6:56 I'm gonna turn down the music just a little bit how we doing y'all welcome to the Stream more fish that go hell yeah fish fish got a huge upgrade we 7:07 got a big tree in the background now very very happy about it well welcome y'all how we doing today thank you for joining me on this wonderful Wednesday afternoon it's a Wednesday dudes welcome 7:20 welcome I hope your week's going well so far I'm doing good I got some oh we got a ooh in the chat 7:28 already there you go what is up y'all what's up flip dingo what's up human crj longmonk.com aside 7:37 Phoebe look Rick angma Kamina Jens Matilda blonde BB Johnny waffle Yorkshire your Belgium Jinx 7:46 what is up man Knox how we doing today thank you guys for chilling welcome hydration check cheers 7:55 oh that is pretty much done all right let me get some water real quick 8:05 love the hat thank you it does a very very fun thing 8:14 yo Matilda 17 once baby holy moly 14 [ __ ] months thank you so much thank you thank you 8:24 thank you that is so sweet of you mwah welcome back 14 months time really does fly holy [ __ ] 8:31 thank you so much Matilda it is so good to have you back welcome I missed your 14 month 8:37 minox where's your sub yo Marco thank you for the follow mid Knox I'm so sorry welcome back 8:44 for 14 months as well also crj thank you for the gifted sub to post light thank you thank you so 8:50 much y'all I really appreciate the support it makes me so happy you bows on my socks yes okay 8:55 we got a fit check and a skirt spin check it out I got really cute bows on my socks 9:02 foreign 9:20 hell yes thank you so so much and welcome back okay let me just spin 9:38 skirt unfortunately doesn't really spin too much cute poor fish you need some friends yes fishy 9:45 will be getting friends very soon unfortunately the pet store sold me fishy and fishy has a little 9:51 bit of a sickness right now which I researched on how to treat it and I'm currently treating it but poor fishy is sick so I gotta wait till fishy's better until we get fishy some friends 10:02 um but yes fish is doing great fish is now named George officially George is the fishy's name 10:08 George fishington if we're being very formal but George for short 10:13 what's the fish name yes it's George um but yeah fishy is unfortunately a little bit sick 10:19 but that's okay he's already better than he was like two days ago yo baby Cheba thank you so my 10:25 God thank you for the five subs thank you so much mwah that is so sweet of you thank you 10:33 baby Chiba the legend gave senturgency vogon mc0 boy TTC Beppo all of you got a thumbs up let's go 10:44 thank you so much Bibi Chiba mwah I love you I love you from one fish or another I wish George 10:50 all the best thank you brain fishes I appreciate that I'm sure fishy really appreciates the the sentiment from a fellow fish alrighty y'all so what are we doing today we got a few things we 11:01 got of course where is it I don't know where it is it's right there we got some P.O box stuff 11:07 to open as usual also I realize I have forgotten to add stuff to my wish list so sorry about that 11:15 um human Benchmark true we can do the human benchmark test today I'm down although I'm kind of nervous to do that because I feel like I'm just gonna get really ADHD and then do bad 11:25 and then you guys are gonna think I'm stupid well I'm not the smartest but anyway yo midnight 11:32 thank you so much oh my God thank you thank you thank you that is so nice of you thank 11:39 you so much five subs from The Knocks oh my God you're such a sweetheart genso vd2b66 11:47 Umbra Turtle V1 sad man PL all of you just got a sub let go 11:54 let me put on my headphones so I can listen to music with you guys 12:16 same for dance this time hell yeah I never call you stupid that's okay you can I'm I I 12:22 got about seven brain cells and they're they're not Cooperative they don't work together they're 12:29 they're each have their own goals and separate aspirations all the time yo Kamina thank you 12:35 very much for being amazing keep being you oh thanks Karina why you keep being you too babe 12:41 thank you so so much for the three months or four months thank you so much that's amazing so good to have you you're an angel um oh shoot we got a radio welcome Raiders thank you so much 12:52 Jen I hope you had a good stream thank you so much welcome yo I'm not the smartest Ben 12:59 beautiful talented and musically gifted physics major yup you already know femininely gifted 13:08 just writing myself thank you thank you so much Janu welcome you can cue they have today thanks thanks flip dingo appreciate you 13:17 yo does anyone else feel like like I honestly have this analogy so much for like what it's like 13:23 to have my brain but it's like does anyone else feel like their brain isn't one entity but it's 13:29 like like I kind of feel like my brain is like a council of like seven people and they all have 13:35 very different Vibes like one of the council is like total Anarchist like [ __ ] skater kid one of 13:42 the council is like a grizzled Elder that's like a monk that's like always meditating one of the 13:48 council is like a total nerd scientist one of the council is like I don't know like a total lovebird 13:56 hopeless romantic sounds like schizophrenia [ __ ] maybe maybe I'm a functioning schizophrenic 14:02 um nah I'm just not really but that's just like what it feels like my brain is sometimes I have to every time I make a decision I have to consult the council yo heads or tails let's see 14:13 um let's see let's see thank you for the tip Jessica I appreciate that so much let's see 14:18 we're gonna go with Tales today we're gonna go with tails feeling feeling tail-esque 14:25 how do I learn the girly voice the viz didn't really help honestly how long have you practiced that's the first question how long have you practiced einfluff because if 14:35 it's less than a month then you gotta just keep practicing if it's even less than two months 14:42 the thing about the girl voice is it is very much a muscle it's just like working out like 14:48 any other muscle and uh you gotta it's just like going to the gym you got to work it out 14:53 every day you gotta practice months and months and months and then it will get better but do not expect results quickly got it right let's go you got it correct thank you thank you Jessica 15:05 thank you so much hydration check shoes takes a ton practice mods and mugs still 15:11 working on myself hell yeah exactly you just gotta keep at it and you'll get it 15:17 would you get your tail oh God Bonk sus ayo did you just expose yourself as a furry 15:27 exposed yup it takes a while to get that girl voice down for real 15:33 I drive you like three and a half months to even get one word still gotta keep trying yo Jack well 15:38 thank you for the photo also it's like honestly I just want to say don't like have unrealistic 15:45 expectations you know what I mean you're not gonna be able to like your voice is your voice 15:51 you have a natural voice and you can't change it more than you know you can't change it too much from your original so at a certain point there's definitely something to be said for just 16:01 accepting your voice as your own and being okay with it well juicy boy's the furry it is he now I 16:09 did not know that yo if you could boy that you're gonna follow hey Ren what's up Anastasia welcome 16:34 you not seen his paws no I have not seen his paws hi what's up strawberry kiwi what's good how was 16:42 y'all's week going thank you so much for joining me I am having such a chill day I literally have just been so relaxed finally I've been like so stressed for so long and finally