10:59 hello hello hello how are we doing everybody oh my mic is away 11:08 hello everyone hold on let me turn down this a little bit what is up 11:18 hey babies hello babies lucky seven months how we doing yo holy [ __ ] Phoebe with the 11:25 seven months welcome back oh my God so much [ __ ] has happened Tyler Roni with the three months and crj with the five gifted whoo 11:37 how we doing everybody crj with the five as well thank you so much guys look how [ __ ] 11:44 crazy long this wig is I didn't realize it was this long my goodness oh my God Superman knocks 11:51 with F5 as well you guys thank you so much and Isaac also with the gifted how are we doing 11:58 everybody Welcome to the stream so good to have you all oh my goodness Isaac thank you so much 12:05 what the [ __ ] we have a level four hype train what is happening I didn't even start the stream yet Dave foresty thank you for the [ __ ] 12 months with this lovely femboy thank 12:16 you Jay foresty spectacular to have you oh my goodness Jen thanks for the raid welcome everyone 12:25 so good to have you all thank you all so much for joining me oh my goodness you look gorgeous as a blonde thank you Erica I appreciate that I know I feel like this hair goes well with my eye color 12:39 um this wig is a little bit a little bit in my face 12:44 okay guys you'll never guess what [ __ ] just happened okay first of all what the [ __ ] 12:51 Jay forced cheese Frosty thank you so much thank you for the 10. what the [ __ ] oh my goodness and there's a 13:05 level five and I literally just [ __ ] turned on the stream thank you guys so much oh my God you 13:10 guys you guys are so sweet to me oh my goodness thank you Jay foresty let me just thank everyone 13:18 real quick thank you j4c for the 10. thank you so much thank you Isaac thank you Superman Knox 13:24 for the five thank you crj for the five thank you for Phoebe for the resub and thank you everyone 13:29 I'll say sorry if I missed it I really and flipped dingo thank you all oh my goodness you guys are such amazing people what the [ __ ] I love you thank you thank you thank you so you 13:41 were a Pokemon am I a Pokemon people have said that my name sounds like a Pokemon before um you 13:47 have a very lovely community community I know I really do what the heck where'd my music just go 13:54 wait did my headphones just turn off oh I think my headphones are are too low battery for me to undo it okay fit check fit check 14:04 can you catch me I think you might need a master ball if you're gonna catch me to be honest ain't no ain't no great ball ain't no uh ain't no quick ball you need a master ball for me 14:18 either a master ball or what's that one ball that's like a love ball wait that sounded sus [ __ ] shut up I didn't talk about love balls Ashley Casey wait what is it called 14:34 what is that what are they called yeah they are called love balls 14:40 look I'm not making this up guys I'm not making this up I'm not making this up 14:49 it's a love ball it's a love ball 14:56 oh my God what you've never heard of Love balls in your whole life 15:03 yo Lynn's arcade thank you for this gifting us up the life is annoying not gonna lie so 15:09 is it really is I recently found on YouTube through not should I use they them you can use whatever you want bubbles I honestly don't mind I usually go by he him like I 15:18 feel like I I generally identify as a boy but like whatever's man here and I remember me on July 5th is my b-day 14 I love you hope you hope you have a good day my best build get Hella fine 15:27 yo chronic scroll thank you for the [ __ ] thank you so much for the message that's really sweet 15:33 oh my goodness I already even fit Jack [ __ ] yes forgot about that sorry ADHD moment 15:48 this week is so long 16:12 oops 16:18 oh wig fan 16:30 this wig is like I don't even know I don't even know what to do with it like what do you even do 16:37 when you have all this hair my goodness maybe get some of it in front some of it behind type of deal 16:45 oh my gosh I feel like I'm wearing like a cape hot stuff coming through can you look good 16:56 I want to see the fit underneath yeah it's a hairdo me like that sometimes it really do 17:03 I generally identify as he him wait what's that I generally identify as he him except 17:09 when getting a sandwich discount oh well [ __ ] oh well there we go 17:16 hey yo one year what's up disco kid how you doing how you doing Chef princess 17:23 exactly all right guys so today what we're doing it is the [ __ ] one year anniversary 17:31 wait is the audio in the video lagging what really that's not fair why he's lagging for everyone 17:45 people are good okay well anyway what was I saying 17:50 I forget what was I say wait I need my headphones out so I can hear his music 17:56 we are gonna make a cake cake congratulations on one year thank you young Cam I appreciate 18:03 that yes okay we okay cool audio seems to be [ __ ] up for some people but not for everyone 18:09 so we're just gonna go with it anyway the audio is about to definitely get out of sync because the cooking the GoPro first of all yo Anna thank you for the follow the GoPro for some reason just 18:20 does weird delayed audio if anyone uses a GoPro for OBS or streaming please at me in the tech and 18:30 nerdy stuff channel on Discord and tell me what to do because I don't know how the [ __ ] do it um also by the way everyone joined my Discord if you haven't joined it yet please do 18:38 okay back to what we're doing it is the one year anniversary [ __ ] yes everyone thank you so much 18:46 thank you so much for being here with me for one whole year it is so amazing to have you guys like 18:52 I I I honestly can't believe it I thought you started in 2020. I think I started my uh YouTube 18:59 channel perhaps in 2020 but I started my twitch literally like one year ago basically um so happy 19:07 one year everybody it is so good to have you at least one year for streaming anyway we did our there was a one year anniversary for my YouTube channel it happened a little while ago but for 19:16 streaming one year let's go POG congratulations everyone well I don't know if congratulations the 19:23 white word but thank you all so much for being here for me for one year it's literally amazing one entire [ __ ] year of just the best community of all time but as a celebration we are gonna bake 19:36 a cake it's gonna be literally the most simple cake of all time but we are gonna try and make some buttercream frosting and I do have candles so it's gonna we're gonna see what happens it's gonna 19:48 literally gonna be the most simple cake I'm just gonna use the little loaf tin that I used last time um so yeah one sec I feel like my saturation is a little weird let me turn it up a little bit 20:04 Ah that's too much okay never mind I'm not gonna [ __ ] with it I'm just gonna leave it [ __ ] it 20:11 I think my contrast I don't know who knows man cameras are so weird I wish someone could invent 20:18 a camera that looks like my eyes there's never been any camera in the history of forever where 20:23 I I look at a thing and I'm like wow that's pretty and I take a picture of it and I'm like damn that looks literally nothing like my eyes looks like like it looks like for my eyes 20:33 what the [ __ ] up with that okay what kind of cake it's literally just gonna be like a vanilla 20:39 cake like a just a normal like it's literally like butter flour milk sugar and eggs that's 20:45 like literally all the whole entire ingredients for this cake you guys have to understand how bad I am at cooking and how this is literally the only thing that I'll be able to make this 21:04 like I literally no chocolate nope no chocolate I mean to be quite honest I'm kind of a vanilla girl 21:11 if you if you wanna you know if you really need to know everyone's always like freaking out at me 21:17 for this but look I like the vanilla milkshake over the chocolate milkshake [ __ ] sue me all 21:22 right [ __ ] Sumi yo James sparkles thank you for the 2 000 beds what the [ __ ] that's so nice of 21:29 you thank you so much Justice sentiment to show how much we truly love you you got cheers and 21:34 bits and Subs right we came on cam we appreciate your support you never ever think you're nothing happy anniversary thank you James mwah thank you James Sparkles that is so sweet of you I really 21:44 appreciate it hey Aaron it's cool how you doing I'd rinelli vanilla oh really right nearly Right 21:51 Nelly finally you're not bad at cookie it went great last time it's like yeah maybe maybe it did 22:00 but you know it's kind of a flip of a coin it's like it's like I get in the kitchen and like 22:07 it's just it's just uh it's just a gamble you have no idea what's gonna come out either injuries or something edible who knows 22:19 I won't sue you all [ __ ] defend you thank you I appreciate you I appreciate that what's up girls 22:26 merka how you doing we're gonna have a question I am I was curious that day went to My Sister's 22:31 Closet I have six I put out a broad panties and leggings and loved it no one knows about it and don't have the courage to tell anyone what do I do well I know my nose I would say 22:41 keep doing it if it feels good go for it if you like wearing girl clothes if you 22:46 like wearing a bra and leggings and [ __ ] [ __ ] wear blonde leggings who cares well 22:52 you know what I mean it's I I I know that it's not always a lot easier said than done 22:57 because of like social pressures and parents and friends and stuff like that but like honestly 23:03 if you just wanna if you just wanna wear girl clothes [ __ ] wear girl clothes who cares 23:13 I mean like what should I do about it it's like maybe maybe you don't steal your sister's clothes 23:18 I don't know maybe ask probably like if you think that they would respond well that might be a good 23:24 thing to do is be like hey sis can I like wear one of your crop tops for a bit and see how it goes 23:31 if you like it you like it [ __ ] it you have a fire extinguisher yet oh my God not yet not yet 23:40 right now the Ice Ice Baby exactly 23:59 should I try makeup yes you should grow smart cup you should absolutely try makeup what's in the fish tank nothing yet just some rocks but I'm gonna get some fish really soon 24:07 the reason okay guys I actually am not gonna get fish again for like a month because I'm literally going away for another another week at the end of this month I'm gonna go back to 24:17 California for a family reunion so I got this fish tank like two months ago but I just have 24:22 had so many times around like leaving for a few days um so yeah I'm not gonna get a fish yet 24:28 but or I haven't had fish yet I'm gonna get neon tetras though bubbles that's what I'm gonna get um but yes you should absolutely try try makeup girl smirka are you kidding me [ __ ] go for it 24:39 try whatever you want to try if it sounds like something that would be fun then [ __ ] do it 24:44 kind of scared to tell my family that I want to be a girl yeah that makes sense it totally makes sense I'm super super scared um whatever you do keep super scary sorry wait I'm 80 interesting 24:55 it's super scary but like you know what's even scarier is like not being yourself you 25:02 know like want to know wanna yo Lucy thank you for the one sub thank you so much mwah 25:10 like you want to know what's you want to know what's even scarier than than not uh been telling 25:16 your parents that you want to wear girl clothes or that you even want to be a girl like completely or that you want to cross-dress or that you're gay or that you're whatever non-conforming gender 25:25 non-conforming or anything you know what's scarier than doing that not being yourself 25:31 like denying the part of yourself that wants to be that person is a lot scarier 25:37 and a lot more sad and depressing than whatever reaction whoever you're coming out to might say 25:44 but yeah anyway that's what I have to say on the matter be yourself do your thing it's gonna be way better um yo Lucy socks sorry I think I said this but thank you so much for 25:54 the gifted sub I really appreciate that all right yeah yeah yeah yeah you just got a sub 25:59 right now with the facts exactly you already know I just spit facts that's it that's all I do 26:06 I never told a lie in my life that was a lot I tell lies just