0:08 me [Music] 0:15 [Music] 0:22 [Music] 0:28 [Music] 0:48 um 1:06 [Music] 1:16 uh 1:22 [Music] 1:34 [Music] 1:53 [Music] 2:04 is 2:22 oh 2:34 [Music] 2:50 [Music] 3:02 you let me okay 3:29 okay 3:35 [Music] 3:41 [Music] 3:48 food [Music] 4:09 [Music] 4:41 a 4:46 [Music] 4:57 [Music] 5:04 [Music] 5:10 god 5:35 last 5:47 [Music] hey everybody 5:53 what is up let me turn this [ __ ] down oh my god 6:00 minox thank you for that 11 months what is up y'all i'm sorry i 6:07 didn't have the motivation to do makeup today yo min knox 11 freaking months that is amazing and also james sparkles 6:14 five months goddamn honestly forget 6:19 we're doing a note we're doing no light stream i'm just i'm just feeling tight 6:26 what is up y'all no makeup no wig we're just we're just going raw today 6:32 hella tanned thank you appreciate that oh my goodness anastasia thank you for 6:38 the three months thank you so much and thank you james for the five emma knoxville 11. welcome back y'all it's so 6:44 good to have you back got the floppy ears though hell yeah alrighty 6:51 it's been a while it has been a while i'm sorry and i'm sorry i'm also not dressed up today i uh 6:57 i have i'm very exhausted i been hanging out with one of my friends all weekend and um 7:06 he was going through a bit of a crisis so i'm kind of like emotionally drained from that um but it was it was still really good 7:11 to see but then also i just just before this they're on the reason why i'm late is because i've been talking to my 7:17 ex-girlfriend on facetime for like two hours and we've just been catching up but also has been 7:23 kind of emotional so i'm sorry for the wait yo thank you matilda for the 11 7:28 months holy [ __ ] thank you thank you thank you mwah great to have you guys back 7:34 um melky poison what is up thank you for the follow thank you so so much 7:40 um but yeah i uh i'm going through a little bit of a time 7:47 right now thank you my knocks for the hundred pits i hope everything goes well thank you i it was a the girlfriend you disses 7:54 yourself yes we we didn't we didn't talk for a little bit and then we kind of started talking 7:59 again recently just like here and there just like sending memes to each other a little bit um 8:06 yeah i don't know man love is [ __ ] weird man 8:12 loves [ __ ] weird bro but yeah i really wanted to just come on today and 8:18 just hang out with you guys for a little bit because i felt bad about being away for so long and i missed you guys so 8:24 thank you for hanging out with me i'm back i went camping hell yeah lithium that's awesome i hope you had a fun time 8:29 camping um but yeah dude 8:34 i've been freaking uh i've been freaking going through it but we're all good it 8:40 was actually a really good talk with with my ex or yeah it feels weird to call anyone your 8:45 ex x feels so like definitive you know what i mean or just like forceful 8:51 um yo chronic what is good thank you for the follow um 8:56 but yeah it was honestly it was a really good conversation that we had so i'm really glad we had it but of 9:03 course it was like pretty emotionally draining so it's probably not gonna be a very long stream and i know i keep saying this but 9:09 i promise we're going to get back into the real swing of things like on friday and on sunday and stuff we'll be all 9:15 dolled up we'll be in an outfit i actually have an asana cosplay that just got here yo james 9:22 thank you so much thank you thank you and i will respond you guys messages in a second i just want to chat for a sec 9:27 but thank you gents thank you for the subs and thank you crj 9:32 also for the five subs thank you so so much y'all are so sweet yo thank you so so much mwah i really 9:40 appreciate it oh my god y'all are so nice thank you jens and thank you sergey for the five you all are absolute angels 9:48 um [Music] yo and minoxis well 9:53 thank you so so much thank you thank you for the five more that is really sweet 9:58 of you um thank you minox that is so so nice 10:04 you guys are absolute angels angels you are thank you so much this is such a great 10:10 place to be yay i'm so glad you think so monica you guys are such sweethearts i'm so 10:16 glad you enjoy hanging out here because i do too um 10:22 but yeah have you ever listened to black veil brides i have not james sparkles i have 10:27 not tell me about it i got married and divorced exactly on her wedding 10:32 anniversary damn that's pretty rough that's pretty rough now it's a double 10:37 anniversary yo isaac isaac thank you so much for the five subs mwah 10:45 thank you so so much that is so sweet you're such a nice person i really appreciate you the 10:50 support you guys thank you so much um 10:56 but yeah i don't know man life is life is rough sometimes you just gotta go through it 11:02 but it was it was a really good visit with my friend and it's like i don't want you guys think i'm like 11:08 you know really [ __ ] depressed or like in a bad place because i'm actually like in a good place i'm just like 11:13 really emotionally drained you know what i mean um but yeah it's like 11:20 i don't know if that makes sense but you're super fanboy first time being on 11:26 stream hell yeah hell yeah welcome to the stream super fan boy it's so good to have you 11:32 just got off from work perfect timing to catch up one of your streams hell yeah dude that's that's awesome i'm glad 11:37 you're done with work and it's great to have you right ollie will you marry me uh i don't 11:42 know about that one you're gonna have to you're gonna have to you know is that how you ask everyone you meet if 11:48 you're gonna marry you i can't make jokes right now [ __ ] 11:56 i'm too emotionally drained to be funny as long as you got to help your friend 12:01 that's what matters yeah it is it is what matters isn't it marry the boy all right [ __ ] it let's 12:07 get married [ __ ] it we should all just get married 12:13 you guys want to all just get married together uh maybe we should uh 12:18 maybe we should just you know do a joint like 200 way proposal and just have a giant 12:23 wedding i do love weddings so you know maybe we should be in a poly 12:28 relationship altogether that might be kind of fun what do you guys think about that 12:35 i do love weddings and you know the more the merrier so 12:41 yeah right only commune exactly think of all those mother-in-laws oh no 12:48 yes but i'm only 14 word don't worry it's a platonic marriage 12:55 it's a platonic polyamorous marriage is it lightning flash yes it is 13:02 lightning flash asana that is so i the only thing that's wait in fact i'll check it later but the i have the 13:08 costume that just came oh but then the wig is supposed to come 13:15 tomorrow so hopefully on friday we can do lightning flash awesome up and it'll be awesome because i do have the sword 13:20 over there and i needed to put it to use you realize this would cause a worldwide 13:26 shortage of wedding dresses it really would you know we we would just clean house and that would be okay because we 13:32 deserve it we deserve a giant wedding don't we all 13:39 don't we really guys don't we chat i literally love you love watching your 13:44 videos make my day i'm so glad i make your day that's amazing i forgot to eat bacon egg and cheese for 13:51 for but i did get a beef patty with bacon cheese cocoa bread hell yeah frag that's awesome yo pasha thank you for 13:57 the follow appreciate that bro speaking of which after this i'm gonna get me some chicken over rice 14:02 that's been my favorite thing to get at the deli these days yo archangel with the 10 months let's go 14:08 thank you so much mwah i really appreciate that thank you thank you and welcome back for 10 freaking months god 14:15 damn yo james sparkles with the 300 bits as well thank you guys so much you're so sweet 14:22 mwah i really appreciate y'all um have you ever dreamed of being in a wedding dress 14:29 uh i suppose i mean like i kind of dream of being like that [ __ ] at the wedding 14:36 you know what i mean like i'm always like damn it must be fun for the bride to just be like literal queen of 14:42 everyone in the room for like the whole day you know that would be fun 14:48 um yo dex carter thank you for the four months thank you thank you welcome back 14:53 wow four months already wow wow wow and the tier three holy [ __ ] the tier 14:59 three no less thank you so much dex i really appreciate that that is super sweet of you thank you mickey for the follow i 15:05 appreciate that i appreciate you all so much y'all are so sweet to me i'm sorry i'm not dolled 15:12 up today i just i just i just didn't have the freaking energy it really you know doing doing this type 15:19 of thing makes me endlessly impressed by girls or people in general anyone who 15:27 gets up early and like gets themselves dolled up every day completely you know what i mean wow that is very impressive 15:36 i literally told my friends how much you loved you how i adore you my friends become weird and gay hey who cares about that 15:43 yeah yeah you don't gotta care what they say it's all good it's all freaking good man 15:48 you do you still contemplating if i'm gonna wear a dress to my cousin's wedding [ __ ] do 15:54 it waffle if you want to do it do it although of course take into account you know your safety 16:00 but like [ __ ] other people man do what you want to do girl hell yeah you still pretty thank you how 16:07 are you i'm doing all right i'm just pretty emotionally drained from like a couple different things i hung out 16:12 with my friend who was in a bit of a crisis all weekend and i just talked to my old girlfriend 16:18 for a while on the phone and we had like a really long kind of emotional talk but both of those things ended up being 16:25 really good so yeah we're all good apologies right ryan my apologies for 16:32 being away from the kingdom so long my loyalty always lies with you my queen thank you entropy no worries i know life 16:38 happens you know what i mean like there's no way you can show up to every single stream it's all good it's all 16:44 good rynali you're hot thank you even looking like this that's good to know that's good to know 16:51 what does the hoodie say anyway the hoodie says i don't know if anyone's from south 16:57 africa they might be able to read this but it says soweto which means soweto is a neighborhood 17:02 soweto my hood and then these are all like neighborhoods in that neighborhood and 17:08 then there's a crossword puzzle puzzle my friend from south africa my friend he's not from south africa he's from 17:14 uganda but he got he traveled in south africa and he got it for me there so yeah that's what it says 17:21 you deemed it oh my bad oh well damn i haven't done it in a minute i'm 17:28 glad that one worked out i'm glad it worked out okay that's a neat hoodie yeah it's cool 17:34 i like it i like it well of course it's hot like this oh i 17:40 thank you guys i miss you all so much me too dude i missed you guys 17:47 that was perfect [ __ ] yeah let's go one bit boy what up thank you for the follow 17:53 that was good ooh [ __ ] yes it worked out well nice 17:59 wear a dress to a friend's wedding but don't wear white right yeah new bru new baroni thank you to follow 18:07 you are stunning thank you the last you guys are so sweet strongest californian that's true 18:15 that's true why do i like girl stuff even though i'm a boy who cares man like what you like that's awesome though