6:11 hello what is up everybody hello hello how are we doing today 6:21 what is up what is up welcome everybody thank you so much for joining me it is a 6:28 wonderful monday afternoon here in brooklyn new york sorry that i had to cancel yesterday's 6:34 stream i just had a little bit of a little bit of an extra lit weekend so i had to take the day 6:41 off but we're back it's monday we're feeling good how are you guys doing thank you so much for joining me today it's so good to have you all what is up what is up thomas ethereal pineapple j 6:52 peter sasuke one two three novas mega root jb peters kurub ethereal super minox jens yorkshire 6:58 h.r buffett stuff crj eugene perotto amy kchd for atlas how you doing everybody how you doing atlas 7:06 what's up matilda what is up thank you guys so much for joining me it is so good to have you all 7:13 hugs and kisses i hope you all had a wonderful weekend i hope you all had a wonderful weekend did 7:20 you get sunburned no i did ah maybe i did a little bit maybe i did a little bit it is quite sunny to 7:26 these days oh yeah you know what i did a little bit get sunburned i didn't even notice that um but yeah it is quite sunny here these days i made it out to the beach yesterday with some 7:36 friends which was super fun um at like you know we did like a little sunset sunset beach vibe 7:44 and it might have gotten a little bit sunburnt but here we are the new subscriber badges are so cute thank you thomas i'm so glad you think so i'm so glad you think so i agree um yes i i 7:56 agree the so the like i had to get rid of two of them just because like the the crystal one and the 8:01 galaxy one just looked too close to the original ones so i had to get rid of it but uh yeah we have 8:07 the little fairy the little fairy ones with it which i think are super cute what's up brian alley what's up frizzy how you doing i'm doing just fine thank you so much for joining us sun is out he's 8:18 out to get us these past couple days it really is it really is hi ron ali good to see you take 8:23 a day off whenever you need to thank you so much thank you thank you yeah it's it's nice it's like 8:29 it's great to just be able to you know like come and turn on my stream at any time and have you guys come hang out with me it really is such a blessing it's so much fun oh my god i love you 8:37 at ali what's up ethereal how you doing it's so good to have you guys you're so cute thank you 8:43 thank you so much i really appreciate that yo your rocco thank you for the follow 8:48 hello i finally can see one of your videos i love you yo what is up dude thank you so much for joining oh my god crj thank you so much thank you so so much crj that is so sweet of you 9:01 thank you so much for the five subs i really really appreciate that that is so generous happy s l yugi no vulcan pit pad all y'all just got a sub hell yes thank you so so much 9:13 mwah that is so sweet crj thank you so so much this is my first stream of yours yes let's go 9:19 ethereal that is awesome yo oh my goodness super minoxis whoa thank you so much that is so sweet 9:27 thank you so much super minox that is so so nice of you i really appreciate that oh my god kohlru 9:34 peachy hey pizza bun you just got a sub zombie master amazing oh mike you guys you guys thank you 9:42 so much jens as well with the five subs thank you so so much a large you just got a sub let's [ __ ] 9:50 go dude lanza gentarz the chemical paper goddamn all of y'all just got a sub thank you so much 9:58 and minox again gifting one to ethereal thank you so so much mwah that is so so sweet of you guys i 10:04 really really appreciate it yo pendragon yo is that a reference to uh to house moving castle 10:10 because if it is hell yeah love howl's moving castle um oh my goodness what is happening you 10:17 guys are crazy dude you guys are actually crazy bjorn thank you so much thank you so so much 10:26 you guys are literally so generous oh my god i feel so spoiled right now thank you so much 10:31 what's up anastasia how you doing welcome to the stream it's so good to have you guys what the hell 10:37 is that right only turning heads you know that's what i do i'm in the business of turning heads 10:44 that's my job description head turner that sounds weird whatever 10:51 yo level high vibration already i'm saying dude i'm saying thank you guys so much looking cute 10:56 today thank you fry i appreciate that thank you so so much you guys are just so [ __ ] sweet 11:02 oh my goodness fit check time what's up kuru here we go 11:16 oh my goodness and isaac as whoa isaac thank you so much thank you so so much i appreciate that 11:24 thank you for the five subs that is so generous thank you so much 11:54 us 12:02 i'm feeling this one to be quite honest to be quite honest i am feeling this outfit i am absolutely feeling this outfit 12:11 adorable fit thank you slay i know right i know right thank you ethereal i appreciate 12:16 that close the drawer which drawer is there an open drawer okay i'll close it i got you 12:32 kaboom you look so good at that thank you yuriko i appreciate that 12:38 thank you guys so much feeling it and rocking it thank you so much hydration cheers 12:49 dude these little straps just do not want to stay up ever maybe i should tighten it a little bit 12:55 excuse you missy you better behave yourself 13:04 alrighty there we go kaboom that that fit though thank you ian donnelly i know 13:11 i love this fit it's such a good one especially with the especially with the old what do you call it yo jay foresty thank you for the five 13:20 subs oh my goodness thank you so much mwah thank you thank you thank you that is so so sweet 13:28 i really appreciate that thank you so much hey victor of sedan i've seen you around here a lot thank you so much you just got a sub yo mazda thank you for the follow uh riley ryan you just 13:38 got a sub chi khan vampire blood kuromi all y'all just kind of stuff hell yeah thank you so much 13:44 yo and one two three nova thank you for the 50 bits that is so sweet mwah you guys you guys 13:50 are so nice to me oh my goodness thank you so so much um but yeah i actually wore this fit out with 13:57 some of my friends the other night because as we know we are currently in girl month so i did wear 14:04 this pretty much almost this exact fit there was like i think i was wearing different shoes maybe 14:09 but i just got these shoes and i think it really completes i think it really completes it all 14:18 um 14:32 i feel like i haven't uh i feel like i haven't really delved into outfits with 14:38 the black thigh highs but i really like the look i think it's i think it's really fun 14:47 like i feel like i only ever used to do like pink pink striped thigh highs and like you know white thigh highs but now with the black ones is open up a whole 14:56 a whole window of opportunity for outfits i'm very excited they do look great thank you anastasia 15:04 oh yeah shoes work nicely back black canvas shoes the white birds would work too yes indeed indeed 15:09 oh yeah those would have been nice that that also would have been nice with this outfit i got a similar pair but in all black however i most mostly wear my platform boots yeah well i 15:19 as you know i have no shortage of platform boots and the one thing that i have an excess of in my life is is platform high ankle boots 15:30 yo i roll up my t-shirt sleeves what's good thank you for the follow i really appreciate that 15:38 send ideas for shoes for fun boy is kind of a problem because then we have formal man shoes honestly like sneakers like these dude like just like sneakers like these 15:46 work so well with like any outfit so yeah this is what i would recommend just like a normal white 15:53 sneaker or a black sneaker but just like yeah i feel like that is what honestly goes with like 16:00 any outfit a choker would go very well should we do a choker let's do a choker we'll add a choker 16:15 oh 16:48 okay let's see 16:54 i can't find the little unfortunately i can't find a little heart choker so we're just gonna have to do one of these but that's okay 17:15 ta-da 17:20 i think the joker works good call good call good idea 17:28 perfect 17:37 i demand goth right ollie yes i know honestly i don't know why but these days i've been in my kind 17:44 of like i've been in my my villain arc you know what i mean my little dark comedy arc i'm feeling 17:50 i'm feeling a little dark these days so the goth like the goth fits used to not really like 17:57 be my thing because i'm just like i don't know it doesn't really vibe with how i'm feeling but these days i'm feeling more and more goth so maybe i should start doing some goth fits because i think 18:07 it would actually match my match my you know mood these days a little more than usual flex check 18:17 kaboom kaboom there you go the guns the guns they're honestly not looking quite as 18:25 as swole as they normally are i've been a little bit reclusive these days 18:32 oh i need more water back 18:48 so 19:07 nice 19:14 looking good ryan alley thank you morty bff i appreciate that welcome to the stream 19:22 how is the t-shirt you have called this is just a normal t-shirt that i cut into a crop top which you can't see because it's tucked into the little dress 19:30 um but yeah it's just a little crop top vibes how old are you i'm in my early 20s if you're in your villain our cat one of the villains just saying yeah subtle 19:40 subtle suggestion there's crj honestly not a bad idea catwoman would be a sick cosplay 19:45 baggy sleeves kind of downplay the guns yeah it's true i know i it's like i i feel like i go 19:51 through phases of liking baggy sleeves and baggy shirts versus like tight sleeves and tight shirts 19:57 i don't know man style is so hard it's like i feel like before when i was just a little skater boy i 20:05 totally knew exactly what my style was uh but then i was like but now that i'm like you know 20:11 like wearing whatever go clothes and stuff i just have no idea what i actually like to wear anymore 20:16 you know what i mean it's like some days i want to look like an amorphous black like villain 20:24 blob that like you can't even really perceive my exact form and then other days i want to be like 20:31 so colorful and candy-like that your eyes are literally like sticky just by looking at me you 20:37 know what i mean it's like i either want to just be not perceived at all like i want to be a shadow 20:43 or i want to be like a lollipop and i can't really decide which one of those i actually like to be 20:50 and maybe it's just that i have to get up every day and decide which i suppose that's fine as well 20:57 eat your dinner silly dentist wait what is that 21:03 what context is that from jp peters but anyway there you go yo james sparkles thank you the 21:08 1500 bits thank you so much i really appreciate that mwah thank you so so much pastel goth works 21:17 works for you pretty well yeah i suppose i suppose pastel goth is kind of like the uh in between 21:24 between wanting to look like a lollipop and wanting to be like a shadow of a person you 21:29 know so yeah maybe pastel goth is the vibe that i should go for yo okay the great thank you for the 21:34 follow thank you so much more choices available the harder it is to choose yep i suppose so 21:40 i suppose so yeah because that's what that's partly what it is it's like boy clothes it's 21:46 like yeah you can