0:42 ah 4:08 now 4:15 now 4:34 so 5:08 now 5:15 now 5:29 so 5:44 foreign 6:25 thank you 7:14 thank you 7:33 um 8:10 i'm gonna come 8:16 is 8:33 is 8:56 oh 9:47 hello what is up my gain is a little bit high sorry if that was too loud what's up everybody 9:55 yo fanboy goes burr giuliani thank you guys for the resub fanboy girls bird thank you for the 10:02 five months and then guliami thank you for the two months thank you so much yo wakani thank you 10:08 for the follow what the frick is up everybody how the hell are we doing today welcome to the stream 10:15 great to have you hold on let me turn down that music a little bit what is up everyone 10:25 hello hello hello hello it is great to see you all thank you so much for joining me today 10:31 yo superman knocks thank you for the 200 bitties thank you so much 10:36 thank you manox i really appreciate that how are you doing today i'm doing great honestly i'm feeling somehow i don't know what's good i just woke up i felt amazing you know when that 10:46 just happens to you you just get up on the right side of the bed you know what i mean and you're like absolutely yup today is my day so that's how i'm feeling yo what the [ __ ] jay foresty thank 10:58 you so much thank you thank you thank you that is so sweet of you thank you for the 10. holy 11:05 yo thank you so much wow that is so sweet mwah thank you so much dave lucy holy [ __ ] 11:13 oh my god and we got mid knocks as well with the five thank you so much 11:20 ah thank you thank you oh my god you guys are so sweet to me oh my goodness thank you so much 11:27 i really appreciate that yo i'm a loser you're not a loser because you're in our stream thank 11:32 you so much for the follow though i appreciate you yo dory you just got us up amy you got a sub zmax 11:38 declined code kuno all you all just got a sub council of chaos what's good oh y'all got a sub hell yes there's a right side of the bed apparently somehow i found the right side of 11:48 the bed this morning you know it somehow it just happened also waffle i saw you did a fit check i didn't miss it i will do that in a second let me just finish introductions and saying hello 11:58 to everybody and such um but yes hello hello hello thank you guys so much for chilling 12:05 frog and hat yes looking like a great fit without even seeing the skirt oh yeah oh yeah it's a good fit in fact i'll show you the whole thing i'll show you the whole thing let's give it a little 12:14 gander it's a good fit i'm not gonna lie i did pop off today yo superman knocks thank you so much 12:20 for the gifted to lol maddie thank you so much hell yes that is so sweet yes the hat is amazing 12:30 the hat is amazing yo what the [ __ ] is happening oh my god 12:36 you guys what is happening thank you so much dex holy [ __ ] dex carter also with the five 12:43 ghost crimson commando jack rod batten all y'all just got to stuff jerk holy [ __ ] okay okay 12:51 fit check real quick fit check real quick 13:15 look i got the little i got the i got the socks with the little bows on them isn't that so cute 13:23 it's so cute they got the little bows i love it 13:41 it is so cute oopsie whoopsie hottie thank you danny yo jpv what is good thank you for the follow beautiful thank 13:52 you so much guys with the bows on the socks yes dude the socks are so cute i know right 13:57 they're so adorable they're so adorable i love them so much i literally like ah i felt i was 14:03 like i picked this shirt and then i picked a skirt and then i was like i know exactly what socks i'm 14:08 gonna wear with this i know exactly what socks i'm gonna wear oh my god there you go sub gold 14:13 done [ __ ] we didn't even pick a reward yet you guys you guys are just smashing the goal and not 14:21 and we don't even know what the reward is yet yo drummer thank you for the follow thank you so much a little peter pan caller yes a little cute little cute peter pan caller of course oh 14:32 my goodness we passed the subwoofer the socks are screaming annoying little anime sister true i mean annoying little anime sister is kind of my vibe to be honest 14:42 not gonna lie a mellow gang thank you for the follow thank you so much thank you thank you 14:48 thank you oh my goodness will you marry me in your dreams my friend maybe if you uh maybe if 14:56 i can be you know maybe maybe if i just don't have to work and you just buy me [ __ ] possibly but do 15:03 you have a girlfriend at this time i do not i do not unfortunately well maybe you know maybe it's 15:09 good to be uh it's good to be single every now and then yo alex thank you for the follow thank you so 15:14 much oh it's so good to have you guys i don't know why i'm just feeling so happy today annoying is 15:21 not the word i use yeah i don't know i don't know if i'm the annoying little anime sister but the uh the you know what do you call it what do you call it it's not annoying it's just uh i don't know you 15:33 know just a little bubbly like you know because i definitely was that kid to my older sister 15:39 she you know was always hanging out with her friends anytime she was hanging out with friends i was like nah y'all gotta play with me too i'm a part of this somehow even though you're like 15:49 way older than me and i have no idea what any of you are talking about somehow i'm a part of this 15:56 yo pink cat girl let me give you the u real quick let me get the let me get the water be right back 16:23 hyper overly excited yeah exactly last time i hear you were dating someone well i mean i've like i've 16:29 gone on a couple dates with someone but that's different than having a girlfriend you know what i mean it's like we we haven't you know what i mean like you you go on a couple of dates with someone 16:38 and then you have like the talk the quote-unquote like the talk of like are we dating are we just 16:45 like hooking up are we just hanging out are we friends with benefits like you know you gotta have the talk you know we're not necessarily a girl for a boyfriend girlfriend right now you know 16:55 what i mean girlfriend boyfriend girlfriend wait a second is this a three is this a 17:01 did i just make this a three-way relationship oh yeah sorry i forgot 17:09 oh well there you go there you go that was a good one yes i'm glad it was a good one i'm glad it was a good one okay cute dance time real quick two dance time oh and the drop is about to go perfect 17:40 bye 17:59 oh 18:24 is this from anime honestly i have no idea where these like the samples of these songs are from 18:30 it's just uh it's just like called future funk but i'm sure they got a lot of like anime voice lines in these songs for sure through your relationship 18:38 right now later in bella yeah literally yeah three way of my fanboy side exactly 18:45 the kind of anime sister who jumps on you while you're still in bed and starts eating waffles on top of you crumbling all over your sheets yes precisely that is precisely my identity dude 18:53 i was literally like i was so that kid with my sister and her friends like i was like you know 18:59 like they're i was at the age where i was still waking up at like 7 30 like 8 a.m you know and 19:05 they were like sleeping in till whatever i don't know like noon and i there i i was at the age 19:11 where i was still waking up at like 7 30 like 8 a.m you know and they were like sleeping in until 19:17 whatever i don't know like noon and i'd literally just be like banging on their door when they're 19:23 having a sleepover be like are you guys awake yet are you guys awake yet are you guys awake 19:30 come play with me come on you come play with me like oh my god i was such a little [ __ ] 19:36 i was so annoying dude but you know annoying endearing charming annoying it's kind of how you 19:43 look at it you know what i mean like whether or not you're annoying or charming is fully 19:49 fully depends on how good of a mood the person that you're annoying or being charming to is 19:55 or endearing rather annoying or endearing i love trolling about a lot because i'm a trans people so i look really feminine hell yeah dude that's awesome 20:03 that's sick and and that's interesting because testosterone actually does make your voice lower so you actually do have the the the voice you know aspect as well as the look aspect 20:16 yes you and bella are two people packaged exactly exactly me and my alter ego yeah 20:24 exuding insistent puppy vibes yes yes pretty much yeah yo mithril thank you for the follow 20:30 yeah no it's really nice like me and my sister have such a better relationship now than we used to i mean like it was good it was good but like we definitely went through a period 20:39 where she kind of was like i'm you know like old and i'm an older person i'm i'm a grown-up 20:47 and like i don't want really you know to deal with your childishness and i was like what the heck 20:55 like i want what the heck what happened we were just babies like a minute ago and so yeah 21:02 that's always kind of that that was a bit of a sad period but i think we're past that now and now 21:07 she's accepted that no one really ever grows up and that we're all just perpetual children anyway 21:13 so it's perfect now we're now we're a lot closer i think i had street three siblings to annoy hell yeah yo hill thank you for the sub thank you so much 21:23 did you suffer from fomo dude of course i did i suffer from fomo all the time i don't think i'm 21:29 ever not suffering from fomo dude like you know what i mean yo inferno also thank you for the 21:34 follow so many new people thank you so much also everyone who's new please join my discord server 21:40 slash follow me on twitter slash all the all that jazz you know you know the drill blah blah blah but yeah if you're new here welcome welcome well it's great to have you 21:48 thank you so much does she live on the other side of the country no actually here's what's funny 21:55 she moved to the other side so we live in a cal or we're from california and uh she moved to new york 22:02 city to to brooklyn presumably at well i wouldn't say to get away from us but she did it she she has 22:11 had a reputation of like going far away you know she went pretty far away for college she like 22:17 during during like when we were kids like for summer she would go away like pretty far for summer camp and stuff and then i literally just followed her here like two years after she moved 22:26 to new york i just came here i was like so i'm i'm coming to new york with you by the