that 18:21 you realize that anyway i mean yeah girl stuff is a paradox 18:27 there's no girl stuff there's no boy stuff there's just stuff you know 18:33 society taught you that you should like a certain thing because you have a certain gender or a certain 18:39 you know a bit of anatomy but who cares man 18:45 it's just stuff you can like what you like pay attention miranda what up i'm paying 18:50 attention to you oh god 18:57 there was that good was that was that good paying attention 19:14 i'm dead the first video i saw i thought you were a girl 19:20 that is indeed the goal in fact with those videos so mission accomplished 19:27 senpai noticed us 19:36 have you ever stream dive live outside i haven't but we do have plans for a little backyard hot tub summer 19:43 barbecue stream at some point soon so we're definitely gonna do that um so stay tuned 19:49 society wants me to like turkey stuff see are you 19:55 is your gender identity a turkey that's fair you can identify as a turkey 20:00 yo axel what's good thank you to follow i appreciate you but it's my least favorite thanksgiving 20:06 dish dude i agree ooh mommy i [ __ ] agree can we all agree i 20:12 don't know maybe some people don't agree turkey is the worst [ __ ] meat ever okay 20:19 maybe not ever but like dude can we just eat chicken on thanksgiving why do we have to eat turkey it's so dry 20:26 and horrible come on let's eat chicken it's fine we can we can say goodbye to 20:31 tradition it's okay turkey is literally so like like turkey sandwich is fine like you know 20:38 slices of turkey that's fine but like but like uh freaking just a chunk of turkey 20:45 sucks it's the worst 20:52 i'm ready for my close-up now out comes the microsoft yeah it's it's eye exam time 20:58 i fight a thousand men for your heart i'm dead dude 21:08 oh man i would really love 21:14 i think it would be oh man it's such a bummer that i can't excuse me it's such a bummer that i 21:21 can't go back in time and like talk to my old self because like 21:26 how funny would it be how funny would it be if i went back like two years 21:33 and like showed my super you know boy self 21:38 like some of the messages that are being that that i get sometimes 21:43 that would be such a funny video yo mateo thank you for the follow like i'll go back in time and be like yo ryan 21:50 what's good did you know that you're gonna be a streamer in the future and he'll be like holy [ __ ] no way 21:56 that's [ __ ] awesome i've always wanted to be a streamer i'll be like yeah dude look this is some 22:01 of the messages that you get i'll fight a thousand men for your heart 22:09 oh my god or have you ever dreamed of wearing a wedding dress 22:17 oh man that would be good content i want to see his reaction [Music] 22:23 sorry my message was bad it wasn't bad it was just funny don't don't apologize 22:28 i enjoyed it you can say stuff like that that's totally fine yo soria louise thank you for the freaking 22:34 sub thank you so much mwah i really appreciate that welcome to the freaking squad it's great 22:42 to have you god i love this hat so [ __ ] much me too dude 22:47 this hats are freaking vibe oh my god it's you that's awesome it is 22:53 me what up matteo how you doing hi hi no problem thank you so much i 23:00 really really appreciate that surya louise that is so sweet oh you did it i'm bad 23:05 one sec i need some wool water 23:10 oh well there you go that was a good one too i'm so glad 23:15 normally if i haven't done one in a while i can't really do it fit check oh god i'm not really wearing a fit i'm literally wearing pajamas 23:35 [Music] pajamas i'm very cozy and comfy right now 23:45 hey there good to see you hope your friend is okay thanks braid fishes it's great to see you too welcome to the stream it's great to have 23:52 you back um and yes my friend is doing okay my friend is good it was a good visit 23:59 and yeah i'm a bit emotionally drained from that and also from uh 24:05 from what you call it hanging out with my my um or having a phone call with my old girlfriend but 24:13 we're here and we're doing all right both of those things ended up really well i'm just feeling a bit emotionally drained which is why i'm kind of low 24:19 energy right now but show the gains [ __ ] y'all show the gains 24:31 it's hard to see the cut without the light but all right there you go 24:37 there you 24:44 go it's good to hear your friends good yes 24:50 oh well games for days that's what i'm talking about 24:56 as what i'm talking about sleepover stream again soon true that's actually a great idea yo guys 25:03 i want to do yo straw bunny lia straw bunny leah thank you so much 25:09 um i want to do another like freaking super long stream i don't know why i just 25:15 think that would be fun um you know what i mean like maybe even a [ __ ] 24 hour stream 25:22 [ __ ] it who knows we'll see because then we can do like multiple cooking streams and 25:28 like a sleepover stream all in the same stream that would be kind of fun you 25:33 know what i mean um yeah that would be sweet we could cook 25:40 multiple meals we could have a sleepover we could like watch a movie together 25:45 or something yeah who knows who knows what we'll get into but i 25:51 think that would be fun so maybe we'll do that next weekend like next friday 25:57 yeah i kind of want to redeem a skirt scene just as you twirl you can do that excuse me i'll do a twirl 26:04 i'll do a twirl if you redeem a skirt spin even though i'm not wearing a skirt 26:10 oh my god wait guys i have to show you i have to show you i'll post it in pics 26:16 i'll post it in pics and vids right now 26:23 oh um i'll i'll post it after stream but i have a cute 26:30 i have a cute picture of me out and about at the mall in girl mode because because as we know it is girl 26:37 girl week slash girl month i think i said it was but um 26:42 but yes i posted or i'm gonna post i'll post that after stream but yeah i walked around the mall and i bought some shoes 26:49 and i was totally in girl mode the whole time so you guys would be proud of me and i wasn't even scared about it 26:57 and in fact it was so funny i mean like literally everyone [ __ ] thought i was girls like literally it 27:03 was it was wild but i was there and i was i was buying some shoes 27:09 excuse me i was buying some shoes 27:15 um and i was like looking at them in the mirror and this like kind of mom came up to me 27:22 behind me and she was like um oh my god those shoes look so good on 27:27 you i see like like my girls some she was like all the girls i see are wearing those type of sneakers they look so good 27:34 um and i was like no way that's crazy thank you so much but it was just funny 27:39 because she said like all the all the other girls are wearing are like she's like all the girls love those these days i was like totally all the girls totally 27:46 love these it was funny um i made you yawn sorry about it 140 27:53 people yawned yep yo one bit boy thank you for the sub 28:00 thank you so much i appreciate that thank you thank you 28:05 that is so nice of you thank you so much for the prime and welcome to the storm 28:11 great to have you oh we got a girl voice i didn't see 28:19 i wasn't scared at all [ __ ] god i feel like my girl voice is so bad because i haven't practiced it this is 28:26 this is more not more data for you guys to understand that doing the girl voice is like a muscle so if you don't use it 28:32 for a while it's not it's gonna be harder to do but if you practice it's gonna get better hold on let me just take a drink of water 28:38 [Music] i wasn't scared at all i'm a big brave 28:44 girl now it's so true so true bestie 28:50 next time take a friend and get them to take a video change office in the changing room 100 000 hits for sure totally 28:56 yeah just video me right in the changing room that's that'll get that'll get people that'll get people to watch yo chris 29:04 what's good thank you to follow you are a ginger bro everyone says that 29:09 it's so funny so many people say that on stream but everyone 29:14 in my real life i'm like i'm like okay guys like i say this to my real friends irl i'm like or my irl friends i'm like 29:21 yo everyone on stream all my friends on stream tell me that i'm a ginger is this true and they're like not at all 29:28 you don't have any red hair at all it's all brown but everyone here thinks it's like red 29:34 we're not everyone but some people do oh sorry there you go have another yawn 29:41 not in the room oh wait what i thought you meant in the room 29:50 shopping seems like a content gold mine probably yeah probably that would be fun you know what that's a great idea just 29:56 try on like 10 outfits for a video at the store that would be a good idea yo cat bob thank you for the follow 30:02 and ari oh my god so many new people it's great to have you guys what's up chris wait how you doing 30:09 how you doing 30:15 how long are you going to grow your hair i don't honestly have no idea yo vaughn thank you follow i was i'm thinking of getting i need a 30:22 haircut no matter what right now just to trim off the uh the split ends because you know how that happens like if you 30:28 don't get hairs a haircut for a while um your hair just gets kind of frizzy a 30:34 little bit at the end you know what i mean uh but yeah speaking of shopping how's the p.o box 30:40 coming along that's such a good question that i should have an answer for but i don't 30:45 but i swear i'm gonna get it set up i actually i think i i got the steps ready 30:51 i just have to go do it so i'm sorry about that um the ones that think it's red is 30:56 colorblind yeah right i know that's weird yo dottie thank you for the funnel 31:01 what's up big sister how you doing much love welcome to the stream 31:07 hello what's up ari how you doing great to have you are you gay uh to find that 31:14 it's like i don't know i'm a i'm a boy and i mostly have only date or i've only 31:19 ever dated girls so i suppose i probably wouldn't qualify as gay but also 31:25 who gives a [ __ ] about labels man you know what i mean if i was if i wasn't it don't matter 31:33 it don't matter everyone just likes what they like that's it it's not that deep 31:39 pink hair when true i kind of want to do bleach blonde 31:46 i've been thinking about bleach blonde hair i feel like i would look good about i would look good in bleach and then the 31:51 cool thing about bleach blonde hair is that if you want to go another color then you can just 31:56 dye it another color once it's bleached 32:01 oh is there a twirl hello 32:20 twirl just a twirl 32:25 it's okay no problem be yourself hell yeah cat bob i agree i agree 32:33 what to use the lighter for uh smoking sometimes 32:39 not tobacco though yo rosita thank you for the follow 32:44 thank you so much doesn't bleaching damage his hair it does but like 32:50 but like not a it doesn't damage your hair that much if you get it done really really 32:56 well at like a salon you know what i mean like a salon can do it in a way that 33:02 only damages it a little bit but yeah are you a dream smp fan i am i love the smp 33:09 i love it i love techno i love george i love tommy love all of 33:16 it it's kind of crazy how much 33:21 like i mean i don't want to say fallout fell off because they still get insane views but like i remember tommy in it 33:27 used to turn on his stream and get literally like 200k views or 200k concurrent viewers 33:33 oh yes