kidding you're a good therapist [ __ ] well that's 26:19 crazy because I literally cry in therapy every single week so 26:24 I'm glad I'm glad I at least sound like I know what I'm talking about because when I go to therapy I'm [ __ ] stopping my eyes out so 26:36 I feel like it's so much easier to like give advice that you don't take you know what I mean 26:42 you go to therapy every week yes I do go to therapy every week what skateboard tricks can you do I can do a kickflip I could do almost I've landed a couple tray flips in my life I 26:52 can do grinds like I can do board slides and 50 50s 50s I can do like tail stalls and tail slides 27:01 um I can do varial flips shove it I can't do a big spin though I want to be able to do a big spin 27:09 therapist POG I know therapy is so pog it really is I I [ __ ] I I resisted 27:15 therapy for so much right right Ollie kept a straight face for about 1.4 seconds there 27:21 yep um what was I gonna say I forget uh therapy yeah therapy sick I held out on it for so long 27:30 I was like I don't need that I'm strong in the brain like it doesn't seem like seven months 27:38 damn flies thank you for the seven months thank you so much I really appreciate that it is so 27:47 good to have you thank you thank you thank you welcome [ __ ] back I know I can't believe seven [ __ ] months that is insane expecting inbox and viewers because stream Finn stream Clash oh [ __ ] 27:57 okay well welcome everybody welcome welcome I I I'm sorry Finn stream crash but hopefully I 28:05 can provide some Fanboy Vibes in the meantime yo was super smith thank you for the fellow 28:14 um is it for past draw but yeah it's for past drama I've experienced some [ __ ] that I honestly 28:21 repressed deeply until like a year ago and then I was like oh [ __ ] that happened to me and I 28:28 saw that happen and that is [ __ ] rough uh and now it's kind of all bubbling up and so now I'm 28:35 in therapy yay but you know what that's that's just that's just life everyone has some [ __ ] 28:43 like they've been through everyone's going through their own problems and sometimes you gotta talk to someone to figure it out hydration Where's my water 29:01 oh this wig is a little too far forward man I might need dip I might need to change wigs I might need to change wigs before you cook honestly 29:16 this dude this [ __ ] is long I feel like I'm gonna get it caught in the oven or something 29:25 ah 29:45 outfit change [ __ ] all right there we go okay wait we got a fit check first real quick 30:17 I'm gonna take this off for now because I think I'm gonna have to take off the wig anyway 30:43 foreign 31:13 foreign 31:26 exactly literally Rapunzel hair 31:34 look at him hot thanks girls merka if I would have changed I know right right 31:43 um is it based on a specific character well this wig was the wig that excuse me 31:50 Miss wig is the one that came with the um the Asana cosplay so this 31:57 is her hair I suppose although it's not really her hair even um but yeah this is the wig that came with that cosplay so I guess if I was doing a character I 32:08 would drag myself across the Sahara desert with Ryan Ali's queef as my only Air Supply 32:17 bro oh my God down horrendous holy [ __ ] 32:29 well I can't unfortunately can't queef so you're out of your [ __ ] out of luck there my friend 32:39 are you [ __ ] kidding me 32:49 holy [ __ ] 10 out of 10. [ __ ] these these down bad messages are getting better and better holy [ __ ] 33:02 in the suffocate I'm dead uh Sharky's gonna need a bigger Hammer literally oh my God 33:15 [ __ ] straight straight to horny jail just right for you oh my goodness dude 33:23 oh my God 33:44 heads or tails time heads or tails time and dance downstairs ah let's see let's see let's 33:52 see can I can I get a nice [ __ ] thanks [ __ ] I appreciate that foreign let's see can I get 33:59 my kick my street going once again all right I'm picking I'm picking heads heads Heads babe 34:07 let's get it let's get it let's get it let's get it yo I've arrived what up nerdy leg how you doing 34:13 and virio thanks for the fellow thank you so much 34:29 foreign 34:45 good job you got it right let's go let's go thanks Isaac mwah thank you 34:50 for the tips I really really appreciate it oh [ __ ] we got a skirt spin in the house skirt's been tight there's been time yo Alpha thank you for the funnel 35:12 foreign 35:39 foreign 36:04 okay all right guys I'm Gonna Change wigs real quick and maybe put on some Bobs who knows 36:11 who knows because we got an outfit change someone redeemed outfit change so I gotta change my outfit 36:17 and put on a better wig so that we can bake this cake and I don't freaking burn my hair into the OR 36:24 mix my hair into the cake itself okay um one sec and a nice dress yup dress dress okay wait what do 36:33 you guys think about this dress it's a little I was gonna wear it but it's a little wrinkly 36:39 yo guns Burger thank you for the follow are you gonna wear this one um the classic 36:49 I was gonna wear this housewife one that I wore earlier 36:57 hello camera why are you doing this to me camera no um I was gonna wear this housewife one we could wear that or 37:14 who could wear like this blue one perhaps 37:21 what do you guys think what which one of those two wig options all right let's see 37:46 I have this um the pink one pink okay sounds good same as though pink is the consensus 37:55 we could do a poll let's do a pull [ __ ] it why not why 38:04 wait why are you come on 38:10 wait what the [ __ ] did I change my password last night and not remember I might have done that yo 38:18 um maybe crj or Claudia one of the monsters in here can you run a poll 38:24 for me real quick for blue dress versus pink dress okay I also have this wig 38:33 what do you guys think what do you guys think about this one it's really blonde this one almost looks yellow comparatively yo Jonathan then give it a follow 38:43 um what do you guys think about this one it's a little bit it's a little bit super 38:49 super blonde but we're gonna try it see how it looks I know it looks white on camera 38:57 um could fit the it could fit the pink dress really well though actually not gonna lie 39:05 all right let's try this wig and we'll try the pink dress Maybe wait let's see oh [ __ ] looks 39:12 like blue might actually be winning oh my God it's guys everyone vote in the poll do you want the blue dress or the pink dress it seems very very [ __ ] close oh my goodness I did not expect oh 39:23 oh it's so close it's so close holy [ __ ] 22 to 23 24 to 23. vote in the poll vote in the pool 39:35 I know this dress will be a good uh 39:40 this dress will be a good try for for doing the blonde am I good oh my God now Pink's winning this is so [ __ ] close oh my God there we go pink win 39:52 37-35 [ __ ] maybe I Gotta Wear both of them this is crazy that was a crazy pull oh my God 40:01 okay well I guess pink one okay I'm gonna just put on this wig first of 40:06 all and let's just see how it looks yo Ariana oh thank you for the following um let me just try on this one first and we'll see how it works let me just put on the little text 40:19 that says putting on a wig or putting on a cute outfit okay Boop love you guys I'll see you soon 40:39 tell them what you have to say toast I know I know you got a lot in your mind all right tell them give it to him give it to him straight 41:52 thank you 42:22 foreign 42:37 what do we think about this one what do we think 42:47 I think it works actually pretty well as cute as [ __ ] thank you guys I appreciate it 42:56 I agree damn the wig fits really well with this top it really does doesn't it 43:04 and the wig is almost even like slightly green I don't know if that's true but like it kind of looks like it on the camera perfect I want to wear that wig now get one Kamina you got it 43:17 we'll do it with the fit it really does God damn who is she and where can I get to know her 43:28 oh this works so good with this fit 43:54 oh my God it looks actually perfect 44:00 it's wonderful okay mischievous you can make the call because you redeem the outfit change but let's run one 44:11 more poll real quick just to say should we miss Evie's you can veto the pool if you want to but 44:19 let's run one more poll real quick and say do we want to keep this outfit oh my God 44:25 the pink dress some Bobs and maybe a red lip to offset the colors would be to die 44:32 for okay perfect hold on sorry let me let me read that home as it's very clear on you 44:37 the pink dress The Bobs and maybe red lipped offset the colors would be to die for okay word 44:43 let's vote um oh my God this looks so good though 44:53 let's do one more pull let's do one more pull um mods runnable real quick to do keep keep 45:00 outfit or put on pink dress Maybe it's like I want to put on the pink dress but I also 45:07 want to keep this outfit it looks so good I don't know what to do okay uh let's see 45:13 let's run a poll and run the pool real quick and do either keep outfit or wear pink dress and if 45:19 keep outfit wins by more than like double if keep fit wins by more than double then we'll refund the 45:29 outfit change and we could do it again another time oh all right looks like coupon put on dress 45:35 is gonna be the winner dude it's so weird I never know what's gonna happen oh my God man knocks 45:40 I want to rig that pole keep this top and wink 45:51 that's me to put on a dress minoxes donated 25 thank you Superman that 45:57 is so sweet of you holy [ __ ] to keep the outfit so what the [ __ ] do I do 46:07 I don't know what to do 46:13 okay well I think I'm gonna put on the dress because mischievous redeemed the outfit change 46:18 and and said put on the dress and then now the pole went one by almost double so all right we're gonna put on the dress I'm sorry my docs I'm really really sorry 46:31 I'll just I'll do a dance I'll give you a free dance all right free dance free super long dance and then I will put on a new outfit but yes free log Dance For You 46:43 battery 20 alrighty then 46:49 sorry that was really loud 46:55 battery do I need for that 47:20 foreign 47:57 thank you 48:09 dance okay all righty back to putting our cute outfit 48:24 okay okay you were like the [ __ ] 48:37 totally totally all right one sec 48:54 I love his wig Yo Bowl fit thank you for the follow I don't know I've never worn it before okay 49:02 um alrighty I'm gonna put on the dress I'll be right back 49:11 wait one more pull yes Bob's or no Bobs one more pull mods one more pull yes Bob's or no bobs 49:26 one more one more 49:32 you felt foreign 49:42 everybody oh sorry for the double alert sound vote in the pool it's 50:07 all right all right yup all right sounds like yup okay guys I'll be back I'll be back 50:22 [ __ ] white on white again God damn it oh well what are you gonna do what are you gonna do 50:31 keep them coming I know you have a lot to say toast I know you have a lot to say 50:48 foreign 51:19 foreign 51:48 foreign 52:20 foreign 52:56 foreign 53:25 foreign 54:11 foreign 54:40 thank you 55:02 it looks good it looks so good 55:10 I need new words 55:15 you guys hey wait let me take that off real quick you guys oh my God it looks 55:23 so [ __ ] good with this wig my goodness yo Jersey 55:33 oh my goodness no 55:42 it's actually a little princess Vibe I love it 55:47 princess vibes 55:53 scary spin time oh oops y as I go sorry 56:19 hello 56:30 it's been so well I know I know this wig fits this dress perfectly are we serious like oh my God I love it so much me too 56:40 life is annoying me too you look so good thanks pineapple thank you guys so much 56:49 I know this fig is this fig this wind this wig is so good for this fit this fig this fig is insane 56:58 of course obviously I'm a guy but I'm glad everyone voted for Bob's I hope that sounds weird it's all good you want the Bobs you want the Bob 57:27 imagine era's bombshell look exactly 900 there is bombs though literally this week a hot new 57:36 bombshell this week a hot new bombshell enters the villa it's me it's reinale 57:45 that wig fit your face if you were still not sure about dyeing your hair blonde I think you got the answer I know right you guys all right everyone everyone who was who was reticent or was that 57:56 the right word who had uh reservations about me dying my hair blonde what about now what about now 