[00:00:04] scatcha04: I’m guessing stream start [00:00:15] StrawberryCheescake25: @f1nn5ter soluskShyBeg soluskShyBeg soluskShyBeg [00:00:17] BudgetMatt: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:21] mart_hus: eyy [00:00:22] Luucy_333: Let's goooo [00:00:29] Alkno_93: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:31] bobbikatt: hey everybody!! [00:00:31] bluj40: time to waste my fake internet numbers [00:00:32] mossbirbz: Hello chat!!!! [00:00:34] f3mmbot: F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:00:36] saaaable: @scatcha04 i hope so i voted for f1nns timeliness [00:00:38] MegaMiley: She's live :D [00:00:38] 71M073J: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hello hello [00:00:39] spo0522: Egg [00:00:40] brookyn8937: HIII [00:00:40] modelrumble1368: Hii [00:00:40] Scrooge_McBong: Yeah!!! [00:00:42] Macks_02: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:42] GodBlessBananasplit: egg [00:00:42] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Stream start. [00:00:42] TDog: EGGGG [00:00:42] awesomerem1: heyyyy [00:00:43] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:46] awesomerem1: lets gooo [00:00:46] mart_hus: now lets just hope he spends some time getting ready [00:00:46] daininetta: Mommy streaming [00:00:46] siahthebeast22: Ello [00:00:46] shleeeeem: Greetings mortals [00:00:47] dariusthegrim: Hi [00:00:48] iGlittercat: HIII [00:00:48] brookyn8937: stupid ads [00:00:49] ataxify__: hii [00:00:49] FiannaCycle: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:49] chrispz_420: Hello [00:00:50] gaminated_idk: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii [00:00:50] nieldeb_: Hi! [00:00:51] XoIaani: Henlo [00:00:51] mxstycat: Hi [00:00:51] lazysans130123: cohdiLET cohdiHIM cohdiCOOK [00:00:51] de4pr4tt: yay!!! [00:00:52] BobTheJanit0r: BobTheJanit0r subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! f1nnHeart [00:00:52] f3mmbot: bobthejanit0r subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:53] kairisaysara: Oml [00:00:53] finn5terfan: Hey [00:00:53] arka_d_chief: Hey Manly man [00:00:54] emthemushroom: Hiii [00:00:54] tomb324u: Hello princess [00:00:54] RoxyMoonshine: Hey Finn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:00:54] siahthebeast22: Hi [00:00:55] mimmm: hiiii [00:00:55] Gakujikun: lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype [00:00:55] baumiges: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:55] CammieRock: sheltonVIBIN sheltonVIBIN sheltonVIBIN [00:00:57] transguyseth: hello [00:00:57] idkilikebanana2: Yoooo mommy stream [00:00:58] chrispz_420: Daddy finn [00:00:58] AdriaanaapdeGrote: heyyyyyy [00:00:58] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -60s. Stream start. - 690 [00:00:58] daininetta: I'm ready to gay [00:00:59] saaaable: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:00] callmegarp: Hi Finnegan [00:01:02] scatcha04: @saaaable I also gave him the benefit of the doubt [00:01:03] chemmycalls: Finnnn 💜 [00:01:03] tomhekker: time to watch some dumb bimbo for a couple of hours [00:01:04] heshimimnothim: Working out [00:01:04] TDog: okaydonDance okaydonDance okaydonDance okaydonDance okaydonDance okaydonDance okaydonDance [00:01:04] lazysans130123: cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH [00:01:04] gruntbane: Yay [00:01:04] engii38: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnLezgang [00:01:05] julia51785: Hi [00:01:06] Scrooge_McBong: Hey mommy bro, Finn!! 🥰 [00:01:08] Xylomn: flippi38Wiggle squchaPdance squchaJam jorvpJam squchaJam squchaPdance flippi38Wiggle [00:01:10] blackdevils521: SingsNote SingsNote [00:01:10] grap3_s0da: Let's go!!! [00:01:10] lazysans130123: cohdiHITMARKER cohdiHITMARKER cohdiHITMARKER cohdiHITMARKER [00:01:11] timabar: <3 CurseLit f1nnCowjam <3 CurseLit f1nnCowjam <3 CurseLit f1nnCowjam [00:01:13] supreme_p0wer: Hi [00:01:14] Wildesam18: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:01:14] ashes4ashess: How long does the intro usually last [00:01:15] lordgtafbi: yo [00:01:17] S_M_O_O_T_H: Hi f1nn!!!!! [00:01:17] navitass: navitass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:01:17] f3mmbot: navitass subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:17] jeremy_stu: We backkk [00:01:18] somerandoontwitcheee: I haven’t been here in so long [00:01:19] LilStunnaMusic: Sub [00:01:20] lazysans130123: cohdiLET cohdiHER cohdiHIM cohdiCOOK [00:01:22] ChloeKissez: Just got beat up defending f1nn from transfobes [00:01:22] dandilionandburdock: My dad just went from 0 to 100 really quick [00:01:23] Wildesam18: f1nnBingbong [00:01:23] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:01:23] Luucy_333: Hey Rose :) [00:01:25] bluj40: excuse me [00:01:25] kimeses: surprise stream :OOOOO [00:01:27] TDog: TDog is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [00:01:27] DAGalaxie: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:28] dossitboi: Hellooooo everyone ❤️❤️❤️ [00:01:28] dandilionandburdock: Day* [00:01:28] TDog: TDog gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlaredFoamer! [00:01:28] f3mmbot: tdog has gifted a subscription to flaredfoamer at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang flaredfoamer f1nnLezgang [00:01:29] cobaliam: Vroom [00:01:29] TheI3arracuda: Black screen [00:01:30] wnormu: yoooo [00:01:31] m4k5w3ll: hi everyone! [00:01:32] brookyn8937: 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄 [00:01:34] hydraking09: Yo [00:01:34] VekkTheAsuran: VekkTheAsuran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Been 9 months? Longest non intimate relationship I ever had. Lots of love [00:01:35] numeanor: W00t w00t? Stream? f1nnCowjam f1nnSad [00:01:35] f3mmbot: vekktheasuran subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:36] FelineFemby: suuuuup! [00:01:36] TheMainMan1284: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:36] engii38: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:36] grap3_s0da: Watching in the office so hopefully a wholesome stream [00:01:37] ChloeKissez: Is finn bald [00:01:37] heshimimnothim: I'm working out [00:01:38] Gakujikun: eeviee2Yay eeviee2Yay eeviee2Yay eeviee2Yay [00:01:39] ironhydra: Femboy Hours starting [00:01:40] cobaliam: Skirt [00:01:40] mart_hus: got scared for a second [00:01:40] bluj40: f1nnCowjam [00:01:41] rubbishfoxx: meow [00:01:41] F1NN5TER: was fixing thing lol [00:01:41] the_eric_herrera9: Does that count? [00:01:42] daininetta: KEKHeim KEKHeim KEKHeim KEKHeim KEKHeim KEKHeim [00:01:44] charlieokeefe420: Mother? [00:01:45] idesofjuno: pepeD [00:01:46] Namiii_Chan: Hioo [00:01:49] mart_hus: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:49] AniMeiGrrl: AniMeiGrrl subscribed with Prime. [00:01:49] f3mmbot: animeigrrl subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang animeigrrl f1nnLezgang [00:01:51] Wildesam18: Hype train nerd3Hype [00:01:51] grap3_s0da: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:52] lakeplcdblue: Yoooooo been a while since I’ve been here [00:01:52] pedro_solera: Pepito [00:01:52] ChloeKissez: Is ur thing okay now finn [00:01:52] its_your_girl_sea: Whats ur favorite food chat?!?! [00:01:53] Radadelaide: Papa [00:01:54] timabar: Here we go SeemsGood [00:01:56] GodBlessBananasplit: egg [00:01:57] XENOMAN5: Llleeetttttssss Ggggooooooo! [00:01:59] x_soulcore_x: Is the of worth it? Anyone buy it? [00:01:59] bluj40: god damn blueberries are so good [00:02:01] morgan10987: How many people are here [00:02:01] spacesheep0g: Meow [00:02:03] Primalluna: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:02:03] lazysans130123: cohdiAH [00:02:03] TDog: @F1NN5TER FIX Faster! [00:02:04] heshimimnothim: Cheer1hi [00:02:04] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Mods are ready to delete messages [00:02:04] daininetta: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [00:02:05] bizarrereign: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:05] rubbishfoxx: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [00:02:05] cortes921: Hi ppl [00:02:07] monkey17712: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:09] the_k1tt: Polish Cow [00:02:09] bluj40: i love when they just burst [00:02:09] grap3_s0da: A lot [00:02:09] george_12332: Hiiiii [00:02:10] ashes4ashess: BloodTrail [00:02:10] ledzeppelin05: Mommy [00:02:11] rubbishfoxx: TF2John TF2John [00:02:11] brookyn8937: 🐄🐄 [00:02:11] transguyseth: 1k people here [00:02:11] Jeddix: spmHi chat [00:02:13] Gakujikun: eeviee2GlowHYPE eeviee2GlowHYPE eeviee2GlowHYPE eeviee2GlowHYPE eeviee2GlowHYPE [00:02:13] ironhydra: Mans was getting zapped again [00:02:15] Kamen_Rider_Onli: Get to watch F1nn while working on a photography project, neat. [00:02:16] Stovamor: coxJam emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE coxJam [00:02:16] daininetta: I'm a man kisser uwu [00:02:16] grap3_s0da: Hi chat!!!! [00:02:17] XENOMAN5: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:19] ashes4ashess: riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis [00:02:19] the_eric_herrera9: CowJam [00:02:21] de4pr4tt: yum [00:02:21] rubbishfoxx: CoolCat [00:02:21] hydraking09: Have a test tomorow and didnt study good instead im watching a femboy [00:02:21] x_soulcore_x: pzhH pzhH pzhH [00:02:21] Wildesam18: twitchRaid [00:02:22] callmegarp: We've seen Finn's panties. It may not be real, but its def intimate [00:02:23] lazysans130123: cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH [00:02:23] ChloeKissez: Finn do the toca toca dance [00:02:23] mcmaster2000: Yay, hello chat! Hello Cow! Hello to that strange dude next to Cow! [00:02:24] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown [00:02:27] rubbishfoxx: pastaThat [00:02:27] austinTNT: rageic1Mommy [00:02:28] thecatcalledbrutus: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:02:28] ashes4ashess: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:02:30] foamy_vertex9: Why did my sub not pop up lol [00:02:30] de4pr4tt: yum yum yum f1nn!!!!!! [00:02:31] ledzeppelin05: SeemsGood [00:02:31] SmallestSmudge: I’m so vibing the dancing cow SeemsGood [00:02:32] CWally2788: Let’s go [00:02:32] Primalluna: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:02:32] reese5_puff: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:33] spo0522: W [00:02:33] FunOnce: hi chat [00:02:34] DerpyRAINBUW: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:35] Xylomn: flippi38Wiggle squchaPdance squchaJam jorvpJam squchaJam squchaPdance flippi38Wiggle [00:02:35] daininetta: TheIlluminati [00:02:36] ashes4ashess: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:02:37] Prandah: cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk [00:02:37] saaaable: @bluj40 blueberry cobbler is the greatest thing on this great green earth [00:02:39] lazysans130123: cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH cohdiAH [00:02:39] Wildesam18: lolipHype [00:02:39] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:02:40] Gakujikun: melani87Bongos1 melani87Bongos1 melani87Bongos1 melani87Bongos1 melani87Bongos1 [00:02:41] Florent_Nguyen: catJAM [00:02:41] scatcha04: Lechonk Lechonk [00:02:41] XENOMAN5: MercyWing1 f1nnCowjam MercyWing2 [00:02:42] Scrooge_McBong: SingsMic TBAngel SingsMic DxCat TwitchSings GlitchCat SingsNote BigPhish DxCat SingsMic TBAngel TwitchSings HeyGuys DxCat TwitchSings BigPhish GlitchCat SingsNote SingsMic [00:02:43] ChloeKissez: Fuck dancing cow we need dancing finn [00:02:44] RonnieSxl: FallHalp FallHalp [00:02:44] callmegarp: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:44] heshimimnothim: Cheer1hi [00:02:45] Streig: f1nnCowjam f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam [00:02:47] Wildesam18: f1nnChair [00:02:47] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:02:47] scatcha04: TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:02:48] Gakujikun: melani87RaveHype1 melani87RaveHype1 melani87RaveHype1 melani87RaveHype1 melani87RaveHype1 melani87RaveHype1 [00:02:48] Noskcaj1444: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:49] SalemSacrifices: No way [00:02:49] Luucy_333: Finally catching a stream, yay! [00:02:50] mamalesbee: ryanuzDaisy ryanuzDaisy ryanuzDaisy [00:02:50] loveroseslove: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:51] XENOMAN5: f1nnCowjam f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam [00:02:51] the_eric_herrera9: itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove [00:02:51] helayna_: helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey [00:02:51] SpockLogical: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:52] Prandah: cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty cottontailParty [00:02:52] dossitboi: f1nnSmile3 [00:02:52] Scrooge_McBong: awkwar192HI [00:02:53] axe1970: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:54] twisted_music08: Hellen low [00:02:54] mcmaster2000: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:55] jqueezy: And i thought I was gonna be productive today, how could I miss this tho [00:02:55] ilytatr: Who’s ready for some normal and conventional masculinity [00:02:57] Florent_Nguyen: Thanks for whoever gifted me a sub ! [00:02:57] Wafleuh: Yooo [00:02:57] heshimimnothim: Cow [00:02:57] zakmcal: Mommy [00:02:58] daininetta: StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese [00:03:00] callmegarp: I hope we get to spend time with f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair today [00:03:00] davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn and everyone in chat [00:03:00] OliveTentacle: squchaPdance squchaTentacle squchaPdance squchaTentacle squchaJam [00:03:02] Backstage_Bard: backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music backst38Strum backst38Music [00:03:02] crystallyn0: RAH MEN!!!!!!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ [00:03:03] bluj40: @saaaable as far as fruit deserts go i prefer a key lime pie but ill never turn down a cobbler [00:03:03] pterry2: ResidentSleeper [00:03:04] transguyseth: PunchTrees [00:03:05] ashes4ashess: KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha [00:03:06] Prandah: cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty [00:03:08] ashes4ashess: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:03:10] ladylionessoflondon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:10] emthemushroom: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:03:12] daininetta: R) [00:03:13] ashes4ashess: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:03:14] beeessalot: <3 [00:03:14] zakmcal: vievBooty vievBooty [00:03:14] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:17] axe1970: anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM [00:03:17] supreme_p0wer: 🐄 [00:03:17] ashes4ashess: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:03:18] DehizNuts: wattup [00:03:18] loveroseslove: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:20] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown [00:03:20] jawoowar: @pterry2 ResidentSleeper [00:03:20] ashes4ashess: MercyWing1 TPFufun MercyWing2 [00:03:21] beeessalot: <3 <3 [00:03:21] zwillytv: wolvsiBittts wolvsiBittts wolvsiBittts [00:03:22] emthemushroom: ImTyping [00:03:23] Brookelyn81698: peachyxDancing peachyxDancing peachyxDancing peachyxDancing [00:03:23] C0O0Dy: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:24] misterunchained: Waddup chat [00:03:25] FunsulYT: PansexualPride [00:03:26] Wildesam18: HypeSleep PrimeMe [00:03:26] deadgrammar: YES, I'M HERE [00:03:26] itami_249: Grace the chair [00:03:27] SwarlesDarwin: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:27] unrelenting_yeet: Lotta weebs in this chat [00:03:27] m1ch3ls_lif3: YESSSS [00:03:28] zwillytv: 2020Shred 2020Shred 2020Shred [00:03:30] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:03:30] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, please see the mod-talk channel of the mod discord [00:03:30] FunOnce: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:31] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:32] kristanie0815: kristanie0815 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! 22 yippie ya yeay [00:03:32] f3mmbot: kristanie0815 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:33] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, please see the mod-talk channel of the mod discord [00:03:33] Wildesam18: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:34] ashes4ashess: MercyWing1 PopCorn MercyWing2 [00:03:35] x_soulcore_x: pzhH pzhDOTA pzhH pzhL TwitchUnity VirtualHug AsexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride IntersexPride LesbianPride pzhH pzhH [00:03:36] the_eric_herrera9: itspea13Groove rynDance rynJam itspea13Groove [00:03:37] TheI3arracuda: ironmouseLetsgo [00:03:37] ashes4ashess: MercyWing1 HolidaySanta MercyWing2 [00:03:38] de4pr4tt: I’d use the lez gang sticker if i had a subscription :3 [00:03:41] m1ch3ls_lif3: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:42] Florent_Nguyen: mcd00dVibe [00:03:42] slumbernix544: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [00:03:42] pianoismyforte_: Heyyy chat, Tuesday stream! [00:03:43] rubbishfoxx: Jebasted [00:03:43] OliveTentacle: Squid1 Squid3 squchaTentacle [00:03:44] helayna_: annalu2Essie annalu2Essie annalu2Essie annalu2Essie [00:03:45] zakmcal: Kreygasm vievSad vievBooty [00:03:46] nessnessv1: <3 [00:03:47] ashes4ashess: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [00:03:47] callmegarp: f1nnHeadpat