tubbo as well of course i love tubbo tubo might actually be my favorite i don't know why i [ __ ] forgot about that 33:38 um but yeah it's kind of crazy like tommy 33:44 like i don't know like a year ago or six months ago would turn on his stream and get like [ __ ] 250k concurrent viewers 33:53 which is wild but now that's not so much happening anymore i just came out to my parents 33:58 that i'm female female to male and gay and they support me dude ray of sunshine that's [ __ ] amazing pogba's pog's in the chat for 34:05 rave sunshine congrats on coming out i'm really happy for you was anyone impressed by my sick 34:11 fortnight move wha what sick fortnight move did you do 34:17 but but it's a philosophical question whether a twirl is a twirl without twirlable piece of clothing that's so 34:22 true so true bestie you should be a philosopher the philosophy of twirling 34:29 that's my major that's my major 34:34 yo my god superman knocks thank you so much 34:40 thank you thank you for the gifted array of sunshine 34:47 [Music] 34:56 that looks like dang comfy pj yep it really is which games you play uh let's see i play all sorts i play 35:02 minecraft i play like fortnite and stuff i play warzone sometimes 35:08 um lately i've been playing a ton of world of warcraft because mostly because my 35:13 friends from home started playing it again and it's like basically whatever game my friends from home are playing is the game that i play 35:20 so i've been playing a ton of wow recently um 35:25 but yeah i don't know i play i play all types of games whatever whatever my friends are playing i suppose 35:33 the minecraft phenomenon is actually super interesting the reason the reasoning for it is the extremely young audience if you actually look at 35:39 any of minecraft streamers analytics they all fall the same wave as most s p members even if they didn't play on the 35:44 gms tsmp yeah no that [ __ ] was wild that was you was pretty insane i mean 35:50 i'm kind of like where did they all go you know what i mean i'm like if they 35:55 if they uh played or if they were all watching did they 36:01 just stop watching twitch or did they start watching other games or you know where did all those viewers go 36:06 it's kind of crazy you guys are so kind i love you all yo we love you too rave sunshine how's your 36:12 aquarium doing their cream doing is great okay that is something that i really want to do tomorrow is go get some plants and then some fish as well 36:20 although i gotta find out where i'm gonna get fish from i mean i'm sure there's fish stores in 36:25 new york how many girl items do you need to be 36:30 to have on to be perceived as a girl it's the boat of theseus question really true 36:36 uh you know i mean it kind of depends it's like 36:42 i feel like i feel like certain people you know have because like even 36:48 even cis girls are sometimes like oh you're not being girly enough so it's honestly just wear whatever you whatever 36:54 feels good to you and don't really worry about how people perceive you i know that's like 37:00 way easier said than done but i think like for your own mental health that's probably the best 37:06 course of action what class do you play i play uh 37:11 so i've recently been playing i i never used to heal in any games but now i've 37:16 been doing a healer in wow so i've been playing holy priest which has been a lot of fun actually i used to only play dps 37:23 classes but now i've been i've been playing healer and we've been doing like 3v3 arenas i don't know anyone who plays 37:29 wow knows what i'm talking about anyone who doesn't have no idea what the [ __ ] i'm saying but yeah someone just asked what class i play but yes [ __ ] 37:36 that is what i play right now i play uh holy priest you also play priest hell yeah dude 37:42 that's awesome i love priest it's so much fun actually you're literally a raid boss you're like 37:49 unkillable it's so fun do you like my hero academia i do i really do i actually just started 37:55 watching that that's really funny you say that i just started watching that 38:00 ooh holy priest i love timing out on arena see yeah don't worry about it i do i do good 38:06 damage too especially with the new uh ventier the ventier talent uh or ability 38:12 mind games with mind games i can actually do [ __ ] like good damage honestly 38:20 and we have on my team i have a demon hunter and they do insane damage so 38:26 we usually we usually don't time out i think a lego game stream would be 38:31 extremely fun true okay that's actually a great idea that's a great idea that's what maybe 38:36 we'll do that next time we'll play like lego harry potter lego star wars or something there's new lego star wars and a new 38:42 like lego harry potter i'm pretty sure right 38:47 you're under arrest on four counts of being cute three counts of being amazing huh i'm you know what i'll just take it i 38:54 plead guilty i plead guilty to all counts take me away 38:59 i can't deny it i can't deny more lego peepee oh my god 39:04 i forgot about that i forgot about that i can never escape 39:10 the lego peepee it always follows me 39:18 i hope you take the money you get from this use your use to use your mathematical their best use thank you 39:23 yeah i'm sure i'm sure i'll do something physics-y at some point in my life oh [ __ ] heads and tails tails time let's 39:30 see uh you know what we're gonna keep the streak going heads has been working for me so we're gonna say heads once again 39:38 we're gonna stands once again let's see if we can break probability and just get a hundred heads in a row 39:46 play osu i'm so bad at osu i can't play osu 39:53 i'm horrible at that game you would laugh at me if i played osu you better plead guilty it's true 40:03 lego star wars game new lego star wars game hell yeah or just a lego build stream yeah i should do another lego 40:09 build we did one he's chilling up there in all of his glory 40:14 i don't know if you guys in fact i'm gonna go get him 40:28 i don't know if everyone was here for this one but uh check it out coin flip is rigged you got 40:35 it right again let's go baby thank you isaac thank you for the five 40:41 bucks or the 10 bucks thank you so much mwah i really really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you that is so 40:47 sweet of you um but yeah we built this on stream a few months ago 40:52 and it was sick so i think it would be really fun to do here we'll let him we'll let him hang 40:58 out with us until stream ends just i gotta hope i don't knock it off the table holy sh 41:05 holy moly lazy titan 4-1-1 god damn 41:10 god damn thank you so much that is so sweet 10 41:15 subs holy [ __ ] yo thank you so so much i really [ __ ] 41:21 appreciate that that is so nice of you thank you so much mwah 41:26 that is so so sweet 41:32 great video would be go to the mall to sephora and get a makeover true i've never gotten a professional 41:37 makeover so maybe i should do that maybe that's actually a great idea 41:43 that's actually a great idea that's a great idea because then i don't have to do anything 41:50 they just do it for me they just do it for me 41:55 i realize what's different the standing lightest move yeah also the camera's in like a weird angle right now that it 42:01 normally isn't in um yeah i like i like 42:07 moved it around oh they're so sleepy you guys 42:15 but yeah that's a great idea that's a great youtube video idea 42:21 com combined with the hair bleaching coloring oh [ __ ] actually that's a great idea 42:27 yo just complete makeover so just go in there no makeup brown hair come out 42:35 freaking to the nines just lashes eyeshadow everything they got for me and 42:43 bleach blonde hair that would be that would be a vibe that would be a vibe 42:50 your hat is super cute love the wiggly ears thank you yo lazy lazy titan thank you so so much mwah 42:57 thank you for this for the sub i love how you gifted 10 subs before you even sub that is so sweet 43:04 you're such a sweetheart thank you lazy titan mwah you're an angel i really appreciate it coming in with the love 43:10 thank you i love you too i love you all thank you so much 43:16 yay dude my community is so good what did i do how did i how did i deserve such an 43:22 amazing community you guys are [ __ ] incredible i gotta go see you have fun all right 43:27 ari much love have a good one i'm already excited for that video i 43:33 can't hardly wait dude yeah that's a [ __ ] good idea that is a good idea and that would actually be fun to make too 43:41 i need honestly one of my problems is like i need a camera person you know 43:47 i guess i can just like film like this but i think i need to get a friend 43:52 i think i need to get a friend to go with me 44:01 [Music] he gave us mental hugs yes 44:07 you could get blonde extensions in your hair less damaging perhaps but but then but would that 44:13 would that make my whole hair blonde i don't think so right 44:19 camera person would be good for the skate video too yes indeed indeed 44:26 my sunburn is itchy no dude my friend who was visiting 44:32 he before he came got absolutely obliterated on his back 44:37 with a sunburn and he got something that they call apparently it's called hell's itch i 44:43 don't know if you guys know about that but uh 44:48 but yeah apparently he said it was like the worst experience of his literal entire life and like his like it just 44:55 happens in like one percent of bad sunburn cases where you just get like a 45:00 horribly painful itch and yeah i'm really glad that i've never 45:06 gotten that so it just reminded me just reminded me oh my god i regretted 45:12 so much i'm sorry i'm sorry 45:18 have the gopro maybe you can mount it somewhere while you will you get the makeover done ooh that's a good idea 45:23 that's a solid idea i need to get a sim card for it that's the one thing i don't have 45:28 pay a college tune to film totally you look cute and pretty without makeup 45:34 same with makeup thank you great espresso i really appreciate that because i always get like 45:39 self-conscious coming on stream and no makeup so i'm glad that it's i'm glad that you guys think i look good either 45:45 way [Music] do you have a great community because the deal with the devil you made where 45:51 you asked for such impossibly cute looks oh yep that's it that's what happened 45:59 you know me and the devil we go way back we go way back we're besties 46:05 honestly though 46:12 does your sister owe you some camera work in exchange for all the babysitting probably 46:17 probably yeah i could probably cash in on that that was that would that's a good idea 46:25 she does like drive me around to places and also feed me a lot so 46:32 you know she does hold up her end of the bargain in that regard 46:50 your makeup is nice change once wow it is you're friends with the devil like iron mouse yup 46:56 yup we're all homies we're on a group chat actually it's called hell's group chat 47:04 me the devil iron mouse and uh yeah we're 47:09 and meow rizza we're all in a group chat together she feeds you yeah my sister cooks 47:15 dinner for me a fair amount because she likes making food and i like 47:22 eating it so it works out great 47:28 hey hey red ollie what's up that calling guy how you doing what's up hell brother sorry 47:34 i feel like i haven't been saying hi to people sometimes it's weird 47:39 um sometimes it's weird i don't know why but when people at me 47:46 my