way and i'm gonna and i'm gonna hang out with you and all your friends and i'm gonna come to all of your parties 22:38 and that's exactly what happened that's normal i think me and my siblings didn't get along all that well until 22:45 adulthood yeah you know what disorders do you have i mean so i talk about this a lot i have 22:51 adhd which technically is attention deficit hyperactive disorder but i don't really like 22:57 to call it a disorder to be honest because i don't think it actually is like a bad thing 23:03 like a it's not like a blanket bad thing you know what i mean it's just it just makes you worse at 23:09 some things and that or sorry bad at some things and good at other things like it doesn't make you 23:14 it's not always a detriment you know sometimes i actually think my my uh my adhd helps me a lot 23:19 for example in streaming i think it's really fun because it's just like yo rocio thank you for the fall it's like so much stuff to pay attention to i can just kind of let my you know gibberish run 23:28 wild and just be kind of crazy but like yeah like for school for reading for things like that like yeah adhd isn't the best um but yeah i don't really like to call it a disorder but like 23:38 technically yeah if i if you're if you're asking what medical disorders i have i do have adhd 23:44 yo xry what's good thank you for the follow what mess you take i take adderall yeah i take adderall 23:50 i don't know is that i got tried vyvance i tried ritalin and adroll was by far like the one that i liked the best i still don't love it so i only take it when i really need to but yeah why my mom 24:02 i don't know you know just i've had to bring your mom into the conversation you know what i mean 24:08 i have anxiety and depression yeah a word i definitely have bouts of that as well that's just life you know what i mean um i mean of course some people you know suffer from it 24:17 in a more clinical capacity but i definitely think uh anxiety and depression at least like 24:23 situationally are definitely part of everyone's experience so it'll get better just hang in there 24:29 we're here for you mwah we support you we support you ronald's sister is saving up to get launched 24:35 into space to get away from your younger sibling yeah probably me and my brother hate each other 24:41 for years it wasn't until i have to go to college that we started getting along yeah i think it's like i think i like yeah something like that has to happen i don't know there's like some catalyst 24:50 that has to happen where you change from being like super hyper competitive and like you know 24:58 like i think that's just weird a weird part of it is like you're kind of like fighting for like 25:03 i feel like your parents love a little bit and also like resources like my sister would 25:09 straight up steal my [ __ ] food like my sister would literally just steal the food off my plate 25:16 and then like my and like there wouldn't be enough food left and she would have eaten like twice as 25:21 much as me and i'm like mom like she just ate my food and like she just like wouldn't believe me 25:27 and i'm just like dude i'm getting straight robbed like i'm getting robbed over here 25:32 like you literally steal food off my plate and then and so it's like kind of like a competition thing you know so i feel like once one of the siblings leaves the house the competition 25:42 thing gets like a little less like important i guess but yeah it's uh rhinoly sister a seagull 25:50 more like a [ __ ] uh more like more like i'm the high more like i'm like the cheetah that gets 25:57 the kill you know what i mean like i've always identified with cheetahs this is how i thought of it in my head when i was a kid i was like i'm the cheetah that's getting the kills also i saw 26:06 the cute dance and the chair pose don't i didn't forget about that don't worry also what's up rocio 26:11 what's up welcome to the stream um but uh i was identified as a cheetah i don't know why like 26:17 cheetahs have always been my favorite i mean it's kind of an easy favorite animal because they're the fastest ones but i was like i'm a cheetah and my sis you know however you watch in the nature 26:25 documentaries and the cheetah like works really really really hard to get a kill like really hard they try so hard they finally get one and then immediately gets taken like someone or some other 26:36 animal comes and chases them away because cheetahs are like [ __ ] [ __ ] and they're like literally they weigh like 40 pounds like they can't really defend their kill that well that was me dude i 26:45 was like i was like a little sneaky like really fast like clever like you know like a cheetah but then straight up my sister the the lion or the hyena would just walk in and just steal my food 26:56 literally it was messed up it was messed up but hey we repaired our relationship 27:02 we're good now okay cute dance time real quick one sec also by the way we do have 27:09 we do have a lot of we do have a lot of things to unbox so don't so don't worry about that if you were wondering it's just hidden behind my chair it's right here we've got a lot a lot 27:21 alright dance time real quick 27:40 me 27:56 me 28:26 surprisingly good dancing thank you i really appreciate that that makes really happy to read you're getting better better makeup i agree i agree dude that's like a crazy 28:35 thing like if you look at if you look at my videos and like especially my early streams 28:40 my makeup was not very good it was really not very good compared to what it is now which is still not 28:47 that great like honestly finn is so much better than me at makeup like i don't know i don't know 28:52 how to do like the little highlights in the middle and like the freak freckles and the contour like 28:59 all that i don't know how to do that stuff but i'm definitely getting there definitely getting better 29:20 did you make it amazon we just put disco light on it honestly wait [ __ ] yes we yes we have talked 29:26 about this before i just i just there's so much stuff to like open and [ __ ] like set up and like 29:32 all these goals to do it's just there's so much to do but yes you're so right that would be so much fun for like every time i do a cute dance to just like press a button on my stream deck and then 29:42 the whole [ __ ] room just turns into just disco mode that would be amazing that would be amazing 29:54 him a lot of dance he'll be so tired yeah dude i'm more i'm already winded literally just from that i'm winded oh goodness 30:06 in other news right now he's a typical content creator always doubting their own material feel like it's [ __ ] yep yup i don't know if you can i don't know if you could ever 30:14 create something creatively like i i envy the person who can create a like a 30:21 or who can like go down a creative endeavor or whatever and then feel very satisfied of what they 30:27 created you know what i mean i feel like almost almost like 99 of people create something and 30:33 like hate it way more than everyone else does and that's just the nature of like unless it's food 30:39 food is the only thing that i like create and like food that i make actually tastes way better to me 30:48 than like food that other people has made for me which is like different than like you know a 30:53 video that i make i'm always way more critical of a video that i make than i am of like a video that 31:00 other people make so that's kind of interesting i never thought about that actually why is food like that that's very weird you got a disco ball we'd have to trust you with a drill yeah that's true 31:11 oh god yeah the dreaded drill and fanboy not great mix to be honest talking about fancy ladybug yeah 31:19 i'm refusing receiving boxes faster than i can open i know seriously dude seriously it's crazy 31:26 once i'm gonna start with makeup and a binge watch all your tutorials hell yes thomas you got this 31:31 i've been told i've been told by well and i've been told as in people have commented 31:37 on my makeup tutorial that it's one of the best beginner like my very not my newer makeup 31:43 tutorial which is like the cold transformation tutorial but my very very first makeup tutorial 31:48 people say in those comments that it's one of the best beginner makeup tutorials that they've ever seen even like just like you know girls just like sis girls like they comment and 31:57 they're like yo i'm just like a girl trying to learn makeup i'm not even like a fan boy or i'm not trans or anything like i'm just a girl a cis girl and they're like yeah this really 32:06 helped me out it's like the best beginner makeup tutorial ever so apparently it's a pretty good one for beginners because it just like really doesn't don't because part of it is because i 32:14 didn't know what i was doing really when i made it like i i didn't really know what i was doing so it was like a noob teaching other noobs how to do makeup you know i guess that was helpful 32:26 how much of the bread is left um the bread i made the whole loaf yes so i finished the loaf 32:31 uh i i'm about how like probably a third of the way through it i've been eating it for breakfast 32:38 toasting it and and uh and putting butter on it and oh it's so good the cinnamon loaf with toast 32:44 like sorry cinnamon loaf toasted with butter is fine i love this song dude me too this song 32:50 is so good what's your sexuality ah i mean like i suppose i would mostly say i'm straight as in like 32:57 i identify as a boy and i generally you know i mean i've not generally but i've only ever 33:03 kissed girls i've only ever dated girls and only ever hooked up with with girls or like like cis girls um but like you know at the same time it's a spectrum sexuality is a spectrum gender 33:14 is a spectrum i think it'd be kind of weird like because i'm a mathematician and the fact that like 33:20 gender is a spectrum meaning there's like anything in between it would be kind of unlikely in fact it 33:26 would be very unlikely to be 100 on this end of the spectrum or 100 on this end of the spectrum 33:33 you know what i mean so it's like it's like oh if this is straight and this is gay it's like almost 33:41 i don't think almost anyone is like 100 on here or 100 on here you know what i mean it's like you're 33:47 somewhere in the middle no matter what even if you're very close to the edge you're somewhere in the middle i think some boys are cute you know what i mean doesn't the hickey from an envy