3:55 hello what is up everybody how we doing today what is up check it out we got the guys girl 4:08 look going on all right how you doing today what's up Superman Knox how is everyone doing 4:14 today looking hot thank you death Crimson welcome welcome everybody to the Stream long time no see 4:23 goth Nolly I know right honestly dude I've been really liking the goth looks these days I feel 4:29 like I've been doing a lot of testing the the Waters of different styles and stuff and like 4:34 pink hair goth girl I don't know man might be my vibe OMG the hair looks awesome thank 4:40 you Thomas what is up y'all welcome to the stream it is so good to have you guys I hope 4:46 you're having a wonderful weekend it is a nice sunny afternoon here in Brooklyn New York baby 4:55 thank you guys so much for joining it is so good to have you how are you doing how was your weekend give me the rundown what was the what was the best thing that happened to you 5:03 this weekend love the pink gradient I know right I know it actually even goes even more all the 5:08 way to Black up there but it looks good with the beanie so I'm gonna keep it on for now um 5:15 we're melting over here in Europe oh God I'm so sorry I've heard about this I heard that like 5:21 people are gonna like like it's dangerous it's like dangerously hot like it's not it's 5:27 not even a joke it's like people are getting hurt because it's too hot that's terrible I'm so sorry 5:34 God girl tends to look good on you too thank you Jens I appreciate that doing well had a relaxing day amazing goth with the bubble gum twist nice exactly brain fishes exactly 5:45 uh allergic still have allergies sad fit check 6:27 people okay I need some midriff shift fishnet too if you have uh I actually don't have that unfortunately 6:39 that would be nice though nice look thank you um you're right that would actually look good these new emotes are adorable I know guys check 6:47 out all the new emotes the new emotes are so cute the little cat girl emotes I love how our emotes are literally just like like there's not really any continuous theme because it's like it kind of 6:58 matches the way that I wear like 800 different outfits on stream and so like all my every one of my emotes is like a different outfit like in a different hairstyle and stuff I love it I love it 7:11 um it's hot in Texas 103 degrees today [ __ ] Eric Carrero that sucks that sucks it's pretty hot here it's 81. it's not too bad 7:20 staying inside I didn't really notice the heat hell yeah relatable I know everyone's like oh 7:25 my God it's dying hot outside I'm like wow that would be terrible if I were to exit the house 7:34 sounds like it sucks from inside with my air conditioning and oh my goodness you should go 7:43 to a Paramore concert with me yo hell yeah Mitch I'm so down this is a perfect outfit for that 7:50 perfect outfit people with muscle memory for the old names note that Ronaldo's email prefix 7:57 is written out yes okay you guys know what's okay what the hell man I got partnered and it 8:03 allowed me to change the prefix for the emotes and before they produce automatically put it as 8:09 rhinoli one and then I had to change it um or I wanted to change it to write just write Ollie 8:15 when I got partnered but apparently just right now he has already taken what how is that even 8:20 possible literally no one else has my name other than me so why would someone else have my prefix 8:25 I don't get it man so I just made it Ryan which I just feel like is good for it's like easy typing 8:32 um but anyway who's your partner no I mean I'm partnered with twitch 8:38 twitch is my partner Amazon Jeff Bezos is my partner we're in an open relationship 8:49 oh my God even in a skirt it's hot in here [ __ ] it's like 72 degrees here in Ohio that's [ __ ] 8:55 perfect damn that sounds amazing these are all the new ones yes I think that's all the new ones 9:05 that would be rough if I touch grass exactly imagine touching grass I don't have enough Channel points to make you try on 800 different outfits 9:13 to stream sorry to do a DHR above itself you gotta wait you gotta wait 9:20 do you guys wanna she's gonna be really she's gonna be mad at me if I do this but do you guys want to see something cute 9:30 you can't see her yo what's up serious Dominic what's up thank you for the follow dude yo 9:39 Bezos himself exactly dude exactly it's 102 could be 106 for the high temp [ __ ] dude 9:46 um yeah well it's not anything like visually cute it's just cute because 9:51 hey you can't see her but she's asleep the girl that I've been talking to is asleep on FaceTime 9:58 with me right now and I did want to hang up on her so I just left it on while we're on streaming 10:04 by the way we have a we made a little um Minecraft uh world together and she agreed to stream it with 10:13 me because I think it would be hilarious content because we're both literally the most like chaotic chaotic [ __ ] Minecraft players of all time so like I think it would be a really really funny 10:24 concept if she um uh if we've gone out of the world together and just like [ __ ] around um 10:35 I had to convince her that traditional partner twitch always tough as [ __ ] [ __ ] will she 10:40 stream too maybe I mean [ __ ] maybe maybe we could get her to start streaming that would be pretty [ __ ] sick she would be good at it she has mad just like chaos and energy just like I do 10:52 um ADHD Minecraft construction projects exactly [ __ ] maybe I can show you guys our world anyway even even though um even if you're not going to be on it okay but yes so in other news 11:06 I still don't have a PO Box guys when I tell you I literally cried in the post office yet the other day 11:16 I was sobbing I was literally I waited it was like a billion [ __ ] degrees in there I was sweating 11:22 my ass off I was so tired I was hungry I was waiting in this line for 20 hours I got there they 11:30 were like oh yeah you need this other form that we didn't totally didn't tell you that you needed and uh yeah so [ __ ] off and by the way you can't email it to us because we live in the [ __ ] Stone 11:42 Age you have to go print it and give it to us so yeah that's what's going on I it's partly my fault 11:50 but it's also partly their fault for not telling me the right stuff but yes I will go I'm going there tomorrow with the right form and then we're [ __ ] gonna have it but 11:58 what I did do is get a new capture card which actually works and um what was I gonna say 12:08 and we can play Just Dance finally I'm so [ __ ] happy crying looking cute didn't look didn't work for USPS the monsters I know right 12:19 foreign service for you thank you serious Dominic yeah maybe maybe talking the uh in the gaming 12:25 channel on the Discord maybe we can figure that out I know we we already have it one Community server like SMP for the for the community so if you guys want to play on that hit up Charlie on 12:36 the Discord um I'm not sure their full name on the Discord but yeah they are running our community 12:42 server I I think it's still up I think they they came in the other the other stream and was like yo 12:49 um did you dress up as a girl I was in like I was in like I had I don't know I think I was 12:55 in like a pink hoodie and just like sweats I was in Comfort mode yo Bridgette beautiful thank you 13:04 for the follow we already have a bridge in chat what's up Bridgets maybe you guys should kiss 13:12 I know you because of that hell yeah Minecraft server IP is pinned in Channel gaming on rise 13:17 or whatever yo my goodness since you didn't answer last time heads or tails x two times two yo Isaac 13:25 first of all thank you for the five dollars also I'm so sorry I didn't answer last time I didn't see I didn't see that you did it but all right let's do double Tails [ __ ] it two tails in a row 13:36 okay [ __ ] let's go for it let's just send it send it with the double tails um 13:45 just saying if looking girly get your sandwich discount so true 13:50 right now he likes Tails shut up dude oh my God I saw this it's such a funny I saw this such a funny Tick Tock I can't remember what 14:02 his name is but there's a streamer he's like he's like he's like 14 years old and he's talking about like like [ __ ] Lola rabbit and like eat first right second wrong I believe that's kind of the 14:17 nature of uh that's kind of the nature of of what do you call it the heads or tails right it's kind 14:25 of kind of kind of a uh major 50 probability right there you go sorry I just had a total 14:34 thought train left the station and I didn't get on it type of situation how about a Finster collab people always say that and I'm always down but it's kind of like 14:45 I mean maybe I could ask I don't know I don't know I always feel awkward asking people for collabs I'm like hello I'm a little small streamer would like to collab I don't know 14:55 I it's always just so stressful for me it's like I know that like for example like my my best my most 15:01 popular video on YouTube is uh the one with Nat but like I'm just like an introvert dude I like 15:09 I don't know I'm so socially anxious I don't know if you guys are like this but like I can 15:16 like when I'm here by myself and it's like all of you guys are I'm just like in front of the camera you guys are a chat