f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnHeadpat [00:03:51] turtle77_0: VirtualHug [00:03:52] hydraking09: Cheese [00:03:52] Prandah: cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailPop cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailPop cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailPop [00:03:52] ashes4ashess: SUBprise SUBprise [00:03:52] mynameiscelestialudenberg: !request *** [00:03:53] clover301: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:03:54] Alkno_93: lets gooo [00:03:54] ayalaboy1107: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:55] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:55] saaaable: f1nnCowjam [00:03:56] rubbishfoxx: TF2John TF2John TF2John [00:03:56] axe1970: sgreyDJ sgreyDJ sgreyDJ [00:03:57] armyvetkdot: itsrea36Slumpgang [00:03:57] mart_hus: 4 minutes [00:03:58] CloacaQueen: AlienDance [00:04:00] xmestupidx: WOOOO [00:04:00] helayna_: annalu2Gostupidgocrazy annalu2Gostupidgocrazy annalu2Gostupidgocrazy annalu2Gostupidgocrazy annalu2Gostupidgocrazy [00:04:00] Wildesam18: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 [00:04:02] NotSoAngel__: TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride LesbianPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:04:02] pianoismyforte_: Do you remember?!! [00:04:03] Xylomn: flippi38Wiggle squchaPdance squchaJam jorvpJam squchaJam squchaPdance flippi38Wiggle [00:04:04] Gakujikun: dangit5Hype dangit5Hype dangit5Hype dangit5Hype dangit5Hype dangit5Hype [00:04:04] davidiusfarrenius: Chad Finn 😄👍 [00:04:04] heshimimnothim: Hiiiiii [00:04:06] TheI3arracuda: DJ Finn [00:04:06] callmegarp: f1nnCowjam f1nnPegChamp f1nnCowjam f1nnPegChamp f1nnCowjam f1nnPegChamp f1nnCowjam [00:04:06] syllabiczero: 1 MORE MINUTE [00:04:06] FelineFemby: FelineFemby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 16 month streak! I don’t want a gigachad! boys are gross 🤮 [00:04:07] f3mmbot: felinefemby subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:07] austinTNT: neebsSMP1 neebsSMP2 neebsSMP3 [00:04:07] ChloeKissez: I just got beat up defending finn from transfobes [00:04:08] cobaliam: Lets a go [00:04:08] shortswarlok: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:11] idesofjuno: catJAM [00:04:11] CloacaQueen: PepePls PepePls AlienDance AlienDance [00:04:12] spo0522: LU [00:04:12] markie498: MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 [00:04:13] YeomanJensen: aquafpSjam [00:04:14] SmallestSmudge: When the music stims your adhd brain😅 [00:04:14] the_eric_herrera9: 21st night of September [00:04:16] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown FortOne cottontailMeltdown FortOne cottontailMeltdown FortOne cottontailMeltdown FortOne cottontailMeltdown FortOne cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown FortOne FortOne FortOne cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty [00:04:17] rubbishfoxx: lol retro music [00:04:18] slacker_24_: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:04:18] Florent_Nguyen: ashlizIvyJAM [00:04:19] mart_hus: 30 seconds!!!!! [00:04:21] transguyseth: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:04:22] daininetta: f1nnHands [00:04:23] kristanie0815: Scam [00:04:23] saaaable: f1nnCowjam nomina4Blahaj f1nnCowjam nomina4Blahaj [00:04:25] YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 [00:04:27] somerandoontwitcheee: What the one mean [00:04:28] clover301: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:04:28] kcjacks: I mean, technically, Finn is appearing on stream now, right? [00:04:28] kristanie0815: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:04:31] Gakujikun: puccalFeng puccalFeng puccalFeng puccalFeng puccalFeng puccalFeng [00:04:31] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Do you remember that finn weighs as much as a pebble [00:04:31] ChloeKissez: No [00:04:32] chad_thebro: whosth13Spin [00:04:32] ramboo1989: Hello there! [00:04:33] Wildesam18: f1nnCowjam f1nnZOOM [00:04:34] callmegarp: This is a real goddamn boogie lets see y'all DANCE [00:04:34] zakmcal: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 [00:04:34] pianoismyforte_: Dancing in September! [00:04:35] ashes4ashess: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:04:36] slacker_24_: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:04:37] daininetta: f1nnHeart [00:04:37] the_k1tt: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:04:39] clover301: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:04:39] Wildesam18: Squid1 Squid2 [00:04:39] jeremy_stu: AYYYYYY IIII AYE [00:04:40] hydraking09: <3 [00:04:42] scarysoup: catJAM [00:04:42] Florent_Nguyen: feliJammies [00:04:43] monkey17712: @somerandoontwitcheee what you predicted [00:04:43] turtle77_0: MercyWing1 <3 MercyWing2 [00:04:43] helayna_: helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey helenamHumphreydancey [00:04:44] spo0522: Speed just we [00:04:45] Nidhogg999: Hiyo guys [00:04:45] de4pr4tt: f1nn is so pretty uwu [00:04:46] callmegarp: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:47] davidiusfarrenius: Earth wind and Fire 🔥 Let’s gooo! [00:04:48] cobaliam: Bootie woofie [00:04:49] clover301: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:04:49] saaaable: f1nn noooo [00:04:50] rubbishfoxx: imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch [00:04:50] AlfredIsChillin: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:04:50] mart_hus: WE WIN THEESE!!!!!! [00:04:52] mynameiscelestialudenberg: !sr *** [00:04:53] markie498: GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:04:54] daininetta: f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:04:54] chrispz_420: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:04:56] Wildesam18: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:04:56] Bluddly: knenPop knenPop [00:04:56] Prandah: cottontailPop hasSlam cottontailPop hasSlam cottontailPop hasSlam cottontailPop hasSlam hasSlam cottontailPop cottontailPop hasSlam [00:04:57] monkey17712: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnGremlin [00:04:57] the_eric_herrera9: Sko [00:04:57] corneiv: Yeesssss I won [00:04:57] zakmcal: Kappa Kappa Kappa [00:04:58] OliveTentacle: MercyWing1 squchaJam MercyWing2 [00:04:59] ChloeKissez: Finn looks like Justin Bieber here [00:04:59] austinTNT: neebsThickAM [00:04:59] J_money271: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:00] mcmaster2000: pcrowBounce pcrowBounce pcrowBounce [00:05:01] ashes4ashess: Spams his whole comment section with emojis the whole stream🤣 [00:05:01] clover301: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR [00:05:01] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:05:03] heshimimnothim: 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐮🐮 [00:05:04] transguyseth: AsexualPride BisexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride IntersexPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [00:05:05] gruntbane: Goddammit [00:05:06] somerandoontwitcheee: Squid2 Squid4 Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 [00:05:06] S1LCO: Hi [00:05:06] vemioxplays: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:07] ashes4ashess: 🥩🥩🥩🥩 [00:05:08] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:09] logan07311: F1nn <3 [00:05:09] empalander: I'm on the toilet drinking 🍷 [00:05:10] callmegarp: zannySolaireShake f1nnCowjam zannySolaireShake f1nnCowjam zannySolaireShake [00:05:10] the_k1tt: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper BibleThump BibleThump PogChamp PogChamp [00:05:10] Helen_Croft: Points time [00:05:11] sleepy_boy4281: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea <3 <3 <3 [00:05:11] rubbishfoxx: copyThis pastaThat [00:05:11] FunOnce: KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha [00:05:12] x_soulcore_x: Ggs pzhDED pzhDespair pzhPog pzhBLESS [00:05:13] Wildesam18: Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 [00:05:14] zev4lifeee: Helloooo [00:05:14] xmestupidx: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:05:14] Nidhogg999: Anyone else excited for Chair? [00:05:15] mart_hus: I should have bet more [00:05:16] axe1970: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:16] Prandah: cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy cottontailLittleGuy [00:05:16] hydraking09: Kreygasm [00:05:17] heshimimnothim: Hi [00:05:17] havon_kostilus: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:05:18] chrispz_420: SingsMic GlitchCat [00:05:18] daininetta: TransgenderPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride f1nnHeart f1nnRun f1nnHeart f1nnRun f1nnHeart f1nnRun [00:05:18] slightlyredpanda: MercyWing1 TheIlluminati MercyWing2 [00:05:20] sleepy_boy4281: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:20] emthemushroom: DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode [00:05:20] ilytatr: God this slaps [00:05:21] the_eric_herrera9: MercyWing1 itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove MercyWing2 [00:05:21] clover301: StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch [00:05:23] slumbernix544: Lechonk Lechonk Lechonk Lechonk Lechonk Lechonk [00:05:24] pro_soth: Hi [00:05:24] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown [00:05:24] ashes4ashess: MercyWing2 MercyWing2 [00:05:25] supreme_p0wer: F1NN5TER is DA BeSt [00:05:26] Wildesam18: f1nnChair [00:05:26] ashes4ashess: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:05:27] chrispz_420: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:05:27] S1LCO: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:28] chad_thebro: whosth13Spin whosth13Spin whosth13Spin [00:05:28] daininetta: f1nnHeart TransgenderPride PansexualPride f1nnHeart [00:05:30] rubbishfoxx: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:05:30] chrispz_420: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:05:31] clover301: SUBprise SUBprise [00:05:31] ricebowl75: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:33] RonnieSxl: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:05:33] mart_hus: I gained 16k points nice [00:05:34] chrispz_420: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:05:35] slumbernix544: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:05:35] josh_hunt2: Ayyy [00:05:37] engii38: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:38] uc00: next time try 8 mins [00:05:39] transguyseth: this is my first time watch a stream of F1nn5ter [00:05:40] daininetta: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [00:05:42] skyblues06: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:42] j0nny_1155: BloodTrail [00:05:42] grap3_s0da: Cheer100 [00:05:43] kentrautner: Sup [00:05:43] callmegarp: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:05:44] clover301: MercyWing1 KEKHeim MercyWing2 [00:05:45] Wildesam18: f1nnPegChamp [00:05:45] ChloeKissez: HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket [00:05:45] slumbernix544: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [00:05:45] ayalaboy1107: El drugs [00:05:46] Prandah: cottontailPop cottontailPop cottontailPop cottontailPop cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk cottontailBonk [00:05:48] mrtac1302: <3 [00:05:48] chrispz_420: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:05:49] daininetta: PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart f1nnHeart PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:05:50] OliveTentacle: jinjaSquish [00:05:50] S1LCO: SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote [00:05:50] Backstage_Bard: I am excite [00:05:51] pro_soth: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 [00:05:53] FunsulYT: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [00:05:53] Macks_02: whimzWIGGLE f1nnCowjam whimzWIGGLE f1nnCowjam [00:05:54] clover301: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:05:55] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:05:55] ChloeKissez: Shush Shush Shush Shush FallHalp FallHalp FallHalp FallHalp FallHalp [00:05:56] somerandoontwitcheee: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:57] its_your_girl_sea: TPFufun [00:05:58] Nidhogg999: @transguyseth Welcome then [00:05:58] Gakujikun: kitten289Kiss kitten289Kiss kitten289Kiss kitten289Kiss kitten289Kiss kitten289Kiss [00:05:58] reese5_puff: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:59] daininetta: I'm a boy kisser [00:06:00] the_k1tt: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:06:01] Iconic841: tmolThicc tmolThicc [00:06:02] r3allowxx: Here we go [00:06:03] pro_soth: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 [00:06:08] ChloeKissez: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS Jebasted Jebasted PogBones PogBones RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp [00:06:09] katietalks: TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride LesbianPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:06:10] Wildesam18: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:06:10] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty [00:06:11] OliveTentacle: aruTongue [00:06:12] hydraking09: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:06:12] its_your_girl_sea: HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon [00:06:13] stumblefish: TransgenderPride [00:06:15] itsallbeendone: f1nnGremlin [00:06:15] chrispz_420: SingsNote SingsMic GlitchCat SingsNote [00:06:16] KiriahKolrath: Thx for the bucks! [00:06:16] xmestupidx: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:18] HawkOfDiscord: Finn [00:06:19] m1ch3ls_lif3: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:22] HawkOfDiscord: saltci2GIMMIEshake [00:06:25] A_Wandering_Vagabond: bupLOVE bupLOVE bupLOVE [00:06:27] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:06:27] Iconic841: tmolGrey tmolGrey tmolHype tmolHype [00:06:27] HawkOfDiscord: PowerUpL saltci2OGeye PowerUpR [00:06:28] j0nny_1155: SeriousSloth [00:06:30] callmegarp: cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty f1nnCowjam cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty f1nnCowjam cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty f1nnCowjam [00:06:31] bluj40: got me whistlin and shit [00:06:31] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:06:34] Gakujikun: lilycu1Shakey lilycu1Shakey lilycu1Shakey lilycu1Shakey lilycu1Shakey lilycu1Shakey [00:06:34] OliveTentacle: sara29Liebee sara29Liebee sara29Liebee [00:06:35] hydraking09: Squid4 TearGlove [00:06:35] S1LCO: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:06:37] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:39] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:39] Xylomn: flippi38Wiggle squchaPdance squchaJam jorvpJam squchaJam squchaPdance flippi38Wiggle [00:06:40] josh_hunt2: FIN [00:06:40] helayna_: livharDanceparty livharDanceparty livharDanceparty livharDanceparty livharDanceparty [00:06:42] katietalks: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:43] hUGOeSON: Its time [00:06:44] bfsobnfs: TransgenderPride MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 TransgenderPride [00:06:45] XENOMAN5: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:46] Wildesam18: FootGoal [00:06:46] ashes4ashess: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:06:47] Prandah: cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang [00:06:47] somerandoontwitcheee: This is ablism [00:06:48] OliveTentacle: sedyPat2 [00:06:49] ashes4ashess: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:06:49] SmallestSmudge: f1nnGremlin Should be asleep. But watching a dancing cow insteas [00:06:49] yooniemontana: FrankerZ1 FrankerZ1 FrankerZ1 [00:06:53] ashes4ashess: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:06:54] nessnessv1: MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [00:06:54] kyrogaming: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:56] amouro_: rcdPls [00:06:57] Backstage_Bard: celest157Party celest157Party celest157Party celest157Party celest157Party celest157Party [00:06:59] SavvySavion: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:59] ChloeKissez: PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob GunRun GunRun HolidayCookie PinkMercy TwitchRPG MaxLOL [00:06:59] j0nny_1155: CoolStoryBob [00:07:01] corneiv: Im bout to go eat [00:07:02] reese5_puff: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:02] daininetta: cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty cottontailHeadBang [00:07:04] xmestupidx: TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:07:04] ChloeKissez: LUL VoHiYo [00:07:04] Prandah: HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy HypeCool cottontailLittleGuy [00:07:08] daininetta: Lmao [00:07:08] XENOMAN5: Time for my bisexual serotonin [00:07:09] shortswarlok: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:09] OliveTentacle: powdurWiggle powdurHYPE powdurHEADBANG powdurBOCCHI [00:07:10] callmegarp: f1nnCowjam cottontailHeadBang f1nnCowjam cottontailParty f1nnCowjam cottontailHeadBang f1nnCowjam cottontailParty f1nnCowjam cottontailHeadBang [00:07:11] davidiusfarrenius: Are you in the loo Finn? 