58:09 um 58:17 okay wait sorry pending on Words ooh and a girl voice what the [ __ ] okay I take back 58:26 my previous Dono this outfit looks great and works well with the wick thank you 58:37 middle man yo six foot thank you for the follow um I'm really glad I'm really glad wait let me turn 58:43 that down a little bit um I'm so glad I'm so glad you like it because I was feeling bad I was like [ __ ] I can't please everyone at the same time everyone wants something different yeah it feels 58:53 really good it's such a good fit it's such a good fit I'm great I'm I'm feeling great in this one 58:59 TBH I like your natural hair bar baby another color would work better true 59:05 I mean I don't know I feel like no one's ever gonna agree on any hair color ever for anyone you know what I mean okay wait sorry I need to do it 59:17 yes finally a good one hey girl with a mine a woman with an attitude and a lady with class 59:27 boom there you go was there one more girl voice that I missed I think I did oh yeah 59:32 people say I look like Emily Osment but I'm prettier Sedro 59:40 yo flip dingo thank you so much I can't help myself you look so beautiful you deserve this 59:48 I'm supposed to spend your heart Holly thank you thank you so much I can't help myself oh wait sorry wrong you look so beautiful hashtag inclusive spender hashtag hot 59:58 Rhino sorry wrong message that was from Jade thank you James I really appreciate it mwah 1:00:03 thank you so so much food digo said you have the cutest smile when you sleep let's check 1:00:16 yeah baby yeah baby you're going places so good what the hell thank you I appreciate 1:00:21 that thank you so much guys [ __ ] it's been an hour and I haven't even started baking oh no this cake is gonna take [ __ ] a million years all right guys 1:00:30 we gotta start this going on oh I do have Maryland Vibes going on right now don't I 1:00:42 I do have some Maryland Material Girl exactly I do love Maryland is my queen 1:01:07 it's so skinny 1:01:20 oh my God 1:01:26 you need to find an updraft to stand over exactly 1:01:32 portal the cake is a lie and it's been the whole time suckers 1:01:39 totally 1:01:44 I saw CJ and Discord but you happy birthday anniversary thank you guys thank you so much you're looking so hot thanks girls merka if you want to 1:01:51 cosplay Marilyn Monroe you need air vents so true so true okay guys let's [ __ ] do this and please 1:01:59 don't burn your house down like I show speed did on the Stream must be really do that oh my God that guy that kid that kid is on one dude I love my it's like I have 1:02:12 a love hate relationship with Guy just beat all right it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake 1:02:19 all right we gotta get cake started then we can chat we'll chat chat while it's baking all right let's see I hope all right guys just so you know it's about to the audio is about to get a little 1:02:30 bit delayed because I I messed with the GoPro the whole time and I couldn't figure it out I'm sorry 1:02:37 um we're just gonna have to deal with a little with the delay with the audio delay but all right let's do it I'll see you guys in the kitchen thank you 1:03:16 thank you 1:03:25 foreign 1:03:54 okay wait what about now 1:04:06 yes yes okay amazing news perfect let's get this [ __ ] show on the road 1:04:19 perfect okay let's see what are we doing we're baking a cake all right guys let's [ __ ] do it 1:04:27 let's burn my house down I finally got measuring stuff measuring stuff check 1:04:38 mixing bowls check 1:04:51 beer check foreign check 1:05:03 where's the cream 1:05:09 eggs candles or not candles candles cream 1:05:18 cheers 1:05:24 all right let's freaking do this y'all let's freaking do this 1:05:33 all right so I was following the tutorial so let me just let me just get this tutorial going real quick 1:05:40 all right 1:05:53 all right so first we need a half cup I haven't ever even opened these okay Luke half cup 1:06:03 this is your fourth cup this is the third cup this is a half cup Perfect all right now what they say 1:06:22 okay guys you do you have do you guys have a preference about what to do in terms of 1:06:31 cooking oil versus butter cooking oil do I use cooking oil or do I use butter which 1:06:38 one is is more delicious in terms of the cake in the in the end in the end result 1:06:48 I always use butter okay 1:06:55 but that means that that means I have to melt it down a little bit but that's okay we can do that how much is it how much in terms of sticks of butter is a half cup of butter do we know 1:07:13 one stick oh one stick is a half cup perfect let's go wonderful it says it right on it perfect 1:07:25 why the [ __ ] am I using cups to measure a stick of butter anyway 1:07:31 okay um I guess I should melt it down huh you should probably melt it down 1:07:38 all right 1:07:46 time to melt down the butter 1:08:06 all right oh yeah I should probably turn that on down low huh down low right 1:08:15 that heat was like really high 1:08:20 300 gram butter 300 gram flour some milk and three eggs that is really easy to remember damn I should do that I should I should maybe I'll use my recipe but I'll try 1:08:30 that one later because that sounds like a really nice Boombox pow type of recipe 1:08:36 thank you update melt me down is this dream horribly choppy for anyone else oh no is it that's horrible 1:08:50 that's horrible okay um boom we got butter 1:08:58 yep okay one egg as well okay 1:09:09 I'm sorry guys I'm kind of learning as I go right now 1:09:19 if you wanted to point two eggs I'll use two eggs then in the recipe the recipe I'm looking at just said if you 1:09:31 what cakey making I'm making literally a sugar cake like I don't even know what you call it it's just like it's just like a cake that has milk and sugar and flour and egg and that's 1:09:45 literally the only ingredients so it's perfect um dude I'm literally learning as I go she she just 1:09:53 said so I'm only using one egg but if you want it to be better and fluffier and more delicious use two eggs what obviously I'm gonna use two eggs then what are you talking about 1:10:07 oh of course I'm gonna use two eggs and yes we're gonna make some icing too we're gonna make we're gonna make some we're gonna make some buttercream as well oh [ __ ] 1:10:23 the butter oopsie subsidizing got the butter got the butter butter 1:10:36 perfect 1:10:43 vanilla icing I guess so I guess it's gonna be vanilla I don't really know 1:10:48 I think it's just gonna be like sugar icing like you know it's just gonna be like cream and sugar 1:10:54 alrighty I feel like I need um I need a light for over here maybe I'll grab my light 1:11:10 never mind my webcam's attached to it I can't do that it's screwed into it okay so we got the sugar and we get the egg what's next 1:11:23 uh-huh yeah I know about that whisk it up 1:11:29 flour does she put sugar again I don't think so right 1:11:39 no she doesn't okay so that's all I'm gonna put all the sugar in there then 1:11:44 so how much sugar do I need I need half cup of sugar and two eggs all right let's do it 1:11:54 cup of sugar is this the one Yep this is the house up perfect 1:12:07 all right butter you can keep melting your dumbass over there I'm gonna get the sugar you sugar sugar 1:12:19 I need my headphones I know my headphones are low but I need them 1:12:34 I want to be able to use them use that hello there first time here discover your YouTube channel like 1:12:40 two days ago and [ __ ] watch everything you could stop laughing hell yeah that is amazing RG writing I'm so glad you love it I'm so glad to hear that you like the videos that's so good to hear 1:12:50 I'm waiting for recipe to go dark now add a cup of blood pressure killed virgin and stir slowly oh my God right mommy yup ride Mommy 1:13:03 oh my God in Burbank okay um all right butter go over here you're like burning so you can chill 1:13:11 I need sugar in my [ __ ] let's go 1:13:18 got sugar foreign 1:13:30 perfect and she's it seems like there's ostensibly it seems like there's no downside to doing two 1:13:37 eggs she was like I'm gonna keep this recipe simple so I'm gonna use one egg but if you want it to be fluffier and more delicious then we'll give you two eggs or then use two eggs it's 1:13:47 like obviously I want it to be fluffier and more delicious like what do you mean what do you mean 1:13:56 alrighty 1:14:02 and one egg 1:14:09 and another egg 1:14:20 all righty 1:14:28 foreign 1:14:36 yes we want your fluffy cake oh my God Bonk into he had bonked into the stratosphere my friend 1:14:48 came across the official looking site that said uh I said once you make fake props by filling the ends of pantyhose with rice or beads 1:14:58 that I mean you got to do what you got to do I used to basically get my girlfriend's bra and then 1:15:04 put socks in it so it was or sorry it was a padded bra like I used to get she had this padded bra 1:15:10 like you know padded bras have like they really keep the shape no matter what's inside you know what I mean so I just had her padded bra and then I just put socks in it and that works pretty good 1:15:22 that works pretty well um okay is this the official Fanboy cake recipe yes if you want femboy 1:15:30 cake you have to follow this recipe oh my God okay wait what do I do what I forget 1:15:38 I have my egg and my sugar and my stuff now what she said whisk it I'm pretty sure 1:15:45 yeah right 1:15:56 and then Whip It Up 1:16:06 okay all righty I need my whisk where's my whiskey here's my waist whisk 1:16:14 whisk whisk whisk hi what's up midnight how you doing I'm so exhausted so I'm gonna leave 1:16:20 I don't know what time it is but good night all right life is annoying have a good day have a 1:16:25 good night I hope you sleep well thank you for chilling with us it was great to have you okay 1:16:35 shut up you're still dying 1:16:42 with time all right I have no clue what to do with this but let's figure it out um 1:16:56 oopsie all right I'm just gonna keep stirring I'm just gonna keep stirring and hopefully it works out 1:17:10 back back and we're mixing it we're mixing it keep it in the pan 1:17:23 easier said than done 1:17:35 frisky whiskey whisk whiskey whiskey whisk well not whiskey actually no we definitely don't want whiskey yo Alexa what's good 1:17:43 a whisk as a combat weapon probably not the most effective of combat weapons 1:17:52 dude that just [ __ ] reminded me do you know that guy on YouTube who's like this self-proclaimed like alpha male like here like the tips and tricks for like how to 1:18:03 be an alpha male and he was like yeah I [ __ ] hate when my when my boys are 1:18:09 with me and they're texting their girlfriends like it's like if you're texting your girl when 1:18:17 you're with me you're not combat ready which means that you don't have my back 1:18:25 I was like what what combat ready but what are you talking about like I don't have 1:18:31 to be combat ready just to [ __ ] hang out with my friends what are you talking about 1:18:39 oh God he gets so many of my favorite YouTubers make like like most critical and and Asthma and 1:18:45 stuff they all make video they've all made videos like making fun of this guy 1:18:51 only one alpha male way too much talk to Max in the other world yeah wait we got it was all right 1:19:00 oh well there you go 1:19:06 Stockton broad one of the beginner fake blue method I see everywhere it worked when I was a small egg but I would not recommend it long term especially in the summer yeah I 1:19:12 made the the socks the socks and the padded bra doesn't work perfectly because socks are inherently lumpy all right that looks pretty good that looks pretty mixed in my opinion 1:19:26 perfect okay um all righty let's see what's next oh what's next 1:19:44 all right and then we need another bolt one sec 1:19:51 we need another Bowl 1:19:57 and we need how much flour one and a half cups 1:20:06 and baking powder 1:20:24 okay 1:20:29 you need one and a half cups of flour what's up what's up a resting place how you doing 1:20:34 we're just making a little cake just making our little cake 1:20:40 I'm getting one single frame every eight seconds I'm sorry James sparkles how y'all doing I'm doing just fine the resting place how you doing 1:20:50 Katie's being made at the point it's very moist but notice untouched yes that's true all right 