have variations of like you know pants and a t-shirt but at the end of the day most 21:52 boy clothes are just like pants in a shirt you know what i mean so like it's kind of easy to decide what you want to look like when those are your only options ryan aka mommy it's always good 22:02 to see you i'm glad i found you i hope you i hope you know how much you appreciate yo james 22:07 sparkles thank you so so much i hope you know how much you were appreciated just for being here and also for the donation thank you so so much mwah i really really appreciate that thank you thank you 22:19 we're going to get randolli and some sundresses for summer sundresses or pog they really are i wore a sundress the other day um it was the one that someone sent me to uh to take 22:28 degrees which i did and i and i wore one day and it was very fun um that shopping photo was 22:33 awesome maybe post it to twitter instagram even our cross dressing perhaps perhaps yeah i don't know i feel like yeah i i yeah i know i need to post my pictures more i just 22:43 get i just get like self-conscious because it's like i know that you guys my you know my team my 22:49 squadron are gonna be supportive of me no matter what so like posting in discord is like i don't 22:56 know a little less scary than posting to like some forum or something yeah like r cross dressing or 23:01 or instagram because it's just like i don't know it's a little more exposed but like my 23:06 discord is just like my [ __ ] team my people so it's always like a little less scary to do that 23:12 um but you're right i should i should get out there i should get out there and post some stuff 23:17 candyland versus adam's family exactly yes these are my these are my two dilemmas right now 23:23 have you tried search have you ever tried search for styles uh dark clothing for ideas 23:30 yeah i mean we've done a lot of searching around um it's just a matter of like i don't exactly 23:36 yeah it's just like i like all the all these things but i don't know exactly which one is like my style you know what i mean when a girl would start always like hearing about 23:45 your adventures in public as a girl yeah i mean it's always been fun oh we got a fit check time 24:05 oh 24:44 i hear you about it being scary but honestly that photo is really good thank you crj thank you so much i know i should have more confidence i should have more confidence you mentioned merch 24:54 back then how's it going though would love some randolly merch okay so the merch is on its way it's like the thing with the merch is i just like i just have anxiety it's so hard to like finish a 25:05 project you know what i mean like i have all this anxiety about like what you guys would like and wanting to make someone that everyone would like to wear and all that stuff so like yeah 25:16 i think i just it's like it's it's basically done it's basically ready to be released but i just have like this hang up about like the anxiety of just like sending it out there 25:26 you know what i mean i don't know it's hard i'll get there though it'll come it'll come 25:32 oh it's a cute dance time let me let's let's turn out the music a little bit 25:47 oh song's over next song 26:06 oh 26:30 oh 26:41 please 26:54 me 27:13 me yo brain fishes oh my goodness thank you for nine months of positive vibes and happy 27:27 feels thank you brain fishes for nine months of supporting me that's so sweet of you thank you thank you yo austin thank you for the follow mwah thank you brain fishes i really appreciate 27:37 that nine months baby hell yeah you just got the new badge let's go thank you so so much 27:47 i know i'm shedding the outfit i know these these straps they really no matter what i do i don't know if it's like because i have wider shoulders than they expected for the person to 27:58 be wearing this outfit or not i'm not really sure what it is but at the end of the day they're gonna 28:03 fall off my shoulders yo james sparkles thank you so much thank you so so much mwah i really 28:10 appreciate that thank you so so much you need different shoes personally i disagree i think 28:15 these shoes work perfectly with this outfit yo thank you so much james sparkles that is so nice marky tigger you just gotta sub hell yeah hell yes cross the straps on the back i suppose that's 28:27 i suppose that's an option i don't know if they go loose enough for me to do that though to be honest 28:41 fall off sure what you think i'm just taking them off my purpose 28:47 i'm a big fan of you made my day when i was watching videos on youtube yo that's awesome vampire blood i'm so so happy that's amazing that's literally so amazing 29:02 dude guys i have to tell you about i have to tell you about this youtube comment i got the other day or today i saw it this morning this morning i opened up i generally like most mornings like 29:13 open up my my youtube feed and see if there's any particularly sweet comments because if someone's 29:18 like really nice like i usually i tend to either like give them a like or or reply to their comment on youtube so there was um there was this comment so i was scrolling through just to see if 29:28 there's anyone that you know was particularly nice today and i saw i saw this comment that was like 29:37 i'm waiting i'm i'm they were like i'm waiting at the bachelor party for my wedding 29:44 and i watched your video and you're making me question everything i every decision i've ever made about my sexuality and my marriage and everything and i was like bro what 29:56 i was like you can't be you can't be giving me that responsibility right now like go get married what are you talking about like 30:07 like i don't i don't want to take the responsibility of ruining someone's marriage you know what i mean like i don't want that on my hands like oh my god dude it was it was 30:17 funny though i was like i hope you're joking i was like if this made you question your marriage then 30:24 clearly you pray you probably should have been getting married in the first place 30:31 burgers are just a vibe yeah true that choker is cuter on you than the others thank you yeah i know the choker this joker 30:39 is a cute vibe huh plot twist they're not watching the stream where they should be on their honeymoon yeah exactly i know ending marriages before they even start 30:47 it's all my fault it's all my fault you guys i'm a homewrecker that's that's who i am now that's 30:56 that's what it ruined my marriage right now no dude i don't want that to be my legacy just rynali ruiner of marriages 31:09 oh god hi what up rule how you doing how you doing you generally do make me question my sexuality 31:17 though you know and that's like a good thing as long as that you know as long as there's well 31:24 that's a good thing in general as long as it's you know yo kef stickles thank you for the follow as 31:30 long as you're not already like committed to someone else you know what i mean like 31:36 oh man yo james sparkles thank you so much can you blow a kiss okay sure 31:45 there you go thank you so much for the 10. thank you thank you thank you i really appreciate that that is so sweet um but yeah it's like i generally i think it's a good thing to you know 31:58 have your have your predisposed notions about gender and sexuality to be questioned i think 32:04 that's definitely a good thing but like i i just i don't want to like you know infringe on 32:10 someone's peaceful life it's like they're happily married or they're like happily in a relationship and then like i'm the wrench that gets thrown into that like i don't want that on my hands you know 32:20 what i mean yo mr bedbugs thank you for the follow i appreciate that so much thank you thank you 32:27 and um thank you so much for the follow i really really appreciate that given you've created over 32:33 20 000 marriages the other stream i think you're allowed to wreck one that's fair that's fair 32:38 yo chartmaster thank you for the sub thank you so so much i really appreciate that 32:46 yeah no worries i don't understand help me what do you need help with kef stickles what do you need help with we're here for you we got you 32:55 i don't question my sexuality i saw you and i was more than trying bisexual well there you go there you go i'm glad i can help you figure that out you eureka that's awesome that's awesome 33:07 yo dartmaster thank you so much for the gifted sub i really really appreciate that 33:15 i mean if i was a gay man then it'd probably be better to know at this point than later i know that yeah it's like at the end of the day at the end of the day i do think it's a good thing for 33:25 you know anyone to realize who they truly are like and if i'm the person to 33:31 help them do that then great news like i'm really happy that that's the case but like 33:36 i just feel like somehow when people say like i was happily in a relationship until you came 33:42 along i'm like wait why is that my fault like i didn't mean to do that you know what i mean like 33:49 it makes me feel somewhat responsible even though i know i shouldn't feel that way um but yeah 34:00 if you're if you question your sexuality gender and decide that your old notion was correct good for you you've heard a verified patch yeah right you've heard of yeah you get a check mark kaboom 34:09 so much in life i'm just looking for answers some vague philosophical stuff hey fair enough fair enough as as are we all i think 34:19 i feel like most of what i do during the day is to just like distract myself from the like existential dread of like why the [ __ ] do i exist you know what i mean 34:30 including this so thank you guys for helping distract myself from that but yeah i hear you 34:36 kept stickles philosophical stuff definitely definitely is something on my mind these days 34:45 what sexuality likes girls and trans girls that's just called straight if you're a guy and you like girls and trans girls that means you're just straight because you just like girls 34:55 thanks for doing what you do it helps people know what it's okay to be whoever they are it's okay to be happy about that exactly dude exactly urushira urushihara sorry 35:04 exactly that's how i feel about it it's like most of the time even like i i read this message on 35:11 stream the other day that was like one of these youtube comments that i had and it was like they were talking about like you make me feel very uncomfortable but like i don't think that's 35:20 a bad thing they were basically like it's good that you make me feel uncomfortable because it's like questioning my conditioning you know what i mean and i was like yeah that's awesome like 35:30 it's good to feel uncomfortable it's good to be pushed out of your comfort zone and like and like be exposed to different perspectives of of things that you haven't really heard before you know i 35:39 think that's a great thing my wallet was so fat and content but then i found rhinology poor wallet 35:45 oh no what am i what if what have i done to your poor wallet 35:51 oh man thank you so much jen though i really really do appreciate the support 35:56 okay we got it let's see if i can do it oh well there we go that was pretty good one 36:04 gotta get the little squeak at the end you know i feel like that's essential i feel like that's essential if you're at the point of burying someone are you gay or just possibly bi in 36:13 which case surely you're still in