😄 [00:07:12] SavvySavion: savvys27PineHype savvys27PineHype [00:07:13] S1LCO: GivePLZ SingsNote TakeNRG [00:07:14] amouro_: rcdHuttt_SG rcdHuttt_SG rcdHuttt_SG rcdHuttt_SG rcdHuttt_SG [00:07:15] Scrooge_McBong: Start the show mommy! awkwar192STRESSED awkwar192STRESSED [00:07:15] ChloeKissez: NewRecord FallWinning ModLove CaitlynS ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove CaitlynS KEKHeim PoroSad PizzaTime FallCry [00:07:15] MidniteLux: Gigachad of my dreams. Wow so aware [00:07:16] supreme_p0wer: Shees [00:07:18] vinc_steini: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:18] somerandoontwitcheee: L [00:07:19] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty cottontailMeltdown cottontailParty cottontailMeltdown cottontailHeadBang cottontailParty [00:07:19] KiriahKolrath: @SmallestSmudge Welcome to the stream! This is all we get for the next 5 hours... [00:07:19] transguyseth: cum [00:07:20] its_your_girl_sea: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:07:21] chrispz_420: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:07:25] JupiterBidualt: runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM [00:07:25] ChloeKissez: @davidiusfarrenius HAHAHAHHA [00:07:25] MrPink0000: silence [00:07:26] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:26] ramboo1989: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [00:07:27] dokter_bernardo: NotLikeThis [00:07:27] OliveTentacle: bgkatjDance bgkatjDance bgkatjDance bgkatjPeitsch [00:07:29] Iconic841: tmolBoss [00:07:30] xmestupidx: WOOOO [00:07:31] Nidhogg999: Heeey [00:07:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:07:33] daininetta: f1nnRun TransgenderPride PansexualPride f1nnRun [00:07:33] axe1970: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [00:07:33] callmegarp: ! THE BOY [00:07:34] chrispz_420: PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn [00:07:34] anonymouswompus: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip OpieOP [00:07:35] adaf321: hey [00:07:35] j0nny_1155: Please [00:07:36] rubbishfoxx: riPepperonis [00:07:37] Lunasiie: Haiii [00:07:37] YeomanJensen: F1nn's bussy is safe... for now limmyBlahemGif [00:07:37] hydraking09: Who has a mil [00:07:38] sweethki: Time for Bi panic [00:07:38] marieemilie1: F1NN [00:07:39] Nidhogg999: Your Manlihood? [00:07:39] j0nny_1155: Ahh [00:07:39] katietalks: TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride [00:07:40] daininetta: f1nnHeart PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:07:40] helayna_: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:07:41] monkey17712: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:41] vemioxplays: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:07:42] ggGideonn: skyhig11Lucio skyhig11Lucio [00:07:42] JupiterBidualt: runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM runawaJAM [00:07:42] soot_panicc: PowerUpL TPcrunchyroll PowerUpR [00:07:43] MegaMiley: Please don't stop the music [00:07:44] TheI3arracuda: F? [00:07:44] jdkillme: Woah bi panic time [00:07:45] rubbishfoxx: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [00:07:45] MegaMiley: :P [00:07:46] Photonicfab: your masculinity?? [00:07:46] TheCharlesTownsend: They're on your head! [00:07:47] jqueezy: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:07:47] hipufiamiumi: fuci [00:07:47] SmallestSmudge: @kiriahkolrath This is acceptable [00:07:48] bluj40: hello? [00:07:49] rubbishfoxx: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [00:07:49] vrworkouts: F [00:07:49] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:07:49] mcmaster2000: Oy, stream gone? [00:07:49] callmegarp: f? [00:07:50] Gakujikun: lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype lilycu1Glowhype [00:07:50] hopalongtommy: Hey F1nn, how's the laser burns? [00:07:50] Prandah: hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant hasRant [00:07:50] hokkkkk_: F [00:07:51] MegaMiley: Lag? [00:07:51] kristanie0815: F [00:07:51] marieemilie1: Bi panic here we go [00:07:52] XENOMAN5: To new viewers this is like half of his streams [00:07:52] centim3t3r: no connection? [00:07:53] cheesusyourlord: F [00:07:53] soot_panicc: Hi [00:07:53] MegaMiley: F [00:07:53] stephylmao: F [00:07:53] Wildesam18: Hello@ [00:07:53] OliveTentacle: monaeuRage2 [00:07:54] TheI3arracuda: F [00:07:54] davidiusfarrenius: I’ve got to go put the bin out in a minute [00:07:54] jqueezy: FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin [00:07:54] sleepy_boy4281: HES HERE WOOOOO [00:07:54] soullesskitten: AHHHHHHH [00:07:54] Helen_Croft: F [00:07:54] the_k1tt: F1nn arrive. Stream Crash [00:07:54] callmegarp: wut [00:07:55] ramboo1989: Fella! [00:07:55] FunOnce: F [00:07:55] Nidhogg999: @photonicfab Lol [00:07:55] ChloeKissez: @f1nn5ter @davidiusfarrenius asks if ur on the loo rn [00:07:55] baumiges: F [00:07:56] johnkeiwo: f [00:07:56] lazysans130123: F [00:07:57] Streig: F [00:07:57] XENOMAN5: F [00:07:57] MegaMiley: Dead stream XD [00:07:57] Vyrokolakas: F [00:07:57] TH1SisSTAN: F [00:07:57] saaaable: f [00:07:57] corneiv: Omg it’s coming 😍 [00:07:57] callmegarp: F [00:07:57] unaffected95: F [00:07:57] margothea: F [00:07:58] LittleChaSiu: okay it's not just me [00:07:58] ggGideonn: F [00:07:58] hUGOeSON: F [00:07:58] bizarrereign: F [00:07:58] monkey17712: It is the boy that lived [00:07:58] wulfii: NotLikeThis [00:07:58] rubbishfoxx: f [00:07:59] johnmichael91: holla? [00:07:59] AlhambraMMXX: F [00:07:59] r3allowxx: F [00:07:59] Joseph_X_Suarez: F [00:07:59] monkey17712: d [00:07:59] LaserM0nkey: F [00:08:00] hirvikimmo69: F [00:08:00] hdavaris1: F [00:08:00] dcgaw4p1999: F [00:08:00] idesofjuno: F [00:08:00] LittleChaSiu: rip stream [00:08:01] Zyvoider: F [00:08:01] Flip_Dingo: f [00:08:01] Noskcaj1444: f [00:08:01] scatteredleaves: F [00:08:01] z3lt4on: F [00:08:01] scarysoup: F? [00:08:01] spo0522: A true giga chad [00:08:02] muddymudkip15: F [00:08:02] Helen_Croft: NotLikeThis [00:08:02] jordieboi45: F [00:08:02] reese5_puff: F [00:08:02] jdkillme: F [00:08:02] monkey17712: F [00:08:02] somerandoontwitcheee: F [00:08:03] hipufiamiumi: F [00:08:03] anthonytrolololo: F [00:08:03] hUGOeSON: Lul [00:08:03] chickennuggettsss13: Howdy [00:08:03] centim3t3r: F [00:08:03] ggGideonn: fsk [00:08:03] Gakujikun: F [00:08:04] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:08:04] MelodyOSSimulationVR: F [00:08:04] IdiotKnightKing: F [00:08:04] jadesm3lls: f [00:08:04] davidiusfarrenius: Hurry up you tart! 😄 [00:08:05] Backstage_Bard: You tease [00:08:05] RoxyMoonshine: F [00:08:05] capsulatepluto: F [00:08:05] hydraking09: L [00:08:06] OliveTentacle: F [00:08:06] jbemoo: F [00:08:06] Luucy_333: Oh shit lol [00:08:06] callmegarp: EFF [00:08:06] XENOMAN5: NotLikeThis [00:08:07] helayna_: F [00:08:07] soullesskitten: love getting off work to my fav femboy stream [00:08:07] phantaton: "I'm just looking for something" famous last words [00:08:07] YeomanJensen: SabaPing [00:08:07] Wildesam18: nerd3Minus200 [00:08:07] dandilionandburdock: COUCH stream wooo [00:08:07] centim3t3r: NOOOO [00:08:07] Lucridis: f [00:08:08] johnmichael91: f [00:08:08] TheRock8884: F [00:08:08] marieemilie1: F1nn- [00:08:08] lucygoosey03: f [00:08:08] Bulldog85043: mega-F [00:08:08] gruntbane: F [00:08:09] FunOnce: Scam [00:08:09] 71M073J: L [00:08:09] jqueezy: F [00:08:09] tookashbunga: YOOOOOO [00:08:09] braddle172: F [00:08:10] reese5_puff: f1nnSCAM [00:08:10] marieemilie1: HELLOO [00:08:10] scatcha04: That’s a shame [00:08:10] Buy_Rubydung: Buy_Rubydung subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 25 months! [00:08:11] f3mmbot: buy_rubydung subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:08:11] Luucy_333: RIP [00:08:11] turtle77_0: F [00:08:12] Stovamor: Stream F [00:08:12] Sgtmeep: l [00:08:12] kcjacks: F [00:08:12] uc00: f [00:08:12] marieemilie1: HIIIII [00:08:13] Rosankrantz: blondi13Lala benjyvrWiggle benjyvrHype mkoJammies mkoCocking rynDance [00:08:13] tookashbunga: F [00:08:13] Alkno_93: F [00:08:13] daininetta: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:13] syllabiczero: F [00:08:13] Kolateak_: F [00:08:14] bluj40: wow short stream am i right HAHAHAHA [00:08:14] raccoonsloot: f [00:08:14] marieemilie1: FINNNN [00:08:15] Nidhogg999: Scaaaaam [00:08:15] GodBlessBananasplit: F [00:08:15] daininetta: StinkyCheese [00:08:16] twisted_music08: F [00:08:16] baumiges: rip [00:08:16] chloe__20_: F [00:08:16] boolzn: Guess he found the wrong thing [00:08:16] MegaMiley: RIP [00:08:16] C0O0Dy: F [00:08:17] cybertheartistt: hi [00:08:17] king_of_hearts_1: Probably clicked the wrong button [00:08:17] mcmaster2000: What couldn't he find? The internet? [00:08:17] 0redzed0: F [00:08:18] OliveTentacle: inoric1Laugh [00:08:19] supersloth269: f [00:08:19] tehikohiko: F [00:08:20] engii38: f [00:08:20] misterunchained: F [00:08:20] sucks_eggs: If you’re looking for your masculinity, we can’t seem to find it either. [00:08:21] daininetta: f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun [00:08:21] supersloth269: ff [00:08:21] stephylmao: o7 [00:08:22] SmallestSmudge: Music [00:08:22] xx_bex_becca_xx: F [00:08:22] Luucy_333: Bimbo net haha [00:08:22] cortes921: Gigachad [00:08:22] supersloth269: f [00:08:23] tookashbunga: F rip [00:08:23] pianoismyforte_: F [00:08:23] hipufiamiumi: good stream everyone [00:08:23] imNotSubbed: F [00:08:24] the4ce0fspades: F [00:08:24] kyrogaming: F [00:08:24] Florent_Nguyen: Guys, just refresh the page. [00:08:24] Wardenboo: F [00:08:25] LittleChaSiu: welp [00:08:25] Helen_Croft: NotLikeThis [00:08:25] tomhekker: NotLikeThis [00:08:26] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: F [00:08:27] marieemilie1: Oop [00:08:27] johnmichael91: rip [00:08:27] DrDrowsydrips: F [00:08:27] margothea: Ope [00:08:27] natestaken: lol [00:08:28] Flip_Dingo: bruh died [00:08:28] tookashbunga: dead [00:08:28] corneiv: F [00:08:28] XoIaani: ??? [00:08:28] plutoniumgoats: welp [00:08:28] phantaton: good stream [00:08:28] TheI3arracuda: F [00:08:29] RonnieSxl: NotLikeThis [00:08:29] driftylive: driftylive subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:08:29] im_up_to_something: F [00:08:29] AdriaanaapdeGrote: rip\ [00:08:29] f3mmbot: driftylive subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:08:29] skyblues06: F [00:08:29] bottlegregmedia: f [00:08:30] Jens_LN: F [00:08:30] mart_hus: sjot [00:08:30] ilytatr: Uh oh [00:08:30] 71M073J: double L [00:08:30] itami_249: Am lossing my patience [00:08:30] Scrooge_McBong: Looking for his pp [00:08:30] DrDrowsydrips: F 󠀀 [00:08:31] thedarkestmemer: Bruh [00:08:31] daininetta: Bingus [00:08:31] MasterPancake69: f [00:08:31] kimeses: F [00:08:31] blackdevils521: F [00:08:31] marieemilie1: Oh god [00:08:31] r3allowxx: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:08:31] consimiamo: f [00:08:31] monkey17712: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:08:32] clover301: Ope it’s dead [00:08:32] mart_hus: shit [00:08:33] LaserM0nkey: Riiiiiip femboy [00:08:33] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:08:33] kristanie0815: F [00:08:33] GodBlessBananasplit: egg [00:08:34] MegaMiley: Back? [00:08:34] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Voice-over and then stream stopped (?) . - 1900 [00:08:34] xmestupidx: F [00:08:34] DrDrowsydrips: back [00:08:34] pianoismyforte_: 8 minute stream [00:08:35] Kolateak_: Oh? [00:08:35] OliveTentacle: hakujo1Panik [00:08:36] callmegarp: WE'LL NEVER KNOW [00:08:36] Wildesam18: I broke [00:08:36] XoIaani: WHAT HAPPENED [00:08:36] CharredCoall: f [00:08:36] spo0522: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:08:36] Luucy_333: Good start hahaha [00:08:36] Bulldog85043: He kicked his ehernet cable again [00:08:36] Streig: Oh wow [00:08:37] johnkeiwo: Short stream PogU [00:08:37] johnkeiwo: Short stream PogU [00:08:37] twin_cdj: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:08:38] marieemilie1: F1nn [00:08:38] tgdmshow: Back? [00:08:38] yokai_327: rip to the stream that never started :( [00:08:38] ramboo1989: what happened to the jams [00:08:39] pianoismyforte_: We back? [00:08:39] marieemilie1: Hello [00:08:39] Helen_Croft: back and muted [00:08:39] YeomanJensen: please tell me that it's not the ISP [00:08:39] bluj40: hopefully its not an internet day [00:08:39] cortes921: Its back [00:08:40] 101frag420: NotLikeThis [00:08:40] z3lt4on: NotLikeThis [00:08:40] Kolateak_: We back? [00:08:41] MegaMiley: Nah still dead [00:08:41] scatcha04: Wonder what he was looking for? [00:08:42] Backstage_Bard: Man getting a level 4 hype train while offline [00:08:42] MelodyOSSimulationVR: NotLikeThis [00:08:42] RonnieSxl: KomodoHype [00:08:42] tookashbunga: its back [00:08:42] Cyprohep: F [00:08:42] Kolateak_: We not back [00:08:43] Nidhogg999: Give it up for the manly man [00:08:43] Prandah: cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair cottontailChair [00:08:43] spo0522: Lol [00:08:43] ScarredLemon: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:08:43] mimmm: rip [00:08:44] 20cisneros20: chumba2Gasm chumba2Gasm chumba2Gasm chumba2Gasm chumba2Gasm chumba2Gasm [00:08:44] phantaton: 10/10 stream would watch again [00:08:45] FunOnce: well, that was fun [00:08:45] Gakujikun: gakujiSadge gakujiSadge gakujiSadge gakujiSadge gakujiSadge [00:08:46] hllani2: lorNANI lorNANI lorNANI [00:08:46] Streig: LUL [00:08:47] wiebe2006z: NOPE [00:08:47] helayna_: PHEW [00:08:47] hopalongtommy: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [00:08:48] destiny3457: First time here [00:08:49] transguyseth: what? [00:08:49] rubbishfoxx: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:08:51] GameMaster_970: What's going on? [00:08:51] RonnieSxl: NotLikeThis [00:08:51] clover301: Oh no bro [00:08:51] XoIaani: Offline [00:08:52] pianoismyforte_: Frozen again [00:08:52] braddle172: Rip [00:08:53] wiebe2006z: Shorts streams today [00:08:53] TheI3arracuda: Still ded [00:08:53] im_up_to_something: redsayCry [00:08:54] tgdmshow: Eh... [00:08:54] xmestupidx: Epic stream wow [00:08:55] Helen_Croft: did you laser the internet? [00:08:55] blackdevils521: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:08:55] transguyseth: same destiny [00:08:56] helayna_: F [00:08:56] rubbishfoxx: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [00:08:57] SmallestSmudge: We need the vibing music [00:08:57] dbbs3: Damn [00:08:58] XoIaani: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:08:58] XENOMAN5: Shortest stream ever!! Woot!! [00:08:58] wizardrobez: f [00:08:58] Xylomn: f1nnGremlin [00:08:58] FunOnce: come next week [00:08:59] reese5_puff: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:09:00] ScarredLemon: F [00:09:01] johnmichael91: NotLikeThis [00:09:01] IAMBLUEWOLF: F [00:09:01] Flip_Dingo: f? [00:09:01] ilytatr: Fucking Viacom [00:09:01] Amoyamoyamoya: It's OK. He's a new streamer and has to still figure stuff out. [00:09:03] pianoismyforte_: Real scuffed gremlin hours. [00:09:03] Vyrokolakas: F [00:09:05] XoIaani: Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega [00:09:05] Scrooge_McBong: Damn he tripped over his dildo [00:09:05] YeomanJensen: NotLikeThis [00:09:06] rubbishfoxx: BegWan BigPhish [00:09:06] tehikohiko: abiTofu abiTofu abiTofu abiTofu abiTofu abiTofu [00:09:07] callmegarp: Homie unplugged his router [00:09:07] reese5_puff: NotLikeThis [00:09:07] beazeen: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:09:07] mimmm: i'll see yall next week [00:09:07] tomhekker: that was a pretty chill stream tbh [00:09:08] Prandah: See you next week [00:09:08] soullesskitten: f [00:09:08] transguyseth: ItsBoshyTime [00:09:08] idkilikebanana2: We’ll be right back [00:09:09] ayalaboy1107: Has the egg arrived [00:09:09] turtle77_0: F [00:09:10] mustangcubed: Best stream ever…. [00:09:11] its_your_girl_sea: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:09:12] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Finns voice made the stream quiver [00:09:12] gorothbee: Bruh [00:09:13] S1LCO: F [00:09:13] Kerenhb: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:09:13] kwjdjdjdjjd6: hii [00:09:13] dbbs3: Oh well [00:09:14] pikapeeko_: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:09:14] Streig: f1nnSad [00:09:14] rubbishfoxx: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:09:14] Wildesam18: F [00:09:14] hipufiamiumi: at what point is it an offline hype train [00:09:15] Jrko0: Bro why do ppl keep saying im gay [00:09:15] Kinitawowi: NotLikeThis [00:09:15] Flip_Dingo: f??? [00:09:15] OliveTentacle: squchaNotlikethis squchaPnotlikethis jinjaNotLikeThis [00:09:18] twin_cdj: Can't find thing. Proceeds to kick internet cable from pc LUL [00:09:19] RoxyMoonshine: Well, what a stream [00:09:19] glitchy_bich: Hiiii [00:09:19] Backstage_Bard: @anonymouswompus Babies first stream! [00:09:20] mcmaster2000: Well, it was fun while it lasted [00:09:20] cheesusyourlord: Every so often i get a glimpse of cow [00:09:21] r3allowxx: Nothing to see here [00:09:21] king_ad_12: F [00:09:21] SeggaSenpai: scamchLoves [00:09:22] wiebe2006z: this stream is awesome [00:09:23] callmegarp: Someone sing a song I wanna dance [00:09:23] imNotSubbed: Good stream all! [00:09:24] phantaton: oof [00:09:24] Gurglefrix: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:09:25] orian_wadles: Back [00:09:25] Streig: This was the wrong kind of chill [00:09:26] j0nny_1155: His hamster stopped spinning on the wheel [00:09:26] Amicaty: F [00:09:27] narratics: shit i missed the gambling [00:09:27] Helen_Croft: didnt find the internet bill [00:09:28] Florent_Nguyen: Guys, just click the big red [Reload Player] button [00:09:28] rubbishfoxx: MercyWing1 MaxLOL MercyWing2 [00:09:28] GameMaster_970: BEST STREAM CHECK [00:09:29] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:09:29] lonewolf33619: Hello [00:09:30] Xenomathxx: Ĥĥĥjhjhhhh [00:09:32] Jrko0: Wow [00:09:32] EmberstormHS: just joined, what is this [00:09:32] DetectivePeso: Rip [00:09:33] uc00: f [00:09:33] Dalodrin: Ded [00:09:34] hUGOeSON: Weeehooo [00:09:34] LittleChaSiu: welp [00:09:34] consimiamo: lmao [00:09:34] idkilikebanana2: Never gonna give you up [00:09:35] Helen_Croft: NotLikeThis [00:09:35] RonnieSxl: LUL [00:09:35] me1ll0: this is enjoyable [00:09:36] Wafleuh: Oh well [00:09:36] tgdmshow: Great stream. See you in a week f1nnHeart [00:09:36] Flip_Dingo: F [00:09:37] z3lt4on: NotLikeThis [00:09:37] Streig: We didn't even get chair! [00:09:37] ChloeKissez: U look nice bro [00:09:38] dazzling_teapot: f [00:09:38] effthelf: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:09:38] Nidhogg999: Give us Chair [00:09:38] its_your_girl_sea: Rip [00:09:38] StrawberryCheescake25: Omg really [00:09:38] chad_thebro: NotLikeThis [00:09:39] Wildesam18: Rip [00:09:39] hllani2: cclineSip cclineSip [00:09:40] braddle172: f1nnHands [00:09:41] YeomanJensen: it's the ISP isn't it limmyFedUp [00:09:41] Wafleuh: See y'all tomorrow LUL [00:09:41] phantaton: it sure was a surprise chill stream [00:09:41] GameMaster_970: PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob [00:09:41] idkilikebanana2: Never gonna let you down [00:09:41] misterunchained: Technical difficulties intensify [00:09:41] Scrooge_McBong: Hummm…. [00:09:42] im_up_to_something: redsaySleep redsaySleep redsaySleep [00:09:42] heshimimnothim: F [00:09:42] Luucy_333: Well, good night everyone xd [00:09:43] Kamen_Rider_Onli: R.I.P [00:09:43] jordieboi45: Rip [00:09:43] kgober: what's going on? where is chair? [00:09:44] GameMaster_970: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [00:09:44] kristanie0815: Something’s wrong [00:09:45] XENOMAN5: Check the pressure in the tires on your router? [00:09:45] rubbishfoxx: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [00:09:47] austinTNT: neebsRecon [00:09:47] idkilikebanana2: Never gonna turn around [00:09:48] johnmichael91: we back [00:09:48] TheI3arracuda: NotLikeThis [00:09:49] pianoismyforte_: We back [00:09:49] ChasingSol: HELLO [00:09:49] Kolateak_: WE BACK [00:09:50] cheesusyourlord: We back [00:09:50] MegaMiley: Back! [00:09:50] callmegarp: Un-F [00:09:50] RonnieSxl: BibleThump [00:09:50] YeomanJensen: saved [00:09:50] hopalongtommy: HeyGuys [00:09:50] Vyrokolakas: hello [00:09:50] bluj40: hey guy [00:09:50] mcmaster2000: Hey, hes back [00:09:50] phantaton: hello finn [00:09:51] Helen_Croft: hello [00:09:51] braddle172: Back? [00:09:51] unaffected95: Hi [00:09:51] wiebe2006z: YES [00:09:51] ironhydra: I think we back [00:09:51] Alkno_93: we are back [00:09:51] siahthebeast22: DansGame [00:09:52] MegaMiley: Hello [00:09:52] idkilikebanana2: And desert you [00:09:52] hipufiamiumi: we gucci [00:09:52] johnkeiwo: we back [00:09:52] MelodyOSSimulationVR: HELLO [00:09:52] GodBlessBananasplit: hello fuckere [00:09:52] IdiotKnightKing: Hello [00:09:53] slumbernix544: Hello fuckerrr [00:09:53] ChloeKissez: R u bald [00:09:53] blackdevils521: We back [00:09:53] Lucridis: We back [00:09:53] FeinerKuchen: he back [00:09:53] Noskcaj1444: Hello [00:09:53] Bulldog85043: I heara voice... [00:09:53] kyrogaming: back! [00:09:54] TheI3arracuda: Back [00:09:54] mossbirbz: Welcome back [00:09:54] Backstage_Bard: Hewwo?!? [00:09:54] darthlink12: Hellooo [00:09:55] callmegarp: HE LIVES [00:09:55] adaf321: hi [00:09:55] wiebe2006z: WE BACK [00:09:55] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Hello fucker [00:09:55] Wildesam18: Hi [00:09:55] S1LCO: Hello [00:09:55] lazysans130123: Agi [00:09:55] slacker_24_: Well that was a quick stream [00:09:55] eichiquitsreality: Hello!! [00:09:56] Scrooge_McBong: Need mommy bro!! Now! awkwar192STRESSED [00:09:56] destiny3457: Hey [00:09:56] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo [00:09:56] IAMBLUEWOLF: Whey! [00:09:56] reese5_puff: howdy [00:09:57] kyotejones: Nobody's home [00:09:57] effthelf: We baaaack [00:09:57] kgober: this isn't right. still no chair [00:09:57] skyblues06: Hiiii [00:09:57] ilytatr: Someone give this man some router fluid [00:09:57] kcjacks: Blinker fluid? [00:09:59] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, why you do that? [00:09:59] heshimimnothim: Hewo [00:09:59] j0nny_1155: Nope [00:09:59] xx_bex_becca_xx: Hi [00:09:59] jbemoo: Good [00:09:59] its_your_girl_sea: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:09:59] katietalks: TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride [00:10:00] idesofjuno: hello [00:10:00] xmestupidx: Back woo [00:10:00] hUGOeSON: Wello [00:10:00] Luucy_333: BACC [00:10:00] yooniemontana: Finn. [00:10:00] callmegarp: THE BOY WHO LIVED [00:10:01] RoxyMoonshine: We back now!!! [00:10:01] pianoismyforte_: f1nnHands f1nnHands [00:10:01] Monkeybeasts: Hello [00:10:02] scarysoup: Helloer [00:10:02] bizarrereign: We back!!! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:10:02] SmallestSmudge: The stream quiver comment nearly made me drop my tablet in the water [00:10:03] tgdmshow: Hello [00:10:03] peavey443: Wii [00:10:04] floofyfurlogdog: Hi [00:10:04] Nidhogg999: Hello [00:10:06] ChasingSol: what did you break? [00:10:06] ChloeKissez: Dance [00:10:06] ruimtegeerty: Hello [00:10:07] Vlimox: HUHU F1nn <3 rynDance rynDance rynDance [00:10:07] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter others are reporting issues with Twitch in Europe. It's not just you [00:10:07] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter others are reporting issues with Twitch in Europe. It's not just you [00:10:07] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo You said you were going to message me about modifying GM rules? Or what you meant by it? [00:10:08] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter others are reporting issues with Twitch in Europe. It's not just you [00:10:08] XENOMAN5: Is your computer out of blinker fluid maybe? [00:10:08] turtle77_0: MercyWing1 VirtualHug MercyWing2 [00:10:08] scatcha04: We’re back [00:10:09] reese5_puff: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:10:09] Amoyamoyamoya: Step 1. Install Linux. [00:10:10] barbie_secretstanner: What did you do [00:10:10] YeomanJensen: router overheating [00:10:10] xmestupidx: Helooo [00:10:11] yooniemontana: Finn come back i have abandonment issues [00:10:11] spo0522: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:10:12] Collarito: dial up internet? [00:10:12] akudama2002: We ballin [00:10:12] Lucridis: Router probably crashed. I get it all the time [00:10:12] cortes921: So far so good [00:10:12] SeggaSenpai: scamchSip scamchSip scamchSip [00:10:13] Amicaty: Heya [00:10:13] stephylmao: ayyy [00:10:13] maricathefrog: Hello [00:10:14] its_your_girl_sea: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun [00:10:16] Wildesam18: nerd3Lamp [00:10:16] k3llthulhu: Yaaay [00:10:18] plutoniumgoats: Bimbo streamer at it again? [00:10:18] daininetta: I have gay [00:10:18] IAMBLUEWOLF: I know whats wrong with it, aint got no gas in er [00:10:19] j0nny_1155: Yay [00:10:19] wulfy_hun: didn't he got a new internet connection? [00:10:19] morvangogh: Have you tried soaking it in rice [00:10:19] pianoismyforte_: Didn't you get business line? [00:10:20] GodBlessBananasplit: download more ram [00:10:20] OliveTentacle: SSSsss SeriousSloth SSSsss [00:10:20] kristanie0815: Internet? [00:10:20] kwjdjdjdjjd6: oh no i dont want the gigachad ti do that to me [00:10:21] monkey17712: Time to switch to arch [00:10:21] Prandah: cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown cottontailMeltdown [00:10:21] hllani2: cclineSip cclineSip [00:10:21] tomhekker: bimbo internet as well [00:10:21] heshimimnothim: Pp [00:10:23] deadgrammar: Hello f1nn. [00:10:24] RoxyMoonshine: @f1nn5ter what happened? Anything weird download? [00:10:25] Helen_Croft: VPN? [00:10:25] kristanie0815: Nooooo [00:10:25] Luucy_333: House tour stream again? :D [00:10:26] Stovamor: oh [00:10:29] Stovamor: shit! [00:10:30] blackdevils521: Step 2 get better internet [00:10:31] JustChickenwing: F1nn: Super secret stream :) ISP: Not on my watch [00:10:31] Florent_Nguyen: UK ISP KEKW [00:10:31] grap3_s0da: If the internet fails girlfriend experience stream [00:10:31] Kerenhb: f1nnCowjam [00:10:33] mystchevious1: Cozyz phone stream again? [00:10:33] destiny3457: 🧡 [00:10:34] ChloeKissez: If router crashed how his voice coming@lucridis [00:10:35] robbie1945: Internet has bimbo brain too @f1nn5ter [00:10:36] Nidhogg999: IS Peepee [00:10:36] misterunchained: Bimbo internet 😂 [00:10:37] Etho_the_Beano: Reeeeeeeeeee [00:10:38] Flea158: gigachad? you wish [00:10:38] hopalongtommy: No super Internet connection yet? [00:10:38] ChloeKissez: SEXY VOICE FINN [00:10:39] turtle77_0: F1nn, don't leave us :*( [00:10:41] tnilfttam: RaccAttack [00:10:42] dafdeddog: dafdeddog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months