I've been like 16:52 actually relaxed these days the last couple days I feel so good yo Shady Penguins don't give it a photo um and also merch is coming very soon I have I scanned my tat I scanned my tat and I uh and I 17:07 I digitized it and I like put it on a shirt and I ordered the samples so we're gonna see it very soon and I'm so stoked it looks so sick also it looks so sick like embroidered on it on a beanie 17:18 slash a bucket hat which I'm also gonna have it looks so [ __ ] awesome I can't wait I can't wait 17:24 unfortunately the long sleeve only lets me printed on the outside and not the inside but uh yeah I'm gonna have it printed outside on the long sleeve shirt too it's gonna be awesome 17:34 hi my glasses broken half [ __ ] that sucks King's murky I'm sorry that sucks dude glasses 17:40 life a struggle that I don't know about I'm so fortunate to have good Vision but everyone I've 17:47 dated has worn glasses and it always just seems like such a struggle they're always just like 17:54 [ __ ] wandering around like like that looking for their goggles winky today thanks Roby you're my first person who's actually responded by 18:07 comment also your videos are awesome yo strawberry kiwi mwah much love to you I'm so glad you like the videos bass voiced men would have to tighten the vocals a lot to do girl voice yeah it's like 18:18 but here's the thing here's the other thing that we have to remember is that not all women sound like a little ooVoo cute anime girl you know what I mean like you don't have to sound 18:28 like a well like you don't have to sound like that to pass or like to have a girl voice you 18:33 know what I mean like a lot of girls have like really deep voices you just have to like get the there's just like ways of like the inflection and the Cadence and like stuff like that that are 18:42 honestly way more important than like the getting it higher yo Hoda VT think you're gonna follow 18:50 like like here's like kind of just like a normal girl voice that's not super like ooh 18:57 super cute or whatever but like it's like pretty feminine you know like if you were just listening to this and not having and not seeing me well if you see me now you 19:07 might just think it's a girl but if you're listening to this and I was looking like a and you didn't see me you would probably just think it was a girl 19:14 so yeah but it's like also you can do like oh well like that but it's like that's way harder to do 19:21 um and so you don't have to do that to actually pass I don't know now can you do more YouTube yes 19:28 I will be doing more YouTube something in the way honestly the thing that's in the way is just that Omega videos are really hard to make they take so long and you have to Wade through 19:37 a ton of just the most degeneracy like the most degenerate people of all time you know 19:42 what I mean every time you go on Omegle you have to just like sift through absolute down Badness you know and not in a funny way like gross down Badness you know what I mean so 19:56 yeah um dicks exactly 20:01 OMG Finn ready yup Finn rated me yesterday oh my God or not yesterday on Sunday I wasn't [ __ ] 20:07 ready it was amazing it was amazing what Finn rated me but I literally wasn't ready at all I literally freaked the [ __ ] out I was like I had like half my makeup on in like one sock and 20:16 like my shirt was like half off and I all of a sudden I look at my chat and it's just like and 20:22 I was like ah I gotta turn on this train okay also by the way how do you guys like having the chat be like this where it's not it doesn't have a background it's like harder to read especially 20:31 because the whites in the background so that's not really ideal but I just kind of done I didn't really like having the big purple Square on screen I just feel like it's nicer this way 20:41 maybe I'll make the text have a drop shadow or something to see it better 20:56 why do I look so much more feminine or not more but I feel like when I do this 21:02 you're very Femme something about this area 21:17 I don't read the on-screen copy of chat anyway it works I know I basically just do it for people who are on mobile because I like when I'm on mobile I like being able to 21:26 read chat but I don't like having to have the chat take up like half the screen so that's why I like to do it I put it on for my mobile my mobile fans my mobile champions 21:37 the puffy face but even when I don't do the puffy face 21:50 right now they fit in that combo totally totally that would just be too much femboy power in one 21:56 concentration we might implode the world I think we would create a black hole if we if we got me 22:01 Finn and Nat all together in one video it would create like it would be like dividing by zero 22:07 foreign too much energy concentrated one one place yo Oppo thank you for the follow 22:25 hydration check cheers 22:39 so much cutie oh thanks Izzy you and that could bully fit into learning The Voice 22:47 just start speaking to him in the girl voice [ __ ] don't you wish she could sound like us I bet you do I bet you do don't you 22:59 I'm playing some Crazy Taxi hope you never were doing well yo hope you're doing well too Eric I hope you have fun you inspired me to become feminine growing out my hair right now I'll 23:07 get makeup and clothing who knows to be able to come a streamer sometime too hell yeah blonde Yoshi I'm so happy for you do your thing do your thing wear what you want to wear be who you want 23:17 to be that's amazing I'm so glad I could inspire you that's [ __ ] awesome that is [ __ ] awesome 23:24 I love that I love reading messages like that that's [ __ ] amazing yo Jinx holy [ __ ] outfit change okay wait question I'm down for the outfit change I won't 23:33 veto it yo ball tire thank you for the photo I'm down for the outfit change but do you want to wait until we open whatever I got in my P.O box to see if we want to 23:42 wear anything from there or do you want to just do it right now you choose you choose 23:54 thank you so so much oh you gave you gifted a sub to calming Insanity thank you so so much I 23:59 really appreciate you mwah such a sweetheart you'll wait okay sounds good sounds good yes 24:06 okay let's do P.O box we only have like five packages to open um so it shouldn't 24:11 take too long once you gather all the Fanboys together you become the most powerful person in the universe exactly I know it's like it's like Gathering the Infinity Stones it's like 24:20 Gathering the Infinity Stones we get me Finn Nat juicy boy and a mild cow all together it's 24:28 over it's over we snap and then everyone in the world automatically just starts wearing a skirt 24:33 and just pops on a skirt on anyone on everyone that's the Snap Yo Tito thank you for the follow 24:41 if we get all of us together and then all of us collectively do a skirt spin together then 24:47 everyone in the world immediately just pop just starts wearing a skirt and they can't take it off 24:53 the femfinity stones exactly 25:00 box address is safe yes I checked them we're all good bro no need to snap if I already have a skirt on exactly 25:11 yeah if you if you're already wearing a skirt and you get and you get snapped then your hair just grows like four inches automatically just pop 25:27 I just had to follow you the cutest oh thanks Tito welcome to the Stream welcome to the Fanboy 25:33 takeover baby great to have you snap in half the mask clothes disappear exactly yeah snap 25:40 half the boy clothes half of everyone's boy clothes just disappears when you snap 25:45 defense Infinity Stones my hair is no long no need to snap hell yeah there's a new February 25:52 that just started streaming