4:50 hello hello everybody sorry that was probably really loud what's up hi everyone how's it going 5:00 welcome to the stream so good to have you all how are we doing today welcome welcome welcome 5:09 what the hell is up y'all it is a wonderful fun boy Freddy let's go baby welcome yo Maureen please 5:17 thank you for the follow what is up drunken girl has arrived hiccup what's up how you doing yo 5:23 Jessica with the four months or tails welcome back also heads or tails let's go heads immediately 5:31 boom right off the bat hell yes thank you for the four months Jessica I really appreciate it thank 5:36 you for stopping by real Marilyn Monroe look I know right and in fact this dress is even supposed 5:42 to be like even sexier and it's supposed to be like this but I don't have boobs so it doesn't 5:48 really stay up very well um so maybe we can do it while I'm sitting down but I grab your arm I 5:56 just I went to the doctor doctor had to do some stuff patch me up a little bit we're all good but yeah I don't have Bob so this is only gonna work while I'm sitting down if I stand 6:05 up this will literally just fall off me so pronounce my rain okay my rain sounds good 6:12 what's up y'all welcome to the stream it is a wonderful Friday afternoon in Sunny Brooklyn 6:19 New York City we're having a great time I hope you guys had a great week uh yeah let's [ __ ] 6:26 have some fun it's the weekend baby whoa TGIF so I'm thinking we're gonna do a little round two of the game show stream today uh I have a few more ideas like incorporating a couple other games 6:37 um we're gonna do Pictionary again with the Whiteboard we have obviously we're gonna do like a marble race perhaps um but I have some other games that I want to play and give it a shot I 6:47 don't think we're gonna do like a full game show with a reward at the end this is still gonna be like a trial run [ __ ] it was Tails nope it was tape either way thank you for the ten dollars I 6:56 really appreciate it thank you so so much Jessica hi right Ally how's it going what's up vampire blood how you doing how about some Staples to hold it up what you mean like staple my own skin that 7:07 seems painful so who's gonna redeem it's been one what's wrong with your hand I don't know 7:13 what is wrong with my hand is there something wrong with my hands really my hands are nice 7:19 balls so true Jaden the worst that is such a good point you know I was I was thinking 7:25 about that the other day but but I'm glad you said it you know I wanted someone to say it 7:31 skirt's been time what time is it New York it's about 4 15 or for I don't know why I 7:37 said 4 15. it's 409 p.m in Brooklyn New York City how you feeling I'm feeling just fine 7:43 how are you guys feeling I'm feeling great what happened to your arm don't worry about it y'all I just went to the doctor we're all good um okay skirt's been pointed 7:57 I was close 8:22 no one's home 8:37 I'm So Pretty God damn what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 8:45 Yo Taco thank you for the follow thank you so much where's your magic wand is that the vibe 8:53 I'm giving off right now am I giving magician Vibe what's up right now I'm sorry I've been watching these streams I've been taking time off for mental health reasons hey no problem frize you rock you 9:02 I know more than anyone that sometimes you gotta take some time off for mental health that is all good don't you worry one little bit don't you worry one little bit I totally understand that 9:15 hi everyone Ryan's looking cute as always what's up pineapple Tombstone magic wand sauce 9:21 very twirly indeed it is indeed it is Elsa it's true very much Elsa Vibes actually the 9:27 other dress I have is even more Elsa Vibes I have this dress in blue so 9:33 yeah I wore this dress I don't know if I wore this wig with the blue dress though 9:39 um okay I'm a little confused about how this is supposed to work you're supposed to go well I 9:47 guess it's just not supposed to go on my shoulders that's the kicker I'm supposed to go down there 9:55 um alrighty I hear it out looking cute what's up oh it's Manny how you doing of course I had a great week Falls already starting where I live amazing Anastasia hell yes been a great Friday 10:04 love that Kamina I'm so glad to hear it I'm so glad to hear it love the fit thank you dog cat sorry I haven't been reading anyone's messages I've been a little bit distracted are you an 10:14 angel oh I think TV Peters nope I'm a devil I'm a I'm a demon I ain't no angel I'm a demon 10:27 dude this hair suits me so well like guys this really makes me want to go full platinum blonde 10:34 but my stream doesn't want me to all right should we put it to a final poll maybe we'll wait a little bit maybe we'll wait a little bit until more people get here and then 10:43 we'll do a final poll should I dye my hair or not yes or no just a binary thing I think that 10:51 dress depends on boss or structural Integrity I know it really does it really does it's not it's not meant for flat boys this is not this dress was not meant for flat boys like me 11:05 oh well [ __ ] that wasn't a good one ah what's the fascia in your hand what does that mean 11:15 what do you mean my hands look normal to me 11:22 uh if you do it let a professional do it so nothing will go wrong yeah definitely no 11:28 if I do it I'll definitely go to a salon and then maybe I'll even make a video out of it like a whole makeover video like uh go in with you know no makeup no hair and go to a salon and 11:39 get a full makeover and my hair dyed come out looking fly as hell looking Maryland as [ __ ] 11:46 outfits of Marilyn Monroe kind of thing yup binary 2021 bold well 11:58 and the other upper arm people not the hands oh yeah are you guys talking about this because this is just a bandage 12:07 remind me of a Greek Prince hell yeah that's wonderful true I do kind of look 12:13 like a like a Greek femboy you know what I mean because Greeks were hella femboy 12:23 this is like one of my favorite looks yet why do I look so good in white sorry I'm kind of tooting my own horn a little bit right now I'm just having a little bit of 12:29 a little bit of a moment you know those days there's just sometimes you just those days like 90 of the days I wake up and I go in the mirror and I'm like ah God who's that 12:40 [ __ ] disheveled individual but some days you know you just just one out of one out of like 12:45 10 times you look at yourself and you're just like [ __ ] I look good you you gotta you gotta you gotta capture those moments you know you gotta ride with those ones 12:55 plays off your skin done very well I know right 13:04 went to Greece a few months ago so it kind of works it does it does I know I really wish I could have like actually done some like femboy photo shoots on some Greek ruins 13:13 but my family the way my family travels is not a vacation it is a like [ __ ] Adventure 13:19 you know what I mean like it's not a it's not a leisurely vacation it's like a [ __ ] like Journey you know and like every day they're just going crazy my mom's like up 13:30 at 6 30 like going on Hikes and [ __ ] and I'm like oh my God can we just lie by the beach for like two minutes let's go Henry thank you for the three months baby Henry 13:39 helgeson thank you so so much let's go three [ __ ] months welcome back I'm so gonna nip 13:45 slip I'm in an entire boob slip literally oh God this is dangerous this is dangerous 13:55 robes are just masculine dresses so true bestie I very much agree I just misheard what you said but hello femboy does sound like an interesting brand maybe 14:03 something with a cat hello Fanboy I