mean 33:56 you're pansexual hey maybe maybe it does you know what see this is what i this is kind of my my take 34:03 on all of this once we start asking questions of doesn't you know does and i know crj you're being 34:09 a little bit i know you're joking a little bit crj uh but my take on this whole thing is like 34:16 once we get into the realm of like oh you kissed this person who identifies as this doesn't that 34:22 make you that and i'm like bruh like i don't even know i just think what i think is hot and that's 34:28 it you know what i mean it's like that's it and that's everyone and like sure you might have 34:34 preferences that have to do with gender you know whatever appearance all that [ __ ] but it's like 34:39 you just you like what you like you know i don't really feel like we gotta elaborate more than that 34:45 you know you like what you like that's it you know i am what i am 34:51 that's how i that's kind of how i feel about it have you been uh to a makeup counter for tips 34:58 or maybe give them tips uh what do you mean a makeup counter i'm not sure what that is hello 35:03 rinali what's up hey what's how's it going ella a star frenzy how you doing welcome to the chat 35:10 yeah i'm not sure what that is blue sal you want to elaborate a little bit bella can hire some handyman to get her disco ball installed true dude that would be so funny wait that would be 35:20 actually such a funny stream [ __ ] uh eo adhd gang let's go exactly gang gang whoa oh [ __ ] 35:28 i just went whoa and i just i just kissed i just got all my lipstick on my hand by accident oopsie i was like 35:41 dude um was i saying i forget i forget oh yeah that would be such a funny stream like i'm like 35:47 mid-stream you know you guys know that app taskrabbit where you where you can like hire people to just like build your dresser or something like your ikea furniture like you hire 35:56 someone to just come and build your [ __ ] because they're they got tools and they're handy that would be so funny if i was like streaming and then i hired someone to come build something for me 36:06 and then i just like pretended to be like a helpless little girl i was like oh my god thank you so much for building my dresser 36:15 oh my god couldn't get my own lips off myself yeah exactly 36:21 i'm just too sexy okay does this ever happen to you guys this just reminded me 36:29 bro does this ever happen to you this is such a weird thing that happens to me sometimes sometimes oh wait i forgot a cheer pose ah i chair pose sorry i'm adhd i'm totally out of 36:41 whack but i need to do the chair pose i'm sorry i forgot about that where's my toast where's my toes 36:57 house 37:17 tv 37:34 okay what was it what was that what was i talking about yo josh thank you for the follow and you do that 37:44 thing where you turn your hand to a puppet isn't this thinking your last trip flip flip dude that's 37:50 a funny joke yeah that's a funny one i do i wish dude i want some googly eyes just to it's such 37:56 a funny joke to just put googly eyes on random stuff you know what i mean just like random things 38:02 like i used i used to just like have some googly eyes when i was like a teeth like i was like 14 38:08 and i would just put them on stuff like i would just like put them on my dad's coffee mug so that when in the morning he would get his coffee mug and then his coffee bug just had googly eyes on it 38:19 i don't know why i think that's such a funny joke i think it's like the funniest thing ever i don't know why 38:29 careful not to get lipstick on toast true oh my god 38:37 i'm gonna head out right see you later all right i'm a loser thank you so much yo thank you so much for gifting us something i'm a loser and also by the way you're not a loser you're amazing 38:47 and we love you so get out there and be yourself and chase your dreams thank you for having er 38:52 thank thank you for being here and i was like thank you for having us 38:59 yo hs thank you for the follow i appreciate that 39:04 is this is haley dry true have you seen miranda she has fruit friends with googly eyes i have not that sounds fun though 39:15 we need to sinister toast for god's chair poses that's very oh that's actually so true though we toast is too uh toasty's too cute wait also where's sharky sharky 39:36 wait can we see wait 39:42 there we go there we go 39:48 had to bring him back i had to bring him back in my first dodo to post offend i said that we use gender as a proxy for sex because we wear clothes so we don't tend to know so 39:57 much generals by looking at them a proxy i feel like i'm i don't know i feel like i'm too i feel 40:05 like i'm too scatterbrained to work out what that actually means but i feel you probably my heart 40:11 is touched ah i'm so glad yes sharky has returned has returned do you like math i do like maths i uh 40:19 i mean i'm a physics major so i better like it at least a little bit or else that would be kind of weird choosing physics and not liking math would be like choosing english or choosing literature 40:31 and not liking reading you know so i definitely do like math i don't know if i'm gonna get my like 40:39 higher degree i'm probably just gonna do this for a while like i mean i just hit 100k freaking subs 40:45 on youtube after only like a year so i feel like you know i feel like i might just do this until 40:53 it stops working and then maybe i don't know do something with my degree or go back to school or 40:59 something i don't freaking know dude that's too that's for future me to figure out i don't care 41:05 i don't care about that right now to be honest i always love looking at sharky's gaze of infinite 41:11 wisdom indeed indeed look at those eyes look at those eyes so full of so full of knowledge 41:19 so full of knowledge i know 113k and um and i'm about to uh i'm about to what do you call it 41:27 release a new video and okay guys it's one of the best videos it's like i know i say this like 41:34 every time i release a video and sometimes it's not true this time it actually is true this video 41:40 is actually one of the best videos that i've ever made it's so [ __ ] funny dude partly because 41:47 i just looked really good like when i made it i just somehow like the light oh i have hiccups the 41:55 lighting the uh the makeup the everything i just looked so good i just looked fire so it was like 42:03 it was not even a thing normally it's like some people because they're on omegle and because 42:09 they've seen finn videos and not videos and maybe even my videos they're already on guard a little 42:14 bit so like if someone's really dolled up they kind of are like hmm you know what i mean but 42:19 like i just looked so [ __ ] good that it was just boom like every person i got i only had to film 42:26 for like 30 or 40 minutes and that's and i got a whole video's worth of clips where normally i 42:31 got a film for like two or three hours yeah it was literally like 30 minutes like flat and it was boom i was like i already had enough clips for a whole video dude it was sick yeah i know 42:40 i'm teasing it so much i mean i look yeah i know it i like hyping it up is a lot but i don't know 42:46 i feel like i i feel like i know when when there's a banger you know what i mean i always wondered 42:52 that about specifically about music like do you guys think when someone makes like a absolute hit 42:59 like a total hit song do you think they know it's gonna be a hit before they release it 43:06 i always wondered that because i kind of do know like when i release a really good video i kind of know you know i kind of know it's going to be a real 43:14 real hit but i wonder about that with like music and other stuff like that 43:22 he always looks like he has stage fright yes he is in a state it either looks like he had stage fright or that he like witnessed like a murder 43:32 or that he like saw me like upskirt or something like that 43:40 like one of those three things like that's what this expression says 43:46 having seen interviews with musicians is 50 50 whether they know advancement where they have a hit interesting yeah huh it's like yeah they sometimes do 43:54 no it just happens yeah see that's crazy dude that's honestly so crazy that they don't know 44:03 sharky's alarm that we've seen him upskirt yeah that's true that is true 44:10 we've been we've exposed sharkey a few times sharky city had the hickeys yeah 44:18 oh man mozart dropped some bangers he never was praising his dad true i feel 44:24 like that's more of a case of abusive father rather than like unrecognized talent though 44:32 i mean it's both but yeah okay shall we possibly open a package 44:40 one thing one thing uh is that we almost we like last time we were opening packages we had the 44:47 giant one to open left and i was like we'll do it for next time so maybe we should open the giant one first let's do that also wait i gotta go pee real quick i'll be right back 45:03 stay buddy steve there we go 45:16 i gotta give him his kiss or else he gets mad yo stuart thank you 45:32 oh 45:52 so 46:06 so 46:40 what big boy 46:46 oh it's heavy 47:05 let's see what we got prediction from bruh yeah probably it's probably a good prediction probably 47:13 all right let's see what we got what do we got 47:21 holy shark it's freaking heavy man this is a heavy one god damn 47:31 why do you have so many heavy packages i don't know man 47:39 i have no clue i literally have no clue what's in this one oh guys it's a box it's another box within a box let's go it says ninja on it ninja what is that 47:55 okay one sec i gotta stand up for this one 48:01 ninja guys i got a box whoa let's go 48:10 okay what is this 48:20 let's see let's see guilt-free fried food it's an air fryer what the heck is that i don't know even know what that is 48:36 what's an air fryer those are dope sweet well awesome whatever it is what is it oh you can make french fries 48:50 apparently apparently you can make french fries which seems awesome to me personally fried food 48:57 without grease oh what best kitchen thing to have yo okay [ __ ] yeah that sounds dope 49:06 use this hot air a little bit of oil instead of a lot of oil okay wow amazing you can make uh you can reheat stuff air fry roast dehydrate whatever this says 49:22 sweetness okay cool thank you so much wait who's it from 49:31 who's it from guys can you guess can you guess who's it from it's from bruh thank you bro thank you so much for 49:41 the air fryer i guess we'll try