I'm fine but it's like if I talk if I have to talk to someone face to face 15:24 I literally clam up so much or if I even have to talk to someone voice to voice to voice why don't 15:29 I hear that voice to voice that's a good that's an interesting phrase I've never said that before 15:37 um but Finn has discovered fortnite in no build mode by the way true um damn maybe I should play 15:45 fortnite okay wait I but wait I gotta Play Just Dance sorry adg um voice to voice exactly it 15:54 sounded kind of Russian true introverts unite in our own separate homes exactly no exactly 16:04 I mean I think it's a little silly to like 100 classify yourself as an introvert or as 16:10 an extrovert you know what I mean it's definitely a spectrum and it's not even like a 2d Spectrum it's like a multi-dimensional Spectrum um but what was I saying I can't remember um 16:28 [ __ ] dude what is up with my brain today I'm literally so fog brain head empty 16:33 I'm gonna just been absolutely head empty today I don't know why um oh yeah I was talking about 16:41 introverse extroverts yeah it's like I don't know what it I don't know exactly how to describe it 16:47 it's like I don't ever want to be alone ever but I also hate being with people yeah so I don't 16:58 know how to resolve those two desires at the same time but yeah that's kind of how it goes 17:07 who will 17:14 um I used to think of myself as a little bit introverted then I went through lockdown living alone true yeah yeah I know it's it's like that's that's kind of how I'm feeling it's like I am 17:26 living alone for the first time in my life and it was great at first and it still is great for a lot of reasons but like man I hate being alone dude like I hate being alone but I don't want to 17:39 go anywhere and I don't want to meet people so I don't really know exactly what to do about that 17:47 um we're in Ollie's position on the introvert extrovert spectrum is cat 17:53 always wants to be on the other side of the door exactly exactly 18:02 you resolve it on Twitch all alone but with us exactly honestly yo yes streaming is like 18:08 a perfect medium to um streaming is like literally a perfect medium to fulfill that desire of like I 18:18 am alone technically like I'm in my own room by myself there's no one here with me but 18:25 but I'm surrounded by people at the same time it's honestly [ __ ] perfect it's honestly [ __ ] 18:33 perfect you're wonderful right oh I think you're not a fanboy I appreciate that I appreciate that 18:42 because that's what you think [ __ ] am I not alone 18:58 um have you checked a closet 19:05 oh my God it's okay it's daytime you guys can't scare me right now I haven't played a horror game 19:11 in a long time you know no scope King looks good dude I do want to play fortnite okay should we try 19:16 playing Just Dance guys I'm so nervous because I feel like I feel like Just Dance is fun once you 19:23 actually know this dances kind of just like kind of like Guitar Hero and rock band where it's like once you actually know the songs then they get then they're actually kind of fun but I'm I'm I'm 19:34 scared dude I'm gonna be so bad at it it's gonna be so awkward but I guess you just have to bite the bullet and go through it for the first couple of times and learn the songs and then it'll be fun 19:44 are you from Tennessee because you're the only 10 I see 19:49 thanks no scope King appreciate you nice [ __ ] bro 19:59 oh my God is there a spider on the wall with you [ __ ] off there's no spiders dude uh I 20:07 was chilling in my bed the other day in the most satanic nightmare fuel [ __ ] bug I have no idea 20:16 what it was it was like a spider but like many more legs but not quite as many legs as like a 20:24 uh millipede or a centipede but like still a lot of legs and it was just like wide in like furry 20:31 kind of and it just like just [ __ ] went on my bed and then I freaked the [ __ ] out and then it 20:38 went under my bed and then I couldn't find it and I still haven't found it and so I think I'm gonna 20:44 burn down the apartment pretty sure that's the next logical step not 100 sure but yeah 20:50 I think that's where we're at failing is content facts Just Dance sounds like a good way for a chat to save a few thousand Shadow points true um are you a thief 20:59 because you stole my heart I'm a bandit I'm not a thief I'm a [ __ ] robber I mugged it 21:10 um I broke in and stole it is that a new wig it is a new wig 21:15 thank you it's kind of I feel like new wigs you have to like break them in it still has like 21:22 it's like stuck back here you know I look so like I look so like I got I'm gonna go [ __ ] 21:29 look I'm about to go like spray paint some walls like do some drugs [ __ ] you know skateboard on 21:38 my mom's car and then [ __ ] steal the car and then crash in a ditch that's kind of that's kind 21:46 of the vibe I'm giving right now I feel like oh Flex check yeah bully some kids exactly 21:57 Chuck 22:02 boom that bug was probably a house centipede please no 22:07 please no I have an odd number of legs that'd be concerning I honestly have no idea it had it had a [ __ ] up number of legs that's all I know 22:19 how is this hair supposed to look right now come on work with me there we go maybe I don't know yo 22:29 shop thank you for the following you look like my ex I'm getting a lot of mixed feelings here hey we're in the business of mixed feelings on this channel 22:40 mixed feelings mixed feelings are all we serve here that's about it that's what we're going for 22:45 you screamed in your girl voice 23:00 there you go 23:12 I actually I actually can only do that one by sucking inward like inhaling 23:31 aquarium breaks yeah literally the glasses in the kitchen is still in dark sorry if that was really annoying 23:39 sorry not my lurkers who are just like pissed about that 23:47 with that picture pretty sure you can repel mosquitoes [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that would be 23:52 a great power to have just scream all the bugs around you just go away might be incredible 24:00 mosquitoes don't get sucked at first 24:05 wait wait so you scream better by sucking [ __ ] 24:12 your mouth foreign gotta be careful with inhales so they harm the vocal cords but they 24:17 sound really cool do they have the vocal cords sting I did not know that I did the flex check 24:25 I don't know wait maybe yeah I did the flex check I don't know if I did the u-woo I'll do the I'll do [ __ ] it I'll do both who cares oh what [ __ ] 24:38 it keeps catching I need water 24:47 you will A Low Down boom um and then flex and then now we have a scar spin two 24:57 Flex Flex okay frog in the throat or maybe a shark yeah or maybe a waffle 25:05 because I can't find Waffle so maybe I accidentally inhaled waffle and now waffle 25:11 is just my fur ball do I have to happen to get a package uh a package let me check I'm not sure 25:19 let me run up real quick and check and then I'll do my skirt spin on the way back right back 25:58 I did get a package 26:05 okay 26:31 baggage 26:42 foreign 27:05 socks yeah I do need socks match the address I did I blocked it out 27:12 um all right should we open the bags what do we get let's see wait where's my package opener 27:28 oh she's my keys 27:39 all righty pretty skirt's been so well I know right three feet in this economy [ __ ] I know 27:47 I do need to put on some shoes especially for when we do Just Dance Gotta put on some shoes 27:53 um ridiculous Channel points Ronaldo finds yo Isaac [ __ ] up thank you so much dude mwah 28:02 thank you so so much I really [ __ ] appreciate that that is so sweet of you thank you thank you 28:07 thank you that is so so nice I really appreciate you well thank you Isaac yo what the [ __ ] Jen's 28:15 also with the five and minutes guys ah [ __ ] here we go again here we go again oh my God bro what is 28:25 happening also wait it's where'd the music go what the [ __ ] minox what the hell you guys 28:34 thank you so much oh my God okay you guys thank you so so so so so 28:40 so much I really really appreciate it wait is the music oh the music's playing it was just a different song Oh crj with the one up 28:51 you guys 29:01 ah I didn't mean to do that what the [ __ ] level at five high trains literally instantly 29:14 thank you so much I don't deserve this you're so sweet thank you so much j4c thank you for the five 29:22 thank you crj for the five oh my God my wig looks so funny right now thank you so much thank you mid 29:28 Knox for the five chance for the five and Isaac for the five boom thank you guys all so much for 29:35 the support I literally cherish you guys that is so sweet of you I'm really so so so so so so so 29:42 so so so so so so grateful thank you so much you guys from the bottom of my heart I literally can't 29:49 even express how grateful I am and M zinker also with five more thank you guys so much 29:55 I really really [ __ ] appreciate you guys oh my goodness 30:02 oh you're so sweet thank you so much I don't even have a sub goal 30:10 I literally don't even have a sub goal right now I don't have a summer board 30:15 thank you guys I really appreciate it oh we got a chair pose toast where you at 30:22 yo Axel thank you for the following and also Anna Banana thank you for the 10 bits thank you so so much it's also Anna Banana