1:21:08 okay 1:21:15 flower wait I need to do what I always do 1:21:20 I need it I need to do what I always do whenever I get the flower 1:21:25 huh it feels so crazy I love it so much it's so amazing oh my God why does it feel like that okay 1:21:40 it's so soft 1:21:46 I feel like if I if I didn't do that or if it didn't like get everywhere and like probably 1:21:53 cause me to suffocate I would literally sleep in a bathtub full of flour that would be [ __ ] amazing 1:21:59 like are you kidding me just a little weird all right I I never said I wasn't a little weird right 1:22:07 I never said that wasn't weird 1:22:22 one half cup 1:22:28 two wrapped up 1:22:40 and three half cups foreign all right 1:22:48 perfect 1:23:01 what are we doing next so we got the flower in there perfect 1:23:10 wait what did you just add it all right add in the flour 1:23:21 details on if you're using self-rising flour which you can do things for baking powder how 1:23:28 many half teaspoons of baking powder guys what the [ __ ] is the difference between baking powder and baking soda huh what the heck man what the freaking heck I don't understand 1:23:40 but I got the I got baking powder I got both I got both so we're good 1:23:46 but what are you gonna you know what's good with that why are they why are there beautiful ones 1:23:54 okay let me get this [ __ ] open and boom 1:24:00 one is to bake soda true I forgot about I forgot about that the ancient art of baking soda right 1:24:11 duh where's my little guys how much do I need I need one and a half teaspoons I need another beer 1:24:42 ah I probably shouldn't put cardboard on the stove that's probably a bad idea 1:24:55 drunk baby scream yeah let's get this turning into a drunk Baby Dream [ __ ] it 1:25:04 yo they give it a follow mini me thank you so much 1:25:09 all right drunk Baby's Dream let's [ __ ] go baby got a black cherry claw hell yeah cheers all right 1:25:16 uh biggie baby powder that's what I [ __ ] need where's this recipe all right I need uh I need uh 1:25:27 how much one and a half teaspoons and you know how much 1:25:35 you're how much my friend my little buddy my little buddy you are 1 8 teaspoon that's 1:25:42 way too small one teaspoon all right we'll do the one teaspoon and we'll do a half teaspoon 1:25:53 all right that's one this is the one that you I know you can't [ __ ] up this is the one that I 1:26:02 know that if you mess this one up your cake will turn into like a creature that's alive 1:26:09 all right we got one and now we need a half 1:26:21 perfect 1:26:28 all right now I need to babysitter during cooking baking streams yeah it's true 1:26:33 no but but when my babysitter let me drink beer I don't know where did my beer go 1:26:42 it's God oh it's over here I found it 1:26:54 okay what'd you do next I'm sorry guys I'm sorry that I'm like learning as I'm doing I'll be like 1:26:59 next time I'm gonna do a cooking stream I'm gonna like learn the recipe beforehand so that 1:27:04 I can just do it um okay let's see I can't wait to make the frosting though I really 1:27:10 want to make a little frosting cake that's gonna be so fun all right so she mixed it up 1:27:19 she mixed it up with just like a wooden spoon I don't have a wooden spoon but I have 1:27:24 a ladle so that's gonna have to do all right this is my baking Ladle you know it's my mixing ladle 1:27:37 honestly it works pretty good perfect oops I spilled the flowers but 1:27:47 it's just my mixing Ladle okay just deal with it okay guys just [ __ ] deal with it 1:27:55 perfect ing ladle wonderful um 1:28:03 okay all right Ollie what's up dog cat how you doing how you doing 1:28:15 hey hey okay um and then she says add some milk I think 1:28:25 oh she put them all in 1:28:35 okay okay so then we're gonna pour this all in here 1:28:43 honestly I'm gonna pour this in there I think that's better 1:28:49 I'm going off recipe I'm going off recipe I just don't like mixing it in this pot I think mixing in the bowl is better 1:29:01 I don't know if that was a bad thing to do but oh well if it was oh [ __ ] well all right okay um 1:29:27 got the milk okay how much milk she said milk half cup all right half cup 1:29:40 half cup of milk foreign 1:30:04 all right leave you here leave you there and now what she just mix it she just mixed it up 1:30:16 foreign 1:30:27 all right all right yeah pretty much just mix it I think some people just mix it all right we're mixing it oh [ __ ] ah why is it exploding at me 1:30:48 it keeps it keeps spraying your freaking flower everywhere 1:30:56 I hope I didn't just like reduce the amount of flour content like crazy okay I'll do it slowly slowly slowly isn't in my 1:31:08 slowly it's not in my vocabulary 1:31:16 oh my God okay there we go now it's now it's at a consistency consistency that I can do this and not [ __ ] spray myself 1:31:29 up up some people have a key ring right eye is a spoon ring yeah dude I I've got 1:31:36 I got it [ __ ] made hey bro hey bro it's not so [ __ ] measuring cups bro 1:31:46 what you need I got [ __ ] I got four cups I got teaspoons like a half teaspoon what 1:31:52 you need what you need I got it up I got it all I got it though foreign 1:31:59 cup dealer 1:32:04 alrighty damn that's a good [ __ ] bad at all 1:32:16 perfect hi what's up what's up Jen Terrace how you doing how you doing 1:32:27 yes I did remember to turn the stove off thank you seriously good question though all right I 1:32:34 think this is how it's supposed to be it looks to be completely honest more smooth than hers is 1:32:44 like hers is like can you is it a thing is it a thing to over mix 1:33:00 I was I've been I don't have like any counter space so I was using my I was just like propping 1:33:07 up my cutting board over my sink but yeah I should have known if that was gonna happen um 1:33:16 okay what cake you want to make it's literally just a flour sugar and egg 1:33:22 cake there's like literally no [ __ ] there's no name for this cake that I'm about to make 1:33:30 okay bro 1:33:36 oh my goodness okay I need a drink my gosh also I need to water my plant got my plant's about to die 1:33:44 actually no it's not why did I say that this is the [ __ ] most this is the most 1:33:49 Lively a plant that I've had has ever been I can't forget it I keep thinking you guys 1:33:55 are here because normally I put my chat over my webcam but I'm like wait no you guys are here 1:34:01 this is my plan yeah she's pretty sexy look at that we got new growth sprouting up here 1:34:08 we've got new growth sprouting up here we got new growth sprouting up there in there perfect 1:34:21 sorry I forgot the video was still playing um okay where's my loaf tin 1:34:32 here's my love tin okay about 10 times you gotta butter it up for 1:34:38 something wait what did she do she buttered it I think she flowered it 1:34:45 she like painted it with something 1:34:50 all right she greased it up I'm gonna grease it up too wait but that means I need more butter 1:34:59 all right this is not how she did it but I'm just gonna do this this way because I don't know how else to do it 1:35:10 you guys are about to see some you guys are about to see some five head five head baking 1:35:16 strategies right now you ready for this OMG hi Dolly what's up soccer Dom how you doing 1:35:22 all right listen to me plant make sure the ground drinking is under control all right guys 1:35:29 watch this watch this genius we're going off script all right we're good we're going off script 1:35:47 I just want to get it melted a little bit 1:35:57 perfect okay wonderful and it's so that I can do this 1:36:03 and so that I can use it like a marker that's what I want to do 1:36:14 that's what I want to do and it's working perfectly let me tell you it's working [ __ ] perfectly and I'm a genius that's all I really have to say to all of you at this moment in time 1:36:23 is that I'm a [ __ ] genius I should be probably hired as a teacher at every culinary school ever 1:36:32 Gordon Ramsay is my [ __ ] and yeah that's all I really have to say about that 1:36:45 Gordon Ramsay can literally suck on these nuts because I'm [ __ ] way better than him at cooking obviously 1:36:57 ah [ __ ] my friends got away from me okay now and then she then she lightly flowered it 1:37:08 I don't really know how to wait how did she do that she just kind of lightly dusted it yo Drew they give it a follow all right how did she do that again 1:37:22 oh she just took it with her she just took it with her oh I see 1:37:30 I see I see okay so we just gotta get a little spoon yo not think I'm gonna follow my friend I appreciate you 1:37:41 get a little in there and just and just let it coat the sides I suppose 1:38:04 perfect I'm pretty sure that's what you I'm pretty sure that's what she wanted foreign 1:38:11 okay and now I think she just poured it in there and [ __ ] tossed it in the oven which seems 1:38:23 it definitely seems to me like that is not enough steps but that right that's what she did so let's 1:38:28 [ __ ] do it wait how I should probably preheat the oven what should I do it bake at 180 degrees 1:38:34 Celsius 350 degrees Fahrenheit and a preheated oven for about 30-40 minutes all right boom 1:38:40 you gotta do this I didn't preheat it 1:38:46 guys I have to hold my oven does this thing where I literally have to hold it like this for like [ __ ] 10 like a whole minute straight I know bunny I know are you alive yeah you're alive let's 1:38:58 go let's go wait what did it say 350 yeah 350. perfect is that a sticker on the bottom of the pan 1:39:11 the pan was all buttery and it made me drop it 1:39:16 yes it is though it is indeed I should probably take that off 1:39:22 probably take that off oopsy 1:39:33 did the music stop or did my headphones die 1:40:10 oh my God I was I meant for that entrance to be so much more elegant than it was 1:40:23 okay um wait okay wait are you preheated hi guys how long does it how long does it take for Alvin to pre-eat 1:40:41 these lights are so bad I need real life 1:41:14 thank you 1:42:10 I got it I don't know if this is gonna work but let's try it it might look super bad 1:42:21 it might not we'll see we shall see 1:42:32 foreign 1:42:38 guys how long does it take to preheat Google says six to seven minutes for a gas oven and preheat okay perfect yo RG writing thank you for the print 1:42:47 thank you so much mwah I really appreciate that thank you so much that is so so sweet of you 1:42:54 okay yo and dingo thank you so much it's so good to have you guys okay 1:42:59 um let me I'm just trying to set up in my light real quick oh that's not what I wanted 1:43:14 yeah maybe you got it 1:43:28 ah two left or two legs 1:43:36 okay what about that does that look good 1:43:50 it doesn't maybe I need to turn up a little brighter 1:43:58 we'll just do that see how your house okay it hasn't been six to seven minutes yet I love the way you get this down first right always screws though we see what happens yeah 1:44:07 I know I know it is I've never really here's that either it's like the delay the sound there's not a sound delay there's a video delay 1:44:22 it's like that's a little really bright it's hard to know what looks good from here 1:44:41 black okay um all right six to nine more than six seven okay how long has it been 1:44:51 how long has it been since I put on the oven I can't remember at all I have no clue at all 1:45:00 nothing don't mix out of the way I'm pretty sure 1:45:06 that looks pretty that looks pretty mixed to me right what do you guys think 1:45:11 maybe I'll put the light over here 1:45:18 oh no my beard 1:45:38 s 1:45:51 chaos I am the chaos God I really am okay well I should pour it in here 1:46:07 anyway oh man okay wait yeah that's that's more than enough goopiness 1:46:13 alrighty Scooby goopy goopy get in there baby get in there you goofy ass [ __ ] 1:46:25 how the [ __ ] do I get all the good pets in the goop that's in the goober the Whisk 1:46:33 what about I feel like I need a spoon not a not a whisk get out of there with goop 1:46:45 you finger it you lick it all right let me just lick all this off and spit it into the [ __ ] rope 1:46:52 a little [ __ ] pan real quick why does this feel like not enough 1:47:04 this totally feels like not enough 1:47:11 but we'll see all right 1:47:20 dude why the [ __ ] does batter smell like 1:47:25 wait what the [ __ ] that