this week they're ADHD may be stronger than yours bubble gum HD hell yeah 25:58 oh honestly you guys have never seen you guys have never seen my uh my full-blown unfiltered ADHD 26:08 I've never been like fully off my meds and like fully awake and not like tired or sad I don't know 26:19 if you guys I don't know if you guys are ready for my my actual unchecked ADHD to be Unleashed 26:29 I wish my hair would grow I can never get you a ponytail link so I can't train it back isn't there stuff you can take to make your hair grow faster like Biotin and like vitamin 26:39 C or something or vitamin Dizzle vitamin D vitamin dizzle and I look at you today thank 26:46 you everyone's wardrobe suddenly fill up with girl clothes after the snap exactly exactly 26:57 gonna go get my friend my haircut hell yeah baby have fun can I have a kilt though yes you can have a kilt can something else grow four inches bunk 27:11 have you ever thought about going off ADHD meds I mean I I don't take them as much as their uh 27:18 as much as I'm supposed to because if I take them as much as they're prescribed I just become kind of like a weird zombie but 27:27 I definitely need them for certain things 27:36 what would happen to my security uniform with this when the snap happens I wonder your pants turned into a skirt baby immediately your shirt just gets cropped 27:51 we'd love to see a collab between you and soda which soda not soda popping surely 27:59 if I did a collab of soda pop and that means I made it oh soda cat word there's stuff that will generally make hair go whereas previously 28:08 reluctant too but I don't think anything really makes her go long okay but like I don't get it can someone explain to me why hair like shouldn't your hair just keep growing like 28:20 if you just don't cut it doesn't your hair just keep growing like I don't understand 28:26 does it stop at a certain length or something like that 28:32 no I know it like breaks and stuff but if you just keep trimming it and so that you don't get split ends then shouldn't it just keep growing 28:41 no wearing pants stop taking that because I felt like a zombie yeah it's not it's not ideal I definitely need 28:49 them for like school and uh and also when I'm like going to a wedding or like uh if 28:57 I'm going to church for some reason I don't usually go to church but if I'm visiting family so my family goes to church so if I go to church then I take them like I 29:04 need my meds for times where I'm going to be sitting in the same place not talking for a really long time like I need them or else I'll just [ __ ] lose my mind follow 29:18 keratin oh yeah my hair is regularly cut so cut regularly so I don't know if it stops word yeah I don't know how we're 29:25 gonna work bro I had an awesome birthday party can you say Happy Birthday Mommy in your go voice sure 29:30 happy Birthday Mommy there you go enjoy yo ex-kilanova thank you for the follow 29:38 um happy birthday though Phil's birthday man in the chat for Aries Ari the sinful thank you so 29:45 much for chilling happy birthday yo JX Chris thank you for the follow ironically cutting 29:50 the edge of your hair will make him grow faster I know right isn't that a thing do you speak Spanish 30:01 Archangel what's good the Lego just fit it did thank you Lakers dress fit thank you so 30:07 much for the tip and for the dress it was amazing I actually slept in it like a lot last night or the night before I don't know it's a great sleeping shirt it's very soft 30:15 do you enjoy your long hair I do I have like mixed feelings about it at the beginning but like I very much warmed up to it it's so fun especially like walking outside if you've never experienced this 30:26 you gotta grow out your hair out once in your life or wear a wig just to experience this if you can't 30:31 grow out your hair but like go outside when it's windy and long hair and sunny sun on your face 30:37 wind in your hair walking down the sidewalk it's just flowing behind you it's such a good feeling 30:43 you feel like such a majestic creature like oh oh it's amazing I love it it is really hard to 30:50 take care of though it's pretty hard yo see you again with the fast subs thank you so much what's 30:58 so sweet of you thank you snyden calgor shot Queen WB Max and Donnie Knox oh y'all got a sub let's go 31:08 hey yo what La Majestic long hair is sus laughs right like actually how many language can you 31:19 speak only two I can speak English in Spanish I can speak a little bit of Japanese but not a lot 31:26 I took I took one semester of Japanese I want to take another one I really enjoy Japanese 31:37 I'm used to having a down my mid-back hell yeah when blank your hair is great especially when the wind comes from the front exactly not if it comes 31:44 from the back if the wind comes from the back then [ __ ] long hair is horrible 31:51 foreign 32:00 speaks body language exactly I speak girl pose 32:11 oh [ __ ] cute dude okay um also [ __ ] why are we I realize we're on the chill 32:18 we're on the chill playlist now let's go back to my classic Future Funk I have another album of kawaii music ready to go that I'm gonna upload very soon 32:31 um but yeah by the way if anyone doesn't know if you want some free music dmca free license free 32:37 all of that jazz go to ryanolly.com music check it out go for it use it in your live streams use 32:44 it in your YouTube videos whatever I made it for you to use for free so have fun okay I'm gonna 32:50 put this music on and I'm gonna go pee and then I'm gonna do a dance and I'll be right back okay 32:57 thank you 33:27 foreign 34:09 thank you 34:27 oh my God empty Lake Victoria my bladder Jesus yo brace issues since you're trying to stop okay 34:37 wait let me do a dance thank you so much brain fishes also what else happened I heard another alert someone follows or something yo thank you rainbow for the follow rainbow fishy um okay what 34:49 am I gonna do I'm gonna do something I was gonna dance and then I'm gonna open packages dance 35:27 yo 35:56 yeah okay P.O box time oh and my power all right 36:08 it's hot in here alrighty 36:18 alrighty let's see what we get let me just make sure all my packages 36:36 loud 36:41 okay let's see 36:53 all right let's see what we got the loot the loot the loot 37:01 let's see what we got this is from I don't know doesn't say 37:09 doesn't say and there's no note whoa oh well hey this is actually really useful thank you so much 37:18 thank you whoever sent me this I really appreciate that this is amazing hair clips hell yeah 37:24 I really needed these very useful very useful is it Grandma uh no it is not 37:30 currently grown up but I'm still dressing that way because it's the stream time 37:36 I know right amazing thank you thank you whoever said that appreciate you 37:43 alrighty what do we have here what do we have here 37:49 hey I love the hey slay boy Queen thank you so much oh love the hat I was like love the hate what 37:57 does that mean thank you thank you so much thank you to simple I appreciate you thank you Ari 38:03 alrighty what do we get there's also no note in this one maybe the note will come in maybe 38:10 they're all from the same person that will come the last package yo pixel warlock they're gonna follow it's right Nolly month exactly it's always our Nelly month alrighty hair clips and resistor 38:21 color codes true that's so true actually I'm dead huh alrighty hydration cheers shoes 38:34 are you still getting grocery store discounts it's not at the grocery store it's at my local Deli and yes I am my sandwich is three dollars and it's five dollars for everyone else 38:54 I swear man it's like the overall you know position of