love with the person who wants to marry them right exactly exactly i mean like at the same time it's like yes that's true but at the same time one of my 36:26 cousins i have this cousin and he dated a girl for three three whole years like three entire years 36:35 and she is now a like hands down no questions asked lesbian woman so like it's like damn 36:45 how did you go for three years without realizing that you know what i mean it's like 36:53 it's it's always just an interesting thing i'm kind of like what was it that made her understand 36:58 that she in fact was full-on a lesbian and was not sexually attracted to my cousin at all i mean we 37:05 we all make the joke we're like bro you [ __ ] turned her lesbian good job bro like 37:13 we always make the joke we're like dude you were so you were such a bad boyfriend that you just straight up turned her into a lesbian obviously 37:20 that's not true she was lesbian the whole time but i always i think that's quite a funny joke 37:28 i mean it's interesting though you know what i mean like societal pressures familial family 37:34 pressures all that type of thing that can make you that can make you you know not be able to 37:42 realize your true identity for a long time i mean like personally it's like who knows about 37:49 i don't know identity is a weird thing i don't really know how much of like what i'm doing and 37:54 like just you know dressing up feminine and stuff like that presenting feminine qualities i don't 37:59 know how much of that is actually yo iqr thank you for the follow i don't know how much of that 38:05 is actually uh like my identity or it's just like what i'm having fun doing so identity is kind of a 38:12 weird thing but it definitely is something to note that like a couple years ago i had no notion or 38:20 like desire or anything like that to like put on a dress or put on a skirt anything like that and 38:26 now i think it's kind of fun thing to do it's like a super fun thing to do and i do it all the time 38:33 so like who knows man it's it's just a wild thing of like it sometimes it takes a long 38:39 time in your life like many years of your life of being exposed to something to realize that like 38:46 hey that's actually what i want to do that's something that i think is fun um so yeah it's 38:53 it's it's an interesting thing for sure there's suspiciously large number of loveless and sexless 38:58 marriages yeah that sexless marriages yes exactly i mean who knows if that's because they 39:05 aren't you know i feel like that might have been more to do with people getting pressured to get married too early rather than not really knowing their identity like i feel like this 39:14 our parents generation had a lot of pressure to get married early so that's probably a reason for a lot of failed marriages yo mavi thank you for the follow thank you so so much 39:25 um but yeah maybe i'm a hedonist but i tend to identify as things that bring me joy exactly 39:30 crj exactly exactly so are you doing this for the likes no disrespect i mean that's the thing it's 39:36 like i don't really know it's like i'm having fun with it and i don't really know if like the fun 39:42 of it comes from like the attention that i'm getting or if it comes i mean like clearly i 39:48 feel like i think it's fun in a vacuum or else i wouldn't do it you know what i mean 39:53 so there you go but i think at the end of the day one of my biggest kind of things with 39:59 all of this is that like it doesn't really matter like what label you put on yourself 40:04 you just gotta be yourself and do what you like to do and of course like in society we care a lot about labels and everyone's always like what are you who are you 40:14 what do you like you know and it's like people are like i'd put yourself in a box right now 40:20 so like i get i get that people want certain labels so that they can describe themselves but 40:25 like at the end of the day when it's what really matters is just what you enjoy and what you like 40:32 so i wish we could all think that way and i understand that a lot of society doesn't work 40:37 like that but that's kind of my philosophy is that labels at the end of the day are ultimately 40:43 something that if we if society didn't care about them would be totally pointless cheers 40:57 i've got a friend whose parents go weeks on end without even talking what are the odds they had better in front of last year i'm going with zero yeah exactly it's like oh it's so sad it's so sad 41:08 i mean yeah dude that's another question that's another question entirely of like divorce it's 41:16 like you know do you do it for the kids or you do it for not the kids i don't really want to open that can of worms but but yeah i think i think what happened is that a lot of people for 41:26 the longest time have been getting married way too early it's like i don't even want to think about getting married until i'm like 30 at least at the very least you know what i mean but like everyone 41:37 i know his parents got married at like 24 and i'm like that is just i when i'm 24 i will not be 41:45 the i will not be responsible enough to like get married and have a family absolutely not 41:56 yo spherical logic thank you for the follow i really appreciate that as much as people don't like to be labeled labels can be very useful too is they provide a cultural 42:04 shortcut exactly it's like that's kind of what i was saying is that i totally understand the use 42:11 of labels in in our current society but i think like in an ideal world 42:16 which is of course idealistic by nature but in an ideal world i would appreciate if there were 42:24 just no need for any labels and that people were just people and that's it the word identity is 42:30 very confusing at the moment especially with views with people's views more recently it's a minefield absolutely absolutely it's totally it's totally who knows who knows what's going on honestly 42:40 yo albert thank you so much i really appreciate that thank you so so much for the follow-up 42:47 anyway that was a nice little philosophical tangent so today i was thinking we would play 42:53 some games i'm having a little bit of a i'm having a little bit of a gaming drought i haven't played 42:58 enough games these days and i would love to play some video games with you guys if you would like to play with me i got a suggestion to play lego star wars last stream and so i 43:06 bought it and so i was thinking we could play that together and i think that would be fun um 43:14 let's see did it did it download it right games hell yeah hell yeah sunflower magi i know i'm i'm so excited 43:25 i mean i haven't played enough games in these days i need i need some gaming for sure in my life outlast oh my goodness you wish jp peters dude i am just so not built for horror 43:38 games it is absolutely ridiculous how much i am so bad at playing horror games i think labels 43:45 are good for people to find others from the same group and yes i agree with that i think it's like community that's a very good argument for having labels yo ramona thank you for the follow 43:56 like being able to find your own community that is definitely a good label you know like the femboy label like that is a good one to like find other people of your same community or or the 44:06 trans label those things like that like those i totally understand i just kind of feel like 44:13 at the end of the day in an ideal world we wouldn't need that you know yeah 44:22 i understand why we need it in today's world which is obviously not ideal 44:28 um oh we got a skirt spin time first a little bit of spinning 45:02 oh 45:08 would you play world of warcraft yeah for sure i mean i play world of warcraft i play it all the time these days for some reason i just got back into it with all my friends 45:17 it spins like a bell i know it has a nice little like a little little you know what i mean 45:26 oh my goodness this is gonna be a hard one 45:34 string theory is garbage loop quantum gravity for the win plato and aristotle stopped scientific thought by being well loved by the same people who destroyed 45:43 pythagorean and anaximandarian physics and outright denying its validity absolutely 45:51 i don't really know what any of that means even though i'm a physics major but there you go 45:59 i do know what some of that means i honestly have never heard of loop quantum gravity though 46:04 i've i i'm not sure what that and then and i also don't know what that has to do with plato and aristotle but there you go i did my best it takes me it's it's kind of it's it's quite hard 46:16 to you do the girl voice for that long but there you go i hope you enjoyed it nice girl 46:22 voice thank you vampire blood i appreciate that hoarder alliance i play horde you already know 46:32 loop quantum gravity is a minority of you have only ever heard from the big bang theory scripts interesting huh i've heard the term blue quantum gravity but i can't remember [ __ ] about it horde 46:41 baby yep you already know for the horde for the horde exactly baby exactly dude yo in fact in fact 46:57 bro we gotta look at the bfa cinematic real quick it's so [ __ ] hype 47:04 i just gotta watch this with someone i was watching this last night and i was like i need to i need someone else to help appreciate this with me um okay real quick we just got to watch this 47:15 before we play games the way that sylvanas the you'll see for people who don't know she's like 47:21 the witchy the witchy girl the way that she says for the hold literally that's the type 47:27 that's the type of girl i want to be you know what i'm saying like she's so [ __ ] badass 47:35 wait i gotta turn it up i gotta turn it up 47:46 ours is a cycle of hatred alliance is forged and broken 47:56 we have paid the price for sharing this world and we have forgotten where she is what makes us that's where i want to be 48:12 close ranks advance has won lordaeron will be ours my king 48:20 we have her cornered her they're talking about the witchy girl 48:28 he's firing there she is she's such a badass 48:46 no 48:54 the night elves the archers it's rough 49:02 she's like damn we're about to lose 49:10 just wait for it it's coming it's coming look at those eyes 49:34 banshee queen 49:46 let's go boys 50:06 anyway we don't have to see the part where the alliance do well because [ __ ] the alliance but anyway there we are that was that i [ __ ] with the i [ __ ] with dude the cinematics the 50:18 cinematics of of uh of world of warcraft are so freaking amazing they're so much better than like 50:25 sometimes the actual gameplay itself which is unfortunate but i just love the way she says that 50:34 oh my goodness yeah no that was definitely not real time gameplay this is a serious mustache waxing those eyebrows yeah dude the elves the elf eyebrows go crazy yo styler thank you for 50:44 the follow um but anyway let's play some games i think it's game time i haven't played i've been 50:50 playing video game like a real single player video game in a long time and i'm very excited so yo adele thank you for the followers well thank you so so much there you are your beautiful 50:59 self yo what's up monica thank you so much i really appreciate that welcome to the stream hold on let me just get my chat over here so i can read it a little better there you go yo 51:11 iran think of the follow oh my god breen thank you for the follow