yeah we'll try it out on a cooking stream dude yeah we should make some we should make some french fries for sure that would be awesome that would be awesome i mean 49:52 i freaking love potatoes like potatoes are one of my favorite foods so we gotta make some potatoes 49:57 on a cookie stream at some point it's like a deep fryer without oil okay interesting sweet 50:02 that's so cool amazing alrighty uh is that the only thing i was in there 50:10 yep that was the only thing that was in there thank you bro i appreciate that thank you so much well now we gotta now we got a box to destroy isn't that fun 50:36 oh my god look at that i cut through the whole thing 50:46 that was awesome wait that was so sick holy [ __ ] 50:58 it has been defeated 51:05 damn dude that was so awesome i did not expect that i did not expect to 51:13 cut through that whole [ __ ] that was so sick what the hell 51:20 yo 51:25 holy [ __ ] dude that this this sword's a little sharper than i thought it was to be honest 51:32 holy [ __ ] dude i did not expect that to cut like that oh that was so sick 52:00 wait that was so awesome dude i feel like i gotta be a little more careful now i didn't 52:06 yeah i missed the ceiling i know i'm scared dude i'm a little scared i didn't think that was that sharp to be honest damn that was awesome that felt 52:16 so good i totally expected it to just like kind of bounce off a little bit oh that was amazing 52:22 i [ __ ] love cutting [ __ ] with swords dude why is it so fun why are swords so fun 52:30 there's so much fun dude oh what's up juicy boy how you doing i was about to come in here and disrespect you now i'm too scared you win this time 52:40 yeah yeah don't play with me don't play with me this fanboy is fully armed we're a fully 52:45 armed fanboy over here we got three swords we have a gun even we have a gun we have a full 53:02 where's my scope my scope is gone i don't know where it is 53:08 we're fully armed all right 53:14 ain't nobody gonna mess with this fanboy ain't nobody gonna mess with this fanboy do it twirl 53:20 i mean perhaps if you uh if you do the uh if you do the channel points my friend is the power of the elucidator exactly exactly wouldn't want to be an assistant in a 53:32 rhinolic magic show yeah that seems like it would probably be dangerous no laser plasma source for 53:38 right bro what no that's what i want that's what i want oh skirt spin time skirt spin time it's 53:45 actually not an airsoft gun well it is kind of an airsoft gun but it shoots a little gel little gel 53:50 beads instead of airsoft bbs it's like little gel pellets it's like basically the same thing 54:22 that masculine urge to just randomly cut things crazy yes exactly thank you claudia thank you for the tip i really appreciate that spinny spinny spinny 54:36 indeed indeed yes the the extremely masculine urge while wearing a skirt of course 54:51 the masculine urge to cut things in a in a bunny hat 54:56 am i right guys am i right oh [ __ ] it's cute dance time 55:09 waiting 55:45 so 55:57 now 56:25 la la la 56:31 it's a good shape of skirt i know i know it's so nice it's so nice 56:47 it really uh really hugs the weights in a nice way 57:01 demonstrate trigger discipline that would be good for all true yeah my bad my bad that was bad trigger discipline i had my finger on 57:08 the trigger should have been off my bad you're right you're right 57:13 you know you know what i did the first first thing i did when i got that gun was just look straight down the barrel i was like hello and then i was like wait a second isn't that 57:22 the first thing that you're not supposed to do so yeah i've been trying to be better at that 57:30 have you ever thought of doing a baby metal cosplay i feel like you could pull off a kawaii gothic interesting i'm not sure wait what's that babymetal you guys might make 57:38 fun of me for not knowing who that is but i live under a rock yo fermion oh my god yo i love your name fermion boy that's a total trait that's a great little physics name love that 57:49 thank you for the follow thank you so much mwah uh what's baby metal japanese quiet metal man true 57:57 let's see about this oh that could be fun that could definitely be fun oh wow they have crazy outfits sorry let me show you guys what i'm looking at right now 58:09 that could be fun for sure wait 58:16 ooh something like that could be fun too with the cool masks or the skirt like that i do like this look 58:27 definitely dude these outfits are the craziest ones like what the heck is that that's so crazy anyway 58:41 when you look up babymetal you're for one hell of a ride listening their music true yeah i'll check it out after stream or really rocks to flat fanboy look yeah i know it's it's funny it's just 58:51 like i don't know i feel like it just suits me the flat chest fanboy look is just my voice 58:57 a little bit more than the bobs i look it's fun to it's fun to have the the fake bobs to occasionally 59:04 put them on you know what i mean like that's why that's why like it's like i don't know it's like 59:10 bombs are fun but it's like it's really nice to be able to just like put them on and off you know like i like the i like the uh the versatility in that scenario music category true 59:27 first time seeing you have to tell your vids on youtube love your content yo taz booty thank you so much for chilling with us i'm so glad you like the content 59:35 and welcome to the stream it's great to have you thank you so much for joining 59:41 i do look better all natural dude i think i do too yo fermion boy thank you for the sub thank you so so much mwah thank you thank you i really appreciate that 59:51 i'm in the uk and i have legal held and a shotgun at 16. okay damn and you call us k kona 59:58 yo mitch mitch mitch thank you for the 10 months dude 10 [ __ ] months that's crazy 1:00:05 thank you so much i really appreciate that mitch let's [ __ ] go going for your years soon that's 1:00:10 what i'm talking about yo superman knox also thank you for gifting us up to taz booty taz booty you 1:00:17 just got a sub thank you so so much manox that is so sweet mwah you guys are so so nice to me 1:00:25 thank you thank you y'all are so sweet bob's do something like one stream in 10 seems like a reasonable ratio yeah i i agree and yes you're right sometimes the fit does demand them 1:00:36 it's always a bummer it's always a bummer when you get a really cute like top or something like that and you're like and they j and it just like i can't 1:00:45 wear it without boobs like it just doesn't work with the flat chest you know because there's certain fits of tops and stuff that just like require bobs you know for it to work 1:00:59 username is very much amazing i know right i love it i love it i like the playing fanboy look without bob's better more natural yeah i agree i think it's just 1:01:08 it's just it's just me it's just me being me you know what i mean anatomy i'm just a half odd 1:01:14 integer spin kind of guy yeah you know that's just the type of guy i am what can i say what can i say 1:01:22 i love that dude i love that i think the celtics getting the championship this year what do you think we got to see how lakers do 1:01:30 yeah the lakers had had a had a tough season for sure it was a heartbreaker it's definitely a heartbreaker celtics are definitely it's either the celtics or the bucks for the east 1:01:40 and and i know the bucks don't have chris middleton but i still think i still think the bucks might pull it off just because giannis is literally a greek god but yeah we'll see it'll 1:01:50 be good playoffs it's interesting we'll see we'll see the fit demands yes the fit demands the bulbs 1:01:58 the fit says you must have the bobs and you will wear them and they will be squishy 1:02:07 i love the shocking tutu me too dude sharky has never looked better 1:02:12 sharky has never looked better than with the tutu oh more boxes all right yeah we should do more boxes we'll do more boxes keep winning it this 1:02:21 year i don't know about that you think so i mean possibly can jimmy do it though can can jimmy do 1:02:28 it because it's gonna have to be jimmy jimmy's gonna have to be you know he's gonna in game seven when it's like three minutes left it's gonna have to be jimmy can you do it we'll see 1:02:38 we'll see oh did i ask you your message what happened did you try to wear the meat dress 1:02:43 like lady gaga that'd be wicked true i don't know about that uh uh that was some weird [ __ ] but i 1:02:51 respected it i don't know how cute it would look on me but perhaps yo i'm be off for now have a 1:02:56 great time everyone right alley best community on twitch stay awesome yo mwah love you acid 1:03:02 thank you so much for chilling with us great to have you alrighty alrighty alrighty new box 1:03:15 that was cool someone clipped that spin that was dope 1:03:27 hydration 1:03:37 dude that up that little spin that little spin was very yeah yes ma'am clipping 1:03:45 thank you thank you my my clip my clip specialists my clipping specialists think are on the case 1:03:54 thank you very much alrighty what do we got here what do we got 1:04:02 let's check it out oh there's no note there's no no 1:04:10 well we can still figure it out we can still figure it out you look amazing by the way my 1:04:16 name is aries what's up aries how you doing great to have you note there is no note yes indeed 1:04:22 well it looks like a wig it looks to be a wig i'm not sure what type of wig it looks blonde here 1:04:30 let's let's take it out let's see exactly what it looks like it looks kind of short which is cute 1:04:36 like pop possibly a little pixie cut or something like that oh it's a little bit caught one second 1:04:46 oh yeah it's like a it's a short wig 1:04:51 oh this might be for the cloud cosplay perhaps this is kind of like like cloud if he had normal 1:04:58 hair it's just like yeah she's like a little bob i mean to be honest is giving me slight karen vibes 1:05:08 unfortunately yeah that's what i was thinking dude it's unfortunately giving me slightly karen vibes 1:05:16 but it could also be it could also be construed as a cloud you know cloud's hair if if anime hair 1:05:23 wasn't actually what it was but yeah unfortunately it's a little bit giving care and energy 1:05:31 you know yeah you do what you do cloud we're scaring yeah carrying cloud 1:05:38 put it on sharky okay let's see how it looks on sharky karen karen sharky 1:05:54 come on wait wait we gotta be able to