0:34 | (cheer 100) pheonixmkd: WOO 0:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @F1NN5TER good girl 0:38 | Loelinverse: Ayo 0:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: good evenin', Mommy and everybody <3 0:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Heyyy 0:40 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @F1NN5TER Makes a change 0:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) dotkosm: dotkosm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 0:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dotkosm subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 0:43 | ghostkiller1412: damn earlyyyyy 0:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: f1nnCowjam AsexualPride f1nnCowjam NonbinaryPride f1nnCowjam 0:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HextecNeko: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Goodnight! f1nnHeart ResidentSleeper 0:49 | (Subscriber) tatewatt: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 0:50 | (Subscriber) ghost_bunyy: early stream??? :0 0:50 | witchyg1rl: Hi fin! 0:50 | mirot47: hello everyone hope all of you are doing well 0:51 | (CS:GO Week Brazil 2022) Holkan24: aye 0:51 | tank1268: So early 0:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: What the f this is early 0:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RMarks95: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 0:54 | michelle9O: What is going on, this gremlin in never on time LUL 0:54 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Wow 0:55 | josuekink: Hello everyone 0:55 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam 0:56 | candomath: Hello 0:56 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: the title NotLikeThis 0:57 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: So early today 0:58 | Tane1i: finally love for EU Cheer100 Cheer100 0:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) demonplays22: demonplays22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Lost a couple months but oh well 0:58 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: demonplays22 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 1:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Dangit, same time as class this time too. 1:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gimmadachange: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: strawberrycheescake25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months pog 1:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: strawberrycheescake25 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:02 | jrgamingvr86: Wassup everyone how everyone doing 1:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:05 | clapdemtoes: Finnn 1:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: so excited he on time for a change KEKW 1:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: the entirety of Europe thanks you oh manly man 1:08 | qmaster112: What so early 1:09 | Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER We are impressed .. for once. KEKW 1:09 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: heyhey 1:10 | (Prime Gaming) TokaaChipfu: WOOP WOOP 1:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) chimera362: chimera362 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 1:12 | (Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: chimera362 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 1:14 | modelrumble1368: Watching this in class 1:15 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:15 | afroshino30: Afternoon peeps 1:15 | RonnieSxl: !uptime 1:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1m 25s 1:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:17 | bubbly_bo: Heyhey 1:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @jrgamingvr86 Doing good, hbu? 1:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:22 | Woodlands_ND: catJAM 1:23 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:23 | gnomnie: everything about finn is a meme and i love it 1:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:25 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: hell yeaaah 1:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam 1:28 | zak_blackfyre: well this is fkn early af 1:28 | general_of_cm: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 1:31 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:33 | MilesSwann91: he's early today 1:34 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 1:34 | (cheer 100) aquasurf_29: aquasurf_29 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! 9 months pog 1:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: aquasurf_29 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:35 | (Subscriber) onecleverfox: Yaaaaaaaaaaa!! 1:38 | general_of_cm: TakeNRG Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 GivePLZ 1:38 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: yooooooooooooo 1:38 | (Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Early stream! 1:39 | ilikedinonuggies15: Hii 1:40 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 1:40 | Woodlands_ND: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM, 1:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: neatmcJAM neatmcJAM neatmcJAM neatmcJAM neatmcJAM neatmcJAM neatmcJAM neatmcJAM 1:42 | joule_21: Eeeeeeeee 1:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:44 | I_Just_Want_Hats: PowerUpL CrreamAwk PowerUpR 1:45 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: hello online chat 1:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:47 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:48 | trolface1997: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM 1:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:53 | bArb_ariann: Hey everyone 1:53 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:54 | (GLHF Pledge) Vakillerr: Just a few hours guys 1:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RMarks95: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:56 | emomeatloafftw: My first streammmm lets goooo 1:58 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: cya on the other side offline chat 1:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Hey chat, hope everyone is good today 2:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: !offline 2:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Offline gang is the most wholesome gang 2:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam 2:02 | (cheer 100) aquasurf_29: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:02 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) Alex_on_Marz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) oriann_x: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: armann24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! thanks for all the fun and continue doing the good work. good girl 2:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: armann24 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:08 | shadowwolf454: Hey 2:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:08 | (Prime Gaming) masterzordon420: hi 2:09 | (Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: I'm so excited for tomorrow lol 2:10 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: f1nnCowjam rynJam f1nnCowjam splish4Dance f1nnCowjam spicycowDancy f1nnCowjam 2:12 | gabrielizme: hello 2:14 | (cheer 100) ghosty_blues1: HypeHype HypeHype HypeHype HypeHype HypeHype HypeHype 2:14 | I_Just_Want_Hats: Hi 2:15 | FelineFemby: Suuuuup! 2:15 | sebastianperez4: PRETTY WOMAN 2:15 | Ninjasnbiscuitss: zrkHeart zrkHeart zrkHeart zrkHeart 2:16 | samtrieslife: Sup doods 2:16 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Hello 2:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Woah so early today!! 2:19 | knecht_besitzer: Hi 2:19 | (Prime Gaming) meli_caramelly: Hiiiii 2:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Hi finn 2:19 | lczlove: heyyy 2:20 | nieldeb_: Hi!! 2:21 | SynthWolfes: Dood 2:21 | unbracingabyss: HeyGuys 2:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: blusau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: blusau subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) tallorangeone: early boi 2:23 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: hiiiii 2:23 | razorriley14: Hi 2:23 | FelineFemby: How is everyone? D 2:23 | Ninjasnbiscuitss: Evening cuties 2:24 | candomath: Yea 2:25 | brooks11: March is tomorrow 2:26 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:26 | (Prime Gaming) jeod_13: cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty 2:27 | namewastaken001: deep0xWave 2:27 | (Subscriber) LadyMichigan: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity 2:27 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnLaff 2:27 | rylieluvsyouxoxo: HIIII FINN 2:28 | foxsgloves: Sup!!!! 2:28 | ironicallyfemboyish: Early stream today, I’m not against it though 2:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) headcrab91602: f1nnCowjam f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam 2:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:30 | (Watching without audio) massimodigina: hoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2:31 | JeffThePotatoMan: Sup 2:31 | Xylomn: nekrolinaRave kkittyRave nekrolinaRave kkittyRave nekrolinaRave 2:32 | tommy_1110: ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza 2:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) bigpeace_: Fiiiiiinnnnnnnn 2:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: Goblin 2:33 | (Subscriber) supernova197o: hi 2:33 | kulosklo: vibeing hard on the song 2:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dvashawn: dvashawn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 months wow in before the battle pass madness 2:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dvashawn subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:34 | (Watching without audio) massimodigina: yeaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) brandy_bm: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:35 | yumiii_zumi: heyyy 2:36 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: f1nnCowjam rynJam f1nnCowjam splish4Dance f1nnCowjam spicycowDancy f1nnCowjam 2:37 | beyondthegrave1997: ITS THE BOI 2:37 | miya_lovely: Hii peoples 2:38 | briggles1998: Yesss my favourite woman 2:39 | (Prime Gaming) MayBeAJinx: MayBeAJinx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! 2:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: maybeajinx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU 2:39 | xxevalol: yo im a new fan, ive only seen clips on youtube bc i havent been able to catch a stream im so excited 2:39 | dinycodo: TOMORROW 2:39 | canvaspainting: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: EARLY ASS STREAM 2:40 | (Prime Gaming) sullashley95: hi hi 2:40 | A_Wandering_Vagabond: djstressLUVHeart 2:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: early? 2:42 | deslippper: Ello 2:42 | (Prime Gaming) johnycocotv: The mighty thirst trap is online 2:42 | joule_21: I have this song on Apple Music 2:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) R1ley117: femboy32Cheer femboy32Cheer femboy32Cheer femboy32Cheer 2:42 | chapter_7ven: Sup man 2:43 | (Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: Why hello there fin 2:43 | neste_1: hoiiiii 2:44 | hopeityy: was literally in the middle of watching the youtube lets goooo 2:45 | Cr4zyPopz: notif gang hell 2:45 | bwjune: Hiii everyone! 2:45 | grenuke1_0: Hello W live alr 2:46 | (Subscriber) thomas_law0: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:47 | pandaa_33: Early wow ! 2:47 | gabrielizme: :cowja jam: 2:48 | (Subscriber) onecleverfox: Battlepass tommorow 2:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) outrolexx: earlyyyy 2:49 | imfastasfugb01: Early stream let’s go 2:49 | miusic3333: I’m in school 2:49 | tomerb4u: hi 2:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Wow this is early 2:50 | rylieluvsyouxoxo: flatsBelieve 2:50 | basil_brick: yigtcuj 2:51 | snufhunter: Hi finnster 2:51 | dan0boom: Yo chat Wass good 2:51 | mirot47: F1nn5ter hope you're doing well today 2:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: susuHypers susuMeltdown susuWave susuHypers susuMeltdown susuWave susuHypers susuMeltdown susuWave susuHypers susuMeltdown susuWave 2:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: I’m at work finn 2:52 | kto_noon: Heyyyyy 2:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: It's princess time 2:52 | (Prime Gaming) VermilionWoW: VermilionWoW subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! Excited for the battlepass 2:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: vermilionwow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months using Prime! PogU 2:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) darksoul99011: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:53 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sichbroo: Tis a tad early 2:53 | (Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) ChromyBuilds: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: 2months baby let’s goooo 2:54 | aLittleCalamarian: WHOLESOME TODAY???? 2:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) katonajohnny: catJAM 2:55 | uttermostrogue: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 2:55 | (cheer 1) fusrotah: Cheer1 2:57 | SynthWolfes: I hate femboy kibble 2:57 | Ray_Jay101: This is early dam 2:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sichbroo: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:58 | (Prime Gaming) LealNoah: Lest goooo 2:58 | (Prime Gaming) johnycocotv: <] <] <] <] <] <] <] <] <] 2:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:58 | valcinoid: Early for once 2:58 | trol_dhia: hello 2:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: SeemsGood100 oh god, I have paper work to do today but the stream ! 2:59 | jkaromo: Finn 3:00 | sebastianperez4: f1nnKnife This is me when I see pretty man 3:00 | RonnieSxl: PogChamp KomodoHype 3:01 | Lorelai_Di_Angelo: Nearly there boys! 3:02 | snugtiger_1: I’m gay 3:02 | rayvenmdc9: alexan31Left alexan31Mouth alexan31Right 3:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Battlepass!!!! 3:03 | Breezepoint: Yaaaaaaaaaas 3:03 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: coxJam emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE coxJam 3:03 | kristanie0815: Clock broken 3:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:04 | Jens_LN: Should be an interesting stream today 3:04 | jaykindagayyy: Early letsgoo 3:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) raikounokuni: amchooBongoRacc amchooBongoRacc amchooBongoRacc amchooBongoRacc amchooBongoRacc 3:04 | FelineFemby: @ninjasnbiscuitss hey! how are you today? 3:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: made it early nice 3:05 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam 3:06 | (Prime Gaming) fluttershyjac13: I’m Soo happy best way to start my Morning today 3:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:08 | stone_starstruck: Words yo 3:08 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:08 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: coxJam emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE coxJam 3:09 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 3:10 | (Prime Gaming) masterzordon420: ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 3:10 | xXNeroZashiXx: Hello all hope everyone is doing well today 3:12 | rylieluvsyouxoxo: flatsL flatsL flatsL 3:14 | certified_boylover: a bit early finn 3:14 | (Subscriber, Turbo) Jixson: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:14 | Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:15 | x_rohansensei_x: XQC LOVED YOU 3:16 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: Yooooooo 3:16 | trol_dhia: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 PogChamp 3:17 | basil_brick: eep 3:17 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:18 | Zergling31: TransgenderPride 3:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: 0Pengy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 3:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: 0pengy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 3:20 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: only 200 people wtf 3:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) katonajohnny: CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM CatJAM 3:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: I'm still working dammit f1nn 3:21 | (VIP, Gifter Leader 1) Helen_Croft: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM 3:22 | (Prime Gaming) elryte_: ellooo 3:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:25 | snugtiger_1: GlitchCat 3:25 | FelineFemby: @xxnerozashixx how are you today? 3:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: oh boy here we go 3:27 | just_call_me_kei: just_call_me_kei subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! 22 months 3:27 | (Prime Gaming) nyx_acidin: meowdaPawz meowdaPawz meowdaPawz 3:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: just_call_me_kei subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:29 | (Prime Gaming) lucanis9292: Egg 3:30 | rylieluvsyouxoxo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 3:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: tricco_tricco subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 months here we goooo 3:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: tricco_tricco subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:31 | (GlitchCon 2020) Pepperpool: Pepperpool subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! 3:31 | chapter_7ven: Pretty early today isn’t it?:D 3:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pepperpool subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU 3:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) Shivvvvers: Shivvvvers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 months of femboy 3:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: shivvvvers subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:32 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: catJAM vibe 3:33 | andreanicolealigato2: 3:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Hi! 3:34 | alex_the_nonbinary_jedi_: mmm 3:35 | aLittleCalamarian: alittl74HYPE alittl74HYPE alittl74HYPE alittl74HYPE alittl74HYPE 3:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Oh shiiiiet battle pass tomorrow lads 3:36 | dannog_8: Excited for THAT page 3:36 | (Prime Gaming) meli_caramelly: PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu 3:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:37 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: The battle pass is literally tomorrow crazy 3:38 | dragonboy12playz: Hi 3:38 | alistor223: Hi everyone PixelBob 3:38 | erdeirodezeus: Of 3:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: shouldve titled it holesome 3:38 | Emmy64_: @x_rohansensei_x wait a little LUL 3:39 | xxevalol: im on the shittiest chromebook on the shittiest library wifi god help me 3:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:39 | ElloPrettyLadies: Ello Rose 3:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) katonajohnny: catJAM 3:40 | hopeityy: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat 3:40 | caspiandrogan: HIIIIIII 3:41 | MARETKOD1991: Hello! 3:41 | zukato_8: Hi 3:42 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:42 | (Prime Gaming) indignom: it's early ain't it 3:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @xplusy391, chill 3:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:43 | (Bits Leader 3) masterzordon420: hi 3:43 | (Broadcaster, Verified) F1NN5TER: @x_rohansensei_x xqc saw me? lol 3:43 | imjustlikelou: transman 3:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: woot let goo 3:45 | (Subscriber) thomas_law0: 3:45 | emomeatloafftw: Whoot whooooot 3:46 | gabrielizme: jeez viewers ramping up 3:47 | mirot47: good day to you chat 3:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) ladylionessoflondon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:49 | (Prime Gaming) fluttershyjac13: Good morning Everyone 3:50 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:50 | Karkeyss: You guys think Finn will ever not be a fem boi 3:50 | (Subscriber) SB_Crumb: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 3:51 | rylieluvsyouxoxo: MUCH LUV FINN 3:52 | tsovloj: what is this tune and why do I vaguely recognize it? 3:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhgg: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 3:56 | cheesusyourlord: hello chat 3:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) Piilu__: Piilu__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! LETS GOOOO 3:57 | joule_21: 3:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: piilu__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:58 | sunnaris: Hello 3:59 | Ray_Jay101: Yooooooo 3:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang 4:00 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: yoooooooooooo 4:00 | fluffwinkle: First time chatter yay! 4:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) juneyear20: Yurrrrrrr 4:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Turbo) PareableDeadMan: PareableDeadMan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Praise be the potato gods 4:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pareabledeadman subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:01 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Helllooo 4:02 | andreanicolealigato2: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 4:02 | MoonwalkinLlama: It's dancing in the moonlight 4:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @tsovloj dancing in the moonlight 4:03 | (Prime Gaming) HanaCinnabun: Hello 4:04 | daniela_5410: GivePLZ 4:06 | heavenlysinful666: hiiiiiiiii 4:07 | josuekink: Good afternoon 4:09 | larek_flynn: yo 4:09 | basil_brick: yih 4:10 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: Hiaa 4:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) bigpeace_: Pride95 We love you Fin 4:11 | (Prime Gaming) IdleDJ: idledjUwu 4:11 | (Prime Gaming) meli_caramelly: KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha 4:11 | FelineFemby: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: MnemonicOverload subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 4:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mnemonicoverload subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:14 | gta5gamer_1210: Hiiii 4:15 | (VIP, Gifter Leader 1) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER you stream early so no bed time for me yet f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 4:15 | certified_boylover: viewers dropped sm 4:16 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: I m new 4:16 | (GlitchCon 2020) ADHD_: zoepanGiggle 4:18 | PlantPalFynn: hello! 4:19 | A_Finley94x: Ok whats the tune hahah why do I know it? 4:19 | (Prime Gaming) xtreme_destroyer440: dviperHappy 4:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: need the clip @x_rohansensei_x 4:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 4:22 | (Subscriber) Five_Of_Nine_: VirtualHug f1nnCowjam VirtualHug f1nnCowjam VirtualHug f1nnCowjam VirtualHug 4:23 | (Prime Gaming) HanaCinnabun: How is everyone feeling today 4:24 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: @fluffwinkle Finn is a really nice streamer! You will enjoy him! 4:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Last steam was awesome we need to do more like that!! 4:25 | (Watching without audio) massimodigina: lessss ggooooooooo 4:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: here early wth 4:26 | (Prime Gaming) Subject_95: This is the longest 24 hours known to man 4:26 | (Prime Gaming) indignom: tomorrow is the battle pass, unfortunately i don't have the coin to buy it 4:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lucanis9292: Egg Battlepass tomorrow! 4:27 | viryl_lucas: I woke up 4:28 | th3_5layer: CowJAM 4:29 | (Prime Gaming) d1nnozo: @x_rohansensei_x Yep, he saw one of tens dono's 4:30 | (Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: ashdogDJ dailyd45Vibe ashdogDJ dailyd45Vibe 4:30 | Karkeyss: Hellooooo 4:30 | (Subscriber) sucks_eggs: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:31 | skronk1307: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 4:31 | (Prime Gaming) jadestir: Cheer100 Cheer100 4:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Lessss do it 4:32 | certified_boylover: nvm viewers back up 4:33 | (Prime Gaming) Subject_95: Waiting for March 1st 4:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) mirandahw: mirandahw subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! why am I still here 4:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mirandahw subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Yay, two months 4:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: purfectpious subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:36 | gabrielizme: cheeze 4:36 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: I doubt there'll be much wholesome about this stream, Hello Everyone! 4:36 | MikkiDMix: 8bit dancing in the moonlight I think 4:36 | FelineFemby: Diet Coke Lime 4:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:37 | tekvmi: we’re dancing in the moooonlight 4:37 | dannog_8: @a_finley94x Dancing in the moonlight 4:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) TheDanieru: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:39 | skronk1307: Squid1 Squid2 TransgenderPride Squid2 Squid4 4:40 | will33131: Hello I don't know how I got here help 4:41 | MoonwalkinLlama: First stream for me! 4:42 | A_Finley94x: Dancing in the MOonLightt!!! 4:42 | daniela_5410: GivePLZ GivePLZ 4:43 | smilelyboy: # 4:44 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: what the fuck I'm here at cowdance? So early! 4:46 | (Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:50 | yourfriendthetaco: Praise the potato gods 4:50 | Xylomn: nekrolinaRave kkittyRave nekrolinaRave kkittyRave nekrolinaRave 4:54 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: hey hey 4:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fm_chef: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:54 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Hello Finn 4:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:55 | Karkeyss: 2020Unroll 2020Unroll 2020Unroll 2020Unroll 2020Unroll 2020Unroll 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 339 in the channel! 4:55 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: chasingsol has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to stefysucks! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ninjasnbiscuitss! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to rangePL! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to twin_cdj! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bon3s08! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to King_reuben99! 4:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to yoyas47! 4:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to aperturea! 4:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to savvyfaire! 4:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to kanifo1999! 4:56 | trol_dhia: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 PogChamp Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 4:56 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Good day fin! 4:57 | xxevalol: the only thing my heart desires is to see you lose to mommy cotton 4:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: MyAvatar 4:59 | json_online: wait what? this is a weird 9pm lol. not complaining. 5:00 | xXNeroZashiXx: Pog 5:00 | ice_w1ng: Cow 5:00 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: “Hey bro, wanna play some video games? You can sit in my lap if you want…” 5:01 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Pog early stream 5:01 | vertigatari: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 5:01 | gabrielizme: im stuck in here 5:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: W sol 5:02 | Karkeyss: 2020Delivery 2020Delivery 2020Delivery 2020Delivery 5:02 | sigurd_viking06: Yo nice 5:04 | boringdepressedintrovert: hello 5:04 | gabrielizme: cant get out 5:05 | jaelewis: I'm confused and have weird feelings that make me feel some type of way...fuck. what does this mean? Anyone wanna help me? I'm confused.. 5:06 | (VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: !caps @tekvmi 5:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 5:06 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:06 | blackghost32: Wazzzaaaaaaaap 5:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Pog Sol! 5:08 | (Watching without audio) zozo6666665: Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 5:09 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: zerohe2Dancecat zerohe2Dancecat2 5:10 | JeffThePotatoMan: Hi chat 5:10 | t1ny_cookie: The not manly man is live! 5:10 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: pog 5:10 | Karkeyss: PJSalt 5:11 | marieemilie1: could i get a sub? 5:11 | alistor223: PowerUpL GayPride TransgenderPride Pan BisexualPride PansexualPride LesbianPride PowerUpR 5:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ProvenBedbug1933: ProvenBedbug1933 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 5:12 | SkioMD: Still can’t tell if tomorrow is a joke or not 5:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: provenbedbug1933 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 5:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) VekkTheAsuran: Sup 5:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Its a vibe 5:14 | (Watching without audio) zozo6666665: Hi Finn 5:15 | MoodyMaxxx: Hello! First time watching you stream! 5:16 | gabrielizme: IM TRAPPED HERE 5:17 | (Prime Gaming) HanaCinnabun: THE SONG IS DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT!!!! <3 5:17 | lucija_c: Helo 5:17 | (Watching without audio) massimodigina: oiiiii 5:18 | blackghost32: Yooooooooooò 5:19 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Hype 5:21 | im_sirena: im at school rn 5:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: @skiomd it’s not 5:21 | TheBeimax: When OF?? 5:21 | RonnieSxl: !uptime 5:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5m 31s 5:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) Ar0nfar: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:22 | succulentboipavel: will the mods delete this messege if i say something bad? Uh.... Terrorism 5:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: Yo I'm on time 5:23 | (Prime Gaming) jtvincen: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5:24 | yourfriendthetaco: @jaelewis Just enjoy lol 5:24 | lucija_c: Hello 5:24 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Could I please have a sub 5:25 | blackghost32: Ayooooooooooo 5:25 | (Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: <3 5:26 | (Watching without audio) massimodigina: this ganna be hybe 5:26 | (Subscriber) ThePieMan9000: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:27 | (Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: dailyd45Vibe ashdogDJ dailyd45Vibe ashdogDJ dailyd45Vibe dailyd45Vibe 5:27 | (Subscriber) stefysucks: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:28 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !confused @jaelewis, 5:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 5:28 | aLittleCalamarian: !of 5:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: March 1st 2023 will be the launch of the Battlepass 5:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to marieemilie1! They have given 340 Gift Subs in the channel! 5:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @moodymaxxx you’re in for a treat! 5:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: chasingsol has gifted a subscription to marieemilie1 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang marieemilie1 f1nnLezgang 5:30 | blackghost32: Missed u lad 5:30 | briggles1998: Fin cum on me I mean come on mate 5:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: neatmcBobtwirl neatmcBobtwirl neatmcBobtwirl neatmcBobtwirl neatmcBobtwirl neatmcBobtwirl neatmcBobtwirl f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) georgetestpressing: georgetestpressing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! I am watching in the gym, hope no one notices 5:30 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: georgetestpressing subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 5:31 | sebastianperez4: WHERE IS FINN 5:32 | (Prime Gaming) LoadSmasher: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:32 | KingofKupaKeep: Hype 5:33 | Eichy92: Cheer50 5:34 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: fluffwinkle subscribed at Tier 1. 5:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fluffwinkle subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang fluffwinkle f1nnLezgang 5:34 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 5:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 5:35 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 5:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 5:35 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 5:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 5:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 5:36 | (Prime Gaming) Beastlierjet: Beastlierjet subscribed with Prime. 5:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: beastlierjet subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang beastlierjet f1nnLezgang 5:39 | (Prime Gaming) sureitsme: sureitsme subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 5:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sureitsme subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU 5:40 | moo777_: Start 5:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: PansexualPride 5:42 | Cr4zyPopz: FinnLate 5:43 | jullemanden_: jullemanden_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 5:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: jullemanden_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU 5:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @jaelewis It's natural, "initial F1nn exposure" the experts are calling it 5:45 | LazyAva2004: Let's gooood 5:45 | alistor223: TransgenderPride PansexualPride BisexualPride GayPride 5:45 | (Prime Gaming) Fakesmi1e: Fakesmi1e subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 beautiful months les gooo 5:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fakesmi1e subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:47 | 923eze: Yees 5:47 | gabrielizme: HYPE TRAIN LVL 8 5:47 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: still very new here but this community is so amazing and sweet 5:48 | (Prime Gaming) HanaCinnabun: Hype train hype train hype train 5:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: balthezor19 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! woot 5 months 5:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: balthezor19 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 5:50 | trol_dhia: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 SabaPing Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 5:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:51 | andreanicolealigato2: Hi good evening 5:52 | (Prime Gaming) Subject_95: ***ast 5:53 | Karkeyss: PicoMause PicoMause 5:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 5:54 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: 1 5:55 | briggles1998: I love this 5:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnHeart 5:59 | blackghost32: Wazzzaaaaaaaap 5:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) Ar0nfar: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:59 | crazycosplayergamer: TakeNRG GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ 5:59 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: HYPE TRAIN POG 6:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:00 | 923eze: Very nice 6:00 | maricathefrog: Hellooooo 6:00 | ichiro_senpaii: 6:00 | (Prime Gaming) Subject_95: That wasn't a link wtf 6:01 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:01 | harokaa: SeemsGood 6:01 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: Dani_roa_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 16 months pog 6:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dani_roa_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU 6:02 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) marieemilie1: @chasingsol thankyouu!! 6:03 | crazycosplayergamer: AsianGlow AsianGlow AsianGlow 6:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:05 | alistor223: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 PixelBob Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 6:05 | blackghost32: How's it going everyone 6:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Turbo) PareableDeadMan: 6:06 | crazycosplayergamer: BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior 6:06 | (Watching without audio) rafl__: Lets go oef countdown stream PogU 6:08 | valcinoid: This is such a hype train 6:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Vampiricsloth: last day of Seiso! lewd arc starts tomorrow xD 6:09 | (Prime Gaming) Subject_95: I said "mr . beast 6:09 | michael91u: Hi 6:09 | Karkeyss: FallWinning 6:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:11 | heavenlysinful666: Issa femboyyyyyyyy 6:12 | (Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: ashdogDJ ashdogDJ 6:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) King_Bowser132: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: This hype? On a Tuesday????? 6:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gamer_tako: Cheer10 6:13 | gabrielizme: POG 6:14 | blackghost32: Hoes everyone 6:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) ChasingSol: @marieemilie1, you're welcome 6:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Is he going to time it 6:15 | trol_dhia: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 6:16 | smol_miata: cottontailPog cottontailPog cottontailPog cottontailPog cottontailPog richar215Gin richar215Gin richar215Gin richar215Gin cottontailPog cottontailPog cottontailPog richar215Gin richar215Gin richar215Gin richar215Gin 6:16 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Heyyyy 6:17 | bluegreenflowers: im so mad i cant watch rn BibleThump NotLikeThis NotLikeThis BibleThump 6:17 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Eyyyyyyyy 6:18 | jt2_3: hey 6:18 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: YAAAA 6:18 | dyslexic_: Hiiii 6:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Hiiiii! 6:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Omg he didd 6:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: hi 6:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Hiii 6:20 | cluckdonal: HIIIIIII 6:20 | (Prime Gaming) jtvincen: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 6:21 | trolface1997: hi 6:21 | ZYRLXRD: hey 6:21 | blackghost32: How's everyone doing 6:21 | ilikethis1yet: Hello guys 6:21 | thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: Hiiiiii 6:21 | gabrielizme: lvl 8 train 6:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: johnkeiwo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 10 month streak! 32 month, i've been here too long 6:21 | (Watching without audio) braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:21 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: Yooooooooo! 6:21 | aLittleCalamarian: FIINNNNNNN 6:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: johnkeiwo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 32 months at Tier 1! PogU 6:21 | basil_brick: HEYY 6:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: He's here 6:21 | human_veing: HYYYYPE 6:22 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: 6:22 | (Watching without audio) rafl__: yooooooooooo 6:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) ChasingSol: excited a bit? 6:23 | (GlitchCon 2020) ADHD_: zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle 6:23 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Heyyyyyy 6:23 | LadyEnchanting: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity 6:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Hi f1nn! 6:24 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: Gud girl bish 6:24 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Hi finn 6:24 | bubbly_bo: Hiiii 6:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: The lad has arrived 6:24 | Femboy_Eevee: Waszzzzaaaaaaup 6:24 | (Prime Gaming) Maliik123: Maliik123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! Nice 6:24 | general_of_cm: Hiiiiiii <3 <3 <3 6:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 6:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: Whats good everyone 6:24 | L0LU5: ayo o/ 6:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: maliik123 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU 6:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Hiiiiiii <3 6:24 | celestialmugshot: hiiii 6:25 | (Prime Gaming) Ghen2017: Hello gorgeous! 6:25 | blackghost32: Wazzzaaaaaaaap 6:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) TransGirlAddison: Haiiiii 6:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: we’re not worthy! 6:26 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Hiiiiiii 6:26 | (Prime Gaming) jtvincen: Tomorrow is the dy 6:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: HYPE 6:27 | (Turbo) Cazenn: Cazenn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! Jude, you're a big nerd. 6:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: Mommy 6:27 | DeathUserJay99: REEEEEEEE 6:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Hey 6:27 | mirot47: HEYA F1NN5TER 6:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: cazenn subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU 6:27 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: Yoooooooooooo 6:28 | jase114986: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG 6:28 | 923eze: Elllo 6:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Hiiii 6:28 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: Omfg 6:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Hiiiii 6:29 | somisai: Hello 6:29 | lazerlarry_98: <3 6:29 | certified_boylover: HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 6:29 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 6:29 | (Prime Gaming) LoadSmasher: Time to get high 6:30 | (Subscriber) thomas_law0: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) marieemilie1: f1nnCowjam 6:30 | (Prime Gaming) MayBeAJinx: Hiiii f1nnHeart 6:30 | crazycosplayergamer: Heyy 6:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer 6:31 | Alkno_93: hi bab 6:31 | michael91u: Hii 6:31 | thean9ry9amer: hi 6:32 | (Watching without audio) braddle172: Heyo 6:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: F1nn!!! 6:32 | (Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: Hellooo 6:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Lookin good 6:32 | ElexiR_Official: Hiiii 6:33 | aLittleCalamarian: THERES OUR GREMLIN 6:33 | josuekink: Hiiiiiiii 6:33 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: yea manly 6:33 | cookieboy087041_chat_read: Specky 6:33 | viryl_lucas: Hi! 6:33 | JeffThePotatoMan: Hiiiiii 6:33 | chapter_7ven: Wassup 6:33 | dragonboy12playz: Bruk 25 sek for a gift? 6:33 | b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: FINN <3 6:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Tomorrow’s the day bucko 6:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Perfect shirt!!!!! 6:33 | blackghost32: Yooooooooooòoooo 6:34 | certified_boylover: thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE 6:34 | xd_incognito712: Hiii 6:34 | cheesusyourlord: hii 6:35 | bwjune: Hii 6:35 | general_of_cm: nice shirt 6:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Meh, I guess I have to pay some attention to my teacher unfortunately. lol 6:35 | LordAvadon1: Hello 6:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: Finnnn 6:36 | (Watching without audio) rafl__: woooooooooo 6:36 | jase114986: Hello 6:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Like your T-shirt <3 6:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: Hi 6:36 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: OMG she here 6:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Hey 6:37 | (Prime Gaming) icolapetrovcic: hi 6:37 | josuekink: Yooooo 6:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: kyrogaming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2 month with the very "manly" man 6:37 | (Prime Gaming) Red_Sonnet: Hihi!! 6:38 | (Watching without audio) juddle: yo 6:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kyrogaming subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 6:38 | the_masks_083109: Hi 6:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Beastlierjet: triple226SUPERHYPE triple226SUPERHYPE triple226SUPERHYPE triple226SUPERRAGE triple226SUPERRAGE triple226SUPERRAGE 6:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Face-cam 6:38 | larek_flynn: larek_flynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak! Will Twitch subs get discount on battle pass? 6:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: larek_flynn subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU 6:39 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: heyyy 6:39 | lazerlarry_98: miss u betch 6:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: lxnatiks subscribed with Prime. 6:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Wrong way 6:39 | jt2_3: YES 6:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lxnatiks subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lxnatiks f1nnLezgang 6:39 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Ban5ter! 6:39 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: <3 <3 <3 <3 6:40 | (Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: hi 6:40 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: talk about what? 6:40 | sebastianperez4: PRETTY 6:40 | dannog_8: The accountant has entered the chat 6:41 | aTsundere: hi queen 6:41 | TWIINKISxICONIC: 420 6:42 | j0nny_1155: Hiiiii 6:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 6:43 | Chubsk1: Family friendly stream 6:43 | maricathefrog: The ears 6:43 | hoboj234: blals 6:44 | (Subscriber) ThePieMan9000: death note pog 6:44 | (Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: dixeecFlannelwave 6:44 | trol_dhia: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 PogChamp Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 6:44 | briggles1998: Fecking phones gunna die 6:44 | humanratpoison: wtf f1nn already dressed up??? 6:45 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Omg. So cuuute 6:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: It's our boy!! 6:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: okok deal 6:45 | pern_the_cat: Omg 6:46 | forgetmenots: hi queen 6:46 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Talkabout wat? 6:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Don’t talk about it 6:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) mart_hus: no 6:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Hello cutieeeee 6:47 | hoboj234: testicles 6:48 | mrpyrostick: NotLikeThis 6:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Battlepass? 6:48 | jt2_3: Why nod? 6:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 6:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No we don't it's wholesome hours 6:49 | andreanicolealigato2: Hii 6:50 | ajax_shay: I’m so happy this is my first stream I’ve gotten to watch 6:50 | total_acidity: Gremlin hours f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 6:50 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Are you still gonna upload on Mincraft vidoe's? 6:51 | viryl_lucas: Why not :( 6:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Beastlierjet: TableHere TableHere 6:52 | waury2890: GlitchLit 6:52 | Lilyscoot: PFFF 6:53 | 923eze: The ears ????? 6:53 | certified_boylover: rynHeadpat rynHeadpat rynHeadpat 6:53 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Oh, that. 6:53 | (Watching without audio) braddle172: !battlepass 6:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: March 1st 2023 will be the launch of the Battlepass 6:54 | cupcaic: cupcaic subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! 21 months it be 6:54 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: What camera are you using! The quality is super high 6:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: cupcaic subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months using Prime! PogU 6:54 | PansTheCatboy: Hai everyone!! :3 had the confidence to go out in cat ears today!! Was pretty poggers ngl!! ^.^ 6:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Just let it sit in silence 6:56 | gabrielizme: fortnite 6:56 | (Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: Battlepass 6:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: But so pretty 6:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Why not 6:57 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands 6:58 | ElloPrettyLadies: There SHE is 6:58 | alistor223: HI f1nn 6:58 | certified_boylover: TALK ABOUT IT 6:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Ears are the wrong way 6:59 | (Prime Gaming) fluttershyjac13: Catboy yay 6:59 | A_Wandering_Vagabond: bootybootyLove djstressLUVHeart bootybootyLove 7:00 | dannog_8: But why mom?! 7:01 | tekvmi: 7:01 | Jens_LN: no booba ? 7:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 7:02 | waury2890: BatChest 7:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: so much for being a wholesome streamer 7:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: The battle pass 7:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Somebody's early today 7:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: brag more Finn 7:04 | (Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: We gotta keep the battle pass on the down low 7:05 | (Prime Gaming) jtvincen: thats his natural ears 7:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 7:06 | tekvmi: battlepass 7:06 | fredfredburger1996: Finncess did you ever think your life would turn out like this? 7:07 | (Prime Gaming) samhox: next time you should play squid games 7:07 | blackghost32: Ayy you showered without me wtf 7:08 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: The posts are down bad 7:08 | jase114986: Hello fin 7:08 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: god you look good LUL 7:09 | humanratpoison: shit bro's looking nice then 7:09 | xXNeroZashiXx: @f1nn5ter You are beautiful 7:09 | xxevalol: im literally at a library tryna study for my asfab, i hope they have finnster streams in the airforce 7:09 | gabrielizme: get to lvl 10 hype train 7:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, 50 Gift Subs) fnork_: fnork_ is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 90 in the channel! 7:10 | gabrielizme: comeon 7:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fnork_ has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 7:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, 50 Gift Subs) fnork_: fnork_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to y0mfie! 7:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, 50 Gift Subs) fnork_: fnork_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Robjordanlives! 7:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, 50 Gift Subs) fnork_: fnork_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to jwickedd! 7:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, 50 Gift Subs) fnork_: fnork_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to qu1nnro5e! 7:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, 50 Gift Subs) fnork_: fnork_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to hunterd231! 7:11 | (VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER you stream early for me? f1nnHeart 7:12 | ariesmatic: you should use curlers 7:13 | TWIINKISxICONIC: Smoke a loud one people 7:13 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Your ears are backwards 7:14 | skyro3o: PLS TALK ABOUT IT 7:15 | xXNeroZashiXx: Pog 7:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Misa misa: pretty, perf thighs, kills people; excellent choice 7:16 | Bytebak: Bytebak subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! !2 months subbed to this gremlin 7:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bytebak subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU 7:17 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Twitch TOS prevents direct talk about "The other site" The mods WILL be being strict 7:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: still looks like girl 7:17 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Twitch TOS prevents direct talk about "The other site" The mods WILL be being strict 7:17 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Twitch TOS prevents direct talk about "The other site" The mods WILL be being strict 7:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) ADHD_: zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle zoepanGiggle whats the pink thing 7:17 | Femboy_Eevee: Hype train level 9 7:17 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lxnatiks: misa shirt goes hard tho 7:18 | (Prime Gaming) LunarMuphinz: Cute 7:20 | ajax_shay: I just finished work it’s 5am in Australia how do you manage this shit 7:20 | viryl_lucas: LUL 7:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SeaLint: SeaLint subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! You look like my future girlfriend :) 7:20 | (Prime Gaming) indignom: are u in a skirt already? 7:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sealint subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 7:21 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Yes sick 7:21 | waury2890: I like your ass 7:22 | KingofKupaKeep: Hyperrrrr 7:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: still a chance of being a hoesome streamer 7:22 | Jens_LN: Your glasses are on backwards ? 7:22 | KnapperigeKapitein: You look like gamer girlfriend right now 7:23 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: What camera are you using!? 7:23 | vuokravelat: finn, be my mom 7:24 | alistor223: Squid1 Squid3 Squid3 Squid4 7:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) LightningDesigner: LightningDesigner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 7:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lightningdesigner subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 7:25 | viryl_lucas: Wholesome KEKW 7:25 | emomeatloafftw: The EGG LIVES 7:25 | Flex_Uli: catears are backwards 7:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer 7:26 | (Subscriber) Valpetine: Why rn 7:27 | (Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: Noice 7:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gamer_tako: Cheer10 7:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Robjordanlives: @fnork_ Thanks for the gift sub! 7:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Why so early? 7:28 | gabrielizme: next lvl 10 train 7:29 | dragonboy12playz: Bruh 7:30 | RedWolf8610: How many times a day do you get catcalled. Oh wait you don’t go outside 7:30 | maricathefrog: HSWP 7:30 | (Prime Gaming) dravenraziel: dravenraziel subscribed with Prime. 7:30 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dravenraziel subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dravenraziel f1nnLezgang 7:31 | smol_miata: cottontailTOS cottontailTOS cottontailTOS 7:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Mhmm wholesome 7:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome? 7:32 | razor11302: Haven’t been here for a bit what happened 7:34 | jona98m: last day of wholesome streamer 7:36 | certified_boylover: TALK ABT IT 7:36 | Emmy64_: Some hole Kappa 7:37 | pineapple_juice457: Hi F1NN 7:38 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: wait whats the other side? 7:38 | notBiWeirdo: uwu 7:38 | trol_dhia: Squid1 Squid1 PogChamp Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 7:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed 7:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed 7:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: The pass comes out tomorrow 7:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed 7:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed 7:41 | viryl_lucas: Hmmm battlepass 7:45 | daniela_5410: Mau5 Mau5 7:45 | psychedoutbanana: yo sup ma'am 7:46 | 923eze: OK BATTLEPASS 7:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: I watched that new Philosophy Tube video. I loved your cameo appearance. That was very cool. 7:47 | ash_is_nothere: HIIIIIIIII 7:48 | KingofKupaKeep: What’s at tier 100? 7:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 7:49 | aLittleCalamarian: AYO 7:50 | alistor223: Big UWU 7:51 | basil_brick: LOVE THE FIT BRO 7:51 | 98QueeN76: That's a guy wow 7:51 | yumiii_zumi: absolutely wholesome 7:51 | erobeast: Hi 7:52 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: HUH 7:52 | humanratpoison: whats the tier 100 skin? 7:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: So manly 7:53 | (Prime Gaming) zookerooni: yoyoyo 7:53 | pandaa_33: pandaa_33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! 11 months wow 7:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pandaa_33 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU 7:54 | neo_lyx: Pegging season 7:54 | tsovloj: Is the TOS thing based on the idea that it's a competing website? What's the thinking behind that rule? Or is an obscenity thing? 7:54 | (Prime Gaming) Nik0Q: hi mommyyyy 7:55 | ice_w1ng: Gamer girls on a now level 7:55 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: NOOOOOOO BP SUCKS 7:55 | jona98m: what new character? 7:56 | lazerlarry_98: haven't watched inna while missed u 7:59 | MajesticFvckingEagle: New character????? 8:01 | (Prime Gaming) canadaman3000: @F1NN5TER OF TMMR RIGHT? 8:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: FEMBOYCOTT BATTLEPASS!!! 8:03 | skyro3o: CHARACTER NO WAY 8:05 | nursejoris: A birthday stream just for me?? You shouldn't have 8:05 | arzi77perra: your super pretty for a manly Egirl. 8:06 | hetania: Cottontail confirmed for season 2 8:08 | nemo34emo: I found my secret crush 8:08 | 923eze: :0 New characters 8:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: huh interesting 8:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) notBiWeirdo: is among us sussy banned 8:10 | mattchew13571357: collab confirmed 8:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: I'm waiting on the cool skins coming 8:10 | godzile34: TakeNRG 8:10 | KnapperigeKapitein: Is soda gonna be a character? 8:11 | irish_spud135: Poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooppoppo 8:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Battlepass!!! 8:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Only sub-subs get discounts, must prove your sub-worthiness 8:12 | trol_dhia: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 PogChamp Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 8:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: New character? Season 2 with Cottontail confirmed? 8:13 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: "A new character" 8:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: how much is battlepass 8:15 | (Prime Gaming) zookerooni: peenis man 8:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: close to lvl 10 hype train 8:16 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: "this is where the fun begins" 8:16 | jase114986: Battle pass number one victory royale ya fort nite we bout to get down 8:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s way to much work 8:18 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: wait so whats the other side? 8:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You don't wanna go through that process? 8:21 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: Do all Tier3 subs f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 8:22 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: <3 8:23 | arzi77perra: i love you. 8:25 | irish_spud135: Pooman vs penisman 8:26 | L0LU5: @F1NN5TER is washing mashine going in the background ? smth is making a noise 8:27 | braddle172: ... 8:30 | mattchew13571357: will we get access to in game skins? 8:31 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: PogU 8:31 | succulentboipavel: Are you drinking tonights stream? 8:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: which timezone ? 8:32 | offensive_gamer69: finn da maaaaan 8:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Ayyyy, ty! 8:32 | Alkno_93: ok 8:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Scam 8:34 | basil_brick: love the chair 8:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Works 8:35 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 8:36 | Kolateak_: What timezone tho 8:36 | jt2_3: god 8:37 | kattsuko_: WHAT FID I MISS WHAT RELEASES AT 8;03?! 8:38 | cheesusyourlord: Write that down write that down 8:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: GMT? 8:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Roger 8:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: yay 8:39 | (cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: pseudonautilus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! OnlyF1nns hype 8:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pseudonautilus subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 8:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Why 8:03? 8:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: "I should have given the money to the dogs." That was too funny. 8:40 | (Subscriber) VintageCenti: Booo 8:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gamer_tako: Cheer15 8:41 | (Prime Gaming) skyfinTACO: skyfinTACO subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 8:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: skyfintaco subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 8:42 | humanratpoison: why :03? 8:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) mart_hus: 18:03 UTC? 8:43 | (Prime Gaming) zookerooni: p 8:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: W 8:44 | (Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Good 8:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: <3 8:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) notBiWeirdo: damn on my brother's birthday too 8:45 | beyondthegrave1997: Bro your nails are so fuckin pretty <3 8:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: I still don't know why :03 8:47 | braddle172: f1nnChair 8:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: keep donoinos lvl 10 we on day way 8:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Why 8:03 8:49 | HoteLover: Hello hello 8:50 | (Prime Gaming) fluttershyjac13: I love ur Shirt and it’s 11am here in LA 8:51 | arzi77perra: hi please love me. 8:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) SynthWolfes: SynthWolfes subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Best wholesome streamer battlepass 8:52 | dragonboy12playz: No 8:52 | (Prime Gaming) plixo2002: plixo2002 subscribed with Prime. 8:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: synthwolfes subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 8:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: plixo2002 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang plixo2002 f1nnLezgang 8:53 | Lorelai_Di_Angelo: I hear it too! 8:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: sword is out of focus, total f1nnSCAM 8:56 | pern_the_cat: No there is noise 8:56 | (Subscriber) thomas_law0: New skins and emotes every week on battle pass? 8:56 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: No its a faint background noise i hear it to 8:57 | Femboy_Eevee: How big does this hype train usually get? 8:57 | w34rdw1n3: First live saw you from YT 8:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: @Kolateak_ UK time so in 24 hr 9:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Definitely you I can hear it too 9:02 | gernadesquirrel: hello all 9:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Greenwhich Mean Time ? 9:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: oh shit i thought this was a regular 30 day month 9:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: 8:03 GMT 9:03 | braddle172: nanona1Flushed 9:04 | arzi77perra: JK 9:04 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: AYO 9:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hidalgowhatt: hidalgowhatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 months anniversary. Just in time for a new subscription to a new site 9:04 | Kolateak_: PANTS???? 9:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: hidalgowhatt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 9:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: Chat it’s wild today lol 9:05 | barbie_secretstanner: finnnnnn 9:05 | KingofKupaKeep: Pm tonna have me die in anticipation 9:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tslenelove: Why 8:03 pm 9:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Sir! 9:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: 20:03 @F1NN5TER 9:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) mart_hus: sorry 20:03 UTC 9:06 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Dammmmmmm 9:07 | cognogs_420: I don’t hear it 9:09 | HoteLover: Bring Me my Femboy GivePLZ GivePLZ 9:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO 9:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Miza shirt, nice 9:11 | andreanicolealigato2: why 7:09pm 9:12 | shadowwolf454: I want that shirt lol 9:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: sounds good. nothing bad 9:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: black 9:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Is it GMT or BST? 9:15 | (Prime Gaming) mitchmaster24: HOLUP 9:15 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: THIGHS 9:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) notBiWeirdo: LMAO 9:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: AWOOGA 9:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Oh so wholesome KEKW 9:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) chromeoreo: chromeoreo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! I really hope this doesn't awaken anything in me 9:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: chromeoreo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 9:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Omg 9:17 | catastrophesoph: not finnie wearingggg mizzaaa 9:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) Pseudo_Dude: BY GOD 9:18 | barbie_secretstanner: not normal 9:18 | pern_the_cat: And it very much does sound like a washing machine 9:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Legs 9:21 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 9:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: !caps @923eze 9:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 9:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: what time is it for you 9:22 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: DAYUM 9:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) mart_hus: pants 9:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmmmm 9:23 | dragonboy12playz: Everyone is hearing the noise 9:23 | skyro3o: Cute 9:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 9:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: nice 9:25 | 923eze: I DIDNT REALIZE da battle pss 9:25 | HoteLover: The Dark side calls me MVGame MVGame MVGame 9:26 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: thank the lord 9:26 | Radia_THOR: radiat27Flower 9:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: pog 9:27 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Thigh for free 9:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: why not 8:08 so that it could be bob time 9:28 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 9:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: What is normal to you? 9:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: femboy32Nerd 9:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT will be the launch of the Battlepass. Currently set to $20/mo. 9:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: come on 9:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: lets go 9:31 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: pog 9:32 | Gonk1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 9:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: Thighs!! 9:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Ninjasnbiscuitss: @chasingsol tysm for the gifted f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad 9:32 | michael91u: < message deleted> 9:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: I’m not risking my points this time 9:33 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: juicy! 9:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) eddiedrury123456: how many battles Byers u got now tho? 9:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Female presenting thighs ban 9:34 | knecht_besitzer: My Grandma just asked if you only do it for followers 9:34 | dyslexic_: I'm so proud 9:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: How do you have a more fem bod and clothing then i do lmao 9:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: 1% 9:35 | tomerb4u: hi mom 9:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: bimbo mode 9:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 9:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: BegWan 9:38 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Leggy 9:41 | (cheer 100) aquasurf_29: KEKW 9:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Washed? 9:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: F1NN5TER and Abigail need to do more collabs in the future. That was really cool. 9:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yes, yes fuck you 9:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: 803 9:43 | kattsuko_: What did I miss what is happening at 8:03?! 9:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: 1% comeon 9:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Giant shirt is best fit 9:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HextecNeko: you could have a discord bot generate the code and send it via dms 9:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: THIGHS!! 9:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Tells Chasiu he washed the ASS PILLOW. Using blanket in the interim. 9:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER play that reddit clip i send you 9:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: 3:03 ET/12:03 PT in the USA 9:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Something about battlepass 9:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Unius_: 20€ battlepass monkaS 9:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hanahakihaki: looking adorable rose ! 9:55 | harokaa: Kappa 9:55 | skyro3o: Still lying 9:56 | princesskassxoxo: f1nnHeadpat 9:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel! 9:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: purfectpious has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 9:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious gifted a Tier 1 sub to B1gBuddhah! 9:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious gifted a Tier 1 sub to jackallicious! 9:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious gifted a Tier 1 sub to JonnyRocket! 9:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious gifted a Tier 1 sub to DystopianNinja! 9:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: purfectpious gifted a Tier 1 sub to PhiIsLegit! 9:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: come on 9:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: you were talking about waching the thingy 9:59 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Can't wait for 8:03, them spicy chair pics gonna be 10:00 | Lime_Flavored_Orange: Hello! 10:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: YESSSSSS 10:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: the pecks 10:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) thebandakidbob: why 8:03? 10:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: *washing 10:04 | 923eze: :0 10:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Battlepass 10:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: LEVEL 10 10:07 | 923eze: Battle pass 10:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: misa shirt hits different dw babe :D 10:10 | offensive_gamer69: manliest man out there 10:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) B1gBuddhah: @purfectpious Danke für das Geschenkabo! 10:11 | KingofKupaKeep: What at tier 100? 10:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) b_e_e_a_n_d_b_o_o: i didn’t know which one to pick so I picked more than 2 hours ;-; 10:11 | dannog_8: Probably needed washing after the shoot *wink* 10:12 | jeet696969: I'm feeling very sad bcz i can't stay for too long here I have most crucial exam of my life tomorrow 10:12 | 923eze: Yes 10:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Kbubie: Smol booba 10:13 | ar1st1pp0s: the bob is implied 10:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) R1ley117: Hey femboy32Heyo 10:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Looking mighty fine today 10:17 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Va1kyrie: thats such an awesome deathnote shirt 10:17 | A_Finley94x: I can tell hes nervous about Battlepass 10:18 | dragonboy12playz: There is probably a washing machine in the background 10:18 | smol_miata: 803 LETS GOOO 10:19 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: The one fucking time he's punctual 10:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: HypePopcorn 10:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: goddamnit shivvvvvers 10:21 | (Listening only) chainedchish: get bigger 10:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Rules? 10:22 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: serya_winters subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 26 months! Wow, 26 months here. Nice to see today. Its currently a blizzard outside 10:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: serya_winters subscribed to f1nn5ter for 26 months at Tier 3! PogU 10:24 | MaxIsPurelyOrganic: MaxIsPurelyOrganic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! 24 months wow 2 years 10:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: maxispurelyorganic subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU 10:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 10:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT will be the launch of the Battlepass. Currently set to $20/mo. 10:26 | daniela_5410: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog 10:29 | ethanjarom57: 8:03 London time? 10:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) ChasingSol: 8:03pm 10:34 | (Prime Gaming) frosty0013: frosty0013 subscribed with Prime. 10:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: frosty0013 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang frosty0013 f1nnLezgang 10:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: can we get lvl 11 10:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yes 10:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: yee 10:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: yes 10:43 | jt2_3: j 10:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: Yes 10:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes 10:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 10:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s a odd time tbh 10:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: So hype for the battle pass vanity2Wiggly vanity2Wiggly vanity2Wiggly 10:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yesss 10:48 | braddle172: Yes 10:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: Always choker 10:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: F1nn reminds me of a girl I met in college. 10:51 | andreanicolealigato2: Yes sir 10:51 | daniela_5410: HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon 10:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yea 10:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Here we go boys 10:52 | (Prime Gaming) wellan7564: wellan7564 subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 year damn 10:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: wellan7564 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 3! PogU 10:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: yes 10:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: ADHD going hard today 10:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: ?me yes chat UK time so in 24 hours from now 10:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 10:55 | ar1st1pp0s: squirrel brain strikes again 10:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Femboy_Eevee: So make up? 10:57 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: ... 10:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I'm not falling for that prediction again, he'll just read it and make sure doubters lose. It'll take him 1 min less than the prediction 10:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: that's badass and manly as hell boyo 10:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Very kewl 10:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: yes chat UK time so in 24 hours from now 10:59 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: 8.03 11:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: 8:30pm gmt march 1st 11:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: liking the choker 11:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: timabar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! 7 months. wow. cant wait for the future! 11:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: timabar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU 11:02 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: bimbo 11:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) blackghost32: Wazzzaaaaaaaap 11:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: 1 more 11:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: how you think i uploaded your Tweet yesterday to Reddit in 10 seconds, i was ready... 11:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 11:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 19:11 11:06 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 11:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: v cute 11:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: Superstitions! 11:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: cutie pattootie 11:08 | (Prime Gaming) indignom: what is your opinion on ted bundy the Unabomber 11:08 | kquartzlive: one day until of 11:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: rz 11:09 | (Prime Gaming) mitchmaster24: Its a cool manly man thing 11:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: lit brutherrr 11:10 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: I used to have one when I was in school lol are they back? 11:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Pog 11:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Choke daddy XD 11:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: FEMBOYCOTT BATTLEPASS!!! 11:14 | dragonboy12playz: We hear something in the background 11:16 | powderedwater67: thats cute, i meanCOOL, lol\ 11:16 | OddlyMoistSock_: OF tomorrow pog 11:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, cheer 10000) chuchra32: Cheer1000 11:22 | ethanjarom57: What time is that in Chicago time haha 11:23 | irish_spud135: cock porner 11:25 | RoseVanagon: hiii, how was abby? 11:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: Bro stop being so cute lol 11:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: lvl 11. hype train wow geez 11:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: :pog: 11:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: All of the US right now? 11:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) DeathUserJay99: 2020MaskUp 11:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: yeah have a blizzard here also in canada 11:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: MAX HYPE TRAIN 11:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Its march tomorrow VoHiYo Kappa 11:44 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: f1nnCowjam 11:45 | dragonboy12playz: Stop subbing for now 11:46 | sire_rue: 8:03=Ao3? 11:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) LadyEnchanting: TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG 11:47 | (Prime Gaming) Dirty_Chai21: hiiiiii 11:49 | irish_spud135: PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones PogBones 11:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: BIgger train 11:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: @kattsuko_ Check his twitter 11:59 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: lifebound subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! battle pass live when? 11:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lifebound subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU 12:01 | 23devilchild23: March 1st in NZ today 12:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnHeart 12:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: KEKW 12:04 | (Prime Gaming) LooTheToilet: Cheer100 a friend recommended your channel to me... wasn't entirely sure why, but now I know... cheer100 12:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Sane people are boring 12:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Choo choo 12:09 | DevilsLemon: What's up fellow lemons 12:10 | jt2_3: all going mad 12:11 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jemode_: jemode_ subscribed with Prime. 12:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: jemode_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang jemode_ f1nnLezgang 12:12 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about superstitious behavior among social media people. 12:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: true chatters are the only normal ones 12:14 | NicNoir: Have you ever thought about playing other games instead of minecraft 12:21 | (Prime Gaming) MYONLYWISH4U: Fit check ? 12:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: What? 12:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: lets get level 48 hype train that will be WR 12:29 | dragonboy12playz: The chat is slow on the live stream 12:29 | (Prime Gaming) xXlostmydiamondsXx: @F1NN5TER I got cheated on but can't stop thinking about my ex. any advice on how to move on? 12:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Top 2% KEKW 12:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: <3 <3 12:32 | babybubbles773: Its 8.13 am here in NZ 12:32 | arzi77perra: am so jelous of you 12:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Conspiracy Finn pointing at picture board 12:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Femboy_Eevee: PicoMause CoolStoryBob copyThis SSSsss PJSalt OneHand panicBasket Mau5 12:34 | gernadesquirrel: wow level 10!!!! 12:35 | zpfran: look at that strong hairline 12:36 | (Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter good evening Gremlin no notice from twitch your streaming again 12:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Gibs theory behind his 803 thingy 12:38 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel! 12:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: omgitsashley98 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 12:39 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ladyviking2019! 12:39 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to autumnslight! 12:39 | babybubbles773: March first 12:39 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to planetlavender! 12:39 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to branchie! 12:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: careful... 12:39 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to helgme183! 12:41 | centrefat: hi finn bruv 12:43 | (Prime Gaming) frozengoon: frozengoon subscribed with Prime. 12:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 229 so far 12:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: frozengoon subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang frozengoon f1nnLezgang 12:44 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: top 1% already for sure 12:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: I put 3370 bits on this bet lol 12:46 | xXNeroZashiXx: nice 12:50 | crazycosplayergamer: Hey I love ur vids 12:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Bitz 12:52 | josecortesnival: Its 3 pm where i am 12:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 229right 12:54 | braddle172: 1% 12:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: That's a cool death note shirt 12:54 | daniela_5410: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog 12:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: I love numbers, so glad we get more dimensions to fembot finances now 12:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) adamantium228: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 12:57 | daniela_5410: HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon 12:59 | 923eze: Very nice 12:59 | (Prime Gaming) Engelhardt18: Smash 13:01 | Karkeyss: This is the manliest man I ever did see 13:01 | j0nny_1155: So how’s everyone keeping 13:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) audreysdance: PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk 13:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: We member 13:09 | gooseman489: Finn r u putting this on yt 13:10 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jemode_: hey finn and chat! 13:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: Apparently Finn has a remote shot with Amouranth. She kinda likes him. 13:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 13:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) branchie: @OMGitsAshley98 OMG TYSM <3 13:16 | gernadesquirrel: me too 13:16 | daniela_5410: PinkMercy PinkMercy PinkMercy 13:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Hey Finn f1nnHeart 13:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: am I dumb how do I win a gifted sub? I've been wondering for so long 13:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Guarantee you get to the top 13:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Im not signing up to battlepass until it launches 13:19 | daniela_5410: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun 13:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) King_Bowser132: King_Bowser132 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 13:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: king_bowser132 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 13:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 13:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) audreysdance: minnmaMaxrespects 13:28 | (Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter it’s my birthday so can you please wish me a happy birthday 13:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: The top 1% 13:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: And with Zero posts…bruh 13:30 | daniela_5410: BlargNaut BlargNaut BlargNaut 13:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Twenty sith 13:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bennyinabottle: bennyinabottle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 13:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bennyinabottle subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 13:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL LUL 13:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: how many people have subscribed on battlepass ? 13:33 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !bobs 13:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! They're usually a 34C but he has VelmaBobs/Mommy Milkers. The cleavage effect is a Misses Kisses bra. See also !roanyer and !bra 13:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: @Roxy_Gaming18, Heyo Roxy 13:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: TOP WHAT 13:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: deanw52 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Egg cracks at 803 every day 13:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: deanw52 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU 13:41 | fake_chris1787: i never watched your streams and now you are in my recomended 13:44 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @Jens_LN He's saying, but he's edging us. 13:45 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: im calling atleast 1% 13:45 | dr_wetsocks: Me searching 803 in numerology 13:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reviews his standing on Battlepass. 3090 13:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That Twitter post was wild 13:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: omg 13:48 | razor11302: You should dye your hair 13:48 | nursejoris: @antonyjohncarter it's my birthday too!!! Happy birthday! 13:48 | Kolateak_: AYO? 13:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: omg 13:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 13:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 13:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: POGGERS 13:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @dumplumbnhavinfun you don't, gift subs are random 13:50 | braddle172: KomodoHype 13:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: yooo 13:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL 13:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: EZ 13:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: already?! 13:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 13:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: nice 13:52 | (GLHF Pledge) NotDanielSmith: OMEGALUL 13:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 13:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Pog 13:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: KEKW 13:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Clap 13:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: based twtr post 13:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: pog 13:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: PogU top 1% 13:54 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: EZ 13:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: WITH NO PICS 13:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: POG 13:55 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Battlepass numbers go brrrr 13:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopeityy: OMG 13:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 13:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) A_Wandering_Vagabond: KEKW 13:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Cool 13:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 13:57 | SladeWson: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 13:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: OF COURSE!!! 13:57 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 13:57 | AedricRen: pogggggg 13:57 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Called it POGGERS 13:58 | JoeMamasTV: LETSGO 13:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: NOICE, congrats!!!! 13:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE 13:58 | (GlitchCon 2020) yIsaac: Clap 13:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao 13:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 13:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: YEAH BROTHER 13:58 | jt2_3: Clap 13:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: EZ Clap 13:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: @johnbanks117 hey Banks f1nnHeart gonna be lurking today 13:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: f1nnGremlin f1nnHeart 13:59 | daniela_5410: TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo 13:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: LUL 14:00 | cheesusyourlord: KEKW 14:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: KEKW 14:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: With no post 14:00 | barbie_secretstanner: clap 14:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Congrats 14:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: KEKW 14:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Pog 14:01 | j0nny_1155: Dammmm 14:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Lets goooooooo 14:01 | (Prime Gaming) lucasfdesa28: POG 14:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Femboy_Eevee: PogChamp 14:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: wow 14:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 14:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) TheGermanJordan: OMEGALUL 14:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) chromeoreo: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 14:02 | (Prime Gaming) cookiestatue: EZ Clap 14:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 14:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: @johnbanks117 neatmcHI neatmcHI neatmcHI 14:03 | (Subscriber) ghost_bunyy: KEKW 14:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Mannymba: Mannymba subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Top 1% baby 14:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mannymba subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 14:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: Top 1% without content POGGERS 14:03 | LosNaito: EZ 14:03 | beyondthegrave1997: Lezzzz goooo 14:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: KEKW 14:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: 99% are inactive :D 14:04 | BananaHeadLive: WHAT 14:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: EZ Clap 14:04 | braddle172: EZ 14:04 | hoboj234: W 14:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: KEKW 14:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: hey that's pretty good 14:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Just already made it 14:06 | Cr1mps: KEKW 14:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Clap 14:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: KEKW 14:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) indignom: holy fuck 14:07 | sasha_bucket: pog 14:08 | tommy_1110: ph1lBIGPOG ph1lBIGPOG ph1lBIGPOG ph1lBIGPOG 14:08 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Yoooooo 14:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) TheGermanJordan: KEKW 14:08 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Go Finn 14:08 | (Prime Gaming) dragonzed76: Pog lol 14:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE 14:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) inst4nt_: Pog 14:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: congrats 14:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You KNOW he's going top 0.1 the MOMENT it releases 14:09 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: With zero freaking posts, ftw!!!! 14:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Lets get him in the 0.1% !!!!!! 14:09 | 1_d0nt_stream: W 14:09 | zpfran: Jebaited 14:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: Hehehe 14:10 | (Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Oh my god 14:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: @strawberrycheescake25, Heya 14:10 | Xylomn: down with the 1% LUL 14:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Pog 14:11 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @f1nn5ter did you see part 2 of the Mizkif / Peachjars talk about you that I posted in Council Chat? 14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 14:11 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @f1nn5ter did you see part 2 of the Mizkif / Peachjars talk about you that I posted in Council Chat? 14:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: That's my streamer!!!! 14:11 | LazyAva2004: Poggers 14:11 | silverfox2274: Wooot !!! 14:12 | trolface1997: PogChamp 14:12 | violet_pirate1: Nice 14:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: my god 14:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: OMEGALUL 14:13 | dragonboy12playz: It’s almost spring finally!!!! 14:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Richest of the rich. 14:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: One percenter 14:13 | gooseman489: Finn 14:14 | mrpyrostick: SeemsGood SeemsGood 14:15 | andreanicolealigato2: OH MY 14:15 | (Prime Gaming) DismalShark: that's more sad than anything, for all the other creators. 14:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: OBVIOUSLY!! 14:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Top 1% screen-shot. 3210 14:16 | GoHomeBasil: Pog 14:16 | j0nny_1155: Ffs 14:17 | seems_less: THE 1% 14:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) frozengoon: Gg ez 14:17 | HPNyarlathotep: zilch 14:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: wooopp 14:18 | arzi77perra: are you a Drag Queen? 14:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 14:18 | humanratpoison: fml ppl pre ordering the game before any reviews are out 14:21 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: show stream 14:21 | gernadesquirrel: on hold what a hassle lol 14:21 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: 1% with empty storage POGU 14:21 | shadowtux: Nice 14:22 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: Scam? 14:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 14:22 | KingofKupaKeep: SUBprise 14:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER play that reddit clip i send you 14:23 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: show stream 14:23 | Meow_Mate: top 1% for a battle pass that hasn't launched yet, the ultimate preorder sale number 14:23 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: finn wins by doing absolutely nothing 14:24 | 1_d0nt_stream: He aint even upload anything yet 14:24 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: show stream 14:25 | Hippo_Potoo_Moose: #OCCUPYF1NN5TER 14:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: f1nnGremlin 14:26 | hoboj234: shizzEyeL shizzMouth shizzEyeR 14:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: @solus_kun hey Solus f1nnHeart 14:27 | razor11302: Or have some highlights in it 14:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Wild asl 14:28 | j0nny_1155: I mean I raise a glass to ya 14:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnHeadpat 14:28 | (Subscriber) LostTheTriforce: The world's most handsome man 14:30 | skyro3o: I feel like everybody says they’re the top 1 percent tho like I hear that everywhere??? LUL LUL 14:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: f1nn5tuh 14:32 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: You're going to end up on the Philip DeFranco Show for that lmao 14:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) shabingus: dudes out there preordering the battle pass KEKW 14:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) littllesswiss: YOURE IN THE 1% 14:34 | jokinglime1134: hi love your content and hope you have a great day 14:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) qu1nnro5e: Unearned status 14:35 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @Roxy_Gaming18 Haiio 14:35 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: PopCorn 14:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER so how much is that in numbers ? 14:36 | (Prime Gaming) HenyoJo: lets get him to top 0% chat 14:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: why are you calling of the battlepass 14:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnPegChamp 14:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: kaicSHOOK kaicSHOOK kaicSHOOK kaicSHOOK 14:38 | ThanatosLives: Real important question: How much is battle pass? 14:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) valcinoid: You should just not put anything on it ever 14:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Yooooo 14:42 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Is your Minecraft channel gonna be alright? 14:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) zesta02: lets go over bros 14:44 | Chrislerr_: Yoooo 14:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) mart_hus: I'll go back to watching Breaking Bad. 14:44 | ivee102: I threw up 14:44 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: smh this is what TB warned us about LUL 14:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) theking_cool: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 14:47 | Karkeyss: Sleepy 14:48 | bone_daddy420: Woah 14:51 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: BattlePass is $20 14:54 | braddle172: nanona1Flushed 14:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Cute 14:55 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: hot 14:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnBingbong 14:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Lewd 14:56 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @Stovamor : He'll need to censor "BattlePass" in that video to show it on stream, won't he? 14:56 | (Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @nursejoris Happy Birthday 14:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: 14:58 | (Prime Gaming) taylawithan_a: What is the battle pass? I’m confused 14:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Yes 14:59 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @Glokkpod, twitch doesnt like us talking about the normal word 15:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: it's spicy 15:00 | AedricRen: AWOOGA 15:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 15:01 | eddyroede: My God 15:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: nice eyes 15:02 | (cheer 10000) Duuhdaah: Duuhdaah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! I see we're still horny 15:02 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: A bit risque 15:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: duuhdaah subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU 15:03 | dragonboy12playz: It’s almost march!!!! 15:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: @F1NN5TER that's the noise i made too 15:03 | Morksol4: fml 15:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: lets go!!! peg champs 2023! 15:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: A little slooty 15:05 | zexlcashout4: UM WHAT 15:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Ban incoming. lol 15:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) bitoshima: JAYSUS 15:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenorseawakened23: 2 months of subbing (To F1NN, been a sub on the reg since middle school lol) 15:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2CaughtIn4k chumba2Sip chumba2CaughtIn4k 15:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: that was wild 15:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) smol_miata: cottontailBinoculous cottontailBinoculous cottontailBinoculous 15:07 | (cheer 1) SubliminalCorruption: so smol 15:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) Pseudo_Dude: GAHDAMN 15:08 | braddle172: itspea13Awooga 15:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: It's a good one 15:08 | j0nny_1155: Yeah it’s a little u know 15:08 | beyondthegrave1997: EEKEKEKKEKEKEKEK 15:08 | (Watching without audio) wack0x: ooga booga 15:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: I like it 15:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) shabingus: girl 15:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Uhuhh 15:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Bulgy-wulgy 15:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) cakeisamadeupdrug: i would 15:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: "little" something 15:11 | (Prime Gaming) Norish_: Stare 15:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: I had to get up and walk around when I saw thoat, deer lorde 15:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Very slooty 15:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Whorish some might say 15:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps 15:14 | skyro3o: Remove the heart please 15:14 | (Prime Gaming) M_Cokes: hasO hasO hasO hasO hasO hasO 15:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: neat 15:14 | jt2_3: Ahooga 15:15 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: just a bit AOOGA 15:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: So r u shooting 4 #1? 15:16 | arzi77perra: love your nails. 15:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ThatOneVal: Mommy ? sorry ... 15:18 | mrherobrine_15yt: yoooo 15:19 | beyondthegrave1997: *Goblin noises* 15:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Slooty 15:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: the photoshop is kinda odd bit you look ute 15:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Oversized heart? 15:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: pretty not bad some would say 15:21 | tommy_1110: ph1lAmazeShake ph1lAmazeShake 15:21 | Tenshin31: 15:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: thats my phone background 15:21 | (Prime Gaming) StrakkEDITS: me like 15:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A little something eh 15:21 | (cheer 1000) OhmNomNom: Battle Pass peepoSimp Battle Pass peepoSimp Battle Pass peepoSimp 15:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Hottie 15:23 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: oh god 15:23 | eddyroede: Lil sumthin sumthin 15:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) elzora84: seriously more fem than me lmao 15:24 | x_nat10n: Did I see kiss competition in a tab 15:24 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: 15:25 | (Subscriber) LostTheTriforce: People already getting their messages deleted 15:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @ZEEroable The noise I made was my wallet flapping open and money falling out 15:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa 15:27 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: i am not prepared for this 15:28 | (Turbo) Falqun: sinjaa1Mommy sinjaa1Mommy sinjaa1Mommy 15:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: omfg 15:28 | ABuck42: That hearts too big 15:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Show his tweet of the Couch Kitten. 3380 15:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: LUL 15:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 15:31 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: OMEGALUL 15:32 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You’re in the top 5 people, aren’t you? 15:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: damn 15:32 | (Verified) tytykiller: peepoSimp 15:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: What was your left hand doing btw? Kappa 15:33 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Geezzzz 15:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: karele2Heart karele2Heart karele2Heart karele2Heart karele2Heart karele2Heart 15:33 | (Turbo) buggex: D: 15:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: Little Surprise there 15:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) helppp__: lol 15:34 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: holy 15:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Manly 15:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Haaaaaaaaa!!!!! omg 15:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: LMAO 15:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: almost 12 15:36 | barbie_secretstanner: lets gooooooo 15:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 15:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: LUL 15:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnHeart 15:38 | (Prime Gaming) Norish_: KEKW 15:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain 15:38 | j0nny_1155: Someone asked on Reddit if they had the uncensored version 15:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 15:40 | (Subscriber) ghost_bunyy: "i didnt care anymore" 15:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Coincidence? 15:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Lel 15:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: PP op 15:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: 30 seconds 15:42 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Trying for top 0.69% ? 15:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) zesta02: ah yes the slippery slope to going full internet sloot 15:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: @ZEEroable LUL 15:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 15:46 | (Prime Gaming) BirchfieldEffect: 1 day 15:48 | nursejoris: Cotton was so right, you're gonna make bank 15:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: EZ 15:49 | (Prime Gaming) HenyoJo: very nice photo. much gender goals 15:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 15:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Horni 15:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE ramena4LOVE 15:50 | barbie_secretstanner: making moneys 15:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) headcrab91602: LMAOOOO 15:52 | dragonboy12playz: Remember be the simps 15:52 | gernadesquirrel: need a better setup dagnabit lol 15:54 | eddyroede: 0.89% 15:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 15:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: So 0.5& @F1NN5TER KEKW 15:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 15:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: Finn finna get this bag karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain karele2Makeitrain 15:57 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Kekw 15:59 | cheesusyourlord: You might actually break the internet 15:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: NO don't lose it 16:00 | centrefat: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 16:00 | TazSenpai: nice 16:03 | (GLHF Pledge) moonytwt: hi finn 16:05 | 1_d0nt_stream: If only i had a steady income :| 16:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( 16:08 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: you might be just 1% even if you quadruple now squchaShrug 16:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You know you're gonna blaze through .69% right? 16:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Cheer100 The Real question is in the uncensored photo... is the PP out? 16:11 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You now have enough to buy a castle worthy of a Princess 16:11 | matthew2214: Hi 16:11 | Morksol4: 1% on OF? 16:12 | LOtiumduPeuple: You're streaming normal EU hours ? wtf Battlepass in 24 hours lezgo 16:13 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jemode_: Choo Chooo HypeCheer 16:13 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: you'll be top 0.1% in due time 16:14 | KyleSmith11: @Cazenn thats not how math works 16:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: Its a logarithmic scale @F1NN5TER 16:15 | Meow_Mate: 0.69%, love the idea 16:16 | ReyoneDragonGamer: So pretty 16:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) gamercat491: gamercat491 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Half a year......why? 16:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: gamercat491 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU 16:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: How many battle pass subs? 16:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: @F1NN5TER exceeded expectations yet? 16:18 | daniela_5410: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun 16:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Breaking the internet finn battle pass 16:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) busychris10: Hello hello f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 16:21 | centrefat: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar 16:21 | Karkeyss: It will only change again, I’m pretty sure if you are 0.01% 16:22 | aerrobar: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 16:23 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: that tweet has over 2 million views now @f1nn5ter 16:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) gabrielizme: gotta poop 16:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: 0.69% is a very nice number 16:24 | (Verified) tytykiller: EZ 1% 16:25 | (GLHF Pledge) moonytwt: hi rose 16:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Top g 16:25 | mahronica218: How you gunna keep it up? How long does one stay in that spot? 16:25 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: that tweet has over 2 million views now @f1nn5ter 16:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: We knew this would happen how could you not lol 16:26 | (Prime Gaming) taylawithan_a: OH! Is this on the spicy link website? 16:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: bits badge tier notification 16:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO 16:30 | daniela_5410: TehePelo TehePelo 16:31 | x_nat10n: @f1nn5ter Did I see kiss competition in a tab 16:32 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: omg its tomorrow 16:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) TheGermanJordan: v1nkubHYPE2 v1nkubHYPE2 v1nkubHYPE2 v1nkubHYPE2 16:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) HenyoJo: top 0.8%?! 16:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: karele2Noted karele2Noted karele2Noted karele2Noted karele2Noted 16:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) BBcool53: You need to hit .42069 16:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Watching without audio) steveofdiamon: I feel bad for the mods right now !modcheck 16:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan 16:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 16:44 | eddyroede: Kreygasm 16:45 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @steveofdiamon, thank you 16:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: PogU 16:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), cheer 100) LooTheToilet: Cheer100 question as this is my first stream... but ah what is this battle pass you speak of? Cheer100 16:46 | braddle172: Pog 16:50 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: 1% dude, 99% princess 16:51 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Bad F1nn! 16:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: You wont hit top 0.69% it will be 0.68 just to annoy you 16:54 | arzi77perra: 16:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: Heyyy there! 16:56 | (Prime Gaming) whitetv___: whitetv___ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 16:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: It has mad views 16:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: whitetv___ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 16:57 | mahado31: omg f1n 16:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: poggerrrrssss 16:58 | kingfamstudio: oh lord 16:58 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: i dont like it 16:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), cheer 100) aquasurf_29: YES 16:59 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i'm giving one hour timeouts :) 16:59 | (Subscriber) sophiaachavez: f1nnSmile3 16:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Dur. 17:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: how many people are on there 17:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes mommy 17:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: 0.69 = 0.7 17:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: shyyNodders 17:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: 17:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: what?! us NOOO 17:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: yeah you think? 17:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: A Bit 17:04 | (Prime Gaming) Norish_: @tytykiller Stare wtf are you doing here fack i got caught Stare KEKW 17:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Yes 17:05 | (cheer 1) MU7FIN: MU7FIN subscribed with Prime. 17:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: We told you so LUL 17:05 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Apart from that one guy on reddit 17:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mu7fin subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mu7fin f1nnLezgang 17:05 | arzi77perra: am new here. 17:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: nah, this is a good Christian chat 17:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: why are you surprised? 17:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Idk, not according to some weirdos, lmao 17:06 | ZYRLXRD: yes 17:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kreygasm 17:07 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: Prretty good 17:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: lyxxaShoota lyxxaShoota lyxxaShoota lyxxaShoota lyxxaShoota lyxxaShoota lyxxaShoota 17:07 | Alkno_93: yes i do babe 17:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 17:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) steahk: no shit lol 17:08 | harokaa: SeemsGood 17:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Yeh 17:08 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: oh u think 17:09 | cheesusyourlord: Not bad 17:09 | eddyroede: Aye, matey 17:09 | AedricRen: yess 17:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Ya T H I N K?!? 17:10 | daniela_5410: Mau5 Mau5 17:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yeah, your chat is HORNY !! 17:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: a little bit 17:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: A lil but maybe 17:12 | (Prime Gaming) GrimpyCoffee: 17:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: For sure 17:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: A bit 17:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: LUL 17:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: lyxxaHype lyxxaHype lyxxaHype lyxxaHype lyxxaHype lyxxaHype 17:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: A lot of h*rny ppl 17:16 | skyro3o: Will the battlepasses new character be a meowriza appearance? 17:16 | (Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem subscribed with Prime. 17:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thecouriersystem subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thecouriersystem f1nnLezgang 17:17 | (Turbo) Falqun: we told u finn 17:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Oh, congrats! 17:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Very cool 17:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Yea 17:18 | (Prime Gaming) M_Cokes: im a big fan 17:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Jesus 17:18 | ar1st1pp0s: its like sex sells or something 17:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: lyxxaAYO lyxxaCHOKED 17:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Streig: A little 17:19 | leechspeech: soon 17:20 | Chubsk1: I need a loan 17:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Pigman9o: Hello 17:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Naah 17:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Yeah it is 17:22 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: I will tolerate this 17:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 17:23 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: I’m intrigued 17:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Tomorrow will be insane 17:24 | braddle172: f1nnMonka 17:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) jagapossible: Woof woof bark snarl 17:25 | (Listening only) UltraMarioX: Hi 17:26 | j0nny_1155: Yeah seems good but I can’t but it though 17:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 17:28 | CharlieForrest: all the cool people are getting pegged. fuxk I'm not cool enough 17:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: LMAFO 17:29 | alpha_chaos3836: Dont like it 17:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: :p 17:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: holy shit 17:30 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: of what?? 17:32 | crocscoped: u gonna show COCKA?? 17:32 | dilatata: literally feminized by chat 17:32 | tsovloj: does it feel like a lot of pressure? 17:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: I can see that 17:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: A little f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 17:33 | ComradeLyho: get ready for the money fountain KEKW 17:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: You will be fine 17:34 | mahronica218: How long does one stay in the top 1% 17:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: There are some detractors... 17:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Holy shit 17:36 | mahado31: are you gonna post dog pics 17:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: You'll be okay 17:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: The amount of thirst that I am seeing is a bit scary 17:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopeityy: gotta support 17:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Scared you will be elevated to heights men have never reached before 17:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: I believe in you 17:42 | ThanatosLives: Does the battle-pass website let you know raw numbers of people who have subbed? 17:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Just a lil 17:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ThatOneVal: Scarry scared ? sleepyGood 17:44 | shadowwolf454: I can’t find the twitter 17:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) irvinjav2: Fun fact my birthday is march 18th 17:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Bigness 17:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Finn is too much of a numbers guy, this is gonna go straight to his head 17:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @CharlieForrest I've heard it's very cathartic 17:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Quite frankly, lil spooky 17:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Your battlepass is going to take off ! 17:49 | Arthree: gonna put all the other battlepass femboys out of business 17:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 17:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: Im@not sure it’ll update past 1%. Like I WANT 0.69%, but if it’s “in the top 1%” then you may already BE 0.69% and they just don’t specify to that degree. But here’s hoping!!! 17:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: bro no way you had to know 17:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Pigman9o: Boops 17:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Scarred 17:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Wow, didn't know there were still that many bot accounts on twitter (lmao jk) 17:55 | eddyroede: What about 69% of discount on of? 17:55 | (Prime Gaming) bruceleeharveyoswald: popping off bro bro 17:56 | Ansive: misa misa 17:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: fame 17:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 17:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Saucy enjoyer ? 17:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows twitter stats of his posts. 3460 17:59 | jt2_3: granny? 17:59 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: other ones 18:00 | LOtiumduPeuple: aren't you the most famous femboy in the world ? 18:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: none 18:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) HenyoJo: what have we done 18:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: lyxxaCrush lyxxaCrush lyxxaCrush lyxxaCrush lyxxaCrush 18:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Spoopy 18:02 | theyeetgoblin: If I set my time ahead can I get it early Cheer100 18:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: So many people wanna see more of you than you thought 18:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: "Little funky guy has entire internet bricked up" 18:03 | iforgotpetrikov: Engagement 18:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: no glasses 18:07 | j0nny_1155: I prefer the othes 18:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) deathbyf1re: smaller 18:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: both good 18:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: other 18:08 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: rashar2LOL rashar2HEART 18:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: smaller 18:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Smaller 18:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) SynthWolfes: I like the boxy ones 18:09 | Hamcheesesan: big glasses 18:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: I like the other ones better 18:09 | Enye666: those are a liiiittle bit too big 18:10 | KingofKupaKeep: Other 18:10 | jona98m: smaller ones 18:11 | arzi77perra: i wont stalk you just yet dont worry. 18:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: OBSESSION? 18:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: Bigger 18:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Smaller 18:11 | (Prime Gaming) AutumnNK: smaller 18:12 | natalie_1984: smaller 18:12 | (Turbo) Bupkus: Merry F1NNMAS EVE <3 18:13 | mahado31: smaller 18:13 | (Prime Gaming) jrwheels: cute 18:13 | j0nny_1155: Smaller 18:13 | HatedHollow: big glasses = big pp 18:13 | ThanatosLives: I'm Sorry, are you Moss? 18:14 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: guys don't be too horny in chat 18:14 | KnapperigeKapitein: So many "straight" guys 18:14 | logano99: Of when 18:14 | princesstrouble3233: smaller 18:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: beware reflection 18:14 | vinccent1: HI F1NN5TER 18:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Looks manly 18:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: all the women on battle pass when they realize a femboy with no posts are more popular than them f1nnMonka 18:15 | briggles1998: I’m back yayyy 18:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: bigger 18:15 | Shmirking: other 18:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Smaller 18:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: rounder ones 18:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) jagapossible: Meow meow hiss snarl bark bark meow woof woof 18:16 | Hamcheesesan: these ones 18:16 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: he has to be the most famous femboy at this point 18:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) Gisak787: this is the year you'll become a millionaire 18:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: smaller 18:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) denden12332: smaller 18:17 | kvstrup: smaller 18:17 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: I like the big ones 18:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: smaller 18:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: no glasses 18:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lovelylovestar: Smaller 18:19 | braddle172: Theses ones 18:19 | becaverse: Smaller 18:20 | PansTheCatboy: Why didn’t you expect this though?? 18:20 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: with the big ones ou look ike that guy from big time rush 18:21 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Please don't quit playing minecraft 18:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Smaller 18:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: smaller 18:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: smaller 18:24 | eddyroede: Smaller 18:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: DOWN HORRENDOUSNESS 18:25 | CharlieForrest: I'm not cool enough to get pegged 18:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: honestly i like the look of your pretty eyes either way :3 18:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: All the people begging you to do a battlepass, and you still got more than you expected LUL 18:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Smaller 18:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: Smaller 18:26 | andreanicolealigato2: Smaller.... :) 18:26 | Karkeyss: Smollllll 18:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: @loothetoilet it refers to only f1nns 18:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: smol 18:28 | mahado31: he cant remember 18:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Smaller 18:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Finn out there with the thirst trap 18:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: Smaller 18:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Did you really stay up all night? 18:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: Smaller but definitely glasses 18:33 | tanamoxv: Gonna be fair, finn makin me act up 18:33 | MikkiDMix: Rip 18:34 | Chrislerr_: Donos 18:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: You idiot 18:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) HenyoJo: smol 18:34 | (GLHF Pledge) Driva96: is 20$ going to be 20? asking for a friend 18:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I don't know how we would measure femboy fame but I would think 18:35 | mahado31: signs of dementia 18:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: bro why 18:35 | (Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: YESTERDAY! 18:35 | (Prime Gaming) GrimpyCoffee: the big glasses are really cute 18:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER i think i saw you awake at 4am KEKW 18:36 | arzi77perra: 18:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Oof 18:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Much Masterbate March gonna be lit 18:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: since oooh 18:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: OMEGALUL 18:37 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 18:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Wth? 18:38 | SilverHelix7: OMFG, I love this stream! never thought being confused is an actual turn on LUL I appreciate you Finn! 18:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ThatOneVal: lmao what 18:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Lol what 18:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: did you sleep since sodas stream? 18:39 | Kolateak_: RIP 18:39 | Enye666: damn those ears are hella crusty, maybe wash em? XD @F1NN5TER 18:40 | (Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: my lord 18:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Bro 18:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) BananaHeadLive: bruh 18:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: you ware awake at 5 am today @F1NN5TER 18:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) jagapossible: Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark 18:41 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: 31 hours?!? 18:41 | princesstrouble3233: why? 18:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: wtf 18:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao 18:42 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: Goblin 18:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: my god 18:42 | nerlaemi: 2pm, was about to say, than you went YESTERDAY 18:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: WutFace 18:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: damn 18:43 | braddle172: Lol 18:44 | TrueMezzo: wtf u good man 18:44 | maxence0529: OMEGALUL 18:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: bruh... 18:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) boringdepressedintrovert: oh no 18:45 | rhystelf_101: Hello f1nn 18:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: PogBones f1nnEmbarrassed 18:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Jeddix: cottontailHUH 18:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: I've been up for 31 hours 18:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Okay, time to force end stream so you can sleep 18:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: I can tell 18:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: me too 18:46 | hoboj234: is the battlepass just a meme or is it actually sussy 18:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: ahh its going to be one of those streams 18:47 | (Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: gremlin hours 18:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Lord 18:47 | (Turbo) jephtyler: RIPBOZO 18:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: y tho 18:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: OOF 18:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: 18:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: it happens 18:51 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Absolute goblin hours 18:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Sheesh 18:51 | ghostkiller1412: huhhhhhhhhhhhhh 18:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: OOF 18:51 | ajax_shay: Weak 18:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Vyvance? 18:53 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: 29hours 18:53 | maxence0529: what no sleep does to a mf 18:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopeityy: what does one get up to for that long 18:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Good time to start a stream... 18:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: CaitlynS 18:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: Get on with the makeup and I’ve been up all night 18:56 | KyleSmith11: caffeine going strong 18:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: jaysus 18:57 | mahado31: jesus christ man 18:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Caffeine? 18:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: KEKW 18:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You will be very hyper because of the adrenaline 18:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: Adderal? 18:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Damn, remember to take care of yourself 19:02 | barrel_rider: barrel_rider subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 21 month streak! WOW early stream 19:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: barrel_rider subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 3! PogU 19:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: We DMed at 5 AM @F1NN5TER 19:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL 19:04 | (Prime Gaming) Darkness4desert: Drink something for a goodnight later 19:04 | candomath: SirSword 19:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Mentions that he's been up since 1400 GMT yesterday. 19:07 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: How much caffeine did that take 19:07 | iforgotpetrikov: the term is Wonky 19:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: That’s not healthy, stressed out? 19:09 | fragilem1lk: Get some sleep dummy 19:09 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: You stressed? 19:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) peavey443: F1nn can you say math 19:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) Curvy_PolarBear: Curvy_PolarBear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months. Wow. Finn, your contents only gets better. Ps I'm still a girl and will keep saying until you cave to agree we exist 19:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: curvy_polarbear subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 19:11 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: no 19:11 | (Turbo) jephtyler: HUH 19:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No 19:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: f1nnEgg may I have lin to battlepass 19:15 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: So we'll expect a crash at some point this evening @f1nn5ter 19:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: What?! 19:16 | ar1st1pp0s: car fumes put you to sleep/death 19:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Light work 19:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: Huffing glue 19:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: No that's carbon monoxide 19:17 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: That kills you bro 19:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: Lag 19:17 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: co2 makes you sleepy 19:17 | (Subscriber) haidenmellor: more of a death 19:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: mans normal sleep schedule is wake up at 3 pm and go to sleep at 4 am now he's staying awake for 30+ hours? 19:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: that's how you die 19:17 | liamguitarguy: im watching this video with my screen facing the street curtains open wish me luck lol 19:18 | jyrd_: "f, atenie with the language cu mine. râie? ai tu la p1zd. prinde-m dac poi, trage-m de chiloi, mii ciobanee" 19:19 | Daneel_Trevize: that drops you ded 19:19 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: Is this a sleep schedule reset attempt? 19:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: No it would make you pass out 19:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: No 19:20 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: it is NOT a stimulant 19:21 | ajax_shay: It is 19:21 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: so you're gonna be pasted out wheb the pass launches f1nnLaff 19:21 | MikkiDMix: That'll put you to sleep 19:21 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: thats suicide lmao 19:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: No car fumes will kill tou 19:22 | Alkno_93: way bab way 19:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: It kills you actually 19:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: SUS 19:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: sussy_stepp_bro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Pog 19:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sussy_stepp_bro subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 19:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! 19:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) cakeisamadeupdrug: no. that'll put you to sleep. forever 19:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thecouriersystem has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 19:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem gifted a Tier 1 sub to 0crowtherobot0! 19:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem gifted a Tier 1 sub to contra_mick! 19:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem gifted a Tier 1 sub to juliawoberts! 19:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stumpy2001! 19:25 | gernadesquirrel: EVERY 1 THUMBS UP GIRLS & BOYS GIGGLES 19:25 | (Prime Gaming) spectatorbobble: Car fumes will kill you 19:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheCourierSystem: TheCourierSystem gifted a Tier 1 sub to maxxh31! 19:25 | Hamcheesesan: that KILLS you 19:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: doesn't carbon monoxide kinda kill you? 19:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Car fumes just kill you 19:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gamer_tako: But finn you need your beauty sleep. 19:25 | tim19862: that's more of it kills you FeelsWeirdMan 19:26 | pepepeppypep: neeeeeed that t-shirt 19:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) BananaHeadLive: HUH 19:27 | (Prime Gaming) nukey222: Cheer100 how big bittys do you have? My gf has double h cups and doesn't complain 19:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Finns feelin pretty glonky 19:27 | vekzer0: car fums would probably kill you 19:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DulyMoon: SLEEP! 19:29 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: huffy car fumes puts you to sleep permenantly 19:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Car fumes kill you 19:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: I think I made a wrong bet 19:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: How do you keep yourself awake 19:33 | ar1st1pp0s: LOL 19:33 | KnapperigeKapitein: That will make you sleepy 19:35 | MikkiDMix: 19:36 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: REDBULL 19:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: tracki1Cheeks tracki1Cheeks tracki1Cheeks tracki1Cheeks 19:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 19:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: nitrous 19:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Spray paint 19:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) steahk: gas 19:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: air duster 19:39 | IamABZU: Hello! 19:39 | Daneel_Trevize: nox 19:39 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: whippets? 19:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: glue 19:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Helium? 19:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) cakeisamadeupdrug: nos? 19:41 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Paint thinners? 19:41 | rhystelf_101: I love your gllasses 19:41 | ar1st1pp0s: nitrous? 19:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) denden12332: funny gas nitrous 19:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) onesek_: gasoline or paint? 19:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Whippits? 19:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: nirus 19:41 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: laughing gas 19:41 | pancreticsheenbeans: any context to the sword in the background? 19:41 | sasha_bucket: paint 19:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: paint fumes 19:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: Paint? 19:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Nos 19:42 | (Prime Gaming) clamington_diggerson: clamington_diggerson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 17 month streak! 32 months seems like a long time doesn't it 19:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Glue? 19:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber) rollinkatamaris: Whip its 19:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Glue 19:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: clamington_diggerson subscribed to f1nn5ter for 32 months at Tier 1! PogU 19:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 19:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Carbon monoxide 19:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Nitrous oxide 19:43 | TheMushyButt: nitrous is the fun one 19:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) starlitcharlotte: Glue 19:43 | (Subscriber) haidenmellor: nitro oxide 19:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) MoodyMaxxx: 19:43 | vekzer0: whip its 19:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Th1sisstan: Petrol 19:44 | AedricRen: paint 19:44 | braddle172: Huh 19:44 | ar1st1pp0s: poppers 19:45 | (Prime Gaming) MultipleManArmy: Hello! First time here. Saw you on Philosophy Tube's video. 19:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: "I'm awake!" he says as he chugs energy drinks 19:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: glue 19:45 | SweetSugarCandi: Love ya King! Your the sexiest MAN in the cutest outfits, and they are all just jealous they can't be 10 both ways babe! Luv Ya F1nn! 19:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: bath salts? 19:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ashey218: pain fumes lol 19:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Oppers? 19:47 | thesilverback32: whippets. 19:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), cheer 100) aquasurf_29: whip its/nitrous 19:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) BananaHeadLive: video? 19:47 | NotAShapeshifter: sharpie 19:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: reflections in glasses are weird :D 19:47 | bigsuave7: bro what 19:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Nitros Oxide 19:47 | Colour_Splat: Glue? 19:47 | mrpyrostick: Glue 19:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Glue? 19:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: Glue? 19:48 | (GLHF Pledge) Dubb0: huffing nail polish? highlighters? 19:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You mean nitrogen dioxide? 19:49 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Whippets? 19:49 | (cheer 100) batchelli: paint thinner 19:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) bobbikatt: nooooo!!! 19:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: Laughing gas 19:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: super gule 19:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Nitrous 19:50 | killedbyzac: what is this thing its hot 19:50 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Sniffing glue? 19:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: sharpie 19:50 | snufhunter: Love to ou 19:51 | (cheer 100) Adramaster: Neopren 19:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: N02 19:51 | tim19862: FailFish 19:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trishwishes: glue? 19:52 | ar1st1pp0s: keyboard cleaner 19:52 | axbn__: it is currently 19:20 in the UK for anyone who does not know, how are you still awake 19:52 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: whippits 19:52 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: GLUE 19:52 | Chrislerr_: Super glue 19:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: gas 19:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: HRT 19:54 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Huff gas? 19:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: Huffing gasoline. It's real bad for you though 19:54 | sashafiercev: Whip cream 19:54 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Glue? Probably 19:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) moonytwt: mommy? 19:55 | mr_girbraltar: Gasoline 19:55 | dr_wetsocks: sharpies 19:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) barndecked: Sharpies? 19:55 | KnapperigeKapitein: Laughing gass? 19:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Nitrous oxide I mean 19:56 | fuuuuuuuuudge_: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride 19:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER Are you aiming for crashing the BattlePass site? 19:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) freshosaur: whipped cream? 19:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: n02 def 19:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Whippets 19:57 | Bjotte: Glue not paint 19:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Glue 19:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) letume: balloons 19:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Red Bull sugar less, great choise 19:58 | hoboj234: farts 19:58 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: @TheCourierSystem Thanks for the gift sub! 19:58 | (cheer 100) theyeetgoblin: Do I get the pre order bonus for the delux edition Cheer100 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 19:58 | (Prime Gaming) mustangcubed: Whipped Cream propellant 19:59 | (Prime Gaming) wakikiwa: Glue 19:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: GHB 20:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) spikeybush825: Petrol fumes 20:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mr_toad66: mr_toad66 subscribed with Prime. 20:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Huffing gluee 20:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Elmers glue? 20:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mr_toad66 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mr_toad66 f1nnLezgang 20:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) MoodyMaxxx: Laughing gas? Like they give at the dentist? 20:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: MEK 20:01 | katinthetree: nitrous oxide aka whippets 20:02 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: i am 20:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Kekw 20:02 | Thali_LemmonPie: first time I see u on stream 20:03 | rakes_for_me: poppers? 20:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HextecNeko: paint thiners markers ect 20:04 | CharlieForrest: huffing musk and not the Elon kind 20:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: glue and sharpies 20:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: G H B? 20:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ThatOneVal: azote protoxyde 20:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: !hrt 20:05 | snufhunter: Finn you my love 20:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss. It's not HRT, it's hair loss prevention. 20:06 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: Freon 20:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) dirtyboibuss: MercyWing1princess MercyWing2 20:06 | Theoscreamsloudly: Tictacs 20:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: The donos Finn 20:08 | KingofKupaKeep: Salts? 20:09 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Cocain 20:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No 20:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: YES. do it 20:09 | jyrd_: finn are you aurolac 20:10 | (Prime Gaming) ItsBingi: ItsBingi subscribed with Prime. 20:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) qu1nnro5e: Poppers 20:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: itsbingi subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang itsbingi f1nnLezgang 20:10 | andreanicolealigato2: LUL 20:11 | briggles1998: PCP 20:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: whats the status on battlepass ? 20:11 | buddy_fargo: Amyl nitrate 20:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: Whiffets 20:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: snort E 20:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Nitrous gas or whippets 20:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: NOS is used to make car go fast, but also get high 20:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Do it 20:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 20:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Take the breaking bad HRT 20:15 | havanadriver: Helium is the fun one 20:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Co2 canisters 20:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Aerated 20:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: You can certainly try 20:16 | spl1tb0ard: Nah do lines! 20:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) denden12332: damn the titty smoke 20:18 | arzi77perra: yes actually 20:18 | (Prime Gaming) VictoriaBtch: bruh 20:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) HenyoJo: glue or paint fumes 20:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Under the tongue works best anyways. 20:19 | evethe1ne: I'm not late today sugarcubePlsdontbreakmyheart sugarcubePlsdontbreakmyheart 20:19 | Chrislerr_: Tic tacs through the nose 20:19 | liamguitarguy: Plasma Estrogen 20:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 20:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) bobbikatt: headache 20:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Let's find out 20:20 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: bobsa 20:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: The anti roid-rage 20:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: yeah, gimme those estrogen edibles, mmmmmmm 20:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 20:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: Gas used in your guns 20:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: ... 20:21 | LOtiumduPeuple: sniffin HRT : the new twitch category 20:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: You can do that but you shouldn't 20:22 | hoboj234: ded 20:22 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: No good reason. Go for it! 20:22 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: heat destroyes its bonds 20:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You will choke 20:23 | kingfamstudio: lung cacer 20:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: it burns off so it wont work 20:24 | bigsuave7: ........ 20:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) royal_air_force__beam: you get high 20:25 | mahronica218: My boyfriend and I started a business and we’re struggling lol I am so jealous of you Finn your doing great tho 20:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: bobz 20:27 | (Prime Gaming) OGKeemu: Higher chance of bloodclot in brain 20:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) steahk: i saw a video of someone snorting estrogen 20:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: oh, you have NO idea 20:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: I snort my estrogen 20:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about the "fun-one" wrt to droogs. 3560 20:29 | TrueMezzo: gas hrt lets go 20:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: There is the phrase “running on fumes” 20:29 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: according to john mcaffee any drug will make you hallucinate if you take enough of it. 20:30 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: infertility 20:31 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: an old friend of mine who was a massive stoner told me he smoked cat nip 20:31 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: or like those little whipped cream canisters 20:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) jagapossible: Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 20:32 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Huffing Glue is the term 20:32 | iforgotpetrikov: Just snort it yah 20:33 | (Prime Gaming) justuwwuu: i don't think you can 20:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL 20:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Woman gas 20:33 | Succulentbow: snorting estrogen works 20:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: hopeityy subscribed with Prime. 20:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: hopeityy subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hopeityy f1nnLezgang 20:34 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Nangs ftw 20:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: yes you can do it right now 20:35 | arzi77perra: it will be toxic 20:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: welcome home. :D 20:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: couldn't hurt I guess 20:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: poppy seed tea 20:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 20:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sirMythi: Scientific method 20:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) tannerd88: Popcorn lung? 20:37 | blueskydrinking: Rocks brotha, crack 20:38 | mahronica218: Lol 20:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Your nose gets boobas 20:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: You dont say 20:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) boringdepressedintrovert: not sure that would work 20:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Please don’t freebase estrogen, bro. 20:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Nitrous is literally like the most common drug in the world how are we degenerates? KEKW 20:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Welcome home honey 20:45 | katinthetree: just do snow like a normal drug user 20:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: "baking soda" 20:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: NO. DON'T WASTE IT. GIB IT TO ME. 20:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: snorting HRT 20:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: thank you mommy 20:51 | urijoestar: good for you queen <33 20:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: dont say the name NotLikeThis 20:53 | NagashTheHomie: "You're degenerates" Tell us something we don't know 20:54 | snufhunter: Be my wife 20:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: You said it 20:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: crack cocaine and mix with methanphetamine 21:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: You said the name 21:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: U can inhale but not good delivery. 21:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: Fck glue and paint, inhale that menthol gel! karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa karele2Hotcocoa 21:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Barbie Car ? 21:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: It is when you see all of the No2 canisters/balloons on the street 21:04 | CharlieForrest: Genuinely assuming F1nn's PO Box is like 80% full of lingerie and 20% estrogen patches 21:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: When I type "once again I'm surrounded by" my keyboard suggests "degens" astra11Kek 21:07 | killedbyzac: idk what this is but its hot 21:08 | (Subscriber) Darkhogg: Darkhogg subscribed with Prime. 21:08 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: darkhogg subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang darkhogg f1nnLezgang 21:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I'm late, I was watching a tiny streamer NotLikeThis 21:09 | killedbyzac: i like this 21:10 | jyrd_: my mom doesn't like you but my dad said you look really good 21:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter get on with the makeup please 21:11 | fuuuuuuuuudge_: it no longer works if you smoke it 21:11 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: There should be a leader board you can see 21:13 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @octyn_, stop asking, you're cringe 21:16 | katinthetree: @certified_boylover jesse we gotta cook 21:18 | SweetSugarCandi: <3 <3 <3Love ya King! Your the sexiest MAN in the cutest outfits, and they are all just jealous they can't be 10 both ways babe! Luv Ya F1nn! <3 <3 <3 FallWinning PinkMercy PipeHype 21:19 | (cheer 1) SubliminalCorruption: Putting E and P in the bussy is better because it avoids the liver. 21:19 | ToolsLight: What’s the link? 21:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Hey Finn 21:23 | (Subscriber, Bits Leader 3) theyeetgoblin: theyeetgoblin subscribed at Tier 1. 21:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: theyeetgoblin subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang theyeetgoblin f1nnLezgang 21:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: what the link to battlepass ? 21:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Still lyin' 21:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: too much POPPERS 21:26 | killedbyzac: i would. 21:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Which outfit we getting today? 21:27 | arzi77perra: etrogen can turn to testostorone if smoked. 21:28 | tsovloj: Man you're not even officially a SW until tomorrow and you're already talking about sniffing glue. That downward spiral sure works quick. 21:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: yes 21:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yess 21:31 | TheEviski: the grip of 23 21:31 | (Prime Gaming) AutumnNK: yes 21:31 | princesskassxoxo: Congrats. I've been filming hardcore xxx on there for 2 years and have never cracked 1 percent. Highest I ever got was top 2. Congrats!! 21:32 | (Prime Gaming) porkie_: ye 21:32 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: dewit 21:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Chill 21:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: dark light s 21:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: yes 21:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: they give you Nitrous Oxide at the dentist my man. same as goes in your car to make more power. it's literally just a tuned mix of nitrogen and oxygen aka, air. 21:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yeah dim 21:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: Dim them 21:34 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Yeah 21:35 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Is minecraft gonna be okay? 21:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: dewit 21:35 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: yeah! 21:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Poll?? 21:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Yeahhhhh 21:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) serya_winters: Chill 21:38 | ar1st1pp0s: if u dim lights you will fall asleep 21:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Make the lights magenta 21:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: AYOOOOO 21:39 | braddle172: Yeah 21:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Alexa chill stream mode GlitchCat 21:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: what!!! 21:41 | mahronica218: Pleaseeee 21:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Yes 21:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) denden12332: dim the lights and watch him fall asleep 21:43 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Yes 21:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: Save that for the battlepass 21:44 | andreanicolealigato2: Yahhhh 21:44 | Thali_LemmonPie: leg 21:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: We hyped not chilled 21:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 21:46 | 1_d0nt_stream: Chill 21:47 | xcbski: YES 21:48 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Is that a euphemism? 21:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmmmm 21:49 | FemboyDommie: where the blanket from your sofa from 21:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: oh I thought no pants... lol 21:51 | daddy_householder: hey finn, glad yo see you back 21:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Chill stream 21:52 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Socks 21:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Chill stream chill stream 21:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: chill stream -> 9 hour stream 21:55 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Oh, nvm 21:56 | Gamma_Nguyener: floor damage lol 21:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: karele2Hype karele2Hype karele2Hype karele2Hype karele2Hype karele2Hype karele2Hype 21:57 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: get those ligts 21:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: ohhhh this is why that death note t-shirt keep getting advertised on IG 21:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: F1nn has to wear socks, what else will catch the crumbs 21:57 | (cheer 1000) RJ20151_TheElectionCenter: Feet 21:57 | mahronica218: Lol 21:58 | (Prime Gaming) Pawlathon: 'Slander' 22:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: finn showers with his socks on 22:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: VoHiYo VoHiYo 22:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Oh laawd 22:02 | ajax_shay: They just wanna see free feet that’s why 22:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Are you actually .1% or is there a precise number? 22:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: legs 22:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: Whats the problem with socks? 22:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: queen arthur 22:03 | dotgobbler: please do not lose a toe when it falls over!!! 22:04 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Why no feet 22:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: bye bye nice floar 22:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AmarielleEU: did finn say how many battle pass members he had? 22:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: trying to get started with obs is so frustrating 22:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: It looks way cooler than it has any right to 22:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Sick 22:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: @F1NN5TER Put the light tube next to the sword 22:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Legs! 22:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: dark room with purple light 22:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Slander? 22:09 | total_acidity: Yes, fuck the socks 22:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat 22:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Cake 22:11 | xuxiiweee: thats going to fall, and u cant tell me otherwise 22:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Those gams BegWan 22:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Bimbo swordsman 22:12 | zpfran: F1nn takes his sword out on stream. banned. 22:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER make lights darker :) 22:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Nice 22:14 | mistyeyedpea: FrankerZ 22:15 | (cheer 1) SubliminalCorruption: scratching the floor 22:15 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) scobecraftyt: is that a modified sm7b? 22:15 | jubjub221: thats gonna fall and stick you id move it 22:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Mount that up along with a rumored Displate. 22:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: i like 22:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: LEG 22:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) Zolite: quite phallic! 22:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) starlitcharlotte: starlitcharlotte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! 22:18 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: starlitcharlotte subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 22:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Huge sword bro 0.0 22:19 | ajax_shay: No feet for free respect the man 22:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: That is gonna fall over and scare the shit out of you in approx. 2 hours 22:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Sword out of the scabbard? Is this battlepass already? 22:21 | LOtiumduPeuple: 0.0000001% 22:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) eldirtyoldman: eldirtyoldman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! tomorrows the day :3 22:21 | leechspeech: ur cat ears are backwards 22:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: eldirtyoldman subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 22:22 | 1_d0nt_stream: It looks like a relic 22:23 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: f1nnGremlin 22:23 | mahronica218: Dim the lights and let’s watch scary movies 22:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) bas4lte666: bas4lte666 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Already 3 month... You look beautiful tonight girly girl 22:23 | (cheer 5000) Mimmuka: socks, so no free feet pics 22:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bas4lte666 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 22:24 | metal_lord_varg: what's the name of the sword 22:24 | captain0blastem: broo is one prosent egg 22:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: W SWORD 22:26 | IgnitedLIVE: hey rose 22:28 | urijoestar: no feet 4 free 22:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: bro thats so sick hol up 22:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Femboy interior designer 22:29 | (Prime Gaming) star_the_folf: Play fortnite! 22:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: swoaurd 22:30 | uncerbubba: there can be only one 22:31 | (Prime Gaming) nillyvanilly76: nillyvanilly76 subscribed with Prime. 22:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: nillyvanilly76 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nillyvanilly76 f1nnLezgang 22:31 | snufhunter: Your 22:31 | deammontisflores: Who the fuck is on shirt? I preffer Nazuko 22:34 | ZoeyyyAlexis: Love the claymore in the background 22:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: You're number 1 to us f1nnHeart 22:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Chill stream f1nnMonka 22:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: yeah, but you'll know by the number of subs you get... 22:37 | snufhunter: TS 22:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: ? 22:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Removes his "sword" from it's scabbard and puts it on display. 3430 22:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: will you put it in your twitter name 22:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) theking_cool: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 22:40 | princesskassxoxo: Usually takes around 5-6 days 22:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Manliest thinv of the stream is the sworx 22:42 | veldan500: huh, an executioner sword, neat 22:43 | lytelor: how many peoples bought the battle pass ? XD 22:45 | snufhunter: Taggits 22:46 | mistyeyedpea: Hello Finn 22:47 | princesskassxoxo: To update 22:48 | (Prime Gaming) eggsforsalev2: eggsforsalev2 subscribed with Prime. 22:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: eggsforsalev2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang eggsforsalev2 f1nnLezgang 22:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Top 1 period, no percents 22:50 | LOtiumduPeuple: You're gonna be a millionaire in a month 22:51 | (GlitchCon 2020) HashiraNova: Top .1% in what cata 22:51 | thekiyomi: F1nn might be the manliest man i've ever seen 22:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: 22:54 | drkpldn: Oh @F1NN5TER i want you so bad! 22:54 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: He doesn't even look that fem at the moment... why am I still thirsty?? my brain is confused 22:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: I know I haven't subbed yet, waiting for the month turnover 22:56 | (Prime Gaming) samithmhak: samithmhak subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 31 month streak! 31 months lets go 22:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: samithmhak subscribed to f1nn5ter for 31 months at Tier 1! PogU 22:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: You have my axe and my sword and my bow and anything else pointy!! 23:01 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: F1nn doesn't know what exponential means 23:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Nifty 23:02 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: How are you gonna combine the minecraft? 23:03 | jubjub221: that sword is gonna fall please move it 23:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: make lights darker :) so chill stream 23:09 | TheEviski: chicken nugget 23:10 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Once content is up it will explode 23:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: play the clips you got send @F1NN5TER 23:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: dim the lights 23:13 | michifun: Did have a boob job? 23:13 | ddhhhffgtg: Iloveyou 23:15 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @icurryi Bimbo Math 23:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: finn living life jelly 23:17 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Yay wholesome stream when I’m sick huraaay 23:17 | vinccent1: battlepass tomorrow boys 23:18 | daddy_householder: still rolled over how you have so many subs with no posting, im amazed :) 23:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Finn will be on the top 10 of OF 23:20 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !confused 23:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 23:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Good thing I get paid tomorrow 23:23 | GremHK: GremmyW subscribed with Prime. 23:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) denden12332: feral indeed 23:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: gremmyw subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gremmyw f1nnLezgang 23:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: how do 23:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) TNTUSER55: TNTUSER55 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! two months pog, glad to be here 23:28 | (Prime Gaming) Norish_: @ramboo1989 you made me spit my coffee sir KEKW 23:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: tntuser55 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 23:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 finn probably showers with his socks on. if his feet ever come out of the socks, he will be genuinely surprised as the rest of us because he hasn't seen them in years either. 23:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Poggg f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 23:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: A non-zero number less than one. 23:35 | deammontisflores: No dhud ye're girl! 23:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: No reason Kappa LUL 23:38 | mistyeyedpea: Rawr 23:41 | fredo96993: Any idea how long you will run the battlepass for? 23:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: POGGERS i love it 23:43 | arzi77perra: have you seen and played thelast of us. 23:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 2) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11eefx8/curb_your_finnusiasm/ @F1NN5TER 23:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: mood lighting 23:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Better! 23:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Oh 23:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: no reason 23:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: how do I level up the battle pass 23:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: love that camera 23:48 | ddhhhffgtg: I Love you 23:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Cool lighting 23:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: nice 23:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes 23:51 | mahronica218: Yassss 23:52 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 26 in the channel! 23:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: omgitsashley98 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 23:52 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheI3arracuda! 23:52 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mcbeer! 23:52 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tanyiateny! 23:52 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to piyapol1999! 23:52 | (Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 0ccamsphazer! 23:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: OOOOO 23:53 | (Prime Gaming) PteDisgrace: PteDisgrace subscribed with Prime. 23:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ptedisgrace subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ptedisgrace f1nnLezgang 23:53 | (Predicted Blue (1)) TheBeimax: Wait is OF are on ? 23:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: YESSSS 23:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: coolllll 23:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Ooooooo 23:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yeah you kinda did 23:57 | daddy_householder: eyebrows look fine 23:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: They look good 23:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kinda yah 23:58 | nes_natomi: sodacatSmug 23:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Kinda cool 23:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: they're fine 23:59 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: maybe a little 24:00 | ajax_shay: It’s hot 24:00 | mediumshock: looks fine to me 24:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: They look fine 24:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: always-socks-dude 24:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) dirtyboibuss: So much better 24:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: cute 24:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: It'll be fine tho 24:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: They good 24:03 | eddyroede: My, things got intense didn't they 24:03 | circumcision_cop: They're good bro 24:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Lighting f1nnCowjam 24:04 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Too cold colours 24:04 | mistyeyedpea: Cuteeeeee 24:05 | arzi77perra: there perfect omg. 24:05 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: noooo theyre good 24:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: they're good 24:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: they are fine 24:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: VoteYea 24:06 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) TheCourierSystem: Cheer1000 hey finn, my name is meru. i've been watching your content for a year now, my favorite was watching you be rizzed to hell by cotton, i didn't know how cute you could be until i saw you blush~ <3 24:07 | scarph72: early liveeeeee 24:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: +£4 for UK tax for the battlepass BibleThump 24:09 | ajax_shay: You look good 24:09 | (cheer 100) ComeOnWomm: mommy? 24:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Good 24:09 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: They goos 24:11 | mahronica218: If you fill them in they are fine 24:12 | MikkiDMix: The vibeeeeee 24:12 | ronaldoju98: hello <3 24:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: All good 24:13 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: please don't quit Minecraft 24:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: kinda thin but you can easily save them with a brow pencil 24:13 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: A little 24:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: They look great 24:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: they good 24:14 | anschofi: left one too thin 24:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: I'm sorry :( 24:15 | lordhermit_for_ages: look fine 24:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Being subscribed to a Femboy is a wild roller coaster ride! 24:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You totally kinda did though KEKW 24:15 | wilsfav: this is my first time catching a stream in a while, what does the top 1% mean??? 24:15 | (Subscriber) lethal_brunette: Only a little bit 24:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: natural look is great 24:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: They're goo6 24:18 | Hamcheesesan: Nah they look good 24:19 | TrueMezzo: just fill them 24:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Wut? https://discord.com/channels/396330910162616321/805878914308112454/1080206646606827540 24:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Looks fine 24:22 | Arthree: at least one of them isn't crooked 24:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: You look fine 24:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: FILL 24:23 | ajax_shay: Don’t let the men tell you what looks good 24:23 | NotAShapeshifter: eyebrows are sisters not twins 24:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: LUL 24:24 | Hamcheesesan: they really look good 24:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: theyre fineeeee 24:25 | eddyroede: Ya good 24:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: The special “service” at the Femboy Hotel is the best! 24:25 | fuuuuuuuuudge_: such a manly man, we need to gift him some weights 24:26 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: f1nn u need to fill them in 24:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: now you have to get bangs 24:26 | justrickroll89990: L rizz 24:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: This is no makeup????? 24:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Poor Finn 24:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: I like one of the eyebrows 24:29 | (Prime Gaming) Morganjoe101: Morganjoe101 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! So is the next debate going to be if battlepass is your main job. 20 months let's go! 24:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: morganjoe101 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months using Prime! PogU 24:30 | deammontisflores: You look like a Nazuko 24:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: you def didn't pick the left one too high @F1NN5TER 24:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 24:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) skyblues06: I'd fill you in 24:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: just fill them in, it's easy KEKW 24:32 | (cheer 5000) Mimmuka: You look amazing 24:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: !discord 24:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 24:33 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: You're looking like you've been awake 29 hours. Coincidentally. 24:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: You good 24:34 | ajax_shay: You’re pretty 24:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: It's alright, don't feel bad 24:37 | total_acidity: Brows look good 24:37 | alittleg0rl: You’re my fav 24:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: yeah duh remember he is being a girl now... you need to treat him like a girl... say he looks good no matter what 24:38 | Alkno_93: you look stunning babe trust em 24:39 | mistyeyedpea: U look cute 24:39 | mahronica218: Lol 24:39 | lordhermit_for_ages: your eye brows are good 24:41 | justrickroll89990: bobs 24:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: way too thin 24:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: I like the stream time. Can you do that more often please? 24:42 | Alkno_93: me 24:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Lazy Eye and now a L eyebrow KEKW @F1NN5TER 24:44 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: fill it in 24:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: You need to finish the right side one 24:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: you're super pretty 24:44 | arzi77perra: you can beraly tell its errors. 24:45 | mahronica218: I am women hear me roar 24:46 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: Mau5 24:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Look it's fine, but you're no Cara Delavigne 24:47 | bubble_glam: Thought you were crying 24:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) demonplays22: What if u put the light stick behind the sword that could look pog 24:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Also sorry y’all sleepy brain I meant 1% 24:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) PteDisgrace: Lmao 24:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) bitoshima: That bokeh is lovely 24:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings TwitchSings 24:49 | braddle172: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 24:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: you look great. never saw you looking bad. 24:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: You're a cutey 24:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: 24:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: reset 24:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Now it's bothering me 24:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Missed TRANSition but strim is now in Chill Mode. 3520 24:50 | mutalyx: We exist! 24:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) dirtyboibuss: Nails are fine af 24:52 | gernadesquirrel: keep doing you hon 24:52 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 24:52 | GodOfLambs: They’re a little thin but I wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t point it out 24:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @wilsfav top 1% on onlyf1nns 24:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpc3600: jpc3600 subscribed at Tier 1. 24:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: jpc3600 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jpc3600 f1nnLezgang 24:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: lol 24:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: askew KEKW 24:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Reset your eyes? 24:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) scoototer642: Doesn't feel like tommorow is actually going to be real 24:55 | mediumshock: same 24:55 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: what time tomorrow?! 24:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 24:58 | (Prime Gaming) deathpond: i showed my friend your tweet from yesterday at 2pm and he said "he's gonna transition in 5 years" 24:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DulyMoon: Thin looks good 24:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: L 24:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 24:58 | zpfran: impheeDerp 24:59 | alittleg0rl: Why the left eyelashes so long 25:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: the more you touch it the more I can't ignore it 25:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: it's not symmetrical!!!! 25:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 25:02 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: we do exist 25:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT will be the launch of the Battlepass. Currently set to $20/mo. 25:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Nobody's eyes are level 25:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Bruh I can’t not see it now damn 25:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 25:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT will be the launch of the Battlepass. Currently set to $20/mo. 25:04 | (Prime Gaming) Dirty_Chai21: dinkSheesh 25:05 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Yes, F1n looks this cute with no makeup. #seethewithjealousy 25:05 | eddyroede: Lookin' fleshy, ay 25:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 25:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Clit haver gang beanso10Sayitagain 25:06 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: KEKW 25:06 | total_acidity: I fucked up plucking my eyebrows last week 25:08 | mahronica218: Lol 25:08 | leechspeech: they’re uneven in the middle 25:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 25:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: It looks great don’t worry 25:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Yea 25:09 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: Don't let them get to ya. 25:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 25:10 | urijoestar: the pipeline 25:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes 25:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: That's... Normal 25:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Are you saying your face is not .. straight ? 25:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: The uneven eyebrow draws attention away from your lazy eye. 25:12 | Alkno_93: yes 25:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Yes 25:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: am a wamen 25:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yes 25:13 | daddy_householder: a boar bristle brush would make eyebrow care much easier 25:13 | mistyeyedpea: Nyah nyah 25:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: everyones face is 25:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: yes 25:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Uhuh 25:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @MarsReform I think 0001 25:15 | josua_themen: He has asymmetric face 25:15 | LOtiumduPeuple: Shook us 25:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Ashley was right 25:16 | kokolleki: show us 25:16 | braddle172: Ok 25:16 | mahronica218: Bruh I do the same thing with my brows 25:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: lopsided 25:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: Yaaaa 25:17 | (Prime Gaming) JimRaynor56: dude's gonna be retired on a tropical island in 3 years, let's be real 25:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: sure 25:19 | lordhermit_for_ages: yes 25:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Let us see your pain 25:19 | saken_412: Hiiiiiiii fin 25:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Yes 25:20 | justrickroll89990: hello daddy 25:20 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Curb your enthusiasm? 25:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) supernova197o: ya 25:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Yes 25:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: sure 25:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Show 25:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: SHOOK 25:23 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Yup 25:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 25:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) spikeybush825: Never going to un see that 25:24 | Globalnuclear: if this isn't ToS 25:25 | justrickroll89990: !Reddit 25:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The subreddit is at reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER 25:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I've heard 25:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: KEKW 25:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: Your eyebrows are sisters, not twins 25:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Yeah 25:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Ashley sent you an old picture of her and it was you 25:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Ya 25:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: ok do it. 25:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Well in a few months he'll be under cotton when he loses an arm wrestle LUL 25:29 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: oh we know 25:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: never is 25:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Oh hey I know that reddit 25:30 | mistyeyedpea: Women don’t poop so you be poopin 25:31 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Is this the crazy guy 25:31 | andreanicolealigato2: KEKW 25:32 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Curb incoming? 25:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Lag? Or is just me? 25:38 | Kolateak_: KEKW 25:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: oh no i think i know 25:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Go ahead show parasocial 25:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: please be schizo post 25:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: please be schizo post 25:41 | guybasiil: LUL 25:42 | Gold3nM1nx: Kek 25:42 | zpfran: aurEgg 25:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11eefx8/curb_your_finnusiasm/ @F1NN5TER 25:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @Lucridis what kind of crazy? 25:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 25:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: i thought that was a shit post 25:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I sort by new I see everything before the mods even do 25:48 | alewango: Hola? 25:49 | (Prime Gaming) JamiePlaysGamiess: holy shit not only does he have a reddit but its a PUBLIC reddit RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG 25:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: I have preached the reality of the slippery slope for over a year now 25:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Right eyebrow looks great 25:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: dammit ! 25:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) steahk: schizoposting time PogU 25:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 25:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Big potato nose haha 25:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 25:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: She's in a sensitive place! 25:53 | alittleg0rl: The schizo 25:53 | (Turbo) Falqun: better controll it yourself it will spawn anyways 25:54 | rikolifant37: what is happening march 1 25:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Aww BegWan 25:55 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Curb? 25:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Leave his eyebrows alone lol 25:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) scoototer642: Curb your enthusiasm one? 25:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: U pretty 25:57 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: @imNotSubbed Schizo post on reddit 25:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: Your eyebrows look fine 25:57 | lucitor_uff: <3 <3 <3 26:00 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: be nice to him loverlLurk 26:01 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: I'm at your same state, its a slippery slope. 26:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: "eyebrows sisters not twins" is not criticism, it's advice of how they SHOULD look 26:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: You just need to take a spolly through it. But they look great 26:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: dude babe, you are ok, we are just messing with you 26:06 | tekvmi: your sub-o-meter is BROCKEN 26:08 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: ozeantj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 2 month streak! meow my streamer 26:08 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ozeantj subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU 26:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reddit review. - 3540 26:09 | (Prime Gaming) Chronotides: Chronotides subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! 21 months, hell yeah. now do I start making good financial choices, or keep this up? lol 26:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: chronotides subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU 26:11 | arzi77perra: sorry. 26:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: He's a little sleep drunk. lol 26:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) juneyear20: Y’all just bullying him 26:15 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: owwwwwwwww is it that time of the month 26:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Just don't drink. 26:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: guys shes on her period pls be kind Kappa 26:16 | alittleg0rl: Finn you’re my fav please awknowledge me 26:17 | josua_themen: He is finding himself 26:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 26:18 | flamingpanda20: Hi finn! 26:18 | LOtiumduPeuple: LUL 26:19 | sirobby_: Why the hell are these streams so unhinged 26:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Just scrub your eyebrows with conditioner 26:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You could pluck out every eyebrow and you'd still look great, chill Finn 26:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 26:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 26:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 26:20 | alittleg0rl: I’ll cry 26:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 26:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: KEKW 26:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: kekw 26:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 26:23 | daddy_householder: lol 26:24 | braddle172: KEKW 26:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Tru tho 26:24 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 26:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) liam_jonson: KEKW 26:25 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: KEK 26:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 26:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lol 26:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW 26:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: F1nn the only "straight male" to make trans women jelouse 26:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL LUL LUL 26:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 26:27 | harokaa: LUL 26:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Lmaoooo 26:27 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: KEKW 26:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Kekw 26:28 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: KEKW 26:29 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: F1nn is it that time of the monthy 26:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: TRUE 26:30 | arzi77perra: hope you feel better. 26:31 | eddyroede: Kekw 26:31 | kristanie0815: Too much hormones 26:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: true 26:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: KEK 26:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: True 26:34 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: actual good one KEKW 26:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: There was a bet last stream about you coming back on. I bet you would and lost. Then you came back. Can I get my FemBucks back? 26:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 26:40 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2018) RoxasXIIIK: LUL 26:40 | JustZein: what the heck, omg 26:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You got a cute nose, bro 26:41 | lucitor_uff: true 26:43 | gernadesquirrel: never trust a squirrel with a gernade lol 26:44 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Knew it 26:48 | talos_hawk: hi FINN 26:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: venerated for my two donations complimenting his nose 26:50 | mediumshock: wait until someone talks about how great your hands are 26:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) scoototer642: Kappa 26:52 | barbie_secretstanner: 2020 26:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: nervous finn is so cute 26:54 | braddle172: Oh that post lol 26:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: It's from 2020 26:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmmm 26:58 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: soon tm 27:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: hmmmm...... 27:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: 27:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Femboy mil 27:09 | andreanicolealigato2: Hmm 27:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: OMEGALUL 27:11 | phantaton: what a fitting username 27:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: hmmmm 27:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 27:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: LUL 27:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Never 27:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: f1nnCope 27:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 27:16 | gooseman489: Finn is this on YouTube if so hi YouTube 27:17 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: ^^ 27:17 | tim19862: KEKKW 27:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 27:17 | parallel_proxy: hi 27:18 | (Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: LUL 27:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: OMEGALUL 27:18 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Kappa 27:18 | braddle172: OMEGALUL 27:18 | (Turbo) buggex: KEKW 27:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) MegaMiley: silent.. 27:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: bro you called it 27:19 | tim19862: KEKW 27:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: KEKW 27:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: 17 years:/ 27:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: "17" 27:20 | (Prime Gaming) deltabro117: VOLUME! 27:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: well OMEGALUL 27:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: never ever Kappa 27:21 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: KEKW 27:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: "Confidently" LUL 27:22 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: F 27:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Hey, you haven't started streaming there yet! lmao 27:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 27:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 27:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 27:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: KEKW 27:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) MegaMiley: XD 27:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: OMEGALUL 27:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: KEKW 27:24 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: KEKW 27:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pandaa_33: LUL LUL 27:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) Alpinefresh: KEKW 27:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Aged badly 27:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) liam_jonson: OMEGALUL 27:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL SeemsGood 27:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL LUL LUL LUL 27:25 | xuxiiweee: predictable 27:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 27:26 | total_acidity: KEKW 27:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) frozengoon: F 27:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 27:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Altex1: PrideLaugh 27:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: HAHAHAHAHAHAH 27:27 | kokolleki: AHAHA 27:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: XD 27:27 | (Prime Gaming) JamiePlaysGamiess: OMEGALUL 27:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: KEKW 27:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: NOICE 27:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 27:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) scoototer642: Congrats you played yourself LUL 27:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Kekw 27:28 | LumberLau: haha 27:28 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: LMAOOOO 27:28 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: This was during the 24 hour stream about 2 years ago where you started in the bikini I sent @f1nn5ter 27:28 | MimmySchmimmy: KEKW 27:29 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: This was during the 24 hour stream about 2 years ago where you started in the bikini I sent @f1nn5ter 27:29 | shnazzle: 27:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 27:29 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: This was during the 24 hour stream about 2 years ago where you started in the bikini I sent @f1nn5ter 27:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: LUL 27:29 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Verael_the_Fox: Kappa 27:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: F 27:30 | braddle172: LUL 27:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL LUL LUL 27:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: how the turn tables 27:30 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: knew that song was coming 27:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 27:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: KEKW 27:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: KEKW 27:31 | lokidoki980: bread 27:31 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: KEKW 27:31 | kevin326520: KEKW 27:31 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 27:31 | evethe1ne: lol 27:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Den_drummer: f1nnLaff 27:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA 27:32 | sequ3nz_: hahahaha 27:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW KEKW KEKW 27:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 27:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: KEKW 27:32 | im_up_to_something: Lmao 27:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) deadRinger91: nice 27:33 | ar1st1pp0s: rekt 27:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 27:34 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Robert b wide 27:34 | joolz_ug: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 27:34 | xXNeroZashiXx: poggers 27:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: KEKW 27:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: Kekw 27:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) xblack_earthx: KEKW 27:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: LOL 27:35 | noShowRhino: time flies 27:35 | mr_girbraltar: KEKW 27:35 | (Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: it's ok F1nn we love you more for it 27:35 | brandt_connors: gave up hope huh 27:35 | urijoestar: KEKW 27:36 | kvstrup: KEKW 27:36 | barbie_secretstanner: 27:36 | rcionos: lol 27:36 | zpfran: Jebaited 27:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 27:36 | andreanicolealigato2: KEKW HAHAHAHA 27:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MsAcenation: LOL 27:36 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2018) RoxasXIIIK: KEKW 27:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) supernova197o: lol 27:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: The pipeline was obvious 27:36 | (cheer 100) batchelli: LUL LUL LUL 27:36 | harokaa: LUL LUL LUL 27:37 | Gold3nM1nx: LMAOOO 27:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: lmaooo 27:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Hahaahhaha 27:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Perfection BegWan 27:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 27:37 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: RIP 27:37 | guybasiil: young you goin in 27:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: LOL 27:37 | ghostkiller1412: hahahahhaha nahhhh 27:38 | (Prime Gaming) GrimpyCoffee: GOTTEM 27:38 | Tasty_Shrimp: KEKW 27:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lmao 27:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: KEKW 27:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: UPSSSSSSSSS 27:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: That was good oh my God haha 27:39 | gernadesquirrel: yes tiuckes me off over her cutness giggles 27:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW 27:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LORE 27:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) BarnesyWasRobbed: LUL LUL LUL 27:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: KEKW 27:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: So damn funny 27:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: LOL 27:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: CAUGHT IN 4K !!! 27:40 | ar1st1pp0s: rip bozo 27:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) theking_cool: lol 27:40 | (cheer 5000) Mimmuka: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 27:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: things change 27:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: KEKW 27:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: KEKW 27:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) helppp__: KEKW 27:40 | total_acidity: But you had to know that was going to happen... 27:41 | (GLHF Pledge) Mukkito: weeeeeelp 27:41 | jona98m: that was a short 17 years 27:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: GET FUCKED 27:41 | shnazzle: Clap Clap Clap Clap 27:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Hahahahaha 27:42 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Lol 27:42 | drkpldn: WHEEEEEEN? 27:42 | TA00: ThisIsFine 27:42 | (Prime Gaming) JamiePlaysGamiess: damn 17 year anniversary already 27:42 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: perfect 27:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: GamerSupps new flavor BussyBerryBlitz 27:43 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Kekw 27:43 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: This was during the 24 hour stream about 2 years ago where you started in the bikini I sent @f1nn5ter 27:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: pipeline'd 27:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Caught in 4k 1080p 27:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: KEKW 27:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Bimbo time 27:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: The time has come 27:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL LUL LUL LUL 27:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnNomods 27:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) Ginger8149: kekw 27:44 | Mokavampir: Hi 27:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DulyMoon: f1nnPegChamp 27:45 | slubert: KEKW 27:45 | JATA_C: meme became reality KEKW 27:45 | (Sub Gifter) handsomepotato_6: KEKW 27:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: Someone ate their words LUL 27:46 | Level_Up_Love: wreckt 27:46 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 27:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 27:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: HA 27:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) BananaHeadLive: LUL 27:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: X 27:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I was waiting for "Directed by Robert B. Weide", was disappointed 27:47 | (Turbo) jephtyler: KEKW thats awesoe 27:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber) rollinkatamaris: XD smoooth 27:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: X 27:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: LUL LUL LUL LUL 27:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) royal_air_force__beam: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 27:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 27:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) theking_cool: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 27:49 | saken_412: LOLLLLL 27:49 | mahronica218: Finn you didn’t 27:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: Oh how the turn tables have turned tables 27:50 | KnapperigeKapitein: Battlepas speedrun gg 27:50 | bone_daddy420: LMAOOOO 27:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: stand up 27:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: 17 years = 1 year apparently 27:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) johnmichael91: KEKW 27:51 | Theoscreamsloudly: We knew it wouldn’t lie 27:51 | total_acidity: X 27:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: KEKW 27:51 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: f1nnCope 27:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Facts 27:52 | hakay739: j 27:52 | (cheer 100) nukey222: Lol 27:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lucija_c: KEKW 27:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: Way more put together now 27:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Holesome 27:53 | Unlabelled_mess: XD 27:53 | tim19862: KEKW . 27:53 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Kekw 27:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: x 27:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: X 27:53 | xuxiiweee: old you shouldve seen it coming 27:53 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Most holesoem ever. 27:53 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: until tomorrrow 27:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 27:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: 17 years 27:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: oops never say never 27:54 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Took a lot less time 27:55 | daddy_householder: wholeseome egg 27:55 | xXNeroZashiXx: x 27:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: loll 27:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 27:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 27:56 | kofi_ansu: Whole f1nn5ter 27:56 | guybasiil: LUL 27:57 | hoboj234: PogChamp PogChamp 27:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows Reddit post Curb your F1nn-usiasm. https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11eefx8/curb_your_finnusiasm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 - 3650 27:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) michelle9O: not even 17 years KEKW 27:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: LUL LUL LUL 27:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: What did you expect 27:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: CLIP CLIP CLIP the 17 prediction 27:58 | mahronica218: Looking hot tho I’m into it 27:58 | violet_pirate1: Lamo 27:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Most cis female you haver ever been 27:59 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: X 27:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: F1nn milking his Simps :D 27:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 28:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) calicat23: 28:00 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Lol 28:00 | silverryataa: 17 years went by quick 28:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: ... so what's the outfit today? @F1NN5TER 28:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: the fact that you were so confident KEWK 28:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: TOS 28:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: @F1NN5TER it wasn't needed. so no worry. 28:01 | (Prime Gaming) Morganjoe101: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 28:01 | arzi77perra: so crazy un cany how much you look like a girl. 28:02 | phoenix_2109: LUL LUL 28:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) BBcool53: get reked past Finn 28:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled 28:03 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: previously slutty for attention, now slutty whenever you actually want 28:03 | humanthatlikesthings: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 28:04 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Omega lol 28:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: wholesome 28:05 | flcowboy19: So are you going to get breast implants 28:06 | kevin326520: KEKW 28:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: I rember him saying that. 28:07 | (Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) TheCourierSystem: Cheer100 congrats on becoming a sex worker, welcome to the club! we have soda, snacks, and a bunch of dommy mommy's calling you a good little pet~ 28:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Basically, forseeing your own downfall into debauchery 28:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Blue twitch hehe 28:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: Fortnite battle pass 28:08 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: f1nnCope 28:08 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: f1nnCope 28:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: you wanted to? 28:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL LUL f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 28:10 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: X 28:10 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: He is so embarrassed 28:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: SeemsGood 28:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: minxWIDE minxWIDE1 28:11 | mahronica218: The fans want what the fans want 28:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Did that 17 years become 17 months? 28:12 | TrueMezzo: so ashley was right 28:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: Sure buddy 28:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 28:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) stick_nick: 'hole'some 28:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Yeah no, we know you wanted to 28:15 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: This was during the 24 hour stream about 2 years ago where you started in the bikini I sent @f1nn5ter 28:15 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: Most wholesome 28:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Good to hear 28:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME? 28:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: bimbo 28:18 | mistyeyedpea: XD 28:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: A little? 28:18 | crows_on_ice: Blush 28:19 | thorbjoern93: Very wholesome indeed, love the new Philosophy Tube video nessiLove 28:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnLaff 28:20 | LOtiumduPeuple: You preshot the curb tho 28:20 | centrefat: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 28:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Bimbo 28:22 | (Listening only) UltraMarioX: How are you fiinn! 28:22 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: pretty sure your amount of holes has remained constant throughout your life, so technically true that you are your most hole-some version to date 28:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: "past" 28:23 | LofiiBerry: HRELLOFINN!! 28:24 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: What is gonna happen to Minecraft? :'( 28:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Holesome or hoesome? 28:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 wanted to? 28:26 | mahronica218: you sloooot 28:27 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Slippery slope 28:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: he's just like me fr 28:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) TNTUSER55: That's not better :/ 28:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) valcinoid: The better twitch 28:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Youg5ter was delusional 28:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: It's all about the wonga..... we all know bro LUL 28:32 | LofiiBerry: How are you! 28:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: i was in that stream POGGERS 28:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Slooty hmmm 28:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Couldn't hold yourself back eh 28:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter some off us have good memories 28:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 28:38 | kofi_ansu: This is a 24 hr stream? 28:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: !caps @sunnyd_1 28:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 28:42 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You know what goes in outlets… 28:42 | (Sub Gifter) handsomepotato_6: I redeemed blow a kiss 28:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DulyMoon: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 28:45 | Y0rk5h1r3: Shouldn't you be drinking white Monster? 28:46 | titzmagee793: Y u always on when I'm working!!!! 28:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: And it only took less than 3 years KEKW 28:47 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you gonna upset the parasocialist that say you are a wholesome bean who got corrupted D: 28:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Pass me was slutty? WTF 28:48 | (Prime Gaming) Dagamerzat: discardAMIGO 28:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Past Rose or Current Rose? 28:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: I hope you keep your peepee in your pants on BP 28:54 | aerrobar: yoooooooooooo 28:54 | Tadano_2002: CoolStoryBob 28:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @kofi_ansu The chat is open 24 hrs, at least 28:58 | e_y_e_b_a_l_l: Atomic heart more like atomic fart 28:58 | Tadano_2002: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob 28:59 | centrefat: yoooo 28:59 | justrickroll89990: bye daddy @f1nn5ter 29:04 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Ghost writer 29:06 | aerrobar: @centrefat wsg 29:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) dirtyboibuss: Do not send me your dik pic 29:10 | LOtiumduPeuple: TTS think your dumb 29:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 29:12 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: "I can't show it", F1nn says, having shown it. 29:18 | LordBatsberg: Just 5 pics a day pls 29:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: liar you used chatgbt didnt you 29:19 | arzi77perra: if i give you20.000 will you be my mail order husband. 29:20 | (Prime Gaming) kylerangelp: kylerangelp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 29:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: My dono didn’t show f1nnSad 29:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kylerangelp subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months using Prime! PogU 29:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: monkaS not going to school 29:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @kofi_ansu no, from an earlier stream that was 29:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) royal_air_force__beam: $20 wtf 29:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: aa i missed the prediction, what is it? 29:25 | ItIsReDD: get wavy hair finn 29:25 | jade_010_: Why so early? 29:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tslenelove: !lurk 29:26 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... 29:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Hello everybody 29:30 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: So things you say now are not set in stone, rose? 29:30 | gernadesquirrel: still on hold what woderfull helpfull people would do better sending smoke signals errrr 29:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: yes 29:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 29:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 29:33 | mistyeyedpea: Are you growing out your hair 29:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: That silence KEKW 29:34 | kofi_ansu: Oh ok 29:34 | xuxiiweee: he absolutely did 29:34 | MiaMulder: Oh hey! How was it working with Abi for a lil bit? Seems like you had a fun time on set 29:34 | total_acidity: "'growing' with me" LUL 29:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: here comes the edit 29:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 29:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: I'm watching you while being in class 29:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: also on reddit 29:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: LUL 29:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dztvm/he_is_thinking_about_it/ @F1NN5TER 29:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: ohhh no KEKW 29:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dztvm/he_is_thinking_about_it/ @F1NN5TER 29:42 | braddle172: KEKW 29:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: that clip KEKW 29:46 | (cheer 100) elder_bingo61: elder_bingo61 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 32 month streak! 29:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: elder_bingo61 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 32 months at Tier 1! PogU 29:47 | ForgotMyPasswd: UH OH 29:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @jrgamingvr86 Nice 29:49 | kofi_ansu: Is that a sword in the background 29:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dztvm/he_is_thinking_about_it/ @F1NN5TER 29:53 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: L 29:54 | zpfran: ConcernDoge 29:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: The “no nudes“ disappeared for some reason 29:56 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: OMG 29:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GOTTEM 29:59 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: good job chat we are making progress now 30:01 | (Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) TheCourierSystem: Cheer100 HES BLUSHING! whataw1Hehe 30:03 | (VIP, 3-Month Subscriber, Verified) CottontailVA: how old is this 30:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gottem lol 30:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: I was there 30:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Hey Cotton 30:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW Cotten 30:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: omg it was so long ago 30:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Gottem 30:14 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @CottontailVA, about 28 months 30:15 | xd_fabian_x: Hello there. 30:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Cotton hi 30:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: this is how you used to talk 30:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @CottontailVA Hello :D 30:17 | mistyeyedpea: XD 30:17 | bigsuave7: you're weird 30:18 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Couple of years ago 30:18 | zpfran: 4 years 30:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reminded about what he said about the tail. - 3690 30:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Aww baby Finn 30:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: cottonn 30:21 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: @CottontailVA probably like 2 years 30:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: buttplugs are inevitable Tfufun 30:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Cotton! 30:22 | arzi77perra: yes he has xcalibuer. 30:23 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheThromborax: "OH GOD WHAT DO I SOUND LIKE" 30:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Hello cotton 30:24 | (VIP, 3-Month Subscriber, Verified) CottontailVA: omg baby streamer baby streamer 30:25 | LOtiumduPeuple: it was before hrt 30:25 | mistyeyedpea: The end is chrome 30:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: @cottontailva hi cotton!! 30:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Baby baby streamer 30:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Mommy Cotton is here! <3 30:32 | total_acidity: Sept 2020, prob 30:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: Hi cotton 30:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: F1nns face was fuller back then 30:39 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: old F1nn was so innocent :D 30:41 | KHOZG_: hi cotton 30:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DulyMoon: Its hanging behind you 30:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 30:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: you sound less british now 30:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: Cotton!! 30:43 | (Prime Gaming) sartanxar: sartanxar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! 3 babbie many months f1nnHeart 30:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sartanxar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU 30:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wear it LOL 30:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), cheer 100) aquasurf_29: COTTON <3 30:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: You even gonna attempt to answer DMs on the Battlepass website? I imagine you have hundreds already lol Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 30:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: it will 30:47 | total_acidity: Hi Cotton! 30:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: ain't gonna happen ! 30:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: actually you at the end of the week 30:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: that looks nice 30:51 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: I like innocint fin 30:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: THAT'S HOW YOU SPOKE WHEN YOU WERE MORE MANLY THAN YOU ARE NOW 30:53 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Surely 30:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: So innocent 30:55 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @CottontailVA, for info the Girl Month goal that is up on the screen happened just over 2 years ago 30:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: TPFufun damn 30:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: A sub goal that’s not finished? cringe 30:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Hi Cotton 30:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I knew opening this stream at work was a bad idea 30:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: its cause twitter videos SUCK 30:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Cut to new battlepass content 31:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: UK internet like 31:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: 31:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: he was less innocent than he claimed to be 31:03 | (cheer 100) blackhippy21: w leak 31:03 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: Cotton!! 31:03 | moly_0: I miss those streams 31:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Baby streamer 31:08 | jyrd_: bru what does finn use for his hair? im jealous 31:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter you are a chicken 31:10 | arzi77perra: you look way better nowinstead like a boy in a dress. 31:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn was never innocent, he was just more ashamed 31:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: baby f1nn 31:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) RonnieSxl: !uptime 31:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 31m 23s 31:14 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Hi Mommie @CottontailVA 31:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Innocent? 31:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dtw0f/the_tails_origin_story_current_appearance/ same clip but reddit @F1NN5TER 31:18 | (Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) TheCourierSystem: i can't wait to watch finn get rizzed again Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 31:18 | (Watching without audio) NerdBoii_ch: knutsNodd 31:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dtw0f/the_tails_origin_story_current_appearance/ same clip but reddit @F1NN5TER 31:18 | bigsuave7: cotton 31:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dtw0f/the_tails_origin_story_current_appearance/ same clip but reddit @F1NN5TER 31:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: All time-lines will happen. 31:19 | cancerous_koala: Cheer1 31:20 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: hi finny, hi @CottontailVA, hi chat femboy32Heart femboy32Heart femboy32Heart 31:21 | kofi_ansu: Baby fin do doo dooo 31:21 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradzilla18: bradzilla18 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 31:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bradzilla18 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU 31:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) domin_no_way: cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty 31:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ??? 31:24 | (Listening only) NitroPixelz: wixelsSit 31:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 31:25 | (Prime Gaming) star_the_folf: F1nnster fight jerma 31:25 | KHOZG_: PFFFTT 31:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you gonna upset the parasocialist that say you are a wholesome bean who got corrupted D: 31:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: OF won't change much for chat 31:28 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: "Good game last night bro" 31:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL 31:31 | (cheer 1) cancerous_koala: Hello world 31:31 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheThromborax: "chat will be better once they've seen my b@lls" 31:32 | (Prime Gaming) s41nttr1n4: Elden ring finally Trans yall we did it 31:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Smoll KEKW 31:35 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: It will be fine 31:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Helen posting links ^^^ - 3810 31:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: @jyrd_ Olaplex 31:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: A little means 100% right now 31:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: smol 31:38 | ar1st1pp0s: short queen 31:39 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: theres gonna be some bonks thats for sure 31:39 | (Prime Gaming) deathpond: i like short girls ;) 31:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @johnkeiwo Fax 31:40 | im_up_to_something: Now Rose has less shame lol 31:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Hi Cotton 31:41 | (Prime Gaming) Martineli714: i love u 31:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: I am confident in saying that after a year on battle pass you will put stuff up your butt and you will like it 31:43 | jona98m: Lower because no pillow 31:44 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: You are short 31:45 | kofi_ansu: Manly man F1nn5ter 31:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11dtw0f/the_tails_origin_story_current_appearance/ same clip but reddit @F1NN5TER 31:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: hrt can make you lose a few inches in height 31:47 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: "Look" short. Finn you're 5'2 31:49 | pern_the_cat: Just short 31:49 | pragth: hiru12Hart 31:51 | (cheer 100) femdoggoboy: Short King 31:53 | kofi_ansu: Tall f1nn5ter 31:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: !pp @F1NN5TER did you see the update on this ? KEKW 31:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 31:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sproxxie: You don't need to show off your height for Cotton 31:55 | mahronica218: Fuck 31:55 | (Turbo) will_halloward: why aren't you in the minecraft twitch rivals as you are the very well known minecraft twitch stream. @F1NN5TER 31:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Short 31:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 31:56 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 31:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @johnkeiwo So you think he always had this whole thing in him from the start? 32:00 | (GlitchCon 2020) elventz: Hey Finn :D 32:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: it’ll be hard for us broke people :( 32:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaffacake_bp: so femme you're shrinking 32:06 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 31 in the channel! 32:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: omgitsashley98 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 32:06 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to neocrypt06! 32:06 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to spongebob_roundpants1! 32:06 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Reptile622! 32:06 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shysproutt! 32:06 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 2) OMGitsAshley98: OMGitsAshley98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lytelor! 32:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @imNotSubbed, yes 32:08 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) alice_the_dungeon_owl: My dono question disappeared 32:09 | LOtiumduPeuple: 'hell yeah" ! LUL 32:11 | (Prime Gaming) tokusatsu10: !commands 32:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 32:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bottersnike_: bottersnike_ subscribed at Tier 1. 32:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bottersnike_ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bottersnike_ f1nnLezgang 32:16 | lilianneart: @jaffacake_bp kfghfdfkjg 32:16 | gernadesquirrel: f1nnSCAM just unlocked it 32:18 | hokuromc: makeup 32:19 | (Watching without audio) TICTACTACOS1: will that bit be revealed tomorrow? 32:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn admits he looks short. Needs a booster seat. - 3950 32:20 | oofuc: Split ends LOL 32:20 | mahronica218: lol I just realized it was my settings that was blocking out bad words lol 32:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: today is not the day for memory im guessing, same welp 32:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Straight? 32:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Holesome? 32:24 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) alice_the_dungeon_owl: Sad 32:28 | (Prime Gaming) Bit_Loud: sup boo 32:30 | kofi_ansu: I love old f1nn5ter 32:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Old F1nn 32:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) OMGitsAshley98: Heyy! 32:35 | mistyeyedpea: StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese 32:39 | nerlaemi: I have the same hair clip omg!! 32:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) BBcool53: We need the battle pass link tho 32:42 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: theres still cardboard 32:44 | braddle172: f1nnGremlin 32:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL 32:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: It’s still a mess xD 32:48 | Madamluna1: Do you believe in gravity miss 32:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: Why do you live in a pig sty @F1NN5TER? 4Head 32:49 | Senevri: Did you see you getting It's Always Sunny'd clip? 32:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 32:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: eh, it's plastic, it can stay 32:51 | maddiimew: Hiii finnyyyy 32:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @johnkeiwo and this is just been a place where he finally felt accepted enough to be "him"? 32:51 | kofi_ansu: The sword bro? 32:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) marvelma5471: Hi 32:52 | (VIP, 3-Month Subscriber, Verified) CottontailVA: i keep my christmas trees up year round lol 32:55 | (Watching without audio) guiseppe_mundi: straight finn was the bess 32:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 32:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 32:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: am baby - can someone explain how you win a gifted sub? 32:57 | hokuromc: Christmas tree 32:58 | failbreathebalanceandgrow: !measurememts 32:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) roopdawg: Nice sword Bro! 33:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 33:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 19:33 33:04 | LOtiumduPeuple: @kofi_ansu I miss the Finn, straight from the go Finn 33:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 33:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yeah please dont change your contenty 33:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 33m 15s 33:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Did you throw the tree'sbox 33:10 | bigsuave7: Kappa 33:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @imNotSubbed, he always wanted to just show more, he got more confident to do it 33:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: keep the streams wholesome 33:13 | arzi77perra: 33:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AmarielleEU: 2003 GMT? 33:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) eddiefreestone: eddiefreestone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 3 months, thanks daddy bezos. my favourite dude f1nn, keep up the stupid 33:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: eddiefreestone subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 33:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sproxxie: someone clip this for afew month later 33:17 | LOtiumduPeuple: TOS 33:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AmarielleEU: 20:03? 33:17 | gabbylantis: no I dont know what you mean enlighten us 33:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) conklinenterprise: My Christmas tree is up all year lights and all 33:18 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: prince1863StarbucksMe prince1863StarbucksMe prince1863StarbucksMe 33:19 | saken_412: F1nn I’m a lesbian and I’m attracted to you. Where am I now? 33:19 | oofuc: Wearing a chocker today i see 33:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Full throttle 33:20 | TrueMezzo: no soda level stuff 33:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: TOS friendly 33:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: LOVE the numbers talk, so definitely hope that comes up whenever you wanna talk about them 33:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: asmr streams incoming 33:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: you are doing stupid things all the time what you mean KEKW 33:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @dumplumbnhavinfun, It's random. 33:22 | (VIP, 3-Month Subscriber, Verified) CottontailVA: say it with your chest, kitten 33:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: "Degenerate" 33:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Side hustles LUL f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 33:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Yet 33:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Bathtub? 33:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: Hmmmmm 33:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: naugty stuff @F1NN5TER 33:24 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: "Not gonna slut it up" 33:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Getting pegged? 33:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: You hardly stream now 33:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) royal_air_force__beam: corn 33:28 | bigsuave7: Kreygasm 33:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @johnkeiwo makes sense 33:28 | (Subscriber) nosemar: dont say you're not doing something, you'l;l just end up doing it later Keepo 33:30 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Play some Minecraft live 33:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: You're not gonna become the femboy Amorranth basically 33:32 | kofi_ansu: Was pulled from a stone? So now you are Queen of England 33:33 | axbn__: @dumplumbnhavinfun someone has to gift it to you 33:33 | ThiccDamage: ur not doing the slutty wuty 33:33 | hokuromc: finn sus 33:34 | Xarallon: "amaranth"y stuff? 33:34 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: not doing it... yet 33:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Corn 33:35 | mistyeyedpea: KAPOW 33:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: Yiddy Stream @F1NN5TER 33:36 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: yet 33:36 | braddle172: pron 33:36 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do you consider yourself a sexworker now ? 33:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: nude ? 33:38 | dctorfinger: Sexual content 33:38 | pragth: yeahh 33:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Corn ayo????????? 33:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Segs 33:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Risque? 33:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Corn 33:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sproxxie: YET 33:42 | theMrDanielvp: Lewds only? 33:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: well... 33:42 | hokuromc: yet 33:43 | elbvv: Don’t do porn 33:44 | (Prime Gaming) JimRaynor56: Somebody clip it, we'll revisit in a couple of years. 33:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: 33:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: We stan a curious king, keep the innocent character you play here 33:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: Corn 33:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: tasteful spicy stuff 33:46 | crazyequals_joe: how late is it where you are? 33:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: We HAVE seen twitter..... 33:47 | rcionos: no toys? 33:47 | im_up_to_something: Not yet 33:48 | mistyeyedpea: TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo 33:48 | hokuromc: yettt 33:49 | eclipsi0: Battle pass stuff? 33:49 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: @cottontailva gotta keep it festive all year! 33:49 | (Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: play the curb enthusiam music in a few years 33:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Lewd stuff 33:52 | offtop999: i just arrived and first thing i hear "porn?" 33:54 | (GlitchCon 2020) elventz: KEKEW 33:54 | SmallestSmudge: New to stream. But what sword is that? 33:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no corn ....yet! 33:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Spicy 33:57 | (GlitchCon 2020) rhees_: cue the curb your meme about this clip in a year or so 33:57 | lavendercupid: ?? 33:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 33:59 | (GlitchCon 2020) elventz: KEKW 34:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Lol 34:00 | PapaLegbaThe3rd: burn the Christmas tree 34:01 | pern_the_cat: That’s getting used against you later 34:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "Pr0n?" - 4000 34:01 | ruby22___: @saken_412 you're still lesbian, you're just attracted to a femme presenting male 34:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Kappa sweet summer child 34:03 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: @F1NN5TER I assume what you want to say is: you'll not be streaming in the pools, beaches, and hottubs section ragurally 34:03 | blu3berrycat: In a couple of years this will be clipped with him announcing his pornhub account 34:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: We get it; You’re not going Full-Amouranth 34:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 34:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) f4zol0: very based 34:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: cozy streams 34:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: i think.. you're wrong 34:05 | arzi77perra: i love corn. 34:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 34:07 | lavendercupid: Elsewhere? 34:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 34:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: you say that now but you've said you didn't want to do a lot of stuff but now you want to 34:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Sounds like a good plan 34:09 | (Turbo) Clockwork413: no. no.. nooooo 34:09 | nerlaemi: make us pay for it, daddy F1nn 34:09 | rcionos: toys 34:10 | mistyeyedpea: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit 34:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Is this the launch party stream? 34:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Seen Twitter? OMG. 34:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) f4zol0: thoroughly based 34:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kreygasm 34:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Elsewhere? 34:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Porn_? 34:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: corn 34:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: god no 34:17 | thatssocreemy: look at thus bitch 34:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) dotkosm: Will you be streaming on the battlepass 34:19 | (Prime Gaming) Sambson: when will we see the good pics on of :D 34:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) redalex0210: What is your cup size for your breasts? 34:20 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Battlepass will become mandatory I guess 34:20 | ComradeLyho: hasUnless no... 34:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i don't like corn 34:21 | kofi_ansu: Playing with hair clip 34:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Nothing risqué over here 34:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Yeah, that's not happening. 34:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: You lie like papa 34:22 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: MMMMMMM??? 34:22 | Multi27: yes pls 34:23 | aunalbrutal: aunalbrutal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 22 month streak! Hello Miss Rose, how does it feel being the cute amazing sweet and elegant gremlin that you are. / / / / / / / / / / / / Good girl 34:23 | (cheer 100) stethecooldad: !donate 34:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: aunalbrutal subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU 34:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 34:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: no 34:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Yes 34:25 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Is your minecraft channel gonna surive? :'( 34:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn is totally Cotton's pawn, it checks out 34:26 | kofi_ansu: I do that too 34:27 | AIRHydrant: thats also exactly what I heard first lol 34:27 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 34:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sully_TD: just wait 2 years 34:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1Claps 34:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) f4zol0: not only twitter 34:34 | xuxiiweee: finn why is your hand there 34:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: U can’t do it! (B Wholesome) 34:35 | mistyeyedpea: Can I get a hoooooooooo yeeeeaaaaaa 34:40 | (Moderator, Founder, Game Developer) nothitch: You have forgotten something smh 34:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: I think I will pay 34:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: haha 34:42 | elbvv: I will loose respect if you do porn 34:44 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @johnkeiwo That's not what you said during the banana streams. 34:45 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: You will referencing the other "Channel" all the time though so won;t be that whooesome 34:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: wholesome but sus dono 34:45 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Is your content gonna involve a pumpkin in your content. Asking as a fellow femboy 34:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 34:47 | octyn_: Hi F1NN5TER 34:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 34:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says stream outfits will get more wholesome since he will do his SLOOTY-SHIZ on the Battlepass. - 3810 34:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: Will you respond to DMs on the battepass ? 'cause most models hire people to do that shit I believe 34:50 | oofuc: NotLikeThis 34:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: I love the look of cringe at the end 34:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 finn, the new season of mandalorian starts on march 1st. I'm sorry, you are great, but my loyalty is to the empire first and foremost. 34:51 | hokuromc: tiktok teaser? 34:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: Will there ever be noodles in the battle pass? BegWan 34:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 34:54 | (Prime Gaming) Aryath_: Kinda early today 34:54 | octyn_: Hi 34:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) roopdawg: would love to see you do minecraft builds on stream 34:55 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @nothitch, he always does 34:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: can I dare dreaming of POPcorn? Kappa 34:57 | mistyeyedpea: Me 34:58 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: of course 34:59 | KoalaDumpy: peepoSimp 35:00 | cyrano_red_canada: R u doing a calender? 35:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Such a gud girl 35:01 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: cottontailTOS cottontailTHISISFINE cottontailTOS cottontailTHISISFINE cottontailTOS cottontailTHISISFINE cottontailTOS 35:01 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: GayPride BisexualPride PansexualPride GenderFluidPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride 35:02 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: what a gremlin 35:03 | jeet696969: It's fucking midnight in india 35:04 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: You're going to get 50k "Good girl" DM's 35:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: good girl is better 35:09 | moreperfectuser: Feeling like Spider-Man rn cuz ONE MORE DAY 35:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: THIS IS THE WAY 35:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: ^ 35:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: yeah new mando season gonna be fire 35:12 | MikkiDMix: 35:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: breakup text vibes KEKW 35:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Say goodbye to minecraft then which is good 35:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: KEKW 35:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) monochromedoom: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 35:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: The Empire doesn't even exist anymore in The Mandalorian, SMH 35:15 | arzi77perra: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo FallWinning FallWinning 35:15 | pern_the_cat: Noooooooo 35:17 | octyn_: How are you today f1nn 35:17 | offtop999: nah you defo an elf 35:17 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Lol 35:17 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @cyrano_red_canada, he's said no repeatedly 35:18 | kofi_ansu: Red Bull gives you wings 35:19 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Kekw 35:20 | hokuromc: RaccAttack 35:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Kekw 35:22 | (Prime Gaming) MasterOfMutation: the empire strikes back (at finn) 35:23 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Finn doing spicy stuff, still sub 35:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) svendevries09: svendevries09 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 35:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: svendevries09 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 35:24 | fuuuuuuuuudge_: i will be on the only ferns the second it comes out 35:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: !time 35:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 19:36 35:28 | mikmin25: the most masculine thing about him is how he plays with the hair clip 35:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnGremlin 35:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: 17 years? 35:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: 3 years? 35:29 | Arthree: 17 years KappaCool 35:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: X 35:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter come on rose get the makeup on 35:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: CAREFUL 35:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: forrrrrrrr......... 35:31 | zevalobod: LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!!! 35:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: ...yet 35:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: X 35:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: great dono 35:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: -_- 35:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Pillooow: season 2 35:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: X 35:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: x 35:32 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: FOR?? 35:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: any day now... 35:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 35:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Kappa 35:33 | braddle172: X 35:33 | (Prime Gaming) bruceleeharveyoswald: at least a week 35:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: Clip it 35:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Likes "sweet and elegant" epithet. - 3900 35:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: for?? 35:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: X 35:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Kappa 35:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: x 35:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: x 35:35 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 35:35 | (Prime Gaming) pegisides: me and my friend have already signed up for the of, cant wait 35:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ReflejoAzul: 17 years? 35:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) johnmichael91: X 35:36 | kevin326520: for???? 35:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: go ooon? 35:36 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: X 35:36 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: X 35:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: x 35:37 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: x 35:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: X 35:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: For A month 35:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: 17 years 35:37 | hokuromc: for? 35:38 | (Watching without audio) Unsleeping_: Kappa 35:38 | (Turbo) Clockwork413: for? 35:38 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: sure 35:38 | im_up_to_something: So not yet 35:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: 35:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: FOR??? 35:38 | (Prime Gaming) peterfrazer: x 35:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: X 35:38 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: X 35:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: yeah right 35:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: X 35:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) TNTUSER55: x 35:39 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Kappa 35:39 | jona98m: x 35:39 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: X 35:39 | lavendercupid: x 35:40 | barbie_secretstanner: Clip it 35:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: You have no credibility on not doing things now 35:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 35:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: x 35:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW 35:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Xxx 35:40 | sadman_pl: X 35:41 | hokuromc: x 35:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Doubt 35:41 | bwjune: X 35:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: The considering 35:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) onesek_: X 35:41 | Electroshake: cue curb music 35:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: X 35:42 | (Prime Gaming) Hemry64_: Thats what they all say 35:42 | NagashTheHomie: x 35:42 | leo_butteerz: X 35:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: I'll give it 2 months 35:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: X 35:42 | Steys00: x 35:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: BET 35:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: clip 35:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bottersnike_: X 35:43 | andreanicolealigato2: X 35:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) der_tom14: x 35:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: X 35:43 | vrworkouts: X 35:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: X 35:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER 35:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: X 35:43 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: another one tho 35:43 | saken_412: F1nn i’m a lesbian and I think you’re hot 35:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: x 35:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: That's the same thing he said about the battle pass 35:44 | (GlitchCon 2020) elventz: x 35:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) VintageCenti: Clip 35:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER 35:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCancelled 35:45 | TrueMezzo: setting up the clip 35:45 | Atrice: you meen again? 35:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER 35:45 | xuxiiweee: f1nn is very predictable 35:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER 35:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) boggy_smalls: X 35:46 | slubert: Kappa 35:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: X 35:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Already has 35:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Lyond2: X 35:46 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Curb meme incoming 35:47 | KnapperigeKapitein: not even for the battlepass? 35:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) FallenReaper02: X 35:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) monochromedoom: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang 35:47 | zowowowowowock: dude demon slayer, aot and Rose's OF in the same week holy dud 35:48 | (Prime Gaming) heavymetltarzan: X X X 35:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: we have heard that before 35:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: xxx 35:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: More than once more like 35:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 35:49 | braddle172: Flashback to that clip 35:49 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Dang 35:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: It's been considered 35:49 | CouyonCrawfish: CouyonCrawfish subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! 35:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: x 35:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: couyoncrawfish subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU 35:50 | FirstDragonborn: Hi Finn 35:50 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Clip it for the future! 35:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) TheGermanJordan: The cake is a lie 35:51 | pern_the_cat: Clip it nowwwww 35:52 | (GlitchCon 2020) elventz: xxx 35:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) monochromedoom: LMFAO 35:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: X 35:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: LUL LUL LUL LUL 35:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Give it 17 years 35:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER 35:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) balthezor19: though about it tho didn't ya 35:54 | 1_d0nt_stream: X 35:55 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: unless Cottontail forces you 35:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I still wonder what your left hand was doing in the latest tweet Kappa 35:56 | JATA_C: another curb your meme clip 35:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: "never" 35:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber) rollinkatamaris: Mhmm 35:56 | joolz_ug: never say never 35:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: sub goal?? 35:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: We'll be replaying that clip two years for m now 35:58 | skyro3o: Now that you said it it’s gonna happen 35:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: You won't do it like the battlepass? 35:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) theking_cool: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled 35:58 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: off the table?? but why 35:59 | bigsuave7: Kappa 36:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: "never" 36:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: but you say that all the time and then do it 36:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: What did Ashlee predickt? 36:02 | LOtiumduPeuple: Curb in comin' 36:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) barndecked: What if we ask very nicely? 36:03 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: NO chance he lasts 3 months. I give it 70 days before we see bussy pics 36:04 | fragilem1lk: Cotton could make you wear it 36:04 | chilled_spice: 2 months and 3 days 36:04 | Senevri: Like you said "I will never do an " 36:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 36:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: "i'm never gonna do an of" -2021 finn 36:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) inst4nt_: X 36:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: for the future 36:06 | (cheer 100) batchelli: Future finn wear tails 36:07 | kofi_ansu: Hey there sweet sugar cakes. How you liking this party ? 36:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP More Helen links. ^^^ - 3920 36:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Helen is sharing a very interesting clip there Finn 36:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) Shivvvvers: its fine chat will pick it up and put it back on the table for you :) 36:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caboose069: show bussy 36:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yah tommorow f1nn might do it 36:12 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: future f1nn problems LUL 36:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: X 36:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: desert eagle toy 36:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: You said you will never do a battlepass 36:14 | maddiimew: Awwwwwww your stuttering!!! 36:14 | (Prime Gaming) yukiheckit: Finn plugs aren't that bad you'll be fine c: 36:14 | hokuromc: future finn 36:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: How would you feel about a 'Southern Belle' sundress stream? 36:15 | nightwolf4476: Rose is preparing to get pegged by Cotton 36:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: LOL 36:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 36:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) nukey222: nukey222 subscribed at Tier 1. 36:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: nukey222 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nukey222 f1nnLezgang 36:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 36:17 | kevin326520: KEKW 36:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: KEKW 36:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Battlepass is risqué content only? no nudity or anything of that sort? 36:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 36:18 | braddle172: KEKW 36:18 | KateChon258: KateChon258 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months of watching F1nn confuse the world 36:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: katechon258 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU 36:19 | noShowRhino: D: 36:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: improv Gender ! 36:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: a lot can change in half a year 36:20 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: KEKW 36:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: KEKW 36:20 | (Prime Gaming) voiicide: KEKW 36:20 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: VoteYea 36:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 36:22 | mistyeyedpea: Gonna b going but happy to have caught u on stream DxCat 36:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I'm having the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme open on another tab and start playing it every time we have him KEKW 36:23 | kevin326520: ACCURATE KEKW 36:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: So basically YOU WILL WEAR the tail. We just have to wait him out Chat. 36:23 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: KEKW 36:23 | evethe1ne: is it already done 36:24 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: "ill never do it", you said the same about the battlepass 36:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: gender improv 36:26 | gernadesquirrel: just do you F1 be ture to youselfnn 36:27 | evethe1ne: ? 36:28 | (Turbo) jephtyler: COPIUM 36:28 | mr_girbraltar: KEKW 36:32 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Future Finn: “I HAVE PRIVATE ISLAND PAYMENTS, DAMMIT!” 36:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: What a burn 36:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaffacake_bp: jaffacake_bp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! F1NN5TER? I hardly know her! 36:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: jaffacake_bp subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU 36:35 | (Prime Gaming) LoadSmasher: you will wear it and you will love it! 36:36 | bwianlive: fIN 36:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 36:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: AHAHAHAA 36:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Lol 36:42 | arzi77perra: LMAO 36:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: That's great LUL LUL LUL 36:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: SEED PLANTED. HE'S GOING TO TRY OUT THE TAIL SOON. 36:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: You have 2 braincells, and they are competing for 3rd place ! 36:44 | (Turbo) Clockwork413: a tragedy you mean 36:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 36:44 | TheNeverShow: 1 raiders from TheNeverShow have joined! 36:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Rules are made to be broken Kappa 36:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 36:47 | strawberryapplepear: 'ok so if i dress up like a girl and shave and stuff, and get fucked by dudes, will upperclass girls still like me?' 36:48 | (Prime Gaming) Usernames4reHard: Don’t worry you’ll still be relevant in 6 months and another hot femboy won’t show up 36:49 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: Wear the chrome F1NN, its just for the lols I swear. 36:50 | tim19862: KEKW 36:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: LUL 36:52 | braddle172: KEKW 36:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 36:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER 36:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mods pog 36:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: don't go over 69 pls KEKW 36:55 | sadman_pl: XD 36:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: X 36:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL 36:56 | xuxiiweee: X 36:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: xd 36:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: X 36:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: X 36:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: X 36:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: X 37:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) agowa338: agowa338 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 37:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: agowa338 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 37:00 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: So you say 37:00 | (Prime Gaming) Dawodil: <3 <3 <3 37:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: X 37:01 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: W 37:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Yet 37:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yeahm you have 37:02 | lavendercupid: x 37:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: C 37:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: X 37:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Lazy eye is lying Kappa 37:02 | TheNeverShow: NEVER TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid 37:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sure 37:03 | Z1CR0N2100: X 37:03 | Gurglefrix: f1nnCope 37:03 | moreperfectuser: Suspiciously specific denial 37:03 | ThiccDamage: u got pretty eyes bruh 37:03 | (cheer 100) Tane1i: X 37:03 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) GLPfaker1411: sure 37:03 | karateka105: X 37:03 | TA00: Sure 37:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Worn 37:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: X 37:04 | aeschynitus: Kappa 37:04 | (Prime Gaming) firentas: He did 37:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Kappa 37:05 | Steys00: x 37:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PRESS X FOR DOUBT 37:05 | zevalobod: x 37:05 | (cheer 1) caffeinated_emt: uni410 so scared to get pegged you had to change the bet such a shame 37:05 | blu3berrycat: X 37:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: X 37:05 | braddle172: X 37:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yosftag1: today 37:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 1) Macks_02: Not no cam... 37:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Kappa 37:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: X 37:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: @F1NN5TER Have you seen the Curb your Enthusiasm meme on your subreddit? 37:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) boggy_smalls: You're literally letting cotton put things in you 37:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Your going to 37:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) armann24: you have 37:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentAttractiveQuailCorgiDerp-OKtmJqJFJe6LY3j6 you sure @F1NN5TER play the clip 37:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: your eyes might lie to you, don't believe them 37:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) jen_777: X 37:08 | bwjune: X 37:08 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Which eye? 37:08 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: X 37:08 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: X 37:08 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: didnt wear it but did insert it 37:08 | crystalrime: [looks away] "And never will" 37:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Not voting its biased 37:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: X 37:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: X 37:09 | burito_fist: X 37:09 | lavendercupid: Sure... 37:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Can't trust that lazy eye 37:09 | xXNeroZashiXx: x 37:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 5000) pseudonautilus: I say over a year, but it will happen 37:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Xxx 37:10 | BeetleBlock6966: x 37:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: X 37:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: the 2nd statement was x 37:10 | TazSenpai: never say never XD 37:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Lies 37:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) conklinenterprise: X 37:10 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: X 37:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: You tried it on we all know 37:10 | slubert: Kappa 37:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: X 37:11 | Multi27: but you did butt stuff before right 37:11 | bwianlive: finn what woiuld ur special move been in a tcg 37:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: x 37:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) der_tom14: x 37:11 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: ive never seen a less convincing lie 37:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: X 37:12 | NagashTheHomie: the eyes of a liar 37:12 | (cheer 100) femdoggoboy: Cope 37:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradzilla18: Tails are fun 37:12 | (GLHF Pledge) Mukkito: cope 37:12 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: f1nnCope f1nnSCAM f1nnCope f1nnSCAM f1nnCope f1nnSCAM f1nnCope 37:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Stare 37:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: X 37:14 | (Subscriber) rangePL: X 37:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: X 37:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: X 37:14 | (Prime Gaming) ItsRa1der: someone get the clip where he said he's open to the idea 37:15 | 1_d0nt_stream: X 37:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Lyond2: X 37:16 | Alchimay: then why do you still have it huh? 37:16 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: X 37:16 | Disasterlord: dont believe him 37:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Cope 37:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: Sure you did 37:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCancelled 37:18 | total_acidity: X 37:18 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Sureeee 37:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 37:19 | kevin326520: NEver TRIED?? HMMM?? 37:20 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 37:20 | elbvv: Nice 37:20 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: X 37:20 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: His cute nose is growing (Pinocchio joke) 37:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I voted a few months, i think that seems accurate Kappa 37:23 | (Turbo) jephtyler: X 37:23 | boguslaw_: Cheer100 finnster when will you drop the act and come out as a trans girl 37:24 | kristanie0815: Great actor 37:24 | pern_the_cat: LIAR!!! 37:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Helen KEKW 37:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: F1nn has definitely looked at the clip on one's and thought about it 37:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jusses: That could be fixed as soon as tomorrow, if you go by chat's voting options 37:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: they are coping 37:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Eh I mean you didn’t say it with a l straight face so your lying 37:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidGlare 37:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: I can recognize a lie when i see it... 37:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: this outfit was super cute 37:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 37:32 | LOtiumduPeuple: deja vu 37:33 | (cheer 100) batchelli: Been tail'd 37:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: do any jeans fit 37:34 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW OOF 37:34 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: How long till cotton wears finn ? 37:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 37:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Sus poll "Finn wears the tail" - 4130 37:37 | Styraxtwinblade: New camera? 37:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: „“Will never“ 37:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: That's mean 37:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: OOF 37:39 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: which eye should we look in? The regular one or the lazy one? 37:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: that's a pinoccio joke @F1NN5TER 37:39 | denji_bot: Wu 37:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: oof size large 37:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Very cute HypeLUL 37:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 37:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: yes you didi 37:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: You have 37:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: you do adorable 37:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: you've looked cute for months get outta here 37:46 | lilianneart: BLUSHING huh 37:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Noce GRemlin ? 37:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Your nose is cute tho 37:48 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: we can't always be nice to you 37:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: yes 37:50 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Very 37:52 | sirobby_: Higher res camera? 37:52 | Alkno_93: i agree you are cute as af 37:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 37:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: everyone’s nose grows infinitely 37:54 | (Prime Gaming) erxtica: the cool lighting is chefs kiss 37:54 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: What camera is it 37:55 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: Up for too long? 37:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 37:56 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: F1nn: “I feel pretty, oh so pretty…” 37:56 | Mossybirde: Hello 37:58 | slovic_: yo 37:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Nose Gremlin ? 37:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: imfastasfugb01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2 months jej 37:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: imfastasfugb01 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 38:00 | Styraxtwinblade: Looks crisp with the new camera 38:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 38:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: Hey Finn~~ 38:03 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Do we know what's gonna happen with his Minecraft... :'( 38:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: Looking kinda cute here bro 38:04 | kofi_ansu: Sword talk about the sword 38:04 | Disasterlord: cutest manly man on Twitch 38:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Cute? No. 38:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: we can also remind you about your eyebrow KEKW if that is better 38:06 | tim19862: KEKW 38:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: LUL 38:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MChamp12: MChamp12 subscribed with Prime. 38:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: You are adorable. Thank you for sharing your process with us 38:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mchamp12 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mchamp12 f1nnLezgang 38:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: you look cute even when you're an absolute gremlin 38:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: time for a haircut 38:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: BASED 38:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL 38:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: awww 38:13 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Based 38:13 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: W dad 38:13 | LucipurrCryz: moxxie6Lol 38:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I bet Finn was curious on how it would feel 38:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 38:14 | k1ngracer07: B 38:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Wat 38:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Your hair is a mess, but it could be fucked if you like Kappa 38:16 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: based 38:16 | moreperfectuser: Wow father-son bonding over femboys 38:17 | LOtiumduPeuple: Truning sons into femboi 38:17 | maddiimew: Where is cotton? @f1nn5ter 38:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: or mom 38:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: DAFUQ 38:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: KEKW 38:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: !camera 38:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) BarnesyWasRobbed: Based 38:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 38:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnLaff 38:19 | gernadesquirrel: need more power Mr. scott!!! 38:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SleeplessDove: SleeplessDove subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 38:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sleeplessdove subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 38:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: You got mom-zoned 38:21 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Femboy pilled 38:21 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: weird 38:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: also KKona ? 38:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: is this a 4chan greentext 38:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 38:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: hm 38:26 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I doubt that "son" exists 38:26 | Kawaiipie_: HIII 38:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wtf 38:27 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: W parent 38:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Finn wears the tail": Already wore it KEK with 581 votes (59.96%) 38:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noice 38:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: It’s called proud parent 38:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 38:31 | (cheer 100) caffeinated_emt: caffeinated_emt is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! 38:31 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: I just wanna know what camera it is.. 38:31 | (GLHF Pledge) anxyslender: anxyslender subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 38:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: caffeinated_emt has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! 38:31 | (cheer 100) caffeinated_emt: caffeinated_emt gifted a Tier 1 sub to SpockLogical! 38:31 | (cheer 100) caffeinated_emt: caffeinated_emt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Katiavu! 38:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: anxyslender subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 38:32 | (Prime Gaming) mzinker: We have seen the latex corset but when will we see the dresses 38:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: weird 38:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: W parent ig 38:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: W PARENT 38:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, I'm always nice to F1nn. 38:35 | neingeben: why is stream so early today 38:35 | fredo96993: Props for streaming after being up for so long, I wouldn't be able to even read something at this point. 38:36 | hokuromc: whos dad was that 38:36 | denji_bot: The w 38:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Alabama Femboy 38:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: W Dad tbh 38:38 | abodo1999: Welcome back 38:39 | moreperfectuser: 60% ALREADY WORE... KEKW lololololol 38:39 | arzi77perra: well you kinda look like a panda. 38:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: 38:40 | (Prime Gaming) ScarsUnseen: 38:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: W 38:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 38:42 | barbie_secretstanner: Hahaha 38:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 38:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 38:43 | Senevri: *** 38:44 | denji_bot: What 38:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 38:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: KEKW 38:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 38:45 | braddle172: KEKW 38:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: "Never" 38:45 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: KEKW 38:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: KEKW 38:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: lo 38:45 | kevin326520: KEKW 38:46 | arzi77perra: 38:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: KEKW 38:47 | (Subscriber) sadcomunist: KEKW 38:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bottersnike_: kekw 38:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL 38:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: KEKW 38:47 | blu3berrycat: lmfao 38:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 38:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: GOT EM 38:48 | (Prime Gaming) JamiePlaysGamiess: lmfao 38:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Kekw 38:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 38:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Fuxk it we vibe w parent 38:49 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 38:49 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Lul 38:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Kekw 38:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 38:50 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: KEKW 38:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: KEKW 38:50 | Anmdra: KEKW 38:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: How do I respond to that?? 38:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sproxxie: not saying no.. 38:51 | xuxiiweee: say it clearly yes 38:51 | slubert: KEKW 38:52 | TA00: KEKW 38:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnEgg 38:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: W parent 38:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Pog 38:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: KEKW 38:53 | lilianneart: don't bully the man! 38:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Say it :) 38:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) michelle9O: KEKW f1nnCope 38:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: that was actually funny 38:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: It's kinda sorta true 38:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No comebacks 38:57 | total_acidity: KEKW 38:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) MegaMiley: KEKW 38:58 | (Watching without audio) wack0x: its prolly true 38:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: KEKW 38:58 | CheesecubeNL: Silence? 38:59 | leysont: it's my first time here and i already love this community 38:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sapphiccatgirl6: KEKW 38:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: We got him 38:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 39:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: L 39:01 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: she's hestitating 39:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Say it Finn :) 39:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sub 39:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: that's his entire content LLLLLL 39:04 | (Watching without audio) SweetSugarCandi: Who do you want to collaborate with most? 39:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gottem 39:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: finn is so bully-able today KEKW 39:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: L 39:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: L 39:07 | gernadesquirrel: on a laptop giggles 39:08 | (Prime Gaming) djthaijay1: There is your clip, with no answer 39:09 | sammysnakes319: have you ever tried dryer sheets for frizzy hair 39:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Silence 39:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: Gottem 39:10 | braddle172: L 39:10 | kronos0800: egg 39:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: L 39:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: L 39:13 | moreperfectuser: L 39:13 | saken_412: F1nn i’m a lesbian and you’re hot 39:14 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Booba job never be coming 39:14 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: She is stuttering 39:14 | total_acidity: STALLING 39:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: L 39:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GOTTEM 39:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: L 39:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: F1n's life is one long "that escalated quickly" 39:16 | karorzgarahmad: L 39:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: another Curb Your Enthusiasm edit LUL 39:17 | NotAShapeshifter: our sub is speechless 39:17 | slubert: Kappa 39:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: KEKW 39:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: Take the L bro 39:19 | denji_bot: Sus 39:19 | maddiimew: L 39:19 | total_acidity: L 39:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 39:20 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: L 39:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: L 39:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Lucky @f1nn5ter Dad! More Bitches! Congrats! 39:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: L 39:24 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: L 39:25 | Kawaiipie_: first time in stream PrideRise PrideRise 39:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: L 39:25 | moreperfectuser: You must be Kira, because this is an L 39:26 | hokuromc: copium 39:26 | xuxiiweee: clipped 39:28 | lucitor_uff: l 39:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: L 39:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) strike123456112: f1nnCope f1nnCope 39:28 | total_acidity: KEKW 39:30 | denji_bot: B 39:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL 39:30 | LOtiumduPeuple: clip clip clip 39:31 | (Prime Gaming) justuwwuu: Sure 39:31 | (cheer 100) Tane1i: L 39:31 | (Watching without audio) SweetSugarCandi: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 39:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: clippers did you get that 39:32 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Narrator: “But that was then…” 39:33 | offtop999: femboys do be getting more gals xD 39:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Maenad_Bunny: L 39:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Hm 39:35 | (Subscriber) FlowingTalia: MercyWing1 f1nnGremlin MercyWing2 39:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 39:36 | hokuromc: copiummmm 39:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) michelle9O: clip it LUL 39:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: tiktok is gonna be mad at u again for joking with chat 39:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: hmm 39:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: SeemsGood 39:43 | arzi77perra: the curse of being a influenser. 39:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Thanks, CLIPPED 39:46 | Lacruiser: i wonder if Finn will film the encounter with cotton and post it on the battlepass :D 39:46 | Zeecreativecorner: New here but I love your stream 39:46 | (Watching without audio) SweetSugarCandi: PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar 39:48 | denji_bot: Wow 39:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 39:49 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: You fucking are bro 39:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Can't say he won't take HRT (for evidentiary purposes). - 3990 39:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: can be a model tho 39:51 | sacrifice223: the vain on your forehead betrays you 39:51 | aunalbrutal: Yes you are 39:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: yeah you are 39:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: death note shirt? 39:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: "not a model" LUL 39:57 | lionhart786: hey mods can we get a poll for when we think fin starts HRT 39:57 | (cheer 100) stethecooldad: @vanimal2118 my son gets more bitches than me 39:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: bro is literally chat's dress up doll but ok not a model 39:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Model F1nn 40:00 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Phone stream was good 40:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: “Not a model“ 40:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yeah, the tight pants were great 40:03 | sammysnakes319: you’re built for it babe 40:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he won't take HRT. Yep, he's taking HRT. - 3990 40:03 | (cheer 100) timmthehumanboy: Need to up that bottom dono 40:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Build like a twig 40:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: You looked awesome in them 40:05 | caspiandrogan: f1nnHeart 40:08 | skyro3o: I remember when meowriza rubbed estrogen on his arm tho lmao 40:09 | (Prime Gaming) Usernames4reHard: Just a little pratice 40:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Deathnote ewwww 40:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it was fun 40:12 | wickedwildwallace: whys he so hot 40:12 | sparco_2: I bet Finn will take HRT in a year 40:13 | rikolifant37: what is the battelbaas 40:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That was funny 40:14 | CritMozziYT: Yeah looking forward to it again 40:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Camelot? It's a model 40:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: True, he got confused and told us he loved us, best stream 40:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: I missed it what happened with the fur 40:17 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: didn't you already establish a criterion for taking HRT? (if you ever in the future felt too bad about potentially not looking female) 40:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: It was definitely more 'intimate' 40:17 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Built a twink 40:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you are a twig 40:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Built like a twink 40:18 | moreperfectuser: *Models clothes, makeup, etc. live on stream* "yeah i'm not a model" 40:19 | hokuromc: review reddit 40:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Vegetarian twig 40:20 | thePurplMurpl: built like a 2x4 40:20 | denji_bot: T 40:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: "I'm not a moddel" - F1inn, Feburary 2023 40:21 | KnapperigeKapitein: build like a pencil 40:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: x 40:22 | CheesecubeNL: No goals anymore? >( >( 40:23 | l3laz3de: no 40:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: ????? 40:23 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: no skin? 40:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Was definitely fun just chilling for the cozy stream the other night 40:25 | (Prime Gaming) BlG_BLOCK: Your built like a model 40:25 | arzi77perra: DarkKnight HarleyWink WhySoSerious 40:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Nah 40:26 | boysourroy101: twink 40:27 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: thats better? 40:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Smeagol ass lookin babe 40:29 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: it took me a while to watch aot but it was worth it 40:30 | lordhermit_for_ages: collaborate with Nano 40:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: mhm sure 40:31 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: 2D 40:31 | braddle172: Lanky 40:32 | denji_bot: Xd 40:32 | LOtiumduPeuple: Stomp me titan 40:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Your a twig m8 40:33 | irowsh88: Nsn# 40:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: We already know you're a gremlin we don't care about your messy house 40:33 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Slender man 40:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: STICK 40:34 | (cheer 5000) Mimmuka: more like a twink 40:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope 40:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: literal stick figure 40:36 | aunalbrutal: Your built like a princess :) 40:36 | (Prime Gaming) matty_p0715: What camera i just wanna know 40:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: you're an abnormal? 40:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: smal 40:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: And fingers 40:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 40:40 | ghostkiller1412: you are a titan, nah babe 40:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: Nah twig 40:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: slender man monkaS 40:40 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Their leggings looked really good on you. That makes you a model in their eyes. 40:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: Naah 40:41 | ClanMeister: fin is build like a manly man ;) 40:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: caffeinated_emt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! so scared to loose the arm wrestle bet with cotton you had to change the bet such a a shame we would have loved to watch cotton rail you in of 40:42 | femboystocks: Sup nerd 40:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: caffeinated_emt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 40:42 | (Subscriber) GluttonousGeorge: i bellieve the term used was malnurished twig 40:42 | sphagetti__: enderman 40:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Lmao 40:43 | caspiandrogan: f1nnRun 40:43 | irowsh88: Female titan 40:43 | Ramseyyyy96: no pants! 40:43 | sasha_bucket: lol 40:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: KEKW 40:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: scary 40:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Lol 40:44 | (Prime Gaming) Sketchypeepo: i must have missed the bottom titan 40:45 | (Prime Gaming) JakobDevs: Do the run! XD 40:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Everything long? 40:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA 40:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: oof 40:46 | (GLHF Pledge) Dubb0: yea, daily 40:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) TheDanieru: like the female titan lol 40:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 40:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: In my dreams 40:47 | (Subscriber) nerlaemi: nerlaemi subscribed at Tier 1. 40:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: nerlaemi subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nerlaemi f1nnLezgang 40:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: The only thing I remember about the titans is that they dont have genitals LUL 40:47 | arzi77perra: no comment. 40:47 | framblijs: Slenderman? 40:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: Built like Mr fantastic LUL 40:47 | (Watching without audio) SweetSugarCandi: Your adorable and although not a trained model, you look great in photos, and you pose quite beautifully, without even trying hard 40:48 | Lets_illuminatiHD: That’s ok if the house is a no cam space, we could also go on a walk LUL 40:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Built like a super model 40:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: KEKW 40:49 | (Prime Gaming) felina_aksel: show feet 40:49 | (Watching without audio) melor649: WutFace ender man 40:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: Stop the cap 40:51 | blu3berrycat: F1nn the titan 40:51 | denji_bot: Ay yo 40:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: SMOL STICK 40:52 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Knuckledragger 40:52 | (Prime Gaming) n3z_type_9_star: so youre shaped like 2d from the gorillaz?? 40:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Naked and have a big mouth? 40:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: You are built like a runway model 40:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Cart titan 40:54 | (Prime Gaming) felina_aksel: foot pls 40:56 | caspiandrogan: f1nnHeart f1nnRun 40:57 | (Prime Gaming) felina_aksel: tits ? 40:58 | sphagetti__: enderwoman 40:58 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Like a gremlin lmao 40:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: The female titain 40:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Ymir’s jaw titan 40:59 | irish_spud135: another day another slay queen 41:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: Stop the 41:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Running at me? 41:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Slender F1nn !! 41:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa f1nnHeart 41:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Thighs ayo? 41:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 41:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Goblin 41:03 | YaGirlHelena: f1nn5ter Fortnite icon skin in da battle pass 41:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: we still get the railing KEKW 41:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: KEKW 41:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Male or female titan. 41:04 | moreperfectuser: Wait what changed in the bet? 41:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Ah yes, the negotiator 41:05 | LOtiumduPeuple: What's the bet now ? 41:05 | boysourroy101: girl titan 41:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: very girly am so jealous 41:07 | Multi27: what wouldbe the alcohol level you'd have to reach to start experimenting with a dude 41:09 | (Listening only) blakituu: it's a good day to be bisexual 41:10 | (Watching without audio) melor649: KEKW 41:10 | denji_bot: Di 41:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: the deal is even worse for F1nn now 41:11 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: KEKW 41:12 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: When is the arm wrestling? 41:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: It got added to 41:16 | (Prime Gaming) thebestpatches: Look At That Dyson 41:16 | lucitor_uff: KEKW 41:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: that death note shirt 41:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 41:18 | (Prime Gaming) felina_aksel: b0000000bs 41:19 | morgan_of_oregon: Slender gender bender 41:19 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Hey finn 41:19 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: TRUUUUE 41:21 | total_acidity: KEKW 41:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 41:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 41:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: same nose 41:25 | blu3berrycat: lol 41:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 41:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @multi27 wtf 41:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: watch F1nn rotate sideways, watch F1nn vanish 41:26 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: wait what change was made to the bet? 41:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) thenorseawakened23: Thanks now I’m horny at work 41:28 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: LUL 41:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAOOOOO 41:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: KEKW 41:28 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I can see it :) 41:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: WTF 41:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: KEKW 41:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 41:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Models are thin and between 5' 9" and 5' 11" 41:30 | LOtiumduPeuple: truuuue 41:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 41:30 | Kolateak_: KEKW 41:31 | Snapjaw100: WutFace 41:31 | (Prime Gaming) felina_aksel: cart titan hentai 41:31 | JimMuzzi: but pieck tho... 41:31 | denji_bot: Gg 41:31 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: so true tho 41:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: vroom vroom 41:31 | sadman_pl: 1:1 41:31 | braddle172: KEKW 41:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 41:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 41:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: damn 41:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao 41:33 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 41:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: KEKW 41:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Ymir’s goblin titan 41:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pandaa_33: LOL 41:34 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: but rude innit 41:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: what dat mouth do 41:36 | blu3berrycat: KEKW 41:36 | thePurplMurpl: KEKW 41:37 | duckychu420: DADDY/MOMMY FINSTER 41:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: KEKW 41:38 | arzi77perra: you got the flash legs TBH. 41:38 | celestialmugshot: holy hell 41:38 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Can't believe he just casually wears shorts like that now. His confidence has grown so much since I first started watching 41:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 41:39 | coffeeeeeewu: Hi 41:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: KEKW 41:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Why you showing so much leg F1nn? 41:42 | blu3berrycat: I see it 41:43 | natholomas: cart titan got that wagon tho 41:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 41:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Aryath_: Aryath_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Quite Early Today <3 i lvoe that 41:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: aryath_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU 41:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: OMEGALUL 41:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: why do i see it 41:45 | kevin326520: KEKW 41:45 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: has a better nose 41:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Briish teeth kek 41:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Mmmmmmm 41:46 | Unlabelled_mess: Hahaha 41:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) letume: I see the resemblance 41:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: it needs longer hair 41:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Oh no 41:47 | xuxiiweee: i see it 41:47 | ClanMeister: quite akural 41:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: I’m sorry hahahah 41:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: anime finn PogU 41:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: why are you showing the same photo 41:50 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: It's you 41:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: and you said you're not a model 41:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: A little bit of resemblance 41:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: When did we stop roasting u Rose? 41:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: not even close lol 41:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: cart titan confirmed femboy? 41:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: a lil 41:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: LUL 41:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnHands f1nnHands 41:54 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 41:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Old Finn hair 41:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yeah 41:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: I see it 41:55 | gernadesquirrel: i would but a wee bit of a slut giggles 41:55 | LOtiumduPeuple: This you ? 41:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: why did u pull up a photo of pre hrt finn ? 41:56 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) Basic_Fail: 10/10 match though LUL 41:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) firedogd83: Human form bad fr though 41:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: The nose is close 41:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn is actually two dimensional, he can't sleep on his side because he'll slice his sheets in half 41:58 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Naa nose is too small 41:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 41:59 | qmaster112: The big nose jk 41:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Swiggity Swooty 42:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: I see it 42:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: send you a quick DM @F1NN5TER maybe show on stream 42:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: You look nothing like that bro 42:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Can't see it 42:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: NotLikeThis Kreygasm Kreygasm NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Kreygasm NotLikeThis Kreygasm NotLikeThis Kreygasm NotLikeThis 42:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: oh the lips are cute 42:02 | xuxiiweee: its you in 10 years 42:02 | (GLHF Pledge) Dubb0: there. is. no. resemblence. 42:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: did homie wear it I missed it 42:03 | XxJaguar_MxX: Needs a bigger nose 42:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Told he's built like the Cart Titan. - 4020 42:06 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: it's the big nose >.< 42:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 42:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) ICalmoI: ICalmoI subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 42:07 | SweetSugarCandi: You are so cute just as you are F1nn 42:07 | celestialmugshot: same eyebrows 42:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: icalmoi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 42:07 | akshansh_kathane: just tuned in, I'll watch yt vid instead 42:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 42:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: It's so ugly 42:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: gigachad titan 42:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Bruh 42:10 | Kolateak_: OMEGALUL 42:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: showing a pic straight from your twitter 42:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: KEKW 42:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 42:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 42:11 | (Watching without audio) melor649: KEKW 42:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun 42:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: baby f1nn hair 42:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: TRUTH 42:13 | (cheer 100) Adramaster: LUL 42:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), cheer 100) BarnesyWasRobbed: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 42:14 | faceless0hunter: What the fuck did I just come into here ?!?!?!???!!??? 42:15 | BudgetMatt: OMEGALUL 42:15 | (Subscriber) sadcomunist: KEKW 42:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 42:15 | VioletFaerii: lmao 42:15 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Its the same picture 42:16 | Caiside_: xD 42:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 42:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: KEKW 42:16 | blu3berrycat: lmfao 42:16 | braddle172: LUL 42:17 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 42:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Roast dis mf 42:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: schnoze 42:18 | lucitor_uff: KEKW 42:18 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: just contour itll be fine 42:19 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lol 42:19 | (GlitchCon 2020) rhees_: f1nn is pieck confirmed 42:20 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: honestly nose is small 42:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: cart titan is definitely confirmed femboy 42:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) supernova197o: lol 42:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: KEKW 42:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: chat is ruthless today KEKW 42:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 42:22 | iwatchgreatstreamers0_0: KEKW 42:23 | xuxiiweee: 48 year old f1nn5ter 42:23 | Monkeybeasts: LUL 42:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: LOL 42:25 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: ROASTING STREAM 42:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: KEKW 42:25 | blu3berrycat: HIs Achilles heel 42:26 | KoalaDumpy: Pepega 42:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 42:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: PTSD 42:27 | duckychu420: SUREEE 42:27 | hokuromc: KEKW 42:27 | (Prime Gaming) thebestpatches: camcobKEKW 42:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) veteranrangermojave: LUL 42:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 42:29 | xyn_z0: LOL 42:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sure 42:29 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Too easy bro 42:30 | bigsuave7: NotLikeThis 42:30 | moreperfectuser: You know I'd never notice your nose if you didn't mention it LUL 42:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) anxyslender: KEKW 42:31 | (Moderator, Founder, Game Developer) nothitch: eyebrows are better also 42:31 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Cope 42:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Bro 42:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Kappa 42:33 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: inhales copium 42:33 | LucipurrCryz: thegri122SCREEEE thegri122SCREEEE thegri122SCREEEE 42:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Olympic femboy 42:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Didnt get it 42:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: F1nns nose is cute 42:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: "Built different" is right @F1NN5TER 42:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Teeth are to straight 42:35 | total_acidity: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: F1nn Pinocchio Nose 42:36 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: OLYMIC ALTHELT KEW 42:36 | denji_bot: Mao 42:36 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) Varen_grey: Can you swim? 42:36 | harokaa: LUL LUL LUL LUL cap 42:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Vietnam flashbacks KEKW 42:36 | boysourroy101: the cart titan is not bimbo enough for finn 42:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: X 42:37 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: F1nn is a DINOSAUR built like a TANK from all the OXYGEN 42:37 | thePurplMurpl: built like an extractor fan 42:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) kateth: Chat on one today 42:39 | (cheer 1) MrYoshine: You can take in so much yes finn 42:39 | aunalbrutal: Chat your amazing today XD 42:39 | hokuromc: copium 42:40 | braddle172: And copium 42:40 | NoodIndigo: champion breather 42:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Hard X 42:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ProvenBedbug1933: SeemsGood 42:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: you are weak 42:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: OMEGALUL 42:41 | jephtyler: YOOOOOOO 42:41 | Chrislerr_: Yeah but that's not this life 42:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Chat humbles F1nn 42:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: he needs a lot of oxygen to fill that bimbo brain 42:42 | nogare97: Built like a Mercedes Sprinter KEKW 42:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 42:43 | (cheer 100) 0_ogre: no 42:43 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: no 42:43 | moreperfectuser: yes 42:44 | hokuromc: X 42:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Finn gettin shmad about people saying the nose is cute 42:44 | arzi77perra: you still would be sexy 42:44 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: yes 42:44 | eggsforsalev2: imagine the lined he could do 42:44 | (Prime Gaming) mrteclis: You can for sure take something in :D 42:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: no 42:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: yes 42:45 | (Watching without audio) melor649: no 42:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: No 42:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) theundead165: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:46 | (Prime Gaming) thebestpatches: No 42:46 | yumiii_zumi: nose is build different 42:46 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Jeeez! Chat is in a fucking MOOD today KEKW 42:46 | 0Pengy: No 42:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yes 42:47 | total_acidity: no 42:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Hahahahha 42:47 | leo_butteerz: no 42:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: ye 42:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No 42:47 | duckychu420: YES 42:47 | daisy_like_the_sour_cream: no never 42:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Yes 42:47 | VioletFaerii: calm princess, you are goals 42:47 | xuxiiweee: yes right now 42:48 | Falqun: so u claim u are an airhead? 42:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) the_amazing_jess: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: no 42:48 | bobbi_fabulous: right now 42:48 | (Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: yes 42:48 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: not air, he inhales copium 42:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: i am ssick right now FeelsBadMan 42:49 | (Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: Ya 42:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) jtvincen: no 42:49 | KonDKon: you'd snort verses not lines KEKW 42:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: yes 42:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: no 42:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) BudgetMatt: No 42:50 | (Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No 42:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Copium 42:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I have the flu every year 42:52 | xyn_z0: ball 42:52 | zevalobod: yes 42:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: covid monkaS 42:52 | XxJaguar_MxX: No 42:52 | eldirtyoldman: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:52 | l3laz3de: currently sick 42:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) kingnuker123: kingnuker123 is continuing the Gift Sub they got from psyk0bunnithree! 42:52 | BennyMeier: Yes 42:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: why not swimmer 42:53 | pianoismyforte_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 42:53 | (cheer 100) tubbs185: Nose kooks fine 42:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: Nah 42:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: have it right now 42:53 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Ooh dood! 42:53 | (Prime Gaming) aaronpd07: Built like a dehumidifier 42:53 | anna_dodobird: yahhh 42:53 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Ya 42:54 | braddle172: f1nnCope 42:55 | Monkeybeasts: no 42:55 | KHOZG_: never 42:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: X 42:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Never 42:56 | Chrislerr_: Lies 42:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: spicycowGun spicycowGun spicycowGun spicycowGun 42:56 | echo_waverly77: Yes 42:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: No 42:57 | Yabaiken: Only a sickness for the thickness yabaikSit 42:58 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Cus you never go anywhere to catch anything 42:58 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: BS 42:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Chat woke up and said we going to bully Finn today 42:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: Wow rant already? 42:59 | xx_bex_becca_xx: Ya 42:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 42:59 | saken_412: Yea 42:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: ye 42:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Nope 43:00 | KHOZG_: im just built diff 43:00 | snoddener: you could be a professional fighter, i bet you could take 7 dudes at once and leave satisfied 43:00 | xuxiiweee: X 43:00 | Nochill163: Mouth breathing is unhealthy 43:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: ya 43:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @aaronpd07 KEKW 43:02 | Volatica: I can't breathe through my nose anyway. 43:02 | offtop999: breathing through nose is more healthy 43:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Nope I live by the ocean 43:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: severus snape ass nose 43:04 | clulabell: Never 43:05 | sadman_pl: the tunnels 43:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 43:06 | Adramaster: dont look down you may dig some oil 43:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 43:08 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Built different 43:08 | sasuke_csa: baby f1nn 43:08 | (Prime Gaming) maxwring: You would bankrupt yourself taking one line with that sniffer 43:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 43:09 | sacrifice223: EZ WineTime 43:10 | celestialmugshot: wind tunnels 43:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn demonstrating how full of shit he is. - 3920 43:14 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: KEKW 43:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: KEKW 43:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: lie detector going on overdrive 43:16 | don_fluffles23: I could think of a couple other things you’d be good at taking in 43:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: British nose 43:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SeaLint: f1nnCope 43:17 | boysourroy101: squidward 43:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/11cgogm/did_you_like_the_cozy_couch_steam/ @F1NN5TER 43:19 | lucitor_uff: KEKW 43:20 | arzi77perra: 43:21 | XxJaguar_MxX: Your nose are train tunnels 43:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: finn is going to the femboy Olympics 43:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: 43:22 | clulabell: KEKW 43:23 | xuxiiweee: pinocchio f1nn5ter 43:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I think I got sick at the party I went to 43:24 | sphagetti__: you don't snort lines you snort paragraphs 43:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) mayarose75: Alucard is Geralt on spironolactone 43:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: Where is Finns nose even large? 43:25 | bigsuave7: ??? 43:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: Tunnels? 43:26 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: kek 43:28 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Big nose good for Sniffa Bulgy Wulgy 43:28 | mahronica218: Mines blocked and I get colds so intense lol 43:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: we'll keep it a secret for you buddy 43:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Roman nose 43:31 | michiilepsy: L Dono 43:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: ???? 43:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: L dono 43:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Gigachad 43:36 | Kryptokoda: Hi (Jaffa cake) I know you are in here peepoSimp 43:37 | denji_bot: SSSsss 43:38 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: SNIFFA 43:39 | LOtiumduPeuple: You could snort hrt with that nose 43:39 | mahronica218: Most of the time end up with a sinus infection lol 43:39 | xyn_z0: ball GlitchLit 43:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 43:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: ratiod 43:44 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: nyannSNIFF nyannSNIFF nyannSNIFF 43:44 | viryl_lucas: Aishite finne 43:45 | arzi77perra: Daaaang. 43:48 | thenobrainer: thenobrainer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Very good for inhaling those lines of estrogen too 43:48 | crazyequals_joe: you know that clip of lady gaga about big noses? 43:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thenobrainer subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 43:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: more cozy streams 43:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn is Squidward before he became handsome Squidward 43:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Deffo a Roman nose 43:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: LUL 43:51 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: Cozy Bed Stream when? 43:51 | swtorangels: You should get superpowers and burn your city to ash 43:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Couch stream was the best 43:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: it could work better with a better setup tbh 43:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: late night stream vibes 43:52 | modelrumble1368: Should I stop watching and do my class work 43:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) indignom: built like spy vs spy 43:53 | hokuromc: cat ears wrong side 43:54 | djbanana019: popo 43:55 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Couch stream. He knows what he is doing 43:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: You did say you were thinking of getting a couch for your stream room 43:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Cozy stream POG 44:01 | rcionos: how many battlepas do you already have now? 44:01 | (Prime Gaming) chaoscat7: ph1lPetTheChat ph1lPetTheChat ph1lPetTheChat ph1lPetTheChat ph1lPetTheChat 44:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 44:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 44:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: cosy couch 44:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: kekw 44:05 | (Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 44:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: monkaS 44:05 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: KEKW 44:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: oh that’s what I missed 44:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) BudgetMatt: KEKW 44:08 | Jens_LN: yeah, the couch was a nice vibe 44:10 | ar1st1pp0s: that korea 44:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: That's Korean 44:11 | f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 44:13 | c__r__j: That's Korea, @F1NN5TER 44:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Koreans 44:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) thytrudragonking: thytrudragonking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 44:14 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thytrudragonking subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 44:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: ?? 44:15 | awesomerem1: Lol 44:15 | nikama6: f1nnLaff 44:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Lol 44:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) scarlettyg: good thing F1nn never goes outside because he'd use up all our atmosphere 44:18 | blueskydrinking: Was gonna make a throat goat joke but thought better of it 44:18 | (Subscriber) nerlaemi: I fell asleep to that couch stream, very calming <3 44:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: No they're afraid they'll freeze to death 44:18 | (Listening only) blakituu: yes 44:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: no 44:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 44:19 | clulabell: Ayo? 44:20 | (Prime Gaming) LonesomeTea: no 44:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) boggy_smalls: If you rode a motorcycle and turned you head your neck would snap 44:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Sure 44:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kinda 44:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: LOL @johnkeiwo 44:23 | rajama22: Network error 44:23 | denji_bot: LoL 44:23 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: nah 44:24 | XxJaguar_MxX: Ever seen the first human recreated image? Your nose is an exact copy of that 44:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: yes canceled 44:24 | ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnMonka 44:24 | jeet696969: What the heck is going on here 44:25 | hokuromc: Koreans 44:25 | braddle172: f1nnCancelled 44:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I dont know what that means so maybe? 44:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: I found this used black couch online. Kinda plain looking but very shiny 44:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: BIMBO 44:26 | gernadesquirrel: love your hair 44:26 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: it weas a little 44:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: I thought because it would catch fire 44:28 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: cancelled ! 44:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: It's something they believe, so not racist 44:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: no. you can be wrong. 44:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: finn canceled 44:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: A little bit 44:33 | sparco_2: Finn is making vacuum when he breaths in 44:33 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: It sounds racist 44:34 | c__r__j: f1nnCancelled 44:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: fan death is an actual superstition though 44:35 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: no true 44:35 | Yabaiken: Racism and femboys, name a more iconic duo 44:36 | boysourroy101: squidward nose lol 44:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: no it’s a superstition there 44:36 | ps4_569: Hey hotty 44:37 | denji_bot: Nah 44:38 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @jeet696969, this is a live stream, on Twitch 44:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: just a lonely fan Kappa 44:40 | jrgamingvr86: Nah then I would be to 44:43 | skyro3o: Neighboring countries not really 44:44 | shmanchi: Koreans can’t mentally prepare for fans 44:46 | celestialmugshot: who would win. finn or fan? 44:46 | Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP JohnK sus dono message. - 3610 44:48 | moreperfectuser: no i only saw the first one 44:49 | alvarocaroj: It's a internet cultural thing not racist 44:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: @Stovamor gottem 44:51 | DemonyoWaifu: Dyson nose 44:54 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: That's south koreans 44:54 | (VIP) c__r__j: @LittleChaSiu I read the Wikipedia article. It's totally bizarre. 44:55 | harokaa: LUL 44:56 | sasuke_csa: F1nn is a walking G spot 44:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: must have massive lungs too 44:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Breath play? 44:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LAMO 44:57 | Amoyamoyamoya: A bit racist. 44:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: this is why we have not seen finn's family in a while 44:58 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Amoyamoyamoya, D: 44:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I f1nnHeart the nose 45:01 | finallyflowering: fan death is a cover for suicide 45:01 | arzi77perra: if i met him in real life he will fall in love with me however i see him and faint. 45:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Cazenn: KEKW 45:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: @sasuke_csa Ayo? 45:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Huh 45:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: coke nose 45:05 | YeomanJensen: that's because your smol and tiny 45:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: The chad oxygen monopoliser 45:06 | LOtiumduPeuple: you could climb Himalaya 45:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, SHUSH 45:08 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: weird flex but ok 45:08 | total_acidity: Vacuum Titan 45:08 | lucitor_uff: KEKW 45:09 | boysourroy101: is that something to be proud of 45:10 | lordhermit_for_ages: not racist 45:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You know thats not how it works? you just end up using up the oxygen faster 45:11 | moreperfectuser: Why did chat slow down this isn't slow mode 45:11 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Man's just going to have hella head game 45:12 | NotAShapeshifter: I feel like that was a threat 45:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang 45:14 | (Prime Gaming) thebestpatches: Thats Was A Nice Dyson You Had 45:14 | Steys00: youll die faster if u suck all the oxigen 45:14 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: F1nn King of Kunka-Kunka 45:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Bros bullying himself now 45:15 | (Subscriber) GluttonousGeorge: its ok since you have hardly any muscle mass you dont need much air @F1NN5TER 45:16 | charliemcv_1999: A vacuum you say? So she's good at sucking 45:17 | mahronica218: Lol 45:18 | johnkeiwo: HUH 45:19 | (Prime Gaming) JakobDevs: Let me do it for youuuuu 45:19 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Nah Finn I have better air gatherers 45:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) walkerteaxaswalker: Hmmmmmmmmnn 45:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: With THAT NOSE I believe it. 45:19 | maypoleluvsu2: Birmingham UK in the chat 45:19 | v4tten: i’m used to not breathing tho, i think i’d survive longer than you 45:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: You heard it here folks, Finn is the result of British sucking science 45:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: KEKW 45:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: There’s a thing called breathing through the mouth fin 45:21 | bdx50: LUL LUL LUL 45:21 | angriestmob: angriestmob subscribed at Tier 1. 45:21 | kateth: It means you're a sensitive lil bitch 45:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: angriestmob subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang angriestmob f1nnLezgang 45:24 | viryl_lucas: Bimbo Titan 45:25 | sirobby_: Chat slowwed down? 45:25 | Lyond2: Nose goat LUL 45:26 | finallyflowering: fan death isn't real they use it as substitute for suicide 45:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: Dyson engineered to suck. lol 45:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: OOF 45:28 | sirobby_: Hard to type with one hand 45:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JustChickenwing: true 45:28 | dirtuwu: Oof 45:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 45:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: roasted 45:31 | gamerone112: Well hello 45:32 | ramboo1989: ayoooo 45:32 | HornyFerret: true 45:32 | stephylmao: LMAO 45:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa 45:32 | sparco_2: KEKW 45:34 | thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: ouch 45:34 | sk8al0t: @kateth LOL 45:34 | braddle172: Oof 45:34 | (cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Ooooooof 45:35 | sirzazzelot: wild statement 45:35 | moreperfectuser: There's no need to type one handed right now Chat, that comes tomorrow KEKW LUL 45:35 | Tasty_Shrimp: Finn = Turbomolecular-Pump 45:35 | (Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: Big OOF 45:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: KEKW 45:36 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: weak 45:36 | natholomas: baby arms 45:36 | bethewithane: Manlyman 45:36 | clulabell: LUL 45:36 | total_acidity: Twig 45:37 | (Prime Gaming) Spamsel: cute girl arms 45:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn admits his nose is huge. - 3510 45:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Lol 45:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: astra has bigger arms 45:38 | VioletFaerii: ... 45:38 | DAGalaxie: Small delicate arms 45:38 | peeteisamasteryooo: Why is the stream all black? 45:39 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: I have more then you 45:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: F1nn getting roasted today 45:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: look at those lil twigs 45:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: dammmmn 45:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: OMEGALUL 45:40 | (Prime Gaming) Archember: LUL 45:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: u dont know what a g spot is ? 45:40 | XxJaguar_MxX: Your nose has more muscle than you 45:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: sexy beast 45:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JeffThePotatoMan: Aaaaa lmaoo 45:40 | blakituu: twunk 45:40 | Zeecreativecorner: New here hiiii 45:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) eldirtyoldman: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 45:40 | sparco_2: Twig 45:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: smol 45:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: measure your bizeps again and google for size :D 45:41 | l3laz3de: so smol 45:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JustChickenwing: dont worry he's just thin not strong 45:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: so cute 45:42 | kapumon: Oof 45:42 | harokaa: LUL LUL LUL 45:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) BarnesyWasRobbed: lil baby arms 45:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: such cute little biceps <3 45:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 45:43 | voiicide: awww 45:43 | Jeddix: what 45:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp 45:44 | Emmy64_: LUL LUL LUL 45:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: My sttream is lagging 45:44 | bigsuave7: what are those 45:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Strong girl 45:45 | (Prime Gaming) Healthcozy: Finn put those guns away twitch bans them I think 45:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: smol twig arms 45:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: TINY 45:45 | TrueMezzo: awww so tiny 45:46 | (Prime Gaming) JakobDevs: Awhh 45:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Hit the gym my boi 45:47 | CottontailVA: :) 45:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: strong boi 45:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ricebowl75: Egg bicep 45:47 | jrgamingvr86: Dayum 45:48 | FaceStuffer: swole 45:48 | HardyOrange: You stay whipping those pits out for Soda 45:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Smol 45:48 | clulabell: SMALL 45:48 | boysourroy101: show both arms 45:49 | blusau: Cute 45:50 | (Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: cute 45:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: cute 45:50 | (Prime Gaming) jeprin: Now do left arm... 45:50 | mochi404: swole 45:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: my baby sister has bigger biceps 45:50 | xx_bex_becca_xx: Tiny 45:51 | RoanicydroKun: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 45:51 | YeomanJensen: izidRipped so stronk izidRipped 45:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: big gorl 45:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Lean but not strong 45:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) imfastasfugb01: Noodle arm 45:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: is it just me or is stream not visible 45:53 | maypoleluvsu2: Cocaine nose 45:53 | (Prime Gaming) MasterPo999: That's called Low Body Fat Percentage 45:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Cute girly arms 45:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaffacake_bp: nya~ 45:53 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) alice_the_dungeon_owl: @f1nn5ter what do you think about owls 45:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: MUSCLE MOMMY 45:53 | XxJaguar_MxX: Nice nose 45:54 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: cuuuuute <3 45:54 | rz_ripper: Rose whats better potatos or pizza 45:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: Aww 45:54 | leo_butteerz: its like cute omg 45:54 | natholomas: noodle arms mccgee over here 45:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Guns… small arms that is 45:55 | kateth: Cuteeeere 45:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Cazenn: What muscle?? 45:55 | JustChickenwing: nah 45:55 | crazyequals_joe: cute biceps 45:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) buttercupbunnyy: so cute 45:56 | aunalbrutal: When a mic can cover your muscles they are TOO small 45:56 | strawberrilemonade_: finn your not strong gtfo of here KEKW 45:57 | ClanMeister: strong fin <3 45:57 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Armpit mmm 45:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: awwww, it's so cute 45:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: I'M SWOONING 45:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: Is something happening chat? 45:58 | mahronica218: Try harder 45:59 | boysourroy101: both arms 45:59 | medical_size9000: Widdle baby arms 46:00 | caffeinated_emt: f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp 46:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @majesticfvckingeagle Just you 46:01 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: Damn I kinda wanna nosejob too now f1nnEmbarrassed 46:02 | clulabell: Cute 46:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: alittl74LOVE alittl74LOVE alittl74LOVE alittl74LOVE 46:03 | 0Superstar0: SMOL 46:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: AW SO CUTE 46:03 | (Prime Gaming) keklelw: wow those chihuahua muscles are soo cute 46:04 | total_acidity: Adorable little muscle-ettes 46:05 | JustChickenwing: battlepass 46:05 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: are we doing a roast stream or did someone leak the she is a masochist? 46:05 | kateth: Bimbo moment 46:08 | kapumon: Adorable 46:09 | XxDarkPerson: More muscle than me, jesus 46:09 | GiantmEmber: You shave your pits? 46:10 | (Subscriber) sophiaachavez: Hot 46:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JustChickenwing: How did you miss that? 46:10 | booberies1: That SpongeBob pic where is arm makes a u 46:10 | celestialmugshot: battlepass 46:11 | viryl_lucas: Succ 46:12 | sadman_pl: true 46:12 | (Prime Gaming) victory_1559: So smol 46:13 | (Prime Gaming) Eromaw: LOOL 46:13 | flcowboy19: Cotton's gonna own you 46:15 | DemonyoWaifu: Pitussy leak 46:15 | ICurryI: Straw. Golf ball. 46:15 | johnkeiwo: OOF 46:16 | Solus_kun: KEKW 46:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 46:17 | AeitZean: Just remember when you lose to cotton, you can still back out of the bet 46:19 | plumesofdusk: it already is KEKW 46:20 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: L 46:20 | stephylmao: KEKW 46:22 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Turn your hand 180° when flexing for more surface 46:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ragingwafle67: @f1nn5ter what is your workout routine 46:22 | macarous: get him donos 46:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp 46:22 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: too late 46:24 | timmthehumanboy: So much suck 46:25 | kateth: Damn chat is getting your ass rn 46:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: KEKW KEKW 46:27 | blueskydrinking: Too fuckin late 46:28 | chilled_spice: Poke it I bet its as soft as a marshmallow 46:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: Isn't every stream a roast f1nn stream? 46:28 | JustChickenwing: like every stream isnt a roast finn stream 46:29 | boysourroy101: BOTH ARMS 46:29 | braddle172: KEKW 46:32 | jordieboi45: KEKW 46:33 | KonDKon: rbeesSmoosh 46:33 | kapumon: Roast of Finn 46:34 | MaggieHeels: MaggieHeels subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 30 month streak! I am admiring your beauty for 2 and a halg year now, thanks. 46:34 | f3mmbot: maggieheels subscribed to f1nn5ter for 30 months using Prime! PogU 46:34 | plumesofdusk: death note PogU 46:34 | toomanybees___: that was the best one yet KEKW 46:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) JustChickenwing: Miza, based 46:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Cutie 46:36 | boggy_smalls: It's like your nose is scared if your eyes 46:36 | clulabell: Keep roasting him chat!!!!!! 46:36 | Light1Haven: I mean totally wholsome always I've never seen otherwise 46:36 | sammysnakes319: hahah roomba 46:36 | XxJaguar_MxX: That nose gonna have didlos in them on one of the OF pics? 46:38 | (Prime Gaming) keklelw: u have booba now? 46:38 | (Prime Gaming) thebestpatches: Roast Micheal Scarn 46:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: 1 time? 46:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: hot 46:40 | im_up_to_something: Nice slim waist <3 46:40 | nikama6: KEKW 46:41 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Chat saw the opportunity and they went for it 46:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn stop he are just embarrassing yourself 46:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: black 46:43 | (Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: vauxibPat 46:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) hipsu555: wholesome, but shorts couldnt be shorter :D 46:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) scarlettyg: 'Tis a rock!. . .a peak!. . .a cape! -- A cape, forsooth! 'Tis a peninsular! 46:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ragingwafle67: what is fins workout routine 46:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: it's aight 46:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: kekw 46:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Damn 46:46 | (Listening only) blakituu: holy fuck 46:47 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Be nice! I like wholesome f1nn 46:47 | distinctlysimilar: tries to show of arms, gets exited about waist 46:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: white panties ? 46:47 | plumesofdusk: are you a weeb 46:49 | krazykra23: Your not helping yourself Finn! Your so gorgeous 46:49 | mahronica218: Built like a baked bean 46:50 | Steys00: looking at that 46:50 | aunalbrutal: Okey 46:52 | clulabell: ..... 46:52 | sadman_pl: we want finnster slut back 46:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Ummmmm fin 46:53 | l3laz3de: u look like u snap in the wind 46:54 | limitlesspie31: tell me how to become a girl pls BibleThump 46:56 | boysourroy101: flex other arm 46:56 | Kryptokoda: @jaffacake_bp Hi 46:57 | johnkeiwo: it's the booty shorts I sent :) 46:58 | kapumon: Careful now 46:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: TehePelo 46:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP I won't let this become a Roast F1nn strim. Gets mirror. - 3490 47:00 | ClanMeister: looks like b00ba in this shirt 47:00 | bigsuave7: LUL 47:01 | jessicalanesimpson: ou should stream in a t-shirt dress 47:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: you sowed saftey shorts 47:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: We saw 47:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: YOur life doesn't add to your masculine aura. lol 47:04 | denji_bot: BibleThump 47:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: What? 47:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) NorthGuard1: it is nonexistent anyways 47:15 | denji_bot: Lag 47:16 | (Prime Gaming) selfawarebutter: What masculinity? KEKW 47:16 | xuxiiweee: same 47:16 | juneyear20: Holy smoke he’s got an hourglass figure 47:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat 47:17 | (Prime Gaming) dramkilgallen: how are we supposed to objectify you when you dressed like a 14 year old skaetboarder? 47:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: black 47:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Kreygasm 47:19 | arzi77perra: are you sailor moons twin? 47:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Those are shorts 47:21 | (Prime Gaming) RiGemini: COCKA 47:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: Fin just start hormones already we all know you secretly want to Corgo100 47:22 | snoddener: @SweetSugarCandi get a job 47:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) armann24: Cheer300 Finn you need to do a pinup girl photo shoot!!! 47:24 | (Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: Rose pumps iron like SpongeBob 47:25 | clulabell: ........ 47:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @sweetsugarcandi weirdChamp Please don't 47:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Wonder why 47:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: black undies 47:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 47:28 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @SweetSugarCandi, stop begging for subs 47:28 | nikama6: For free 47:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: your legs look so smooth 47:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: (Balls) 47:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Sexy thighs 47:31 | (Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Do you wear safety shorts under your shorts? 47:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @SweetSugarCandi, Don't ask for subs. 47:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Balls 47:38 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: ha gey 47:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: bols 47:39 | XxJaguar_MxX: Your nose is a triangle from the angle when your underneath us 47:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: So weak 47:40 | JATA_C: Bruce? 47:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) spikeybush825: twig 47:41 | (cheer 1) macduffle: your legs are just weak! time to work out! 47:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Oh no WutFace 47:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: hrt 47:43 | madschtz: Bruce 47:44 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: so weak, aww 47:44 | 0Pengy: Soft bou 47:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: your blood is hella slow wtf? 47:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: damn 47:45 | marsupial11: the way ur the only twitch channel working rn 47:46 | yumiii_zumi: omg how 47:46 | (Prime Gaming) unddochirgendwiegestoert: baaaalls 47:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: twig 47:47 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: no muscle moment 47:47 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: So weak KEKW 47:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Rose bruises easily write that down hornies 47:48 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: you're so fragile 47:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Fragile F1nn 47:49 | jona98m: weak little body 47:49 | (Prime Gaming) soul1990991: bruce? wayne 47:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: femboy so weak 47:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Push-back to show us legs. - 3510 47:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Are you bruising easily 47:50 | Steys00: lmao 47:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: let me kiss it better sweetheart 47:51 | ShootinShaman: ahh the signs of getting old 47:51 | timmthehumanboy: So fragile 47:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: It's the HRT 47:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: very dainty 47:52 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Too thin 47:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: awww, so soft 47:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: So delicate 47:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: That happens to me sometimes 47:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: Poor Femboy 47:52 | (cheer 1000) pansnake_: Hella dense legs m8 47:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: You sure it's not that the cage is too tight? 47:52 | (cheer 100) batchelli: Fragile 47:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: yeah that happens when you don’t eat enough 47:53 | saken_412: F1nn as a girl who gets mistaken as a guy on VR chat I think you’re super pretty 47:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: cuz youre a pussy :P 47:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: 3rd leg 47:54 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: HRT makes you bruise easier 47:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DAGalaxie: Paper skin 47:55 | (Prime Gaming) GodBlessBananasplit: hrt 47:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: *uncle Roger voice* Why so weak? 47:55 | sammysnakes319: thighs too thick 47:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: proof u are LOL 47:56 | thaexter: Damn you, Bruce! 47:56 | (GLHF Pledge) JustinsOnTwitch: HOT 47:57 | goaleemonkey: said like a true girl 47:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: it's because you're bonier now 47:57 | barbie_secretstanner: Women bruise so easily 47:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Bruh 47:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: lol its the hrt mate 47:58 | chilled_spice: Weak 47:58 | (Prime Gaming) dirtuwu: Hey finn, would you want help under the desk? 47:59 | Moka3321: true femboi 47:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Its your inner Rose 47:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Its the hermit life 47:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: MARSHMALLOW 48:00 | Light1Haven: antiandrogen go burr 48:00 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Fragile little girl 48:00 | kapumon: Femboy problems 48:00 | TrueMezzo: oh god you need to get some muscle pls 48:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: weak girl 48:01 | ar1st1pp0s: gamer with an iron deficiency?? say it aint so!!!! 48:01 | im_up_to_something: Soft femboy 48:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) imfastasfugb01: Fragile girl 48:02 | XxJaguar_MxX: Fragile baby girl 48:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: That's how your bruise your own legs? 48:02 | (GLHF Pledge) JustinsOnTwitch: KNEES HURT? 48:03 | GeoJo: KNEES? 48:03 | AIRHydrant: bro is so weak he cant lift his leg 48:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: JUST LIFT MAN 48:03 | RedVelvetWoman: i bruise like that too lol 48:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Why is my screen black 48:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 48:04 | kevin326520: fragile FINN AWWW 48:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Delicate femboy 48:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: true 48:05 | (GLHF Pledge) JustinsOnTwitch: KNEES? HOT 48:06 | AedricRen: HOT 48:06 | imjustlikelou: its because youre skinny 48:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Nah 48:06 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Lack of vitamins 48:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Archember: Glass bones and paper skin 48:07 | barbie_secretstanner: Yeah and 48:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: That's normal F1nn. 48:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: True 48:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: vegetarians low in iron. 48:08 | benny_costum: Thicc 48:09 | timmthehumanboy: Knees? 48:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) BudgetMatt: knees you say ? 48:09 | FirstDragonborn: Lack of HRT 48:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: I'm so confused 48:11 | BananaGirlEstherHolt: BananaGirlEstherHolt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Now I'm not just jealous how you look, I'm Jealous you met Abbie Thorn. 48:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: well, it is the HRT 48:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bananagirlestherholt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU 48:11 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: you need to eat some healthy meat is what a docter would say 48:11 | XxJaguar_MxX: Kinky 48:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's gonna be a new channel meme 48:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Not fragile, "dainty" 48:13 | (VIP) c__r__j: Yeah, Estrogen does cause easier bruising. AND increased appetite. 48:13 | viryl_lucas: Actually the skin 48:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: not in a rude way! being skinny will do it 48:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Made of glass 48:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) itsklutzybb: His knees huh? 48:14 | CritMozziYT: Wait you on HRT? 48:14 | sammysnakes319: your thighs are too thick 48:14 | (Prime Gaming) goxy8800: Are you on HRT? 48:15 | (Prime Gaming) 8bitkoala_: It's the veggies 48:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) MegaMiley: You're breathing today, that's the HRT 48:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheThromborax: that paranoia is the HRT 48:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Estrogen makes you bruise easier 48:16 | JimMuzzi: Are you getting enough iron 48:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lok 48:17 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Should we send you knee pads to PO Box? 48:17 | Senevri: welcome to the Trans Broken Arm syndrome 48:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) thebandakidbob: whats your diet looking like? 48:17 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: cuz its true 48:18 | (GLHF Pledge) rjn_guac: HRT actually does that though LUL 48:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Go out get some sun 48:18 | druskys_jerkChicken: Hrt 48:19 | darkgalaxyaesthetic: Your knees get bruised you say?? 48:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lol 48:20 | dyslexicpotato0: Maybe iron ? 48:21 | (Prime Gaming) soul1990991: bruce? wayne PixelBob 48:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: You have fair skin. 48:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: You're our delicate porcalain doll 48:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ramaj_A: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 48:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Do you have salt craving? Hrt 48:22 | ItzDyno21: TheRinger 48:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) hipsu555: girls get bruised easily 48:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @majesticfvckingeagle Just refresh the page, its just you 48:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Hrt 48:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: F1nn on their knees a lot 48:25 | lordhermit_for_ages: on your knees alot. good girl 48:28 | Morental: Morental subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 48:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: didn't you get a blood test a while ago? was everything good 48:28 | gabilabi1: Fragil cat 48:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: morental subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 48:28 | kapumon: Lore 48:30 | sasuke_csa: HRT 48:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ricebowl75: Bruised knees? 48:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: chumba2Sip 48:32 | XxJaguar_MxX: TRANS!?!? 48:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HRT actually does that tho... 48:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: seething with envy here 48:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: Some SSRI will do that 48:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) conklinenterprise: Spinach is a great iron source 48:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Need more iron 48:36 | mahronica218: Your vegetarian¿ 48:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Dainty little femboy lol 48:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) fakepacman: lack of iron 48:38 | boysourroy101: we all know why he gets brusies on his knees under table support 48:38 | KnapperigeKapitein: spinach is rich in iron, if you need more 48:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: @cottontailva be gentle with the dainty Femboy! 48:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PogU 48:39 | druskys_jerkChicken: Dainty petite man 48:40 | offtop999: where are donations for these legs 48:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Pog 48:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: based dono 48:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: just eat knifes for iron @F1NN5TER 48:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: Thighs karele2Hotcocoa 48:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: Hrt = more bruises can confirm 48:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: LETSGOOOO 48:44 | bigsuave7: ayo 48:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 48:45 | NovemberChills: POGGERS 48:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: W 48:45 | LOtiumduPeuple: W 48:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) MrEPhantom: Why you getting bruises on your knees?? What you been doing?? Lol 48:45 | ItzDyno21: your ears are backwards 48:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Pog 48:46 | braddle172: Pog 48:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) BudgetMatt: PogU 48:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: YESSSSSSS 48:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 48:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: W 48:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Based 48:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 48:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include tiredness, lethargy, low exercise tolerance, light-headedness, rapid heart rate or palpitations, bruising and bleeding easily, weight loss, impotence, bowel or bladder changes, a sore tongue, and bleeding gums. 48:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: W 48:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: W dono 48:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: let's goooo 48:49 | (Prime Gaming) dramkilgallen: lol 48:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) Vampiricsloth: W 48:49 | clulabell: POGGERS 48:49 | aunalbrutal: hahaha good dono 48:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: gratz 48:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: X 48:50 | XxJaguar_MxX: Pog 48:50 | bigsuave7: W though 48:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: POGGERS 48:50 | clulabell: W 48:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: PogU 48:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: W 48:51 | wandererimwalde: Pog 48:51 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: W 48:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Pog 48:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: W 48:52 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: PogU 48:52 | ch4rc0al5: W 48:52 | Rioka22: Manliest manly man streamer good noon 48:53 | jeet696969: I was about say "BRO IS MANLIER THAN MOST OTHER MEN" BUT I THINK I GONNA TAKE IT BACK 48:53 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: That’s cute until the end 48:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) TNTUSER55: w 48:53 | InfiTomes: @f1nn5ter okay but I've become so extremely hungry all the time cause of my hrt. kinda obvious because puberty 2 means needing food to grow again 48:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Nioce 48:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: W 48:54 | (Prime Gaming) Archember: W 48:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: W 48:54 | mahronica218: Nice 48:54 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: nice 48:54 | kapumon: Ayo 48:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn been down on his knee alot 48:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), Turbo) BudgetMatt: W 48:55 | (Prime Gaming) vkredgod: W 48:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: W 48:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Cazenn: W 48:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noice 48:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: W 48:55 | YeomanJensen: izidClap 48:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: w 48:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Also, why are your knees red all the time? 48:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: W 48:56 | kkasperle: w 48:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Nice BegWan 48:56 | hokuromc: W 48:57 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: W 48:57 | moreperfectuser: W 48:57 | Chubsk1: W 48:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: W 48:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Clap clap 48:57 | v4tten: congrats! 48:58 | (cheer 100) Tane1i: w 48:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: W 48:58 | celestialmugshot: w 48:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1Claps 48:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: BIG W 48:58 | braddle172: W 48:58 | lucitor_uff: POGGERS 48:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: W 48:59 | semisgamer: W 48:59 | (Prime Gaming) D3rK41: W 48:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: F1nn dosent poses that power 48:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: W 48:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: we got him (that other guy who got laid) 48:59 | (Prime Gaming) millome: How much weight did you lose? You look so skinny now. 49:00 | nikama6: W Degen 49:00 | AIRHydrant: that got saucy 49:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: He's getting pegged now 49:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: based 49:01 | (Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: w 49:01 | (Prime Gaming) victory_1559: W 49:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: W in chat for our boi 49:02 | kevin326520: POG WWW 49:02 | ZYRLXRD: W 49:02 | (Prime Gaming) PandaB33rd: w 49:02 | optikbau4lyfe: W 49:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: W 49:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: That's a big W 49:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 49:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Let's go!!!!! 49:04 | Lets_illuminatiHD: We can send you some knee caps for protection, only if you need 49:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Hell yeah 49:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) MoodyMaxxx: W 49:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Finn is the wingman 49:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: W 49:08 | (cheer 1) evilmagicwizardthing: W 49:08 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps 49:08 | timmthehumanboy: We in there 49:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: W 49:09 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: W 49:09 | mahronica218: 49:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: WE?? 49:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: if only finn could give himself the confidence f1nnHands 49:13 | (Prime Gaming) goxy8800: You're on HRT? and you have a very bright face 49:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: W 49:14 | xXNeroZashiXx: W 49:15 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: WIN 49:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: W 49:18 | slubert: POGGERS 49:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 49:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Good F1nn SeemsGood 49:21 | plumesofdusk: f1nnGremlin 49:21 | maypoleluvsu2: Thiamine tables will help will help 49:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: practice on girl like you @F1NN5TER 49:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Wing GIRL 49:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) booberies1: Wing woman 49:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: ayoooo 49:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) hipsu555: more like wing-girl 49:24 | boysourroy101: wingwoman 49:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: wing girl? 49:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: W 49:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) alvarocaroj: His natural levels of estrogen have risen 49:27 | optikbau4lyfe: W1ngm4nn 49:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Wing lady 49:28 | (Prime Gaming) sirtony454: the screen is blac 49:31 | kapumon: Man? 49:32 | Light1Haven: when you become a girl for your twitch chat 49:33 | (Prime Gaming) sirtony454: k 49:33 | lordhermit_for_ages: Amoya sent you knee pads, right? 49:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: whats your best rizz line 49:34 | kevin326520: *WINGWOMAN* 49:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Wing man F1nn 49:35 | l3laz3de: yet 49:35 | (VIP) c__r__j: "Well if F1nn's not a virgin, maybe I'm in with a chance of getting laid." 49:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @goxy8800 He isn't and he was sweating 49:37 | alanhoverz: helloooo 49:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: Finn is too cute to be a wingman 49:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Bruising easily can be sign of vitamin deficiencies 49:40 | (Prime Gaming) aaronpd07: Absolute rizz god 49:41 | (Prime Gaming) sirtony454: screen is black 49:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: methinks that's because of the HRT 49:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: nurturing finn unlocked 49:41 | AedricRen: R1zz5ter 49:42 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: f1nn as a wingwamen be like he got a HuGe schlong 49:42 | (Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Good Goblin f1nnGremlin 49:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @f1nn5ter seeing you getting humiliated makes people more confident about getting humiliated KEKW 49:43 | (Prime Gaming) monke_0: Are you playing the squidgame minecraft thing? 49:43 | blueskydrinking: It's like the femboy version of Hitch 49:45 | (Prime Gaming) sirtony454: help 49:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Put a donk on it 49:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Anemic 49:46 | (Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Def the HRT 49:47 | mahronica218: Same bruh 49:48 | (Prime Gaming) fluttershyjac13: Goblin are hard in Hogwarts 49:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: you're an expert at bonking 49:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Dead 49:52 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: something something HRT 49:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: protein ? 49:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: estrogen 49:55 | XxJaguar_MxX: Gae 49:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Skin needs sun 49:57 | harrryot: You should eat some meat 49:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: TWIG 49:58 | (Prime Gaming) dramkilgallen: 69 50:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: Corgo100 Lady's tend to get bruised knees alot 50:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: just google: Vegetarianism and Bruising Easily, 50:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: I also have bruises everywhere 50:00 | (Prime Gaming) ricebowl75: Need meat 50:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Daily dosage of f1nnasteride 50:00 | racoonspork: Finns gender battle pass haha 50:00 | KateChon258: wait, Did you start HRT?!?!? 50:01 | Zeecreativecorner: Your so Awsome I’m new to your stream can u say hi Lexi 50:01 | (cheer 1) evilmagicwizardthing: I have that but it's because I'm anemic 50:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Your body isn't healing 50:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Nopers. 50:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 50:02 | kapumon: Need meat 50:02 | jeet696969: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 50:02 | timmthehumanboy: Make sure you keep your iron is up 50:02 | XxJaguar_MxX: Twink 50:03 | (Prime Gaming) monke_0: 1 dose 50:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: TFW send knee pads but he won't wear them. 50:03 | (GLHF Pledge) rjn_guac: OMG NO WAY 50:04 | (Watching without audio) wack0x: 4mg 50:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: 2mg 50:04 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: ug 50:04 | (Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: what about all that sausage you consume 50:04 | mahronica218: I’m also clumsy so that doesn’t help lol 50:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: THE RIZZ Finn has 50:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you get used to it, you will just become more gentle to yourself over time 50:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) unbracingabyss: you need red meat 50:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: It's finally baack 50:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn has weak healing nothing like wolverine 50:06 | boomkittie28: 1 million HRT 50:07 | bigsuave7: hmm 50:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) juneyear20: astra11Blush 50:07 | deacon_beacon: Why do you always go live when I need to go to sleep 50:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: 4mg 50:08 | arzi77perra: TPcrunchyroll CoolCat 50:09 | Light1Haven: 100mg would kill you 50:09 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) blueish4: depends on the method lmao 50:10 | rajama22: Skin repair takes 2 weeks 50:11 | clulabell: KEKW 50:11 | FirstDragonborn: omg he does it 50:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: 2-4 50:11 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lol 50:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: 3 50:13 | KonDKon: wolfaAYO 50:13 | Chrislerr_: I have bruises everywhere because of my job 50:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: 2-6mg estrogen 50:15 | (Prime Gaming) dramkilgallen: 420mg 50:15 | (cheer 5000) Mimmuka: your body dosen't have energy to heal it self? 50:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You're running a charity how you not know?? 50:16 | ElexiR_Official: 2 50:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: 100mg KEKW 50:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I would like one HRT, please 50:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Just mumble. 100milimumpjs 50:18 | skyblues06: f1nns gonna overdose 50:18 | Chubsk1: I would like 1 HRT please 50:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) kreisjaegermeister: an hrt 50:18 | boysourroy101: take blood estrogen test 50:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) MegaMiley: XD, 100mg = 50 times more than a cis female needs XD 50:19 | elbvv: Oh damn 50:20 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: 100mg are patches 50:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Dead 50:20 | ElexiR_Official: 2mg 50:21 | beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 50:22 | elbvv: That’s true 50:23 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: @mg oral 50:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: 3 estrogens 50:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 2mg 50:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: 1 HRT LUL 50:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) blusau: 2 50:27 | Light1Haven: 2-8mg is average 50:27 | skyro3o: “I didn’t look” confirmed 50:28 | Kai_Marcad: Micrograms Finn... micrograms 50:29 | jeet696969: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 50:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: What'd I miss in the last 5 minutes? It seems like a lot happened 50:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: 50-150mg spiro 50:33 | (VIP) c__r__j: @Chrislerr_ You're a femboy streamer? LUL 50:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: owls are the aliens of earth 50:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 0.1mg - 4mg/day in pill form 50:37 | furieh_hadah: do you have the bobs on, or did you start HRT ? 50:37 | XxJaguar_MxX: Nice buglde 50:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: 3 mg 50:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: what animals could beat in a fight? 50:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Cazenn: Nope 50:39 | (GLHF Pledge) Dubb0: yes 50:40 | Chrislerr_: Sometimes 50:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sully_TD: ye 50:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) stick_nick: Finn needs 'meat' 50:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Maybe once 50:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what 50:41 | rajama22: Yup 50:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: yes 50:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: no 50:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: yup 50:42 | blu3berrycat: no 50:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: yee 50:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: 1 marijuana izidHelloFellowKids 50:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Nop 50:44 | (cheer 100) nmnm195: YES 50:44 | strongerpizza: no 50:44 | xXNeroZashiXx: yes 50:45 | vrworkouts: yeah 50:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yes 50:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Furry? 50:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: xYee 50:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: Not really, but I think so 50:48 | kapumon: No 50:48 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: No 50:49 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: No we don't have wizard schools 50:49 | HardyOrange: Yeah, it was MY mom at my school 50:50 | braddle172: yes 50:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @yeomanjensen f1nnLaff 50:50 | jordieboi45: Yeah 50:50 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lizard guy 50:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) scarlettyg: cluck 50:51 | (VIP) c__r__j: "Animal person" = "furry", F1nn. Say the word! 50:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Nah 50:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: no? 50:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: yes 50:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hahaha 50:53 | Stovamor: If you don't want this to be Roast Finn Stream - YOu could do more unban requests - there are tons and tons left @f1nn5ter 50:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MsAcenation: yeah we got scorpions and hissing cockroaches and things 50:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: no but i was friends with a furry 50:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: Animal person? 50:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I bet the brusied 50:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Cazenn: Poor chicken 50:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: Yes 50:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Nice 50:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: No 50:59 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: scared of cocks? 50:59 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Im the animal person 50:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MsAcenation: which i guess is not the norm 50:59 | KoalaDumpy: LUL 50:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Yeah 51:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Tries to make a joke using a realistic HRT dosage but has no idea. - 3640 51:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sadge 51:00 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Trauma chicken 51:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ragingwafle67: wiat finn is taking hrt i thought he was taking finasteride 51:01 | boysourroy101: chickens suck ass 51:02 | XxJaguar_MxX: That Chicken lucky 51:02 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Yeah I got to hold the snake 51:02 | elbvv: I’m a vegetarian and sometimes have to consume animal protein to recover 51:02 | kapumon: I live in the middle of the ocean 51:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Chicken attack ScaredyCat 51:05 | Chrislerr_: We had a kangaroo crap on some of us 51:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: Must be the hrt 51:06 | bigsuave7: LUL 51:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Trauma 51:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: I remember my 1st grade teacher's bf brought some snakes to show 51:08 | timmthehumanboy: Peck you say? 51:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Worm leg 51:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sichbroo: Did anybody have the trailer with the giraffe puppet? 51:10 | budiiess: normal daily dose is 2.5 mg 51:11 | ST0RMW4RL0CK: Have you pancreas checked, a lot of diabetics have a hard time healing and bruise easy. My father is diabetic and struggles with cuts and bruises not healing 51:11 | blueskydrinking: No, we had people who told us not to play on the train tracks 51:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: pegged by a chicken... wait 51:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: I strangled a duck at 2 years old. 51:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: the only animal guy I remember is this guy bringing the frog we had to dissect KEKW 51:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) BudgetMatt: KEKW 51:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Electric_Brain: We will now measure HRT in "Finn units" 51:19 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: KEKW 51:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talks about Animal Ladies from school. - 3670 51:21 | (GlitchCon 2020) OmarK_UK: evening bud. killer chook huh? 51:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: good one john KEKW 51:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: got eem 51:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: D: 51:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) croffeee: @sichbroo YES 51:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: good thing you're not vegan 51:24 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: And that's why f1nn is scared of birds 51:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: not the Javanese killer chicken 51:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: So you had a cock on your leg 51:26 | miks_02: miks_02 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months with my fav Birmie Knifer letsgoo <33 51:26 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: miks_02 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 51:27 | mahronica218: Lmfao 51:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: gottem 51:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: maybe that is why you are vegetarian now you are scared of the animals 51:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) DaMattG04: We had a class pet in my senior year 51:28 | skyro3o: Hahaha 51:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: D: 51:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 51:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: KEKW 51:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 51:31 | clulabell: KEKW 51:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Turkeys bite worse than chickens 51:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: no takebacks, you admitted it KEKW 51:31 | XxJaguar_MxX: Delicate gal 51:31 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: princess on the pea 51:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) v4tten: eat chicken first just as revenge 51:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Delicate lady 51:34 | Volatica: Wait, you're a vegetarian?? 51:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Chickens are savage 51:38 | leo_butteerz: delicate princess 51:38 | cooler1303: delicate and strong princess 51:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: adhd mode 51:40 | clulabell: Delicate little boi 51:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: ri chicken 51:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Such a fine woman 51:44 | FelineFemby: Not chicken 51:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) fakepacman: we had cows and chickens at our school 51:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you are FRAIL 51:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Your legs are soo delicate 51:45 | kapumon: Dainty 51:47 | itsheatherlol: hasBuff stronk 51:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: Dainty Femboy 51:49 | boysourroy101: not delicate just spends most of his time on his knees 51:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: brb 51:52 | chilled_spice: LUL 51:52 | photovoltage: Is that Also Ashley who's gifted??? 51:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) clulabell: Frail is a good term 51:56 | XxJaguar_MxX: I wanna see you peck 51:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: You know you're hated when a vegetarian will kill you and still not eat you LUL 51:57 | offical_mk24: Are you dainty fin 52:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter are you doing makeup today or are you finished? 52:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: Darkwhing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Rose. Do you keep a painting of Finn in the basement to transfer all the muscle onto the painting so you can look girly and petite? Also nice Death Note shirt 52:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: darkwhing subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU 52:09 | FelineFemby: Frail 52:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Dainty, Lanky, Frail boi 52:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ragingwafle67: is fin tamung hrt 52:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 52:11 | sr1gaming: I'm new I here been seeing your videos for a while now 52:12 | ajax_shay: bleedPurple 52:16 | Tw0LeftSocks: you might have an iron deficiency, a lot of vegetarians do. and i also did before taking iron supplements lol 52:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @viryl_lucas Damn 52:20 | gernadesquirrel: cutness aLERT 52:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I thought everyone in the UK had their own personal owl 52:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: ,??? 52:30 | barbie_secretstanner: Like Dorian grey 52:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Btw don't worry chickens don't live that long. Its probably dead already 52:32 | bigsuave7: dono what lol 52:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: ? 52:34 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @ragingwafle67, no 52:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ??? 52:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: The shirt of dorian gray 52:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Smh 52:37 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Doesn’t get Dorian grey refrence 52:37 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: haha that movie is actually funny 52:38 | ar1st1pp0s: this clown doesn't even know Oscar Wilde 52:39 | (Prime Gaming) ogkingkrabz: Dorian Gray 52:40 | jeet696969: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood 52:41 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) firelordgamez: Painting of Dorian Gray 52:41 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: If you don't want this to be a Roast Finn Stream - You could do more unban requests - there are tons and tons left @f1nn5ter 52:42 | blueskydrinking: The Picture of Dorian Gray is NOT a disney show lmao 52:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Dorian Grey reference 52:43 | mahronica218: Lol 52:44 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: That was a Picture of Dorian Grey reference. But you're not cultured. 52:44 | boysourroy101: EGG EGG EGG EGG 52:45 | dbbs3: Uncultured 52:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Understandable 52:46 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Willi I get banned for suggesting that'd be Dorian Gay? 52:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: Why not workout at home? 52:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: @plumesofdusk does a Tawny owl that lives outside my house in a tree count? 52:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) vanimal2118: The owl will probably carry u away! 52:48 | kapumon: No excuses 52:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: its one of those thing you just gotta do enough until you get over it 52:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @tw0leftsocks He loves beans on toast, that would be weird for him 52:52 | mercenary300wm: same 52:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) thebandakidbob: Can't you afford to get home gym equipment? 52:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: real 52:55 | jeet696969: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 52:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @shmanchi what are they teaching kids these days 52:56 | (Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: SeemsGood 52:57 | FelineFemby: egg fr 52:58 | (Prime Gaming) prophet_fps: i hate other people seeing me workout too lol 53:00 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheThromborax: F1NN is the cure for Gay Panic 53:00 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: training your ass for cottontail? 53:01 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: its from amovie there is a panting a dude can capture his uglyness in 53:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ragingwafle67: ah @stovamor hiw does he look so fem make up or not 53:02 | skyblues06: you should do a workout stream 53:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yeah 53:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: You dont like being stared at? Bro your doing OF 53:04 | (Prime Gaming) marceline_20: No boobs. Very sad day in America 53:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: NOT safe to be there alone for someone that looks like you. 53:05 | 3DartBlade: Got here in time yay! 53:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Better ass? 53:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 53:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: they are big 53:10 | jeod57: Classical gym hour is 2 am 53:11 | XxJaguar_MxX: Jude...? No. F1nn...? Mby. Rose? Yes 53:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: just do workout streams. make gains while making gains 53:12 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Whete did you get that shirt? 53:13 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Doing squats? 53:13 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: and he it keeps him lookin good 53:13 | mahronica218: I’m hungry, what should I eat. 53:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: have not thought of dorian grey in years damn 53:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: Why do you go to the gym we all know you don't workout is it just to show off your ass to all the cute guys and dommy mommy's 53:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: W 53:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: LETSGOOOO 53:17 | celestialmugshot: have you ever seen an owl standing up??? 53:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Owls are no joke 53:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Den_drummer: eh that's nothing... I still have some (barely noticeable) scars on my chest and face from a wild rooster that attacked me when I could barely walk yet. Apparently it grabbed on my chest like a Jurrasic Parc velociraptor and was pecking my face like mad. 53:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: W 53:18 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @ragingwafle67, genetics, lighting and camera angles 53:18 | (Watching without audio) melor649: yo GL dono 53:18 | klausi909: Yea we had a guy with big birds and we could feed it with little chickens and one bird ate half the chicken so that girl who fed it just had a chicken head in her hand :) 53:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: How many more laser treatments? 53:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Sounds like you had a real HOOT with that owl lad 53:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: W 53:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Ayooooo PogU 53:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Finn is the cure for everything! 53:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: @pansnake_ it does if it delivers the mail for you 53:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: W 53:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: based 53:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: o7 53:25 | braddle172: W 53:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: o7 53:25 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: o7 53:25 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Aye 53:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: o7 53:26 | (Prime Gaming) LeviathanReaperClass: o7 53:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: o7 53:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO??? 53:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: o7 53:27 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: o7 53:27 | total_acidity: o7 53:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: o7 53:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) el_todesfalle: o7 53:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: o7 53:28 | TechnoEmpress: o7 53:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: o7 53:29 | (Listening only) blakituu: W 53:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: o7 53:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: W 53:29 | celestialmugshot: o7 53:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: o7 53:29 | leo_butteerz: o7 53:29 | timmthehumanboy: $50 squats dono 53:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bottersnike_: o7 53:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: o7 53:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: o7 53:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: o7 53:30 | barbie_secretstanner: o7 53:30 | slubert: o7 53:30 | xXNeroZashiXx: o7 53:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MsAcenation: o7 53:30 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: o7 53:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Jeddix: wubby7 53:30 | leo_butteerz: W 53:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: o7 53:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: o7 53:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: o7 53:32 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: o7 53:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: o7 53:32 | skyblues06: o7 53:32 | Camcam1o: o7 53:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: O7 53:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: W 53:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: o7 53:32 | kronos0800: O7 53:32 | (Subscriber) GluttonousGeorge: o7 53:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: o7 53:33 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: friday31FF 53:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) conklinenterprise: O7 53:33 | aunalbrutal: o7 53:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexg7 53:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: O7 53:34 | (Prime Gaming) vkredgod: o7 53:34 | XxJaguar_MxX: o7 53:34 | (Prime Gaming) PlushGirlSteph: PlushGirlSteph subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! yay 53:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: o7 53:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: plushgirlsteph subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU 53:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: o7 53:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) MoodyMaxxx: O7 53:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: o7 53:35 | ch4rc0al5: W o7 53:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: W 53:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: 07 53:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) VVakra: o7 53:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: o7 53:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: w 53:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) alice_the_dungeon_owl: As the asker of the question and a person who raised owls yes they would carry f1nn away 53:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: 07 53:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: o7 53:37 | FelineFemby: o7 53:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: o7 . 53:38 | Mr__Le: O7 53:39 | braddle172: o7 53:39 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: o7 53:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: O7 53:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: They can turn the 360 degrees 53:40 | mrbipainc: Of 53:40 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: o7 53:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: o7 53:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: W being 53:42 | david_hahomo: W 53:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) alyssalunamusic: O7 53:42 | mattee_101: o7 53:43 | Thetwilightstar: LUL 53:45 | mahronica218: Get ittt 53:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) grandTITANIA: o9 53:47 | (Prime Gaming) aaronpd07: o7 53:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: O7 53:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: 53:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) nbNorman: nbNorman subscribed with Prime. 53:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: nbnorman subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nbnorman f1nnLezgang 53:51 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: hairclip PogU 53:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: o7 53:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) deadRinger91: W 53:52 | (TwitchCon 2020 - Amsterdam) Anthrax406: guzuSit Ayo, sup nerd 53:53 | Steys00: he called it bussy so....... 53:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: adhd 53:54 | boomkittie28: the claaaaw 53:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marceline_20: marceline_20 subscribed with Prime. 53:55 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: marceline_20 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang marceline_20 f1nnLezgang 53:55 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Or got killed by a psycho... 53:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: 07 53:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Love those 53:57 | 3DartBlade: What's up with the sub-goal btw? 53:57 | speedy_dummy10: o7 53:58 | (Subscriber) theweirdertrain: early stream? 53:58 | yumiii_zumi: where are y’all finding these femboys? i need one too man 54:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: I had a falcon on my hand once 54:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) humanratpoison: 07 54:01 | XxJaguar_MxX: Thats what you say 54:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Grippers 54:04 | TechnoEmpress: Loved your cameo in the latest Philosophy Tube btw, need more of you in the next videos!! 54:04 | blu3berrycat: What brand is the hair claw? 54:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Let's go 54:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: My ear! 54:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: Will there ever be noodles in the battle pass? LUL 54:07 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheThromborax: "playing with it?" 54:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: sloot strands 54:09 | helloworld13: put it on your mouth 54:09 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: dont put the klamp on your pengus 54:14 | crazyequals_joe: awooga 54:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Falcon is a small eagle 54:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: They can turn their head 360 degrees 54:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: your purple neon light makes it looks ike you have highlights 54:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: One is a bird 54:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) ChromyBuilds: CUUUTE 54:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: The taste 54:22 | XxJaguar_MxX: Winter soldier 54:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMG 54:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Yess 54:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: LMAO 54:25 | harokaa: LUL LUL LUL 54:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 54:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: LUL 54:27 | GioDWP: You’d have a fucking ball at an army surplus/knife store here in the US lmao 54:27 | llTHATllGUYll: HOT 54:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 54:27 | saken_412: I have no idea 54:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 54:28 | barbie_secretstanner: Messy but cuteeeee 54:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 54:28 | (Listening only) blakituu: awooga 54:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: cool 54:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Wooooo 54:29 | (Prime Gaming) Spamsel: HOT 54:30 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: (test) 54:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: winter soldier 54:30 | total_acidity: CUTE 54:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: cuuuteeee 54:31 | aeschynitus: cuuttee 54:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Cute 54:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip 54:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) armann24: i need those clamps 54:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 54:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: LETSGO 54:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: DANG 54:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: HOT AF 54:33 | deathdragon_2000: Currently being mad you pass better than me. >:( 54:33 | aunalbrutal: niiiice cutie 54:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Cutie 54:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: what's o7??? 54:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat 54:34 | braddle172: Cute 54:34 | XxJaguar_MxX: 54:34 | kapumon: Lol 54:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Not bad 54:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: best hair style 54:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marceline_20: Hella cute! 54:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: cuuute 54:36 | natalie_1984: cute 54:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I love it! 54:37 | harrryot: cut 54:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: POGGERS 54:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: true dono but distracted by finns hair 54:38 | lordhermit_for_ages: nice 54:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: Cuteeeeee 54:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: kyoot <3 54:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Cute 54:39 | XxJaguar_MxX: Sloot 54:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Cute 54:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Slut strands let's goooo 54:39 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 54:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Yooo that's hot 54:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) juneyear20: Cute 54:40 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: very cute... 54:41 | 3DartBlade: Amazing 54:41 | Why_I_ask: Might hurt after a while. 54:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: ADORBSSSSSSS 54:42 | boysourroy101: cute egg 54:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: letsgo chatter ! 54:43 | (Prime Gaming) bearclap_ftw: Purple egil hair 54:43 | wickedsoft: cute 54:44 | (500 Gift Subs) xxjoyeusexx: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang 54:44 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: so pretty with your hair up Clap 54:45 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Cute! 54:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marceline_20: Do the katara hair loopies!! 54:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Very cute 54:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sloot strands acquired! 54:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you should wear your hair up more often 54:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Clamp it to your as...oh wait, nothing there to gain purchase on. 54:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Very cute 54:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow GF experience tomorrow! 54:49 | lucitor_uff: CUTEEE 54:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Adorbs f1nnHeart 54:51 | bwjune: veeery cute :0 54:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU chatter 54:52 | afroshino30: It’s adorable on you 54:53 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: I mean.... 54:54 | (Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: PogChamp 54:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Looks awesome 54:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: CLIP THAT 54:56 | tellapod: bing 54:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Cuuute 54:56 | braddle172: fr3ddiFredbonk 54:57 | sr1gaming: Finn How many people have bought the battle pass so far? 54:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: You gotta twist and flip the hair up, clip the clip, and then let the hair fall over the top of the clip 54:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Amoyamoyamoya Ayo??? 54:58 | pixiemara: gender prison sounds accurate 54:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: Engendered Prision? 54:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) fakepacman: falcon had wings 55:00 | Nochill163: I'm gone like 2 min and you'ce transitioned further already 55:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 55:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: broke the gender law 55:01 | AIRHydrant: klink 55:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) miks_02: Stealer of Gender 55:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) Ambraxius: Ambraxius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 55:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ambraxius subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 55:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Same 55:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: For sure 55:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: heh, trans gressions 55:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 55:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Gender prison is exactly what its like 55:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Drank unauthorized gender fluid and ended up in prison 55:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 55:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: This may be my favorite look 55:09 | Kolateak_: TRANSgressions 55:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnHeart 55:09 | optikbau4lyfe: TRANSgressions lmao gotem 55:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: trans? f1nnEgg 55:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: Arf 55:10 | helloworld13: hoarder too many genders 55:11 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Biggest offender 55:11 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: TRANSgressions 55:12 | boomkittie28: cuuuute 55:12 | barbie_secretstanner: Yassss 55:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Probably lots 55:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @mirot47 mkoSalute 55:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: You spilled the gender fluid @F1NN5TER 55:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: Nice little handle bar for cotton to use when they rail you once you loose the bet uni100 55:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gender prison ayo? 55:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: improv Gender ! 55:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: hehe trans-gression LUL 55:17 | crazyequals_joe: so prettyyyy 55:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn in prison aquafpSScared aquafpSScared aquafpSScared 55:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yah trans gressions 55:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: stop it :D 55:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Most definitely 55:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) miks_02: You stole a lot of genders lol 55:19 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: Thats cute as heck 55:19 | vfunny_egg: I AM SO SURE I HEARD A GUY'S VOICE 55:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: I think F1nn wants to go to gender prison 55:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nice 55:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: very cute 55:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: TRANSgressions, I can't even keep up with all these new identities smh 55:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Most of us have been in gender prison too long 55:25 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) frostysuits: Hello there frosty550FrostyFingerGuns 55:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: so cute 55:27 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: All the TRANSgression jokes 55:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: omg 55:28 | boomkittie28: she looks smart! 55:28 | (Listening only) blakituu: step on me 55:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: ADORBSSS 55:29 | aunalbrutal: omg 55:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Nice 55:30 | mahronica218: You think your so cute lol 55:30 | bigsuave7: Kappa 55:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: You revolt against gender. Thats why youd get sent to gender prison 55:31 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 55:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: very prettyy 55:33 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: oh shit 55:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: You are the 'girl next door' every Mom wants her son to marry 55:35 | helloworld13: cute afd 55:35 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: just joined, are you imitating the hairstyle of the girl on your shirt? 55:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: cute 55:36 | (Listening only) squiddy2611: If this stream is wholesome why is there a femboy on my screen? 55:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you don't even need makeup anymore 55:36 | (cheer 1) cancerous_koala: Daddy Finn made me realize I’m trans and I want to sue for damages 55:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: So wholesome 55:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: POGGERS 55:38 | (Prime Gaming) Pedrohenry630: Cute 55:38 | erickeld: STARTING WHEN? 55:38 | boysourroy101: do u ever go to womas restroom to avoid the akwardness that is being clocked 55:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shwapineer: You look very pretty today 55:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @vfunny_egg You new here LUL 55:40 | lucitor_uff: POMMG 55:41 | maddiimew: Ok kinda weird but r u ticklish? @f1nn5ter 55:42 | 3DartBlade: You probably look better then I ever will ;-; 55:44 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Imagine wearing the ears the wrong way 55:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) miks_02: Cute cute cute 55:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: The manga librarian 55:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: Why is the camera out of focus again 55:46 | gernadesquirrel: YES VERY PRETTY 55:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Perfect 55:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Why are you so thin XD 55:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Kaytee13: You look a little like a certain streamer, just more entertaining 55:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: f1nnHeart 55:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Fem Walter White 55:51 | PlayofdaGame: I'll have to tribute you now 55:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Dainty Femboys in prison probably not good! 55:54 | sasuke_csa: F1nn what's your safe word? 55:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: TRANSgressions and gender prison, nice pun 55:54 | sammysnakes319: “wholesome” 55:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: probe Kreygasm 55:55 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: Wholesome stream day before the battlepass.. KEKW 55:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Can we get a new dono goal? 55:59 | sordros: u look better than most american gals these days 55:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: you gotta stop bein so curte dawg 56:00 | bigsuave7: ................. 56:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Probe KEKW 56:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: We never agreed on a wholesome stream today 56:02 | snoddener: @3DartBlade he looks better than most of us ever will Sadge 56:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) armann24: Cheer300 hey finn i got plane tickets to paris today!!! 56:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 56:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: I've noticed you don't object to being called Rose as much as you used to on stream 56:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yes 56:08 | vfunny_egg: @Emmy64_ i indeed am but that i am still confused 56:09 | (Subscriber) SuperMax1mus: CUTE AF 56:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 56:11 | highwire04: 56:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: chair never lies 56:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 56:13 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 56:13 | im_up_to_something: Yes 56:14 | aunalbrutal: haha that cut XD 56:15 | (GLHF Pledge) B_ites: B_ites subscribed with Prime. 56:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: b_ites subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang b_ites f1nnLezgang 56:16 | sparco_2: How is he so cute dude 56:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Chair is friend 56:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: again? 56:20 | kapumon: Cannon 56:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 56:21 | f1nn5terschair: @F1NN5TER YES, YES I DO. 56:21 | r20mejia: hi finn 56:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnChair 56:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ??? 56:23 | elbvv: Hahahah 56:25 | lofi_astryd: helloo 56:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: !gender 56:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. 56:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: dexerto tweet ? 56:29 | kapumon: Spicy tweet 56:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marceline_20: FIn what's your fav skirt currently? 56:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: (Fin in glasses) f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 56:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: düd 56:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reading message from Chair. - 4160 56:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Whut 56:35 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: what did you do 56:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat 56:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Uh oh 56:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Shutter 56:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Yooooooo???? 56:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Oh 56:43 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: LUL 56:43 | spacekitten4: !gender 56:44 | barbie_secretstanner: Lmao yepppp 56:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL LUL 56:44 | (VIP, 3-Month Subscriber, Verified) CottontailVA: i wasnt gonna say anything 56:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: KEKW 56:45 | boomkittie28: ayo! 56:45 | vrworkouts: oh... 56:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 56:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: uh-oh 56:46 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: ayo 56:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip 56:46 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: hahahahahahaha 56:46 | braddle172: Photo clicker 56:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: camera 56:47 | BattleAlpaca: camera one right lol 56:47 | bigsuave7: Kreygasm 56:47 | sadman_pl: o hosh 56:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 56:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: I didn't notice that lmaoo 56:48 | lofi_astryd: !gender 56:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 56:48 | (Prime Gaming) justuwwuu: OH 56:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Yeah the clicker? 56:50 | 414ifoundone: oh? 56:50 | Steys00: oh no 56:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Lmao 56:50 | blu3berrycat: hmm? 56:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: camera clicker 56:51 | sstia19: KEKW 56:51 | joeyiswatching: thats the standard remote camera thing that all girls use 56:51 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: its just a remote for the camera lol 56:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: oh no 56:52 | MooskiBG: LMAO I HAVE ONE IK WHAT IT IS 56:52 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Lol 56:52 | kapumon: Hmm? 56:53 | TheDigitalCowbo: thedig24Starecleo 56:54 | sleepystephbot: camera shutter button? 56:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Oh 56:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: KEKW 56:55 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Oh boi 56:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hehhehehe 56:55 | (cheer 100) sindefii: Figured it was for the camera 56:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: LuL 56:55 | total_acidity: HAHAHa 56:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 56:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) LOST__AND__FOUND: for the cam right 56:55 | (Turbo) Falqun: lemao 56:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: lmao the camera 56:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 56:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 56:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: That explains the other hand Kappa 56:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Ayo 56:56 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Umm 56:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: Isn't that for the camera? 56:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: It's a camera clicker 56:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Hmmmm 56:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: Oof 56:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 56:58 | (Prime Gaming) LeviathanReaperClass: KEKW 56:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: vibrating buttplug 56:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 56:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 56:59 | (Turbo) jephtyler: FLUSH 57:00 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Ayooooooooooooo 57:00 | night_mare_soul_1: AYYY. YOOOOO!!!!! 57:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: why didnt u hold it in the other handddd 57:01 | blu3berrycat: for camera 57:01 | yumiii_zumi: LAMOO 57:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I wonder why 57:01 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Camera clicker. Uh huh. 57:01 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Presumably actually the camera trigger. 57:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: eatheir the camera or the plug 57:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Lmao 57:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 57:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 57:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) VanderLB: its the camera remote lmao 57:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) LOST__AND__FOUND: to take the pic 57:04 | gilradir: Isn't that just for the camera? 57:05 | braddle172: f1nnEmbarrassed 57:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: its a shutter release right? 57:05 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Kek 57:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Shutter controler 57:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Thought it was plug? LUL LUL 57:07 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Sus remote 57:07 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: Thats the camera clicker... 57:07 | (Subscriber) Sourceless_: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 57:07 | lucitor_uff: DUDEEE OMG 57:07 | (Prime Gaming) curtlands: Is this just cosplay 57:07 | (GlitchCon 2020) OmarK_UK: THOT! lol 57:08 | (VIP, Verified) CottontailVA: LUL 57:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: that's just your car keys 57:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mxdBlum: it the camera, nerds 57:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 57:10 | ClanMeister: kinda familia controller is your hand XD 57:10 | Tenshin31: for the telly? 57:11 | kapumon: Thank u for pointing it out 57:11 | FirstDragonborn: Vibro 57:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) armann24: cam remote shutter 57:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That didn’t know what 57:13 | j0nny_1155: Yeah I saw I. Comments that they thought it was something else 57:13 | (Prime Gaming) Afryo: Camera remote 57:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Why not use the other hand? 57:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Good thing Cotton is here! 57:15 | TheNeverShow: the vibe remote ? 57:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: that's so funny 57:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) domin_no_way: Where is the other hand monkaS Kappa 57:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Hi cotton 57:18 | (Prime Gaming) wallsgunna: wallsgunna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 20 month streak! 20 months of being ironically gay 57:18 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: wallsgunna subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU 57:19 | (Watching without audio) IamUserLinux: HI FINN I L1KE YOU 57:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Rocket league pog 57:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnNomods 57:21 | tim19862: KEKW 57:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 57:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHAH 57:23 | (Subscriber) Sourceless_: f1nnNomods 57:23 | im_up_to_something: People have dirty minds 57:23 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: Remote for the "camera" 57:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Posts Couch Kitten tweet talking about people spotting the camera trigger. - 4020 57:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: wsp @cottontailva 57:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 57:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Oh? Ooohhhhhh 57:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) ladylionessoflondon: Is it a camera remote? 57:33 | LegAbuse: Is that the new DLC? 57:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Also heart pillow looked photoshopped 57:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa 57:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: pog 57:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Remote huh 57:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: let's go ! 57:40 | Loelinverse: lmao 57:41 | boysourroy101: TransgenderPride do u ever use womans restroom because u dont want to be in a weird situation 57:41 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Congrats jellyfish!! 57:42 | bigsuave7: LUL KappaPride 57:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 57:43 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: Mau5 57:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 57:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Remote lookin kinda sussy 57:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Why would you have a camera in your bussy? 57:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: bussy connoiseurs 57:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Happy Birthday! 57:48 | KoalaDumpy: Gayge 57:49 | elbvv: Lol 57:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: best birthday ever 57:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Suuuure it's for the camera 57:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Does it count as a self report if we're already obviously a simp LUL 57:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 57:53 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: haha just realized it's my cousin's birthday tomorrow. Maybe I should buy him the battle pass 57:53 | ar1st1pp0s: how long until F1nn gets propositioned by a tory MP?? 57:53 | mercenary300wm: you never said with the remote was for 57:54 | (Watching without audio) IamUserLinux: ID FUCKING SUB BUT IM BROKE 57:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rhiiazami: this hairstyle is super cute f1nn 57:57 | Mokil12345: your an egg 57:59 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: You can be in your Birthday suit 58:00 | TheNeverShow: that remote is for for the chess vibrator 58:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: No 58:00 | timmthehumanboy: We need an hrt F1NN5TER inspired Reddit 58:01 | Jennyfish_: I mean, I have a battlepass account too 58:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) VanderLB: Is Nat actually coming to London btw? 58:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: This is how Ashley learned how to use a remote camera shutter trigger. Ashley Barron = Future F1nn 58:10 | (cheer 1) cancerous_koala: Any recommendations for beginning cross dressing? Clothes to wear? 58:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Jeddix: no birthday on battlepass 58:11 | kapumon: Practice for losing to cotton? 58:13 | (Prime Gaming) curtlands: Is this cosplay I'm new 58:13 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: I've finally found the actual channel I've only seen clips on tiktok 58:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Finn about to commit mass identity theft 58:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: D pic? 58:15 | (cheer 5000) FearedIcee: Ive not been here in a while, whats the battlepass? 58:17 | mary02maja03: You look really cute today 58:19 | photovoltage: FallHalp FallHalp 58:20 | purpelos: cau kozmos 58:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: I just made an account, you just check a box for 18+, no bday entered 58:23 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: so its only 25k for a bj on my birthday? 58:24 | sr1gaming: How many battle passes have people bought so far 58:24 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @cottontailva you should put F1nn in the swing, ironically… 58:25 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: Is there a Minecraft Battlepas? 58:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Also heart pillow looked photoshopped on that tweet @F1NN5TER 58:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: caffeinated_emt gifted a Tier 1 sub to IamUserLinux! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel! 58:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: caffeinated_emt has gifted a subscription to iamuserlinux at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang iamuserlinux f1nnLezgang 58:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: smooth* 58:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: F1NN an egg, yeh? 58:35 | gernadesquirrel: MY EGG BROKE LONG TIME AGO 58:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: It’s my birthday today so where’s my discount 58:39 | yani727: the saturation on the camera looks higher today, weird 58:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Ashley prophecy is still right 58:45 | mahronica218: Lol 58:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: smooth brain 58:46 | Mokil12345: your just a big egg 58:47 | Dhalsin: I just want to say I loved seeing you on the Philosophy tube with Abigail! <3 58:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: would you ever dye your hair? you should do that as a sub goal 58:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: @FearedIcee F1nn's fansonly 58:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Fembrain 58:52 | (GLHF Pledge) DarkNeonRR05: leak the photos 58:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: hold it in other hand 58:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL @helen_croft 58:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: We all know what the remote was for. You use a camera timer 58:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ??? 58:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ramaj_A: finn has a big brain, it's just that it's mostly full of copium. 58:58 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @yani727 Darker lighting. New camera since stream before last. 59:00 | Sophiafidibuz: Why are you not in squid craft games?? 59:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Smooth brained 59:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Fruitty F1nn behaviour 59:03 | kapumon: Personal use only 59:05 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: a years worth released tomorrow? 59:06 | hazadooza: Have you ordered the cake yet? 59:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: It'll be so worth it when F1nn finally shows us his new ID and it says Ashley Barron 59:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 59:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart femboy32Heart warden6Love stardu78Rollin 59:12 | j0nny_1155: Hey my bday 59:13 | (Prime Gaming) mzinker: Hello 59:14 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong sarahs39Bingbong adcvrDINKDONK deamhaWiggle puckLove f1nnHeart 59:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: x 59:14 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: yes there is 59:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: we are 59:15 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: tomorrow 59:15 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: cam/vibe 59:16 | th3happyd1no: Helloooo 59:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: e 59:16 | LOtiumduPeuple: you sure about that ? 59:16 | mercenary300wm: smoketvGun2 LUL 59:16 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Why not hold it in the other hand? 59:17 | braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reads my comment, "This is how Ashley learned how to use a remote camera shutter trigger. Ashley Barron = Future F1nn" MISUNDERSTANDS IT SMH. - 4180 59:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart adcvrLOVE malixaHeart malixaLove f1nnCowjam stardu78Rollin adcvrDINKDONK 59:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Alex_LuvUrVidsTTV: x 59:18 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: not all but a looooooot :) 59:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Listening only) imNotSubbed: No, we all are 59:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: I am 59:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: Your stuttering isn't helping your case 59:19 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 59:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:19 | yokai_327: we are 59:19 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: dont say "get your mind out of the gutter" when we know where that photo is going 59:20 | (Prime Gaming) curtlands: @viryl_lucas is this cosplay 59:20 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 59:20 | mahronica218: Always in the gutter 59:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bottersnike_: x 59:21 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Poll 59:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: you're the one who wanted to wear one when you lose the arm wrestle against Cotton 59:21 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Poll poll poll! Are we degenerate? 59:22 | (Prime Gaming) CelestialOrcas: you keep sounding american every so often, stop it please, ty 59:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 59:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:24 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE 59:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: X 59:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Didn't even know it was there until right now lmao 59:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sproxxie: nope 59:25 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: How are you today :p 59:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 59:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: I'm outing as not a degen 59:26 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Poll? 59:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: No 59:27 | (Prime Gaming) Aelethal: why would we be here if not degenerates? 59:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: nope 59:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang 59:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: poll 59:27 | sadman_pl: aint no way 59:28 | yokai_327: no 59:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:28 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PFFFFF 59:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: lol 59:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:29 | ar1st1pp0s: nope 59:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: nope 59:29 | lvn4vr: no 59:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: Nope 59:29 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: nope 59:29 | bigsuave7: right 59:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: define... normal 59:30 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: no 59:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: None of us are 59:30 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: LOOOOOL 59:30 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: poll 59:30 | KnapperigeKapitein: poll 59:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: I cannot get my mind out of the gutter I love there 59:30 | Why_I_ask: I’m a certified degenerate. 59:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 59:30 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: nope 59:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: nah 59:30 | a97sund: never! 59:30 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: X 59:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: No 59:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) boggy_smalls: Naw 59:31 | xXNeroZashiXx: Bing Bong 59:31 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: F1nn, we have confirmed shipping receipts you’ve been sent stuff 59:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: What is normal? 59:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 59:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) Ambraxius: Not a chance 59:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) eddiefreestone: nope 59:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Yes 59:31 | leo_butteerz: no way 59:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: N9 59:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Nope 59:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Sure 59:32 | x_rose_bomb_x: oh honey 59:32 | sp00ny76: nooo 59:32 | bisse20092: I am 59:32 | (cheer 1) dr_kegel: Nope 59:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Some, yes 59:32 | semisgamer: no 59:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MsAcenation: im normal 59:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: nope 59:33 | Kolateak_: You thought wrong 59:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Nope 59:33 | total_acidity: Nope 59:33 | highwire04: No 59:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Exactly. You learned it so she knows it. DUMBASS. 59:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: nope 59:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: depends 59:33 | (cheer 1) evilmagicwizardthing: I am a degenerate 59:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Yeah 59:33 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: nope 59:33 | (Prime Gaming) Cyrers972: LUL 59:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynBonk 59:34 | KoalaDumpy: nah 59:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) second_best_dad: Debatable 59:34 | xXNeroZashiXx: no 59:34 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: o no im a piece o shit 59:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: nope 59:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Nah 59:34 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: N OMEGALUL SH OMEGALUL T 59:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: POLL nanona1LETSGOO 59:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: we're all crazy 59:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Normal enough 59:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Not all of us, but damn near 59:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong AsexualPride f1nnBingbong NonbinaryPride f1nnBingbong 59:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Yes 59:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: I have a clicker like that 59:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) armann24: normal simp here 59:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Maybe 59:35 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: No 59:35 | leo_butteerz: absolutely no way 59:35 | cramer17: hell no 59:35 | razorriley14: Nope 59:36 | lordhermit_for_ages: degenerates will degenerate 59:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: We're here so no 59:36 | (Prime Gaming) sartanxar: nope 59:36 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: you are just wrong about what normal means 59:36 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: I'm normal 59:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ramaj_A: ahahahahaaa oh you sweet summer child 59:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) TheDanieru: i'm normal lol 59:36 | lucitor_uff: KEKW 59:36 | (GlitchCon 2020) goodboy141: can pretend to be normal 59:37 | (Watching without audio) xyn_z0: what brand is that small toy remote on ur hand on that pic finn ? :) 59:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: yep 59:37 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: Get a pink one 59:37 | hazadooza: meh 59:37 | (Prime Gaming) rywal_: Yyy nopE 59:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: f1nnNomods no normal people? 59:37 | XxJaguar_MxX: Show me dat bussy 59:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: nour-mal? 59:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Me 59:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: never 59:38 | Globalnuclear: not me probably 59:38 | (GLHF Pledge) corporal_Canada: yup 59:38 | Why_I_ask: Nope 59:38 | GG3ZUS: YEAHHH sure Kappa 59:38 | entracedpilot: yes 59:38 | (Watching without audio) itslucydammit: I'll play my part and be a degen 59:38 | mahronica218: Lol no 59:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Me 59:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) Mr_Fluffy97: yep, no idea what that remote is for 59:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: no 59:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: yes 59:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Some 59:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: me 59:39 | harrryot: tf is normal? 59:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: Nah mate 59:39 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: i’m only a degenerate on my twitter:) 59:39 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Naa bro poll it 59:39 | spockofucc: wym by normal 59:40 | Freak_Moth: yes 59:40 | im_up_to_something: Yes only a handful 59:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I'm degenerate 59:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No one 59:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: it was obvious that is was for the camera 59:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: No 59:41 | (cheer 100) sk8al0t: whos normal 59:41 | aunalbrutal: absolutely not 59:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: normal compared to ...? 59:42 | (Prime Gaming) 8bitkoala_: Nope 59:42 | Dhalsin: I just want to say I loved seeing you on the Philosophy tube with Abigail! <3 59:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: NOPE 59:42 | Unlabelled_mess: nope 59:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Poll 59:42 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: I’m normy 59:43 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: normal is a difficult concept 59:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: I'm okay 59:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: Yup 59:43 | (Prime Gaming) Aelethal: not me, couldn't be me 59:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: I am Kappa 59:43 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: I’m not but thank you for thinking so 59:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: yes 59:44 | auf_wiedersehen97: What happened! 59:44 | darkheroboyyy: HELLO FINNNNNN 59:44 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: No 59:44 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: can confer not degenerate 59:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: <--- NORMAL, TRANS, CHILD/YOUTH ADVOCATE 59:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) eddiefreestone: who wants to be normal? 59:44 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Meybe.....? 59:45 | friekycube: yes 59:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Nope not a one bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim bbjessJim 59:45 | rooooooooosh: yes 59:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: I’d like to think I’m relatively normal 59:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: CLIP helen 59:45 | hkz321: Me 59:45 | silverfox2274: Only some 59:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: nope 59:46 | sasuke_csa: yes 59:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: I feel like I'm somewhat normal most of the times sometimes I'm a gremlin 59:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Definitely normal 59:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: who? where? 59:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: yess 59:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: Nope 59:46 | chal1xx: Some of us 59:46 | yumiii_zumi: no 59:47 | (Prime Gaming) strawhat______: I'm only part degenerate 59:47 | HeyItsThor: Yes. 59:47 | actuallynothingnobody: nah 59:47 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya : We need a poll on whether or not we're degenerate. 59:47 | Bunny_yote: hell no 59:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rhiiazami: yes 59:47 | madlordjv: no 59:47 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: youre way less normal than me 59:48 | wilsfav: me 59:48 | (Prime Gaming) Dirty_Chai21: normal? 59:48 | ryan_the_guy1: no 59:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: no 59:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Yes 59:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) flyingfish_02: "normal" 59:49 | VioletFaerii: yes 59:49 | Senevri: poll? 59:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: normal + 59:50 | silverfox2274: Yes 59:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: half normie 59:52 | SayuTheUwU: If this stream title ain't the most liein' ass thing i've ever seen lol 59:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Normal? 59:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: we are all weirdos 59:53 | (Prime Gaming) lugowyties: im not! :)) 59:53 | blueskydrinking: I used to work for Amazon, I am definitely a degenerate 59:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) VVakra: yes normal 59:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sure f1nn I'm "normal" 59:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: i'm normal to me. my normal 59:55 | (Turbo) jephtyler: NOPERS 59:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I'm degenerate to certain degree 59:55 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) chickenjuice452: just an average queer jow 59:56 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: nyannSNIFF nyannSNIFF nyannSNIFF 59:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: What’s this normal you speak of? 59:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: NONE 59:56 | Alkno_93: yes i am normal bab 59:57 | (Prime Gaming) mynoahmiller100: yes 59:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: im just here for bussy 59:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mxdBlum: his face wasn't red enough for it to be a remote for something else 59:58 | (Prime Gaming) phoeberc: well many of us started out wholesome 59:58 | gluedkitty: Omg Finn U R SLAYING TODAY KING/QUEEN!!!! 59:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) zesta02: Yes 59:59 | LegAbuse: I’m normal as fuck 59:59 | (cheer 100) sindefii: We...are..alllllll degenerates 1:00:00 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: No one that answers the questions 1:00:00 | MR95_AT: yes 1:00:00 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Degen poll 1:00:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Praise chair 1:00:02 | XxJaguar_MxX: DO YOUR PARENTS KNOW ABOUT THE BATTLEPASS????? 1:00:02 | jeod57: Nope lulz 1:00:02 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: None of us are normal my dude 1:00:05 | (Prime Gaming) Frixuum: 1 raiders from Frixuum have joined! 1:00:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) tannerd88: Im like coffee creamer, half and half 1:00:06 | (Listening only) squiddy2611: @cancerous_koala anything you feel comfortable in! Short skirts and hoodies with thigh highs are traditional, but some may even wear prom dresses, wedding shit or if you’re feeling super subby u can wear animal ears or tails 1:00:07 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Normal how? 1:00:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Egg 1:00:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 1:00:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Do the voice 1:00:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: yea that's kinda the point 1:00:09 | bigsuave7: ?? 1:00:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: That's cool 1:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 1:00:12 | darrenmck92: That really depends on your definition of normal 1:00:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) XXBoltrex: You are so pretty omg. 1:00:13 | darkheroboyyy: HELLO FINNNNN 1:00:14 | (Prime Gaming) goxy8800: Thats the point 1:00:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp 1:00:15 | tondisjeldis: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Hi, today is my 18th birthday and i have question for ya. Can i have ya in my femboy collection? 1:00:15 | Gurglefrix: f1nnCowjam 1:00:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i mean it's good right ? 1:00:17 | ricardo3z: LUL 1:00:17 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: yeah that happens 1:00:17 | ClanMeister: @mod vote on who is normal? 1:00:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: Why settle for being normal? 1:00:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That's perfect 1:00:18 | moly_0: happened to me 1:00:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ramaj_A: I'm watching finn at 2 pm on a Tuesday. completely degenerate 1:00:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: We can't wait for the girl voice 1:00:18 | (Listening only) blakituu: !gender 1:00:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. 1:00:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: I noticed that lol 1:00:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) twin_cdj: Yeah. Unfortunately I'm more than normal 1:00:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No it's good 1:00:20 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: good 1:00:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: passive training 1:00:20 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: it's what makes it training 1:00:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: yes 1:00:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: <3 f1nnChair <3 f1nnChair <3 f1nnChair 1:00:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) XXBoltrex: Today is my last day subbed... 1:00:22 | skyro3o: Progression 1:00:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps 1:00:23 | bigsuave7: LUL 1:00:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Nice 1:00:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: its 8:00 get ready for twt post boysss 1:00:23 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: I’m normal wink wink 1:00:25 | (Subscriber) bidophile1: Hi mommy 1:00:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: It’s good 1:00:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: good progress 1:00:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Online Feminization 1:00:28 | darkheroboyyy: HELLO FINNNNNNN 1:00:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: The training is going well.. 1:00:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: X 1:00:30 | deathdragon_2000: What do you use for voive training? 1:00:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: No he don't 1:00:31 | sadman_pl: LIE 1:00:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: The transition begins (unfortunately not for me yet) 1:00:32 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: lies 1:00:32 | (Prime Gaming) wallsgunna: Doubt 1:00:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: f1nnCope 1:00:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: um 1:00:33 | Multi27: meh# 1:00:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled 1:00:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: When’s the girl voice Finn? 1:00:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: only the BF's 1:00:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: X 1:00:36 | ar1st1pp0s: how can u remember 1:00:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) hipsu555: Copium 1:00:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: So.... dope 1:00:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: Copium 1:00:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Got that tomboy look 1:00:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: X 1:00:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: your giggle already is ready 1:00:39 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Loads of women wear guys clothes 1:00:39 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: f1nnCope 1:00:39 | ar1st1pp0s: also you did not 1:00:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), Watching without audio) massimodigina: only 1:00:40 | skyro3o: Lies 1:00:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: “Normal” 1:00:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Sus Poll "I am..." 1:00:41 | RedVelvetWoman: clothes dont have gender :P 1:00:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: x 1:00:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Your feminine mannerism are affect your overall behavior even your speech lol 1:00:43 | sphagetti__: How long has it been, 2 years? 1:00:43 | (Prime Gaming) Dawodil: Nate Feuerstein 1:00:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnLaff 1:00:45 | alohaxbriii: hello! 1:00:45 | yani727: ayo? 1:00:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: x 1:00:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:00:48 | (Watching without audio) BongoBaggins: Stop saying like, jesus 1:00:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: I am a degen.. just not in this community 1:00:48 | pixiemara: oh boi that means people (cottontail) will enjoy exasparated you even more xD 1:00:49 | mortelsson: yah 1:00:51 | TechnoEmpress: FEMBOY CHASER ALERT 1:00:52 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: yah 1:00:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: yuh 1:00:53 | AIRHydrant: sickly 1:00:53 | alohaxbriii: I'm new here! :D 1:00:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Another degen 1:00:54 | XxJaguar_MxX: Are your parents proud...? 1:00:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: taxidermy femboys in the basement 1:00:55 | (Prime Gaming) Dawodil: BIA-JSS-SMART-B 1:00:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AyatoMisubi: AyatoMisubi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! wew 1:00:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ayatomisubi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:00:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noo 1:00:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 1:00:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: gotta catch em all 1:00:58 | helloworld13: In his basement? 1:00:58 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: fem cu 1:00:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: Pokemon femboy 1:00:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO pokemon 1:00:59 | braddle172: In the basement 1:00:59 | offtop999: Find a guy who can do both 1:00:59 | th3happyd1no: LOL 1:00:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 1:00:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: calendar 1:01:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: of course... Rose looks good in her boyfriend's clothes LUL 1:01:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) caffeinated_emt: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 1:01:01 | sasuke_csa: yess 1:01:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 1:01:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Im degen sometimes here tbh mkoAyaya 1:01:04 | sasuke_csa: lol 1:01:05 | f1nn5terschair: @F1NN5TER , I'm here, and i can still feel the plug. 1:01:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 1:01:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Let's hear your fem voice! 1:01:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: spank bank 1:01:07 | (Prime Gaming) starkiller_316: starkiller_316 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 1:01:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: starkiller_316 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:01:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: femboy harem PogChamp 1:01:09 | bigsuave7: yes 1:01:09 | ar1st1pp0s: bimbo moments 1:01:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No 1:01:12 | XxJaguar_MxX: Gae 1:01:13 | im_up_to_something: Nah 1:01:14 | eeveeveevee97: Is the poll about me or F1nn? 1:01:14 | LegAbuse: UwU collection 1:01:14 | (Prime Gaming) PandaB33rd: richopMmmoist 1:01:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Hanging out with FPS Kyle too much? 1:01:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Better hurry up and move to the US lmao 1:01:15 | sadman_pl: LIKE 1:01:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Valley gurl f1nn 1:01:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: yes 1:01:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: At least is not uwu 1:01:17 | (Prime Gaming) Hemry64_: Just replace like with fuck EZ 1:01:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Oh my gawwwd LUL 1:01:17 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Oh I've had a harem before, it's no longer existent but its nice lol 1:01:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: It’s ok, it’s just Bimbo-speak 1:01:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I'm a switch wholesome/degen 1:01:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Fem card captor 1:01:26 | XxJaguar_MxX: Bimbo uwu 1:01:27 | natholomas: we need a 'like' counter 1:01:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: U don’t collect Femboys Chat? 1:01:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ban the word like please and thank you 1:01:30 | MR95_AT: is that a christmas tree in the background? 1:01:30 | (GLHF Pledge) tabularbuckle: like pokemon cards 1:01:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: we need to get the vote total to 69% 1:01:33 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: @f1nn5ter poll is up 1:01:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: That "uh" was real....... 1:01:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) Mr_Fluffy97: Mr_Fluffy97 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 Months let's gooo 1:01:36 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mr_fluffy97 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:01:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Ayyyyy 1:01:39 | (Prime Gaming) GodBlessBananasplit: like 1:01:40 | namesake21: the change is progressing quickly 1:01:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quberix: Quberix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Two months and many more to come. Can't wait for the Battlepass. 1:01:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: quberix subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:01:47 | mahronica218: Lmfao 1:01:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) VintageCenti: 8:03!!! 1:01:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 1:01:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Catches HERSELF turning into a Valley Girl (like, omg, etc.). - 4230 1:01:51 | braddle172: 8:03 pog 1:01:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:01:53 | (Prime Gaming) justuwwuu: Have you ever had a beard? 1:01:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: make it go viral hehehe 1:01:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: Preparing the response pic then 1:01:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: live tweet PogU 1:01:58 | boysourroy101: have u ever had to act like a woman in public to avoid an akward situation? 1:02:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 1:02:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) listh: listh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! nice shirt 1:02:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: listh subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:02:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Pog 1:02:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) eldirtyoldman: when will battlepass first item released? 1:02:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Normal chat??? 1:02:07 | capta1n_mika: i love the shirt 1:02:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: We gonna try 1:02:07 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: challenge accepted 1:02:08 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Nose 1:02:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: There IS no normal chat 1:02:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: @justuwwuu He's dated girls before, so yes. 1:02:12 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: "your cat ears are backwards" -> exasperated f1nn 1:02:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: chat has to talk to you about how bad texas will be for you KEKW 1:02:14 | ghostnyappa: I've heard of you for some time, but this is my first time watching any of your streams 1:02:15 | frank_the_great: Hooray for normal chat! 1:02:16 | XxJaguar_MxX: Many more to come 1:02:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Scheduled tweet coming out soon. - 4210 1:02:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: VOTE 1:02:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Chat can never be normal 1:02:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Deviled Egg 1:02:26 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1630659854795931648 1:02:26 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1630659854795931648 1:02:27 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1630659854795931648 1:02:27 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1630659854795931648 1:02:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "I am...": A D E G E N with 327 votes (59.45%) 1:02:28 | wilsfav: what is the battlepass????? 1:02:28 | TheMushyButt: youre so pretty! 1:02:30 | urijoestar: instant fav 1:02:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: Goog girl 1:02:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: CUTE TWEET 1:02:32 | LegAbuse: Nobody comes here to be normal 1:02:32 | timmthehumanboy: Those thighs though 1:02:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @mokil12345 mkoUm 1:02:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: so fkn cuute 1:02:35 | ghostnyappa: degenlates 1:02:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Just bought my battle pass 1:02:37 | (Prime Gaming) lavaheart_gaming: lavaheart_gaming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! looking nice tooday 1:02:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lavaheart_gaming subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months using Prime! PogU 1:02:38 | joeyiswatching: whats battle pass? 1:02:39 | 8rayven8: Are your legs the Red Sea cause I want to part them 1:02:40 | kattsuko_: Egg 1:02:40 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: "quite normal" 1:02:40 | timmthehumanboy: Got dayum 1:02:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: see you tomorrow 1:02:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: That sounds like a challenge to me Chat? 1:02:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Good lord 1:02:43 | th3happyd1no: The perfect tweet 1:02:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: nice tweet, kyoot smile <3 1:02:44 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: very normal 1:02:44 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: God you are too cute/beautiful. 1:02:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmmm 1:02:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: good lord f1nn 1:02:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Yep normal 1:02:47 | TheNeverShow: shite local dry cleaner is paying for my stole kilts and skirts but being a butt about it 1:02:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: We like lewd content 1:02:49 | th3happyd1no: Its rly normal 1:02:49 | droxadd: egg 1:02:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: SOLID TWEET 1:02:50 | Why_I_ask: Good content 1:02:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Nice 1:02:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Beautiful 1:02:55 | kattsuko_: How do I donate on mobile? 1:02:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Good pic 1:02:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: why is the picture so grainy 1:02:57 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: battle pass sub GET 1:02:57 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Good tweet 1:02:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) MoodyMaxxx: God bless this tweet. 1:03:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: 1:03:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: Awooga 1:03:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: 20 comments and 500 likes.. wtf 1:03:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: YIKES 1:03:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll "A DEGEN" wins at 59% 1:03:04 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Hi John 1:03:08 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: 60% are degens 1:03:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: We like good content of our best boy being spicy 1:03:10 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: What is a "normal"? I've never heard of a "normal" 1:03:10 | alonzo204: dang looking good 1:03:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: THICC THIGHS SAVE LIVES 1:03:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: !donate 1:03:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 1:03:15 | ghostnyappa: Today is the day after yesterday 1:03:17 | offical_mk24: Damn your sexy rose 1:03:18 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: twitter pic kinda low res 1:03:19 | kattsuko_: !donate 1:03:20 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 1:03:21 | LegAbuse: Could you define “normal”? 1:03:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 1:03:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 59% of your Chat self-ids as a degenerate. 1:03:23 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1630659854795931648 1:03:25 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1630659854795931648 1:03:26 | Dickg1rl: Hey girl, how are you doing? 1:03:27 | Papalovegood: sup dude 1:03:28 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: True, it is blurry as hell for some reason 1:03:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: About 29% liars 1:03:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Facts MVGame MVGame MVGame 1:03:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: Like 1:03:32 | ghostnyappa: JPEGGING? 1:03:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) QuarintinedAvalanche: its march 1st for me this is not fair the battle pass isnt out yet 1:03:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I've just been given blood pressure meds, those tweets ain't helping LUL 1:03:42 | hazyrave: cute shirt! 1:03:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: JPegChamp 1:03:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) domin_no_way: cottontailPeg 1:03:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) TheGermanJordan: Aight imma head out. See u on the Battle Pass tomorrow ig lmao 1:03:44 | Infected404pagenotfound: Who liked the post first 1:03:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: liked that post within seconds 1:03:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kappa 1:03:56 | izzybella11037: Your wrists are so cute and smol 1:03:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: BegWan 1:04:01 | natholomas: dead air 1:04:05 | mahronica218: Chat silent because everyone is checking twitter lol 1:04:05 | everix344: Hello 1:04:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: I don’t have a twitter so I can’t like the post but that’s a goodun 1:04:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hi~ 1:04:10 | (Prime Gaming) ricowillwinukrain2: hello 1:04:11 | gracesbeing: dad jokes? 1:04:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Boring POG 1:04:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izid7 izid7 izid7 1:04:14 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Why so low rez? 1:04:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kreygasm 1:04:19 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Mokil12345, you''re criinge 1:04:19 | Infected404pagenotfound: Hello 1:04:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @mahronica218 LUL 1:04:21 | f1nn5terschair: @F1NN5TER , I'm here, and hair hurty is a bad reason to make me blind. 1:04:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 1:04:23 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) AFKJG: @F1NN5TER How many subs are we at on the Battlepass? 1:04:27 | AlmightyBracket: I only found out you identify as boy after the controversies happened. Sorry if I ever seemed like a troll when I called you a girl, I didn't know. Happy for you, hope you're doing well. Lookin great bro, keep it up. 1:04:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: umbrachopper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Finn you are epic, also hi chat you look cute today 1:04:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: umbrachopper subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:04:34 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: soda + f1nn = <3 1:04:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 1:04:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: HI CUTIE 1:04:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: thicc thighs save lives f1nnEgg 1:04:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: What's a stream without a little scuff? 1:04:37 | themindscrambler: freaking work, missed the first hour. anything interesting? 1:04:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) 323hrs: @amoyamoyamoya 100% of chat does 1:04:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: clicky clack 1:04:43 | mahronica218: I’m trying to fin my phone lol 1:04:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Oh boy this should be good 1:04:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Tomorrow is the day 1:04:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Thicc thighs in pic 1:04:51 | frank_the_great: Same to you! 1:04:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Poor Soda 1:04:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Be looking hella hot 1:04:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 1:04:54 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: lol 1:04:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL 1:04:54 | (Prime Gaming) LeviathanReaperClass: KEKW 1:04:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 1:04:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:04:55 | xXNeroZashiXx: wtf 1:04:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: OMEGALUL 1:04:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Yep sounds like soda 1:04:56 | bigsuave7: ?????? 1:04:56 | braddle172: LUL 1:04:56 | tim19862: KEKW 1:04:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: frenn 1:04:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:04:57 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: of course 1:04:57 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Based Soda. 1:04:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:04:58 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 1:04:58 | frank_the_great: Jesus 1:04:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: LUL 1:04:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: based 1:04:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 1:04:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: kekw 1:04:58 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: KEKW 1:04:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:04:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: classic soda 1:04:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) tuesdaythe5th: KEKW 1:04:59 | ghostnyappa: JAYZYS you're a baby 1:05:00 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: KEKW 1:05:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Yes awesome 1:05:01 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: KEKW 1:05:01 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: !modlove 1:05:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The mod team are awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. 1:05:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 1:05:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: KNEW 1:05:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You know why 1:05:02 | (cheer 100) sindefii: Based as hell 1:05:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: obkatAwooga 1:05:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pandaa_33: lol 1:05:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 1:05:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: LUL 1:05:03 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: i get it 1:05:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW BASED 1:05:03 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: classic Jean behavior 1:05:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Classic 1:05:04 | Just_Shephard: KEKW 1:05:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 1:05:04 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: kek 1:05:05 | RoseVanagon: uhm 1:05:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: What a guy! 1:05:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Soda gonna be goonin to you 1:05:06 | sleepystephbot: lmao wowwww 1:05:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: soda is a goblin. i love him 1:05:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Soda is brilliant 1:05:08 | (Subscriber) GluttonousGeorge: KEKW 1:05:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) armann24: Cheer300 I added some of the 8 bit music that you play on stream to my spotify and now im getting cool 8 bit songs in reccomandations 1:05:09 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lol 1:05:10 | elbvv: Hahaahahahaaaha 1:05:10 | AlhambraMMXX: sounds about right 1:05:11 | tgsisthename: xd 1:05:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) UndyingYeti: UndyingYeti subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! wooo 2 months 1:05:11 | timmthehumanboy: Soda and everyone else 1:05:11 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: KEKW 1:05:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: undyingyeti subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:05:11 | bossmike123_: Hi i just got here 1:05:11 | elbvv: Hahahahaahh 1:05:12 | wittyviper1239: KEKW 1:05:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: The compliments are too weird to not be genuine 1:05:12 | XxJaguar_MxX: HIM??!! 1:05:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: He's a gooner daddy 1:05:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: He's so good LUL 1:05:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Sends wrong photo to SodaCat. F1nn is dumb. - 4350 1:05:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: wait, you have a crush on him ? 1:05:15 | elbvv: Hahahahahahah 1:05:15 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: anitaLUL anitaPog 1:05:15 | bigsuave7: sus 1:05:16 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: you should be together 1:05:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: And get him out of your mind more like it 1:05:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: That's a good point KEKW 1:05:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Like you dont like the dude 1:05:20 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: He got that good good 1:05:20 | FelineFemby: Hahaha 1:05:21 | im_up_to_something: Soda is honest 1:05:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: sounds like a crush 1:05:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Sus 1:05:23 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: it needs to happen 1:05:23 | elbvv: I have a friend like that 1:05:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: You can't get him out of your head 1:05:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Fuckin soda lmao 1:05:24 | (Prime Gaming) SoCal___: Hes a good goblin 1:05:25 | (Prime Gaming) collectorkopit: I see you are Signed in on OF atm 1:05:28 | Infected404pagenotfound: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 1:05:28 | TheNeverShow: horny knee ness 1:05:29 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 1:05:31 | (Prime Gaming) TheBlackScale: Weird question, but I saw your setup in your vid the other day and was wondering what was your camera tripod. 1:05:31 | tim19862: what are soda's pronouns? 1:05:32 | FelineFemby: Definitely a crush 1:05:35 | lordhermit_for_ages: Sodacat is what you want to be 1:05:35 | PlayofdaGame: You 2 should have babies 1:05:37 | (Prime Gaming) darrenc689: Soda will put the tribute on line as well 1:05:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: Soda sets the bar high for being a degenerate 1:05:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I don't know why I remain friends with Soda...can't get him out of my life." - 4400 1:05:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Soda is mayhem waiting to explode KEKW 1:05:43 | elbvv: I have a friend like that Hahahahahah 1:05:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alinotexpress: ooh 1:05:43 | reinapaints: Maybe it’s because soda is hot AF 1:05:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: @tim19862 he/they 1:05:45 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: Soda ur daddy now? 1:05:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:05:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: Not really no 1:05:50 | (Prime Gaming) ITEnglishDegree: ITEnglishDegree subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! 1:05:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes 1:05:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: itenglishdegree subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months using Prime! PogU 1:05:51 | bigsuave7: no 1:05:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: KEKW 1:05:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I know what you are 1:05:53 | tim19862: thanks kateth 1:05:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: soda is good goblin friend 1:05:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:05:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Of course you're holesome 1:05:54 | ironicallyfemboyish: 8 bit crazy train 1:05:57 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: Holesome 1:05:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: @tim19862 he/they i belive 1:05:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Hoesome. 1:06:00 | elbvv: You’re 1:06:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 1:06:02 | MikkiDMix: Degen! 1:06:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: YIKES 1:06:03 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: f1nn is hearing what he wants to hear 1:06:04 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: Yeah right now... give it time 1:06:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 1:06:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: sloot strands = hoesome 1:06:06 | tim19862: thanks lony_0 1:06:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:06:06 | quantumidiot: Hello! 1:06:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: sloot 1:06:07 | harrryot: I like Soda Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 1:06:08 | 1batlchip: nani 1:06:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hoesome boi 1:06:09 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: be a good girl and text soda 1:06:09 | anxiouskytten: Hi 1:06:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow 1:06:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:06:11 | (Verified) Papayas: if its not my favorite femboy. hows it going @F1NN5TER 1:06:12 | bossmike123_: Fortnite got to update 1:06:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) retarizard: gottem 1:06:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lambwhy: ooh Redile is the bomb 1:06:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @yumenozen LUL 1:06:14 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: !pronouns 1:06:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 1:06:16 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Wholesome + lil self promotion 1:06:16 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: oh hey, f1nn is on! how's my best girl today? 1:06:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Sloot strands and Twitter post is not wholesome 1:06:24 | SayuTheUwU: I couldn't help myself, i've been watching too much of your youtube clips LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:06:29 | im_up_to_something: You're kinda being a tease <3 1:06:32 | ariesmatic: finn contemplating life choices 1:06:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: rip dono 1:06:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 1:06:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Rip 1:06:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxVerypog 1:06:40 | anschofi: F dono 1:06:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: F 1:06:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Rip 1:06:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: unlimited data or nothing 1:06:43 | xldeadpoint: demoni268Demonmilk demoni268Demonmilk demoni268Demonmilk 1:06:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: F 1:06:43 | (Subscriber) qubix_: qubix_ subscribed with Prime. 1:06:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: qubix_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang qubix_ f1nnLezgang 1:06:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 1:06:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 20:07 1:06:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: rip 1:06:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 1:06:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 6m 55s 1:06:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: F 1:06:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 1:06:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Listening only) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Guy at work: So what are you watching on Twitch? Me: ......Stuff 1:06:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: no 1:06:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: F 1:06:52 | (Prime Gaming) MintyDream21: wrong 1:06:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Maybe holesome 1:06:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Lies 1:06:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Peak feminine 1:06:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: X 1:06:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: No 1:06:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) bernardabis: corp wifi 1:06:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: f1nnSCAM 1:06:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: X 1:06:58 | 1batlchip: nice sword 1:06:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Lol 1:07:01 | HeyItsThor: Finn what is your hair care routine? You’re hair is gorgeous! Also drawing Rose fanart :) 1:07:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCancelled 1:07:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: X 1:07:02 | (Prime Gaming) Frankeypool: nice shirt 1:07:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Yes 1:07:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: yes more moreeee 1:07:06 | frank_the_great: Yeppers 1:07:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yes, it was hot 1:07:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's ok 1:07:09 | Infected404pagenotfound: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR 1:07:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: cooomed 1:07:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) second_best_dad: trying to act dom... cute 1:07:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: That was a good tweet 1:07:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: Mor 1:07:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxAyaya minxAyaya minxAyaya 1:07:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yess lovely 1:07:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Cute cute 1:07:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Yes it was hella fire! 1:07:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Yes 1:07:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: Nuttell__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Take this sub, you pretty girl 1:07:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Yea 1:07:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: nuttell__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 1:07:14 | quantumidiot: CAT EARS 1:07:14 | reinapaints: Very nice 1:07:15 | (Prime Gaming) MintyDream21: peak femininity 1:07:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: So fast 1:07:16 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: text soda: coom tribute on my face ily 1:07:16 | mahronica218: Idk I cant find my phone lol 1:07:17 | lessgravitas: new photo is strangely grainy 1:07:17 | (Prime Gaming) laird_chris: 5/7 1:07:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Masculine? 1:07:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: i busted 1:07:20 | (Prime Gaming) minitruck4lyfe: minitruck4lyfe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! how does one get on HRT? I really think I should be on it. also scared how my family and friends will think. 1:07:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Watching without audio) massimodigina: ahhhhhhh 1:07:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: minitruck4lyfe subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU 1:07:22 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) GLPfaker1411: good night big boi 1:07:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: 10/10 1:07:23 | Prof_Goat97: wattst3Piggie wattst3Piggie wattst3Piggie 1:07:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: very sexy pictire 1:07:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: very gorgeous 1:07:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: 69/10 1:07:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: WHOLESOME stream 1:07:25 | (Prime Gaming) SOULESNE: Ain't nothing less gay than becoming a girl Cheer100 1:07:26 | bigsuave7: what 1:07:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: ??? 1:07:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) MasonGamingV: MasonGamingV subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2 month anniversary pog. Can't wait for the battlepass tomorrow 1:07:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 1:07:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: masongamingv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:07:30 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Butiful picture 1:07:30 | 1batlchip: there's a s word 1:07:31 | CanadaDan05: Cooooooooooom 1:07:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: LUL 1:07:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 1:07:32 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: one track mind 1:07:32 | (Prime Gaming) PandaB33rd: richopMmmoist richopMmmoist richopMmmoist richopMmmoist richopSixtynine richopSixtynine richopMmmoist 1:07:35 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Yesterday i found out of only takes creditcard and now i am Sadge 1:07:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxPogu minxPogu minxPogu 1:07:35 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:07:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: It's a great pic 1:07:39 | kattsuko_: !donate 1:07:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Cheer300 I'm now officially a Battlepass member. Rubs hands in anticipation. 1:07:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 1:07:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) wiigsyboi: KEKW 1:07:41 | (Prime Gaming) vulfen2016: Soda was throwing out the coom not chat 1:07:42 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Nice 1:07:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: He's been taking the zinc lol 1:07:43 | gracesbeing: Finn have you considered getting a perm? maybe a mullet? 1:07:43 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: happy pancake day f1nnJAM 1:07:43 | (Subscriber) theweirdertrain: !time 1:07:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 20:08 1:07:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Damn 1:07:45 | braddle172: itspea13Pog 1:07:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:07:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:07:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: yeah it was posted in here you think were not gonna like it 1:07:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: ... 1:07:49 | quantumidiot: Wow 1:07:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:07:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:07:50 | elbvv: Soda looks not wholesome 1:07:51 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 1:07:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: wrong wording, should be "take this, you little sub girl" 1:07:53 | quantumidiot: Damn 1:07:53 | bigsuave7: ? 1:07:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Then that would make you a sub? 1:07:57 | bossmike123_: I was gonna watch TikTok and saw you were live 1:07:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: you're taking a dom? KEKW 1:07:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @gracesbeing You gotta be kidding KEKW 1:07:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Topic? LOL 1:07:59 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: Very nice 1:08:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: Stop overcompensating F1nn 1:08:04 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Love the pic 1:08:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: !caps @th3happyd1no 1:08:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 1:08:11 | Infected404pagenotfound: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR 1:08:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Nuttell__ He can't 1:08:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Sorry F1nn, my BOT got loose... 1:08:14 | elbvv: Soda is like my friend a demented puppy 1:08:15 | 1batlchip: shina 1:08:21 | estradiol64: yo whoever donated the hrt thing message me 1:08:23 | mixywi: can you put links in donos? 1:08:25 | gracesbeing: @Emmy64_ why?! it'd be sick 1:08:28 | jelix_09: Hiiii 1:08:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn will just upload a video of him swimming in Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin 1:08:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: :( 1:08:34 | : wtf dude 1:08:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Reading the compliments you get more like 1:08:36 | HeyItsThor: Is there a discord I can join? To post fanart? 1:08:39 | elbvv: Is soda demented? 1:08:39 | BGrimmGaming: I mean OF does allow streaming on it's site 1:08:39 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: hey, is it just me, or does F1NN5TER look just like Misa on the shirt? 1:08:41 | CanadaDan05: HRT for soda’s coooooooom. 1:08:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: @clulabell it's all a matter of will power.. so you're right he can't 1:08:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: not the corner 1:08:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @gracesbeing Suuuure mkoAyaya 1:08:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: you should defiantly stream tmrw 1:08:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: No stream tomorrow D: 1:08:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Then make an altar 1:08:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: ayo 1:08:48 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @Ray_Jay101, he knows. he can see the view count if he wants to. 4k isn't unusual 1:08:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !caps 1:08:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 1:08:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn compensating on something *looks down* 1:08:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxWoke 1:08:57 | 1batlchip: vas 1:08:58 | no_bonez_bout_it: Hi? 1:08:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 1:09:00 | sp00ny76: yyou can barely lift that thing dude 1:09:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Like the sword in the stone 1:09:01 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: F1nn likes erect swords. Proven. 1:09:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 1:09:04 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: you should use the sword more often 1:09:07 | braddle172: Break in case of emergency 1:09:07 | aeschynitus: a weapon rack then? 1:09:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: In a pink stone 1:09:08 | elbvv: True 1:09:09 | (Turbo) BozisBad: ready to fall over 1:09:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he won't be streaming tomorrow. THANK DOG. - 4230 1:09:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: are you going to sharpen the sword 1:09:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Most sword mounts are just a hanger for them 1:09:11 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: i'm pretty sure somebody in chat will know step by step for HRT depending on what country voice message person is in 1:09:11 | gracesbeing: @Emmy64_ volume, texture 1:09:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: monkaS 1:09:12 | immortal714lin: Hi 1:09:12 | photovoltage: Sword 1:09:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: but how do i know my swoard is good if it dosent have rgb? 1:09:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: F1NN the Shield Maiden! 1:09:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you would cry before using that sword 1:09:15 | kristanie0815: Already taken my day off tomorrow 1:09:15 | f1nny_sharky: 0 1:09:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: U assuming Rose was sane? 1:09:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: brat 1:09:19 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Ayo I want a sword! One of my housemates has Katanas 1:09:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: This implies you can lift the sword up quickly and use it. 1:09:19 | BGrimmGaming: you need a Gladius, built for close quarters piercing 1:09:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Top tier british 1:09:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: I also want to see F1n’s sword “up and ready for battle.” 1:09:23 | Infected404pagenotfound: PowerUpL SMOrc 1:09:23 | anschofi: W dono 1:09:23 | (Prime Gaming) Skim_Beeble: Isnt it illegal to own a sword in UK 1:09:26 | elbvv: Hahahahahah 1:09:28 | (GLHF Pledge) JustinsOnTwitch: Finn is so fucking hot 1:09:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: 'Riza is loud too 1:09:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @gracesbeing mkoUm 1:09:32 | no_bonez_bout_it: Hello @F1NN5TER 1:09:34 | mixywi: @Amoyamoyamoya can you put tiktok link in donos? 1:09:35 | Infected404pagenotfound: PowerUpL SMOrc PowerUpR 1:09:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: whats normal 1:09:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: obviously you need to wear the sword always 1:09:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Both are UNHINGED 1:09:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ramaj_A: astra 1:09:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: such a big sword would be disadvantageous in cqc. 1:09:40 | walkerkin: What did soda say? 1:09:40 | (Prime Gaming) PandaB33rd: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity 1:09:40 | (cheer 1) obedient_neko: u have chill friends? 1:09:41 | (GLHF Pledge) JustinsOnTwitch: @f1nn5ter ur so hot 1:09:42 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Charlie was relatively chill @f1nn5ter 1:09:45 | logpresser69: put a bear rug under it @F1NN5TER 1:09:47 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: do you still know Millie? 1:09:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Merica just use gun, bang. 1:09:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: We met Shannon 1:09:50 | 1batlchip: aye blood and glory 1:09:51 | LOtiumduPeuple: normal people don't make great content 1:09:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @skim_beeble I think if you’ve been knighted, it’s allowed. 1:09:52 | (Prime Gaming) storm___cloud: real femboy hours 1:09:53 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: relatively 1:09:54 | (GLHF Pledge) Blaze_Horn: hello i remember being confused about what you were and now i just think dam you look nice 1:09:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) VanderLB: I still laugh about Sissy the Pirate LUL 1:09:57 | kingvidura: hi 1:09:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @mixywi, idk 1:10:01 | gracesbeing: @Emmy64_ <3 my opinion 1:10:03 | HeyItsThor: Is there a Discord? 1:10:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) Flip_Dingo: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky 1:10:08 | 1batlchip: claymore fer thewin 1:10:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Shannon was something lol 1:10:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Poor Millie has a battle pass? 1:10:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: shannon was fun 1:10:11 | BGrimmGaming: Yer dad is the best guest ever 1:10:12 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: shannon transformed you into a racoon KEKW 1:10:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: WE LOVE MILLIE 1:10:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @gracesbeing DonoWall 1:10:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: idiscord 1:10:14 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Shanon is a lot 1:10:14 | elbvv: Soda looks like a unbalanced good person 1:10:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: "My real friends that are wholesome. NO you cant meet them they go to a different school" LUL 1:10:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @HeyItsThor !discord 1:10:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: What about that time you met Barack Obama? 1:10:17 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I was 1:10:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @mixywi, You could put it in the message body but I don't know if it will automodded. 1:10:18 | Therosbr: hello evrybody! 1:10:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Normal is massively overrated 1:10:21 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: we ever getting a shopping stream with your sister? 1:10:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: still owe us a drunk stream with Millie 1:10:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Shannon is cool come on LUL mkoTech 1:10:29 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: shannon was wild ^^ 1:10:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: millie is so pretty 1:10:30 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: yes, yes she is 1:10:33 | princess_fireheart: U are so hot 1:10:34 | (GlitchCon 2020) m00tl3s: shannon's ass slap was the bomb 1:10:36 | (cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Hiii cutie, ILY 1:10:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Millie is lovely 1:10:38 | HeyItsThor: !discord 1:10:38 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: !discord 1:10:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 1:10:39 | fayriqveen: hi mother 1:10:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) Flip_Dingo: spicycowDancy spicycowDancy 1:10:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nice 1:10:40 | (cheer 1) obedient_neko: Finn is the hottest egg ive ever seen ever 1:10:41 | total_acidity: She's attractive period 1:10:41 | mixywi: @Amoyamoyamoya alrighty ty 1:10:41 | 1batlchip: shows their willing to kill 1:10:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about frens' content. - 4310 1:10:45 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: I actually liked Shannon she was funny 1:10:46 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: Millie streams were fun. Most streams with guests were fun! 1:10:46 | OliveTentacle: Your Battlepass already is available? 1:10:47 | francistemporarily: So pretty 1:10:48 | ar1st1pp0s: then u need 0 1:10:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: agianst you? 1:10:48 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: they meant doorframe dildo 1:10:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Millie is pretty af 1:10:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 1:10:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Huh 1:10:50 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: SAY THAT AGAIN 1:10:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Huh 1:10:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: X 1:10:52 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Phrasing dear 1:10:53 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: ??? 1:10:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: Hey F1nn5ter, what are the ordinances concerning the wearing of swords in the UK? 1:10:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: everyone you're sleeping wiht ? 1:10:55 | elbvv: Hahahah 1:10:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: the other 2 dudes 1:10:56 | (cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: ThisIsNotMyFinalForm subscribed with Prime. 1:10:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thisisnotmyfinalform subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thisisnotmyfinalform f1nnLezgang 1:10:56 | (Prime Gaming) dr_fritz: do you carry any knives with you when you go out? 1:10:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: mkoUm 1:10:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Ayo 1:10:58 | Camcam1o: TF!?!? 1:10:58 | tim19862: HUH 1:10:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: So... two people sleeping with you 1:10:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: so you have just one knife 1:11:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: monkaS 1:11:00 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lol 1:11:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Wasnt this a wholesome stream? 1:11:00 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 1:11:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Do them eyes again!!! 1:11:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: mhm 1:11:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: !discord 1:11:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No 1:11:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 1:11:03 | (Prime Gaming) Bobs_Devil: What happened to your hair @F1NN5TER 1:11:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: @Amoyamoyamoya What do the numbers mean after your clips? 1:11:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: yeah wholesome..... right.... 1:11:05 | kingvidura: wait when did you get a sword 1:11:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: x 1:11:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sure... 1:11:08 | braddle172: X 1:11:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: They need to defend against you? 1:11:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Explain again 1:11:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: xxxx 1:11:10 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: i thought it were 3 big black ds 1:11:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: X 1:11:10 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: X 1:11:10 | princess_fireheart: Lol 1:11:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: ha ha ha ha 1:11:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Lol we get it 1:11:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Eurocucks have to use a knife for self defense?? 1:11:11 | (cheer 100) ericarocksme: ericarocksme subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! I like the laid back look today! 1:11:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ericarocksme subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months using Prime! PogU 1:11:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 1:11:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lazy_lil_longhorn: X 1:11:12 | throw_away678: Wholesome 1:11:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: X 1:11:13 | chilled_spice: X 1:11:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: X 1:11:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: x 1:11:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: X 1:11:14 | (Prime Gaming) nightkeeper91: X 1:11:14 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: sure 1:11:14 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: cope 1:11:14 | barbie_secretstanner: Thanks for explaining 1:11:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: I see, I see 1:11:14 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: X 1:11:14 | xXNeroZashiXx: x 1:11:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Basically everything is on the archive channel though. Thanks to the curator of that SeemsGood 1:11:14 | gracesbeing: hole some 1:11:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 1:11:15 | Steys00: x 1:11:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: 3 peole at the same time ? 