power that women have in society is of 39:04 course you know oppressed however that being said and you know like misogyny and the patriarchy are 39:11 very very real that being said there are certain day-to-day things or like day-to-day situations 39:17 where you do get treated better when you look like a girl like people open doors for you more often 39:22 cashiers are nicer to you and it's like that's also for a reason of like massaging your weather 39:29 or whatever you know they're being nicer to you because they probably see you as like something to 39:36 be protected or whatever weaker or something like that but still it's like it's true you definitely 39:41 get complimented more you definitely get like you know you definitely get a little bit like yeah 39:47 you definitely get treated better like in in like chivalry like chivalrous like situations like that 39:55 obviously it's like way more dangerous and it's like way scarier to like Walk Alone on the street like very very real things you know like very real dangerous aspects or it's definitely much scarier 40:09 to be a woman but there are certain things where it's like if people perceive you as feminine they treat you a little better you get nicer like just general interactions with day-to-day people the 40:21 hell is a bodega the bodega that's what people in New York call a corner store or like a deli 40:26 like a corner deli and not being taken more seriously in the workplace yeah I feel like serious things like you know career-wise like danger-wise violence-wise all of those of course 40:37 women are are oppressed and uh you know get the short end of the stick but there's certain little 40:44 things where I've just noticed you do get treated a little better more sandwich discounts exactly 40:55 see you later love the stream all right strawberry much love to you have a good one 41:03 what if somebody said you big boy toys I hope not but you know what are you gonna do 41:09 what are you gonna do bodega's a mix of a bar Coffee Shop Deli yeah here they're 41:16 not bars although they do sell beer but there wouldn't it wouldn't be called a bar but yeah it's a Coffee Shop Deli corner store convenience store they sell like trash 41:24 bags and coffee and sandwiches and like ibuprofen and whatever you know sunscreen 41:33 okay wait let's see what we got let's see what we get oh [ __ ] yo what the [ __ ] 41:39 yo these are expensive damn hey how are we on this lovely day Ryan 41:46 say thank you for the three months welcome back thank you so so much it's so good to have you 41:52 thank you so much cool Sensei I'm doing just fine how are you doing okay check this out hey 41:57 first time on your stream find you on YouTube Yo thank you so much for joining us Firehawk it's [ __ ] awesome to have you welcome to the fun boy takeover baby being border girl I can't 42:07 wear a skirt while I live it's not safe oh I'm sorry Ari that sucks that's the worst okay check this out we got some very white pants 42:17 very very white pants and they're freaking these are 70 pants holy [ __ ] I don't know who sent 42:26 these there's no note with this one either but whoever sent me these thank you so much they're 70 pants it's like nice ass pants and uh I assume they fit because we have all my measurements 42:43 yeah it looks like they would fit great 42:48 these would actually go really good with this sweater 42:53 um cute skirt thank you they look good I know right don't wear them on your period yeah 43:02 that's not a problem luckily thank you though good advice I'll keep that in mind 43:08 my next flow all right what do you have here oh it looks like this might be a whole outfit 43:14 looks like this might be intended to be an outfit oh 43:21 okay so maybe this goes around your neck okay I see how it goes yeah this goes around your 43:30 neck and it's like an over-the-shoulder type business that would be cute this looks really nice 43:37 this would be really fun I'd be very down they're for me yo thank you so much Archangel I really appreciate you I don't know why there's no note but thank 43:44 you so much thank you thank you thank you I'm really down to try those out pog 43:50 um okay let's see is it a badonker holder yes exactly that's what this that's the technical term 43:59 that's the clinical you know that's what doctors use these are this is a badonker holder so thank you I'm fluff for giving us the clinical terminology um okay last package 44:17 what do we got over the shoulder Boulder holder what the [ __ ] oh my God I just completed outfit myself took several weeks hell yeah 44:28 extra extra punny gamer that's amazing I'm so glad that's so sick post a pic of it in the Discord 44:33 you do voice drawing unfortunately we can't do that on stream because it's against terms of service to go on obago on Twitch so nope no can do unfortunately 44:44 I mean we might be able to if we did some weird setup where we like it was delayed and then we like whatever I don't know we're able to like turn it off if something bad 44:53 happened but uh yeah I just feel like it's also just it's also just kind of like a weird vibe 45:00 to like live stream people who don't know they're being live streamed you know what I mean 45:05 because like I get people in Omega who like once they realize I'm making a video are like please don't put me in the video and I'm like okay I won't because like you said don't put me in the 45:13 video like I wanna I wanna honor people's requests if they if they don't want that you know what I 45:19 mean so I just feel like live live streaming people on Omega when they're not expecting me live is like a little bit not right I don't know it feels weird it will there you go I don't know 45:31 why I did that that was free free there you go you conned me you conned me into a free one okay um 45:42 okay 45:55 I don't know where my bottle opener oh not bottle opener I don't know where my 46:00 package opener is so instead we have a knife knife yo and Below ways thank you 46:08 for the follow alrighty let's see what we got let's see what we got 46:16 aha finally a note finally since you look good in the white dress you are on stream here's another 46:22 enjoy your gift thank you arc angel thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all right let's 46:29 see what it is let's see what it is All Right Nelly I send you a glass of mustard why why 46:36 would you do that I mean I'm not necessarily well actually no yeah I don't want it I don't want that 46:45 can't really stop you but all right what would we have what are we working with here 46:54 what are we working with here something quiet something hot I hate having a protective family 47:03 oh I'm sorry that sucks over objective parents are the worst let's see oh yes 47:13 cute it's just like a little tennis dress 47:21 love it I love it I love it amazing thank you so much Archangel I appreciate you okay let me 47:30 clean up this business oh wait wait there's one more there's one more there's one more 47:40 oh look go good with a cute cute belt so true I very much agree 47:46 um okay I know I really need to start incorporating belts into my fashion I'm 47:51 really something that I I my belt game is very weak I need to up my belt game hey just popping 47:56 in being a while what's up how you doing welcome so good to have you my friend okay what do we got 48:03 what loot do we have here what goodies are we working with 48:10 alrighty is there a note there is not a note once again what the heck well I assume it's from Archangel because that's what all of these are from but if it's not thank you whoever give me it 48:22 UPS called they told me I need to check your package there's something