cannot wait I actually like that hello Fanboy yo CLG 14:10 thank you final five Subs let's go buddy thank you so much that is amazing ouch my pimple it hurts 14:21 sorry distracted thank you so much that is so sweet of you well I really really appreciate that 14:26 Sarah J thank you so so much hey Cassidy I saw you in here on on uh on Wednesday what day is it 14:31 on Wednesday Luke Batten Emery armed 801 all y'all gotta stop let's go armed and ready I'm a bot 14:43 didn't want to say for fear of being bonked she would tape over just in case tape over my nips 14:50 that would be really funny honestly I feel like that's more sus yo Superman Ducks thank you in 14:55 front of five subs thank you thank you thank you holy [ __ ] permanent username as well 15:02 what is happening huh thank you so so much thank you monox and thank you permanent username that 15:10 is so sweet of you guys oh my God thank you big dogs zelper will Brew allperdale Cincy 15:16 Monty six oh y'all got a sub she who purple sky bison looping Wanda p23 sup for you all 15:24 let's go choo choo get the train going choo choo yo the Theos are thank you for the follow 15:33 let's go baby you guys are so sweet to me thank you so much 15:45 thank you thank you thank you yo new 2016. thank you for the following my friend welcome to the Stream holy [ __ ] be friends also with the two subs what is happening 15:56 you guys thank you so so much I am freaking out thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate that mwah nordish band America play oh y'all just 16:06 got a solo but let's go hi everybody I love your videos yo thank you devimon what the 16:14 foreign oh my God thank you for the five Subs as well thank you Jay Force the animals 16:25 Platinum ubu comate Nissan Dre thumb all of you gotta sub what the what that's crazy 16:33 thank you guys so much seriously I really really appreciate it thank you thank you 16:41 thank you what is it break the Fanboy time please know I just spent so much time on my 16:47 makeup I don't want to cry it all the way thank you guys so much mwah fit check okay 17:03 I have to like hold my arms out so it doesn't fall down 17:22 foreign 17:36 Ollie what's up micro xb90 how you doing you do look really good in white I know it's like crazy 17:42 some I guess this is my color I didn't really know that I don't really know that white was my color 17:49 kind of a bummer because now I can't wear this to a wedding you know what I mean 17:54 it's not like I could go to a wedding and just it's not like against the rules or you're not allowed to wear white to a wedding 18:02 ah my voice is harass me I need my water Where's my water 18:19 I'm fine but I'm but oh Miracle sorry about that Mirko how you doing welcome to the Stream 18:26 water 18:33 ah I love my new water bottle oh whoa Cheers Cheers Jack Hunter cheers 18:48 look like awesome Elsa from Frozen exactly a bit like an Elven Queen so true white dress fits well 18:57 with the gaming chair that's also true I didn't really realize that either I haven't considered the fact that my outfits could be clashing with my chair I never considered a chair to be a part 19:06 of the outfit maybe I need multiple chairs for different outfits I need a goth chair 19:11 no I don't need another chair I don't need more more things my apartment's not big enough for that 19:18 rap Let It Go Let It Go water bottle is bigger than you I know it's huge foreign 19:37 oh guys a couple fun announcements and then we'll play the game show 19:43 um couple fun announcements so if you go to what does it look like right now if you 19:50 go to rednolly.com right now you will see a very very basic stupid little homepage 19:58 um that has nothing on it right now but very soon rightnolly.com bookmark it it will be a website 20:05 that has all my stuff it will have my videos past streams it'll have a gallery of my photos 20:11 it's gonna have the music that I'm working on it's gonna have my merch store so very soon this 20:17 website will be launched and it's gonna be super sick um so yeah that's the first announcement second announcement is music that I was talking about is going to be released very very soon 20:26 so in like a week or two we will have our own playlists that I created of music that you guys 20:33 can also use so there's gonna be no copyrights on it no dmca whatever y'all can use this music too in your live streams and in your YouTube videos whatever doesn't matter um so that's 20:43 gonna be on the website like a couple playlists which is basically gonna be music just like this um and then I'm also going to release the music that I made like that like I I made with lyrics 20:53 in it that I wrapped on and stuff so that's but that's gonna be a little later um and then what 21:00 was I gonna what was I gonna say um there was one more thing I was gonna announce oh yeah merch so merch is gonna come soon as well that's also gonna come a little later I'm still figuring out like 21:09 just like the business end of that Vibe and also exactly what designs I want I don't really know 21:15 yet anyway there you go boom rightnolly.com baby it's coming soon it's coming soon 21:21 okay shall we play some games let's just play some games I would like to play some games um was that 21:33 you have on your arm just a little bandage I just went to the doctor looks basically but hella cute I know yeah oh yeah dude how do you guys like the that logo obviously the the background image like 21:43 the the blue is like whatever but how do you guys like the pink logo do you guys like it 21:50 okay um let's play some games okay so guys I came up yo love y'all thank you for the follow 21:58 um so I I found this new game that we can all play together on stream and I'm really excited to try it so let me see if I can do that 22:13 okay let's see if we can get Chad over there too okay sick actually wait we'll get Chad over here 22:23 bow no no okay guys so this is this is like a Word Scramble game so it is gonna come up 22:29 with a ton of letters and basically you can type it in chat so it's integrated 22:35 into twitch chat so basically what's gonna happen is it'll like you know it let's say 22:40 the the letters were like wrds right you could do swore sword instead of words and 22:46 so you just type it so if you guys like played word scrambles before basically they just give you like like see like right there it showed you like cfea and then you you're like oh uh face 22:57 um and then you take that and then you win and it's in chat so yeah um 23:05 you guys ready are you guys ready oh I guess I have chat down there too but whatever we're just gonna go for it um actually I guess I don't need chat because it's over there so I'll just 23:14 put this over here okay guys uh let's play I think it's gonna be really fun and it'll say your name 23:21 too all right so three two one I'm gonna play it too all right guys go go type words in the chat 23:30 um oh that one's an O by the way the one behind my face is an o 23:36 oh someone got gate there you go uh uh goat boom let's go um uh [ __ ] see [ __ ] that's not one 23:52 oh someone found code all right all right people already got Taco so you can't get taco you can 23:58 only get the you can only get one of the words once each yo sees out thank you for the follow 24:04 then you've heard a fellow okay uh let's see let's see um why is this so hard oh cage nice 24:18 there's a there's one that uses all of the letters holy [ __ ] this is insanely hard 24:26 oh Cottage Superman knocks with cottage oh baby a Pog in the chat for cottage that one's sick okay 24:36 we got toga and Toad also oh my God bam all right uh oh someone got