seems wrong 1:47:36 okay this seems like not enough batter but like you know oh well 1:47:43 I'm not gonna make more so [ __ ] it 1:47:52 bye guys out my bad guys it does though I'm not lying 1:48:00 it [ __ ] does okay 1:48:08 I guess you think it is this doesn't seem like enough it seems like really 1:48:13 knotted on batter but well I guess we'll see I know it's gonna rise but it seems like it's not gonna rise enough but we'll see 1:48:26 all righty There She Goes let's see how much do we have to cook before 1:48:32 30 40 minutes all right let's put a timer timer okay 30 40 minutes that means that at 1:48:38 6 20 to 6 40 or sorry 6 20 to 6 30 we will give it a check we will give it a check 1:48:51 oh well there he goes what oh wait I need my beer 1:49:06 and here's your other one the world but I really can't do it right now allergies that ruined my 1:49:14 ooze what the [ __ ] man yeah see you live again sound is off too no problem thank you so much 1:49:24 for chilling with us TNT it's so good to have you TNT all right so wait now we have to make 1:49:34 the frosting guys okay frosting time how to make buttercream time to Google it time to Google it 1:49:53 let's see how do you make buttercream frosting I don't [ __ ] know 1:49:59 butter powdered sugar cream and salt let's go 1:50:08 wait do I even have more butter 1:50:15 thank you I do I do have more butter 1:50:23 okay uh 1:50:33 dude this seems more complicated than I originally thought wait another one oh well [ __ ] 1:50:42 I don't know if I all right and Mr frosting is frosting he's trying to start terming anything this other [ __ ] yeah dude that's that's what my channel do to you 1:50:53 okay this one isn't working I'm gonna put it back over here 1:51:04 oh sorry oh God stay there you go 1:51:17 maybe that'll work okay 1:51:23 she's so small because I live it in a studio apartment in [ __ ] Brooklyn New 1:51:29 York City and every apartment here is made for a mouse so that's why 1:51:42 okay guys I don't know if I have the ability to make buttercream frosting this seems this 1:51:50 seems a little more complicated than I thought at the beginning so you set your butter 1:52:01 that's too much beat the butter with a mixer until it's nice and smooth 1:52:09 you need to mix your powdered sugar use three cups of powdered sugar 1:52:16 feel pretty sick yeah I don't need to sit that [ __ ] [ __ ] that when you start mixing powdered 1:52:22 sugar with the butter it makes it on low speed so you don't end up throwing it all over the place what's the butter and powdered sugar mixed together mix the 1:52:29 heavy cream vanilla extract and a pinch of salt 1:52:35 okay alrighty 1:52:43 um what's the powder sugar butter make sure that I have a cream and it was pretty salt if you need to scrape down the sides of your bowl make everything look fine easy 1:52:51 right at this point you go ahead and use this frosting five body cupcakes damn all right I don't know if it's gonna work but we're gonna give it a shot this one has 1:53:03 wait [ __ ] how much of everything did that one call for I don't need that much 1:53:11 one cup of butter all right we're gonna have this recipe we're gonna have it half time okay 1:53:22 so I got this butter I don't even half of it so I need half a cup I have butter all over my hands but that's okay 1:53:35 all right this is half a cup so we're gonna use half a cup and we use one and a half cups of powdered sugar I need to melt it again 1:53:43 I guess I'll just I guess I'll use this one I just got a lot of spot real quick oh my God there's so much happening my kitchen gets so freaking dirty every time I cook 1:53:56 Crush time 1:54:04 she got it 1:54:12 my mom would be so proud of me washing dishes as I go okay it says one cup of 1:54:21 unsalted butter so first so I'm gonna have that and I'm gonna do only one half cup 1:54:27 because I don't need that much frosting okay there's a [ __ ] ton of butter in this recipe 1:54:36 I feel like I feel like any recipe is just like all right first step [ __ ] 1:54:41 ton of [ __ ] butter Oh no I got my twitch went away with my Chaco I need my chat back 1:54:58 okay and we're back smell yo [ __ ] butt up sorry I put that [ __ ] on high again 1:55:10 all right we melt the butter and then we need what else we need powdered sugar I'm gonna put away some of this other stuff like the flour flour 1:55:23 wow that's how Posh British people say blah 1:55:28 it's like what there's an r in there why don't you say it 1:55:39 okay your butter can go back in your little thingy but 1:56:00 cleaning up cleaning up did you guys ever see this song clean up 1:56:06 clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your [ __ ] 1:56:17 that was like 1:56:28 all righty got the butter going now what does it mean what does it mean to set your butter 1:56:50 and the ball is going to make sure eat the butter until smooth add the 1:57:08 powdered sugar and mix it low speed add the heavy cream and salt okay 1:57:18 it's literally very simple but it seems really complicated to be honest it's not to be melted just whipped okay 1:57:30 I don't know how to but how do you how do you ow 1:57:37 e that was scary how do you whip it without um melting it though is my question 1:58:08 all righty okay I guess that's probably good and then we can 1:58:15 just whip the rest of it I should probably wash the Whisk a little bit 1:58:21 washing away 1:58:34 alrighty and then she says beat the butter all right I'll beat the butter 1:58:43 I beat it up bye bye bye foreign 1:59:08 cooking stream no one no one will ever make a 1:59:18 no innuendos here ever absolutely not I'm sorry how much is that boy yeah it worked Flex check 1:59:39 that's what I'm talking about okay 1:59:52 what do we got next hey guys what's up Jen how you doing all right so we put the butter add the powdered sugar that's not the powdered 2:00:03 sugar this is the powdered sugar so we need one and a half cups of powdered sugar 2:00:14 one and a half cups holy [ __ ] 2:00:21 I guess we'll just use the half cup one and use it three times 2:00:28 I am so close I am so close to tipping this off the edge oh my God I need to chill 2:00:37 foreign 2:00:56 perfect perfect oh just followed or something yo James Spark 2:01:03 Les thank you for the gifted so thank you so much thank you so much I really appreciate it that is very nice that is very very nice Okay um and now 2:01:19 that that's mixed up I honestly I'm gonna do it again so I did this last number I'm gonna put this 2:01:25 I need to put this in here because that'll mix way better oopsie that's on the floor now 2:01:39 yo congrats on anniversary thank you oh my God what's up 2:01:50 what's up thank you thank you I really really appreciate you that is so sweet thank you so much 2:01:57 five subscribe and of course a week happy anniversary everyone thank you everyone for being here with here with me for one whole [ __ ] year are you kidding 2:02:07 me I can't even believe it a little bit I lose my [ __ ] every time I think about it thank you guys so much I love all of you I cherish each and every single one 2:02:17 of you from the bottom of my [ __ ] heart thank you so much it's been so 2:02:23 um such an amazing time streaming and being cute and dressing up in cool outfits and putting on 2:02:29 wigs and stuff for a whole year straight I literally can't even believe it guys thank you so much for being here with me I couldn't ask for a better Community if in my entire life 2:02:38 there's nothing more that I can ask for in terms of a wonderful Community you guys are literally 2:02:45 foreign I can't even I have no words to express how grateful I am for each and 2:02:50 every one of you thank you so much thank you mwah I love you all I cherish you all from the 2:02:58 bottom of my [ __ ] heart I'm serious oh my God I literally I was literally 2:03:05 I was about to say some like really emo [ __ ] that would probably be TOS on Twitch 2:03:12 but I would do that for you all right 2:03:19 laughs like you know what I mean like I was about to say some [ __ ] emo like super like [ __ ] 2:03:31 some like edgy ass [ __ ] that would probably be TOS so I'm not gonna say it but I would 2:03:36 but if you know what I mean I would do that I would do that for you all right I love you guys you guys are the best what you literally are the reason like actually 2:03:46 the reason why I get up in the morning is is y'all so thank you so much and you 2:03:55 seriously guys thank you so [ __ ] much okay that's not working I did something wrong what do I need to do uh add the powdered sugar add the heavy cream 2:04:04 okay heavy cream that's what we need to do wait first I need to mix this 2:04:09 add the powdered sugar to the egg or to the what's the egg note to the butter sorry to the butter 2:04:15 butter butter what you get up in the morning okay no I don't really get up in the morning 2:04:21 I get up at around 12 30 or 1. so you guys are the reason I get up in the afternoon 2:04:29 the goal 2:04:39 yeah baby thank you crj welcome back on the edge 2:04:49 yo I really appreciate you m zinker thank you for the five as well what the [ __ ] is happening 2:05:04 you guys make me so happy I get a freak out holy [ __ ] oh my God I love you all 2:05:13 so much thank you so much for being here and being incredible I literally cherish 2:05:20 all of you what the [ __ ] hell is happening thank you all so much 2:05:25 ah thank you guys thank you so much thank you Jay 4C for the five oh my God you guys 2:05:45 thank you I love all of you so much ah what the [ __ ] is happening thank you so much everyone 2:05:54 okay thank you Jay forsy for the prize thank you I'm thank you for the five and the knocks for the 2:06:00 wood thank you all so much oh my God uh engines for the fries and James Sparkles for the one you 2:06:10 guys I just need to make sure I got everyone thank you so [ __ ] [ __ ] you I know you don't know 2:06:16 me but I want to say you're so very cute when you get excited and when you're not excited but you're being the cutest right now thank you so much Wes I love you mwah what the [ __ ] 2:06:45 what the [ __ ] what is happening thank you so much 2:06:50 thank you Isaac for the one and thank you chip Sparkles for another five those are fun 2:06:57 thank you thank you thank you thank you guys you guys are so sweet stay inside 2:07:03 thank you for the seven months baby thank you so much it's great to have you back 2:07:09 oh my God wait how's it going whoa guys it's rising a little bit let me show you 2:07:19 I really hope this doesn't end the stream please don't please don't end the stream by me doing this I don't think so 2:07:28 I don't think so I think we're good I just I just want to show you guys 2:07:34 it's rising hello sorry okay we gotta keep it close we gotta keep close we can't 2:07:41 we can't have it too much 2:07:46 okay I have too much we can't have it too much foreign we can't let too much heat Escape you know you know you know how 2:07:55 it goes oh wait I gotta plug you back in I gotta put you back in so you don't die 2:08:00 why are so many bling blings happening but I can't even see them Yo Banana thank you for the funnel 2:08:15 we appreciate you constantly need to show you you deserve it I don't know what you realize it's like we [ __ ] love you we all really do thank you James 2:08:23 you know you've done so much for us inspired us and created Community where you can feel how many you deserve all the love in the world and more yo Thomas Thomas you're gonna make me 2:08:35 you're gonna make me cry you're literally gonna make me cry you guys are so sweet cheers 2:08:48 thank you so much thank you so much g4c for the five I really appreciate you oh my God you guys 2:09:02 oh my God you make me so emotional you guys are so sweet thank you so much thank you James horsey 2:09:27 you guys um thank you so much 2:09:35 so much you guys are so amazing thank you so much thank you my dog you're so sweet mwah 2:09:52 thank you so much for the seven subscribe that is so [ __ ] generous of you you guys are so generous to me I don't deserve this okay 2:10:01 I just want to crawl in this oven and cook myself like a little cake 2:10:10 because I am a little cake that's all I am I don't know what to do thank you guys so much 2:10:21 James you guys thank you so much thank you James for the three thank you so much that is so