mind just like glosses over that message for some reason because it because for some reason it looks like 47:51 not a normal message i don't know why but but yeah sorry what's up the calling guy what's up hello brother what's up anyone 47:58 else who added me and i didn't respond how you doing try not to cry too much during my hero 48:04 yeah that's i've heard it's a bit it's a bit emotional yo kenji what's good thank you for the 48:11 photo are you planning on doing more girl voice tutorials i suppose so if i learn 48:16 some new techniques hydration check good call cheers 48:25 what kind of music do you like honestly it's pretty mood dependent but like i really like this type of 48:32 stuff when i'm feeling happy like future funk vibes um when i'm feeling like hyped or like 48:39 angry either hyped or angry or drunk you know but like angry 48:45 has nothing to do with those other two things it just happens to also match the type of music that i like to list dude 48:50 during that which is like trap like hip hop like super filthy like gangster rap type [ __ ] 48:57 um i love that when i'm like you know getting hyped or when i'm like pissed uh 49:03 yeah i feel like i just kind of i kind of just match music to my moods you know 49:08 i could never just listen to one genre that would be horrible well i'm no 49:13 through certain times in my life where i'm like oh my god i only like this type of music so i just listen to it all day and all night but i think yeah and i 49:20 totally understand that some people do that and i respect it of course um but for me personally 49:26 i just gotta match it to my mood what type of games you play i play all sorts of games right now i was saying earlier 49:32 i've been playing a lot of world warcraft wow um but i also play like rocky league and 49:39 also been playing a lot on my switch i've been playing stardew valley do you guys know that game 49:44 i love that game it's really really relaxing i play it like before bed 49:51 have you ever had anyone recognize you as a streamer not yet not yet but i'm sure that's gonna happen eventually 49:58 i'm sure this can happen eventually your sister can cater the future group wedding yes exactly 50:03 get your sister to join you for a cooking stream that would actually be so fun you're so right 50:09 it was wild that iron mouse hit half a million subs during her subathon yeah that was crazy 50:14 that was crazy not much taking a break from gaming hell yeah that's awesome well it's great to 50:20 have you hello right now i love this dream love your positive attitude man you're my favorite kampuchea streamer i'm not sure what 50:27 that means but respect thank you i have a question for you would you rather fight ten chinchillas or one dolphin 50:34 [ __ ] uh dude dolphins are pretty brutal okay obviously 50:40 obviously like if we're in the water dolphin would destroy me you know 50:45 like if i'm in the if i'm in the dolphins uh element if we're in the ocean 50:50 it's over dolphin will just completely destroy me so i think i'd have to take the tension 50:57 chillas although that would also definitely be a bummer 51:03 but yeah i think i'd have to take the attention chills good night from ireland ronaldo you're like a little sister i never had oh monica 51:09 good night sleep tight sweet dreams i love starter valley dude me too i love 51:15 it so much it's so good i just married in stardew i just married abigail 51:21 who did you guys marry if you play stardew who's your who's your bae who's your stardu bay 51:28 i saw this tweet that was like i saw this tweet that i was like i literally just 51:33 this tweet was like i spent more time thinking about who i was gonna marry in stardew valley than i did with my actual 51:39 husband i was dead i was so dead 51:50 ironically more people have been attacked by dolphins than killer whales yes dude killer whales have a bad name 51:56 they're not killer at all well they are but not to people 52:01 yes me too hell yeah dude abigail oh abigail's the best although i wish she 52:07 i wish she would still like stay up late playing video games but like you know now that we're married 52:14 i feel like i feel like she lost a little bit of her personality now that we got married 52:23 i feel like that happens i feel like that happens with all of them with all the people 52:30 i feel like it's hard to write like lines for like what people would say if they were married also because 52:41 you have a husband no it was a tweet it was a tweet 52:47 if you're fighting chinchillas just turn up the room temperature true i have exams next week no i'm sorry 52:54 awesome cool kid good luck good luck you got it hi what's up i'm matt i'm a strokes how 53:00 you doing do the voice fine i'll do one 53:06 i'll do one free girl voice what's up there you go that's all you get 53:13 if you want to redeem it for channel points then i'll do a longer one 53:20 i find it really relaxing for before bed me too dude me too i just got although i'm i kind of like 53:26 i kind of got to the point where i don't even have to do anything you know because i automated like the whole farm like 53:31 i have iridium iridium sprinklers for all my crops so i don't even have to water anything 53:39 sorry we're just talking about stardew there's a crazy video where a female 53:45 swimmer is swimming along with three killer whales swimming right next to her checking her out they're like damn girl 53:52 you got a body that's funny that's funny 54:00 fine rogue banana you're supposed to type something that you want me to say in girl voice 54:06 but if you don't i'll just i'll just say whatever so like yeah here's my voice what's up how are you 54:14 you guys are so cool 54:21 yo i love you and i love your content you have helped me a lot with my female tutorials greetings from argentina yo that's awesome 54:27 paulo i'm so glad i'm so so happy yo aquatic what's good thank you for the 54:33 follow um thank you so much paulo i'm really glad that you enjoyed the tutorials 54:39 that's amazing it's sad but i have no school for the rest of the week so that's good that is 54:45 good good [ __ ] good [ __ ] orca swimming with human why are you so 54:51 slow true why are we so slow 54:57 yo our tech thank you for the fun oh thank you thank you mwah i really appreciate that 55:05 if you want to marry me please put your application and resume on my discord 55:10 thanks yup you gotta apply you gotta apply for the joint wedding 55:21 i think it's crazy how you just do that you're actually the best but that's better not dude nat 55:26 nat is i mean it's different that has like if i'm really practicing i think i have a better like cute ubu voice but 55:34 matt has a better just like woman voice you know what i'm saying 55:40 but that definitely is better at just turning it on and then talking for a really long time you know what i mean 55:47 like matt is super good at turning it on and then just staying that way for like a super long time he's extremely 55:53 talented i'm i have a good like short sweet low uber 56:01 voice but i can't do it very long 56:06 if i'm not a part of it i'll just be i'll be just devastated you'll make it mitch don't worry 56:14 i'm attend the wedding view zoom hell yeah zoom wedding maybe we should have a wedding stream 56:20 where we all get married just you know the whole shebang 56:26 walk down the aisle get a ring have a party sounds fun 56:35 he can't be doing at the moment with that beard i'm hip dude he has a crazy beard right now man's 56:40 man's is versatile he can turn into a totally sexy woman and he can grow a viking beard now that 56:48 is versatility right there 56:54 sorry for not talking much about the stream but it's late i'm going to bed no worries matilda sleep tight thank you so much for 57:00 hanging out it was great to have you see you next time so many people doing the girl voice 57:05 nowadays i know dude not not really started a wave how long did it take you to learn the 57:12 girl voice love your vids by the way yo thank you sam i appreciate that uh how long did it take me to learn the girl 57:17 voice probably like a couple months of just practicing it before i made my first 57:23 video but yeah just like one or two months and you can you care i can watch your 57:29 videos 24 7. yo thank you r tip i'm glad you like the videos 57:36 i have to drive down the aisle true you can get down the aisle however you 57:42 want [ __ ] it you can roll down the aisle for all i care 57:48 dance down the aisle same i can't hold my woman voice that long yeah it takes practice for sure 57:55 who'll be the priest my mom is actually an officiator she's not a priest but she's like a licensed 58:01 officiator or whatever so she could marry us all 58:07 cannot turn into a viking woman that is i guess the real question isn't it 58:13 superman ox always with the good questions where's the holy priest when we need her 58:19 i know right exactly yo what up duke ukum how you living my friend 58:26 i know we need the holy priest to get to to marry us all together yo e blush thank you for the fellow 58:35 my internet is terrible true i'm sorry i hope it gets better 58:46 and how much hours have you practiced today uh when i was practicing it before i made my first video it was like 58:54 it was like one hour at most of just honestly what i it wasn't like a continuous hour it was just like a lot 59:02 of what i did when i was practicing girl voice yo 59:08 arc angel i'm going to use the gel nail kit i send yes i absolutely will definitely when i get the makeover we 59:14 can use the gel nails that would be that would be a great final touch i'm sorry i haven't used it until now 59:20 i absolutely will though thank you so much for the tip archangel i really appreciate that 59:25 um how would your mom feel about marrying you off to all your viewers 59:33 as long as we get a good dowry we're good as long as she gets a huge dowry 59:40 from every one of you every one of you has to come bearing gifts for my father and my mother 59:51 if you want your money to do that you have to first explain this plan to her yeah 59:57 oh we got a fit check we got a future 1:00:16 pajamas you talking pajamas so three chickens in the goat yeah that's that's good enough 1:00:23 good morning rhondella in chat what's up satan how you doing we were just talking about satan 1:00:31 there you go guys there's the devil that i was talking about what's up man how you doing 1:00:38 looking fem well talking fam is hard to find true yo philosopher 1:00:43 thank you for the follow thank you so much if we do a huge group wedding do we get 1:00:50 one week one ring each or do we get one from each other person end up totally blanked yo i think we should do the 1:00:57 second option everyone has to bring a ring for everyone so we're just [ __ ] drippy as hell by 1:01:03 the end of it yeah that's a good idea [Music] 1:01:10 can all of us use this trip fireman pull without angering your mother yeah you guys can use it 1:01:16 yeah you guys can use it she'd be rolling in all the coin exactly ayo you're back what's up pack and gum hell 1:01:22 yeah hi how are you what's up arthur mint i'm doing just fine how are you doing 1:01:28 welcome to stream i can give you the neighbor's goose oh god 1:01:35 i'm absolutely devilish rye how are you in a similar i'm feeling similar 1:01:40 utterly utterly blasphemous if you will that's how i'm feeling 1:01:47 in other words 10 out of 10. 