coat the other type of coat 24:43 someone got teeth wait I thought I put in tea oh I guess I guess cause I already got one you can only 24:48 oh wait crj you got two I thought I already put in teeth weird maybe I spelled it wrong 24:59 there's two more I don't know what they could be I literally have no clue what they could be 25:04 good job guys though good job oh nice mxky why I got tacked can we get the final one 25:10 can we get the final word uh I have no clue my vocabulary is too small I'm too stupid 25:19 I haven't read enough books for this game I read it about a sixth grade level 25:27 all right good job y'all hell yeah three stars okay so that's just how the game works good job 25:35 crj with 11 got two words super monox got the big one with 10 10 points hell yeah okay guys so 25:41 um yeah I'll move the cam a little bit let me do that let me do that right now um let me do that right now 25:50 one second y'all give me one sec chat I'm just gonna move my overlay so that you guys can see the words a little better that was fun though this is a fun game okay wait uh 26:02 gaming okay and so kind of what I'm thinking so that's how the game works and here's what I'm thinking I'm thinking we basically um I'm thinking we basically have it so that this is 26:16 gonna be the first round of the game show and whoever gets a word moves on to the next round 26:22 um and maybe we can do more than one round but yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking and then maybe the next round will be a marble race and then the final round 26:29 will be like Geo guesser or something like that um all right let's try it one more time let's go let's see see how it goes all right uh I'm seeing I'm seeing sussy 26:45 sus is not a word oh this is what 26:54 I didn't know it's a word 27:00 oh [ __ ] doli moon with disgust with the giant one okay this is also so fun because I feel like 27:07 this is a perfect amount of people to play this with like if we were playing this with like 30 000 viewers like this would just immediately get like you know it wouldn't be fun because 27:17 ever like the words would just be like like immediately done but this is actually way more fun because it's like a perfect amount of people to play with I got sus 27:27 dicks dicks with a C nope discus oh discus yeah that's an insane one wait there's two 27:36 ways you can spell discus that's interesting six I didn't know that was a word damn we're 27:42 killing this wait did we get suds oh we already got Suds I think yep um 27:51 oh 27:58 I'm so stupid 28:04 I was like there's two types of discus is disgust it's not this kiss oh no oh cam there we go I moved my overlay button on my camera 28:33 all right we still didn't get it we still we both times we've had uh what do you call it both times we've had archwood University yeah but not for English 28:45 it was so fast I couldn't guess all right let's try one more let's try one more all right this 28:51 round this round is gonna be for for moving on all right so if you get a word don't do another word 28:59 can you move your overlay wait what happened move my overlay top left okay 29:10 um top left 29:21 okay 29:28 that should be good I hope um 29:33 okay are we good now we're good now we're good now okay so we'll let's do it one more time and then 29:41 when we do it this time if you get a word don't do another one yo who just follow I can't see 29:48 my I can't see my alerts now that's annoying oh well um wait actually no I want to change 29:55 that yo Frosty think you're gonna follow okay put the alerts over there all right boom okay kapow 30:02 so this time if you get a word don't do don't get another word because this is gonna be for 30:08 who moves on to the next one so we're gonna do Let's do let's see it seems like yeah let's do 30:15 two rounds of this because it seems like 15 15 or 16 people make it each time we'll do two rounds of 30:20 this and get ah maybe we'll do just one because 30 people is kind of a lot to keep track of 30:27 um we'll do one round we'll do one round and then this will be the list of who moves on to 30:34 the marble race round all right so let's do that all right guys you ready let's go 30:41 I'm not gonna play this one go for it y'all go for it yes it's American English 30:46 go for it y'all go for it 30:52 all right we got crj with scene doli moon with scent young chem with scent also but 31:02 the other kind of scent Auto proves composer with Nets and love yox with 31:07 teen your local gen with scene alright y'all let's keep it going let's keep it going Avery laughing we got Laughlin we got cents alrighty looking good looking good 31:23 a couple more people couple more people in here okay let me actually I'm gonna keep 31:29 track of this I'm gonna write all these down on a notepad right now 31:34 um young cab boom Matilda boom auto boom Jakes local Jen m-a-k-y 31:50 loveyocks oh sorry I'm I'm I'm putting this thing on the letters my bad y'all 31:55 my bad y'all we got Yorkshire with tents acid dispenser with tens let's see come on y'all we 32:02 just gotta we got a couple more spots left we got three more spots open Marilyn Monroe 32:07 Eat Your Heart Out hell yeah that's what we're looking at today we're we're giving Maryland today hell yes all right we got one more we got two more spots left let's see if we can 32:17 do it holy [ __ ] Superman knocks with sentence let's go let's go super monox hell yeah okay uh 32:26 we got mid Knox and we got Yorkshire and we got acid and crj Moon a real laughing 32:40 Laughlin oh and Camino with cheese right at the end holy [ __ ] come in a pug that was insane that was 32:50 so clutch that was so [ __ ] clush oh my goodness that was so [ __ ] clutch good [ __ ] good [ __ ] 32:57 Kamina okay um so all right so here's who we got we got monoxide domoon Avery young Cam 33:06 Jinx Yorkshire Otto love you actually local gen acid MX Matilda and Kamina all right perfect so 33:12 these are who is moving on to the next round I'm actually let's do one more round of this 33:18 we'll we'll get we'll get two batches we'll get two batches of this we'll do one more round and 33:25 then we'll move on to the marble race hell to the [ __ ] yeah this is so much fun I love this okay 33:32 um One More Time guys one more time so if you're already in if you're already in the 33:38 game so if your name is Young chem Matilda Otto Jinx local gen mxky love yox minox 33:44 Yorkshire acid dispenser crj doli Moon Avery Laughlin or Kamina do not play the game okay 33:52 don't play the game for this next round I'ma head out now have a good stream all right have a good one what was it may rain I'm pretty sure it was mwah have a good day 34:04 um yeah winners don't play winners don't play all right y'all let's go [ __ ] yeah all right guys 34:10 let's go let's go okay Mom no play [ __ ] out wait your turn okay all right y'all let's do it 34:21 get after it everybody get after it attention there is there is a fake letter what the [ __ ] does that mean 34:30 there's a fake letter okay apparently guys there's a fake letter I don't know what the [ __ ] that 34:35 means I guess that's because we're on level 10 right now but I guess there's a fake letter 34:42 I guess one of the letters isn't isn't actually in it all right bet we got Phoebe coming in 34:48 with globe Phoebe coming in with globe we got Ben W coming in with Loeb archangel 34:57 with blot wonderful Jared Belgium with Bowl brother man bill with Bolt 35:09 boom and we got epichon with belt hell yeah spaghetti with goblet goblet I'm so [ __ ] dumb spaghetti with goblet 35:27 all right and by the way just because the word is like able to be made