1:11:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: x 1:11:16 | KiwiTheRaccoon: X 1:11:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: X 1:11:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) MasonGamingV: X 1:11:16 | tim19862: x 1:11:16 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) bottersnike_: x 1:11:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) chromeoreo: X 1:11:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnCancelled 1:11:16 | barbie_secretstanner: X 1:11:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: x 1:11:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: X 1:11:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: So wholesome 1:11:16 | sadman_pl: X 1:11:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: x 1:11:17 | f1nn5terschair: X 1:11:17 | usr5540: cool shirt 1:11:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: X 1:11:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: x 1:11:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: PogU sex haver 1:11:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: SeemsGood 1:11:17 | (cheer 100) Shal_Grace: X 1:11:17 | (Watching without audio) xyn_z0: WHAT 1:11:17 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: lol x 1:11:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: X 1:11:18 | (Prime Gaming) cam_jun: Men 1:11:18 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: X 1:11:18 | leo_butteerz: X 1:11:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: x 1:11:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: X 1:11:19 | BGrimmGaming: "women" 1:11:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @josecortesnival Some hole really 1:11:19 | im_up_to_something: X 1:11:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: You getting men 1:11:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: X 1:11:19 | TheMushyButt: i want to be one of those people! lol 1:11:19 | wandererimwalde: x 1:11:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: oh yeah the orgy you mentioned.... 1:11:19 | aychuu: L 1:11:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: x 1:11:20 | The_logs: you triple wield pocket knifes? 1:11:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Sure Jan 1:11:20 | (Subscriber, Turbo) Campeter3: X 1:11:20 | (Prime Gaming) Cyrers972: X 1:11:20 | lucitor_uff: WHAT 1:11:20 | lessgravitas: X 1:11:20 | (Prime Gaming) admiralantares: x 1:11:20 | kapumon: Manly man defending her house 1:11:21 | f1nn5terschair: BIG CAP 1:11:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) der_tom14: x 1:11:21 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: X 1:11:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no shot 1:11:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you lost me at women 1:11:21 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: sure lil bro 1:11:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @PhilipMooney, Viewer count. -4320 1:11:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: X 1:11:22 | (Prime Gaming) zeruel_87: the seggs 1:11:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: X 1:11:22 | Camcam1o: getting pegged by women 1:11:22 | (Turbo) knxggles: joke's always funnier when you explain it 1:11:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: X 1:11:22 | (cheer 5000) FearedIcee: X 1:11:23 | leo_butteerz: BIGGEST X 1:11:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: Your hands don't count 1:11:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: X 1:11:23 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: “Wholesome” 1:11:23 | framblijs: Good joke 1:11:23 | (Prime Gaming) CobraCaddie: Women lol 1:11:23 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: X 1:11:23 | elbvv: Hahahahhahahah 1:11:24 | immortal714lin: 1:11:24 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: Top G 1:11:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) 57ranma: I have a bayonet , does that work 1:11:24 | francistemporarily: Oh for sure 1:11:25 | bossmike123_: Huh I just got here 1:11:25 | (cheer 1) obedient_neko: sex with hot hot men finn? 1:11:25 | LOtiumduPeuple: explaininf the joke makes it funny 1:11:26 | VioletFaerii: lmao 1:11:26 | (Watching without audio) Mare327: LUL LUL 1:11:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: No you don’t 1:11:26 | salivnya: are these "women" in the room with us right now 1:11:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Pillooow: Women kek 1:11:26 | lordhermit_for_ages: women? 1:11:27 | ch4rc0al5: Cap 1:11:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: People not just women specifically 1:11:27 | 1_d0nt_stream: X 1:11:27 | OliveTentacle: You are known to have more than three pocket knives 1:11:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: x 1:11:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Xxxx 1:11:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: doubt 1:11:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: I cant stop laughing 1:11:28 | 1batlchip: knives and swords any axes 1:11:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: I guess you like it with a knife at your throat, it's fine to be kinky. 1:11:29 | Hamcheesesan: "wholesome streemer" 1:11:29 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: L 1:11:30 | actuallynothingnobody: lies 1:11:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: @Amoyamoyamoya Thanks! 1:11:30 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Bruh 1:11:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Hahahaha jokes 1:11:31 | lucitor_uff: RIZZ 1:11:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Gives a new meaning to being a ladies man 1:11:31 | francistemporarily: Women?? 1:11:32 | sushibrot_: Press X to doubt 1:11:32 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: woman like you? :) 1:11:32 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Multiple personalities and fapping isn't sleeping with multiple people 1:11:33 | mixywi: @Amoyamoyamoya whats the youtube link you can add to the dono? maybe it works there? 1:11:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Thought this was wholesome wtf NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 1:11:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) juneyear20: K bro 1:11:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Pegged by 3 women at the same time ? 1:11:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:11:36 | Steys00: do u have a pink buggati? 1:11:36 | new_day_who_dis: Because you're getting pegged in both spots? 1:11:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wholesome 1:11:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: degen as always 1:11:39 | frank_the_great: You've been with 2 people, don't kid yourself lol 1:11:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope 1:11:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: Have you finished the makeup 1:11:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Wholesome girl?! 1:11:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) MoodyMaxxx: You mean HOLEsum 1:11:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Oh yeah, sure, I get all kinds of women all the time too 1:11:42 | f1nn5terschair: wHOLEsome stream @F1NN5TER ? 1:11:42 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: yet 1:11:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Wamen 1:11:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: big ol shlong? 4.3 1:11:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Scam 1:11:44 | Senevri: ..... 1:11:44 | Kepterv: hi 1:11:44 | masniga: The sex thing I believe, but women? Nah 1:11:45 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: why not? 1:11:45 | Senevri: Uh 1:11:45 | PlayofdaGame: You know bro is getting pegged 1:11:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nun to Belle KEKW 1:11:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm having sex a lot" DOUBT. - 4310 1:11:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Yet 1:11:49 | Kepterv: hi finn :) 1:11:50 | pixiemara: well she indeed also started slow... 1:11:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Yet 1:11:52 | (Prime Gaming) sartanxar: Wholesome not really more some hole 1:11:52 | sadman_pl: yeah 1:11:52 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Thanks for the cool hang out day as I slowly recover. Finally subbed to you today! 1:11:53 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Wholesome He says 1:11:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Wait so there not complimentary knives?? 1:11:55 | (Prime Gaming) spooky3do: Funny how he has to explain it very explicitly because otherwise nobody would get it ... 1:11:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: belle arc 1:11:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 1:11:57 | salivnya: KEKW 1:11:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Stage 4 onlyf1nns 1:11:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: You are the "Top She" 1:12:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you will follow the exact sams pipeline 1:12:01 | sebastianperez4: YOUR POST MADE ME DROOL 1:12:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: Yes 1:12:01 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: porn confirmed in a little time? 1:12:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: AYO KEKW 1:12:02 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: xD 1:12:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: LOOOL 1:12:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: ayo? 1:12:03 | (cheer 100) Darkcrim: Mandingo 1:12:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Goon time 1:12:03 | tim19862: KEKW 1:12:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Yes that 1:12:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: YES 1:12:04 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: something 1:12:04 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: yes 1:12:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: sure 1:12:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Yes pls 1:12:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: So you might follow Belle Delphine's example? 1:12:04 | (Turbo) knxggles: "something" 1:12:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: That would be fun!!! 1:12:05 | (cheer 100) Shal_Grace: KEKW 1:12:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:12:05 | ArxonBBY: Yes 1:12:05 | braddle172: Yes 1:12:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:12:06 | (cheer 1) obedient_neko: @masniga thats what im saying lol 1:12:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: Belle del F1nn coming soon 1:12:06 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Eh 1:12:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:12:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Yes 1:12:07 | kvstrup: yas 1:12:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: "something" 1:12:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: I think it'd be fun 1:12:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Yes 1:12:08 | lordhermit_for_ages: Will Nano be fucking you? 1:12:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: why not, could be cool 1:12:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: love for some content with soda 1:12:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Yes 1:12:09 | 101frag420: yes 1:12:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: sounds fun 1:12:09 | PlayofdaGame: Would 1:12:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Lol not that btw 1:12:10 | leo_butteerz: yes 1:12:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Do it 1:12:10 | kapumon: Yes pls 1:12:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: yes 1:12:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:12:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) wiigsyboi: yesss! 1:12:11 | elbvv: Hahaah 1:12:11 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: go for it 1:12:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Love that? S u s 1:12:11 | immortal714lin: 1:12:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: A lil sumthin sumthin 1:12:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: that would be cool 1:12:12 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: oh yeahhh, would be great ^^ 1:12:13 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Yeah go for it 1:12:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) VintageCenti: Yes 1:12:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: yes 1:12:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: Yes 1:12:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: no 1:12:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnGremlin 1:12:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Yes!!! 1:12:13 | elbvv: Ok 1:12:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Soda has cock out and you're SFW? 1:12:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Why not 1:12:14 | LOtiumduPeuple: W 1:12:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Definitely that 1:12:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lazy_lil_longhorn: Send it! 1:12:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: SODAAA 1:12:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: For sure 1:12:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: The arm wrestle was funny SeemsGood 1:12:15 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Something huh 1:12:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) disco_door: Yesss 1:12:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yeah dock time 1:12:15 | im_up_to_something: You should 1:12:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Yes omg 1:12:16 | yani727: we need johnny sins. 1:12:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: GET BONKED adcvrBONK adcvrBONK adcvrBONK 1:12:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Yes 1:12:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Whoresome stream? 1:12:16 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Yup 1:12:16 | Shikuhi: "something" LUL 1:12:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: Soda Sword fight Pog 1:12:17 | mahronica218: Hotttt 1:12:17 | Therosbr: yes 1:12:17 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: you knew what would happen when you said that 1:12:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Yeah 1:12:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: VoteYea 1:12:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) vetras91: like like 1:12:19 | (Prime Gaming) CobraCaddie: Gonna visit the goon cave? 1:12:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: SWORD FIGHT 1:12:19 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: with soda 1:12:19 | (Prime Gaming) SterlingBeretta: LOOOVE SODA <3 1:12:20 | 101frag420: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride 1:12:20 | braddle172: Ofc duh 1:12:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: YES 1:12:21 | PlayofdaGame: Just do it cmmon 1:12:21 | usr5540: yes 1:12:21 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: YES 1:12:23 | francistemporarily: Something 1:12:23 | bossmike123_: Like what 1:12:23 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: ecatSmoresback ecatSmoresfront ecatCatdrink 1:12:24 | OliveTentacle: You have three girls a day on average?? lunyKEKW 1:12:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) FallenReaper02: yes 1:12:24 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Yesss 1:12:24 | GeoJo: YES 1:12:25 | villagevillager: Who’s soda 1:12:25 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: a real tribute then? 1:12:26 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: collab with soda! 1:12:27 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: no 1:12:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Yes definitely!! 1:12:28 | LumberLau: That ! 1:12:28 | LOtiumduPeuple: soda's good 1:12:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: “Something“ 1:12:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: I wanna see F1nn passed around by a bunch of hot women like a tube of chapstick. 1:12:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Sword fighting 1:12:30 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: mhm 1:12:30 | sadman_pl: SWORD FIGHT XDDDDD 1:12:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Mmmmmhmm 1:12:32 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: seizakSus 1:12:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: Nano collab? 1:12:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: and at sword fighting 1:12:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Don't let him backtrack, clip it, send it to Soda 1:12:33 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: you can post anything on twitter... 1:12:34 | Senevri: "Belle Delfine started doing " 1:12:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) michelle9O: I am sure he is LUL 1:12:35 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Do it! 1:12:35 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: sodapoppin? 1:12:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @villagevillager, soda is Jean hollywood 1:12:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 1:12:37 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: Gooning 1:12:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Whatever it is you want to do it's a yes 1:12:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about Delle Belphine's stages irt question about if his Battlepass will be like hers. - 4290 1:12:38 | (Prime Gaming) laird_chris: pose with soda, swords crossed, ready for ballte 1:12:38 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: oh so is soda filming it when you lose the bet? 1:12:39 | kapumon: Wholesome 1:12:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 1:12:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: He is a professional, i would be nervous AF f1nnEmbarrassed 1:12:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: You can put anything on twitter f1nn 1:12:41 | FRDRC_2192: What the heck is BattlePass? 1:12:42 | tinygalaxybunny: it would be cool! soda is fun :) 1:12:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: Cum to london 1:12:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 1:12:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 1:12:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: cum to london KEKW 1:12:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 1:12:45 | spamman18: DADDY 1:12:48 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: sodapoppin???? 1:12:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Very wholesome 1:12:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:12:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:12:51 | PlayofdaGame: Noooo you to making babies i want it nnnnnngghh 1:12:52 | barbie_secretstanner: Stop looking 1:12:52 | themindscrambler: i liked it 1:12:52 | kapumon: Explain pls 1:12:54 | bwjune: you can post close to everything on Twitter ^^“ 1:12:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Prawny thumbnails with Soda 1:12:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Chat be horny 1:12:57 | mixywi: @johnkeiwo can i add a tiktok link in a dono? maybe if i put it in the youtube url part? 1:12:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: No wholesome anymore 1:12:58 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: cherry soda? 1:12:58 | monkaStress: Sodapoppin 1:12:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: to the moon 1:12:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: the internet is down bad 1:13:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:13:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:13:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: f1nn soda collab on battle pass definitely 1:13:02 | imkiefy: EYO fit check! 1:13:02 | ZahhakS: The world is down bad haha 1:13:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Its cause your hot 1:13:03 | toxitaku: spooki109Party 1:13:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: So what you're saying that SOME PEOPLE who are watching here haven't liked it yet??????? 1:13:05 | OliveTentacle: did he make any good photogrphs from Rose? 1:13:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sorry Amoya 1:13:06 | psychodisorderx: wow i got baited holy fk 1:13:07 | (Prime Gaming) bloodtag: bloodtag subscribed with Prime. 1:13:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bloodtag subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang bloodtag f1nnLezgang 1:13:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Also he's likely to talk you into more risque photos, sounds good to me SeemsGood 1:13:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: @hapyjone sodacat 1:13:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Something with Soda let me think? Wasn’t Soda at ur house recently? 1:13:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Obama? Soda! 1:13:10 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Va1kyrie: people are excited, what do you expect? :) 1:13:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: OF does that lmao 1:13:12 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @mixywi, won't work, sorry 1:13:12 | (cheer 100) deano_0_: are we gonna get any manly man battle pass 1:13:16 | (Prime Gaming) D3n4nym: D3n4nym subscribed with Prime. 1:13:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: d3n4nym subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang d3n4nym f1nnLezgang 1:13:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: You're gonna be the mentos to their soda? 1:13:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: dont be a sloot dont be a sloot 1:13:18 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: I found you through the "I'm definitely not a trans woman" videos and stuff lol 1:13:20 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: @kateth oohhh 1:13:20 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: lul 1:13:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: All I wanna know is will the battle pass contain noodles,? 1:13:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 1:13:23 | mixywi: @johnkeiwo alright ty 1:13:23 | lilwy_: What did you think about that guys onion??? 1:13:24 | f1nn5terschair: @F1NN5TER COTTONTAIL DLC??? 1:13:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @psychodisorderx cyrXD 1:13:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) D3n4nym: Hiii 1:13:29 | kingvidura: when did you get a sword 1:13:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: Wholesome or some hole? 1:13:34 | ghchcdj: Meow 1:13:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) tuesdaythe5th: Soda going absolutely feral right now 1:13:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: didnt you already film that when he was here 1:13:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @FRDRC_2192, Who's going to tell him. DON'T, WE'LL DELETE YOUR COMMENT. 1:13:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Twitter comments 1:13:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Top reply on your last tweet 1:13:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: the onion is nice 1:13:49 | OliveTentacle: No doubt a manly man like you gets every woman he wants 1:13:49 | LOtiumduPeuple: ahahah 1:13:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: @kingvidura i think it was Christmas 1:13:51 | emilystirts1: Hi 1:13:52 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: sub 1:13:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Hawt 1:13:52 | bossmike123_: Huh??? 1:13:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: AYO? 1:13:54 | (Subscriber) blackdevils521: Hi Finn 1:13:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 1:13:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: HAWNY 1:13:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: HUH 1:13:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: AYO 1:13:57 | (cheer 100) Shal_Grace: KEKW 1:13:58 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: owh f1nn is it that time of the month 1:13:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: woohh 1:13:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO??? 1:14:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:14:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: We like slooty finn 1:14:00 | th3happyd1no: AYOO 1:14:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Ayo 1:14:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: ayo 1:14:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 1:14:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: we doing an outfit tonight? @F1NN5TER 1:14:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: is it that easy to get you horny? 1:14:02 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: ??? 1:14:02 | kapumon: So are we 1:14:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about flying SodaCat over for a photo shoot. - 4340 1:14:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:14:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:14:06 | braddle172: KEKW 1:14:06 | Kolateak_: KEKW 1:14:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Whoresome 1:14:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: KEKW 1:14:07 | sadman_pl: 20 buks for of 1:14:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) EternalNocturnal68: On 4k? 1:14:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: No saving thi stream apparently 1:14:08 | (Prime Gaming) cyborg072: we'll objectify you as much as we damn well please 1:14:09 | MilesSwann91: @F1NN5TER how much have made on battlepass so for? 1:14:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: lily has goated replies 1:14:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 1:14:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Swordfight with soda 1:14:12 | elbvv: Talking about wholesome 1:14:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: wholesome 1:14:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: LETS GOO TY FINN 1:14:15 | iSlozie: and he says this is a wholesome stream 1:14:15 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: do you even post nudes on there? 1:14:15 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: is it taht time of the month f1nn 1:14:15 | fredo96993: Is there an endgame for the battlepass or is it going on indefinitely forever? 1:14:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME STREAM F1NN!!! 1:14:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME STREAM F1NN!!! 1:14:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME STREAM F1NN!!! 1:14:19 | kritz_warzone: thot son or thot Daughter 1:14:21 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: wow that pic... holy crap you are going for it 1:14:21 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @johnkeiwo, 2 of our streamers* PepeHands 1:14:22 | (Turbo) KonDKon: Are you going to make a bet with Soda similar to the one with cotton because you "don't want to dommed/pegged" KEKW 1:14:23 | (cheer 1) obedient_neko: finn give us a cute pose origin91Sus 1:14:25 | (Prime Gaming) spooky3do: does anyone know what the deal with femboy trending on german twitter is ? Not complaining .. just asking :) 1:14:25 | AsduGun: Hi 1:14:26 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: U gunna get ready ????? 1:14:26 | elbvv: What do you eat to replace animal protein 1:14:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: X 1:14:28 | elbvv: ? 1:14:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: Kappa 1:14:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Wholesome wholesome 1:14:30 | barbie_secretstanner: Shirt and no pants 1:14:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: and collar 1:14:31 | leopard2a7nl: good kitty 1:14:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: they are on backwards 1:14:33 | sadman_pl: can i get dicount i am poor 1:14:34 | l3laz3de: and shorts 1:14:34 | elbvv: Beyond meat ? 1:14:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) kingjcaeser: kingjcaeser subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! sup Wholesome Finn 1:14:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kingjcaeser subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:14:34 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: right 1:14:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Kappa 1:14:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: Clothes dont make wholesome 1:14:36 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: What happened to wholesome? Daaamn 1:14:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: holesome 1:14:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: Aw you're blushing 1:14:38 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: And a choker 1:14:39 | ghchcdj: I like pineapple on pizza 1:14:39 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: "wholesome" 1:14:39 | elbvv: Or what? 1:14:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: shit i need food 1:14:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Just saw the onion, I love it KEKW 1:14:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: The_One_Patriot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 1:14:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: the_one_patriot subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:14:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: Yet 1:14:47 | OliveTentacle: Wholesome instead of horny stream today? 1:14:48 | GaryGanson: You should do an ellie cosplay from tlou 1:14:48 | usr5540: really? no makeup? you look awesome 1:14:48 | theforthdave: Im so nervus tomorow i will have a math test and lets just say i dont have the best grades 1:14:49 | (Turbo) BozisBad: Cotton was lookin strong last night 1:14:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao 1:14:51 | imkiefy: finny babe! when you dropping your own gamersupps taste? 1:14:52 | kapumon: Starts wholesome ends in……. 1:14:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) gcrzero: gcrzero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 1:14:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: gcrzero subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:14:54 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Cheer1 1:14:58 | (cheer 100) goremong: CurseLit TheIlluminati CurseLit 1:14:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @elbvv, Brit's luv beanz on toast innit? 1:15:02 | timmthehumanboy: You should post another pic instantly of your red bruised up knees. No context. Watch your battlepass subs double 1:15:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) 5wattpanda: 5wattpanda subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! 8 months woo 1:15:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: 5wattpanda subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:15:04 | bloodformoney_: youll be like bella soon enough we just have to wait 1:15:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: surely 1:15:09 | total_acidity: X 1:15:09 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: f1nn has still a v card so its quite wholesome 1:15:09 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: lol 1:15:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you get a LOT of private qrts 1:15:09 | frank_the_great: Lie 1:15:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Super masc 1:15:10 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: "masculine" 1:15:10 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: haha 1:15:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 1:15:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidRipped izidRipped izidRipped 1:15:13 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Kappa 1:15:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: But? 1:15:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: tigzChadium 1:15:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: rizzed 1:15:16 | soffan0: nice cock 1:15:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @elbvv He doesn't try to imitate meat, that's bs food 1:15:17 | barbie_secretstanner: That’s funny tell another one 1:15:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: but 1:15:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Would prefer more slooty attire! 1:15:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Looking at replies to his recent Tweet. 1:15:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: do you really? 1:15:22 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Ur a bottom 1:15:24 | bloodformoney_: Definitely 1:15:24 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: BUT 1:15:24 | fredfredburger1996: Masculine? 1:15:25 | ghchcdj: Show me those biceps 1:15:25 | kapumon: Like cute dresses 1:15:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: awww 1:15:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: get ready to clip 1:15:27 | braddle172: f1nnHeart 1:15:27 | Darth_Kyubi: why the ears backwards? 1:15:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: rizzzzzed 1:15:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: kekw 1:15:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: awww 1:15:29 | (cheer 1) obedient_neko: like pointy metal sticks!!! very manly man 1:15:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: true 1:15:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: aww 1:15:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: d'awww <3 1:15:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: lol 1:15:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: You are beautiful! 1:15:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHHAHAHA 1:15:32 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: rizzed 1:15:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL <3 1:15:32 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: egg 1:15:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: X 1:15:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Awwwww 1:15:34 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: bussy goes doki doki 1:15:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:15:36 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: f1nnEgg 1:15:36 | XxJaguar_MxX: Way to be manly 1:15:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Sigh 1:15:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: You are 1:15:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: It's true 1:15:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: awwwww 1:15:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 1:15:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: actually sweet, not even horny 1:15:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: What dress do we get today? :) 1:15:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Beautiful masculine man 1:15:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 1:15:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: awwww 1:15:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: cute n sht 1:15:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 1:15:39 | eeveeveevee97: Gender euphoria? 1:15:39 | elbvv: That’s masculine 1:15:40 | bloodformoney_: Yet still a twink femboy bottom bitch 1:15:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Well you are 1:15:40 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 1:15:41 | usr5540: cute 1:15:41 | frank_the_great: You're s handsome lad 1:15:41 | total_acidity: girly girl 1:15:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:15:42 | yumiii_zumi: cute 1:15:43 | ghchcdj: Bussy 1:15:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kinilig HAHAHA 1:15:43 | Senevri: Masculine traits? Like.... Um, kinda tall, long arms.... um. 1:15:43 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 1:15:44 | usr5540: awwwww 1:15:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Girl respone 1:15:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) kingjcaeser: its happening lol 1:15:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yo, being appreciated is great no matter what 1:15:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: That's so cute 1:15:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HextecNeko: egg egg egg egg 1:15:48 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You DO look pretty poggers 1:15:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Love your hands. So delicate! 1:15:49 | elbvv: That’s the most masculine thing 1:15:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Oooooo 1:15:50 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: the only thing masculin in you would be the other guy OMEGALUL 1:15:51 | Shikuhi: "you are so hot brother" LUL 1:15:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Tharsis87: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:15:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: it was a plant Kappa 1:15:54 | TheShepherdOfTheGreenHill: Just a reminder to everyone- breath 1:15:54 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: nano 1:15:54 | barbie_secretstanner: Not you 1:15:54 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: nano 1:15:54 | soffan0: not you 1:15:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: Egg 1:15:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: YES HE WOULD 1:15:55 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Oh honey 1:15:55 | lilianneart: men ARE beautiful!! they deserve to hear it more 1:15:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Nano might do that 1:15:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Nano obvs 1:15:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: not you kekw 1:15:56 | (cheer 100) Darkcrim: Cotton would 1:15:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: NANO 1:15:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u can switch 1:15:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: Nano obv 1:15:56 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about a nice DM on his BP. 1:15:56 | f1nn5terschair: NANO 1:15:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Nano 1:15:57 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Nano 1:15:57 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Nano 1:15:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: nano 1:15:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Soda 1:15:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Ur one of the prettiest boys I ever seen 1:15:58 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: her obvi 1:15:58 | l3laz3de: nano 1:15:58 | sadman_pl: EGG 1:15:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lambwhy: lol 1:15:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: There was a time when that compliment would have been uncomfortable for you to hear 1:15:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Yess 1:15:59 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Nano 1:15:59 | total_acidity: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:15:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Nano would dom 1:16:01 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Nano 1:16:01 | fredo96993: Green screen it lol 1:16:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: you had to ask? 1:16:01 | (Prime Gaming) storm___cloud: not you 1:16:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: is that even a question 1:16:01 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) bottersnike_: nano 1:16:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: my 4k fembucks 1:16:02 | Infected404pagenotfound: Hi 1:16:02 | yarnmonsterr: cakejuEgg 1:16:03 | (GLHF Pledge) fewwan: Nano 1:16:03 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Nano 1:16:03 | XxJaguar_MxX: Nano 1:16:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Egg 1:16:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: the fact you just asked that 1:16:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Nano 1:16:04 | veldan500: nano 1:16:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: nano 1:16:04 | Pascalucard: Cope 1:16:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lambwhy: I wonder 1:16:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: who? haha 1:16:05 | pixiemara: well you asking makes it very clear 1:16:05 | braddle172: Nano 1:16:05 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Cotton 1:16:05 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: not you Kitten 1:16:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 1:16:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: NOT YOU 1:16:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: you would ALWAYS be the sub, honey 1:16:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: sub 1:16:06 | lordhermit_for_ages: Nano of course 1:16:06 | francistemporarily: Not you 1:16:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Nano's doing irl stuff now, don't discount it 1:16:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: nano 1:16:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Nano obviously 1:16:08 | sadman_pl: nano 1:16:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Obviously Nano 1:16:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1NN WHY ARE YOU SO GAY? 1:16:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: nano 1:16:09 | (cheer 100) Shal_Grace: KEKW if you have to ask it's not you 1:16:09 | (Prime Gaming) louisoft01: Nano 1:16:10 | WoodyChuckChuck: egg 1:16:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) domin_no_way: cottontailPeg cottontailParty 1:16:10 | (Prime Gaming) calamity_amity: Nano 1:16:10 | soffan0: yes 1:16:10 | RayTheStray: sup all 1:16:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Kingfire: It would always be the other person. 1:16:10 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Because duh 1:16:10 | BAROCKAFELLA: I mean…I’d Smash 1:16:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Yes 1:16:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: duh 1:16:12 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: yep 1:16:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Not you 1:16:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Fly to Nano? Heck, get Soda to Nano's get trio pics 1:16:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: Soda 1:16:14 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: yes 1:16:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Nano is a bit of a dom 1:16:14 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: f1nnCope 1:16:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Yes 1:16:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Nano is dom 1:16:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Neither of you KEKW 1:16:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:16:18 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:16:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: Nano 1:16:18 | OliveTentacle: you are such a great specimen of manhood. So dominant! 1:16:19 | harrryot: Cotton 1:16:19 | bonebot_real: Ewwww 1:16:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You couldn’t Dom a mosquito 1:16:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: We all know your the bottom 1:16:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: They didn't need to 1:16:20 | francistemporarily: Yes 1:16:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Dominatrix would obviously be nano 1:16:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:16:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Yep 1:16:20 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: no need to clarify, it's implied 1:16:20 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: cuz youre the uber bottom 1:16:21 | NicxGG: Why did you not assume it would be you? 1:16:21 | southtxbob: Masculine traits? you are literally cuter than many girls... 1:16:22 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: You being the sub is always the assumption 1:16:22 | kapumon: Y’all both subs lol 1:16:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: bro you just blew your cover 1:16:24 | emilystirts1: Egg 1:16:26 | elbvv: Because rarely someone tells a man that 1:16:26 | (Turbo) BozisBad: they are the veteran 1:16:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:16:27 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "Nano won't fly to England..." - 4380 1:16:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: KEKW 1:16:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:16:28 | ohdearieme: you said you are a sub 1:16:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 1:16:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) boggy_smalls: Well it wasn't going to be you 1:16:30 | lordhermit_for_ages: Nano for the win 1:16:30 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: If you have to ask ......... 1:16:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Bruh. 1:16:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: nano is such a bottom 1:16:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: f1nnEgg 1:16:31 | boomkittie28: LUL 1:16:31 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) FetziDieLandminae: FetziDieLandminae subscribed with Prime. 1:16:32 | kapumon: True 1:16:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fetzidielandminae subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang fetzidielandminae f1nnLezgang 1:16:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Do u really have to ask Rose? 1:16:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:16:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, she'd totally top you. 1:16:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: truuuue 1:16:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: As if your chat would ever peg you as anything other than a sub LUL 1:16:36 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Gender Equality 1:16:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro.... 1:16:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: The cope is strong 1:16:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Nano is a top F1nn. 1:16:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: you could both dom the viewer or, you know, what you thought 1:16:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Your beauty isn't everything, you're compassionate and amazing at this 1:16:44 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: *** 1:16:45 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: not youy 1:16:46 | dbbs3: I mean you admitted to being a sub last stream so… 1:16:46 | ghchcdj: Race equality 1:16:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: If we met you IRL do you think it would break the illusion and we would see you as masculine? 1:16:48 | srirammoh: Cotton Collab any time soon? 1:16:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER what dress today ? :) 1:16:49 | (Prime Gaming) eniliy: I haven’t watched in a while and Rose has gotten even prettier! How?!? 1:16:52 | total_acidity: UGH 1:16:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Dude? 1:16:53 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: as a straight man, you have made things difficult for me 1:16:53 | (GLHF Pledge) gKolRiftz: FeelsOkayMan 1:16:55 | poopfarter117: at least this is a honest way of paying some white dude 1:16:56 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: lol 1:16:59 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Nano is top than you are finn 1:17:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) tentakelqueeny: tentakelqueeny subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! You're beautiful 1:17:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: tentakelqueeny subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:17:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Middle part POG 1:17:01 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: Yep 1:17:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I mean, short top and tall bottom would be perfect content 1:17:03 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Only thing stopping Nano flying to England is she's half-way through legal name change and needs a new passport. 1:17:04 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 1:17:06 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: Nano is top 1:17:07 | total_acidity: Middle parts just don't worki for her. 1:17:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:17:08 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: HM? 1:17:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: No stop the middle part lol 1:17:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmmmm 1:17:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 1:17:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Admits to his status as an oppressor. - 4380 1:17:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Gayge 1:17:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: oh, that looks good 1:17:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnPegChamp aquafpSScared f1nnPegChamp aquafpSScared f1nnPegChamp aquafpSScared f1nnPegChamp 1:17:14 | kapumon: Lies 1:17:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: will get rizzed by cotton 1:17:16 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: hey where's our tiktok star 1:17:17 | ghchcdj: As a straight man I watch this stream with one hand 1:17:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I would watch a soda DLC with you 1:17:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hehe 1:17:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Red weapon SeemsGood 1:17:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Just get soda to be the dominatrix, i can't imagine nano being top f1nnLaff 1:17:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: sounds kinda gae 1:17:20 | IdaWow: So beautiful 1:17:21 | th3happyd1no: So painful to watch him try to make his hair in middle without a hairbrush 1:17:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Yeah it's really fancy shit 1:17:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: RED cameras are a scam 1:17:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Sus 1:17:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) Cazenn: @F1NN5TER RED cameras are so fuckin good dude 1:17:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hmmm a 1:17:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: omg Gayge works !!! 1:17:26 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Soda is a pro at this 1:17:26 | kapumon: Sus? 1:17:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Middle part is nice actually 1:17:28 | KnapperigeKapitein: we will get the cottontail dlc after the arm wresteling 1:17:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Profesional gooner 1:17:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I smell fear 1:17:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) kingjcaeser: should have released during Black History Month 1:17:30 | lilianneart: men deserve to hear they're beautiful more often it's good for the soul 1:17:30 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: If Cotton was collabing RL with F1nn, he wouldn’t be able to talk… 1:17:31 | icymorphy: nudes? 1:17:32 | (Prime Gaming) skyboundmaster: Gayge 1:17:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Very gae 1:17:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: RED's are POG 1:17:33 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Red 8k right? 1:17:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnLaff 1:17:34 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: Soda uses a red daym 1:17:35 | bigsuave7: sus 1:17:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Gayge 1:17:36 | pixiemara: well that does look good and you also look like a 16 year old 1:17:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:17:40 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Be just likes dudes ...... 1:17:43 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: ScarredLemon you here? 1:17:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: filming equipment fetish much? KEKW 1:17:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: hot 1:17:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: excuses, excuses 1:17:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he'd do a Soda DLC vs a Cotton DLC. - 4350 1:17:47 | boomkittie28: Middle part kinda cute 1:17:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: have you seen cotton's content? 1:17:49 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Rose = camera size queeen confirmed 1:17:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Looking handsome buddy 1:17:49 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: go live at twitch conn ? 1:17:50 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: woman moment? 1:17:50 | xellpur: my friend said that ur a mentally ill & a sick person for looking like a girl 1:17:51 | LOtiumduPeuple: Cotton makes good content but her camera's shit 1:17:51 | Vesmedinia: soda should top you <3 <3 1:17:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Kinda sussy F1nn ngl.... 1:17:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: woman 1:17:57 | (Prime Gaming) storm___cloud: tell me your hair secrets mine is so damaged 1:17:57 | total_acidity: Hippie girl 1:17:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: That hair suddenly looks kinda manly ngl 1:17:58 | (Watching without audio) xyn_z0: Look at ur elbo 1:17:59 | (Watching without audio) xyn_z0: w 1:18:01 | lumoslynx: What a manly man 1:18:02 | (Subscriber) eggsaladplays: going camping won't get to tune in to streams :/ 1:18:02 | beezqueenitem9: Wholesome my ass 1:18:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: avatar hail loopies 1:18:03 | (Prime Gaming) GrazerMadhill: Eh I've used RED plenty of times. You can get a similar image with a Pocket Cinema 1:18:04 | (cheer 100) batchelli: ma'am you were sayin? 1:18:05 | blueskydrinking: After watching your streams, I've started wearing a headband instead of a hair tie to stop traction alopecia. It's pretty good 1:18:07 | binkiebink: @icymorphy omg so brave so asking uwu 1:18:07 | tim19862: DLC? like pay extra milk the supporters kinda dlc? 1:18:08 | XxJaguar_MxX: Choice between a cok and not and he chose the person with a cok 1:18:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: elf look 1:18:09 | yolipollie: middle part ios so good omg 1:18:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Is everything dropping right at midnight or? 1:18:12 | OliveTentacle: You are a big, strong, rich and good looking manly man with a big pp. Every girl loves you . lunyHEART 1:18:12 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Death metal Finn 1:18:13 | (cheer 100) deano_0_: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 manly man battle pass content when 1:18:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Middle part POGGERS 1:18:14 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Do you still use your GH5? 1:18:14 | kapumon: Mid part is mid 1:18:16 | mahronica218: Your distracting me from cleaning my room Finn lol 1:18:17 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: Avril Laverne vibes 1:18:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Have you thought about dyeing your hair? 1:18:21 | (GlitchCon 2020) Myoukochou: Goodness me. 1:18:22 | lumoslynx: Sheees 1:18:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: gorgeous 1:18:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You now need elf ears 1:18:24 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: gremlin haircut 1:18:24 | befuddlemuddle: everything going on because everything touching 1:18:24 | th3happyd1no: BRUSH IT 1:18:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @xellpur "Your friend" is you? beanso10Sayitagain 1:18:28 | franta_vanoce: Tomorrow is the best day in history not only new episode of mandalorian is out but onlyfins is also starting 1:18:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) meijiisconfused: shoegaze listener 1:18:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) demonplays22: is there a que on dono 1:18:32 | befuddlemuddle: inf 1:18:34 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) th0bse: red cameras can be a bit of a pain to work with, imagine trying to edit their proprietary raw video with anything other than premiere... 1:18:38 | (Listening only) thekingone10: New hair style 1:18:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Okay 1:18:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Givemedapie: as someone in film, RED cameras are a complete scam 1:18:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome sure…. Not today Rose! 1:18:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @franta_vanoce FAX 1:18:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @grazermadhill interesting 1:18:45 | xellpur: @Emmy64_ bro im lgbt. 1:18:46 | (Prime Gaming) vulfen2016: f1nn's avril lavigne phase? 1:18:47 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Cotton doesn’t use expensive cameras as they aren’t usually liquid-resistant 1:18:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Please pull down the strands from above your ears not the top of your head it’ll look so much cuter 1:18:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I'm guessing it drops march 1st 12 am UK time??? right? 1:18:50 | tim19862: cute hair style 1:18:59 | seraphic_sibyl: @starduke83 Avril Lavigne! I dressed up as her at school once. 1:19:04 | befuddlemuddle: in 1:19:04 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: Nano is top energy 1:19:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL 1:19:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Twist and clip 1:19:07 | barbie_secretstanner: Grab the hair brush my dude 1:19:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Huh 1:19:12 | (Prime Gaming) TheHondo: Saw you on Philosophy Tube. Was suprised af. haha 1:19:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 1:19:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: God I wanna do your hair so bad for you this hurts to watch 1:19:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Wrong 1:19:17 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: just say youre a size queen 1:19:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Ponytail when cotton is pulling on it 1:19:18 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Do you still use your gh5? I’m in search for some M43 lenses 1:19:20 | mahronica218: You got this lol 1:19:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: you look like a girl I dated in 2012 f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:19:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @grap3_s0da 8pm afaik 1:19:24 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: You're only hot for people if they have a large camera. @F1NN5TER 1:19:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) demonplays22: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 1:19:26 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Twist your hair before you put it in it stays in better!! 1:19:27 | boomkittie28: you need a scrunchie lol 1:19:28 | mahronica218: Clips fighting you lol 1:19:28 | befuddlemuddle: dont say? 1:19:29 | barbie_secretstanner: You twist it 1:19:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: L skill issue 1:19:30 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: the struggle is real 1:19:30 | th3happyd1no: HAIRBRUSH 1:19:31 | buriedlungs: you gotta twist the hair at the base to get more height 1:19:33 | lilianneart: the ultimate struggle 1:19:35 | timmthehumanboy: That grippy 1:19:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @xellpur Please don't spread negativity here at least ezeggGun 1:19:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Size queen = Like big ... items 1:19:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Looks good 1:19:42 | danimaxcringe: hair bobble then clip 1:19:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) boringdepressedintrovert: big cameras are important 1:19:44 | buriedlungs: twist the hair !! 1:19:44 | kblcok: Beef 1:19:45 | (Subscriber) eggsaladplays: i live in aus so u started streaming at 6 am lol 1:19:46 | (Prime Gaming) GrazerMadhill: @YeomanJensen Red just lets you use tonnes of doodads that make for better control of the image. which neither Soda nor F1nn needs 1:19:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Get a hairbrush 1:19:47 | BGrimmGaming: sarkEye2 _____ sarkEye1 1:19:48 | kapumon: Guy problems 1:19:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) LikeBigMunson: mans lacking the female strength for hair clips 1:19:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: battlepass idea: read the entire bee movie script in a bunny outfit 1:19:51 | AIRHydrant: W 1:19:53 | LegAbuse: You looking UwU as fuck bro 1:19:53 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Cute 1:19:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: W 1:19:54 | (Prime Gaming) jeprin: Ears are on backwards 1:19:56 | (Listening only) Slowbrodragon: do we know what's gonna happen to the minecraft channel? 1:20:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Backwards 1:20:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: you need to twist your hair and then clip it it’ll stay better 1:20:03 | lilianneart: YES well said!!! 1:20:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @grazermadhill gotcha 1:20:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: you gotta twist it up and clip the twist 1:20:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradyfella: Tell us about the thing you're recreating 1:20:05 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Twist the hair it’ll keep the strays in twist and hold up 1:20:05 | barbie_secretstanner: Not me 1:20:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: Looks really cute, wholesome girl 1:20:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) valcinoid: Your hair is on backwards 1:20:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: relax dono 1:20:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ChargrilledMemes: God damn Finn you're so hot 1:20:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn wants to collab with NASA the most... I mean, have you seen the size of the cameras they send up to space? KEKW 1:20:11 | befuddlemuddle: splits 1:20:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: True 1:20:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:20:12 | MikkiDMix: 1:20:12 | NazoXozaN: HEY Fin 1:20:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: KEKW 1:20:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:20:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 1:20:14 | emilystirts1: Just take you hair dow 1:20:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Ears are backwards 1:20:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:20:17 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: meh_its_jack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 11 month streak! Hey Rose, two years ago I showed up for the hot girl but i stayed for the submissive and vulnerable femboy/////Good Girl 1:20:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: meh_its_jack subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU 1:20:18 | elbvv: It’s true 1:20:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:20:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: LUL 1:20:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) juni_carrion: was having technical difficulties but im here now, love the hair 1:20:22 | L0LU5: KEKW 1:20:23 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: You’re a pretty swag dude 1:20:23 | theofficialmofo: You just know there's weirdos in here that are into this shit. 1:20:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MaartenGEA: !uptime 1:20:25 | elbvv: But fuck 1:20:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 20m 34s 1:20:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ramaj_A: Pride300 Hi Ms. Evergreen, It's Amber from the Pharmacy, we're waiting on authorization for your refill of copium from Dr. Muses, we'll let you know as soon as we have that ready for you. 1:20:27 | befuddlemuddle: and and and 1:20:29 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: 20 bucks monthly debt KEKW 1:20:30 | elbvv: Chill 1:20:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Def go watch a video about those hair clips 1:20:32 | elbvv: Lol 1:20:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: i 1:20:35 | befuddlemuddle: ttlo 1:20:35 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: wew early stream time wasnt ready 1:20:36 | harokaa: Camera KINK 1:20:42 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Pull, twist and clip 1:20:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 1:20:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) blackghost32: Finn your donation service ain't working and idk why 1:20:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: Im not gay but 20$ are 20$ 1:20:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Please go watch a vid on how to do a claw clip hair style 1:20:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 1:20:46 | patmus: sarueiNosebleed 1:20:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:20:46 | tim19862: KEKW 1:20:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) distinctlysimilar: KEKW 1:20:48 | mahronica218: I tend to twist then clip it up 1:20:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Homie needs to learn how to handle his hair lol 1:20:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: LUL 1:20:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: KEKW 1:20:49 | LaLaLaas: !pronouns 1:20:49 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: KEKW 1:20:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: KEKW 1:20:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW 1:20:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 1:20:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 1:20:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL 1:20:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noice 1:20:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:20:50 | braddle172: KEKW 1:20:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Altex1: PrideLaugh 1:20:51 | (Prime Gaming) LeviathanReaperClass: KEKW 1:20:51 | NoGiggety: KEKW 1:20:51 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: and yet here you are @theofficialmofo 1:20:51 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: KEKW 1:20:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:20:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 1:20:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: LUL dono 1:20:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: KEK dono 1:20:53 | TheNeverShow: some one mailed me durian booze in just a box so it broke and I got another angry letter from the post 1:20:54 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:20:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 1:20:55 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: KEKW 1:20:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: LUL 1:20:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: KEKW 1:20:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:20:57 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: So is the battle pass dropping at like midnight or what we doin here? 1:20:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: KEKW 1:20:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 1:20:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pandaa_33: f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:21:00 | Insomnia7177: i'm mtf trans and your vids are really helping me with makeup :) even though my hair is nowhere near the length I want it :b 1:21:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:21:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: KEKW 1:21:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:21:06 | (Prime Gaming) madclawgonzo: saw you in philosophy tube. way to go. gonna subscribe to OF now 1:21:07 | (Watching without audio) Ku2lu: The hair tie posture is very pleasing to me. 1:21:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn struggled with hair clip because her sucks. - 4550 1:21:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: D: 1:21:09 | (GlitchCon 2020) tysondeercutlets: wtf im gay now NotLikeThis 1:21:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: D: 1:21:12 | HeyItsThor: To be fair those clips are really hard to use if you don’t have super thick hair. 1:21:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Nerdge 1:21:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:21:16 | bigsuave7: Need more practice with the strands 1:21:16 | tim19862: 1:21:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: NERDGE 1:21:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: akshually 1:21:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: Just as a general info: where should we submit our suggestions? @F1NN5TER 1:21:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: f1nnLaff 1:21:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: 1:21:23 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @tysondeercutlets welcome to the club… 1:21:24 | NoGiggety: 1:21:29 | gernadesquirrel: so jello over her hair and nails 1:21:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: wow cringe you dont even know f1nnGremlin 1:21:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradyfella: Tell us about that the thing 1:21:31 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: How do i dono? 1:21:31 | (Prime Gaming) rowil07: f1nnHands 1:21:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 1:21:33 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: f1nnGremlin 1:21:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 1:21:35 | bigsuave7: lol 1:21:35 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 1:21:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 1:21:36 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Lmao 1:21:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:21:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:21:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: lol 1:21:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: !donate 1:21:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: 1:21:38 | (Prime Gaming) protagonistics: LOOOOL 1:21:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 1:21:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: KEKW 1:21:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: uh 1:21:39 | (Prime Gaming) liam_edwards_: how far does your chair go back 1:21:39 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 1:21:40 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 1:21:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 1:21:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:21:41 | kapumon: Lol 1:21:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: Lol 1:21:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: KEKW 1:21:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: moist 1:21:42 | legendaryfahad: OMG YOUR BACK !!!! 1:21:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Damn chat is witty with it today 1:21:42 | harokaa: LUL 1:21:42 | (Turbo) Falqun: not cringe if you have a 16k red camera 1:21:43 | (Prime Gaming) vause____: vause____ subscribed with Prime. 1:21:43 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: KEKW 1:21:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: vause____ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang vause____ f1nnLezgang 1:21:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: YES 1:21:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 1:21:45 | KnapperigeKapitein: yes 1:21:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I just watch that image gain over a thousands likes in like a minute 1:21:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: awww 1:21:46 | lilianneart: of course 1:21:46 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: yes 1:21:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: no 1:21:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Please dpo 1:21:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Oh no 1:21:47 | theofficialmofo: @bluj40 Lmao did I huet 1:21:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: yes 1:21:47 | (Prime Gaming) skyboundmaster: uh oh 1:21:48 | ItsPizzaberry: OH NO 1:21:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Yesss 1:21:48 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Again? 1:21:48 | skullemo6541: yes mommy 1:21:49 | bigsuave7: NotLikeThis 1:21:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: sire 1:21:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yess please 1:21:49 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Do it dummy 1:21:49 | usr5540: yes 1:21:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Bimbo time 1:21:50 | Ansive: please do 1:21:51 | braddle172: Sure 1:21:52 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: not take your hrt? 1:21:52 | elbvv: What 1:21:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Everything you do is dumb 1:21:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: you hafta be more specific 1:21:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: SeemsGood 1:21:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Yes 1:21:52 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: We're used to it. 1:21:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: YEEESSS 1:21:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: What was dumb 1:21:53 | l3laz3de: wat u do? 1:21:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: Yes 1:21:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Oh boy 1:21:54 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Again? 1:21:54 | mahronica218: And lady’s lol 1:21:55 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: i hope not 1:21:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: when have you not done something dumb 1:21:55 | Jawzilla1: HypeSquawk 1:21:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Yes 1:21:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Show us 1:21:56 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Do you still use your gh5 or not? I’m looking for some used m43 lenses… 1:21:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: YES 1:21:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: yes 1:21:57 | Mew_Zee: What did you dooooo? 1:21:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: yes I wanna laugh at you 1:21:58 | (cheer 5000) FearedIcee: I had the same 1:21:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradyfella: Tell us 1:21:58 | yumiii_zumi: always 1:22:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: It's bimbo time 1:22:00 | ItsPizzaberry: Here we go again 1:22:01 | xXNeroZashiXx: now what lolm? 1:22:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) conklinenterprise: Love how you where gonna do your makeup and got hella distracted 1:22:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MaartenGEA: Did you see that Amouranth is going to box? 1:22:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Tell 1:22:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: Hmmm 1:22:03 | (Subscriber) nerlaemi: alright, what did you do 1:22:04 | emilystirts1: Obviously 1:22:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Do we have time for all of them??? 1:22:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Wake up darling 1:22:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: do you know how little that narrows it down? 1:22:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: Listen, you can do no wrong 1:22:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradyfella: Did you steal Ludwigs car 1:22:07 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: yeah sure go ahead. 1:22:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: I'd like to see 1:22:08 | (Prime Gaming) randomizedpasserby: Well, you cant tell us about any not dumb thing, so go ahead. 1:22:10 | srirammoh: Is it the TikTok with Charlie’s voice? 1:22:10 | TheNeverShow: moist k is cute I'd date him. 1:22:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: any material to roast you with, why yes! 1:22:12 | (Prime Gaming) bacoj_: I get so much gender envy 1:22:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: our bimbo? doing something stupid? 1:22:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: And there is video? 1:22:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL 1:22:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: The Bimbo Biography continues… 1:22:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: More than the usual dumb? 1:22:25 | scohohoho: Let's gooo 1:22:25 | srirammoh: I think I know what this is 1:22:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: The bimbo adventures 1:22:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Another Finn stupidity 1:22:38 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: The dumb bimbo did a dumb bimbo thing. Shocker. 1:22:41 | lilianneart: discord is such a mess lately 1:22:41 | l3laz3de: iphones 1:22:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: weak ass phone NotLikeThis 1:22:44 | Battlemage4: ... 1:22:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: yeah, acted up the same way for me on PC yesterday 1:22:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: good god man! 1:22:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: my guy you need a cloud 1:22:54 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Nice app discord 1:22:55 | harokaa: f1nnCancelled 1:22:56 | (Prime Gaming) aaronpd07: ADS 1:22:57 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Oh noo, looked away. what happed to the clip 1:22:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lechockymilk: lechockymilk subscribed with Prime. 1:22:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Felix from re:zero 1:22:57 | aunalbrutal: just use an FTP go damn it XD 1:22:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lechockymilk subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lechockymilk f1nnLezgang 1:22:58 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: discord been having issues lately tbh 1:23:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: Always 1:23:01 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: omg some boymoder cosplay 1:23:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 1:23:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Jeddix: john rambo 1:23:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Velma 1:23:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: an iDumb phone? 1:23:05 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Xena 1:23:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: Tifa? 1:23:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: What was the prediction for how long makeup takes again? 1:23:07 | LOtiumduPeuple: The titan 1:23:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Astfolo 1:23:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You look like a lot of characters 1:23:08 | mochi404: titan 1:23:09 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: Cart TITAN POG 1:23:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Kaine from Nier? lol 1:23:10 | throw_away678: Bridget? 1:23:11 | (Prime Gaming) bacoj_: You should cosplay my mommy 1:23:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW tomboy cosplay dono 1:23:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: You look like rose 1:23:13 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Gotta have the astolfo cosplay again 1:23:13 | ewwitsjosie: HANGE 1:23:14 | kapumon: Cart titan 1:23:14 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Lara croft 1:23:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Fr 1:23:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: who tf cares, cosplay anyone 1:23:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: YOWWWW 1:23:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: mineta 1:23:17 | kronos0800: astolfo 1:23:17 | AIRHydrant: they were right 1:23:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: My ex LUL 1:23:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: AYOOO 1:23:18 | Vesmedinia: do ASTOLFO 1:23:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: OMG 1:23:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) dirtyboibuss: Dye your hair 1:23:19 | CrEyChCheeTaH: Do Tifa Lockheart 1:23:19 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: you look like a very submissiv person 1:23:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) dewdrop246: Can I trade my woodworking services for battlepass? Ps I’m a carpenter please don’t ban 1:23:20 | lilianneart: YOOOO 1:23:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: yeah kinda 1:23:21 | krazykra23: Zero ^_^ 1:23:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: i can see it 1:23:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: YESSSS 1:23:22 | gracesbeing: so excited 0w0 1:23:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: LOL 1:23:23 | leopard2a7nl: is battle pass the fan site 1:23:23 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: NANO wig! 1:23:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: That's you.. 1:23:24 | viocrence: the cart titan cosplay 1:23:25 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Ashley! 1:23:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: True 1:23:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Yep, that’s you 1:23:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: that would work 1:23:26 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do a titan cosplat 1:23:26 | kevin326520: DVA 1:23:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: astolofo too 1:23:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: DEFO YES 1:23:27 | KHOZG_: 100 1:23:27 | Senevri: Oh hey, F1nn on CGI 1:23:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: omg i see it 1:23:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: YOOOO 1:23:28 | (Subscriber) nerlaemi: oh yeah, for sure 1:23:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Yeah okay that I can see 1:23:28 | pixels2323: New fortnite battle pass tier 100 skin leak going to be Fin 1:23:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: you could pull that off 1:23:28 | l3laz3de: same nose 1:23:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: For sure 1:23:29 | (GlitchCon 2020) legopogo: HOLY SHIT 1:23:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: Is that Sneaky? 1:23:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Yeah I see it now 1:23:30 | (Prime Gaming) Onix095: Astolfo 1:23:30 | KHOZG_: you could do it 1:23:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Yoooo 1:23:31 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: yooo 1:23:31 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: the nose 1:23:32 | Thetwilightstar: LUL 1:23:32 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: i can see it 1:23:33 | KHOZG_: i see it 1:23:33 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: I don't see it 1:23:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: agree 1:23:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Big Nose!! 1:23:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: ezeggYou 1:23:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: 100% 1:23:34 | AIRHydrant: the 2nd oic is crazy accurate 1:23:34 | Rivva: Jaw looks different 1:23:34 | (Prime Gaming) world_of_payne: ashley rekt 1:23:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: that guy is manlier 1:23:35 | (Prime Gaming) jensonpt: Definitely 1:23:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: I see it 1:23:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: F1nn with short hair? 1:23:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: the nose 100% 1:23:37 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: It’s like you and sneaky had a baby 1:23:37 | (Subscriber) GluttonousGeorge: same big nose 1:23:37 | 1_d0nt_stream: I can see rhe resemblance 1:23:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: yeah, could def work 1:23:38 | braddle172: I see it yea 1:23:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: GREAT COSPLAY 1:23:38 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: I see it 1:23:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 100% 1:23:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradyfella: Yoooooo 1:23:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: What the hell 1:23:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: the nose 1:23:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Nose too small 1:23:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: See what? 1:23:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Big nose 1:23:41 | (Subscriber) nerlaemi: you can pull that off 1:23:41 | bdx50: No 1:23:42 | phos4us_: dang 1:23:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Huge nose 1:23:43 | knockedout26: don't worry about who you look like cosplay whoever you want! 1:23:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Manly man. 1:23:44 | (Prime Gaming) sartanxar: Do able very close 1:23:45 | kronos0800: Astolfo 1:23:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Astolfo cosplay! 1:23:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: LUL 1:23:46 | damit_felix: Hi finn 1:23:46 | Battlemage4: @f1nn5ter mother of God it works LOL 1:23:47 | ItsPizzaberry: 100% YOU 1:23:47 | Sliroth: Do it! 1:23:48 | throw_away678: Brisket 1:23:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: @F1NN5TER literaly turning into Ashley LOL 1:23:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: YOUD WEAR A WIG AGAIN??? 1:23:51 | SejoXIII: What am I watching? It's 4am here, I guess I'm sleep deprived that I see a pretty lady that sounds like a dude! 1:23:51 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Lel 1:23:52 | Senevri: As the Vtuber avatar? 1:23:52 | kronos0800: astolfo 1:23:54 | lilianneart: smooth 1:23:54 | l3laz3de: its the nose 1:23:54 | (Turbo) T22Gaming: cottontailPog cottontailPog cottontailPog 1:23:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) BennyMeier: HAH 1:23:55 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Xena warrior princess 1:23:56 | CodeEphemera: Are his ears on backwards? 1:23:57 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Oh dear. 1:23:57 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: ahm ähm ähm 1:23:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: L 1:23:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Cosplay as Brisket 1:23:58 | NovemberChills: you good bro? 1:23:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Keep trying sub 1:23:58 | (Prime Gaming) calamity_amity: omg 1:23:59 | (Watching without audio) xyn_z0: Astoflo please i beg u 1:23:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Technic 1:24:00 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: CorgiDerp 1:24:00 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: omegalul 1:24:00 | total_acidity: STUTTERING 1:24:00 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: very smooth 1:24:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: You'll get there 1:24:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) gelder_the_great: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 1:24:01 | leopard2a7nl: no way is finn a dom 1:24:01 | tayo_95: ??? 1:24:01 | (Turbo) T22Gaming: cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang 1:24:01 | kevin326520: KEKW 1:24:02 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: F1nn dom cosplay fail. 1:24:02 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yea 1:24:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @sejoxiii KEKW 1:24:02 | blueskydrinking: Look at him struggle lmao 1:24:03 | (Prime Gaming) admiralantares: FAIL 1:24:04 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: immediate flustering lol 1:24:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: She is stuttering 1:24:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Can’t even roast 1:24:04 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Bruhhhhhhh 1:24:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: f1nnHeart 1:24:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) second_best_dad: aww stuttering 1:24:04 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: gottem 1:24:04 | kapumon: Loss for words 1:24:04 | gracesbeing: WHOLESOME ROAST 1:24:04 | phos4us_: cottontailGIGACHAD 1:24:05 | KnapperigeKapitein: L rizz 1:24:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: bimbo 1:24:05 | leopard2a7nl: f 1:24:05 | MARROX13: cope 1:24:06 | goldseeker22: stuttering just thinking about her.. ur f'd 1:24:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) domin_no_way: cottontailHeadBang cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty 1:24:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: You tried 1:24:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @general_of_cm didn't even realize it until you said it KEKW 1:24:06 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 1:24:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: L 1:24:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: Fail 1:24:06 | braddle172: Gottem 1:24:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Gottem 1:24:06 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: got'er 1:24:07 | poon_snek: you could start by not stuttering 1:24:08 | (Subscriber) eggsaladplays: you stutter at the name of her 1:24:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HextecNeko: pisstuber ? 1:24:08 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: what books are we reading finn? 1:24:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: gottem 1:24:09 | Kawaiipie_: FLUSTERRRR 1:24:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Gottem 1:24:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) ginny_paints_27: L 1:24:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: he's so downbad for cotton 1:24:10 | yolipollie: Yeah! 1:24:10 | krazykra23: Tried so hard 1:24:10 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: you start stuttering just thinking about her 1:24:10 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: F1nn Kim possible cosplay 1:24:11 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Wow 1:24:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: It's the alcohol chat :( 1:24:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jens_LN: L 1:24:12 | kapumon: Nice try 1:24:13 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: *struggles not to say bitch 1:24:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Worst roast I’ve ever heard 1:24:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gottem 1:24:15 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Actual Bimbo… 1:24:15 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Stuttering finn 1:24:15 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: L 1:24:15 | Gaetanfalcon: bro is flustering just talking about her KEKW 1:24:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Oh he’s trying 1:24:16 | heins_beanz: hi finn!! 1:24:16 | nursejoris: Nice words, magic man 1:24:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: kaicCryy kaicCryy kaicCryy 1:24:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Bimbo brain 1:24:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Bimbo transition 1:24:18 | pixels2323: !size 1:24:18 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 1:24:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about cosplay as Ashley from RE. - 4580 1:24:19 | LordAvadon1: He even stutters when he is thinking about her 1:24:20 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: You cant rap 1:24:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: with the biggest tits you have lol 1:24:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) concernednpc: She’s not even here and you’re already stuttering at the mention of her name 1:24:21 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: True you would never know how to cosplay a DOM 1:24:23 | (Prime Gaming) sartanxar: Not even here still get all flustered 1:24:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: damn...that was sad... 1:24:24 | l3laz3de: can u even rap? 1:24:24 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: He has such a way with words 1:24:26 | srirammoh: Belle Delphine Collab any time soon? 1:24:26 | quispp_: Bruh 1:24:27 | (Prime Gaming) MiskatonicRich: I like that the Dropout is trying to insult Cotton's intellect 1:24:27 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: What was the dumb thing ??? 1:24:28 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: What do you mean "stop reading books"? You read them now? 1:24:29 | (Prime Gaming) admiralantares: nice 1:24:30 | d4rk_sp1rit_: helloo first time here :D 1:24:31 | Senevri: The nose is on backwards 1:24:33 | (Subscriber) st_luc_: Stutters at the thought of cotton 1:24:33 | circumcision_cop: Ashley cosplay????? 1:24:34 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: makeup time girls Clap 1:24:35 | myth_mace: i like money 1:24:36 | tim19862: who's cotton? ClappyDerp 1:24:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: last time you said something like this she threatened not to use lube 1:24:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: !!? 1:24:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: L 1:24:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: If your brain got any smaller and you'd have to breathe manually. 1:24:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: It's time for F1NN's magical girl transformation 1:24:44 | Twerkeley: I’m confused by this streamer. 1:24:44 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: no the nose is smaller 1:24:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: he still didn't see the new measurements KEKW 1:24:49 | (Prime Gaming) ScarsUnseen: We have the same nose lol 1:24:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: F1nn trying to freestyle would just be him having a stroke LUL 1:24:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 1:24:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: They're female u 1:24:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Nose smaller 1:24:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @l3laz3de Hardly knows where leaves his knives LUL Kappa 1:24:57 | mahronica218: That’s what I thought 1:24:58 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Cosplay cotton by being a little stubby bimbo! cottontailUwu 1:24:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: F1n is wayyy more popular than Belle Delphine 1:25:00 | domin_no_way: domin_no_way gifted a Tier 1 sub to T22Gaming! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel! 1:25:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: domin_no_way has gifted a subscription to t22gaming at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang t22gaming f1nnLezgang 1:25:03 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @johnkeiwo There's at least a very small chance that the <2h34m people will win. 1:25:05 | (Prime Gaming) MiskatonicRich: does she still have the big ears from Gamecube? 1:25:05 | elbvv: YES 1:25:07 | f1nn5terschair: @tim19862 CottontailVA, just search YT for F1nn and Cottontail 1:25:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Yeah 1:25:09 | ItsPizzaberry: DO IT 1:25:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: dew it 1:25:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Eloquently said……NOT! 1:25:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: your chin is more fragile tho 1:25:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Dew it 1:25:18 | seraph_min: "mine are a little bit bigger at the bottom" 1:25:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @c__r__j, depends if there is actually an outfit 1:25:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: DO IT 1:25:22 | (Subscriber, Turbo) T22Gaming: @domin_no_way nagMe nagYou nagCool 1:25:22 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: worrunS 1:25:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: KEKW 1:25:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: You've never played Resident Evil, there great games 1:25:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: KWKW 1:25:24 | warpedcreeper: the battle pass tab is on screen 1:25:25 | tim19862: thanks f1nn5terschair 1:25:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: THE PROPHECY 1:25:29 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:25:30 | (Prime Gaming) ScarsUnseen: 1:25:30 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Ashley yep 1:25:32 | CodeEphemera: Very egg analysis 1:25:35 | kapumon: Can’t even tell your not wearing makeup 1:25:35 | elbvv: DO IT 1:25:35 | circumcision_cop: YESSS 1:25:36 | gracesbeing: *head pats* 1:25:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) domin_no_way: @T22Gaming cottontailPop 1:25:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Bayonetta would go hard too! 1:25:41 | (Subscriber, Turbo) T22Gaming: @domin_no_way Thanks for the gift sub! cottontailBIGLOVE 1:25:42 | Marie_lies: hi 1:25:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: cosplay 9S imo 1:25:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) nogare97: Gotta go in a moment. Have a good rest of the stream 1:25:44 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do a soda cosplay 1:25:46 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @scarsunseen mkoSalute 1:25:47 | Battlemage4: @f1nn5ter and you got the gun props to go with it already 1:25:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Ashley spends most of the game in the bin, or at least she did when i played the original LUL 1:25:53 | (Prime Gaming) ScarsUnseen: Farewell 1:25:56 | WickedACR: So is this still just for laughs??? 1:25:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omg 1:25:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) lovekaseyj: !uptime 1:25:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 26m 6s 1:25:57 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @vinccent1, we don't care. don't advertise other streamers 1:26:06 | hannahhatesu_: hi yall 1:26:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Soda 1:26:10 | leead10: Kinda new can someone explain Rose, Soda and Cotton lore? 1:26:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 1:26:12 | selenaquen: Hiiiiii 1:26:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Soda would be a perfect leon 1:26:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP My dono message about a ModPay deduction. - 4460 1:26:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Real_Zekkyn: Real_Zekkyn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 1:26:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: real_zekkyn subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:26:19 | TheNeverShow: needs money 1:26:19 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @hannahhatesu_ KonCha 1:26:22 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Ministry of Defence pay,they've weaponised femboys 1:26:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: dw just give us those mod/Council discounts Kappa 1:26:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: you could reduce pay for mods but give them free bp 1:26:28 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Pay less LUL 1:26:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:26:29 | (Prime Gaming) bigmeatloverrr: can you do an irl stream? 1:26:30 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: If you pay staff in BattlePasses that would be a taxable benefit in kind. 1:26:30 | (Prime Gaming) salty_coco: Imagine am sat here watching cause am so bored at work 1:26:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) german_gasmask_guy: german_gasmask_guy subscribed with Prime. 1:26:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: mods being the biggest simps... 1:26:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: german_gasmask_guy subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang german_gasmask_guy f1nnLezgang 1:26:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:26:33 | (Subscriber, Turbo) T22Gaming: bnuy outfit cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang cottontailHeadBang 1:26:36 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PogU 1:26:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: stream it 1:26:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: do it 1:26:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 1:26:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: bloons! 1:26:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: PogU 1:26:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Like the old times ! 1:26:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Say what now 1:26:40 | Kawaiipie_: i gotta go sleep, i got work noioooooooooooooooooooooo BibleThump 1:26:40 | maisiiiiiiiiii: do it 1:26:40 | (Watching without audio) melor649: bloons is great 1:26:41 | kattsuko_: !donate 1:26:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 1:26:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: dew it 1:26:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: cottontailUwu cottontailUwu 1:26:45 | Macash: W game 1:26:45 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: cottontailHeadBang 1:26:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GOTTEM 1:26:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) sire_rue: BTD lets gooooo 1:26:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) jrgamingvr86: Yaa love bloons tx 1:26:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: yes 1:26:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: @Amoyamoyamoya what are those numbers at the end? 1:26:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: Btd is awsome 1:26:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sulxsy: balloons stream 1:26:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) daniel_peck: harley6HYPE 1:26:54 | braddle172: Like the cat boy stream 1:26:54 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: nanona1Nodders 1:26:55 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Bloons rules 1:26:55 | elbvv: Cosplay FINAL FANTASY 1:26:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) veteranrangermojave: do btd w 1:26:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 1:26:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Haven't touched that game since like 8th 9th grade 1:27:02 | 4ortnight: Umm hey you wanna go out? 1:27:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn doesn't understand how employer deductions work. - 4420 1:27:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) XxDarkPerson: Yes, which game? 1:27:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you need a wrist rest 1:27:05 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Get some VR practice in(on stream) to really get into character 1:27:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: manly bruises 1:27:05 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @myregret really? I don’t hear it. 1:27:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) demonplays22: Ah I think my dono ain’t coming up 1:27:07 | elbvv: FINAL FANTASY 1:27:07 | AIRHydrant: a likely excuse 1:27:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omg 1:27:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @matheuslr47, Viewer-count 1:27:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: @myregret he is. 1:27:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Blooms let’s go! 1:27:11 | DippedInPolish: Nice nails, did you get them done professionally? 1:27:12 | lilianneart: ohh that was a major addiction of mine ages ago it's so fun 1:27:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 1:27:16 | (Listening only) kenjipl: SAY E FINNSTER 1:27:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Ashley Barron = AlsoAshley 1:27:16 | (Listening only) chamXD: yes 1:27:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 1:27:19 | ZYRLXRD: full sniper the best 1:27:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 1:27:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Shoot 1:27:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Do it 1:27:23 | (Subscriber) Dogdren: heyyyyyyyyyyyy 1:27:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MaartenGEA: no 1:27:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: dono LUL 1:27:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Do all the polls 1:27:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: @matheuslr47 Number of live people watching the stream at the time 1:27:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) thomas_law0: In my room now so fin is on the big screen BegWan 1:27:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: @Amoyamoyamoya oh ok 1:27:32 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: @myregret he is a man 1:27:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Do the poll 1:27:35 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @myregret voice changer 1:27:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: f1nnBingbong 1:27:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Y 1:27:39 | arson_3x: Hello!! 1:27:40 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: I get addicted to baloons td so bad whenever i play it 1:27:40 | rcionos: wanna see you with korra 1:27:40 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) CuleSensei: CuleSensei subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! im not ready to be a parent yet but i guess it has been 9 months . 1:27:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: culesensei subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:27:41 | ltree98650: Hi 1:27:41 | (Listening only) chamXD: which one 1:27:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @myregret probably the Adam’s apple and X-Chromosome’s fault. 1:27:43 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: WHICH ONE 1:27:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: !gender 1:27:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. 1:27:47 | aliensurviver10: Hi 1:27:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Poll 1:27:48 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: name it 1:27:48 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: How long does it take for a dono to come thru 1:27:48 | (Prime Gaming) nointernetdino: Beepboop 1:27:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Ninjasnbiscuitss: Is rose going to cosplay as F1NN5TER on the battle pass? You two look so similar so I think that would work 1:27:54 | kwikimartexpress: banned lmao 1:27:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: red 1:28:00 | elbvv: HAHAHAAHA 1:28:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Just get a RED 1:28:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: All cameras are so much frikkin money LUL 1:28:06 | (Prime Gaming) GrazerMadhill: Lets do camera talk! I support your purchase of the Alexa Mini 1:28:06 | everix344: Hello!! 1:28:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: spend the money on lenses. camera's are marginally different 1:28:06 | swiftwinded: lol 1:28:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: New goal 1:28:08 | ritu068: Hiii 1:28:08 | Danny_Corra: Hello 1:28:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Looks like I am loosing more points Rose has 33 minutes to be more woman never going to get VIP, Sadge! 1:28:08 | (Subscriber) yourchloe: sony a7 IV r 1:28:13 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: We'll find out ina few days I guess @f1nn5ter 1:28:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I heard F1nn wants to use a Leica as a webcam. What a bimbo move NotLikeThis 1:28:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: he says after discussing OF for a hour 1:28:27 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: When does the battle pass drop? 1:28:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Dono goal 1:28:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @YeomanJensen True 1:28:29 | f1nn5terschair: @clulabell Bit overhyped, LTT stopped using them for a lot of projects. 1:28:35 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: What camera 1:28:35 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: wow. easy mode. 1:28:36 | thePurplMurpl: @stormzo tomorrow 1:28:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: 1:28:42 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: beat hard with one is really easy to do 1:28:46 | actuallynothingnobody: 319 pog 1:28:50 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: Go for it. Higher quality camera is always a good investment 1:28:51 | ritu068: I need makeup tutorial 1:28:52 | sam38443: what battlepass are we talking about ? 1:29:00 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Egg 1:29:00 | cyberfinity: go watch ISAB for tips 1:29:01 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: @thepurplmurpl yes yes but we talking like midnight orrrrrr? 1:29:01 | Rafonoid: Unbaned? 1:29:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @sam38443 Fortnite battlepass 1:29:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: We can still win the pool, don’t Finn take your time to Dress xD 1:29:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 1:29:11 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: caption twinsies 1:29:12 | Vesmedinia: that beauty blender looks like an egg 1:29:12 | elbvv: Wtf is that 1:29:12 | kapumon: Cracked egg 1:29:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: you crack 1:29:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: just an egg izidGASM 1:29:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:29:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:29:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: save untill you start hrt 1:29:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: Save it until the egg hatches... 1:29:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:29:16 | aeschynitus: Easter? 1:29:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:29:17 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: until it cracks? 1:29:17 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Save it until you start HRT 1:29:18 | pixiemara: untill it cracks? 1:29:20 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: save it for the starting hrt announcement 1:29:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) GiantmEmber: @myregret he’s just being a manly-man 1:29:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Watching without audio) lxnatiks: eg 1:29:20 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: RxCheckerTD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! just need to convince Amazon include a battle pass to go with that twitch sub ;) prime gaming, of course 1:29:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: rxcheckertd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months using Prime! PogU 1:29:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Egg5ter 1:29:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: Until he cracks!! 1:29:22 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Crack the egg 1:29:23 | swiftwinded: Till Easter lol 1:29:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @myregret beanso10Sayitagain 1:29:26 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: until? 1:29:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:29:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:29:30 | cube193 : Like one of those big giant plastic Easter eggs 1:29:31 | swiftwinded: Hah 1:29:31 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Until the egg cracks 1:29:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: 3gg5ter 1:29:32 | thePurplMurpl: @stormzo no clue, you just keep checking and keep us updated 1:29:33 | chilled_spice: Easter? 1:29:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: Special Holiday Eggpass 1:29:35 | fatnopp: Ayyyy first stream 1:29:35 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: Season 2? 1:29:35 | (GLHF Pledge) signmymoobs: whered you get your shirt? 1:29:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: Cheer300 did you find out what the problem was with your internet last strem 1:29:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: coming out on easter would be so based 1:29:39 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: f1nnEgg 1:29:40 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Easter post kek 1:29:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) godoftheplainsofexistence: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:29:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Real_Zekkyn: get a large kinder egg 1:29:44 | damit_felix: Egg 1:29:45 | afroshino30: Chocolate eggg!!!! 1:29:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) Gisak787: Dress as Bunny for easter and have the eggs 1:29:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SquiderLOL: SquiderLOL subscribed with Prime. 1:29:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: squiderlol subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang squiderlol f1nnLezgang 1:29:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 1:29:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: yeeee 1:29:53 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: Yes 1:29:59 | nicole_nadire: yes!!! im a photographer. talk cameras 1:29:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: Yeee 1:29:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: F1nn was born on Easter 1:30:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: tech talk izidWTF 1:30:01 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) PhaseLaser: I have a Polaroid 670 AF 1:30:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yes 1:30:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yes 1:30:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: he could afford a Fabergé egg, methinks 1:30:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: 1:30:05 | CodeEphemera: 1:30:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Year of the bunny, easter on the corner Kappa 1:30:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: RED camera's are a scam with warranty @F1NN5TER 1:30:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: I’m using Minolta 1:30:11 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: YESSS 1:30:17 | damit_felix: Egg 1:30:17 | SkioMD: is egg the ding dong or egg 1:30:19 | (Turbo) fr0styjck: continue camera talk 1:30:21 | (Subscriber) loganm46939: loganm46939 subscribed at Tier 1. 1:30:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: loganm46939 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang loganm46939 f1nnLezgang 1:30:21 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: yess 1:30:23 | swiftwinded: haha 1:30:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: delicious 1:30:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: 1:30:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP CameraTalk. 4390 1:30:26 | Stigga007: Back to the camera talk 1:30:26 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: overrated 1:30:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Are we ever doing the facetime stream again? 1:30:28 | swiftwinded: Spoilers 1:30:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: They probably throttled you because of battlepass XD 1:30:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP CameraTalk. - 4390 1:30:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I have, they're awesome 1:30:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: You whereto hot for the rooter 1:30:33 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: ADHD got him 1:30:34 | AIRHydrant: im tryna see homie's bill and frank 1:30:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: !uptime 1:30:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 30m 45s 1:30:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Blackberries are great 1:30:36 | salivnya: all berries gross me out tbh 1:30:36 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: noooo 1:30:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: Raspberry's are king 1:30:37 | kapumon: Mango 1:30:37 | 81dovahkiin: ive got both in my garden 1:30:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: bad opinion, blueberries are better 1:30:38 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: I grow my own, they’re so tood 1:30:39 | (Turbo) fr0styjck: cameras? 1:30:39 | (Prime Gaming) elchapolechonk: Tomatoes my guys!! 1:30:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Home grown figs are best 1:30:41 | AzzahTTV: ATTENTION : YWNBAW 1:30:41 | funnyoreo23: i know you from tiktok 1:30:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Blackberries are mid. 1:30:42 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: Strawberries are easy to grow. And year year they spread 1:30:43 | damit_felix: Just egg 1:30:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: raspberries clear 1:30:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Homegrown anything is POG 1:30:45 | KnapperigeKapitein: pomgranate is the best imo 1:30:45 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: ADHD 1:30:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: every summer and they suck compared to the ones you buy 1:30:46 | Stigga007: CAMERAS 1:30:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: i used tohave blackberries 1:30:46 | (Prime Gaming) ellamaurice: cameras 1:30:47 | leopard2a7nl: What about melons??? 1:30:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Vampiricsloth: black berry cobbler slaps 1:30:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: cameras 1:30:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: i love black berries 1:30:48 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Cameras 1:30:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: blackberries >>> 1:30:50 | xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER, Gardning is my pastion 1:30:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Blueberry 1:30:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mango takes the cake 1:30:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Cam 1:30:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Apple? 1:30:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: pineapple and blackberry 1:30:53 | lessgravitas: you dont need gardening to grow strawberries, just plant them and they spread 1:30:53 | afroshino30: I live in Massachusetts and you legit have a Boston accent lol 1:30:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Strawbury and Blackbury 1:30:54 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Cameras 1:30:54 | frank_the_great: Best fruit is apple, followed by watermelon 1:30:55 | elbvv: Raspberry 1:30:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @Vampiricsloth Correct 1:30:56 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: lol 1:30:56 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug 1:30:57 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Camera 1:30:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) lydiatamales: Cameras 1:30:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Blackberries are it 1:30:58 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: Hi 1:30:59 | lilianneart: you really do my guy 1:31:00 | (Prime Gaming) LonesomeTea: i make blackberry mead 1:31:00 | SuperLupetto: you are pretty 1:31:01 | CodeEphemera: Cameras you bimbo 1:31:02 | f1nn5terschair: @Helen_Croft And the attachment scam to do anything. LTT had some vids about their RED cams. 1:31:02 | owfff: black currant top tier 1:31:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: This bimbo can't remember shit LUL 1:31:03 | Tenebrio_D_Holmes: blueberries tho 1:31:03 | aunalbrutal: Teflon memory activated 1:31:05 | BakaaBri: omg i just ran into this acc and i already love it 1:31:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I don't like Mango, they never have anything in my size 1:31:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: RED camera's are a scam with warranty @F1NN5TER 1:31:06 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Durian fruit is deff best 1:31:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: LUL LUL LUL 1:31:08 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Blackberries are grown wild, where I live 1:31:09 | elbvv: I have ADHD 1:31:09 | kapumon: ADHD momt 1:31:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: APPLE! 1:31:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: home grown blackberries and strawberries >>> 1:31:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Hates gardening. Prefers home-grown fruit. Favor blackberries. - 4400 1:31:12 | barbie_secretstanner: Maybe it’s the fact you been up over a day 1:31:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the ISP might have been doing maintenance, it being night time in Britain 1:31:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CAMERA TALK 1:31:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: No sleep turns you into a bimbo 1:31:18 | elbvv: XD 1:31:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Adhd time 1:31:19 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: I used to gather wild blackberries from hedgerows as a kid. 1:31:19 | macdrai: I diagnose you as a CUTIE PIE 1:31:21 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: Not fruit, but runner beans are probably the easiest crop to grow. 1:31:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: Cheer300 if you do not have ADHD you def 1:31:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @stormzo Psychopathic behavior 1:31:22 | (Subscriber) xboxmods: Fuji GFX 1:31:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: You literally haven’t slept 1:31:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: deerbiDistracted 1:31:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @alvarocaroj Fax 1:31:29 | ImEdwinWX: WWW 1:31:30 | (GLHF Pledge) fewwan: Watermelon is the best 1:31:32 | aesthetic_erica: the only normal twitch live that's on my recommendation 1:31:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Same 1:31:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn needs a Mod-controlled flip sign-board to keep him on topic. 1:31:38 | elbvv: It’s on purpose 1:31:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @bakaabri welcome Keepo 1:31:45 | how_long_can_you_make_it: smol 1:31:46 | LofiiBerry: @F1NN5TER Iove your Death Note Misa Misa tshirt!! <3 1:31:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Sony the superior camera sensors 1:31:47 | ImEdwinWX: Sony slander is encouraged 1:31:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Amoyamoyamoya Good idea 1:31:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: aesthetic_erica, uh, normal? where? 1:31:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: fuji 100% 1:31:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn diagnosed as scammer 1:31:53 | 81dovahkiin: @mittfh mine climbed to the roof and they are gorwing all over the roof of my shed atm. its nuts how fast they grow 1:31:55 | reesethereject: I haven’t been able to catch a stream in a while but it’s great to finally catch one 1:31:55 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: Red Weapon 1:31:58 | (Prime Gaming) Off_Rod: You are an admiration, ily 1:31:59 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: @Amoyamoyamoya the chock collar 1:31:59 | (Turbo) fr4do: So an X100V? 1:32:01 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: One of those tiny vlogger cameras 1:32:01 | aesthetic_erica: bro don't be rude 1:32:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: not swappable NotLikeThis 1:32:05 | Loelinverse: red komodo 1:32:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Doesn't like Sony UI and how cameras look. 1:32:07 | how_long_can_you_make_it: based 1:32:09 | tsrats: Ricoh GRiii? 1:32:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hei6161: hei6161 subscribed with Prime. 1:32:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: hei6161 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hei6161 f1nnLezgang 1:32:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Fuji ain't bad 1:32:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Multi27, cringe 1:32:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Ooh, nice, I've got a Fuji X100S, very nice 1:32:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Mods should constantly talk to him through an earpiece to warn him to stay on topic 1:32:12 | (GlitchCon 2020) chris_94803: hi kitten 1:32:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Very classy 1:32:16 | aesthetic_erica: if u see my twitch lives this it the most normal one 1:32:18 | CodeEphemera: Poor mods have to try to keep this egg rolling 1:32:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: Sounds like a dental polymer 1:32:23 | TheArchi42: Someone have any idea why i can't sub with twitch prime ? 1:32:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Wants a small camera he can use like an iPhone with swappable lenses. - 4300 1:32:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @scarlettyg, i would call him bimbo most times 1:32:28 | Nambo_Rose: sigma 1:32:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Sigma male 1:32:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: sigma??? 1:32:31 | braddle172: Sigma 1:32:31 | (Prime Gaming) AIMB_ssbm: Sigma 1:32:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Get the sigma 1:32:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sigma female 1:32:37 | yani727: canon r50 when it comes out? i think its supposed to be the size of m50 and that thing fits in my pocket 1:32:38 | (Turbo) fr4do: I cannot say enough good things about the X100 series 1:32:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: sigma bols 1:32:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: Gigachad Sigma 1:32:39 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: MORE 1:32:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Sigma is trash 1:32:40 | 81dovahkiin: lol 1:32:40 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Sigma? 1:32:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 1:32:42 | k4rakara: catJAM 1:32:42 | (Turbo) fr0styjck: sigma looks cool 1:32:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Dono 1:32:43 | (Prime Gaming) blackout_garnet: blackout_garnet subscribed with Prime. 1:32:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ChargrilledMemes: Deal 1:32:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: blackout_garnet subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang blackout_garnet f1nnLezgang 1:32:43 | Loelinverse: FPL 1:32:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Sigma 1:32:44 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Sigma just for the name 1:32:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Sigma is overrated, Yogurt males are the vogue now 1:32:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hei6161: f1nnPegChamp 1:32:48 | ItsPizzaberry: Sigma 1:32:48 | kapumon: Capture the unreachable areas 1:32:49 | (Predicted Pink (2)) disco_door: X100 is beautiful but restrictive 1:32:51 | Loelinverse: First person 1:32:51 | (cheer 100) vaporwaved: w 1:32:53 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 1:32:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: And it is small 1:32:57 | macdrai: GOTTEM 1:33:01 | how_long_can_you_make_it: Fullframe Pog 1:33:04 | (Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: MadTeeJay subscribed at Tier 1. 1:33:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: madteejay subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang madteejay f1nnLezgang 1:33:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Real_Zekkyn: how about the Blackmagic Pocket cinema ? 1:33:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lambwhy: 1500?? 1:33:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Go with black magic 1:33:20 | 99thking: is normal summoned in faceup active mode ATK:1360 1:33:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the L-mount Alliance (crickets) 1:33:20 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: I'm cursed to be Pentax user. Found too many great manual lenses cheap in charity shops when I started taking photography seriously 1:33:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lambwhy: lol 1:33:22 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: OH GOD 1:33:22 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i don't know shit about cameras but it's cool :) 1:33:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: jesus 1:33:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @mike27356794 dude.... 1:33:24 | nicole_nadire: i knew it!!!!! 1:33:24 | 99thking: Ello all mvpHey 1:33:24 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: NO 1:33:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Oh no 1:33:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @mike27356794 rip 1:33:25 | yani727: ohhh yeahahhh i know it heheh 1:33:26 | (Turbo) fr4do: Don't say Leica 1:33:28 | organic_rust: new it'd be a leica 1:33:28 | nicole_nadire: yes!! 1:33:29 | Therosbr: ohhh LEICA 1:33:29 | Loelinverse: tr 1:33:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Box 1:33:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: The one soda has? 1:33:31 | (Prime Gaming) AIMB_ssbm: HUH 1:33:31 | how_long_can_you_make_it: Leica prices LUL 1:33:32 | chrisbeansbeans: leica is goated 1:33:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: WHY 1:33:34 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Leica is so fucking stupid expensive 1:33:35 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: BRO x100v is legit better then the Q2 1:33:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: WHY 1:33:36 | Therosbr: thats the shit! 1:33:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: flashbang 1:33:38 | KnapperigeKapitein: its so expensive 1:33:38 | SquirrellyEwok: Holy tabs!!! 1:33:39 | Loelinverse: a leica? 1:33:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: you ain't gonna need no Leica 1:33:39 | (Turbo) fr4do: At that point just get an M11 1:33:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) disco_door: Jeessuss 1:33:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:33:42 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: RED cameras are the hypebeast brand of cameras. Komodo especially is ultra overrated, used it with some DZO vespid primes. Leica is so overpriced too but I love the color 1:33:42 | nicole_nadire: do it!! 1:33:43 | (Prime Gaming) ellamaurice: holy shit that is money 1:33:47 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Omg 1:33:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: £5000 f1nnGremlin 1:33:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Why do you want that?????? 1:33:50 | lawson561: okay whats up in the unopened tabs 1:33:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Nice SeemsGood 1:33:51 | HeyItsThor: THATS THE ONE I WANT!!!!!! 1:33:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Dafuq 1:33:54 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Jesus 1:33:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 5000 is ridiculous 1:33:55 | (GLHF Pledge) jynxPICHU: leica is the apple of cameras 1:33:56 | paulskombat: I'm sorry, but 5 grand? That's just too much in my opinion. 1:33:57 | (Turbo) fr4do: That's just a fancy X100 1:33:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: dropping 5k on a camera is insane icl 1:33:57 | elbvv: Wtf 1:33:59 | DEADBERD: 5 grand point and shoot 1:33:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: fixed lens mirrorless? 1:33:59 | online_ovein_: You awoke my iner honosexuality and now I'm no longer ashamed of it I'm proud 1:33:59 | SquirrellyEwok: so many tabs 1:34:00 | asuda9nion: emmalPogrodeo emmalPogrodeo emmalPogrodeo 1:34:01 | kapumon: So couple days on the battlepass worth 1:34:02 | elbvv: Don’t buy that 1:34:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: The first signs that you have to much money and starting to waste it 1:34:03 | organic_rust: not werf 1:34:04 | JeSuisSansy: hai 1:34:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: The fuji X100 line is all 35mm, IIRC 1:34:05 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: hello 1:34:06 | elbvv: It’s stupid 1:34:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: ff or crop 1:34:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Fuji XP-4, Sigma FPL (has L-mount), Leica Q2 (4920 GBP). - 4320 1:34:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: heh. 35mm 1:34:10 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: do not buy that vom 1:34:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) indignom: he likes his lens big lol 1:34:12 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: he just got a new camera that he was showing off on his stream yesterady 1:34:12 | aesthetic_erica: damn who would buy that 1:34:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s ok 1:34:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: listen to Soda please 1:34:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @macarous Try 8k plus 1:34:17 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Im starting to think leica is just the logo NotLikeThis 1:34:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: You will have 1:34:20 | 99thking: I don't know what is going on chat why is he talking about cameras? mvpDerp 1:34:20 | HeyItsThor: 35mm is SUPREME 1:34:21 | (Prime Gaming) jledger: Amazing stills camera, better video options for cheaper though! 1:34:21 | Therosbr: Not sure about video, but LEICA is the beast for photography 1:34:22 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: i know somone who coullllld buy iy 1:34:22 | LumberLau: Battlepass money ? :D 1:34:23 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: 5k for a camera is pretty normal tho 1:34:23 | (Prime Gaming) GrazerMadhill: I mean Leica is super expensive because it's hand made 1:34:25 | tsrats: the Ricoh GRiiix is 40mm, not full frame, but is only $1100USD 1:34:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: fuji good for the money 1:34:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: almost 7000 cad 1:34:26 | elbvv: Don’t buy it 1:34:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Moneyfesting XD 1:34:27 | AROYALMOON: ofwildMeow ofwildMeow ofwildMeow ofwildMeow ofwildMeow 1:34:28 | l3laz3de: give it a month 1:34:31 | (Turbo) fr0styjck: is that why you are starting the OF ? 1:34:32 | (Prime Gaming) jeod_13: that’s average!! 1:34:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: never in my life 1:34:33 | PinkPushi: s.a türk var m? 1:34:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yes I’m buying it then 1:34:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Leica is just the logog 1:34:34 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: “buY a hAsSelBLaD” 1:34:35 | yani727: canon r50? 1:34:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatchickie: I think my bf has this one, not sure. He works with leica 1:34:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Q2 has a fixed, 28mm lens. It's a 5K point-and-shot. 1:34:37 | Zabelbert: i could vouch for fuji x-pro3 1:34:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Second reference to Belle Delphine 1:34:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pug411: pug411 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lets goo 1:34:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pug411 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:34:40 | (GlitchCon 2020) chris_94803: small camera small like ur peepee Kappa 1:34:42 | tsrats: Ricoh has nice OS/menus 1:34:43 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: I didnt even know they make point and shoots that expensive 1:34:46 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Sony a7c 1:34:48 | (Subscriber) xboxmods: Get the Fuji, I love my XT1 1:34:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 4k Go Pro KEKW 1:34:55 | (Turbo) fr4do: The X100 is really fun to use 1:34:56 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Gopro? 1:35:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) trhaknar: trhaknar subscribed with Prime. 1:35:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: trhaknar subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang trhaknar f1nnLezgang 1:35:06 | KnapperigeKapitein: i think you could easily buy it with battlepass money 1:35:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @impdotex, GoPro's are passe now. 1:35:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: What about the fuji x100v? 1:35:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the strength of Leica had been the high quality lenses 1:35:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) indignom: booba? 1:35:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @fr4do More votes for the X100 line 1:35:14 | AROYALMOON: ofwildHungry ofwildHungry So cuuute~ 1:35:15 | Therosbr: medium format hasselblad heheyhe 1:35:15 | HeyItsThor: Leica and Fuji are the superior brands. 1:35:16 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: sony a7c has all the sony lences and is the smallest full frame they have @F1NN5TER 1:35:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: What's now with the cake? 1:35:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Boo gah ee 1:35:20 | felaxusso: Cheer100. 1:35:20 | HeyItsThor: In my opinion 1:35:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @clulabell KEKW at that point just a logitech webcam KEKW 1:35:23 | (Prime Gaming) gridwarss: Canon EOS M series? 1:35:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @YeomanJensen, True. 1:35:29 | yani727: medium format is almost useless for anything other than product photography or anywhere you need a ton of detail 1:35:30 | (Prime Gaming) drsantagames: Are you gay or straight? 1:35:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Emmy64_ True 1:35:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SirTiredWolf: SirTiredWolf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 1:35:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sirtiredwolf subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:35:32 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: f1nnBingbong 1:35:44 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: that didnt work 1:35:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: donos that know their shit PogChamp 1:35:48 | yani727: @gridwarss exactly what im saying 1:35:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Own a Bugatti. Has provisional license. 1:35:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 35mm 1:35:50 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: oh it did 1:35:51 | shmanchi: Ggs fellas I gotta exercise 1:35:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lambwhy: astra11Kek astra11Kek astra11Kek 1:35:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: dunno about camera's whatever makes my femboy the most buutiful 1:35:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) tentakelqueeny: f1nnLezgang 1:35:58 | frank_the_great: You're in the wrong profession then, lol 1:35:59 | (Turbo) fr4do: 35mm equivalent, F2.0 1:36:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Man talking about 5k cameras meanwhile I'm looking at second hand mirrorless full frame canons and crying 1:36:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: ??? "I don't want to ask for money" 1:36:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: @JustChickenwing sameee 1:36:17 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Homie don't u got like buckets of cash? 1:36:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @JustChickenwing You can get them cheaper used, don't worry! 1:36:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 35mm is pretty standard 1:36:21 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: I wish the L mount ecosystem had more lenses. Makes the switch to S5/S5ii/S1H painful from anything else 1:36:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: what's the need for small camera is the lenses are all the same size 1:36:26 | (cheer 1) sodiumfrickingChloride: the lighting is amazing holy shish 1:36:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm friends with Ten now and don't want to ask him for things." - 4290 1:36:41 | (GlitchCon 2020) NukaUK: Cheer100 I'm Furiously jealous and impressed that this glorious himbo was on philosophy tube 1:36:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Black dress POGGERS 1:36:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Over 2 hours without a doubt 1:36:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: it's a cute shirt 1:37:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: ive got 35mm, 28mm, 50mm, 52mm, 70-110mm, 80-200mm all minolta 1:37:06 | uwidjs82: Omg Hay f1nn 1:37:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Just stay in this outfit 1:37:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @Solus_kun down Lia! 1:37:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: Hey Finn 1:37:10 | AROYALMOON: ofwildPat I love the chill stream~ It's like a "Get Ready With Me" <3 1:37:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Rheumour: Rheumour subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! 1:37:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: rheumour subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU 1:37:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @ST0RMW4RL0CK How's the 200? 1:37:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Whew, class is over and I can keep your audio on. 1:37:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: i bet the over last time 1:37:21 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: If you end up getting away from M43 and sell any of the Leica lenses I’ll buy 1:37:22 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) MrStartles: Okie I gotta go to work now, thanks for starting early so I could start it 1:37:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @chasingsol Oh hell naw CaitlynS 1:37:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @ChasingSol What D: black dresses are POGGERS 1:37:24 | judgedame: Cute guy to cute girl 1:37:31 | goffygamer6: f1nnKnife 1:37:38 | Therosbr: all i got are a 18-55 kit and a 75-300 canon 1:37:41 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: my favourite lens is my f1.4 35mm 1:37:43 | organic_rust: crop sensor 1:37:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: random music for chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmZexg8sxyk&list=RDMM&index=19&ab_channel=MGMTVEVO 1:37:46 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: APS-C 1:37:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer399 you should wear those black pants you had on during last strem more often! 1:37:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: no its good 1:37:53 | d4rk_sp1rit_: you're so cute man 1:37:55 | uwidjs82: Say that in English 1:37:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Turn up lights Alexa! 1:38:00 | (Turbo) fr4do: It's 28mm, cropped to 35mm equivalent 1:38:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) antonyjohncarter: @f1nn5ter yes nice to have a chilled stream but get on with it 1:38:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: just take a 4.3 inches one 1:38:03 | AROYALMOON: squints-- Is that a Longsword in the background??? 1:38:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: @johnkeiwo Lol, that's on my spotify regularly. 1:38:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: I understood some of those words. 1:38:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Very expensive toy 1:38:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @johnkeiwo good tune 1:38:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: I mean, if one can buy a leica, one should 1:38:14 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: its APS-C its legit just one step below fullframe 1:38:18 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: You will? 1:38:19 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Get the sony a7c if you want small full frame 1:38:19 | Vincenzo_5c: id like 35mm and also a nice camera 1:38:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: next dono goal? 1:38:21 | TanksyPlays: Hiya @F1NN5TER , you're gorgeous and I love lurking your streams, one day I hope to be as beautiful a femboy as you, you give me such a boost to my courage and confidence <3 1:38:21 | (Turbo) fr4do: Everyone wants a Leica, but you're not a lawyer with a midlife crisis 1:38:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Equivalent so the controller is doing shiz to it in post. 1:38:28 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: I hope you cleaned them properly 1:38:29 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya F1nn was saying PP is 35mm long and the wrong aspect ratio. 1:38:33 | Vesmedinia: the pvc pants were hot 1:38:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn needs the Nikon Coolpix P1000 with 125x optical zoom (3000 mm eq.) *for reasons* 1:38:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: @johnkeiwo needs more glass animals but SeemsGood 1:38:44 | fred18355: Mommy 1:38:47 | Fried_Pickles: Hello!! 1:38:48 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: damn it doesnt 1:38:49 | paulskombat: I don't really use cameras often, but when I do I just use my phone camera, lol. 1:38:50 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: lmao 1:38:50 | tehbread: full frame is a waste unless you want <12mm 1:38:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, He likes them girthier than himself I'd wager. 1:38:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: I just bought the Sony A4400 SCREEN FLIPS OUT 1:38:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:38:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: attachment 1:39:03 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: the nail colour 1:39:04 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: do you know depth of view and field of view? 1:39:06 | (Turbo) fr4do: Screen flips up, but not all the way to the front 1:39:06 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: screen doesnt flip out on the x100v.. 1:39:09 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: The Sony a7c flips out 1:39:09 | Fried_Pickles: Love your makeup. Goals ;3 1:39:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: that's cherry red 1:39:16 | Voidrm: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii my first time seeing a live stream 1:39:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Flip over screens are POGGERS 1:39:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: fuji xt4 folds out 1:39:26 | goffygamer6: Hey f1nn your my favorite femboy 1:39:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn shallow. Will buy camera if screen flips forward. - 4260 1:39:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: yeah, crap, fuji X100 line, no flip out screen 1:39:33 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: whats the next dono goal gonna beeeeeeeee 1:39:37 | Fried_Pickles: RUBY red? 1:39:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Rose red? 1:39:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @ST0RMW4RL0CK Oh, that's perfect, then 1:39:40 | SkioMD: canon m50 mii 1:39:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: HypePopcorn 1:39:43 | fred18355: Mommy 1:39:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ricebowl75: Sloot red 1:39:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: its more like the color of actual cherries 1:39:46 | leopard2a7nl: it is heavily blushing red 1:39:48 | tinylittlebabylegs: like a very deep pink 1:39:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Crimson 1:39:49 | (Prime Gaming) kira_plays_ff: Crimson 1:39:49 | (Prime Gaming) ShiriR6: blood color 1:39:52 | Fried_Pickles: BLOOD red 1:39:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WATCH MORE STREAMERS DONO 1:39:54 | bigphilipz: lmaooo 1:39:54 | ag3poyo: idk if you saw that article but apparently red nails speak to men more than any other color and remind them of their mom 1:39:54 | sergiug85: Nikon Z 30 ? 1:39:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Crimson? 1:39:54 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: @hazelgr33n legit why its all i want 1:39:55 | (Prime Gaming) little_milk_ofc: Maroon?? 1:39:56 | (Prime Gaming) darkangelkjdl: maybe black cherry? 1:39:56 | tehbread: #330803 1:39:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) indignom: crimson red 1:39:57 | (Prime Gaming) Dirty_Chai21: garnet 1:39:58 | paulskombat: What's your dream vacation place to go? 1:40:00 | ItsPizzaberry: Blood red 1:40:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yoleveen: Is your internet fixed? 1:40:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Burgundy 1:40:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: that donor misunderstood the mission, we roasting tonite 1:40:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: CORRECTION: I just bought the Sony a6400 and the screen does FLIP OUT 1:40:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: blood fresh or old ? 1:40:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao 1:40:05 | theimmaterialsight: monkaS 1:40:05 | Fried_Pickles: er 1:40:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:40:07 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Bordeaux? 1:40:07 | braddle172: f1nnMonka 1:40:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Blood for the blood god BegWan 1:40:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 1:40:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Bad 1:40:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: worrunS 1:40:08 | KenKopin: CHerries ARE slightly dark read. Go look up a cherry. 1:40:09 | (Prime Gaming) little_milk_ofc: monkaS 1:40:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Its blood from the pesant he fought with his swoard 1:40:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Dry blood red Kappa 1:40:11 | Fried_Pickles: big yike 1:40:11 | logpresser69: hemroid red 1:40:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: ahhh 1:40:12 | procopioo_: monkaS 1:40:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: monkaS 1:40:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: STOP 1:40:13 | aggressivegoose_: could you stand up? for research purposes 1:40:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: you have bright blood 1:40:14 | bdx50: LUL LUL 1:40:15 | Cchaos_abyss: Damn 1:40:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 1:40:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: lol wauw 1:40:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: NOOO 1:40:17 | LucipurrCryz: crimson red nikkis27Nikkilurk 1:40:17 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Sony a7c, small, 1.7k filppy screen 1:40:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Coagulated blood 1:40:22 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: STAP 1:40:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: why was that exciting NotLikeThis 1:40:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: it looks quite Matte too 1:40:25 | Cyamo: Wholesome streamer btw :D 1:40:26 | ItsPizzaberry: monkaS 1:40:28 | carbontrash: istg i really thought he was gonna cut himself 1:40:28 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: Scab red 1:40:29 | Thetwilightstar: LUL 1:40:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Take snapshot to get color! 1:40:31 | judgedame: Crimson 1:40:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Blood that's just starting to dry 1:40:33 | ToolsLight: Crimson 1:40:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: How do you know the colour of blood so well? 1:40:36 | ItsJessieTTV: Random, people on tik tok say I look like i should be your sister 1:40:40 | tinylittlebabylegs: blood thats been sitting for a while is brown 1:40:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Crimson is a good color 1:40:41 | Vetzel: Hi 1:40:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: ??? 1:40:43 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: proceed 1:40:43 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: kremlin red 1:40:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: huh 1:40:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: bleed? 1:40:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: O.o 1:40:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: LUL 1:40:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: ayo? 1:40:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No, finish the sentence 1:40:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: finish your sentence : 1:40:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: 0/ 1:40:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: go on4 1:40:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: :( 1:40:47 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: The answer is yes. 1:40:48 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: YES 1:40:48 | carbontrash: go on 1:40:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I haven't seen blood in a while." STABS SELF. -4360 1:40:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: finish your sentence ! 1:40:49 | goooobiman: smaa.. i mean hii 1:40:49 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: EYO 1:40:50 | bigsuave7: sus 1:40:50 | heins_beanz: noo keep going 1:40:51 | cube193 : Platelet red 1:40:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Yes 1:40:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes 1:40:52 | ItsPizzaberry: YES 1:40:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Now that I've actually looked at an XT4, I think I'm going to sell my X100S and buy it 1:40:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:40:53 | miopot8o: go on 1:40:55 | Munchitus: Yes? 1:40:55 | (Prime Gaming) Celo2112: heya finn and chat 1:40:55 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: AYO 1:40:56 | Godot03: getting my nails done and telling them "I want the color of 30-second-blood" xD 1:40:57 | heins_beanz: go on 1:40:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) beyondthegrave1997: Finish the lyrics 1:40:57 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: go on - in code 1:40:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: yes. kinky. but yes 1:40:58 | yolipollie: YES 1:40:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Blood darkens the longer it's exposed to air. 1:40:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: please do 1:40:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pandaa_33: Yes 1:41:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Naked in boy mode. Very yes 1:41:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: I thought this was supposed to be a wholesome stream 1:41:02 | KingofKupaKeep: Don’t be shy 1:41:05 | (Prime Gaming) ImTheRadicalLeft: ........? 1:41:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Finish what you started 1:41:05 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Yes 1:41:08 | Voidrm: Kreygasm 1:41:11 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Wtf 1:41:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) Halkun: Girl mode 1:41:14 | 3DartBlade: What is the RGB of your nails? 1:41:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Girl mode only 1:41:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Tomboy mode? 1:41:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Permanently girl 1:41:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Both 1:41:17 | Stampede_Stu: Let the intrusive thoughts win 1:41:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Both? 1:41:20 | (GLHF Pledge) AshesToAsh3s: honest question.. your about page says shoe size UK 11.. is that men's 11? 1:41:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Girl mode 1:41:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: Girl Mode 1:41:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: both 1:41:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Femboy mode 1:41:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) VekkTheAsuran: Here we are polite am 1:41:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Definitely both 1:41:23 | ItsPizzaberry: Both 1:41:24 | carbontrash: the audience on where?? bro cmon say it 1:41:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Girl mode 1:41:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Everything 1:41:26 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: 10/90 prob 1:41:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: both 1:41:28 | heyyatomix: So I always watch the tiktok fan page but I’ve never actually tuned it and this is great. Really glad I did 1:41:28 | KnapperigeKapitein: lmao 1:41:29 | (Prime Gaming) non_binary_giraffe: Poll 1:41:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: KEKW 1:41:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Both. Both is good. 1:41:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 1:41:31 | usr5540: man mode letsss goooo 1:41:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:41:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: 80% Girl, 20% Boy 1:41:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 1:41:32 | paulskombat: I like woman, I am straight. 1:41:32 | dbbs3: Both 1:41:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) vetras91: 99/1 prob 1:41:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Both 1:41:33 | AROYALMOON: Both. Both is good. Boy & Girl mode. 1:41:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: they are barely different 1:41:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:41:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: WDYM you only girl mode Kappa 1:41:35 | (Prime Gaming) Sketchypeepo: BASED 1:41:35 | princess_morningstar: You have a boymode? 1:41:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:41:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) floating_raindrop: Both 1:41:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: KEKW 1:41:35 | Why_I_ask: Both 1:41:35 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: this new 'battlepass' journey is going to be crazy for you lol 1:41:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: lol 1:41:36 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: RIP their arm 1:41:36 | (Subscriber) 04penguin: Both is definitely good 1:41:36 | miopot8o: girl mode 1:41:37 | Cchaos_abyss: KEKW 1:41:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: As a Pansexual BOTH chumba2Dance chumba2Dance chumba2Dance 1:41:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: Lmao 1:41:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noice 1:41:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Statistics Andy 1:41:38 | zombieflaky23: Both 1:41:38 | judgedame: You will find out 1:41:38 | braddle172: KEKW 1:41:39 | Munchitus: We just want it all 1:41:39 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 1:41:39 | (cheer 100) goremong: Both 1:41:39 | cobyneedmedicine: bros busy 1:41:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ricebowl75: Guys arms be huge 1:41:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: you know why KEKW 1:41:40 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: DEDICATION 1:41:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, nice. I get to line up at the pharmacy later... 1:41:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHHAHAHAHHA 1:41:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Damn 1:41:40 | Kolateak_: KEKW \ 1:41:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: KEKW 1:41:41 | LumberLau: Only took one day off ... :D 1:41:42 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Do a poll 1:41:42 | yolipollie: both 1:41:42 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Dedication 1:41:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: I'm into the mode that is MOST YOU (seems like Rose now) 1:41:42 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Lol 1:41:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My man's wrist are gonna be BUSTED KEKW 1:41:43 | Thetwilightstar: DarkMode 1:41:44 | procopioo_: both is good 1:41:45 | cramer17: gooner KEKW 1:41:45 | TrueMezzo: I just like the vibes idk what you do 1:41:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: poll 1:41:45 | ajax_shay: Into both equally 1:41:46 | cognogs_420: Lmaooo 1:41:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Presumably won't be able to walk Kappa 1:41:46 | (Prime Gaming) robin_hildebrandt: poll 1:41:46 | Therosbr: KEKW 1:41:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: 169% 1:41:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: RIP his wrist. 1:41:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:41:48 | Bloodcoatrain: Remember to hydrate bro 1:41:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: G00N time 1:41:50 | paulskombat: I am straight, I love woman. 1:41:50 | (Prime Gaming) Celo2112: both are good ngl 1:41:50 | (Prime Gaming) non_binary_giraffe: Do a poll 1:41:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:41:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:41:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: poll it 1:41:51 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: dehydration 1:41:52 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:41:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omg.... 1:41:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:41:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:41:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: I Worte 1:41:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Stress eating 1:41:55 | destiny_runner23: 4Head 1:41:56 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: My man TehePelo 1:41:57 | SejoXIII: She still sounds like a dude even after I drank some coffee, what is happening? 1:41:57 | carbontrash: can you commit a crime pls 1:41:58 | (Prime Gaming) little_milk_ofc: I ordered the battle pass and started getting ads for lotion and tissues on google, can anyone else please explain? 1:41:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) KiraIchigo1987: KiraIchigo1987 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! did u have fun with abigailthorn you would good in latex 1:41:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kiraichigo1987 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:42:00 | usr5540: I'll buy battlepass if finn will do boy mode no joke 1:42:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: two days? that will be some serious chafing 1:42:02 | carbontrash: commit a crime it'd be really funny 1:42:02 | (Prime Gaming) TwiztedRazor: Hey twinkel tits 1:42:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: femboy f1nn is cute as fuck so both 1:42:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: have my wrist brace ready 1:42:07 | (Prime Gaming) rw03_bjw: Dude you turned us bi it don't matter 1:42:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Dude gonna have one huge arm 1:42:12 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: I think both, although I have very little guy mode exposure to go off LUL , you still look beautiful af as a guy 1:42:12 | nelsonius1989: Hear me out 1:42:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Use lube and hydrate 1:42:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Makes sense. I'm starving my dogs for two months to help pay for my Paris plane ticket. 1:42:15 | (Prime Gaming) vulfen2016: That guy took 2 days off with a gallon on moisturiser and a fresh pack of klenex 1:42:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: I wrote myselve sick 1:42:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Story time? 1:42:22 | PhotoPhysics: Since it's quite expensive, will you be giving more info about the kind of things you'll be posting? 1:42:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: Only 20 a month, I’d pay 100 1:42:24 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: @ToxicJayce DAS my name lol <3 :) 1:42:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Kind of hard to be more dude without the illusion and clothing. 1:42:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @amoyamoyamoya amityaHUH 1:42:38 | aesthetic_erica: that left. e speechless story time 1:42:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: poll it please 1:42:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kit_Likes_Bees: Kit_Likes_Bees subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! kitlikYIPPe yipppe 1:42:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Amoyamoyamoya Just get more money lol 1:42:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kit_likes_bees subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 1:42:41 | 99thking: Honestly as a bisexual I would love both girl and boy mode content mvpDerp 1:42:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pineapple_juice457: Just won a game of fortnite while watching your stream thanks for the good luck 1:42:44 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Vote in poll ! 1:42:48 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: AY yo 1:42:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: You looked so cute in that vid 1:42:57 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: #Girl power 1:42:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: 1k? 1:42:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: as a pansexual. yes. both guy and girl 1:43:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER, your nails are hex #982840 (per Photoshop color picker) 1:43:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That would look cute on you 1:43:07 | elbvv: IT’S GOD MODE FOR ME 1:43:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Vote in poll ! 1:43:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Vote in poll ! 1:43:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: 1069 1:43:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: abi is so fine 1:43:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: battlepass blue] 1:43:11 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: i would go pink 1:43:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Blue is pretty cool 1:43:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: one real option, two imaginary options in poll 1:43:19 | AROYALMOON: Ombre Blue!~ How cute~ 1:43:23 | cyberfinity: @certified_boylover all. all is good 1:43:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check the poll @F1NN5TER 1:43:25 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: if we buy your OF, we're still straight right? lol 1:43:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll "Which Battlepass mode would you prefer?" - 4310 1:43:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Maybe alternating, girl mode on even weeks, guy mode on odd weeks 1:43:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: So far it looks 50% BI LUL SeemsGood 1:43:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 1:43:30 | ag3poyo: cute 1:43:31 | 99thking: I good amount of bi/ pan folks here it would seem mvpDerp 1:43:32 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: @f1nn5ter poll is up 1:43:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 1:43:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: barely different 1:43:33 | GigasVtuber: @lastofusspoil no 1:43:35 | ambrocia777: Drop some nail inspo 1:43:35 | burakszk9866: Gay 1:43:35 | patmus: 2 people voting for guy battlepass 1:43:36 | bugabilina: F1nn explaining ombre lol 1:43:38 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: i think a mix of like 90% girl mode and 10% trying to be boy mode would prob work for you 1:43:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: f1nnCowjam 1:43:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @lastofusspoil No 1:43:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: are you going to do those rose themed nails?? 1:43:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check the poll @F1NN5TER 1:43:46 | paulskombat: I am fully straight, and I love woman :troll: 1:43:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: One of us! One of us! One of Us! 1:43:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: "trying to be" LUL 1:43:48 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: POLL 1:43:49 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: i disagree 1:43:50 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: blue to pink and white huh 1:43:51 | (Prime Gaming) leeeesahhh: what is battlepass? 1:43:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: trans colors would be cute 1:43:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: 3 VOTES 1:43:54 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @lastofusspoil, No. You'd be totally gae. 1:43:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: both enjoyers TPFufun 1:43:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: haha three people voted boymode 1:43:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: worrunS 1:43:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @PaintballKitty Hello 1:43:56 | Steys00: HUH 1:43:56 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: I want to get blue cat-eye nails next 1:43:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) pineapple_juice457: Won a game of fortnite while watching the stream feeling good 1:43:58 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Oh no worrunS 1:43:58 | jt2_3: Egg 1:44:01 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: i remember those 1:44:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: NOTED 1:44:02 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: @PaintballKitty oh hai 1:44:03 | (Prime Gaming) Onix095: Trans colors 1:44:04 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: ha 1:44:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 3 votes for boy mode LMAO 1:44:07 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: n o t e d 1:44:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: $1,000 GV or more but goals make things more fun, don’t ask how I know this! 1:44:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Sus 1:44:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: blue pink and white….? 1:44:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check the poll @F1NN5TER 1:44:10 | (Prime Gaming) leeeesahhh: whats battlepass mode 1:44:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 1:44:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 1:44:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: seen that post they look great, the nails 1:44:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: rose quartz, duuuh 1:44:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: f1nn has no idea 1:44:21 | taggerty: Girl mode on days with a Y in and guy mode on days without a Y 1:44:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Inadvertent trans colours lol 1:44:24 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: will it even be more explicit than Twitter? 1:44:24 | elbvv: WTF 1:44:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Bimbo only know diamond 1:44:25 | AROYALMOON: Robbing the jewlery store for you, haha 1:44:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Ruby? 1:44:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Pretty crystals 1:44:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:44:30 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Ruby ? PogU 1:44:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) onesek_: minecraft diamonds 1:44:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: wait obsidian isnt a gem right? 1:44:32 | ag3poyo: moon stone 1:44:33 | (Prime Gaming) Sketchypeepo: its thoses things in runescape used for to lvl crafting 1:44:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Just Google those 1:44:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Pink one LUL 1:44:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Ruby 1:44:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) Halkun: redstone? 1:44:35 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Crystals and stuff 1:44:35 | damit_felix: Is it just me or is rose hot asf 1:44:35 | (Subscriber) 7ersace: emerald 1:44:36 | macswaggerpants: Obsidian is top tier 1:44:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @leeeesahhh, The type of ocntent he'll post on the Battlepass. 1:44:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: cats eye stone 1:44:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Rose quarts??? 1:44:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Which Battlepass mode would you prefer ? ": Girl mode finn with 281 votes (58.42%) 1:44:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Anything pink, and birth month is April 1:44:39 | ag3poyo: look up moon stone 1:44:39 | Tenebrio_D_Holmes: amazonite? those are pretty 1:44:39 | (Prime Gaming) lugowyties: metals lul 1:44:41 | shinyhappymatt1905: Bismith? 1:44:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Steven universe? 1:44:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Ruby rose 1:44:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Rose quartz is pink 1:44:44 | (Prime Gaming) kira_plays_ff: Aquamarine is beautiful 1:44:44 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: F2nn, your birthstone is diamond 1:44:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Rose quartz definitely 1:44:46 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Coppe 1:44:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: thats pretty metal bro 1:44:46 | sicilian_dragon09: His guy mode is very feminine so its basically two version of girl mode 1:44:46 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: all my april diamonds stand up 1:44:47 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: @f1nn5ter check the poll before it disappears 1:44:47 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Which is the gemstone for apeil? 1:44:49 | heyyatomix: Labodorite is super cool 1:44:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: He is not going to wear it anyway, ask him about diamond ear rings 1:44:54 | (Prime Gaming) Hunter315: Hunter315 subscribed with Prime. 1:44:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: hunter315 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hunter315 f1nnLezgang 1:44:57 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Copper TI layers? 1:44:57 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: alliephenix99 is continuing the Gift Sub they got from FerdieChen! 1:44:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: a missed the vote :/ 1:44:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: that's no elemental metal 1:45:00 | AROYALMOON: Roze Quartz is SUPER pretty, I agree, Scarletty 1:45:00 | warpedcreeper: it's so cool 1:45:02 | judgedame: That was fun 1:45:02 | paulskombat: Setup review again?? 1:45:03 | cyberfinity: bismuth is based 1:45:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: PogU 1:45:05 | ag3poyo: have you seen moon stone i think it suits you 1:45:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: sure 1:45:08 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 1:45:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Sure 1:45:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WheelieKaty: WheelieKaty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Hey Finn, how about a goal for another sofa stream? 1:45:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: wheeliekaty subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU 1:45:11 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: I like bismuth alot its fascinating and its metal looking 1:45:11 | braddle172: PogU 1:45:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yes 1:45:12 | darkdreamsa: First time seeing you Finn 1:45:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer399 if you where icecream what type of flavor icecream are you? 1:45:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check the poll @F1NN5TER 1:45:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Suit and tie but with booba 1:45:19 | robot_romance: Hematite is cool cause its kind of a metal and a stone at the same time 1:45:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check the poll @F1NN5TER 1:45:21 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: theres a metal ive been fascinated with. its called GOLD. 1:45:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: somehow after how the last stream ended I don't think it's happening lol 1:45:27 | lilianneart: LMAO that's a lesbian wish. big same tho, girl finn in suit i'd DIE 1:45:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: James Bond LUL 1:45:28 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Thought you got a suit for a wedding you were in 1:45:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: Will you ever do a battle pass stream? BegWan BegWan 1:45:30 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Business woman 1:45:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Feminine suit 1:45:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Huh 1:45:32 | ag3poyo: look up moon stone it suits your face !! 1:45:33 | hkz321: Try lapis 1:45:34 | KnapperigeKapitein: cope 1:45:37 | Voidrm: UR COMING TO THE UK????????? 1:45:39 | kattsuko_: I feel like Rose Quartz would be very ironic 1:45:40 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: Youre coming to Brighton?!?!?!! 1:45:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: tomboy 1:45:41 | k4rakara: Clueless 1:45:43 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Poll gone LUL 1:45:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: No...you'd look like a girl model in a man's suit 1:45:44 | Vesmedinia: Goth gf photoshoot please 1:45:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:45:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 1:45:47 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Voidrm, he lives in the ul 1:45:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: ehhhhhh maybe mostly cope tho 1:45:48 | (Subscriber, OWL All-Access Pass 2018) SYMPREXX_RED: Lmao 1:45:48 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: No u wouldn't 1:45:48 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: noooooo you'll look like a boss woman 1:45:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: damn, girls in suits cause me bonkable thoughts 1:45:52 | procdump: Rose Bond 1:45:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: uk 1:45:53 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: False 1:45:53 | elbvv: Nice 1:45:53 | aunalbrutal: @Voidrm he live in uk 1:45:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Vanilla 1:45:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: White Topaz Rose /F1nn Birthstone 1:45:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) barbados14: What I mis bruv 1:45:55 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: vanilla 1:45:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: f1nn is vanilla 1:45:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) floating_raindrop: There are womens' suits y'know. 1:45:58 | taggerty: Wear breast plate at the same time 1:46:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: the cookie? 1:46:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll - Girl mode wins with 58%. - 4350 1:46:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Nuts ice cream 1:46:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Vanilla 1:46:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: What the heck is biscoff 1:46:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Salted caramel 1:46:04 | TanksyPlays: Biscoff icecream exists? 1:46:04 | lilianneart: good choice 1:46:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao biscofd 1:46:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: vanilla 1:46:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: vanilla, F1nn is vanilla 1:46:08 | Senevri: Kate Bishop, Suit, Hawkeye TV show 1:46:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Nut 1:46:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Biscoff anything is amazing 1:46:10 | 99thking: You can stream on the battle pass yeah? You can stream on there once in a while mvpDerp 1:46:10 | cyberfinity: @DAGalaxie biscuit 1:46:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. He thinks he'd look like a dude in a suit. 1:46:11 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: YUM 1:46:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Salted Vanilla 1:46:13 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: biscoff is a pretty slutty flavor ngl 1:46:13 | AROYALMOON: Biscoff icecream?? 1:46:14 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: biscofd 1:46:15 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: lol 1:46:19 | Y0rk5h1r3: Why don't you PS Rose in girlmode and F1nn in a suit to look like a couple. 1:46:20 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: Put a corsets under the suit 1:46:20 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: dragonfruit best icecream 1:46:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check DM @F1NN5TER 1:46:24 | xXNeroZashiXx: so yummy 1:46:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Bussy Galore 1:46:25 | gabel_manfred69: Wtf is biscofd 1:46:26 | lilianneart: BOTHHHH 1:46:31 | mr_girbraltar: Both 1:46:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Cool 1:46:32 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: yes 1:46:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I think he's more like strawberry, because he loves pink so much 1:46:33 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Bis-scuff 1:46:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Ooooh!!! Definitely 1:46:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: @Amoyamoyamoya KEKW 1:46:36 | jt2_3: YES 1:46:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: both sounds cool 1:46:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: That is 5Head 1:46:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: f1nncest! 1:46:38 | judgedame: Fun 1:46:40 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Yes 1:46:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: Biscof is so good 1:46:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: For sure 1:46:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Yep 1:46:44 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: It would have to be a womens skirt suit 1:46:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he'd be Biscoff if he was an ice cream flavor. - 4330 1:46:46 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: half and half - left side suit / boy right side girl / dress 1:46:46 | TA00: f1nncest 1:46:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @scarlettyg oh yeah 1:46:48 | braddle172: Bond and Bond girl 1:46:53 | AROYALMOON: Biscoff is like a vanilla oval cookie/biscuit 1:46:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Octobussy 1:47:01 | anschofi: thanks autism dono. going for the truth 1:47:02 | (Subscriber) loganm46939: new to stream how do I donate with message? plz help f1nnPegChamp f1nnHands 1:47:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the golden femboy 1:47:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Aren't they getting rid of the James Bond actor? 1:47:04 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: its unfair to the other female streamers on twitch, you are like in the top 5 prettiest on the platform. 1:47:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: check DM @F1NN5TER 1:47:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: monitor is calibrated 1:47:06 | (Subscriber) 7ersace: where's the bussy gallery?? 1:47:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Ooh a femboy bond girl would be badass 1:47:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: He really means he's the girl. 1:47:10 | mr_willy_dog: !streamtime 1:47:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn would be James bond love interest 1:47:12 | elbvv: F1nn is Bond 1:47:14 | (Prime Gaming) lugowyties: @loganm46939 check about 1:47:15 | knockedout26: Bond and bond girl set is genius 1:47:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Color accuracy is a lie 1:47:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Colours are complicated 1:47:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: !donate 1:47:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 1:47:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) knightrider121369: knightrider121369 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! I love your content 1:47:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: knightrider121369 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 1:47:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: from Birmingham with love 1:47:36 | circumcision_cop: HUH 1:47:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: LMAO 1:47:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) steahk: KEKW 1:47:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Girl mode for... 1:47:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: KEKW 1:47:39 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 1:47:40 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: LUL 1:47:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Honoré de Balzac, dude 1:47:41 | chrisbeansbeans: HMMM 1:47:41 | braddle172: KEKW 1:47:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 1:47:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: KEKW 1:47:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:47:42 | AROYALMOON: "....huH?" 1:47:42 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 1:47:42 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: lol 1:47:43 | jt2_3: hexcode 1:47:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: 5 1:47:43 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: Chat 1:47:44 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: cf 1:47:44 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: HUH 1:47:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW 1:47:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: WTF 1:47:45 | chaery2: ?? 1:47:45 | AlhambraMMXX: KEKW 1:47:45 | harokaa: LUL 1:47:47 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: xd 1:47:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: KEKW 1:47:47 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: huh 1:47:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: blue 1:47:48 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 1:47:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Color accuracy is a Holy Grail...good luck achieving it. 1:47:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 1:47:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 1:47:49 | heins_beanz: pardon?! 1:47:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW 1:47:50 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: huh 1:47:50 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: 5 people 1:47:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: i missed that poll 1:47:50 | (GLHF Pledge) jellymaachan: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 1:47:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: huh 1:47:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 1:47:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Omg 1:47:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: i choked 1:47:53 | heins_beanz: huh?! 1:47:54 | knockedout26: HUH??] 1:47:54 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Excuse? 1:47:56 | (Listening only) andythebro4: f1nnGremlin 1:47:57 | aqutanfan: KEKW 1:47:57 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: F1nn currently #0000FF 1:47:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Girl mode for....everrrrr 1:47:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage 1:48:00 | AIRHydrant: bros audience is somehow below the global gay rate 1:48:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 1:48:03 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: who cares xDD 1:48:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Not yet 1:48:04 | (Prime Gaming) Bulldog85043: Bulldog85043 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 33 months! 1:48:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: HUH 1:48:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bulldog85043 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months at Tier 2! PogU 1:48:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: !shade 1:48:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her skin tone is #e8c7cd. So pale! 1:48:07 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Yes it is 1:48:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 1:48:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 1:48:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 1:48:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Gotta get on that HRT for e girl body 1:48:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: So never pp? :( 1:48:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 1:48:13 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: I mean it is tho 1:48:13 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: i view you as a egril 1:48:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 1:48:15 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Body type is egirl 1:48:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) OMGitsAshley98: f1nnHeart 1:48:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: 5'2" 1:48:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: sounds like egirl 1:48:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 1:48:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: !shade 1:48:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her skin tone is #e8c7cd. So pale! 1:48:22 | KingofKupaKeep: The sheer panic after hearing that 1:48:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: "You only come twice" 1:48:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) monkeman742: DansGame 1:48:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: E girl body type 1:48:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: "never see it" thats another clip LUL 1:48:26 | 3DartBlade: Egirl 1:48:27 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: That doesn't mean not e-girl 1:48:28 | aunalbrutal: i see you as an egirl 1:48:28 | jetstreamsam1234: Cheer1535 smash 1:48:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 5'8 1:48:29 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: 5‘9 1:48:32 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: oh? 1:48:32 | taggerty: Ever considered laser hair removal? 1:48:32 | kinglamborghini07: Hey 1:48:32 | robot_romance: Tall girls Kreygasm 1:48:33 | 99thking: I think your body type is "slut" actually mvpThink 1:48:34 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: if im corect the ballsacks color should be the same as the lips color 1:48:37 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: Cause there is no 5'10 broad shouldered egirls 1:48:37 | girlinred_97: but big boob girls have broad sholders 1:48:38 | (Prime Gaming) Sothey: your shoulders are SMALL 1:48:38 | gracesbeing: Like a volleyball player 1:48:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) crusher2k7: crusher2k7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! penis 1:48:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: crusher2k7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 1:48:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: X 1:48:41 | heyyatomix: As a bi female, I am having a sexuality crisis rn 1:48:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: 5 feet 9 1:48:49 | sicilian_dragon09: your jaw isn't harsh 1:48:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: ????? 1:48:50 | (Prime Gaming) unknqwnshepherd: unknqwnshepherd subscribed with Prime. 1:48:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: unknqwnshepherd subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang unknqwnshepherd f1nnLezgang 1:48:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you do not have "harsh" masculine features 1:48:51 | Senevri: Re: suit - *** 1:48:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @taggerty, Where have you been? He's been having treatments done already. 1:48:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaEyeroll amityaEyeroll amityaEyeroll 1:48:55 | barbie_secretstanner: Yes such a masc jawline 1:48:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: "harsh" 1:48:58 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: yrsssssssss 1:48:59 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: hot 1:49:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: yesss 1:49:04 | (GLHF Pledge) UltraC80: which highlighter or shade do you use on your inner eye corner?? I love it and wanna use it too. 1:49:05 | carbontrash: most masculine man 1:49:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yesss 1:49:07 | girlinred_97: broad sholder girls is the big boob type 1:49:10 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: f1nnMonka 1:49:10 | KingofKupaKeep: The bitchy sub 1:49:10 | carbontrash: so harsh masculine features 1:49:11 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: mommy 1:49:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unknqwnshepherd: Saves it not being used 1:49:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about his harsher (masc) features. - 4330 1:49:11 | hahabgd: hi 1:49:12 | asstralee: are those his real hair ? 1:49:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I have no idea how you're still this coherent without sleep 1:49:14 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Bitchy is crazy 1:49:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: Rbf: resting bitch face 1:49:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: X 1:49:18 | frost177: Hi guys SabaPing SabaPing 1:49:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mean girl LUL 1:49:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) hazelgr33n: hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE hazelg4HYPE 1:49:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: We stan a broad shouldered girltwink 1:49:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: More like bimbo than bitchy 1:49:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: You'd be the "villainous Bond Girl whose heart melts when 007 is around" type 1:49:28 | ice_w1ng: U should do a smash or pass on pokimon 1:49:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: F1nn5ter Bond movie title? Gotnopussy Kappa 1:49:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: @hopalongtommy LUL LUL LUL 1:49:40 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: patiently hopes for a gifted GivePLZ 1:49:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @hopalongtommy LUL 1:49:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: LOOK UP ROSIE NELSON.... 1:49:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: squirrels are pretty sick 1:49:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Say it again 1:49:54 | walent021: Chicken 1:49:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Hyena would be your animal 1:49:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Jagyuwar 1:49:58 | candomath: Hi 1:49:58 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: face it you like cougars 1:49:59 | frost177: A what? 1:49:59 | jamb00123: One of my mates son’s is 13 and 6”3 1:49:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Red Panda's are mine, I have a collection of plushies of them 1:50:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: They 1:50:01 | (Prime Gaming) SacksoGaming: Killer of Tarzans parents D: 1:50:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Jag u are 1:50:01 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: I really like robins. Like the bird. 1:50:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: You look like a female runway model 1:50:01 | (Prime Gaming) erxtica: a what 1:50:01 | mr_girbraltar: Say it right 1:50:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Cars could do that? D: D: D: 1:50:03 | dbbs3: We all know Finn loves sharks 1:50:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: british pronunciation of jaguar made me cringe 1:50:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Jack you you were 1:50:05 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Jagyouare 1:50:06 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Jaguar 1:50:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:50:07 | sarahlump1: so cat, cats with various fur colors 1:50:07 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Jaguar? Thinking about a gift idea, so worth asking. 1:50:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: They're super strong 1:50:07 | (Subscriber) loganm46939: @lugowyties thx 1:50:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: jagyouwa 1:50:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Grizzly bear clears a jaguar 1:50:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Hehehe 1:50:09 | heyyatomix: Jaguar lol 1:50:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Strong jaws 1:50:09 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 1:50:10 | jt2_3: jäg 1:50:10 | aunalbrutal: hahahaah crj XD 1:50:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: my god stop 1:50:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) VictoryPudding: mf jagyouare 1:50:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: JAGYUWAR 1:50:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: jaguar 1:50:12 | hahabgd: i am gay 1:50:13 | frost177: Lololol SabaPing SabaPing 1:50:13 | kristanie0815: WHO wants a dog? 1:50:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Jagyourree 1:50:14 | (GLHF Pledge) reggular69: jag-war 1:50:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: thata Leopard 1:50:15 | Tenebrio_D_Holmes: honey badgers tho! 1:50:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: I love how you say JAGuher 1:50:15 | f1nn5terschair: KEKW #0000FF 1:50:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: British accent 1:50:15 | (Prime Gaming) stopdebuffin: it ends with a r 1:50:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) denimgremlin420: Big cat boy 1:50:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Ugh that British accent WutFace WutFace WutFace 1:50:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: lol 1:50:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: jag-wire 1:50:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) alyx_5t: jag war 1:50:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: That is not how you say jaguar 1:50:18 | ThatTechDude2475: JagWar 1:50:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: JAG-WAR 1:50:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: The Wolf is only answer 1:50:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: LMAO 1:50:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: jag-wire 1:50:20 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Hyena has both female and man parts 1:50:20 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: jug- ular 1:50:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Some Jag you are 1:50:20 | AROYALMOON: Jag-wire 1:50:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: (Americans say "JAG-Wahr") 1:50:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Yea that is normal british 1:50:21 | bigsuave7: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:50:21 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Thats how you say it 1:50:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Jagyouare 1:50:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: JAGYUWAR 1:50:22 | soaringbIade: its a jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag 1:50:22 | heyyatomix: Jag- wire 1:50:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: BRI TISH 1:50:22 | harokaa: LUL LUL LUL 1:50:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:50:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Jagwar 1:50:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: jagwar 1:50:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: .. 1:50:23 | sexypapabear__: jag u ar 1:50:23 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: JUG 1:50:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Jag war 1:50:24 | Kolateak_: Jag you-er 1:50:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Americans say jagwar 1:50:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about his favorite big cat. - 4340 1:50:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: a jaaag 1:50:25 | (Prime Gaming) laird_chris: Jaaaag 1:50:25 | KnapperigeKapitein: jag wire 1:50:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: jaguya KEKW 1:50:25 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: Jag war 1:50:26 | slowe20: Bruh 1:50:26 | procdump: Jug you are 1:50:26 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: You're saying it right, Americans are silly. 1:50:26 | sinsaoirse: youre saying it right 1:50:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: Jagwire 1:50:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: theyre american they pronounce it wrong 1:50:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: US people don't pronounce shit correctly. 1:50:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Jag-Wire 1:50:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL 1:50:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: He is british dudes 1:50:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Dono says Blue 1:50:28 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Stupid americans 1:50:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Jag-war 1:50:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: lol, those balls 1:50:28 | girlinred_97: you a bimbo girl 1:50:29 | gerglingson: how do Americans say jaguar? 1:50:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Jagua Wawa Wawa 1:50:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Jag-rar 1:50:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: Americans are wrong 1:50:30 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: bruv thats not how you say it 1:50:30 | lilianneart: that's how british people pronounce it you weirdoes 1:50:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:50:32 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Jag war 1:50:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: THAT FUCKING OI BRUV KEKW 1:50:32 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Jaguar is british… 1:50:32 | (Prime Gaming) LonesomeTea: americans dumb dumb again 1:50:32 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Jaguar is a Panther... 1:50:32 | jt2_3: bri-ish 1:50:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: is this another penguin pronunciation incident LUL 1:50:33 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: what a jag you are 1:50:33 | ninpnin: JAG WIRE 1:50:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Jagyouuire 1:50:33 | KnapperigeKapitein: jagua 1:50:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: in the US they say "JAG YOUR" I think 1:50:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: jagUUUUar 1:50:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Nasty ass British accent 1:50:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: its a jag u ar 1:50:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:50:35 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: That’s not how you say it 1:50:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Americans pronounce it wrong, and think they're right LUL 1:50:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: Jag-why-er 1:50:36 | ice_w1ng: U should do a smash or pass stream 1:50:37 | AROYALMOON: Jag-wy-er 1:50:37 | heyyatomix: No no nooo lol “jag- wire” 1:50:37 | (Subscriber) marblehoney: LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:50:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: HAS to search it 1:50:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Brits pronounce it differently than Americans 1:50:38 | NoGiggety: Most British pronunciation ever 1:50:38 | Macash: thats how its pronouned in the uk chat 1:50:38 | girlinred_97: bimbo femboy 1:50:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 1:50:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: Jagwire 1:50:40 | Godot03: Aren't Panthers just jaguars in fancy clothing? 1:50:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: You would be a hyena 1:50:40 | princess_morningstar: british people are wrong 1:50:41 | slowe20: jug war 1:50:41 | KnapperigeKapitein: jack uwa 1:50:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: Lmfao 1:50:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Sounds like a pokémon BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump VoHiYo 1:50:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) joey_556: A WHA 1:50:44 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 1:50:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: that's the proper British pronunciation, Americans are wrong 1:50:44 | candomath: Clip it 1:50:44 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: it's pronounce jag war 1:50:44 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Americans say it wrong 1:50:44 | cooler1303: JAG WUAR 1:50:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: JAG-WAHR ? 1:50:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: JAGYUWAR 1:50:45 | (Turbo) knxggles: twitch chat discovers: accents 1:50:46 | blaackmamba13: lmaoooooooooo 1:50:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Jag you are 1:50:47 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: its not fcking jackwire 1:50:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:50:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: jagUWUar 1:50:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Jag-Wire 1:50:50 | texastgirl: Big Kitty! 1:50:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: jag u are 1:50:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: ITS JAG WAR 1:50:54 | (cheer 1) SubliminalCorruption: Feels weird hearing this discussion while coding for MacOS 10.5... 1:50:55 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: American = jag war 1:50:56 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Jag waaar vs jag you were 1:50:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: JAGYUWAR lmfao 1:50:56 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Americans say "JAG-WAR" 1:50:56 | (Prime Gaming) Cmdr_0m3g488: Jag--ar 1:50:59 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 1:51:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marpito14: panthers are jaguars but with melanism 1:51:01 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Chat L 1:51:01 | (Prime Gaming) doobicus: thats just like, his opinion tho 1:51:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: W video 1:51:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 1:51:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: briísh 1:51:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Chat discovers that not everyone is American 1:51:04 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, and they're wrong 1:51:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: The car yes, the cat no. 1:51:05 | (Prime Gaming) SacksoGaming: Uh oh 1:51:05 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: jag you-er? I hardly knew her 1:51:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: jag uw ar 1:51:05 | (Prime Gaming) leeeesahhh: jag war 1:51:05 | k4rakara: BRITISH KEKW 1:51:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 1:51:06 | (Prime Gaming) Silverbell_TTV: Bri'ish innit? 1:51:06 | AsduGun: Look for the French prononciation 1:51:07 | just_call_me_kei: You’re thinking of leopards 1:51:07 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Grunzythepotato_TV: the mammal isnt 1:51:07 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 1:51:07 | frost177: That a car 1:51:08 | soaringbIade: yes 1:51:08 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: sadge 1:51:08 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: British people aren't real 1:51:09 | Mew_Zee: HMMMMM????? 1:51:09 | TheUncleJohn: but the animal isnt 1:51:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: Us Americans like to keep things simple 1:51:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) VictoryPudding: the british did not invent the animal bro 1:51:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Brits say "Jag-U-Are" 1:51:09 | braddle172: Yep 1:51:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Yup SeemsGood 1:51:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: you didnt know jaguar was british? 1:51:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: YES...Americans say it wrong 1:51:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: W 1:51:11 | mr_girbraltar: Its an animal 1:51:11 | (Prime Gaming) ellamaurice: ok colonizer 1:51:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: RIGGED 1:51:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: BRUH 1:51:12 | judgedame: Aww 1:51:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: jaguar AS IN THE ANIMAL NOT THE CAR 1:51:13 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Maybe the car brand? 1:51:13 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Yes 1:51:14 | TazSenpai: it's not british anymore KEKW 1:51:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: man looked up the car brand 1:51:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: aluuuuminium 1:51:15 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: yep 1:51:15 | bdx50: THE CAR!!! 1:51:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: That’s a car not an animal 1:51:15 | (Bits Leader 2) jetstreamsam1234: Cheer1115 one chance I’m down bad 1:51:15 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: X 1:51:16 | princess_morningstar: british people are never correct 1:51:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Bri'ish 1:51:16 | Macash: f1nn W 1:51:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: The car brand yes 1:51:16 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Wwwwww 1:51:17 | knockedout26: that's the car not the ANIMAL 1:51:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: L 1:51:17 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: There's more of us 1:51:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No, we're right because America is number one 1:51:18 | yokai_327: jaguars are from the americas tho 1:51:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: That's just a car brand, what about the animal, which came first? 1:51:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: No 1:51:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wrong 1:51:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Yep 1:51:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, Meh. Nothing new there. 1:51:19 | jamb00123: My mate has a son who is 13 and is 6”3 1:51:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: X 1:51:20 | (Prime Gaming) ObsidianShards: Fake news. American's can never be wrong. 1:51:20 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: That's proper for British but Americans say Jag-Whar 1:51:20 | dbbs3: Americas never wrong 1:51:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: The only British car manufacturer is MINI 1:51:21 | KingofKupaKeep: Americans L 1:51:21 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: British L 1:51:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: No 1:51:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: American L 1:51:21 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: W 1:51:21 | jt2_3: its still an animal 1:51:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yehmah 1:51:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: X 1:51:23 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: uncommon f1nn w 1:51:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Finn W 1:51:23 | Chrislerr_: You said it right in Australian 1:51:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: the animal isnt british 1:51:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: W 1:51:24 | KnapperigeKapitein: americans butcher almost every car brand, and also its coupé and not coop 1:51:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: More Americans 1:51:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: BRITISH L 1:51:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: It's an American animal my guy 1:51:25 | ThatTechDude2475: Animal is Jag-war 1:51:26 | frost177: Look up the animal name not the car SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing 1:51:26 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Common american accent L 1:51:27 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: KEK 1:51:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Americans don't know how to say anything, don't trust them 1:51:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: common british L 1:51:29 | dotgobbler: isn't it an African animal? 1:51:29 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: Two countries divided by a language 1:51:30 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: xD 1:51:30 | (Prime Gaming) Cmdr_0m3g488: Non car person Americans say JagWar 1:51:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yeah very illegal 1:51:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Pog 1:51:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Wait until the Americans hear that the "e" at the end of Porsche is supposed to be pronounced too 1:51:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Bring back the empire! 1:51:34 | yokai_327: british L 1:51:34 | (Prime Gaming) Sothey: british is trash 1:51:35 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: yeah, the american way is correct and the br*tish way is incorrect. 1:51:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Soliciting in the uk is still illegal unfortunately 1:51:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: as a european, common brit W, common murican L 1:51:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Jaguar is an ANIMAL first 1:51:40 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: you almost have an american accent anyway 1:51:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: No honey were not correcting you, its adorable. 1:51:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: British have a problem, see: penguin pronunciation benedict cumberbatch 1:51:41 | l3laz3de: there is no w in jaguar 1:51:43 | Enzz7: americans when they realize the english language came from england 1:51:46 | TanksyPlays: americans correcting british on how to pronounce british things KEKW 1:51:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: I refuse to accept it’s not Jagwire 1:51:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: JAG WIRE 1:51:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Even brian was correct 1:51:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Brian gets it right too 1:51:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Jag-wire LUL 1:51:50 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: Hey, brit, you given up any of your empire lately? 1:51:51 | heyyatomix: LUL 1:51:51 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: JACK WAR BOYS 1:51:51 | epicguy267: Jaguars like all European car broken 1:51:52 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Yag Wire 1:51:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: sometimes you get possessed by soda 1:51:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: Jag-Rawr-x3 1:51:56 | AlbertHawking: @HellbatKinG this chat is goated based and true 1:51:58 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: jag-u-war is how I do it 1:51:59 | (Subscriber) butcherthegod: JAGWIRE 1:51:59 | scatteredleaves: jagwire 1:52:00 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 1:52:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Walthu 1:52:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: SHUT 1:52:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: Jack wars 1:52:01 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: look, it's not our fault that the british forgot how to speak 1:52:02 | slowe20: Lol 1:52:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: it's a jaaaag @F1NN5TER 1:52:04 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Wow bad 1:52:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:52:05 | carbontrash: teach me make up i got almost every basic of femboyism down to the core except make up 1:52:06 | kristanie0815: Try German 1:52:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ChargrilledMemes: *** 1:52:07 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: jag-u are . 1:52:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maexl01: Cheer1 Would you stop streaming, if you would made insane money out of battlepass? 1:52:08 | cyberfinity: didnt americans ceom from britain? 1:52:09 | total_acidity: The worst are people who say "jagwire." 1:52:09 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 1:52:09 | (Prime Gaming) bruceleeharveyoswald: boddle of wadder 1:52:09 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: i pronounce it the way i pronounce "gif" 1:52:10 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Hearing F1nn trying to sound american xD 1:52:10 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Don’t change the way you pronounce words for Americans. You’re correct. 1:52:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn alienates his American fan-base because of how Jaguar is pronounced. - 4350 1:52:11 | squidg3y0: Jag-war is better 1:52:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Listening only) mariahwasnottaken: Jagwuar 1:52:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 1:52:12 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: u are saying it like the car brand BUT we talking abt the ANIMAL 1:52:13 | dmx908: And the leaperds do the same thing they also drag animals up trees 1:52:15 | aunalbrutal: @gartoks kinda cute spelling XD 1:52:18 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: XDD 1:52:18 | WaBumba: jagwoa 1:52:18 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: LUL 1:52:19 | (Prime Gaming) steevy467: Red nails on you 1:52:19 | AIRHydrant: pretty good 1:52:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: I got caught a Jaguar war 1:52:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:52:21 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: roidin the tube on a tschewsday 1:52:22 | poon_snek: americans sound dumb anyways 1:52:23 | heavymetalcarcleaner: Listen we already won this war in 1776 its "Jag-war" 1:52:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: How's your Canadian accent? 1:52:25 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Jagwire 1:52:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: we have a native jaguar here and say it like that 1:52:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: da tray-durr turned out ta be a tray-durr 1:52:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: i would smack you 1:52:27 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: It‘s a british car brand 1:52:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: No one says coffee like that 1:52:28 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: “Quaffy” 1:52:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ChargrilledMemes: Huh?? *** 1:52:30 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: We'll make an American out of F1nn yet. Sorry in advance. 1:52:30 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: haha 1:52:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) alyx_5t: TRANS 1:52:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Now say bonnet 1:52:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Jag-you-are as we brits have always said SeemsGood 1:52:33 | AROYALMOON: I would love to hear you say, Park a car in the barn 1:52:33 | (Prime Gaming) snikeyxo: trans? 1:52:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: The american accent: not attractive 1:52:34 | mobaChaos: transwhat 1:52:34 | Volatica: As an American, it's annoying that UK can do an American accent easily but we can't do an authentic UK accent. 1:52:34 | poon_snek: it's trans? 1:52:35 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: Americans with a problem with how you pronounced Jaguar should take a good long hard look in the meer 1:52:35 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: You sound American 1:52:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: British people doing american accents are like american people doing british accents 1:52:36 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: its not britch nought 1:52:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Your favorite animal is a car? 1:52:37 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: pffffffff 1:52:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: its defenitly trans 1:52:37 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Most Americans pronounce zebra wrong compared with the rest of the world too 1:52:37 | (GLHF Pledge) reggular69: what atlantic ? 1:52:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: quoffy 1:52:39 | Loelinverse: boston 1:52:39 | elginackbury: Over pronouncing jaguar as a 3 syllable cat since late 90s auto adverts told us it was sophisticated 1:52:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Very trans 1:52:39 | total_acidity: Especially the "trans" part 1:52:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: My favorite check check Jack war I love to be in BibleThump BibleThump SeemsGood SeemsGood 1:52:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: trans what? 1:52:42 | Senevri: ja-kew-are 1:52:42 | ThatTechDude2475: Americanized British. 1:52:43 | 3DartBlade: Trans lol 1:52:43 | slowe20: Trans? 1:52:43 | (Subscriber) marblehoney: It's a mixed bag for sure 1:52:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you sound like you are trying to be american 1:52:45 | jamb00123: Cheer95 my mate has a son who is 13 and 6”3 so yeah. 1:52:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Just Trans 1:52:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Trans? 1:52:48 | gabel_manfred69: Can you try saying something in german? 1:52:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: @aunalbrutal I was referencing the rawr xD :3 copy pasta 1:52:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Trans huh 1:52:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Antlantic 1:52:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: trans for sure 1:52:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: im sorry trans what? 1:52:51 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: i mean, i can't even blame them, eating stuff like "digestives" and "beans on toast" 1:52:52 | Loelinverse: Bostonish 1:52:52 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: trans TransgenderPride 1:52:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Bahamas white person 1:52:57 | (Prime Gaming) 0redzed0: Mid-Atlantic, no you don't 1:53:00 | knockedout26: it's definitely not transatlantic 1:53:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Volatica, There's 36757512 accents in the UK. Which one are we supposed to emulate? 1:53:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Jag Gwar? Sounds like a douchy metal band 1:53:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa 1:53:04 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Go John 1:53:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:53:05 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: that was a based message 1:53:06 | m4cintoshplus: tuesday stream, nice 1:53:07 | dmx908: And the animal is from South American not American 1:53:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Jag Woah 1:53:13 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: your TTS is wrong :) 1:53:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Jagwore 1:53:13 | AIRHydrant: Brits pronounce condom very ugly 1:53:16 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: oh so you had to spell it "jagwar" for the "correct" pronounciation not Jaguar, HMM 1:53:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: british tts 1:53:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: There are American accents that r more nasally. 1:53:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) armann24: Cheer300 jaguar 1:53:19 | bloodheartpro: my accent is a cross between western and eastern u.s. and everyone gets confused here 1:53:20 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: lamest dare ever 1:53:20 | AlbertHawking: @Volatica they consume all of our entertainment movies music etc since childhood so it makes sense 1:53:21 | dbbs3: Text to speech is wrong 1:53:21 | l3laz3de: spell it right 1:53:22 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: only if you change the tts accent 1:53:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: 1900-1940s east coast US dialect is Trans Atlantic 1:53:22 | (Prime Gaming) MattAustinAWB: Trans-Atlantic. Think Audrey Hepburn 1:53:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: imagine gettiing your grammar from twitch tts 1:53:26 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: Finn you're LITERALLY br*tish. you are wrong. 1:53:27 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Mid-Atlantic is the more common name for your accent. 1:53:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: Oops 1:53:32 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: It‘s jaguar 1:53:32 | jt2_3: L 1:53:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 1:53:32 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Lolol 1:53:32 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: RIP 1:53:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 1:53:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: LMAO 1:53:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: GET FUCKED 1:53:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: LOL 1:53:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL 1:53:33 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: lololololol 1:53:33 | (Prime Gaming) ellamaurice: HAHAHAHAHAAHA 1:53:33 | sirspencer: LUL 1:53:33 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LLLL 1:53:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) SB_Crumb: LMAO 1:53:34 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: JAGUAR 1:53:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Get ittttt 1:53:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: UK vs US accent 1:53:34 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: Cheer100 Americans with a problem with how you pronounced Jaguar should take a good long hard look in the meer 1:53:34 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: fuck 1:53:34 | (Prime Gaming) stopdebuffin: L 1:53:35 | 99thking: L 1:53:35 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Kekw 1:53:35 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 1:53:35 | k4rakara: KEKW 1:53:35 | cyberfinity: NNOOO 1:53:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: lol 1:53:35 | braddle172: KEKW 1:53:35 | (GLHF Pledge) Roeliefantje: KEKW 1:53:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 1:53:35 | (Predicted Blue (1)) trolface1997: KEKW 1:53:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: L 1:53:36 | (Prime Gaming) SacksoGaming: LUL 1:53:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lmaoooooooo 1:53:36 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 1:53:36 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: L 1:53:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Altex1: PrideLaugh 1:53:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: kekw 1:53:36 | blu3berrycat: lol 1:53:36 | total_acidity: KEKW 1:53:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: Lol 1:53:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 1:53:37 | yokai_327: KEKW 1:53:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: GET CUCKED 1:53:37 | rogue_knight_: The Americans are wrong here 1:53:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: RIP 1:53:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Oops 1:53:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: KEKW 1:53:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW KEKW KEKW 1:53:38 | lucitor_uff: KEKW 1:53:38 | (Prime Gaming) calamity_amity: lmao 1:53:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) mr_ajokortti_korkort: 1:53:38 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: NOOO 1:53:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: KEKW 1:53:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: spicycowGun spicycowGun 1:53:38 | Kobykins109: LUL LUL 1:53:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahahah 1:53:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TheHadeanEon: lol 1:53:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: KEKW 1:53:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW 1:53:38 | paulskombat: L 1:53:39 | (cheer 100) Shal_Grace: KEKW 1:53:39 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: rekt lol 1:53:39 | jt2_3: KEKW 1:53:39 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:53:40 | (Subscriber) marblehoney: ROLLED 1:53:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: KEKW 1:53:40 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: KEKW 1:53:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 1:53:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Lol 1:53:40 | ThatTechDude2475: LMAO 1:53:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 1:53:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) letume: kekw 1:53:40 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: anitaLUL 1:53:40 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: PogChamp 1:53:41 | a_rocky_penguine: as long as we agree it's not jagwire 1:53:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: absolutely rolled 1:53:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: ja·gwaar 1:53:41 | NovaKrae: RIP 1:53:41 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Lol 1:53:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: OOF 1:53:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: INSTANT KARMA 1:53:42 | (Subscriber) billypotato007: Lol 1:53:42 | BLIAZII: OMEGALUL 1:53:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 1:53:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: L KEKW 1:53:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: KEKW 1:53:42 | knockedout26: HA 1:53:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: We Got EM 1:53:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) Marcus_Rasaan: bwahahaahaha 1:53:43 | aqutanfan: L 1:53:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: LMAO 1:53:43 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: KEKW 1:53:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL 1:53:43 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: LLLLLLLLLLLLL 1:53:43 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 1:53:44 | kristanie0815: TTS is British English 1:53:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 1:53:44 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: GET REKT! :P 1:53:44 | braddle172: Bits tts is American 1:53:44 | gabel_manfred69: L 1:53:44 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: L 1:53:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Text to spa 1:53:44 | frost177: Lolololololol SabaPing SabaPing 1:53:44 | total_acidity: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 1:53:44 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: Ha!!!!! 1:53:44 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: TTS banned 1:53:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Lmao 1:53:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: L 1:53:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:53:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Oof 1:53:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: GET DUUUUUNKED ON 1:53:45 | TA00: what were you saying? 1:53:46 | harokaa: LUL LUL LUL Kreygasm 1:53:46 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: 1:53:46 | Cchaos_abyss: Loll 1:53:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnCope f1nnLaff f1nnCope f1nnLaff f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnLaff 1:53:46 | 99thking: That's an L huh 1:53:46 | zombieflaky23: HypeLUL 1:53:46 | (GLHF Pledge) honey_puckle: "jag-yew-er" sounds a lot like something said by someone who eats beans on toast as a meal 1:53:46 | NovaKrae: novakr1Heart novakr1Heart novakr1Heart 1:53:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) tricco_tricco: Hahahahhaa noooooo 1:53:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: LUL 1:53:47 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: L 1:53:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Change the TTS voice first 1:53:48 | heyyatomix: Rip 1:53:48 | mr_girbraltar: Kekw 1:53:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I'm Hungarian so I just laugh in "YA-goo-aar" KEKW 1:53:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: My friends who like your stuff were all shocked to realise you are from Birmingham, which is funny given one of said friends is from Birmingham himself 1:53:48 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: L KEKW 1:53:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) hllani2: cclineLUL cclineLUL cclineLUL 1:53:48 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: common f1nn f 1:53:48 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: Get bodied gremlin.. 1:53:49 | barbie_secretstanner: L 1:53:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 1:53:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: lol 1:53:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: GET REKT 1:53:49 | Goldyfish33: gotem 1:53:49 | TA00: KEKW 1:53:50 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Lol 1:53:50 | Bloodcoatrain: That's a tiktok clip 1:53:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: American crappy TTS 1:53:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: wrong TTS KEKW 1:53:51 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Lolol 1:53:51 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Now try the other tts 1:53:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: LLLLLLLLL 1:53:51 | Just_Shephard: L 1:53:52 | ThatTechDude2475: Jagwire 1:53:52 | xred_lunax: L 1:53:52 | xXNeroZashiXx: l 1:53:52 | (Prime Gaming) jmsGears1: Clip that lmfao 1:53:53 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Told you 1:53:53 | lucitor_uff: LMAOO 1:53:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: LLL 1:53:53 | total_acidity: L 1:53:54 | mobaChaos: Fuaguar 1:53:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 1:53:54 | knockedout26: LLLLL 1:53:54 | gabel_manfred69: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1:53:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: L 1:53:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: L 1:53:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: L 1:53:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Cheer399 jagwar 1:53:54 | lucitor_uff: L 1:53:55 | bugabilina: Not tts proving him wrong lmao 1:53:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao get rekt son 1:53:55 | procdump: 'Murican TTS 1:53:56 | judgedame: Ha 1:53:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Text to speach is dumb and american 1:53:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: RIP 1:53:56 | dmx908: Try pronouncing it the south American way 1:53:57 | taggerty: Jag U Ar 1:53:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 1:53:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: American tts 1:53:57 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: bit TTS is't Brian, so doesn't count @F1NN5TER 1:53:57 | AsduGun: Nailed it 1:53:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: L 1:53:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: Ur missing the cock in cocky 1:53:58 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: It's cougar 1:53:58 | bArb_ariann: Remt 1:53:59 | allie420: lmfao 1:54:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) toomanybees___: L 1:54:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: welp, thats gonna end up on youtube... 1:54:01 | braddle172: Brian is British 1:54:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Jagwar? 1:54:01 | mixywi: Cheer300 thought you needed some help in the masculinity department, sent you vid on twitter dm (same name as dono) 1:54:01 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: BRUH 1:54:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) denimgremlin420: Lol 1:54:03 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: RIP in Peace, now you must change 1:54:05 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: Finish what you were going to say! 1:54:05 | scrubbedpotato: Where I live it's pronounced "Jag-wire". 1:54:06 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA 1:54:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Jo281417: Has this turned into America vs uk lol 1:54:08 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Damn xD 1:54:08 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: COMMON FIN L 1:54:08 | rogue_knight_: The text to speech is based on u.s speech 1:54:08 | NovaKrae: "I didn't mean it" Title of your sex tape 1:54:09 | NicxGG: JUST SEARCH GOOGLE 1:54:11 | princess_morningstar: get rekt yo 1:54:11 | knockedout26: tell me someone clipped it 1:54:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: L 1:54:11 | (Prime Gaming) laird_chris: remember american's can't have USA without US KEKW 1:54:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: W TTS 1:54:13 | KnapperigeKapitein: there is a funny clip of jeremy clarkson making fun of americans pronouncing car brands 1:54:13 | bwjune: It’s the American tts, you’re right! 1:54:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Bit TTS says it American style. - 4320 1:54:13 | dbbs3: Not helping himself getting that visa 1:54:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Streig: Common f1nn L 1:54:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GOTTEM 1:54:16 | NicxGG: it will prove you right 1:54:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) HoteLover: It's leviosa not leviosa are 1:54:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Sorry dear, wasn't my goal. lol 1:54:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Finn L 1:54:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: THE CATHARSIS 1:54:19 | (Prime Gaming) Greyfox2343: lmfao 1:54:20 | Kolateak_: That's the American bits TTS, but let us ignore that 1:54:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: jaaaaaaaaagggggggg 1:54:20 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) Kiden: Cheer100 look, it's not our fault that you brits don't know how to speak, it's all that nasty boiled food that destroyed your tongues 1:54:21 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: proceeds to read us immediately 1:54:22 | rogue_knight_: They all wrong 1:54:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: U fixing that brow? 1:54:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:54:24 | kattsuko_: You're living in a rose e evergreen video rn. This is definitely gonna be a clip 1:54:25 | l3laz3de: its a woman so it doesn't count 1:54:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: I just google it same thing. lol 1:54:26 | (cheer 1) jamb00123: L 1:54:29 | 99thking: You gotta roll with it Finn you said so your self 2020Suspicious 1:54:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marpito14: panthers and jaguars are the same but with melanism soooo 1:54:34 | knockedout26: VINDICATIONNNNNNNNNNNN 1:54:34 | elginackbury: The jag wire folks on the other hand… usually from the Deep South 1:54:36 | brixton_bouly: for what amount of money would you get a BBL 1:54:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I know who has the correct pronunciation but I can't show weakness in front of F1nncess 1:54:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) J_adorable: I have 3 family members who work at JLR, they pronounce it Jag-You-Are 1:54:47 | hahabgd: hi finnster 1:54:48 | taggerty: Twitch is American, so American pronunciation 1:54:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 1:54:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Oi 1:54:52 | princesslik: We say Jaguar in Turkish it was easier 1:54:53 | ThatTechDude2475: The fuck is that? Are you holding a monitor?? 1:54:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:54:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: OI 1:54:55 | jeddoesinternet: Hiiii F1nn! 1:54:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noice 1:54:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: We invented the language you mangle LUL 1:54:58 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: the TTS was done by Americans . the same people that forgot how to spell properly afterr only a couple of centuries . lol 1:54:58 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) bigpeace_: Cheer100 Finn you make me question my sexuality lol 1:55:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: I dont get why there's beef between uk and us 1:55:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Brian knows how to pronounce it!!! 1:55:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: How much for a BBL over there? 1:55:09 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: *after 1:55:11 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Jaguar aluminum 1:55:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @ThatTechDude2475, Mirror. For make-up. Which he's doing right now. 1:55:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: That was very good 1:55:12 | AROYALMOON: The way it says aluminum 1:55:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: TTS W 1:55:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: that was busting that was 1:55:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOA 1:55:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Google translate says ja gu ar 1:55:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Aluminum 1:55:19 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: CLASSIC femboy 1:55:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 1:55:26 | DaisyAKADeeBee: 1 raiders from DaisyAKADeeBee have joined! 1:55:28 | MDaemos: Is the F1nn stream? The real F1nn? 1:55:29 | bArb_ariann: X 1:55:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Classic 1:55:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Dono message TTS sounded Bri'ish. - 4350 1:55:35 | (Prime Gaming) monsterfalls: oh no lip sync bad 1:55:35 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Month 1 femboy 1:55:36 | drunkpenguin11: Since it's a British brand, it needs to be pronounced the British way 1:55:38 | Loelinverse: programmer socks 1:55:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @MDaemos, welcome to the shitshow 1:55:39 | k4rakara: trans 1:55:39 | natholomas: you 1:55:40 | AROYALMOON: Cat maid? 1:55:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @mdaemos the one 1:55:40 | procdump: Adidas thigh-highs! 1:55:40 | (Prime Gaming) cam_jun: HRT 1:55:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: you 1:55:43 | (Prime Gaming) Sephyra_Myu: F1NN5TER Have you ever thought of taking a transition M TO F? 1:55:43 | (GLHF Pledge) reggular69: she/her pronouns 1:55:43 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Transition? jk 1:55:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: you 1:55:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: starting a battlepass 1:55:43 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: trans 1:55:44 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you need harnesses 1:55:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: body suits? 1:55:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: Hrt 1:55:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Naked 1:55:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Hrt 1:55:46 | allie420: hmmmmm 1:55:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: HRT 1:55:47 | brixton_bouly: an anal plug 1:55:47 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Endgame femboy is transition. LUL 1:55:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 1:55:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: hrt 1:55:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Sneaky 1:55:48 | (Prime Gaming) calamity_amity: Hrt 1:55:49 | (Watching without audio) melor649: hrt tbh 1:55:50 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: dressing like a tomboy again 1:55:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: you lol 1:55:51 | DokkaPower: Comfortable in panties :) 1:55:51 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: HRT 1:55:51 | Nambo_Rose: endgame femboy is called girl 1:55:52 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: NSFW Stockings 1:55:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Vimith_: *** 1:55:52 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: full circle 1:55:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lingerie? 1:55:54 | seikomonster85: Battlepass time 1:55:54 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Looks at TikTok profile that's all thigh-highs. - 4350 1:55:54 | xogzi: Oh hey grils 1:55:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Endgame femboy? Nudes Kappa 1:55:55 | Y0rk5h1r3: Just wait six months and we'll find out LUL 1:55:56 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: end game is wearing colors that actually match 1:55:56 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Tomboy femboy 1:55:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: *** 1:55:58 | (GLHF Pledge) nahimgood16: finnnnn 1:55:58 | TanksyPlays: knitted wool thighhighs for winter in forest green 1:55:59 | (Predicted Blue (1)) blackghost32: HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn 1:55:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) alyx_5t: nsfw thinh highs 1:55:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Jaguar is a UK owned company. Seeing them in the wild in the US all broken down. Except for the old ones where very well built. 1:55:59 | viocrence: lace probably 1:56:01 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Cat Maid is like level 1.5 1:56:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Blouses 1:56:02 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: lace stockings 1:56:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: hahaha 1:56:03 | Senevri: AlsoAshley :D 1:56:04 | harokaa: LUL LUL 1:56:04 | (Prime Gaming) OGKeemu: Pastel goth, punk-like 1:56:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 1:56:05 | (Prime Gaming) brushlak: lol 1:56:06 | k4rakara: KEKW 1:56:06 | (Prime Gaming) LeviathanReaperClass: KEKW 1:56:07 | (Prime Gaming) ovonamikaze: normal women clothes lol 1:56:07 | Kolateak_: KEKW 1:56:07 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: true tho 1:56:07 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: buttplug is fashion 1:56:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: KEKW 1:56:08 | braddle172: KEKW 1:56:08 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 1:56:08 | (Watching without audio) melor649: KEKW 1:56:08 | mr_girbraltar: Is it wrong? 1:56:09 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 1:56:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: based 1:56:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 1:56:09 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's fashion Kappa 1:56:09 | (Subscriber, Turbo) kaarface: LUL 1:56:09 | NovaKrae: get the ones with little bows at the top 1:56:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: HRT and butt plug 1:56:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: true tbh 1:56:11 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: butt plug is a fashion 1:56:11 | lilianneart: KEKW 1:56:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: flip a coin 1:56:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW TRUE 1:56:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: kekw 1:56:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: butt plugs are fashionable 1:56:12 | elginackbury: Dressing like an actual woman? 1:56:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: hehe 1:56:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: LUL 1:56:13 | gabel_manfred69: Maybe fishnet thingy 1:56:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 1:56:14 | seikomonster85: HRT buttplug 1:56:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Nsfw thigh highs 1:56:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 1:56:14 | the_chair_enthusiast: When they know your name at Lululemon you’re set 1:56:14 | AIRHydrant: destroyed 1:56:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zZeniineZz: zZeniineZz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hey finn and chat 1:56:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 1:56:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: zzeniinezz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU 1:56:15 | thatgrimlin1234: New 1:56:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: You didn't say who's endgame LUL 1:56:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: types of fashion 1:56:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 1:56:16 | kattsuko_: !donate 1:56:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 1:56:17 | viocrence: definitely lots of lace 1:56:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Battle pass bro 1:56:17 | (Prime Gaming) locallesbian420: Do a little meow for us 1:56:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Fax 1:56:18 | Enzz7: dresses and crop tops tbh 1:56:18 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: You finally admit it. 1:56:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: wear some classy heels 1:56:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: White semi sheer with pink bow on top 1:56:18 | (Subscriber) marblehoney: YEP 1:56:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: buttplug made of compressed HRT 1:56:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) tannerd88: Defense 1:56:21 | sean_944: sean_944 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 14 month streak! butt plug fashion get with the times 1:56:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: finn confirmed for HRT and butt plug on OF 1:56:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sean_944 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU 1:56:23 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Very true 1:56:23 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: KEKW 1:56:25 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: TTS War - the male dono voice pronounces it the way, the female cheer voice pronounces it the way... 1:56:25 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: anitaThonk 1:56:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) tannerd88: Degens remember 1:56:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: who knew 1:56:27 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Not even a little 1:56:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: Twitch Ban is gonna mark the start at the rate you're going. lol 1:56:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: both of those are great fashions 1:56:28 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: I am not a big degen. Only a little degen 1:56:28 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Yeppp 1:56:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: both 1:56:31 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: David tennant is scottish? 1:56:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome 1:56:33 | Vesmedinia: Femboys should just befriend alt girls for fashion tips 1:56:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Degenerates 1:56:34 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: and? 1:56:37 | frost177: 1:56:37 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Lorelai_Di_Angelo: Ah yes my favourite type of fashion 1:56:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: OnlyPass? 1:56:39 | iambored1: U already know 1:56:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: THAT'S A YES 1:56:43 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: @ToxicJayce distant cousins , friendly rivalry . lol 1:56:44 | ThatTechDude2475: Why do you think Markiplier started one? He knows his audience is down bad and uses that against them. 1:56:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) nightshade2233: Finn will there ever be any noodlty on battle pass?? BegWan 1:56:47 | AROYALMOON: Maybe the peak femboy is where you can wear men's clothes but still come across as lady? 1:56:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: :( 1:56:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: any sword fights? 1:56:47 | tinylittlebabylegs: final form femboy is just engaging in womens fashion outside of egirl 1:56:49 | seikomonster85: Onlyfinn 1:56:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: BattleFans? 1:56:49 | (Prime Gaming) Quentin_MD: Quentin_MD subscribed with Prime. 1:56:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: David Tennant is Scottish, he only puts on the English accent for roles 1:56:49 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: quentin_md subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang quentin_md f1nnLezgang 1:56:50 | DaisyAKADeeBee: Hey finn 1:56:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) alyx_5t: HEY 1:56:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: only 60% degens according to polls and 40% liars 1:56:51 | (Prime Gaming) Firedell_10: Less than 24hrs 1:56:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Now we have to see 1:56:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Ohhhhhhh 1:56:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 100% a yes 1:57:01 | (cheer 1) dominicayers: ShowLove100 hi there Finnster, you are a cute amazing person 1:57:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: For a while??? 1:57:08 | yokai_327: what *kind* of sword... 1:57:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @vanimal2118, Was owned by Ford for a bit until they sold it to Tata (Indian). 1:57:09 | malifecent27: Wait are we talking about doctor who I looked away for 2 seconds 1:57:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: That's not necessarily the sword that they meant... 1:57:15 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Time is a symptom 1:57:15 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Xanrry: Your accent reminds me of northernlion with your slight new york accent despite not being from new york 1:57:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 1:57:17 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: cosplaying as a girl cosplaying as a male character is peak femboy for sure 1:57:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: what do you think about Matt Smith the eleventh Doctor? 1:57:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Wellll 1:57:20 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: A year till what? 1:57:25 | beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 1:57:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: A photo? snap 1:57:26 | gernadesquirrel: m her make up skills 1:57:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Time is a symptoms of the scourge of life 1:57:30 | AROYALMOON: Yes, Gobble!! 