see one eye at least 1:06:04 yo he looks kind of fly to be honest he looks like this is like the this is like the haircut i had in middle school 1:06:16 that's like the hair that's like the haircut i had it in like seventh grade when i was like 13 and i was like trying to look like justin bieber shark karen yeah 1:06:28 sharon yeah sharon it's just sharon 1:06:34 i'm dead care yeah we could do a cairn cosplay 1:06:42 i'm dead oh that's funny 1:06:51 where's your manager i need your manager right now 1:07:00 yeah nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] karen cosplay that's like cosplaying as like the devil 1:07:07 or like i don't know yo just monica thank you for the follow thank you so much 1:07:18 i want to speak to your manager right now young man wait 1:07:25 dude okay but the uru voice doesn't work for the karen voice the karen voice is more like where's your manager i need your manager right now 1:07:37 yo nufc for life thank you for the prime dude or sorry thank you for the tier one i really 1:07:42 appreciate that thank you so much mwah welcome to the [ __ ] stream it's great to have you 1:07:48 why does shark hair and sound like batman i know dude sure karen sure karen sounds kind of like a villain name you know what i mean kind of sounds 1:07:55 like a super villain like shot canon you know what i mean it's kind of like thanos 1:08:02 sharkkaren has come shark cannon has come to end you and to request every manager 1:08:15 isn't california karen accent uh i don't i wouldn't say that i would say like because cause 1:08:22 valley girl like oh my god like that like this is like california like you know what i mean 1:08:29 like valley girl is different from karen you know what i mean like valley girl is is california 1:08:35 karen is a little bit different i don't really know how to specifically do karen voice but like this is like a valley girl which is like different from karen 1:08:44 so like don't even [ __ ] equate it okay cuz like [ __ ] you okay 1:08:52 you and fitzstar legends hell yeah dude fanboy supremacy that's what i'm talking about 1:08:59 if the valley girl turns into carrot nightmare yeah exactly 1:09:06 yeah exactly okay another package another package 1:09:18 i like how i like how if i if i press it fast enough it like stops flopping back and forth 1:09:24 and just kind of like vibrates in place like what the [ __ ] someone's calling my apartment uh oh 1:09:31 oh god i'm gonna go answer it in the [ __ ] bunny hat oh god 1:10:12 sorry sharky you were sitting on my phone i had to show my id oh my god 1:10:20 that was hilarious yeah that was just that was just my prescription being delivered 1:10:25 he looked at me and he just gave me it was honestly really nice he gave me a really really warm smile when i when i looked at him in my little bunny bunny hat he was like 1:10:34 here you go have a nice day and i was like thanks oh my god dude 1:10:43 that was so funny 1:10:49 will you do after the unblocking what does that mean what if sharky had super saiyan hair in 1:10:55 arms true dude he does need super saiyan here i mean he's he's he's definitely super he he's 1:11:02 already super saiyan blue you know what i mean yo wuslock thank you for the follow thank you so much 1:11:09 we're fighting the firemen are back yeah no the firemen are not back 1:11:15 did you do the girl voice yes i did i i well a little bit i was like thanks 1:11:20 you know i just did like a little high voice oh god i need water what's that 1:11:31 um oh well there you go owly yo baked elephant holy [ __ ] baked elephant thank you for the 1:11:40 five subs thank you thank you thank you so much holy [ __ ] that is so nice of you kay gobert 1:11:47 pedro callum tavi all y'all just got us up thank you zippo zapzap thank you so much baked elephant 1:11:54 that is so sweet of you thank you thank you thank you bald super saiyan blue shark yeah exactly 1:12:02 sorry shark you just need to violently throw you off the desk yeah regarding blue another 1:12:07 streamer dyed their hair blue got blue hands and neck as a result whole chat was like i'm blue 1:12:15 bro oh man dye is dangerous dude dye will literally stain your skin for like days 1:12:23 oh man okay should we do another package i think we should do another package baked elephant will require a very large oven true or a very large 1:12:35 joint one of those two 1:12:42 either a large oven or a lot of weed actually i don't know do do i don't know if if if elephants 1:12:50 are able to get high i know that certain animals can and certain can't like i know i think dogs can 1:12:56 get high but like other animals can't get high at least like from weed i don't know 1:13:03 okay another package another package 1:13:28 i like the frog of your shirt it reminds me of my two pet frogs their names were ribbit and rub it oh my god that's amazing 1:13:36 also a little bit sus rub it you named someone rub it your name is a frog rub it that seems a little suss 1:13:48 that's very cute though he is a very he's a very cute frog 1:13:53 froj frog he's so chubbo i love how trouble he is you know he's so trouble i love it 1:14:05 i want him i want him as a pet and i want to poke him 1:14:14 what do we got what do we get 1:14:32 oh my god it's just oh god i smell it whoa it smells like a freaking olympic pool it's chlorine 1:14:43 for the hot tub that i got earlier that's what this is it's chlorine i think yes 1:14:51 whatever some tablets is for the hot tub which in fact that's going to be the next donut goal 1:14:57 because it's getting warm it's getting warmer so next donut go after girl week is going to be 1:15:02 outdoor well it's not going to be a hot tub this is going to be a swimming pool swimming pool stream well i guess we can make it a hot tub if it's a little cold but yeah we 1:15:12 got some chlorine thanks bruh bruh send me some chlorine for the freaking hot tub that he sent me 1:15:20 um thank you bro i appreciate that thank you so much oh also there was a package 1:15:32 here it is guys i don't guys i don't know if you remember but last stream i opened this package 1:15:39 and it was on my lap this one it was on my lap and it fully like i fully got adhd distracted 1:15:48 i i even opened it a little bit i fully got adhd distracted and it ended up just on my 1:15:54 floor i don't know how even you guys didn't even remember that you didn't even remind me or maybe you didn't i just didn't see just joining you all got the hot tub yeah apparently well it's 1:16:03 a blow up it's like inflatable but yes it is like electric apparently but yeah dude i know last 1:16:09 last stream i literally was just opening a package and then i totally adhd oh you noticed okay 1:16:17 well let's open it now let's see what we got it was because we how it was because we were breaking 1:16:22 bread that's why because we had the breadcam so i was opening it because i was re-watching stream 1:16:28 and i was like what's happening you noticed too okay like it was just so funny because i i looked and i was like what the heck is happening i know we were doing a lot 1:16:36 because we had the bread camp so every time i i saw the bread rise a little bit i got really excited to go run to check it out dude i want to do that more that was so much fun 1:16:44 set up the set up the oven cam like like i don't know just prep prep something like cupcakes or 1:16:50 bread or whatever early in the stream and then stick it in the oven and then put the cam on and then just do normal stream stuff like chat play games whatever but then just 1:16:59 have the little cam in the corner and like have them rising and like you can see it cook and then we eat them at the end of the stream i feel like that's such a fun idea just to do 1:17:08 a lot because because it's just like you get to see it happen over the course of the stream yo lu 1:17:13 thank you for the follow everyone noticed yeah okay what do we got first of all who's this from 1:17:24 hello where are the notes dude give me the notes bro 1:17:31 this is from bruh this is from bra how surprising thank you bro 1:17:38 i was waiting for you to get it back to it but i never did yeah i know i just i have not adhd i suppose oh this this came out of it though because this was on my desk so this is the 1:17:48 other one i guess i'm not sure what it's for yet but we have these things little strappies 1:17:56 and then we have this thing which is i'm not sure and we have these things 1:18:05 oh my goodness what is this wow hello 1:18:15 oh it's i like also how it's really long in the back 1:18:22 interesting 1:18:28 that is very very nice that is very elegant elegant elegant 1:18:37 it kind of almost and maybe seems like it needs bob's i'm not sure perhaps perhaps 1:18:45 i know imagine washing that i know it looks very looks very delicate delicate and elegant it looks nice though perhaps for like you know one of my friends 1:18:55 graduations or something like that or like a maybe even a wedding i don't know who knows 1:19:08 looks nice 1:19:14 okay wait one sec let me just consolidate the garbage 1:19:34 why are we blurry blurry blurry why 1:19:45 there we go and we back 1:19:52 try it on if someone redeems if someone redeems the outfit change i'll try it on but for now i'll 1:19:57 feel a little bit comfortable in this one does it spin it looks like it would spin pretty good but 1:20:02 yeah the washing of it would probably be the only the only tough part i don't even know it's like 1:20:09 is it probably not machine washable is that kind of thing not machine washable generally i don't even know some of the points to spend on a change yeah if if someone wants to i'll put it on but 1:20:21 i'm feeling a little comfy oh well there you go there you go all right oh my god twice 1:20:28 wait someone refund someone or give them both back five give give give jay foresty give gage give up 1:20:37 give each person back five thousand points because they both redeemed it one after another if that's 1:20:44 possible i don't even know if that's possible is that something you can do mobs i don't even know 1:20:56 can't do a partial refund okay [ __ ] well okay just refund whoever did it second then i suppose 1:21:05 yes i guess we do we do need we do need a uh cooldown on that don't we okay your friend in 1:21:11 the last one okay good sounds good yeah i suppose we we do need a cool down on that one don't we 1:21:17 okay um all right well i i mean i guess we could also just change into two different 1:21:23 two different outfits