doesn't mean 35:34 that it's there just by the way oh we got Morgan Joe with glob perfect 35:40 clutching it out let's see if we can get a couple more people into the marble race round beef rich 35:46 with Lodge Lodge or loge waita with begot beef Fritz with Lodge hell yeah wait with begot 35:58 boom alrighty is there one more slot left two more slots left can anyone get in it I missed 36:06 how this game works okay so basically the way this game works if you're just joining us is there's all these letters and they're all jumbled up and you just have to make words out of those letters 36:14 and if you do it type it into the twitch chat and then it will pop up on here alrighty there we go 36:23 um what did you do just by getting a word so you are now in the game show so you've just 36:28 made it through the first round of the game show basically um if you're just joining us we're doing a game show right now so spaghetti Phoebe waita Morgan Joe Ben W Archangel jerk Belgium brother 36:38 man Bill epichon and beef Fritz all of you guys just joined round two of the game show so let us 36:45 now move on to the marble race which is the next round of the game show so here is who is still in 36:53 here's who is still in let's see if we can let's see if we can turn up the font a little bit 37:02 all right here's who is still in the game show if you want to play the marble race 37:09 and you're not still in that's totally fine you can still join the marble race and just have fun but we're just gonna pay attention to these people in terms of like eliminating all 37:18 right so let's let's run a few marble races and then every time we'll eliminate the bottom five 37:23 from this group all right that sounds that sounds like a good idea all righty let's go 37:34 Getty oh is there no h uh I don't know I'm I told you guys I'm literally illiterate like I'm in I'm I am 37:43 an illiterate individual I can't read or speak words I don't speak good no good at language 37:56 happy happy Birthday Mr President 38:01 didn't need a new username to be fair man doesn't reapply hey there you go spaghetti 38:07 I'm glad you can I'm glad you're you're fine you're realizing these important things about yourself alrighty guys let's go yo it's only noon thank you for the three months 38:19 baby mwah thank you holy [ __ ] Nano Nano welcome oh my God oh my God welcome welcome 38:30 welcome Nano Raiders so good to have you guys 38:37 wait how do you turn up the music We Gotta Dance we gotta dance to welcome the Raiders 38:45 try to turn up the music 38:56 okay I can't just because my shirt if you're just joining me this entire stream has been 39:08 me battling to not flash everyone because you need boobs to keep this up and I don't have them 39:16 foreign ERS anyway it's so good to have you is that a wedding dress I don't think so 39:27 so we shouldn't get boobs yeah just let me just pop them out real quick 39:37 Yoshi thank you for giving us something meow donut thank you so much so good to have you 39:44 thank you so much welcome Raiders it is so good to have you I hope you guys had a good stream yeah just get boobs forehead just get boobs forehead let me just pop him out real quick just 40:01 um okay anyway if you're just joining us we are doing yo Urban zero thank you for the follow if 40:08 you're just joining us today we are playing a game show right now and we're about to do a marble race so that's what we're gonna do um okay where's my stuff here's my stuff boom all right marble 40:20 race time if you would like to play The Marble Race you know what to do what the [ __ ] this 40:26 is a 11 minute race let's not do that let's do this one one minute 17 that sounds about right 40:32 bow bow all right y'all let's get it nipple tape would be super useful okay is it just me or just 40:42 tape over my nipples somehow seem more sus wow this is a bit this is a bit [ __ ] epileptic 40:48 okay I'm sorry this is too much for me this is too much for me this two there's two two epilepsy Vibes this is too much uh funky disco party that sounds fun that sounds more my vibe 41:02 um okay now type exclamation point play if you did it before do it again right now 41:09 Ctrl Z control Z everyone if you would like to play the game type 41:16 exclamation point play in the chat right now oh yeah sorry 41:25 music's a little bit loud sorry about that alrighty 41:32 alrighty wow oh you need 30 seconds all right I'll I'll wait 30 seconds um 41:47 yeah somehow I don't know why somehow to me like tape on the nips is like 41:52 more sassy than no just than just like bare nips I don't know why 42:01 all righty y'all exclamation point play in the chat right now if you want to join the race uh 42:08 we gotta wait like a little bit I think Yorkshire are you guys able to get in the people who weren't able to get in last time are you guys all able to get in is everyone able to get in right now 42:19 um exclamation point play in the chat right now if you want to join the marble race just so you 42:26 know we are doing a little game show right now if you're just joining us and these people are 42:31 the people who are still in it so anyone can play the race right now but these people are 42:36 who are going to be paying attention to in terms of eliminating so at the end of the race we're 42:42 gonna eliminate the bottom five of these people until we have five left all right sounds good 42:55 hope you guys don't die also well I guess more than five people might be eliminated purely because they just die and fall off the track so I guess we'll see I guess we'll see 43:10 all righty all ready ready to go let's get two more people exclamation point play in 43:16 the chat right now if you want to play Let's get two more so that we have 50 people total 43:21 yo the Slime the slim Reaper thank you for the fun of swim repair what are you Kevin Durant thank you 43:28 so much for the follow me I appreciate you all right y'all exclamation point play in the chat right okay wait I gotta do it too hell yeah all right let's go you ready guys you ready let's go 43:40 straight nine eight seven six five four three two and one let's go all right and we are off 43:53 down to the races we have Morgan Joe who is in the game show still out in front mxky also 44:01 taking a lead oops look like we have leviox over here who is also still in the game show up here in first place let's see what's going on we got Morgan Joe also taking the lead Avery 44:12 laughing nipping at her heels let's see what happens brother man Bill uh oh you're still in 44:17 the game show and you're all the way back here that doesn't look good for you my friend let's see what happens wayta is screaming ahead all the way up at the front going into the 44:26 tubes we got Morgan Joe Avery laughing Laughlin battling for first place on the on the right side 44:32 Superman knocks Matilda and kodergoth are all in the mix back there let's see what happens 44:38 going down the spiral bit doesn't look like anyone went into this little middle mixy bit 44:44 um way ta is way out there in first place Victor of Sweden and waylander are just taking a little 44:50 scenic route back here waitaw seems to just have been teleported to the front all right way tall 44:57 wins I don't really know what there's just a portal I guess alrighty that's just how that works okay yo thank junji thank you for the follow I appreciate you alrighty this is a weird track 45:10 teleport all right brother man bill it looks like you may have been eliminated from the game show let's see who else has been eliminated see the final results here alright so 45:22 let's see all the way at the bottom who on this list is eliminated 