very very wrong with your package it's like really bad 48:41 right now I also send you a fork um okay thank you so much WoW a fork my very own Fork really all for 48:49 me wow incredible I can't wait yo Destroyer thank you for the follow thank you so much 48:57 Peppa Pig there's a problem with your package it's it was too small so we lost it we don't know where 49:05 your package is it's like it was really tiny so it got lost sorry all right what do we have 49:17 luxury Leather wear alrighty what do we go what do we go 49:27 let's see up open why is it so hard to open ah what do we have oh it's a belt perfect we were 49:41 just talking about belts oh my God amazing oh it's lavender sweet sweet amazing and leather damn this 49:51 looks fancy is this real leather am I allowed to have real leather I don't know if I'm qualified 49:58 I feel I feel like I'm not qualified to own real leather I'm just gonna ruin it 50:04 all righty what do we got 50:18 yo hugs for drugs thank you for the follow thank you so much this freaking tape man 50:27 got it got it yay damn that looks sick this looks amazing yo the wizzy thank you for the photo look 50:39 at this you get your leather wearing license I did not looks good I know right ah my freaking nose 50:44 is so itchy got it itchy nose sending you a spork instead of fork okay good sporks are better anyway 50:52 um amazing go with the pants and the other outfits okay hell yeah Archangel that's perfect uh one sec 51:15 foreign okay nose has been blown 51:23 bonus signs for the cow that sacrificed itself 51:30 for that belt true actually very true moment of silence 51:38 thank you cow thank you for your skin 51:45 okay fit check fit check okay now Jinx now's your time to shine your time to shine pick the 51:53 outfit do you want something that we just got or do you want something that we already have give it give it to us give us the answer all right fit check 52:03 tell us what you want 52:16 take it off 52:28 oh my God I love when fishy is right there I love when fishy hangs out right there fishy loves that little spot in the bottom right there 52:38 that's like one of his favorite spots to chill it's so cute yo Stateside limber thank you for 52:44 the nine months holy [ __ ] thank you wow welcome back it's so good to have you nine 52:50 [ __ ] months thank you so so much you could have had a whole baby in that time 52:57 foreign 53:05 alrighty Jinx I'm feeling the white dress and belt all right sounds good sounds good 53:12 so we're thinking 53:17 we're thinking white dressy with the belt sounds good to me keep the socks I feel like 53:22 yeah keep the little bow tie socks probably yo crazy Cookie thank you for the photo thank you so much and the purple flats true very true yo Elon Musk QQ figured a fellow holy [ __ ] 53:35 guys Elon Musk himself followed me wow I really made it I really made it to the big leagues now 53:46 dwarf chilled dwarf everyone you mean childbirth 53:51 hello I am Guru limbrat twitch thank you for the follow beso is going to follow yes purple 53:59 white fit sounds good okay very well this is what we do purple white fit sounds good 54:08 do you jinx do you want me to live on the hat or do you want me to take off the hat right now can 54:16 you speak German schnitzel Venus nature oh yeah beer oh yeah there you go that's my best German 54:26 Legend lager lager yeah right that's a word yeah lager 54:34 that was good nice foreign 54:39 out okay oh or the bucket hat yes should I put the bucket hat I feel like a bucket 54:48 hat might look good would that fit okay we'll we'll pick we'll pick the Hat once I put on the outfit okay I'll put on the outfit wow 55:03 okay gotta get my co-hosts I'm gonna get my co-hosts ready 55:23 all right be right back wait one sec let me put on my oh hello 55:36 yo okay thank you for whoever followed just now thank you so much okay be right back Peanut Park 55:45 foreign 56:19 foreign 56:56 foreign 57:28 anymore 58:13 foreign 59:06 people 59:25 you assume we have a problem Houston Houston we have a big problem 59:37 and two skinny Skinner too skinny 59:44 I'm too skinny skinny people problems I need to punch a hole in it like here this is the last hole 59:57 we can't go around twice I need to poke another hole in it 1:00:02 like all the way over here should I do that right now how do I do it okay let's mark let's mark where I need it to be it needs to be legit like here 1:00:18 it needs to be like right there okay wait let's mark it 1:00:34 it's a real skinny Legend I know literally I'm so [ __ ] skinny okay um well 1:00:51 take out this thing the dress looks cute at the very least at the very least okay 1:00:59 I don't know the dress looks pretty cute yo Zeno thank you for the photo 1:01:07 um okay try it if it fails then Nobel Commando skirt okay weird 1:01:15 I'll poke your whole question like God damn it do you have a Phillips I do have a Phillip this stream requires more 1:01:23 holes oh my God how I should have known that this would [ __ ] trigger it just suspense holy [ __ ] I'm talking about poking holes you could re-measure your 1:01:32 waist um second thing that's turned out looser than expected okay foreign 1:01:54 I mean maybe maybe I'm 25 instead of 26 but I think 26 is fine like 1:02:04 26 should work because I'm like you know 25 and 26 isn't that big of a difference 1:02:10 try with the bucket hat yes I'm down I'm down 1:02:20 wait that's not gonna happen Okay one sec I need to fix my hair 1:02:43 foreign 1:03:13 true friends 1:03:25 oh it's so cute it's so cute 1:03:34 oh my God amazing 1:03:39 amazing oh it has pockets oh my God the dress has pockets 1:03:54 my hat is so cute I know right 1:04:00 spin 1:04:19 oh my God oh my God I love I love I love it 1:04:30 it's so cute it's so cute I'm sure 1:04:46 tada it's so cute I love it 1:04:57 I mean like I need a glass of wine I know I'm so ready for brunch I'm so totally ready for brunch and a cigarette I need wine and a cigarette 1:05:13 on a lazy Sunday afternoon the wine in pelvis 1:05:19 and French drink drink my wine and I smoke my cigarette and I look very elegant proper 1:05:31 ly I expect this it could get a lot of use next summer hell yeah I know I'm so sad 1:05:40 that we're going into winter although I do I am happy to wear some winter girl clothes like big coats and stuff that's always fun sweaters and hoodies and all that jazz 1:05:52 yo I will win thank you for the following it's actually cute with a little bow in the back I know right little bows on mine too but they're black ones amazing that's awesome screws 1:06:01 screw [ __ ] witch I love that I know little bows are so cute on socks I don't know what's 1:06:07 good with that I don't know why the jeans are it's just the case try your breast forms 1:06:12 I don't know I'm kind of vibing with the flat boy flat boy look right now maybe if you guys want I can put on the boobies the booba they definitely will show though in between here dude 1:06:26 I gotta shave my poop make Sweater Weather oversized stuff super comfy I know right I love it 1:06:44 I love that hat especially like this why is hair coming out of a hat look so cute 1:06:55 it's kind of funny like looking all elegant and then having family takeover written on my arm 1:07:03 booba Supremacy for me it's still kind of Summer till sunny and warm hell yeah I know 1:07:09 well it's still [ __ ] warm as [ __ ] here it's like 80 degrees outside so it's we're still in summer over here for sure I'm kind of over it it's been too hot I wanted to get a little bit cooler 1:07:19 it's been cool crazy it's been so humid dude this freaking the air is just water 1:07:26 I wish you were a Thor so I could slam you all day long 1:07:33 