earlier you've got a hundred bits 30:31 too thank you so so much Anna Banana I really appreciate you mwah that is very very sweet 30:38 um oh my goodness huh [ __ ] okay um what am I doing chair pose 30:52 yo thank you for the follow-up Tina thank you 31:16 oh 31:21 what time does stream start only like 30 minutes ago something like that 31:28 sound like that status up or something you think we talked about wanting dance some dance lessons it's like dance lessons would be fun but I always want my rewards to be like 31:39 something that you guys experience and like unless I did a video or stream the dance lesson then I don't know if that would be you know a very good reward I just got here 31:49 love your hair thank you Juno rat I appreciate that cute dance all right [ __ ] you dance time 31:54 gotta get my music in my ear wait is the music gone oh it's just a new song 32:07 music time 32:12 it's so late this isn't a very good dance song this is a good dance song yo Isaac thank you for the five subs 32:29 thank you so much thank you so so much I really appreciate you that is so sweet thank you so much 32:39 thank you foreign 33:26 thank you so much I appreciate you so sweet of you thank you so much ah way overlay 33:37 hips of wisdom they do not lie in fact they do not tell the fibs my hero Academia season two intro dance would be 33:51 so cool so it turned on the music a little bit a little bit loud dancing will be something that 33:58 benefits you guys and then immediately gets them to dance I know well that's the thing it's like it won't but it will benefit you guys because I'll become a better dancer but I don't but I 34:09 just feel bad because it's like you guys won't be able to watch the lessons or anything like that what's your new schedule going with so I don't really know okay I'm not 100 sure yet if I'm gonna 34:21 do two days or um three days here's what I think I'm here's what I think is the ideal I keep my 34:32 current schedule but I just don't feel guilty about canceling because it's like I want to have 34:39 the I think the Wednesday Sunday Friday combo like I think those are the best days for me to stream 34:46 um but I think those are the best days for me to stream but I just can't do that every single week 34:57 because I just have too much going on sometimes my mental health is just not what it should be so 35:02 it's just like I think I think I think it would be better to just give me the option if I like 35:08 or to just have the option to stream three days a week and then just it's okay if I cancel it's 35:13 just like we can make a deal that that's just like something that might happen kind of a lot 35:18 just because it's hard for me to keep three days a week um but yeah I think that's what it's gonna be so basically just current schedule is going to be the same Nothing's Gonna Change basically 35:30 um but yeah what was I gonna say set the damn goal all right should we set the goal should we 35:36 what do you guys think should we should we vote on it is that the decision is that what we want to be the sub goal to be a dance lessons yo shop Mom thank you for the follow thank you so much 35:49 um paradoxly it's more useful noise things you won't be streaming on which days you will it's interesting don't forget to put your keys back thanks for making a grumpy old man smile yo pretty 36:00 is thank you for the thirty dollars that is so so generous mwah thank you so so much 36:06 I really really [ __ ] appreciate that thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you so much and yes I should put my keys back good point 36:21 wait but wait wait wait but I got my keys to open the package I stopped and opened the package 36:28 I still gotta open it okay 36:34 let's open his package 36:45 I don't know I love the hair today thank you electric brain I really appreciate that welcome to the stream how you doing how you living give me The Vibes Vibe check enjoy your gifts don't 36:57 open until your birthday from abse care oh okay well I guess I can't open it yet then sorry guys 37:07 sorry I can't open it yet 37:15 oh well our lashes are passcode yes I still have to go get lash extensions 37:27 when's the birthday it's um it's in August it's in August so very soon early August bro 37:42 call the schedule is more of a guideline than a real prior to the Caribbean style exactly yeah 37:48 more guidelines than general rules I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request 37:57 means no when people ask me that when people say that's me that's me when people are like make a 38:05 new video why the [ __ ] haven't you made a new video you need to make a new video right now me 38:11 I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request no I'm just kidding I'm making a new video it's 38:18 coming out very soon very soon hopefully before I leave oh by the way guys I have 38:23 to tell you I'm going home to visit my fam on the 20th [ __ ] that means I maybe won't stream 38:30 on Wednesday maybe I'll do it early stream on Wednesday or maybe I'll stream on Tuesday as a makeup but yeah I'm from the 20th to the 27th I'ma be gone flying home to see my fam so yeah 38:44 just letting you know sorry I got it allowed do a lot of like trips and stuff recently um 38:55 poly I want to speak like a pirate day I have no idea going home to get full permission for your mom 39:04 pull version God that sound that that sentence sounds so sus pull 39:10 go get pulled permission from your mom bro 39:16 oh my God I enjoy your streams most when you're a joint streaming Force extremes and vids is no good for you for us give us what you want and don't feel pressured 39:23 thank you Brave fishes I appreciate that and I agree it's like content is never good content 39:29 um content's never good content if you're not enjoying making it is what I've learned for sure 39:38 does your family watch your streams apparently my dad Tunes in occasionally which is like 39:44 I roast him kind of a lot you know what I mean like not not in like a bad way but in like you 39:49 know I roast him in like a like an endearing way you know Yo cool Sensei what's good we're hitting 39:56 the goal today chat oh [ __ ] dude okay I need to fix this I need to make this text 40:01 easier to read once and for all because it's too [ __ ] hard to read oh I gotta take that off um 40:10 but yeah I know he's fine with it he's fine with it 40:16 highrise Dad if you're watching hi hi Dad hi Mom if you're watching also hi anyone 40:24 else who I know IRL what's good if you're watching 40:30 um if I was asking my mom for information to pull down to want to be on the other side of the country non-person yeah that's true 40:37 yeah that logic that logic doesn't really check out for going home to ask permission 40:50 but thank you I'm saying by the way I I forgot to thank you mzaker for the for the birthday gift thank you so much but I don't know all right uh 41:00 I just I don't know what it is yet so I don't know thank you for yet I just checked speak like a pirate days on Monday 19th September word it's coming up yo 41:10 Leo the Lion boy what's good thank you for the fellow what up Aaron it's cool how you doing 41:18 I legit love you so much and thank you for watching mostly all your videos Yo Miss bam thank you so much love you too babe yo flesh Reigns what's good thank you for the follow 41:35 yo a gamble Master what the [ __ ] is up thanks for the photo well as well so many new people welcome all the new people so good to have you 41:42 if you don't know who me I'm Brad Ali and I am a boy that dressed like girls 41:48 thank you and then I'll be stupid and I'd be crazy and chaotic and that's basically my content 41:57 but what's up well then oh yeah [ __ ] sorry okay is that what you guys want what's up animal how 42:04 you doing might be a bunch of strangers out in it but this is a two-way relationship right at least you have to like what you do yes I do oh yo what the what the [ __ ] what ah what the hell 42:17 that is so nice of you thank you so much what the [ __ ] dude that is that is a lot of money 42:26 that is very very generous thank you so much thank you Isaac I really really appreciate it 42:32 thank you so so much um wow that is very very very very very very generous 42:41 oh my goodness yo path thank you for the [ __ ] follow as well came from your YouTube love your 42:46 makeup tutorials they've been super helpful yo Leo the Lion I'm so [ __ ] happy I'm so happy that you that you uh enjoyed the tutorials yo big boob a big booba Bailey 42:57 yo so many new follows what is happening right now what is [ __ ] I have a feeling that is a boy 43:07 guys guys [ __ ] they he figured me out guys God damn it what are we gonna do what are we gonna 43:16 do yo pyro thank you for the following what is happening dude somebody who follows holy [ __ ] 43:23 if you never need money just making only fans I know dude I know yo Superman knocks with the 13th 43:29 thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you really cute boy thank you path 43:40 funny number thank you monox that is so sweet of you mwah thank you so so so so so much I really 43:46 appreciate it yo away Lander what the [ __ ] is up dude what is happening why are you getting so 43:52 many follows it's crazy it's crazy dude welcome everybody so good to have you all