45:28 we have brother man bill you are gone my friend I am sorry you are gone let's see Morgan Joe 45:36 um okay anyway this is kind of hard because it's the bottom five of this list okay uh [ __ ] 45:44 let's do it the other way let's see who's still in okay but we'll just say you're still in until 45:50 we have five left okay uh way Ty you're not on the list you're not on the list okay I didn't 45:56 really think this through did I brother you're still in Morgan Joe I didn't really think this 46:02 through local gen you're still in Jinx you're still in levyorks you're still in 46:12 um Phoebe you're still in uh Ben W you're still in did I miss someone let me know if I missed someone 46:25 um it's way toasted Waits up wait till you're still in because you won oops B Fritz e Fritz 46:37 um okay Matilda where are you oh you're down there okay wait um Phoebe okay Jimmy Peters 46:44 you're not on the list your Belgium you're still in okay I didn't really think this through did I 46:50 um crj you're still in okay this is this is why this this stream right now is a bit of a trial run 46:59 um okay let's see who else is still in Avery where are you oh yeah Avery 47:05 you're on the list you're still in um let's see oh Auto you're still in boom 47:14 okay oh God this is so scuffed I'm sorry guys this is so scuffed and Knox you're still in um okay 47:31 okay uh wait till you're always 47:36 what wait does that know how you say yo love you thank you for the sub wow thank you so much 47:42 welcome to the squad thank you so much sorry is it way aita um okay uh so wait how many people do we 47:53 have okay MX one two three four five six seven eight oh God we still have so many people okay 48:01 um going down the list going down the Bliss Camina you're still in comida you're still in 48:09 epichon are you did you make it I don't really know young Kim you're still in 48:16 Matilda you're still in mxkk why why you're still in Archangel are you here 48:24 yes you're still in wait I just typed blot wait who typed blood 48:31 oh epichan's still in boom who typed blood I typed the word instead of the person [ __ ] 48:43 okay wait so who's who we have one two three four 48:55 okay and then whoever typed blot you're gone I'm sorry 49:01 okay perfect you're still in okay bye brother man Bill I'm sorry bye 49:06 BG Fritz I'm sorry were you even on the did you even do the race 49:14 um I don't know okay it's okay either way there's no there's no 49:23 um there's no prize for this one this is just a trial run for the game show so don't worry 49:28 if I limited you by accident it's okay okay goodbye good morning from Australia brother 49:34 sorry I've missed the last few streams here's to your soul and Heart full of light that 49:40 shines the cosmos much love dude hashtag true Angel hashtag Aussie femboy that was so sweet 49:51 so sweet I'm gonna cry thank you so much that is so so nice wow that literally warms my little 49:58 heart thank you so so much mwah I really really really really really really appreciate that wow 50:04 wow wow wait Bruce out did you resub and I didn't see it Yo episode thank you for the 50:09 gifted I really really appreciate that that is so sweet of you mwah thank you so much 50:16 um oh my God that was such a nice message thank you so so much we could give the winner the winner trophy yeah the winner could be the winner trophy foreign oh my God wait I need to 50:26 see who sent that really quick I didn't see the name that was so nice thank you so much 50:34 melted sky thank you so much melted Skye yo blue Sal with the eight months thank you so so much 50:41 welcome back welcome welcome back it is so good to have you okay um all right so here's still it 50:48 here's who is still in let's this time I'm just gonna take the top five people all right so since 50:55 this was super scuffed it's really hard to figure out who wins I'm gonna have to figure out how to do this better maybe we'll like write a little script to like figure out this or some [ __ ] 51:03 like that but anyway this time we're gonna do one more marble race and then I'm just gonna take the 51:08 top five people from this list and then we're gonna move on we're gonna play Pictionary and that's gonna be the the end of the game show all right all right random track let's do it y'all 51:18 let's do it y'all melting skies and hearts absolutely all right guys exclamation point 51:24 play in the chat right now if you want to play top five people from this list move on top five people 51:32 from the list move on let's see who wins guys let's see who's gonna get the Discord trophy also 51:39 if you're not in my Discord please join please join also follow me on Twitter and Instagram 51:51 exclamation point play in the chat right now if you want to play the game 51:57 if you are listening to my voice and you are not chatting and you are not typing exclamation point 52:02 play in the chat you know what to do you know what to do let's get 50 people in here I want to play 52:11 let's get 50 people in here we got 44 let's even get six more if you can hear 52:16 my voice right now blah blah blah if you heard that you must you are compelled the 52:24 ooVoo compels you to type exclamation point play the power of ooh compels you 52:34 all right one more one more person come on if you can hear my voice one more person I don't know why I just like getting 50 people if you can get one more person if you were hearing 52:44 my voice type exclamation point play in the chat right now come on come on all right let's go thank you Fatal Pierce I love you let's go let's go Chad no I know eight seven oh [ __ ] 52:56 you guys joined it too sorry you guys four three yo XX Master thank you for the follow one zero let's go and we are off wait why can't I move why can't I move no wait why can't I move 53:20 now 53:26 guys help help 53:37 why can't I move toggle 53:44 togglesson cam settings is it X wait 53:52 no ah there we go now I can move okay wait what's going on 54:00 where the hell is this track it's literally just a straight track okay we're back 54:05 sorry guys exclamation point insta win exclamation point cheat all right it looks like acid dispenser 54:14 is in the front too bad they're already out of the game show sorry buddy oh my God this track is literally just people getting pelted by [ __ ] by Fireballs this is kind of awesome 54:22 what this is so stupid all right uh okay so this is hella boring honestly this is Dub 54:33 we're getting we're getting a new track this is so boring this is this is what happens this is what happens when you do random tracks all right um rad captivating chaos that sounds good 54:45 rad captivating chaos let's [ __ ] do it all right sorry guys we're gonna have to do it we're gonna 54:51 have to run it back exclamation Boy playing the chat you know the drill do it do it do it I'm only gonna give us like 20 seconds this time because I'm I'm getting bored all right actually measure 55:00 Point play go go go go go go you know you know what to do you know the drill type exclamation 55:06 point play in the chat right now if you want to play the game if you want to join the race 55:12 another wow 55:20 bow eight alrighty alrighty then you need to make my own favorite tracklist that's a good 55:28 point all right let's see if we can get four more people if you can hear my voice if you hear this 55:34 [ __ ] that was bad Jimmy Broadbent to do just you woo playing eye racing ATM hashtag race fmboy 55:41 Motorsport Ferrari driver Academy yeah you already know thank you so much about this guy I appreciate 55:48 that thank you so so much all right guys one more person one more person if you can