oh my God Ryan where did you become a fair boy you remember your first fit my first fit ever my 1:07:38 first time I ever World wore girl clothes was my ex she like it was like two years ago my ex just 1:07:45 randomly was like yo we're about to go out to a party and she was like yo put on this crop top you might look cute and I was like okay like as a joke but then we I put it on and she was like 1:07:54 damn boy you look hot and I was like you right I do look God and so I put it on and I wore it to 1:08:01 the party and like all the girls there were like damn Ryan you [ __ ] look good so I got like a hell of compliments so I was like [ __ ] maybe I should just keep doing this people seem to like it 1:08:11 so yeah that's basically it was just a crop top and jeans that was like my first Fanboy outfit 1:08:17 um have you ever tried a side part no I don't know I think middle part I've tried a side part 1:08:22 well I have and I think a middle part is by far just better for me I don't know why it just is Yo hello there thank you for the follow birth of rain Ali era exactly crop 1:08:31 tops are top yes top tier grab tops are very top tier top deer clothing article of clothing 1:08:37 winter equals fewer flowing dresses but more cropped hoodies true pros and cons absolutely 1:08:43 gotta you gotta take your dubs where you can get them 1:08:52 how old is right now I'm in my 20s my early 20s why did you just stop there 1:08:58 um well why didn't I just stop there well honestly part of it was that I saw in that video like I saw that first clip of like Nat and Finn meeting each other on 1:09:07 Omegle that went super viral and I was like I could do that definitely I could do that and dominoes fall and here we are now I'm in a dress on stream in front of hundreds of people 1:09:22 oh man it's honestly insane like I'm just imagining like talking to like 1:09:28 like Skater Boy Ryan like a year and a half ago being like so in about a year your job the way 1:09:36 that you're gonna pay your rent is by putting on fake eyelashes getting skirts and dresses in the 1:09:43 mail from random people on the internet and then wearing them on streams he'd be like all right 1:09:48 so go take your meds and go to sleep because you're obviously having a psychotic episode yo try hard think you're gonna follow thank you so much 1:09:58 hope you love your job I do I love it yo try hard think oh I already said that oops 1:10:06 exactly very soon I've been going to the skate park a lot to practice so soon once I'm like 1:10:13 fully back to form then we would put on the skirt and hit the [ __ ] Park and put some of these boys 1:10:18 to shame make them make them wish they could skate like skate like that cute girl over there 1:10:27 I mean you look hella cute and I have to say you're incredibly Brave do the thing you do because most people wouldn't understand that's how some people like to dress exactly Destroyer thank 1:10:34 you so much for the comment I really appreciate that and yeah it's like that's part of why I do this is to just exist in this way and like allow people to see me do this and so that they don't 1:10:46 think like just give exposure to this so that people don't think it's so weird or so stigmatized 1:10:51 or such a outlandish thing to do you know what I mean it's just [ __ ] close who cares man 1:10:57 cares where would you want to wear sounds very sketchy when you put it like that I hate it when 1:11:03 that happens yeah I hate it when you accidentally turn into a femboy just kidding I love it 1:11:12 is that tattoo on your arm yup it's a permanent tattoo 1:11:18 remember takeover babe I'm gonna have you hope and proves your confidence it does definitely do 1:11:25 definitely do to present right now I'd beat the old rhino in the dance battle um probably probably 1:11:32 my skills have only been increasing yo thank you good tail can be considered just close oh my God 1:11:40 Monk um the more people that tell your day-to-day stories more normalized it will be exactly exactly 1:11:48 it's just like like I feel like I don't know maybe I don't know if this is true or not but I also 1:11:55 feel like seeing people like me and Finn who are just like pretty traditionally just like boyish 1:12:03 when you know even when we're in girl clothes I feel like that's also really nice to see to like cease yo flip dingo think of it a bit I think it was a sub thank you so much 1:12:14 loophole you just gotta sub let's go but yeah I also feel like it's like a good thing to see 1:12:19 a person who's like acts pretty traditionally boyish and talks pretty traditionally boyish 1:12:24 to like look cute and like Femme because it's like you know I don't know you know like like 1:12:29 flexing but like in a dress like I feel like that's just a good thing to see for people it's like you don't have to be any type of way there's no thing you're supposed to be like you 1:12:38 can be a mix you can be anywhere in between you can be whatever the [ __ ] you want to be 1:12:44 for real you're definitely inspirational of your true self be as comfortable your own skin 1:12:49 as possible still working at it but you helped a lot I'm so glad that's incredible young Kim that's amazing much love see you much love okay shall we actually wait we don't have any more I 1:13:03 was like Michelle we opened the P.O box and I was like wait we already did that that is already done okay I definitely need to keep adding my I need to add to my Amazon wishlist because it's been 1:13:13 saying empty really like for like six weeks now and I have a whole list of things I need to add 1:13:19 damn straight yup get a fanboy sleeve yeah I want to get like I want to get 1:13:24 like a little a little catboy here like I don't know just like Fanboy [ __ ] on my arm 1:13:36 and more baggages nope this one right here boy 1:13:44 you could explain the waffles mentioned in the Stream title 1:13:50 um it's uh well you know I just I just it's uh waffles are good 1:13:55 waffles are tasty and if you like waffles then you got to join the stream that's just the law of 1:14:02 the Universe I learned it in physics actually so yeah I mean you can join the stream if you don't 1:14:08 like waffles also but you have to join the stream if you do like waffles so yeah that's how it goes 1:14:17 you need to choose location on my body to get the same tattoo your femboy army after all get it anywhere you want get it right here I bet it could be it might be sick to get it on a 1:14:25 peck that would be pretty dope femboy takeover like on a peck that'd be sick bad boy cats yeah 1:14:34 the mustard arrives take a big spoon of it nope I'm sorry I will not I unfortunately will not 1:14:40 be consuming or like using anything that is like consumable that gets sent to me so like no food 1:14:47 no lotion no you know chapstick or whatever like that story about it it's just because it's unsafe 1:14:54 I don't know what the mail waffles filled to the brim with creamy syrup alrighty then 1:15:03 garlic Finn boys should make his head swell I mean to make him cocky I mean arrogant 1:15:13 yeah I mean like I feel like I'd be like me I don't know maybe juicy would maybe 1:15:19 juicy will fight me on this but I feel like me and Finn are kind of like more traditionally boyish than like juicy or peachy or cow I don't know though 1:15:34 um what is the brown fluffy stuff behind the mic what do you mean 1:15:43 what you mean that is I think uh toast's tail 1:15:50 come here I'm gonna send you a box of chocolates Love Is Love you're gonna be a superstar one day 1:15:57 oh thank you Ari unfortunately I won't be able to eat them so don't send me chocolate but send me anything else send me a postcard from