sweet of 2:10:37 you what the [ __ ] you guys are so nice I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve this 2:10:50 [ __ ] incredible community but whatever it was it was the right thing to do so I'm glad I didn't 2:11:00 oh my God 2:11:06 when all the color goes away you bring it back when the earth is tearing up you see the cracks so like so let your Fire Light It Up ignite the 2:11:14 storm because when the ice surrounds my soul you keep me warm baby bro 2:11:23 then that has to be some song lyrics 2:11:29 bro that that that that's gotta be some song lyrics because that was 2:11:35 that was wow you got away with words my friend if you made that up 2:11:42 alrighty what's next what the [ __ ] is next we got whipping cream that's what we need 2:11:52 two to three tablespoons of whipping cream that means I'm doing one to one point five 2:11:59 congratulations on one year it's been a really fun ride to come along with you 2:12:08 on this amazing adventure from the pink chair to the Stitch onesie and all the objects in between thank you for being you 2:12:23 know thank you so much 2:12:30 no I really am gonna cry thank you so much that is so so [ __ ] sweet of you holy 2:12:46 that was something bigger [ __ ] I can't read I can't read 2:12:54 I can't read for [ __ ] I am zigger thank you so much thank you thank you thank you I really [ __ ] appreciate you 2:13:04 oh my gosh I'm sorry but I can't I can't like 2:13:13 thank you m zinker I'm sorry I saw the m and my brain was just like Bob just [ __ ] completed it 2:13:20 thank you so much emzaker that is so sweet of you oh I really really appreciate that 2:13:25 I'm actually gonna [ __ ] cry right now you guys make me want to lose my [ __ ] 2:13:31 oh my goodness thank you so so much what am I doing I'm zigger my goodness 2:13:38 thank you thank you thank you I'm thinker you're so [ __ ] generous I'm sorry I [ __ ] mixed it 2:13:44 up I really apologize I just literally am just oh my God you guys melt my brain 2:13:50 I can't even read anymore holy [ __ ] thank you so much M zinker you're such a sweetheart 2:13:56 this is such a sweetheart you send me so much cute [ __ ] I really appreciate it thank you 2:14:06 thank you I don't know how to handle all of this affection so I'm just gonna keep stirring my bowl 2:14:12 because that is just what I know I know how to do this oh time to check the oven so true 2:14:21 definitely needs a little bit more definitely needs a little bit more okay we're adding the cream now 2:14:32 um hold on 2:14:49 foreign 2:15:12 that [ __ ] my brain just does not know how what to do right now I'm actually melting oh 2:15:22 my goodness oh um okay let's just continue making this freaking buttercream I know how 2:15:30 to do that baby tablespoons of Apple cream two two three so this is one tablespoon maybe I'll 2:15:36 do two we'll do two that sounds about right mode yeah I'm so broken you guys literally 2:15:43 melt my brain you guys literally melt my brain to the point where I just I don't know how to function anymore you guys make me feel so special and happy and cute and 2:15:52 it's just like I don't know like all the other parts of my brain it just sees existing oh God 2:16:01 here we go one and a half it said two to three right 2:16:06 yeah I did I did about two so now that'll be all right 2:16:14 and then we make that 2:16:22 somehow this doesn't seem like it's gonna be whipping cream this seems this seems a 2:16:28 little bit too thick for whipping cream does it not or sorry for buttercream 2:16:34 foreign 2:16:46 thank you Anonymous wait Anonymous just get to the sub I didn't even see it thank you Anonymous for giving us up to link that is so nice of you mwah thank you so much 2:16:58 okay mixing mixing mixing 2:17:05 gonna go to sleep it's getting quite late thanks for the stream we'll be back for sure bye everyone all right bye RG writing mwah thank you so much for hanging with us it's so good to have you 2:17:16 but yeah we have the heavy cream I and we even needed to add the vanilla extract it's like this is I just need to Simply add more cream 2:17:30 I'm I'm going eyeball I'm going eyeball method at this point I don't even care [ __ ] it 2:17:42 okay 2:17:48 it's like this is in no way in no way is this the consistency 2:17:57 of frosting actually now it's getting there now it's kind of getting there not gonna lie it's kind of getting there 2:18:12 is it just me or do you really have to go off script in terms of recipes like 2:18:17 every time I'm doing a recipe I'm like that doesn't look right I need a little bit more of this [ __ ] like I need a little bit more sugar or a little bit more milk or something 2:18:32 oh this is difficult 2:18:40 it kind of does look like frosting though actually I mean maybe we're good maybe we don't even have to do anything 2:18:50 maybe we're just [ __ ] good 2:19:01 I totally needed way more cream than they gave me I'm beginning 2:19:21 watching 2:19:29 alrighty I think that actually does look like frosting wow 2:19:41 it's actually pretty common to have tweaking wiggle recipes yeah exactly all right I think that looks pretty good actually chicken so true 2:19:57 it's like I think I don't know I think the cake still needs some time I'm not 100 sure it's 2:20:05 the thing about it is that it's risen it's risen nicely that that it has done that it has indeed done it has indeed risen nicely however 2:20:17 and this isn't big however it's still the same color as one again is when it came in 2:20:25 I don't think I should poke it quite yet last time I poked it in the middle and the steam came out 2:20:33 and so the middle was not as cooked as the other parts because I let all the hot steam Escape oh 2:20:40 toothpick yeah see a toothpick would be better I was using a knife before but I needed I do I think 2:20:45 a toothpick would probably be perfect for a skewer I don't think so I don't even have chopsticks I 2:20:54 have this weird little metal thing but that would probably not be good I mean maybe I could use this it's just a little metal stick I'm gonna use this [ __ ] it why not yo chunky love thank you 2:21:23 that hurts oopsie what do you guys think I think it I think it needs a little more time 2:21:39 sad I'm such an idiot I literally just so dumb 2:21:48 oh my God yo not clown thanks for the follow 2:21:57 yeah it still needs some more time okay wait I gotta go pee I'll be right back 2:22:03 foreign 2:22:32 foreign 2:23:06 thank you that was a little bit more elegant that time that time I didn't hurt myself 2:23:24 okay I think It's gotta be getting close It's gotta be getting close but it doesn't look great 2:23:34 it's like every single time I don't know if this is you guys is it just me that I get 2:23:39 a recipe and it goes yeah preheat it to 350 and then cook it for 40 minutes and it ends 2:23:45 up taking like an hour and I don't know if that's just them accounting for people being stupid or if it's just me and I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing probably both 2:24:01 it's like why do I why do I literally always have to 2:24:06 um overcome yeah the remaining cream in the fridge that's probably a good idea also the remaining milk back in our fridge that's probably also good idea that's probably also a good idea 2:24:22 can I just say that twitch really has developed as a website because I remember not like three 2:24:27 years ago due to people being rude all the time but watching streams like Grand always and friends have really made me realize the website has changed a lot I 2:24:33 know rides a rock I really feel you it's like after I really feel that it's like 2:24:42 honestly like twitch culture like let's be honest twitch is a lot of things I don't 2:24:49 do that much gaming on Twitch but like let's be honest twitch is very much like 2:24:54 gaming gamer culture like centered you know what I mean let me see this [ __ ] 2:25:03 um like let me I just have something to say right now I'm gonna I'm gonna say my piece real real quick before I check on the cake because twitch has always been even though I don't do 2:25:14 that much gaming most people do like IRL streams or not most people but like some of the biggest 2:25:19 category is just chatting like IRL cooking like art cooking art like fashion you know walking 2:25:26 around all that stuff and that has really changed the sphere of like what type of person uses twitch 2:25:35 but also like how every person on Twitch kind of interacts with the streamer and it's like 2:25:42 it's just a very interesting look of like the evolution of gamer culture because so funny 2:26:03 he'll Escape vitriolic starting to spit um like a vitriolic [ __ ] of oh my god did everything 2:26:14 just crash oh no we're back we're back I saw that [ __ ] freeze I saw that [ __ ] freeze 2:26:20 I was like ah we're back what was I saying I was saying 2:26:28 I was saying that basically it's like we all experience Cod lobbies I I literally I'm literally 2:26:37 going around in 20 different circles right now all to just say how [ __ ] proud I am of like the 2:26:45 gamer the gamer quote-unquote gamer Community for like evolving to what we are today like just like 2:26:52 thinking about the Cod lobbies that I experienced when I was like 12 and like even like 10 years ago 2:26:59 five years ago like imagining what like I don't know me or Finn or how other people like us would 2:27:08 be received on Twitch it's like it's honestly just [ __ ] crazy how much the community has 2:27:14 evolved into like accepting people of different backgrounds and different you know communities 2:27:20 and stuff because like the gamer Community has traditionally been like one of the worst [ __ ] 2:27:27 communities in terms of like accepting people of all time but now I feel like it's kind of flipped 2:27:32 and I'm really so [ __ ] impressed and like yeah we're still edgy as [ __ ] and yeah we're still 2:27:39 make like really [ __ ] offensive jokes but like you can tell you can tell there's like a heart 2:27:45 there there's like an empathy there that like wasn't there before and I don't know if you guys 2:27:50 know what I'm talking about but it just it just helps it like there's like an empathy and like a 2:27:56 an understanding of people that wasn't there in the gamer Community for a long time when I was 2:28:03 growing up and now it's there and I'm just like so [ __ ] happy about it it makes me so happy like 2:28:10 oh man it's such a wonderful thing because video games are a place for like people to like Escape 2:28:15 how [ __ ] up reality is you know what I mean like reality is the [ __ ] worst [ __ ] ever and so so 2:28:22 many like marginalized people turn to video games to like Escape that [ __ ] like you know whatever 2:28:28 lgbtq people blah blah blah and it's like it's [ __ ] amazing that like actually the community 2:28:34 is being accepting at this point in time finally it's wonderful okay let's check out the cake 2:28:43 guys we got a nice crack going on I don't have you guys ever watched the Great British you 2:28:48 bake off I watched the Great British Bake Off and they always talk about the crack 2:28:54 oh you've got a nice clock that sounded so sauce 2:29:06 they're talking about they're always talking about the crack in the in the loaf 2:29:14 look at I'll show you what I'm talking about I swear I'm not capping I'm not captain 2:29:24 look at that crack yeah okay wait I can't leave it open for too long though what else is gonna 2:29:30 get okay guys you saw that color I feel like is it is it dog I don't know it's hard to tell 2:29:43 okay I'm gonna stick the thingy in it again and see what happens nice nice crappy on there buddy 2:29:51 we're talking about crack not crack yes exactly right I actually know about that when I went to 2:29:56 Ireland they talked about the crack the craic crack which is like the the goodness or like the 2:30:05 it's the spice of life I suppose I think that's what that was the gist of what I got from it but people who actually know what that is tell me if I was correct 2:30:16 your finger in the crack 2:30:22 oh [ __ ] guys we might actually be done we might actually be done I'm gonna take it out 2:30:36 it's pretty [ __ ] good to me it looks pretty [ __ ] good to me look look at that crack 2:30:45 oh that beautiful crack I just want to stick my finger in that crack oh [ __ ] 2:30:55 