1:01:56 is that miki matsubara play in the back uh i don't know perhaps 1:02:03 it's a so what do you call it 1:02:09 it's it's this future funk in fact 1:02:15 i will link it to you guys if you guys want to see it 1:02:21 that's the playlist 1:02:29 that's what it is we would all have more rings than tom brady 1:02:34 that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about can i get a large poggers in the chat [ __ ] yeah 1:02:40 what's good alars poggers 1:02:47 did you do squats get your buns true yo alarms thank you for the follow my friend thank you appreciate you 1:02:55 legend actual question who's your favorite adventure time character my friends always compare me to [ __ ] i might get 1:03:01 some cute small tattoo of him yo i mean [ __ ] is honestly probably 1:03:07 my top three for sure it's hard to pick a favorite it's like i love finn to the core finn is like i identify a lot as 1:03:15 finn you know what i mean or with finn but [ __ ] might actually be my favorite character or marceline i can't really 1:03:22 decide between those two but dude i love the episodes where [ __ ] just goes off by 1:03:27 himself and just or herself themselves i think they called [ __ ] with him um 1:03:33 even though he's a robot uh but he like has his little adventures with his alter ego football i love those ones 1:03:41 those are some of my favorite episodes what are channel points basically you just earn them by watching the stream 1:03:48 and then you can redeem them for certain stuff 1:03:54 yo first time on stream just want to say you're hella attractive not only looks for your personality and and your way to move wow thank you bro 1:04:01 or girl thank you so much mwah i appreciate that thank you so much 1:04:08 imagine the size of volcano needed for all those rigs lord of the rings joke you nerd no i'm 1:04:15 just kidding i love lord of the rings it's a bit late in germany bye for now 1:04:21 all right slit or sim mwah have a good one sleep tight thank you for chilling 1:04:29 hydration cheers 1:04:42 yo what up hey lars you followed johnny on youtube which is johnny 1:04:50 riley's the wonder of the ball yep you're marrying the chat expect some 1:04:55 dirty things to happen it's all good i'm a nerd through as well i love nerds nerds are my people 1:05:08 it's also like kind of chill to be a nerd these days you know like all e girls are nerds 1:05:13 so it's kind of like it's kind of like hot to be a nerd these days you know what i mean it's in nerdiness 1:05:20 is in finally we've been wait the nerds have been waiting so long for nerdiness to be cool 1:05:28 and it finally is let's go we did it we did it nerds [ __ ] 1:05:35 yeah 1:05:40 i can def see you as fan when he takes off his basket really reveals his long hair yes dude i know god i love that 1:05:47 scene i love that scene so much when he reveals his long hair i'm kind of wearing a fin hat right now actually 1:05:55 if you if you take the face away this is literally finn's hat 1:06:03 holder it's finally our time has come exactly i have a voice question my my talking 1:06:08 voice is so low and raspy so how do you increase pitch not to scare people um 1:06:14 wait what do you mean not to scare people i mean so the way if you if you watch my tutorials 1:06:21 you'll see i have all all sorts of tricks about like you know one the big one that i use to increase 1:06:28 pitch is like pretend like you're gonna cough like but then don't actually 1:06:34 don't actually go through with it just catch the cough in your throat and it's like that muscle that you just contracted that's the one that you use 1:06:41 to control your pitch so but yeah go watch the video on my channel it explains it way better than 1:06:48 i'm doing right now one of your favorite video games 1:06:53 probably minecraft is probably like my favorite one ever or world of warcraft which i'm playing as [ __ ] on right now 1:06:58 wow yup 1:07:04 let's go now only my parents make fun of me not society yes exactly mitch exactly 1:07:12 nerds be feeling like thanos these days seriously dude we got all the power 1:07:18 nerds rule the [ __ ] world i recommend following peace on youtube 1:07:26 okay bought a load of makeup and tried it but i wish i could wear it every day but i 1:07:31 don't have a self-confidence yeah that's fair you'll get there though don't worry it's arthur mint it just takes time 1:07:38 it's like it's literally just exposure therapy like the more you do it the easier it gets so if you just [ __ ] go 1:07:43 out there wearing whatever you want to wear the more you do it the more confident you're going to feel that's how it goes 1:07:51 some people are literally afraid of my voice by how low it really is okay thank you right yeah no problem i mean like 1:07:57 voice voices are tough but at the end of the day you gotta just be 1:08:02 happy with whatever you're born with and change it however you can but you know 1:08:09 certain you know certain things aren't in the cards for everyone 1:08:15 but so i think the most important thing is to be happy with who you are 1:08:21 [Music] you're so cute i'm glad i found you on my youtube page randomly yo i'm so glad 1:08:26 you found me too arteph love you too yo peruto take this yo 1:08:32 thank you for the dollar i really appreciate that thank you pirota i really really appreciate that so much 1:08:38 yo dan dana lyon may dandelion thank you so much 1:08:44 liv laugh hi what up dana lyon how you doing what's good thank you for the follow 1:08:51 or when you're about to drink something yes that's the other that's the other thing you're epic fanboy thanks awesome cool kid i 1:08:57 appreciate that epic them 1:09:03 my dad thinks i'm gay cuz he got my nails polished who cares 1:09:09 who cares man i mean i hope he's not treating you badly because of that but 1:09:16 who cares that's awesome you got your nails done though congrats i hope you enjoyed it i i bet they look 1:09:22 awesome 1:09:28 ever heard corpse husbands voice damn is so low yeah he has like a condition though i'm pretty sure that makes it that low like a medical condition 1:09:35 but yeah that's notes i'm guessing that was one euro translating dollars is that how the euro 1:09:42 is now oh man is the is the 1:09:48 oh wow wow the euro 1:09:53 wait does that mean the euro is is going down 1:10:00 or up i forget either the euro or the dollar is really strong right now in that case i'm not 1:10:06 sure which yo lrt thank you for the follow thank you photo follow 1:10:15 found you on youtube same as found that hell yeah 1:10:21 now he isn't okay that's good like lanius magnus i'm glad 1:10:26 but [ __ ] yeah ponders that you got your nails polished 1:10:39 i dressed up and walked outside last night hell yeah jasmine that's [ __ ] awesome pog 1:10:45 congratulations how did it feel did you feel good were you scared that's okay to be scared that's normal 1:10:52 but i hope it felt good that's awesome a war is messing up the economy uh i see 1:10:58 the euro is inflating faster than dollar okay i got it right because it used to be like a 1:11:04 dollar 25 for one euro yo our tap thank you for the sub thank you so much mwah i 1:11:10 really appreciate that thank you so so much manny petty for the win hell yeah dude 1:11:15 it's like manny for the look but petty for the feels dude getting a pedicure feels so good as long as they're not too 1:11:22 rough i got a pedicure when i was like 14 or something just because like 1:11:28 my my my sister and my mom were getting one and i was like jealous that they were doing [ __ ] without me and i was like 1:11:34 bring me with you and they're like are you sure they're gonna kinda go crazy on your feet i was like yes let's do it 1:11:41 and then i went and they [ __ ] like i was like a little 14 year old gremlin and i was like running around with bare 1:11:47 feet all the time and so my feet were like so gnarly and calloused and the little korean lady there took 1:11:54 one look at it and was like you bastard and then took out her freaking 1:12:00 like rock and just went and just [ __ ] went crazy on my foot 1:12:05 for like an hour and it was really painful and she made him super smooth which i 1:12:11 honestly hated because i was like [ __ ] i didn't know this was going to happen i lost all my padding and now i can't 1:12:18 walk around barefoot as well all my feet hurt all the time so yeah 1:12:23 that's my that was my first experience of getting a pedicure but if they don't go insane on your feet and 1:12:29 they just kind of give you a massage and a foot bath and uh and you know do your nails then 1:12:34 that's nice then that's nice but i don't really like when they bring out the grinding stone 1:12:40 and [ __ ] go crazy on your toes i'm like chill please 1:12:51 that's what interesting interesting 1:12:56 interesting 1:13:05 blondie rock's another fanboy but he went active until july true yeah i heard block i heard blondie rocks 1:13:12 being mentioned a lot in my streams at the beginning but i haven't heard that name in a while get those foot nibbling fish for your 1:13:17 aquarium so true so true fishies 1:13:24 they'd have to bring out power tools to fix my toenails yeah 1:13:30 yeah i did i know they go insane i'm like chill 1:13:35 i like the pads on the bottom of my feet like i like being able to walk around barefoot i don't want them to take it 1:13:41 away you know the rock that's made of sandpaper that [ __ ] kills i know and 1:13:46 they go crazy on you it's like they're angry at you i'm like what did i do to you you tiny lady 1:13:53 you tiny lady that is just ravaging my foot right now like what did i ever do to you 1:14:00 that's how i feel at the dentist sometimes i'm just like what the [ __ ] did i do to 1:14:06 you to deserve this to deserve this torturous stabbing in the [ __ ] mouth 1:14:15 i saw that this kept happening on youtube for some reason some sisters kept doing their brother's makeup and tried turning them into girls i heard 1:14:21 that from another person i saw a screenshot interesting i love that i love that that's a trend 1:14:26 that's great the lady i'm not tiny scrubs more viciously i know exactly 1:14:33 yes they want to inflict pain good thing i'm into that suss 1:14:39 huh 1:14:44 peachy bun make some amazing cross dress cosplay yes peachy bun has great tick tocks 1:14:50 i don't have a socials thing but i do have a links a links thingy if someone wants to do the links 1:14:56 links there you go ta-da 1:15:02 um but what was i going to say 1:15:07 yeah peachy i follow peach on tick tock pg makes awesome tick tocks 1:15:13 thanks for the clarify education and bias are quite oh sorry you guys are having a conversation 1:15:23 i don't know what y'all talking about but sounds nice i love that people can just have a 1:15:28 conversation in my chat yo first time for me when my dad walked in gave me a look just closed the door 1:15:34 and since my parents are just like whatever hell yeah i mean that's kind of like my dad's reaction 1:15:41 it's like it's like you would love for them to be like oh my god you look so good you look amazing you're gorgeous like that would 1:15:48 be obviously ideal but like the first time i wore a dress and makeup and i walked into the kitchen when my 1:15:55 dad saw me the first time i walked in and i was so [ __ ] nervous i was literally shaking in my in my 1:16:01 little boots i wasn't wearing boots but if i would if i was i would have been shaking in him and uh 1:16:07 and he goes hey i was like dad look at