where you're from or send me like a magnet that is 1:16:05 like a fridge magnet that's from where you're from I love getting stuff that's like representative of where your home is so because I want to fill my whole fridge wall 1:16:13 with like postcards and magnets of places where my viewers are from because that'd be super cool I only have one so far from Minnesota I have a magnet from Minnesota that someone sent me 1:16:26 it'll be on my boobas once I start hormones hell yeah [ __ ] yeah Anastasia happy for you what about Spork will you eat this pork yes that's the 1:16:36 exception I will eat a spork it's the one thing you can send me that I'll eat it's really hard 1:16:43 to tell how much Finn is memeing and how much is serious yeah I mean it's like I kind of feel like it's it's all a meme and it's all a serious you know that's kind of how it is for me too it's like 1:16:54 all of it is a meme and all of it is just being yourself to some extent you know 1:17:02 yo baby five steps change in front of five episodes that is so sweet oh [ __ ] wait 1:17:11 why did I don't know why I just thought oh there's just a follow yo baby Chiba thank you for the five gifted oh my God that was [ __ ] ADHD thank you so much Maverick Stone Beamers gag like acoustic 1:17:22 flag and caller all of you just gotta sub thank you so much what baby Chiba the [ __ ] Legend 1:17:27 absolute Angel yo juicy holy [ __ ] welcome Raiders welcome juicyboard thank you so much I 1:17:35 hope you guys had a good stream welcome welcome yo Naya thank you great juicy red welcome guys 1:17:42 how's this how's the stream how to go thank you so much juicy much love hugs and kisses 1:17:49 welcome welcome I was actually just talking about you I was just talking about you welcome so 1:17:56 good to have you all thank you so much juicy sup what's up Mickey how you doing how are you doing 1:18:21 show them the outfit yeah Raiders you want to see the outfit 1:18:56 thank you Spanish it's popping what's up what's up Aid how you doing how you doing 1:19:22 that's very nice dress thank you Jen foreign 1:19:35 appreciate it appreciate it 1:19:47 all righty are you chatting [ __ ] about me bro were you chatting a bit of [ __ ] 1:19:56 about me boy I was I was your wanker ah that was a bit Australian indeed 1:20:05 holy breath you said it probably hell yeah wait hydration hold on 1:20:20 you're so cute I love you love you too babes is that a perfectly amazing hell yeah would 1:20:26 you get boob real booba for four hundred thousand dollars uh uh four hundred thousand 1:20:34 probably like yeah 400k yeah I would probably do it for 400k that's a lot of money that's 1:20:43 a lot of money I mean you could also just get them taken off I feel like right like for 400k booba removal surgery probably cost less than that 1:21:00 friendly offered 300K to do it for a year and refused bruh it's like no one was actually gonna give him three hundred thousand dollars you're kidding me 1:21:10 who would act like unless unless someone's like a legit bajillionaire 1:21:19 is that a tennis dress you're wearing I guess that's what it is not right now right now German I'm one of us yes 1:21:28 one of us 1:21:33 yeah Elon Musk yeah well there you go maybe Elon Musk maybe you can donate 300K 1:21:40 yes he got 300K for learning the girl voice no he did not I love when people would say straight 1:21:48 up wrong things like actual just wrong things in chat like what no no he didn't 1:21:58 people just say random stuff so confidently 1:22:13 scared is actually true he did not get three hundred thousand dollars 1:22:18 okay he was yeah maybe he was offered but there's no way someone gave him 300K there's just no way 1:22:24 I just don't believe that I'm sorry first of all like really like like the legality like I just I I 1:22:32 don't know I just feel like that's not I just feel like that didn't happen maybe you could prove me 1:22:38 wrong right now but that seems just far-fetched hello Queen what's up Sierra how you doing 1:22:45 I know he might have gotten offered that but I was I don't think it actually happened 1:22:57 they have a lawyer on it what the bro 1:23:03 OD 1:23:10 dude I would never lie for YouTube views never of course not thank you I mean look maybe it happened 1:23:19 I guess so I just feel like I just feel like I'll believe it when I see it you know what I mean 1:23:33 he's dropping the average of five to 10K Donuts per stream bro what the [ __ ] like that person 1:23:41 must just have a mad inheritance or something or they're just like a tech Tycoon like how do 1:23:47 you have that much money to just throw away a Saudi Prince yeah literally I suppose so 1:23:53 I mean there was someone who was doing that to me anonymously for a while that was pretty fun that was pretty fun 10 is an oil I see I see 1:24:09 honestly that would scare me like I mean obviously I wouldn't say no but like I've never had even 1:24:17 ever anything close to that much money it would like I feel like I would like freak out 1:24:26 just give it to charity I'll be like I don't know what to do with this ah I'm gonna just buy really good streaming stuff 1:24:41 I mean it's not throwing money away well I I didn't mean throwing them anyways and like making it useless I just mean throwing money away as in need you 1:24:50 know like spending it that much money on something that's not yourself is crazy 1:25:02 I'm an oil baby oil she's alrighty then bunk 1:25:09 right now aren't you worth 100K to do on your gate not at all dude okay this is so funny guys 1:25:14 look at this [ __ ] thing this thing is so funny I was dying when I read this they just say all these things so confidently 1:25:25 they say yeah Ryan's 5 10. and his net worth is between 100 and 200k not even close dude are you 1:25:31 kidding me not even close I wish my net worth was that long that much that would be awesome 1:25:46 fit check 1:26:01 yeah 100 to 200k Yen 1:26:10 you are worth that much no I'm not if I was I would be living in a bigger apartment 1:26:22 maybe some white shoes true or the purple flat 1:26:35 which ones one or two type one or type two in check that one that's it too 1:26:46 okay what it is 1:27:02 oh they're so cute my biggest socks need to go down a bit yeah there we go 1:27:22 foreign 1:27:45 what's the biggest donut my stream's ever had well there was a there was a person who was calling themselves bruh who would like completely clean out my wish list no 1:27:54 matter what I put on it they got me like all new streaming stuff like a keyboard like a projector 1:28:00 all sorts of stuff I'm missing a tennis racket so true um and they were and I assume it was the 1:28:08 same person but they just were Anonymous on the donation one time I think they did 2001 donation 1:28:14 also I think I've had I've had a few thousand dollar donations um especially during the Ukraine uh charity stream I got some big ones 1:28:25 um but yeah keyboard happy practice I have been practicing I haven't I don't know songs 1:28:30 yet but I've been doing lots of like scales and chords and stuff like that on the new camera yes 1:28:36 exactly and monitors yeah so that person I don't know who it was but they're not here 1:28:43 anymore clearly or if they are they're not like donating anymore but they for like a month just 1:28:49 like one month they just came in and like totally showered me with some gifts and donations yo Skye 1:28:57 um I gotta go thanks for the stream bye everyone all right lexicon have a good day it's so good to have you thank you so much for hanging out 1:29:07 um bro was amazing I know that was crazy I keep facing it thank you 1:29:12 thank you 1:29:26 brush how are you a yo hey yo don't worry