but we'll figure out the we'll figure out the dress first 1:21:54 hey 1:22:25 hello 1:23:59 is 1:24:38 oh 1:24:54 it doesn't stay up perfectly 1:24:59 it's like it's supposed to be 1:25:05 it's supposed to be on the shoulders oh yes that's why you need the suspenders i guess 1:25:28 up 1:25:46 it looks pretty good i mean it looks pretty freaking good wow it spins very well 1:26:00 yo jerk belgium thank you for the tip thank you so much 1:26:08 it doesn't stay up very well though it's dangerous 1:26:23 so okay help me figure out how to do this 1:26:38 all right is it like um 1:26:45 how does this work oh i see 1:26:52 maybe 1:26:57 this seems confusing i don't know if i can figure it queen of nyc hell yeah yeah i don't think 1:27:05 i don't think the suspenders are or to do it for for uh yeah i'll need to take it off yeah i think 1:27:12 this is how it's supposed to go i think the key is just that i don't have boobs so it's a little 1:27:18 bit hard to keep it up damn you're hot girl thank you for the bit happy happy thank you so much you 1:27:26 look like the queen of the ball you're stunning thank you thank you so much you look so good no need to do another outfit change thanks h i love it stuff i really appreciate it i do i do feel 1:27:36 this one this one feels very very nice is it is it tiara time it might be tiara time to be honest 1:28:06 wow 1:28:56 one two three four 1:29:02 it's hard to keep it up that's the only problem 1:29:18 that's the only problem you have sticky pads you could try the bomb to hold it up better true wait 1:29:28 there we go there we go i think part of it is that it gets like tangled a bit 1:29:38 it looks really good though wow it looks very very good prom queen i'll be your brown candy hot dude 1:29:45 like oh my goodness this is kind of crazy this dress really suits me 1:29:55 sorry not not to uh not to toot my own horn you know what i mean i'm just feeling myself a little bit 1:30:11 your hair over bare shoulders definitely good luck i agree i agree wow damn this 1:30:18 is kind of unlocking a similar feeling that i had when i did the ponytail the other day 1:30:24 where i was like holy [ __ ] i've never seen myself like this and it's kind of a crazy feeling 1:30:30 like look at that dude what the [ __ ] i'm getting like adrenaline right now like i feel like oh i 1:30:37 feel crazy like i don't recognize myself you know what i mean like look it's such a weird feeling 1:30:43 looking at yourself and looking so different than you like expect yourself to look you know 1:30:49 it's just wild feeling you look really great thank you i appreciate that 1:30:54 it looks like it should be possible taking a ton in the back easily enough yeah i think so 1:31:08 smasher past smash yeah bro even i'm smashing 1:31:14 like i don't even recognize myself and i'm like damn who's that girl she's hot 1:31:22 you look great also look at your subs 9 10. holy [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] 1:31:27 oh my goodness thank you all so much 1:31:41 bro this is kind of crazy 1:31:48 it's like somehow i don't know why would it be wrong to ask yourself out i know i'm like 1:31:54 dude can i can i like get a girl that's as pretty as this please you know what i mean 1:32:10 oh we got a skirt spin time skirt spin 1:32:26 my tiara 1:32:52 yeah oh it's a good dress it's a good dress i need to figure out this situation 1:33:00 i need to figure out like if i can like tape it right there or something like that 1:33:11 i don't have enough i don't have enough to do that 1:33:19 i don't have enough going on there to to make any cleavage 1:33:33 i would like to thank twitchchat and youtube for all the views and awards now taking prom date applications someone take me to homecoming i'm the homecoming queen 1:33:44 okay thanks yo sully the squid thank you for the follow thank you so much and chaffey thank 1:33:53 you for the follow thank you thank you i appreciate that great to have y'all 1:33:59 bro oh this is the problem with this tiara it keeps attacking my nose the fashion tape i sent may work 1:34:07 true that's a good point archangel i think that's a good that's a good call i'll definitely try that 1:34:17 yo gone postal thank you for the gifted subject great that's so sweet thank you so much i know the 1:34:23 truth really wants to be really wants to hang out down here it wants to be like a sci-fi you know 1:34:29 this is like sci-fi goggles you know like this is like cyberpunk goggles you know what i mean 1:34:42 stay 1:34:54 the only funny thing with this is this like i can just bust out the 1:35:03 that looks crazy 1:35:10 strong princess drunk princess it will 1:35:22 my phenomenal looking dress brings all the boys to the yard it really does they just can't help it 1:35:32 they really can't they really can't i mean i wouldn't be able to help it to be quite honest 1:35:38 reminds me of those headphones people wearing stock photos where it's just sideways over their eyes yeah true 1:35:46 the tiara needs to rest high in your head so rest more on the top of the head you've got it too forward 1:35:56 true i also think it's just not long enough with this bit 1:36:03 that bit doesn't go all the way to my ears like it should 1:36:08 but that's okay but that's okay 1:36:15 i'll be back baby cakes all right sounds good great fanboy jordi laforge yes the 1:36:21 warrior princess exactly yes more packages more packages more packages 1:36:35 thank you for the follow 1:37:03 wait i need to walk around look at princess real quick 1:37:40 okay package time 1:37:50 yeah i don't think it's gonna work well where my music go did i just where'd the music go 1:38:01 oh it did the thing where it goes are you still watching yes i'm still watching babe 1:38:08 the only thing with the tiara is that it it's getting blocked by my headphones so i can't i can't put it back any more than that but it's okay it works good we're good the ciara is fine 1:38:18 it's perfect tara's perfect since when you start being a beautiful girl what changed you 1:38:24 well i don't know a lot of different things yo disgusting poop juice thank you for the follow though i appreciate it i gotta go being forced 1:38:33 to cut the grass no i'm new from the netherlands what's up how's it going bubble wubbles great to have you welcome to the stream hell yeah mwah um need some white nude or purple heels ooh true 1:38:45 yes some like lavender heels that would be nice that would certainly be nice um 1:38:53 but uh what was i gonna say this this dress plus goss gator look would be great for one of those two look videos 1:39:01 true oh that's such a good call that's such a good call yo cool you keever thank you for the follow 1:39:08 thank you so much mwah um i was just gonna respond to great saying that uh honestly what started me 1:39:17 doing this was a combination of like i was with my ex-girlfriend and we were gonna go to a party once and she was like you should wear a crop top and i was like okay uh that's weird but i'll do it and 1:39:27 then she was like just try it and then so i put it on and i was like damn i look hot and she was like 1:39:33 yeah you do look hot and then all the girls at the party were like ryan you look amazing in that crop top and then literally like the next day i saw the finn video where finn and nat meet on a megal 1:39:44 and i was like holy [ __ ] everyone thinks i look good in a crop top i could do that too so that's 1:39:49 basically the origin story of how i started doing this then i made it then i met no mega video and you know the the meme with the dominoes where you hit the little domino and then this gets bigger 1:39:59 and bigger here we are and now we're wearing princess dresses and tiaras downstream for her 1:40:06 for hundreds of people yo i'm a hippopota what's good thank you to follow so yeah 1:40:12 that's uh and now i'm wearing an elegant dress yes that is that's how we've we've ended up here 1:40:19 yo hippo thank you for the photo what's good are you regretting it no definitely not i'm having a 1:40:26 lot of fun to be honest i uh i mean like i always kind of wanted to stream on twitch i 1:40:31 always thought i'd be fun and this like i thought it'd just be a fun thing to do um i just didn't know what uh what you know avenue i might go down and it just happened to be 1:40:44 happened to be wearing crop tops and skirts on stream your cute little domino yes 1:40:52 thank you finn started fanboy thing on there but finn nor nat were the first to do it blondie 1:40:57 rocks was i mean i'm sure even someone else was first to do it before that you know what i mean 1:41:05 let's see what do we have what do we have 1:41:13 enjoy your gift from mzinker this is from msenker thank you thank you i appreciate you what do we got what do we got what do we got 1:41:26 stay oh 1:41:33 check it out it's the it's the little elf oh these would go really good with this dress 1:41:42 actually thank you m zinker thank you so much it's the little elf ear cuffs i think this 1:41:48 actually would go really good with this dress okay wait let's try it out let's try it out 1:41:57 it's not gonna it's gonna be kind of hard because i have long hair so they're going to be a little bit hard to see oh they're a little tangled there we go 1:42:12 that is cool that looks so cool wow 1:42:21 oh my god that looks so awesome 1:42:28 looks amazing yo golf thank you for the follow damn 1:42:36 that looks so cool thank you i'm zinker i appreciate that 1:42:44 yo hatty thank you for the follow 1:43:02 oh 1:43:12 they look so cruel 1:43:17 wait my hair is getting tangled 1:43:30 wowie wow wow wow last two streams including this one you've been straight fire love it up and spend some of those fanboy park points true 1:43:37 thank you so much thank you yorkshire that makes me feel very happy 1:43:52 it looks so pretty oh my god look how cool that looks i'm totally gonna wear this i'm totally gonna wear these just 1:44:04 with my skater boy clothes you know what i mean just looking super tough oh my god 1:44:19 wow wow wow wow that looks so cool 1:44:27 and they and they're like and there's they stay on really well like they're not like 1:44:33 they're not like you know they don't feel like they're gonna fall off very easily 1:44:44 damn that looks so awesome queen of the elves and dude class absolute class this down while actually skating maybe not maybe not if i was like fully 1:44:55 going hard at the park but if i was just skating around like on the street probably 1:45:09 they're so cool