight 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:22:05.417] neo_lyx: linechuGun [00:22:07.549] aAndrew3030: D: [00:22:09.460] Duuhdaah: X to Doubt [00:22:09.739] jsrocker1: smile like a doughnut [00:22:09.788] onestupidpizza: HolidaySanta [00:22:09.820] OGpiepro: fuck he got us chat [00:22:10.147] megaroot: LUL [00:22:11.098] ArminGux: That was just sad [00:22:12.069] ghoobie: Nice [00:22:12.395] black_deathe39: heyyy [00:22:13.033] strinx1120: Æ [00:22:14.023] anjeronett: smart phOWNED [00:22:14.206] NerdexDK: f1nn5ter. when were the last time you was wearing male cloths [00:22:14.548] makoto_elf: nice 👌 [00:22:15.450] Owly_9: NO [00:22:16.201] CloakedN00b: D: [00:22:16.750] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:22:17.200] Stovamor: !keyboard [00:22:17.482] f3mmbot Finn has a new GMMK Pro keyboard from Glorious Gaming. Get your Glorious gear with 10% discount code F1NN at checkout! https://www.gloriousgaming.com/discount/F1nn [00:22:18.268] purplesingeram: oooooh [00:22:19.315] sitooma: How donate [00:22:20.431] nordicvikingcel: say uwu please [00:22:20.614] Jens_LN: for your keyboard [00:22:21.244] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Pigtails would definitely look nice with that outfit [00:22:22.029] im_up_to_something: The outfit needs shoes SirSword [00:22:22.054] ArminGux: We both know you would go for the dad [00:22:22.463] kzekt: its masturbatory [00:22:23.585] zombie_1981: LUL [00:22:24.314] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 120 “F1nn IQ?” “Very high (duuuude)” “Very low (sadge)” “Room temp (Antarctica)” “NaN” [00:22:24.405] ragingwafle67: i watch this for the plot that glorious plot [00:22:24.589] strahd05: What’s your hair care routine? [00:22:24.591] f3mmbot Poll not created, minimum allowed poll choices is 2. [00:22:26.064] jvlivs777: f1nnHeart f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:22:27.897] Owly_9: Get custom ones from etsy [00:22:28.224] tpxtu: hello mommy [00:22:29.401] michalcleverr: @f1nn5ter remember on that stream you bought that sailor moon cosplay outfit? [00:22:30.771] dire_winter: E, I follow E, E is life, E. [00:22:30.970] garbage_disposal_kun: 💀 [00:22:31.582] onestupidpizza: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [00:22:33.495] bearpaw1970: something really cool for F1nn5ter [00:22:35.336] baelphes: baelphes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! awww yea 16 monfs [00:22:35.520] f3mmbot baelphes subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:22:35.871] funky_fox06: she dose have pigtails [00:22:38.104] saltyfcraker: PrimeYouDontSay [00:22:42.755] Serinn: Dress up Darling is a popular weeb animé. girl meets boy, girl likes cosplay, boy lines to make dolls. boy makes slutty outfits for the girl to cosplay in [00:22:43.734] sitooma: How to donate [00:22:44.252] jetblock178_: !uptimme [00:22:46.735] f1nnlove: by suck he meant head [00:22:47.090] spacedoutzane: Your so damn cute! [00:22:48.075] jetblock178_: Uptime [00:22:51.580] lalaize: dress up darling is a anime marin is the mc [00:22:51.850] AppleSaph: @Amoyamoyamoya, hmmm not sure if that went correctly [00:22:52.085] maybegarbage: What’s an electric boogaloo [00:22:54.623] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER Maybe Gaming stream today ? LUL [00:22:56.794] bearpaw1970: the Infinity gauntlet comic book Riza got you [00:22:57.352] Friendigo_: lmao btec streamer [00:23:04.187] johnkeiwo: what content ? LUL [00:23:06.338] Courier6___: 23 minutes without Finn getting into any substance LUL [00:23:07.033] Amoyamoyamoya: Syntax? [00:23:08.567] bearpaw1970: is worth big time money [00:23:09.309] garbage_disposal_kun: Dress up darling is actually pretty relatable [00:23:09.489] ThyOverlord393: fashion stream? [00:23:11.054] Emmy64_: LUL [00:23:11.111] Jens_LN: French Braid ? [00:23:11.970] tpxtu: !lilbitch [00:23:13.032] f1nnlove: make 2 buns like asian girls [00:23:13.139] smiggieballs02: finnster i want to spoon you [00:23:13.831] chevelleman350: Hey F1nn do you like tie dye stuff? if so I can make you a shirt in whatever color you'd want. [00:23:16.190] inky_crow_: did u know [00:23:16.355] gimnko: Hallo fin :=) [00:23:17.133] Onlmusha1: Almost 6666.66 chat?? [00:23:17.221] NUFC4life1979: All most Time for you to Open the box [00:23:19.235] y0rk5h1r3: Plait your hair! [00:23:25.841] thorfinn69420: popeye [00:23:26.554] Jakyubis9: @Serinn a man of culture as i see [00:23:27.324] viljosayshi: Pride100 a rainbow flag for our anime egg [00:23:27.660] bluj40: yeah thats the costs they dont tell you about [00:23:28.050] robbie1945: i watch rose for the plot [00:23:29.058] Owly_9: PWND [00:23:30.612] dylanm6996: dylanm6996 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:23:30.906] dylanm6996: dylanm6996 gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_snowing_on_mt_fuji! [00:23:31.088] f3mmbot dylanm6996 has gifted a subscription to its_snowing_on_mt_fuji at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang its_snowing_on_mt_fuji f1nnLezgang [00:23:32.373] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:23:33.621] JohnBanks117: KEKW 󠀀 [00:23:35.476] braddle172: KEKW [00:23:38.982] GRAVITY_SQUEEZE: Bro learning braid is a skill. What if you need a braided rope after stranded after a plane crash [00:23:39.856] thorfinn69420: knew [00:23:39.971] AppleSaph: createpoll 120 "F1nn IQ?" "Very high (duuuude)" "Very low (sadge)" "Room temp (Antarctica)" "NaN" [00:23:40.536] Flippi_12: KEKW [00:23:40.623] duplotracer: KEKW [00:23:42.208] mystchevious1: John is in rare shape today. [00:23:44.595] AppleSaph: !createpoll 120 "F1nn IQ?" "Very high (duuuude)" "Very low (sadge)" "Room temp (Antarctica)" "NaN" [00:23:45.650] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "F1nn IQ?" [00:23:46.129] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:23:47.065] AppleSaph: ah [00:23:47.466] tpxtu: L [00:23:47.495] 2zus: 2zus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! [00:23:47.703] f3mmbot 2zus subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months using Prime! PogU [00:23:47.940] Helen_Croft: get a refund [00:23:47.995] mr_stijket: haunted [00:23:49.255] jvlivs777: cool chat 😎 [00:23:49.313] johnkeiwo: Of course it is [00:23:49.872] thorfinn69420: kekwe [00:23:53.768] godsbeenswinging_: so its a bit of a fixer upper [00:23:55.036] AppleSaph: you used different quotation marks @Amoyamoyamoya [00:23:56.008] Pyroblade131: MONKAs [00:23:59.003] Jens_LN: spider infested ? You will fit right in then ! :) [00:24:01.649] duckstm: haunted house tour Pog [00:24:02.291] purplesingeram: 😀 [00:24:03.479] babyhuey23: Damn, you are so cute. [00:24:03.500] oculasorbus: Haunted? [00:24:03.752] baelphes: lol IQ = NaN [00:24:03.792] jvlivs777: wow.... [00:24:04.562] bluj40: why didn't you know this before you bought?? [00:24:05.245] starsjem: haunted [00:24:05.893] aluna128: haunted. [00:24:06.380] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:24:06.760] sp00ny76: thats old af [00:24:06.812] dingosurprise: wow [00:24:08.191] Owly_9: thats a uk new build [00:24:09.250] viljosayshi: you didn't get the title deeds when you bought the house? [00:24:10.042] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:24:10.562] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to legion898! [00:24:10.742] f3mmbot ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to legion898 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang legion898 f1nnLezgang [00:24:10.895] ThyOverlord393: its SOOO HARD to braid hair its soooo fluffy and messy! [00:24:11.580] frozenmelon2: mines older [00:24:13.555] unbreakabledameon: ew kill all the spiders [00:24:14.170] f1nnlove: my bed is available for u [00:24:15.423] thorfinn69420: huanted [00:24:16.318] ScarredLemon: Bros got a Victorian house [00:24:16.394] ragingwafle67: hey get a priest to bless it [00:24:16.593] Spectre223: @Owly_9 LuL [00:24:17.198] bearpaw1970: cool [00:24:18.380] ArminGux: Victorian home [00:24:18.703] johnkeiwo: @bluj40, because he is a gremlin [00:24:19.513] Helen_Croft: into the horny house? [00:24:19.746] XanderYlvis: Dehumidifier will help with the mould any existing mould use bleach [00:24:20.159] jjxinenaoahxnrhiahcju: ♿ [00:24:20.177] Jens_LN: that would be a 19th century house [00:24:21.053] 1_smart_donkey: new one or old one [00:24:22.103] smokeheadpyro: HypeEvil [00:24:22.180] thorfinn69420: cool [00:24:22.559] Lord_StrangeX: finally caught a finn stream?! [00:24:25.136] Amoyamoyamoya: @AppleSaph, Huh? What did I get wrong? [00:24:25.470] mothmantrash: Old house [00:24:26.380] Steavatron: house tour when? [00:24:29.095] xAXEx_: haunted house with Pope bricks ? [00:24:31.168] total_acidity: Haunted by the memory of your deceased masculinity [00:24:34.485] thel0ng2: shoot em [00:24:36.847] Gurglefrix: Gurglefrix subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 21 month streak! [00:24:36.927] Serumaster: hi boys [00:24:37.026] f3mmbot gurglefrix subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:24:37.362] neo_lyx: 1899 is 19th cent [00:24:39.412] DrCastiel: casper collab when 😂😂 [00:24:42.181] johnkeiwo: Stov Clap [00:24:42.856] Smossy_: Does your dad see you in girl cloths? [00:24:43.003] alexandra0526: your house is haunted?? [00:24:46.548] strahd05: Haunted by witches? Dress them up too! [00:24:47.084] Kai_Marcad: I used to live in a house made 1899. [00:24:47.209] Golden_Knight69: There was a moth in my shower [00:24:49.161] Blindguyplaying: Why are your streams the only streams that buffer? [00:24:51.791] jandraelune: In the US a building that old could be labeled ' Historical Landmark ' [00:24:52.494] f1nnlove: @smossy_ yes [00:24:54.596] ArminGux: Girl is scared of spider [00:24:54.630] 1_smart_donkey: you need a bug of salt weapon [00:24:54.894] theemma22: f1nnCowjam [00:24:58.692] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Poor spiders [00:24:59.825] jsrocker1: bic lighter and hairspray GlitchLit [00:25:02.261] f1nnlove: @armingux sexist [00:25:02.676] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [00:25:02.898] f3mmbot bfritz0815 has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [00:25:03.022] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to femyboiii! [00:25:03.055] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lars0yvind! [00:25:03.080] Stovamor: Donator - he's not going to click your link for keyboard switches since he just got a new keyboard [00:25:03.297] bearpaw1970: sweet maybe Justaminx can give you some tips on haunted spaces [00:25:03.899] johnkeiwo: because he won't do it [00:25:05.768] Smossy_: @f1nnlove Thats pretty dope. I fuck with your family then [00:25:06.766] commanderredpanda: lol the poll [00:25:06.839] godsbeenswinging_: scammed [00:25:06.995] dire_winter: I thought it was known the house had spiders since you massacred one with a plastic ball at near 150 meters/second [00:25:08.437] mr_stijket: find another [00:25:09.624] Serumaster: there is a youtuber that could help you [00:25:13.028] aluna128: wHaT [00:25:16.718] Jens_LN: btw, your last highlight video didn't have the "booba" incident in it ? [00:25:17.301] f1nnlove: @smossy_ after fucking urs? [00:25:19.135] Flippi_12: poll Clap LUL [00:25:19.670] neo_lyx: f1nnHands f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:25:20.044] malnurished23: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:25:24.993] zeeeerie: are you learning to sing? [00:25:26.116] robbie1945: you mean oral performance [00:25:26.151] Smossy_: @f1nnlove haha [00:25:26.743] mystchevious1: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:25:27.332] johnna_1988: transvoicelessons [00:25:28.978] rw03_bjw: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:25:32.572] jjxinenaoahxnrhiahcju: 🚸 [00:25:34.242] Blindguyplaying: Covid helps lubricate vocal cords [00:25:34.710] Loelinverse: convient covid [00:25:35.614] sympatheticmimic: !uptime [00:25:35.765] kotisek: scam5ter is back [00:25:35.869] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 25m 41s [00:25:36.949] thesandwitchfoxlive_: UwU [00:25:38.780] aluna128: L [00:25:39.732] ThyOverlord393: NOOoooo [00:25:41.540] ElFuaLoco033: Sadge [00:25:43.488] Helen_Croft: @TenMuses is here @F1NN5TER [00:25:45.887] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "F1nn IQ?": Room temp (Antarctica) with 206 votes (59.71%) [00:25:46.294] kishere123: oral performance ay Kappa f1nnCowjam [00:25:46.531] thinkingthum: finn can you vc after [00:25:48.687] the_internet_fairy: hi hiii [00:25:50.343] evhu11007: Just the mfin ventilator while tryna sing [00:25:50.358] johnkeiwo: yes ? [00:25:52.149] aunalbrutal: Commitment 0 XD [00:25:52.171] ghoobie: I also want voice lessons [00:25:52.674] Amoyamoyamoya: @AppleSaph, OMG. I know why that happened... [00:25:52.841] cafiske: cafiske subscribed with Prime. [00:25:53.020] cafiske: cafiske subscribed with Prime. [00:25:53.021] f3mmbot cafiske subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cafiske f1nnLezgang [00:25:53.126] f1nnlove: @smossy_ oh wait I misunderstood f word so sorry [00:25:53.200] f3mmbot cafiske subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cafiske f1nnLezgang [00:25:54.825] mystchevious1: You CAN! [00:25:55.428] yungchem777: you're still gonna fuck it up somehow [00:25:56.014] bitoshima: transvoicelessons lets go [00:25:56.356] alexx_net: Next stream, "Voice coach got monkeypox..." [00:25:58.051] general_of_cm: just call nat [00:25:58.637] im_up_to_something: Its definitely be a while before we get girl voice [00:25:58.766] Ryndinovaia: What voice is F1nn5stre gonna learn? [00:25:58.970] johnkeiwo: Because you're a scammer gremlin [00:26:00.185] Flippi_12: always an excuse Kappa [00:26:00.462] Smossy_: @f1nnlove <3 all good [00:26:01.578] medicbat: Just do it bro [00:26:04.705] Qutaniu: Qutaniu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! [00:26:04.887] f3mmbot qutaniu subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [00:26:11.431] bernie_____: such a liar omg hachuFail [00:26:11.875] godsbeenswinging_: supper drug KEKW [00:26:12.014] AngelumLuci: suilazUiSquishy [00:26:14.355] blueish4: this mf about to be thinking about fire and heat so damn much KEKW [00:26:15.323] josua_themen: Voice lessons ????? [00:26:17.321] zalo263: cheese 🧀🧀🧀 🧀 [00:26:20.283] abe1_2: Reach out Natt [00:26:21.646] Jens_LN: Drunk balls ? [00:26:21.845] mr_stijket: what else [00:26:22.317] jsrocker1: yeah [00:26:22.973] Courier6___: CBT [00:26:26.647] tom_urbanca: You can there’s many useful lessons on tiktok [00:26:28.090] vizionzxrl: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [00:26:30.934] MoonSenpai619: bro i watched you when you were a gamer.. is this an upgrade or a downgrade xD? [00:26:31.563] alexx_net: @bitoshima, Good suggestion, but Rose hasn't tried that. [00:26:32.471] Kai_Marcad: Right... any news on voice lessons? [00:26:33.292] DrCastiel: girl voice cant be that hard [00:26:34.877] ArminGux: Faminazation? [00:26:35.237] Serumaster: BibleThump BibleThump [00:26:39.497] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [00:26:42.651] general_of_cm: in kelvin [00:26:45.324] spacedoutzane: You fucking so damn cute I won’t stop until you notice [00:26:45.460] Benw8888: room temp IN ANTARCTICA [00:26:45.547] catbarf_: SHOW YOUR NAILS FOR US!!! [00:26:45.824] thinkingthum: finnn [00:26:46.731] Cazenn: Big if true KEKW [00:26:48.171] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted a Tier 1 sub to AngelumLuci! They have given 460 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:26:48.268] mr_stijket: not bad [00:26:48.382] f3mmbot helen_croft has gifted a subscription to angelumluci at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang angelumluci f1nnLezgang [00:26:49.149] kishere123: f1nnMonka [00:26:50.075] godsbeenswinging_: only when you put the cat ears on [00:26:50.483] duplotracer: in celsius [00:26:50.676] thorfinn69420: kekw [00:26:52.545] Jens_LN: at least it wasn't measured as very low [00:26:52.615] jvlivs777: lulllll [00:26:53.189] bjorn_egil: In the UK 1890s houses is likely to be considered rather modern [00:26:53.930] Spectre223: Man's got some lukewarm thoughts [00:26:54.700] vizionzxrl: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:26:55.271] Smossy_: haha [00:26:55.470] ArminGux: You are in bimbo month [00:26:57.982] viljosayshi: you used an air rifle to get rid of a spider... that's not exactly genius level [00:26:58.667] Friendigo_: room temperature with these gas prices is still pretty pog [00:26:58.743] reeeree765802: Yooo [00:26:59.335] AngelumLuci: aww thanks Helen [00:27:02.325] AngelumLuci: suilazUiPat [00:27:03.469] total_acidity: Antarctica [00:27:03.898] jvlivs777: 😌 [00:27:05.443] dire_winter: but it's better being the room temperature of penguin land [00:27:05.587] greenlanturn007: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:27:05.767] clamington_diggerson: We know that's not true. The IQ is high and I don't like you pretending it's not. [00:27:06.972] funky_fox06: mid [00:27:08.853] Fredol7: NO SHOT BUCKO, finn SHALL KEEP HIS MANLY VOICE FOREVER [00:27:12.210] Courier6___: WAIT WHAT DID I MISS???? [00:27:12.842] CloakedN00b: ANY BELIEVERS? [00:27:12.851] Golden_Knight69: How is room temp. Antarctica? Room temp is so warm [00:27:13.582] onestupidpizza: hmmmm [00:27:14.349] comongamer24: im playing mchub and someones selling 64 carrots for 64 shards on ah [00:27:15.039] total_acidity: doubtful [00:27:15.692] Helen_Croft: @AngelumLuci f1nnHeart [00:27:16.444] ragingwafle67: i would [00:27:18.546] Serinn: 21 IQ...you can only hope it goes up with [00:27:19.709] Firelord_Redflames: Yes I am. :) [00:27:19.847] DrCastiel: 300k u best get it fin xD [00:27:20.209] tom_urbanca: Well y’a not exactly Stephan Fry [00:27:22.735] vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled [00:27:22.869] Courier6___: 300k FOR THE VOICE??? [00:27:24.503] AppleSaph: dude. most here do it for free [00:27:24.697] Ryndinovaia: What about an UwU voice? [00:27:24.749] ArminGux: I would [00:27:24.787] aAndrew3030: 0% chance you get that money! [00:27:26.588] ThyOverlord393: id do it FOR FREE> [00:27:27.769] greenlanturn007: jadeComfy jadeComfy jadeComfy jadeComfy [00:27:27.770] funky_fox06: no I won't [00:27:27.944] 1_smart_donkey: there ain't much I wouldn't do for 300 k [00:27:27.968] ragingwafle67: 300k finn learn the fucking voice [00:27:28.905] CyanideSpaceBoy: all y’all saying yes r way too hopeful [00:27:28.965] bitoshima: start doing tutorials online bruuuuh [00:27:30.831] Helen_Croft: 460subs already FeelsBadMan [00:27:31.592] f1nnlove: Minnie mouse? We want Shakira [00:27:31.731] zer0110: no can do [00:27:34.655] ThyOverlord393: YESSS [00:27:35.627] unbreakabledameon: i would do it [00:27:38.089] Amoyamoyamoya: Whoa. My poll got to him? Unexpected... [00:27:45.119] f1nnlove: do a Minnie mouse voice rn for $$ [00:27:45.861] ThyOverlord393: PLEASE do it i need this [00:27:45.880] mr_stijket: every simp will speak feminen [00:27:46.021] onestupidpizza: just try practicing [00:27:46.059] Fredol7: Who made the bounty @f1nn5ter [00:27:46.544] Onlmusha1: @F1NN5TER hair care routine?? [00:27:50.006] ragingwafle67: do shakira voice and shake those hips finn [00:27:50.367] total_acidity: But try not to get completely discouraged after the first lesson [00:27:51.083] jvlivs777: f1nnCowjam PowerUpR [00:27:52.293] bernie_____: you'll find a way to weasel out of it hachuW [00:27:52.718] 57ranma: Was the room temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit? [00:27:53.191] wallsgunna: wallsgunna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! sorry, but i'm 100 percent a doubter on this one [00:27:53.370] f3mmbot wallsgunna subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:27:57.138] DrCastiel: you got it tho it's all in the training [00:27:58.905] AngelumLuci: @helen_croft angelu58Boop [00:27:59.395] f1nnlove: @ragingwafle67 hips don't lie [00:28:01.816] Stovamor: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:02.763] Cazenn: Delayed like you stream L [00:28:03.503] 2piritnl: Minecraft [00:28:04.712] soerrenderman: @57ranma kelvin [00:28:04.795] xBlackWhiteTVx: xBlackWhiteTVx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:28:04.998] f3mmbot xblackwhitetvx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:28:05.253] rw03_bjw: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:07.142] ParisHidden: You play yugioh? [00:28:07.869] hotgirl676: it's not a minnie mouse voice tho [00:28:08.215] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter your too lazy as usual [00:28:08.364] TheGrinch89: Amoyamoyamoya you always get to him, Finn just tries not to show it Kappa [00:28:11.849] dabmasterthereal: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [00:28:13.153] josua_themen: What voice ? [00:28:13.414] vanimal2118: U had the 1st lesson? Bimbo Script? [00:28:13.432] AngelumLuci: hi hi stove and john [00:28:13.708] ArminGux: Feminisation tag? [00:28:16.563] Mr5truggl3: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:16.642] bfritz0815: y'all know that tenmuses is listening, right? 😁 [00:28:16.834] natholomas: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:17.284] adorkablewreck: rozene1Yell [00:28:18.590] Flippi_12: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:18.748] tarakagyu: same bro. we will smash it [00:28:19.115] greenlanturn007: Kappa Kappa Kappa [00:28:19.798] axel02602: f1nnSCAM [00:28:19.836] JohnBanks117: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:20.248] Bayliis: hiiiii <3 <3 <3 [00:28:21.151] onestupidpizza: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [00:28:21.340] braddle172: f1nnSCAM [00:28:21.718] ekod3d: outfit of theday [00:28:22.078] ragingwafle67: @f1nnlove they dont [00:28:22.550] sir_public0_0: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:22.973] chimmiesjams: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:23.036] rw03_bjw: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:23.123] jsrocker1: excuses [00:28:23.771] strinx1120: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:24.060] strahd05: Who is your celebrity lookalike? [00:28:24.887] anakin_12345: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:25.336] zombie_1981: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:25.517] doge_thunder: Whos going to teach you [00:28:25.867] SinisterMisterFistR: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:25.967] michelle9O: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:26.827] thekingone10: feminisation [00:28:27.317] alexandra0526: How long is your real hair? [00:28:27.430] jvlivs777: finally 😎 f1nnSCAM [00:28:27.516] chimmiesjams: f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 [00:28:28.633] CloakedN00b: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:29.718] Pyroblade131: I totally forgot what I was gonna google because you went live [00:28:29.917] im_up_to_something: Hasn't streamed in 10 business days rynXD [00:28:30.972] f1nnlove: @amoyamoyamoya finn loves you secretly [00:28:31.093] cinnamonshiftie: me when scam [00:28:31.326] rw03_bjw: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:31.957] ParisHidden: YUGIOH!!! [00:28:32.174] natholomas: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:33.264] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:33.559] dsfcrombie: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:33.889] CyanideSpaceBoy: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:33.897] yungchem777: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:34.497] vidyagaem7: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:34.538] a2ktysonyt: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:34.972] Golden_Knight69: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:36.159] adorkablewreck: rozene1Shook [00:28:36.362] 1_smart_donkey: scam [00:28:37.501] itsatena: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:28:37.798] saltyfcraker: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:40.004] sir_public0_0: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:40.297] Bayliis: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:28:41.983] OmegaNastyy: omegan17Heart omegan17Heart omegan17Heart [00:28:42.430] LoadSmasher: How [00:28:42.467] jvlivs777: 🙃🌹 [00:28:43.107] Dakunval: Dakunval subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! Wait, you don't already have a girl voice? [00:28:43.312] f3mmbot dakunval subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:28:45.747] AbsentPopcorn33: No no it’s actually ahead of schedule the next stream was estimated to be next month [00:28:46.880] Amoyamoyamoya: @f1nnlove, Not like this. [00:28:47.553] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "Will finn master the voice ? ": Yes ? ( low chance btw ) with 267 votes (70.82%) [00:28:47.590] ArminGux: You a ten/ten [00:28:47.892] canvaspainting: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 [00:28:49.096] momo_senpai09: f1nnMonka [00:28:50.886] TenMuses: I'm filling my tax return in the background [00:28:51.373] Blind_Play: whats your vocal range in general? sounds like your base voice is in a higher range as is so might not be to bad nailing down a mini voice [00:28:52.370] Courier6___: Is tenmuses the guy giving him 300K for the voice or what? [00:28:53.867] mootie1: wow HahaCat lookin supa cute [00:28:55.700] weatheredsweaterr: NAH [00:28:55.803] rebeca109: <3 <3 2020Victory 2020Victory 2020Victory 2020Victory 2020Victory [00:28:56.592] eddieahdhsj: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:28:57.703] DrCastiel: how long uve been goring the hair fin? I think we r at the same length lol [00:29:00.620] MegaMiley: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:29:02.638] xXNeroZashiXx: @jvlivs777 Hello :D [00:29:03.951] Amoyamoyamoya: @strahd05, Tubbo but he's actually more Manly-looking now. [00:29:04.832] adorkablewreck: MercyWing1 rozene1Yell MercyWing2 [00:29:05.426] Kolateak_: Do need trims, it helps hair grow more [00:29:06.367] gg995478: HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:29:06.783] alexx_net: @Courier6___, yes [00:29:06.991] LoadSmasher: So good to see you. f1nnHeart [00:29:07.656] peavey443: peavey443 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Looking adorable bro! [00:29:07.835] f3mmbot peavey443 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:29:08.884] ghoobie: It's good to have it cut once in a while [00:29:08.891] black_deathe39: just the tips the rest is fine unless you want layers [00:29:10.802] y0rk5h1r3: They lie, grow it for like another two years. [00:29:10.993] jandraelune: :p Your hair isn't what I count as long yet. [00:29:11.932] thorfinn69420: PogBones [00:29:13.319] funky_fox06: just cut the ends [00:29:13.907] 2piritnl: 2piritnl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! love to be here and see your streams [00:29:14.118] f3mmbot 2piritnl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:29:14.586] bearpaw1970: spoiling 🌹 Rose 💅💋 [00:29:15.467] adorkablewreck: rozene1Sweat rozene1Sweat rozene1Sweat [00:29:15.861] Millie_26: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [00:29:17.285] greenlanturn007: jadeHeart_SQ jadeHeart_SQ jadeHeart_SQ jadeHeart_SQ jadeHeart_SQ jadeHeart_SQ jadeHeart_SQ [00:29:17.932] thinkingthum: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN [00:29:19.137] total_acidity: and aspicycow [00:29:19.335] ArminGux: Girl voice learning stream [00:29:19.356] OilP: KEKW [00:29:21.126] pyramidpancakes: KEKW [00:29:21.947] yungchem777: KEKW [00:29:22.145] Verona_k: LMAO [00:29:22.262] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:29:22.477] duckstm: KEKW [00:29:22.977] perfersserderg: perfersserderg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! KEKW [00:29:23.186] f3mmbot perfersserderg subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:29:24.599] codecraft3r: KEKW [00:29:24.910] Cazenn: KEKW [00:29:24.928] purplesingeram: TRIM [00:29:25.364] dingosurprise: KEKW [00:29:25.449] greenlanturn007: LUL [00:29:25.744] neo_lyx: KEKW [00:29:25.877] Alpinefresh: KEKW [00:29:25.917] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW [00:29:26.429] braddle172: lol [00:29:27.387] slashreaper: dye your hair [00:29:28.200] Stovamor: LOL [00:29:28.428] itsatena: KEKW [00:29:28.901] mootie1: KEKW [00:29:29.283] JimRaynor56: KEKW [00:29:29.460] Jens_LN: yeah humiliation kink for sure [00:29:29.626] duplotracer: KEKW [00:29:30.319] kotisek: your hair looks great but getting a trim is good [00:29:30.402] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [00:29:30.418] aunalbrutal: HAHAHAHA [00:29:30.850] OGpiepro: got a point [00:29:31.513] unbreakabledameon: damn [00:29:31.954] general_of_cm: wierd [00:29:32.156] xXNeroZashiXx: @johnkeiwo Well said :D [00:29:32.479] Stovamor: LUL [00:29:33.934] Flippi_12: john Clap [00:29:34.136] greenlanturn007: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:29:34.434] Courier6___: @alexx_net wtf aight that is crazy [00:29:34.742] loveroseslove: I loved Sailor Moon as child. And did a lot of drawing. It´s so nice to see you in this dress. [00:29:35.337] johnkeiwo: FUCK YOU TOO [00:29:36.606] strahd05: @amoyamoyamoya Lol. Got it. [00:29:37.956] total_acidity: HEELS [00:29:38.592] JohnBanks117: John Clap [00:29:38.792] AnAnonymousCheerer: Anon100 [00:29:42.508] greenlanturn007: what a slag [00:29:42.666] megaroot: rekt KEKW peace kid [00:29:43.421] thekingone10: change and walk [00:29:43.896] Kartorofl: Kartorofl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:29:44.076] f3mmbot kartorofl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:29:44.784] neo_lyx: Chat got no chill today [00:29:48.216] weatheredsweaterr: lmao chat is WILDIN [00:29:50.532] carolinelikesdinner: Hi!!! [00:29:50.928] johnkeiwo: KKona COVID AINT REAL BROTHER [00:29:51.248] Cupcakez92: Covid sucks.. i almost dieded of it.. [00:29:52.115] Emmy64_: Its monday LUL [00:29:53.169] widowmaker9416: widowmaker9416 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! FIN HELLO HOW ARE U U ARE LOOKING EXTRA ADORABLE TODAY [00:29:53.351] f3mmbot widowmaker9416 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:29:53.922] Onlmusha1: Proof or it's a SCAM [00:29:54.927] f1nnlove: @amoyamoyamoya can I love you if fin. can't? [00:29:56.027] johnkeiwo: KKona fake news ! [00:29:57.641] robbie1945: @F1NN5TER you should do a VR stream with female bimbo avatar [00:29:57.923] JohnBanks117: @johnkeiwo, LUL [00:29:57.934] kotisek: damn john has no chill kekw [00:30:00.037] CloakedN00b: outed [00:30:00.500] onestupidpizza: kim kardashian [00:30:00.662] jvlivs777: @neo_lyx like always 😎 [00:30:02.548] duplotracer: KEKW [00:30:02.832] averylaughlin1: KEKW [00:30:03.382] y0rk5h1r3: Kim Possible? [00:30:05.453] f1nnlove: finn why did u go to n korea [00:30:05.498] thinkingthum: FINNN [00:30:09.243] absentguitar: I'm stuff [00:30:09.297] barbie_secretstanner: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:30:10.638] ArminGux: Learn the voice on stream [00:30:10.946] hotgirl676: the way he said "i will tell you their name" sounded like uncle Roger [00:30:12.418] mystchevious1: No Covid Denial you don't have to wait for them to start. [00:30:13.098] johnkeiwo: Real COPIUM [00:30:16.839] Loelinverse: please dont. ggs [00:30:18.031] AxelTheCake: AxelTheCake subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! awooga awooga hommina hommina [00:30:18.214] f3mmbot axelthecake subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:30:21.899] alexx_net: Thank you @johnkeiwo (you seem to be doing more content than our streamer.) [00:30:23.476] thel0ng2: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:30:23.984] 2piritnl: i think John had a bad day LOL [00:30:24.743] f1nnlove: @f1nn5ter dicktator with dictator frnds [00:30:29.652] mr_stijket: yep [00:30:33.828] CloakedN00b: 14days quarantine [00:30:34.110] spacedoutzane: I love your makeup! [00:30:34.788] Lucridis: Kim Jon Un [00:30:38.203] Stovamor: @sitooma, don't go outside [00:30:38.418] zer0110: I had covid. sucked for 3 days. all cool now. [00:30:38.688] josua_themen: What kinda voice ? [00:30:39.803] johnkeiwo: @sitooma, don't go outside, ez [00:30:39.850] strahd05: Have you ever tried latex? [00:30:40.542] onestupidpizza: have to be [00:30:40.601] thinkingthum: FIN [00:30:41.102] ragingwafle67: finn should go to kyles house [00:30:41.923] im_up_to_something: lol scam [00:30:43.686] thinkingthum: FINFIN [00:30:45.113] chrles__: I entered the stream expecting manly f1nn [00:30:46.515] johnkeiwo: @Stovamor, get out of my head !!! [00:30:46.755] colin2976: colin2976 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! 22 month pog [00:30:46.935] f3mmbot colin2976 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months using Prime! PogU [00:30:48.936] thinkingthum: FIN [00:30:49.883] mr_stijket: why are they the only people does this? [00:30:54.978] Amoyamoyamoya: What an elaborate bit. He invented a name and a fake Discord convo. [00:30:56.750] chained_is_live: I had covid for 2 weeks just got over it [00:30:57.583] itsatena: SCAM [00:30:57.883] Cupcakez92: @zer0110 Lucky basterd.. i was on hospital for 6days..and home for 12.. :| [00:30:58.085] general_of_cm: SCAM [00:30:58.266] weatheredsweaterr: ???????????? [00:30:58.360] barbie_secretstanner: The scammer doesn’t stop [00:30:59.324] f1nnlove: @ragingwafle67 no ours first [00:31:04.311] thinkingthum: FINCAN YOU LOVE ME [00:31:07.269] Serinn: 10 days, Covid won't be contagious, however... 6 months on from Covid myself and the voice just ain't the same [00:31:07.587] f1nnlove: @cupcakez92 r u ok? [00:31:08.581] loveroseslove: you are better in doing make up than me. And I´m female [00:31:09.771] AngelumLuci: covid totally turned me into a girl angelu58Sip (it sucked when I got it for real tho angelu58Ded ) [00:31:10.993] spacedoutzane: I wish I could subscribe but I’m broker than broke [00:31:11.111] sitooma: F1NN HOW DK YOU STAY WHITE [00:31:12.533] chimmiesjams: f1nnSCAM [00:31:13.921] ArminGux: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:31:14.985] total_acidity: hardly any pix either [00:31:15.903] a2ktysonyt: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:31:18.237] mootie1: 💖 HahaCat [00:31:18.439] peavey443: Those were paid vacation days you rate [00:31:18.844] bearpaw1970: Saint 🌹 Rose the patron saint of Femboys [00:31:21.217] LAOnAirStudios: Scammer scammer [00:31:21.321] FlyingMortimer: did you upload photos of the house visit in the pink dress? [00:31:24.132] johnkeiwo: Go on, bimbo. [00:31:24.381] Flippi_12: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:31:29.335] saltyfcraker: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:31:29.588] JohnBanks117: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:31:29.737] carolinelikesdinner: Ayo?? [00:31:29.909] CyanideSpaceBoy: excuses excuses [00:31:30.579] braddle172: why tho [00:31:30.788] barbie_secretstanner: Punishment [00:31:31.435] johnkeiwo: I won't defend you this time [00:31:31.764] ThyOverlord393: 300$ on f1nn liking dressing up as a girl and commiting to it by the end of the bet [00:31:31.959] medicbat: DO IT BIMBO [00:31:33.713] ragingwafle67: @f1nnlove true but kyle would not be able to resist [00:31:33.825] Owly_9: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:31:34.243] SethwMad: Ah streaming [00:31:35.102] HexGrrrrl: Hi Finn, first time catching you live [00:31:35.194] purplesingeram: AYEEEEE [00:31:36.696] Golden_Knight69: Do it [00:31:37.312] johnkeiwo: SUFFER [00:31:37.530] Onlmusha1: Onlmusha1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hair care routine? I mean the mustache is great! [00:31:37.755] f3mmbot onlmusha1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:31:38.016] im_up_to_something: rynHAHA rynHAHA rynHAHA [00:31:38.120] SethwMad: YEs I knew about this [00:31:39.112] ArminGux: Hahaha nice [00:31:41.219] chrles__: Hi f1nn i completely lost all my channel points when i got banned from twitch :,) [00:31:41.286] swans0ne: do it [00:31:42.002] saltyfcraker: Tuck [00:31:42.052] Dakunval: Bringing the tuck dollars. [00:31:42.906] ArminGux: Chad move [00:31:44.361] ScarredLemon: Inchworm [00:31:44.722] Weskopad: "there's nothing" [00:31:44.726] Lucridis: It's almost like people enjoy making you suffer [00:31:45.391] bearpaw1970: using her Prayers to bless us all [00:31:45.474] alexx_net: If there is no need to tuck then you can do fast spins. [00:31:45.520] Cupcakez92: @f1nnlove i am now.. it was winter 2020..the first covid wave i had [00:31:49.890] barrel_rider: @F1NN5TER you think i care [00:31:52.207] aexsaight: theres nothing? what happend [00:31:52.444] CyanideSpaceBoy: LMAOOOO [00:31:52.986] general_of_cm: Tuck! Tuck! Tuck! [00:31:53.548] y0rk5h1r3: It makes all the difference LUL [00:31:55.601] ArminGux: Shorter skirt [00:31:55.698] kishere123: PLEASE BE MY REAL LIFE FRIEND. I promise to degrade you queen f1nnLezgang [00:31:58.235] Bayliis: baylii1Fluipep baylii1Fluipep baylii1Fluipep [00:31:58.286] Kaymon81: we cant see it but we know it :) [00:31:59.035] alexandra0526: Let's see your Shoes?? [00:31:59.358] swans0ne: do it or gay [00:32:00.193] Golden_Knight69: f1nnSCAM [00:32:00.375] kotisek: clip it [00:32:01.087] thekingone10: tuck [00:32:01.604] mr_stijket: you gonna suffer TUCK IT [00:32:01.902] sir_public0_0: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:02.911] carolinelikesdinner: Whats the point in tucking? 🤔 [00:32:04.201] SethwMad: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:06.646] onestupidpizza: calm down rose [00:32:07.114] johnkeiwo: AHAHAHAH [00:32:07.656] 2piritnl: nothing there to tuck🤣 [00:32:08.178] chessa541: kwai <3 HungryPaimon [00:32:08.924] thenevy_ps4: hi [00:32:08.946] chrles__: Lmsao [00:32:09.123] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:32:09.156] Onlmusha1: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:09.320] timothygill__699: hello @f1nn5ter and mods and chat!! how's it going FallWinning FallWinning [00:32:09.571] y0rk5h1r3: @jens_ln rynHai rynHeart [00:32:09.770] doge_thunder: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:10.109] AngelumLuci: "no need", still wore panties for no reason for two years angelu58Sip [00:32:12.231] f1nnlove: not tucking is gay @f1nn5ter [00:32:12.433] el_cineaste: el_cineaste subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 2 month streak! wtf 17 months [00:32:12.641] f3mmbot el_cineaste subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:13.049] Jens_LN: I'm a subject ? [00:32:13.736] thinkingthum: FINN CAN YOU GO OUT WITH ME [00:32:14.134] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [00:32:15.433] barbie_secretstanner: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:15.441] Flippi_12: LUL [00:32:17.272] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [00:32:18.728] mystchevious1: lol [00:32:18.892] oa98: PogU live [00:32:19.086] perfersserderg: kekw [00:32:19.395] Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:19.683] dingosurprise: LUL [00:32:19.789] JohnBanks117: LUL [00:32:19.921] Stovamor: KEKW [00:32:19.993] Kamouloox: monkaS [00:32:20.159] SethwMad: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:20.424] ElFuaLoco033: malding [00:32:20.663] total_acidity: Righteous outrage [00:32:20.896] Stovamor: KEKW [00:32:21.128] megaroot: LUL [00:32:21.220] a2ktysonyt: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:21.348] Stovamor: KEKW [00:32:21.568] perfersserderg: LUL [00:32:21.932] Amoyamoyamoya: Betrayal. [00:32:22.201] TheKnuckle44: should be able to buy a tuck for 500k channel points [00:32:22.771] alexandra0526: Show your shoes? [00:32:22.871] Onlmusha1: My message was missed :/ [00:32:23.373] chrles__: LOL [00:32:24.158] braddle172: KEKW [00:32:24.748] codecraft3r: LUL [00:32:24.984] JimRaynor56: We all love John. Any outrage you started. [00:32:25.263] kotisek: kekw [00:32:25.279] aunalbrutal: HAhahahahahaa lovely [00:32:25.430] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:32:26.166] Amoyamoyamoya: Delicious [00:32:27.606] juddle: wtf [00:32:27.807] Jens_LN: Degredation kink !! [00:32:28.029] airborn369: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:28.414] lionnsmane: SETH, [00:32:29.070] Dakunval: This degradation kink provides us with a new weapon. [00:32:29.342] ThyOverlord393: oH ITS GONNA RAIN I MAY HAVE TO LEAVE SOON [00:32:30.830] johnkeiwo: REVOLUTION hasRaid REVOLUTION hasRaid REVOLUTION hasRaid REVOLUTION hasRaid * [00:32:31.419] zer0110: @cupcakez92 damn. vax? I wasn't [00:32:31.982] Benw8888: @SethwMad LMAO [00:32:32.462] femboylexi: LOOL [00:32:33.616] lionnsmane: SETH!!!!!!!!! [00:32:33.735] ThyOverlord393: GOD i love RAIN [00:32:34.705] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL [00:32:35.190] ElFuaLoco033: monkaS transforming [00:32:35.240] vidyagaem7: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:35.486] Kaymon81: lol [00:32:35.835] unbreakabledameon: SETH [00:32:35.852] NoGiggety: fareehaLol [00:32:35.891] chimmiesjams: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:36.510] kotisek: john is our king [00:32:36.586] CloakedN00b: mic? [00:32:36.972] thinkingthum: SETH [00:32:37.096] itsatena: KEKW [00:32:37.537] PinkPummy: PogChamp [00:32:37.730] teatowel42: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:32:37.737] dshot22: Omg xd [00:32:38.455] mr_stijket: scared [00:32:38.547] Solus_kun: Seth FeelsBadMan i hate it [00:32:38.762] medicbat: John didn't need to stir anything, we are already mad [00:32:38.965] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol :D [00:32:39.677] johnkeiwo: CHAT UNIONIZE !!! [00:32:40.225] lionnsmane: the mic hahahaha [00:32:40.397] chimmiesjams: KEKW [00:32:41.322] f1nnlove: @f1nn5ter r u ok? [00:32:41.324] OGpiepro: you sounded like a robot does that count [00:32:41.350] ArminGux: 300k ain’t rich [00:32:41.819] ForsbergInTheHouse: Hi [00:32:42.287] bearpaw1970: 😂😂😂😂😂 [00:32:42.622] Cazenn: Thanks for fucking with my subwoofer dickhead @F1NN5TER [00:32:43.116] ragingwafle67: visit kyle in slooty outfot [00:32:43.522] neo_lyx: heated gamer moment [00:32:44.248] Onlmusha1: @F1NN5TER My resubbed got missed :( [00:32:44.498] carolinelikesdinner: What is happening bro 😭 [00:32:45.262] chrles__: HII [00:32:45.466] HexGrrrrl: no gods no masters [00:32:45.678] onestupidpizza: was that transformer [00:32:46.118] soffan0: HMM [00:32:46.866] Amoyamoyamoya: Delicious desperation. [00:32:46.899] adorkablewreck: RIP MIc [00:32:47.062] purplesingeram: LOLLLL [00:32:47.063] Chrisabes66: what’s up dude I love your YouTube videos and I just subscribed to you on here to [00:32:50.556] Benw8888: Ommmm meditate [00:32:52.037] total_acidity: scamitate [00:32:52.098] Helen_Croft: open some wholesome po box packages @F1NN5TER [00:32:54.272] Amoyamoyamoya: Does everyone have their pitch fork? [00:32:56.044] dshot22: MURDER THE MIC [00:32:56.173] thinkingthum: I LOVE YOU [00:32:58.074] vidyagaem7: f1nnCancelled [00:32:58.297] Cupcakez92: @zer0110 This was before they handed out vaccinations in sweden..they gave out the first vacc 2021 june.. and i had it dec 2020 [00:32:59.087] unbidduck: this is democracy [00:33:01.094] averylaughlin1: 🥶🥶 [00:33:02.318] lykatheaa: Top 10 Anime Betrayals [00:33:03.573] eclipsi0: SETH f1nnKnife I WANNA SOUND LIKE A WOMAN TO MAKE MONEY SETH f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [00:33:05.216] adorkablewreck: f1nnLezgang [00:33:05.842] dire_winter: calm, can you really talk about calm bere? [00:33:05.929] total_acidity: TO THE BARRICADES [00:33:06.826] Stovamor: @RenataFemboy, begging for a gift sub will more likely get you banned [00:33:06.851] Golden_Knight69: M M M M M M [00:33:07.541] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya 3------- [00:33:08.253] thenevy_ps4: how do u donate [00:33:08.352] perfersserderg: OMEGALUL [00:33:08.626] f1nnlove: @cupcakez92 pls stay safe [00:33:09.528] Owly_9: ONLY 4?????? [00:33:11.893] ParisHidden: Bathtub stream? [00:33:12.712] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya WAIT NO [00:33:12.747] Jens_LN: no [00:33:13.103] alexandra0526: Calm down girl.... [00:33:13.141] Benw8888: yes [00:33:13.451] AxelTheCake: maybe Kappa [00:33:13.789] ArminGux: No [00:33:14.358] general_of_cm: shure... [00:33:14.537] OGpiepro: no [00:33:15.279] soffan0: mmmmmm [00:33:16.200] JimRaynor56: Cannot guarantee that. [00:33:16.469] Kamouloox: !boobs [00:33:16.688] mr_stijket: no promises [00:33:16.727] f3mmbot Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! But they're usually a 34C [00:33:18.074] medicbat: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:33:18.551] Cupcakez92: @f1nnlove promise [00:33:18.615] xXNeroZashiXx: no [00:33:18.691] RyuNeko_: no [00:33:18.727] thekingone10: SingsMic [00:33:19.011] johnkeiwo: ayo [00:33:19.768] thenevy_ps4: send her more [00:33:20.147] K_The_GreatV23: Degration Kink Interesting [00:33:20.928] johnkeiwo: NO [00:33:21.221] onestupidpizza: well there's that [00:33:21.513] Fizrug: Fizrug subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 22 months! Thank you for contributing to me fixing myself over the two years, two months in [00:33:21.720] f3mmbot fizrug subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:33:21.768] dshot22: YES [00:33:21.843] thinkingthum: PLUG [00:33:21.954] chrles__: Lamo [00:33:21.957] Poseidon13589: Nope [00:33:22.592] droovi05: idk Kappa [00:33:22.624] m00tl3s: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:33:22.686] Solus_kun: Didnt you ask for them ? @F1NN5TER [00:33:23.487] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya ITS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS [00:33:24.654] baelphes: SET A NUMBER! [00:33:27.504] CyanideSpaceBoy: “wholesome” [00:33:27.902] 1_smart_donkey: can you suck on one if there is [00:33:28.224] ragingwafle67: how do i send things through the mail to him? [00:33:28.296] barbie_secretstanner: You brought this on yourself [00:33:28.907] TenMuses: go on... [00:33:31.034] perfersserderg: we broke her LUL [00:33:32.026] thinkingthum: PLU [00:33:32.252] CyanideSpaceBoy: no [00:33:32.372] stumagoo992: thats not how the po box works [00:33:33.045] crayons_are_pog: women [00:33:33.155] bearpaw1970: is it time for 🌹 Rose to cuddle the MF shark? [00:33:33.225] duckstm: someone buy f1nn the Frank Ocean ring LUL [00:33:34.527] carolinelikesdinner: Dear god chat is so down bad [00:33:35.382] Amoyamoyamoya: @ThyOverlord393, f1nnMonka [00:33:35.653] Dakunval: To be fair, by your standards finding only four dildoes is pretty wholesome. [00:33:36.360] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL [00:33:37.547] purplesingeram: WHA- [00:33:38.793] spacedoutzane: Can I paint you? [00:33:38.825] zer0110: @cupcakez92 crazy. glad you're doing well now [00:33:38.833] vidyagaem7: f1nnNomods No girl voice? [00:33:41.173] ArminGux: Other streaming plathform? [00:33:42.312] thenevy_ps4: @f1nn5ter u need more [00:33:42.466] general_of_cm: Bimbo Brain [00:33:43.242] know1_0: bloobySmile [00:33:43.734] 57ranma: CHAT UNIONIZED [00:33:44.031] youdog45: RPGTreeNua RPGTreeNua RPGTreeNua RPGTreeNua [00:33:44.297] Cryptic_Moniker: I haven’t sent u anything can’t speak for the rest of the degenerates [00:33:44.439] ThyOverlord393: @Amoyamoyamoya DREAD [00:33:45.046] medicbat: DEW IT TEN [00:33:45.790] Globalnuclear: @Solus_kun yes he did seanvrSip [00:33:45.870] SethwMad: @TenMuses Eyy you modded you name [00:33:46.154] calming_insanity: KEKW [00:33:46.268] CyanideSpaceBoy: not gonna lie 2 u sorry [00:33:49.345] michalcleverr: damn nearly 1,000 viewers! i bet half of them arent subbed/followed to finn [00:33:51.253] K_The_GreatV23: I CAN [00:33:51.379] Bellumir: ☼ Siå Brah [00:33:54.324] thenevy_ps4: damn [00:33:58.538] thekingone10: SeemsGood [00:33:58.902] SethwMad: Glad you made it @TenMuses He didn't tell me he was streaming [00:34:02.536] maxexe404: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife SETH SETH PLEASE f1nnKnife [00:34:03.836] Fredol7: Where’s tenmuses? Did he forget where is the donate button? [00:34:03.970] TenMuses: I capitalized!!! [00:34:04.142] ArminGux: White heals? [00:34:04.871] 7Tsuki0: Hey chat I learned how to pronounce llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch today [00:34:05.818] alexandra0526: Yes...Heels! [00:34:06.909] Solus_kun: @Solus_kun every stream he asks for it LUL [00:34:09.511] Elflite: i miss the banana eating times PepeHands PepeHands [00:34:10.548] im_up_to_something: Pink heels might work [00:34:13.061] LittleChaSiu: "with my own money" [00:34:16.331] ragingwafle67: did he update his address for the po box [00:34:16.408] disnick123: 🤔 Hmmm [00:34:16.437] lykatheaa: catsenPls [00:34:17.561] f1nnlove: @7tsuki0 say oveuevhevsuebhahdoajs ossass then [00:34:18.336] strahd05: Your hair looks good. What your hair care routine? [00:34:20.801] ArminGux: Egg [00:34:21.127] Courier6___: Was this my discord? [00:34:22.035] kasaidasamurai420: Show us your butthole [00:34:22.053] Stovamor: @SethwMad, he rarely tells the mods he's going to do so either [00:34:22.949] Jens_LN: @TenMuses capitalized on what ? [00:34:23.780] blueish4: discord bloobyHmm [00:34:25.046] juddle: 🔔 [00:34:25.765] HexGrrrrl: are the nsfw thigh highs gonna restock? [00:34:26.126] carolinelikesdinner: Business expense always means good things [00:34:26.410] alexandra0526: Heels with some red toes [00:34:26.810] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER STOP the discord noise D: [00:34:26.901] DrCastiel: discord boop [00:34:26.990] dire_winter: ah yes "own money" [00:34:27.082] CyanideSpaceBoy: sure [00:34:27.869] chrles__: More P.O. Box? [00:34:27.879] Kolateak_: Discord! [00:34:29.208] Golden_Knight69: Discord??? [00:34:29.950] carolinelikesdinner: Discord [00:34:30.245] teatowel42: ping [00:34:30.859] spacedoutzane: I love your cutesy stuff [00:34:31.036] MegaMiley: Discord Ping [00:34:31.066] duplotracer: discord [00:34:31.748] perfersserderg: discord [00:34:31.896] Cazenn: Own branded thigh hi's aint good enough for this motherfucker [00:34:32.413] The_logs: your discord sounds are on [00:34:33.411] soffan0: PING [00:34:33.706] total_acidity: Cool [00:34:33.979] Cupcakez92: discord D: [00:34:34.187] aluna128: no [00:34:34.239] ElFuaLoco033: BOOOOP [00:34:34.787] lionnsmane: DISCORD PINGS [00:34:34.841] rainygray249: no [00:34:34.930] Stovamor: bedoop! [00:34:35.199] maxexe404: DIScoRD [00:34:35.997] c__r__j: Turn streamer mode back on @F1NN5TER ! We're hearing your Discord alerts! [00:34:36.035] lu_sagna: no [00:34:36.068] JJFIREBLAST101: Ping [00:34:36.300] Golden_Knight69: DISCORD [00:34:36.439] Stovamor: bedoop! [00:34:37.600] 1_smart_donkey: will yours be available in white [00:34:37.996] Stovamor: bedoop! [00:34:38.322] general_of_cm: bro just opend discord becaus eof you [00:34:38.510] kishere123: Eh they don't match [00:34:38.535] Ryndinovaia: nah [00:34:38.551] Amoyamoyamoya: "Restock soon," he lied. [00:34:38.693] peavey443: Yes lets try ittt [00:34:38.702] JimRaynor56: BADOOP [00:34:38.796] onestupidpizza: awwwwww [00:34:39.509] gay__army: yes [00:34:39.643] makoto_elf: it would work [00:34:40.465] thenevy_ps4: turn the pink light on :( [00:34:40.588] JohnBanks117: DIscord noise D: [00:34:40.668] zaperrer: +2 [00:34:40.786] Stovamor: bedoop! [00:34:40.841] Kolateak_: Bloop [00:34:40.856] AxelTheCake: discord lol [00:34:41.338] Owly_9: beep boop [00:34:42.668] dshot22: Who are you catfishing? [00:34:43.218] jokerkid100798: black [00:34:43.444] purplesingeram: DISCORD [00:34:43.851] tarakagyu: they best be back in stock soon [00:34:43.988] lykatheaa: Kreygasm [00:34:44.064] unbidduck: badoop [00:34:44.256] mr_stijket: matches [00:34:44.430] DrCastiel: boop boop [00:34:44.605] chimmiesjams: Discord [00:34:44.900] Dab_Pr1ncess: No [00:34:45.185] Duuhdaah: Discord Bloop [00:34:45.736] agesicki: yes [00:34:45.978] probepackung: no [00:34:47.232] 57ranma: DONT THE SAILORS WEAR SLIPPERS? [00:34:47.668] unbreakabledameon: go check your discord [00:34:47.855] rainygray249: they don't match [00:34:48.028] kishere123: Get another pair sweetie [00:34:48.078] kotisek: beep boop [00:34:48.674] aluna128: not really [00:34:48.820] lolmeisje_2009: DISCORDDDDDD [00:34:49.893] f1nnlove: @f1nn5ter say uveu euevuevsvhahehahaa osssass or tuck [00:34:49.967] ArminGux: Nah [00:34:50.215] Solus_kun: John KEKW [00:34:50.407] oa98: Pog [00:34:51.383] thekingone10: no [00:34:51.391] sir_public0_0: Nice Sound [00:34:52.281] chrles__: LMSO WHAT [00:34:52.466] alexx_net: @f1nn5ter, Remute your Discord notifications [00:34:52.585] Rainiiru: mute your freaking discord you speng [00:34:52.862] braddle172: discord!!! [00:34:53.058] 7Tsuki0: @f1nnlove How did you type that so fast?!? [00:34:54.706] Bulldog85043: No [00:34:55.607] nandosjr0800: Beep boop [00:34:55.684] Dakunval: I'm tabbing around looking for discord messages. That was really confusing. [00:34:56.075] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: Waaaiiiittt... what knife is that? xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited xnoviiExcited [00:34:57.032] johnkeiwo: Eggwirl [00:34:57.379] CyanideSpaceBoy: barely [00:34:57.645] bunnniegrl: yea they match enough imo [00:34:57.855] bearpaw1970: yes [00:34:58.971] medicbat: bimbo [00:34:59.276] ArminGux: Bare feet [00:34:59.589] thinkingthum: CAN YOU LOVE ME BINBO [00:34:59.757] aluna128: the black doesn't match [00:34:59.865] rainygray249: no [00:35:00.456] Golden_Knight69: Discord [00:35:00.460] kitty_kat_lover_07: 𝚑𝚒 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗 [00:35:01.510] jokerkid100798: bimbo [00:35:01.626] soffan0: bruhh the Ping [00:35:01.735] mr_stijket: try it [00:35:02.314] carolinelikesdinner: Hwat the fuck [00:35:04.060] kishere123: No [00:35:04.124] ThyOverlord393: she looks SO cute though [00:35:04.652] Helen_Croft: good [00:35:04.934] abe1_2: red thigh highs to complete the ensemble [00:35:06.433] f1nnlove: @f1nn5ter there's a way out for u [00:35:07.794] Amoyamoyamoya: Good [00:35:08.187] SethwMad: It was me chat [00:35:08.964] loveroseslove: CUTE [00:35:09.222] DrCastiel: cute socks! [00:35:10.442] SethwMad: I WAS THE DISCORD [00:35:10.815] absentguitar: yess please [00:35:10.817] tarakagyu: go [00:35:11.435] SethwMad: AHAHAH [00:35:12.475] Phen_Terano: love them [00:35:13.181] ThyOverlord393: its cute :) [00:35:13.767] lionnsmane: meh, not the best you have [00:35:13.792] spacedoutzane: Adorable [00:35:14.114] dshot22: Put them on xd [00:35:14.663] 2piritnl: cute yes [00:35:14.790] Kai_Marcad: Looks quite warm [00:35:14.974] makoto_elf: those would work [00:35:14.985] loveroseslove: Love the Socks [00:35:15.079] tallorangeone: looks cute! [00:35:15.092] ThyOverlord393: put them on [00:35:15.184] Amoyamoyamoya: YES [00:35:15.313] mr_stijket: yes [00:35:16.659] ArminGux: Bare feet>> that [00:35:16.671] bearpaw1970: since you have the ears [00:35:17.215] aluna128: nah [00:35:17.600] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: Yeah they good. [00:35:18.075] loveroseslove: YES [00:35:18.136] agesicki: yep [00:35:18.144] collectingtithes: No [00:35:19.005] alexx_net: YES to the socks [00:35:19.230] makoto_elf: yess [00:35:19.299] JimRaynor56: YES [00:35:19.313] codecraft3r: yes [00:35:19.530] probepackung: nope [00:35:20.376] Serumaster: good [00:35:20.458] ThyOverlord393: put them on yes [00:35:20.685] johnkeiwo: Seth is rebelling KEKW [00:35:20.814] zer0110: yeah [00:35:21.758] thecuxspm: nah [00:35:21.818] jokerkid100798: rose [00:35:21.826] lu_sagna: nope [00:35:21.844] dshot22: yesyesyeys [00:35:21.901] carolinelikesdinner: Yes [00:35:21.913] viljosayshi: yes [00:35:22.101] ForeverAvJ: YES [00:35:22.311] Helen_Croft: yes this good [00:35:23.236] f1nnlove: @f1nn5ter I'm gonna save u listen to me [00:35:23.377] purplesingeram: Yes cute [00:35:23.654] braddle172: yes [00:35:23.694] pianoismyforte_: yes [00:35:23.985] kotisek: they’re so cute YES [00:35:24.098] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Yes [00:35:24.636] Flippi_12: yes [00:35:24.639] spacedoutzane: Yes [00:35:24.865] gigiamoroso2: try [00:35:24.998] DrCastiel: they will go good with the fit [00:35:25.076] SucculentEggo: YES [00:35:25.145] legion898: No [00:35:25.542] alexx_net: With blue heels [00:35:25.548] itsatena: LOVELY [00:35:25.702] carolinelikesdinner: Yes!!! [00:35:25.833] lu_sagna: dont match [00:35:25.853] JohnBanks117: Yes [00:35:26.421] unbidduck: yes [00:35:26.545] soffan0: mayb try on and well se [00:35:26.585] chrles__: Yes [00:35:26.714] Matasioka: nope [00:35:27.298] longlegs_honey: yes [00:35:27.771] Kai_Marcad: no [00:35:28.225] im_up_to_something: Yes those [00:35:28.384] absentguitar: give it a go at least [00:35:28.440] bearpaw1970: it will match the ears [00:35:29.046] smokeheadpyro: yes [00:35:29.155] faust_von_hexx: No [00:35:29.591] carolinelikesdinner: Do ittt [00:35:29.611] c__r__j: Sock far too big. Would take you ages to fill with coom. [00:35:30.330] unbreakabledameon: i like the sock they will do [00:35:30.513] asteroids__: yes [00:35:30.677] Courier6___: Kid named Goliath: [00:35:31.367] Serumaster: yes [00:35:32.183] Rasputin_555: they don’t match at all [00:35:32.418] johnkeiwo: Sus [00:35:32.624] momo_senpai09: POLL [00:35:33.389] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: With that outfit yes... [00:35:33.754] Golden_Knight69: Moo [00:35:34.510] tallorangeone: hmm - not sure, worth a try though! [00:35:34.589] lolmeisje_2009: yesss [00:35:34.964] loveroseslove: WHITE [00:35:35.840] spacedoutzane: White [00:35:35.873] baelphes: yes! bow is Pog [00:35:38.771] mr_stijket: white [00:35:39.772] tarakagyu: white [00:35:40.391] ThyOverlord393: oooh! but no white! [00:35:40.630] RhodeIsLive: u should put in bobs ngl [00:35:41.153] theredhorseman: white or blue only [00:35:41.762] carolinelikesdinner: White is better [00:35:41.922] LUKEDEAN2005: Yea [00:35:45.322] SethwMad: Finn you do the thing I said geegaNODDERS [00:35:45.967] 2piritnl: yes White ones [00:35:46.223] duplotracer: KEKW [00:35:46.694] braddle172: white [00:35:46.737] ethymaster: Kid named finger? [00:35:46.870] codecraft3r: KEKW [00:35:46.894] alexx_net: black clashes with the blue of the outfit [00:35:47.576] ThyOverlord393: WHAT [00:35:47.596] Rasputin_555: no match [00:35:48.273] DrCastiel: black all day but the white will work beautifully [00:35:48.450] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW [00:35:48.939] aaaaaaaatlas: Hello there ,First time here [00:35:50.907] Stovamor: ffs [00:35:51.537] crayons_are_pog: yess [00:35:51.711] probepackung: the white of the socks doesn't match the outfit [00:35:52.020] unbreakabledameon: i have a friend that is named that [00:35:52.155] OilP: KEKW [00:35:52.266] bearpaw1970: yes black and blue.. [00:35:52.372] ThyOverlord393: WHUH? [00:35:52.633] Cazenn: KEKW [00:35:52.917] CyanideSpaceBoy: big mam [00:35:53.286] aunalbrutal: LOL [00:35:53.432] momo_senpai09: Poll please [00:35:53.642] jrforsti: jrforsti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 23 month streak! I wonder what neighbors thinks all this yelling and 23 monts ye [00:35:53.691] GrinchMD: KEKW [00:35:53.846] f3mmbot jrforsti subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:35:53.982] Flippi_12: ... [00:35:54.477] rw03_bjw: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:35:54.722] chrles__: Wtf [00:35:54.775] Friendigo_: grim [00:35:55.526] Xylomn: coxWha [00:35:56.193] johnkeiwo: A splat and not a thud ? [00:35:57.020] carolinelikesdinner: NAURRRR [00:35:57.855] baelphes: a splat? D: [00:35:58.432] nelicooper_: KEKW [00:35:58.734] jerb_4: A SPLAT!!?? [00:35:58.835] f1nnlove: if I'm Goliath, will u be my David and kill my with ur alls? [00:35:59.015] soffan0: relatable [00:35:59.078] Jens_LN: SPLAT [00:35:59.518] thinkingthum: O YES [00:35:59.887] purplesingeram: AH- [00:36:00.485] zombie_1981: f1nnLaff [00:36:00.664] JohnBanks117: ... [00:36:00.936] kishere123: ANOTHER WHITE ONES [00:36:01.338] godsbeenswinging_: heavy shit lad [00:36:01.533] MsEquinox: Where is the playback button? :O [00:36:02.850] ashenjag: Ewwww [00:36:03.092] 0pepega: monkaS [00:36:04.254] Dakunval: With a splat? The hell was is made of? [00:36:04.507] purplesingeram: WOW- [00:36:04.735] chrles__: SPLATLMAO [00:36:05.469] braddle172: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [00:36:06.133] Onlmusha1: XL BD Plugs make a hella splat [00:36:06.490] saltyfcraker: Boobs [00:36:07.155] minifarmer123: knife up date? [00:36:08.139] purplesingeram: AH- WHYYY- [00:36:08.403] Grizeldarky: What the hell [00:36:08.538] abe1_2: did the room smell like shit [00:36:09.212] dinoleftusall: mommy? [00:36:12.844] 1_smart_donkey: well that was a big flop [00:36:13.867] saltyfcraker: Lol [00:36:17.258] y0rk5h1r3: Label out? [00:36:17.541] ArminGux: Do you have thinner socs [00:36:18.232] dire_winter: if white cant see difference, visually [00:36:19.817] ThyOverlord393: white would look STUNNING [00:36:20.617] Rainiiru: i wore a plug to college a lot, it was fun [00:36:20.906] carolinelikesdinner: Dear god [00:36:21.703] alexandra0526: What was the plug made of?? [00:36:23.273] c__r__j: @johnkeiwo Sometimes, the plug is for holding stuff in, not for sexytimes. [00:36:23.448] Millie_26: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:36:24.570] Courier6___: What does @ethymaster mean by that? [00:36:30.121] thinkingthum: I FINK SHE IS DEAD [00:36:31.576] johnkeiwo: @c__r__j, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [00:36:31.971] SpeedyySylvia: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:36:32.370] PariahParade: Good lord those legs are neon white [00:36:34.418] f1nnlove: @c__r__jike when ur sick? [00:36:34.625] johnkeiwo: oh gawd [00:36:34.673] tagz_g: OhMyDog [00:36:34.993] Amoyamoyamoya: His assistant needs to organize his clothing systematically. [00:36:35.769] ArminGux: Egg is looking for a white shell [00:36:36.282] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j rynHai rynHeart [00:36:36.604] unbreakabledameon: now what [00:36:36.771] ThyOverlord393: fashion steam [00:36:40.060] RavingKorea: RavingKorea subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:36:40.240] f3mmbot ravingkorea subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:36:40.256] Golden_Knight69: Bye [00:36:41.206] JimRaynor56: @johnkeiwo Well that's not an image I needed today. [00:36:42.596] Golden_Knight69: Hi [00:36:42.708] onestupidpizza: and spiders [00:36:42.786] kieran9024: kieran9024 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! meow [00:36:42.939] know1_0: HarleyWink [00:36:42.967] f3mmbot kieran9024 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:36:43.903] tarakagyu: same [00:36:44.452] carolinelikesdinner: Rip in peace rose [00:36:44.493] ThyOverlord393: trans icon [00:36:45.075] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: Please flex the knife really quick... pleeeeaaassseeee! It looks cool! xnoviiBongoLove xnoviiExcited BegWan [00:36:45.134] HexGrrrrl: | || || |_ [00:36:47.118] themain77: who else was a thong lol [00:36:47.362] pyramidpancakes: KEKW [00:36:50.418] johnkeiwo: @JimRaynor56, neither did I :'( [00:36:51.012] dshot22: White shell for eggy [00:36:53.189] Onlmusha1: Show toes [00:36:54.934] bfritz0815: chairster [00:36:55.609] strahd05: You have a balisong? Can you do tricks with it? [00:36:55.929] Helen_Croft: new NSFW Thigh highs in white with black text? @F1NN5TER [00:36:57.828] 2piritnl: plug made of brass?? [00:36:58.251] c__r__j: @y0rk5h1r3 linechuLurk [00:36:58.951] my_life_in_minnie_ears: you are looking fabulous today [00:37:02.183] ArminGux: Spider [00:37:04.457] makoto_elf: thigh highs are pog [00:37:04.760] f1nnlove: u were gonna tuck [00:37:10.203] ThyOverlord393: CUTE [00:37:11.777] johnkeiwo: @Helen_Croft, and black straps ? ^^ [00:37:12.178] saltyfcraker: I just hit my Facebook my tablet it fell [00:37:12.360] cypressnl: cypressnl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Yey 13 months :D [00:37:12.539] f3mmbot cypressnl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:37:12.557] CloakedN00b: pog [00:37:13.717] onestupidpizza: hmmm [00:37:14.572] maxexe404: CoolStoryBob [00:37:14.724] vanimal2118: Spider house? [00:37:15.010] f1nnlove: i fainted [00:37:15.876] chrles__: ZAMN [00:37:16.283] dshot22: I am looking respectfully [00:37:16.321] MayBeAJinx: Just joined cause was hanging out with friends, but hiii Finn and chat <3 [00:37:17.034] mia_femboy: Finn what are you doing whit this all Dildos?, i am a Femboy and if you want you can send me all of them if you want i use this toys @f1nn5ter [00:37:18.058] barbie_secretstanner: I’m against Finn [00:37:19.455] the_nonbinarybis3xual: hello , I just joined stream [00:37:19.667] wildTacoo: no feet Sadge [00:37:20.247] bfritz0815: tucking? [00:37:20.300] carolinelikesdinner: SHAVING POG [00:37:20.929] johnkeiwo: DICK RIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:37:22.459] atnerb_80: white thigh highs? your natural skin color is whiter than any shader humans have made. [00:37:22.801] Helen_Croft: Yes @johnkeiwo [00:37:25.576] Cazenn: They were smooth before you shaved them weirdChamp [00:37:26.993] know1_0: CorgiDerp [00:37:27.241] hotgirl676: noice thighs [00:37:29.849] kishere123: Damn we have the same skin color - white [00:37:31.533] limeequine: I like your priorities [00:37:32.718] bearpaw1970: something about tucking [00:37:34.526] Planaxd_offical: YOOOOOOOO FINNNNNNN [00:37:37.659] abe1_2: holy shit dude do you ever go out in the sun [00:37:40.134] kotisek: pasty white thighs are back kekw [00:37:40.463] alexx_net: There are lots of good lessons on YouTube for girlvoice [00:37:42.793] johnkeiwo: bimbo brain [00:37:43.973] xSerenity99x: I remember forever ago when Finn used to claim to be a manly man. Now he's all "Look chat! I shaved my legs! They're so smooth." [00:37:46.070] 57ranma: CAN YOU PLAY SAILOR MOON THEME SONG WHILE PUTTING ON THE THIGHS? [00:37:46.863] ThyOverlord393: ive been struggling with it too! [00:37:51.748] ArminGux: Ballet cosplay? [00:37:57.376] sartanxar: sartanxar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! 20 months supporting this thot [00:37:57.589] f3mmbot sartanxar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:38:00.725] Benw8888: swallow method- swallow and hold it to train ur muscles. Will help later, no embarrassment [00:38:00.929] Amoyamoyamoya: @xSerenity99x, F1nn is 99% Estrogen. [00:38:10.131] loveroseslove: You look so damn Cute [00:38:10.277] unbreakabledameon: just keep trying [00:38:11.131] viljosayshi: @Amoyamoyamoya what's the 1% [00:38:11.593] alexx_net: and you [sarcastic] might have some in chat that know [sarcastic] something about doing girlvoice [00:38:12.430] FelineFemby: sailor moon 🌙 ? [00:38:16.549] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOO [00:38:18.891] f1nnlove: @viljosayshi milk [00:38:23.230] thecuxspm: Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:38:24.527] xenofizzz: someone gift me sub please😭❤️ [00:38:24.698] mystchevious1: You wear panties but you're ashamed to talk in a higher octave? [00:38:25.158] c__r__j: That's not what dyslexia is! [00:38:26.228] atnerb_80: he wears a mini plug during stream so we wont notice. [00:38:26.439] kishere123: 1% sailor moon [00:38:26.723] Helen_Croft: chat send new brain to the po box [00:38:27.823] ThyOverlord393: i know a very liuttle! [00:38:28.097] jokerkid100798: silalor moon [00:38:28.407] 1_smart_donkey: that's probably not the only little thing struggling [00:38:30.252] themain77: I saw a thong there was a thong [00:38:42.392] limeequine: Choker? [00:38:44.201] bfritz0815: @57ranma yeah! sailor moon song while dresing! 😁 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:38:44.371] thebunroller: You got the dildo underwear I sent you. The description said "anal" f1nnLaff [00:38:44.798] ElFuaLoco033: finn will always be the manly man in all twitch [00:38:46.046] Amoyamoyamoya: @viljosayshi, Trace amounts of Testosterone and random steroids. [00:38:46.271] general_of_cm: nah you dont have dyslexia thats just your natural bimbo brain [00:38:47.451] Cazenn: Yet [00:38:51.574] viljosayshi: why the fuck would you go for SUGAR FREE redbull? [00:38:51.908] wildTacoo: Kappa show [00:38:52.164] johnkeiwo: yet [00:38:53.115] lionnsmane: yet [00:38:54.106] thinkingthum: G STRAP GANG [00:38:54.682] Amoyamoyamoya: Wear thong. [00:38:55.239] Flippi_12: yet [00:38:55.290] know1_0: :| [00:38:56.202] JohnBanks117: yet [00:38:56.848] Owly_9: you wearing skids [00:38:57.728] carolinelikesdinner: Tenmuses out here watering our crops [00:38:57.876] sitooma: Thong [00:38:58.179] im_up_to_something: She admitted ten is her sugar daddy [00:38:58.561] neo_lyx: prove [00:38:59.566] 2piritnl: yes you are [00:39:00.856] Shwol: You workout right? What's your body percentage? [00:39:01.639] pagvwv: GivePLZ OhMyDog TakeNRG [00:39:03.108] a_twitch_fox: I just came back to twitch after a year what's up 🤩 [00:39:03.165] ThyOverlord393: most of feminine voice training is detraining your hella rumbly voice and getting a smoother tone, THEN you move to pitch [00:39:05.196] maxexe404: yet [00:39:06.152] viljosayshi: @Amoyamoyamoya I suppose we all need trace amounts right? [00:39:06.389] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:39:07.078] lwazithesyne: heels? [00:39:08.311] general_of_cm: LUL [00:39:08.382] onestupidpizza: well [00:39:10.858] kotisek: white monster? sus behaviour [00:39:13.256] ekod3d: heel [00:39:16.326] ragingwafle67: is he wearing fem panties in daily life even in masculine clothes [00:39:18.288] hotgirl676: lets hear how u sound right now for future reference. U can make a video about it later... Like "this is my voice 2 months on T" type of video... but for girl voice [00:39:18.904] Flippi_12: you already have the bimbo brain, why not add the bimbo voice f1nn? [00:39:19.312] the_nonbinarybis3xual: yea white monsters [00:39:22.179] estrogen44: @johnkeiwo It was a splat because of the cum lube I put inside me [00:39:22.442] momo_senpai09: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:39:22.561] themain77: I saw it lol you just don't want to admit it lol [00:39:24.256] peavey443: I miss old wholesome chat [00:39:24.527] alexandra0526: Your Nauils look great btw! [00:39:24.604] atnerb_80: F1NN YOU SHOULD TRY PEACHY KEEN MONSTER. [00:39:33.944] ArminGux: Sugar free cause he to sweet [00:39:34.439] johnkeiwo: @ioersdj, I didn't need the details !!! [00:39:37.764] ry_drake_331: @F1NN5TER how is the firl voice coming along? [00:39:41.526] arcticskai: f1nnKnife f1nnHeart [00:39:42.318] Helen_Croft: they are in the BOX [00:39:43.597] jokerkid100798: how do you stream though this [00:39:43.816] maxexe404: TRY THE PACIFIC PUNCH MONSTER [00:39:44.782] ry_drake_331: girl [00:39:49.052] strahd05: Do you wear female underwear when in costume? [00:39:51.736] Not_Yack: There's just something about being comfortable. [00:39:52.213] 57ranma: YESS 😂 [00:39:52.361] lwazithesyne: It's all coming to plan [00:39:52.486] estrogen44: @johnkeiwo then don't ask [00:39:52.795] Amoyamoyamoya: Umm, Kilts? [00:39:52.875] megaroot: 🥚 [00:39:53.953] lionnsmane: wear a kilt lol [00:39:57.014] XxBear_LizziexX: i do love ur nails tho!! <3 [00:39:58.222] JJFIREBLAST101: Then get a kilt lol [00:39:59.791] spiritwolf9969: wear a kilt [00:40:00.376] mr_stijket: what was the topic again? [00:40:00.562] vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled Minecraft? [00:40:00.688] johnkeiwo: @ioersdj, :'( hasL [00:40:00.842] ThyOverlord393: man i wish i had a feminine face like f1nn :( [00:40:02.878] crotchwhistle_purple: thanks for making me a femboy (genuinely thank you) [00:40:03.693] darknessishereandimback: you fail everytime so theres no turning back now fin [00:40:03.804] tarakagyu: mini skirts are just so easy [00:40:06.438] comongamer24: f1nnGross [00:40:06.739] cloud_jobber: Hi how's my favourite femboy [00:40:07.460] carolinelikesdinner: 0 masculinity x 0 masculinity still equals 0 [00:40:07.646] ArminGux: Arthemis is more masculine [00:40:09.424] dshot22: Finn you're my inspiration to wear "feminine" clothes [00:40:10.742] the_nonbinarybis3xual: @atnerb_80 the peach ones are good [00:40:11.486] Plant_Game: I have a plant that is growing on a 90 degree angle [00:40:12.618] 1_smart_donkey: I didn't think you were wearing a skirt at the twitch thing [00:40:13.316] josua_themen: Grow beard shave head [00:40:17.866] kishere123: I saw a manly man wearing a kilt one day. It was hot ngl [00:40:21.429] deriantelles: where are the IG photos? [00:40:23.195] Emmy64_: Sausage knife [00:40:24.175] purplesingeram: Yeaa [00:40:24.471] 2piritnl: heel yourself [00:40:25.762] frostybossygirl: sailor moon bimbo [00:40:25.801] megaroot: X [00:40:26.600] Millie_26: do you have any butterfly knives? [00:40:27.781] cosmicwasp_: sup first time here DansGame DansGame DansGame [00:40:28.100] comongamer24: <3 [00:40:30.565] glue_person: spartans wore skirts [00:40:30.603] Courier6___: Ew Valorant [00:40:31.673] atnerb_80: @the_nonbinarybis3xual yes they are [00:40:32.723] CloakedN00b: skirt and thongs are very manly KEKW [00:40:34.776] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: angell92Cry angell92Cry angell92Cry angell92Cry [00:40:35.223] moltas112112: lol [00:40:43.008] its_ollii: Lol [00:40:43.057] wafflerice_san: pretty sure most valorant players are wearing skirts [00:40:43.421] onestupidpizza: InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace InuyoFace [00:40:43.803] sumitkpal: Can I have you in my grand-daughter's school? [00:40:46.054] braddle172: lol [00:40:46.285] total_acidity: Fax [00:40:51.462] xXNeroZashiXx: so true [00:40:51.559] Not_Yack: Is Scotland part of the UK? [00:40:51.919] lionnsmane: yeah but im scottish and yes i admit it [00:40:54.905] Poizen00: but they're longer! and the knife makes it manly! [00:40:55.167] aluna128: true [00:40:55.275] carolinelikesdinner: Skirts are manly [00:40:55.687] ThyOverlord393: ITS TRUE OK? [00:40:55.780] Cazenn: Not a real manly man KEKW [00:40:56.799] red17x: red17x subscribed with Prime. [00:40:56.981] f3mmbot red17x subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang red17x f1nnLezgang [00:40:57.191] smokeheadpyro: f1nnSmile2 [00:40:57.753] lionnsmane: @Not_Yack sadly [00:40:57.955] Spectre223: The Scots are the original femboys? [00:40:58.008] Solus_kun: Knifes kinda meh but Skirts tho hmmmm [00:40:59.562] wildTacoo: hard copium [00:41:00.001] dire_winter: but Scottish man wears kilt with a breeze, no second layer [00:41:00.659] itsatena: TRUE [00:41:01.386] bearpaw1970: when your a sweet and innocent as 🌹 Rose ; you do not have to wonder about the 😇 [00:41:01.740] mushr0om_bee: hello [00:41:02.781] denden12332: not everyone is british finn [00:41:04.152] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:41:05.897] Kaymon81: she is down on her knees, best birthday ever ^^ [00:41:06.332] crotchwhistle_purple: AYO PAUSE [00:41:06.770] gay__army: YEEAAHHH [00:41:07.273] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:41:07.571] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: Daaaayyyuuuummmnnn! Thats a good knife. [00:41:09.236] itsatena: KEKW [00:41:09.318] Flippi_12: KEKW [00:41:09.437] chimmiesjams: KEKW [00:41:09.611] josua_themen: Play valorant [00:41:09.897] mr_stijket: no [00:41:10.177] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:41:10.258] Jens_LN: aw ... missed theTTS [00:41:10.312] maxexe404: KEKW [00:41:10.898] thinkingthum: CAN YOU VC AFTER [00:41:11.021] megaroot: KEKW [00:41:11.261] Blind_Play: kilts are just great cause of the breeze [00:41:12.451] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:41:12.840] braddle172: KEKW [00:41:13.061] foxlovesblox: Finnaly [00:41:13.594] Not_Yack: Hot [00:41:13.884] aluna128: NOPE [00:41:13.932] Brox_Basher: With the addition of Bridget coming back in Guilty Gear Strive, will you be doing a cosplay of them? Lol [00:41:14.183] LillyoftheNorth: speaking only truth [00:41:14.389] doge_thunder: KILT f1nnSCAM [00:41:16.171] Dawnubis: Nahh Kilts are for chads SCOTLAND FOREVER [00:41:16.188] the_nonbinarybis3xual: @atnerb_80 have you tried the purple one?? [00:41:16.224] Kai_Marcad: no [00:41:16.488] 1_smart_donkey: White [00:41:16.959] Bulldog85043: no [00:41:17.000] Amoyamoyamoya: Yikes. No [00:41:17.547] Lucridis: Nah [00:41:17.569] viljosayshi: what is this, the wizard of oz? Cheer100 [00:41:17.713] abe1_2: RED PLEASE [00:41:18.175] megaroot: sneaky [00:41:19.132] Amoyamoyamoya: No [00:41:19.297] h_r_buff_n_stuff: No don't match [00:41:19.470] alexx_net: With a kilt it isn't called a knife, it's a Sgian-dubh [00:41:19.601] lolmeisje_2009: nah [00:41:20.322] foxlovesblox: Woow [00:41:20.976] kishere123: No [00:41:21.258] Amoyamoyamoya: Not like this. [00:41:21.732] onestupidpizza: it's light blue [00:41:22.660] sir_public0_0: Ne [00:41:23.047] JohnBanks117: no [00:41:23.313] gay__army: noo [00:41:23.445] s3eds_de: ugly [00:41:23.715] mystchevious1: The outfit calls for red heels. [00:41:24.241] spacedoutzane: Red or yellow? [00:41:24.749] chimmiesjams: Woow [00:41:25.845] monkeynuts1987: lovely heels [00:41:26.168] johnkeiwo: no [00:41:27.650] M0rbulus: i a scot in a kilt would say it: yes i would belive you. But you are a girly girl trying to defend youself [00:41:27.945] xxjoyeusexx: red heels would be good [00:41:28.259] chimmiesjams: No [00:41:28.749] Girbeagly: Cheer200 The Valorant to skirt pipeline is real [00:41:30.138] FlyingMortimer: those are 1950s blue [00:41:31.054] 1_smart_donkey: white boots [00:41:32.364] momo_senpai09: Red [00:41:32.796] smokeheadpyro: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:41:33.365] vidyagaem7: No [00:41:34.161] ArminGux: No [00:41:35.372] PopaDop_x_Scribbles: That's a good knife [00:41:35.760] carolinelikesdinner: Oooo pretty heels!! Remind me of cinderella [00:41:36.441] vanimal2118: Keep it up ur going to make Rose cry! [00:41:38.023] xxjoyeusexx: RED [00:41:38.457] momo_senpai09: yellow [00:41:39.816] alexx_net: No, you need the dark blue heels [00:41:40.117] adorkablewreck: Could do white or red heels [00:41:40.903] know1_0: ;) [00:41:41.543] bfritz0815: finnster inspired me to get 2 short skirts for myself. best summertime clothing ever 😁 [00:41:43.410] 2piritnl: white ones [00:41:43.740] bearpaw1970: red [00:41:46.909] mystchevious1: He's clearly never seen sailor moon [00:41:50.807] sir_public0_0: Maybe white [00:41:51.045] makoto_elf: red boot heel I suggest if they are in reach [00:41:53.164] Stovamor: @thinkingthum, here's an answer - no, he won't. Calm down, please [00:41:53.167] Not_Yack: Get this girl some ballet heels. [00:41:55.235] Amoyamoyamoya: Wear something with a peep toe. [00:41:56.019] bearpaw1970: match your red bow [00:41:56.709] BillyConx: Oh gosh, those soccs, Magnificent [00:41:57.496] viljosayshi: @bfritz0815 my bf has promised me a maid outfit if I start doing the washing up [00:41:58.734] ArminGux: O yeah red would work [00:41:58.930] lucky_ducky07: Try white [00:41:59.495] codecraft3r: no [00:41:59.544] johnkeiwo: Omg the trash stuffed in the hallway, I'm gonna have a heart attack [00:41:59.800] kishere123: YESSSSSDD [00:42:00.611] spacedoutzane: Yes [00:42:02.276] Helen_Croft: white heels good [00:42:02.346] aluna128: better [00:42:02.523] mr_stijket: yes [00:42:02.971] lildirtnap11: *clicks on stream* instantly gets an ad [00:42:05.084] ArminGux: Yes [00:42:05.275] johnna_1988: do you ever get out in the sun [00:42:05.434] carolinelikesdinner: He is the one named f1nn5ter moon [00:42:05.820] lucky_ducky07: Better [00:42:06.289] lolmeisje_2009: better [00:42:06.354] lionnsmane: no [00:42:06.557] mystchevious1: RED! [00:42:06.970] spacedoutzane: Red [00:42:07.011] Stovamor: white [00:42:07.290] ThyOverlord393: yess!! [00:42:07.365] smokeheadpyro: yes! f1nnHeart [00:42:07.539] agesicki: sort of [00:42:07.833] lionnsmane: RED [00:42:07.878] sir_public0_0: Better [00:42:07.926] rainybowsparkle: red [00:42:07.967] Dab_Pr1ncess: RED [00:42:08.509] codecraft3r: red [00:42:08.547] random_muffin_: yes [00:42:08.903] gay__army: Yes [00:42:09.265] johnna_1988: how are your legs so pale [00:42:09.389] xxjoyeusexx: RED!!!!! [00:42:09.404] wildTacoo: both [00:42:09.482] weatheredsweaterr: no [00:42:09.840] Helen_Croft: white better [00:42:09.989] f1nnlove: @amoyamoyamoya did u mean camel toe? [00:42:10.069] adorkablewreck: Red! [00:42:10.135] im_up_to_something: yes white heels [00:42:10.436] maxexe404: DO RED [00:42:10.485] 2piritnl: yes yes [00:42:10.724] Pyewalker: red [00:42:10.850] mushr0om_bee: red [00:42:11.140] Kaymon81: white [00:42:11.552] kasthewolf: Red [00:42:11.600] makoto_elf: defo red [00:42:11.906] alexandra0526: YAASSSSSSSS [00:42:11.906] thel0ng2: ye [00:42:12.117] Luna18j: Red [00:42:12.535] johnkeiwo: white [00:42:12.591] ThyOverlord393: red!! [00:42:13.196] agesicki: red plz [00:42:13.256] random_muffin_: RED [00:42:13.280] y0rk5h1r3: White [00:42:14.176] probepackung: red's better [00:42:14.431] sky_night4213: red [00:42:15.545] vidyagaem7: Better [00:42:16.337] thel0ng2: white [00:42:16.585] aluna128: white [00:42:16.911] yourlocaldiscordkittten: red [00:42:17.142] mustangcubed: Yes!!!! [00:42:17.378] Helen_Croft: red is bad [00:42:17.853] JohnBanks117: white [00:42:18.725] carolinelikesdinner: Red [00:42:18.958] Millie_26: red [00:42:19.021] willow_horror: white [00:42:20.093] kishere123: THESE WHITE ONES ARE HOT [00:42:20.771] SimplyVibingYeah: the white ones are a bit wedding-like [00:42:21.190] bethany_mwa_: Red [00:42:21.262] jeffdmk: stop stalling [00:42:21.960] Gr3y_S00t: REDDDD [00:42:22.475] Not_Yack: The excitement is true. [00:42:22.869] loveroseslove: White [00:42:23.342] Golden_Knight69: Both [00:42:24.471] 1Scallivant: White [00:42:24.517] limeequine: Red [00:42:24.708] theredhorseman: yes [00:42:25.668] Amoyamoyamoya: @f1nnlove, potastBonk [00:42:26.587] kotisek: RED [00:42:26.944] braddle172: white [00:42:27.184] Helen_Croft: poll the color [00:42:28.035] loveroseslove: or Red [00:42:29.486] Jens_LN: blue shoes would work best, but red works. [00:42:30.925] saltyfcraker: Yes [00:42:30.973] loveroseslove: RED [00:42:32.153] Turtlmatic: purple jk white [00:42:32.776] 2piritnl: White [00:42:33.112] bearpaw1970: yes but red is better [00:42:33.266] thel0ng2: one of each [00:42:33.347] slimeymushrooms: manly manly man [00:42:33.581] momo_senpai09: RED [00:42:33.759] Morganjoe101: white [00:42:33.843] sumitkpal: Tell me this is dubbed babyme2Yuiomg [00:42:34.219] Helen_Croft: White @F1NN5TER [00:42:34.547] LimeXLizard: Red [00:42:37.425] bfritz0815: @viljosayshi might be worth a shot... [00:42:37.511] spacedoutzane: Right ones [00:42:41.230] maxximus0412: Chair cammmm [00:42:41.650] mr_stijket: white [00:42:42.082] y0rk5h1r3: White Heels [00:42:42.132] Stovamor: white ones look bettter [00:42:43.472] Jens_LN: Holy shit [00:42:43.491] Millie_26: r3d [00:42:43.878] 1Scallivant: White match perfect [00:42:44.239] 21foxxie: na, none of those matchhhhhhhhh [00:42:45.049] Blind_Play: lace up ones forsure [00:42:45.709] wildTacoo: POGGERS [00:42:45.710] Amoyamoyamoya: Ah...Whore Shoes. [00:42:45.775] lionnsmane: TEN [00:42:45.867] OilP: KEKW [00:42:47.103] PinkPummy: POG [00:42:47.950] Walderen: BRUH [00:42:48.176] TheGrinch89: hahahaha [00:42:48.345] 57ranma: Red [00:42:48.390] Solus_kun: monkaS WHAT [00:42:48.520] Not_Yack: Fuck! [00:42:48.535] GrinchMD: Pog [00:42:49.025] johnkeiwo: this man [00:42:49.322] agesicki: ohnPog [00:42:49.609] thel0ng2: WTF [00:42:50.025] tanselle25: Either dark blue to match the skirt or white to match the blouse [00:42:50.233] JohnBanks117: POGGERS Ten [00:42:50.324] anjeronett: do yall hear crickets? [00:42:50.343] medicbat: GOTTEM [00:42:50.559] MegaMiley: KEKW [00:42:50.714] yourlocaldiscordkittten: 1k LMAOOO [00:42:51.262] massachusetsguy: WOW ! [00:42:51.346] SethwMad: I don't know what this one means [00:42:51.352] momo_senpai09: WOW [00:42:51.472] braddle172: PogU [00:42:51.490] carolinelikesdinner: WHAT THE FUCK [00:42:51.659] bearpaw1970: better contrasting colour [00:42:51.740] aluna128: sugar daddy [00:42:51.988] Lucridis: For sugar daddy [00:42:51.988] MegaMiley: POG [00:42:52.300] PsycoBrownie: white ones are better [00:42:52.495] Courier6___: BRUH [00:42:52.654] duckstm: sugar daddy application [00:42:53.037] Millie_26: pogg [00:42:53.142] sumitkpal: wtf [00:42:53.329] megaroot: POGGERS [00:42:53.353] cormoranoimperatore: PogChamp [00:42:53.373] momo_senpai09: CUTE [00:42:53.933] sissy_for_you: i where a dress well on this moment [00:42:53.997] im_up_to_something: white heels hotter [00:42:54.218] dinoserf: Do the white ones [00:42:54.699] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW Wow [00:42:54.720] wildTacoo: for a sugar daddy? [00:42:54.839] ElFuaLoco033: EZ 1k [00:42:54.939] ghostkiller1412: lol POGGGG [00:42:55.145] BillyConx: POGG [00:42:55.382] purplesingeram: WOWWWWW [00:42:55.714] carolinelikesdinner: HUH??? [00:42:55.767] themain77: I am from Texas so remember this well it puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the big hose lol [00:42:55.832] twitchtv_itzvitto: KEKW [00:42:57.182] dingosurprise: lol [00:42:57.946] dire_winter: I think, why not one of each because why not burn the world down even more [00:42:58.068] kasaidasamurai420: How much money for a sloppy toppy [00:42:58.156] EmroseV: wowwww [00:42:58.748] ArminGux: Daddy [00:43:00.046] 1_smart_donkey: she wore red boots [00:43:00.496] ThyOverlord393: the strappy ONESSssss [00:43:00.722] SteeLJaegeR: so cute mmmmmmm [00:43:00.856] XxBear_LizziexX: POGGERS [00:43:00.882] f1nnlove: for of [00:43:00.990] Golden_Knight69: POG KEKW [00:43:01.049] NoGiggety: fareehaHype fareehaHype fareehaHype [00:43:01.080] mystchevious1: Tens just flexing on us. Submit . [00:43:01.535] Flippi_12: LUL [00:43:01.579] Helen_Croft: white is the only good answer [00:43:01.874] longlegs_honey: POGGERS [00:43:01.911] peavey443: Heels on da left [00:43:01.922] SethwMad: LUL [00:43:02.483] viljosayshi: put the whore shoes on Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:43:02.580] Spectre223: For being your Sugar daddy, and I think he has it locked in already [00:43:02.632] ArminGux: Hahaha [00:43:02.765] gay__army: POG [00:43:03.255] WhatYourName: wtf [00:43:03.537] sir_public0_0: Hello ten [00:43:04.600] zer0110: OH SHI [00:43:04.719] weatheredsweaterr: yikess [00:43:05.227] alpha_chaos3836: !uptime [00:43:05.490] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 43m 11s [00:43:05.611] thel0ng2: SUGAR DADDY KEKW [00:43:05.785] smokeheadpyro: f1nnPegChamp [00:43:06.747] braddle172: LUL [00:43:07.135] BillyConx: I am pterrified [00:43:07.151] SethwMad: SAY IT [00:43:07.377] y0rk5h1r3: Sugar Daddy Application LUL [00:43:07.501] Millie_26: f1nnNomods [00:43:07.561] spacedoutzane: Cuteee [00:43:07.670] lionnsmane: HAHAHAHAHAHHA [00:43:07.847] chainedchish: F1nndom [00:43:08.545] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:43:09.667] SethwMad: SAY IT [00:43:09.933] Kaymon81: ten makes the streams sooo much funnier ^^ [00:43:10.457] carolinelikesdinner: Tenmuses wallet is crying rn [00:43:10.848] abe1_2: Red CHUCK Tailors [00:43:11.165] SethwMad: SAY IT [00:43:12.004] jayinternation1: MAke a poll for colours [00:43:13.732] Trorrrbooo: dreamo15Love dreamo15Love dreamo15Love dreamo15Love dreamo15Love [00:43:13.833] purplesingeram: AYEEEEE [00:43:14.002] strahd05: You have Taylor Swift red heels? [00:43:14.270] vanimal2118: Sugar Daddy/Mommy [00:43:14.335] Not_Yack: Ten chooses the heeels. [00:43:14.860] GrinchMD: KEKW [00:43:15.497] bearpaw1970: lol [00:43:15.726] lemon_clown: hellooo, ty for the stream title , i just got gender affirm [00:43:15.728] thesearetherealstars: holy c r a p [00:43:16.073] momo_senpai09: TEN LOVES U [00:43:16.082] duplotracer: KEKW [00:43:16.566] smokeheadpyro: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:43:17.095] GrinchMD: EGG [00:43:17.347] Emmy64_: Why not LUL [00:43:17.394] johnkeiwo: SLOOT [00:43:17.526] kasaidasamurai420: How much for a sloppy toppy [00:43:17.534] Jens_LN: !! SUGAR DADDY APPLICATION - COMPLETED !! [00:43:17.742] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:43:18.226] general_of_cm: thats aint much for such a request [00:43:18.770] braddle172: KEKW [00:43:19.454] Amoyamoyamoya: Doesn't he already have the in the bag. [00:43:20.352] rudyzwierz: yaaaaaaa boooiiiiii [00:43:20.709] vanimal2118: Bimbo Script [00:43:20.782] Lord_TS: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:43:24.246] arcticskai: f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:43:25.421] 2piritnl: OMG [00:43:25.770] badatmath007: damn [00:43:26.880] Brox_Basher: Bruh, just forget heels. Go out in those stockings. Lol [00:43:28.191] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG he's such a girl. [00:43:28.410] Benw8888: cover letter and resume [00:43:29.783] 21foxxie: they arent the kind of heels you wear with that outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:43:30.001] purplesingeram: WOW [00:43:30.007] ArminGux: F1nn bout to become a American citizen [00:43:30.531] doge_thunder: f1nnMonka [00:43:30.897] slimeymushrooms: take another gay test [00:43:31.548] thekingone10: white [00:43:32.211] jvlivs777: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:43:33.309] minifarmer123: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:43:33.463] rainybowsparkle: f1nnHeart [00:43:36.158] medicbat: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:43:36.860] kingpapapig: Hello finn [00:43:36.864] im_up_to_something: Ten takes care of girl rynWOW [00:43:37.572] Lord_TS: f1nnEgg [00:43:38.567] Helen_Croft: white heels [00:43:38.576] Stovamor: white ones look bettter [00:43:39.212] 2piritnl: bimbo in the making [00:43:39.540] momo_senpai09: LMAO [00:43:42.713] thesearetherealstars: red ones [00:43:43.004] thebunroller: white [00:43:43.228] aluna128: WHITE [00:43:43.687] Jadre1: white [00:43:43.734] viljosayshi: hoe heels hoe heels [00:43:43.734] rainybowsparkle: the red are hot [00:43:44.057] M0rbulus: the whore ones [00:43:44.142] mr_stijket: white [00:43:45.312] Golden_Knight69: Why is ten spending his life saving so much. He might be a millionaire [00:43:45.369] Blind_Play: red with laces [00:43:45.791] TheIkeaBear: Strappy [00:43:45.888] duplotracer: they look great [00:43:45.942] carolinelikesdinner: I like the heels!! [00:43:46.155] Amoyamoyamoya: Any heels with exposed toes please. [00:43:46.393] dshot22: Strappy [00:43:47.463] thel0ng2: I do WHITE [00:43:47.497] weatheredsweaterr: try flats [00:43:47.672] Dab_Pr1ncess: no strappy [00:43:47.686] spacedoutzane: None strappy [00:43:47.747] HexGrrrrl: FinnDom [00:43:48.137] Not_Yack: Non strappy [00:43:48.144] sissy_for_you: non [00:43:48.582] toomanybees___: White [00:43:48.643] lionnsmane: non strapy ones [00:43:48.771] ArminGux: Non strap [00:43:48.979] carolinelikesdinner: Red red red [00:43:49.094] Matasioka: white [00:43:49.109] peavey443: The red non strappy!!! [00:43:49.621] rudyzwierz: STRAPY [00:43:49.793] vidyagaem7: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 [00:43:50.072] Stovamor: white ones look bettter [00:43:50.230] longlegs_honey: strappy [00:43:50.375] Dakunval: Sugar Daddy applications are just a name and a current bank balance. [00:43:50.697] absentguitar: whore ones pls [00:43:50.822] sumitkpal: She's a man. [00:43:50.855] ThyOverlord393: strappy! [00:43:50.945] quakina: NONN STRAPPY [00:43:51.184] foxlovesblox: Hydrate [00:43:51.218] spidersfrommarz: non strap [00:43:51.256] Helen_Croft: WHITE [00:43:51.404] JohnBanks117: White [00:43:52.629] Friendigo_: the outfit is cute, these heels are too slutty [00:43:53.271] rainybowsparkle: not strappy red [00:43:53.379] ethymaster: Would you go out on a walk in that outfit? [00:43:53.433] PSmithgamer: non [00:43:53.455] y0rk5h1r3: Whote [00:43:53.702] thesearetherealstars: non strap ones [00:43:54.497] neo_lyx: not strappy [00:43:54.669] tja100: stralpy6 [00:43:54.796] thulix_: left [00:43:54.942] mustangcubed: White!!! [00:43:55.013] nelicooper_: non strap [00:43:55.237] carolinelikesdinner: Redddd [00:43:55.280] Kaymon81: white [00:43:55.407] megaroot: strappy [00:43:55.502] maxximus0412: HELOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPO [00:43:55.532] dshot22: strappy [00:43:55.830] giga_chad_VI: strapy [00:43:55.838] maniacdean: both [00:43:55.896] aluna128: white pls [00:43:55.909] Gr3y_S00t: Strappyyyyy [00:43:56.383] agesicki: strapy [00:43:56.479] viljosayshi: strappy [00:43:56.615] random_muffin_: non strapy [00:43:56.808] braddle172: white [00:43:57.063] nandosjr0800: Strapy [00:43:57.183] theredhorseman: hoe heels for that comment [00:43:57.314] rudyzwierz: STRAPPY [00:43:57.495] mushr0om_bee: strapy [00:43:57.562] f1nnlove: red [00:43:57.593] massachusetsguy: ON THE LEFT [00:43:57.630] Benw8888: no straps [00:43:57.708] y0rk5h1r3: White [00:43:58.250] tallorangeone: strappy [00:43:58.380] WhatYourName: white [00:43:58.458] BillyConx: Laces my dear [00:43:58.552] sky_night4213: strappy [00:43:58.628] makoto_elf: I love the heels tye red non strapy works better [00:43:58.918] Not_Yack: NON [00:43:58.964] dingosurprise: strappy [00:44:00.169] abe1_2: RIGHT [00:44:00.296] cookies5620: red [00:44:00.484] Amoyamoyamoya: Toes [00:44:00.730] sympatheticmimic: Everyone wants a Sugar Daddy until Daddy wants the sugar! [00:44:01.012] thedude42464: all of them [00:44:01.050] jvlivs777: red is better :)) [00:44:01.191] Wendy_A1: Show us both! [00:44:01.376] dbbs3: Strappy [00:44:01.640] lionnsmane: NOT [00:44:01.670] saint_r: strappy [00:44:01.739] general_of_cm: non strap [00:44:01.876] Stovamor: white ones look better [00:44:02.340] Golden_Knight69: Scrappy [00:44:02.378] bedgoblino: poll? [00:44:02.456] ThyOverlord393: poll! [00:44:02.507] spacedoutzane: Non [00:44:02.624] materziggy2l: pole [00:44:02.759] ItsMeNatalieMarie: Non-strappy [00:44:02.901] tallorangeone: poll? [00:44:02.923] quakina: Lace up FTW [00:44:03.457] rudyzwierz: DO THE POLL [00:44:03.524] giga_chad_VI: strappy [00:44:03.611] dshot22: strappy please xd [00:44:03.834] Fiszka333: red ones [00:44:03.929] turbotorbogoblo: Blue [00:44:04.054] alexx_net: Neither, the dark blue ones [00:44:04.116] fried_gil77: Pog [00:44:04.379] cosmicwasp_: strap on [00:44:04.633] PinkPummy: POLL [00:44:04.705] tac45r: non [00:44:04.775] Jens_LN: BARE FEET !! [00:44:04.869] sumitkpal: Cut the straps [00:44:05.077] longlegs_honey: flip a coin [00:44:05.244] ghostyfrost1: strapy [00:44:05.262] livvy_vy_: white [00:44:05.513] zer0110: no strap [00:44:06.056] thulix_: non [00:44:06.559] probepackung: non-strappy [00:44:06.825] black_deathe39: can i see again? [00:44:07.699] carolinelikesdinner: NO STRAPS [00:44:07.825] Owly_9: both [00:44:08.122] themain77: see the tback was sticking out the back of his skirt [00:44:08.190] chainedchish: pole [00:44:08.442] rat_fact_bot: Non strapy no feet [00:44:08.529] 2piritnl: White [00:44:08.955] adorkablewreck: Poll [00:44:09.116] tisyoboigyro: strappy [00:44:09.143] materziggy2l: pool [00:44:09.313] pocketfullofskittles: Poll [00:44:09.382] jenksy2000: strappppy [00:44:10.333] johnkeiwo: white ones were better =) [00:44:10.657] bearpaw1970: non syrap [00:44:10.664] sir_public0_0: None Strap [00:44:10.871] sitooma: STAY STRAPPED [00:44:11.017] ItsMegaScott: one of each then [00:44:11.077] 21foxxie: no [00:44:11.439] Hashinova: No strap! [00:44:11.464] DenialPie: WHITE [00:44:11.524] the_nonbinarybis3xual: strappy [00:44:11.900] megaroot: poll [00:44:12.154] JohnBanks117: White pne [00:44:12.390] ozimandii: red strappy [00:44:12.509] royalfart_101: STRAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [00:44:12.575] sky_night4213: make a pool [00:44:12.616] dire_winter: one of each because all of existance should burn [00:44:12.915] Helen_Croft: white white white white white white [00:44:12.957] ronineutroni: Why you are cosplaying as Donald Duck? [00:44:13.157] materziggy2l: poll [00:44:13.230] im_up_to_something: White heels 🤍🤍🤍 [00:44:13.431] flori121: banana shoes [00:44:13.462] tja100: team strappy [00:44:13.508] maxexe404: CLOSED TOED PLEASE [00:44:13.716] general_of_cm: North Pol [00:44:13.717] skinkplatten: no strap [00:44:13.747] ArminGux: I want different kind of strap [00:44:14.682] makoto_elf: non strappy works better [00:44:15.150] vidyagaem7: No straps [00:44:15.299] GormyGorm: polls make this easier [00:44:15.404] sumitkpal: No shoes at all [00:44:15.516] LAOnAirStudios: Booties [00:44:15.638] bethany_mwa_: Strapy [00:44:16.497] y0rk5h1r3: White Strappy [00:44:16.600] dshot22: yeah poll [00:44:16.728] bfritz0815: the whore-y ones [00:44:16.737] smokeheadpyro: strap? [00:44:16.871] chocochewie1: Non strap [00:44:16.983] giraffe8spoon: non-strap [00:44:17.148] hotgirl676: put one in each feet and let them choose then [00:44:17.789] kokomokol: white [00:44:18.012] anastasia_motionless: red ones [00:44:19.119] jvlivs777: aaa 😅 [00:44:21.181] ozimandii: strappy [00:44:21.385] lildirtnap11: non strappey [00:44:22.327] aluna128: white [00:44:22.613] Jadre1: White [00:44:22.645] Blacklance_009: Strap [00:44:22.935] Wendy_A1: Try all three on one at a time. [00:44:23.946] bfritz0815: poll? [00:44:24.348] massachusetsguy: NO STRAPS [00:44:24.394] thekingone10: white [00:44:24.412] mr_stijket: white [00:44:24.635] Jens_LN: !! DELICIOUS BARE FEET !! [00:44:25.388] PSmithgamer: pepeD [00:44:25.446] bearpaw1970: non strap [00:44:26.142] eggbert0_0: non strap [00:44:26.194] ArminGux: Non strap [00:44:26.369] black_deathe39: non strap [00:44:26.804] xXNeroZashiXx: @jvlivs777 Yo [00:44:27.185] fizu_kuha: the pink ones behind you [00:44:27.363] BillyConx: Mods for the Mod gods [00:44:27.367] Dakunval: Both. [00:44:27.758] TheI3arracuda: White [00:44:27.814] viljosayshi: mods pls call the strappy ones the hoe heels [00:44:28.033] sitooma: Strap [00:44:28.063] ghostyfrost1: white [00:44:28.418] Millie_26: strappy [00:44:28.608] Amoyamoyamoya: Uh, wasn't paying attention to the options... [00:44:28.812] saltyfcraker: Non strap [00:44:30.208] quakina: Red lace up is more dommy mommy [00:44:30.772] Blacklance_009: Snap white [00:44:31.619] dinoserf: One with platform [00:44:31.789] Benw8888: it fits the outfit with no straps [00:44:32.200] teatowel42: poll [00:44:32.702] sumitkpal: Strappy Green [00:44:33.507] MilianoDeXucanan: strappy [00:44:33.759] philosopher_king_yt: Red strap goes with Red Bow [00:44:33.981] sissy_for_you: non [00:44:33.981] nfchance: non strap [00:44:34.810] Golden_Knight69: Can I see white strappy? [00:44:34.945] jemand1243: red on the left, white on the right [00:44:35.728] loveroseslove: red strap [00:44:36.187] f1nnlove: @jvlivs777 big fan [00:44:36.613] Blacklance_009: Strap white [00:44:37.004] peavey443: U cant wear strappy with thigh highs ITS AGAINST THE LAW [00:44:37.914] LAOnAirStudios: Red bootie’s [00:44:38.257] lucky_ducky07: Red [00:44:38.984] ozimandii: poll! [00:44:40.378] cosmicwasp_: red stapy [00:44:44.679] lucky_ducky07: Red straps [00:44:45.483] total_acidity: red [00:44:45.503] bearpaw1970: only one strap on is needed for F1nn [00:44:45.693] jvlivs777: @xxnerozashixx whadup nero :)) [00:44:47.864] spacedoutzane: Poll [00:44:48.215] Lindseygraham: meow [00:44:48.268] foxlovesblox: I just wasted 1000 channel points on nothing [00:44:50.295] 57ranma: APPLICATION FOR DOM/SUB FROM TEN [00:44:51.043] bfritz0815: mods, i need a pole 🤔 [00:44:51.867] BillyConx: Pull a Rapunzel, go barefoot [00:44:51.914] strahd05: Taylor Swift red heels [00:44:52.643] sky_night4213: rad straps [00:44:53.220] TheGrinch89: bootie's [00:44:53.775] DenialPie: red strappppp [00:44:54.375] Millie_26: strapppy [00:45:01.183] TenMuses: that was me [00:45:01.485] dinoserf: Red no strap [00:45:01.709] Globalnuclear: it's hard to believe this girl was a guy just only two years ago seanvrSmug [00:45:05.423] Golden_Knight69: Where poll [00:45:06.646] Jens_LN: Redeems ! [00:45:08.003] f1nnlove: bro no girl voice [00:45:10.038] bearpaw1970: yes [00:45:12.481] toxic_cru2ader: Red closed [00:45:14.784] sumitkpal: What's the size of your shoes? [00:45:15.965] onestupidpizza: bam [00:45:16.882] ArminGux: True girl [00:45:17.276] abe1_2: THIS IS YOUR LIFE NOW [00:45:18.539] Stovamor: !createpoll 60 "Which shoes?" "Red Strappy" "Red non-strappy" "White" [00:45:19.281] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "Which shoes?" [00:45:19.612] TheI3arracuda: MODS? [00:45:19.779] KevinStandlee: Non-strappy red heels [00:45:20.774] jvlivs777: @globalnuclear eyyo global 😎 [00:45:21.530] f1nnlove: ur male voice is beautiful @f1nn5ter [00:45:23.769] Cryptic_Moniker: Fin it’s time for an only fans then 😂😂😂 [00:45:23.881] Den_drummer: then maybe wear them more than once kanatuStare [00:45:26.409] kzekt: you like knowing everyone wants to bang you huh [00:45:27.615] ElFuaLoco033: @Globalnuclear is still a DUDE [00:45:32.408] bigfatpaulie_: WHATS GOOD GANGG [00:45:37.493] Helen_Croft: Red is bad [00:45:38.271] carolinelikesdinner: You should consider wearing it more than once,,😭 [00:45:38.491] ArminGux: Egg logic [00:45:40.349] LimeXLizard: Put those gripper away [00:45:41.221] Flippi_12: other girl do it rose... 1 dress = 1 wear [00:45:43.733] Globalnuclear: @jvlivs777 hi abando17Hi [00:45:46.956] y0rk5h1r3: White, come on!!!! [00:45:50.366] TheIkeaBear: you split the strappy vote in two! [00:45:54.224] Helen_Croft: Red is bad @F1NN5TER [00:45:54.609] jvlivs777: 🙃 [00:45:54.662] JohnBanks117: White [00:45:59.898] foxlovesblox: f1nnCowjam [00:46:01.956] vanimal2118: So Rose Dating stream when? [00:46:02.910] jaynov18: that's what girls do. buy shit tones of clothes only to wear them only once [00:46:03.299] kimbapai: FINN hello [00:46:04.752] mr_stijket: whiteeee [00:46:05.387] Stovamor: the majority of people have no colour sense [00:46:05.483] gg995478: gmae minecreft [00:46:07.419] foxlovesblox: f1nnEgg [00:46:07.697] gammalsvenska: well, the girl voice would be nice [00:46:11.646] foxlovesblox: f1nnSCAM [00:46:11.681] ThyOverlord393: @Stovamor fr [00:46:12.534] givemelemons333: red [00:46:12.780] Golden_Knight69: Close match [00:46:13.324] JohnBanks117: Chat has no taste [00:46:13.668] giga_chad_VI: he he he the pool looks like a dick [00:46:14.539] yellowdog44: Whats going on? [00:46:16.261] im_up_to_something: white 🤍🤍🤍 [00:46:16.855] jandraelune: White or Blue would match better with that outfit. [00:46:17.285] Globalnuclear: @Globalnuclear i doubt it, my brain can't agree [00:46:17.528] foxlovesblox: MercyWing2 [00:46:18.365] c__r__j: @Helen_Croft What are you, a McCarthyite? :p [00:46:18.777] megaroot: this is democracy manifet [00:46:19.519] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "Which shoes?": Red non-strappy with 346 votes (56.17%) [00:46:20.352] Wendy_A1: Try all of them on for us! [00:46:22.430] doge_thunder: SO CLOSE [00:46:23.090] foxlovesblox: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:46:25.770] robbie1945: now you just need a cat to be a true egirl @F1NN5TER [00:46:25.947] makoto_elf: just wondering can I make a fanart of you in this outfit? just a normal one just feel i need to clarify that [00:46:27.222] aunalbrutal: Chat seem to have no taste XD [00:46:28.056] BillyConx: Barefoot [00:46:28.193] alexx_net: Why aren't midnight blue heels an option? [00:46:29.075] carolinelikesdinner: YEAHHHH [00:46:31.947] bearpaw1970: that's women's actual standard many times one wear use and hold for later [00:46:32.287] onestupidpizza: hahaha [00:46:32.515] spacedoutzane: Yes [00:46:32.942] Stovamor: the majority of people have no colour sense [00:46:33.253] Jadre1: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:46:33.397] carolinelikesdinner: LETS GOOOO [00:46:33.860] zer0110: Woohoo! [00:46:34.056] aluna128: welp [00:46:35.637] lifebound: whats the status of girl voice? [00:46:35.781] ThyOverlord393: @Wendy_A1 Thisss [00:46:36.673] agesicki: Landslide! [00:46:36.935] rat_fact_bot: tfuJammer [00:46:38.022] y0rk5h1r3: Chat = No Taste [00:46:39.056] bigfatpaulie_: WHY DO YOU USE CHROME BRO [00:46:39.212] ArminGux: Next stream “I am moving to tens house “ [00:46:39.983] sumitkpal: Set up a shop for your used clothes (unwashed) 😆 [00:46:41.392] Golden_Knight69: Gg [00:46:42.416] maxexe404: YIPPEEE [00:46:44.235] lildirtnap11: screw you feet people [00:46:45.486] ThyOverlord393: @y0rk5h1r3 FR [00:46:52.593] f0xyy420: why not a poll for no shoes [00:46:52.824] Benw8888: The strappy party was split between two candidates [00:46:53.483] foxlovesblox: Squid1 Squid4 [00:46:54.758] yellowdog44: He's got a point Finn [00:46:56.839] Jens_LN: BAD FEMBOY !! [00:46:57.633] kishere123: I want to get plastic surgery to get your face [00:46:58.729] Millie_26: f1nnCowjam [00:47:01.446] duckstm: the strappy gang were split in half Sadge [00:47:01.676] johnkeiwo: " I think " [00:47:05.937] carolinelikesdinner: "I think" 💀💀💀 [00:47:07.397] johnkeiwo: Send it back to me :) [00:47:13.098] stumagoo992: Will we ever get to see the clothes room? (or the state of it) [00:47:15.376] johnkeiwo: Also, send my displate back to me ! [00:47:15.550] GrinchMD: Mew <3 [00:47:19.504] thinkingthum: HI BUTERFFUL [00:47:20.137] yellowdog44: No [00:47:23.024] duplotracer: no [00:47:24.347] f1nnlove: media share [00:47:24.996] Not_Yack: Do you have a Dorothy outfit? [00:47:24.997] carolinelikesdinner: Yeah [00:47:26.543] neo_lyx: f1nnCowjam [00:47:26.698] MAPLEmedaddy: no [00:47:27.761] Loelinverse: Bangs? [00:47:28.789] Tordenbob: no [00:47:28.836] sumitkpal: These will kill [00:47:29.558] ticosti11: NEVER [00:47:29.802] 1_smart_donkey: wasn't sailor Moon's actual shoes red [00:47:30.573] strinx1120: no [00:47:30.988] Millie_26: yes [00:47:31.074] ForeverAvJ: no [00:47:31.760] foxlovesblox: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:47:31.976] skystrobe: no [00:47:32.057] alexx_net: You are a character from twitch [00:47:32.501] SimplyVibingYeah: i was once kim possible [00:47:32.810] nutty323: what shoe size are you? [00:47:32.835] HexGrrrrl: friend of dorothy? [00:47:33.162] 7Tsuki0: no [00:47:35.279] Courier6___: I wish I were finger [00:47:35.294] Golden_Knight69: No, I don’t have dreams [00:47:35.367] onestupidpizza: oh no that to candy red [00:47:39.065] foxlovesblox: No [00:47:40.149] gammalsvenska: would be a very boring movie [00:47:40.313] TheGrinch89: yes, selene from Underworld :P [00:47:40.316] mr_stijket: bald [00:47:41.310] thesearetherealstars: probobly i just dont remember [00:47:42.645] steamtyrrell: steamtyrrell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! 