it wasn't a golden shower just a normal shower hey 1:29:39 baby you have to eat all right no prom Kings Marky no problem have you been taking dance lessons I haven't but that's my next on my list next on my list of things to do for my rewards are eyelash 1:29:48 extensions which I've been putting off for so long because I'm scared of just like always having them 1:29:54 you know what I mean it's like it's like that means I just have to be super cute all the time 1:30:00 before I could not have them and I could you know I didn't have to I didn't have to be girly all 1:30:06 the time but if I have an eyelash extension it's kind of you're just there all the time 1:30:11 looking cute today bro thank you a copy of that I appreciate that thank you how long do 1:30:17 eyelash extensions last I have no idea chat how long do eyelash extensions last BQ 24 7 exactly 1:30:24 I mean it'll be fun but also be a little scary it'll be scary because I'm a man I'm a manly man 1:30:34 who's not supposed to be cute at all supposed to be scary intimidating and large strong 1:30:46 driving Ford F-150 take owner God damn 1:30:56 it God damn it yeah damn it Bobby 1:31:05 have you published any of your music yet not my own music that is like I'm rapping over but I 1:31:11 um but I did publish some music that is on my website so go to ryanally.com music and 1:31:18 there's like some Kawaii beats that I did make for you to use but I didn't do any of my raps on it I feel like more women drive Ford F-150s than guys hell yeah literally 1:31:30 now I know I feel like girls are the biggest uh market for like Giant Gas guzzling uh cars 1:31:39 my fish is drowning no I'm fishy where's fishy fishy's hiding where are you fishy 1:31:51 is that fishy in the middle there where's fishy maybe fishy's in the cave fishy come out oh there's fishy in the top right 1:32:03 there's busy 1:32:09 I was like where's penny yeah surface for Earth actually that's true the betta fish actually literally need to go up for 1:32:20 air isn't that cute they have like a double lung they have like weird double lungs that they you 1:32:27 know they Breathe by just using their gills but also they can go up for air it's really cute 1:32:32 they literally go up to the top and they're like bloop and then like a little bubble comes out it's so cute can you jump out he can but I have 1:32:41 a little mesh a little mesh thingy over the top so he can't but they do jump so 1:32:48 be careful gotta be careful keep him in there I wish fishy was free not in a tiny cage it's okay 1:32:55 he is much happier it's also not tiny this is a 20 gallon tank you only need a five gallon tank 1:33:01 for for a betta fish that's like this that's the uh requirement it's literally a 20 gallon 1:33:06 and he isn't living a far more comfortable life in my tank than he would be in the wild 1:33:13 because I keep him well fed he has no predators and the water parameters are absolutely perfect so 1:33:19 yep he's much happier here than he would be in life we're in fishy stop right he's actually out um in the in the in out of the screen is upright 1:33:33 no Predators except shark videos exactly honestly he's a predator the betta fish 1:33:39 betta fish are so aggressive he like attacks my plants just for funsies 1:33:46 I'm a good fish mom exactly do you do do fish do tricks I think you can teach beta to jump for food which is kind of cute 1:33:57 and they tend to live longer yeah they live a lot longer in a tank so it's like they're 1:34:04 healthier so assuming I assume they're probably happier too do fish ever realize they're in a 1:34:09 tank ah I don't think so he he clearly doesn't know his glass like he thinks his reflection is 1:34:16 another fish you know so I don't think he thinks he's gonna think brown bear 1:34:23 babies will fight other fish one of the few you have to separate me yeah I looked it up and 1:34:29 there's a few things that you can put with betas like I'm gonna put tetras and like if the tetras are fully grown then the beta shouldn't be able to attack them because they'll be they'll be faster 1:34:39 um where is Sharky Sharky's behind crazy cam there's Sharky 1:34:45 um but yeah and also I'm gonna get some quarries because Corey's I think little koi catfish they 1:34:52 hang out near the bottom only and the betas don't usually hang out near the bottom they like to hang out near the surface case in point because she's in the top right hanging out another service 1:35:01 um so yeah gonna get some Corey especially technically a camera yes 1:35:06 fishy is the most successful cam girl there is fishy has a very successful only band 1:35:15 fiction 1:35:34 foreign yes exactly 1:35:51 it's a good outfit it really is it really is only fins there you go that's the one that's the one 1:36:04 Why didn't why didn't we think of that one oh my God that's the best [ __ ] one only fins 1:36:12 I'm dead yo counter factual thinking thank you for the following thank you so much 1:36:22 yo oh Cliffy GG thank you for the follow 1:36:30 no no skateboard that's so awesome hell yeah skateboard oh [ __ ] we got a flex check Flex 1:36:41 check baby goddamn muscles yeah yeah okay wait let me show you my skateboard oh you look gorgeous 1:36:51 thank you counter factual thinking appreciate you welcome to this room going to the fanboy 1:37:06 look at my board I'm gonna stick it's getting a little scuffed because I've been doing some grinds but it's touchy 1:37:33 camera camera why camera 1:37:57 camera dance you gotta do the camera dance to get the camera to focus again 1:38:10 was that YouTube play button background it is 1:38:18 play bun baby it's such a shiny here 1:38:25 it's all right on our way to one million baby 1:39:14 oopsie thank you my lipstick is so smudged it's because I do so many lip bites and stuff 1:39:26 I kind of like the look of smudgy lipstick though honestly it's kind of cute 1:39:36 yo sausage McMuffin then you're gonna follow thank you so much can I use the saying that you always 1:39:42 say at the end of your streams as a yearbook quote of course absolutely Jessica definitely do that definitely definitely do that looks into reflection talking to me hey you talking to me 1:39:54 you talking to me hey I'm walking here get out of my way I need my coffee get out of my [ __ ] 1:40:01 way I'm walking here need my coffee so I've got to go to the office and my [ __ ] boss is bitching at me all day gotta go home eat some [ __ ] ziti lasagna I'm walking here hey Pizza 1:40:18 sorry had to do a little Italian New Yorker real quick Frank you look up Neverland Michael Jackson 1:40:25 on that it's up for sale would you buy what are you talking about I don't know what that is 1:40:33 someone's created a motorized fish tank that is controlled where the by where the fish swims fish swims to one end it moves forward that's kind of fun 1:40:41 although seems very pointless but fun cool idea 1:40:46 I love pointless but cool ideas those are my favorites 1:40:52 foreign enough 1:41:05 freaking love right now the accents thank you I know doing it doing accents is like my favorite was my favorite thing to do be careful I know you'll face the 1:41:13 wrath of New Yorkers ah I've been here long enough I can deal with it New Yorkers aren't so scary they just like to pretend they're scary but if you just get in 1:41:22 their face too you know that then they respect you it's like if a new yorker's like hey what the [ __ ] get on my [ __ ] way what the [ __ ] are you doing if they're like going off on you 1:41:30 like that do not like is Big tips if you go to New York and the new yorker's like going off on you like that the one thing you do not want to do is be like oh you're I'm so sorry I'm so