welcome to the 43:58 [ __ ] stream you've been discovered run I know [ __ ] it's like I like how people will come into 44:07 the stream and be like wait what the [ __ ] you're a boy even though in the literal title 44:13 it it says like goth girl boy like it makes you question yourself or something like that 44:23 the secret is out 44:28 how would Pat Pat and smash 44:34 oh my God the new wig the new wig bringing our little peeps 44:41 foreign boy Empire exactly the vampire too bad the vampire's already thing right the vampire 44:49 wait there's a fan isn't it like a fashion Collective or something like that I don't know 44:59 it's a surprise but a welcome one the tiger beats more like you being a girl which could be a boy 45:12 I can't do that math I don't know how to do that calculation 45:18 all right now I just found your YouTube and stream and I'm in love yo what up Nikki welcome to this dream it's so good to have you thank you so much for joining I'm so glad you enjoy the content 45:29 they did some good calculations to get that number 45:34 vampire a fanboy vampire true 45:40 pack up your skirts and grab your swords this might get heated damn you should have done a girl 45:45 voice reading for that one that's perfect oh God this wig is really tight it's giving me a headache 45:52 oh yeah yo 46:00 moving this along thank you so much thank you thank you thank you mwah and what number oh boom of course 46:09 a nice OCD ass number classically from crj thank you so much that is 46:16 so generous thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate it that is so so generous 46:22 um yo okay wait we have okay yeah there's the girl voice thank you so much crj and thank you Menards 46:30 and thank you Brave [ __ ] thank you cool Sensei thank you everyone who is who has donated today I really appreciate the support you guys are so generous you guys you are literally the reason 46:40 why I'm able to continue doing this and make this content for you guys so thank you so so much for 46:45 the support I really [ __ ] appreciate it from the bottom of my little heart I serious I'm serious 46:52 okay girls who want boys boys who okay wait sorry girls who want boys who like boys to be girls who 47:03 do boys like their girls who do girls like their boys always should be someone you really love what 47:14 that short circuit in my brain I have no idea what that actually means but there you go 47:22 foreign and grab your swords this might get heated there you go 47:34 um for you look like more like a girl than me 47:39 oh my God this wig is so funny 47:57 oh I didn't realize I didn't realize it was like short in the back 48:04 I did not realize that at all I thought it was like long that's very strange it must look weird 48:14 this is a weird wig it looks cool though 48:20 it's very odd I don't really know exactly how it's supposed to be styled 48:29 oh well 48:34 I have to look on backwards no it's not on backwards I think I think that would be that would 48:43 be a little too noticeable when I was putting it on it's a cute way thanks Nikki I appreciate that 48:55 I'm late what's going on not much Archangel we're just hanging all right should we play Just Dance let's do it 49:03 and did that with one of your outfits I did that is true I fully put on a dress backwards 49:09 that is totally facts so you got me there and I totally didn't notice until someone 49:14 pointed it out so I you're right I don't really have anything to say in that regard 49:23 all right should we play some [ __ ] Just Dance should we dance right now let's get into it let's 49:28 get into it all right I hope my capture card is gonna work with me I hope so we're going 49:37 backwards would be funny sometime though very much because it's from inside a family true 49:43 most of us didn't really notice too I know I like I love how I also like I made a choker 49:50 remember how I made a choker out of like the the little strings that the dress was supposed to like tie around my neck like to hold it up but instead I was like I was like what do I do with 49:58 these I'll just make a choker out of it [ __ ] it do you ever skirt or pants I have a skirt on 50:05 okay um most of us do really knows too I know dude all right let's see if this is gonna work 50:13 all right so far so good so far so good let's see boom hell yeah it's working all right here's the 50:24 thing though is that I need to be able to hear it okay I did so I need to wear these oh [ __ ] but 50:31 these are low on battery oh no Houston we have a problem let me charge these for like five minutes 50:40 hopefully they'll get enough enough power okay wait let me charge those for a few minutes oh by 50:47 the way every time I switch scenes now to fix the hole to fix the thing where like it was replaying 50:53 all the alerts every time I uh I made it so that it reloads my overlay every time I switched scenes 51:01 which means that chat disappears but it means that we don't get duplicate colors so that's good 51:16 fish mouth fish check redeem oh [ __ ] I didn't even see it will this fit on you 51:27 damn it 51:33 check wait I just heard my keys 51:55 one sec I'm gonna go I just gotta go make sure this wig isn't coming up off the back real quick 52:23 don't know 52:29 we're good 52:48 foreign 53:06 hey everyone hello what's up RG writing how you doing welcome to the stream how's your Sunday going is that a rib Tat It is a rib tap 53:17 it's just a sticky book it's just like a little it's a little mushroom guy sitting in the window 53:22 that's it it's stupid how's the PO Box going next stream I promise I promise I promise I 53:30 promise next stream oh yeah [ __ ] sub goal okay excuse me we're doing it dude so did we choose 53:36 did we decide on on the dancing stream or not dancing stream sorry dance lessons for the uh 53:44 what do you call it for the gold dance lessons dance lessons yo Jay at five seven minutes 54:05 should we make it a vote all right if anyone has any other ideas for the sub goal put it in the chat now and then we'll do a poll 54:12 let me just figure this out put it in a chat put it in the chat now if you have 54:19 an idea for a sub goal reward and then if you do put in the chat and we will figure it out 54:37 drunk stream we do drug stream hot temperature I'm already in the bag I'm pretty sure it is 54:43 I'm pretty sure it is which honestly pretty soon we should do that because it's warm and 54:51 we have a blow up hot tub but here's the thing is I don't know how to fill it I don't know how to fill it and drain it dude a hot tub is really big that hot tub is massive 55:02 like I don't want to just fill up a little a little tiny kiddie pool and hang out in it um 55:09 but yeah we'll we'll see how that goes okay we'll do IRL stream [ __ ] I guess we could do that too 55:21 all right let's do a poll let's do the poll uh let me go to my clinch 55:29 Creator dashboard manage pool all right new poll What's it gonna be I forget uh what was I what was I pulling 55:41 dude how does this happen to me it's literally gone Subway sorry sorry for smacking the mic sub 55:48 go Subway ASMR girl voice I already have ASMR videos they're not in girl voice because I'm whispering I don't really know I don't really know how to whisper in a girl voice become a YouTuber 55:59 I mean I guess I could I could get a V2 but a vtuber avatar for just like occasionally 56:05 that would be kind of fun femboy Walker out of a planetarium I'll be [ __ ] sick 56:12 um okay okay okay okay okay iro Vlog okay so let's do SUB goal we're gonna do dance lessons 56:26 iro stream um 56:35 walking stream IRL walking stream um let's see or maybe what was the other one 56:52 because they do 56:57 skate stream perhaps 57:03 game stream we also do a basketball screen Maybe okay 57:12 boom I'm doing it the poll is going to be up for two minutes everybody vote in the poll 57:19 baking cooking stream well I already do that occasionally anyway so let's do something else for that one um all right guys boat in the pole if you want to choose a sub goal because we're 57:30 doing it right now if you're watching or if you're listening but you're not watching go vote in the pool go vote in the pool vote and then we can figure it out and then we'll do it 57:42 that's how it's gonna go can't wait to see what you guys choose let's see what's winning oh shhh 58:00 that damn it that boom gosh darn it dude oh no all right dude I guess I'm gonna have to 58:09 [ __ ] God did I expect anything else I know I I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else should I have it's been a long time coming it's been a really long time coming 58:19 I guess we're just gonna have to bite the bullet I will walking stream [ __ ] bro I can't believe 58:31 I can't believe I can't believe I would have to do bruh honestly this this outfit is an outfit that 58:37 I would be down to do it in because it's not too revealing so I wouldn't feel super like I don't 58:43 feel that vulnerable but I would also look you know good as hell so I feel like maybe this fit 58:51 would be a good one to do but God damn it dude uh I I don't know why I didn't expect that for 58:58 some reason I expected the dance lessons to just win I don't know why I didn't expect the IRL Rock Stream to just immediately win but I should have known I should have known it's been being asked 59:07 for for like so long well hello there what's up night active how you doing welcome to the Stream 59:13 what's up no no one zero it's great escape Park was 520. oh [ __ ] 59:22 don't put me to shame crj don't put me to shame 59:29 right now I didn't say it would be a walking girl mode yeah right exactly I'm just gonna walk around and play mode no I'm just kidding got any sundresses to 59:38 go with the weather I do have one I do okay wait let me put the sub goal actually there 59:46 hold on something's giving me a headache I don't know what it is 59:53 my head's getting a little bit squeezed no one for the basketball stream that's okay 1:00:00 all right let me just remove this pressure for a sec 1:00:06 [ __ ] all right how about a walking stream to the post office 1:00:12 unfortunately I have to take a Subway to get to the post office and so the stream would cut out but otherwise I would do that 1:00:20 walking stream boom and let's see what should the goal be how many Subs do we have right now 1:00:28 we have 625. holy [ __ ] dude we have 625 Subs that's crazy 600 what the [ __ ] that is a lot 1:00:41 yo lonely goldfish thank you for the follow-up um probably like half of those are gifted but still 1:00:49 still all right sub goal we're gonna put it at wait how many did I say 6 25. 