looking wow thank you m zinker i really appreciate that holy [ __ ] that is awesome thank 1:45:19 you thank you thank you you make a pretty princess thank you tree i appreciate that 1:45:25 is girl week over it is for now for now it is way more cool than the rubber elf ears i agree i agree 1:45:34 elf princess thank you guys for the support i appreciate it 1:45:42 wait no i can't do that because then i can't see my cool ears shucks this is the first jewelry i've 1:45:48 tried yeah pretty much i i had a little chain necklace on the other day but it wasn't really 1:45:55 girly it was kind of like skater boy chain necklace now i want them to get some everyone 1:46:00 should get some ear cuffs these are so cool dude i've never seen this piece of jewelry before 1:46:10 like before i saw it on amazon i never knew this even existed as like a thing that you could buy 1:46:15 that's so cool why don't more people wear this 1:46:21 it just immediately makes you look awesome like are you kidding me 1:46:32 need hidden in-ear headphones true i do have air pods i could break them out but 1:46:38 air pods suppose alfred jewelry yeah exactly dude they're so cool and they fit me really well 1:46:46 like i was worried i was worried that they might not fit my ears but they like fit me really well 1:47:05 thanks guys i appreciate it yay i can't hear wait can we 1:47:12 let's see if it works to put the headphones on sharky yes 1:47:21 perfect perfect 1:47:35 damn this is kind of crazy this is kind of crazy definitely elf court yeah super 1:47:41 elf core for sure i mean i i remind like this dress this dress is something that like arduin 1:47:47 arwin would wear in lord of the rings like aragorn's aragorn's little baby his little 1:47:53 his little his little shoddy his little boo thang that's this is a dress that she would wear 1:48:13 is 1:48:59 all righty let's do another package let's do another package since when you do been doing a tippy-toe walk i mean i guess i never 1:49:08 did on stream before but i've been able to do that ever since i was a gymnast doesn't actually need high heels yeah i just do the invisible high heels exactly need more jewelry for the elf princess 1:49:19 true i do need the necklace and the bracelet i mean i have let's see i think i have some 1:49:31 yeah um they're bare they're buried somewhere in there we'll have to we'll have to do a more a more 1:49:36 planned cohesive elf look when i when i actually know that that's what i'm doing but i do i do 1:49:43 love how whenever you guys make me do an outfit change we end up making something [ __ ] awesome 1:49:49 you know what i mean and it also ends up being like i change into an outfit and then i open something that like makes the outfit better and then we put that on as well 1:49:57 like i feel like that's happened like three or four times now which is awesome secret ballet dancer yes secret secret talent i asked this question to a lot of people 1:50:09 how many continents are there well there's north america south america europe asia africa 1:50:16 and don't forget australia and don't forget antarctica so there's seven right 1:50:24 right perhaps that's that's the that's the song that i learned in elementary school so 1:50:33 so that's my answer 1:50:38 yes i got it right [ __ ] yeah awesome ig photo true true here i'll do it right now 1:50:45 i'll do it right now so i don't forget wait where'd my phone go my phone here yes phone 1:50:54 um wait i'll just take a little i gotta take a 1:51:02 you know what's a good call you guys i have a tip i have a tip for taking a i have a tip for taking 1:51:09 what do you call it um pictures uh oceana not australia yeah see that's 1:51:17 up for us up for debate though because it's like a lot of people just call the continent australia and then all the other all the others like the whole region is oceania but 1:51:26 oceania includes like things that are really really far away from australia 1:51:31 you know what i mean so it's like what's a continent at that point you know what i mean 1:51:37 um because like new zealand is an island so is it part of a continent i don't know 1:51:42 it's a good question continent kind of to me seems like it should be one big thing um anyway 1:52:03 uh yes selfie okay tip for selfies guys tip for selfies don't take pictures just take videos and then take pictures from the videos 1:52:14 so i'm gonna set up my camera real quick and then just do some poses in front of the video 1:52:22 and literally the like it's it's way easier to take a frame from a photo or from a video 1:52:30 and make it a good photo rather than to take one good photo you know what i mean that's my strategy 1:53:05 me 1:53:21 cool got it got it got it 1:53:30 dude these things are so cool whoever makes these should sponsor me you know i feel like i'm their biggest fan already i'm already their biggest fan and 1:53:42 i've already shown a ton of people what they are whoever makes these weird elf thingies who makes 1:53:53 it them even say it doesn't even say the brand it just says for the charming you 1:54:05 what time is it oh it's almost six okay we gotta go kind of soon but we can open up a 1:54:11 couple more packages and check out what we do biggest difference between uk and america 1:54:16 is that once a hurricane for you is just another day in the uk true yo doing my part 1:54:25 m seeker oh my god 1:54:32 what thank you so much ah thank you thank you thank you that is so 1:54:41 nice of you thank you so much m zinker i really really appreciate that holy 1:54:48 what thank you so much oh my goodness i really appreciate that wow thank you you really spoiled 1:54:59 me oh my goodness that is a lot of money yeah that is a lot of money thank you thank you wow i really 1:55:07 from the bottom of my heart i really appreciate that who what where when how you you mister 1:55:14 thank you so much you absolute angel i really appreciate that that is so sweet oh my goodness 1:55:21 nice number superman knocks as well oh my god thank you so much wow oh my god oh and there you 1:55:32 go there you go double number thank you so much oh my goodness number of the beast i appreciate you 1:55:40 thank you so much super minox you are so so sweet to me wow thank you guys you guys are so nice you 1:55:51 spoil me so much thank you thank you i really really appreciate that you guys are so sweet 1:55:58 wow wow wow wow i literally just have the best community it's like not even a it's not even 1:56:05 a competition it's like my community is just the best simply just the best and the most supportive 1:56:10 and the awesomest and the cutest and the funniest and the sexiest and the best and the coolest so yeah that's just my community it simply is the best people of all time 1:56:20 and it's no question thank you guys so much y'all are so wonderful also everyone who's 1:56:25 just hanging out and chilling with me and just chatting thank you thank you i literally am so grateful that you're just here with me thank you so much y'all are amazing 1:56:40 thank you so much you look so happy i am so happy i'm literally so happy right now i'm just elated i can't i couldn't 1:56:51 be happier to be honest you guys make me just so [ __ ] euphoric you guys make me feel so good 1:57:04 you made this community is what it is thank you i appreciate that oh my 1:57:09 get goodness reverse james bond going lol lamou true 1:57:16 thank you thank you so much claudia oh my god you guys are so nice to me ah thank you 1:57:28 much love thank you so much for the support claudia that is so sweet oh you guys are so nice okay chair pose real time or real time real quick chair post time real quick 1:57:39 i can't speak princess bellar reigns over the whole some kingdom queendom yuck queen quindom i like the term queen queen q-u-i-n-g queen 1:57:56 yes luna said what about me of course thank you my moth my faithful protectors thank you mods 1:58:05 much love of course okay cheer pose time 1:58:27 we kind of have this similar kind of oh 1:58:34 guys i just realized this this is a thai iced tea that i spilled on my bed and on toast like my sheets over there there's 1:58:47 a big orange splatter because i spilled thai iced tea all over it and some of it got on toast also 1:58:54 yo double07 south thank you for the follow 1:59:19 damn i'm a [ __ ] princess look at this 1:59:26 are you serious right now i'm [ __ ] royal i'm royal goddamn 1:59:37 kiss the ring kiss my ring 1:59:43 kiss my ring chat thank you 1:59:52 where's toast tiara true what ring yeah maybe i need a ring now maybe that's the next thing i need 2:00:02 i definitely some like some opulent jewelry and a big old rock kiss the ring 2:00:22 can i clean my monitor first now you need a proper throne true 2:00:30 just order a throne on amazon it's like covered in gold 2:00:38 come on you're doing it on purpose now you gotta know oh god wait no shut up i didn't 2:00:44 think about that shut up your mind's in the gutter dude that i did not think about that 2:00:52 that's not what i meant that's not what i meant hey right what would your advice be to someone who wanted to start streaming like you do honestly you 2:01:01 gotta just go for it there's a like you know you can spend a lot of time like thinking about what 2:01:07 you should do how you should be done being nervous about it but you really gotta just go for it and 2:01:14 just be yourself and the first time you stream you're probably not gonna be super entertaining just like i wasn't super entertaining the first time i stream because i didn't know what i was 2:01:22 doing but like eventually you kind of get better at it you get good at like reading chat and just like you know doing your thing and not getting in your head and yeah you just gotta go for it 2:01:32 you know you can't figure out you won't know until you try that's basically my advice to be honest 2:01:38 and you also might not like it some people try streaming and even if they get viewers they might just not like it so you got to figure out if it's even something that you like to do 2:01:48 definitely deserves fantasy costumes really yeah i agree i agree i need a bomb bro i don't need a bunk i wasn't the one who thought of that 2:01:58 i was being innocent i was saying kiss the ring not that ring you [ __ ] jesus 2:02:08 oh god you do know what ring size you are true i i don't know what ring size i am whatever it is is very small i know that 2:02:22 i know that every every ring i've ever tried has been um every ring i've ever tried has been too