1:57:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Fixed that fucked up eyebrow, good job 1:57:36 | Senevri: That "well-- Nah" was indeed a bit Tennant's doctor 1:57:36 | LordYumHammer: lordyu4Wuv 1:57:40 | (cheer 100) dominicayers: doing good on the make up 1:57:42 | DokkaPower: @F1NN5TER Finn, do you have like a folder ready when Onlypass launches ? :) 1:57:42 | AsduGun: Do you like seeing other pictures from other fellow femboys? 1:57:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kaelynvaas: kaelynvaas subscribed with Prime. 1:57:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kaelynvaas subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kaelynvaas f1nnLezgang 1:57:44 | (cheer 100) dominicayers: and man i wasted my bits 1:57:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: @stormzo until sword pics on the battle pass 1:57:50 | gabel_manfred69: Imma get some sleep now, have a nice stream F1nn 1:57:51 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: sundress with the big hat 1:57:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: True 1:57:54 | aesthetic_erica: your accent reminds me of fucking australia 1:57:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: soda has the drip 1:57:55 | Senevri: JuicyBoy? 1:57:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Soda stopped femming lmao 1:57:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: how many ppl have actually seen it? 1:57:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: techwear 1:57:56 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Soda??? 1:57:57 | bArb_ariann: Blow kiss ! 1:57:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Who is your favourite doctor? 1:57:57 | AROYALMOON: Cottagecore or Academic fashion 1:57:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: A 1:58:00 | (cheer 100) ComeOnWomm: whorish style? 1:58:01 | AROYALMOON: Soft feminine 1:58:03 | hahabgd: finn egg 1:58:03 | judgedame: Rose something I think 1:58:04 | (cheer 100) dominicayers: yea 1:58:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: over the top? 1:58:06 | ex_vitae: YOOO First Finn stream I’ve seen let’s goooo 1:58:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Soda has a great fashion sense 1:58:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @GobbleGobbleTank We have a winner: it's "sundress" 1:58:09 | AROYALMOON: OH 1:58:10 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: !pobox 1:58:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. 1:58:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Nude has a fashion? 1:58:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Hentai POGGERS 1:58:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: agehao style KEKW 1:58:12 | malifecent27: I liked Matt smith the most but I think David tenant was objectively the best doctor. Peter capaldi took a while for him to grow on me but I loved him 1:58:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 1:58:20 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: They’re hip 1:58:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Dartheos: Pencil skirts 1:58:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: SPARKLES 1:58:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: cool weeb 1:58:26 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: So your saying Soda put that pic in his spank bank ? 1:58:27 | (Prime Gaming) aggrothecat: maximalist 1:58:28 | (Watching without audio) OutbackJax49: The beautiful Rose 1:58:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yet 1:58:34 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: I don't think there's ONE. 1:58:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: @F1NN5TER honestly end game femboy is some one who looks feminin while wearing maculin clothes 1:58:35 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: you don't THINK? 1:58:35 | Malvulgein: I have them 1:58:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quentin_MD: f1nnHeart 1:58:36 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: just videos 1:58:36 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: YET 1:58:36 | k4rakara: 1:58:36 | carelesssong: :( 1:58:38 | Bloodcoatrain: would it be classified as degen chic? 1:58:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Eventually 1:58:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo??? 1:58:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: too bad 1:58:40 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: Ayo 1:58:40 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: @eromaw sword like, his peen? 1:58:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Techwear F1NN 1:58:42 | procdump: SOON (TM) 1:58:42 | Loelinverse: 1:58:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) neo_lyx: YET 1:58:43 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: fascinating back track 1:58:43 | Senevri: @malifecent27 Capaldi was the best actor, his exit speech is amazing. 1:58:43 | (Prime Gaming) Sketchypeepo: YET 1:58:43 | AROYALMOON: Ballgown fashion is peak fashion amybe? 1:58:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: whats that pen called??? 1:58:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: bullshit 1:58:44 | MirrorsArePog: Kappa 1:58:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says SodaCat is living the Femboy Endgame. Referring to fashion sense(?). - 4410 1:58:45 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 1:58:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: HUH 1:58:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Just do what soda does with subtlety 1:58:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Yet 1:58:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: maybe one day 1:58:47 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: fake femboy D: 1:58:48 | (Subscriber) marblehoney: Rookie 1:58:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: How would you take it 1:58:49 | braddle172: Guess so 1:58:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: I don't know what my butthole looks like tbh 1:58:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RevenantShader: nope 1:58:50 | organic_rust: guess not 1:58:50 | jeddoesinternet: Is it 9pm there in the UK, cause it's already March 1 here in my place, the battlepass please! 1:58:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: On the internet yet huh 1:58:51 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Nope you're a girl 1:58:51 | aesthetic_erica: , 1:58:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: @stormzo yep yep 1:58:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Faker 1:58:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: Atleast not yet lol 1:58:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yes. Now you must do it. 1:58:53 | frost177: Nothing like the present start taking one of those photos now SabaPing SabaPing 1:58:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: faker D: 1:58:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: ding 1:58:53 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: damn aight 1:58:54 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: FINNN somone just said on twitter that youll break the site just like markipliar did, what is your opinion? 1:58:55 | iambored1: Fake 1:58:55 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Not in the end game 1:58:56 | franklin1412: so who is soda? 1:58:57 | Eni_game: YET 1:58:57 | AROYALMOON: The Femboy Ball is the final battle. 1:58:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Scam 1:58:58 | monetisedmuffin: Apin 1:58:58 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: poser D: 1:58:58 | tdog23798: Earlier than normal 1:58:59 | Vesmedinia: peak fashion is dressing like a monster high doll 1:59:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnSCAM 1:59:00 | seikomonster85: You're a femboy 1:59:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: (For the qualifications) 1:59:01 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Try it it’s interesting 1:59:01 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: @eromaw oh that's tragic :( 1:59:04 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Egg not femboy 1:59:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Removing your femboy license 1:59:06 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: that's the top of the donation pyramid 1:59:06 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Birthday suit fashion, would be the classification I suppose 1:59:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 1:59:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: Not end game 1:59:10 | kattsuko_: There's a pic of his booty somewhere 1:59:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 1:59:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart femboy32Heart warden6Love stardu78Rollin 1:59:12 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: Bing Bong! f1nnLezgang sessKiss warden6Love camisa4Love denietHeart sessFlower sessToaster jorvpLove PrideLove joofbPride miiliH lissyBearlove lissyLove utbrotHeart stardu78Love ijaminLOVE PrideHeartL PrideHeartR KPOPheart LuvSign pegaBooty pegaHeart HypeHands1 HypeHands2 HypeLove1 hozzerLove squchaHeart squchaKiss puckLove thanks17Heart thanks17Love thanks17PinkPC denietLove f1nnHeart davidt42Heart f1nnBingbong 1:59:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart lumiichuCheer adcvrDINKDONK linechuVibe f1nnCowjam linechuWiggle puckSmile itsazo3JAM itsazo3Sway puckBwah mousyHappy puckPat moonie30Boops moonie30Cozy lumiichuHappy f1nnHeadpat squchaPdance itsazo3Shake squchaHype squchaJam moonie30Jammin moonie30Boop lumiichuComfy lumiichuTailSway linechuBlankie TransgenderPride f1nnHeart moonie30Hearts 1:59:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: @franklin1412 sodacattvbaka jean Hollywood 1:59:15 | xavier_______: souds like im saving 20 dollars 1:59:16 | (Prime Gaming) GobbleGobbleTank: posting to sharpies in butts 1:59:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Claims there's no asshole pics of him. DOUBT. - 4350 1:59:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:16 | starmarco2006: Baby boy 1:59:16 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong sarahs39Bingbong adcvrDINKDONK deamhaWiggle puckLove f1nnHeart 1:59:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart adcvrDINKDONK 1:59:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: it for your own good 1:59:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: huddartgamer17 subscribed with Prime. 1:59:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: huddartgamer17 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang huddartgamer17 f1nnLezgang 1:59:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) smol_miata: cottontailBIGLOVE 1:59:21 | monetisedmuffin: Humdimbungerfallne 1:59:21 | xXNeroZashiXx: Bing Bong 1:59:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: You're like the definition of femboy 1:59:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: didn't care for Peter capaldi took too long to develop character 1:59:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE 1:59:26 | braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: honestly, shop clerks would love to help style your fits 1:59:32 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: Bing Bong 1:59:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:33 | hahabgd: finn 1:59:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: @AROYALMOON The Femboy Ball? Can you get tickets for that? 1:59:35 | monetisedmuffin: Bonkebshille 1:59:35 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: Silence… 1:59:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: MercyWing1 f1nnBingbong MercyWing2 astra11Drive f1nnCope NomNom 1:59:38 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: What song are you humming? 1:59:39 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: hello 1:59:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 1:59:41 | texastgirl: you have gone past femboy to just a girl in denial 1:59:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: You're a Femboy for marketing purposes. You weren't born to it or rasied in it. 1:59:41 | hkz321: How dare you be a normal dude 1:59:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: whats that pen called u use for the freckles???? 1:59:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ??? 1:59:49 | AROYALMOON: Rose should definitely host a Femboy Ball. 1:59:51 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: random music for chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7eSUU9oy8&list=RDMM&index=24&ab_channel=ChildishGambinoVEVO 1:59:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: cottontailWIDE cottontailWIDE cottontailWIDE cottontailWIDE cottontailWIDE 1:59:57 | Insomnia7177: TransgenderPride PansexualPride 1:59:57 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: F dono 1:59:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 1:59:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 21:00 1:59:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 1:59:58 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 2h 8s 1:59:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Screwed in? why?? 2:00:02 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: goddamn 2:00:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn started early and on time? LUL 2:00:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !caps 2:00:09 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) OmsX8O: Good night chat gothicbunSleepy 2:00:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 2:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 2:00:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !caps 2:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 2:00:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @PynkFryck, don't type in caps, the bot will fuck you up ^^ 2:00:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: goodbye cahnnel points 2:00:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Hole 2:00:20 | braddle172: !uptime 2:00:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 2h 30s 2:00:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: erm fembott be going mad 2:00:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: Goodnight and sweet dreams Oms puckJessiHug moonie30Hearts 2:00:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jpindahouse: bussy 2:00:24 | a_rocky_penguine: get ikea counter top 2:00:25 | AROYALMOON: @AROYALMOON There are three tiers for tickets, I'm gonna be first in line lmaoo 2:00:25 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: @johnkeiwo oh damn 2:00:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: !hug Oms 2:00:26 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Oms gets a big hug from chloe__20_ <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 2:00:29 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: hey dont shit on the ikea desks 2:00:30 | jt2_3: Pressspanplatte bbe like 2:00:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: butt 2:00:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 2:00:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: bussy pics, basically 2:00:41 | (Prime Gaming) ellieMeeko: set countdoun lmao 2:00:41 | procdump: 2:00:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: !battlepass 2:00:43 | hahabgd: GayPride GayPride GayPride 2:00:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:00:44 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: dont shit on the linmon desks 2:00:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: YET 2:00:48 | mortelsson: YET 2:00:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: maybe we can set ! stream to do the countdown? 2:00:50 | (Prime Gaming) MiskatonicRich: maybe give us a preview 2:00:51 | frost177: What's in 23 hours? SabaPing SabaPing 2:00:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the starfish 2:00:52 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yet 2:00:54 | (Prime Gaming) ellieMeeko: battlepass countdown now 2:00:54 | daydreaminblue: YET 2:00:55 | Malvulgein: Hey Finn, been a while. Dunno why I'm checking in on you. Just checking up. Talk later? 2:00:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: My Grandpa built me a really nice oak desk and I love it 2:01:00 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: 2003 GMT? 2:01:00 | 99thking: The "mini me" if you will 2:01:00 | kattsuko_: Wait his OF is actually gonna have ...the bits?! I thought it was just gonna be teasing photoshoots 2:01:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: yet 2:01:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Wut 2:01:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: cardigans are comfy af tho. 2:01:03 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: What up @F1NN5TER ammoHey 2:01:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: !stream 2:01:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is live you dummy! 2:01:07 | AIRHydrant: hol up end of day tomorrow? 2:01:08 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: 23h till battle pass?? Brits have to wait till 8 tomorrow?? 2:01:09 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Has to be real wood or compressed/epoxied sawdust or it'll collapse. 2:01:10 | zeffiechu: power mode is sweet lolita coord 2:01:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Controversy ayo? 2:01:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 33 minutes left. 2:01:11 | Munchitus: We will look forward to it 2:01:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: drama POGGERS 2:01:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: more f1nn discourse, yay 2:01:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @kattsuko_, Not for a while. Probably bulge tho 2:01:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Drama Pog 2:01:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: what u lookin for ? 2:01:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Meh i get paid on Monday, it can wait SeemsGood 2:01:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: we can go dig 2:01:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 32minutes left 2:01:39 | (Watching without audio) Ember1379: !hug everyone 2:01:39 | AROYALMOON: oooh, maybe night club wear? Tight bodycon dress is top tier femboy fashion? 2:01:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: everyone gets a big hug from ember1379 <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 2:01:44 | Oliver_Blade_B3: I'd just like to say I'm wareing a light shirt so we match VvV 2:01:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Discussions get sent down very quickly 2:01:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: @johnkeiwo after stream set !stream to count down the battlepass? 2:01:47 | AROYALMOON: Strappy heels!~ 2:01:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reddit review; looking at top for the week. - 4390 2:01:47 | straaywixtraal: reddit :| 2:01:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Tuning it up 2:01:50 | braddle172: f1nnMakeupcheck 2:01:51 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: bimbo moment 2:01:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: nice 2:01:53 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: ears backwards 2:01:54 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) chickenjuice452: average redditor is femboy 2:01:55 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Yeah we noticed. 2:01:55 | JessicaFrances: finally caught a finn strim?! dcwanBdance dcwanBdance 2:01:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: awooga 2:01:56 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: beautiful as ever 2:01:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: So cute BegWan 2:01:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: take off the ears 2:01:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW MONKE brain 2:01:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat 2:02:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 2:02:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: sheesh 2:02:02 | beatle_88: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR 2:02:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Cute 2:02:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: HOT 2:02:03 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: anitaWink 2:02:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: GYATTT 2:02:06 | LumberLau: What time tomorrow? 2:02:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: Yep 2:02:07 | seikomonster85: Femboy seduction 2:02:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: OMG 2:02:08 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: love the choker and makeup @F1NN5TER f1nnHeart 2:02:08 | im_up_to_something: Oh you removing "no noods" 2:02:09 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: If only the ears didn't go on backwards. . . 2:02:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: gawd damn 2:02:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: Cutie 2:02:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: does that count towards the cute pose 2:02:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) blackghost32: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 2:02:11 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: straight fire 2:02:11 | r20mejia: cute 2:02:11 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 2:02:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: very cute 2:02:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RevenantShader: f1nnMakeupcheck 2:02:13 | (Prime Gaming) jmsGears1: Nooo it was a clip 2:02:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaKiss 2:02:13 | k4rakara: :pleading: 2:02:13 | (Prime Gaming) yukiheckit: Omfg yer so cute I caaaaant 2:02:14 | AROYALMOON: Your hair is so cute and fluffy!~ 2:02:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kreygasm 2:02:14 | jt2_3: 10/10 2:02:15 | Malvulgein: Sup Jude 2:02:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: The Thigh pic? 2:02:15 | aunalbrutal: Go on keep looking XD 2:02:15 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Quit Teasing! 2:02:15 | braddle172: Cute 2:02:17 | macswaggerpants: CAN YOU SAY GOALS?? 2:02:18 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: So cute 2:02:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxKiss 2:02:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: the hair rn 10/10 2:02:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnEmbarrassed 2:02:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No 2:02:23 | yani727: i can 2:02:24 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: messy hair is so cute on yoy 2:02:24 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Bimbo moment as always 2:02:24 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: no 2:02:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: no 2:02:25 | thecharlesthomas: You look like Belle Delphine here with the slightly messy hair. 2:02:26 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: so cute 2:02:26 | brasaboy: are you used chastity? q 2:02:26 | (Prime Gaming) LoadSmasher: wow 2:02:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Bimbo means dumb, manipulating us is smart LUL 2:02:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Yeahhh 2:02:27 | (Prime Gaming) vulfen2016: no 2:02:27 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: no 2:02:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: please 2:02:28 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Goddamn f1nnLaff 2:02:28 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Sees himself in the monitor. NARCISIST-much. - 4340 2:02:28 | Insomnia7177: you are transition goals TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 2:02:29 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: no 2:02:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: no 2:02:29 | G0BT: no 2:02:29 | 3DartBlade: You invoke things in me that I don't want evoked 2:02:29 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: There I followed on Twitch now. :) 2:02:29 | wilken_808: Do you have northern light in the uk atm? 2:02:29 | AROYALMOON: It's giving me Girl Next Door 2:02:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: No 2:02:31 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: not at all 2:02:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: The mean girl look 2:02:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: the worst she can say is no chat PepeHands 2:02:33 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: No 2:02:33 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: nope 2:02:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: the worst she can say is no chat PepeHands 2:02:34 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Talking down? 2:02:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: cookers in the chat rn 2:02:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) supernova197o: no 2:02:34 | bdx50: Yes 2:02:35 | 99thking: The slightly messy hair is pog 2:02:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Yes 2:02:40 | GodOfLambs: No 2:02:40 | wannabe7_11: TransgenderPride ;p 2:02:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Never 2:02:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) tallorangeone: good LORD man can you stop being distractingly hot for a second 2:02:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RevenantShader: yes sir 2:02:41 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: nah you would just beg to be railed KEKW 2:02:42 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: coomers in the chat rn 2:02:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lazy_lil_longhorn: The lil head tilt reminds me of a confused puppy 2:02:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: red devil izidWTF izidClap 2:02:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Down unlikely 2:02:52 | kaloianplayz: Tiho 2:02:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marpito14: harsh? 2:02:53 | arzi77perra: your lucky i have a crush on you. 2:02:53 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Have like a sneer on your face as you degrade chat 2:02:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: lord knows i'd smash 2:02:56 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: Stunlocked by his own beauty 2:02:59 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: KEKW 2:03:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: @certified_boylover cooker? Like a stove or oven? 2:03:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) brickwall35: Brat 2:03:00 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: "Maybe" not dom? 2:03:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: bratr 2:03:01 | Dhalsin: BRAT 2:03:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: If you used girl voice, you could READ DOWN guys and not get hit...because guys take shit from girls they wouldn't take from a guy 2:03:02 | pvnkbear: bratty? 2:03:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Like a dictator? 2:03:03 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: like " ewww, I wouldn't wear that " 2:03:03 | superdave9: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple 2:03:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: record store employee 2:03:03 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: F1nn, the "No nudes" thing removed story. 2:03:03 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 31 minutes left 2:03:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: Tsundere 2:03:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: bratty 2:03:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) serya_winters: Degrading??? 2:03:04 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: brat 2:03:04 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Could you do a mercy cosplay? 2:03:04 | Malvulgein: Finn can't dom, source trust me dude 2:03:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:03:06 | (Prime Gaming) Spryt_: cbt arc 2:03:07 | (Prime Gaming) Otsgekee: LUL 2:03:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) caustickiwii: It's resting bitch face 2:03:09 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: bratty 2:03:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Noice 2:03:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 2:03:10 | AROYALMOON: I can see you being cute and passive aggressive to the new kid in school 2:03:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: like " ewww, I wouldn't wear that " 2:03:11 | scorchyrr: Just channel your inner Cotton 2:03:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: aggressively bratty 2:03:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dafdeddog: why 20+ hours first starts in 3 hours? 2:03:15 | knockedout26: degradation 2:03:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Egg 2:03:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Oooh right LUL 2:03:16 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: Mean girl 2:03:16 | (Predicted Pink (2), 6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Loving the freshly frolliced hair 2:03:19 | kattsuko_: !donate 2:03:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 2:03:20 | (Predicted Blue (1)) barndecked: I really love your streams, they’re great background noise for drawing or games 2:03:20 | hazadooza: Slag? 2:03:22 | LucipurrCryz: power bottom flarevrParty 2:03:23 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Mean girl? 2:03:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: The pause....EGG 2:03:29 | AROYALMOON: Power Bottom 2:03:31 | thecharlesthomas: Being a bully, F1nn? 2:03:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I'm too strong for you for you dom me 2:03:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) barndecked: Degrading 2:03:35 | (Turbo) Falqun: power bottom about to brat 2:03:35 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: You got the just “woke up” hair 2:03:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: living in a lonely wooorld 2:03:37 | AROYALMOON: ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat 2:03:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @dafdeddog goes by local time innit 2:03:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: The chat is slower, both hands up! 2:03:39 | wilken_808: Hey finn. Do you have northern light in the uk tonight? 2:03:40 | (Prime Gaming) LeoDaFinchy: Avril Lavigne vibes 2:03:47 | ladyrxs: Nothing funnier than a bottom trying to degrade someone 2:03:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: then do it KEKW 2:03:52 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: You cannot 2:03:53 | G0rg0nMedusa: Yo 2:03:53 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: sub moment 2:03:56 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: lolno 2:03:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: What people say to you. 2:03:57 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Why chat so slow 2:03:58 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: The leggings are Pairadize Ultra Assthetic: https://pairadize.com/product/uap/?v=79cba1185463 2:03:59 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: thats not how it works 2:04:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Do a your mum joke 2:04:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnCope f1nnCope 2:04:03 | essasnozeslmao: Skill issue 2:04:04 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Gotta come from the heart 2:04:04 | kaloianplayz: How are you 2:04:05 | wannabe7_11: I love u 2:04:05 | im_up_to_something: Because your a bottom 2:04:07 | elbvv: LOL 2:04:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Gifter Leader 3) Helen_Croft: Goodnight @OmsX8O 2:04:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Say good girl 2:04:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: that's not how that works, 2:04:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) second_best_dad: You're so cute when you try to act dom 2:04:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: A Dom would know what to say @F1NN5TER 2:04:10 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 2:04:10 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: the bottom doesn't know what to say how cute 2:04:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: "Ugh, is that it?" 2:04:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I'm a stupid bimbo 2:04:13 | whelkier: looking cute Finn 2:04:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Basically a bottom 2:04:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: "please punish me" 2:04:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: cya OmsX8O 2:04:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: bottoms can't degrade L KEKW 2:04:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Asking to be told what to do f1nnCope 2:04:17 | 3DartBlade: Soup 2:04:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: "tell me what to say please" 2:04:18 | bloodheartpro: pretend youre yelling at a chaser 2:04:18 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: daria mode 2:04:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Poor little Subby Wubbby Princess hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott hrdndTrott 2:04:19 | LucipurrCryz: power bottom harlesSadcat 2:04:19 | procdump: Talk down to us, like you did to Alexa the other day! :-D 2:04:19 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Remember the stuff they say to you 2:04:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Dopey KEKW 2:04:20 | hazadooza: Tap into the bitch side 2:04:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Such a sub 2:04:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: "Your IQ is comparable to your shoe size." 2:04:21 | TacticalHardcore: stress i see 2:04:22 | 3DartBlade: Say soup 2:04:22 | (Listening only) Kron0_0: why the fuck do people keep saying egg? 2:04:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: have you ever watched GxAce on youtube?? great camera videos 2:04:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) maexl01: Domina f1nn 2:04:24 | schmaxine1024: sounds like something bottoms say 2:04:25 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: "both hands on the keyboard" but condescending 2:04:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I'm not a bottom is a classic bottom line 2:04:26 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Please say you're such a good girl. Now beg mommy. 2:04:26 | princess_morningstar: mkaychBootayyyy 2:04:27 | kaloianplayz: You have a hairy ass and balls 2:04:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: are you gonna put your hair up today 2:04:30 | seikomonster85: Hungry bottom 2:04:30 | elbvv: JUST SAY LOL 2:04:30 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: F1nn uis a sub so dont know how to dom 2:04:30 | judgedame: Talk shit. About the battle pass 2:04:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: The messy hair looks really cute 2:04:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Degrading is that even possible Rose? 2:04:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Ask Is it in yet? 2:04:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: A top doesn't struggle 2:04:33 | (Turbo) Falqun: hah, common bottom L 2:04:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: "tell me what to say, and I'll say it" bottom energy 2:04:34 | everix344: "Degenerate " 2:04:35 | Senevri: Pairadize? If they're the pair I found, that's some pricy stuff 2:04:35 | Why_I_ask: Def a bottom. 2:04:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I feel like I could degrade you but I can't think of something to say." LOL. Not a top. - 4400 2:04:39 | sinsaoirse: kinda dopey cute girl is my gender lmao 2:04:39 | stylerolson: FINNNNNNNNNNN 2:04:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: L 2:04:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Top of the pecking order, but you got there because you work hard, so you're nice to the new girl in school 2:04:39 | total_acidity: Fail 2:04:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Like the best girl 2:04:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: trying to make the voice deeper KEKW 2:04:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: real KEKW 2:04:43 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: KEKW 2:04:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: EGG 2:04:44 | phos4us_: sus 2:04:45 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: WE knew that 2:04:45 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) YumeNoZen: "It would be rude to degrade you, life already did that to you." 2:04:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: THOSE shoes with THAT shirt??? Side eye 2:04:45 | braddle172: KEKW 2:04:46 | bigsuave7: what 2:04:46 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: bruh 2:04:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 2:04:46 | chrisbeansbeans: @Kron0_0 egg is before u realize ur trans 2:04:47 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: agp!! 2:04:47 | princess_morningstar: lesbean 2:04:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: :p 2:04:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Philippovic98: KEKW 2:04:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: there it is 2:04:49 | VartIsTiredOfTwitch: LMFAOOO 2:04:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: sus 2:04:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Ayooo 2:04:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KNEW IT 2:04:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: to what a coincidence same 2:04:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: LUL 2:04:50 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: selfcest is bestcest 2:04:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: that's called narcisism KEKW 2:04:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: you look like someone id be into KEKW 2:04:51 | reesethereject: Emo for the win 2:04:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: wow 2:04:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: ?? 2:04:51 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 2:04:52 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: LUL makes sense tho 2:04:52 | Loelinverse: ayooo 2:04:52 | lilianneart: always good to be into yourself! 2:04:52 | bigsuave7: KappaPride TheIlluminati 2:04:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:04:52 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 2:04:53 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: selfcest 2:04:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 2:04:53 | AROYALMOON: "How does it feel to be a useless idiot, you dont even have the balls to be seen with me." 2:04:53 | 20holly20: Where to send the gf applications 2:04:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: E G G 2:04:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Ayo 2:04:55 | AROYALMOON: ?? 2:04:56 | KingofKupaKeep: Sub for himself 2:04:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: LuL 2:04:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Nahte_Skeem: hmmm is it lust or envy.... EGG 2:04:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Test word sub 2:04:57 | aunalbrutal: erhm we know you have said that before 2:04:57 | (Predicted Blue (1)) barndecked: It’s all about tone, not necessarily words 2:04:57 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: getting flashbacks to your daddy days 2:04:58 | TA00: thats the goal 2:04:58 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: LUL 2:04:58 | xXNeroZashiXx: vain 2:04:59 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: autogynephilia KEKW 2:04:59 | Munchitus: egg 2:05:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Do kitty cat eyes 2:05:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u were saying controversy ? 2:05:00 | LucipurrCryz: subby wubby UwU meowdaCollar lovely129Shy 2:05:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: selfcest core 2:05:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: you look like you would make fun of your male friends for having slept with more women that them 2:05:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: so a WOMAN 2:05:01 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: you sure it is just a joke? 2:05:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha was good 2:05:02 | TacticalHardcore: Try to open your eyes a little bit more 2:05:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Bottom Energy Rose Congrats! 2:05:02 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Confirmed. Into tops 2:05:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: AGP (not derogatory) 2:05:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Into yourself AYO??? 2:05:02 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u were saying controversy ? 2:05:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u were saying controversy ? 2:05:05 | (Listening only) Kron0_0: ahhh 2:05:05 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Bottom 2:05:06 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: finn is a lesbian omg 2:05:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Test word bottom 2:05:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Sybbing for himself 2:05:08 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: just truth 2:05:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Tharsis87: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 2:05:10 | cobalthyon: narcisism much? Kappa 2:05:10 | m4cintoshplus: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 2:05:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kilan2_2_2: Love yourself 2:05:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa 2:05:13 | 99thking: Finn you gotta tap into the bully mindset a bit mvpDerp 2:05:13 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) ZeroDOD: Is that his real hair 2:05:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: "Joke" 2:05:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: Pride300 What about loot box dlc for BP? like $X amount and you sign a random print of one of your photos and send it to them, and some stickers or something. 2:05:16 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) ZeroDOD: nephsySus 2:05:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Well hello Princess Narcissus 2:05:17 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Tikiray: You also look like someone I’d be into 2:05:19 | (Prime Gaming) AgonizedGrundle: into yourself? patrick bateman moment 2:05:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: How many hours until lift hours 2:05:22 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: Imaging chat you wake up looking cute like him :) 2:05:24 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: @ZeroDOD yes 2:05:24 | chilled_spice: I thought that was the goal? 2:05:25 | hkz321: Such a Lesbean 2:05:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I look like someone I'd be into" WE KNOW F1NN. WE KNOW. - 4390 2:05:27 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Oh the no nudes thing? 2:05:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) firedogd83: if you can't get a gf become a gf 2:05:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:05:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 2:05:35 | billionaire2900: Yo 2:05:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: any time anyone says AGP, I'm having violent thoughts. IT DOES NOT EXIST FFS. 2:05:36 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) ZeroDOD: general_of_cm he grew it out giga dedication PogU 2:05:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Reddit Profile thing 2:05:38 | AROYALMOON: ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry 2:05:41 | bigsuave7: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 2:05:43 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) IamUserLinux: lol 2:05:45 | whistle29: vvvIQ 2:05:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: We still can win the pool, take your time Rose 2:05:46 | ladyrxs: F1NN is his biggest simp 2:05:47 | bigsuave7: she's awesome 2:05:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: invadervie knew her audience 2:05:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Get job bazed 2:05:56 | toxitaku: I lovey ou 2:05:58 | MirrorsArePog: she degrades her viewers all stream 2:06:01 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: ur hotter than invadervie 2:06:02 | AROYALMOON: Make sure to Hydrate, Chat! Ya'll are THIRSTY! 2:06:06 | seikomonster85: Such a manly man 2:06:06 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Bad @yeomanjensen bad! 2:06:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: If you're going to block some terms, please give me some hint of what i can't say WutFace 2:06:11 | big_ballers457: Who wants to hear my MWII DMZ flex (Tis cool) 2:06:13 | KingofKupaKeep: Such a handsome chap 2:06:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), 3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: i used to watch Vi, you kind of remind me of her 2:06:15 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: @F1NN5TER have a good day. Just checking. 2:06:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unknqwnshepherd: Rea 2:06:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @vanimal2118 cyrXD 2:06:23 | gracesbeing: @AROYALMOON tysm bb 2:06:24 | kingblox1337: TakeNRG Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 GivePLZ 2:06:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: trust her bro 2:06:26 | allie420: i love that 2:06:27 | AROYALMOON: ofwildHydrate ofwildHydrate ofwildHydrate ofwildHydrate 2:06:29 | (Listening only) Kron0_0: lets hear girl voice 2:06:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unknqwnshepherd: Lurking while exp grinding on octopath 2 2:06:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I bet none of mods is going to pay for his OF 2:06:33 | whistle29: ur hotter than invadervie Jebasted 2:06:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: You'd make a killing sielling autographed prints though. 2:06:43 | bertju2004: cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty 2:06:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Loud mic be funny af 2:06:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: someone give him 1k quick 2:06:51 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: for $3?? 2:06:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 2:06:52 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) nerlaemi: Nighty night 2:06:56 | (Watching without audio) theofficialkylefox: Same for me too I'd never stream I finally catch how is everyone doing anyway and how are you doing 2:06:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: not for $3 KEKW 2:06:58 | (Prime Gaming) AgonizedGrundle: Cheer100 Cheer100 Damn homie what's ya pronouns 2:07:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: what 2:07:02 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: become american 2:07:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Destroy the british 2:07:05 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: british girls do exist 2:07:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: British twang? 2:07:07 | LOtiumduPeuple: ain't no girls in the uk 2:07:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Brum is impervious to change 2:07:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Become americub 2:07:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Lorelai_Di_Angelo: @AgonizedGrundle Yes 2:07:12 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Can you get back to the controversy? 2:07:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what 2:07:15 | JnkyrdWillie: bridish 2:07:15 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: jagwar will help you 2:07:16 | hazadooza: IT makes it better. 2:07:17 | GodOfLambs: U go valley girl huh 2:07:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Wat WutFace 2:07:19 | seikomonster85: British femboy 2:07:20 | Sempresolus: .....less then 24hrs 2:07:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: heat? 2:07:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wut 2:07:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) imkuro1: imkuro1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2:07:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: imkuro1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 2:07:24 | (Prime Gaming) Rainbow_Weapon: my fyp insisted i follow you missro30Saber 2:07:25 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: you just say the h softer 2:07:25 | (Prime Gaming) therealmcclain: f1nnEmbarrassed 2:07:25 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: WUT 2:07:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: wat 2:07:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Adorable? Don’t let the Gremlin Queen fool u Chat! 2:07:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Gotta drop the hard t's 2:07:27 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Wat 2:07:27 | frank_the_great: Whaaa? 2:07:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: just say pardon LUL 2:07:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u gotta had some sass to it 2:07:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: do it valley girl 2:07:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wat 2:07:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: whaaaa 2:07:32 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: just say u wot m8 2:07:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Make it a question, not a statement 2:07:33 | 99thking: You say it like "whet?" mvpDerp 2:07:33 | AROYALMOON: Whot?! 2:07:33 | (Prime Gaming) 0redzed0: wot 2:07:33 | (Prime Gaming) alf_g2001: WAH(luigi) 2:07:33 | lilianneart: wot mate 2:07:34 | Scrye_: watt 2:07:34 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: u wot m8 2:07:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: What 2:07:36 | anschofi: roight, love? 2:07:36 | (Prime Gaming) kira_plays_ff: Make it breathy 2:07:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) booberies1: watcher say 2:07:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: What are those 2:07:37 | the_nightshad3: Wut 2:07:37 | elginackbury: There are British girls 2:07:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) marpito14: jaguars definitely don't have that issue 2:07:38 | 3DartBlade: Try it 2:07:38 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: U wot fam? 2:07:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: WOT 2:07:40 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: ??? are you dumb 2:07:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: u WOT it's cuz it's a O sound 2:07:40 | LOtiumduPeuple: watt 2:07:40 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: Like this "what" 2:07:41 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: you wot mate? 2:07:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: U Wot m8 2:07:43 | (Subscriber) loganm46939: u wut mate 2:07:43 | reesethereject: Wot 2:07:43 | (Subscriber) nosemar: thats cause What is rude. try pardon 2:07:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says his Bri'ish accent is affecting his Girl Voice. - 4530 2:07:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Phrase it as "like, what?" KEKW 2:07:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Upward inflection at the end of the word 2:07:46 | ghgnico: Can you speack German ? 2:07:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Make more breathy 2:07:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: No British person sounds feminine saying what. Not one 2:07:48 | everix344: Go up at the end 2:07:48 | (VIP, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) PeachJars: PeachJars subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months! early congrats for tomorrow 2:07:49 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: peachjars subscribed to f1nn5ter for 28 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:07:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Go up forehead LUL 2:07:50 | celestialmugshot: Drag the aaaaa 2:07:50 | Scrye_: u wat geez 2:07:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Me saying huh?? 2:07:51 | LegAbuse: Shania Twain what? 2:07:52 | NicoFalse: How’d your date go? Big strong man sweep you off your feet? 2:07:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: become david tennant and say wot several times 2:07:53 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: girl it's really not that hard 2:07:54 | (Prime Gaming) sundancecasidy: get it like watt finn 2:07:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: hey peach ! 2:07:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: It's more an "ah" than an "uh" 2:07:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: If you say it correctly. It isnt 2:07:56 | TanksyPlays: wow something im better than f1nnster at, sounding like a girl~ 2:07:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: "wh" is breathy and "ah" you have to go up in pitch a little bit 2:07:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wut 2:07:57 | mobaChaos: just moan half way through saying what. like kyadee did when chat asked if they used lights on or lights off. 2:07:58 | Kolateak_: Then don't go uh, go ah 2:07:59 | knockedout26: raise the pitch at the end 2:08:00 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Not wud, watt 2:08:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: can't say H w a t, damn auto-correct 2:08:01 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: you just need a voice trainer who's english 2:08:02 | (cheer 100) AgonizedGrundle: whot 2:08:03 | hazadooza: Elongate the uuuuu lightly 2:08:04 | frost177: 2:08:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Try to roll your R 2:08:06 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, Good evening Peach 2:08:06 | CricketsGaming: bring your voice up like a question? 2:08:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 2:08:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: Say “Pardon” if it is just the question “What?” 2:08:11 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: What was that controversy with the description? 2:08:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: meh as long as "thank you daddy" sounds fem enough I am good 2:08:15 | frank_the_great: You can kinda moanish with the u to make it fem 2:08:15 | cattranomicatt: thinks of sailor moon's cat luna and thinks wtf!? 2:08:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) denimgremlin420: Pardon? 2:08:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: USE UPWARD INFLECTION AT THE END OF "What" 2:08:18 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TrainedAttackSpork: Why 8:03pm? Lmao 2:08:19 | (Watching without audio) WheezingKettle: whats tomorrow? 2:08:20 | the_chair_enthusiast: raise the pitch of A near the end 2:08:20 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, we saw you bigging Finn up to Mizkif 2:08:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: The battlepass DM when you subscribe is amazingly femme 2:08:21 | (Listening only) naughtius_maximus: Top 2% 2:08:21 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: f1nnHeart 2:08:22 | NicoFalse: What goes live tomorrow? 2:08:22 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: just say what with an "a" not an "o" 2:08:22 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) bernardabis: WUt 2:08:26 | chaery2: just say hm? 2:08:28 | ladyrxs: Somebody clip the sounds and make a compilation 2:08:28 | Sempresolus: About to be super rich 2:08:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: wow 2:08:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: i think the h is more airy and a very u 2:08:31 | (Prime Gaming) KingSmirky99: what the heck 2:08:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: worrunS 2:08:31 | (Prime Gaming) SirFuente: Hi 2:08:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 2:08:32 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: holy shit LUL 2:08:33 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: LUL 2:08:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @WheezingKettle 3/1/23 2:08:33 | (Prime Gaming) 0redzed0: just talk like Billie Piper, how hard could it be 2:08:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Maybe switch words out, use "huh?" Instead of what. Changes from a down note to an up ote ending 2:08:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: i said what i said 2:08:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hwat? 2:08:35 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: HUH 2:08:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Finn try to roll your R 2:08:35 | (Prime Gaming) Drag0nex_: is that a lot? 2:08:35 | frank_the_great: Pog 2:08:36 | LOtiumduPeuple: @WheezingKettle official release of the battlepass 2:08:36 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: LUL 2:08:37 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: kekw 2:08:37 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: hehe 2:08:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: WTF 2:08:38 | braddle172: Nice 2:08:38 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) lastofusspoil: i never subbed to an OF in my life. you broke me 2:08:38 | (Prime Gaming) Sketchypeepo: battlepass hype 2:08:39 | (VIP, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) PeachJars: @Stovamor LOL 2:08:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: gg 2:08:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Speedrun 0.1% 2:08:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP PeachJars in Chat. Hi, - 4580 2:08:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: People getting rizzed BegWan 2:08:40 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Casual grand 2:08:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: lolllll 2:08:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Damn 2:08:43 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) AFKJG: @F1NN5TER how many we at? 2:08:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) gaminated_idk: wtf 2:08:43 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: MONEY GO BUR 2:08:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: based 2:08:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you are the .01% 2:08:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: That is going fast... 2:08:44 | everix344: Make your pitch/infliction go up at the end of the word or sentence 2:08:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: You use a harder "UH" for whut. Try a soft "ah" like in water 2:08:44 | tha_queen262: I thought this was a girl 2:08:45 | whistle29: Gg 2:08:45 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: good on you 2:08:45 | AROYALMOON: Valley girl accente letsgooo!~ 2:08:46 | (Prime Gaming) rkanjl: Slow the 'what' down 2:08:46 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) comradeglimmer: comradeglimmer subscribed with Prime. 2:08:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: comradeglimmer subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang comradeglimmer f1nnLezgang 2:08:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Well then, Clap 2:08:48 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: gg 2:08:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: MONEY GOES BRRRRRRR 2:08:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP PeachJars in Chat. Hi, @PeachJars - 4580 2:08:50 | sasuke_csa: gg 2:08:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: @nicofalse battlepass 2:08:50 | (Prime Gaming) JustPixeled: We need to make it 2 subs an hour 2:08:51 | TrueMezzo: just listen to UK radio for like 10 mins they will say what 2:08:52 | im_up_to_something: They thirsty 2:08:53 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: how many subs we at now 2:08:54 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: haiii peach 2:08:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: I am gonna sub of course, I'm just waiting until tonight or tomorrow morning 2:09:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Just 1 / minute? 2:09:00 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, his reaction was hillarious 2:09:00 | magma0981: Dang, that's like... at least 4 subscribers 2:09:00 | LegAbuse: What’s the farthest you’ll go on of 2:09:01 | Morgan_the_Fae: zozohoHELLO 2:09:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin 2:09:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: that's a whole lotta money 2:09:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: DO IT 2:09:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: 20*60=1200/hour, not bad 2:09:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Subscriptions go BBBRRR 2:09:04 | (VIP, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) PeachJars: hi chat 2:09:04 | (Prime Gaming) Zagno_32: oh my 2:09:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidPog 2:09:08 | Kolateak_: Bro's gonna be top 0.1% 2:09:09 | (Watching without audio) theofficialkylefox: Has anyone been playing any good video games recently I have to say for me I'm playing big town of atomic heart and it's absolutely fantastic I highly recommend it 2:09:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Good point, get drunk 2:09:11 | Sempresolus: How many subs 2:09:11 | (VIP, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) PeachJars: @Stovamor whose? 2:09:11 | (cheer 1) dcheeks: dcheeks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! Everybody make sure you hydrate a lot tomorrow 2:09:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dcheeks subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:09:12 | gawfnaut: do iiiit 2:09:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @PeachJars Hello 2:09:13 | AROYALMOON: @im_up_to_something Hydrate for the thirst!~ ofwildHydrate ofwildHydrate ofwildHydrate 2:09:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxVerypog 2:09:14 | knockedout26: hi peach!! 2:09:17 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) melan_choly22: MY PHONE DIED MY FEMBUCKS 2:09:19 | ladyrxs: Get that bag princess 2:09:20 | (Prime Gaming) KingSmirky99: do a peach voice from smash bros 2:09:21 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, Miz's and then Finn's to Miz 2:09:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: YAM HOURS 2:09:23 | 99thking: So Finn you gonna make the other battle pass too? The other fan thing 2020Suspicious 2:09:23 | (Prime Gaming) Otsgekee: wada 2:09:27 | (Prime Gaming) hu_mon: downplay the U and play up the "wh" like an overpronounced "whi" in whisper. High pitch after the "wh" 2:09:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: America, fuck yeah 2:09:28 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he's had 1 sub/min on the BP 2:09:28 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: I cancelled my WOW sub for this, sacrifices had to be made 2:09:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: at that rate youve made 2500$ since you started stream 2:09:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Never heard it even when you were drunk enough to admit being a sub LUL 2:09:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wotog 2:09:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he's had 1 sub/min on the BP. - 4620 2:09:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: can you roll your r's 2:09:36 | (VIP, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) PeachJars: do you have link for Finn reaction im so curious @Stovamor 2:09:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 2:09:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:09:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 2:09:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:09:41 | (cheer 100) AgonizedGrundle: feller 2:09:41 | seikomonster85: Femboy feller 2:09:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Jack 2:09:43 | sr_irl: over pronouncing r's lol 2:09:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Drunk Rose = wholesome Rose 2:09:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Like country accent 2:09:47 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, let me grab the time code 2:09:49 | (Prime Gaming) ndevao: AYO 2:09:49 | LegAbuse: “AMERICANISMS” lmao 2:09:50 | RakkyoBobcat: KKona Clap 2:09:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: KKona 2:09:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Sound wrong 2:09:52 | TanksyPlays: @F1NN5TER Americans changed the way i pronounce Mum to Mom 2:09:52 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: @clulabell what 2:09:54 | (Prime Gaming) xaronax: How I get dat shirt? 2:09:54 | sr_irl: try rolling an r like a mexican 2:09:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:09:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:09:56 | (VIP, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) PeachJars: I gotchu 2:09:59 | FeK_Gaming: the onlyFinns will break the internet harder the belle delphine did. We are all excited for our favorite manly girl. 2:10:00 | arzi77perra: can i subscribe to you. 2:10:01 | (cheer 100) AgonizedGrundle: KKona merica 2:10:01 | (Prime Gaming) 4verageg4m3r: 4verageg4m3r subscribed with Prime. 2:10:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: 4verageg4m3r subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang 4verageg4m3r f1nnLezgang 2:10:01 | 99thking: Ello there peach btw 2:10:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: They're so cute though 2:10:04 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: 26 minutes till I go bankrupt 2:10:07 | cherrithefruity: Cheer200 Hello I just wanna say you look amazing! My doggo is watching with me too! Also I want to become a streamer any tips?? 2:10:08 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: @xaronax hot topic 2:10:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxTalk minxTalk minxTalk 2:10:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER time for Black dress ? :) 2:10:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: uwu 2:10:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: DRINK WATER 2:10:18 | (Prime Gaming) ndevao: show the clip 2:10:20 | whistle29: Do a ft with Miz Kappa 2:10:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: oh my god ? What's up ? 2:10:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: John reminds you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:10:20 | emmalou8383: omg 2:10:20 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: symphony of death 2:10:21 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Hey babe~ 2:10:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Hello Peach! 2:10:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: John reminds you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:10:24 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: u r a girly thing 2:10:28 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: .... 2:10:28 | phos4us_: "hey, how's it goin?" 2:10:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: yes 2:10:29 | (Prime Gaming) xaronax: @hyperjackaboy Ye but my mall closed 10 years ago :( 2:10:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Miz was like" he's gonna make hella money" 2:10:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Hi sisters LUL 2:10:31 | strawberri_dust: yup finn is starting to not wanting to do deep masculine voices now, the march of a blind eye continues. 2:10:31 | l3laz3de: y u so fucking ugly bro? 2:10:31 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: I'm wearing that same choker rn lol 2:10:33 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: f1nn5ter do you urironically drink luke warm sodas over there?? 2:10:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro... 2:10:37 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Heyyy sisters 2:10:38 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: howr you 2:10:39 | (Prime Gaming) tbaccata: tbaccata subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Cowabunga!!! 2:10:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: tbaccata subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU 2:10:41 | (Prime Gaming) Firedell_10: He always does his "Hey, wassup?" and "You're adorable" 2:10:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: adorbs 2:10:43 | sr_irl: try to roll an r like a mexican? 2:10:45 | the_nightshad3: Y u so fuckin ugly bro 2:10:47 | AROYALMOON: "Omg you're totally adorable." 2:10:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: "What! Is that MELODY?!" 2:10:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Wine is better than nothing but worse than water 2:10:48 | Paahtsu: we really cant get an uwu tho? 2:10:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: OMG Chat (Natt saying) 2:10:52 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: “Why you so effing ugly”-Natt 2:10:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: "you have a small pp" os something girls say a lot to me at least 2:10:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Have you ever tried doing a low husky southern woman voice? 2:10:54 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: @xaronax they have a website hun, they have a sale rn too XD 2:10:54 | kaloianplayz: How much will the battlepass be? 2:10:55 | emmalou8383: adorable?.... so does CottonTail 2:10:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wat 2:10:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Whaaaaaat 2:10:59 | LegAbuse: He uses feminism phrases. 2:11:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That was good 2:11:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: That was it!!! 2:11:01 | a_rocky_penguine: wot 2:11:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hwat? 2:11:05 | Sempresolus: 200000000 2:11:06 | drunkpenguin11: But Natt is American, so his accent is different 2:11:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Bit donation has to be at least 300 to be read aloud 2:11:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: "Why you so fooking ugly bro" 2:11:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: The American was good!!! 2:11:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: do you not hear british women speak 2:11:10 | LegAbuse: Feminine *** phrases 2:11:12 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: @kaloianplayz 20 dollars 2:11:13 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Works though 2:11:14 | (cheer 100) AgonizedGrundle: I tell ya HWAT boi 2:11:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: HWHAT KKona 2:11:14 | (Prime Gaming) evilpooky: f1nnGross 2:11:14 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) IamUserLinux: !discord 2:11:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Say it in Spanish Que?? 2:11:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 2:11:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Woht? 2:11:16 | m4cintoshplus: wot 2:11:17 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: "you're so sweet " in the girl voice 2:11:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Pronounce the T 2:11:18 | RakkyoBobcat: wah 2:11:19 | nxtgenboy272: Woman or man? Im confused 2:11:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: More breathy 2:11:21 | knockedout26: that was better 2:11:21 | elbvv: With German accent 2:11:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Waluigi 2:11:22 | Senevri: I wanted to see if I could get a carton of riesling, but I forgot. 2:11:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Waaaaario 2:11:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: WAH 2:11:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: just saw “wha” in the fem voice 2:11:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: That was goood 2:11:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: your american is fem 2:11:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: wahter 2:11:24 | chaery2: jus say hm? 2:11:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: "What are you doing step chat?" 2:11:25 | 1tangomango1: waluigi KEKW 2:11:26 | bigsuave7: you just did it 2:11:26 | (Prime Gaming) Lackerst: American Hwat is very midwestern way to do it 2:11:26 | (Predicted Blue (1), Sub Gifter) domin_no_way: if watch Natt play val he has to say "you're better" a lot LuL 2:11:28 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Woaht? maybe 2:11:28 | whistle29: Lol 2:11:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: americans sound like waluigi 2:11:30 | (Predicted Blue (1)) general_of_cm: Waluigi 2:11:31 | LucipurrCryz: wyat liruneExciteShake 2:11:31 | bArb_ariann: Waluigi 2:11:32 | (Prime Gaming) deianwjones: Cool Whip 2:11:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DavikGaming: what in tarnation 2:11:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Waaaaaaluigi time 2:11:33 | (Prime Gaming) leothatemo: Nooooo 2:11:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: We ARE NOT DUCKS 2:11:35 | Kolateak_: WT 2:11:35 | the_nightshad3: Whaaaa 2:11:35 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: waluigi 2:11:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: xQc "Whhaaahhhttt!!!!!!!" 2:11:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: HWITE KKona 2:11:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: LOL 2:11:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: ain't no such thing as 'american accent' I believe 2:11:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: gggggggggggggghwat 2:11:40 | (Predicted Pink (2), cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: We do not talk like that 2:11:40 | beatle_88: LUL LUL 2:11:41 | nightwolf4476: Cotton got to Natt also 2:11:42 | patmus: sarueiWah 2:11:43 | (cheer 100) AgonizedGrundle: KEKW that feller was SOLID 2:11:43 | AROYALMOON: "I can't believe she said that, can you totally believe that? What does that even mean?" 2:11:44 | Paahtsu: whaaah 2:11:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Literal Yam 2:11:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: FellaR 2:11:45 | AIRHydrant: that sounds like white feller lol 2:11:46 | (Prime Gaming) Panhead1010: I'll tell you hwhat 2:11:48 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, Found it finally - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1748010438?t=3h28m28s 2:11:48 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:11:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: black country isn't birmingham 2:11:49 | everix344: Make the infliction go UP at the end 2:11:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) MajesticFvckingEagle: Natt phrase: "Omg so it starts here, okay? And like it goes 10 9 8 7 6 5 —oh my god, hiiii sisters!—4 3 2 1 0" 2:11:50 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Waluigi OMEGALUL chat 2:11:50 | harokaa: LUL 2:11:50 | knockedout26: HWAT IN TARNATION 2:11:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Waluigis? 2:11:51 | (Turbo) sipikay: ha-whachtcha say there 2:11:52 | therealjerma986: f e m b o y ? 2:11:52 | (Prime Gaming) DarkWonka: British cowboy 2:11:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Gotta copy the Southern Belles and not Texan men 2:11:55 | 3DartBlade: WWAAARRRIIIOOO 2:11:55 | LOtiumduPeuple: wario sound 2:11:56 | elginackbury: John Wayne we got here 2:11:58 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: WAAAAAAA Xd 2:11:58 | (Prime Gaming) hydemaintenanceman: Wha yee sa 2:11:58 | deepfriedlettuce: cool hwip 2:12:00 | 99thking: Yeehaw feller hwat ya got? 2:12:03 | emmalou8383: "is yooou alllroight" 2:12:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER Black dress today ? or only cozy chill stream ? 2:12:03 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: WAAA 2:12:04 | actuallynothingnobody: WAluigi 2:12:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: unlike the brits who have no accent KEKW 2:12:08 | patmus: sarueiWah sarueiWah sarueiWah sarueiWah 2:12:08 | heyyatomix: !donate 2:12:08 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 2:12:09 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: LAG 2:12:09 | prodigalchicken: crewd LUL 2:12:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:12:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Just a bunch of waluigis without overalls KEKW 2:12:12 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: it's wut not wot I think 2:12:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: KEKW 2:12:14 | yobooboo: DoritosChip DoritosChip 2:12:14 | im_up_to_something: Americans have several accents 2:12:15 | Lia_the_Shy: have a good rest of stream! ^~^ ~ <3 2:12:16 | l3laz3de: and annoying 2:12:16 | seikomonster85: Merica 2:12:17 | (Prime Gaming) Lackerst: look man there's quiet americans you just dont notice em ey 2:12:17 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: oh the fact that americans don't just do that accent for TV is??? like they do it all the time? 2:12:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: americans sound like lovable morons 2:12:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Americans are real life???? 2:12:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Would be even be able to understand a Black Country accent? 2:12:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: A guy from the black country used to deliver to my old work and I literally could understand him 2:12:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: now then 2:12:22 | AROYALMOON: I noticed alot of Americans will say "Like, What, Um, So, Totally, Ya'll, Hun. Ect" 2:12:25 | (Prime Gaming) levitating_ace: they gotta be heard over the guns 2:12:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: *couldnt 2:12:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: monkaS yes I'm ok 2:12:28 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: why don't americans just talk normal when not on TV 2:12:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: There are many American accents F1nn 2:12:30 | vanillacoffeeandbooks: Yeah 2:12:31 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Jeet? 2:12:32 | (Prime Gaming) SmileyESL: aight 2:12:32 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: yite? 2:12:33 | (cheer 100) AgonizedGrundle: there is no one american accent like there is no one british accent 2:12:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: "aight" is southern US slang too 2:12:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Alrite? 2:12:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: can you do Australian? 2:12:35 | nightwolf4476: y'all 2:12:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: I remember as a Canadian when I visited England & they kept on wanting us to say “ about”lmao 2:12:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Aight 2:12:38 | leo_g_luna: How many accents can you do? 2:12:38 | (Prime Gaming) Bulldog85043: Is there a link to your battlepass? 2:12:38 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yeehaw and cheeseburger 2:12:40 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: same with british accents, they sound so strange in person 2:12:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT?!?!!? WHO'S LOUD?!?!?! 2:12:41 | r20mejia: am I the only American here 2:12:43 | (Prime Gaming) JustPixeled: @pywg Finnster is just a femboy, a straight male 2:12:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: yaight? 2:12:44 | wolfie464: Honestly thought this was a girl.... 2:12:45 | elbvv: Yaight 2:12:45 | arzi77perra: why is it 5.99 to subscribe? 2:12:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: (Did you eat) je'et? 2:12:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: Gollly 2:12:49 | seikomonster85: I never say yall 2:12:50 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @r20mejia No lmao 2:12:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: do a welsh accent 2:12:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Hun 2:12:51 | LegAbuse: Yeah I guess all of us Americans are loud pieces of shit lmao 2:12:51 | (GLHF Pledge) Truiser: @Bulldog85043 its just /F1NN5TER 2:12:52 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: “igh” southern hood accent 2:12:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Aight? 2:12:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Sass ! 2:12:56 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: WELL AT LEAST AAAA SHKEWLLLLS 2:12:57 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Y'all gives me the ick 2:12:58 | nightwolf4476: no I'm American also 2:13:01 | emmalou8383: @maci_426 blame southpark for that 2:13:03 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PeachJars, Found it finally - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1748010438?t=3h28m28s 2:13:03 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Bless your heart. 2:13:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Sassy 2:13:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: go get dressed 2:13:05 | JonasL19: Hello there. 2:13:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @bluj40, KEKW 2:13:07 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: Lucridis wtf yall on about LUL 2:13:09 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: I’m not loud! (Only when I want to be loud) 2:13:09 | 99thking: The fucken like 18 different types of "y'all" too mvpDerp 2:13:11 | (Prime Gaming) hydemaintenanceman: Yual tuk fune 2:13:12 | (GLHF Pledge) TheSheldonGames: You're so cute! 2:13:16 | jamboney145: Ayup how at alright 2:13:17 | the_nightshad3: Americans say dude a lot no matter who you are 2:13:17 | elginackbury: You oal wroight 2:13:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:13:18 | (Turbo) sipikay: southern passive aggressiveness 2:13:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Where I'm from, I've had waitresses say hun. 2:13:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: @emmalou8383 I know - _ - 2:13:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: John reminds you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:13:22 | princess_morningstar: plenty of southerners in the states say hon positively. It's definitely a thing on the internet to do it in arguments tho 2:13:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: John reminds you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:13:25 | xxzxmxbxx: Old black lady in a waffle house saying hun is the best 2:13:26 | spyrothedragon0_: I figured 2:13:26 | Kolateak_: KEKW 2:13:26 | (Prime Gaming) Bulldog85043: @Bulldog85043 Is this on OF? 2:13:28 | Asles: You alright, my little french fry? 2:13:29 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: yup 2:13:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's the boris johnson voice 2:13:32 | leo_g_luna: Yooo how many accents can you do? 2:13:32 | Y0rk5h1r3: Ogryn Accent LUL 2:13:33 | AROYALMOON: @YumeNoZen Bless Your Heart, is MAJOR in the South, OMG yessssss 2:13:33 | (Prime Gaming) Thegurkburken: da orky one 2:13:33 | (Prime Gaming) Panhead1010: Inserts acid attacks 2:13:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @johnkeiwo The bimbo won't remember lol 2:13:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !socials 2:13:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 2:13:38 | kaloianplayz: Ho 2:13:40 | spyrothedragon0_: Out how to separate you you fucking dragon 2:13:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: jock accent 2:13:41 | (Subscriber) fluffwinkle: my partners home from work so it’s movie time! Bye Finn have a good day! 2:13:41 | hazadooza: Sweetheart sounds nice in a southern accent 2:13:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !socials 2:13:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 2:13:43 | (GLHF Pledge) Truiser: @Bulldog85043 yes 2:13:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @arzi77perra That's the price in general wdym 2:13:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Ogryn XD 2:13:44 | leo_g_luna: How many accents can you do? 2:13:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:13:47 | spyrothedragon0_: Haaaaa 2:13:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Michael Caine izidPog 2:13:50 | arzi77perra: not all americans are hicks 2:13:51 | spyrothedragon0_: You stupid mf 2:13:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: "well guys we did it..." 2:13:51 | FeK_Gaming: noting better than an older black lady calling you SUGGA in the south! 2:13:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ricebowl75: Mary poppins accent 2:13:53 | spyrothedragon0_: Dragon 2:13:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Aussie accent 2:13:55 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: twenty minutes left 2:13:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you are 2:13:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: jeez… F1nn accents are terrible KEKW 2:13:59 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I remind you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:14:00 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: Says Birmingham chrKnife 2:14:02 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Bless your Heart in full southern. 2:14:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: John reminds you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:14:07 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: john ignored PepeHands 2:14:08 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Trying to keep F1nn on topic is a job I don't want 2:14:09 | knockedout26: @FeK_Gaming REAL 2:14:09 | leo_g_luna: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 2:14:10 | Senevri: hwuot? 2:14:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: ADHD moment 2:14:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: John reminds you that you wanted to talk about the controversy of changing the Battlepass description :) 2:14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 2:14:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I think nate just likes calling you adorbs 2:14:12 | (Predicted Blue (1), Sub Gifter) domin_no_way: Natt says "you're better" because he's not great at val LuL 2:14:14 | AROYALMOON: Stwe-pid 2:14:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i'm trying so hard :') 2:14:15 | braddle172: Battlepass bio story 2:14:17 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: You took "No nudes" out and people were like WOAH 2:14:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: rz_ripper subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! apparently iv been subbed for 3onths i didnt know this until now 2:14:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: rz_ripper subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 2:14:25 | leo_g_luna: <3 How many accents can you do? <3 2:14:25 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: he noticed rooPog 2:14:26 | LOtiumduPeuple: You should do a play like philo on the of 2:14:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PepeHands 2:14:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: John getting walled KEKW 2:14:31 | AROYALMOON: St-uwu-ped 2:14:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Rejected lol 2:14:32 | WaffletheMan101: you never finished the drama story about you updating your profile too often 2:14:33 | the_nightshad3: Natt also says “why you so ugly bro” 2:14:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Rheumour: Natt does "Hi, how are you?" Alot 2:14:42 | frost177: 2:14:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: he gets side tracked so much ! 2:14:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Been talking about accents, focus on American accents. - 4530 2:14:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: hmm 2:14:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Noods 2:14:50 | nightwolf4476: Wanna see Rose blush, talk about Cotton 2:14:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Tangent much? 2:14:54 | saken_412: F1nn yes, I’m a lesbian and you’re super fucking hot 2:14:58 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:15:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: downbad 2:15:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: My F5 key is fading 2:15:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: people want it very bad 2:15:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:15:05 | (GLHF Pledge) Truiser: countdown till battlepass needed fr 2:15:12 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 2:15:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:15:13 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: Nineteen minutes left 2:15:14 | LOtiumduPeuple: you've got stalkers level fans 2:15:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 2:15:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:15:19 | elginackbury: Just picture Sophie turner saying it and say it like her 2:15:21 | seikomonster85: Battlepass time 2:15:22 | procdump: We have scripts going F5 every 30 seconds 2:15:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: The degen ? No way 2:15:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: just melted plastic 2:15:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Goal in life is making finn blush without mentioning cotton 2:15:27 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: No noodles :( tragic 2:15:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: refresh? wget in a Cron job 2:15:28 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) BenjaminKayEight: @nightwolf4476 cottontailWIDE 2:15:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: F5 go BBRRR 2:15:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: @saken_412 There's a lot of mutable sexuality around here. 2:15:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: those are not fans 2:15:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: DjKittaGaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months yay, another month closer to bankruptcy! 2:15:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: djkittagaming subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:15:39 | (Turbo) Dee_Tee_See: chibidokiNOTED chibidokiNOTED chibidokiNOTED 2:15:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: Is 2003 gmt 8:03 pm...? 2:15:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: on battlepass u mean :) 2:15:43 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 2:15:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Fans 2:15:45 | phos4us_: "fan" is weird 2:15:46 | leo_g_luna: <3 yooo how many accents can you do? <3 2:15:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 2:15:47 | afroshino30: Yes 2:15:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Cotton says she's got a stalker unfortunately ScaredyCat 2:15:49 | ash_nate_no_gender: Californians have an accent of blondes but it easily to change accents in 2 months 2:15:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Finally talking about how he's his change to his BP profile became a thing in the Reddit 2:15:54 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: Fans feels so much colder and less personal 2:15:56 | AROYALMOON: F1NN5tER Fawns 2:15:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Finally talking about how he's his change to his BP profile became a thing in the Reddit. - 4480 2:15:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: LUL 2:16:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: BATTLE PASS 2:16:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !keyboard 2:16:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has a new GMMK Pro keyboard from Glorious Gaming. Get your Glorious gear with 10% discount code F1NN at checkout! https://www.gloriousgaming.com/discount/F1nn 2:16:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo POG? 2:16:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !keyboard 2:16:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has a new GMMK Pro keyboard from Glorious Gaming. Get your Glorious gear with 10% discount code F1NN at checkout! https://www.gloriousgaming.com/discount/F1nn 2:16:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: I'm not a F1nn fan. He kinda sucks. 2:16:13 | (GLHF Pledge) ruslanrustemzade: smash 2:16:14 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: We’ll be the battlepass holders 2:16:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: BP with no content and most subs sounds about right 2:16:17 | AROYALMOON: Fawns instead of Fans cus we're all fawning over you 2:16:17 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: yo 2:16:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: how many seasons of battlepass will there be 2:16:26 | YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Give if a few ... nm 2:16:26 | BIGBENMK: @ash_nate_no_gender thats the gentrified parts , california has a few accents regionally 2:16:27 | loograt: Are you beating markiplier? 2:16:27 | vanimal2118: Bankruptcy LOL 2:16:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Smashing 2:16:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @amoyamoyamoya Technically blows Kappa 2:16:33 | AROYALMOON: and it's cute, cus back in the 70's, lesbians who only kissed and held hands were called Fawns. 2:16:33 | (Prime Gaming) IAm_Maxinne: !mouse 2:16:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: posh brummy 2:16:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we posh 2:16:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: You know what to do chat 2:16:39 | (GLHF Pledge) Truiser: INFINITE POG 2:16:40 | nightwolf4476: F1NN can't wait to get to Twitchcon and arm wrestle to Cotton so he can lose 2:16:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: would be funny 2:16:46 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: !of 2:16:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:16:47 | 99thking: At least 30 guys subbed 2:16:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Emmy64_, 2:16:49 | AROYALMOON: we posh, even us americans LOL 2:16:55 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: should get Belle to participate 2:16:56 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Lmao 2:16:57 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Nah we need consistent content 2:16:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) colorado14986: 55? 2:17:00 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: OnlyFinns Phase 3 2:17:01 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: People are paying monthly 2:17:01 | braddle172: Chapter 2 2:17:03 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: yeah. more skin 2:17:03 | usr5540: <3 <3 <3 <3 2:17:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Wants to break record for more subs without content. - 4480 2:17:04 | FFanatic: F1nn's battlepass really fell off after the 3rd season Kappa 2:17:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: emblems? 2:17:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Fortnite battle pass KEKW 2:17:05 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: monthly posts? what? 2:17:05 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: new skins 2:17:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: New characters Kappa 2:17:06 | procdump: "skin", hmmmm 2:17:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: year = chapter 2:17:06 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @amoyamoyamoya mkoAyaya 2:17:07 | yourfavniko: belle Delphine?! 2:17:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: what do we get for season 69? 2:17:08 | (GLHF Pledge) Truiser: gameplay changes and hotfixes when????? 2:17:09 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Belle collab 2:17:09 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: New skins KEKW 2:17:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) Byconite: whats the looooore 2:17:10 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: NEW CHARACTERS? PogChamp 2:17:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Tharsis87: @nightwolf4476 so true 2:17:10 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 2:17:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: New bussy skin 2:17:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO??? 2:17:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: new attachments 2:17:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: And emotes? 2:17:15 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: new characters and mechanics? O.o 2:17:16 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber, Listening only) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER new attachments 2:17:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: What will the first patch be? 2:17:17 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: New equipment…? 2:17:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: how to level up battlepass 2:17:19 | mr_girbraltar: Travis scott? 2:17:19 | 99thking: Season 69 finally posting nudes mvpDerp 2:17:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: F1nn dating novel simulator type thing. 2:17:20 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: seventeen minutes left 2:17:21 | (Prime Gaming) deianwjones: spin-offs? 2:17:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) firedogd83: new emotes 2:17:23 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: f1nn bussy 2:17:25 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: New chapters every year 2:17:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: New emotes LUL 2:17:27 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: Every year is a new chapter. So chapter 1 season 1 2:17:29 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:17:31 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: Big Bob Velma will make an appearance 2:17:31 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: We need plug-in mods. As it were. 2:17:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: new bussy mechanic unlocked 2:17:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: Confirmed?!?!?!? 2:17:32 | bArb_ariann: New attachments fucking kek 2:17:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: People want to see it 2:17:33 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: The FemCU Phase 3 2:17:33 | vincentyaaboii: Hello F1nn 2:17:36 | kattsuko_: Someone needs to tell south park about Finnster. Get us a Femboy Streamer episode 2:17:36 | (Prime Gaming) MrMadCow2: BILLY THE FIEND 2:17:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Season #1 is getting a lot of Hype! May want to b careful of wording Goof! 2:17:37 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: ask her 2:17:38 | Fr0nii: Mommy Delphine 2:17:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Please don't...ewwww 2:17:39 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: She was here 2:17:41 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @mirot47 I've lost it seems 2:17:42 | yourfavniko: I was asking if they were saying a belle Delphine collab 2:17:42 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 2:17:43 | lostghost1031: lostghost1031 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 22 month streak! almost a year, lets go 2:17:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lostghost1031 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:17:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: gotta get emblems and tags 2:17:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: WHAT 2:17:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: So F1nn doesn't actually blow, he sucks. 2:17:46 | ash_nate_no_gender: @bigbenmk Tru Tru 2:17:47 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: lol 2:17:47 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: LUL 2:17:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 2:17:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: wholesome btw 2:17:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: Episodes LUL 2:17:52 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @daneplaysgame tf 2:17:53 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: LUL 2:17:56 | Schurke03: are you flexible lil bro? 2:17:56 | bb_soup: bb_soup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! you look good, you should get a battle pass 2:17:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bb_soup subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:17:57 | LOtiumduPeuple: He's not a book, he's a fremium game 2:17:58 | nightwolf4476: mommy Cotton 2:17:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: sadness 2:17:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: LUL 2:18:03 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: that's right 2:18:03 | Loelinverse: bussy galore 2:18:06 | (Turbo) Dee_Tee_See: chibidokiCHECK marimariAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2:18:06 | yesyesandnono: u can be happy you don't live in Germany 2:18:07 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: very wholesome 2:18:07 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Gremlin voice 2:18:08 | jeffdmk: your the sub here 2:18:10 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya F1nn's mouth is a Dyson. We established that an hour back. 2:18:10 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Heelena: Alohaaa! will you go to twitchcon Vegas in October? 2:18:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u done with the fit :) ? 2:18:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what about a saga 2:18:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: little did you knwo 2:18:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: 2:18:13 | (Turbo) sipikay: Epochs 2:18:13 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: that's you 2:18:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: I'm screwed my fembucks are gone 2:18:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: reveal a new body part every chapter (year) 2:18:14 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy? 2:18:17 | arzi77perra: how can i buy some of your stuff? 2:18:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm not a book. I'm a bussy." - 4610 2:18:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Difficulty Levels 2:18:21 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: Cheer1 2:18:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yah 2:18:24 | beatle_88: wholesome GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG 2:18:25 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: wtf KEKW 2:18:27 | AROYALMOON: If not subs, then what are we called? Children of the corn? ofwildMeow 2:18:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: You've Tried Kappa 2:18:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: damn 2:18:30 | AROYALMOON: Or Fans 2:18:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: anti-fraud NotLikeThis 2:18:32 | xxevalol: your not a book youre a bottom, a bottom for mommy cotton 2:18:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, Which model. 2:18:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: No sameee 2:18:36 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Yeh I had that issue 2:18:36 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: where is the of link 2:18:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: You can't buy your own battlepass LUL 2:18:38 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: market research KEKW 2:18:40 | 99thking: Finn I can and will legitimately Dom you mvpDerp 2:18:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) oakersz: oakersz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! It’s soccer btw 2:18:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: oakersz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:18:40 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: lmao 2:18:42 | (Prime Gaming) AtomicShoelace: business expense Keepo 2:18:42 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: Time to get a new bank 2:18:42 | im_up_to_something: Get paypal 2:18:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @AROYALMOON, We are S1mps. 2:18:46 | frogatte: bought too much from OF LUL 2:18:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: of tax evasion 2:18:49 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya Not clear. 2:18:51 | nightwolf4476: @xxevalol so very true 2:18:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:18:53 | AROYALMOON: Oh, I love that 2:18:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ain't secure lol 2:18:54 | tvrdantravar: market reseach KEKW 2:18:54 | asteroth2018: This is insane I got on this stream randomly but I cannot imagine how sad you're gonna be when you get older and see your own streams 2:18:54 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Time for a new bank. 2:18:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: I wanted marks battle pass 2:18:58 | (GlitchCon 2020) OmarK_UK: Mastercard has been blocking ALL adult services for several years now 2:18:58 | LOtiumduPeuple: sus 2:18:59 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: L 2:19:00 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: That is important 2:19:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: @aroyalmoon NOT CHILDREN OF THE CORN DEAR SWEET QUEER JESUS 2:19:00 | procdump: @VividFlash Check Twitter 2:19:01 | sealsummoner: lol 2:19:04 | Senevri: go through a different bank or paypal or something 2:19:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says his bank won't let him buy anything from Battlepass. - 4580 2:19:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Lookin kinda sus 2:19:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Oof 2:19:12 | Kolateak_: "usually" 2:19:13 | WaffletheMan101: yeah a ton of UK banks barred OF 2:19:14 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: find anotther bank 2:19:14 | frogatte: lmao 2:19:15 | AROYALMOON: LMAOO 2:19:18 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: You've got some explaining to do with your accountant anyway... 2:19:18 | TwistyWhip_: Cheer100 2:19:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 2:19:18 | thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: f1nnHeart f1nnMonka 2:19:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @omark_uk Noooooooooooo FML 2:19:20 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) Cryptic_Moniker: Maybe you’ll have to set up a PayPal for it 2:19:21 | KnapperigeKapitein: why are banks so uptight about stuff like that 2:19:23 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Kappa 2:19:23 | yourfavniko: Sirona's VA sounds like you - 2:19:24 | AROYALMOON: We need a fancier name other than SIMPS 2:19:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @asteroth2018 Why he would be? weirdChamp 2:19:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Raffensis: f1nnCowjam 2:19:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: you gotta undress for your accountant? 2:19:29 | basa_smoker: do you think people jack off to you or nah? 2:19:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Nationwide is still fine with it just saying 2:19:33 | Sempresolus: How many battles passes so far 2:19:34 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: are there gifted battlepasses lol 2:19:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: So cute you think you're a dom 2:19:40 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Good luck Accountant Team! 2:19:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Banks being finicky about electronic transctions? Nevar... 2:19:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Cake expense 2:19:44 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: why are your bankers controlling how you spend your money that's bs 2:19:44 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: HSBC works 2:19:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 2:19:46 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Your accountant has had a wild ride of late 2:19:47 | (Predicted Blue (1), Sub Gifter) domin_no_way: cottontailHeadBang cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty 2:19:48 | AROYALMOON: F1NN5TER Simps 2:19:48 | Why_I_ask: He should be a dominatrix 2:19:48 | arzi77perra: UWot 2:19:49 | (Prime Gaming) therealmcclain: weestDING weestDONG 2:19:49 | phos4us_: what about rosebuds? 2:19:49 | (GlitchCon 2020) OmarK_UK: it's not your bank, it's the card service. VISA will allow, Mastercard will not 2:19:49 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy?? 2:19:50 | AROYALMOON: Swimps 2:19:51 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: What did you get in your GCSEs? 2:19:53 | (cheer 100) TwistyWhip_: Cheer100 Cheer100 Howdy 2:19:53 | leo_g_luna: <3 <3 <3 <3 2:19:53 | AROYALMOON: Swimps uwu 2:19:54 | CalypsoMoons: Hello princess Fiona 2:19:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u done with the fit :) ? 2:19:55 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: try a personal account rather than abusiness one 2:19:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: Okay Rose 14 minutes left. 2:19:58 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: no free first battlepass? madge 2:19:58 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: Paypigs? 2:19:59 | (Prime Gaming) banker1n0: banker1n0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! hey finn looking cute today 2:19:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: banker1n0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:19:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Starling also work 2:20:02 | Fr0nii: Why does your top look like a Nightcore cover from 2005 ? 2:20:03 | jeffdmk: anyone that has seen you talk to cotton knows you are the sub 2:20:06 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy? 2:20:08 | (Prime Gaming) deianwjones: Does Cotton work kinda like Beetlejuice? say her name 3 times and she comes in to sort him out? 2:20:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Your accountant is gonna know where your money comes from. So.... yeah. What shame is left? 2:20:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: looks like I'm speed-running opening a new credit card tomorrow 2:20:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @arzext @johnkeiwo We have another 2:20:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nice 2:20:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Revolut also works 2:20:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: 1 A, 4 B, 4 C's 2:20:16 | juno_duhh: why is your chat so weird 2:20:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Pog 2:20:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER will there be a dress today ? or keep the cozy chill dress ? 2:20:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: @asteroth2018 He earned $500,000 in the last six months. Don’t let the door smack your ass on the way out. Bye Felicia. 2:20:22 | frogatte: nice sword girl 2:20:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 14 minutes left f1nn5ter. 2:20:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) blazes_inferno: blazes_inferno subscribed with Prime. 2:20:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: blazes_inferno subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang blazes_inferno f1nnLezgang 2:20:24 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy??? 2:20:24 | RingoismyGod: i absolutely SUCK ASS in maths 2:20:26 | 99thking: "uh don't worry about the 7000 USD I just spent in like 3 days"-finn to his accountent mvpDerp 2:20:26 | JnkyrdWillie: compuder 2:20:27 | ladyrxs: F1NNs the type to try and say dom stuff but do the sub pouty face when it doesn’t work out 2:20:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: how does computer work 2:20:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: pog 2:20:31 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Stop lying 2:20:32 | (Predicted Blue (1), Sub Gifter) domin_no_way: no D Kappa 2:20:33 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: bro 2:20:33 | (Prime Gaming) HellbatKinG: "MATHS" DansGame jesus christ 2:20:34 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: You and Cotton are both little subs. Fighting over who's the most dominant of the subbiest people I know. 2:20:35 | CalypsoMoons: Your English, if you failed English your really fucked 2:20:37 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: i got 28% in english 2:20:38 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: I would have been smacked if I got a C 2:20:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: common Mastercard L 2:20:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I did OK in GCSEs" - 4640 2:20:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) TwistyWhip_: TwistyWhip_ subscribed at Tier 1. 2:20:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: twistywhip_ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang twistywhip_ f1nnLezgang 2:20:41 | wannabe7_11: Im drunk watcging you 2:20:42 | (Listening only) blakituu: !commands 2:20:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Same bro 2:20:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 2:20:43 | usr5540: true 2:20:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro 2:20:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: bimbo 2:20:45 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: !modlove 2:20:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The mod team are awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. 2:20:46 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: You didn't do a BTEC? 2:20:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CardinalHeavyIndustries: "on paper" 2:20:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Makes sense 2:20:47 | arzi77perra: wow 2:20:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: They don't mean very much, don't worry 2:20:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Cheer10 2:20:50 | fifthcoder0452: money really changes a man huh lmaoooo 2:20:50 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy? 2:20:50 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: bimbo 2:20:54 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Bimbo 2:20:55 | AROYALMOON: !twitter 2:20:55 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy?? 2:20:55 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 2:20:56 | galizzygobeler: how tall are you 2:20:56 | l3laz3de: might need to rectify that 2:20:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bimbo 2:20:58 | wannabe7_11: I love you so much 2:20:59 | zaydeaqt: booba 2:20:59 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: FRENCH! SO much shame! 2:20:59 | nightwolf4476: SeemsGood SeemsGood 2:21:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), Listening only) chainedchish: stoopid 2:21:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !height 2:21:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 5'9" (1.75m) tall (69in. Nice). Rose is 5'4" (1.62m). Don't believe it when F1nn claims he's 5'10" (1.78m). He paid off the doctor when he went in to get measured. 2:21:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !height 2:21:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 5'9" (1.75m) tall (69in. Nice). Rose is 5'4" (1.62m). Don't believe it when F1nn claims he's 5'10" (1.78m). He paid off the doctor when he went in to get measured. 2:21:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) scurrpreme: scurrpreme subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! 2:21:05 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy!? 2:21:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: scurrpreme subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:21:05 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! 2:21:06 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to r0b0w0! 2:21:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to r0b0w0 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang r0b0w0 f1nnLezgang 2:21:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u done with the fit :) ? 2:21:10 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lmao accountant gonna get jumpscared by the money 2:21:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: Less than 15 mins nooo 2:21:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 2:21:16 | thecharlesthomas: F1nn got pretty much the same results as me. But I got a D in French. 2:21:17 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: yeah your shorter 2:21:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: oh it will flop Kappa 2:21:18 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 2:21:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: it is not updated 2:21:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: KEKW 2:21:19 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 2:21:20 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:21:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:21:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: !pp @F1NN5TER KEKW 2:21:21 | jeffdmk: lol 2:21:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 2:21:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you are 5'9" 2:21:24 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 2:21:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: terrain! terrain! terrain! 2:21:27 | xxevalol: i watch the cotton streams on repeat on youtube because im such a simp for yall i swear to god i get second hand flustered 2:21:28 | (Prime Gaming) ShikyoNoTenshi: 5'9" 2:21:29 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 2:21:29 | wannabe7_11: Ahhhh i love you 2:21:29 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: It is 5‘9 2:21:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 5'9 2:21:30 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Ur shorter than me 2:21:31 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: OH damn the bet KEKW PUT THE DRESS LUL 2:21:31 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: Lies 2:21:32 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: 13 mins 2:21:34 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: pp 4.3, LUL 2:21:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: I’m a teacher despite being a uni drop out 2:21:34 | AROYALMOON: Not the Command Calling them out LMAOOO 2:21:34 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: 5'5 2:21:34 | jeffdmk: 5'9 2:21:36 | (Prime Gaming) Otsgekee: oh nobody will have a flop then 2:21:36 | Steys00: 10 min 2:21:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LIES 2:21:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I have the qualifications of a 16yr; and not a particularly bright 16yr old." . - 4710 2:21:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: After 5 years your qualifications mean jack all anyway! 2:21:40 | kevlarchicken: 5'9 2:21:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) voodookid81: 69 inches 2:21:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !height 2:21:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 5'9" (1.75m) tall (69in. Nice). Rose is 5'4" (1.62m). Don't believe it when F1nn claims he's 5'10" (1.78m). He paid off the doctor when he went in to get measured. 2:21:43 | bertju2004: cottontailClown cottontailClown cottontailClown 2:21:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: 5'10.24 2:21:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: I don't believe you 2:21:45 | vincentyaaboii: Mommy!!?? 2:21:45 | LeynaxWhyte: you're hair is so beautiful leynawMarlonLove 2:21:45 | CalypsoMoons: Aww he’s a little small boi 2:21:45 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: 10mins 2:21:46 | im_up_to_something: NO under 5'10 2:21:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: 5’ 4” 2:21:46 | tvrdantravar: 5'9 4.3 2:21:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !height 2:21:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 5'9" (1.75m) tall (69in. Nice). Rose is 5'4" (1.62m). Don't believe it when F1nn claims he's 5'10" (1.78m). He paid off the doctor when he went in to get measured. 2:21:48 | (Prime Gaming) VanGrummel: in cm? 2:21:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: 5'9 4.3 2:21:48 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Ray_Jay101: When the fit? 2:21:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: 5'10" in heels, sure 2:21:49 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Incoming Rant! 2:21:53 | AROYALMOON: !discord 2:21:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: PLS WAITTTTT 2:21:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 2:21:56 | braddle172: GivePLZ 2:21:57 | 1batlchip: wait yer 5'10 I'm 6'1 2:21:58 | zaydeaqt: wheres the booba 2:21:58 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: oh wow 2:21:58 | vincentyaaboii: MOMMY!?!? 2:21:58 | chilled_spice: A hour 2:21:59 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: eww 2:21:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) stefysucks: DO NOT WAIT 2:21:59 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Black dress PÜOGGERS 2:21:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Don't believe him Chat 2:21:59 | drunkpenguin11: What's that in metric? 2:22:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the command is accurate, it's a computer after all Kappa 2:22:01 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: this is cute 2:22:01 | jannik281417: i'm 1,70m. screw imperial 2:22:02 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: what 2:22:03 | frogatte: mommy?? 2:22:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ........ 2:22:05 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: This t-shirt plus the Pairadize leggings! 2:22:06 | yokai_327: nnew dress!! 2:22:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ChargrilledMemes: GivePLZ 2:22:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Firelord_Redflames: Kreygasm 2:22:08 | (Prime Gaming) Der_Pwn: why do those knees look busted up? 2:22:08 | AROYALMOON: L E G G Y 2:22:08 | RingoismyGod: cant go wrong with Misa 2:22:10 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Sexy actually mkoTech 2:22:12 | r20mejia: thighs 2:22:12 | sinsaoirse: Leggy! 2:22:14 | hakay739: why is your knee bruised 2:22:14 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: <3 2:22:14 | beatle_88: PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR 2:22:15 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Stay in this for another half hour 2:22:15 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Why knee bruised? 2:22:16 | arzi77perra: you do look sporty 2:22:18 | jaelyn816: Cheer30 2:22:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wheelsmcfantini: yeah actually 2:22:19 | nightwolf4476: LUL LUL 2:22:20 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Wasnt it a bet? 2:22:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: Nice thighs 2:22:20 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: GivePLZ Finn 2:22:22 | satanmyninjas: estrogenmaxxing when /j 2:22:22 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: f1nnLaff 2:22:25 | (Prime Gaming) VanGrummel: in cm? 2:22:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: @meh_its_jack you know why 2:22:25 | joshranger501: Ha 2:22:25 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Bye Fembucks RIP Bozo 2:22:25 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: He really does have bruised knees :O 2:22:26 | AROYALMOON: leggy simp 2:22:26 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Lol 2:22:26 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: no heels it's 5'10.24 2:22:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:22:27 | usr5540: sammmeee 2:22:29 | LOtiumduPeuple: so many potentiel femboys 2:22:32 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: F points LUL 2:22:32 | DEADBERD: Kappa 2:22:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: remotely??? 2:22:33 | l_Epiphany_l: Why's your knee bruised? 2:22:33 | bArb_ariann: Donó has a point 2:22:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Push-back. Shows THICC thighs. - 4640 2:22:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: But....Rose had to say "YES" to the friends doing that 2:22:36 | wannabe7_11: Ur so hot and masculine 2:22:38 | lexsknight: how did you burse your leg ?? 2:22:39 | Dethklok17: Bruh 2:22:40 | HoneyOwO4334: HELLOOOOOOOOOOO 2:22:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wheelsmcfantini: pour one out for the masculine looking dudes 2:22:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 2:22:48 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Finne mans 2:22:50 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: coping hard 2:22:50 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 2:22:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) 71M073J: KEKW 2:22:51 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Oh no 2:22:51 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: That is new 2:22:52 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Sooooo many potential femboys 2:22:53 | Dabsickles: my biggest question being how do i find the battlepass 2:22:53 | braddle172: Crack 2:22:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: Thanks soda ! 2:22:54 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: SUS 2:22:54 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa 2:22:54 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: LUL YOU KNOW WHY 2:22:55 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: LUL get off the floor bro 2:22:56 | jeffdmk: what were you doing on your knees? 2:22:56 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: is it your desk? 2:22:56 | 1batlchip: yep 2:22:56 | sr1gaming: Finn's making me question myself 2:22:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: your self image is so distorted 2:22:57 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Soda 2:22:58 | someotherthing: GOODNESS Owie on the knee 2:22:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Have you done that on stream???? 2:22:58 | (Prime Gaming) alf_g2001: how are you so weak 2:22:58 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 2:22:58 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: Practice talking to yourself (in Private) in your women voice. 2:22:58 | Anmdra: sus 2:22:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: on your knees again? 2:22:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Firelord_Redflames: KEKW 2:22:59 | (cheer 100) the_mist_demon: unsHAHA 2:23:00 | VeryBigSeagull: dropping on them too fast 2:23:00 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HRT? 2:23:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) outrolexx: EYOO 2:23:01 | (GLHF Pledge) Benw8888: you were on the floor too much 2:23:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Sus 2:23:01 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: ELEVEN MINUTES 2:23:01 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: "what happened there" 2:23:01 | Kolateak_: What happened? Kappa 2:23:02 | thecharlesthomas: The perfect storm. Similar to how Gavin Free became a Slowmo guy. 2:23:02 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: You need sun dude 2:23:02 | yobooboo: not going to lie no homo but i would smash 2:23:02 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: is that for the battlepass ? Kappa 2:23:02 | HoneyOwO4334: LOOKING GREAT AND MANLY AS ALWAYS 2:23:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Iron deficiency 2:23:03 | (Prime Gaming) Otsgekee: too much on your knees 2:23:03 | MirrorsArePog: working OMEGALUL 2:23:03 | (Predicted Blue (1), GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KappaPride 2:23:03 | TJesterOnline: Thiiighs 2:23:03 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:23:04 | (Predicted Pink (2)) itsklutzybb: KevinTurtle 2:23:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: Too much time under cotton's desk 2:23:04 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: IT COULD BE ME, IT COULD BE YOU 2:23:04 | sr_irl: he spent too much time on hes knees 2:23:05 | lexsknight: was it giving head ?? 2:23:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u have kneepads bro 2:23:05 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: Scuffed knees 2:23:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnLaff f1nnCope f1nnLaff f1nnCope 2:23:05 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: Oh no 2:23:05 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: SODA 2:23:06 | Bloodcoatrain: femboy fight club 2:23:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Delicate 2:23:09 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: too many pictures on your knees? 2:23:10 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: oh? 2:23:10 | zaydeaqt: no booba no me 2:23:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: there are a lot of possible people, but they haven't hit the right circumstances 2:23:10 | jt2_3: squish me with those thighs pls 2:23:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: @l_epiphany_l He went on a hot date 2:23:11 | wannabe7_11: So masculine 2:23:12 | (Prime Gaming) hyperjackaboy: oh no 2:23:12 | m4cintoshplus: Kappa 2:23:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no knee pads? 2:23:13 | whelkier: y u so cute wth 2:23:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: get the black dress :) 2:23:14 | arzi77perra: you need to leave that man one day. 2:23:14 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 2:23:15 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: Kappa 2:23:15 | nightwolf4476: Hmmm has F1NN been on his knees getting ready fir Cotton? 2:23:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 2:23:16 | TwiceGravity: On your knees making content? Kappa 2:23:16 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: Just put a pillow or something LUL 2:23:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mintmayo: guys its because of his battlepass 2:23:18 | AROYALMOON: spaceb60FML spaceb60FML spaceb60FML spaceb60FML Leave it to our imaginations why his knees are bruised. 2:23:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) TwistyWhip_: Cheer100 ?? 2:23:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: To what?? 2:23:19 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Yoga stream when? 2:23:20 | axoss__: could be me... 2:23:21 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: yoga stream??? 2:23:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: you will never do yoga 2:23:22 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: nothing we can prove at least 2:23:22 | nightwolf4476: for& 2:23:24 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) stefysucks: change the fit bae 2:23:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: Damn, my mom also have those 2:23:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: no arch FeelsBadMan 2:23:25 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) comradeglimmer: @plumesofdusk arent all of ours? 2:23:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: We saw your knees earlier, anyone wanna check if it was there two hours ago? 2:23:26 | nightwolf4476: for* 2:23:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Hrt makes you flexible 2:23:26 | wannabe7_11: Ahhhhhhh 2:23:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) spacecow2000: got on his nees 2:23:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Pressure from the deak 2:23:27 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: Probably bashed it of a table or something 2:23:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: please get ready 2:23:28 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: estrogen makes you flexible 2:23:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: He is a vegitarian, bruises come with the territory 2:23:29 | im_up_to_something: Bruised from Battle Pass content? Lol 2:23:29 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: change 2:23:29 | LOtiumduPeuple: you should do pilates 2:23:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: just kneel on a pillow next time 2:23:29 | jeod57: Yoga stream Kappa 2:23:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: 1 2:23:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Desk 2:23:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm not the most feminine looking guy." Perfect storm led him to this. - 4630 2:23:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Always inappropriate 2:23:30 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Change 2:23:30 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: Yoga pants PP 2:23:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Firelord_Redflames: Kappa stuff on the floor 2:23:32 | l_Epiphany_l: Egg 2:23:32 | SilverHelix7: My stuff reaches the floor ;) 2:23:34 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Maybe a canadian visitor? 2:23:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: yoga for the battle pass 2:23:35 | DragonDemBalls22: f1nnZOOM 2:23:35 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: Your skins too soft now 2:23:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Looks cute 2:23:37 | The_logs: The femboy is a delicate flower 2:23:38 | gilradir: You could also deduct yoga as a business expenxe 2:23:38 | juno_duhh: why is your chat so weird man its like really nasty in here 2:23:39 | (Predicted Pink (2)) daisy_like_the_sour_cream: naww change 2:23:40 | kevlarchicken: KEKW 2:23:41 | (Prime Gaming) Oberst2k: yoga battle pass yey 2:23:41 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 2:23:41 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HUH 2:23:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wheelsmcfantini: LOL 2:23:42 | So1ved: Do Jiu Jitsu instead of Yoga 2:23:42 | kapumon: New poses unlocked 2:23:42 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: Come on my guy get yourself dressed 2:23:43 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: Yoga?? Lol youre really living this 2:23:43 | k4rakara: yes 2:23:43 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Pol! 2:23:43 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: KEKW 2:23:44 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: HRT is a miracle drug 2:23:44 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: HAHAHHAHAAH 2:23:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: I feel like that isn't true 2:23:44 | (Predicted Blue (1)) josecortesnival: Lol 2:23:44 | texastgirl: are we going to have to start gifting knee pads? 2:23:45 | bdx50: CHANGE 2:23:45 | (Predicted Pink (2)) certified_boylover: stay comfy 2:23:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: HRT and cannabis 2:23:46 | braddle172: KEKW 2:23:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 2:23:47 | (Predicted Pink (2)) thefiercelink: HRT is magic 2:23:47 | AROYALMOON: oh? Are you a vegetarian?? Thats so sweet!~ 2:23:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:23:47 | qqaazzppllmmook: miracle drug 2:23:47 | xxevalol: 5'10".24 goes well with 5'2".75 thats all i gotta say 2:23:47 | 1batlchip: anime fer the win 2:23:48 | (Turbo) sipikay: youre hot AF bro 2:23:49 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 2:23:49 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @juno_duhh, i wish i fucking knew 2:23:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: People will say HRT cures cancer bro KEKW 2:23:50 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: That's not tru XD 2:23:50 | vodjenny: HRT = ESTROGEN 2:23:51 | princesskassxoxo: It kinda is tho 2:23:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 2:23:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I legit feel I've become a better dancer since HRT KEKW 2:23:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) retarizard: just take it, you know you wanna :) 2:23:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn you have knee pads and a kneeling mat. WTF 2:23:53 | (Prime Gaming) bruceleeharveyoswald: kale is poisonous 2:23:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: HRT the miracle drug 2:23:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) lovekaseyj: WHOREsome 2:23:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: BRO 2:23:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: do yoga for the battle pass 2:23:54 | organic_rust: @ellieMeeko yeah it does so much 2:23:54 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Bye points 2:23:55 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: lol HRT doesn't make you flexible 2:23:56 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) luna_blazing: stay comfyy 2:23:56 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Wonder drug 2:23:56 | LOtiumduPeuple: HRT can make you fly I believe 2:23:57 | (Subscriber) randomquest12: 1 raiders from randomquest12 have joined! 2:23:58 | satanmyninjas: do you add any oils or creams to your hair? 2:23:58 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: vote in the Poll 2:23:58 | frogatte: when are you doing a collab with jerma 2:23:58 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: HRT can make you a basketball player 2:24:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: he stole my joke !! 2:24:00 | polarbearcavejew: HRT is a process, not a drug 2:24:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: pog 2:24:01 | Dethklok17: What the fuck is Hrt 2:24:02 | (Turbo) fr4do: It's literally magic 2:24:05 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: ballet training . it would help your grace as well as your flexibility . you already have a costume . lol 2:24:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) Serumaster: depends the type of cancer 2:24:07 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: HRT was a gift from the gods and you should accept it 2:24:07 | hakay739: ngl i kinda like the misa shirt 2:24:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: HRT makes you into superman 2:24:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: Practice makes perfect, even if it's a doorknob and on your knees get bruised 2:24:08 | princesskassxoxo: Hrt is literally magic 2:24:09 | LaserM0nkey: You should do Yoga!!!!!! 2:24:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: HE WANTS TO BE CUTR 2:24:11 | amfournda: HRT saved my life unironically 2:24:11 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: It's the Brexit numbers 2:24:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) stefysucks: NOOOO 2:24:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: actually women have less cancer? 2:24:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), Prime Gaming) lordkhazad: 11 minutes for the prediction right? 2:24:12 | wannabe7_11: Mamagram 2:24:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: @F1NN5TER well then HRT will make you win the arm wrestle 2:24:13 | braddle172: What dress is it 2:24:14 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) stefysucks: PLEAAAAASEEE 2:24:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: chat is getting soft 2:24:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Oh come on 2:24:18 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: we can still win 2:24:18 | bdx50: DRESS 2:24:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: comfy stream let's gooo 2:24:22 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: the poll is such a hard choice lol 2:24:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll "Clothes." . - 4580 2:24:22 | 99thking: Yoga ...ass growing absolutely no arm training you are absolutely not winning mvpDerp 2:24:27 | (Predicted Pink (2)) josuekink: take your time to dres 2:24:27 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: kek 2:24:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) saaaable: hrt is literally used to cure some kinds of cancer 2:24:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 2:24:31 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: hrt will make you a top 2:24:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 2:24:37 | (Prime Gaming) astheriel: Actually HRT will help fight testicular cancer lol 2:24:37 | procdump: Stay comfy, maybe some lipstick? :-) 2:24:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Imagine being a height 2:24:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 2:24:39 | tinylittlebabylegs: for the person who asked hrt is Hormone Replacement Therapy 2:24:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: Those betting for the fit time are skewing the results. 2:24:44 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 dress!! 2:24:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Firelord_Redflames: KEKW 2:24:46 | (cheer 100) awesomerem1: Lol 2:24:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:24:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Hrt make you a shield maiden 2:24:50 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: HRT will make you win at arm wrestling 2:24:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: very peaceful chat at the moment 2:24:51 | wannabe7_11: Mamagram helps with hrt 2:24:52 | salivnya: HRT increases muscle mass by 200 % 2:24:53 | (Predicted Pink (2)) dyslexic_: ALL MY MONEY IS ON THIS 2:24:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: @F1NN5TER f1nn this is a scam poll. the people who voted NO are skewing the results 2:24:54 | whelkier: I took HRT and now I'm a gigachad bodybuilder 2:24:55 | salty_carrot1: Helo 2:24:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !hrt 2:24:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss. It's not HRT, it's hair loss prevention. 2:24:58 | NyxV1xen: Have you heard about transmaxxing? 2:25:04 | AROYALMOON: Time for fun drink! 2:25:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: @F1NN5TER in the points gamble 2:25:05 | anschofi: chat's getting flaccid KEKW 2:25:06 | salivnya: This is why gym bros take hormoes trust me 2:25:09 | AROYALMOON: Soda or some juice~ 2:25:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) dotmatrixx_: Camera looking poggers 2:25:11 | diyab1: godan 2:25:15 | sealsummoner: It could be in this very room. It could be you, it could be me, it could even be 2:25:16 | AROYALMOON: Fun drink! Fun Drink!~ 2:25:18 | wannabe7_11: Im thirsty 2:25:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @anschofi LUL 2:25:20 | (Prime Gaming) Mannekwin: hey i saw you in a youtube video the other day 2:25:24 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: There's a MACRO to check if Finn is on hrt? lol 2:25:26 | (Prime Gaming) FuzzyXe: FuzzyXe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 2:25:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fuzzyxe subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU 2:25:27 | whitneyrain2003: Aww you look so adorable @f1nn5ter 2:25:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: ......thighs better 2:25:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: have you ever waxed your legs 2:25:29 | 1batlchip: yep 2:25:31 | Nambo_Rose: smoooooth 2:25:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Where's the crop tops? 2:25:34 | (Predicted Pink (2)) macarous: the people voting yes are also skewing the vote Jebaited shut up 2:25:34 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: welp there goes 10k channel points 2:25:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !hrt 2:25:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss. It's not HRT and at the dose F1nn's taking it is hair loss prevention. 2:25:36 | (Predicted Blue (1), 6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: of course you have 2:25:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: thighs enjoyer rise up 2:25:39 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: how effective has the laser hair removal been? 2:25:39 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: so skirt? 2:25:40 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) WurstKaseScenario: Smooth legs are the best feeling 2:25:41 | satanmyninjas: estrogen stream when PogChamp PogChamp 2:25:41 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: thigh highs 2:25:44 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Smoooth and bruised, like the brains in chat. 2:25:44 | Why_I_ask: Show them off 2:25:45 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @callmegarp, enough people ask over and over and over 2:25:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "clothes": Comfy GF look with 451 votes (57.6%) 2:25:46 | (Prime Gaming) Sambson: show proof :D 2:25:46 | Purfl: Once a week is once too much 2:25:49 | total_acidity: That was a great stream 2:25:49 | (Predicted Blue (1)) mirot47: f1nn5ter you've got eight minutes 2:25:49 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: What's your favourite supermarket? 2:25:50 | whelkier: how do u keep ur house warm mine is too cold for bare legs even with the heating on 2:25:50 | vlled1: That makeup is ON POINT 2:25:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), Turbo) vanimal2118: Missed Natts Pretty Pink Maid fit Sadge. 2:25:51 | denki_98: You’re the new Jojo‘s bizarre adventure jobro 2:25:52 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: How's leg laser going? 2:25:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: COMFY 2:25:53 | braddle172: Thighs 2:25:53 | (Prime Gaming) kplayslive_: I take finasteride with my HRT 2:25:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: nano told me to wax 2:25:54 | ag3poyo: thats pretty often 2:25:55 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: !uptime 2:25:55 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 2h 26m 5s 2:25:57 | IshkahSmishkah: where epil gang 2:26:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: it's true men have a 1 in 2 risk, women have a 1 in 3 risk (lifetime cancer) 2:26:01 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: That poll was deceptive af 2:26:02 | the_chair_enthusiast: oof I have to shave every twodaze 2:26:02 | howiethellammaa: Use shaving powder! 2:26:02 | (Predicted Blue (1), Subscriber) VintageCenti: Did the under win?? 2:26:05 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: where heels? it is gm 2:26:05 | MurmeliStara: sus 2:26:06 | (Prime Gaming) Sambson: when of pics lul 2:26:08 | jeffdmk: i think we do know 2:26:08 | Thovara: Swing the sword behind you 2:26:08 | (Predicted Pink (2)) Bytebak: The black comfy top with the v neck 2:26:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shaved legs today. Legs so smoove. - 4740 2:26:09 | (Predicted Pink (2), Prime Gaming) serya_winters: Yikes 2:26:10 | (Predicted Pink (2)) viryl_lucas: That was a cute hell yeah 2:26:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: so the bet is settled :) ? 2:26:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: On your knees?? 2:26:11 | AROYALMOON: Time to stretch, Chat! You've been sitting watching Rose for a while! Stretch your shrimp bodies! 2:26:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: On both ... 2:26:11 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Wait, what does that make the bet? 2:26:11 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Laser hair removal? How much does that cost 2:26:11 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: So does this fit count as dressed up now? 2:26:14 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: so you are dressed now? 2:26:14 | (Predicted Blue (1)) ragingwafle67: how doe she keep his skin so smooth 2:26:15 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: how did lasaer work out @F1NN5TER 2:26:16 | diyab1: political vibe 2:26:17 | (Listening only) maxd200: powder wtf 2:26:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: HRT causes bruises 2:26:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CaptainHellish: CaptainHellish subscribed with Prime. 2:26:18 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: captainhellish subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang captainhellish f1nnLezgang 2:26:18 | (Predicted Blue (1)) aLittleCalamarian: So are you ready and done then? 2:26:19 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: It acts like Nair. 2:26:22 | (Predicted Blue (1), VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: if there will be no change how will that go for the bet ? hmmm 2:26:23 | (cheer 1000) archangelmick: self tanning moisturiser for your legs ? 2:26:23 | (Predicted Blue (1)) thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: damn, there go my fembucks 2:26:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Powder? 2:26:25 | (Predicted Blue (1)) Emmy64_: @johnkeiwo F 2:26:25 | hakay739: powder? 2:26:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: I've been looking to buy an Epilator but the pain scares me >.> 2:26:27 | 99thking: Thighs poggers mvpMuns 2:26:28 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Soariel: everytime i enter chat, finn is talking about the most manly topics i stg 2:26:28 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: wait so team 1 won the prediction right? since shes already dressed 2:26:28 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: bruising like a woman 2:26:30 | arzi77perra: ok completly jelous 2:26:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: @F1NN5TER not a doctor but could be low iron leading to the bruising 2:26:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: JK 2:26:33 | imaconfusedalexa: Why aren't u wearing bottoms? Dass super sus 2:26:33 | lucinda_shzif: I'll do laser for future. I shave everyday. 2:26:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kaelynvaas: The powder works well but can suck if you have sensitive skin 2:26:35 | howiethellammaa: Yess!! It’s for beards but you can use it everywhere !!! 2:26:36 | ladyrxs: It smells soooo bad 2:26:36 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: itspeachybuns uses powder its basically nair @F1NN5TER 2:26:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: so the bet is settled :) ? @F1NN5TER 2:26:38 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I think that the outfit is done then, right @F1NN5TER ? 2:26:39 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: HRT heals bruises 2:26:41 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: @nuttell__ it‘s real bad lol 2:26:42 | (Prime Gaming) lordofmud0125: lordofmud0125 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 2:26:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lordofmud0125 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 2:26:44 | whelkier: Im trying to start laser soon 2:26:47 | sinsaoirse: laser is a biiiitch 2:26:47 | princesskassxoxo: I'm 8 sessions in on my face 2:26:49 | bearpaw1970: Because you look rather comfortable and of course submissive & breedable 2:26:51 | IshkahSmishkah: epilator superiority 2:26:51 | (Predicted Blue (1), 2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @Solus_kun yeah, exactly. we voted for the time when he would or would not, there was no option for not at all 2:26:52 | whitneyrain2003: So are you Transgender 2:26:52 | silksheets_mama_: Nice death note shirt 2:26:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: force them to use more power with the laser 2:26:53 | gon555551: a YEAR?? a whole YEAR for laser hair removal? 2:26:54 | diyab1: dayum 2:26:54 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: @Srcsqwrn you could just buy a hand laser for 250$, lumea advanced ipl 2:26:55 | (cheer 1000) fem_ontheblock: you mix it with water 2:26:56 | kapumon: Working hard off stream 2:26:58 | yumiii_zumi: lasering is so stressful 2:27:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), Subscriber) sleepy_raccxxn: Does that make f1nn ready then?!? 2:27:00 | (Predicted Blue (1), 3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: PAYUP 2:27:00 | (Predicted Pink (2), 2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: FUUUCK 2:27:03 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: 5 out of how many? 2:27:03 | (Prime Gaming) lordkhazad: lets go 2:27:04 | sirwaves_: hi Finn sirwav2WaveLove 2:27:04 | agilitty_: Do you like getting Pedicures? 2:27:05 | lucinda_shzif: Shaving creams 2:27:06 | (Subscriber) VintageCenti: Let's go!! Outfit done 2:27:07 | 1batlchip: it's old school 2:27:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: HERE ARE YOUR POINTS f1nnGremlin ! Thanks for playing inconSteal 2:27:07 | viryl_lucas: Hmmmmm 2:27:07 | howiethellammaa: It’s called “magic shave” or something 2:27:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: HERE ARE YOUR POINTS f1nnGremlin ! Thanks for playing inconSteal 2:27:10 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: free GFE POGGERS 2:27:11 | sapphiccatgirl6: nice 2:27:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: KEKW get scammed 2:27:12 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: damn 2:27:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: I hate you all. 2:27:13 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: +17k POGGERS 2:27:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: they are always conservative with the power on the laser unless you ask 2:27:13 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: Noooo 2:27:14 | viryl_lucas: Very male 2:27:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll Comfy GF look wins at 58%. - 4800 2:27:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Hrt makes u ready 2:27:18 | l3laz3de: when boyfriend fit? 2:27:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Vote 2:27:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: its like the "Hoody Theif" girlfriend vibe 2:27:19 | aLittleCalamarian: FEMBUCKS GIMME GIMME alittl74LOVE alittl74LOVE 2:27:20 | AROYALMOON: Girlfriend next door who wears boyfriend comfy sweaters or jackets. 2:27:20 | TanksyPlays: i have an IPL and its great, my legs are so smooth~ 2:27:22 | 03_lucy: @howiethellammaa Magic shave powder ye 2:27:23 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: @Srcsqwrn Those aren't permenant tho 2:27:24 | (Watching without audio) AHumanoidNugget: good evening my queen 2:27:24 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @ChasingSol ez bet :) 2:27:25 | (Listening only) chainedchish: .... 2:27:25 | AROYALMOON: C O M F Y!~ 2:27:26 | whitneyrain2003: You are adorable though 2:27:27 | general_of_cm: wait dose that mean is ready now or not? 2:27:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @YumeNoZen Love you too 2:27:28 | kristanie0815: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 2:27:29 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 2:27:31 | GhosT_Quanta: had 14 laser sessions on my face and will still need electrolisis to get rid of the lighter hairs 2:27:34 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Sweet Jebus I won! 2:27:35 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: Finn is always ready ;) 2:27:35 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: Just use a potato peeler to get rid of the leg hair 2:27:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: @TheI3arracuda maybe it's worth having to shave every 3-4 weeks no? 2:27:38 | mirot47: poggers 2:27:38 | 1batlchip: they used it in the 40-60s 2:27:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @Solus_kun, WOOHOO 2:27:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Hey nice I get nothing but a tiny badge 2:27:40 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: over 700k again POGGERS 2:27:42 | (Listening only) chainedchish: rigged 2:27:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: Gee same % as voted for the fit 2:27:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: GG 2:27:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Scam! 2:27:44 | 99thking: Now Finn can show off your thighs again? No reason in particular mvpJudge 2:27:44 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: LUL 2:27:45 | macarous: @johnkeiwo i see what you did there LUL gg 2:27:45 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lolol 2:27:45 | whelkier: woah I drink water too we have so much in common aha <3 2:27:48 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, ez bet KEKW 2:27:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 2:27:49 | satanmyninjas: @whitneyrain2003 no, he's a crossdresser and he doesn't identify as a woman. but he is also cool with people calling Finn a woman, or by the name Rose as well interchangably 2:27:50 | bertju2004: cottontailOmegaLUL cottontailOmegaLUL 2:27:52 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I think it's cute tho 2:27:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: a good mix of both 2:27:53 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: hole some? 2:27:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: Nice 2:27:54 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Chat that was so wrong 2:27:55 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Lost 20k f1nnSad 2:27:55 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:27:57 | l_Epiphany_l: Yea powder it's called HRT 2:27:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Soariel: the manliest whore <3 2:27:59 | whitneyrain2003: That's crazy @ghost_quanta 2:28:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: how many of you who voted OVER on the bet, also voted COMFY on the poll? scammed yourselves 2:28:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @beeyotch111818, bye 2:28:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Patch over the holes? 2:28:02 | (Prime Gaming) FreedomWaterfall: FreedomWaterfall subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! pog 2:28:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: freedomwaterfall subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU 2:28:03 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: cottontailSadge 2:28:03 | madoka_magikate: You know I think that's fair lol 2:28:03 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @JohnBanks117 always ez bet for me Kappa 2:28:04 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: fuck i was too late john 2:28:04 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: 8k 2:28:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: twitch will be wholesome once battlepass is out 2:28:06 | kinkystyle69: Some pole man, some pole woman. I’m trying to pull my mental stability together 2:28:06 | frogatte: <3 2:28:07 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: my shift key didnt work 2:28:07 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @beeyotch111818, congrats on getting reported to twitch 2:28:07 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: just what did you post that means you need to already correct for it 2:28:09 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, Kappa 2:28:09 | EnderquakeYT: heya finally a stream that's soon enough that i can attend!! 2:28:09 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: wholesome f1nn 2:28:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: he is trying to make us pay for the battle pass 2:28:12 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @AppleSaph, eheh 2:28:12 | Thovara: do you have chokers with spikes? 2:28:14 | thatoneguywhoyoudontsee: nevermind, yahooooo 2:28:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you have to find your own voice 2:28:20 | m4cintoshplus: since finn is making battlepass, does that mean the stream will be more wholesome? 2:28:21 | braddle172: Valley girl 2:28:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: The possible money from BP makes him lazy here 2:28:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Let's hear it 2:28:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Repair image? GIVE UP. 2:28:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Head voice 2:28:27 | kublai_khan_69gamerxl: Ceel team 6 deployed to your location 2:28:27 | whelkier: I took voice training for a few mon the and learnt nothing lmao 2:28:27 | lunaskylive: do it 2:28:30 | l3laz3de: it some thing tho 2:28:32 | arzi77perra: your unperfectly perfect. 2:28:32 | 1batlchip: they valley girl 2:28:33 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: only 300k missing Kappa 2:28:34 | jackiedst: You were a whore on philosophy tube... Just a whore for Abby ;) 2:28:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: If u can bring some sass in the speech maybe it would work 2:28:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: don't do vocal fry 2:28:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Gotta start small 2:28:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @m4cintoshplus, that's what he says, we'll see 2:28:38 | hahabgd: hi finn 2:28:39 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: there's voice surgeries to increase pitch 2:28:40 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: debating buying the bp just cuz of you Finn 2:28:46 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Soariel: tfw finn starts voice training before me but ive been transitioning for 3 years monkaS 2:28:46 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Repair u have done soooo much slooty though? 2:28:47 | TumbleLizzie: i havent been here before but ive seen clips on youtube shorts 2:28:47 | Senevri: I took voice training for a year and learned a little bit 2:28:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: true 2:28:51 | AROYALMOON: I love these comfy streams, it's so lovely to listen to. It feels like we're sitting with friends during a sleepover~ 2:28:52 | (Subscriber) randomquest12: 1 raiders from randomquest12 have joined! 2:28:52 | (GLHF Pledge) ValentoTV: Yo 2:28:53 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: @Umbry_Rose_Gaming Those are sketch 2:28:55 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: @chainedchish L 2:28:55 | kublai_khan_69gamerxl: Grace's body is located at 34.286667,-82.859051 2:28:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That surgery is risky 2:28:57 | sinsaoirse: pitch isnt the key, resonance is where its at 2:28:58 | ag3poyo: you can always use voice pitcher like vtubers 2:29:01 | lunaskylive: i can do a really high voice for NO REASON but I can't pull a believable fem voice 2:29:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: i reversed your advice on how to do a feminine voice and now i can sound like a big man. i use it to scare people 2:29:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: will you be wearing a choker more often? you look really cute in it 2:29:03 | ammar1o5: 2 and a half hour till the lords must be done 2:29:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) J_adorable: Voice surgery only helps people with pre-existing voice training 2:29:04 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: i took voice training for a while, and realized i didn't care as much later 2:29:05 | procdump: Is that the voice training lessons with the... uhm, "drink"? 2:29:05 | whitneyrain2003: I have had some laser sessions and I have my own laser hair removal device at my home I got off of Amazon and yes it works!!!! @ghost_quanta 2:29:07 | ayarcee: This is some wholesome sloot boomerang streaming 2:29:07 | Emmy64_: @kublai_khan_69gamerxl td 2:29:09 | whelkier: its easy for tenors to do it your probably as bass like me 2:29:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Do kt 2:29:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 2:29:12 | Emmy64_: tf* 2:29:13 | (Listening only) naughtius_maximus: Voice filter? 2:29:15 | EnderquakeYT: Kappa 2:29:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: adorb 2:29:16 | Senevri: He's going to cringe probws 2:29:17 | braddle172: f1nnHeart 2:29:18 | ar1st1pp0s: cringe incoming 2:29:19 | (Prime Gaming) Umbry_Rose_Gaming: @Umbry_Rose_Gaming I had it, at Yeson, it works great. Never ever misgendered. =) 2:29:19 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: I'm glad I didn't bet much 2:29:20 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: @kublai_khan_69gamerxl SCUZE ME 2:29:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Girl voice pog 2:29:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: uh oh 2:29:22 | bibinoff: uwu 2:29:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u got this king 2:29:26 | Melody_Silverpaw: vocal surgery is extremely risky anyway; like so much so that i don't think it's considered a viable option 2:29:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Ready to clip 2:29:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @naughtius_maximus no filter 2:29:30 | satanmyninjas: voice trainning is hard lol 2:29:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you're making it weirdChamp 2:29:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Heat from fire, fire from heat 2:29:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 2:29:33 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Uwu 2:29:34 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: 2:29:34 | diyab1: aiyoo ill b bach 2:29:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: we're not people 2:29:37 | sirwaves_: CMON GANGY 2:29:39 | (Watching without audio) massimodigina: u have this 2:29:40 | AROYALMOON: I'm so excited!~ 2:29:40 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Stop being a baby! 2:29:46 | (Turbo) HSB_xdd: @hatewatcher_skumpot yo 2:29:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Attempts a "You're so adorable." - 4750 2:29:48 | braddle172: !time 2:29:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 21:30 2:29:49 | (Prime Gaming) Panhead1010: Prompt: the queens death 2:29:49 | AROYALMOON: spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype spaceb60Hype 2:29:49 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: There's noone here. we're all AI generated. Go for it, Princess 2:29:50 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: There's noone here. we're all AI generated. Go for it, Princess 2:29:51 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: There's noone here. we're all AI generated. Go for it, Princess 2:29:51 | BlendedCat: Love you Finn <3 2:29:56 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: What “People”? 2:29:56 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: just turn the chair around 2:29:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Eeees and meeees. 2:29:57 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Wouldn't it be better to take lessons from cottontailva? She is a voice actress 2:29:58 | 1batlchip: soo kawii then do voice 2:29:59 | hahabgd: finn 2:30:00 | AROYALMOON: ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat ofwildPat 2:30:01 | adorablast: It's better to converse with people 2:30:01 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: No nobody in the room 2:30:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) bobbikatt: exactly 2:30:03 | (Sub Gifter) domin_no_way: beep boop 2:30:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I'm practicing with a couple sentences right now 2:30:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: We're not people. We are Chat. 2:30:04 | (Subscriber) onecleverfox: It's a start 2:30:04 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: f1nn wake up 2:30:05 | Sayori_dev: hey finn and chat how are yall? 2:30:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: ~ Turing test failed ~ 2:30:05 | AROYALMOON: No stress~ Only fun 2:30:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: The Matrix has you. 2:30:07 | phos4us_: "Looks like someone was happy to see me" 2:30:07 | Senevri: yeah, and vocal heavy is easy early one 2:30:08 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Uwu 2:30:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: not me, i'm a real boy :) 2:30:10 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Repetition repetition 2:30:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: just get some boozer 2:30:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: badum! 2:30:12 | 99thking: "aww you're so cute being horny" mvpDerp 2:30:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: main character syndrome 2:30:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: booze 2:30:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: uhhh 2:30:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a shark, save me handsome stranger aquafpShark 2:30:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: oh she can 2:30:18 | total_acidity: I think she does... 2:30:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: smokey fires lack flame and heat 2:30:18 | 1batlchip: sheriffTX 2:30:18 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Soariel: Are you doing self voice training or like proffessional classes? 2:30:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: about that 2:30:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: We're all in the matrix 2:30:20 | princess_morningstar: I can't understand the voice stuff 2:30:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) bobbikatt: find a phrase that works 2:30:24 | tvrdantravar: she knows one way 2:30:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: on of she can 2:30:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: chat GPT started here trying to curate a femboy 2:30:27 | viryl_lucas: She know what a female voice sounds 2:30:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Booze 2:30:28 | total_acidity: Pegging 2:30:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Say help me Peter, help me! 2:30:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: i love the little rose blush you have on your nose. 2:30:30 | (Prime Gaming) Lahla: It's all about the muscle control, and forward resonance 2:30:30 | TrueMezzo: shes got ways 2:30:30 | ammar1o5: Bussy reveal in 2 an a half hours 2:30:31 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: She really can... 2:30:31 | judgedame: Vocalizing 2:30:31 | diyab1: yo i like ur voice 2:30:31 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: pegging 2:30:32 | Senevri: "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" 2:30:33 | viryl_lucas: Bruh. 2:30:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: "you need a little help there sweetheart?" 2:30:33 | sarcasmincluded00: @F1NN5TER Who is the Trans youtuber you collabed with? I can't remember her YT name to watch the video 2:30:33 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: R u sure? 2:30:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) bobbikatt: it gets your throat ready 2:30:38 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: LUL 2:30:38 | rekce1s: do you want a higher voice ? 2:30:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: lolllll 2:30:39 | Emmy64_: @lotiumdupeuple Tf 2:30:40 | UntoldTobi: @f1nn5ter just take oestrogen then your voice will get feminine 2:30:41 | princesskassxoxo: Focusing more on how you pronounce words and your inflections will go a further way than your pitch 2:30:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) Marcus_Rasaan: It can work pretty well if you memorize a speech; that way you have a bunch of syllables in girl-voice to extrapolate from 2:30:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Shes deffo a woman 2:30:43 | (Prime Gaming) cam_jun: Philosophy tube 2:30:45 | viryl_lucas: Sus 2:30:46 | Dethklok17: She is a hentai voice actor 2:30:47 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: first female voice training, then ask Cottontail to coach you honeygobSmug2 2:30:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @sarcasmincluded00, Abigail Thorne 2:30:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: say peter the horse is here 2:30:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: it was a pegging makes your voice higher joke @F1NN5TER 2:30:50 | 3DartBlade: You can say "good soup" VoHiYo 2:30:53 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: i do too 2:30:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Same buddy cottontailParty 2:30:54 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: She’ll get you a few pitches up after that arm wrestle loss 2:30:54 | imaconfusedalexa: Say the classic "Heat from fire fire from heat" 2:30:54 | whelkier: @UntoldTobi that doesn't happen lol 2:30:54 | sarcasmincluded00: @Amoyamoyamoya ty 2:30:57 | sinsaoirse: @sarcasmincluded00 abigail thorne from PhilosophyTube 2:30:57 | viryl_lucas: She is not 2:31:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: did you say you like her? 2:31:03 | viryl_lucas: I think 2:31:04 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Soariel: @ThisIsNotMyFinalForm trans woman is still woman 2:31:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: KEKW 2:31:05 | frogatte: lmao 2:31:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: XHZT 2:31:05 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:31:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 2:31:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: Your natural voice is hot 2:31:07 | Senevri: not wholesome at all 2:31:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: WHAT 2:31:09 | Emmy64_: KEKW 2:31:10 | 1batlchip: try sing female vocals 2:31:10 | (Prime Gaming) BendyJenga: Lmfao 2:31:11 | viryl_lucas: VOICE TRAININF TIME 2:31:11 | k4rakara: KEKW 2:31:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: my voice does get higher when I'm turned on KEKW 2:31:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: you didnt realise? 2:31:13 | diyab1: bro u kno who has a sik voice kali uchis 2:31:13 | braddle172: KEKW 2:31:13 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: Yes it does 2:31:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: but it's true 2:31:14 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: john... 2:31:14 | LOtiumduPeuple: LUL 2:31:14 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: HES STALLING 2:31:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @UntoldTobi, That doesn't work. 2:31:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: KEKW 2:31:20 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: And John calls us cringe 2:31:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: I think I heard you say "I like her" on accident while saying "I like how my voice sounds" 2:31:21 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 2:31:23 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: OMEGALUL 2:31:23 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: hiiiii 2:31:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Ehehe :) 2:31:26 | bubba_nox: Wait do u not have a discord?! 2:31:27 | jackiedst: Best advice I've been told is don't do "Eee" sounds with your voice, do "ahhhh" to sound more femme and not strain your voice too much 2:31:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: The fact that Finn never expects John's comments to be sussy 2:31:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:31:30 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: cute e girl 2:31:30 | silksheets_mama_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 2:31:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: overthinking it 2:31:33 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: cute 2:31:34 | (Prime Gaming) Owly_9: :) 2:31:35 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !discord @bubba_nox, 2:31:35 | whitneyrain2003: Bye everyone for now 2:31:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 2:31:38 | ilykazucs: hellloo 2:31:39 | AROYALMOON: !discord 2:31:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Dew it 2:31:42 | adorablast: it's really hard to do in front of people but it's the only way to work on it and get it 2:31:43 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: EHEHE 2:31:43 | 99thking: "why is chat horny?"-john and then you say that john mvpDerp 2:31:44 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: CIMP 2:31:45 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: SIMP 2:31:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 2:31:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: no thoughts, head empty 2:31:47 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Cotton makes you squirm 2:31:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: does he know 2:31:48 | UntoldTobi: @whelkier maybe life is like a box of chocolate u never know what you get 2:31:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Drink some water 2:31:50 | 1batlchip: don't think just do 2:31:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn disgusted by JohnK comment about voice pitch and pegging. SUS. - 4840 2:31:51 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: Clip 2:31:52 | Senevri: "when the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air...." 2:31:52 | (Prime Gaming) chaosplayer21: waaazzzzzzuuup 2:31:54 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Let him cook 2:31:55 | AROYALMOON: !socials 2:31:55 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: uwu swag 2:31:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 2:31:57 | diyab1: dayum 2:31:57 | Emmy64_: @jackiedst You got bamboozled to do a moan seems like LUL 2:31:58 | m4cintoshplus: wa'ah 2:31:58 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: But do you Like Like her? 2:31:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: thats what she said 2:31:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: but do you like her like her XD elementary school rumor style 2:32:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP GV attempt. - 4840 2:32:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: whota 2:32:02 | 07UK: lol 2:32:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gottem 2:32:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Cutest egirl with a D SeemsGood 2:32:06 | braddle172: fr3ddiThirsty 2:32:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Me too 2:32:07 | ammar1o5: From the photoshoot? 2:32:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MadTeeJay: let him cook LUL 2:32:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Are you swituch or full sub? 2:32:09 | (Prime Gaming) bigmantom31: are you a 'mandem in disguise' 2:32:10 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you can be a cute e girl 2:32:12 | beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchNRG MercyWing2 2:32:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Soda just posted the most- 2:32:13 | daeenotdayy: Any New streamer advice ? 2:32:14 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do a corpse voice 2:32:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mintmayo: oh so your throat is fucked ;) 2:32:16 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: AYO 2:32:17 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: death note shirt? 2:32:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a very handsome e-girl 2:32:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: f1nnEmbarrassed 2:32:20 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: THINKING OF COTTEN 2:32:23 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: ? 2:32:23 | ninpnin: bonk 2:32:25 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: CLIP IT 2:32:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: AmoyaTail LUL 2:32:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: DONT LOOK AT IT 2:32:27 | ar1st1pp0s: i think this is the first time i have ever seen F1nn drink water 2:32:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: stalling 2:32:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: OMG 2:32:30 | procdump: *d-girl ;-D 2:32:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 2:32:33 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: Wait that’s a guy ?!? 2:32:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: DONT LOOK 2:32:34 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: mama 2:32:36 | josecortesnival: Why are we stalling again 2:32:36 | (GlitchCon 2020) Vitosauras: vitosaHI 2:32:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 2:32:41 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I saw it on my timeline KEKW 2:32:41 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: woah is that water bro? 2:32:44 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 2:32:44 | sapphiccatgirl6: oof 2:32:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: That's an Egg 2:32:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: LMAO 2:32:50 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @daeenotdayy, just stream. then ask on a discord dedicated to new streamers once you find one, rather than in other streamers' chats. 2:32:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: stalling 2:32:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: I mean he has been up for more than a day SeemsGood 2:32:54 | whelkier: lol chill don't pressure 2:32:54 | viryl_lucas: Hmmmmmm 2:32:55 | m4cintoshplus: mustering courage 2:32:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: STALLING 2:32:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: what is it? 2:32:56 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: STALLING 2:32:56 | typethetyper: mlibNarwhal 2:32:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: STALLING 2:32:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Exactly 2:32:59 | josecortesnival: Oh yeah girl voice 2:32:59 | 1batlchip: do it do it do it do it 2:33:00 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 2:33:00 | viryl_lucas: Ayooooo 2:33:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: @sugma_666 Discover that tomerow 2:33:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: I think he didn't answer that boys. Is it time for some truth drinking? 2:33:03 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: chat, u don't wanna know 2:33:03 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow sleep deprivation works the same as alcohol? Who knew? 2:33:03 | (Watching without audio) dkstandsfordonkeykong: Hi Rose, first comment here. Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your streams! 2:33:04 | UntoldTobi: oestrogen @f1nn5ter is life changing for you 2:33:04 | bertju2004: cottontailSMILE cottontailSMILE cottontailSMILE 2:33:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Soda scared tf outta me 2:33:09 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: STALLING 2:33:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo 2:33:18 | gernadesquirrel: love love her makeup 2:33:18 | (Listening only) andythebro4: stall 2:33:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: U got this ! 2:33:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) tuesdaythe5th: Clip it 2:33:21 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: cute 2:33:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: We're patient 2:33:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrAYAYA 2:33:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Absolutely adorable 2:33:23 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: :3 2:33:23 | braddle172: GivePLZ 2:33:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: Soda's pinned isn't it 2:33:25 | Nambo_Rose: that was god 2:33:26 | Melody_Silverpaw: raysB cute 2:33:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: OMG 2:33:28 | frost177: 2:33:29 | (Watching without audio) cookiepandaprincess: holy shit 2:33:29 | josecortesnival: Ok 2:33:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 2:33:30 | frogatte: MOMMY 2:33:30 | Thovara: not bad tbh 2:33:30 | (Prime Gaming) KITcatsyyy: WO 2:33:30 | (Prime Gaming) Short_SubmarineHunter: OMG 2:33:30 | viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 2:33:30 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO 2:33:30 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: that's way better 2:33:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: omg you are def improving 2:33:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Tht works 2:33:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: LOVE IT <3 2:33:31 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: woah nice 2:33:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Oooooo! 2:33:31 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: niceeee 2:33:31 | (Prime Gaming) panda_kid2: knew 2:33:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Stalling by watching a link SodaCat sent him. - 4700 2:33:31 | bertju2004: woww 2:33:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You are DEF doing a Natt impression 2:33:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: Cute Good 2:33:32 | sjoonyje: Woah 2:33:32 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Getting there 2:33:32 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: that was good! 2:33:33 | MiIos_: not bad 2:33:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: doogSuffer 2:33:33 | sheldonq1: damn 2:33:33 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: very cute c: 2:33:33 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Try again 2:33:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) XXBoltrex: CLIP 2:33:34 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: DGSGSGHSHA 2:33:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) 323hrs: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 2:33:34 | (Prime Gaming) graveravegoblin: <3 <3 <3 2:33:34 | (Prime Gaming) sundancecasidy: wait wtf, that was amazing 2:33:34 | (Prime Gaming) Lahla: not bad 2:33:34 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: mommy 2:33:34 | Polly_Royal: wow the voice is getting there 2:33:34 | (GlitchCon 2020) JazzyMcFunk: american 2:33:35 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: that was actually better 2:33:35 | BofferCroc: On its way 2:33:35 | bertju2004: YEEESSSS 2:33:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: too fast between so and adorable 2:33:35 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: WHOA 2:33:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Amazin 2:33:36 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: getting better 2:33:37 | braddle172: Good 2:33:37 | josecortesnival: Thumbs up 2:33:37 | ag3poyo: wow 2:33:37 | (Listening only) chainedchish: gettingclose 2:33:37 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Not bad 2:33:37 | stefano_rizzo_: OMG WHAT 2:33:38 | l3laz3de: that was real close 2:33:38 | yumiii_zumi: DAAMN 2:33:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: The American twang suits you SeemsGood 2:33:38 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Thats good dude 2:33:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Again!!! 2:33:39 | LOtiumduPeuple: OMG Are you a girl ? Sounds exactly like a girl to me ! 2:33:39 | d4rk_sp1rit_: YOOO SO CUTEE 2:33:39 | (Watching without audio) cookiepandaprincess: QUEEN 2:33:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: IM SORRY AYO 2:33:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) godoftheplainsofexistence: Mommy 2:33:40 | AROYALMOON: ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry ofwildHungry 2:33:40 | r20mejia: not baf 2:33:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: you can do better 2:33:41 | iivelvetthunder: Pp hard 2:33:41 | bertju2004: YEEEEEES 2:33:41 | ag3poyo: its good 2:33:41 | Nambo_Rose: 9/10 would simp for 2:33:41 | crazytrue: Hey there manly guy at the screen! 2:33:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: ahhh 2:33:42 | Anastasius21: ohhhh??? 2:33:42 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: ITS GETTING BETTER 2:33:42 | viryl_lucas: Not that bad but yeah 2:33:42 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: You’re getting so good at it!!!! 2:33:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: getting better 2:33:43 | AROYALMOON: SO Cute!~ 2:33:43 | (Prime Gaming) Bonsai_bit: that was your best so far 2:33:44 | whelkier: that actually pretty good fr 2:33:44 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Mommy 2:33:44 | bertju2004: CONTENTT 2:33:45 | (Prime Gaming) overhaze: Why the American accent? 2:33:46 | m4cintoshplus: cute 2:33:46 | Owly_9: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 2:33:46 | peeteisamasteryooo: Oh that was actually good! 2:33:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Slutty suits you 2:33:46 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: the lessons are paying off!! 2:33:47 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Coopergames043: omg my g first finnister stream!!!! HI 2:33:47 | (GLHF Pledge) quacknqp: you’re getting better wtf 2:33:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: Okay you've been keeping that from us!!! 2:33:47 | 1batlchip: try the flamer voice 2:33:48 | 99thking: It can be sluttier mvpDerp 2:33:49 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: @AROYALMOON MOON!? 2:33:49 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: how do u speak like that? 2:33:50 | bertju2004: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailCHAD 2:33:50 | yolipollie: not horrible 2:33:51 | (Subscriber) sadcomunist: FeelsLagMan FeelsLagMan FeelsLagMan 2:33:51 | braddle172: f1nnHeart 2:33:52 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: can someone give me sodas twitter? 2:33:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) dandilionandburdock: Its better 2:33:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP GV attempt. Finally. - 4710 2:33:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: why is your girl voice american 2:33:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: This is why you PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!! 2:33:56 | (Listening only) chainedchish: are you going to do girl voice in battle pass? 2:33:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: That was close bitch 2:33:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: When ur gonna post an omeagle video again? 2:33:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: Holy Moly. 2:33:58 | UntoldTobi: UwU 2:33:58 | AROYALMOON: CH E R R Y? 2:34:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxAyaya 2:34:01 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: That's way better than I've heard you try before! 2:34:01 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: LMAO 2:34:04 | josuekink: It’s getting a lot better 2:34:05 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: ruff 2:34:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: That was so close 2:34:07 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 71 in the channel! 2:34:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: suchkittymuchmeow has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 2:34:07 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to laird_chris! 2:34:07 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to alastorlexicus! 2:34:07 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to A_Wandering_Vagabond! 2:34:07 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to TBG_Elite! 2:34:07 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to kangaruby_! 2:34:09 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: #2 was better 2:34:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidClap 2:34:13 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: ruff ruff 2:34:14 | LegAbuse: You’re saying it too slow 2:34:15 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: The second one was a U deafly got me 2:34:18 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: ecatSmoresback ecatSmoresfront ecatCatdrink 2:34:20 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Coopergames043: pamajSubhype pamajSubhype pamajSubhype pamajSubhype 2:34:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: it's the R sound i think 2:34:21 | bertju2004: sheeeesh 2:34:26 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: It's getting much better 2:34:27 | bertju2004: cottontailPop cottontailPop 2:34:28 | GooseBozo: cute 2:34:29 | (Listening only) chainedchish: pavloved 2:34:30 | jschapker: pantso3Dance pantso3Dance pantso3Dance 2:34:30 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: Control your breathing and tempo 2:34:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: your voice progress is legit inspiring to me 2:34:32 | (cheer 1) dark_aphelion: Is that a misa amane tshirt? 2:34:33 | typethetyper: Cute 2:34:34 | LaserM0nkey: Yuh 2:34:38 | general_of_cm: Yoo Soy Ado`ble 2:34:44 | viryl_lucas: Stol being british 2:34:44 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: It's the your 2:34:45 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ravisdo! 2:34:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to ravisdo at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang ravisdo f1nnLezgang 2:34:45 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! 2:34:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: you so adorable laddie 2:34:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: your natural "accent" isn't the most british sounding anyway 2:34:50 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Say you wot 2:34:51 | SammiLaced: # meeshc2JebaitedShake meeshc2JebaitedShake meeshc2JebaitedShake 2:34:52 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Pronouce it more like oar 2:34:54 | judgedame: Chav 2:34:55 | m4cintoshplus: the accent makes it cuter, reminds me of toob 2:34:58 | bubba_nox: WAIT, do u have a discord server or nah? 2:34:58 | (Subscriber) FemboyDommie: FemboyDommie subscribed at Tier 1. 2:34:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: femboydommie subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang femboydommie f1nnLezgang 2:34:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: I'm American and my girl voice is British this is weird hahahaha 2:34:59 | ar1st1pp0s: he is being purified!!! 2:34:59 | Owly_9: you're so adorable bruv 2:35:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: time to move to texas 2:35:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: Fin has never spoken to a British woman 2:35:01 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Chav 2:35:01 | LOtiumduPeuple: You could replicate Minx voice 2:35:01 | (Prime Gaming) creepytwins__: justdont say so adorable as 1 word lmao 2:35:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: I guess that means you have to move. 2:35:05 | gernadesquirrel: if my chat stream moved this fast i would need a dedacated pc to save all the chat so i could reply to them all giggles 2:35:07 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Try saying something really British instead 2:35:10 | qwrrrty: YeW A so adoble 2:35:10 | (Watching without audio) gustavobmc: cute 2:35:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: !discord 2:35:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 2:35:18 | judgedame: Do it 2:35:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: How would Abby say it? 2:35:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: do a stereotypical british accent 2:35:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Even better, you can be your irl friends' hot exchange student friend 2:35:20 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Boy UK Girl USA? 2:35:22 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: For the empire! 2:35:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: "I can't bloody do it in a British accent" 2:35:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: nice bunda bruv 2:35:24 | (Prime Gaming) SleepingLee0125: tea 2:35:25 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: breakfast 2:35:25 | 1batlchip: but a little Cooney in it 2:35:26 | (Prime Gaming) GoblinToes: "cor blimey guvna, i'nt you's adorable?!" 2:35:27 | sheldonq1: teeth 2:35:27 | DatRoobz6: tea 2:35:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Your Buckfast? 2:35:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: nice cock 2:35:28 | Thief806: the weather 2:35:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: sick nails bruv 2:35:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: no for real my girl voice is British and I'm an American so maybe it just flips 2:35:30 | Owly_9: You look alright 2:35:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: "Oy brov, nice tea with them crumpets" 2:35:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: oyyy nice knife 2:35:31 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you're fit? 2:35:31 | general_of_cm: nice tea 2:35:32 | whelkier: lovely cup of tea chick 2:35:32 | loczenzo: oi nice teeth mate 2:35:32 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Nice cuppa tea 2:35:32 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Nice trainer bro 2:35:33 | JnkyrdWillie: bridish 2:35:33 | (Prime Gaming) Sambson: fella 2:35:33 | (Prime Gaming) big_al72: you're bloody lovely 2:35:34 | mine_taby: leng 2:35:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: You queue very well sir 2:35:35 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Tea 2:35:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sp4rr0wVevo: Nice shiv bruv 2:35:35 | (Prime Gaming) bruceleeharveyoswald: capital knockers madam! 2:35:35 | Nambo_Rose: oi luv nice teeth 2:35:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) laird_chris: @SuchKittyMuchMeow thanks for the gift sub! f1nnHeart 2:35:36 | (cheer 100) ComeOnWomm: Leng, or fat bundha 2:35:36 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Nice knife 2:35:37 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Oh chuv you look well nice 2:35:37 | LOtiumduPeuple: Your beans on toast are good 2:35:37 | (Prime Gaming) aaronlfc23: Your a donut 2:35:38 | james_4536377d: jassylAngrycat 2:35:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Oi cunt? 2:35:38 | (Watching without audio) cookiepandaprincess: peng fellow 2:35:38 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Youre fit lad 2:35:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: You look rather lovely 2:35:39 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Coopergames043: nice sausage 2:35:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Jeddix: nifty 2:35:39 | procdump: "You can't park there, mate" 2:35:39 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: smashing LUL 2:35:40 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Nice cock bruv 2:35:40 | josecortesnival: No idea 2:35:40 | (Prime Gaming) Krazzier: Quite cute, innit 2:35:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: Gotta nice mop 2:35:41 | hetania: noice tea luv 2:35:41 | sp4rtacus23: im going to stab you? 2:35:41 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: NICE BUNDAAAAAAAAA 2:35:41 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: lovely cup of tea 2:35:42 | sepiagh0st: youre such a geezer 2:35:42 | salivnya: KEKW 2:35:43 | gon555551: You're proper fit! 2:35:43 | judgedame: Nice flat 2:35:43 | (Prime Gaming) rhibooting: That's lush 2:35:43 | (Prime Gaming) SleepingLee0125: good crumpet 2:35:43 | kodyle3: Lol 2:35:43 | 1batlchip: cokney 2:35:44 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: 'ELLO GUV'NA! JOLLY GOOD TEA, INIT BRUV! 2:35:44 | KnapperigeKapitein: great crack 2:35:44 | tinylittlebabylegs: you look fit 2:35:44 | r20mejia: oi love 2:35:44 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: nice there bruv 2:35:45 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: Nice chank 2:35:45 | (Prime Gaming) evilpooky: LUV 2:35:46 | adorablast: you're looking very submissive and breedable" 2:35:46 | mirot47: yer American yor British 2:35:47 | (Subscriber) cheesestring666: hairs, nail, jewellery 2:35:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: cheeky? 2:35:47 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: Biritsh compliment: "OK" 2:35:48 | (GLHF Pledge) mendydy: LUL 2:35:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: lumiichuBlush lumiichuBlush 2:35:49 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Rizzzzzzz 2:35:49 | (Prime Gaming) overhaze: "That's some jolly good colonisation" 2:35:49 | m4cintoshplus: cheers luv 2:35:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) godoftheplainsofexistence: Cup of tea 2:35:49 | Lets_illuminatiHD: Handsome I would say 2:35:50 | (Turbo) Cazenn: "Alright mate" @F1NN5TER 2:35:50 | (GlitchCon 2020) Conni1906: you got sum great abs 2:35:50 | (TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: Pog you're pretty bast4Heart bast4Wave 2:35:50 | greenghost103: "You look like a nice haggis :) " 2:35:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: just a bit of banter 2:35:51 | natalie_1984: looking dapper 2:35:51 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Bangin cock, gent 2:35:51 | ArionAlt: You're such a dear 2:35:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: I have the same issue to be fair. 2:35:51 | Bytebak: You look really fit 2:35:52 | apple8ball: Nice feet 2:35:52 | dragonfirettv16: There are none 2:35:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: You look right distinguished 2:35:53 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: British compliment 404 2:35:53 | Sammygee63: smashing spot of tea 2:35:54 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) WurstKaseScenario: Fill me hole, fella 2:35:54 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: NICE BUNDA 2:35:54 | (Watching without audio) cookiepandaprincess: cheeky bloke 2:35:55 | usr5540: chat wth haha 2:35:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: He's really into bees 2:35:56 | pheelinor: fit or hot 2:35:56 | (cheer 1) dark_aphelion: Nice deck 2:35:56 | (cheer 100) sk8al0t: bloody hell i really fancy you 2:35:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: oi luv that bussy be jolly throbbin innit? 2:35:57 | drashtheplayer_v2: lovely 2:35:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Looking posh 2:35:57 | AROYALMOON: Ayo Luv, you alright? 2:35:58 | momoneko77: Proper fit 2:35:58 | Ray_Jay101: Your looking rather dashing 2:35:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Nice jumper? 2:35:59 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: no idea 2:35:59 | (Prime Gaming) evilpooky: Duck 2:35:59 | (Prime Gaming) dpipess: Nice eyes @F1NN5TER 2:35:59 | (Turbo) Guduche: Lovely 2:35:59 | sepiagh0st: youre such a geezaaaa 2:35:59 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: make me a cuppa tea 2:36:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: bloody lovely? 2:36:01 | frogatte: nice tits 2:36:01 | (Prime Gaming) BrobZulu: Sweety 2:36:01 | lawson561: nice cane 2:36:01 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: im canadaian 2:36:01 | drunkforrock: sweet i guess 2:36:01 | mine_taby: majestic 2:36:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: your hair looks nice 2:36:02 | sheldonq1: nice noif bruv 2:36:02 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: Oh they have 2:36:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: peng 2:36:02 | josuekink: Nice toast with beans? 2:36:02 | hazadooza: I like the cut of your jib. 2:36:02 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: "Hi Handsome" 2:36:03 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you're so cute? 2:36:03 | (Subscriber) cheesestring666: “i love you ring” 2:36:03 | (Prime Gaming) rhibooting: You're lush 2:36:03 | Just_Mart: "Nice knob" 2:36:03 | gernadesquirrel: batting 2 for 3 not bad fingers crossed 3 out of three 2:36:04 | phos4us_: "you're dashing" 2:36:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: What a distinguished gentleman 2:36:05 | (Prime Gaming) SleepingLee0125: chaffed to bits 2:36:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: women don't compliment men what do you mean 2:36:05 | (Prime Gaming) scion720: Cheeky knob you got there 2:36:06 | djboots11701: You smell nice 2:36:06 | TacticalHardcore: Hey there sweete 2:36:06 | ar1st1pp0s: "nice cock" 2:36:06 | (Prime Gaming) Velocinator: women complement men? peepoSad 2:36:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: you're a man aren't you? 2:36:06 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: lovely chicken bruv, innit 2:36:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: do british girls do that 2:36:07 | 3DartBlade: "Nice cock mate" 2:36:07 | sr1gaming: Grab your coat you've pulled 2:36:07 | natalie_1984: you're so sweet 2:36:07 | (Watching without audio) cookiepandaprincess: That never happens 2:36:07 | wandererimwalde: that doesnt happen 2:36:07 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: You got bare rizz lad 2:36:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: strapping lad 2:36:10 | frith_rabbit: "hey sweety" 2:36:10 | ladyrxs: “You’re so fit babe” 2:36:10 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: nice cock 2:36:10 | bearpaw1970: You sparkle 2:36:11 | (Prime Gaming) Drezane: dashing? 2:36:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Nice eyes? 2:36:12 | sp4rtacus23: im gunna stab you innit 2:36:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: Nice ween 2:36:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: No man in the uk has been complemented 2:36:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: nice cock 2:36:13 | angryanderson84: Nice boulder, that’s a nice boulder 2:36:13 | ArionAlt: YOU ARE A DEAR 2:36:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Nice rooster, chap 2:36:15 | whelkier: I lika da pizza 2:36:15 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: your so handsom? 2:36:16 | 1batlchip: thanks seet 2:36:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) afy_jb: "it's chewsday innit" 2:36:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: yer bokken banging mate 2:36:16 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) King_reuben99: get on ur knees 2:36:16 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: You look dashing. 2:36:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kilmawa: Nice Cock 2:36:17 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: "what a lad" 2:36:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: british women don't compliment men 2:36:18 | mine_taby: looking good yk 2:36:18 | phos4us_: quite dashing 2:36:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: "he's well fit" 2:36:19 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Thou layeth pipe like a royal 2:36:19 | pheelinor: fit 2:36:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: "Hey baby" 2:36:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @grap3_s0da, wtf KEKW 2:36:21 | l3laz3de: aw ur cute u know 2:36:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: british people don't compliment each other, only look at each other with slightly less contempt 2:36:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: lol jk jk 2:36:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "What's a stereotypical compliment a British woman would use?" . - 4650 2:36:23 | procdump: "Hey sugar" 2:36:23 | ch4rc0al5: Cheeky Nando's innit 2:36:25 | mirot47: or maybe try yur 2:36:25 | martindines: "youre well fit" 2:36:25 | viryl_lucas: Hey there handsome 2:36:26 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: top bloke 2:36:26 | joe577spires: That's never happend 2:36:26 | 1batlchip: thanks sweet 2:36:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: "you're cute" 2:36:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Tenaga: SMASHING 2:36:27 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Oh my goodness I love your nails” 2:36:27 | drunkforrock: darlinggg 2:36:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Noice cok guvnor 2:36:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) godoftheplainsofexistence: Tea love 2:36:28 | (Turbo) n2Fast: "Cheeky aren't ya" 2:36:28 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Pretty cock, innit 2:36:29 | NyxV1xen: You're so handsome 2:36:29 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Lovely? 2:36:29 | (Subscriber) cheesestring666: “you’re so pretty” 2:36:30 | fredo96993: He's a dish 2:36:30 | LOtiumduPeuple: you can say someone's adorable without looking down to them imo 2:36:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: It's literally it lmao 2:36:31 | (Prime Gaming) BrobZulu: Calling them "love" 2:36:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: Bo'l o' wo'a 2:36:33 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Katie does (Ur so adorable) 2:36:33 | (TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: imrunningoutofideas subscribed with Prime. 2:36:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: imrunningoutofideas subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang imrunningoutofideas f1nnLezgang 2:36:33 | UntoldTobi: There are no compliments for MANN form Woman 2:36:33 | ar1st1pp0s: "close your eyes and think of the queen" 2:36:36 | skyblues06: you make a good cuppa tea 2:36:36 | judgedame: You hunger mate 2:36:37 | ArionAlt: DEAR HEART 2:36:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Good bloke 2:36:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: the language of love 2:36:39 | 1batlchip: thanks love 2:36:40 | lawson561: ''oh what a dapper gent you are'' 2:36:40 | (Prime Gaming) creepytwins__: "hello love!" 2:36:42 | viryl_lucas: Pissing all by yourself handom 2:36:43 | (cheer 1000) simpleglen: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Lets be honest very few British women have a sexy accent, very Dikensian 2:36:43 | imaconfusedalexa: @callmegarp This made me crack up 2:36:44 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: "Marvelous Darling" 2:36:45 | (Subscriber) cheesestring666: “he’s a bit of me” 2:36:47 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: It’s so cute 2:36:49 | johnpnicholls1122: your SO................SPACE Adorable 2:36:49 | phos4us_: @viryl_lucas lol 2:36:49 | gernadesquirrel: who mentioned the "c" word? 2:36:49 | (Prime Gaming) CallieKills: ORITE LUV? 2:36:49 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: hey what the fuck I'm an ex-dude and my girlfriend calls me pretty all the time 2:36:49 | Paahtsu: "ooh youre so tall" 2:36:49 | mine_taby: he’s fine 2:36:50 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: "Wouldn't kick him out of bed" 2:36:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: can i hold your balls mate? 2:36:50 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: hrt 2:36:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: WELL FIT FINN 2:36:54 | howdypie: Oi, got a license for those looks? 2:36:54 | Emmy64_: "Give me your cadbury filling" 2:36:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Lol 2:36:56 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: Medicated? E 2:36:57 | gon555551: you're a handsome bloke 2:36:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: you don't have broken teeth I like you 2:37:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: HRT is medication 2:37:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) laird_chris: he's well buff like 2:37:02 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: Huh? 2:37:02 | bigsuave7: false 2:37:03 | viryl_lucas: Pissing all by yourself handsome~ 2:37:03 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) comradeglimmer: is it really coming on March 1st??? 2:37:03 | certified_boylover: hrt 2:37:04 | (Prime Gaming) evilpooky: I will bang ? 2:37:04 | (cheer 1) getinmyfridge: your mad cute bruv 2:37:05 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: "he's proper fit innit" 2:37:06 | procdump: Well, we'll need the women and ONLY the women to type now. :-D 2:37:06 | djboots11701: Cheer100 you smell nice 2:37:07 | (Prime Gaming) VividFlash: he's so cute vividfSweat 2:37:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: Just do an Essex girl voice 2:37:08 | mirot47: you're say it with the sound of Sir 2:37:08 | (Prime Gaming) evilpooky: You 2:37:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: u havin a giggle mate? 2:37:13 | bigsuave7: i love them 2:37:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: proper bloke 2:37:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Do a scottish accent 2:37:15 | DriimurTV: cheeky wanka 2:37:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: That is wrong 2:37:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Scottish accents are really sexy though 2:37:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: Only cockneys would speak like a Dickens character wym XD 2:37:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: guy speaking british super hot, girl speaking british ehhh 2:37:24 | MeeNylo: dam iz a dude 2:37:24 | Senevri: Counterpoint: Karen Gillan 2:37:26 | qwrrrty: don't be a daft cow we're On the pull 2:37:27 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: sometimes you sound like your from Jersey 2:37:28 | MashMasher: Bri'sh dialect stream? 2:37:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: try to talk like adele then 2:37:31 | (Prime Gaming) Thovara: Thovara subscribed with Prime. 2:37:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thovara subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thovara f1nnLezgang 2:37:33 | (Prime Gaming) KyloFinn30: Your brit ish 2:37:36 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @MeeNylo, yes, welcome, be nice :) 2:37:38 | (Turbo) sipikay: You sound 100% British cope 2:37:39 | sr1gaming: My favourite was. you have a face I could sit on 2:37:39 | hecaerge: You said you wished you could speak like the actress in Killing Eve - maybe try upping the 'posh'? 2:37:41 | LOtiumduPeuple: You sounds like british corpse to me 2:37:47 | MrGamerFan01: British and Scottish Accents 2:37:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kilmawa: Bri'ish 2:37:48 | (Prime Gaming) creepytwins__: im from liverpoolish area but people think im american or canadian lmao 2:37:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Roff as fock 2:37:50 | phos4us_: try to imitate Emma Watson 2:37:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @MeeNylo, listen to John 2:37:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Honestly, it's because British women will sound sexy right up until they try to sound sexy on purpose 2:37:53 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: TRANS atlantic heehe 2:37:57 | bertju2004: cottontailUwu cottontailUwu cottontailUwu 2:37:57 | Paahtsu: @scarlettyg only if you can understand wtf theyre saying 2:37:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what KEKW 2:37:59 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: try sounding like gfoty 2:38:00 | babykittencutie: U WOULD SLAY 2:38:03 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Plenty of UK women have sexy voices are u deaf? 2:38:03 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @Elifighter we got him 2:38:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: @senevri She is Scottish 2:38:07 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: two words: valley girl 2:38:09 | babykittencutie: woah why did my message get deleted it was a compliment 2:38:11 | Optiboo: you dont have the movie brit voice very normal voice tbh 2:38:13 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 2:38:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 2:38:13 | johnpnicholls1122: yor so ADORABLE 2:38:13 | MeeNylo: @johnkeiwo sir yes sir OSFrog 2:38:14 | Luckyscore: most british actors say american accent is easier than when americans do british accents 2:38:15 | gernadesquirrel: f1nnPegChamp new one unlocked 2:38:16 | babykittencutie: i like your misa shirt finn <3 2:38:17 | echo_waverly77: Has Finn done his makeup? 2:38:18 | (cheer 1000) simpleglen: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Your normal accent is only a few degrees separated from the chavs 2:38:23 | imaconfusedalexa: Whoaaaaa I just discovered I can make fin drink water 2:38:26 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Nothing is hotter than the British accent, especially in Birmingham in my opinion 2:38:29 | ultr60: women 2:38:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you have a cute voice tho 2:38:36 | echo_waverly77: Woman 2:38:40 | Enfinit_: Can you Do a girl voice? 2:38:42 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: listen to Kate Beckinsale her voice is unique 2:38:44 | (Turbo) Cazenn: KEKW 2:38:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: you can't get manlier with a claymore in the background 2:38:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: I think you should try "he's well fit" Inthe voice for maximum bri'ishness now lad 2:38:48 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: TRUE 2:38:49 | Bytebak: 'Fancy coming back to my gaff, I don't half fancy you' 2:38:50 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Pride1000 TRANS atlantic heehe 2:38:50 | LOtiumduPeuple: Your voice is straight Barry White 2:38:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Enfinit_, He's working on it. 2:38:52 | (Turbo) Cazenn: Classic Brum male 2:38:52 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Fuckin is 2:38:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: it's hard and I'm a lady 2:38:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:38:54 | Emmy64_: @imaconfusedalexa He just donowalled us with those bs KEKW 2:38:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: i bet its been the cum tributes 2:38:56 | (Prime Gaming) cam_jun: it is a class thing in the UK we have a very bad class divide 2:38:56 | (Prime Gaming) rhibooting: I'm sad that "lush" isn't used much as a complement anymore 2:38:58 | gernadesquirrel: brit accent is so cool and sexy lol 2:39:01 | mine_taby: roadman finn 2:39:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: f1nnCowjam 2:39:03 | Paahtsu: naah corpse husband sounds like he eats gravel for cereal. DAILY 2:39:06 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: oi i already missed almost 3 hours of the stream? damn 2:39:06 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: eh more british men have sexy voices than women, but really depends. if you get like north of the M3 just no 2:39:07 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Coopergames043: im a straight male and not gay for finding finn hot right?? 2:39:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: What dialect is this? 2:39:10 | damaris15052008: Wholesome? 2:39:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nice 2:39:15 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: How is F1nn doing today? 2:39:15 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: As others have said, try to imitate Kate Beckinsale 2:39:16 | (Subscriber) piyapol1999: Free Subscription Test 2:39:16 | Insomnia7177: goodnight <3 2:39:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: Knikian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Hey F1nn can you believe I am a straight guy and will pay for your battlepass just for curiosity 2:39:21 | Emmy64_: !confused 2:39:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: knikian subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:39:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 2:39:24 | ambrocia777: <3 2:39:25 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: yeah 2:39:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Great! 2:39:28 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: Cuute! 2:39:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: "Ay bruv u got a ciggy?" 2:39:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: !!! 2:39:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: "Looking fit, love" 2:39:31 | bubba_nox: The server has 69 boosts now…. 2:39:32 | nik_zori: pog 2:39:32 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: @coopergames043 that's pretty gay 2:39:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Coopergames043, It depends. 2:39:33 | AROYALMOON: @cherryquill We are holding hands now Cherry, we're enjoy femboy stream 2:39:34 | ar1st1pp0s: i have to mute this shit 2:39:35 | braddle172: Wot 2:39:35 | ultr60: NotLikeThis 2:39:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidShy izidShy izidShy 2:39:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: whoa 2:39:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: You sounded exactly like Cottontail! 2:39:40 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 2:39:40 | (Founder, cheer 5000) supermonkeyjam: Dafuq 2:39:41 | AROYALMOON: ITS SO LOVELY 2:39:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: ...bi-curiosity? 2:39:43 | teamgrilli2: BEANS 2:39:44 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: omgggg its so good 2:39:44 | bigsuave7: straight 2:39:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: say what immediately after saying you're so adorable 2:39:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Mid-Atlantic is the usual term, not Trans-Atlantic, but both are correct. 2:39:46 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO 2:39:47 | earlsweet: cv 2:39:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Bri'ish dono message. - 4620 2:39:48 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: What about saying “What’s all this then?” 2:39:50 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: You over pronouce the your in the american voice. 2:39:51 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Coopergames043: what does it depend on @Amoyamoyamoya 2:39:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: A lorry pranged the banger in the boot, but I 'aven't the ready to get it out of the ricky. So d'you fancy takin' the tube to the pictures, or rollin' round to the local for a pint? 2:39:52 | earlsweet: choker AYAYA 2:39:53 | mine_taby: “your so fine” 2:39:54 | LOtiumduPeuple: Didn't soda trained you. Hehas a good girl voice 2:39:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: IT'S not Manly? Why not? 2:39:56 | CritMozziYT: Wtf 2:39:56 | N7KOTE: GayPride 2:39:57 | mirot47: how rrr u 2:39:59 | tpulli: your nails look so pretty!!! 2:40:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Another GV attempt. - 4620 2:40:01 | CritMozziYT: Holy 2:40:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: yore 2:40:05 | (Prime Gaming) Drezane: That last one was really good 2:40:07 | viryl_lucas: Ur 2:40:07 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: You sounded like Natt 2:40:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Yer 2:40:10 | tpulli: say it like ur 2:40:10 | Kolateak_: Yer 2:40:11 | AROYALMOON: Yer! 2:40:11 | viryl_lucas: Yur 2:40:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: it's the strong R sound 2:40:12 | vrworkouts: yow 2:40:14 | yokai_327: yer 2:40:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: Yeeyee 2:40:15 | 99thking: Also the whole like "Twink fetish" thing is still objectively funny to me mvpDerp 2:40:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: YER KKona 2:40:15 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yer 2:40:16 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: Yer 2:40:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yer 2:40:16 | (Prime Gaming) Emeralds1: lmao 2:40:17 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: yerrrr 2:40:17 | (Prime Gaming) therealmcclain: Same my dude. If it's intended fem it's fem 2:40:17 | scatteredleaves: yer 2:40:17 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: "yur purrty" 2:40:18 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Obkatiekat says it all the time? (Adorable) 2:40:18 | ryetoastyos: KEKW 2:40:18 | viryl_lucas: Yer 2:40:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 2:40:20 | ultr60: What does he feel he wants to be a girl 2:40:20 | braddle172: Yer 2:40:20 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: @cherryquill cherry671Blushies 2:40:21 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: GOT IT!!!! 2:40:21 | viryl_lucas: Yur 2:40:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yee 2:40:23 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: yer 2:40:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: PeterTheMostlyOK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! I wake up from my nap just to realize this butt munch has started early for once 2:40:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: peterthemostlyok subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:40:26 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: "YeH" 2:40:26 | (Prime Gaming) snapchatbroccoli: silly boy 2:40:27 | mirot47: yer like sir 2:40:28 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: pu t it back to you are 2:40:29 | (Prime Gaming) bri_ez_baby: yurrrrrr 2:40:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we have a breakthrough 2:40:30 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Yes 2:40:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Do female voice with an accent 2:40:31 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) WurstKaseScenario: Yoh 2:40:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: SPEAK AMERICAN SISTER KKona 2:40:32 | viryl_lucas: Yor from spyfamily 2:40:33 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: Aur naur 2:40:33 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: am i deaf 2:40:35 | earlsweet: YURRR 2:40:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yor 2:40:37 | Loelinverse: say uhh in an a way 2:40:37 | N7KOTE: i am like u ^^ 2:40:38 | (Turbo) knxggles: "yuh" 2:40:38 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Oooo more? 2:40:38 | 0melet_: naur 2:40:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: Try essex girl as a starting point? 2:40:40 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: go back to you are and not use your 2:40:41 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Yur 2:40:42 | (Prime Gaming) Drezane: yer KKona 2:40:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: yor 2:40:43 | judgedame: Breakthrough 2:40:43 | vrworkouts: youir 2:40:43 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: yuhhhh 2:40:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Tenaga: Yowr 2:40:44 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Ur 2:40:45 | Affect_Ctrl: Yer 2:40:45 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: yor 2:40:45 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: bro lacks the phonemes 2:40:46 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Say You are instead 2:40:46 | (Prime Gaming) bri_ez_baby: y'heard 2:40:46 | qwrrrty: Yewr 2:40:47 | (Prime Gaming) rhibooting: "YAW" 2:40:48 | AIRHydrant: americanize>feminize lmao 2:40:48 | MeeNylo: pirate girl lol 2:40:49 | ArtzicGaming: yuwr 2:40:49 | (Prime Gaming) bri_ez_baby: yurrrrr 2:40:50 | acatwithaknife_: Yor forger? 2:40:50 | Emmy64_: iur 2:40:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: "Now look at the big babay" WAA 2:40:53 | Loelinverse: say yarr 2:40:54 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Broooo nanona1Claps 2:40:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: jij 2:40:55 | m4cintoshplus: forget the R 2:40:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) ItsAsheBB: Yea essex is a good shout ngl 2:40:56 | AROYALMOON: @cherryquill Naurrrr Cleeeoowww 2:40:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: phonetic is hard 2:40:57 | Emmy64_: Argrrr ? 2:40:58 | MannMachineCO: “yore” 2:40:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Coopergames043, If you are attracted because he looks femme vs because he's a guy. Former: You're femme-attracted, not gay. Latter: Kinda gay. 2:41:00 | teamgrilli2: yawwwwww!!!!!!! 2:41:01 | mine_taby: yooir 2:41:03 | (Prime Gaming) snapchatbroccoli: finn u look like shit today 2:41:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) Marcus_Rasaan: yerrrrr 2:41:06 | mirot47: Sir) say that with yer 2:41:07 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: whaaaat not wot 2:41:08 | braddle172: Lol 2:41:09 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 2:41:09 | earlsweet: yuurrr 2:41:10 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: F1N be wildin 2:41:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Chat trying to spell your is hilarious 2:41:11 | Senevri: can you do a femme 'A E I O U' 2:41:12 | johnpnicholls1122: you so space adorable 2:41:13 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) WurstKaseScenario: British English has an almost aw sound to the O, whereas the American English tends to be more... rounded? 2:41:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you can definitely practice oh sounds with voice training 2:41:18 | Optiboo: we need you do to a yall lol 2:41:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: try doing it while pegged 2:41:21 | (Subscriber) FemboyDommie: f1nnEmbarrassed 2:41:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: hutchmfREVERSE hutchmfREVERSE hutchmfREVERSE 2:41:24 | ryetoastyos: I think the problem is you are doing falsetto instead of altering your resonance 2:41:24 | (Prime Gaming) spoopykoopa: You're overthinking it now 2:41:25 | RonnieSxl: good 2:41:25 | Emmy64_: Woht 2:41:26 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Ngl something said with a British accent sounds way more intelligent than American 2:41:26 | dandylion8089: SAY NICE BELLAND 2:41:26 | ar1st1pp0s: this is a pain machine 2:41:27 | (Prime Gaming) femboyhug: KEKW 2:41:27 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: WOT 2:41:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 2:41:27 | AROYALMOON: Go Yeeee, then Errr 2:41:28 | braddle172: KEKW 2:41:28 | qwrrrty: You aRe 2:41:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrShook cyrShook cyrShook 2:41:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 2:41:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW 2:41:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: like what KEKW 2:41:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: say it like eeyore 2:41:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: OMG total valley gurl KEKW 2:41:30 | AROYALMOON: Y-er 2:41:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Eromaw: KEKW 2:41:30 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Finn I joined at the wrong time 2:41:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: LMAOOOOOOOO 2:41:31 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: wot KEKW 2:41:31 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 2:41:31 | Affect_Ctrl: blushing 2:41:31 | viryl_lucas: cringe XD 2:41:32 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 2:41:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 76 in the channel! 2:41:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: suchkittymuchmeow has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! 2:41:33 | bigsuave7: You've been Americanized 2:41:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: PERFECT 2:41:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to Notlnferior! 2:41:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to sosi_here! 2:41:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to benkidd! 2:41:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to Androidjam269! 2:41:33 | TJesterOnline: lmao Bravo! 2:41:33 | Emmy64_: KEKW 2:41:33 | (50 Gift Subs) SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to thecharlesthomas! 2:41:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Little lispy but getting there! 2:41:33 | usr5540: CUTE 2:41:34 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 2:41:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Tenaga: YOU WOT MATE? 2:41:35 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: cute 2:41:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: puking at the end KEKW 2:41:35 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) Coopergames043: @Amoyamoyamoya hmmm then im not gay haha 2:41:35 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:41:35 | (Gifter Leader 3) SuchKittyMuchMeow: good girl 2:41:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrAYAYA 2:41:36 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 2:41:37 | Dethklok17: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 2:41:37 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: OMEGALUL 2:41:37 | (Prime Gaming) Panda_Tess: Americans have harder R sounds 2:41:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: its basically starting higher so that when you drop low you dont go as low, or shorting the lower syllables and emphasising more on the higher more fem syllables @F1NN5TER 2:41:38 | adorablast: don't judge yourself just have fun with it! 2:41:39 | viocrence: LIKE WHAT 2:41:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about various sounds wrt GV. Another attempt. - 4650 2:41:39 | im_up_to_something: Lmao 2:41:40 | gon555551: good try for sure 2:41:41 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps 2:41:41 | jackiedst: Finn mate, you need to get a cat so you can practice talking in girl voice 2:41:41 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: HELP 2:41:42 | yolipollie: lmfao 2:41:42 | Senevri: Release the Voice Kraken! 2:41:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: That was pretty good 2:41:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Its so much better than it ever was SeemsGood 2:41:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Yeah, it's why I've been lazy about my voice for almost two decades now. 2:41:43 | (Subscriber) thecharlesthomas: Hey F1nn, if you can do American then be an American girl. Nothing wrong with that. 2:41:43 | natalie_1984: getting there tho 2:41:44 | It5_Just_Jay: Says the S like the grinch 2:41:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: STOP MOANING 2:41:48 | Flex_Uli: Great!! 2:41:49 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: FortOne 2:41:49 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: That was really good! 2:41:50 | quass__: WHAT KEKW 2:41:50 | bigsuave7: it's your vocal chords 2:41:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: progress 2:41:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: NO HARD R 2:41:52 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: you're almost there... 2:41:53 | nunya045: For sure getting there 2:41:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: yeah just say "you are" 2:41:54 | frost177: You're too nervous but you're getting better each time you do it SabaPing SabaPing 2:41:54 | duck_puck1: feel the tone higher in your throat 2:41:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: you nervous is ehat 2:41:55 | bertju2004: HARD R 2:41:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Hard R 2:41:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrOk 2:41:57 | ineedfootage: You sound like a girl trying to do a sexy guy voice 2:41:58 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Quit laughing and u are there. 2:41:58 | arzi77perra: you are wonderfull no matter what. 2:41:58 | bertju2004: NOOO 2:42:00 | viryl_lucas: Huh 2:42:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: what about Canadian eh? 2:42:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: It’s hard, he said that like 10 times 2:42:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Do a Scottish accent with your female voice 2:42:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: Hard R monkaS 2:42:02 | viryl_lucas: BRUH 2:42:03 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Pronounce it whhutt 2:42:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: Are your cringe receptors burnt out? 2:42:05 | LegAbuse: Don’t emphasize “you’re” just say it like “ur” 2:42:05 | bigsuave7: and the moaning.... 2:42:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: You have gotten better from the last time I've heard you do this 2:42:10 | 99thking: @ British trans fems y'all help this poor Twink mvpDerp 2:42:11 | johnpnicholls1122: almost sceam 2:42:12 | viryl_lucas: Wholesome! 2:42:12 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER say you are and not your to see if its different 2:42:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Imagine like a cute puppy or something instead. 2:42:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zero_polaris: sounds like you need to practice more 2:42:18 | The_EagerBeaver: Hey everyone! Been living under a rock, brought here by PhilosophyTube. 2:42:20 | MeeNylo: its good! keep going! 2:42:20 | teamgrilli2: AMERICA heck yea! 2:42:21 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Well it’s because you moan when you do it 2:42:21 | ryetoastyos: the problem is you're doing falsetto instead of altering your resonance 2:42:21 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Try whhutt 2:42:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: has she had you do the water cup method yet? @F1NN5TER 2:42:26 | bertju2004: cottontailBased 2:42:26 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Just say omg yes I love that 2:42:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Instead of talking to a guy. 2:42:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sassiboom: I sound like you and I'm a trans woman. Voices aren't gendered 2:42:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: f1nnHeadpat 2:42:31 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: they can 2:42:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: "Straight" 2:42:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) benzoschair: Wholesome how you Wholesome 2:42:34 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) Five_Of_Nine_: Try something neutral like "Excuse me, where can I find the next bakery?" 2:42:34 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: They can hear you 2:42:34 | Paahtsu: we say it more like "wuh-it" but like one syllable\ 2:42:34 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Who doesn't talk to animals??? 2:42:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: It's going to be a bit breathy you're using falsetto 2:42:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Dogs famously are all deaf 2:42:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. Casual "You're so adorable" was good. 2:42:37 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: am a lesbian and you will be my first battlepass 2:42:37 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: They're not deaf 2:42:38 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Finns guy voice is a adorable 2:42:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: chat is such a good voice coach 2:42:39 | thefiercelink: the worst thing youve ever said 2:42:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: IT CAN'T HEAR ME LMAO 2:42:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Trying to turn down the sloot. 2:42:41 | (Subscriber) nissep9802: We Need a blåhaj stream for the wholesome vibe 2:42:41 | (GLHF Pledge) lowerteachersalaries: Hey cutie 2:42:42 | (Prime Gaming) tral911: bro so many "straight" guys here 2:42:42 | bearpaw1970: Smile when you say the sentence 2:42:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: dogs can hear you KEKW 2:42:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: What is wrong with you?! 2:42:44 | (Prime Gaming) JaisDean: Ay yo 2:42:47 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: They can hear your tone 2:42:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -10s Casual GV. Sounds OK. - 4670 2:42:51 | KristaGeneMusic: Less breathy and scoop up to a higher pitch. Think similar to singing. 2:42:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: It's going to take you a while to manage that. Falsetto and to bridge your vocal gap, it's not uncommon 2:42:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT ABOUT A CUTE PUPPY!?!?!? 2:42:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: you don’t talk to animals? 2:42:59 | (GlitchCon 2020) Jotunda: need to stay on "so" for longer 2:43:00 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Maybe try saying "you are" the british way instead of "you're" 2:43:01 | adorablast: that's not a good technique it can cause damage 2:43:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Cat ears are crooked 2:43:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: try doing it with a shot of vodks 2:43:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: no blowing bubbles in a cup halfway full of water, so that you feel the vibration of the MMMMM sound in your lips 2:43:07 | Emmy64_: @tral911 Why so insecure tho LUL there's girls here too TriHard 2:43:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: Dogs can hear. What? 2:43:08 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: close 2:43:09 | BeccaTw: @tru_killz969 same 2:43:13 | LOtiumduPeuple: Am I ? 2:43:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Talk to Milo in GV to mess with him. 2:43:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Close 2:43:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: now do a metal scream for more manliness 2:43:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: close enough 2:43:16 | adorablast: its not bad 2:43:19 | (Prime Gaming) Lahla: you need more forward resonance 2:43:20 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: naw, not bad 2:43:20 | Nochill163: Batman voice up next please 2:43:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: You're getting there I think 2:43:21 | ZeroTwoAndy: wait so what is the countdown? 2:43:22 | joeyiswatching: do something you can say in girl voice 2:43:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrPoogers 2:43:23 | imcallingfromafridge: me? iknow 2:43:24 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: We just speak lol 2:43:24 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: DFSGSGS 2:43:25 | bearpaw1970: Raised lyrnax and smile while doing it 2:43:26 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Thats good 2:43:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya I told him to use that as a mental target for adorable instead of a guy. Turn down the sloot. 2:43:26 | L0LU5: not bad 2:43:26 | TheCaveJelly: better 2:43:27 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Yea try you are instead 2:43:27 | adorablast: getting started is the hardest part 2:43:29 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: <3 2:43:29 | LOtiumduPeuple: 2/5 2:43:30 | Paahtsu: theres an "it ath the end of what when we say it" 2:43:31 | johnpnicholls1122: almost had it 2nd one 2:43:31 | nik_zori: too raspy at the end 2:43:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: It sounds worse to you 2:43:35 | (Turbo) knxggles: youre going the wrong way with it just drop the voice low af like a fkin russian dominatrix or smth. hit em with the "youve been bad boy" 2:43:35 | KevinStandlee: Not bad. Just needs practice. 2:43:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Wasn't bad tbh 2:43:36 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: I’m a fan of the breathy idk why you peeps are complaining about it 2:43:37 | ZeroTwoAndy: when is the countdown linechuThink 2:43:37 | hannahhatesu_: ur so adorable ! - f1nn girl voice 2:43:37 | (Subscriber) thecharlesthomas: Actually it sounds pretty good. 2:43:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: It's definitely getting better with time SeemsGood 2:43:38 | GenoWolf_Xalesis: sounded younger 2:43:39 | Silvem: Imagine you're in an anime lol 2:43:39 | 1batlchip: you had it on the first try 2:43:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lmao live voice training, at least you can prove to your tutor that you're practicing 2:43:40 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: good progress (,: 2:43:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: That’s so cute! f1nnHeart 2:43:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: we'll take it 2:43:42 | mirot47: what sounds like hut 2:43:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: It's going to be breathy until you strengthen those vocal folds 2:43:43 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Can u now use the headphones to tune ur voice? 2:43:46 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: "WOT" 2:43:47 | mirot47: hut 2:43:49 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 2:43:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: WUT KKona 2:43:50 | straaywixtraal: hold on i've got an ad because im not simping 2:43:53 | (Subscriber) nissep9802: To high pitch 2:43:53 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Just start with "you're so" about 5 or 6 times to get that part down 2:43:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: good enough for government work Kappa 2:43:55 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KKona 2:43:56 | Senevri: hwhwat? 2:43:56 | viryl_lucas: Stop laughing at it... 2:43:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: "wot" 2:43:56 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: it's pretty good just keep prscticing it 2:43:57 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: u wot m8 2:43:57 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: get into character 2:43:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: wut 2:44:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: u wot m8 2:44:00 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: ... 2:44:00 | GeoJo: hi me american yeah i do 2:44:00 | viryl_lucas: A 2:44:01 | bloodheartpro: we do tho 2:44:02 | Emmy64_: Wort wort, no that's halo LUL 2:44:02 | (Prime Gaming) Panda_Tess: uble instead of oble 2:44:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: wat 2:44:02 | phos4us_: wut 2:44:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Imagine us Americans trying to sounds like you. I promise it’s much harder 2:44:03 | ZeroTwoAndy: we do 2:44:04 | (cheer 1000) a_cuppatea: HWHAT KKonaW 2:44:04 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Wot ya onna bout skinhead 2:44:04 | (Prime Gaming) NilinAdonia_1017: Southern american 2:44:04 | ZeroTwoAndy: wut 2:44:05 | bb_soup: love your voice training sessions 2:44:06 | organic_rust: We don't say that in NZ 2:44:06 | beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 2:44:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wot 2:44:08 | LOtiumduPeuple: wat 2:44:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: "wah" 2:44:08 | viryl_lucas: ... 2:44:09 | Optiboo: southern 2:44:09 | frost177: Say what in a low pitch voice SabaPing SabaPing 2:44:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 2:44:11 | straaywixtraal: woaht 2:44:11 | voltage_02_7: Americans say 'wut.' 2:44:12 | Duribun: F1nn, when you hear yourself while voice training you always sound worse than to others 2:44:14 | Commodore__64: you say wot 2:44:15 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: That's literally how Americans say what 2:44:15 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: TELL YOU HWAT KKona 2:44:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: qhip cream qhat 2:44:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hwat? 2:44:16 | 1batlchip: actually they do 2:44:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wut 2:44:18 | LOtiumduPeuple: wet 2:44:19 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: We say wut in Canada 2:44:21 | johnpnicholls1122: What 2:44:22 | viryl_lucas: OFC UR BRITISH 2:44:24 | Commodore__64: You wot 2:44:25 | TheNeverShow: nothing like going to panda e in my streamer clothes and its pink day so yea 2:44:25 | mine_taby: wut 2:44:26 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: i kinda say wut tbh 2:44:26 | Vesmedinia: If I can do a believable guy voice you should be able to do the girlvoice by now 2:44:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Uk cops in London " u wot" 2:44:28 | LOtiumduPeuple: wet wot ? 2:44:28 | TheCaveJelly: wut 2:44:28 | (Prime Gaming) bri_ez_baby: wut? 2:44:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wait what 2:44:31 | Emmy64_: Woht 2:44:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: "wahhh???" 2:44:37 | Ryu_Nara: where is that T-shirt from? 2:44:37 | Enfinit_: Bruh I’m trying to do this now and GUESS WHAT!!! I can dis sort of good girl voice I can even say what lmao 2:44:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) MnemonicOverload: Canadian wut gang 2:44:38 | straaywixtraal: Shush Shush Shush 2:44:40 | braddle172: wurt 2:44:40 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Uveryone usus wut ruight? 2:44:41 | mine_taby: u wot bruv 2:44:41 | TheCaveJelly: whut 2:44:43 | MannMachineCO: whuht? 2:44:44 | rogue_knight_: us aussies do for sure 2:44:44 | typethetyper: this is too funny 2:44:44 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: It takes getting past the cringe and just do it over and over until you like how you sound. 2:44:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: KEKW 2:44:45 | ZeroTwoAndy: technically americans do say it wrong, however it should be whut 2:44:45 | skyyshark: oh i kinda say it like that 2:44:47 | Emmy64_: Wuht 2:44:47 | MerHitGod: MerHitGod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! Wait wut? 2:44:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: merhitgod subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:44:47 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: wot is definitely australian 2:44:49 | LOtiumduPeuple: about 2:44:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wuht 2:44:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wood 2:44:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: wUt 2:44:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Canadian is 'eh' 2:44:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: American here, we do it sometimes 2:44:52 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: I've lost the plot here 2:44:52 | Optiboo: its so normal to here tbh 2:44:53 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @YeomanJensen Ha, found the OE nerd 2:44:54 | Joshoutloud: wuht? 2:44:55 | Hamcheesesan: That's how I say that 2:44:55 | r20mejia: I saw wut 2:44:56 | skyyshark: wuh 2:44:57 | (cheer 1000) a_cuppatea: hwhat is my favourite 2:44:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: That’s 100% how I talk 2:44:57 | frost177: You're trying to find like Yogi Bear when he says what SabaPing SabaPing 2:45:03 | phos4us_: wit wood? 2:45:05 | (Elder Scrolls Online) FlawlessSinner: hwhat 2:45:07 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Wut wut in the but 2:45:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @savvyfaire cyrXD 2:45:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: huhhh?? 2:45:10 | (Prime Gaming) Lahla: smile while doing it can work, if you attempt that frame your mouth like you are saying ee 2:45:10 | (Prime Gaming) thebandakidbob: What do you think is the most attractive accent then? 2:45:11 | SliderX: don't "breath" too much from the mouth when you raise your voice at the beginning of "you a" and from the "re so ..." breath through" 2:45:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Wuuuuuuh??? 2:45:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: The real trick is that a proper lady would never say "what" like that lmao 2:45:13 | viryl_lucas: Not wüt 2:45:14 | nightshade2233: vanity2Tap 2:45:14 | Flex_Uli: Hwhoat 2:45:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: you act as tho any of us can speak proper english 2:45:15 | TheCaveJelly: wat 2:45:18 | procdump: Jaguar 2:45:18 | 1batlchip: Minnesota use Wot 2:45:19 | viryl_lucas: Wút 2:45:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: *me who naturally says whut 2:45:20 | DarkDonaar: On gaw I'm coming for dat booty 2:45:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sassiboom: They meant the resonance of the sound Ah and Oh 2:45:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: girl says what 2:45:22 | certified_boylover: wha”” 2:45:25 | optikbau4lyfe: it's not semantics, it's phonetics 2:45:25 | Ancient_Lineage: Southern states in the US say it 2:45:25 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Whut 2:45:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Wurt LUL 2:45:29 | ag3poyo: what what in the butt 2:45:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: can you? 2:45:30 | jaffajack101: Just joined. What did I miss? 2:45:31 | johnpnicholls1122: I'm Welsh nit English 2:45:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: received pronunciation 2:45:35 | Hamcheesesan: not like woot but wuht 2:45:35 | Paahtsu: its the "it" on the end man wuh-it 2:45:37 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: It's which part of the mouth the sounds are coming from. it's a fair argument to have 2:45:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rz_ripper: Iv decided painting my own nails is fucking hard 2:45:37 | rekce1s: did you still sell waffles in the mall on sundays ? 2:45:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: BegWan 2:45:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Gotta watch more Dan and Phil to be posh 2:45:39 | johnpnicholls1122: not 2:45:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidPog 2:45:41 | ar1st1pp0s: but yr from poor uk 2:45:41 | Emmy64_: Chat please don't redeem things, he ignores them LUL NotLikeThis 2:45:42 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: No one can speak English 2:45:42 | (cheer 1) getinmyfridge: drink tea itll help 2:45:44 | (Listening only) chainedchish: do cockney 2:45:44 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidClap 2:45:45 | LOtiumduPeuple: Nouveau riche accent 2:45:46 | 1batlchip: true it's used in texas 2:45:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: cdawgva voice 2:45:47 | scorchyrr: Finn is British, Rose is american 2:45:48 | ar1st1pp0s: how is the knife crime 2:45:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Poor 2:45:51 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Sounding like the king? 2:45:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Holy shit you just did the 10 o clock news 2:45:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Abby can turn it on and off 2:45:56 | bubba_nox: U went a little north then 2:45:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: they don't speak like that in britain?? NotLikeThis 2:45:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: MAKE IT STOP 2:46:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: poormingham 2:46:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: cAn't 2:46:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: birmingham ye 2:46:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: American Rose 2:46:01 | m4cintoshplus: brummy 2:46:01 | AIRHydrant: bro is a british man and cant remember how to be british or a man 2:46:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Geordie 2:46:02 | viryl_lucas: Stabby country 2:46:03 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Go ask spiggin brit for some brit lessons 2:46:03 | imami777: Dirty commoner 2:46:03 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Reminds me of that bit from Hot Tod... "Saying HHHWhat, HWWWhat hhhway? 2:46:04 | nandosjr0800: Black Country 2:46:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: cleveland is rated the worst to live in the uk 2:46:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 2:46:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: scouse is bad too 2:46:09 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Welsh? 2:46:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @emmy64_ it's like they're new here LUL 2:46:10 | AROYALMOON: *waves hand from Texas* Same brain cell for accents 2:46:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Do a peaky blinders cosplay 2:46:12 | LOtiumduPeuple: can you do a french accent ? 