hear my voice 55:54 type exclamation point chat play in the chat right now exclamation point my cat has please okay come 56:04 on one more person please one more person type exclamation Boy play right now I swear to God 56:14 all right fine 10 more seconds and then I'm starting at 10. yes thank you Greg I love you let's go and twin B thank you so much all right 56:24 y'all let's get it six five wait where are the where are the marbles 56:31 where oh they're over here okay we're good alrighty guys let's go we're flying in damn 56:38 some people got a head start that sounds like that's kind of not fair all right let's go in the tube I want to go in the tube with everyone whoa all right 56:47 all righty who's in front we got epichon with a commanding lead Matilda also out there in 56:54 front your local Jan and brother man bill over here pulling up in the right side shipping meat 57:00 shrimpy Meats oh looks like Joe on cash bro is in the is in first place right now Matilda nipping 57:06 at his heels trying to get there in second I'm up there in the middle of the pack right there looks like Aaron is cool is also trying to get up there your local Jen's making a bid for it Matilda 57:17 brother man Bill and local gen are fighting for that second place spot because Johann cash burrow 57:22 is just up here with no one challenging his lead looks like he's gonna get first place no problem 57:29 easy clap Matilda looks to be coming in second and I believe Matilda is still in the race let's 57:36 see oh local gen snakes in there in second Boom episode in third crj and fourth shrimpy meets 57:42 in fifth spaghetti and sixth blue sow in seventh Matilda in eight had to tell would be a knife and 57:50 Aaron is cool in 10th all right let's see what's happening with Greg is just going down the stairs Phoebe what are you doing back here babe you're just you're just having your own little fun time 57:59 by yourself no one's not not a care in the world actually looks like you might actually beat Das D 58:06 who is just having a good old time by himself just that just like are you even is it are you just 58:15 gonna are you just gonna oh there we go okay there there we go alrighty is yo Lily thank you for the 58:27 follow appreciate that good time by himself oh my God sus Bonk I didn't even mean that okay 58:36 all right y'all oops oh this is fun you can see what people said wait that's awesome 58:43 wait that's actually so [ __ ] cool boost 999. right now he lost his marbles wait that's actually 58:50 so cool hi Ryan what's up Lily how you doing welcome to the stream all right guys so who is 58:56 still in all right so we're gonna take the top five um all right so your local gen is still 59:05 in boom is epichon still in here epichon you are still in hell yeah uh crj you are still in 59:15 so that's one two three people is that three yep local gen crj so that's four Matilda oh wait 59:27 no spaghetti's gone blue style you're not in here right Matilda you're in 59:32 and then who's the last person 59:37 who's the last person um uh 59:49 uh what who's the last person that's right where am I I had an ADHD moment 59:55 um okay Matilda Aaron is it Yorkshire Yorkshire are you is that you it's your trip 1:00:00 I think it's Yorkshire yes all right wonderful you look fantastic thank you Lily 1:00:06 thank you so much okay I know this is scuffed guys I'm sorry this is another trial run for the game show stream but I promise once we get this once we get this down this is gonna be such 1:00:16 a fun thing to do like once a week alrighty guys goodbye Kamina I'm sorry goodbye Avery 1:00:22 goodbye Phoebe goodbye Ben goodbye Archangel goodbye your Belgium goodbye Morgan Joe goodbye 1:00:28 right up goodbye minox goodbye love you goodbye mxky goodbye Jake goodbye Otto goodbye young 1:00:37 Cam but rest in peace it's great to have you guys we have our final five our final five 1:00:46 alrighty let's see let's see Yorkshire race is the London accented Aussie Yorkshire long vows 1:00:57 Yorkshire accent long vowels okay um let's see what happens okay so for the final game show let's 1:01:07 I'm gonna tell you guys what we're gonna do um let me put up the list of the final people real quick 1:01:15 on the Stream um stream elements chilling okay 1:01:21 exactly exactly exactly okay uh we put a new label real quick 1:01:31 um label text okay winners okay um contestant we got Matilda 1:01:50 local gems your local jet crj Yorkshire 1:02:01 and Epic kaboom all righty let me just put this down here 1:02:12 all right bam okay guys so we're gonna play Pictionary with my whiteboard and 1:02:19 we're gonna see how it goes I don't know if it's gonna go well I don't know if it's gonna go bad but we're gonna try it one more time I bought some better markers this time so it's 1:02:27 gonna be I think a little bit better bro this wig and this dress is just insane can we just 1:02:43 okay 1:02:50 whiteboard isn't really gonna disappear against that so true okay let me get my new markers 1:03:20 foreign here was the final four from last time 1:03:44 we appreciate the view and cute and you all mwah okay um 1:03:54 foreign 1:04:04 oopsie okay um oh no 1:04:16 wait okay 1:04:35 ah I'm bleeding okay 1:05:00 perfect okay 1:05:05 um let's see how to do it okay can I ask the mods can I ask the mods to please mark those 1:05:16 five people as suspicious users so that we can see what they check um when we do Pictionary 1:05:29 written in a church we're in the circles Isaac yeah Isaac was the Isaac was the first 1:05:35 winner of our scuffed game show Isaac who is now going by Jessica in in their in their username 1:05:45 um the crj always suspicious might be insane but his goals AF I miss doing stuff like what right 1:05:53 Nolly fit not do when I was at drama in college I stopped doing it because a I started getting cast in Police military type roles Bia kind of walked away when my girlfriend passed away she was my 1:06:02 biggest inspiration yo Greg T Barton thank you so much for sharing your story and I'm really ha I'm really sorry to hear about your loss I hope you can find your inspiration out elsewhere but you 1:06:12 know we're here for you we this community is here to like support you and inspire you always so it's 1:06:17 great to have you here mwah I've always wanted to act I kind of really want to like like audition 1:06:23 for some movie or TV or something um so thank you like for inspiring me because like I don't know 1:06:31 hearing stories about people doing that [ __ ] like doing what they love you know falling their dreams that makes me want to do it too so thank you um alrighty let's do it let's do it y'all 1:06:43 uh okay basically you guys know the game it's Pictionary I'm gonna draw a picture and if your 1:06:51 name is Matilda your local gen crj Yorkshire or epichon you're gonna type in the chat other 1:06:58 people can type in chat and guess too if you want but those people are the only people whose guesses are gonna actually matter all right alrighty sounds good let's do it let's do it 1:07:17 okay let's see what am I gonna draw what am I gonna draw 1:07:26 what am I okay I'm gonna draw I know what I'm gonna draw you ready y'all let's do it 1:07:50 foreign looks like Yorkshire looks like Yorkshire is the winner of this round 1:08:01 I believe you actually yes yes Yorkshire is the winner oh was it you Jen 1:08:13 you said pee pee you didn't say skirt you said pee pee 1:08:20 yo fake wait wait what just happened who just sub yo fake Pac-Man thank you for the pride my friend thank you so much for six months it's so good to have you 1:08:30 I don't think you were first gen oh you were at first crj was