so many follows my goodness 51:17 jaina's best girl fight me ban me i'm still right no only sylvanas [ __ ] jaina nah jane 51:23 is pretty badass too i respect jaina for sure right now we should see the cinematic where she takes the crown for the lich king and breaks the sky yeah that was pretty [ __ ] sick too that 51:32 one is pretty [ __ ] sick um but unfortunately now it is time for lego star wars let's get it 51:43 miss youtube vids yeah i know i knew i'm kind of loafing on making youtube videos but i'll definitely get back back at it too sometime soon mr aquatic thank you for joining us great to have 51:53 you what's up cosplaying kpop hi how you doing how you doing oh alrighty nope we're good on that 52:03 dude i haven't played a lego star wars game in so long 52:09 you need monster clip stuff to put it up for you true 52:14 alrighty let's get after it dude i haven't played last time i played lego star wars i feel like was on like a gamecube which by the way in my opinion one of the best 52:24 consoles ever made was the gamecube i love the gamecube so much who agrees who agrees 52:31 oh yeah i guess i should stream to change the stream category wait we got to see the opening cinematic first and then i'll change stream category 52:43 breathe 52:49 now reach out this is the weapon of a jedi 53:11 that's something else 53:24 [ __ ] yeah kylo 53:33 why is he just smiling 53:54 is her lightsaber gold why she have a golden lightsaber that's pretty sick 54:04 hell yeah okay let me change the category now real quick um category what am i where's the 54:11 category at here's the category oh god damn it dude my chat got resized on me 54:20 we playing lego [ __ ] star wars baby let's go 54:27 kaboom kaboom hell yeah let's get after it 54:35 wait chat where are you at i need you back where you need to be 54:41 chat's always running away from me all right let's get after it i can't wait i can't wait 54:54 no we don't need the new content we don't need the new content we're good 55:01 all right new game let's get it i'm so excited you guys 55:12 you should play vader immortal for vr make you feel like actual jedi true i think i've seen people play that before it does look pretty awesome okay i guess we should start with uh 55:23 i guess this is a this is a question huh wait episode locked all right yeah yeah yeah yeah so 55:29 so this is the question do we start from this is the this is a question do we start in the 55:37 way that they made the movies with four five and six or do we start from episode one which 55:45 is the chronological order of the time of the chronology of the events in the actual story 55:52 i think we start from episode one personally just in terms of the chronology that just makes sense 55:59 but see see i feel like people who who grew up watching them from episode four are gonna say that 56:07 but yeah see exactly i already know i already know minox and crj are the ones who saw episode four in the theaters first 56:18 but i think i'm gonna start from episode one if you don't start from four [ __ ] you well [ __ ] you two kef i'm starting with one [ __ ] 56:27 what you gotta say about it huh what you got to say about it we're going chronological because that [ __ ] makes more sense to me i'm doing it i'm doing chronological 56:41 pink lightsaber for all the femboy jedi so true why are there not more pink lightsabers 56:50 okay i'll turn it down in a sec but i just want to read this all right turmoil has engulfed the galactic republic the taxation of trade routes outlining the star systems is in dispute 56:58 hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships the greedy trade federation have stopped all shipping from the small planet of naboo while the congress of the republic 57:08 endlessly debates this alarming chain of events the supreme chancellor has secretly dispatched 57:13 two jedi knights the guardians of peace and the justice in the galaxy to settle this conflict 57:18 alrighty let's do it hold on let me turn this down a little bit it's just a little bit loud 57:26 there we go let's go let's [ __ ] do it i'm so excited you can have 57:32 a pink jedi pink lightsaber and jedi fall in order true 57:38 you can be buff as hell and still be a fanboy facts 57:45 one to three are not disney movies disney bought it after one to three 57:52 i mean maybe they're disney chancellor request permission to board my silly shot 58:04 evil perfectly plans 58:11 oh that's amazing i have a bad feeling about this 58:18 oh [ __ ] alrighty let's go yep yep got it we're good 58:38 boost all right press this to shoot all right ppq all right 58:47 got it you've been cleared for 58:53 these negotiations of course 59:01 let's do it lego spaceballs when so true 59:09 yo good evening everything or whatever time is at your place riley as daniel makes me proud to see you playing lego real life legos is better though true very true wait are legos a danish invention 59:20 because if so that is such a flex you guys should literally put like lego on your flag because that is awesome 59:29 that's amazing i did not know that hell yeah dude oh my god i haven't played lego star wars in so 59:35 long oh [ __ ] sorry didn't i didn't mean to do that hey well i'll get this coinage though yeah oh 59:43 my god dude the sound of of getting these little bits is so satisfying oh this is so nostalgic 59:54 let's go oh my god so satisfying i am tc welcome ambassadors are you sure i'm an ambassador 1:00:03 and not just to [ __ ] wreck your [ __ ] ah [ __ ] yo storage container [ __ ] 1:00:12 yeah give me them good coins yeah that's what i like to see that's what i like to see gang 1:00:28 we are greatly honored by your visit ambassadors oh you're greatly honored even though i just wrecked your whole living room that's so sweet of you thank you so much what if i wreck you 1:00:38 oh you're invincible all right i respect it give me your coins though 1:00:48 you already know i'm gonna wreck your whole [ __ ] bro why are you hiding coins 1:00:54 in the fuel container all right that's your fault i have a bad feeling about this you know don't center on your anxieties everyone keep your concentration here and now where it belongs yeah 1:01:05 come on everyone said i should be mindful of the future shut up not at the expense i'm your master [ __ ] not yoda the living pulse yeah god damn it god damn it obi-wan you never listen ambassadors 1:01:18 this is why i have to kill you ah oh sorry buddy i didn't think that would actually hit you i didn't think that would hurt you my bad bro my bad i thought you were invincible my bad my bad my bad 1:01:29 what's this gone is what it is turned into coins that's what it is yeah who knew jedi could be so greedy 1:01:44 sorry obi-wan i didn't mean to kill you like that the oink all right now that i'm done robbing the place we can move on 1:01:55 i'm afraid i have to call it and i think my internet is about to crap itself all right bjorn no problem no problem thank you so much for chilling 1:02:05 yep i just got it you know okay fine i can't kill that one right that's okay 1:02:12 more money you collect more admission bonus you get yeah you already know you already know my master will be with you shortly how do you think this trade 1:02:21 viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands hold e to pick up the target 1:02:28 the negotiations will be short when they finally begin you mean is it in their nature to make us wait this long oh 1:02:37 no i sense an unusual amount of fear for something that's true oh hello oh it's supposed to be there 1:02:43 kaboom they have a table you have a lightsaber trash it exactly 1:02:51 i feel like that's the reasonable response negotiations what negotiations 1:03:00 you mean armed robbery is that what we're here for because yes i think that is what we're here for in fact 1:03:08 all right let me just take all your spare coins i really i'm just like scrounging the room for spare change who knew jedis could be so materialistic bro you 1:03:20 guys don't even push in your own chairs did you ever even go to kindergarten god damn it 1:03:29 all right i'm ready what i just gotta wait oh i gotta i gotta i gotta do force because these slobs 1:03:37 hey hey yeah hey give me all the coins that's what i'm talking about that didn't sound pretty good 1:03:49 we need to get out of here we need to get out of here oh my goodness yep these negotiations sure we're short oh 1:04:02 oh yo 1:04:09 oh that was awesome 1:04:15 damn you can combo [ __ ] that's [ __ ] sick okay sweetness wait there's bad guys over here 1:04:22 what up what up what up yeah you can't even hit [ __ ] i'll kill you 1:04:32 ah dude how is that combo [ __ ] working i forget 1:04:38 ouch oh no that was good that was health i needed that ouchie dodge 1:04:45 oh get wrecked yeah yeah hey yeah let's go ob that's what i'm talking about that's why you're my boy 1:04:58 die [ __ ] you're delicious 1:05:06 oh ouchie destroyed 1:05:14 oh these boys we got the little rolly boys not the rolly boys 1:05:22 kaboom kablammo ow how do i block is there a way to block 1:05:30 oh you see that combo jumped up in the air i was sick wait we gotta go this way not that way 1:05:42 all right we gotta we gotta do the thing we gotta cut what the what is happening 1:05:49 what what the oh okay okay gotta cut a square yeah that's what i'm talking ooh that was cool dude 1:05:58 that was just like the movie oh my god look at the little fire the little lego fire that's amazing 1:06:08 negotiations yes of course i want to continue the story let's get it 1:06:16 i know that was so cool oh we got a fit check real quick 1:06:22 here small small small small fit check get out of here 1:06:35 what was that little noise that little star wars noise missing your humble servant 1:06:42 now we got jar jar for george enter jar jar 1:06:49 dude my favorite fan theory to find somewhere safe and warn the naboo of this invasion exquisite but 1:06:55 the most safest place would be ottagonga is a hidden city totally take us there this way 1:07:04 take us buddy after i destroy the local wildlife i just i just have to destroy the 1:07:13 local wildlife real quick just because it's full of coins for some reason i don't know why but 1:07:19 it seems plants on the boo are quite rich and i need their coins okay 1:07:26 wait there's a isn't that like a secret isn't that a secret there's like a secret oh yeah 1:07:34 yeah yeah and then what and then i jump up there there we go and i get it yeah baby nice 1:07:46 i'm not sure what that did but i got it new upgrades available visit the upgrade tab of the holo projector what the heck does that mean oh it's up here i guess 1:08:01 wait oh alt upgrades unavailable unavailable we got upgrades though core upgrades 1:08:12 speedy sprint sprint more quickly we're exploring the gap galaxy sounds about right bam 1:08:20 got it all right well alrighty kaboom this is pog i know right deforestation 1:08:31 it's in the name of the robbing the planet so it's okay dude the graphics in this game are 1:08:38 pretty [ __ ] nice like look at this lighting and [ __ ] this is crazy oh my warning yo gunga is no 1:08:45 like outsiders so don't expect a warm welcome okay i won't this hasn't been our day but warm welcome 1:08:52 it really hasn't has it and that's why i'm killing all your plants what's up fireworks 1:09:03 can you kill jar jar good question bro obie 1:09:15 oh [ __ ] we're in the gungan