2:46:13 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Dudley mostly 2:46:13 | whelkier: I'm from Birmingham 2 2:46:13 | hecaerge: Yes, speaking RP is the only way I can make girlvoice work 2:46:13 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Black country is worse 2:46:14 | (Prime Gaming) TheBrokenDeity: i had no idea you where brummie 2:46:14 | (GLHF Pledge) PontusCF: time for me to go, se yall 2:46:16 | wallflow3rlve: MAKE YOUE MOUTH MORE ROUND YOUR DOING WHEN YOU NEED TO BE DOING 2:46:17 | NyxV1xen: Is Birmingham the Detroit of England? 2:46:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Whaaaaat noooo I love a Brummie accent 2:46:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: “The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.” James D. Nicoll 2:46:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:46:19 | (Prime Gaming) LonesomeTea: unironically worse than silence 2:46:19 | TheNeverShow: wat is from Bluey 2:46:19 | bubba_nox: Agreed! 2:46:20 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: He from Little 'merica 2:46:20 | (Prime Gaming) overhaze: Just go West Country 2:46:21 | (Prime Gaming) NilinAdonia_1017: i thought geordie was the worst 2:46:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: @PimpNamedSlickb4ck how dare you!!!!!!!!!! XD 2:46:22 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Say it like Whhhhuutt 2:46:24 | Emmy64_: @yeomanjensen Seems like yeah LUL 2:46:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Wants to be able to do a pose accent but he's a poor. - 4650 2:46:24 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: does anyone in the uk actually have a posh accent or is it just a movie stereotype? 2:46:25 | 1batlchip: cokney 2:46:25 | chapter_7ven: I have a normal guys voice but I may have a genetic advantage because if I’m trying to do girlvoice I got it at first try my friends freaked out and I didn’t knew up to this point that I have this skill 2:46:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: as a soft southerner you sound a lot like me TBH 2:46:27 | mine_taby: London 2:46:27 | quass__: Wrong side of Coventry m8 2:46:27 | imami777: Brummie accent is horrendous 2:46:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: may i just say your nails are gorgeous darling 2:46:28 | (Subscriber) duxck: What accent do you have ? 2:46:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: birmingham accent is the sound of getting stabbed 2:46:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Brummie accent best accent 2:46:33 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Buuueeeermingam 2:46:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SlimfastEFB: Dudley accent is worse 2:46:34 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: DatSheffy 2:46:37 | 3DartBlade: Do welsh! FallWinning FallWinning 2:46:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: No one likes the british 2:46:37 | riggers6805: I cringe at the accent and I'm from Birmingham 2:46:37 | ohdearieme: you don't have 'proper' brummie accent tho!! 2:46:39 | robyn1973: Leny Henry 2:46:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: millie bobby brown? 2:46:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Can we all just agree we don't like southerners 2:46:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: Danny g happiest man in Birmingham 2:46:42 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: cannal2Break cannal2Four cannal2Joint cannal2Faded cannal2Hype 2:46:42 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: Draw the “A” out longer and raise the pitch to make it a question 2:46:44 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: I am king peepoSimp 2:46:44 | kgober: pikey accent > brummie accent 2:46:44 | apple8ball: Mishmash 2:46:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Brummie isn't too bad 2:46:45 | (Turbo) kipppo: Could be worse could be Black Country accent @F1NN5TER 2:46:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bermingham 2:46:47 | hecaerge: @the_local_trans_girl We exist... 2:46:47 | ar1st1pp0s: MCYT accent 2:46:49 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Copy Millie? 2:46:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Googles it. Brummie accent is the worse Bri'ish accent. - 4620 2:46:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Lil brummie 2:46:52 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: Fr3ddii said he'd let you top for a O F collaboration 2:46:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Boston is ranked worst in usa 2:46:56 | bubba_nox: If u did a meet up would u do it in Birmingham? 2:46:56 | qwrrrty: *** 2:46:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: when one gets angry, their accents tend to show 2:46:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: neutral 2:46:56 | sammachu: you look lovely today, love your nails! 2:46:57 | 1batlchip: here government ner wots the news 2:46:58 | (Prime Gaming) Sinwee_: black country is the thicc accent 2:46:58 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: liga 2:46:59 | Emmy64_: @yumenozen English for me was a bastardized latin mkoHmm 2:47:00 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: s 2:47:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: cumcccd 2:47:02 | Enfinit_: I have school tmr but instead of sleeping I’m whatching fin lol 2:47:04 | rekce1s: you have brothers and sisters ? 2:47:05 | qwrrrty: WATTG 2:47:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Swindon... f1nnSad 2:47:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Welsh? unsubscribing 2:47:06 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: welsh accent best accent 2:47:07 | qwrrrty: *** 2:47:09 | (Prime Gaming) OldSchoolPleb: nobody likes Birmingham UK like people dont like birminghman alabama HAHA 2:47:10 | johnpnicholls1122: me had people with balaclavas knock my door 2:47:10 | (Prime Gaming) thebandakidbob: all your 'ah' sounds are so australian for some reason, like 'car' 2:47:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: welsh r superior 2:47:12 | MilesSwann91: brummie = valley girl 2:47:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: i like the black country accent, nice to hear 2:47:15 | LOtiumduPeuple: I love how there's so much different accents in the UK 2:47:15 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Downut stairs 2:47:16 | (Prime Gaming) deathpond: you're from birmingham 2:47:17 | (cheer 1000) simpleglen: Its always bizarre to me how there is different accents in the the UK that are so localized to a specific town 2:47:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) xJasmineeee_x: I’m Newcastle :) 2:47:17 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: PokPikachu 2:47:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Are we supposed to know these places? They'll be on the test? 2:47:21 | evanseevee: Neutral = Ohio/Midwest 2:47:21 | (Prime Gaming) overhaze: I'm Irish. My accent rocks. 2:47:21 | 1batlchip: here gov wot up 2:47:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: The lost accent 2:47:22 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: do i ? 2:47:24 | king__in__blood: Hello Finn 2:47:25 | quass__: You've got that Midlands generic accent down to a tee 2:47:27 | rekce1s: lul how can you read only my messages haha 2:47:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: My accent is gone. Mix from Mexican, American and German 2:47:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: welsh accents are great! 2:47:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Birmingham accent is at least easier to understand than some others 2:47:29 | zowowowowowock: damn this man's parents got 2 daughters 2:47:30 | TamariBlake: my grandparents are Irish and Welsh.... half the time I have no clue what there saying 2:47:31 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Welsh Alphabet, OTOH -- wtf 2:47:31 | cherryymari: Brummie comes out when you say A's. Garbage, car, ect 2:47:32 | whelkier: u playing the new Hogwarts game? its so good 2:47:33 | L0LU5: scotiish is bestt 2:47:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: Newcastle 2:47:35 | w34rdw1n3: Lol I thought you were American 2:47:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Scottish is the best, don't care what others say 2:47:37 | aceatnight: maybe listening Bernadette Banner would help? 2:47:39 | JnkyrdWillie: cardiff accent, not so much 2:47:40 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Is your sister happy that she has a sister? 2:47:40 | 3DartBlade: "Got question for ya. What's heavier, a kilogrem of fether or a kilogrem of steel?" 2:47:40 | that0neguy31: women 2:47:43 | johnpnicholls1122: not for me dump thus town 2:47:43 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: birmingham 2:47:44 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: I’m Texan and have no accent due to being on the internet 2:47:44 | itslexi_09: Yooo 2:47:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Can you speak Welsh? 2:47:45 | (Subscriber) duxck: Ooh let's hear it. That good female accent 2:47:46 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: @JnkyrdWillie true lol 2:47:46 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: 50% tea, 50% femboy accent 2:47:47 | richplat08: what about a good corish ascent 2:47:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: You don't say words ? 2:47:47 | IvanStickitinski: Does your sister have a accent? 2:47:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: you sound kinda south england to me 2:47:48 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Rhod Gilbert has a brilliant Welsh Accent 2:47:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: see english proper 2:47:49 | Flex_Uli: What is the nicest accent in england? 2:47:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talks briefly about parent's accents. - 4580 2:47:51 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @scarlettyg that's cause its facts 2:47:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Cheer100 “The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.” James D. Nicoll 2:47:52 | bubba_nox: South accent? 2:47:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @w34rdw1n3 How? 2:47:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Being brought up in Wales, the accent can get grating 2:47:55 | Paahtsu: naah you still sound obviously british 2:47:55 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you have a nice voice 2:47:56 | Kolateak_: "I don't say words" 2:47:56 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Irish accent can be super cute 2:47:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shiftygamer149: @JnkyrdWillie offended 2:48:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Finn hasn't got a Brummie accent 2:48:04 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: @3dartblade A kilogram of steel, because steel is heavier than feathers 2:48:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: So I think what you're saying is you not only need to learn a different accent. Be also need to learn how to sound like a girl 2:48:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: dw i got no boston accent lmao 2:48:07 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Doesn't your mom have a Welsh accent? 2:48:12 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter do some accent reacts 2:48:13 | TheDiNoZ_: my first live. Helloooo 2:48:18 | jackiedst: Yaw route mayyte? Um drum Staaabridge loooike 2:48:21 | GeoJo: YOU CAN DRIVE 12 HOURS AND STILL BE IN TEXAS 2:48:22 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: You could DRIVE until you couldn't drive anymore and you'd still be in Texas 2:48:25 | embleeeee: i have a scottish accent and it sucks so much lol 2:48:25 | GavinCinnamon: please tell me your using a male voice changer 2:48:28 | ksquared67: What is your sister’s name? Is she older or younger than you? 2:48:29 | (Prime Gaming) fernandolisk2: ! 2:48:34 | InsaneArcher788: Hi 2:48:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: America is Texas 2:48:39 | ZeroTwoAndy: ^ 2:48:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: @GavinCinnamon he's just a pretty boy 2:48:44 | (Prime Gaming) CeIestialVoid: YEEYEE 2:48:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @clulabell Take it back 2:48:46 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Texas is bigger than Fr*nce 2:48:47 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @clulabell don't tell Texas that 2:48:49 | GeoJo: IT IS 2:48:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Yes, you can. 2:48:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yee Yee brother!!! 2:48:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: @clulabell Unfortunately. 2:48:55 | (GLHF Pledge) gwen_the_ninth: Yes, you cann 2:48:56 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Yes 2:48:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: york accent best accent 2:49:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: imagine a Bimbo reading a whole paragraph cyrXD 2:49:01 | ar1st1pp0s: cows, meth 2:49:01 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: cows and guns 2:49:01 | GeoJo: Yep 2:49:01 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: oil 2:49:02 | thebutface69: bro i used to play against you on factiins lol what happened 2:49:02 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Yep 2:49:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: Ohio Birmingham the whole country hating them 2:49:02 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: cattle 2:49:03 | MilesSwann91: @GeoJo fellow texan, here. can confirm 2:49:03 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: Texas has streamer houses 2:49:03 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: Not wrong 2:49:04 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) TheI3arracuda: Texas is so big 2:49:04 | (Prime Gaming) NilinAdonia_1017: you can do that in california too 2:49:04 | (cheer 1) SubliminalCorruption: did he say "in the same direction"? 2:49:04 | Kaftanina_: hii ur very prettyy 2:49:04 | (Subscriber) duxck: Ranches and guns 2:49:04 | (Prime Gaming) Sequo: Nothing 2:49:05 | anniefaley: lmaooo 2:49:05 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Degdo25 and better 2:49:05 | allie420: shit it takes 5 hours sto get al the way across Iowa 2:49:05 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: Nature 2:49:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: cow. 2:49:07 | MCStuck: I've done that drive. 2:49:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Sulxsy: guns and cows 2:49:08 | scorchyrr: The midway between the east of texas and LA is still in texas 2:49:08 | ar1st1pp0s: lots of great desert 2:49:08 | phos4us_: Half a Canadian road trip is in Ontario 2:49:08 | NyxV1xen: Cows 2:49:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: Bro England is the size of one state, like literally 2:49:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Texas has failure and shitty power grids. 2:49:09 | johnpnicholls1122: freedom 2:49:10 | AIRHydrant: same with Alaska and California 2:49:10 | mr_girbraltar: Yes 2:49:10 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Rattlesnakes? 2:49:10 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: sand and tumbleweed 2:49:10 | InsaneArcher788: Hiiiii 2:49:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Highways and guns 2:49:11 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Austin and Dallas. I think that's everything in Texas. 2:49:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Listening only) imNotSubbed: Cows and Oil @F1NN5TER 2:49:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: We got the Cowboys 2:49:12 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Oil farms guns 2:49:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Texas has guns 2:49:12 | NyxV1xen: Desert 2:49:13 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Everything's bigger in texas 2:49:13 | 99thking: Some states are just that large mvpDerp 2:49:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Horrifying 2:49:14 | 3DartBlade: @tenply_joyride what do you mean they're both a kilogram? But strel is heavier than feathers! 2:49:14 | TheNeverShow: mmm guns 2:49:15 | (Prime Gaming) hudman998: alaska is twice the size as texas 2:49:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Texas? Hate. 2:49:16 | procdump: Not electricity 2:49:16 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Texas is legit bigger than most European countries 2:49:16 | TamariBlake: you can drive for 22h in Ontario Canada and still be in the lower half of the provence 2:49:18 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: We have guns and some oil farms 2:49:18 | MARROX13: guns and trucks 2:49:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:49:19 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 2:49:19 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: big bugs 2:49:19 | ZeroTwoAndy: KEKW 2:49:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: you should toatally give us a knife reveiw 2:49:19 | anniefaley: american core 2:49:19 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: That means that massive plastic patch in the ocean is even more crazy... is it not larger than texas lmao?! 2:49:20 | ar1st1pp0s: oil wells 2:49:20 | josecortesnival: Are there bison down there? 2:49:20 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: if ya think texas is big you should try Australia lol 2:49:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:49:21 | (Prime Gaming) sundancecasidy: from the top west to the bottom east is 18 hours of driving @F1NN5TER 2:49:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: cows with guns 2:49:24 | TanksyPlays: LULW 2:49:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That is a texas thing 2:49:24 | wallflow3rlve: FINN IF YOU WANNA PRONOUS YOUR BETTER YOU NEED TO PROUNCE O, ITS NOT AN E 2:49:24 | (Prime Gaming) snigismund: Will it drop at midnight? 2:49:24 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: Texas has streamer houses KEKW 2:49:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Texas=Guns, lot's of guns 2:49:25 | sgsadhshvs: love you finn 2:49:26 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: You can drive 2 days and still be in Ontario 2:49:27 | bubba_nox: Finn if u did a meet up would it be In Birmingham?? 2:49:27 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: BASED 2:49:27 | (Prime Gaming) MioCritz: everything, racoons here in texas are something else also 2:49:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: True 2:49:28 | (Prime Gaming) Rabid_Gerbil: Im in Queensland Australia, I can drive for nearly 20 hours and still be in the same state 2:49:28 | ThiccDamage: huh 2:49:28 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: TRUE KEKL 2:49:28 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Endless nothing 2:49:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: hey :( 2:49:28 | mrunknown935: Cows, farms, guns and whataburger 2:49:28 | nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip 2:49:28 | GeoJo: i agree 2:49:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Texas is a lot of wasteland, broken up by White Christian Nationalist conventions 2:49:29 | (Subscriber) duxck: Facts 2:49:30 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: BASED 2:49:31 | TrueMezzo: based 2:49:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lony_0: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:49:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: @ksquared67 Her name is Ruby and she is 5 years younger than F1nn 2:49:32 | ZeroTwoAndy: yeah no fr, it should not 2:49:33 | (Prime Gaming) Ally2566: Australia is the same size as the entire continental US, but with less than a tenth of the population. In some places you can drive 12 hrs and not see anyone 2:49:34 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: And a bunch of buckees 2:49:34 | cherryymari: As an American I agree 2:49:35 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: agree 2:49:35 | l3laz3de: based 2:49:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 2:49:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: Ah man I'm ded 2:49:35 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: In all honesty, America barely exist 2:49:35 | Paahtsu: "you're a femboy finnster" "im a wot?" 2:49:36 | embleeeee: america is terrifying 2:49:36 | thetwotons: Ranches and the occasional conversion camp lmaooo 2:49:36 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: TRUE LUL 2:49:37 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: true 2:49:38 | mine_taby: FR 2:49:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: yeah 2:49:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IndecisiveJawa: AGREEEEEED 2:49:39 | sgsadhshvs: from america 2:49:40 | 71M073J: did you know that texas is bigger than the entirety of the united states of america including texas 2:49:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: American is Lower Canada 2:49:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: we sadly exist 2:49:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Very true 2:49:42 | viryl_lucas: It takes 11 hours and 40 minutes to cross texas 2:49:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Disagree 2:49:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: You can spend 7 hours riding from NM/TX border to Austin. 2:49:43 | KevinStandlee: There are places that are open range -- that means the cattle roam freely, rather than being behind fences. 2:49:43 | Emmy64_: @tenply_joyride You played yourself so hard KEKW 2:49:43 | Kouklla: Cows sometimes get out and block the roads here in Wisconsin 2:49:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Yeah US is bad world building 2:49:43 | RonnieSxl: BibleThump 2:49:44 | MCStuck: British mindset. 2:49:44 | mirot47: I wasn't promo it just giving you some ideas my guy. 2:49:45 | MilesSwann91: i've seen camels on ranches in texas before 2:49:45 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Fin really said delete the USA lol 2:49:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) carrionfairy: My AR 15 lower receiver shipment got delayed, I think the feds got to it lol 2:49:45 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Total anarkhy 2:49:46 | LOtiumduPeuple: geopolitics with Finnster 2:49:47 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: when i drive down to north carolina its more cows than people 2:49:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: "How can this work" 2:49:49 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Our land is the special land 2:49:50 | (Prime Gaming) trackman53: Pine trees, oil, cows, beaches, montains 2:49:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: You mean lower Canada right? 2:49:51 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: It succks 2:49:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn do be trolling 2:49:52 | viryl_lucas: Kinda yah 2:49:53 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: @rabid_gerbil samzies new besty haha? 2:49:54 | Flex_Uli: agreed 2:49:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: yeah, it should be fictional 2:49:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Texas is plains, farms, guns, the Dallas Cowboys and nothing else 2:49:57 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Ranches, big cities oil tycoons etc… 2:49:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: England is a state tho 2:49:59 | GormyGorm: People that arent in my area will be like "oh you're all in the northeast you should all meet up" like mf "the northeast" takes like 15 hours to drive across 2:49:59 | i3londee: It all started with yeeting tea… 2:49:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: I agree 2:50:02 | (Prime Gaming) Rabid_Gerbil: @2BinChickens LUL 2:50:02 | wandererimwalde: define functioning 2:50:02 | im_up_to_something: America too big for you to comprehend 2:50:02 | sgsadhshvs: im from america 2:50:03 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: America is also breaking the rest of the world too haha 2:50:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: It's what makes the US special, but also, VERY problematic 2:50:05 | barndecked: It functions barely 2:50:05 | reesethereject: Texas: God, guns, American football, cows and terrible roads 2:50:05 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: America sucks 2:50:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: twang 2:50:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ALiteralPan: all countries now just vanished 2:50:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: It's a on decline that's going up 2:50:09 | (Prime Gaming) MayBeAJinx: So kinda like the UK you mean? 2:50:11 | rogue_knight_: america is a giant meme to the rest of us 2:50:11 | haseottd: I am american and i agree 100% 2:50:11 | m4cintoshplus: the innate bri'ish desire to colonise is kicking in LUL 2:50:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "America shouldn't exist." AGREE. - 4570 2:50:13 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: I just self medicate to forget it KEKW 2:50:13 | johnpnicholls1122: 15 mins City's are incoming to 2:50:13 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: USA is like a bunch of countries 2:50:14 | frost177: 2:50:14 | orcwithafork: It’s not going much longer at this rate 2:50:15 | jaffajack101: Dude really saying other countries shouldn't exist, all whilst being in the UK lmao. This place is a dump too 2:50:18 | MaHy_9: true 2:50:19 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: US isnt working out well everones in debt 2:50:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: 844 miles aka 1358 km from one end of Texas to the other 2:50:21 | ar1st1pp0s: coward 2:50:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: America is like 50 3rd world countries in a trench coat, but with enough weapons to fight gods. Cheer100 2:50:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Come to Canada! 2:50:23 | ThiccDamage: RIP boys 2:50:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: and the other way asround? 2:50:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: What an offer 2:50:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: I agree Birmingham has very identifiable accent 2:50:25 | (cheer 100) blackhippy21: cap 2:50:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Undercover brummie 2:50:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: wow rood 2:50:26 | CritMozziYT: Skinwalkers, cryptids and the occasional gas station 2:50:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: England shouldn't really exist aquafpSGrin 2:50:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: so you gonna bottom for him????????????? 2:50:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: you dont wanna top anything 2:50:29 | (Prime Gaming) aimlessCorsair: Finn you just think that because the UK is also really weird but someone in a really dull way. 2:50:30 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: finn ill top you for a collab 2:50:31 | bsgoblin: freddis hardly a dude 2:50:32 | l3laz3de: except natt 2:50:34 | macswaggerpants: Trans lesbian??????? 2:50:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: He can't top 2:50:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: just because he is a dude doesnt mean he wants to top one o7 2:50:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: no bed talk 2:50:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Sometimes your old accent comes out. 2:50:37 | (Prime Gaming) CyberPsykosis: XD I come in to "I don't wanna top Freddy". Love it. 2:50:38 | sgsadhshvs: hey fin 2:50:40 | hecaerge: For the British equivalent of valley girl accent, look for Victoria Aitken Interview on youtube 2:50:40 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Sister > Rose 2:50:40 | 71M073J: LUL 2:50:41 | 99thking: Here in America are people are apparently trying to get a national gun like what? mvpDerp 2:50:43 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: what about staring longingly into each other's eyes? 2:50:43 | sgsadhshvs: finn 2:50:44 | 71M073J: GOTTEM 2:50:44 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: knfie tour 2:50:45 | gon555551: ACE moment 2:50:45 | Duribun: Your voice does give away you're from Birmingham, though it's not so obviously to those unfamiliar with the accent that it can be missed. 2:50:45 | mona_nottrash: omgg your shirt is sick!! love misa 2:50:46 | h_r_buff_n_stuff: So you want to be the bottom instead 2:50:51 | tommy_1110: So you are a bottom caught in 4K /hj 2:50:51 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Hey Finn do you know how much we spend on the military? 2:50:52 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: HUH 2:50:52 | (Subscriber) nissep9802: Fun fact of the day blåhaj in English is blue shark and is more popular outside sweden as a pluschie 2:50:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: "Well..." Says a lot 2:50:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nn5ter and fr3ddi hottest femboys 2:50:54 | ksquared67: @xenoman5 Thanks. 2:50:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: can you teach me your skincare? add it to the bot? 2:51:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I don't want to f Fr3ddi." . - 4580 2:51:01 | TheNeverShow: The Constitution man works pretty O....k . 2:51:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: uk is pretty cool 2:51:03 | ZeroTwoAndy: lmao 2:51:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) assblaster420: assblaster420 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2:51:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: assblaster420 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU 2:51:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: We shouldn't 2:51:06 | (cheer 1000) simpleglen: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Buying a 6 inch Colt Python with bonus money. Don't be so jelly of muh freedoms 2:51:07 | Enfinit_: When do you start/stop streaming? 2:51:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: he told you uk is unfun not that is shouldnt exist 2:51:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Enfinit_, No one knows. 2:51:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: America is the Florida of the world. 2:51:16 | judgedame: True 2:51:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 2:51:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 21:52 2:51:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wierd 2:51:17 | (Prime Gaming) CyberPsykosis: I live in America and I'm trying to get out of it. 2:51:17 | GavinCinnamon: japan isn't hilarious 2:51:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 2:51:18 | (Prime Gaming) Krazzier: It's like a constant gameshow 2:51:18 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 2h 51m 28s 2:51:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: My mom is from Nottingham, but Im from florida and my family is Jamaican, My voice to me sounds neutral but people tell me I sound like im from all over 2:51:19 | ZeroTwoAndy: HE SAYS IT RIGHT 2:51:19 | Flex_Uli: wird 2:51:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: just cute casual battlepass livestream, bedtime chat and fun topics with fr3dd1 2:51:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: weiRRRRd 2:51:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Very american actually 2:51:21 | sammysnakes319: i’m back :) 2:51:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: weehd 2:51:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: no that's american! 2:51:22 | LOtiumduPeuple: Wewd 2:51:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: We misunderstood, gotcha 2:51:24 | padlowan: that's scottish ong 2:51:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Weerd 2:51:27 | sgsadhshvs: thank you im from america 2:51:28 | i3londee: Yep America is weird…. 2:51:28 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Wewd 2:51:28 | mine_taby: wewrd 2:51:28 | viryl_lucas: Yes 2:51:29 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: Weerd 2:51:30 | ZeroTwoAndy: IT IS THE MURICA way 2:51:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: its east coast american for SURE 2:51:31 | orcwithafork: Someone needs to be unhinged 2:51:32 | MARROX13: weener 2:51:32 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: That's very very American 2:51:33 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: White American lol 2:51:34 | The_Mingler_: Cheer1 I passed my Midterm Exam with a hundred percent! 2:51:36 | (Prime Gaming) Emeralds1: i say it like that all the time lol 2:51:37 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: I love america, they're so weird and neat. when they come over here they're always so impressed by how old stuff is and how close everything is 2:51:37 | SNova1054: ODD? 2:51:38 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: thats american for sure 2:51:38 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: 6 inch LUL 2:51:39 | thefiercelink: halflife headcrab sound 2:51:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: weerd 2:51:39 | Gurglefrix: Sounds like a Bristol accent 2:51:40 | beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 2:51:40 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Its coast 2:51:40 | aitbirk: Wood = Wewd 2:51:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) letume: sounds like kermit 2:51:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I say weird in that same way 2:51:41 | lizzz______: it's soo different all over the country tho 2:51:41 | mine_taby: u sound american 2:51:42 | johnpnicholls1122: 2:51:42 | GormyGorm: thats like, full on east coast usa 2:51:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: So we're just a toy to you, is it? 2:51:45 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: 'werd' 2:51:45 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: super weerd bro 2:51:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: murican 2:51:46 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: East coast 2:51:50 | lucinda_shzif: Earth not exists 2:51:50 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: please do a knife tour!!!!!!!} 2:51:51 | 99thking: Yee haw brother 2:51:52 | r20mejia: southern accent 2:51:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: British country boy 2:51:53 | Fv3r: say murica f yeah 2:51:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: you pronounce most of your Rs the american way 2:51:54 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: guys quick convert him to our contrition 2:51:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: I used to watch American politics like reality tv 2:51:56 | (Verified) aSpicyCow: HUH 2:51:56 | 3DartBlade: Say "aluminium" HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon 2:51:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: you gotta try out the southern accent 2:51:57 | phos4us_: "Someone get me a corndog" 2:51:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: What is your option of Bristol? 2:51:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Ooooo 2:51:59 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: ..... 2:51:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: weerd 2:52:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: stop 2:52:00 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 2:52:00 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: im blushing 2:52:01 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: stop. 2:52:01 | LOtiumduPeuple: onichan 2:52:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Werd and weird? 2:52:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LOL 2:52:01 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 2:52:02 | 71M073J: KEKW 2:52:02 | (Verified) aSpicyCow: HUH???? 2:52:02 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: tf 2:52:02 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: Kreygasm 2:52:02 | EnderquakeYT: ooh that was actually good! 2:52:03 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: ayo? 2:52:03 | (Prime Gaming) femboyhug: KEKW 2:52:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: @aSpicyCow gottem 2:52:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: ayoo 2:52:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: nah. 2:52:04 | Gurglefrix: Kappa 2:52:04 | joe577spires: To put it in perspective the ratio between guns and Americans is to the best kid my knowledge is 12 guns per American 2:52:04 | josuekink: LOL 2:52:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: dang 2:52:05 | viryl_lucas: WTF 2:52:06 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Ayo that was kinda good 2:52:06 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: HUH 2:52:06 | earlsweet: BONK 2:52:06 | ar1st1pp0s: this might help: *** 2:52:06 | embleeeee: PARDON? 2:52:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) TheDanieru: ayo 2:52:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: What was that xd 2:52:08 | im_up_to_something: Nice try 2:52:08 | viryl_lucas: STAPH 2:52:08 | (Prime Gaming) Emeralds1: a north american saying 2:52:08 | (Prime Gaming) chevelleman350: My God lol 2:52:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: moanin like wut 2:52:09 | i3londee: I was told the word “gracious” was weird in the UK… 2:52:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Daaaaaaaang 2:52:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: WTF 2:52:10 | Owly_9: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 2:52:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Ayo 2:52:10 | sgsadhshvs: hi cow 2:52:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: ?? 2:52:10 | magma0981: wait a minute 2:52:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 2:52:10 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: America is gonna change so much in our lifetime... its just so uncertain which way it will go... that to me is terrifying lmao 2:52:10 | TheDiNoZ_: LUL 2:52:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 2:52:11 | bigsuave7: you climaxing bro? 2:52:11 | (Prime Gaming) SuperSpecialBrownies: gachiGASM // 2:52:11 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 2:52:11 | dbbs3: Nice 2:52:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 2:52:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO 2:52:11 | Emmy64_: LUL 2:52:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Just a little less breathy and that's gonna be so good 2:52:12 | (Prime Gaming) Ovin33r: Kreygasm don't stop 2:52:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Accents will eventually disapear 2:52:12 | (cheer 1) The_Mingler_: where am i at lol 2:52:12 | RonnieSxl: wow 2:52:13 | GormyGorm: NotLikeThis 2:52:13 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 2:52:14 | orcwithafork: What’s your best American accent 2:52:15 | 99thking: Why did you immediately start moan? mvpDerp 2:52:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: huh oh my 2:52:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: 2:52:17 | knockedout26: HELLO? 2:52:17 | gernadesquirrel: we need warp speed in two minuters or we are all dead (this pc is onder powered lol) 2:52:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: !of 2:52:17 | certified_boylover: i just coomed 2:52:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:52:18 | EnderquakeYT: wholesomeeee lol 2:52:18 | LucipurrCryz: moo moo flarevrMimpJuice flarevrFlorb 2:52:18 | ashlee660: WHAT 2:52:19 | bubba_nox: Wait gave u ever done a road an accent? 2:52:20 | (VIP, Turbo) c__r__j: c__r__j gifted a Tier 1 sub to aSpicyCow! They have given 1166 Gift Subs in the channel! 2:52:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: c__r__j has gifted a subscription to aspicycow at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang aspicycow f1nnLezgang 2:52:23 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: say aluminum 2:52:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: You probably wouldn't answer this, but what would it actually take to date you? 2:52:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wholesome 2:52:24 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: This battlepasse is about to lit if moaning is in it 2:52:25 | robyn1973: you sound like Erica Cherry 2:52:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:52:26 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jandraelune: America includes: Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America. 2:52:26 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: buffpupSniffa yep, stinky 2:52:26 | sammysnakes319: you’re so pretty! just kidding 2:52:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: "Weird Science" a funny 1980s movie 2:52:27 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: I've never heard Americans that sound like half of F1nn's American accents... 2:52:30 | 71M073J: boerget 2:52:30 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: lol cow got 2:52:30 | mine_taby: veeery wholesome 2:52:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: Southern Accent Finn. 2:52:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @robyn1973, True 2:52:32 | sammysnakes319: that’s a good insult 2:52:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: 8:03pm GMT 2:52:33 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: The ADHD kicked in boys 2:52:37 | LegAbuse: You sounded like you’re about to cum lmaoooo 2:52:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: !time 2:52:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: HypeLurk 2:52:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 21:53 2:52:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 2:52:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:52:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 2:52:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 2:52:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: yup 2:52:45 | Duribun: As a rule of thumb, the more you speak to people with different accents consistently. The majority will slowly adapt their accent without even realising it. As an example, my ex girlfriend and I basically had an amalgam of her US accent and my UK accent after dating for 4-5 years. 2:52:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: f1nnChair f1nnCope f1nnGross f1nnGremlin 2:52:51 | sgsadhshvs: i love femboys 2:52:52 | CheesecubeNL: Should have kept twitch muted 2:52:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: D: 2:52:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: How many hours ahead you been awake f1nn? 2:52:59 | Emmy64_: @cheesecubenl KEKW 2:53:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: When you do girl voice it just got full Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers there 2:53:02 | (Prime Gaming) CyberPsykosis: How can you tell if something is shadow banned? 2:53:04 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 2:53:06 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Finn texas is bigger than France 2:53:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: Huh 2:53:08 | natalixxxxxxxxx: Just noticed you live now, yayy 2:53:08 | (Prime Gaming) LoonasPawStool: will the battlepass have, well you know 2:53:11 | gon555551: god the battlepass is expensive... 2:53:11 | r20mejia: @sgsadhshvs we all do 2:53:14 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @CyberPsykosis probably low engagement 2:53:14 | bubba_nox: Battle pass? 2:53:16 | LOtiumduPeuple: how can you see a shadowban ? 2:53:17 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !ai 2:53:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ 2:53:21 | quass__: quass__ subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 3 months! Where do you get your lashes from? Asking for a friend <3 2:53:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: quass__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 3! PogU 2:53:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: No 2:53:22 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: !twitter 2:53:22 | (Prime Gaming) snigismund: Aluuminuuum 2:53:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 2:53:22 | (Prime Gaming) CyberPsykosis: @imNotSubbed Fair. 2:53:27 | (Turbo) Royalbirhat: how does a vegetarian know if a burger place is good or not? uni300 2:53:30 | octyn_: Hi f1nn 2:53:31 | harvey7013: Hi I think your rlly cool 2:53:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: Egg 2:53:33 | octyn_: How are you 2:53:34 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: 20$?! Glad I get paid tomorrow lol sodacatJukes 2:53:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: 2:53:42 | (cheer 1) The_Mingler_: is it me or is this slow lol 2:53:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: 2:53:46 | accountplay123: Smash 2:53:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Royalbirhat idk 2:53:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: And handsome 2:53:48 | sgsadhshvs: cow stream 2:53:53 | quass__: ahhhhhhhhhh sick ok thanks 2:53:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) starlitcharlotte: $20 dollars is pretty high 2:54:03 | sgsadhshvs: i have cow followed 2:54:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: check yelp 2:54:06 | TheNeverShow: I wan out of America I'm ready for the Republic of Ireland 2:54:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: 2:54:10 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: The fries? 2:54:12 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Texas had more of a GDP than Canada 2:54:14 | lunariawolfess: heyyyy 2:54:14 | bubba_nox: Is that a Christmas tree? 2:54:15 | Enfinit_: Girl or boy me confusion 2:54:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: burger is different in america 2:54:15 | harvey7013: I think you are incredible 2:54:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: how often do you get your eyelashes done then? my friend's all fell out after a month 2:54:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) thenevy_ps4: PizzaTime 2:54:21 | octyn_: Hi f1nn can you recommend any cheap wigs on Amazon 2:54:22 | earlsweet: they eat there to know if its good 2:54:23 | Emmy64_: !gender 2:54:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. 2:54:23 | mine_taby: u eat food? 2:54:25 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: @enfinit_ boy 2:54:27 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Dono speaks facts about burger joint 2:54:28 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jandraelune: The US has more then one accent, it's like 10 different accent regions. 2:54:30 | Bytebak: @TheNeverShow You'll be welcome here 2:54:32 | d3vilyk: MOMMY 2:54:33 | viryl_lucas: Twidder 2:54:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: elon?? 2:54:37 | yellowgatito: you look like youre infront of a green screen also very pretty today <3 2:54:37 | (cheer 1) The_Mingler_: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 I passed my midterm exam with a 100 percent. 2:54:41 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: Americans think 'burger' means meat 2:54:41 | (cheer 1) evilmagicwizardthing: hi Finn just popping in to say: egg 2:54:42 | Senevri: Just noticed the Natt pink dress vod 2:54:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Does McDonald's have vegetarian options in the UK? O.o 2:54:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Battle pass sub goal 2:54:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, OWL All-Access Pass 2019) ACuriousParadox: ACuriousParadox subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! hey f1nn, how long did it take to grow your hair out that long? 2:54:56 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jandraelune: Boston is an accent all of its own. 2:54:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: acuriousparadox subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 2:54:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: lost views? did some of the people go blind? 2:54:59 | (Subscriber) onlypain_exe: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 2:55:03 | (Subscriber) irrelevantsafety: Just saw today's insta post, damn I'm gona be broke 2:55:04 | certified_boylover: i was the first 2:55:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Justmessyblack, Yes 2:55:07 | (Prime Gaming) fredxdeath: I fucking love you finncess 2:55:07 | bearpaw1970: Payment dates 2:55:09 | Emmy64_: @the_mingler_ Uni? 2:55:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: through canada 2:55:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That's all through canada 2:55:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: to be fair they're the opposite sides of the country 2:55:21 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: The chosen one? 2:55:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: @amoyamoyamoya cool 2:55:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: First is a GigaChaf 2:55:22 | Fv3r: bj 2:55:23 | (Subscriber) thecharlesthomas: Why would you go to Maine? That's Stephen King country. 2:55:24 | soretid: Oh my god! ^^ Sup! 2:55:25 | quass__: KEKW 2:55:26 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: peg him 2:55:27 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: early access 2:55:27 | aLittleCalamarian: Free months? 2:55:27 | octyn_: Hi F1nn do you have any cheap Amazon wig recommendations 2:55:27 | Optiboo: Cheer390 is all your hair real 2:55:28 | L0LU5: send him a dic pic 2:55:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: first fan? PogU 2:55:29 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Expose them? rynGiggle 2:55:29 | phos4us_: wait what's happening 2:55:29 | Bolttu: peg him 2:55:30 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 2:55:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: FEMBOYCOTT BATTLEPASS!!! 2:55:31 | josecortesnival: Send him a thank you mssg 2:55:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Free pass 2:55:31 | Flex_Uli: block him LOL 2:55:31 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: 2 and a half years 2:55:31 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Send him feet pics. 2:55:31 | general_of_cm: a cumtribute Kappa 2:55:32 | lessgravitas: exclusive pic 2:55:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: message them ! 2:55:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Send a pic 2:55:34 | m4cintoshplus: bussy pic 2:55:35 | sebastianperez4: GivePLZ TakeNRG we shall worship the egg 2:55:35 | (Prime Gaming) Emeralds1: LOL have a party for him 2:55:36 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 2:55:36 | ar1st1pp0s: is it one of yr mods 2:55:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) UnderwaterFirecracker: Send hog 2:55:37 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:55:37 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: monkaS 2:55:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: Ban him 2:55:38 | i3londee: PROPOSE MARRIAGE 2:55:40 | gernadesquirrel: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 2:55:42 | viryl_lucas: Cumtributor 2:55:44 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: top him 2:55:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: You should give him march for free 2:55:50 | 99thking: I think they should be the one who gets early content mvpDerp 2:55:50 | certified_boylover: send him the pics a day before release 2:55:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: egg his house 2:55:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Only the eyelashes are fake 2:55:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) jaydefranco: dic pic 2:55:55 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: give early pic 2:55:55 | (cheer 100) painting4: Kill 2:55:55 | Feredico: What is going on? :c 2:55:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Free pic? 2:55:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: how often to you get your eyelashes done? 2:55:58 | L0LU5: SEND A DIC PIC KEKW 2:55:59 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Bot? 2:56:00 | octyn_: How are you today f1nn 2:56:01 | im_up_to_something: Congratulate them on being first subscriber 2:56:02 | (Turbo) n2Fast: First dude for what? 2:56:02 | (Subscriber) thecharlesthomas: He might be a bot. 2:56:03 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: Gift him a BP for free 2:56:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: send him a little surprise 2:56:05 | soretid: What are the options to do? 2:56:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: He paid for nothing he should get a free month 2:56:06 | bearpaw1970: Give him a special video intro 2:56:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bot? 2:56:08 | aLittleCalamarian: Free couple months? 2:56:08 | Fv3r: little sucky hmmmm? 2:56:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Special pic 2:56:10 | TyRavenholme: Evening all 2:56:10 | LOtiumduPeuple: He's a real boi 2:56:11 | mrunknown935: Free OF 2:56:11 | itsklutzybb: Free battle pass access for a year 2:56:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jaynov18: first dude gets nudes 2:56:13 | Bolttu: is it me? 2:56:14 | (cheer 100) painting4: flirt 2:56:16 | 5azrael9: Give him a handy little mega LUL 2:56:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: first fan 2:56:19 | viryl_lucas: Ey bucko 2:56:19 | MashMasher: free 'new channel' subscription? 2:56:20 | Mr_Gunny: paliGiggle 2:56:21 | LOtiumduPeuple: You won a car ! 2:56:23 | Loelinverse: buck 2:56:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bucko 2:56:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: bucko! 2:56:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) jaydefranco: dick pic 2:56:25 | Bytebak: Give him February for free 2:56:27 | Emmy64_: Sideways buttcheeks Kappa 2:56:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: give him a discount for next month? idk how that works 2:56:27 | Anxious_Icarus: Ill be your first sub 2:56:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Hah, my first!!! 2:56:29 | Anxious_Icarus: owo 2:56:30 | bubba_nox: Finn I made the discord server have 69 boosts 2:56:31 | joe577spires: Compliment him 2:56:31 | Gurglefrix: LUL 2:56:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: at least if you send him anything you'd know who leaked it 2:56:32 | soretid: Whoaw 2:56:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Bucko 2:56:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: bucko 2:56:35 | gernadesquirrel: there will be no "dic pics"here bugger off 2:56:37 | (Prime Gaming) ben_bennet: lol cringe. He is gonna unsub now 2:56:37 | LOtiumduPeuple: you should do an oprah on him 2:56:39 | EnderquakeYT: bucko lol 2:56:41 | (Prime Gaming) Infam0us_saint99: you did not say buck'o.... 2:56:45 | quass__: LUL 2:56:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nice 2:56:46 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Butthole pic 2:56:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Lol this is such a fun reward omg 2:56:46 | i3londee: “Hey bucko” bahaha oh gosh. Classic opener. 2:56:46 | earlsweet: SCAM 2:56:47 | (Subscriber) SanguineIce: Is he your first? ;) 2:56:47 | mine_taby: heya bucko 2:56:49 | jordanbg23: Hello 2:56:49 | Flex_Uli: send him a pillow 2:56:51 | soretid: Nicely said! 2:56:53 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: peepoSimp 2:56:54 | quass__: power move 2:56:54 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:56:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: scam 2:56:55 | 99thking: Let them have a simple photo for free for him mvpDerp 2:56:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP DM's first sub on the BP. - 4520 2:56:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: BUCKAROO 2:56:57 | r20mejia: bucko 2:56:57 | ayarcee: how is it going champ 2:56:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: send him something 2:56:59 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Everytime I hear "bucko" I hear it in JPs voice LUL 2:56:59 | (cheer 100) Optiboo: so texan lol idk why 2:56:59 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Solus_kun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months, currently on a 29 month streak! 2:56:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: solus_kun subscribed to f1nn5ter for 29 months at Tier 1! PogU 2:57:00 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: give him something free at some point for sure thats cute and fun c: 2:57:01 | LOtiumduPeuple: 'sup melon 2:57:02 | aLittleCalamarian: Clap clap 2:57:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Buckaroo 2:57:05 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Bussy pic 2:57:06 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Buckle up buckaroo 2:57:06 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: Clean your buckeroom 2:57:09 | (Prime Gaming) aimlessCorsair: Buckarino? 2:57:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: He should make a demand 2:57:10 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Howdy there buckaroo 2:57:12 | (Prime Gaming) Carvaline: cock-a-doodle-doo 2:57:12 | lawson561: its an old board game 2:57:13 | phos4us_: buckster 2:57:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: degrade him, if he was the first he has to be into that shit 2:57:15 | natalixxxxxxxxx: natalixxxxxxxxx subscribed at Tier 1. 2:57:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: natalixxxxxxxxx subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang natalixxxxxxxxx f1nnLezgang 2:57:16 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: huh 2:57:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: you have to supply him with something :P 2:57:18 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: F1nn body pillow 2:57:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: PogU 2:57:19 | (Subscriber) theweirdertrain: buckario? 2:57:20 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: As a Texan I have never heard that in my life 2:57:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP We just witnessed his first DM on the BP. WOW. - 4530 2:57:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: dood 2:57:22 | GannixM: Mother? 2:57:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: it's always sounded Australian to me.. cause of kangaroos 2:57:24 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: my message is gone FeelsBadMan 2:57:25 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: dood 2:57:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: he is the chosen one 2:57:28 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: Didn't he get it for free before you set the price? @F1NN5TER 2:57:28 | (cheer 100) Optiboo: sus 2:57:29 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: or dudess 2:57:29 | Smiling_Shelly: month 2 for free 2:57:29 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: I’ve heard of buckees 2:57:30 | soretid: VIP him up 2:57:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Let him make a wish and grant it 2:57:30 | 5azrael9: Bussy pic! bussy pic! 2:57:31 | (Prime Gaming) Emeralds1: hahah yas 2:57:31 | Flex_Uli: sure thats a dude? 2:57:31 | viryl_lucas: To take da bussy 2:57:32 | (Prime Gaming) non_binary_giraffe: My girlfriend thinks you are only making a OF to show off your bottom surgery results 2:57:32 | im_up_to_something: Lucky guy 2:57:33 | braddle172: dood 2:57:34 | josecortesnival: Cool 2:57:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: homie getting a premium experience KEKW 2:57:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: mommy? 2:57:39 | Simons19CZ: PowerUpL TheIlluminati PowerUpR 2:57:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cass_v2: Cass_v2 subscribed with Prime. 2:57:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: cass_v2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cass_v2 f1nnLezgang 2:57:40 | (cheer 100) Optiboo: lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus 2:57:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) Wendy_A1: Dudette? 2:57:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) spock1138: Under the desk support 2:57:43 | gernadesquirrel: "there cab be only one" 2:57:43 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Send him a custom LUL 2:57:43 | josecortesnival: Now he is a favorite 2:57:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: KEKW 2:57:45 | Emmy64_: @non_binary_giraffe What in the actual F 2:57:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IndecisiveJawa: now ya got to find the first girl 2:57:47 | TheUncleJohn: lifetime free sub 2:57:50 | (Prime Gaming) thetuaschtee: pepe pic 2:57:50 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: sub message went f1nnSCAM D: 2:57:51 | LOtiumduPeuple: Give him a car MrBeast style 2:57:52 | EmO_ThEmBo: Here from tiktok, love you and your content. Super cutee 2:57:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: send him custom 2:57:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: The brown eye?? 2:57:58 | (Watching without audio) TICTACTACOS1: @F1NN5TER buckaroo is a word because americans couldn't say the spanish word for Denim/Jeans 2:58:01 | zeffomarra: Lmao 2:58:02 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: A spare knife/ballisong 2:58:03 | viryl_lucas: Oof 2:58:05 | 3DartBlade: 2:58:06 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Love you f1nn :3 2:58:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: tru 2:58:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: scammed KEKW 2:58:11 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 2:58:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 2:58:12 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: personal vid! 2:58:12 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Favorites First Dude on his BP. - 4650 2:58:13 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 2:58:14 | alexg6464: A buttpic 2:58:14 | Emmy64_: KEKW 2:58:14 | spl1tb0ard: Extend his sub 2:58:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: give him free membership for life 2:58:16 | braddle172: KEKW 2:58:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 2:58:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) ThisIsNotMyFinalForm: Dic pix 2:58:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Scam 2:58:16 | viryl_lucas: Pls no. 2:58:16 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: KEKW 2:58:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 2:58:17 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: He is just dumb for subbing early 2:58:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 2:58:19 | bearpaw1970: 2:58:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 2:58:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 2:58:20 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 2:58:22 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: hey, I found out about you on PhilosophyTube and you inspired me to fast-track HRT thx m8 2:58:22 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: free month! 2:58:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: how you doin'? KEKW 2:58:23 | certified_boylover: KEKW 2:58:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 2:58:23 | humanratpoison: just give him a free sub for the next month or something like that 2:58:24 | bubba_nox: Get a free sub for a month! 2:58:25 | Flex_Uli: send him a nsfw tool you have 2:58:26 | mine_taby: hey buckaroo 2:58:26 | (Subscriber) OTheRealReaperO: You should send him the f1nn bodypilllow 2:58:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: naah, he just financially irresponsible 2:58:28 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: Gift a tier 3 to this man!! 2:58:28 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: !twitter 2:58:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 2:58:30 | sannaiwastaken: Hey mami 2:58:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Is he here? 2:58:32 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: it's not hanging, it's kinda crushed in there 2:58:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: give him free sub for life best reward 2:58:33 | gernadesquirrel: Teas+ a WHOLE LOT OF SPACE lol 2:58:34 | Jzdano_: Finn you look like Walt jr 2:58:37 | octyn_: @f1nn5ter I love your streams they are very funny also do you accept discord friend requests 2:58:39 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Helen_Croft Or he wanted to give Finn's money 2:58:43 | lishoward: hiii <3 2:58:43 | i3londee: How’s it hanging? Slightly to the left 2:58:47 | Marshalsareawsome: Marshalsareawsome subscribed with Prime. 2:58:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: marshalsareawsome subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang marshalsareawsome f1nnLezgang 2:58:48 | 99thking: I think you should give him a photo for free that's unique to him for being the first mvpDerp 2:58:49 | (Listening only) MeFodil: @F1NN5TER have you expensed sword? can you please show it? 2:58:50 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Who of you is it? Show yourself! 2:58:50 | Fv3r: when did they sub? like how fast where they? 2:58:52 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Wow 2:58:53 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @octyn_, he does not 2:58:53 | gernadesquirrel: HEY NOW 2:58:57 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: ouch 2:58:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: walt jr is a badass 2:59:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: give him free sub for life 2:59:01 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: oof 2:59:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Oh, that is mean! 2:59:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 2:59:02 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Ouch 2:59:04 | MajesticFvckingEagle: That's mean guys lmao 2:59:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxJoker 2:59:05 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: !twitter 2:59:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Flynn? 2:59:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 2:59:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Idk how to feel about that one 2:59:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 2:59:11 | randyiii: hey send have you ever seen the movie Zerophilia 2:59:11 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart femboy32Heart warden6Love stardu78Rollin 2:59:12 | (GLHF Pledge) exVal1d: walt jr, but hotter 2:59:15 | KingofKupaKeep: Cuts deep 2:59:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) Ninjasnbiscuitss: LUL LUL LUL LUL 2:59:16 | (Prime Gaming) bobben__: he's a handsome fella 2:59:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE 2:59:16 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 2:59:16 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong sarahs39Bingbong adcvrDINKDONK deamhaWiggle puckLove f1nnHeart 2:59:16 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: That's a compliment 2:59:16 | Voidrm: Waltuh put yo dck away waltuh 2:59:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yeah that's a compliment 2:59:17 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Open na noor 2:59:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Girl pose that burn off 2:59:18 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 2:59:19 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: D: 2:59:20 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: I like how finn is being wholesome 2:59:20 | braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 2:59:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: i can't sub because i have the same problem as you finn 2:59:22 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: bing bong 2:59:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: giga sub 2:59:27 | mine_taby: SabaPing 2:59:27 | sannaiwastaken: what the dog doin!?!?! 2:59:28 | tommy_1110: Bing bong 2:59:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: finn be cooking fr 2:59:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: KEKW 2:59:29 | im_up_to_something: <3 send them picture with the caption "Your my first" <3 2:59:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong 2:59:32 | viryl_lucas: Sub train 2:59:32 | (Prime Gaming) abadbadman: the subbening 2:59:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 2:59:33 | josecortesnival: Sub squared 2:59:36 | Jzdano_: Bro my first message got read by fin W 2:59:36 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 2:59:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnNomods 2:59:38 | (Prime Gaming) heinrich_franz: heinrich_franz subscribed with Prime. 2:59:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: heinrich_franz subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang heinrich_franz f1nnLezgang 2:59:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: bussy 2:59:41 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: COCK 2:59:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Put the poll up now 2:59:42 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Rj mitee is not what F1nn’s going for 2:59:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Midnight_Wolf03: 2hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2:59:44 | (Prime Gaming) beatincheeks1: your voice is deep, is that a voice mod? 2:59:45 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Sub^2 2:59:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: " I know what you are ! " 2:59:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart lumiichuCheer adcvrDINKDONK linechuVibe f1nnCowjam linechuWiggle puckSmile itsazo3JAM itsazo3Sway puckBwah mousyHappy puckPat moonie30Boops moonie30Cozy lumiichuHappy f1nnHeadpat squchaPdance itsazo3Shake squchaHype squchaJam moonie30Jammin moonie30Boop lumiichuComfy lumiichuTailSway linechuBlankie TransgenderPride f1nnHeart moonie30Hearts 2:59:46 | braddle172: !time 2:59:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:00 2:59:50 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: OMG I just realized I lost my sub 2:59:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: I cant buy it in my country f1nn .... 2:59:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: Legitimate science!!!!! 2:59:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: Optiboo subscribed with Prime. 2:59:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: optiboo subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang optiboo f1nnLezgang 2:59:57 | LOtiumduPeuple: you know what they're into tbh 2:59:58 | Vesmedinia: hole, we want you to show hole 2:59:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: I think you are on the right track with GF roleplay 2:59:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: COMMERCE 3:00:00 | Owly_9: f1nnBingbong 3:00:00 | Emmy64_: Send him a snickers pic KEKW 3:00:01 | gernadesquirrel: well i'm a bottom so there is that lol 3:00:02 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: LMAO 3:00:03 | frost177: Maybe some feedpicks or some nudes maybe that's what we're in to who knows SabaPing SabaPing 3:00:03 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:00:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: You should do a poll with all the people already subscribed 3:00:06 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: LMAO 3:00:06 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:00:07 | braddle172: KEKW 3:00:09 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 3:00:10 | aLittleCalamarian: Lmao 3:00:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: KEKW 3:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 3:00:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Streig: I wasn't the first subbed but mine expires the 10th 3:00:11 | general_of_cm: we can all dream 3:00:11 | sannaiwastaken: Why do you look yasified 3:00:12 | quass__: monkaS 3:00:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 3:00:12 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Wow 3:00:12 | MossMeoww: is that a misa tshirt 3:00:13 | viryl_lucas: Your soul left your body 3:00:15 | Therosbr: KEKW 3:00:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 3:00:16 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL LUL 3:00:17 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lol 3:00:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: JEKW 3:00:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: cock 3:00:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Just do a poll now 3:00:18 | (Prime Gaming) Velocinator: sus 3:00:19 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: bro you are 3:00:21 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: He's subbed to soda 3:00:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: KEKW 3:00:22 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Little adrenaline boost there 3:00:22 | procdump: KEKW 3:00:23 | 3DartBlade: Bro what 3:00:23 | (GlitchCon 2020) sugarsh: KEKW 3:00:23 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: !twitter 3:00:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 3:00:24 | RonnieSxl: !uptime 3:00:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 33s 3:00:24 | ayarcee: MISA MISA MISA 3:00:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Alt tab moment 3:00:26 | JnkyrdWillie: twidder 3:00:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:00:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: shits crazy 3:00:30 | 99thking: The timing of twitch chat mvpDerp 3:00:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 3:00:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:01 3:00:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Soda is a freak 3:00:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 3:00:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 45s 3:00:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: @Midnight_Wolf03 Bad redeem tbh 3:00:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Do a poll now on Battlepass 3:00:38 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: The customers 3:00:39 | ThiccDamage: you people?? 3:00:41 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: Looking at sodas peen while streaming lmao 3:00:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:00:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:00:44 | (Prime Gaming) Velocinator: the paypiggies? PrideLaugh 3:00:44 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: weirdChamp 3:00:44 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: paying customers 3:00:46 | certified_boylover: we are the same people 3:00:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:00:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:00:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Midnight_Wolf03: @PhilipMooney had points to spend XD 3:00:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: NUMBER 12 COCK 3:00:55 | bubba_nox: FINN I MADE THE SERVER HAVE 69 boosts 3:00:57 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: i need a link, for research purposes... 3:00:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) starlitcharlotte: We care, some of us are just poor 3:00:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: 90% of viewers adding their credit card details to other site rn f1nnMonka 3:01:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: fitting 3:01:02 | ar1st1pp0s: this clown thinks the overlap aint a circle 3:01:02 | Jzdano_: How to get rock bottom on binding of Isaac guys I just got r key and it’s a god fun but I can’t get rock bottom but I’m looking for polymepheus 3:01:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: f1nndom 3:01:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: what do you mean by " YOU PEOPLE" ? weirdChamp 3:01:04 | hetania: F1nndom 3:01:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: What time is lift off 3:01:06 | shock_fn19: Finn is the goat 3:01:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: F1ndom 3:01:08 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: finndom 3:01:08 | (Prime Gaming) Velocinator: f1nndom? Kapp 3:01:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Streig: I am a paying customer!!! 3:01:10 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: fin-dom lol 3:01:12 | viryl_lucas: F1nnd0m time 3:01:14 | Emmy64_: F1nndom 3:01:14 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: !twitter 3:01:14 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 3:01:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: 2 pp and 1 booba sodacat 3:01:15 | quckii_: @Cryo001 broooooooooo haha 3:01:17 | 99thking: If you can you can stream on the battle pass finn mvpDerp 3:01:17 | 0melet_: you're so cute 3:01:17 | (Prime Gaming) astheriel: F1nndom ? 3:01:17 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter my wife and I used to do this stuff... on a much smaller and mostly irrelevant scale... It was a lot of fun for us. I hope it's the same way for you. It really can be so liberating and a massive boost to confidence. Good luck!!! 3:01:18 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: F1nn can't dom. 3:01:18 | (Listening only) YukiCookie8: mmmmmmmmm F1nndom........ 3:01:19 | general_of_cm: Finbottom 3:01:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: as much as I'd love to huh 3:01:20 | MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nndom 3:01:21 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kappa Kappa 3:01:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Findom? 3:01:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 3:01:24 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Practice makes progress 3:01:24 | LOtiumduPeuple: You do that all day 3:01:24 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: 3:01:25 | Loelinverse: lmao 3:01:26 | ar1st1pp0s: u will learn 3:01:28 | frogatte: f1nnsub 3:01:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Have Cotton teach you 3:01:28 | 0melet_: f1nnsub 3:01:28 | l3laz3de: finndom is a thing? 3:01:29 | TrueMezzo: such a sub god 3:01:31 | JATA_C: financial dom 3:01:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Bing Bong! +2 f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart cottontailBIGLOVE ammoHeart gappyvLove aikoruL sogCute inatttLove becomi11NgLove kidnotCute keffalL susuLove blondi13Kiss itspea13Headpat femboy32Heart audr1eHeart sodacatPet spicycowLovies 3:01:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kory_Malleus: F1nndom 3:01:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: F1nndom 3:01:33 | Anmdra: f1nnsub 3:01:33 | Voidrm: I love Femboys please help me I’m straight 3:01:34 | judgedame: Did you see meowriza she just posted 3:01:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: @Midnight_Wolf03 I used to redeem, but now I just bet and now i'm 16/th the way to VIP 3:01:34 | Soricon12: !watchtime 3:01:35 | Fv3r: subs can't do that 3:01:35 | kiwigamerromania: how can one become a femboy (asking for a friend) 3:01:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Midnight_Wolf03: only 1hour 58 mins to go 3:01:36 | im_up_to_something: Battle pass fans gonna be into freaky stuff 3:01:37 | RonnieSxl: huhh 3:01:37 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: you are always insulting me when i sub ... 3:01:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Finndom is like femdom but with giggles and cringe 3:01:44 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: fin dom is just fin being a sub authoritatively 3:01:44 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: warden had to coach you and she is one of the nicest person 3:01:44 | Jzdano_: Finn more liek bin 3:01:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Free stream watchers vs Paying degens. We understand market research. 3:01:46 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: All u gotta do is make a post and say "whose paying my rent this month" 3:01:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn has CLASSES of fans Chat. Truly he is an Oppressor. - 4590 3:01:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: they came? 3:01:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: They came ? 3:01:49 | viryl_lucas: I thought they came 3:01:49 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: came? 3:01:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: ohh nooo whoo would ever want that .... 3:01:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: they WHAT ? 3:01:49 | beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 3:01:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Just pretend they're your mods and treat them like garbage. Poor mods. 3:01:50 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:01:50 | MxddieBean: Buckaroo 3:01:51 | MajesticFvckingEagle: they WhAT 3:01:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 3:01:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: haha 3:01:53 | bertju2004: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown 3:01:53 | BBQCentral: BBQCentral subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 8 months! 3:01:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bbqcentral subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 2! PogU 3:01:54 | viryl_lucas: LMAO 3:01:55 | certified_boylover: they WHAT 3:01:55 | (Prime Gaming) firentas: And they came. 3:01:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Tell them what you want to hear 3:01:56 | rickastley2305: wait.. ur trans?? good for you wirtL 3:01:57 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:01:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Midnight_Wolf03: @PhilipMooney i should probably do that lol 3:01:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxTalk minxTalk minxTalk 3:02:00 | mine_taby: f1nn3ub 3:02:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, The fcuk? 3:02:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @rickastley2305, not trans but nice of you =) 3:02:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: the biggest bottom 3:02:11 | Evy_Morningstar: Been watching the YouTube content for weeks it's my first time watching the Livestream 3:02:13 | judgedame: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:02:13 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: this is the video https://youtu.be/ZHKlsGxOY18 3:02:13 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: the dood Kappa 3:02:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Yeah that's scary to me. That would make me nervous 3:02:14 | 0melet_: sus 3:02:17 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: your editor is out of this world 3:02:18 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Warden was hillarious at it 3:02:21 | k4rakara: Ayo? 3:02:21 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 3:02:22 | orcwithafork: Not much of a domme? Or like just being a mistress type is too much? 3:02:22 | LOtiumduPeuple: Goddess Finn 3:02:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: typical sub behavior 3:02:26 | razzz_wolf: Hmm sus 3:02:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Typical bottom 3:02:26 | TechnoIsPig: what are your pronouns 3:02:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 3:02:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya He abuses y'all plenty. Closest he gets to being dom. Toxic dom, but dom. 3:02:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: warden was good and she is so nice :) 3:02:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Kinda sus 3:02:35 | Bytebak: Clip clip Warden revealed as Dominatrix 3:02:35 | rickastley2305: @johnkeiwo im sorry, pls dont be mad 3:02:38 | (Prime Gaming) Dynamek_: Ibremember that video lol 3:02:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @TechnoIsPig, he him 3:02:41 | mattmoo9: ShowLove100 3:02:41 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: warden is the best ^^ 3:02:42 | Generic_Bowser_Fan: Woah, I never would have guessed from the Skeppy videos that you are trans Fin 3:02:43 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: the worst at Dom stuff... 3:02:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: !pronoun 3:02:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 3:02:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @rickastley2305, all good ^^ ! 3:02:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Warden is wholesome though! 3:02:48 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !pronouns @TechnoIsPig 3:02:50 | 0melet_: that's okay it's not for everyone 3:02:50 | bsgoblin: damn girl what CAN you do 3:02:51 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: domming 3:02:51 | (Prime Gaming) justyxgaming: F1nn is a bottok confirmed 3:02:53 | (Prime Gaming) alf_g2001: just imagine you're the sub and say what you would like to hear :3 3:02:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: hey kitty hasL 3:02:55 | (Listening only) chainedchish: people pleasers cannot be doms 3:02:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: we are the simps mwhahah 3:02:56 | viryl_lucas: Lmao sub 3:02:57 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Luck :) 3:02:57 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jahkae: not good at being a top lmao 3:02:59 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter only ever do what you are comfortable with. Remember that YOU set the boundaries. 3:02:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: @rickastley2305 He’s not trans. Just a cis guy who crossdresses for money. 3:02:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: !uptime 3:02:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 3m 9s 3:03:00 | razzz_wolf: so you're saying your a sub? 3:03:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: "I can't do the domme thing", F1inn is a sub confirmed 3:03:01 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: @johnkeiwo Hey lovely 3:03:03 | Flex_Uli: youre so adorable 3:03:03 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PaintballKitty, heya lovely 3:03:04 | (Prime Gaming) Sabletk: a guy is the best girl easily 3:03:04 | Smiling_Shelly: learn from cottotail??????????????????????? 3:03:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: it's fine, the world needs proud subs 3:03:07 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Be hot and funny? 3:03:07 | G_SI_ISS: joshwooInnit joshwooM8 w306WOW w306WOW w306WOW w306WOW 3:03:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: should i try streaming? 3:03:08 | Fv3r: Hey F1n, are you paying services to suppress leaks? 3:03:09 | 0melet_: you have a nice personality 3:03:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Warden good at belittle people per F1nn. - 4640 3:03:11 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: here to learn 3:03:11 | BasilTea4: !pronouns 3:03:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 3:03:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 3:03:13 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: @Stovamor Hey you :) 3:03:14 | TrueMezzo: its just good vibes here 3:03:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: You make my life better, that is why I watch 3:03:16 | LOtiumduPeuple: Cotton is an awesome dom 3:03:17 | procdump: Because lovely and fun 3:03:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) OskarLoderr: OskarLoderr is continuing the Gift Sub they got from ChasingSol! 3:03:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: DONOR SHUSH. YOU'LL BREAK THE SPELL. 3:03:25 | (Prime Gaming) snigismund: Can you make tutorials for closet femboy's to make better content? 3:03:27 | bearpaw1970: It's your personality 3:03:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: That looks hot 3:03:28 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: winning by a niche 3:03:28 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: DONOR SHUSH. YOU'LL BREAK THE SPELL. 3:03:28 | r20mejia: finn has a really cool personality 3:03:29 | simidan_: surely its not coomers agrB 3:03:32 | johnpnicholls1122: there your porn 3:03:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: !time 3:03:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:04 3:03:35 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PaintballKitty, I've been streaming more. Are you proud of me? ;P 3:03:37 | Nambo_Rose: you look very girl right now 3:03:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Keep brushing 3:03:39 | (GLHF Pledge) exVal1d: di you get banned for a few days? 3:03:40 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:03:41 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: can't do the dom thing cause they aren't a dom. 3:03:43 | Evy_Morningstar: Don't know until you try being a dom 3:03:44 | lancynix: KEKW 3:03:44 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: LUL 3:03:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Maybe 3:03:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Soda was impressed that you could read chat so fast 3:03:48 | frost177: Yup she a bottom SabaPing SabaPing 3:03:49 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL LUL 3:03:49 | clusterofants: power bottom 3:03:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: You 3:03:51 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: girl month rule D: 3:03:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: KEKW 3:03:52 | G_SI_ISS: power SWITCH 3:03:53 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:03:54 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @exVal1d, Yes, Feb 7 through Feb 10 3:03:54 | carbontrash: being sub is better!!!! 3:03:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaEyeroll amityaEyeroll amityaEyeroll 3:03:54 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: *signs up for arm wrestling contest knowing they're gonna lose* 3:03:54 | procdump: The cat ears are on backwards 3:03:54 | humanratpoison: girl month rules 3:03:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: *puts on cat ears* 3:03:55 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Finn, in the time it took spicycow to finish a single Lego I was able to make the Lego London set along with the Paris set 3:03:56 | asozialersudanese: Egg 3:03:56 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you really think so? 3:03:57 | MaHy_9: true 3:03:57 | second_best_dad: Literally admitted it a stream ago 3:03:57 | viryl_lucas: Bratty sub 3:03:58 | Voidrm: You made me love femboys 3:03:58 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: those bells are working for me 3:03:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: @PaintballKitty unironically true 3:03:59 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: @Stovamor OMG I am! I need to come say hi 3:03:59 | PezaoShow: top as heck 3:03:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: love that pauses KEKW 3:04:00 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: gigachad 3:04:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: !pronouns 3:04:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 3:04:01 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:04:01 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Interesting, what month are we in? 3:04:02 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 3:04:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER masc != top 3:04:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you are not him 3:04:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 3:04:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Bottom princess 3:04:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: !pronouns 3:04:04 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: You can't even SPELL "pinnacle"! 3:04:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Most masculine Brit 3:04:06 | Fv3r: the eye and tongue move dude xD 3:04:06 | 0melet_: bades 3:04:06 | LimoilouLaGagne: KEKW 3:04:06 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Egg 3:04:06 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: LMAO 3:04:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 3:04:07 | clusterofants: sub top power bottom 3:04:07 | Chacky13200: well nothing wrong about being a bottom tho 3:04:08 | 0melet_: based 3:04:08 | (GLHF Pledge) exVal1d: @Amoyamoyamoya oh damn just saw one twitter 3:04:09 | l3laz3de: girl month says ur she/her 3:04:10 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: The sigma male we all needed 3:04:10 | Kolateak_: KEKW 3:04:10 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 3:04:11 | braddle172: KEKW 3:04:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: You’re pretty funny and make good content 3:04:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: any tips for a beginning streamer? 3:04:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Dom and sub are unrelated to top and bottom. I wish chat would get that 3:04:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidRipped izidRipped izidRipped 3:04:13 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: bottom as shit 3:04:13 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Wait 3:04:13 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: 3:04:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: W 3:04:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you're sounding genderfluid now stop KEKW 3:04:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:04:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Ayo. I get why F1nn likes to feel himself up all the time.. 3:04:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Bot disagrees 3:04:16 | TrueMezzo: based af 3:04:16 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty bast4Thirsty 3:04:16 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: you are a whole ass mess 3:04:17 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: i'm every woman.. it's all in me.... 3:04:17 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: DMCA, Its not fun to get a DMCA... 3:04:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No muscle? 3:04:18 | (Prime Gaming) EXsamurai9: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool 3:04:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LMAO 3:04:18 | LOtiumduPeuple: You're Zeta chad 3:04:19 | (GLHF Pledge) mendydy: small arms 3:04:19 | (Prime Gaming) shadow_katarina: Can you please bite your lip like that again for me? 3:04:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Mutli-classing gender. 3:04:19 | adorablast: SO CUTE 3:04:19 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: noodle arms 3:04:20 | rekce1s: could plz be more like jesus christ 3:04:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: hot take 3:04:21 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: PogU huge! 3:04:23 | PezaoShow: nice biceps bro 3:04:24 | (Prime Gaming) Short_SubmarineHunter: you flex in the strangest way 3:04:26 | (Subscriber) SanguineIce: You can still be peak male and be a bottom though~ 3:04:26 | LucipurrCryz: power bottom energy flarevrGroovy 3:04:27 | (Subscriber) kayrosie310: Put that on a T-shirt! 3:04:29 | (cheer 1000) chazlcan: so tomorrow the onlyfinns kicks off? 3:04:30 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) WNDRLNDxv: f1nnEgg 3:04:30 | SIRKIT210: Has the power of both genders, is a bottom. 3:04:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: its hilarious that you have no idea how to flex 3:04:31 | i3londee: Taking gender and MASTERING it. 3:04:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dafdeddog: noodles for arms :) 3:04:32 | strawberry24681: Hi how are you 3:04:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: genderfluid 3:04:33 | r20mejia: gun show 3:04:34 | 99thking: You are literally a brat this is true this is fact mvpDerp 3:04:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: finn just hit leg day like every day and get the thunder thighs fr 3:04:34 | rogue_knight_: bruh those arms nearly cast a shadow, keep working at it 3:04:36 | (Prime Gaming) EXsamurai9: Cheer1 Cheer1 3:04:36 | (Prime Gaming) extremecreamdream: Why is that twig on screen moving so much? Oh wait is that F1nn? 3:04:36 | josecortesnival: Lol 3:04:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Sub Gifter) hllani2: tunertBlank 3:04:37 | im_up_to_something: Rose the pinnacle of both genders 3:04:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Can we get Gym fit Rose? 3:04:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: It's no problem, we like the scuffed content 3:04:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: any dress up this stream? 3:04:40 | octyn_: F1nn do you accept discord friend requests? Sorry to bother you 3:04:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "There's only two genders and I'm both of them." . - 4585 3:04:44 | cavetguy: Tell us a joke. 3:04:45 | bearpaw1970: Peak performance..like a living blue pill baby.. 3:04:45 | ratsinblack: boobs 3:04:45 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: I can't be dommed... its weird... I'm too rebellious... I'm like, "screw you, I won't do what you tell me!" 3:04:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: grab the sword 3:04:49 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !of @chazlcan 3:04:49 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:04:49 | youngboikbkloudz: Wow all them views 3:04:51 | PezaoShow: enby confirmed? 3:04:51 | Evy_Morningstar: Manliest of men 3:04:52 | adorablast: become muscle mommy 3:04:55 | haseottd: Is that soda on your shirt? 3:04:55 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: have you been enjoying them? @Stovamor 3:04:59 | jankyswank: omg it's the guy from tiktok 3:05:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: @RoryLuukas That's called being a brat. 3:05:04 | viryl_lucas: Genderfluid - taste the rainbow 3:05:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Yes,! Drink water! Water is good. 3:05:05 | Baelphes: :O Mr Claus! 3:05:06 | LOtiumduPeuple: ur minecraft vids aren't so bad 3:05:08 | Mr_Gunny: Hi Santa! 3:05:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hi Santa Kappa 3:05:08 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: SANTA IN CHAT!!!! 3:05:08 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:05:08 | (cheer 1000) chazlcan: santa like fembois confirmed 3:05:08 | (Turbo) IrishSausage: Sell jars of Gender Fluid TM 3:05:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Your funny and your content sometimes passes being bad into the funny again 3:05:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Santa subs to F1nn??? 3:05:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 3:05:14 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:06 3:05:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 3:05:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 5m 25s 3:05:16 | bubba_nox: Finn do u accept friend requests on discord? I wanted to send a message 3:05:16 | Dastan236: Do you think height is a problem in crossdressing I'm 6'5 and I think I can't pull of the look 3:05:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You are netting 4k viewers while streaming Just Chatting for 6+ hours. You are naturally entertaining and definitely funny, let's be real 3:05:17 | (Subscriber) nissep9802: Manly man in a choker 3:05:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:05:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:05:18 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @yumenozen I'm a brat then haha 3:05:18 | clusterofants: circle of life 3:05:20 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: finn youre like half the trans girls i knows goals 3:05:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: His masculinity score is so high it had an integer overflow and turned feminine 3:05:20 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: cute 3:05:21 | (Turbo) n2Fast: @RoryLuukas ^true 3:05:22 | viryl_lucas: Gmmmm 3:05:22 | (Subscriber) kayrosie310: Put "There is only two genders and I am both of them" on a T-shirt 3:05:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Man is actually drinking water POGGERS 3:05:25 | octyn_: Can you make a updated makeup tutorial 3:05:26 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: i lost 3:05:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: I'm really digging the glasses. 3:05:28 | (Listening only) blakituu: awoooga 3:05:29 | (Prime Gaming) cherryquill: cherry671BurnLove cherry671BurnLove cherry671BurnLove 3:05:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: you're literally killjoy lovely 3:05:31 | braddle172: !uptime 3:05:31 | (Turbo) n2Fast: Hydration 3:05:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 5m 41s 3:05:32 | LOtiumduPeuple: We can see cock on your glasses 3:05:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: bro stop f1nnEmbarrassed 3:05:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Zoom in 3:05:34 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @PaintballKitty, yeah - they've been good fun 3:05:36 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: Integer overflow on Masculinity 3:05:37 | (GlitchCon 2020) EscapeThisPlanet: i believe your BP will brake the website tbh 3:05:38 | viryl_lucas: Soooo masculine 3:05:39 | scatteredleaves: good 3:05:39 | clusterofants: hakuna matata 3:05:40 | typethetyper: I wish I was as cute as you omg 3:05:41 | TrueMezzo: its like the ghandi glitch 3:05:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 3:05:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 3:05:45 | (GlitchCon 2020) sarakatelive: LMFAOOO 3:05:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Santa, for next Christmas I want a Battlepass 3:05:46 | (VIP, Verified) PaintballKitty: @Stovamor That's even better 3:05:46 | (Turbo) IrishSausage: OOF 3:05:46 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 3:05:46 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: weirdChamp 3:05:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: ahahah 3:05:47 | johnpnicholls1122: yep all male 3:05:48 | (GLHF Pledge) mendydy: LUL 3:05:48 | Anmdra: KEKW 3:05:48 | Nambo_Rose: lmao 3:05:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lxnatiks: HEY. 3:05:48 | razzz_wolf: LUL 3:05:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 3:05:48 | PezaoShow: what a clip 3:05:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bonu5ducks: what KEKW 3:05:48 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: FeelsBadMan 3:05:49 | Dhalsin: LMAO!!!! 3:05:49 | (GLHF Pledge) exVal1d: stop staring at my feet weirdo 3:05:49 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:05:50 | braddle172: KEKW 3:05:50 | procdump: KEKW 3:05:50 | bearpaw1970: Lmao 3:05:50 | josuekink: LOL 3:05:50 | Emmy64_: KEKW 3:05:51 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 3:05:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: oh are we in full girl voice now 3:05:51 | Therosbr: KEKW 3:05:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SlimfastEFB: ahhhh 3:05:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 3:05:51 | G0BT: KEKW 3:05:52 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Kekw 3:05:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: shit 3:05:52 | carbontrash: LMAOO 3:05:52 | aLittleCalamarian: You have to commit to the bit 3:05:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 3:05:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: Realizes he's looking in the mirror again. 3:05:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: very wholesome KEKW 3:05:53 | locaholic1: oof 3:05:53 | josuekink: XD 3:05:53 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: hey i'm trans 3:05:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 3:05:54 | humanratpoison: still bigger than yours 3:05:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW Good luck finding it 3:05:55 | (Turbo) seniarosee: Lmaooo 3:05:55 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:05:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: OMEGALUL 3:05:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: SPH 3:05:56 | GooseBozo: KEKW 3:05:56 | lishoward: LMAOOO 3:05:56 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Dons glasses in attemp to look cute. - 4640 3:05:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: It's bigger than average ok FeelsBadMan 3:05:56 | nik_zori: KEKW 3:05:56 | josuekink: OMG 3:05:56 | BasilTea4: lmfaooooooooooooooo 3:05:57 | bigsuave7: Bro please 3:05:57 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: LMFAO 3:05:57 | Emmy64_: Its a tictac ffs KEKW 3:05:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: someone's out here like "FOR FREE???" 3:05:59 | GeoJo: WHOLESOME 3:05:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:05:59 | LOtiumduPeuple: projecting much ? 3:05:59 | clusterofants: no get the microscope it'll be clearer 3:05:59 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 3:06:00 | hetania: PepeHands 3:06:00 | jankyswank: take this microscope 3:06:01 | stormigato: Hello:D 3:06:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:06:01 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 3:06:01 | DaniCantSnipe: LOOOL 3:06:01 | TheWalkinBread: PepeHands 3:06:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: LMFAO 3:06:02 | 414ifoundone: heyyyyyy 3:06:02 | Baelphes: oof, this hurts :( 3:06:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what's that?? 3:06:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Is this what you want to hear? 3:06:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 3:06:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:06:05 | Ghostie_86: uwu 3:06:05 | kawaii_senpai12: Will you stream till March 1st your time for battlepass launch? TehePelo 3:06:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: 4.3 baby 3:06:06 | ayarcee: Did you see Riza's latest cosplay? 3:06:06 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: :) yes 3:06:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: astra11Kek astra11Kek astra11Kek 3:06:07 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:06:07 | RonnieSxl: oh no 3:06:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: fuck 3:06:07 | Evy_Morningstar: Only real men wear cat ears 3:06:07 | (GlitchCon 2020) sugarsh: LUL 3:06:08 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Speaking from experience? 3:06:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: gamer supps collab when? 3:06:09 | Anmdra: yoo 3:06:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Keep going 3:06:10 | (Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) WNDRLNDxv: wholesome stream i see 3:06:11 | adorablast: "what are you gonna do with that?" 3:06:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo 3:06:13 | bearpaw1970: Clip 3:06:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: I find findom so cringe 3:06:14 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: xD 3:06:14 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: too small Sadge 3:06:14 | procdump: shrimp 3:06:14 | 0melet_: DUDE you dont know how much girls like fem guys 3:06:15 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 3:06:15 | madoosah: Pork me 3:06:16 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: wholesom 3:06:16 | viryl_lucas: :( 3:06:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Chat, you're big enough ok ? PepeHands 3:06:16 | LOtiumduPeuple: Going straight to the sph 3:06:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: didn't know they come that tiny 3:06:18 | cobyneedmedicine: this brother is off the deep end 3:06:18 | nik_zori: "you're so adorable" KEKW 3:06:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: Finn stop looking in the mirror 3:06:18 | (Prime Gaming) MayBeAJinx: Are you responding to the clip of you checking yourself? 3:06:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: for FREE? 3:06:19 | josecortesnival: :) 3:06:19 | im_up_to_something: Role-playing included in battle pass? 3:06:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: remember wholesome stream guys. Not f1nn doing humiliation in girl voice 3:06:24 | shrewdnesstestis: My gf told me that if I don't stop watching u she gonna break up with me. WHWT DO IFO 3:06:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm trying to see that tiny dick" (GV). - 4590 3:06:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: looking at d1ck? kinda sus 3:06:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: OMG 3:06:25 | Bytebak: is that fully grown? How cute 3:06:25 | x_progamesxl_x: looks like the girl voice lessons are paying of XD 3:06:26 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Should try out "oh my god, is that aluminum?" 3:06:27 | (Turbo) sipikay: christmas is cumming early 3:06:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: OMEGALUL 3:06:28 | StrangeFlyingContraption: Cotton penetrated into your soul 3:06:28 | DaniCantSnipe: hahahahaha 3:06:28 | general_of_cm: july 3:06:29 | bwjune: wasn’t today supposed to be wholesome? 3:06:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Smh 3:06:30 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW KEKW KEKW 3:06:30 | essasnozeslmao: Leave my tiny dick alone man 3:06:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:06:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, OWL All-Access Pass 2019) ACuriousParadox: hot damn 3:06:31 | 99thking: "you sure that's a dick? I thought it was a clit with a pair of balls" 3:06:31 | lexsknight: good night hun its been very fun XX 3:06:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: PTSD 3:06:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: FOR FREE?! 3:06:33 | rogue_knight_: cant tell who is thirstier f1nn or chat 3:06:33 | Baelphes: airpod?? LUL 3:06:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 3:06:34 | (GLHF Pledge) exVal1d: its cold... :( 3:06:34 | johnpnicholls1122: lower chat be like 3:06:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Paris 3:06:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Why is it so white KEKW 3:06:35 | Fv3r: that can be considered domplay 3:06:35 | sparkyyogurtsmmm: Step on me 3:06:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:06:36 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: Stare stop this 3:06:36 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: loooooooooooooool 3:06:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: LMAO 3:06:37 | PezaoShow: fetish fuel 3:06:39 | bubba_nox: Do u accept friend requests on discord? 3:06:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: I know some folks are bursting right now, that is their kink 3:06:40 | LOtiumduPeuple: ahahah 3:06:40 | whelkier: that's so mean I can't help it 3:06:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Airpod 3:06:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Where's the rest of it 3:06:41 | Ghostie_86: HOT 3:06:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Oh God, I love your streams 3:06:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: The voice is amazing 3:06:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: What happened I was looking at chat 3:06:42 | RonnieSxl: nahhh 3:06:42 | OhCassie: ??? 3:06:43 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: weirdChamp its average 3:06:43 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: too small PepeHands 3:06:44 | bearpaw1970: 3:06:44 | (Prime Gaming) shadow_katarina: Can you please bite your lip and do the bell Delphine face again? :3 @f1nn5ter 3:06:44 | KappatalismTV: !size 3:06:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 3:06:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: this is very good finn 3:06:45 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: LUL 3:06:45 | clusterofants: the old that looks like a dick but smaller 3:06:46 | Evy_Morningstar: Lmao it's a grower not a shower. 3:06:47 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER being girl mode is just manly man buffer overflow 3:06:47 | Vesmedinia: don't laugh it's HOT 3:06:49 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: How dare you 3:06:49 | i3londee: My mother said it’s adorable…. 3:06:49 | magma0981: Next Youtube Short 3:06:50 | jankyswank: submissive 3:06:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) YumeNoZen: "straight face" here? 3:06:50 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: I do t think you are going to be ready for the cringe of battle pass requests 3:06:50 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: This is so wholesome, you practising your girl voice with us 3:06:50 | octyn_: Finn do you accept discord friend requests 3:06:51 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter apparently a great way to practice is to read books aloud... just gives you something that can keep you talking 3:06:53 | (Prime Gaming) MayBeAJinx: So you use your own content as inspiration when you're narrating stuff like this? 3:06:55 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Finn is SO CUTE AAAAAAAH 3:06:55 | knockedout26: voice and degrading is good!! 3:07:00 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: is that a derringer in your pocket or are you just that smol. 3:07:01 | ratsinblack: ptsd 3:07:05 | josecortesnival: Ok that is good 3:07:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: @Helen_Croft jesus christ, great analogy ^^ 3:07:10 | allie420: lolol mood 3:07:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: common Amoya L 3:07:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: Will use the silicon desert eagle you got in the P.O. Box 3:07:13 | whelkier: light 5 to strong 6 femdom skills 3:07:14 | Steys00: yet 3:07:15 | arzi77perra: no lie. 3:07:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: worrunS Aware 3:07:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: it's been a crazy speedrun 3:07:17 | ninofy_: go to rumble 3:07:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: I agree with Dono 3:07:19 | ratsinblack: you should be shorter 3:07:21 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: LOLOL 3:07:21 | LOtiumduPeuple: We'll grow together 3:07:28 | bearpaw1970: Season 3 3:07:30 | (Prime Gaming) XxSpoofyxX: squirt 3:07:30 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !girlmonth 3:07:30 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: https://isitgirlmonth.com 3:07:32 | clusterofants: you didn't make a chart? 3:07:33 | illacam_: thats a guy??? 3:07:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: you either die a gamer boy or live long enough to be a twith thot 3:07:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: so secure in his masculinity that he can present as female and still be straight. peak male 3:07:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Sees my PTSD comment. PTSD increases. - 4650 3:07:39 | spong12345668: i hate the british (i myself am british) 3:07:41 | bearpaw1970: Episode 8 3:07:42 | (Prime Gaming) holyzoinks: So you're a guy I'm lost hrer now 3:07:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @illacam_, yes, be nice :) 3:07:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Amoyamoyamoya LUL 3:07:49 | (Prime Gaming) paciprincess1: my boyfriend,girlfriend,and i adore you 3:07:50 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: @illacam_ yes 3:07:51 | johnpnicholls1122: getting in to years now tho finn 3:07:53 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:07:54 | viryl_lucas: lmao 3:07:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) mothy_coven7: mothy_coven7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Howdy 3:07:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mothy_coven7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:07:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: At this rate it makes more sense to have guy week than girl month 3:07:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) Donimir_Trutin: OH YES 3:08:01 | Emmy64_: LUL f1nnLaff 3:08:02 | (Watching without audio) kodiOf758: XD 3:08:02 | RonnieSxl: LUL LUL LUL 3:08:02 | braddle172: LUL 3:08:03 | viryl_lucas: LEZGOOO 3:08:04 | (Watching without audio) kodiOf758: no way 3:08:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @holyzoinks cis guy, yes 3:08:05 | 0melet_: <3 3:08:06 | scatteredleaves: LUL 3:08:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: foxyfoxPetergasm 3:08:08 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Damn 3 hours past at work fml 3:08:08 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: At this point... you are gonna open that box and absolutely HATE those boy clothes LUL 3:08:09 | shrewdnesstestis: GUYS I NEED HELP. MY GF SAID IF I CARRY ON WATCHING F1NST3R SHE GONNA DUMP ME 3:08:09 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 3:08:09 | jankyswank: have you seen ben shapiro's opinions on state mandated femboys? 3:08:10 | viryl_lucas: Kappa Kreygasm Kappa Kreygasm Kappa Kreygasm 3:08:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 3:08:11 | bigsuave7: So sexual.... 3:08:12 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:08:12 | s3baaas2: boobs? 3:08:12 | Admiral_Tetanus: how much longer before entire streams are in girl voice 3:08:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: KEKW Howdy 3:08:14 | Delta_2956: I cant believe your straight 3:08:15 | bearpaw1970: Twitch Thott 3:08:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Zerantox__: Zerantox__ subscribed with Prime. 3:08:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: zerantox__ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zerantox__ f1nnLezgang 3:08:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) Donimir_Trutin: Donimir_Trutin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! more fem voice 3:08:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: donimir_trutin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:08:18 | usr5540: SeemsGood 3:08:18 | l3laz3de: vibing fem for free? 3:08:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, f1nnSad 3:08:18 | (Prime Gaming) MrJungleGriffonV12: good 3:08:18 | Baelphes: voice progress Clap Clap 3:08:19 | certified_boylover: extremely wholesome strim 3:08:19 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: youre real voice already sounds feminine enough 3:08:20 | Marshmellon6: @F1NN5TER worst girlvoice yet 3:08:20 | Arikabz: WAMAN ALERT 3:08:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: What is this stream?!?! 3:08:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: this is utter shite 3:08:23 | (Turbo) IrishSausage: So Rose is american? 3:08:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DinkyTheDrunk: DinkyTheDrunk subscribed with Prime. 3:08:23 | simonjpetrikov: that's pretty gooood 3:08:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dinkythedrunk subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dinkythedrunk f1nnLezgang 3:08:23 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: lol 3:08:24 | whelkier: say "oh my god I just shitted myself" ion girl voice 3:08:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: it's getting better, that was good 3:08:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 3:08:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Clap 3:08:28 | SapienNoize: cute tshirt, rose! <3 3:08:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) monkeman742: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 3:08:30 | xkiller254: yoo, I love your makeup man. did you do your own makeup? 3:08:31 | Senevri: I'm getting second hand cringe. 3:08:35 | that_bean_gwen_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 3:08:36 | johnpnicholls1122: @shrewdnesstestis 3:08:37 | LOtiumduPeuple: Can you do sph with your normal voice ? 3:08:37 | 99thking: When the wholesome lad becomes a slut for the funny mvpDerp 3:08:39 | (Prime Gaming) RxCheckerTD: Talking comparatively fast there btw 3:08:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: Yoo it's getting better 3:08:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's getting better 3:08:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Doing good!! 3:08:41 | (Prime Gaming) holyzoinks: So he's a bloke pretending to be a woman 3:08:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Prandah: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile1 3:08:42 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: girl voice stream dono goal? 3:08:46 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: The girl voice is coming along very well, good girl 3:08:46 | Senevri: You do need the exercise 3:08:47 | viryl_lucas: Needs work but it is getting there. 3:08:48 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Have you tried voice changers? 3:08:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SlimfastEFB: getting more confident with the GV 3:08:50 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Valley girl voice rules 3:08:52 | octyn_: @f1nn5ter will you accept discord friend requests? Sorry to bother you 3:08:52 | (Subscriber) nissep9802: Ngl kinda like the library look 3:08:54 | LOtiumduPeuple: you can do it king 3:08:55 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: How the girl voice going 3:08:56 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter 's gender is American 3:08:56 | RonnieSxl: its improving 3:08:58 | whelkier: top bloke 3:08:58 | buddamypest: hey 3:08:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Its practice 3:09:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: I think it is super good for you to practice girl voice with chat 3:09:00 | jankyswank: a bloke with big tiddies 3:09:01 | total_acidity: girl* 3:09:01 | simonjpetrikov: practice makes perfect 3:09:02 | that_bean_gwen_: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog 3:09:02 | viryl_lucas: Fokin bloke 3:09:06 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Pretending to be a bloke 3:09:06 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: are you going for sexual? cuz I think its coming off that way 3:09:06 | esquilinus: finally the end of brit phase 3:09:07 | organic_rust: you're not pretending you're just a woman? 3:09:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SlimfastEFB: B L O K E 3:09:08 | Delta_2956: Your a women pretending to be a bloke 3:09:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Progress is slow but still it's cringy lmao 3:09:10 | (Prime Gaming) ItsMeSpring: Amoraths whole chat is full of Spanish ppl 3:09:11 | Senevri: All clothes are unisex if you're brave enough 3:09:11 | xkiller254: I like your nails my guy 3:09:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: It's actually not a bad girl voice... 3:09:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Fookin Bloke 3:09:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: blokiest bloke 3:09:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Two spirit 3:09:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: GMT 3:09:15 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !gmt @F1NN5TER 3:09:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Gremlin Mean Time. This is the time F1nn actually starts a stream. It has no relationship to when he said the stream would start. 3:09:16 | Bolttu: challenge yourself to do a whole stream with that girl voice 3:09:16 | johnpnicholls1122: and like girls things 3:09:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) OskarLoderr: He's a bloke pretending to be a woman pretending to be a bloke 3:09:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: 8am? 3:09:17 | vartris: you hear your own voice differently from how everyone lese hears it, because it goes through you bones 3:09:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: it's a dude playing another dude playing a woman 3:09:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Guessing lots of chat haven't heard a girl voice kekw 3:09:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: gmt? KEKW 3:09:20 | JnkyrdWillie: bridish 3:09:21 | GormyGorm: am or pm 3:09:22 | trylferis: your actualy doing realy good on the voice bro keep practicing 3:09:22 | whelkier: he's just a workin class bloke from bir' minham 3:09:22 | general_of_cm: Gremlin Mean Time 3:09:23 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: UTC 3:09:25 | anschofi: UTC 3:09:25 | mirot47: F1nn5ter just wanted to wish you all the best and that you have an immensely successful battle pass account!!! 3:09:25 | (Prime Gaming) LonesomeTea: gmt 3:09:26 | braddle172: Bri'ish 3:09:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: G O O D B O Y. Ish. 3:09:26 | 0melet_: when i can't afford the battlepass :(( 3:09:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: The more you work on that the better it will be 3:09:27 | KingEdTheMagnificent: is the hair real or a wig 3:09:27 | (Prime Gaming) paciprincess1: my bf has a crush on you 3:09:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: PM GMT 3:09:28 | frank_the_great: Why 03? 3:09:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: F1nn's gender is Brummie 3:09:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hecaerge: For the British equivalent of valley girl accent, look up Victoria Aitken interview video 3:09:29 | 3DartBlade: Btw your fem voice is actually, honestly really good 3:09:30 | yumberrie: gender is whatever you want it to be 3:09:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) stephanie1701: GMT 3:09:30 | LOtiumduPeuple: My name's Jenna, I'm 30 and I've got a basketball game tomorrow 3:09:31 | Dastan236: Do you wax your beard? 3:09:32 | BasilTea4: finn nonbinary confirmed? 3:09:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: British time? KEKW 3:09:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: is the inchworm gonna make an appearance on the battlepass @F1NN5TER 3:09:33 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: 2003 HRT time 3:09:34 | (Prime Gaming) saltyfcraker: Not pretending to be anyone just being comfortable who you are TehePelo 3:09:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Actually a sub trying to be a dom 3:09:36 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:09:37 | that_bean_gwen_: It’s a girl who’s egg hasn’t cracked yet 3:09:38 | Emmy64_: @dragollicx Dude you good? 3:09:40 | MajesticFvckingEagle: I understood that reference 3:09:41 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: @frank_the_great why? funney 3:09:47 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: bloke is so British 3:09:49 | gernadesquirrel: Aces & eights do 5X5 got a lot done today 3:09:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) theraideghost: Lo de amouranth es por la velada 3:09:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: uff 3:09:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: kekw 3:09:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @robbie1945, D: 3:09:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: what is the battlepass? 3:09:55 | anonkate: Wtf was I recommend on twitch…. 3:09:55 | buddamypest: widweeUwU widweeUwU widweeUwU widweeUwU widweeUwU widweeUwU widweeUwU peachy329Dancebb peachy329Dancebb 3:09:56 | 0melet_: ay0 3:09:57 | (Listening only) blakituu: ho leee 3:09:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: ... 3:09:58 | (Subscriber) VintageCenti: 4.3 3:09:58 | (Prime Gaming) Zodek1: holy shit 3:09:59 | braddle172: f1nnEmbarrassed 3:09:59 | Delta_2956: Ive seen your OF no way your straight 3:09:59 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Hey Finn, are you teeth good for being a Bri’ish person? 3:10:01 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: you gonna make me uff sound 3:10:01 | Senevri: ASMR stream 3:10:02 | scarph72: egg 3:10:02 | (Prime Gaming) TheIronGuy11: anime ass noices 3:10:04 | (cheer 100) blackhippy21: damn 3:10:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 3:10:04 | bigsuave7: ????? 3:10:05 | Thesamuli44: weirdChamp 3:10:05 | procdump: uwu 3:10:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: A dude dressing as a girl playing another dude? 3:10:08 | xkiller254: I think your making everyone question their sexuality. 3:10:08 | nandosjr0800: Velma glasses 3:10:08 | (Watching without audio) Keopha: wow new camera ? 3:10:08 | LOtiumduPeuple: @anonkate don't be rude plz 3:10:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: F1nn will start communicating with moans only 3:10:10 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !of @Thovara 3:10:10 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Yes that was one 3:10:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:10:11 | dinowannagamer: hello 3:10:11 | (GLHF Pledge) NotDanielSmith: @TheIronGuy11 fr 3:10:12 | x_progamesxl_x: where's the ara ara hmm??? 3:10:12 | second_best_dad: Gotta be honest, that does something to me 3:10:13 | (Prime Gaming) Zodek1: shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 3:10:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: @johnkeiwo im sorry ill take a 24 hour timeout for my sins 3:10:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: f1nnMonka 3:10:17 | Deorganised: Man a year ago I was like "yeah haha nice try f1nn" but now if you hmu in the dms I'd leave my gf to eat that ass for sure shit's not funny 3:10:17 | jankyswank: when is furry costume stream? 3:10:18 | (Prime Gaming) hudman998: is the monster energy drink gonna appear in the battlepass? 3:10:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Creation_Games: Creation_Games subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! thanks for being able to show your fem voice, as someone currently learning to do that I know how cringy it feels to even try it alone and it helps motivates me every time i hear you try, so thanks again! 3:10:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: creation_games subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 3:10:19 | SIRKIT210: Not quite an egg anymore because that shell has cracked wide open 3:10:20 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Anime struggle voice 3:10:20 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: "Wholesome" stream 3:10:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: GMT. BST is Summer 3:10:24 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: until you see his vibe fem 3:10:24 | azimouth_: Best bloke voice a girl has ever HAD., 3:10:27 | (Prime Gaming) sirshawdow: you look and act like my ex that im still in contact with not sure how that says about me 3:10:29 | Senevri: maybe 3:10:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Wholesome hmm 3:10:30 | that_bean_gwen_: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack 3:10:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: A dude playing a dude pretending to be another dude 3:10:31 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Unfortunately correct 3:10:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @robbie1945, you robbed us of content weirdChamp 3:10:32 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !gmt @F1NN5TER 3:10:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Gremlin Mean Time. This is the time F1nn actually starts a stream. It has no relationship to when he said the stream would start. 3:10:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: abuse it until twink death YEP 3:10:35 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: I think twitch mods just gave up banning Amo haha, they are like screw it, thats close enough to a bikini. 3:10:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: you nervous F1NN? 3:10:37 | Willowight: definitely yeah 3:10:37 | Delta_2956: Ello ow ar you this is ow you talk bri ish 3:10:39 | (Prime Gaming) ItsMeSpring: f1nnGross 3:10:44 | (Prime Gaming) Zodek1: shibuy4Rem shibuy4Rem shibuy4Rem 3:10:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: My fav British thing that ends in 03 is .303 British 3:10:48 | allie420: omg total mood TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 3:10:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Cheer100 I'm trying to not go full simp, but this shit ain't helping. Fuuuuck. 3:10:50 | viryl_lucas: Yau 3:10:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: Oh god the glasses are on 3:10:52 | viryl_lucas: Yah 3:10:54 | x_progamesxl_x: need a fem voice ara ara.. 3:10:54 | 0melet_: nice plan 3:10:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: smart strat tbh 3:10:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Yes!!! 3:10:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: good strat 3:10:59 | MajesticFvckingEagle: good plan 3:10:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: Cringe receptors burnt to a crisp 3:11:00 | Enfinit_: BUFF ANIME MAN!!!!! 3:11:00 | LOtiumduPeuple: Tbh most of the chat couldn't do a girl voice 3:11:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Let's hear more of it then 3:11:02 | Loelinverse: Yesss 3:11:02 | 0melet_: you can do it! 3:11:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: I approve of this plan 3:11:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Smakaz7: Smakaz7 subscribed with Prime. 3:11:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: smakaz7 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang smakaz7 f1nnLezgang 3:11:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: W strat 3:11:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: It will 3:11:08 | whelkier: would it help if we shout cringe every time you do the girl voice 3:11:08 | viryl_lucas: But don't lose hope and cofnidence 3:11:11 | jankyswank: ooga booga pretty boy make e=me happy 3:11:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Thats a good strat 3:11:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: what speakers do you use to hear tts? how does it not pick up on mic? 3:11:16 | braddle172: nanona1Flushed 3:11:17 | themagicalgluebag: I JUST GOT HER DID I MISS THE FEM VOICE :( 3:11:18 | viryl_lucas: HNNGFF 3:11:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidGASM 3:11:18 | Nambo_Rose: leg 3:11:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: It's cringe-cute 3:11:19 | SliderX: hahahah 3:11:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: bro 3:11:22 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: Oh my 3:11:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: f1nnMonka 3:11:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: yeah true but why can't we both win f1nn 3:11:23 | Steys00: looking at that 3:11:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Vohnilla: Vohnilla subscribed with Prime. 3:11:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: vohnilla subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang vohnilla f1nnLezgang 3:11:24 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 3:11:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYo 3:11:25 | (cheer 100) blackhippy21: damnn 3:11:25 | Vesmedinia: HOT 3:11:25 | azimouth_: Corset time ? 3:11:25 | Baelphes: hhhnnnnngggg 3:11:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Shorts are good! 3:11:26 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm Kreygasm 3:11:26 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Damn 3:11:26 | Duribun: Part of the reason you really dislike your female voice, is because you're not used to it. You're basically hard wired into recognising your 'normal' voice and not the female one. 3:11:27 | Das_dritte_Phantom: !gmt 3:11:27 | Chri55PBacon: Hmmm 3:11:27 | itsfree_real_estate: riko 3:11:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Gremlin Mean Time. This is the time F1nn actually starts a stream. It has no relationship to when he said the stream would start. 3:11:27 | PezaoShow: untucked 3:11:27 | SapienNoize: Do yall have any good resources for voice training?? 3:11:27 | jimboz0: Worked for everything else 3:11:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat 3:11:29 | FellowSurvivorr: bruv 3:11:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: wear pants 3:11:29 | jankyswank: show us your shorts 3:11:29 | (Subscriber) MarsReform: woahhh 3:11:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Whoo! Always good to see Finn streaming when I get home from work! 3:11:31 | Sayori_dev: ayo 3:11:31 | texastgirl: Im still waiting for Rose to admit that she has been a girl all along and just pretending to be a guy on stream. 3:11:32 | (Prime Gaming) SuperSpecialBrownies: Kreygasm 3:11:33 | mr_pikle: vocal uncanny valley often happens when vocal resonance and weight aren’t balanced 3:11:33 | SomeMineral: for fee? 3:11:33 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 3:11:34 | (GlitchCon 2020) tru_killz969: God the oversized tshirt look is everything 3:11:34 | zippozz: For free? 3:11:34 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 3:11:34 | Evy_Morningstar: 3:11:34 | locaholic1: Damn 3:11:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) juneyear20: My god the CURVES 3:11:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: Very wholesome stream bud 3:11:37 | ThatTechDude2475: get a 3xl shirt 3:11:37 | johnpnicholls1122: 3:11:37 | nandosjr0800: Nice anime shirt 3:11:39 | mochi404: so handsome 3:11:39 | LOtiumduPeuple: Will there be cringe shit on the battlepass ? Cringe is my kink and you're my king 3:11:39 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: DAMMMMMM STOP IT 3:11:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Just take the shorts off if you're so worried about them 3:11:39 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: @F1NN5TER Practice makes perfect, so even if it's cringe now, in a year you'll be girl voicing better than most girls 3:11:40 | (Subscriber) nissep9802: Ban list time 3:11:40 | gracesbeing: use the clip! 3:11:41 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) imrunningoutofideas: bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong bast4Thirsty f1nnBingbong 3:11:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 3:11:41 | Vesmedinia: give us thighs 3:11:42 | (cheer 1) kalaross101: You should wear a corset 3:11:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: @texastgirl LOL 3:11:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) SweetPuffalopes: oh my lord my streamer is a whore 3:11:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: THIIIGHSSS 3:11:43 | 5azrael9: xqcHYPERF xqcHYPERF xqcHYPERF 3:11:44 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 3:11:44 | viryl_lucas: Ayooooo 3:11:45 | l3laz3de: for free? 3:11:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaKiss 3:11:47 | dippity_dab: damnnnnnn 3:11:47 | themagicalgluebag: the process will be cringe but the results will be based 3:11:47 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: “Wholesome” 3:11:48 | zpfran: eye tracker chat 3:11:48 | 0melet_: bestie you're so pretty 3:11:50 | SIRKIT210: Ayyyyoooooooo 3:11:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: shorts are too short 3:11:51 | ThatTechDude2475: AYO 3:11:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: mmm no they don't 3:11:51 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Just take the shorts off then 3:11:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Push-back / Fit-check. SLOOT. - 4580 3:11:53 | 5azrael9: xqcTOS 3:11:54 | gernadesquirrel: "ah houston we havd a issue" 3:11:54 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: you all picked the right outfit, good job 3:11:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Banned for 14 weeks 3:11:55 | jankyswank: take off your socks 3:11:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: wholesome, entire pp out KEKW 3:11:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ban number 2 3:11:59 | x_progamesxl_x: change of clothes???? 3:11:59 | 5azrael9: xqcNom xqcNom 3:12:01 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Do you where a thong? 3:12:01 | (Prime Gaming) holyzoinks: Sad 3:12:01 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: F1nn with glasses is adorable, i love it 3:12:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: those are the shortest short i''ve ever seen 3:12:02 | NpcRival: About to get banned 3:12:02 | ayarcee: f1nnSmile1 3:12:03 | (Prime Gaming) expiredsnacker: Wait a minute, this isnt Wendy's 3:12:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: sooo softtt 3:12:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Prandah: f1nnSmile3 f1nnCowjam f1nnSmile1 3:12:05 | yumberrie: corsets good for sitting up straight 3:12:07 | certified_boylover: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 3:12:07 | frank_the_great: Rocking it like Whinny the Pooh 3:12:08 | (Watching without audio) Love4donuts: what 3:12:09 | Flex_Uli: cheers! 3:12:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) SweetPuffalopes: whoresome stream <:3 3:12:09 | (Prime Gaming) thetuaschtee: PogU 3:12:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Short ass shorts 3:12:10 | xXNeroZashiXx: Why are shorts so short 3:12:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 3:12:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kateth: Aww 3:12:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL 3:12:11 | jacsi__: the guns are just too much, i cant 3:12:12 | dippity_dab: i was here before the ban again 3:12:14 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: awwwwwwww 3:12:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) AFKJG: <3 3:12:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: BOUTA GET BANNED 3:12:16 | espressodespresso: xqcTOS 3:12:16 | viryl_lucas: NotLikeThis Kreygasm NotLikeThis Kreygasm Kreygasm NotLikeThis 3:12:17 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter that's facts!!!!! 3:12:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Awww 3:12:21 | Emmy64_: Shorts are undies lenght f1nnEmbarrassed 3:12:22 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: All the Girls will be mad at you if your OF blows up. 3:12:23 | Fv3r: Hey F1n, will there be a promo video like belle did? 3:12:24 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: <3 <3 3:12:25 | xkiller254: I really like your nails 3:12:28 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: no 3:12:28 | LOtiumduPeuple: who knew a lil femboi could save lives ? 3:12:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: He needs degradation 3:12:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: plzz suffocate me with ur thighs 3:12:31 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: bratty behaviour 3:12:31 | bertju2004: love the glasse 3:12:32 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: finnn into sub things 3:12:33 | bertju2004: s 3:12:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) teddy_mov: teddy_mov subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3:12:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: teddy_mov subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:12:34 | Senevri: You should get a made-to-measure corset. That's still only less than $500 3:12:34 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: Quickinkon katiedgrdes d hifee, 3:12:34 | (Prime Gaming) MayBeAJinx: Okay, new approach, we have to boolie you with kindness? 3:12:34 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: clip pls 3:12:35 | shrewdnesstestis: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 3:12:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) kramerrrb: kramerrrb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 3:12:36 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kramerrrb subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 3:12:36 | (Prime Gaming) justyxgaming: F1nn wants to be degraded confirmed 3:12:37 | procdump: You bully us, we love you back. 3:12:37 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: the stream caption... 3:12:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: that's what he is into chat ! don't give him satisfaction 3:12:38 | azimouth_: Defo , corset time!! 3:12:41 | (Prime Gaming) LoonasPawStool: you kinda look like carl from the walking dead 3:12:42 | gernadesquirrel: got a waist trainer 3:12:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: yeah, get with the plan Kappa 3:12:43 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Suddenly I see why I'm a VIP. Kappa 3:12:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: understandable 3:12:44 | frank_the_great: Wholesome is literally in your title lol 3:12:44 | razzz_wolf: yup 3:12:45 | Delta_2956: Did you know there is a video of you on the hub? 3:12:46 | ryansshack: So cute 3:12:50 | madlordjv: degen kink 3:12:50 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: I think i had a stroke 3:12:53 | 99thking: "I need to be called a whore for breathing why are you being nice to me?" mvpDerp 3:12:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Who's the bottom here? 3:12:55 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: weirdChamp dont get back on your narcacist shit again 3:12:56 | xkiller254: fin is the best honestly 3:12:58 | itsfree_real_estate: kewt 3:12:58 | (Prime Gaming) shadow_katarina: Keep being the best you Finn! Best channel on the internet:) 3:12:59 | speranzzz_: Que bendición 3:13:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: those were all words, yes 3:13:02 | (Prime Gaming) tral911: if i didnt come out last month this stream would be much more confusing than it is 3:13:02 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter you helped me 100%, and I'm 31 been CDing since I was 12 3:13:05 | Dastan236: What is the sword in the background? 3:13:06 | jacob9595x: Hey Finn 3:13:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: sounds like fans 3:13:11 | LOtiumduPeuple: any PC fans out here ? 3:13:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: I hear it 3:13:12 | valkhasreturned_: He is here he is queer 3:13:13 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: OH NO i hear it now 3:13:14 | Loelinverse: it’s noticable 3:13:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nuttell__: fucking hell donos are loud 3:13:15 | azimouth_: Love PC'S 3:13:15 | l3laz3de: its the ac unit 3:13:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: yeah, it sounds like a PC fan, it's super quiet though 3:13:19 | (Prime Gaming) Emma__Senpai: Hi mommy 3:13:20 | AedricRen: claymore 3:13:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: very quiet though I hear it 3:13:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: chat needs correction, please correct us Mommy 3:13:26 | spl1tb0ard: Nope, compared it to another uk electrical noise video. 3:13:26 | viryl_lucas: Scottish claymore 3:13:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Pick up the sword 3:13:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: It's a claymore 3:13:28 | (GlitchCon 2020) sugarsh: fuck U I cannot unhear it now 3:13:29 | azimouth_: Got 3 swords yesss 3:13:29 | Arikabz: Yuh mon u got noise in your stream 3:13:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: I thought it was a claymore 3:13:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) DeflatedEagles: Sorry for "confidence" damn autocorrect, was meant to be coincidence 3:13:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: will you cut your birthday cake with it? 3:13:31 | (Prime Gaming) snigismund: Stroke the sword 3:13:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A claymore 3:13:33 | shrewdnesstestis: @lotiumdupeuple YES ME IM A PC FAN 3:13:33 | The_Mazor: The_Mazor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! I can't believe it has been two years since I was first confused about my sexuality 3:13:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: the_mazor subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:13:33 | allie420: *can only hear the blaring cisco switch in my av rack.... 3:13:34 | GooseBozo: nah thats a long sword 3:13:35 | (GlitchCon 2020) sugarsh: LUL 3:13:36 | gernadesquirrel: bottom for guys ts i can top so a switch? lol 3:13:38 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @l3laz3de that's mean, you know houses in the UK don't have AC 3:13:38 | Evy_Morningstar: Ever since I came across your channel I have to tell people my sexuality it complicated when I get asked. 3:13:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) novadarkstar11: novadarkstar11 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 3:13:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: novadarkstar11 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:13:41 | whelkier: hi finnster can you do a triple backflip 3:13:42 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:13:44 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: then simply be our daddy, EZ 3:13:45 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 3:13:46 | Original_Sin07: Use the sword 3:13:48 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i've been lied to D: 3:13:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: yes, Mommy 3:13:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Oh no 3:13:50 | frank_the_great: Daddy? 3:13:51 | OtterrificVEVO: First time here, this is a lot different than I thought it would be here 3:13:54 | Fv3r: yes, sorry daddy 3:13:54 | (GLHF Pledge) wonderfulmax80: Mommy is a state of mind 3:13:55 | TheWalkinBread: Anduril, Flame of the West, forged from the shards of Narsil 3:13:57 | Thijssiee99: NOT MOMMY? 3:13:57 | Nxght_Scar: Arby's 3:13:57 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Mommy? 3:13:59 | whelkier: femdaddy? 3:14:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 3:14:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Maybe not mommy, but we could still milk you Kappa 3:14:00 | (Prime Gaming) meta1girl: hormones when 3:14:01 | essasnozeslmao: Daddy????? 3:14:01 | GormyGorm: FeelsBadMan 3:14:01 | shrewdnesstestis: MOMMY 3:14:03 | scatteredleaves: dad? 3:14:03 | viryl_lucas: :( 3:14:04 | (Prime Gaming) midosomnia: mommy 3:14:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Mommies are domme 3:14:04 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Daddy 3:14:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Since when ? 3:14:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: mommy i need my milkies!! 3:14:05 | (Prime Gaming) TheNommad: mommy 3:14:05 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Mommy? Daddy? 3:14:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands 3:14:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Daddy Finny Winny 3:14:06 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: ... Parent? 3:14:07 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: daddy? 3:14:07 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Brother? 3:14:07 | shrewdnesstestis: DADDY 3:14:07 | viryl_lucas: No mommy 3:14:07 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Because you're a bottom! 3:14:07 | hetania: Sonny boy 3:14:07 | xkiller254: your making people question their seggsuality 3:14:09 | im_up_to_something: Mommy 3:14:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: !pronouns 3:14:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 3:14:10 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Pick one bro 3:14:10 | Ghostie_86: BUT BUT DAAAADY 3:14:10 | itsfree_real_estate: DADDY?? 3:14:10 | (Prime Gaming) xkooviex: mommy 3:14:10 | (Prime Gaming) RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter we ain't about gender norms here, you can be a male mummy here 3:14:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: Pop pop? 3:14:11 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: granddaddy? 3:14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 3:14:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Daddy big boss F1nn 3:14:11 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: what 3:14:11 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: stepbro? 3:14:12 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Parent figure worrunGasm 3:14:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Father 3:14:12 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: FEMDAD 3:14:12 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Parent figure worrunGasm 3:14:12 | l3laz3de: father? 3:14:12 | Bytebak: Cousin? 3:14:12 | Th3RedneckViking: DADDY 3:14:12 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Parent figure worrunGasm 3:14:13 | Delta_2956: Granny 3:14:13 | (Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: DADDY 3:14:14 | frank_the_great: To be cringe it to be free 3:14:14 | (Prime Gaming) ZombieBT: Son?? 3:14:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) AFKJG: DADDY 3:14:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: mommy 3:14:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: I say mommy 3:14:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Monday? 3:14:15 | Arikabz: good GIRL 3:14:15 | (Prime Gaming) astheriel: Egg 3:14:15 | locaholic1: Father? 3:14:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Mommy angry? D: 3:14:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Tenaga: Oni-chan??? 3:14:16 | (Prime Gaming) TheNommad: EGG 3:14:16 | (Prime Gaming) metalweebman64: Dommy? 3:14:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Step Sister? 3:14:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: father f!nn 3:14:16 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: PepeHands 3:14:16 | (Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: Daddy 3:14:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: step-bro? 3:14:16 | l9tesseract: Daddy 3:14:16 | StrangeFlyingContraption: UNCLE? 3:14:16 | usr5540: son? 3:14:17 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Mummy 3:14:17 | x_progamesxl_x: ungendarry??? 3:14:17 | (Prime Gaming) atrs_tom: stepbro 3:14:17 | (Subscriber) alexowcharow: so mommy 3:14:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) motherpucker37: hi papa 3:14:17 | 0melet_: what do you prefer be called? 3:14:17 | PimpNamedSlickb4ck: Ok lil sis 3:14:17 | (Prime Gaming) expiredsnacker: Step neighbor fin 3:14:18 | (Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: Mommy 3:14:18 | (Prime Gaming) meta1girl: MOMMY 3:14:18 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Guardian 3:14:18 | (Prime Gaming) steph_regin: Parent? 3:14:18 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: How about precious 3:14:18 | kai_bel0ved: mommy 3:14:18 | PHrag: STEPBRO 3:14:19 | second_best_dad: princess 3:14:19 | (Prime Gaming) al_iskander21: youcan be our gooodboy 3:14:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Ok mommy 3:14:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Good girl 3:14:20 | blu3berrycat: okay Mommy 3:14:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: FEM MOOOM 3:14:20 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Mommy sorry? Mommy? Sorry? 3:14:20 | Original_Sin07: Oni-chan 3:14:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Glokkpod: confirmed sub. can't say mommy or daddy 3:14:20 | (Prime Gaming) steamtyrrell: EGG 3:14:20 | Willowight: hmmm 3:14:20 | ctbutch_ct_34925: Ahhh 3:14:20 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 3:14:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: Mommy 3:14:21 | Thefightingtaco: step bro? 3:14:21 | LevinToBlaze: master? 3:14:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: glucose 3:14:21 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) SweetPuffalopes: he can’t be daddy because he’s a bottom rawr 3:17:43 | AIRHydrant: @azimouth_ egglands best 3:17:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: @jackiedst You've just won the internet 3:17:45 | connor_4545: W 3:17:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) Ninjasnbiscuitss: Kitten seems to work 3:17:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Or maybe Kitten... or only Cotton is allowed to use that? 3:17:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: for FREE? 3:17:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: Pater Finn 3:17:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: oooo 3:17:49 | bearpaw1970: ok ' sweet cheeks 3:17:50 | nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip 3:17:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: free 3:17:51 | (Turbo) IrishSausage: Ara Ara and uwu 3:17:52 | Senevri: how high a pitch can you hit without doing falsetto? 3:17:52 | viryl_lucas: Free? 3:17:53 | Original_Sin07: Yamete kudasai 3:17:54 | scatteredleaves: free? 3:17:55 | (Prime Gaming) ThePastorVan: trust me, im a pastor: its forgive me father, not i'm sorry daddy. 3:17:55 | braddle172: UwU 3:17:56 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: ara ara 3:17:56 | visualecho1: How much will the OF be? 3:17:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Rawr also! 3:17:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: welcome 3:17:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Review -120s. - 4610 3:17:58 | bertju2004: lmao 3:18:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: Get you clips ready!!!!!! 3:18:00 | viryl_lucas: Ara ara 3:18:02 | sealsummoner: father f1nn 3:18:03 | essasnozeslmao: Sorry father figure 3:18:05 | itsfree_real_estate: Ara ara 3:18:05 | itscreepp: itscre1Wiggly itscre1Wiggly itscre1Wiggly 3:18:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: This stream is all about discovery. 3:18:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidWTF izidWTF izidWTF 3:18:06 | UTan_2510: finished 3:18:07 | LOtiumduPeuple: free UwU incomin 3:18:08 | Maaw89: What about F1NN5TER are you ok with us calling you that? LUL 3:18:10 | Ghostie_86: go to sleep 3:18:10 | bigsuave7: he's losing it 3:18:12 | braddle172: GivePLZ 3:18:12 | connor_4545: Want some bees on toast to eat 3:18:12 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:18:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: !time 3:18:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thovara: bro sleep 3:18:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:19 3:18:13 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Songs where girls talk sing has been really helpful for voice training 3:18:13 | (Prime Gaming) Roscario_Poolitzers: Oo 3:18:14 | azimouth_: Light weight 3:18:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: why? nervous? 3:18:16 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: sleepover stream? 3:18:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Sleep!!! 3:18:17 | kevveh_: Why is walk 1 mil? 3:18:18 | 0melet_: go to sleep bro 3:18:18 | Elemhnt: go to sleep wtf 3:18:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: HAHAHAHAH 3:18:20 | RonnieSxl: Kreygasm Kreygasm 3:18:20 | Original_Sin07: We need a nyan~ 3:18:21 | Ghostie_86: LMAO 3:18:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: sleep 3:18:21 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: ADORABLE 3:18:22 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: UwU 3:18:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Thanks for the free UwU Father F1nn 3:18:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: what a degen, 36 hrs 3:18:23 | wrmari: AHHHHHHH 3:18:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Waaat why?? 3:18:25 | (Watching without audio) juddle: HUH 3:18:25 | camsshron: omgg 3:18:25 | (cheer 100) batchelli: LUL LUL 3:18:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: so good 3:18:26 | Thesamuli44: weirdChamp 3:18:26 | nightshade2233: 3:18:27 | scatteredleaves: LUL 3:18:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidGASM 3:18:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Akemencha: ohhh thats good 3:18:27 | LOtiumduPeuple: It's Good ! 3:18:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Sleep deprivation 3:18:28 | azimouth_: Aaaaah 3:18:28 | nursejoris: I camed 3:18:28 | OhCassie: that wasnt uwu that was uah 3:18:28 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: UwU 3:18:29 | UTan_2510: WE FINISHED 3:18:29 | SomeMineral: literally took my uwu and forgot my question BibleThump BibleThump 3:18:30 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm Kreygasm 3:18:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: I can't see it working tbh 3:18:31 | viryl_lucas: Higher! 3:18:32 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: FOR FREE? 3:18:32 | arzi77perra: almost had it. 3:18:32 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: very nice 3:18:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: step janitor after cleaning up cottontailva 3:18:33 | anonymouscritter: OH 3:18:34 | LOtiumduPeuple: nice 3:18:34 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Oh my 3:18:34 | bearpaw1970: excellent 3:18:34 | gernadesquirrel: oh this poor over worked under powered laptop giggles 3:18:34 | whelkier: most masculine UwU 3:18:34 | wiigsyboi: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 3:18:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 3:18:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: And adding that to the list 3:18:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: chat finished 3:18:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bluebeeblue: can i get an ara ara 3:18:35 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: That what your vyvanse is for? 3:18:36 | (Prime Gaming) DaveTheWiccan: ARA ARA 3:18:36 | namewastaken001: Too fast 3:18:37 | allie420: nikaOwO nikaOwO nikaOwO 3:18:37 | (Prime Gaming) holyzoinks: You're a weirdo 3:18:38 | azimouth_: Oh yes mommy 3:18:38 | Flex_Uli: <3 <3 <3 3:18:41 | wrmari: btw i just finished 3:18:41 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: And it works 3:18:42 | (Turbo) sipikay: just looked up from my other screen jfc 3:18:42 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: I need tissues now 3:18:43 | (Prime Gaming) CyberPsykosis: O_O That was unexpected. x3luxoLove 3:18:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxAyaya minxAyaya minxAyaya 3:18:44 | (cheer 100) batchelli: Kreygasm 3:18:44 | blistexthief: You sound like Soda's old fake voice 3:18:44 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: Chicken 3:18:45 | davidetiago3: MOMMY 3:18:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: @holyzoinks No you 3:18:46 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Sissy the pirate? 3:18:46 | Admiral_Tetanus: I can't fuckin breath 3:18:46 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Cow 3:18:46 | (Prime Gaming) Solid_Sonic: Thanks a great uwu 3:18:47 | (Prime Gaming) snigismund: well it sound like you have smoked your hole life when you do it 3:18:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Too fast 3:18:48 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: So so breathy 3:18:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Catdog 3:18:48 | namewastaken001: Slow down it will sound better 3:18:48 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: oh yeah I remember KEKW 3:18:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Free UwU. - 4680 3:18:50 | (Prime Gaming) TheNommad: we got both uWu and Bolgy Wolgy this streram chat LETSGO 3:18:50 | LOtiumduPeuple: trans pirate 3:18:50 | m4cintoshplus: AYAYA 3:18:51 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Cow 3:18:52 | (Prime Gaming) stumbling_warthog: Robert Deniro 3:18:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: I think it's too fast or something 3:18:52 | connor_4545: Beeeeeeeeessssss oooonnnbb tooooaaaassst 3:18:55 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: wonder who he can summon with a ara ara 3:18:55 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Cow! 3:18:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Lemongrab? 3:18:55 | (Prime Gaming) xkooviex: joshsekiEyesClosed joshsekiEyesClosed joshsekiEyesClosed joshsekiEyesClosed 3:18:55 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Cow and chicken 3:18:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: say uwu to get your voice there and then a sentence immediately after 3:18:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: foxyfoxSweatyChicken 3:18:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: step chick 3:18:59 | chilled_spice: Cow 3:19:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrAYAYA cyrAYAYA cyrAYAYA 3:19:00 | originalbits: moderators working hard to delete chat messages after that 3:19:00 | frenchtoastm: hiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3:19:00 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: Cow... chicken... something like that. 3:19:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Cow 3:19:01 | The_Mazor: about a third of chat is currently feeling very sleepy 3:19:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 3:19:03 | Dazarco: Sodagnome Lemondrop? 3:19:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: oof KEKW 3:19:04 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 3:19:04 | Emmy64_: @holyzoinks What are you doing here then LUL 3:19:05 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:19:06 | Kolateak_: KEKW 3:19:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidStare 3:19:08 | UTan_2510: YOU BURPED? 3:19:09 | braddle172: KEKW 3:19:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 3:19:09 | azimouth_: Scam 3:19:09 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:19:10 | gernadesquirrel: i need well............ lets not go there giggles 3:19:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: It looked like it tasted bad KEKW 3:19:10 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 3:19:11 | Emmy64_: KEKW 3:19:11 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:19:12 | IdaWow: You're better 3:19:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: Scy_walker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Are the ears are on backwards today? 3:19:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: scy_walker subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 3:19:14 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Jebaited 3:19:15 | frenchtoastm: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 3:19:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: SCAM 3:19:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @Optiboo I need the ara ara 3:19:16 | LOtiumduPeuple: you forgot to mute 3:19:17 | Therosbr: KEKW 3:19:17 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Lol 3:19:17 | SomeMineral: doit 3:19:18 | Bloodcoatrain: Thanks soda :x 3:19:18 | connor_4545: Wasn't bbbbeeeeeessss on toast 3:19:19 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Do it on battlepass 3:19:20 | procdump: We are ready. Doeeeeetttt 3:19:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) FSUBZER0: foxyfoxSmug 3:19:22 | IdaWow: Babe 3:19:22 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: PLEASE FEM FATHER 3:19:22 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Coward 3:19:22 | SomeMineral: my $3 wasted 3:19:23 | 99thking: I'm legitimately curious about this Finn how about being called master or mistress? mvpThink 3:19:23 | x_progamesxl_x: SCAM. 3:19:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 3:19:24 | Deorganised: DEW IT 3:19:28 | SomeMineral: that could've like 3:19:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: fem father hahaha 3:19:30 | azimouth_: Puberty now ? 3:19:30 | SomeMineral: paid for ramen 3:19:30 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: battlepass exclusive boys ! 3:19:31 | frost177: 3:19:34 | SomeMineral: I PAID YOU 3:19:35 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: Mommy fin <333 I loved it 3:19:37 | Original_Sin07: Heretic 3:19:38 | nonilmionome: is that a claymore back there 3:19:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: @SomeMineral why ? 3:19:41 | arzi77perra: try elmo with micky mouse voice. 3:19:45 | (cheer 100) sugma_666: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 3:19:45 | x_progamesxl_x: you lied.. 3:19:45 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: @99thking He seemed weirdly okay with Goddess 3:19:47 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 3:19:49 | firemanmattchi: Bad is good 3:19:49 | sr1gaming: Rose is Waifu 3:19:50 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:19:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahahah 3:19:52 | bearpaw1970: Nonil' yuppers 3:19:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @SomeMineral Poor you. He forgetful. 3:19:54 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:19:54 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:19:55 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 3:19:56 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 3:19:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff 3:19:57 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 3:19:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -20 Mutes and attempts voice. Aborts attempt. - 4620 3:19:58 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/AlertNaiveRatAMPEnergyCherry-UoTqWngJ2oDJwso9 3:19:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 3:19:59 | SomeMineral: Still got my notepad out L 3:19:59 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Kekw dono 3:20:00 | wrmari: @F1NN5TER you should host a talent show with Natt 3:20:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Barbie doll f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:20:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 3:20:03 | mesandet: ad 3:20:04 | im_chacha: you're such a big girl finn 3:20:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tempestdrake1221: Princess 3:20:05 | gernadesquirrel: f\"flipper" voice 3:20:06 | x_progamesxl_x: didn't your daddy tell you lying is bad.. 3:20:08 | viryl_lucas: Do it 3:20:08 | crimson_edge13: Manly sword in the back 3:20:08 | im_chacha: Rose* 3:20:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: king kink 3:20:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Wholesome 3:20:11 | spectraphantom89: Absolutely love you 3:20:13 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: DO IT HERE 3:20:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Answer is Yes. 3:20:14 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: GlitchCat 3:20:14 | (Prime Gaming) holyzoinks: Weirdo! 3:20:15 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: Princess f1nnHeadpat 3:20:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Latex o/ 3:20:16 | im_up_to_something: Princess 3:20:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Yes, our Princess <3 f1nnHeart 3:20:18 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Chat is on one today lol 3:20:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Pillooow: just came back, i thought this was a wholesome stream 3:20:21 | (Prime Gaming) ThePastorVan: "Simp Daddy"? 3:20:22 | gho5t_games2: Hello 3:20:22 | azimouth_: Anime waifu to the Max.. 3:20:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Multi choice 3:20:26 | judgedame: You can now 3:20:31 | Original_Sin07: You have more viewers then critical 3:20:34 | firemanmattchi: So many f bombs for a wholesome stream 3:20:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: lol, thanks Louise 3:20:35 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: happy st david's day to whoever that was! 3:20:39 | Original_Sin07: David these nuts 3:20:44 | spong12345668: This isnt cocomelon 3:20:45 | bertju2004: cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy 3:20:46 | azimouth_: Big blush for cotton ? 3:20:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Woah Mike, famous guy 3:20:50 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: MIKE HIMSELF 3:20:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP I have to do a kink poll on the BP. - 4500 3:20:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnMakeupcheck 3:20:55 | GormyGorm: F1nn, don't ask questions (or start polls) that you aren't going to want to see the answer to 3:20:55 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:20:55 | braddle172: Ayy it's mike 3:20:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Pog 3:20:56 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: You should do it by making a list of this you WOULD do and things you wouldn’t 3:20:57 | mesandet: stop being soy fin 3:20:59 | 0melet_: god you're are so cute and for whatt 3:21:00 | gernadesquirrel: practice practice 3:21:00 | (Turbo) bloatedspace: bloatedspace subscribed with Prime. 3:21:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bloatedspace subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang bloatedspace f1nnLezgang 3:21:00 | ar1st1pp0s: tomorrow is scammin day 3:21:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) Curvy_PolarBear: It's easy to make a poll on battlepass, it's just an option under new post 3:21:02 | viryl_lucas: HAHAHA 3:21:02 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: L take 3:21:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: WHAT 3:21:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: based 3:21:04 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: TehePelo VoteYea 3:21:04 | allbasednocringe: PogChamp peanut butter 3:21:05 | (CS:GO Week Brazil 2022) synthsze: *** 3:21:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Jebaited 3:21:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: Peanuts suck 3:21:11 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: i agree 3:21:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Based, peanut butter sucks 3:21:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I'd love to have a dommy mommy, but I have this weird thing where any word related to motherhood reminds me of my own mother and YUCK 3:21:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: REally?!? wow 3:21:12 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: i have to be high to like peanut butter 3:21:15 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: nut butter day regardless 3:21:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Peanut butter f1nnGross 3:21:15 | AedricRen: absolutely based take 3:21:16 | el_dooterino: where am i what 3:21:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: unsubbed 3:21:18 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: unfollowed 3:21:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgHot rexgHot rexgHot 3:21:19 | LOtiumduPeuple: @firemanmattchi ahah 3:21:19 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: !rules 3:21:20 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: D:< 3:21:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: but... why 3:21:21 | (Prime Gaming) kaabistar: suprWinston did someone say peanut butter 3:21:21 | mr_girbraltar: ??? 3:21:21 | x_progamesxl_x: peanut cheese. 3:21:22 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Your eyelashes are so prettyy 3:21:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: peanut butter is just miid 3:21:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Wait, if he's still touching up makeup, he wasn't done? 3:21:23 | scatteredleaves: wow 3:21:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: unsubbed from OF 3:21:23 | viryl_lucas: Huh.. 3:21:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Bad take 3:21:24 | GleefulGoose: Night night yall 3:21:26 | itsfree_real_estate: unsub 3:21:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Unsubbed 3:21:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Tonight tomorrow or tomorrow tomorrow 3:21:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: i think they are on backwards actually 3:21:30 | mesandet: good take 3:21:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Have you had American Peanut butter? The rest of the world screws it up 3:21:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: rose like man nut 3:21:32 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lol 3:21:34 | x_progamesxl_x: pea nuts. 3:21:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: peanut butter is gross, but also i’m allergic so it doesn’t matter 3:21:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Peanut butter is an L 3:21:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:21:35 | LOtiumduPeuple: omg 3:21:36 | UTan_2510: BRO... 3:21:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: How about Nutella? 3:21:38 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: he's a good girl 3:21:38 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:21:39 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 3:21:40 | gernadesquirrel: her make up is on point 3:21:40 | viryl_lucas: Locally made peanut butter is better 3:21:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 3:21:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 3:21:40 | (Prime Gaming) LawlessGringo: AFAIK people in the UK don't eat peanut butter 3:21:40 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: barkkkkk 3:21:41 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:21:42 | nonilmionome: i dont even know how peanut butter tastes like, never tried it 3:21:42 | natalie_1984: hehe 3:21:42 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Good boy 3:21:43 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Good doggo 3:21:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnHeadpat 3:21:43 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:21:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Roll over F1nn 3:21:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: breathe manually 3:21:47 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: CoolCat 3:21:49 | jackiedst: Rose only likes one type of nut butter 3:21:49 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: peanut butter kitkat chunky ftw 3:21:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgTilt rexgBozo rexgTilt rexgBozo rexgTilt rexgBozo 3:21:51 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Pretty eyelashes 3:21:51 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Where can I see chat rules? 3:21:52 | LOtiumduPeuple: Finn's such a good boi 3:21:52 | Original_Sin07: Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 3:21:53 | allbasednocringe: peanut butter goes great with oatmeal 3:21:55 | (Prime Gaming) Kaffe0: be a good boy and eat a healthy dinner 3:21:56 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: VoteYea <3 TehePelo 3:21:57 | ar1st1pp0s: real chainsaw man hours in here 3:21:58 | SapienNoize: now try good girl and baby girl and compare reactions 3:21:59 | 99thking: Finn I love how that's the part you fight mvpDerp 3:22:00 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: sodacatPet sodacatPet 3:22:00 | mine_taby: aww he’s sitting and staying 3:22:02 | n1Dj4: youre in hell and youre gonna die in hell. Like the rest of them 3:22:03 | certified_boylover: “im doing it because i want to not because u told meto” 3:22:05 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: 250? 3:22:05 | l3laz3de: 169 3:22:07 | Original_Sin07: RaccAttack SSSsss CoolCat GingerPower PunchTrees 3:22:12 | chilled_spice: 269 3:22:13 | (Subscriber) supernova197o: 269 3:22:13 | x_progamesxl_x: dutchies: peanut cheese. 3:22:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: 200 ish ? someone call mysty cuz I forgor 3:22:14 | Flex_Uli: 169 3:22:14 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: 169 3:22:15 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnPegChamp 3:22:15 | MajesticFvckingEagle: You absolutely could do a good ara ara 3:22:16 | dbbs3: 269 3:22:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: 269 dollars 3:22:17 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: !rule 3:22:17 | leopard2a7nl: can we get a nya from kitty finn? 3:22:18 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/AlertNaiveRatAMPEnergyCherry-UoTqWngJ2oDJwso9 3:22:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Streig: Bestest boy 3:22:21 | (Prime Gaming) keeffeton: keeffeton subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak! 34 bottles of breast milk on the wall34 bottles of milk! 3:22:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: keeffeton subscribed to f1nn5ter for 34 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:22:22 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: !commands 3:22:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 3:22:23 | azimouth_: New OUTFIT vote chat?? 3:22:24 | bearpaw1970: $269.00 3:22:25 | LOtiumduPeuple: @certified_boylover The first time Finn would say that 3:22:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: go find the necklace, incoming $269 3:22:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: RaccAttack SSSsss CoolCat GingerPower PunchTrees 3:22:30 | gabeasaur: Bing Bong! 3:22:35 | TastyXDXP: balls 3:22:36 | magma0981: !height 3:22:36 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 5'9" (1.75m) tall (69in. Nice). Rose is 5'4" (1.62m). Don't believe it when F1nn claims he's 5'10" (1.78m). He paid off the doctor when he went in to get measured. 3:22:37 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: !confused 3:22:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 3:22:39 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @gercomstrg, opkankeren 3:22:41 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: !pronouns 3:22:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 3:22:44 | n1Dj4: youre just like the rest of them 3:22:44 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: !music 3:22:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: 8-Bit Universe https://www.youtube.com/c/8BitUniverse 3:22:45 | (Listening only) mesandet: :( :( :( :( 3:22:45 | whelkier: smelly poo based 3:22:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: It's also national pig day, more accurate I think... 3:22:49 | wrmari: Love all those 3:22:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @gercomstrg mag je zo chatten van je moeder? KEKW 3:22:52 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: Shush Shush VoteYea 3:22:52 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: wholesome? 3:22:53 | 99thking: Cak 3:22:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: peepy poo poo? 3:22:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Wholesome? 3:22:54 | quack_o_dile: I finally got twitch to watch you 3:22:54 | crimson_edge13: !discord 3:22:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: wholesome streem 100% 3:22:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 3:22:56 | bigsuave7: wholesome stream right 3:22:56 | SebFC_: Top G 3:22:57 | Zeecreativecorner: !twitter 3:22:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Her Twitter profile is at twitter.com/F1NN5TER 3:22:58 | Original_Sin07: Four big guys 3:22:59 | Emmy64_: LUL 3:23:06 | (Prime Gaming) axe1970: axe1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 23 month streak! 23 month 3:23:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: axe1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:23:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: truuue 3:23:07 | 0melet_: the way you froze lmaaao 3:23:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: @n1dj4 Go F yourself you narrow minded bigot. 3:23:08 | blu3berrycat: true 3:23:08 | Sayori_dev: @tomhekker nederlands?? 3:23:09 | (Subscriber) Hapifuntime: Hapifuntime subscribed at Tier 1. 3:23:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: hapifuntime subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang hapifuntime f1nnLezgang 3:23:09 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: I’ll bend over for you ;) 3:23:09 | natalie_1984: true 3:23:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: Oof 3:23:10 | (Prime Gaming) Pawli_: Pawli_ subscribed with Prime. 3:23:10 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 3:23:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pawli_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang pawli_ f1nnLezgang 3:23:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: eeeeeggg 3:23:12 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: I don't even think they'd fit 3:23:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: True tho 3:23:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 3:23:17 | bearpaw1970: Completely true 3:23:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Pampered Princess 3:23:20 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: VoteYea <3 TehePelo 3:23:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: do you even remember whats in there 3:23:22 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: YEPP 3:23:23 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Truly. They're gonna suck 3:23:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Emma__Senpai: Emma__Senpai subscribed with Prime. 3:23:26 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: emma__senpai subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang emma__senpai f1nnLezgang 3:23:27 | Therosbr: that one hit hard lol 3:23:27 | LOtiumduPeuple: He should have a diamond crusted cock ring like the one Elton gave to Eminem 3:23:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Okay, male F1nn with some styling and actual drip would be interesting. 3:23:29 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 3:23:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) duke_snugglez: truth 3:23:30 | ComradeLyho: i got into my first OF subscription because of a CC i really liked, makes sense 3:23:32 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:23:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: not for me, I need money for my dysphoria diagnosis and E 3:23:34 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:23:34 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Have you ever done a tour about all the outfits you have? 3:23:37 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:23:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:23:39 | gernadesquirrel: i'm 5 7 bit higher in heels 3:23:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 3:23:41 | x_progamesxl_x: he is on hrt 3:23:41 | m4cintoshplus: boy stream would be scuffed 3:23:42 | bigsuave7: eat something bro 3:23:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:23:43 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: what do u mean "well" 3:23:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: He's on vyvanse 3:23:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 3:23:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yes on coke 3:23:47 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Even your best boy clothes are girl clothes 3:23:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: astra11Kek astra11Kek 3:23:48 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: meth? 3:23:49 | AVMeshak: Hi Finn! Can you notice me please! 3:23:50 | (Listening only) that1guylouis24: @LOtiumduPeuple HUH 3:23:51 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: so hard KEKW 3:23:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) BeaR3003: BeaR3003 subscribed with Prime. 3:23:52 | (Prime Gaming) DrSchepper: be honest - do you even miss the boy cloth? 3:23:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bear3003 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang bear3003 f1nnLezgang 3:23:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) VanderLB: Basically meth LUL 3:23:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer300 your battlepass is my first battlepass sub 3:23:53 | RonnieSxl: KEKW 3:23:55 | Dogfoo: Kappa 3:23:57 | Branhelm: Hey Finn, been seeing you a lot lately. Hope you are actually comfortable with all this. Even real thots like a break every now n then 3:23:58 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnEmbarrassed 3:23:59 | x_progamesxl_x: f1nn is on hrt duhhh 3:23:59 | thatanimenerd12345: hi 3:24:00 | LOtiumduPeuple: You're the hardest drug I get 3:24:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: The walter white pipeline 3:24:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: lmao, such sincerity 3:24:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn is a Gremlin, don't feed after midnight 3:24:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: did they donate to the wrong streamer? 3:24:05 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: :) 3:24:11 | SomeMineral: Maybe if I donate f1nn $100 next paycheck he'll tell me what boobas he has sunshCLUELESS 3:24:12 | viryl_lucas: Oozing with manliness 3:24:14 | AVMeshak: NOTICE ME FINN! 3:24:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) piper_60: Hi 3:24:16 | GormyGorm: i just got reminded about the gummy KEKW 3:24:18 | whelkier: I'm trying to get ripped and become a bodybuilder I watch you for inspiration Finn 3:24:19 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Codeine probably a stronger drug than vibance, but you took a very low dose of it. 3:24:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: but wouldnt vivants just be for adhd 3:24:20 | (Prime Gaming) Kaffe0: PogU amphetamines 3:24:21 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: when are you ordering food @F1NN5TER 3:24:26 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: Shush VoteYea 3:24:29 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Vivance just came out of copyright, should get cheaper generics soon 3:24:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -10s "I don't use coke." - 4530 3:24:32 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 3:24:34 | (Prime Gaming) Atmixx: Hope you’re doing well, Finn! 3:24:35 | certified_boylover: pb is str8 ASS 3:24:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bluebeeblue: ppl who don't like peanut butter are weak 3:24:39 | humanratpoison: peanut butter is goated how dare you 3:24:40 | ar1st1pp0s: Vyv is amphetamines. its great stuff 3:24:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: No 3:24:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: unhinged 3:24:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgBozo rexgBozo rexgBozo 3:24:43 | itsfree_real_estate: do a UwU 3:24:43 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Why haven't you slept? 3:24:44 | d_emperor_d: when dress? 3:24:46 | 0melet_: take care of yourself pls 3:24:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: For someone who doesn't want to be "Daddy" you're certainly doing "dad jokes". 3:24:47 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: GlitchCat VoteYea <3 3:24:47 | bearpaw1970: Yuppers 3:24:47 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: u still should sleep at normal hours 3:24:47 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Whyyyyy have you been up so long tho? 3:24:50 | (Prime Gaming) Drezane: unhinged 3:24:50 | gernadesquirrel: i drink coke diet coke lol 3:24:52 | xkiller254: red nails 3:24:53 | (Prime Gaming) Tekar: Peanut butter is GOAT 3:24:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: @AVMeshak ahah people on Soda's chat were like that yesterday? Love your honesty 3:24:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: you have been drinking energy drinks? 3:24:55 | (Subscriber) SanguineIce: Imagine needing vyvanse just to function normally in society… life is tough 3:24:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Schizo f1nn 3:24:57 | josecortesnival: Yes 3:24:59 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: unrested, unmedicated, unhinged Pog 3:25:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: you have a ton of energy because you're so excited and/or terrified 3:25:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: f1nnZOOM 3:25:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Peanut butter on nuts pretty good tho 3:25:07 | flyingpog: peanut butter will kill me so i'd have to agree that it sucks 3:25:07 | xkiller254: yooooo 3:25:08 | sasuke_csa: p nut butt er 3:25:09 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: damn 3:25:09 | Xanrry: You'll get a second wind eventually if you stay awake, but I don't recommend it 3:25:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) piper_60: Hi 3:25:12 | aoghan123: Are you doing good? Why can’t you sleep? 3:25:13 | viryl_lucas: Are you kinda color blind 3:25:14 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Ayy 3:25:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 3:25:15 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 3:25:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @alvarocaroj Yee 3:25:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 3:25:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 3:25:17 | Mr_Gunny: paliGiggle 3:25:17 | Chri55PBacon: eyyy 3:25:17 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 3:25:18 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Ha ha. 3:25:18 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:25:18 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:25:18 | (Prime Gaming) cyanwarrior5: LUL 3:25:18 | braddle172: KEKW 3:25:18 | lishoward: omg 3:25:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: There it is KEKW 3:25:19 | xXNeroZashiXx: poggers 3:25:20 | nonilmionome: bruh 3:25:20 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: TehePelo VoteYea 3:25:20 | total_acidity: KEKW 3:25:20 | Therosbr: KEKW 3:25:20 | SapienNoize: raw-dogging life? ew 3:25:21 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: eyyyy 3:25:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: told you to go find the necklace 3:25:21 | josecortesnival: But you are going to crash hard 3:25:22 | a_random_jonny: LUL 3:25:22 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: KEKW 3:25:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:25:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 3:25:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Thanks imnotsubbed 3:25:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: What is that for? 3:25:24 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 3:25:25 | itsfree_real_estate: les goooooo 3:25:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: yee 3:25:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Smooth or crunchy? 3:25:27 | procdump: UWU 3:25:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: KEKW 3:25:29 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 3:25:30 | bigsuave7: NotLikeThis 3:25:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Lul 3:25:30 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: too vanilla for a kink tierlist 3:25:32 | viryl_lucas: It is now 3:25:32 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: @PhilipMooney Barbie necklace 3:25:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: jesus, that tier list is HUGE 3:25:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @imNotSubbed, thanks, lol 3:25:37 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Did you see Asmogold's fruit tierlist? 3:25:39 | chilled_spice: LUL LUL 3:25:39 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Nah super necessary 3:25:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, Smooth, creamier the better. 3:25:44 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Funny does kinda beat you crying over wholesome donos 3:25:45 | whelkier: u look gay LOL 3:25:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we'll play both sides, it depends 3:25:49 | (Watching without audio) treephrogv2: @F1NN5TER any tips on getting more fem 3:25:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER You'll manage 3:25:50 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: deal with it, you're a big girl 3:25:52 | xkiller254: WutFace 3:25:52 | MajesticFvckingEagle: It's so what? 3:25:54 | mootie1: HahaCat 3:25:57 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:25:57 | xkiller254: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:25:58 | 71M073J: KEKW 3:25:59 | (Prime Gaming) Kaffe0: OMEGALUL 3:25:59 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 3:26:01 | channeI: but can you do a backflip 3:26:01 | bigsuave7: LUL 3:26:01 | Ch1coSnow: LOL 3:26:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: KEKW 3:26:01 | Kolateak_: OMEGALUL 3:26:02 | camsshron: LUL 3:26:03 | viryl_lucas: Kreygasm 3:26:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:26:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 3:26:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 3:26:06 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: who room look gay foooool 3:26:06 | ratttb0y666: Heyyyy 3:26:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Like a cute lesbian. 3:26:07 | texastgirl: So tomorrow we are celebrating national welsh corgi day? or Lavity Stoutt's Birthday, thats what all the hype is for tomorrow right? 3:26:07 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:26:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 3:26:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 3:26:10 | braddle172: LUL 3:26:11 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) computer7412: @whelkier first time here huh 3:26:15 | lishoward: cuteee 3:26:15 | (Prime Gaming) Kaffe0: just a little gay 3:26:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) kk160116: Barbieee 3:26:19 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: man's living in 2005 3:26:19 | Dastan236: How long it took you to grow out your hair? 3:26:21 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: such a cutie 3:26:24 | cembo5_5: Gay 3:26:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgRage rexgRage rexgRage 3:26:27 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: We need a Voight-Kampff test but for wholesomeness to determine if he knows what it means. 3:26:27 | Fv3r: now sing "I'm a barbie girl..." 3:26:28 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: So… you like girls still? 3:26:29 | Senevri: I'm thinking of getting nail extensions, but it would wreck my already poor dexterity 3:26:30 | (Watching without audio) treephrogv2: i got prescribed antidepressants so now im gonna be happy 3:26:30 | LOtiumduPeuple: We all gay aroun here 3:26:35 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: the necklace works with that outfit 3:26:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) PhilipMooney: They do it in 5gm amounts? 3:26:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @whelkier no u KEKW 3:26:39 | josecortesnival: Yeah not saving this stream 3:26:41 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: If you want to do test on stream @F1NN5TER https://www.idrlabs.com/7-identities/test.php 3:26:41 | firemanmattchi: Gay is a compliment 3:26:42 | a_random_jonny: I hope to be as pretty as Rose some day 3:26:42 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: MIKE, MY MAN 3:26:42 | lishoward: you’re a cootie patootie 3:26:44 | (cheer 1) TheTRAUMATrain26: Is this your chat culture or do you feel bullied? 3:26:45 | camsshron: my brother takes that amount and hes a teacher i cant imagine what its like in his class 3:26:46 | (Subscriber) SanguineIce: It’s ok if you’re a big boy 3:26:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 3:26:50 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: RaccAttack VoteYea 3:26:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I like the idea of a guy." THAT'S IT, THAT'S THE STATEMENT. - 4480 3:26:51 | k0sstamojan: LUL 3:26:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 3:26:53 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 3:26:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Mike Pog 3:26:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) Mike27356894: UMMMM YES I HAVE>???? 3:26:56 | 71M073J: LUL 3:26:57 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:26:58 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: wat 3:27:00 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: common mike W 3:27:00 | ar1st1pp0s: scammin 3:27:00 | sasuke_csa: "in the barbie world" 3:27:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) gambitaro777: it's true, i counted 3:27:02 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: If you want to do a test on stream @F1NN5TER https://www.idrlabs.com/7-identities/test.php 3:27:03 | (Watching without audio) imabaghead: this is what pure masculinity looks like 3:27:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: double check! 3:27:04 | calmpaul11: mike with his 8 figure salary 3:27:05 | (Prime Gaming) estrageit: mike is a LIAR 3:27:09 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Ngl I’ve felt confused when I saw you showing your thighs. Nice legs bro 3:27:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER I haven't donated that much and the only one who's donated more than me is the big Daddy 3:27:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: "Math is hard" 3:27:13 | gernadesquirrel: "suck " ah yes have in the past and most likley will again giggles 3:27:13 | whelkier: those nails kinda sus I think finn might be a femboy 3:27:14 | mason6486686: Lol 3:27:14 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: bimbo 3:27:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Is this true 3:27:15 | LOtiumduPeuple: niche 3:27:16 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @Mike27356894 Pretty sure we'd have noticed that. 3:27:19 | (Watching without audio) treephrogv2: around $20-25 a day 3:27:19 | (Prime Gaming) AhnoGEE: SeemsGood you look pretty gay today 3:27:22 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Bruh why is Cotton one of the first google results for cultured tier list? 3:27:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Imagine telling someone there bank account number lol 3:27:23 | xkiller254: Fembucks NotLikeThis BabyRage 3:27:24 | Senevri: when lambo? 3:27:24 | (GlitchCon 2020) CInderfur02: TehePelo <3 VoteYea 3:27:26 | k0sstamojan: lipbite 3:27:27 | viryl_lucas: Just cradle her 3:27:28 | (Watching without audio) Ember1379: !time 3:27:28 | (Turbo) knxggles: the m in mike stands for money apparently 3:27:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:28 3:27:30 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: i gotta go shopping, you better still be streaming when i get back, lol 3:27:30 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: go to bed 3:27:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: michael 3:27:35 | LOtiumduPeuple: Let the man vibe, u're hurting is brain 3:27:36 | 0melet_: i hate being poor no battlepass for me 3:27:37 | firemanmattchi: Someone needs a nap 3:27:38 | SomeMineral: f1nn has had so many sugar daddies but forgets to buy a supercar, based 3:27:40 | wandererimwalde: can i also have a lambo? 3:27:40 | viryl_lucas: F1nn is moneysexual confirmed. 3:27:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 3:27:43 | calmpaul11: countdown to battlepass? 3:27:44 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: what color is your lamborgini @F1NN5TER 3:27:44 | ar1st1pp0s: take more vyv 3:27:46 | x_progamesxl_x: only 30? 3:27:49 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: 32 hrs? 3:27:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s fire 3:27:49 | (Prime Gaming) bruceleeharveyoswald: 34 3:27:50 | LOtiumduPeuple: @viryl_lucas Truuuue 3:27:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: to many 3:27:50 | GormyGorm: 32 hours ish 3:27:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Get your beauty rest 3:27:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: 32 hours 3:27:51 | trolface1997: 32 3:27:52 | arzi77perra: if i were rich id buy you geardo. 3:27:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: He's using his powers on Mikey 3:27:52 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: the Ferrari better not be manual, too complicated for u f1nn 3:27:53 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: long time 3:27:53 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: 32½ hours 3:27:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: too long 3:27:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Go to bed Bimbo 3:27:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: A lot of hours 3:27:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: 32 hours 3:27:57 | (Prime Gaming) bufus_doofus: too much math brain hurts 3:27:58 | ar1st1pp0s: more redbull + vyv get weird with it 3:27:58 | (Prime Gaming) tenply_joyride: Free top G 3:28:01 | 0melet_: please SLEEP 3:28:02 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: SLEEEEEEEEEP your gonna be really sleebi 3:28:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) imfastasfugb01: Those are rookie numbers 3:28:02 | adorablast: 4444 3:28:04 | SomeMineral: hi Daddy 3:28:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn talking to Mikey in Chat. Wants to sit in his Ferrari. - 4440 3:28:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rumbleball1: WHY? 3:28:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: God, you absolute gremlin NotLikeThis 3:28:11 | (Prime Gaming) IDEK_13: My record is 56 hours 3:28:11 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Yes Daddy dono person, go for it 3:28:13 | LOtiumduPeuple: I like how the TTS pronounce F1NN 3:28:13 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: im down 3:28:13 | (Prime Gaming) dr_nav: Does your necklace say "Balls"? 3:28:14 | SomeMineral: (gets banned) 3:28:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GO TO BED WITH CHAT F1NN. 3:28:14 | camsshron: f1nn is the only top g i care about 3:28:16 | GooseBozo: fair trade 3:28:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GO TO BED WITH CHAT F1NN. 3:28:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: GO TO BED WITH CHAT F1NN. 3:28:18 | Senevri: For $3? Gotta be at least $20.... 3:28:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:28:19 | somequietgirrl: why up so long tho 3:28:20 | gernadesquirrel: pooor is my normal if i ever get my life up out of this ditch going to back fill the sucker lol 3:28:22 | Admiral_Tetanus: ok daddy 3:28:22 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: SLEEEP 3:28:23 | itsjessie96: Do you use the men's or women's bathroom 3:28:25 | (Subscriber) SanguineIce: Are you this anxious for the release of the battlepass? 3:28:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @IDEK_13 Wtf 3:28:29 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Yawn...... 3:28:29 | (Prime Gaming) SuperSpecialBrownies: !time 3:28:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:29 3:28:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: @Amoyamoyamoya tru 3:28:32 | Senevri: does anyone have "end stream" points? 3:28:36 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: god no 3:28:36 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: I'm glad you remembered that. 3:28:39 | arzi77perra: yea back off people. 3:28:42 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:28:43 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do a ludwig and do a 30 days livestream 3:28:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:28:45 | (Prime Gaming) shinii2: say my name 3:28:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 3:28:45 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:28:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:29 3:28:45 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: it's only cringe post nut 3:28:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 3:28:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 28m 56s 3:28:46 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: 24hr stream then no sleep allowed 3:28:47 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:28:47 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Would you like to disable automated messages 3:28:48 | (cheer 100) Depressed1ntrovert: Just joined. What time are the OF going live tomorrow 3:28:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) Curvy_PolarBear: I as just up for 38 hours, then crashed for 10 hours. 3:28:51 | 71M073J: KEKW 3:28:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Deja Vu? 3:28:52 | dubberrucky29: Is the battle pass releasing at midnight? 3:28:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Friend zoned is crazy 3:28:58 | calmpaul11: you should have a battlepass countdown like a live event or something 3:28:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:28:58 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:28:59 | (Prime Gaming) IDEK_13: @clulabell pretty rough time 3:29:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:29:00 | bigsuave7: KappaPride 3:29:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:29:00 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm 3:29:01 | gernadesquirrel: estrodail transdermel patch when i caN AFFORD IT LOL 3:29:01 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: L mike 3:29:03 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Disable the automated messages 3:29:03 | SomeMineral: obvious friendzoned 3:29:03 | Thesamuli44: Bruh 3:29:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 3:29:04 | DEADBERD: i.. 3:29:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: congrats mike deer lorde 3:29:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: hehe 3:29:07 | Fv3r: poor mike 3:29:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: You should do your first post on live and see your notifications explode 3:29:08 | Marshmellon6: mike deserves better 3:29:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: It's the opposite of friendzoned 3:29:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Ayyyooo 3:29:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 3:29:11 | Luna_Dark_Grey: friend zone only exists if you shoot your shot 3:29:12 | octyn_: !rules 3:29:12 | wandererimwalde: W mike 3:29:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nns friend zone is under his sheets 3:29:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @IDEK_13 How you not dead 3:29:14 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: i can get THAT for 3 Dollar? o_O 3:29:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Takes hint bucko 3:29:15 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: w 3:29:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: i think he means you friend zoned him 3:29:16 | xkiller254: L mike 3:29:19 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: L mikw 3:29:21 | NpcRival: Mike got the green light 3:29:22 | shor7fry: I WANT TO BE MIKE RN 3:29:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: L 3:29:23 | mine_taby: L mike 3:29:23 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: drugs 3:29:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: L mike 3:29:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) lunawilson: Chat u are all good boys and girls 3:29:26 | xkiller254: W MIKE 3:29:27 | x_progamesxl_x: no goal.. SCAM 3:29:27 | (Subscriber) 2BinChickens: secret gooner 3:29:28 | maladers: MIKE FTW 3:29:29 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:29:30 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: First mike L, oh no 3:29:31 | k0sstamojan: WHATS TOMORROW 3:29:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Mike's a dude doesn't get hints 3:29:31 | (Subscriber) nikikoln: wholesome again 3:29:33 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: F1NN wants to grab that. Gearstick 3:29:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: lol 3:29:35 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: 1 hour and 30 minutes to go!!!!! 3:29:35 | LOtiumduPeuple: He's got a basketball game tomorrow I believ 3:29:36 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: let me in your Ferrari to stain the seat 3:29:38 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Nice necklace 3:29:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) Ninjasnbiscuitss: There’s a lovely knife on your subreddit you should get rose 3:29:41 | viryl_lucas: Gooner sissyboi 3:29:42 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Why are you up for 30+ hours 3:29:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn alienates ANOTHER boyfriend. - 4430 3:29:45 | itsjessie96: men's or women's bathroom 3:29:45 | viryl_lucas: HUH 3:29:46 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: clip 3:29:46 | TrueMezzo: ayo 3:29:47 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:29:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: whooa 3:29:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 3:29:47 | MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 3:29:48 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: @shor7fry im sure almost all of us wants to be 3:29:48 | Thesamuli44: KappaPride 3:29:49 | camsshron: lmfaoo 3:29:49 | braddle172: f1nnMonka 3:29:49 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: OMEGALUL 3:29:49 | 0melet_: AYO 3:29:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: D: 3:29:50 | SkratchyUK: hows cosmic going for you 3:29:50 | Anmdra: yoooo 3:29:50 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: niiiiiice 3:29:50 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Good girls need their sleep 3:29:50 | xxdisnx: mahouririKEKW 3:29:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: wut 3:29:51 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: ayo 3:29:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: AYO 3:29:51 | (Prime Gaming) lildread_0: clip 3:29:51 | LOtiumduPeuple: @axing_ OMG what a sentence 3:29:52 | viryl_lucas: AYOOOOOO 3:29:52 | caligach: LUL 3:29:52 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: AYO 3:29:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: hahaha 3:29:53 | k4rakara: W 3:29:53 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: AYO 3:29:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO????? 3:29:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Ayo!!! 3:29:53 | boringdepressedintrovert: lol 3:29:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 3:29:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: CLIP CLIP!!!!!!!!!!! 3:29:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @itsjessie96, MENS 3:29:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:29:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 3:29:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Are you gonna live stream the BP drop 3:29:54 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: YO 3:29:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 3:29:55 | l9tesseract: niiiiice 3:29:55 | kenji173: HUH 3:29:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Ayo 3:29:55 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus 3:29:56 | GappleBeesLive: WOAHHH 3:29:56 | bearpaw1970: Clip..clip..clip 3:29:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: f1nnEmbarrassed 3:29:56 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Hell of an offer,what will mike do 3:29:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: CLIP 3:29:57 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: AYO 3:29:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I would give anything to be Mike rn 3:29:57 | AedricRen: AYO?!?! 3:29:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: D: 3:29:57 | k0sstamojan: Pog 3:29:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) KERMiTtehDOG: Wholesome 3:29:58 | (Listening only) chainedchish: what the hell 3:29:58 | natalie_1984: oh no lol 3:29:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: WTF 3:29:58 | RonnieSxl: AYOOO 3:29:59 | viryl_lucas: WAHT 3:29:59 | itsfree_real_estate: AYOOO 3:29:59 | braddle172: Ayo 3:29:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: ayoooooooooo 3:29:59 | d4rk_sp1rit_: WHAAAAT 3:29:59 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: AYOOOOO 3:29:59 | GormyGorm: oh my 3:29:59 | (Subscriber) billypotato007: Ayo 3:29:59 | Yamsome: TOS? 3:29:59 | shor7fry: i wish this coula happen 3:30:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Kreygasm Kreygasm 3:30:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Whoresome again 3:30:00 | RyoZaya: tos? 3:30:00 | josuekink: AYOOO 3:30:01 | sasuke_csa: clip 3:30:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: KappaPride 3:30:01 | 0melet_: oh to be mike 3:30:02 | caligach: road head FTW 3:30:02 | Lazy_Lola: AYO? 3:30:02 | TrueMezzo: what did i just unmute to 3:30:02 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome out the window? 3:30:02 | mine_taby: 3:30:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Go on 3:30:02 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: AyO 3:30:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: CLIPPED AND SHIPPED 3:30:03 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: leaning over... 3:30:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Someone clip this 3:30:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: POGGERS 3:30:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: going 69 in the ferarri 3:30:03 | TanksyPlays: thats illegal D: youll get pulled over! 3:30:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:30:04 | (Prime Gaming) renato_mr_roboto: WHAT??????????? 3:30:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:30:04 | Den_drummer: aaaand gone is the wholesomeness again LUL 3:30:04 | procdump: road head uwu? 3:30:04 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Ooga booga 3:30:04 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: AYOO 3:30:04 | viryl_lucas: Very wholesome 3:30:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) Curvy_PolarBear: Road head 3:30:04 | Xanrry: LUL 3:30:04 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: thats esculating quickly 3:30:05 | arzi77perra: so gross 3:30:05 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled 3:30:05 | xkiller254: whoa whoa whoa that's not how it's supposed to go 3:30:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: Lmaooooo clip it 3:30:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Yooooo 3:30:06 | (Prime Gaming) Fakesmi1e: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:30:07 | hazadooza: That's called roadhead. 3:30:07 | lonely_goldfish: CLIP IT HOMIES 3:30:07 | viryl_lucas: So cute 3:30:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Woooow 3:30:09 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus lilyof6Sus 3:30:09 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: Wholesome 3:30:10 | ar1st1pp0s: scam scam would fall asleep while goin down 3:30:10 | dbbs3: That escalated 3:30:10 | alice9501: dam!!. like lucky! 3:30:10 | (cheer 1) TheTRAUMATrain26: Whoooooaaaaaa when did you start sucking dick!? 3:30:10 | sasuke_csa: what 3:30:10 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: Wholesome @F1NN5TER 3:30:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 3:30:10 | MajesticFvckingEagle: "wholesome" 3:30:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DualityUK: what time is the drop? is it midnight GMT? 3:30:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: The battlepass 3:30:11 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: stop 3:30:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Wholesome my asss 3:30:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) Curvy_PolarBear: I just did 3:30:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: duckbo5Lasereye 3:30:13 | MiseryAffliction: perfect place to join the stream 3:30:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: that was weirdly direct 3:30:14 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: hasSlam that what it takes 3:30:14 | jackiedst: Whoresome stream 3:30:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: Finn AYOO 3:30:15 | LOtiumduPeuple: true 3:30:15 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: GIRL 3:30:15 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: SUS 3:30:16 | x_progamesxl_x: *changes name to mike. 3:30:17 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: dcl 3:30:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo..... 3:30:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: good to know for the future 3:30:18 | arquiJ: true 3:30:19 | miloandthewhale: true 3:30:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: My name is Mike and I'm getting this for free lol 3:30:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: dudes named Mike like "FOR FREE????" 3:30:20 | gernadesquirrel: once stay up for three days straight was a looney at the end lol 3:30:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Damnit, I turn away for a minute.... 3:30:20 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: Wholesome stream @F1NN5TER 3:30:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: "Fuck Me Look" 3:30:21 | TheOriginalMikeD: Whoa what did i walk in on 3:30:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: confirmed 3:30:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: sus 3:30:21 | 0melet_: NATT WAS RIGHT WITHE THE FUKY EYES 3:30:21 | Senevri: P is for Prostitution 3:30:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm offering to suck your cock, Mike." - 4420 3:30:22 | RonnieSxl: !uptime 3:30:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 30m 32s 3:30:22 | (Prime Gaming) speedy_jay42: 3:30:22 | LOtiumduPeuple: same 3:30:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSok 3:30:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: cottontailBonk cottontailBonk 3:30:23 | mine_taby: such a wholesome stream 3:30:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: True 3:30:24 | firemanmattchi: 3:30:25 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 3:30:26 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: I'm nown lol 3:30:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: It was supposed to be wholesome FeelsBadMan 3:30:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) nbNorman: "wholesome" 3:30:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahahaha 3:30:28 | Yamsome: F1nn 100% bottom because the camera is setup for him to look up 3:30:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: I accidentally gave my teacher that look once 3:30:30 | Xanrry: fisting? 3:30:30 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: HUH? 3:30:30 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: sus 3:30:30 | mine_taby: but ur right tbh 3:30:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:30:31 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: down* 3:30:31 | laurelannm: I thought this was a wholesome stream 3:30:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: wholesome 3:30:31 | binx_the_dog: Wholesome stream 3:30:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Yeah, not clipping that. 3:30:32 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: HAHA jesus 3:30:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: "wholesome" 3:30:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: What a wholesome stream :) 3:30:33 | GormyGorm: can next stream just be you teaching us all social cues? 3:30:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: This chat is getting so overheated lmao 3:30:36 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Optiboo: lilyof6Sus 3:30:36 | viryl_lucas: Lmao 3:30:37 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: holesome? 3:30:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: "Holesome" 3:30:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) lunawilson: Is this the same Mike that keeps commenting on his twitter 3:30:37 | 99thking: "your cock. My throat. You do the math."-finn to mike mvpDerp 3:30:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: least horny viewer 3:30:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 3:30:39 | Branhelm: Are you worried F1nn? About tomorrow 3:30:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: F1nn doesn't know when to stop talking lol 3:30:40 | josecortesnival: This stream is a lost cause 3:30:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wholesome cock sucking 3:30:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: “Worlds Most Wholesome Streamer” 3:30:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Unless... 3:30:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) xaacs: Aaaaaah! The good old gluck-gluck 3000! 3:30:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s concerning 3:30:42 | sasuke_csa: glockgloock 30000 3:30:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: @F1NN5TER all the mike's in chat just got a soundbite for life 3:30:42 | xkiller254: bro really just said, let me uck your awk 3:30:43 | viryl_lucas: Failure to be wholesome 3:30:43 | TheOriginalMikeD: "Holesome" 3:30:44 | lord_revan1810: i come back in my room first thing i saw is finn fisting the air what tha hell? 3:30:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: @Amoyamoyamoya kekw 3:30:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: @sunnyd_1 lol right 3:30:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wh0re 3:30:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Mike's holding out for that bussy 3:30:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Some holes are involved 3:30:47 | afroshino30: More like a handsome stream 3:30:47 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: mike is a guy, they cant do subtlety 3:30:47 | procdump: Wholesome or some holes? 3:30:50 | LOtiumduPeuple: Wholesome can be battlepassy 3:30:50 | windsage561: Whoresome* 3:30:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: my whole is ready 3:30:51 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Mike has ruined the day once again 3:30:52 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: whoresome you mean 3:30:53 | viryl_lucas: Wh0resome 3:30:54 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: Stream has been wholesome for 0 minutes. 3:30:54 | BofferCroc: whoresome 3:30:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Mike smh 3:30:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: mikes fault :) 3:30:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: no 3:30:57 | NpcRival: Change title 3:30:57 | Vesmedinia: putting the HOLE in wholesome 3:30:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Maybe that one's for the Private Reserve 3:30:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Can't have wholesome stream with sleep deprived f1nn5ter 3:30:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Dick sucking is wholesome, lots of people like it SeemsGood 3:30:59 | k0sstamojan: no OMEGALUL 3:31:00 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Sure bad Mic bad! 3:31:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: no 3:31:00 | IdaWow: That's wholesom 3:31:00 | Senevri: Where there's a wholesome there is a goalsome? 3:31:01 | xkiller254: your being gaslit 3:31:03 | natalie_1984: whoresome stream lol 3:31:04 | whelkier: I want Mike 3:31:04 | (Prime Gaming) tenspeed86: More like holesome stream am I right? 3:31:06 | bearpaw1970: Oh' it's an "wholesome" stream alright.. 3:31:07 | ar1st1pp0s: usually 3:31:08 | mochi404: its true 3:31:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: No way 3:31:09 | firemanmattchi: More like HOLEsome stream 3:31:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Sure, it's Mike's fault 3:31:09 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: No, of course he didn't. 3:31:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: Yes 3:31:10 | LOtiumduPeuple: money money money 3:31:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgGB rexgGB rexgGB 3:31:11 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: gaslight girlboss gatekeep 3:31:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 3:31:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bimbo 3:31:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Fellatio is a wholesome activity. 3:31:14 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: HE ARRIVED 3:31:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: gaslit 3:31:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) duke_snugglez: "Wholesome" - 2 minutes ago you we're talking about sucking dick. 3:31:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I'm so envious of you, F1nn 3:31:17 | n3kotr4n87: gaslighting 3:31:17 | mirot47: Gaslighted 3:31:17 | im_up_to_something: Wholesome while wearing tiny short <3 3:31:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Maybe 3:31:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: probs more 3:31:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgFact 18k 3:31:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Can you address all your flirting to "Mike" 3:31:24 | samricciardi: sing the song " these licks are made for sucking 3:31:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: automatic message KEKW 3:31:26 | k0sstamojan: EZ deal 3:31:26 | mine_taby: mike dono 18k rq 3:31:29 | camsshron: pog 3:31:31 | gernadesquirrel: playing fallout 4 wake up walking against a Tree time to go to bed lol 3:31:33 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: OMEGALUL 3:31:34 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: hell of an offer 3:31:35 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: No deal Mike 3:31:35 | Emmy64_: @dartina_sneg Keep it english dude 3:31:37 | (Prime Gaming) ItsLuminastra: why the of? 3:31:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: For no particular reason 3:31:41 | whelkier: lol 3:31:42 | arquiJ: Mike is a official twitter troll, well done Mike 3:31:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: mike I would also like to s... 3:31:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo 3:31:46 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: that's a bad deal LUL 3:31:47 | (Prime Gaming) r20mejia: r20mejia subscribed with Prime. 3:31:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: r20mejia subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang r20mejia f1nnLezgang 3:31:49 | x_progamesxl_x: deal of a lifetime. 3:31:50 | lord_revan1810: dw im stupid 3:31:50 | glockclockmacockmaglock: NomNom TPFufun 3:31:51 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 3:31:53 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:31:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: TTS treat him like a child 3:31:55 | camsshron: AHHAHA 3:31:55 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: take it all? 3:31:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Amazing deal 3:31:56 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 3:31:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: f1nnMonka 3:31:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: WOAH 3:31:57 | Thesamuli44: LUL 3:31:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 3:31:58 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: OMEGALUL 3:31:58 | Senevri: femme voice 3:31:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: NAH 3:31:59 | GormyGorm: there goes the wholesome 3:31:59 | person__8: SeemsGood 3:32:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: STOP 3:32:01 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 3:32:01 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:32:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) boltedchase: STOp 3:32:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro..... 3:32:02 | viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHAHA 3:32:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: NOT WORTH IT. 3:32:03 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: f1nnLaff 3:32:03 | bearpaw1970: Lmao' 3:32:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Wtf f1nnMonka 3:32:04 | IdaWow: Hahahahaha 3:32:04 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: AH 3:32:04 | (Prime Gaming) Iceskape: Whoa what did i join into... 3:32:04 | catabetes: lol 3:32:04 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: JESUS 3:32:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 3:32:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: STOP 3:32:05 | AIRHydrant: sad 3:32:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: what the fuck just happened 3:32:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Brooo 3:32:05 | blu3berrycat: wow 3:32:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: wha- 3:32:06 | lonely_goldfish: KEKW 3:32:06 | TrueMezzo: lmaoooooo 3:32:06 | procdump: Too expensive. 3:32:06 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: sniffa 3:32:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:32:06 | natalie_1984: KEKW 3:32:07 | josuekink: OMG AYO 3:32:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) letume: lol 3:32:07 | (Prime Gaming) ItsLuminastra: ItsLuminastra subscribed with Prime. 3:32:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: itsluminastra subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang itsluminastra f1nnLezgang 3:32:08 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: STAHPPPP 3:32:08 | AedricRen: BRUHHHH 3:32:08 | Kolateak_: AHHHH 3:32:09 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: ... 3:32:09 | Senevri: Fair 3:32:09 | xkiller254: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 3:32:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: STOP 3:32:10 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: LUL 3:32:10 | mirot47: stop it 3:32:10 | IdaWow: MIKE!!! 3:32:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: LORD 3:32:10 | gernadesquirrel: stop what? 3:32:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: woah 3:32:11 | Akrottis: hooooooly 3:32:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Mike's a lucky man 3:32:11 | (Prime Gaming) IDEK_13: Wholesome 3:32:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 3:32:11 | xXNeroZashiXx: WTF 3:32:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: sit in his lap too 3:32:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: lol 3:32:12 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: 3:32:12 | wandererimwalde: stop 3:32:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: YUCK 3:32:13 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: It might if Mike's still sitting in in. 3:32:13 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Started to sound like Morty KEKW 3:32:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: lmaoooo 3:32:14 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:32:14 | Xanrry: Dear god, I'm cringing so hard LUL 3:32:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: came back at an interesting time 3:32:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: What is happening 3:32:15 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: SeemsGood 3:32:15 | Astrius: asking if you're being stupid and gaslit is potentially the most fem thing possible @F1NN5TER 3:32:15 | lishoward: HAHAH 3:32:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: I'm dying 3:32:15 | marjoruma: hahaha 3:32:15 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:32:16 | natholomas: "wholesome" 3:32:16 | n3kotr4n87: Mommy 3:32:17 | LOtiumduPeuple: I love how TTS treat him a girl, a child or a dog 3:32:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnGross 3:32:17 | savagepimphand: 10 must be sending the private jet tomorrow huh 3:32:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Do people worship supercars that much? 3:32:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: sloot out for a ride 3:32:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn misread whole-some as whore-some cyrWeird 3:32:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: @johnbanks117 my streamer NotLikeThis 3:32:19 | aunalbrutal: hahahahaha XD i just roll over XD 3:32:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) TNTUSER55: diesofcringe 3:32:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: mike is such a chad 3:32:21 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow, a bit thick there? 3:32:21 | NpcRival: Sit on Mikes lap 3:32:21 | IdaWow: Mommy 3:32:21 | ar1st1pp0s: oh god. its like watching a middle school theater production 3:32:22 | mine_taby: AHAHAHHa 3:32:22 | humanratpoison: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:32:23 | xkiller254: YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY 3:32:27 | josecortesnival: Lol 3:32:27 | viryl_lucas: Oil daddies 3:32:27 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: and we are the degenrates.....hmmm 3:32:28 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:32:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 3:32:29 | firemanmattchi: The F1nn thirst is real 3:32:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: FINN 3:32:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) duke_snugglez: not one minute of this stream is wholesome 3:32:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: i- 3:32:30 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: what was that kinda sus 3:32:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Finn the seat sniffer 3:32:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Suss 3:32:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: oh my god 3:32:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Our streamers a bimbo 3:32:34 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: NOT THE SEAT 3:32:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: My Precious Christian Ears 3:32:34 | josecortesnival: Good point 3:32:35 | im_up_to_something: That was pretty fun 3:32:35 | polidrakma75: That was kinda of a girl voice 3:32:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: WHOLESOME WE SAID ! 3:32:35 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 3:32:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: wait he actually did gift that much? 3:32:37 | (Prime Gaming) bentaftbh: bentaftbh subscribed with Prime. 3:32:37 | (Prime Gaming) shaftplunger: that forehead vein is crazy 3:32:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bentaftbh subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang bentaftbh f1nnLezgang 3:32:37 | itsfree_real_estate: good lord 3:32:38 | RyoZaya: holy hell lmao 3:32:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Amoyamoyamoya You don't know the half of it 3:32:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: W Mike 3:32:39 | Emmy64_: He is sleepy AF 3:32:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgSpeed rexgSpeed rexgSpeed 3:32:39 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: DONT DO IT 3:32:40 | (Prime Gaming) Iceskape: oh lord 3:32:40 | glockclockmacockmaglock: my drift car smells like a tractor with spilt gas on the hood 3:32:40 | 99thking: "hmm I wonder why chat is being horny"-finn mvpDerp 3:32:41 | n3kotr4n87: Wholesome mommy 3:32:42 | (Prime Gaming) thebandakidbob: is a ferrari your ideal car? 3:32:42 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: not the only thing u be licking 3:32:42 | Sesetti: forget that ferrari how about a 2009 honda civic type r 3:32:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Wholesome my god 3:32:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnPegChamp 3:32:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RevenantShader: LUL 3:32:44 | catabetes: catabetes subscribed with Prime. 3:32:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: catabetes subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang catabetes f1nnLezgang 3:32:45 | LOtiumduPeuple: clipchamps are shaking 3:32:45 | viryl_lucas: Very bimboboi 3:32:45 | bigsuave7: ....... 3:32:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Holesome AF 3:32:46 | x_progamesxl_x: PogChamp PogChamp 3:32:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: U FUCKING WHORE ! weirdChamp 3:32:47 | whelkier: Finnster must have lots of moneys 3:32:47 | gernadesquirrel: well yes i would too giggles 3:32:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Yes can you talk about sitting on mikes lap perhaps? 3:32:47 | IdaWow: wholesome lick 3:32:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn doing something wrt to Mike's offer to let him sit in his car. - 4380 3:32:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) dewdrop246: dewdrop246 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Hope everyone is having a great day 3:32:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dewdrop246 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:32:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fugoliath: f1nn5tuh 3:32:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Can’t be wholesome for one second f1nnHands 3:32:52 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: the ferrari: *** 3:32:52 | samricciardi: and he think that he is going to be a guy again 3:32:52 | viryl_lucas: Bimboi 3:32:54 | xkiller254: al the fucking germs YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY 3:32:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Wholesome, like, we're gonna talk about some holes? 3:32:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Wh0re 3:32:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Wholesome n sht 3:32:58 | AIRHydrant: is finn a money simp 3:33:00 | (GlitchCon 2020) Lyxelle_: time to change the name of the stream I think 3:33:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: five big guys? 3:33:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgSus 3:33:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: 5 guys PogU 3:33:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nns favorite 3:33:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @ScarredLemon, you're gonna be busy... 3:33:05 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:33:05 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: Is he sure that bottle only contains water?! 3:33:06 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: ayo 3:33:07 | (Prime Gaming) kingcoconut_: waiting for hasan 3:33:08 | bearpaw1970: 5 guys is epic. 3:33:09 | FatAsAWombat: FatAsAWombat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! 2 years with the fembot and now an onlyfinns, pinch me I'm dreaming. 3:33:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fatasawombat subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:33:09 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: worrunBDSM You are mad sus bro worrunBDSM 3:33:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Girls just wanna have fun, Kekw 3:33:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: oh wait you mean the chain 3:33:11 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: 5 guys is kind of a lot xD 3:33:11 | humanratpoison: love me some five guys 3:33:12 | x_progamesxl_x: whoresome 3:33:12 | viryl_lucas: Tru 3:33:12 | d4rk_sp1rit_: you're going out of the character @F1NN5TER 3:33:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: W 5 guys 3:33:13 | GappleBeesLive: 5 guys is a lot 3:33:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bentaftbh: tomorrow is gonna be crazy 3:33:14 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: then try 4 3:33:14 | costa_rica_best: Tom walls 3:33:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: You realize they're just selling burgers and it's not actually 5 guys coming over, right? 3:33:15 | AedricRen: bruhhhh 3:33:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: 5 Guys exists outside the US? Pog 3:33:16 | whelkier: finnster don't order food its lazy cook a lasagne 3:33:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) NorthGuard1: KEKW 3:33:17 | viryl_lucas: Try 3 3:33:19 | hetania: Five Guys or five guys? Stare 3:33:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 3 guys then 3:33:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 3:33:22 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: @scarlettyg KEKW 3:33:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: how many guys could you handle at once then? 3:33:26 | ar1st1pp0s: finish that sentence plz 3:33:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Five guys costs too much and kinda is lame lol 3:33:26 | SageEvelene: Very holesome 3:33:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: maybe just do 4 guys? 3:33:27 | braddle172: Wholesome not whoresome 3:33:28 | AedricRen: 4? 3? 3:33:29 | GormyGorm: "five guys might be a lot" quote of the day 3:33:29 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: Finish the thought, Finn. 3:33:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @clulabell, I have a friend who's had many Ferraris. Sitting in them is not that big of a deal. 3:33:32 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: The arrival of mike breaking bad 3:33:32 | LOtiumduPeuple: @scarlettyg Would be a great concept tho 3:33:34 | firemanmattchi: Five guys or what Mike calls every Friday night 3:33:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Just go lower 3:33:37 | xXNeroZashiXx: Lol 3:33:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: asda 3:33:38 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: damn i havnt had five guys in a minute youre giving me ideas 3:33:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Five Guys has good nuts... 3:33:38 | general_of_cm: maybe 3 guys and two girls Kappa 3:33:39 | Smiling_Shelly: JUDE did you know there is a Supplement With your name on it Google it to check 3:33:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) jaydefranco: what do you even eat at 5 guys being vegetarian? 3:33:41 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: D: 3:33:42 | 71M073J: KEKW 3:33:43 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: LMAOOOOO 3:33:44 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: it was a plug 3:33:44 | mochi404: lol 3:33:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: NANDOS 3:33:45 | natalie_1984: LOL 3:33:45 | ar1st1pp0s: lol 3:33:45 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: pass 3:33:45 | fogstrider18: !size 3:33:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: commymommy420 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Gotta support the already rich homie 3:33:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 3:33:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: commymommy420 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:33:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: L Mike!!! 3:33:46 | nursejoris: 4.3 guys 3:33:46 | MrElmo_3: XDD 3:33:47 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 3:33:47 | Emmy64_: Just 3 is enough weirdChamp 3:33:48 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAOOOO 3:33:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Shameless Plug!! 3:33:50 | bigsuave7: LUL LUL LUL LUL 3:33:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: F1nn you get slooty AF when your tired or drunk 3:33:51 | (Prime Gaming) bufus_doofus: five guys like the fast food right.....right? 3:33:51 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: OMEGALUL 3:33:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LMAO 3:33:54 | braddle172: LUL 3:33:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: mike... 3:33:55 | LOtiumduPeuple: LUL 3:33:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: OMEGALUL 3:33:56 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:33:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 3:33:56 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @Mike27356894 : Fuck you 3:33:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: scammazed 3:33:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: L Mike 3:33:57 | xkiller254: REPEAT THAT AGAIN 3:33:58 | Kolateak_: OMEGALUL 3:33:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: FINN RAID HIM IN 30 min 3:34:00 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Mike L 3:34:00 | l3laz3de: scammed the scammer 3:34:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: no one cares 3:34:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Heh 3:34:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: L mike 3:34:03 | itsfree_real_estate: lol 3:34:03 | certified_boylover: leaving this strim for mike 3:34:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: What a plug LUL 3:34:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: LMAO 3:34:03 | n3kotr4n87: Gotta make the donuts, you know how they put the holes in donuts? 3:34:04 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Another bit of chicanery with mike 3:34:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: Mike fell off 3:34:06 | bearpaw1970: Lmao Mike 3:34:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Scammer 3:34:06 | mine_taby: bet mike 3:34:07 | nursejoris: Common Mike L 3:34:07 | mega_felt: hello :) 3:34:08 | xkiller254: RAID HIM 3:34:08 | Bloodcoatrain: he needs to earn that 18K back f1nn 3:34:08 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome? I knew Rose couldn't go a whole stream without being a sloot? 3:34:08 | whelkier: W MIKE 3:34:13 | xkiller254: RAID MIKE 3:34:14 | Astrius: honestly he was promoing but you didnt silence him finn :^) @F1NN5TER 3:34:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: BAN FOR ADVERTISING 3:34:16 | kiy__g: L 3:34:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: Damn Mike done bamboozled us 3:34:19 | mine_taby: RAID MIKEEE 3:34:20 | 99thking: Ban em for promotion mvpHiss 3:34:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: YES, eat food 3:34:21 | whelkier: capitalist king mike 3:34:21 | ryetoastyos: hole some? 3:34:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: How the Mike has Miked 3:34:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Ban hammer 3:34:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Poll for raid mike! 3:34:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Banned 3:34:31 | josecortesnival: And he was doing so welll 3:34:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what's that 3:34:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @Mike27356894 get fucked 3:34:38 | viryl_lucas: Sure 3:34:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 3:34:40 | LOtiumduPeuple: Tell us daddy 3:34:41 | matthewtsom: Finn 3:34:44 | Emmy64_: Nah he deserves the hammer NotLikeThis 3:34:47 | kiy__g: No 3:34:47 | natholomas: enhance 3:34:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: What did you do to your washeR? 3:34:51 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: you get stuck step sis? 3:34:52 | phos4us_: got stuck in the washing machine? 3:34:52 | (Prime Gaming) speedy_jay42: hole 3:34:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: laundry 3:34:53 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: You snapped your fuel filler cap? 3:34:53 | kiy__g: Gay 3:34:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: enhance 3:34:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: washing machine 3:34:55 | deNully: did you get stuck ? hehe :D 3:34:55 | jackiedst: Enhance 3:34:56 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Stare 3:34:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Tf did you do 3:34:58 | gernadesquirrel: giggles 3:35:00 | xXNeroZashiXx: Enhance 3:35:01 | LOtiumduPeuple: He got stuck 3:35:01 | (Prime Gaming) dr_nav: Can people stop with the egg shit. Let the femboy be 3:35:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Stare 3:35:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: is that a controller? 3:35:01 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: are you stuck step bro? 3:35:02 | IdaWow: Well 3:35:03 | (Prime Gaming) TaviN_93: you got stuck? 3:35:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: washing machine fucked? 3:35:03 | xXNeroZashiXx: 3:35:03 | whelkier: you got stuck in the washing machine step bro? 3:35:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Wholesome story? . - 4380 3:35:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Did you get stuck in it? 3:35:06 | AIRHydrant: roomba? 3:35:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Got stuck? 3:35:07 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: robe 3:35:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: robee 3:35:07 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Robe 3:35:08 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: robe 3:35:08 | matthewtsom: Wheres rei 3:35:08 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Snuggie? 3:35:09 | total_acidity: You actually decided to wash something??? 3:35:09 | Astrius: bathrobe @F1NN5TER 3:35:09 | ar1st1pp0s: a robe? 3:35:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: a robe 3:35:09 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) computer7412: robe 3:35:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: robe 3:35:09 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: robe? 3:35:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Blanket? 3:35:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Elindalyne: a robe? 3:35:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: You didn't like Soda sniffing it, did you? 3:35:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Bathrobe 3:35:10 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Dressing gown 3:35:10 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: bathrobe 3:35:10 | (Prime Gaming) speedy_jay42: robe 3:35:10 | meismoth: robe 3:35:10 | 71M073J: BATH ROBE 3:35:10 | miloandthewhale: snuggie 3:35:11 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: robe 3:35:11 | jacob9595x: robe 3:35:11 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Robe 3:35:11 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: bathrobe ? 3:35:11 | braddle172: Robe 3:35:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Dont get blocked in it 3:35:11 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: a towel that you wear 3:35:12 | humanratpoison: robe 3:35:12 | crystalrime: A shawl? 3:35:12 | (Prime Gaming) CountedBread831: Robe 3:35:12 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Bathrobe 3:35:13 | Therosbr: robe 3:35:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: bathrobe 3:35:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Robe 3:35:14 | Lazy_Lola: bathrobe? 3:35:14 | phos4us_: houscoat? 3:35:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: bath robe 3:35:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Robe 3:35:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Robe 3:35:15 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: Bath robe 3:35:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Bathrobe 3:35:16 | (Prime Gaming) MrJungleGriffonV12: toga 3:35:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Robe 3:35:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) duke_snugglez: evening gown 3:35:18 | (Turbo) Cantbreakme: Robe? 3:35:18 | (Turbo) sipikay: a blanket 3:35:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: robe 3:35:19 | mine_taby: robe ? 3:35:20 | josecortesnival: Oh no 3:35:21 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Robe 3:35:21 | shor7fry: dressing gown u muppets 3:35:21 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: bath through# 3:35:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Robe? 3:35:22 | bearpaw1970: Bath Robe 3:35:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: oh no... 3:35:23 | IdaWow: Robe?? 3:35:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: House coat? 3:35:28 | viryl_lucas: Oof 3:35:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Ooof. Unbalanced? 3:35:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: why would you clean the cushion? was it dirty? we didnt notice.. 3:35:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Your a muppet 3:35:30 | josecortesnival: Towel 3:35:32 | 71M073J: pink? 3:35:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn washing clothes? 3:35:37 | lancealp: hello 3:35:37 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: F 3:35:37 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 3:35:38 | 0melet_: oh noooo 3:35:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: oh no 3:35:42 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: Uneven wash load 3:35:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: oh god- 3:35:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: oh nooooo 3:35:44 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: RIP 3:35:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Telling story about washing the seat cushion and a bath robe. - 4360 3:35:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) melosire: melosire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Love your Streams! f1nnEmbarrassed 3:35:45 | Kolateak_: Uh oh 3:35:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: melosire subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:35:46 | Branhelm: A towel 3:35:47 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: dildo? 3:35:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Rip 3:35:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: monkaS 3:35:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka 3:35:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: The washing machine death rattle 3:35:49 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: left your buttplug in your pocket 3:35:50 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Knife left in robe? 3:35:51 | organic_rust: knife? 