17 months pog [00:47:42.717] wandererimwalde: No, i am not a weirdo [00:47:42.840] f3mmbot steamtyrrell subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:47:43.191] weirdo_mushroom123: HI FINN I FOUND YOU ON YOUTUBE [00:47:43.851] MAPLEmedaddy: fucking who? [00:47:44.216] thinkingthum: ROLE PLAY [00:47:45.384] f1nnlove: Abella danger or Dani Daniels? @f1nn5ter [00:47:45.570] neo_lyx: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:47:45.800] longlegs_honey: ROSe the Princees Bride [00:47:46.382] ScarredLemon: Finn dreams he’s Ryan gosling’s wife [00:47:47.544] yellowdog44: With those muscles you cant be the rocl [00:47:48.618] ThyOverlord393: IM BETTING ON IT [00:47:49.295] nelicooper_: lmao [00:47:49.597] vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled [00:47:49.805] yellowdog44: rock* [00:47:50.452] bkmurder101: when the whole shoe isn't on screen those things look like clown shoes. [00:47:51.010] c__r__j: Wait, F1nn likes to imagine they're Dorothy from Wizard of Oz? Hmm! linechuThink [00:47:51.444] the_nonbinarybis3xual: yea [00:47:51.634] drybone_valkyrie: 90% of my dreams are movie like dreams [00:47:52.102] starybryln: YOU'RE A DUDE [00:47:54.310] tarakagyu: wasn't it Mary janes in wizard of oz? [00:47:55.662] Amoyamoyamoya: There's a link in Council Chat about that. [00:48:00.174] Superdaws8: Why not both [00:48:03.322] Benw8888: did u see Jack Manifold with makeup and wig [00:48:04.435] sumitkpal: Why is this stream dubbed ? [00:48:06.113] TimelessPrince2: sogChamp sogChamp sogChamp sogChamp [00:48:09.535] robbie1945: all just eggs until they crack [00:48:10.330] crazzygur: Hey gurllll [00:48:11.392] FlyingMortimer: @johnkeiwo he should have to wear your outfit during a boy month since they are pants. [00:48:12.384] Tordenbob: that was such a good stream [00:48:13.168] bfritz0815: welcome to friends of Dorothy 😁😉 [00:48:15.643] FlashyTurnips: sheeesh [00:48:16.588] makoto_elf: Can I make a fanart of you in the outfit? And just cause I feel I need to clarify I just mean a normal one nothing weird [00:48:17.804] tarakagyu: cute [00:48:18.164] massachusetsguy: so observant !! [00:48:19.643] ThyOverlord393: do strappy!!! [00:48:19.943] strinx1120: CUTEE [00:48:20.119] Globalnuclear: @starybryln but he is cute seanvrSip [00:48:20.287] thinkingthum: Finn's Measurements: Height 69" Shoulder width 18" Bust 39" Under bust 33" waist 31" Hips : 36" Legs 35" Shoes UK 11 Bicep 12" Wrist 6" Ring 50mm Bra 34C (usually) Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium or L if it includes shoulders. (edited) Jump [00:48:20.441] know1_0: that was adorable but too big [00:48:20.497] ArminGux: Fit like a egg shell [00:48:20.764] nutty323: cloths KEKW [00:48:21.151] Jens_LN: IF they are comfy, they are good for walking streams [00:48:21.351] spacedoutzane: Soooo cute [00:48:23.114] thelovingpenguwu: It kinda kills the vibe of the chat a bit when people like ten donate so much. Finn hardly notices the rest of us. [00:48:23.474] Golden_Knight69: Sheesh [00:48:23.660] DANKbr: HahaShrugLeft Kreygasm HahaShrugRight [00:48:24.665] minifarmer123: Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:48:25.763] thekingone10: walk [00:48:26.257] f1nnlove: @everyone Abella danger or Dani Daniels? @f1nn5ter [00:48:26.921] Jadre1: KEKW [00:48:27.314] foxlovesblox: @starybryln yeah it’s a boy [00:48:27.772] abe1_2: I love you on your knees [00:48:28.434] johnkeiwo: @FlyingMortimer, not bad [00:48:28.578] carolinelikesdinner: Fin is a material gowrllll [00:48:28.711] GenericFutureMan: omg finn [00:48:29.064] ThyOverlord393: its gonna have better proportions!! [00:48:29.921] el_cineaste: ashwumWoah [00:48:30.575] generalen18: generalen18 subscribed with Prime. [00:48:30.779] f3mmbot generalen18 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang generalen18 f1nnLezgang [00:48:33.792] generalen18: generalen18 subscribed with Prime. [00:48:33.971] f3mmbot generalen18 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang generalen18 f1nnLezgang [00:48:36.675] FlashyTurnips: swing it HA [00:48:36.929] chocochewie1: I have those exact same skits! [00:48:37.215] Helen_Croft: You have more LFB stuff than anyone @F1NN5TER [00:48:38.087] MAPLEmedaddy: bruh how you walk in high heels? [00:48:38.341] im_up_to_something: looks fine. Strappy heel better [00:48:39.668] c__r__j: What do you mean "not even Belle Delphine"? You wear more of their stuff than she does! [00:48:39.940] 1_smart_donkey: oh that would make her really upset [00:48:42.227] bearpaw1970: very cool [00:48:45.162] PeterbiltAmsterdam: shoe size??? [00:48:45.497] sumitkpal: He looks a beautiful Dani Filth [00:48:46.424] Flippi_12: good bet chat ^^ [00:48:46.826] johnkeiwo: @f1nnlove, don't be weird [00:48:50.137] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait. I won? [00:48:51.769] alexx_net: @starybryln, You must be new. Welcome [00:48:54.289] general_of_cm: no she didnt rose was just in Tom Boy mode [00:48:54.870] MsGingerX: MsGingerX subscribed with Prime. [00:48:55.075] f3mmbot msgingerx subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang msgingerx f1nnLezgang [00:48:55.130] MsGingerX: MsGingerX subscribed with Prime. [00:48:55.313] f3mmbot msgingerx subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang msgingerx f1nnLezgang [00:48:56.882] sir_public0_0: Sheesh [00:48:57.130] savageanimal_: ayo [00:49:01.093] Crunkology: I would suck the sweat glands out of your armpits omg hnngggnuah [00:49:01.466] braddle172: nice [00:49:03.701] lifebound: lifebound is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 408 in the channel! [00:49:03.912] f3mmbot lifebound has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:49:04.564] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to dino2_gamer! [00:49:04.571] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chaingunner72! [00:49:04.596] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lil_tanboora! [00:49:04.606] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to Elosacle! [00:49:04.643] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mickey_c1! [00:49:04.651] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to ry_drake_331! [00:49:04.686] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to Justcallmelewis! [00:49:04.733] saltyfcraker: Rose is hotter than Delphene [00:49:04.762] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_logs! [00:49:04.811] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to Maid_Chan13! [00:49:04.844] lifebound: lifebound gifted a Tier 1 sub to cleonm1! [00:49:05.466] mr_stijket: doesn't fit [00:49:06.442] xxjoyeusexx: nice i won [00:49:07.330] thekingone10: walk out [00:49:09.337] carolinelikesdinner: What happened?? [00:49:09.868] kishere123: Cutieee f1nnHeadpat [00:49:10.201] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:49:10.773] johnkeiwo: almost an accident [00:49:11.346] Jens_LN: nice Lifebound [00:49:13.373] lionnsmane: F1nn could i make a 3d model of you? Nothing sus i promise, i just want to make a thing of chat's fav outfits. [00:49:15.629] BillyConx: Hecc [00:49:15.931] johnkeiwo: pog Lifebound [00:49:16.874] jasonsuperkawaii: lol [00:49:18.220] FlashyTurnips: @crunkology . . . [00:49:18.758] dshot22: Yep, easy to walk iin [00:49:22.039] Elosacle: thank you, @lifebound [00:49:22.437] Jens_LN: no balance ? [00:49:23.243] yellowdog44: How good has Rose gotten at walking in heels? [00:49:23.735] loveroseslove: aw [00:49:23.995] BillyConx: so much shite is goin on [00:49:25.125] saltyfcraker: Dam [00:49:25.389] f1nnlove: @johnkeiwo okayyyyyyy chill i was kiidding [00:49:25.446] Not_Yack: Sobriety test [00:49:26.560] BillyConx: gods bless [00:49:26.635] ArminGux: Why am I watching you I could be doing bioinformatics and saving the world. I need help to stop procrastinating. [00:49:27.898] adorkablewreck: f1nnLezgang [00:49:28.494] y0rk5h1r3: F1NN getting into his natural position, on his knees LUL LUL LUL [00:49:33.919] The_logs: ayooo thanks @lifebound f1nnHeart [00:49:33.980] alexx_net: @makoto_elf, You can make fanart (post it on https://www.reddit.com/r/f1nn5ter ) [00:49:35.079] kraksy: @lionnsmane yes [00:49:35.183] megaroot: the uniform is not complete without twintails [00:49:36.841] johnkeiwo: @f1nnlove, not funny [00:49:41.555] T_Y_P_C_L: Do you have any pleaser heels? [00:49:42.498] 2piritnl: simple to fall down i flight off stairs to [00:49:42.553] faust_von_hexx: So how about a choker [00:49:43.197] kraksy: @lionnsmane i need it [00:49:43.679] saltyfcraker: Don’t fall [00:49:45.415] f1nnlove: @johnkeiwo geez sorry [00:49:47.426] biffdaking: biffdaking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! Just wanted to let you know i changed my job, changed my gf, and changed my sleep schedule just so i can watch your stream more. gf was constantly jealous! [00:49:47.628] f3mmbot biffdaking subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:49:48.619] CDBplayz: hey finn freddi wa sstreaming today [00:49:49.717] swedish_crossdresser: walking stream????? [00:49:50.345] makoto_elf: heels are rather simple to walk in if they're comfortable and not like too tall [00:49:57.474] funky_fox06: so simple. then go for a walk [00:50:01.859] lionnsmane: @lionnsmane for *what*? [00:50:03.103] Bash1nBra1nZ: to all F1NN5TER fans. who wants a poster of cyniko lesbian art of F1NN and Natt [00:50:07.093] starsjem: Platforms are easier than regular heels wym [00:50:07.378] stonebone33: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:50:09.382] sp00ny76: thats weird [00:50:10.400] bkmurder101: outfit doesn't have to be Sailor Moon. without certain pieces it's a pretty generic Sailor style school girl uniform. [00:50:10.525] minifarmer123: knife update? knife update? [00:50:11.382] AngelumLuci: angelu58Sip [00:50:12.104] peavey443: Low brand Conspiracy theory #69, The water in birmingham has been laced with estrogren because it comes from wales, who in anine canon used to ruled by king otto, whose Son is Astolfo. Coincidence? think not! [00:50:16.150] Amoyamoyamoya: @swedish_crossdresser, No problem. Just needs 1M points. [00:50:16.749] BillyConx: Is her eyeshadow matte or sparkly today, I cannot tell [00:50:18.187] thekingone10: walk streaming [00:50:20.197] TenMuses: btw, I noticed you redid your nails to match the outfit for the house shoot. Looked good. [00:50:20.326] Girbeagly: Platform heels make me feel like a god, I want to stomp on men [00:50:20.637] givemelemons333: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:50:22.181] ScarredLemon: Can sympathise [00:50:25.879] lemonlou100: Hiii [00:50:33.107] tarakagyu: platforms are easy supper comfortable or a nightmare [00:50:34.560] Amoyamoyamoya: That's a trans woman meme [00:50:36.430] HexGrrrrl: I go everywhere in platforms pretty much [00:50:36.947] ry_drake_331: @lifebound Thanks for the gift sub! [00:50:36.961] yourfriendthetaco: Finnussy [00:50:41.173] minifarmer123: how do i donate? [00:50:41.458] SimplyVibingYeah: i love platforms im used to wearing them because im tiny and i dont want to be [00:50:42.275] PolarEru: PolarEru subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! funny subscribe [00:50:42.456] f3mmbot polareru subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:50:43.739] bearpaw1970: 😁 [00:50:44.510] LimeXLizard: ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly let’s s goooooo ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly ironmouseWiggly [00:50:47.143] quakina: Finn see transvoicelessons on youtube [00:50:47.772] carolinelikesdinner: Finn out here getting so many bitches [00:50:53.105] ry_drake_331: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:50:53.313] samanthawhit28: Cute [00:50:53.394] strahd05: Omg. You voice changer is sooooooo good. [00:50:56.755] Amoyamoyamoya: Trans Voice Lessons on YouTube. [00:50:56.888] MAPLEmedaddy: annytfLUL annytfLUL annytfLUL annytfLUL [00:51:01.273] sweterboy: Hey [00:51:01.749] just_call_me_elmo: uhhhh [00:51:01.888] jake_the_german: I'm sat in a box [00:51:04.798] logischesmineralwasser: Hi [00:51:04.889] BillyConx: POG [00:51:06.525] MayBeAJinx: Too accurate [00:51:11.597] SethwMad: Hmm [00:51:13.407] Amoyamoyamoya: https://www.youtube.com/c/TransVoiceLessons [00:51:14.609] Jens_LN: "Heat from fire, fire from heat" is a well used training line [00:51:15.244] SethwMad: Wait what [00:51:18.346] LittleChaSiu: I have no idea what any of this means [00:51:21.792] sumitkpal: Have you seen @1nn with a beard? [00:51:21.839] carolinelikesdinner: LMAOOOOO [00:51:22.193] BillyConx: Unfortunate, but true [00:51:22.515] ArminGux: Honestly at this point I feel numb, why am I procrastinating so much [00:51:23.496] SethwMad: I looked away [00:51:24.139] emberrose36: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [00:51:24.815] alexx_net: F1nn would understand why "so big" if she ever search YouTube for trans voice lessons [00:51:28.751] Unikore00: oh no 51min what have I missed [00:51:39.901] BillyConx: @alexx_net truly this is why we cry [00:51:42.676] megaroot: CowJAM [00:51:49.356] canadiancaller: rhyzohJoker [00:51:57.485] cutecat454: How do you grow your hair out Like that [00:51:58.363] opensource_intelligence: !uptime [00:51:58.626] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 52m 4s [00:52:04.262] Bash1nBra1nZ: you'refriendthetaco F1nnussy lol [00:52:05.586] Owly_9: 1.5x speed [00:52:06.883] Helen_Croft: any% girlvoice [00:52:08.606] Stovamor: it's a phrase to practice with, basically [00:52:09.933] Courier6___: Explain in soccer terms [00:52:11.287] jake_the_german: I AM SAT IN A BOX [00:52:11.956] Benw8888: swallow method is better for beginners [00:52:11.981] lionnsmane: finn can i make a 3d model of you in different outfits? [00:52:13.354] alexx_net: There is no "speed run", you have to put in the effort. [00:52:13.740] yellowdog44: I have a cousin who has hair like that [00:52:14.919] hotgirl676: That chick is trans btw [00:52:15.466] kristy_y: she's really good at teaching. you should try learning from her [00:52:16.072] thekingone10: better voice with dog collar [00:52:16.701] zxxxxxfff: Wow [00:52:17.955] Jens_LN: It's good for voice training [00:52:18.362] garbage_teir: its a common vocal grounding phrase [00:52:18.510] total_acidity: n o attention span [00:52:18.917] themysticalninja65: bit I am bald BibleThump [00:52:22.629] ArminGux: Choker? [00:52:22.848] Owly_9: LUL [00:52:24.938] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnHeart [00:52:25.662] sumitkpal: 1.75 [00:52:25.702] dshot22: How long did you have to wait for your hair to be long? [00:52:26.050] uwuloserjosh: She teaches you to have a higher pitch so when you talk so sound girl [00:52:26.276] sitooma: How do u stay white [00:52:26.898] carolinelikesdinner: ?? [00:52:27.835] Stovamor: it's a phrase to practice with, basically @F1NN5TER [00:52:27.950] chocochewie1: It’s a method of fem voice training. [00:52:30.058] crazzygur: The phrase covers most breath / pitch/ speed techniques. It doesn't have an explicit meaning. [00:52:33.250] godsbeenswinging_: typical minecraft youtuber, looking for the shortcut [00:52:36.558] aunalbrutal: f1nn thinks he can seepdrun voice lesson XD [00:52:37.752] duckstm: ah yes phonetics [00:52:38.609] medicbat: there is no easy quick way to do this, you have to put the effort in [00:52:38.812] BillyConx: It's the ideal phrase to start training your voice and pitch [00:52:42.201] kishere123: We can change our voices Finn. I wish mine was deeper f1nnHeadpat [00:52:42.992] LittleChaSiu: oh wow it's super technical phonetics stuff [00:52:43.248] drbuckethead123: shyy5head [00:52:43.393] Owly_9: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:52:44.295] CloakedN00b: room temp [00:52:44.412] OpsCoreFAST: room temp iq confirmed [00:52:45.994] carolinelikesdinner: Bruh [00:52:48.984] SimplyVibingYeah: oh no dont [00:52:48.992] bernie_____: vvvHeart things will happen [00:52:49.243] BillyConx: @aunalbrutal If anyone could... [00:52:50.616] HexGrrrrl: ADHD mood [00:52:50.677] total_acidity: yeah, too difficult for you, sadly [00:52:50.788] dingosurprise: oh no [00:52:51.748] TheGrinch89: oh boy.. XD [00:52:56.521] LittleChaSiu: what the actual fuck [00:52:58.053] 1zsoup: 1zsoup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! [00:52:58.163] MAPLEmedaddy: wtf [00:52:58.231] f3mmbot 1zsoup subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:52:59.261] ry_drake_331: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:52:59.477] sodacatTV: sodacatTV subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Poopass lol [00:52:59.657] f3mmbot sodacattv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:53:00.860] lionnsmane: AHAHAHAHAHA NO O OOOONONOnnOONON [00:53:00.949] Amoyamoyamoya: It's a challenge-response thing too. If someone says "Heat from fire" you answer "Fire from heat." [00:53:01.946] blueish4: uuuummm [00:53:03.348] Flippi_12: weirdChamp [00:53:03.824] kentosded: hiiiii [00:53:03.952] The_logs: dude the actual fuck D: [00:53:04.098] AxelTheCake: wat [00:53:04.510] massachusetsguy: SOIUNDS LIKE A BLAST [00:53:05.582] Zymies: WELL THEN [00:53:05.582] crazzygur: yummy [00:53:05.752] baelphes: D: [00:53:06.799] JohnBanks117: D: [00:53:07.033] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:53:07.483] yellowdog44: Instant regret lmao [00:53:08.558] drbuckethead123: shyyHmm [00:53:09.974] TenMuses: well, if you're impatient for the 300k you had better get on it... [00:53:11.776] eclipsi0: f1nnMonka [00:53:12.229] OGpiepro: ow [00:53:12.591] megaroot: DansGame [00:53:12.844] ScarredLemon: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:53:13.548] smokeheadpyro: D: [00:53:13.759] ArminGux: Ginger femboy [00:53:14.666] mirot47: that's sounds like Z [00:53:15.750] maxexe404: KEKW [00:53:16.920] lildirtnap11: face says it all [00:53:17.080] Owly_9: F1nn +1 hobby :) [00:53:17.979] aAndrew3030: And I thought it was going to be a deez nuts joke D: [00:53:18.908] neo_lyx: f1nnPegChamp [00:53:19.841] carolinelikesdinner: Hwat [00:53:20.210] sodacatTV: LOL my partner has done it it sucks [00:53:20.521] zombie_1981: NOPE [00:53:21.183] Golden_Knight69: f1nnMonka [00:53:21.237] BillyConx: Will this be pog [00:53:21.335] pianoismyforte_: So innocent.... [00:53:22.779] Jens_LN: Don't look up images for "figging" [00:53:23.377] f1nnlove: search cute cats [00:53:24.478] BillyConx: this was not pog [00:53:25.031] c__r__j: Wait, I got distracted. F1nn is learning what feaguing is? [00:53:25.930] SethwMad: Lol Poopass [00:53:26.458] Onlmusha1: The look on her face says "This is gross, but now I'm curious to try it" [00:53:27.404] probepackung: KEKW [00:53:30.039] carolinelikesdinner: Excuse me [00:53:31.646] thesearetherealstars: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:53:33.223] Emmy64_: CaitlynS [00:53:33.918] OGpiepro: your ass has spicy sensors [00:53:36.278] xenofizzz: xenofizzz subscribed with Prime. [00:53:36.466] f3mmbot xenofizzz subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang xenofizzz f1nnLezgang [00:53:37.996] dire_winter: I think this is the last straw for the search history agent [00:53:38.711] BillyConx: send me to brazil [00:53:39.708] Bash1nBra1nZ: barf a ginger root A ginger ROOT [00:53:41.240] kentosded: ooooh v cute [00:53:42.366] cutecat454: When I try to grow my hair out it’s just the bangs that grow out [00:53:42.834] bearpaw1970: a ginger pop I guess [00:53:42.976] yellowdog44: I am insane incarnate [00:53:49.086] rudyzwierz: WHO THE F CAME UP WITH THIS.? [00:53:49.278] drbuckethead123: OMEGALUL [00:53:49.950] general_of_cm: LUL [00:53:52.083] Kaymon81: and ten will force you to do it too @F1NN5TER ^^ [00:53:53.698] ArminGux: You don’t like gingers? [00:53:54.201] carolinelikesdinner: Chat has gone mad with power [00:53:54.338] know1_0: theonlyTP [00:53:56.524] wafflerice_san: how much can you bench press (in english) [00:54:00.237] onestupidpizza: stuff what now [00:54:00.326] HexGrrrrl: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:54:01.236] Bash1nBra1nZ: bearpaw1970 lol [00:54:01.667] Bayliis: baylii1B1 baylii1B1 baylii1B1 [00:54:06.386] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:54:06.519] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart warden6Love sciamaHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [00:54:07.031] OmsX8O Bing Bong! f1nnLezgang camisa4Love denietHeart sessFlower sessToaster jorvpLove PrideLove joofbPride denietLove lissyBearlove lissyLove plantyHeart PrideHeartL PrideHeartR KPOPheart LuvSign pegaBooty pegaHeart HypeHands1 HypeHands2 HypeLove1 hozzerLove f1nnHeart f1nnBingbong [00:54:07.335] JohnBanks117 Bing Bong! f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart adcvrLOVE adcvrDINKDONK [00:54:07.924] duckstm: you can just eat taco bell same result [00:54:08.027] general_of_cm: when soda f1nn collab? [00:54:08.413] megaroot: bing bong [00:54:09.437] Solus_kun: Bing Bong adcvrDINKDONK f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong adcvrDINKDONK [00:54:10.392] mika123444: mika123444 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! 18 months pog [00:54:10.573] f3mmbot mika123444 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:54:11.333] alexx_net: @rudyzwierz, Someone very bored, or cruel [00:54:11.749] SethwMad: Stuff up Soda's ass chat. Keep up. [00:54:12.736] sodacatTV: I try everything once [00:54:12.922] johnkeiwo Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [00:54:13.110] braddle172: Bing Bong [00:54:13.489] Stovamor: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:54:14.409] barbie_secretstanner: f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong [00:54:14.919] doge_thunder: Lol [00:54:15.047] AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:54:16.095] Jens_LN: F1nn likes gingers ? but they have no souls ? [00:54:19.473] l0ns_is_cool: gingers are hot [00:54:19.956] canvaspainting: f1nnBingbong [00:54:21.290] mirot47: there's another voice Coach Zoey Alexander she's transgender female and will teach you how to get the girl voice [00:54:21.638] sodacatTV: Sometimes twice [00:54:23.093] Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart adcvrLOVE adcvrDINKDONK [00:54:24.803] Golden_Knight69: f1nnBingbong [00:54:25.363] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong rynL rynHeart f1nnHeart squchaJam [00:54:25.829] Owly_9: @wafflerice_san Not as much as he can bench press (in french) [00:54:26.210] winterruwu: winterruwu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [00:54:26.391] f3mmbot winterruwu subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:54:26.921] cr1mps: where do you get your clothing [00:54:30.282] Luna18j: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:54:32.413] pyramidpancakes: KEKW [00:54:33.196] OilP: KEKW [00:54:33.386] codecraft3r: KEKW [00:54:33.517] shadetc1: shadetc1 subscribed with Prime. [00:54:33.760] f3mmbot shadetc1 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang shadetc1 f1nnLezgang [00:54:34.883] rudyzwierz: I'M GINGER MYSELF I FELL IN DANGER [00:54:34.923] Zibella: !hig Saph [00:54:35.234] johnkeiwo: I fucking knew it [00:54:35.738] drbuckethead123: KEKW [00:54:36.011] JohnBanks117: KEKW [00:54:36.480] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:54:36.594] megaroot: KEKW [00:54:36.769] Alpinefresh: KEKW [00:54:37.205] dingosurprise: KEKW [00:54:37.958] johnkeiwo: SEE ? [00:54:38.507] Stovamor: LUL [00:54:38.616] VEDS24: KEKW [00:54:39.019] braddle172: KEKW [00:54:39.278] Stovamor: LUL [00:54:39.638] ibrown39: How much to dance to 50¢ Candy Shop? Copyright be damned Cheer100 [00:54:39.690] Stovamor: LUL [00:54:39.726] Zibella: !hug Flippi [00:54:39.979] ArminGux: Call out [00:54:39.993] MAPLEmedaddy: annytfLUL annytfLUL annytfLUL [00:54:39.997] f3mmbot Flippi gets a big hug from zibella <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [00:54:40.664] johnkeiwo: SEE CHAT ?! [00:54:40.829] megaroot: GOTTEM [00:54:41.411] godsbeenswinging_: CALLED OUT [00:54:42.445] probepackung: KEKW [00:54:43.561] winterruwu: KEKW [00:54:43.991] LittleChaSiu: LUL [00:54:45.266] AppleSaph: !hug zibby [00:54:45.469] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [00:54:45.529] f3mmbot zibby gets a big hug from applesaph <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [00:54:46.551] Kai_Marcad: That was good [00:54:46.760] bluefox208: TheIlluminati [00:54:47.301] neo_lyx: kEkW [00:54:49.073] Stovamor: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:54:49.935] dire_winter: LEL [00:54:49.947] zombie_1981: f1nnLaff [00:54:50.167] bellamyvvv: LUL [00:54:51.981] Solus_kun: KEKW [00:54:52.244] Jens_LN: got him ! [00:54:53.136] OGpiepro: read like a fuckin book [00:54:53.541] Zibella: !hug Saph [00:54:53.791] Helen_Croft: !llama [00:54:53.795] f3mmbot Saph gets a big hug from zibella <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [00:54:54.049] f3mmbot Alfred the Super Alpaca protects FInn's aircon unit! [00:54:54.776] Flippi_12: KEKW [00:54:54.879] Loelinverse: lmfao [00:54:56.666] BillyConx: Transgal with knife has me acting out. [00:54:57.870] JonIsHexed: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:54:58.060] sodacatTV: Read like a book [00:54:58.760] bearpaw1970: lmao [00:55:00.072] materziggy2l: ware do you get your butterfly knife [00:55:01.326] LAOnAirStudios: 100% correct!!!! [00:55:02.103] JorWat: Rose: Now I'm being paid, I need to take learning a girl voice serious. Also Rose: Can't be bothered to watch an 8-minute video on how to do a girl voice. [00:55:02.165] Emmy64_: LUL LUL LUL [00:55:02.444] carolinelikesdinner: F1nn: 300,000 is 300,000 [00:55:02.776] johnkeiwo: I know this bimbo way too well [00:55:04.517] bearpaw1970: perfect [00:55:04.663] dsfcrombie: KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:55:05.379] Zibella: Bing bong and stay hydrated [00:55:05.408] Bash1nBra1nZ: uhhh squirrel brain princess umm [00:55:06.386] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:55:07.642] Jens_LN: @johnkeiwo well done, you got him ! [00:55:09.099] l0ns_is_cool: im freezing cold [00:55:09.539] yellowdog44: How many knives do you have finn. [00:55:09.611] ayarcee: ALFRED [00:55:10.288] bearpaw1970: PowerUpL GlitchLit PowerUpR [00:55:13.290] Golden_Knight69: Chair solo [00:55:17.446] Emmy64_: Bing Bong [00:55:17.811] saltyfcraker: Lol [00:55:19.319] smokeheadpyro: f1nnKnife [00:55:19.768] CaptainBigBite: finn more like fit [00:55:21.217] weirdo_mushroom123: no Finn it's really cold [00:55:21.840] winterruwu: lol [00:55:22.104] loveroseslove: Do ever wachted Sailor Moon????? [00:55:24.492] Eldtuva: you look cuter and cuter everytime i see you :) [00:55:24.915] BillyConx: OoO [00:55:25.838] Awesomn8er: greetings!!! [00:55:26.501] JorWat: Bing Bong! [00:55:27.168] aunalbrutal: @johnkeiwo Your amazing XD [00:55:27.274] Helen_Croft: @LittleChaSiu I need that pillow link [00:55:29.170] vidyagaem7: f1nnBingbong [00:55:29.923] DoritoFries: DoritoFries subscribed with Prime. [00:55:29.952] ArminGux: I haven’t cuddled in a while so I am pretty cold [00:55:30.045] DoritoFries: DoritoFries subscribed with Prime. [00:55:30.102] f3mmbot doritofries subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang doritofries f1nnLezgang [00:55:30.315] f3mmbot doritofries subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang doritofries f1nnLezgang [00:55:30.916] dire_winter: dats a top 10 for joke [00:55:31.710] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [00:55:34.961] johnkeiwo: @aunalbrutal, hasL [00:55:36.867] minifarmer123: Knife update? [00:55:37.078] crazzygur: Taxes. [00:55:37.867] LAOnAirStudios: The truth hurts [00:55:38.009] bfritz0815: chairster stream while finn works on only fan [00:55:39.932] JuicyBoyTV_: Not the Finussy... [00:55:40.002] sissyjessie: First time watching live and just want to say you're my masculine inspiration [00:55:40.149] cr1mps: where do you get your clothes [00:55:40.560] l0ns_is_cool: do you have throwing knifes? [00:55:50.996] MAPLEmedaddy: lol [00:55:52.832] duplotracer: KEKW [00:55:55.839] BillyConx: Rose, dying inside. [00:55:56.767] maciekitty636: Cheer100 snuggle and kisses your neck loves you finn [00:55:57.094] Jens_LN: but he would like to [00:55:57.580] CloakedN00b: FINNUSY [00:55:58.963] ohcrapitsonfire: What’s your favorite knife? [00:56:00.329] rat_fact_bot: tfuLUL tfuLUL [00:56:01.999] VEDS24: LUL [00:56:02.434] Farkarth: <3 [00:56:03.208] frostybossygirl: MTV cribs of your new house when? [00:56:03.611] chained_is_live: I swear people keep calling and messaging me they don't understand its finster time not talk time [00:56:03.674] carolinelikesdinner: FINUSSY [00:56:03.740] y0rk5h1r3: @juicyboytv_ f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:56:04.166] smokeheadpyro: f1nnGremlin [00:56:04.254] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:56:04.990] Zymies: kkittyLUL kkittyLUL kkittyLUL [00:56:05.617] LittleChaSiu: @Helen_Croft https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08QVJ1MZ3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [00:56:06.083] johnkeiwo looking kinda sussy inconSquint [00:56:06.244] f1nnlove: kekw [00:56:06.252] medicbat: AYO [00:56:06.280] Owly_9: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 me butt got teef [00:56:06.345] strahd05: Any balisongs in your knife collection? [00:56:08.725] lionnsmane: thats the best part [00:56:09.032] ArminGux: Can you do a senko with your ears [00:56:11.299] Stovamor: !so JuicyBoyTV_ [00:56:11.483] 1_smart_donkey: all those teeth do is grab cash [00:56:11.595] f3mmbot Shoutout to JuicyBoyTV_ ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/JuicyBoyTV_ [00:56:11.601] duplotracer: GRIPPY FINNUSSY KEKW [00:56:12.330] carolinelikesdinner: AYO?? [00:56:12.734] NoGiggety: fareehaLol [00:56:13.309] weirdo_mushroom123: Bro [00:56:15.209] maybegarbage: I have 666 channel points f1nnNomods [00:56:15.778] Bash1nBra1nZ: rip off sailor moon intro in background. God please [00:56:16.155] onestupidpizza: awwwwwwwwwww [00:56:19.487] HexGrrrrl: free bottom surgery [00:56:21.116] Millie_26: what's your favorite kind of knife [00:56:22.066] TenMuses: look up "vagina dentata" [00:56:25.014] johnkeiwo: N OMEGALUL SH OMEGALUL T [00:56:25.265] Jsuz_Ghost: noooooooooooo [00:56:25.587] ibrown39: F1nnussy? [00:56:27.234] harami666: @f1nn5ter teeth movie part 2 [00:56:28.902] onestupidpizza: what has teeth [00:56:29.171] charloat: You got beautiful hair! Is it natural? [00:56:29.207] MayBeAJinx: Sort by popular [00:56:31.065] Helen_Croft: Thanks @LittleChaSiu f1nnHeart [00:56:32.541] SonataDoesVoices: OMG IS FINN DOING GIRL VOICE [00:56:32.972] MayBeAJinx: She also has playlists [00:56:33.325] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:56:33.510] f3mmbot ananonymousgifter has gifted a sub to 50 users in chat! [00:56:34.377] JuicyBoyTV_: @Stovamor Ayooooo [00:56:34.888] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to KingsDread! [00:56:34.894] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrownChaan! [00:56:34.903] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to SciurusTV! [00:56:34.920] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Caution811! [00:56:34.920] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jugularorb! [00:56:34.921] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ITK5! [00:56:34.941] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TrueBlue8! [00:56:34.951] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GoldenDonkey_Toby! [00:56:34.953] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jacob_Welsh! [00:56:34.955] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to duke_for_president! [00:56:34.964] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to businessman94! [00:56:34.966] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nasian! [00:56:34.969] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to MissCommand! [00:56:34.995] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to james01836! [00:56:35.000] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to boxmelikeaflopperdaddy! [00:56:35.001] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to satsumau! [00:56:35.002] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to apixe2_mjr! [00:56:35.009] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to fa2e_trashcan! [00:56:35.012] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to blorence24! [00:56:35.018] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TJhounsell! [00:56:35.026] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JearimyBearimy! [00:56:35.027] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DubZerker! [00:56:35.028] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Starfox616! [00:56:35.033] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dashie_04! [00:56:35.053] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to badsnack_! [00:56:35.053] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to crtATENA! [00:56:35.066] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to fruit_salad887! [00:56:35.073] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cthulhuwho1! [00:56:35.093] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to longhairdontcare3! [00:56:38.526] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to spectatorbobble! [00:56:38.738] Kolateak_: 300,000 DOLLARS FINN [00:56:38.906] johnkeiwo: WO [00:56:39.350] MegaMiley: WOW [00:56:39.670] robbie1945: last time rose said she has a good grip [00:56:40.587] f1nnlove: don't finn don't [00:56:40.836] GrinchMD: bonjwaPog [00:56:41.145] Jens_LN: Oh damn [00:56:41.226] robbie1945: lol [00:56:41.255] harami666: @chat @mods hello [00:56:41.349] Kai_Marcad: 300K [00:56:41.576] lionnsmane: WOW [00:56:42.864] Flippi_12: PogU [00:56:43.274] xXNeroZashiXx: POG [00:56:43.867] medicbat: POGGERS [00:56:45.092] f1nnlove: DON'T [00:56:45.990] JohnBanks117: POGGERS [00:56:46.070] NoGiggety: fareehaPog fareehaPog [00:56:46.941] duplotracer: SHEESH [00:56:47.115] TenMuses: dentata [00:56:47.287] gammalsvenska: finn won't anyway [00:56:47.491] dingosurprise: PogU [00:56:47.507] aunalbrutal: LoL commitment 0 XD [00:56:48.021] c__r__j: Anonymous? 50? [00:56:48.246] generationken: D a n g [00:56:48.312] barbie_secretstanner: Watch the movie teeth [00:56:48.384] total_acidity: it's pretty involved [00:56:48.505] MegaMiley: KEKW [00:56:48.593] VEDS24: F1NNU5Y [00:56:49.085] BillyConx: I think you've just summoned the monsterfuckers [00:56:49.426] Kaymon81: pog [00:56:49.459] mr_ajokortti_korkort: POGGERS [00:56:49.973] Golden_Knight69: 50 GIFTED [00:56:50.044] atnerb_80: champ [00:56:50.578] bearpaw1970: so Teeth of the goddess than😁 [00:56:50.763] maybegarbage: Jesus christ [00:56:50.859] f1nnlove: I'm leabinf [00:56:51.761] TrashBag707: oh no [00:56:52.386] Stovamor: @JuicyBoyTV_, How're you doing today Juicy? [00:56:55.173] gammalsvenska: finn is too lazy [00:56:55.350] Owly_9: 50 sheeeeeesh [00:56:56.744] Helen_Croft: 50sub msgs now [00:56:57.122] f1nnlove: teeth movie [00:56:57.269] Jens_LN: that was a lot of subs [00:56:57.388] drbuckethead123: ginger is uhh interesting... I heard that from a friend. shyyNodders [00:56:57.896] JorWat: If you're serious about learning a girl voice, you'll need to watch that whole channel's content. [00:56:58.938] Solus_kun: monkaS [00:56:59.103] JuicyBoyTV_: HOOLLYYY 50! [00:56:59.284] SkanckeOfficial: k [00:57:00.894] ibrown39: Wow [00:57:01.236] BillyConx: Those teeth are going to have Monsterfuckers Down Bad [00:57:01.547] Serumaster: a horrible tale [00:57:02.876] VEDS24: spicy [00:57:03.024] saltyfcraker: Wow [00:57:03.168] HexGrrrrl: like the molvie teeth [00:57:05.870] barbie_secretstanner: I’ve seen that film [00:57:06.223] megaroot: monkaS [00:57:06.715] duplotracer: wow [00:57:06.824] cutecat454: zheferBlush [00:57:08.324] smokeheadpyro: f1nnMonka [00:57:08.900] f1nnlove: you didn't watch teeth? [00:57:10.639] ScarredLemon: Yo @juicyboytv_ love your stuff man [00:57:10.740] lionnsmane: NO [00:57:11.166] Bash1nBra1nZ: oh God he hasn't seen the movie has he [00:57:12.038] Solus_kun: KEKW [00:57:12.060] marieemilie1: DONT [00:57:12.105] tenboto808: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [00:57:12.656] mystchevious1: Don't [00:57:13.037] 1zsoup: do ot [00:57:13.127] sodacatTV: Dude it’s so much money I’m gonna kick your ass so fucking hard you god damn dipdick [00:57:13.223] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:57:13.784] Alpinefresh: monkaS [00:57:14.244] Altex1: limesS [00:57:14.282] Amoyamoyamoya: Don't do it... [00:57:15.261] Loelinverse: TEETH [00:57:15.452] xXNeroZashiXx: no [00:57:16.052] the2st: NO [00:57:16.398] VEDS24: don't [00:57:16.599] rudyzwierz: THERE ISNT FUN WITHOUT THE RISK [00:57:16.606] johnkeiwo: oh no it bugged ! [00:57:16.823] maybegarbage: Do it [00:57:17.327] maciekitty636: Corgo1 do it [00:57:17.569] ItsJustTil: Good to know. [00:57:18.037] codecraft3r: WutFace [00:57:18.449] pyramidpancakes: nope [00:57:20.762] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:57:22.715] ArminGux: At this point I am just grinding channel points to get a spin, I could be doing smarter things and idk why I am not [00:57:23.365] Loelinverse: the movie was great [00:57:23.366] y0rk5h1r3: The film Teeth has this LUL [00:57:24.923] Helen_Croft: 50 gifted subs @F1NN5TER [00:57:25.212] maybegarbage: Show stream cheer 100 [00:57:25.222] UtopiaOfChaos: sup @juicyboytv_ How ya doin mate [00:57:25.736] spacedoutzane: That was epic [00:57:26.525] JorWat: Make sure safe search in on. [00:57:26.700] LittleChaSiu: good thing it's not real innit [00:57:26.940] drbuckethead123: teef OMEGALUL [00:57:27.385] BillyConx: I WOULD NOT [00:57:27.892] TrueBlue8: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! [00:57:28.416] alexx_net: F1nn "I get bank if I learn girl voice." also F1nn "TVL has too much long and useful content." [00:57:29.967] thereekid3: banana [00:57:30.011] duplotracer: KEKW [00:57:30.172] anastasia_motionless: look at Rynali's voice tutorial it's just a few minutes long [00:57:30.216] bkmurder101: There's a movie about it. [00:57:30.934] VEDS24: KEKW [00:57:31.171] Amoyamoyamoya: I told you... [00:57:31.271] ThyOverlord393: ok i Go now its raining [00:57:33.536] johnkeiwo: the 50 gifted bugged [00:57:33.614] 2piritnl: flesh eating plant [00:57:33.939] c__r__j: Joke's on you. There are people into that. [00:57:35.924] general_of_cm: thats how gay guys see every V [00:57:36.740] BillyConx: This is not pog [00:57:37.608] Rtwld: yooo pogchamp [00:57:37.753] onestupidpizza: yeah not any good idea [00:57:39.331] JuicyBoyTV_: @UtopiaOfChaos What's gooood! [00:57:43.457] reteliny: show us [00:57:43.559] DarkNeonRR: nice [00:57:45.193] minifarmer123: Cheer100 don't look up Charizard on urban dictionary [00:57:45.936] Jens_LN: Anonymous did it ! [00:57:46.296] Bash1nBra1nZ: a Venus something trap [00:57:47.674] Owly_9: me :) [00:57:48.409] garbage_teir: TVL is good [00:57:49.125] flex_uli: Lol [00:57:49.339] Scout1605: TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit [00:57:50.472] sssnekk: GIGACHAD [00:57:51.166] dire_winter: someone fetch the holy bath water water we must stop the eyes from burning [00:57:51.946] plushycoma: borat 2 [00:57:52.045] Flippi_12: a shy rich man KEKW [00:57:53.249] f1nnlove: I'm getting traumatized here [00:57:55.513] pewdiebird: wow [00:57:58.997] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted a Tier 1 sub to JuicyBoyTV_! They have given 461 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:57:59.037] Scout1605: GOATS DO! [00:57:59.220] f3mmbot helen_croft has gifted a subscription to juicyboytv_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang juicyboytv_ f1nnLezgang [00:58:02.893] jandraelune: zoe alexander , I find better for voice lessons. [00:58:03.777] bearpaw1970: wow than AnAnonymous [00:58:07.458] theegotiger: <3 cutest Girl on Twitch [00:58:09.091] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Flippi_12 Was it you Flippi? [00:58:09.375] BillyConx: some people just want you to have a good day [00:58:09.865] loveroseslove: wow [00:58:10.397] SoLaR_997: hi rose ;) [00:58:11.078] maxexe404: SHY RICH MAN LOL [00:58:12.346] JuicyBoyTV_: @Helen_Croft Thanks for the gift sub! [00:58:14.427] REDmoon_2001: hiii [00:58:14.591] Bash1nBra1nZ: he might not like the movie [00:58:15.265] faust_von_hexx: I still haven’t worked up the courage to watch the movie teeth [00:58:17.797] BillyConx: make you smile, perhaps [00:58:19.564] bearpaw1970: dropped a sub bomb [00:58:21.088] gammalsvenska: @jandraelune sounds interesting, thanks for pointer [00:58:22.482] drbuckethead123: POGGERS [00:58:24.554] dshot22: quick someone donate 300$ [00:58:25.358] UtopiaOfChaos: I've got 12 days off time to sow chaos @juicyboytv_ , what about you, you gud? [00:58:26.765] doge_thunder: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:58:29.484] Scout1605: Let’s go!! F’in KING [00:58:29.756] JuicyBoyTV_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:58:30.238] johnkeiwo: I have no faith in this KEKW [00:58:31.511] somethingstrangetwitch: dam [00:58:32.648] ibrown39: Olivia Newton Jon died [00:58:32.755] Golden_Knight69: Seth [00:58:35.773] garbage_teir: wish I could get paid to do voice lessons [00:58:36.346] acefearkiller23: TwitchLit TwitchLit [00:58:39.137] alexx_net: @LittleChaSiu, Someone invented an anti-assault insert that basically is a real Vagina dentata. [00:58:40.143] Helen_Croft: @JuicyBoyTV_ your welcome f1nnHeart [00:58:41.759] Ins0lin: Ins0lin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:58:41.941] f3mmbot ins0lin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:58:44.225] yellowdog44: Random question. would you make plans to get rid of your penis [00:58:44.319] theheaviestemu: mmm Penis [00:58:44.512] ArminGux: Everyone wants girl voice including egg [00:58:47.546] dapprst: am i infact part of the bois? [00:58:47.721] Jens_LN: so many missed redeems, the mods will have to auto return the points [00:58:48.564] maciekitty636: me to [00:58:49.054] lionnsmane: we need a comp of f1nn yelling SETH [00:58:50.610] mirot47: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:58:51.827] abe1_2: Does Seth know who you are [00:58:52.096] strahd05: Finn gives Amouranth a fair fight for the hottest Twitch girl. [00:58:53.242] I_Am_Zombie_Man: sailor moon vibes, nice 😌👌 [00:58:58.075] Helen_Croft: PO boxes now? [00:58:58.805] h_r_buff_n_stuff: You could be learning on stream for content [00:59:00.561] Scout1605: Blow them kisses!!!! [00:59:00.856] Bash1nBra1nZ: Rynali has lesson vidz [00:59:01.742] red17x: As a Female, I would like to see you in normal girls cloths not so sassy stuff [00:59:06.039] cutecat454: Thoughts on penis [00:59:09.290] know1_0: cliccyMangoblep hi @JuicyBoyTV_ [00:59:09.878] Owly_9: nahhhhhhhhh [00:59:10.770] Scout1605: 🫦🫦🫦 [00:59:11.360] DrasticLion8408: 'Evening. Wait...why am I subbed? [00:59:11.386] maciekitty636: f1nnSmile2 [00:59:12.329] dire_winter: top 5 words, number 1: SETH!! [00:59:13.412] mirot47: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:59:13.753] MayBeAJinx: Finn > Amouranth [00:59:15.313] crazzygur: not a chance lol [00:59:17.446] Courier6___: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:59:20.352] ArminGux: He found a way to monotize transitioning [00:59:20.666] gay__army: jesus I googled it [00:59:20.817] Scout1605: 💋💋💋💋💋💋 [00:59:21.070] Spectre223: Depends who you ask [00:59:23.770] maybegarbage: f1nnEgg f1nnSmile2 f1nnEgg [00:59:24.234] HexGrrrrl: I gotta take my woman pills [00:59:27.141] rudyzwierz: AMOURANTH IS MID [00:59:27.225] theegotiger: yeah but you have a Bat even Better [00:59:29.327] kamen_rider19: welcome juicy [00:59:29.557] CloakedN00b: would lose3 [00:59:30.080] OGpiepro: slight disadvantage [00:59:30.434] BillyConx: I would like to see Rose in Tradwife garb [00:59:31.850] JuicyBoyTV_: @know1_0 Hey hey! [00:59:32.420] BillyConx: Gosh [00:59:34.858] Rtwld: how is amouranth in any way more attractive than our very own e-thot [00:59:34.883] ibrown39: Can't fight a war that's he already won [00:59:35.636] atnerb_80: JUICY ARE YOU HERE LOOKING FOR MORE CONTENT ON THE NEXT MUSIC VIDEO? [00:59:37.676] kishere123: You're better than Amouranth cutie [00:59:37.750] biffdaking: the thighs though [00:59:38.087] SageJT: SageJT subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! please take my last name [00:59:38.294] f3mmbot sagejt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:59:39.231] Chaingunner72: cheers @lifebound [00:59:39.347] minifarmer123: nice dogs [00:59:42.677] ArminGux: It takes a real man to be best twich thot [00:59:46.326] im_up_to_something: Heels and thigh high do make your legs look long and luscious rynShy [00:59:47.647] abe1_2: when you go out the straight men hit on you [00:59:48.537] Unikore00: yes, be pretty for us :)) [00:59:51.123] theheaviestemu: I swear to god this ain’t a joke no more [00:59:51.413] sissyjessie: Did you watch any football this weekend? [00:59:56.052] braddle172: !uptime [00:59:56.240] ibrown39: How do you donate money? [00:59:56.321] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 1s [00:59:56.639] BillyConx: Tradwife Rose as a simp goal [00:59:58.190] faust_von_hexx: Guys make the best girls [00:59:59.325] Helen_Croft: I gifted JuicyBoyTV_ a sub @F1NN5TER [01:00:06.058] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [01:00:06.720] Stovamor: !donate [01:00:07.033] f3mmbot You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip [01:00:07.872] king_evoker: limbos4Youwhat [01:00:08.053] archangelmick: if only you were a girl . 1.5 million a month on another site . [01:00:09.522] tarakagyu: definitely causing some bisexual confusion [01:00:10.015] Emmy64_: f1nnEmbarrassed [01:00:12.098] Jens_LN: and garters ... those looked good too ! [01:00:13.348] rudyzwierz: IT TAKES THE BEST MAN TO BECOME THE BEST GIRL [01:00:16.131] swedish_crossdresser: what are you think about amazon rings of power? [01:00:16.924] kylerangelp: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:00:17.313] Bash1nBra1nZ: here comes work out in heels [01:00:18.827] s0urorsw33t: lol [01:00:21.124] Scout1605: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [01:00:22.621] Crunkology: Im gonna cooooooooooooom hngggghnngg [01:00:25.613] JuicyBoyTV_: Fuming... they keep forcing me to be subbed [01:00:26.930] minifarmer123: thoughts on baseball players? [01:00:26.949] jvlivs777: f1nnCowjam [01:00:28.108] Luna18j: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:00:35.632] doge_thunder: Have you ever noted that you look quite feminine with a ponytail? [01:00:36.301] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort no shot [01:00:38.291] johnkeiwo: bimbo brain [01:00:38.818] JuicyBoyTV_: Subbed to Finn unconsentually... [01:00:41.638] BillyConx: Honestly Your neck is as slender and magnificnet as your legs [01:00:47.624] garbage_teir: I find the whole egg thing funny because so much of his branding is the disagreeing that he couldn't come out so even if he was trans it is better for him to not tell [01:00:47.642] bearpaw1970: the Egirl throne will be yours [01:00:51.197] Owly_9: stilts [01:00:52.380] Bash1nBra1nZ: crunkology lol [01:00:52.587] ToolsLight: you didn’t take his $300k, so he’s going to send it to you one way or another [01:00:59.355] bfritz0815: hmmm, finnster workout streams 😊 [01:01:00.933] y0rk5h1r3: Practice makes perfect [01:01:02.929] Zymies: Feet kkittyCry kkittyCry kkittyBlushy [01:01:04.496] nychder87: bet [01:01:05.097] Scout1605: Look shiny ✨ [01:01:05.810] JorWat: "I get distracted too easily" Never have truer words been spoken. [01:01:08.578] 0DanKeks0: was that a crock heel ?? [01:01:11.584] Angsthas3: show us the sprint! [01:01:11.685] Chri55PBacon: !uptime [01:01:11.938] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 1m 17s [01:01:13.291] FlyingMortimer: @JuicyBoyTV_ F1nn wants you to teach him some makeup tips. content possibility? [01:01:15.953] Girbeagly: Platforms are meant for stomping on men [01:01:16.597] chocochewie1: My friends own platforms. [01:01:16.761] nychder87: Me neither, can't run in platforms, is really hard [01:01:18.773] ScarredLemon: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:01:20.917] looowisa: easier to sprint in platforms tbh [01:01:25.798] ArminGux: Ballet shoes? [01:01:28.079] Jens_LN: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:01:28.377] BillyConx: Godd, Rose's squirrel brain brings me such joy [01:01:34.678] nychder87: I can even hike with high heels (had to rescue some kittens, so I risked myself) [01:01:35.609] smokeheadpyro: f1nnEgg [01:01:36.326] themindscrambler: Rose shouldn't wear platforms [01:01:39.086] Ryndinovaia: Do you find it hard to walk in platform boots too? [01:01:41.060] Globalnuclear: steppies [01:01:41.468] Stovamor: f1nnEgg f1nnKnife f1nnEgg f1nnKnife f1nnEgg f1nnGremlin [01:01:41.571] HexGrrrrl: I wear platforms all the time [01:01:42.225] JuicyBoyTV_: @FlyingMortimer Both of us are just as bad as each other at planning... [01:01:42.279] ArminGux: Gay [01:01:43.844] Zymies: I've never worn heels, I'm a girl though Ow O [01:01:47.599] garbage_teir: rose willying to stomp on men? [01:01:47.800] kishere123: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:01:50.300] doge_thunder: Do the heels make you 6 ft? [01:01:51.039] JorWat: I think TenMuses's $300K is pretty safe... [01:01:53.172] lionnsmane: i have a friend with 8 inch heels idk how she stands [01:01:53.544] abe1_2: When are you going [01:01:54.505] xenofizzz: Sup F1nn5terrrr [01:01:54.969] l0ns_is_cool: if i met you irl i would give you all the money in my wallet for you to step on me [01:01:55.156] Scout1605: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [01:01:55.622] dire_winter: platforms are for "special" occasions? [01:01:57.103] Amoyamoyamoya: Ayooo! [01:01:57.187] aunalbrutal: Intelligence? :P [01:01:57.865] wandererimwalde: to stomp or to be stomped? [01:01:58.026] viljosayshi: Waiting for chat to start going "stomp on me daddy" [01:01:59.601] nychder87: aw Rose bimbo brain smooth [01:02:00.613] Jens_LN: damn, dono wall still going [01:02:01.324] ArminGux: Cat level brain [01:02:04.233] theheaviestemu: Imagine liking women [01:02:07.008] BillyConx: Short Brain moment. [01:02:09.442] yellowdog44: What is the weirdest thing you searched up [01:02:10.814] abe1_2: Dumb as a Mule and twice as Ugly [01:02:10.983] johnkeiwo: Kappa [01:02:11.771] Flippi_12: Kappa [01:02:12.763] rudyzwierz: How tall are u ? [01:02:14.018] y0rk5h1r3: What, in your dreams? [01:02:14.938] irnbru88: 6'2* [01:02:17.925] gammalsvenska: room temperature measured in celsius or fahrenheit? [01:02:18.798] FlyingMortimer: Even with heals you are shorter than me.. [01:02:20.232] I_Am_Zombie_Man: just waiting to see the simps go "step on me mommy" [01:02:23.546] Bash1nBra1nZ: he's not alone the squirrel brain. I had five conversations at the same yesterday within 15minutes [01:02:24.064] jvlivs777: lul 🙃 [01:02:25.455] ashenjag: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:02:25.557] sky_night4213: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:02:26.125] vidyagaem7: 6’2 [01:02:27.557] LittleChaSiu: "employment" [01:02:27.958] pianoismyforte_: I volunteer to be stomped on ;-) [01:02:30.517] flori121: stomp on me mommy [01:02:32.781] minifarmer123: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:02:33.799] hotgirl676: more 6 foot 2 [01:02:35.399] Jens_LN: !! SUGAR BABY !! [01:02:40.508] bfritz0815: rose stomping on men might be a nice additional source of incum [01:02:40.650] josua_themen: Was he learning the voice ? [01:02:43.353] xenofizzz: So you're 5'10??? [01:02:47.468] alexx_net: @gammalsvenska, Clearly celsius f1nnLaff [01:02:48.124] viljosayshi: I'm 6' 7" so yeah, still short [01:02:52.409] hopalongtommy: look up the "great British intelligence test" it doesn't give you an IQ score, but it's shorter, about 30-45min, and gives a diagram that tells you your brains strengths and weaknesses [01:02:56.161] frostybossygirl: Rose is squirrel girl bimbo brain [01:02:57.978] swedish_crossdresser: 5'2 [01:02:58.397] kishere123: Tenmuses got us beat [01:02:59.551] Unikore00: sugar baby indeed [01:02:59.699] gammalsvenska: @josua_themen no [01:03:02.600] Scout1605: Me me me pick me [01:03:07.041] gammalsvenska: :-D [01:03:09.489] godsbeenswinging_: "what he sees" [01:03:10.821] garbage_teir: roses brain has fewer wrinkles than porcelain. she's also paler too [01:03:12.018] TenMuses: btw, I PO boxed a "Sugar Baby" tank top to you :) [01:03:14.755] dire_winter: if we make a line, we could all lay down and make a human carpet for you at that point [01:03:17.017] HexGrrrrl: like Hasan [01:03:18.072] BillyConx: He's just Built Different:tm: [01:03:19.712] thelovingpenguwu: Cry because Finn doesn’t notice me [01:03:21.174] tommy_1110: Rose is 4ft11 [01:03:21.728] Girbeagly: The default Streamlabs audio loop LUL [01:03:22.853] red17x: As a Female I want to see you in normal girl cloth not so sassy stuff ? Can you do this ? [01:03:23.165] blackhippy21: awwwww [01:03:25.370] Flippi_12: LUL [01:03:29.310] gammalsvenska: hehe :-D [01:03:31.148] johnkeiwo: !pobox [01:03:31.416] f3mmbot Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [01:03:31.874] mpr1999: being Dyslexic one of the tests to find out if you are is a number of IQ tests - so F1NN IQ must be over 110 [01:03:33.471] Loelinverse: Actually financially dominated twitch streamer [01:03:34.546] TenMuses: not yet [01:03:38.190] emberrose36: TPFufun [01:03:40.287] dingosurprise: brian ! PogU [01:03:41.240] PeterbiltAmsterdam: I'm 6'3 no heels [01:03:41.650] loveroseslove: do you watched saoilor moon? [01:03:43.075] Loelinverse: @tenmuses LUL [01:03:45.218] dmx908: why doesn't ten just complete the goal [01:03:51.496] theheaviestemu: Should I call you mommy or daddy?! Never been so conflicted b4 [01:03:54.489] Girbeagly: @dingosurprise KonCha [01:03:56.168] 57ranma: WHAT DO THE SUGAR BABY DUTIES ENTAIL? [01:03:56.406] anastasia_motionless: rynSPIN [01:04:00.614] Helen_Croft: PO boxes now? @F1NN5TER [01:04:02.866] johnkeiwo: rose has a crush [01:04:05.705] abe1_2: are you sleeping together [01:04:06.786] Jens_LN: @TenMuses LOL .. good one ... all it needs is a "Property of Tenmuses" on the back ? [01:04:11.965] Bash1nBra1nZ: positive vote here on comfy women's clothes. [01:04:12.647] johnkeiwo: on her photographer, GAAAAAAAYY [01:04:17.606] TenMuses: @57rama that's between Finn and I [01:04:19.493] tarakagyu: a lady never tells [01:04:20.350] playboy967: You caused my pansexuality [01:04:23.090] turbotorbogoblo: Its time to ship [01:04:25.050] alexx_net: @thelovingpenguwu, he doesn't even notice the mods, so it's a equal community. [01:04:27.316] Myoukochou: @Bash1nBra1nZ Seconded, if you wanna [01:04:31.982] Solus_kun: YES [01:04:32.770] Helen_Croft: PO boxes now? @F1NN5TER [01:04:33.243] Owly_9: f1nnKnife [01:04:34.300] femboy1165: femboy1165 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! ayyo, 7 months of subbie subbies! also hi, how are you? [01:04:34.486] f3mmbot femboy1165 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:04:36.235] vetras91: Pog [01:04:38.248] braddle172: f1nnKnife [01:04:38.829] Bellumir: Knife Highlights ☼ [01:04:39.201] duplotracer: KEKW [01:04:39.723] LittleChaSiu: scuffed girl voice pog [01:04:39.982] Scout1605: Fight for woman pockets [01:04:40.413] BillyConx: With that height difference... Reenact the Photo. You know the one O//w//O [01:04:42.834] ChloeViiR: How does it feel being the hottest girl on Twitch? [01:04:44.121] drbuckethead123: shyyOMEGALUL [01:04:44.738] bdx50: 😂 [01:04:47.632] Flippi_12: f1nnKnife dellyKnife rynKnife [01:04:50.019] 57ranma: @tenmuses one can only imagine and dream I guess [01:04:52.278] strahd05: Try the UWU voice [01:04:54.983] lionnsmane: im forging a knife, could i send it to you? [01:04:58.730] y0rk5h1r3: You love them because they're phallic LUL LUL LUL [01:05:00.523] FlyingMortimer: Number of knives compensating for something? [01:05:01.969] thekingone10: improve Your voice if You dress tight corset 🤣🤣 [01:05:02.552] zer0110: you have a Kershaw Leek? [01:05:03.907] Scout1605: UWU UWU [01:05:11.092] dragongarrick: LUL [01:05:12.948] gammalsvenska: @yellowdog44 nope, often discussed [01:05:13.579] ForsbergInTheHouse: Do you have a butter knife thou ? [01:05:13.819] Hashinova: Uwu Owo [01:05:15.136] BillyConx: God bless Corset Rose [01:05:17.993] sky_night4213: when are you going to start Mc server ? [01:05:19.709] Bayliis: baylii1B4 baylii1B4 baylii1B4 [01:05:21.397] Bash1nBra1nZ: myoukouchu 👍 [01:05:24.037] Eldtuva: we want UwU ! [01:05:26.205] johnkeiwo PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [01:05:26.555] l0ns_is_cool: gingers are hotter then blondes [01:05:29.132] Girbeagly: Any chance we'll ever see a Finn x Sneaky collab oryxEyes [01:05:29.872] zer0110: I have the Kuro [01:05:31.208] JuicyBoyTV_: Subbed to Finn Non-Consentually... [01:05:32.885] Owly_9: f1nnKnife rynKnife [01:05:38.002] Jens_LN: is there a Sailor Honey ? [01:05:42.246] CloakedN00b: I should call her [01:05:44.436] johnkeiwo: what is impact play ? [01:05:52.997] TenMuses: Whats the knife you've always wanted but was too extravagant to actually buy? [01:05:53.295] TacPepGaming: ugh, you started streaming soooooo early, I just got off work [01:05:55.609] godsbeenswinging_: @johnkeiwo whips floggers spanks [01:05:57.287] c__r__j: Impact play = flogging, etc. [01:05:58.030] johnkeiwo: I'm doing well [01:05:59.645] bfritz0815: pwetty hanniii 😄 [01:06:00.318] y0rk5h1r3: It's it just hitting? [01:06:00.595] Myoukochou: @Bash1nBra1nZ 💜 [01:06:06.521] johnkeiwo: ohhh It's BDSM ish [01:06:08.314] spacedoutzane: What’s figging? [01:06:10.554] Cazenn: Form of corporal punishment lol [01:06:12.766] wolf_xin: noice [01:06:13.046] Bayliis: baylii1Bayliis [01:06:16.780] anjeronett: OWW [01:06:19.033] godsbeenswinging_: @johnkeiwo nothing ISH about it xD [01:06:22.081] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j pretty sus all the things you know LUL [01:06:24.839] BillyConx: I believe [01:06:25.224] c__r__j: Yeah, impact play can just be spanking... if you're a girly wuss about it. [01:06:26.087] an_femboy_tiktok: AsexualPride [01:06:27.366] jvlivs777: 😊🙌 [01:06:27.916] dire_winter: @spacedoutzane you dont want to have the pain [01:06:30.904] Myoukochou: @spacedoutzane it involves ginger, but not in the mouth [01:06:32.891] alexx_net: If I get to Birmingham the impact play could be harsh... if you like [01:06:37.536] estrogen44: @spacedoutzane ginger in ass [01:06:40.745] zer0110: I edc the Kershaw Kuro. [01:06:45.992] nychder87: Impact play: you just become an Angel and drop to Earth causing problems to Nerv and have to fight some EVAs [01:06:48.405] Bash1nBra1nZ: myoukouchou yes yes yes. I just add pockets to comfy women's pants mostly [01:06:51.485] bellamyvvv: f1nnKnife [01:06:51.722] jahsuke2: Finn could peg me [01:06:53.267] bfritz0815: punished by mooning [01:06:54.214] xenofizzz: Do you like the cyclone blade? [01:06:56.091] zzznightmarezz: There better be something tos in this P.O. Box 😂😂 [01:06:57.665] Eldtuva: buy MACHETE [01:06:58.498] Oracle840: @c__r__j that's a hell of a take based tho [01:07:00.415] carolinelikesdinner: I just came back what did I miss [01:07:00.575] rudyzwierz: switchblades COOCAINE [01:07:06.641] BillyConx: I cannot wait for Rose to accidentally cut her fingers with that gorgeous knife [01:07:06.877] lionnsmane: DO IT [01:07:10.468] Helen_Croft: f1nnKnife [01:07:10.599] viljosayshi: buy a Finnish knife, perkele perkele [01:07:14.522] nyneg_: Cheer100 i take offence that u are asuming my gender in the title [01:07:16.001] doge_thunder: ITS A BUSINESS EXPENSE [01:07:20.540] Jens_LN: Are there any knives you want, but can't buy ? [01:07:20.994] ohcrapitsonfire: Half-face blades is a good one to. Just hard to get. [01:07:24.274] Barnar11: straighter than you [01:07:26.713] OGpiepro: too straight [01:07:26.832] Emmy64_: All in HypePopcorn [01:07:27.435] lamberto1892: f1nnPegChamp [01:07:27.454] Amoyamoyamoya: "Too straight" --F1nn, August 2022 [01:07:27.773] rudyzwierz: ugly [01:07:28.313] OpsCoreFAST: cybertruck looking blade [01:07:29.024] darthwolfe96: not thats a knife [01:07:29.291] drbuckethead123: too straight Gayge [01:07:30.604] zer0110: I like it [01:07:30.686] Kolateak_: Knife isn't gay enough [01:07:31.117] lionnsmane: to straight for you? [01:07:31.172] king_evoker: u should get a cyclone knife [01:07:32.291] johnkeiwo BETS ARE NOW CLOSED ! Get your points later adcvrLOVE [01:07:33.262] sivizius: too straight :D [01:07:33.747] FlyingMortimer: Tanto blade for piercing [01:07:34.403] Blind_Play: can always replace the blade [01:07:34.557] Flippi_12: too straight? yep bad for rose Kappa [01:07:34.883] matt_or_matheus: get a custom knife [01:07:35.180] y0rk5h1r3: Too straight? LUL LUL LUL [01:07:37.431] HexGrrrrl: do you have a stiletto switchblade? [01:07:37.759] Yveliux: What would be the best practice butterfly knife for begginers ? [01:07:41.969] abe1_2: My man its to STRAIGHT [01:07:42.299] the2st: rose has the brain function of a jellyfish [01:07:42.507] ohcrapitsonfire: Or Koenig [01:07:46.238] BraxtonSwine: imagine buying a knife not made by extrema ratio atpCap [01:07:47.361] Emmy64_: Halo elite pp looking [01:07:47.641] am_mossy: 🥚 egg [01:07:48.214] unknownl999: I love the blade and hate the handle [01:07:48.310] tarakagyu: yeah no one wants things too straight [01:07:48.874] mord_fustangg: LUL LUL LUL [01:07:51.356] Owly_9: Knife with a plug handle [01:07:51.879] bfritz0815: yeah, too straight for rose [01:07:52.372] mord_fustangg: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [01:07:52.680] viljosayshi: "It's too straight for me" [01:07:52.872] cypressnl: what's your opinion on Leathermann knifes ? [01:07:54.340] smokeheadpyro: LUL LUL [01:07:54.372] BillyConx: I mean, you're a sugar baby. what else do you spend your daddy's money on except knives [01:07:54.789] generationken: Finn this is a dumb purchase [01:07:55.101] bkmurder101: yeah, we know you don't likebeing too straight [01:07:57.620] herpderp1120: drop point Tonto is weird [01:07:58.221] xx_zephyroht_xx: xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! 17 months already sheesh [01:07:58.401] f3mmbot xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:07:59.401] rudyzwierz: you need a curve in your blade [01:07:59.456] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [01:08:01.166] awesomerem1: Rude [01:08:02.188] lionnsmane: YEAH [01:08:02.498] Solus_kun: D: [01:08:03.106] johnkeiwo: AD ? [01:08:04.208] drbuckethead123: more Gayge shyyNodders [01:08:04.774] lionnsmane: NO [01:08:04.944] jahsuke2: Daddy [01:08:05.298] atnerb_80: wait i was away for a bit and was gifted a sub. thanks for the sub whever you were. [01:08:05.892] Owly_9: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:08:06.103] Helen_Croft: will Blåhaj be here ? [01:08:06.966] y0rk5h1r3: Only LGBT knives for F1NN LUL LUL LUL [01:08:07.359] am_mossy: 🥚 [01:08:07.822] dire_winter: agreed [01:08:08.369] smokeheadpyro: f1nnCowjam [01:08:08.409] Flippi_12: deamhaWiggle deamhaWiggle deamhaWiggle [01:08:08.606] lionnsmane: NOT THIS ONE [01:08:08.714] beyondripp: ballisong [01:08:09.161] starless_x: Too straight for Rose?? [01:08:09.203] Bash1nBra1nZ: it's tooooo straight. excuse meeee [01:08:10.353] Mchellion: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:11.153] Iskallatt: babagril [01:08:11.229] dingosurprise: f1nnCowjam clover54Dance clover54Wiggly [01:08:11.352] barbie_secretstanner: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:11.531] duplotracer: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:13.174] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:08:13.991] Stovamor: coxJam ezeggJam anitaJAM ezeggJam coxJam [01:08:14.032] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [01:08:14.156] carolinelikesdinner: PO BOX POG [01:08:14.692] JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam [01:08:14.842] flori121: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:15.404] glebthegoblin: catJAM [01:08:15.547] bhelldark: nihmunNumicheer nihmunNumicheer nihmunNumicheer nihmunNumicheer [01:08:15.987] robbie1945: sae the whooty [01:08:16.764] doge_thunder: Will suck d [01:08:17.843] NoGiggety: fareehaDance fareehaDance fareehaDance fareehaDance [01:08:18.754] axel02602: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:18.788] rhysabh: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:18.800] anakin_12345: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:19.157] johnkeiwo: @Helen_Croft, Prayge [01:08:19.587] vidyagaem7: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:20.058] ashenjag: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:20.113] Rtwld: f1nnCowjam [01:08:20.320] zombie_1981: CowJAM [01:08:20.479] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:08:20.740] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:20.917] rw03_bjw: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:21.216] rat_fact_bot: tfuJammer tfuJammer tfuJammer [01:08:21.606] sir_public0_0: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:22.030] flex_uli: Yeah. Chair time [01:08:22.043] femboy1165: Cheer245 suck your dick? ok bett [01:08:22.095] doge_thunder: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:22.257] alexx_net: @johnkeiwo, That would require a pro streamer f1nnEmbarrassed [01:08:22.495] anjeronett: Panties! [01:08:22.761] johnkeiwo: lvndmaJAM f1nnCowjam inconRad [01:08:24.153] bhelldark: nihmunDance nihmunDance nihmunDance nihmunDance [01:08:24.735] Stovamor: coxJam ezeggJam anitaJAM ezeggJam coxJam [01:08:25.187] steeldevil333: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [01:08:25.575] Flippi_12: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:25.904] rudyzwierz: catjam [01:08:25.997] thecomplexreject: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:26.116] duckstm: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:26.158] ScarredLemon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:26.169] know1_0: oneshotWIGGLE oneshotWIGGLE oneshotWIGGLE [01:08:26.620] matt_or_matheus: CowJAM [01:08:27.490] Jadre1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnLezgang [01:08:28.174] mord_fustangg: missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake [01:08:28.262] TacPepGaming: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:28.346] BillyConx: Vibin [01:08:28.558] lu_sagna: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:28.862] dire_winter: this music was absolutely made by RICK [01:08:29.583] spacedoutzane: invert29Wiggle invert29Wiggle invert29Wiggle invert29Wiggle [01:08:29.968] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod nanona1Nodders linechuNod f1nnCowjam [01:08:29.971] skystrobe: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:30.016] Mittycat20: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:30.469] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:30.865] Jens_LN: gah [01:08:31.500] bfritz0815: anitaGasm [01:08:31.659] glebthegoblin: guzuYump guzuYump guzuYump [01:08:32.154] starsjem: catJAM [01:08:32.468] thebunroller: @Helen_Croft Hope so. WOuld be perfect for our Sailor [01:08:32.976] adamwoodhousetwitch: epic rave [01:08:33.027] Scout1605: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 [01:08:33.185] mpr1999: jamdBlobby jamdBlobby jamdBlobby jamdBlobby jamdBlobby jamdBlobby [01:08:33.268] Amoyamoyamoya: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [01:08:33.760] y0rk5h1r3: rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY [01:08:34.072] TheMightyFizz_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:35.823] Helen_Croft: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [01:08:36.878] crayons_are_pog: oh.. [01:08:37.188] mord_fustangg: missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake missmdShake [01:08:37.712] Yeevo_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:37.730] spacedoutzane: maneko4Waddle maneko4Waddle maneko4Waddle maneko4Waddle maneko4Waddle maneko4Waddle [01:08:40.592] Solus_kun: squchaLbongotap squchaJam adcvrJam squchaLbongotap squchaJam adcvrJam squchaLbongotap squchaJam adcvrJam squchaLbongotap squchaJam adcvrJam [01:08:41.253] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam linechuNod nanona1Nodders linechuNod f1nnCowjam [01:08:42.258] JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam 󠀀 [01:08:42.429] know1_0: bloobyVibe bloobyVibe bloobyVibe [01:08:44.343] BillyConx: NotLikeThis [01:08:44.849] lars0yvind: f1nnCowjam [01:08:45.133] Stovamor: coxJam ezeggJam anitaJAM ezeggJam coxJam [01:08:45.385] Flippi_12: catJAM catJAM catJAM [01:08:45.996] FriendsWithBugs: ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza [01:08:46.256] aunalbrutal: Whats that green thing on the flow rightside of box :P [01:08:47.260] Scout1605: 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄 [01:08:48.095] TheMightyFizz_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:48.119] quickgroth: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:48.618] saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:49.156] v1rtuallyvee: kikiiDance kikiiDance kikiiDance kikiiDance kikiiDance [01:08:50.027] anakin_12345: F1nnCowjam F1nnCowjam [01:08:50.569] ForeverAvJ: CowJAM CowJAM [01:08:50.621] anjeronett: catJAM [01:08:50.766] doge_thunder: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:51.279] y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:53.042] Jens_LN: If only Tenmuses would bribe him to never play that again [01:08:53.362] MerHitGod: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:53.992] flex_uli: f1nnCowjam [01:08:54.865] LoadSmasher: CAKE [01:08:55.009] am_mossy: f1nnCowjam [01:08:56.318] zer0110: oh my [01:08:56.483] braddle172: F1nnJAM [01:08:56.901] BillyConx: Popcat, more like Pog Cat [01:08:57.084] chocochewie1: Never gonna give you up [01:08:57.835] reteliny: i cum [01:08:58.798] Jezza2812: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:59.363] rudyzwierz: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack [01:08:59.469] toomanybees___: majiiJAM majiiJAM [01:09:00.611] bfritz0815: 🪑🥰 [01:09:00.702] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:09:01.171] dire_winter: music made by RICK? [01:09:02.276] ashenjag: femboy32GG femboy32GG [01:09:03.827] reteliny: i cum dont worru [01:09:04.019] doge_thunder: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:09:04.052] RareThunder5814: shyyRave shyyRave shyyRave shyyRave [01:09:04.354] Flippi_12: thas not a lot of PO for TOS... [01:09:05.907] MerHitGod: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:09:05.932] skystrobe: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:09:06.384] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:09:08.128] Helen_Croft: big one [01:09:09.040] Scout1605: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [01:09:09.068] generationken: Rose almost tripped over her pink hooker heels POG [01:09:09.872] entrapta_lol: cum [01:09:11.012] carolinelikesdinner: GayPride [01:09:12.748] lionnsmane: can we have the music in the background? [01:09:13.493] jahsuke2: StinkyCheese [01:09:14.501] ScarredLemon: Odd shaped ones [01:09:14.814] rudyzwierz: THE BIG ONE [01:09:17.554] Chri55PBacon: that was quick [01:09:17.617] bahl_hs: where do yo uget your shoes from? @F1NN5TER [01:09:18.473] Jens_LN: open the sussy one [01:09:18.941] theegotiger: small one [01:09:19.367] Blind_Play: smallest first [01:09:19.820] y0rk5h1r3: Dem Legs LUL [01:09:19.861] coolestpersonnnnn: big one [01:09:21.120] TacPepGaming: you [01:09:21.537] Oracle840: the top one [01:09:21.557] cutecat454: Butt plug [01:09:21.995] general_of_cm: yes [01:09:22.110] thebunroller: Bottom [01:09:22.841] xenofizzz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:09:22.978] Helen_Croft: bottom one [01:09:23.072] am_mossy: EGG [01:09:23.585] juddle: sus [01:09:24.196] flex_uli: small one [01:09:24.595] 0DanKeks0: small to big i guess [01:09:24.890] abe1_2: which one is heavier [01:09:24.949] sky_night4213: how to go to sub only chat [01:09:24.970] bunnupsie: Any knife recommendations for beginners [01:09:26.331] Jens_LN: it's a bottom [01:09:26.346] frostybossygirl: WE WANNA OPEN YOUR SKIRT FIRST [01:09:27.248] sivizius: Blǎhaj :3 [01:09:28.209] theegotiger: keep going larger [01:09:28.642] carolinelikesdinner: Tiny box [01:09:28.854] MayBeAJinx: Blahaj PogChamp [01:09:29.435] ItsJustTil: Look at those strong arms. Shiiiittt [01:09:31.124] TacPepGaming: we need to open you [01:09:31.159] entrapta_lol: coom [01:09:31.236] dire_winter: small-big its tradition! [01:09:32.003] johnkeiwo: Helen PogU [01:09:32.112] king_evoker: u should checkout a cyclone knife [01:09:32.418] I_Am_Zombie_Man: yessss [01:09:33.080] gammalsvenska: @lionnsmane please not, it would be harder to understand finn [01:09:33.113] BillyConx: your legs [01:09:33.987] maya_moo_plays: blahaj!!! [01:09:34.417] theheaviestemu: theheaviestemu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Whats in the chest finn [01:09:34.626] f3mmbot theheaviestemu subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:09:35.322] Flippi_12: the bottom (solus) one :) [01:09:36.891] zxxxxxfff: 2nd one [01:09:37.017] jandraelune: Speaking of knife streams. JimmyKibaX does almost exclusively those. They also run a knife manufacturer. [01:09:37.217] general_of_cm: oh no its a shatk [01:09:38.252] atnerb_80: i dont any of those will have a TOS item [01:09:39.091] generationken: Tiny box [01:09:39.258] zxxxxxfff: No [01:09:39.403] maxexe404: catJAm [01:09:40.365] strahd05: Oh man. Music ended too soon. [01:09:40.484] Helmslayer: Helmslayer subscribed with Prime. [01:09:40.666] f3mmbot helmslayer subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang helmslayer f1nnLezgang [01:09:41.507] xx_zephyroht_xx: foxiiWAIFU FortOne [01:09:42.651] nosseb3: blahaj [01:09:44.253] minifarmer123: Cheer7 [01:09:44.619] Bash1nBra1nZ: sussy sussy sussy sussy!!!!! [01:09:46.419] viljosayshi: how manly [01:09:46.968] general_of_cm: its a Shark F1nn [01:09:50.350] Dualityu: wait is that the trans shark? [01:09:51.733] sivizius: blåhaj <3 [01:09:52.192] Flippi_12: a lot of mold KEKW [01:09:52.300] BillyConx: I think we would collectively choose your legs [01:09:53.568] Short_SubmarineHunter: Short_SubmarineHunter subscribed with Prime. [01:09:53.776] f3mmbot short_submarinehunter subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang short_submarinehunter f1nnLezgang [01:09:54.413] abe1_2: His Past LIFE [01:09:58.209] OilP: monkaS [01:09:58.390] Helen_Croft: thebunroller sends that one @johnkeiwo [01:09:58.523] uanpis: blahaj :3 [01:09:59.218] theegotiger: which body? [01:10:00.369] juddle: monkaS [01:10:01.744] Jens_LN: the body of his masculinity [01:10:02.999] Kolateak_: monkaS [01:10:04.135] JohnBanks117: monkaS [01:10:05.001] doge_thunder: LORE [01:10:05.312] c__r__j: Rose keeps F1nn5ter's body in the box. The truth is out! [01:10:06.833] braddle172: f1nnMonka [01:10:06.932] Emmy64_: monkaS [01:10:07.895] Kinitawowi: 🦈 [01:10:07.920] lionnsmane: @lionnsmane i just want to know who made the music [01:10:08.115] Serumaster: today i learned Belle Delphine charges 100k for a night with her BibleThump [01:10:08.556] ayarcee: WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THE CHEST [01:10:09.755] donko812: monkaS [01:10:10.312] general_of_cm: preper for manly skream [01:10:10.730] xenofizzz: f1nnMonka [01:10:10.937] tazmily: moon2SPIN [01:10:11.504] Bellumir: Selkie Finn, his Male skin is in the box [01:10:12.387] Jens_LN: BLÅHAJ !! [01:10:13.160] Helen_Croft: Blåhaj f1nnHeart Blåhaj f1nnHeart Blåhaj f1nnHeart Blåhaj f1nnHeart [01:10:13.255] CloakedN00b: thats where we keep f1nn [01:10:14.145] Solus_kun: Shark monkaS [01:10:15.929] ElFuaLoco033: the manly soul [01:10:17.770] Yveliux: Sharky [01:10:18.297] vidyagaem7: The box f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [01:10:18.386] atlantul: Coaie ești tramvai? [01:10:18.718] Jusses: Blåhaj! [01:10:19.621] Flippi_12: shark D: [01:10:20.727] Xylomn: ha nice [01:10:20.773] tarakagyu: what's left of his old life [01:10:21.548] der_da_ist_da: BLÅHAJ [01:10:21.661] cutecat454: They were g [01:10:22.016] winterruwu: blahaj! [01:10:22.277] shijni: Blåhaj [01:10:23.312] N3dr4: Blåhaj [01:10:23.433] ozeantj: Blahaj :3 [01:10:23.847] carolinelikesdinner: We dont talk about bru no no no no [01:10:23.956] Bash1nBra1nZ: abe1_2 lol his past life LMAO [01:10:24.206] Femboy1exe: OMG!! [01:10:24.472] toomanybees___: BLAHAJ [01:10:24.591] Globalnuclear: so cute [01:10:25.263] pianoismyforte_: Blahaj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [01:10:25.333] flex_uli: sweet [01:10:25.806] fiyaproof: blahaj [01:10:26.525] maya_moo_plays: BLAHAJ [01:10:27.837] BillyConx: Bl[au]haj is life [01:10:28.143] probepackung: meme shark plush [01:10:28.292] johnkeiwo: Blahaj PogU [01:10:28.856] braddle172: KomodoHype [01:10:28.890] Kolateak_: Scared? [01:10:28.974] bellamyvvv: SHARK HELP [01:10:29.184] cormoranoimperatore: Yeeeesss [01:10:29.228] Globalnuclear: noooo [01:10:29.378] Lineally_Relied: blahaj [01:10:29.480] Chri55PBacon: blahaj! [01:10:29.637] vetras91: BLHAJ [01:10:29.770] OilP: rooD NOOOO [01:10:30.096] ozeantj: nooooo [01:10:30.202] Helen_Croft: dont kill Blåhaj [01:10:30.596] Owly_9: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:10:31.230] JohnBanks117: Blåhaj POGGERS [01:10:31.249] Dualityu: its the blahaj trans shark!!! [01:10:31.364] the2st: blahaj! [01:10:31.643] johnkeiwo: NOOOOO [01:10:31.883] commanderredpanda: it's pronounced "blue hey" [01:10:32.034] Scout1605: First we must not talk about [01:10:32.738] ozeantj: D: [01:10:33.069] ArminGux: Omg [01:10:33.113] King__Mosabi: derpshark [01:10:33.136] MayBeAJinx: NOOO D: [01:10:34.011] am_mossy: name them egg [01:10:34.108] Amoyamoyamoya: Don't...please [01:10:34.144] duckstm: Blåhaj Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [01:10:34.485] Emmy64_: but isn't an IKEA one TriHard [01:10:34.544] johnkeiwo: DONT U DARE [01:10:34.576] dire_winter: ah so improvised pleasure? [01:10:34.938] y0rk5h1r3: @jens_ln nah, that's dead and decomposed LUL [01:10:35.082] Mag1c_bananas: Blåhaj PogU [01:10:36.349] zombie_1981: D: [01:10:36.372] sir_public0_0: No [01:10:36.394] Amoyamoyamoya: I beg you... [01:10:36.562] brandt_connors: I'll tell Gura on you [01:10:36.652] Xylomn: oh the poor bot got smooshed [01:10:36.861] Mchellion: D: [01:10:36.927] rhysabh: noooooooo [01:10:37.316] lionnsmane: NO [01:10:37.361] polis_namidas: NOOOO [01:10:37.462] JohnBanks117: D: [01:10:37.699] aAndrew3030: D: NOOOOOOO [01:10:37.786] toomanybees___: Do not the shark [01:10:37.811] coolestpersonnnnn: Blåhaj [01:10:37.818] glebthegoblin: kill [01:10:37.947] general_of_cm: do not kill femboy shark [01:10:38.094] Solus_kun: D: [01:10:38.152] Helen_Croft: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [01:10:38.975] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG!!!! [01:10:39.122] braddle172: NOOOO [01:10:39.336] just_call_me_kei: AT LAST SOMEONE GOT HIM ONE [01:10:39.521] dingosurprise: D: [01:10:39.528] Kolateak_: D: [01:10:39.877] Mag1c_bananas: D: [01:10:39.952] OfficialLilac: NOOOOOOOO [01:10:40.072] sivizius: NOOOO [01:10:40.178] thecuxspm: BLAHAJ [01:10:40.208] coolestpersonnnnn: D: [01:10:40.255] shijni: D: [01:10:40.441] Grizeldarky: BLAHAJ YAY [01:10:40.452] johnkeiwo: STOOOOOOOOOOOP [01:10:40.659] LittleChaSiu: PogU [01:10:40.729] Girbeagly: IKEA shark is a trans icon D: [01:10:41.413] lionnsmane: NOT BLAJAH [01:10:41.548] EvelynnWasTakenn: lol trans joke <3 <3 <3 [01:10:41.836] Jusses: Don't stab the Blåhaj! D: [01:10:41.967] bellamyvvv: NOOOO [01:10:42.170] zombie_1981: nooooooooooooooooooo [01:10:42.236] winterruwu: D: [01:10:42.484] donko812: Nooooo [01:10:42.510] lionnsmane: NO [01:10:43.006] Globalnuclear: noo whyy [01:10:43.048] OilP: rooD rooD rooD [01:10:43.160] duckstm: D: [01:10:43.493] OpsCoreFAST: RIP [01:10:43.546] ScarredLemon: NOOOOOOOO [01:10:43.685] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOO [01:10:43.852] maxexe404: NOOO [01:10:44.204] Vcane3: D: [01:10:44.217] scootflaj: D: [01:10:44.371] polis_namidas: NOOOOO [01:10:44.372] Lunas_Sanity: nooooooooooo [01:10:44.433] darthphthalo: NOOOO [01:10:44.440] Altex1: limesD [01:10:44.526] ArminGux: Plush sark [01:10:44.529] Femboy1exe: NOOO [01:10:44.600] glebthegoblin: kill kill kill [01:10:45.053] MayBeAJinx: D: [01:10:45.115] Setua_: NOOOOOOOOOO [01:10:45.133] braddle172: D: [01:10:45.384] ravioli430: Noooooooooo [01:10:45.391] Flippi_12: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:10:45.432] donko812: save Blahaj!! [01:10:45.701] vetras91: WHAT [01:10:45.857] JohnBanks117: STOP D: [01:10:45.930] longlegs_honey: LMAO [01:10:46.088] LittleChaSiu: oh no [01:10:46.188] reiziq: noooo [01:10:46.430] c__r__j: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:10:46.556] thecuxspm: NOOOOOOOOOOO [01:10:46.654] TommyBoy809: NOOOOOOOOOOO [01:10:46.691] thorkold1: noooo [01:10:46.974] awesomerem1: Nooo [01:10:47.138] Jens_LN: NOOO [01:10:47.278] Emmy64_: F [01:10:47.310] alexx_net: The chest contained Rose's masculinity, (it's mostly been consumed by mould.) [01:10:47.563] Bayliis: mollukNodders mollukNodders mollukNodders [01:10:47.656] mortelsson: unsub [01:10:47.817] smokeheadpyro: f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:10:48.208] ElFuaLoco033: D: [01:10:48.291] R1CKY4PL: yes [01:10:48.381] shijni: D: 󠀀 [01:10:48.747] pianoismyforte_: D: [01:10:48.907] MayBeAJinx: It's a blahaj [01:10:48.952] winterruwu: D: D: [01:10:49.010] TheGrinch89: wow [01:10:49.256] soerrenderman: NOOOOOOOOOO [01:10:49.283] JimRaynor56: D: D: D: D: [01:10:49.588] Kinitawowi: sihaD [01:10:49.795] nosseb3: Not blahaj ! [01:10:49.798] commanderredpanda: trans shark [01:10:49.842] DeepRedColor: lol [01:10:49.843] Weskopad: D: rynSharky [01:10:49.937] beatle_88: NotLikeThis WutFace [01:10:50.084] megaroot: D: [01:10:50.204] lionnsmane: NOT HIM [01:10:50.224] johnkeiwo: BLAHAJ NOOOOOOOOOO [01:10:50.361] theheaviestemu: Thats a fucking shork [01:10:50.686] flex_uli: ouch [01:10:50.752] K_Dogg94: Isn’t he scared of sharks [01:10:51.104] Firelord_Redflames: D: [01:10:51.145] ButterflyGg_: welp [01:10:51.442] Eldtuva: ded o7 [01:10:51.480] ScarredLemon: f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:10:51.575] entrapta_lol: YOU KILLED HIM OMG [01:10:51.736] king_rthur: BLAHAJ! [01:10:51.835] aAndrew3030: Someone spent MONEY on that D: [01:10:52.086] sissyjessie: D: [01:10:52.138] Cazenn: D: [01:10:52.144] chainedchish: D: [01:10:52.433] md15185o: noooooooooooo [01:10:52.495] Artundre: a [01:10:52.551] sir_public0_0: You psycho [01:10:52.681] Amoyamoyamoya: You have a shark plushie downstairs!!!! [01:10:52.695] Jens_LN: MURDERER !! [01:10:52.864] zer0110: why tho?! [01:10:52.933] Helen_Croft: That is Blåhaj a trans icon @F1NN5TER [01:10:53.353] awesomerem1: So mean [01:10:54.084] Setua_: BLAHAJ NOOOOO [01:10:54.398] FriendshipBunny: don't stab the shark!!! [01:10:54.457] GrinchMD: D: [01:10:54.504] Owly_9: rynSharky f1nnKnife [01:10:54.650] probepackung: KEKW [01:10:54.660] Kaymon81: noo [01:10:54.762] Flippi_12: D: D: D: [01:10:54.794] maya_moo_plays: TRANSPHOBIC [01:10:54.893] vetras91: ILLEGAL [01:10:55.068] winterruwu: D: [01:10:55.100] johnkeiwo: D: [01:10:55.445] carolinelikesdinner: DONT STAB HIM HES INNOCENT [01:10:55.778] purplesingeram: NOOOOOOOO [01:10:55.992] c__r__j: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:10:56.044] bellamyvvv: WHY [01:10:56.056] Grizeldarky: NOOO DON’T DO THAT TO THIS INNOCENT BLAHAJ [01:10:56.093] TommyBoy809: How could you [01:10:56.756] lryf: lol [01:10:56.909] braddle172: F [01:10:56.967] pyramidpancakes: D: [01:10:57.005] GodBlessBananasplit: MONSTER [01:10:57.202] Solus_kun: D: [01:10:57.286] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:10:57.784] the2st: NO BLAHAJ [01:10:58.042] crazzygur: NOOOOOOOOO [01:10:58.064] BillyConx: How many Bl[au]haj has Finn recieved [01:10:58.152] Yveliux: Rude D: [01:10:58.337] Xatonym: dizzyWat [01:10:58.480] Jadre1: D: [01:10:58.706] saint_r: D: [01:10:58.871] ArminGux: Omg he stabbed a shark [01:10:59.035] rhysabh: PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands [01:10:59.045] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [01:10:59.246] kishere123: MURDERER [01:10:59.422] sivizius: Thats Murder [01:10:59.710] Bash1nBra1nZ: Rynali loves his sharky [01:10:59.987] GG3ZUS: :( [01:11:00.364] fiyaproof: are you fucking kidding me [01:11:00.369] Tom2: D: [01:11:00.372] Jusses: Poor Blåhaj D: [01:11:00.460] duckstm: shaking and crying right now with my Blåhaj [01:11:00.557] johnkeiwo: PICK IT UP !!!! [01:11:00.707] awesomerem1: Meanie [01:11:00.930] JohnBanks117: NOT THE BLÅHAJ D: [01:11:01.338] Cupcakez92: @Jusses Could be worse..Could be a sosse he got [01:11:01.728] I_Am_Zombie_Man: how dare 😔 [01:11:01.966] 57ranma: PICK NUMBER THREE ✌🏼MY LORD! [01:11:02.154] vidyagaem7: Ahahaha [01:11:02.316] 1tunari: put it into oven [01:11:02.480] just_call_me_kei: NOOOOOO!!!!!! [01:11:03.084] winterruwu: D: D: [01:11:03.360] Scout1605: Nnnnnnooooooooo [01:11:03.376] viljosayshi: it's just the egg [01:11:03.407] raxolotl: its t it's a quintessential trans girl plush [01:11:03.718] MrPuddles40: not blahaj how could you do that? [01:11:03.797] Cassie_Plays_Games: Blahaj NOOOOOOOO [01:11:04.053] MayBeAJinx: That's a hate crime D: [01:11:04.091] Dualityu: i forgot about the shark fear lmao [01:11:04.342] Xylomn: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:04.659] pyramidpancakes: BUT BLAHAJ [01:11:04.725] johnkeiwo: BAD EGIRL [01:11:04.925] Sprinkles38: thats transphobic [01:11:05.010] y0rk5h1r3: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:05.211] cormoranoimperatore: Nooooo you killed it NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:11:05.281] ElFuaLoco033: D: PETA [01:11:06.138] Facts_With_Kat: Hey finn! asleepyWave [01:11:06.167] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:11:06.342] onestupidpizza: TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG [01:11:06.483] Jens_LN: but .. We WANT to fuck with you ? [01:11:07.884] itsallbeendone: Shark Pog [01:11:08.079] darthphthalo: D: [01:11:08.133] know1_0: theonlyTeehee [01:11:08.185] sir_public0_0: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:11:08.638] Rtwld: we need to all come together and everyone send him a blåhaj [01:11:09.028] generationken: NAURRR [01:11:09.057] jace_0101: D: [01:11:09.620] 1_smart_donkey: so then we should send strapons [01:11:10.292] barbie_secretstanner: You bitch [01:11:10.312] Flippi_12: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:10.446] Scout1605: 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 [01:11:10.446] Xatonym: zenkCry [01:11:10.794] somerandomduck_: NOOOOOO [01:11:10.861] CloakedN00b: shiver me timbers [01:11:11.195] Solus_kun: D: Dont give him any money anymore ! D: [01:11:11.904] mord_fustangg: deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry [01:11:11.906] purplesingeram: NOOOOOOOO WHHHHHHAAAAAAA [01:11:12.564] 0DanKeks0: cute it open [01:11:12.993] Helen_Croft: you can t kill Blåhaj [01:11:14.087] Weskopad: rynBonk [01:11:14.187] OilP: rooFeels hes dead [01:11:15.110] strinx1120: :D [01:11:15.147] FlyingMortimer: Maybe you should learn to SCUBA dive and see them close up to cure your fear. [01:11:15.188] braddle172: MURDERER [01:11:15.220] turbotorbogoblo: Monster [01:11:15.227] lionnsmane: NOT BLAJAH PLEASE [01:11:15.235] ArminGux: Manly man behaviour [01:11:15.371] skystrobe: NO f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:11:15.621] TenMuses: I guess we're not playing SoT anytime soon... [01:11:15.721] JohnBanks117: D: [01:11:15.883] carolinelikesdinner: HE IS AN INNOCENT MAN [01:11:16.464] commanderredpanda: TRANSPHOBIA [01:11:16.604] Femboy1exe: WHAT IS WRONG WITH U D: [01:11:16.624] jupiterstone: do it you wont [01:11:16.747] Ghouldr: Kill a shark? Buy a crocodile dundee knife! @F1NN5TER [01:11:16.793] nubian_sith_lord: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:16.910] Scout1605: 😢😢😢😢😢😢 [01:11:17.267] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynBonk rynSharky rynBonk rynSharky rynBonk rynSharky rynBonk rynSharky [01:11:17.639] bellamyvvv: F1N RN f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [01:11:17.985] alpha_chaos3836: Unsub [01:11:19.276] theheaviestemu: Blåhaj [01:11:19.437] dire_winter: you monster he was finn jr. get it cuz sharks have fins [01:11:20.368] Firelord_Redflames: @F1NN5TER Kreygasm Yes, ma'am I wanna test you! [01:11:21.075] jemand1243: she just got rid of half her fan base? [01:11:21.103] saltyfcraker: rynBonk [01:11:21.853] alexx_net: It's part of your cure. [01:11:22.336] Hanzen_33: F [01:11:23.108] johnkeiwo: CHAT UNIONIZE !!!! [01:11:23.538] Owly_9: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:23.632] johnkeiwo: CHAT UNIONIZE !!!! [01:11:23.782] Xatonym: nalvCry ninjaaCry wattsCRY [01:11:23.845] elf_admirer: i need ideas of what to paint [01:11:24.116] johnkeiwo: CHAT UNIONIZE !!!! [01:11:24.251] Facts_With_Kat: WAIT NOT THE BLAJAH [01:11:24.509] Rtwld: 2000 blåhajs [01:11:24.560] sissyjessie: Animal Abuse D: [01:11:24.606] c__r__j: Poor Blahaj! f1nnSad [01:11:24.888] strinx1120: D: [01:11:24.922] awesomerem1: Apologize [01:11:25.226] pianoismyforte_: But it's adorable!!!! [01:11:25.411] chocochewie1: Noooo! Not Blahaj! [01:11:26.199] thecuxspm: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [01:11:26.820] Cheeky_Nandor: that'll teach us [01:11:27.849] Amoyamoyamoya: YOU HAVE A SHORK PLUSHIE DOWNSTAIRS!!! [01:11:28.733] toomanybees___: Sharkn't [01:11:28.753] pyramidpancakes: ... [01:11:28.843] carolinelikesdinner: Shaking crying throwing up [01:11:29.071] SeiReiJoku: D: Too Far [01:11:29.312] ravioli430: :( [01:11:29.759] random_muffin_: NOOO [01:11:29.983] saltyfcraker: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:11:30.001] CloakedN00b: gottem [01:11:30.046] Blind_Play: bla-ASH [01:11:30.292] y0rk5h1r3: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:30.324] Spectre223: More like..? [01:11:30.442] Weskopad: bubuStab rynSharky [01:11:30.935] Scout1605: TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit TwitchLit [01:11:31.249] Cassie_Plays_Games: obkatNotlikethis obkatNotlikethis obkatNotlikethis obkatNotlikethis [01:11:31.264] tarakagyu: thats cold [01:11:31.302] Crunkology: SOME FEMBOYS JUST WANNA WATCH THE WORLD BURN [01:11:31.659] rudyzwierz: GAWG GURA TOO? [01:11:31.676] tallorangeone: witnessed a murder live on twitch oh god [01:11:31.696] MayBeAJinx: Blahajn't? [01:11:32.492] kikogitar: avrege brit behavior [01:11:33.313] saint_r: bimbo brain LUL [01:11:33.509] Facts_With_Kat: BLAHAJ MY BABYYYY [01:11:33.732] Girbeagly: Only send Blahajs now [01:11:34.064] starless_x: sharks are adorable [01:11:34.703] sivizius: Where can I report a hate-crime? [01:11:34.834] ItsMegaScott: nice quick come back [01:11:35.250] the2st: TO FAR [01:11:35.310] TWIINKISxICONIC: hi my first time here,how is it going [01:11:35.365] macduffle: #canceld [01:11:35.374] johnkeiwo: RIOT [01:11:35.453] ScarredLemon: APOLOGISE [01:11:35.846] thecuxspm: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:11:36.127] OGpiepro: badhaj [01:11:36.960] random_muffin_: DONT HURT HIM [01:11:37.472] viljosayshi: 🥚 [01:11:37.580] crazzygur: you didnt [01:11:37.803] commanderredpanda: finn fucked up [01:11:38.530] duplotracer: Hey, let the blahaj [01:11:39.086] GrinchMD: PauseChamp [01:11:39.398] Grizeldarky: SOMEONE SHOULD SEND YOU A BLAHAJ FULL OF BEES NEXT TIME (I’m joking moderators I’m joking) [01:11:39.586] ashenjag: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [01:11:39.635] elf_admirer: I need painting ideas [01:11:39.706] anjeronett: UNIONIZE [01:11:40.895] BillyConx: TRANSFOBIANN [01:11:41.679] DexterTheFourth: riot! [01:11:42.160] KOwOnchi: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:11:42.355] know1_0: cliccyMangolicc cliccyMangolicc cliccyMangolicc [01:11:42.666] Flippi_12: bad girl rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:11:42.727] lionnsmane: EVERYONE LeAVE BOYCOT HIM [01:11:42.982] md15185o: dblueSpray dblueSpray dblueSpray dblueSpray [01:11:43.055] im_up_to_something: Animal abuse rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:11:43.164] Amoyamoyamoya: He's denying his shork ownership Chat [01:11:43.906] Spectre223: Gottem? [01:11:43.957] mord_fustangg: deegsCry deegsCry [01:11:43.981] pyramidpancakes: wow [01:11:44.243] Femboy1exe: To far Finn qwq [01:11:44.256] eclipsi0: room temperature moment [01:11:44.430] johnkeiwo: RIOT hasRaid RIOT hasRaid RIOT hasRaid RIOT hasRaid [01:11:44.793] Zymies: GG [01:11:45.310] Jens_LN: RIOT !! [01:11:46.224] pianoismyforte_: APOLOGISE NOW! [01:11:46.410] sir_public0_0: Bad femboy [01:11:46.591] ElFuaLoco033: cmonBruh ? [01:11:46.658] saltyfcraker: rynKnife [01:11:46.713] Jusses: Apologize the shark! [01:11:47.117] Cupcakez92: F i chatten för blåhajjen :( [01:11:47.685] thecomplexreject: BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack [01:11:48.419] h_r_buff_n_stuff: rynBonk rynSharky rynBonk rynSharky rynBonk rynSharky [01:11:49.490] penguin_noot_noot: Riot! [01:11:50.384] barbie_secretstanner: Unsub everyone [01:11:50.515] carolinelikesdinner: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [01:11:50.677] awesomerem1: Boooooo [01:11:50.924] Xatonym: BibleThump [01:11:50.953] macduffle: F [01:11:51.166] Scout1605: Got clapped [01:11:51.197] theheaviestemu: You gonna cut off its F1nn5? [01:11:51.213] garbage_teir: roses brain never stops buffering [01:11:51.338] GrinchMD: F [01:11:51.379] beatle_88: GlitchLit [01:11:51.884] kishere123: I am sad now BibleThump [01:11:52.653] DerpOfthyBacon: Haha shark [01:11:52.696] probepackung: that took a bit too long [01:11:52.699] Emmy64_: Cancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:11:53.001] adamwoodhousetwitch: Shark F1nn Soup? [01:11:53.733] elt_gknights10: vnceofWTF [01:11:54.280] Solus_kun: RIOT [01:11:54.297] zer0110: this just went downhill SO fast [01:11:54.418] vetras91: RIOT [01:11:54.674] HexGrrrrl: thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype [01:11:54.739] stumagoo992: hello femboy police, i just witnessed a stabbing [01:11:55.093] unbidduck: well that was anticlimactic [01:11:55.456] maya_moo_plays: literally transphobia [01:11:56.105] general_of_cm: He just killed the Trans/Femboy/Ikea shark [01:11:59.293] ElFuaLoco033: @johnkeiwo KKona chills my brother hasan [01:12:00.244] pomyq: RIOT [01:12:00.564] Dard505: Dard505 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:12:00.744] f3mmbot dard505 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:12:01.597] y0rk5h1r3: Wait, was that the IKEA trans shark? [01:12:01.802] ScarredLemon: dangerous [01:12:02.566] nearzeus66: PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis [01:12:02.779] viljosayshi: "blahaj, more like..." is proof of the little smooth brain [01:12:03.566] GodBlessBananasplit: you are an ass [01:12:03.767] Bash1nBra1nZ: y0rk5hir3 😂😂😂😂 [01:12:04.923] Jusses: BibleThump [01:12:05.914] anastasia_motionless: plage (it's beach in french) [01:12:06.712] MayBeAJinx: Wait, so you're actually afraid of sharks [01:12:06.905] 7Tsuki0: Unsubbed D: [01:12:07.311] sivizius: I is pronounced blo-hai [01:12:07.371] DragonsxReign: Why would you do that to the trans god blahaj? [01:12:08.175] zombie_1981: f1nnSad Poor shark f1nnSad [01:12:08.417] awesomerem1: Food [01:12:09.215] tallorangeone: fun fact: you're more likely to be stabbed by f1nn than bitten by a shark [01:12:09.538] TheIkeaBear: i love your nails bro [01:12:10.408] onestupidpizza: hmm [01:12:11.600] duplotracer: amazing [01:12:11.858] Amoyamoyamoya: Someone find the photo of the shork plushie... [01:12:12.849] HexGrrrrl: hrt? [01:12:13.987] ArminGux: Need to leave, love you egg cat boi. [01:12:14.173] 57ranma: Imagine the person who sent it didn’t know and now is heart broken cause Finn hated the shark [01:12:14.753] anjeronett: and then he hits us [01:12:15.657] Girbeagly: It's definitely not estrogen :) [01:12:17.804] shoji_kamad: apologize [01:12:17.930] Weskopad: girl pills [01:12:18.045] dire_winter: first you attack finn jr. now Mike the mic!!!!! [01:12:18.622] penguin_noot_noot: BibleThump [01:12:20.051] rudyzwierz: I identify as a shark and i fell offended [01:12:20.123] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:12:21.711] theheaviestemu: Piss crystal [01:12:22.924] alexybyrne: Ir0nWoah hrt [01:12:23.124] duplotracer: :0 [01:12:23.174] lionnsmane: YEAH [01:12:25.588] cutecat454: The shark is dead [01:12:26.893] abe1_2: I thought you were vegetarian [01:12:26.987] theegotiger: Delicious [01:12:27.626] MayBeAJinx: How do you feel about sharkweek? [01:12:27.634] Solus_kun: Pick up the shark D: [01:12:29.256] lionnsmane: MORE BLAJAH [01:12:30.902] HexGrrrrl: thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype [01:12:32.591] Jens_LN: Not sprinkles ... it's an aphrodisiac [01:12:33.313] the2st: Shark is filled with estrogen [01:12:33.455] c__r__j: Eating shark? Spoken like a true vegetarian. [01:12:33.880] zer0110: shark steaks are awesome tho [01:12:34.207] kishere123: poor shark f1nnHands [01:12:35.167] olivierbasilieres: i kiss my homies [01:12:35.803] pianoismyforte_: The Blahaj is a trans icon F1NN. The symbolism here is not good... [01:12:36.348] carolinelikesdinner: Hydrate!! [01:12:41.613] foxen1905: its sharks in Michigan and Iowa [01:12:46.189] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Shark bait hoo ha ha [01:12:47.546] johnkeiwo: truuuue [01:12:51.257] awesomerem1: Nice [01:12:51.282] ThaProdigy0: cute [01:12:52.193] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:12:53.584] braddle172: lol [01:12:55.928] y0rk5h1r3: LUL LUL LUL [01:12:57.328] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:12:57.424] duplotracer: KEKW [01:12:57.842] tarakagyu: lol [01:13:00.333] strahd05: Don’t eat sharks. Stop supporting shark fishing. [01:13:03.687] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:13:04.342] Kolateak_: Can you send it to me instead? I'd like some of that [01:13:04.536] coolestpersonnnnn: KEKW [01:13:04.938] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:13:05.346] OilP: KEKW [01:13:05.353] carolinelikesdinner: NAURRRR [01:13:06.094] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:13:07.250] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:13:07.634] viljosayshi: I'll take the free HRT [01:13:09.096] OpsCoreFAST: is the shark alright? [01:13:10.555] ElFuaLoco033: based [01:13:11.016] Eldtuva: sew him up [01:13:11.233] theegotiger: KEKW [01:13:13.117] Facts_With_Kat: WAIT PLEASE GIVE ME THAT HRT [01:13:14.227] Palazzo006: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 [01:13:14.454] duplotracer: KEKW OMEGALUL [01:13:16.270] general_of_cm: now its a whale [01:13:16.772] Wendy_A1: Sounds like she is asking for HRT in the mail [01:13:17.612] Emmy64_: Fair enough LUL [01:13:17.737] BillyConx: Bl[au]haj is the best friend [01:13:17.837] robbie1945: does freddy have his own stream? [01:13:17.957] OGpiepro: basedhaj [01:13:18.162] Bash1nBra1nZ: awe he's cuddling sharky [01:13:18.932] tallorangeone: that's better! [01:13:20.831] ThaProdigy0: f1nn is always super cute. [01:13:23.892] garbage_teir: you can perfecty legally buy estrogen without a perscription. I have been considering buy progesteron [01:13:24.917] deimantaslt: nalopiHi [01:13:25.227] flex_uli: nice [01:13:25.326] Amoyamoyamoya: Cancel F1nn for Anti-Shorkness. [01:13:25.429] Zymies: Fat shark [01:13:26.025] Jens_LN: Fat shark ! [01:13:26.660] HexGrrrrl: thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype [01:13:26.938] Kolateak_: Same [01:13:27.632] johnkeiwo: Put him next to Alfred ! [01:13:27.935] daniel_peck: @general_of_cm LUL [01:13:27.944] Jusses: You can sew shut the hole you stabbed [01:13:27.990] Xylomn: chibiSpider [01:13:28.138] dire_winter: anyone agree on naming of the shark I have an idea (also it's a pun) [01:13:28.761] theheaviestemu: Shork [01:13:31.302] Cassie_Plays_Games: He's friend shaped! [01:13:31.568] Grizeldarky: GOOD ENDING [01:13:32.210] alexx_net: The shark is better for hugs [01:13:33.313] tallorangeone: slowly overcoming fear of sharks in a wholesome way [01:13:33.519] AppleSaph: blahaj my beloved Prayge [01:13:34.008] onestupidpizza: goodbye sharky [01:13:34.918] DragonsxReign: So many transfemmes cried seeing their idol stabbed right in the face [01:13:35.169] 0aiirO: BLAHAJ <3 ^^ [01:13:36.990] y0rk5h1r3: Maybe it's a whale shark [01:13:42.232] carolinelikesdinner: Pretend hes a dolphin [01:13:43.313] fireghost57: hi [01:13:43.883] CyanideSpaceBoy: all of yall sending hrt is the chat plz hit me up <3 [01:13:44.940] Jens_LN: missed Helens message [01:13:50.852] BillyConx: Hide your Estrogen in Bl[au]haj [01:13:53.041] CloakedN00b: ? dannyd43FenCry WHY YOU SHANK ME dannyd43FenCry ? [01:13:53.767] duplotracer: I didn't manage to get a blahaj yet :( [01:13:54.352] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER Where is the Dolphin tho ? from Flippi_12 ?? [01:13:55.904] johnkeiwo: Hitting blahaj is transphobic [01:13:56.925] Owly_9: rynSharky rynSharky [01:14:04.010] Cupcakez92: Blåhaj <3 [01:14:05.459] Jusses: Stuffie surgery should be very doable. I've done it twice on my spouse's Blåhaj to restuff it [01:14:07.030] foxen1905: the Michigan shark wil gome and get you [01:14:08.169] theheaviestemu: Blåhaj [01:14:08.391] johnkeiwo: They just are !!! [01:14:08.541] just_call_me_kei: Shark is there to help you get over your fears [01:14:08.780] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:14:12.775] Facts_With_Kat: I’d love to get free HRT in the mail [01:14:12.796] duplotracer: shork [01:14:13.393] awesomerem1: because trans people like him [01:14:13.533] Helen_Croft: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bl%C3%A5haj @F1NN5TER [01:14:14.647] general_of_cm: the colors [01:14:14.869] femboy1165: finn, when can I do some sucky sucky? [01:14:15.935] TheGrinch89: the colours Finn [01:14:16.194] Jens_LN: rynBonk rynBonk [01:14:16.323] ozeantj: coplour [01:14:17.027] Owly_9: rynBonk rynBonk [01:14:17.037] TheKnuckle44: so Freddy needs to keep taking the HRT? lmao he can't let it go to waste [01:14:17.185] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GivePLZ MercyWing2 [01:14:17.267] c__r__j: Blahaj is a covert trans symbol: blue, white, pink. [01:14:17.638] mord_fustangg: deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry deegsCry [01:14:17.675] Ghouldr: blåhaj [01:14:17.708] d4vid__20: f1nnKnife [01:14:18.182] johnkeiwo: All transgirls have Blahaj's [01:14:18.849] h_r_buff_n_stuff: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:14:19.127] vetras91: idk color i think [01:14:19.550] raxolotl: every trans girl has one [01:14:20.378] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun puckLove [01:14:20.435] carolinelikesdinner: BibleThump [01:14:21.473] Tordenbob: YEP [01:14:21.828] garbage_teir: blahaj is a trans icon. [01:14:23.819] chocochewie1: Because it can be. [01:14:24.875] bellamyvvv: f1nnKnife [01:14:25.379] Bash1nBra1nZ: jusses yes definitely. now sewing stream [01:14:25.722] vanimal2118: So Freddie is dealing HRT, asking for a friend? [01:14:26.364] ArminGux: ? [01:14:26.730] BillyConx: Bl[au]haj is trans flag, also lets you hug them when you're depressed [01:14:26.956] CloakedN00b: dannyd43FenCry dannyd43FenCry dannyd43FenCry dannyd43FenCry [01:14:27.799] DragonsxReign: Blahaj holds the trans community together! [01:14:29.124] nubian_sith_lord: rynBonk rynSharky rynSharky [01:14:29.158] ShoelaceIssues: A lot of transfems like him for sun reason [01:14:29.647] Dualityu: its like bisexuals and frogs [01:14:31.535] themindscrambler: there has to be a shark 🦈 vtuber that f1nn can scream about while he is interviewed [01:14:31.860] TWIINKISxICONIC: comedy at its finest [01:14:32.265] Cassie_Plays_Games: Blahaj threw the first brick at Stonewall [01:14:33.420] Facts_With_Kat: Because it’s pink blue and white [01:14:33.481] megaroot: rynSharky [01:14:34.311] ScarredLemon: Ayo f1nnMonka [01:14:35.851] aAndrew3030: CANCELLED! [01:14:36.444] Stovamor: That's a fucking stupid idea, donator [01:14:36.707] gammalsvenska: your pronounciation is completely wrong anyway [01:14:37.479] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn has a Taster [01:14:37.488] Jens_LN: that was kinda scary [01:14:38.123] theegotiger: so we dont already do that LUL [01:14:39.056] know1_0: cliccyMangostroll cliccyMangostroll cliccyMangostroll [01:14:42.980] cormoranoimperatore: I have no idea why, it just happened [01:14:45.054] theheaviestemu: Sharkussy [01:14:45.567] viljosayshi: every trans (myself included) has a trans shark [01:14:45.656] tarakagyu: don't drug the femboy [01:14:46.805] ComputedBee: Blahaj is trans. Abusing Blahaj is transphobia [01:14:47.297] 02f2: 02f2 subscribed with Prime. [01:14:47.355] fieri574: blåhaj community rise [01:14:47.509] f3mmbot 02f2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang 02f2 f1nnLezgang [01:14:48.102] 02f2: 02f2 subscribed with Prime. [01:14:48.284] f3mmbot 02f2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang 02f2 f1nnLezgang [01:14:49.716] Jens_LN: flag colors too [01:14:55.002] gammalsvenska: it's more like bloh hej [01:14:58.138] Ghouldr: blåhaj [01:15:03.906] ComputedBee: Blahaj says trans rights [01:15:04.154] ElFuaLoco033: marvel POGGERS [01:15:05.022] general_of_cm: POG [01:15:07.268] braddle172: KomodoHype [01:15:08.525] gammalsvenska: or bloh hey [01:15:08.817] ArminGux: Shark boi and lava girl [01:15:08.905] BillyConx: Bl {au] Haj [01:15:10.279] jvlivs777: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [01:15:10.483] carolinelikesdinner: Finn transphobic not clickbait [01:15:12.380] averylaughlin1: That idea is illegal [01:15:17.863] Cupcakez92: My swedish ears bleed with the destruction of the word Blåhaj :( [01:15:20.075] jennytag: Clown fish are trans 🏳️‍⚧️ [01:15:20.726] swissminion_06: sailor moon POGGERS [01:15:22.553] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER We go Riot soon Where is the little Dolphin from Flippi ? D: [01:15:23.766] SubliminalCorruption: Can someone please educate him about the correct pronunciation? I am pretty sure that the J is not pronounced like that. [01:15:24.993] jbl2000hz_: Hi <3 [01:15:25.509] johnkeiwo: cuz sharks are cute [01:15:27.376] la_za13: d [01:15:28.807] garbage_teir: cause sharks are good [01:15:29.164] flex_uli: earrings [01:15:29.751] gammalsvenska: @Cupcakez92 my non-swedish ones, too :( [01:15:30.529] BeornkTheBork: Hi Finn [01:15:31.886] la_za13: heyy [01:15:33.337] racersmod11: Hey, 1st time here. What are we doing? [01:15:35.466] 1_smart_donkey: D ring [01:15:35.947] MayBeAJinx: FUCK PAPERSTRAWS [01:15:37.407] y0rk5h1r3: Because Jaws was a hit piece [01:15:38.504] Jens_LN: Because the sharks are fucking delicious ! [01:15:40.975] HexGrrrrl: thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype shark good [01:15:41.929] Bash1nBra1nZ: blahaj????? hmm Imma b researching also interesting. [01:15:43.728] Amoyamoyamoya: Each year, Cows kill more people than Sharks [01:15:45.695] Courier6___: FUCK THSOE PAPER STRWAS [01:15:45.899] abe1_2: they make Metal straws [01:15:46.418] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:15:47.406] Cazenn: Woah now D: [01:15:49.071] ComputedBee: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:15:49.556] Kolateak_: I literally bought 1000 plastic straws because nowhere had them anymore [01:15:52.537] la_za13: heyyy Finnn [01:15:54.938] sky_night4213: are you going to start Mc server? PunchTrees PunchTrees [01:15:55.665] garbage_teir: you dont have to ditch plastic straws you have to kill oil execs [01:15:58.375] Bellumir: Sharks can't buy MickyDs [01:15:59.598] lionnsmane: YES, thats exactly what im saying [01:16:00.009] BillyConx: I can wear the turtle costume If you're really missing that so much [01:16:00.377] carolinelikesdinner: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:03.013] Helen_Croft: blue white pink [01:16:08.466] pianoismyforte_: And the pink mouth [01:16:10.241] Cupcakez92: blåhaj = blue shark BibleThump [01:16:15.277] DragonsxReign: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:16.726] note_pad_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:16.815] BeornkTheBork: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:16.917] dire_winter: PogBones PogBones PogBones [01:16:20.669] TenMuses: that's from me. to confirm the diamonds match their certificates. [01:16:21.505] c__r__j: Yes, F1nn, we know you "choke the turtle" regularly. [01:16:27.963] strahd05: Okay. Fuck it. Eat turtles. The sharks too. [01:16:34.793] johnkeiwo: we know [01:16:36.242] y0rk5h1r3: @c__r__j LUL LUL LUL [01:16:36.361] Helen_Croft: that is to find the pp [01:16:37.824] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [01:16:38.212] Amoyamoyamoya: That's for when you work on your jewelry. [01:16:39.429] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:16:43.206] Solus_kun: Lazy eye ? OMEGALUL [01:16:46.360] BillyConx: Gem light [01:16:46.911] Amoyamoyamoya: @Helen_Croft, What pp? [01:16:48.345] jakskidshaw: Get a sharktooth knife and get over it. [01:16:49.457] Helen_Croft: that is to find the pp @F1NN5TER [01:16:50.369] BillyConx: blessed [01:16:53.321] JorWat: IKEA tells us that Blåhaj "is not dangerous at all, just soft to hug and safe to have by their side". So no need to stab it. [01:16:53.970] Brainfishes: For see the pp [01:16:54.826] Courier6___: Look in the camera with that [01:16:56.369] RageCatalyst: RageCatalyst subscribed with Prime. [01:16:56.546] f3mmbot ragecatalyst subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ragecatalyst f1nnLezgang [01:16:56.762] y0rk5h1r3: It's for looking at your penis LUL [01:16:57.229] dire_winter: "ooooh leather" this one likes the leather things. [01:16:58.106] carolinelikesdinner: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:58.543] halo4fan27: PokPikachu [01:16:58.620] Flippi_12: Lazy eyes helper LUL [01:16:59.625] 1_smart_donkey: yeah you can find your dick [01:17:01.210] Gshunlee: YAAA RAGE [01:17:02.427] aunalbrutal: Is that so you can find your pp? [01:17:03.876] OGpiepro: retroreflective [01:17:04.542] Gshunlee: GADYAM [01:17:05.613] Agrena: Now f1nn can find hos pp [01:17:05.615] Bash1nBra1nZ: hmm so like the belle Delphine outfit had the colors the trans flag [01:17:08.080] swissminion_06: SPINS [01:17:09.630] Amoyamoyamoya: Don't talk about his lazy eye Chat. [01:17:11.882] BillyConx: Know Rose can find the chat's restraint [01:17:13.104] estrogen44: @dire_winter a bit sus innit [01:17:13.691] Jens_LN: who sent it ? [01:17:13.915] kishere123: I forgive you for hurting sharky f1nnHeadpat [01:17:14.099] ComputedBee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:17:18.243] c__r__j: Predict with channel points: F1nn forgets he turned his knife over when he tries to close it? [01:17:19.446] Oracle840: Oracle840 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! love the streams i just got covid and I'm very happy to be able to watch your stream while sick in bed [01:17:19.650] f3mmbot oracle840 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [01:17:20.624] Amoyamoyamoya: He might notice if everyone mentions it... [01:17:26.266] dire_winter: @ioersdj very [01:17:26.559] sky_night4213: are you going to start a Mc server? PunchTrees SSSsss PunchTrees SSSsss [01:17:27.777] TenMuses: have you received the earrings yet.? it's to confirm they match the ones in the certificates [01:17:28.264] FlyingMortimer: Can use it to detect watermarks. [01:17:28.938] kishere123: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:17:37.734] Solus_kun: Amoya KEKW [01:17:45.424] 0JazzJessica0: 0JazzJessica0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! I came out to my parents as trans and they got me therapy. I mean free therapy is free therapy so win win [01:17:45.628] f3mmbot 0jazzjessica0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [01:17:46.416] vidyagaem7: F1nn is so lazy even his eyes are affected [01:17:54.785] swissminion_06: me got scammed D: [01:17:56.803] johnkeiwo: @0JazzJessica0, letsgoooo ! [01:17:57.786] vizionzxrl: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:18:01.416] Wolf_Dkk: Hi F1nn What mirror do you use? [01:18:02.915] lexa_tgirl: hey from South Africa [01:18:10.943] mpr1999: are you right eye or left eye dominant and do you write with a different hand [01:18:13.651] cormoranoimperatore: @0jazzjessica0 Pog if they were accepting [01:18:14.698] tarakagyu: not any more [01:18:18.687] commanderredpanda: not in the uk [01:18:18.805] Myoukochou: It's not therapy, it's more of a "What do you want" kind of thing [01:18:21.781] garbage_teir: depends on the state and countryy [01:18:23.269] carolinelikesdinner: 💀💀💀 [01:18:23.667] Bash1nBra1nZ: don't look at his eye don't look at his eye don't look at his eye. I wasn't staring at his eye dude [01:18:24.649] tallorangeone: @lexa_tgirl ayy another south african! [01:18:25.427] soerrenderman: depends on the country [01:18:26.517] jaynov18: it depends on where you are and your insurance [01:18:27.010] MayBeAJinx: If anything, the "therapy" is just gatekeeping trans people [01:18:28.410] ScarredLemon: Gura? [01:18:29.446] LittleChaSiu: Gawr Gura!! [01:18:30.712] maciekitty636: nope not anymore just need there right doctor [01:18:31.927] duplotracer: Gira? [01:18:36.937] duplotracer: *Gura? [01:18:37.515] Brainfishes: Gawr Gura x F1nn. Screaming. [01:18:39.050] BillyConx: Finn must smooch the Bl[au]haj [01:18:39.219] johnkeiwo: hey Pynk [01:18:39.684] Jens_LN: Gaw Gura or ShyLily [01:18:41.405] Barnar11: depending where you live some countries require a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a therapist for any surgeries [01:18:41.549] Solus_kun: Gawr Gura <3 [01:18:44.160] Myoukochou: @0JazzJessica0 Good if they were accepting, if not, ... just don't take 'therapy' from any church people or anyone that isn't a *qualified psychologist* [01:18:45.270] FlyingMortimer: Learn to face your fears. [01:18:45.680] general_of_cm: LUL [01:18:48.641] johnkeiwo: Deserved ! [01:18:49.974] carolinelikesdinner: Gura F1nn5ter collab?? [01:18:51.474] drbuckethead123: OMEGALUL [01:18:51.560] PynkFryck: Should already have arrived [01:18:52.428] raxolotl: f1nn is scared of gawr gura [01:18:53.627] BillyConx: Thats getting clipped [01:18:53.639] OGpiepro: finn justice [01:18:53.902] higgsleftknut: at least in na you have to get a shit ton of doc notes to be able to even consider anything [01:18:54.234] probepackung: LuL [01:18:55.099] Ghouldr: I hope F1nn shows up with a crocodile dundee knife next stream. [01:18:55.529] Flippi_12: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:18:56.536] Rtwld: time for gawr gura interview [01:18:58.351] Kolateak_: @MayBeAJinx Or perhaps making sure people actually wanna go through with stuff [01:18:59.637] HexGrrrrl: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:19:01.413] theheaviestemu: First time? [01:19:02.180] c__r__j: F1nn cancelled. [01:19:05.965] Helen_Croft: Dont hurt Blåhaj anymore @F1NN5TER [01:19:08.360] jaynov18: for me if I wanted to transition all I had to do is sign a paper. BUT if I want surgery then I need letters of recommendation [01:19:08.375] carolinelikesdinner: They just cant handle a #girlboss [01:19:13.542] King__Mosabi: can't wait to see that clip [01:19:13.880] h_r_buff_n_stuff: You have a kink and don't let that hold you back so you should give sharks a chance [01:19:13.899] Loelinverse: et ut Brutus? [01:19:15.146] Jens_LN: shoes [01:19:15.295] ShoelaceIssues: !uptime [01:19:15.475] johnkeiwo: Oh BOUHOU another cis white male persecuted for regular old transphobia, god damn leftist snowflakes KKona [01:19:15.550] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 19m 21s [01:19:15.646] Myoukochou: @Barnar11 Therapists aren't qualified enough to diagnose, you need a psychiatrist with a specialism [01:19:15.789] aunalbrutal: It was nice so long it lasted he weill be cancelled :P [01:19:16.470] ElFuaLoco033: KreyGasm [01:19:16.591] Solus_kun: im still wondering where the Dolphin went D: [01:19:16.943] EvelynnWasTakenn: @carolinelikesdinner yes :) [01:19:17.565] Brainfishes: rynSharky [01:19:17.585] maciekitty636: I would know I'm male to female been doing it for 12 years [01:19:17.859] swissminion_06: rose i redemed spin, come on PepeHands [01:19:17.987] 0JazzJessica0: @F1NN5TER it was therapy to try to "correct" me after I came out but I talked to the therapist and they said that if I didn't want that to be the goal then she'll just help me with whatever [01:19:17.992] BillyConx: Insert the Fleshlight into the Shark [01:19:20.368] Budumpshh: gotta stab more eggyKnife [01:19:20.572] CloakedN00b: no [01:19:21.542] Weskopad: the loop had a flashlight [01:19:22.145] general_of_cm: the SFW type or the NSFW type [01:19:22.161] doge_thunder: “I stab one trans icon in the throat” [01:19:22.219] y0rk5h1r3: Shake Weight? [01:19:22.329] drakenimations: Thighs now please [01:19:22.670] TheGrinch89: inb4 dildo [01:19:22.762] itsatena: YES [01:19:23.111] c__r__j: How would you know what a fleshlight sounds like? [01:19:23.578] drbuckethead123: Kreygasm [01:19:23.685] bellamyvvv: OPEN IT f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [01:19:23.949] 1_smart_donkey: shoes [01:19:23.964] theegotiger: I wouldnt Know [01:19:24.246] ozeantj: @c__r__j agree [01:19:24.528] Agrena: Manly man streamer scared of gura [01:19:25.702] carolinelikesdinner: Def TOS [01:19:26.854] theegotiger: LUL [01:19:26.931] dire_winter: one stab is too many stab, should be -number of stabs [01:19:27.318] Flippi_12: why would f1nn even need a fleshlight??? [01:19:27.914] Bellumir: sussy flashlight [01:19:32.827] tarakagyu: flashlight definitely [01:19:33.155] theegotiger: could be a Dildo [01:19:33.211] peavey443: It was an attack on transgender sharks everywhere i am appualed [01:19:34.795] Myoukochou: @0JazzJessica0 oofffff [01:19:36.927] carolinelikesdinner: LMAOOOO [01:19:37.385] Jens_LN: no [01:19:37.547] bluj40: probably a lego set [01:19:37.874] zer0110: Galeophobia [01:19:38.445] Amoyamoyamoya: Wrong kind of box.... [01:19:39.158] i_am_the_auggie: omg lol [01:19:39.358] fluffgamer15: yes [01:19:39.554] Jens_LN: Shoes [01:19:39.847] Blind_Play: no [01:19:39.869] johnkeiwo: no [01:19:39.897] King__Mosabi: she says she has a phobia then goes on about attack trans.... yikes lmfao KEKW [01:19:40.026] Ghouldr: no [01:19:40.107] awesomerem1: no [01:19:40.237] MayBeAJinx: @MayBeAJinx There's less than 1% that detransitions, gatekeeping literally kills trans people [01:19:40.278] DanNPDog: u stabbed a icon in the throat, Didn't know they had throats????????? [01:19:41.418] juddle: no [01:19:41.927] sissyjessie: Yes [01:19:42.417] drbuckethead123: shyyHmm [01:19:42.478] themindscrambler: nah [01:19:42.625] chocochewie1: You have to go to through a lot of therapy to get what you need. [01:19:42.660] JohnBanks117: no [01:19:42.986] ashenjag: Hopefully not something fragile [01:19:43.123] coolestpersonnnnn: no [01:19:43.769] vidyagaem7: Too big [01:19:43.811] marieemilie1: YES [01:19:43.863] nandosjr0800: No [01:19:43.998] total_acidity: no [01:19:44.047] Solus_kun: no [01:19:44.129] theegotiger: Sextoy [01:19:44.312] duplotracer: could also be a bomb KEKW [01:19:44.717] flex_uli: no [01:19:44.838] Vcane3: no [01:19:45.724] snoop_uwu: yup [01:19:45.893] stumagoo992: no, but i bet it feels like one [01:19:46.001] fieri574: YES [01:19:46.466] commanderredpanda: dill dogh [01:19:46.537] Flippi_12: no [01:19:46.680] vanimal2118: TOS flash light or regular? [01:19:46.729] Owly_9: no [01:19:47.042] TheGrinch89: no [01:19:47.059] Brainfishes: no [01:19:47.389] Budumpshh: how do u know what that sounds like [01:19:47.735] xenofizzz: no [01:19:48.742] bellamyvvv: YES [01:19:48.864] braddle172: wouldnt know [01:19:49.243] TenMuses: the shark does have a hole in it now... [01:19:49.792] averylaughlin1: Take care of the things people send you even if you give them up [01:19:49.936] ShoelaceIssues: I mean a little [01:19:50.194] PhatPillo: Can you cut away from you [01:19:51.183] simdewart: no [01:19:52.291] jewgold22: dibs [01:19:53.011] 1_smart_donkey: why would somebody send you one [01:19:54.054] awesomerem1: lol [01:19:54.932] Scout1605: 😩😩😩😩 [01:19:55.034] carolinelikesdinner: Yes [01:19:55.048] BillyConx: If you're lucky its another Cage and some will to live [01:19:55.395] Mosseicos: No [01:19:55.608] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:19:56.632] juddle: oh no [01:19:57.241] Solus_kun: TOS ? monkaS maybe [01:19:57.436] bunnupsie: Yes [01:19:57.481] lifebound: TOS? [01:19:59.980] Kolateak_: BLACK BOX [01:20:02.311] cyrano_red_canada: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [01:20:02.664] Agrena: I remember the stream where f1nn complain he didnt get egough buttplugs and now he is complaining his wish came true [01:20:02.849] theegotiger: LUL [01:20:03.349] duplotracer: KEKW [01:20:03.360] Grizeldarky: Sounds like an helicopter to be honest [01:20:06.929] toomanybees___: KEKW [01:20:09.361] theegotiger: NOT HIS MOUTH YOU SAY [01:20:10.077] johnkeiwo: oh this might be [01:20:10.218] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:20:10.335] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 60 "Flesh Light?" "Yes" "No" [01:20:11.080] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "Flesh Light?" [01:20:11.481] itsatena: KEKW [01:20:12.087] Roxy_Gaming18: So glad I didn’t make a bet [01:20:12.658] nubian_sith_lord: PunOko TableHere [01:20:12.992] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:20:14.004] 0pepega: Poggers [01:20:14.642] Emmy64_: Thats a dildo LUL [01:20:15.638] MayBeAJinx: No [01:20:15.818] Cazenn: No [01:20:15.932] johnkeiwo: no [01:20:15.941] Jens_LN: who is it from ? [01:20:16.800] aluna128: size small [01:20:17.186] skyboundmaster: no lol [01:20:17.267] BillyConx: Will to live [01:20:17.565] juddle: no [01:20:17.870] Bellumir: review on stream [01:20:17.885] braddle172: no [01:20:18.327] dire_winter: it's a surprise trans glitter bomb from the sharks family [01:20:18.376] godsbeenswinging_: pink lady pog [01:20:18.404] Flippi_12: no [01:20:19.575] 0pepega: POGGERS [01:20:20.141] commanderredpanda: no [01:20:20.526] cormoranoimperatore: @0jazzjessica0 Oh conversion therapy, that bunch of violent transphobic pseudoscience bullshit, if that therapist does practice it go find another [01:20:21.278] Myoukochou: I'd think almost certainly NO. [01:20:23.325] probepackung: KEKW [01:20:23.593] OpsCoreFAST: thats what good pussy sounds like [01:20:24.522] purplesingeram: OOOOH [01:20:24.800] JohnBanks117: no [01:20:25.051] PynkFryck: Its very... accurate so prolly TOS [01:20:25.543] itsallbeendone: POGGERS [01:20:26.390] duplotracer: no, you're not allowed I guess [01:20:26.468] packaged_horse: I have'nt bought on in a while so i'm not sure [01:20:26.916] Kai_Marcad: Dude is quite excited about this... [01:20:27.345] carolinelikesdinner: Its def one [01:20:29.114] AJLiveUP: shaker? [01:20:29.157] braddle172: definitely not [01:20:29.479] Spectre223: Just pretend it's a torch [01:20:31.281] cyrano_red_canada: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [01:20:33.789] BillyConx: WE WERE SO CLOSE [01:20:35.159] nubian_sith_lord: VoteYea [01:20:37.404] Budumpshh: it says do not shake D: [01:20:37.487] Helen_Croft: just do show the business end @F1NN5TER [01:20:37.714] Flippi_12: no branding tho monkaS [01:20:41.108] Tom2: congrats on getting a used fleshlight F1NN [01:20:41.414] drbuckethead123: too small for a fleshlight shyyNodders [01:20:41.498] BillyConx: I wanted those channel points [01:20:43.553] BillyConx: Cri [01:20:44.991] King__Mosabi: fleshlight or sand time clock thingy [01:20:45.121] know1_0: too short [01:20:45.954] Philslaya: <3 [01:20:46.851] generationken: NO LMFAOOOO [01:20:48.326] theegotiger: yeah thats a sus package [01:20:48.594] TacPepGaming: TacPepGaming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:20:48.773] f3mmbot tacpepgaming subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:20:49.927] BusyRedo: Felsglight [01:20:49.943] braddle172: drum roll [01:20:50.363] Amoyamoyamoya: Mans really wants a Flesh Light. [01:20:50.658] 1_smart_donkey: it's a book [01:20:51.206] Emmy64_: Its a cocka not fleshlight NotLikeThis [01:20:51.850] y0rk5h1r3: Surely it's too short, well not for F1NN LUL [01:20:53.660] cyrano_red_canada: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:20:54.429] vanimal2118: How many points to end stream? [01:20:54.863] Myoukochou: @0JazzJessica0 No qualified therapist should ever, EVER offer or practice conversion therapy. Decline future appointments unless they're from a gender identity clinic. [01:20:54.899] Bash1nBra1nZ: averylaughin1 like that massager that got destroyed on stream I think last year. [01:20:55.183] awesomerem1: lol [01:20:55.377] Mosseicos: Finn [01:20:56.501] Friend_1589: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [01:20:56.603] awesomerem1: kekw [01:20:58.522] OilP: KEKW [01:20:59.073] Helen_Croft: just dont show the business end @F1NN5TER [01:20:59.435] aluna128: damnit [01:21:00.207] Cazenn: KEKW [01:21:00.275] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL [01:21:00.445] duplotracer: KEKW [01:21:00.834] zer0110: "flashlight" [01:21:01.634] OGpiepro: pog [01:21:02.019] theegotiger: KEKW [01:21:03.113] strinx1120: KEKW [01:21:03.513] carolinelikesdinner: Its totally one [01:21:03.975] braddle172: KEKW [01:21:04.325] Den_drummer: NotLikeThis muh points [01:21:04.529] marieemilie1: BRO HIS LAUGH 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [01:21:04.804] Budumpshh: Kappa [01:21:06.242] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL IT IS [01:21:06.374] Globalnuclear: yeaaa boi [01:21:06.378] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:21:06.961] Dard505: it's average [01:21:07.226] BillyConx: Damn [01:21:07.262] swissminion_06: you dont get to keep it, box timeee KEKW [01:21:07.334] Sgoff113: dood [01:21:07.543] Amoyamoyamoya: Perfect size for you. [01:21:07.740] jeffydavy: KEKW [01:21:08.419] cyrano_red_canada: LUL LUL [01:21:08.975] djsunbeem: LMAO [01:21:09.245] megaroot: Kappa [01:21:09.874] carolinelikesdinner: LMAOOOOOO [01:21:10.173] juddle: my points :( [01:21:10.432] djsunbeem: no shot [01:21:10.940] awesomerem1: no [01:21:11.387] johnkeiwo HERE ARE YOUR POINTS f1nnGremlin ! Thanks for playing inconSteal [01:21:11.519] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "Flesh Light?": Yes with 398 votes (66.78%) [01:21:11.575] anastasia_motionless: critikal did it beforehand [01:21:11.820] coolestpersonnnnn: KEKW [01:21:12.216] spungbobx: LMAO [01:21:12.386] King__Mosabi: KEKW [01:21:12.399] Jens_LN: LOL [01:21:12.879] purplesingeram: WOOOOW [01:21:13.130] awesomerem1: tos [01:21:13.941] xenofizzz: bro what [01:21:14.226] carolinelikesdinner: SCREAMING [01:21:14.471] ScarredLemon: KEKW [01:21:16.549] know1_0: thats what she said [01:21:16.740] bluj40: eww why is the whole thing squishy [01:21:17.149] spungbobx: jesust [01:21:17.321] el_cineaste: birdmanDoctor birdmanDoctor birdmanDoctor birdmanDoctor [01:21:17.525] xweekling: Yesh big PP F1NN [01:21:17.891] bingobongo84: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:21:17.935] theegotiger: LUL [01:21:18.977] orlanTEEN: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:21:19.020] drbuckethead123: shyyEyes shyyEyes [01:21:20.756] nandosjr0800: Small bruh [01:21:21.363] braddle172: yay points [01:21:21.886] carolinelikesdinner: 💀💀💀💀💀 [01:21:22.202] Jens_LN: POG [01:21:22.412] generationken: LMFAOO [01:21:23.577] YUQITE: LUL [01:21:23.702] Spectre223: This goblin cackling at his silicon helper [01:21:23.872] OGpiepro: oh there's an opening [01:21:24.736] duplotracer: XD [01:21:25.177] MayBeAJinx: If Finn ends stream early, we know what's up [01:21:25.400] OGpiepro: what [01:21:25.586] Zymies: lol [01:21:26.710] snoop_uwu: of corse there is an opening lol [01:21:26.713] Zymies: XD [01:21:27.856] theegotiger: KEKW [01:21:27.972] c__r__j: Similar, maybe, but not actually a fleshlight. [01:21:28.042] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [01:21:28.058] carolinelikesdinner: BROOOOOO [01:21:28.817] awesomerem1: you can put it into the shark [01:21:28.960] garbage_teir: too big for finn need to send one a few sizes down [01:21:29.236] bfritz0815: not every hole can be as big as finnussy [01:21:30.119] Aelethal: yeah theres an opening, that's how it works [01:21:32.571] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:21:34.042] bellamyvvv: LMAO [01:21:34.158] awesomerem1: lol [01:21:34.605] Tom2: LUL [01:21:35.530] Solus_kun: True [01:21:35.536] swissminion_06: @mods someone help me, finn didnt spin but i redemed the channel points PepeHands [01:21:35.546] Blind_Play: not name brand but hey nice [01:21:35.810] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:21:36.144] halo4fan27: r3becc1Kbits [01:21:36.196] carolinelikesdinner: NAURRRRRRR [01:21:36.218] brandt_connors: Vagina Knifetata [01:21:36.807] Emmy64_: "STICK IT ALREADY!" LUL [01:21:36.862] Jens_LN: it's a boy toy [01:21:37.034] Owly_9: Stream ending soon :) [01:21:37.553] xenofizzz: its a knife holder guys cmon [01:21:38.429] godsbeenswinging_: TRUE [01:21:38.672] awesomerem1: for guys [01:21:39.314] BillyConx: Sent me to brazil [01:21:39.493] DanNPDog: im confused, what I walk into??? LUL [01:21:40.374] itsatena: LMAO [01:21:40.541] juddle: in the box [01:21:40.737] md15185o: Not TOS if it only holds knife? [01:21:40.755] awesomerem1: kekw [01:21:40.792] strahd05: It’s a used flesh light [01:21:40.894] dire_winter: WutFace WutFace ShadyLulu ShadyLulu [01:21:40.942] TenMuses: let us know how it was [01:21:41.201] dingosurprise: LUL [01:21:41.257] Skullph7: fin is hyped today and I love it [01:21:42.139] sissyjessie: Give a tutorial [01:21:43.732] HexGrrrrl: the vagina dentata [01:21:43.792] awesomerem1: lol [01:21:44.438] JohnBanks117: LUL [01:21:46.625] generationken: FINN LMFAAOAK [01:21:49.389] awesomerem1: haha [01:21:51.623] King__Mosabi: it's a boys toy, to the BOX [01:21:53.347] TacPepGaming: box [01:21:54.056] Unikore00: box [01:21:55.157] raxolotl: when are we cetting rhe live review of it? [01:21:55.432] Grizeldarky: Classic american knife holder [01:21:55.544] duplotracer: OMEGALUL [01:21:58.534] awesomerem1: good stream so far [01:21:58.992] i_am_the_auggie: is it front end or back end? [01:22:00.690] marieemilie1: BAHAHAHAHA [01:22:01.241] neon_soup: you wear it on your Penis so box [01:22:01.728] Amoyamoyamoya: "It appears to be a sex toy of some kind" [01:22:01.990] awesomerem1: !uptime [01:22:02.276] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 22m 7s [01:22:02.580] jarombands: fax [01:22:03.504] Solus_kun: OnlyFans when ? KEKW [01:22:04.328] Budumpshh: @King__Mosabi some girls can use it ;) [01:22:04.970] yeddiiii: from which brand are ya fake bobs [01:22:05.445] chainedchish: girlfreind would also go to the box [01:22:06.459] carolinelikesdinner: Vagina is very feminine [01:22:07.242] zer0110: @hexgrrrrl lol [01:22:07.268] cutecat454: Box [01:22:07.719] jaynov18: your only allowed to use dildos [01:22:07.885] ya_future_gurl: Cheer100 bro i just opened the stream and the first thing i see is you hold up a flesh light [01:22:08.088] hotgirl676: u can fuck the dildo.... [01:22:08.165] Bellumir: not a sextoy, knife holder [01:22:08.979] y0rk5h1r3: They do bussy flashlights 🔦 [01:22:09.242] purplesingeram: Loll [01:22:10.113] Owly_9: Kappa [01:22:11.587] awesomerem1: use it [01:22:14.735] marieemilie1: JUST THIS ONCE [01:22:15.319] Bash1nBra1nZ: no V for Vendetta for u [01:22:16.445] c__r__j: !of [01:22:16.716] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [01:22:16.841] awesomerem1: just the tip [01:22:17.242] Ghouldr: @F1NN5TER used the plug you got recently? [01:22:18.262] garbage_teir: girls can use fleshlights too [01:22:18.448] general_of_cm: you can first take it out if you also have a strap on [01:22:20.005] BillyConx: Cri [01:22:22.893] King__Mosabi: @King__Mosabi fair, bot not this girl! ;) [01:22:27.984] aunalbrutal: @i_am_the_auggie Just an IF statement XD [01:22:28.622] Solus_kun: D: [01:22:30.151] Emmy64_: The hype of f1nn KEKW [01:22:32.807] juddle: 1 [01:22:33.123] flex_uli: its lighting when you use it :D [01:22:33.362] junelyric: STOP [01:22:33.830] makromaniac: You've definitley eaten some of the food chat has sent [01:22:33.981] johnkeiwo: stoooop WutFace [01:22:35.807] theegotiger: KEKW [01:22:35.831] Flippi_12: D: [01:22:35.833] coolestpersonnnnn: D: [01:22:36.854] bluj40: too many times :( [01:22:37.062] ghostwasheree: 💀 [01:22:37.153] drbuckethead123: just the tip shyyEye1 shyyMouth shyyEye2 [01:22:38.482] chained_is_live: chat can make an aception [01:22:38.557] JohnBanks117: D: [01:22:38.985] LittleChaSiu: *with* one no, *in* one yes [01:22:38.993] MelonFortress: It's no tenga or npg but it'll have to do [01:22:39.483] CaridinZ: aYOOO [01:22:39.595] theegotiger: 6 [01:22:39.619] neon_soup: First date questions [01:22:39.665] know1_0: 3 [01:22:42.454] braddle172: D: [01:22:43.113] DanNPDog: this is first time D: [01:22:44.513] Amoyamoyamoya: One more of the pile... [01:22:44.537] 1_smart_donkey: that means we should not send any more us sour skills [01:22:44.612] ozeantj: Say u sorry for the shark ! f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnSCAM [01:22:45.600] random_name947: D: [01:22:47.139] Bash1nBra1nZ: oh that's called game ovary [01:22:47.347] johnkeiwo: @bluj40, ok dude hasMods [01:22:48.608] ToolsLight: @y0rk5h1r3 do they have PP’s attached too ?! 🥵 [01:22:49.760] dire_winter: so it's a whip? [01:22:50.913] Solus_kun: Never D: [01:22:52.043] jupiterstone: I wanna gamble [01:22:52.519] alexx_net: Are you sure it is a vulva fleshlight? They also make bussy fleshlights. [01:22:54.236] carolinelikesdinner: Bro 😭 [01:22:54.349] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:22:55.814] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you are scamming you have not tried the butt plugs [01:22:56.442] Jens_LN: yes [01:22:56.716] Mosseicos: 3 times [01:22:58.375] swissminion_06: box [01:22:58.790] xenofizzz: guys its a KNIFE HOLDER [01:22:59.672] Dard505: poll [01:23:00.619] Jens_LN: Box [01:23:01.198] aluna128: trans women can also use that [01:23:02.310] simdewart: yes [01:23:03.844] zombieskilled20: 😹 [01:23:03.860] yeddiiii: from which brand are ur fake boobas [01:23:04.080] DerpingLizard: Box [01:23:04.105] d4vid__20: Box [01:23:04.107] MayBeAJinx: Finn down bad [01:23:04.703] itsatena: BOX [01:23:05.461] bert_the_puppet: boi [01:23:05.780] bluj40: @johnkeiwo ;) [01:23:05.835] Bellumir: Lesbian Toy [01:23:07.499] bunnupsie: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [01:23:09.430] Amoyamoyamoya: Box it. [01:23:09.631] DanNPDog: ITS A KNIFE HOLDER [01:23:09.870] anastasia_motionless: what's fins Insta? [01:23:10.119] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:23:10.728] awesomerem1: lol [01:23:12.841] TenMuses: I think you make an exception for the Fleshlight. signed, sugar daddy [01:23:13.817] aunalbrutal: hahaha [01:23:15.392] peavey443: Ten help us out here [01:23:15.770] Bayliis: mollukSad [01:23:19.253] Amoyamoyamoya: Pynk sent it? [01:23:19.887] Flippi_12: D: [01:23:20.150] robbie1945: use once then put in box [01:23:21.750] Blind_Play: girls can use it for practice too [01:23:23.624] ginjninj: you a very cute sailor moon <3 [01:23:24.379] aluna128: anyone who likes that can use it [01:23:25.235] AJLiveUP: dick in a box [01:23:25.255] carolinelikesdinner: AYO?? [01:23:25.571] kishere123: Lesbian toy f1nnLezgang [01:23:26.369] 1_smart_donkey: doesn't the box open Wednesday [01:23:27.504] Emmy64_: Now rose is lesbian? mkoHmm Kappa [01:23:27.807] red_sonnet: post for the onlyf1nns [01:23:29.863] tommiboy98: your balls don't go in the cage lel [01:23:30.277] Amoyamoyamoya: Boll (qty 1) [01:23:35.007] Bash1nBra1nZ: bullamir lol lesbian toy lmao [01:23:36.563] braddle172: f1nnLezgang [01:23:40.840] Jens_LN: Box ! [01:23:40.903] bingobongo84: Kappa [01:23:42.466] pianoismyforte_: The balls don't go in the cage [01:23:42.537] alexx_net: Fleshlights usually have a hard shell. That one looks like a "refill". [01:23:44.021] xenofizzz: f1nnLezgang [01:23:44.456] doctor_noraforever: This is amazing content [01:23:44.699] godsbeenswinging_: ICE VERSION ITS SEE THROUGH POG [01:23:46.455] soupy_hulking: i come from the new is ytvid PotFriend [01:23:47.584] adorkablewreck: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [01:23:50.485] drbuckethead123: Ice version is see-trough shyyNodders [01:23:52.044] HexGrrrrl: transbian toy [01:23:52.471] OGpiepro: what [01:23:53.237] Bellumir: you can be the first [01:23:54.523] c__r__j: @tommiboy98 Er... "cages" tend to anchor around them. [01:23:55.557] Solus_kun: idk ask them LUL [01:23:56.070] awesomerem1: scisors [01:24:02.106] MayBeAJinx: There's many ways to have sex [01:24:02.120] thetuaschtee: google it, of screen btw f1nnEmbarrassed [01:24:02.734] aluna128: they can grind [01:24:03.326] Ayvreee: videos??? [01:24:04.125] red_sonnet: poor innocent f1nn [01:24:06.017] Jens_LN: they like grinding [01:24:06.297] tarakagyu: as a fellow trans lesbian you can [01:24:06.387] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:24:07.220] ghostwasheree: the videos😧 [01:24:07.978] bluj40: well then you havnt done enough research [01:24:08.344] Helen_Croft: you need to learn a lot @F1NN5TER [01:24:08.449] 1_smart_donkey: scissor [01:24:08.901] FlyingMortimer: not necessarily. [01:24:08.923] Zymies: You'd be surprised [01:24:09.070] know1_0: theonlyTeehee [01:24:09.613] CloakedN00b: uncultured [01:24:09.946] BillyConx: smoothbrain Princess [01:24:10.156] awesomerem1: lol [01:24:10.674] garbage_teir: not always [01:24:11.321] AppleSaph: we have a lot of ways finn [01:24:12.426] carolinelikesdinner: ✂️✂️✂️ [01:24:12.520] duplotracer: scissors and/or grinding [01:24:12.533] cormoranoimperatore: LUL [01:24:13.159] aluna128: true [01:24:13.952] AppleSaph: you wouldn't understand [01:24:14.150] purplesingeram: WOW LMAOO [01:24:16.000] Mosseicos: Video!???? [01:24:16.449] Ghouldr: Kappa Kappa [01:24:18.212] bingobongo84: fair enough [01:24:19.132] dire_winter: DendiFace [01:24:20.795] bluj40: what do you think scissoring is? [01:24:21.261] unbidduck: scissor ing [01:24:21.383] johnkeiwo: truuuue, respect the gocks [01:24:22.721] thristydemon: THE VIDEOS 😭😭😭 [01:24:23.274] pyramidpancakes: Yes, we do [01:24:23.338] Bash1nBra1nZ: the knowledge he's gained from........? well [01:24:23.437] chocochewie1: True [01:24:23.596] alexx_net: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang It's too complicated to explain to your cis straight brain. [01:24:23.812] Rainiiru: @alexx_net its 100% not a real one, the real ones are heavily branded [01:24:24.094] BillyConx: She's been drinkin too much water, her brain is lost in the soup [01:24:24.114] Mosseicos: Videos!?!?!? [01:24:25.362] drbuckethead123: TransgenderPride [01:24:25.481] Courier6___: ??? [01:24:26.718] c__r__j: TTOTD for lesbians: f1nnSmile2 [01:24:27.733] Solus_kun: Saph Lessons when ? kappa [01:24:27.987] TacPepGaming: its what [01:24:28.180] Owly_9: yeah i heard they use scissors or something, seems kinda dangerous to me [01:24:28.873] doctor_noraforever: doctor_noraforever subscribed with Prime. [01:24:29.079] f3mmbot doctor_noraforever subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang doctor_noraforever f1nnLezgang [01:24:32.652] vanimal2118: Please mansplain Rose? [01:24:33.211] soupy_hulking: PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones [01:24:33.395] purplesingeram: Trueee [01:24:33.466] averylaughlin1: 😂😂 [01:24:33.759] night0nox: MechaRobot [01:24:34.267] bingobongo84: @johnkeiwo PogChamp PogChamp [01:24:34.508] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:24:34.890] Emmy64_: Honey of course don't, but you can search if you want Kappa [01:24:35.538] Cazenn: KEKW [01:24:35.818] Jens_LN: Egg !! [01:24:36.326] duplotracer: ufff [01:24:37.001] Zxshyn: LOL [01:24:37.267] ToolsLight: You can use your tongue and fingers as a Lez [01:24:37.518] swissminion_06: EGG 🥚 [01:24:37.859] pyramidpancakes: EGG KEKW [01:24:38.029] toomanybees___: KEKW [01:24:39.197] Flippi_12: LUL [01:24:39.217] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:24:39.389] dingosurprise: KEKW [01:24:39.590] Loelinverse: I message SODACAT [01:24:40.025] night0nox: NotLikeThis [01:24:40.071] Stovamor: KEKW [01:24:42.220] braddle172: KEKW [01:24:42.366] Budumpshh: e g g [01:24:42.530] TacPepGaming: hahaha [01:24:43.160] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:24:43.514] coolestpersonnnnn: egg [01:24:43.848] Loelinverse: LUL [01:24:44.404] awesomerem1: nice [01:24:45.885] donko812: KEKW [01:24:46.099] duplotracer: KEKW [01:24:46.162] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:24:46.492] AppleSaph: @Solus_kun, are you a lesbian? adcvrPAUSE [01:24:46.607] soupy_hulking: EGG [01:24:46.917] lionnsmane: THE RETURN [01:24:47.006] braddle172: f1nnEgg [01:24:47.452] Bellumir: Blaha [01:24:47.767] GoldenDonkey_Toby: egg [01:24:47.791] night0nox: HeyGuys [01:24:48.765] BarlosJimbo15: egg [01:24:49.576] Jens_LN: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:24:49.876] MayBeAJinx: f1nnEgg [01:24:50.529] drbuckethead123: KEKW [01:24:51.782] AbsentPopcorn33: Egg [01:24:52.275] ChillCrunch37: egg [01:24:52.920] purplesingeram: AHAAAAAAAAA [01:24:53.114] BillyConx: TWO BL[AU]HAJ [01:24:53.144] frostybossygirl: to bright [01:24:53.218] barbie_secretstanner: f1nnEgg [01:24:54.152] sir_public0_0: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:24:54.506] 02f2: EGG [01:24:55.736] Courier6___: HOT DAMN [01:24:55.754] BillyConx: POGGERS [01:24:55.864] Owly_9: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:24:55.887] strinx1120: egg [01:24:56.366] daniel_peck: Stab it! [01:24:56.588] godsbeenswinging_: egg [01:24:56.946] pianoismyforte_: egg [01:24:57.855] Kinitawowi: f1nnEgg [01:24:57.873] toomanybees___: Egg [01:24:58.085] yeddiiii: which brand are ur bobs from [01:24:58.360] johnkeiwo: f1nnEgg [01:24:58.598] saloomalmusa: a kiss [01:24:59.241] commanderredpanda: it's pronounced blue hay, not blah ha [01:24:59.338] c__r__j: f1nnEgg [01:24:59.875] carolinelikesdinner: Egg [01:25:00.062] canvaspainting: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:25:00.427] Wendy_A1: egg [01:25:00.491] jedizombiequeen: egg [01:25:00.644] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:25:01.694] JohnBanks117: f1nnEgg [01:25:02.427] johnkeiwo: NOOOOO [01:25:03.133] lionnsmane: HIS RETURN [01:25:03.593] Flippi_12: f1nnEgg [01:25:04.111] johnkeiwo: D: [01:25:04.899] barbie_secretstanner: Finnnn [01:25:04.990] Solus_kun: @AppleSaph f1nnMonka im nothing [01:25:05.775] AbsentPopcorn33: f1nnEgg [01:25:06.022] Bayliis: mollukJam mollukJam mollukJam mollukJam [01:25:06.735] 0pepega: Shark? [01:25:07.324] smokeheadpyro: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnHands [01:25:07.834] 7Tsuki0: f1nnEgg [01:25:07.874] TommyBoy809: PLS NOO [01:25:07.890] turbotorbogoblo: He returns [01:25:08.142] duplotracer: NOOOOO [01:25:08.682] Amoyamoyamoya: Look at it first!!! [01:25:08.921] strinx1120: nooo [01:25:10.273] kishere123: f1nnEgg [01:25:10.930] nyneg_: oo im an egg but it wasnt frrom me [01:25:11.343] carolinelikesdinner: Bruh [01:25:14.002] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [01:25:14.613] AJLiveUP: bread? [01:25:16.325] TenMuses: diminished testosterone really helps the acne [01:25:16.786] doctor_noraforever: f1nnPegChamp [01:25:17.183] logischesmineralwasser: Egg f1nnEgg [01:25:18.449] bernie_____: PogU good looking beyond compare [01:25:19.406] godsbeenswinging_: we let this one stay [01:25:20.269] daniel_peck: do it coward! [01:25:21.443] BillyConx: I [01:25:21.853] lionnsmane: YEAH BOI [01:25:22.850] AbsentPopcorn33: Cheer5 EGG [01:25:23.184] Brainfishes: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:25:23.497] bellamyvvv: Egg VoteYea [01:25:23.895] Owly_9: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:25:24.190] JorWat: Now don't kill this one. It's a kind shark. [01:25:24.587] aluna128: we'll cure his phobia [01:25:25.287] c__r__j: Are they a breeding pair? [01:25:27.239] Friendigo_: FREE HIM [01:25:27.652] AJLiveUP: fcck it [01:25:27.871] TommyBoy809: Yey [01:25:27.916] BarlosJimbo15: shark [01:25:28.608] awesomerem1: be nice [01:25:28.659] Budumpshh: baby shark doo doo [01:25:28.710] BillyConx: Someone send him a Rodhaj [01:25:29.148] coolestpersonnnnn: KEKW [01:25:29.901] Jens_LN: Flat shark ! [01:25:30.287] Flippi_12: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:25:30.326] Femboy1exe: YAAAAAAASSSSS [01:25:32.562] Xylomn: the poor guy [01:25:32.603] tarakagyu: its two trans icons [01:25:32.641] ozeantj: yes :3 [01:25:32.685] duplotracer: shork [01:25:32.942] archmage_lo: archmage_lo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! [01:25:33.051] Helen_Croft: Don't hurt Blåhaj again @F1NN5TER [01:25:33.116] Rtwld: BLÅHAJ BLÅHAJ BLÅHAJ BLÅHAJ [01:25:33.122] f3mmbot archmage_lo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:25:33.375] muffin1114: hello [01:25:33.441] Bellumir: twice the blaha [01:25:33.558] godsbeenswinging_: keep him trapped [01:25:35.608] braddle172: he flat [01:25:35.785] Jusses: Yay! Blåhaj friendo! [01:25:35.821] kishere123: 2 trans cuties [01:25:35.825] Zymies: HE'S BEAUTIFUL [01:25:36.577] ForsbergInTheHouse: keep it in plastic [01:25:36.785] carolinelikesdinner: TWO OF THEM?? [01:25:36.938] Cupcakez92: BLÅHAJ! [01:25:37.424] lionnsmane: keep it in there [01:25:37.435] TacPepGaming: leave in package [01:25:37.571] theheaviestemu: Doesnt look unharmed [01:25:37.598] drbuckethead123: TransgenderPride [01:25:37.636] King__Mosabi: keep him smushed lol [01:25:38.312] TommyBoy809: So cute [01:25:38.458] Owly_9: finna get shanked bruv [01:25:38.512] bellamyvvv: pls don't [01:25:38.783] avikariz: it's pronounced blow-hayy [01:25:39.266] Jens_LN: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:25:39.862] LikeBigMunson: squark [01:25:40.271] wandererimwalde: square shark [01:25:40.482] zer0110: Galeophobia [01:25:40.959] sissyjessie: Yay! [01:25:41.139] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:25:41.344] raxolotl: ,,shrimp shark [01:25:41.689] 1_smart_donkey: looks like a whale [01:25:41.691] c__r__j: rynSharky [01:25:42.069] garbage_teir: rose is gonna have a pile of shark plushes like th good little egirl she is [01:25:42.451] Weskopad: rynSharky [01:25:43.067] h_r_buff_n_stuff: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:25:46.135] NoGiggety: blaja! fareehaHype [01:25:46.321] dire_winter: leave the lil sharkboi beeeeee [01:25:46.491] JohnBanks117: don't hurt this one [01:25:46.795] Emmy64_: He knew LUL [01:25:47.086] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:25:47.713] GoldenDonkey_Toby: egg [01:25:47.876] marieemilie1: SHARK BAIT HOO HA [01:25:48.024] Spectre223: Incarcerated without crime, release them! [01:25:48.428] Jusses: What shall we name the shark? [01:25:48.606] themindscrambler: more sharks 🤣 [01:25:48.612] SlashDriger: KILL [01:25:49.180] HexGrrrrl: thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype [01:25:49.297] c__r__j: rynSharky [01:25:49.818] Ghouldr: BLÅHAJ FÖRFAN [01:25:50.098] BillyConx: FREE THE BOi [01:25:50.437] xAXEx_: its a Flathaj [01:25:50.846] daniel_peck: stab! [01:25:51.377] ozeantj: he cute don't hurt him [01:25:52.954] Jens_LN: LOL [01:25:53.016] calilkrad: smoshed [01:25:53.445] general_of_cm: now he only needs a Mango plush [01:25:53.511] Amoyamoyamoya: 🦈 🦈 🦈 [01:25:53.833] Julohki: He's let himself go dude [01:25:53.897] Zymies: O.O [01:25:53.900] Grizeldarky: Vacuum sealed blahaj [01:25:53.994] coolestpersonnnnn: D: [01:25:54.567] king_rthur: Twins [01:25:54.673] Flippi_12: D: [01:25:54.721] awesomerem1: yes lol [01:25:54.927] Kaymon81: unhamred until you modifie it fpr the flashlight [01:25:55.004] Solus_kun: D: DONT [01:25:55.033] Budumpshh: eggyNotLikeThis [01:25:55.496] im_up_to_something: They are multiplying rynXD [01:25:55.589] OpsCoreFAST: this is animal abuse [01:25:55.618] kishere123: they can be a trans couple TransgenderPride [01:25:55.765] duplotracer: noooooooo [01:25:55.894] marieemilie1: NO FINN [01:25:56.177] 0pepega: KEKW [01:25:56.468] smokeheadpyro: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:25:56.844] pyramidpancakes: D: [01:25:56.881] CaridinZ: PepeHands [01:25:57.313] Kolateak_: NOOOOO [01:25:57.540] BarlosJimbo15: ayo? [01:25:57.544] just_call_me_kei: Let him breath [01:25:57.601] aluna128: furry [01:25:57.940] bernie_____: hachuW oh no [01:25:57.998] Jens_LN: then he goes in the box ! [01:25:58.701] dingosurprise: nooo [01:25:58.984] 1_smart_donkey: put it in Maurice's room [01:25:59.067] lionnsmane: NO [01:26:00.142] steeldevil333: Blahaj!! [01:26:00.193] DragonsxReign: Yay Blahaj! TransgenderPride [01:26:00.435] Bash1nBra1nZ: who here thinks Rose deserves a shake weight to really pump the iron for the Fans [01:26:00.530] iiwolfplay: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [01:26:00.855] gay__army: NOOOO [01:26:01.020] TacPepGaming: we need to get you a 40 inch shark plushie [01:26:01.560] theegotiger: KEKW [01:26:02.468] Helen_Croft: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:26:02.496] carolinelikesdinner: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:26:02.503] aluna128: FURRY [01:26:02.550] averylaughlin1: Lol [01:26:02.690] bellamyvvv: +_+ [01:26:02.807] BillyConx: THATS NOT HOW FISH VAGINAS WORK [01:26:02.844] awesomerem1: atm [01:26:03.223] Xylomn: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:26:03.426] bingobongo84: D: [01:26:03.482] OkaziChan: NO [01:26:04.149] NoGiggety: Nooooo [01:26:04.422] JohnBanks117: D: [01:26:04.776] duplotracer: NNOOOOOOO [01:26:04.790] logischesmineralwasser: rynSharky [01:26:05.143] OkaziChan: WAT [01:26:05.532] lainse: can you jump over it ? [01:26:05.833] Bellumir: Blåhaj is pronounced Blow High [01:26:05.854] BeelIsSealed: Yeees blaha [01:26:06.961] sir_public0_0: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [01:26:06.992] neon_soup: Femboys are friends not food [01:26:07.014] drbuckethead123: shyyRave [01:26:07.094] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOO [01:26:07.695] Altex1: limesD [01:26:07.949] johnkeiwo: D: [01:26:08.122] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [01:26:09.626] Solus_kun: D: Toxic streamer [01:26:09.752] My_Maker: NOOO [01:26:09.866] gloomy_ara: D: [01:26:10.159] MayBeAJinx: WTF FINN D: [01:26:10.197] GrinchMD: D: [01:26:10.297] purplesingeram: AHH [01:26:10.438] bingobongo84: damn [01:26:10.696] Grizeldarky: DON’T [01:26:10.973] Cazenn: What the fuck Jude D: [01:26:11.383] y0rk5h1r3: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:26:11.429] Budumpshh: D: [01:26:12.284] random_name947: why would u say that [01:26:12.731] lionnsmane: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:26:12.815] savageanimal_: loooool [01:26:12.836] johnkeiwo: TRANSPHOBE D: !!! [01:26:13.219] braddle172: D" [01:26:13.233] carolinelikesdinner: NOOO [01:26:13.637] Tom2: D: [01:26:13.838] quickgroth: D: [01:26:14.198] daniel_peck: GOTTEM!!! [01:26:15.153] jedizombiequeen: from normy to egg to furry [01:26:15.818] c__r__j: Having sex with sharks is certainly an... unconventional phobia therapy. [01:26:16.298] uncommontrout: f1nnLaff [01:26:16.696] cormoranoimperatore: Cursed [01:26:16.784] Amoyamoyamoya: FYI Chat: Emiru has a Kirby Wall. F1nn needs his own... [01:26:17.474] hotgirl676: YESSS... now ur thinking [01:26:17.766] OkaziChan: WAT? [01:26:18.473] theegotiger: yeah FUCK SHARKS KEKW [01:26:19.358] dire_winter: against your own rules!!! [01:26:20.098] sky_night4213: hay f1n are you planning to start a mindcraft server? [01:26:20.313] im_up_to_something: rynBonk rynBonk rynBonk [01:26:21.097] bluj40: DUDE ITS SHARK WEEK [01:26:21.118] doctor_noraforever: Is that your real hair? It looks really good. [01:26:21.285] TheStarGamer1238: TheStarGamer1238 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Happy 1/2 a year + with me. PS I hope you like your sailor suit. [01:26:21.295] BarlosJimbo15: toxic streamer kekw [01:26:21.368] chained_is_live: chat lest let him use the pocket p aslonk as he uses a dildo [01:26:21.478] ThaProdigy0: noooo [01:26:21.518] f3mmbot thestargamer1238 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:26:22.429] kishere123: manly man energy [01:26:22.530] smokeheadpyro: noo D: [01:26:22.564] duplotracer: D: [01:26:22.672] garbage_teir: transphobe [01:26:22.785] bearpaw1970: properly cuddled [01:26:23.394] carolinelikesdinner: SHAKING CRYING [01:26:23.704] lionnsmane: keep them on your desk :) [01:26:24.006] braddle172: D: [01:26:24.170] somethingstrangetwitch: rip [01:26:25.105] King__Mosabi: Actual hate crimes [01:26:25.297] awesomerem1: lol [01:26:25.492] Prince_Seal: show shoesies now or you aren't cute anymore @F1NN5TER [01:26:25.537] purplesingeram: AHA [01:26:28.568] ToolsLight: assert your dominance over your phobias [01:26:28.699] h_r_buff_n_stuff: That would be one way to cure your phobia and start one more kink [01:26:30.636] djsunbeem: skul emoji moment [01:26:31.001] ThaProdigy0: how dare you [01:26:31.593] johnkeiwo: D: [01:26:31.860] drbuckethead123: D: clip it bois [01:26:33.391] Ghouldr: Why kill all the Blåhajar! [01:26:33.518] nubian_sith_lord: SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage [01:26:33.913] johnkeiwo: CANCELLED [01:26:34.000] Budumpshh: twitter: what [01:26:34.058] bernie_____: hachuFail animal cruelty [01:26:34.224] JohnBanks117: D: 󠀀 [01:26:35.283] braddle172: f1nnCancelled [01:26:36.357] coolestpersonnnnn: D: [01:26:38.114] giga_chad_VI: GOD DAMN IT did I miss po box [01:26:38.700] Jens_LN: HATE CRIME !! [01:26:39.066] xfunkyflynnx: nooo not Blaha [01:26:39.347] TheKingofHerrings: shark is life [01:26:39.588] ozeantj: choose yr words carefully [01:26:40.795] swissminion_06: @mods help i redeemed spin but finn didnt do it, can i get a refund? [01:26:41.282] alexx_net: Rose embrace the shark desensitizing training. (It worked for your masculinity.) [01:26:41.787] hotgirl676: dont say it [01:26:42.476] NoGiggety: ayoo🤨📷 [01:26:42.532] lionnsmane: clipped [01:26:43.422] awesomerem1: kekw [01:26:45.509] ThaProdigy0: poor blahaj [01:26:45.764] OmsX8O: maykoUwu [01:26:46.420] ComputedBee: f1nnCancelled Blahaj hate is disallowed [01:26:48.472] xXNeroZashiXx: Calcelled [01:26:50.786] bfritz0815: you could gift the sweet sharks to friends (if you leave out the fleshlight that is) [01:26:50.902] zer0110: went from Galeophobia to Galeomisic [01:26:51.664] keffyfortnight: Finster hottt [01:26:52.337] neon_soup: shhh you'll wake twitter LUL [01:26:52.784] ScarredLemon: ScarredLemon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Late to the sub party but I’ve not missed a stream this year [01:26:53.002] f3mmbot scarredlemon subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:26:53.502] BarlosJimbo15: its against the Geneva conventions [01:26:53.646] know1_0: shark-fetty [01:26:55.448] carolinelikesdinner: Cancelled smh my head [01:26:56.972] Wendy_A1: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:26:59.845] Aelethal: stack sharks [01:27:04.312] lionnsmane: you will have so many by next time [01:27:06.027] FriendsWithBugs: the blahaj pit [01:27:07.710] raxolotl: stack the blaha with alfred @f3mmbot [01:27:09.928] Courier6___: KOBE [01:27:10.207] HexGrrrrl: sharkgirl and lavaboy [01:27:10.528] Bash1nBra1nZ: plushie corner sounds cute [01:27:11.899] AbsentPopcorn33: Uh oh [01:27:13.147] a_demon_wolf: a_demon_wolf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [01:27:13.326] f3mmbot a_demon_wolf subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:27:14.352] Courier6___: RIP KOBE [01:27:14.482] toomanybees___: Pile of Blahaj [01:27:17.012] jedizombiequeen: fin got that permanent egg perk [01:27:17.134] DragonsxReign: We should flood the room with blahajs! [01:27:17.314] TheKingofHerrings: blåhaj [01:27:18.525] Luna18j: Hey rose just wanted to say thank you for making me feel comfortable as a closeted trans women your streams make me feel so comfortable thank you [01:27:18.745] Cazenn: D: [01:27:19.996] gnomedh94: bang the shark, bang the fear away [01:27:20.568] drbuckethead123: blahaj pile POGGERS [01:27:21.578] avikariz: transphobe for throwing blahaj [01:27:22.590] Amoyamoyamoya: Nice! [01:27:23.323] sitooma: Cake [01:27:24.024] johnkeiwo: Shark pile YES [01:27:24.500] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER YES where is dolphin ? im asking the whole time [01:27:25.204] Ghouldr: VITHAJ AND BLÅHAJ [01:27:25.278] Budumpshh: sharkpile [01:27:26.389] Amoyamoyamoya: We gottem Chat!!! [01:27:26.817] bingobongo84: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 [01:27:27.206] Zdycopter: NICE SHOES [01:27:29.693] codecraft3r: the shark pit [01:27:30.809] Flippi_12: Thanks john dellyHeart [01:27:33.181] ComputedBee: Shark Mountain [01:27:33.424] TheStarGamer1238: plushies [01:27:33.739] c__r__j: Shark pile! [01:27:34.699] Grizeldarky: HOW DID THE THING PRONOUNCE BLAHAJ [01:27:34.933] chaynie45: HAJ [01:27:35.366] alvanetwork: @Ghouldr JAAA [01:27:36.144] Eldtuva: fill his room chat [01:27:38.295] know1_0: cliccyMangolicc cliccyMangoblep cliccyMangostroll [01:27:40.725] carolinelikesdinner: Sharknado [01:27:41.656] spectatorbobble: That'll just encourage spiders! [01:27:42.994] Aelethal: shark stack [01:27:43.460] TacPepGaming: now you can use your fleshlight in the hole you made in the shark [01:27:45.847] Budumpshh: bb gun D: [01:27:48.215] bearpaw1970: it's the Gordon's fisher🌹 Rose [01:27:49.112] Helen_Croft: next PO box is truck load of Blåhaj [01:27:51.505] drbuckethead123: shyyGun [01:27:51.720] cormoranoimperatore: Blajah Union [01:27:52.329] Jens_LN: The sharks can handle BB pellets [01:27:52.874] Bellumir: Blå haj Blow High [01:27:53.553] Cupcakez92: VITHAJ BLÅHAJ TIGERHAJ! D: [01:27:56.207] fischfuttermaker: Room full of sharks [01:28:00.527] Budumpshh: shorgy [01:28:01.114] xXNeroZashiXx: lol 😂 [01:28:02.243] jutyve: hi im new here what do you do? [01:28:03.035] matt_or_matheus: bodyslam them [01:28:03.314] johnkeiwo: Blahaj mountain PogU [01:28:03.373] bingobongo84: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 [01:28:03.590] codecraft3r: D: [01:28:05.003] pietersos420: Sharkussy [01:28:05.738] Amoyamoyamoya: OK, Chat. Lets gooooooo!!!!! [01:28:09.505] bleuspike: please google how to pronounce blåhaj, my swedish ears are bleeding [01:28:11.000] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER Bring back Flippis Dolphin !!! or we riot [01:28:13.040] johnkeiwo: !pobox [01:28:13.331] f3mmbot Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [01:28:14.944] bluj40: @jutyve eat hot chip and lie [01:28:16.351] peavey443: Finter evil [01:28:16.680] Kaiyohana_: If you don't want the sharks can I have <3 [01:28:16.774] 02f2: Oh no no no [01:28:19.710] froggamer0907: hi [01:28:19.801] alvanetwork: @bleuspike same lmfao [01:28:19.802] Jens_LN: yes .... that is what he does [01:28:20.626] Ghouldr: get a Hammarhaj as well [01:28:21.213] prutfistheglock: prutfistheglock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! Oh look how long our egg has come! [01:28:21.276] Cupcakez92: @bleuspike PTSD efter det här [01:28:21.398] f3mmbot prutfistheglock subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:28:24.168] c__r__j: If you dislike sharks so much, why did you make shark merch? Eh? Eh? [01:28:24.604] Jens_LN: BOX ! [01:28:25.902] ForsbergInTheHouse: There will be blood in the water and the sharks will coom [01:28:26.001] ohcrapitsonfire: Shark stack ft. Hidden Spider [01:28:26.022] aunalbrutal: You need to ask google how to say BlåHaj as a swedish it makes me pissed :P [01:28:27.491] Aelethal: it's shark week@ [01:28:28.559] doctor_noraforever: Do you want a Hentai s3x doll? [01:28:28.590] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:28:28.653] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Dolphins protect against sharks <3 [01:28:28.821] BillyConx: They are wife material [01:28:29.329] bernie_____: f1nnSad shark racist [01:28:29.628] carolinelikesdinner: THIS is the future the left wants [01:28:29.785] godsbeenswinging_: hates sharks, name is LITERALLY FINN [01:28:32.042] drbuckethead123: knife holders OMEGALUL [01:28:34.026] Bellumir: maybe that is a Sharkussy [01:28:34.191] reteliny: as a trans fem you were always a huge inspiration to me <3 [01:28:35.150] Loelinverse: There is so meta its not funny [01:28:35.893] BarlosJimbo15: is that really a..? [01:28:36.042] bearpaw1970: 🌹 Rose chum [01:28:36.324] smokeheadpyro: LUL LUL [01:28:36.738] Flippi_12: @johnkeiwo My guess is that F1nn is keeping my dolphin in his bed, thats the only explaination for not having it for stream [01:28:37.639] OfficialMonstersAreReal: My hair is almost as long as yours now 😁 [01:28:38.533] awesomerem1: tos [01:28:39.543] carolinelikesdinner: Checkmate liberals [01:28:41.467] bfritz0815: thinking about finnster hate-fucking a blahaj after installing the fleshlight [01:28:42.792] keffyfortnight: Kappa DansGame PJSalt FrankerZ BibleThump Jebaited OpieOP cmonBruh OhMyDog CoolCat [01:28:43.042] chuckkkeee: what bout bbc [01:28:44.944] HexGrrrrl: thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype thejen9Hype [01:28:45.031] bellamyvvv: OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP [01:28:45.941] johnkeiwo: @Flippi_12, COPIUM [01:28:46.667] ElFuaLoco033: CBT [01:28:46.922] lionnsmane: playing with fire [01:28:47.076] DarkMetalMouse: that noise ew [01:28:49.067] hotgirl676: mhm [01:28:50.995] carolinelikesdinner: 😭😭😭 [01:28:51.513] johnkeiwo: KKona [01:28:51.837] yeddiiii: which brand are ur fake boobs from [01:28:52.267] AbsentPopcorn33: A what [01:28:52.908] purplesingeram: AHAAA [01:28:53.061] darncoolcreeper: Hello finnster! [01:28:53.313] beatle_88: LUL LUL LUL [01:28:56.545] press_x_to_sadness: stress balls [01:28:57.794] themindscrambler: 🦈 kibzGUN 🦈 kibzGUN 🦈 kibzGUN 🦈 kibzGUN 🦈 kibzGUN [01:28:58.528] rhysabh: rhysabh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 5 month streak! hi fin how has your day been i hope it was better then mine thank you for making me smile on the worst days much love ❤️ [01:28:58.732] f3mmbot rhysabh subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [01:28:59.410] Solus_kun: @Flippi_12 Kappa weirdCham [01:29:01.895] TheJamesGamer: i mean stress relief is technically its main use... [01:29:04.096] Tordenbob: hasChud [01:29:05.766] Jens_LN: more PO boxes ? [01:29:05.917] c__r__j: @yeddiiii Generic Amazon. [01:29:06.455] Emmy64_: New under the desk mount TriHard [01:29:09.066] bernie_____: f1nnLaff babe [01:29:09.633] medicbat: just finished beating my meat, what did I miss? [01:29:12.886] ronineutroni: Is it gay if you put that in your ass and some one uses it? [01:29:15.332] saltyfcraker: I have 1 [01:29:17.114] SrDarknesl: thomas167AaaaAAAA thomas167AaaaAAAA thomas167AaaaAAAA [01:29:17.210] averylaughlin1: “Stress” ball [01:29:20.733] bingobongo84: @yeddiiii they're actually mine he mutilated me [01:29:20.995] timabar: my wife loves knives [01:29:24.111] bert_the_puppet: how's the farting going [01:29:24.253] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnHeart [01:29:28.421] drbuckethead123: @ronineutroni shyyHmm [01:29:28.785] ragingwafle67: hey finn what if ten gave you 1million would you get sex change [01:29:30.267] AbsentPopcorn33: I knew it what ten wants ten gets [01:29:31.449] TenMuses: TenMuses is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 920 in the channel! [01:29:31.670] f3mmbot tenmuses has gifted a sub to 50 users in chat! [01:29:32.247] Emmy64_: LUL [01:29:32.947] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to MysticPanda98! [01:29:32.958] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to geronimooooo! [01:29:32.960] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to ligaprivada69! [01:29:32.970] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoreyPL! [01:29:32.972] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to Roucasse! [01:29:32.976] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoJay_007! [01:29:32.977] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to speakerfreak69! [01:29:32.980] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to TazSenpai! [01:29:32.991] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to GTKoolaidsman! [01:29:32.993] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to steeldevil333! [01:29:32.996] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to el_pidgeone! [01:29:32.998] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to Peeramide! [01:29:33.013] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to OneManShowOnTour! [01:29:33.018] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to TrickstarQ! [01:29:33.026] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bellumir! [01:29:33.029] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghostwasheree! [01:29:33.040] TacPepGaming: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnEgg [01:29:33.044] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrostyCorgi! [01:29:33.047] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to ExploringNature! [01:29:33.047] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to AnnieGrim! [01:29:33.061] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrDr34mR! [01:29:33.067] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to cora_bloodroot! [01:29:33.070] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to marieemilie1! [01:29:33.073] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to Emilogard_! [01:29:33.084] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to lefluuf! [01:29:33.091] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to morgan_mushroom! [01:29:33.094] TenMuses: TenMuses gifted a Tier 1 sub to unbidduck! [01:29:36.289] coolestpersonnnnn: PogU [01:29:37.788] alexiscool__: hi [01:29:37.792] Solus_kun: PogU [01:29:38.581] Zxshyn: jesus [01:29:38.934] y0rk5h1r3: I mean it is meant to relieve stress LUL [01:29:40.066] SrDarknesl: poooooooooog [01:29:40.552] drbuckethead123: POGGERS [01:29:40.712] mr_ajokortti_korkort: PogU [01:29:40.764] JohnBanks117: 50 POGGERS [01:29:40.999] Owly_9: SHEEEEEEEEEEEEESH [01:29:41.091] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:29:41.270] AppleSaph: PogU [01:29:42.339] Flippi_12: PogU [01:29:42.341] BillyConx: Poggers [01:29:42.457] GrinchMD: bonjwaPog [01:29:42.651] awesomerem1: damn [01:29:42.926] longlegs_honey: POGGERS [01:29:42.998] AbsentPopcorn33: Oh [01:29:43.682] thetuaschtee: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:29:45.140] Jadre1: PgU [01:29:45.205] Unikore00: woooowwww [01:29:45.609] Zymies: kkittyHype kkittyHype kkittyHype [01:29:45.835] Jens_LN: oh damn Tenmuses [01:29:46.001] JohnBanks117: PogU [01:29:46.045] Bayliis: mollukPetthepeepo mollukPetthepeepo mollukPetthepeepo mollukPetthepeepo mollukPetthepeepo [01:29:46.397] pietersos420: PogU [01:29:46.687] braddle172: KomodoHype [01:29:47.578] SethwMad: AH [01:29:47.966] bearpaw1970: wow thank you Ten [01:29:48.257] cormoranoimperatore: @medicbat Blajah murder [01:29:48.764] ayarcee: o7 [01:29:48.785] carolinelikesdinner: Loyal bf 😩😩😩 ten x fin slowburn when [01:29:51.843] forcecrusherr: wtf [01:29:53.139] SethwMad: I'm back what did I miss [01:29:54.133] educatul: NotLikeThis [01:29:55.375] sissyjessie: Yooooo [01:29:56.831] AbsentPopcorn33: Why [01:29:57.034] aluna128: POG [01:29:57.606] thekingone10: exercise [01:29:59.400] 02f2: o7 [01:29:59.740] carolinelikesdinner: AYO??? [01:30:00.931] ScarredLemon: There has to be now! [01:30:02.769] Helen_Croft: IKEA will be out Blåhaj this week, they are all going to Rose [01:30:03.505] swissminion_06: @mods whoever refunded me thx PogU [01:30:04.312] ginjninj: why are you still surprised :D [01:30:04.411] steeldevil333: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:30:05.676] MajesticFvckingEagle: YO? [01:30:07.331] adorkablewreck: TwitchUnity [01:30:08.101] TenMuses: it will only let me do 50 from the mobile app [01:30:08.643] Globalnuclear: half of that room will be in plishie sharks [01:30:09.022] Facts_With_Kat: WAIT OH MY GOD 50 [01:30:09.499] robbie1945: @ronineutroni there are doldos like that lol for cks or guys that are micro [01:30:10.601] zer0110: why? [01:30:10.926] Bash1nBra1nZ: MOON PRISM POWER MAKEUP [01:30:11.014] stumagoo992: ten will not have competition, [01:30:11.365] gelbphoenix: In germany we say "Ehre!" [01:30:11.871] devitron24: cheese [01:30:12.515] drbuckethead123: OMEGALUL [01:30:13.096] alexiscool__: AYO!!! [01:30:13.212] carolinelikesdinner: TEN WHAT [01:30:13.424] purplesingeram: AYEEEE [01:30:14.775] pietersos420: 5 bucks and a big mac [01:30:14.962] mr_ajokortti_korkort: that was a sign to make a new goal [01:30:16.586] kishere123: Tenmuses x Finn meet-up when? [01:30:17.632] PseudoDrayghen: What if someone gifted me a sub ☺️ [01:30:18.136] SirBeanLord: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:30:18.669] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [01:30:19.331] bernie_____: vvvLove [01:30:21.410] TazSenpai: Thanks @TenMuses ! [01:30:21.700] Bloodcoatrain: did that come pre lubed like the keyboard? [01:30:21.917] d_unknownkilla92: hey gorgeous [01:30:21.922] ghostwasheree: yayy thank u!!! f1nnHeart [01:30:23.175] AppleSaph: @Helen_Croft, they already don't sell them here anymore anyways :( I had to get mine of german amazon reseller [01:30:25.173] theheaviestemu: U kinda owe him som gawk gawk now LUL LUL [01:30:27.334] lionnsmane: im going to sent 5 sharks [01:30:28.087] vanimal2118: GM Rose Loves GM! [01:30:28.546] doctor_noraforever: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 Mommy, how can I become like you? [01:30:28.771] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:30:30.902] barbie_secretstanner: Oh well [01:30:31.798] johnkeiwo: DICK RIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [01:30:32.426] BillyConx: Lets send different colours of Haj, Dibs on Rodhaj [01:30:32.850] bingobongo84: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 [01:30:33.826] Owly_9: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:30:34.270] OlSmokeyT: @TenMuses Thanks for the gift sub! [01:30:34.623] ozeantj: You can hurt sharks even tho its ilegal but if u hurt another Blahaj i'm gonna usub (don't knwo how but i do it) [01:30:35.244] keffyfortnight: HotPokket Jebaited DatSheffy is my username cool [01:30:35.485] xenofizzz: Nice f1nnCowjam [01:30:35.819] SethwMad: @TenMuses Oh don't do Mobile it has fees twice [01:30:37.448] itsyorboylucifer: Wow [01:30:38.559] garbage_teir: breaking news worldwide blahaj shortage [01:30:38.665] zer0110: GaleophobiaGaleophobiaGaleophobiaGaleophobiaGaleophobiaGaleophobiaGaleophobiaGaleophobia [01:30:38.965] 1_smart_donkey: she needs to be screwed with [01:30:41.631] ragingwafle67: rawr [01:30:43.648] Facts_With_Kat: @applesaph Hey saph! sarachWave [01:30:44.165] BarlosJimbo15: but shark cute [01:30:44.703] carolinelikesdinner: So true [01:30:45.324] OGpiepro: you should play subnautica [01:30:45.336] Helen_Croft: I know @AppleSaph FeelsBadMan [01:30:45.908] Emmy64_: f1nnSad f1nnHeart [01:30:48.277] Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo ?? huh [01:30:48.968] forcecrusherr: fobia to sharks !? [01:30:49.618] Jens_LN: the plushies don't trigger you ? [01:30:49.819] note_pad_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:30:49.961] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnHeart [01:30:50.420] SirBeanLord: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:30:52.186] darncoolcreeper: I miss straight finn /s [01:30:52.452] GothNekoBunny: gonna dress up as a shark and chase you [01:30:53.058] themindscrambler: Britney spears screaming meme 🤣🤣🤣 [01:30:58.263] general_of_cm: send her copys of Jaws [01:30:58.314] mr_ajokortti_korkort: What if the shark is really tiny? [01:30:59.518] Bash1nBra1nZ: in the name of