town let's go 1:09:28 yo chunky monkey thank you so much for the sub what i really really [ __ ] appreciate that that 1:09:34 is amazing that is so sweet of you thank you so so much there's something you want to tell us jar jar 1:09:39 is this embarrassing but uh i afraid i might have been banished i might have been banished oh really 1:09:47 seems like something it would have been helpful to remember yeah that would have been nice to know 1:09:52 dude as i said brainless dude qui-gon you're so ruthless he's right there don't talk too much [ __ ] 1:10:09 to catch tasty beetles 1:10:31 uh what do i gotta do got some force business 1:10:37 there we go kaboom and clip flop 1:10:51 why is he running like that what is the [ __ ] is this guy's problem yeah oh 1:10:58 oh we can backflip that's sick 1:11:04 what up a droid army is about to attack the naboo 1:11:24 is going through the planet oh i remember this one this is the it's always a bigger fish 1:11:32 this is the it's always a bigger fish scene i can't wait 1:11:39 dude i was always like why the [ __ ] did we come here like this was always such a weird part of 1:11:45 the story it's like they literally just did this so that they could have some cool underwater cgi 1:11:50 but there was literally no point in us coming here jar jar is like yeah 1:11:56 i'ma just take you to the city that i'm totally banished from for no reason at all 1:12:05 master what's a bongo or transport i hope 1:12:13 he follows me let me just rob the place real quick 1:12:19 because at the end of the day i'm more concerned about it am i a jedi wait why can't i hit this big golden thing you will not be driving damn they knew i was they knew i was here to rob the place 1:12:30 so they put their most valuable [ __ ] in the in the golden container i see you came prepared 1:12:38 am i a jedi or a bandit it's a good question nobody knows 1:12:44 but leave that to me oh we judge right now we judge right now what the why does he [ __ ] run like this dude 1:12:59 why the [ __ ] does he run like his [ __ ] tongue is out dude oh my god 1:13:08 dude yeah my favorite fan theory is that jar jar was was snoke that was my favorite theory 1:13:15 which obviously got disproved but i think it would have been fun if jar jar was secretly a sith 1:13:21 oh oh oh i got it oh [ __ ] 1:13:26 got it got it got it hacking hacking yup boom 1:13:33 hacked and jar jar runs like jack sparrow so true he really does it 1:13:43 all right let's [ __ ] get it a bigger fish there's always a bigger fish you already know 1:13:56 just chill out jar jar i thought you lived here aren't you like from this place 1:14:03 oh god and where's the bigger fish 1:14:13 where's the bigger fish oh oh i gotta control it oh [ __ ] don't worry 1:14:19 the force will guide us not far oh no no no yeah i'm not i don't i'm with jar jar 1:14:28 holy moly what is happening 1:14:42 wait oh i was supposed to press control i was supposed to press control oh i see oh what a dodge 1:15:01 oh i'm getting chomped i'm so bad at this game okay 1:15:08 dodge oh there's the bigger fish there it is there's always a bigger fish 1:15:18 he said the lion there it is 1:15:25 dude our ship is [ __ ] our ship is [ __ ] up 1:15:32 we're losing power stay calm we're not in trouble yet you're not set why don't yours are thinking reason trouble 1:15:42 easy clap get [ __ ] 1:15:48 oh it's back and there's the even bigger fish full speed ahead it's a call to the planet 1:15:59 you're good it's really encouraging 1:16:13 yeah you thought you thought you thought you could bite me you trash okay good 1:16:22 dodge easy clap 1:16:32 dodged 1:16:39 and there's the big fish once again thank you big fish i appreciate you i see our friend really holding us down these days yeah our friend 1:16:55 we must find the queen 1:17:02 victory yeah you thought 1:17:07 fish got super owned 1:17:24 hooray all right fair enough didn't get into the purple that's okay 1:17:36 oh yeah i only got one of those i forget what those mini kids do for you 1:17:43 let's see are you hiding any money in your flowers you are oh you're not oh damn no 1:17:49 oh you are the sneaky bastards always hiding cash in the flower beds classic 1:17:58 so classic 1:18:15 onward is progressing this game measured by how steadily you are hey nice one nice one 1:18:26 now we're obi-wan let's go queen amidala i'm here for you babe my honey my baby 1:18:33 oh wait i'm not anakin never mind 1:18:42 i'm not anakin yet then that'll be my honey my baby 1:18:51 i imagine they'll be taking her to their ship if their ship is docked in the hangar that gives us some time get wrecked oh i blocked that [ __ ] boom 1:19:12 but who do we have to thank for our rescue me baby the supreme chancellor it's urgent 1:19:17 that we make contact with the republic we're gonna grab some consumables this way 1:19:24 yours are guys we gotta save her oh 1:19:29 queen i was waiting for a man stay close yeah the queen is not safe here you must take her to the republic on coruscant immediately 1:19:43 gang damn we running we really running now 1:20:00 dude the force push in this game is sick it's overpowered let's go 1:20:23 destroyed i gotta get a hang of the combo thing it's like you can click you can like okay so e is 1:20:32 force push q is just swing click throws your lightsaber which is kind of [ __ ] awesome 1:20:41 oh my bad boys i just i didn't mean to ruin your cover it's just 1:20:47 it's just you have all this money in the flower pots and i just really need it so sorry about that wait why are you guys all oh [ __ ] my bad 1:21:02 you just sent them flying my bad my back 1:21:13 hey oh that's my that's a friendly my bad i didn't mean to hit you 1:21:20 we practice uh practice a form of reckless jediness that you know the jedi academy 1:21:28 doesn't really approve it but it gets results it's lucrative we get a lot of money this way 1:21:45 let's get after it who do i need to zap just point me to him yo m zinker 1:21:52 almost a year thank you so much m zinker i really really appreciate that thank you so so much 1:21:58 that is so sweet of you yo y'all need to get the [ __ ] out of here 1:22:12 destroyed 1:22:17 come on queen can you kill jar jar now oh oh oh no you totally can't oh he's back yeah he's back he's back oh 1:22:33 god that man just got darth mauled though that dude just got straight cut in half this is sorry 1:22:40 are you ready to go oh let's go baby oh yeah do it again you guys are such sadists 1:23:02 oh the team the squadron 1:23:08 no r2 oh [ __ ] that was clutch oh my god r2 that was absolutely clutch there's not enough 1:23:19 power to get us to coruscant the hyperdrive is leaking why did he just drink it tattooed 1:23:26 it's small what's up big fat paul federation has no presence there 1:23:34 bro how the [ __ ] did you just take a swig of that that was unhinged any suggestions on where 1:23:42 we should land the monsters but spaceport seems like our best option for finding the parts we need 1:23:49 but land on the outskirts we don't want to attract attention 1:23:55 oh my god i can't wait are we about to do the pod racing i feel like that'll be super fun level 1:24:02 now this is spawn racing am i right this is where the fun begins hello there 1:24:11 why are the prequels so quotable it's like look i can understand that 1:24:17 the prequels are maybe not quite as like cinematography cinematographically 1:24:26 superior but at the end of the day they're extremely entertaining they're so quotable 1:24:32 you know what i mean what's up i'm padme one of the queen's handwritings this is not a good idea 1:24:40 but if the queen wishes it wait can someone explain to me why the queen has the name amidala 1:24:47 but padme also has the name amidala i forget how that worked is she the actual queen or something 1:25:03 oh you can be r2 what's good 1:25:09 dude the graphics are so fun i love it 1:25:16 uh okay let's go wait why can't i ride this stuff i'm too curious 1:25:27 we're already here never mind it's just like a flight path i see all right 1:25:34 are you oh we can ride these boys let's go 1:25:41 let's go oh now we can just trash stuff yeah give me all your money 1:25:48 yeah that's right yeah no one's gonna mess with me on this boy 1:25:57 let's go oh yeah sorry about it i just i sorry guys i i can't control him 1:26:04 i just he's out of control it's not my fault you know i'm sorry i don't know what to do about it 1:26:11 i uh oh yeah i'm totally picking up all your money by accident sorry guys my bad 1:26:29 all right that's enough robbery for today 1:26:35 what's up i know what you need you need a cute little propeller hat for that grubby 1:26:41 looking astromech of yours what the [ __ ] the little guy some confidence no foolin 1:26:48 that was an insult you know what you need 1:26:53 what are you what are you what are you insulting my [ __ ] my droid for 1:27:00 oh look it's a java nah i don't know nothing about no ship repair 1:27:07 no nothing hey how's about you head down the street here taking a pod race or two much more 1:27:13 exciting than fixing hyper drives i'll tell you so true why would i why would i want to get off 1:27:20 this planet when i could kill myself in a padres such a good point let's just be jar jar [ __ ] it 1:27:32 just [ __ ] drunk all the time he's literally just turning in circles 1:27:39 let me guess what up for ship parts yeah i thought so everyone is you'll be wanting to pay watto a visit you'll find a shop across town all right thanks bro find some real intel 1:27:51 i'm gonna be qui-gon though i just want to be qui-gon as much as possible before he actually dies sorry no spoilers 1:28:04 oh my bad sorry bro i didn't mean to hit you i thought maybe you had some coins hiding up 1:28:11 your ass or something that would pop out if i hit you but apparently not my bad my bad 1:28:22 all right let's see what's going on over here let's get these coins real quick 1:28:31 yeah can jar jar break stuff that's a good question oh here's a little whatever the [ __ ] 1:28:36 this is what is that what it shoots little shoots little spheres oh got the chandelier dude people 1:28:49 in this game need like a bank like do banks not exist like why is everyone hiding all 1:28:55 their cash like in the chandelier and in the light fixtures like what's good with that i 1:29:00 need parts for a j-type 327 nubian i have 20 000 republic duct terrorists are no good no good here 1:29:18 there's big race tomorrow on bundy eve you can enter my pod anakin the prize credits will more 1:29:25 than pay for the parts they need the force is unusually strong with him that much is clear 1:29:32 he deserves better than a slave's life the boy tells me you want to sponsor him in the race yep 1:29:39 well i've acquired a part in the game of chance i wager my new racing part against say 1:29:47 the boy and his mother no bud is with two slaves 1:30:01 that's everything we need we should make our way to the arena and enter young anakin into the race everyone just glosses over 1:30:09 the fact that padme is just totally flirting with this like 12 year old boy 1:30:14 and you're like okay girl you're like you're like in a full-on adult chill out back up a little bit 1:30:26 can we enter jar jar in the pod race kill the animal no dude not not what are they called tauntauns not the tauntaun 1:30:43 yeah you already know we're riding this boy hey you can jump 1:30:57 oh my bad oh i'm so sorry sorry