3:35:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Yeah, two things of different weights... that was a bad idea. 3:35:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: It was a knife wasn't it 3:35:55 | Fv3r: knife? 3:35:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Knife 3:35:56 | IdaWow: Oh no 3:35:56 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: what did u put in the wash???? 3:35:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) Mike27356894: boowomp 3:35:58 | shor7fry: you lot are muppets dressing gown its english 3:35:59 | whelkier: Frog? 3:35:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: ohno 3:35:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: whatve we lost 3:35:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Knife inside robe 3:36:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Knife 3:36:00 | IdaWow: The knife 3:36:00 | Badhaggus: Hard on the washer... 3:36:01 | PHrag: @caraxianFortune LUL 3:36:01 | jackiedst: You mean dressing gown bro 3:36:01 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: lmao knife 3:36:02 | xXNeroZashiXx: Hammering some dry wall 3:36:03 | fular_: knife in the pocket? lol 3:36:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: noife left in rowbe? 3:36:05 | IdaWow: Knife 3:36:05 | viryl_lucas: Knife? 3:36:05 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: It's an uneven load you're fine 3:36:08 | im_up_to_something: Hahaha can't wait 3:36:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Knife 3:36:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: knife? 3:36:11 | organic_rust: lol 3:36:11 | braddle172: f1nnHands 3:36:11 | natalie_1984: bra wire 3:36:11 | gernadesquirrel: mad harry was my fav muppet lol 3:36:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: knife 3:36:13 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 3:36:13 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: hahashahaha 3:36:13 | Astrius: LMFAO 3:36:14 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:36:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Ohhhhh wow 3:36:14 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Given 3:36:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Laying pipe? 3:36:16 | camsshron: AHHAAH 3:36:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:36:17 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAOOO 3:36:18 | xXNeroZashiXx: Lol 3:36:18 | Branhelm: Dressing gowns are not towelly 3:36:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: NotLikeThis 3:36:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: enhance 3:36:22 | josecortesnival: Got unbalanced 3:36:23 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: OMEGALUL 3:36:23 | xxdisnx: A KNIFE 3:36:24 | viryl_lucas: HAHHAHAHHA 3:36:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: bro 3:36:25 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: WTH 3:36:25 | IdaWow: Yup 3:36:26 | Kolateak_: NotLikeThis 3:36:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Oh, at least it didn't tear the gasket. 3:36:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: oh no KEKW 3:36:27 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: spy tf2 f1nn 3:36:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:36:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: hahaha 3:36:28 | general_of_cm: is it atleast clean now? 3:36:30 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 3:36:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Did it ruin all of the clothes? 3:36:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: God damn 3:36:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:36:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: KEKW 3:36:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 3:36:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 3:36:31 | braddle172: KEKW 3:36:31 | natalie_1984: lol 3:36:31 | camsshron: horror movie shit 3:36:32 | xkiller254: Trina kill his washer machine 3:36:32 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 3:36:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Yikes 3:36:32 | blu3berrycat: lol 3:36:33 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: oh no 3:36:33 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: KEKW 3:36:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 3:36:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: KEKW 3:36:34 | boringdepressedintrovert: lol 3:36:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) spacecow2000: bruh 3:36:36 | n3kotr4n87: Washing machine was doing a bit of something with that knife 3:36:36 | Badhaggus: That's funny 3:36:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 3:36:37 | whelkier: goot have a polished sexy knife 3:36:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Oooh, that is clanging bad! 3:36:37 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:36:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 3:36:37 | Kolateak_: KEKW 3:36:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Your a bimbo 3:36:39 | josecortesnival: Lol 3:36:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahahhaha 3:36:40 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) AFKJG: KEKW 3:36:40 | (Prime Gaming) doge_doodles: what a great sound 3:36:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Aww wholesome dono 3:36:40 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: KEKW 3:36:41 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:36:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: That's a clean knife 3:36:41 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: LUL 3:36:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: adhd moment :P 3:36:41 | boernhagulix: Bruh... xD 3:36:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Is this the first time 3:36:42 | Den_drummer: certified Pepega moment 3:36:42 | jacob9595x: is the robe okay 3:36:43 | noritus: LUL LUL LUL LUL 3:36:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 3:36:43 | Branhelm: Yeh ... had that before 3:36:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: LUL did it cut any clothes 3:36:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: think of the poor knife NotLikeThis 3:36:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 3:36:45 | natalie_1984: clean knife tho 3:36:45 | fular_: MENACINGGGGLYYYY 3:36:45 | (Turbo) Cazenn: KEKW 3:36:45 | Xanrry: That's not how you do edging 3:36:46 | (Turbo) Herbanix: oh no. 3:36:46 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: LUL 3:36:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: KEKW 3:36:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: KEKW 3:36:49 | IdaWow: It's important to wash the knifes too 3:36:49 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: KEKW 3:36:50 | (Prime Gaming) speedy_jay42: bruh 3:36:50 | viryl_lucas: Poor knife 3:36:51 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: omg. RIP laundry 3:36:51 | Chri55PBacon: LUL LUL 3:36:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: clean knife 3:36:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: very clean knife 3:36:52 | (Watching without audio) aaquelarree: KEKW 3:36:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: poor steel 3:36:53 | bearpaw1970: ..working in coal mine" 3:36:54 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Check pockets, dumby! 3:36:54 | n3kotr4n87: are your clothes ok? 3:36:54 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: it opened, the washer is trying to mug you 3:36:55 | (Prime Gaming) astheriel: rip clothing 3:36:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: my humor is broken 3:36:56 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL LUL 3:36:57 | NpcRival: Washer has better knife tricks 3:36:57 | Flex_Uli: knife washing 3:36:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: post to reddit 3:36:58 | boernhagulix: LUL LUL LUL LUL 3:36:58 | arquiJ: bruh 3:36:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro 3:36:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 3:36:59 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: thqats so good lol 3:37:00 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:37:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn, that's not how you do the dishes 3:37:00 | Astrius: #finnbrain 3:37:00 | Bloodcoatrain: did you end up with a mesh bath robe after? 3:37:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: So, did your robe have any extra holes afterward? 3:37:02 | (Turbo) Cazenn: Only you could do that KEKW 3:37:03 | DJ_FLAKO: Yo 3:37:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) dandilionandburdock: In Birmingham even the washing machines carry 3:37:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP He left knife in the robe so the washing machine was making an awful noise. - 4360 3:37:04 | m4cintoshplus: bri'ish moment 3:37:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Knife was in your bathrobe? 3:37:06 | noritus: but it's clean xD 3:37:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Can't even stop us Brits stabbing washing machines now ffs 3:37:07 | (Turbo) hotdogwatt3r: Protech? 3:37:08 | viryl_lucas: What happened to the robe? 3:37:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: How to clean your knives 101 LUL 3:37:11 | whelkier: now you can shank opps hygienically 3:37:12 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: Why did you have a knife in your robe? 3:37:14 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:37:14 | Badhaggus: Maybe you could polish stones in there too? 3:37:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @F1NN5TER, tbh the washing machine does better knife tricks than you 3:37:15 | braddle172: It was open? 3:37:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lmaooooooo 3:37:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: That would cut everything 3:37:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: That's a sign you should sleep, bitch. 3:37:18 | josecortesnival: Now the knife is clean why is the knife ope? 3:37:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands 3:37:22 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: you know you can stop it right? 3:37:22 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lol 3:37:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Omg NotLikeThis 3:37:24 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Clean knife though! 3:37:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: 3:37:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Even worse 3:37:26 | joecro88: was it an expensive knife? did it ruin clothes? 3:37:27 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: washing machine: "givesus ya money innit" 3:37:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: I always forget to check the pockets when I do laundry 3:37:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: next up finn puts his bathrobe in the dishwasher 3:37:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnNomods 3:37:29 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: how are your clothes? 3:37:29 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: jeez LUL 3:37:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: oh no water damage 3:37:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @YumeNoZen Fax 3:37:30 | IdaWow: You need sleep hunny 3:37:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: NotLikeThis 3:37:32 | sleepystephbot: You need sleep lol 3:37:32 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: LMAO 3:37:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Washes Norseman knife for content. 3:37:33 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: lets see the remains 3:37:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: ADHD brain going beep boop 3:37:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Did the cushion survive? 3:37:35 | bearpaw1970: Oh' 3:37:36 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: bimbo energy 3:37:36 | Astrius: listen man, maybe the knife was wet and it just needed to be dried @F1NN5TER 3:37:37 | jackiedst: Yeah, you should defo go sleep hun 3:37:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Poor knife!! It's gonna need a sharpening!! 3:37:38 | Branhelm: Fuck sake, way to go haha 3:37:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Gotta make sure the knife doesn't rust 3:37:39 | (Watching without audio) Love4donuts: you can stop the machine? 3:37:40 | xXNeroZashiXx: F1nn so silly 3:37:41 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: Is the machine done now? 3:37:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: be careful getting your laundry out 3:37:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: @F1NN5TER Does dad5ter still watch the streams? 3:37:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: might have to re oil the blade 3:37:45 | 99thking: Finn that is a sign to go to bed mvpDerp 3:37:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Thats such a Finn thing to do 3:37:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Pushing problems out of sight, he just like me FR FR 3:37:46 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:37:46 | Lazy_Lola: turn it offfffff 3:37:46 | certified_boylover: GET IT OUT 3:37:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Knife will be fine 3:37:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Sounds like a skill issue tbh 3:37:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: did you just let it run? 3:37:51 | Xanrry: you can pause the wash though... 3:37:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Sleep 3:37:52 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: bimbo 3:37:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: BibleThump NotLikeThis 3:37:54 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: at least it's clean 3:37:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Lots of WD-40 and it might be okay. 3:37:55 | Fv3r: show on stream when machine is done? 3:37:56 | kyn560: Just pause the cycle? 3:37:57 | jackiedst: Sign you should go to sleep honey 3:37:59 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: WD-40 time 3:37:59 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: it's fine 3:37:59 | LOtiumduPeuple: the knife arc is over 3:38:01 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: HIMBO confirmed 3:38:02 | (10 Gift Subs) 4GAARD: @amoyamoyamoya Hello Hello from Sweden x4gaarewyeGia x4gaarewyeHands 3:38:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) alextech_1: Let’s ch3ck now 3:38:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we can save the knife, we have the technology 3:38:03 | gernadesquirrel: my "egg cracked a long time ago giggles 3:38:04 | xkiller254: he's trying to kill the washer machine 3:38:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: knife death rattle 3:38:07 | itsfree_real_estate: knife chose violence 3:38:07 | Willowight: wait you didnt take it out? 3:38:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Have you tried to turn the knife off and on again? 3:38:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bradzilla18: put it in rice 3:38:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: next stream: knife repaire 3:38:11 | pandajanni3: pandajanni3 subscribed at Tier 1. 3:38:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pandajanni3 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang pandajanni3 f1nnLezgang 3:38:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Knife is dead 3:38:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: oh 3:38:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @F1NN5TER, the washing machine is better at knife tricks KEKW 3:38:14 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: astroglide 3:38:15 | im_up_to_something: It's a good thing you're pretty 3:38:16 | IdaWow: Wild 3:38:17 | trevorstewart1308: New here y'all. What part of UK is your accent from? 3:38:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: It might rust 3:38:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Destroys Grimsmo Norseman knife, laughs. 3:38:19 | noritus: give it a wd 40 bath 3:38:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I've washed my knives on accident too many times 3:38:21 | josecortesnival: That knife open? 3:38:21 | collectingtithes: Auction the knife 3:38:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @4GAARD, Ayo! 3:38:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) letume: if it’s stainless, it’ll probably survive 3:38:24 | boringdepressedintrovert: yes 3:38:24 | Flex_Uli: and the washmachine has holes now 3:38:25 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yup 3:38:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: the mechanism will be rusted shut 3:38:26 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: KEKW 3:38:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) xaacs: Scaring things to get clean af! 3:38:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: we know you, Kitten <3 3:38:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Yeah 3:38:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: we do know you somewhat 3:38:27 | Therosbr: yes 3:38:28 | natalie_1984: lol 3:38:29 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: you've embraced the barbie necklace 3:38:29 | octyn_: F1nn what should I do if my family doesn’t want me to cross dress 3:38:29 | xkiller254: hahahahahahaha 3:38:29 | 0melet_: we know you lol 3:38:29 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: it was either that or a gun 3:38:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yup 3:38:30 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Why knife messed up? I've washed shotgun shells before, knife will be fine! 3:38:30 | GormyGorm: its also such a you thing to do 3:38:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: very finn 3:38:31 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: britain moment 3:38:32 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you have 12032 knives 3:38:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: wd40 is not good for that... dw40 attracts dust to it. 3:38:32 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: HIMBO 100% confirmed 3:38:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: but youre you 3:38:33 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: yep 3:38:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: you have like 40 knives 3:38:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Has your washing machine technically done a better knife trick than you then? 3:38:34 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: you gremlin 3:38:35 | bogerman_: where did that sword come from?? 3:38:35 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: You're just mostly girl stuff + knives 3:38:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yes we know you 3:38:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: You said you heard a clinking 3:38:36 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: I MEAN... 3:38:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Not really 3:38:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: knife was short but intense 3:38:38 | bearpaw1970: It's stastics 3:38:38 | boringdepressedintrovert: you and knives are very predictable 3:38:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: you have knives everywhere 3:38:38 | xXNeroZashiXx: So obvious 3:38:38 | bassem_10: first time chatter, where's the youtube shorts type content 3:38:39 | aunalbrutal: yep your always that predictable 3:38:40 | ar1st1pp0s: bc u stream yr life multiple times a week 3:38:40 | josecortesnival: The robe and robe are slashed 3:38:40 | WoeJoeCrow: Death Note SHIRT??! Finn Anime Waifu Confirmed? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 3:38:41 | IdaWow: We know you 3:38:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Your a damn child that’s why 3:38:42 | (Prime Gaming) aimlessCorsair: Come on, dude. You know you need to hand wash you're knives smh 3:38:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: That is your thing. 3:38:43 | boernhagulix: Gremlin-Momento. 3:38:44 | viryl_lucas: U get stabby 3:38:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Most robes have pockets you wlawyas end up leaving something in them 3:38:45 | Smiling_Shelly: Automatic robe Cutting 3:38:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: At least you didn't get stuck in the washer. 3:38:48 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: we've known you longer then today 3:38:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: i was going to say he forgot the butt plug in the robe 3:38:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: listen, we've been here a while now, we've seen how many you have, it only makes sense 3:38:51 | calzone210: it was the cliinking sound 3:38:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Knives are the only thing you own LUL 3:38:51 | Fieryleperchaun: Oh come on Finn 3:38:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Your 2 main characteristics are 1) femboy and 2) knives, so... 3:38:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @bassem_10 give it 3 minutes 3:38:53 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: goblin 3:38:53 | Fv3r: you are from birmingham of course it's a knife 3:38:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: more balisong PogU 3:38:55 | (Subscriber) kreisjaegermeister: where havent you knifes? 3:38:56 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Knife'o clock 3:38:56 | (Turbo) Royalbirhat: how many knives you got on your desk and you ask that? uni300 3:38:56 | TanksyPlays: if it was a londoner theyd pulll a gun 3:38:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes you are! 3:38:57 | braddle172: f1nnKnife 3:38:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Someone actually got stabbed on my street earlier 3:38:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) xaacs: A true Birmingham man! 3:38:57 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: gang gang 3:38:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: Are you sure you're not american with all the knives 3:39:00 | IdaWow: You got a lot of knifes so yeah 3:39:01 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: My eye! 3:39:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: This is why, F1nn, this is why 3:39:02 | Branhelm: @f1nn5ter I can't stay, work tomorrow. Can you say good night? 3:39:03 | (cheer 1) dark_aphelion: I've been in this stream 3 times this month. All 3 times you've talked about or mentioned knives. Not too much of a stretch 3:39:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: YES. YOU'RE TOTALLY TRANSPARENT. WE WISH YOUR CLOTHES WERE THAT TRANSPARENT. 3:39:04 | whelkier: that would be amazing 3:39:05 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: hot 3:39:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat 3:39:05 | jacob9595x: hot 3:39:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: My eye!!! 3:39:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: it sure is!!! 3:39:08 | madarauchiha_1234: Hwyooo 3:39:09 | Dastan236: average English male 3:39:09 | bearpaw1970: You have a knife handy many times high chance you left one in a pocket 3:39:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Something metal you left in your chair had to be a knife. If it was a plug you wouldn't tell us, that's how we know it was a knife Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 3:39:10 | k4rakara: whew 3:39:12 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm 3:39:12 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: HOT 3:39:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn 3:39:14 | (Subscriber) pandajanni3: Wow 3:39:14 | MacMillan_The_First: he is so banned for that 3:39:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: damn 3:39:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: use the hair clip to hold shirt 3:39:14 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: egirls + knives, a classic 3:39:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ......... 3:39:15 | (Prime Gaming) lydia_m2f: We could have said plug lol 3:39:15 | alice9501: F1nn... everything about this is hot... 3:39:15 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: Yeah, that works for me. 3:39:15 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Very 3:39:16 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: hasUnless 3:39:16 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: a lil 3:39:16 | Kolateak_: It feels dangerous to see that much leg 3:39:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Definitely Hot 3:39:17 | m4cintoshplus: thicc 3:39:18 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: it's very hot 3:39:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: gouge my eyes out mummy 3:39:19 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Those thighs tho 3:39:19 | (Prime Gaming) catgirlminecraftstreamer: no pants reveal hahaha 3:39:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I'm aroused 3:39:19 | (Prime Gaming) dr_nav: A little yeah 3:39:19 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Yes hot 3:39:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: mommy? sorry 3:39:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: very 3:39:19 | (Prime Gaming) ComradGi: Kreygasm 3:39:20 | (Prime Gaming) itsLilyReina: MonkaS 3:39:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: cut me 3:39:20 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype 3:39:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: YES you would the balisong is the hottest thing 3:39:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn and everyone in chat 3:39:22 | 99thking: The twitch chat collective is very good at noticing things mvpDerp 3:39:22 | LOtiumduPeuple: What a dangerous lil boi 3:39:23 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: yesssssss 3:39:23 | Willowight: yep 3:39:23 | sp00ny76: PogU 3:39:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: zoo wee mama! 3:39:25 | x_progamesxl_x: is that a knife in your pocket or do you just wanna tell me the time?? 3:39:25 | Smiling_Shelly: showing underwear 3:39:26 | TanksyPlays: how can you find girl voice cringe, but spinning a butterfly knife not? 3:39:26 | IdaWow: Keep it up finny 3:39:26 | natalie_1984: my eyes! 3:39:26 | d4rk_sp1rit_: i weren't watching the knife... 3:39:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: PogChamp 3:39:27 | (Prime Gaming) bobben__: yes 3:39:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Yes, but i could be biased 3:39:27 | (Subscriber) luna_blazing: yes 3:39:27 | arzi77perra: the most beautiful blades ever. 3:39:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 3:39:28 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: not again 3:39:29 | caligach: the thighs LUL 3:39:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer300 use the hair clamp thing on the t-shirt 3:39:30 | jugozomboid: what is the thing with brits and knives 3:39:30 | anschofi: yandere girlfriend 3:39:31 | viryl_lucas: Lil spicy boi 3:39:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Hot 3:39:33 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: knife boi 3:39:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Btw notifications still off, missed a wholesome dono 3:39:35 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: show the shorts 3:39:36 | (Subscriber) pandajanni3: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 3:39:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: I distinctly remember leaving an SD card in the wash. It was unscathed 3:39:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: She down banned 3:39:38 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: yandere 3:39:38 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: femboy snuff 3:39:39 | (GLHF Pledge) forsaken__deity: Omg do we have the same knife NotLikeThis 3:39:39 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: Bru not even any shorts? C'mon lol 3:39:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: "normal" 3:39:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: I need to do some cutting with my katana while wearing skimpy clothes, I guess. 3:39:42 | (Turbo) Royalbirhat: donos still off huh 3:39:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No ass 3:39:43 | (Prime Gaming) speedy_jay42: Average british citizen 3:39:43 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Not hot the Barbie Necklace throws the whole look? 3:39:44 | gernadesquirrel: it means (for me loose change) lol 3:39:44 | mirot47: when you're tired you end up forgetting stuff in an absent minded way 3:39:45 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: no ass normally 3:39:45 | LOtiumduPeuple: they do be short 3:39:46 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: cottontailTHISISFINE cottontailTOS cottontailTHISISFINE cottontailTOS cottontailTHISISFINE cottontailTOS cottontailTHISISFINE 3:39:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: normal ass-shorts 3:39:47 | ar1st1pp0s: balisongs, are, in fact, cringe 3:39:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Short af 3:39:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Pushes-back. Does the cinched t-shirt thing again. SLUT. - 4360 3:39:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: donos 3:39:52 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: fin likes knifeplay 3:39:53 | madarauchiha_1234: I just followed u and I love your videos Keep it up 3:39:53 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Donos still disabled. 3:39:54 | xkiller254: the eyes ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 3:39:55 | MacMillan_The_First: not packing much tho tbh 3:39:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: concave cake confirmed 3:39:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: for a girl 3:39:56 | josecortesnival: You gonne get banned for female presenting tighs 3:39:57 | 99thking: Negative ass 2020Suspicious 3:39:57 | yellowgatito: if you pulled a knife on me i would just accept my fate 3:39:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: The bp 3:39:59 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: glad the shorts are being used 3:39:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: lol Amoya 3:39:59 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: you got a license for that waistline 3:40:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: many men wear shorts like this 3:40:02 | calzone210: tiny ass shorts 3:40:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: @F1NN5TER donos 3:40:03 | Astrius: "they're just shorts" you say as your voice sucks itself in in embarassment. i noticed that lol 3:40:03 | itsfree_real_estate: donos 3:40:05 | (Prime Gaming) itsthereal0ne: WICKED 3:40:06 | LOtiumduPeuple: Finn is the new normal. Get used to it ! 3:40:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Thanks for tucking again. 3:40:08 | whelkier: please stab me mommy 3:40:08 | (Prime Gaming) firentas: Donos 3:40:10 | xkiller254: his eyes are killing me 3:40:18 | Xanrry: Get some subway then 3:40:20 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: Donomos? 3:40:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: good job, nice strength of will 3:40:23 | 0melet_: what will you wear on your birthday? 3:40:24 | Steys00: thats 2 months away wtf 3:40:25 | SageEvelene: Okay.... So does the um Battlepass open at midnight? 3:40:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: He do got eyes 3:40:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Order a chippy 3:40:27 | IdaWow: Why?? 3:40:28 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Tuckasaurs Rex? 3:40:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Ur bday is 5 days before mine! 3:40:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: NANDOS? 3:40:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @SageEvelene !of 3:40:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:40:36 | (cheer 1) dark_aphelion: Dommommommos 3:40:36 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:40:36 | whelkier: I got fish and chips for dinner 3:40:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Get kebab m8. Vege kebab ofc 3:40:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:40:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:40:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Cotton surely orders Dominationo's 3:40:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:40:42 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Woah same birthday nice brah 3:40:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:40:42 | arzi77perra: 3:40:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) grap3_s0da: Oh damn your a Taurus too? We almost have the same birthday 3:40:46 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: pa paww 3:40:47 | SageEvelene: !of 3:40:50 | kenji173: cute 3:40:53 | xXNeroZashiXx: Fish and chips are so yummy 3:40:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) noahthebroah88: noahthebroah88 subscribed with Prime. 3:40:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: noahthebroah88 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang noahthebroah88 f1nnLezgang 3:40:56 | (Prime Gaming) LoonasPawStool: whopper whopper whopper whopper 3:40:56 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: they are cheap 3:40:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Luna_Iconian: For the Estrogen Whopper 3:40:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bond 3:40:59 | kenji173: YEP 3:40:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: No it aint 3:41:02 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: Aston martin is just a ford.... 3:41:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Aston Martin better than Ferarri? 3:41:03 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: You don't know how to drive? 3:41:05 | HoteLover: Are you talking about Jack wars? MVGame MVGame 3:41:08 | Dragos_Haba: :O 3:41:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Aston Martin are so cool 3:41:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: older astons can be bought for pretty reasonable price 3:41:14 | VenixDev: hi :D 3:41:15 | phos4us_: Iceland? pog 3:41:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Lol Scarlettyg 3:41:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: maclunkey? 3:41:21 | n3kotr4n87: Nice Iceland 3:41:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: What goal do we need to get to for you to do your driving test in girl mode 3:41:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @DAGalaxie, Depends on your taste. 3:41:23 | Astrius: "oh yes clunk me daddy" 3:41:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: as an American, Iceland is based 3:41:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer300 ooo another icelander1 3:41:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: someone here lives in a supermarket? Kappa 3:41:27 | viryl_lucas: Huh 3:41:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: Iceland is such a shite store 3:41:31 | hazadooza: Breakfast for supper! 3:41:32 | kobrachicken: Hi Fin i found you through TikTok ive watch so many of them. you are amazing 3:41:32 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Luna_Iconian ahah, like the water that turn frogs gay 3:41:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 3:41:37 | themagicalgluebag: vyvanse makes me insanely horny 3:41:38 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 3:41:39 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: estrogen whopper?!? 3:41:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: with extra E 3:41:42 | viryl_lucas: Noise 3:41:42 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:41:43 | (Prime Gaming) DMTryp: Are you okay? 3:41:43 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: There's one dude jerking off to everything. Harmony, balance 3:41:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ScarlettOHerah: Is Finn ordering BK right now lol 3:41:46 | PsillyCephalopod: KEKW have it your way i guess 3:41:47 | Den_drummer: I mean, see the 34th rule of the internet 3:41:50 | frost177: 3:41:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @EmpressAdria Beyond meat whopper 3:41:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Don't say that! Much love to Dono! 3:41:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: panda dono kinda concerning 3:42:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @LittleChaSiu I went to Ikea last week and haven't found my way out yet, so technically yes 3:42:06 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: So how much is the battle pass? 3:42:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Stream for another 9 hours?? 3:42:08 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: right Kappa 3:42:10 | octyn_: f1nnZOOM 3:42:10 | jeffydavy: !time 3:42:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:42 3:42:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Someone jerking off to knife in washer. smh. - 4400 3:42:16 | LOtiumduPeuple: @frost177 could be a great fanfic 3:42:16 | phos4us_: gonna get that junior, double, triple whopper with flame grileld taste and perfect toppers 3:42:17 | (Subscriber) FemboyDommie: the real Aston Martin DBS 3:42:19 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: how much does the battlepass cost? 3:42:19 | Aoi_loves_you: FINNNNNN MAY I TELL YOU SOMETHING?????????????? 3:42:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:42:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:42:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: @F1NN5TER HRT helps you remember to take your knife out before washing 3:42:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:42:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:42:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Russian sleep experiment monkaS 3:42:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Gotta use a top load washer 3:42:34 | gernadesquirrel: well it is better a knife than a pistol lol BOOM 3:42:35 | kenji173: in solidarity i won‘t sleep till tomorrow 3:42:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 3:42:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: It's possible, I've done, but yeah, bad idea 3:42:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: just got here, what is Fin draining? 3:42:37 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: yes it does 3:42:40 | dmh_krt: 7 3:42:47 | Astrius: why do you have a bunch of knives tho finn 3:42:47 | octyn_: Hi F1nn do you accept friend requests on discord 3:42:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: Finn doesn't give, he only takes 3:42:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: f1nnCancelled don't you dare take my knife 3:42:58 | 0melet_: f1nn pleaase take care of yourself 3:42:58 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 3:42:58 | Jon369Bla: bath water sale?? MercyWing1 faidePogtooth MercyWing2 3:42:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) CrowdVS: smiles 3:43:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lmaooooo 3:43:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: gamer girl laundry knife giveaway 3:43:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: @Tetraxius British 3:43:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahahaha 3:43:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL 3:43:03 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:43:05 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: lmao 3:43:06 | (Prime Gaming) yangomega2nd: Only if you lic it firt. 3:43:07 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) impdotex: Cheer100 3:43:10 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: if it was a plug it would've been way louder in the washer lol 3:43:11 | arthuranydonuts: A what plug? 3:43:15 | octyn_: f1nnZOOM 3:43:17 | gracesbeing: :0 3:43:22 | gernadesquirrel: "that's not a knife this is a Knife" 3:43:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: he's too much of a male to do that KEKW 3:43:32 | Emmy64_: LUL f1nnEmbarrassed 3:43:33 | LOtiumduPeuple: @gernadesquirrel LUL 3:43:35 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Big brain @c__r__j 3:43:36 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: ...... 3:43:36 | braddle172: 3:43:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: LUL 3:43:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Nice frame 3:43:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @arthuranydonuts my sweet summer child 3:43:41 | IdaWow: The more you know 3:43:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 3:43:43 | noritus: bruh... 3:43:43 | MajesticFvckingEagle: goddamnnn 3:43:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: If your butt plug just slips out you may have a problem down there. 3:43:47 | viryl_lucas: Dolphin shorts 3:43:47 | kristanie0815: Booba 3:43:47 | KanjiTsekada: Is this the manly man I keep seeing on tiktok? 3:43:47 | yellowgatito: Use a hairtie its more comfortable 3:43:48 | jackiedst: So much gender envy... 3:43:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1NN 3:43:48 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Clean clothes clean knife 3:43:49 | whelkier: im so gay 3:43:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: lordy 3:43:49 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: A buttplug in the washer? THAT'S femboy endgame 3:43:51 | xkiller254: oh God, I'm dying 3:43:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: wear a crop top 3:43:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Your gonna destroy your whole house 3:43:53 | kenji173: slut 3:43:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Your shorts are giving me anxiety 3:43:54 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @vanimal2118 I know, right. F1nn saying you can't do that... I knew my message was in the queue. 3:43:55 | braddle172: nanona1Flushed 3:43:55 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm 3:43:57 | MarmotGamingChannel: Looks nice :) 3:43:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) GodKingEric: OMG it's yoouuuu!!!! Bro I saw you on IG! You're my hero lmao 3:43:58 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: He is a gentlef1nn. He even lets the washing machine finish 3:43:59 | EnderquakeYT: wooowwww finn be lookin good 3:44:00 | arthuranydonuts: VoteYea 3:44:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Just tuck the shirt in haha 3:44:02 | Dastan236: Do you train any sport? 3:44:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: you kill me 3:44:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Lovely 3:44:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? 3:44:05 | kyn560: @jackiedst Felt that 3:44:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: click on it 3:44:08 | arthuranydonuts: u r #1 3:44:09 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: that arch 3:44:09 | xkiller254: I think I'm gay 3:44:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 3:44:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:44:14 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Genderf1nni5h 3:44:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: What' 3:44:15 | LOtiumduPeuple: Lets click on a random link guys 3:44:17 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: "just click on this link, it's safe, lol" 3:44:18 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: HES RETURNED 3:44:19 | Emmy64_: @dastan236 That's a weird insult KEKW 3:44:22 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: @Amoyamoyamoya just need to increase size 3:44:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Imagine if it was a rickroll 3:44:25 | (Prime Gaming) Rangerbobox1: Rangerbobox1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! Happy to supporting my favorite femboy! Love you! 3:44:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: rangerbobox1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU 3:44:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: damn lmfao won that bet handily 3:44:28 | gernadesquirrel: plugs need to be hand washed silly 3:44:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: it's probably just a burger without the patty KEKW 3:44:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Bros got the munchies 3:44:38 | arthuranydonuts: @xkiller254 Clap 3:44:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Hi Finn your pic on Twitter was cute today 3:44:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP More cinched t-shirt poses. He really likes this fit. - 4380 3:44:44 | (Prime Gaming) axe1970: @gernadesquirrel thats a spoon 3:44:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) Mike27356894: teehee 3:44:46 | LOtiumduPeuple: mike w imo 3:44:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: That's Mike from Twitter? 3:44:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: Mike L 3:44:48 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: *screenshotss furiously* 3:44:51 | MarmotGamingChannel: You get the best of both worlds here, looks like a cute girl but has the chill mentality of dude 3:44:54 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow, Mike seems nice? 3:44:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: @Amoyamoyamoya hehe 3:44:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Just noticed your PO Box has 69 in the address. Nice. 3:45:00 | arquiJ: @alvarocaroj yes 3:45:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Grilled cheese n PB&J 3:45:04 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Mike is such a sweetie 3:45:08 | whelkier: mike is a girlboss 3:45:10 | SmallB0o0oiJJ: i gotta question 3:45:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Wholesome Mike 3:45:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) Mike27356894: @natalixxxxxxxxx <3 3:45:11 | arthuranydonuts: You could execute prisoners with Five Guys burgers. 3:45:11 | brownnoteallovermyface: Don't mind me just poping in to see how cute Finnster looks today 3:45:12 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Wait, I just came back; there are 5guys burgers in the UK? 3:45:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: No, that sounds sooo good! 3:45:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Give me it all f1nnMonka 3:45:21 | xXNeroZashiXx: Pog Mike 3:45:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jakskidshaw: its the best thing. esp being vegeterian 3:45:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Order a small fries from Five Guys. 3:45:28 | LamTion: !uptime 3:45:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 45m 37s 3:45:29 | LOtiumduPeuple: @MarmotGamingChannel r notlikeothergirls 3:45:35 | octyn_: @f1nn5ter what are the blue things on your wall 3:45:35 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hallo 3:45:37 | ar1st1pp0s: mic too directional 3:45:39 | oknadu: hasHmm 3:45:40 | (Prime Gaming) zanosw1: nah you are far away 3:45:40 | KnapperigeKapitein: now im craving 5 guys 3:45:41 | (Prime Gaming) voiicide: yeah, it does echo a bit 3:45:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omni 3:45:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: smak smak 3:45:48 | (cheer 1) dark_aphelion: What time does the battle pass come out tomorrow? Gotta set aside some time for it Kappa 3:45:49 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: VERY directional mic 3:45:53 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Also, F1nn's speakers are lower volume than his voice. 3:45:56 | Xanrry: ceiling? 3:45:57 | octyn_: Thanks 3:45:57 | Astrius: its called a ceiling, finn. LUL 3:45:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: What mic is that? 3:45:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: huh?? 3:45:58 | (cheer 100) tubbs185: dynamic microphone 3:45:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Ceiling 3:46:00 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Can we see the Blahaj 3:46:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: it echoes because you don't have a carpet 3:46:01 | dmh_krt: hairstyle tutorial ponytail 3:46:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Ayo 3:46:01 | kobrachicken: Love you Fin stay classy 3:46:01 | Kolateak_: Yup 3:46:02 | (Prime Gaming) dr_nav: You have a cool sword in the background. What is it from? 3:46:02 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: mmmm 3:46:03 | Den_drummer: directional mics do have their advantages 3:46:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: directional microphones izidPog what will they invent next? Kappa 3:46:04 | imami777: I'm craving 5 men 3:46:04 | LOtiumduPeuple: @dark_aphelion 8:03 london time I believe 3:46:04 | gernadesquirrel: better a knife than a hand gun 3:46:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Jesus, are they cooked in lard? 3:46:05 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: celing 3:46:06 | (Watching without audio) HadukenSpammer: OMEGALUL 3:46:06 | (Prime Gaming) uofh_ozzy: Show us your thighs 3:46:06 | miloandthewhale: wow 3:46:08 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Those are US calories, not Imperial 3:46:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn demonstrats how he can hear TTS but the mic doesn't pic it up. - 4360 3:46:09 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Ceiling? 3:46:09 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) VasFalzVT: shotgun mics are cool but way too expensive 3:46:10 | scatteredleaves: wow 3:46:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya You want someone to actually have a butt, eh? 3:46:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Well 3:46:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Boiled in whale blubber 3:46:15 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) DiagonalDillon: you have a BROADSWORD?! 3:46:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Famished? 3:46:16 | nightshade2233: 3:46:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: wat 3:46:17 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Show us the blahaj 3:46:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: Finn, I fell asleep an hour ago and have been asleep with my headphones still in listening to you this whole time 3:46:19 | kenji173: calorie counting? yes it‘s a girl 3:46:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Crocatowa: Potato Based Calories don't count cheer300 3:46:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: just buy a rug, easiest soundproofing 3:46:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: More calories is more better 3:46:23 | arthuranydonuts: Yes, Five Guys is HARDCORE when it comes to calories! but it's sooooo good!!! D: 3:46:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: ...I would hurl, omg 3:46:27 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Sickkk 3:46:27 | bearpaw1970: Their fries are rather good 3:46:29 | IdaWow: Just the right amount 3:46:30 | (Prime Gaming) NathanR38: yes 3:46:32 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: THE blahaj 3:46:34 | jritvt: Hello Hogwarts legacy f1nny X lol 3:46:35 | TanksyPlays: the what? 3:46:36 | arthuranydonuts: American cheese FTW! 3:46:38 | jimboz0: The 3:46:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: @arthuranydonuts Five guy is hardcore indeed 3:46:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Blahaj (plural) 3:46:40 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: The Blahaj Heap 3:46:41 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @Den_drummer Honestly, F1nn's mic is TOO directional for the way he uses it. 3:46:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I WANT F1NN TO HAVE A HUGE MOMMY DUMPER 3:46:43 | crystalrime: Blahuddle 3:46:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: All of them 3:46:44 | IdaWow: Hahahah 3:46:45 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Bahaj mountain 3:46:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: A carpet is a good temporary solution for floor to roof reflections 3:46:45 | xxdisnx: blahaj 3:46:45 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Will there be sound proofing in bedroom now, Asking 4 a friend? 3:46:45 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Thank you f1nn, i have now seen THE blahaj 3:46:45 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: blahaj 3:46:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: isn't blahaj plural 3:46:47 | oreosandchaos23: hi 3:46:47 | TanksyPlays: why are you pronoucning it like that KEKW 3:46:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ALFRED 3:46:48 | braddle172: !shork 3:46:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send one. But no pressure. 3:46:50 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:46:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, wait. That was a private whisper... 3:46:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Fair. 3:46:50 | ian1stabbey: Blahadge 3:46:50 | GreyWinterWraith: "blow-high" 3:46:50 | salivnya: BLAHUDDLE 3:46:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: So many 3:46:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: are they a jedi? 3:46:52 | damaris15052008: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3:46:52 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !shark 3:46:53 | Bytebak: and a seal 3:46:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !shork 3:46:55 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send one. But no pressure. 3:46:55 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: their fries are worth every calorie 3:46:55 | 99thking: The blahaj collective 3:46:56 | GooseBozo: wtf is a blahaj???? 3:46:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: No, THE BLAHAJ! 3:46:57 | EnderquakeYT: blahaj collection 3:46:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Yes 3:46:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: shark pile 3:46:58 | Astrius: nice computer part box btw there @F1NN5TER 3:46:58 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @Amoyamoyamoya The people have spoken 3:46:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: i need a blahaj 3:46:58 | MasterGrimms: what is a blahaj 3:46:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Alfred is the only one 3:46:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Blahaj is the plural of blahaj 3:46:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgGB rexgGB rexgGB 3:46:59 | viryl_lucas: Lmao 3:46:59 | Ghostie_86: ow 3:46:59 | (Prime Gaming) NathanR38: the blahaji 3:46:59 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: what are you saying 3:47:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: one blahaj two blahaj 3:47:00 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Hadje 3:47:00 | jackiedst: Blåhaj cuddle puddle 3:47:01 | arzi77perra: no comment. 3:47:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: do you still abuse them? 3:47:01 | (Prime Gaming) NothingMoreVariant: Blåhaji 3:47:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Savvyfaire U.S. measurements are Imperial 3:47:01 | k4rakara: yes 3:47:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !shork 3:47:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send one. But no pressure. 3:47:02 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: Please pronounced it correctly it's like "Blow High" 3:47:03 | IdaWow: Woah 3:47:03 | imami777: Egg behavior 3:47:04 | (Prime Gaming) dr_nav: <3 3:47:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DualityUK: blahaj mountain 3:47:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Blahaj POG 3:47:04 | (Prime Gaming) aimlessCorsair: Just Cis-Gender things 3:47:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: You need a pink BLAHAJ 3:47:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: The blahaj is a hive mind. It is singular 3:47:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg 3:47:05 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: I was specifically talking about The blahaj, not the blahajs 3:47:06 | jugozomboid: eat homeless man, it is about 126000 calories 3:47:06 | gernadesquirrel: yogert when i get $$$$$$$$ lol 3:47:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: If I, as a trans woman, have one Blahaj, what does that make F1nn with FIVE? 3:47:07 | (Prime Gaming) NothingMoreVariant: Blåhajot 3:47:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Mt Blahjage 3:47:09 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Egg 3:47:10 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: But also you bought 0 of those lol 3:47:10 | xXNeroZashiXx: That is 1 mutated blahaji 3:47:10 | IdaWow: Damn my ears 3:47:11 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Masculinity is off the scale 3:47:13 | arzi77perra: kidding. 3:47:13 | josecortesnival: Do you have baby blahaj? 3:47:13 | im_up_to_something: Yeah kinda 3:47:13 | (Prime Gaming) NothingMoreVariant: Blåhajim 3:47:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: monkaS 3:47:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: You're a 10... on the pH scale. 3:47:15 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:47:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Oh to deaden that sound of skin slapping skin? That's your go-to example showing off the sound proofing? Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 3:47:17 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:47:18 | kenji173: so you own 4 trans icons Okayge 3:47:18 | (Subscriber) 04penguin: f1nnEgg 3:47:19 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow, is this a Cow Stream now? 3:47:20 | (Turbo) knxggles: many blahajar 3:47:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 3:47:20 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Shiver the blahajs 3:47:20 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: I just want one 3:47:20 | MarmotGamingChannel: Shiver me timbers 3:47:21 | fular_: isnt that something a BAB would say? XD :P 3:47:21 | natalie_1984: lol 3:47:22 | Emmy64_: KEKW 3:47:23 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: shiver 3:47:23 | itsmeagainuwuhh: hello 3:47:23 | Den_drummer: well shiver me timbers 3:47:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: shiver of BLÅHAJ 3:47:24 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: a shiver of blahaj 3:47:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. If F1nn doesn't see the comment then it didn't happen. 3:47:26 | imami777: ÆGG 3:47:27 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Please tell me somebody in Canada has sent Finn the trans flag blahaj. :) 3:47:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: a monkaS of sharks 3:47:28 | (Prime Gaming) Spongied: splatoon 3 reference 3:47:29 | jritvt: I'm ravenclaw x Taurus ox 3:47:30 | finnsuncle: Nice lama 3:47:31 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: shive in yah 3:47:32 | Chacky13200: LUL 3:47:32 | salivnya: is that why they say shiver me timbers 3:47:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @vanimal2118, Not psycho enough. 3:47:34 | phos4us_: a group of sharks should be called Ikea 3:47:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: mac n cheese 3:47:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Shiver 3:47:40 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @davidiusfarrenius mother of god 3:47:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: I like a "parliament of owls" 3:47:41 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: shiver of shark frenzy 3:47:42 | (Prime Gaming) YungFlexSavi: Have you really thought about the amouunt of money you are about to make? 3:47:42 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmmmmmmmm 3:47:44 | Chacky13200: The Mommy-Test LUL 3:47:46 | kenji173: LULW GOOD ONE 3:47:47 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Which blahaj is THE blahaj of all time 3:47:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: shiv 3:47:47 | (Prime Gaming) Dyspayre_69: still worried about cotton? 3:47:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Skin slapping skin 3:47:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 3:47:50 | viryl_lucas: A school XD 3:47:52 | (Prime Gaming) ozeantj: wholesome 3:47:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: a community college 3:47:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:47:54 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: What a coincidence. My bike is a Shiver. 3:47:54 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Sus that is kind of sus 3:47:55 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:47:55 | Senevri: blåhajar 3:47:58 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) DiagonalDillon: KEKW 3:47:58 | arthuranydonuts: Finn the wordsmith! 3:47:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: I would just say swarm 3:47:59 | frost177: You want a gang of sharks 3:48:00 | Astrius: you're a nato shark finn 3:48:00 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: !specs 3:48:00 | viryl_lucas: A sharknado XD 3:48:00 | LOtiumduPeuple: learning new words with finn 3:48:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a frenzy izidClap 3:48:01 | Emmy64_: LUL 3:48:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: BLÅHAJ 3:48:02 | Just_Shephard: KEKW 3:48:03 | (cheer 100) Koff_Syrup: a selrction of ... 3:48:03 | (Subscriber) kreisjaegermeister: a shiv of brits 3:48:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: An IKEA of sharks 3:48:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: hahaha 3:48:05 | (cheer 1) TheTRAUMATrain26: Have you ever got your cheeks clapped? 3:48:05 | (GlitchCon 2020) PVMovies: A herd! 3:48:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: despite being DEATHLY affraid of them, real MAN 3:48:06 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL 3:48:06 | chilled_spice: Cause when you see them you shiver 3:48:07 | Emmy64_: f1nnPegChamp 3:48:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Fair. 3:48:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: A NATO of Sharks KEKW 3:48:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !shork 3:48:07 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: NATO 3:48:07 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: a nado? KEKW 3:48:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send one. But no pressure. 3:48:07 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: Where is the Rust AK??? 3:48:08 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Shark Week with Rose! 3:48:08 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: !shark 3:48:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: Sharknado 3:48:08 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: !mic 3:48:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 3:48:08 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Earthworks Ethos mic. Get your own using code "FNNTER" from https://onecustomaudio.com/collections/microphones/products/ethos-xlr-broadcast-microphone?ref=FNNTER 3:48:08 | viryl_lucas: Very wholesome 3:48:09 | (Prime Gaming) KayeM_TV: a gaggle of sharks you say? 3:48:09 | braddle172: LUL 3:48:10 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: a sharknado? 3:48:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: A class 3:48:11 | LOtiumduPeuple: polysharkmorous 3:48:12 | jritvt: f1nny 3:48:12 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: that burger is 14 stone worth of calories 3:48:12 | josecortesnival: Probably its where shiver me timbers comes from 3:48:12 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Sharks 3:48:12 | sasuke_csa: how much to swim with real sharks 3:48:12 | miloandthewhale: a NATO of sharks? 3:48:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lmao poly rights 3:48:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: PETA! 3:48:14 | barbie_secretstanner: What you think he’s cis or something! 3:48:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: you'll never have my blahaj 3:48:14 | ar1st1pp0s: a dozen Blåhajs & yet continues to pretend to not be trans -_- smh -_- 3:48:15 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lol 3:48:15 | boringdepressedintrovert: sharknado would have been a bit different with blahaj's 3:48:15 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Lol 3:48:16 | salivnya: 3:48:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 3:48:19 | noritus: IKEA Sharknado!! 3:48:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: we need a blahaj counter 3:48:20 | RyoZaya: wow, lmao 3:48:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Ayo 3:48:20 | m4cintoshplus: we need to sacrifice one of the blahaj LUL 3:48:21 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: blahaj dealer 3:48:21 | k4rakara: D: 3:48:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: A Gang bang of blahaj 3:48:22 | salivnya: 3:48:23 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: CHILL FINN 3:48:23 | NpcRival: Egg 3:48:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Is there an IKEA in Brum? 3:48:24 | kenji173: get some dragons and shit too 3:48:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: D: 3:48:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 3:48:26 | viryl_lucas: An infestation 3:48:26 | Admiral_Tetanus: I don't have one how much do u want 3:48:26 | Ghostie_86: umm 3:48:27 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:48:28 | TanksyPlays: the pronounciation of blahaj is driving me insane KEKW 3:48:28 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: U were saying @amoyamoyamoya ? 3:48:28 | Xernist: hello cuties 3:48:29 | xkiller254: damn fin 3:48:29 | Astrius: not even wrong LMFAO 3:48:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: KEKW 3:48:30 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: EVIL PLAN D: 3:48:31 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Which blahaj is the superior blahaj 3:48:31 | semisgamer: so thats why they were sold out 3:48:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ScarlettOHerah: Time to send more 3:48:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: D: 3:48:32 | kenji173: monkaW 3:48:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Sharknado is ass 3:48:32 | KnapperigeKapitein: you scalper 3:48:32 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: new Peaky Blinders arc 3:48:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: true 3:48:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: a reverse chaser 3:48:33 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:48:33 | LOtiumduPeuple: Cornering the market since 2020 baby 3:48:33 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:48:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSGrin aquafpSGrin aquafpSGrin 3:48:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: W 3:48:34 | x_progamesxl_x: blahaj vault. 3:48:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: what is this bit 3:48:34 | arthuranydonuts: D: You're a REAL girl to us! 3:48:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Monopoly building started 3:48:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: GoodNight Chat f1nnHeart linechuHug lumiichuComfy lumiichuTailSway ResidentSleeper linechuSleep 3:48:35 | frost177: You would buy out the entire stalk 3:48:35 | viryl_lucas: ALL THE TRANSWOMEN 3:48:35 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: Sharknado part 7 3:48:35 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Our little bean is all worked up 3:48:35 | jritvt: Finny 3:48:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Starts to sound like the blueberry girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 3:48:36 | TrueMezzo: lmaoooo this is killing me 3:48:37 | salivnya: il sell my left kidney for a blahaj 3:48:37 | Chacky13200: #IkeaRaid 3:48:37 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: blåhej scalper 3:48:37 | (Prime Gaming) Spongied: can i get one for a fiver 3:48:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Demon ass plan 3:48:38 | im_up_to_something: 3:48:38 | Kolateak_: KEKW 3:48:40 | IdaWow: Hahahahahahah 3:48:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: how many blåhajar have you stabbed? 3:48:40 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Lol 3:48:40 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: this is what peak capitalism looks like 3:48:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @natalixxxxxxxxx, see what you started? haha, nicely done 3:48:41 | Admiral_Tetanus: I';m not in Birmingham but pls 3:48:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Looked it up and found that a group of sharks is called a Shiver. Now he's on a rant. - 4280 3:48:42 | (Prime Gaming) csparks1234: Brb. On my way to rob Finn 3:48:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) dandilionandburdock: Sharknopoly 3:48:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Is that what you’re buying with the battle pass money? 3:48:45 | LittleMeyh: Blahaj is the trans ppl go-to plushy yk shinir1Jugement 3:48:45 | jackiedst: Finn wants all the trans girls to flock to him 3:48:46 | FrostyAzurez: play a game 3:48:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: for only 34.99$ you too can help a confused trans fem have a BLÅHAJ 3:48:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) georgetestpressing: Chaser arc 3:48:49 | kristanie0815: Blohi 3:48:49 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: @chloe__20_ night 3:48:50 | arthuranydonuts: The award for weirdest Bond villain goes to... 3:48:51 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: can i adopt a blahaj 3:48:53 | (Prime Gaming) Xandelor: Xandelor subscribed with Prime. 3:48:53 | x_progamesxl_x: you need a blahaj vault. 3:48:53 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: what you dont know how violent we can become without blahaj 3:48:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: xandelor subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang xandelor f1nnLezgang 3:48:53 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: You'll create an army's 3:48:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: You should give the sharks to the children’s ward at the hospital 3:48:55 | (Prime Gaming) NothingMoreVariant: Giv me Blåhaj pofflOWO domaniGun 3:48:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Oh. I guess that's one way to line up collaborators for the Battle Pass. 3:48:57 | Nochill163: Calling it a blehage really hurts my ears BibleThump BibleThump 3:48:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: !hug Banks 3:48:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Banks gets a big hug from chloe__20_ <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 3:48:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Fruitymegalomania 3:48:59 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: You'll never sleep again if all the trans girls knew where your house is. Just sayin 3:49:00 | EnderquakeYT: blahaj giveaway? 3:49:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -20s Entire Blahaj rant is clippable. - 4280 3:49:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I want it all and I want it now 3:49:04 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: Waltuh White Bit 3:49:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: what's your order 3:49:11 | sasuke_csa: baby shark do do do do 3:49:11 | johnpnicholls1122: Rose us taking over coming for the world next 3:49:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: @scarlettyg there is one just outside of Brum 3:49:15 | jackiedst: Babe, you already have us flocking to you, it's called chat XD 3:49:15 | 99thking: switches to face-up lurker mode DEF:2750 3:49:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @vanimal2118, Still more sane than Cow. 3:49:17 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Can't get beer at 11 3:49:18 | LOtiumduPeuple: @plumesofdusk chick fil a 3:49:18 | (Prime Gaming) dr_nav: !size 3:49:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: five guys is so overpriced 3:49:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 3:49:21 | Smiling_Shelly: Steal in Brum Really !!!! 3:49:22 | (Prime Gaming) DaveJimbles: I LOVE FIVE GUYS 3:49:24 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: Jesse we must corner the Blahaj market 3:49:24 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: How much for the Rust AK?? Kappa 3:49:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 80 minutes wtf!!! 3:49:27 | 99thking: Imma go to the store mvpDerp 3:49:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: five guys is slow in the US too 3:49:29 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) VasFalzVT: transgirl here; can confirm. plez adopt us with your blahajs 3:49:30 | FrostyAzurez: 4 big guys 3:49:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @richarduk81 he'll have to buy their whole stock then, it's the rules he made for himself 3:49:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: 4 big guys, and they bust in my eyes 3:49:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Back to the drawing board 3:49:32 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: In the UK they have beer not at a 5 guys in the states 3:49:33 | jritvt: Lamborghini 3:49:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 80 minutes is crazy 3:49:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 3:49:37 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:49:40 | ar1st1pp0s: usually 3:49:41 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 3:49:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:49:43 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Please look it up 3:49:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: GBK? 3:49:43 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: KEKE 3:49:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: for the 5 guys we need to wait a day guys 3:49:47 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: KEKW 3:49:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Idon't get it either 3:49:48 | xkiller254: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:49:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Cryo001 wat LUL 3:49:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: 34.99$ can help a confused egg have a BLÅHAJ, is that too much to ask?? 3:49:50 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: its called 4 big guys 3:49:52 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Lamo 3:49:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Lol 3:49:56 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: 4 big guys and they 3:49:56 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) Helen_Croft: goodnight @chloe__20_ 3:49:56 | kenji173: it‘s 4 guys 3:49:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) ind_i_go: lol 3:50:04 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: oh- 3:50:05 | josecortesnival: Pay no attention 3:50:06 | AlhambraMMXX: look up "4 big guys" 3:50:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: DOn't you still have beanz left from that BIG ASS can I PO Boxed? 3:50:08 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: I'm suprised that they're still delivering at this hour at night. tbf. 3:50:10 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Pizza 3:50:10 | gernadesquirrel: last download 89.9 and counting 3:50:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: !Hug @Helen_Croft 3:50:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: @Helen_Croft gets a big hug from chloe__20_ <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 3:50:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: april 5th baby 3:50:14 | kenji173: it‘s 4 guys you wouldn’t get it 3:50:14 | LamTion: 4hours minimum 3:50:16 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Four big guys and they bust in my eyes if they keep fucking me like this I might just die 3:50:16 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: Me 3:50:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: ? 3:50:18 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: GN @chloe__20_ <3 <3 <3 3:50:18 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Big John ? KEKW 3:50:19 | viryl_lucas: Big johnny 3:50:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: night chloe__20_, sleep well f1nnHeart 3:50:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: one of the five guys 3:50:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: !uptime 3:50:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 50m 30s 3:50:22 | FriendIyFemboy: Big johns is mid dont order 3:50:22 | bearpaw1970: Get a sub instead 3:50:22 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:50:23 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: They eat my just like 3:50:23 | viryl_lucas: Ehhh 3:50:23 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Huge joseph 3:50:24 | HoteLover: Usually it takes longer for these four guys to finish 3:50:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Big John sounds awesome 3:50:25 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:50:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) theraideghost: Why are you not dressed yet 3:50:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: since you're a vegetarian can't you just go outside and eat some grass?? 3:50:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Big John's is a chippy 3:50:29 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: HEYO PEOPLE! 3:50:29 | Xanrry: Have one pizza now and have two on your birthday 3:50:30 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: f1nnBingbong 3:50:30 | viryl_lucas: Huge john 3:50:30 | DEADBERD: father johns 3:50:32 | certified_boylover: get popsyes 3:50:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @theraideghost, he is :) 3:50:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Big Johns is great 3:50:35 | LamTion: gigantic johnathan 3:50:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Big Johns LUL 3:50:35 | m4cintoshplus: big john Kappa 3:50:37 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Papi john 3:50:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: time to put a Big John in your mouth lmao 3:50:37 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Night @chloe__20_ :) 3:50:38 | viryl_lucas: 12 incher john 3:50:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: four guys and big john KEKW 3:50:38 | certified_boylover: get popeyes 3:50:38 | TacticalHardcore: BIG JOHN 3:50:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @theraideghost We voted for the comfy gf fit 3:50:41 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Groß Johan's 3:50:41 | judgedame: Yes 3:50:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @theraideghost, We voted on the Comfy GF look. He's dressed. 3:50:43 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Small josephines 3:50:43 | FriendIyFemboy: Pepes is the best for Brum 3:50:44 | luncent: emiruWAVE emiruWAVE emiruWAVE emiruWAVE emiruWAVE 3:50:45 | xkiller254: damn your birthday is really close to my birthday , mine is on April 26 3:50:47 | jritvt: From ravenclaw lol nevermore. 3:50:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: big fuck off john 3:50:48 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Ayo ? 3:50:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL LUL 3:50:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Sounds like a pr0n site F1nn 3:50:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer300 i will bake you a pizza from scratch!!! 3:50:49 | LOtiumduPeuple: I only eat Beast burgers 3:50:49 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Simp 3:50:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Gargantuan John's 3:50:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: bigger than you johns 3:50:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: this is on my battlepass 3:50:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Big johns 3:50:54 | DEADBERD: tremendous johns 3:50:54 | trevorstewart1308: ?Any tips on learning a Bermingham accent? 3:50:56 | josecortesnival: Those names are not helping 3:50:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: I like big John's 3:50:57 | Chacky13200: Huge Johns so ... well why not 3:50:58 | kenji173: HUH 3:50:58 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: f1nnMonka 3:50:59 | johnpnicholls1122: Big John thank you 3:51:00 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Someone remember to send F1nn 4 big guys the next time he does mediashare 3:51:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Obese Johns 3:51:02 | phos4us_: Biggest Johns 3:51:03 | tiliuuu: wont you miss being sfw? 3:51:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) chloe__20_: !Hug @vanimal2118 @ChasingSol @Solus_kun 3:51:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: @vanimal2118 @ChasingSol @Solus_kun gets a big hug from chloe__20_ <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 3:51:03 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo KEKW 3:51:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: John le Grand 3:51:03 | Willowight: sizable johns 3:51:05 | Den_drummer: big john? big toilet? (is language joke) 3:51:06 | LOtiumduPeuple: Only beast burger diet is the best 3:51:06 | TacticalHardcore: CHAD JOHNES 3:51:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Colossal John's 3:51:09 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wow @johnkeiwo & @johnbanks117 ! obkatAwooga 3:51:09 | DEADBERD: planetary johns 3:51:10 | FriendIyFemboy: Pepes does the best peri peri chicken in brum imo 3:51:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: thiccc johns 3:51:10 | kenji173: Pog 3:51:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: GARGANTUAN John 3:51:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: imma do what F1nn does for his bday this year. my bday is on the 20th of April lol 3:51:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Sounds delicious 3:51:19 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: OOOO 3:51:20 | aunalbrutal: @johnkeiwo Did f1nn just talk about you? XD 3:51:20 | kenji173: just don‘t poison pls 3:51:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Homemade pizza is very easy 3:51:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: What do you get on your dominos? 3:51:26 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: you want WHAT 3:51:27 | arzi77perra: so so nice 3:51:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ..... 3:51:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: A man???? 3:51:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: 0/ 3:51:29 | viryl_lucas: A man 3:51:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) onesek_: homemade pizza is so easy, it literally makes itself 3:51:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: making it worse 3:51:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 3:51:31 | Agmoa: The sluttiest thing a guy can do is cook a good meal 3:51:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: homemade pizza is the best 3:51:33 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) mental_vr: chibidokiNOTED 3:51:33 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: mhm 3:51:33 | (Prime Gaming) look_its_sarah: same finn same 3:51:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Homemade pizza slaps 3:51:33 | (Prime Gaming) dickbutts123: sus 3:51:34 | viryl_lucas: Goes right to a man 3:51:34 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Ayo. 3:51:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @aunalbrutal, nah i'm just fuckin around x) 3:51:35 | itsfree_real_estate: a man?? 3:51:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: a man? 3:51:35 | certified_boylover: A MAN 3:51:35 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: right 3:51:36 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:51:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: You should make one!! It's easy as hell! 3:51:37 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: CAP 3:51:37 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Since your a vegetarian, do you like tofu? 3:51:39 | certified_boylover: GAYYYYYYYY 3:51:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A man hm 3:51:40 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: mhm sure 3:51:41 | xkiller254: I will make you a five course meal with pizza 3:51:41 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Clip & Ship it! 3:51:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Sourdough pizza is a semi-weekly occurrence at my house 3:51:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: kek 3:51:42 | (Prime Gaming) NothingMoreVariant: Good going m8 you’ve got a lot of simps here, love to see the hustle <3 3:51:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lmao really F1nn????? 3:51:42 | (cheer 1) Electromagnetic: "I just want a man" - F1nn 2023 3:51:44 | (Prime Gaming) WildFoxAttack: KappaPride 3:51:44 | sam_0045: Dominoes or pappa John's? 3:51:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @lordstark9298, He hates the stuff. 3:51:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: He let is slip 3:51:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Sexist? 3:51:47 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !mic 3:51:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Earthworks Ethos mic. Get your own using code "FNNTER" from https://onecustomaudio.com/collections/microphones/products/ethos-xlr-broadcast-microphone?ref=FNNTER 3:51:47 | quickgroth: Do you want to see my site ? 3:51:47 | aunalbrutal: @johnkeiwo XD 3:51:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: As long a she/he makes me a pizza, I don't care about theur gender 3:51:49 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: F1nn with the pizza 3:51:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: 3:51:51 | (GLHF Pledge) Rayuki_: nifty gifties 3:51:51 | viryl_lucas: The towwwwn insideee me 3:51:52 | kenji173: you can get a PIZZA DEEZ NUTS 3:51:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Dank 3:51:56 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) FemboyDommie: im pro italian pizza make ill share my sauce recipe because i like you 3:51:56 | itsfree_real_estate: sus 3:51:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: oh it does make a difference 3:51:58 | judgedame: Me I used to work in a pizzeria 3:51:59 | LittleMeyh: Kappa100 Kappa100 I was gonna ask you what’s your (food) order. But then I remember it would probably be “get on your knees, open your mouth…. good girl” Kappa100 3:52:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Time to learn to cook 3:52:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer300 I can literealy make you a pizza from scratch at twitch con paris 3:52:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: I think you have made me start saying nifty 3:52:03 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:52:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Papa F1nn's 3:52:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Yeah get that pls 3:52:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 3:52:05 | DEADBERD: halloumi PogChamp 3:52:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we memba 3:52:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: TIL: His go-to is a man for a person to make him a pizza. 3:52:08 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: 1 time? 3:52:08 | bigsuave7: Kreygasm 3:52:09 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 3:52:10 | viryl_lucas: Noooooooo 3:52:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo??? 3:52:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: NO 3:52:11 | Chacky13200: Deep throat cheese 3:52:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: What do u get on ur pizza? 3:52:12 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) impdotex: Do they have pizza hut in the uk? 3:52:12 | kenji173: go on.. 3:52:13 | certified_boylover: kek 3:52:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Ayo 3:52:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: DIRECTIONAL MIC INNIT 3:52:14 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: The entire town inside me 3:52:17 | Emmy64_: KEKW 3:52:18 | bluenebula_8: Stay away from misogyny, stay gay 3:52:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: chat keep your hands on the keyboard KEKW 3:52:19 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: Fries with ranch to dip in? Kappa 3:52:20 | (Prime Gaming) megaroot: OMEGALUL 3:52:20 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Is there a Pizza Hut in Birmingham? 3:52:20 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: OMEGALUL 3:52:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 3:52:21 | LOtiumduPeuple: I ordered CBD in the end of the day 3:52:21 | braddle172: KEKW 3:52:22 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: KEKW 3:52:23 | natalie_1984: lol 3:52:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahah 3:52:23 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:52:23 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 3:52:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: jesus chat. not cool 3:52:25 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: He's gotta record content while he eats his dinner. 3:52:25 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 3:52:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: oh????? 3:52:27 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: WHAT 3:52:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no Cumge part two aquafpAquafpssad 3:52:29 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 3:52:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: 3:52:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sirzazzelot: bois it was fun o7 gotta dip 3:52:30 | arzi77perra: 3:52:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO? 3:52:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Reload the stream and just hear "get on your knees" lmao 3:52:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 3:52:33 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: please stop 3:52:34 | arquiJ: a good memory 3:52:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Extra yogurt? 3:52:35 | viryl_lucas: AYOOOOO 3:52:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: oh 3:52:35 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: omg 3:52:36 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: HUH 3:52:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: that's my mom's birthday 3:52:37 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: hmm ? 3:52:38 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: what the fuck 3:52:38 | scatteredleaves: ayo 3:52:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: whoa 3:52:39 | (cheer 100) otakugengshit: HAHAHAHAHAHA 3:52:39 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Ayoo 3:52:39 | nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2Sip 3:52:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: 100 3:52:41 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: AYOOOO 3:52:41 | braddle172: 3:52:41 | certified_boylover: march 3rd 3:52:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: monkaS 3:52:42 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER check little dm 3:52:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: 3:52:43 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: FUCKKKKKK 3:52:43 | upilnaru: is real your voice 3:52:45 | mr_girbraltar: Ayooo 3:52:45 | Emmy64_: @amoyamoyamoya AYOOOO KEKW 3:52:45 | fakepacman: I could do one for you as Iam professional chef 3:52:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: ayooo 3:52:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Wdym by that 3:52:47 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: oooo 3:52:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WTF 3:52:47 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: ayo 3:52:48 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: Fucking WHAT 3:52:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 3:52:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Noted, 3/3 3:52:51 | LOtiumduPeuple: 100 bucks sadge 3:52:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: f1nnMonka f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 3:52:52 | itsfree_real_estate: 100 3:52:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omg 3:52:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: Ayooooo 3:52:54 | AsduGun: It’s gonna be march first in 5 min for me, aren’t you getting dressed for the occasion? 3:52:54 | 13beesinatrenchcoat: Hol up 3:52:54 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: 100 bucks POGGERS 3:52:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Sil PogU 3:52:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: 100 3:52:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: someone put me in a coma for a few days 3:52:58 | Emmy64_: CaitlynS nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 3:52:59 | certified_boylover: missed 100$ dono 3:53:00 | im_up_to_something: Nice tease 3:53:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 3:53:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 100 F1nn 3:53:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 3:53:01 | Smiling_Shelly: you missed it 3:53:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: F1nn can't read numbers lmao 3:53:07 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime 3:53:09 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Poor Silvers 3:53:09 | craigpp12: craigpp12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months! 34 months pog 3:53:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: craigpp12 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 34 months at Tier 1! PogU 3:53:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:53:11 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 3:53:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: agreed ! 3:53:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahahaha 3:53:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Chat, let me know if the BP is any good. Not subbing to this dude. 3:53:21 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: NO 3:53:21 | total_acidity: nah 3:53:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: ye 3:53:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: no 3:53:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: No battlepass f1nnNomods f1nnNomods 3:53:26 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: no 3:53:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Why does he never notice Silvers first dono KEKW 3:53:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Yesss 3:53:28 | itsfree_real_estate: no 3:53:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) theraideghost: Yes 3:53:30 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: no 3:53:30 | (Watching without audio) richhdodger: NO!!!! 3:53:31 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:53:31 | GeremyGaming: yes do it 3:53:33 | certified_boylover: hell no 3:53:33 | LOtiumduPeuple: ShadyLulu 3:53:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: yes 3:53:34 | mr_girbraltar: Yes 3:53:36 | braddle172: Yes 3:53:36 | luncent: LUL LUL 3:53:36 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: yes 3:53:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: blackberries 3:53:38 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: poll it 3:53:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: HANDSOME MALE, lots of drip. 3:53:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) yu_gi_oh_nerd: Yes 3:53:41 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Sure 3:53:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: no 3:53:42 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER check little dm i send you 3:53:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Realizes Silvers dono was $100. - 4240 3:53:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Do boy mode for April fools 3:53:45 | chilled_spice: Yes 3:53:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: Sure 3:53:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: MALE FAIL KEKW 3:53:46 | viryl_lucas: "Boy" 3:53:47 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: L 3:53:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: Yes 3:53:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: your boy mode sucks 3:53:48 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: It's still the eyelashes. 3:53:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: Male fail 3:53:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: The lashes stay on in bed 3:53:49 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: haha 3:53:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: L 3:53:50 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 3:53:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: mail fail 3:53:52 | Emmy64_: @amoyamoyamoya I think it will not be great, but for f1nn doing sensual stuff maybe f1nnEmbarrassed 3:53:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Dewit 3:53:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 3:53:56 | certified_boylover: male fail 3:53:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Mail fail f1nnLaff 3:53:57 | LOtiumduPeuple: "as close of boy mode I can do" is quite an honest statement 3:53:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: common f1nn L KEKW 3:53:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RMarks95: male fail lol 3:54:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @justmessyblack aquafpSGrin LUL 3:54:03 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Boy mode? 3:54:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: boy mode you say f1nnEgg 3:54:05 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: That's a damn lie 3:54:06 | viryl_lucas: Lmao 3:54:08 | jritvt: Little Caesars x Mr Jim's 3:54:09 | 0melet_: you should wear what you want for your birthday 3:54:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Silvers you mad man 3:54:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 3:54:12 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Yoooo 3:54:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Lol definitely not the best here either 3:54:13 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 3:54:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: no, that's just british cuisine in general 3:54:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Amen 3:54:18 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 3:54:19 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Loggers Silver 3:54:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: !birthday 3:54:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's birthday is April 21, Rose's is April 30 3:54:27 | essasnozeslmao: mascuLinity 3:54:29 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Poggers 3:54:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP The start of strim was the closest Boy Mode he could do. SADGE. - 4310 3:54:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: exactly why I say boymode doesn't exist 3:54:33 | LOtiumduPeuple: let's make him a millionnaire already ! 3:54:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: tbf some mom & pops are shit-fests. 3:54:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: I’m Rhode Island a lot of the pizza places also do shawarma and similar foods 3:54:45 | bearpaw1970: D@mn it 3:54:46 | TacticalHardcore: Avoid those fukn restaurants with thousands of dishes 3:54:48 | xkiller254: my birthday day is on April 26 3:54:52 | stiikbug: wait you're cis 3:54:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: better exchange rate-> same dollars is more pounds 3:54:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Pizza topping? Cotton might be into that if you ask her nicely 3:54:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: pineapple 3:55:00 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 3:55:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @stiikbug, yep :) 3:55:02 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: I visited Wednesbury IKEA the other day - they had lots of Blåhaj in stock - both the £8 babies and £22 full size ones... 3:55:03 | phos4us_: anchovies, olives, pineapple, and broccoli? 3:55:04 | LOtiumduPeuple: My favorite pizza ? Controversial 3:55:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: blackberries and pineapple 3:55:04 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Pineapple? 3:55:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: anchovies 3:55:05 | bartholomewriot: Pizza is up to the person 3:55:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Oh noy 3:55:06 | Chri55PBacon: PizzaTime PizzaTime 3:55:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: oh ffs I was having dinner with guests. was he doing the girl voice? 3:55:07 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Pineapple is goated 3:55:08 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: WutFace 3:55:09 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime 3:55:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lazergypsy: lazergypsy subscribed at Tier 1. 3:55:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lazergypsy subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lazergypsy f1nnLezgang 3:55:10 | viryl_lucas: Good 3:55:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: HUH 3:55:11 | itsmeagainuwuhh: Cheer100 making you fanart because you deserve it!! hope your live stream goes good Cheer100 Cheer100 3:55:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: amen brother 3:55:13 | KnapperigeKapitein: pinapple pizza slaps though 3:55:13 | dotgobbler: 3sweet5me 3:55:13 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: he's an animal 3:55:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: fetta better 3:55:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: f1nnGross 3:55:15 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: hell no 3:55:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Grand choice 3:55:15 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Your a wrong one 3:55:16 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Already so dumb 3:55:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: OMG so good 3:55:16 | cyphergoduss: hhh 3:55:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: that sounds okay 3:55:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: nice nice 3:55:18 | ethereal_memories: based 3:55:18 | xkiller254: yesssssssssssssss 3:55:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgHot rexgHot rexgHot 3:55:19 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: based 3:55:19 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: goat's cheese tastes of goat 3:55:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: black olives are AWESOME on pizza 3:55:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: nah 3:55:20 | Den_drummer: PizzaTime 3:55:21 | beyondthegrave1997: Not bad 3:55:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Sounds good actually 3:55:22 | (cheer 100) alyxgothotbuns: Ok? I can taste the goat 3:55:23 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) VasFalzVT: feta is great 3:55:24 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Yessss 3:55:26 | (Prime Gaming) Topotante: sun dried tomatoes? 3:55:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: egh 3:55:26 | LOtiumduPeuple: Honey and goat cheese 3:55:26 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: oooo good 3:55:27 | (Prime Gaming) pyrandname: TRU 3:55:28 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Facts 3:55:28 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: change black olive for katamala olive. Also use a pesto basil base. 3:55:28 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: black olives are based 3:55:29 | 0melet_: they dont sell that in my country 3:55:29 | viryl_lucas: Very good 3:55:30 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Moster 3:55:30 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Finn liiks his toppings. Because we all know he ain't topping anything himself. 3:55:30 | sulmi_i: i like pepperoni, pineapple and sweet peppers goes HARD 3:55:31 | (cheer 1) name_exe124: name_exe124 subscribed with Prime. 3:55:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: name_exe124 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang name_exe124 f1nnLezgang 3:55:32 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: at least it's not pineapple 3:55:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: sounds interesting. should try it 3:55:33 | ironicallyfemboyish: My pizza topping of choice is spicy chicken, pineapple and jalapeños, trust me it’s so good 3:55:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: That sounds great 3:55:33 | xlilxreaper: @xkiller254 27th :p 3:55:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: WHat about artichokes? 3:55:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Bit of caramelized red onion too 3:55:36 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Monster 3:55:37 | arzi77perra: stop you sound like a girl with a cold but still agirl. 3:55:38 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: I'm gana take a nap Mau5 3:55:38 | judgedame: Pineapple mushrooms and jalapeños 3:55:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Margarita is always a classic though 3:55:39 | Lazy_Lola: gotta get some goat cheese, pumpkin seeds, rocket and honey 3:55:40 | scatteredleaves: pizza idk 3:55:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: black olives are the best omg!!! 3:55:43 | bearpaw1970: Love black olives 3:55:44 | procdump: Feta, yay! 3:55:44 | (cheer 100) nurodev: PogChamp 3:55:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I love black olives on pizza 3:55:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: The exchange rate means more pounds to dollars makes donors cheaper 3:55:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn's pizza toppings. - 4180 3:55:46 | r_a_user: olives pog 3:55:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: Besides the olives, everything sounds so good 3:55:48 | xkiller254: I LOVE BLACK OLIVES 3:55:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Pineapple and habanero goated pizza topping 3:55:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: SeemsGood SeemsGood 3:55:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Really? Black olives are a staple here in US 3:55:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Sounds good actually. 3:55:53 | kristanie0815: Corn+tuna is best 3:55:54 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: REDEEMED. Feta is god tier 3:55:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn can forget visiting Italy 3:55:56 | ar1st1pp0s: AU went down 3:56:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:56:01 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Do you like green olives? 3:56:01 | im_up_to_something: Not a fan of olives. But enjoy 3:56:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: US brokey it is what it is 3:56:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: au dying 3:56:06 | (Prime Gaming) rowil07: a med pizza? 3:56:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Is Silvers trying to be the new ? 3:56:07 | HappieDae: Mine fav too 3:56:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn has taste after all...who knew? 3:56:09 | Tenebrio_D_Holmes: olives fuckin slap 3:56:13 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: Bidens America is killing us 3:56:18 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Smooth Silvers, may want a private sampling of GV? 3:56:19 | humanratpoison: gbp might have gone back up 3:56:19 | tsilvers: No it was us, its 1.3x now 3:56:19 | bartholomewriot: Money is Money but Finn is worth it 3:56:21 | (Prime Gaming) DaveJimbles: black olives reign supreme 3:56:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wamboder: ill try a goat cheese and black olive pizza the 21 april 3:56:30 | mirot47: Pineapples on pizza!?!?? are you serious? 3:56:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omg 3:56:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @kristanie0815 if only restaurants near me made it with a tomato base instead of sour cream... 3:56:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: would only work if AU goes up in worth or not? 3:56:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: "Currency is hard" 3:56:37 | Willowight: he owns america? 3:56:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 1USD = 0.83 GBP 3:56:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: US pounds has been pretty stable 3:56:40 | TacticalHardcore: Don’t order from places with a very long menu 3:56:41 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) VasFalzVT: US is kinda going down tbh. makes my job harder xD 3:56:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 1USD = 0.83 GBP 3:56:48 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: The IRS? 3:56:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: wtf 3:56:49 | certified_boylover: those dayum liberals 3:56:49 | (Prime Gaming) PeeShaman: Black olives on pizza are blood bangin 3:56:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: its all bad who evers in office 3:56:51 | viryl_lucas: Hehe 3:56:54 | x_progamesxl_x: hmm 3:56:55 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: "funny" 3:56:55 | (Prime Gaming) Dreamdragon2083: Corporations are killing us. 3:56:55 | soretid: Pardon! 3:56:56 | braddle172: ? 3:56:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: "Here comes the airplaneeeeee" KEKW 3:56:58 | (Prime Gaming) PeeShaman: Bloody* 3:56:59 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kappa 3:57:00 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) name_exe124: Been a while since I've made it to a live stream! Hello! f1nnHeart 3:57:01 | general_of_cm: hatd self report 3:57:01 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: funny ? U mean horny chatter 3:57:01 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: oh 3:57:02 | LOtiumduPeuple: @certified_boylover Joe Biden took my job ! 3:57:03 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: milk girl photo 3:57:03 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: That’s funny??? 3:57:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Feeding fetish 3:57:05 | xkiller254: milk 3:57:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Black olives and artichoke 3:57:06 | (Prime Gaming) RoseMeronym: ...Pringles 3:57:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: probably lettuce 3:57:08 | viryl_lucas: Milk? 3:57:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: you always phrase stuff like that lol 3:57:09 | nightfox92: Its no wonder this man has a net worth of 5 million 3:57:09 | total_acidity: Sophisticated humor 3:57:09 | xkiller254: MILK 3:57:10 | Ordanse: Hamburgers 3:57:11 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Cake 3:57:12 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: Like a burrito or smth KEKW 3:57:12 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: !mic 3:57:12 | sl4sh4ndd4sh: Feeding you a full english breakfast 3:57:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Earthworks Ethos mic. Get your own using code "FNNTER" from https://onecustomaudio.com/collections/microphones/products/ethos-xlr-broadcast-microphone?ref=FNNTER 3:57:13 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Please don't insult us like that, Rose. 3:57:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: AngelicBunnyBoy redeemed skirt spin 3:57:15 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 3:57:16 | xkiller254: Milk 3:57:16 | PsillyCephalopod: glizzy KEKW 3:57:16 | FrostyAzurez: Feeding you my long john silver 3:57:16 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 3:57:16 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: strawberries with whipped cream 3:57:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Hilarious 3:57:18 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: youre a cat 3:57:18 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: carrots 3:57:18 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: A CAROT ! 3:57:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Lordy 3:57:19 | braddle172: Is this a feeder kink or something 3:57:20 | josecortesnival: Food dummy 3:57:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: bananas 3:57:20 | (Subscriber) booberies1: have you seen the picture with the milk 3:57:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: here comes the strapon! 3:57:21 | MajesticFvckingEagle: "banana" 3:57:23 | bearpaw1970: Gummy worms 3:57:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @johnkeiwo Why involve Liz Truss in this? 3:57:23 | ClayDoc: Very funny and comedic. You should definitely do that 3:57:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Translation "You know what would be funny? My exact fetish/fantasy lol" 3:57:24 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Oh my god, imagine ! 3:57:24 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) LaurenArtful: Footlong Vegan Sausage? 3:57:25 | judgedame: It would be funny 3:57:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @nightfox92 don't believe everything you see online 3:57:27 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Nano has a feeding kink; give her a call. 3:57:30 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Wait I just got an idea !! 3:57:30 | soretid: Lets keep it like that ^^ 3:57:31 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: BROOOO 3:57:31 | total_acidity: Barbie cat! 3:57:32 | xkiller254: bananan 3:57:33 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: ice cream. 3:57:35 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: I JUST GOT HEREE 3:57:35 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: The milk girl photo 3:57:36 | CaptainXgamer15: yoyo 3:57:37 | arzi77perra: your neckless is rocking. 3:57:38 | octyn_: F1nn do you have any tips for parents not supporting you wanting to cross dress 3:57:38 | The_Despotian: CATch 3:57:39 | im_up_to_something: Banana obviously 3:57:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: "feeding" could mean too many things I'm scared lol 3:57:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izid7 izid7 izid7 3:57:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Natt, in Chat!!! 3:57:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Hey Natt 3:57:42 | viryl_lucas: Tehehehe 3:57:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: ayoooo 3:57:45 | josecortesnival: Natt comes at the worst times 3:57:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: sup @Natt 3:57:47 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Oh yay it's flirt with Natt time! 3:57:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Hi Natt!!!!!! 3:57:48 | total_acidity: Hi Natt 3:57:49 | sgsadhshvs: hi natt 3:57:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP @Natt in Chat. - 4170 3:57:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: do you LIVE on cheese? 3:57:52 | itsfree_real_estate: hi natt 3:57:52 | Scrooge_McBong: Hi mommy F1nn! 3:57:52 | 0melet_: NATT 3:57:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: natt my man 3:57:53 | MajesticFvckingEagle: hi Natt 3:57:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Hey Natt!!! 3:57:56 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Hey Natt 3:57:57 | bearpaw1970: Hey there Natt 3:57:57 | mirot47: I'm a Chicagoan that's is totally obsurd 3:57:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Hi natt 3:57:58 | Chri55PBacon: hi natt 3:57:59 | total_acidity: Ugh, Subway 3:57:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Hi Natt 3:58:00 | LOtiumduPeuple: His necklace is so cuute 3:58:00 | xlilxreaper: Rose is even girly in her indecisiveness 3:58:02 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: hi natt 3:58:02 | cavetguy: Oh that sounds good. 3:58:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) name_exe124: ayup natt 3:58:03 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: what vegetarian meals can you order at this hour? 3:58:07 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @Natt, Evening Natt 3:58:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Hi Natt 3:58:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Hello Mr Natt 3:58:08 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: I am father chat 3:58:08 | Scrooge_McBong: Natt? 3:58:09 | (Subscriber) booberies1: mommy 3:58:10 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Natt act like he don't like it but always comes back Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 3:58:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) Donimir_Trutin: mommy? 3:58:13 | Just_Shephard: Hey Natty 3:58:14 | sgsadhshvs: i love mcdonalds 3:58:14 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: hi father 3:58:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:58:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: mom 3:58:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: father 3:58:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) gaddafi_duck_: Or princess 3:58:15 | TacticalHardcore: Do you have kebab in Birmingham? 3:58:16 | RonnieSxl: hi natt 3:58:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Mommy is angwy 3:58:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) noah__vt: dommy 3:58:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Hi mommy Natt and daddy F1nn 3:58:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Mommy!! 3:58:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mommy 3:58:18 | scatteredleaves: mom 3:58:19 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: hello father 3:58:19 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: A fellow Natt? yippee 3:58:19 | itsfree_real_estate: MOMMY??!?! 3:58:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: auntie 3:58:19 | (Subscriber) booberies1: FATHER 3:58:19 | ClayDoc: Parent 3:58:20 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: father 3:58:20 | FerociousViper22: daddy natty 3:58:20 | sasuke_csa: OK egg 3:58:20 | total_acidity: Princess 3:58:21 | (Watching without audio) luwucyquin: mommy 3:58:21 | makromaniac: good day father 3:58:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Daddy ? 3:58:22 | ar1st1pp0s: Hey Natt 3:58:22 | Scrooge_McBong: Mommy 3:58:22 | xd_fabian_x: chill son 3:58:22 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: greetings father 3:58:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) junkawaycity: @F1NN5TER I always prefer to go DOWN to subway and order in person. because otherwise I know something will get messed up 3:58:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Mommy nat 3:58:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: daddy Natt 3:58:23 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: good evening father 3:58:23 | soretid: Do not! Order something more.. i dont know 3:58:24 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Hello Father Natt, welcome in 3:58:24 | xXNeroZashiXx: hi natt 3:58:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 3:58:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: You prefer, good girl, huh? 3:58:25 | cavetguy: McDonald’s?? 3:58:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: queen 3:58:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Daddy, please tell Mommy to stop yelling 3:58:26 | (cheer 1) dark_aphelion: Parental Unit 3:58:26 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Mother. aknowledge us, 3:58:26 | (Subscriber) SanguineIce: Mommy, natt? 3:58:27 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Hi mommy Natt 3:58:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: mommy?!?! 3:58:30 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Glucose Guardian 3:58:34 | mirot47: @natt howdy bro 3:58:34 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: I don't like being called moomy or daddy either. Just cringe 3:58:34 | nightshade2233: Dommy? BegWan combine the two 3:58:34 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Hi mommy @Natt 3:58:35 | (cheer 100) otakugengshit: BABY 3:58:36 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: Father Natt is holy pepeD 3:58:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Father Natt sounds like dodgy priest 3:58:36 | im_up_to_something: Mommy misfit28LetsGoHype 3:58:37 | TacticalHardcore: Do you have kebab in your city? 3:58:38 | furenzard: Mmoommmmyy 3:58:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: the godfather 3:58:41 | ar1st1pp0s: i think the correct term for Natt is "bruh" 3:58:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Asks Natt to be Chat's mommy while he orders food. - 4120 3:58:42 | viryl_lucas: Mother Natt 3:58:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Father Natt 3:58:43 | bearpaw1970: Lmao' 3:58:44 | Scrooge_McBong: Mommy egg 3:58:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) LaurenArtful: Princess Finn, Mommy Natt? 3:58:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) lordstark9298: McDonald fries slap 3:58:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) name_exe124: Mommy Natt, greetings 3:58:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: holy pepe\ 3:58:47 | (Prime Gaming) keekocat: What about the british version? 3:58:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: mummy and daddy are fighting :( 3:58:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lazergypsy: How's it hangin Natt 3:58:50 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: Prayge 3:58:50 | sasuke_csa: OK mother 3:58:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: STOP TRYING TO FORCE FEM NATT F1NN! 3:58:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Father Natt had a nice ring to it 3:58:53 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: Subby 3:58:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I accept Natt as our new Daddy 3:58:56 | alexgetyeet: Mommy 3:58:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: awww 3:58:57 | total_acidity: Clap 3:58:58 | certified_boylover: plz tell me im a good boy 3:58:59 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: hallowed be thy name 3:58:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: North Carolina POG\ 3:58:59 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: TransgenderPride 3:59:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Same, I am from rural NC too 3:59:00 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Based learning chatter 3:59:02 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: @Natt is here? 3:59:02 | soretid: Well said 3:59:03 | evanseevee: Don't make f1nn uncomfortable challenge, Impossible 3:59:03 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: his my moo bear =p 3:59:03 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU Clap 3:59:03 | LOtiumduPeuple: North carolina in da house ! 3:59:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Uh, yes! mommy 3:59:05 | furenzard: Mc d sprite hit diferent 3:59:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 3:59:11 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart femboy32Heart warden6Love stardu78Rollin 3:59:12 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:59:13 | octyn_: @f1nn5ter What kind of led light os that pink one 3:59:15 | braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: NO 3:59:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: haha 3:59:16 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 3:59:16 | PsillyCephalopod: POGGERS 3:59:16 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 3:59:17 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 3:59:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) ToxicJayce: L 3:59:18 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong sarahs39Bingbong adcvrDINKDONK deamhaWiggle puckLove f1nnHeart 3:59:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:18 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: YOU FUCKING WHORE 3:59:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: HUH 3:59:19 | guybasiil: lol 3:59:19 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 3:59:19 | (Listening only) thekingone10: DoritosChip DoritosChip 3:59:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) the_amazing_jess: Nc 3:59:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 3:59:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 3:59:21 | xkiller254: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:22 | EnderquakeYT: YES YOU GOT IT 3:59:22 | viryl_lucas: Do it 3:59:22 | k4rakara: KEKW 3:59:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahhaha 3:59:22 | greenlandisicey: im sorry what 3:59:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong 3:59:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 3:59:23 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: YOU EAT THE CAROT 3:59:23 | (Moderator, Sub Gifter) bluj40: bing bong 3:59:23 | (Prime Gaming) JudgeGold: HUH 3:59:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3:59:23 | total_acidity: f1nnBingbong 3:59:23 | (Prime Gaming) ThaProdigy0: NC in the house! 3:59:24 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 3:59:24 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: we got him 3:59:24 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: OMFG 3:59:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: LMAO @johnkeiwo 3:59:24 | (Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 3:59:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Can't wait to see it! 3:59:25 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 3:59:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: OMFG 3:59:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: OMFG 3:59:26 | nightshade2233: chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip chumba2Sip 3:59:26 | taywudtkussy: Someone please clip that 3:59:26 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: that'll hurt 3:59:26 | Thesamuli44: KEKW What? 3:59:27 | (Prime Gaming) xnorrocx: HOLEsome 3:59:28 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: yeah that carrot fit pretty well 3:59:28 | soretid: Depends one the carrot 3:59:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong LUL f1nnBingbong NotLikeThis f1nnBingbong 3:59:28 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: No ones ever thought of that 3:59:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Only the oldest person in chat is daddy 3:59:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 3:59:29 | braddle172: KEKW 3:59:30 | thegodofnosleep: What the hell is going on? 3:59:32 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: John: no horny, also John: horny 3:59:32 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 3:59:33 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: OMEGALUL 3:59:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: what? f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Silvers holy moly 3:59:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: LUL LUL LUL LUL 3:59:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 3:59:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: YOU ARE BRAIN BROKEN !!! 3:59:38 | Jaxx_Vill: 3:59:40 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: DO IT 3:59:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I hope you washed that carrot thoroughly 3:59:42 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: go for it 3:59:42 | aoghan123: Maybe he meant eat more veg 3:59:42 | Hassleglass: nah carrots give you micro abrasions. p bad 3:59:44 | braddle172: !time 3:59:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:00 3:59:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Fcuk'd JohnK dono message. - 4170 3:59:48 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: yes you do @Natt 3:59:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Finn didn’t pass the test NotLikeThis 3:59:49 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do another UwU 3:59:51 | im_up_to_something: misfit28Confused 3:59:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 3:59:52 | FerociousViper22: blowhigh???? 3:59:54 | xkiller254: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:56 | octyn_: What type of led light is that pink one and what monitora do you use @f1nn5ter 3:59:56 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 3:59:56 | mirot47: I think he's thinking the other orifice 4:00:00 | soretid: Wlow-whooge 4:00:00 | (cheer 1) SubliminalCorruption: TTS did it correctly! 4:00:01 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: that's not wholesome?!?!! f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 4:00:01 | Willowight: it doewnt sound as good 4:00:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 4:00:02 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart adcvrLOVE malixaHeart malixaLove f1nnCowjam stardu78Rollin adcvrDINKDONK 4:00:02 | Ghostie_86: blauhay 4:00:03 | ar1st1pp0s: Natt: it is so cringe you are warned 4:00:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Forever Bluh-hodge 4:00:05 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Do not blow the blahaj 4:00:06 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Is Natt still here? 4:00:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 4:00:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: ayooo 4:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 4:00:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 4:00:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gremlin 4:00:18 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: f1nnMonka 4:00:18 | viryl_lucas: Minecraft goodbye 4:00:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 4:00:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: sleep baby girl 4:00:20 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Natt speak to us! 4:00:20 | braddle172: !uptime 4:00:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 30s 4:00:21 | Twedo_: i cannot wait to see your bussy 4:00:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: This man dont blåhaj xd 4:00:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @SubliminalCorruption, Always has. 4:00:23 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: whole carrot or no carrot in my opinion 4:00:25 | LOtiumduPeuple: you're so adorable 4:00:31 | JadeLyra: Bluh Hadge TransgenderPride 4:00:32 | (Prime Gaming) fishpies12: Daddy chill 4:00:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: So that settles it, Cotton will bring a bucket of carrots to Paris 4:00:36 | sgsadhshvs: hi rose 4:00:36 | MajesticFvckingEagle: I thought that was Cotton's catchphrase? 4:00:37 | howiethellammaa: demonb21Run 4:00:37 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: I have lil phrases to practice my voice KEKW 4:00:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Minecraft video? You do Minecraft videos? 4:00:42 | itsfree_real_estate: whole carrot 4:00:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: I think "high how are you" lol 4:00:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: No baby carrots 4:00:45 | josecortesnival: What happened with natt? 4:00:46 | Scrooge_McBong: Dry the carrot and sale it to everyone! 4:00:50 | DarknessAlone: Hey man how's it going? 4:00:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: let’s hear we won’t judge 4:00:59 | LOtiumduPeuple: @scarlettyg She always carry carrots with her I believe 4:00:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Whole carrot including the top 4:01:05 | Den_drummer: f1nn: "chat too horny, let's do wholesome stream" ; also f1nn: *mixes in some horny the whole time* 4:01:06 | viryl_lucas: F1nn is allergic to wholesomeness 4:01:11 | (Prime Gaming) spookymittenss: hi natt 4:01:13 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:01:16 | kenji173: PSA don‘t use carrots or anything easily breakable chat! 4:01:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking to Natt and mentioning his catch-phrase ("You're adorable."). - 4180 4:01:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: O Canada rexg7 4:01:18 | excbrad: 1 raiders from excbrad have joined! 4:01:18 | LOtiumduPeuple: You made me question my future career 4:01:18 | ClayDoc: Please do 4:01:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: D: 4:01:20 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER check little dm i send you 4:01:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: All the genders. 4:01:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @scarlettyg If the peg is shaped like a carrot, does this mean she's a Carrot Top? 4:01:22 | Twedo_: canada sabed 4:01:22 | ar1st1pp0s: arbiter of the gends 4:01:23 | frank_the_great: He does seem qualified 4:01:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: oh good what is mine because i can't figure it out 4:01:23 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Finn's gonna coin flip our genders 4:01:24 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: uhhh 4:01:24 | mathieubach68: It is time 4:01:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) frozengoon: K 4:01:25 | phos4us_: gender giveway? 4:01:25 | Twedo_: saved 4:01:26 | octyn_: @f1nn5ter what type of led light is that pink one 4:01:26 | sadg3man: gender or sexuality? 4:01:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: our home and native land 4:01:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) onesek_: the fitness gram pacer test 4:01:29 | jugozomboid: You are so wholesome 4:01:29 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: theres a few 4:01:32 | (GLHF Pledge) bonfire10: heat from fire 4:01:34 | JadeLyra: Heat from fire KEKW 4:01:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Didn't Mizkif use a carrot 4:01:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: Cheer300 ooo what gender am i? 4:01:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @sadg3man, Straight CIS male cross-dresser 4:01:38 | soretid: Thank fck that you got us ^^ 4:01:40 | 0melet_: he says hi sisters djfsf 4:01:40 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: AGBF - Assigned Gender by Finn. 4:01:41 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Why are Natt's phrases gonna be thirsty 4:01:43 | Willowight: always questioning gender, never answering gender 4:01:45 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: like, for sure 4:01:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: why you so ugly bro 4:01:49 | Mlle_L: I love your t-shirt ! <3 4:01:49 | allbimyself88: Omg, you're so cute 4:01:51 | MajesticFvckingEagle: "Omg so it starts here, okay? And like it goes 10 9 8 7 6 5 —oh my god, hiiii sisters!—4 3 2 1 0" 4:01:52 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:01:52 | LOtiumduPeuple: The bee movie script was his/her training materia 4:01:53 | mathieubach68: It's midnight 4:01:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: Charging for girlvoice on battlepass? Plenty of practice material there Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 4:01:55 | sr1gaming: You and natt would make the best trans lesbian couple 4:01:55 | (Prime Gaming) GuigaGutoA: KEKW 4:01:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: D: 4:01:56 | Steys00: nb? 4:01:56 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: oof 4:01:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: wow 4:01:57 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: is the barbie necklace timer up ? 4:01:57 | viryl_lucas: F 4:01:57 | braddle172: D: 4:01:57 | HadukenSpammer: KEKW denied! 4:01:58 | natalie_1984: lol 4:01:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW 4:01:59 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: F 4:01:59 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: D: 4:01:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Oof 4:02:00 | TrueMezzo: damn gender removed 4:02:01 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: based? 4:02:01 | viryl_lucas: :( 4:02:01 | ryuu_kun98: KEKW 4:02:01 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: "You're so adorable" "Hi! How are you?" "Fuck you, I hate you" 4:02:01 | mr_girbraltar: Lol 4:02:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: sorry gender machine's broken 4:02:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Rude. Poor @armann24 4:02:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: wtf D: 4:02:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: F 4:02:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Gender denied 4:02:03 | Twedo_: NOOOO MY GENDER D: 4:02:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Wow D: 4:02:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: KEKW 4:02:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: ooh, null gender, gotta use your name without pronouns! 4:02:05 | (Prime Gaming) indignom: genderless blob 4:02:05 | general_of_cm: "Gender isnt for the poor" 4:02:05 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 4:02:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: no gender for u ! 4:02:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Please, Mommy F1nn, I want to stay a girl, don't take it away from me 4:02:05 | certified_boylover: rip 4:02:07 | arzi77perra: 4:02:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: gender dictator 4:02:08 | 0melet_: n000000 my gendeeer 4:02:09 | ClayDoc: Arman is agender. It has been decided. 4:02:11 | sadg3man: @Amoyamoyamoya cheers 4:02:12 | nickolas_porter_: Hello 4:02:12 | caitlyn7564: “Omg” 4:02:12 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: yes 4:02:12 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @johnkeiwo dont tell him 4:02:13 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: Agender, then. 4:02:14 | GhostCatfe: Agender it is 4:02:14 | tinsanchez02: can't have shit in detroid 4:02:14 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: i want a gender D: 4:02:16 | GeremyGaming: the lord giveth and the lord taketh away 4:02:17 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: its aggression 4:02:17 | octyn_: @f1nn5ter what monitora do you use and are they good also what is that pink light in the back 4:02:18 | clockwork1123: i love your room style!<3 4:02:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Natt Tracks. 4:02:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: exactly 4:02:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:02:22 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: f1nnMonka 4:02:22 | nickolas_porter_: Am here 4:02:28 | soretid: holding.. 4:02:30 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnMonka 4:02:32 | (Prime Gaming) KrimmsKramms: KrimmsKramms subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! 4:02:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: krimmskramms subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU 4:02:35 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER check little dm i send you 4:02:37 | itsfree_real_estate: hi TT 4:02:39 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: LUL 4:02:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidGASM 4:02:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:02:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:02:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: @johnkeiwo Let the realization of the necklace slowly dawn on him 4:02:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:02:47 | (Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: Hi YT 4:02:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:02:47 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do sph LUL 4:02:48 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: What 4:02:49 | sdw_kingdomyt: I think I might be a part of the rainbow… 4:02:49 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: i did that all the time pepega 4:02:49 | (Watching without audio) misterpescobar: When the OF shows up above the twitch stream in my search bar... 4:02:49 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: Wait, Finn almost has it? 4:02:50 | viryl_lucas: Oof 4:02:50 | general_of_cm: LUL 4:02:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) miniscruff: miniscruff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! 4:02:50 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: natt censorship 4:02:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: miniscruff subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:02:53 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 4:02:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 4:02:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Natt automodded. 4:02:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Natt L 4:02:55 | (Verified) Alfhilde: alfhilKiss 4:02:56 | ar1st1pp0s: oh wait no that is "fuck you I hate you" works great. lean into the bitchy LA voice 4:02:56 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: why was Natt's message blocked lol 4:03:02 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 4:03:02 | HadukenSpammer: all caps 4:03:02 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: holy shit you did it without giggling!!!!! 4:03:02 | LOtiumduPeuple: as he doesn't know how to say it 4:03:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: what did Natt say to get deleted? 4:03:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: i've never heard him say it 4:03:06 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 4:03:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 4:03:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: all caps 4:03:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: caps 4:03:09 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: It's definitely a flirty "fuck you" 4:03:11 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: the bot removes all the messages in caps :) 4:03:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: prolly caps 4:03:12 | viryl_lucas: Tsk 4:03:13 | (Prime Gaming) BigBearMatt: In a super deep voice 4:03:16 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: they dont like it when I type in all caps smh 4:03:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP GV of Natt phrases. - 4150 4:03:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Your voice is going Finn 4:03:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: what could have Natt possibly said to be blocked 4:03:22 | (CS:GO Week Brazil 2022) bensly: meow 4:03:25 | jimboz0: Why not use your catchphrase “fuck hold on ok” 4:03:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to Natt! They have given 341 Gift Subs in the channel! 4:03:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: chasingsol has gifted a subscription to natt at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang natt f1nnLezgang 4:03:39 | ar1st1pp0s: lol 4:03:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: THIS WILL BE DELETed 4:03:42 | LOtiumduPeuple: @callmegarp flirty 'fuck you' sounds cute tbh 4:03:43 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 4:03:44 | clockwork1123: are you right handed or left handed? 4:03:44 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: pretend youre talking to your bff 4:03:45 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: LMAO' 4:03:45 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:03:46 | sr1gaming: I'd natt your Waifu 4:03:46 | octyn_: F1nn what monitora do you use also what is that pink light in the back 4:03:47 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: and say it 4:03:49 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lololol 4:03:50 | Scrooge_McBong: Crowning!? With the carrot! f1nnLaff 4:03:52 | Willowight: i just say the words "real" and "oh my god" to ground the voice 4:03:52 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: lmao 4:03:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidGASM 4:03:54 | braddle172: lol 4:03:54 | Just_Shephard: That was good 4:03:55 | itsfree_real_estate: KEKW 4:03:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Almost 4:03:56 | Emmy64_: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff 4:03:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LOL 4:03:57 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 4:03:57 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: fuck you-pause- i hate you 4:03:58 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:03:58 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: oh my god 4:03:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnMonka 4:04:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: oh wauw, you can get around the all capps real easy 4:04:00 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: that fuck you was so good 4:04:00 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: same f1nnMonka 4:04:00 | jugozomboid: so cute 4:04:01 | GreyWinterWraith: yooo that was so good though 4:04:01 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: put energy into it 4:04:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: good this time 4:04:02 | RonnieSxl: gooood 4:04:03 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Voice is better if You put on dog collar 4:04:03 | certified_boylover: dono so real 4:04:03 | guybasiil: lol tryna sandbag 4:04:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Not bad 4:04:04 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: sounds horny still 4:04:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Clip that, I want to listen to it over and over 4:04:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: sounded a bit like astra 4:04:07 | (Prime Gaming) NothingMoreVariant: I’ve been transitioned as a woman for about 18 years, it’s been really great seeing all the femboys coming out lately. And you’re more feminine than I am! lmao 4:04:09 | itsfree_real_estate: lololol 4:04:09 | mathieubach68: Cute voice lol 4:04:10 | LOtiumduPeuple: You could say 'fuck me' tho 4:04:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) tac0bby: you're doing great!!! 4:04:16 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: its my vocal warmups 4:04:17 | (Prime Gaming) VTenza: That was good lol 4:04:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Terrible! 4:04:21 | ar1st1pp0s: more LA. think 'Clueless' or, like, Paris Hilton 4:04:21 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: Be cute/mad when you say it. Almost yell it but in girl-voice 4:04:23 | octyn_: F1nn what is that pink light in the back 4:04:24 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !mic 4:04:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Earthworks Ethos mic. Get your own using code "FNNTER" from https://onecustomaudio.com/collections/microphones/products/ethos-xlr-broadcast-microphone?ref=FNNTER 4:04:28 | kenji173: chat froze? 4:04:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: !confused 4:04:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:04:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "Fuck you, I hate you" GV. - 4210 4:04:39 | ClayDoc: The people in chat that are into degradation are having the time of their lives 4:04:41 | itsfree_real_estate: hello? 4:04:45 | Emmy64_: @kenji173 No 4:04:45 | Scrooge_McBong: That voice and the roll of the eye 4:04:48 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER check little dm i send you 4:04:48 | Harmony_21x: hiiiiiiiii 4:04:50 | (Subscriber) StealthPeanuts: uaudio apollo is pretty good too 4:04:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: KEKW 4:05:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidClap 4:05:01 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: yes you can, it's great 4:05:02 | Xernist: awww 4:05:03 | LOtiumduPeuple: That's the point 4:05:04 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: UwU 4:05:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) ottomaticpumpkin: it was good 4:05:05 | viryl_lucas: Ur cute 4:05:05 | (Prime Gaming) JAYK4Y: Used to work at uaudio really awesome people! 4:05:06 | (Prime Gaming) kyxkae: yhou just sound like a bottom 4:05:07 | frost177: 4:05:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: do it in a cute way then 4:05:09 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: do you just want to discord me LMAO 4:05:11 | soretid: You huys and your carrots - amateur stuff! Zucchini it up 4:05:13 | Fv3r: than do a cute fuck you? 4:05:16 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: yes discord! 4:05:16 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Angry-and-cute is totally a thing 4:05:17 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lower your pitch at the end of "you" 4:05:17 | general_of_cm: he should show you 4:05:18 | leontiusv: it really does sound cute from you 4:05:18 | mootie1: HahaCat 4:05:19 | 71M073J: do an emphasis on "YOU" 4:05:20 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Natt Yeh. lol 4:05:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pseudonautilus: F1nn your girlvoice isn't as bad as you think, even the weaker attempts. Gotta get out of your own head and just keep trying Cheer1000 4:05:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: finsexual 4:05:25 | padlowan: put alot of emphasis on both the words if that makes sense 4:05:27 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: you're too much of a sub to discipline people 4:05:27 | LOtiumduPeuple: lezgo 4:05:30 | marstheplanetdestroyer: Like annoyed almost 4:05:30 | im_up_to_something: Not a bad girl voice 4:05:30 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: @F1NN5TER can you cosplay as Poison from Final Fight? 4:05:35 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: say it slower with feeling I guess 4:05:37 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 310 in the channel! 4:05:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: tex_010 has gifted a sub to 50 users in chat! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bossmener! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to twinkachu! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aertica! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ComeOnWomm! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to astheriel! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to burito_fist! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KibbieTV! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 0molbat! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Agent_AlphaVR! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trinuska! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SHADOUGH_! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BagelBuns_! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BIGBoris1962! 4:05:38 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mechek87! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TuJixNetwork! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pikatscha_TV! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ace_in_space36! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pengu1nzcs! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kj3lleman! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to o0AKUMA0o! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flex_Uli! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to txrabzon616151! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PocketRave! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoshuaO_O! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to luna_is_an_egg! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to louisoft01! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to itagane! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shewii! 4:05:39 | (Subscriber) tex_010: tex_010 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Clembapt87! 4:05:42 | MajesticFvckingEagle: yooo 4:05:44 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: itsa Natt izidWTF 4:05:45 | sausy_hotdog: Hiiiii 4:05:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: holy fuck 4:05:46 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog 4:05:46 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: hahahahaha 4:05:46 | itsfree_real_estate: thenks tex!!! 4:05:46 | mootie1: O dam 4:05:47 | MajesticFvckingEagle: FIDDY 4:05:47 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 4:05:48 | sealsummoner: lol 4:05:48 | Kolateak_: POG 4:05:48 | 71M073J: LUL 4:05:49 | xXNeroZashiXx: wtf 4:05:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: KEKW 4:05:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Yeah, keep practicing 4:05:49 | viryl_lucas: Natt stream! 4:05:50 | just_a_random_someone: Dammm 4:05:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: nice burp <3 4:05:51 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: LUL 4:05:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus I've done that cosplay, super fun! 4:05:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 4:05:53 | braddle172: KEKW 4:05:53 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: 50 f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck 4:05:53 | LOtiumduPeuple: wtf LUL 4:05:54 | allbimyself88: Damn 4:05:54 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP tex_010 50 gifted. - 4190 4:05:55 | (Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: Pog 4:05:56 | BeccaTw: PogBones 4:05:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: PogU Tex 4:05:58 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: PogU 4:05:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RoseMeronym: @tex_010 Thanks for the gift sub! 4:06:00 | gaia3686: 50 POGGERS 4:06:00 | Scrooge_McBong: Your “fuck u” it’s like the girls saying no, but means yes! Lol 4:06:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 4:06:02 | johnpnicholls1122: fuck you high note I hate you low and slow 4:06:02 | mathieubach68: Incredible 4:06:03 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: i didnt get one cordov5Whine cordov5Whine 4:06:03 | LOtiumduPeuple: best thanks ever 4:06:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) phantomsrage323: noicce 4:06:04 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: subs pog 4:06:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Lessgoo bad math 4:06:04 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Dead 4:06:05 | viryl_lucas: Pog 4:06:05 | phos4us_: subgasm 4:06:05 | (Prime Gaming) hydemaintenanceman: shyyPogging 4:06:06 | xXNeroZashiXx: nise 4:06:08 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: @YumeNoZen nice 4:06:09 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: F1nn laughing is the best thing ive heard all night 4:06:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: PogChamp -250 4:06:12 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) CavemanAZ: NotLikeThis 4:06:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: POGGERS 4:06:15 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: POGGERS 4:06:16 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Poggers 4:06:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 4:06:18 | sr1gaming: Tex MVP 4:06:19 | AIRHydrant: is it me 4:06:21 | AIRHydrant: no 4:06:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Start of call with @Natt . - 4190 4:06:22 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: sup everbodybody 4:06:24 | (Prime Gaming) kyxkae: Bottom manly man 4:06:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: love 4:06:28 | eradicator2b: hello alex 4:06:29 | bearpaw1970: that was epic 4:06:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: holy hell the swithc 4:06:34 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: WOW 4:06:34 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: @Natt is insane 4:06:36 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: This is always soooo crazy 4:06:36 | iamdens: iamdenGLOWSTICK iamdenGLOWSTICK iamdenGLOWSTICK iamdenGLOWSTICK 4:06:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: whoa. 4:06:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HARDCASEdaClone: f1nnGremlin 4:06:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidClap 4:06:38 | (Subscriber) Zeeehondje: Zeeehondje subscribed with Prime. 4:06:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: zeeehondje subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zeeehondje f1nnLezgang 4:06:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: that's insane. 4:06:41 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Clap 4:06:42 | (Subscriber) booberies1: that was wild 4:06:42 | mootie1: Clap 4:06:42 | soretid: More of that! 4:06:44 | ar1st1pp0s: god Natt is such a fucking PRO!!! 4:06:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: Dad? 4:06:45 | (Listening only) chamXD: Pog 4:06:45 | AIRHydrant: how is that possible 4:06:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: tfw when not rcv gifted sub 4:06:45 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Ur turn 4:06:45 | xXNeroZashiXx: Clap 4:06:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: that switch though 4:06:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Clap 4:06:46 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: He just switches into that shit man 4:06:47 | bery_____: damn 4:06:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) lilcrabman6959: Hi finn 4:06:47 | scatteredleaves: Clap 4:06:47 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: that never gets boring holy shit 4:06:48 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) name_exe124: Hydrate- 4:06:48 | viryl_lucas: Smexy 4:06:49 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Kreygasm 4:06:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Clap 4:06:49 | certified_boylover: Clap 4:06:50 | zeffomarra: NATTTTTT 4:06:50 | arzi77perra: show off. 4:06:53 | braddle172: Clap 4:06:53 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: I'm always amazed by Natt's voice. 4:06:53 | natalie_1984: Nat is amazing! 4:06:53 | (TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) Mitchell_or_Dunard_Garaus: Clap 4:06:53 | NHjeeper1: What is your opinion on the fact that somebody said finnsexual 4:06:54 | soretid: :D 4:06:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: based 4:06:54 | HadukenSpammer: just do it 4Head 4:06:55 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: Clap 4:06:56 | Kolateak_: "Just do it" 4:06:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: First time hearing Natt and holy moly I wasn't expecting that 4:06:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: natt is just magic 4:06:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Switch is insane 4:07:00 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: With feeling! 4:07:00 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: just do it KEKW 4:07:00 | Dhalsin: christ natt... unvelievable 4:07:00 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) tex_010: welcome bro 4:07:01 | ClayDoc: It's like two different people. Really impressive 4:07:03 | (Prime Gaming) conwizzel: how the fuck can nat just switch it on and off like that 4:07:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: let the hate flow through you 4:07:05 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnHeart 4:07:05 | procdump: Dayum, amazing 4:07:07 | Scrooge_McBong: Wow Natt! 4:07:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Hi youtube KEKW 4:07:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Natt POGGERS 4:07:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: i was gone for 20 minutes and i come back to Natt? 4:07:13 | wrongbeaver: !mic 4:07:13 | (cheer 100) varmac86: ... that is two different people 4:07:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Earthworks Ethos mic. Get your own using code "FNNTER" from https://onecustomaudio.com/collections/microphones/products/ethos-xlr-broadcast-microphone?ref=FNNTER 4:07:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt casually runs down his GV insults. - 4190 4:07:18 | viryl_lucas: Then start with that 4:07:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: what if Natt's lying and he's just taking the opportunity to insult F1nn?? #conspiracy 4:07:30 | mootie1: secret formula 4:07:32 | (Prime Gaming) 7mei_s: vocal resonance 4:07:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL 4:07:43 | slifer1567: CaitlynS 4:07:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @CleanDabs, He knows. 4:07:45 | WartornTTV: you mean "i cant sing in front of chat" 4:07:46 | soretid: I feel like too 4:07:49 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: natt is the charlie puth of girl voice 4:07:49 | mirot47: it's changing your resonance f1nn5ter 4:07:50 | supremejumba: You'll get the hang of it 4:07:51 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: !caps 4:07:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !caps 4:07:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 4:07:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: singing F1nn izidWTF 4:07:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 4:07:52 | LOtiumduPeuple: Finn cannot use his throat for much 4:07:53 | TrueMezzo: it's just the resonance u gotta keep practicing 4:07:55 | infinnitly: F1NN i have an advantage with my femboy girl voice. i'm a trans guy. i dont even hafta try l m a o 4:07:57 | rustyorion: Bruh 4:07:58 | (Watching without audio) Megacuck__: OMEGALUL 4:08:00 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: TransgenderPride PansexualPride 4:08:01 | (Listening only) chamXD: !caps 4:08:04 | (Prime Gaming) CleanDabs: @Amoyamoyamoya yeah I figure 4:08:05 | k8telynnbee: your hair is luscious 4:08:06 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: Lean into the breathy moan, you'll get there 4:08:08 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) name_exe124: I redeemed a hydrate 4:08:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: all caps 4:08:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: COHFIRE subscribed at Tier 1. 4:08:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Give us a song Finn! 4:08:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: cohfire subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang cohfire f1nnLezgang 4:08:14 | (cheer 100) varmac86: donation goal... F1nn sings 4:08:16 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: Have you tried a "Thank you Daddy" with your Girl Voice? 4:08:19 | mirot47: resonance head voice not chest 4:08:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: WHOS YELLING!? 4:08:20 | bery_____: 4:08:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: vocal bromance 4:08:21 | k8telynnbee: huh no it doesn't 4:08:24 | (Prime Gaming) 4asharme: what did i just witness 4:08:24 | k4rakara: Got damn nat 4:08:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Doc_Rider, Many times. 4:08:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I've heard people who sing well have an easier time with the girl voice, that gives me a bit of hope... because if it's not true then I'll have to forget 20 years of scuffed girl voice KEKW 4:08:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: stand up 4:08:26 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: HUH 4:08:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 4:08:27 | MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 4:08:28 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: KEKHeim 4:08:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: all caps <- didn't get botted, the bot is a lie 4:08:28 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:08:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: STAND UP 4:08:28 | Fv3r: ayo 4:08:30 | ayarcee: did you just cover yourself? 4:08:30 | RonnieSxl: cooomed 4:08:30 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: more air 4:08:30 | TrueMezzo: you good finn 4:08:30 | Admiral_Tetanus: raise the resonance 4:08:31 | (Prime Gaming) SuchKittyMuchMeow: zizSHAKE zizSHAKE zizSHAKE 4:08:31 | Just_Shephard: LMAO 4:08:31 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: LUL 4:08:31 | natalie_1984: lol 4:08:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 4:08:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: bruh how does he did it 4:08:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) matheuslr47: Stand up 4:08:33 | bearpaw1970: Softness 4:08:34 | LOtiumduPeuple: He/She's so good at girl voice 4:08:34 | braddle172: KEKW 4:08:35 | viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 4:08:35 | (Listening only) chamXD: ? 4:08:36 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 4:08:36 | procdump: huh? boner alert! 4:08:36 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: well 4:08:36 | superkittyhappytime: from the diaphram 4:08:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: "this time with more feeling" 4:08:39 | Admiral_Tetanus: gotta raise the L1 4:08:39 | sr1gaming: Get Natt to say thank you daddy 4:08:39 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: obkatAwooga 4:08:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: lol 4:08:39 | viryl_lucas: Blushing again.... 4:08:40 | Emmy64_: KEKW 4:08:40 | LOtiumduPeuple: Boner alert 4:08:40 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: dude 4:08:41 | beyondthegrave1997: Matt's like fuck idek if there is a word to explain this 4:08:41 | (Turbo) MeatsackGamer: hand check? 4:08:41 | Niji_tan: why did that make me think of the Berries guy on Vine LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:08:42 | Therosbr: KEKW 4:08:43 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: It's slower coming out 4:08:44 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 4:08:44 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: hahaha 4:08:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 4:08:45 | k8telynnbee: Finn has a nice voice 4:08:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: KEKW 4:08:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:08:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: Ayo 4:08:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: What did you cover? 4:08:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 3) pseudonautilus: Should we bet how long before F1nn starts being sus towards Natt again? Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 4:08:47 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: LUL 4:08:47 | viryl_lucas: Gay 4:08:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: i found that singing is actually easier than speaking in girl voice. it's helped my progress a lot 4:08:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:08:47 | natalie_1984: KEKW 4:08:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 4:08:48 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 4:08:48 | blu3berrycat: lmfao 4:08:49 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:08:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Ramaj_A, There's a threshold. 4:08:50 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: a yo wtf 4:08:50 | soretid: youre on youre on thre ^^ How i do describe 4:08:50 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Mhm, "learning" 4:08:51 | certified_boylover: uh oh. boner alert 4:08:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 4:08:51 | beyondthegrave1997: 4:08:51 | mootie1: rimjimDisgust Finn 4:08:52 | Ghostie_86: BUSTED 4:08:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEWK KEKW KEKW 4:08:52 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: KEKW 4:08:53 | phos4us_: mans got rizzed 4:08:53 | Chri55PBacon: hmmm 4:08:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 4:08:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: what a sleuth 4:08:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Welp, too late Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 4:08:55 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnLaff 4:08:55 | bearpaw1970: 4:08:56 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) AFKJG: KEKW 4:08:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:08:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 4:08:57 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Always quality content when Natt shows up 4:08:57 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL 4:08:58 | ohdearieme: Is Natt giving you a hard on??! 4:08:58 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: the femboy federation 4:08:58 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: KEKW 4:08:59 | Xernist: doing practice is hard, sure. 4:08:59 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: why does this happen every time 4:08:59 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:09:01 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: dono too late KEKW 4:09:01 | (Prime Gaming) spoopykoopa: soooos 4:09:01 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: KEKW 4:09:01 | Thetwilightstar: NotLikeThis 4:09:02 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: KEKW 4:09:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: 4:09:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Currently squeezing his thighs toghether KEKW 4:09:04 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Sooos 4:09:04 | procdump: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4:09:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: KEKW 4:09:08 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: soos 4:09:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: looking kinda sussy inconSquint 4:09:08 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 4:09:08 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Flustered Femboys 4:09:09 | octyn_: What kind of led light os that pink one F1nn 4:09:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 4:09:10 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: This date will be epic @natt ! 4:09:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 4:09:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mega sus 4:09:12 | josecortesnival: Here we go again 4:09:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 4:09:15 | johnpnicholls1122: easy natt finn just fell in love 4:09:16 | vendellla: Omfg lololoo lol ol 4:09:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn covers lap. Natt weirded out. SUS. - 4240. 4:09:19 | jaw61912: 4:09:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 4:09:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: I'm dead lmao 4:09:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: @Amoyamoyamoya you missed the joke, I typed the words all caps in lowercase and sent that by itself. :p i was being a comedian 4:09:29 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @johnkeiwo Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. 4:09:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: AYO 4:09:33 | spasimirkirovttv: what the hell 4:09:34 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: hahahaha 4:09:34 | k8telynnbee: haha 4:09:35 | Emmy64_: LUL 4:09:36 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: hahah 4:09:36 | beyondthegrave1997: 4:09:37 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile1 4:09:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: D: 4:09:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 4:09:37 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 4:09:38 | (GLHF Pledge) Kattaaah: Hahaha wtf 4:09:38 | braddle172: LUL 4:09:38 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: holy shit 4:09:38 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: kekw 4:09:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:09:39 | RonnieSxl: HAHAHA 4:09:39 | k4rakara: OMEGALUL 4:09:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 4:09:41 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:09:41 | Kolateak_: OMEGALUL 4:09:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 4:09:42 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:09:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 4:09:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:09:43 | (cheer 100) RatboyJon: F1nn is to Natt what Cotton is to F1nn LUL 4:09:43 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: oh wow 4:09:43 | spasimirkirovttv: who is the other guy 4:09:44 | viryl_lucas: Phat ass 4:09:44 | dotgobbler: HahaThisisfine 4:09:46 | Woodlands_ND: KEKW 4:09:46 | spasimirkirovttv: is he a streamer 4:09:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Prove it 4:09:46 | superkittyhappytime: pointed 4:09:46 | natalie_1984: so good 4:09:47 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnLaff 4:09:50 | (Prime Gaming) Philzx6: HUH 4:09:50 | k8telynnbee: I wish to never sound like that girl 4:09:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: natt prove it 4:09:52 | LOtiumduPeuple: It's truely incredible tbh 4:09:54 | bearpaw1970: Natt' is a treasure 4:09:56 | soretid: I dont know about that.. 4:09:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 4:09:59 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Natt's voice is just wild 4:10:00 | viryl_lucas: That's f1nn 4:10:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: Absorber moment 4:10:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Cadence? 4:10:01 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: yeah that's finn 4:10:01 | beyondthegrave1997: Spas yes his name is natt 4:10:02 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: nah you aren't THAT bad 4:10:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Ramaj_A, My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it. (NOT) 4:10:02 | spimes8804: The man has science 4:10:07 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: less horny lol 4:10:08 | k8telynnbee: I think you sound fine 4:10:09 | Willowight: more breathy 4:10:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Natt has a dumpy 4:10:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxAyaya 4:10:15 | (Prime Gaming) GNSxTRKZ: HAWNY 4:10:16 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Matt rules 4:10:17 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Less horny 4:10:18 | (Prime Gaming) Philzx6: Kreygasm 4:10:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: that sounds like bonnie from family guy tf 4:10:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt delivers GV sentence. - 4290 4:10:21 | Scrooge_McBong: He is a horny boi! 4:10:21 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: *Natt 4:10:22 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: hahaha 4:10:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 4:10:22 | deeptootxo: youre so sus for being such a wana be manly man 4:10:23 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: knwNotes 4:10:23 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: holy fuck 4:10:24 | k8telynnbee: lmfaoooooo 4:10:24 | (Prime Gaming) BusohSensen: hasUnless 4:10:25 | braddle172: Ayo 4:10:25 | BiscuitHouse: WTFFFFFFFF 4:10:25 | bery_____: KEKW 4:10:26 | bigsuave7: wait 4:10:26 | (Prime Gaming) SleepingLee0125: jesus 4:10:26 | viryl_lucas: From UwU femboy to normal 4:10:26 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 4:10:27 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: AHH 4:10:28 | (Prime Gaming) voiicide: jesus wow 4:10:28 | Just_Shephard: Wow 4:10:28 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: less horny… f1nnMonka 4:10:28 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: AYO 4:10:29 | StrangeFlyingContraption: Omg, that's sooo good 4:10:29 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm 4:10:29 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: cotton-esque 4:10:30 | (Prime Gaming) doge_doodles: That made him feel things lmao 4:10:30 | procdump: o.O 4:10:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgGood 4:10:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Dear God 4:10:30 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: OMEGALUL 4:10:30 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: AYOOOO 4:10:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Lmao 4:10:31 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: step1: do the girl voice there is no step 2 4:10:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:10:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Ayo 4:10:32 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: woe 4:10:32 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Stop nat 4:10:32 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: We circled around back to horny! 4:10:32 | Chri55PBacon: damn 4:10:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Fin scared 4:10:34 | bearpaw1970: so funny 4:10:34 | (Prime Gaming) NathanR38: 4:10:34 | sp00ny76: this guy is a genius 4:10:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: that was cottonesque 4:10:34 | deNully: i just love Natts laugh :D haha 4:10:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Natt , This is greaaaaat. 4:10:36 | spimes8804: LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:10:36 | vendellla: Lol 4:10:36 | Dhalsin: Feminine voice sounds forms in the upper part of the vocal tract. You can feel it. 4:10:37 | certified_boylover: 4:10:38 | (Subscriber) alliephenix99: KEKW 4:10:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: how did he become cotton? 4:10:39 | octyn_: F1nn what kind of light is that pink led one in the back? 4:10:40 | vendellla: More horny 4:10:41 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Downbad stream 4:10:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn cannot conceive of not-horny 4:10:47 | brandenothethird: blurrb1Blush blurrb1Blush 4:10:49 | germanmemer: what is going on 4:10:50 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:10:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: Ask him to count down from her to him 4:10:52 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 4:10:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: hahaha 4:10:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) sn00zzi: KEKW 4:10:55 | (Listening only) chamXD: ? 4:10:55 | viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA 4:10:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: clip it 4:10:55 | bery_____: 4:10:56 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: ayo 4:10:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Now it’s even more horny! 4:10:56 | 1tangomango1: LUL 4:10:56 | natalie_1984: lol 4:10:56 | yax_mason: My brother threw a shoe at me 4:10:57 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:10:57 | procdump: Rip, f1nn's pillow. Literal rip... 4:10:57 | braddle172: KEKW 4:10:57 | viryl_lucas: Yes 4:10:58 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: free vocal coaching POGGERS 4:10:58 | k8telynnbee: haha 4:10:59 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: KEKW 4:10:59 | (Watching without audio) juddle: ? 4:10:59 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: yes so quick 4:11:00 | Thesamuli44: KEKW 4:11:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: clip it! 4:11:00 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: LUL 4:11:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 4:11:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Wow that was quick 4:11:01 | NyxFXIII: KEKW 4:11:01 | bigsuave7: Kreygasm 4:11:02 | Xernist: kek 4:11:02 | 71M073J: KEKW 4:11:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: clip it and ship it 4:11:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn getting turned-on. STAND UP F1NN. - 4260 4:11:02 | Kolateak_: "Yes" 4:11:02 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: HAHAHAHA 4:11:03 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: jesus 4:11:03 | GreyWinterWraith: OwO 4:11:03 | k4rakara: face_with_raised_eyebrow 4:11:04 | certified_boylover: suh 4:11:04 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: Yes 4:11:05 | chaoticMercenary: Nah I wanna hear that too 4:11:05 | (Prime Gaming) Black0ut_o3o: LOOOL 4:11:06 | certified_boylover: sub 4:11:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: KEKW 4:11:06 | bigsuave7: just us 4:11:06 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:11:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: HypeMwah 4:11:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:11:07 | phos4us_: No plz don't 4:11:08 | ayarcee: bonk 4:11:08 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: fillySus 4:11:08 | viryl_lucas: AYOOOO 4:11:08 | Thetwilightstar: SeemsGood 4:11:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IAMRTB: LOOOOOOOOOOL 4:11:08 | wtfuxlolwut: Lol 4:11:08 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: tohotfortwitch 4:11:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: ayo! learning the rizz from cotton!!!! 4:11:09 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: sub 4:11:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) gambitaro777: no hesitation 4:11:10 | (Subscriber) caraxianFortune: w h o l e s o m e 4:11:10 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: He's trying to make Natt do Cottontail LUL LUL \ 4:11:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Not making it better. 4:11:11 | vendellla: Yes!! Lol 4:11:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: NotLikeThis 4:11:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes 4:11:13 | (Prime Gaming) crazzyninja1234: Wholesome! 4:11:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Natt is the best!! 4:11:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: YOOOOOO 4:11:13 | MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW "wholesomoe" 4:11:13 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: battle pass idea 4:11:14 | Kolateak_: I think that's worse KEKW 4:11:14 | Dhalsin: GET A ROOM! 4:11:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Firelord_Redflames: @johnkeiwo atpSpiner 4:11:14 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: Subby-wubby F1NN 4:11:14 | jaw61912: leave it 4:11:15 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Finn wants Natt to Dom huhhh 4:11:17 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Finn! 4:11:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: i just spooked myself, didn't know i could do dommy mommy voice 4:11:19 | josecortesnival: Lol 4:11:19 | deeptootxo: its not wierd 4 u but it is pretty sus 4:11:21 | supremejumba: Sub 4:11:22 | (Subscriber) PrairieVixen: so much for wholesome stream 4:11:23 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: No, no stream needs to hear this. 4:11:25 | spimes8804: mikkaaS 4:11:26 | wowgamerwkd: lol 4:11:27 | Emmy64_: KEKW 4:11:28 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:11:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:11:34 | whelkier: not finn offering the private show 4:11:41 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Finn wants to be dom by natt 4:11:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:11:44 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: RIP 4:11:45 | LOtiumduPeuple: Trying to corner Cotton's market. Finn's a true capitalist vulture LUL 4:11:48 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Together 4:11:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a Leica as a webcam 4:11:55 | octyn_: F1nn what kind of led light is that pink one in the back 4:11:58 | (GLHF Pledge) Driva96: good night 4:12:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: dang, for that much money may as well get an engagement ring at the same time 4:12:03 | TheFantomSniper: You gotta learn a girl voice 4:12:04 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: yes 4:12:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: yrs 4:12:06 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: lies 4:12:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 4:12:08 | general_of_cm: X 4:12:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: hahaha 4:12:09 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Yes he is @Natt 4:12:09 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: KEKW KEKW KEKW 4:12:09 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled 4:12:09 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 4:12:09 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: HE LOVES COTTONTAIL 4:12:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Omg 4:12:10 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: mhm 4:12:10 | 71M073J: LUL 4:12:10 | Scrooge_McBong: Do it!! 4:12:10 | noah_curlyz: Wow mommy @f1nn5ter 4:12:10 | braddle172: KEKW 4:12:10 | beyondthegrave1997: 4:12:10 | natalie_1984: lol 4:12:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 4:12:11 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Yes 4:12:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: gottem 4:12:11 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: OMEGALUL 4:12:11 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: hahaha 4:12:11 | total_acidity: KEKW 4:12:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: Caught 4:12:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: LIES!! 4:12:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: whahahaahaha 4:12:12 | deeptootxo: he just wants you to shame him like cottontail 4:12:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: OWN HIM! 4:12:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: HA! gottem 4:12:12 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: X 4:12:12 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:12:13 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Haha 4:12:13 | (Subscriber) booberies1: get him 4:12:14 | certified_boylover: lie 4:12:15 | ethereal_memories: kekw 4:12:15 | Woodlands_ND: OMEGALUL 4:12:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 4:12:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 4:12:16 | TrueMezzo: almost folded 4:12:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: LOL 4:12:17 | LOtiumduPeuple: bullied 4:12:17 | Scrooge_McBong: Do it Natt! 4:12:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:12:18 | Therosbr: KEKW 4:12:18 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: KEKW 4:12:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) duke_snugglez: loves Cottontail confirmed 4:12:19 | hOneybunss2: True 4:12:20 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: he's channeling cotton already 4:12:20 | bigsuave7: him too 4:12:20 | Alijah_T: LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:12:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) Firelord_Redflames: KEKW 4:12:20 | natalie_1984: KEKW 4:12:20 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: X 4:12:20 | KnapperigeKapitein: lmao 4:12:20 | ar1st1pp0s: ran right into that 4:12:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Now switch to the dommy voice and it's over for F1nn lmao 4:12:20 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) disnick123: f1nnLaff 4:12:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: caught in 4k 4:12:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSGrin 4:12:22 | hofabii: LUL LUL 4:12:22 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: GOTTEM 4:12:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: stutter much 4:12:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: GET HIM NATT 4:12:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @octyn_, An 800GBP light. 4:12:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: GOT HEM 4:12:24 | Scrooge_McBong: Dooo it!! 4:12:24 | GreyWinterWraith: @MalkethTerona seanvrStare 4:12:24 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: I joined at the perfect time 4:12:25 | procdump: lolerino 4:12:25 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: i love natt's laugh 4:12:26 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:12:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW so much fun 4:12:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:12:27 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 4:12:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Keep it going. 4:12:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: he is blushing KEKW 4:12:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 4:12:30 | phos4us_: dommed by men too 4:12:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) B1gBuddhah: PLZ DO COTTONTAIL 4:12:32 | (Watching without audio) l0aphy: nihmunOmegalul 4:12:32 | ihavenowhit: Finn always getting dommed 4:12:34 | Scrooge_McBong: Natt! Do it!! 4:12:34 | beyondthegrave1997: Natts like want me to redo your favorite mommy voice xD 4:12:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: 4:12:35 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Do it 4:12:36 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: !uptime 4:12:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 12m 46s 4:12:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 4:12:38 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: It's enough to make a grown man cry 4:12:39 | (Prime Gaming) ironkaydin: Simps 4:12:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Oh he enjoyed that 4:12:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IAMRTB: smilin at my screen rn 4:12:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 4:12:42 | ace_primed: did finn do the arm wrestle yet? 4:12:43 | chapter_7ven: Bro Matts laugh get me everytime 4:12:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IAMRTB: gud content 4:12:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I hate Cottontail" Natt baits him. - 4300 4:12:46 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: I clipped it 4:12:46 | sr1gaming: Natt dommy mummy on rose 4:12:47 | valcinoid: Finn just gets dommed by everyone 4:12:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: typical V-tuber LUL 4:12:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: get cotton on disc too 4:12:48 | bearpaw1970: dommy- mommy 4:12:48 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Go for the kill Natt 4:12:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @B1gBuddhah it will be the other way around, actually KEKW 4:12:55 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: remember less horny F1nn f1nnMonka 4:12:56 | boomkittie28: OMG 4:12:57 | (Prime Gaming) doge_doodles: daaayum 4:12:57 | (Prime Gaming) Roscario_Poolitzers: JESUS 4:12:57 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 4:12:58 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: oh god 4:12:58 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: oh, wow 4:12:58 | 1tangomango1: LUL 4:12:58 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: look at his face 4:12:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: AYO 4:12:58 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: holy 4:12:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) UnderwaterFirecracker: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 4:12:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 4:12:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:13 4:12:59 | braddle172: nanona1Flushed 4:12:59 | beyondthegrave1997: OH WOW 4:13:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 4:13:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: DAMN, he's good 4:13:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 13m 10s 4:13:00 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: OMG 4:13:00 | natalie_1984: dang 4:13:00 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: OMGGGGG 4:13:00 | NyxFXIII: I LOST- 4:13:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DavikGaming: WOW 4:13:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ooga798: monkaS 4:13:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Holy shiiiit 4:13:01 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: endra??? 4:13:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Dayum. 4:13:02 | (Prime Gaming) HookdOnAFeel: rooLewd 4:13:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: holy 4:13:02 | procdump: Hoooooooly shiiiiii 4:13:02 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: y0000 4:13:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW 4:13:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: KEKW 4:13:03 | scuppypup: nice 4:13:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: that is good 4:13:03 | Alijah_T: aoisakNOTES 4:13:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: nice 4:13:04 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Yooooi 4:13:04 | braddle172: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:13:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Lol 4:13:04 | MajesticFvckingEagle: JWEEEEEeeeeeesuuussss 4:13:05 | (Prime Gaming) SleepingLee0125: sheeeeeeeeesh 4:13:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: interesting 4:13:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: That actually sounds like Cotton wtf 4:13:06 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: Dayum! 4:13:06 | boringdepressedintrovert: close 4:13:06 | Just_Shephard: OMG 4:13:06 | SladeWson: peepoSimp 4:13:06 | germanmemer: bro is an AI 4:13:07 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Holy... 4:13:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Pretty good 4:13:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Yoooo 4:13:08 | jaw61912: Holy shit 4:13:08 | (Prime Gaming) RynFromK2L: hahahah "O k." 4:13:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: HOLY 4:13:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: fucking sub response KEKW 4:13:09 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: Dude is a wizard 4:13:09 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: ok? ayo 4:13:09 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: That'll work 4:13:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: Holy Moly 4:13:09 | vendellla: Omg 4:13:10 | joelsgp: what did I just come back to? 4:13:10 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: Bruh 4:13:10 | (GlitchCon 2020) mystchevious1: So Red 4:13:11 | LOtiumduPeuple: Why do I have an erection ?! KEKW 4:13:12 | ar1st1pp0s: Natt on some king shiot 4:13:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AAYYYYOOO?????? 4:13:13 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Wow! 4:13:13 | brandenothethird: Deeper 4:13:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Whya re you flustered 4:13:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 4:13:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Im fuckin jealous 4:13:17 | l9didifani: w man 4:13:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: damn 4:13:17 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: no way f1nnEmbarrassed 4:13:18 | GooseBozo: wtf 4:13:18 | wtfuxlolwut: Wow 4:13:18 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: NatGP 4:13:18 | chaoticMercenary: How do you do that I need to learn how to do the voice 4:13:19 | Emmy64_: PogBones nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 4:13:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Wow! 4:13:19 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: gachiBASS 4:13:20 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Stand up Finn LUL 4:13:20 | Scrooge_McBong: Damn! NICE! 4:13:23 | aunalbrutal: erhhmmmm okej XD 4:13:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: O.O 4:13:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 4:13:24 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Finn insta stunned, it was super effective! 4:13:25 | josecortesnival: Wth 4:13:26 | sr1gaming: 4:13:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 4:13:27 | CheesecubeNL: Natt is fuckin scary 4:13:28 | stiikbug: most heterosexual man in england 4:13:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: . . oKAY f1nnMonka 4:13:29 | natalie_1984: cotton and Nat domming finn lol 4:13:29 | (Prime Gaming) keekocat: Excuse me???? 4:13:32 | spimes8804: Man is in the wrong career 4:13:34 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: VTUBERs sound like Dominatrix? obkatAwooga 4:13:35 | (Prime Gaming) bacteria_food: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:13:36 | hOneybunss2: 4:13:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt does deeper dommy mommy GV. - 4380 4:13:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Now we only need "why you so fucking ugly bro" KEKW 4:13:39 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: What vid 4:13:39 | certified_boylover: rynXD rynXD rynXD rynXD 4:13:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: For later! 4:13:40 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: huh???? 4:13:41 | TrueMezzo: ayo 4:13:41 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Huhh 4:13:42 | braddle172: Ayo 4:13:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: ayo 4:13:43 | loczenzo: No One Man Should Have All That Power 4:13:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) DjKittaGaming: video? 4:13:44 | beyondthegrave1997: hmm?? 4:13:44 | NyxFXIII: ?????? 4:13:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: HUH 4:13:44 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 4:13:45 | l3laz3de: what? 4:13:47 | certified_boylover: rynBonk bonk 4:13:47 | beyondthegrave1997: WAT 4:13:47 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Ayoooo 4:13:47 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: LUL 4:13:49 | ar1st1pp0s: ????? 4:13:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: looool 4:13:50 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 4:13:50 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Lmaooooo 4:13:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL NotLikeThis 4:13:53 | hOneybunss2: Time to write the fanfic guys 4:13:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:13:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: technically the truth 4:13:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: 4:13:54 | Munchitus: What? 4:13:54 | damaris15052008: Natt double team with Cottontail 4:13:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 4:13:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: What? 4:13:55 | Admiral_Tetanus: they're gay your honour 4:13:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: natt and finn video? POG 4:13:56 | zackattack873: pezzyFlash pezzyFlash 4:13:58 | procdump: He has unlocked all the achievements! :-) 4:13:58 | scarph72: KEKW 4:13:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: astra11Kek astra11Kek astra11Kek 4:13:59 | beyondthegrave1997: NATT X FINN IT GOIN DOWN XD 4:14:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: First battlepass character unlocked POGGERS 4:14:00 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 4:14:01 | wild_card34: Hi 4:14:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: I love Natt 4:14:03 | yarnmonsterr: ailsamPandabonk 4:14:03 | Globalnuclear: probably Natt is blushing with Finn too 4:14:04 | josecortesnival: Lol 4:14:05 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) VasFalzVT: 4:14:06 | (Prime Gaming) bonkerbizkits: Do we have OF yet!? 4:14:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Matt's laugh lmao 4:14:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Sus! 4:14:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Matt's laughs is so cute 4:14:07 | milkandciggies: Now im horni 4:14:10 | beyondthegrave1997: Omg John 4:14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 4:14:11 | sr1gaming: Day one battle pass contact f1nn and natt 4:14:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: no man should have that power, but trans women should be able to do that by default 4:14:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: *Natt 4:14:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: I'm so glad I caught this live 4:14:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:14:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:14:17 | xXNeroZashiXx: @johnkeiwo, lol 4:14:18 | Scrooge_McBong: Wow, can’t wait for the battleBussy pass 4:14:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:14:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:14:21 | Senevri: Oh Hi natt! I'm watching your maid outfit VOD 4:14:25 | octyn_: F1nn what monitors do you use and what is that pink light in the back? 4:14:25 | TheFantomSniper: Tell Natt I said hi 4:14:30 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @johnkeiwo Who'd have thought it? Natt definitely wasn't my top guess. 4:14:33 | wild_card34: Hi 4:14:36 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Sounded like Nano 4:14:38 | josecortesnival: What happened to concerned Natt 4:14:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnCope 4:14:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Finn just can't not sound like a hoe 4:14:42 | wild_card34: Can you be my fairy gay mother 4:14:43 | mirot47: thats a vocal fry 4:14:43 | Admiral_Tetanus: just takes practice ig 4:14:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Relaxed? 4:14:45 | Fv3r: f1nn "it's hard" 4:14:48 | LOtiumduPeuple: Let's be real, you'll never get there Finn. But we love you anyway 4:14:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: @johnkeiwo true 4:14:53 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: California accent type 4:14:53 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @octyn_, You've asked this some many times already. Please stop asking. 4:15:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: @johnkeiwo he's either himbo or bimbo, there's nothing in between 4:15:02 | octyn_: Sorry 4:15:04 | aunalbrutal: @Fv3r thought so too famous f1nn words XD 4:15:07 | astarsten: kyoop 4:15:08 | allie420: can we have ur top 3 tips Natt??? TransgenderPride TransgenderPride 4:15:13 | (Prime Gaming) xx_zephyroht_xx: xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! 23 months of this beautiful man lets go! 4:15:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:15:22 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: TransgenderPride 4:15:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @johnkeiwo Finbo? 4:15:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: @scarlettyg tbh, more bimbo 4:15:32 | boomkittie28: LOL 4:15:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 4:15:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hwat? 4:15:37 | procdump: For how long has Natt's been doing this amazing voice? 4:15:40 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: It's impressive every time 4:15:41 | beyondthegrave1997: XD 4:15:41 | (Prime Gaming) Councilflats: OF poggers 4:15:42 | lastnightinsoho: LUL 4:15:42 | NyxFXIII: KEKW 4:15:43 | okgier: u asked? 4:15:44 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: KEKW 4:15:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Say what what 4:15:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ROFL 4:15:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: BRO 4:15:46 | (Prime Gaming) doge_doodles: ayo 4:15:46 | braddle172: KEKW 4:15:46 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: ayo 4:15:47 | TrueMezzo: its the vowels american ones is easier 4:15:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:15:47 | natalie_1984: KEKW 4:15:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Love how Natt turns into a soundboard instantly 4:15:49 | 1tangomango1: LUL 4:15:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Collab? 4:15:49 | (GLHF Pledge) georgerossofkildary: KEKW 4:15:50 | k4rakara: KEKW 4:15:50 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:15:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 4:15:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: he didn't say no 4:15:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: AYO? 4:15:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) COHFIRE: KEKW 4:15:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: bro 4:15:54 | TheCraftyBear: LUL 4:15:55 | certified_boylover: yes 4:15:55 | GreyWinterWraith: I am totally here for Natt being Finn's dommy mommy KEKW 4:15:55 | hOneybunss2: 4:15:58 | Scrooge_McBong: We need to know Natt ass phat!! 4:15:58 | LOtiumduPeuple: He's a magician. Old england would have burn him 4:15:59 | brightgaz: Hello lovelies hope all you beautiful people are good :) 4:15:59 | scarph72: KEKW 4:16:01 | Bloodcoatrain: Only NAtts april 1st? 4:16:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: We all sound aggressive and miserable British 4:16:05 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: yes please Nat f1nnSad 4:16:05 | bearpaw1970: Too funny 4:16:08 | octyn_: @amoyamoyamoya sorry 4:16:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Asks Natt to say "what" in normal and girl voice. -4290 4:16:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Who would mind? 4:16:09 | Emmy64_: When f1nn tries is more on the "quivering" side nanona1LETSGOO 4:16:09 | h4nn1bal_1: U WOT M8 4:16:11 | TacticalHardcore: This guy is insane 4:16:13 | Senevri: I approve of this Natt Vtuber idea 4:16:13 | LOtiumduPeuple: he's thinking about ir 4:16:13 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: Natt would be a good voice actor 4:16:18 | Therosbr: Sounds like Natt wants "IN" the battle pass lol 4:16:18 | Globalnuclear: @GreyWinterWraith brofist 4:16:21 | (Prime Gaming) GNSxTRKZ: Whats NAtts twitch? 4:16:21 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: KEKW 4:16:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: hilarious even 4:16:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: F1nn seducing Natt into the lifestyle 4:16:22 | natalie_1984: lol 4:16:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn Arousal Level increasing. 4:16:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: KEKW 4:16:23 | phos4us_: f1nn's hooting his shot 4:16:24 | arzi77perra: yes yes yes yes yeas. 4:16:24 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: F1nn would be your best customer 4:16:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: He needs material 4:16:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: not funny ahah, funny weird 4:16:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:16:27 | lastnightinsoho: lol 4:16:27 | phos4us_: shooting* 4:16:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Stand up, F1nn. 4:16:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: inception 4:16:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 4:16:29 | GreyWinterWraith: @GreyWinterWraith f1nnHeart seanvrHeadpat 4:16:29 | Scrooge_McBong: Natt has Phat voice!! 4:16:30 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: 4 the Memes Natt? 4:16:32 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 4:16:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lol 4:16:36 | (Listening only) catnboots1: Oh daddy 4:16:37 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: finn attracted to his voice =P 4:16:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Indoctrination LUL 4:16:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: How do we know he's not already doing it? 4:16:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn is trying to corrupt Natt aquafpSGrin 4:16:41 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Natt's gender-swapping v-tuber model would be so cool 4:16:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Stand uppppp. lol 4:16:42 | 1tangomango1: ayo 4:16:44 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I can picture it 4:16:44 | octyn_: f1nnZOOM 4:16:45 | GreyWinterWraith: excuse me what 4:16:46 | retroretroretro1: Hola, F1nn! 4:16:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: ayo 4:16:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Inception 4:16:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: ayo 4:16:50 | chapter_7ven: Brainwashing natt 4:16:51 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Bruhh 4:16:52 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: sub 4:16:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: once Kappa 4:16:53 | (Listening only) chamXD: ? 4:16:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Bettt 4:16:53 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: just once... 4:16:53 | (Prime Gaming) Otsgekee: can't wait to hear that 4:16:54 | GreyWinterWraith: himself 4:16:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Ayo 4:16:55 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: a sub 4:16:55 | (Prime Gaming) bonkerbizkits: Are we getting nude photos or not haha 4:16:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: As a meme 4:16:56 | josecortesnival: There are v tubers that sound masculine and have a femme art 4:16:56 | sr1gaming: Finns face is getting redder 4:16:59 | LOtiumduPeuple: The tentacule creature 4:17:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: yeah like the girlweek finn 4:17:00 | beyondthegrave1997: Natt don't trust it finn named his dick money he's trying to put his dick in your head NATT 4:17:01 | Scrooge_McBong: The bottom!! 4:17:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Do an OF where Natt does a voice over of you for like a whole video 4:17:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: this whole wholesome thing went out the window completely 4:17:03 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: the ugly bastard 4:17:04 | general_of_cm: Just like the girl thing was aone time thing 4:17:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: He'd play himself as a character. 4:17:06 | lastnightinsoho: just once Kappa 4:17:07 | spacegoatcyclops: aye i have that shirt 4:17:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) astheriel: Do it "once" 4:17:09 | hOneybunss2: What henti exactly 4:17:10 | (Listening only) catnboots1: Oh daddy 4:17:10 | Senevri: S you'd play yourself? 4:17:11 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Danger zone, Finn 4:17:12 | Emmy64_: Kappa 4:17:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: the only role femboys ever do. the sub 4:17:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I can't wait for the F1nn5ter hentai game 4:17:18 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Kappa 4:17:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we can imagine 4:17:19 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Fan Fiction Rose? 4:17:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL LUL 4:17:23 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: KEKW Natt 4:17:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 4:17:26 | shromper: I love ur shirt 4:17:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Lookin kinda sussy there F1nn 4:17:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: If it's a hen tie and there's a femboy, there's one thing happening 4:17:27 | lexigirl212345: UGHHHHHH 4:17:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RoseMeronym: Finn voices the tentacle 4:17:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 4:17:28 | m4cintoshplus: finn voicing boku no pico LUL 4:17:28 | retroretroretro1: F1nntai 4:17:31 | h4nn1bal_1: UwU 4:17:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn says he'd voice-act a hentai as a femboy character. - 4270 4:17:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: tos? 4:17:37 | LOtiumduPeuple: You should do an hentai video game 4:17:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DualityUK: "wholesome" 4:17:44 | Emmy64_: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps f1nnPegChamp 4:17:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Sus! 4:17:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: lordt not boku 4:17:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Oh yeah, I remember your reaction to it KEKW 4:17:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:17:51 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:17:52 | CheesecubeNL: Did Natt ever try to freak out people in stores or restaurants with that voice? imagine the confusion at the McDrive or something 4:17:52 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:17:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: you are so fucked 4:18:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) ladyfish313: If you've ever seen CottonTail's FO page, you would not think of that voice ever again. 4:18:02 | wrongbeaver: !mic 4:18:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Earthworks Ethos mic. Get your own using code "FNNTER" from https://onecustomaudio.com/collections/microphones/products/ethos-xlr-broadcast-microphone?ref=FNNTER 4:18:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW, f1nn is worried 4:18:03 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: "She brings the same energy" -- F1nn realises he's totally fucked. 4:18:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: The look of utter terror 4:18:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: you're fucked finn 4:18:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: You aren't getting out of it, Finn 4:18:07 | im_up_to_something: Ah yes Hentai, such wholesome content 4:18:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: small compared to 4:18:08 | bearpaw1970: Uh' oh' F1nn' 4:18:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: she is gonna dom you 4:18:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: They've met 4:18:11 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: sure finn 4:18:11 | Gaetanfalcon: why did he say "really" so excitedly KEKW 4:18:11 | LOtiumduPeuple: Small but Thicc Boi 4:18:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: you're fucked and also will be KEKW 4:18:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Hoesome. 4:18:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: F1nn is scared all of a sudden KEKW 4:18:22 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: true 4:18:24 | general_of_cm: X 4:18:25 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 4:18:25 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 4:18:25 | beyondthegrave1997: Agreed natt 4:18:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 4:18:26 | Rick_T_T: Kappa 4:18:26 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: f1nnCope 4:18:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: x 4:18:27 | Scrooge_McBong: Small mommy big energy! Cotton 4:18:28 | braddle172: Lol 4:18:29 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: X 4:18:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: X 4:18:29 | Munchitus: oh no Finn 4:18:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: X 4:18:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: x 4:18:30 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled 4:18:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: its gonna be so cute 4:18:31 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: X 4:18:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: X 4:18:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:32 | (Subscriber) baby_ronan: i will never talk again 4:18:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: X 4:18:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:34 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: X 4:18:34 | natalie_1984: x 4:18:34 | (Watching without audio) reformed_ryalgh: if i am attracted to femboys, am i gay? 4:18:34 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: yeah u gonna cave a lot finn KEKW 4:18:35 | artemis_mintmaddness: finn terrified of cotton XDDDD 4:18:35 | boringdepressedintrovert: f1nnCope 4:18:36 | Scrooge_McBong: X 4:18:36 | cavetguy: Rip 4:18:36 | braddle172: X 4:18:36 | Fv3r: x 4:18:36 | (Subscriber) w12w: X 4:18:37 | 71M073J: LUL 4:18:37 | ar1st1pp0s: natt speaking truth 4:18:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PRESS X FOR DOUBT 4:18:37 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: LMAOOOO 4:18:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: 'I'm better in real life' says every man on Tinder 4:18:38 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:39 | (Prime Gaming) AtoZWoW: X 4:18:39 | (Prime Gaming) stumbling_warthog: can you be a top if you're small? 4:18:39 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: X 4:18:39 | ihavenowhit: @c__r__j exactly! 4:18:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: X 4:18:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: KEKW 4:18:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zarasque: C 4:18:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 4:18:40 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: x 4:18:40 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: bitch please 4:18:40 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: OMEGALUL 4:18:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: f1nnCope 4:18:40 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 4:18:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: x 4:18:41 | (Subscriber) supernova197o: ha 4:18:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Lol 4:18:41 | Melody_Silverpaw: raysL 4:18:41 | RonnieSxl: natt is gonna dom you 4:18:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: He's lying 4:18:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: X 4:18:42 | Therosbr: X 4:18:42 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: X 4:18:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zarasque: X 4:18:42 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: X 4:18:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) astheriel: L 4:18:42 | NyxFXIII: X 4:18:42 | Rick_T_T: Kappa copium 4:18:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: In the voice, Natt. 4:18:43 | spimes8804: LUL LUL LUL 4:18:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: He's gonna cave 4:18:43 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: X 4:18:43 | TheCraftyBear: Finn is better in Natts... what? 4:18:44 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:44 | Just_Shephard: X 4:18:44 | hOneybunss2: 4:18:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:44 | Woodlands_ND: X 4:18:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Rheumour: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:44 | certified_boylover: X 4:18:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ProvenBedbug1933: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:45 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnCope 4:18:45 | braddle172: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: 4:18:46 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: COPIUM 4:18:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:18:46 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:47 | GeremyGaming: X 4:18:47 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: X 4:18:47 | (GlitchCon 2020) legopogo: X 4:18:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnCope 4:18:47 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: LUL 4:18:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: L 4:18:47 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:47 | bearpaw1970: she is so going to get that @$$ 4:18:48 | SladeWson: LUL 4:18:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:48 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:48 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: COPIUM 4:18:49 | xXNeroZashiXx: x 4:18:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: f1nnCope 4:18:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:50 | (cheer 100) RatboyJon: LUL 4:18:50 | Emmy64_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:50 | Zombaraen: L 4:18:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Desterfox: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: X 4:18:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:51 | octyn_: f1nnZOOM 4:18:51 | (Subscriber) sadcomunist: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:51 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Kekw 4:18:51 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:18:52 | (Prime Gaming) plebiaani: laeOso laeOso laeOso laeOso 4:18:52 | total_acidity: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: X for doubt 4:18:53 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: f1nnCope 4:18:53 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: X 4:18:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:53 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:54 | cavetguy: F 4:18:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:54 | Munchitus: nope 4:18:54 | hOneybunss2: 4:18:55 | mirot47: Natt calling bs lolol 4:18:55 | (cheer 100) the_mist_demon: x 4:18:55 | im_up_to_something: Hahaha 4:18:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:56 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) BeaR3003: cap 4:18:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:56 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: X 4:18:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:56 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:56 | TrueMezzo: hes gonna fold even harder 4:18:57 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: x 4:18:57 | (Prime Gaming) stormzo: X 4:18:58 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: f1nnCope 4:18:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) the_amazing_jess: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IAMRTB: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:58 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:58 | 1tangomango1: Kappa 4:18:58 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:59 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnLaff GlitchCat f1nnLaff GlitchCat f1nnLaff GlitchCat f1nnLaff 4:18:59 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:18:59 | NyxFXIII: COPIUM 4:19:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:00 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Xirenec_: f1nnCope 4:19:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt telling F1nn he might not do as well as he thinks he will against Cottontail. - 4310 4:19:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Press x to doubt 4:19:01 | (Subscriber) maxi15302: f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:01 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:02 | l9tesseract: copium 4:19:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: X 4:19:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:04 | h4nn1bal_1: BibleThump 4:19:04 | luncent: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:19:04 | Rick_T_T: Kappa 4:19:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Kek 4:19:04 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:05 | WartornTTV: tbf its a low standard set 4:19:05 | (Subscriber) supernova197o: ok bud 4:19:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:06 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Inhale 4:19:07 | Dyoxx101: Who is the other person? Druew? 4:19:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: good god man she won't even have to talk, just wink at you and you'll wet your pants 4:19:07 | binx_the_dog: He has such a contagious laugh 4:19:07 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:08 | Munchitus: it will be more intence 4:19:08 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: X 4:19:09 | itsfree_real_estate: X 4:19:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:10 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnSmile1 f1nnCope f1nnSmile3 4:19:10 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: no but you are being watched by HER 4:19:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: finn, she is gonna fluster you 4:19:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:10 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:11 | GooseBozo: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:11 | strinx1120: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:12 | josecortesnival: Wow even natt 4:19:12 | (Prime Gaming) hydemaintenanceman: Oooooo 4:19:13 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:13 | spimes8804: Being bullied by Natt and Chat 4:19:14 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:14 | supremejumba: X 4:19:14 | RonnieSxl: LUL LUL LUL 4:19:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: f1nnCope 4:19:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:16 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:17 | octyn_: Is @amoyamoyamoya a mod? 4:19:18 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope 4:19:18 | windsage561: Huffing the copium I see 4:19:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: f1nnCope 4:19:18 | ar1st1pp0s: these are moments leading up to a disaster 4:19:18 | (cheer 100) Psibug: Says the person that had his school mates dress him up X 4:19:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, Cotton will destroy you. 4:19:20 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:20 | Anielfox_: doubt 4:19:21 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: you need ear plugs 4:19:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:22 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope 4:19:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Ok Finn if you say so! 4:19:24 | TacticalHardcore: Copium xD 4:19:25 | mirot47: f1nn5ter you're going to fold bruh 4:19:25 | Scrooge_McBong: She goonna do your shit!! Lol 4:19:25 | retroretroretro1: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood 4:19:26 | Munchitus: good luck 4:19:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:26 | (Prime Gaming) friendscallme_jordan: I have to questions myself when I see you 4:19:27 | AriusToTelos: Chat what we talking about 4:19:28 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Massive dosage of f1nnCope detected 4:19:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:29 | josecortesnival: You are going to be in trouble 4:19:30 | (Prime Gaming) bacteria_food: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:30 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:32 | Zombaraen: Copium 4:19:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: She will break you in half like she promised to KEKW 4:19:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) iAmForTheV: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:36 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Your tank maam 4:19:36 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:37 | bearpaw1970: Fear in his eyes 4:19:38 | Fv3r: I bet you get more flustered without 4k peaople watching 4:19:38 | TrueMezzo: gonna need earplugs 4:19:38 | 71M073J: literally lmao 4:19:39 | (Prime Gaming) AtoZWoW: literally 4:19:39 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Yes, Rose is also a great negotiator too! (Laughing on floor) 4:19:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: Poor F1nn he is high on f1nnCope 4:19:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @octyn_, That's what the Sword Badge tells me. 4:19:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HotGarbageBot: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Oof 4:19:42 | (Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: cottontailCopium cottontailCopium cottontailCopium cottontailCopium 4:19:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, Cotton will destroy you. 4:19:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: All your facades are crumbling . . . 4:19:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zero_polaris: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:44 | Munchitus: bring lube 4:19:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Copium ovedose 4:19:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: go ahead F1nn, make a bet with Natt over this, I'm sure it'll go well 4:19:45 | ar1st1pp0s: oh no 4:19:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:46 | general_of_cm: LOL 4:19:46 | Chri55PBacon: LUL 4:19:48 | ihavenowhit: Finn's screwed 4:19:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:50 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2018) superkill3: superkill3 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! dez 4:19:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: superkill3 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU 4:19:50 | Bytebak: F1nn needs to be tied to a mast to resist 4:19:50 | RonnieSxl: uh oh 4:19:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: X 4:19:51 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: PFFFF 4:19:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: She is going to DESTROY you 4:19:52 | certified_boylover: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:52 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled 4:19:53 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: f1nnCope 4:19:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ProvenBedbug1933: cottontailCopium cottontailCopium cottontailCopium cottontailCopium 4:19:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: BULLSHIT 4:19:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Is that a macro yet? 4:19:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Barely 4:19:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:19:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) iAmForTheV: f1nnCope Liqud Couragef1nnCope Liqud Couragef1nnCope Liqud Couragef1nnCope Liqud Courage 4:19:59 | Scrooge_McBong: Screwed literally f1nnLaff 4:19:59 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: suree 4:19:59 | superfox02: UwU, F1nn is gonna need some bounty to clean up the mess 4:19:59 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:20:00 | PixiePride: the stream time is 4:20 4:20:01 | retroretroretro1: F1nn will be a defenseless little chick 4:20:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Yeah nah, she's dancing circles around you 4:20:02 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: I think you mean stumble through 4:20:03 | orangeandmayo: Bull 4:20:03 | judgedame: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:20:03 | (Prime Gaming) bacteria_food: idk what happened but f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:20:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kappa Kappa 4:20:10 | beyondthegrave1997: You're going to be in the corner redder then a tomato as she is just tearing into you giggling dude 4:20:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: Have you? 4:20:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) iAmForTheV: f1nnCope Liqud Courage f1nnCope Liqud Courage f1nnCope Liqud Courage f1nnCope Liqud Courage f1nnCope Liqud Courage f1nnCope Liqud Courage 4:20:12 | unopenedcookies: Damnd 4 hours late 4:20:12 | maidenless98: I’m telling mommy cotton what you said Finn cheer500 4:20:13 | orangeandmayo: Look what happened last time 4:20:15 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: dez 4:20:15 | arzi77perra: i belive in you finn. 4:20:16 | josecortesnival: Side step 4:20:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I'll be there PogU 4:20:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AeitZean: You absolutely have not learned to cope with her LUL 4:20:18 | Bytebak: Because drunk Finn makes such good decisions 4:20:19 | LOtiumduPeuple: You should MMA fight Cotton on a ring at Twitchcon 4:20:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: You can't avoid the inevitable f1nn 4:20:22 | Munchitus: dont forget the video with her 4:20:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, It should be. I need a aux keyboard for macros. 4:20:24 | Senevri: So where's Natt on turning to F1nn timetable? And where is F1nn in turning to Ashley timetable? 4:20:25 | (cheer 100) Psibug: Copium to the max! 4:20:25 | KyleSmith11: you had the worst negotiation ever , you're screwed 4:20:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: uh that might devolve fast once you loose 4:20:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: HAHAHA 4:20:28 | Scrooge_McBong: Forward! He said about cotton!! I’m sure!! 4:20:29 | 71M073J: KEKW 4:20:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Conference Room? 4:20:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Stuttering KEKW 4:20:31 | TrueMezzo: lmaooooo 4:20:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) dumplumbnhavinfun: BibleThump 4:20:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: KEKW 4:20:33 | (Prime Gaming) Spuffle_: KEKW 4:20:33 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:20:33 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Nice words bro 4:20:33 | NyxFXIII: KEKW 4:20:34 | MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 4:20:34 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: tnx @tex_010 4:20:34 | Willowight: ha 4:20:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Why are you stuttering? KEKW 4:20:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: bet 4:20:38 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 4:20:38 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: KEKW 4:20:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @bacteria_food F1nn said Cotton IRL is easier to tackle cyrXD 4:20:38 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:20:40 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: f1nnLaff 4:20:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Stuttering all the way 4:20:42 | artemis_mintmaddness: notice he stubbles with the threat lol 4:20:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: do it 4:20:42 | LOtiumduPeuple: fuck her indeed 4:20:43 | Woodlands_ND: KEKW 4:20:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya That'd be a good idea. Autohotkey, maybe? 4:20:45 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: voice getting low 4:20:45 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: sure finn 4:20:45 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope 4:20:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:20:48 | retroretroretro1: 'Mommy' Cotton? 4:20:50 | (Prime Gaming) bacteria_food: @YeomanJensen oooh thx 4:20:50 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Now would be a poetic moment for CottonTail to turn up. 4:20:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:20:54 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: bro doesn't even know what it's going to be like in person 4:20:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:20:54 | unopenedcookies: But at least I got here at the 4 hour and 20 min mark 4:20:55 | bearpaw1970: Cottontail' is so ready 4:20:56 | ar1st1pp0s: ahh, he so cute and so delusional 4:20:56 | (Prime Gaming) bacteria_food: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:20:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:20:57 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: fin she will own you bro 4:20:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: dude gets flustered at the mere mention of Cotton 4:21:00 | (Prime Gaming) Infam0us_saint99: man started so bold, YOU TELL HEr..her ah 4:21:00 | (cheer 100) the_mist_demon: wow you fell apart really quick there 4:21:00 | (cheer 1000) jeremiah_thekid: Clip and send everyone 4:21:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn saying he needs set-up for the arm-wrestle at TwitchCon. - 4380 4:21:03 | (cheer 100) Psibug: This is not convincing 4:21:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) astheriel: Stuttering when cotton is mentioned you sure you're ready ? 4:21:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Lol the stutter 4:21:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: SHE'S ALL SEEING 4:21:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, Cotton will destroy you. 4:21:05 | Scrooge_McBong: Mommy pegging cotton! 4:21:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Cotton is coming for you 4:21:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: she'll have you eating in the palm of her hand dude 4:21:08 | Emmy64_: She would bring a strap on at that point KEKW 4:21:08 | bery_____: f1nnJAM 4:21:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: The power of Cotton 4:21:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:21:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jahalo2: Can't even talk about her 4:21:15 | LOtiumduPeuple: jealous much ? 4:21:16 | Senevri: Natt x F1nn x Cotton threeway--- discord phonecall 4:21:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: PHEAR 4:21:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:21:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Hahahaha!! I love Natt! 4:21:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 4:21:24 | unopenedcookies: So it is Natt 4:21:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: PHEAR - DO YOU FEEL IT F1NN? 4:21:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: to dom 4:21:27 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek 4:21:28 | bearpaw1970: Lmao 4:21:28 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya F1nn and CottonTail should book out one of the main stages. 4:21:29 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: You 4:21:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HotGarbageBot: ! battlepass 4:21:30 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 4:21:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: Finn is so proud about a link lol 4:21:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: I do! ;) 4:21:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: His laugh! I love it so much 4:21:33 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:21:33 | Munchitus: ture 4:21:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 4:21:34 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 4:21:34 | h4nn1bal_1: GlitchNRG 4:21:34 | (Prime Gaming) BanOompaLoompas: LM FAOO 4:21:34 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lol 4:21:34 | total_acidity: KEKW 4:21:34 | braddle172: KEKW 4:21:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: LUL 4:21:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: KEKW GOTTEM 4:21:35 | general_of_cm: F1nn have you given natt one 4:21:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) Sakurawtf: KEKW 4:21:35 | MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 4:21:35 | LOtiumduPeuple: No that's me 4:21:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Kekw 4:21:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL 4:21:36 | blu3berrycat: oof 4:21:36 | 71M073J: ULL 4:21:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Fin wants to be topped 4:21:36 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: He does, he does desire 4:21:36 | scarph72: KEKW 4:21:36 | Thesamuli44: KEKW 4:21:36 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: GOTTEM 4:21:37 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: LUL 4:21:37 | Alijah_T: LUL LUL LUL 4:21:37 | superfox02: KEKW 4:21:37 | k4rakara: KEKW 4:21:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: LUL 4:21:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:21:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:21:37 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: KEKW 4:21:38 | itsfree_real_estate: KEKW 4:21:38 | 1tangomango1: KEKW 4:21:38 | (Prime Gaming) AtoZWoW: ... 4:21:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 4:21:38 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: OMEGALUL 4:21:39 | SeaElite: KEKW 4:21:39 | aunalbrutal: Wants XD 4:21:39 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: F1nn happy mommy likes him better 4:21:39 | bearpaw1970: Yes..Natt 4:21:39 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:21:39 | Den_drummer: f1nnLaff 4:21:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 4:21:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: GOTTEM 4:21:40 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Lies 4:21:40 | Woodlands_ND: LUL 4:21:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: kekw 4:21:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: KEKW 4:21:41 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL LUL 4:21:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 4:21:41 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 4:21:41 | total_acidity: TRUE 4:21:41 | Munchitus: true 4:21:41 | Philippovic98: KEKW 4:21:41 | 036969: LUL LUL 4:21:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:21:41 | braddle172: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:21:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 4:21:41 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: LUL LUL LUL 4:21:42 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 4:21:42 | arzi77perra: uuuuuuuuu 4:21:42 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: OMEGALUL 4:21:42 | boomkittie28: yah what are we fighting for Finn?? lol 4:21:42 | (Prime Gaming) billyoneball: mummy? 4:21:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: f1nnMonka 4:21:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: her favorite victim 4:21:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: 'I do...' 4:21:42 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: X 4:21:42 | (cheer 100) LaMale411: LUL 4:21:43 | scarph72: SUPER KEKW 4:21:43 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: KEKW 4:21:44 | RonnieSxl: exposed 4:21:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 4:21:44 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: REKT 4:21:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) astheriel: The lettering is close 4:21:44 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 4:21:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: LUL 4:21:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: Natt's laugh is INCREDIBLE 4:21:45 | k8telynnbee: tailssSus 4:21:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:21:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: LUL LUL LUL 4:21:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Lmao 4:21:46 | certified_boylover: kekw 4:21:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, If only he had that much clout. 4:21:46 | Owly_9: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:21:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HotGarbageBot: I d---- 4:21:47 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:21:47 | josecortesnival: Lol 4:21:48 | bearpaw1970: 4:21:49 | (Prime Gaming) Spuffle_: Couldn't finish the sentence cause it would be a lie KEKW 4:21:49 | Therosbr: OMEGALUL 4:21:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: MaxLOL 4:21:49 | Thesamuli44: OMEGALUL 4:21:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: dew it ! 4:21:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jakskidshaw: Pegged lol 4:21:50 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: To which Battlepass @natt ? 4:21:50 | offical_mk24: L 4:21:51 | MajesticFvckingEagle: OMEGALUL Goteeeeem 4:21:51 | organic_rust: so... you do? 4:21:51 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Got him 4:21:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:21:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Peg! Clap Champ! 4:21:53 | marstheplanetdestroyer: KEWK 4:21:53 | Senevri: Point to Natt 4:21:54 | im_up_to_something: Hahaha 4:21:54 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Got his ass 4:21:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: That's a W tho 4:21:55 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: you 4:21:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:21:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) iAmForTheV: True KEKW 4:21:57 | orangeandmayo: The lord are strong with this one 4:21:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: You’re her favourite Finn! 4:21:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: Checking in at The Peg Inn 4:22:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Give it a try then 4:22:00 | briggles1998: Fin wants to be pegged 4:22:00 | (Turbo) Teambou: "i do" 4:22:03 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: LUL 4:22:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nn's going to overdose on copium KEKW 4:22:03 | bearpaw1970: peggi18 4:22:04 | josecortesnival: You are in trouble 4:22:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:22:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: gottem 4:22:06 | viryl_lucas: You're gonna snap like a twig 4:22:06 | gernadesquirrel: got to bounce long walk ahead of me pray i do not get turned into a hood ornament CRAZY drivers lol 4:22:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HotGarbageBot: My boy didn't even say "I don't want it" 4:22:09 | LOtiumduPeuple: less boomerang I believe 4:22:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jakskidshaw: Peggers Poggers 4:22:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 4:22:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt suggests F1nn is the one who wants to get pegged. - 4430 4:22:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: The favorite girl gets pegged 4:22:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Bri'ish girl voice 4:22:12 | TrueMezzo: tell him to do skye voice 4:22:12 | Crashencastles: !uptime 4:22:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 22m 22s 4:22:13 | orangeandmayo: Lies* 4:22:14 | boomkittie28: throat goat LUL 4:22:15 | k8telynnbee: passio15Cry 4:22:21 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: just talk with a deep woman voice first? 4:22:22 | waarta993: travelo 4:22:27 | xkiller254: wholesome my ass 4:22:30 | viryl_lucas: Gluc gluc gluc throat goat 4:22:33 | envyplays777: Cotton is waiting rose 4:22:37 | valcinoid: Can natt do a british girl voice 4:22:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Cotton just left him handcuffed to her bed in her hotel room and left to party through the night 4:22:39 | Willowight: do a texan girl voice 4:22:40 | Munchitus: you will have fun when you lose 4:22:43 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek 4:22:44 | (GLHF Pledge) micromnms: i joined and herd its rough buttfuck 4:22:49 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Little Voice Rose, cute. 4:22:50 | LOtiumduPeuple: @viryl_lucas I can hear Cotton say that tbh 4:22:54 | Scrooge_McBong: Cotton it’s a bussy connoisseur! 4:22:59 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope 4:23:00 | (cheer 100) the_mist_demon: unsHAHA 4:23:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: I love Nat's laugh 4:23:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 4:23:06 | SliderX: this is going to be epic 4:23:06 | cavetguy: Marry me. I’ll get you a green card. 4:23:08 | Fv3r: isn't aussie just saying cnt every other word? 4:23:09 | h4nn1bal_1: how now, brown cow TheIlluminati 4:23:10 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: LOOOL 4:23:11 | k8telynnbee: no laughing 4:23:12 | certified_boylover: Natt’s laugh is EVERYTHING 4:23:14 | Dhalsin: @purfectpious it's so good! 4:23:14 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: I can't read ur lips Rose? 4:23:25 | viryl_lucas: I can imagine cotton singing: here comes the boi~ hello boi~ 4:23:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: F1nn can't do an american accent LUL 4:23:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn mutes to test a voice. - 4280 4:23:36 | (Prime Gaming) DrDokter: when OF account up? 4:23:36 | k8telynnbee: LOL 4:23:38 | gernadesquirrel: latter gatter 4:23:39 | emmajay_: @Fv3r same here in scotland :] 4:23:41 | Senevri: Granny voice 4:23:42 | RonnieSxl: dont laugh after each sentence 4:23:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CUtting off the tip? 4:23:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 4:23:50 | Obakito: everyday Finn strays farther from masculinity. 4:23:52 | (cheer 100) CatPunsFurEver: Cheer30 you are my favorite streamer to watch while I commit arson on the home of a family of four 4:23:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 4:23:55 | k8telynnbee: granny all the way 4:23:55 | viryl_lucas: EZ granny voice 4:23:56 | KritiusGaming: Hyuk hyuk hyuk 4:23:57 | Just_Shephard: LMAO 4:23:57 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: lol 4:23:58 | TheSoggyNoodled: Ello F1NN 4:23:58 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: lets goooooo, granny voice! 4:23:59 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: GILF worrunGasm 4:23:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no whiskey or cigars 4:23:59 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lol 4:23:59 | Thetwilightstar: NotLikeThis 4:24:00 | frank_the_great: Now? 4:24:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: "They'd be into him." 4:24:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: F1NN grandma kink confirmed 4:24:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: grussy Kreygasm 4:24:06 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: G-MILFS! logiccThnx 4:24:06 | viryl_lucas: Oof 4:24:07 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: oh god 4:24:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW natt is so based 4:24:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Oh Grandma What Massive Hotness You Have 4:24:10 | (cheer 100) Psibug: Older woman can have quite deep voices 4:24:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: My weakness 4:24:12 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: DM @F1NN5TER 4:24:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 4:24:14 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Natt and Finn. Normal friends 4:24:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Old lady voice! 4:24:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LMAOOOO CALLED OUT 4:24:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HotGarbageBot: Slide those pampers aside Grandma 4:24:16 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: hey sunny 4:24:16 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: mkoHmm man of culture 4:24:16 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:24:16 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Suss Rose Suss? Who us? 4:24:17 | unopenedcookies: Grandma wit the grippy 4:24:17 | 71M073J: LUL 4:24:17 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:24:18 | braddle172: KEKW 4:24:18 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: BRUUUU 4:24:18 | TrueMezzo: damn 4:24:19 | arzi77perra: gremlins are super sexy. 4:24:19 | superfox02: OwO 4:24:19 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek 4:24:19 | Woodlands_ND: KEKW 4:24:20 | boomkittie28: gottem! 4:24:21 | Thesamuli44: KEKW OMEGALUL 4:24:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 4:24:21 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:24:22 | bearpaw1970: Lmao 4:24:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: hahahahahahahah. Called oout. 4:24:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: only 60% of us are degens 4:24:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 4:24:22 | Senevri: Another point to Natt 4:24:22 | Emmy64_: KEKW 4:24:22 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: KEKW 4:24:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Natt's voice already sounds deeper than before. 4:24:23 | Obakito: the silence 4:24:23 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: KEKW 4:24:23 | k4rakara: OMEGALUL 4:24:24 | salivnya: KEKW 4:24:25 | h4nn1bal_1: PogChamp 4:24:25 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: He's not denying it 4:24:26 | Just_Shephard: KEKW 4:24:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 4:24:26 | unopenedcookies: HAH 4:24:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Blushing so hard KEKW 4:24:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: i thought Natt was here for that 4:24:27 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:24:27 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: KEKW 4:24:27 | k8telynnbee: passio15Flop 4:24:28 | blu3berrycat: lmfao 4:24:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) astheriel: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:24:28 | Munchitus: oh no 4:24:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 4:24:28 | LOtiumduPeuple: owned 4:24:28 | unopenedcookies: HAHAHAHA 4:24:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:24:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Exposed 4:24:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:24:30 | kgober: wholesome grandma hours 4:24:30 | Emmy64_: Aren't we all f1nnLaff 4:24:30 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Whoops 4:24:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: KEKW 4:24:30 | spimes8804: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:24:31 | Alijah_T: LUL LUL LUL 4:24:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 4:24:31 | chaoticMercenary: I think I saw that same clip on tiktok 4:24:31 | Fv3r: The railing 4:24:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:24:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: Busted 4:24:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DualityUK: u act like you are not also a degen 4:24:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Natt go for it 4:24:32 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 4:24:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: WHOLESOME 4:24:33 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: @Aetreus88 YE xD 4:24:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) veteranrangermojave: f1nnLaff 4:24:34 | dotgobbler: receipts 4:24:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Wholesome 4:24:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnPegChamp 4:24:34 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Say yes?? 4:24:35 | OfRiceAnMen: It was just a meme bro 4:24:35 | Scrooge_McBong: Every day F1nn is more manlier! More of manly girl energy! 4:24:36 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: BLUSHHHHING 4:24:36 | Senevri: F1nn 0, Natt 2 since I started counting 4:24:37 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome 4:24:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 4:24:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: 4:24:37 | Munchitus: he knows 4:24:37 | viryl_lucas: LUL NotLikeThis Kreygasm LUL NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 4:24:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: Oopsie 4:24:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Lol 4:24:41 | RonnieSxl: KEKW 4:24:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Aventuri_: Aventuri_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! 4:24:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 4:24:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: aventuri_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU 4:24:45 | xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: That's hot 4:24:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IAMRTB: SIR iceyayPepe iceyayPepe iceyayPepe iceyayPepe 4:24:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: f1nn still sure your straight gaw damm 4:24:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: LOL 4:24:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: do we? 4:24:48 | im_up_to_something: Once it's online it's out there 4ever 4:24:49 | viryl_lucas: Sure... 4:24:50 | retroretroretro1: Now I want to hear a genuine Grandma F1nn voice. 4:24:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HARDCASEdaClone: f1nnCope 4:24:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: based natt is based KEKW 4:24:52 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: mhm 4:24:53 | blu3berrycat: list? 4:24:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: I don't have a list 4:24:53 | unopenedcookies: Lovely conversation we're currently having! <3 4:24:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Lies 4:25:00 | unopenedcookies: I do have list yes 4:25:00 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: based 4:25:01 | total_acidity: I don't have a list either 4:25:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) reformedh1: TRUE 4:25:03 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: copium 4:25:04 | (Subscriber) superfox02: superfox02 subscribed at Tier 1. 