the moon Rose will punish you. [01:31:00.176] bingobongo84: 🦈🦈🦈 [01:31:01.375] Flippi_12: squchaPpogO John being weird squchaPpogO [01:31:01.429] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn has had a shark plushie downstairs for a long time. He's OK with stuffed toys. [01:31:02.295] Cupcakez92: Bad news: Olivia newton-john is dead! BibleThump BibleThump F in chat for Grease [01:31:03.619] FlyingMortimer: You should face your fears. [01:31:07.104] forcecrusherr: XD# [01:31:07.176] kishere123: So Rose... are you a lesbian now? Kappa f1nnLezgang [01:31:07.555] fieri574: Blåhaj is not a shark, it is a skinwalker in shark form [01:31:08.035] CaridinZ: bruh [01:31:08.238] AppleSaph: @Facts_With_Kat, heya ezeggHi [01:31:08.577] johnkeiwo: KappaPride [01:31:10.382] matt_or_matheus: hey finn its pronounced blo-haij [01:31:11.352] sky_night4213: f1n are you going to start Mc server? [01:31:12.131] bearpaw1970: what about Piranha? [01:31:14.627] greenlanturn007: NotLikeThis [01:31:15.109] kisiposai: !uptime [01:31:15.370] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 31m 20s [01:31:15.430] rainybowsparkle: but but sharks just wanna be pet [01:31:15.510] drbuckethead123: KappaPride [01:31:18.909] awesomerem1: say what [01:31:22.910] AbsentPopcorn33: £225 - £15 = £210 twitch take £210 of the £225?!?!?!? [01:31:24.045] carolinelikesdinner: Pause what [01:31:26.765] idntlikethis: f1nnHeadpat [01:31:27.264] adorkablewreck: Rose is intrigued lmao [01:31:28.244] 02f2: Finn sex tips pog [01:31:28.431] Owly_9: possy bley [01:31:29.662] oofer_btw: sup man first time here :O [01:31:30.091] bkmurder101: Didn't someone once send you a printed out Shark picture in a package? [01:31:30.204] bingobongo84: KappaPride KappaPride [01:31:30.649] josecortesnival: hi again [01:31:30.907] vanimal2118: Rose will need therapy if u keep sending sharks and flesh lights she can’t use! [01:31:31.476] Solus_kun: @Flippi_12 adcvrBONK [01:31:33.123] Zxshyn: KappaPride [01:31:33.164] FlyingMortimer: I dove with Hammerhead sharks off of Okinawa, they aren't that bad. [01:31:34.080] bluj40: call me blahaj40 [01:31:34.376] nosseb3: Blahaj are in limited sumplies. Think of all the trans girls strugling to get their hand on a blahaj. [01:31:36.232] keffyfortnight: Can i smell your feet daddy [01:31:37.754] idntlikethis: f1nnCowjam [01:31:37.907] cormoranoimperatore: Thanks for the small serious bit about your shark phobia HahaGingercat [01:31:38.888] PonchoThePenguin: @Cupcakez92 yo wtf its true [01:31:42.102] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:31:43.831] jupiterstone: its use [01:31:43.890] Amoyamoyamoya: What? Yes it is. It's good for content. [01:31:44.172] bernie_____: 😱 [01:31:44.276] greenlanturn007: : [01:31:44.421] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun D: [01:31:44.438] braddle172: 👋 [01:31:44.997] general_of_cm: omg i look so cute [01:31:45.156] Solus_kun: OMG D: we look so pretty [01:31:45.264] Firelord_Redflames: :) [01:31:45.456] Owly_9: HeyGuys [01:31:45.821] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:31:45.833] awesomerem1: thats me kekw [01:31:46.327] pietersos420: im not handsome :( [01:31:46.547] Serinn: Finn, my phobia is steel ladders. At least yours is justifiable. [01:31:46.750] Jens_LN: Damn, I look good today ! [01:31:47.228] JohnBanks117: PogU 󠀀 [01:31:47.978] greenlanturn007: :) [01:31:49.516] TenMuses: I'm going to Australia in a few months and am going to do a shark cage dive while I'm there. wanna join? [01:31:49.764] Kolateak_: Possib-lay [01:31:50.849] AppleSaph: @Facts_With_Kat, do I know you from discord? adcvrTHINK adcvrTHINK [01:31:52.915] 1_smart_donkey: hey look is your dresses there [01:31:53.216] drbuckethead123: PogU [01:31:53.557] Facts_With_Kat: @darncoolcreeper This is still straight finn… Hun he identifies as cishet [01:31:53.752] Cupcakez92: @PonchoThePenguin yes they just realesed it [01:31:57.427] theheaviestemu: Penis [01:31:57.874] gloomy_ara: PogU [01:31:59.267] vidyagaem7: f1nnGremlin [01:32:01.120] alexx_net: @matt_or_matheus, F1nn is English, so she doesn't know how to speak Spanish. [01:32:01.198] johnkeiwo: AYO ?K [01:32:02.754] bingobongo84: don't call me a handsome boy my pants are too tight [01:32:02.983] Solus_kun: @Chat you look so Pretty PogU [01:32:06.373] 0pepega: monkaS [01:32:08.965] Firelord_Redflames: monkaW [01:32:09.243] vidyagaem7: f1nnEmbarrassed [01:32:09.846] carolinelikesdinner: Wait. If he has a humiliation kink, wouldnt kink shaming him be part of that? [01:32:11.108] drbuckethead123: monkaS [01:32:11.232] strahd05: Don’t joke about Olivia. [01:32:12.550] junelyric: get one with a built in light [01:32:12.717] Firelord_Redflames: monkaS [01:32:15.172] jaheembtw: holy fuck we are ugly never point a mirror at us again [01:32:15.313] ElFuaLoco033: monkaS [01:32:15.708] Flippi_12: monkaS [01:32:16.963] LeDr_Dan: monkaS [01:32:17.957] Jens_LN: I pee blood, and lookat me ? I'm fine ! [01:32:18.224] JohnBanks117: monkaS [01:32:19.454] gloomy_ara: monkaS [01:32:22.233] Solus_kun: monkaS [01:32:22.686] mr_ajokortti_korkort: monkaS [01:32:26.138] Loelinverse: Dude has an actual muticam setup, but we still ony have 1 angle [01:32:26.158] carolinelikesdinner: Baby's first period [01:32:27.071] Facts_With_Kat: @applesaph No! Just wanted to say hi jaesca1LOVE How are you? [01:32:27.668] PonchoThePenguin: @strahd05 she dead bro [01:32:29.902] oofer_btw: LUL [01:32:30.825] johnkeiwo: Nerd [01:32:31.179] zer0110: yes [01:32:31.787] packaged_horse: YOU CAN CAGE DIVE WITH SHARKS?! [01:32:32.188] Bellumir: ☼ I feel Haj all the time~ [01:32:34.499] XellosMetallum: LUL [01:32:34.738] xGinja_: mfw the stream froze [01:32:35.585] GTKoolaidsman: f1nnHeart [01:32:35.671] NoGiggety: fareehaLol [01:32:37.652] jewgold22: games better [01:32:37.805] King__Mosabi: Swimming with sharks sounds fun tbh [01:32:38.427] drbuckethead123: shark layer OMEGALUL [01:32:38.571] jaynov18: I took a dump so big once there was blood when I wiped [01:32:39.924] ginjninj: sharks are the 8th layer of hell [01:32:40.151] Jens_LN: Australia is Dante's inferno ? [01:32:42.099] c__r__j: Have YOU read Dante's Inferno, F1nn? X for doubt [01:32:42.659] King__Mosabi: big water puppo's [01:32:42.731] doge_thunder: Legit sounds fun for me. Although I get high on adrenaline [01:32:43.641] Emmy64_: Divine comedy you twat KEKW Kappa [01:32:44.752] PseudoDrayghen: What if *someone gifted me a sub* pseudo50Heart [01:32:46.352] Cupcakez92: @strahd05 She lost the fight about the cancer [01:32:46.776] ElFuaLoco033: i did a sneeze of blood pretty weird [01:32:47.116] TenMuses: desensitization therapy [01:32:47.757] Bash1nBra1nZ: Man kota animations needs to check out this vid [01:32:47.984] 7Tsuki0: You're going to Australia? My condolences [01:32:50.764] unbidduck: f1nn more people die from fridges than shark attacks on average it's gine [01:32:50.933] sissyjessie: Room full of spiders would be worse [01:32:51.602] total_acidity: Would you do a shark cage dive for $1 billion? [01:32:51.927] mystchevious1: Did YOU read Dante's Inferno? [01:32:54.880] lunaheartfilia123: why don't you cosplay gawr gura ? do you know who she is ? [01:32:55.337] chiterroo: Yep, Australia is defo a layer of hell [01:32:55.996] Bloodcoatrain: Blahaj short supply? ... Buy them all Finn and mark up and make them only avail on *** [01:32:56.670] HexGrrrrl: cage diving IRL stream? [01:32:57.971] fieri574: 11th circle of hell = shark tale forever [01:32:58.747] peavey443: If i get you a shark onsie for christmas would you wear it on stream [01:32:59.333] bkmurder101: I don't think I've ever felt more fear than when I saw blood in the pee. [01:33:04.548] OGpiepro: have you ever seen those really small caves that people splunk in? [01:33:08.119] Flippi_12: X [01:33:11.675] ginjninj: LUL [01:33:12.442] alexiscool__: Finn you hate sharks i hate grass as i game too much [01:33:12.697] Emmy64_: We got the limited edition magnum ice cream Kreygasm [01:33:12.839] Solus_kun: America OMEGALUL [01:33:15.530] mattcheesy: you graduated college [01:33:17.064] darncoolcreeper: @facts_with_kat yes I know finn is straight. I was just joking :) [01:33:18.273] NoGiggety: F1nn5ter's Infirno [01:33:18.381] godsbeenswinging_: WOW thats pretty advanced [01:33:18.752] AppleSaph: @Facts_With_Kat, ahh i was wondering if I was just being forgetful haha, Im doing alright, i hope you are too :) [01:33:24.233] jutyve: when swin in a tank full of sharks for 10k dollars? [01:33:25.121] bingobongo84: @alexiscool__ real [01:33:26.387] tarakagyu: practically a therapist then lol [01:33:27.020] Jens_LN: So THAT'S why you like degradation so much [01:33:27.267] im_up_to_something: See Rose is an educated bimbo [01:33:29.615] ThyOverlord393: i took psych!! im american too!! i found out america is HORRIBLE [01:33:32.329] strahd05: @ponchothepenguin For real? That’s sad. Love her in Grease. [01:33:36.414] swissminion_06: help me i'm under the water [01:33:37.559] y0rk5h1r3: 4 years, A Level is 2, sus [01:33:37.821] bluj40: typical psych 101 activties [01:33:39.708] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:33:42.983] keffyfortnight: Helpppp papi from experience fortnight players and can someone play fortnight with me [01:33:43.562] ThyOverlord393: pwned [01:33:46.163] BillyConx: Bimbo and her scrimbims [01:33:48.972] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOO [01:33:49.068] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:33:49.297] xenofizzz: pwned [01:33:51.200] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:33:52.033] pedrinho_trassi: @jutyve even i would do that lol [01:33:52.388] duplotracer: JEBAITED [01:33:53.337] braddle172: KEKW [01:33:53.369] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:33:53.408] bingobongo84: L [01:33:53.462] alexiscool__: real @bingobongo84 [01:33:53.713] TenMuses: they put you in a cage and lower you into the ocean around great whites [01:33:54.438] dingosurprise: oof [01:33:55.787] Jens_LN: oh damn ... that's a solid triggering event [01:33:56.707] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:33:57.789] chimmiesjams: Okay KEKW [01:33:58.647] rw03_bjw: aww you poor little cutie [01:33:59.218] Cupcakez92: @strahd05 totally for real..the breast cancer killed her finally BibleThump [01:33:59.720] swissminion_06: Pepega panic attack from tiktok KEKW [01:34:01.726] jaynov18: show us the tik tok [01:34:04.170] therealonetonsoup: hello Finn! [01:34:09.386] 02f2: Will you ever try to create a vtuber avatar? [01:34:13.290] johnkeiwo: because it's fun ? [01:34:13.345] xenofizzz: show the vid [01:34:14.762] SethwMad: @TenMuses I'll put him in a Shark cage for you. [01:34:16.171] OGpiepro: bc it would be funny [01:34:17.721] AbsentPopcorn33: Hmmmm [01:34:18.007] barbie_secretstanner: I never knew I had a fear of cars and planes under water till I saw a tiktok [01:34:18.449] adorkablewreck: f1nnZOOM [01:34:19.000] TenMuses: face your fears [01:34:19.411] trygvedev: Do you dress up like that every day? :) [01:34:19.669] chiterroo: They're water puppies [01:34:21.960] BillyConx: poor Rose [01:34:22.907] unbidduck: sharks are less dangerous than fridges on average [01:34:23.370] maciekitty636: sharks aint that bad [01:34:25.343] OGpiepro: DONO GOAL? [01:34:26.114] carolinelikesdinner: Vtuber fin would be cool [01:34:27.520] king5blank: yes [01:34:28.025] jechk4: I’m not scared of sharks but ngl I’d piss myself if I saw a shark irl [01:34:28.898] JTone2: Britain is an island surrounded by sharks [01:34:30.243] Solus_kun: D: dont kill the spiders [01:34:31.013] alvanetwork: slay [01:34:31.442] lionnsmane: but lemon sharks are so cute :) :) [01:34:32.554] jutyve: i have a problem i have alot of siblings and i was the brother so they always expected me to be a failure but now im the most successful out of them so im expected to pay the rent for both of my parents so i have to pay for my rent and for both [01:34:33.756] bluj40: dude spiders are cool [01:34:33.986] johnkeiwo: Being scared is fun ! [01:34:34.547] AppleDoesStuff: Sharks do a glub glub they friend shape [01:34:36.106] Emmy64_: Cockroaches CaitlynS [01:34:37.771] Flippi_12: @SethwMad LUL [01:34:39.535] jandraelune: Great Whites eat everything, if it fits in their mouth, they will chomp it. [01:34:39.849] BillyConx: Vtuber Finn [01:34:40.519] SethwMad: @TenMuses Finn + Sharks I gotchu fam. [01:34:41.045] Cazenn: Spiders get twatted by my slippers if they're in my room KEKW [01:34:41.061] johnkeiwo: and spiders are nice D: [01:34:41.102] carolinelikesdinner: Spiders are so fucking scary bro 😭 [01:34:41.710] drbuckethead123: But spiders are frens D: [01:34:43.245] bingobongo84: I like spiders [01:34:46.011] Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo no its now D: [01:34:46.448] jutyve: my parent houses so it takes 80% of my paycheck so a normal person with my job would be eating like a celebrity in famous places but because of my siblings that dont give a shit about me and think im a rich guy so i need to some how live normally with little to nothing money [01:34:47.319] HexGrrrrl: spiders are cute [01:34:48.207] JohnBanks117: D: spiders [01:34:49.263] l0rd_gavin: F1n isnt a helpless mentally ill person? unfollowed LuL [01:34:49.485] bernie_____: hachuING somebody must die [01:34:50.283] sissyjessie: Pirate costume with shark mascots? [01:34:50.709] rw03_bjw: f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM [01:34:52.686] King__Mosabi: spider are cute! [01:34:53.503] metalhead_nr666: Cheer100 What would happen if Pinocchio said, “My nose will grow now?” [01:34:54.611] FlyingMortimer: You need to go diving.. [01:34:55.899] Flippi_12: D: [01:34:56.524] bkmurder101: Do other large Ocean creatures bother you? [01:34:56.788] ScarredLemon: 8k pogggg [01:34:58.586] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 60 "Will you send F1nn a Blahaj?" "Yes" "Yes, more than one" "No, I don’t want to scare hims" [01:34:58.715] vidyagaem7: f1nnKnife [01:34:58.859] tbaccata: tbaccata subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! seamen joke [01:34:59.028] flex_uli: ten will help you :D [01:34:59.407] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "Will you send F1nn a Blahaj?" [01:34:59.614] f3mmbot tbaccata subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [01:35:03.020] fischfuttermaker: Animals are friends [01:35:03.892] c__r__j: @kgober: Nice number. [01:35:04.449] mattcheesy: what about a shark emote [01:35:05.071] AbsentPopcorn33: But you understand dolphins are more deadly then sharks though [01:35:05.486] king5blank: spider is my fear [01:35:06.208] bluj40: how much to do the shark cage?? @F1NN5TER [01:35:09.278] jechk4: The only spiders I like are called Toby, Andrew and Tom :D [01:35:18.082] strahd05: @cupcakez92 At least she’s not in pain anymore. [01:35:20.654] Kinitawowi: it's like that "the physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living" damien hirst thing [01:35:21.417] jewgold22: same [01:35:23.897] dr_kegel: I dont like spiders, but I hate moscitos more ... and the enemy of my enemy is my house pet - sun sju [01:35:27.769] DrasticLion8408: ‘Evening Mommy [01:35:29.526] Stovamor: @jutyve, This is the wrong forum for financial advice [01:35:30.096] jandraelune: @HexGrrrrl o.O Really, Goliath Bird Eater. Camel Spider, Huntsman. [01:35:32.819] Courier6___: You know the lobster jump scare [01:35:33.688] awesomerem1: lol [01:35:34.184] jewgold22: sometimes [01:35:39.489] Bellumir: PogBones [01:35:39.882] legalalien_x: hot girl [01:35:40.349] godsbeenswinging_: BLOO [01:35:41.096] drbuckethead123: Can you watch the Jaws movies? shyyHmm [01:35:42.140] JuicyBoyTV_: I'm like that with videos of skydiving and heights [01:35:43.981] cormoranoimperatore: Well sharks won’t enter the cage at least, probably. If someone tries to do that with killer whales however [01:35:47.512] BarlosJimbo15: "manliest man" sureee [01:35:50.965] packaged_horse: LOL [01:35:52.133] bluj40: D: [01:35:52.224] King__Mosabi: thalassaphobia anyone? [01:35:53.181] adorkablewreck: I once slept on our couch for three nights because I saw a spider in my room [01:35:54.060] 02f2: Education going to good use! [01:35:54.325] saint_r: if your afraid of blue then dont turn around [01:35:54.723] carolinelikesdinner: What are ur thoughts on dolphins 🤔 [01:35:55.070] Flippi_12: D: 󠀀 [01:35:56.236] forcecrusherr: XD [01:35:56.900] the_skull1013: dont turn around then [01:35:57.005] y0rk5h1r3: F1NN's Blue dab a dee dab a die [01:35:57.397] jvlivs777: 😊🙌 [01:35:57.406] DrasticLion8408: Apparently I’m subbed now. IDK why [01:35:58.526] JohnBanks117: D: [01:35:59.618] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "Will you send F1nn a Blahaj?": No, I don’t want to scare hims with 82 votes (53.25%) [01:36:00.179] MoonSenpai619: Corgo50 scam [01:36:01.244] mpr1999: F1n need to play subnautica [01:36:02.145] swissminion_06: he says while he's wearing a blue skirt XD [01:36:02.580] Royalbirhat: banlishAw banlishAw banlishAw banlishGig banlishGig [01:36:02.623] bluj40: i feel personally attacked [01:36:03.921] pietersos420: blueophobia [01:36:05.052] md15185o: so he can't handle blue balls? [01:36:09.360] o_randomness_o: don't look behind you [01:36:09.836] anschofi: gemrelized ...actual a-level english [01:36:15.551] AbsentPopcorn33: Dolphins are more deadly the sharks [01:36:15.800] LAOnAirStudios: Show us the degree 📜 [01:36:16.527] Helen_Croft: hope your PC never gets a BSOD [01:36:16.725] johnkeiwo: That's why you're a bimbo into pink stuff now ! I get it [01:36:20.037] fieri574: @F1NN5TER DONT LOOK BEHIND YOU!!! [01:36:20.144] cormoranoimperatore: Wow, how does that happen? [01:36:21.327] purplesingeram: 😭😭 [01:36:23.800] Convolution_: don't turn around but theres blue behind you! @F1NN5TER [01:36:25.707] Eldritch_haiku: Don’t look behind you then [01:36:27.833] mustangcubed: I’ve been 15 miles offshore in a 20-foot boat, surrounded by sharks while fishing. It’s fine… [01:36:27.894] awesomerem1: He likes the@ [01:36:29.885] Natt: Sailor...cat? yes? [01:36:32.268] raved007: YO [01:36:32.717] Solus_kun: KEKW [01:36:34.162] bingobongo84: Keepo Keepo Keepo [01:36:35.045] luismalave909: Mommy? [01:36:36.757] mikah0323: bruh [01:36:37.232] jaheembtw: finn ur just a pussy just be a MANLY MAN and punch the charks [01:36:37.885] Solus_kun: @Natt Haii [01:36:38.842] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:36:40.441] clixy1234545: Hi [01:36:40.517] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:36:41.526] jaheembtw: sharks* [01:36:42.386] godsbeenswinging_: NATT [01:36:43.262] HexGrrrrl: glass shark [01:36:43.832] alexx_net: Because the people that develop phobias survive. The ones that didn't got eaten by the sharks. [01:36:48.842] GirlSmirka: hi [01:36:49.224] jechk4: Man u’re wearing blue and there’s blue behind u [01:36:50.053] themindscrambler: went to see whale sharks in Atlanta Georgia last weekend [01:36:50.311] thecuxspm: aquarium stream [01:36:51.632] carolinelikesdinner: Fair [01:36:57.839] SethwMad: @TenMuses Its okay send it to me i'll force him. [01:36:58.669] kishere123: manly man [01:36:59.911] GreenGamer_100: half a mil?!!!??!? [01:37:01.465] gelbphoenix: Chat we need to send her HRT. (Mods, this is a joke!) [01:37:01.719] mattcheesy: would you eat shark [01:37:02.224] freddd104: choose one booba implants or shark cage [01:37:03.629] jupiterstone: would you be scared of one of those baby sharks in a jar [01:37:03.757] bluj40: yeah but be real what is the min price you would do it? [01:37:04.330] Bellumir: Natt in the chat ☼ [01:37:05.766] sapy_syrup_ovo: if u think normal sharks are scary,look up a goblin shark [01:37:07.635] Brainfishes: shyyRoll [01:37:08.989] legalalien_x: What happened to your manly clothes box? [01:37:10.838] 1_smart_donkey: you look like one [01:37:11.686] xGinja_: blue ass can [01:37:15.372] Cazenn: Look like a sailor [01:37:16.027] unbidduck: you only have to worry about bullsharks, they are the only ones that will actively hunt you [01:37:17.000] Cazenn: KEKW [01:37:17.994] garbage_teir: what happened to not eating anything chat sends you [01:37:18.452] JohnBanks117: Heya Natt [01:37:19.835] bluj40: CAP [01:37:20.158] mystchevious1: Two Rules *eats sprinkles* I won't eat or fuck anything you send. *eats sprinkles* [01:37:20.356] swissminion_06: estrogen candy? KEKW [01:37:21.079] ZyhlerXG: f1nn stuck, cant getb [01:37:21.323] drbuckethead123: Orcas are the Gigachads of the ocean shyyNodders [01:37:27.316] bkmurder101: says the girly in a Sailor uniform. [01:37:27.400] RareThunder5814: Orca’s are cute have you ever seen Lily [01:37:29.703] LAOnAirStudios: 🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺 [01:37:30.049] SethwMad: AHAHAHAH [01:37:30.252] o_randomness_o: THEY AREN'T CaNdY THEY ARE SWEET'S [01:37:30.366] ragingwafle67: @tenmuses pay him 500k [01:37:32.679] alexx_net: @legalalien_x, It's still behind her [01:37:40.450] AppleDoesStuff: half a billiob? [01:37:41.484] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [01:37:44.135] AppleDoesStuff: billion? [01:37:45.007] ZaturaHD: ZaturaHD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! boy ? [01:37:45.190] f3mmbot zaturahd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:45.318] carolinelikesdinner: Its kind of funny that you're wearing a sailor uniform while talking about being scared of the ocean [01:37:46.816] bluj40: youd have to do it for 10 mil [01:37:52.200] minifarmer123: 6 mil? [01:37:52.292] AbsentPopcorn33: Dolphins are smarter and more deadly then sharks and sharks rarely attack people [01:37:54.397] drbuckethead123: 5million incoming POGGERS [01:37:54.498] impulsive2351: What was the question? [01:37:54.839] itsallbeendone: so you're not a sea men, F1nn? [01:37:55.976] GirlSmirka: get real bobs [01:37:55.983] benfletcher247: lol [01:37:56.795] ijj_millkk: angler fish fuck no [01:37:59.070] cormoranoimperatore: Maybe you could overcome your fear of sharks if you learnt how to flip them to the Y axis with a few touches. Yes it is a real thing [01:37:59.980] alexx_net: @o_randomness_o, Most of chat are American, so she "translates" for them. [01:38:01.421] LAOnAirStudios: mellySHOEY mellySHOEY mellySHOEY mellySHOEY mellySHOEY [01:38:02.867] PonchoThePenguin: boy [01:38:03.319] l0rd_gavin: quick someone donate 6 mil [01:38:04.730] d_unknownkilla92: 15mill for an hour [01:38:04.855] OGpiepro: i would do it for free, sounds fun [01:38:05.820] vanimal2118: Let’s not make the streamer hide in a courner crying. [01:38:07.691] JTone2: Do u hate the beach 🦈 [01:38:08.981] fischfuttermaker: U like goldfish? [01:38:09.858] Solus_kun: Sure Kappa and then f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM Out again [01:38:10.851] Kolateak_: boY [01:38:13.065] King__Mosabi: @cormoranoimperatore lol get rotated [01:38:15.318] EvelynnWasTakenn: @RareThunder5814 <3 <3 [01:38:15.944] rw03_bjw: someone start a go fund me [01:38:19.186] 1_smart_donkey: 100k I would and even try to pet them [01:38:23.978] nefeli153: hi [01:38:27.491] FlyingMortimer: What about diving with small nurse sharks? [01:38:29.572] carolinelikesdinner: LMAOOO [01:38:29.992] themindscrambler: baby sharks in a touch pool at an aquarium? [01:38:30.118] Jens_LN: yeah, but you also said you would get bobs for 300k [01:38:30.378] ronineutroni: $10 [01:38:30.467] Cactoony: get hrt from the shark [01:38:31.294] mrgamer1420: Finn You looks Handsome today SirUwU [01:38:32.328] ForsbergInTheHouse: now we are negotiating the price [01:38:32.414] alexybyrne: U SAID 1M FOR HRT 2 W AGO [01:38:35.783] c__r__j: Spend $10,000 on therapy for your phobia, meet the sharks, pocket the remaining $4,990,000. Easy money. [01:38:36.024] carolinelikesdinner: $5 [01:38:36.982] 1_smart_donkey: need money [01:38:38.423] jechk4: Go grab a hot strong guy and go the aquarium together, If something happens, the guy will hug with his buff hands (pretty sure mr Schlatt would love to hang out with a hot femboy) [01:38:39.275] bingobongo84: Finn can't even look at the ocean because of the sins of his ancestors Keepo Keepo [01:38:39.471] jupiterstone: id do it for a dolla [01:38:41.201] Amoyamoyamoya: You gave us a price during a stream last year...can't recall the amount. [01:38:43.586] R1ncewnd: How much for a shark to bite off your... [01:38:43.922] ginjninj: @Cactoony KEKW [01:38:44.338] l0rd_gavin: shark fren [01:38:46.016] Grizeldarky: Isn’t there any specie of shark that you still like ? [01:38:48.779] 02f2: Most sharks won't go out of their way to attack you [01:38:49.849] SubliminalCorruption: The sharks could chop of your pp. Two birds with one stone. [01:38:50.610] AppleDoesStuff: 10k sharks do a glub glub and are friend shaped [01:38:50.710] josecortesnival: hiya [01:38:51.007] cormoranoimperatore: @king__mosabi Yaas [01:38:51.897] AbsentPopcorn33: Do you understand dolphins are more deadly then sharks [01:38:51.923] drbuckethead123: sharks are frens, not food shyyNodders [01:38:55.400] sissyjessie: How much for you to watch Jaws? [01:38:56.412] bluj40: yeah but its not permanent and your guaranteed safety [01:38:56.887] ozeantj: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [01:38:57.214] total_acidity: Soo...you'd prefer no dick to diving with sharks? [01:38:57.235] vidyagaem7: Bro I’d pay to be around sharks [01:38:58.245] legalalien_x: 10 Mio Zimbabwe dollars [01:38:59.531] benfletcher247: spin# [01:39:00.989] unbidduck: I would do it for free, shat shits expensive [01:39:01.936] lara_raawr: sharks are cute. well at least plush sharks [01:39:04.334] Bellumir: Sharks are cute, don't let phobias control your life.. kinda racist [01:39:05.497] keffyfortnight: Il do it for free [01:39:06.382] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:39:08.352] darncoolcreeper: He is very beautiful [01:39:08.361] Amoyamoyamoya: I recall $5M but I think that was for lifetime bobs, not GRS/SRS. [01:39:11.921] benfletcher247: spin pls [01:39:12.911] alexybyrne: 100M BOLIVARS LUL [01:39:13.807] jaynov18: sharks have a weakness if you boop their nose they will leave you alone [01:39:19.249] starless_x: I’d go in the shark cage for free [01:39:19.861] OGpiepro: snakes are great [01:39:21.592] forcecrusherr: snakes are sick [01:39:21.893] Lucridis: Snakes are cute [01:39:22.999] yeddiiii: nah [01:39:24.585] l0rd_gavin: yeaa snakes cool adf [01:39:25.028] Kolateak_: GRS? [01:39:25.874] Stovamor: So, are the dozen shark plushies I sent a bad idea or not @f1nn5ter [01:39:26.537] TenMuses: I used to have a snake phobia [01:39:28.433] The_logs: people [01:39:28.953] ComputedBee: snakes are god tier animals [01:39:29.219] strahd05: Do UwU [01:39:30.760] Jens_LN: Women [01:39:30.787] carolinelikesdinner: Sharks are so scary ur based [01:39:31.545] y0rk5h1r3: Heights [01:39:32.848] xGinja_: i have a phobia of people [01:39:32.970] itsreafus: holes [01:39:34.118] AsphyxiaEcho: VEGANS [01:39:34.157] GirlSmirka: dark [01:39:34.618] sissyjessie: Spiders! [01:39:34.622] 1_smart_donkey: being broke [01:39:34.626] alexybyrne: SPIDERS NotLikeThis [01:39:34.640] reiziq: spiders [01:39:35.160] RyuNeko_: Finn [01:39:35.188] forcecrusherr: fear of unknown is the dark [01:39:35.392] Jadre1: spiders [01:39:35.538] awesomerem1: Boobs [01:39:35.684] freddd104: topophobia [01:39:36.054] TenMuses: I did [01:39:36.586] Fizrug: Ants [01:39:37.313] total_acidity: heights [01:39:37.340] 02f2: Boys who aren't femboys [01:39:37.831] Solus_kun: phobia Girls KEKW [01:39:38.068] Kai_Marcad: Afraid of heigts [01:39:38.105] garbage_teir: roaches [01:39:38.141] Julohki: Holes [01:39:38.280] 1234fdrjfk: abandonment [01:39:38.292] Earthquake_chan: fucking LaDeRs [01:39:38.653] nico_cccxv: you [01:39:38.851] l3igPP: i have a fear if bussy [01:39:39.115] alexx_net: I swam with sharks without the cage. I thought that I would be cool, but it was still a jump scare when I saw the first one up close. [01:39:39.168] wallsgunna: clowns, but i'm attracted to clowngirls [01:39:39.662] King__Mosabi: I have a phobia of cute femboys [01:39:39.668] ginjninj: heights, spiders, the future [01:39:40.290] rw03_bjw: needles [01:39:40.427] halo4fan27: the dark phobia [01:39:40.464] bleuspike: spiders make me cry [01:39:40.717] o_randomness_o: I want a per snake tbh but my family won't let me get one [01:39:40.813] kaydensdepressed: spiders [01:39:41.322] timabar: hights [01:39:41.987] TacPepGaming: I don't really have any phobias [01:39:42.102] somethingstrangetwitch: spiders are horrible [01:39:42.909] longlegs_honey: I hate snakes [01:39:43.124] cobyneedmedicine: falling into an infinite void [01:39:43.318] Kinitawowi: axe-wielding maniacs [01:39:43.740] verkaufdichnicht: Is the BLACK ADDER poisonous? [01:39:44.176] peavey443: Femboys [01:39:44.568] bkmurder101: Have you seen the thing on Fr3ddi's Insta where random people have been sending him Estrogen in the mail? [01:39:44.799] total_acidity: and bees [01:39:45.122] darncoolcreeper: I am only scared of toilet snake [01:39:45.510] CloakedN00b: SUS [01:39:45.799] barbie_secretstanner: Planes and cars under water. Shits scary [01:39:45.860] spacedoutzane: Being starred at [01:39:46.125] chocochewie1: People forgetting I exist. [01:39:46.183] GirlSmirka: the dark [01:39:46.190] kishere123: I am scared of dying or rather I guess the unknown [01:39:46.259] probepackung: loneliness [01:39:46.321] chimmiesjams: Clowns [01:39:46.417] EffyApples: Vomiting [01:39:46.480] ijj_millkk: anythung in the ocean but manly angler fish [01:39:46.584] UtopiaOfChaos: spiders [01:39:47.833] strangechild6s: small spaces [01:39:47.906] saloomalmusa: catboys [01:39:48.067] seniorbarbs: Needles [01:39:48.071] md15185o: snakes are cool until danger noodles hide below your front door [01:39:49.296] Fortu_tv: i have a finnsterphobia [01:39:49.375] jaynov18: despite having a tattoo I hate needles [01:39:49.586] alpha_chaos3836: Woman [01:39:50.506] XellosMetallum: bees and wasps [01:39:50.657] meh_its_jack: Alligators [01:39:50.982] braddle172: heights [01:39:51.369] duckstm: scared of pp [01:39:51.476] MicroDav: homophobia with a twist, im gay [01:39:52.351] Chri55PBacon: dont have one [01:39:52.395] olando200: fin in a dress [01:39:52.525] biffdaking: getting remarried [01:39:52.623] mikah0323: phobia of dying alone in endless misery [01:39:52.633] spiritwolf9969: MEN [01:39:52.672] keffyfortnight: Dick phopa [01:39:52.989] benfletcher247: spin pls [01:39:53.186] Cactoony: Ive worked with sharks before [01:39:53.453] calilkrad: vomit [01:39:53.572] cobyneedmedicine: being trapped in a dream [01:39:53.774] minifarmer123: spiders [01:39:54.607] Tom1nn1t: Arachnophobia, spiders are literally the worst [01:39:54.960] jechk4: Ngl I’m so scared of insects and elevators [01:39:55.399] iAmSurayaa: dolls and spiders [01:39:55.559] charikuno: Flys, bees, wasps [01:39:55.690] cormoranoimperatore: Chemical addiction [01:39:56.679] Lucridis: Dogs [01:39:56.715] purplesingeram: Mirrors [01:39:56.920] probepackung: claustrophobia [01:39:57.088] yeddiiii: from which brand are ur fake boobs? [01:39:57.105] jackgamer515: !pronouns [01:39:57.364] f3mmbot This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [01:39:57.366] jeffydavy: living [01:39:57.440] awesomerem1: Water snakes [01:39:57.470] shadowsincircles: guns [01:39:57.575] NazoXozaN: Arachnophobia [01:39:57.594] RealNuggetTheHamster: Moths [01:39:57.853] TenMuses: I went to the local pet store and made myself hold them until I wasn't afraid of them anymore [01:39:57.939] xfunkyflynnx: death in general [01:39:58.224] Rainiiru: i have this thing called social anxiety so i have a phobia of people lmao [01:39:58.922] Friendigo_: I used to have night terrors and now I don't afraid of anything, to a fault [01:39:59.513] king_rthur: Commitment [01:40:00.445] capt1m: Pop socks [01:40:00.744] thecuxspm: Pain [01:40:00.762] britishfemboyuwu: i have a phobia of death -_- [01:40:01.711] AppleDoesStuff: Scared of fire [01:40:02.228] vidyagaem7: I’m claustrophobic [01:40:03.065] sitooma: Dark fields [01:40:03.367] Loelinverse: boobs [01:40:03.553] meishakat: Traps [01:40:04.038] turbotorbogoblo: Clowns [01:40:04.583] legalalien_x: Girlphobia [01:40:04.828] AsphyxiaEcho: deffo vegans [01:40:05.277] mrgamer1420: Rat NotLikeThis [01:40:05.340] thespacesquirrels: Girls [01:40:05.832] flex_uli: zombies [01:40:05.879] carolinelikesdinner: I have a fear of dogs 😭 [01:40:06.585] rw03_bjw: running out of ammo [01:40:06.822] saloomalmusa: catboy [01:40:06.993] doge_thunder: I got a phobia of large insects. [01:40:07.387] chrles__: Bruh i left to do my chores like an hour ago and i forgot i left the stream open [01:40:07.957] themindscrambler: death, nothingness, no longer existing.... standard existential crisis [01:40:08.506] pietersos420: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia i hate long words [01:40:08.868] LAOnAirStudios: My phobia is scammers [01:40:09.017] duplotracer: possibly insects, especially big spiders I guess, I don't really know [01:40:09.868] JohnBanks117: Nothing [01:40:09.888] jewgold22: mirrors [01:40:10.121] TenMuses: I've handled rattlesnakes since then [01:40:10.540] luga_0: !onlyfans [01:40:10.808] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [01:40:11.198] bluj40: im scared of waving back at someone who wasnt waving at me [01:40:11.321] yeahsgo: cockroaches [01:40:11.412] gelbphoenix: wasp phobia [01:40:11.971] bfritz0815: large spiders [01:40:12.147] Kolateak_: Is that irrational though? [01:40:13.286] saloomalmusa: catboys [01:40:13.327] minifarmer123: clowns i hate clowns [01:40:13.357] alexybyrne: SEA DEAPS [01:40:13.361] HexGrrrrl: strange men phobia [01:40:14.071] Bellumir: it's called common sense [01:40:14.758] kishere123: I am scared of snails [01:40:15.632] ScarredLemon: Wholesome [01:40:15.668] Convolution_: I'm scarred of my comments being read out on a live stream [01:40:16.283] Gloom_Slayer: I already faced my worest [01:40:16.443] 1indigo0: what football club do you support finn? [01:40:16.552] ohcrapitsonfire: Fear of spiders [01:40:17.154] snoop_uwu: same as finns real fear.. an Honnest days work! [01:40:17.596] ronineutroni: I have feet fobia [01:40:17.675] Skullph7: roaches. I will literally kill myself if I have to square up with one [01:40:17.751] juuso_loikkanen: Mommy [01:40:19.383] lexmont42: I have niyhtmares of my family dying. I don't fear dying myself. [01:40:20.329] dark_syndrome_98: bruh this dude has boobs [01:40:20.505] EffyApples: Vomiting [01:40:20.553] Cactoony: simply go to the local shark store and hold a shark [01:40:20.900] forcecrusherr: bro Tsekoupiphobia (Fear Of Axes) [01:40:21.340] NazoXozaN: I also have a fear of heights [01:40:21.662] AppleDoesStuff: Fire scary [01:40:21.667] carolinelikesdinner: Cynophobia gang wya [01:40:22.414] OmenOfRavens: I used to have a phobia of stickers [01:40:22.714] freddd104: seeing skulls with bone cancer [01:40:22.750] tommy_1110: Women [01:40:23.485] Tbomb111109: mother [01:40:23.661] Jens_LN: A bit more difficult to hold sharks [01:40:23.989] shortkidenergy: Needles 🙃 [01:40:24.789] eclipsi0: pen cages, those make my skin crawl [01:40:25.059] Grizeldarky: Insects in general, but flying ones more because I’m scared they’d go in my ears [01:40:25.577] BerryAndBitty: Sharks aren't actually dangerous, the reason they attack you is because the LITERALLY put some sea animal's flesh infront of you, not much more. Now dolphins, THOSE B*STARDS ARE BAD. Also my fear is dogs, childhood trauma goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRT [01:40:26.023] reteliny: i donated where did my notif go? :( [01:40:26.878] bubbewubbles: losing my fingers or hearing [01:40:27.285] tbaccata: what about a nurse shark [01:40:28.252] saloomalmusa: catboy [01:40:28.473] charikuno: Socialising [01:40:29.539] kishere123: SNAILS AND MEN [01:40:29.629] FlyingMortimer: Used to be afraid of heights/edges. Now I'm a skydiver. [01:40:30.895] PseudoDrayghen: Trypophobia’s [01:40:31.012] johnkeiwo: @bluj40, scared of cringe, u wouldn't like me, I survive on cringe ! [01:40:31.414] drbuckethead123: Just go to the pet store and hold a shark Kappa [01:40:31.832] mothmantrash: Not a phobia but terrible social anxiety, i can’t talk to new people at all even if i try [01:40:31.971] ilona_krasnova_666: KomodoH KomodoHype [01:40:33.105] MerHitGod: The inevitable doom [01:40:33.228] unbidduck: I held a python [01:40:34.134] halo4fan27: Nyctophobia fear of the dark [01:40:34.408] aunalbrutal: Ive a phobia for all animals XD [01:40:35.174] y0rk5h1r3: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:40:35.626] sissyjessie: Also big dogs following me [01:40:36.017] Oracle840: I'm like anti arachnophobic I've let spiders crawl on my hand like a kid might do with an ant [01:40:37.352] alexiscool__: HI FINN do you like tiny sharks instead [01:40:38.640] King__Mosabi: @TenMuses i got rattler's around here, no thanks! lol [01:40:40.676] anschofi: f1nn likes to handle big "snakes"? [01:40:43.237] jaynov18: @f1nn5ter scares me that's why I only show up for the rose streams [01:40:44.263] OGpiepro: lemon sharks are awesome [01:40:46.626] Bloodhoundje: I'm afraid of femboys, which is why im watching this stream to overcome my fobia [01:40:47.434] forcecrusherr: how bout nursrey sharks [01:40:48.273] juuso_loikkanen: Mommy [01:40:49.121] o_randomness_o: google cute sharks you will love them [01:40:49.194] y0rk5h1r3: Sharky disagrees rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [01:40:49.463] Flippi_12: danger noodle cuter then shark [01:40:52.107] thespacesquirrels: Women [01:40:52.288] v1rtuallyvee: used to have severe apiphobia (bees/wasps), but did a senior project on bees and now they’re one of my favorite animals [01:40:53.066] Grizeldarky: Actually I like insects but I feel more vulnerable to them than to any big animal [01:40:54.180] PseudoDrayghen: pseudo50Heart pseudo50Heart pseudo50Heart pseudo50Heart trypophobia [01:40:55.383] general_of_cm: @F1NN5TER look up the Click Mango [01:40:58.737] ginjninj: we got basking sharks in the UK, theyre huge [01:40:58.881] Gloom_Slayer: Ive already faced my worst fear. I am immune to it now. [01:40:59.453] mr_ajokortti_korkort: I think jellyfish are more scary than sharks [01:41:02.982] strahd05: I’m afraid of women with a very deep voice. That’s why I’m here. To get over my fear. [01:41:04.157] carolinelikesdinner: Dogs are so scary I dont know why [01:41:05.488] bluj40: @johnkeiwo yeah im not a fan of cringe [01:41:06.919] Kilroy_Here: Kilroy_Here subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! has it been 11 months already? [01:41:07.100] f3mmbot kilroy_here subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:41:08.016] ZyhlerXG: so the reggae shark is also scary ? [01:41:11.699] juddle: both [01:41:13.175] gothphobia: Fin should watch aquaman [01:41:13.628] spacedoutzane: Abandonment, human like beings, pain, medical procedures, fear, being left behind, being alone [01:41:14.135] Granny_Duck: Buy bigger knives [01:41:14.698] 02f2: confused indeed [01:41:19.440] tarakagyu: both do both [01:41:19.687] PonchoThePenguin: they're not mutally exclusive? [01:41:21.642] Tune99x: Does every type of shark scare you, or just like the white sharks? [01:41:23.279] keffyfortnight: Is sniffing me from experience fortnight players from hell to change at 10 ish the boss souls from experience fortnight from scratch with ease from experience fortnight with credit with care about face [01:41:24.352] vanimal2118: How did the date with the Architects go? [01:41:25.437] PseudoDrayghen: HahaPoint HahaNutcracker HahaLean HahaHide HahaGingercat HahaElf HahaDoge HahaCat [01:41:29.045] chained_is_live: im gonna train a snake to attack and during vid con imma come up to you and ask if you like my snake [01:41:31.568] peavey443: Being on deployment in the pacfic ocean when i was in the Marines, we had a pretty bad storm, scariest thing ive experienced, but travel pog [01:41:31.744] halo4fan27: @F1NN5TER Nyctophobia fear of the dark [01:41:34.012] AlgolGaming: @F1NN5TER having a fear of sharks is healthy. your ancestors survived due to those same fears. just means you're human to recognize dangers [01:41:37.172] tarakagyu: true [01:41:39.123] benfletcher247: spin? [01:41:42.464] o_randomness_o: google "cute sharks" you will love them [01:41:44.406] Jens_LN: go to the gym and do butt training instead of HRT [01:41:45.931] Flippi_12: @johnkeiwo you are a master of cringe?? adcvrTHINK adcvrTHINK [01:41:47.680] sky_night4213: f1n are you going to start a Mindcraft server ? f1n are you going to start a Mindcraft server ? [01:41:49.506] Amoyamoyamoya: Yah...actually getting on HRT is a serious thing. [01:41:55.536] y0rk5h1r3: Bonuses? [01:41:57.450] bkmurder101: Despite being borderline Atheist I'm am like deathly afraid of the idea of Possession to the point it'll keep me awake at night for weeks if I get too into it. Thanks a lot Exorcist. [01:41:57.999] BerryAndBitty: It's only the nuclear option if you're scared >:3 [01:41:58.178] neon_soup: "if you're a fan of bone density" [01:41:58.213] Tbomb111109: spin? [01:41:58.568] v_scribbles: What about sharks scares you so much I have a phobia of birds and I am scared of the mainly cause they don’t have any arms [01:41:59.018] reteliny: i take HRT its amazing [01:42:04.224] mpr1999: has anyone seen the Cyriopagopus lividus - it is an amazing blue colour [01:42:05.171] Cazenn: KEKW Stov [01:42:05.830] crazzygur: There's like one downside in my opp [01:42:07.338] Flippi_12: Clap Stov [01:42:08.758] aunalbrutal: HAHAHAHAH @Stovamor [01:42:09.273] maciekitty636: taking hrt can cause a heart attack so that's a big risk [01:42:09.656] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:42:10.079] 1_smart_donkey: nice burn [01:42:10.125] HornyFerret: womanphobia [01:42:11.209] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:42:13.474] Bellumir: G'night brah, mwah~ [01:42:14.080] GirlSmirka: @reteliny so your trans? [01:42:18.034] braddle172: what about soda? [01:42:18.194] bernie_____: SabaPing immersion therapy [01:42:23.894] airconditionerbrrr: @reteliny you're* [01:42:23.978] Kolateak_: HRT has so many awful side effects [01:42:24.363] higgsleftknut: using hrt to be a little girly is like bringing an m1a1 Abrams to a knife fight [01:42:26.475] garbage_teir: negatives of hrt nonexistent hrt should be mandatory [01:42:26.843] BerryAndBitty: BLAHAJ ON STREAM WHEN [01:42:27.519] bluj40: @sky_night4213 not anytime soon my friend [01:42:29.996] DjIsNotCool_: as a woman, I'm scared of most men (mostly when alone) 😂 [01:42:30.107] awesomerem1: You are going to have so many soon [01:42:31.559] abe1_2: Have you ever found a trans women attractive [01:42:33.300] 02f2: immersion? [01:42:35.554] benfletcher247: spin [01:42:38.131] reteliny: @reteliny yea [01:42:38.604] alexiscool__: shark theropy for finn [01:42:38.720] Soulex23: There's a few forms of HRT that allow you to retain function in your male bits [01:42:39.859] cormoranoimperatore: @maciekitty636 It sounds like a too simple explanation [01:42:41.435] chocochewie1: Trying to get it, got put on a half a year waiting list. [01:42:42.046] noisygamer11: nah i’m like a feminine dude and hrt is still so swag [01:42:44.150] Helen_Croft: IKEA will be out Blåhaj this week, they are all going to Rose [01:42:49.027] ozeantj: fear of dying :o [01:42:50.437] LAOnAirStudios: When is sodacat dressing as a girl 👧 [01:42:51.008] reteliny: im trans [01:42:54.895] keffyfortnight: Penalty to change at the rive pp phopa [01:42:55.298] BarlosJimbo15: humans brains are so funny with phobias [01:42:55.477] LittleChaSiu: weirdChamp dono [01:42:57.959] yeddiiii: which brand are ur fake bobs from? [01:43:03.393] ScarredLemon: Sus donation f1nnMonka [01:43:04.230] Reijuuuuuu: HRT DOES NOT causes heart attack 😂 [01:43:06.191] bernie_____: hachuFail dono [01:43:11.620] carolinelikesdinner: THE DONO??? [01:43:12.668] benfletcher247: you streaming tomorow [01:43:12.988] JuicyBoyTV_: Scary = Bad [01:43:14.511] jaynov18: have you heard of the robot dog. they added a gun to it. new fear [01:43:16.290] lara_raawr: dono down bad [01:43:17.493] AsphyxiaEcho: which toilet do trans people use??? [01:43:19.406] y0rk5h1r3: You seen that 'Get Rotated' meme? [01:43:21.484] spaaaaaaammy77: in some cases its brain wired good, to stop you getting yourself killed [01:43:21.881] Owly_9: Asda George [01:43:22.001] 1_smart_donkey: laser therapy [01:43:22.194] alexx_net: @mpr1999, It is a beautiful spider [01:43:26.320] neon_soup: Nike shaped nipples matters [01:43:31.215] johnkeiwo: @AsphyxiaEcho, the one they want [01:43:32.554] thebunroller: Simp-goal. Rose wears a shark-onsie for a stream Kappa [01:43:35.260] itzzeeka: wait your a man WutFace [01:43:35.357] ghoobie: @AsphyxiaEcho The one appropriate for their gender ofc [01:43:36.663] c__r__j: @LAOnAirStudios 50-50 for any particular garment they pick? Not really a choice they bother making, so far as I'm aware. [01:43:43.016] chocochewie1: Hrt doesn’t give you heart attacks. [01:43:43.688] ElFuaLoco033: @itzzeeka manly man [01:43:43.744] yeddiiii: OK ty [01:43:45.247] noisygamer11: i’m 3 months into hrt and my dick still works so would recommend [01:43:47.042] Kolateak_: Fear of the daaark [01:43:47.276] reteliny: rose makes an onlyfans [01:43:49.041] ZenaBox: ZenaBox subscribed with Prime. [01:43:49.172] archangelmick: hrt IS SUPPOSED TO REDUCE THE RISKS OF HEART ATTACK AFTER CASTRATION . [01:43:49.221] f3mmbot zenabox subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zenabox f1nnLezgang [01:43:49.332] ZenaBox: ZenaBox subscribed with Prime. [01:43:49.512] f3mmbot zenabox subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zenabox f1nnLezgang [01:43:50.068] HexGrrrrl: I love the dark [01:43:51.250] bubbewubbles: @asphyxiaecho they have to use the parking lot [01:43:53.069] halo4fan27: it god damn severe [01:43:55.515] Soulex23: A few T-blockers lets you keep your male bits functional, one of them even being nicknamed Fin [01:43:55.704] y0rk5h1r3: Fear of the Dark is a Banger!!! [01:43:55.892] benfletcher247: gg [01:44:00.407] kishere123: I am scared of men. Any recommendations? [01:44:01.054] EternalNocturnal68: Ara ara [01:44:06.129] AppleDoesStuff: oh yeah, I have a massive fear of the dark due to paranoia [01:44:07.434] spacedoutzane: Fear of sleep [01:44:08.645] v1rtuallyvee: also had a phobia of Slenderman for a while, solely because of the Tulpa theory (the more you think of something the more real it becomes) [01:44:09.210] mrgamer1420: Wait Why your b$$bs looks big today 😳 [01:44:11.126] livlifeloser: hi Fin!! [01:44:15.206] johnkeiwo: monkaS [01:44:15.336] Jens_LN: wait what ? [01:44:16.829] bkmurder101: Oh yeah, pitch black dark freaks me out. Lock me in a lightless room and I'll try to knock a wall down. [01:44:18.699] halo4fan27: @y0rk5h1r3 not when it gets dark all the time [01:44:18.719] BerryAndBitty: HOW DID HIS VOICE SOUND SCARED LUL [01:44:18.988] charikuno: F1nnphobic [01:44:19.149] neon_soup: the squiggly things [01:44:20.808] Flippi_12: what??? [01:44:25.479] ginjninj: deep sea? [01:44:26.123] jaynov18: @soulex23 I take Spiro and still have function. [01:44:27.654] jupiterstone: the octopus [01:44:28.271] minifarmer123: the crab [01:44:28.901] chocochewie1: ??? [01:44:29.211] starsjem: usurla? [01:44:29.272] spaaaaaaammy77: irrational phobias are mostly based around childhood experience [01:44:29.533] bernie_____: hachuFail trolls [01:44:30.312] ElFuaLoco033: manlyphobic [01:44:33.433] mario150502: @kishere123 just date women duh Kappa [01:44:33.507] crazzygur: human phobia [01:44:35.172] mpr1999: @alexx_net A friend sent me a photo today and it was amazing colour - I had to look it up to see if it was photoshopped [01:44:38.195] xGinja_: ur thinking of sirens [01:44:38.317] TenMuses: I still have trypophobisa [01:44:42.036] ragnyaaaaa: hey bruv cool outfit [01:44:42.098] Jens_LN: the original mermaids were nasty AF [01:44:42.149] Rtwld: There was an episode where she got stuck in a deep dark part of the ocean. Gave me a lifelong fear of the sea. [01:44:43.118] Lucridis: The Little Mermaid book is scary [01:44:44.247] Amoyamoyamoya: Mythical mermaids are NOT to be fucked with. [01:44:44.736] Helen_Croft: !uptime [01:44:45.003] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 44m 50s [01:44:45.779] johnkeiwo: i think sirens [01:44:45.964] forcecrusherr: yeah sirens are freaky in myths [01:44:48.295] ZenaBox: Soup n salad. Super Salad [01:44:49.042] carolinelikesdinner: Mermaids are hot ngl [01:44:49.951] neon_soup: BE NOT AFRAID [01:44:50.423] itzzeeka: it's sirens [01:44:50.893] Kolateak_: I am only okay with absolute darkness when I am fully choosing it [01:44:52.444] Courier6___: German bednight stories :))))) [01:44:53.234] ragnyaaaaa: yeah a lot of those myths are for scaring kids safe [01:44:55.644] l3igPP: mermaids strangle you and sirens drown you [01:44:57.301] Gamerluigi24: Have you seen Harry Potter’s Mermaids [01:45:00.016] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Flippi has given me a phobia of scuffly built conveyor belts [01:45:00.035] y0rk5h1r3: @halo4fan27 I'm talking about the Iron Maiden song [01:45:02.655] alexx_net: @mpr1999, I've seen one. She was beautiful. [01:45:03.028] Lucridis: Pretty sure Ariel takes the dude's soul or something [01:45:04.697] AsphyxiaEcho: i got vegaphobia [01:45:06.179] jaynov18: the ocean is phobia worthy and I'm not 100% but I believe little mermaid has an ocean in it [01:45:06.284] deadlyjessica: Actually mythology of sirens were dialed down into what we perceive as "mermaids" [01:45:07.397] mario150502: @courier6___ hell yeah [01:45:07.839] calilkrad: seraphsss mmm [01:45:07.986] GirlSmirka: @carolinelikesdinner loool [01:45:09.328] jewgold22: MOIST [01:45:09.355] alexybyrne: DO NOT BE AFRAID shyyEye1 shyyEye1 shyyEye1 [01:45:12.613] TenMuses: yeah. the frog with the baby's coming out of it's back. ugh... [01:45:13.347] johnkeiwo: I got rid of my trypophobia, idk how [01:45:14.660] AstonWinter: Love from Cape Town, South Africa [01:45:16.259] sissyjessie: Didn't mermaids used to be mainly male [01:45:16.546] 1_smart_donkey: I guess if you lived on an island it would be bad [01:45:18.749] AbsentPopcorn33: Netflix [01:45:21.259] LunchieMunchies: evening beautiful 😙 [01:45:22.909] armanispencer: hi [01:45:23.852] ronineutroni: I have armpit phobia. [01:45:24.981] bleuspike: mermaids are also really terrifying in mythology [01:45:27.313] Bloodhoundje: are you sure about that? [01:45:27.468] BerryAndBitty: No one: God: "Why are people following satan?" *literally sends the scariest shit ever to them* [01:45:28.760] stoddarinn95: stoddarinn95 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [01:45:29.032] stoddarinn95: stoddarinn95 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Neon2k_! [01:45:29.213] f3mmbot stoddarinn95 has gifted a subscription to neon2k_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang neon2k_ f1nnLezgang [01:45:30.510] livlifeloser: angles are scary I think they belong in the backrooms [01:45:30.922] Kolateak_: Always running in those typical Birmingham sharks [01:45:31.702] Amoyamoyamoya: If I have a phobia it would be thalassophobia--the persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as the sea, oceans, pools, or lakes. [01:45:31.750] carolinelikesdinner: Thoughts on a fear of dogs? [01:45:32.839] Jens_LN: If a shark ever appear in Birmingham, it becomes dinner. [01:45:33.288] stanleyforgothispassword: tryphobia [01:45:34.109] aAndrew3030: I have a bad fear of heights [01:45:34.244] alexiscool__: Finn would u have a superpower that's: You have everything you want but everyone is a shark [01:45:35.918] TheGrinch89: well and it's more rational fear too, i mean of course you should be wary/afraid of apex predators [01:45:36.878] v1rtuallyvee: biblical accurate angels are hot, yes flaming wheel of eyes pls rail [01:45:37.628] ScarredLemon: That’s just every stream [01:45:41.004] crusher2k7: crusher2k7 subscribed with Prime. [01:45:41.202] f3mmbot crusher2k7 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang crusher2k7 f1nnLezgang [01:45:42.200] treelie: I have a friend who is afraid of sharks and won't go swimming in pools [01:45:42.508] Lobotist: I want Rose to do a stream where she Lies in bed like a slumberparty! sarkFull sarkSned [01:45:42.622] johnkeiwo: :( [01:45:44.694] PynkFryck: BIKINI TIME BOYZ [01:45:45.369] Asher_Grisham73: Asher_Grisham73 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! [01:45:45.548] f3mmbot asher_grisham73 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:45:46.034] Courier6___: Mermaid cosplay? [01:45:46.195] SniffingStones: Brummie sharks [01:45:46.920] bkmurder101: You should look up the Fiji Mermaid [01:45:52.997] byqu911: the chance of randomly getting attacked by a shark is low but it's not impossible [01:45:53.612] deadlyjessica: Whats a phobia? [01:45:55.687] FixableAlmond: You should watch Sea Monster on Netflix [01:45:58.697] wallsgunna: i'd rather see sharks everyday than live in birmingham tbh [01:46:00.328] ghoobie: @Amoyamoyamoya You'll love Subnautica POGGERS [01:46:00.498] HexGrrrrl: I used to have thanatophobia [01:46:01.021] Flippi_12: KEKW Solus [01:46:02.135] charikuno: Shark cosplay [01:46:03.378] Solus_kun: D: [01:46:04.758] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Simp goal_wear John's outfit [01:46:06.087] doge_thunder: Simp Goal Suggestion: Walk f1nnHeart [01:46:07.145] mario150502: Koumpounophobia the fear of buttons n stuff [01:46:07.386] deadlyjessica: Haven't had one of those [01:46:08.615] Rainiiru: i have a fear of people, its crippling, if im out i will start sweating really bad and my stomach starts to get weird and i will like shit myself and throw up [01:46:08.689] Gamerluigi24: Harry Potter’s Mermaids are freaky af [01:46:10.274] Solus_kun: Mods FeelsBadMan D: [01:46:12.799] Lobotist: sarkShark [01:46:14.396] CloakedN00b: johns steampunks outfit FeelsStrongMan [01:46:16.292] mrgamer1420: Look behind its Shark SirPrise [01:46:16.623] starsjem: phobia is an irrational fear [01:46:17.824] Lucridis: I'm afraid of manly men which is why I like chilling here [01:46:18.373] reteliny: PRONOUN CHECK ILL START (ALL PRONOUNS) [01:46:18.423] AbsentPopcorn33: You see sharks on Netflix though don’t you? [01:46:18.555] strahd05: Fear of failure [01:46:18.808] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun again ? [01:46:20.088] stumagoo992: #whocares , but after watching this stream over the last 2 years ive finally gotten the confidence to go out in public with long hair and painted nails, still scared of judgement, but that takes time i guess [01:46:20.473] TenMuses: you were just invited to go shark diving in Australia. could be therapeutic [01:46:20.946] MayBeAJinx: Same, the dark is fucking scary, I'm 26 and still sleep with a nightlight [01:46:21.575] legalalien_x: If you were a girl, your bussy gotta be so pink [01:46:21.945] keffyfortnight: I am a cross dresser who alter ego is helger a russia prostitut [01:46:22.505] fieri574: My cute femboy phobia is making your streams difficult to watch @F1NN5TER :( [01:46:24.555] johnkeiwo: one day [01:46:24.735] cormoranoimperatore: Idk if it counts as a phobia but free-roaming cockroaches disgust me to the point of physical disgust and checking often for them around my house or as I’m walking if I saw one [01:46:25.562] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, Imagine getting clapped in online chat KEKW [01:46:27.425] LAOnAirStudios: You still have the outfit that John sent you!!! [01:46:28.211] tbaccata: hippopottosesquipedaliophobia [01:46:29.182] mpr1999: @alexx_net you are very privileged - most of that types of animals are getting endangered [01:46:30.044] l3igPP: opinion of the goblin shark?? [01:46:31.173] BerryAndBitty: Fin will do anything for money Kappa [01:46:36.219] alexybyrne: U SCARED OS HIGHS ALSO U ARE A PLANE PILOT [01:46:36.861] GrinchMD: sadman_pl [01:46:37.341] Courier6___: Thanks for your service man [01:46:39.426] kishere123: I used to be scared of dogs until I got therapy. Now I LOVE dogs <3 [01:46:40.175] Wendy_A1: Watch out for Landsharks (See Landshark SNL) [01:46:40.840] Amoyamoyamoya: @ghoobie, Games and TV aren't a problem. It's being in actual deep water that gets me. [01:46:42.603] peavey443: Oorah [01:46:45.971] TacPepGaming: HOORAH, SEMPER FI! [01:46:47.522] Eliozer_: @f1nn5ter when will you stream next time? I want to plan ahead. [01:46:52.723] darncoolcreeper: I have homophobia (I am scared of gay people (I am scared that I am gay)) [01:46:53.429] Solus_kun: Banks Kokko Flippi yea D: Mods not being fair for sure [01:47:00.581] johnappleby21: rose should get a nose piercing [01:47:00.661] livlifeloser: I have a phobia of being in trucks after many car accidents with my dad [01:47:01.065] blaublaq: Would be fun to watch ya try *** lmao^^ [01:47:02.200] Bloodhoundje: are you also afraid of loansharks? [01:47:04.482] Stovamor: @Eliozer_, we never know until an hour or so before stream, most of the time [01:47:05.021] mairaineplayzGames: would be nice to know beforehand when you go live F1NN!!! [01:47:06.324] Amoyamoyamoya: I snorkled off Molokini and was doing OK until I saw the sharks cruising along the bottom. [01:47:07.597] Shadow_Error_011: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [01:47:08.162] bluj40: @Solus_kun >:) [01:47:16.809] smol_teeth14: mistre99Ht mistre99Ht mistre99Ht mistre99Ht [01:47:17.113] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun :) maybe the mods aren't the problem here [01:47:20.986] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun Clapping you in front of F1nn... smh, now he'll know about all the abuse [01:47:21.292] ghoobie: @Amoyamoyamoya Fair enough, the game till makes me sweat tho [01:47:22.422] King__Mosabi: @Bloodhoundje yes, but everyone should be afraid of those [01:47:23.045] Jens_LN: confrontation ? [01:47:27.860] Stovamor: !reset [01:47:28.159] f3mmbot Set the stream info to Unknown [01:47:29.792] JorWat: TenMuses, can you help fund a swimming with sharks for Rose? [01:47:32.597] bkmurder101: The Fiji Mermaid is just a "Real" Mermaid some people claimed to find and display. [01:47:32.903] 02f2: I'm sure you have used that education to it's full potential [01:47:32.930] Wendy_A1: SWIM with Sharks!!!! [01:47:33.491] materziggy2l: I hate sharks [01:47:36.350] Lucridis: VR is good for exposure therapy apparently [01:47:36.915] Morganjoe101: Jungle plants, there is a plant that damages the pain receptors and you have to wait months for the cells to be replaced for the pain to stop [01:47:38.100] jackgamer515: simp goL WERE MAN CLOTHS [01:47:38.133] Solus_kun: @Flippi_12 what if he checks the timeouts KEKW [01:47:40.067] Royalbirhat: so what you are saying is you wont play raft? uni300 [01:47:41.483] baileyyessir: yay [01:47:42.778] jackgamer515: GOAL [01:47:49.204] Solus_kun: @bluj40 did you timeout me ? D: [01:47:49.670] rainybowsparkle: I'm scared of wet hair that isn't attached to a person's head. [01:47:49.835] Levichlz: u should dress like a shark, thats how bruce wayne overcame his fear of bats [01:47:52.159] PynkFryck: @F1NN5TER Someone redeemed Spin :) [01:47:56.521] mystchevious1: However, if you shake from fear enough you can passout. Found that one out. [01:47:57.318] faust_von_hexx: I conquered the few things I was afraid of years ago [01:47:59.598] bluj40: @Solus_kun i dont snitch [01:47:59.869] Shadow_Error_011: ye finn [01:48:00.496] livlifeloser: BibleThump BibleThump [01:48:06.536] minifarmer123: good buy [01:48:08.090] JohnBanks117: @bluj40, monkaS [01:48:09.178] ItsJustTil: Exposure therapy [01:48:12.161] l3igPP: i have a phobia of people so thats fun f1nnCowjam [01:48:13.136] neceros: lookin great today [01:48:16.589] darncoolcreeper: You should play fall guys! [01:48:18.273] halo4fan27: desensitisation therapy dont work for Nyctophobia it gets dark all the time and i still deathly afraid after somehow living for years [01:48:22.116] Shadow_Error_011: @airconditionerbrrr youve been scammed [01:48:23.250] forcecrusherr: the only spider that is geniinley scary is a huntsman spider its like a foot big [01:48:25.008] Solus_kun: monkaS Bluj tzzz cmon snitch :) [01:48:26.593] abe1_2: Watch Batman Begins it’s a great example of dealing with phobias [01:48:27.061] jandraelune: There is a legit reason to be afraid of spiders. Many CAN kill you. [01:48:28.524] TheGrinch89: so clinically speaking, best way to combat transphobes, is to assault their senses with trans positive videos? :P [01:48:36.285] ginjninj: latex dress? ..... where are these photos going? [01:48:37.715] Solus_kun: D: Flippi [01:48:43.395] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:48:44.334] Lucridis: Balloons [01:48:44.834] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter show nails [01:48:45.882] Courier6___: Wait wait wait wait you looked at your new house IN A LATEX DRESS? [01:48:46.155] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, imagine snitching KEKW [01:48:46.454] aulritta: Lipstick color = nipple color [01:48:47.212] bernie_____: vvvHeart makeup advice [01:48:51.938] 1_smart_donkey: next simple get million stream for makeup tips [01:48:52.523] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GivePLZ MercyWing2 [01:48:53.587] SethwMad: HAH [01:48:54.421] Solus_kun: Flippi KEKW get adcvrBONK adcvrBONK [01:48:56.134] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL Flippi [01:48:56.495] unbidduck: hights are awful, only if it's like open railing or [01:48:57.361] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: hot tub stream when? [01:48:59.932] JohnBanks117: Flippi KEKW [01:49:04.177] AsphyxiaEcho: @F1NN5TER are acryllic nails worth it? [01:49:07.542] i_am_the_auggie: i have phobia of inflation and no amount of exposure is helping NotLikeThis [01:49:08.592] HexGrrrrl: I had thanatophobia in high school [01:49:09.190] Emmy64_: That was necessary flippi KEKW [01:49:09.419] thecuxspm: apopathodiaphulatophobia is the fear of long words [01:49:11.891] Owly_9: Flat gang baby [01:49:13.599] SethwMad: Another thousand plushies oh god NotLikeThis [01:49:13.989] TenMuses: isn't there a fetish where people sit on balloons? [01:49:14.313] mairaineplayzGames: that was a cute girly chuckle Rose! O-O [01:49:18.392] mrgamer1420: Any Guy Proposed you recently Irl?? SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU [01:49:21.759] 1_smart_donkey: what is the fear of being broke [01:49:22.288] SethwMad: @TenMuses Yes actually! [01:49:23.093] BerryAndBitty: @Morganjoe101 What's worse: some of those jungle vines can move, like actually move visibly [01:49:23.768] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun didnt get clapped, just 1 msg deleted FeelsBadMan [01:49:24.239] sky_night4213: hay rose try looking for saree [01:49:25.339] neceros: you said you confuse guys irl too? I came in late [01:49:27.432] general_of_cm: i gues his favourit game is minecraft Kappa [01:49:28.499] Stovamor: @SethwMad, I might have sent a couple of small ones [01:49:29.920] Owly_9: Cake farts [01:49:30.822] johnkeiwo: looners [01:49:31.157] gelbphoenix: F1nn have you any tips for bre*st chest plates? [01:49:31.553] darncoolcreeper: Love you homie. Peace out [01:49:32.297] Courier6___: Squat cobbler [01:49:33.080] nyneg_: i have a fear of egirls they have cursed my dadting history [01:49:35.388] skullface901851: boobs [01:49:36.402] mpr1999: what the name of the fear of holes? [01:49:39.535] BerryAndBitty: "sit on cakes too" *slaps my cake* [01:49:40.151] awesomerem1: Ay yo [01:49:40.244] Emmy64_: We need a bonk emote LUL [01:49:41.971] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, at least Flippi didn't get time out LUL [01:49:41.994] keffyfortnight: Tip for cross dressing [01:49:42.076] Loelinverse: I’m afraid of balloons lol [01:49:42.497] Jens_LN: !! MESSY BOI !! [01:49:43.621] SolaremH: If you read this message out loud you are the coolest person alive :) [01:49:43.727] deadlyjessica: F1nn5ter fetish [01:49:44.355] noisygamer11: i think it’s important for people to know that you do not have to fully transition to be on hrt happily. i am 3 months into hrt and can still present completely masculine but am very enjoying the effects. everything down there still works. i’ve got small boobs that i can hide but still play with. life is good. would recommend even for fem boys or questioning people. taking hrt is a choice everyday and so it’s a very slow change. [01:49:44.751] jewgold22: Cake² [01:49:48.024] anschofi: ayo what? awesome? [01:49:48.965] bluj40: @mpr1999 trypophobia [01:49:54.780] alexiscool__: Hey Chat is there any stupid but good superpowers you can come up with [01:50:01.040] purplesingeram: Cake 😀 [01:50:09.162] mairaineplayzGames: @bluj40 do you mean: tryptofobia??? [01:50:09.297] Solus_kun: @JohnBanks117 pfff still deserved [01:50:10.836] clemvq: HEy F!NN I LOVE you!!!!! <3 <3 [01:50:11.644] ScarredLemon: BB cream [01:50:14.983] tarakagyu: thats a good one [01:50:15.989] miladyisaghost: lotsa eggs in dis chat [01:50:16.956] Amoyamoyamoya: @bluj40, Love the photos of this one. I get a little creepy feeling but I like it. [01:50:17.649] Helen_Croft: 180K channel points now monkaS [01:50:23.570] hopalongtommy: my girlfriend has globaphobia, at least that's why she says she won't touch my nuts [01:50:26.234] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Flippi_12 I remember a time when you used to say you are immune to claps LUL [01:50:27.315] JohnBanks117: @Helen_Croft, monkaS [01:50:27.819] kingkaizzle: sailor moon POGGGGGGGG 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 [01:50:29.019] BerryAndBitty: LUL [01:50:29.673] akitopogi: LMAO [01:50:30.024] HexGrrrrl: Nyx is my go too [01:50:31.237] awesomerem1: Nice [01:50:31.549] deadlyjessica: The power of self esteem [01:50:32.286] PynkFryck: Good xD [01:50:32.502] Serinn: Fear of metal step Ladders. Seriously, the noise, seeing how unstable they are, fearing what they would do to a body when they close on someone or they fall. nightmare fuel [01:50:33.188] bluj40: @mairaineplayzGames nope, trypophobia [01:50:33.698] BerryAndBitty: THAT LAUGH [01:50:34.089] JohnBanks117: @mr_ajokortti_korkort, LUL [01:50:35.546] jaheembtw: there is a fetish where ppl call suicide hotline to masterbait [01:50:42.187] aulritta: That's presumptuous... [01:50:42.981] mairaineplayzGames: @bluj40 never heard of that one O-O [01:50:44.511] bluj40: @mairaineplayzGames you can look it up its pretty gross [01:50:45.830] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort I was, but Stov decided to be mean... LUL [01:50:48.728] theegotiger: Nice [01:50:48.875] Gloom_Slayer: I used to be terrified of having seizures when I started having them over 10 years ago, now it's just mildly unpleasant when they happen even though it completely paralyzes me for a few minutes. Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:50:49.191] bkmurder101: bbl for the VOD. Gonna go lay in my Hammock and Playstation outside. [01:50:49.876] tarakagyu: you will need that for the fleshlight [01:50:50.575] johnkeiwo: OF video ? [01:50:51.997] Owly_9: "video" [01:50:52.582] BerryAndBitty: @Serinn OH GOD I GET THAT, IT'S SO SCARY TO CLIMB [01:50:52.850] rhyshaines2412: Fit [01:50:52.969] unbidduck: ability to control orgasms, stupid but cool superpower [01:50:54.276] johnkeiwo: ALL IN ONE GO ? [01:50:55.161] ginjninj: look at all this horny junk ive amassed [01:50:57.124] bluj40: @Amoyamoyamoya thats concerning [01:50:57.713] CaridinZ: weirdChamp gotta keep it for... reasons [01:50:57.863] johnkeiwo: monkaS [01:50:57.988] Flippi_12: video?? [01:50:58.356] c__r__j: !of [01:50:58.631] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [01:50:58.883] just_a_stikk: finn pog [01:51:00.813] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: !youtube [01:51:01.100] f3mmbot Her YouTube channel is at https://youtube.com/f1nn5ter [01:51:05.149] cobiwan911: sailormooooon 😍😍 [01:51:05.236] Stovamor: @Flippi_12, I've not timed you out in ages [01:51:05.735] neon_soup: Dildo wall Pinterest page LUL [01:51:09.677] neceros: @alexiscool__ I can give you the absolute best power. The ability to save and load reality, as if it were a game state. Auto saves every half a year. [01:51:10.966] mairaineplayzGames: @bluj40 no thanks...ill stick with non grossnes [01:51:12.030] mystchevious1: *huggles* [01:51:14.638] Jens_LN: that would still terrify me [01:51:14.948] Amoyamoyamoya: Trypophobia images. DON'T CLICK THIS LINK CHAT. https://www.google.com/search?q=trypophobia&sxsrf=ALiCzsbCk3kNL6FKx1CZJHkzSl8qBFFxMg:1659992205419&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwienO_tkLj5AhVYKkQIHbkUBOEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1584&bih=1212&dpr=1 [01:51:15.882] rassmad: monkaS [01:51:16.429] britishfemboyuwu: i have nihiliphobia, the literal fear of nothing, because i'm athiest it sort of comes as a package deal with thanatophobia, it sucks [01:51:21.167] general_of_cm: well thats sounds like fun [01:51:22.741] 57ranma: What Finn doesn’t realize is that chat has been sending subliminal hypno messages thru chat. [01:51:25.694] CloakedN00b: really? [01:51:26.656] keffyfortnight: Cool tip for cross dressing [01:51:27.384] ThyOverlord393: do you think you will ever put out a video of doing your makeup? [01:51:28.666] King__Mosabi: @Amoyamoyamoya stuff looks so funky. it's neat [01:51:29.595] smurfytoonz: Hey fin first time here h2odelWAVE h2odelWAVE [01:51:30.727] halo4fan27: gets paralyzed for a few minuets yes its fine [01:51:30.934] abe1_2: I fear responsibility [01:51:32.921] bluj40: @Amoyamoyamoya chaotic neutral [01:51:44.499] johnkeiwo: @Amoyamoyamoya, doesn't do shit to me anymore [01:51:53.919] Loelinverse: Respect the attempt [01:51:54.950] bfritz0815: please clean the toys before doing that video 😳 [01:51:58.481] johnkeiwo: idk how I got past my trypophobia [01:51:59.479] Amoyamoyamoya: @bluj40, I'm getting the creepy sensation all over my back...I'm liking it. [01:52:02.651] alexx_net: There are some people in chat that would love to have some of your "toys" for Christmas. (Rose charity donation steam: gives NSFW toys to chat) ? [01:52:03.598] mairaineplayzGames: @johnkeiwo u sure do? she can be quite scawy O-O [01:52:04.230] theegotiger: that image gave me trypophobia [01:52:06.851] packagum: packagum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! thank you for streaming today. got fired so this will cheer me up a bit. [01:52:07.031] f3mmbot packagum subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:52:14.741] Emmy64_: KEKW just a fu.... Kappa [01:52:14.922] Helen_Croft: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [01:52:17.460] deadlyjessica: Show us how the product works [01:52:18.850] theegotiger: KEKW [01:52:19.703] Bloodhoundje: A showcase doesnt make it sound better.... [01:52:23.870] BerryAndBitty: LUL showcase doesn't mean no use :3 [01:52:26.067] strinx1120: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [01:52:27.869] neon_soup: dono ignored NotLikeThis [01:52:29.517] Jens_LN: and pick your eyebrows [01:52:31.322] maybegarbage: Trying to get back to 666 channel points [01:52:34.629] CloakedN00b: a top 10 vid [01:52:39.687] keffyfortnight: Thx [01:52:40.171] jackgamer515: DO SOMETHING MAN LY [01:52:40.934] Owly_9: Showcasing talent [01:52:45.456] Solus_kun: SMOLL [01:52:49.610] eclipsi0: what if I already have great eyelashes? does some sort of make up suffice? [01:52:50.200] miladyisaghost: dont need to, my natural lashes are massive [01:52:51.931] bacteria_food: bacteria_food subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 2 month streak! sup f1nn, come 10 months and i still can't find a way to cross dress like u do, love u mousie4Love [01:52:51.958] mattcheesy: how tall are you [01:52:52.127] f3mmbot bacteria_food subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:52:53.342] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 120 "F1nn height what? "5ft 9in" "5ft 5in" "5ft 3in" "5ft 10in" "Get the Laser" [01:52:54.020] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "F1nn height what? " [01:52:54.501] notmorc: Simp goal idea sex you review on patreon [01:52:54.767] AsphyxiaEcho: @F1NN5TER how is warden doing havent heard from her much [01:52:56.689] tarakagyu: eyebrow tips? [01:52:57.730] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 👀 [01:52:58.586] halo4fan27: 6 inch heels and ur still only 5 foot 3 [01:52:58.759] Lineally_Relied: @F1NN5TER showing off your NSFW drawer like the "behold my stuff" scene from Thor: Ragnarok [01:52:59.464] johnkeiwo PRESS X FOR DOUBT [01:52:59.640] TheDoctor11072: YOUR SMOL [01:53:00.197] MayBeAJinx: It's about the energy [01:53:00.990] Solus_kun: Your so Smoll KEKW [01:53:01.889] Flippi_12: X [01:53:02.617] johnkeiwo: x [01:53:02.978] Solus_kun: X [01:53:03.173] neon_soup: on her knees again chat LUL [01:53:04.170] JohnBanks117: X [01:53:04.318] braddle172: x [01:53:06.275] HexGrrrrl: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:53:07.660] 7Tsuki0: x [01:53:07.947] rhyshaines2412: On ur knees 😉 [01:53:10.522] commanderredpanda: you're tall... for a midget. [01:53:10.869] garbage_teir: rose goes on her knees quite a lot... [01:53:11.293] deadlyjessica: F1nn how tall are you without heels? [01:53:11.529] pianoismyforte_: x [01:53:11.912] mairaineplayzGames: dont worry F1nn you are just teh avergae height while wearing high heels ^.^ [01:53:13.500] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: x [01:53:16.435] bernie_____: hachuPerbert premium content [01:53:16.931] disnick123: X [01:53:21.206] Helen_Croft: empty poll? [01:53:22.414] alexx_net: Slowest possible skirt spin. f1nnKnife spin faster! [01:53:23.047] bacteria_food: lmao [01:53:24.518] T_Y_P_C_L: Can I have your heels?? [01:53:25.457] im_up_to_something: yes she has lovely long legs rynHeart [01:53:28.101] archangelmick: do your calves not cramp with heels that high ? [01:53:29.567] maybegarbage: Trying to get to 666 channel points again [01:53:31.898] mattcheesy: no options [01:53:31.968] estrogen44: praise kink? [01:53:32.959] Iceland27: Women have better clothes [01:53:34.167] ticosti11: Blank Poll [01:53:34.213] 1234fdrjfk: mt [01:53:35.447] mrgamer1420: no option [01:53:36.132] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Definitely the option 3 [01:53:36.832] JohnBanks117: it's empty poll [01:53:37.528] Flippi_12: empty is winning KEKW [01:53:40.627] carolinelikesdinner: No option? [01:53:40.848] longlegs_honey: empty [01:53:41.488] Stovamor: It's glitched [01:53:41.827] Amoyamoyamoya: What the heck? [01:53:43.711] CloakedN00b: he doesnt get it [01:53:44.127] OGpiepro: slot 3 for sure [01:53:45.581] mairaineplayzGames: poll is empty for me to [01:53:46.525] mattcheesy: @Iceland27 true [01:53:47.340] jandraelune: Yep its a blank pole [01:53:48.681] silksheets_mama_: I am watchi [01:53:48.823] theegotiger: Empty LUL [01:53:49.520] LardoBoofs: awooga [01:53:49.926] johnkeiwo: poll scuffed [01:53:51.610] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "F1nn height what? ": with 224 votes (72.96%) [01:53:52.976] c__r__j: Finn's height is null and void, confirmed. [01:53:54.058] JohnBanks117: poll three winning KEKW [01:53:54.236] ya_nna97: I don’t see the poll options [01:53:55.686] carolinelikesdinner: I just chose whatever everyone else was choosing [01:53:55.738] mrgamer1420: SirUwU It's Black poll [01:53:59.081] bacteria_food: yo no way, empty's goin strong [01:53:59.997] Solus_kun: Look the Poll is like finns brain Kappa just empty [01:54:00.777] AbsentPopcorn33: What to choose blank blank blank or blank [01:54:01.172] ComputedBee: it's a very empty poll there mates [01:54:06.386] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:54:06.675] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart warden6Love sciamaHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [01:54:07.141] Gloom_Slayer: The most difficult part of having seizures for me, is they start while I'm asleep and I wake up during it. Thankfully I have medicine for it now. Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:54:07.240] silksheets_mama_: I am watching this in the shower [01:54:07.544] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, KEKW [01:54:08.993] ozeantj: god boy f1nn ? :D [01:54:09.866] Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong adcvrDINKDONK yuukieDinkDonk [01:54:10.191] johnkeiwo: It's so ez to make you cringe tho [01:54:10.817] AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:54:10.997] 57ranma: Poll was blank for me. [01:54:11.607] G0th1cReign: You're amazing and a huge inspiration!!!! [01:54:14.401] JohnBanks117 Bing Bong! f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart adcvrLOVE adcvrDINKDONK [01:54:14.962] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. The third option was supposed to read "5ft 3in" [01:54:15.322] Solus_kun: Bing Bong adcvrDINKDONK f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong adcvrDINKDONK [01:54:15.471] johnkeiwo Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [01:54:15.552] neon_soup: Good job seeing through our ruse. Good girl [01:54:17.245] themindscrambler: good girl rose [01:54:17.792] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong rynL rynHeart f1nnHeart squchaJam [01:54:18.202] Flippi_12: LUL [01:54:20.295] Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong [01:54:20.395] deadlyjessica: What blank shouldve I went for? [01:54:20.412] braddle172: Bing Bong [01:54:20.899] garbage_teir: good boy is cringe? what about good girl? [01:54:20.962] ghoobie: fivehead [01:54:21.793] barbie_secretstanner: Bing bong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang [01:54:23.614] ginjninj: cumbrella :D [01:54:24.389] PynkFryck: Its true u can look it up [01:54:24.705] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Tuned into a cute skirt twirl and "I'm Big and Strong"... Never have I questioned my sexuality more. [01:54:24.918] f3mmbot killers_llc subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:54:25.800] theegotiger: LUL [01:54:26.113] Stovamor: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:54:28.494] benfletcher247: benfletcher247 subscribed at Tier 1. [01:54:28.697] f3mmbot benfletcher247 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang benfletcher247 f1nnLezgang [01:54:29.247] canvaspainting: f1nnBingbong [01:54:31.683] theegotiger: Cumbrellas [01:54:32.858] mairaineplayzGames: hey F1NN is that a japanese schoolgirl cosplay? you are pulling it off nicely, just missing the toast in your mouth [01:54:32.912] kawaiichicken4: you're such a good egg finn [01:54:34.798] cormoranoimperatore: Lmao LUL [01:54:39.995] Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:54:40.439] 80percentwinDM: f1nnSmile2 [01:54:41.254] HexGrrrrl: LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:54:41.426] ArminGux: What did I miss in the last half hour [01:54:42.662] BarlosJimbo15: ayo [01:54:43.446] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [01:54:44.716] smurfytoonz: hey f1n first time here h2odelWAVE h2odelWAVE [01:54:44.926] halo4fan27: pugweeWhat [01:54:45.444] OrangetailGaming: Stopping stuff from getting in your eyes is why humans evolved eyelashes so the reason for fake eye lashes make sense [01:54:45.830] mystchevious1: @Gloom_Slayer I know you can get a service animal to detect aura's. [01:54:46.318] Helen_Croft: no [01:54:46.829] xGinja_: yes [01:54:47.984] PynkFryck: yes [01:54:48.276] johnkeiwo: yes [01:54:48.458] ScarredLemon: Same boat bro [01:54:48.611] CloakedN00b: yes [01:54:49.111] pepperspraylaughing: yes [01:54:49.705] Stovamor: !confused [01:54:49.971] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [01:54:50.051] Flippi_12: yes [01:54:50.116] Stovamor: !confused [01:54:50.120] forcecrusherr: no [01:54:50.384] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [01:54:51.083] general_of_cm: yes [01:54:51.378] Stovamor: !confused [01:54:51.660] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [01:54:52.245] Iceland27: Yes [01:54:52.316] Chri55PBacon: yes [01:54:52.333] itsatena: YES [01:54:52.383] carolinelikesdinner: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:54:53.021] Tbomb111109: yes [01:54:53.170] fluffgamer15: yes [01:54:53.337] 02f2: Phobophobia is the fear of phobias. [01:54:54.121] GrinchMD: no [01:54:54.328] Roxy_Gaming18: Yes [01:54:54.451] ArminGux: No [01:54:54.528] Solus_kun: Women ? they exsist ? WHAT [01:54:55.564] garbage_teir: you a woman finn? [01:54:55.607] mrgamer1420: @amoyamoyamoya Finn is 7 feet right ?? SirPrise [01:54:55.706] deadlyjessica: I dont think so [01:54:56.738] chained_is_live: no [01:54:57.387] neon_soup: soft feminine women? gay. [01:54:57.621] ArminGux: It’s bi [01:54:57.631] just_a_stikk: finn pillow [01:54:57.971] packagum: yes because guys like woman [01:54:58.082] sir_public0_0: Yes [01:54:58.289] o_0Rae: LesbianPride [01:54:58.569] itslynntv: yes [01:54:59.328] theegotiger: Nope LUL [01:54:59.530] tarakagyu: only if your s woman [01:54:59.623] OTHENGOR: no [01:55:00.706] bearpaw1970: 😁 [01:55:00.751] TacPepGaming: no [01:55:01.489] Iceland27: Yes and that makes it better [01:55:02.454] charikuno: Yes [01:55:02.455] Owly_9: KEKW [01:55:02.963] manicfox_: no [01:55:03.221] vidyagaem7: Yes [01:55:03.702] carolinelikesdinner: Yes (from a bisexual girl) [01:55:04.914] KOwOnchi: FELLAS [01:55:04.934] HexGrrrrl: yes for me liking women is gay [01:55:06.124] general_of_cm: everything is gay if you belive in it [01:55:06.384] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:55:06.735] elder_bingo61: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [01:55:07.134] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 120 "F1nn height what?" "5ft 9in" "5ft 5in" "5ft 3in" "5ft 10in" "Get the Laser" [01:55:08.099] bluj40: fellas is it gay to be straight [01:55:08.417] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "F1nn height what?" [01:55:08.874] commanderredpanda: if you're a woman? yes, it's gay [01:55:08.937] mairaineplayzGames: men liking woman is kinda gay bro [01:55:09.828] Courier6___: Laced weed [01:55:09.866] ArminGux: Gotta go bye [01:55:10.348] GrinchMD: bonjwaPog [01:55:13.189] OilP: cirLaugh cirLaugh [01:55:13.633] xenofizzz: A lot of people seem to suffer from sleep apnea, which is the cause of a lot of problems [01:55:14.067] carolinelikesdinner: AYO????? [01:55:14.432] itsatena: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:55:14.473] Amoyamoyamoya: Fixed! [01:55:14.631] purplesingeram: No [01:55:14.857] benfletcher247: ay im subbed [01:55:15.097] Solus_kun: PogU [01:55:15.176] TheGrinch89: hahahahhaha [01:55:15.210] just_a_stikk: lmao [01:55:15.219] rensvdk: Whut [01:55:16.697] dingosurprise: dang [01:55:16.863] chiterroo: Fellas is it gay to breathe? i mean you breathe the air other men breathe [01:55:17.228] sissyjessie: POGGG [01:55:17.595] Cazenn: KEKW [01:55:17.659] mairaineplayzGames: TENMUSES AT IT AGAIN!!!! [01:55:18.514] johnkeiwo: omg no KEKW [01:55:18.525] ozeantj: xD [01:55:18.539] King__Mosabi: KEKW [01:55:18.666] bernie_____: PogU what [01:55:19.785] crazzygur: Good girl! [01:55:20.072] rhyshaines2412: Ayoo [01:55:21.029] General_Kenobi53: Depends on how many gift subs they give LUL [01:55:21.051] EvelynnWasTakenn: kok [01:55:21.752] braddle172: PogU [01:55:21.959] zucduc: oiler [01:55:21.971] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:55:22.213] OTHENGOR: POGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [01:55:22.493] BerryAndBitty: LUL [01:55:23.570] Flippi_12: PogU [01:55:23.617] theegotiger: KEKW [01:55:24.133] JohnBanks117: PogU [01:55:25.128] raxolotl: yoooo [01:55:25.168] NebulousMSG: lmaooo [01:55:25.317] ghostwasheree: LMSOSJDHSJSBSB [01:55:25.621] BerryAndBitty: POOOOOOOOOOOG [01:55:26.117] pietersos420: holy fuck [01:55:26.213] zombie_1981: PogChamp [01:55:26.971] EvelynnWasTakenn: lol* [01:55:27.540] alexx_net: "Thank you daddy Tens" [01:55:28.357] eliankdv: FlipThis [01:55:29.281] mr_ajokortti_korkort: PogU [01:55:32.513] bernie_____: 😱 no way [01:55:32.994] NoGiggety: KEKW [01:55:33.778] King__Mosabi: LUL [01:55:33.804] yeahsgo: your outfit reminds me of the michelin man [01:55:36.189] probepackung: KEKW [01:55:36.373] AbsentPopcorn33: If oh [01:55:37.316] MajesticFvckingEagle: what happened? [01:55:38.527] BenDover_xD: its not even if you suck each other, as long as you have no eyecontact while its okay [01:55:39.275] braddle172: KEKW [01:55:40.441] Spectre223: He will and you know it LuL [01:55:40.796] SethwMad: f1nnHeadpat [01:55:41.412] v1rtuallyvee: BegWan BegWan BegWan [01:55:41.939] BarlosJimbo15: I think you just have a money kink kekw [01:55:42.838] pietersos420: CALL HIM DADDY [01:55:45.732] SethwMad: LOL [01:55:45.760] Coreylala: mathilM mathilS f1nnBingbong [01:55:47.146] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [01:55:47.256] Stovamor: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:55:47.348] f3mmbot killers_llc has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:55:47.386] deadlyjessica: Get the laser LUL [01:55:47.798] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC gifted a Tier 1 sub to legalalien_x! [01:55:47.846] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC gifted a Tier 1 sub to Justoast_! [01:55:47.846] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_GreatRabbit! [01:55:47.858] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC gifted a Tier 1 sub to reinapaints! [01:55:48.022] Killers_LLC: Killers_LLC gifted a Tier 1 sub to xoxfelicity! [01:55:53.879] HexGrrrrl: F1nnDom [01:55:55.549] Stovamor: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:55:56.806] awesomerem1: Yes [01:55:56.947] AsphyxiaEcho: fulfill your kinks by reading fanfics @F1NN5TER [01:55:57.198] ozeantj: yes [01:55:57.303] braddle172: give headpats [01:55:57.514] SethwMad: YES [01:55:58.283] ginjninj: why you like dollars more than pounds? DansGame [01:55:58.354] TacPepGaming: he is [01:55:58.546] Killers_LLC: Here you go. You look great today. [01:55:59.206] forcecrusherr: do it [01:56:00.367] Solus_kun: Daddy ? [01:56:00.710] JimRaynor56: YES. Now do it. [01:56:01.234] thetuaschtee: YES [01:56:01.334] Tordenbob: YEP [01:56:01.346] Solus_kun: UwU [01:56:01.622] general_of_cm: YES [01:56:01.735] tarakagyu: rosses love language is gifts lol [01:56:02.715] bfritz0815: yes [01:56:02.816] braddle172: f1nnHeadpat [01:56:03.472] robbie1945: lol [01:56:03.663] GrinchMD: LUL [01:56:04.824] deadlyjessica: You basically did [01:56:05.842] pietersos420: do it now [01:56:06.075] Flippi_12: LUL [01:56:06.336] pianoismyforte_: YES [01:56:07.624] carolinelikesdinner: 💀💀💀 [01:56:08.273] mrgamer1420: What is finn height BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [01:56:08.996] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, weirdChamp [01:56:13.918] johnkeiwo: inconW Stop being weird inconW [01:56:14.404] bearpaw1970: hey there daddy-o [01:56:14.808] general_of_cm: he didnt pay for DM s [01:56:16.531] bernie_____: cherie21HYPE unreal [01:56:17.420] jurehja: "it's so cringe" *blushes immensly* [01:56:18.225] mairaineplayzGames: @Solus_kun Tenmuses donated 1000 dollar [01:56:18.544] ozeantj: f1nnSCAM f1nnHeadpat [01:56:21.105] robbie1945: pavlovs femboy @F1NN5TER [01:56:29.836] barbie_secretstanner: That’s the idea [01:56:31.892] braddle172: !uptime [01:56:32.299] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 1h 56m 37s [01:56:32.513] bfritz0815: ok, saying "ten daddy" probably suffices [01:56:34.588] neon_soup: CLIP IT [01:56:36.706] ginjninj: too late, clipped [01:56:38.189] Dab_Pr1ncess: Say Thank you Daddy [01:56:38.585] Zippityzapps: i'm never here live normally, always on youtube so.. hi? :3 [01:56:38.891] johnkeiwo: U did [01:56:38.926] MayBeAJinx: You already said it [01:56:39.525] ttvcopi: clip it [01:56:39.659] vrworkouts: clipped [01:56:40.015] codecraft3r: clipped [01:56:40.092] CaridinZ: 5Head Clap [01:56:40.469] ComputedBee: CLIP THAT SHIT [01:56:40.535] Coreylala: well now you said it [01:56:41.037] aunalbrutal: Mhm and ?? [01:56:41.153] MajesticFvckingEagle: CLIP [01:56:41.160] AsphyxiaEcho: uve done it now [01:56:41.226] packagum: you just said it [01:56:41.831] ItsMegaScott: you've just given them what they want [01:56:41.943] Solus_kun: @mairaineplayzGames i know ? [01:56:42.076] cobyneedmedicine: amazing work lad [01:56:42.656] Nebelpfote04: Greetings from Germany, and a good night. no idea what time it is with you. [01:56:43.066] general_of_cm: yes we know, thats why we ask [01:56:44.160] Flippi_12: Clap [01:56:44.494] TheGrinch89: GG [01:56:44.586] johnkeiwo: CLIPPED AND SSHIPPED [01:56:44.800] ScarredLemon: YOUR GOD DAMN RIGHT I WILL [01:56:44.868] vetras91: i will be now [01:56:45.058] MajesticFvckingEagle: HE DDID IT [01:56:45.091] pietersos420: we will clip it and you cant do anything about it [01:56:45.224] Roxy_Gaming18: And clip [01:56:45.386] pretty_sweet_dude: its not... honest :) [01:56:45.547] 1_smart_donkey: thanks for the idea [01:56:45.619] SeiReiJoku: clipped [01:56:45.752] dingosurprise: well no shot now [01:56:46.093] mairaineplayzGames: WARDEN! DO IT!!!!! [01:56:46.129] FireRuby1: its to late :) [01:56:46.585] King__Mosabi: Clip it and ship it [01:56:48.116] Tbomb111109: GG [01:56:48.532] carolinelikesdinner: Someone just clipped that [01:56:49.648] deadlyjessica: You just set yourself up [01:56:49.656] sissyjessie: It already happened! [01:56:50.168] thelovingpenguwu: Sad I think it’s time I let Finn go this only makes it harder for me [01:56:50.463] pianoismyforte_: Already done it now [01:56:50.501] Amoyamoyamoya: Ah, that would be Vurb... [01:56:50.531] 7Tsuki0: Clipped [01:56:50.712] ghostwasheree: well you just made it easy [01:56:50.957] bearpaw1970: 😂 [01:56:51.140] Royalbirhat: you just said it so rip you [01:56:51.243] AbsentPopcorn33: It’s illegal to use someone else card without their permission [01:56:51.287] HexGrrrrl: you sid it [01:56:51.727] Tbomb111109: you said it [01:56:54.670] GrinchMD: Jebaited [01:56:56.480] Tbomb111109: already clipped [01:56:57.511] Solus_kun: 5Head never fap [01:56:58.134] braddle172: Welp clipped [01:56:58.506] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOO [01:57:00.576] savageanimal_: bru [01:57:01.961] TacPepGaming: I hate you [01:57:02.552] carolinelikesdinner: HOW DARE YOU [01:57:03.409] LeDr_Dan: F [01:57:04.514] Grizeldarky: You just said it nooooo [01:57:05.244] general_of_cm: not for rose shes touching a female penis [01:57:06.497] LordRuyn: @F1NN5TER My best friend was over and we were doing some work. I pulled up your stream and all she said was "Damn, them eyelashes are fire!" [01:57:06.748] Courier6___: FUCK I LOST YOU MOTHERFUCKER [01:57:08.003] v1rtuallyvee: v1rtua3ANGY fuck you [01:57:08.783] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "F1nn height what?": Get the Laser with 127 votes (47.57%) [01:57:09.587] BarlosJimbo15: jokes on you I was already breathing manually [01:57:13.711] johnkeiwo: no please KEKW [01:57:14.849] bluj40: i only breath manually [01:57:18.697] ComputedBee: I hate that. I hate that. I will not breathe manually. I would rather suffocate. [01:57:21.898] ComputedBee: You cannot make me [01:57:22.274] PynkFryck: Ten will fill that himself [01:57:24.703] carolinelikesdinner: [redacted] [01:57:26.498] TacPepGaming: too bad [01:57:26.972] deadlyjessica: Get the laser F1nn [01:57:28.864] xenofizzz: F1nn is 5'10 [01:57:30.460] johnkeiwo: @ComputedBee, dew it [01:57:31.890] Amoyamoyamoya: Breathing is for bottoms [01:57:32.433] calming_insanity: he said it KEKW [01:57:34.638] Tom1nn1t: Well I’m fucked I’m wearing trousers right now [01:57:36.956] abe1_2: Is it gay if I call my girl daddy [01:57:38.973] sky_night4213: hay rose look at this I think some one is using us as a model f1nnKnife f1nnGremlin. *** [01:57:40.122] ginjninj: 10k? you mean Ten Daddy [01:57:42.860] MayBeAJinx: Same thing whenever anyone mentions "The Game" [01:57:44.295] Bjotte: @F1NN5TER Rose is a Girl with a sugar daddy issue [01:57:46.460] mairaineplayzGames: @Amoyamoyamoya i dont mind being a bottom ;) [01:57:47.716] johnkeiwo: D: [01:57:48.491] deadlyjessica: LUL LUL LUL [01:57:48.751] Solus_kun: SIMP ? Who [01:57:50.983] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: yesir [01:57:51.319] JimRaynor56: Who? Me? No. Definitely not. [01:57:51.650] johnkeiwo: Chat ! ruuuuun !! [01:57:54.320] AbsentPopcorn33: Well I have a cold so… [01:57:54.878] mrgamer1420: Tell us Dose your editor ever crushed on you? [01:57:54.961] JohnBanks117: D: [01:57:55.380] know1_0: no [01:57:56.165] Bloodcoatrain: can we make that a sound drop for when goals are reached [01:57:57.782] Flippi_12: D: [01:57:58.242] King__Mosabi: about 2,500 of 'em [01:57:58.960] spacedoutzane: Meeee [01:58:00.748] sartanxar: chat is down bad [01:58:01.262] sky_night4213: *** [01:58:01.592] OilP: cirLaugh [01:58:02.231] Owly_9: DansGame [01:58:02.811] TacPepGaming: kekw [01:58:03.900] Roxy_Gaming18: D: [01:58:04.113] mystchevious1: Nooo [01:58:05.496] neon_soup: Just dad [01:58:05.661] bakedfanta_: who? where??? [01:58:06.323] disnick123: Yes... i'm a simp.... and what about it? [01:58:06.695] marshrover: i think that's worse [01:58:06.720] braddle172: KEKW [01:58:07.032] deadlyjessica: SIMP? Me? Neverrrr [01:58:07.977] CaridinZ: Somehow thats worse [01:58:10.864] Coreylala: thank you for my allowance, "father" [01:58:13.750] josecortesnival: yep [01:58:14.250] furore__: furore__ subscribed at Tier 1. [01:58:14.464] f3mmbot furore__ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang furore__ f1nnLezgang [01:58:15.877] Lady_Felicity: Forgive me father for I have sinned [01:58:17.771] dunkanmaster: try new hairstyle plz [01:58:19.048] Akkey90: KEKW [01:58:19.313] bernie_____: hachuFail forgive me father [01:58:21.191] Stovamor: @sky_night4213, links get auto-modded away [01:58:21.641] Flippi_12: KEKW [01:58:21.774] Gloom_Slayer: How exactly is that worse? [01:58:24.670] King__Mosabi: call him "Pa Pa" [01:58:24.836] PynkFryck: there we go [01:58:25.086] packagum: KRKW [01:58:25.790] johnkeiwo: ewwwwwwww [01:58:26.983] LAOnAirStudios: That torch 🔦 isn’t very bright [01:58:27.531] xenofizzz: Thats like referring to a priest lmfao [01:58:32.875] hotgirl676: no [01:58:33.155] mpr1999: what is the date that F1n can wear boy clothes? [01:58:33.440] ghoobie: I am going to bed now, stream was nice. You have been a very good girl. [01:58:37.213] ScarredLemon: Uncensored on reddit [01:58:37.825] deadlyjessica: Be a good girl Rose and get that laser LUL [01:58:39.767] garbage_teir: thank you for the money male parental unit [01:58:39.927] ozeantj: nah its cvute one more time pls f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:58:42.846] mrgamer1420: you editor is so lucky he always play your Video SirUwU [01:58:43.208] just_a_stikk: f1nnZOOM [01:58:44.984] Cazenn: X [01:58:46.489] Unikore00: X [01:58:48.359] johnkeiwo PRESS X FOR DOUBT [01:58:49.074] johnkeiwo: X [01:58:49.569] GrinchMD: Sure Kappa [01:58:49.839] King__Mosabi: X [01:58:49.975] M1n6m1: X [01:58:50.151] Roxy_Gaming18: X [01:58:50.177] BarlosJimbo15: X [01:58:50.645] Stovamor: X [01:58:51.085] JohnBanks117: X [01:58:51.155] garbage_teir: counterpoint lesbian [01:58:51.631] GrinchMD: x [01:58:51.770] braddle172: X [01:58:51.862] mr_ajokortti_korkort: X [01:58:51.979] Flippi_12: X [01:58:52.121] ZyhlerXG: zx [01:58:52.236] canvaspainting: X [01:58:52.439] beachbum313: x [01:58:52.562] dingosurprise: x [01:58:52.707] Emmy64_: X [01:58:53.865] deadlyjessica: X [01:58:53.884] ZyhlerXG: x [01:58:53.912] 7Tsuki0: x [01:58:54.151] itslynntv: X [01:58:54.542] l3igPP: x [01:58:54.605] etelan: X [01:58:54.842] archmage_lo: x [01:58:54.924] prutfistheglock: x [01:58:55.266] vizionzxrl: X [01:58:55.403] TheGrinch89: XXX [01:58:55.763] Tbomb111109: X [01:58:55.813] unbidduck: x [01:58:55.907] ghoobie: X [01:58:55.951] TommyBoy809: x [01:58:56.130] Helen_Croft: X [01:58:56.511] wandererimwalde: X [01:58:56.684] xenofizzz: X [01:58:56.960] mairaineplayzGames: F1nn is straight, so he lieks men! O-O [01:58:57.040] reaper036: X [01:58:57.096] theegotiger: x [01:58:57.315] HelloImErin_: X [01:58:57.375] LittleChaSiu: omegastraight LUL [01:58:57.606] Gloom_Slayer: x [01:58:57.797] alexx_net: X [01:58:58.166] Tbomb111109: x [01:58:58.169] BerryAndBitty: x [01:58:58.251] abe1_2: When was last time you did something masculine [01:58:58.362] Lady_Felicity: SS? [01:58:58.602] sir_public0_0: X [01:58:58.919] AbsentPopcorn33: When will next stream be? Next month? [01:58:59.303] IceDivel: x [01:58:59.332] OmsX8O: X [01:58:59.372] dunkanmaster: . .. . [01:58:59.572] Tbomb111109: X [01:58:59.609] carolinelikesdinner: X [01:58:59.645] vidiusnotsogreat: x [01:58:59.841] MrPuddles40: x [01:58:59.973] ItsMegaScott: X [01:59:00.396] bernie_____: PogU incredibly [01:59:00.541] CloakedN00b: Kappa [01:59:00.645] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: x7 [01:59:00.767] jeffydavy: x [01:59:00.789] bfritz0815: 🤨 [01:59:00.997] aunalbrutal: OKEJ ?? hhahahha [01:59:01.038] braddle172: f1nnLezgang [01:59:01.557] barbie_secretstanner: X [01:59:01.599] rudyzwierz: lol [01:59:02.053] smol_teeth14: mistre99Ht mistre99Ht mistre99Ht mistre99Ht mistre99Ht [01:59:02.416] olando200: xxx [01:59:02.963] Chri55PBacon: X [01:59:03.086] calmejai: X [01:59:03.086] Tbomb111109: x [01:59:03.176] TacPepGaming: except with tens [01:59:03.254] yeahsgo: x [01:59:03.384] leonidaskings: x [01:59:03.731] Cazenn: KEKW [01:59:03.892] neon_soup: wonkier than a wonkey donkey [01:59:03.918] mort657: @F1NN5TER be a good girl please [01:59:04.033] JimRaynor56: KEKW [01:59:04.236] ginjninj: LUL [01:59:04.327] Flippi_12: OMEGALUL [01:59:04.598] johnkeiwo: STOP [01:59:04.876] BarlosJimbo15: ayo???????? [01:59:05.089] vidyagaem7: X [01:59:05.731] h_r_buff_n_stuff: POPPA? [01:59:06.048] plasmathrower: KEKW [01:59:06.083] GeoGeo_lm: x [01:59:06.218] johnkeiwo: STOP [01:59:06.238] bearpaw1970: 😁🔥 [01:59:06.336] GrinchMD: KEKW [01:59:06.360] King__Mosabi: KEKW [01:59:06.433] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [01:59:06.647] johnkeiwo: STOP [01:59:06.698] ghostwasheree: HELLO?????? [01:59:06.766] rensvdk: KEKW [01:59:07.210] SweetDickWilly: lol [01:59:07.331] itsatena: X [01:59:07.393] deadlyjessica: LUL [01:59:07.398] GirlSmirka: loool [01:59:07.452] SolaremH: x [01:59:07.502] mairaineplayzGames: GOD DAMN TENMUSES!!!! [01:59:07.631] dingosurprise: OH [01:59:07.783] LittleChaSiu: LUL LUL [01:59:07.988] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [01:59:08.096] Alpinefresh: KEKW [01:59:08.764] MajesticFvckingEagle: YOOOOO [01:59:08.899] savageanimal_: holy shit [01:59:09.060] braddle172: KEKW [01:59:09.108] JohnBanks117: KEKW [01:59:09.392] awesomerem1: Kekw [01:59:09.422] NoGiggety: fareehaLol fareehaLol [01:59:09.424] thetuaschtee: ayoooooooooo [01:59:09.427] Altex1: PrideLaugh [01:59:09.593] CaridinZ: PogU [01:59:09.608] BerryAndBitty: LUL [01:59:09.617] Ritella27: KEKW [01:59:09.618] Dimonercheck: lool [01:59:09.620] saint_r: KEKW [01:59:10.152] AsphyxiaEcho: OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:59:10.249] johnkeiwo: inconW Stop being weird inconW [01:59:10.260] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:59:10.448] TacPepGaming: KEKW [01:59:10.503] bleuspike: finn no- [01:59:10.533] PurpleRocketTwitch: holy [01:59:10.545] theegotiger: YES [01:59:10.759] probepackung: OMEGALUL [01:59:10.879] ghoobie: KEKW [01:59:10.908] fbi9631: NOOOOOO [01:59:10.910] SolaremH: KEKW [01:59:10.916] tarakagyu: my friend dan said that, now hes a happy lesbian [01:59:10.982] itslynntv: KEKW [01:59:11.012] BerryAndBitty: HE DID IT [01:59:11.037] Kakashi105: vrfLul [01:59:11.070] jupiterstone: wat [01:59:11.151] King__Mosabi: LUL LUL LUL [01:59:11.174] Ins0lin: KEKW [01:59:11.186] Jadre1: KEKW [01:59:11.527] LittleChaSiu: tone changed quick [01:59:11.790] canvaspainting: KEKW [01:59:12.018] kellyfishLIVE: KEKW [01:59:12.125] charikuno: X [01:59:12.145] carolinelikesdinner: NAURRRRR [01:59:12.462] rudyzwierz: wtf just happend [01:59:12.659] deadlyjessica: YESSS [01:59:12.755] itslucydammit: LUL [01:59:13.239] marshrover: poggers [01:59:13.419] stumagoo992: hahaha [01:59:13.593] wandererimwalde: NOOOOOO [01:59:13.727] awesomerem1: Clip that lol [01:59:13.749] codecraft3r: KEKW [01:59:13.859] janeisenbeton: clip that [01:59:14.018] total_acidity: POG [01:59:14.218] OmsX8O: KEKW [01:59:14.220] GroggyReaper: NOIIICE [01:59:14.399] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:59:14.429] sissyjessie: Ayo [01:59:16.453] zombie_1981: f1nnLaff [01:59:16.633] aulritta: Viral Tweet incoming! [01:59:16.692] Helen_Croft: KEKW [01:59:17.473] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOO [01:59:18.031] Springboid: KEKW [01:59:18.130] SolaremH: CLIP ITTT [01:59:18.197] dragon_bornking20: Looking good today Finn <3 [01:59:18.466] mrgamer1420: Reallyyyyyyyy LUL [01:59:18.894] mikah0323: yooooo [01:59:18.907] XellosMetallum: ROFL [01:59:18.949] ForeverAvJ: KEKW [01:59:19.017] CoolNightSouls: KEKW [01:59:19.173] PynkFryck: There is our clip [01:59:19.213] Tbomb111109: KEKW [01:59:19.544] Chri55PBacon: LUL LUL [01:59:19.599] Lobotist: OMEGALUL [01:59:19.990] longlegs_honey: lol [01:59:20.190] PeterTheMostlyOK: LUL [01:59:20.195] purplesingeram: AYEEEEEEEEE WOWWW [01:59:20.222] TacPepGaming: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:59:20.317] kkasperle: yes KEKW [01:59:20.325] ashenjag: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:59:20.345] EvelynnWasTakenn: adcvrBONK adcvrBONK adcvrBONK adcvrBONK [01:59:20.993] mario150502: Muhahahahahahah [01:59:21.249] gelbphoenix: xD [01:59:21.823] awesomerem1: That’s going to youtube [01:59:22.179] xenofizzz: Clip it [01:59:23.271] halo4fan27: welp we got it now boys [01:59:23.448] josecortesnival: wow [01:59:23.504] junelyric: LMAO [01:59:23.584] IceDivel: goood girl [01:59:23.594] carolinelikesdinner: SHAKING CRYING THROWING UP [01:59:23.608] awesomerem1: Lol [01:59:23.813] flex_uli: sure [01:59:23.833] beatle_88: LUL LUL LUL [01:59:24.347] mewmewmews: good girl is straight and likes men [01:59:24.427] bfritz0815: good gal (headpats) [01:59:24.680] sir_public0_0: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 [01:59:25.341] cormoranoimperatore: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:59:25.462] vidyagaem7: Lol [01:59:26.443] junelyric: OMG [01:59:27.106] muffirst: @F1NN5TER has any man ever hit on u before [01:59:27.144] Roxy_Gaming18: Can’t wait for the clip [01:59:27.213] awesomerem1: Kekw [01:59:27.473] stumagoo992: clip it and ship it, we got the payload [01:59:27.777] Unikore00: clipperino [01:59:28.020] 7Tsuki0: Another clip going to youtube [01:59:28.956] dunkanmaster: new hairstyle plz [01:59:28.959] unbidduck: egg [01:59:28.975] johnkeiwo: I QUIT [01:59:29.104] bluj40: that was the most degenerate shit ive ever witnessed [01:59:29.179] ryanss2123: Perfectly timed joining the stream [01:59:29.453] LL_cool_Ray14: DAWG. we gotta find out who this man is that has so much fucking money. He's all of our heroes. [01:59:29.715] mairaineplayzGames: WTF tENMUSES!!!! [01:59:29.900] HornyFerret: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:59:30.060] 57ranma: Finn-“Sorry daddy I’ve been a bad girl “. ITS FORGIVE ME FATHER FOR I HAVE SINNED. [01:59:30.069] 1_smart_donkey: I like to wish no time lapse there [01:59:31.377] bernie_____: hachuLaughingAtYou good girl [01:59:31.515] alpha_chaos3836: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [01:59:31.545] Sosewuta: fudgePog [01:59:31.626] operator_verona: new kink unlocked [01:59:31.924] savageanimal_: clip farming, it's not much but it's honest work [01:59:33.071] bearpaw1970: there it is. the sweet sounds of sweetness [01:59:33.705] deadlyjessica: Do it at work double dare ya [01:59:33.926] LAOnAirStudios: Meowiza would say different!!! @f1nn5ter [01:59:34.332] carolinelikesdinner: 😭😭😭😭😭 [01:59:34.580] SethwMad: I CALLED IT FINN [01:59:34.670] furore__: f1nnHeadpat [01:59:34.805] CaridinZ: Clipped and shiped EZ Clap [01:59:35.823] johnkeiwo: I DONT WANNA WORK FOR THIS DEGEN ANYMORE [01:59:35.905] 02f2: EGG [01:59:36.091] AbsentPopcorn33: THAT TEN WANTS TEN GETS [01:59:36.217] Stovamor: Post the clip on the discord and/or on reddit [01:59:36.841] Emmy64_: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:59:36.948] SethwMad: I CALLED IT [01:59:37.734] estrogen44: at this rate we'll hit dono goal before the end of the day [01:59:37.896] itsallbeendone: got a new clip boiz [01:59:39.491] RealKelsric: lulz [01:59:40.198] BeornkTheBork: FINN [01:59:41.599] TenMuses: thanks for the thoussand dollars ....who? [01:59:43.082] mrgamer1420: Wtf Chat SirPrise SirPrise SirPrise SirPrise SirPrise SirPrise [01:59:47.320] King__Mosabi: lmfao GAWT DAYUM [01:59:49.739] LL_cool_Ray14: someone clipped that right? [01:59:51.657] GrinchMD: KEKW [01:59:55.323] AsphyxiaEcho: its 10pm in the uk @F1NN5TER [01:59:55.374] braddle172: lol [01:59:55.470] peavey443: F1nns a working girl now [01:59:56.170] odi_asgaurd: but would you date a girl that prefers you as a girl @f1nn5ter [01:59:56.215] SethwMad: @TenMuses Ten I told you. [01:59:56.870] jrthakid2410: hello [01:59:57.888] garbage_teir: so what im hearing is that finn is a brat [01:59:59.380] raxolotl: absolutely no hesitation when that dono came thru to say it [01:59:59.414] johnkeiwo: Stoooop NotLikeThis [01:59:59.765] cormoranoimperatore: Finn is easily corruptible [02:00:00.632] bearpaw1970: but you have the daddy choker [02:00:01.049] Coreylala: "Thanks Jesus Christ" [02:00:02.227] GreyWinterWraith: GreyWinterWraith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! second twitch baby, why am I here [02:00:02.437] f3mmbot greywinterwraith subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:00:02.649] Jens_LN: DADDY [02:00:04.101] suzannahh: What's your pronouns ? [02:00:04.387] johnkeiwo: Tendaddy [02:00:05.161] TenMuses: i'm not your father [02:00:05.814] dingosurprise: feeling like voyeur right now... [02:00:06.341] disnick123: Time to buy a new one i guess... [02:00:08.185] EternalNocturnal68: OwO [02:00:09.875] mairaineplayzGames: @LL_cool_Ray14 pretty sure yes :P it will be in youtube in no time XD [02:00:10.943] 1_smart_donkey: stick with the daddy [02:00:11.026] SethwMad: HHAHAHAHAH [02:00:12.052] Unikore00: uwu!!! [02:00:12.493] bernie_____: vvvHeart daddy [02:00:12.801] drbuckethead123: 1000 POGGERS [02:00:13.275] neon_soup: dad-dee [02:00:15.785] deadlyjessica: Give them the uwu [02:00:18.568] xenofizzz: he is not a priest LOL [02:00:19.093] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: 0w0 [02:00:20.585] jrthakid2410: hello how are you? [02:00:21.557] Nova_Starsniper: nalastPappa nalastPappa nalastPappa nalastPappa nalastPappa nalastPappa [02:00:21.840] Bjotte: Daddeh [02:00:23.209] 1_smart_donkey: every time you say father I think of a priest [02:00:23.730] kawaiichicken4: Ty Fam [02:00:24.300] carolinelikesdinner: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [02:00:24.427] abe1_2: Call me PAPi [02:00:25.158] BarlosJimbo15: thank you parental figure [02:00:25.224] im_up_to_something: Yes Rose embrace it [02:00:25.367] themindscrambler: UWU [02:00:26.228] thecuxspm: uncle [02:00:26.529] mystchevious1: Papi [02:00:27.060] onesek_: pal [02:00:27.328] SethwMad: "Gigachad" [02:00:27.392] FlyingMortimer: "Father" makes it sound like you are talking to a priest. [02:00:27.456] EternalNocturnal68: Gawk [02:00:27.868] BenDover_xD: daddeh help im stuck..... [02:00:28.296] 1234fdrjfk: pa [02:00:28.787] godsbeenswinging_: Sir? [02:00:29.811] unbidduck: master? [02:00:30.230] ginjninj: senpai [02:00:30.879] muffirst: bou [02:00:31.141] panda_de_dieta: whys thsi girl voice so low? jezz, generation z girls taking too much testo [02:00:31.342] fieri574: Daddy-O [02:00:31.757] Lobotist: It is too late @f1nn5ter [02:00:31.766] OTHENGOR: papi [02:00:31.832] ryanss2123: Tanks thanks danks banks [02:00:31.898] Lucridis: Dawg [02:00:32.176] Bean1997: FINN CANT LOOK US STRAIGHT IN THE EYES [02:00:32.373] mrgamer1420: Suger Daddy LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [02:00:32.460] HexGrrrrl: Papa [02:00:32.883] muffirst: boy [02:00:33.467] Owly_9: money kink [02:00:33.575] vetras91: Papi [02:00:33.750] Roxy_Gaming18: Papa [02:00:33.789] LL_cool_Ray14: LL_cool_Ray14 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! we gotta find out what Ten does for a living 👀happy femboy wife, happy life. [02:00:34.005] f3mmbot ll_cool_ray14 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [02:00:34.554] muffirst: boyboy [02:00:35.498] GreyWinterWraith: my little pogchamp [02:00:36.279] mystchevious1: Papi. [02:00:36.565] purplesingeram: LOLL [02:00:36.961] 333_stribrnych_strikacek: Hi :) [02:00:37.353] alexx_net: I love how Rose looks down submissively when she says "daddy" to TenMuses f1nnLaff [02:00:37.516] AsphyxiaEcho: onii chan [02:00:37.777] purplesingeram: PL [02:00:38.326] deadlyjessica: Thanks Daddy UWU [02:00:39.042] hotgirl676: Sir [02:00:39.277] purplesingeram: PAL [02:00:39.510] johnkeiwo: thanks paternal figure [02:00:39.614] 1indigo0: papi [02:00:43.048] tarakagyu: trans lesbian problems [02:00:44.882] sissyjessie: Master [02:00:45.000] saloomalmusa: bruv [02:00:45.053] rw03_bjw: vader is father in German😉 [02:00:45.092] themastergoat2022: super lama [02:00:46.359] carolinelikesdinner: Thanks homie [02:00:46.629] leonidaskings: hows the keeyboard [02:00:46.690] chilled_spice: Pa Pa [02:00:48.910] kishere123: So straight GayPride [02:00:49.530] MayBeAJinx: inb4 "Daddy. Sorry. Daddy. Sorry." [02:00:49.722] jrthakid2410: GIGA CHAD [02:00:50.396] SethwMad: We know what Tens does [02:00:50.412] XellosMetallum: Rose is so embarassed.. but she likes it [02:00:51.114] suganipsxo: papa [02:00:53.604] Tbomb111109: ”hehE, UwU” [02:00:55.653] IceDivel: Happy egg [02:00:56.481] pianoismyforte_: master [02:00:56.572] hotgirl676: Call him Sir [02:01:00.908] themindscrambler: trust fund? [02:01:01.895] 1_smart_donkey: he invested in Amazon long ago [02:01:02.515] CloakedN00b: he felt smart [02:01:04.638] SethwMad: We have had many calls with Tens lol [02:01:11.133] deadlyjessica: Call him Master? [02:01:11.903] neon_soup: touching hair constantly LUL [02:01:13.911] hoodie_ninja420: anthon22Cheers [02:01:16.508] GirlSmirka: bob [02:01:16.722] h_r_buff_n_stuff: A smart fell that has gotten you to call them Daddy [02:01:19.056] SethwMad: AHAHAHAH [02:01:20.729] carolinelikesdinner: Smart fella or a fart smella 🤔 [02:01:22.936] vidyagaem7: Pretty girl is all embarrassed [02:01:25.388] mairaineplayzGames: daddy Tenmuses and mommy F1NN. best parents EVER! [02:01:29.268] hopalongtommy: "thank you, my precious love" [02:01:31.116] packagum: @neon_soup he did it again KEKW [02:01:32.072] garbage_teir: in the nicest possible way there is like a 30% chance ten is a furry [02:01:32.469] LL_cool_Ray14: only Finn when [02:01:34.425] GrinchMD: VapeNation [02:01:34.687] PynkFryck: Totally [02:01:36.359] Owly_9: Kappa [02:01:38.970] Coreylala: straight edge mathilKekS [02:01:39.433] deadlyjessica: Thats some CAP [02:01:39.905] tarakagyu: hes a good girl [02:01:40.654] johnkeiwo: Kappa [02:01:43.005] mrgamer1420: SirUwU Finn fall in love NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:01:43.720] AbsentPopcorn33: So is it still what ten want ten get or is it ten says do this and you do it [02:01:43.946] dragonzed76: i have bin watching from across the room no sound and you moving in a very girly way tonight [02:01:44.998] 1_smart_donkey: no cigars manly cigars [02:01:47.088] CloakedN00b: the right answer is what are we smoking [02:01:49.603] Stovamor: If you want to dodge the embaressment for a bit, you could do ban reviews? [02:01:50.661] bernie_____: BrokeBack grand [02:01:51.261] neon_soup: @packagum he can't help it LUL [02:01:52.763] Tbomb111109: you are so straight GayPride [02:01:54.249] furore__: *** [02:01:55.118] Lobotist: Don't sully your pretty little lungs [02:01:57.692] dragonzed76: the faces you pulling [02:01:59.112] xenofizzz: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [02:02:05.692] im_up_to_something: Ten spoils his girl 🌹 [02:02:06.286] 57ranma: Now if Ten can make Finn say “Daddy. Uwu” [02:02:08.083] PynkFryck: Bing Bong [02:02:11.077] nitro_thunder_beast: NomNom [02:02:12.347] carolinelikesdinner: 😭😭😭😭😭 [02:02:12.986] c__r__j: @Stovamor Oh - you meant unban requests earlier, not ban redeems? [02:02:14.222] johnkeiwo: Proof that you are a switch [02:02:16.324] King__Mosabi: Ten's is now chat's pap or grandpa [02:02:18.806] godsbeenswinging_: looning? i grew out of that years ago [02:02:19.783] gelbphoenix: *** [02:02:20.161] Amoyamoyamoya: "I have every kink." Doubht, [02:02:24.281] HexGrrrrl: Piss kink [02:02:24.482] junelyric: finn into ddlg confirmed [02:02:27.277] deadlyjessica: You inhale fumes everyday [02:02:34.928] xenofizzz: Connor scammed you?!? [02:02:39.760] DreamerTVN: Hair is so pretty [02:02:40.561] garbage_teir: praise and degradation kinks are actually often a wombo combo [02:02:41.749] Stovamor: If you want to dodge the embaressment for a bit, you could do unban reviews @f1nn5ter [02:02:49.807] lidiathatsall: it's not Monday [02:02:50.434] psithurismas: do you realize what that implies [02:02:50.664] GirlSmirka: go trans f1nn [02:02:51.410] mast3rmaguku: every look is a good look for you bby [02:02:52.942] takstijn: guys his daddy connor left daddy issues LUL [02:02:54.686] Michiel666: kinkster lmaoo [02:02:56.429] packaged_horse: BAN APPEALS [02:02:56.963] junelyric: FINN INTO DDLG [02:02:57.233] Kolateak_: K1NK5TER [02:02:58.686] braddle172: k1nk5ter [02:02:58.745] MajesticFvckingEagle: K1NK5TER [02:03:03.084] neon_soup: kink konosour [02:03:03.221] c__r__j: You did the purity test; you failed it. [02:03:04.846] JohnBanks117: weirdChamp @Solus_kun [02:03:04.855] general_of_cm: K1NNK5ter [02:03:08.056] Solus_kun: D: Eyyy [02:03:08.662] MayBeAJinx: OMEGALUL [02:03:09.623] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun yes solus, yes you are [02:03:09.656] mairaineplayzGames: @packaged_horse why bann appels? O-O [02:03:10.049] deadlyjessica: Are you still wearing the extensions or is it natural hair now? [02:03:11.260] jrthakid2410: hello there [02:03:12.115] abe1_2: Nipple clamps [02:03:12.352] amholo_zx: The what ???? [02:03:12.696] stumagoo992: kinkster emote when [02:03:16.024] DreamerTVN: when fin drop the onlyfans: K1NKster [02:03:17.445] mrgamer1420: Rose SirUwU [02:03:19.740] CloakedN00b: lets hope he doesnt have the minecraft youtuber kink [02:03:19.953] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, Got clapped again?? OMEGALUL [02:03:20.425] johnkeiwo: @Solus_kun, Just so you know, I screenshotted it before I clapped your cheeks [02:03:20.447] total_acidity: I wonder what Soda's score would be [02:03:21.107] mairaineplayzGames: @deadlyjessica its natural hair [02:03:22.153] dokeydong1cm: have you ever been locked in a chastity cage? [02:03:22.535] Kolateak_: My rice purity test is like 97 [02:03:23.120] Loelinverse: K1nk5ter detected [02:03:23.235] MineCraftKidS83: my brother thought you were a girl [02:03:23.547] zucduc: my mom just walked in on me watching you and I have headphones on so she couldn’t hear PepeHands [02:03:23.610] Flippi_12: weirdChamp Solus [02:03:24.921] Brainfishes: Seiso F1nn [02:03:25.335] GrinchMD: @jrthakid2410 general kenobi [02:03:26.592] King__Mosabi: is k2nk5ter the name of her onlyfans? [02:03:28.018] jerrymcguire224: jerrymcguire224 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:03:28.376] jerrymcguire224: jerrymcguire224 gifted a Tier 1 sub to carsie_1927! [02:03:28.555] f3mmbot jerrymcguire224 has gifted a subscription to carsie_1927 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang carsie_1927 f1nnLezgang [02:03:28.639] c__r__j: "I've got every kink. Apart from all the odd ones, obviously." [02:03:30.079] deadlyjessica: @mairaineplayzgames thanks [02:03:38.287] Flippi_12: @johnkeiwo same screenchot LUL [02:03:43.407] Lady_Felicity: am a rope bunny [02:03:43.714] tarakagyu: just into normal girl stuff finn? [02:03:43.788] SethwMad: What are you into? [02:03:44.147] mairaineplayzGames: @deadlyjessica no prob [02:03:45.377] Clockwork413: very "hello fellow kinksters" right now [02:03:46.138] bernie_____: hachuW toilet [02:03:46.234] XellosMetallum: goes 0 to 100 real fast [02:03:47.676] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, LUL [02:03:47.767] raxolotl: the hair side part looks more femoby and fhe middle part looks more natural girl if thats makes sense [02:03:48.725] iiamkira_: Do the rice purity test lmao [02:03:49.632] Jens_LN: ... we have questions ... [02:03:50.458] Evie_Sparkles: Rope Bunny? [02:03:50.879] Zeldronix: ???? [02:03:52.387] that1guylouis24: :O [02:03:52.524] AbsentPopcorn33: Is your sleep schedule bad or do you just stream for 4 hour every few decades [02:03:53.318] Solus_kun: monkaS @johnkeiwo Uhhhhm you know i also have the Pussy screenshot ? [02:03:54.657] junelyric: clip that [02:03:55.282] GreyWinterWraith: what's your opinion on cake farts [02:03:56.680] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: wot [02:03:57.497] johnkeiwo: yeah, vanilla KEKW [02:03:57.798] BenSaysHiii: YEP [02:03:58.439] neon_soup: light choking on stage in front of thousands = degradation kink [02:03:59.431] l3igPP: ok what ever you say... [02:04:00.060] hoodie_ninja420: plaxipHuskyJam hi everyone plaxipHuskyJam [02:04:00.857] SethwMad: I need to stop leaving at weird moments [02:04:00.971] GirlSmirka: brb [02:04:01.501] MajesticFvckingEagle: CLIP IT [02:04:03.199] DreamerTVN: whts your number [02:04:06.048] mrgamer1420: Handsome Fin SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU [02:04:06.780] Tbomb111109: wait, if rose is a girl does that mean she’s lesbian? ph1lPride [02:04:09.350] purplesingeram: NOT YALL SAYING CLIP [02:04:09.416] HexGrrrrl: prey is a good movie [02:04:14.216] MajesticFvckingEagle: CLIP IT + SHIP IT [02:04:14.434] mairaineplayzGames: @Tbomb111109 yes???? [02:04:15.216] bluj40: @LordRuyn my bad homie [02:04:17.423] duplotracer: xD [02:04:18.240] johnkeiwo: W [02:04:18.903] SethwMad: orihimeStare [02:04:19.107] Cazenn: W [02:04:19.242] Ins0lin: W [02:04:19.575] GreyWinterWraith: W [02:04:20.036] Coreylala: W [02:04:20.223] lionnsmane: W [02:04:20.661] JohnBanks117: W [02:04:20.677] skyboundmaster: W [02:04:21.077] mr_ajokortti_korkort: W [02:04:21.143] Jens_LN: W [02:04:21.398] johnkeiwo: PogU [02:04:21.404] duplotracer: W [02:04:21.452] mystchevious1: W [02:04:22.078] GrinchMD: W [02:04:22.113] braddle172: W [02:04:22.195] Roxy_Gaming18: W [02:04:22.352] DreamerTVN: W [02:04:22.463] afy_jb: W [02:04:22.600] Springboid: W [02:04:23.048] BarlosJimbo15: W [02:04:23.168] deadlyjessica: W [02:04:23.298] Jens_LN: Woooo [02:04:23.417] CyberneticSpy2D: W [02:04:23.688] dingosurprise: W [02:04:23.735] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: W [02:04:23.755] raxolotl: W [02:04:24.130] xenofizzz: W [02:04:24.160] Flippi_12: W [02:04:24.226] GroggyReaper: W [02:04:24.269] longlegs_honey: W [02:04:24.551] NoGiggety: W [02:04:24.637] MrPuddles40: W [02:04:24.904] GeoGeo_lm: GG [02:04:25.118] bernie_____: W [02:04:25.178] Tbomb111109: W [02:04:25.252] 1234fdrjfk: W [02:04:25.260] c__r__j: W [02:04:25.362] codecraft3r: W [02:04:25.630] Emmy64_: W [02:04:25.874] vidyagaem7: W [02:04:25.880] junelyric: W [02:04:26.026] TacPepGaming: W [02:04:26.090] johnkeiwo: LETSGOOO KING !!! [02:04:26.402] h_r_buff_n_stuff: W [02:04:26.421] miishun: W [02:04:26.494] King__Mosabi: W [02:04:26.518] Tizon777: w [02:04:26.605] CloakedN00b: do the worm [02:04:26.660] Jusses: W [02:04:26.693] bearpaw1970: W [02:04:26.853] alexx_net: W [02:04:27.060] amholo_zx: WW [02:04:27.377] Alpinefresh: W [02:04:27.630] kingfort56s: W [02:04:27.662] flex_uli: W [02:04:27.921] starsjem: W [02:04:28.036] MajesticFvckingEagle: W [02:04:28.094] TenMuses: Ok, I've made some changes to my chat ID [02:04:28.329] qwertyuioiuytrerty: w [02:04:28.481] Amoyamoyamoya: "Just be yourself" [02:04:28.893] LAOnAirStudios: bebaMom bebaMom bebaMom bebaMom [02:04:28.982] ScarredLemon: W [02:04:29.005] acefearkiller23: w [02:04:29.258] Brainfishes: W [02:04:30.059] thetuaschtee: W [02:04:30.160] Amoyamoyamoya: W [02:04:30.896] hoodie_ninja420: f [02:04:30.970] treelie: w [02:04:31.288] sir_public0_0: W [02:04:31.324] unbidduck: w [02:04:31.803] iiamkira_: W [02:04:32.110] penguin_noot_noot: W [02:04:32.153] zombie_1981: W [02:04:32.153] mairaineplayzGames: FIRST IMPRESION! dont be yourself! [02:04:32.200] DreamerTVN: Break Dance [02:04:32.240] sushi_fishstix: W [02:04:32.938] carolinelikesdinner: W [02:04:32.970] tarakagyu: W [02:04:33.015] helpisproballyneeded: W [02:04:33.190] 1_smart_donkey: your dress should not be better than hers [02:04:33.777] Mr_fluffy97: W [02:04:33.994] anastasia_motionless: w [02:04:34.445] total_acidity: W [02:04:34.665] HornyFerret: W [02:04:34.936] ScarredLemon: Good hair cut [02:04:35.162] Hanzen_33: W [02:04:35.639] bijox__: W [02:04:35.700] CLOWNbiodegradable: W [02:04:35.714] Flippi_12: talk about f1nn to your date Kappa [02:04:36.160] GreyWinterWraith: Christopher Walken is a good first impression, it's really easy to do his voice [02:04:36.269] ryuu_horizon: w [02:04:36.336] fbi9631: W [02:04:36.902] purplesingeram: W [02:04:37.279] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: uwu [02:04:38.269] charikuno: W [02:04:38.799] VES_Typh00n: Where do I find the outfit? [02:04:38.869] thatguywiththiccthighs: first stream and the only thing I see is kinkster wtf is happening [02:04:39.387] tarakagyu: yes [02:04:39.585] Jens_LN: Don't tell them you're watching F1nn5ter ! [02:04:40.256] TacPepGaming: NO [02:04:40.439] BerryAndBitty: W [02:04:40.468] Coke_Dealerr: whip it out for then right on appetizers [02:04:40.657] mrgamer1420: X [02:04:41.603] Chri55PBacon: W [02:04:41.810] packagum: okay don't do that [02:04:41.915] marshrover: yes [02:04:42.159] CloakedN00b: no [02:04:42.584] Rayons: SMELL GOOD [02:04:42.855] VES_Typh00n: kekw [02:04:43.136] rudyzwierz: w [02:04:43.430] GeoGeo_lm: EPIC W f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:04:43.606] Bulldog85043: W BE YOURSELF! [02:04:43.741] 02f2: W [02:04:43.878] amholo_zx: OMEGALUL [02:04:43.905] UnderLord04: Yes [02:04:44.091] itsallbeendone: W [02:04:44.492] CozyyPandaa: W [02:04:44.763] Jusses: Yes [02:04:44.768] starsjem: yes [02:04:45.005] MerHitGod: W [02:04:45.927] itslynntv: W [02:04:46.947] anschofi: proper hygiene and clean clothes [02:04:47.472] ekod3d: Fit check? [02:04:47.723] TenMuses: it didnt work :* [02:04:48.558] saloomalmusa: w [02:04:48.781] SucculentEggo: W [02:04:48.798] HexGrrrrl: yes [02:04:49.446] mrgamer1420: NotLikeThis [02:04:49.664] treelie: fake eyelashes [02:04:49.933] johnkeiwo: Yes, assert dominance [02:04:50.203] LAOnAirStudios: W W W W W [02:04:50.243] packaged_horse: WHAT HAPPENED I MISSED IT [02:04:50.495] BerryAndBitty: Accidentally pressed Ctrl+W >_> [02:04:51.019] GroggyReaper: wear a borat thong to establish domination [02:04:51.684] CyberneticSpy2D: W f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:04:51.819] CloakedN00b: gg btw [02:04:52.066] 1_smart_donkey: W [02:04:52.180] UnderLord04: W [02:04:54.459] rudyzwierz: WW [02:04:55.125] alexx_net: @1_smart_donkey, Very good comment f1nnLaff [02:04:55.525] DreamerTVN: Do a Gilbert Godfrie impression [02:04:55.775] dokeydong1cm: you ever been locked in a chastity cage? [02:04:56.079] GreyWinterWraith: or an Owen Wilson "wow" is a good first impression [02:04:56.298] SethwMad: @TenMuses What did you try and do? [02:04:56.760] Akkey90: W [02:04:56.992] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Yeah, that would leave a strong impression [02:04:57.519] BerryAndBitty: @packaged_horse Someone gotr a date [02:04:58.164] TacPepGaming: Daddy_Ten [02:05:00.032] duplotracer: be on time [02:05:01.281] Tom1nn1t: W [02:05:01.425] bfritz0815: uWu [02:05:04.031] HexGrrrrl: if their bi it will work [02:05:06.074] ivyquinnn97: I'd do it [02:05:10.820] robbie1945: wear a skirt [02:05:11.154] carolinelikesdinner: f1nnNomods [02:05:12.996] Coreylala: don't talk about the weather [02:05:15.065] bearpaw1970: what ever you do being a good lost her is good [02:05:15.544] robbie1945: and makeup [02:05:19.104] GizmoHenry: Same rules as prison, Assert dominance quickly [02:05:19.276] Bjotte: wash your dick [02:05:20.569] Amoyamoyamoya: Be attentive. [02:05:24.521] DreamerTVN: BUUGATTI [02:05:25.929] johnkeiwo: Be a top G [02:05:27.226] archangelmick: car [02:05:27.418] kishere123: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [02:05:27.886] neon_soup: smell bad don't talk [02:05:28.322] ginjninj: the fancy car [02:05:29.006] GeoGeo_lm: Brush your teeth more than you would normaly [02:05:30.038] wandererimwalde: be cute [02:05:30.104] bernie_____: hachuW out loud [02:05:30.655] Lucridis: Punch the waiter to assert dominance [02:05:32.332] mairaineplayzGames: DONT BE YOURSELF IN YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION, pretend to be a giga chad [02:05:33.895] bluj40: like most things [02:05:34.260] HexGrrrrl: bubble wa er [02:05:34.315] deadlyjessica: @bjotte yes apparently if not washed its a huge turn off [02:05:34.364] johnkeiwo: Drink sparkling WOTAR [02:05:35.715] aulritta: Boo-Gat-ee [02:05:35.753] GreyWinterWraith: talk to them like a human being, listen to what they say f1nnHeart [02:05:36.401] MajesticFvckingEagle: Boo-getti [02:05:36.471] VES_Typh00n: I'll have to print out a bugatti logo and stick it onto my VW Polo then LUL [02:05:37.278] tarakagyu: dont be pushy and take an intrest [02:05:38.262] 1tangomango1: BUGUSSY [02:05:39.478] TenMuses: rhymes thot. (coincedentally) [02:05:39.964] junelyric: boob gotty [02:05:40.453] ch4rc0al5: boo-GOT-ee [02:05:42.784] Emmy64_: Dont bring gifts on the first date CaitlynS [02:05:42.797] DreamerTVN: Tell them you love Andrew Tate KEKW [02:05:44.374] lol_pisces__: hiiii [02:05:45.420] CloakedN00b: so once [02:05:45.481] vidyagaem7: Turned Australian for a second there [02:05:45.638] c__r__j: @tenmuses: Twitch is bugged. Changes to your chat identity only take effect message after next, not next message. [02:05:45.899] Jens_LN: clean up proper [02:05:47.403] 1indigo0: BEUGATTI [02:05:48.092] themindscrambler: finding legitimate questions you want to ask her about herself [02:05:48.378] benfletcher247: i subbed so can you spin [02:05:48.905] mrgamer1420: What's your Favourite Perfume? [02:05:49.600] suganipsxo: wash ur peepee [02:05:49.766] jxtcman: brush your tongue [02:05:52.190] LordRuyn: Italian here, can confirm pronunciation needs some work [02:05:53.185] TenMuses: Bu Got ee [02:05:53.992] abe1_2: Confident but not aggressive [02:05:55.455] Coreylala: Spend the entire time talking about crypto currency [02:05:56.467] 1_smart_donkey: bring cash [02:05:56.738] packagum: you never know shave anyway [02:05:58.582] VES_Typh00n: Male! [02:06:00.376] mystchevious1: Good Hygine, Clean Clothes, Listen, and don't be a dick. [02:06:00.506] Stovamor: BTW @f1nn5ter - Here you go... https://clips.twitch.tv/RichSillyBillNotATK-xklP0kb2jEhdW8B8 [02:06:00.769] satoku___: PotFriend [02:06:00.916] Stovamor: BTW @f1nn5ter - Here you go... https://clips.twitch.tv/RichSillyBillNotATK-xklP0kb2jEhdW8B8 [02:06:01.028] SamIsHereNow: SamIsHereNow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! First date tips? Don't bring your Garfield Velcro wallet like I did. [02:06:01.231] f3mmbot samisherenow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:06:01.329] Stovamor: BTW @f1nn5ter - Here you go... https://clips.twitch.tv/RichSillyBillNotATK-xklP0kb2jEhdW8B8 [02:06:05.513] xFANATEC_UKx: veet baby [02:06:06.002] Lady_Felicity: Show up in that Porche Ferdinand [02:06:10.617] deadlyjessica: Smell nice, make sure you look good enough to be presentable [02:06:11.245] bfritz0815: listen more than you talk. Its the rarest quality in men, so it makes you appear exotic Cheer100 [02:06:12.087] c__r__j: Imagine asking F1nn for dating advice. NotLikeThis [02:06:13.129] ayarcee: Boo Got Tee [02:06:14.559] Tbomb111109: don’t take them to a McDonald’s [02:06:14.885] DreamerTVN: Show up in a Big Garfield Suit [02:06:16.847] Emmy64_: Try to make tension Kappa mkoTech [02:06:17.890] bernie_____: hachuW [02:06:18.318] HexGrrrrl: bubble wah err [02:06:19.587] unbidduck: get rid of the cheddar build up [02:06:21.925] lol_pisces__: XD [02:06:25.490] neon_soup: and then he ordered lasagne [02:06:27.220] charikuno: Boobgati [02:06:31.716] bluj40: thats gonna bang on lsf [02:06:32.740] Coreylala: Garfield is hot [02:06:32.854] FearedIcee: Subscribed to F1NN5TER for 24 months with a current streak of 24 month. Next Sub Anniversary on 21 Aug (in 13 days) [02:06:33.593] King__Mosabi: Nah, Garfield wallet is a win tbh [02:06:35.922] vetras91: that clip xD [02:06:36.722] bearpaw1970: being a good listening' attentive date is a priority [02:06:37.752] DreamerTVN: I hate that sound [02:06:39.475] DeepRedColor: mipuY [02:06:40.634] Emmy64_: The velcro is my kink tho KEKW [02:06:41.136] mystchevious1: @Stovamor Thanks lol [02:06:41.613] carolinelikesdinner: T pose to assert dominance [02:06:42.006] johnkeiwo: Fanny ? Are you 70 years old ? [02:06:42.200] robbie1945: wear matching bra and panties gender dont matter [02:06:44.384] Flippi_12: great clip LUL [02:06:45.277] sushi_fishstix: garfield wallet huge win [02:06:46.476] CaridinZ: minions PogU [02:06:47.880] Nova_Starsniper: soon i'll just accept the lone wolf life for life, i don't understand human dating culture [02:06:48.169] stumagoo992: if she passes on garfield you give that date a miss [02:06:48.988] ayarcee: from your fanny pack [02:06:49.062] bernie_____: hachuLaughingAtYou garfield [02:06:49.544] junelyric: damn [02:06:50.975] abe1_2: Make her Pay [02:06:51.266] raxolotl: hydrate [02:06:51.504] treelie: id propose on the spot ngl [02:06:52.033] Tbomb111109: T pose [02:06:54.366] TacPepGaming: Military Knows this and thats why we use Velcro all the time [02:06:55.201] duplotracer: KEKW [02:06:55.592] junelyric: so moist [02:06:55.800] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter don’t bring bebaMom [02:06:57.251] 1tangomango1: YEP [02:06:57.927] carolinelikesdinner: Tbh I'd be into the garfield wallet [02:06:58.748] Jens_LN: yes [02:06:59.244] lionnsmane: yes we are [02:07:01.677] Emmy64_: LUL [02:07:05.027] Flippi_12: LUL [02:07:05.558] GrinchMD: LUL [02:07:06.000] Solus_kun: UwU you look breedable today [02:07:07.156] BerryAndBitty: MINION DEBIT CARD?! OH BOI I FEEL IT FLOWING LUL [02:07:07.344] johnkeiwo: We know [02:07:08.368] King__Mosabi: KEKW [02:07:08.601] JohnBanks117: LUL [02:07:10.037] 1tangomango1: KEKW [02:07:10.193] dingosurprise: LUL [02:07:10.586] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [02:07:11.435] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:07:11.770] 02f2: CLIP IT [02:07:11.943] junelyric: SJAKJABSJSN [02:07:13.265] braddle172: LUL [02:07:14.702] BerryAndBitty: LUL [02:07:15.311] AbsentPopcorn33: Hasn’t custom cards being stopped or something [02:07:16.524] junelyric: BROOOO [02:07:16.743] DreamerTVN: If you look up that phrase finn is the picture person [02:07:18.033] HexGrrrrl: dominant and barren [02:07:18.775] ryuu_horizon: LUL [02:07:20.417] garbage_teir: bring mom show your a family man [02:07:21.402] 1tangomango1: @F1NN5TER Bring HER mom KEKW [02:07:21.821] carolinelikesdinner: 😭 [02:07:22.127] mairaineplayzGames: pretend to be someone else! never be yourself [02:07:22.235] DreamerTVN: WING MOM KEKW [02:07:23.917] raxolotl: yuh [02:07:24.277] Tbomb111109: LUL [02:07:27.461] mrgamer1420: @amoyamoyamoya GN SirUwU [02:07:30.639] josecortesnival: c'mon cuatom cards are a sign of wealth [02:07:32.711] mattcheesy: my mom would insult me [02:07:34.341] kishere123: WDYM I BROUGHT MY MOM TO MY FIRST DATE AND HE BECAME MY STEPDAD [02:07:34.490] Emmy64_: "Oh honey i remember when you were tinyer" KEKW [02:07:36.196] SamIsHereNow: Hopfully date brings dad. Mum's been lonely [02:07:39.605] Jens_LN: Just DON'T DO her mom ! [02:07:41.578] bernie_____: YouDontSay mom swapping [02:07:42.298] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you did lol 😂 [02:07:42.889] total_acidity: milf power [02:07:42.968] Akkey90: Does Bi people love u 2 times more then hetero? [02:07:45.335] DeepRedColor: ssfxdu1 [02:07:45.531] PynkFryck: Check twitter [02:07:47.469] johnkeiwo: boooooo [02:07:48.236] GodBlessBananasplit: Maidenless [02:07:50.580] mairaineplayzGames: @F1NN5TER no bitches???? [02:07:50.894] neon_soup: you've been on many second dates? kekw [02:07:51.464] BerryAndBitty: @Akkey90 Yes [02:07:52.475] ponypewpewww: Hi baby, I miss u [02:07:53.986] 1_smart_donkey: I tried to avoid first dates I go straight for the third [02:07:55.162] DreamerTVN: Ever been on one as rose? [02:07:55.444] carolinelikesdinner: Instructions unclear dick now in the fridge [02:07:58.154] bluj40: yeah finn we can tell [02:08:01.397] nyneg_: imagine being good looking enought to go on any dates [02:08:01.434] Jens_LN: Rose is almost innocent. [02:08:07.615] johnkeiwo: How about your boyfriends ? [02:08:07.744] OniiChanFL: 24 here and never had a girlfriend xD [02:08:09.066] abe1_2: But you sleep around right [02:08:11.073] GodBlessBananasplit: awwww [02:08:11.628] aunalbrutal: Have you ever gotten passed third date? :P [02:08:13.620] King__Mosabi: I skip the dates and go straight to divorce [02:08:14.969] benfletcher247: spin pls [02:08:16.066] loveroseslove: I´m a woman and I would date you. LEt´s go! [02:08:20.644] bruce_moose_96: clipped [02:08:21.911] DreamerTVN: @King__Mosabi GIGACHAD [02:08:22.032] bernie_____: Clap champ [02:08:23.087] reaper036: Maidenless Finn :( [02:08:24.051] junelyric: WHORE [02:08:24.210] Flippi_12: Clap [02:08:24.478] mpr1999: did she take you to see Jaws? [02:08:25.441] c__r__j: Kissed on the first date? That's cute. [02:08:26.300] TenMuses: Oh kitten.... [02:08:26.824] Solus_kun: kiss on a first date ? D: thats a sin [02:08:28.660] duplotracer: @oniichanfl LETS GO KEKW [02:08:29.423] amholo_zx: Clap [02:08:29.826] GreyWinterWraith: protip: if you're doing dinner and a movie, do the movie first so you have something to talk about over dinner [02:08:30.779] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [02:08:30.818] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Clap [02:08:30.844] hotgirl676: so what? u kissed all ur guys friends [02:08:31.226] JohnBanks117: Clap [02:08:31.460] LL_cool_Ray14: Rose why is skirt spin not redeemable right now? 😐 [02:08:31.674] purplesingeram: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😿 [02:08:32.960] LittleChaSiu: but did she peg you on the first date [02:08:33.680] braddle172: Clap [02:08:34.705] mrstreamer302: how much would you do to go on a date dressed as rose [02:08:35.273] ragnyaaaaa: leaflitPog [02:08:36.612] mrgamer1420: SirPrise [02:08:36.641] vidyagaem7: What a harlot [02:08:37.967] DreamerTVN: Pot [02:08:38.232] GodBlessBananasplit: weed [02:08:38.620] SamIsHereNow: Kissing before marriage? D: [02:08:39.951] Nova_Starsniper: can someone explain human dating culture, i dont understand it [02:08:40.238] garbage_teir: rose you have sugar daddy ur not innocent [02:08:40.364] im_up_to_something: So Ten will get a kiss on first date [02:08:40.700] Jens_LN: LOL [02:08:40.795] ginjninj: weeeeeeeeed [02:08:43.073] johnkeiwo: OMG KEKW [02:08:43.170] xenofizzz: weed [02:08:44.437] godsbeenswinging_: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed [02:08:44.511] thetuaschtee: buds [02:08:46.072] 1234fdrjfk: ouid [02:08:46.228] CloakedN00b: weed [02:08:46.780] DreamerTVN: its weed [02:08:46.925] HexGrrrrl: @loveroseslove same [02:08:47.592] PynkFryck: bruh [02:08:47.604] johnkeiwo: Weed and fap ! [02:08:47.670] Courier6___: 2 ounces that is [02:08:47.745] King__Mosabi: KEKW [02:08:47.768] tinkywinky088: Did you watch minions in the cinema? [02:08:48.376] yugman123: Hai qt f1nn [02:08:48.712] sir_public0_0: 420 [02:08:49.701] DeepRedColor: amyec3Art [02:08:50.312] amholo_zx: OMEGALUL WEED [02:08:51.711] duplotracer: what? KEKW [02:08:52.452] Xx_Aurora_22: Peg or get pegged [02:08:52.639] mairaineplayzGames: raisins and toiletpaper??? WHAT TEH ACTUALL FRICK?! [02:08:53.929] Owly_9: rose buds [02:08:54.119] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL he didn't KEKW [02:08:56.476] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: ayooo [02:08:57.894] Stovamor: @LL_cool_Ray14, it is redeemable. according to the mod panel [02:08:58.987] braddle172: KEKW [02:08:59.695] Bloodcoatrain: on 1st date?... sloot confirmed [02:09:00.676] TenMuses: it can take a pounding [02:09:02.937] Jens_LN: Where are you going to wear it ? [02:09:02.972] lexmont42: I haven't dated in 11 years I want to expire [02:09:03.494] DreamerTVN: Dont show her your fleshlight collection [02:09:03.538] skyr3zz: LMAO [02:09:03.948] deadlyjessica: 420 and toilet paper? [02:09:05.796] SethwMad: "Wear" I... hmm [02:09:06.383] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:09:09.782] carolinelikesdinner: Is that dogfood or some shit?? [02:09:10.728] Tom1nn1t: But if rose like girls, wouldn’t that make her lesbian? [02:09:10.850] robbie1945: did she get to second base with you @F1NN5TER [02:09:11.092] Coreylala: ah yes, bring your fleshlight on the first date [02:09:12.342] DreamerTVN: Am i on the wrong site [02:09:13.024] duplotracer: damn [02:09:14.789] bearpaw1970: lmao [02:09:14.899] yugman123: bro [02:09:15.608] Flippi_12: X [02:09:15.687] duckstm: asmr? [02:09:16.046] SethwMad: Oh [02:09:17.707] johnkeiwo: That's what good pussy sounds like KEKW [02:09:17.853] mairaineplayzGames: BEATING THA MEAT! XD [02:09:18.024] Solus_kun: AYP [02:09:19.154] amholo_zx: UMMM [02:09:19.798] ginjninj: ew dont clip that [02:09:20.514] Jens_LN: too bad it's rubber pussy [02:09:20.598] flex_uli: cleplight [02:09:21.130] chegoleporini: pussy or bussy? [02:09:21.485] ArminGux: Did I win the bet [02:09:21.572] mr_ajokortti_korkort: You going to throw that on people that are visiting too? [02:09:22.473] bernie_____: PogU killer [02:09:23.823] LL_cool_Ray14: I don't think you're doing the pounding [02:09:26.458] Tbomb111109: clipped [02:09:26.601] ozeantj: wouldn't say no lol xD [02:09:26.654] mairaineplayzGames: THATS NOT WEED MY GUY!!! [02:09:27.542] Jens_LN: it's Skunk ? [02:09:28.370] GreyWinterWraith: that's some dank bud [02:09:29.156] OliveTentacle: you slap it!?! [02:09:29.262] lol_pisces__: the slap XD [02:09:30.763] vidyagaem7: Slapdick [02:09:30.933] Emmy64_: KEKW [02:09:31.443] purplesingeram: SIR- [02:09:32.145] PynkFryck: Its a month old homegrown [02:09:32.798] smurfytoonz: hey fin first time here h2odelWAVE h2odelWAVE [02:09:33.006] GirlSmirka: ayy i just stole my moms bra [02:09:33.173] bluj40: BRITISH WEED LMAO [02:09:34.807] johnkeiwo: u never seen weed like this shush !! [02:09:34.827] DreamerTVN: Whats the toilet paper for monkaW [02:09:35.337] SethwMad: BRUH [02:09:36.041] mairaineplayzGames: weed is green bro! [02:09:36.044] abe1_2: Looks like turds [02:09:36.258] mrgamer1420: Finish your story BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [02:09:36.275] FearedIcee: yeah thats not weed [02:09:40.929] Jens_LN: Skunk ? [02:09:41.874] ginjninj: uhhh thats big buds [02:09:42.473] DreamerTVN: BritBonger Weed [02:09:42.566] unbidduck: edibles finn [02:09:42.623] CloakedN00b: rose has high standards [02:09:43.855] SethwMad: Finn you know nothing [02:09:44.011] rassmad: high grade [02:09:45.224] smurfytoonz: raisen weed [02:09:46.807] ArminGux: That’s goat hearer weed [02:09:46.874] FearedIcee: "its fermented" [02:09:46.931] mattcheesy: you speak from experience [02:09:48.321] Ry_X__: gas station weed [02:09:48.470] sl4sh4ndd4sh: Those are weeds [02:09:49.619] Solus_kun: your a bimbo you dont know real stuff LUL [02:09:51.160] carolinelikesdinner: It looks like dogfood bro 💀💀💀 [02:09:51.799] teejayscottzilla: Mexican Weed [02:09:52.613] bearpaw1970: not if it's purple [02:09:58.608] theastianentry_: expired weed [02:09:58.765] alexx_net: @mrgamer1420, She seldome does [02:09:59.924] HerrCommander: herb weed [02:10:00.057] benfletcher247: hydrate [02:10:00.751] GroggyReaper: yup [02:10:01.667] lol_pisces__: drugs? [02:10:01.720] DreamerTVN: It looks like chop meat KEKW [02:10:02.155] johnkeiwo: yes [02:10:04.037] FearedIcee: "aged" weed [02:10:04.438] mr_ajokortti_korkort: a little [02:10:04.440] SethwMad: SethwMad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! You are dumb. [02:10:04.621] f3mmbot sethwmad subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:10:05.140] Flippi_12: yes [02:10:05.551] garbage_teir: yes [02:10:06.032] smurfytoonz: you are Raisen weed [02:10:07.022] JohnBanks117: yes [02:10:07.684] King__Mosabi: need better pic for decent weed convo [02:10:07.903] DeepRedColor: beardie1 beardie2 [02:10:09.952] GirlSmirka: i just stole my moms bra nice. [02:10:11.091] Jens_LN: rum balls ? [02:10:11.970] mairaineplayzGames: i live in netherland and i have NEVER seen dark brown weed! THATS FAKE BRO [02:10:15.692] pretty_sweet_dude: show pic again [02:10:15.733] bluj40: i mean the lighting is ass [02:10:16.015] Emmy64_: Thats freaking hibiscus in a jar LUL [02:10:17.455] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo Why you so spicy today? [02:10:17.560] amholo_zx: KEKW [02:10:17.778] Jens_LN: good timing [02:10:19.077] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:10:21.319] sky_night4213: do a test [02:10:23.868] ihavenowhit: i just logged onto the stream. what the hell is going on? lol [02:10:24.432] total_acidity: The timing [02:10:24.725] xHinteyeTV: That strain is called OG Dirt [02:10:25.148] vidyagaem7: Weedlet [02:10:25.463] socksthc: yo that is 100 weed lul [02:10:25.543] rassmad: @mairaineplayzGames HIGH GRADE IS DARK [02:10:26.257] NoGiggety: LUL [02:10:27.139] suganipsxo: LOL [02:10:27.447] SethwMad: LUl [02:10:28.300] OliveTentacle: dumb but breedable [02:10:28.420] lionnsmane: @GirlSmirka bro? [02:10:29.009] PynkFryck: @F1NN5TER they are rather old homegrown buds and they were blueish while growing and slightly turned grey [02:10:29.684] abe1_2: Fin sniffs paint to get high [02:10:31.549] johnkeiwo: been a good day :) @mystchevious1, [02:10:33.254] driedfir2215819: bozo [02:10:34.708] SethwMad: NO STOP NOW I FEEL BAD [02:10:36.454] TenMuses: the dumb guy is sitting here collecting thousands of dollars.... [02:10:36.751] FearedIcee: @F1NN5TER i agree with you dont worry ur not alone that looks like shit [02:10:36.871] Helen_Croft: no [02:10:38.001] LordRuyn: we are your conscience Finn [02:10:38.217] SethwMad: IM SORRY [02:10:38.786] mairaineplayzGames: @rassmad you mean hashies then? [02:10:39.646] xXNeroZashiXx: no [02:10:41.020] johnkeiwo: how was it ? [02:10:41.887] CloakedN00b: in a coffee shop? [02:10:42.534] c__r__j: You didn't tell us, but we all assumed. [02:10:44.237] DeepRedColor: hell yuh [02:10:44.490] neon_soup: "legal weed" LUL [02:10:44.779] sir_public0_0: No [02:10:44.807] ArminGux: I mean you are a dropout [02:10:47.925] MajesticFvckingEagle: Nice [02:10:48.057] BenDover_xD: Yeah we have decent herbs here [02:10:48.698] GirlSmirka: @GirlSmirka ??? [02:10:49.314] johnkeiwo: Any edibles ? [02:10:50.060] smurfytoonz: are you raisen weed Fin? [02:10:51.019] braddle172: mentioned it yeah [02:10:52.489] DreamerTVN: wow [02:10:53.817] BenSaysHiii: what is illegal weed in Amsterdam? [02:10:53.818] Flippi_12: guy?? [02:10:55.041] DreamerTVN: Misgender [02:10:55.203] ginjninj: its the same but you can sit in a cafe [02:10:57.948] amholo_zx: OMEGALUL WOAH WOAH [02:10:58.676] rassmad: @mairaineplayzGames no, high grade is ganja [02:10:59.013] SethwMad: AHAHA [02:10:59.210] alexx_net: Weed is illegal in the UK, so F1nn doesn't know about it. [02:11:00.243] 1_smart_donkey: no we mean w**** [02:11:00.246] TenMuses: their words, not mine [02:11:04.973] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: femdoy? [02:11:05.210] theadamverse: Damn Finn Gendered me [02:11:05.639] LunchieMunchies: it's potent [02:11:06.702] chickendoodies: mans is confusing himself [02:11:07.217] PynkFryck: Daddys little girl xD [02:11:07.571] tarakagyu: hes the best girl [02:11:07.594] JohnBanks117: "guy" [02:11:08.669] MoonSenpai619: moonse10GrumpyCat [02:11:08.807] carolinelikesdinner: Oui'd [02:11:09.629] afy_jb: Rose almost couldn't even say it lmaoo [02:11:09.802] loveroseslove: so goooood Girl!!! [02:11:11.124] sissyjessie: Did you walk through Red Light District? [02:11:11.985] abe1_2: GODDESS [02:11:12.293] flex_uli: Its rose [02:11:13.129] Amoyamoyamoya: Them's fighting words.... [02:11:13.380] wandr09: did you had a chat with alexelcapo? [02:11:13.684] ArminGux: Hot girl be thoting herself [02:11:16.681] sailorsanchor: Do it fart 💨 [02:11:17.028] mystchevious1: Its Lady Rose Elizabeth Evergreen She has the certificate. [02:11:17.340] bernie_____: cherie21Nice title [02:11:17.822] ComputedBee: 'guy' X [02:11:18.289] purplesingeram: DANGGGG [02:11:19.633] Solus_kun: Bimbo F1nncess Better ? @F1NN5TER KEKW [02:11:19.688] Jens_LN: Submissive and breedable [02:11:20.141] OpsCoreFAST: good girl to dumb guy pipeline [02:11:21.067] hopalongtommy: in my experience, most of the "strains" offered in the UK are just BS names on the same old Cheese [02:11:21.464] mairaineplayzGames: @rassmad bro....i never seen dark brown weed, what kind of trash have you been getting? [02:11:24.090] vidyagaem7: Rose is a dumb girl [02:11:25.348] Akkey90: Dumb on both sides? huh?? [02:11:31.080] Unikore00: I forgot, she is nobility!! [02:11:32.448] chickendoodies: STOP SOMEONE JUST SAID DO IT FART [02:11:33.740] johnkeiwo: If you keep saying it, eventually the cringe will go away [02:11:34.423] hotgirl676: Embrace the Cringe [02:11:36.736] Loelinverse: 420 blaze it [02:11:40.347] neon_soup: there's desensitisation and there's brainwashing LUL [02:11:40.796] Loelinverse: lets gooo [02:11:41.662] asher_ouw: daddy finn what’s good [02:11:43.135] MoonSenpai619: how does growing tits doing for you? 0-0 [02:11:45.526] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:11:46.173] amholo_zx: KEKW [02:11:47.851] robbie1945: shes lost her innocence @F1NN5TER [02:11:50.115] Solus_kun: KEKW Dono Clap [02:11:51.211] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:11:51.597] lol_pisces__: i was watchin you on youtube then i get on twitch and see you on my 4u page [02:11:52.492] tehproxy: tehproxy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! yay 9 months bb [02:11:52.632] King__Mosabi: LUL [02:11:52.673] f3mmbot tehproxy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [02:11:53.706] rassmad: @mairaineplayzGames you are too young for it KEKW [02:11:54.667] johnkeiwo: We are such degens [02:11:54.802] DreamerTVN: WOW [02:11:54.830] braddle172: KEKW [02:11:55.064] amholo_zx: POGGERS [02:11:55.118] Mojoner: WHAT [02:11:55.956] mpr1999: have F1n parents given her the birds and bees talk? [02:11:56.711] Emmy64_: KEKW [02:11:56.872] loveroseslove: Did you do a "free guided Tour"? [02:11:57.092] Celandine23: KEKW [02:11:57.901] Alpinefresh: KEKW [02:11:57.996] chickendoodies: WHAT [02:11:58.220] lionnsmane: TEN STOP [02:11:58.376] Jens_LN: oh damn [02:11:58.556] johnkeiwo: OMFG [02:11:59.357] Flippi_12: KEKW [02:11:59.362] DreamerTVN: HOLY [02:11:59.552] JohnBanks117: POGGERS [02:11:59.695] Owly_9: sheeeeeeeeeshus christ [02:11:59.705] chickendoodies: OMG [02:12:00.191] dingosurprise: KEKW [02:12:00.733] awesomerem1: Kekw [02:12:01.155] mairaineplayzGames: @MoonSenpai619 !gender [02:12:01.531] duplotracer: KEKW [02:12:02.277] GodBlessBananasplit: TEN [02:12:02.523] BarlosJimbo15: again?! [02:12:02.843] garbage_teir: finn straight up being gaslight into transitioning [02:12:03.010] awesomerem1: Nice [02:12:03.045] kishere123: Get cringed out cutie Kappa [02:12:03.176] amholo_zx: WAIT WHAT POGGIES [02:12:03.335] chickendoodies: SIMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [02:12:03.347] braddle172: lol [02:12:03.459] Springboid: KEKW [02:12:03.676] Solus_kun: UwU kitten be a good pussy [02:12:03.778] dhzed: based [02:12:03.850] ginjninj: say the line [02:12:04.192] FearedIcee: my godf [02:12:04.236] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [02:12:04.344] Bean1997: SAY IT [02:12:04.420] Akkey90: KEKW [02:12:04.531] duckstm: KEKW [02:12:04.753] Unikore00: holy hell [02:12:04.910] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [02:12:04.941] rassmad: KEKW [02:12:05.869] total_acidity: KITTEN [02:12:07.163] bruce_moose_96: BIG SIMP [02:12:07.239] eliankdv: the fug [02:12:07.743] bernie_____: PogU [02:12:07.892] King__Mosabi: omf. the LEGEND [02:12:07.969] Kazango010: Did you do the girl voice thing? [02:12:08.207] KurooNekomata: KEKW [02:12:08.223] lol_pisces__: WTH [02:12:08.244] Ritella27: KEKW [02:12:08.382] ryuu_horizon: bro [02:12:09.001] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, weirdChamp [02:12:09.964] HexGrrrrl: lovense stream when? [02:12:10.706] ch4rc0al5: This MF spittin [02:12:10.967] that1guylouis24: surgar daddy is here PogU [02:12:10.996] vidyagaem7: KEKW [02:12:11.018] sissyjessie: KEKW [02:12:11.651] Spectre223: Meow for the man then [02:12:11.655] mochi404: aw sheeet [02:12:11.711] NoGiggety: KEKW [02:12:12.036] TacPepGaming: KEKW [02:12:12.418] purplesingeram: AYEEEE OKK [02:12:12.600] Roxy_Gaming18: Uhhhh [02:12:12.711] Stovamor: KEKW [02:12:12.865] DreamerTVN: ROSE THE DISCORD KITTEN [02:12:13.374] chickendoodies: SIMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPP [02:12:13.375] braddle172: KomodoHype [02:12:13.699] 1_smart_donkey: say it [02:12:13.704] canvaspainting: KEKW [02:12:14.436] neon_soup: this is brainwashing LUL LUL [02:12:14.582] zombie_1981: f1nnLaff [02:12:15.093] FearedIcee: $1k for misgendering you lmao [02:12:15.660] Chri55PBacon: KEKW [02:12:16.199] flex_uli: wtf [02:12:16.512] alexx_net: F1nn your line is, "Yes daddy." [02:12:16.595] bigmanateelady: Chat what’s her name? [02:12:16.798] Helen_Croft: almost 75% [02:12:16.811] probepackung: KEKW [02:12:17.485] bluj40: literal discord kitten activities [02:12:17.521] carolinelikesdinner: KITTEN???? [02:12:18.364] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun weirdChamp UwU [02:12:18.458] ArminGux: I would spend my savings to watch you in the red light district [02:12:19.691] REJAMALD: WOAH [02:12:19.722] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [02:12:21.707] eliankdv: toastyREE3 toastyREE3 [02:12:22.313] BarlosJimbo15: at this point give him something back [02:12:22.397] ttvcopi: Discord mod becomes kitten [02:12:22.548] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO [02:12:22.610] xenofizzz: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [02:12:23.957] LardoBoofs: FortHype [02:12:24.239] Solus_kun: Valorant with me ? PogU Kappa [02:12:24.674] stumagoo992: wild [02:12:24.797] lara_raawr: now you say "yes daddy" KEKW [02:12:25.714] raxolotl: BRO CHILLL [02:12:25.899] mairaineplayzGames: Tenmuses is down really bad!!!! [02:12:26.522] braddle172: f1nnHeadpat [02:12:27.005] driedfir2215819: Kreygasm [02:12:27.107] bernie_____: POGGERS [02:12:28.009] MoonSenpai619: @MoonSenpai619 its a command lol? [02:12:28.863] DreamerTVN: ROSE THE DISCORD KITTEN, FINN THE DISORD MOD [02:12:29.442] Jens_LN: Damn, that kind of dono's gonna mess with your mind in the long run. [02:12:30.436] im_up_to_something: wow rynHeadpat rynHeadpat rynHeadpat [02:12:31.302] King__Mosabi: now say the line Bart [02:12:32.586] benfletcher247: spin [02:12:33.312] carolinelikesdinner: DISCORD MOD NOT CLICKBAIT [02:12:35.239] JohnBanks117: Solus being weirdChamp today KEKW [02:12:35.923] vidyagaem7: f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat [02:12:40.983] starsjem: KEKW [02:12:41.263] MicroDav: hahahahahahaha [02:12:41.794] dhzed: KEKW [02:12:42.356] duplotracer: KEKW [02:12:43.273] OliveTentacle: is it like F1nn = clever guy Rose = dumb girl? [02:12:43.411] xemnas13: rooSus [02:12:44.002] bigmanateelady: When did Rose change to Kitten [02:12:44.144] amholo_zx: KEKW [02:12:45.519] pocketfullofskittles: When did ten become a discord mod [02:12:45.734] heresitic: KEKW [02:12:47.575] Stovamor: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [02:12:47.755] Celandine23: weirdChamp [02:12:47.815] SeiReiJoku: OMEGALUL Clap [02:12:47.879] DreamerTVN: KEKW [02:12:48.291] xenofizzz: Clip IT [02:12:49.625] c__r__j: Ah, but have you been a good kitten or a bad kitten? [02:12:49.707] braddle172: KEKW [02:12:50.005] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:12:51.979] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel! [02:12:52.023] fbi9631: What’s going on💀💀💀 [02:12:52.175] mairaineplayzGames: oh jesus, F1nn saying daddy is kinda cringe [02:12:52.381] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to adrianskyl9! [02:12:52.565] f3mmbot bfritz0815 has gifted a subscription to adrianskyl9 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang adrianskyl9 f1nnLezgang [02:12:53.037] tallorangeone: say it with confidence! [02:12:54.115] 1_smart_donkey: he's shooting around his office going watch this to his buddies [02:12:54.274] Roxy_Gaming18: DUDE BREAKING [02:12:54.329] probepackung: weirdChamp [02:12:54.922] King__Mosabi: "i'm sorry daddy. thank you" [02:12:55.397] kishere123: @tenmuses WTF DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? And can I work for you? hahaa [02:12:56.759] KurooNekomata: KEKW 󠀀 [02:12:57.672] MoonSenpai619: Cheer10 [02:12:58.070] TacPepGaming: What happened to Dommy F1NN [02:12:58.531] Owly_9: NotLikeThis money mak a brudda mad [02:12:58.711] ComputedBee: Man's being bullied whilst having money thrown at him. Living the dream [02:13:01.025] ryuu_horizon: kekw [02:13:01.833] carolinelikesdinner: NOOOOOOOOOOO [02:13:03.474] TenMuses: desensitization therapy [02:13:03.673] bernie_____: hachuLaughingAtYou speechless [02:13:05.006] purplesingeram: Wow [02:13:07.744] DreamerTVN: Im in hell im in hell im in hell [02:13:07.839] abe1_2: Do you like Hyna [02:13:07.866] smurfytoonz: Fin are you raisen weed? [02:13:10.318] bluj40: literally selling his soul [02:13:11.900] 1_smart_donkey: naughty kitten [02:13:11.993] mrgamer1420: Finn Tryna to forgetting the story SirShield [02:13:12.007] stumagoo992: tens paying fin $1k an hour at this rate, imagine what a booty call is in $$$ [02:13:12.130] frost177: Go up to the Mike and in a low voice say thank you daddy [02:13:13.086] Jens_LN: A NAUGHTY KITTEN [02:13:13.287] SethwMad: WELCOME TO THE SUGAR DADDY ARCH CHAT LESSSGOO [02:13:15.272] im_up_to_something: Yes submissive & breedable rynShy [02:13:17.127] ryanss2123: Wtf are you playing with [02:13:22.712] Jens_LN: Skunk Weed [02:13:24.924] ashcampbell: bad [02:13:25.476] Celandine23: @SethwMad KEKW [02:13:27.092] carolinelikesdinner: I really hope ur dad isnt watching this stream 💀💀💀 [02:13:28.570] benfletcher247: gift 1000 again [02:13:28.906] ArminGux: Can we get a stream the day after tomorrow? [02:13:31.062] bearpaw1970: f1nnHeart can you say be my big Dick daddy in your caddy [02:13:32.356] Owly_9: yeah [02:13:32.363] neon_soup: yeah [02:13:33.572] HayzGirl0013: hi fin. I'm new here, my husband showed me you and I love you now. ♥️♥️♥️ your sure a hottie, luv you bby!!! [02:13:33.864] pretty_sweet_dude: yeah [02:13:35.498] ginjninj: thats true in england [02:13:35.673] chickendoodies: theres such thing as weed seed? [02:13:35.673] GodWhiskas94: yes [02:13:35.760] HerrCommander: you can [02:13:36.352] skyr3zz: depends [02:13:37.256] 1_smart_donkey: all the above where I live [02:13:37.625] rassmad: in the UK yes [02:13:38.313] MrCysi: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:13:39.556] Solus_kun: You always can grow them 5Head [02:13:40.429] bluj40: i dont know how it works in ingerland [02:13:41.681] HerrCommander: I do [02:13:41.704] PynkFryck: Yea they are legaly shipped from austria I believe [02:13:45.408] furore__: i do that with psychedelics but i can grow and use [02:13:45.546] mairaineplayzGames: the plant weed cleans oxigen in a room! its quite healthy to have the plant [02:13:46.805] bernie_____: MercyWing1 1000 MercyWing2 [02:13:47.537] King__Mosabi: @Solus_kun facts [02:13:47.691] Emmy64_: @bearpaw1970 weirdChamp [02:13:48.025] TheOneTrueNuT: same with shrooms [02:13:48.445] ryanss2123: What’s in your hands [02:13:49.031] CloakedN00b: you can grow it if everyone is over 18 and gives consent [02:13:49.067] Owly_9: Easy to grow though [02:13:49.069] raxolotl: Cheer25 [02:13:51.319] wack0x: In NL i can both buy and grow them, not sell though [02:13:51.964] rassmad: KEKW [02:13:52.733] thekingone10: submission and breeable [02:13:52.981] Helen_Croft: got some when you where in amsterdam [02:13:54.054] cobyneedmedicine: breaking bad [02:13:54.220] ScarredLemon: There was a trade going on in highschool of weed seeds [02:13:54.903] DreamerTVN: Rose the weed farmer discord kitten bottom [02:13:55.021] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [02:13:55.377] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nice_Invite! [02:13:55.556] f3mmbot bfritz0815 has gifted a subscription to nice_invite at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nice_invite f1nnLezgang [02:13:56.568] mustangcubed: varies by state in the US. [02:13:57.839] bluj40: dont talk about it on stream dummy [02:13:59.774] ginjninj: still illegal in the middle of nowhere F1nn , not worth it [02:14:04.378] neon_soup: femboy weed empire on ios and android 👌 [02:14:04.776] zombieskilled20: BibleThump1 [02:14:07.595] mrgamer1420: !discord [02:14:07.863] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:14:12.133] ohcrapitsonfire: f1nnRun [02:14:13.126] treelie: in canada you can legally buy mushroom spores but you can't grow them [02:14:13.524] alexx_net: Bad idea because you can't keep that a secret. Your wife Riza would tell everyone. [02:14:14.572] johnkeiwo: Kappa [02:14:15.668] BenDover_xD: well here you can even grow up till 5 without getting problems if you dont put lights or automatic watering stuff on it .. but as soon as you hang lamps over them in the netherlands your FCKED [02:14:16.667] lexmont42: in my country it is now 100% legal [02:14:23.817] johnkeiwo: Then this fit ^^ ! [02:14:25.517] ragingwafle67: anyone know the adress for sending po box gifts [02:14:26.141] skyboundmaster: blur the backround [02:14:26.319] total_acidity: Yeah, don't post it [02:14:26.888] 1_smart_donkey: inside or out [02:14:26.969] Gojira_Rides: just blur background [02:14:27.441] OliveTentacle: Get some special lights and grow the weed inside! [02:14:29.510] lol_pisces__: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [02:14:29.669] SethwMad: Can you send it to me and I'll send it to Tens? [02:14:29.933] braddle172: !twitter [02:14:30.183] f3mmbot Her Twitter profile is at https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER [02:14:31.786] Helen_Croft: just show the photo we can only see Rose [02:14:31.853] benfletcher247: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnCowjam f1nnCancelled f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnRun f1nnZOOM f1nnPegChamp f1nnEgg f1nnKnife f1nnHeart f1nnHands f1nnBingbong f1nnNomods f1nnMonka f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat f1nnGross f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSCAM [02:14:32.196] bearpaw1970: Emmy' the sound of 🌹 Saying that would be so cringe but funny [02:14:32.394] xenofizzz: Blur the house [02:14:34.260] johnkeiwo: Just blur the thing ? like a lot [02:14:36.336] Bjotte: Bird feed often have marijuana seeds in the mix [02:14:38.078] Amoyamoyamoya: Disnick!!!! [02:14:40.162] mr_doggo06: play game [02:14:41.279] Akkey90: In my country nothing is legal PoroSad [02:14:43.073] braddle172: f1nnLezgang [02:14:47.102] johnkeiwo: Disnick letsgoooo [02:14:47.732] bernie_____: f1nnLaff [02:14:49.848] Jens_LN: redeem [02:14:49.918] mairaineplayzGames: @johnkeiwo to much crotch in that pic? [02:14:50.955] Owly_9: sheeeeeeeeeessssssh [02:14:51.573] ragingwafle67: !PO box [02:14:52.900] abe1_2: Bite your lip [02:14:53.965] EvelynnWasTakenn: aww kitten became all submissive? [02:14:53.994] bluj40: dont end up like kyle you wouldnt survive in prison [02:14:54.927] OliveTentacle: <3 <3 [02:14:55.711] that1guylouis24: just move @Akkey90 [02:14:58.703] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:15:01.381] chickendoodies: wow [02:15:01.738] ischiaaa: That was my childhood home! [02:15:01.825] Owly_9: TTours [02:15:02.415] TacPepGaming: Need more DOMMY MOMMY [02:15:02.462] mrgamer1420: !Facebook [02:15:02.830] sea_ofgods: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [02:15:03.817] nitro_thunder_beast: PopCorn [02:15:05.689] disnick123: please dont... [02:15:06.114] ZyhlerXG: Reminds me that F1nn's Muscle memory for pictures is Female only, i found that hilarious [02:15:06.710] goodboy141: -5k [02:15:08.393] c__r__j: Disnick is on mobile. @F1NN5TER [02:15:09.580] ScarredLemon: Tiktok eating good tonight baybeeee [02:15:10.578] amholo_zx: Bro...... [02:15:12.531] BenDover_xD: but new feminized autoflowering seeds wich garantee results sorta, with just a smoll led set above it and a good carbon filter nobody will find it and you can even hide it in your dresser l [02:15:13.600] bernie_____: hachuING blackout [02:15:13.852] Emmy64_: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS [02:15:15.590] GirlSmirka: hot [02:15:15.825] ArminGux: Your Defolt emotes are so hot [02:15:18.375] xXNeroZashiXx: Why he always make screen black :D [02:15:21.725] disnick123: mobile? nah [02:15:25.995] Solus_kun: on mobile ? OMEGALUL [02:15:26.452] Owly_9: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 TTours [02:15:27.474] HexGrrrrl: stop it I'm already bisexual [02:15:30.728] mairaineplayzGames: @bernie_____ turned teh camera off to make some pictures [02:15:32.809] bfritz0815: his twitter feet? 🧐 [02:15:34.090] Amoyamoyamoya: @disnick123, Whew! [02:15:36.090] carolinelikesdinner: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [02:15:36.876] el_cineaste: birdmanDoctor birdmanDoctor birdmanDoctor birdmanDoctor [02:15:37.837] alexx_net: @bluj40, I think that she would be very popular in prison, (but she wouldn't be able to stream.) [02:15:39.368] Kazango010: I would like to see you more in real nice heels [02:15:39.635] Akkey90: You look sexy in black [02:15:40.374] c__r__j: @disnick123 Discord says you're on mobile! [02:15:40.742] GirlSmirka: f1nnCowjam f1nnCancelled f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnHeart f1nnGremlin [02:15:41.363] keffyfortnight: BabyRage Cummblaster to fin daddy plz do it pussycat from hot water from scratch with care [02:15:43.778] Loelinverse: Screenshots help the editors [02:15:45.134] JohnBanks117: Mobile f1nnGross [02:15:48.258] carolinelikesdinner: f1nnCowjam [02:15:49.082] chickendoodies: ewww [02:15:49.950] ragingwafle67: !po box [02:15:50.094] Stovamor: Pose with the sharks [02:15:53.344] ArminGux: Spicy Twitter pics? [02:15:54.753] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: onlyfans? [02:15:55.205] johnkeiwo: *click* [02:15:58.964] GirlSmirka: ewwww [02:15:59.315] dingosurprise: @JohnBanks117 from a dankchat user... [02:16:00.122] bernie_____: hachuGoggles hmm... [02:16:04.326] Solus_kun: *click* [02:16:05.553] mrgamer1420: SirPrise SirPrise SirPrise [02:16:07.342] narwahls: Guessing I’m not the only one on mobile [02:16:11.742] xXNeroZashiXx: *click* [02:16:16.913] driedfir2215819: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [02:16:17.389] Flippi_12: *click* [02:16:21.319] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @JohnBanks117 LUL [02:16:22.279] keffyfortnight: I can see him hot [02:16:22.357] johnkeiwo: why not ? [02:16:22.724] JohnBanks117: *click* [02:16:23.587] mrgamer1420: Camera is On SirPrise [02:16:23.833] OpsCoreFAST: jesse we need to cook [02:16:28.466] PynkFryck: In germany we say Eigenbedarf [02:16:28.520] savageanimal_: why? you don't like money? [02:16:29.007] SethwMad: No drug dealing arch? damnit [02:16:30.568] Solus_kun: Why ? ez money 5Head [02:16:30.742] PynkFryck: xD [02:16:30.874] MrSusinn: ? [02:16:31.114] johnkeiwo: U don't have to deal it, just smoke it ! [02:16:34.033] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo Too focused on Sex work? [02:16:36.044] JohnBanks117: @dingosurprise, D: [02:16:36.726] bfritz0815: boooring [02:16:38.361] Evie_Sparkles: MI6, OPEN UP! [02:16:39.519] Jens_LN: A submissive and breedable drug dealer ? .... it has a ring to it. [02:16:42.099] abe1_2: Drug Lord Rose [02:16:42.396] ArminGux: Go up north and have yourself a farm [02:16:46.297] Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime [02:16:46.563] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 16m 52s [02:16:47.001] dingosurprise: @JohnBanks117 f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:16:48.753] neon_soup: you don't like calling people daddy yet here you are LUL [02:16:49.257] Amoyamoyamoya: !time [02:16:49.515] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 22:22 [02:16:51.360] Jens_LN: nice number [02:16:51.802] GroggyReaper: nice [02:16:51.990] BenDover_xD: if you just grow for yourself.. 1 plant hidden in a closet is more then enough to keep you blazing 24/7 [02:16:52.586] OliveTentacle: when cooking stream? [02:16:56.228] keffyfortnight: We can see you [02:16:56.419] Helen_Croft: 69.69 nice [02:16:56.499] xenofizzz: wait what's happening [02:16:57.173] mrgamer1420: SirPrise [02:16:58.950] johnkeiwo: 69.69 !!!! [02:16:59.093] ragingwafle67: ! ponbox [02:16:59.520] estrogen44: RCMP OPEN UP [02:16:59.605] RiccaRomano: Sell dank oregano and post on only fans [02:17:00.611] c__r__j: @kgober: Sweet. [02:17:01.964] alexx_net: @mrsusinn, English only in chat please. [02:17:02.435] JorWat: 69.69 get! [02:17:02.656] ArminGux: Rose and the weeds [02:17:03.580] johnkeiwo: PogU [02:17:03.618] aunalbrutal: 69.69 [02:17:04.640] Owly_9: NICE [02:17:04.850] ragingwafle67: ! po box [02:17:05.711] Solus_kun: 6969 let sgoo [02:17:08.175] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @JohnBanks117 getting roasted be Dingo LUL [02:17:08.251] braddle172: nice [02:17:08.579] JohnBanks117: 69.69 PogU [02:17:09.003] Evie_Sparkles: nice [02:17:09.094] Flippi_12: 6969 [02:17:09.720] pianoismyforte_: nice [02:17:11.790] duplotracer: LETS GOOOO [02:17:13.855] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: nice [02:17:13.985] smurfytoonz: h2odelHype h2odelHype h2odelHype [02:17:14.572] MrSusinn: arry [02:17:15.614] GirlSmirka: 69696969 [02:17:16.484] xXNeroZashiXx: He will upload twiter pics 1 week from now lol :D [02:17:17.009] carolinelikesdinner: 69.69 [02:17:17.506] disnick123: @c__r__j yeah.. i don't have discord opened on pc... [02:17:18.266] xenofizzz: 69.69 [02:17:18.334] xXNeroZashiXx: POG [02:17:18.335] timabar: and this was the job you wanted [02:17:18.585] MisterKristerr: pog [02:17:18.775] joydoestwitch: pog [02:17:19.377] Coreylala: birnooPog [02:17:19.806] duplotracer: POG [02:17:20.460] Solus_kun: POGGERS 6969 [02:17:21.010] GroggyReaper: pog [02:17:21.084] LL_cool_Ray14: PAWG [02:17:21.977] ScarredLemon: POG [02:17:22.143] ragingwafle67: pog [02:17:22.657] LeDr_Dan: pog [02:17:22.976] zombie_1981: pog [02:17:23.251] ArminGux: Pog [02:17:23.258] PeterTheMostlyOK: pog [02:17:23.364] bernie_____: cherie21Nice [02:17:23.728] hungermunger_timyt: why dont i see him [02:17:23.759] mrgamer1420: FootGoal [02:17:24.127] smurfytoonz: NomNom NomNom NomNom [02:17:24.316] MajesticFvckingEagle: POG [02:17:24.381] HornyFerret: femboy weed [02:17:24.433] CyberneticSpy2D: Pog [02:17:24.459] AreYouImpressed: pog [02:17:24.733] Jens_LN: POG [02:17:24.772] FlyingMortimer: pog [02:17:25.071] NoGiggety: fareehaPog fareehaPog fareehaPog fareehaPog [02:17:25.465] dingosurprise: POGGERS [02:17:25.541] braddle172: Pog [02:17:25.859] junelyric: POG [02:17:25.944] Chri55PBacon: 69 [02:17:25.954] sissyjessie: POG [02:17:26.876] 7Tsuki0: Pog [02:17:26.904] logischesmineralwasser: POG [02:17:27.344] Flippi_12: Pog [02:17:27.492] longlegs_honey: pog [02:17:27.527] itsatena: POG [02:17:27.789] bearpaw1970: pig..pog [02:17:28.171] mr_ajokortti_korkort: pog [02:17:29.523] HornyFerret: pog [02:17:29.628] disnick123: POG [02:17:30.012] gta5gamer_1210: Pog [02:17:30.497] TacPepGaming: POG [02:17:30.812] raxolotl: pog [02:17:31.061] sea_ofgods: pog 69 [02:17:31.110] qwertyuioiuytrerty: pog [02:17:31.454] OpsCoreFAST: PogU [02:17:31.820] purplesingeram: Pog [02:17:31.874] eddieahdhsj: f1nnMonka [02:17:32.092] xenofizzz: POG [02:17:32.230] Chri55PBacon: POG [02:17:32.910] ArminGux: Pog pog [02:17:33.610] Lady_Felicity: MessyHypers [02:17:33.947] MerHitGod: Pog [02:17:34.268] flex_uli: pog [02:17:34.869] carolinelikesdinner: Pog [02:17:34.952] bfritz0815: pog [02:17:34.991] uh_prolly: jermaVenus [02:17:35.124] LL_cool_Ray14: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [02:17:35.749] bernie_____: f1nnSmile3 69 [02:17:35.773] smurfytoonz: h2odelHIDE h2odelHIDE h2odelHIDE [02:17:36.143] GirlSmirka: poggers [02:17:36.293] GustGumbo: Pog [02:17:37.880] GirlSmirka: pog [02:17:39.418] mast3rmaguku: pog [02:17:40.002] alexx_net: Can we have 2nd camera rather than blank screen? [02:17:40.575] blackops_city: Pog [02:17:42.141] kishere123: POG [02:17:42.170] Coreylala: PridePog [02:17:42.776] Amoyamoyamoya: POG [02:17:43.876] pianoismyforte_: POG [02:17:44.511] MrSusinn: i was just asking if he is transexual, not offensive [02:17:44.832] bearpaw1970: pog..pog [02:17:45.701] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [02:17:46.099] OliveTentacle: why posing off cam? secretly taking kinky pics? [02:17:46.398] LL_cool_Ray14: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [02:17:46.472] guitarbebop: pog pog pog [02:17:47.009] saltyfcraker: Pog [02:17:48.098] vidyagaem7: POG [02:17:49.013] starsjem: no more 69.69 :( [02:17:49.110] benfletcher247: 6969 f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:17:49.502] MildlyConfuzed: pog [02:17:52.373] keffyfortnight: W [02:17:52.846] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:17:53.519] mrgamer1420: what are she doing Kappa [02:17:54.636] Amoyamoyamoya: Is he just playing a sound effect... [02:17:54.942] ArminGux: 2nd cam please [02:17:55.561] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [02:17:58.439] Electromagnetic: Electromagnetic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [02:17:58.638] f3mmbot electromagnetic subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:17:59.915] abe1_2: Hold a Hotdog seductively [02:18:00.608] JohnBanks117: *click [02:18:01.250] eddieahdhsj: im confused i just joined [02:18:01.485] smurfytoonz: ehTeam ehTeam ehTeam [02:18:02.710] Amoyamoyamoya: @mrgamer1420, He's taking nudie pics of himself. [02:18:04.084] Bit0Seven: What happening [02:18:08.200] 7Tsuki0: We've still got 69 cents at least [02:18:14.510] Solus_kun: i think he is playing Subwaysurfer and not taking pictures LUL [02:18:16.886] flex_uli: kekw [02:18:19.368] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, LUL [02:18:19.653] ArminGux: Hahahaha [02:18:19.980] alexx_net: @OliveTentacle, Because she is using the streaming camera as a camera for the photos. [02:18:20.463] c__r__j: !pobox [02:18:20.720] f3mmbot Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:18:21.815] Amoyamoyamoya: Esfand-style Green Screen when? [02:18:22.169] Jens_LN: it means bobs ? [02:18:23.153] Flippi_12: LUL [02:18:23.963] ArminGux: Nice [02:18:25.361] mira56_94: ahhshs [02:18:28.214] hotgirl676: P PogChamp G [02:18:28.882] Stovamor: The wall you're leaning on in your photoshoot pictures [02:18:30.845] mrgamer1420: @amoyamoyamoya Are you watching SirPrise [02:18:32.232] smurfytoonz: eh200IQ [02:18:33.652] barbie_secretstanner: They mean the wall from your photoshoots. [02:18:35.479] xing1xong: where did he go [02:18:36.581] bernie_____: f1nnLaff posing [02:18:40.604] TacPepGaming: Can Ten get a Daddy Badge? [02:18:42.954] 57ranma: FINN TAKING X RATED PHOTOS. THATS WHY ITS BLACKED OUT [02:18:43.288] nitro_thunder_beast: DxCat [02:18:50.002] Bit0Seven: When the pictures [02:18:51.977] the_crypto_king: ur rety pretty mate [02:18:55.237] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [02:18:55.351] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wonderingmonstr! [02:18:55.411] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to samanthaexe! [02:18:55.448] f3mmbot bfritz0815 has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [02:18:56.577] xtrashx225: lmao [02:18:56.810] the_crypto_king: reyt* [02:19:01.366] TenMuses: I just got the photos - amazing!!!!! [02:19:01.931] greenlanturn007: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [02:19:05.859] Solus_kun: did you do the UwU pose [02:19:05.863] Jens_LN: you can post NSFW on twitter, nothing wrong with that [02:19:06.022] Stovamor: They meant the wall you're leaning on in your photoshoot pictures [02:19:13.378] GirlSmirka: o [02:19:13.571] SethwMad: give him VIP to start [02:19:15.263] know1_0: theonlyTeehee [02:19:15.285] ragingwafle67: how to send to PO box [02:19:15.354] CritMozziYT: I did it , it took 2 hours for me to beat and kill a wasp, a legendary battle with I as victor and I didn't get stung gg ez [02:19:16.115] Amoyamoyamoya: @mrgamer1420, Nah. I'm tired of seeing F1nn's nudity. Honestly, it old after a while... [02:19:18.026] Helen_Croft: Magic wall @F1NN5TER https://www.reddit.com/r/GeoWizard/comments/uc8y6d/we_need_to_find_this_wall_because_it_has_magical/ [02:19:18.941] Bit0Seven: He here [02:19:20.654] Solus_kun: custome Badges ? POGGERS i would love that [02:19:20.961] PynkFryck: OnlyF1NNs coming soon™ [02:19:24.051] ThatLolaSnail: I just joined, which plants did Finn wanna grow? Im currently making my own estrogel, but you cant extract estrogen from plants, as far as I know... Finns illegal soy farm when??? [02:19:24.609] onestupidpizza: BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan [02:19:25.282] bearpaw1970: oh' [02:19:29.856] smurfytoonz: xpiero1Yum xpiero1Yum xpiero1Yum [02:19:34.677] GirlSmirka: huhhh [02:19:36.748] Jens_LN: how crazy ? [02:19:37.756] Helen_Croft: This magic wall @F1NN5TER https://www.reddit.com/r/GeoWizard/comments/uc8y6d/we_need_to_find_this_wall_because_it_has_magical/ [02:19:38.291] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn [02:19:38.455] GreyWinterWraith: pog? [02:19:49.509] braddle172: sodacatPet [02:19:49.524] JorWat: Just checked. TenMuses is currently fourth place in most donated, according to streamlabs, at least. [02:19:49.595] keffyfortnight: How much is a date fin for you or your handd [02:19:57.704] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnHeadpat [02:19:58.580] kamen_rider19: kamen_rider19 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! 2 years lets go [02:19:58.788] f3mmbot kamen_rider19 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months using Prime! PogU [02:19:59.467] Solus_kun: KEKW Helen [02:20:11.046] rw03_bjw: we all saw that folder 📂 we k ow your a hoe [02:20:11.695] Flippi_12: Helen LUL [02:20:14.123] JohnBanks117: LUL [02:20:17.344] greenlanturn007: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [02:20:18.417] bfritz0815: kamen rider! 😀 [02:20:21.612] smurfytoonz: chugsBAYBAY chugsBAYBAY [02:20:24.813] Tbomb111109: dxzysJumpboi dxzysJumpboi dxzysJumpboi [02:20:26.360] TenMuses: who am i competing with? [02:20:30.437] xFANATEC_UKx: ive just bought that dress haha [02:20:33.277] johnkeiwo: thiccer thighs [02:20:35.959] Solus_kun: Right side is better [02:20:38.341] greenlanturn007: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [02:20:46.327] Jens_LN: the cake looks so good [02:20:47.974] flex_uli: nice [02:20:52.890] bernie_____: f1nnGremlin perfect [02:20:53.007] ScarredLemon: Love the thighs [02:20:53.747] alexx_net: @TenMuses, FlyingCabbyMan ? [02:20:55.410] abe1_2: Finn actually looks like he has an ass [02:20:55.816] Andywitham332: london11TOMMY london11TOMMY london11TOMMY london11TOMMY [02:20:56.719] total_acidity: Thighs got thicker [02:20:57.350] mrgamer1420: Kreygasm 2 coconut SirUwU [02:20:59.469] TenMuses: @JorWat who's first and how much? [02:21:05.394] c__r__j: There was that video form your TwitchCon trip. The wind in your hair looks awesome. [02:21:08.175] Emmy64_: A classic [02:21:08.778] Jens_LN: cake and thighs are good in both pictures [02:21:14.160] Gojira_Rides: to find the spot lol [02:21:19.604] FlyingMortimer: its the lighting [02:21:19.885] Catilya: mods took your photo to their onlyfans [02:21:26.128] CloakedN00b: ANYWAY HERE IS WONDERWALL [02:21:28.271] sissyjessie: Geoguessr stream? [02:21:30.944] Jens_LN: he has been going hard [02:21:36.360] Jens_LN: he's 2 month subscriber [02:21:40.088] ragingwafle67: !streamlabs [02:21:43.165] onestupidpizza: hmmm [02:21:43.751] johnkeiwo: scary [02:21:44.310] neon_soup: who's top 3? [02:21:48.986] doctor_noraforever: He likes you [02:21:52.052] rockin_foxxy: chicken noodle [02:21:56.214] johnkeiwo: PogU [02:21:58.912] JorWat: @JorWat d011ydumdum, but I doesn't say how much. [02:21:59.290] Bit0Seven: Get a fresnel lens for the pictures, it’s worth it for the background blur if you want the blur [02:22:01.564] bearpaw1970: 🖖🔥🦊🔥 [02:22:03.713] GreyWinterWraith: yooo [02:22:04.670] braddle172: PogU [02:22:05.789] skyboundmaster: PogU [02:22:07.780] JohnBanks117: PogU [02:22:08.021] Jens_LN: nice shirt [02:22:09.232] robbie1945: new femboy just dropped [02:22:09.427] Solus_kun: PogU style [02:22:09.904] johnkeiwo: lookin dope [02:22:10.107] King__Mosabi: yoo, thats sick [02:22:10.365] rhyshaines2412: W [02:22:14.630] ScarredLemon: Soda has the best fashion [02:22:15.758] theobromin3: theobromin3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! 21 months [02:22:15.853] Tune99x: Thats a balenciaga mask [02:22:15.941] f3mmbot theobromin3 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:22:16.843] Rtwld: weeb [02:22:16.859] tuesdaythe5th: Soda Pog [02:22:17.982] Jens_LN: interesting print on the shirt [02:22:18.279] Catilya: Animenomous [02:22:18.860] xing1xong: can you show the outfit [02:22:19.962] xXNeroZashiXx: cool [02:22:21.907] Lady_Felicity: Millenium gas mask? those things are rare and expensive as fuck [02:22:24.678] godsbeenswinging_: yo! nice hood [02:22:25.347] c__r__j: That's a very expensive custom motorbike helmet, @F1NN5TER [02:22:26.232] bernie_____: cherie21Sus great [02:22:29.198] braddle172: he has the blade runner jacket [02:22:32.104] Rezokee: hiiiiiii [02:22:33.101] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL [02:22:34.510] HexGrrrrl: drippy af [02:22:35.369] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:22:36.435] mystchevious1: lol [02:22:36.807] johnkeiwo: Did it bug ? [02:22:37.738] Helen_Croft: reddit bugged refresh [02:22:37.923] Rezokee: ^-^ [02:22:38.796] Flippi_12: LUL [02:22:39.379] dingosurprise: LUL [02:22:42.098] Rezokee: <3 [02:22:42.248] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [02:22:42.443] johnkeiwo: it may be a bug [02:22:43.239] GrinchMD: KEKW [02:22:44.404] awesomerem1: lol [02:22:45.011] Rezokee: >3 [02:22:45.827] King__Mosabi: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW [02:22:50.824] CloakedN00b: amoya down bad [02:22:50.838] godsbeenswinging_: thats some fucking prolific redditing @Amoyamoyamoya [02:22:51.559] greenlanturn007: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [02:22:51.840] smurfytoonz: ¡Dios mío, eso fue épico! [02:22:53.500] Helen_Croft: reddit is bugged refresh @F1NN5TER [02:22:53.803] keffyfortnight: Fin How much is a date for you or your handd [02:22:55.408] bernie_____: hachuW [02:22:58.135] w1tchyw0lf: howdy f1nn, hows it going [02:22:58.148] CDXX____UnKnxwN____LXIX: owo [02:23:01.185] flex_uli: kekw [02:23:01.638] Solus_kun: You can never have enough of Rose saying Daddy i guess KEKW [02:23:05.482] johnkeiwo: yes [02:23:06.163] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter when is soda dressing as a girl? [02:23:08.087] garbage_teir: hey its the single pose rose knows [02:23:08.681] JohnBanks117: yes [02:23:09.848] 1indigo0: reddit recap????? [02:23:11.261] Jens_LN: soon (tm) [02:23:11.750] braddle172: yep [02:23:13.325] Flippi_12: yes [02:23:16.028] PynkFryck: IKR [02:23:16.494] ragingwafle67: soda? [02:23:17.910] xXNeroZashiXx: :D [02:23:18.787] GrinchMD: bonjwaCreep YES PLS [02:23:20.047] c__r__j: At this rate Ten will overtake me before the end of August, easily. [02:23:26.769] GroggyReaper: sneaky collab? [02:23:27.775] braddle172: !sodacat [02:23:28.038] f3mmbot Sodacat is a friend who streams on twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/sodacattv [02:23:29.116] abe1_2: When are you going to do a Harley Quinn CosPlay [02:23:37.358] PynkFryck: Like the pics don't even need to be that exposing but like.. ur hot [02:23:41.319] johnkeiwo: @ragingwafle67, sodacat aka Jean Hollywood [02:23:43.989] Jens_LN: the advantage of photoshoots, is that you can decide which pics to post, it's not a livestream [02:23:44.669] JorWat: You do realise that now that TenMuses can drop several thousand dollars like that, these dono goals might need to be a bit higher... [02:23:58.678] Flippi_12: good thing you are a girl then 5Head [02:24:05.585] keffyfortnight: What amount for date or your handd [02:24:06.390] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:24:11.249] Solus_kun: KEKW [02:24:15.611] Jens_LN: Tenmuses know what to do, to get those pics [02:24:15.731] Unikore00: unless what [02:24:16.496] PynkFryck: Unless we hit dono goal this stream KEKW [02:24:18.309] garbage_teir: so your taking girly skimpy photos for fun [02:24:20.857] ragingwafle67: streamlabs? [02:24:21.077] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter I’ve got 13 days on my sub so will you stream for the third time before it runs out? [02:24:22.611] theobromin3: Choo Chooo HypeHands2 [02:24:23.529] Lautrax777: OMG what is that outfit? Pog [02:24:23.848] HadukenSpammer: "never anything there" D: [02:24:24.491] Flippi_12: nothing there D: [02:24:25.043] Jamzieeeee: nothing there??? [02:24:26.047] xing1xong: can you stand up [02:24:28.134] know1_0: theonlyTeehee [02:24:28.469] alexwdavid1: theres nothing there [02:24:28.599] c__r__j: Never anything up your skirt? KEKW [02:24:28.657] KyleSmith11: we know there is nothing there [02:24:29.392] bernie_____: hachuHmm unless [02:24:30.517] w1tchyw0lf: question: do you stillget hair extensions or is that your natural hair? [02:24:31.688] Amoyamoyamoya: Can I have a photo of you wearing some heels for the Foot page on the F1nn5ter Content Site? [02:24:32.885] ragingwafle67: stream lans? [02:24:33.410] Solus_kun: you counting them ? LUL [02:24:33.494] LL_cool_Ray14: EXCUSE ME [02:24:34.255] johnkeiwo: u mean there is nothing under your skirt ? SRS already D: ?! [02:24:34.687] Rtwld: lingerie photoshoot when [02:24:42.154] ragingwafle67: stream labs? [02:24:47.218] Solus_kun: John OMEGALUL [02:24:47.613] themindscrambler: Marilyn Monroe photoshoot [02:24:53.908] SethwMad: only for twns [02:24:54.207] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GivePLZ MercyWing2 [02:24:55.909] SethwMad: tens [02:24:56.210] neon_soup: unless [02:24:56.482] mrhanky99: Nice nails [02:24:58.135] braddle172: unless [02:24:58.561] jennytag: f1nnSmile1 [02:24:59.277] Rtwld: unless [02:25:01.418] SethwMad: ONLY TENS [02:25:01.715] Unikore00: unless [02:25:02.283] PynkFryck: unless? PauseChamp [02:25:03.214] xenofizzz: unless [02:25:03.289] LL_cool_Ray14: unless [02:25:03.541] jerrymcguire224: can i help take photos??? [02:25:06.718] gothphobia: onlyfans??? [02:25:06.758] jerrie_aleena_wood: Confirmed The tucking complaints is a lie [02:25:09.025] alexx_net: @w1tchyw0lf, It's all her own hair. [02:25:12.037] Celandine23: PogU [02:25:12.056] LL_cool_Ray14: tens will make it happen [02:25:13.395] Jens_LN: true, they are good nails [02:25:13.992] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [02:25:14.354] bernie_____: f1nnSmile1 [02:25:14.539] duplotracer: POG [02:25:16.048] medicbat: @Amoyamoyamoya there's a foot section on the website? [02:25:16.781] itsatena: EGG [02:25:17.074] JorWat: Unless... TenMuses has something to say about it, right? [02:25:17.097] logischesmineralwasser: f1nnMakeupcheck [02:25:20.286] 1_smart_donkey: very nice [02:25:21.023] abe1_2: Such feminine Hands [02:25:21.160] rooooooooosh: POG [02:25:21.905] alexx_net: For once I don't hate the nails [02:25:22.065] chey_sooty_fan: f1nnSmile3 [02:25:23.464] dontwatchtwitch: "I'll stream more" *doesn't stream for 2 weeks again* [02:25:24.589] ttvcopi: pog nails [02:25:24.999] zombie_1981: awwwww [02:25:26.861] frostybossygirl: so gurly [02:25:27.913] porkie_: straightest british man [02:25:27.936] TenMuses: they matched your outfit for house day [02:25:28.187] rhyshaines2412: W nails [02:25:28.679] Jens_LN: why did the TTS not play ? [02:25:29.080] Amoyamoyamoya: @medicbat, Not yet. [02:25:29.422] Ritella27: they look pretty! [02:25:29.871] Aurora_doesnt_know: AAA cutee [02:25:30.152] bernie_____: 🌈 🌈 [02:25:32.495] smurfytoonz: ¡fuego directo! [02:25:32.781] saloomalmusa: you got nice hands [02:25:33.781] helpisproballyneeded: so slay [02:25:34.258] mpr1999: one piece swimsuit photos? [02:25:36.259] tallorangeone: very cute nails indeed! [02:25:38.086] Endeere: f1nnMakeupcheck [02:25:40.829] mrhanky99: Hella cute nails [02:25:44.243] im_up_to_something: Cute saw them on Instagram [02:25:45.615] Lautrax777: Nice outfit Cute [02:25:46.986] psychedoutbanana: slay queen [02:25:48.456] gothphobia: When is the onlyfans coming? 