guys 1:31:06 all right let's see what we got going on here what's up blue ladies 1:31:19 yeah i need you to repeat that in english my friend the [ __ ] 1:31:26 many people enjoy speak their own language if you can't understand use a protocol droid yo where the hell is c-3po when you need him 1:31:34 we don't got no c-3po can you understand this man probably not a little girl 1:31:43 all right what does padme have oh she got a blaster 1:31:54 oh sorry it was an accident it was totally an accident i totally wasn't aiming for you for 1:32:00 a really long time i bought my bad boy i was a kid i made my own pod racer by strapping a trailer to the back of two womp rats and let me tell you those things are fast and do not take 1:32:11 criticism well thanks thanks bro i think cool cool story cool story man i don't give a [ __ ] 1:32:24 ah dude this game has such satisfying destruction 1:32:33 you know what i mean all right let's get the hell out of here 1:32:42 if an oven jumps brakes legs well not a tauntaun 1:32:49 uh what's going on oh it's just loading let's go time for some pod racing 1:33:00 that's absolutely right and a big turn out here from all corners of the outer rim bruh 1:33:11 he didn't die 1:33:22 republicans concentrate on the moment feel don't think use your instincts i will okay dad be with 1:33:31 you actually though he's like are you my new dad are you my new father bro why you loki cute 1:33:42 it's a good question oh my god oh my god this is way faster than i thought it was gonna be holy moly holy moly okay 1:33:54 whoa this is actual pad racing now now this is pod racing 1:34:17 whoa dude this is crazy this is way faster than i thought it was going to be 1:34:26 ah we're fine 1:34:36 i love how the tuscan raiders sniping at you is just like part of the course they're like oh check it out some tuscan raiders trying to kill the racers how exciting is that 1:34:52 whoa 1:34:58 oh goodness ow ow i'm getting hit 1:35:07 no no i got it i got it i got it i got it cute let's go 1:35:17 and we're back i'm so behind though 1:35:27 this is more like it that's what i'm talking about 1:35:36 all righty let's go through here oh lord oh jesus 1:35:43 help me jesus take the pod racer jesus take the wheel 1:35:56 can i can i get out of head that is the question 1:36:07 oh my god 1:36:29 what now again what is happening 1:36:37 all right all right see this is how you know anakin's a beast 1:36:43 he'll win even with his faulty ass pod oh god where am i going uh 1:36:55 where is the bulba is the boba still beating me there's the bulba hey [ __ ] ass 1:37:02 get your ass over here give me your butt give me yeah bye 1:37:19 that's what [ __ ] talking about that's what i'm talking about in the nick of time in the naked [ __ ] time 1:37:44 somehow bring the parts to the main hangar yeah because he's a legend later on so [ __ ] 1:37:51 this boy's pissed look at all the credits we have no you can make your dreams come true honey 1:38:01 yeah without you mom later sorry about it sorry mom i gotta go i gotta go yes what about mom 1:38:13 son my place is here it is time for you to let go i will come back and free you mom i promise 1:38:20 if i was anakin i'd be like actually i'm gonna chew with my mom i don't really know who you 1:38:26 random strangers are that are trying to kidnap me bye it's like he dips on his mom so easily 1:38:40 sweet studs true jedi gang 1:38:50 what i didn't get all the challenges i didn't get any mini kits [ __ ] i why i can't forget 1:38:57 what the mini kids even do i think they unlock new characters or something anakin it's time for us to leave tatooine let's hurry back to the ship you mean i get to come with you yeah dude starship 1:39:10 yeah dude you already know it listen jar jar i don't know about that jar jar i'm sure he thinks you're charming hmm obi-wan grumpy jedi 1:39:28 wait why did we come in here start coming did i come in here for a reason oh i did 1:39:37 what the heck what's with your creepy ass excuse me 1:39:43 why are you running away wait what what 1:39:50 what how'd it how did he just disappear 1:39:56 what the heck it's a spider 1:40:08 i'm confused we got a key oh is to open this what's up 1:40:18 yo waffle thank you for the freaking thank you for the sub thank you so so much i really appreciate that 1:40:33 wait what anakin just throws grenades 1:40:38 that's awesome that's perfect that's perfect for my destructive tendencies 1:40:44 oh [ __ ] what's going on what's going on here 1:40:55 can i crawl no i can't 1:41:03 can i can i crouch i suppose not 1:41:14 i don't know how to finish him because i need my man 1:41:22 maybe i need i need a special piece or something i don't really know how this works hmm oh well maybe we'll come back for it 1:41:35 maybe is there is there is there a special piece around here that i need 1:41:48 hmm i don't know how to finish my mans maybe that's what the minikits are for i guess oh 1:42:04 all right maybe we'll come back for it then 1:42:25 running through the town run through the town i'm super fast 1:42:31 dude the graphics in this game are like really nice like the shading and the and everything is just like it's great 1:42:48 pup 1:42:58 escape 1:43:04 wait use the force oh my god wait now i want to go back you guys you guys are making me 1:43:11 you guys are me [ __ ] wait where was it you guys are making me wanna 1:43:20 dude i totally don't remember where it was 1:43:25 i totally don't remember where it was oh well 1:43:31 it was because i was using anakin it was because i was doing anything it was using anakin so anakin can't use the force i know adhd wins i have such a short attention span 1:43:42 but what's in there this looks like something i can 1:43:50 i can use the force or something for 1:43:56 maybe 1:44:09 maybe not i don't know man i feel like this game didn't explain too much to me what's up yep i don't know what you're saying 1:44:23 juicy this is why we need to see 3po all right i'm done time to just start throwing grenades 1:44:36 run i'm a child with grenades 1:44:51 yeah yeah qui-gon i'm gonna think twice of freeing me now huh 1:44:58 wasn't such a good idea was it you know i was a juvenile delinquent 1:45:10 run i'm a child with grenades somehow one of those on brand rent things right now i said everyone's dream so true 1:45:18 okay i guess we'll just go towards the arrows because i totally don't remember where we were 1:45:25 wait maybe we can jump up here though oh we can what's up here something secret something magic 1:45:40 dude i don't get i don't get these little blue ghost pieces what's up with those do you guys know what's good with those 1:45:52 quiegon i need you i need the force 1:45:58 oh i'm playing new star wars you already know camo that's what's good 1:46:10 what what is up with oh you did it maybe wait 1:46:20 oh i gotta do it and then i go to go to the other one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i see 1:46:27 i see i see it's a puzzle and i'm smart so i figured it out because i have a massive brain 1:46:34 boom and then we switch and then we get it yeah got it good job team figured it out 1:46:46 we used our four collective brain cells rubbed them together and the answer became clear 1:47:00 speed racer speed racer dude it's like it's kind of annoying that there's this 1:47:08 this much destructible things because i just have the desire to destroy all of it but i could never 1:47:15 i don't have the attention span to destroy all of it but then it feels unsatisfying to leave it undestroyed alas alassa will have to be okay with not destroying everything 1:47:31 see i still don't get this puzzle what's up with this puzzle are there some objects that i can force 1:47:41 maybe this 1:47:51 wait where'd it where'd that where'd it go 1:47:56 oh that's not what i wanted i wanted to pick it up 1:48:09 do i something with this seems as it seems as though that is not the case i 1:48:15 know i have to connect these electrical bits clearly clearly that is what i have to do 1:48:24 but i don't know how to use it with the with the force there's a little arrow what's this little 1:48:35 arrow pointing to what's good over here there's so much to pay attention to is this something i need 1:48:42 it is something i need oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm figuring it out 1:48:54 kaboom and then there's another one where's the other one is it in the house it's not in the house 1:49:08 where's the other little blue thing 1:49:15 hmm is it up here perhaps possibly up the ladder 1:49:27 there it is glowy thing let's go 1:49:34 glowy thing some new data have you now 1:49:47 give us the peace power below the porch that's good yay everyone cheers hooray 1:50:04 oh can't talk to you sorry about it 1:50:15 okay that is just a lot of different stuff that i don't need isn't it 1:50:20 galaxy map characters ships upgrades should we buy another upgrade extra health 1:50:35 highlight important collectibles this might be honestly very helpful for my adhd ass 1:50:42 i think i'm gonna get that oh i can't because i don't have enough something 1:50:50 oh i gotta hold it oh because it's a it's a track it's a track i gotta get this one first or i gotta 1:50:56 get this one i gotta get all three of these first there we go fast build i see i see i see i see 1:51:09 all right thanks bro appreciate it 1:51:15 no to the senate 1:51:29 branch darth maul 1:51:36 wow 1:51:50 all right the tongue comes in clutch once again 1:52:05 darth maul looks like he's absolutely tripping dude 1:52:14 well if we can avoid fighting any more hooded strangers perhaps we'll actually get to coruscant this time indeed however i believe that stranger may have been the sith lord 1:52:27 bad news bears press open the hollow projector boom 1:52:36 where we going 1:52:46 oh i can control it that's cool 1:52:52 is there's things to collect while i'm in here hyperspace hyperspace hyper hyper hyperspace 1:53:03 and we back baby 1:53:09 fancy that a personal welcome from senator palpatine himself senator palpatine explain 1:53:15 the situation in naboo so my people may finally be saved it's like it's your majesty 1:53:21 jedi with that with that [ __ ] voice in this demeanor how did we not know that he was a bad guy 1:53:31 wait no there's got to be something to collect around here right 1:53:38 did 1:53:46 we need the grenades we need the child with grenades yep there we go 1:53:55 there we go 1:54:01 anakin is secretly already a sith lord died 1:54:11 hey look at that little smiling face he has 1:54:16 it is a great gift to see you alive your majesty with the communications breakdown we had begun 1:54:23 fearing the worst it's like anxious to hear with that hair with that [ __ ] hairstyle 1:54:30 and we didn't know that he was a bad guy are you serious you guys are blind absolutely blind 1:54:40 and that walk look at that [ __ ] pompous ass walk he has the supreme chancellor 1:54:47 oh you were such a bad guy i cannot believe no one expected it i love i love when you play as anakin 1:54:55 they all just follow you like his little harem and it is unlikely the senate will act 1:55:00 on the invasion i believe our best options for her majesty to push for the election 1:55:06 of a new supreme chancellor who can take control and give us justice and he's like and 1:55:14 quite honestly i think it should be me if i'm being 100 honest 1:55:25 what is this what is this 1:55:34 say can i just kill him now