4:25:04 | Alijah_T: take that back 4:25:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: superfox02 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang superfox02 f1nnLezgang 4:25:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgHot rexgBozo 4:25:04 | Woodlands_ND: agreed 4:25:05 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: HOW DARE YOU 4:25:05 | jojocuervo777: whos did dude 4:25:05 | salivnya: no straight person sais that 4:25:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: See he has a list 4:25:06 | unopenedcookies: And he is. yes 4:25:06 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: True 4:25:07 | josecortesnival: Nope 4:25:07 | whelkier: I want Ryan Reynolds to peg me 4:25:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: But jensen ackles tho worrunGasm 4:25:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: OOOO 4:25:09 | (Prime Gaming) Ratedr4rose: !commands 4:25:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 4:25:09 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) L0rc4n: bad take 4:25:12 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: henry cavill is where its at 4:25:12 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt responds to F1nn's accusation that he isn't wholesome. Natt brings the receipts. - 4320 4:25:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: here we go, talking about man crushes again 4:25:15 | (Prime Gaming) Kuntzilla101: from THE BOYS??? supernatural motherfucker 4:25:16 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read DM @F1NN5TER 4:25:16 | chaoticMercenary: Dean Winchester 4:25:16 | Scrooge_McBong: F1nn has a battleBussy pass with cotton! And we are all 4:25:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: terrible take 4:25:17 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: So over rated 4:25:18 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Okay chat, form a orderly line 4:25:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Jensen is so fine 4:25:20 | itsfree_real_estate: L FINN 4:25:21 | Senevri: Jackles ain't bad if you're into that. 4:25:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jwickedd: DEAN 4:25:22 | Mrdeadfishrock: nah its all about paul rudd 4:25:22 | (Turbo) XavienTC: supernatural dude 4:25:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: You mean form Super Natural 4:25:24 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: yeah 4:25:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Yeah 4:25:25 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: !donate 4:25:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 4:25:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: L 4:25:27 | cmatt06: !confused 4:25:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:25:28 | chapeudeflores: yes 4:25:28 | (Prime Gaming) violetkasuga: jensen is the best 4:25:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: yes 4:25:29 | xXNeroZashiXx: @chaoticMercenary, great show 4:25:29 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @Helen_Croft f1nnGremlin 4:25:29 | (Prime Gaming) stumbling_warthog: carry on my wayward Finn 4:25:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: True, yes from supernatural 4:25:30 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: I got someone in mind 4:25:31 | Just_Shephard: Yeah Supernatural 4:25:31 | unopenedcookies: OH absolutley, he can do me any day 4:25:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: jensen is hot 4:25:33 | GreyWinterWraith: "weird one" his famous role 4:25:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: He's hot 4:25:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: 100% not 4:25:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: He is more known for supernatural finn 4:25:34 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: jensen ackles sounds like it would be a fish from spongebob 4:25:34 | (Prime Gaming) Kuntzilla101: he was on that show for 14 year sdude 4:25:34 | (cheer 100) platinatroxa: nice 4:25:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Supernatural ran for for like 15 years here!!!!! 4:25:36 | total_acidity: He was on Supernatural for over qa dedcade 4:25:37 | chaoticMercenary: @xxnerozashixx absolutely 4:25:37 | (cheer 1000) a_cuppatea: jensen ackles is GIGACHAD 4:25:38 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: He's more known from Supernatural than voys 4:25:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Dean Winchester is fire 4:25:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: hes more known for supernatural for sure. 4:25:39 | Obakito: hes right 4:25:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes 4:25:40 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Natt is right 4:25:41 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: Just two gal's talking about boys 4:25:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Finn you're such a zoomer KEKW 4:25:43 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: he is more known from Supernatural yeah he did it for more than a decade 4:25:43 | gromlin_: DEAN 4:25:44 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Boys 4:25:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DualityUK: he can't be straight... ryan reynolds isn't doing anything for him 4:25:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Fin is wrong 4:25:45 | im_up_to_something: Supernatural when pretty good 4:25:45 | Obakito: supernatural 4:25:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Incorrect F1nn 4:25:46 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Yeah 4:25:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Poll. 4:25:46 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: Supernatural has had so many seasons. He's more known from that 4:25:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: Natt is right on that one 4:25:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) jwickedd: Supernatural is the best show ever 4:25:47 | (CS:GO Week Brazil 2022) shdyval: youre so wrong 4:25:47 | (Prime Gaming) Infam0us_saint99: supernatural was a massive show 4:25:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: L 4:25:47 | unopenedcookies: False 4:25:47 | lishoward: he got popular from supernatural 4:25:47 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: well yourt wrong 4:25:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: dean 100% 4:25:48 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: yo uare very wrong Finn lol 4:25:48 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: WRONG 4:25:48 | ar1st1pp0s: ***oll.. 4:25:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: No way 4:25:48 | RyoZaya: natt is super correct 4:25:48 | dryfire1776: its dean 4:25:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) onesek_: what the fuck is the boys 4:25:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: great, he's doubling down 4:25:49 | (Prime Gaming) HypnoticBird: i didnt even know he was in the boys 4:25:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Supernatural 4:25:50 | Senevri: Negative 1 point to F1nn 4:25:50 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: False 4:25:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: Dean! 4:25:51 | (Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) MrKafay: Zoomer take KEKW 4:25:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Wayyy more know from supernatural 4:25:51 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Your insane 4:25:51 | total_acidity: Supernatural 4:25:52 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: lol 4:25:52 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: absolutely Dean 4:25:52 | 1CrimsonPrincess: L 4:25:52 | (Turbo) Teambou: your wrong 4:25:52 | cmatt06: !pronouns 4:25:52 | marstheplanetdestroyer: !discord 4:25:52 | itsfree_real_estate: Supernatural 4:25:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 4:25:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 4:25:53 | jritvt: Dope red nails 4:25:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: false 4:25:53 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Wrong 4:25:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Incorrect 4:25:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: L 4:25:54 | gromlin_: SO wrong 4:25:54 | blistexthief: Supernatural ran for over a decade 4:25:54 | dbbs3: Supernatural definitely 4:25:54 | (Subscriber) deathbyf1re: so wrong 4:25:54 | ar1st1pp0s: could not be more wrong 4:25:55 | Schnappyfilms: SuperWhoLock rise up 4:25:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Creation_Games: poll it lol 4:25:56 | octyn_: I’m going to sleep now bye Finn 4:25:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Supernatural, but can do a poll. 4:25:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: uncultured F1nn NotLikeThis 4:25:56 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: Dude... Jensen Ackles did SUPERNATURAL for 15 Years! LUL 4:25:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Def supernatural 4:25:56 | bearpaw1970: Supernatural 12 seasons 4:25:57 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: f1nn stop beeing stupid ^^ 4:25:57 | GooseBozo: finn is right 4:25:57 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek impheeKek 4:25:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Supernatural is hit bigger work F1nn 4:25:58 | retroretroretro1: Supernatural 4:25:58 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Finn L 4:25:58 | typethetyper: Supernatural is my shittt 4:25:58 | Obakito: ayo? 4:25:58 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: you're a moron F1nn, Supernatural all the way 4:25:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: He was on supernatural first 4:25:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Incorrect 4:25:59 | Kolateak_: KEKW 4:25:59 | (Prime Gaming) thetuaschtee: natt is right u are wrong bucko 4:26:00 | (Prime Gaming) simplypsionics: this generation is fucked 4:26:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: fucking bimbo KEKW 4:26:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: Absolutely not 4:26:00 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Rose has a crush, now! Where's Hobbit? 4:26:01 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: L take 4:26:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: ayo 4:26:01 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 4:26:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: You're wrong F1nn, but I definately know him from the Boys 4:26:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: hahaha 4:26:01 | braddle172: He was on that show for like 10 years 4:26:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Nat f1nn is a zoomer its ok 4:26:02 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:26:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Finn is gen z forgive him he knows nothing 4:26:02 | unopenedcookies: HAH 4:26:02 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: FINN 4:26:02 | (25 Gift Subs) Boomslangarang: nice 4:26:02 | total_acidity: CLIP 4:26:02 | frank_the_great: Lol, F1nn has the girliest crush 4:26:02 | bigsuave7: wait what 4:26:03 | m4cintoshplus: zoomer moment LUL 4:26:03 | (CS:GO Week Brazil 2022) shdyval: Zoomer takes Aware 4:26:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: Bimbo moment 4:26:03 | ar1st1pp0s: tumblr 2012 we in here 4:26:03 | viryl_lucas: WHAT 4:26:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 4:26:04 | lishoward: i discovered him thru supernatural when i was a kid 4:26:04 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: what 4:26:04 | (Prime Gaming) LunaaSnow: 4:26:04 | MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 4:26:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 4:26:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: KEKW EGG 4:26:05 | (Turbo) XavienTC: watch supernatural f1nn 4:26:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Lol 4:26:05 | (cheer 100) RatboyJon: LUL 4:26:05 | chapeudeflores: jensen is more famous from supernatural just look to the fanfics 4:26:05 | (Watching without audio) LlLilth: LULU 4:26:06 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: AYO 4:26:06 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1NN = WRONG 4:26:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: ayo 4:26:06 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: I knew it! 4:26:06 | crystalrime: STRAIGHT MAN 4:26:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Lolololol 4:26:06 | vrworkouts: ayo 4:26:06 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:26:07 | Kolateak_: The FemBoys 4:26:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 4:26:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:26:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan 4:26:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: ayo 4:26:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: he starred in Supernatural for 15 years, hes far more known from Supernatural 4:26:08 | phos4us_: LUL 4:26:08 | blu3berrycat: wow 4:26:08 | itsfree_real_estate: yessir 4:26:08 | unopenedcookies: Clip this 4:26:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:26:08 | (Prime Gaming) tinytechnician: BROTHER! 4:26:08 | braddle172: KEKW 4:26:09 | (Prime Gaming) isfet_: AYO? 4:26:09 | MajesticFvckingEagle: aint now way fam 4:26:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Inbredsped: Constant Ls 4:26:09 | judgedame: Great argument guys 4:26:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Sus. 4:26:09 | scarph72: AYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOO 4:26:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: F1nn, you remind me of that stubborn donkey from that Family Guy skit KEKW 4:26:10 | bearpaw1970: Clip..clip 4:26:10 | viryl_lucas: Fruitty F1nn 4:26:11 | Munchitus: Whaat? 4:26:11 | bery_____: damn 4:26:11 | RonnieSxl: FINN 4:26:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: damn 4:26:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Super sus. 4:26:12 | chaoticMercenary: Finn wants to be on all The Boyz 4:26:12 | Emmy64_: KEKW f1nn you are such a bimbo 4:26:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Ayo 4:26:13 | Chri55PBacon: boys 4:26:13 | (Prime Gaming) manuelluxifer: we lost him 4:26:13 | Maverick0076: All right 4:26:13 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read DM @F1NN5TER 4:26:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: i know this is getting clipped 4:26:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: FINN 4:26:14 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read DM @F1NN5TER 4:26:14 | (Prime Gaming) stumbling_warthog: beet red 4:26:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) ZEEroable: f1nn is delirious lmao 4:26:15 | alicia7_: Jensen Ackles is Dean Winchester 4:26:16 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Clip and ship! 4:26:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 4:26:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: KEKW 4:26:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Super duper sus. 4:26:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: He did a safety video because of his role in Supernatural 4:26:17 | (Subscriber) superfox02: Egg F1nn 4:26:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: FINN 4:26:18 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Totally Straight Man Here 4:26:18 | Den_drummer: if that's not a clip... f1nnLaff 4:26:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: more clips for Natt to be subjected to on tiktok 4:26:18 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: Ayoooo 4:26:19 | Emmy64_: AYO 4:26:22 | Maverick0076: Go to sleep 4:26:22 | Xylomn: sure you wouldnt prefer five guys LUL 4:26:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: @johnkeiwo when isn't he 4:26:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Go to bed Finn 4:26:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: My streamer is dumb. 4:26:23 | im_up_to_something: " be on that boy" 4:26:23 | viryl_lucas: Rose has arrived 4:26:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: stov said it best gd 4:26:23 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: of course 4:26:24 | josecortesnival: Boys plural 4:26:24 | Obakito: do not use mcdonalds to hide what you just said 4:26:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) plumesofdusk: curious 4:26:26 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read DM @F1NN5TER 4:26:28 | retroretroretro1: And the Boys would like to be on F1nn! ZOWIE! 4:26:28 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Stare 4:26:28 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 4:26:29 | unopenedcookies: Oh we're clipping this to high hell 4:26:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) 158092: You are just objectively wrong here Finn 4:26:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Someone help him 4:26:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Your buttons are easily pushed, that's what happened 4:26:34 | Senevri: no 4:26:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'd like to be on that boy." - 4440 4:26:37 | (Prime Gaming) Sketchypeepo: moar 4:26:37 | salivnya: no 4:26:38 | (Prime Gaming) PeeShaman: You'll be on the delivery boy at this rate 4:26:38 | realex67: what 4:26:38 | (Prime Gaming) geminiplayboy: Frinn crossing the line 4:26:39 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: he said it 4:26:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: It's what happens when your too thirsty 4:26:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Give him a thank you daddy 4:26:39 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: no 4:26:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: no 4:26:41 | averageirishdude: What's up 4:26:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: only par 4:26:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: He’s famous from Supernatural 4:26:43 | general_of_cm: that was bad 4:26:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: was better before 4:26:45 | (cheer 100) cyphenlive: Mid 4:26:45 | (Prime Gaming) sh1ppud: sh1ppud subscribed with Prime. 4:26:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sh1ppud subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang sh1ppud f1nnLezgang 4:26:46 | (Prime Gaming) geminiplayboy: Sussy 4:26:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: That was your best yet 4:26:48 | lillotuz: Jensen is a fine man :D <3 4:26:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: mid 4:26:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lazergypsy: f1nn you are 100% wrong his breakout role was super natural 4:26:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Nope 4:26:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: your voice is tired 4:26:51 | Scrooge_McBong: Turn in to “boys will be boys” f1nnLaff 4:26:52 | retroretroretro1: Bad 4:26:52 | whelkier: natt is such a show-off lmao 4:26:53 | Senevri: Try different things 4:27:00 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read important DM @F1NN5TER 4:27:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 4:27:02 | jojocuervo777: you need to get in the ehadspae!!!!!!!! 4:27:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izid7 izid7 izid7 4:27:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: It turns into utter filth! Filth I say! 4:27:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: It was a good start 4:27:11 | retroretroretro1: Pitch UUP! 4:27:12 | braddle172: !uptime 4:27:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 27m 22s 4:27:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 4:27:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 4:27:16 | MajesticFvckingEagle: We belieeeeve 4:27:17 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: you eat to much shit food dude 4:27:17 | Senevri: better 4:27:18 | hofabii: Sounded fine 4:27:19 | LOtiumduPeuple: Not bad 4:27:19 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: better 4:27:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Pitch waaaayyy up 4:27:23 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: He's being whorey again 4:27:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Nice 4:27:26 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: That sounded good. 4:27:26 | (cheer 100) cyphenlive: Mid 4:27:26 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: way better 4:27:27 | cmatt06: !pronouns 4:27:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 4:27:28 | RonnieSxl: good 4:27:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: 4:27:29 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 4:27:30 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: you sound cute 4:27:30 | koakills: FINNNN 4:27:32 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Shorten it a bit 4:27:33 | Scrooge_McBong: Uhhh…. 4:27:33 | retroretroretro1: PERFECT! 4:27:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Yeah Cavil over Ackles any day 4:27:36 | (Subscriber) superfox02: is a little breathy still 4:27:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Horni 4:27:36 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: nice 4:27:36 | (GLHF Pledge) lurking_marshmellow: not bad 4:27:38 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Seems like it's getting better 4:27:38 | Maverick0076: It’s definitely getting better 4:27:39 | beyondthegrave1997: Sounds like you're just need more time on the pitch 4:27:39 | arzi77perra: so close. 4:27:40 | LOtiumduPeuple: Do a horny boy voice 4:27:40 | (Prime Gaming) tinytechnician: pitch up and bitch up ma boy! 4:27:40 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: sing, im a barby girl, in a barby world 4:27:42 | ohdearieme: Nah- that was better 4:27:42 | jojocuervo777: headspace!! 4:27:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: It's just missing something 4:27:45 | (cheer 100) platinatroxa: hello baby girl 4:27:47 | Senevri: Maybe you need better breath support? 4:27:49 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: About there just more practice. 4:27:50 | Emmy64_: More high pitch, not getting on it LUL 4:27:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Yeah F1nn is used to he the one pinned down 4:27:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidOpenHeart izidOpenHeart izidOpenHeart 4:27:55 | c4lh4drin: she bad *cough* *cough* 4:27:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) nosfer_v: is the attitude daddy 4:27:55 | lillotuz: @riog95 i take both :D 4:27:56 | (Prime Gaming) Kuntzilla101: i think you have to practice laughing like a girl first 4:27:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: You sound super tired 4:28:02 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read important DM @F1NN5TER you being dumb now 4:28:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn attempts some GV "You're so adorable." . - 4370 4:28:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidShy 4:28:11 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @Helen_Croft f1nnCope 4:28:12 | Willowight: just say the same thing over and over, changing it until you like it 4:28:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: “Kind of” 4:28:15 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: You're way better than that time 4:28:20 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Good Stream 4:28:21 | LOtiumduPeuple: Someone got hurt I believe 4:28:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: duckbo5Stare 4:28:24 | Maverick0076: I remember 4:28:28 | retroretroretro1: F1nn is a fancy lad! 4:28:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: progress FeelsStrongMan Clap 4:28:34 | Senevri: Least cringe I've seen from F1nn trying to girl voice thus far 4:28:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LOL 4:28:35 | scatteredleaves: ayo 4:28:37 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: barbie 4:28:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: What 4:28:38 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: wat 4:28:38 | whelkier: wut 4:28:38 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Ball? 4:28:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No, wear the shorts 4:28:39 | Aetreus88: McStalling 4:28:40 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: read important DM @F1NN5TER you being dumb now 4:28:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: AYOO 4:28:40 | viryl_lucas: What 4:28:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: KEKW 4:28:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: nope, go just like this 4:28:41 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: X 4:28:42 | RonnieSxl: yooo 4:28:42 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: lol 4:28:42 | l3laz3de: barbie necklace 4:28:42 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Just wear that you're fine 4:28:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Wat? 4:28:43 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: wut 4:28:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: he's wearing short shorts 4:28:43 | braddle172: Wot 4:28:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 4:28:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Huh 4:28:44 | chaoticMercenary: Stand up Finn lol 4:28:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Ayo 4:28:45 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Just one? 4:28:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: KEKW 4:28:46 | Scrooge_McBong: F1nn getting a happy meal? 4:28:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Huh 4:28:47 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: get the maccas with the ball out, establish dominance 4:28:47 | (Subscriber) melan_choly22: i just came back whos that lol 4:28:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Natt demos his original GV and how it's changed. - 4420 4:28:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: McStallion 4:28:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: is it the ball!??? 4:28:50 | chrysanthem0m: HEY I know this person 4:28:50 | unopenedcookies: Ah yes, casual nut hanging 4:28:52 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: Lmaoooo wut 4:28:52 | chaoticMercenary: Just go get your macdongles 4:28:52 | Emmy64_: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:28:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: What 4:28:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: I'm sure the delivery people are used to you. 4:28:55 | chrysanthem0m: sennveSenBlankees sennveSenBlankees sennveSenBlankees 4:28:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Uh? 4:28:55 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Helen_Croft, later, he is gonna end now and he'll see 4:28:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: only one lol 4:28:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 4:28:57 | viryl_lucas: Luv you bro* 4:28:57 | braddle172: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:29:00 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: stand up 4:29:01 | viryl_lucas: YES 4:29:01 | unopenedcookies: No 4:29:01 | ar1st1pp0s: yes 4:29:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: What boll? 4:29:02 | awAustinL: no 4:29:02 | Senevri: A few french fries short of a happy meal 4:29:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Nah 4:29:02 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Besties 4:29:02 | Emmy64_: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed 4:29:02 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: nah 4:29:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: nah 4:29:03 | bery_____: yes 4:29:03 | Fv3r: yes 4:29:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: nah 4:29:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: No 4:29:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: no 4:29:03 | (Prime Gaming) AaliyahSy: nahhh 4:29:03 | salivnya: KEKW 4:29:03 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: yeah 4:29:04 | general_of_cm: yes# 4:29:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: its just a short 4:29:04 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: nah it's fine 4:29:04 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: noooo 4:29:04 | Thetwilightstar: SeemsGood 4:29:04 | Just_Shephard: Yes lol 4:29:04 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: ur good 4:29:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: f1nn flirts with a guy for an hour stream 4:29:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: You're fine. 4:29:04 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: I guarantee the delivery person has seen worse 4:29:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a bit 4:29:04 | Macash: yes 4:29:04 | lillotuz: yes 4:29:04 | itsfree_real_estate: n9 4:29:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: no but the necklace 4:29:05 | yuiemie: That look when he said wot 4:29:05 | boringdepressedintrovert: yed 4:29:05 | (Subscriber) rangePL: no 4:29:05 | Philippovic98: yes 4:29:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: No do it 4:29:05 | salivnya: yes 4:29:05 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: nah 4:29:06 | jorenmelis: it's fine 4:29:06 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:06 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: it's 100% appropriate 4:29:06 | braddle172: Sorta 4:29:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: yes now go 4:29:06 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: Looks good! 4:29:06 | Frodofinger: KEKW 4:29:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No, perfectly fine 4:29:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: yes 4:29:06 | awAustinL: no pfft 4:29:06 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Not really? 4:29:07 | scarph72: yes 4:29:07 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: you good 4:29:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: get pants 4:29:07 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: No 4:29:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: Matt is awesome! 4:29:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: too appropriate 4:29:08 | phos4us_: you'll get a new battle pass sub 4:29:08 | chaoticMercenary: Just get your food 4:29:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: yep 4:29:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: yes 4:29:08 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: You look fine, baby girl. 4:29:08 | Willowight: its fine 4:29:08 | Anmdra: hmm 4:29:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: It's ok 4:29:09 | StrangeFlyingContraption: It's great 4:29:09 | Hassleglass: maybe pants 4:29:09 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: you're good 4:29:10 | (Subscriber) supernova197o: no 4:29:10 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: luck delivery guy 4:29:10 | scatteredleaves: nah you good 4:29:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Nah but he'll want your number 4:29:10 | Scrooge_McBong: No! 4:29:10 | c4lh4drin: no 4:29:11 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: No 4:29:11 | SladeWson: I'd be happy to see you that way 4:29:11 | Senevri: Better 4:29:11 | (Subscriber) silvfurwolf: Pretend to have no money 4:29:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 4:29:11 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Do it 4:29:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: NO f1nnEmbarrassed 4:29:12 | zak_blackfyre: u good 4:29:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: masculine energy 4:29:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: Put on a skirt 4:29:12 | josecortesnival: Sigh 4:29:12 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: wear shorts? that is a bit longer? 4:29:12 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Yes, love it! 4:29:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Just go 4:29:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: kinda 4:29:12 | chrysanthem0m: You’re the omgle person right? 4:29:12 | procdump: Just don't drop the change. 4:29:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: No 4:29:13 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: No it’s your home fit 4:29:13 | AIRHydrant: the necklace 4:29:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: And hey, you're tucked, it's okay. 4:29:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: @F1NN5TER necklace 4:29:13 | Steys00: remove the nechlace 4:29:13 | l3laz3de: the necklace finn 4:29:13 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: itll be fine 4:29:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: HUH 4:29:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: why not? lol 4:29:14 | itsfree_real_estate: no 4:29:14 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @johnkeiwo then its no fun 4:29:14 | (Listening only) iluvcrap2000: tip the boy 4:29:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Nah ur fine 4:29:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: no 4:29:15 | booom264: Do it 4:29:16 | sexypapabear__: yes 4:29:16 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Go as is 4:29:16 | Zombaraen: No it’s fine 4:29:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Go for it 4:29:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Yes 4:29:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes 4:29:18 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Looks hott cottontailUwu 4:29:18 | Senevri: yes 4:29:18 | unopenedcookies: Alright have fun 4:29:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: That's fine 4:29:18 | (Prime Gaming) serya_winters: yes 4:29:19 | ajkingg12: finn i am a big fan 4:29:19 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: like that 4:29:20 | Emmy64_: Natt are you here weirdChamp 4:29:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Go for it 4:29:20 | viryl_lucas: It's ok 4:29:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Yes 4:29:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: It's fine 4:29:20 | Just_Shephard: Go for it 4:29:21 | Globalnuclear: if you brave enough 4:29:21 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: you are ordering mägges in the middle of the night. it doesnt matter XD 4:29:21 | josecortesnival: Mmmmmmm 4:29:21 | procdump: Gooooooooo 4:29:21 | Fv3r: take of shirt then it's okay 4:29:22 | chaoticMercenary: Yes, go get your food 4:29:22 | unopenedcookies: Get it like that 4:29:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) jaydefranco: just do the voice 4:29:22 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Go be cute homie 4:29:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Get your food! 4:29:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Lucky delivery driver 4:29:23 | Munchitus: yeah no pants 4:29:23 | viryl_lucas: Oh n9 4:29:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: that shirt is badass 4:29:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) Halkun: You look lie you are not wearing any pants 4:29:24 | knockedout26: nah that's fine 4:29:24 | ar1st1pp0s: put on pants you gremlin 4:29:24 | Alijah_T: LUL LUL 4:29:25 | zak_blackfyre: yes 4:29:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: It's fun, maybe slightly inapropriate 4:29:25 | Scrooge_McBong: No, that a lucky delivery guy!! 4:29:25 | Aetreus88: mmmmm yum 4:29:25 | AIRHydrant: oh no the necklace 4:29:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: Yes but everyone is gonna say no lol 4:29:25 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Off he goes 4:29:26 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 4:29:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: KEKW 4:29:26 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: Tuck the shirt 4:29:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Food is arriving. Natt rings off. - 4390 4:29:26 | cloverinthyme: its fine lol 4:29:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no Pantsu NotLikeThis 4:29:27 | (Prime Gaming) Drezane: do it 4:29:27 | yod_ch: yellow 4:29:27 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: My man look like he Freeballing it 4:29:27 | general_of_cm: Hi Chair 4:29:27 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: robe? 4:29:27 | Kolateak_: NotLikeThis 4:29:28 | (VIP, Verified) Natt: CowJAM 4:29:29 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:29:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Those legs 4:29:30 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: IT's FINE F1NN 4:29:30 | braddle172: f1nnChair 4:29:30 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: lmao 4:29:30 | Hassleglass: oi guv I aint got no pants 4:29:31 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 4:29:31 | itsfree_real_estate: les gooooo 4:29:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @l3laz3de Don't ruin it 4:29:32 | retroretroretro1: pants! 4:29:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Maybe tuck the front so it looks like u have shorts on 4:29:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: :p 4:29:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: chair 4:29:32 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:29:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Put some trousers on! 4:29:33 | RonnieSxl: hello chat 4:29:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: f1nnEmbarrassed 4:29:33 | bearpaw1970: This clip...about f1nn on Jenson was pure gold 4:29:34 | Therosbr: he forgot the barbie necklace lol 4:29:34 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: OH NO 4:29:34 | phos4us_: cottontailChair Isu-chan 4:29:35 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: f1nnCowjam 4:29:35 | chaoticMercenary: Assert dominance 4:29:35 | valcinoid: Chair my beloved 4:29:35 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: yyyyeello 4:29:35 | josecortesnival: Those shorts are short 4:29:36 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnCowjam 4:29:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnChair 4:29:36 | viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 4:29:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:37 | Munchitus: lord chair 4:29:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: !time 4:29:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: with the barbie necklace KEKW 4:29:38 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:30 4:29:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:39 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:39 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Missed GV opportunity. 4:29:39 | StrangeFlyingContraption: Imagine being the delivery guy 4:29:39 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: delivery boy is gunna have a heart attack 4:29:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:41 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: cowJam 4:29:41 | bigsuave7: hey chair 4:29:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) epic_fat_guy: chair 4:29:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:42 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:43 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:43 | (Prime Gaming) Lucridis: Delivery driver later "This low voiced woman flashed me" 4:29:45 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: hi chair 4:29:46 | (GLHF Pledge) lurking_marshmellow: the sword is crazy 4:29:46 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnChair GlitchCat f1nnChair GlitchCat f1nnChair GlitchCat f1nnChair GlitchCat f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @Therosbr don't ruin it 4:29:46 | josecortesnival: Hi chair 4:29:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:47 | itsfree_real_estate: chair stream 4:29:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:48 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:49 | MillionKnivesNA: Damn ads made me miss what ever just happened 4:29:49 | KnapperigeKapitein: No 4:29:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Rheumour: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:51 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: chair you look lovely 4:29:51 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: New blanket i see 4:29:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) epic_fat_guy: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: omg he forgot to take off the barbie necklace 4:29:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: praise chair 4:29:52 | Chri55PBacon: CowJAM 4:29:53 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Chair has taken over the stream 4:29:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: <3 f1nnChair <3 f1nnChair <3 f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 4:29:54 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: what time did fin start streaming 4:29:55 | MemoTheFoxyOwl: delivery driver has seen worse 4:29:56 | Munchitus: hail the chair 4:29:56 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:29:58 | viryl_lucas: F1nn accepts mcdonalds 4:29:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) Ramaj_A: spoiler: delivery guy is watching stream right now 4:29:59 | (Prime Gaming) Kaymon81: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:00 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: You say goodbye and I said hello hello hello don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello 4:30:00 | josecortesnival: Lol 4:30:00 | chrysanthem0m: OSFrog 4:30:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: MercyWing1 f1nnChair MercyWing2 4:30:01 | cormoranoimperatore: Chair moment 4:30:02 | HoteLover: So adorable 4:30:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) xx_bex_becca_xx: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:04 | cloverinthyme: chair is stealing the show 4:30:04 | heyiamalice: !time 4:30:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: haha the necklace 4:30:04 | c4lh4drin: Chäär 4:30:04 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: oh nooooooooooooo 4:30:04 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:30 4:30:04 | RonnieSxl: chair 4:30:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:05 | Globalnuclear: @johnkeiwo hehe 4:30:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:06 | chilled_spice: He forgot he has the necklace on 4:30:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Scy_walker: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:07 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: MCPLAAAANT 4:30:07 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @johnkeiwo I forgot to remind him. Whoops, my bad. 4:30:08 | josecortesnival: You are right 4:30:08 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: The wingssss omg 4:30:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:08 | ferrousfalcon: Chairjam 4:30:08 | braddle172: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: LMAO 4:30:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:10 | viryl_lucas: Barbie girl 4:30:10 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: hi chair 4:30:11 | bigsuave7: the necklace lol 4:30:11 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: HE GOT THE MCPLANT 4:30:11 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @johnkeiwo I've gotten my money's worth 4:30:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) DeisyKu: f1nnChair f1nnHeart f1nnChair f1nnHeart f1nnChair f1nnHeart 4:30:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:13 | sammysnakes319: UK mcdonald’s is open this late??? 4:30:13 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: put the wings in the chair again 4:30:13 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:14 | Scrooge_McBong: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:14 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @johnkeiwo DM only makes sense on stream not after, im removing it when streams end 4:30:15 | (Prime Gaming) gravynewt: SCATTER 4:30:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Zerantox__: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:18 | typethetyper: F1NN5TER getting McDonald’s delivered made me want food. So I did the same cause I couldn’t choose what to eat. Soooo variety is coming 4:30:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: you have the necklace on 4:30:20 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @c__r__j don't you dare ruin this 4:30:20 | retroretroretro1: Like a cat, we ALL want to jump in that chair when he leaves 4:30:20 | (Listening only) thekingone10: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 4:30:21 | viryl_lucas: Such a barbie girl 4:30:22 | Aetreus88: bag insecured 4:30:22 | (Prime Gaming) mattydevs77: KEKW the necklace still on 4:30:28 | Therosbr: with barbie necklave loll 4:30:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: He was wearing the Barbie necklace still. KEKW 4:30:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: you have the Barbie necklace on 4:30:29 | (cheer 100) Psibug: Seventies football shorts? 4:30:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Did he ask for your number 4:30:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:30:30 | Bytebak: He has the necklace and the cat ears on - the shorts are the least of his worries 4:30:31 | im_up_to_something: Missed opportunity 4:30:32 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: still no mcplant in the US, wtf 4:30:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Yes 4:30:33 | josecortesnival: Lol 4:30:33 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: you pulled the shorts SO far down F1NN5TER 4:30:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: The mcplant 4:30:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: necklace still on KEKW 4:30:35 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Barbie World 4:30:35 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: wish I could order fast food out. this place has no delivery 4:30:36 | (cheer 1000) AristotleBetta: KEKW 4:30:36 | Emmy64_: LUL 4:30:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: McBarbiegirl 4:30:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: mcdisapointment 4:30:37 | ar1st1pp0s: booooooo bring back the chair 4:30:37 | whelkier: based 4:30:38 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: That's a thing in UK?? 4:30:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: As you deserve. 4:30:39 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 4:30:39 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @imNotSubbed There was a certain amount of implied sarcasm. 4:30:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: McPlant is awesome!!!! 4:30:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: CIA McPlant 4:30:39 | gawfnaut: mcplant is dank 4:30:40 | viryl_lucas: Mcplanters 4:30:40 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: f1nnChair f1nnChair GlitchCat f1nnChair f1nnChair GlitchCat 4:30:40 | iiizkaiii: hamburbur 4:30:40 | (cheer 10000) mittfh: @sammysnakes319 Some are open 24 hours... 4:30:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: They don't have it in the US i think 4:30:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Nasty asl 4:30:42 | aunalbrutal: *bag defused* XD 4:30:42 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Jealous. 4:30:43 | Scrooge_McBong: What toy did u get with your happy meal!!?? 4:30:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: You deserve it 4:30:46 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: wtf is the mcplant? 4:30:49 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: does fin ever eat heathy food 4:30:50 | (Sub Gifter) domin_no_way: CLIP CLIP CLIP Amoya is the best mod cottontailWave 4:30:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I like it sloppy KappaPride 4:30:53 | Emmy64_: @scrooge_mcbong weirdChamp 4:30:54 | Senevri: Aaaaand now I'm getting hungry. 4:30:54 | ferrousfalcon: Hope you gave him the tip 4:30:54 | pwrinsessa: i wish they had it in america 4:30:54 | foodgoddesss_: ASMR 4:30:54 | (cheer 100) platinatroxa: MCDONAKDS 4:30:55 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @EmpressAdria veggie burger 4:30:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: and now im hungry too 4:30:55 | josecortesnival: Its ok the necklace was a nice touch 4:30:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: mcplant? 4:30:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: the barbie necklace 4:30:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Returns with foodz. Got the McPlant borgar. - 4420 4:30:57 | TheNeverShow: Mackers M 4:30:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Stabstalker: makes my hungry 4:30:58 | (cheer 100) platinatroxa: mcdonalds 4:30:59 | (Prime Gaming) mattydevs77: I don't think he realized 4:30:59 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: I like the mcplant more than their burgers tbh 4:31:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: LMAO 4:31:01 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: hahaha 4:31:02 | TrueMezzo: lmaoooo 4:31:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: maccas bruv 4:31:02 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:31:03 | blu3berrycat: lol 4:31:03 | Just_Shephard: LUL 4:31:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Lol 4:31:04 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: LUL 4:31:04 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 4:31:04 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek 4:31:07 | ClayDoc: Imo vegetarian burgers are just better than meat at fast food places 4:31:07 | (cheer 1) Electromagnetic: the fries are probably the best thing on the menu anyway 4:31:07 | Senevri: Necklace, choker, ears... 4:31:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Necklaces AND ears. 4:31:08 | Scrooge_McBong: McBussy! Meal! 4:31:08 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 4:31:09 | braddle172: LOL 4:31:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: LOL 4:31:09 | KateChon258: how do you eat mcdonalds and be that skinny?!? Cheer300 4:31:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 4:31:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Your fries look more yellow then the Canadian versions lmao 4:31:10 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 4:31:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) unbracingabyss: lol 4:31:10 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Hours ago 4:31:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: reynacruel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair 4:31:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: reynacruel subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:31:11 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: ONLY A SINGLE MCPLANT?!?!?!? 4:31:12 | scatteredleaves: LUL 4:31:12 | qui3t_tran5gir1: lol 4:31:12 | (Subscriber) walkerteaxaswalker: Lmao 4:31:13 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: it's fun 4:31:14 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Good times 4:31:16 | viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHAHAHA 4:31:16 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: NOT EVEN A DOUBLE 4:31:16 | natalie_1984: lol 4:31:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Loves it 4:31:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 4:31:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: :p 4:31:17 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: LOL 4:31:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jokerzkill78: KEKW 4:31:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: hahahahahahahaha 4:31:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: because this is way more fun 4:31:21 | (cheer 100) platinatroxa: mcdonalds 1 4:31:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: lmfao door dash knows you area a barbie girl 4:31:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: LUL 4:31:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 4:31:23 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: hehe 4:31:23 | (25 Gift Subs) Boomslangarang: introducing the new "McCompost Heap" 4:31:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) Frosty790: because you went to the door 4:31:24 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM 4:31:24 | josecortesnival: Lol 4:31:24 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: We didn't want to tell you BEFORE you'd gone to the door, @F1NN5TER ! 4:31:24 | Emmy64_: OMEGALUL 4:31:25 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM 4:31:26 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: you also had the ears on kek 4:31:26 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM 4:31:27 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM 4:31:27 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Answering the door in it is funnier 4:31:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: based KEKW 4:31:28 | Chri55PBacon: LUL 4:31:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Why would we warn you? :) 4:31:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @cristian_x45, GET REKT ASCII BOI 4:31:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Because this was more fun 4:31:30 | Senevri: I guess that's why he's not fat 4:31:32 | foodgoddesss_: Give us an ASMR 4:31:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: LOL 4:31:36 | whelkier: yeh you can get a double mcplany 4:31:37 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Did you leave the catears on? 4:31:37 | (cheer 100) varmac86: Cheer100 4:31:39 | CheesecubeNL: Oh god the delivery guy xD 4:31:40 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: F1NN5TER how did you like death note? 4:31:44 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:31:45 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Shush @helen_croft 4:31:45 | salivnya: KEKW 4:31:45 | Emmy64_: YOU JUST DID a semi girl voice LUL 4:31:46 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: not the kibble 4:31:47 | valcinoid: Hype train as the stream ends 4:31:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: kibble amityaHUH 4:31:49 | yournewbrother: Sorry if this is dis 4:31:50 | viryl_lucas: Femboi kibble 4:31:51 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: DOUBLE PLANT EXISTS 4:31:51 | Bytebak: and the cat ears 4:31:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) XENOMAN5: Because it was funny 4:31:53 | ChaosLegion88: just to sexii 4:31:53 | cloverinthyme: has never, will never, forget you saw this 4:31:54 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Helen_Croft your boi is too busy eating LUL 4:31:54 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM About the neckless but you are bimbo 4:31:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: kibble? 4:31:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Finally realizes that he was wearing the BARBIE necklace. - 4390 4:31:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: femboy kibble KEKW 4:31:57 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM About the neckless but you are bimbo 4:31:57 | braddle172: Quorn 4:31:59 | certified_boylover: femboy kibble>>> 4:31:59 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Finn only drinks high protein liquid sources 4:31:59 | Senevri: I ate eight baked potatoes today, and that wasn't all. 4:31:59 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM About the neckless but you are bimbo 4:32:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Show the McPlant 4:32:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: That battlepass moolah paying for that donny 4:32:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) timabar: MercyWing1 f1nnChair MercyWing2 4:32:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: I used to be able to eat 2 supersize burger king meals, i now struggle with 1 large! :( 4:32:01 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM About the neckless but you are bimbo 4:32:02 | phos4us_: where's the lamb sauce? 4:32:03 | (25 Gift Subs) Boomslangarang: did you ask for sauce? 4:32:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Femboy kibble is packed full of E 4:32:07 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: now im feking hungry, brb 4:32:07 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: CRUNCH ASMR 4:32:09 | germanmemer: where can I get femboy kibble 4:32:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: no 4:32:10 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: NO 4:32:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Have to m... leaving that joke now. 4:32:12 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Give me your cheddar finn 4:32:13 | yournewbrother: Sorry if this is disrespectful what gender are you? 4:32:13 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: what is beefy drink? 4:32:14 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: mcdc has fried cheese in England?? 4:32:15 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: show again 4:32:15 | viryl_lucas: What is that 4:32:16 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: Femchow emote when? 4:32:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: READ Helen's DM. 4:32:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Potensh 4:32:18 | chargerwofx: no 4:32:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: READ Helen's DM. 4:32:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: READ Helen's DM. 4:32:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: mad jealous, you can't get fried cheese at american mcdonalds 4:32:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I wans't here for it so no 4:32:22 | germanmemer: I don't think so 4:32:22 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Helen_Croft LUL LUL LUL LUL 4:32:23 | frost177: 4:32:23 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: McDonald's knows what you do if they give you sauce to eat on-stream. 4:32:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: does not ring a bell 4:32:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @yournewbrother !gender 4:32:26 | certified_boylover: no 4:32:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: What kind of sauce F1nn? 4:32:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: White sauce? 4:32:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: I don't think you did? 4:32:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: or !pronouns 4:32:31 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: i think so 4:32:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) DualityUK: remember when this was wholesome? me neither 4:32:32 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: I want the mccheddar 4:32:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: not to my recollection 4:32:33 | josecortesnival: No 4:32:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: @HardyOrange Same, wish they had it here 4:32:36 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: helen dm was abhout the necklace, the instance is passed I think 4:32:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: !pronouns 4:32:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 4:32:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: Poor Helen he isn't paying attention 4:32:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: who!? 4:32:42 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: one time i asked for mayo packets and they sent two pumps of white liquid in a box 4:32:42 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Nice @amoyamoyamoya classy! LOL 4:32:45 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: ...and now I'm really hungry 4:32:46 | mazikeen555: Hi 4:32:46 | eaglerain1095: cheerwhal5 4:32:46 | IAMNOTHUMANGUYS: !gender 4:32:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. 4:32:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: wb femboy milk 4:32:49 | (Prime Gaming) XellosMetallum: I have no idea who or what is femboy kibble 4:32:50 | procdump: What does this function do? 4:32:53 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Finn is going to eat my mccheddars 4:32:55 | LOtiumduPeuple: Finn's completly ignoring his mods is killing me 4:32:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: !confused 4:32:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:32:56 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: oh nvm 4:32:59 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: balls 4:33:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: looks gross 4:33:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Its ok 4:33:03 | Senevri: quorn? 4:33:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Kibble is crazy 4:33:06 | TheNeverShow: as a cat girl I have fish brick California roll sushi, and gold can tunna 4:33:07 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: bawls 4:33:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: QUORN BALLS?! 4:33:08 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: saucy balls? 4:33:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Cornballs? 4:33:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgSus rexgSus rexgSus 4:33:12 | bigsuave7: looks British 4:33:13 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Porn Balls? 4:33:14 | IAMNOTHUMANGUYS: !pronouns 4:33:14 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 4:33:15 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM about the neckless but you are bimbo for the last hour 4:33:16 | im_up_to_something: Looks kinda good 4:33:18 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Now i want mcdonalds, thanks f1nn 4:33:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Nasty asf 4:33:19 | cloverinthyme: actualjakePrayer corn 4:33:20 | randyiii: movie idea for your birthday- Zerophilia. very cool movie about a guy who changes sex when he climaxs 4:33:20 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: its corn! its got the juice 4:33:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: corn balls!? 4:33:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: D: 4:33:21 | itsfree_real_estate: gross 4:33:24 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM about the neckless but you are bimbo for the last hour 4:33:25 | certified_boylover: femboy kibble>>>>> 4:33:25 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Oh, I assumed "femboy kibble" was titty skittles. 4:33:26 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: We all live balls 4:33:27 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: uhhhh lag? 4:33:28 | IdaWow: I do 4:33:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxGasp 4:33:28 | (Prime Gaming) Ally2566: !measurements 4:33:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 4:33:30 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: Quorn or corn? 4:33:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows us Femboy Kibble - Quorn balls w/sauce. - 4370 4:33:32 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: hahah 4:33:37 | wecarecrow: dont look at me like that 4:33:38 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 4:33:39 | nettle_furry: u a boy orrerr 4:33:42 | nettle_furry: or 4:33:43 | mazikeen555: Sleep is over rated 4:33:43 | (Prime Gaming) cantfindnamehelpme: @F1NN5TER I'm actually really upset that you only got the single mcplant 4:33:44 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: ok guess just me 4:33:45 | TheWakingHat: Your camera forgot their glasses 4:33:46 | germanmemer: tutorial I need to know how to make it 4:33:46 | IdaWow: I love it 4:33:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @nettle_furry, MAN 4:33:52 | Chri55PBacon: quorn 4:33:52 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Im telling you to read DM about the neckless but you are bimbo for the last hour 4:33:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: random music for chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcIuQdA6o9k&list=RDxcIuQdA6o9k&start_radio=1&ab_channel=RMNN 4:33:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: @F1NN5TER get a sony FX3 or 6 to really treat yourself 4:33:54 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: quorn not available in rest of europe 4:33:54 | (cheer 1000) treb35: Qorn 4:33:55 | l3laz3de: dono got clapped 4:33:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: fries or chips? 4:34:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: porn corn 4:34:01 | TheNeverShow: likes chicken and plant chicken 4:34:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: I didn't know they existed, I knew they did Quorn nuggets 4:34:01 | viryl_lucas: Quorn 4:34:03 | anschofi: qorn porn for the battlepass 4:34:03 | (Subscriber) SuperMax1mus: ayeee offline gang wya? 4:34:04 | samara_hero54: cheesvurber 4:34:04 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: I really want mcdonalds now 4:34:04 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: F1nn 4:34:05 | astarsten: Oh my GOD, FINN IS BEAUTIFUL 4:34:06 | dannyboys98: !pronouns 4:34:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 4:34:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: Foodge 4:34:07 | (Prime Gaming) bluewater4875: What is it? 4:34:10 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: McSimping 4:34:10 | IdaWow: Quorn was in Norway but not anymore??? 4:34:10 | Emmy64_: Kappa 4:34:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: it's fake meat made from mushrooms 4:34:15 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Fun fact: You can have two twitch streams going at once 4:34:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TeamJenniferLucitor: I love the McPlant 4:34:17 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: bro doesn't know the sony FX3 4:34:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: spoiler: they messed up the order and that's just a regular burger 4:34:19 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Food POG 4:34:22 | KateChon258: I need to get on that F1NN diet plan 4:34:22 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: cinema camera made for shit like this 4:34:24 | (Subscriber) cheesestring666: i had a mcplant earlier 4:34:25 | (Watching without audio) ReneePaw: its got quite alot of estrogen the mcplant 4:34:25 | ricecakess1: BibleThump 4:34:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: Are you eating veggie burger 4:34:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Is it good ? 4:34:28 | whelkier: mcplant is the best 4:34:28 | (cheer 100) TunnelRatXIII: Wh-why is the cheese no melted??? 4:34:30 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: It's pretty decent attempt at burger taste tbh 4:34:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: yes 4:34:31 | (Prime Gaming) billyoneball: hey cutie 4:34:31 | nettle_furry: u a girl or boy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 4:34:33 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Wait wait wait you don’t know what an FX3 is? 4:34:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: FX30 is pretty great too 4:34:38 | sideb0b: You don’t eat meat? happycFFM happycFFM happycFFM 4:34:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: it has one 4:34:38 | whelkier: hes a man 4:34:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: @nettle_furry male crossdresser 4:34:39 | IAMNOTHUMANGUYS: !confused 4:34:40 | Emmy64_: Plot twist is a regular CaitlynS 4:34:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:34:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: why did that bite give me SuperBowl Burger King ad vibes 4:34:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: is the mcplant only in the uk? 4:34:42 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: Are you vegetarian? 4:34:43 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @nettle_furry, a guy 4:34:47 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Just buy a monitor 4:34:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: it has a flip screen on the back 4:34:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @nettle_furry, we answered u, he is a dude 4:34:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Your facial expressions while you eat! 4:34:51 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: you can buy an external mini monitor 4:34:52 | LOtiumduPeuple: Avatar 2 camera should do the trick 4:34:52 | (Subscriber) SuperMax1mus: same lol 4:34:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: get the burger king vegan royale it actually tasts just like the real chicken royale! 4:34:54 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: So the Sony alpha 7c 4:34:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we won't get 8K rexgFeels 4:34:54 | (Prime Gaming) pugsarethebest983: Tambo 4:34:55 | (Prime Gaming) Maddrius: @johnkeiwo cheers for the music rec, sounds good! 4:34:55 | nettle_furry: the f### 4:34:55 | chinndog: sony a7 iii? 4:34:56 | (cheer 100) TunnelRatXIII: ooooh is it fake cheese? 4:34:56 | (Prime Gaming) mrtrouserbanana: just as many animals died to make that ya know 4:34:57 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Yes 4:34:58 | (Subscriber) SuperMax1mus: whats the new camera you have now? 4:34:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: @SOMAwh He is Since birth 4:35:00 | ajkingg12: 4:35:01 | (Subscriber) ceecee021: but would you actually go outside tho? 4:35:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Should have bought a Sony eh 4:35:02 | allie420: that blackmagic pocket cinema thooo 4:35:03 | Zabelbert: you should buy the fuji x-pro3!!! 4:35:05 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Finn just use a Samsung. Best quality you will get!!!!!!! 4:35:07 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: or the sony alpha 7rV 4:35:07 | (Prime Gaming) pugsarethebest983: Yup 4:35:09 | (Prime Gaming) pugsarethebest983: We 4:35:11 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: sony a7s or newer ig 4:35:14 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: @handscombchris does it have real cheese 4:35:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Lmao, use your Minecraft contacts and talk to Mumbo about what he uses? 4:35:14 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: @gartoks epic 4:35:16 | allie420: checkout the canon r5 or r5c 4:35:18 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: Ive got a Z9 and love it! 4:35:19 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Sony a7c 4:35:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: get the Sony Xperia pro 4:35:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: @F1NN5TER the lcd has rotation 4:35:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Eating asmr? sounds terrible 4:35:25 | Emmy64_: @pause_is_online You kidding right weirdChamp 4:35:26 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: blackmagic pocket 4:35:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: SONY ZV-1 4:35:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: FX30 has a flip out screen. It’s basically a FX30 with a slightly smaller sensor 4:35:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @nettle_furry, be nice and enjoy your time here =) 4:35:30 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Canon R5C is your best option then 4:35:32 | chinndog: sony a7s 4:35:32 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: a7c has a flippy screen 4:35:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: Seriously look up the Xperia pro phone 4:35:34 | (Prime Gaming) stompboxjake: That so m many tabs 4:35:36 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Finn this is where you introduce your new sponsor for a good quality camera 4:35:37 | TacticalHardcore: Get RED camera 4:35:38 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Looks at pic of a Sony FX3 cinema-style camera. - 4230 4:35:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: Once my D610 kicks the bucket I'm probably getting an A7 4:35:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: SONY ZV-1 is amazing 4:35:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: @EmberstormHS not sure tbh has been a while 4:35:46 | Zabelbert: Have you looked at the Fuji x-pro3? 4:35:48 | MillionKnivesNA: So basically a high end camcorder 4:35:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: bro if i could use a lieca i would 4:35:51 | (Subscriber) SuperMax1mus: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 4:35:52 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: the alpha 7c and 7rV do have flipping screens and awsome eye focus 4:35:53 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: @handscombchris thx 4:35:54 | Emmy64_: @ramboo1989 Isn't that just the Xperia 1 Mark 4? 4:35:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Canon Powershot 4:35:57 | (Prime Gaming) kingkaz: Canon M50 4:35:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Have u checked out the SONY ZV1 4:35:58 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Honestly the Sony A1 or Canon RC5 could do the job for you… even the S5II 4:36:00 | okgier: just do a point and shoot @F1NN5TER 4:36:06 | OlivepickerPatron: Is this for Battle Pass photos? 4:36:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: no, it’s before the mark 4 4:36:07 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: But iPhone cameras are good 4:36:10 | SkratchyUK: any camera is better than an iphone lmao 4:36:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: @F1NN5TER that would be any phone! ;) 4:36:12 | OlivepickerPatron: (Context) 4:36:13 | DanStreams23: Sony a 500? 4:36:13 | certified_boylover: just use ur phome 4:36:15 | ajkingg12: yh 4:36:16 | judgedame: Right 4:36:20 | tsilvers: A red would be absolutely wasted in this situation 4:36:21 | Emmy64_: @ramboo1989 mkoHmm 4:36:22 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Cannon 5D? 4:36:29 | (cheer 100) mixywi: Cheer300 just finished some fanart (sent on twitter). mbye im amateur femboy, but at least i can make art. off to make dinner, have a great stream 4:36:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: Finn check out the Xperia profile and it has an HDMI built in for a monitor 4:36:29 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Just get a remote microphone for your iphone. There really is no better platform for what you're doing 4:36:30 | wyverndestroyer011: Samsung phone are the best for camera 4:36:30 | (GLHF Pledge) Saiwwy: !COMMANDS 4:36:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: You could get camera that has 19000 fps 4:36:30 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 4:36:31 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: just go with the sony alpha 7 series XD 4:36:34 | (Prime Gaming) kingkaz: 5D is prob to big 4:36:35 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Finn introduce your new sponsor 4:36:37 | chevythecooker: when I was in high school I had my crushes number and one time I accidentally sent an audio message of me breathing for 1 min straight then she said "breathing Montoge" . IM SO EMBARRASSED UP TO THIS DAY 4:36:38 | sideb0b: Gift me a sub if you go big d1ck 4:36:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: S-cinetone is the best for quick turn around 4:36:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: sorry Xperia Pro 4:36:41 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: !merch 4:36:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Get F1nn merch! https://f1nn.shop 4:36:42 | (Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Sony a7c may be what you are looking for? @f1nn5ter 4:36:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Again 4:36:44 | Aetreus88: femmy mukbang, 4:36:45 | im_up_to_something: Maybe a better phone? 4:36:45 | Dread_Balloon: Oh my gosh, love your nails 4:36:45 | (Prime Gaming) nintendofiery1up: !pronouns 4:36:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 4:36:46 | (GLHF Pledge) Saiwwy: !pronouns 4:36:48 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Sony a64000 records 4k 60 and a flip up screen for 880 usd convert I'm lazy 4:36:49 | okgier: ZV-1 has flip screen Smile 4:36:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Herquhungry2: What LUMIX did you get again? 4:36:57 | Why_I_ask: How do you keep your figure? 4:36:57 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: @TrickyHi yeah. thats what Im saying too. 4:36:58 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: 4:36:58 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Sony a7c, swappy lenses, small, full frame, flippy screen 4:36:59 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: This is a good opportunity for a camera sponsor 4:37:00 | ferrowax: Fujifilm X-T5? 4:37:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: SONY ZV-1 is great 4:37:02 | (GLHF Pledge) CyphrCreate: Sony Alpha A6400 4:37:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: Get a Sony Venice 2 4:37:06 | (Prime Gaming) nintendofiery1up: !complaints 4:37:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Please submit complaints at https://f3mmbot.applesaph.nl/complaints 4:37:09 | procdump: Lumix S1 R 4:37:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: Polaroid 4:37:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: @Ramaj_A i tell myself that everyday 4:37:14 | (Prime Gaming) nintendofiery1up: !confused 4:37:14 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:37:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: We need a Nikon P1000 with 125x optical zoom. Extreme Bussy close-ups aquafpSGrin 4:37:22 | (Prime Gaming) Savage_dbd: Canon EOS R6 4:37:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: SONY ZV 1 4:37:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: this is why film people are so buff, just from hauling cameras around 4:37:26 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: so smol 4:37:29 | LOtiumduPeuple: @chevythecooker it's better than asphyxia montage tho 4:37:31 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Sony A1, Canon R5C, Lumix S5IIX are the best out there 4:37:32 | okgier: oh yeah its new, its pretty good! 4:37:35 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: the official sony site XD 4:37:36 | coopp00p: femboy mukbang 4:37:36 | (GLHF Pledge) CyphrCreate: Sony Alpha A6400 is good 4:37:39 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNEUkkoUoIA&list=RDxcIuQdA6o9k&index=2&ab_channel=OneRepublicVEVO 4:37:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: SONY ZV-1 is what I use 4:37:46 | TacticalHardcore: What do you need it for? 4:37:47 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: use dpreview for stats @F1NN5TER 4:37:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: Finn check out the Xperia Pro 4:37:50 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Watching lazar beam POG 4:37:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: don't mind me i'm just posting music for chat 4:37:54 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: Sony femboy advertizing 4:37:57 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: but you can change lenses 4:37:58 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: I thought you said you hated the Sony UI, though? 4:37:58 | okgier: yeah its actually good, its basically a7 but.. smaller @F1NN5TER 4:38:01 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Finn this id a good opportunity to introduce a sponsor 4:38:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: F1nn, get the Sony Venice 2, lots of customization for setup 4:38:05 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Cat Ears r backwards. 4:38:05 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: the 7c takes all E-Mount lenses 4:38:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: thats just the kit lens i love sony but the kit lens's suck 4:38:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: get some lights 4:38:13 | hofabii: Sony alphas produce such a clean image 4:38:16 | Emmy64_: @ramboo1989 A dono would be quicker for him to notice LUL 4:38:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yeah bro 28-60 aren't meant for portrait photography 4:38:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: SONY ZV-1? 4:38:20 | LOtiumduPeuple: @c__r__j He also said he'd never do a battlepass 4:38:20 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Camera 4:38:22 | (Prime Gaming) AtoZWoW: have you looked at a blackmagic pocket 6k pro? 4:38:25 | okgier: yes 4:38:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Still looking at cameras. - 4330 4:38:26 | organic_rust: full frame though so you'll have more depth of field than aps-c at f2 4:38:30 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: 7c is awsome! 4:38:31 | akicita6: Hi everybody 4:38:33 | okgier: its a7 but smaller so yeah 4:38:34 | juu_rabbit: What should I draw 4:38:38 | (Prime Gaming) Savage_dbd: + you c an get better glass than cannon so Canon EOS R6 you be a good buy 4:38:38 | MajesticFvckingEagle: @AtoZWoW too bulky for what he's looking for 4:38:40 | Fofo_Yuki: Yooooooo 4:38:44 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: But F1nn, you said you hated the Sony UI! 4:38:46 | (GLHF Pledge) PAUSE_IS_ONLINE: Finn this is the best time for you to show us a camera sponsor 4:38:46 | OlivepickerPatron: @juu_rabbit Femboys and butches 4:38:46 | dcgaw4p1999: Does the battlepass drop at midnight or sometime tomorrow? 4:38:47 | okgier: its fullframe so its good in lowlight @F1NN5TER 4:38:48 | (Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: I shoot on this camera, mostly use a 35mm f1.8 @f1nn5ter 4:38:50 | (Prime Gaming) SaltyVoltron: gh5 is good in lowlight 4:38:51 | (Prime Gaming) ToxikTobi: sony full frame are the best cameras for low light for years now 4:38:53 | (GlitchCon 2020) OoglyBooglyMoogly: I am new here from philosophy tube and i have no idea what these vibes are but I love them and am gonna cry 4:38:54 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: needs them femboy pics 4:38:56 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Too afraid to raise iso? Or you just want to focus on stuff real close 4:38:59 | Zabelbert: the A7C basically has the internals of the A7iii 4:38:59 | havenaeternum: YOO 4:39:00 | sneakybanana_: overfloooow of precious siiimpsss 4:39:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: if it shoots S-cinetone it will have a great skintone, and if you ever do get into color grading Slog3 is actually pog @F1NN5TER 4:39:00 | ferrowax: What about Fujifilm X-T5? 4:39:00 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Facts @c__r__j 4:39:00 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Cat ears 4:39:02 | akicita6: To bad mine late as hell 4:39:03 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: @johnkeiwo Why in the world you posting music video???? 4:39:03 | Kurdah: what shampoo do you use 4:39:04 | mootie1: You look red 4:39:04 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Just raise the ISO 4:39:06 | Aetreus88: sungsam > ibhone 4:39:08 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: a7 series is basically the way to go for low light 4:39:08 | jimboz0: Thermal camera 4:39:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: I heard a moan 4:39:10 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) EmberstormHS: just get literally any camera and a 50mm f/1.8 "nifty fifty" 4:39:11 | juu_rabbit: Such a manly man 4:39:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Honestly any full frame mirrorless camera seems like a good fit for you, I'd hold off on Canon though since they JUST got into mirrorless and they have NO lenses atm 4:39:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Get a Samsung S 23 4:39:14 | akicita6: To bad I'm late 4:39:14 | certified_boylover: eat beside mic if not on camera 4:39:17 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: or lower shutter 4:39:22 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek 4:39:23 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @aAndrew3030, music for chat, I can't watch stream with no music 4:39:24 | (Prime Gaming) Kev_Rhino: Gayge ? 4:39:25 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: F4 is not terrible 4:39:26 | LOtiumduPeuple: @dcgaw4p1999 tomorow 8;03 london time I belive 4:39:26 | bluedeltaheart: Sony are beasts at low light 4:39:27 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Oof 4:39:28 | okgier: give it to me thanks so much 4:39:29 | SpikeytheDagron: hi 4:39:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the Sony A7 S series is the low light champ 4:39:42 | (Prime Gaming) mattydevs77: I thought you returned it 4:39:45 | bearpaw1970: Exactly bluedelta 4:39:45 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: F in the chst 4:39:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A battle pass video 4:39:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: cannon sucks, literally cracking down on third party lens's bc they are too slow at making their own 4:39:50 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: Z9 Bro 4:39:50 | mootie1: 20 minute stream PoroSad 4:39:53 | hofabii: Canon sucks 4:39:54 | (OWL All-Access Pass 2019) gsmith463: I love my Sony a6000. But, I only use it for photography, not streaming. 4:39:54 | (Prime Gaming) stompboxjake: Water cool it Kappa 4:39:55 | dcgaw4p1999: @lotiumdupeuple am or pm? 4:40:04 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: R5C is the good version of that 4:40:09 | (Prime Gaming) MyBSCreations: Hey fiiiinnnn ^_^ 4:40:11 | (Prime Gaming) Kev_Rhino: can you do a roadman voice? peepoSimp @F1NN5TER 4:40:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: straight malice for the camera 4:40:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: Nikon 4:40:20 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: NIkon 4:40:20 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER if you wanna compair more the use dpreview Camera feature search 4:40:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: zee? you mean zed? 4:40:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: random music for chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK-8TCDrbV8&list=RDxcIuQdA6o9k&index=3&ab_channel=MGKVEVO 4:40:26 | Fofo_Yuki: Bro got scammed 4:40:27 | juu_rabbit: Fit check? 4:40:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) stompboxjake: stompboxjake subscribed with Prime. 4:40:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Nikon surely 4:40:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: stompboxjake subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang stompboxjake f1nnLezgang 4:40:30 | skewedone: skewedone subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! Really, sixteen months already . . . 4:40:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: skewedone subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:40:33 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) natalixxxxxxxxx: I miss mike 4:40:33 | okgier: damn, but yeah a7c is really good, new as well, fullframe so good lowlight, changing lenses, compact @F1NN5TER 4:40:34 | LOtiumduPeuple: @dcgaw4p1999 in the morning (idk pm/am sry) 4:40:35 | mootie1: same 4:40:44 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: I love it 4:40:45 | sneakybanana_: what are you eating? 4:40:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: I do love Nikons full frame impelmentation 4:40:45 | strawbearie21: hi finnnnn!!!!!!! 4:40:55 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Femcat 4:40:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kev_Rhino: Kev_Rhino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hasO 4:40:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kev_rhino subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 4:40:56 | wowgamerwkd: I have seen some of your youtube videos of clips from the streams, its interesting to see you live instead of recorded 4:40:57 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: some have a cap at few mins cuz of some laws, maybe thats why 4:40:58 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: damn thats what the girls always so to me 4:40:58 | (Subscriber) StealthPeanuts: RED komodo? smallest red camera i believe 4:40:59 | (Prime Gaming) TrashxChick: Hi finn, how are you today? 4:40:59 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: R5C is quite literally the video version of the R6. I think the best option for small(ish) and what you want is the S5IIX 4:40:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: That’s what she said 4:41:00 | (Listening only) Wozrop: Hi Finn, o/ just watched your fun collab with Abi from Philosophy Tube! 4:41:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Camera normal, femboy smol 4:41:03 | thePurplMurpl: this is a safe space for himbos, bimbos and thembos 4:41:03 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: lol yeah big chungus 4:41:05 | bluedeltaheart: With emount of sony you can adapt almost every lens out there 4:41:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) zhivuchiyee: zhivuchiyee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Damn, 3 months flew by... 4:41:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: zhivuchiyee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:41:08 | (GlitchCon 2020) sarakatelive: i bet it doesnt have a good personality though:/ 4:41:10 | (Watching without audio) localuncleruckus: adoreAwoo 4:41:14 | LOtiumduPeuple: He's looking for small guys 4:41:16 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Sony A6400. I have the a600 and it's good 4:41:17 | (GLHF Pledge) RavenCryptic69: @F1NN5TER gopro? 4:41:17 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Are you going to win streamer awards? 4:41:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn is so obsessed with size. 4:41:18 | (Prime Gaming) TrashxChick: my sony a6100 is small and pretty nice 4:41:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Sony ZV1? 4:41:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) ramboo1989: FBtouchdown 4:41:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) bobmiracles: sigma 4:41:23 | Kolateak_: Sigma balls 4:41:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: do you say z like "zee" or "zed" in your everyday life? 4:41:27 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @RavenCryptic69, GoPro passe now. 4:41:28 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Get sony a7IV!!!!!! 4:41:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Sigma is a never ran 4:41:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Small guys huh 4:41:30 | LOtiumduPeuple: @theRealESweezy I voted for him 4:41:31 | sneakybanana_: its so hard to find smol 4:41:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: How would u water cool it? Fake Battery pack heat exchanger? 4:41:34 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: SONY A74 4:41:36 | mootie1: Dam 4:41:37 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Sigma 4:41:38 | organic_rust: That's gotta be so awkward to use with a big full frame lens on it 4:41:41 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: I miss Femboy Finance F1nn Kappa 4:41:43 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: @lotiumdupeuple Pog 4:41:47 | (Prime Gaming) bobwatkins: !bra 4:41:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The awesome cleavage is achieved by using a Misses Kisses, strapless, push-up bra. What you are seeing is F1nn's actual chest flesh, male bobs, moobs, etc. They aren't breasts, honest. 4:41:48 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Sigma is good but Sony is king 4:41:52 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: I don’t like the fp L. Using it at college right now and the motion artifacts are pretty bad 4:41:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kev_Rhino: sigma grindset EZ 4:41:52 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: looks funky LUL 4:41:53 | Zabelbert: if you want small you either want the A7c or any fuji 4:41:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: i mean yeah the a7 S IV - or a7rV are small and better for video and photography respectively 4:41:58 | ajkingg12: BibleThu 4:41:59 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: SONY ALPHA 4 4:42:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: I just bought the Sony a64000 4:42:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Sigma is not a serious competitor 4:42:04 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Fuck ZV1 4:42:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Didn't you have a Lumix already? Seen the S5II? 4:42:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Unless that you want take pics in studio environment there is nothing better than modern cell phone in low lights, Google Pixel or Samsung S23 4:42:09 | Owly_9: Sony VX1000 4:42:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: PowerUpL SUBprise PowerUpR 4:42:12 | MajesticFvckingEagle: @hopalongtommy This is Catboy Cinematography 4:42:16 | anschofi: @hopalongtommy finance enjoyer lul 4:42:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Cannon 90d 4:42:21 | ajkingg12: SeemsGood 4:42:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: EposVox did a good review of the Sony 6400 4:42:30 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Iphone 14? 4:42:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 4:42:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: oh yeah that was why i was reccomending the FX3 it has a fan inside to prevent overheating @F1NN5TER 4:42:31 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Check out Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind 4:42:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:43 4:42:32 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: @hopalongtommy femboy finance i could still follow lmao, that was just a game with myself how much I could drink and still work stuff out 4:42:32 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Retro cool 4:42:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 4:42:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 42m 43s 4:42:36 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Dalos99: there's an onlypans tab? 4:42:39 | Therosbr: old school looks 4:42:39 | warriordog12: My mom says ur a weirdo 4:42:41 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Fem camera 4:42:41 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Kev_Rhino: is it similar to the bofa? @F1NN5TER 4:42:43 | smurf1242tv: smurf1242tv subscribed with Prime. 4:42:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: smurf1242tv subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang smurf1242tv f1nnLezgang 4:42:43 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: Fuji got that rustic, Q just gave me this new experimental toy vibe 4:42:44 | SliderX: @F1NN5TER Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV ? 4:42:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @warriordog12 my mum says your mum is a weirdo 4:42:54 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: 5 hours? 4:42:55 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: I don't know a thing about cameras lol 4:42:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: are new cameras being made in that old style now? 4:42:56 | whelkier: I have no idea what he is talking about 4:42:57 | Emmy64_: Its just a box with a lens 4Head 4:42:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: If you can afford the Leica get the Leica. They're that price for a reason. 4:42:59 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @warriordog12, ur mom's a hoe :) 4:43:01 | Zabelbert: look at the other fujis!!!! 4:43:07 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Don’t get the sigma. I’m using it right now at college and you get a lot of motion artifacts and you could get better low light 4:43:10 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: @pansnake_ Yes, Leica's are excellent 4:43:12 | LOtiumduPeuple: @Dalos99 it's his 4:43:16 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: LUMIX DC-FZ82EB-K 4:43:21 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: @baullroomblitz Aware 4:43:22 | SSskiline: i saw an olympus out on a site visit and the person that had it said it was really good, would have to do more research on it 4:43:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:43:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:43:25 | ajkingg12: what is going on ? 4:43:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: FF>s35 all day 4:43:28 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: Fuji 50 C is nice as well 4:43:31 | Emmy64_: @pansnake_ The logo NotLikeThis 4:43:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Nemesis678: OM1 :) 4:43:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:43:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:43:37 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 4:43:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:43:39 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: Trans CMOS 4:43:39 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Just get the sony as it IS full frame 4:43:40 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Get the SONY ALPHA 4 4:43:41 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: HUH 4:43:48 | (Subscriber) JoshuaO_O: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 4:43:50 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: why does fincess have such a camera fetish 4:43:55 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Nice camera 4:43:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: That doesnt even look like a camera EH 4:43:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: @Amoyamoyamoya on that promo game 4:44:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @gigachad69e, Because streamer innit 4:44:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @gigachad69e to make pp pics for battle pass 4:44:03 | deanspencer1: is this your real voice? 4:44:06 | (Subscriber) juliawoberts: Fuji always got that sleek sheen 4:44:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: you are getting sucked into the nerdy world of cameras. Most cameras are as good as the photographer is 4:44:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 4:44:11 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: 4 real, Sony and Cannon are unbeatable 4:44:13 | sicklure: WHAT 4:44:14 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Balls to the walls? 4:44:16 | (Prime Gaming) Froostacus: that doesnt seem like a small lense, that seems pretty regular, maybe even pretty huge 4:44:17 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Sigma camera 4:44:17 | sicklure: MOD WHY 4:44:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: @deanspencer1 first time? 4:44:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: Finn, get the Sony Venice 2. I'm telling you, that's what you want 4:44:21 | Emmy64_: HypePopcorn 4:44:23 | IAMNOTHUMANGUYS: !size 4:44:23 | chemical_unicorn: as 4:44:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 4:44:24 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Sigma also beefy 4:44:25 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Set all the cameras up on a stream? 4:44:26 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: if you want low light then go full frame. your going to have less low light functionality the smaller a sensor you go 4:44:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: You get lens that can use in Infrared or night vision 4:44:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: Watching F1nn on weed is so great 4:44:33 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: The Camera is insane 4:44:33 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: RED camera 4:44:35 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @sicklure, calm down, the bot got u because u typed in caps the second time 4:44:36 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of @sicklure, 4:44:36 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:44:37 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: Hasselblad!!! 4:44:38 | Zabelbert: fuji x-pro3 is similar to x100v and has the advantage of interchangable lenses 4:44:43 | MangleSans: I hate how many tabs you have open..it makes me nervous 4:44:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of @sicklure, 4:44:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:44:48 | LamTion: @sicklure it's probably auto mod wih full caps, too many so it just deletes messages 4:44:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Full frame or no deal 4:44:50 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: the lens hanging off isa huge factor 4:44:54 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Yeah fx30, finally a good suggestion 4:44:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: @1zsoup lol, a hasselblad would be a flex and a half 4:45:01 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: This is just words now 4:45:05 | sicklure: @johnkeiwo thanks sir 4:45:06 | (Prime Gaming) xKustys: are you a vegetarian? and also do you still upload mc 4:45:08 | (Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: TrickyHi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! I use the A7c as my main rig, the 35mm F1.4 GM for street, and the 85mm F1.4GM for portraits are my go to lenses. 4:45:08 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: trickyhi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 4:45:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: What about night vision camera 4:45:12 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Catboy Cinema + Femboy FInance 4:45:15 | anschofi: 5 hours shoots? damn, that's stamina 4:45:15 | (Listening only) PanRojek: @F1NN5TER for stream check out blackmagic cameras 4:45:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: lol imagine he rolls up with the hasselblad 100D 4:45:18 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: If you’re gonna consider the A7IV, just get the A1. If you’re considering the fx30, just don’t. Bad motion artifacts and isn’t full frame AND doesn’t shoot stills. 4:45:19 | mootie1: 4:45:23 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: KEKW 4:45:27 | Emmy64_: @1zsoup For f1nn usage even a polaroid its too much Kappa 4:45:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: nerd speak make my empty head hurt lol 4:45:29 | (GLHF Pledge) dubsyGG: Cheer300 it's always the smaller ones that gag you 4:45:29 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: sounds like the A7C is gonna be perfect for u tbh 4:45:34 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Cat boy/femboiiiii epic stream 4:45:35 | bluedeltaheart: Full frame are heavy 4:45:39 | Shmirking: FX3 is better 4:45:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: A 16mm / CX is several "stops" smaller than Full Frame 4:45:43 | jordynblaisdell: bro finn 4:45:43 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Cool that people here know their cameras 4:45:44 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: AYO 4:45:45 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Sony ALPHA 4 CAN DO EVERYTHING 4K SLOW MO, 10BIT, ALSO PICTURES ARE CRISP 4:45:49 | jordynblaisdell: FINN 4:45:50 | bigsuave7: what 4:45:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Sorry that was supposed to be super 35 not super 16 my baf 4:45:51 | Scrooge_McBong: Lol 4:45:53 | mootie1: 4:45:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: ayooo wait 4:45:55 | torch_head3: surprised a bimbo has so much knowledge of cameras 4:45:56 | LOtiumduPeuple: @dubsyGG With enough energy, you can gag on anything tho 4:45:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: yes both of the FX cameras have articulating screen 4:46:01 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: fin balls like to pop out too 4:46:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i love polaroids ! 4:46:09 | (GLHF Pledge) dubsyGG: @dubsyGG i like you can-do attitude 4:46:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: The sony FX line is more video focused, just FYI. 4:46:12 | viryl_lucas: Limited edition 4:46:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: I do also have a pop out fella 4:46:20 | retroretroretro1: Has F1nn lost weight? He's looking slimmer. 4:46:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 4:46:24 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Auction off? 4:46:30 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: If you’re considering the fx30, just don’t. Bad motion artifacts and isn’t full frame AND doesn’t shoot stills. The Sony A1 is your best option if you’re considering the A7C or A7IV 4:46:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: like a gravure idols 4:46:42 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Camera talk 4:46:42 | mootie1: 2020Snacking alloy 4:46:44 | bluedeltaheart: TY dono 4:46:46 | jritvt: Lol Motorola camera is pretty 4:46:46 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: FX3 is best 4:46:48 | viryl_lucas: WAHT 4:46:53 | jordynblaisdell: !discord 4:46:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn 4:46:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 4:47:01 | (Prime Gaming) jamo_03: mirrorless? 4:47:01 | Emmy64_: @jritvt Motorola makes cameras weirdChamp 4:47:02 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: the fx30 isnt full frame, its made for vids, the a7c is better for pics and as small 4:47:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll "Which one is your primary gang?" . - 4060 4:47:07 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: I’m camera gang but I’m here for the makeup 4:47:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 4:47:08 | navarnd: Stick with the iphone, the camera is nice 4:47:10 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: Weak 4:47:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: Comic gang rules 4:47:11 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: blackmagic 4:47:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 4:47:11 | droolgoat: just use iphone u bimbo 4:47:15 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: then you might aswell buy a sigma camera 4:47:17 | (Prime Gaming) PreyOSx: smol 4:47:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: You know they make disposable Polaroid still 4:47:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: old school polaroid! ;) 4:47:23 | bluedeltaheart: Sony a6500 with good lenses 4:47:25 | kgober: offline gang missing from poll. also "bully finn gang" 4:47:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: a7R5 60MP 4:47:28 | silverberg__: Get a Sony Xperia phone 4:47:29 | mikele033: What will you post on OF? 4:47:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Stick with the i-phone 4:47:33 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: iPhone>everything else 4:47:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 4:47:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 4:47:36 | TroyBushido247: I didn't know there WAS a knife gang here! 4:47:36 | (GLHF Pledge) HareHates: hiiii 4:47:36 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Vote poll bc i am interessted 4:47:40 | Emmy64_: @droolgoat An iPhone is bs compared to a real camera (even with its sony sensors) 4:47:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 4:47:41 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: get an old digital camera to take y2k nostalgia pics 4:47:42 | silverberg__: What poll? 4:47:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hbomb1220: Im a programming gang man 4:47:44 | itsfree_real_estate: vote poll 4:47:44 | Zabelbert: fuji x-pro3 with some prime-lenses!! 4:47:45 | (Prime Gaming) Gritty_the_God: Gritty_the_God subscribed with Prime. 4:47:45 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: gritty_the_god subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gritty_the_god f1nnLezgang 4:47:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: send check out the Xperia pro phone 4:47:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: Is this cam for battle pass? 4:47:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: There's a few phones out there with DSLR-style sensors and lenses 4:47:56 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Black magic is ugly 4:47:57 | (Prime Gaming) kelseymafia: hi im kelsey and im confused 4:48:01 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: LUMIX gang 4:48:03 | (Listening only) frestro48: i am camera? 4:48:05 | Emmy64_: !donate 4:48:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 4:48:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hihowubduin: hihowubduin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! What a fantastic day, get to play Lightfall and listen to my favorite princess starting to come around to what we've known for years! 4:48:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: hihowubduin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:48:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Femgang is winning 4:48:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: My main requirement was to NOT overheat while streaming 4:48:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) biggaybillie: Fuji film xt-30 doesn't have that good of color reproduction imo 4:48:07 | jordynblaisdell: FINN you should really do the rice purity test 4:48:10 | (Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Even though the autofocus sucks 4:48:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: !confused @kelseymafia 4:48:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:48:15 | Enfinit_: what did I miss? 4:48:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @kelseymafia, Stay awhile and you'll figure it out. 4:48:16 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: @kelseymafia Bout what? 4:48:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 4:48:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL 4:48:23 | SliderX: @F1NN5TER Check this one: Fujifilm X-H2 4:48:24 | Enfinit_: Been gone ab 2 hour 4:48:24 | Bytebak: @jordynblaisdell He already did 4:48:25 | (Prime Gaming) kelseymafia: @ICurryI everything 4:48:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Curl_The_Great: Curl_The_Great subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 months lets go! You inspired me to go full femboy mode 4:48:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: curl_the_great subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:48:27 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Ayo a fellow destiny player 4:48:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: the A7RV has 60 MP Raw, and 8K 30fps video @F1NN5TER 4:48:30 | itsfree_real_estate: bote poll 4:48:31 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: If you care about stills more just go for the R5C. Canon is better for stills than Sony imo and the R5C is built for solid video, but still has canons photo capabilities 4:48:32 | jordynblaisdell: @jordynblaisdell when 4:48:33 | Scrooge_McBong: U need a light and small cam for take pic up and weird angle! 4:48:34 | certified_boylover: i just broke the fuck out of my nail 4:48:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Which one is your primary Gang?": Make-up/dress gang with 156 votes (59.32%) 4:48:34 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: @kelseymafia join the fun! 4:48:42 | mirot47: @jordynblaisdell done it already 4:48:44 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: that was a quick poll 4:48:45 | (Watching without audio) gamerguyknight: Don't see poll 4:48:45 | lucrative1020: First stream I think 4:48:46 | AmazingAspie: Draenor Server Horde says hi to our favourate femboy! 4:48:49 | LOtiumduPeuple: @certified_boylover sadge 4:48:50 | bluedeltaheart: Lenses are more important that the camera 4:48:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hwat? 4:48:52 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: @kelseymafia Pretty dude dressed in girl clothes obsesses over cameras. 4:48:53 | lucrative1020: I can’t remember last time is was here 4:49:02 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Poll Make-up/dress gang wins with 59%. - 4130 4:49:08 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: You want a cam that can do everything? Sony Alpha 7 4 or 3. I work as a professionall videographer and u can say both these Cams are insane!!!! (I work with red/zCam tho) 4:49:08 | (Prime Gaming) albusmcshort: SONY AX SERIES 4:49:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Camera kink again 4:49:25 | LOtiumduPeuple: @julian6521 +1 4:49:27 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the chosen one 4:49:27 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: femgang let's goooo 4:49:35 | niccotinie: click 4:49:35 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: It's v cute watching Finn and the rest of y'all talk about something you're passionate about. This really is a wholesome stream 4:49:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: It tilts up, out out 4:49:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) AztecRose: You gunna clean your mirror for battle pass pics? 4:49:44 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 THIS nanona1LETSGOO 4:49:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: cringe 4:49:49 | TheNeverShow: I want something that's low quality real granny like a bad Ransom video 4:49:52 | cmmeth: Jebaited 4:49:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: random music for chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q74fX9CnqtQ&list=RDxcIuQdA6o9k&index=5&ab_channel=EternityMusic 4:49:54 | 69shortstack69: hi 4:49:55 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: a7c will do video to your standard, 4k 30fps and has sonys incredible autofocus and lenses are easy to get. Its got a flippy screen and full frame - fujis arnt full frame (mostly) 4:49:57 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: A7C it is then Jebaited 4:49:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Like the earlier dono said, I think it would be wise to get the best/flagship model of a range 4:49:57 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @emmy64_ ? 4:50:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: @TheNeverShow lmao 4:50:05 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: you can always tether the camera 4:50:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: It's ultimately going to be much higher quality 4:50:09 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: F1nn 4:50:12 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 I was agreeing weirdChamp 4:50:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: also i am just fully here for your camera arc, im such a gear nerd 4:50:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: just modify it yourself, easy surely Kappa 4:50:15 | Scrooge_McBong: Dive deep! 4:50:20 | (Watching without audio) mitchyouguessedit: mitchyouguessedit subscribed with Prime. 4:50:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mitchyouguessedit subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mitchyouguessedit f1nnLezgang 4:50:20 | masterxander123: Hi 4:50:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: FeelsBadMan 4:50:26 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @emmy64_ sony is king 4:50:28 | (Prime Gaming) albusmcshort: Ask COTTON 4:50:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) ST0RMW4RL0CK: ST0RMW4RL0CK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 months baby! 4:50:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: st0rmw4rl0ck subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:50:29 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: perfect camera doesnt exist im afraid 4:50:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: A7C it is, join us on the Sony side! 4:50:31 | yumeko_37: sometimes I use an Electro 35 for photographs 4:50:34 | TheNeverShow: Im a scared cat hardyorange 4:50:35 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: that's Styled line a Lieca M series 4:50:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: a7rv 4:50:37 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Lumix supremacy 4:50:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Thanks @johnkeiwo! I can always enjoy some new music 4:50:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Loffy0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Fugi has some great mirrorless interchangable lense cameras, not sure on how compact the full frame ones are though it's been a few years since i looked. 4:50:41 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: SONY A7 3 OR 4 4:50:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: loffy0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:50:42 | miya_lovely: Your food must be cold by now finn 4:50:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: Sony Venice 2 4:50:45 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 Not really but they make good stuff 4:50:57 | ajkingg12: camera talk is interesting 4:50:59 | (Turbo) sgtkikkoman: just get a sony a6000 for like $300-$400, it has the flip screen you want plus it can use any fancy lenses if you want to upgrade it 4:51:01 | (Prime Gaming) lillewinger: Get the SONY FS7 4:51:04 | SliderX: check this Fujifilm X-H2 4:51:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Are those really McDonalds fries? Look difrernt in the uk 4:51:06 | (Turbo) sipikay: I suspect in the end you'll just get used to sony software :D 4:51:12 | (Prime Gaming) wendilunar: what cam do u use for strem? 4:51:12 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: BRUH xD full fledged cinema camera? 4:51:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: sounds like F1nn needs to tune in to Camera Conspiracies for the search of the perfect camera 4:51:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: LUL 4:51:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) sarakatelive: thats the one! 4:51:19 | Trixx1985: chonker 4:51:20 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: McDonald's in the UK looks higher quality? 4:51:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: @johnkeiwo I didn't watch more than a few episodes because i didn't want this song to depress me like everyone says it does lol 4:51:21 | Emmy64_: KEKW 4:51:22 | xXNeroZashiXx: Over powered 4:51:23 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Just get it with the drone attachment 4:51:27 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Sony A1 is the best option for Sony imo 4:51:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) AlmostCompetent: AlmostCompetent subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Fast 5 months 4:51:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: almostcompetent subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU 4:51:31 | navarnd: Get a Drone camera Kappa 4:51:33 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Oof 4:51:33 | CamCamv3: yo 4:51:34 | crimson_edge13: Very nice 4:51:35 | Therosbr: I just got a rebel t7, best i could afford 4:51:36 | jimboz0: Arm day every day 4:51:37 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @emmy64_ there are better out there but sony is doing such a good job! 4:51:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Sony is a good choice because there’s a lot of good e mount lenses. Especially on the used market 4:51:45 | (Prime Gaming) lillewinger: Maybe the blackmagic ursa 2 4:51:47 | howlinmaddog187: Just buy the newest experia Sony phone 4:51:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: I mean if the Venice 2 can film a box off smashing movie, it can film a femboy. 4:51:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Still talking about cameras. - 4030 4:51:48 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: WHAT 4:51:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: wut 4:51:50 | viryl_lucas: Huh 4:51:50 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Mood 4:51:50 | Sorgh_um: just get another manly man to take them for you 4:51:51 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: true 4:51:51 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: !commands 4:51:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 4:51:54 | DonJuan4321: You make me question my feelings… 4:51:54 | Emmy64_: CaitlynS 4:51:55 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Cryo001 good choice 4:52:01 | Zabelbert: fuji x-s10 has the screen 4:52:01 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Yep Wholesome 4:52:01 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: What is E mount? 4:52:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Don't be too real F1nn 4:52:08 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: There's so many commands 4:52:08 | (cheer 10000) 1zsoup: you need to watch some Jared Polin Fro Knows Photo 4:52:09 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Go sony, they have the best auto focus, any a7 will be full frame and the c is for compact. Also go on DPREVIEW and use the camera compair tool and it will let you find all the features u want 4:52:10 | (Prime Gaming) bunkbedboi2: @Therosbr best camera 4:52:11 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: !confused 4:52:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:52:13 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Any camera you get likely has HDMI out for a monitor and you can have a display to watch/remote trigger if they dont have a selfie screen default 4:52:17 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: tbh, i do really well with a sony A6000 4:52:20 | IAMNOTHUMANGUYS: !commands 4:52:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !follow, !height, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !merch, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !socials, !stream, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube 4:52:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 4:52:23 | LaniusXIII: Make-up looks good just stopping by! 4:52:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Random music for @johnkeiwo and chat ofc *** 4:52:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Just get one of the full-body harnesses for the filmmaking cameras that's like a little crane, and just turn it around so it points towards you. 4:52:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: nice one Finn 4:52:29 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Sigma sounds like a deez nuts joke 4:52:31 | Darkstrikenet: !merch 4:52:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Get F1nn merch! https://f1nn.shop 4:52:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wendilunar: wendilunar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! sorry im dumb and im bad at paying attention, whats the name of your stream camera? 4:52:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: wendilunar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 4:52:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Sony also has some of the best autofocus ime. 4:52:33 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: !confused 4:52:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:52:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: the RV for photos, SIV for vloging, the FX series for any long video shoots 4:52:34 | IAMNOTHUMANGUYS: !height 4:52:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 5'9" (1.75m) tall (69in. Nice). Rose is 5'4" (1.62m). Don't believe it when F1nn claims he's 5'10" (1.78m). He paid off the doctor when he went in to get measured. 4:52:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Clearly you need a PhaseOne XF IQ4 , its only 150MP 4:52:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Oh, you know cameras? Name all camera mounts! 4:52:40 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: You can also get a metabones adapter so yeah, dont mind the lount too much 4:52:42 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: tiny capture card for usb so i can capture shit, old pentax lenses and im looking great uwu 4:52:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @commymommy420, u can't post links unless you are a mod or VIP ^^ 4:52:43 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Lmao. Finsexual is a thing 4:52:43 | sdw_kingdomyt: 4:52:49 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: Nikon Fan myself 4:52:49 | BHODGE97: Yo fin im a road man but holy shit I’d … 4:52:54 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: D: 4:52:57 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Jeeez 4:52:58 | TheNeverShow: sony has a Different color thing 4:53:00 | (Listening only) PanRojek: Soooo it;s Panasonic 4:53:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: @johnkeiwo ooh I didn't know 4:53:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wendilunar: TANK U 4:53:03 | UnkemptPerseverance: nice 4:53:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: The L-mount Alliance - crickets 4:53:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: wow.. 4:53:10 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: !age 4:53:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn is 22 years old 4:53:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: out here acting like the sensor will never wear out KEKW 4:53:15 | (GLHF Pledge) ComradeCheems: !merch 4:53:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Get F1nn merch! https://f1nn.shop 4:53:15 | m_tayeb: Noice 4:53:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Wow! 4:53:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: that's... more than I was expecting to hear. lol 4:53:18 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) impdotex: Ha just realized he's saying nIkon 4:53:20 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: 100% use dpreview camera feature search and you can tel it you want flippy and how big u want it and it will show you all the cams that do that 4:53:20 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @thenevershow you dont colorgrade? 4:53:22 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Microscopic scratch Kap0a 4:53:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: My S22 has a 108mp camera 4:53:23 | (Prime Gaming) darkangelkjdl: Sony Alpha 6600? 4:53:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) centralmtk: centralmtk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Hey Finn! You've been my motivation for being who I really am. Thanks Sir! 4:53:27 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: centralmtk subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU 4:53:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yes 4:53:30 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: @kylep117 congrats 4:53:32 | alicia7_: scammed :P 4:53:32 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Probably 4:53:35 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: esd 4:53:35 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Idk 4:53:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: But after a LOT of usage 4:53:37 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: practically not 4:53:38 | sirlikes: Wholesome streamer says the one who literally uses his girl version for iteams 4:53:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: At the end of the day you really can't beat a good large format bellows camera 4:53:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Yes, pixels on the sensor can die 4:53:41 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: doesn't the battlepass begin shortly? 4:53:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @kylep117 and a plastic lens 4:53:42 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: Yeah they do 4:53:42 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: aside from a few ded pixels 4:53:43 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @kylep117 dont compare phone to camera buddy 4:53:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: @johnkeiwo I'll send it in the f1nncord media! I think you'll like it 4:53:46 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: I feel like im about to go into a food coma from my dinner 4:53:47 | Emmy64_: @tomasmuy You good dude? 4:53:49 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Camera POG 4:53:50 | certified_boylover: dont we all have tiny scratches on our handles 4:53:50 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @tomasmuy The hell? 4:53:52 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Aww widepeepoHappy 4:53:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wamboder: !pobox 4:53:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. 4:53:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: finn, the Venice 2 can film in 8K resolution, it's perfect for you 4:53:55 | LOtiumduPeuple: @tomasmuy LUL 4:53:56 | crimson_edge13: Can you recommend a decent PC? 4:53:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) redalex0210: What is your bra size? 4:53:56 | (Prime Gaming) albusmcshort: Sony ILCE6100 - Alpha Series 4:53:57 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Sus 4:53:58 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: battlepass in 6 minutes? 4:53:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @tomasmuy my brother in christ be normal 4:53:58 | StormCloud119: Shutters do 4:53:59 | pixledmx: Hey finn how are you 4:54:00 | femboystocks: Hwllo mommy finn. You looking very manly 4:54:03 | (GLHF Pledge) Peeramide: they can corrode, the leica m9 had a big problem with that 4:54:03 | soretid: Fuckyness ^^ 4:54:06 | StormCloud119: Sensors not so much, but very much shutter 4:54:06 | h0llowheart: Hi Finn! How u hanging man 4:54:06 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: @tomasmuy, stop preaching 4:54:07 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: very based 4:54:08 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: absolutely based 4:54:08 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: based 4:54:11 | ruimtegeerty: Hey 4:54:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: based 4:54:11 | Senevri: Cool shit? Do elaborate 4:54:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Curl_The_Great: based 4:54:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) The_One_Patriot: Its based as hell 4:54:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Why did you sound southern when you said gender 4:54:16 | BHODGE97: Are your standards higher because you are famous or are you the same person ? 4:54:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: @julian6521 I own a D610 as my main camera lol 4:54:16 | Chri55PBacon: based 4:54:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) AztecRose: CRONCHY 4:54:17 | bearpaw1970: What about the a6400? 4:54:17 | ar1st1pp0s: based & gendpilled 4:54:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: We're mostly degenerates here. Or lying. 4:54:23 | m_tayeb: XD 4:54:27 | cube193 : By the way supernatural lasted for 15 seasons 15 years of Jensen Ackles 4:54:29 | sdw_kingdomyt: KomodoHype 4:54:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 4:54:33 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 4:54:33 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @bearpaw1970 has 't even full frame man 4:54:35 | soretid: okok.. hhears 4:54:35 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: PogChamp 4:54:37 | phos4us_: shakesperean femboys, I forgot 4:54:38 | toxyn144: I'd love to try crossdressing but I'm so scared to try it tbh 4:54:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) thatgingerperson: I'm surprised that Maccies didn't come with a knife 4:54:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: I just subscribed the battle pass just to support you even more you filthy gremlin 4:54:41 | Emmy64_: LUL 4:54:46 | Scrooge_McBong: Here here 4:54:49 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: What was that camera that had ads recently? 4:54:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes to that donor 4:54:50 | SavineeVT: kageeBoing 4:54:51 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Finn’s the one true femboiii 4:54:55 | srirammoh: @phos4us_ you forgor 4:54:57 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: If you like the iPhone look the a6400 could be a good option I guess. The image is really flat with slog 3 4:55:01 | (Prime Gaming) albusmcshort: SONY ILCE6100 - Amazon has it for £750 4:55:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Did he really hesitate bc it wasn't expensive enough? f1nnMonka 4:55:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: holy crap. 500mm is your WALK AROUND LENS?! 4:55:07 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: I saw it everywhere a few months ago. 4:55:09 | soretid: What you gonna do with dat mm 4:55:09 | XaxtonRevolution: Hey @f1nn5ter can my grandma say hi to you? 4:55:10 | bearpaw1970: Oh' did not know that about that camera a7 4:55:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 1) armann24: cheer352 well F1nn thanks for strem im heading to bed. looking forward to battlepass tomorrow and looking forward to paris! also good girl 4:55:11 | phos4us_: @srirammoh I thought someone might sya that lol 4:55:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a nature photographer I hope 4:55:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Greatest work in the English language 4:55:19 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @armann24, gn ! 4:55:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: 500mm?!? What are you shooting? 4:55:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: @toxyn144 It's fun, I say do it. What's the worst that can happen if nobody knows you're doing it 4:55:25 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: FULL FRAME BROOOOO 4:55:27 | (Prime Gaming) platoix: surely you can afford to go full frame? 4:55:27 | sdw_kingdomyt: KomodoHype 4:55:28 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: cya armann24 4:55:33 | bearpaw1970: a7c is the top pick 4:55:33 | (Prime Gaming) Maddrius: 500mm ... bird watcher? sports? trying to think what you'd practically use that for 4:55:34 | procdump: By "walk around" they mean "walk around the lens" 4:55:34 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: No a6400 4:55:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: You planning on streaming during the release? 4:55:35 | (GlitchCon 2020) GSolis: !battlepass 4:55:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:55:36 | (Prime Gaming) princess_slayah_: wats up gamers, girlbosses and gatekeepers 4:55:37 | soretid: Whats happening in Paris? 4:55:38 | chaoticMercenary: I wanna put my girl face on but I ran out of shaving cream anyone have any suggestions to use as a substitute for shaving cream? 4:55:40 | MilesFromHappiness: !battlepass 4:55:41 | ruimtegeerty: Hey 4:55:42 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: My biggest lens is 300mm... how do you cope with 500? 4:55:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Agent_P21: what times the battlepass going live 4:55:46 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: that was pretty good! 4:55:47 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: gosleep 4:55:47 | im_up_to_something: Good one 4:55:48 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: go slep then 4:55:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) DismalPublic: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 4:55:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) itsreallyknight: That was good!! 4:55:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Was that digital zoom? DISGUSTANG 4:55:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: My longest lens is only 300mm and I rarely need that much 4:55:52 | StormCloud119: that noise is how I would describe sony cameras in general 4:55:54 | XaxtonRevolution: @f1nn5ter can my grandma say hi to you 4:55:55 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: @chaoticMercenary soap is fine when you don't have shaving cream 4:55:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: go bed g 4:55:56 | bluedeltaheart: Big iso its better in cameras 4:55:56 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 4:55:58 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lolol 4:56:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @soretid, TwitchCon 4:56:00 | (Prime Gaming) bunkbedboi2: @XenaRathon birds planes things far away 4:56:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: go to sleep then 4:56:01 | ItsMisterRay: Why am i a straight male but genuine Intrigued by how you look 4:56:03 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: LUL 4:56:03 | droolgoat: !yime 4:56:04 | (Prime Gaming) 0uttake: i think that's backwards lmao 4:56:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: You need a PhaseOne XF IQ4 , its only 150MP. Takes 1GB photos @F1NN5TER 4:56:04 | BHODGE97: Wish I could sub to you fin 4:56:10 | Emmy64_: !confused 4:56:10 | m4cintoshplus: oooooh 4 min 4:56:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:56:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: Sigma APO 200-500mm as a selfie lense 4:56:11 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER go to dpreview dot com and use their camera feature search 4:56:11 | droolgoat: !time 4:56:11 | (Prime Gaming) 0uttake: the men pretended to be women lol 4:56:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:57 4:56:12 | (cheer 100) Panther216: @ItsMisterRay I got some bad or good news for you 4:56:13 | (cheer 1) starlightbirdman: damn you look TIRED 4:56:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: burn 4:56:14 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 4:56:15 | chaoticMercenary: @llokko oh word I'll try that, thanks! 4:56:15 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Finn doesn't pass the Shakespeare vibe test 4:56:15 | (10 Gift Subs) BKMDRAGON: poor finn 4:56:17 | m4cintoshplus: 3 min no 4:56:19 | m4cintoshplus: now 4:56:19 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Do you think down badness has a cure? 4:56:21 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: Ancient Greek Olympic athletes did all their sports fully nude. When Christianity/Judaism hit Greece, they made it illegal for women to attend. This resulted in an entire generation of fruity athletes 4:56:26 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: @pianoismyforte_ You plan on shoulder surgery 4:56:27 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Shakespeare was a bit weird yeah 4:56:27 | crimson_edge13: I’m learning about Shakespeare OMEGALUL 4:56:28 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: !uptime 4:56:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 4h 56m 38s 4:56:31 | h0llowheart: @chaoticmercenary I use vitamin e cream when I don't have any shaving cream 4:56:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Sub to sub 4:56:34 | Jiyu____: a 4:56:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pastelgothtka_666: pastelgothtka_666 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! IM SO HAPPY 4:56:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: pastelgothtka_666 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 4:56:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: @ItsMisterRay you're not alone 4:56:40 | sr1gaming: This is my first stream 4:56:40 | Senevri: Well, that one role would have required a man to play a woman who pretends to be a man who pretends to be a woman. 4:56:42 | (Prime Gaming) MetroRangerUK: on so this is best girl I have been seeing on my insta as of late 4:56:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 1 million dollars 4:56:49 | ItsMisterRay: BibleThump BibleThump 4:56:50 | mirot47: Go get some sleep f1nn5ter have a good night sleep 4:56:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: EZ 4:56:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) trustmeim_british: trustmeim_british subscribed with Prime. 4:56:55 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: trustmeim_british subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang trustmeim_british f1nnLezgang 4:56:58 | soretid: Oh my - whoopsi - ty - @Amoyamoyamoya 4:56:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 4:57:03 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: yes 4:57:04 | phos4us_: you'll get like 20% the amount next month though 4:57:05 | bearpaw1970: Yep 4:57:05 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Brit’ish 4:57:05 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: PogChamp rich 4:57:05 | im_up_to_something: Probably 4:57:07 | (Listening only) chainedchish: just scam everyone and never drop content at all 4:57:08 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: 1% of them 4:57:09 | ThatOneVal: !battlepass sleepyGood 4:57:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:57:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Yes 4:57:11 | Sapphire_Iwata: does it feel good? 4:57:12 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: What's the total number now? 4:57:13 | (Prime Gaming) empirechaotix: no pressure 4:57:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !twitchcon 4:57:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes 4:57:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn and CottontailVA have made a bet to take place at TwitchCon Paris: Arm Wrestling. If Finn wins, Cotton will give him head. If she wins, Finn owes her 5 grand and she can peg him. TwitchCon Paris held on July 8th - 9th. 4:57:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Aware 4:57:21 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Rose = E-girl? 4:57:23 | m4cintoshplus: aware 4:57:28 | (GlitchCon 2020) VGABots: @vanimal2118 Always have been 4:57:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Checked on the subscription rate on his BP. - 4020 4:57:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) jaydefranco: i feel like we told you this was gonna happen and you didnt believe us 4:57:29 | (Prime Gaming) MickeySpoonK: OF has been launched yet? 4:57:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Top 1% is like top 15k or so creators? 4:57:31 | visualecho1: !battlepass 4:57:31 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:57:33 | ThatOneVal: WAIT you are going to TwitchCon Paris ? 4:57:38 | ItsMisterRay: hows the girl voice coming alogn 4:57:41 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: its not modification tho its an addon 4:57:41 | pursuit_5: Hi 4:57:42 | ajkingg12: I like to chill and watch you 4:57:47 | pixledmx: Are you gonna have to put the OF on your taxes 4:57:57 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Nice wig 4:57:59 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: SONY ALPHA 3 OR 4 I WONT STOP SPAMMING 4:57:59 | (Subscriber) soretid: soretid subscribed at Tier 1. 4:57:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: soretid subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang soretid f1nnLezgang 4:58:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) HextecNeko: at that rate hez going to generate 5m in a year 4:58:02 | Emmy64_: @ajkingg12 Wait, how? LUL 4:58:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @pixledmx Oh god dont get him started on taxes 4:58:04 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Wait, what' wrong with the Fuji X-T4? 4:58:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: Nini, gotta go grab dinner. Get to sleep soon! 4:58:05 | (Listening only) joenoblethagod: Hi 4:58:06 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: You should set up an Alert on your Twitch for when you get Subs to your Battlepass. LUL 4:58:06 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER use dprevew and use their camera feature search 4:58:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: The Fujis have great film simulations 4:58:13 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Would you recommend used market for my first camera? 4:58:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Agent_P21: !battlepass 4:58:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 4:58:13 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: baited KEKW 4:58:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: @vanimal2118 LUL 4:58:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: i mean if you are going no price is too much get a hasselbladd 100D and an alexa Mini LF literally everyone will want to steal them 4:58:23 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: its an addon not a modification 4:58:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: !time 4:58:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:59 4:58:27 | Scrooge_McBong: I’m high and watching hi F1nn 4:58:27 | (Prime Gaming) SeldoonNemar_: Is there a countdown timer for the battle pass yet? 4:58:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: @LogicCore Fuck, it'd be like that one time he Raided someone. 4:58:34 | (Listening only) joenoblethagod: @f1nn5ter hi I’m new here 4:58:34 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Oof 4:58:35 | khrow: 1 day 4:58:37 | ammar1o5: 1 minutes to the holy day 4:58:43 | m4cintoshplus: oh my 4:58:46 | inconspicuouscrow: finners what do you plan to do if you make it to 50 years old? 4:58:49 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @g1asshrt alexa seems good for selfies 4:58:50 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: !confused 4:58:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual 4:58:57 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: !modlove 4:58:58 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The mod team are awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. 4:58:58 | faerievv: it's almost midnight 4:59:00 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:00 | m4cintoshplus: 10 s 4:59:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) kowabunga_my_dudes: I will be joining the battlepass tomorrow as I have a few things I have to get ready on my end 4:59:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: it's March 1st izidWTF 4:59:05 | ThatOneVal: DP review, right sleepyGood 4:59:09 | neurotico4: fuck them cameras i wanna see him in a maid dress 4:59:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: F*ck Pansonic 4:59:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 4:59:11 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart femboy32Heart warden6Love stardu78Rollin 4:59:13 | (Prime Gaming) that_colin_guy: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:13 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong sarahs39Bingbong adcvrDINKDONK deamhaWiggle puckLove f1nnHeart 4:59:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong 4:59:14 | ammar1o5: Pick 4.3 inches it's the best 4:59:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:15 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 4:59:16 | inconspicuouscrow: sony action cam do eet 4:59:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:20 | Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:21 | (Subscriber) soretid: Dont go medium - ever! 4:59:22 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynBonk 4:59:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Medium format selfies lol 4:59:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) YumeNoZen: f1nnLezgang 4:59:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shopping cameras harder now. - 4050 4:59:26 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:29 | (Prime Gaming) Midnight_Wolf03: 12am 4:59:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 4:59:32 | (Prime Gaming) Midnight_Wolf03: 1st March 4:59:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 6400 4:59:33 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Bing bong 4:59:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Happy Birthday ChasingSol f1nnHeart 4:59:34 | bluedeltaheart: Yes you do 4:59:36 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE 4:59:37 | procdump: *today 4:59:37 | puppyohio6: Aaaaahh 4:59:37 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Valorant battlepass? 4:59:39 | lexiswagg: 1st march now! 4:59:41 | 0wrighty0: 0wrighty0 subscribed at Tier 1. 4:59:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: 0wrighty0 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang 0wrighty0 f1nnLezgang 4:59:43 | braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:43 | mootie1: Bing bong 4:59:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: high ISO == low light performance 4:59:45 | general_of_cm: yooo 4:59:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 100 Minimum 4:59:48 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnBingbong 4:59:48 | kristanie0815: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:49 | braddle172: !time 4:59:49 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: you need more tabs open 4:59:50 | ammar1o5: Woe be upon our nation 4:59:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:00 4:59:51 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: f1nnBingbong 4:59:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: higher ISO means Cleaner low light even if you dont go all the way to that ISO 4:59:53 | mootie1: Gigabing bong 4:59:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart cottontailBIGLOVE ammoHeart gappyvLove aikoruL sogCute inatttLove becomi11NgLove kidnotCute keffalL susuLove blondi13Kiss itspea13Headpat femboy32Heart audr1eHeart sodacatPet spicycowLovies 4:59:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: 20 HOURS REMAIN 4:59:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) AztecRose: BATTLE PASSSSS 4:59:57 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER you dont need to select all the things, just the ones ytou want! 4:59:58 | macarous: slut era begins 4:59:58 | (Subscriber) booberies1: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 4:59:58 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: 20 hours and 3 minutes! 4:59:59 | IdaWow: Ooooooooooo 5:00:02 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Teehee 5:00:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:00:02 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Happy Saint David’s day everyone! 5:00:03 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: Battlepass drops today now in the UK!! 5:00:03 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang 5:00:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: happy birthday to me 5:00:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Well here in UK that is KEKW 5:00:03 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: random music for chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFEmTsfFL5A&ab_channel=Paramore 5:00:04 | hamboschemery: Is the OF live yet? 5:00:04 | dreamwolfhm_: Hi!!! 5:00:05 | (GlitchCon 2020) GSolis: click it 5:00:06 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: mando and battle pass time, yipeee 5:00:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: 20 hours? uh.. bruh. March first is in 6 hours for me. 5:00:08 | (Watching without audio) richhdodger: 5:00:09 | braddle172: !uptime 5:00:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 19s 5:00:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: uh oh wouldn't want that to happen whoops 5:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 5:00:13 | mootie1: Hehehe 5:00:13 | inconspicuouscrow: just use a black magic cinema camera and take christian videos in 4k RAW and edit colors in post 5:00:14 | m4cintoshplus: cue "the final countdown" 5:00:14 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: @chasingsol happy birthday 5:00:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:00:17 | 747APlayz: F1nn5ter its march 1 5:00:17 | barbie_secretstanner: Happy battle pass day 5:00:19 | guimsunion: what u doing? 5:00:21 | (Prime Gaming) MossyLake: MossyLake subscribed with Prime. 5:00:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mossylake subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mossylake f1nnLezgang 5:00:21 | lucysocks321: Sony A7 mk4, is a good camera 5:00:22 | pixledmx: March 1st is in 5HR for me 5:00:26 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: See it all LOL 5:00:28 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: NO 5:00:30 | im_up_to_something: Actually happening in 20 hours 5:00:31 | macarous: @chasingsol happy birthday dude 5:00:32 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: FUCK 5:00:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: THAT 5:00:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: @chasingsol happy birthday fellow offliner f1nnHeart 5:00:34 | bluedeltaheart: More iso better pictures videos 5:00:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: YES 5:00:37 | mootie1: @chasingsol happy birthday HahaCat 5:00:40 | IdaWow: Nope hehe 5:00:43 | inconspicuouscrow: get a vintage bokeh camera lens too 5:00:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Looks like a normal canon 5:00:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Yeah no don't get that 5:00:47 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: looks like every canon - ugly af 5:00:50 | (Prime Gaming) mattydevs77: EW a cannon 5:00:50 | brandt_connors: click it coward 5:00:54 | astarsten: Built for performance 5:00:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ShawnT257: You didn't check all brands 5:00:56 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) Zusaki: EOS R6 5:00:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: It's a compact oof 5:00:57 | (Prime Gaming) platoix: @F1NN5TER get a Sony a7c 5:00:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: body shaming a camera D: 5:00:58 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: ew canon... yeah nah xD 5:01:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Powershot's are ass 5:01:00 | Shnoyra: Change the iso filter 5:01:00 | pixledmx: Ew that camera ugly af 5:01:01 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Canon respectable 5:01:02 | Emmy64_: Canon is bs in the design department 5:01:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Canon hater 5:01:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: It does, its the A7c 5:01:09 | inconspicuouscrow: built in lens DansGame 5:01:09 | Den_drummer: inb4 missclick Kappa (don't tho, keep that for the people with battlepass only) 5:01:19 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Basically yes 5:01:20 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @f1nn your only selecting the fixed lencses 5:01:23 | imami777: That camera could NEVER 5:01:24 | (Prime Gaming) darkangelkjdl: you selected the fixed lens cameras in the feature search 5:01:24 | bearpaw1970: A7c 5:01:25 | platopaii: looking bad bro 5:01:26 | lulumysandwich: I agree the sony A7 series is great 5:01:26 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SONY ALPHA 4, 3 or C 5:01:27 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) B1gBuddhah: look for canon eos RP f1nn 5:01:30 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 Spamming nonstop? mkoAyaya 5:01:31 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: just pull the trigger on the A7C, you're not gonna regret it 5:01:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: time to partner with a camera company???? 5:01:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: I have over 25k photos on my A7c, I love it. Its a workhorse 5:01:39 | StormCloud119: that noise describes every single sony camera 5:01:41 | inconspicuouscrow: so all of us agree that a sony action cam is the default choice huh 5:01:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Any a7 model is a good choice 5:01:47 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: smol guy 5:01:49 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: YOu specifically picked cameras with built in lenses and then complain when it shows you a camera with a built-in lense? Eedjit @f1nn5ter 5:01:49 | Bloodcoatrain: once the charity gets underway, Making the ultimate camera should be your next project 5:01:52 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: PogChamp 5:01:54 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: sadly no pink 5:01:55 | (Prime Gaming) darkangelkjdl: the interchangeable-lense compact is another checkbox/button 5:01:56 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: YOu specifically picked cameras with built in lenses and then complain when it shows you a camera with a built-in lense? Eedjit @f1nn5ter 5:01:57 | lerhenrik: camera? onlyfinn inc? 5:01:58 | xXNeroZashiXx: Pog 5:01:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: yes 5:01:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Cute? 5:02:00 | bluedeltaheart: Finally a good option 5:02:00 | bearpaw1970: It's d@mn near exactly what you want.. 5:02:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: I like how he calls things pretty and cute now 5:02:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: E mount 5:02:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: @F1NN5TER Look for the 35mmm F1.4 GM 5:02:08 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @emmy64_ until he picks it 5:02:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: silver reflects light, black is more functional for a reason 5:02:12 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmm 5:02:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Yes it’s e-mount 5:02:14 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Pretty 5:02:15 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: YOu specifically picked cameras with built in lenses and then complain when it shows you a camera with a built-in lense? Eedjit @f1nn5ter 5:02:16 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Facts @stovamor 5:02:16 | inconspicuouscrow: are you really concerned about how the camera looks? And not how well it works for it purpose? 5:02:18 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: yes it e mount 5:02:20 | norahnorth: yes 5:02:23 | im_up_to_something: Acting girly lol 5:02:23 | (Prime Gaming) 1_smart_donkey: Is it available in rose gold astra11Kek 5:02:26 | Lorelai_Di_Angelo: 20 hours! 5:02:29 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @trickyhi gm is overrpriced 5:02:30 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 Isn't the one you want? not the one f1nn wants? weirdChamp 5:02:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: It's really compact, has what you want and lens mount, why not the a7c? 5:02:31 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: sony is always E mount 5:02:32 | (Subscriber) soretid: Holding on.. 5:02:35 | xXNeroZashiXx: True 5:02:36 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: YOu ticked the "fixed lens camera types 5:02:37 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: YOu ticked the "fixed lens camera types 5:02:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: "It is better to look good than to feel good." - F1nn, February 2023 5:02:40 | (Prime Gaming) darkangelkjdl: at the top, "ultra compact, compact, large sensor..." 5:02:43 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: at the top 5:02:45 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Not as pretty as you! 5:02:46 | inconspicuouscrow: yes you did 5:02:54 | StormCloud119: you only picked compacts, which are fixed lens lol 5:02:59 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: First 4 types are fixed lense types 5:02:59 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Everyone knows the biggest performance factor is shinny chrome! 5:03:06 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @emmy64_ the first one i had* 5:03:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: AT THE VERY TOP 5:03:08 | RyakGami: compact are fixed 5:03:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Interchangable lens cameras 5:03:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: LUL 5:03:15 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Helloo 5:03:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Are you gonna be live when it drops? 5:03:22 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 Let f1nn be, and be careful with the spam 5:03:23 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: its 1st pf march... 5:03:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: That’s a point and shoot 5:03:28 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: !uptime 5:03:29 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 3m 38s 5:03:32 | (cheer 100) Panther216: F1nn? Read? Unpossible 5:03:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro 5:03:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Don't accidentally get a rangefinder either 5:03:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: do they come in pink? 5:03:40 | inconspicuouscrow: Finn i think you need a camera lesson before spending thousands LUL 5:03:40 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: "it's a good job she's pretty........" 5:03:41 | l3laz3de: sony zv-1f might be ur thing 5:03:41 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: "it's a good job she's pretty........" 5:03:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: *laughs in mamiya 7* 5:03:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: PROFESSIONAL STREAMER LEARNS HOW TO SHOP ONLINE 5:03:46 | yellowgatito: mirrorless are good tho 5:03:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Big camera be big 5:03:47 | (Prime Gaming) Oracle840: Oracle840 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! 16 months and not one of my friends think i have a problem 5:03:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: oracle840 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU 5:03:48 | jeiruthiel_official: hello 5:03:50 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: yup 5:03:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Looks don't matter 5:03:53 | bearpaw1970: Yup 5:03:56 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: BBimbo 5:03:57 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: yes 5:03:58 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: @emmy64_ i just want him to join sony club 5:03:59 | ImEdwinWX: i left a few hours ago and he was looking at cameras... hes still looking at cameras lmao 5:04:00 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: A7S III 5:04:01 | ajkingg12: f1nnMonka 5:04:01 | h4nn1bal_1: WHYPIPO0 5:04:01 | Thetwilightstar: SeemsGood 5:04:03 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: hahahaha 5:04:04 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: a7c is the move 5:04:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: He really do be picking cameras based on looks 5:04:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Sony gang 5:04:07 | norahnorth: yes 5:04:08 | morteyb84: Get Canon R5 5:04:08 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) maxxh31: unfortunately i have contacted ligma 5:04:09 | Emmy64_: @julian6521 Okay i guess 5:04:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wamboder: !size 5:04:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 5:04:16 | (Prime Gaming) PixelHeadTV_: I have smart glasses so been listening to your stream while I work 5:04:17 | norahnorth: Sony camera OP af 5:04:21 | inconspicuouscrow: i would get something different just because i dont want to be like every single other person 5:04:22 | Scrooge_McBong: Laterz F1nn got to go foraging for food!! The munchies has GOT ME! f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 5:04:23 | (Prime Gaming) PixelHeadTV_: enbyad1LOVE 5:04:25 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: much prefer a canon over sony... 5:04:26 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn learns how to make search selections on a website. - 4000 5:04:28 | (Prime Gaming) GroggyReaper: a6d, I don't know about cameras 5:04:29 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: That food has to be gone cold now 5:04:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: March 5th, got it 5:04:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo? 5:04:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: oh no, how will we survive?? 5:04:38 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: Why are there measurements for F1nn? 5:04:38 | viryl_lucas: Hehe 5:04:39 | inconspicuouscrow: March 50tg? 5:04:39 | humanratpoison: march 5th? 5:04:41 | SkratchyUK: technically he is paying for his sub. you still need top pay for prime thereefor ypou pay haha 5:04:42 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Damn straight, cheese is awesome 5:04:42 | (Subscriber) soretid: He She better be right.. 5:04:48 | (cheer 100) femdoggoboy: Crunchy crispy asmr 5:04:53 | Emmy64_: @sisiwolf251 For sending him stuff 5:04:55 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: whats march 5th? 5:04:59 | bearpaw1970: Sony knows their CMOS sensors 5:05:00 | morteyb84: CANON R5 dude 5:05:00 | Den_drummer: (insert the James May "cheese" clip here) 5:05:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: 5th marked in my calendar 5:05:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: I thought he said end stream when food arrived? 5:05:06 | XD1111y: 1 raiders from XD1111y have joined! 5:05:08 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: i think so 5:05:08 | (Prime Gaming) dazedbacon: dazedbacon subscribed with Prime. 5:05:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: dazedbacon subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dazedbacon f1nnLezgang 5:05:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: only 24 MP for the A7c - we had that over 10 years ago 5:05:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: click on spec 5:05:12 | whistle29: canon is better tho 5:05:14 | (Subscriber) soretid: Ufff, sexy lense 5:05:15 | inconspicuouscrow: also check for used cameras and older models for cheaper 5:05:19 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Stream isnt ending yet, because its camera time 5:05:19 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !caps 5:05:19 | (Prime Gaming) quetsiyah_: Battlepass live? 5:05:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! 5:05:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: G master lense is E mount 5:05:26 | lulumysandwich: I am a pro photographer. I used to shoot on Fuji, and now I have a Sony a7IV and A7s3 and they are both amazing 5:05:27 | bobwicks: RAID 5:05:28 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !of 5:05:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 5:05:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: F1nn, my guy. 35mm F1.4 GM 5:05:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the G is a series not the mount 5:05:35 | Emmy64_: G spot mkoHmm mkoBox 5:05:37 | h4nn1bal_1: GlitchCat gonna need a bigger lense, mate 5:05:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Doesn't Sony take Zeiss lenses? 5:05:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: yes 5:05:39 | (Prime Gaming) platoix: Sony a7R IV would be the least budget but most ballsy option @F1NN5TER 5:05:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: sigma and tamron 5:05:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mozts2005: Sony uses. It’s on mount that is custom and not compatible with anything else. 5:05:43 | CJKDB: I'll sell you my Minolta x-700 5:05:44 | inconspicuouscrow: @lulumysandwich what made you switch 5:05:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Are you surprised??? 5:05:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: dear lord Photography is $$$ 5:05:46 | (Prime Gaming) fixer_18: KAI just reached 300k! 5:05:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Lol 5:05:49 | mochifrappuchino: Wait whats a finn battlepass? 5:05:49 | (Prime Gaming) SisiWolf251: bye bye I gotta go to a bob ross event 5:05:51 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: buy lenses from japan... 5:05:52 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: That’s not the mount go to specifications 5:05:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: @yeomanjensen MP doesn’t really matter as much as most people think 5:05:55 | CJKDB: 35mm film 5:05:56 | Loelinverse: Tamron 5:05:56 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: L 5:05:58 | (Prime Gaming) Doc_Rider: Maybe in the specs 5:05:58 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Think of the ROI 5:05:59 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER the a7c is E mount 5:05:59 | (Prime Gaming) Maddrius: the g master lenses are primo money. Much cheaper options available 5:06:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: I agree with the other Guy A7R5 @F1NN5TER 5:06:03 | dubberrucky29: why is it 2003 gmt that's such a weird time 5:06:06 | lulumysandwich: Zeiss Lenses are pretty goood 5:06:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Lens is actually what makes the camera 5:06:09 | bearpaw1970: Yes they are indeed expensive 5:06:10 | audreysdance: minnmaMaxstress minnmaMaxstress minnmaMaxstress minnmaMaxstress minnmaMaxstress minnmaMaxstress minnmaMaxstress 5:06:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: sony branding 5:06:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: G is the pro line of sony lenses 5:06:17 | ImEdwinWX: you can get adapters, the mount doesnt matter 5:06:20 | lulumysandwich: G master is the sony brand 5:06:22 | bluedeltaheart: Lenses are the more importat part of the camera 5:06:24 | SaoirseDotCom: g stands for great 5:06:25 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: That’s the line 5:06:27 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER thats the Lense brand 5:06:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: That's a lot of battle passes 5:06:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wamboder: !command 5:06:33 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: That’s line the line brother 5:06:35 | NicxGG: you'll make enough for multipul in the first month of battle pass 5:06:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: E for Estrogen 5:06:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: dubberrucky29 - that is when most people are on the internet 5:06:46 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: the Sony G line is just E mount 5:06:47 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER Sony go G master lenses its a brand thing 5:06:56 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: asmr 5:06:59 | (Prime Gaming) platoix: get a 24-70mm 5:06:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: asmr bite 5:07:02 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: MMB, 5:07:03 | kristanie0815: Ask chatgpt 5:07:07 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: 200-600 monkaS 5:07:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: Cromch 5:07:15 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @xenarathon as always it depends, requires better lenses ofc 5:07:18 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: !bp 5:07:23 | (Prime Gaming) resus___: Are you going to the Aphex Twin concert in sweden this summer? 5:07:24 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: That sigma 24-70 literally just came out last week 5:07:28 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Shinny 5:07:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: TRUE KEKW 5:07:33 | lulumysandwich: 24-70 5:07:34 | (Prime Gaming) SweetDickWilly: !bp 5:07:39 | wigthepigg: 8 AM OR PM 5:07:44 | lulumysandwich: or a 50mm 5:07:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: you want a small form factor camera to "look good" and then want the BIGGEST lenses possible!!! 5:07:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: whats the camera for? 5:07:53 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: 1.8 f stop for the background blur 5:07:56 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: 50mm prime is pretty small 5:07:56 | inconspicuouscrow: why do you want it to be so small and compact 5:08:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) gaygerbomb: gaygerbomb subscribed at Tier 1. 5:08:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: gaygerbomb subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang gaygerbomb f1nnLezgang 5:08:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Just raise the ISO 5:08:04 | StormCloud119: 2.8 is like as fast as 24-70 goes 5:08:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: sort by fresnel? 5:08:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F2.8 is good for a full frame zoom 5:08:13 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: 8:03 PM apparently 5:08:16 | Cytox__: Wait F1nn what time is it for u 5:08:16 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @inconspicuouscrow, cos he has weak girly arms 5:08:17 | Senevri: GO TO SLEEP 5:08:21 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: I have a sony 68 which has the weird a-mount but it means i get some weird funky old Minolta lenses I can just stick right on 5:08:24 | (Prime Gaming) platoix: Sony has incredible low light with their sensors 5:08:25 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: If you want a zoom that’s lower than 2.8 you need to spend over $3k 5:08:25 | inconspicuouscrow: @stovamor LUL 5:08:26 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: A68* 5:08:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: 1.2 down ther 5:08:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: F1NN your Apature standards are way too high 5:08:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: @yeomanjensen yup sensor and lens quality are way more important than MP. 5:08:44 | blu3berrycat: Prime is king 5:08:52 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: prime are nice 5:08:58 | inconspicuouscrow: telephoto lens thats 5 feet long or no bolas 5:08:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) B1gBuddhah: f1nns got no idea what he´s looking for LUL 5:09:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I've never seen a zoom lens under like 2.4 5:09:01 | xXNeroZashiXx: Lol 5:09:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @xenarathon true 5:09:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: fast cheap light you can only pick 2 @F1NN5TER 5:09:05 | norahnorth: Sony's are great in low light, I love my sony A7II wanna Upgrade to a newer one if I can ever afford one 5:09:14 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: samyang ew 5:09:22 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: A zoom with lower than 2.8 will be over $3k minimum and would be a cine lens technically 5:09:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: going W I D E 5:09:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Fisheye turns you to spaghetti 5:09:29 | procdump: gn chat! workday coming up soon... 5:09:31 | inconspicuouscrow: Fast cheap > fast light 5:09:31 | norahnorth: I have a 10 - 18 MM for mine 5:09:35 | hazadooza: He likes them heavy. 5:09:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: @F1NN5TER Be careful, e mount is used on both the full frame and the CMOS crop sensors, make sure you get a lense that is full frame. 5:09:46 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Educate the non camera peps? 5:09:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: get the thermal scope attachment 5:09:47 | pupperrdupperr: FIN MAN 5:09:47 | NoShottLarry: 300k 5:09:51 | Emmy64_: 4K bussy HypePopcorn 5:09:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) : subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 5:09:54 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: babyiconical subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 5:10:00 | Bytebak: Ok - camera lusting has no interest for me - going to bed 5:10:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a wide-angle makes cake look much bigger 5:10:05 | inconspicuouscrow: a thermal scope attachment would cost more than the camera 5:10:08 | NoShottLarry: Kai world record 5:10:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: No it makes sense 5:10:18 | mattchew13571357: the 35 has kind of funny autofocus issues. can't beat the price though 5:10:19 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Just go with an A6000 5:10:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aka FE-mount 5:10:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: for full frame 5:10:47 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: KEKW 5:10:47 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: @theRealESweezy annoying thing is, its not supported by sony app to record directly, but i also use an usb capture card with it so it does work 5:10:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 5:10:48 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:10:49 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: but like 5:10:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: oooooh thx 5:10:51 | nihilistpicard: hah 5:10:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 5:10:51 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: wide angle 5:10:52 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: yeh 5:10:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:10:53 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: Lenses for full frame will be called EF 5:10:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: whoops there 5:10:54 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: LOL 5:10:55 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: MAkes sense thank you 5:10:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: FAX 5:10:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Stop keeping yourself awake omg 5:10:59 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: ah makes sense 5:10:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: This is why you should get the A7r 5:11:00 | bearpaw1970: dainty arms 5:11:03 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: search for FE mount lenses, they are the one specifically for full frame 5:11:03 | niemandnix123: why do u think people watch ur stream 5:11:05 | EmopanSexualWerido: I love you finnnnnnnnn 5:11:07 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Femboy F1nn arms 5:11:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: Just get a tripod 5:11:09 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: @slinkyslonkywoffle oh interesting..and sorta annoying 5:11:09 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: just sort by highest price... 5:11:11 | im_up_to_something: Hahaha make sense 5:11:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Can I send a link mods? 5:11:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Crop factor from full frame to Apsc is not crazy\ 5:11:16 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: All this camera talk makey my brain tired 5:11:17 | inconspicuouscrow: thanks for the explanation, this is upsetting me LUL 5:11:20 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @TrickyHi, nope 5:11:22 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Still shopping for cameras. - 3890 5:11:22 | mattchew13571357: When medium format incoming? 5:11:22 | niemandnix123: and why do u think average watchtime is 15 min 5:11:23 | Emmy64_: @slinkyslonkywoffle Sorry im in the middle, but an app?!? you need an app? 5:11:24 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Perhaps I was the bimbo all along 5:11:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ethanthetoole: First time properly catching you live yay 5:11:29 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER pic any that say FE not just E 5:11:34 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: @YeomanJensen i dont wanna be annoying, but its still E mount xD FE lenses are made for full frame sensors soz 5:11:36 | norahnorth: Sigma lenses in my experience are really good btw, sharp images 5:11:38 | Cytox__: Thoughts on Stardew valley 5:11:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Samyang isn't good enough 5:11:39 | StormCloud119: I put a Tamron APS-C zoom on my 5D for a laugh once to see what it'd do and you get like just a circle image in the middle with the rest black lol 5:11:39 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Samyang 5:11:47 | NopenguinYT: yes, I caught a femboy stream 5:11:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Careful, samyang don't AF a lot of the time 5:11:53 | sr1gaming: FE lense 5:12:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) CreativeVitality: @F1NN5TER are you gonna do more couch streams like before? that was nice 5:12:01 | NopenguinYT: Battlepass upgrades??? 5:12:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I'd check reviews, I'm heard a lot of hit and miss off samyang lenses 5:12:04 | prawny_sea_man: @cytox__ stop stalking me 5:12:08 | bluedeltaheart: 50mm are the way to go 5:12:12 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: dont cheap out on lenses 5:12:14 | (GLHF Pledge) MaybePillow: avarage 5:12:22 | entity_0902: What does he need a new camera lense for? Does he use the camera for insta shots? 5:12:23 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: FE mount is E mount for full frame, search for that @F1NN5TER 5:12:23 | inconspicuouscrow: @mihalik who is that 5:12:24 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Observe the femboy, 40 hours into his day, making a purchase he won't remember making tomorrow 5:12:24 | (cheer 100) aquaexplo: he just like my D FR 5:12:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Samyang makes me think it's a knock off Samsung. lol 5:12:28 | fgfggam: SMOrc 5:12:28 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER some off brand ones will not have auto focus and will be manual only, esspecially the cheaper ones 5:12:29 | Nokremos: 1 raiders from Nokremos have joined! 5:12:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @slinkyslonkywoffle you're right, I don't mind be corrected 5:12:34 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Mods Wanted to go camera shopping 5 hrs into stream, right? 5:12:36 | autistic_elm0: ive heard ooo very small before 5:12:39 | Mihalik: @inconspicuouscrow No comment 5:12:39 | (Turbo) knxggles: when you look at this locally, this is just 4000 people watching a guy shop for cameras 5:12:40 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Mihalik, that's weird af to ask ngl 5:12:42 | norahnorth: no 5:12:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no 5:12:45 | NopenguinYT: biggest number, better product 5:12:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M 1:2 Lens for Sony E @F1NN5TER 5:12:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Not necessarily 5:12:48 | StormCloud119: no, its normal 5:12:49 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: fin is use to small things 5:12:51 | norahnorth: all that fits full frame fits APC also 5:12:52 | inconspicuouscrow: @mihalik is it a secret? monkaS 5:12:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: No 5:12:56 | midnightlone: I have a Sony Full Frame 24mm F2.8. I use litterly for everything 5:12:57 | Cytox__: What is this even for I need context 5:13:05 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: You gotta make sure you’re investing more in glass than the camera. Lenses are gonna last you longer and will go through camera upgrades 5:13:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: bigger is compatible with smaller sensor sizes 5:13:16 | Zabelbert: get sigma lenses! they're usually even sharper than the g-masters 5:13:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 5:13:17 | entity_0902: This seems stressful 5:13:17 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:14 5:13:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 5:13:19 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 13m 28s 5:13:23 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: Tamron 35 - 150 2.0 - 2.8 FINN FINN FINN FINN 5:13:23 | inconspicuouscrow: @mihalik ohhh i get it 5:13:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @Cytox__ Money on the way in and its already burning a hole in his pocket LUL 5:13:31 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 5:13:33 | (Prime Gaming) PDCollins: E mount can be compatible with full frame and APS-C - you can use FF lenses on APS-C bodies 5:13:35 | (Turbo) Royalbirhat: Royalbirhat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! bakers dozen of egg 5:13:35 | Emmy64_: @entity_0902 Boring really 5:13:35 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: NomNom cronch 5:13:35 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: royalbirhat subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:13:46 | Cytox__: I. C. 5:13:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: better get a foregrip for the recoil 5:13:49 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: How do we make Finn go to bed 5:13:50 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: people should remember these cheaper lenses usually dont support auto focus etc unless theyre from sony 5:13:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: you did it 5:13:55 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: POGGERS 5:13:57 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: chat, don't forget to drink water and walk around to get the blood going in your legs 5:13:57 | inconspicuouscrow: i personally like strimmers video quality when they use sony action cams of various types. The real question is what lens monkaHmm 5:13:58 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Battle pass hype train 5:14:03 | viryl_lucas: Yatta 5:14:04 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: that looks like a good set 5:14:05 | primroye: you're so pretty peepoShy 5:14:05 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Clap 5:14:05 | CasIHdude04: finn you could always buy a pentax k1000 5:14:06 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Might be an idea to rent some lenses first 5:14:06 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: what about studio lighting? 5:14:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: No thank you John 5:14:09 | braddle172: nanona1Claps 5:14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 5:14:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mice 5:14:12 | DiabloOfTheHeadless: pants are off rn 5:14:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: You can put a full frame lens on an aps-c sensor with little to no difference but aps-c lens on full frame sensor will vignette like crazy 5:14:13 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: good choise 5:14:14 | MajesticFvckingEagle: We did it bois! 5:14:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: *Nice 5:14:15 | xXNeroZashiXx: @johnkeiwo thanks 5:14:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: tamron has a good 1.4 24mm 5:14:18 | l3laz3de: wished u looked at the a7rv 5:14:18 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: TAMRON 35 - 150 2.0 - 2.8 5:14:18 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: yay we did it Clap 5:14:19 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Legs @johnkeiwo ? 5:14:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: watch a review or two before buying for any gotchas 5:14:21 | bearpaw1970: Cannot go wrong with the A7 5:14:23 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Point n shoot me 5:14:23 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: now spend some time with it 5:14:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: It's not the A7r :( 5:14:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: like the film camera? 5:14:25 | Therosbr: lol love the k1000 5:14:29 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Thanks for the tip john 5:14:33 | StormCloud119: real 5:14:34 | midnightlone: I have a Sony A7C with Sony Full Frame 24mm F2.8 prime lense. I use this lense litterly for everything. 5:14:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No idea I think I zoned out when the camera stuff started 5:14:37 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: hey, i have one of those! 5:14:39 | Therosbr: yep film camera 5:14:40 | norahnorth: ohh, I have one of those 5:14:40 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: It’s literally small 5:14:40 | jimboz0: Drinking vodka and doing squats 5:14:42 | total_acidity: Geez, lost 1k viewers by talking about cameras 5:14:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: K1000 slaps but not good for OF very affordable 5:14:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Holy 20 years 5:14:49 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Very good film camera 5:14:53 | xXNeroZashiXx: !hug johnkeiwo 5:14:53 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: johnkeiwo gets a big hug from xxnerozashixx <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 5:14:58 | entity_0902: 200 is pretty ok 5:15:00 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: I noticed the cameras and came in 5:15:00 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 5:15:05 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: Low light = sexy photos? 5:15:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: 60MP 5:15:07 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Jk it’s always for finn 5:15:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: they look the same ngl 5:15:13 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: pasd 5:15:13 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2019 - San Diego) theRealESweezy: PauseChamp 5:15:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: The A7R is the resolution king 5:15:20 | (Prime Gaming) PDCollins: a7r is photo line, a7s is video line, a7 is hybrid, a7c is compact FF 5:15:22 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: I wanna drop everywhere tbh 5:15:25 | (Prime Gaming) Baullroomblitz: No shot you’re basing your choice off of looks and not specs 5:15:26 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: A7R IS SO MUCH BETTER! 5:15:26 | Emmy64_: Ffs who said it KEKW 5:15:36 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: 0.8? 5:15:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) thumper41234: thumper41234 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Ayy 2 months 5:15:36 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: thumper41234 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:15:38 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Oof 5:15:41 | norahnorth: Just get a Hasselblad 5:15:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: f1nnHands 5:15:47 | Emmy64_: ResidentSleeper 5:15:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Surely Finn should buy a Barbie camera 5:15:49 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Box Brownie would be good for retro shoots Kappa 5:15:51 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: The suspense is mounting! 5:15:53 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: just get yourself a nice Hasselblad H6D 5:15:53 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER a7* = all around a7R = Resolution lots of MP a7S = video one a7c = compact one 5:15:59 | bearpaw1970: Ok Sweetness 5:16:00 | midnightlone: Hey @f1nn5ter I have a Sony A7C with Sony Full Frame 24mm F2.8 prime lense. I use this lense litterly for everything. 5:16:02 | call_me_tie: because of you, I now get suggested "Femboy Thigh Cam Stream". thanks a lot finn 5:16:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: "I'm gonna end" famous last words 5:16:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Just spend 20k on a hasselblad bro no biggie KEKW 5:16:05 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @vanimal2118 get out LUL 5:16:06 | sr1gaming: Need a new simp goal F1nn 5:16:13 | Emmy64_: Just buy the freaking poundland camera ffs LUL 5:16:16 | befuddlemuddle: its been like this for a while now 5:16:16 | Aetreus88: performance... 5:16:19 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Stunlocked 5:16:23 | entity_0902: Philosopher activities 5:16:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeadpat 5:16:26 | (Turbo) DooDooDipshit: performance is crazy 5:16:28 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: preformane? 5:16:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Stuck 5:16:30 | (Prime Gaming) julian6521: A73 > A7C 5:16:31 | (TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) Little_Dica: performance? vixWut 5:16:34 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @striker221018, ??? 5:16:34 | Zai_Rose: Yeah I'm tryn to suss that one out too 5:16:36 | nihilistpicard: wow 5:16:37 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:16:38 | PsillyCephalopod: POGGERS 5:16:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he will do one more thing and then end. We've heard this shit before. - 3600 5:16:39 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps 5:16:40 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 5:16:41 | braddle172: nanona1LETSGOO 5:16:41 | Senevri: Well done 5:16:42 | (cheer 100) Panther216: ITS CONTAGIOUS 5:16:42 | nihilistpicard: caused it all 5:16:43 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: You heard it there boys, he caused transgenders 5:16:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: IT WAS YOU 5:16:43 | padlowan: patient 0 5:16:44 | general_of_cm: I Knew It 5:16:44 | chaoticMercenary: BASED FINN 5:16:44 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 5:16:44 | viryl_lucas: Noice 5:16:44 | blu3berrycat: wow 5:16:44 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Altex1: Clap 5:16:44 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: fax 5:16:44 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO 5:16:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: saph_witch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! This is a new account but glad to still be supporting you 5:16:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: You createwd gay 5:16:46 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: saph_witch subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:16:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: it was you all along 5:16:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we have a live one 5:16:48 | Senevri: Congratulations 5:16:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: PogU 5:16:48 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Clap 5:16:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: BASED 5:16:48 | total_acidity: VICTORY! 5:16:49 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Victory! 5:16:49 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: Finn how do you feel as the inventor of Transgenders 5:16:50 | braddle172: nanona1Claps 5:16:50 | (Prime Gaming) Killer_Kage: you did this to me? 5:16:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW Clap 5:16:51 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: Clap 5:16:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: You're the reason I'm like this?!?!?!! 5:16:52 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: TRUE 5:16:52 | sr1gaming: Clap 5:16:52 | mootie1: Clap 5:16:52 | (Prime Gaming) Alpinefresh: Clap 5:16:52 | CommonLoot: Thank you finn! 5:16:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: it's your fault 5:16:53 | total_acidity: Clap 5:16:53 | (cheer 100) Shal_Grace: KEKW i mean not super wrong tho 5:16:53 | Chri55PBacon: yaaay 5:16:53 | niemandnix123: did you ever suc a coc? 5:16:53 | anschofi: women dont put on a performance though. f1nn has to work way harder to achieve the same 5:16:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: @padlowan xD beat me to it 5:16:54 | general_of_cm: Clap 5:16:54 | BagelBites_Gaming: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 5:16:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: My hero !!!! <3 5:16:54 | chaoticMercenary: You helped create me lmao 5:16:54 | unopenedcookies: LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO 5:16:54 | Aetreus88: lgbFinq 5:16:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: All hail F1nn! 5:16:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: all hail 5:16:55 | nyxkitteh: Clap 5:16:55 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: i guess i have to bow to Jude now xD 5:16:55 | rekhan337: i made it 5 hours in lmao 5:16:55 | barbie_secretstanner: Let’s goooooo 5:16:55 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Yes 5:16:55 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: clap 5:16:56 | (Prime Gaming) Killer_Kage: based 5:16:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: No i wanted to see if they were gonna get themselves perma banned ! 5:16:56 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: POGGERS 5:16:56 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Clap 5:16:56 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: chrClap chrCheer 5:16:57 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: Clap 5:16:57 | reanimatedpaper: We know 5:16:57 | SladeWson: Clap 5:16:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: fillyClap fillyClap fillyClap 5:16:57 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Clap 5:16:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Clap Clap Clap Clap 5:16:57 | (Prime Gaming) kobeyashi_maru: It was super effective. 5:16:58 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) billyvan: Clap 5:16:58 | xXNeroZashiXx: Clap 5:16:58 | (GlitchCon 2020) Epicazeroth: Ayo what happened? 5:16:58 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: Clap Clap 5:16:58 | Chri55PBacon: Clap 5:16:58 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: 5:16:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Clap 5:16:58 | m1n_3: Wow you're the reason I'm trans 5:16:58 | Philippovic98: Clap 5:16:59 | akicita6: 5:16:59 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood 5:16:59 | befuddlemuddle: oh ya now 5:16:59 | Soupmilk_Ash: clap 5:16:59 | viryl_lucas: Factory of Femboi and Trans 5:17:00 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: CLAP CLAP 5:17:00 | yeet_megravy: Yeah 5:17:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: PogChamp 5:17:00 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: go to sleep finally 5:17:01 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: Not me purchasing a battlepass a day early so I dont miss the drop 5:17:01 | (Subscriber) superfox02: so true, can't believe you did this to me 5:17:02 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: wait... God? 5:17:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 5:17:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Finn created the future LIBERALS want! Clap 5:17:02 | A_Shoe_Lace: clap 5:17:02 | Zai_Rose: 5:17:03 | (Subscriber) PhageWorm: yay Worm 5:17:03 | (GlitchCon 2020) Epicazeroth: F1nn created me? 5:17:03 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: thank you fin 5:17:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: nanona1Claps 5:17:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: GOD 5:17:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: w 5:17:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: 5:17:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bluebeeblue: thank you for transing my gender 5:17:05 | BagelBites_Gaming: CLAP CLAP 5:17:05 | Cytox__: Noodle arms 5:17:05 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: anitaClap 5:17:06 | barbie_secretstanner: Clap Clap 5:17:06 | SummerVMelody: thank you almighty creator!!! 5:17:06 | viryl_lucas: TransgenderPride 5:17:07 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 5:17:07 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: 5:17:07 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Congrats 5:17:07 | mr_girbraltar: 5:17:08 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lol 5:17:08 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood 5:17:08 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Interesting because I'd been transitioning 6 6years before I knew F1nn even existed 5:17:09 | sr1gaming: MVP 5:17:10 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: you made me like this >:( 5:17:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: You’re me mom Cheer1000 5:17:11 | Senevri: Read Worm sequel 5:17:12 | (Subscriber) kayrosie310: That's Goddess actually 5:17:13 | coaiemamaie: f1nn was behind it all 5:17:14 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: It checks out. I don't know ANYONE who transitioned before you were born. 5:17:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: Congrats 5:17:16 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: Clap Clap Clap 5:17:17 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: 5:17:21 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) billyvan: Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap 5:17:24 | reanimatedpaper: and we appreciate it :) 5:17:25 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Clap 5:17:26 | mootie1: f1nnHeadpat 5:17:29 | Zai_Rose: YOU created me Finn, it was YOU 5:17:29 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn takes credit for creating transgenders. - 3620 5:17:29 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch 5:17:31 | (Listening only) joenoblethagod: Clap 5:17:36 | TnTDinomight: Wait.... this a dude? 5:17:43 | ya_boijasmine: Hii 5:17:46 | RandomGamer6969420: 5:17:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: @tntdinomight yep 5:17:49 | doodlywoobly: @TnTDinomight yes 5:17:49 | mootie1: Gremlin math 5:17:50 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @TnTDinomight, yes, welcome :) 5:17:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: @TnTDinomight Yes 5:17:51 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Elifighter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Senevri! They have given 69 Gift Subs in the channel! 5:17:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: elifighter has gifted a subscription to senevri at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang senevri f1nnLezgang 5:17:51 | Emmy64_: Hi new viewers KEKW 5:17:53 | SodaMugs: 7 raiders from SodaMugs have joined! 5:17:53 | (Prime Gaming) SweetToothKane: @TnTDinomight He is indeed a dude 5:17:53 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: we got one, chat 5:17:57 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Yeah that tracks. You've put in the work 5:17:58 | NopenguinYT: TRUE 5:17:59 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) billyvan: forsen1 5:18:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: @Elifighter Thanks for the gift sub! 5:18:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: F1nn is the Alpha and Omega 5:18:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @TnTDinomight peak masculinity yoou are watching 5:18:00 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Gayge Clap 5:18:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: do you and women ever exchange knowing looks about makeup/ eyelashes? 5:18:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: 69 subs KEKW 5:18:03 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:18:04 | droolgoat: lmao clip 5:18:04 | (TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) Little_Dica: i'm gay because of f1nn 5:18:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: you made me more gay 5:18:06 | (Prime Gaming) asuu_o_o: LOL soda 5:18:06 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:18:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: THE ALPHA GAYE 5:18:06 | akicita6: Lord gay 5:18:07 | Zai_Rose: Yop 5:18:07 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: We know you egg 5:18:08 | Emmy64_: LUL 5:18:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Agent_P21: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam 5:18:08 | h4nn1bal_1: @TnTDinomight LUL LUL LUL 5:18:09 | StrangeFlyingContraption: CLIP IT 5:18:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gae 5:18:10 | sr1gaming: It's spreading 5:18:10 | NopenguinYT: I am gay, can confirm. He made me 5:18:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: finn invented trans and destroyed sexuality 5:18:11 | Steys00: you wrote the gay agenda 5:18:11 | braddle172: LUL 5:18:11 | mootie1: Gayge reporting for duty 5:18:11 | Therosbr: KEKW 5:18:12 | (Prime Gaming) asuu_o_o: LMAO 5:18:12 | (Prime Gaming) Maximolan1991: !uptime 5:18:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 18m 21s 5:18:12 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: yo raidets 5:18:12 | snake_eater07: what's wrong with you voice?? 5:18:13 | viryl_lucas: LUL LUL LUL LUL 5:18:13 | (Prime Gaming) asuu_o_o: NO 5:18:13 | (GLHF Pledge) RaeNovack: i found you through tiktok and you are gorgeous :D 5:18:13 | xXNeroZashiXx: Pogy 5:18:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 5:18:14 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Army? 5:18:14 | nihilistpicard: ah yes 5:18:15 | rekhan337: saw one at starbucks the other day 5:18:15 | easilytermated: lol 5:18:15 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Riiiiiiiiiseeeeee 5:18:15 | whistle29: LUL 5:18:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Epicenter of Gae 5:18:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: F1nn is eternal 5:18:17 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: CLIP? 5:18:17 | nihilistpicard: take em all out 5:18:17 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 5:18:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: i'm rising, i'm rising 5:18:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Can gay girls join too? 5:18:18 | ya_boijasmine: ;p 5:18:18 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 5:18:18 | iron_cookie_dog: Can you scream soup 5:18:19 | TnTDinomight: Ummmmmm 5:18:19 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: TikTok has confirmed "Finn inclusive lesbianism" 5:18:19 | macarous: The closet is glass 5:18:20 | josecortesnival: Lol 5:18:20 | unopenedcookies: RISE 5:18:20 | Zai_Rose: We fight for you 5:18:21 | lordvirus1337: Nya!!!! 5:18:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: D: 5:18:21 | Soupmilk_Ash: RISEEEE 5:18:21 | LittleBabyMeg: RISE GAYS 5:18:21 | splendiff: Looking cute as always 5:18:22 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: The Master Egg! 5:18:22 | im_up_to_something: Huh what 5:18:23 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: YAAAAAAAAAY 5:18:23 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: stop screaming D: my ears and head man 5:18:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: we have rissen *lenny face* 5:18:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: qtcSmoke qtcSmoke qtcSmoke qtcSmoke 5:18:23 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 5:18:24 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: yeah! 5:18:24 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: hasSlam hasSlam hasSlam 5:18:24 | (Watching without audio) richhdodger: KappaPride 5:18:25 | chaoticMercenary: YEEEAHHH!!! 5:18:25 | braddle172: f1nnLaff 5:18:25 | unopenedcookies: RISE LEGION 5:18:25 | RonnieSxl: RISE 5:18:25 | Thetwilightstar: LUL 5:18:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Agent_P21: LUL LUL 5:18:26 | valcinoid: He finally admitted he is gay 5:18:27 | (Prime Gaming) asuu_o_o: LMAO 5:18:27 | StormCloud119: was that a coming out 5:18:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: You'd be done for tho 5:18:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: I am become Gay 5:18:28 | yarnmonsterr: cakejuPride cakejuPride cakejuPride 5:18:29 | barbie_secretstanner: Woooooooooo 5:18:29 | (GlitchCon 2020) Epicazeroth: Gayge 5:18:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: and urself? 5:18:29 | torch_head3: SLAAAAAAAAAAY 5:18:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: YEAHHH 5:18:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty 5:18:31 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LFG 5:18:31 | (Prime Gaming) asuu_o_o: RISE MY CHILD 5:18:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Wholesome 5:18:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: f1nnCowjam 5:18:32 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:18:32 | farther_out: WOOOOOOOO 5:18:32 | h4nn1bal_1: JESUTH CRITHHH 5:18:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 5:18:33 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: @callmegarp LMAO 5:18:34 | braddle172: Enbys 5:18:34 | Zai_Rose: Thank yiu 5:18:34 | phos4us_: and gamers 5:18:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: IT'S RISING 5:18:35 | tahpwator: I'm straight I'm straight I'm straight 5:18:35 | xXNeroZashiXx: Woohoo 5:18:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: F1nn the gay godfather 5:18:35 | Soupmilk_Ash: SLAY 5:18:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Is this a new religion 5:18:35 | Cytox__: He is inevitable 5:18:36 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: NB ARMY 5:18:36 | Aetreus88: and beep/boops 5:18:36 | viryl_lucas: Bruh 5:18:37 | Melody_Silverpaw: cat girl army raysQuake 5:18:37 | barbie_secretstanner: And the they thems 5:18:37 | general_of_cm: Get The Swoard 5:18:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: Yes, being outnumbered 10 to 1 isn't going to stop us! 5:18:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: kekw 5:18:38 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) billyvan: Gayge Clap Gayge Clap Gayge Clap Gayge Clap 5:18:38 | damaris15052008: I left for a minute 5:18:38 | (Prime Gaming) asuu_o_o: STAND ON YOUR KNEES 5:18:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: D: 5:18:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty 5:18:38 | unopenedcookies: LEGION 5:18:38 | mootie1: Rye zuh 5:18:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 5:18:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Finn is patient zero 5:18:39 | Emmy64_: OMEGALUL 5:18:39 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: AsexualPride f1nnLezgang NonbinaryPride 5:18:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: well something rose 5:18:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: f1nnKnife 5:18:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: WWE ARE LEGION 5:18:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn takes credit for gay now. - 3640 5:18:43 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: buffpupHypeE 5:18:43 | blu3berrycat: I think many in chat rise all the time 5:18:43 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: GRAGHHH RISEE 5:18:44 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: RISE MY QUEENS 5:18:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:18:45 | m4cintoshplus: grabs the sword 5:18:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Or tweet KEKW 5:18:46 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: YES MA'AM 5:18:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RevenantShader: sir yes sir 5:18:46 | damaris15052008: A MInute 5:18:48 | Chri55PBacon: CowJAM 5:18:48 | rekhan337: FUCK THE STRAIGHTS 5:18:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Until the worlds ending! 5:18:48 | lordvirus1337: GayPride GayPride GayPride 5:18:49 | (Prime Gaming) Maddrius: o7 5:18:49 | Emmy64_: LesbianPride 5:18:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Where are you taking them? To dinner? 5:18:50 | (Prime Gaming) starduke83: need the sword for this 5:18:50 | hazadooza: BOOOYA! 5:18:51 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled 5:18:52 | judgedame: Bi spies 5:18:52 | LittleBabyMeg: THE GAES 5:18:54 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: The Thigh-highed Piper of Gremlins 5:18:54 | (Prime Gaming) iced_ven: KappaHD 5:18:55 | viryl_lucas: Why do we need to fck em up 5:18:57 | (Prime Gaming) shiv1nk_: dw this is very wholesome >:)))) 5:18:57 | general_of_cm: get the swoard for your battle 5:18:57 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:18:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM 5:18:58 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 5:18:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Cackling 5:18:59 | im_up_to_something: This took a weird twist lmao 5:19:00 | mootie1: fighting through tweets. That's funny 5:19:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: Is this where we at last hear the gay / trans agenda? 5:19:01 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: i'll rise on 3/1 5:19:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 5:19:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Knew they had an agenda 5:19:04 | jordynblaisdell: dogfood 5:19:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands 5:19:05 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Ego @amoyamoyamoya Ego 5:19:05 | Zai_Rose: STAND AND DELIVER, taco bell 5:19:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: DAMN BREEDERS !! 5:19:08 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: ON TO GLORY! 5:19:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: KappaPride 5:19:09 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: I almost felt left out as a they/them but then he said the thing 5:19:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 5:19:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 5:19:11 | nihilistpicard: aha yes thats right 5:19:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: Cheer1000 gay agenda at work 5:19:12 | (Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: Wait we are Spies now 5:19:13 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: I know people who transitioned before you were born. None of this makes any sense. LUL 5:19:14 | dcgaw4p1999: Get into them! F*ck 'em up!! 5:19:15 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:19:15 | reanimatedpaper: Confuse them into submission? 5:19:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: flex 5:19:18 | (Prime Gaming) dustethboneth: Finn spittin 5:19:19 | Zai_Rose: True 5:19:21 | josecortesnival: Ohhhh so this is were the d*cktator title comes from 5:19:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Finn invented EVERYTHING about me D: D: D: 5:19:22 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: FOR GLORY 5:19:24 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: femboy footsoldiers 5:19:25 | Emmy64_: The agenda makes sense KEKW 5:19:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) f4zol0: The gay sequel of Rob Roy 5:19:27 | sr1gaming: Men do men because they know what they want and vice versa 5:19:28 | StormCloud119: it's clearly a bit dingus 5:19:28 | easilytermated: i can see the cilp titles already "f1nn starts a revolution" 5:19:29 | Soupmilk_Ash: invented by finn? hell yes! 5:19:30 | wild_bill04: smoke anything good recently 5:19:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Facts @c__r__j 5:19:34 | chaoticMercenary: @zai_rose is that an Adam and The Ants song reference? 5:19:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) vforvalerio: @F1NN5TER what's the sub count now on the battle pass? %? 5:19:35 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: Fin gave me a femboy fetish now take responsibility Fincess 5:19:36 | knockedout26: This is propaganda I can get behind 5:19:37 | iron_cookie_dog: Can you scream soup please 5:19:37 | general_of_cm: more like gay no-gender 5:19:42 | viryl_lucas: Execute order 69 5:19:43 | m4cintoshplus: braveheart vibes 5:19:45 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Which country 5:19:45 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: COMMAND US 5:19:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: time to peg em bussys 5:19:49 | beyondthegrave1997: Cnn 5:19:49 | NopenguinYT: football 5:19:50 | knockedout26: o7 5:19:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Top 1 - no percentages 5:19:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Polo 5:19:52 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: the whitehouse 5:19:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Andrew Tate subs 5:19:52 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Dommy Rose, tell us what to do 5:19:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: cis girl hooters 5:19:52 | general_of_cm: North Korea 5:19:53 | radical_renten: im gay 5:19:53 | LittleBabyMeg: FISHER 5:19:54 | TnTDinomight: Is there a straight agenda? 5:19:54 | QwandriXCI: Denmark 5:19:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) freakingshadow18: F1nn Battlecry lol 5:19:54 | (Prime Gaming) tinytechnician: cummander in queef! 5:19:54 | chaoticMercenary: OLD WHITE MEN 5:19:55 | DatBoiYogi117: take out football 5:19:55 | (Prime Gaming) Rxmvrk: wild question 5:19:55 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: football 5:19:55 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: monster trucks 5:19:56 | niemandnix123: am i the only one who jerked off to him like 30 times 5:19:57 | LittleBabyMeg: FISHERS 5:19:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: f1nns bussy 5:19:57 | boolin616: chopping wood 5:19:57 | A_Shoe_Lace: all of asia 5:19:57 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: football is pretty gay 5:19:58 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Take out Dinner? 5:19:59 | KnapperigeKapitein: driving a manual transmition 5:19:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: finns existance wreaks havoc straightness 5:20:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: Football 5:20:00 | Zai_Rose: HOOTERS 5:20:01 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Repalce gamestop with Gaymestop 5:20:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: HOOTERS 5:20:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: you're a bit late on gamestop 5:20:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: monster trucks or sports or something 5:20:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Ends rant. WTF was that? . - 3690 5:20:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: A ruler 5:20:04 | boringdepressedintrovert: gaymstop 5:20:05 | Aetreus88: road lines 5:20:05 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: We will RUIN gamestop my queen 5:20:05 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: wow, f1nn is such a dom 5:20:06 | m4cintoshplus: gaymestop 5:20:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: time to crash the game stop stock market 5:20:06 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: The Patriarchy 5:20:06 | Den_drummer: take out your loved ones... on a nice date? 5:20:06 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: F1 5:20:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) gambitaro777: @callmegarp CUMMAND US 5:20:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) danomast3r: I go grab a snack and come back to f1nn driving the down with cis bus 5:20:08 | josecortesnival: We should hit twitter first 5:20:08 | Admiral_Tetanus: femboy hooters yes 5:20:09 | sr1gaming: Femboys 5:20:09 | gracesbeing: GAYme Stop!? 5:20:09 | LittleBabyMeg: CAR FANS 5:20:09 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @lightninglouise7, shhh ! 5:20:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: GameStop already going down 5:20:11 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff 5:20:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Femboy hooters is a thing right? 5:20:11 | xuxiiweee: who tf said denmark 5:20:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) Windfeldts: Rusia 5:20:12 | (Prime Gaming) dustethboneth: GameStop is a stock thing now /: 5:20:13 | NopenguinYT: Destroy hooters, and initiate femboy hooters 5:20:13 | lt_col_gac: American Football 5:20:14 | (Prime Gaming) BiasBuddha: Femboy hooters, fuck yeah! 5:20:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: replace cheerleaders 5:20:16 | (Prime Gaming) ruthless99: femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew femboy32Pewpew 5:20:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: All Hooters will be Femboy Hooters 5:20:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: First you take Manhattan 5:20:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: hell yyea 5:20:19 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: twin peaks 5:20:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: I'm addicted to femboys because of Finn now its a problem 5:20:19 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: The Hooters will fall 5:20:20 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Rambling? 5:20:22 | Soupmilk_Ash: wdym denmark? 5:20:22 | knockedout26: hooters coup? 5:20:23 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: femboy hooters could be a good business idea... 5:20:25 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: buffpupLeggie buffpupHypeE 5:20:25 | afroshino30: Chik Fil A 5:20:26 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: mrbeast? 5:20:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: MISTER BEEEEAAAST 5:20:29 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:20:29 | blu3berrycat: lol 5:20:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: omg omg omg that's epic 5:20:29 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: mr beast ? 5:20:30 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Yooo 5:20:30 | mootie1: rimjimBite whaaaat 5:20:30 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: AYO 5:20:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Hmmmm 5:20:30 | Colour_Splat: MrBeast? 5:20:30 | phos4us_: OH MY 5:20:31 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 5:20:33 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:20:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: OOOO 5:20:33 | blu3berrycat: what was the answer 5:20:33 | cobyneedmedicine: MR BEEAASSTT 5:20:33 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Yoooo 5:20:34 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Oh "his"? Not Amouranth, then. 5:20:34 | braddle172: 5:20:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW 5:20:35 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Command your army of simps! 5:20:35 | Zai_Rose: Rise Femmboy Hooters!!! One country's gdp in a day! 5:20:35 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: mr beast PogU 5:20:35 | torch_head3: wait what? 5:20:35 | josecortesnival: Lol 5:20:36 | (Subscriber) Degdo25: Kekw 5:20:38 | viryl_lucas: The beast 5:20:39 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: WHAT 5:20:39 | arthuranydonuts: Did he say VoteYea? 5:20:39 | blu3berrycat: noice 5:20:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: sick 5:20:41 | (Prime Gaming) dustethboneth: The pizza one? 5:20:41 | udr___: kekw 5:20:41 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: MR beast 5:20:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: POGGERS 5:20:42 | kiirihoe: Omf 5:20:42 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: This dictator is giving so much daddy energy 5:20:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: Femboy Beast Burger 5:20:44 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: OH MY GOD 5:20:44 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: OOOOOOOOOOO nice! 5:20:44 | lordvirus1337: Femboy hooters! 5:20:44 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: KEKW 5:20:45 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: AYO 5:20:45 | AIRHydrant: HUH 5:20:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Can I apply to work there 5:20:45 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: mr beast 5:20:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) OHMichelleOH: I am streaming on youtube right now...0 vqeiwers right now 5:20:46 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 5:20:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: POGGERS 5:20:46 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Mr. Beast funded a femboy hooters 5:20:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1) gambitaro777: mr mr mr beast? 5:20:48 | unopenedcookies: I SEE 5:20:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: you gotta get to the states jeez 5:20:49 | hazadooza: DOOO IT!!! 5:20:50 | braddle172: PogU 5:20:50 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 5:20:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: mr feast? 5:20:51 | midnightlone: It's David Dobrik 5:20:51 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: sneak you in 5:20:52 | (GlitchCon 2020) Epicazeroth: Gay-risson LMAOOOOOO 5:20:53 | mootie1: Holy fuck. Actual 5Head move I'm impressed. 5:20:53 | josecortesnival: Not for now 5:20:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: REAL FEMBOY HOOTERS LETSGOOOO 5:20:55 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I'm living in a wild timeline 5:20:55 | (Prime Gaming) ShiriR6: PogU 5:20:56 | TrichoWizardDan: mr beast 5:20:59 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: Mr Beast! 5:21:00 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: femboy hooters would be completely insane 5:21:02 | im_up_to_something: So not gonna happen 5:21:02 | viryl_lucas: Noice 5:21:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Gotta move to the states. I'll travel to Femboy Hooters for F1nn's secret sauce 5:21:03 | rileychipotle: Mr Beast 5:21:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) xaacs: Beast! 5:21:04 | strawbearie21: ehhehehe chicken claw>:) 5:21:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Mr beast 5:21:06 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: We gonna get filled with so much genderfluid 5:21:06 | Aetreus88: james Charleston 5:21:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: there's a slight hick-up in F1nn's plan 5:21:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: Bro Mr Feast 5:21:10 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: mr beast 5:21:14 | Emmy64_: Fluid of genders Kappa 5:21:14 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: not this again oh god 5:21:15 | arthuranydonuts: "Oh no I dropped my plate..." - Femboy Hooters 5:21:16 | kkenn946: THE BEAST 5:21:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: no ! not back on cameras ! 5:21:19 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: nooooo 5:21:21 | torch_head3: gordon ramsey? 5:21:21 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: I wanna go sleep ! 5:21:23 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: ffs 5:21:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: wait no that screen doesn't flip 5:21:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP He might have asked a big YouTuber with a restaurant if he could make it a Femboy Restaurant. That YouTuber may have said yes. That YouTuber is in the States. - 3670 5:21:27 | rileychipotle: LGR? 5:21:28 | (Subscriber) PhageWorm: poor john 5:21:31 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @Madmaxtobiaspain, Links get auto-removed 5:21:32 | bearpaw1970: For people that are DD214 Alum's ..like myself 5:21:33 | braddle172: ResidentSleeper 5:21:33 | AIRHydrant: makw this your venture once you no longer look good in girl mode 5:21:33 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Interesting if they ever let the Gremlin Queen into the US? 5:21:34 | josecortesnival: Lol 5:21:35 | droolgoat: please stop this nerd shit 5:21:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: aw, poor John 5:21:37 | afroshino30: Armed forces??? I am a United States Marine 5:21:39 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: oh god 5:21:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: No more cameras. Either sleep or femboys taking over the world 5:21:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: It FOLDS it doesn't flip 5:21:42 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @johnkeiwo, go to bed dude 5:21:43 | NopenguinYT: DOES IT COME IN PINK????? 5:21:45 | Bloodcoatrain: ..It begins! 5:21:46 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: the a7c dream is dead 5:21:52 | Zai_Rose: Oohhh, ooh, ohh fuck 5:21:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quaccc_: please more nerd shit i love it 5:21:56 | h4nn1bal_1: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati 5:21:57 | Emmy64_: Ohhh that's nice 5:21:57 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Fuji Gang lets gooooo 5:21:58 | boringdepressedintrovert: F1nn is the commander of the Femboy Marines 5:22:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: The A7c is crying rn 5:22:01 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: GN @johnkeiwo 5:22:02 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Pretty KEKW 5:22:02 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:22:03 | Aetreus88: imagine a grandpa accidentally walking into that restaurant 5:22:03 | (Prime Gaming) AshaTh0r: @F1NN5TER just get the a7c for the love of christ 5:22:05 | NopenguinYT: Pink camera Pink camera! 5:22:06 | bearpaw1970: 5:22:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: embrace your seamen 5:22:09 | judgedame: Hahaha 5:22:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: it's a APS-C sensor 5:22:14 | da_xhz: im back after 3 years i watched you during prison server times 5:22:14 | Zai_Rose: In the navy,... 5:22:17 | l3laz3de: the a7r dream is dead 5:22:19 | bearpaw1970: anchors away' 5:22:19 | Emmy64_: @angelicbunnyboi KEKW 5:22:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: @trickyhi f1nnHands 5:22:22 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: are we still forming a queer military force or what 5:22:24 | akicita6: Embrace me 5:22:27 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: YAY WE WON 5:22:29 | (Prime Gaming) v1rum0: the navy do enjoy seamen 5:22:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: you were going to show us something 5:22:33 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Nooooo, get the fuji 5:22:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Finn, you are a MACHINE 5:22:35 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: They certainly do in the navy! 5:22:40 | h4nn1bal_1: @Zai_Rose YOU CAN SAIL THE SEVEN SEAS 5:22:41 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Send us to battle 5:22:43 | rekhan337: femboy air force 5:22:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: NOT THE NAVY 5:22:44 | nihilistpicard: entire gay navy 5:22:44 | bommerbro: Wear thy tai l 5:22:45 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) impdotex: Cute? 5:22:46 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Take over the world 5:22:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:22:48 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: you were saying "one more bit of content and then end, but you got distracted 5:22:49 | don_djurko: 1 raiders from don_djurko have joined! 5:22:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Finn could be a good dictator but his ADHD would be too distracted by shiny cameras 5:22:52 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: You were gonna show somethign about the battlepass then end 5:22:52 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: super gay 5:22:53 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: join the Navy 5:22:53 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: You were gonna show somethign about the battlepass then end 5:22:53 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: the 100% navy 5:22:54 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL 5:22:54 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: You were gonna show us something 5:22:54 | vp7turtle: Loved seeing you on Philosophy Tube! 5:22:54 | amfournda: Coast Guard too... probably Air Force 5:22:54 | Aetreus88: 5:22:55 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: I saw Top Gun, the US air force seems kinda gay too 5:22:56 | Emmy64_: Buy both f it KEKW 5:22:57 | kenji173: finn be like: „hmmm what‘s something really straight“? Gayge Clap 5:22:58 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Cancel World Domination? 5:22:58 | general_of_cm: the Gayve 5:23:02 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:23:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: fuck their asses to submission? 5:23:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Gae navy 5:23:06 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: You were gonna show somethign about the battlepass then end 5:23:07 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER go to beb :) 5:23:07 | bearpaw1970: Where the navy goes so does the direction of war. 5:23:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 5:23:11 | Zai_Rose: Those subs be goin diwb 5:23:13 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Navy is already down! 5:23:16 | judgedame: Second largest airforce 5:23:17 | Zai_Rose: Down 5:23:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: Protect and "Serve" 5:23:18 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: ~In the Navyyyy, you can simp for a guy~! 5:23:21 | im_up_to_something: Lmao 5:23:22 | general_of_cm: you 5:23:23 | beyondthegrave1997: Ah yess the navy surrounded by nothing but seamen 5:23:23 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: you 5:23:23 | MapleMuffinn: Ello Rose <3 5:23:23 | bigsuave7: u 5:23:24 | mootie1: Uhh 5:23:24 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: fin 5:23:25 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) calicoofthenorth: The world is mostly water, they’ll never take our land!..water…water land 5:23:25 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:23:26 | torch_head3: u 5:23:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: fashion sense 5:23:26 | (Prime Gaming) PeeShaman: U 5:23:26 | (Subscriber) PhageWorm: Being straight is hella gay 5:23:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Twitch_MidSpike: you 5:23:26 | (Prime Gaming) TerribleKaos: willy 5:23:26 | Aetreus88: my teeth 5:23:27 | nyxkitteh: bread 5:23:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Zerantox__: you 5:23:27 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Drag Race 5:23:27 | Melody_Silverpaw: hot tub 5:23:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: you 5:23:29 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: you 5:23:29 | vrworkouts: U 5:23:29 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: you 5:23:29 | rekhan337: water with lemon 5:23:30 | bearpaw1970: Show tunes 5:23:30 | (Listening only) chainedchish: you 5:23:30 | NopenguinYT: you 5:23:31 | Soupmilk_Ash: you 5:23:31 | (Subscriber) supernova197o: you 5:23:31 | (Prime Gaming) v1rum0: you 5:23:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 5:23:31 | (Prime Gaming) bacteria_food: f1nn 5:23:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: You? 5:23:31 | xXNeroZashiXx: U 5:23:31 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Audi A4 cabriolet 5:23:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: you 5:23:32 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: You 5:23:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) novabombx2000: i have a friend in the army 100% gay 5:23:32 | viryl_lucas: Lmao 5:23:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: you 5:23:33 | Alijah_T: you 5:23:33 | nyxkitteh: you 5:23:33 | bArb_ariann: You 5:23:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: u 5:23:33 | braddle172: KEKW 5:23:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL LUL LUL 5:23:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 5:23:33 | blu3berrycat: lmfao 5:23:34 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: rekt 5:23:34 | unopenedcookies: HAH 5:23:34 | (Prime Gaming) bunkbedboi2: @ICurryI nah the navy is super gay 5:23:35 | moreperfectuser: atU 5:23:35 | mootie1: 5:23:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: You 5:23:36 | Emmy64_: LUL 5:23:37 | (Turbo) sipikay: You 5:23:37 | knockedout26: walked into that 5:23:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Gottem 5:23:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: You were gonna show somethign about the battlepass then end 5:23:37 | MapleMuffinn: kekw 5:23:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: hey we said WITHOUT mentioning sex 5:23:37 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: F 5:23:38 | loczenzo: Eurovision song contest 5:23:38 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: goteem 5:23:38 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LUL LUL LUL 5:23:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: You 5:23:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: LMAO 5:23:38 | 1CrimsonPrincess: U 5:23:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: you walked right into that one 5:23:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quaccc_: KEKW 5:23:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 5:23:40 | kenji173: GOT HWR 5:23:42 | 15dips: Flannels 5:23:42 | (Prime Gaming) 06gbc: Overwatch 5:23:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: lol 5:23:43 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) daniel_peck: The Navy and the French LUL 5:23:43 | rekhan337: KEKW 5:23:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bluebeeblue: set yourself up for that one 5:23:44 | Chri55PBacon: LUL LUL 5:23:44 | (Prime Gaming) dustethboneth: Make up probably 5:23:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: f1nnLaff 5:23:44 | lt_col_gac: you 5:23:44 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Dame my top answers taken! 5:23:45 | (Prime Gaming) pianoismyforte_: You 5:23:45 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: owning a pink gaming chair 5:23:46 | macarous: get fucked 5:23:46 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Audi A4 cabriolet 5:23:46 | NopenguinYT: L 5:23:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: frogs 5:23:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Valorant 5:23:48 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: got em 5:23:48 | (Prime Gaming) v1rum0: I dont know how finn expected anything else 5:23:50 | Zai_Rose: Interior design 5:23:51 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: @c__r__j LMAO 5:23:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: The word gay is pretty gay 5:23:52 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: elton john? 5:23:54 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Hah! Gottem 5:23:55 | (6-Month Subscriber) PeterTheMostlyOK: astra11Kek astra11Kek 5:23:56 | sarahsun_: <3 5:23:59 | sr1gaming: Got rekt 5:23:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: A comp Sci classroom? 5:24:00 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: !uptime 5:24:00 | h4nn1bal_1: LUL 5:24:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 24m 10s 5:24:01 | knockedout26: musical theatre 5:24:02 | loczenzo: eurovision 5:24:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: maining Mei on Overwatch* 5:24:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP What's something that's really gay? . - 3640 5:24:05 | aunalbrutal: We are quicjer then you in any regards XD 5:24:05 | (Prime Gaming) qtsammie: KEKW 5:24:07 | johnpnicholls1122: in pink 5:24:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: why do you think they're called seamen? 5:24:15 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: You were gonna show somethign about the battlepass then end 5:24:17 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Wanting a camera bc it’s cute 5:24:21 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:24:21 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: We've all seen that Coen brothers movie 5:24:21 | knockedout26: lady gaga fans 5:24:21 | xXNeroZashiXx: @f1nn5ter you use the old term of Gay your British 5:24:22 | (Prime Gaming) tinytechnician: idk man the space force exists..... 5:24:22 | virginxxslayer: I thought this was a Minecraft stream? 5:24:23 | little___f: Your Name is Finn, kinda 5u5. mine too sickem6Gasm lezzibLaugh 5:24:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: were going to show us something on the battle pass then end the stream 5:24:24 | moreperfectuser: @johnkeiwo He's about to end? 5:24:24 | mootie1: elinaCheer 5:24:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: we must fight the red pill guys 5:24:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a kiss? amityaKiss 5:24:27 | anschofi: kiss and cuddle 5:24:30 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Seamen 5:24:31 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: How long before you say that one thing and end? 5:24:33 | gracesbeing: Sea-men 5:24:33 | (Prime Gaming) galaxyfox47: hey there finn. how we doin? :3 5:24:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: ew that's gay 5:24:36 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Shooting Fish in a barrel @amoyamoyamoya ! 5:24:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Have you seen the Japanese Navy recruiting commercials 5:24:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i'm not spamming to be annoying btw, it's to keep him on track :') 5:24:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 5:24:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:25 5:24:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 5:24:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 24m 53s 5:24:54 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: awww 5:24:55 | CasIHdude04: finn x meowriza stream again 5:24:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: D: 5:24:59 | mootie1: Much 5:25:02 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Watch Finn get so rich tomorrow that he never comes back here 5:25:03 | kenji173: wtf 5:25:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 5:25:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: awwwwwww 5:25:06 | (Prime Gaming) dustethboneth: That’s gay 5:25:06 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: @lightninglouise7 L 5:25:07 | (Prime Gaming) Elektronica11: Take a complement damn it 5:25:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: You were gonna show somethign about the battlepass then end 5:25:08 | Zai_Rose: I do agree 5:25:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Louise lol 5:25:10 | Emmy64_: f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart 5:25:10 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Yeah I bet dude 5:25:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: big burly dude 5:25:16 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: @CasIHdude04 YES please 5:25:16 | afroshino30: 4 more year active duty in the US Marine Corps and I’m going for Navy SEAL training 5:25:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cass_v2: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 5:25:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Smh Flippi 5:25:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: We all talk about how cute Finn is but let's also acknowledge he is a great content creator and just naturally funny and entertaining 5:25:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: f1nnHeart 5:25:20 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: What track is that @johnkeiwo ? 5:25:22 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: triple a popular 5:25:24 | (Prime Gaming) shinra_blank: shinra_blank subscribed with Prime. 5:25:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: shinra_blank subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang shinra_blank f1nnLezgang 5:25:26 | pedro_alonzo_290: hello, I'm from Poland and I have a request, you can check one song 5:25:27 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: grape chew 5:25:28 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP DeflatedEagles wholesome dono message. - 3730 5:25:29 | (Prime Gaming) oBigMoon: ASMR 5:25:30 | (Prime Gaming) Krazzier: Big fish small pond? 5:25:31 | lu_sagna: lu_sagna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! omg just got our third child finn. what do we name it? 5:25:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: lu_sagna subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:25:33 | knockedout26: niche? 5:25:33 | Zai_Rose: I mean u cute af, but u r positive and fun to watch too 5:25:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: The Pawktuck green socks of femboys 5:25:40 | MapleMuffinn: Rose, what's your weirdest memory? 5:25:41 | moreperfectuser: Someone donate 500k so John doesn't lose his mind 5:25:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quaccc_: !time 5:25:42 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:26 5:25:43 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: i only found about you two weeks ago on reddit 5:25:46 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:25:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: So a big fish in a small pond 5:25:49 | l3laz3de: so ur'e a spitter 5:25:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: You are such a surprisngly positive effect on my life. 5:25:51 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 5:25:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) daniel_peck: "Whats better than winning the Special Olympics?" 5:25:52 | moreperfectuser: (channel points) 5:25:52 | viryl_lucas: Oof 5:25:54 | mootie1: 5:25:55 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:25:55 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: D: 5:25:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Rose 5:25:57 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:25:58 | judgedame: Until tomorrow 5:25:59 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Sigma Male Johnson 5:26:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Finn, you're an entertainer and a fantastic person 5:26:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) godsbedpan: godsbedpan subscribed with Prime. 5:26:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: godsbedpan subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang godsbedpan f1nnLezgang 5:26:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 5:26:09 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: any level of popularity u were saying 5:26:10 | sr1gaming: @johnkeiwo completely distracted 5:26:15 | Emmy64_: Mike Litoris 5:26:16 | (Prime Gaming) t1zerw1zer: Bro I took a whole ass nap and you are still streaming 5:26:17 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: he is gonna lose it again 5:26:17 | rekhan337: what time does the battlepass release 5:26:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Which tangent are we on? I've lost track. 5:26:19 | pedro_alonzo_290: I'm from Poland and I have a request to check one song 5:26:19 | kenji173: are the first 2 alpha and beta? 5:26:20 | general_of_cm: Forced Masculization? 5:26:24 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Femboys are Roller Costers that's what track we are on @johnkeiwo ! 5:26:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hbomb1220: Death Note shirt is dope 5:26:26 | (Prime Gaming) dustethboneth: Chadettew 5:26:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: i love how ADHD these streams are KEKW 5:26:29 | CasIHdude04: finn how painful was laser 5:26:30 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: i am gay 5:26:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) natsukithetrap: natsukithetrap subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 5:26:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: natsukithetrap subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU 5:26:33 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: OI 5:26:33 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: ??? 5:26:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I feel like you're straight popular 5:26:37 | mysticwayfinder: i get it 5:26:37 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: A YO 5:26:41 | macarous: ??? What 5:26:41 | amfournda: We are pretty introverted as a demographic 5:26:41 | anschofi: "any" level of popularity 5:26:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Your straight popular to 5:26:45 | mootie1: Awwdible 5:26:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @vanimal2118, 5:26:45 | (cheer 100) Panther216: as a pansexual male REPRESENT 5:26:45 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: AYO 5:26:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: terminally online KEKW 5:26:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I feel called out 5:26:47 | (Prime Gaming) kayliebee91: i like you and i'm a gay...woman lmao 5:26:47 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: You're also delusionally straight popular 5:26:48 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 5:26:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: TRUE 5:26:48 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: wow 5:26:50 | Steys00: like you ....... egg 5:26:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: amityaHUH 5:26:51 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:26:52 | aunalbrutal: Bi popular 5:26:54 | Just_Shephard: All the time?? 5:26:54 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:26:54 | Admiral_Tetanus: this is a personal attack and I am deeply offended /s 5:26:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Ooof, that hits too close to home 5:26:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: Well. I suppose you're too feminine for gay guys. 5:26:56 | supergamer3847: my friend is gay 5:26:56 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:26:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: So there's less of us, but we're more loyal! 5:26:58 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: I'm a lesbian so... Your wrong 5:26:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quaccc_: "friend" 5:26:59 | (Prime Gaming) aimlessCorsair: I beg to differ 5:27:01 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: I'd like to argue with you but I can't lol 5:27:01 | lishoward: LOL 5:27:03 | BGrimmGaming: Get popular enough to get Jensen Ackles to notice you! 5:27:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hbomb1220: @tomhekker bro he's always fiddlin with shit too 5:27:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: I am gay 5:27:05 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: I go to work 5:27:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: goes to gay bar once, get's upset that nobody recognizes him 5:27:06 | torch_head3: bi popular totally 5:27:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: So finn wants the pink pound 5:27:08 | (cheer 100) Panther216: POLL!!!!!! 5:27:08 | virginxxslayer: 5:27:09 | Loelinverse: I’m the exception 5:27:13 | CasIHdude04: im the l and t in lgbtq 5:27:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: POLL 5:27:15 | adorablast: What uhm what were you doing at a gay bar? 5:27:15 | fukkenawesome: you rang? 5:27:17 | organic_rust: oof 5:27:18 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: I go out, don't lump me in with u Rose! 5:27:19 | Loelinverse: lul I go outside 5:27:21 | (Prime Gaming) Gogo04: I never been to a gay bar as a gay person 5:27:22 | (Watching without audio) melor649: all trans people are terminally online and programers peepoSad no bars or clubs 5:27:23 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Shoutout to all the lesbians on TikTok switching sides for you 5:27:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: You're name will be larger than Beyonce's some day 5:27:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Bi fame 5:27:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Minecraft popular KEKW 5:27:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: do a poll 5:27:31 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: donowalled KEKW 5:27:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "I'm trans popular but I'm not gay popular." Something about how trans people don't go out and gay people do. I guess. - 3700 5:27:32 | macarous: bc you're not famous 5:27:33 | supergamer3847: GayPride 5:27:33 | (Prime Gaming) kayliebee91: tumblr likes you but thankfully tumblr isn't real life 5:27:33 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: Definitely bi popular 5:27:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: How would you know you never leave your house 5:27:34 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: vr chat? 5:27:34 | Mbyte69: 5:27:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: and he just flat-out disregards KEKW 5:27:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: So... He's saying he can't fit into a small niche? 5:27:46 | Zai_Rose: I just discovered you bc of Abby, now I'm number 1 Finn simp 5:27:48 | (cheer 100) Panther216: We need a poll for these baseless claims! 5:27:48 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Your army. We were just starting it 5:27:48 | Munchitus: friends 5:27:50 | (Turbo) KonDKon: KonDKon gifted a Tier 2 sub to Nalopia! They have given 23 Gift Subs in the channel! 5:27:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kondkon has gifted a subscription to nalopia at Tier 2! Welcome to the lez-gang nalopia f1nnLezgang 5:27:51 | lishoward: you have gay fans 5:27:53 | general_of_cm: X Kappa 5:27:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i give up on keeping this gremlin on track without insulting him KEKW 5:27:56 | jimboz0: Have to actually leave the house tho 5:27:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: @johnkeiwo, yep, welcome to the club 5:27:57 | supergamer3847: who is gay 5:27:59 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: go to Austin ! 5:28:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: I mean its the best of both worlds right? who wants to be like truely famous? 5:28:02 | torch_head3: i din't even knew you played minecraft til' a few days ago 5:28:04 | (GLHF Pledge) Shade6955: tbh didnt know there were gay bars in the uk 5:28:04 | Clash_ofPixels: What gay bar? Asking for a friend 5:28:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Just speedrun it and fck a dude Finn 5:28:08 | im_up_to_something: So you wanna be more mainstream? 5:28:10 | sr1gaming: @johnkeiwo 5:28:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn wants an IRL group that "knows" him. Life as a Internet micro-celebrity is very hard. - 3650 5:28:16 | Zai_Rose: Yeaaaah, maybe num56278 5:28:18 | anschofi: didn't gay O/F creators reach out to you after your announcement? your ticket into the community @F1NN5TER 5:28:21 | (Prime Gaming) Small_Annoying_Villain: Anime fans are what you should go for 5:28:22 | visionblack13: MyAvatar 5:28:22 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Very Entertaining sad to say Rose. 5:28:24 | PsillyCephalopod: wubby7 SD? 5:28:27 | (Subscriber) spirogal: I'm #0 F1nn fan 5:28:27 | supergamer3847: TwitchVotes 5:28:31 | (Prime Gaming) aimlessCorsair: Do what I did, find a bar you like with a good vibe, go regularly and makes friends with the regulars. 5:28:31 | general_of_cm: and... how is the Visa thing going? + 5:28:32 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: What do you mean, you're hilarious and very charismatic 5:28:33 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: @Amoyamoyamoya the sass 5:28:33 | nyxkitteh: why would you willingly go to Texas 5:28:34 | rekhan337: BASED in austin 5:28:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) xaacs: So you want to feel included and not just a gremlin sitting in his cave? 5:28:35 | Loelinverse: im going to austin this year 5:28:36 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: just go to any guilty gear even. everyone will know you 5:28:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Guess we're getting a 7 hr stream PepeHands 5:28:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: aww don't worry, you'll be based wherever you go 5:28:40 | A_Shoe_Lace: THE SOUTHERN STATES 5:28:42 | (Subscriber) acevctr93: Austin TX? 5:28:44 | bArb_ariann: Nice Austin is close to me 5:28:47 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Visa when? lol 5:28:48 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Texas D: 5:28:50 | Aetreus88: come to Wyoming we have everything here 5:28:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: RoanicydroKun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! says the one who never goes out f1nnLaff 5:28:51 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: roanicydrokun subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:28:52 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: MyAvatar 5:28:55 | A_Shoe_Lace: all of the southern places to be 5:28:56 | supergamer3847: Man, I go rejected 20 times. 