big for my finger 2:02:34 so like i i think the loop the loop size that i need is like not standard it's like kind 2:02:40 of like you know mini mini loop i wasn't sure americans use a ring as a euphemism 2:02:53 something in my pants going hard in my thighs interesting are you uh doing some squats or something get measurement guys from paper true 2:03:13 bro shopping list now ring size engage pearl necklace oh god shush you guys 2:03:20 that is so sassy oh my goodness my god i'm getting embarrassed yo mac 5179 thank you for the eight 2:03:28 months thank you so much i appreciate you dude holy [ __ ] eight months that is amazing thank you 2:03:34 so much dude the person who was supposed to make me my new sub badges has been totally ghosting me 2:03:40 i'm super sad i'm supposed to have new sub badges for nine months and for a year or for a year 2:03:46 and a year and a half i can't remember what i was going to decide but they go they're totally ghosting me they were we were like talking back and forth and they were like yeah we you know like 2:03:54 that's a great idea and then they just stopped responding i mean i hope they're okay you know 2:04:00 because there's a lot of reasons why someone wouldn't wouldn't respond it might not be that they just aren't responding to you might just be that they're busy or something 2:04:08 but yeah because they had such good ideas they were i was like do you have any ideas for the next badge and they were like yeah like a crystal one like a galaxy one i was 2:04:15 like yeah dude that would be awesome and then they just stopped responding sad that's okay 2:04:26 dude these are so [ __ ] cool oh my god 2:04:33 you just need women's size my brother has small hands and that's what he has to wear true true hydration cheers thank you nelly how you doing nelly welcome to stream or no sorry 2:04:46 looking like a queen thank you thank you so much 2:04:52 and necklace would really work well yes like a nice like jewelry just fancy necklace what 2:05:02 claudia oh my god thank you so much what the hell 2:05:08 whoa thank you so so so much oh my goodness that is so so nice wow that is a lot of money 2:05:17 you are very generous thank you so much claudia wow wow wow my goodness you guys are so freaking nice to me oh my god oh my gosh 2:05:30 huh you spoiled me god y'all are so sweet thank you thank you i want to be careful with eating and 2:05:38 drinking formal wear yeah probably dude i don't this better not be very delicate or else i will 2:05:45 ruin it at some point you know what i mean like something's gonna happen on stream like there's gonna be like a fly on the wall or like someone's gonna be at the door or something like that 2:05:56 and i'm just gonna [ __ ] like run and it's gonna like get caught on something and just rip 2:06:02 i already know that's gonna happen dude i'm not meant to own fancy things like i'm literally not 2:06:07 this already has like gems falling out of it because i dropped it like literally yeah 2:06:16 wait is tts not working right now 2:06:22 as innocent as the girl next door yes bella this is the girl next door indeed 2:06:27 is it wait is dts not working right now or is it working because i thought it was working is a bit low okay i'll turn it up a little bit 2:06:40 there we go okay yeah i turned it up i turned it up 2:06:46 thank you guys so so much for the support i really appreciate it my goodness dude okay i 2:06:51 okay yes i definitely want to do this fit but like to the nines you know what i mean like 2:06:58 absolutely to the nines like make sure that this doesn't fall down you know like put it 2:07:03 you know put some tape or something to make sure it doesn't fall down get you know maybe even some clip-on dangly earrings along with the ear cuffs like clip 2:07:13 oh that would make it nice right wouldn't that be sick some clip-on danglies with these 2:07:20 also the tiara also just more makeup and then also a big old necklace and then maybe some heels even 2:07:28 like some like lavender heels or something that would be sweet should get more jewelry yes we 2:07:34 should unfortunately i don't really have time to go to amazon right now i have to go kind of soon because i have to go meet my sister but we can do that on sunday for sure find number gone no no 2:07:46 that's so not a funny number but thank you i appreciate that claudia i appreciate you 2:07:53 thank you for the tip i really really appreciate that um 2:07:59 but what was i gonna say if you really like this look you could really get used to it probably worth going made to measure perhaps yes perhaps perhaps oh yeah that's 2:08:08 wait that's something i still have to do right i think is like do my measurements i think that was one of the goals or maybe that we just talked about 2:08:16 it but it wasn't actually one i can't remember i have to check the goal list website that claudia made go voice time wait one sec no i'm not saying that too saucy too sussy 2:08:31 sassy i'll say i'll just say i would love it if you guys buy me a necklace who will 2:08:39 that's it i'm not i reserve the right to modify the message if it's too suss 2:08:55 is bella short for isabel no i think it's just bella it's just bella just flat yo eclipse on twitch thank you for the photo they almost got me i know 2:09:07 they did i was about to just read it i was about to fully just read it but i caught it i caught it 2:09:13 yo bray fishes just testing tts okay i heard that from my headphones so tts is working now 2:09:20 thank you so so much thank you for the 20 wow that is so [ __ ] generous 2:09:26 thank you brain fishes mwah i really appreciate you the bella of the ball yes 2:09:36 i mean elven princess you really am 2:09:41 lost i feel like that's how elves talk i heard that the elven language in tokyo or like 2:09:51 in lord of the rings was based on finnish i've never heard finnish sound or spoken 2:09:57 so i don't know how accurate that is but maybe if there's any fins in chat they can tell me 2:10:02 more packages yeah we'll open one more package and then i got a go i gotta go meet my sister 2:10:07 pretty cool how you've given people the confidence just be themselves for sure and pre improve some people's lives dude right outly right how cool is that how cool is that that makes me so so happy 2:10:19 literally just like getting dms on insta or twitter or just people chatting in twitch or like on my discord anything of that of people just saying like yo you helped me like have the 2:10:29 confidence to like you know wear a crop top for the first time or something like that that makes me so so so happy literally just ecstatic so thank you for that message mwah i would do this 2:10:41 no matter what if i even if i only got like one of those messages i would still do this just because 2:10:47 i know it's making a difference in someone's life it makes me so so happy so thank you guys for the support and for being here with me and helping us all help everyone be who they want to be 2:10:57 it's amazing okay one more one more package and then i gotta go i got a guy who loves 2:11:12 okay i can't i can't like stand up and not 2:11:17 i can't stand up and not like admire the fit 2:11:27 free skirt spin all right lowercraft british accent feels really wrong yeah sorry i'll break out my my more push 2:11:41 posh i use a little a little bit of a little little bit of a posh accent instead of the 2:11:49 the other one not sure what it's called but this is a little little bit more elegant if you will of course yes naturally there you go 2:12:07 i would die for you right bro i would die for you guys i'm serious i would literally take a 2:12:13 bullet for my chat i'm not even kidding i'm not kidding at all commands from south london true 2:12:24 all righty who is this from amazing thank you i'm zinker thank you so much let's see what we got let's see what we got 2:12:38 sorry archangel i know you sent something but i'm sorry i haven't found it yet i'm sure it's in one of those but all righty what do we have oh it's embroidered something embroidered whoa 2:12:52 yo this is sick this is perfect for the goth girl looks damn hello 2:13:05 that's perfect and it's embroidered which is cool i love embroidery it always just looks awesome 2:13:17 it matches the the color of my dress yo that is awesome yes and it has fishnets on the 2:13:24 on the arms damn okay this is gonna be perfect for the next one perfect for the next golf girl look 2:13:34 amazing amazing this this with like the this with like the black skirt 2:13:42 with the little crosses on it or even the or the plaid one maybe as well and then some fishnets on my legs and then the boots ooh baby that would be sick 2:13:53 and then the sword also yo manito thank you for the follow amazing subgoal's been 2:14:02 met but what is this couple we haven't decided so if you guys after stream want to decide one in the discord feel free feel free didn't get a chance to wish this got destroyed okay word yeah 2:14:14 yeah no worries i love that your mom plus ratio in the title yeah i gotta let them know what's good 2:14:24 you can wear it over the dress i don't think that'll work put a finished music video in music from 2:14:30 the band indica okay cool i'll check it out i'll check it out okay alrighty guys i think i'm gonna have to do it yeah it's almost 6 20. i gotta go 2:14:41 because i gotta freshen up and get ready to go oh wait i'm wearing my cuff still oh look it 2:14:52 it just stole it it just stole it from me 2:15:11 okay i just want to listen to the music well while we do the outro but yes i think i'm going 2:15:17 to have to go for now but thank you all so much for hanging out with me i had such a good time 2:15:22 as i always do because you guys are amazing so how can i not have an amazing time but yes have a 2:15:29 wonderful weekend happy fanboy friday have a great time and i will see y'all on sunday 2:15:37 much love i love you all so so much from the bottom of my [ __ ] heart you guys are amazing 2:15:44 amazing people some of the most incredible humans i've ever had the pleasure of interacting with in 2:15:49 my entire life so [ __ ] get out there and be yourself do what you want to do wear what you want to wear and do not listen to other people because you 2:15:58 are amazing and you're perfect the way you are alright i love you all 2:16:05 much love don't forget instapix yes i will i will have a great weekend you guys are amazing 2:16:15 thank you for helping me with the look i look awesome oh my god okay bye