let me just kill him now and then just like 1:55:40 let's just let's just skip all the other episodes wait why am i missing there we go direct hit let 1:55:52 me just kill him right now and then just like we don't even have to play the rest of the game 1:55:59 it's over guys that was the sith lord we're good gg should i win ah here we are these transport 1:56:09 ships will take us to the senate building i have some prior business to attend yeah prior business 1:56:16 oh i'm sure you do i'm sure it's totally not like resurrecting the [ __ ] sith totally 1:56:30 yeah i'm sure it's normal senator business it's it's not at all like sith [ __ ] of course 1:56:41 you ready not hit the tracks yeah buddy thanks baby 1:56:48 yeah 1:56:53 let's go baby 1:57:06 i want to be obi-wan i feel like obi-wan is the most diplomatic of this group 1:57:13 oh you got ice cream not anymore 1:57:19 oh never mind okay you can keep your ice cream 1:57:24 dude i love the graphics of this game this game looks so good 1:57:32 wait there's another puzzle okay okay okay okay okay what do we need wait 1:57:42 what do we need interesting interesting is there something around here that we can use aha hello button kaboom 1:57:57 and there's another button and there's even a third button 1:58:05 was that it was that all the buttons clearly not 1:58:14 my bad this guy's like what did i do what did i do to deserve this it's okay i'm sorry it was a total accident 1:58:24 on your way citizen 1:58:32 aha 1:58:38 we did it hooray where i'm a big fan of your alley thank you vampire blood this game 1:59:01 all right time for some diplomacy are you ready to begin me too yes you [ __ ] [ __ ] 1:59:11 i'm ready to begin negotiations with the lightsaber that's where i'm about to begin 1:59:30 we must do something quickly to stop the federation hmm so true order order 1:59:37 honorable representatives of the republic i move for a vote of no confidence 1:59:42 in chancellor valorum's leadership order this guy's like what who me 1:59:50 i've decided to go back to naboo please your majesty stay here where it's safe 1:59:58 man's got out the popcorn he got out the popcorn and nobody batted an eye nobody even thought 2:00:08 is he enjoying this just a little too much clouded this boy's future is 2:00:16 man said baby it's cold outside that's so true 2:00:23 what other option is i have faith we can convince him you also not knowing the boss 2:00:29 like me sir he's a stubborn like a farmer encouraging as always jar jar thanks jojo 2:00:39 let me just get your money real quick man said baby it's cold outside she was like don't do it stay here where it's safe 2:00:53 wait is that where i want to go to looks like you ready to hit the road yes it is 2:01:01 and we out 2:01:20 land dude they can't do this dude i feel like this wasn't like this in the other lego games there's 2:01:27 just so much it's like there was a lot of stuff to destroy in the other lego games but it was 2:01:34 it was a little more linear wasn't quite this it wasn't quite this free of oh god 2:01:40 there's so much [ __ ] to destroy i gotta i can't there's too much 2:01:48 still need to turn anakin into a fanboy true 2:01:54 misny maybe if we just gave anakin a pink lightsaber he wouldn't have gotten so angry and he wouldn't have turned into a sith lord who knows perhaps 2:02:10 what's going on over here what's this question mark what you got to say oh sorry 2:02:16 oh you're just you're just talking about you're just like you're just like the help guy that i don't need 2:02:25 all right great news 2:02:42 let's go i've seen a lot of videos let me say i love them i can't stop watching them when 2:02:47 i decided to check you out on twitch you were live and i was like pug and now i've been lurking for a long time i already just got to say i'm happy i found it yo 2:02:53 cy hunter that is amazing thank you so much for chilling with us mwah it is so much it is so amazing to have you here and i'm so glad you like the videos 2:03:07 there's more new information in my databases yeah internalized homophobia the downfall of civilization actually though cheers cheers 2:03:24 okay [ __ ] ethnostate i'm so dead that is a crazy name i love it 2:03:34 also with that with that comment that is amazing okay back on the boot baby let's go yo 2:03:41 isaac thank you so much for gifting us up i don't know why my alerts aren't on right now i keep meaning to like fix them for my gaming but they're not on but yes thank you so so much 2:03:50 i really appreciate that there you go cy hunter let's go 2:03:57 yeah baby oh yeah baby oh let's go let's get out of here 2:04:06 anakin needs the queen dress to be happy so true where does everybody go the place 2:04:12 has been deserted still here wait can i ride it yes visit his throne let's go 2:04:32 i need to see the king ah 2:04:43 man's just totally disappeared 2:04:58 live 2:05:10 wait what's going on in there there's a secret piece ah yes look at the big bubble don't decent know how buoy of a head pin it is to opens 2:05:20 all the switches and all the workings these are getting tired just thinking about it all right 2:05:27 let's do it the switches and the walkings i can do switching and walking i can do that switching oh 2:05:36 switching and walking switching and walking let's see i think there's maybe something up here 2:05:42 whoa belongings good and safe in this chest but 2:05:54 i'm sorry i can't read all that that's too much reading just point me where the switches are whoa wait oh 2:06:08 i'm in the sewers oh but look i can go in sewers that's fun 2:06:19 what happens if i jump just down into the depths of doom oh i die that's what happens 2:06:27 well i had to know ah damn it yes get me up there okay 2:06:38 um i didn't find any switch that could maybe open that bubble 2:06:46 is there a switch let's see maybe it's in here maybe if i just destroy all these fish sorry fish 2:06:57 sorry fish why do you have to be full of cash if you weren't full of cash i wouldn't destroy you 2:07:03 but alas you are full of cash and so i must destroy you it's not my fault 2:07:10 it's your fault it's not you it's not me it's you in fact 2:07:18 wait i gotta oh i didn't mean to do that i gotta talk to uh gotta talk to the guy this man's with obi 2:07:28 you look sprightly if it's not too much trouble you think you could take this data log and pass it on to the right gungan sure i guess 2:07:42 uh i guess so many people try speaking of language yeah i already know that 2:07:48 yeah sure so i need to give the message to i didn't see them anywhere on my travels 2:07:54 but maybe i just wasn't watching out for the right feature best of luck to you mans has a spatula 2:08:04 you got a spatula hmm all right 2:08:14 uh wait a second 2:08:27 when searching appears above below the mini map your current objective is somewhere nearby look carefully within the yellow search area 2:08:39 okay 2:08:44 i need i need padme padme you gotta do this we gotta hack it hacked hacked 2:08:53 hacked and [ __ ] hacked yep god hacker boom and we're in 2:09:04 what does this do needs a we need to c3po droid he's a protocol droid okay let's go up here 2:09:17 oh spin time oh my goodness 2:09:23 how can you independent gonna be like yeah actually what is what why does this say jump but then i feel like i'll just i'll just die man screw it 2:09:36 it's like what what is the point of that 2:09:48 it's not around here do that little oh oh are you the mans with the spatula excuse me 2:09:55 oh there's some messages making no sense to me sir oh the wrong gungan 2:10:11 what is this oh it's um it's one of those special things 2:10:18 it's one of those special things what the heck is that 2:10:25 dude there's so much to pay attention to in this game this is making my adhd go crazy 2:10:32 what do i even who do i even what is even going on and there's a blue one down there too wait i can actually get that one i know how to get that one 2:10:43 sounds gettable 2:10:54 got it got it what's up weird how you doing 2:11:04 okay wait we gotta do a skirt spin i forgot i forgot i forgot let me get up there again god damn 2:11:11 it oh i'm dead oopsie whoopsie daisy yo cosplay thank you for the 10 bits i appreciate that 2:11:19 thank you so much okay i gotta get back to freaking heck up here okay let me get out 2:11:28 i'm not gonna lie i've been sick but your videos are helping a little at least that's amazing i'm sorry you've been sick but i'm really glad that my videos have helped that's so fun 2:11:36 i'm really glad to hear that it makes me really really happy to hear that my videos have made someone's day even a little bit better 2:11:45 dude why does he keep telling me to go down there but also go up here dude this is crazy crazy business it's like look i go down here and it's like okay cool now go up there 2:11:59 what the hell man which one is it 2:12:07 which one is it i'm so confused i'm so confused old 2:12:18 hmm 2:12:28 and look now it says down there oh my god i can't i can't deal with this i can't deal with this we're just we're just going over here forget it 2:12:37 wait what now it's telling me to now it's not okay [ __ ] that i'm out i'm out we out 2:12:45 we out rejoining jar jar over here [ __ ] it okay spend time spend time 2:12:55 spend time spend time 2:13:21 spin spin for the team okay 2:13:37 wait my chat my chat's all messed up chat why are you messed up 2:13:45 chat chat chat there we go 2:13:50 over here yes i found a secret entrance we should be needing secret key to get in secret place 2:13:57 lisa no it's around here somewhere hmm 2:14:03 i like how i go this guy's just carrying this glowy thing still but it looks broken 2:14:09 yours are fixed and used to enter sacred place oh yes time to build i love this 2:14:20 oh i gotta build another secret thing or do we just oh 2:14:28 we got turning to talk about using your head this way hey we did it good job team 2:14:39 why can i not follow what's going on that's probably that's probably because i get distracted by like 10 different tasks that i'm supposed to do 2:14:47 and then only do one of them and then give up on the rest of them and then just keep doing the story but yeah that i don't think it's your fault that you can't follow along i think 2:14:55 it's because i just have [ __ ] insane adhd and it's impossible for me to do one thing at a time 2:15:05 i am queen amidala 2:15:12 maybe you're already followed perhaps i don't know 2:15:19 i am queen amidala i 2:15:24 but it was necessary to protect myself i am spartacus quickly all will be lost forever 2:15:30 i'm dead i beg you to help out did you just step on a frog maybe 2:15:36 we saw being friends why did you just step on that frog 2:15:44 let's head to the palace we must launch an attack on their control ship and confront the viceroy 2:15:57 but if the viceroy escapes he will return with another droid is there some secret over here that 2:16:02 is why we must had to feed immediately and retake the palace i want to help you by hiding someone's 2:16:10 safe and staying alive doesn't sound like helping yeah that doesn't sound like helping either 2:16:20 ah just gotta just gotta shake down the local wildlife for its cash you know as one does 2:16:32 one does oh oh oh it's time for some light sabering it's time for some [ __ ] lightsabers 2:16:53 oh what is this what does this mean 2:17:03 do i have to be this one to do it what does this mean what is this icon 