5:28:57 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:28:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kylep117: Once you're in Austin we need to get you on the Unsubscibe Podcast 5:29:01 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: I got a fist bump from a random dude at the mall when I had my Rose hat on ... in Utah in the US 5:29:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: fresh meat aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 5:29:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 5:29:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: man notorious would be BIG 5:29:08 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: OF popular lol 5:29:08 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: they mean a pimp 5:29:08 | viryl_lucas: Hmmmm 5:29:08 | Emmy64_: LUL 5:29:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) charlieokeefe420: Don't sign with any agency 5:29:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 5:29:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: ill see myself out after that 5:29:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hbomb1220: What you dont want a pimp? 5:29:16 | RockinLockin: shaady 5:29:18 | soul_king_brook_999: Are you still getting pegged 5:29:19 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW that sounds shady 5:29:20 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: are you actually releasing stuff on of? 5:29:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Is it hard to get a visa from UK?! 5:29:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rookie numbers 5:29:28 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: If I become your OF manager, does that mean I get to see those pics first? ... ... nice 5:29:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: that's pretty high 5:29:31 | viryl_lucas: Was it the TateFoundation 5:29:31 | Admiral_Tetanus: that's pretty fuckin high 5:29:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Come to Rhode Island. There’s nothing special about it but we have good food and pretty coastline. I’ll show you around 5:29:34 | (Prime Gaming) LuckyAtsadi: Thats high wow 5:29:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Lol 5:29:37 | (Subscriber) spirogal: managers just take ur $ unless u really need one 5:29:40 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Seth the luckiest Manager! 5:29:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: bro hitrate is crazy 5:29:43 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: thats an annoying amount 5:29:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: 20% is 1 in 5 people 5:29:46 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: You’re not allowed in USA finn the FBI is worried you will corrupt American men like you have corrupted British men! 5:29:47 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: What's that about being kept on edge? 5:29:47 | Clash_ofPixels: What’s the name of the gay bar? 5:29:47 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: gotta need to pump up those numbers 5:29:51 | bearpaw1970: That's actually fairly high 5:29:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: yeah because u are in brum 5:29:54 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: That's extremely high. Woody from PKA has been recognized like 20 times ever 5:29:54 | Loelinverse: thats tony hawk famous 5:29:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) charlieokeefe420: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 5:29:57 | rileychipotle: 20% kdr 5:30:01 | aunalbrutal: Its good to be on the edge XD 5:30:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 5:30:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: nasty 5:30:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: Awwww 5:30:10 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: awwww 5:30:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he has a 20% chance of people recognizing him in public. - 3620 5:30:12 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: NotLikeThis 5:30:14 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Wait you go out without showering??? 5:30:15 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: i really want to measure fins fingers do you think that weird 5:30:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Awwww 5:30:19 | Emmy64_: LUL f1nnHeart 5:30:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: lol 5:30:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s adorable 5:30:27 | (Subscriber) spirogal: aww f1nnMakeupcheck you have no worst 5:30:31 | Aetreus88: its a beautiful mess tho 5:30:31 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: 2-3 days? (Unhealthy habits) 5:30:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 5:30:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: ppl recognize the gremlin 5:30:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Baby gremlin 5:30:33 | mootie1: rimjimNotes 5:30:33 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @gigachad69e, Depends on what you use to make the measurements. 5:30:33 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! 5:30:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JT5695! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to chorian! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to NopenguinYT! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to just_alex0001! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to darkangelkjdl! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to billyoneball! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alexdro28! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Captcaboose! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaybePillow! 5:30:34 | AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to deathcrg! 5:30:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: that's so rough 5:30:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: POGGERS 5:30:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidClap 5:30:40 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: you are awake for way to long go beb omg @F1NN5TER 5:30:44 | daniel62075: E 5:30:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: To intimidating when pretty 5:30:48 | (Prime Gaming) kurbathia: Pepega Pepega Pepega 5:30:49 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: PogU 5:30:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Pog 5:30:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 5:30:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) deathcrg: WOOOO THANKS 5:30:55 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Pog 5:30:56 | Soupmilk_Ash: thats noice 5:30:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: PogU 5:31:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidShy 5:31:00 | viryl_lucas: Noice 5:31:02 | owerate: POG 5:31:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) darkangelkjdl: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! 5:31:03 | Soupmilk_Ash: pog 5:31:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) billyoneball: thank you for the sub 5:31:06 | KarrieLSparvier: poggers 5:31:07 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: London is a queer lefty town compared to Birmingham, ain't it? 5:31:11 | dark_cloude: o.o 5:31:15 | loczenzo: do you think you can pass as a guy in Austin? 5:31:16 | hannahhatesu_: i spemt all m points 5:31:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: "I just have one more thing to talk about and then I'll end strim." - F1nn, EVERY DAMN STRIM 5:31:21 | Clash_ofPixels: What gay bar is your favourite? 5:31:22 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: take a trip to brighton... 5:31:26 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: smartly dressed? 5:31:26 | hannahhatesu_: spinny spin pls finn 5:31:29 | nyxkitteh: I saw the philosophytube video! 5:31:36 | (Subscriber) spirogal: I loved you in the Abi vid! 5:31:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Birmingham 10 arrives in London Kappa 5:31:41 | aunalbrutal: Pwetty streamer needs to go to bed and sleep her princess sleep in her cute bed :) 5:31:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: L Drip 5:31:45 | phos4us_: it showing each gift sub 5:31:46 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: it's cause they're anonymous 5:31:47 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Mike, Mike the Streamer? 5:31:49 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it bugged it 5:31:50 | Aetreus88: finn be walking out lookin like a Ghillie suit 5:31:51 | A3r0Sp1k3: Yeah, was great seeing you with Abi 5:31:55 | mootie1: 6Head anonymous 5:31:58 | (Prime Gaming) NenaMaou: Never stop being an inspiration to us all 5:31:59 | LOtiumduPeuple: You're awesome 5:32:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talked about how he and SodaCat were out in London and no one recognized him. 5:32:06 | mootie1: 5:32:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: its this exact hat 5:32:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LOL 5:32:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 0 drip 5:32:16 | nazburger216: :o 5:32:16 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:32:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: Well, that’s about to change for you 5:32:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: nice hat bro 5:32:21 | (Prime Gaming) Capedcrusader87: may I have that shirt 5:32:22 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: so like tomboy mode? 5:32:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: POGGERS hat 5:32:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:32:29 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: "Me at my worst" - finn looking cute as hell 5:32:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: astra11Dance astra11Drive astra11Dance astra11Drive astra11Dance astra11Drive 5:32:36 | dark_cloude: 0..0 5:32:36 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: wtf 5:32:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: oh geez 5:32:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 5:32:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:33 5:32:40 | (Prime Gaming) ventaxi: the marvel "undercover" disguise 5:32:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 5:32:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: weird dono 5:32:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:32:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 32m 50s 5:32:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: JESUS 5:32:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: just no 5:32:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:32:42 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: LUL 5:32:43 | general_of_cm: LUL 5:32:43 | xuxiiweee: dark 5:32:43 | LOtiumduPeuple: omg 5:32:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quaccc_: KEKW 5:32:44 | Loelinverse: hat fits 5:32:44 | nazburger216: Nice hat 5:32:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: LUL 5:32:45 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: FINN WTF 5:32:45 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: oh gosh 5:32:45 | viryl_lucas: Whut 5:32:45 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: bimbo 5:32:45 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Out of nowhere 5:32:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: oh no 5:32:46 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: YOu muppet 5:32:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: LUL 5:32:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: WTF 5:32:46 | braddle172: LUL 5:32:47 | Soupmilk_Ash: ouf the hat is on fire tonight 5:32:47 | Aetreus88: yikes LUL 5:32:47 | lLucer_: OH 5:32:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) billyoneball: hey qt 5:32:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: bimbo\ 5:32:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: hard take 5:32:48 | blu3berrycat: lol 5:32:48 | scatteredleaves: KEKW 5:32:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: THE HAT IS SO CUTE 5:32:50 | Emmy64_: TF 5:32:52 | mootie1: InuyoFace 5:32:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: wauw, that is dark 5:32:52 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: BIMBO 5:32:53 | MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL jesus that's dark 5:32:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: wtf dono 5:32:55 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: How can we make this hat mandatory, Chat? 5:32:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: erm 5:32:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: *gulp* 5:32:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: LUL LUL LUL 5:32:57 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: That hat is fucking *cuuuuuuute* 5:32:59 | dark_cloude: u stoopid 5:32:59 | viryl_lucas: :( 5:32:59 | phos4us_: kind of does tbh 5:32:59 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: Smartest british person 5:33:00 | im_up_to_something: Yeah few will recognize you that way 5:33:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro 5:33:01 | mmskaiser: New K pop group, don't worry about it lol 5:33:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LMAO 5:33:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: sick band name 5:33:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Zerantox__: bruh 5:33:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: lol 5:33:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: The Band 5:33:04 | (Prime Gaming) CrewTwon: Whats the female version of a Chad? 5:33:05 | LegAbuse: That was DARK 5:33:05 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: scuffed look 5:33:05 | mootie1: Band on the run 5:33:06 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: CLIP 5:33:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: Rocking with the AKs 5:33:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: jesus finn calm down 5:33:09 | orennjipeko: LUL 5:33:10 | akicita6: 5:33:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Go to bed... 5:33:12 | Mud_Orca: The Tali band 5:33:14 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: So cute in the hat 5:33:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: Bimbo moment f1nnLaff 5:33:14 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: suits you 5:33:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: Oh shit that hat is cute af 5:33:17 | Soupmilk_Ash: sparkly hat 5:33:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:33:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Very gay 5:33:21 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: Definitely, I'd totally wear it lol 5:33:21 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Sleeepp 5:33:22 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: clipped and shipped and cancelled f1nnCancelled 5:33:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Do you have the fruity pass Finn? 5:33:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: HAHA 5:33:24 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: It’s a good job finn is pretty isn’t it chat? 5:33:25 | mootie1: 5:33:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: but it suits you 5:33:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: only manly men wear hats like that 5:33:27 | striker221018: so are you a cross dresser or drag? 5:33:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:33:30 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled 5:33:31 | (Listening only) chainedchish: but you look good in this cap 5:33:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: Yeah, much more tomboy 5:33:33 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Still is on you tho 5:33:33 | (Prime Gaming) BgT1990: big alpha energy king 5:33:34 | (Subscriber) LVTrisha: lol, yea, totes 5:33:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: X 5:33:35 | xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: Timmy turner 5:33:35 | baddieowo: wtf 5:33:36 | (Subscriber) EmpressAdria: lol no 5:33:36 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: not really 5:33:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: lol 5:33:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnCope 5:33:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: You look so damned cute 5:33:43 | judgedame: Current events joke 5:33:44 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: hat needs a von dutch logo 5:33:44 | (Subscriber) brianvorn: Finn who cares if it fruity nobody cares 5:33:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Theinnocentbuda: sleep 5:33:45 | nyxkitteh: egg 5:33:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @striker221018, Cross-dresser. Drag is completely different. 5:33:46 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: No 5:33:46 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: gottem 5:33:46 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Sure 5:33:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:33:46 | (Prime Gaming) hangryplatypuse: not at all 5:33:47 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 5:33:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Mail maybe 5:33:49 | (Prime Gaming) rowil07: that is the hat of a retired woman at a bingo hall 5:33:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: !hug Solus 5:33:50 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Solus gets a big hug from lightninglouise7 <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 5:33:50 | mootie1: British rimjimDisgust 5:33:51 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: u never look male lmao 5:33:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Talent 5:33:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: goth lesbian look 5:33:55 | PsillyCephalopod: yea 5:33:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Bleezle_: Bleezle_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! 5:33:56 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bleezle_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:33:57 | (Subscriber) MentalMe88: Hello evryone 5:33:58 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jandraelune: Drag is grossly overdone makeup and appearance. 5:33:59 | (Prime Gaming) tinytechnician: ironically you look more female with the hat and hair back 5:33:59 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: where is that shirt from its cool 5:34:01 | (Prime Gaming) EldritchShadows: Femboy is fun 5:34:01 | (Prime Gaming) kayliebee91: i like genderfuck 5:34:01 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @lightninglouise7 huh ? f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnHeart 5:34:01 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: pog 5:34:05 | rekhan337: Femboy is seggsuall tho 5:34:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Crossy dress 5:34:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Femboy pog 5:34:07 | nyxkitteh: 5:34:08 | Admiral_Tetanus: feels like a slur somehow lol 5:34:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: you should really learn how to do hair 5:34:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: drag is more of a performance, sort of an art form of its own 5:34:10 | (Prime Gaming) stuntbadger: How many times do you go to the gym or workout … i need to start to be more femboy figure 5:34:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: Crossdressing is an activity, Femboying isn't 5:34:11 | Soupmilk_Ash: femboy finn 5:34:15 | baddieowo: she sound s like a boy! 5:34:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) OHMichelleOH: you already said sissy was old 5:34:20 | somanycolors458: Fin trying to be a man in a sparkly pink hat. He cant escape the girl mode. 5:34:20 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: femboy is too fetish 5:34:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 1970’s 5:34:22 | (Subscriber) spirogal: I agree femboy is more modern 5:34:22 | viryl_lucas: In the future all terms will be slurs 5:34:23 | (Watching without audio) jam_fp5: jam_fp5 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! 5:34:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: jam_fp5 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU 5:34:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the euphemism thread mill 5:34:30 | beyondthegrave1997: Femboy is super fetishized xD 5:34:32 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: crossdressing seems more secretive 5:34:32 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: femboy is kinda derogatory sometimes 5:34:34 | tabbybaby26: femboy is still a cute description for some styles 5:34:35 | kamencollector: anything can be a slur if you say it with the right intent 5:34:35 | (GLHF Pledge) jeerlang: Fairy maybe 5:34:35 | viryl_lucas: Shhhh 5:34:36 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: duuuude 5:34:38 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Iks 5:34:38 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: cissy 5:34:38 | (Prime Gaming) BnKBleu: Sissy is amazing. 5:34:39 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: transvestite is the old wolrd 5:34:40 | general_of_cm: dont 5:34:41 | (Subscriber) spirogal: there used to be anti cross dressing laws in the US 5:34:42 | Maditox: cross dresser kinda implies clothing has more gender that it should 5:34:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Likes the femboy label compared to the cross-dresser label. - 3600 5:34:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Uh oh 5:34:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) OHMichelleOH: I use it but I am old at 56 5:34:45 | (Turbo) sipikay: femboy is ONLY fetishy lol you just thinking of old hairy guys on the side of the street in NYC in bad drag, sucking on a cigarette 5:34:46 | (Prime Gaming) BnKBleu: r/sissy 5:34:47 | zak016: F1NN5TERRRRE HIIII 5:34:47 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Howdy Dandelion! rynHai obkatHey 5:34:47 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: fimboy ius a lifestyle 5:34:47 | mootie1: Cissy 5:34:48 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 5:34:48 | rekhan337: oh no 5:34:51 | rekhan337: Banned 5:34:52 | viryl_lucas: Shhhhh 5:34:52 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: oh no 5:34:52 | (Prime Gaming) ventaxi: oh no 5:34:53 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: femboy feels like a full meme/fetish title to me...wish it had a cleaner image lol 5:34:54 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: i embarrassed to know this one 5:34:55 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: oh no 5:34:57 | yellowgatito: mods someone requested a skirt spin ;))) 5:34:58 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: oh god 5:34:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Oh no 5:34:59 | (Subscriber) spirogal: lol transvestite WAS the old word. Vestite meaning clothes 5:34:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: oh no 5:35:01 | striker221018: so king/queen? 5:35:01 | (Prime Gaming) ventaxi: nononono 5:35:03 | Emmy64_: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS 5:35:03 | (Subscriber, cheer 100) impdotex: Noo 5:35:03 | (Prime Gaming) electrikgfx: oh no 5:35:03 | tronaqua1: You said wholesome streamer swearing is not wholesome 5:35:04 | ffooggssttaa: fishnets are so ungodly comfy arent they 5:35:05 | dandylion8089: @vanimal2118 hi 5:35:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: sissy is a huge fetish thing no? 5:35:09 | viryl_lucas: No, ur banned 5:35:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: @spirogal Unfortunately those are bout to be brought back :/ 5:35:11 | mootie1: FeelsGoodMan 5:35:12 | dandylion8089: @vanimal2118 how u doing 5:35:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Finn: one more thing then bed. Also Finn: talks about multiple things 5:35:16 | uc00: There is a high pitch screech in the background. Is there a problem with your mic? 5:35:19 | covkie_: r femboys has 1 mil 5:35:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Damn 5:35:20 | (Prime Gaming) ventaxi: check r/Femboys lmao 5:35:24 | (Subscriber) spirogal: @XenaRathon in Tennessee its scary :( 5:35:33 | nickk_dg: is finn a trans person chat? 5:35:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) maci_426: Night night F1nn 5:35:37 | Emmy64_: @cryo001 In some places its illegal because of kids and things like that CaitlynS 5:35:38 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: LETS GOOO 5:35:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: @spirogal Very 5:35:39 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Good @dandylion8089 what shenanigans today? 5:35:39 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @nickk_dg, no 5:35:39 | (Subscriber) spirogal: You could be king of the femboys 5:35:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @nickk_dg, NOT TRANS 5:35:43 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: @nickk_dg nope 5:35:43 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: I mean, for a friend.., 5:35:44 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @lightninglouise7 @F1NN5TER dont know what sleeping is 5:35:44 | (Prime Gaming) sleepie869: sleepie869 subscribed with Prime. 5:35:44 | (Turbo) sipikay: gotta get that OF money 5:35:44 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: sleepie869 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang sleepie869 f1nnLezgang 5:35:44 | phos4us_: nobody beats that top post 5:35:45 | (Subscriber, Gifter Leader 1) tex_010: later guys im hopping off for the night yall take care 5:35:46 | general_of_cm: r/Femboys or r/Femboy ? 5:35:48 | (Subscriber) spirogal: @XenaRathon im in WI scary shit 5:35:49 | Clash_ofPixels: Name of gay bar? 5:35:51 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Just a guy 5:35:51 | rekhan337: Bug manly man 5:35:53 | fgfggam: f1nnGross 5:35:53 | beyondthegrave1997: Just a lil fella baby boi 5:35:53 | mootie1: strapping young lad 5:35:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: certainly NOT trans 5:35:57 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Just a widdle boi 5:35:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: F1nn is just your average bloke 5:35:57 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Just a lil guy 5:35:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: big what? 5:35:57 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: on some you cant promo 5:35:58 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Just a bloke 5:35:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: fella 5:35:59 | Suun4L: @nickk_dg he's a cross-dresser 5:36:00 | (Subscriber) spirogal: F1nn is a cis-gender cissy 5:36:01 | kirathecreatorrr: what will the of consist of 5:36:01 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: jus a lil big guy 5:36:01 | MacMillan_The_First: it has been weird to see f1nn progress over the past couple years 5:36:01 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: People have posted you on there 5:36:01 | rekhan337: Proof? 5:36:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: @Emmy64_ wh- huh? you know hat i don't wanna know 5:36:04 | beyondthegrave1997: Just a lil dood 5:36:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: @tex_010 gn 5:36:05 | judgedame: Good o boy 5:36:06 | dandylion8089: @vanimal2118 lol I'm just chilling dude 5:36:07 | Maditox: fin is the based male ideal 5:36:07 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidRipped 5:36:07 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: “Big guy” yeah ok 5:36:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: You still the top 1 post on there? 5:36:09 | jimboz0: Just a lil big guy 5:36:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: not trans but loved by trans individuals 5:36:11 | LegAbuse: “Big” 5:36:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: @Helen_Croft sleeping is a figment of Finn's imagination 5:36:15 | moreperfectuser: Did John dip out, LUL 5:36:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: r/femboy is the sfw version 5:36:18 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: ass / abs 5:36:19 | (Prime Gaming) BileJAR: best hair in the game tbh 5:36:20 | 1_800urmom: okay 5:36:20 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kreygasm 5:36:21 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Me 2 @dandylion8089 5:36:24 | uc00: Is there a problem with your mic? There is a high pitch screech in the background at 11750hz. 5:36:25 | khxiruldanish: Thighs yum yum 5:36:26 | (Subscriber) spirogal: u cute <3 5:36:28 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: AH 5:36:28 | benlancaster32: Did Finn get the latest iPhone? 5:36:28 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: jus a wierd lil big guy 5:36:29 | Soupmilk_Ash: Sharks in the baaackk??? 5:36:30 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Danger request! 5:36:30 | mootie1: HahaCat 5:36:30 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: I need to somehow get a waist like that 5:36:31 | 1_800urmom: yeah 5:36:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Wholesome Femboy 5:36:33 | Soupmilk_Ash: IKEA SHARKS 5:36:34 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: :< dang 5:36:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: so many screenshots 5:36:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: you swing that, you're breaking something lol 5:36:36 | fgfggam: f1nnPegChamp 5:36:37 | (Prime Gaming) IntangibleMatter: b 5:36:37 | lt_col_gac: so cute, you are adorable 5:36:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Homie is gong to pass out 5:36:38 | TheYandereCookie: Hello, nice shirt 5:36:38 | LOtiumduPeuple: You're awesome ! Love you 5:36:38 | 1_800urmom: I know what 5:36:38 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: you need a real man to use the sword 5:36:39 | viryl_lucas: I can, if it's like an axe 5:36:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: I hear it too 5:36:45 | landoh091: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 5:36:45 | ian_gould: abs are not a good as they are in early morning, gravity and food 5:36:45 | StormCloud119: yeah i can hear it if i turn it way up 5:36:45 | kirathecreatorrr: yeah 5:36:46 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: sounds fine 5:36:47 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: i hear no issue 5:36:48 | (Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: SOMAwh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! <3 5:36:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: somawh subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU 5:36:48 | (2-Month Subscriber) noobsilent91: PokGengar 5:36:49 | (Prime Gaming) SlurpGod1: i hear it 5:36:52 | StormCloud119: it is too high pitch for fans 5:36:52 | kirathecreatorrr: no its like a flashback typa thing 5:36:53 | (Prime Gaming) BgT1990: sounds like someone has tinnitus 5:36:56 | (Prime Gaming) SlurpGod1: Kappa 5:37:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I have to turn the volume to an uncomfortable level to hear that high pitch whine 5:37:02 | fgfggam: f1nnBingbong 5:37:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: bro it's your tinitus 5:37:04 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: damn brutal bot audio 5:37:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -20s Does a cinched t-shirt pose. - 3650 5:37:04 | (Subscriber) spirogal: PogU veggie burger 5:37:07 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Yes u can't swing sword only a man can swing that sword! 5:37:09 | (Prime Gaming) CrewTwon: ASMR 5:37:11 | torch_head3: i tought you were vegeterian? 5:37:11 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: r/GoneWilder is the hottest one Kappa 5:37:12 | Admiral_Tetanus: if I turn stream WAY up then I can hear the screech but not normally 5:37:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: is that your only fan? 5:37:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: just turn the stream up and listen to music really loud you wont be able to hear it anymore 5:37:13 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Fin is vegetarian? 5:37:14 | im_up_to_something: Your not strong enough to handle sword 5:37:14 | (Prime Gaming) CrewTwon: ASM Veggie Burger 5:37:14 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: "less than three" with rizz 5:37:16 | Emmy64_: @cryo001 No its more simple, usually they fear childs would mimmick those attitudes at super young ages 5:37:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: how is it 5:37:21 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: how tf do you chew so loud 5:37:22 | mootie1: Vegetarian and burger in the same sentence 5:37:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 5:37:24 | NOT_SPALK_TV: NOT_SPALK_TV subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! 24 months 2years of garbage 5:37:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: not_spalk_tv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:37:26 | fgfggam: f1nnNomods 5:37:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: @callmegarp fr like why did it do me like that 5:37:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn is a vegetarian but he does eat eggs oddly enough. 5:37:38 | rileychipotle: Didn't you eat nuggies? 5:37:39 | judgedame: How is it 5:37:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Gotta heat it up 5:37:40 | sadman_pl: you have somthing on youre left cheak 5:37:41 | dandylion8089: LOL 5:37:41 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: KEKW 5:37:42 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:37:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 5:37:47 | scottp79: Hello 5:37:47 | siyurise: will u ever stream any game? 5:37:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 5:37:52 | anschofi: all the people complaining about the noise: use FFZ audio compressor 5:37:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: high pitch sound is def the fans 5:37:56 | mootie1: rimjimPOG rimjimPOG rimjimPOG rimjimPOG mike 5:37:59 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 5:38:00 | (Watching without audio) yumiko80: Yep 5:38:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: You said it was McPlant when you brought in the foodz. 5:38:05 | (Prime Gaming) KeonaLuv: mnmKekw mnmKekw 5:38:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: 8??? 5:38:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 5:38:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:38 5:38:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 5:38:10 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 38m 19s 5:38:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: 8 figures, nice 5:38:12 | fgfggam: Yo yo 5:38:14 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: fruity 5:38:14 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Just Mike? 5:38:14 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Trying to take you to dinner 5:38:15 | whelkier: he's 6'8 btw 5:38:15 | (Verified) Bastila: ah i love your content f1n 5:38:16 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: sussy 5:38:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: down bad? 5:38:16 | mootie1: 5:38:17 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: sus 5:38:17 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Mike wants you uh oh 5:38:18 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: !voice 5:38:18 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Rose learns the girl voice from https://www.tiktok.com/@seattlevoicelab 5:38:18 | (Prime Gaming) 0redzed0: sus 5:38:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Mike goblin confirmed 5:38:19 | kenji173: Flirt 5:38:19 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Hmm 5:38:20 | (Watching without audio) yumiko80: Sus 5:38:22 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: down bad 5:38:22 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: Mike needs you 5:38:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: rexgDB rexgDB rexgDB 5:38:22 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Susge 5:38:23 | ian_gould: mike is shooting his shot 5:38:23 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Got the Rizz 5:38:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Sus 5:38:26 | kenji173: mike cock 5:38:26 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: But the ferrari though... 5:38:27 | (Watching without audio) yumiko80: Dm him 5:38:28 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: is Mike new Tens? 5:38:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Susge 5:38:29 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Mike is a creep. 5:38:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Knikian: He's down baaad 5:38:32 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Harvard education didn't cover "not harassing femboys" 5:38:32 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: nihmunGayge 5:38:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Stake and Shake? Of all places? Really Mike? 5:38:33 | siyurise: you considered playing any game like valo maybe? 5:38:33 | xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: You're cute tonight! 5:38:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: easy 5:38:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: No 5:38:36 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: done 5:38:37 | general_of_cm: yes 5:38:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: f1nnMonka 5:38:38 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Stabstalker: easy 5:38:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: MikeMuses? 5:38:39 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: no 5:38:39 | MajesticFvckingEagle: EZ 5:38:39 | (Prime Gaming) CrewTwon: Yes 5:38:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Lets goo 5:38:41 | mootie1: 5:38:42 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: xD 5:38:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: are you ready? 5:38:42 | boringdepressedintrovert: no 5:38:43 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: EZ 5:38:43 | WholesomeJeff: Hello, I was told this was wholesome content? 5:38:43 | easilytermated: no 5:38:43 | Thetwilightstar: SeemsGood SeemsGood 5:38:43 | rileychipotle: Ez 5:38:44 | general_of_cm: easy 5:38:44 | josecortesnival: Prob 5:38:44 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: probably 5:38:45 | Destructokeith: ez 5:38:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Investing 5:38:46 | phos4us_: get a billboard and youtube ad 5:38:46 | k4rakara: no 5:38:48 | kenji173: we??? 5:38:48 | QwandriXCI: ez 5:38:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No 5:38:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: You’ve probably already made that 5:38:51 | im_up_to_something: Nope 5:38:52 | 99thking: switches to face-up active mode ATK:1360 5:38:52 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Ez 5:38:54 | sr1gaming: 20m easy 5:38:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Little odd to keep mentioning the income. 5:38:56 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Peezy 5:38:57 | arquiJ: the bottom of ur right cheek 5:38:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) RoanicydroKun: maybe XD 5:38:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Ez 5:38:59 | rileychipotle: Must be nice 5:39:01 | (Watching without audio) yumiko80: Date time 5:39:03 | (Prime Gaming) meh_its_jack: What is this we stuff??? I ain’t getting no check lol 5:39:03 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: The lemon I wanna squeezy 5:39:06 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Million, Million 2 u should be good. 5:39:07 | Frenchish_Toast: Right cheek bro 5:39:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: 50000 subscribers 5:39:12 | (Subscriber) marblehoney: Queen on tht grind 5:39:12 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: got a lil something on ur jowl 5:39:12 | kenji173: @scarredlemon lambo better 5:39:15 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: wow 5:39:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: lol 5:39:16 | torch_head3: don't doubt the horny finn 5:39:20 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: wow 5:39:22 | (Subscriber) spirogal: she does spend it on animals 5:39:23 | (Subscriber) shadow_kill1625: You’d need half a million people to sub for 8 figure off the battle pass 5:39:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Holy hell 5:39:25 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 8 figures is 10,000,000 to 99,999,999 F1nn. 5:39:25 | scottp79: Jesus she’s making bank 5:39:28 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: buffpupCorpa 5:39:28 | viryl_lucas: Yep 5:39:31 | (Prime Gaming) onederman0: Jesus Christ, Sex Sells I Guess 5:39:31 | organic_rust: wtf 5:39:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: just set dojo goals and you’ll get there asap 5:39:32 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) MightWinMightWin: MightWinMightWin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months feels like its only been a couple months since I started watching 5:39:32 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mightwinmightwin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:39:34 | dandylion8089: 50k at day is pretty godd 5:39:39 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW 5:39:39 | Sesetti: bugattis 5:39:39 | (Subscriber) virginxxslayer: virginxxslayer subscribed at Tier 1. 5:39:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: virginxxslayer subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang virginxxslayer f1nnLezgang 5:39:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: 10 mil is 83.000 subs 5:39:43 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I swear no one has any money, except for all the money they spend on porn 5:39:44 | humanratpoison: yacht time 5:39:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: on OF 5:39:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) OHMichelleOH: I cant even fathom your money 5:39:46 | rileychipotle: Cameras 5:39:46 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: and i made half her day-rate last year 5:39:47 | (Listening only) chainedchish: you need little below 42k subs on battlepass 5:39:48 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Launch the battle pass and you’ll see fr 5:39:48 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: lol 5:39:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: called retiring at 35 5:39:54 | mootie1: rimjimNotes 5:39:54 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Hay burner I have seen. 5:39:55 | phos4us_: If I got 50k a day, I'd be doating most of it lol 5:39:57 | (Subscriber) flexyjerkov: give away to fans.. ;) 5:39:59 | im_up_to_something: Spend it on traveling 5:40:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Yes please do that 5:40:01 | amfournda: Throw the money into an investment account and try to retire early 5:40:02 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: Just reinvest it 5:40:03 | Emmy64_: Toys, "toys", food..... a house 5:40:04 | rileychipotle: All the lenses 5:40:06 | 99thking: I'm back finn you told Mike you would suck his dick and you are surprised he is flirting with you? mvpDerp 5:40:06 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: That’s a lot of simps! 5:40:06 | sadman_pl: yes 5:40:08 | (Subscriber) spirogal: im in 5:40:10 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: Making more than the median American's yearly wage every day 5:40:11 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I would be too panicked to spend it 5:40:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) OHMichelleOH: that is a whole year for me 5:40:11 | CunnyLiquor: thats a lot of blow and hookers 5:40:13 | pineapple_33: Yes 5:40:15 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: easy, bonds 5:40:15 | Sesetti: no way I could spend all of it 5:40:15 | amfournda: Send it to a Vanguard account 5:40:15 | Macash: yes 5:40:16 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Emmy64_, bad ! 5:40:16 | (Subscriber) spirogal: give it to charity 5:40:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: you'll buy some nerdy cameras 5:40:18 | HelenaBex: feels like coockie clicker amount of money 5:40:18 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Dragon hoard 5:40:18 | adge31: Go space 5:40:18 | Owly_9: cars cars cars 5:40:18 | NicxGG: get more 5:40:20 | kenji173: not every day 5:40:20 | (Prime Gaming) GNSxTRKZ: 4090ti 5:40:21 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: i can 5:40:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Vegas, Investment, world domination 5:40:23 | pineapple_33: Yacht inside a yacht 5:40:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Muffin01: Investing 5:40:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I'd spend it on research - the real kind 5:40:25 | TrueMezzo: Yeah id just give it to people all the time 5:40:25 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: American, gotta save up for hospital fees 5:40:25 | NicxGG: always get more 5:40:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: I'd be able to find things to buy for maybe a week and then not know what to do with it 5:40:26 | kirathecreatorrr: real estate 5:40:27 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: I once figured out I'd only run out of ideas at $10billion 5:40:28 | (Prime Gaming) nauticalcoffin: Time to start a security company 5:40:28 | (Subscriber) spirogal: mutual aid funds, abortion funds, feed the poor 5:40:28 | amfournda: invest invest invest 5:40:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: drown myself on alcohol 5:40:29 | (Prime Gaming) dahliabug: i would build a farm lol 5:40:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: The Future mr gittes 5:40:29 | rekhan337: Gamble it all 5:40:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: give it away 5:40:30 | Baelphes: nfts, lots of nfts 5:40:31 | (Prime Gaming) stuntbadger: Busters millions easy 5:40:32 | viryl_lucas: Make a dungeon 5:40:33 | scottp79: Buy a gun store 5:40:33 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: overthrow the goverment 5:40:33 | judgedame: Me oh yeah 5:40:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: buy knives 5:40:33 | Aetreus88: she could buy a corvette everyday 5:40:35 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) sasukeuni: give it to cute femboys 5:40:35 | kristanie0815: But u have to deliver content 5:40:37 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: make a rocket to mars 5:40:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: After owning everything, you start being outwardly good 5:40:37 | (Prime Gaming) RedheadHeathen: Retirement accounts, Investments, all kinds of dtuff 5:40:37 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: i can spent more than that 5:40:38 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s big stacks tbh 5:40:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: i would buy a house and give it to charity 5:40:40 | pyrobol: commission artists 5:40:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) alvarocaroj: Invest to get more and give more 5:40:43 | Emmy64_: @johnkeiwo Well i like collectibles, and im alone sometimes f1nnHands 5:40:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: 1000 subs would be 20k a month, 240k a year 5:40:44 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Raid Mike 4 the memes? 5:40:46 | (Subscriber) spirogal: tru 5:40:47 | mr_girbraltar: Make Frmboy HOOTERS 5:40:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Pretty good 5:40:48 | kenji173: then you get depressed and lose it again 5:40:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Pay a femboy to take her 5:40:50 | arquiJ: clean ur right cheek or i will lick it 5:40:50 | macarous: lol? 5:40:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) XenaRathon: If I had that much money every trans person would have every medical procedure they want 5:40:52 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: 18mil a year is insane 5:40:53 | lulumysandwich: start a commune with all my friends buy a country 5:40:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) xaacs: Investments and charity 5:40:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: F1NN5TER if u ever make that much will u give us some of the wealth <3 5:40:55 | (GLHF Pledge) musta_000: buy luxembourg for a year 5:40:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:40:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: says the tier 3 amoranth sub 5:40:56 | sr1gaming: Femboy mc server 5:40:59 | viryl_lucas: Huh 5:40:59 | (Prime Gaming) stuntbadger: Busters millions watch that its easy to spend a million 5:41:00 | (Prime Gaming) Roscario_Poolitzers: Bezoz, musk, etc.... 5:41:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: And 1000 is a very low estimate 5:41:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: She is getting older and will need it for the rest of her life 5:41:02 | aunalbrutal: if you make money alway always invest so you make even more money 5:41:03 | knockedout26: I'm a broke college student don't under estimate me 5:41:04 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: That's such a sweet way of thinking about it, buuuuut.... 5:41:07 | (Subscriber) spirogal: ammo seems nice tho im mad about hogwarts 5:41:09 | adorablast: wasn't there something with her husband forcing her? 5:41:10 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: you could donate it back to chat 5:41:10 | macarous: that is an unbelievably naive statement 5:41:11 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: @F1NN5TER just buy a yacht big enough to put a smaller yacht in the pool 5:41:14 | CunnyLiquor: @1ate_gg 100% she is 5:41:14 | (Prime Gaming) Starwarsboy78: she's aiming to buy a huge ranch and make it an animal rescue 5:41:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: KEKW 5:41:17 | (Prime Gaming) HoOt8I3: Is your OF up yet? Or tomorrow? 5:41:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about having too much money. What do you do with it after enough time? - 3810 5:41:18 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: BTW you have rumble peaks @ 35Hz and 70 Hz about 40 DB below you voice 5:41:20 | (Prime Gaming) xgravekillerx: xgravekillerx subscribed with Prime. 5:41:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: xgravekillerx subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang xgravekillerx f1nnLezgang 5:41:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Stone_Monarch: Stone_Monarch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Smiles 5:41:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: stone_monarch subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:41:23 | scottp79: I wonder how much her ex or soon to be ex-husband is going to get 5:41:24 | (Prime Gaming) RickyStreamsttv: Plenty people are workaholics purely for the continued growth to be fair 5:41:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:41:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: You could finally get that house in London! 5:41:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: 10 mil is basically enough to never work anymore comfortably 5:41:37 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Nooo don’t be done if you make it 5:41:38 | rileychipotle: That's a lot of McDonald's 5:41:40 | rek85: hi 5:41:41 | realtalkchannel: Technically every good streamer manipulates viewers to being more positive. 5:41:42 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Incalculable 5:41:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) asher0uw: do you like daddy or mommy 5:41:43 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @CunnyLiquor, @1ate_gg you know her personally ? 5:41:44 | kirathecreatorrr: when will the of be up and what will be on it tbh 5:41:50 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: Now think about how ridiculous being a billionaire is 5:41:51 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Just start giving keep streaming 5:41:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: What would be the cheapest price for a house in London? I’m curious. 5:41:56 | LadyLockwood92: Yeah, numbers that big are completely impossible to picture. 5:42:00 | (Prime Gaming) ventaxi: i mean she could just go for a few more years and then just retire 5:42:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: im literally the same way, i was looking at how much some jobs pay, and i legit dont know what i would do with that amount of money 5:42:02 | (Subscriber) spirogal: I feel like it's a stereotype to say women who make money off their bodies are shady and evil 5:42:02 | (Subscriber) elceltaaa: Id rather have you than amouranth 5:42:06 | ronaldoe_34r: vanessa 5:42:08 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: How long are you awake now? 5:42:08 | hammuncher43: Are they real 5:42:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: @F1NN5TER when i win the euro millions jackpot of £150m i'd deffo be sending £1m your way! ;) 5:42:19 | rek85: hi 5:42:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Thats enought jack daniel for coma 5:42:23 | scottp79: Her boobs are fake 5:42:25 | Soupmilk_Ash: good night 5:42:29 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Sometimes I forget Finn is a sweet lil person and not just a meme machine 5:42:30 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: F1NN5TER will u help me with my art history midterm were supposed to draw beautiful women 5:42:31 | Emmy64_: @1ate_gg Do you really know what happened? not the internet view only weirdChamp 5:42:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: F1nn5terBeast 5:42:33 | BridgetXX_Revolution: BridgetXX_Revolution subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 32 month streak! Hazaa i Bridget am Here, How is the Lovley Princesss This Evening 5:42:34 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: bridgetxx_revolution subscribed to f1nn5ter for 32 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:42:34 | (Prime Gaming) stuntbadger: It willl go down as she started boxing .. so my need surgery if she is not good .. cauliflower ear 5:42:35 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: pog 5:42:35 | anschofi: the greater goal is causing further trans and gae, like established a while ago 5:42:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Hey thanks man 5:42:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: woohoo :) 5:42:39 | CunnyLiquor: @johnkeiwo well ya, based off everything ive seen. Which is all anyone has to go off of 5:42:39 | PsillyCephalopod: POGGERS 5:42:39 | reanimatedpaper: Woo hoo! 5:42:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: all 150 of us 5:42:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: That a promise? 5:42:42 | (Prime Gaming) DeanTheSpartan: If billionaires didn't exist, I might agree 5:42:43 | rek85: like yo outfit 5:42:44 | mealman3: She could be investing it into a private project that we dint know about 5:42:44 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: :D 5:42:44 | (GlitchCon 2020) leonerd3: bet 5:42:45 | (Subscriber) spirogal: my boobs are real they just small cuz i got the hormones late 5:42:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: she's overrated 5:42:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: @guitarbebop you're gonna need to repeat it. camera quality has improved, audio next 5:42:46 | dandylion8089: AWWW thanks 5:42:52 | shnazzle: the biggest stadiums in the world are about 110,000 person capacity.. its absurd there's certain twitch streams that get above that 5:42:53 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: You ain’t losing us now 5:42:55 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: i take that mil bro 5:42:55 | (Prime Gaming) ventaxi: thts 3.6 bil 5:42:57 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @1ate_gg, so you're talking out of your ass. So you can stfu :) 5:42:57 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: X 5:42:58 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: mhm 5:42:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: His name is Finncess 5:42:59 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) stan_mercury: Don’t you buy gas station after first couple of mils? I thought that’s what you do…. 5:43:00 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: @helen_croft OD on OF adrenaline 5:43:02 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kappa 5:43:08 | lishoward: @1ate_gg you’re full of bad takes 5:43:09 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Nice! Thank you Finn! 5:43:09 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnCope no idea 5:43:11 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: You answered 5:43:12 | hentaiconnoisseur15: !size 5:43:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3. Updated in February 2023. 5:43:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 5:43:14 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:44 5:43:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 5:43:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 43m 26s 5:43:18 | AceSkullington: Our manly prince is working so hard! 5:43:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @1ate_gg, you don't know shit about abusive relationships, at this point, i would recommend to stop talking :) 5:43:31 | Sadcrosanct: my friend Gwen says hi and that she loves your streams and content 5:43:34 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: 1000 people is just 30 across and 30 seep. 5:43:36 | mother0calico: I need advice 5:43:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: is anyone going to throw a season premiere watch party tomorrow 5:43:42 | Emmy64_: @1ate_gg Everything can be an act, so Shush 5:43:42 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: oof nuked 5:43:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: KEKW 5:43:43 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: You get desensitized quickly, probably 5:43:44 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @1ate_gg, i don't wanna know u dickhead 5:43:46 | (Subscriber) sauenehot: you ever played DnD Finn? Would be a good way to practise the girl voice 5:43:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: fuck off 5:43:50 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: theres a stadium by my house that seats 450k so thats def incorrect 5:43:53 | Sadcrosanct: I actually lied she never said thaat 5:43:53 | lishoward: @1ate_gg get outta here bro 5:43:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Talk yo talk John 5:44:00 | rek85: so do you support gay pride GenderFluidPride GayPride LesbianPride IntersexPride AsexualPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride 5:44:02 | (Subscriber) spirogal: she was in a nasty abusive relationship power to her 5:44:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: @1ate_gg gtfo smh 5:44:04 | (cheer 100) Panther216: Just open a femboy hooters 5:44:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Clap 5:44:05 | (Subscriber) spirogal: YES femboy hooters 5:44:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Way to go John Clap 5:44:06 | rekhan337: Clap 5:44:06 | viryl_lucas: Hooters resto 5:44:07 | humanratpoison: just make a femboy content house for fun 5:44:08 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: 5:44:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: shake 5:44:08 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: YEP 5:44:08 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Clap 5:44:09 | sr1gaming: Popping off in the chat 5:44:09 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: yes 5:44:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: She need a femboyfriend 5:44:09 | viryl_lucas: PowerUpL PowerUpR 5:44:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: hand shaken 5:44:10 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Yes 5:44:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fare_456: *shakes hand* 5:44:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, GLHF Pledge) Bobscajic: Clap 5:44:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 5:44:11 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: YES 5:44:11 | rileychipotle: Please do 5:44:11 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: take my hand 5:44:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Do It 5:44:11 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Clap our hero 5:44:11 | mealman3: Yes 5:44:12 | blu3berrycat: deal 5:44:12 | Sadcrosanct: morklyDance 5:44:12 | (Subscriber) booberies1: 5:44:12 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: Clap 5:44:13 | knockedout26: @1ate_gg L take 5:44:13 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: Clap 5:44:13 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Deal 5:44:14 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: I would work at your femboi hooters 5:44:14 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: damn 5:44:14 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: YES 5:44:14 | reanimatedpaper: Where's that hand been? 5:44:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cass_v2: yes 5:44:14 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Deal 5:44:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Deal 5:44:14 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Hell yeah 5:44:14 | little___f: sickem6Gasm lezzibShake sickem6Yanderelove nancywHappyn 5:44:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Dea; 5:44:15 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Yes 5:44:15 | caligach: deal 5:44:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: DEAL 5:44:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Yes 5:44:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: please please 5:44:16 | l3laz3de: deal 5:44:16 | (Subscriber) virginxxslayer: Femboy hooter material right here. 5:44:16 | braddle172: Deal 5:44:16 | viryl_lucas: Deal! 5:44:16 | mealman3: Deal 5:44:16 | MajesticFvckingEagle: *shakes* 5:44:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: You've got a deal 5:44:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: DEAL 5:44:17 | rekhan337: Deal 5:44:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: DEAL 5:44:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yes deal 5:44:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sussy_stepp_bro: Ok 5:44:17 | sr1gaming: Do it 5:44:17 | rileychipotle: Make it real 5:44:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jusses: Deal 5:44:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Clap 5:44:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: deal 5:44:18 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Deal 5:44:18 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: deal 5:44:18 | KnaveEsque: legendary 5:44:19 | Anmdra: deal 5:44:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: DEAL 5:44:20 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Prayge 5:44:20 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: pog 5:44:20 | (Prime Gaming) CeIestialVoid: Deal 5:44:20 | whelkier: please hire me I need work 5:44:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cass_v2: deal 5:44:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: yesss 5:44:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 5:44:23 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidYes 5:44:23 | organic_rust: deal 5:44:23 | mr_girbraltar: Deal 5:44:23 | Steph_123469: yes 5:44:23 | lishoward: DEAL ! 5:44:24 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Yeah 5:44:24 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: deal 5:44:24 | akicita6: Deal 5:44:24 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: The Mecca of our community 5:44:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: I’ll move to england 5:44:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: deal 5:44:24 | anschofi: in England 5:44:24 | 1CrimsonPrincess: Deal 5:44:24 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: 5:44:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: 5:44:26 | kenji173: that was NOT my hand TriHard 5:44:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Be worth it for the LOLs 5:44:26 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Deal 5:44:27 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) L0rc4n: my streamer AngelThump 5:44:27 | LadyLockwood92: Deal. Brave of you though. I'd visit tbh. 5:44:27 | (cheer 100) Panther216: invite gordon ramsey! 5:44:28 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: please hire me 5:44:28 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Deal *shakes hands* 5:44:28 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Deal 5:44:29 | she11y_games: Deal 5:44:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Chez Femboi's? 5:44:29 | (2-Month Subscriber) alliephenix99: *creaking handshake sounds* 5:44:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: No deal Kappa 5:44:30 | lishoward: please 5:44:31 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnRun im in 5:44:31 | akicita6: Omg yessss 5:44:31 | (Prime Gaming) wakikiwa: I cuming to England 5:44:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Deal 5:44:33 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: beans and toast is not on the menu 5:44:33 | Emmy64_: !hug @johnkeiwo 5:44:33 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: @johnkeiwo gets a big hug from emmy64_ <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 5:44:33 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: PogU 5:44:35 | BridgetXX_Revolution: there is a Hooters in England @F1NN5TER 5:44:36 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: A Mecca for the gays 5:44:36 | (Watching without audio) richhdodger: Yes please 5:44:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Quick half meal 5:44:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: and then use it as a front for HRT dealing 5:44:39 | (Prime Gaming) CeIestialVoid: I will fly to the UK to go there 5:44:40 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: That’s a deal finn! 5:44:42 | torch_head3: kitchen nightmares episode 5:44:42 | general_of_cm: pretty shure you cant use the name hooters 5:44:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: We stan a proactive mod John 5:44:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: When are you accepting aplications??? 5:44:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: I give it 2 years 5:44:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: a content factory 5:44:46 | (Turbo) Clockwork413: you cant just tell me i have to go to england like that 5:44:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Wings 5:44:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: chicken 5:44:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: chicken 5:44:46 | (Prime Gaming) Roakfurt1: wings 5:44:46 | torch_head3: confirmed?? 5:44:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: chicken wings 5:44:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I'll start feminizing myself to work at femboy hooters 5:44:47 | LadyLockwood92: Wings mosly. 5:44:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn says if he makes Amouranth money he'll make a Femboy Hooters. - 3620 5:44:48 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: wings 5:44:48 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: bad food 5:44:48 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: chicken wings and beer 5:44:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) BlackhawkDowns: Wings 5:44:48 | (Turbo) gdogshankmasta: wings 5:44:48 | (Subscriber) spirogal: chicken 5:44:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: pub food 5:44:49 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: wings 5:44:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: shitty wings 5:44:51 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: The Pact is Sea 5:44:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: wings 5:44:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: fried chicken 5:44:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: wings and burgers. 5:44:52 | sr1gaming: Bobs 5:44:52 | KnaveEsque: chicken wings & shitty burgers 5:44:52 | Metroplis3039: bar food and chicken wings 5:44:53 | leftem: Bar food 5:44:53 | amfournda: Normal hooters has wings and pub food 5:44:53 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: chicken tenders 5:44:54 | stormyprawn: milkshake @F1NN5TER 5:44:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Shitty buffalo wings 5:44:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:44:55 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: wings and beer 5:44:55 | judgedame: Wings 5:44:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Wings 5:44:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: even the drinks are just beans on toast 5:44:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: I've heard the food is real good haha 5:44:55 | Steph_123469: burgers, fries wings 5:44:56 | beyondthegrave1997: Pub food 5:44:57 | kenji173: bacon KomodoHype 5:44:57 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Trash food 5:44:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: hot wings 5:45:00 | (Prime Gaming) surfboot: Beans on toast sounds so crazy 5:45:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Milkshakes 5:45:01 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: fried pickles 5:45:01 | (Prime Gaming) burst872: how your day 5:45:01 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: actually really good burgers now 5:45:02 | (Prime Gaming) liddle_bat: chicken tenndys 5:45:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I hear it 5:45:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: no it is 5:45:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Pop up femboy hooters in the gay village in Brum 5:45:03 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: chiky nuggies n chokky milk 5:45:04 | (Listening only) laxfaxn: owls 5:45:04 | hammuncher43: Titties 5:45:04 | (Prime Gaming) Roakfurt1: bar food 5:45:05 | 99thking: Gotta make sure they have the tightest shorts and the phatest balls 2020Suspicious 5:45:05 | Emmy64_: Just frozen bs LUL 5:45:05 | whelkier: set it up in birmingham 5:45:06 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: wings and open faced sandwiches 5:45:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Bits Leader 2) pseudonautilus: Wings, burgers, etc 5:45:08 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: This is my first time catching you live! I love your youtube videos! 5:45:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Why is amouranth the standard lol? 5:45:08 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Onion rings 5:45:09 | CunnyLiquor: beans on toast with a hidden sausage under the bread 5:45:11 | (Subscriber) spirogal: It's aggressively american 5:45:11 | LaserM0nkey: Wings and beans 5:45:12 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Do restaurants fails as often as they do in the US? Because restaurants are money pits. 5:45:12 | phos4us_: femboy kibble 5:45:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: hotdogs 5:45:14 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: cumshakes 5:45:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SOMAwh: bang on 5:45:15 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Hot dogs? 5:45:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: "milk"shakes 5:45:16 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: good fried pickles 5:45:16 | KnaveEsque: salty milkshakes 5:45:16 | rekhan337: Femboy milkshakes 5:45:17 | kirathecreatorrr: custom made milkshakes 5:45:17 | viryl_lucas: Yoghurt shake 5:45:17 | Miss_tori_sim: Daddy I mean MOMMY! 5:45:17 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: cumshakes 5:45:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Wings. Burgers. 5:45:17 | (Subscriber) jaeqeri: CUMSHAKES 5:45:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Special sauce burgers 5:45:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Pink Ladies 5:45:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: nachos 5:45:18 | (Prime Gaming) CeIestialVoid: Make it a diner, like Denny's 5:45:18 | hammuncher43: Tits 5:45:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: Soy wings 5:45:18 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Yeah, their food isn't amazing 5:45:18 | general_of_cm: "Milk" Shakes 5:45:19 | whelkier: fish and chips 5:45:19 | LadyLockwood92: Let's be real, people don't go to Hooters for the food. 5:45:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: compete with KFC 5:45:19 | (Prime Gaming) bestzocker5065: bio milk 5:45:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: milkshakes 5:45:20 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: glizzy 5:45:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: corndogs 5:45:20 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:45:20 | (Subscriber) spirogal: salads 5:45:20 | (Watching without audio) melor649: cumshakes 5:45:21 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: Cum 5:45:21 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: MILKshakes 5:45:22 | XxYaBoixX123: Goddamn finally, it’s been a month and I kept missing the streams 5:45:22 | (Prime Gaming) wirewoodsavagee: sausage poboys 5:45:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: smoothies? 5:45:23 | stormyprawn: also milkshakes 5:45:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: femboymilk-shakes 5:45:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: The same shit 5:45:23 | kenji173: bacon 5:45:23 | (Prime Gaming) CrawlerTV: creampie donuts 5:45:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: Hot Dogs! 5:45:24 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: com 5:45:24 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: boymilk shakes 5:45:24 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: hrt 5:45:24 | Steys00: bananas 5:45:24 | (Subscriber) spirogal: VEGGIE BURGERS 5:45:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: boimilk 5:45:25 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: hot dogs 5:45:25 | anschofi: femboy milk 5:45:25 | Therosbr: sausages! 5:45:25 | amfournda: milkshakes with special cream on top 5:45:26 | Aetreus88: sticky rice 5:45:26 | sleepycb94: hot dogs 5:45:26 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: same things plus cum tbh 5:45:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: They got steaks 5:45:27 | (Turbo) TreVon22: Cream pies 5:45:27 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: Boy milk milkshakes 5:45:28 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: “Milk” shakes i love that 5:45:28 | general_of_cm: Boi Milk 5:45:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: kale 5:45:29 | HelenaBex: eggs 5:45:29 | droolgoat: soy milk shakes 5:45:29 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: I mean 5:45:29 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: HRT 5:45:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: anything phallic shaped 5:45:30 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: sausage roll 5:45:30 | Emmy64_: Boymilks 5:45:30 | sr1gaming: The MC tuck 5:45:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Ooo, corndogs would be awesome. 5:45:31 | Mr_May_Ham: banana split 5:45:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: just a bunch of hotdogs 5:45:31 | stormyprawn: boymilkshakes 5:45:31 | l3laz3de: vegetarian stuff 5:45:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Yall horny af 5:45:32 | thefiercelink: sausage and eggs 5:45:32 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: tittle skittles 5:45:32 | BridgetXX_Revolution: Femboy "Milk" shake 5:45:32 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: wings by tities 5:45:33 | kenji173: Cum Donuts 5:45:33 | badcompany893: Hotdogs and creamy milk 5:45:33 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Alfredo, because of white stuff on limp noodles 5:45:33 | 1CrimsonPrincess: Sperm shakes 5:45:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mozts2005: Chili dogs 5:45:34 | lt_col_gac: Lots of sausages 5:45:35 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: MANMILK? 5:45:35 | (Listening only) chainedchish: thighs instead of wings 5:45:36 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Femboy kibble 5:45:36 | Emmy64_: Sausages 5:45:36 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Twinkies Kappa 5:45:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 5:45:37 | viryl_lucas: AYOOOO 5:45:38 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: soy burgers 5:45:39 | KnaveEsque: mdma fries 5:45:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: steamed buns 5:45:40 | (Prime Gaming) LiveRaptor_: estrogen 5:45:40 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:45:40 | mealman3: "Milk"shakes 5:45:40 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: Tofu burgers, soy milk shakes @F1NN5TER 5:45:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Breast milk 5:45:40 | Steph_123469: sausage 5:45:41 | k4rakara: ayo 5:45:41 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Boymilk 5:45:41 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Glizzies 5:45:42 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:45:42 | rekhan337: Milk 5:45:42 | (Prime Gaming) iWhynes: egirl expresso's 5:45:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: cake? 5:45:44 | (Subscriber) spirogal: plant based dogs 5:45:44 | (Prime Gaming) nintendofiery1up: sausage rolls as well 5:45:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Quarter pounders 5:45:44 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Specialize in hot dogs 5:45:44 | LadyLockwood92: Honestly, in the UK that'd be hilarious. 5:45:45 | mootie1: Milkshake 5:45:46 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: banana splits 5:45:46 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: nah you gotta do Brats 5:45:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ayoitspidge: KEKW 5:45:47 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ethanthetoole: Msgeeee 5:45:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: BRO Femboy Hooters adding a lil bit of E to everything is fantastic 5:45:48 | phos4us_: twink > twinkies 5:45:48 | HelenaBex: all things eggs 5:45:50 | braddle172: KEKW 5:45:50 | yellowgatito: plz tell me there will be alcogol 5:45:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: support to the idea of "milk" shakes 5:45:50 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Boymilk (soymilk) 5:45:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Hot dogs and corndogs 5:45:51 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:45:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Femboy Hooters is just everything laced with HRT LUL 5:45:52 | (Subscriber) spirogal: I'll take 5 dogs plz 5:45:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Twinkmilk 5:45:52 | Ribswith: Soy Boneless wings 5:45:52 | LaserM0nkey: Femboy hooters: We have the meats 5:45:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Milk butter chicken fillets 5:45:53 | rileychipotle: Perfect 5:45:53 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAOO 5:45:54 | aunalbrutal: hotdogs and milk XD 5:45:54 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: diy hrt just got a lot more yummy LUL 5:45:54 | (Subscriber) LogicCore: Hotdogs and Donut-Holes! LUL 5:45:54 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: oh ya 5:45:55 | GreyWinterWraith: "Femboy Hooters: Home of the Saucy Dog" 5:45:55 | Cyonite: Eggplants and peach 5:45:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: hot buns 5:45:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: deep fried twinkies. get them while they're hot! 5:45:56 | Emmy64_: But like those XL ones LUL 5:45:56 | judgedame: Sausages 5:45:56 | (Prime Gaming) Starwarsboy78: hey she bought a 7/11 gas station/convenience store 5:45:56 | mootie1: Twinkies 5:45:56 | kenji173: bananas and cucumbers 5:45:57 | (Watching without audio) melor649: more banana things 5:45:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Banana on a stick 5:45:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: We're just also serving straight men? 5:45:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Finding out what Femboy Hooters should serve. - 3660 5:45:58 | mattchew13571357: egg plants 5:45:58 | (Watching without audio) melor649: yea 5:45:59 | (Prime Gaming) keklelw: Just serve fruits bananas 5:46:00 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: love me some milkshakes 5:46:00 | (Prime Gaming) Evoscape_: kibble 5:46:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Twinkies KEKW 5:46:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) godsbedpan: sausage 5:46:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ayoitspidge: POGOS 5:46:02 | stormyprawn: twinkmilk 5:46:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: just the buns though, you have to provide your own dog 5:46:04 | viryl_lucas: Balls 5:46:05 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: cheesecake 5:46:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Nachos 5:46:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: the secret menu is just estrogen 5:46:06 | Miss_tori_sim: Fun I know some exercises we could do for your 5:46:07 | Steph_123469: bangers and mash 5:46:07 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: banana split man the best there is in the world OMG POGGERS 5:46:07 | viryl_lucas: Eggs 5:46:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: WAIT pound cakes! 5:46:08 | lishoward: SOYMILK ! 5:46:08 | Emmy64_: Soft and filled with cream KEKW 5:46:09 | Clash_ofPixels: What’s your favourite gay bar? 5:46:09 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Toad in the hole 5:46:11 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: bubble gum ice cream 5:46:12 | sleepycb94: well this just sounds way better 5:46:12 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Jalepeno Poppers KEKW 5:46:12 | Aetreus88: chocolate starfish 5:46:12 | 99thking: Can't forget peaches HahaThink 5:46:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: Chocolate donuts 5:46:13 | sr1gaming: Hot dogs hidden behind thighs 5:46:13 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Meatballs 5:46:15 | kenji173: bussy cake 5:46:15 | denialdelivery798: Fruit cups 5:46:16 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug 5:46:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: garlic bread 5:46:17 | mattchew13571357: kebab 5:46:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) vforvalerio: @F1NN5TER Soy burgers, with extra estrogen 5:46:17 | CritMozziYT: Extra Protein Milkshakes 5:46:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) Jotunda: hotdogs 5:46:17 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @notlookingatyourass, no 5:46:19 | braddle172: Anything soy 5:46:20 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: just a big cock shaped crouton 5:46:22 | (Prime Gaming) Muffinman123456781234567: something with eggplant 5:46:22 | DayTrainGamer: One hole eggplant in a salad 5:46:22 | BridgetXX_Revolution: Don't Forget The PICKLES 5:46:22 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: pizza with a hole in the middle 5:46:23 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: whole cucumber and carrot 5:46:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: fruit cup 5:46:25 | bentakil: nut holes 5:46:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: pigs in blankets 5:46:25 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Meatballs 5:46:26 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Meatballs 5:46:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ethanthetoole: H R tacos 5:46:26 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: fembuns 5:46:27 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: everything SOY 5:46:27 | LaserM0nkey: Everything has to be phallic shapped 5:46:28 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: nanners 5:46:28 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: split my bananna 5:46:29 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:46:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the salad is for tossing only 5:46:30 | LadyLockwood92: There needs to be some reference to tossing salad, surely. 5:46:30 | rekhan337: Meatballs 5:46:30 | mootie1: rimjimSmug 5:46:31 | Maditox: salad jsut absolutely bukaked with ranch 5:46:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nah choes 5:46:32 | Bloodcoatrain: greek salad 5:46:33 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Sausage and tater tots 5:46:36 | gman4smith: hiiiiiii 5:46:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) JayOhDizzle: Glizzy Taco 5:46:37 | (Prime Gaming) wirewoodsavagee: 5 dollar footlong 5:46:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: glaze donuts? 5:46:37 | viryl_lucas: Bruh 5:46:37 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 5:46:39 | formulakj65: Cinacums 5:46:40 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: skittles sunday 5:46:41 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: HRTacos PogU 5:46:42 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: I want some HRTacos 5:46:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: no we're talkin' 5:46:42 | mirijam_c: Galifrey stands 5:46:43 | (Prime Gaming) krofenbagel: $5 footlongs 5:46:44 | bentakil: dough nuts 5:46:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Watercress 5:46:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Salty milkshake 5:46:45 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Oh! F-ggots! No way selling those could go wrong! 5:46:46 | yellowgatito: all vegetarian 5:46:47 | kenji173: TACOS KomodoHype 5:46:48 | fromthef1nn5ide: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! Twenty seven months. Also, Meat and Two Veg. 5:46:48 | Bloodcoatrain: sticky buns 5:46:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU 5:46:51 | stormyprawn: @F1NN5TER footlong sandwich 5:46:52 | PsillyCephalopod: KEKW 5:46:52 | (Prime Gaming) Theonefancyredditor: are you excited about tomorrow? 5:46:53 | Emmy64_: Colagen creams LUL 5:46:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Everything is just coom and HRT KEKW 5:46:56 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: LUL 5:46:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:46:57 | kenji173: @c__r__j HUH 5:46:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A salty taco 5:46:57 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Glazed f1nnEmbarrassed 5:46:58 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: we could have a sandwich called the LGBLT 5:46:58 | lishoward: how about tofu 5:46:59 | kristanie0815: Milkshakes 5:46:59 | rileychipotle: Lol 5:46:59 | rekhan337: It's just tim Hortons now 5:46:59 | unopenedcookies: Glaze donuts for desert 5:47:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mozts2005: Tacos and hotdogs 5:47:00 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: thats the best 5:47:01 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: Cream Pies (the pastry) ? 5:47:01 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Whoppers with protein rich “mayo” 5:47:02 | ArugulaWanter: Spotted Dick uwu 5:47:02 | kenji173: YEP 5:47:02 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: squirt is the only soda we need 5:47:03 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Is the purpose of the femboy hooters to serve people who like femboys or to make people INTO femobys 5:47:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: That depends on how you eat nachos F1nn. Jesus you're such a vanilla casual. 5:47:03 | caligach: Candlestick Salad, its a banana stuck upright into a slice of pineapple with some whipped cream on it 5:47:04 | sr1gaming: Sausage hidden behind thighs 5:47:04 | Emmy64_: Glazed YESSS 5:47:07 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: glazed doughnuts on a bannana split 5:47:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Jusses: Stuffed donut holes 5:47:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Alfredo Meatballs 5:47:09 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Poppers 5:47:09 | (Subscriber) BIGBoris1962: f1nnMonka 5:47:09 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Everything has EXTRA mayo! 5:47:09 | (Turbo) Clockwork413: freshly glazed 5:47:09 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: 2 meatballs and a singular hotdog 5:47:10 | unopenedcookies: ah yes, ~glazed~ 5:47:12 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @kenji173 In the UK, those are a kind of meatball. 5:47:12 | whelkier: beans on toast 5:47:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Tummy is great 5:47:14 | 99thking: Salads with "ranch" on it 2020Suspicious 5:47:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: "Glazed 5:47:15 | lishoward: someone better be writing these down 5:47:16 | phos4us_: blahaj bites 5:47:16 | (Prime Gaming) rkanjl: Milk shakes in trans colours 5:47:17 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: buttered buns 5:47:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: Bangers and nuts 5:47:20 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: pigs in a blanket 5:47:20 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Footlongs! 5:47:20 | (Prime Gaming) packagum: bagles for breakfast 5:47:20 | Aetreus88: cheddar dogs 5:47:21 | FierceTaint: serve parfaits 5:47:22 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Glazed with 5:47:22 | kgober: glazed, but also cream filled 5:47:23 | Chri55PBacon: here's the thing tho, is hot dog a sandwich? 5:47:24 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: sausage and hard boiled eggs 5:47:26 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: a twinkie in a glazed doughnut 5:47:26 | general_of_cm: Just Soy 5:47:28 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Shark steak 5:47:28 | AbsolutelyIris: Cocktails 5:47:28 | rekhan337: Milk 5:47:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: Milkshake 5:47:29 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Monsrlter 5:47:29 | im_up_to_something: Corn dogs 5:47:30 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: pilk 5:47:30 | mattchew13571357: white russian 5:47:30 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Femboy milk! 5:47:30 | kenji173: meatrolls 5:47:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: Boy milk 5:47:31 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: And 6 inch… 5:47:32 | yellowgatito: YES 5:47:32 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: Chicken THIGHS 5:47:32 | sr1gaming: Sex on the beach 5:47:32 | stormyprawn: milk 5:47:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Bloomin bussy instead of bloomin onion 5:47:32 | dandylion8089: margaritas 5:47:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: no matter what you order everything just has a little meat 5:47:32 | (Prime Gaming) Bloodsh0t5: white monster 5:47:33 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Lmaooo poppers 5:47:33 | skyblues06: slice of cake with the special frosting 5:47:34 | Emmy64_: @packagum Glazed bagels KEKW 5:47:34 | Admiral_Tetanus: milkshake 5:47:35 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: Pink Lady 5:47:35 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) acutekat: You have to do tiki drinks 5:47:35 | KnaveEsque: slippery nipples 5:47:36 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: Cosmos with soy milk 5:47:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Fem milk 5:47:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Piss shakes? 5:47:39 | MajesticFvckingEagle: Soymilk/Boymilk 5:47:39 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: white russians 5:47:39 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: strawberry milkshake 5:47:39 | whelkier: red bull 5:47:41 | (cheer 100) Ascara89: No malibu and pineapple 5:47:41 | tonydabull: white gatorade 5:47:42 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: white monster LUL 5:47:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Mamosas 5:47:42 | mealman3: But milk shakes 5:47:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: hrt monster 5:47:43 | HoteLover: Popsicles 5:47:44 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: No Daiquiris? 5:47:45 | yellowgatito: blue hawaiian but make it pink 5:47:45 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: I like the Adios drink 5:47:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: "milk" shots 5:47:47 | phos4us_: Monster 5:47:47 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Fuzzy navel 5:47:47 | Ribswith: Horchata 5:47:47 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:47:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Pink monster 5:47:48 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: Boimilk 5:47:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Amoya KEKW 5:47:48 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Howdy @f1nn5ter Dad Wholesome Stream! rynHai obkatHey 5:47:49 | Spoodlez: straight vodka shots for the stressy depressy types 5:47:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: (White) Yogurt 5:47:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: Any white drink 5:47:51 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: 100% grain alcohol 5:47:52 | r_a_user: Only topping is mayo 5:47:53 | (Subscriber) spirogal: white claw 5:47:53 | rallwx: hi 5:47:55 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Blowjob shots 5:47:56 | viryl_lucas: White monster cocktails 5:47:57 | (Subscriber) spirogal: a seltzer bar 5:47:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: White claws 5:47:58 | sleepycb94: gentleman jack 5:47:58 | Kronksterpher: there's literal shots called cum-shots i think KEKW 5:47:59 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: don’t forget the eggs 5:48:02 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: 4loko with cum in it idk 5:48:03 | thefiercelink: using white monster as amixer? 5:48:04 | jojocuervo777: i miss the blue monsters 5:48:05 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Belly shots 5:48:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Ramos Fizz 5:48:06 | rekhan337: Fudd ruckers 5:48:06 | mootie1: stockKreygasm 5:48:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: trulys 5:48:09 | Kronksterpher: geegaCHAD 5:48:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Schlongs 5:48:10 | random_person54647: TheIlluminati 5:48:11 | HoteLover: Popsicles BrainSlug BrainSlug 5:48:12 | LadyLockwood92: Peaches and cream? 5:48:12 | Emmy64_: @callmegarp TF KEKW 5:48:13 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 5:48:13 | stephenwithaphnotav: more woman like than my wife 5:48:13 | Kronksterpher: HOLEY 5:48:14 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: OMEGALUL 5:48:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: A glazed donut with a side Bratwurst 5:48:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ethanthetoole: Lots and lots of eggs 5:48:15 | LaserM0nkey: Only white blue and pink monster 5:48:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Sounds like a fun place to eat 5:48:16 | Clash_ofPixels: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 Calamari 5:48:16 | rawtopaz: Femboy desserts 5:48:17 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: mmm cream pies 5:48:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Apple teenies 5:48:18 | yellowgatito: STRAWBERRY Margarita 5:48:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: GachiHYPER 5:48:19 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: Adios, when you start drinking it might as well kiss your ass goodbye 5:48:20 | the_most_noble_bobber: Hey just got back from the ER what’s popping??? 5:48:21 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: That's what I said 5:48:22 | lishoward: replace all dairy products with soy milk 5:48:22 | phos4us_: bussy bites 5:48:23 | viryl_lucas: YES 5:48:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I hate mayo 5:48:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Chasiu weirdChamp 5:48:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Schlong 5:48:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Cream pies fr 5:48:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: "may" 5:48:24 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: CREAM MF PIES 5:48:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Basically a White Claw Monster drink. Monster Claw LUL 5:48:26 | mattchew13571357: cottage cheese 5:48:29 | (Prime Gaming) burst872: cream fill dounts 5:48:31 | (Subscriber) spirogal: one side of mayo please. are there free refills? 5:48:32 | (Subscriber) pengu1nzcs: The milk made without a cow, made by "these two guys" 5:48:32 | stormyprawn: a tub of mayo 5:48:33 | Kronksterpher: no bottoming just toppings daphScreechH ? 5:48:34 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: vodka shots with whipped cream on top 5:48:35 | Aetreus88: my favorite instrument 5:48:35 | aunalbrutal: Frise and mayo XD 5:48:36 | rileychipotle: 5:48:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Mayo filled hotdogs 5:48:38 | sr1gaming: Condiments 5:48:38 | AbsolutelyIris: Table caddies? 5:48:38 | thc_coardo: men mayo 5:48:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT PLACE. 5:48:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: cream filled donuts 5:48:40 | (GlitchCon 2020) ShaunaLlamaa: cream puffs 5:48:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: All the mayo 5:48:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) zhivuchiyee: Tacos with extra crema NotLikeThis 5:48:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) Loffy0: Bloomin Bussy I'm telling ya 5:48:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Extra salty mayo 5:48:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: A slightly yellow, mustard mayo 5:48:43 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Thigh highballs 5:48:44 | (Subscriber) spirogal: homemade aoli 5:48:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) MalkethTerona: Miracle Whip 5:48:45 | josecortesnival: Lol 5:48:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: instead of toppings they're called bottomings 5:48:45 | viryl_lucas: Yoghurt 5:48:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:48:48 | loczenzo: garlic mayo 5:48:48 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) medical_size9000: I like to mix ketchup and mustard together 5:48:48 | mattchew13571357: yogurt mayo sour cream 5:48:49 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Ice cream and french fries 5:48:49 | kenji173: WutFace WutFace WutFace 5:48:50 | creamy_crumbs: America does not know what "brown sauce" 5:48:50 | (Prime Gaming) theassblasterttv: what about the salad cream 5:48:51 | Spoodlez: Mayo trough 5:48:51 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Brown sauce! 5:48:52 | Emmy64_: LUL 5:48:52 | general_of_cm: MaleO 5:48:53 | 99thking: Mayo and ranch 5:48:53 | rileychipotle: Oops all mayo 5:48:54 | kenji173: pukers 5:48:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: KEKW Chasiu needs bonking again 5:48:55 | bentakil: mayo bar 5:48:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: male yo 5:48:56 | mattchew13571357: tartar sauce 5:48:57 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:48:57 | (Prime Gaming) kayliebee91: many varieties of one 5:48:58 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: always has been 5:48:59 | Emmy64_: MaleO 5:49:00 | 99thking: Ranch too 5:49:01 | mealman3: Its all mayo, one of us 5:49:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wamboder: theres the bailys shot from deadpool 5:49:01 | thefiercelink: mayo in condom packets 5:49:02 | stormyprawn: mayo restraunt 5:49:02 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: white sauce pizza 5:49:03 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAO 5:49:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 5:49:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: "mayo" 5:49:04 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:49:04 | rekhan337: KEKE 5:49:05 | jimboz0: Ranch? 5:49:06 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: All entrees must be served on a bun Kappa 5:49:06 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW 5:49:07 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:49:08 | femboystocks: Hru 5:49:08 | stormyprawn: KEKW good one 5:49:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) zhivuchiyee: KEKW 5:49:08 | mootie1: 5:49:08 | LadyLockwood92: Mayonnaise from hell to breakfast 5:49:09 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: mayo in the salt shakers 5:49:10 | Spoodlez: Mayo fountain 5:49:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: KEKW 5:49:11 | skyblues06: its not mayo 5:49:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 5:49:12 | braddle172: KEKW 5:49:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: footlong subs 5:49:13 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Whoops! All Bottoms 5:49:13 | viryl_lucas: mAYOOOO 5:49:14 | fgfggam: SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc 5:49:14 | ltdanslegs007: tops 5:49:14 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: ChaSiu lol 5:49:15 | l3laz3de: and horse radish 5:49:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Definitely mayo 5:49:19 | Emmy64_: White angel cakes 5:49:21 | (Subscriber) pengu1nzcs: We need the milk made without a cow, made by "these two guys" 5:49:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: gotta lean into tiddy humor too, I think 5:49:22 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Tops eat free 5:49:25 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: mayo and brick of butter 5:49:27 | femboystocks: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 5:49:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) louisoft01: finns a bottom so 5:49:27 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Well, you top your femboi with mayo, right? 5:49:28 | phos4us_: "How do top your sub?" -Subway 5:49:28 | (GLHF Pledge) etherpolyglot: mayonnaise is one of the five mother sauces 5:49:30 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Femburger 5:49:31 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: alfredo sauce 5:49:31 | creamy_crumbs: "dick"tates 5:49:32 | botnell_: kaicDubs 5:49:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: All white sauces only. Ranch, mayo, tartar, etc LUL 5:49:33 | (Prime Gaming) neceros: What's your typical diet? 5:49:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Toppings or bottomings 5:49:34 | droolgoat: soft topping 5:49:36 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: And a tip means something else 5:49:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Dick-tates lmao 5:49:36 | Bloodcoatrain: must include a wide selection of sub sandwiches 5:49:37 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Snack menu is only Subs 5:49:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) xtreme0625: finally got to catch a stream ezeggZoom2 5:49:37 | padlowan: bottomings are when you season the plate 5:49:38 | (cheer 100) Panther216: I mean take my money! 5:49:40 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: have two floors to seat people 5:49:40 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: "dick"tates lol 5:49:41 | mattchew13571357: loving this 5:49:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Dick tates 5:49:42 | lishoward: i’ll have one hotdog, hold the mayo-naise 5:49:42 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 5:49:42 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: im in 5:49:44 | braddle172: 5:49:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidShy 5:49:45 | KnaveEsque: very obsequious 5:49:46 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:49:46 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: KEKW 5:49:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP It's all mayo. Still going over menu items for his Femboy Restaurant. - 3650 5:49:48 | sr1gaming: Dommy mommy waiters 5:49:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: YES 5:49:48 | rekhan337: This is legendary 5:49:49 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:49:49 | Ghostie_86: WTF 5:49:51 | stormyprawn: KEKW 5:49:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: UwUaiters 5:49:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 5:49:51 | HoteLover: RiDiculous 5:49:52 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 5:49:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: KEKW 5:49:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 5:49:53 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 5:49:54 | mootie1: FeelsStrongMan 5:49:54 | Kronksterpher: LULW 5:49:54 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Both in need them to switch 5:49:54 | the_most_noble_bobber: What’s up just got back from the ER??? 5:49:54 | viryl_lucas: Such a bottom 5:49:55 | rileychipotle: Pls 5:49:55 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnMakeupcheck wut do you want UwU 5:49:55 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: 5:49:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: we know who's ordering bottomings 5:49:56 | Kronksterpher: KEKW 5:49:57 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: i want this to exist 5:49:58 | braddle172: KEKW 5:49:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Hello sir how do you like your doughnut glazed ? 5:49:58 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: this is perfection 5:49:59 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:49:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 5:49:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 5:49:59 | kenji173: write that down! write that down! 5:50:00 | (Subscriber) PepesStream: FUND IT 5:50:00 | josecortesnival: Eye roll and everything 5:50:00 | Why_I_ask: He does that well 5:50:01 | Therosbr: KEKEW 5:50:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Oh man, if the gimmick is the wait staff talk down to you, you will be packed with a certain clientele 5:50:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: what do you want, Daddy? 5:50:03 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: If you choose bottom, your meal comes served in a dog bowl and they tie your leash to the table leg. 5:50:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: KEKW 5:50:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: Is fo me? UwU 5:50:07 | amfournda: Dommy futamommy cooks 5:50:07 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Sounds like a japan themed resto 5:50:07 | (Subscriber) spirogal: body paint PogU 5:50:08 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: Tips & Headpats 5:50:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Unlimited refills 5:50:09 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: We're writing a business plan rn 5:50:09 | rileychipotle: For that reason, I'm out 5:50:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: this is the perfect birthday venue 5:50:10 | rekhan337: Write the order on their thigh 5:50:11 | austynwastaken07: Hoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii messaging from North Dakota again 5:50:12 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: “Milk” shake* 5:50:13 | kenji173: Flirt 5:50:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LOL 5:50:15 | (Subscriber) benkidd: dude I want to go here for every meal 5:50:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL 5:50:15 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: idea for kickstarter YAY 5:50:15 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Subby F1nn is so cute 5:50:16 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) Srcsqwrn: 5:50:16 | LadyLockwood92: You give them a tip and they keysmash. 5:50:16 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAOO 5:50:17 | (Prime Gaming) theassblasterttv: Shooters not Hooters 5:50:17 | GalbatorixTheFirst: ohno LUL 5:50:17 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Tennnnnn 5:50:18 | Livv_sama: Pretty boy!! mochii42Heart 5:50:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: What’s the outfits for the waiters? 5:50:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, like Ed Debevics in WeHo. Nice. 5:50:19 | Emmy64_: AYOOOO 5:50:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Ask Mike, I'm sure he'll invest 5:50:20 | wittyviper1239: I'd invest everything in this 5:50:22 | fgfggam: f1nnPegChamp 5:50:30 | kenji173: a food hole KomodoHype 5:50:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp 5:50:34 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: rynL rynL VirtualHug VirtualHug 5:50:34 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Wanna see this pitched on Dragons Den LUL 5:50:36 | phos4us_: Give the waiter a TIP 5:50:37 | skyblues06: meatball sub 5:50:37 | (Prime Gaming) TheDopestMessiah: Once you get that amouranth moneyy 5:50:38 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: A bear cage 5:50:39 | (Prime Gaming) Iarroyo03: is it shareable? 5:50:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A dog bowl 5:50:39 | (Subscriber) spirogal: chastity dog cage 5:50:39 | Clash_ofPixels: Tenz needs to fund this RaccAttack 5:50:41 | viryl_lucas: WHAT 5:50:42 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: drinking soy milk 5:50:43 | enrich_bloodborne: PixelBob 5:50:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: A bear 5:50:46 | AKA_Athzea: deeabuWHYY 5:50:48 | CasIHdude04: so a bear sized cage 5:50:50 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: A kennel 5:50:50 | Emmy64_: Deep throating a sausage KEKW 5:50:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Make food which looks like dog food 5:50:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Will you be serving at yor Hooters? 5:50:53 | Therosbr: A huge sausage that has to be eaten whole 5:50:53 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: ayo 5:50:54 | viryl_lucas: Kinky resto 5:50:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: ayoi 5:50:55 | TheNeverShow: femboy Fondue? 5:50:55 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Monster sausage challenge meal 5:50:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) JayOhDizzle: gobbler cage 5:50:57 | BBCs: where do i sign up 5:50:57 | shnazzle: health and safety would like a chat 5:50:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) MasonGamingV: !battlepass 5:50:58 | stormyprawn: ayo 5:50:58 | rileychipotle: Hotdog no chewing 5:50:58 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 5:50:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Ayoo 5:50:58 | (Prime Gaming) MaggieHeels: wait whaaaat? :} 5:50:59 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: You’ve given this a lot of thought 5:51:00 | MajesticFvckingEagle: ayyyyeeooo 5:51:00 | molluuuuuuu: HIEEE 5:51:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: AYO 5:51:00 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Ayo 5:51:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: this is funny but dear god i can tell you need sleep 5:51:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: How many hotdogs can you take at once 5:51:03 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: how are you going to eat wt a ball gag in your mouth 5:51:03 | Livv_sama: Is that Misa Misa on your shirt? 5:51:04 | austynwastaken07: Penis 5:51:05 | creamy_crumbs: is there a place for all the bad dogs 5:51:05 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: PogU sign me up 5:51:08 | r_a_user: Fin pet play confirmed 5:51:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: how would you appeal to women? 5:51:10 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Down 5:51:11 | inconspicuouscrow: Any camera experts in chat? 5:51:15 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Top all the femboys 5:51:16 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: you work there! 5:51:16 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: current objective: survive KEKW 5:51:16 | amfournda: Objective: retain virginity 5:51:16 | thefiercelink: describing your fantasy 5:51:17 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: don't cum 5:51:18 | LadyLockwood92: Management sim, duh. 5:51:19 | sleepycb94: lmao a simulator 5:51:19 | (Watching without audio) richhdodger: I need to be railed 5:51:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: hentai VN obiously 5:51:19 | GalbatorixTheFirst: LUL 5:51:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: no, you are the manager of Femboy Hooters in the game 5:51:20 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Challenge meal would be to eat food while in a cage and out of a dog bowl. - 3630 5:51:20 | DayTrainGamer: Sanitary level!!! 5:51:21 | (Turbo) flantasticflan: flantasticflan subscribed with Prime. 5:51:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: flantasticflan subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang flantasticflan f1nnLezgang 5:51:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: Five Nights at Finn's 5:51:22 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: "Worlds Most Wholesome Streamer" ?? 5:51:22 | beyondthegrave1997: Don't coom 5:51:22 | (Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: dating sim 5:51:24 | TheNeverShow: 5 night at nights at fanboys hooters 5:51:24 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: NO WOMAN ALLOWED 5:51:25 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Survive femboy hooters 5:51:25 | (Subscriber) benkidd: survival horror set at femboy hooters 5:51:25 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Gayge 5:51:26 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dcg44s: @amoyamoyamoya I saw the video where Nano visited. May I offer a suggestion regarding your bikes? 5:51:26 | whelkier: NO WOMEN 5:51:26 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: It's a Dating SIM for sure 5:51:26 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: Objective: Don't cum 5:51:27 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Women like femboys 5:51:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: don’t bust 5:51:27 | Ond_fisk: Its Plate up! but with femboys 5:51:28 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: We appeal to bi women 5:51:28 | k4rakara: D: 5:51:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Basic waiters outfit is white crop top and orange skirt. Special occasions they wear a maid dress LUL 5:51:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Some women like femboys 5:51:30 | mattchew13571357: lmao this could be a corn concept with soda 5:51:30 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: It’s all men 5:51:32 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Yes you do appeal to women 5:51:32 | lishoward: @loograt asking the real questions 5:51:33 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: well you would with me heh 5:51:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: there would be side quests in the video game 5:51:34 | AztechGrande: BASED 5:51:35 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: we do exist yes 5:51:36 | CasIHdude04: this sounds alot like among us 5:51:36 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: You already do! 5:51:37 | viryl_lucas: Nahh 5:51:37 | AztechGrande: WE DON'T 5:51:38 | (Subscriber) booberies1: I love femboys. I am a woman 5:51:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: Manage a femboy hooters. Like Theme Hospital 5:51:39 | rekhan337: Five nights at femboy hooters 5:51:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Already done 5:51:40 | (Subscriber) spirogal: I'm a woman just have a fashion show 5:51:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Five nights at femboys 5:51:40 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: who? 5:51:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: women like femboy's too 5:51:40 | Ch1coSnow: bigirls exist 5:51:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: am women, me like femboys, I'd visit 5:51:41 | (Prime Gaming) keklelw: Women like femboys wdym lol 5:51:42 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:51:42 | GreyWinterWraith: women get the lovense controllers 5:51:42 | amfournda: there are LOTS of women who like femboys 5:51:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Pegging would be popular 5:51:43 | (Subscriber) spirogal: mimosas plz 5:51:43 | josecortesnival: Yes there is 5:51:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: You say that like 1) women don't like femboys or 2) like hoo ters caters to women 5:51:44 | LadyLockwood92: Free drinks if you bring a strap? 5:51:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Would be more appealing to women than Hooters 5:51:44 | itseterra_: i happen to be one of them 5:51:45 | inconspicuouscrow: Talk about feelings 5:51:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: a LOT OF WOMEN like femboys 5:51:46 | creamy_crumbs: What are the Vegan Options? Smoked Carrots? 5:51:48 | (Subscriber) ChromyBuilds: There are women here NOW 5:51:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: The staff is hot. thats all you need 5:51:48 | (Prime Gaming) theassblasterttv: just have a ladies night 5:51:49 | (Prime Gaming) Sacranshu: My girlfriend likes femboys :3 5:51:50 | rileychipotle: Tru 5:51:50 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: they do 5:51:51 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 5:51:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Me here 5:51:53 | viryl_lucas: Nah 5:51:54 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: You know the way you said you got more interest from women as a femboy? Women would totally go to Femboy Hooters! 5:51:55 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: you would appeal to me def 5:51:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: k pop 5:51:56 | whelkier: nah wtf 5:51:58 | TheLonelyLamppost: youd get the goth chicks 5:51:59 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Woman Femboy enjoyer gang f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 5:51:59 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Cottontail likes you Finn 5:51:59 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: carnival food 5:52:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) BlaekCrow: BlaekCrow subscribed with Prime. 5:52:00 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Pretty sure women would love to go 5:52:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: blaekcrow subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang blaekcrow f1nnLezgang 5:52:00 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sherlock_norris: rent a femboy for your meal on your lap 5:52:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: there are dozens of us 5:52:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: Oh so that’s why my friend knows who you are!!! 5:52:02 | (cheer 1) Welshjemz: I am gutted i can't afford to sub to the battlepass yet xD 5:52:03 | (Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: A lot of girls love femboys lmaoo 5:52:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ayoitspidge: TRUE 5:52:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: Can't go that in a restaurant! 5:52:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: yes they are 5:52:05 | itseterra_: i promise you there are more women that like femboys than you think 5:52:06 | (Prime Gaming) DrJigglyStuff: it will appeal passivley 5:52:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Cotton seems to like a certain Femboy, aye? 5:52:07 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: There are bi women. Trust me they're down 5:52:07 | Clash_ofPixels: Ask tenz if he will fund a passion project for femboy hooters 5:52:11 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Women wanna CUDDLE y'all cute <3 5:52:11 | braddle172: f1nnPegChamp 5:52:12 | viryl_lucas: WHAT 5:52:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: BYOP 5:52:12 | ArxonBBY: Lots of women love femboys 5:52:13 | (GlitchCon 2020) ShaunaLlamaa: i is woman who likes fembois and i like where u r going 5:52:15 | phos4us_: of course 5:52:15 | (Prime Gaming) theassblasterttv: BYOP 5:52:16 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: like half of them are into it though 5:52:16 | itseterra_: bisexual women coming in clutch rn 5:52:17 | inconspicuouscrow: what 5:52:17 | Spoodlez: BYOP 5:52:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: Yes we are 5:52:18 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "How do we appeal to women?" "We don't." F1nn says the quiet part outloud. - 3620 5:52:18 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: pegging booth! 5:52:18 | stormyprawn: @F1NN5TER can you buy one? 5:52:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: Video game goal will be to defends the castle again religious nuts 5:52:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: ayooo 5:52:19 | LilSpurrell: All the women I know are into femboys, and MOST would peg the SHIT out if you lol 5:52:19 | CasIHdude04: raw frog would be a good survival choice 5:52:19 | GreyWinterWraith: BYOP, for health and safety 5:52:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Do the staff need girl voices? 5:52:20 | Emmy64_: AYOOO nanona1LETSGOO 5:52:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: You joke, but I've literally been in that club 5:52:21 | (Prime Gaming) kayliebee91: ] 5:52:21 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: yes 5:52:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Two out of my three partners love them some femboys ngl 5:52:23 | Ch1coSnow: plenty of bi women out there 5:52:23 | viryl_lucas: It is 5:52:23 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: yes 5:52:24 | (Subscriber) spirogal: D: 5:52:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: This is getting less legal over time 5:52:24 | inconspicuouscrow: please stop 5:52:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: wholesome... 5:52:25 | (Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: I feel like most femboys are submissive tho 5:52:25 | josecortesnival: U think? 5:52:25 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: very wholesome 5:52:25 | rileychipotle: Health code 5:52:26 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: please 5:52:26 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: i want to peg 5:52:26 | Therosbr: yes 5:52:26 | (Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: why not both? 5:52:27 | sr1gaming: Femboys on skates serving 5:52:27 | thefiercelink: the problem is? 5:52:27 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: We? You did this! 5:52:28 | (cheer 100) Panther216: por que no los dos 5:52:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: that's entirely on you 5:52:29 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: why not 5:52:29 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: and what? 5:52:30 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Wholesome stream @F1NN5TER 5:52:30 | LadyLockwood92: It can be two things. 5:52:30 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 5:52:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ethanthetoole: Nahhhhhh 5:52:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Welcome to the pegging hole 5:52:31 | Livv_sama: I would say femboys get more females… (experiences) 5:52:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: You mean the dishwashers, right? 5:52:33 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ayoitspidge: HUH 5:52:34 | stormyprawn: WHERE 5:52:35 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: I remember when this was going to be a wholesome stream. 5:52:35 | rileychipotle: Femboy bathhouse 5:52:35 | KnapperigeKapitein: so you have a restaurant in las vegas where you get spanked if you dont finish your food. you should do the same but in stead of spanking it should be pegging 5:52:35 | creamy_crumbs: Is there a cockage feel like when you bring your own wine to a restaurant? 5:52:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: It’s like one of those smoking stations for pegging LUL 5:52:37 | Aetreus88: sistel 5:52:37 | amimagus: Not a femboy, but pegging is poggers 5:52:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) sunnyd_1: HUH 5:52:38 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: ... 5:52:38 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lol 5:52:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Oh, wait, this was supposed to be a restaraunt? 5:52:39 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: We pot the BRO in BROthel 5:52:41 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: its mask IS the restaurant 5:52:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: this is awesome and I love this shit 5:52:41 | Kronksterpher: TRUEING 5:52:41 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: OOOO 5:52:42 | Emmy64_: A room exclusive for pegging LUL 5:52:42 | 1CrimsonPrincess: Y not both 5:52:42 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: what ... no rentals ? 5:52:42 | (GLHF Pledge) Elifighter: Where 5:52:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: in NYC... "Don't Tell Mama" 5:52:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: yes there are many LOL 5:52:45 | Kronksterpher: based 5:52:46 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: bring your own peg. lol 5:52:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: LUL yup 5:52:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Where? 5:52:47 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: We put the BRO in BROthel 5:52:47 | Loelinverse: true 5:52:48 | (Turbo) sipikay: you can hire chef boy-ardee to cook 5:52:48 | stormyprawn: Where?? 5:52:50 | justlucastb: Fem boys are manly 5:52:51 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: where?? 5:52:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: True 5:52:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: It's not there anymore, I don't think 5:52:54 | Loelinverse: yeah 5:52:55 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: its called pegging but its just getting paddled 5:52:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: mmmmmmmm 5:52:55 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: this is a holesome event 5:52:57 | (Prime Gaming) KabobKawaii: !uptime 5:52:57 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Is the wholesome stream in the room with us??? 5:52:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 53m 7s 5:52:57 | viryl_lucas: WHAAAAT 5:52:58 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: all the blow job shots you can drink 5:52:59 | rekhan337: FEMBOY FRIDAYS 5:52:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: It’s in New York 5:53:00 | inconspicuouscrow: WHAT 5:53:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: drop the addy 5:53:01 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: LUL 5:53:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Quaccc_: BYOSO 5:53:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: wholesome stream? that ship sailed a long time ago 5:53:02 | BBCs: my girl stay strapped 5:53:03 | StarSnowLeopard: I tabbed in to strap on night 5:53:03 | Loelinverse: Its called a dungeon 5:53:03 | Spoodlez: Is there nights where its not bring your own? 5:53:05 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: It's in America because of course it is 5:53:05 | Emmy64_: @knapperigekapitein Nah that's extreme even for me LUL 5:53:06 | sleepycb94: drink are 1/2 off that night 5:53:06 | viryl_lucas: Where is this Mystical place 5:53:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: Yeah, it’s called Bangkok 5:53:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: I want to live in the universe where this exists 5:53:09 | (Subscriber) spirogal: make sure to tip your femboy! 5:53:10 | Loelinverse: @keller4589 lol Hacienda 5:53:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: there's p[robably about 5 places like that in soho! 5:53:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: GO TO BED 5:53:14 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: no femboy is safe with giga chad on the case 5:53:15 | (Subscriber) shadow_kill1625: Steak and under the desk support 5:53:15 | inconspicuouscrow: how much more degenerate can we get as humans 5:53:17 | bucket_kid_: slep 5:53:18 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: go to bed 5:53:19 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER wasnt there something about going to beb like 1 hour ago ? 5:53:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: Wholesome stream so, shutting up 5:53:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mozts2005: Yeah, I think this club is in Reno 5:53:20 | bucket_kid_: sleep 5:53:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Bedge? 5:53:23 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: time for slep 5:53:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: maybe go to sleep and dream about Femboy Hooters 5:53:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Tired thoughts be like LUL 5:53:27 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Free drink with every pair of catears 5:53:27 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Sleep now Finnster 5:53:32 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: Hi fin 5:53:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @ChasingSol He never will 5:53:32 | skyblues06: have one really buff guy 5:53:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxZzz minxZzz minxZzz 5:53:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Listen to Solus 5:53:34 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Nano is trying to put "Femboy Milk" into mass-production, by the way. 5:53:34 | CasIHdude04: drinks are free 5:53:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: Not the boy milk dear lord 5:53:38 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Short fries lol 5:53:39 | LadyLockwood92: Something something Special sauce. 5:53:39 | LilSpurrell: I LOVE mayo on fries 5:53:42 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: @Solus_kun @F1NN5TER went to bed an hour ago 5:53:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Quebec 5:53:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: the shake will be named boy milk, obviously 5:53:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: And Sol 5:53:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -20s Bring you own strap-on night. OMG. - 3570 5:53:44 | howlinmaddog187: Extra mayo?? 5:53:44 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: is it fins bed time 5:53:45 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @lightninglouise7 FeelsBadMan never 5:53:45 | (Subscriber) spirogal: can women get a separate section full of cute things and femboy models 5:53:46 | TheNeverShow: cat girl goes moo 5:53:50 | frost177: F*** there's a restaurant in America I forgot the name of the restaurant where they insult to the whole time SabaPing SabaPing 5:53:51 | justlucastb: GO TO SLEEP 5:53:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: Thursdays is Bears Night 5:53:53 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: What you wearing? 5:53:54 | mattchew13571357: crunchy creme 5:53:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: cyrSmug cyrSmug cyrSmug 5:53:56 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @Helen_Croft ahh great Kappa 5:54:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: I said, glaze donuts because of the meme 5:54:00 | (Subscriber) spirogal: femboy mimosas 5:54:02 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: Femboy cream LUL 5:54:02 | CasIHdude04: finn do you love your american audience this much 5:54:02 | Emmy64_: nanona1Claps 5:54:04 | Loelinverse: suftnuts 5:54:05 | beyondthegrave1997: Glayzed doughnuts 5:54:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) blanksmudge: !watchtime 5:54:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Show balls 5:54:06 | denialdelivery798: What do you do for the tip? 5:54:06 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Mostly short, but then some very randomly long fries 5:54:07 | rileychipotle: Cwispy cweme 5:54:11 | bucket_kid_: yes\ 5:54:11 | viryl_lucas: NAH 5:54:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @frost177, Ed Debevics in West Hollywood did that but they closed a long time ago. 5:54:12 | r_a_user: We serve cracked eggs 5:54:12 | (Subscriber) booberies1: Balls are for tmrw 5:54:12 | louwaters: stop showing up on my tiktok feed, 5:54:13 | Emmy64_: @pynkfryck f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 5:54:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: slightly 5:54:13 | l3laz3de: no 5:54:14 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No 5:54:14 | braddle172: GivePLZ 5:54:14 | (Subscriber) spirogal: FLUSH 5:54:14 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: such a manly sit 5:54:14 | phos4us_: we all sit weird af 5:54:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 5:54:15 | capsulatepluto: bi sitting 5:54:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Fem sit 5:54:15 | qjuramentada: Misa from Death Note? 5:54:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: LUL 5:54:15 | josecortesnival: As someone who has been in a krispy kreme this is accurate 5:54:16 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: cute 5:54:16 | nihilistpicard: no 5:54:17 | viryl_lucas: Nope 5:54:17 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: nah 5:54:17 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: How can this fluffer stay awake for 30 plus hours and still stream for over 5 hours 5:54:19 | rekhan337: Fully spread KEKW 5:54:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: for free/ 5:54:19 | (Subscriber) pengu1nzcs: ResidentSleeper 5:54:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: It's fine 5:54:19 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: no 5:54:20 | (Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: bruises on the knees a lil sus 5:54:20 | (Prime Gaming) RatAcid: very common gay way to sit 5:54:21 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: death note 5:54:21 | viryl_lucas: Hehehehew 5:54:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) SpockLogical: Femboy Cream-n-Go 5:54:22 | general_of_cm: tipical bottom pose 5:54:23 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Shark finn soup? 5:54:24 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: What happened to your knee boss? 5:54:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: BUT....what about the protesters? You will get them, and they will interfere with your doing business 5:54:24 | ImEdwinWX: sitting the same way rn 5:54:25 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Cutie 5:54:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: sounds like my kind of restaurant 5:54:26 | (Prime Gaming) zarn_1: slightly bisexual but yes 5:54:26 | (Prime Gaming) burst872: you just activate my google home when you said thaty 5:54:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: nah, casual way to sit 5:54:27 | (Prime Gaming) SoupBunn: sitting like a bisexual 5:54:27 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: Cute lol 5:54:28 | LadyLockwood92: I have no idea what you're talking about. Seems normal o me. 5:54:28 | GreyWinterWraith: goddamn those thighs though 5:54:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Blanket on the chair really brings the comfy look together 5:54:31 | GremlinOfTithrias: i see worlds most wholesome streamer and click on to hear B A L L S 5:54:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: make it a rawdog not hotdog 5:54:31 | (Subscriber) benkidd: cute 5:54:32 | coldrose1: Hello 5:54:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: you know what soda called those shorts 5:54:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat 5:54:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @clulabell, He hates his Mods. 5:54:32 | braddle172: Cute 5:54:33 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Very gay way to sit tbh 5:54:33 | (GLHF Pledge) joaoalkmim: you'd be a solid 5 here in brazil 5:54:34 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: Always with the grossest socks 5:54:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: legs 5:54:35 | (Prime Gaming) Orangesman: name the restaurant pp cream 5:54:37 | viryl_lucas: lmao 5:54:37 | smithyonetwelve: thicc 5:54:37 | 99thking: Straight people don't sit like that HahaBaby 5:54:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) blanksmudge: !watchtime f 5:54:38 | inupixels: HUH 5:54:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) louisoft01: THIGHS 5:54:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) wamboder: the bailys shot from deadpool. to afraid to say the name 5:54:39 | Emmy64_: Female at a beach sitting 5:54:40 | fakepacman: how about some iced buns 5:54:41 | nihilistpicard: mhmm 5:54:41 | rat_smoker: for freeeeeeeee? 5:54:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: clulabell - Finn is craxy 5:54:42 | (Subscriber) spirogal: im a girl D: 5:54:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL 5:54:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) charliemcv_1999: You know what they say about bruised knees? 5:54:43 | (Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: noice 5:54:43 | viryl_lucas: Buy more then 5:54:43 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: i want some of the chicken thighs KEKW 5:54:43 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: thicc thighs saves lives 5:54:44 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: 5 minutes until the 6 hour mark @F1NN5TER 5:54:44 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: oops cute 5:54:44 | mootie1: 5:54:44 | mattchew13571357: Kim Hortons 5:54:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ethanthetoole: Creamed corn 5:54:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Thighs 5:54:46 | xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER Hey, Nice legs 5:54:46 | (GLHF Pledge) diabeticbarbie: woah i caught a fin stream im gay now 5:54:47 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: slap them legs 5:54:47 | capsulatepluto: mcdonalds is code for e 5:54:49 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: Love the jiggly jiggs 5:54:49 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Push-back. Shows us his balls (Error 404). - 3570 5:54:50 | (Subscriber) spirogal: balls 5:54:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) ramboo1989: pawg 5:54:52 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Its almost 1 am, sleeep 5:54:53 | syafiq13: sell me ur farts 5:54:53 | Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO 5:54:53 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Thighsss 5:54:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: rawdog instead of hotdog 5:54:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: it goes straight to your thighs 5:54:55 | inconspicuouscrow: another ban incoming LUL 5:54:56 | BGrimmGaming: DO i spot a bit of jiggle in them thighs? 5:54:57 | sr1gaming: Crunchy ASMR 5:54:57 | TheNeverShow: I thought that was the incredible meat that did that 5:54:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: ZoshiePoshie subscribed with Prime. 5:54:58 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: zoshieposhie subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zoshieposhie f1nnLezgang 5:54:59 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: then you blow up 5:54:59 | (Subscriber) spirogal: you have to believe me or its transphobic 5:54:59 | (Watching without audio) kobrachicken: yeah fill that hole 5:55:00 | KentPlayz24: ur a girl 5:55:04 | (Prime Gaming) KakaCarmenElectra: @ScarredLemon why you watchin his socks bruh 5:55:04 | xXNeroZashiXx: Lol 5:55:05 | justlucastb: WOMAN POG 5:55:06 | general_of_cm: girls arent real 5:55:09 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @KentPlayz24, nope 5:55:12 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: im starting to believe the hydrating redeem doesn't work LUL 5:55:14 | KentPlayz24: Ur so pretty 5:55:15 | (Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: the bruises on your knees are kinda sus 5:55:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: KEKW 5:55:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: Yes, we make that joke 5:55:17 | stormyprawn: KEKW 5:55:18 | k4rakara: yes 5:55:18 | LilSpurrell: We absolutely do lol 5:55:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: KakaCarmenElectra - for the Tiktok of course 5:55:18 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: 5:55:18 | im_up_to_something: The hair lazer removal paying off <3 5:55:18 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: KEKW 5:55:18 | (cheer 100) Andrew_Is_Bacon: I’m 15 and my thighs are thicker than that ( and no I’m not fat I touch grass) 5:55:19 | Kronksterpher: we do 5:55:19 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Constantly switching between "meme with Finn" mode and "thirst for Finn" mode yikes 5:55:19 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: What you mushing on there fin? 5:55:20 | dandylion8089: lol 5:55:20 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:55:20 | organic_rust: yeah 5:55:21 | shnazzle: also a beard joke 5:55:21 | (Subscriber) booberies1: I SAY that all the time 5:55:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: all the time, same with names 5:55:21 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 5:55:21 | LadyLockwood92: Yeah. 5:55:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:55:22 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW home grown! 5:55:23 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: almost at 6 hours 5:55:23 | Willowight: yep 5:55:23 | capsulatepluto: yeah we say that 5:55:23 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Yes 5:55:23 | Emmy64_: @besnos They deliver it without the foreskin KEKW 5:55:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Push-back. Shows THICC thighs. Actually look kinda nice ngl. - 3560 5:55:24 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: @johnkeiwo wait, what 5:55:24 | inconspicuouscrow: yes 5:55:25 | viryl_lucas: Yeah 5:55:26 | judgedame: Hot dog donut 5:55:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Girls online aren't real 5:55:26 | (Prime Gaming) chaosaber: You like death note? 5:55:26 | GremlinOfTithrias: can confirm, we do say that 5:55:26 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: Battle Pass starts in 7 minutes?! 5:55:26 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: yup xD 5:55:27 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: It's a meme, now. 5:55:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 5:55:28 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 5:55:29 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: How much for the pink blanket? 5:55:29 | (Subscriber) spirogal: we've got good jokes 5:55:32 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: I mean that would be true of women and transwomen alike LUL 5:55:33 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: stealing trans jokes D: 5:55:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) brennapnw: I have... 5:55:34 | Rohboat64: if you can't grow them yourself, storebought is fine! 5:55:37 | bucket_kid_: false 5:55:40 | general_of_cm: x 5:55:40 | viryl_lucas: Wut 5:55:40 | NUFC4life1979: Night @f1nn5ter hope everything goes great with the battle pass 5:55:42 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: monkaS 5:55:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: Common trans tech 5:55:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: Her name is Cotton 5:55:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: STOLEN VALOR 5:55:44 | mootie1: 2020Snacking 5:55:44 | inconspicuouscrow: its not even just a trans thing either 5:55:45 | cloud_emily365: Finnster im sad because my dog might have to go to the vet he’s crying when I try to pick him up 5:55:45 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: STOLEN VALOR 5:55:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: ope 5:55:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: once upon a time 5:55:47 | justlucastb: no balls? 5:55:48 | Lambflop: No because mine are still too small to get complimented jasjawLife 5:55:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: "Ive seen a girl before online..." 5:55:49 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: cotton 5:55:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) gartoks: @lifebound 20h 10min at 8:03pm uk time 5:55:50 | torch_head3: imposible 5:55:51 | viryl_lucas: No it's a psyop 5:55:52 | macarous: coomer 5:55:54 | general_of_cm: WAhta??! BOIs Hide!!! 5:55:55 | (Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) savvyfaire: twenty years ago, people on the internet used to say "girls aren't real," and now, sitting here in this stream, I know they were right 5:55:56 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Finn is a girl online, and he's not real 5:55:57 | whelkier: girs offline dont exist 5:55:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: Guy In Real Life 5:55:57 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: There are???? 5:55:57 | (Prime Gaming) Spryt_: they're just behind a paywall 5:55:57 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: proof 5:55:59 | sr1gaming: @lifebound 19 hours 7 mins 5:55:59 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: 4 minutes until the 6 hour mark @F1NN5TER 5:55:59 | bigsuave7: Im looking at one 5:56:00 | Loelinverse: paywalled? 5:56:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: They are all AI 5:56:00 | (Prime Gaming) Froggimoggi11: of when 5:56:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) saph_witch: She gon peg you 5:56:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: What's a girl? 5:56:05 | (Subscriber) spirogal: PogU F1nn admits there are girls 5:56:05 | GremlinOfTithrias: cotton is so mommy 5:56:06 | (Prime Gaming) WildFoxAttack: have you? 5:56:07 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 5:56:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:56 5:56:08 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Will you sell articles of clothing on your OF? 5:56:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Cotton is just CGI, she is just designed that photorealistically 5:56:09 | Emmy64_: @cruzmi07 No, and no autopromo 5:56:10 | macarous: i have 5:56:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @cruzmi07 sub to F1nn5terlive instead kthx 5:56:11 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 5:56:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 56m 21s 5:56:14 | (Listening only) chainedchish: is it a cute face? 5:56:15 | saint_kim_86: what bally was that? 5:56:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Helen is on countdown KEKW 5:56:19 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: it's a myth girls are not real only femboys 5:56:22 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: People here still believing in "girls" 5:56:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: All girls are secretly bois. Confirmed 5:56:28 | LilSpurrell: Will we see any Cotton on your OF 5:56:36 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: Jude lets get drunk 5:56:42 | GremlinOfTithrias: stay hydrated yall 5:56:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: it's not a ripoff page it's pretty official 5:56:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @darthlink12, NO 5:56:47 | (cheer 100) Andrew_Is_Bacon: Anyone Here DYING OF POLLEN RIGHT NOW? 5:56:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Wiktionary isn't a rip off lol 5:56:48 | aunalbrutal: When is this going to end so i can schedule my life to return? 5:56:48 | StormCloud119: wikitionary is part of wikimedia lol 5:56:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Wiktionary is official 5:56:51 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER can you look at DMs quick ? :) 5:56:51 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: 3 minutes until the 6 hour mark 5:56:52 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @LilSpurrell I think mainly polyester and latex. 5:56:53 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: sleeeppp 5:56:54 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: just a dictionary part of Wikipedia 5:56:56 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: I'm dying 5:56:58 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: Go to bed then, you eedjit 5:56:59 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Go to bed 5:57:00 | anschofi: lol wiktionary a rip-off lmao 5:57:00 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: POGGERS 5:57:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Not of pollen 5:57:00 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: SAO? Sword Art Online? 5:57:00 | (Prime Gaming) Froggimoggi11: 20 bucks??? i cant afford that in a million years, feelsbadman 5:57:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Not a rip off lol 5:57:02 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: But dying 5:57:03 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Mommy needs her beauty sleep 5:57:03 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: GO TO BED 5:57:03 | (Prime Gaming) static_kage: static_kage subscribed with Prime. 5:57:03 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: @darthlink12 your trying to cause terror 5:57:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: static_kage subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang static_kage f1nnLezgang 5:57:04 | mootie1: rimjimLuv sleep king 5:57:05 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dcg44s: @amoyamoyamoya May I offer a suggestion reguarding your bikes? 5:57:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Your eyes are SUPER RED 5:57:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: GO TO BED then 5:57:07 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I'm tired 5:57:08 | (Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: Toes on OF? 5:57:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: The go to sleep! 5:57:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: because it's a dictionary, not an encyclopedia 5:57:08 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: the dictionary part for Wiki 5:57:10 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Go to bed silly 5:57:10 | bucket_kid_: if you're tired maybe sleep? crazy idea I know 5:57:12 | alohawoody: hii 5:57:12 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: !uptime 5:57:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 5h 57m 22s 5:57:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: You have to go to sleep 5:57:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: @stovamor was that a supernatural reference 5:57:20 | (Subscriber) rangePL: is this the last bit of content 5:57:20 | (Watching without audio) guershh: @jordieboi45 zaza 5:57:20 | Emmy64_: @mossbirbz Then i have a credit card slot? tf LUL 5:57:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: Go to bed, Princess 5:57:22 | m4cintoshplus: Finn is anxious leave her be 5:57:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: lol 5:57:24 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Finn go to bed, the FOMO is keeping me here 5:57:24 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: AHAHAH 5:57:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: omg 5:57:24 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 5:57:26 | sr1gaming: Oh no 5:57:27 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: NICE ONE 5:57:28 | viryl_lucas: Oh no 5:57:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: seen this 5:57:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: oh no 5:57:31 | forgotten_king78: Don't do it 5:57:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bimbo says he's tired then continues to stream for another 2 hours KEKW 5:57:32 | (Subscriber) spirogal: OMEGALUL 5:57:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: moments before disaster 5:57:33 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @keller4589, no 5:57:33 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: oh no 5:57:35 | whelkier: imagine being called Jude lmao 5:57:36 | Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 5:57:37 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: OMEGALUL 5:57:39 | braddle172: KEKW 5:57:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: LUL 5:57:40 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 5:57:41 | mootie1: LUL 5:57:41 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: OMEGALUL 5:57:42 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: r0se 5:57:42 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: LUL 5:57:42 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: KEKW 5:57:42 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: KEKW 5:57:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 5:57:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: KEKW 5:57:43 | phos4us_: LUL 5:57:43 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: KEKW 5:57:43 | stormyprawn: KEKW 5:57:44 | (Prime Gaming) Alpinefresh: LUL 5:57:44 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: is it 2 days of being awake yet f1nnSad 5:57:44 | (Prime Gaming) Froggimoggi11: KEKW 5:57:44 | unopenedcookies: HAH 5:57:45 | (Listening only) xJayjayxd: KEKW 5:57:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: KEKW 5:57:45 | viryl_lucas: Lmao 5:57:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 5:57:45 | blu3berrycat: lol 5:57:45 | arquiJ: KEKW 5:57:46 | 101frag420: wtf 5:57:46 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: lol 5:57:46 | (cheer 100) Stoorma: Wikipedia is to Encyclopedias as Wiktionary is to Dictionary 5:57:46 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: OMEGALUL 5:57:46 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Tomorrow is going to be a big day 5:57:46 | nihilistpicard: hah 5:57:46 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: ahaha 5:57:46 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: french isn't real 5:57:47 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: LMAOOO 5:57:47 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: KEKW 5:57:47 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Gottem 5:57:48 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lol 5:57:48 | alohawoody: hahahah 5:57:48 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: impheeKek impheeKek 5:57:48 | josecortesnival: Oh lol 5:57:49 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 5:57:49 | Lyond2: KEKW 5:57:49 | BGrimmGaming: Cheer100 You gonna work with Meowriza and Fr3ddi to maximize eachothers battlepasses? 5:57:50 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: lolol 5:57:50 | (cheer 1) da_panda_bexz: kekw 5:57:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 5:57:51 | GalbatorixTheFirst: LUL 5:57:51 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: 2 minutes until the 6 hour mark 5:57:51 | Emmy64_: OMEGALUL 5:57:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: hahahaha. nice 5:57:53 | arquiJ: Clap 5:57:53 | stormyprawn: too easy 5:57:54 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 5:57:54 | viryl_lucas: Noice 5:57:54 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnPegChamp 5:57:54 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 5:57:54 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: look how he blushes 5:57:55 | mootie1: Ok 50 10 5:57:56 | torch_head3: funny 5:57:56 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i already knew 5:57:56 | Steys00: KEKW 5:57:58 | (Prime Gaming) Narweeen: ca ce dis pas comme ca 5:57:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: I love this 5:57:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) theking_cool: Kekw 5:57:59 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Coq the math tool? 5:57:59 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:58:00 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: KEKW 5:58:03 | 99thking: Gottem 5:58:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 5:58:04 | im_up_to_something: Lmao 5:58:05 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: 5:58:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reads Solus DM. Asks F1nn to translate something on Google Translate. - 3560 5:58:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dafdeddog: haha 5:58:05 | bdx50: LOL 5:58:06 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo how did you knew KEKW 5:58:07 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: blushes like a rose 5:58:08 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Narweeen, shhhhh ! 5:58:11 | Chri55PBacon: LUL LUL 5:58:11 | (3-Month Subscriber) xaacs: You manly man. Go to bed. 5:58:13 | (Prime Gaming) Narweeen: does not translate well 5:58:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: lol 5:58:18 | theyluv_le: Are you truly the worlds most wholesome streamer 5:58:20 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Solus_kun, it's better to do the 50 10 9 5:58:21 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Solus_kun, ? 5:58:22 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: KEKW 5:58:24 | trashchildjpeg: I like your Misa Misa shirt! 5:58:29 | GremlinOfTithrias: ROSE GO TO SLEEP ITS ONE IN THE MORNING 5:58:29 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: That's the name for the house Rose Wine LUL 5:58:32 | (Prime Gaming) obipyr: f1nn is rthe most gullble fucker ive ever seen 5:58:33 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @Amoyamoyamoya ?? 5:58:33 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 5:58:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo 5:58:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Solus_kun, ??? 5:58:44 | smithyonetwelve: i took a bite of a peperami just as you said suck on this cock lol 5:58:46 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo 50 10 9 ? huh 5:58:49 | (Subscriber) spirogal: im drinking pink moscato from Aldi it gud 5:58:50 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @Amoyamoyamoya ???? 5:58:52 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: FBtouchdown 5:58:52 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: 1 minute until the 6 hour mark @F1NN5TER 5:58:54 | lilskipper_7t: are you a Dude?!?!?!? 5:58:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @Solus_kun, ?x5 5:58:59 | snotily: hydrate b word 5:58:59 | EstradiolValerate: We could totally get the furst result for "femboy" for a while 5:59:01 | (Prime Gaming) kasey4331: kasey4331 subscribed with Prime. 5:59:02 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: kasey4331 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kasey4331 f1nnLezgang 5:59:02 | (Subscriber, Direct Relief - Charity 2018) axing_: goodnight y'all im off 5:59:07 | snotily: SHIT ALGOROTHURM 5:59:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 1000) pansnake_: Mods are just posting question marks I think they're broken 5:59:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 5:59:10 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @Solus_kun, yep cinquante dix neuf 5:59:10 | (Prime Gaming) trackman53: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart cottontailBIGLOVE ammoHeart gappyvLove aikoruL sogCute inatttLove becomi11NgLove kidnotCute keffalL susuLove blondi13Kiss itspea13Headpat femboy32Heart audr1eHeart sodacatPet spicycowLovies 5:59:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong 5:59:11 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: BIng BOnh 5:59:13 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @Amoyamoyamoya ? KEKW what you want 5:59:14 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong 5:59:16 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart 5:59:16 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: BIng Bong 5:59:16 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:17 | braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:18 | CasIHdude04: Cheer100 how painful was laser 5:59:19 | kgober: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: WOO 5:59:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: oh boy 5:59:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 5:59:19 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL 5:59:20 | xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW 5:59:20 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:21 | phos4us_: out and in 5:59:21 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:22 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: ruthinshadowfire subscribed with Prime. 5:59:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ruthinshadowfire subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ruthinshadowfire f1nnLezgang 5:59:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong 5:59:23 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: Uh oh 5:59:23 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 sleep 5:59:24 | Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong 5:59:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Time for beb! 5:59:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: POV? 5:59:32 | GayMegalodon: What is your Instagram? 5:59:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) jaydefranco: go to bed 5:59:32 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: I've done one of those 5:59:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: suck it f3mmbot, you got beat 5:59:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kasey4331: HIiii finnn 5:59:34 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo gonna need to look at it LUL 5:59:34 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong sarahs39Bingbong adcvrDINKDONK deamhaWiggle puckLove f1nnHeart 5:59:35 | (Prime Gaming) Nova_Prime_69: whipped cream 5:59:35 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight @F1NN5TER its 6 hours 5:59:35 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: go bed finnster 5:59:36 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) commymommy420: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:37 | braddle172: !time 5:59:37 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 01:00 5:59:38 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Bedge 5:59:39 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !socials 5:59:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 5:59:40 | Emmy64_: !socials 5:59:41 | (cheer 100) varmac86: !donate $3 If you are tired, go to sleep 5:59:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !socials 5:59:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 5:59:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. 5:59:42 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong 5:59:42 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !socials 5:59:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 5:59:45 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's a shot where the guy puts it between his legs when he is on the bar and then u grab it with your mouth and drink 5:59:46 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's a shot where the guy puts it between his legs when he is on the bar and then u grab it with your mouth and drink 5:59:46 | (Subscriber) spirogal: yess 5:59:48 | Kronksterpher: blowjob shots theres literal coomshot in resturants 5:59:48 | poopy_gt: you a black boy whip KKKKKK 5:59:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: Yes basically 5:59:51 | Lyond2: 6 hours SeemsGood 5:59:53 | (Subscriber) spirogal: i'd do it 5:59:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: it's just a mixed shot of something i think 5:59:54 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: KEKW 5:59:55 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Bed time F1nn 5:59:55 | Emmy64_: KEKW 5:59:56 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxZzz minxZzz minxZzz 5:59:57 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: I'd pay good money for that 5:59:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @johnkeiwo monkaS 6:00:00 | (Former Hype Train Conductor) MightWinMightWin: its when you pick up the shot glass with your mouth and it looks like you have a dick in your mouth 6:00:00 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: do you smell pretty fincess 6:00:00 | braddle172: KEKW 6:00:02 | jimboz0: Pneumatic white russian 6:00:03 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 6:00:03 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 01:00 6:00:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: SPOT ON ACTUALLY 6:00:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: My boyfriend and I are buyin your OF 6:00:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: huh 6:00:05 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 6:00:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 6h 15s 6:00:05 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: almost 6:00:05 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: cock shot glass? 6:00:06 | (Watching without audio) Ember1379: !time 6:00:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: not at all 6:00:08 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: you have to get the shot glass without using your hands 6:00:08 | Kronksterpher: its a shot 6:00:08 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo why do you know that LUL 6:00:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Too far 6:00:09 | Emmy64_: I need to search that later KEKW 6:00:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn 6:00:14 | (Subscriber) shadow_kill1625: You take the shot with no hands and pretty much deep throat it 6:00:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: basically it 6:00:18 | lilskipper_7t: Im Strokin rn 6:00:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) richarduk81: Welcome to femhooters home of the bussy glazed donut 6:00:21 | (Prime Gaming) fancypan: Can't wait for bottomless breadstick night, where you get unlimited breadsticks but only if you're a top 6:00:21 | RoseAwayMyPain: 1/2 ounce amaretto liqueur 1/5 ounce Irish cream liqueur Whipped cream, to top 6:00:23 | Kronksterpher: yeah auto mod 6:00:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:00:30 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 6:00:32 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: KEKW 6:00:32 | toughburrito914: What did I walk in to 6:00:34 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 6:00:35 | viryl_lucas: Scammed 6:00:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 6:00:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 6:00:36 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 6:00:37 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: are we staying up for the battlepass drop??? 6:00:37 | Emmy64_: KEKW 6:00:37 | xXNeroZashiXx: Can watch together 6:00:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: KEKW 6:00:39 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: KEKW 6:00:39 | (Prime Gaming) MadMohawkMafia: MadMohawkMafia subscribed with Prime. 6:00:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: madmohawkmafia subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang madmohawkmafia f1nnLezgang 6:00:41 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Did he ever tell us the one more Battlepass thing before ending? 6:00:41 | braddle172: KEKW 6:00:41 | AztechGrande: Now i want that shot 6:00:42 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: That’s cool asf 6:00:43 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @toughburrito914, a stream on twitch 6:00:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Did he ever tell us the one more Battlepass thing before ending? 6:00:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: kekw 6:00:48 | theJeanSupreme: me and my gf gonna do the same 6:00:48 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: @NopenguinYT good luck staying up for another like 18 hours 6:00:49 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: "Most wholesome streamer" 6:00:50 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: no password sharing on this netflix account lol 6:00:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: no password sharing izidRUserious 6:00:51 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: What's your Instagram Username? 6:00:53 | rileychipotle: Why are we calling OF battle pass lol 6:00:53 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:00:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: oh fuck, we wanted to buy a company account for me and the 24 developers at the department 6:00:59 | viryl_lucas: HAHAHHAHAHA 6:01:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: only 19 hours left 6:01:05 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Oof 6:01:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Chasiu - This is Finn tho 6:01:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: where would one find this "battlepass"? 6:01:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: @rileychipotle to avoid being monitored by Twitch 6:01:11 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: Instagram name? 6:01:12 | Emmy64_: @iarroyo03 tf 6:01:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: @rileychipotle cause we cant say the other word on Twitch 6:01:13 | viryl_lucas: Hehe 6:01:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @NopenguinYT at this rate, maybe 6:01:16 | mootie1: Haha2020 6:01:19 | (Prime Gaming) strwbrrsnd: CowJAM 6:01:24 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 6:01:25 | viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHAHA 6:01:25 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bed time @F1NN5TER its 6 hours now 6:01:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 6:01:28 | braddle172: !battlepass 6:01:28 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 6:01:30 | mootie1: HahaHide 6:01:37 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @Iarroyo03, DOn't do that 6:01:39 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnMonka 6:01:40 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: LUL 6:01:41 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:01:42 | (Prime Gaming) Froggimoggi11: justice to larroyo03 6:01:43 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: L 6:01:43 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: congrats 6:01:43 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: "sleep" 6:01:44 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: for 8hours he was "busy" KEKW 6:01:45 | mootie1: rimjimBite 6:01:45 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: omg 6:01:46 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: ..... 6:01:47 | viryl_lucas: OOF 6:01:47 | GalbatorixTheFirst: battle pass?? 6:01:50 | (cheer 1000) SeriousTTV: LMao 6:01:51 | macarous: oh woq 6:01:51 | phos4us_: true friend 6:01:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxWoke 6:01:52 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: ?????????? 6:01:52 | (Prime Gaming) Ankaration: Ankaration subscribed with Prime. 6:01:52 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: ankaration subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ankaration f1nnLezgang 6:01:53 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 6:01:53 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: jesus 6:01:54 | besrock3: I lost the game 6:01:55 | (Prime Gaming) darthlink12: What is it 6:01:55 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: seeesh 6:01:56 | macarous: wow* 6:01:57 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Well 6:02:01 | viryl_lucas: LMAO 6:02:01 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: KEKW 6:02:01 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: how heartwarming 6:02:02 | xXNeroZashiXx: lol 6:02:02 | torch_head3: bruh 6:02:03 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: Kappa 6:02:04 | general_of_cm: shure.... 6:02:05 | macarous: Kappa 6:02:05 | blue_me1ody: OMEGALUL 6:02:06 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: OMEGALUL 6:02:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: great 6:02:07 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Lol 6:02:08 | braddle172: KEKW 6:02:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) alliephenix99: HAHAHAHAHA 6:02:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: KEKW 6:02:09 | nihilistpicard: mhmm 6:02:09 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: Kappa Kappa Kappa 6:02:10 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Classic excuse 6:02:12 | LadyLockwood92: 'I have been hacked' - Him 6:02:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: technically not 6:02:14 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: OMEGALUL 6:02:15 | viryl_lucas: DAFUQ 6:02:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: HAHAHAHA 6:02:15 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Claaaaassic excuse 6:02:16 | Emmy64_: KEKW 6:02:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: OMEGALUL 6:02:16 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 6:02:17 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: KEKW 6:02:19 | (Prime Gaming) cuddlebear187: The Blow Job shot is relatively low-alcohol and easy to make, combining just three ingredients: amaretto, Irish cream and whipped cream. The Irish cream is layered onto the amaretto, and the whipped cream is applied as a topper. The drink is meant to be tipped back in one go. 6:02:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: LUL 6:02:23 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: get some sleeep 6:02:25 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bed time @F1NN5TER its 6 hours now 6:02:27 | AztechGrande: Yesssirrr 6:02:29 | dandylion8089: lol 6:02:31 | torch_head3: that split personality hits hard 6:02:35 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: yes... 8 hours later after "sleeping" 6:02:37 | viryl_lucas: Cucked 6:02:37 | AztechGrande: "My wife" KEKW 6:02:40 | toasted_your_dog: There should be a secret menu drink called femboys mayo which is a guys coom which is giving to you in a shit glass 6:02:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: Its March 1st in EU! 6:02:41 | Emmy64_: @cuddlebear187 nanona1Smug 6:02:42 | Loelinverse: F1nn-affected adultery lmao 6:02:46 | besrock3: BibleThump53 I lost the game 6:02:46 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Bedge 6:02:52 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: those be the ones 6:02:55 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: LUL 6:02:56 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: It's always the quiet ones you need to watch out for @f1nn5ter 6:02:56 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: It's always the quiet ones you need to watch out for @f1nn5ter 6:02:56 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: It's always the quiet ones you need to watch out for @f1nn5ter 6:02:58 | mootie1: Omg rimjimSweat 6:02:58 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: lmaooooo 6:03:00 | nihilistpicard: wife a big fan wow 6:03:01 | (Subscriber) spirogal: PogU based wife 6:03:01 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:03:01 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: omg 6:03:02 | smithyonetwelve: does she spin really fast 6:03:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: True 6:03:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) bigsadge: noo don't go i just got here! 6:03:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: @besrock3 why f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad 6:03:05 | torch_head3: dude thats... cute? 6:03:06 | (Prime Gaming) GNSxTRKZ: @besrock3 you son of a 6:03:06 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: pog 6:03:06 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Chasiu KEKW 6:03:07 | viryl_lucas: Ddd 6:03:07 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: it's over 6 hours, I am no longer required to actually mod and touch the messages I see 6:03:09 | viryl_lucas: Ded 6:03:09 | toasted_your_dog: Shot glass 6:03:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: ask why he isn;t subbed? 6:03:13 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: ask if she wants to have a collab 6:03:13 | madlordjv: other girls? 6:03:14 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Pog 6:03:14 | dax_the_pirate: F1nn5er 6:03:14 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: his wife will peg you 6:03:14 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 6:03:15 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 01:04 6:03:15 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: wow I'm feel being personally attacked 6:03:16 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 6:03:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 6h 3m 26s 6:03:16 | mha_lover18: Hi 6:03:17 | (Prime Gaming) UK_Jaka: ukjakaPeeks 6:03:18 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: 'thank you' is customary 6:03:19 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: feeling 6:03:19 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Take a shot then 6:03:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: John KEKW 6:03:19 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: i can relax and be a normal chatter 6:03:20 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: The normies embrace F1nn 6:03:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @johnkeiwo Bazed 6:03:20 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) WyldAntic: It's always the quiet ones 6:03:21 | Loelinverse: Oh now you know? 6:03:22 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @johnkeiwo LUL 6:03:22 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Oof 6:03:23 | mootie1: rimjimSweat 6:03:23 | droolgoat: ye my wife is my right hand :^) 6:03:25 | Loelinverse: lul 6:03:26 | (Prime Gaming) bunkbedboi2: FortHype FortHype FortHype 6:03:29 | Emmy64_: @toasted_your_dog In a made of what f1nnLaff 6:03:30 | sr1gaming: @johnkeiwo anarchy? 6:03:30 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Very funny 6:03:34 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: There is no longer any reason for F1nn to end strim. 6:03:35 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ChaIsu is UNHINGED 6:03:35 | general_of_cm: @johnkeiwo X 6:03:35 | LucipurrCryz: nikkis27Knife 6:03:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff 6:03:37 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: lmfao 6:03:37 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: teewy 6:03:39 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: Oh absolutely 6:03:41 | dax_the_pirate: What did i just come in to this stream to 6:03:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) lethaldissonance: I would say "Now you have something to bond over in the bedroom" 6:03:42 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Get some sleep 6:03:42 | kenji173: monkaW 6:03:42 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: bao 6:03:42 | KnapperigeKapitein: extraemily 6:03:42 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: Peachybunn 6:03:44 | BumbleB1124: Finn your mods are giving up 6:03:44 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: mkoHmm 6:03:44 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Damn @littlechasiu hug 6:03:44 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn calling out ChaSiu. - 3650 6:03:46 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Teewy KEKW 6:03:47 | (VIP) ScarredLemon: @johnkeiwo Agreed 6:03:48 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: exemClap 6:03:49 | (Prime Gaming) cephaccino: So this is girlmoding now, a frumpy boyfriend shirt? 6:03:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ankaration: valkarae 6:03:51 | certified_boylover: peachy fs 6:03:54 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: teewy fits this description 6:03:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) amandav17: YES TEEWY 6:03:55 | viryl_lucas: She's filipino right? 6:03:55 | mha_lover18: Hi 6:03:56 | (Game Developer) KuroiiNekoo: TehePelo 6:03:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: sykkuno 6:03:58 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: ***g 6:04:00 | Pure_YGO: i havent watched your content in like 5 years what has happened 6:04:01 | swans0ne: I hate how much money I'm gonna spend on this of... 6:04:01 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Why are you insulting the smol person F1nn? You know what's going to happen! 6:04:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Teewy monkaS 6:04:04 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Teewy definitely 6:04:05 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Sykkuno for sure 6:04:05 | mootie1: 6:04:07 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Chat and @F1NN5TER this is another never ending stream 6:04:09 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: 6:04:10 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Susu 6:04:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Night G 6:04:14 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: she is smol and scary 6:04:15 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: ChaSiu would hide a body for you Finn! 6:04:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: HELEN 6:04:15 | (Subscriber) spirogal: tomboys exist chat total girlmode option 6:04:18 | bdx50: Cotton 6:04:18 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: Gn @helen_croft 6:04:18 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Smh 6:04:18 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @Helen_Croft Goodnight Sweet dreams 6:04:19 | viryl_lucas: We are sweet and kind of scary 6:04:20 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: @helen_croft gn 6:04:21 | LucipurrCryz: moxxie6Lol 6:04:21 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: good night @Helen_Croft, sleep well 6:04:22 | Clash_ofPixels: How much will your OF cost? 6:04:23 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: Susu is so good 6:04:24 | l3n4_22: Finn I Love you 6:04:24 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: PeachyBunn = 5'11" 6:04:26 | smacker401: F1nn afraid of women? 6:04:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: little woman LUL 6:04:28 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: @davidiusfarrenius In which orifice? 6:04:28 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) McCall1991: @osiidafemboy is way too nice to chat 6:04:29 | ErenYeager668: 1 DAY 6:04:29 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: ? 6:04:31 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I like Teewy. I'm really happy that we invited her to the Council @f1nn5ter 6:04:31 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: poison comes in small bottles 6:04:31 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I like Teewy. I'm really happy that we invited her to the Council @f1nn5ter 6:04:32 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I like Teewy. I'm really happy that we invited her to the Council @f1nn5ter 6:04:33 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: as a little women, i agree. we are pretty scary :D 6:04:34 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Oh 6:04:35 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Night Helen f1nnHeart 6:04:35 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: May be nice but ain't smol 6:04:35 | (Subscriber) spirogal: women D: 6:04:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: Gn Helen 6:04:37 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) jandraelune: PeachyBunnn would have to move, their apartment has internet limitations. 6:04:39 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: the v killer dress 6:04:40 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: yep 6:04:43 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Goodnight helen f1nnHeart adcvrCOMFY 6:04:44 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Teewy is cool f1nnHeart 6:04:45 | certified_boylover: 19 hours 6:04:46 | viryl_lucas: F1nn is deathly afraid of a smol woman cutting his nape 6:04:46 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: The release pic @F1NN5TER 6:04:46 | Emmy64_: gn helen f1nnHeart 6:04:47 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: I thought we were done with horny today 6:04:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Gn helen 6:04:50 | judgedame: Lilypichu 6:04:52 | (Prime Gaming) socksthc: good ness 6:04:52 | (Prime Gaming) Gavaleus: crumpGasm 6:04:53 | Clash_ofPixels: Cost of your OF 6:04:53 | mootie1: FeelsStrongMan 6:04:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: next 6:04:55 | (Subscriber) spirogal: love the pose 6:04:55 | viryl_lucas: HEHE 6:04:57 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 6:04:57 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 6:04:58 | (Subscriber) spirogal: super cool 6:04:59 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 6:04:59 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: Hot dammn 6:04:59 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 6:05:00 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !of 6:05:00 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 6:05:04 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Hot 6:05:05 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Logo in background of that was TOS, @F1NN5TER 6:05:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: Well damn 6:05:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ..... 6:05:08 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: sleeping for that long LUL ? 6:05:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: That body and setting unrealistic expectations for body shape 6:05:09 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Wholesome stream @F1NN5TER 6:05:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: SIDE BOOBA supremacy 6:05:10 | (Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: I just bought the battle pass 6:05:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: you're gunna sleep till 8? 6:05:14 | Steys00: you are going to sleep 20 hours? 6:05:15 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: I like Teewy. I'm really happy that we invited her to the Council @f1nn5ter 6:05:15 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Weird but sus 6:05:15 | Chri55PBacon: hmmm 6:05:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: Are you top 1% yet? 6:05:16 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: What you downloading on steam? 6:05:17 | 99thking: I think peachy would do an unhinged cosplay to be funny 6:05:19 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Sleeepp 6:05:19 | howlinmaddog187: It's technically already the 23rd 6:05:20 | (Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: Is this coming out at midnight? 6:05:21 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ruthinshadowfire: BALL REVEAL? 6:05:22 | myanx1ety: Hewwo! 6:05:22 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: it's fine 6:05:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: !of 6:05:25 | thefiercelink: youre planning on waking up at 8pm? 6:05:25 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launches March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. 6:05:28 | WomaSnake: I forgot it's tmrw since short month :) 6:05:29 | mootie1: rimjimAhh sigma 6:05:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Sleep for 18 hours damn 6:05:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: I love that the phone just clearly isn't taking the pic 6:05:39 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: or was it 8:03 am? 6:05:44 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: That was the best part 6:05:47 | (Prime Gaming) xdgmann: !pronouns 6:05:47 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Very pog 6:05:47 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care 6:05:51 | steakandeggs00: are you worried about people leaking your of photos to twitter? 6:05:51 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: More like goal to learn different hair styles 6:05:53 | QueenWulver: Hello! This is my first time commenting :) 6:05:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: That was a great stream 6:05:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: the phone stream was awesome 6:05:57 | KailofDragons: I like the claymore 6:05:58 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @F1NN5TER why are the lights so bright again btw ? 6:06:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: !onlyfinn 6:06:04 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: 2003 GMT = 8PM GMT 6:06:04 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: The love you was so wholesome 6:06:05 | WomaSnake: streaming after the OF will be funny lol 6:06:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: It felt personal 6:06:07 | RockinLockin: more intimate? 6:06:08 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Reading chat here KEKW KEKW 6:06:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: it was my favourite 6:06:12 | (Turbo) vanimal2118: Accidental Sure. 6:06:13 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: the Phone stream rocked !!!!! 6:06:13 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: somehow intimate 6:06:14 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Lul 6:06:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @f1nn5ter I am still distracted by the love you at the end KEKW 6:06:22 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes it was nice for you to say you love us finn! 6:06:22 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: it felt like a date 6:06:22 | (Prime Gaming) bunkbedboi2: FortOne 6:06:23 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: There is no longer any reason for F1nn to end strim. 6:06:24 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: You looked tall for once! 6:06:24 | (Prime Gaming) cephaccino: You good? You seem stressed tonight 6:06:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: very seducing 6:06:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Personal stream 6:06:27 | viryl_lucas: Had fun with chat 6:06:27 | general_of_cm: Loved the parasocial stream 6:06:28 | mootie1: 6:06:30 | im_up_to_something: Liked cozy stream 6:06:30 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: The couch convo was super cute 6:06:30 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:06:32 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: parasocial? 6:06:33 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: i want the dark lights again :( 6:06:33 | certified_boylover: it was such a nice stream 6:06:33 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: yes very personal 6:06:35 | viryl_lucas: Hnggg 6:06:36 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Bro 6:06:38 | bombasticchiy: where is that pink dress from, i need :0 6:06:38 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: no 6:06:39 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: The door 6:06:39 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: only Smoll KEKW 6:06:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Love you KEKW 6:06:39 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: from show to life 6:06:40 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: the " love you" was nice 6:06:41 | sr1gaming: Phone stream felt personal 6:06:43 | phos4us_: phone stream was so good, it was split into 6 6:06:43 | mootie1: Shirley 6:06:45 | viryl_lucas: Nobody bothered probably 6:06:46 | (Prime Gaming) Deneith: Glad to see the livestream is still up, be you bro! 6:06:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: the phone stream was THE gfe @F1NN5TER 6:06:49 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: !hight 6:06:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Yea kinda 6:06:53 | Loelinverse: Thats sensuality 6:06:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: It was like a girlfriend facetime with Rose 6:06:56 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: If we're going to 8 or 9hr please let us know. 6:06:58 | 99thking: Finn so many people are going to unleash if you will so much tomorrow mvpDerp 6:06:59 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: I think the main reason you looked tall was the "legs for days" effect of the leggings. 6:06:59 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Parasocial af 6:07:03 | KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Bruh 6:07:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: !time 6:07:05 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 01:07 6:07:05 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 6:07:13 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Bed now 6:07:13 | jimboz0: Phone cam adds a cuteness multiplier fr 6:07:15 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: @Amoyamoyamoya At this rate it might be 10 6:07:16 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) xnorrocx: watch the curb vid 6:07:17 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: We are all parasocialists tho 6:07:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Distracted 6:07:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: !uptime 6:07:24 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 6h 7m 33s 6:07:25 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife 6:07:27 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: they knew they had to add the knife so f1nn sees it KEKW 6:07:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: that’s a bit mean 6:07:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Nice 6:07:36 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Tall Rose https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulBusySkunkSoonerLater-wZc_8hBBz-vyTuh_ @F1NN5TER 6:07:36 | viryl_lucas: Ayyyyy noice 6:07:37 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Tall Rose https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulBusySkunkSoonerLater-wZc_8hBBz-vyTuh_ @F1NN5TER 6:07:39 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Did you see the giant switch blade? 6:07:39 | (3-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) bigsadge: I am COOKED 6:07:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Noice 6:07:42 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Tall Rose https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulBusySkunkSoonerLater-wZc_8hBBz-vyTuh_ @F1NN5TER 6:07:44 | viryl_lucas: LEZZGOOO 6:07:45 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: minxFlushed 6:07:45 | splendiff: oh? 6:07:46 | mootie1: FeelsStrongMan 6:07:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: If we're going to 8 or 9hr please let us know. 6:07:46 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ayo??? 6:07:46 | lishoward: that was sad lol 6:07:48 | finn_star5: Hello imposter 6:07:54 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Smoll KEKW 6:07:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Yeah, I remember 6:07:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat aquafpSseedat 6:07:59 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: pants so tight 6:08:01 | general_of_cm: love those pants 6:08:02 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: Cake POGGERS 6:08:02 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: lets not pretend that the 'just chatting' (or even to some extend twitch streaming) isn't a rather parasocial activity in nature 6:08:02 | LadyLockwood92: Dang. 6:08:03 | bukowskiss: wtf 6:08:04 | Emmy64_: On your banana? 6:08:05 | viryl_lucas: @amoyamoyamoya RIP 6:08:05 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: i love them 6:08:06 | bukowskiss: is 6:08:10 | bukowskiss: this 6:08:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: where pp? 6:08:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Please don't go to 8+h 6:08:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) branchie: honestly heck you @F1NN5TER , fucking up my sleep schedule left and right 6:08:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: ffs so cute 6:08:17 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: More couch streams it was a good change of pace 6:08:17 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: That stream was the weirdest I ever watched 6:08:18 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: @bukowskiss, welcome, be nice 6:08:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: oh no white light 6:08:21 | Emmy64_: @bukowskiss A stream 6:08:22 | im_up_to_something: Maybe do a cozy stream on battle pass as a perk 6:08:26 | (3-Month Subscriber) deanw52: Who says trousers anymore? 6:08:27 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: NotLikeThis 6:08:29 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: 5ft10 is small 6:08:29 | IceKwibby: KEKW 6:08:29 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: The slight compression from those leggings probably added to the "legs for days" effect. 6:08:30 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Trying2Stand: Trying2Stand subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! 6:08:30 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: trying2stand subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU 6:08:34 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Inception lol 6:08:36 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: @nicooodg wrapped around his leg 6:08:37 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: KEKW 6:08:38 | (Prime Gaming) creativecuttlefish: F1nception 6:08:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: @bukowskiss, your new boyfriend 6:08:43 | Loelinverse: @riog95 the spain stream felt like a bottle episode 6:08:45 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: ception 6:08:45 | bukowskiss: bye 6:08:47 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: You stood in a doorway 6:08:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: WOW I WONDER WHY 6:08:48 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 6:08:50 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:08:52 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Looked tallish 6:08:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: (giggle) 6:08:52 | Nightmare_Siren: youre amazing! 6:08:52 | xXNeroZashiXx: Lol 6:08:53 | viryl_lucas: Bruh 6:08:54 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 6:08:55 | (Prime Gaming) creativecuttlefish: Girly giggle 6:08:56 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: KEKW 6:08:56 | mootie1: WhySoSerious 6:08:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Cryo001: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin 6:08:56 | Sorgh_um: KEKW 6:08:57 | bigsuave7: goofy 6:08:57 | nihilistpicard: KEKW jokering 6:08:58 | Willowight: society 6:08:59 | moreperfectuser: that was NOT a joker laugh 6:08:59 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: that laugh KEKW 6:09:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: That giggle 6:09:02 | closetfemboy: Femboy Joker! 6:09:06 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: You wouldn't get it 6:09:06 | lessgravitas: V tall 6:09:07 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Joker laugh monkaS 6:09:07 | xXNeroZashiXx: squeck 6:09:09 | rileychipotle: I have those pants 6:09:10 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: total gremlin 6:09:11 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: cute laugh tho 6:09:12 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: wolfaGiggle 6:09:12 | certified_boylover: the laugh 6:09:14 | (Prime Gaming) sartanxar: That is a hyena laugh 6:09:14 | braddle172: f1nnGremlin f1nnLaff 6:09:16 | judgedame: Giggle 6:09:16 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: The slight compression from those leggings probably added to the "legs for days" effect. 6:09:18 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Joker 6:09:18 | QueenWulver: Finnister! 6:09:18 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Go to bed now 6:09:19 | viryl_lucas: Thin lanky twig 6:09:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: "where pp?" 6:09:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Chat on top of chat 6:09:22 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Manic laughter! 6:09:23 | nightshade2233: Fell asleep to stream just woke up vanity2Wiggly 6:09:24 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: How spicy is the battlepass?? 6:09:26 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: your giggle is so cute too lol 6:09:29 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: Anything PG you can share? 6:09:31 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Nooooo 6:09:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Wow, you only have like 14 tabs open 6:09:32 | jimboz0: This is like adhd inception here 6:09:33 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Pleaseee 6:09:33 | certified_boylover: 19 hours 6:09:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: NOW! 6:09:35 | xXNeroZashiXx: Cute giggle 6:09:35 | phos4us_: daddy? 6:09:35 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: go to bed now 6:09:35 | (Prime Gaming) Deftscythe: jojo posing 6:09:36 | itseterra_: oh no 6:09:36 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: we saw how the sausage was made 6:09:37 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: cum 6:09:37 | viryl_lucas: Your eyes 6:09:37 | mootie1: Glazed donut 6:09:37 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Good girl 6:09:37 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: go sleep F1nncess 6:09:38 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: good girl 6:09:38 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Beddy bye night night 6:09:39 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: good girl 6:09:39 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: that stream was just too cute 6:09:39 | (Subscriber) spirogal: you are a good girl 6:09:39 | lishoward: noooooo 6:09:39 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Please 6:09:40 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: please 6:09:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Avada kadava 6:09:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Nice 6:09:42 | (Subscriber) butcherthegod: pls daddy 6:09:43 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: sweet dreams 6:09:43 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: mommy please go to bed 6:09:43 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: go to beb good girl f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat @F1NN5TER 6:09:43 | (VIP, GLHF Pledge) PynkFryck: Go to bed you bratty princess 6:09:44 | (Prime Gaming) GNSxTRKZ: you got a big day tomorrow 6:09:45 | boringdepressedintrovert: sleepy time 6:09:45 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Top me 6:09:45 | (Prime Gaming) dh8wolf: go to bed babygirl 6:09:45 | certified_boylover: good girl 6:09:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Please 6:09:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: pineapple 6:09:46 | (Prime Gaming) creativecuttlefish: F1nception 6:09:46 | braddle172: Good girl 6:09:46 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: @NopenguinYT, More than streams but not overly lewd. 6:09:47 | viryl_lucas: Very tired mommy 6:09:47 | ArxonBBY: Good girl 6:09:48 | MajesticFvckingEagle: @NopenguinYT very mild spice 6:09:48 | itseterra_: what 6:09:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Good girl f1nnHeadpat 6:09:49 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: good night! 6:09:50 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: Now? 6:09:50 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: He'll yeah 6:09:50 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: go bed Finn... 6:09:50 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Ooh eee ooh aah aah ting tang walla walla bing bang 6:09:50 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: OMEGALUL 6:09:50 | josecortesnival: Pretty pleasy 6:09:51 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat headpat 6:09:51 | nightshade2233: Finn what's ypur favorite pokemon? ^-^ 6:09:52 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Gn finn 6:09:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: no 6:09:53 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: KEKW 6:09:53 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: PASS OUT PRINCESS 6:09:53 | Rebi_Senpai: rebiseHEART rebiseHEART rebiseHEART rebiseHEART rebiseHEART rebiseHEART rebiseHEART 6:09:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Good girl, go to bed 6:09:54 | mha_lover18: Hi 6:09:54 | viryl_lucas: No 6:09:55 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: pwease I have work in the morning 6:09:56 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:09:56 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: No 6:09:56 | Lyond2: <3 <3 6:09:56 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: No 6:09:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: go to bed 6:09:56 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: you are getting sleepy 6:09:56 | Sorgh_um: no 6:09:56 | LadyLockwood92: 'Answer me these questions three~!' 6:09:57 | TrueMezzo: bro youve been up like 2 days 6:09:57 | IceKwibby: No 6:09:57 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: nope 6:09:57 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Sweet Dreams baby girl 6:09:57 | mootie1: No 6:09:57 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: no 6:09:58 | (3-Month Subscriber) Senevri: They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! 6:09:58 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: noo 6:09:58 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I missed it 6:09:58 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) LittleChaSiu: KEKW 6:09:59 | beyondthegrave1997: Lmao 6:09:59 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: nope 6:10:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ZoshiePoshie: no 6:10:00 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Pls go beb 6:10:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: no 6:10:00 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: No 6:10:00 | animefreak21012: no 6:10:00 | unopenedcookies: hahahahaha 6:10:00 | h4nn1bal_1: HAM SANDWICH 6:10:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: go to bed cutie 6:10:01 | Anmdra: no 6:10:01 | (Prime Gaming) mortojyne: mortojyne subscribed with Prime. 6:10:01 | braddle172: Nope KEKW 6:10:01 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: no 6:10:01 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mortojyne subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mortojyne f1nnLezgang 6:10:01 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) kyrogaming: oo a p*nis - F1nn 2023 6:10:01 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: KEKW 6:10:02 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Nope 6:10:03 | arquiJ: no 6:10:03 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Good night. Go sleepy time 6:10:03 | scatteredleaves: no 6:10:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: saw nothing 6:10:04 | xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER go to bed now Strong Manly man 6:10:04 | Emmy64_: KEKW 6:10:04 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) astheriel: Please Mommy ? 6:10:04 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: no 6:10:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Go to sleep 6:10:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: good girl 6:10:05 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: good girl 6:10:05 | josecortesnival: Nope 6:10:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: KEKW 6:10:05 | viryl_lucas: Good girl sleep na 6:10:06 | realtalkchannel: no 6:10:06 | certified_boylover: nah 6:10:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: man's hallucinating pps 6:10:07 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW 6:10:07 | (Prime Gaming) TravelingEmpath: gnight 6:10:09 | unopenedcookies: Very gay of you F1nn 6:10:10 | (Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: Nope 6:10:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 6:10:11 | LOtiumduPeuple: I'm penis blind 6:10:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: See it in chatterino 6:10:12 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Sweet dreams, Princess. 6:10:12 | (Prime Gaming) HelplessxDragon: good girl 6:10:12 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: adjust your camera. Framing 6:10:12 | toasted_your_dog: Where in England will the establishment be set? 6:10:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: gn 6:10:16 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: @Solus_kun, you too go beb after this Kappa 6:10:17 | (cheer 100) BGrimmGaming: Such a gooooood girl! Can't wait to see what I unlocked in the battlepass! 6:10:17 | (Subscriber) callmegarp: Sleep motherfucker sleep 6:10:17 | torch_head3: good night sweet baby girl 6:10:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: I mean, it didn't surprise me to hear that from you anyway 6:10:19 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Good night good girl 6:10:20 | itseterra_: w h a t im sorry what penis i did not see the penis 6:10:20 | aunalbrutal: good princess 6:10:20 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: It didn't get published to chat, @F1nn5ter 6:10:21 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: No didn’t see it 6:10:21 | (Subscriber) spirogal: okay sorry bad girl 6:10:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: baby girl 6:10:22 | sealsummoner: "ooh penxx" 6:10:22 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Sussy 6:10:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Mf is going to sleep well 6:10:24 | (Prime Gaming) lifebound: edit: go to bed 6:10:25 | (3-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) bigsadge: ue 6:10:26 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Now im yawning 6:10:26 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: princess 6:10:26 | phos4us_: sweepy time 6:10:26 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: go to sleep cutie 6:10:27 | gza7: Good night princess 6:10:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mortojyne: Take my prime mother. We Must crack our eggs 6:10:28 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @JohnBanks117 noD: 6:10:29 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: It's a big day tomorrow, you need your rest 6:10:29 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: ack, you made me yawn too 6:10:32 | (Listening only) thekingone10: Good night baby 6:10:32 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Dream of big large .... 6:10:32 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: the picture 6:10:33 | viryl_lucas: The pp 6:10:34 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Gn Mommy 6:10:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: the dong 6:10:34 | certified_boylover: good night mommy 6:10:37 | milkandciggies: Good night girl, i see you tomorrow 6:10:37 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Solus beb 6:10:38 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: the dick 6:10:40 | sr1gaming: The penis 6:10:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Go to sleep, sweetheart. Love you much! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 6:10:41 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: yawns like a real man 6:10:41 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Night princess 6:10:41 | (Moderator, cheer 1000) johnkeiwo: THE DICK 6:10:43 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: good night sweet kitten 6:10:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: memory of a goldfish 6:10:46 | mootie1: The sick 6:10:47 | Emmy64_: The johnson 6:10:47 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:10:48 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @lightninglouise7 no FeelsBadMan 6:10:48 | AztechGrande: No one saw it so you just went "ooh penis" 6:10:52 | LegAbuse: What time is it over there 6:10:52 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) CavemanAZ: Do you have an 8-bit version of "What is love" for intermissions? 6:10:54 | Sorgh_um: bottom g 6:10:56 | (Subscriber) spirogal: Top F <3 6:10:57 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: goodnight, mommy F1nn 6:10:57 | nightshade2233: 6:10:58 | 1CrimsonPrincess: Kekw 6:11:00 | viryl_lucas: Gud gurl~ 6:11:00 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: brofemhoe 6:11:02 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) mortojyne: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 6:11:03 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Bro too tired. Go to bed NotLikeThis 6:11:03 | (Subscriber) spirogal: femboy g 6:11:04 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: The penis! 6:11:04 | viryl_lucas: Finally 6:11:04 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: well then .....sweet dreams Princess f1nnPegChamp GlitchCat sodacatPet 6:11:05 | cozbam91: <3 night f1nn<3 6:11:05 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: since you have less than 5 seconds short term memory, go to bed 6:11:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: losing you edge 30 hours into consiousness 6:11:05 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: Stare 6:11:06 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: bye 6:11:06 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: Gnight 6:11:06 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Thank you 6:11:06 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Can you raid Alluux 6:11:06 | general_of_cm: GN 6:11:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: sleep well 6:11:08 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: since you have less than 5 seconds short term memory, go to bed 6:11:08 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: bye 6:11:08 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !time 6:11:08 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: since you have less than 5 seconds short term memory, go to bed 6:11:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: hell yeah 6:11:09 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: thanks for the stream 6:11:09 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 01:11 6:11:09 | torch_head3: sleeep god damm sleep 6:11:10 | organic_rust: do it 6:11:10 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: goodnight 6:11:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:10 | scatteredleaves: gn 6:11:10 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: night night 6:11:10 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime 6:11:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 6h 11m 20s 6:11:12 | braddle172: GN 6:11:12 | gza7: Bottom g 6:11:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) floating_raindrop: Goodnight all! 6:11:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Same bed time 6:11:12 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Goodnight 6:11:12 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: GOODNIGHT FINN 6:11:13 | macarous: Bye 6:11:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) poschoki: poschoki subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! i can't get out of my head how much you look like a less dorky liz truss. good night 6:11:13 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: poschoki subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU 6:11:13 | viryl_lucas: Goodnight~ 6:11:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: C ya guys 6:11:14 | (Listening only) yaman1011: Yo wassup 6:11:15 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: @mossbirbz oh you hear :) to answer your message in offlinechat yesterday YES i live here in chat KEKW 6:11:15 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Bye bye mommy 6:11:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: !offlinegang 6:11:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izid7 izid7 izid7 6:11:16 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Offline gang is the most wholesome gang 6:11:16 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug 6:11:16 | she11y_games: Bye 6:11:17 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Goodnight finn, ily :3 6:11:18 | (VIP, 300 Gift Subs) Flippi_12: Gn 6:11:19 | certified_boylover: good night mommy 6:11:19 | (6-Month Subscriber) Darkwhing: GN 6:11:19 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: Night 6:11:20 | 99thking: "the coooock" with the same inflection as "the slaaaaaab" mvpDerp 6:11:20 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark 6:11:20 | (2-Month Subscriber) alliephenix99: gn 6:11:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Boi doesn 6:11:21 | nihilistpicard: good girl night 6:11:21 | WomaSnake: cya guys 6:11:22 | FullSoNy: Bye 6:11:22 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) mortojyne: Bbyyyyyyeeeee 6:11:22 | (3-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) bigsadge: see you fin bye chat see you f1nnCowjam 6:11:23 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: going to bed?? f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM 6:11:24 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Now you have to 6:11:24 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:24 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat 6:11:24 | thean9ry9amer: gn 6:11:24 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: good night mommy <3 6:11:24 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: do femboys dream of full frame cameras 6:11:25 | Philippovic98: thanks for stream <3 6:11:25 | Sorgh_um: goofnight babygirl 6:11:25 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Goodnight, F1nn 6:11:25 | whelkier: night 6:11:26 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: goodnight, hope tomorrow goes good for you 6:11:26 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: niiight! 6:11:26 | lishoward: !time 6:11:26 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Bye F1nn 6:11:26 | 1CrimsonPrincess: Good Night F1NN5TER and Chat!! 6:11:26 | viryl_lucas: Aishitemasu~ 6:11:26 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 01:12 6:11:27 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Muffin01: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:27 | Vesmedinia: goodnight babygirl 6:11:27 | gza7: Bye 6:11:27 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Good night Finn 6:11:28 | Chri55PBacon: good night man... 6:11:28 | mha_lover18: spiderman 6:11:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) RedSh1fting: Raid? 6:11:29 | Emmy64_: gn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:29 | (Subscriber, Watching without audio) lethal_brunette: have a good night, finn. 6:11:30 | (Listening only) yaman1011: Nice Asuka t shirt 6:11:30 | wittyviper1239: Gn kitten 6:11:30 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: what time will that of start rose 6:11:31 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang 6:11:31 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Boi doesn't know how to sleep 6:11:31 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Sleep well cutie 6:11:32 | braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:32 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: gn bby 6:11:32 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: Gn 6:11:33 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: good night mommy <3 <3 6:11:33 | (3-Month Subscriber) transterra29: Night cutie, love you 6:11:34 | (Prime Gaming) N7_Andres: gn cya 6:11:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: <3 Great Stream <3 6:11:34 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Night Finn f1nnHeart 6:11:34 | mootie1: Good girl. Sweet dreams, princess. 6:11:34 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: that was good sorta 6:11:34 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: you love us 6:11:35 | (Subscriber) spirogal: brat energy 6:11:35 | Metroplis3039: Night F1nn 6:11:36 | josecortesnival: Ok g night sleep well 6:11:36 | (Prime Gaming) creativecuttlefish: GOodnight Beauty Boy 6:11:36 | xuxiiweee: your face looks like its already in bed 6:11:36 | (Prime Gaming) rkanjl: Astra is waiting for you to finish 6:11:36 | arquiJ: Perfect tiinge Clap 6:11:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: Goodnight qt! 6:11:38 | AztechGrande: Kisses 6:11:38 | (Listening only) YukiCookie8: gn 6:11:38 | endzeitnull: Sleep tight 6:11:38 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:11:38 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Bye Finn 6:11:38 | (Prime Gaming) innawoodsab: oh dang, I just got here 6:11:39 | bluedeltaheart: Good girl 6:11:39 | Emmy64_: <3 f1nnHeart <3 <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart 6:11:39 | certified_boylover: thedea151LOVE 6:11:39 | torch_head3: tomorrow its a big daay 6:11:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Have a good sleep 6:11:40 | Lyond2: Night MercyWing1 <3 MercyWing2 6:11:41 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:11:41 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:42 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Raid Astra_762 @F1NN5TER ? 6:11:42 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) mortojyne: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:42 | braddle172: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 6:11:42 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:42 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Get sleep now 6:11:42 | (Prime Gaming) Deneith: Lots of love to you 6:11:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Ry60003333: 6:11:43 | QueenWulver: I am stuggling to believe you're British :D 6:11:43 | certified_boylover: thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE thedea151LOVE 6:11:44 | xXNeroZashiXx: Goodnight all hope you enjoyed the stream 6:11:44 | madoka_magikate: Night lovely 6:11:45 | FullSoNy: KISS 6:11:45 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:45 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: oh fek, its over 6:11:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) Shadowwynd: goodnight Finncess! 6:11:46 | Chri55PBacon: you look tired af 6:11:46 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: hope you sleep well! <3 <3 <3 6:11:46 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: wolfaHey goodnight 6:11:47 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: good night. thanks 6:11:47 | arquiJ: GN everyone 6:11:48 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Goodnight Finn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:48 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: LOL 6:11:49 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: Gnighty Jude!!!! 6:11:49 | mootie1: f1nnHeadpat 6:11:49 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: Raid Astra_762 @F1NN5TER ? 6:11:49 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: LUL 6:11:50 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: Bedge 6:11:50 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:11:50 | Emmy64_: <3 <3 6:11:50 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: KEK 6:11:51 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: night Finn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:51 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW 6:11:51 | AztechGrande: <3 6:11:51 | teatedostritch3: Goodnight my dude 6:11:51 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) CavemanAZ: efxRose codena2Heart efxRose 6:11:52 | blu3berrycat: lmfao 6:11:52 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) mortojyne: f1nnEmbarrassed 6:11:52 | leontiusv: goodnight <3 <3 6:11:52 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: love you princess 6:11:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: wtf! 6:11:52 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: GN PRINCESS 6:11:52 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:11:52 | IceKwibby: KEKW 6:11:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: no 6:11:53 | (3-Month Subscriber) zhivuchiyee: Hahaha 6:11:53 | Emmy64_: KEKW 6:11:53 | im_up_to_something: Night Night 6:11:53 | (2-Month Subscriber, 5 Gift Subs) knightrider121369: Goodnight mommy rose 6:11:54 | RockinLockin: ?? 6:11:54 | certified_boylover: rynHeadpat rynHeadpat rynHeadpat rynHeadpat rynBonk 6:11:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: sleep 6:11:54 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: finna be rich tommorow 6:11:55 | StormCloud119: damn 6:11:55 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Claims he's going to end stream and buy the Sony camera. - 3590 6:11:55 | collegeoflore: catgirl liz truss 6:11:55 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart 6:11:56 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: go to sleeeeeeep 6:11:56 | (Subscriber) spirogal: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart f1nnKnife 6:11:56 | Therosbr: have a good one brother! 6:11:57 | (Subscriber) zro_kewl_: Good nite bro... 6:11:58 | Steys00: liz truss thats harsh 6:11:58 | sealsummoner: good night sleep well 6:11:58 | (Subscriber) wiltedohio: Nighty night F1nncess 6:12:00 | AztechGrande: Mucho kisses 6:12:01 | itseterra_: DO YOU GET DEJAV VU- 6:12:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: lizz truss 6:12:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) NichtzNeues: good girl 6:12:02 | realtalkchannel: what? 6:12:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: LMAOOOO 6:12:03 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: hhahahaah 6:12:04 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: go to bed 6:12:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) bobbikatt: good night, buddy, get some sleep 6:12:04 | jimboz0: Big yikes 6:12:04 | braddle172: KEKW 6:12:04 | (Prime Gaming) Alphalaneous: How many hours until ya know 6:12:05 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) pival81: Night night fincess 6:12:05 | barbie_secretstanner: f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart 6:12:05 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: KEKW 6:12:06 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: KEKW 6:12:06 | whelkier: omg u do 6:12:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: LUL 6:12:06 | (Prime Gaming) KtheBestLetter: HE DOES 6:12:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW DONO 6:12:06 | (Listening only) yaman1011: LMAO 6:12:07 | WomaSnake: I see it. 6:12:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Nightmare Fuel! 6:12:07 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Lol 6:12:07 | (Turbo) silverarrows47: KEKW 6:12:07 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: It’s like Christmas you can’t fall asleep 6:12:07 | kkasperle: gn 6:12:07 | droolgoat: lmaao 6:12:07 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: lolz 6:12:08 | (Prime Gaming) T0XKY: Hey with Rizz 6:12:09 | blu3berrycat: hahahahaha 6:12:09 | the_real_boxhead: just got here BibleThump 6:12:09 | nightshade2233: LUL LUL LUL 6:12:09 | ChainSaw762: KEKW 6:12:09 | QueenWulver: OOF LMAOOOO 6:12:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: I can see it 6:12:09 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: get that Trussy 6:12:09 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: Holy kekw 6:12:10 | xXNeroZashiXx: no 6:12:10 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: pog 6:12:10 | (Listening only) yaman1011: KEKW 6:12:10 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: LMAAAOOOO 6:12:10 | l3laz3de: raid potastic 6:12:10 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: KEKW 6:12:11 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 6:12:11 | ClayDoc: Wow, I see it 6:12:11 | closetfemboy: F1NN u ever procrastinated on sleep? 6:12:12 | NiihSHI: lil bit 6:12:12 | Jazzafrazz: My first Finn stream lets GOOO 6:12:13 | transgaming77: KEKW 6:12:13 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: fuck you dono KEKW 6:12:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) robbie1945: f1nnCancelled 6:12:13 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: KEKW 6:12:13 | Emmy64_: LUL LUL LUL LUL 6:12:13 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: hundo 6:12:13 | mootie1: f1nnHeart g'night 6:12:14 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: you look like young liz trus 6:12:14 | (cheer 100) BGrimmGaming: HI YOUTUBE 6:12:14 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: he doesnt 6:12:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:12:15 | FullSoNy: HeyGuys 6:12:16 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Omg 6:12:16 | xuxiiweee: i see it tbh 6:12:16 | (2-Month Subscriber) Hawker420: lol 6:12:16 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: You need your beauty sleep for tomorrow! 6:12:16 | unopenedcookies: Bye 6:12:17 | (GlitchCon 2020) Cordovalaska: gnight 6:12:17 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: 100 6:12:17 | Mr_May_Ham: no 6:12:17 | viryl_lucas: Get that feeling of de ja vu 6:12:17 | blu3berrycat: I can see it in a few years 6:12:18 | (Subscriber) spirogal: KEKW nah 6:12:18 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: byeeeeee 6:12:18 | madoka_magikate: I know you're nervous but tomorrow will go really well 6:12:18 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: who's grandma is that lol 6:12:18 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: nighty night Kitten 6:12:19 | josecortesnival: Good luck sleeping 6:12:19 | xXNeroZashiXx: pog silvers 6:12:19 | realtalkchannel: nah 6:12:19 | bdx50: LUL 6:12:20 | (Prime Gaming) LLoKKo: gnight good girl 6:12:21 | Spoodlez: Nah I dont see it 6:12:21 | arquiJ: KEKW 6:12:22 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: this is bullying 6:12:23 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: No, you are Cutie. 6:12:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Ybe a younger version 6:12:23 | Emmy64_: KEKW 6:12:25 | (3-Month Subscriber) mossbirbz: You're being PAID to sleep. What a life. XD 6:12:26 | transgaming77: @Jazzafrazz sameeeeee 6:12:27 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: Finn is going to stay up now 6:12:27 | (Subscriber) ICurryI: Suddenly he's SUPER awake 6:12:28 | RockinLockin: nah 6:12:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: NotLikeThis 6:12:28 | mootie1: Sadge kinda 6:12:30 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: SAME 6:12:30 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: PogU Silvers 6:12:30 | phos4us_: f1nn new prime minster? 6:12:31 | MajesticFvckingEagle: I think he's stalling because he's nervous about how real tomorrow feels 6:12:31 | (3-Month Subscriber) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhgg: bye 6:12:31 | nihilistpicard: hah 6:12:31 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: No you don’t look like truss 6:12:31 | (Prime Gaming) aAndrew3030: wolfaHey gnight LIZ 6:12:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) musicalandrew123: $100 6:12:32 | viryl_lucas: KEKW 6:12:34 | FullSoNy: LUL 6:12:34 | (2-Month Subscriber) Vyrokolakas: no 6:12:34 | xuxiiweee: actually you but older 6:12:35 | nihilistpicard: mhmm 6:12:36 | (Listening only) yaman1011: Nah 6:12:36 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: nah 6:12:36 | viryl_lucas: Nah 6:12:36 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Goodnight 6:12:37 | general_of_cm: nah 6:12:37 | bdx50: LUL LUL LUL 6:12:37 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: No fin 6:12:37 | arquiJ: oh no 6:12:37 | (Subscriber) NopenguinYT: literall twins 6:12:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: haha, she shook 6:12:38 | (Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: You don't look like them that much 6:12:38 | TrueMezzo: nah 6:12:39 | (Prime Gaming) neon_soup: Look up young liz truss 6:12:39 | RoseAwayMyPain: Good Night boys 6:12:39 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: Bye F1nn 6:12:39 | Chri55PBacon: hmmm 6:12:39 | Relive010: I don't see it 6:12:40 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: i'm kinda getting jenna marbles vibes 6:12:40 | Sorgh_um: give us a goodnight kiss, but like a bro / homie kiss 6:12:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: u don't 6:12:40 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: nope 6:12:41 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Ngl, F1nn looks tired 6:12:42 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: LUL LUL LUL 6:12:42 | (3-Month Subscriber) 0Pengy: Oh no 6:12:43 | xXNeroZashiXx: no all goood 6:12:43 | anschofi: 2010 lizz truss lookin good 6:12:43 | (Prime Gaming) ellieMeeko: !uptime 6:12:43 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 6h 12m 53s 6:12:43 | (Subscriber) butcherthegod: no 6:12:44 | (Turbo) gdogshankmasta: youre better with finances thats for sure 6:12:44 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) shmanchi: ... not far off 6:12:45 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: i see it 6:12:45 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: i can kind of see it 6:12:45 | NiihSHI: young liz 6:12:46 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: Cute Truss 6:12:47 | (Subscriber) zro_kewl_: No one bit 6:12:48 | (3-Month Subscriber) cooltimetom: Tomorrow = cock and balls Wednesday? 6:12:48 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fare_456: <3 6:12:48 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:12:48 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: what an ending to the stream 6:12:48 | blu3berrycat: LMFAO! 6:12:49 | mr_girbraltar: Nah 6:12:49 | viryl_lucas: Byeeeeee 6:12:51 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) mortojyne: f1nnMonka 6:12:51 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) besnos: your face is way cuter 6:12:51 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:12:51 | (Prime Gaming) rkanjl: Raid Astra 6:12:51 | droolgoat: no difference 6:12:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: I prefer Liz Kappa 6:12:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: night f1nnHeadpat 6:12:52 | (Prime Gaming) Solid_Sonic: Good night F1nn & chat 6:12:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: lol 6:12:52 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: Nini finnyy 6:12:52 | Mr_Gunny: G'night F1nn! Byeeee! OWL2019basier 6:12:52 | SlinkySlonkyWoffle: jawline is very different 6:12:52 | braddle172: Byeee 6:12:52 | collegeoflore: bye 6:12:53 | (Subscriber) spirogal: byee 6:12:53 | HamptonBrandonTenToesDown: Would you date EBZ? TTD 6:12:53 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:12:53 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: BYeeee 6:12:54 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:12:54 | torch_head3: i mean if f1nn was 20 years older maybe 6:12:54 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:12:54 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: What? 6:12:54 | viryl_lucas: Lobe ya 6:12:55 | (Prime Gaming) know1_0: Goodnight Sweetheart anitaHeart 6:12:55 | braddle172: f1nnMonka 6:12:55 | jimboz0: Go to bed you’re going to start hallucinating 6:12:55 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: byyyeeeee 6:12:55 | (Listening only) yaman1011: Bye lad 6:12:55 | Jazzafrazz: noooo 6:12:55 | qui3t_tran5gir1: Bye 6:12:55 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: ahahah 6:12:55 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Night Rose 6:12:56 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: See you Finn 6:12:56 | TheSaturnSeven: bye f1nn! 6:12:56 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) tannerd88: bye fucker! 6:12:56 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: A meme is a meme, but I'm not saying that. 6:12:56 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) mortojyne: f1nnGremlin 6:12:56 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:12:56 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: love you <3 6:12:57 | viryl_lucas: Love ya 6:12:57 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) KoffeeKay: Goodnight F1nn! Excited for tomorrow!! 6:12:57 | mootie1: gnight govna 6:12:57 | Jazzafrazz: I just got in 6:12:58 | WomaSnake: gn 6:12:58 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug 6:12:58 | (6-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) unaffected95: See ya 6:12:59 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: https://www.twitch.tv/f1nn5ter/clip/InventiveCrypticShrewKippa-k7N5QkENRTHiEquf?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time this was a clap from you being tall btw :) 6:12:59 | josecortesnival: Lol 6:13:00 | (Subscriber) spirogal: <3 fuckers 6:13:00 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Theinnocentbuda: XD 6:13:00 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: nn 6:13:00 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE 6:13:00 | easilytermated: bye 6:13:00 | (Listening only) yaman1011: Have a good one 6:13:00 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Night Finn 6:13:01 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: BYE 6:13:01 | blu3berrycat: c ya 6:13:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) justyntime: nite 6:13:01 | strawbearie21: bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 6:13:01 | she11y_games: Bye 6:13:01 | (3-Month Subscriber) BobTheJanit0r: byeee 6:13:01 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: Bye Finn! 6:13:01 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) jclolzbros: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:01 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) fare_456: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:02 | (TwitchCon 2022 - Amsterdam) YoshidaMares: D: 6:13:02 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Muffin01: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:02 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: GN LOVE YOU 6:13:02 | phos4us_: adios! 6:13:02 | RockinLockin: Goodnight! 6:13:02 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Nooo 6:13:02 | braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:02 | (Prime Gaming) maneross1: Bye mommy 6:13:02 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: rynL rynL rynL 6:13:02 | (Subscriber, cheer 1) mortojyne: Bye I love you 6:13:02 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Goodnight 6:13:03 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 6:13:03 | torch_head3: finally 6:13:03 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:03 | (Prime Gaming) IsItPluggedIn: Bye 6:13:04 | (cheer 1) ltflustered: gn 6:13:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: BYE 6:13:04 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: bye F1nn 6:13:04 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:05 | (Prime Gaming) Lahla: gn 6:13:05 | Oreo_Frostings: NO I JUST GOT HERE 6:13:05 | (Direct Relief - Charity 2018) CavemanAZ: efxWingl efxRose efxWingr 6:13:05 | barbie_secretstanner: Nighttttt 6:13:05 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: Night F1nn, good luck with your nerves tomorrow! It's gonna do great! 6:13:05 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: missed 100 dono 6:13:05 | (Prime Gaming) zephyr_alba: Prime minister cosplay confirmed 6:13:06 | (Prime Gaming) hopalongtommy: Cheers f1nn bye all 6:13:06 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: <3 Clap THANKS TO ALL THE MODS Clap <3 6:13:06 | AztechGrande: LOL 6:13:06 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: bye! ily 6:13:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) hopeityy: Goodnight!! 6:13:06 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: bye 6:13:06 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: bye 6:13:06 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: <3 Clap THANKS TO ALL THE MODS Clap <3 6:13:06 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: BYE MOMMY 6:13:07 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Bye mommy 6:13:07 | (Turbo) gdogshankmasta: night girl 6:13:07 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Bye Rose 6:13:08 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) attsnor: Goodnight f1nnHeart 6:13:08 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: bye Mommy <3 6:13:08 | (3-Month Subscriber, Former Hype Train Conductor) Ramaj_A: nanona1Transheart nanona1Transheart nanona1Transheart nanona1Transheart nanona1Transheart 6:13:08 | madoka_magikate: 6:13:08 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:08 | FullSoNy: BYE !! 6:13:08 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: If Liz Truss looked like you she would still be PM 6:13:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) riog95: night knight! 6:13:08 | (Subscriber) lordgtafbi: you do look cute 6:13:08 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) ironhydra: Bye chat 6:13:09 | (Prime Gaming) CommanderTwi: itssar18Heart 6:13:09 | AztechGrande: KINDA 6:13:09 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:09 | (2-Month Subscriber) keller4589: Bye rose 6:13:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Logan4459: f1nnHeart 6:13:09 | animefreak21012: bye 6:13:09 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) victory_1559: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:09 | lishoward: lmao 6:13:10 | scatteredleaves: goodnight 6:13:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Goodnight f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:10 | braddle172: f1nnHeadpat 6:13:10 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidClap 6:13:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) xnorrocx: see yah fucker 6:13:11 | Vesmedinia: bye princess 6:13:11 | (Listening only) joenoblethagod: Bye 6:13:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Bye 6:13:11 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: Night 6:13:11 | (Subscriber) butcherthegod: <3 <3 <3 <3 6:13:12 | RockinLockin: Oooo 6:13:12 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: bye 6:13:12 | viryl_lucas: BYEEEEEEEEEEEE 6:13:13 | Emmy64_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) v4tten: rip and gn 6:13:13 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) king_ad_12: bye 6:13:13 | Sorgh_um: IM HARD 6:13:13 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) handscombchris: nighty night 6:13:13 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: LOl 6:13:13 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:13 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Mods Clap 6:13:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:14 | little___f: sickem6Gasm sickem6Gasm sickem6Gasm 6:13:14 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: <3 <3 <3 <3 6:13:14 | (3-Month Subscriber) nikama6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:14 | general_of_cm: <3 6:13:15 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:15 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW bye princess 6:13:15 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: YES GN 6:13:15 | cooledwin1: Bye 6:13:15 | (3-Month Subscriber) spacecow2000: bye 6:13:15 | Relive010: please do 6:13:16 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: yes 6:13:16 | (3-Month Subscriber) xaacs: Best way to end it 6:13:17 | Jazzafrazz: YESS 6:13:17 | (Subscriber, Turbo) BudgetMatt: Gn F1nn f1nnHeart 6:13:17 | WomaSnake: yes. 6:13:18 | (2-Month Subscriber) loograt: @F1NN5TER missed 100 dono 6:13:18 | mr_girbraltar: Bye 6:13:18 | (cheer 100) guitarbebop: bi bi 6:13:18 | (Prime Gaming) burst872: g 6:13:18 | certified_boylover: gnight bbg 6:13:18 | scatteredleaves: <3 6:13:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:19 | (2-Month Subscriber, GlitchCon 2020) Alexdro28: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:19 | (Subscriber) dogdayaftermoon: yes 6:13:19 | (3-Month Subscriber) xaacs: Bye 6:13:19 | RockinLockin: yes 6:13:19 | Thetwilightstar: NotLikeThis 6:13:19 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) zom00: BED 6:13:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) umbrachopper: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:20 | Lyond2: SeemsGood LUL 6:13:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Bye Finn f1nnHeart 6:13:20 | (3-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) tannerd88: lol 6:13:21 | (Prime Gaming) HapyJone: goooo 6:13:21 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:21 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad 6:13:21 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Yes 6:13:22 | Jazzafrazz: Do it! 6:13:22 | (Prime Gaming) maneross1: yes 6:13:22 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:23 | (Subscriber) spirogal: voice is fun play with it 6:13:23 | viryl_lucas: BED NA 6:13:23 | josecortesnival: Sleep!!!!!! 6:13:23 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: yes 6:13:24 | (Subscriber) butcherthegod: no 6:13:24 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: YES 6:13:24 | Emmy64_: Mods nanona1Claps f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:25 | braddle172: Huh 6:13:25 | (Prime Gaming) oliviazbored: byeeeeee 6:13:25 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: <3 Goodnight <3 6:13:25 | PsillyCephalopod: KEKW 6:13:26 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidSalute izidSalute izidSalute 6:13:26 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:27 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Yes, you need it 6:13:27 | viryl_lucas: TULOG NA 6:13:27 | (Watching without audio) Dani_roa_: adhd moment 6:13:28 | (GLHF Pledge) stephylmao: dew it 6:13:28 | Jazzafrazz: You'd look beautiful 6:13:28 | (cheer 1000) onestupidpizza: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan 6:13:28 | (Prime Gaming) maneross1: bye mommy 6:13:28 | (Subscriber) spirogal: slave arc PogU 6:13:28 | (6-Month Subscriber) HardyOrange: goodnight!! 6:13:28 | (3-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) bricelikessnakes: <3 6:13:29 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Mods Clap 6:13:29 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Muffin01: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:29 | (Prime Gaming) QuBycle: you have one 6:13:29 | (Prime Gaming) scrub_joker: Go to bed girlie 6:13:31 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) Thelevelrider: Yes 6:13:31 | mootie1: rimjimCHUG 6:13:32 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: night f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:32 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Wrapping up. - 3500 6:13:32 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: Helen KEKW 6:13:33 | SemiJai: BYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6:13:35 | (Prime Gaming) burst872: SeemsGood 6:13:36 | (Prime Gaming) the_local_trans_girl: Absolutely 6:13:37 | general_of_cm: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 6:13:37 | (Subscriber) natalixxxxxxxxx: SLEEEPP 6:13:38 | AztechGrande: BE L1ZSTER 6:13:38 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: KEKW 6:13:39 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !socials 6:13:39 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 6:13:40 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !socials 6:13:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 6:13:40 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !socials 6:13:40 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 6:13:40 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:40 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !socials 6:13:41 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 6:13:41 | (6-Month Subscriber) AngelicBunnyBoi: asmr rp 6:13:43 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: based 6:13:43 | (2-Month Subscriber) Justmessyblack: Do it, good night F1nn 6:13:43 | braddle172: GivePLZ TakeNRG 6:13:44 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Bro 6:13:44 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:45 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Yes you should! 6:13:46 | (Subscriber, Sub Gifter) f22_raptor__: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: night 6:13:46 | (2-Month Subscriber) DAGalaxie: Gute nacht 6:13:47 | (3-Month Subscriber) JustChickenwing: See ya 6:13:47 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Here we go. 6:13:48 | xXNeroZashiXx: !hug Chat 6:13:48 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Chat gets a big hug from xxnerozashixx <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 6:13:49 | (6-Month Subscriber) YeomanJensen: izidGlare 6:13:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) g1asshrt: gn 6:13:50 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:13:50 | (Moderator, Prime Gaming) Amoyamoyamoya: Not ending. 6:13:50 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:50 | Lyond2: Oh ffs every 5 seconds a distraction LUL LUL LUL 6:13:50 | (Prime Gaming) gigachad69e: why do you have pink elbow 6:13:50 | (2-Month Subscriber) jordieboi45: make sure you go to sleep 6:13:50 | (Subscriber) brendanplayz127: Bye 6:13:51 | (cheer 100) Shockwavemecha: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple 6:13:51 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: God! Goodnight Finn! Sleep now! 6:13:51 | (3-Month Subscriber) rootuz: bye 6:13:52 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) dauntless2607: Byeeee 6:13:53 | bdx50: LUL 6:13:53 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:13:53 | viryl_lucas: Byeeeeeee~ 6:13:54 | (Subscriber, Listening only) contra_mick: Bye 6:13:55 | YaBoyOmi: <3 6:13:56 | braddle172: Byeee 6:13:56 | Chri55PBacon: bye finn, bye chat 6:13:56 | (Prime Gaming) RobotSquirrelGames: bye 6:13:57 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: https://www.twitch.tv/f1nn5ter/clip/InventiveCrypticShrewKippa-k7N5QkENRTHiEquf?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=tim @F1NN5TER being tall 6:13:57 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Goodnight Rose 6:13:57 | tsilvers: cause why not? 6:13:58 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: bye princess <3 6:13:58 | certified_boylover: gnight bbgg 6:14:00 | (Prime Gaming) KtheBestLetter: bye 6:14:00 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:14:00 | scatteredleaves: bye gm 6:14:00 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) rsm_100r: GN 6:14:01 | (Subscriber) druskys_jerkChicken: we know 6:14:01 | she11y_games: Byee 6:14:02 | (VIP, 550 Gift Subs) Helen_Croft: Bye Rose 6:14:02 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: <3 Clap THANKS TO ALL THE MODS Clap <3 6:14:02 | phos4us_: I never miss 6:14:02 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: KEKW 6:14:02 | (Subscriber) spirogal: D: 6:14:02 | (VIP, Listening only) Solus_kun: <3 Clap THANKS TO ALL THE MODS Clap <3 6:14:02 | (Prime Gaming) creativecuttlefish: <3 <3 <3 6:14:03 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) huddartgamer17: bye 6:14:03 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Looks like a mess 6:14:03 | scatteredleaves: gn 6:14:04 | xXNeroZashiXx: bye all 6:14:04 | dcgaw4p1999: Goodnight 6:14:05 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: finally.... 6:14:05 | (Subscriber) spirogal: <3 6:14:05 | Thetwilightstar: Kappa 6:14:05 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) IdiotKnightKing: Bye 6:14:06 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !socials 6:14:06 | mootie1: good night everyone. 6:14:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 6:14:06 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !socials 6:14:06 | (cheer 100) strawberrycheescake25: !offline 6:14:06 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg 6:14:07 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Offline gang is the most wholesome gang 6:14:07 | (2-Month Subscriber, 300 Gift Subs) ChasingSol: !offline 6:14:08 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) r20mejia: gn 6:14:09 | (3-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) Muffin01: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart GayPride 6:14:09 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) tomhekker: bye princess <3 <3 6:14:09 | WomaSnake: THANKS MODS 6:14:10 | (6-Month Subscriber, Watching without audio) idlesuicidal: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 6:14:11 | (Subscriber, Prime Gaming) ogrem_fanclan: Bye Chat 6:14:11 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! 6:14:11 | (GLHF Pledge) JohnBanks117: Mods Clap 6:14:12 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: !reset 6:14:12 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown 6:14:12 | (3-Month Subscriber) nicooodg: !offline 6:14:13 | dcgaw4p1999: See you tonight Finn 6:14:13 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: !socials doesn't have BP on it, smh my head 6:14:14 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: And stream is over 6:14:15 | Emmy64_: f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 6:14:16 | mr_girbraltar: Go to sleep bruh 6:14:16 | (2-Month Subscriber, 10 Gift Subs) purfectpious: Thank you mods Clap 6:14:18 | (Subscriber) zro_kewl_: Good nite chat 6:14:18 | (Subscriber, TwitchCon 2022 - San Diego) KoriYuhBoi: Gn mommy Finn 6:14:18 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Mods Clap 6:14:19 | aunalbrutal: Sleep well mods! 6:14:20 | (3-Month Subscriber) lightninglouise7: !hug mods 6:14:20 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: mods gets a big hug from lightninglouise7 <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang 6:14:21 | (VIP, 1000 Gift Subs) c__r__j: !offline 6:14:21 | (3-Month Subscriber, Turbo) clulabell: Love you mods 6:14:21 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Offline gang is the most wholesome gang 6:14:22 | (Moderator, Watching without audio) AppleSaph: bye chatters 6:14:22 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: f1nn5ter just went offline! Welcome back offline gang FeelsGoodMan 6:14:22 | torch_head3: well bye everybody 6:14:22 | (6-Month Subscriber) Roxy_Gaming18: Offline chat time 6:14:22 | (Moderator, 900 Gift Subs) Stovamor: @lightninglouise7, not yet 6:14:22 | (2-Month Subscriber, Prime Gaming) TrickyHi: Good night Mods 6:14:22 | (Prime Gaming) Flipper_ECV: Giggity 6:14:22 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 50000) imNotSubbed: Thanks mods 6:14:23 | (cheer 10000) davidiusfarrenius: Good night everyone 6:14:23 | (6-Month Subscriber, cheer 100) blusau: Sleep well 6:14:23 | Just_Shephard: Byee 6:14:23 | certified_boylover: !uptime 6:14:23 | (Moderator) f3mmbot: Finn is not live right now 6:14:23 | (3-Month Subscriber) imperialgold01: Ima pass out now 6:14:24 | (2-Month Subscriber) reynacruel: Fun stream