you get the community that you build and you have built a wholesome community 2:31:02 foreign y'all are some crackheads all right y'all are some [ __ ] crackheads my goodness 2:31:26 okay um we gotta decorate it now we're gonna decorate it I need my spatula where's my spatula 2:31:37 knife instead 2:31:43 it's really hot 2:31:56 I agree against this community is one of the best I've ever seen Ryan Ali is so loved it's unbelievable 2:32:16 oh my God literally everything everything just burnt Majors then 2:32:27 ouchy burn is such a specific pain you know 2:32:35 it's like I can I can deal with like cuts sometimes I even like cuts and like bangs 2:32:43 and scrapes and stuff like that but burn out oh my gosh burn is a little something different 2:32:53 foreign 2:33:00 I can't pick that up yet right now I have the hook 2:33:06 as your muffins up sometimes sometimes you're gonna lay a little bit on the nose do you know what I mean it's like you can make some cracking cake jokes but 2:33:15 it can't be that literal right now they got kicked with a great crack 2:33:26 oh my God 2:33:32 oven off oh so true thank you guys 2:33:39 I really I can never ever cook without you I will burn my house down there's so many things 2:33:49 also I think you Finn and Mac made me rethink a lot about myself in a good way 2:34:02 that I'm literally gonna cry that is so amazing I'm so happy for 2:34:10 you [ __ ] yes wait I need to go see who sent them as an agreement 2:34:23 cool Sensei thank you so much mwah I literally love you so much thank you so so [ __ ] much I 2:34:31 can't believe it I can't believe that I get messages like that that makes me so happy I 2:34:36 literally am so [ __ ] stoked that I can help you be yourself and be who you want to be and 2:34:42 like realize that you want to you know do whatever you want oh my God it makes me so 2:34:47 [ __ ] happy thank you so much for that I really appreciate that message thank you thank you take your compliments I can't okay I can't okay I'm gonna turn this over 2:35:01 I got impatient honestly looks pretty good doesn't look bad at all wait let me show you guys 2:35:13 it looks great it's like like just like a nice little loaf of something you know 2:35:25 just a nice loaf it's like squishy it's bouncy that looks perfect amazing 2:35:37 you're a little something low amazing okay frosting time 2:35:49 stop following the cake nice and it's been squished already exactly a loaf of something yes 2:35:59 all right oh it's such a it's such a nice loaf oh it's hot it's a nice look I don't know why I 2:36:09 just took it off one piece of one plate and put it on another plate but what are you gonna do oh it 2:36:15 smells good smells like cake that's that's a good sign if it smells like cake and it looks like cake 2:36:29 does that mean it's cake 2:36:36 foreign 2:36:41 okay let's decorate it 2:36:48 decorating time wait no it's far too I gotta let it cool first I gotta let it cool 2:37:02 I tried to put them I tried to put the frosting on and it immediately turned into liquid 2:37:12 I gotta let it cool for a second I gotta let it cool it's really gaggy's a big step up from from how to spell before I wear the oven yeah that's true 2:37:23 look I can't be the only one that thinks [ __ ] batter smells like [ __ ] I can't 2:37:30 be the only one please somebody somebody out there tell me I'm not the only one 2:37:38 there's no way there's no way I'm the only [ __ ] one that thinks that foreign 2:38:13 this is the biggest knife that I have 2:38:24 oh my God gorgeous absolutely [ __ ] gorgeous 2:38:34 look at that I've never cooked anything in my entire life look at all these little evenly 2:38:41 spice spaced holes this is literally the most beautiful thing I've ever cooked a drop cake 2:38:55 perfect oh my God 2:39:05 okay stay stay cool faster I want to put buttercream on you 2:39:21 cool faster maybe I'll put it in the fridge for a second straight in the fridge 2:39:36 I know you're not supposed to do that but I'm impatient I want to put cream on it it's too hot 2:39:43 dude it smells so [ __ ] good it's honestly crazy it's honestly crazy that you can do this 2:39:54 it's honestly crazy that you can just combine an egg some flour and some sugar and some milk 2:40:02 and then just make that that's crazy yes it's cooling not the fridge but I want to no it stayed in the fridge I don't care 2:40:23 I don't care okay I'm impatient I want to put cream on it smells like cake tastes like cake it lies like cake it's bread 2:40:37 it's bread that's how babies are made I'm pretty sure yeah I think 2:40:48 so I think so pork frosting I'm pretty sure you're right baking in the form of art you need patience well I don't have 2:41:04 oh my God my horse my whole fridge smells delicious oh yummy okay buttercream time 2:41:30 here here 2:41:39 oh hell yeah oh hell yeah 2:41:52 wonderful all right now we need some for the top 2:42:03 foreign don't fall apart boom oh well the lot the top seems to have lost a little bit of a little bit of 2:42:17 structure but that's okay we can work with that we can work with that cover it up with the frosting 2:42:28 yay guys I made a cake I've never made a cake in my whole life I'm so happy foreign 2:42:44 that's okay 2:42:50 all right 2:43:00 get on there we need a candle guys we need a candle we need a candle damn it looks 2:43:21 [ __ ] good dude honestly it's dripping the dripping is making it look even more delicious 2:43:29 look at that oh scrumptious simply scrumptious my goodness 2:43:38 girl voice what's the girl voice Peppa I want to put cream on it I really do 2:43:56 okay wait where did I put it here it is guys wait I need a candle where's the candle 2:44:07 we're gonna put the candles foreign 2:44:18 just one candle because we're only one years old together guys I bought I bought Sabbat candles 2:44:30 I didn't they didn't have normal birthday candles what is that I would multiply your kids 2:44:44 I appreciate it all right we got one 2:44:51 look at one one candle one step one Sabbat candle because we're one years old that makes sense 2:45:00 it's really big I was trying to get normal birthday candles but oh well 2:45:18 foreign 2:45:28 close to falling off oh my God holy [ __ ] that was such a close [ __ ] save oh my God 2:45:44 okay management 2:45:51 yay happy birthday to us happy birthday to us happy birthday to us dear ID streaming community 2:46:11 and people that I love why I love you so much you're the best happy birthday to us 2:46:22 happy birthday everybody happy birthday to you happy birthday to me Happy Birthday to 2:46:36 everybody dear oh my goodness Happy Birthday y'all one year of amazing streams and many 2:46:43 many more to go okay all right everybody make a wish make a wish ready make a wish 2:46:52 oh oh 2:46:59 yeah I made a wish did you make a wish I made a wish 2:47:08 we're good okay I should probably taste it before I drop it on the floor 2:47:21 how does it taste 2:47:31 wait I need to bring the camera for this yeah 2:47:41 well I did cut it too perfect it's gonna be it looks like a moist ass cake 2:47:54 that's for next time I just wanted to do one more cut gorgeous okay 2:48:03 let me put you back here when I get back 2:48:27 wait I forgot a fork 2:48:41 wait also I forgot the fact that my light is here and I need to reset 2:48:47 that [ __ ] up so give me like two minutes give me two minutes 2:49:22 foreign 2:49:50 foreign 2:50:24 foreign 2:50:54 that exposure is too much let me turn that down a little bit my goodness 2:51:15 there we are sorry about that 2:51:22 hey everybody wait I forgot a fork here's life welcome back how are we doing sorry about the life 2:51:31 oh my goodness I got sweaty in my makeup I'm I got sweaty in my makeup ran When I Was Gone oopsie 2:51:43 alrighty let's try the cake let's try to keep let's see how it goes 2:51:57 all right finally trying the cake 2:52:04 foreign 2:52:14 perfect and it's actually really [ __ ] good it's just so crazy to me it's so crazy to me that you 2:52:22 can turn like some random milk flour and eggs into this it's actually really delicious my goodness 2:52:37 my [ __ ] goodness 2:52:42 good job thank you young Kim I appreciate it all right guys we did it happy anniversary everyone thank you so much for being here and for making my 2:52:52 cake with me and for chilling with me and for being amazing I've been just doing your thing 2:53:00 I love you all so much thank you thank you thank you oh we got it 2:53:12 sorry I have like a I have like a thing even when I'm shooting with my mouth piece of yummy 2:53:19 cake ta checks and gone go sleep of fun I'll get your Belgium what have a great night thank you 2:53:24 so much for chilling with us it's so good it's so good to have you I'll ship you a piece it's 2:53:29 actually really [ __ ] good like like this is better than a lot of cake that I've had 2:53:35 in my life so what the [ __ ] up with that hydration 2:53:44 then give it a photo 2:53:56 foreign 2:54:04 I got a little bit sweaty making that cake that got hot in there 2:54:11 radio in beautiful and sunny Honolulu Hawaii where the person tells us it's going to be 2:54:18 another beautiful day in paradise blue skies I got shiny as hell all my Foundation is gone 2:54:27 oh sorry about that guys love you to go thank you she Chomps I appreciate that you're the ghost 2:54:36 no you every time someone says that I'm like no you Chapo's time 2:55:01 foreign 2:55:19 not be like not rude but your videos are amazing and I've always wondered whether you are bi or 2:55:25 straight or anything no need to answer I am not sure whether it's inappropriate to ask 2:55:31 greater than three hey kicked him up oh yo I really don't know thank you for the following 2:55:38 what's up Caked Up and bye cakes up and bye what's good thank you for the thank you so much for the 2:55:45 donation I really really appreciate you and that's okay I totally will answer your message 2:55:50 so basically it's like I'm someone the first thing I'll say about this question is simply 2:55:58 that labels I don't give a [ __ ] about labels you know what I mean like I honestly don't care 2:56:04 and that might seem insensitive to certain people like I understand that labels are good for like finding your community you know what I mean like 2:56:15 it's like I want to put myself in this certain label so that I can find other people that are 2:56:21 like me and find that community that I totally understand and that makes sense but just like 2:56:27 in terms of like me and figuring my own stuff out I'm like I don't care what the label is it doesn't 2:56:35 matter I'm just being myself I'm just doing my thing and being me and so when it comes to like 2:56:42 that kind of thing I'm like here are the facts the facts are that I've only dated I've only ever 2:56:48 dated girls but the also the facts are that there are certain boys that I'm like damn you're hot 2:56:54 as [ __ ] so I don't really know how to navigate that I don't know if that means that I would you 2:57:01 know if that's something I would want it like if I would want to kiss a boy I don't know about that I just kind of go through my life being like if I meet someone and I think they're cute and I like 2:57:11 you then that's it that's all I need I don't need to know anything more than that you know 2:57:17 what I mean it doesn't matter about any labels about if I buy or straight or gay or whatever it 2:57:23 doesn't matter I just like what I like and that's about it it doesn't really matter beyond that 2:57:29 but I do understand that labels are very nice in terms of like finding your people and finding your community and stuff like that so I totally get if you do if you would like a label 2:57:40 you know what I mean but I just kind of feel in my own in my own way that personally 2:57:48 I don't want to be like yes I am bisexual I am pansexual I am straight I am this I'm that it's like I don't really care you know I just like what I like that's it 2:57:59 that's all it that's all it is offshore this year I conquer making a cake next year 2:58:05 I conquer the world so true exactly did you get cake baked you tell me 2:58:13 you tell me do I have a delicious cake on my plate yes I do yes I [ __ ] do hmm 2:58:25 friend I'll use Mommy and that's all that matters [ __ ] the [ __ ] labels exactly 2:58:33 exactly yeah 2:58:39 someone comes to me they go right