1:01:01 6 25. yo stormy emu thank you for the fellow I bet more than have a good video I probably 1:01:12 um alrighty 625 um that and then maybe we'll make it what we'll make it like 888 what do you guys 1:01:21 think does that sound like a good like a good goal yo joist thank you for the follow ho ho ho ho what 1:01:29 the [ __ ] is up yo Joyce go click on the on the about page I got a link to my YouTube channel um 1:01:41 maybe 888 is too high actually sorry that that was 1:01:47 that was uh that was I thought that 800 came after 600. maybe we'll just make it um 1:01:59 maybe we'll make it sorry where is it settings yeah maybe we'll do 666 instead sorry I sorry that 1:02:08 was that was way too high I I totally got confused about my numbers right there not 888 666. that 1:02:15 we're gonna hit that like immediately though so let's make it seven no not seven seven we'll just 1:02:22 make it six six nine six all right we'll make it like that that's perfect that's a good in between 1:02:31 yeah 696 there we go perfect all right uh boom kaboom and honestly by the way the only reason 1:02:42 why I say oh we're gonna hit that immediately so I don't want to put it the only reason is because it's not that I'm like oh I want more subs it's that like I feel bad about like promising things 1:02:53 and then being really behind well at least we're doing one of them today we're doing a Just Dance stream today um but yeah we're at 6 25 so 666 we would hit immediately which is why 1:03:05 I said 888 at the beginning but then I realized that that I for some reason I thought that 800 came after six it doesn't yo Jens already thank you so much thank you thank you 696 threesome 1:03:19 yo Jen thank you so much that is so generous mwah thank you so so much GRT takai oh [ __ ] 1:03:28 M zigger you just got oh what the [ __ ] yo yo bro sorry I just three or four different 1:03:36 thoughts just crossed crisscrossed all at the same time right there bro M zinker thank you 1:03:42 so much what the hell also sorry the alerts are duplicating thank you so much MC what 1:03:48 the [ __ ] dude that is so generous need to finish this Global before starting the next holy [ __ ] there you go all right the pierced ears Kaboom come let's go holy [ __ ] thank 1:04:02 you so much what the hell McQ that is so sweet of you mwah I really really appreciate it that 1:04:08 is so so so [ __ ] generous sorry I just I just oh my God and gents thank you for 1:04:15 the five that is so so nice of you very very generous oh my God I need to drink some water 1:04:25 I'm sorry I just totally [ __ ] brain melted right there 1:04:34 oh goodness more goals yeah I guess we need a new dodo goal now should the donut go be dance lessons is that the one that got second place in the poll yo Isaac what the [ __ ] 1:04:49 hey hey what thank you thank you thank you thank you that is so generous thank you so so [ __ ] 1:04:59 much What The Hell Jonathan bubbles see why star Mighty Court King Dylan beans 1:05:05 all y'all gonna sub let's go baby let's [ __ ] go racing towards is up and go hell [ __ ] yeah 1:05:12 oh my goodness what the heck is happening you guys guys make me 1:05:23 thank you one question what's your outfit today redeem a fit check and I'll show you 1:05:30 it's too early for a second hype train I know dude oh my goodness 1:05:35 as Yorkshire said put the number two from the vote as a donation goal yeah what was the number two I was viewing the result it is the dance lessons all right so we got dance lessons 1:05:47 as when we just let me get over there let me get over there 1:05:54 to my overlay all right so we got we got pierced ears I gotta pierce the ears now we 1:06:01 got a walking stream upcoming coming up coming coming up dude what is wrong I can't talk today 1:06:08 and then we got a [ __ ] what do you call it dance lessons right here boom 1:06:14 kapow and then we got a fit check in the chat let's get it alrighty wait all right now like what's up Jinx how you doing don't go professional makeover true 1:06:28 that's actually a good idea what the folks say is that Amazon wishlist 1:06:34 it used to be totally full but now it's just like some random kitchenware that I want 1:06:39 um walking stream to get ears pierced true yeah a walking stream where I walk to the post office get 1:06:47 my P.O box walk to the salon get my makeover go get walk to the mall go get my ears pierced and 1:06:55 then walk to the skate park and skate in a skirt perfect just hit all the goals in one stream 1:07:00 okay I gotta do a check 1:07:19 yo Greg T Barton thank you for the photo hey just checked your voice videos as a voice 1:07:24 actor they're great tool to do voices in higher registers my voice naturally very low hell yeah Greg I'm so glad I'm so glad to hear it mwah thank you for the bits I really appreciate you 1:07:39 peace 1:07:46 ah ta-da okay wait guys should we pick out boots real quick and 1:07:53 we need to pick out boots before we do dancing what boots should I wear 1:08:02 actually actually I'm I'm vetoing all the boots 1:08:07 except for the ones that aren't super high or else I'm gonna break my ankles 1:08:17 it has it has to be These Boots cool outfit not gonna lie thank you 1:08:29 um yeah it has to be These Boots unfortunately 1:08:34 unfortunately or maybe the black canvas shoes oh [ __ ] wait those would actually look perfect 1:08:45 wait these are actually [ __ ] perfect 1:08:51 these are perfect sleeping 24-hour stream I'd be down to do a really long stream like I don't 1:08:57 know if I want to do a stream specifically for sleeping but I'd be down to do like a 24-hour stream where maybe I I like take a nap or something in the mean like in the middle of it 1:09:07 um that would be kind of fun okay yeah the shoes match the arms perfectly 1:09:17 I wore these out the other night and I got a lot of compliments 1:09:35 okay 1:09:51 boom 1:09:58 this wig is just getting crazier and crazier as the day goes on 1:10:04 those shoes weren't even expensive they're so sick I get a lot of compliments on them black lipstick went true uh yeah I don't know I have black lipstick I'm so bad 1:10:13 at it I don't know how to make it look good someone tell me what to do about it maybe I could try you know how people blend black and red lipstick together 1:10:22 maybe I should try that you're looking very good thank you jantars I appreciate that thank you so much um and you have mods that never sleeps a long stream that would be fine exactly 1:10:36 they're good shoes but now I'm wondering uh yo mug for shaking for the follow-up what you were even 1:10:42 doing that maybe made meant people notice your Footwear I feel like people just notice shoes you know what I mean yo what thank you so much mudfish welcome to the story what's above the shoes is 1:10:52 way more impressive ah thanks Minot did you find your Jokers I did not unfortunately I might have 1:10:59 to go get new ones I don't know where the [ __ ] they are yo Panda guy thank you for the follow 1:11:05 I do need a choker that is what I need maybe wait maybe I can find one of the little Jokers 1:11:11 um we gotta need to do a skirt spin real quick skirt spin skirts but and then I'll find a joker 1:11:19 yo it looks so good with the shoes 1:11:44 it looks so good with the shoes boom boom boom boom 1:12:03 very good fat thank you I know it's so good once you get a PO box you'll have all the chokers yeah 1:12:12 okay let me go see if I can find the little stretchy choker real quick 1:12:32 found one yeah 1:12:43 perfect oh that was a skirt spin sorry Jen's I thought it was a fit check let me do a skirt spin 1:13:15 really completes the luck thank you it was a foot Jack and a skirt and a spin okay nice 1:13:24 nice remember to add Jokers to wishlist and then 1:13:29 change your dress to your peel box yes absolutely archangel apps of fruit lay 1:13:37 all righty on this stripy long streams part of the crop top yes they are it's like 1:13:43 this is the same shirt this is this it's the same shirt which I love I love that