me and he was like 1:16:15 you look good and they just kept doing the dishes i was like dad 1:16:20 [ __ ] react harder react harder but he was like oh you look 1:16:26 cute i was like okay well cool i suppose fanboy's a legit career path nowadays 1:16:32 yeah for real it really is 1:16:38 yeah a lot of parents have figured it out for a while yeah 1:16:44 yep i suppose i mean i don't really know if that was it i think my dad is just like 1:16:51 really couldn't care less about anything that you know i mean like he cares but he's 1:16:58 just like i don't know you know he has his priorities a little set a little differently i think 1:17:04 in terms of what he thinks is significant did you tell your dad you were gonna do 1:17:09 it or was it dress complete surprised it was a total surprise that's why i was like bro are you serious i mean maybe he like saw like 1:17:17 he's he he had seen me wearing a crop top with my with my girlfriend before that um 1:17:24 but yeah 1:17:29 parents are smarter than most kids think they are i suppose so i suppose so i know it was actually 1:17:34 crazy dude dude parents have an insane little like 1:17:40 like little antenna you know what i mean i uh one time when i was like 1:17:46 17 i was gonna go i was gonna buy a little weed from 1:17:53 somebody at school because me and my friends were like yo let's [ __ ] smoke weed like some bad kids that sounds sick 1:18:01 um and so but i did i i and i thought i had 1:18:07 twenty dollars in my pocket or in my in my drawer to buy some but i couldn't find it so i was like [ __ ] i need 1:18:13 i need some money to to buy this and so i was like mom i need to buy twenty dollars because i 1:18:19 need to go i'm gonna go get some food with the boys and i and i can't find my money and she was like 1:18:26 are you gonna buy drugs i was like mom of course not i would never do that 1:18:35 i was like how the [ __ ] did you know she literally called my ass out so [ __ ] hard i was like how 1:18:43 in what way did i indicate that that's what i was gonna go do like 1:18:49 there's no way it was actually crazy like she literally can read my eyes like a 1:18:54 book it's nuts 1:19:00 one of my partners came out to their partner says i read that as one of my partners came 1:19:07 out to their partners as gay and i was like that must have been an interesting conversation 1:19:12 um but to parents as gay parents oh you've noticed i'm dead that's hilarious yeah 1:19:19 you oh you noticed oh yeah parents they just they know [ __ ] 1:19:24 if they're paying attention anyway if they're being good parents my mom and sister are super like 1:19:30 homophobic and transphobic it's literally disgusting so they kill me if i found out i'm sorry arthur mint that 1:19:35 sucks i'm really sorry that that's the case for you i really hope that 1:19:40 things change or at least i hope that you can eventually and you will be able to live on your own and so you can do 1:19:46 whatever you want without their judgment but until then i hope it gets better i'm sorry that's horrible 1:19:54 what was her response she was like yeah sure she gave me the she gave me the money but i don't think she believed me 1:20:02 yeah an aunt of mine went up to my grandfather and told him she was lesbian back in the 1950s and he just looked at 1:20:09 her and went i fought in world war ii and you want me to be surprised 1:20:15 oh that's funny yeah i guess he's seen some [ __ ] you know 1:20:20 not much could surprise a world war two veteran i suppose 1:20:31 she could read your eyes yeah before or after the weed it was before 1:20:39 oh man what do you prefer smoking or edibles i prefer 1:20:45 it depends usually smoking probably but i don't like smoking because it 1:20:51 makes my chest hurt sometimes you know i wish it's like it's like 1:21:07 my parents upon me noting i'm not straight cured so little they reacted about as much as your dad did to you coming out as fanboy yeah i know 1:21:15 well or not i know but yeah that's that's that's that's seems about how it goes 1:21:21 these days it's like you know we're all conditioned we're all conditioned i think i think from like growing up 1:21:27 watching tv about kids coming out and their parents are like freaking out and [ __ ] so we 1:21:33 think that's kind of how it's going no matter what but turns out a lot of parents are just like you know i love you no matter what which 1:21:39 is amazing yo absie thank you for the thousand bits that is so nice of you mwah thank you so 1:21:45 much holy [ __ ] that is really really sweet thank you thank you 1:21:51 no smoking for me because asthma dude i've been i've been thinking i might be asthmatic 1:21:56 these days i don't know if it's true can you can you develop asthma 1:22:03 like can you develop asthma as an adult because like i'm like decently in shape but these days when i've been playing 1:22:10 basketball i've been getting so so winded so quickly and it's kind of 1:22:16 concerning and i don't really know why yes you can [ __ ] well maybe i'm freaking 1:22:21 asthmatic now maybe i should see a doctor about that because like i've been like collapsing on the 1:22:27 basketball court because i can't because i like can't get enough air 1:22:35 it's weird coveted side effect i hope not i developed asthma age 23 there was a 1:22:42 particular summer with very poor air quality [ __ ] man i mean i am in new york 1:22:47 and it's smoggy as hell so maybe [ __ ] maybe it was a covet side 1:22:53 effect i did have a really bad covet and it was right in my chest so yo sims 1:23:00 ology simsology thank you for the follow damn maybe it is coveted after effects 1:23:06 that's kind of scary but what are you gonna do gotta roll with the punches 1:23:16 well no wonder parents that are cool with it don't sell as many tickets to the movie theaters appearance where they freak out yeah i suppose that's true 1:23:22 isn't it drama cells baby drama drama drama 1:23:27 i was born with it but you can develop develop it or have it later in life interesting 1:23:33 maybe i should get checked out maybe i should get checked out sports induced asthma yeah 1:23:39 exactly could be coded after effects plus smog yeah kobe does reduce lung capacity 1:23:45 damn man well that would be a bummer but what are you gonna do 1:23:51 [Music] how was new york in the 2021 it was pretty fun 1:23:56 it i mean the summer was fun because we kind of all got vaccinated last summer i mean we all got vaccinated and then we 1:24:02 kind of all thought that kobed was like over because we got vaccinated even though it totally wasn't and like omicron came and 1:24:09 everyone got it but for a moment there we were like yeah vaccine summer whoo 1:24:14 but yeah then it kind of went back to uh covet vibes again which was a bummer but 1:24:19 now we're coming coming out of it again now that it's summertime and maybe we're gonna just do it all over again everyone's gonna go to the beach 1:24:25 and [ __ ] get covered and then we're gonna go on lockdown again maybe that's just how life is forever 1:24:30 now who knows i hope not reduced lung capacity can absolutely be 1:24:37 long oven hopefully not too long oh god hopefully not too long 1:24:43 yeah the pollution definitely doesn't help and smoking i'm also like a casual like i 1:24:48 don't smoke tobacco i've never bought my own cigarettes ever but like every time 1:24:54 i go out with my friends a lot of them smoke cigarettes sometimes so 1:24:59 a lot of times i just like take a little hit of their cigarette just for fun just to get a little a little bit of 1:25:05 that little head rush you know what i mean um so maybe that's affecting my lungs i 1:25:11 don't think so because i only take like one or two hits per week of a cigarette 1:25:18 well i identify as a 300 year old bloodsucker but i'm 47 in human years there you go 1:25:24 there you go the pastor van you do you 1:25:31 you smoke weed i do i do we generally can help with my like if 1:25:37 i'm feeling super anxious a little bit of weed helps with that generally 1:25:43 just a little dick takes the edge off you know calms me down but there was a period in my life 1:25:49 where i was basically like smoking weed like not that long ago 1:25:56 honestly like a year a year ago i was like smoking weed literally from the moment i got up to the moment i go i 1:26:01 went to sleep and that was not good that's not good for your brain so 1:26:08 don't do that but a little bit is nice i think 1:26:14 vaccine doesn't help you from getting infected but it does arm your immune system so it's much faster at curing it yeah exactly 1:26:20 yeah i know and that's the thing dude that's the freaking thing 1:26:26 vaccines don't prevent you getting ill it allows your body to react much faster yeah so that's the thing is that 1:26:32 i was fully vaccinated and i got it really really really bad in my 1:26:40 chest and just in my head and everything so i was like what 1:26:47 would have happened if i wasn't vax i probably would have gotten destroyed like i probably would have gotten 1:26:52 absolutely obliterated probably would have gone to the hospital my chest was like in so much pain that i 1:26:57 was like if it gets any worse i'm literally calling the ambulance because this is super bad so if i wasn't 1:27:03 vaccinated yikes that would have been bad we'd help me with anxiety too yeah i 1:27:09 think it's a good like a little bit of weed is nice just keep keeps your mind off the off the buzziness you know 1:27:16 becoming a fanboy cured you of being a stoner that let that be an inspiration to other pod heads yep 1:27:22 yup does any of your family members have a problem with you uh 1:27:28 i think maybe a couple of them do but they would never say it because all the other ones don't 1:27:34 so yeah but i i i have a pretty catholic family so i think 1:27:41 i think some of them some of my aunts might have a little bit of a 1:27:46 you know side eye vibe when i'm when talking about the stream my stream 1:27:52 and stuff with them but what are you gonna do they were raised a certain way and i can't really change that so 1:28:02 i fake when i overheat outside when it's hot damn that's scary fainting is so scary like you're just standing there 1:28:07 and then you just freaking fall over unconscious that's terrifying 1:28:14 when's your b day it's in august so it's coming up semi soon actually the month after next month 1:28:22 i was on a ventilator the first time second i didn't get as bad damn dude that's gnarly surya louise oh my god i'm 1:28:28 glad you're okay well i hope you're okay you're a bit underweights your immune 1:28:34 system may have been weakened a bit that's true that's actually very true 1:28:40 and it was also really hard to eat during it so that probably didn't help because food tasted like absolute 1:28:47 garbage because i couldn't smell it's not a dress it's a surplice what 1:28:53 does that mean i'm sorry i don't know if my brain's at 1:28:59 high enough capacity to get that joke i'm sure it was a good one though 1:29:04 didn't they know of how you dress yeah pretty much my whole family i mean my my dad brags like it's cute my dad hella 1:29:12 brags about like he's like you know ryan's you know ryan just passed seven million total views on his youtube 1:29:17 channel by the way so like he brags about that to like all of our family it's really cute 1:29:28 i've only fainted twice in my life once when i was drunk and out of my mind the second time i had a blood caught