first 1:08:38 was crj first and to me it says Yorkshire was first 1:08:47 I basically here's look at look at what the chat I see I'll show you guys the chat that I see 1:08:53 um to me yo cheetah thank you for the follow to me we have ready and then we 1:09:00 have Jen and I aren't being monitored pens pee pee penis and then skirt 1:09:08 foreign so we're just gonna go with my chat we're just gonna go with my chat all right 1:09:18 maybe we'll have to figure out a better way to do this next time we're gonna go with my chat for now 1:09:25 um sorry I don't know how to fix that we're gonna have to figure out a way to get like real-time answers and so that they're actually in the right order anyway 1:09:36 cool okay Yorkshire you're the first winner 1:09:46 okay and then I'm gonna get three people from this list and then we're gonna do one more thing maybe we'll do one more Marble Race to figure out who actually wins okay 1:09:56 so you're you're sure you're on you're you're moving on to the final three all right 1:10:01 oh wait I don't know why I just erased that right there 1:10:20 foreign this doesn't erase very well it doesn't erase very well does it 1:10:29 we should win my skill not chance in the final three okay okay well maybe we can play the word 1:10:35 game again or we'll I will figure it out you guys can choose I'll let you guys choose what we play 1:10:40 um loving the blonde wig look wish I could stay I gotta go back to work see in the VOD all right Blues out thank you so much for cheering it was so good to have you does the wig take the IQ down yes 1:10:49 it does yeah it has a stat it has this wig has lots of different stat attributes all right it 1:10:56 gives you plus 12 to cuteness plus six to hotness plus seven to Miramar Monroe escanus but it gives 1:11:03 you minus 30 to mental mental abilities so it's you know it's a bit of a trade-off 1:11:10 I think you're a nice nice mesh front legs yeah you caught as a blonde I agree yo toxic thank 1:11:16 you for the follow all right um yeah it has a mat is a huge intelligence debuff exactly okay 1:11:23 next next one all right Yorkshire don't play this round this is only for 1:11:29 Matilda Jen crj and Epicon all right guys ready what am I gonna draw I don't know what I'm gonna 1:11:34 draw um okay I know what I'm gonna draw it's gonna be shitty no I'm not gonna draw that 1:11:44 um okay I know what I'm gonna draw 1:12:01 foreign 1:12:32 is that the first one is that who said first 1:12:37 keyboard was the answer was it epichon I think it was a crj oh crj crj says keyboard all right crj congrats 1:12:51 all right where 1:13:14 all right 1:13:22 okay one more one more round and then we have our final three okay uh let's see what I'm gonna draw 1:13:31 what I'm gonna draw what am I gonna draw hmm 1:13:44 let's see okay I don't know if I'm able to draw this but we'll we'll give it a shot 1:14:28 okay it's too bad it's bad it's bad it's bad wait let me restart let me restart 1:14:41 let me restart 1:15:02 foreign 1:15:30 his nail polish it was supposed to be nail polished it's not a good drawing okay 1:15:42 it's supposed to be nail polished 1:15:48 okay six fingers 1:15:55 I didn't even know my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die 1:16:03 foreign no the previous one was also nail polish 1:16:10 for you today thank you thanks so much I think it's great to have you 1:16:17 are you the six-fingered man my name is [ __ ] matoya you killed my father prepare to die 1:16:24 he's like my hand got trampled yeah oh my God see guys you may not like it but this is what Peak artistic performance looks like 1:16:36 you may not like it but this is what big artistic performance looks like okay 1:16:43 this is going in a museum someday all right okay 1:16:51 keep standing on my dress okay 1:17:03 all right so our final three our final three 1:17:12 we have our final three we have crj Yorkshire and Matilda I am sorry epichon and your 1:17:27 local gen you have been eliminated adios my friends okay let me just edit it real quick 1:17:34 evichon goodbye my friend goodbye with your local gen rest in peace um all right boom 1:17:45 um oh tell me what to do um sorry 1:17:51 uh okay so we have Matilda crj and Yorkshire boom let's go what do you guys want to do 1:18:01 what do you guys want to do for the final three you guys choose you guys choose skirt spin time I'll do skirt spin while we choose you guys choose we could either 1:18:11 do a marble race we could do another drawing round we can do yo meow thank you for the follow 1:18:19 um we could do the word game and like whoever gets it first wins we could do 1:18:26 I don't know there's all sorts of stuff we can do drawing for me okay 1:18:33 what about you Matilda ncrj what do you what would you prefer 1:18:39 what would you prefer wait was there bits I didn't even see the bits 1:18:46 where's their bits I don't see no bits where the bits who's the bits 1:18:56 yo Morty B how did I not see that Morty beat thank you so much for the for the 210 pins that 1:19:03 is so sweet also it's that 2K that you're the 140 bit sorry I just didn't see it in chat uh 1:19:09 sorry about that Morty B I really appreciate you though thank you so so much I really appreciate 1:19:16 you and thank you it's that 2K also for that 140 bit also Benji dude thank you for the follow 1:19:21 thanks so much hi from California what's up California gang I'm from California too 1:19:27 even though I'm not living there right now ah 1:19:36 thank you all so much for the bits I really appreciate it okay um crj do you you don't all right Yorkshire Yorkshire wants drawing uh Matilda do you have any preference doesn't matter didn't 1:19:46 expect it to make it this far all right well I guess we could just do another drawing round 1:19:51 um I'm kind of tired been hungry all right I guess we'll just do Pictionary let's [ __ ] do 1:19:59 it let's [ __ ] do it because Yorkshire wants Pictionary all right final round this is the final round for all the marbles this is for all the marbles 1:20:09 this is for all the marbles okay right now we will now sing Happy Birthday Mr President Marilyn's Voice Low okay um 1:20:21 okay this is for all the marbles foreign 1:20:45 like the red one erases good but the blue one doesn't Okay 1:20:52 um points were redeemed hell yeah tools light good for you proud of you uh oh spruceman got 1:21:01 ADHD [ __ ] my bad I didn't I didn't do the script spin but I will I knew there was something I was gonna say I was like what am I not doing I'll do that after the after we do Pictionary all 1:21:10 right road trip until the end for your true crj and Matilda who is gonna win the final round 1:21:21 do you have what it takes 1:21:28 to guess the pictures you have what it takes to parse through my shitty drawing yo three 1:21:36 Mayo thank you for the follow do you have what it takes to parse through my shitty drawings to figure out what it is we will see yo it's Jace thank you for the follow my friend 1:21:47 um okay what are we what am I doing I don't know okay I need to figure out something to 1:21:54 draw ah my nose is so itchy right now ah yo Epic yo spin stressed you just gotta sub baby let's go 1:22:05 these places want to be the best communities on Twitch right thank you spin stretch I've been 1:22:11 saying this that's what I think that's what I think literally this is the best community on 1:22:16 the [ __ ] internet like this group of people is incredible so amazing yo it's 1:22:22 it's a demon that you would have followed you are amazing you're a legend and a 10 1:22:28 out of 10 human okay I need to figure out something to draw what am I gonna draw 1:22:36 together