this style is back 1:13:51 I love that this style is back you know you know what I mean the the little t-shirt over the long sleeve the short sleeve t-shirt over the long sleeve 1:13:58 t-shirt because I used to do that when I was like 10. and then it totally went out of fashion and it was totally lame no one did that and now it's back I love it 1:14:09 I feel like a ton of [ __ ] that was like popular when I was in like seventh grade is popular again 1:14:18 why you start a stream earlier than I expected uh on Sundays if you look at my schedule I I start two hours earlier on Sundays 1:14:27 do it every Sunday that's just how it goes that's just how it goes 1:14:35 points are slow to gain are they I feel like people get points pretty [ __ ] quickly maybe maybe did I make things too expensive yo Greg thank you for the 1:14:43 bits did I make things too expensive I made things more expensive but I did I think maybe I made them too expensive yo Bren thank you for the following so 1:14:51 I feel like there's not nearly as many uh oh we got a hydration track cheers 1:14:58 everyone you need to chat more oh word I guess I guess right you get points by chatting I forgot about that too 1:15:08 they're not too expensive I think the price is right okay cool The Price is Right how about red lip bottom red oh top lip red bottom lip black that would be an 1:15:18 interesting look that would actually look [ __ ] sick probably that would look sick 1:15:26 I'm always amazed by how stretchy those are I know it is crazy they can go over like anything 1:15:32 I remember trying so hard to pull off that looked late in middle school because so many bands on this dude did that look I know right 1:15:39 I know I feel like I feel like I gotta I'm paying homage to my to my middle school crushes 1:15:50 sitting on 31k God damn waffle 1:15:57 um every teams are too cheap we'd be doing cute Dances all the time that's true that's true it gets spammed it feels like expensive okay cool um sounds good I'm glad I didn't make it too 1:16:05 expensive okay cool sounds good I'm glad I'm glad to hear that it's at a it's at a good level points 1:16:10 are good I'm at 56k [ __ ] you could make me change five different outfits in one stream [ __ ] 1:16:18 with opposite color lip liner true red lip outer black lip stripe in the middle word 1:16:25 or black outer and red in the middle I feel like that's honestly more of a vibe 1:16:30 I don't know though trying to imagine it in my mind's eye 1:16:36 who will go fatal OMG goth girl boy what's up more fustang how you doing 71k [ __ ] that might 1:16:45 be that might be the most holy book I'm only on 17 down too many sexy girl voice redeems true 1:16:54 yo has any incense 1:17:01 I haven't seen him in a stream in so long 1:17:09 bad at saving at my point so I have 2K true 1:17:16 Fincher had people with a million plus points what the [ __ ] it's a nice 25k that's pretty good 1:17:23 it's pretty good yeah I'm bad at saving my points too every time I'm in a channel I 1:17:29 literally just [ __ ] spend everything immediately as fast as possible worried about nonsense dude 1:17:36 what's up with nonsense I mean I hope she's just like having some you know hopefully she's 1:17:43 just having a great time in real life and you know doesn't need to spend time online anymore 1:17:48 um but yeah that's sad I hope I hope that they pop up again soon 1:17:58 I'm new so I just got 640 points hell yeah he put a redeem at one million points and it was immediately redeemed holy no way 1:18:08 that's [ __ ] Wild that's wild so that means they probably have even way more than a million points 1:18:16 like that means that they probably have like many millions of points 1:18:23 to be fair fit there's a lot of Channel Point bets and there's some real gamblers in chat yo I love Channel Point bets uh we got to do more of those okay guys let's play some [ __ ] let's play 1:18:32 some games let's play some Just Dance let's [ __ ] get after it um I think this is gonna be charged 1:18:38 enough at this point I think it's just gonna be charged enough yo fire cookie what's good you can 1:18:46 bet yeah you can bet remember when we were betting when I was playing Mario Kart um what am I doing 1:18:54 Just Dance Just Dance pausing music music paused boom Bop pal go to Nintendo switch 1:19:07 okay um wait a sec how am I gonna hear this 1:19:18 how do I how I don't hear see this is I don't know what to do about this 1:19:26 because you guys can hear the audio but I can't hear the audio so what do we do 1:19:36 shoot I thought I figured this out before stream 1:19:44 except let me just think about what to do about this 1:19:51 um even the headphone watch a bit hell yeah he said walking stream to 1 million Channel points 1:19:58 and a chatter immediately redeemed it they said they'd done well in the channel Point predictions yo interesting that's hilarious okay um let's see if we can figure this out 1:20:23 oh sick okay wait I can hear it I can hear it through my monitor 1:20:33 I'm gonna have to turn it up though 1:20:45 okay it's gonna be really quiet for me we're gonna have to figure this out another time and make it a 1:20:50 little bit better um but we can play we can just try it out right now or we can give it a little give it a little try I got a sub hell yeah Kirk hell yeah all right we can give it a little try 1:21:05 um okay let's see sorry let me just get myself oriented I guess I should probably 1:21:13 I should probably make this bigger huh sorry we're just gonna remove that for now it's like I guess 1:21:21 put it up here maybe let's see yo what's up my big Glo my big clock how you doing is that 1:21:30 my twitch category yes thank you Just Dance we're going from just chatting to just dancing 1:21:40 we were just chatting and now we are just dancing 1:21:46 all righty 1:21:51 hi all what's up Lisa what's up fried cookie sussy sassy baka um yeah not just dancing quite yet okay 1:22:00 all right let's [ __ ] play is that too loud for you guys how's the audio for the game is that 1:22:08 good audio never be a proper analy stream without the audio [ __ ] cup yeah or without a big scum exactly exactly it's part of the charm audio's good all right perfect looking cute as always yo 1:22:22 thank you Arts Vision I appreciate that welcome to the stream It's [ __ ] amazing to have you all right let's [ __ ] get after it I'm so ready 1:22:30 I'm so ready to Just Dance looking cute today cute look today thank you Lisa 1:22:37 maybe down one to two decibels okay there you go all righty boom got my joy-cons all right select your avatar 1:22:52 which one do you guys think should we go this girl or this girl one of these girls one of these girls looks looks like my vibe today which one do you guys think left 1:23:02 or right one or two one press one or two one or two one or two foreign two or one 1:23:10 one okay we're doing one seems like oh maybe some twos there's three oh there's a few teams 1:23:18 ah it seems equal all right we gotta flip a coin we're gonna flip a coin where's the coin I had one 1:23:31 all right flip a coin heads is one two is Tails is two let's do it 1:23:44 tails it was Tails we're going two sorry team sorry sorry team one all right let's get after it 1:23:54 all right nickname obviously 1:29:59 what is going on and the warbler might defeat dmca it's so true okay um what was I doing okay 1:30:11 yeah I'm sorry guys I'll just turn it down a bit maybe like maybe that'll help but yeah sorry guys 1:30:21 um audio must be scuffed it's a rule for streaming yeah all right we're gonna try re-plugging should 1:30:28 I I'm kind of scared to do that let me try one song and then we'll try re-plugging wait [ __ ] 1:30:34 I didn't read the tutorial I didn't read the tutorial all right let's do this guys 1:30:45 right 1:31:14 from me I just want you company 1:31:42 ain't trying to tell you to try to play cool 1:31:47 little bit of you anymore 1:32:17 I love me 1:32:49 it's so hard yeah oh my goodness oh [ __ ] 1:33:03 that was fun though no the post in the end oh yeah how did I do guys how'd I do how was the first try 1:33:16 hey not bad I got [ __ ] I did how did I do did I do okay I don't know oh I did 39 1:33:28 perfect 20 super 20. hey that's pretty good pretty good nice terrorist and thank you guys 1:33:35 oh my God this game is really fun hell yeah okay um dude I don't know why I don't dude that was so 1:33:43 good you did pretty good no broken ankles exactly right I hope everyone's having a great day yo 1:33:49 what's up lens arcade how you doing absolutely killed that thank you Mitch thank you so much Angry Chicken Dance followed by Elbow Grandma then preacher jazz hands exactly oh my God that was 1:34:02 like so much fun don't have to worry about ADHD exactly this is their proper analogy game totally 1:34:11 do Hips Don't Lie next true awesome thank you Z Arts okay let's do another song Oh [ __ ] 1:34:17 we get to open a thing we get to open a thing what did we get what did we get what did we get 1:34:29 Flawless winner oh yeah I need 50 100 Mojo to play okay what does that mean 1:34:40 all right all right all right let's see 1:34:49 let's see can we use all the songs all right I [ __ ] five started let's go I five star that [ __ ] first try 1:35:05 foreign I like this song A lot I really like this song A Lot okay I'm gonna