my brain oh my lord 1:29:34 well i hope you're okay gents um but yeah fainting i don't know if i've ever fully fainted 1:29:42 i've gotten uh i've gotten knocked out before 1:29:47 like i got hit in the head with a golf club literally like how comical was that 1:29:56 and literally got hit in the head with a golf club that's so cartoonish but yeah i did and i got knocked out and 1:30:02 i woke up in the bathroom with my sister screaming over me and blood all 1:30:08 over the floor yeah that's why i'm a little bit special 1:30:14 that's why i'm a little bit cuckoo because i got hit in the head with a golf club 1:30:20 that's so cool you're dude proud of your achievements yeah dude i know it's really nice that he's proud of it 1:30:26 who hit you okay so here's the story i'll tell you the story we were we're at summer camp 1:30:33 we're at summer camp and there was like at summer camp they had like a little driving range 1:30:40 for hitting golf club or golf golf balls and like these kids we were all like 1:30:46 that's not how you go clubbing good one um 1:30:52 what was i saying yeah so we were at the summer camp that me and my sister were at we uh they had a driving range there 1:31:00 and it totally wasn't my fault everyone's driving hitting the balls you know everyone's only hitting them like one 1:31:07 feet down the range because none of us know how to hit a freaking golf club by the way dude do you guys know how freaking 1:31:13 hard it is to hit a golf ball with a golf club like hard it's really really difficult 1:31:19 to hit it far like it is so actually hard but anyway continuing the story 1:31:26 the the guy the camp counselor was like alright kids like wrap it up we're done 1:31:32 with the like hit your last ball and we're done we're done with the golf clubs now 1:31:37 and so i was like okay so i hit a golf i hit my last ball i packed up you know the stuff and my 1:31:42 club and i was like you know walking back and this one freaking girl 1:31:48 had to just she was like no i gotta get one more in after everyone was already done and we're all walking back 1:31:54 and she's like look at my swing to her friend and she like drops a ball on the ground and she's like look how good i 1:31:59 got whoo and then i'm walking right behind her right as she does this so she goes 1:32:05 swings it and then boom on the back swing not on the front swing but on the backswing it just goes well bam and just 1:32:12 bonks me right on the top of my head right there i literally remember getting 1:32:17 [ __ ] plonked and then my whole vision just went black and that's and then i literally 1:32:25 the next thing i remember was waking up on the floor of the bathroom yeah dude i got ko'd by a freaking girl with the 1:32:32 club and then and then uh i wake up there's blood all over the 1:32:38 [ __ ] bathroom my sister's standing over me like he's dead you killed my brother the other girl was like why were 1:32:45 you walking there i was like [ __ ] he told us that we were done you're the one 1:32:52 who is still swinging and then the camp counselor runs in and he's like what the [ __ ] happened and 1:32:58 uh so yeah then they called the hospital and i got and i got an ambulance and i 1:33:03 got stitches in my head and it was all good but yeah anyway that's the story of how i got freaking ko'd by a golf club 1:33:10 it was wild dude that's my sister's immediate reaction he's dead i know literally 1:33:18 he's dead now 1:33:28 what's your sexual preference i like girls generally i think some boys are cute but 1:33:33 i think i definitely have a feminine preference 1:33:41 do you have a hole in your head yeah basically ubu golf exactly i know i think it's i 1:33:48 think it's only mini golf for me from now on uh 1:33:54 that's one time i got knocked out i actually got knocked out another time 1:34:00 because i just [ __ ] you know do you guys know what skim boarding is 1:34:05 oh we got it oh well to be fair girls are pretty cute i know 1:34:10 right i love girls dude i love girls so much they're so girly and cute and hot 1:34:17 they're just amazing oh god sometimes i just get into that 1:34:22 vibe where i'm like girls are just gods 1:34:29 i like girls unless they hit me with a [ __ ] golf club seriously no actually 1:34:34 though actually though 1:34:41 i got a thick skull fell on ice cracked the ice but nothing to me holy [ __ ] that's tough that is awesome hit with an 1:34:47 aluminum aluminum pipe bent the pipe holy [ __ ] damn jandre lune that's awesome 1:34:55 you got a freaking iron head over there that's amazing you're like tanjiro 1:35:01 who gets that reference you can you're like tanjido 1:35:08 oh that's awesome that was an excellent ubu thank you i 1:35:14 appreciate it guy asked ryan ali out right now 1:35:21 put on this dress and then we'll talk 1:35:28 though oh i'm like okay 1:35:34 you gotta do something about this then maybe we can talk i punched a steel beam and dented it god 1:35:40 damn what do we what do we have freaking the fantastic four in our chat right now 1:35:46 what is happening jesus yo this is reminding me 1:35:52 superhero vibes i know everyone freaking hulk out here kawaii 1:35:59 i don't know if that's exactly what you wanted but there you go um 1:36:05 ah what was i gonna say dude these us talking about super powers 1:36:11 this reminded me of um this reminding me of 1:36:17 when i'm watching these days which is misfits have you guys seen that show it's not a show that i normally would 1:36:23 like but i feel like i'm kind of in my dark comedy vibes and so i really like it 1:36:30 and they all have weird powers anyway i just reminded me of that 1:36:37 i don't know have you ever had a guy hit on you i have actually literally this last 1:36:43 weekend i was dressed in the in the out this outfit that i just showed you guys 1:36:48 i was dressed in this outfit and i was at the bar and i was watching 1:36:54 the finals the nba final game the game three or something 1:37:00 at the bar and i was by myself waiting for my friend 1:37:05 and i was sitting there and like this and i was like really intently watching basket or watching the game and 1:37:12 so i was like really focused on it um and then and so and then this guy kind of like 1:37:19 like sits down next to me and i don't really take notice of him because i'm just like watching the game like super hard 1:37:24 and then eventually he's like uh who are you supporting and i was like honestly i hate both of 1:37:30 these teams i just love basketball or i was like i just hate both of these both of these teams um so i'm just kind of 1:37:36 neutral and he was like damn so you must really like basketball and i was like yeah i really do like it 1:37:41 like i play a lot music oh my god you play like that's so badass for like like i don't know many girls who 1:37:47 play and at this point i totally didn't know if he like knew if i was like a girl or not you 1:37:54 know what i mean like i totally had no idea um but i kind of seemed like he didn't he 1:38:00 kind of seemed like he thought i was just a girl because he was like holy [ __ ] like i don't mean many girls who play who play basketball i was like yeah i 1:38:06 like you know i just i i didn't correct him i was like yeah like i just i like go to the park you know just play 1:38:12 with the play play the boys or whatever and he was like um he's like wow that's so cool and then he 1:38:18 just started like asking me questions about like my life and then he and then like you know whatever but then i was 1:38:24 like i didn't really know if he was hitting on me or not but then i knew he was when he got up and he went out he 1:38:30 walked to go outside and he like tapped me on the shoulder and he was like hey i'm gonna sit outside with my friends we got plenty of seats so and he just like 1:38:37 gave me a look and i was like all right thank you like thanks for the offer but i'm gonna watch you it was just like i 1:38:44 was like bro it was hilarious uh 1:38:49 but okay here's the thing though he was like significantly older than me 1:38:56 to the point where i was like i was like this is interesting i don't 1:39:02 know i've never been i've never been hit on by someone outside of my age bracket like that it was like i didn't really 1:39:08 know how to react um but you know it was as as with all all 1:39:14 times when you get hit on but you're not interested it's still flattering you know what i mean you're like 1:39:20 i appreciate you i appreciate you for acknowledging my 1:39:26 acknowledging me or whatever you know what i mean anyway 1:39:36 what kind of powers do you like uh let's see dude oh my god well no spoilers but i 1:39:43 just found out what nathan's power is oh by the way yo if we're talking about boys i think are cute nathan 1:39:50 nathan and misfits that is a cute boy god damn that is a cute boy for sure so hey 1:40:00 you know but um 1:40:06 but alicia see nathan's cute alicia though is [ __ ] hot 1:40:21 the invisible guy is cuter yo that is a hot take drawli i mean nathan's also a dick so i i can 1:40:28 understand that i can understand that uh that vibe 1:40:34 or that that take but it's interesting because they do their best to make him unattractive like the invisible guy has 1:40:40 an insane haircut like he has like they they literally because he obviously 1:40:45 is a good-looking dude but they made it they they did their very best in that oh 1:40:51 my god that's why i don't like him he's ramsey bolton 1:40:56 holy moly that's why i don't i was like why do i hate this guy 1:41:03 holy [ __ ] dude i didn't realize that that's who that that's who the invisible 1:41:09 guy is he's ramsay bolton ramsay bolton is it's just the actor 1:41:16 that plays the invisible guy in misfits plays ramsey bolton who's like the worst 1:41:21 [ __ ] person in the whole world on game of thrones and i was like why do i not like this character and it's 1:41:28 because i had to watch him like cut off someone's balls 1:41:33 you know what i'm saying like i had to watch that guy do some [ __ ] [ __ ] so i'm like why don't i like him that's 1:41:41 why hey yo yeah ao that's what i'm talking about 1:42:03 bro that [ __ ] that [ __ ] scarred me i did not like that part of game of thrones 1:42:08 god damn that [ __ ] scarred the [ __ ] out of me you say cut off someone's balls like 1:42:13 it's a bad thing i am confused yeah i suppose for for the trans girls in chat that might 1:42:19 sound like a good deal actually i'm dead 1:42:27 or for just for the transforms in general he's probably one of the nicest guys in 1:42:33 real life yeah right i feel like that's always how it goes i feel like that's always how it goes 1:42:40 i got hit on a target i just kept walking true dude so the other thing that was happening to 1:42:45 me when i'm a girl mode is i get like cat called on the street and like dude it's 1:42:52 because because i know that like most of these like 1:42:57 crusty dudes on the street who are cat calling me if they really step to me that i could like 1:43:02 beat the [ __ ] out of them or outrun them you know like i don't actually feel unsafe when i get catcalled but 1:43:10 it's like it's like a weird feeling because i'm like trying to pass as a girl when i'm in girl mode or whatever 1:43:16 and they like cat call me so i'm like a like validating you know what i mean 1:43:22 but like be creepy but it's like those two feelings are so conflicting and so i just feel like i have a lot of 1:43:28 empathy