all right I got it ready are you ready let's go 1:23:01 wait all right 1:23:09 chainsaw yeah baby 1:23:38 foreign 1:23:44 man one of my mods won 1:23:49 okay well next time maybe we'll say next time baby we'll do only viewers 1:24:00 congratulations Sarah you get the Discord trophy thank you guys for playing I love you all thank you thank you thank you it is so good to have you 1:24:11 congrats crj and congrats Matilda and Yorkshire for making it so far so good to have you guys 1:24:17 well thank you everyone who participated it was literally I have so much fun doing this so I think 1:24:23 that if we can get this to be like a little bit less scuffed you know what I mean like if we can 1:24:31 if we can get these games down to where there's no like down time in the Middle where we're like trying to figure out who's still in and stuff I think it could be like really really [ __ ] fun 1:24:40 like can you imagine like a full production game show but the chat is the contestants that's like 1:24:47 never been done before on Twitch that'd be so fun anyway I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep I'm Gonna 1:24:52 Keep My Little My Lola my little Noggin guessing or thinking about ideas and maybe we will one day 1:25:05 get it to be not scuffed and a great host thanks Camina I appreciate that 1:25:23 thank you all right 1:25:31 okay oh my goodness my room is a goddamn disaster 1:25:41 I just had to readjust 1:25:49 thank you folks congratulations to your G oh screw spend time real quick skirt span 1:26:12 here 1:26:39 yo real thank you for the follow thank you so much 1:26:49 I hear a goddess I just might be bow down to your God bow down to the femboy god 1:27:03 oh yeah I'm gonna do a hair pull that's what I was gonna do alrighty that was so much fun you guys thank you so much for playing with me we're definitely gonna Iron Out The Kinks 1:27:12 on on that and then make it way better it's gonna be so much fun um lady Loki so true 1:27:22 okay I don't know if this is gonna be my decision of what I actually do but I want to run 1:27:30 a what do you call it a poll about do you want us on your knees oh my God 1:27:39 um I'm gonna run a poll about my hair okay I'm it's amazing that no nips have slipped I know right I know I guess it's like it seems like 1:27:51 there is a a part where it stops slipping um okay let me run that poll manage polls 1:28:00 let's see new Pole die hair question mark yes super blonde yo Greg Barton thank you for the 1:28:11 hundred bits here with Ollie would it be okay to stay in your girl boys 1:28:17 one bet one batch two batch Penny and sign there you go was that good 1:28:25 I don't know I hope that wasn't something bad okay yes super blonde or no 1:28:37 oh you know what oh [ __ ] you nah 1:28:45 nah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna look because I was gonna allow people to influence this poll with bits but I 1:28:54 don't want to do it because if I decide to not do it then I'll feel bad it's about just taking people's bits okay ready voted the bull everybody go go go vote in the poll vote in the poll 1:29:09 should I dye my hair yes or no if you hear my voice tell me tell me tell me tell me what do you think what do you think 1:29:19 should I be should I become a platinum blonde like this 1:29:28 pull not up it is up for me it's up for me do whatever you want to do thank you you mean I appreciate that 1:29:36 wigs give you more options it's true I mean I can always wear wigs no matter what 1:30:00 all right how's the pool doing oh [ __ ] it's close oh my God it's close seems like people 1:30:06 are generally no though but there's a lot of people that are yes for blonde okay if you want me to dye my hair platinum blonde then you gotta vote right now if you're hearing my 1:30:13 voice and you want me to dye my hair platinum blonde you gotta vote in the poll right now 1:30:20 this isn't actually gonna be what I did make my decision on I'm just gonna make it based on what I actually want to do personally but I just kind of want to know I don't 1:30:29 I just want to know people's opinions damn it's really split it's really split 1:30:39 I've just always wanted to dye my hair and I've just never done it why pull them because I just want to know people's opinions it's like just because just because I'm 1:30:49 not gonna a hundred percent base my decision on someone else's opinion doesn't mean that 1:30:54 I don't want to hear it you know what I mean it's like I always want to ask people what uh 1:31:01 what they think even if I'm not gonna listen all right looks like no one a lot of people say 1:31:08 yes to we'll see thank you for your inputs I just wanted to know what you guys said 1:31:25 dude this wig is still fire 1:31:30 sometimes I wish you could wear wig in the same way that you could wear 1:31:38 like I wish you could wear did you just like slap a wig on for like two weeks and it would just stay and you could like pull your hair and it wouldn't come off you know 1:31:47 for like for like a week yo flip dingo oh here we go as a straight guy I would bottom 1:31:53 the entire football team if only I could have Rhino this crusty sock as a mouth gag 1:32:00 oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God that was down astronomical oh my goodness 1:32:16 that is the most holy [ __ ] down horrendous thing I've ever heard in my entire life 1:32:26 okay whoa there we go oh that was legendarily down bad 1:32:43 oh well boy be given a whole new meaning it down back 1:32:51 bottom the whole football team oh my God 1:32:59 oh can we get these pasted yeah literally we need like a collage we get a collage of 1:33:06 all of of all of flip dingo's most down astronomical donuts oh [ __ ] 1:33:14 okay guys I am hungry and it's Friday and I have some plans so I think I'm gonna have to go pretty 1:33:20 soon unfortunately sorry for a short stream but I promise on Sunday we will have a really long 1:33:26 stream I don't know what we're gonna do maybe we'll maybe we'll actually do the game show and like actually have a prize I think for the prize for the future game shows I'm thinking of having 1:33:38 um basically you either pick between a little like e-girl starter package I'm gonna make like 1:33:43 a femboy starter pack like some makeup some wigs some clothes like a like a crop top a 1:33:49 skirt you know like a little Fanboy starter pack or straight up a hundred dollars just boom one of 1:33:55 those like you can choose when you win you can choose between those two things um bye hungry 1:34:02 yeah maybe maybe one maybe one time yeah maybe one time one of the rewards could be like a 1:34:07 little Discord like meet and greet on on stream or something like that um but yeah either way thank 1:34:13 you guys so much for watching I love you all so much so much I had so much fun today you are the 1:34:20 best I'm sorry for a short stream but I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend do your thing you 1:34:27 already know what's good be yourself chase your dreams don't listen to the haters [ __ ] do what 1:34:32 you want to do wear what you want to wear and be who you wanna be alright much love y'all mwah mwah 1:34:39 mwah I love you guys XOXO hugs and kisses you are incredible humans every single one of you 10 out 1:34:46 of 10. seriously I hope you have a great weekend do your thing [ __ ] kick some ass take some names 1:34:53 and I will see you on Wednesday and Wednesday Sunday yo B Baker thank you to follow I'll see you 1:35:00 on Sunday and we're just gonna tear down the house one more time as usual all right y'all I love you 1:35:09 love you guys so much so much so much 1:35:16 mwah bye