do 1:35:11 this one and then we'll do and then we'll maybe do another one that you guys choose let's go I'll let you guys choose the next one I just love this song 1:35:29 let's go 1:35:35 save your tears 1:35:43 oh [ __ ] 1:36:17 foreign 1:36:43 for another day hey this man's wearing a cape 1:36:57 oh I got distracted I was looking at all the visuals and I got distracted 1:37:19 I'm just making it up 1:37:53 foreign 1:38:31 thank you 1:38:41 hey 1:38:49 oh my God that one was hard 1:38:54 I feel like that was really difficult oh my goodness 1:39:00 all right my outfit's great for dancing I know right 1:39:06 okay not quite as good that time four stars that one's a little harder 1:39:14 all right what did we get what did we get 1:39:20 gumbo new skin sweet Hips Don't Lie all right Hips Don't Lie time Hips Don't lifetime oh we got 1:39:32 another one another Gumball all right dude another one holy [ __ ] alrighty 1:39:50 well right now I get five stars who will I maybe sweat a little on that one dude I'm sweating this [ __ ] is this [ __ ] is hard all right let's see Hips Don't Lie 1:40:03 um wait what what 1:40:12 hips Hips Don't Lie wait oh it was right there 1:40:21 boom all right let's do it 1:40:30 what is this an ad what are we getting are we getting an advertisement in the middle of a game 1:40:39 what's up with that 1:40:49 what the hell what let me play a song 1:40:57 I can play a song later I just want to put this up 1:41:02 what what the literally what was the point of that okay laughs 1:41:13 unlimited is their paid thing I already paid for the game what the [ __ ] I already paid for this 1:41:22 paper what is this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 1:41:31 no way dude suck my fat [ __ ] Ubisoft you little [ __ ] I hate Ubisoft God damn it 1:41:42 uh no should I create it Ubisoft account right now I don't even think I have an Ubisoft account 1:41:55 should I create an Ubisoft account right now or should I go and uh just do a different song 1:53:59 but I was trying to get that moved 1:54:10 okay I'm not even trying I'm not even trying anymore I'm just trying to get this one move 1:54:18 okay we did it five stars 1:54:25 I got only one miss look at that oh goodness I'm not trying anymore five stars let's go holy [ __ ] 1:54:41 alrighty I think you're gonna have to take a break for now I think that might be it for me for today holy [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] sweaty 1:54:58 huh goodness green dancing no broken Eggos we're all proud of you thank you gents I appreciate it 1:55:05 clutch out the five stars yup clutched it out baby let's go holy moly yeah hell yeah dude let's go 1:55:14 two for two almost an actual dress version of the nitrous he was wearing our stream it's true 1:55:20 oh my goodness do you have any tattoo yeah here's one oh wait it's on the other side here's one 1:55:28 there's one tattoo needs weak arms are heavy he's vomit on the sweater I'm ready mom's spaghetti 1:55:34 hmm now try all that in heels next time yeah so do you want it to be an ambulance stream 1:55:42 because that's how you get an ambulance stream dancing with a wig respect thank you that 90 was POG it really was oh goodness yo M thank you 1:55:57 thank you mwah that is so sweet of you thank you I'm zinker for the five [ __ ] subs thank you so 1:56:04 much that is so nice druden Leo nothing eclair Daxter oh y'all just gotta sub let's go thank 1:56:13 you so much thank you thank you thank you mwah holy moly need a girly tattoo like a butterfly 1:56:24 perhaps depends are you hot for paramedics as well as firefighters you guys are the 1:56:30 ones who are hot for firefighters I never said [ __ ] about the firefighters I just answered the door in a little cute little skirt I didn't say nothing about them 1:56:40 oh my goodness okay guys I think that's gonna be it from me for today let me 1:56:48 put on some outro music real quick um one second let me turn back um 1:57:01 yo minox thank you what the [ __ ] also it Norm I think your ears got cut off but mid Knox thank 1:57:07 you for the five subs thank you so much and also itm Norm I'm pretty sure yours got cut 1:57:12 off but thank you also for the five that is so sweet thank you so much love and look right now 1:57:17 thank you bash oh and jartmaster as well thank you for the sub God damn and well yeah and we 1:57:24 saw him zinker we saw him zinker but the other ones got cut off yo thank you so so [ __ ] much hydrate baby let's go let's go thank you m-ziger it itm Norm and mid Knox for the five and then 1:57:36 jartmaster for the one I really appreciate you guys thank you so much oh my goodness I'm sweating I'm sweating rated spicy cow yeah we can raid cow for sure um hydration check cheers 1:57:50 foreign you're so cute thanks Sophie thank you yo what's up hutchi 32 how you doing 1:57:58 love you so much great meeting you it's great meeting you too zr's vision of course come back anytime it's great to have you by the way donation still goal still says two thousand 1:58:07 out of two thousand is that not what it should say should it say something else I don't know I'll check the I'll check the tracker or something after 1:58:16 um boy sweatball I didn't sell it oh my God cash money [ __ ] 1:58:27 who will oh my goodness okay there you go Sophie there you go um wait let me let me turn back to bye 1:58:38 freaking that one um bruh it wasn't the dance lessons new goal yeah the dentist was the duo this 1:58:51 was a really fun stream yay I'm so glad you guys I'm so glad I'm so glad you're here let me turn on the on the music again there we go I'm so glad you guys enjoyed I had so much fun dude just dance 1:59:01 is a really really fun game I didn't like I didn't really understand how it was gonna work but like 1:59:07 the the person they have on screen and then like the moves they have going going down in the in the bottom right is like so so like helpful it works so well um but yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna learn 1:59:19 more of the I'm gonna learn more of the songs and obviously I'm gonna buy more songs because they 1:59:24 have so many songs like Hips Don't Lie like I gotta I gotta buy that one like they got me they got me with their monetization [ __ ] so yeah we're gonna have to we're gonna have to buy 1:59:33 that one and uh and do all of all of our favorite songs I can't wait I can't wait and I can't wait 1:59:39 till I actually learn them like by heart so that I can just [ __ ] bust them out and just do them 1:59:44 without like um having to like catch up you know what I mean like I was kind of doing that today 1:59:51 um oh my goodness guys we're almost at 10K followers we're at 9.5 k M God damn 2:00:01 holy [ __ ] you train a bunch you don't run out of air true yeah okay it's like 2:00:12 I kind of want to keep streaming for a little bit I'll keep shooting for a little bit more I'm gonna keep shooting for a little bit more just for like five more minutes I just 2:00:23 I just want to calm down and chat for a sec Discord is growing nicely too it indeed it is indeed it is 2:00:32 you're too good at Just Dance with the handicap you might you do geoguster and Just Dance simultaneously so true so true honestly let's play Let's play a couple rounds of Geo guess so 2:00:43 that sounds kind of fun let's do a little a little Geo guesser to send to send us off just send us 2:00:50 away we'll do a little goodbye for a little chill video guesser to end the stream that sounds fun 2:00:58 all right um it's usually if they have a wakefied wig field Saturday night I'll Just Dance 2:01:07 um oh my goodness I'm sweaty what a what is tripos 2:01:29 I've been expecting you 2:01:46 okay do you ever find Waffle not yet waffle somewhere under my bed or something or in my covers oh goodness 2:01:57 all right let's do it let's go chair both thank you when we're raining cow in a minute I'm not 2:02:03 I'm not going to end stream quite yet I'm gonna uh I'm gonna play a game of geoguessr and then we're gonna go I just wanna I just want to do a little bit of you guys 2:02:11 before I go I'm having fun I'm having a good time all right um here we go and Geo guesser 2:02:26 I'm a master tourist level nine let's go all righty y'all should we do another cracked out 2:02:33 myth round that was kind of fun let's not do a full cracked out meth round let's do one minute 2:02:39 instead of 30 seconds wait what no I don't want to do I want to do let's see let's oh honestly 2:02:50 let's try there let's try their generic map and see if it's better 2:02:58 alrighty I guess we're not doing a time limit we're just gonna do a chill round just to just uh just a regular weed round yeah Play Just Dance with wrist wrist and ankle weights [ __ ] 2:03:10 you want me to die funnier handicap for just as play it carrying the [ __ ] off huge sword 2:03:18 true so true um okay and we're here all right we're not doing any we're 2:03:25 not doing any time limit on this one this kind of looks like California not gonna lie 2:03:30 but that is not English I have no clue what language that could be oh Barcelona Spain 2:03:38 right maybe perhaps wait but they're not that's not Spanish is that Portuguese 2:03:48 but it's not Spanish is it like Basque it's Catalan right it's Catalan I forgot they speak some weird ass languages over there 2:04:01 um all