for like like i used to think like you know my ex would get catcalled and i'd be like why 1:43:35 didn't you like you know flip him off or like say [ __ ] you or like why did you just like 1:43:40 whatever you know what i mean uh but i get it now like i actually get it 1:43:45 now a cause it's kind of scary you don't want to like piss them off but like b it's like slightly validating you know 1:43:52 what i mean even if it's toxic and gross it's validating to get catcalled 1:43:58 um but anyway that was just an interesting observation i had 1:44:03 from being on the street 1:44:12 have you heard of the cheese joke between nathan and the visible dude yet it's my favorite no i don't think i'm there quite yet 1:44:20 i don't think i'm there quite yet but i'm happy i'm happy that nathan and the invisible 1:44:26 dude are becoming friends now when i was 12 i went to a water park and 1:44:33 old man cursed me out for stacking the tubes that sucks 1:44:41 dude water park i haven't thought about a water park in so long holy [ __ ] i want to go to a water park dude that's 1:44:47 a great it's a great idea maybe we should do a water park stream yo if i could get the gopro 1:44:55 or some kind of camera set up and put the gopro in the in the waterproof container take it down the slide with me 1:45:01 that would be sick that would be awesome 1:45:07 microaggressions suck yeah for sure at least you get cheap sandwiches to balance it out yeah that's that's true 1:45:14 girl water park stream yeah anime i like his demon slayer the most 1:45:20 funny characters oh no dude i love demon slayer and i love enosuke especially because enos k is like a femboy well 1:45:26 he's not really trying to be his face just looks like a beautiful girl just without even trying 1:45:33 i love that i love that they made that character choice and i love my favorite part about inosuke 1:45:39 is that he doesn't know why people always stare at his face like he doesn't know that his face is like a gorgeous 1:45:44 girl's face like he takes off his his mask thing and he's always like why are you staring at 1:45:49 me i love that i love it so much he's like 1:45:54 what it's so funny dude 1:46:00 it's so funny 1:46:08 dude wait did someone get my tanjido joke earlier someone said they had someone said they dented a 1:46:14 an aluminum tube with their head and i was like just like tangido 1:46:22 but they might need to think carefully about swim skirt riding up with going down the water slide possibly 1:46:28 that's what the tube is for that's what the tube is for 1:46:34 i i do not like water slides unless i'm in a tube because otherwise you just get your back like raked by the little 1:46:41 seams in the slide you know what i mean um don't forget the cosplay i sent you oh i 1:46:46 haven't forgot about m zinker do not worry about it we're definitely doing no skate cosplay 1:46:54 sunflower check this out look at look at what look at what i got 1:47:02 [Music] 1:47:20 yeah yeah yeah 1:48:02 i've even practiced or fighting oh yeah yeah i studied the blade 1:48:07 well you were busy those are my such a funny joke dude well you were 1:48:13 busy in school getting grades i was studying the blade 1:48:20 ceiling is very afraid indeed it is indeed it is you have the sword i know 1:48:26 dude i have a sword i actually have two i have both of his swords i got both of them 1:48:34 bionicle more edgy so true i mean ninjago is ninjago is pretty edgy 1:48:41 too though bionicles are sick though i'd be down to get a bionicle 1:48:48 and build it on stream i do love bionicles 1:48:54 how many stars in total now it's like freaking like eight yo it drags in dragon cross thank you so 1:49:00 much um thank you so so much thank you follow 1:49:08 uh still haven't hung him up on the wall i know dude i know i've been procrastinating on that eight let's see 1:49:14 okay maybe not eight about one 1:49:21 two three four five six 1:49:31 okay not eight not eight six we got six swords 1:49:36 including including the big including the big buster some foam sword but six is pretty sick 1:49:44 six is pretty damn sick six is sick 1:49:51 can't really turn it up uh turn up to hear you right now wait am i quiet or is that on your end 1:49:58 do you ever play any instruments oh yes so i have uh 1:50:04 just making sure there's nothing that i don't want you guys to see over there 1:50:09 i have my keyboard over there and um 1:50:14 wait hello can you thank you i have my keyboard over there and i've been practicing i've been doing 1:50:21 lots of lots of drills music drills um 1:50:27 why did the music go away music i've been doing lots of piano drills so 1:50:32 i am yeah i'm practicing that i used to play piano when i was a kid but i'm really rusty but i've been doing like 1:50:38 the like the drills where you go like 1:50:43 but then you go like where you do like two beats on one and 1:50:50 one beat on the other so you can like practice doing things at the same time with both hands um 1:50:56 so yeah i've been getting good at that it's actually an aquarium it's not a terrarium if you i just you know my 1:51:03 water is just that clean but yeah um 1:51:09 i haven't gotten a pedal for the keyboard yet i really need to get that but 1:51:14 sorry i'm totally adhd right now i'm trying to paint like seven different things i'm watching youtube video watching this hell yeah blue eye wolf 1:51:19 that's awesome hey right now i got a question for you shoot go for it ask me anything love 1:51:26 did we see the top of sharky's head oh did we where's sharky yet where the freak is sharky at 1:51:41 shark is back sorry sharky sharky was having a pow wow with 1:51:49 toast and waffle over there 1:51:56 what would you but not want us to see i don't know 1:52:03 but i don't know you know just got to be sure when you're on stage in front of 100 1:52:09 people you got you got to make sure that that everything's in order if you will i got 1:52:15 a few stores myself one katana one chris one spanish broadsword one bat left a fake french cutlass and a short sword 1:52:22 hell yeah blade is real but hilt pummel grip is not got it that's awesome gender elune sounds like your swords are like 1:52:28 real swords like my swords are technically real swords because they're like they're made out of steel but they're prop they're definitely 1:52:35 overall prop swords like i think if i hit it i think i've hit any of these swords against a wall that they would probably 1:52:40 break but they're certainly sharp um and i could certainly stab someone with it if i wanted to 1:52:49 hey no he's wearing a skirt yeah i know uh uh 1:52:56 [Music] 1:53:02 i was more i was more trying to make i was more looking at if there was anything tls like like i have 1:53:08 a like a bong or like a water pipe for smoking weed so i like i was making sure 1:53:14 that that wasn't on stream for for tos or whatever you know what i'm saying 1:53:26 any sword you hit against a wall is not good for the sword yeah that's true 1:53:34 oh man what do you think about florida trying to get drag band obviously they're stupid as hell like are you 1:53:40 kidding me it's ridiculous let people wear what they want to wear 1:53:45 let people do what they want to freaking do i love drag i love rupaul's drag race 1:53:50 great tv great tv right there great content um but yeah that sucks have you ever 1:53:56 been to the uk i was when i was like literally six months old 1:54:03 i was in london but other than that no i went to ireland with my family but that's not in the uk 1:54:09 we did go through northern ireland for like a second so i guess i was technically in the uk for a second 1:54:17 but uh no so the answer basically is no i've never really visited or traveled the uk 1:54:25 um but yes kind of sad that sword has gone to the 1:54:30 grave now wait which one oh sorry i didn't read the one before that my granddad was buried in his military dress uniform 1:54:36 complete with saber and all yo that's kind of awesome but yeah that is sad the sword is gone 1:54:42 but [ __ ] i'd like to be buried all dressed up like that 1:54:48 bury me in my dress [ __ ] dude that's a good song name 1:54:54 yo i was thinking of once i get once i get back into playing piano i was thinking 1:55:02 i was um i was what was i saying i totally got distracted 1:55:08 it went away my train of thought left the station and i didn't get on the train what was i saying oh yeah i got once i 1:55:15 get good at getting piano playing piano again i kind of want to uh release some music 1:55:22 like or not release just make some music and then like show you guys like not release it but just like make some songs 1:55:28 and um and that's a great song name dude bury me in my dress i'm gonna make a song 1:55:34 called bury me in my dress it's a great name for a song 1:55:40 finster seems to think that showing vases on stream is okay i have my doubts but he's got away with it so far okay 1:55:46 well maybe it is maybe it is maybe it is okay i mean that might be kind of fun maybe for the 24 hour stream you can 1:55:53 we can get a little get a little buzzy if you know what i'm saying 1:55:58 hello buzzy you could use your own music for your streams true 1:56:05 very true oh man oh look at that that's almost been two 1:56:12 hours wow that went by quickly yeah concert stream once i get more confident but not yet 1:56:20 okay i think that's gonna do it for me for today thank you guys so much for watching i'm 1:56:26 sorry i've been gone so much but i promise i promise promise promise we are back on schedule now we're back in 1:56:34 business we're returning to the stream freaking routine we're gonna get dolled 1:56:40 up we're gonna look like asana hopefully next time if the wig comes tomorrow we're gonna get all dressed to the nines 1:56:47 and do lightning flash awesome cosplay on on friday um but otherwise either way we'll wear some cute you know we'll 1:56:53 figure it out but yeah this friday we're streaming we're back on schedule we're all good so 1:57:00 yes but it was so good to have you guys here thank you so so much for chilling with 1:57:06 me i love you so much you guys are amazing literally you guys make my day 1:57:11 so much better it was so nice to read all of your wonderful messages and just hang out with you wonderful 1:57:17 people so get out there you know the drill follow your dreams be yourself do what you want 1:57:23 to do be who you want to be wear what you want to wear and most importantly do not care what people say about you 1:57:29 because it doesn't matter one bit all right we love you i love you 1:57:35 the community is here for each and every one of you if you're ever feeling down so much love one one one hugs and kisses 1:57:43 i'm glad i could maybe make some of your guys day better you certainly made my day better so have a good one besties 1:57:50 exactly thank you so much you guys are the best all right is there anyone we want to raid or anything like that let's 1:57:57 see let's take a gander let's take a gander let's see 1:58:04 oh we could raid zoe we haven't read zoe in a while we haven't rated zoe since like 1:58:09 literally forever so let's do that that would be fun raid 1:58:15 zoey boom 1:58:20 all right guys go say hi to zoey give her some love 1:58:25 and or give him some love i'm not actually sure what pronouns they go by these days but 1:58:30 yes give him some love join the discord follow my stuff i love you guys so much thank you so 1:58:37 much for hanging out bye