😹 [02:25:50.634] aunalbrutal: LoL heard that about streaming soon before XD [02:25:52.253] rositakitten: Hi [02:25:52.654] godsbeenswinging_: pride stream would be so cool! [02:25:54.449] Jens_LN: Do it [02:25:57.183] medicbat: @Amoyamoyamoya the yet scares me [02:25:59.531] keffyfortnight: Fin How much to date or your hand [02:26:06.075] Solus_kun: Kappa [02:26:09.380] Helen_Croft: !of [02:26:09.653] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [02:26:10.494] johnkeiwo: could be a first :) [02:26:16.618] PynkFryck: Typical gamer [02:26:20.313] SethwMad: Tens Speedrun top dono. Finish the goal. ez win. [02:26:21.050] Lautrax777: Jebaited [02:26:21.621] Jens_LN: It's a free walk, basically [02:26:21.775] sky_night4213: HSWP [02:26:24.237] cumberdong: if you go to a convention, no one will second glance at you [02:26:32.139] Helen_Croft: So that is why you got a big house so you never have to go outside [02:26:34.560] ragingwafle67: boycott MC [02:26:37.333] OliveTentacle: When is birmingham pride? [02:26:37.820] FearedIcee: @F1NN5TER when is it? [02:26:43.803] TenMuses: @SethwMad what's the leaderboard look like? [02:26:43.829] dulingo__: Do it SeemsGood [02:26:44.628] psychedoutbanana: you should do a shower stream [02:26:53.727] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you still owe us two walks yet! [02:26:56.838] LetMeSnortYourSalt: @ragingwafle67 boycott DN [02:26:57.743] commanderredpanda: Finn, would you rather be trans, or a cis woman? [02:27:00.127] SethwMad: @tenmuses lemme check [02:27:00.952] judgedame: judgedame subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [02:27:01.137] f3mmbot judgedame subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:27:05.978] Lautrax777: VOTE 💯 [02:27:07.661] Jens_LN: I wonder why he asked for a shower stream. 🤣 [02:27:08.491] keandrek29: MercyWing1 OhMyDog MercyWing2 [02:27:11.162] abe1_2: Do a Mukbang on Stream [02:27:13.384] robloxchilldays: yo wsp [02:27:13.663] xXNeroZashiXx: Clothed shower stream lol [02:27:13.668] PynkFryck: Or a proper hot tub stream [02:27:13.729] FlyingMortimer: SO it's just a parade? [02:27:15.048] medicbat: amouranth does shower streams [02:27:18.153] hopalongtommy: goal for Rose at Pride in costume? [02:27:21.517] lionnsmane: hi hungry, im lionnsmanne [02:27:23.438] Solus_kun: Shower stream not allwoed ? but you can bath ???? adcvrTHINK squchaThink [02:27:28.284] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun shower stream when? [02:27:29.176] FearedIcee: @commanderredpanda anyone who would consider trans would want to have been born cis female [02:27:38.346] Solus_kun: monkaS Kokko uhhh [02:27:40.181] c__r__j: @TenMuses : I reckon you're only a few grand and a couple of hundred gifted subs behind me right now. And I paced myself! [02:27:41.263] axe1970: 24th my birthday [02:27:42.199] jerrymcguire224: jerrymcguire224 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Daddy [02:27:42.394] f3mmbot jerrymcguire224 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:27:43.558] barbie_secretstanner: True about the nasty joggers [02:27:46.259] Catilya: Feminine--<------------Neutral-------Masculine= F1n xd [02:27:55.004] garbage_teir: finn hot tub stream when [02:28:04.972] xing1xong: do you wear heels ? [02:28:05.298] Jens_LN: comfy, but nasty [02:28:08.763] mystchevious1: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:28:09.610] Flippi_12: 1 week delayed!?!? you didnt stream for 12 LONG DAYS [02:28:14.497] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, yeah, shower stream when LUL [02:28:23.056] alexx_net: @xing1xong, She is right now. [02:28:25.518] SethwMad: Finn do you have access to all time highest dono amount? [02:28:32.188] Flippi_12: Solus weirdChamp [02:28:32.205] disnick123: hmmm [02:28:34.277] godsbeenswinging_: the old factions dressing gown videos I REMEMBER [02:28:34.366] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun you don't want to get wet ? LUL [02:28:34.440] yugman123: hydrate when u can [02:28:35.989] Solus_kun: @JohnBanks117 @mr_ajokortti_korkort adcvrBONK adcvrBONK Horny [02:28:38.849] Stovamor: @Flippi_12, and the skirts/dresses started on Friday when the House meeting happened [02:28:41.285] 57ranma: WOULD YOU CONSIDER COSPLAYING AS YOKO FROM GURREN LAGAN? [02:28:42.988] xing1xong: @alexx_net i need to see it 👀 [02:28:50.277] Nintendo2ds2008: that makes sense [02:28:50.656] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, adcvrOuch [02:28:51.548] abe1_2: Virgin plays Minecraft [02:28:54.024] crayons_are_pog: what.. [02:29:00.043] alexx_net: @xing1xong, She has stood up. It will be in the VOD. [02:29:05.000] neon_soup: f1nn at a cosplay event would be great [02:29:08.345] SethwMad: Can someone break through the dono wall and ask Finn what the biggest dono leaders are LUL I'm on mobile. [02:29:08.929] Jens_LN: don't think I have ever seen that [02:29:11.842] Flippi_12: @Stovamor thanks, prob missed some part of the stream.. [02:29:13.173] themindscrambler: dressing gown 😍😍😍😍 [02:29:35.922] spee1938: cute outfit [02:29:36.196] Stovamor: @SethwMad, It's Dolly, Mr_Mustash and CRJ, then Tenmuses [02:29:39.053] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter the skuff times [02:29:42.022] haseo32: Question have you ever had a guy come up to you and ask you out? [02:29:42.531] Jens_LN: LOL [02:29:45.499] Solus_kun: KEKW [02:29:46.360] BerryAndBitty: LUL [02:29:46.527] dingosurprise: LUL [02:29:46.644] SethwMad: @stovamor do we know by how much? [02:29:47.837] Co6ra_: literally in a bath robe [02:29:48.253] xenofizzz: LMAO [02:29:48.442] JohnBanks117: LUL [02:29:48.658] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:29:48.989] braddle172: KEKW [02:29:51.275] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [02:29:51.304] sakissinatra: lmao [02:29:51.594] Its_Ra1der: you used the same fire border on literally every single thumbnail [02:29:52.509] alexwdavid1: thats not you thats a guy [02:29:52.731] Solus_kun: GREMLIN all over [02:29:53.496] aPsychoRedwood: boy ster? [02:29:53.711] Lautrax777: DIESOFCRINGE but we love it [02:29:54.033] Jens_LN: oh damn, that is pretty cringe [02:29:55.973] duplotracer: KEKW [02:29:56.739] Rxmvrk: why [02:29:58.656] firework_foxdeer: Nice ears [02:30:00.136] c__r__j: Wait, F1nn's talking about old Minecraft videos while... THAT old video is still up? [02:30:00.273] alexx_net: soooo young, that's basically C.P. [02:30:00.386] CaridinZ: EVERYTHING [02:30:00.617] King__Mosabi: hahahah [02:30:01.812] vidyagaem7: So much fire [02:30:02.094] rhyshaines2412: Now ur a sexy mf [02:30:02.455] keffyfortnight: Hoter now [02:30:02.720] Helen_Croft: put old you in the gender AI @F1NN5TER [02:30:04.671] pietersos420: HES BRI'ISH [02:30:06.302] duckstm: this or daddy which one is more cringe? [02:30:06.412] Co6ra_: HAHAHAHA [02:30:06.493] Stovamor: @SethwMad, no, streamlabs stopped reporting that to us. Dunno if Finn can see that info [02:30:08.662] TenMuses: your voice *was* deeper [02:30:09.213] Jens_LN: Birmingham boi ! [02:30:09.899] bingobongo84: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:30:10.558] Chri55PBacon: oh jeez [02:30:10.729] OliveTentacle: how many minecreft vids have you done til now? [02:30:13.103] Amoyamoyamoya: Back when F1nn was still male... [02:30:14.612] codecraft3r: deeper voice KEKW [02:30:14.704] DoubleDoobers: voice got higher?? [02:30:16.353] MayBeAJinx: Now you have more of a brighton accent [02:30:17.457] Its_Ra1der: WHY ARE YOU IN JUST A ROBE [02:30:18.077] cumberdong: sounds the same to me [02:30:22.625] rhyshaines2412: Now ur a sexy mff [02:30:22.793] Nayo69: bro likes his one videos [02:30:23.133] vidyagaem7: ITS SO MUCH DEEPER [02:30:23.967] SethwMad: @tenmuses he's forcing it [02:30:24.588] Kaymon81: cringe and your voice was way deeper :) [02:30:24.834] neon_soup: sound more masculine LUL [02:30:25.082] duckstm: deeper voice Kappa [02:30:26.012] Helen_Croft: put old you in the gender AI @F1NN5TER [02:30:26.416] abe1_2: My man looks like a super young Austin Powers [02:30:26.952] Lautrax777: WHO IS THAT? KEKW [02:30:27.712] Jens_LN: it was [02:30:28.436] firework_foxdeer: You STILL sound British [02:30:29.400] yugman123: lol [02:30:30.252] aPsychoRedwood: Boyster [02:30:30.451] Flippi_12: still a sloot even as a boy [02:30:30.989] xenofizzz: Bri'ish [02:30:31.446] Co6ra_: BtF british to female [02:30:31.816] Solus_kun: Deeper voice OMEGALUL [02:30:32.068] mr_ajokortti_korkort: times when F1nn was truly masculine [02:30:32.423] blusau: Voice was deeper [02:30:32.922] c__r__j: See? You CAN train your voice. [02:30:33.861] fluffy57211: it was [02:30:34.290] probepackung: KEKW [02:30:36.103] Chri55PBacon: straight finn [02:30:37.532] Its_Ra1der: no it's like night and day [02:30:38.145] alexx_net: Little boy F1nn sounded more manly than Rose does now. [02:30:38.994] kuroD: a men voice [02:30:39.282] ComputedBee: it is so much deeper [02:30:39.950] leonhend: fin [02:30:40.785] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, LUL [02:30:41.637] im_up_to_something: From tomboy to femboy to girl. [02:30:41.907] themindscrambler: the conversion is progressing [02:30:42.211] bernie_____: hachuGoggles manly man [02:30:42.301] xFANATEC_UKx: how did you change it? [02:30:43.717] 1_smart_donkey: hry [02:30:45.694] Mister_Milk_: F1NN NIPPLE REVEAL!!!?1??!?!???!?! [02:30:46.684] Jens_LN: it's also deeper, because of microphone [02:30:48.136] tallorangeone: definitely significantly deeper then lmao [02:30:48.678] firework_foxdeer: Nah it didn't fade [02:30:49.010] SethwMad: CHAT HES FORCING IT LIKE EVERY YOUNGER PERSON ITS NOT DEEPER [02:30:58.553] keandrek29: Baby F1nn!!! [02:30:58.798] Mr_fluffy97: you definitely still have the accent, just not as strong [02:31:00.003] doctor_noraforever: @Mister_Milk_ Ayo [02:31:02.157] JorWat: Impressive what a couple of years of streaming can do to your pitch. [02:31:05.335] FlyingMortimer: When someone shocks you, or does something sweet your voice raises an octave or two.. [02:31:09.063] Fakesmi1e: yoooo [02:31:09.481] StreamingJess1: henlo [02:31:10.680] rositakitten: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:31:15.276] OpsCoreFAST: cyanide! [02:31:19.518] rositakitten: Cheer1 [02:31:21.331] Amoyamoyamoya: "exemplar" [02:31:26.357] Lautrax777: HUH [02:31:27.206] duckstm: ayo? [02:31:29.074] Kolateak_: HUH [02:31:30.004] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:31:30.141] Coreylala: she fisted a cow? [02:31:30.502] Solus_kun: AYYO ? [02:31:31.501] CaridinZ: huh? [02:31:32.130] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:31:32.150] xenofizzz: WHAT [02:31:32.850] dingosurprise: hmm [02:31:33.464] LittleChaSiu: LUL unexpected [02:31:34.295] fluffy57211: KEKW [02:31:34.491] BerryAndBitty: AYO?! [02:31:36.100] Jens_LN: You look SO MUCH LIKE HER !!! [02:31:36.110] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:31:37.296] mr_ajokortti_korkort: weirdChamp [02:31:37.606] canvaspainting: KEKW [02:31:37.800] MajesticFvckingEagle: AYO [02:31:38.358] BanOompaLoompas: you look like her? [02:31:38.652] duplotracer: AYO? [02:31:39.407] OpsCoreFAST: why she look like u? [02:31:39.880] braddle172: ayo [02:31:40.429] keandrek29: Ummmmmm?!!! [02:31:40.543] Flippi_12: AYO [02:31:41.467] doctor_noraforever: HE BECAME THE GIRLFRIEND [02:31:45.226] Mister_Milk_: F1NN LESBIAN CONFIRMED??!?!?!??? [02:31:47.772] crayons_are_pog: umm [02:31:49.486] Kaymon81: the girlfriend who looks like Rose ^^ [02:31:50.479] fbi9631: Lmaoooo [02:31:50.819] Lautrax777: @doctor_noraforever KEKW TRUE [02:31:51.113] rositakitten: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:31:51.239] bernie_____: f1nnCowjam no fisting please [02:31:51.319] dylweed2: YOU BECAME HER [02:31:51.506] lionnsmane: thats the first video i ever saw!!! [02:31:53.493] doctor_noraforever: HeyGuys HeyGuys [02:31:56.937] keandrek29: @doctor_noraforever 😂😂😂 [02:31:59.927] OliveTentacle: changed your accent because you now are an international superstar? [02:32:01.901] rhyshaines2412: He is know the girl in the relationship [02:32:04.716] Jens_LN: yeah, look like her [02:32:06.455] rhyshaines2412: Now [02:32:08.103] johnkeiwo: yes ity's true finn [02:32:11.146] Wolf_Dkk: F1nn fist cows!! [02:32:14.871] MajesticFvckingEagle: I lowkey see it [02:32:14.968] Jens_LN: is true [02:32:17.029] ppetthepeepo: ppetthepeepo subscribed with Prime. [02:32:17.339] f3mmbot ppetthepeepo subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ppetthepeepo f1nnLezgang [02:32:17.765] Helen_Croft: shirt+ctrl+t [02:32:20.138] toastysaturn: bye stream! [02:32:27.987] Solus_kun: KEKW [02:32:29.404] doctor_noraforever: IDENTICAL [02:32:29.716] peasfullpig: its a copy [02:32:32.569] abe1_2: young Finn looks like he wouldn't have chance with Rose [02:32:33.432] Jens_LN: mirror her hair, and it's you ! [02:32:34.292] generic_namejpg: you did WHAT [02:32:35.072] socksthc: finn is hotter [02:32:35.765] Flippi_12: LUL [02:32:36.987] bernie_____: YouDontSay beauty [02:32:37.029] Lautrax777: OHNO now I can’t unsee it [02:32:38.758] GroggyReaper: if you can't get a girlfriend then become a girlfriend [02:32:38.927] JorWat: Yeah, I can see it. [02:32:39.122] aunalbrutal: Similarity is amazinbg [02:32:42.358] ALiteralPan: gaming [02:32:44.063] icepopcorn_: Finn with short hair [02:32:45.091] Co6ra_: i think the hair is what gets chat [02:32:45.991] puneettailor: nah you're hotter than her [02:32:47.270] neon_soup: Steve from stranger things [02:32:51.435] zombie_1981: damn actually you look like her [02:32:51.962] ScarredLemon: I see it [02:32:53.041] peasfullpig: copy [02:32:53.171] im_up_to_something: Rose is prettier than her ex rynHeart [02:32:53.764] operator_verona: they look nothing alike tf are u saying [02:32:54.052] sir_public0_0: True [02:32:54.109] OliveTentacle: rose is hotter [02:32:54.419] M1n6m1: KEKW [02:32:54.589] BerryAndBitty: @puneettailor Facts [02:32:55.045] Jens_LN: mirror side part ! [02:32:55.964] Dakunval: Some suspicious similarities. [02:32:56.240] Co6ra_: lmaoooo [02:32:56.564] ginjninj: yea you do [02:32:57.337] tarakagyu: that's definitely an egg thing [02:32:57.499] MajesticFvckingEagle: I see it [02:32:58.043] fluffy57211: she kinda looks like you but it's a bit of a stretch [02:32:58.482] braddle172: KEKW [02:32:58.634] dingosurprise: LUL [02:32:58.784] xXNeroZashiXx: Yup [02:32:59.311] Earthquake_chan: oh lord finn became the gf?!?! [02:33:00.231] Lautrax777: But yeah you are a lot hotter YEP [02:33:00.283] mmentho: finn>>> [02:33:00.339] mr_ajokortti_korkort: True LUL [02:33:00.756] tallorangeone: vaguely similar but you're way hotter [02:33:00.812] Roxy_Gaming18: Yeah [02:33:00.858] bernie_____: Clap true [02:33:01.318] JohnBanks117: LUL [02:33:01.449] aPsychoRedwood: get girl no BECOME GIRL [02:33:01.494] Stovamor: OOF [02:33:01.598] rhyshaines2412: Ur lenger [02:33:01.694] treelie: you really do look like her [02:33:01.758] zombie_1981: true [02:33:02.644] duckstm: uncanny [02:33:02.898] Aurora_doesnt_know: lmao [02:33:03.470] Xieke: You look like your own girlfriend [02:33:03.481] NoGiggety: fareehaLol [02:33:03.525] GroggyReaper: yo do look better [02:33:04.187] Flippi_12: LUL 󠀀 [02:33:04.272] know1_0: i agree [02:33:04.369] Luna18j: Yes [02:33:04.991] treelie: same hairstyle [02:33:04.992] Catilya: betrayal lol [02:33:06.929] strinx1120: You Doo [02:33:07.369] generic_namejpg: you literally became her, but better [02:33:07.381] HexGrrrrl: way hotter now [02:33:07.490] SethwMad: lol [02:33:07.804] duplotracer: OMEGALUL [02:33:07.866] Kolateak_: You became the girlfriend [02:33:08.038] FlyingMortimer: We know the inspiration for your hairstyle.. [02:33:08.514] keandrek29: PERIODT SIS!!! VoteYea [02:33:08.857] rooooooooosh: yessss [02:33:08.913] Bulldog85043: She was cute [02:33:08.976] c__r__j: Ouch, the burn! [02:33:10.497] icepopcorn_: LUL [02:33:10.553] ALiteralPan: yes [02:33:10.752] Solus_kun: Lost the girlfriend just became the girlfriend 5Head SO SMART of you @F1NN5TER [02:33:11.017] Jens_LN: F1nn is the ex-gf [02:33:11.499] Dimonercheck: Send her a pic saying I look better lol [02:33:12.109] CozyyPandaa: Facts [02:33:12.209] MajesticFvckingEagle: You do ngl [02:33:13.380] rhyshaines2412: U is lenger [02:33:14.476] im_up_to_something: Rose > Ex [02:33:14.536] Amoyamoyamoya: Hmmm....he was more manly where there was a woman in his life. Now that he is alone he has to play both roles. [02:33:15.235] dylweed2: true but youre older [02:33:20.134] mrgamer1420: You kinda look like her SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU [02:33:26.215] Amoyamoyamoya: Life finds a way. [02:33:26.349] Mouy07: fax no printer [02:33:27.294] turbotorbogoblo: He ate her soul [02:33:27.951] bernie_____: 🤩 better looking [02:33:28.141] keandrek29: f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM [02:33:33.118] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya Both roles? There's some other role Rose plays? [02:33:33.510] ihavenowhit: you look way better. the similarity is uncanny, nonetheless. [02:33:39.018] psychedoutbanana: how about a feet washing stream? [02:33:43.068] keandrek29: BUSTED f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [02:33:43.193] Lautrax777: Kappa [02:33:47.018] psychedoutbanana: LUL [02:33:49.409] BerryAndBitty: LUL [02:33:50.479] Killers_LLC: Right ;) [02:33:50.546] Solus_kun: "This month" Copium [02:33:51.173] MajesticFvckingEagle: BUSTED [02:33:51.214] onestupidpizza: hmmmm [02:33:52.155] Flippi_12: Kappa [02:33:53.235] Dakunval: "burly" [02:33:53.281] TenMuses: "Girl" [02:33:54.704] mr_ajokortti_korkort: "burly" [02:33:54.941] 1_smart_donkey: yeah you keep telling yourself that [02:33:55.492] bernie_____: Kappa burly [02:33:57.707] Amoyamoyamoya: @psychedoutbanana, weirdChamp [02:33:58.784] BerryAndBitty: THEY SAY IN A SKIRT WITH TITS LUL [02:33:59.544] LordRuyn: Burly?! LUL [02:34:00.492] beeter_of_meet: what the fuck [02:34:03.091] Jens_LN: burly ? ... more like busty ! [02:34:03.826] LL_cool_Ray14: "I'm not a lady, I'm a woman" [02:34:05.492] mystchevious1: Lady Rose Elizabeth Evergreen. I mean I got you the certificate and everything. [02:34:06.184] godsbeenswinging_: the first i ever heard of you was when you cannoned for camping rusher [02:34:07.196] Unikore00: burly, I think she meant bunny [02:34:07.944] hotgirl676: @psychedoutbanana what's the name of that stream??? Asking for a friend [02:34:09.558] gilgamesh_master: you look like hughie from the boys [02:34:10.202] OliveTentacle: Lady Rose of Birmingham [02:34:10.232] mrgamer1420: @amoyamoyamoya he crushed herself SirUwU [02:34:13.326] HexGrrrrl: you men girly not burly [02:34:16.951] Coreylala: that's not you [02:34:17.027] juddle: wtf [02:34:17.265] Ritella27: wow [02:34:18.403] Earthquake_chan: balls DROPED [02:34:19.264] Solus_kun: Voice depper KEKW [02:34:19.286] peasfullpig: tf [02:34:20.058] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:34:20.272] beeter_of_meet: my maths isnt matshing [02:34:20.591] dingosurprise: jeez [02:34:20.678] elijahkunn: OKFG- [02:34:20.994] dontwatchtwitch: def lost your man voice [02:34:21.001] Emmy64_: LUL [02:34:21.598] probepackung: wow [02:34:22.187] ScarredLemon: So British hahahahaha [02:34:22.548] duckstm: that's a 30yo british dude [02:34:22.652] Kolateak_: Liked your own video [02:34:23.173] Lautrax777: Who is that? haha your voice [02:34:23.314] nosfer_v: f1nnZOOM [02:34:25.777] Jens_LN: deep voice [02:34:25.963] tarakagyu: this month and for the forcible future [02:34:27.680] Roxy_Gaming18: That changed [02:34:27.723] JorWat: Jesus, you were actually a man then. [02:34:31.137] Co6ra_: your balls went back into your chest @F1NN5TER [02:34:31.387] M0rbulus: you sound so deep hrt is working [02:34:32.751] onestupidpizza: well that's the beginning [02:34:37.362] dontwatchtwitch: GG NO RE being a man LUL [02:34:37.691] Cazenn: KEKW [02:34:38.207] skyboundmaster: KEKW [02:34:38.476] codecraft3r: KEKW [02:34:39.372] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL [02:34:39.671] Jens_LN: LOL [02:34:40.578] ibrown39: When are we going to talk about how F1nn's voice gotten higher? [02:34:40.743] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:34:41.152] ginjninj: LUL [02:34:41.678] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:34:41.842] juddle: KEKW [02:34:41.851] Flippi_12: KEKW [02:34:41.875] Kaymon81: wow, the voice was soo different o_O [02:34:42.046] dingosurprise: KEKW [02:34:42.470] BerryAndBitty: BUSTED LUL [02:34:42.840] RyuNeko_: LUL [02:34:43.069] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn used to have a manly voice... [02:34:43.118] braddle172: KEKW [02:34:43.289] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [02:34:43.357] Ritella27: KEKW [02:34:44.933] LeDr_Dan: OMEGALUL [02:34:44.958] Solus_kun: FACTS [02:34:46.652] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:34:46.807] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:34:47.757] canvaspainting: KEKW [02:34:47.914] probepackung: KEKW [02:34:48.176] Altex1: PrideLaugh [02:34:52.033] M0rbulus: hormones working @F1NN5TER [02:34:55.188] rooooooooosh: KEKW [02:34:56.164] Jens_LN: LOOOL .... the comments are gold ! [02:34:57.060] bernie_____: KEKW [02:34:57.354] Amoyamoyamoya: 2-3 more years Chat... [02:34:58.186] OliveTentacle: LUL [02:34:58.444] doctor_noraforever: Hormones [02:35:01.890] doctor_noraforever: never [02:35:05.445] fluffy57211: you sounded more british and your voice sounded more deeper [02:35:11.228] SethwMad: Chat = Copium [02:35:12.349] JorWat: I'm not convinced that's even you... [02:35:20.017] psychedoutbanana: all jokes on my side chat [02:35:26.618] ponykotze: Hellow [02:35:31.098] Lautrax777: PogO [02:35:33.059] Kaymon81: @JorWat me2 o_O [02:35:34.310] abe1_2: NO PERSONALITY [02:35:34.389] johnkeiwo: ayooo [02:35:38.278] SethwMad: NOPE [02:35:40.564] Flippi_12: weirdChamp [02:35:41.370] Solus_kun: LUL [02:35:42.547] SethwMad: NNNNOPE [02:35:42.606] Roxy_Gaming18: And back to curse [02:35:43.138] Rtwld: DO IT [02:35:44.491] estrogen44: yes!!!!! [02:35:44.570] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [02:35:46.015] barbie_secretstanner: You left for 12 days they are pent up [02:35:46.321] itsatena: WAIT [02:35:46.800] know1_0: speek to me [02:35:47.051] jackgamer515: NOTICE ME [02:35:47.193] purplyo: WHAT [02:35:47.778] Jens_LN: because it's funny [02:35:47.920] bernie_____: hachuFail why [02:35:48.425] awesomerem1: Hehe butt plug lol [02:35:48.567] SethwMad: NNNNNNNNNNNNNOPE [02:35:49.374] PynkFryck: we down bad man :( [02:35:50.541] keandrek29: Ummmmmmmmm????!!!!!!! [02:35:51.963] turbotorbogoblo: Yesss [02:35:52.084] onestupidpizza: idk chats horny [02:35:53.141] johnkeiwo: Whose fault is that ? [02:35:53.519] dylweed2: WHAT [02:35:55.106] mystchevious1: I haven't once said a thing [02:35:55.502] fluffy57211: hows the girl voice coming along [02:35:58.326] rainybowsparkle: everyone knows you want to be stuffed [02:35:58.490] the_skull1013: its a truely opening expirence [02:35:58.724] ArchyNemesis: Chat is too horny for their own good [02:36:00.247] ponykotze: You still wear acrylics? [02:36:01.062] themindscrambler: stick it [02:36:01.951] halo4fan27: hehe butt [02:36:02.169] sl4sh4ndd4sh: Chat is horny, what else is new? [02:36:02.339] SethwMad: Nopity nope [02:36:02.530] XellosMetallum: mimcubJail [02:36:04.488] AlgolGaming: plugs are kinda mid. just get a Hismith Premium [02:36:05.663] taarna86: horn jail for chat [02:36:05.799] OliveTentacle: How many buttplugs do you own? [02:36:08.443] Jens_LN: backed up ... lol ... butt plug ... lol [02:36:09.102] 1_smart_donkey: you left for 12 days now you're just a pain in the ass [02:36:13.504] chey_sooty_fan: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [02:36:13.921] guitarbebop: pug month plug month plug month [02:36:14.236] purplyo: I JUST CAME INTO THE CHAT AND I HEAR THAT [02:36:16.369] lta7904: but plug blocks the horny [02:36:16.862] psithurismas: itsz because you never fufilled butt plug month [02:36:16.899] Catilya: I like cat butt plug blended [02:36:17.541] garbage_teir: they are backed up? hows a buttplug gonna help [02:36:19.283] Co6ra_: my shit is all packed up and its your fault ):< [02:36:20.541] 57ranma: VOICE CHANGE CAN BE PSYCHOLOGICAL, I NOTICED TITANIA’S VOICE CHANGE AS SHE/HE TRANSFORMS FROM BOY TO GIRL WITH MAKEUP [02:36:20.823] Solus_kun: Just come to OfflineChat :) way more wholesome and for sure no talking about Plug KEKW [02:36:22.685] aunalbrutal: Like there arent any other voice coaches in the world XD [02:36:22.706] dontwatchtwitch: Kappa it was covid that s topped the lessons [02:36:25.144] ihavenowhit: someone needs to take a count of how many times butt plugs are mentioned each stream [02:36:26.704] Bean1997: whats buttpluggoal? [02:36:26.931] psychedoutbanana: plug month YESSS [02:36:27.010] zer0110: Hello Kitty bp [02:36:29.034] Jxck_Jack: HahaSweat hihi [02:36:29.957] turbotorbogoblo: Riot in horny jail [02:36:30.672] TenMuses: I may have found the perfect butt plug for you!!! I'm gonna PO box it. [02:36:30.858] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, "wholesome" Kappa [02:36:33.710] XellosMetallum: You don't want a dono goal for that.. you know its gonna get met super fast. [02:36:35.757] Amoyamoyamoya: "@Solus_kun, potastHmm [02:36:37.321] keffyfortnight: What's your bigest earning strem [02:36:37.456] johnkeiwo: @TenMuses, AYO [02:36:41.443] johnkeiwo looking kinda sussy inconSquint [02:36:44.493] taarna86: finn your so popular [02:36:47.718] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun stop "plugging" offlinegang to the gremlin [02:36:49.762] Emmy64_: @tenmuses HypePopcorn [02:36:50.903] stillstoned3: trans voice lessons on YT [02:36:51.088] Lautrax777: SUSSY [02:36:52.314] ibrown39: tenmuses is going to have a field day when the OF drops [02:36:52.566] estrogen44: buttplug everyday for a month [02:36:54.253] Solus_kun: LUL [02:36:54.981] OliveTentacle: F1nn has the biggest collection of buttplugs in britain [02:36:55.083] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, KEKW [02:36:55.733] dontwatchtwitch: Drake [02:36:58.616] Solus_kun: X [02:36:58.981] dontwatchtwitch: Clap [02:37:00.164] abe1_2: Maybe it was puberty your plums dropped [02:37:00.490] Nova_Starsniper: im a police officer who works to remove the horni [02:37:02.807] Flippi_12: X [02:37:04.891] JohnBanks117: X [02:37:05.472] Amoyamoyamoya: @Solus_kun, potastHmm [02:37:06.781] mr_ajokortti_korkort: X [02:37:07.103] Unikore00: X [02:37:09.077] johnkeiwo: x [02:37:09.500] ScarredLemon: Yoooo Ten also horny [02:37:12.824] King__Mosabi: @TenMuses bonus points it's controlled via APP [02:37:19.185] dontwatchtwitch: far [02:37:20.028] bananatacky: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [02:37:20.490] Jens_LN: Just like you change behaviour when you dress nicely, your voice changes with your emotional state. [02:37:21.136] hotgirl676: @Nova_Starsniper acab [02:37:21.730] Lucridis: Ouch [02:37:22.137] Lautrax777: Hmmmmmmmm [02:37:23.373] zer0110: ! uptime [02:37:24.106] Solus_kun: @Amoyamoyamoya adcvrTHINK squchaThink [02:37:24.146] MayBeAJinx: OMEGALUL [02:37:25.655] Jens_LN: Oh, that's a good one [02:37:26.079] medicbat: super far [02:37:27.208] Tordenbob: hasSadge I miss Titania [02:37:27.669] godsbeenswinging_: EGG territory here [02:37:28.374] FearedIcee: MILES [02:37:28.394] EmulaGames: EmulaGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! I'm legally your child now [02:37:28.575] f3mmbot emulagames subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [02:37:28.808] GroggyReaper: interesting question [02:37:29.003] iugula: not even the same sport [02:37:29.092] ScarredLemon: Finn would be left on read [02:37:30.066] 1_smart_donkey: so far they can't be in the same room [02:37:32.506] SethwMad: chat moderation can bite me [02:37:33.648] bodyhem: Are you bi? [02:37:35.439] mikah0323: farality [02:37:38.539] tarakagyu: egg [02:37:38.999] TenMuses: he doesn't have enough money for her [02:37:41.894] garbage_teir: dont even have a male photo [02:37:41.965] Stovamor: @SethwMad, ? [02:37:42.160] zer0110: !uptime [02:37:42.436] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 37m 48s [02:37:44.223] medicbat: f1nnEgg [02:37:44.357] Solus_kun: Why would oyu have one without ? your a girl :) [02:37:45.223] Lautrax777: That's a sus statement [02:37:46.769] SethwMad: it blocked me [02:37:48.630] taarna86: girl year [02:37:52.285] SethwMad: nothing I'm making joke [02:37:53.333] fluffy57211: that's really saying something [02:37:54.980] psychedoutbanana: LUL [02:37:55.297] SethwMad: anyway [02:37:56.321] FearedIcee: @SethwMad ill bite you happyd26Angry [02:37:57.981] LordRuyn: I don't think I've ever seen you dressed as a dude, without make up on [02:38:00.360] keffyfortnight: How much to date you [02:38:04.557] SethwMad: Video is going to be awesome chat trust [02:38:07.665] Cazenn: KEKW [02:38:08.351] fluffy57211: yes [02:38:10.161] Coreylala: yes [02:38:10.357] Lucridis: Lightyears [02:38:10.996] Co6ra_: yes [02:38:11.010] furore__: hollly [02:38:11.023] XellosMetallum: 100% yes [02:38:11.029] alexx_net: Yes [02:38:11.172] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL YES [02:38:11.326] PynkFryck: yea [02:38:11.635] juddle: yes [02:38:12.315] ozeantj: yes xD [02:38:13.167] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [02:38:13.206] Dakunval: Big time [02:38:13.246] johnkeiwo: yes [02:38:13.281] dontwatchtwitch: lesbian woman on screen LUL [02:38:13.362] doctor_noraforever: @keffyfortnight $100,000,000 [02:38:13.444] Jens_LN: he has no chance [02:38:13.476] onestupidpizza: yeah [02:38:13.730] Flippi_12: yes [02:38:13.783] Aurora_doesnt_know: yes KEKW [02:38:13.894] tarakagyu: yes [02:38:14.269] frypann: yes [02:38:14.441] taarna86: definitely [02:38:14.457] JustVurb: ratio @SethwMad [02:38:14.567] strinx1120: yes [02:38:14.689] sl4sh4ndd4sh: Yes [02:38:15.093] Helen_Croft: put old you in the gender AI @F1NN5TER [02:38:15.222] duckstm: yes [02:38:15.249] Lautrax777: Yeah [02:38:15.753] bananatacky: ola [02:38:15.773] LordRuyn: well, yeah... [02:38:15.872] OrangetailGaming: Yes [02:38:15.884] BerryAndBitty: YES [02:38:16.327] Kaymon81: lol [02:38:16.336] eddieahdhsj: no [02:38:16.352] Earthquake_chan: yes [02:38:16.442] garbage_teir: miles out [02:38:16.859] MegaMiley: Very much yes, out of his league [02:38:16.878] ch4rc0al5: Yep [02:38:16.927] estrogen44: poll [02:38:17.155] kotisek: yes [02:38:17.420] mpr1999: yes [02:38:17.488] BerryAndBitty: LUL [02:38:17.524] vidyagaem7: Yes [02:38:17.691] lagendking: yes [02:38:17.796] mystchevious1: God no [02:38:18.193] saint_r: yes [02:38:18.275] Jens_LN: no chance [02:38:18.478] keandrek29: No [02:38:18.860] dingosurprise: lol [02:38:18.915] CaridinZ: Potentially [02:38:18.921] Logrez: ur both hot [02:38:19.026] mr_ajokortti_korkort: no comments [02:38:19.168] blusau: yup [02:38:19.195] frostybossygirl: no chance [02:38:19.627] lta7904: holy moly [02:38:19.816] ryuu_horizon: yes [02:38:19.882] ihavenowhit: loooll [02:38:19.901] alexx_net: Leave him on read [02:38:20.316] aPsychoRedwood: lightdecateds [02:38:20.431] wandererimwalde: yes [02:38:20.700] PeterTheMostlyOK: Very flattering photo [02:38:20.994] red17x: How about dress as normal Girl not sassy [02:38:21.256] nmnm195: NOPE TOSS HIM TO THE CURB [02:38:21.433] jerrie_aleena_wood: Rose would never date a minectraft streamer [02:38:22.023] xXNeroZashiXx: yup [02:38:22.364] pianoismyforte_: 100000% [02:38:22.438] Bean1997: 522% out of his league [02:38:22.519] xenofizzz: yes [02:38:23.211] stillstoned3: nah [02:38:23.726] lu_sagna: rose can change him [02:38:23.738] OliveTentacle: what F1nn has to do to make Rose give him a date? [02:38:23.779] fluffy57211: absolutely [02:38:23.805] keandrek29: HELL NO [02:38:24.818] 7Tsuki0: yeah he has no chance [02:38:24.966] Amoyamoyamoya: NO. He's a loser. [02:38:25.256] King__Mosabi: no chance [02:38:25.555] Stovamor: @SethwMad, as vip, you can bypass the banned words list that WE have set up, but Twitch might still block some things [02:38:25.726] heresitic: no chance [02:38:26.116] mikah0323: he i out of roses league [02:38:26.877] mpr1999: no chance [02:38:27.488] CloakedN00b: ew no [02:38:28.842] nosfer_v: f1nnCancelled [02:38:30.168] rw03_bjw: stop distracting her from the plug [02:38:30.504] liafia: way out of his league [02:38:30.607] lta7904: you do [02:38:32.355] Lautrax777: @Amoyamoyamoya KEKL [02:38:32.375] pocketfullofskittles: Eww [02:38:32.963] iiwolfplay: yes [02:38:33.474] Ghouldr: SMASH [02:38:33.761] kotisek: no chance [02:38:35.254] keffyfortnight: Fin how much to date you [02:38:35.300] Stovamor: @JustVurb, yo Vurb [02:38:35.959] keandrek29: HE DOESNT DESERVE YOU [02:38:36.042] 1_smart_donkey: looks a little unstable [02:38:36.852] 57ranma: WAY OUT OF LEAGUE [02:38:37.188] JustVurb: bro nah he had a chance fr [02:38:37.847] FlyingMortimer: Just like a cis girl, man's finances are the number one trait you look for.. [02:38:38.013] Clockwork413: out of his league [02:38:38.072] josecortesnival: sorry but no [02:38:40.386] SethwMad: @justvurb what was that buddy I couldn't hear you over chat ratio your response [02:38:40.666] iiamkira_: Nope [02:38:42.466] LAOnAirStudios: Scuffs [02:38:43.088] yorayoshida: PartyParrot [02:38:43.782] wandererimwalde: you laugh at him, when he approaches you at a bar [02:38:44.608] Jens_LN: You have a better chance as a girl, than as a guy. [02:38:45.174] Twinborne: Look at this manly man, doing manly things [02:38:45.816] dontwatchtwitch: NO. [02:38:47.230] Coreylala: no you don't, just be girl [02:38:49.339] LuminatiHD: he forgor lmao [02:38:49.637] tarakagyu: or go lesbian [02:38:50.321] Mr_fluffy97: out of your own league 😂 [02:38:51.572] 1_smart_donkey: that simple put on a dress [02:38:52.025] King__Mosabi: bahaha, good joke rose [02:38:53.508] red17x: How about dressing as normal girl not sassy outfits [02:38:54.397] Flippi_12: trainning to be a guy... Kappa [02:38:54.772] JustVurb: you still saw it 💀 [02:38:56.674] lta7904: ask rose for tips [02:38:57.091] roselittletaur: Be hot as both genders [02:38:57.317] the_skull1013: yoo me too [02:38:58.583] mr_ajokortti_korkort: That guy is too short for you [02:38:59.723] JustVurb: ratio x10 [02:38:59.947] Solus_kun: Why do you wanna know how to look good as a guy ? hm [02:39:02.216] xWithered: Can you grow a beard? [02:39:04.885] ibrown39: The only unrose-sified pic of F1nn are his baby pics [02:39:05.879] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort LUL [02:39:06.385] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:39:08.220] agraplays: you look good as a guy right now [02:39:08.762] Amoyamoyamoya: That's a lost cause F1nn [02:39:10.010] ihavenowhit: egg [02:39:10.724] Stovamor: If you want to dodge the embaressment for a bit, you could do unban reviews @f1nn5ter - There are some from 2 years ago [02:39:12.250] medicbat: just go on dates in girl mode [02:39:12.898] garbage_teir: why seems like your never gonna be a aguy again if ten has something to say about it [02:39:17.909] Solus_kun: Kokko OMEGALUL [02:39:20.081] LAOnAirStudios: bebaMom bebaMy bebaSTEPSIS bebaMom bebaMy bebaSTEPSIS [02:39:21.661] BerryAndBitty: I will leave Fin on read for Rose LUL [02:39:25.468] SethwMad: @justvurb aren't you supposed to be "Networking" [02:39:26.871] Amoyamoyamoya: Is there really a manly F1nn left? [02:39:27.314] JohnBanks117: @mr_ajokortti_korkort, KEKW [02:39:27.316] FlyingMortimer: If you want to look good as a guy, wear nice clothes, not trash when in guy mode. [02:39:30.231] SethwMad: dunkeyGrin [02:39:30.807] psychedoutbanana: long hair and long nails make men look nice [02:39:31.197] Lautrax777: PogU [02:39:32.686] 57ranma: MOST GUYS ARE NOT GOOD AT DRESSING UP AS GUYS [02:39:34.733] Stovamor: open the mod view [02:39:35.369] Mr_fluffy97: gotta have a Guy month to see what that life is like, get yourself some manely outfits [02:39:37.204] hopalongtommy: if F1nn was walking down the street Rose would cross the road [02:39:37.876] Solus_kun: bann request POGGERS ? [02:39:38.637] Amoyamoyamoya: What...2 years ago...? [02:39:39.869] MayBeAJinx: Unban stream PogChamp [02:39:40.671] S_H_O_O_T: why are you so pretty??? [02:39:42.458] aPsychoRedwood: how u do fake bobs [02:39:45.045] johnkeiwo: Content PogU [02:39:46.798] johnkeiwo: finally ! [02:39:46.983] axe1970: everyone looks good in a tuxedo [02:39:48.444] T_Y_P_C_L: Goth girl month [02:39:48.926] abe1_2: Rose would drain Finns bank account [02:39:49.867] JohnBanks117: Unban request stream POGGERS [02:39:50.959] xfunkyflynnx: I would give him a chance but idk if that's my bad taste or crippling loneliness [02:39:52.815] LAOnAirStudios: bebaMom bebaMy bebaMom bebaMy [02:39:56.243] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter https://www.twitch.tv/popout/moderator/f1nn5ter/unban-requests?id=11 [02:39:57.115] Flippi_12: spending 2 years ban before appeal... [02:40:02.529] k1m555: hi girly girl [02:40:03.966] halo4fan27: @T_Y_P_C_L pugweeIdea [02:40:04.987] Buchsabenstalat: like as if your patrons let you return to manmode in the foreseeable future [02:40:05.913] frypann: ayo PogU [02:40:06.280] Helen_Croft: https://www.twitch.tv/moderator/f1nn5ter @F1NN5TER [02:40:07.099] lexmont42: to look good as a guy all you need is a good ironed shirt and aag [02:40:11.942] Lautrax777: 2 years Aware [02:40:12.501] commanderredpanda: FINsexual = attracted to those Feminine In Nature... also those attracted to fin [02:40:13.337] ibrown39: 2 years from now: "Flesh-peg goal is..." [02:40:14.017] lta7904: unbans from 2 years ago? Mods isn't this your thing [02:40:14.793] Solus_kun: REAL CONTENT ? Chat be pretty we might be on youtube show your good side :) [02:40:17.882] lexmont42: a good tie [02:40:19.291] hazelinterlude: f1nnSad [02:40:19.715] LAOnAirStudios: bebaMom bebaMy [02:40:26.106] c__r__j: @Stovamor It's a good thing she's pretty, [02:40:27.762] Stovamor: some are people that got banned 2 years ago [02:40:29.931] vidyagaem7: HypePopcorn hi youtube [02:40:34.252] krzyzewskiman: hrrrrrrmmmm [02:40:34.454] DezzNytes: D: [02:40:34.841] Roxy_Gaming18: Content time [02:40:35.461] fluffy57211: lets go unban requests you haven't done this in a while [02:40:35.762] josecortesnival: unban requests-? [02:40:36.152] k1m555: why the roblox damage noises 😭 [02:40:37.624] juddle: deny [02:40:38.032] johnkeiwo: dan [02:40:38.192] tuesdaythe5th: SHREXY [02:40:38.256] duckstm: nah [02:40:38.310] sissyjessie: deny [02:40:40.456] Flippi_12: dan [02:40:42.194] dingosurprise: big dan [02:40:42.432] psychedoutbanana: grow ur beard and have ur hair up in a manbun [02:40:42.435] johnkeiwo: DAN [02:40:42.561] Solus_kun: monkaS german [02:40:42.979] Lautrax777: LET'S GOOO [02:40:44.296] JohnBanks117: DAN [02:40:45.674] misha666420: YIKES [02:40:46.390] Lautrax777: HI YT [02:40:47.026] zombie_1981: deny [02:40:48.604] OliveTentacle: would Rose be too expensive as a gf for f1nn? [02:40:50.387] JohnBanks117: German weirdChamp [02:40:50.654] kotisek: dan [02:40:52.287] keffyfortnight: Cummblaster does that settle it can i date you or pay for it [02:40:56.665] ScarredLemon: Undan [02:40:59.400] 57ranma: IM ALREADY PLANNING MY SPEECH IN CASE I GET BANNED. [02:41:00.909] th3chillpill: When the orange YouTube account coming out (mods this is a joke,don’t ban me pls) [02:41:02.502] Coreylala: that's norweigan [02:41:02.563] rositakitten: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 [02:41:04.741] Rtwld: GERMAN [02:41:06.767] ozeantj: Thats not german [02:41:06.830] rooooooooosh: dan [02:41:07.154] DezzNytes: Not german KEKW [02:41:07.396] GreyWinterWraith: pretty sure that's norwegian [02:41:07.757] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:41:08.529] Flippi_12: german = auto dan [02:41:09.042] saint_r: wtf [02:41:09.367] braddle172: f1nnMonka [02:41:10.179] mortelsson: ban [02:41:10.221] Solus_kun: thats not german !! only the last bit [02:41:10.225] xWithered: he's norwegian [02:41:10.673] Lautrax777: HUH [02:41:11.046] Co6ra_: i think you missed the jew juice joke they made [02:41:11.922] sissyjessie: Lol german [02:41:12.120] lta7904: idk what that means [02:41:12.887] duplotracer: BAN [02:41:13.195] strinx1120: Norwegian [02:41:13.210] BigDeath5: thats norwegian [02:41:13.744] Aurora_doesnt_know: that's not german KEKW [02:41:14.034] Lautrax777: monkaW [02:41:14.049] Ghouldr: Isn't that Norweigan [02:41:14.213] Amoyamoyamoya: Dan [02:41:14.630] doctor_noraforever: Banned [02:41:15.600] DoubleDoobers: thats somethign scandanavian [02:41:16.838] BenDover_xD: see kyle? [02:41:16.946] misha666420: BAN [02:41:17.142] robbie1945: ban [02:41:17.188] doctor_noraforever: BAN [02:41:17.465] Paladinknightsword: ban [02:41:17.841] imanzel: oh fuck yeah top tier content [02:41:18.100] eichhoernchenliebhaber: eichhoernchenliebhaber subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Deny. This is a wholesome stream [02:41:18.215] snesokk: He's speaking norwegian, but his grammer is terrible, ban [02:41:18.241] Mr_fluffy97: deny 😂 [02:41:18.432] f3mmbot eichhoernchenliebhaber subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:41:18.503] Jusses: BAN [02:41:18.635] PeterTheMostlyOK: LUL german [02:41:19.483] gelbphoenix: Ban [02:41:19.582] JohnBanks117: German = Dan LUL [02:41:20.529] tallorangeone: big dan energy [02:41:21.197] doctor_noraforever: Ban him [02:41:21.731] saint_r: ban [02:41:22.178] maya_moo_plays: ban [02:41:23.397] HexGrrrrl: no unban [02:41:23.850] c__r__j: Undan! [02:41:24.200] ALiteralPan: ban [02:41:24.549] Helen_Croft: TTS over face cam [02:41:26.429] Tordenbob: VoteNay [02:41:26.718] Chri55PBacon: ban! [02:41:27.448] Spectre223: Leave em banned. Stupid games, stupid prizes [02:41:28.063] th3chillpill: Ban [02:41:28.360] iiamkira_: Ban [02:41:29.325] lhsidn: that's a dan [02:41:29.402] braddle172: dan [02:41:29.590] xenofizzz: no cap [02:41:29.971] TheIkeaBear: ban [02:41:30.853] OmsX8O: ban the Germans KEKW [02:41:30.954] frypann: ban [02:41:31.973] Jens_LN: I think norwegian [02:41:33.044] kotisek: dan him [02:41:33.707] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Ban [02:41:34.601] lucadeboss1: Ban [02:41:35.147] Bjotte: That is Norwagian [02:41:35.514] GroggyReaper: ban [02:41:35.946] julianarusso: ban [02:41:36.161] dontwatchtwitch: "boy" COPIUM [02:41:36.178] Solus_kun: OMS D: ! [02:41:36.889] Earthquake_chan: ban [02:41:37.485] JohnBanks117: @OmsX8O, KEKW [02:41:38.029] Nova_Starsniper: that was norwegian [02:41:41.010] themindscrambler: some things can't be accepted [02:41:41.935] ronineutroni: ban him because german am i right bois? [02:41:43.120] lta7904: make him danTDM [02:41:43.201] JohnBanks117: @OmsX8O, true KEKW [02:41:44.246] iiamkira_: I’m German, it’s definitely not german [02:41:44.478] OmsX8O: !hug Lia [02:41:44.726] that1guylouis24: insta mod tbh [02:41:44.747] f3mmbot Lia gets a big hug from omsx8o <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [02:41:45.349] Flippi_12: Clap Oms [02:41:46.948] Lautrax777: D: [02:41:48.756] lara_raawr: 2006?? D: [02:41:48.896] that1guylouis24: Kappa [02:41:49.951] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Clap Oms [02:41:50.210] ozeantj: D: [02:41:50.710] man_spiel_ich_schlecht: D: [02:41:50.807] lta7904: nononononononno [02:41:51.025] Solus_kun: DONT bann the germans D: Toxic [02:41:51.259] fluffy57211: BAN because german KEKW [02:41:51.530] ibrown39: What's the pic when you donate [02:41:51.663] josecortesnival: and most girls [02:41:52.583] tarakagyu: you could get most gay girls like that <3 [02:41:53.536] BerryAndBitty: LUL [02:41:53.918] DezzNytes: DL [02:41:54.487] AppleSaph: I love that there is an unban request from cal [02:41:55.472] Ghouldr: HE IS NORWEIGAN [02:41:56.217] reweliusz: bruh, thats nowregian [02:41:57.705] JohnBanks117: Imagine being German weirdChamp [02:41:59.085] DezzNytes: D: [02:41:59.298] turbotorbogoblo: Its not german [02:41:59.680] xenofizzz: LMFAO [02:42:00.127] MajesticFvckingEagle: german. ! [02:42:00.510] zombie_1981: LUL [02:42:02.201] darknesslord28: wazzup how are you doing today [02:42:02.377] Bjotte: That is Norwagian @F1NN5TER [02:42:02.503] smokeheadpyro: f1nnCancelled [02:42:02.974] HexGrrrrl: only one good german exists [02:42:04.019] Rtwld: wasn't even German LUL [02:42:04.523] ronineutroni: :D [02:42:05.454] fluffy57211: CAP [02:42:05.890] Jens_LN: yeah, I think he was a norwegian [02:42:08.343] CaridinZ: EZ [02:42:08.751] duplotracer: sheesh [02:42:10.313] juddle: EZ [02:42:11.880] 1_smart_donkey: probably still with a broken window [02:42:13.684] Solus_kun: You cant even drive LUL [02:42:13.915] Roxy_Gaming18: And never drive it [02:42:15.477] Friendigo_: nothing on my 07 Ford Fiesta [02:42:17.386] Electromagnetic: germans getting away cause that wasn't german LUL [02:42:22.890] lta7904: you could have me with that monster of a car [02:42:23.899] Jens_LN: the Audi A4 has so many engine problems. [02:42:24.962] fluffy57211: YOU CAN EVEN DRIVE THO [02:42:25.399] doctor_noraforever: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:42:25.859] dingosurprise: baller [02:42:27.961] treelie: idk alot of girls are straight [02:42:28.497] Lautrax777: Kappa [02:42:30.765] zer0110: ^_^V [02:42:31.608] 57ranma: BUT CAN YOU DRIVE IT? [02:42:32.361] Shuribeard: in the name of the moon rose will punish you [02:42:33.200] Kaymon81: @HexGrrrrl i hope you mean meowriza....or me ^^ [02:42:33.688] ginjninj: dadmobile [02:42:33.765] SaberNyghts: Did you know it's impossible to lean over and spell run [02:42:34.586] lucadeboss1: Yeesh absolute chad [02:42:34.973] snoop_uwu: i thought you dont drive [02:42:35.224] Spectre223: How much mould was there in your specific car when you checked last? [02:42:35.283] lta7904: IT GETS BETTTER [02:42:35.764] Setua_: "I own an audi a4" *Loses 30 viewers* [02:42:36.063] Helen_Croft: with broken window [02:42:36.150] Einies: That's 10x better [02:42:39.278] DezzNytes: It's a dad magnet OMEGALUL [02:42:39.495] Tune99x: looks like a girl car xD [02:42:39.743] Amoyamoyamoya: It's in that spicy color...gray. [02:42:39.819] smokeheadpyro: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [02:42:41.044] dariel1524: Greetings from Panama [02:42:41.514] NGCbeat: NGCbeat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! howdy [02:42:41.692] f3mmbot ngcbeat subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:42:41.813] LordRuyn: Sure, just Linus has a lambo [02:42:43.259] Paladinknightsword: MY GRANDMA USED TO DRIVE ONE OF THEM [02:42:43.959] Xylomn: toner salesman [02:42:43.977] 1_smart_donkey: probably still sitting at your dad's place [02:42:44.602] johnkeiwo: Barbie girl car [02:42:45.599] Roxy_Gaming18: Can’t drive KEKW [02:42:46.349] im_up_to_something: It's an ok car rynXD [02:42:46.557] Jens_LN: Can't pull a girl in that [02:42:46.657] Flippi_12: great wagon Kappa [02:42:46.709] tokenex: if your not posing on it.... [02:42:48.199] c__r__j: Did you ever pull the dents out and fix that window? [02:42:48.278] josecortesnival: mold? [02:42:48.282] grumpykittu: Ya right..... and you are straight [02:42:48.524] mortelsson: Absolute cock magnet auto [02:42:48.532] mustangcubed: Hairdresser’s car. [02:42:48.971] ohcrapitsonfire: Ah, welcome to constant broken car life 🫡 [02:42:49.199] bernie_____: magnet f1nnLaff [02:42:49.313] Mister_Milk_: if its such a pussy magnet why dont you have one yet????? [02:42:49.937] johnkeiwo: Bimbo car KEKW [02:42:50.212] JorWat: Of all cars, that sure is one of them. [02:42:51.013] Helen_Croft: did you got the windows fixed? @F1NN5TER [02:42:51.257] herbert9a: 2007? [02:42:51.300] GreyWinterWraith: @Amoyamoyamoya seanvrSmile [02:42:51.625] BLazy_45: Looks like a normal car to me [02:42:52.809] plantboi101: sex mobile [02:42:53.410] JohnBanks117: mold LUL [02:42:53.468] centr_ttv: Since when could Eggs drive? [02:42:54.125] slumxbum: damn i'm wet [02:42:54.183] FlyingMortimer: Now all you need is a license.. [02:42:55.370] stillstoned3: very fem car [02:42:55.431] Lautrax777: PAINT IT PINK [02:42:56.588] lara_raawr: that's the barbie girl car :D [02:42:56.796] ScarredLemon: When you got a better car than rose, poggers [02:42:58.743] TheRealUnnamed: drving a german car after shitting on germans hmm i see [02:43:00.282] johnkeiwo: Yes it is [02:43:02.268] Coreylala: that is a girly car [02:43:02.524] 1_smart_donkey: that's what my aunt has [02:43:02.690] 57ranma: IN THE US, THATS A GIRLY CAR. Sorry [02:43:02.774] mr_ajokortti_korkort: cute car for a cute girl :) [02:43:02.997] CaridinZ: COPIUM [02:43:03.963] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER dude the car is broken it has no R OMEGALUL OMEGALUL F [02:43:04.412] vrworkouts: it is [02:43:04.520] alexarrlove: I wanna look like rose omg [02:43:04.527] BerryAndBitty: Yes it is LUL [02:43:04.573] duckstm: that's a barbie car [02:43:05.317] josecortesnival: prob not [02:43:05.353] frypann: looks like a slipper [02:43:05.364] OliveTentacle: sugardaddy car [02:43:06.168] OpsCoreFAST: we have bugatti at home [02:43:06.518] Dakunval: We shouldn't be surprised you got a girl car. [02:43:06.845] ibrown39: Where are the $10k earrings [02:43:06.889] Earthquake_chan: KEKW [02:43:07.284] legion898: It is [02:43:07.442] aPsychoRedwood: pus pus magnit [02:43:07.472] Lautrax777: KEKL [02:43:08.258] patigor82: Cheer1 just wanted to say hello to my favourate femboy lol [02:43:08.428] xenofizzz: it is girly [02:43:08.542] braddle172: KEKW [02:43:09.325] lara_raawr: in pink yes [02:43:09.601] Flippi_12: KEKW [02:43:09.625] Springboid: KEKW [02:43:09.780] Altex1: PrideLaugh [02:43:10.528] LaserM0nkey: You're making my bussy DRIP [02:43:10.717] fluffy57211: SAME ENERGY TBH [02:43:10.911] that1guylouis24: LUL [02:43:10.926] BLazy_45: KEKW [02:43:10.966] tallorangeone: kinda girly car bro [02:43:10.997] Jens_LN: it's a hair dressers car ! [02:43:11.252] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL girly car [02:43:11.556] Ritella27: KEKW [02:43:11.645] johnkeiwo: GET FUCKED KEKW [02:43:11.898] stillstoned3: it's a femcar [02:43:12.491] Helen_Croft: did you got the broken window fixed? @F1NN5TER [02:43:13.043] kotisek: kekw [02:43:13.065] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:43:13.643] tuesdaythe5th: Pink Anime car wrap goal when [02:43:13.680] Lautrax777: KEKW [02:43:14.053] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW almost the same car [02:43:14.114] cobyneedmedicine: unfortunate [02:43:14.573] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 60 "Is that a cool car?" "" "Yeah, I guess" "" [02:43:14.712] Clockwork413: yes it is [02:43:14.892] jartma5ter: Had an A6, Power steering locked up and the brake line broke at 100k. Audi sucks [02:43:15.067] zafoden27: bobs [02:43:15.352] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "Is that a cool car?" [02:43:15.399] dingosurprise: KEKW [02:43:15.512] 1ts_james: lol [02:43:15.583] eutir73: That's a german car [02:43:15.667] anschofi: holy fucking shit [02:43:16.533] lta7904: buy it [02:43:16.715] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [02:43:17.044] turbotorbogoblo: Same [02:43:17.129] HexGrrrrl: get it painted bright pink [02:43:17.177] im_up_to_something: 🤣 🤣 🤣 [02:43:17.813] eddieahdhsj: KEKW [02:43:17.938] Co6ra_: FIN [02:43:18.000] shittposteen: XD [02:43:18.189] fluffy57211: KEKW [02:43:18.193] itsatena: KEKW [02:43:18.314] zilichaos: KEKW [02:43:18.556] LordRuyn: LUL [02:43:18.581] GroggyReaper: rekt [02:43:19.262] Jens_LN: Hair dresser car ! [02:43:20.005] zombie_1981: LUL [02:43:20.186] leontiusv: lol [02:43:20.349] sir_public0_0: It is [02:43:20.600] lagendking: lol [02:43:20.854] xenofizzz: LOL [02:43:21.402] packagum: shouldve bought an mx5 mate [02:43:21.840] Co6ra_: HAHAHAHAHAHA [02:43:22.017] xfunkyflynnx: same thing just pink [02:43:22.159] bernie_____: hachuPerbert 💕 [02:43:22.399] dylweed2: LMAO [02:43:22.569] stumagoo992: i could picture fin in a 1991 red mazda mx-5 wit the top down [02:43:23.216] lta7904: THAT'S SO HOT [02:43:23.256] themindscrambler: wrap it pinkest pink [02:43:23.504] Solus_kun: GIRL CAR KEKW [02:43:24.108] Roxy_Gaming18: REALIZATION HIT [02:43:24.673] centr_ttv: Rose's car confirmed. [02:43:25.284] Earthquake_chan: HAAHAHAHAH [02:43:25.287] tokenex: you are sooo femme [02:43:25.583] fluffy57211: he has a point [02:43:25.745] lucasinfini: KEKW [02:43:25.869] itsatena: LOL [02:43:25.914] julianarusso: LUL [02:43:26.806] BerryAndBitty: LUL [02:43:27.331] braddle172: LUL [02:43:27.519] Den_drummer: do the women attracted by that moldy car also have mold? Kappa [02:43:28.242] johnkeiwo: U NEVER KNEW ?! ?! KEKW [02:43:28.709] tarakagyu: new goal pain his car pink [02:43:30.539] JohnBanks117: Barbir car KEKW [02:43:30.615] ZyhlerXG: Hahahaha [02:43:30.731] Dakunval: Nice dodge. [02:43:30.901] FearedIcee: im going for a car worth like 10x that as my first car and im broke.... god hobbys will ruin you. that car is sad tbh [02:43:31.135] PeterTheMostlyOK: LUL [02:43:31.170] dylweed2: JUST PAINT IT PINK [02:43:31.207] Solus_kun: KEKW [02:43:35.060] livjpk78: Have you got a Barbie outfit? [02:43:35.833] Bloodcoatrain: hard top for true tops [02:43:36.123] Flippi_12: oh nice the toy car would be just big enough for you, short stuff [02:43:36.282] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [02:43:36.862] BerryAndBitty: THAT WAS FAST [02:43:37.131] johnkeiwo: I'm good today, damn xD [02:43:37.982] ChunLi_in_ThighHighs: In shambles rn [02:43:39.048] Emmy64_: LUL [02:43:39.876] BenDover_xD: the 2007 still has a decent engine... from the 2009 - 2011 they had a lot of camshaft shit [02:43:40.589] Lautrax777: Barbie Car KEKW [02:43:41.031] fluffy57211: caught in 4k KEKW [02:43:41.282] rw03_bjw: dono goal for a pink wrap ? [02:43:42.779] know1_0: kekw [02:43:43.430] mr_ajokortti_korkort: cute [02:43:44.317] BerryAndBitty: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [02:43:44.828] Jens_LN: It's a hair dresser car !!! [02:43:46.145] Helen_Croft: did you got the broken window fixed? @F1NN5TER [02:43:46.243] Lautrax777: YEP [02:43:47.144] Jens_LN: pink ! [02:43:47.724] Dakunval: Yes. [02:43:48.150] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:43:48.557] LordRuyn: YES [02:43:48.573] Nova_Starsniper: dew it [02:43:48.637] BerryAndBitty: YES [02:43:48.668] duckstm: YES [02:43:49.116] lhsidn: yes [02:43:49.735] jartma5ter: Audi is a pig in lipstick [02:43:49.835] Roxy_Gaming18: Yes [02:43:50.351] Jens_LN: yes [02:43:50.359] BerryAndBitty: PINK [02:43:50.453] Flippi_12: LUL [02:43:50.732] frypann: yes [02:43:50.960] 1ts_james: yes [02:43:51.024] JohnBanks117: Yes [02:43:52.054] Earthquake_chan: YES [02:43:52.315] nitemoves1970: Sudden awkward silence hahahaha [02:43:52.876] Bean1997: YES [02:43:53.081] zilichaos: yes [02:43:53.083] fluffy57211: YES [02:43:53.807] itsatena: YES [02:43:54.186] guitarbebop: pink audi [02:43:54.227] stillstoned3: it's a cool car if you're a girl [02:43:54.276] spacecow2000: yes [02:43:54.277] Jens_LN: yes, wrap [02:43:54.471] canvaspainting: Yes [02:43:55.042] ALiteralPan: yes [02:43:55.163] Rtwld: YES [02:43:55.201] 57ranma: DONOR GOAL TO PAINT THR CAR PINK!!!! [02:43:55.222] eddieahdhsj: yes [02:43:55.562] xenofizzz: yes [02:43:55.814] mr_ajokortti_korkort: yes [02:43:56.578] saltyfcraker: Yes [02:43:56.775] DoubleDoobers: YES [02:43:57.112] Unikore00: DONO GOAL [02:43:57.205] sl4sh4ndd4sh: Pink it up [02:43:57.459] tuesdaythe5th: YES [02:43:57.675] ihavenowhit: YES [02:43:57.697] tallorangeone: lmao that would be hilarious [02:43:57.840] strinx1120: YESS [02:43:58.114] Amoyamoyamoya: Rose wrap? [02:43:58.731] mustangcubed: Yup… [02:43:58.873] BLazy_45: make it purple so it's not that weird [02:43:58.903] barbie_secretstanner: Yes pink!! [02:43:59.377] braddle172: yes [02:43:59.508] bernie_____: hachuWiggle do it [02:43:59.556] abe1_2: If your as manly as you say then were is the Pickup Truck [02:43:59.827] ScarredLemon: YES [02:44:00.101] lagendking: yes [02:44:00.431] Chri55PBacon: yes [02:44:00.510] dylweed2: Yess [02:44:00.563] 1_smart_donkey: waste of money [02:44:00.663] Flippi_12: sure [02:44:00.894] vidyagaem7: Yes [02:44:01.520] OliveTentacle: Sell pink car as merch! [02:44:01.543] im_up_to_something: Do it [02:44:02.222] Jens_LN: with a rose on the side [02:44:02.696] ibrown39: Yes [02:44:02.948] kotisek: YES [02:44:05.351] fischfuttermaker: Noooooo [02:44:06.086] lucadeboss1: Definitely [02:44:06.898] godsbeenswinging_: @F1NN5TER do a ful on belle delphine car but rose themed [02:44:07.270] ComputedBee: Pink is the best colour for a car so paint it [02:44:07.350] xfunkyflynnx: BARBIE ROSE [02:44:07.995] Spectre223: Only if you do a driving vlog in it, if not it's not worth it [02:44:08.103] nitemoves1970: Put ears on it [02:44:08.115] nimrob11: Wrapit pink do a shoot [02:44:08.271] zer0110: just get the standard Honda Civic. [02:44:10.204] ihavenowhit: PAINT IT THE. DONATE IT [02:44:11.289] fluffy57211: DONO GOAL FOR PINK CAR LETS GO [02:44:13.132] Emmy64_: Going to the barbie premiere in that KEKW [02:44:13.325] Co6ra_: lmaooooo [02:44:13.739] ronineutroni: ban him because you are gay like he said /s [02:44:13.754] LordRuyn: Pink, and drive around the city as rose [02:44:14.039] lakev211: well [02:44:14.821] Kolateak_: LUL [02:44:15.473] MeatsackGamer: get in vinyl wrapped pink [02:44:15.647] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "Is that a cool car?": with 163 votes (83.59%) [02:44:16.332] centr_ttv: Just face it, a lot of Rose came out when picking that car. [02:44:17.002] Jens_LN: Pink Audi with a Rose on the side ... do photoshoot [02:44:17.020] CaridinZ: KEKW [02:44:18.961] treelie: getting a car painted is expensive [02:44:19.255] TheOriginalMikeD: what is you go to cool car? [02:44:20.087] lta7904: JUST ADD and also paint the car pink TO THIS SIMP GOAL [02:44:22.109] treelie: thats a pricy bit [02:44:23.387] 1_smart_donkey: give it to your dad [02:44:25.791] alexarrlove: pink [02:44:26.538] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER dude the car is broken it has no R OMEGALUL OMEGALUL F [02:44:28.731] fischfuttermaker: He won’t drive it anyway [02:44:29.224] Lautrax777: photoshoot on th pink car KEKW [02:44:29.624] hemjold7955: Pink Rose Barbie [02:44:30.429] jartma5ter: Might as well drive a Miata at that point [02:44:31.335] FlyingMortimer: Need to learn how to drive it first. [02:44:31.834] tallorangeone: wraps are pretty expensive tho [02:44:32.334] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, KEKW [02:44:33.016] SaberNyghts: SaberNyghts subscribed at Tier 1. [02:44:33.226] f3mmbot sabernyghts subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang sabernyghts f1nnLezgang [02:44:36.516] minitruck4lyfe: just getting here, what car we talking about? [02:44:37.362] lucadeboss1: Its simply fate [02:44:37.653] ALiteralPan: sell the car to chat [02:44:38.688] julianarusso: barbie month [02:44:40.044] GreyWinterWraith: ban, literally asked for it [02:44:40.462] 1_smart_donkey: just give the car to your sister [02:44:42.666] Bloodcoatrain: save it and wrap and drive in next years pride [02:44:43.142] lta7904: pink car vlog [02:44:43.896] Mr_fluffy97: it would make sense if Rose thought it was cool at the time [02:44:43.938] eddieahdhsj: when was "at the time" [02:44:44.380] TacPepGaming: made steak and rice while listening to this [02:44:44.616] Amoyamoyamoya: A Rose Wrap would increase the sale price.... [02:44:45.598] Stovamor: Since you won't have the pink bedroom, you need a pink SOMETHING [02:44:51.642] vrworkouts: Road trip photoshoot in that car [02:44:52.948] 57ranma: FIND OUT THE COST TO PAINT FIRST [02:44:53.129] OliveTentacle: Sell F1nncar for 100000 [02:44:54.959] c__r__j: Better idea: paintball it pink. [02:45:00.099] bernie_____: cherie21Nice barbie [02:45:01.221] kotisek: pink, glittery wrap woul be perfect kekw [02:45:03.900] BenDover_xD: still audi or most german cars look decent, feel solid but compared to japanes car's just cost double the maintenance.. so if you wanna be running forever get a toyota [02:45:07.588] Flippi_12: dan the weirdo [02:45:10.122] dontwatchtwitch: Kappa [02:45:11.150] Lautrax777: BAN [02:45:12.625] Solus_kun: The guy is talking a lot to John KEKW [02:45:14.568] keffyfortnight: Ot o is calling him daddy is it banabull [02:45:17.548] fluffy57211: BASED TAKE KEKW [02:45:17.739] strinx1120: yes [02:45:18.084] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Putting a fight against John, I like that [02:45:18.632] HexGrrrrl: trueeeee [02:45:18.714] nitemoves1970: Wrap it like a ship to go with the sailor outfit 😂 [02:45:20.987] Owly_9: mx5 was drift before it was barbie car lol [02:45:21.258] Helen_Croft: TTS over face cam @F1NN5TER [02:45:21.506] frypann: TRUE [02:45:21.615] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter your attention span is so low you’d never pass your driving test!! [02:45:24.082] packagum: hey dont talk shit about my miata [02:45:25.437] lta7904: who is coming to these streams and uses gay as an insult?!?!?!?!? [02:45:25.456] SaberNyghts: how do u donate [02:45:27.081] Flippi_12: @johnkeiwo stop attracting weirdo LUL [02:45:30.000] Co6ra_: andrew tate has boy toy legs [02:45:30.716] HexGrrrrl: Tate is so insecure [02:45:33.695] ComputedBee: it's not hard to be more masculine than andrew tate [02:45:38.830] bluj40: people who asked for bans dont deserve redemption [02:45:39.043] GreyWinterWraith: LUL [02:45:39.513] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:45:41.785] Emmy64_: @bendover_xd Oh hell nah, have you had an skyline? that bs is expensive CaitlynS [02:45:42.081] Lautrax777: BASED [02:45:42.666] calming_insanity: rooThink [02:45:42.921] eternaldebuff: pretty gay [02:45:42.973] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL JOHN [02:45:43.813] JohnBanks117: Flippi LUL [02:45:46.442] fluffy57211: AYO JOHN KEKW [02:45:47.596] johnkeiwo: :) ? [02:45:47.684] JohnBanks117: John KEKW [02:45:48.405] BerryAndBitty: LUL RUN JOHN, RUN [02:45:49.506] patmus: One tenth of the way to a walk [02:45:49.709] lionnsmane: ban him, ill take the gay [02:45:49.777] c__r__j: Read mod comments! I want to see mod comments! [02:45:49.957] ryuu_horizon: LUL [02:45:50.223] BerryAndBitty: KEKW [02:45:50.365] Flippi_12: AYO [02:45:50.910] mikah0323: someone outted john [02:45:51.133] guitarbebop: Auto color has a paint color called "sprakalesent pornstar pink" ... perfect color [02:45:51.447] ronineutroni: you are gay so you must ban him! [02:45:51.639] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:45:51.749] XellosMetallum: KEKW [02:45:52.046] juddle: sus [02:45:53.123] rtxberry: KEKW [02:45:53.286] CloakedN00b: pog john [02:45:54.507] eddieahdhsj: kekw [02:45:54.774] braddle172: KEKW [02:45:55.928] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [02:45:56.548] fluffy57211: CAUGHT IN 4K FFR [02:45:56.595] sissyjessie: Caught [02:45:57.222] johnkeiwo: KappaPride [02:45:57.540] kotisek: kekw [02:45:58.101] RestlessR_eaper: KEKW [02:45:58.166] itsatena: W [02:45:58.711] Rtwld: well you are pretty gay so keep the ban [02:45:59.699] johnkeiwo: MOD COMMENT [02:45:59.718] duplotracer: JEBAITED DUDE KEKW [02:46:05.467] GreyWinterWraith: yooo [02:46:05.991] 57ranma: NOT JOKING, YOURE ACTUALLY MANLIER THAN TATE. [02:46:07.456] Chri55PBacon: KEKW [02:46:07.857] eddieahdhsj: 4K [02:46:11.403] BerryAndBitty: @Rtwld oof LUL [02:46:11.584] BLazy_45: *** [02:46:12.497] Dakunval: That......is not a bad plan. [02:46:15.362] Electromagnetic: h [02:46:16.981] Jens_LN: I think that's fair [02:46:18.323] Solus_kun: John LUL [02:46:20.490] micknaughty0080: gae indeed [02:46:21.395] Flippi_12: LUL [02:46:21.626] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [02:46:22.009] Oberst2k: Oberst2k subscribed at Tier 1. [02:46:22.209] f3mmbot oberst2k subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang oberst2k f1nnLezgang [02:46:23.004] JohnBanks117: John KEKW [02:46:24.362] Emmy64_: KEKW [02:46:25.615] fluffy57211: KINDA SUS NGL [02:46:25.944] halo4fan27: imagine if someone said ban me if ur human [02:46:30.458] CaridinZ: Gottem KEKW [02:46:34.972] johnkeiwo: i FORGOR KEKW [02:46:36.400] Flippi_12: john took one for the team chat KEKW [02:46:36.786] SaberNyghts: how do I donate [02:46:37.049] soccerskillz75: kindasus [02:46:38.315] 6Foot3Inches: John gay for Rose??? KappaPride [02:46:38.485] ScarredLemon: Whip [02:46:39.104] frostybossygirl: john get got [02:46:40.011] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [02:46:40.051] frypann: i dont know sounds like an excuse to me [02:46:40.285] Jens_LN: Mods could make a vote for what to do with the car ? [02:46:40.977] Lautrax777: Gayge [02:46:46.408] fluffy57211: HE FORGOR [02:46:46.443] ronineutroni: you gay ban him [02:46:46.632] BenDover_xD: @Emmy64_, a skyline is a nissan oldtimer that is pretty much overhyped... then i like the supra with a xj2 better .. .equally expensive in buying but also bulletproof engine [02:46:50.674] kotisek: pogay [02:46:52.195] BLazy_45: *** [02:46:52.614] jamesmarriott: HEY [02:46:54.593] medicbat: yes you can [02:46:59.386] Spectre223: Sure you can, we believe in you [02:47:01.015] Kaymon81: ping bathroom? [02:47:01.112] mystchevious1: Super Princess Pink Paradise bedroom. [02:47:02.382] MayBeAJinx: Would it be less scary than a blue bedroom tho? [02:47:02.982] Kaymon81: pink [02:47:03.485] Ritella27: hi james! [02:47:03.526] alexx_net: Rose being homophobic while dressed as an anime girl and calling TenMuses Daddy on stream. f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnEgg f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [02:47:03.638] Stovamor: f1nnGremlin DO IT! f1nnGremlin [02:47:05.381] junelyric: pee pee poo poo [02:47:05.954] PynkFryck: JAMES :D [02:47:11.510] kotisek: OMG DO IT [02:47:12.225] jamesmarriott: YEAH DO IT [02:47:13.344] rtxberry: CowJAM jamess [02:47:15.243] tiggs711: F1nn, can we get a twirl going on?? [02:47:15.591] nandosjr0800: James [02:47:17.214] LisaIsACutie: bedroom for rose? [02:47:18.533] FeiMiru: How about instead of the bedroom, just paint the exterior pink [02:47:20.550] LittleChaSiu: smh not a Miata [02:47:20.584] eddieahdhsj: hey james [02:47:22.165] KodiUK_: KodiUK_ subscribed at Tier 1. [02:47:22.400] Solus_kun: Its a girl car KEKW [02:47:22.408] f3mmbot kodiuk_ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang kodiuk_ f1nnLezgang [02:47:23.141] Jens_LN: nice ! [02:47:23.963] Emmy64_: @bendover_xd Nah im talking about the hype JDM bs, i really don't care tbh, now i drive a guilieta TriHard [02:47:25.681] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 60 "What do car?" "Sell as-is" "Do a Rose Wrap" "Paint car pink" [02:47:26.369] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "What do car?" [02:47:27.444] higgsleftknut: you have literally anyone ove and they will either be concerned or confused [02:47:29.267] 02f2: James? [02:47:30.215] kotisek: hi james [02:47:31.118] keffyfortnight: He Should of said it's hot you Do have a goblin [02:47:37.339] judgedame: make it your streaming room? [02:47:39.799] Lautrax777: Barbie Photoshoot in the pink car [02:47:40.445] Jens_LN: Rose Wrap .. yes ! [02:47:41.336] BLazy_45: *** [02:47:47.226] psithurismas: be like linus and paint your car pink [02:47:48.358] tallorangeone: rose itasha car though !? [02:47:48.957] Jens_LN: Rose Wrap withphoto shoot ! [02:47:49.068] PynkFryck: You need a pink GR86 [02:47:49.293] ronineutroni: move car to bedroom [02:47:51.711] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Pink car goes well with pink bedroom [02:47:52.536] Helen_Croft: how many bedrooms do you have? [02:47:55.971] TacPepGaming: Pink sex dungeon [02:47:59.532] c__r__j: Rose and F1nn get one bedroom each! [02:48:00.299] Jens_LN: photo shoot with wrapped car is good idea [02:48:01.178] HexGrrrrl: Brbie bedroom [02:48:02.436] EnvieVRC: rose wrap [02:48:02.974] 1_smart_donkey: what about the streaming room [02:48:04.649] FeiMiru: Office pink [02:48:05.317] frypann: surely painting it pink will increase its value [02:48:06.193] barbie_secretstanner: What’s the fun in that [02:48:08.656] mozts2005: mozts2005 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [02:48:08.865] f3mmbot mozts2005 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:48:09.486] blusau: Pink front door [02:48:09.694] bernie_____: f1nnHeart in theory [02:48:10.075] LAOnAirStudios: Paint meowiza bedroom pink! [02:48:12.776] Jens_LN: oh damn [02:48:14.393] rtxberry: PogU [02:48:15.037] GrinchMD: LUL [02:48:16.446] braddle172: so pink streamer room? [02:48:16.660] DarkNeonRR: can i rent out the spare bedroom? [02:48:16.816] JohnBanks117: PogU [02:48:16.925] xXNeroZashiXx: wtf 😱 [02:48:17.689] Lautrax777: SUS [02:48:19.869] dingosurprise: PogU [02:48:20.558] Emmy64_: PogU [02:48:20.627] jamesmarriott: well they could have donated that to me that's fucked up [02:48:20.815] keffyfortnight: Do you know the band goblin [02:48:22.859] aunalbrutal: Pink streamer room would be poggers XD [02:48:22.938] duplotracer: SHEESH [02:48:23.109] Bloodcoatrain: Just the closet pink then [02:48:23.208] Reijuuuuuu: Wow [02:48:23.671] TheOriginalMikeD: sell car, buy a Miata, paint that pink [02:48:24.642] etelan: how much was it [02:48:24.699] Co6ra_: well then [02:48:24.755] Wolf_Dkk: wolfdkLove andiip3Love [02:48:26.022] Chri55PBacon: PogU [02:48:26.475] mr_ajokortti_korkort: PogU [02:48:26.601] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "What do car?": Paint car pink with 107 votes (53.5%) [02:48:26.955] BLazy_45: *** [02:48:29.245] TacPepGaming: KEKW [02:48:29.311] Roxy_Gaming18: Hey James [02:48:29.549] frypann: PogU [02:48:29.913] Solus_kun: Daddy ? AYO UwU [02:48:30.718] braddle172: PogU [02:48:32.343] nitemoves1970: 50 Shades of grey bedroom 😂🤣 [02:48:32.438] tiggs711: speed running the dono goal XD [02:48:32.697] eddieahdhsj: hey ten [02:48:33.970] PynkFryck: @F1NN5TER You need a pink Toyota GR86 (trust) [02:48:38.776] Roxy_Gaming18: PogU Ten [02:48:38.970] ibrown39: @tenmuses what do you do? [02:48:40.737] Wolf_Dkk: B) [02:48:41.191] ZeroTwoAndy: roargyDum [02:48:43.104] Kaymon81: so its a thing now? :) [02:48:43.342] lucasinfini: PogU [02:48:45.566] bernie_____: 🌈 1000 🌈 [02:48:45.838] kotisek: suggar daddy ten is back! [02:48:46.830] smokeheadpyro: OhMyDog [02:48:49.601] how_to_pizza: if i fell in love with you am i still manly man? [02:48:51.212] xfunkyflynnx: I should transition and start streaming because it seems profitable [02:48:51.377] johnkeiwo: New name is TenGrandDaddy [02:48:51.474] HangryPlatypusElla: HangryPlatypusElla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 10 months LET'S GO! [02:48:51.652] f3mmbot hangryplatypusella subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:48:52.915] bearpaw1970: 😁🔥 f1nnKnife [02:48:55.708] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, UwU [02:48:57.415] JohnBanks117: huh [02:48:57.592] kishere123: Thinking if TenMuses needs an employee your something LUL [02:49:00.674] jamesmarriott: Finn I would look horrific [02:49:01.798] TenMuses: I only have eyes for F1nn, James :) [02:49:03.441] that1guylouis24: @how_to_pizza yes [02:49:05.355] Jens_LN: aw, rose wrap didn't win [02:49:05.551] BLazy_45: Speedrunning to get abandoned ? [02:49:06.289] Flippi_12: deamhaBonk deamhaBonk @Solus_kun [02:49:06.548] Solus_kun: @JohnBanks117 PogU [02:49:07.163] Lautrax777: Eletric Boogaloo let's gooooo [02:49:12.227] im_up_to_something: She's being trained rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [02:49:14.126] how_to_pizza: @that1guylouis24 lesss goooooooooooo [02:49:17.053] tallorangeone: @F1NN5TER check out Noriyaro's videos on itasha cars for inspiration - cringey but kinda cool lmao [02:49:17.102] BLazy_45: hell yeah [02:49:20.406] Solus_kun: Yea "crossdressing" suuure lets call it that [02:49:20.809] DarkNeonRR: same [02:49:22.130] jamesmarriott: Finn I will only do it if you help [02:49:22.328] ibrown39: I'm an SWE if you need anything [02:49:24.132] bernie_____: f1nnLaff everyone [02:49:25.855] BenDover_xD: @Emmy64_, but if you go for a new TRD yaris or something like that? .. .you have a pretty quick dinky for peanuts... i would also rather have the giulia QV ... but if its about keeping it as a daily driver ... not sure... my 2014 corolla drives like a boat and looks pretty dull... but hey... it never cries so... priorities [02:49:31.801] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, LUL [02:49:32.237] bearpaw1970: f1nnHands [02:49:36.787] Jens_LN: Pavlovian training of Femboy ! [02:49:43.155] kishere123: @tenmuses Are you hiring bro? [02:49:44.012] aPsychoRedwood: finn is 2 slip away from being a girl [02:49:47.026] ragingwafle67: is it wierd when i started following f1nnn was confised but no im like id hook up with him [02:49:50.996] EnvieVRC: @F1NN5TER Do you agree with people who call you a femboy? [02:49:52.778] abe1_2: You should let mustache come in for the next Stream [02:49:55.980] Lautrax777: monkaW [02:49:56.334] fifymilk: hello f1nn please continue to make great content because alot of people like me look up to you as a role model is that a bad idea? [02:49:58.039] Sa7v3N: Hi people ^^ [02:50:00.861] Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime [02:50:01.122] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 50m 6s [02:50:01.949] bernie_____: f1nnHands beard shaming [02:50:04.420] eddieahdhsj: yes hehas beard [02:50:06.561] Lautrax777: DENIED KEKW [02:50:07.461] Jens_LN: but blood isn't pink .. it becomes rust brown [02:50:07.614] GreyWinterWraith: ban [02:50:08.484] BLazy_45: BAN [02:50:08.526] DarkNeonRR: no [02:50:08.710] Earthquake_chan: ban [02:50:08.757] codecraft3r: ban [02:50:08.972] BerryAndBitty: GAE [02:50:09.529] ginjninj: bann [02:50:09.722] Jens_LN: ban [02:50:10.364] calming_insanity: ban [02:50:10.517] Spectre223: Ban [02:50:10.583] Mister_Milk_: ban [02:50:10.684] Amoyamoyamoya: Ban [02:50:11.188] pianoismyforte_: ban [02:50:11.303] Sacrenos: ban [02:50:11.398] Seriously42gaming: no [02:50:11.401] lavslastwords: no [02:50:11.595] itsatena: BAN [02:50:11.693] aPsychoRedwood: unbane [02:50:11.712] FeiMiru: Ban [02:50:11.801] Rtwld: DENY BECAUSE GAY [02:50:11.909] Flippi_12: yeah dan [02:50:12.059] 1_smart_donkey: no [02:50:12.214] RestlessR_eaper: ban [02:50:12.234] fluffy57211: BAN [02:50:12.326] zilichaos: ban [02:50:12.475] SubliminalCorruption: ban [02:50:12.558] abe1_2: ban [02:50:12.559] dingosurprise: dan [02:50:12.780] Helen_Croft: NO [02:50:12.850] lolmeisje_2009: bann [02:50:12.965] Ritella27: ban [02:50:13.001] Cr1m8on: NO BAN [02:50:13.121] tallorangeone: ban [02:50:13.124] Roxy_Gaming18: Ban [02:50:13.195] AlgolGaming: ban [02:50:13.251] Emmy64_: @bendover_xd Nah, oportunities, again, i don't mind, neither that i care [02:50:13.313] lu_sagna: ban [02:50:13.370] Pyroblade131: ban [02:50:13.373] nmnm195: BAN [02:50:13.390] OliveTentacle: ban [02:50:13.400] JohnBanks117: Ban [02:50:13.515] fifymilk: ban [02:50:13.609] longlegs_honey: ban [02:50:13.805] floorinspect: Ban [02:50:13.877] duplotracer: no [02:50:13.898] Solus_kun: adcvrBONK adcvrBONK [02:50:14.019] xFANATEC_UKx: no [02:50:14.116] Serinn: ban [02:50:14.505] sissyjessie: BAN [02:50:14.725] GrinchMD: ban [02:50:14.755] Kolateak_: What are you, gay? [02:50:15.045] leontiusv: ban him [02:50:15.266] nimrob11: Ban [02:50:15.492] CloakedN00b: ban [02:50:15.553] frypann: its what he wanted [02:50:15.597] jartma5ter: no [02:50:15.886] turbotorbogoblo: n [02:50:16.185] GreyWinterWraith: yoooo CRJ poggers [02:50:16.322] rtxberry: PogU [02:50:16.633] minfis249: Ban [02:50:16.807] ComputedBee: ban [02:50:16.860] kotisek: dan [02:50:16.927] rsmusic90: No [02:50:17.018] guitarbebop: ban [02:50:17.091] ragingwafle67: ban [02:50:17.194] Bulldog85043: BAN [02:50:17.321] codecraft3r: POGGERS [02:50:17.828] ihavenowhit: bab [02:50:17.957] MajesticFvckingEagle: ban [02:50:17.964] Seriously42gaming: ban [02:50:18.067] minitruck4lyfe: no free the troll [02:50:18.369] johnkeiwo: OMG [02:50:18.378] sir_public0_0: Timeout [02:50:18.545] HornyFerret: ban [02:50:18.579] xfunkyflynnx: Ban [02:50:18.604] Kaymon81: unban [02:50:18.656] mr_ajokortti_korkort: ban [02:50:18.791] braddle172: KomodoHype [02:50:18.993] Jens_LN: nice number !! [02:50:19.015] Paladinknightsword: Unban if straight [02:50:19.274] barbie_secretstanner: Funny number [02:50:19.403] OrangetailGaming: Ban [02:50:19.520] Solus_kun: 1234567 POGGERS [02:50:19.983] sky_rblx123: ban if you gay [02:50:20.593] Reijuuuuuu: Nooooooo [02:50:20.736] johnkeiwo: POGGERS [02:50:20.966] HangryPlatypusElla: he asked for it [02:50:21.141] flex_uli: lol [02:50:21.341] aPsychoRedwood: r u gay? [02:50:22.047] sky_rblx123: don't [02:50:22.080] Nomi_4: ban [02:50:22.202] axel02602: Ban [02:50:22.237] JohnBanks117: POGGERS [02:50:22.358] wulfy_hun: ban, he asked for it [02:50:22.773] Chri55PBacon: ban [02:50:22.849] bearpaw1970: f1nnHeadpat [02:50:24.281] Flippi_12: POGGERS [02:50:24.318] nicoistauchhier: ban# [02:50:24.583] ronineutroni: ban because yiou gay [02:50:24.748] whitneyrain2003: @f1nn5ter let's play Minecraft [02:50:24.800] BLazy_45: ban [02:50:24.940] Ritella27: POGGERS [02:50:25.830] TheFallenOriginal: ban [02:50:26.380] julianarusso: ban [02:50:27.359] Roxy_Gaming18: POGGERS [02:50:27.444] CLOWNbiodegradable: Ban [02:50:27.545] reinapaints: Ban [02:50:27.684] snoop_uwu: ban [02:50:27.824] braddle172: dan [02:50:28.212] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [02:50:29.764] zombie_1981: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [02:50:30.251] Helen_Croft: 12345.678 [02:50:30.422] otterperson: ban [02:50:30.896] hopalongtommy: ban [02:50:31.070] OmsX8O: !gender [02:50:31.373] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:50:31.779] estrogen44: @Jens_LN it's pigs blood mixed with white pigment [02:50:33.013] box_of_limes: ban [02:50:33.114] calilkrad: bannn [02:50:35.640] eddieahdhsj: Ban [02:50:35.980] Lautrax777: TAKE THAT NANA [02:50:36.290] flex_uli: pog [02:50:36.743] starless_x: ban [02:50:43.765] JohnBanks117: "sed" KEKW [02:50:44.988] fluffy57211: TYPO ERROR KEKW [02:50:45.880] EnvieVRC: Unban [02:50:47.661] godsbeenswinging_: unban [02:50:47.795] johnkeiwo: Ban [02:50:48.021] Seriously42gaming: uban [02:50:49.779] BanjoJo: Hi, can you ban me as well? I will unfollow if you don't <33 [02:50:50.620] BLazy_45: Is that a voice recording?? [02:50:52.003] Solus_kun: KEKW [02:50:52.152] Flippi_12: ban [02:50:53.404] Rtwld: unban [02:50:53.587] Seriously42gaming: unban* [02:50:53.623] Stovamor: I dislike ascii art [02:50:53.933] DoubleDoobers: unban [02:50:54.123] braddle172: f1nnHands [02:50:54.594] ScarredLemon: Undan [02:50:55.134] Jadre1: ban [02:50:55.559] xXNeroZashiXx: unban [02:50:55.621] neon_soup: unban [02:50:55.648] CloakedN00b: peepoHappy Clap [02:50:55.721] Flippi_12: KEKW [02:50:55.939] aPsychoRedwood: ban [02:50:56.451] SubliminalCorruption: unban [02:50:56.687] frostybossygirl: unban [02:50:56.830] GrinchMD: unban [02:50:56.849] Solus_kun: first massage [02:50:57.103] bluj40: we dont allow ascii art [02:50:57.664] lolmeisje_2009: unban [02:50:57.712] Spectre223: Ban [02:50:57.738] Jens_LN: Forgive him [02:50:57.768] Bulldog85043: Bad ASCII art [02:50:57.819] lavslastwords: unban [02:50:58.479] duplotracer: unban [02:50:58.659] OliveTentacle: unban [02:50:59.162] zer0110: unban [02:50:59.360] Earthquake_chan: unban [02:50:59.433] mr_ajokortti_korkort: unban [02:50:59.519] Seriously42gaming: 1 time thing [02:50:59.876] pianoismyforte_: unban [02:50:59.926] tallorangeone: unban idk [02:51:00.017] OmsX8O: ban [02:51:00.209] julianarusso: german [02:51:00.590] Kaymon81: undan [02:51:00.706] bluj40: yes we do [02:51:00.873] stillstoned3: unban [02:51:01.801] RestlessR_eaper: unban [02:51:02.557] codecraft3r: unban [02:51:03.268] 1_smart_donkey: unban [02:51:03.408] Cr1m8on: BAN [02:51:03.763] juddle: undab [02:51:03.905] Turtlmatic: 3 in one mesage [02:51:03.963] im_up_to_something: unban [02:51:03.977] sissyjessie: unban [02:51:04.447] Amoyamoyamoya: Unban [02:51:04.584] Spectre223: Annoying trend, ban [02:51:04.892] Chri55PBacon: unban [02:51:06.427] JohnBanks117: Unban [02:51:06.474] kotisek: undan [02:51:06.570] benfletcher247: unban [02:51:06.593] ArchyNemesis: He's an innocent man [02:51:07.335] PeterTheMostlyOK: unban [02:51:08.930] johnkeiwo: It's their first message and they do that !! [02:51:09.559] alexx_net: It was a one time thing because he was banned [02:51:10.379] nimrob11: Unban [02:51:11.038] Stovamor: boooo [02:51:11.403] 57ranma: Unban [02:51:11.974] fluffy57211: UNBAN [02:51:12.216] lucadeboss1: Unban [02:51:12.500] HK7X: unban [02:51:12.998] frypann: unban [02:51:14.904] BenDover_xD: @Emmy64_, if i could rlly buy my dreamcar cheap... i would want a lancia delta evo 2 , 2.0 turbo with the facelift hood [02:51:15.863] juddle: pepepog [02:51:15.978] KimleyLive: annoying but unban [02:51:17.566] bluj40: BOOOO [02:51:17.872] voicelesskraken: Unban [02:51:19.382] whitneyrain2003: yee [02:51:23.469] BLazy_45: unban [02:51:24.742] bearpaw1970: 💪👩 [02:51:25.829] ibrown39: Could someone kindly explain how the donate goal works? [02:51:26.777] reinapaints: I say ban, scorched earth policy [02:51:27.435] neon_soup: ONEYPLAYS REFERENCE [02:51:28.431] 57ranma: ROSE THE MERCIFUL [02:51:30.482] Solus_kun: "normal chatter" Kappa [02:51:33.691] ibrown39: Am new [02:51:35.490] vidyagaem7: Undan [02:51:36.129] fluffy57211: KEKW [02:51:39.426] Emmy64_: @bendover_xd Sure [02:51:40.083] Jens_LN: LOL .. funny [02:51:40.501] Sayori_dev: unban [02:51:40.903] RestlessR_eaper: KEKW [02:51:41.178] Lautrax777: gachiBASS down bad [02:51:41.897] dontwatchtwitch: "pp flick" KEKW [02:51:41.993] Jens_LN: unban [02:51:42.310] Flippi_12: weirdChamp [02:51:42.608] Altex1: PrideLaugh [02:51:43.084] Rtwld: LUL [02:51:43.665] dingosurprise: LUL [02:51:43.674] fluffy57211: LUL [02:51:43.819] GrinchMD: KEKW [02:51:43.984] braddle172: KEKW [02:51:44.434] DoubleDoobers: LMAO [02:51:44.613] 1ts_james: lol [02:51:44.717] that1guylouis24: LUL [02:51:44.872] godsbeenswinging_: funny, unban [02:51:45.009] plasmathrower: LUL [02:51:45.023] mortelsson: KEKW [02:51:45.789] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:51:45.912] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:51:45.973] SethwMad: Unban [02:51:45.996] ScarredLemon: Mans just down bad [02:51:46.048] JohnBanks117: weirdChamp [02:51:46.176] CaridinZ: KEKW [02:51:46.263] bernie_____: f1nnLaff [02:51:46.776] fieri574: UNBAN! [02:51:47.026] DezzNytes: KEKW [02:51:47.092] GroggyReaper: unban [02:51:47.255] Amoyamoyamoya: What pp? [02:51:47.947] Emmy64_: KEKW [02:51:48.187] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [02:51:48.369] Mister_Milk_: average chatter [02:51:49.044] probepackung: KEKW [02:51:49.231] darthphthalo: unban he's a chad [02:51:49.320] c__r__j: Undan! [02:51:49.386] Kaymon81: funny, unban ^^ [02:51:49.806] sissyjessie: KEKW [02:51:49.818] Roxy_Gaming18: LUL [02:51:50.595] PeterTheMostlyOK: unban [02:51:50.799] rtxberry: OMEGALUL [02:51:50.841] ScarredLemon: Based behaviour [02:51:51.049] Jens_LN: unban ! [02:51:51.275] zer0110: lol unban [02:51:51.321] canvaspainting: KEKW [02:51:51.596] tarakagyu: unban [02:51:51.596] Seriously42gaming: unban [02:51:52.041] zombie_1981: unban [02:51:53.924] estrogen44: @Jens_LN *** [02:51:55.280] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:51:55.840] im_up_to_something: unban [02:51:55.956] ihavenowhit: unban [02:51:56.448] stillstoned3: unbane [02:51:57.601] OliveTentacle: unban [02:51:57.758] canvaspainting: Unban [02:51:57.769] voicelesskraken: Lmao [02:51:57.881] mr_ajokortti_korkort: unban [02:51:58.134] frypann: KEKW [02:51:58.723] Flippi_12: undan [02:51:59.048] Jens_LN: definitely unban [02:51:59.621] nimrob11: Unban [02:52:00.598] voicelesskraken: Unban [02:52:00.707] JohnBanks117: unban [02:52:01.068] xXNeroZashiXx: unban [02:52:02.060] RestlessR_eaper: unban [02:52:03.589] tallorangeone: unban [02:52:04.475] Earthquake_chan: OMEGALUL [02:52:04.511] Solus_kun: Horny POGGERS ?LETS GOOOOOO [02:52:05.087] Roxy_Gaming18: WTH [02:52:05.477] Bloodcoatrain: ban, its not lil [02:52:05.580] HK7X: unban [02:52:06.339] bearpaw1970: PowerUpL GlitchLit PowerUpR [02:52:07.120] probepackung: unban [02:52:08.582] BerryAndBitty: Unban [02:52:08.638] godsbeenswinging_: hes had a 4 month timeout KEKW [02:52:08.817] braddle172: unban [02:52:09.445] kotisek: undan, he’s just down bad kekw [02:52:11.516] neon_soup: so how much? [02:52:11.743] lucadeboss1: Unban, this is chad [02:52:12.864] fluffy57211: HORNY EQUALS FUNNY KEKW [02:52:13.474] johnkeiwo: Depends on what horny ! Some horny can be pushy ! [02:52:13.702] Lautrax777: Horny is good by F1nn PogU [02:52:13.935] matito2004: hi [02:52:13.940] Solus_kun: I can be as horny as i want PogU [02:52:14.627] 57ranma: Unban!!! [02:52:14.637] meh_its_jack: Unban stov chill [02:52:15.172] BanjoJo: pp flick = unban [02:52:15.991] smokeheadpyro: unban [02:52:16.113] godsbeenswinging_: AYO [02:52:17.986] Paladinknightsword: give lil pp big flick [02:52:18.392] TheOriginalMikeD: teensy flick [02:52:21.331] medicbat: Horny OK, LETS GOOOOOOO [02:52:25.347] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, adcvrBONK adcvrBONK [02:52:25.917] notlandon10: UR HAIR 😍 [02:52:31.792] keffyfortnight: 8====D -',-´‘’‘,._ daddy plz Finster tical my pical [02:52:32.765] FearedIcee: wait can anyone give u a handy anytime? [02:52:33.290] Emmy64_: Pp flick, good day to read that LUL [02:52:33.734] bluj40: chat you will get timed out or banned for extreme horny just letting you know [02:52:36.201] FearedIcee: or just him [02:52:37.597] Evie_Sparkles: oof [02:52:37.777] cmofoc: Favorite heels? [02:52:40.881] Co6ra_: ohhhh i see what was the thing [02:52:41.160] NotOK___: @notlandon10 landon... [02:52:43.344] Lautrax777: @bluj40 monkaW [02:52:43.404] heavymetalyetiguy: heavymetalyetiguy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! damn 12 went fast [02:52:43.582] f3mmbot heavymetalyetiguy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:52:44.137] Evie_Sparkles: 0-100 [02:52:45.419] alexx_net: Unban "horny" and next year your doing a colab with Jean Hollywood irl. [02:52:46.098] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun fillyBonk fillyBonk fillyBonk [02:52:48.207] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun rynBonk [02:52:48.239] BLazy_45: unban [02:52:51.388] rtxberry: monkaS [02:52:52.074] EnvieVRC: ban [02:52:52.724] Jens_LN: @Jens_LN I think the red blood cells in the blood rust [02:52:53.226] fluffy57211: WOW THAT CHANGED DRAMATICLY [02:52:54.655] Roxy_Gaming18: Ban [02:52:55.369] GrinchMD: monkaS [02:52:55.801] misha666420: ban [02:52:56.269] Amoyamoyamoya: Ban [02:52:56.329] johnkeiwo: out of pocket [02:52:56.864] BerryAndBitty: GOD [02:52:57.031] dingosurprise: f1nnMonka [02:52:57.036] Rtwld: wtf [02:52:57.077] Evie_Sparkles: Oh, well in that context... [02:52:57.738] Spectre223: Cringe, ban [02:52:58.831] KayluhZ: ban [02:52:59.356] JohnBanks117: Ban [02:52:59.738] Flippi_12: ban [02:53:01.191] Chri55PBacon: sheesh [02:53:01.595] DezzNytes: ban [02:53:02.321] Lautrax777: monkaS [02:53:03.254] CaridinZ: monkaS idk [02:53:03.289] Rxmvrk: that was wild [02:53:04.207] godsbeenswinging_: he isnt wrong but so out of pocket [02:53:04.952] Evie_Sparkles: Hmm [02:53:05.711] bernie_____: cherie21Sus [02:53:06.416] the2st: ban [02:53:07.220] kotisek: BAN [02:53:07.259] Seriously42gaming: unban [02:53:07.533] Mister_Milk_: unban [02:53:07.622] neon_soup: it's in context that's not bad [02:53:08.924] notlandon10: @notlandon10 u wernt maent to see this.. [02:53:09.351] Stovamor: undan [02:53:09.429] 1_smart_donkey: forgive [02:53:09.638] nimrob11: Unban [02:53:12.808] Solus_kun: monkaS unban but watch him !!!! [02:53:13.097] ihavenowhit: unban [02:53:13.248] johnkeiwo: undan [02:53:13.401] sssnekk: ban [02:53:13.968] Geezer_Bob: unban [02:53:14.462] RestlessR_eaper: unban [02:53:14.509] pretty_sweet_dude: ban [02:53:15.120] ScarredLemon: Undan [02:53:15.494] MajesticFvckingEagle: Unban [02:53:15.684] TheGaffer88: they doubled down tho [02:53:15.710] ttvcopi: unban [02:53:16.098] abe1_2: unban [02:53:16.295] plasmathrower: ban [02:53:16.324] stillstoned3: unban [02:53:16.396] neon_soup: unban [02:53:16.934] xXNeroZashiXx: unban [02:53:17.207] Amoyamoyamoya: OK, unban [02:53:17.712] lavslastwords: unban [02:53:18.195] GroggyReaper: undan [02:53:18.261] Kaymon81: undan [02:53:18.740] braddle172: undan [02:53:19.115] johnkeiwo: but on watchlist ! [02:53:19.120] Kolateak_: Undan [02:53:19.280] im_up_to_something: unban this time [02:53:19.750] ronineutroni: unban [02:53:19.795] Electromagnetic: they dont seem sorry [02:53:19.957] eddieahdhsj: unban [02:53:20.661] JohnBanks117: Umban [02:53:22.480] Lautrax777: ban not funny [02:53:22.609] julianarusso: ban [02:53:22.650] misha666420: i think it's stupid even in context [02:53:22.702] flex_uli: unban [02:53:24.347] Rtwld: not funny, didn't laugh [02:53:25.462] fluffy57211: UNBAN BUT NOT FUNNY [02:53:25.928] lucadeboss1: I say unban [02:53:27.150] EnvieVRC: @F1NN5TER You're too forgiving lol [02:53:27.336] tarakagyu: rape jokes always not funny [02:53:28.741] ibrown39: Donate link? [02:53:29.501] zer0110: ubdan [02:53:32.586] cmofoc: Favorite heels to walk in? [02:53:35.553] AlgolGaming: real criminals have to pay a fine to get bailed out. charge them. smile. [02:53:36.236] Solus_kun: vbucko KEKW [02:53:38.028] kotisek: ok unban but watch out [02:53:38.582] fluffy57211: VBUCKS KEKW [02:53:43.925] JohnBanks117: vbucko LUL [02:53:44.247] johnkeiwo: mod comment ? [02:53:46.909] ginjninj: ez ban [02:53:49.006] sir_public0_0: Ban [02:53:50.044] SaberNyghts: wait till he see my donation text [02:53:50.113] Solus_kun: weirdChamp [02:53:51.756] codecraft3r: ban [02:53:54.260] calming_insanity: ban [02:53:54.298] Seriously42gaming: ban [02:53:54.519] nimrob11: Ban [02:53:55.033] Lautrax777: Kappa [02:53:55.163] ronsalami228: ban [02:53:56.368] Flippi_12: Dan [02:53:57.174] johnkeiwo YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET YOUR CHEEKS lvndmaClapped ULTRA lvndmaClapped [02:53:57.630] 57ranma: WAIT, so twitch saves all your comments?? DELETE my messages from Dec. 16 2021 [02:53:57.773] godsbeenswinging_: GET IM OUTTA HERE [02:53:57.946] Roxy_Gaming18: Ban [02:53:58.111] neon_soup: BAN [02:53:58.470] frypann: ban [02:53:58.763] DoubleDoobers: ban [02:53:58.847] JohnBanks117: DAn [02:53:58.877] OrangetailGaming: Ban [02:53:58.943] fluffy57211: BAN [02:53:58.954] itsatena: BAN [02:53:59.113] im_up_to_something: ban [02:53:59.321] Rtwld: BAN [02:53:59.948] Solus_kun: 3 messages and then this YIKES [02:53:59.954] Rxmvrk: lmao ban [02:54:02.004] tallorangeone: dan [02:54:02.297] kotisek: dan [02:54:03.224] Lautrax777: BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP [02:54:04.415] julianarusso: BAN [02:54:04.533] lucadeboss1: Instant ban [02:54:05.122] MajesticFvckingEagle: BAN [02:54:05.187] punkrobert76: finn please stop being hot ... I'm straight damn you!!!! [02:54:05.333] bernie_____: rabbit girl hachuW [02:54:06.394] f3mmbot Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:54:07.469] BLazy_45: ẞan [02:54:07.788] Jens_LN: lol [02:54:08.558] Torix_Live: BAN [02:54:09.405] meh_its_jack: Ban [02:54:09.463] JohnBanks117 Bing Bong! f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart adcvrLOVE adcvrDINKDONK [02:54:11.231] Emmy64_: Phone KEKW [02:54:12.553] Rxmvrk: lol [02:54:12.590] bluj40: bing bong [02:54:12.883] eternaldebuff: lol [02:54:12.923] AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:54:13.099] Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong adcvrDINKDONK yuukieDinkDonk [02:54:13.356] braddle172: Bing Bong [02:54:13.912] stillstoned3: ban [02:54:13.971] Rtwld: LUL [02:54:14.338] fluffy57211: KEKW [02:54:14.403] Seriously42gaming: unban [02:54:14.428] thedigitalpixel: KEKW [02:54:15.006] Jens_LN: well, he asked [02:54:15.009] Solus_kun: Bing Bong adcvrDINKDONK f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong adcvrDINKDONK [02:54:15.763] neon_soup: unban [02:54:15.980] canvaspainting: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:54:16.133] fluffy57211: LUL [02:54:16.922] Torix_Live: hahahha [02:54:17.190] duckstm: homophone LUL [02:54:19.013] Emmy64_: Bing Bong [02:54:19.088] ibrown39: Sorry I lost the donate link [02:54:19.510] that1guylouis24: mod them [02:54:19.841] Torix_Live: unban [02:54:20.360] sir_public0_0: Mhh ez [02:54:20.416] johnkeiwo: He asked KEKW [02:54:21.254] BLazy_45: speedrun any % [02:54:21.430] JohnBanks117: KEKW [02:54:21.797] Earthquake_chan: OMEGALUL [02:54:22.004] Lautrax777: NO U [02:54:22.527] Stovamor: sus person [02:54:22.665] MYONLYWISH4U: bing bong [02:54:22.904] abe1_2: ban [02:54:23.325] probepackung: LuL [02:54:23.504] HelloImErin_: Bing Bong [02:54:25.227] ibrown39: Pls [02:54:25.591] Torix_Live: unban haha [02:54:26.244] Solus_kun: BAN [02:54:26.955] flex_uli: lol [02:54:27.653] ronineutroni: gigachad [02:54:28.961] ZyhlerXG: READ [02:54:29.290] Emmy64_: LUL [02:54:29.290] notlandon10: i love you [02:54:29.575] barbie_secretstanner: Bing bong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong [02:54:29.611] ComputedBee: unban [02:54:30.238] JohnBanks117: Ban [02:54:31.966] ScarredLemon: Self deprecating kink [02:54:32.253] meh_its_jack: Unban lol [02:54:33.102] johnkeiwo: Chat, if u ask to be banned, u will be banned LUL [02:54:33.128] kotisek: kekw [02:54:33.993] lagendking: lol [02:54:35.050] neon_soup: unban then ban [02:54:35.532] Co6ra_: smh rose buys a house and now people are home - ophobic [02:54:35.683] nicokuuuun: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE [02:54:36.966] Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong [02:54:40.208] im_up_to_something: ban. he asked [02:54:40.350] JohnBanks117: Sus user KEKW [02:54:41.248] fluffy57211: BAN FOR SURE [02:54:42.477] starless_x: rose is better when she’s ruthless [02:54:44.157] bernie_____: KEKW revenge [02:54:44.909] Flippi_12: entitle chatter, keep ban :) [02:54:46.640] Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo really ? hehe [02:54:49.572] Lautrax777: @johnkeiwo monkaS [02:54:52.312] Helen_Croft Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart warden6Love sciamaHeart hermitSpinnyKitty [02:54:54.845] KOwOnchi: wanna be timed ot pls [02:54:54.925] skyboundmaster: jurk [02:54:56.662] johnkeiwo Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [02:54:56.853] neon_soup: jurk [02:54:57.172] Jens_LN: horny ... unban ? [02:54:57.558] GreyWinterWraith: jurk LUL [02:54:57.588] ibrown39: @johnkeiwo would you mind sending me the donate link [02:54:58.222] vidyagaem7: Hate u >:) [02:54:58.636] Flippi_12: jurk LUL [02:55:00.277] Earthquake_chan: jurk [02:55:00.451] Solus_kun: BAN weirdChamp [02:55:01.230] frypann: jurk [02:55:01.893] CaridinZ: LUL [02:55:02.285] JohnBanks117: jurk KEKW [02:55:02.488] sasuke_csa: ban [02:55:03.460] thedigitalpixel: TMI no self control [02:55:03.751] bluj40: least horny finn chatter [02:55:03.873] BLazy_45: unban [02:55:04.063] Rtwld: he's a real jurk [02:55:05.194] that1guylouis24: hands up !!! [02:55:06.091] nimrob11: Ban [02:55:06.261] Paladinknightsword: his spelling is as bad as yours [02:55:06.366] johnkeiwo: !donate [02:55:06.384] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:55:06.684] f3mmbot You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip [02:55:06.752] GrinchMD: KEKW [02:55:06.994] 1_smart_donkey: it sounds like he's too young band [02:55:07.737] Jusses: ban for spelling [02:55:08.334] missninety: lmaoooooooo [02:55:08.352] Kolateak_: JURK [02:55:08.709] Reijuuuuuu: Ugh [02:55:09.669] Seriously42gaming: ban [02:55:10.416] itsatena: KEKW [02:55:10.459] Torix_Live: any jurkers in the chat? [02:55:10.752] bernie_____: hachuLaughingAtYou spelling [02:55:10.833] MajesticFvckingEagle: jurk lmao [02:55:10.947] godsbeenswinging_: he aint wrong but you dont SAY IT [02:55:11.251] Jens_LN: what a jurk [02:55:11.276] RestlessR_eaper: KEKW [02:55:11.430] LardoBoofs: based [02:55:11.714] TheOriginalMikeD: I want beef jurky now [02:55:12.002] ScarredLemon: KEKW [02:55:12.237] pepperspraylaughing: unban, real and true [02:55:12.688] rtxberry: KEKW [02:55:12.726] sky_rblx123: ban [02:55:12.999] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [02:55:13.408] pianoismyforte_: relatable.... [02:55:13.476] SlayedDragon666: AUUUGGHHHHHHHHH [02:55:14.336] Lucridis: ban [02:55:14.455] tallorangeone: funny but also oof [02:55:14.457] johnkeiwo: inconW Stop being weird inconW [02:55:14.596] marieemilie1: BAN [02:55:14.764] lavslastwords: unban [02:55:14.772] fieri574: real [02:55:14.929] packaged_horse: BAN [02:55:14.979] giga_chad_VI: BAN [02:55:15.022] mikah0323: ban [02:55:15.082] shittposteen: lmfao [02:55:15.763] c__r__j: Connoiseur. Undan. [02:55:15.936] Rtwld: JURKERS UNITE [02:55:16.036] im_up_to_something: unban [02:55:16.213] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [02:55:16.252] electricman007: They spelled it wrong TWICE. [02:55:16.325] eternaldebuff: hes not wrong [02:55:16.578] Co6ra_: maybe dont say your zerkin off [02:55:16.674] aPsychoRedwood: unban [02:55:16.686] GroggyReaper: he's not wrong xD [02:55:17.029] johnkeiwo: BAN [02:55:17.212] Earthquake_chan: ban [02:55:17.247] AppleSaph: He has learned nothing [02:55:17.460] ForeverAvJ: BAN [02:55:17.646] ihavenowhit: what a jurk. ban. [02:55:17.867] vetras91: based [02:55:18.019] MYONLYWISH4U: bing bong [02:55:18.297] ayarcee: down bad [02:55:18.401] Rxmvrk: mans gotta be like 14 [02:55:18.654] Torix_Live: hahaha [02:55:18.791] arsonist_47: BAN [02:55:18.937] HangryPlatypusElla: ban [02:55:19.061] Bean1997: BAN [02:55:19.094] sky_rblx123: ban. [02:55:19.258] estrageit: @F1NN5TER at least he's honest [02:55:19.368] medicbat: ban, cant spell [02:55:19.476] OrangetailGaming: Ban [02:55:19.570] tallorangeone: ban time [02:55:19.614] samanthaexe: ban [02:55:19.622] Geezer_Bob: ban [02:55:19.833] MoonSenpai619: unban [02:55:19.998] CaridinZ: i mean... based? [02:55:20.166] Solus_kun: D: [02:55:20.237] eternaldebuff: unban [02:55:20.269] GeoGeo_lm: unban [02:55:20.628] DoubleDoobers: BAN [02:55:20.649] neon_soup: they hated him because he told them the truth [02:55:20.863] skyboundmaster: ban [02:55:21.032] CyberneticSpy2D: Ban [02:55:21.199] julianarusso: UNBAN [02:55:21.317] alexx_net: Is that Kyle's alt account? [02:55:21.347] sky_rblx123: ban [02:55:21.352] Rxmvrk: very wild [02:55:21.427] sissyjessie: BAN [02:55:21.502] Jens_LN: he's jurky, relatable [02:55:21.549] Kaymon81: you said horny is ok :) [02:55:21.612] dingosurprise: ban [02:55:21.899] ComputedBee: he just like me fr [02:55:21.954] zilichaos: ban [02:55:22.084] chey_sooty_fan: Ban [02:55:22.221] Dualityu: unban lmao [02:55:22.252] 1ts_james: hes cultured LUL [02:55:22.261] Torix_Live: ban [02:55:22.532] KayluhZ: ban [02:55:22.718] GrinchMD: Milkshake Time bonjwaO Kappa [02:55:23.444] missninety: he's sorry [02:55:23.529] PeterTheMostlyOK: ban until he learns how to spell [02:55:23.538] chained_is_live: keep him [02:55:23.546] braddle172: bab [02:55:23.577] AlgolGaming: beckbe1Cry y always jurk [02:55:23.582] 1indigo0: unban [02:55:24.057] aPsychoRedwood: unbann [02:55:24.209] probepackung: ban him KEKW [02:55:24.344] electricman007: Ban. [02:55:24.395] SeaElite: UN BAN [02:55:24.471] Amoyamoyamoya: Ban. [02:55:24.504] Ritella27: ban [02:55:24.610] Dakunval: We would never do anything so atrocious. [02:55:24.953] reweliusz: B A S E D A F [02:55:24.970] Lautrax777: BASED but HUH [02:55:25.008] TheOriginalMikeD: fuck em!!! [02:55:25.040] kingkazzz: UNBAN [02:55:25.114] sky_rblx123: ban. [02:55:25.288] nandosjr0800: Ban [02:55:25.341] Flippi_12: LUL [02:55:25.383] xXNeroZashiXx: unban [02:55:25.411] mr_ajokortti_korkort: ban [02:55:25.602] julianarusso: FACTS [02:55:25.651] grumpykittu: Hes the village idot [02:55:26.057] shittposteen: BAN [02:55:26.077] flex_uli: VOTE [02:55:26.358] MoonSenpai619: moonse10Bully SeriousSloth [02:55:26.460] the2st: KICK HIM OUT THE WINDOW [02:55:26.506] abe1_2: unban [02:55:26.651] Serinn: Dan [02:55:26.685] michiilepsy: Thats a ban ngl [02:55:26.699] eddieahdhsj: ban [02:55:26.860] meh_its_jack: Based? [02:55:27.368] plasmathrower: ban [02:55:27.459] KimleyLive: Ban. [02:55:27.631] JohnBanks117: Unban [02:55:27.689] nmnm195: BAN [02:55:27.730] SeaElite: UNBAN [02:55:27.785] aPsychoRedwood: undan [02:55:27.856] Kaymon81: undan [02:55:27.861] lutorta: BAN [02:55:27.926] OliveTentacle: unban [02:55:27.965] sky_rblx123: ban [02:55:28.043] MeatsackGamer: flip coin let luck decide [02:55:28.204] Kana_Pei: unban relatable [02:55:28.235] sl4sh4ndd4sh: Ban, too horny [02:55:28.342] glooblygrung: Unban [02:55:28.342] benfletcher247: pooooooooooooool [02:55:28.828] fluffy57211: DOWN ASTRONOMICALLY [02:55:29.286] tarakagyu: ban not classy [02:55:29.725] TacPepGaming: BAN [02:55:30.007] Seriously42gaming: big ban [02:55:30.134] FearedIcee: i understand his situation but he needs to keep it to himself. ban [02:55:30.184] BerryAndBitty: Unban [02:55:30.407] hotgirl676: WHERE'S THE LIE THO? [02:55:30.428] mrhanky99: Ban [02:55:30.764] spacecow2000: unban [02:55:30.884] sky_rblx123: dan [02:55:31.231] BLazy_45: bro just wanted a bit of fun [02:55:31.416] lagendking: unban [02:55:31.850] centr_ttv: I don't claim that person as one of us lol [02:55:31.919] bluj40: look theres a line [02:55:31.970] Evie_Sparkles: That has some real "want sum fuk?" energy [02:55:31.988] Earthquake_chan: horny jail ban [02:55:32.166] blarystone: relatable [02:55:32.245] smokeheadpyro: unban? [02:55:32.456] Haslak64: Unban [02:55:32.569] RestlessR_eaper: hmm [02:55:32.599] josecortesnival: species [02:55:32.634] Jens_LN: jurk [02:55:32.823] LardoBoofs: unban [02:55:32.830] sm0ala: ban [02:55:32.876] ronineutroni: unban [02:55:32.913] Spectre223: Ban, unspoken + dumbass spelling [02:55:33.035] sharboy2: unban [02:55:33.348] Friendigo_: did he pay the tax? [02:55:33.754] electricman007: Spelling ban. [02:55:33.849] sky_rblx123: Dan [02:55:33.967] ttvcopi: vote [02:55:34.024] drbuckethead123: ban OMEGALUL [02:55:34.186] GroggyReaper: unban [02:55:34.409] Electromagnetic: uhh he chooses what to say in chat, he should know better, but unban [02:55:34.479] pianoismyforte_: BONK [02:55:34.524] higgsleftknut: ban for grammar [02:55:34.629] cainimmortal415: PURGE THE HERITIC! [02:55:35.326] SlayedDragon666: unban [02:55:35.483] reweliusz: unban [02:55:35.588] chained_is_live: un band [02:55:36.068] frypann: ban [02:55:36.300] sky_rblx123: Ban [02:55:36.364] Scippre: unban [02:55:36.567] ttvcopi: poll [02:55:36.596] zer0110: ub& [02:55:36.728] twistedghost55: ban [02:55:36.847] nandosjr0800: Ban no culture [02:55:36.978] bluj40: he crossed it [02:55:37.003] BLazy_45: unban [02:55:37.640] duckstm: more honest than us really [02:55:37.668] Torix_Live: VOTE [02:55:37.985] Dualityu: do a poll [02:55:38.375] zombie_1981: wrong spelling [02:55:38.418] 1_smart_donkey: I question the age band [02:55:38.881] 57ranma: HE SPEAKS THE TRUTH [02:55:38.982] julianarusso: UNBAN [02:55:39.566] eddieahdhsj: Ban [02:55:39.839] nimrob11: Ban [02:55:40.119] lucadeboss1: Based but ban [02:55:40.774] beastboy142: Hello, first time here [02:55:41.147] medicbat: cant spell so ban [02:55:41.321] chicken115: Unban [02:55:42.589] archmage_lo: His only crime is loving you [02:55:42.779] zucduc: He said what we were afraid to [02:55:42.853] johnkeiwo: EVERYONE SAYING UNBAN IS ON MY WATCHLIST !!! [02:55:43.141] SeaElite: UNBANN [02:55:43.469] wiltmyflowers: ban, no one needed to know what hes up to [02:55:43.589] NotOK___: Cheer1 [02:55:43.732] Jens_LN: he's a jurk [02:55:44.578] bearpaw1970: coin flip? [02:55:44.623] sharboy2: un [02:55:44.921] Torschden: FeelsWeirdMan don't ban us coomers @F1NN5TER [02:55:45.500] mmentho: ban for horny [02:55:46.215] johnkeiwo: WATCH YPURSELVES [02:55:47.327] ronineutroni: unban. [02:55:47.395] Rammo_Lindsted: give him 2 weeks :D [02:55:47.553] Co6ra_: im gonna have to say gabba his ghoul and send him to the pool [02:55:47.717] meh_its_jack: Poll [02:55:47.967] bernie_____: pepeD ban for bad spelling [02:55:47.977] Amoyamoyamoya: !createpoll 30 "Ban/Unban" "Ban" "Unban" [02:55:48.804] nandosjr0800: Don’t have to say it [02:55:48.981] f3mmbot Created a poll with the title "Ban/Unban" [02:55:50.558] BLazy_45: I mean he's just hot [02:55:50.928] 1ts_james: he saw a sexy waifu cant blame the man [02:55:52.082] Solus_kun: UwU horny [02:55:53.395] Rtwld: we do a lil jurkin' [02:55:53.613] fieri574: He just like me fr tho [02:55:54.177] SlayedDragon666: Kreygasm WTF [02:55:54.410] ArchyNemesis: Well, he wasn't wrong, in a way... [02:55:54.750] FearedIcee: @F1NN5TER honestly i understand his situation but he needs to keep it to himself. ban [02:55:55.256] ibrown39: Thanks [02:55:55.464] Lautrax777: BASED BASED BASED BASED BASED BASED [02:55:56.713] JohnBanks117: undan [02:55:58.548] ZeroTwoAndy: I lost [02:56:00.475] Co6ra_: im gonna pull a centrist and not vote in this poll [02:56:01.299] GreyWinterWraith: absolute dan [02:56:01.584] Torix_Live: i can understand the jurk [02:56:02.840] fluffy57211: HE JUST WANTED TO DO THE THING KEKW [02:56:03.291] KimleyLive: He spills facts but he doesn't have to say it to everyone [02:56:04.711] ibrown39: !discord [02:56:04.962] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:56:07.807] dickbutts123: unban, I'm "treading water" all stream [02:56:08.028] Torix_Live: hahaha [02:56:09.470] Kolateak_: That's my birthday [02:56:09.608] reinapaints: SHEESH [02:56:09.682] nitemoves1970: He just playing with his sock collection [02:56:11.188] Seriously42gaming: santa outfit stream? [02:56:12.241] giga_chad_VI: BAN HIM [02:56:13.378] Reijuuuuuu: Wow [02:56:13.875] Lautrax777: Sorry no horny Sadge [02:56:14.119] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER check the calander ? [02:56:14.474] Tordenbob: to horny, watching your stream is bad for him [02:56:16.295] GreyWinterWraith: bruh are you fucking serious [02:56:17.732] reweliusz: based [02:56:17.928] Stovamor: He got banned in April, not november [02:56:18.664] Haslak64: YES [02:56:19.071] fluffy57211: UNDAN KEKW [02:56:19.322] Evie_Sparkles: Broken out of Horny Jail [02:56:20.399] xfunkyflynnx: he just doesn't have any possible nut clarity [02:56:28.250] lionnsmane: !uptime [02:56:28.278] Co6ra_: how is THAT third place [02:56:28.522] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 2h 56m 34s [02:56:30.660] Stovamor: Banned at 01:14 • 22/04/22 [02:56:30.868] JohnBanks117: Third place POGGERS [02:56:33.049] neon_soup: ye we do a lil jurkin [02:56:35.806] mmentho: i can see his thought process tbh [02:56:36.324] 1_smart_donkey: we know [02:56:36.910] aPsychoRedwood: how do u donte [02:56:38.278] 1ts_james: hehe [02:56:40.552] Jens_LN: probably something hot [02:56:45.917] johnkeiwo: ccheck the is it GM site [02:56:46.132] f3mmbot Winning result of poll "dan undan": undan with 237 votes (60%) [02:56:48.085] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER CHeck it on the calander dummy [02:56:48.096] GreyWinterWraith: guess Finn is on John's watchlist now LUL [02:56:49.883] johnkeiwo: u'll see the outfit [02:56:53.873] fluffy57211: OMEGALUL [02:56:53.920] BerryAndBitty: Jurk official LUL [02:56:55.095] bernie_____: SabaPing jurk [02:56:55.275] duckstm: and then it's the minecraft stream [02:56:55.539] Jens_LN: he's a jurk, but that's allright [02:56:55.771] SethwMad: @aPsychoRedwood Gimmi money link below [02:56:57.395] Torschden: EZ right back to jurking [02:57:03.657] Lautrax777: KEKW [02:57:04.023] braddle172: isn't that your birthday [02:57:04.805] ZeroTwoAndy: no jurkin if we ain't lurkin [02:57:06.875] Amoyamoyamoya: https://amoyasplace.com/wp/f1nn5ter-content/fpaip/fpap-disnick/?type=gallery&album_id=46&gallery_id=253 [02:57:10.081] im_up_to_something: Guys act dumb when thirsty [02:57:10.578] Stovamor: !girlmonth [02:57:10.852] f3mmbot https://isitgirlmonth.com [02:57:11.990] vulpieee: !donte [02:57:17.761] Skullph7: if no jerk y pp hard [02:57:21.626] tyffhead: Hello [02:57:21.958] BLazy_45: *** [02:57:26.083] Jens_LN: latex [02:57:27.237] Evie_Sparkles: P__P [02:57:32.281] Amoyamoyamoya: https://amoyasplace.com/wp/f1nn5ter-content/fpaip/fpap-disnick/?type=gallery&album_id=46&gallery_id=253 [02:57:32.954] yesdomina: i like ur face maam [02:57:33.853] disnick123: @f1nn5ter your birthday stream where you wore the latex thingy... [02:57:35.757] godsbeenswinging_: YEP [02:57:36.413] thedigitalpixel: we know [02:57:38.244] Flippi_12: yep [02:57:39.087] GroggyReaper: we got used to it [02:57:39.128] ScarredLemon: That’s the norm [02:57:39.293] bluj40: yeah welcome to our world [02:57:39.294] ZeroTwoAndy: KEKW [02:57:39.786] johnkeiwo: yes [02:57:40.234] Spectre223: Yes, it did! [02:57:41.768] ginjninj: like a true e-girl [02:57:41.805] duplotracer: KEKW [02:57:41.824] itsatena: YEP [02:57:42.076] JohnBanks117: yes [02:57:42.774] calming_insanity: yep [02:57:43.471] grumpykittu: wow [02:57:44.535] Solus_kun: YEA Finn thats how long we wait everytime D: [02:57:44.755] dingosurprise: LUL [02:57:45.861] braddle172: yes [02:57:46.435] LonesomeTea: yeah [02:57:47.088] ItsMegaScott: who knows [02:57:47.395] bernie_____: hachuW [02:57:47.442] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:57:47.602] ZeroTwoAndy: real e girl [02:57:47.726] ihavenowhit: and F1nn now knows how we feel [02:57:48.284] fluffy57211: YEAH THAT STREAM TOOK YOU SO LONG TO START [02:57:48.865] yuki__21: YEP [02:57:49.552] Flippi_12: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:57:52.338] ScarredLemon: Yup, scammster at it again [02:57:52.514] alexx_net: Welcome to being a F1nn viewer. [02:57:53.562] Chri55PBacon: yep [02:57:53.602] josecortesnival: understandable [02:57:53.879] that1guylouis24: scam [02:57:53.881] empirechaotix: see why being late is a meme? [02:57:54.294] johnkeiwo: Because you're a gremlin streamer [02:57:54.829] Jens_LN: yeah, I thik you had technical problems [02:57:55.215] Emmy64_: You were looking pretty tho f1nnEmbarrassed [02:57:55.224] RyuNeko_: lazy finn LUL [02:57:56.356] Evie_Sparkles: F1nn criticizing F1nn [02:57:56.694] JohnBanks117: i missed that stream D: [02:57:59.513] smokeheadpyro: yeah LUL [02:57:59.570] Scippre: welcome to the viewer experience [02:58:00.386] tyffhead: Wow [02:58:00.502] meh_its_jack: You were trying to boost up numbers [02:58:02.810] CaridinZ: understandable have nice day [02:58:04.836] Solus_kun: L Banks LUL [02:58:05.560] Stovamor: You wore 4 outfits that stream [02:58:06.886] godsbeenswinging_: there were a few outfits [02:58:09.640] reweliusz: understandable have a nice day [02:58:12.568] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, D: [02:58:14.473] bernie_____: hachuGoggles jurk [02:58:16.428] Lautrax777: Look at the end [02:58:17.381] giga_chad_VI: BAN [02:58:18.153] 1ts_james: its a nice dress [02:58:18.404] goosegoose2547: Dan [02:58:19.230] Kolateak_: F1nn having the chat experience [02:58:20.439] GreyWinterWraith: dan [02:58:20.454] ScarredLemon: Hey that’s where the granny skin dress was from [02:58:20.713] Jens_LN: hot 'n' horny, unban him [02:58:21.740] abe1_2: unban [02:58:22.250] SeaElite: UNBAN [02:58:22.255] punkrobert76: jurk while you lurk!!!! @f1nn5ter [02:58:22.315] Bean1997: NO [02:58:22.958] grumpykittu: Unban [02:58:23.183] SuperMudkip: Poggies [02:58:23.690] MYONLYWISH4U: the red looks good [02:58:24.481] HexGrrrrl: not sexy didn't cum [02:58:25.742] SuperMudkip: kaceyHEH [02:58:25.795] drbuckethead123: jurk shyyNodders [02:58:26.712] ronineutroni: unban [02:58:26.826] eclipsi0: we do a little jurkin [02:58:26.961] 02f2: f1nnCowjam [02:58:27.235] eddieahdhsj: no [02:58:27.691] tyffhead: Hello sailor Moon [02:58:28.126] vidyagaem7: That was a fun stream [02:58:28.127] lucadeboss1: Past f1nnSCAM [02:58:30.102] Electromagnetic: he was watching vod LUL [02:58:34.102] missninety: my bad [02:58:34.350] ayarcee: Finn channeling Chat: "Do something hot" [02:58:35.628] fluffy57211: DAN FOR SURE [02:58:36.133] missninety: lmaooooooooo [02:58:36.137] Earthquake_chan: D: [02:58:36.971] 1ts_james: hjahah [02:58:37.464] Solus_kun: BAN [02:58:38.332] SuperMudkip: mongs OMEGALUL [02:58:38.522] disnick123: Watch the screenshots folder if you only want the good moments @F1NN5TER [02:58:40.567] tyffhead: Ban [02:58:40.825] BerryAndBitty: Dan [02:58:41.765] julianarusso: BAN [02:58:42.095] im_up_to_something: ban the hate [02:58:42.511] pretty_sweet_dude: LUL [02:58:42.568] kingkazzz: BAN [02:58:43.119] JohnBanks117: DAN [02:58:43.330] goosegoose2547: Bann [02:58:44.084] Xylomn: ban [02:58:46.866] skyboundmaster: 💀💀💀 [02:58:47.718] Torix_Live: lol [02:58:47.775] braddle172: ban [02:58:48.237] Jens_LN: stay ban [02:58:48.803] Spectre223: 'my bad' doesn't quite cut it [02:58:48.886] CyberneticSpy2D: Mong themselves [02:58:49.070] ronsalami228: ban him [02:58:49.127] neon_soup: 2008 called they want they're insult back [02:58:52.774] AppleSaph: 💀💀💀 [02:58:53.017] Amoyamoyamoya: "mongs" Nice. [02:58:53.481] ronineutroni: ban [02:58:53.998] grumpykittu: Awwwww [02:58:54.313] neon_soup: their* [02:58:54.720] averylaughlin1: F1NN acting like chat [02:58:55.260] johnkeiwo: The man got bombarded with bans [02:58:55.877] Evie_Sparkles: Executive Override Ban [02:58:57.641] Flippi_12: oof LUL [02:58:58.055] ttvcopi: homophone [02:58:59.456] HexGrrrrl: among us [02:59:00.620] tyffhead: Lol unban [02:59:01.423] benfletcher247: put my bad [02:59:02.530] Lautrax777: 💀 [02:59:03.504] johnkeiwo: Never unban someone saph banned ! [02:59:07.261] Solus_kun: "my bad i pressed Deny" @F1NN5TER [02:59:07.472] sky_rblx123: ban [02:59:09.412] Haslak64: What is mongs? [02:59:10.122] AppleSaph: yeah my bans are all legit [02:59:13.502] AppleSaph: thanks john [02:59:14.382] Earthquake_chan: gottem [02:59:14.427] kingkazzz: BANN [02:59:16.406] sky_rblx123: YAS [02:59:20.666] BenDover_xD: pajaDuck [02:59:24.824] michiilepsy: MonkaS [02:59:25.981] eddieahdhsj: yes [02:59:27.717] LunchieMunchies: wtf is mong [02:59:30.157] tyffhead: We are all different [02:59:31.066] BLazy_45: speedrun any % ban GAY [02:59:38.607] Lautrax777: Talk Andy [02:59:39.846] bluj40: literal bot [02:59:39.857] Seriously42gaming: understandable [02:59:40.465] thereal_joebiden: thereal_joebiden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [02:59:40.646] f3mmbot thereal_joebiden subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:59:42.557] Evie_Sparkles: P__P [02:59:43.110] johnkeiwo: weirdo [02:59:43.907] KimleyLive: @lunchiemunchies an ableistic slur I think [02:59:45.316] calming_insanity: what rooThink [02:59:46.133] tallorangeone: this is creepy [02:59:49.478] Amoyamoyamoya: WTF is he talking about? [02:59:50.086] johnkeiwo: ban :) [02:59:50.580] CaridinZ: HUH [02:59:51.055] Flippi_12: weird first time chatter [02:59:52.176] Electromagnetic: what is this rp in the chat [02:59:54.051] JohnBanks117: wtf monkaS [03:00:02.349] gelbphoenix: keep banned [03:00:03.100] goosegoose2547: Pog ban [03:00:03.239] Xotyso: VapeNation [03:00:03.848] Evie_Sparkles: "Out of Line" = Acting like a Serial Killer? [03:00:04.947] im_up_to_something: creepy. Ban. [03:00:07.779] Lautrax777: Like I said Talk andy KEKW [03:00:07.999] deliciouspieees: I only just got here what’s happening [03:00:13.177] IrrelevantFerret: empiTalk [03:00:17.646] Evie_Sparkles: Ban [03:00:18.705] BLazy_45: Unban for the research [03:00:19.901] Amoyamoyamoya: Hey now... "thanks on a scale of 1 to 10 how evil is this fandom" [03:00:20.569] thedigitalpixel: schitzo chatter Stare [03:00:21.335] JohnBanks117: monkaS [03:00:21.814] ribellino7: CoolStoryBob [03:00:22.370] bluj40: dont do drugs kids [03:00:22.483] tyffhead: Ban [03:00:23.207] BenDover_xD: i have no clue what he is about [03:00:23.885] how_to_pizza: finn why are you hot? [03:00:24.056] alexx_net: @Haslak64, It is a terrible British childish insult that accuses someone as having Down syndrome [03:00:24.125] jartma5ter: ban [03:00:24.385] Lautrax777: BAN [03:00:25.173] ItsMegaScott: still high when they put in the appeal [03:00:26.040] codecraft3r: ban [03:00:27.804] dingosurprise: ??? ban [03:00:29.291] Solus_kun: Jebaited [03:00:29.399] ScarredLemon: U wot [03:00:29.518] neon_soup: take meds + L [03:00:30.093] Jens_LN: he makes no sense ... but he also says "sorry" [03:00:30.142] loolnood: schizophrenic chatter [03:00:30.163] Spectre223: Ban, no-one is missing this dude [03:00:30.351] GreyWinterWraith: don't do drugs [03:00:30.491] BLazy_45: unban [03:00:31.145] SeaElite: UNBAN [03:00:31.938] tarakagyu: ban [03:00:33.244] how_to_pizza: bannnnn [03:00:34.171] sissyjessie: Ban because confused [03:00:34.440] tyffhead: @bluj40 true [03:00:34.528] godsbeenswinging_: he had too many "eadibles" [03:00:34.638] fluffy57211: UNDAN [03:00:34.777] benfletcher247: pooooooollll [03:00:35.122] AppleSaph: most sane finn chatter [03:00:35.237] 1_smart_donkey: hey they were on drugs unbanned [03:00:35.736] juddle: he took a benadryl [03:00:35.797] ieatglowstickss: Lowkey wanna go to those coords [03:00:35.971] minitruck4lyfe: unban the druggy lol [03:00:37.322] Boozy1: this person needs therapy [03:00:37.564] TheOriginalMikeD: unban, then reban due to lack of coherence [03:00:37.671] Torix_Live: unban [03:00:37.921] frypann: ban [03:00:38.658] eddieahdhsj: ban [03:00:39.070] drbuckethead123: FeelsAmazingMan drugs [03:00:39.163] AlgolGaming: not worth your time. snore, ban. lol [03:00:39.298] Amoyamoyamoya: Dude was off his meds. [03:00:39.712] lavslastwords: unban [03:00:40.273] ExiaCanon: oh... [03:00:40.822] Jusses: unban [03:00:41.061] MoonSenpai619: unban cos sus is funny [03:00:41.121] duplotracer: unban [03:00:41.239] Seriously42gaming: unban [03:00:41.749] JohnBanks117: Dan [03:00:42.336] baelphes: undan [03:00:42.341] Evie_Sparkles: Ban 󠀀 [03:00:42.495] KimleyLive: bro, that dude is definitely still high [03:00:43.095] lucadeboss1: Ban [03:00:43.772] killforfun_v2: killforfun_v2 subscribed with Prime. [03:00:43.951] f3mmbot killforfun_v2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang killforfun_v2 f1nnLezgang [03:00:44.087] killforfun_v2: killforfun_v2 subscribed with Prime. [03:00:44.231] gelbphoenix: ban [03:00:44.272] f3mmbot killforfun_v2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang killforfun_v2 f1nnLezgang [03:00:44.312] Flippi_12: probably dm the mod in anger? [03:00:44.489] RestlessR_eaper: undan [03:00:44.697] tyffhead: Wtf [03:00:44.712] meh_its_jack: Ban [03:00:45.398] Jens_LN: he said "sorry" at least [03:00:45.601] tallorangeone: bruh this is frightening [03:00:46.298] BLazy_45: unban for the effort [03:00:46.366] DoubleDoobers: unban [03:00:46.452] Kaymon81: undan [03:00:46.740] missninety: he just a lil quirked up [03:00:47.014] johnkeiwo: Ban [03:00:48.539] Evie_Sparkles: ... [03:00:48.849] fluffy57211: UNDAN FOR SURE [03:00:50.885] el_cineaste: LUL [03:00:52.010] johnkeiwo: we don't take schizo posters [03:00:55.154] ZeroTwoAndy: unban but they are stupid [03:00:55.194] ronineutroni: unban [03:00:56.763] tyffhead: Bannnnnnnnnnnn [03:00:57.290] godsbeenswinging_: dropped a couple tabs and watched a finn stream [03:00:57.358] eddieahdhsj: dan [03:00:57.522] KimleyLive: ban [03:00:57.735] alexx_net: "Don't do drugs children" unban [03:01:01.976] 02f2: TRUE [03:01:05.931] Flippi_12: solid quality OMEGALUL [03:01:06.226] AlgolGaming: @johnkeiwo *just reban rn [03:01:06.914] goosegoose2547: Their all just 🎺y [03:01:07.092] reteliny: just finnished jerking off what did i miss boys [03:01:12.334] Lautrax777: cowJAM [03:01:12.893] FearedIcee: Rose likes money [03:01:15.009] Solus_kun: Flippi Shush [03:01:16.211] FearedIcee: thats how it works [03:01:17.487] c__r__j: F1nn f1nnSCAM in 3... 2.. 1... [03:01:17.744] JohnBanks117: really solid quality KEKW [03:01:19.097] killforfun_v2: hi rose [03:01:19.299] xfunkyflynnx: infomercial time [03:01:20.593] deliciouspieees: I just arrived what’s happening pls someone explain [03:01:22.770] anschofi: bass boosted monkeyspin [03:01:25.348] GreyWinterWraith: @reteliny you misspelled "jurk" [03:01:26.394] RyouLive: TURN THE VOLUME DOWN [03:01:26.726] Evie_Sparkles: WAYTOODANK WAYTOODANK [03:01:27.872] disnick123: the spinning monkeys music? [03:01:28.067] tyffhead: Ok [03:01:28.464] codecraft3r: music too loud [03:01:29.027] Rtwld: @reteliny my guy really went and jurked it hard [03:01:29.161] itsatena: COW JAM [03:01:29.560] ttvcopi: @reteliny i probably wouldn't type that [03:01:29.656] Helen_Croft: music to loud [03:01:30.966] drbuckethead123: shyyRave shyyRave [03:01:31.217] You_Degens: Loud! [03:01:31.811] Lautrax777: ADS Jebaited [03:01:33.313] ZeroTwoAndy: CowJAM [03:01:33.599] thedigitalpixel: WAYTOODANK [03:01:33.882] GrinchMD: catJAM [03:01:33.928] RyouLive: WAYTOODANK [03:01:34.192] johnkeiwo: lvndmaJAM f1nnCowjam inconRad [03:01:34.653] candiedem7: TOO LOUD [03:01:35.091] dingosurprise: f1nnCowjam clover54Dance clover54Wiggly [03:01:35.736] JohnBanks117: WAYTOODANK [03:01:35.736] fluffy57211: PogU [03:01:35.871] dinahleego: f1nnLaff [03:01:36.084] nimrob11: I’d hate to see my chat history I’d also look crazy [03:01:36.340] lyra_moondeathstrike: WHATS GOING ON???? [03:01:36.375] eclipsi0: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:01:36.635] Scippre: loudddddddd [03:01:37.097] Solus_kun: Any new viewers ? TriHard [03:01:38.952] goosegoose2547: CatJAM [03:01:39.201] qwertyuioiuytrerty: the music too loud [03:01:39.503] Aetxx: TOO LOUD [03:01:40.249] vidyagaem7: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:01:41.072] Earthquake_chan: CowJAM [03:01:41.158] dinahleego: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:01:41.693] tallorangeone: @deliciouspieees unban requests [03:01:43.516] Flippi_12: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:01:43.566] itsatena: madiapCATJAM madiapCATJAM madiapCATJAM [03:01:43.795] dinahleego: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:01:46.690] lucadeboss1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:01:46.690] Seriously42gaming: its good now [03:01:47.373] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [03:01:47.734] Helen_Croft: 2 years ago [03:01:47.778] Jens_LN: is ok now [03:01:48.470] uncodeddecimal: :||| [03:01:50.106] ZeroTwoAndy: it is good now [03:01:50.703] TheOriginalMikeD: it's good [03:01:51.106] minitruck4lyfe: good now [03:01:51.452] PeterTheMostlyOK: ok now [03:01:51.793] eternaldebuff: ezeggJam [03:01:52.175] zer0110: it's fine [03:01:52.397] fluffy57211: ITS OK NOW [03:01:52.460] giga_chad_VI: to loud [03:01:52.932] Electromagnetic: its good [03:01:53.270] RyouLive: it's okay now [03:01:53.953] tyffhead: f1nnCowjam [03:01:54.219] LonesomeTea: mothDance mothDance mothDance [03:01:54.328] candiedem7: good now [03:01:55.253] sissyjessie: Its fine [03:01:58.044] goosegoose2547: f1nnCowjam [03:02:00.626] qwertyuioiuytrerty: it good [03:02:02.235] Rxmvrk: damn two years ago? got damn [03:02:04.055] Solus_kun: Girl week LU [03:02:04.431] baelphes: A NEW CAAAARRRRRRR! Clap [03:02:06.009] Stovamor: 13 days [03:02:09.631] ibrown39: Thanks! [03:02:12.798] johnkeiwo: Hole Weak Kreygasm [03:02:19.542] Amoyamoyamoya: "Hole" [03:02:20.456] Emmy64_: KEKW [03:02:22.421] 57ranma: @baelphes a new pink car [03:02:22.963] Flippi_12: squchaPpogO John being weird squchaPpogO [03:02:23.017] smokeheadpyro: ratJAM [03:02:23.446] Lautrax777: Surely this is a video Clueless HI [03:02:24.678] JohnBanks117: @johnkeiwo, weirdChamo [03:02:25.127] credible_dawn6: Spain [03:02:25.567] Jens_LN: and because he liked it too [03:02:27.284] JohnBanks117: ... [03:02:27.607] BLazy_45: O_o? [03:02:30.056] alexx_net: 2 years? More than 30 months. [03:02:30.287] JohnBanks117: @johnkeiwo, weirdChamp [03:02:34.670] missninety: LMAOOO [03:02:35.705] Helen_Croft: that first week is still going to this date [03:02:37.718] Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo weirdChamp [03:02:38.154] xfunkyflynnx: wtf I was here before girl month??? [03:02:38.398] CaridinZ: ye wot [03:02:40.854] Evie_Sparkles: Now this is your life indefinitely [03:02:42.043] 나라님_ (swear00): estrogen lol [03:02:43.509] YashaTheFox: It ran a bit long? So you kept it going on your own enjoyment. [03:02:44.114] Amoyamoyamoya: Birth of Humiliation Fetish. [03:02:46.488] baelphes: @57ranma lol with HUEG headlights LUL [03:02:48.561] just_wil_please: ♥️ [03:02:50.260] Lautrax777: KEKW [03:02:53.761] Owly_9: LORE f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [03:02:58.705] alexx_net: You introduced thong week as well [03:03:02.809] SuperMudkip: kaceyWow [03:03:03.591] goosegoose2547: 🫤 [03:03:06.432] Jens_LN: Thong ! [03:03:12.716] just_wil_please: i love your hair bro [03:03:14.380] Skullph7: y fin so hot all the damn time [03:03:14.456] medicbat: the hair was your own volition, we didnt do that [03:03:14.469] SuperMudkip: D: the box D: [03:03:15.867] JohnBanks117: @fieri574, monkaS [03:03:17.572] mr_ajokortti_korkort: And everything turned out better than expected [03:03:17.704] CloakedN00b: your welcome for that [03:03:20.505] Brunton22: @azumigmusic hello [03:03:21.793] BerryAndBitty: THAT'S NOT MANY CLOTHES LUL [03:03:22.053] Jens_LN: those smelly, SMELLY boy clothes !!! [03:03:22.215] Piedy007: hi [03:03:23.238] shittposteen: OMG [03:03:23.336] 나라님_ (swear00): wtf [03:03:24.490] SuperMudkip: 500??????? [03:03:26.096] SuperMudkip: WTF [03:03:27.315] Seriously42gaming: holy shit [03:03:28.059] Lautrax777: WHAT IS IN THE BOX!? [03:03:28.886] GroggyReaper: pog [03:03:29.339] eternaldebuff: to this day. TO THIS DAY. [03:03:29.431] Solus_kun: POGGERS [03:03:30.058] shittposteen: LESS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:03:31.544] SuperMudkip: Pog [03:03:31.743] bernie_____: f1nnGremlin good old days [03:03:32.492] dingosurprise: PogU [03:03:32.857] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, Lore Transcript? [03:03:33.141] Paladinknightsword: is it Girl year yet [03:03:33.289] sissyjessie: POG [03:03:33.411] longlegs_honey: pog [03:03:34.387] flex_uli: pog [03:03:34.448] missninety: WOW [03:03:34.937] Flippi_12: POGGERS [03:03:35.185] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [03:03:35.362] benfletcher247: 500 [03:03:36.336] JohnBanks117: POGGERS [03:03:36.488] ToolsLight: give the girl a dvd trilogy set of Jason Bournography [03:03:37.081] ArchyNemesis: @Skullph7 Sheer gamer skills [03:03:37.460] 57ranma: SUGGEST ADDING CAR LASHES TO THE PINK CAR [03:03:37.919] RyouLive: WTF 500$ PogU HOLY SHIT [03:03:38.226] d4nc1ngc0w: pog [03:03:38.863] mr_ajokortti_korkort: POGGERS [03:03:40.317] yuki__21: pog [03:03:40.605] ScarredLemon: Well timed [03:03:44.633] ronineutroni: PunchTrees [03:03:44.813] ZeroTwoAndy: I like tacos [03:03:46.700] SuperMudkip: OMEGALUL [03:03:47.786] bearpaw1970: 😂season 3 [03:03:48.695] treelie: the denial is strong with this one [03:03:48.981] goosegoose2547: Everyday is girl month now [03:03:51.909] HangryPlatypusElla: by the time those close come out of there they wont be i style anymore [03:03:52.874] just_wil_please: a [03:03:55.855] GrinchMD: KEKW [03:03:57.464] BenZye3: since what? [03:03:57.844] BLazy_45: a year [03:03:58.060] Jens_LN: It will be a lifetime [03:03:58.571] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:03:59.055] candiedem7: JESUS [03:03:59.754] dingosurprise: girl year [03:04:01.057] Seriously42gaming: girl year [03:04:01.151] Co6ra_: holy shit youve been girl for a year [03:04:01.478] SuperMudkip: lets gooo [03:04:02.698] Helen_Croft: so more than girl year [03:04:03.194] treelie: super cis guy behaviour [03:04:03.667] Staycia_Staas: lol [03:04:04.425] Flippi_12: 13 months, aka not long enough [03:04:04.941] RyuNeko_: LUL [03:04:05.635] BenZye3: whats girl month [03:04:05.709] LittleChaSiu: @Amoyamoyamoya what about it? [03:04:05.982] Rxmvrk: man thats girl year plus [03:04:05.987] medicbat: GIRL YEAR! [03:04:06.212] TheOriginalMikeD: girl lige [03:04:06.714] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 13 months more here we go [03:04:06.902] 1ts_james: thats girl year lol [03:04:07.394] ayarcee: So Girl Decade? [03:04:07.851] JohnBanks117: girl year you mean LUL [03:04:08.472] Rxmvrk: got damn [03:04:08.914] neon_soup: girl life [03:04:09.469] TheOriginalMikeD: life** [03:04:10.426] Jens_LN: lifetime [03:04:10.517] CaridinZ: How do you feel about it? [03:04:10.799] FishTWiT: girl LIFE? [03:04:11.468] drbuckethead123: 13 months let's gooo shyyEyes shyyEyes [03:04:12.105] c__r__j: Another 2.8572 months [03:04:12.292] Solus_kun: More a girl then a boy last year OMEGALUL [03:04:15.943] ArchyNemesis: Girl Month is eternal [03:04:16.025] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter unwashed guy clothes in the box 📦 [03:04:20.904] vidyagaem7: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [03:04:22.519] Lautrax777: NO ESCAPING NOPERS [03:04:22.895] loolnood: girl-decade [03:04:23.985] smokeheadpyro: <3 <3 [03:04:26.193] CozyyPandaa: Girl life [03:04:27.671] Jens_LN: you like it [03:04:27.881] You_Degens: Girl year dono goal when? [03:04:28.211] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, KEKW [03:04:30.433] MajesticFvckingEagle: noice [03:04:34.358] renzo777777777: What happens if the goal isn’t reached; will there ever be another girl month? [03:04:34.738] Stovamor: f1nnHeadpat f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat [03:04:36.288] baelphes: moar like girl life [03:04:37.767] TheOriginalMikeD: your children shall inherit girl month [03:04:38.127] livjpk78: Your leather skirt is really nice. Can you wear that again? [03:04:38.833] Rxmvrk: man its never gonna stop huh [03:04:39.136] itsatena: U LOVE IT [03:04:39.266] ZeroTwoAndy: another girl year but with booba at the end CarlSmile [03:04:41.810] Amoyamoyamoya: Girl Month? What's that? [03:04:42.703] mr_ajokortti_korkort: This is your reality now :) [03:04:42.727] Solus_kun: yea I know Kappa [03:04:42.779] goosegoose2547: Girl day everyday [03:04:42.882] benfletcher247: everyone give 10 pounds [03:04:42.997] eternaldebuff: Rose> Finn [03:04:43.772] BenZye3: whats a girl month? [03:04:46.472] BLazy_45: for money it's fine [03:04:48.800] ibrown39: So the donate goal gets us another month? [03:04:49.278] baelphes: on that grindset! [03:04:50.077] xfunkyflynnx: girl wife? [03:04:50.086] naesong: are the guy clothes still unwashed after all this time? [03:04:50.396] tcjjensenpopu72: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [03:04:50.840] Unit4to: after all f1nn is better at being a girl than boy [03:04:50.932] ozeantj: ozeantj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! And thats okay f1nny boy <3 [03:04:51.138] f3mmbot ozeantj subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [03:04:51.792] smokeheadpyro: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [03:04:52.690] empirechaotix: so it's been 2 1/2 years sine it all started, so we must be near 1/5th of your time as a girl in the last 2 1/2 years [03:04:52.760] Amoyamoyamoya: I'd never be part of something like that... [03:04:53.775] airconditionerbrrr: do the rules of girl month apply when you're out in public and not streaming? [03:04:54.793] henkrogue: as long as you are hapy [03:04:55.386] Jens_LN: Heh, Girl Life !! [03:04:56.840] HawkOfDiscord: you are adorable finn [03:04:59.507] alexx_net: U now haw it iz f1nnEgg [03:04:59.891] treelie: just cis guy things [03:05:00.813] SydneyEwens: sydney40PogChamp [03:05:03.864] nimrob11: Follow the money [03:05:04.290] IWillBeUrFknEndTTV: does rose have boysmell? [03:05:07.859] reweliusz: Don't lie finn, we all know you're not going back at this point xd [03:05:10.517] abe1_2: Does it feel weird when you wear mens clothes [03:05:10.777] Lautrax777: Extremely fun KEKW [03:05:13.872] shayan21212: I don't make 500 in a month and my guy just made it for being a girl [03:05:14.096] 57ranma: FINN ON HIS WAY TO BECOMING THE NEXT ASHLEY BARRÓN [03:05:14.452] JoshiiUK: finn, you convinced me to buy a wig [03:05:15.248] LutiaI: might as well transition at this point (but also no) [03:05:17.963] RIPReaperAsher: does it change your own gender identity? or how you see yourself? [03:05:18.875] DeanTheSpartan: DeanTheSpartan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 24 month streak! 2 years POG [03:05:19.057] f3mmbot deanthespartan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:05:21.268] ibrown39: @tenmuses drop a girl year donation pwls [03:05:22.469] bearpaw1970: 🌹 Rose be marketing and making large stacks every month yo' [03:05:22.897] OliveTentacle: Rose could have had a child in this time [03:05:36.050] eternaldebuff: 3.50$ [03:05:38.781] alexx_net: @57ranma, F1nn isn't trans [03:05:41.080] Jens_LN: 15 dollar [03:05:42.072] Derpyrupert: STILL GIRL???? [03:05:43.160] nandosjr0800: Do you ever think about what you are going to do when you are older and are still doing this? [03:05:43.556] frypann: $2 [03:05:45.090] Bloodcoatrain: 19.99 [03:05:46.362] 1ts_james: lol [03:05:46.550] medicbat: 15$? [03:05:47.568] Evie_Sparkles: Any oil barons in chat? [03:05:52.859] ArchyNemesis: Mood. [03:05:54.016] 57ranma: @alexx_net I know, just messing [03:05:54.290] drbuckethead123: OMEGALUL [03:05:58.939] Amoyamoyamoya: @Evie_Sparkles, New? [03:06:07.701] tyffhead: I love bacon [03:06:08.097] HawkOfDiscord: i wish twitch had subtitles [03:06:08.885] jupiterstone: Where the gambling bois [03:06:12.928] larrysoatmeal: f1nnCowjam [03:06:15.105] baelphes: Clap part doers Clap [03:06:16.543] eternaldebuff: as someone thats crossdressed, yes it is always uber drivers that make it weird [03:06:20.268] disnick123: @F1NN5TER End??? We're starting our 10th girl month.... this looks like its not going to end [03:06:20.793] bernie_____: KEKW shut-in [03:06:24.773] Evie_Sparkles: @Amoyamoyamoya Eh, I'm a F1nn casual.\ [03:06:27.104] Aurora_doesnt_know: current price $180,000 [03:06:31.607] Lautrax777: Need to become a millionaire then... [03:06:37.312] ibrown39: I call on our lord and savior, @tenmuses, to donate 2 girl months [03:06:37.434] bigd01010: :) [03:06:46.077] Co6ra_: (: [03:06:51.286] Lautrax777: Challenge accepted [03:06:51.677] BenZye3: can someone explain what girl month is? [03:06:52.184] drbuckethead123: KEKW [03:06:52.339] medicbat: why do you need an uber if you have a car? [03:06:53.121] M0rbulus: i guess it was exiting for you [03:06:54.066] Solus_kun: Your so Smoll people think your a cute girl :P [03:06:54.702] HangryPlatypusElla: f1nnEgg [03:06:56.398] alexx_net: Girl voice would help with those situations [03:06:57.828] Stovamor: Chat - stop begging Ten to donate when you won't donate anything yourself [03:07:01.184] lionnsmane: lets not [03:07:01.617] itsatena: WHOLSOME [03:07:04.223] Lautrax777: monkaS [03:07:05.467] Solus_kun: YEA lets bann people !! lets go [03:07:07.201] CaridinZ: monkaS [03:07:07.335] baelphes: bruh establish dominance, its embarassing if youre embarassed [03:07:07.408] c__r__j: Girl decade would be $184,500,000 @F1NN5TER [03:07:07.941] YashaTheFox: WHAT [03:07:09.253] 57ranma: DAD DID IT ON PURPOSE [03:07:09.659] normal_humanxd: ello [03:07:09.668] bearpaw1970: PowerUp MercyWing1 f1nnHeart MercyWing2 [03:07:12.683] Owly_9: KEKW [03:07:15.850] ozeantj: lul [03:07:17.473] Evie_Sparkles: peepoSad SteerR [03:07:18.926] thedigitalpixel: how did you manage to buy a car and not have a license KEKW [03:07:20.338] Amoyamoyamoya: @Evie_Sparkles, Ah, OK. But he's got a Sugar Daddy now that's effectively an Oiler. [03:07:25.460] flex_uli: do you have a license? [03:07:25.610] LutiaI: Do you plan on learning how to drive? [03:07:25.743] tholindir: use some of those girl month bucks for driving lessons [03:07:26.862] drbuckethead123: SteerR [03:07:29.140] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL scared [03:07:29.383] kishere123: good night Finn f1nnLezgang [03:07:29.759] OliveTentacle: no drivers license? [03:07:31.018] godsbeenswinging_: if it increases by 5k a month though [03:07:31.390] zer0110: just take it out and go. you'll figure it out [03:07:31.678] Seriously42gaming: 1.8 [03:07:35.825] mootie1: pepeD [03:07:36.942] eternaldebuff: "i bought it while i was mid" since when was finn not mid lol [03:07:37.427] Derpyrupert: Dwont bwan mwe fwinny OwO [03:07:37.620] FlyingMortimer: do you need a diff license to drive a stick? [03:07:37.755] acefearkiller23: why can't you drive ? [03:07:39.484] Evie_Sparkles: @Amoyamoyamoya Wait...no Kapp? [03:07:40.207] im_up_to_something: One day your sister can drive you around. [03:07:40.299] Emmy64_: LUL [03:07:42.361] Reijuuuuuu: Buy a beat up car for training [03:07:43.232] cmofoc: you said incrementing each month [03:07:43.519] nitemoves1970: Women drivers lol 😂 [03:07:44.050] drbuckethead123: 1.8mil EZ Clap [03:07:48.227] Amoyamoyamoya: @Evie_Sparkles, Trust. [03:07:49.438] GreyWinterWraith: yes but it goes up each month [03:07:49.580] Kinitawowi: @FlyingMortimer in the uk, yes [03:07:49.973] Rxmvrk: i got two milli in the stash wait a sec [03:07:50.448] robbie1945: @F1NN5TER your uber probably figured it was the walk of shame lol [03:07:53.020] maskaras12: Off a decade? [03:07:56.254] c__r__j: By the end girl months would have escalated to $600 each. [03:07:57.457] You_Degens: How much to just transition? [03:07:57.684] Evie_Sparkles: @Amoyamoyamoya I'm jelly. [03:07:58.134] xNinaNL: arent you a girl? [03:07:58.340] Emmy64_: A what CaitlynS [03:07:58.731] Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER Bann someone in chat right now :) [03:07:59.156] fluffgamer15: *ten comes in chat and donates 2 mil* [03:07:59.279] thedigitalpixel: hey 2mil sets u for life [03:08:01.170] addercap: I'd do it [03:08:01.279] mootie1: POGGERS [03:08:01.449] Jens_LN: it's US dollar though, that's a lot of money [03:08:02.236] c__r__j: $600,000 each, rather. [03:08:02.906] rw03_bjw: ten [03:08:03.235] itsatena: LETS GO [03:08:03.582] programdotmp4: say it! [03:08:05.348] meh_its_jack: f1nnSCAM [03:08:05.462] eternaldebuff: it wouldnt be 2 mil, think of the taxes [03:08:05.993] Seriously42gaming: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [03:08:06.689] benfletcher247: ggg [03:08:06.701] Evie_Sparkles: ... [03:08:06.784] eternaldebuff: DAMN [03:08:06.841] codecraft3r: POGGERS [03:08:07.257] YashaTheFox: WTF [03:08:07.477] Owly_9: Do a crash course and get it done, such a life upgrade [03:08:07.888] skyboundmaster: HOLYL [03:08:07.974] Earthquake_chan: WTF?! [03:08:07.982] braddle172: KomodoHype [03:08:08.283] Evie_Sparkles: ....... [03:08:09.140] TheOriginalMikeD: Holy [03:08:09.168] dingosurprise: POGGERS [03:08:09.227] swo30: holy shit [03:08:09.331] duckstm: LETS GOOOOOOO [03:08:09.408] BenZye3: LMAOOo [03:08:09.428] johnkeiwo: WTF TENS [03:08:09.606] xNinaNL: oh [03:08:09.944] neon_soup: damn [03:08:09.980] ZodFang: GG [03:08:10.184] ginjninj: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude [03:08:10.352] LittleChaSiu: HOLY SHIT [03:08:10.802] Flippi_12: POGGERS [03:08:11.105] mr_ajokortti_korkort: PogU [03:08:11.165] Synge_: BOOOOOM [03:08:11.227] DoubleDoobers: DAMN [03:08:11.256] Solus_kun: POGGERS [03:08:11.371] ronsalami228: HOLY [03:08:11.572] Kinitawowi: 69.69 KEKW [03:08:11.690] JohnBanks117: poggers [03:08:11.776] Owly_9: jesuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssssssssss [03:08:11.786] Jens_LN: NICE NUMBER !!! [03:08:11.956] lyra_moondeathstrike: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:12.266] cynastic_: That said $184 MILLION, not thousand [03:08:12.374] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:08:12.420] GrinchMD: bonjwaPog [03:08:12.431] flex_uli: WTFFFFF [03:08:12.518] programdotmp4: wtf bro [03:08:12.671] PlayingonAdele: $300k booba? [03:08:12.798] OTHENGOR: 69.69 [03:08:12.889] 0pepega: POGGERS [03:08:13.287] kkasperle: pog [03:08:13.362] heavymetalyetiguy: holy shit [03:08:13.391] PeterTheMostlyOK: Jesus [03:08:13.467] itsatena: POGGGERS [03:08:13.518] Thats_Hosuh14: AYE?? ¿??? [03:08:13.539] im_up_to_something: wow 😳😳😳😳 [03:08:13.553] ScarredLemon: WTF [03:08:13.563] bearpaw1970: ✌💅💋✌ [03:08:13.653] braddle172: POGGERS [03:08:13.716] empirechaotix: thank you ten [03:08:13.783] Helen_Croft: 69.69 nice [03:08:13.789] Ritella27: HOLY [03:08:13.839] HelloImErin_: POGGERS [03:08:13.851] baelphes: TEN Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [03:08:14.258] Evie_Sparkles: bro [03:08:14.405] Christophervk: LUL [03:08:14.427] aAndrew3030: D: [03:08:14.443] jeetmaster07: pog [03:08:14.649] MajesticFvckingEagle: YOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:14.677] mootie1: POGGERS HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY cow [03:08:14.685] duplotracer: HOLY [03:08:14.689] normal_humanxd: AYOOOO [03:08:14.698] wiltmyflowers: HOLY SHIT [03:08:14.717] Flippi_12: but also monkaS [03:08:14.753] mckeee_: bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [03:08:15.597] Kolateak_: 69.69!!!!! [03:08:15.621] bernie_____: hachuING omg [03:08:15.626] vidyagaem7: Hahaha [03:08:15.696] VFXBishop: and another $300,000 for the top surgery [03:08:15.795] etelan: holy shit [03:08:15.976] owlyte26: YOOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:16.328] nicoleHV96: hiii [03:08:16.608] medicbat: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:16.650] ScarredLemon: POG [03:08:16.736] Springboid: KEKW [03:08:16.767] fluffy57211: whatttttttt!!! [03:08:16.933] itsintheclouds: I WAS HERE [03:08:17.071] JohnBanks117: POGGERS [03:08:17.482] King__Mosabi: GOD DAYUM [03:08:17.568] LutiaI: WTF LETSGOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:17.755] MayBeAJinx: OMEGALUL POGGERS [03:08:18.123] titanium347: HOLY SHET! [03:08:18.261] BerryAndBitty: LUL THE 69 [03:08:18.536] N7_Andres: POG [03:08:18.664] femboyremix: hahahahhahaha [03:08:18.687] floorinspect: nice [03:08:18.757] tholindir: nice [03:08:18.780] benfletcher247: 6969 [03:08:19.059] LeDr_Dan: lesss gooooo [03:08:19.197] jartma5ter: POG [03:08:19.283] Synge_: OMG YAAAAAS [03:08:19.722] mootie1: FeelsStrongMan [03:08:19.799] goosegoose2547: Huh [03:08:19.900] maskaras12: monkaS [03:08:20.030] treelie: I mean its just gonna happen anyway... [03:08:20.142] Kend02: YOOOOOOOOO [03:08:20.247] waterdragon_91: AYO POGGERS [03:08:20.310] EvelynnWasTakenn: nihmunNumicheer nihmunNumicheer nihmunNumicheer nihmunNumicheer [03:08:20.607] RJ20151: lol [03:08:20.683] eternaldebuff: common tenmuses W [03:08:20.864] GroggyReaper: do a proper "thank you daddy" [03:08:20.922] Twinborne: they did the fucking math for that one [03:08:20.935] c__r__j: POG! [03:08:21.147] normal_humanxd: POGGGERRRR [03:08:21.401] Roxy_Gaming18: HOLY NUMBERS [03:08:21.735] longlegs_honey: OMG POGGERS [03:08:21.811] eclipsi0: TENS YOOOOO [03:08:22.087] Unikore00: holy shit [03:08:22.176] xenofizzz: POGGERS [03:08:22.188] OliveTentacle: POG [03:08:22.367] bluenebula_8: Lmao [03:08:22.383] MerHitGod: Nice [03:08:22.407] canvaspainting: KEKW pog [03:08:22.430] Rigxer: WAYTOODANK WAYTOODANK WAYTOODANK [03:08:22.434] candiedem7: POGGERS [03:08:22.580] Rxmvrk: LMAOOOO [03:08:22.758] Ritella27: POGGERS [03:08:22.788] probepackung: bruh [03:08:23.102] CaridinZ: monkaS HOLY [03:08:23.319] GrinchMD: Nice [03:08:23.347] Lucridis: F1nn legit had a heart attack then [03:08:23.374] Femboy1exe: WTF!! [03:08:23.416] pianoismyforte_: clap [03:08:23.556] xXNeroZashiXx: wtf pog [03:08:23.624] Earthquake_chan: THE MANS DID IT [03:08:23.800] stumagoo992: wowo [03:08:23.892] Bean1997: SAY it finn [03:08:23.916] Solus_kun: 6969 PogU [03:08:23.919] Xylomn: jesus man you have too much money [03:08:23.990] desno03: YOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:24.199] PeterTheMostlyOK: POG [03:08:24.371] UnderLord04: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [03:08:24.480] drbuckethead123: POGGERS shyyRave shyyRave shyyRave shyyRoll [03:08:24.743] tallorangeone: good lord [03:08:25.221] dander_jk: o7 [03:08:25.338] femboyremix: lets go !!! [03:08:25.352] DeanTheSpartan: Hell yeah chat [03:08:25.421] Emmy64_: ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 [03:08:25.489] chicken115: Jeez [03:08:25.958] tiggs711: JUST WHO IS THIS MAN [03:08:26.227] tarakagyu: lets go [03:08:26.268] candiedem7: HOLY SHIT [03:08:26.609] benfletcher247: 69696969 [03:08:26.645] guitarbebop: pog Tens!!!! [03:08:26.695] TheOriginalMikeD: got damn!!!!! [03:08:26.801] snoop_uwu: rahhh [03:08:26.980] unclecharlie869: LETS GO! [03:08:26.994] zombie_1981: what? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:08:27.377] HawkOfDiscord: poggers [03:08:27.519] XellosMetallum: What do you say to that @F1NN5TER [03:08:27.554] Nothing_1223: POG [03:08:27.853] jartma5ter: Are you kidding me? [03:08:27.894] tastypossumsoup: YOOOOOO [03:08:28.139] Bean1997: Say it [03:08:28.327] braddle172: nice [03:08:28.701] vetras91: you know your line [03:08:28.759] socksthc: fuck yeah keeper goig [03:08:28.789] humanthatlikesthings: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [03:08:29.315] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you would cheat to much [03:08:29.370] Bjotte: Ten Dooing the Lords work [03:08:29.761] benfletcher247: 696969 [03:08:29.959] that1guylouis24: OIL BARON SUGAR DADDY !!! [03:08:30.020] owlyte26: True Chad!!! [03:08:30.117] maskaras12: Too much money [03:08:30.138] ginjninj: say the line f1nn [03:08:30.211] shittposteen: he forgoted one 0 xddd [03:08:30.271] jeetmaster07: suii [03:08:30.405] rooooooooosh: YOOO [03:08:30.414] giga_chad_VI: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:08:30.884] frypann: PogU YO [03:08:31.095] Rxmvrk: damn it just started too [03:08:31.293] lagendking: lol [03:08:31.486] nicoleHV96: wtff [03:08:31.567] iiamkira_: HOLYYYUUY [03:08:31.671] Jens_LN: Good job Tenmuses [03:08:31.977] itsintheclouds: YOOOOOO [03:08:32.281] sir_public0_0: Thx ten [03:08:32.430] MajesticFvckingEagle: Say the line bart! [03:08:32.543] medicbat: POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS [03:08:32.638] bearpaw1970: gawwwd' D@mn😂 [03:08:32.985] 8bitkoala_: pfft [03:08:33.169] flex_uli: I KNEW IT :D [03:08:33.288] King__Mosabi: now say the line Bart [03:08:33.404] d4nc1ngc0w: holy shit [03:08:33.569] programdotmp4: ayo wheres mine smh [03:08:33.574] fluffy57211: PogU [03:08:33.695] Emmy64_: ezeggZoom2 PogChamp mkoJammies [03:08:33.924] GrinchMD: say it [03:08:34.262] Nova_Prime_69: ez clap [03:08:34.434] mikah0323: padre amado!!!! [03:08:34.509] nikeoz: congrats wow [03:08:35.449] know1_0: yep [03:08:35.557] 57ranma: 😂😂😂 [03:08:35.741] ItsY0BoyMike: Pogggg [03:08:35.837] OmsX8O: deamhaClap deamhaClap deamhaClap deamhaClap [03:08:36.416] yuki__21: wtf [03:08:36.877] xenofizzz: Wait what happened? [03:08:36.967] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:08:36.978] StellarSkyFall: You'll never dress as a man again at this point. lol [03:08:36.981] treelie: D A D D Y [03:08:37.291] smokeheadpyro: poggers [03:08:37.407] Friendigo_: the inner turmoil lmao [03:08:37.460] Rxmvrk: still had 24 days lmao [03:08:37.811] TacPepGaming: kekw [03:08:38.041] goosegoose2547: Ayeee more gorl month [03:08:38.211] Roxy_Gaming18: TEN! YOU A MADMAN!!! [03:08:38.364] Kolateak_: Absolute mad lad [03:08:38.416] kellyfishLIVE: WTF POGGERS [03:08:38.607] eclipsi0: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [03:08:39.080] PlayingonAdele: unique chat only pog [03:08:39.083] itsatena: EZZ [03:08:39.102] alexx_net: You're going to do girl decade anyway. Poggers TenMuses f1nnGremlin f1nnHeart f1nnZOOM [03:08:39.281] mootie1: FeelsStrongMan Clap [03:08:39.312] nimrob11: Thank you daddy! [03:08:39.364] Rtwld: POG DADDY COMES THROUGH [03:08:39.410] medicbat: SAY IT [03:08:39.808] OliveTentacle: <3 LUL <3 [03:08:39.890] xfunkyflynnx: I'm simping for another month gals [03:08:39.910] acidiclemontoaster: yo [03:08:39.995] jethawk9: Holy I got here at a good time [03:08:40.266] Earthquake_chan: Clap [03:08:40.364] ArchyNemesis: IT'S TIME [03:08:40.552] ieatglowstickss: AYYYYYYYYYYYYY [03:08:40.634] im_up_to_something: Go Ten, you Chad rynHai [03:08:40.823] michiilepsy: Thats a bit mad innit [03:08:41.150] Reijuuuuuu: Holy [03:08:41.268] estrogen44: I'm feeling weak in my legs [03:08:41.528] VFXBishop: sunheeeVibin sunheeeVibin sunheeeVibin [03:08:41.664] snoop_uwu: lettsss gooo [03:08:42.030] ZyhlerXG: 24 days to go? [03:08:42.089] zombie_1981: say it man [03:08:42.185] peavey443: Ten scares me [03:08:42.202] xxjoyeusexx: lets never end this dream [03:08:42.349] humanthatlikesthings: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:08:42.387] CozyyPandaa: f1nnBingbong [03:08:42.975] Seriously42gaming: next month is 20K [03:08:43.124] Flippi_12: deamhaClap deamhaClap deamhaClap [03:08:43.316] nitemoves1970: Lmfao girl power !!!! [03:08:43.320] jupiterstone: Let’s go girl month [03:08:43.457] OmsX8O: ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 [03:08:43.549] braddle172: f1nnHeadpat KomodoHype f1nnHeadpat [03:08:43.592] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Clap [03:08:43.756] BenZye3: so wait what does this mean? [03:08:43.906] BeornkTheBork: BRO [03:08:44.214] calming_insanity: Clap [03:08:44.231] Emmy64_: It happened boois and gals ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 [03:08:44.830] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, did you update the calendar with the time for the last one reached already? [03:08:45.415] 1_smart_donkey: I love that face [03:08:46.101] kentosded: POGGERS [03:08:46.230] afy_jb: I thought it was gonna be 2 mil when I saw the comma. OMG TENS [03:08:46.299] ayarcee: 07 [03:08:46.700] titanium347: well damn [03:08:46.738] ieatglowstickss: GIRL MONTH [03:08:46.802] lexmont42: LETS GET GIRLY!!!!! [03:08:47.426] fizu_kuha: thank him [03:08:47.516] goosegoose2547: Becoming a gorl [03:08:48.315] TenMuses: A good girl says "Thank you Daddy" [03:08:48.493] just_call_me_kei: Wooooo!!!! [03:08:48.636] Bulldog85043: 07 Ten! [03:08:48.773] LordRuyn: You seem disappointed [03:08:48.799] Ritella27: Clap [03:08:48.963] normal_humanxd: U RICH AYOOOOOOOOO [03:08:49.284] bernie_____: hachuLaughingAtYou [03:08:49.465] shayan21212: the quet is loud [03:08:49.531] FlyingMortimer: You know you have to say it... "Thank you daddy." [03:08:49.750] 1indigo0: W FATHER [03:08:50.049] Reijuuuuuu: Weeeeeeeeeeee! [03:08:50.184] starsjem: W [03:08:50.443] ronineutroni: say thanks daddy :D [03:08:50.506] 57ranma: @tenmuses is king [03:08:50.738] longlegs_honey: yes [03:08:51.425] Co6ra_: well then [03:08:51.739] ZodFang: New Goal? [03:08:52.299] jetblock178_: Wdim [03:08:52.940] candiedem7: W O W [03:08:53.237] Lautrax777: Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 Corpa 📈 [03:08:54.427] OrangetailGaming: I think TenMuses is Jeff Bezos’ alt account [03:08:54.688] bethany_mwa_: Clap clap clap [03:08:54.772] TikkieWillem_: lol [03:08:55.040] giga_chad_VI: up your price my bro [03:08:55.395] ScarredLemon: This man is never going to wear guy clothes again [03:08:56.054] benfletcher247: nextone pls [03:08:57.558] reaper036: sayyyyyy it :) [03:08:57.822] braddle172: lol [03:08:58.135] Electromagnetic: Clap [03:08:58.475] MajesticFvckingEagle: Say the line! KEKW [03:08:58.777] OmsX8O: deamhaClap [03:08:59.078] Chri55PBacon: LUL [03:09:00.282] jxcxb_123: don't you find it weird tha tmost ppl would be in bed/asleep by now [03:09:00.670] frypann: GIRL MONTH PART 13 [03:09:00.951] rebel_vader: 2K DONO LETS GO!!! [03:09:01.103] lucadeboss1: Detroit become girl [03:09:01.136] mootie1: @TenMuses ThankEgg [03:09:01.673] nimrob11: No thank you daddy [03:09:03.193] Malady16: someone does 2 mil in twitch donos they're gonna think it's money laundering or smthn [03:09:03.761] BeornkTheBork: STONKS [03:09:05.498] Bulldog85043: o7 Ten!! [03:09:05.512] empirechaotix: 20k in 54 days... [03:09:05.562] medicbat: SAY IT BIMBO [03:09:05.642] neon_soup: be a good girl now [03:09:05.891] drbuckethead123: what a juicer shyyEyes shyyEyes [03:09:05.931] LittleChaSiu: @Stovamor yes, 3-1 is on there, and now I'll add 3-2 [03:09:06.233] alexx_net: What do we say to Daddy TenMuses? [03:09:06.382] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:09:06.422] LAOnAirStudios: Ha ha ha ha ha ha [03:09:06.511] Rtwld: say it [03:09:06.777] lionnsmane: yes we can [03:09:07.597] Amoyamoyamoya: RIP BoyF1nn. [03:09:08.744] bearpaw1970: can chat's super hero Ten get a thanks's Daddy [03:09:09.488] bernie_____: cherie21Nice [03:09:11.123] BerryAndBitty: @OrangetailGaming Jef Simpos [03:09:11.554] starless_x: Thank your daddy [03:09:11.576] GroggyReaper: say it [03:09:11.585] lionnsmane: we just did it [03:09:11.751] LoadSmasher: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff pace22RG2 [03:09:12.738] eclipsi0: Tens is the Vader of SugarDaddies [03:09:13.134] xxjoyeusexx: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:09:13.160] tallorangeone: tenmuses is truly incredible [03:09:13.319] 57ranma: WHERE IS THE “THANKS DADDY” [03:09:13.402] Jens_LN: yes, yes he can [03:09:13.589] jetblock178_: Oh shit girl month yooo [03:09:14.137] GrinchMD: Say the line Bart Kappa [03:09:15.012] Rxmvrk: LMAO [03:09:16.115] smokeheadpyro: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [03:09:16.356] braddle172: KEKW [03:09:16.838] batchelli: twotoneOhbehave twotoneOhbehave twotoneOhbehave twotoneOhbehave [03:09:17.108] vidyagaem7: Say it [03:09:17.673] ComputedBee: say it [03:09:17.788] 1ts_james: hah [03:09:18.116] Solus_kun: Thank you Daddy UwU [03:09:18.293] bogeszwastaken: KEKW [03:09:18.928] dingosurprise: LUL [03:09:18.950] Rxmvrk: thats gettin clipped [03:09:19.057] ashenjag: LUL LUL LUL [03:09:19.077] TheOriginalMikeD: mail that chest to Tens [03:09:19.238] nandosjr0800: Took one for the team what a legend [03:09:19.557] Reijuuuuuu: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! 🤘 [03:09:20.018] kentosded: clip that [03:09:20.166] lionnsmane: and cliped [03:09:20.357] xenofizzz: KEKW [03:09:20.779] titanium347: rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY rynHOLY [03:09:20.786] Kolateak_: KEKW [03:09:21.146] saltyfcraker: Wow [03:09:21.222] Earthquake_chan: OMEGALUL [03:09:21.442] Mister_Milk_: CLIP IT!!! [03:09:21.465] wiltmyflowers: say goodbye to guy clothes forever [03:09:21.498] baelphes: TEN 2024 [03:09:21.887] eternaldebuff: yikes [03:09:22.099] YashaTheFox: CLIP IT [03:09:22.127] mootie1: KEKW [03:09:22.328] pianoismyforte_: f1nnPegChamp [03:09:22.419] Lautrax777: Thanks daddy [03:09:22.735] Christophervk: KEKW [03:09:22.920] packagum: "24 days to go" KEKW [03:09:23.484] zombie_1981: Clap [03:09:23.490] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:09:23.614] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, Yay! Thank you! [03:09:23.988] Evie_Sparkles: Kappa [03:09:24.848] CaridinZ: Clap [03:09:25.473] Spectre223: Good girl, so obedient and donatable [03:09:25.765] medicbat: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [03:09:25.888] fluffy57211: cliped [03:09:26.102] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [03:09:26.701] livjpk78: can we suggest some outfits for all these days dressed? [03:09:26.763] Rxmvrk: you done did something real bad [03:09:27.397] King__Mosabi: That's a good girl [03:09:27.426] Solus_kun: !Onlyfans [03:09:27.670] Bookjunky99: clipped and shared [03:09:27.686] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [03:09:28.029] candiedem7: OMEGALUL [03:09:28.236] zer0110: blushing hard [03:09:28.486] Flippi_12: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat good girl [03:09:28.758] bluj40: internet footprint [03:09:28.971] HangryPlatypusElla: SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT [03:09:29.259] mairaineplayzGames: was gone for a moment, how much did Tenmuses donate today??? [03:09:30.335] josecortesnival: ouch [03:09:30.413] drbuckethead123: peepoclap OMEGALUL [03:09:30.429] ibrown39: Thanks @tenmuses !!!! [03:09:31.318] bearpaw1970: 💅👄💪👩 [03:09:31.955] aunalbrutal: Aww so cute to thank him :) [03:09:33.255] jetblock178_: Thank you mate [03:09:34.425] OliveTentacle: Hooray for DADDY [03:09:37.491] nimrob11: Ten can demand pretty much anything [03:09:40.041] teddee8964: Girl for a month . . . But at what cost? [03:09:40.417] Jens_LN: but someone else did [03:09:41.940] acamedjed: billyt49Baldrage [03:09:42.265] Rxmvrk: thats gonna haunt you for a long time [03:09:46.624] humanthatlikesthings: @TenMuses SeemsGood SeemsGood [03:09:47.424] MYONLYWISH4U: !following [03:09:47.481] alexx_net: Cringe harder; daddy likeee [03:09:47.940] gelbphoenix: Its getting close to girl year [03:09:49.635] ScarredLemon: This is a great stream for content [03:09:49.782] reinapaints: I need me a daddy like ten [03:09:51.755] normal_humanxd: @teddee8964 [03:09:51.829] mpr1999: one of the bar to get transgengered you have to be 100% of your new genger for 1 or 2 years before moving to the next level [03:09:52.256] mootie1: TPFufun [03:09:52.828] benfletcher247: next one [03:09:53.185] LAOnAirStudios: bebaMom bebaMy bebaMom bebaMy [03:09:54.778] fluffy57211: tenmuses is a legend [03:09:55.349] fieri574: I am sorry mods for schitzo posting in chat : ( [03:09:58.272] Rxmvrk: this is fr wild [03:09:59.228] goosegoose2547: Ayeee [03:10:00.844] nitemoves1970: Might as well paint the car pink now lol 😂 [03:10:01.137] jartma5ter: Just dumps that amount of cash like a penny in a change jar, unreal [03:10:01.515] tyffhead: Rose [03:10:04.881] meh_its_jack: Oh how this manly man has (fill in blank) [03:10:06.097] Lautrax777: PogO [03:10:08.719] pranjit_scorp_ttv: pranjit_scorp_ttv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! 6 months Pog 🙂 [03:10:08.896] f3mmbot pranjit_scorp_ttv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:10:09.882] floorinspect: What Boba deal? [03:10:10.719] Bean1997: 500 Mil? [03:10:10.835] bluj40: @fieri574 chat sober or get pulled over [03:10:11.727] vetras91: define "realistic" [03:10:13.722] LordRuyn: Wait, so you never go out as Rose? [03:10:14.412] rebel_vader: Thanks for the dono @TenMuses [03:10:15.814] fiendishpixel: fiendishpixel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Hope to be a cool egg like you one day. 🥚 [03:10:15.994] f3mmbot fiendishpixel subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:10:17.915] josecortesnival: just say off [03:10:21.037] goosegoose2547: Gorl [03:10:21.460] Lautrax777: Daddy GIGACHAD [03:10:22.576] bernie_____: vvvLove daddy [03:10:22.823] goosegoose2547: Gorll [03:10:22.899] johnkeiwo: too little [03:10:24.344] goosegoose2547: Gorl [03:10:26.126] goosegoose2547: Gorll [03:10:26.285] bluj40: @fieri574 ur good tho [03:10:26.750] ibrown39: Does $1 still get displayed? [03:10:29.319] CaridinZ: Pog :) [03:10:29.429] goosegoose2547: Gorl [03:10:31.180] mairaineplayzGames: @LordRuyn private life, no. streams, you need to redeem points [03:10:31.949] vidyagaem7: Gorl [03:10:33.492] johnkeiwo: ten has got to run out of money at some point [03:10:35.182] 57ranma: BASICALLY WE DONT NEED TO CONVINCE FINN TO DO ANYTHING, JUST HABE TO CONVINCE TEN. [03:10:35.952] Solus_kun: 2 Streams ? so maybe about 3 months @F1NN5TER KEKW [03:10:37.696] Xylomn: tens, pavloving f1nn one donation at a time [03:10:39.389] Owly_9: wood [03:10:43.501] baelphes: Ten deserves a nice clip of Rose saying "Thank you daddy" [03:10:43.789] xenofizzz: Gorl month [03:10:46.225] nimrob11: How much of the total did he donate? [03:10:46.322] Skullph7: 10 is the Lord of the simps [03:10:46.443] goosegoose2547: Gorll [03:10:46.474] LAOnAirStudios: bebaMom bebaMy bebaMom bebaMy [03:10:47.267] lionnsmane: @johnkeiwo never [03:10:47.639] Derpyrupert: ten is a lawyer with that kinda dono [03:10:47.923] rw03_bjw: you forgot to make the plug goal f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:10:50.766] Lautrax777: @johnkeiwo Clueless surely [03:10:51.137] c__r__j: @johnkeiwo Yeah. A few tens of millions down the line... [03:10:52.601] Amoyamoyamoya: Yah...I'll have to review the VODs to determine how much he contributed to the $15K... [03:10:52.739] neon_soup: "I'm a lumberjack and that's ok" [03:10:53.466] femboyremix: @F1NN5TER reset the goal please ! [03:10:53.683] themindscrambler: @tenmuses you're the best, thanks for sharing [03:10:54.741] benfletcher247: next goal [03:10:57.721] Evie_Sparkles: Yep, that's wood. [03:10:57.815] FishTWiT: damethyCHAD [03:10:58.188] 1_smart_donkey: so you went to a lumpy yard in a skirt look at wood [03:10:59.250] Jens_LN: you hug trees ? [03:11:00.065] treelie: finn you straight up have a sugar daddy [03:11:02.597] Piedy007: oak baby [03:11:02.651] Amoyamoyamoya: @TenMuses, Thank you so much. [03:11:03.407] tyffhead: Mod [03:11:03.685] Solus_kun: X [03:11:04.664] Flippi_12: X [03:11:05.090] guitarbebop: that sounds fun to me [03:11:05.826] frypann: average twitch user [03:11:06.539] bernie_____: KEKW lumber yard adventures [03:11:06.733] mr_ajokortti_korkort: X [03:11:07.155] JohnBanks117: X [03:11:07.962] BerryAndBitty: x [03:11:10.442] batchelli: sleep all night and work all day? [03:11:10.455] fluffy57211: X [03:11:11.400] gelbphoenix: x [03:11:11.771] braddle172: X [03:11:11.799] Oberst2k: x [03:11:12.256] Helen_Croft: woodworking stream? [03:11:12.313] Amoyamoyamoya: A planer? Really? [03:11:13.236] tyffhead: F [03:11:13.586] teddee8964: Dressed up to go and evaluate wood hmmm? [03:11:13.768] robbie1945: Rose should do a date stream with her sugardaddy [03:11:14.052] vidyagaem7: X [03:11:15.051] normal_humanxd: X [03:11:15.228] Owly_9: you do be workin wood [03:11:15.563] guitarbebop: kewl ! [03:11:15.699] mairaineplayzGames: @F1NN5TER you visited Oak? the man is already confused if yo uare a boy or a girl! y0ou are making it real hard for him!!!! [03:11:15.702] Mister_Milk_: the best of both wordls [03:11:15.820] tastypossumsoup: x [03:11:16.320] TheOriginalMikeD: haha wood [03:11:16.905] HangryPlatypusElla: yes you're so manly [03:11:18.891] drbuckethead123: @neon_soup S tier reference OMEGALUL [03:11:19.441] fluffy57211: PRESS X TO DOUBT [03:11:22.322] 1ts_james: lool [03:11:23.144] ginjninj: ahahahahahahaha [03:11:23.435] xenofizzz: wood? [03:11:24.821] Co6ra_: HAHAHAHAHA [03:11:25.375] c__r__j: Women can work people's wood, too. [03:11:26.295] Jens_LN: F1nn in the closet ? [03:11:26.467] vetras91: you know how to work our wood xD [03:11:26.620] medicbat: X [03:11:26.866] goosegoose2547: Sugar baby [03:11:27.022] xenofizzz: closet? [03:11:27.249] 57ranma: Can Tenmuses convince Finn to wear the plug? [03:11:27.251] Flippi_12: OMEGALUL [03:11:27.385] LAOnAirStudios: Where’s the pictures to prove it?? [03:11:27.397] duplotracer: Cool [03:11:28.550] humanthatlikesthings: X [03:11:28.557] josecortesnival: another bench [03:11:28.913] Unikore00: bwhahahaha [03:11:29.055] Piedy007: femboy woodworking [03:11:29.825] Emmy64_: They can work for other things sis mkoTech [03:11:30.331] ginjninj: ON BRAND [03:11:31.051] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL [03:11:31.128] nandosjr0800: Why not into football then [03:11:31.300] duckstm: LUL [03:11:31.623] ozeantj: based gigachad [03:11:32.028] starsjem: X [03:11:32.100] Owly_9: so you can come out of it?? [03:11:32.295] toystorylookingreject: Barbie life in the dream house [03:11:33.555] im_up_to_something: Bet other girls are jealous of Rose's sugar daddy 🙃 [03:11:33.939] bernie_____: KEKW [03:11:34.046] thedigitalpixel: KEKW yeah you need it [03:11:34.104] giga_chad_VI: he he he wood working he he he [03:11:34.572] tyffhead: Hahaha [03:11:34.875] lucadeboss1: Manly man goes to lumberjard [03:11:35.476] Helen_Croft: for all the girl clothes [03:11:35.558] braddle172: I mean makes sense [03:11:35.668] pretty_sweet_dude: femboy DIY [03:11:36.555] OpsCoreFAST: reason being shoes? [03:11:36.768] tarakagyu: thats the most lesbian thing you have said [03:11:37.097] abe1_2: tehehehe [03:11:37.116] xFANATEC_UKx: hahahaha [03:11:37.319] neon_soup: @drbuckethead123 thankyouthankyou LUL [03:11:37.359] nosfer_v: sus [03:11:37.545] grumpykittu: Start with a BIRD HOUSE [03:11:37.552] Spectre223: But we've worked so hard to keep you out of those [03:11:37.593] nimrob11: Us mock you …never [03:11:37.629] Evie_Sparkles: So many girl clothes that you need more space. [03:11:37.640] acamedjed: Wood? [03:11:37.826] Lautrax777: KEKW [03:11:38.199] ibrown39: Hey F1nn the video paused for me, did you answer my donation? Thanks! [03:11:38.457] BerryAndBitty: ROSE WANNA GET OUTSIDE OF HOUSE WITHOUT OUTING LUL [03:11:38.538] normal_humanxd: X BAD [03:11:38.617] Jens_LN: IN THE CLOSET [03:11:39.892] King__Mosabi: lmfao. 15yrs in carpentry so i'm gonna X DOUBT [03:11:40.422] jartma5ter: Walking in the closet in girl clothes [03:11:40.777] jxcxb_123: Omegalul [03:11:41.274] MayBeAJinx: Rose's Walk in closet [03:11:41.827] ayarcee: Every closet is walk in if you try hard enough [03:11:42.010] sasuke_csa: f1nnHeadpat [03:11:42.965] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [03:11:43.337] eternaldebuff: finn is great at wood working lol [03:11:43.390] OliveTentacle: Become lumberjack [03:11:43.954] femboyremix: goal [03:11:44.093] josecortesnival: you were going so well [03:11:44.114] Flippi_12: in the closet LUL [03:11:44.301] medicbat: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:11:44.648] jethawk9: Woodworking is fun I do it [03:11:44.991] Owly_9: KEKW [03:11:45.253] starsjem: X doubt [03:11:45.292] rw03_bjw: pretty sure you have a closet [03:11:45.407] acamedjed: wood? [03:11:45.584] suzywoozyy: a walk in closet? [03:11:45.591] titanium347: hehehehehee [03:11:46.450] 1ts_james: woodwork... closet... checks out LUL [03:11:47.672] operator_verona: who mock you? thats awesome stuff [03:11:47.759] johnkeiwo: f1nnEgg [03:11:48.066] lasparrow: KappaPride PridePaint [03:11:48.080] StellarSkyFall: some carpentary skills never hurt. :D [03:11:48.122] Bloodcoatrain: Is current pc desk going to the new place or building a new one? [03:11:48.215] 1_smart_donkey: get cedar wood [03:11:48.225] LutiaI: A walking closet? [03:11:48.661] mairaineplayzGames: walk in closet! very feminine!!!! [03:11:48.879] femboyremix: goal reset [03:11:49.051] FishTWiT: This Old Lady? I mean House? [03:11:49.816] calming_insanity: OMEGALUL [03:11:50.283] ashenjag: "stfu" [03:11:50.870] ScarredLemon: KEKW [03:11:52.202] lionnsmane: dud i do knitting, thats manly [03:11:52.584] braddle172: f1nnEgg [03:11:52.942] bernie_____: f1nnLaff Clap [03:11:53.805] jxcxb_123: Wood??????? [03:11:53.875] TheOriginalMikeD: where's the door [03:11:54.698] that1guylouis24: LUL [03:11:54.952] 1indigo0: LMAOOOOOOO [03:11:55.144] Piedy007: lumberlas stream? [03:11:55.533] box_of_limes: rose is not like other girls [03:11:55.582] Amoyamoyamoya: So...F1nn is making his own...Closet? [03:11:56.107] Solus_kun: KEKW Stfu [03:11:56.154] axel02602: f1nnEgg [03:11:56.251] femboyremix: goal reset please [03:11:56.320] vi777x: KEKW [03:11:56.900] Ghouldr: That's a great idea. F1nn [03:11:57.472] Lautrax777: Out of the C... [03:11:57.583] LordRuyn: Powertools/Woodworking stream as Rose [03:11:58.150] Emmy64_: KEKW [03:11:58.174] HK7X: LUL [03:11:58.398] Co6ra_: "my manly hobby so i can get a walk in closet" [03:11:58.571] grumpykittu: BIRD HOUSE [03:11:59.564] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:12:00.131] yuki__21: KEKW [03:12:00.257] alexx_net: So you're saying that you are getting into interior decorating? f1nnEgg [03:12:00.890] batchelli: Were the lumberjacks hot? [03:12:00.994] mr_ajokortti_korkort: LUL [03:12:01.058] Helen_Croft: woodworking stream? @F1NN5TER [03:12:01.230] melancholyriffs: LUL LUL LUL [03:12:01.382] know1_0: theonlyTeehee [03:12:02.452] acamedjed: wood?? [03:12:03.045] giga_chad_VI: sure fin sure [03:12:03.148] HangryPlatypusElla: ROSE WANT A WALKING LIKE A PRINCESS [03:12:03.848] wiltmyflowers: hihihi [03:12:03.990] ForeverAvJ: KEKW [03:12:04.060] Earthquake_chan: x [03:12:04.165] vizionzxrl: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:12:04.186] goosegoose2547: Everyone stfu [03:12:04.435] normal_humanxd: WALKING CLOSET BOI [03:12:04.883] rw03_bjw: you n3ed a walk out closet [03:12:05.110] fluffy57211: f1nnEgg [03:12:05.353] dingosurprise: KEKW [03:12:05.597] niyrme: rose having tourette? LUL [03:12:05.619] MG_NepNep: Trap [03:12:05.822] sir_public0_0: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:12:06.608] MayBeAJinx: Yeah, you can easily hide the chest in the girly walk in closet [03:12:06.844] vidyagaem7: KEKW [03:12:07.108] mairaineplayzGames: a walk in closet is very feminine!!!! [03:12:07.638] toystorylookingreject: You need a walk-in closet for all you girl close? [03:12:07.764] nandosjr0800: That seems cool [03:12:07.835] BerryAndBitty: Fin's closet LUL [03:12:08.147] abe1_2: Rose's Dream Closet [03:12:08.777] JohnBanks117: KEKW 󠀀 [03:12:09.037] BerryAndBitty: AMAZING [03:12:09.208] peavey443: Ahh no i get it, build a walk in closet so you can finally walk out of it [03:12:09.371] braddle172: LUL [03:12:09.501] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, Where's the floor plan you sent us with his "Gay Room?" [03:12:09.683] femboyremix: goal reset plase xx [03:12:10.040] jartma5ter: Hey, what guy couldn't a use a closet to walk in [03:12:10.441] HK7X: LUL LUL LUL [03:12:11.394] neon_soup: "I BUILT A WALK IN CLOSET SO I CAN COME OUT IN STYLE" [03:12:11.997] lucadeboss1: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:12:12.372] guitarbebop: thats a wonderful Idea [03:12:12.994] TacPepGaming: wood - working [03:12:13.520] FireRuby1: Femboi woodworking stream [03:12:13.996] reaper036: u already in the closet though :) [03:12:14.177] Lemorgatto: f1nnMonka [03:12:14.266] wulfii: sounds like a good idea [03:12:14.328] humanthatlikesthings: sftu LUL [03:12:15.849] Lautrax777: 🥚 [03:12:16.199] Oberst2k: "wood working" :D [03:12:17.011] Lemorgatto: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:12:17.721] c__r__j: Predict with channel points: the closet will be scuffed. [03:12:17.986] vizionzxrl: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:12:18.417] centr_ttv: So Rose get a walk-in closet or not? [03:12:18.688] josecortesnival: sigh [03:12:19.270] reinapaints: Lmao every other sentence [03:12:19.935] yuki__21: stream it please [03:12:20.006] 57ranma: WHAT TOOLS DO YOU NEED? [03:12:20.083] Torix_Live: KEKW [03:12:20.444] sir_public0_0: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnEgg f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:12:21.346] Chri55PBacon: nice [03:12:23.195] teddee8964: Use the scrap to make a nice protective eggbox? [03:12:23.599] mushroooommmmmm: lumber jack stream? [03:12:24.621] goosegoose2547: f1nnHeadpat [03:12:24.918] rebel_vader: Rose is the master of both worlds: feminine and manly man [03:12:25.485] judgedame: you have a lot of things. [03:12:26.135] wac1496: One side for rose one side for fin [03:12:26.461] Ghouldr: Woodworking is really cool @F1NN5TER [03:12:26.693] kikogitar: we want see it pls stream it [03:12:26.915] King__Mosabi: 15yrs in carpentry. all i'm gonna say is good luck LMFAO KEKW [03:12:27.068] FlyingMortimer: You should do some of that woodworking while streaming. [03:12:27.318] Solus_kun: OMEGALUL the little Brat is mad [03:12:29.052] pianoismyforte_: it's walk in so you can then come back out of it [03:12:29.132] funky_fox06: Stream content [03:12:31.457] LightSquire: buy a nice sander too if you're dealing with any real quantity of wood [03:12:31.468] batchelli: Were they working wood while you were there? [03:12:32.732] Emmy64_: Kappa [03:12:34.061] mrhanky99: Femboy carpentry stream when? [03:12:34.596] stumagoo992: just buy a closet, alot less effort, and you still get to come out of it [03:12:34.723] TheOriginalMikeD: woodworking is way more fun than machining. [03:12:34.795] goosegoose2547: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [03:12:35.721] im_up_to_something: If you want chat to stop, show them some thigh lol [03:12:35.786] toystorylookingreject: I think a building is cool [03:12:37.965] LutiaI: Great, you could walk into your closet... Then come out of it 😏 [03:12:39.094] batchelli: LUL LUL [03:12:39.137] nitemoves1970: Over-compensating much ??? Lol 🎶I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok …. 🎶 [03:12:40.212] titanium347: yeeeeeeeeeeees, very 'manly' rynXD rynXD rynXD rynXD [03:12:40.354] Solus_kun: Flippi weirdChamp [03:12:40.437] FishTWiT: Full Length Mirror? [03:12:42.950] MayBeAJinx: OMEGALUL [03:12:45.690] 2679920934: Noice [03:12:49.748] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Flippi_12 LUL [03:12:51.730] ieatglowstickss: You won't come out the closet so you decided to make it bigger? [03:12:52.012] bearpaw1970: the Prinf1nncess' magic wardrobes [03:12:53.190] JohnBanks117: Flippi LUL [03:12:53.372] lucadeboss1: Nothing more manly then building your own walking closet [03:12:53.409] fluffy57211: KEKW [03:12:54.390] Solus_kun: a little wet ? POGGERS [03:12:54.918] goosegoose2547: He’s a gorl for 2 more months [03:12:55.875] buckeyedeku: woodworking is a French maid outfit [03:12:56.176] Lautrax777: KEKW [03:12:56.670] abe1_2: Phrasing Bro [03:12:57.280] toystorylookingreject: Lmaoo [03:12:57.774] calming_insanity: KEKW [03:12:58.051] acamedjed: femboy doing wood CaitlynS [03:12:58.435] maskaras12: KEKW [03:12:58.776] Earthquake_chan: OMEGALUL [03:12:59.006] duckstm: Femboy Fishing knockoff [03:12:59.010] stillstoned3: woodworking? building a closet that you can come out of? [03:12:59.153] Evie_Sparkles: looool [03:12:59.261] addercap: "got a little wet" lol [03:12:59.408] bluj40: actually genius idea [03:13:00.242] 1ts_james: i thought we were past the closet stage [03:13:00.367] iiwolfplay: Cheer1 hey [03:13:00.541] bernie_____: hachuW [03:13:00.721] grumpykittu: A BIRD HOUSE [03:13:01.104] HangryPlatypusElla: KEKW [03:13:01.139] normal_humanxd: XD [03:13:01.195] braddle172: KEKW [03:13:01.628] Co6ra_: thats a good one [03:13:02.267] xenofizzz: LOL [03:13:02.455] itsatena: LOL [03:13:02.519] mootie1: KEKW [03:13:03.633] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [03:13:04.905] candiedem7: OMEGALUL [03:13:05.890] GroggyReaper: KEKW [03:13:06.183] benfletcher247: reset the goal [03:13:06.313] jartma5ter: That's the best thing about the walk in closet, you can get out of the closet easily [03:13:06.612] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:13:06.715] Lautrax777: GOODONE [03:13:07.196] Owly_9: It's quicker with a patio attachment [03:13:07.509] HangryPlatypusElla: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:13:07.638] Oberst2k: LUL [03:13:08.539] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun deamhaWater deamhaWater [03:13:08.629] alexx_net: Will F1nn's f1nnEgg crack before or after he unleans his sexism? #girlCarpentry [03:13:08.663] Rtwld: LUL [03:13:09.187] codecraft3r: OMEGALUL [03:13:09.313] Altex1: PrideLaugh [03:13:09.620] stormsn0w: The prettiest woodworker the world has ever seen [03:13:10.314] reweliusz: KEKW [03:13:10.329] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [03:13:10.815] ihavenowhit: lol [03:13:10.922] zilichaos: KEKW [03:13:11.827] Emmy64_: LUL [03:13:12.321] candiedem7: KEKW [03:13:12.797] duckstm: KEKW [03:13:14.659] smokeheadpyro: f1nnGremlin [03:13:15.391] benfletcher247: reset the goal pls [03:13:15.911] Jens_LN: Welcome to the closet ! [03:13:16.186] StellarSkyFall: you totally walked into that one. [03:13:16.477] bernie_____: Clap guys [03:13:16.521] Flippi_12: KEKW [03:13:17.655] fluffy57211: LUL [03:13:17.820] 1ts_james: heheh [03:13:19.066] ashenjag: loooooool [03:13:19.678] CaridinZ: KEKW gottem [03:13:20.146] Tasty_Shrimp: KEKW [03:13:21.064] d4nc1ngc0w: KEKW [03:13:21.419] normal_humanxd: MAKE IT 5 [03:13:21.637] ArchyNemesis: When can we expect the woodworking channel to go up? [03:13:22.344] Emmy64_: Clap [03:13:22.588] bearpaw1970: 😂🔥 chats on fire [03:13:22.852] acamedjed: KEKW [03:13:23.117] LordRuyn: Well, you did walk right into it [03:13:24.038] toystorylookingreject: oooooh [03:13:24.655] FishTWiT: Rose works wood like no other [03:13:28.962] LutiaI: You did this to yourself [03:13:30.084] Helen_Croft: broomcloset from the stanly parable [03:13:30.948] King__Mosabi: Chats full of topkeks today KEKW [03:13:32.138] Stovamor: I never claimed to be original in my sense of humour :D [03:13:32.893] mairaineplayzGames: a walk in clsoet is very feminine Rose! [03:13:34.749] idntlikethis: f1nnEgg [03:13:37.422] MrWingLee: MrWingLee subscribed with Prime. [03:13:37.484] Earthquake_chan: BIG COMBO on the closet jokes [03:13:37.618] f3mmbot mrwinglee subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mrwinglee f1nnLezgang [03:13:37.828] MrWingLee: MrWingLee subscribed with Prime. [03:13:38.008] f3mmbot mrwinglee subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mrwinglee f1nnLezgang [03:13:39.356] TheOriginalMikeD: Finn Vila [03:13:39.621] iiwolfplay: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [03:13:42.748] Owly_9: time to walk right out of it [03:13:46.771] goosegoose2547: I’m in the closet rn there’s no space with all of you girls too [03:13:48.526] thedigitalpixel: the broom closet ending was my favorite [03:13:51.007] toystorylookingreject: I really think woodworking is cool! [03:13:54.845] OliveTentacle: Let Rose work some really hard wood [03:13:58.115] 1ts_james: woodworking with rose does sound like it could be a pretty cool youtube channel in all fairness [03:13:59.442] femboyremix: reset the goal please !!!!!! [03:14:03.472] fluffy57211: GOT EM KEKW [03:14:03.597] eternaldebuff: remember chat, woodworking s off the table until minecraft becomes less profitable [03:14:03.650] acamedjed: KEKW [03:14:05.035] kgober: a walk in closet is too small for all the clothes rose has. it must be for dildos [03:14:06.094] Haslak64: We winning? [03:14:06.547] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, time to just give in... [03:14:08.639] keffyfortnight: Join keff gang [03:14:09.677] bearpaw1970: shoe Rotisserie [03:14:10.878] Chri55PBacon: LUL [03:14:11.340] zombie_1981: LUL [03:14:12.453] TacPepGaming: deep huh [03:14:14.108] Evie_Sparkles: nah [03:14:15.773] Jens_LN: :D [03:14:23.812] 57ranma: SERIOUSLY, DO YOU HAVE THE TOOLS YOU NEED? [03:14:24.822] benfletcher247: reset goal [03:14:25.421] Rtwld: bury it in concrete [03:14:25.805] wulfii: practice makes perfect go at it! always good with new skills [03:14:25.931] TheOriginalMikeD: slipppin Jimmy [03:14:26.097] HangryPlatypusElla: LIKE JOHN WICK [03:14:26.749] MacroAccount: Woodworking With Rose, PLZ MAKE IT HAPPEN@!!!!!! [03:14:27.686] Jens_LN: bury the chest ? [03:14:31.624] stillstoned3: if building a closet is what it take to come out, its fine [03:14:35.927] bluj40: thats the first time ive heard you say innit [03:14:37.263] SethwMad: They're on the way [03:14:37.371] 1ts_james: lol cement it under the floor like john wick [03:14:37.385] Stovamor: !of [03:14:37.657] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [03:14:37.799] giga_chad_VI: just put it under concrete with your continental coins [03:14:38.903] benfletcher247: reset goal pls [03:14:39.201] hotgirl676: how much for you to work a guy's wood? [03:14:41.031] ttvcopi: crawl space [03:14:42.723] nandosjr0800: Like John wick guns [03:14:44.424] Wendy_A1: 54 DAYS for the goal [03:14:44.457] stormsn0w: You can be a man and still work people’s wood? [03:14:44.460] normal_humanxd: YESSIR 6 MAKE IT 7 [03:14:47.189] xqueenkarax: missed you at TwitchCon, sadge [03:14:48.085] mikop113: holy cow i just cummed [03:14:48.091] fluffy57211: OMEGALUL [03:14:49.021] eclipsi0: onlyfinns KEKW [03:14:51.275] Flippi_12: KEKW 󠀀 [03:14:52.972] Lautrax777: KEKW [03:14:53.836] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:14:55.235] acamedjed: doing 🪵 wood? [03:14:56.119] normal_humanxd: 7 YASSS [03:14:56.596] dingosurprise: KEKW [03:14:56.599] candiedem7: KEKW WHAT [03:14:56.648] Helen_Croft: bury the box in the yard @F1NN5TER [03:14:57.037] Owly_9: f1nnEgg [03:14:57.087] Earthquake_chan: KEKW [03:14:57.334] Lautrax777: 🥚 [03:14:57.935] mr_ajokortti_korkort: KEKW [03:14:58.591] waterdragon_91: KEKW [03:14:59.646] WarpGateBR: @F1NN5TER have you heard about April Wilkerson? [03:15:00.001] TheOriginalMikeD: you think we're gonna get another Gene Takavic black and white episode tonight? [03:15:00.422] bernie_____: KEKW panties [03:15:00.779] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL [03:15:01.687] fluffy57211: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:15:01.869] johnkeiwo: f1nnEgg [03:15:03.378] sir_public0_0: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:15:03.463] GroggyReaper: merciless [03:15:04.257] torpeme: ppHop ppHop ppHop [03:15:04.323] yuki__21: KEKW [03:15:05.265] BerryAndBitty: KEKW [03:15:06.863] duplotracer: OMEGALUL [03:15:08.042] Emmy64_: f1nnEgg [03:15:10.491] 1ts_james: lol [03:15:11.371] Lautrax777: HUH [03:15:13.295] Emmy64_: f1nnEmbarrassed [03:15:14.451] Helen_Croft: bury the box in the yard @F1NN5TER [03:15:14.678] medicbat: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:15:14.687] King__Mosabi: KEKW [03:15:15.644] braddle172: KEKW [03:15:16.644] waterdragon_91: OMEGALUL [03:15:17.192] mairaineplayzGames: damn, chat down bad! [03:15:18.882] Jens_LN: Dang, chat is on fire today :D [03:15:19.359] Rtwld: f1nnEgg [03:15:21.530] Piedy007: reset [03:15:22.235] lolmeisje_2009: reset [03:15:22.703] lta7904: wait [03:15:23.545] reweliusz: Yes [03:15:23.707] Earthquake_chan: reset i'd say [03:15:23.756] CloakedN00b: wait [03:15:23.764] ronsalami228: reset [03:15:24.167] flex_uli: reset [03:15:24.230] femboyremix: reset [03:15:24.608] 1_smart_donkey: ask your daddy [03:15:24.653] Synge_: reset [03:15:25.313] stormsn0w: PEOPLE ARE SO MEAN [03:15:26.635] snoop_uwu: reset [03:15:26.862] kikogitar: reset [03:15:27.078] Stovamor: Wait for the next stream, whenever that is [03:15:27.453] c__r__j: Of COURSE it's content. Any normal person would have called it a cupboard! [03:15:27.800] TheOriginalMikeD: mail it to Tens [03:15:27.821] mairaineplayzGames: RESET GOAL! let ten break the goal inmediatly :P [03:15:28.222] johnkeiwo: i'd say wait [03:15:28.370] packagum: wait [03:15:28.433] blusau: Reset [03:15:28.492] fluffy57211: RESET [03:15:28.789] rw03_bjw: plug goal f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:15:28.971] LordRuyn: reset [03:15:29.299] LonesomeTea: wait [03:15:30.063] normal_humanxd: reset [03:15:30.222] spacecow2000: reset [03:15:30.335] Emmy64_: That made me feel weird LUL [03:15:31.039] rooooooooosh: reset [03:15:31.108] mozts2005: f1nnEgg csharpDoTheThing [03:15:31.185] ohcrapitsonfire: no reset, full send [03:15:31.226] KayluhZ: reset [03:15:31.961] Lautrax777: reset [03:15:32.071] FlyingMortimer: reset [03:15:32.208] nandosjr0800: Reset [03:15:32.262] bluj40: depends on if you want money or not [03:15:32.504] HawkOfDiscord: gunna need gloves to keep those hands soft [03:15:32.592] Synge_: resetlol [03:15:32.600] empirechaotix: remember when f1nn said he'd use the spare room as a closet? [03:15:32.720] benfletcher247: reset pls rose [03:15:32.858] vidyagaem7: f1nnEgg [03:15:33.960] know1_0: wait [03:15:35.314] barbie_secretstanner: Waiting [03:15:35.525] ericarocksme: wait [03:15:35.573] Asher_Grisham73: Reset [03:15:36.296] fluffy57211: THE GREAT RESET [03:15:36.367] Stovamor: Wait for the next stream, whenever that is [03:15:37.086] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait if you want to hang on to a shred of your masculinity. [03:15:37.852] 57ranma: DO YOU HAVE A TABLE SAW? ROUTER? [03:15:38.857] johnkeiwo: @Stovamor, in 2 weeks [03:15:39.328] sir_public0_0: Reset [03:15:39.381] marejededecu: wait [03:15:39.494] nimrob11: Live woodworking does twitch allow that? Sounds wrong [03:15:40.935] braddle172: reset [03:15:43.695] pocketfullofskittles: Reset [03:15:44.133] themindscrambler: probably dont fit the box clothes anyway [03:15:45.366] OliveTentacle: gardening stream then? [03:15:46.568] thedigitalpixel: Uh don't bury it unless it air tight because your clothes will be ruined [03:15:46.920] disnick123: i'd say wait [03:15:48.203] wac1496: Reset [03:15:49.706] guitarbebop: reset please Rose [03:15:50.075] subnatalie: Wait [03:15:50.514] VFXBishop: sunheeeCOMFY [03:15:52.238] R3X9: R3X9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! loving the MC videos [03:15:52.418] f3mmbot r3x9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:15:52.940] mairaineplayzGames: @Amoyamoyamoya i think its to late for that :P [03:15:55.628] Unikore00: wait [03:15:56.141] Evie_Sparkles: Let it reach 169% [03:15:56.649] desno03: f1nnPegChamp [03:15:57.880] TacPepGaming: learn to wood carve and do some intricate designs of roses and girly stuff [03:15:58.471] Jeronimo9823: hi finn! [03:15:59.090] MacroAccount: NEW CHANNEL WOODWORING WITH ROSE PLOZZZ [03:16:01.886] Amoyamoyamoya: @mairaineplayzGames, I did say "shred." [03:16:05.181] bearpaw1970: treasure map to the box just in case f1nn forgets [03:16:05.450] Dakunval: Gotta go, stupid job. [03:16:06.976] Wendy_A1: 55 DAYS NOW [03:16:07.683] alexx_net: Yes, roll over the extra days into the next goal [03:16:08.744] jartma5ter: When you bury the box out there, do the shrubs get in the way? [03:16:11.240] Necros_25: what's the butt plug goal again? [03:16:12.621] HangryPlatypusElla: YOU BETTER JOHN WICK IT AND BURY IT UNDER CONCRETE [03:16:13.897] ScarredLemon: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:16:14.135] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, LUL [03:16:14.720] mairaineplayzGames: @Amoyamoyamoya lol, still to late XD [03:16:17.984] benfletcher247: now# [03:16:19.524] Flippi_12: LUL [03:16:20.691] benfletcher247: now [03:16:24.803] SaberNyghts: let's go my msg lmao [03:16:25.160] Jens_LN: plug goal ? [03:16:26.166] LeDr_Dan: do it KEKW [03:16:27.251] benfletcher247: now now [03:16:28.790] bernie_____: pepeD plug [03:16:30.526] StellarSkyFall: StellarSkyFall is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [03:16:30.732] f3mmbot stellarskyfall has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [03:16:30.747] 1ts_james: this is like the truman show LUL [03:16:31.191] ArchyNemesis: Famous last words [03:16:31.310] mootie1: gachiBASS [03:16:31.482] StellarSkyFall: StellarSkyFall gifted a Tier 1 sub to cookiedough_lcecream! [03:16:31.518] StellarSkyFall: StellarSkyFall gifted