right should we just should we just throw it in Barcelona and give it a whirl alrighty pretty [ __ ] good seven kilometers away wonderful boom it was caught a lot dude 2:04:12 that's cool I've never seen catalonian or Catalan I've never seen that uh written that's [ __ ] sick 2:04:19 alrighty round two yeah ports are by the seat yeah I should I should have been by the next ocean that was silly of me that was silly of mine ke what is that French yeah right yeah that's definitely 2:04:32 French every time you have a stupid little X at the end of a word it's [ __ ] French all right 2:04:39 um does this look like France though it kind of looks like New York City 2:04:45 this kind of looks like New York Canada 2:04:52 all right you think it's Montreal okay word oh yeah Canada Canada Goose you guys think uh Montreal 2:05:06 what are y'all what do y'all think about that one oh wait I want to listen to music you guys are listening to music without me 2:05:15 hey I love this song okay I love Future Funk it's so good for streaming 2:05:21 shut up dude I don't need these hints bro why is he doing this for me I don't need this handicap 2:05:29 okay find a bus or a taxi wow whatever City this is it looks beautiful 2:05:38 title and category so true Honestly though I'm I'm too lazy okay actually I'll do it 2:05:45 I'm just doing category I'm not doing title foreign okay fine I'll do I'll do title too 2:06:05 Boop okay this is a nice city 2:06:12 wow look at this this place is hella nice all right I'm bored we're going Montreal 2:06:20 Quebec City ah it's Montreal I already know I already know I already know 2:06:30 let's go [ __ ] 4.1 kilometers baby 2:06:35 right across the park literally right across the park Godzilla yeah hell yeah hell yeah 2:06:47 all right round three one two three 2:06:55 um this is another Europe something in Europe for sure definitely not America 2:07:05 UK alrighty wow look at these buildings so ornate 2:07:14 where's that hint I don't want the hint don't give me hints not you guys you guys can give me hints 2:07:19 but I don't want you guess her to give me hints it said Salford okay guys go Manchester all right 2:07:27 Glasgow work out oh Scottish flag where did it see that is it just showing me that dude what is 2:07:37 this what is this mode we're playing where it's literally just telling me the answers 2:07:51 Glasgow 2:07:57 should we do it I'm doing it oh 1.7 2:08:05 dude why is this happening I'm getting so lucky this is crazy I'm just like popping it 2:08:12 down in a random part of the city and then just get 1.7 kilometers that's [ __ ] sick 2:08:18 let's go oh my God Phoebe good [ __ ] Phoebe you know the street oh my God good [ __ ] 2:08:27 good [ __ ] Phoebe oh this is wherever this is is old 2:08:35 some Cobble streets what do you think like oh turkey is that Turkish 2:08:46 is that Turkish yeah Turkey right 2:08:56 I think that's Turkish Turkish is like hard to discern yep there we go yep and then and then they just have a picture of erdogan I 2:09:07 like how the hint I like how the hinty thing is getting a picture of erdogan 2:09:13 but not this [ __ ] giant flag okay and what do you what Istanbul you guys think or Ankara 2:09:23 you guys think Istanbul wow this place is [ __ ] pretty dude what a cool little what a cool place all these little alleys and 2:09:34 and little restaurants on the street man I want to go to Turkey Turkey seems awesome 2:09:40 aside from the the old dictatorship and everything 2:09:48 damn bro this place is [ __ ] beautiful what is this a 12-way intersection one two three 2:09:58 four five Jesus Christ this place is gorgeous not enough cats to be assembled interesting 2:10:07 I love that I love that piece that piece of data or that I loved that you know that there's a lot of cats that need symbol is is 2:10:25 nobody's business but the Turks 2:10:32 I forgot all the words 2:10:38 this place is so pretty I want to go here oh hey doggy hey puppy um okay 2:10:54 I think we're just we should go Byzantium so true 2:11:02 all right so here's like the main drag oh it's a little bit is that Frost or 2:11:07 is that just the sun I think oh it's just the sun I was like it's cold here 2:11:14 um read the tram 2:11:19 I can't read it 2:11:25 is that a city 2:11:30 I don't know man all right I'm pulling the trigger I'm pulling the trigger 2:11:43 Istanbul we're doing it 2:11:56 foreign not bad at all it's not bad at all killing it right now okay killing it right now 2:12:04 we're slaying absolutely slaying love alrighty I have no idea um ooh the [ __ ] 2:12:22 stop giving me hints I don't want hints Poland all right Poland there it is Warsaw alrighty wait what about that sign 2:12:40 wait this side no don't take me so far this sign 2:12:48 oh that's just for the building there's a PL domain Poland alrighty Poland it is Poland it is 2:12:59 I'll be up there's the old Polish flag right there yep 2:13:07 yep alrighty I guess we should just strode yeah dude look at this disgusting Strode 2:13:15 look at this horrible strobe dude it's God it's so bad three lanes and then a 2:13:21 tram and then three more Lanes oh God I hate strodes I hate strodes so much this 2:13:27 is how like every city in California is it's horrible okay show it foreign 2:13:36 you guys if you guys haven't yet you there's a really really good little mini YouTube documentary 2:13:43 about strodes and why they're terrible you guys should give it give it a gander give 2:13:49 it a look-see all right I hate driving there yeah what the [ __ ] is this like what is going on here 2:13:55 what is this intersection God I hate I hate when cities are designed around cars dude that's so bad 2:14:05 design the city around people not Cars man foreign 2:14:11 literally just go just [ __ ] go to YouTube and type strodes 2:14:19 and it'll be the first [ __ ] thing I'm sure I'm sure of it what the heck 2:14:27 it makes you think you're traveling so far and then it takes you like two feet right in the middle of Warsaw yeah no problem 2:14:38 no problem it's a great little documentary or it's not yeah it's like a little just a YouTube YouTube video okay um [ __ ] it we're going right in the middle of Warsaw and we're calling it a day 2:14:49 we're going dead center bam right on the right on the Warsaw boom 2:14:57 give it to me it's bugged it's frozen 2:15:13 right on the Warsaw let's go baby dude we just [ __ ] destroyed this round we destroyed this 2:15:24 holy moly that's the closest I've ever been without actually literally knowing the the street corner holy [ __ ] let's go baby this was the round of your 2:15:36 like literally it was the round this guys this was the round that I've ever played 2:15:44 you know what I mean I love that joke look at this dude look at this look at that look at 2:15:55 that you can't even see you can't even see the the double holy [ __ ] dude this is insane absolutely 2:16:01 spot the [ __ ] on every time it's because of the dancing look at I got we we got we got 46 2:16:08 points away from a perfect score y'all we [ __ ] murdered it yeah no no lines all around the map 2:16:16 we got 46 points away from a freaking perfect score every guess was the right City yeah 2:16:22 but yeah seven kilometers four kilometers 1.7 4.7 and then 336 meters dude we're 2:16:29 getting too cracked at this game it's kind of insane it's kind of insane 2:16:37 alrighty guys okay I think that's gonna be it for me for today but thank you all so [ __ ] 2:16:47 much for watching I had such a fun time I can't believe it's my capture card's fault but I can't believe it took me this long to discover Just Dance on stream because 2:16:57 Just Dance is perfect for me it's literally the perfect thing for me to play like it gets my ADHD 2:17:03 out gets my energy out I get to dance which I do anyway I get to play the game get to listen 2:17:08 to sick music it's hella fun perfect yes we will raid cow we will be raiding cow let's pop it up 2:17:20 let's check it out 2:17:25 um okay guys thank you so much for joining me today I love you all so much mwah thank you thank you 2:17:43 thank you I appreciate each and every single one of you for being here and hanging out and being amazing and awesome and sexy and funny and cool thank you so much please join my Discord if 2:17:54 you're not yet there we just hang out and be awesome it's super fun you should join I love 2:18:00 you guys thank you for the support hugs and kisses for each and every single one of you 2:18:05 I literally cherish you all from the bottom of my [ __ ] heart thank you so much for being amazing thank you so much for existing that's all that's it thank you for existing okay thank you mwah I 2:18:19 love you guys get out there be yourself follow your dreams you know the rest let's give spicy 2:18:26 cow some love be yourself wear what you want to wear be who you want to be do what you want to do 2:18:31 you know the whole Spiel follow your dreams and don't listen to what people say all right mwah 2:18:36 I love you guys you're the best you make me feel so happy let's go give cow some love all right bye 2:18:43 have a great start your week and I will see you guys on Wednesday or maybe Tuesday I'll see you on Wednesday or maybe Tuesday we might do an early stream because I 2:18:52 might be traveling on Wednesday and then yeah okay love you guys bye 2:19:00 later