2:17:14 i don't know what it means hmm well what are you gonna do 2:17:29 i'm confused i need a different character oh i see well what are you gonna do 2:17:53 there's more new information in my databases i had one person joined my first stream i was pleased until he asked me if i would put a bag 2:18:01 on my head oh my god that is so [ __ ] mean dude you gotta understand for sure that like people 2:18:07 whether or not they want a good reaction or a bad reaction people always just want a reaction so 2:18:14 it's almost never about you it's just about someone trying to get a reaction out of you so i'm sorry that happened monica but you're amazing cheers to you we love you 2:18:26 and don't let the haters get you down they're just they're just trolling for a reaction that's it 2:18:32 it has nothing to do with you actually oh [ __ ] what a badass dude that was some anime [ __ ] right there goddamn you'll be safe there my 2:18:45 guess is the viceroy is in the throne room nice stream thanks melo maniac but that's my [ __ ] 2:18:54 jesus calm down buddy 2:19:14 he's like man what you got two lightsabers that's cheating 2:19:27 let's go dude i want to play darth maul can i play maul 2:19:34 [ __ ] go dude i'm so hyped be on guard and remember your training obi-wan remember your 2:19:40 training oh [ __ ] man oh [ __ ] let's get him pick up the target object with the force 2:19:51 all right yeah got it 2:19:56 boom you thought 2:20:03 boom destroyed dodge incoming tax 2:20:11 boom dodge block yeah block block 2:20:30 my god this is insane q attack boom boom boom oh oh that was sick 2:20:43 oh [ __ ] i just got cut in half and i'm back though i'm back i'm back i'm back oh god dodge that [ __ ] yeah dude obi-wan you're not 2:20:52 helping at all can you help me even like a tiny bit this guy has two lightsabers i only got one 2:21:14 q q let's go come out dodge 2:21:25 he's running he's fleeing 2:21:30 i know i know i already got cut in half 2:21:36 we're not doing honestly too great oh [ __ ] jesus got a block got a block 2:21:41 got a block gotta block let's go yeah you guys thought i'm a jedi you can't shoot me koblemo 2:21:53 oh that was awesome that felt so good 2:22:01 come at me bro stop running i'm coming i'm coming for that booty coming for that booty 2:22:10 yo owly thank you for the tier one dude thank you for three months that is so sweet of you come on thank you so so much oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 2:22:30 die dude obi-wan is being extremely unhelpful right now 2:22:44 wait isn't this guy a bad guy this droid right here 2:22:53 he's seen the film no no wonder he's running yeah right dude get back here man 2:23:04 guys are just you guys are just you guys are just simply not ready for prime time 2:23:12 oh oh check this out oh that's a sick one ah okay 2:23:26 okay okay okay gotta get gotta get good with the combos gotta get good with these combos 2:23:37 oh oh oh yeah you thought i'm behind you now boy 2:23:46 oh all right and we switch you know i can switch did you did you my friend did you my friend yeah 2:24:12 die [ __ ] you're gonna get cut in half wait oh two q q 2:24:24 boom and your ass is grass 2:24:31 oh never mind he's got he's got a couple more tricks up to sleep 2:24:42 me what you just want us to just he's playing with us come on we mustn't let him get away 2:24:50 oh oh no that wasn't it that was not it 2:24:58 jump and jump and jump and jump and jump and jump and jump and jump and and oh come on and we good 2:25:12 oh no these dudes just shot the [ __ ] out of me obi-wan just stay out of my way honestly 2:25:20 at this point at this point you're more of a liability so i'm gonna just slay your ass 2:25:25 oh you blocked it okay fine you can live i suppose 2:25:32 yeah yeah can i just choose to join the dark side right now can that just be my my character arc 2:25:40 i just want to play as darth maul that's all i want like the leap my thighs couldn't manage it 2:25:48 dude you're a jedi can't you like force jump what do you mean your thighs can't manage it you serious oh no 2:26:01 i guess your thighs really can't manage it can they old ass man 2:26:07 die wait 2:26:18 a boop oh no 2:26:27 all right let's try that again oh this guy's sniping this guy's a sniper 2:26:32 wait darth maul's right there what are we even doing let's go fight him 2:26:40 okay never mind he's gone again oh i picked him up that's awesome i'm gonna drop them bye 2:26:50 let's go 2:26:55 long hair and long hair weak thigh sus that's so true qui-gon fanboy confirmed 2:27:09 get back here darth 2:27:14 you cheeky bastard 2:27:20 these barriers are very dangerous use caution see oh my bad bro my [ __ ] bad that was a total mistake 2:27:33 oh [ __ ] come on don't get your ass trapped 2:27:40 oh goodness yeah let me just put that back 2:27:53 i can obi-wan can do the force there we go obi-wan good job you helped congrats let's get him now 2:28:01 come on 2:28:07 open the door obi-wan why are you so slow you will overcome this obstruction 2:28:16 why is obi-wan so goddamn slow wait that's not yeah there we go 2:28:23 and we need you to go there and where's the green one 2:28:32 uh obi-wan what's good with you why are you just being trash over here all right everyone's here 2:28:48 oh do we need to break this sorry bro get out of my way 2:28:55 hmm i'm confused oh we need to put the blue one in there i see 2:29:02 kaboom or something oh and then we get the green one 2:29:10 these puzzles are too complicated for my dumbass i'm not smart enough or maybe i am i did up voyage your favorite girl online thank you 2:29:25 i'm about to resume this is not how i remember it i remember obi-wan's dumb ass oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 2:29:36 whoa that was sick oh goodness oh oh get me out of here get me out 2:29:46 my bad that's not part of it and press the start button 2:29:52 no he's just wailing on my boy in the corner over here 2:29:59 yep yep oh dodge switch jump 2:30:11 oh i just got cut in half good thing i am [ __ ] nine lives baby i just force pushed 2:30:20 obi-wan oh i didn't mean to open the menu i'm literally just button-mashing right now 2:30:26 because that is how you play this game button-mash press every button all at once 2:30:44 yeah that's right baby slice celeste 2:31:00 legs were just kicking kicking obi-wan in the shins i promise promise me oh i'm so dead i promise smacking him in the face 2:31:14 what the [ __ ] 2:31:20 we scored a point oh my god dude this game is so funny 2:31:40 where the [ __ ] did gandalf come from your occupation here has ended 2:31:50 oh anakin's getting up to some [ __ ] we gotta 2:32:07 it's on automatic pilot why does he sound like such a he's he sounds like such a diva 2:32:14 he's like oh my god the ship is on automatic pilot what do i do 2:32:26 let's go the boys the boys have returned your heterosexuality is strong with you gang padawan 2:32:37 but my lightsaber is stronger oh my god 2:32:43 that is so sus oh my god you [ __ ] troll that is hilarious 2:32:53 oh okay good [ __ ] alrighty guys i think that's a good place to pause for now 2:33:02 now we still must join we'll do we'll do the gungan assault next stream 2:33:08 let's see how do we save i think it already saved yeah it auto saved oh wait no yeah 2:33:15 we're good oh my goodness that was so much fun dude this is such a good game i love it so much 2:33:22 we're definitely gonna play more um but yeah for now i think that's gonna be oh my god this little 2:33:29 this follower thing is gonna be way far behind isn't it that's okay let me just get some outro 2:33:37 that was way too loud sorry guys just wanted some outro music oh my goodness and we back 2:33:47 two and a half hours of constant vibing so true i had such a good time yo everyone savannah everyone who followed i'm sure this is these are late notifications but thank 2:33:55 you so much for follow i really appreciate it honestly let me let me turn off let me turn off 2:34:01 alerts for the very end right here so i can just actually hear myself think real quick my goodness 2:34:09 but seriously ophelias thank you everyone who followed well my alerts were not on during uh 2:34:16 during the stream but yes thank you guys so much oh this girl voice where's the girl voice 2:34:22 maybe you said maybe this is the fanboy you're looking for perhaps i think it might be 2:34:29 it might be it might be anyway thank you guys so so much for hanging out with me oh we got it 2:34:36 oh well there you go there you go guys outfit was cute yeah we'll 2:34:41 do we'll do a cute little dance real quick before we go just for funsies 2:34:50 heads or tails oh let's do tails tails never fails let's do it 2:35:21 now 2:35:30 so where did you wear this outfit so i wore this outfit actually to a little a little date that i had the other day it was like a little just a little date a little date in the park 2:35:39 you know nothing too serious we just hung out in the park and they got some pizza but yeah she really liked my outfit um so i was like why not show it to why not show it to my stream you 2:35:48 know it got the approval but yeah anyway guys thank you so so much for hanging out with me i 2:35:55 really really appreciated everything that you guys do for me for hanging out for chatting for being 2:36:00 so nice to me and for the support i seriously do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart 2:36:05 so thank you so much for hanging out and i had a really good stream it was a great stream i'd like 2:36:11 to play some more games on stream because i don't know it's just it's just a whole lot of fun to just like play with you guys and like go through the story as a as a group you know what i mean 2:36:21 um but also of course we're gonna do you know just dancing gonna do some cosplays i got a lot 2:36:27 in store so stay tuned but yes thank you guys so so much i love each and every single one of you 2:36:33 from the bottom of my freaking little heart i love you guys so much you really really do make my day 2:36:40 so much better hugs and kisses have a wonderful week i will see you guys on wednesday and yeah 2:36:49 thank you so so much you guys are amazing um check your notifications did i miss uh 2:36:55 did i miss anything did i miss anything oh you mean my discord notifications what are you talking 2:37:01 about claudia you talking about my uh my uh did i did i miss a girl voice or something like that 2:37:08 i don't think so but anyway much love i love you guys so much mwah hugs and kisses i will see you 2:37:15 oh i missed the heads and tails well my head's the tails oh my alerts my goodness my alerts okay out wait let me see let me see let me see let me see i forgot um 2:37:31 my activity feed just shows follows i'm pretty sure 2:37:39 oh boom there we go i see i see now isaac thank you so much for the five dollars i got it again 2:37:44 thank you so so much i really appreciate that well thank you isaac that is so nice i got the heads 2:37:50 of tails thank you thank you thank you i'm not sure why that didn't show up my activity feed um 2:37:55 but thank you so so much you guys all right mwah much love get out there follow your dreams be who 2:38:01 you want to be wear what you want to wear say what you want to say and don't listen to what people say about you all right remember that all right much love hugs and kisses 2:38:11 you guys are wonderful and i will see you on wednesday bye