a Tier 1 sub to funkygamelord121! [03:16:31.551] StellarSkyFall: StellarSkyFall gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thegamelordz! [03:16:31.551] StellarSkyFall: StellarSkyFall gifted a Tier 1 sub to toomanybees___! [03:16:31.582] StellarSkyFall: StellarSkyFall gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oggblomskulk! [03:16:32.047] aunalbrutal: Next stream in a month or so XD [03:16:32.857] tarakagyu: woodcrafting with rose [03:16:33.278] renzo777777777: Does girl month work only in streams or do you have to go out as rose? [03:16:34.518] sir_public0_0: Now [03:16:35.316] medicbat: everyone has their price rose [03:16:37.179] chained_is_live: the mods should have recordings of what they talk about while [03:16:38.221] Amoyamoyamoya: Reset on next stream? So...next month? [03:16:39.027] 57ranma: IM AM SERIOUS, I WOULD WATCH THE WOOD WORKING VIDEO. I ACTUALLY LIKE THAT. [03:16:39.468] godsbeenswinging_: ten will [03:16:40.267] laggytaco420: goal for onlyfans [03:16:40.548] HangryPlatypusElla: oh we'd know [03:16:41.342] Jens_LN: like that would stop us ? [03:16:41.853] OliveTentacle: Carve some buttplugs from hardwood [03:16:41.890] nandosjr0800: When the new omegal yearly vid [03:16:43.408] Torschden: oh we would know [03:16:43.442] neon_soup: We'll know Kappa [03:16:44.487] Evie_Sparkles: OnlyF1nns [03:16:46.109] ozeantj: we will know xD [03:16:47.326] normal_humanxd: you better put plat on wood work [03:16:48.794] MayBeAJinx: Or pretend that you didn't KEKW [03:16:50.194] itsatena: WE WOULD KNOW [03:16:50.902] heavymetalyetiguy: we'd know [03:16:50.929] TyrRiza: TyrRiza gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheForeheadMan69! They have given 12 Gift Subs in the channel! [03:16:51.140] f3mmbot tyrriza has gifted a subscription to theforeheadman69 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang theforeheadman69 f1nnLezgang [03:16:51.345] abe1_2: I can tell when a girl fakes [03:16:51.668] MortallyTransparentCupcke: onlyf1nns [03:16:52.278] OmsX8O: !of [03:16:52.596] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [03:16:53.561] Naltyr_: KEKW [03:16:53.609] 1ts_james: haha [03:16:53.632] eclipsi0: OnlyF1nns [03:16:53.809] Ducky1992: did it or already done it Kappa [03:16:55.355] TenMuses: You're a good girl. You wouldn't lie about it. [03:16:55.735] Rtwld: you wouldn't lie to us now would you [03:16:56.041] HangryPlatypusElla: we want it to be remote controled [03:16:57.033] giga_chad_VI: "I could just fake it" all the more reason to do it [03:16:58.598] ginjninj: not for nothing, its fun [03:16:58.851] drbuckethead123: We'll know Gayge shyyEyes shyyRave [03:17:00.271] ihavenowhit: JUST LIKE YOUR PANTIES??? [03:17:00.763] Emmy64_: Number 3, maybe you have one right now...? weirdChamp [03:17:00.808] bearpaw1970: true Velcro a plug [03:17:00.844] Spectre223: We'll get you to do starjumps to prove it [03:17:01.932] fluffy57211: WE WOULD KNOW KEKW [03:17:03.710] chained_is_live: not if you have a bigenough one [03:17:03.754] magilouser: magilouser subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 12 month streak! Uhhhhhhh recurring payment [03:17:03.939] f3mmbot magilouser subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:17:04.259] themindscrambler: OnlyF1nn5 [03:17:04.793] Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/v839f4/new_dono_goal_got_hit/ [03:17:05.223] zucduc: Twitter exists [03:17:06.096] addercap: we could see how you were sitting [03:17:07.179] 1ts_james: that sounds even funnier [03:17:07.382] CozyyPandaa: Post on twitter [03:17:07.438] pocketfullofskittles: You can’t just push it in it doesn’t work like that [03:17:07.682] 1_smart_donkey: we don't believe you half the time you say you do stuff anyhow [03:17:09.111] Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/v839f4/new_dono_goal_got_hit/ @F1NN5TER [03:17:10.780] Amoyamoyamoya: @tikkop777, He doesn't go out dressed like he does on stream. [03:17:13.540] Torschden: just show it FailFish [03:17:13.769] Jens_LN: already did it ? [03:17:13.884] TenMuses: I would believe you [03:17:14.254] mairaineplayzGames: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:17:14.779] KOwOnchi: proof to tens [03:17:15.096] stormsn0w: That’s what the only Finn’s is for [03:17:15.261] TheOriginalMikeD: vibrating, problem solved [03:17:15.438] eclipsi0: OnlyF1NN5 [03:17:15.945] Mister_Milk_: let us control the vibrations [03:17:16.805] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you may enjoy it till you try it! [03:17:17.572] lta7904: just make an of [03:17:18.877] transkiot: just post a pic on twitter??? [03:17:20.283] Sa7v3N: Just open an onlyfan, and we will know :p [03:17:21.514] empirechaotix: considering how you squirm with the tucking, you'll never be able to sit down with the plug [03:17:21.638] alexx_net: So you'll just have to do it because it is fun [03:17:22.880] pranjit_scorp_ttv: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:17:23.415] TenMuses: And I suspect I'll be the one paying for it :) [03:17:25.102] SaberNyghts: LMAO my donation msg [03:17:25.638] OpsCoreFAST: scammed if you do scammed if you dont [03:17:26.301] jartma5ter: Pretty sure we'd believe you [03:17:26.707] tholindir: driving lessons goal [03:17:26.732] subnatalie: Try and enjoy [03:17:27.401] normal_humanxd: that wut onlyfan for [03:17:28.660] packagum: so thats the reason you wont do it? KEKW [03:17:30.859] StellarSkyFall: After the closet, he can build a she-shed. [03:17:34.302] reinapaints: No shame in liking things up your ass [03:17:34.544] c__r__j: If you used the one adorned with the t a i l then we could see it sticking out the bottom of your skirt. [03:17:38.515] Millie_26: we need an onlyf1nn [03:17:39.666] LAOnAirStudios: Use the bunny plug [03:17:39.742] eternaldebuff: arent there plugs with tails? itd make you a furry but you could def prove that youre wearing one if you wear a skirt [03:17:41.170] stormsn0w: Doesn’t deny he’s a good girl [03:17:43.971] DoubleDoobers: winter gang? [03:17:47.122] benfletcher247: it was 35degreas c [03:17:48.200] johnkeiwo: ayooo [03:17:48.601] ZeroTwoAndy: hwat [03:17:49.356] Emmy64_: f1nnLaff [03:17:49.368] candiedem7: EW- [03:17:50.424] pranjit_scorp_ttv: f1nnLaff [03:17:52.077] hotgirl676: x [03:17:52.273] johnkeiwo: Chat weirdChamp [03:17:53.068] 1_smart_donkey: that was too quick of an answer I don't believe her [03:17:53.540] normal_humanxd: ayoooo [03:17:53.796] mootie1: KEKW bruh [03:17:54.031] LordRuyn: Ah, shit, sorry mods. didn't know that word was blocked. [03:17:54.952] Flippi_12: ayo??! [03:17:55.063] eclipsi0: AYOOO [03:17:55.160] HangryPlatypusElla: BUT IT COULD BE [03:17:56.170] Necros_25: Fredd1 Collab when [03:17:56.225] bernie_____: hachuW have fun [03:17:58.000] Helen_Croft: putting AC in the new house? @F1NN5TER [03:17:58.181] braddle172: f1nnLaff [03:17:59.413] HangryPlatypusElla: ITS NICE [03:18:01.148] renzo777777777: @amoyamoyamoya thx [03:18:01.318] baelphes: for 10$? [03:18:05.607] MacroAccount: Plu Goal is real [03:18:06.007] SaberNyghts: are you a donut, because you are soft, sweet, curvy, and a combination of glazed and cream filled [03:18:06.864] VFXBishop: Silicone plugs are nice :D [03:18:07.907] alexx_net: Rose is still dull "exit only". [03:18:08.213] johnkeiwo: @Solus_kun, [03:18:09.788] johnkeiwo: inconW Stop being weird inconW [03:18:11.431] ozeantj: f1nnSCAM Kappa [03:18:11.432] LumberLau14a: for real, have you never? [03:18:11.979] PotterIsntGood: cum [03:18:12.967] TheForeheadMan69: well appartly im subbed now [03:18:13.663] bluenebula_8: Even straight guys can enjoy that [03:18:15.210] subnatalie: Not what we have heard! [03:18:16.396] Helen_Croft: you putting AC in the new house? @F1NN5TER [03:18:17.938] xaxxzz: fun with ur hole. LUL [03:18:18.195] itsatena: SCAM [03:18:18.195] mairaineplayzGames: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:19.243] OliveTentacle: Place a giant buttplug monument in your garden [03:18:19.414] themindscrambler: who hasn't toyed, I mean really, YOLO [03:18:19.578] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun ... [03:18:20.174] Emmy64_: @solus_kun weirdChamp LUL [03:18:20.375] c__r__j: Looks real enough... [03:18:20.794] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, three times today LUL [03:18:24.389] Rayne_Coulds13: ello [03:18:26.004] duckstm: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:26.572] rw03_bjw: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:28.115] mairaineplayzGames: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:30.421] eclipsi0: "have fun with your hole" sounds like a great invitation to golf [03:18:30.734] ry_drake_331: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:30.778] benfletcher247: do 1 milion goal for but plug goal [03:18:32.403] Evie_Sparkles: dew it EZ [03:18:32.411] ibrown39: Do you have a dedicated accountant? [03:18:39.111] LAOnAirStudios: @f1nn5ter you still owe us two walks [03:18:40.521] PotterIsntGood: KEVIN BACON IS A MAN MADE OF BACON [03:18:40.662] mairaineplayzGames: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:40.978] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun stop bullying chasiu weirdChamp [03:18:42.046] fluffy57211: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:42.262] randable: FUN WITH YOUR HOLE LUL [03:18:43.766] pranjit_scorp_ttv: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [03:18:44.578] 57ranma: PLAYING WITH A BLOWUP DOLL, MAKES YOUR DAY, PLAYING WITH A B PLUG MAKES YOUR HOLE WEAK [03:18:45.073] saloomalmusa: have you seen jidions new video [03:18:45.498] mpr1999: I was watching an F1N video and you said for one stream you forgot your underwear - is that true? how does a girl forget her underwear? [03:18:46.180] flex_uli: 300k for plug? [03:18:47.767] Amoyamoyamoya: @F1nn5ter Split-system AC for new house. [03:18:48.463] Solus_kun: KEKW i couldnt stop okay [03:18:50.021] Necros_25: fredd1 Collab tho [03:18:51.124] Fake_Kenji: hello f1nn5ter. I have a confession to make. I want to be a women but I have no idea how to tell my parents, any tips?? [03:18:52.035] 1ts_james: paused to think about it... so youre telling chat theres a chance lol [03:18:53.129] Solus_kun: it was to good [03:18:56.938] TheOriginalMikeD: Girl Month: Infinity War [03:18:57.361] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, Bully_kun D: [03:19:01.390] mairaineplayzGames: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [03:19:04.818] PotterIsntGood: IS YOUR SUGAR DADDY KEVIN BACON [03:19:07.516] Emmy64_: @57ranma how do you know f1nnGremlin [03:19:07.640] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Flippi_12 remember, it's Bully_kun [03:19:11.260] subnatalie: Enjoy the plug [03:19:12.178] 1ts_james: hehe [03:19:12.672] fluffy57211: YES [03:19:15.285] rw03_bjw: resa could verify plug [03:19:15.828] Evie_Sparkles: Sucrose Father? [03:19:16.947] Jens_LN: If Tenmuses says ok for that, we will believe you [03:19:20.745] benfletcher247: new goal [03:19:22.655] Solus_kun: better ban people Kappa [03:19:22.681] normal_humanxd: @TenMuses u know wut to do [03:19:22.713] Lautrax777: 1 hour later KEKW [03:19:24.185] GirlSmirka: o [03:19:25.903] Rxmvrk: classic kanye line [03:19:26.244] josecortesnival: oh we will miss the fun [03:19:26.347] MajesticFvckingEagle: KANYE [03:19:30.058] johnkeiwo: not funny [03:19:31.158] benfletcher247: new goal pls [03:19:31.714] Flippi_12: @mr_ajokortti_korkort bunny_Kun would be nicer dellySasha [03:19:32.721] neon_soup: wheres the lie? [03:19:33.702] Solus_kun: BAN [03:19:34.374] duckstm: least unhinged Twitter user [03:19:35.210] drbuckethead123: Girl Month 2: Estrogen Boogaloo OMEGALUL [03:19:36.863] eclipsi0: BAN, where funny [03:19:37.985] calming_insanity: is he? [03:19:38.959] duplotracer: ban [03:19:39.028] Lautrax777: TEXT [03:19:41.562] lionnsmane: ban him [03:19:43.327] mairaineplayzGames: BAN [03:19:45.558] fluffy57211: BAN [03:19:45.623] randable: haha. [03:19:46.318] johnkeiwo: song lyrics = ban [03:19:46.685] candiedem7: ban. [03:19:47.856] JohnBanks117: Ban [03:19:47.983] calming_insanity: BAN [03:19:49.358] pranjit_scorp_ttv: ban [03:19:49.376] Evie_Sparkles: ? [03:19:50.647] normal_humanxd: bAn [03:19:51.344] Jusses: ban [03:19:51.549] operator_verona: its kanye lyrics [03:19:52.036] braddle172: ban [03:19:52.392] PotterIsntGood: KERMIT AND THE OTHER ONE IS THE BEST THING FOR ALL THE PEOPLE [03:19:52.469] codecraft3r: ban [03:19:53.224] MajesticFvckingEagle: Unban [03:19:55.109] Emmy64_: ??? [03:19:55.189] Flippi_12: Ban [03:19:55.343] Solus_kun: BAN ! [03:19:56.101] that1guylouis24: insta mod tbh [03:19:59.108] pranjit_scorp_ttv: Dan [03:19:59.202] GirlSmirka: ban [03:19:59.655] PeterTheMostlyOK: ban [03:20:00.872] Amoyamoyamoya: Off meds. [03:20:01.183] dingosurprise: ban for unfunny [03:20:01.611] mairaineplayzGames: identety theft [03:20:01.677] eclipsi0: BAN, he should take his meds [03:20:02.684] aingelbg: unban requests POGGERS [03:20:02.998] d4nc1ngc0w: ban [03:20:03.317] alexx_net: Ban [03:20:05.829] sir_public0_0: Ban [03:20:06.824] owlyte26: rp???? [03:20:07.729] mr_ajokortti_korkort: ban [03:20:07.910] Jens_LN: ban [03:20:08.313] TyrRiza: its a kanye lyric [03:20:09.169] bluj40: he has nothing of value to give [03:20:09.538] TheForeheadMan69: nahhh unban words of kanye [03:20:11.320] fluffy57211: BAN NOT FUNNY [03:20:11.385] drbuckethead123: mod him KEKW [03:20:12.292] ZeroTwoAndy: just ban, boring and not funny lmao [03:20:12.326] im_up_to_something: Ban the loser [03:20:14.527] ItsRainingFoxes: Not funny, didn't laugh [03:20:15.179] pocketfullofskittles: Ban [03:20:17.494] Amoyamoyamoya: Off meds. Dan. [03:20:17.771] operator_verona: bruh its kanye lyrics [03:20:18.935] PotterIsntGood: KERMIT BACON [03:20:19.647] Owly_9: Confused? [03:20:19.969] Lautrax777: peepoTalk too much text haha [03:20:21.690] Evie_Sparkles: As coherent as a meth head [03:20:21.833] eddieahdhsj: ban [03:20:23.142] King__Mosabi: "take your meds" [03:20:23.796] fragstoreg: its kanye lyrics bruh [03:20:24.520] zer0110: no baste [03:20:28.338] vidyagaem7: undan [03:20:28.367] HawkOfDiscord: cringe [03:20:32.475] TheForeheadMan69: father streach my hand kanye [03:20:33.111] TheOriginalMikeD: 1 is too many [03:20:33.294] teddee8964: based [03:20:34.145] johnkeiwo: No ! [03:20:34.225] JohnBanks117: undan [03:20:36.079] ZeroTwoAndy: good man [03:20:36.444] fluffy57211: UNDAN [03:20:37.778] AppleSaph: one too many [03:20:38.575] misha666420: 1 ascii is spam lol [03:20:39.181] mairaineplayzGames: CRINGE BAN [03:20:40.057] eclipsi0: unban [03:20:40.714] Flippi_12: mommy unban Pog [03:20:41.111] Spectre223: 1 is spam when it's ascii [03:20:41.357] d4nc1ngc0w: unban [03:20:41.462] Evie_Sparkles: Good boy. [03:20:42.932] pranjit_scorp_ttv: undan [03:20:43.315] bernie_____: KEKW mommy [03:20:44.318] duplotracer: unban [03:20:45.871] bluj40: finn ascii spam is always a ban [03:20:47.074] alexx_net: 1 ascii is one too many [03:20:48.353] johnkeiwo: finn u don't know how many we get [03:20:50.267] Lautrax777: Starege ? [03:20:50.991] Stovamor: Fuck ascii [03:20:51.943] johnkeiwo: it's just annoying [03:20:53.036] AppleSaph: yes but if everyone posts one [03:20:53.523] RJ20151: undan [03:20:56.733] ronineutroni: spam = posting one message [03:20:57.128] Amoyamoyamoya: It's Xi Xingping [03:20:58.313] flex_uli: thats a cat ;) [03:21:00.040] Wendy_A1: undan [03:21:02.109] hotgirl676: The male G spot is literally only reacheable through ur butthole... If that's not God telling you to get pegged, idk what that is. [03:21:03.616] zer0110: ASCII goatse [03:21:03.929] LutiaI: actual spam incoming? x) [03:21:04.729] 1ts_james: haha [03:21:05.584] johnkeiwo: they will do it again [03:21:06.461] bluj40: ITS THE ONLY THING THEYVE EVER POSTED [03:21:06.476] mootie1: WhySoSerious [03:21:08.016] Grinchypoo: its not that deep [03:21:08.370] ibrown39: Truss or Sunak? [03:21:10.196] neon_soup: girl voice check [03:21:10.420] Evie_Sparkles: Oh Xi? [03:21:14.416] Paladinknightsword: so ascii art is permitted [03:21:15.084] Flippi_12: time them out for a year instead @mod 5Head [03:21:18.292] johnkeiwo: Yes we know ! We've seen enough [03:21:19.067] duckstm: missed out on a sugar daddy LUL [03:21:19.389] Amoyamoyamoya: It's ASCII art of Xi Jinping. [03:21:20.516] johnkeiwo: Perma ban [03:21:20.659] Stovamor: Then he'd have been banned [03:21:21.111] normal_humanxd: check it [03:21:21.596] bluj40: finn ima be honest im gonna keep banning them [03:21:22.190] eclipsi0: @hotgirl676 amen [03:21:23.556] mairaineplayzGames: THINK OF THE MODERATORS! BAN [03:21:23.872] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, true LUL [03:21:26.658] 1ts_james: true [03:21:27.385] ginjninj: rich people dont ascii [03:21:28.002] SethwMad: Yeah that's right chat [03:21:30.440] Lautrax777: I like ascii, but if mods find it annoying it's okay [03:21:31.143] Naltyr_: KEKW [03:21:31.259] Owly_9: LUL [03:21:32.413] Jens_LN: sugar daddy [03:21:32.479] 1ts_james: haha [03:21:32.641] SethwMad: Can't ban Daddy [03:21:33.953] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [03:21:34.084] braddle172: KEKW [03:21:34.394] MayBeAJinx: OMEGALUL [03:21:34.489] JacobCCS: lol [03:21:34.832] TenMuses: I'm insulted that you would even suggest the possibility [03:21:36.124] babyhuey23: I did a hydrate and you didn't hydrate :( [03:21:36.216] johnkeiwo: Ten actually chats tho [03:21:37.069] fluffy57211: LUL [03:21:37.472] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:21:37.830] AppleSaph: okay so note to self, ban then and then deny request myself [03:21:37.967] TheOriginalMikeD: F1nn used logc, it's super effective! [03:21:38.242] pranjit_scorp_ttv: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:21:38.564] Emmy64_: KEKW [03:21:38.753] c__r__j: Wait, are you saying tenmuses spams dck pics? [03:21:40.116] Evie_Sparkles: Reverse Joker. It *is* about the money. [03:21:40.533] mystchevious1: say it propper [03:21:41.610] Spectre223: On your who, sorry? LuL [03:21:42.509] zombie_1981: KEKW [03:21:43.633] alexx_net: Then he would be banned like anyone else posting copy-pasta or ascii [03:21:43.710] mootie1: PoroSad [03:21:44.014] pranjit_scorp_ttv: KEKW [03:21:45.510] bernie_____: f1nnHeart forgive me mommy [03:21:48.475] babyhuey23: Drink up! [03:21:48.867] MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL [03:21:50.321] nandosjr0800: Mmm [03:21:51.212] bluj40: im gonna ban them if you unban [03:21:53.036] LutiaI: What if it's ascii art of finn?? [03:21:53.325] ArminGux: What’s the theme [03:21:55.127] ibrown39: @tenmuses match my $3 donation? [03:21:55.530] johnkeiwo: if someone first message is this, they don't intent to chat or interact so it's a ban :) [03:21:57.563] im_up_to_something: She's in to deep 😆 [03:21:58.566] ronineutroni: stovamor and john post always five times same messages and that isn't spam so unban him... [03:21:59.908] nimrob11: So funny when you cringe [03:22:00.117] subnatalie: Getting the boobs? [03:22:01.329] PeterTheMostlyOK: I love it how much cringe the word "daddy" causes him [03:22:01.453] johnkeiwo: they don't need chat [03:22:02.734] JohnBanks117: @bluj40, monkaS [03:22:07.380] Jens_LN: all caps [03:22:08.773] addercap: we love you F1NN [03:22:12.256] foxen1905: FBPass FBSpiral FBSpiral FBCatch FBRun FBBlock FBBlock [03:22:18.040] pranjit_scorp_ttv: ban [03:22:19.667] humanthatlikesthings: can't say it (daddy) with a straight face LUL [03:22:20.388] MatMurek: hello [03:22:20.933] Flippi_12: 42 msg = big chatter OMEGALUL [03:22:21.276] disnick123: 2020 CHAT??? OOF [03:22:21.878] Helen_Croft: thats 2 years ago [03:22:24.376] rassmad: who is elora [03:22:24.398] dragonminecraft3: f1nnHeadpat [03:22:26.706] c__r__j: @bluj40 Now's our opportunity to see if you're serious... [03:22:29.255] dragonminecraft3: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [03:22:29.975] Kaymon81: he dislikes elora, unban ^^ [03:22:33.395] JohnBanks117: 2 years ago f1nnMonka [03:22:34.288] Lautrax777: ?? [03:22:37.137] PotterIsntGood: Elon musk [03:22:39.531] dragonminecraft3: Hehehehe [03:22:40.371] godsbeenswinging_: WOAH WOAH [03:22:40.933] lionnsmane: NO [03:22:41.286] BEE_n_ZEE: sgreySmokin sgreySmokin sgreySmokin sgreySmokin [03:22:41.380] LordRuyn: bad idea [03:22:41.550] ZeroTwoAndy: monkaS [03:22:41.626] GreyWinterWraith: jesus christ that was fucking brave [03:22:41.691] godsbeenswinging_: NONONONN [03:22:42.350] dingosurprise: BRO [03:22:42.883] LutiaI: she's an actor [03:22:42.890] Evie_Sparkles: w00ps [03:22:43.132] neon_soup: DANGER DANGER [03:22:43.320] johnkeiwo: YOU IDIOT [03:22:43.704] ginjninj: not a thing you should open on stream [03:22:43.731] disnick123: oooof [03:22:44.000] ArminGux: No [03:22:44.212] Flippi_12: LUL [03:22:44.314] eternaldebuff: BAN [03:22:45.076] 1ts_james: LUL [03:22:45.567] ZeroTwoAndy: AYO????? [03:22:45.951] Sxlvce: BRUH LMFAO [03:22:46.164] braddle172: f1nnMonka [03:22:46.426] mootie1: that was risky [03:22:46.639] JohnBanks117: TOS KEKW [03:22:46.646] calming_insanity: KEKW [03:22:46.701] Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:22:46.842] elijahkunn: oh [03:22:46.876] Owly_9: wow [03:22:47.035] 1ts_james: yeaaa [03:22:47.453] codecraft3r: LUL [03:22:47.619] niyrme: monkaS [03:22:47.704] eternaldebuff: TOS [03:22:47.712] benfletcher247: lol clip it [03:22:47.738] lionnsmane: I TRIED [03:22:48.242] GirlSmirka: i just saw that... [03:22:48.733] xXNeroZashiXx: banned [03:22:48.988] CaridinZ: opsie monkaS [03:22:49.009] Venntai: Banned LUL [03:22:49.855] ozdalf02: TOS [03:22:50.079] GroggyReaper: that was dangerous [03:22:50.253] rumbleball1: careful [03:22:50.577] Stovamor: YOu idiot [03:22:50.701] ashenjag: ayooooooooooo [03:22:50.750] maskaras12: Adult actress [03:22:51.104] drbuckethead123: OMEGALUL [03:22:51.143] ginjninj: omg [03:22:51.808] Helen_Croft: that is from 2 years ago @F1NN5TER [03:22:51.933] ArminGux: Not even close [03:22:52.003] fluffy57211: SELF PROMO OR LINKS EQUALS BAN [03:22:52.313] 1indigo0: PRE BAN [03:22:52.385] JohnBanks117: Dummy KEKW [03:22:52.669] Spectre223: How did you think that was gonna go? [03:22:52.689] normal_humanxd: ayoo [03:22:52.841] godsbeenswinging_: GOOD LORD [03:22:52.896] Lautrax777: monkaS [03:22:53.110] Chri55PBacon: sheesh [03:22:53.155] LordRuyn: YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! [03:22:53.292] pianoismyforte_: risky there... [03:22:53.849] pranjit_scorp_ttv: LUL LUL [03:22:54.097] johnkeiwo: U don't know who sasha grey is ?! [03:22:54.330] xenofizzz: TOS [03:22:54.682] PotterIsntGood: cum monkey [03:22:55.199] flex_uli: nice [03:22:55.816] johnkeiwo: FUCKING [03:22:57.044] mootie1: EZ [03:22:57.363] lionnsmane: I TRIED TO STOP YOU [03:22:58.254] rw03_bjw: TOS [03:22:58.426] Caution811: shes a twitch streamer... [03:22:59.704] GreyWinterWraith: brave move you fucking prat [03:23:00.437] King__Mosabi: DUMB BIMBO strikes again [03:23:01.293] eternaldebuff: ezeggTos [03:23:01.539] alexx_net: She is retired [03:23:01.752] Flippi_12: dummy F1nn [03:23:01.825] mairaineplayzGames: looks NOTHING like Sasha Grey! F1NN is way sexier then Sasha Grey!!!! [03:23:01.987] johnkeiwo: DUMBASS STREAMER [03:23:02.092] BEE_n_ZEE: sgreyOmega sgreyOmega sgreyOmega sgreyOmega [03:23:02.388] bluj40: oh shes got holes [03:23:02.569] godsbeenswinging_: she streams now [03:23:02.786] itsatena: LMAO [03:23:03.058] reinapaints: Lmao [03:23:03.311] WastedTurtles: you googled a porn star OMEGALUL [03:23:03.452] Amoyamoyamoya: How does he not know that? [03:23:03.453] King__Mosabi: lmfao [03:23:03.590] ZeroTwoAndy: time for ban Wowee [03:23:03.663] LuckyAlfr3d: MonkaTOS [03:23:03.693] fluffy57211: TOS [03:23:03.908] VFXBishop: She's retired [03:23:04.206] Twinborne: lucky she actually is a published author and twitch streamer [03:23:04.281] 1ts_james: not in the slightest LUL [03:23:04.712] Evie_Sparkles: "Hole"some [03:23:05.942] ronineutroni: she is book writer :D [03:23:06.290] Venntai: That was bad LUL [03:23:06.501] ginjninj: shes a twitch streamer now [03:23:07.226] braddle172: uncultured [03:23:08.625] johnkeiwo: Don't just pull it up m!!!!! [03:23:08.905] nimrob11: Yep you got real lucky [03:23:10.244] SweetDickWilly: no she cleaned her SEO years ago, no way you would have found a naked pic! [03:23:10.257] Emmy64_: Seeing her story yes, you got lucky CaitlynS [03:23:10.599] heavymetalyetiguy: she's certainly hole-some [03:23:10.750] Amoyamoyamoya: Gaslighting. [03:23:11.045] duckstm: bruh she's a twitch streamer now apparently [03:23:11.115] c__r__j: She IS an actress. She just found a niche. [03:23:11.406] ayarcee: She's from my home town [03:23:11.904] bernie_____: YouDontSay actress [03:23:13.074] thelovingpenguwu: This is why when people like ten donate like this it kinda ruins the vibe for the rest of us [03:23:13.208] gloomy_ara: lmao [03:23:13.639] johnkeiwo: Omfg [03:23:14.379] LutiaI: Well, she did transition to regular movies [03:23:17.838] 57ranma: FUNNY, I ALSO FOLLOW SASHA GREY ON TWITCH [03:23:17.953] drbuckethead123: Maidenless OMEGALUL [03:23:19.365] reinapaints: She’s an ex film star [03:23:19.721] alexx_net: Sasha is a fellow twitch streamer [03:23:19.892] ZeroTwoAndy: "ban finnster time" [03:23:20.762] fluffy57211: BAN FOR SURE [03:23:21.371] Scippre: HOW IS THAT NOT A SUS NAME LMAO [03:23:22.004] PotterIsntGood: killed by a whale [03:23:22.764] bluj40: shes actually a cool twitch streamer now tbf [03:23:23.311] UnperfectOne: She used to do the same job as Soda. [03:23:23.403] neon_soup: Annoying ban [03:23:25.875] AppleSaph: by COOLCAL [03:23:27.586] MasterPo999: I've been saying forever that you kinda look like Sasha Grey. [03:23:31.080] candiedem7: ban [03:23:32.016] johnkeiwo: keep him banned, don't care [03:23:33.403] pocketfullofskittles: Technically she is an actress [03:23:34.065] im_up_to_something: Sacha is a mattress actress. gotta be careful. [03:23:36.977] axe1970: she no longer does theose films [03:23:39.159] torpeme: bahah [03:23:41.188] 57ranma: SASHA ACTUALLY DID SOME REAL ACTING. [03:23:41.667] pranjit_scorp_ttv: NotLikeThis [03:23:44.529] Electromagnetic: 2020 ban [03:23:45.427] abe1_2: ban [03:23:46.239] Lucridis: Ban [03:23:46.847] Evie_Sparkles: Necro'd own account Stare [03:23:47.773] PotterIsntGood: ban [03:23:48.686] pranjit_scorp_ttv: ban [03:23:48.975] dragonminecraft3: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [03:23:49.039] Earthquake_chan: ban [03:23:49.150] 0pepega: ban [03:23:49.242] fluffy57211: BAN [03:23:49.360] johnkeiwo: keep him banned, don't care [03:23:49.483] ItsRainingFoxes: Ban [03:23:49.857] MayBeAJinx: ban [03:23:49.976] mairaineplayzGames: ban [03:23:50.086] Spectre223: All caps, links, ban [03:23:50.227] Paladinknightsword: you got a toughie? [03:23:50.440] reweliusz: B A N [03:23:50.773] Sxlvce: ban [03:23:51.183] eclipsi0: ban [03:23:51.273] walshicus666: ban [03:23:51.533] 1_smart_donkey: it's been 2 years give him a shot [03:23:51.964] vi777x: ban [03:23:52.185] xenofizzz: ban [03:23:52.227] TheDobermeister: unban [03:23:52.440] eternaldebuff: BAN [03:23:52.765] Sandoorus: it's been 2 years, He's changed [03:23:53.147] Tbomb111109: UNBAN [03:23:53.653] codecraft3r: unban, it was a while ago [03:23:53.746] ArminGux: Ban [03:23:53.875] candiedem7: baaaan [03:23:53.926] Jens_LN: necroed [03:23:54.021] ArchyNemesis: BAN [03:23:54.705] Sxlvce: just ban [03:23:54.892] bluj40: nah finn youre soft, ban em [03:23:55.022] Lucridis: China will ban twitch anyway [03:23:55.713] mootie1: ban [03:23:55.859] JohnBanks117: dan [03:23:56.081] KayluhZ: ban [03:23:56.190] pranjit_scorp_ttv: Ban [03:23:56.209] Kizumuki: B A N [03:23:56.285] ellicyum: unban [03:23:56.566] normal_humanxd: ban to old [03:23:56.734] snoop_uwu: ban [03:23:57.056] Courier6___: unban [03:23:57.333] Unikore00: ubnann\ [03:23:57.341] spacecow2000: ban [03:23:57.478] polidrakma75: i fin yesterday (technically) was my birthday and i went out to drink. lets just say i am kinda happy f1nnCowjam [03:23:58.237] Paladinknightsword: unban [03:23:58.457] braddle172: ban [03:23:58.558] flex_uli: whats the link? [03:23:58.582] Tbomb111109: don’t ban [03:23:59.566] nimrob11: Ban [03:24:00.139] lara_raawr: bvan [03:24:00.201] blusau: Probation [03:24:00.358] Emmy64_: ban, that's a phishing link [03:24:00.532] drbuckethead123: unban shyyNodders [03:24:01.025] Amoyamoyamoya: Yah, don't care. [03:24:01.118] hotgirl676: use a link unshorten first [03:24:02.018] disnick123: Same as john... ban [03:24:02.053] transkiot: sussy link, def ban [03:24:02.733] Stovamor: Nowadays, the link would have been auto-modded away [03:24:04.448] nandosjr0800: Come on it’s been 2 years [03:24:04.902] CozyyPandaa: Ban [03:24:04.917] 1ts_james: he probably doesnt care at this point [03:24:06.130] CritMozziYT: Fin unban me bro [03:24:06.391] f3mmbot Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:24:08.569] otterperson: ban [03:24:09.223] xenofizzz: malware link [03:24:10.832] Reijuuuuuu: I click no link [03:24:11.572] stillstoned3: click the link first [03:24:14.524] Flippi_12: spam ban for sure [03:24:15.500] starsjem: Charmander [03:24:15.734] pranjit_scorp_ttv: ban [03:24:16.020] Jens_LN: ban [03:24:16.887] johnkeiwo: Ban [03:24:17.125] godsbeenswinging_: its a charmander tho [03:24:19.089] rassmad: PLS THO [03:24:19.150] dingosurprise: ban [03:24:21.994] ItsRainingFoxes: BAN\ [03:24:23.606] mr_ajokortti_korkort: ban [03:24:24.116] Kaymon81: unban [03:24:27.042] white_rose_bmx: hello lads lasis and more hows it goin i hope you are all haveing a good day/night [03:24:27.256] eclipsi0: ban [03:24:27.548] rassmad: KEKW [03:24:27.622] PotterIsntGood: 8675309 [03:24:27.633] baelphes: ban [03:24:28.984] alexx_net: unban [03:24:29.269] TheIkeaBear: i love charmander [03:24:29.642] candiedem7: ban [03:24:30.440] mootie1: PoroSad within 10 minutes, rip [03:24:30.957] JohnBanks117: DAN [03:24:32.432] XellosMetallum: I mean hes spamming in the request... keep em banned [03:24:32.774] Tbomb111109: DONT BAN [03:24:32.998] mairaineplayzGames: the amount of PLS makes me think this person was a child... [03:24:33.348] normal_humanxd: xd [03:24:33.997] fluffy57211: BAN [03:24:34.381] eddieahdhsj: ban [03:24:34.529] MajesticFvckingEagle: undan [03:24:35.238] ronineutroni: ban because pokemon bad and pixelmon bad [03:24:36.656] Tbomb111109: pls don’t ban [03:24:36.675] ArminGux: Ban [03:24:36.693] Electromagnetic: he didn't do anything wrong? [03:24:37.085] waterdragon_91: definitely a child [03:24:38.656] Boozy1: reads like a 12 y/o [03:24:38.872] Unikore00: he said please though [03:24:39.545] drbuckethead123: pls x100 KEKW [03:24:42.408] neon_soup: unban let him stay for a week then ban [03:24:43.892] PotterIsntGood: YOU CHILD [03:24:44.405] starsjem: TRUE [03:24:44.836] TheOriginalMikeD: more of a bulbasaur guy myself [03:24:46.643] zer0110: underage b& [03:24:46.835] cormoranoimperatore: Ten now is basically your sugar daddy, or a major shareholder of your Twitch channel idk [03:24:47.628] Flippi_12: KEKW [03:24:50.624] bernie_____: KEKW [03:24:52.458] Emmy64_: LUL [03:24:52.469] starsjem: "pikachu better idiot" [03:24:56.434] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:24:56.663] PotterIsntGood: ASSS [03:24:57.160] vrmsobral: susup [03:24:57.535] candiedem7: KEKW [03:24:59.571] ronineutroni: fun not allowed so ban [03:25:00.320] johnkeiwo: ban [03:25:01.624] Xylomn: ban [03:25:02.176] PotterIsntGood: ASS [03:25:02.883] mootie1: KEKW [03:25:03.064] codecraft3r: ban [03:25:03.230] Emmy64_: Nah squirtle Kappa [03:25:04.415] ItsRainingFoxes: SELF PROMO BAN [03:25:04.556] neon_soup: spam ban [03:25:05.224] Evie_Sparkles: ban [03:25:07.003] mairaineplayzGames: LOL THATS PIGEON FROM THE FAN DISCORD!!!!! [03:25:07.143] johnkeiwo YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET YOUR CHEEKS lvndmaClapped ULTRA lvndmaClapped [03:25:08.627] eternaldebuff: lol [03:25:09.061] pranjit_scorp_ttv: BAN [03:25:10.567] im_up_to_something: ban [03:25:11.894] eddieahdhsj: unban [03:25:13.182] rassmad: ended his whole career with that ban KEKW [03:25:13.531] johnkeiwo: Check his profile ! [03:25:13.954] Courier6___: BAN [03:25:15.630] pretty_sweet_dude: ban [03:25:16.190] 1_smart_donkey: give him a second shot [03:25:16.214] skyboundmaster: unban [03:25:16.577] CozyyPandaa: Ban [03:25:17.862] johnkeiwo: To see if he lied [03:25:18.683] sissyjessie: ban [03:25:18.706] Kaymon81: unban [03:25:18.919] CosmicSeraph: unban [03:25:19.210] neon_soup: you crushed their dreams [03:25:20.310] Sandoorus: unban [03:25:20.449] chickenchasm: Ban [03:25:20.645] TheOriginalMikeD: calls on $TENS [03:25:21.545] Electromagnetic: ban [03:25:21.625] ellicyum: unban [03:25:23.082] benfletcher247: unban [03:25:23.140] skY_0007: unban [03:25:24.415] eclipsi0: unban [03:25:25.005] normal_humanxd: to old ew [03:25:25.158] Tbomb111109: unban [03:25:25.544] vidyagaem7: unban, he could be redeemed [03:25:25.609] circumcision_cop: unban?? [03:25:25.984] thiccrat_: check channel [03:25:26.677] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, weirdChamp [03:25:27.231] Courier6___: NA YOU BANNED THE CHINESE DUDE TOO [03:25:27.277] 1ts_james: if hes lieing keep him banned [03:25:29.162] NE_oga: 🍑👏👏👏 [03:25:30.150] bluj40: i can be empathetic towards this one, and i hate self promoters [03:25:30.216] lionnsmane: I KNOW HIM!!! [03:25:30.403] XellosMetallum: rooBonk Ban the self advertising [03:25:30.513] reweliusz: unban [03:25:30.581] fluffy57211: IMMEDIATE BAN [03:25:30.710] JacobCCS: unban [03:25:32.635] nandosjr0800: He was just trying his best [03:25:33.906] zucduc: You ruined his dreams D: [03:25:35.577] Tbomb111109: unban! [03:25:35.619] ElvenHorses: second chance [03:25:35.676] snoop_uwu: unban [03:25:37.297] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, four time today KEKW [03:25:37.581] flex_uli: unban [03:25:38.131] skyboundmaster: hes learned his lesson [03:25:38.149] Wendy_A1: unban [03:25:38.546] mairaineplayzGames: @johnkeiwo this pigeon guy is in the F1nn's discord walking around like he owns the place XD [03:25:39.583] xXNeroZashiXx: unban [03:25:39.925] Flippi_12: @Solus_kun KEKW get clapped [03:25:40.416] Venntai: Sadge [03:25:40.904] ozdalf02: unban [03:25:41.589] pianoismyforte_: unban [03:25:41.696] justmaybe7: could be kinda wholesome to unban him [03:25:42.725] RJ20151: f [03:25:43.158] ProPM: propmFace [03:25:44.329] jenksy2000: unban [03:25:44.775] abe1_2: Finn is stopping out his competition [03:25:47.705] candiedem7: unban imo [03:25:48.967] ForeverAvJ: unban [03:25:50.988] RioSpix: Hmm, unban [03:25:52.245] JohnBanks117: Solus got clapped a lot in Online chat today KEKW [03:25:53.470] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Solus_kun you are really enjoying this are you ? [03:25:55.674] stareign: !Insta [03:25:55.930] f3mmbot Her Instagram profile is at https://www.instagram.com/rosetwitch/ [03:25:56.464] eddieahdhsj: unban [03:25:57.730] stillstoned3: unban [03:25:57.879] MajesticFvckingEagle: ayo?? [03:25:58.791] normal_humanxd: ayO [03:26:00.001] Stovamor: he last streamed 6 months ago @f1nn5ter [03:26:00.112] pranjit_scorp_ttv: !uptime [03:26:00.232] fluffy57211: KEKW [03:26:00.313] MayBeAJinx: Maybe they mean tucking [03:26:00.405] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 26m 6s [03:26:03.035] Electromagnetic: COPIUM [03:26:03.647] johnkeiwo: @mairaineplayzGames, don't really care about the discord, it's garbage over there [03:26:04.216] fluffy57211: X [03:26:05.138] maskaras12: KEKW [03:26:06.058] GirlSmirka: AYOOO [03:26:06.266] benfletcher247: clip it [03:26:06.296] calming_insanity: x [03:26:07.251] codecraft3r: Kappa [03:26:07.286] waterdragon_91: Z [03:26:07.573] ZeroTwoAndy: X [03:26:07.714] Helen_Croft: X [03:26:08.077] Owly_9: TENS?????????? [03:26:08.324] 0pepega: Kappa [03:26:08.541] eclipsi0: KEKW [03:26:08.544] waterdragon_91: X [03:26:09.191] JohnBanks117: X [03:26:09.696] Yeevo_: X [03:26:09.834] Flippi_12: X [03:26:10.001] Solus_kun: KEKW i am [03:26:10.184] aunalbrutal: x [03:26:10.511] mr_ajokortti_korkort: X [03:26:10.590] bernie_____: KEKW [03:26:11.487] MajesticFvckingEagle: x [03:26:11.838] normal_humanxd: cap [03:26:11.957] KayluhZ: x [03:26:12.240] dingosurprise: x [03:26:12.355] braddle172: x [03:26:13.327] Tbomb111109: X [03:26:13.519] Jens_LN: HE might be asking about your ... bussy [03:26:13.522] that_colin_guy: easier over time, eh? [03:26:13.678] kikogitar: X [03:26:14.126] Spectre223: You fucked Tens? He wishes [03:26:14.130] pranjit_scorp_ttv: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:26:15.879] Tbomb111109: x [03:26:16.078] barbie_secretstanner: X [03:26:16.319] Bear_525: X [03:26:16.559] neon_soup: You Fucked tens?? [03:26:18.440] pianoismyforte_: x [03:26:19.133] Emmy64_: KEKW YOU DID FREAKING WHAT [03:26:20.084] fluffy57211: X TO DOUBT [03:26:20.835] Courier6___: BAN [03:26:20.898] 02f2: X [03:26:21.010] ibrown39: Tucking [03:26:21.419] kgober: autocorrect. surely that must have been asking about tucking [03:26:24.826] eclipsi0: x [03:26:28.894] mairaineplayzGames: @johnkeiwo not wrong! O-O is there another fan discord??? [03:26:30.446] Owly_9: Thats clipped omd haha [03:26:31.673] starsjem: x [03:26:33.012] normal_humanxd: did i hear teens to tens [03:26:33.927] TenMuses: you said we weren't supposed to talk about that on stream [03:26:36.391] itsatena: X [03:26:36.481] Jens_LN: x [03:26:37.664] ozdalf02: x [03:26:38.713] johnkeiwo: @mairaineplayzGames, nein [03:26:38.743] reweliusz: cap [03:26:40.226] ibrown39: Auto correct sorry [03:26:41.084] GoldenDonkey_Toby: x [03:26:41.799] HelloImErin_: X [03:26:43.657] supermonkeyjam: supermonkeyjam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak! Meow [03:26:43.836] f3mmbot supermonkeyjam subscribed to f1nn5ter for 28 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:26:44.611] waterdragon_91: LMAOOO [03:26:44.652] skyboundmaster: KEKW [03:26:44.923] Pickers4: ahahah tenz [03:26:45.779] MayBeAJinx: What about 5/7's [03:26:46.169] pranjit_scorp_ttv: x [03:26:48.517] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:26:49.020] theincrediblehulk111: can you say ara ara [03:26:50.902] mairaineplayzGames: @johnkeiwo welp, fans dont have a place to go then... [03:26:50.941] braddle172: KEKW [03:26:52.554] starsjem: X [03:26:53.524] xXNeroZashiXx: lol 😂 [03:26:54.445] 1ts_james: LUL [03:26:54.705] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL [03:26:55.284] Flippi_12: lapsus LUL [03:26:55.682] fluffy57211: WE GOT EM KEKW [03:26:56.861] Evie_Sparkles: Exposed [03:26:57.522] circumcision_cop: at least 10 wimin [03:26:57.855] PeterTheMostlyOK: LUL [03:26:58.188] pranjit_scorp_ttv: LUL LUL LUL [03:26:58.476] lambros2: KEKW [03:26:59.109] JacobCCS: XD [03:26:59.358] taylorthedinosaur: KEKW [03:26:59.951] Chri55PBacon: LUL [03:27:00.485] frostybossygirl: get got [03:27:00.636] c__r__j: F1nn fucks "menny" women? [03:27:00.704] mootie1: meow HahaCat [03:27:01.301] Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW [03:27:02.342] GirlSmirka: LOOL [03:27:02.926] Solus_kun: KEKW [03:27:06.257] waterdragon_91: no wonder tens donated so much KEKW [03:27:06.651] drbuckethead123: gottem KEKW [03:27:07.888] ronineutroni: f1nn only do 10's? ILLEGAL [03:27:12.620] Pickers4: @TenZ @TenZ @TenZ @TenZ [03:27:17.166] turbotorbogoblo: 10 years old doesn't count [03:27:18.297] humanthatlikesthings: LOOL [03:27:21.670] Amoyamoyamoya: Bitch? [03:27:22.241] ibrown39: I meant TUCKING [03:27:26.830] Solus_kun: 1 more month for 2 years and im still a dummy 6month badged user FeelsBadMan [03:27:30.973] pranjit_scorp_ttv: f1nnLaff [03:27:31.538] subnatalie: No men? [03:27:34.701] c__r__j: To be fair, Tens HAS now donated more than Sodacat's rate... [03:27:37.408] Jens_LN: I think he was asking about your .. uhm .. bussy [03:27:42.897] 1ts_james: LUL [03:27:43.242] ronineutroni: He was only ten... [03:27:43.693] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, imagine sub to this gremlin for 2 years weirdChamp [03:27:45.484] lambros2: ahhaha [03:27:46.056] LordRuyn: You mean leggings? [03:27:51.070] Paladinknightsword: who works out in a dress?! [03:27:51.220] pretty_sweet_dude: yeah [03:27:51.470] bernie_____: f1nnGremlin high maintenance [03:27:52.184] Helen_Croft: work out in the park [03:27:53.582] xx_bruhslayer_xx: Who tf works out in a dress tho?? [03:27:53.584] Bjotte: hatecrime speedrun [03:27:53.681] TheOriginalMikeD: suns out, guns out [03:27:53.993] CritMozziYT: DOOOOO IT [03:27:54.582] VFXBishop: Dress a drag, go to the gym, nbd [03:27:54.642] JacobCCS: people recording on gyms is cringe also [03:27:57.064] Evie_Sparkles: Yoga Pants EZ [03:27:57.313] Jens_LN: wait, he has fucked Tens ? ... as in Tenmuses ? [03:27:57.445] NatasX01: tights you dont wor out in a dress [03:27:58.064] rw03_bjw: Rose in gymshark f1nnGremlin [03:27:58.315] Emmy64_: Leggings and hoodie crop top maybe HypeCheer mkoTech [03:27:58.805] Flippi_12: Flippi_12 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mootie1! They have given 264 Gift Subs in the channel! [03:27:59.010] f3mmbot flippi_12 has gifted a subscription to mootie1 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mootie1 f1nnLezgang [03:27:59.092] rhorima: screw a public gym, just go to a building site <3 [03:28:00.298] ozeantj: more walking streams [03:28:00.677] heavymetalyetiguy: yeah that's kind of a life risk round there [03:28:02.101] fluffy57211: DO IT [03:28:04.701] CaridinZ: a bit of a runna [03:28:04.955] ArminGux: Is Birmingham homophonic? [03:28:05.483] sjoonyje: @jens_ln hol up what I miss [03:28:06.395] mairaineplayzGames: !gender [03:28:06.661] f3mmbot As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [03:28:08.129] TwiningsIrishBreakfastTea: That sounds like murder waiting to happen [03:28:08.311] sissyjessie: squats [03:28:08.386] circumcision_cop: squatssss [03:28:10.058] Solus_kun: @JohnBanks117 yea KEKW friends watching me streaming this chat and they say the same xD [03:28:11.356] nandosjr0800: PixelBob BOB [03:28:11.536] disnick123: You work out in a dress??? WHO ARE YOU??? f1nnGremlin [03:28:13.455] LutiaI: A home bike? [03:28:13.665] nimrob11: Running 🏃‍♂️ would be good [03:28:15.805] FlyingMortimer: you said you hated to run [03:28:16.031] Kaymon81: you did pushups for me on stream :) [03:28:19.397] ibrown39: Stair master [03:28:20.297] mootie1: @Flippi_12 Thanks for the gift sub! f1nnEmbarrassed <3 wow HahaCat thank ya [03:28:21.493] HexGrrrrl: f1nn in camp knut [03:28:22.553] dylweed2: rose walks si finn can run [03:28:22.929] treydog124: Cheer1 hey finny [03:28:23.498] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, KEKW [03:28:24.701] eclipsi0: we just wanna see u in leggins KEKW [03:28:25.404] Owly_9: ban meow [03:28:27.474] Jens_LN: @sjoonyje he said he had fucked tens ! [03:28:28.706] Solus_kun: BAN [03:28:30.126] stormsn0w: GO TO AN ALL GIRL’S GYM [03:28:31.222] phoeinadream: what is your go-to starbucks drink [03:28:32.325] pranjit_scorp_ttv: ban [03:28:35.388] Flippi_12: @mootie1 enjoy :) stay wholesome [03:28:35.902] fluffy57211: BAN [03:28:37.976] JacobCCS: ban his ass [03:28:39.517] Twinborne: this guy is cringe, ban [03:28:40.468] candiedem7: ew ban [03:28:43.593] ibrown39: Rise to Honor is a king fu game I'm not joking [03:28:46.086] pranjit_scorp_ttv: BAN [03:28:48.326] mairaineplayzGames: UNBAN FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES! [03:28:48.353] xXNeroZashiXx: ban [03:28:48.863] TheDobermeister: banny wanny [03:28:53.068] drbuckethead123: ban BOP [03:28:53.323] ibrown39: Kung fu [03:28:55.683] Evie_Sparkles: Cringle [03:28:57.437] microwave_man_: Live [03:29:00.302] mootie1: @Flippi_12 f1nnHeart [03:29:01.111] Evie_Sparkles: o.o [03:29:04.883] vidyagaem7: undan [03:29:07.613] Solus_kun: Finn is no Daddy D: PERMA BAN ! [03:29:13.287] ayoitspidge: banned on 727 WYSI [03:29:13.369] johnkeiwo: 45 = frequent ? [03:29:15.563] c__r__j: Undan [03:29:16.065] johnkeiwo: NO [03:29:16.149] CosmicSeraph: unban [03:29:16.549] el_cineaste: 2007 [03:29:18.497] Flippi_12: 48 msg is not a frequent chatter monkaS [03:29:23.570] MeatsackGamer: the 2007 tho [03:29:23.886] 1ts_james: o7 [03:29:24.747] zer0110: unb& [03:29:25.401] Wendy_A1: unban [03:29:25.496] el_cineaste: he's 15 [03:29:26.440] Evie_Sparkles: Horny Jail [03:29:26.464] duplotracer: unban [03:29:26.471] Mister_Milk_: most sane f1nn viewer [03:29:29.085] eternaldebuff: unban [03:29:29.529] ronineutroni: unban [03:29:31.389] codecraft3r: unban [03:29:32.690] Flippi_12: @mootie1 f1nnHeart [03:29:33.264] mootie1: 💀 what month [03:29:33.906] neon_soup: ALSO GAY LUL LUL [03:29:35.696] abe1_2: unban [03:29:35.930] candiedem7: unban [03:29:36.411] starsjem: "unbend" [03:29:36.870] im_up_to_something: unban [03:29:37.623] Jens_LN: unban [03:29:37.700] King__Mosabi: it's a literal child [03:29:39.461] chickenchasm: unbend this man [03:29:39.680] KurooNekomata: unban [03:29:42.250] Kana_Pei: unbend [03:29:42.428] eclipsi0: unban [03:29:42.576] zombaraen: i do these people say "BaN eM PlEaSE"? i don't get it [03:29:42.906] thelovingpenguwu: Sad. Ten has ruined my vibe. It’s not fun watching the person you have feelings for say these things to someone else [03:29:42.939] ozdalf02: unban [03:29:42.978] AgentOP: unban [03:29:43.093] d4nc1ngc0w: unban [03:29:43.337] dingosurprise: "2007" [03:29:43.355] calming_insanity: rooPog [03:29:44.274] OliveTentacle: unban [03:29:45.115] TheOriginalMikeD: you heard him!!! [03:29:45.387] lionnsmane: just overinthustic [03:29:45.853] CaridinZ: 2007 HUH [03:29:46.417] starsjem: unbend my boy [03:29:46.430] taylorthedinosaur: unbend him [03:29:46.551] Golden_Knight69: “Unbend” [03:29:46.575] Spectre223: Clip it [03:29:47.511] Arikabz: Pog [03:29:47.530] Caligan76: clipped [03:29:47.676] drbuckethead123: unbend him shyyNodders [03:29:47.950] Kaymon81: undan [03:29:48.050] bernie_____: also cherie21Nice [03:29:48.145] c__r__j: F1nn: "I'm down for dildo month" [03:29:48.485] fluffy57211: UNDAN [03:29:49.513] Flippi_12: dildo month AYO [03:29:49.790] normal_humanxd: AlSo gAy [03:29:49.892] xXNeroZashiXx: unban [03:29:50.034] Emmy64_: ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 ezeggZoom2 [03:29:50.070] Lucridis: Actually you'd be down, then up, then down etc [03:29:50.689] JohnBanks117: undan then [03:29:50.718] Owly_9: 15 lol [03:29:51.410] know1_0: theonlyTeehee [03:29:51.410] Solus_kun: @Flippi_12 KEKW 42 is a lot Kappa [03:29:51.650] randable: they sound so remorseful [03:29:51.904] Aurora_doesnt_know: 2007... [03:29:52.444] Arikabz: POGGERS [03:29:52.859] ProfessorStarlight: TTours [03:29:52.909] Jens_LN: dildo month + spin ? ..... very sus [03:29:53.315] pianoismyforte_: clip [03:29:53.338] stillstoned3: unban [03:29:54.293] Evie_Sparkles: Dildos Out for Harambe [03:29:54.408] johnkeiwo: The general rule is that if u wanna be horny, at least be funny chat [03:29:54.688] eddieahdhsj: unban [03:29:55.162] c__r__j: We heard Rose say it! [03:29:56.229] Paladinknightsword: dildo month ?!?! [03:29:56.419] addercap: be careful what you say. Ten is watching :D [03:29:57.091] RioSpix: Unban [03:29:57.599] Chri55PBacon: unbend [03:29:58.118] CozyyPandaa: Unban [03:29:58.205] Wendy_A1: Dildo month goal???? [03:29:58.635] eternaldebuff: was tyler2006 taken? [03:30:00.358] DoubleDoobers: didle month lesss goooo [03:30:00.679] bearpaw1970: unban [03:30:00.735] rhorima: ban him, he misspelled unbanned <3 [03:30:02.341] stormsn0w: CLIP IT [03:30:02.609] tryranththewizard: good apology [03:30:04.000] Evie_Sparkles: P__P [03:30:04.215] RioSpix: Ayo?!?!? [03:30:04.435] Twinborne: I mean... who says it's *not* dildo month right now? Chat will never know! [03:30:05.652] Solus_kun: HES A CHILD [03:30:06.586] nandosjr0800: Chad of the year [03:30:07.437] el_cineaste: he 15 [03:30:07.935] beanos_p: after that we need plug mionth, like that guy who did no shit july [03:30:08.435] braddle172: ayo [03:30:08.486] Solus_kun: LUL [03:30:09.177] GreyWinterWraith: 15 [03:30:09.343] candiedem7: oh fuck no, MINOR [03:30:09.817] JohnBanks117: monkaS [03:30:09.950] AppleSaph: these fucking dono messages istg [03:30:10.615] sissyjessie: 15 [03:30:11.744] 57ranma: SINCE TWITCH SAVES ALL COMMENTS, I WAS NOT THAT THIRSTY. 😅 [03:30:12.125] madeline_celeste: LUL [03:30:12.516] Arikabz: Oh no [03:30:12.935] Stovamor: He's a 15 year old, most likely [03:30:13.322] SweetDickWilly: well????? [03:30:13.989] dingosurprise: child f1nnGross [03:30:14.489] neon_soup: well [03:30:14.538] Spectre223: Actual infant [03:30:14.587] Emmy64_: LUL [03:30:14.931] GirlSmirka: AYYYYOOO [03:30:14.967] flex_uli: DILDO GOAL!! [03:30:15.140] chickenchasm: 2007 was a pretty good year [03:30:15.542] King__Mosabi: KEKW [03:30:16.734] RealKelsric: Someone clip that [03:30:17.675] itsatena: OH NO [03:30:18.318] Flippi_12: AYO!?! [03:30:18.345] XellosMetallum: KEKW [03:30:18.604] taylorthedinosaur: oof [03:30:19.123] zer0110: well....lol [03:30:19.171] baelphes: hell, ive changed my mind [03:30:19.256] johnkeiwo: @AppleSaph, hug me i'm scared [03:30:19.773] JohnBanks117: 2007 monkaS [03:30:19.921] OpsCoreFAST: so much for super straight [03:30:20.345] normal_humanxd: 2007 AYO he 15 [03:30:20.645] that1guylouis24: that's their user name isn't it ? [03:30:20.830] Evie_Sparkles: That's a yes. [03:30:22.087] King__Mosabi: "well......" LUL [03:30:22.168] Kaymon81: sneaky? :) [03:30:22.329] XENOMAN5: You welcomed on buttplug month [03:30:23.076] AgentOP: welllllllllllllllll [03:30:23.365] Unikore00: "superstraight" [03:30:23.513] cromes_8000: maybe 20 of july [03:30:23.640] addercap: how about a Trans-girl [03:30:23.902] torpeme: AYO [03:30:24.036] CaridinZ: ..Nice [03:30:25.384] saltyfcraker: Unban [03:30:25.570] RioSpix: oh [03:30:25.674] humanthatlikesthings: LUL [03:30:25.804] XellosMetallum: Theres a chance.. [03:30:26.826] Amoyamoyamoya: nanona1Flushed nanona1Flushed nanona1Flushed [03:30:27.932] saltyfcraker: Lol [03:30:28.340] LittleChaSiu: it's not gay because Rose is a girl [03:30:28.743] fluffy57211: HOLD UP WE CAUGHT HIM [03:30:28.826] eddieahdhsj: ayo [03:30:28.947] zombie_1981: well? [03:30:29.237] Owly_9: 3 years in pen [03:30:29.461] 57ranma: Sneaky [03:30:29.613] Reijuuuuuu: Would you? [03:30:30.127] XENOMAN5: Time traveler? [03:30:31.260] Evie_Sparkles: Ban [03:30:31.964] Veeinous: veeinoSus [03:30:32.224] CozyyPandaa: You would [03:30:32.962] bernie_____: hachuW pressing issues [03:30:33.696] drbuckethead123: wellll shyyEyes shyyEyes [03:30:34.659] GreyWinterWraith: I mean look at the profile pick [03:30:35.414] candiedem7: Heeeeelll no [03:30:35.509] braddle172: child [03:30:35.690] JacobCCS: it could be 20th may [03:30:35.805] saltyfcraker: Hahah [03:30:36.919] reinapaints: A dick suck is a dick suck [03:30:37.760] GroggyReaper: there can be more pressing issues than bjs? [03:30:38.606] nandosjr0800: Child get him out [03:30:39.142] MajesticFvckingEagle: "well" ??? [03:30:39.198] mairaineplayzGames: under age = perma bann [03:30:43.642] Helen_Croft: when did he make the account? [03:30:43.725] JohnBanks117: 2007 = DAN [03:30:44.801] im_up_to_something: wow she considering it [03:30:45.238] LutiaI: You'd think 500 ppl clipped it, but we were all drooling after hearing it [03:30:45.474] imMab: or he just likes oldschool runescape [03:30:49.208] mewmewmews: Pepega [03:30:49.248] Twinborne: born in 2007, that's a paddlin' [03:30:49.922] Solus_kun: LUL [03:30:49.946] subnatalie: Haha you answered without saying hehe [03:30:50.759] 57ranma: WE ALL KNOW . SNEAKY [03:30:52.874] Electromagnetic: when was the account made? [03:30:55.272] nimrob11: So your saying there is a chance! [03:30:55.499] LordRuyn: You are just as confused as we are! LUL [03:30:56.525] godsbeenswinging_: bro my shift key has been fucked too [03:30:59.573] christmasinnormandy: OMEGALUL [03:30:59.769] Jens_LN: nice new keyboard work so nicely [03:30:59.865] ChloeCoyote: ChloeCoyote subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 4 month streak! lol [03:31:00.045] f3mmbot chloecoyote subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [03:31:00.075] stormsn0w: They’re can’t be more pressing issues then femboy blowjobs [03:31:01.248] Flippi_12: keyboard badly built OMEGALUL no shift key [03:31:01.814] MayBeAJinx: 2007 is auto associated with Runescape for me [03:31:05.236] Catilya: lol [03:31:07.528] ArchyNemesis: f1nn's a man of taste [03:31:10.212] Rtwld: "i'm straight" he says [03:31:10.815] zer0110: sneaky lil minx lol [03:31:11.856] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, KEKW [03:31:14.856] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @Flippi_12 KEKW [03:31:17.386] white_rose_bmx: normaly 2007 is for a game its a big tf2 meme [03:31:20.437] Solus_kun: No more unban request ? hmm guess we need to ban more people Kappa [03:31:24.105] Haslak64: F1nn be gay [03:31:26.163] flori121: Imagine being born in 2007.... would be very cringe 🙄 [03:31:27.129] vidyagaem7: sneaky is something special [03:31:27.972] Emmy64_: @flippi_12 f1nnLaff [03:31:33.036] abe1_2: What about a trampoline workout [03:31:33.203] ekod3d: Outfit of the day [03:31:34.182] Helen_Croft: sneaky @F1NN5TER https://twitter.com/Sneaky/status/1553507123274735616 [03:31:34.849] 1ts_james: grey area detected [03:31:36.582] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, you first Kappa [03:31:37.641] alexx_net: When did you last use your rowing machine? [03:31:38.134] braddle172: !time [03:31:38.351] white_rose_bmx: to pot 2007 at the end of a name [03:31:38.400] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 23:37 [03:31:39.325] Jens_LN: At least he's talking about tucking, and not .. the bussy 🤣 [03:31:40.385] sasuke_csa: we got a chamce [03:31:40.404] phoeinadream: cringey [03:31:44.150] OmsX8O: @Solus_kun you volunteering? KEKW [03:31:49.646] fluffy57211: AYO [03:31:50.502] JohnBanks117: @OmsX8O, KEKW [03:31:52.597] HexGrrrrl: gay month goal? /j [03:31:52.750] 1ts_james: haha [03:31:54.343] itsatena: AYO [03:31:55.323] kdnix: oh? [03:31:59.016] XENOMAN5: You are better at tucking now too [03:31:59.833] torpeme: omg [03:32:00.368] ozeantj: UwU [03:32:00.871] eclipsi0: HE'S BEGINNING TO BELIEVE!! [03:32:00.872] ginjninj: he snacky [03:32:01.542] godsbeenswinging_: you seen those freddie onlyfans tho? im just sayyin [03:32:01.577] drbuckethead123: shyyRave shyyRave [03:32:02.480] RJ20151: sus [03:32:03.286] WarmishLizard: twitter? [03:32:05.115] Solus_kun: @OmsX8O no monkaS [03:32:06.218] ohcrapitsonfire: ohcrapitsonfire subscribed with Prime. [03:32:06.400] f3mmbot ohcrapitsonfire subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ohcrapitsonfire f1nnLezgang [03:32:07.032] Twinborne: don't chance TOS [03:32:07.105] sigilesse: sigilesse subscribed with Prime. [03:32:07.312] f3mmbot sigilesse subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang sigilesse f1nnLezgang [03:32:07.589] VFXBishop: Blowies are blowies my friend :D [03:32:07.801] Evie_Sparkles: Sneaky is Top Shelf [03:32:08.036] 1ts_james: he looks good to be fair [03:32:10.854] mairaineplayzGames: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:32:11.174] King__Mosabi: Sneaky the Snacky [03:32:13.641] GroggyReaper: FinnxSneaky OF colab? [03:32:14.851] madeline_celeste: sneaky with pizza [03:32:15.626] duckstm: the old pizza one [03:32:17.052] SethwMad: Breathing down your neck. Kinky twitch? [03:32:18.659] eclipsi0: HE'S BEGGINING TO BELIEVE [03:32:21.108] XENOMAN5: You too are finsexual [03:32:21.504] Jens_LN: Sneaky is SO GOOD at lingerie photos though ! [03:32:22.957] FlyingMortimer: you already showed sneaky in the black leather [03:32:23.301] LutiaI: OMEGALUL [03:32:24.006] randable: LMFAO [03:32:25.377] Evie_Sparkles: Nudles [03:32:27.488] ibrown39: @tenmuses back me up here pls [03:32:30.843] BerryAndBitty: LUL [03:32:33.620] Haslak64: Sneaky = femboy. F1nn likes Sneaky. F1nn likes men. F1nn = gay [03:32:35.204] mr_ajokortti_korkort: @OmsX8O I don't think so. If he got banned he couldn't get clapped anymore [03:32:35.748] Solus_kun: KEKW [03:32:36.458] anastasia_motionless: Look at Rynali he looks pretty girly [03:32:37.980] agraplays: finn you should kiss sneaky 😳 [03:32:38.554] c__r__j: THAT's the weirdest Twitter account you've ever seen? You need to get out more. [03:32:40.816] Kaymon81: ahh, i saw sneakys noodle ^^ [03:32:40.841] 1ts_james: many blessed sneaky photos [03:32:41.713] TheOriginalMikeD: send noods [03:32:42.471] Solus_kun: to much horny KEKW [03:32:42.838] bluj40: sneako and appropriate lmao [03:32:44.503] CaridinZ: 😳 [03:32:44.645] JohnBanks117: KEKW [03:32:45.358] grumpykittu: wow [03:32:46.255] Evie_Sparkles: Nice Legs :3 [03:32:48.533] nuiknuik123: do not ask me about the color of anything right now [03:32:49.499] sasuke_csa: let's go fishing [03:32:51.164] McPlayHD: Is that Ahri? [03:32:52.607] im_up_to_something: That's a pretty good cosplay 👌 [03:32:53.070] GrinchMD: bonjwaO [03:32:53.541] Evie_Sparkles: Ay yo [03:32:53.758] McPlayHD: ah hi btw [03:32:53.972] zer0110: would [03:32:53.997] empirechaotix: are you under investigation by twitch? since when? [03:32:54.942] Jens_LN: dayum ! [03:32:55.515] AeonDen: God almighty help me [03:32:56.906] mairaineplayzGames: i'd smash O-O [03:32:57.007] fluffy57211: PASS IMO [03:32:57.833] 1ts_james: totally would [03:32:58.804] ArchyNemesis: Sneaky is so cute <3 [03:32:59.826] drbuckethead123: Gayge [03:33:00.399] vidyagaem7: snacky f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [03:33:00.603] duplotracer: damn..... [03:33:01.561] Solus_kun: AYO i lost [03:33:01.943] Catilya: XD [03:33:02.311] braddle172: f1nnMonka [03:33:02.402] Emmy64_: Kreygasm Kreygasm [03:33:03.597] Evie_Sparkles: gachiBASS [03:33:03.745] hopalongtommy: would Rose let Natalie Mars suc pp? acid test [03:33:04.180] Jens_LN: You would do it ! [03:33:04.202] mootie1: WubTF [03:33:04.226] XellosMetallum: I would totally.. [03:33:04.297] kdnix: to be fair- [03:33:04.326] GirlSmirka: smash [03:33:04.648] GrinchMD: Gayge [03:33:04.828] johnkeiwo: Yeah but sneaky is photoshopped to kingdom come tho [03:33:04.959] JohnBanks117: thigh monkaS [03:33:05.408] OmsX8O: @mr_ajokortti_korkort a, yeah squchaNodders [03:33:05.918] BerryAndBitty: I'm gay either way LUL I'd fuck [03:33:06.120] c__r__j: F1nn is finsexual, confirmed. [03:33:06.666] 57ranma: GO TO HIS INSTAGRAM [03:33:07.077] xxjoyeusexx: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:33:07.210] OpsCoreFAST: hypothetically [03:33:07.624] c__r__j: !confused [03:33:07.879] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [03:33:08.093] neon_soup: you're hotter tbh [03:33:08.208] Flippi_12: well f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [03:33:08.729] chickenchasm: Please be careful Finn... [03:33:09.710] ozdalf02: smash [03:33:09.847] flex_uli: Wow [03:33:10.290] Rtwld: our boy's got the hots for a sneaky that's kinda sus my guy [03:33:10.596] LutiaI: So you're telling us that if we dress well enough.... [03:33:11.506] alexx_net: So you're saying there's a chance? [03:33:13.117] xx_bruhslayer_xx: I prefer if they look like a guy tho, tbh [03:33:13.391] tanter2: Obviously a guy [03:33:13.466] cormoranoimperatore: Yeah [03:33:14.170] nandosjr0800: Little bit too much [03:33:14.586] eclipsi0: HE'S BEGINNING TO BELIVE [03:33:15.339] McPlayHD: can you show again pls? [03:33:15.886] Bloodcoatrain: it's was just for content... right [03:33:16.579] megaroot: Kreygasm [03:33:16.656] Haslak64: F1nn not straight [03:33:18.383] ArchyNemesis: In a purely straight way, of course. [03:33:20.992] jeetmaster07: smash ore pass? [03:33:21.284] supermonkeyjam: recreate sneaky cosplay photoshoot [03:33:21.443] godsbeenswinging_: you seen the freddie onlyfans videos though f1nn? [03:33:21.618] douglashart98: I smell a collab 😈 [03:33:21.646] frankibad: i dont care looks female enough [03:33:24.168] Royalbirhat: sounds like rose want to be a lesbian again [03:33:24.522] sir_public0_0: I would [03:33:29.194] RJ20151: finn is no longer straight [03:33:31.080] Chri55PBacon: 10/10 would smash [03:33:31.843] 57ranma: WE ALL WOULD LET SNEAKY. [03:33:33.777] VFXBishop: F1nn, it's the 21st century, it's okay to be bi with pref for femmes [03:33:36.719] bfsobnfs: Sneaky is one of those ppl where you're like "I don't even care if that's gay anymore this is just too beautiful PepeHands " [03:33:38.271] ArminGux: You are the hottest femboy [03:33:38.901] eclipsi0: F1NN'S STRAIGHTNESS IS GETTING BENT AND I WITNESSED IT LIVE [03:33:41.926] GirlSmirka: oh no [03:33:42.175] TheOriginalMikeD: the internet do be scary sometimes..... [03:33:42.335] c__r__j: Predict with channel points: F1nn says "no homo" in the next five minutes. [03:33:43.417] GirlSmirka: no [03:33:47.055] mss0406: bois make best girls [03:33:48.078] lucasw1833: Who was that ? [03:33:50.922] Evie_Sparkles: F1nn for Femboy Hooters CEO [03:33:51.388] candiedem7: bUT [03:33:51.828] duckstm: how far do you have to scroll to see yourself [03:33:55.509] Emmy64_: mkoTech [03:33:55.621] Stovamor: !confused [03:33:55.880] f3mmbot To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [03:33:58.957] goosegoose2547: What happened I had 5 ad’s [03:33:59.099] HexGrrrrl: I'm incredibly bisexual [03:33:59.252] sir_public0_0: Smash [03:34:00.242] kdnix: barbie girl? [03:34:00.434] subnatalie: Snowball kiss afterwards hehe [03:34:00.435] douglashart98: Someone get sneaky [03:34:00.891] tarakagyu: so if they pass finn smash [03:34:01.074] reinapaints: I have that skirt [03:34:02.753] sky_rblx123: f1nnSmile2 [03:34:03.257] GoldenDonkey_Toby: yes [03:34:05.162] 57ranma: WHAT ABOUT TITANIA? [03:34:05.713] MatMurek: yes [03:34:05.773] fieri574: yes [03:34:07.656] ArminGux: Yes [03:34:09.242] vi777x: no [03:34:09.553] femboyremix: LETS MAKE @F1NN5TER BISEXUAL!!!!!! [03:34:09.832] VGABots: YES [03:34:09.913] Owly_9: same [03:34:10.288] GirlSmirka: no?? [03:34:10.566] smol_teeth14: mistre99Md [03:34:10.637] McPlayHD: F1nn5ter how did you find that cute pictures before? [03:34:11.236] teddee8964: How's that closet coming along? [03:34:11.554] lolmeisje_2009: not really [03:34:11.592] fluffy57211: IF LOOK LIKE WOMAN SMASH - F1NN 2022 [03:34:11.838] jeetmaster07: yes [03:34:11.959] Lucridis: Men like women so it must be gay right [03:34:14.050] RJ20151: yes [03:34:14.244] addercap: all mouths feel the same [03:34:14.448] eddieahdhsj: they are cute tho [03:34:15.299] Xylomn: suuuuuurrrrre [03:34:15.371] Flippi_12: sure Kappa [03:34:15.617] ArminGux: It’s bi [03:34:16.158] reweliusz: women like men so women = gay [03:34:16.963] neon_soup: f1nns sexuality bending like the spoon in the matrix [03:34:17.196] ginjninj: this is some delicious denial [03:34:17.254] HexGrrrrl: yes as a girl [03:34:17.295] VFXBishop: Embrace the Bi [03:34:18.155] candiedem7: aint no wayyy [03:34:18.238] Catilya: That's not a femboy... A femboy is a masked girl :) [03:34:18.874] Jens_LN: so .. you look at yourself ? [03:34:19.280] bluj40: not if you wanna bonk them [03:34:20.169] Tbomb111109: I love your vids/streams :)’ [03:34:20.904] qwertyuioiuytrerty: if it look like woman it not gay [03:34:21.774] bluenebula_8: ehh [03:34:22.454] Aurora_doesnt_know: Finsexual [03:34:22.762] taylorthedinosaur: you keep telling yourself that [03:34:23.015] braddle172: looks woman enough [03:34:23.847] aingelbg: @F1NN5TER you done doing the unban requests [03:34:23.847] Evie_Sparkles: So you like femme energy more. Makes sense. [03:34:23.938] ArminGux: Bi egg [03:34:24.037] Globalnuclear: you are just don't ready yet Finn but in 2-3 years we will see seanvrSmug [03:34:24.249] TheCacksman: please for the love of god do a collab with sneaky this is the only messaged ive ever typed [03:34:25.517] XENOMAN5: Nope [03:34:27.524] Tbomb111109: you make my day [03:34:28.502] CozyyPandaa: Agree [03:34:28.866] empirechaotix: so alsoashley is good then? [03:34:30.468] jerrie_aleena_wood: So you would date a beautyfull non op trans woman [03:34:31.173] mss0406: Titanfall gaming stream when [03:34:31.250] goodboy141: copium [03:34:31.580] ronineutroni: what if man looking man identifies as woman? [03:34:32.599] zorua162: Finsexual? :P [03:34:33.906] addercap: as my girlfriend says "only the bottom is gay" [03:34:34.072] megaroot: titania is really hot [03:34:34.993] femboyremix: LETS GO MAKE FINN BISEXUAL!!! [03:34:36.452] 1ts_james: i mean sketti is straight till u get it wet aswell so :D i think it still works in this content [03:34:37.694] Lineally_Relied: its only gay if the tips touch @F1NN5TER [03:34:37.768] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, your dolphin still not here D: [03:34:39.901] c__r__j: Sneaky is friend of a friend, though... [03:34:39.921] yorthell: As a woman, it is gay for me to like women. I mean I am gay, but that's beside the point. [03:34:40.642] stormsn0w: Doesn’t matter if you’re bi, even if just a little [03:34:40.977] Owly_9: This friend... SMASH [03:34:41.777] Helen_Croft: sneaky @F1NN5TER https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pizza-delivery-sivir [03:34:43.274] tryranththewizard: chat? Why is Finn not at the top of that search result? [03:34:43.529] Necros_25: so theoretically Meowriza can suck your dick [03:34:45.936] abe1_2: Do you think your friends do it with you [03:34:46.804] Jens_LN: But .. sneaky ? [03:34:47.745] sky_rblx123: Shush [03:34:47.760] XellosMetallum: Lets play SMASH or PASS [03:34:48.238] aingelbg: kk ty [03:34:49.520] goosegoose2547: Smash [03:34:51.178] ArminGux: There is a attraction to femininity aside from straight [03:34:51.942] kdnix: okay butwhat if their voice was luke deep [03:34:51.992] Flippi_12: @JohnBanks117 I know D: [03:34:52.128] douglashart98: Ain't gay if you close your eyes [03:34:53.566] nitro_thunder_beast: being straight is gay, gay is happy feel of any kind. gay [03:34:54.219] fieri574: Imagine having sex with women, women like dick and thats gay. Thats why i only date men [03:35:00.696] Solus_kun: and horny [03:35:00.856] judgedame: if you are bi it is okay to have a preference. [03:35:03.479] McPlayHD: @F1NN5TER how did you find these cute pictures? [03:35:03.625] Killerbite_: YESSSSSSSS [03:35:04.069] 1ts_james: that would be dope [03:35:04.734] HawkOfDiscord: i cant wait for finn shoot [03:35:05.796] Haslak64: When you look at a man who looks like a women. And finds it attractive, it's still a man you are attractive to, therefore gay. [03:35:06.817] cerysnomi: hello [03:35:07.657] dmx908: if it guy in dress still gay [03:35:07.844] megaroot: sneaky has a gf right? [03:35:08.787] zer0110: vicats [03:35:09.250] grumpykittu: I heard it feels the same in the dark [03:35:10.547] Evie_Sparkles: You + Sneaky would be like a femboy Hadron Collider. [03:35:11.679] Cr1m8on: bri'ish teeth [03:35:13.900] mairaineplayzGames: thats a cute-ish yawn Rose [03:35:14.665] cormoranoimperatore: I mean if you look at someone and you think they are a woman and are sexually attracted I don’t think that’s gay [03:35:15.423] im_up_to_something: Rose and sneaky collab [03:35:16.947] jeetmaster07: noooo [03:35:16.972] LutiaI: @yorthell a bit, but there's nothing wrong with that [03:35:17.639] braddle172: !time [03:35:17.896] f3mmbot The time in the UK is: 23:41 [03:35:18.245] johnkeiwo: yes [03:35:18.817] discjockeywildin: I was like this once and today I ended up on the gay side of my favorite site. It’s a slippery slope [03:35:19.703] CloakedN00b: f1nn down horendous for sneaky [03:35:19.707] 1ts_james: sneaky and fin photoshoots, based [03:35:23.088] Necros_25: so Meowriza and Fredd1 are a yes [03:35:23.179] JohnBanks117: @Flippi_12, poor dolphin FeelsBadMan [03:35:23.370] ScarredLemon: Noooooooo [03:35:25.251] fluffy57211: BYE I HAD A GOOD TIME [03:35:25.423] johnkeiwo: see you in 2 weeks chat [03:35:26.628] Amoyamoyamoya: Order foodz F1nn. [03:35:28.328] daniel_peck: Bye! marskeHeart [03:35:31.367] ScarredLemon: I’ve been enjoying seeing you [03:35:32.777] rw03_bjw: from the sounds of it we all wana see these photos [03:35:33.019] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose [03:35:33.604] Jens_LN: canines are POG [03:35:33.613] pronunciated: see you in 4 months [03:35:34.389] ProPM: bye [03:35:34.439] ArchyNemesis: Who isn't? [03:35:34.775] SethwMad: Raid someoen [03:35:34.810] lionnsmane: that smile!! [03:35:35.176] Solus_kun: See you again in 3 weeks @F1NN5TER :) [03:35:35.320] Amoyamoyamoya: One month. [03:35:35.366] GirlSmirka: bye [03:35:35.731] snoop_uwu: bye bye [03:35:36.232] polidrakma75: slippy boyyyMANNNNNN [03:35:36.649] LutiaI: o7 [03:35:36.722] MayBeAJinx: Byeee <3 [03:35:37.155] ibrown39: Wait [03:35:37.189] strinx1120: BYEE [03:35:37.339] tayravenriot: <3 <3 <3 [03:35:37.674] SethwMad: RAID SOMEONE [03:35:37.747] kkasperle: bye [03:35:37.827] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose [03:35:38.790] fluffy57211: TRUE KEKW [03:35:38.932] jeetmaster07: see ya [03:35:38.956] Nomoreolives: Bye [03:35:39.023] 57ranma: MAYBE TEN CAN SPONSOR YOUR VISA TO THE US? [03:35:39.547] sitooma: REDEEM HYDRATION [03:35:39.550] ginjninj: thx for stream <3 [03:35:39.607] Electromagnetic: they need to be whitened a bit [03:35:39.650] Ritella27: bye [03:35:39.655] stillstoned3: bye Rose!!!! [03:35:39.718] longlegs_honey: bye [03:35:40.186] Flippi_12: 2 weeks FeelsBadMan [03:35:40.597] taylorthedinosaur: byeeeee <3 [03:35:40.879] neon_soup: chat gives f1nn another complex [03:35:40.879] bernie_____: hachuL [03:35:40.940] braddle172: Byeee [03:35:40.968] C69Kid: put your hair back please [03:35:41.130] Spectre223: Hope you all enjoyed this month's stream, boys [03:35:41.267] duckstm: bye [03:35:41.440] ozeantj: bb <3 [03:35:41.630] eichhoernchenliebhaber: bye [03:35:41.872] d4nc1ngc0w: byyeeeeee [03:35:41.930] BEE_n_ZEE: sgreyLove sgreyLove sgreyLove sgreyLove [03:35:42.011] bluj40: later [03:35:42.074] grumpykittu: bye [03:35:42.501] JohnBanks117: @johnkeiwo, 4 weks you mean LUL [03:35:42.502] saltyfcraker: Byeeeee [03:35:42.529] wiltmyflowers: byeee [03:35:42.560] megaroot: goodnight princess [03:35:43.149] mss0406: titanfall 2 stream when lol [03:35:43.177] reiziq: bye [03:35:43.236] OliveTentacle: bye bye [03:35:43.406] flex_uli: raid [03:35:43.528] OTHENGOR: o7 [03:35:43.740] rumbleball1: thanks for the stream! [03:35:44.406] xenrry: bye [03:35:44.648] supermonkeyjam: o7 [03:35:44.892] VGABots: see you all in 6 months OMEGALUL [03:35:44.918] Chri55PBacon: cya [03:35:44.942] duplotracer: bye gn [03:35:45.171] ibrown39: Just donated [03:35:45.243] Stovamor: Raid someone @F1nn5ter [03:35:45.314] PeterTheMostlyOK: Thank you for the stream [03:35:45.559] SethwMad: RAID [03:35:45.614] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Byee F1nn [03:35:45.751] polidrakma75: byeeeeeee [03:35:45.838] SaffronLynx7762: bye [03:35:46.151] sissyjessie: goodnight! [03:35:46.217] Flippi_12: Solid stream :) [03:35:46.466] mrhanky99: Bye bye [03:35:46.630] qwertyuioiuytrerty: byeeeeeeeee [03:35:47.093] tarakagyu: thanks for the fun night beautiful [03:35:47.209] XENOMAN5: I just got here. Noooo [03:35:47.772] ashenjag: bye chat! [03:35:48.184] SethwMad: RAID [03:35:48.209] pronunciated: raid somebody [03:35:48.434] OmsX8O: hozzerWave [03:35:48.494] lhsidn: bye! [03:35:48.555] JohnBanks117: Bye Rose <3 [03:35:48.584] 1indigo0: BYEEEEEEEEEE [03:35:48.686] LittleChaSiu: r/PublicWorkout LUL [03:35:48.762] d4nc1ngc0w: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:35:48.799] RioSpix: Byeeee Rose [03:35:48.846] 02f2: Sadge [03:35:48.874] lionnsmane: bye have a good day! [03:35:49.547] dingosurprise: byee [03:35:49.598] EternalNocturnal68: Woof [03:35:49.750] grumpykittu: Night [03:35:50.872] saltyfcraker: Hot [03:35:51.084] goosegoose2547: Byeee [03:35:51.320] Stovamor: Raid someone @F1nn5ter [03:35:51.483] braddle172: o7 [03:35:51.700] EternalNocturnal68: By [03:35:52.414] transkiot: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:35:52.516] pronunciated: raid [03:35:52.684] Tbomb111109: can you do a photo shoot with the llama pls [03:35:52.720] katiminii: hi i just joined but i guess its ending so bye [03:35:52.880] EternalNocturnal68: Bi [03:35:54.033] RioSpix: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:35:54.077] true_quixotic_one: Set a goal for girls haircut? [03:35:54.253] SethwMad: RAID SOMEONE [03:35:54.627] Owly_9: Thank you for the stream, cya nerds! [03:35:54.864] XENOMAN5: You have great teeth [03:35:55.689] nitro_thunder_beast: PopCorn [03:35:55.745] mootie1: byee HahaCat [03:35:55.969] cormoranoimperatore: Bye PridePenguin [03:35:56.117] johnkeiwo: COPIUM [03:35:56.507] fluffy57211: BYE [03:35:57.400] Nomoreolives: Byeeeeeee [03:35:57.491] mairaineplayzGames: later Rose, have a nice month! [03:35:57.520] NE_oga: peace out F1nnster [03:35:57.639] alexx_net: Only 2 weeks until the next stream? [03:35:57.789] King__Mosabi: o/ [03:35:57.804] that1guylouis24: X [03:35:57.944] stillstoned3: bye everyone [03:35:58.077] Helen_Croft: gym room [03:35:58.123] penguin_noot_noot: Bye [03:35:58.180] zer0110: have a great day 😘 [03:35:58.488] canvaspainting: Byee <3 <3 <3 [03:35:58.585] fluffy57211: RAID [03:35:58.638] pianoismyforte_: raid [03:35:59.279] polidrakma75: byyyeeeeee finn [03:35:59.290] Solus_kun: <3 Cya Chat <3 Cya Finn <3 [03:35:59.572] MayBeAJinx: Minx is live [03:35:59.950] waterdragon_91: THANKS FOR STREAM! It's been fun yocciHeart [03:36:00.237] 1ts_james: o7 take care, been fun catching u [03:36:00.464] ArchyNemesis: Can't wait! [03:36:00.674] michiilepsy: Goodnightttt [03:36:01.374] 02f2: Bye! [03:36:01.574] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. Gym equipment to gather dust... [03:36:01.618] fluffgamer15: bye [03:36:01.835] Aurora_doesnt_know: bye [03:36:02.073] C69Kid: put ur hair BACK ! [03:36:02.270] Golden_Knight69: Bye [03:36:03.574] ArminGux: Workout stream [03:36:03.579] Vaaztilag: chow [03:36:03.697] 1_smart_donkey: minks [03:36:04.513] spoon_fork_: byeee [03:36:04.542] polidrakma75: byeee [03:36:04.616] Catilya: THOR [03:36:04.706] subnatalie: Boobs? [03:36:04.849] EternalNocturnal68: Arf woof [03:36:05.118] RioSpix: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:36:06.336] vidyagaem7: Bye Rose! Wave [03:36:06.951] lustfullilith: Bye [03:36:07.148] jeetmaster07: I GOT A FREE SUP YAY [03:36:07.264] judgedame: megmage [03:36:07.557] medicbat: rose we already hit an excercise stream goal [03:36:07.778] mystchevious1: Juicyboy [03:36:08.247] Chri55PBacon: bye chat imma head out [03:36:08.737] addercap: so stream workout is a possible? [03:36:09.207] Helen_Croft: Minx? [03:36:10.780] Evie_Sparkles: o.o [03:36:10.801] JohnBanks117: Where the dolphin D: [03:36:11.029] braddle172: minx [03:36:11.695] 1ts_james: yes shes on pools [03:36:11.696] EternalNocturnal68: Drools on the floor [03:36:12.183] Amoyamoyamoya: Amou can do ANYTHING. [03:36:12.924] pianoismyforte_: Sweet Anita? [03:36:13.144] Kolateak_: Apparently [03:36:13.180] King__Mosabi: alveus animal sanctuary? [03:36:13.672] flex_uli: bye rose! [03:36:13.895] sasuke_csa: MechaRobot [03:36:14.177] Owly_9: she does it every day [03:36:14.222] 1_smart_donkey: she owns twitch she can do whatever she wants [03:36:14.900] Nomoreolives: ERET [03:36:15.015] ProfessorStarlight: she's done it a couple times now yeah [03:36:15.316] that_colin_guy: please raid sweet anita [03:36:15.591] saltyfcraker: Love yup byeeeee [03:36:15.605] Vaaztilag: bye [03:36:16.107] RioSpix: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:36:16.805] EternalNocturnal68: Bi [03:36:16.826] reweliusz: scamuranth [03:36:17.426] GoldenDonkey_Toby: stream in the shower? [03:36:17.723] neon_soup: you said it couldn't be done [03:36:17.914] ProfessorStarlight: not that I would know [03:36:18.156] ibrown39: Do sweet anita [03:36:18.267] johnkeiwo: yes [03:36:18.474] ry_drake_331: @f1nn5ter @almightyfrogga [03:36:18.986] Haslak64: MINX [03:36:19.310] nimrob11: So good to raid [03:36:19.406] transkiot: Finn in the shower????????? [03:36:19.887] Twinborne: why am I not surprised about Amouranth [03:36:20.163] 1ts_james: on the pools section youre allowed ye [03:36:20.182] ArminGux: Natalie Mars streaming? [03:36:20.429] Catilya: yes Amouranth [03:36:20.825] polidrakma75: ayoooooooo [03:36:20.922] Jens_LN: get her [03:36:21.010] bearpaw1970: minx [03:36:21.061] str4wb3rryz97: bye [03:36:21.445] saltyfcraker: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [03:36:21.455] alexx_net: Don't buy large home equipment until you've used your rowing machine. [03:36:22.130] bernie_____: hachuHype [03:36:22.619] packagum: nyanners! [03:36:22.895] mr_ajokortti_korkort: squchaNote [03:36:23.738] officialnuggets: why do you stream every 2 weeks [03:36:24.841] snoop_uwu: f1nnHeart [03:36:25.550] Rtwld: gute nacht gamers f1nnHeart [03:36:27.589] polidrakma75: get us in there [03:36:28.187] sasuke_csa: f1nnHands f1nnHeart [03:36:29.110] lu_sagna: raid eret? [03:36:29.167] Stovamor: Raid Sweet_anita @f1nn5ter Maybe get a colab offer from another British streamer [03:36:29.765] daniel_peck: Sweet Anita pls! [03:36:30.390] vidyagaem7: F1nn SHOWER STREAM? [03:36:31.750] that_colin_guy: minx or sweetanita [03:36:32.621] 1_smart_donkey: Minks [03:36:33.055] averylaughlin1: Have a great day f1nn [03:36:34.636] Helen_Croft: raid Minx? [03:36:36.693] kuki4ka: raid cuptoat [03:36:37.475] johnkeiwo: Raid Sweet_anita @f1nn5ter Maybe get a colab offer from another British streamer [03:36:37.558] CozyyPandaa: Found our next goal [03:36:38.093] kdnix: i cant do shit [03:36:38.540] Haslak64: Raid Minx [03:36:39.540] johnkeiwo: Agreed ! [03:36:39.656] ArminGux: Yeah nyaners [03:36:40.397] CloakedN00b: raid haccer [03:36:40.443] averylaughlin1: It’s been an amazing stream [03:36:41.201] EternalNocturnal68: Shower stream confirmed? [03:36:42.484] Yeevo_: shower goal? [03:36:42.750] eclipsi0: sweetanita [03:36:43.619] Kaymon81: raid minx [03:36:43.918] im_up_to_something: Good stream, don't make us wait so long for next stream. rynShy [03:36:44.192] ekod3d: What’s the outfit today fin [03:36:45.297] duplotracer: @rtwld dir auch [03:36:45.520] Amoyamoyamoya: Raid Sweet_anita [03:36:46.436] McPlayHD: @F1NN5TER how can I find the pictures you showed us before? [03:36:46.621] braddle172: sweet anita or minx [03:36:46.665] FeintMotion: get a hamster wheel [03:36:46.823] EternalNocturnal68: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:36:48.004] pronunciated: minx [03:36:48.991] Iamantisocial: who's a cute little catboy [03:36:49.240] XENOMAN5: Can you please stream more often [03:36:49.423] Golden_Knight69: Small ant [03:36:50.128] johnkeiwo: minx ? [03:36:53.524] loveroseslove: Good Night Rose! Love ya [03:36:54.974] RioSpix: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:36:56.195] kdnix: eret [03:36:57.160] OmsX8O: ammoFlexL f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 ammoFlexR [03:36:57.223] Jens_LN: meh [03:36:58.001] RioSpix: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [03:36:58.348] zucduc: PogU stanz is live [03:36:58.639] Amoyamoyamoya: Raid Sweet_anita [03:36:58.893] RealKelsric: Minx is on m8 [03:36:59.186] kdnix: rid eret [03:36:59.448] goosegoose2547: Raid eret [03:37:00.462] Owly_9: 0 [03:37:00.742] TheOriginalMikeD: meh [03:37:00.821] mkwa123: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:37:00.951] 1_smart_donkey: mink [03:37:01.596] Haslak64: XD [03:37:01.809] neon_soup: minx [03:37:01.905] kdnix: ys [03:37:02.493] goosegoose2547: Yesss [03:37:02.712] kikogitar: still no half life alyx playtrue :( [03:37:02.777] vidyagaem7: f1nnGross [03:37:03.080] pronunciated: raid minx [03:37:03.797] XENOMAN5: Or post a schedule [03:37:04.152] polidrakma75: byeeeee f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:37:04.328] ttvcopi: ew minecraft [03:37:05.442] duckstm: yeah we know [03:37:06.080] heavymetalyetiguy: Anita or minx [03:37:07.202] Kaymon81: minx [03:37:07.729] King__Mosabi: boycott MC [03:37:07.783] medicbat: minecraft? gross [03:37:07.787] Nomoreolives: Eretttt please [03:37:07.847] Golden_Knight69: SmallAnt [03:37:07.999] Amoyamoyamoya: Raid Minx. [03:37:08.330] that_colin_guy: ewww mc [03:37:08.783] Helen_Croft: raid Minx? [03:37:09.329] pianoismyforte_: Minecraft great [03:37:09.437] Vaaztilag: raid juicyboy [03:37:09.553] King__Mosabi: !of [03:37:09.806] f3mmbot OF will not happen while the MC business makes bank. Boycott MC! [03:37:10.047] bluenebula_8: Minecraft is cool [03:37:10.964] batchelli: minequaff [03:37:11.002] dylweed2: yess [03:37:12.448] Paladinknightsword: you must hate minecraft you played factions [03:37:13.396] FlyingMortimer: raid minx [03:37:14.356] saltyfcraker: Slepyyy time [03:37:14.682] justmaybe7: julien? [03:37:15.179] polidrakma75: Minecraft pogersss [03:37:15.240] JohnBanks117: MC f1nnGross [03:37:15.338] goosegoose2547: “It was never meant to be” [03:37:15.645] bearpaw1970: 😂 [03:37:16.705] Haslak64: Raid da minx [03:37:17.714] FeintMotion: it is cat day so they're doing it for you [03:37:17.953] TheKnuckle44: mc monday [03:37:18.597] eichhoernchenliebhaber: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [03:37:18.637] mystchevious1: JuicyboyTV_ [03:37:18.801] sharphooter717: # f1nnRun [03:37:19.074] Amoyamoyamoya: Minx [03:37:19.497] Iskallatt: minewomen [03:37:19.542] johnkeiwo: find a small just chatting streamer ? [03:37:20.047] Globalnuclear: well not big fan, i prefer femboys [03:37:20.162] jasmine_b3: yesss minecraft [03:37:21.089] Evie_Sparkles: Anita? [03:37:22.095] Stovamor: Raid Sweet_anita - she's great [03:37:22.775] King__Mosabi: raid Alveus? [03:37:23.052] johnkeiwo: find a small just chatting streamer ? [03:37:23.240] ILostMyRat: what did i just walk in on [03:37:24.849] Nomoreolives: Erettt [03:37:25.453] EternalNocturnal68: Mine craft-a [03:37:25.725] ArminGux: Another femboy? [03:37:26.156] ronineutroni: i have block phobia [03:37:26.553] smurfytoonz: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [03:37:29.069] fischfuttermaker: Minecraft mondays [03:37:29.540] saltyfcraker: NotLikeThis [03:37:31.146] SethwMad: SMALL STREAMER? [03:37:31.253] c__r__j: You could raid LineChu? [03:37:31.751] MayBeAJinx: That's so wholesome <3 [03:37:32.896] SethwMad: WAIT [03:37:33.037] Paladinknightsword: raid shadow legends [03:37:33.648] arquiJ: lets invade MC Hub [03:37:34.550] SethwMad: I GOT YOU [03:37:34.716] saltyfcraker: rynali1HOLY [03:37:35.309] lionnsmane: linechu [03:37:35.406] Golden_Knight69: SMALLANT [03:37:36.703] kdnix: olive sleepy [03:37:38.803] mss0406: titanfall streamer plz [03:37:38.849] Flippi_12: @johnkeiwo adc? [03:37:39.931] pocketfullofskittles: Mink [03:37:41.163] loveroseslove: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:37:43.145] duplotracer: how about Dadfeels [03:37:44.829] that_colin_guy: small? raid "Frayser" [03:37:50.332] TheOriginalMikeD: go with one that has 1 view, that would be wild [03:37:50.607] empirechaotix: knightenator [03:37:51.735] Bloodcoatrain: pixelmynt [03:37:51.853] MaggieHeels: Pixelmynt [03:37:53.985] eclipsi0: so much booba... [03:37:56.171] ScarredLemon: Vtuber [03:37:56.462] Vaaztilag: JuicyboyTV_ [03:37:56.566] braddle172: booba [03:37:57.030] SethwMad: Finn I got a small one from the roster [03:37:58.311] vi777x: Catbot tsumi [03:38:07.253] zer0110: renbeep [03:38:07.637] ZmanX187: juicyboytv [03:38:09.758] jartma5ter: IZIDORE [03:38:10.976] Golden_Knight69: Small ant is doing a BOTW speed run [03:38:11.088] 57ranma: GET A DUDE SO HE HAS TO LOOK YOU UP [03:38:11.379] incredible_bulk: raid soflowildlife [03:38:11.878] wac1496: Raid yourself [03:38:12.899] Evie_Sparkles: Pattu Pattu [03:38:13.021] white_rose_bmx: jtwusky [03:38:15.093] mr_ajokortti_korkort: head pats sounds nice [03:38:15.178] kdnix: yess [03:38:16.273] maciekitty636: me me I stream [03:38:16.631] dylweed2: raid an art streamer [03:38:16.813] BerryAndBitty: LUL [03:38:18.757] B0BAX21: iu no [03:38:19.755] c__r__j: Raiding someone with 25 viewers is mean: they won't have the mods to cope @F1NN5TER [03:38:22.076] BerryAndBitty: Headpats LUL [03:38:22.149] OTHENGOR: lets goooooooo [03:38:22.326] ArminGux: No [03:38:23.960] Evie_Sparkles: DMCA? [03:38:23.992] 1ts_james: lets go [03:38:24.190] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, daddy Solus UwU [03:38:24.441] eternaldebuff: ayyye i love aDTR [03:38:24.471] ronineutroni: no [03:38:25.078] reweliusz: no [03:38:26.333] Emmy64_: nah [03:38:26.539] JohnBanks117: ... [03:38:27.147] TheOriginalMikeD: yes a day to remember fuck yea [03:38:27.432] SethwMad: F1nn what abotu someone on the roster? [03:38:27.637] Funky_Chicken13: Yes [03:38:27.896] honeybunss2: no [03:38:28.559] AlgolGaming: make it happen [03:38:29.928] goosegoose2547: Yesss [03:38:30.075] bearpaw1970: let's go [03:38:30.735] xFANATEC_UKx: yeah!!! [03:38:31.060] MatMurek: no [03:38:31.345] reiziq: yes [03:38:31.974] ronineutroni: no please no [03:38:32.029] nmnm195: ADC_VR breack them [03:38:32.037] empirechaotix: no [03:38:32.723] Kaymon81: yes [03:38:32.861] nimrob11: No [03:38:33.323] EternalNocturnal68: B’ok [03:38:33.491] FireRuby1: nah [03:38:34.500] Jens_LN: she has the anime figures in the back 'n' everything [03:38:34.593] megaroot: no [03:38:36.667] JohnBanks117: monkaS [03:38:37.634] Tbomb111109: no [03:38:38.396] ArminGux: Niet [03:38:38.402] HK7X: yes [03:38:38.771] ronineutroni: nope [03:38:39.798] johnkeiwo: ADC VR [03:38:41.060] mss0406: mss0406 subscribed with Prime. [03:38:41.242] f3mmbot mss0406 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mss0406 f1nnLezgang [03:38:41.265] mss0406: mss0406 subscribed with Prime. [03:38:41.444] f3mmbot mss0406 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mss0406 f1nnLezgang [03:38:44.248] neon_soup: moustache man [03:38:45.747] saltyfcraker: f1nnLezgang [03:38:46.060] pocketfullofskittles: No [03:38:47.017] MaggieHeels: Pixelmynt has 7 viewers now... playing Final Fantasy X [03:38:47.573] Flippi_12: @JohnBanks117 solus cant be daddy... he's a bottom [03:38:48.330] ScarredLemon: Find another femboy [03:38:49.551] valnar_d: do the fixing electronics [03:38:51.193] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, you didn't saw anything monkaS [03:38:51.627] GreyWinterWraith: @johnkeiwo yes [03:38:52.629] kdnix: raid a 1 veiwer [03:38:54.112] mr_ajokortti_korkort: the one with the uwu? [03:38:55.009] ayarcee: raid Trans streamer [03:38:58.435] Golden_Knight69: Small [03:39:01.907] johnkeiwo: D: [03:39:06.385] f3mmbot Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:39:06.972] drbuckethead123: shyyRave shyyRave [03:39:07.314] johnkeiwo: He wouldn't like Aydee [03:39:09.601] bluj40: @c__r__j im sure most would much rather have the audience [03:39:10.077] benfletcher247: raid ericthygamer he is playnig teamfight tactics [03:39:10.138] packagum: D: [03:39:12.353] Evie_Sparkles: o.o [03:39:13.206] ScarredLemon: Yaaaaaas [03:39:13.601] godsbeenswinging_: LETS GO [03:39:13.815] ArminGux: Aren’t you fem tubing [03:39:14.188] Jens_LN: raid him [03:39:15.603] 57ranma: Juicy boy [03:39:16.323] Golden_Knight69: SmallAnt is doing a BOTW speedrun [03:39:16.958] ZmanX187: juicy boy [03:39:17.014] mss0406: Raid a titanfall streamer please [03:39:18.577] waterdragon_91: HELL YES LETS GOOO [03:39:19.432] Emmy64_: Yeeesss [03:39:23.518] xXNeroZashiXx: pog 🌹 [03:39:24.229] braddle172: POG [03:39:24.546] JohnBanks117: RAID JUICY POGGERS [03:39:25.983] dingosurprise: nice [03:39:26.484] mootie1: TPFufun hohoho, a golden find [03:39:26.969] Flippi_12: LETS GOO [03:39:27.191] polidrakma75: byeeee [03:39:27.276] dylweed2: YESSSSS [03:39:27.634] Vaaztilag: let's gooooooo [03:39:27.943] bearpaw1970: juicy...let's go [03:39:29.703] GroggyReaper: perfect [03:39:29.995] know1_0: cliccyMangolicc oneshotBY oneshotEE oneshotEE bloobyCHAOS [03:39:33.744] duplotracer: POG [03:39:33.822] EternalNocturnal68: O [03:39:36.303] katyazam0lodchikova: katyazam0lodchikova subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! 18 months i guess just checking in after some time, hope y'all are doing fine [03:39:36.492] f3mmbot katyazam0lodchikova subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:39:39.408] Stovamor: Theres an underscore [03:39:39.632] goosegoose2547: Raid them [03:39:42.725] johnkeiwo: People spoiling weirdChamp [03:39:43.785] bluj40: love that video [03:39:46.470] saltyfcraker: TombRaid [03:39:46.593] Twinborne: frabjous day, kaloo, kalay! [03:39:47.060] im_up_to_something: Later Rose take care. [03:39:47.606] Jens_LN: there we go [03:39:47.712] Funky_Chicken13: Raid [03:39:48.194] kuki4ka: bye fin [03:39:48.288] 1ts_james: someone already spoiling weirdchamp [03:39:49.401] B0BAX21: no [03:39:49.658] LAOnAirStudios: What a short stream??? [03:39:49.715] Paladinknightsword: juicy [03:39:49.831] waterdragon_91: rare JB stream yocciPog [03:39:50.398] packagum: someone snitched [03:39:51.088] Jens_LN: Lets gooo [03:39:52.147] gloomy_ara: lets goooo [03:39:52.449] canvaspainting: Bye <3 [03:39:53.050] braddle172: Byeee [03:39:53.886] Aurora_doesnt_know: byee [03:39:54.079] MayBeAJinx: Byeee Finn <3 [03:39:54.642] B0BAX21: she ugly [03:39:55.313] c__r__j: HypeWave [03:39:55.535] duckstm: bye bye [03:39:55.560] godsbeenswinging_: baiiii [03:39:55.843] kentosded: byeee [03:39:56.209] mossycam: finter [03:39:56.354] snowis_tired: Bye lol came so late [03:39:57.547] carolinelikesdinner: BYEEEEE [03:39:59.654] snoop_uwu: bye bye f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:39:59.836] ArchyNemesis: BYE [03:40:00.428] JohnBanks117: Bye Rose <# [03:40:00.529] ArminGux: Bye [03:40:01.012] zer0110: later [03:40:01.727] addercap: bye F1NN [03:40:02.015] cormoranoimperatore: Bye [03:40:02.022] bearpaw1970: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [03:40:02.084] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Good night F1nn [03:40:02.283] Flippi_12: bye online CYA [03:40:02.711] xXNeroZashiXx: bye f1nn 🌹 🌹 [03:40:02.878] Evie_Sparkles: My Body is Ready [03:40:02.904] REJAMALD: Byee [03:40:03.010] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose [03:40:03.447] josecortesnival: byee [03:40:04.202] ibrown39: Raid an Asahi Linux dev [03:40:04.261] polidrakma75: byeeee [03:40:04.337] goosegoose2547: I got ad wait [03:40:04.665] LoadSmasher: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:40:04.869] Jens_LN: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [03:40:05.138] jeffydavy: !uptime [03:40:05.376] dylweed2: BYE [03:40:05.403] f3mmbot Finn has been live for 3h 40m 11s [03:40:06.091] stillstoned3: bye Rose [03:40:07.255] Roxy_Gaming18: Bye Finn f1nnHeart [03:40:10.049] pianoismyforte_: night f1nn [03:40:10.355] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose [03:40:13.148] JohnBanks117: !Offlinegang [03:40:13.455] f3mmbot Offline gang is the most wholesome gang [03:40:15.608] dylweed2: Hi [03:40:27.261] smurfytoonz: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [03:40:28.372] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose [03:40:28.807] Carl_os69: Night rose [03:40:30.545] str4wb3rryz97: hi [03:40:31.508] AppleSaph: wrong chat guys [03:40:32.901] dylweed2: offliners ayo [03:40:34.331] AppleSaph: this is finns chat [03:40:37.068] Flippi_12: !offlinegang [03:40:37.342] f3mmbot Offline gang is the most wholesome gang [03:40:41.066] bearpaw1970: hello..Nurse [03:40:43.688] JohnBanks117: OfflineChat POGGERS [03:40:50.333] bearpaw1970: PowerUpL FootGoal PowerUpR [03:40:51.963] stillstoned3: hello [03:40:53.835] Helen_Croft: Bye Rose [03:40:54.116] braddle172: byeee [03:40:55.753] alexx_net: I hear Amazon employees use a bottle [03:40:56.379] johnkeiwo: time to go back into doomer mode [03:40:56.606] dingosurprise: bye! [03:41:04.632] ArminGux: Bye [03:41:04.660] addercap: enjoy your sammie :D [03:41:05.865] bearpaw1970: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [03:41:07.048] barbie_secretstanner: Bye chat [03:41:10.315] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Clap Mods [03:41:10.941] medicbat: doomer mode is the only mode to be in [03:41:12.569] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose Bye [03:41:13.083] bluj40: damn their makeup on point [03:41:13.716] Solus_kun: Eyy D; [03:41:15.878] Solus_kun: <3 Clap THANKS TO ALL THE MODS Clap <3 [03:41:16.531] Solus_kun: <3 Clap THANKS TO ALL THE MODS Clap <3 [03:41:18.457] smurfytoonz: h2odelWAVE h2odelWAVE h2odelWAVE [03:41:18.882] f3mmbot f1nn5ter just went offline! Welcome back offline gang FeelsGoodMan [03:41:18.915] Flippi_12: Solus 5 time or 6 now? [03:41:20.632] Solus_kun: WONT STOP [03:41:21.054] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, LUL [03:41:22.962] bluj40: @Solus_kun <3 [03:41:23.014] kaytee13: I almost had the same Sailor Moon outfit as Finn but I got the bikini instead. [03:41:24.745] Helen_Croft: Now Rose is offline [03:41:25.300] JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, you didn't saw anything before right monkaS [03:41:26.899] mr_ajokortti_korkort: Solus is on fire today [03:41:28.086] Flippi_12: !hug Solus [03:41:28.362] f3mmbot Solus gets a big hug from flippi_12 <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