Ollie do you think I'm gay I go it doesn't matter 2:58:47 I'm Mommy and that's all that matters okay Randall use Mommy that's your sexuality 2:58:54 foreign 2:59:02 don't feel that way your answer was amazing enough forget where you're 2:59:09 coming from thank you it's that I appreciate you 2:59:18 but how do you have intimate relations with the label you're not trying hard enough oh we got a skirt spin in the house 2:59:32 skirt's been toy yeah I'm cute people's actual exactly 2:59:38 yo if that thank you so much for the lunch is that 2K17 let's go mwah thank you thank you thank you I 2:59:47 really appreciate you [ __ ] I missed 2K17 that [ __ ] was a great game it's great spend time 2:59:59 this wig just is so bright it like Blends in with my background 3:00:04 foreign 3:00:36 yo depressed introverts love your username me too baby thank you for the follow 3:00:49 ing 3:00:57 fully approved thank you Jets it's been three hours I know right like what the [ __ ] how 3:01:10 foreign 3:01:30 I was gonna take that whole bite and I was like I should probably break that one down a little bit I'm always like that every time with my food I like get a giant 3:01:39 spoonful of something and I'm just like foreign 3:01:46 small bites like a like a lady 3:02:11 oh I love it this is really good cake why is this like some of the best cake I've ever had 3:02:19 is it just because I made it or is this actually really [ __ ] good cake like I can't really tell 3:02:31 Yo Yo's why is grammar thank you for the follow like I actually can't tell I can't 3:02:36 tell if this is [ __ ] delicious cake or if it's just because I made it so it's delicious 3:02:45 that's probably helping hmm 3:02:55 food does taste better when you're making it but it's also probably a good cake yeah I agree 3:03:01 I think it's really good actually like I I need someone else to taste this 3:03:08 and you're gonna get a lot of XP from that cake [ __ ] yeah dude my cooking level went up like four levels right now literally 3:03:19 I'm gonna be over in a minute all right bet actually I need someone to come taste this and tell me if it's actually as good as I think it is 3:03:29 right I've been trying all night together look at the pig I put on the picture on Discord I think I know your secret okay wait [ __ ] what are you talking about Phoebe 3:03:38 yo snow is thank you for the follow 3:03:46 oh I'm dead I'm a Cylon 3:03:53 that is wait which one is that again that's Battlestar Galactica right cylons I actually 3:04:00 have never seen that show one of my older cousins used to tell me all about that show about cylons 3:04:08 that's a great comparison I'm dead 3:04:13 I'm a Cylon 3:04:22 give something a neighbor maybe I should 3:04:28 you don't have enough XP to be Caked Up like that Olive show up at his apartment yeah literally 3:04:38 what do I spend Four pocket beans and one rice Grain on if I like to answer you you get one brain cell 3:04:48 what uh you should spend it on some gummy bears obviously 3:04:58 Four pocket beans and a gray and a rice grain that sounds like that sounds like a good trade for some gummy bears do I get my brain cell 3:05:06 yet I only have four so adding a fifth would be a great a great 20 increase 3:05:14 25 increase I wouldn't smash holes to be able to read when I was getting bro 3:05:24 it's all for me okay no one else gets cake except for me 3:05:32 my cake 3:05:45 thank you 3:06:04 well if it's good cake you can get more cake you made yourself you can choose what you said that's true magic beans and Magic right screen [ __ ] 3:06:15 I'm cooking level 12. who's the [ __ ] now Ramsay exactly 3:06:20 Gordon Ramsay is my [ __ ] [ __ ] are you kidding me I make a better cake than him any day 3:06:26 any day of my life what do you got two Fanboys holding hands 3:06:34 a synapse hi 3:06:42 hi I'm dead foreign 3:06:47 they just legalized it 3:06:57 my lipstick is running 3:07:05 whoa love the new look thank you King I appreciate you I think I'm trans I kind of like girl stuff 3:07:10 hell yeah girls merka I mean like that doesn't necessarily mean you're trans but also who cares 3:07:17 if it does or it doesn't just do your thing girl just be yourself that's all that matters 3:07:23 you get the brain cell when you buy a turtle then you get half a brain cell okay [ __ ] 3:07:30 we want to see a collab between Ryan Ramsay dude that would be [ __ ] incredible like okay that here's here's the show that I'm imagining I 3:07:40 dress up Gordon Ramsay and girl clothes and makeup and he teaches me how to cook 3:07:47 so both of us both of us are in like are in like girl clothes and like totally dolled up 3:07:54 um both of us are in girl clothes and totally dolled up and then he teaches me how to cook 3:08:00 I teach them how to do makeup perfect you don't I know literally the entire show then 3:08:10 the entire show would just be him in a wig and eyelashes and mascara being like you [ __ ] donkey 3:08:21 bloody hell laughs where's the [ __ ] mascara are you [ __ ] 3:08:31 stupid you donkey you forgot the lipstick you [ __ ] idiot 3:08:43 nah that would be me that would be me telling him it's like here's the show here's the show is I teach him to how to 3:08:52 do makeup he teaches me how to cook and then we both go in a room together I cook something and he does his makeup and then we go and then we judge each other 3:09:02 and he'll be like it's [ __ ] raw and I'll be like you look like a [ __ ] clown mate 3:09:14 it'll be perfect 3:09:19 wait did I okay let me look at my [ __ ] redeems dude 3:09:25 I feel like I've missed so much let me look at my redeems 3:09:32 [ __ ] wait I can't because I'm not logged into my browser and for some 3:09:37 reason I changed my password last night for some reason I literally have no idea why I did that which is weird because my OBS is still working which it shouldn't if 3:09:45 I change my password on Twitch then my OBS should not be working right now but it is 3:09:52 yo Killer Skull thank you for the follow um but tell me tell me what I need to do I'm sorry 3:10:00 my twitch is just it's not I don't have my password 3:10:06 it is 3:10:11 or you can redeem them too if they're too long ago if they're too far long ago you can honestly just redeem them yeah I can't I did that one did that one 3:10:23 angry face check there you go I don't like being angry yo Annabella Slide the end thank you for the follow 3:10:38 [ __ ] [ __ ] pink you look like a [ __ ] e-girl exactly 3:10:48 yeah honestly crj if they're if they're too far back just just redeem them if I didn't see them at the time that's all good okay wait I'll do yours what the [ __ ] 3:11:10 foreign yeah I probably would have remembered that one I probably would have remembered 3:11:16 that one a fanboy cake crack it's white and creamy it smells like [ __ ] shut up shut up 3:11:28 what is my [ __ ] life holy [ __ ] I can't believe I just saw that bro 3:11:36 oh my God I can't believe I just [ __ ] said that that is that all right it was about cake okay it was about cake 3:11:46 another for the horrendously down back collection a man would walk a thousand miles Barefoot just to 3:11:52 have a bite of your cake I will confess this you won't even have to be begging to begin 3:11:59 oh my God 3:12:05 the down Badness who will 3:12:12 I can't believe this is this is what I do this is my life how is this by life how did this happen I was like a I was like doing school like you 3:12:24 know being a boy Dressing Jeans dressing in jeans and a t-shirt and [ __ ] just 3:12:38 just doing my thing saying what the [ __ ] is good you know being like damn girls look good 3:12:45 in sundresses don't they and then now I'm wearing one well this isn't really a sundress is it but 3:12:53 answer cake yeah that's what happened to me I suppose so I suppose so manly teenager I 3:13:03 drank the Kool-Aid exactly bro like if you just imagine like I'm just [ __ ] imagining like 20 20 3:13:11 Ryan like 2019 Ryan just chilling like skating the class [ __ ] dirt on my ankles you know 3:13:23 like probably smoking something probably being like hey girl like you know probably probably 3:13:31 tripping out the girls probably you know wrestling with the boys 2022 Ryan [ __ ] look oh my God wow 3:13:44 what the [ __ ] happened literally what happened 3:13:52 I have no idea what the [ __ ] happened 3:13:57 I get I drank the cool Lane so true yeah literally that's what happened I drank the cooler blade 3:14:09 oh my goodness 3:14:19 I mean [ __ ] chilling here with you guys looking cute as [ __ ] baking cakes and having 3:14:26 fun is certainly a lot better than whatever the [ __ ] I would do with my physics education so 3:14:36 so [ __ ] that this is a mod 3:14:42 my professor my professor I talked to him before break I talked to him before breaking he was like 3:14:49 so you're graduating like pretty soon like what do you think about like career options or like 3:14:57 what do you you know like what do you want to do with what you've learned and I'm like 3:15:02 I'm like babe you gotta understand I'm gonna do nothing with what I've learned and in fact 3:15:08 I will wear crop tops and bake cakes and do skirt spins instead what do you have to say about that 3:15:18 I didn't say that exactly but I was like bro did you do you understand like there's no way I'm doing physics right after right now are you kidding me 3:15:29 oh my goodness speaking of skirt spans wait do we have a scare spin did I miss one or are you about to redeem one 3:15:37 oh I was like wait [ __ ] did I miss one nope all right let's go spend time all right guys 3:15:46 skirt Spin and then I think I'm gonna head out scarce bed 3:16:36 foreign 3:16:41 dizzy spinny 3:16:52 okay guys I think this might be are you seducing me because I might be working sorry about it 3:17:01 I'm not trying though it just happens and physics going description indeed it's been 3:17:10 an epic story thank you sir Jay I'm so glad you had fun thank you guys so much for hanging with 3:17:16 me do you undizzy yourself by spinning the other way I actually do try and do that uh but I don't 3:17:21 really know if it works very well oh my goodness thank you all so much for being here today I love 3:17:31 you all so much from the bottom of my [ __ ] heart thank you all one year anniversary baby 3:17:40 wait I gotta show the cake one more time 3:17:53 it looks [ __ ] scrumptious I did a great job I did a [ __ ] great job and I'm so I'm so proud of myself my goodness 3:18:08 but Fanboy shows his cake yeah 3:18:14 but I could not have done it without you guys I absolutely could not have done without you and in fact I couldn't have done any of this without you I would not be here I would not 3:18:25 be in front of you saying these words right now out of my freaking mouth if it weren't for all 3:18:30 of you wonderful people so thank you all so [ __ ] much from the bottom of my heart for 3:18:36 being so amazing and hanging with me every week and chilling and watching the stream you guys 3:18:43 are incredible and just being so nice to me you guys are so sweet like I literally have never experienced this amount of Sweetness in my whole life thank you so much mwah I 3:18:53 love you all from the [ __ ] bottom of my heart get out there and you know what to do 3:19:00 you know what to do be yourself follow those dreams where would you want to wear do what 3:19:09 you want to do be who you want to be and do not give one single [ __ ] about what people say about you all right all right do your thing be yourself you heard me good much 3:19:20 love everyone you want to raid who should we raid Algerian Adrian let's see let's see this 3:19:27 is the first time I've seen this let's see let's see if we can give him a rate 3:19:34 inspiring words from a manly nurse absolutely apps are [ __ ] lutely all right we are gonna 3:19:42 raid let's raid Adrian let's do it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it boom all right guys I love you all thank 3:19:52 you so much for being here with me you guys are [ __ ] incredible I will see you on Sunday have 3:19:58 a [ __ ] 10 out of 10 weekend because you deserve it because you're awesome and you're [ __ ] 10 out of 10 people every single one of you I love all of you thank you so much happy one year anniversary 3:20:08 happy birthday to all of us I'm so happy I'm so happy you guys I love you so much bye later