woo hoo [00:10:43] f3mmbot: dafdeddog subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:44] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo [00:10:45] kwjdjdjdjjd6: cmon [00:10:45] Scrooge_McBong: Hey mommy bro, Finn what’s up [00:10:45] mcmaster2000: Don't make Cow dance without music! [00:10:46] Backstage_Bard: Does this internet not realize who this is?’v [00:10:46] rubbishfoxx: whatt its not loadingggf [00:10:48] IAMBLUEWOLF: Need you some of that super fiber broadband [00:10:49] Jens_LN: Didn't you get fiber ? [00:10:49] j0nny_1155: Please phone stream [00:10:50] kristanie0815: Buy another internet [00:10:50] KiriahKolrath: Didn't you get new internet? [00:10:51] Amoyamoyamoya: Your internet is transphobic! [00:10:52] XENOMAN5: Let’s go chillin on the couch stream!! [00:10:53] bobbikatt: at least my sucky internet works [00:10:53] Etho_the_Beano: X [00:10:56] pianoismyforte_: Bong [00:10:56] kwjdjdjdjjd6: 5 mins [00:10:56] tomhekker: sucking LETSGO [00:10:57] im_up_to_something: Need to move to an area with better signal lol [00:10:57] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh yessss !!! I just finished work and I get to watch F1nn... You kidding me 😍😍😍 [00:10:58] tnilfttam: CoolStoryBob [00:10:58] YeomanJensen: this concludes tonight's stream [00:10:59] SmallestSmudge: Internet is learning how to load shed from South Africa 🇿🇦 [00:10:59] ChloeKissez: @f1nn5ter SEXYYYY VOICE WHEN U TALK SLOWW [00:11:00] kcjacks: Internet dropping it like it’s hot. [00:11:00] heshimimnothim: Pp [00:11:02] Wildesam18: f1nnBingbong [00:11:02] spazommo: big funny [00:11:02] phantaton: how bad is your upload speed. The isps over here really throttle them [00:11:03] imNotSubbed: Didn’t he get new internet? [00:11:04] ScarredLemon: We back? [00:11:05] idkilikebanana2: nekaisLove nekaisLove nekaisLove [00:11:05] callmegarp: stay strong Finnternet [00:11:05] robbie1945: True amoya [00:11:08] hipufiamiumi: I'll show you a woohoo lennyface [00:11:08] Luucy_333: Cozy couch stream, here we go again :P [00:11:09] ChasingSol: We saw nothing [00:11:09] MasonGamingV: Just got here. Internet issues? [00:11:10] OliveTentacle: jinjaBooba jinjaBobble [00:11:10] kyotejones: But it did happen. [00:11:10] ramboo1989: Let’s see that pretty face before the world turns black again [00:11:11] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:11:14] its_your_girl_sea: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:11:16] Prandah: cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk [00:11:16] bluj40: off to a great start [00:11:17] twin_cdj: Virgin media can't handle simp spam. Proven [00:11:19] idkilikebanana2: We’ll never forget [00:11:20] cheesusyourlord: Dial up moment [00:11:22] Etho_the_Beano: Hi fin [00:11:22] Alkno_93: ok as you wish Babe [00:11:22] MrPink0000: i've clearly seen it [00:11:24] YeomanJensen: buy one internet [00:11:24] braddle172: f1nnHeart [00:11:24] estra_vesselak: Hi Finnnnnnnnn cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli cattashaaHoli [00:11:24] letume: wooh! Surprise stream! [00:11:27] daininetta: f1nnHeart PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:11:27] robbie1945: Streaming skill issue [00:11:27] kwjdjdjdjjd6: finnternet works bad [00:11:29] Florent_Nguyen: <3 [00:11:30] Nidhogg999: Yaaay [00:11:32] hllani2: cclineSip cclineSip cclineSip [00:11:32] consimiamo: back boiiis [00:11:32] wiebe2006z: hi [00:11:32] boybagyu: hello there... how does the bum feel after being blasted by an industrial laser? [00:11:32] v4tten: Why do you sound cuter than usual? [00:11:33] Thing8269: henlo pretty [00:11:33] Wildesam18: Hi finn [00:11:33] mystchevious1: I LOVE that shirt. [00:11:34] random_cameronw: How do you say UwU? [00:11:34] TheI3arracuda: Hi [00:11:34] destiny3457: Love you [00:11:34] Luucy_333: Hey! <3 [00:11:34] rubbishfoxx: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [00:11:35] A_Wandering_Vagabond: bupLOVE bupLOVE [00:11:35] grap3_s0da: I'm surprised [00:11:35] jordieboi45: Hey [00:11:35] xx_bex_becca_xx: Hiiii [00:11:35] OoLunar: Where's your bunny suit [00:11:36] Solid_Sonic: Hello nanona1Claps [00:11:36] YeomanJensen: a bit yes [00:11:36] Backstage_Bard: Hello!!! [00:11:36] hipufiamiumi: who is that girl [00:11:36] Scrooge_McBong: There!! [00:11:36] braddle172: Huh [00:11:37] Eromaw: LOL [00:11:37] RoxyMoonshine: Heya [00:11:37] pianoismyforte_: Scuffed as usual [00:11:37] MrPink0000: I am thoroughly flabbergasted [00:11:38] tomhekker: uWu [00:11:38] Kolateak_: I'm so surprised [00:11:39] Jens_LN: Where's Rose ? [00:11:39] tgdmshow: Hi, hi [00:11:40] callmegarp: HE'S STILL CUTE YAY [00:11:40] ChasingSol: lol [00:11:40] scarysoup: Helloer [00:11:40] bluj40: VEGGIE TALES lets goo [00:11:40] FunOnce: hello [00:11:40] OliveTentacle: monaeuBonkusMaximus monaeuBonk monaeuBonkusMaximus monaeuBonk monaeuBonkusMaximus [00:11:41] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months! I think I called you mommy at one point so Happy late Mother Day. ❤️❤️❤️ [00:11:41] f3mmbot: gaminggiantlive subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:41] phantaton: veggietales! [00:11:42] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:11:42] Vlimox: rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance rynDance [00:11:43] idkilikebanana2: YOOO [00:11:44] heshimimnothim: Yaaaaaaaa [00:11:45] blackdevils521: Low quality video bro [00:11:47] darthlink12: What is that 😂 [00:11:47] MasonGamingV: Yay! [00:11:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yooo [00:11:48] monkey17712: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:11:49] LeanRawPreRoll: YO'RE A BLOKE?!??!?! [00:11:49] scatteredleaves: oh no [00:11:49] braddle172: Oh cool [00:11:50] grap3_s0da: Veggie tales are so cringe [00:11:50] Jens_LN: Hi F1nn [00:11:51] transguyseth: how do i become a femboy like u? [00:11:51] ilytatr: Trillions of dollars of infrastructure hard at work everyone [00:11:52] idkilikebanana2: Who’s the new guy? [00:11:52] wulffan1: HUAYY [00:11:52] imjustjoks: YYYUUUUHHH [00:11:52] wulfy_hun: yay, majestic 360p :D [00:11:53] Wildesam18: O what is that o......... [00:11:53] tehikohiko: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:11:54] BudgetMatt: Hi f1nn f1nnHeart [00:11:54] miguellavega: Not me watching finn in class [00:11:54] FunOnce: MEMES [00:11:55] daininetta: Woman!!!! [00:11:55] Nidhogg999: lol [00:11:55] the4ce0fspades: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR [00:11:55] ITZHYP3RION: What is a media share stream [00:11:56] Scrooge_McBong: Looking good mommy bro! [00:11:56] AdriaanaapdeGrote: yay [00:11:56] destiny3457: I watched that as a kid [00:11:58] saaaable: I wish larry was real [00:12:00] Prandah: cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk hasSlam cottontailBonk [00:12:00] Jens_LN: Mommy ! [00:12:00] Thing8269: wtf is that vid [00:12:03] spazommo: it's scary over here [00:12:03] RoxyMoonshine: Oh god. Not media share. Doing bad already NotLikeThis [00:12:03] xmestupidx: VEGIETALES WOO [00:12:04] LiquicityGames: Hey beautiful [00:12:04] Luucy_333: I hope everything is good down there Finn :P [00:12:05] mcmaster2000: Happy mommys day [00:12:07] Backstage_Bard: Mommy!!! [00:12:08] austinTNT: rageic1Mommy rageic1Mommy rageic1Mommy rageic1Mommy [00:12:08] destiny3457: Yes [00:12:09] skyblues06: neked ganma [00:12:09] KiriahKolrath: yes, it's Veggie Tales [00:12:10] varj1: "SUPER CHILL" [00:12:11] heshimimnothim: Omegl [00:12:11] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Face-cam. White, long-sleeved shirt/sweater. Japanese writing. [00:12:11] techwhizz24: nalopiHype [00:12:13] akudama2002: Mommy [00:12:13] tookashbunga: oh oh [00:12:14] daininetta: I had gay sex fin are you proud of me [00:12:16] wulffan1: I LOVE UR STREAMS [00:12:17] Etho_the_Beano: Yea [00:12:18] spazommo: yes [00:12:18] Scrooge_McBong: Vegi porn? [00:12:18] rubbishfoxx: copyThis pastaThat [00:12:19] darthlink12: Lmao [00:12:19] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Face-cam. White, long-sleeved shirt/sweater. Japanese writing. - 1460 [00:12:19] LiquicityGames: Hi mommy fin [00:12:19] tgdmshow: KEKW [00:12:20] kyokel: Ta [00:12:21] ilytatr: Damn this was streamed on a potato [00:12:21] XENOMAN5: I’m real I assure you all [00:12:22] Helen_Croft: Hi @F1NN5TER did you see the stats I made and the clip about Paris? [00:12:22] Amoyamoyamoya: ME. [00:12:22] LittleChaSiu: Family Feud LUL [00:12:25] Marcus_Rasaan: this is a dub from family feud [00:12:26] blackghost32: @f1nn5ter hi ik you probs won't see this but so happy your live it's made my day from really shit to great [00:12:26] SmallestSmudge: @transguyseth Finn isn’t femboi. Finn is Gigachad [00:12:26] heshimimnothim: Pp [00:12:27] grap3_s0da: Lol [00:12:27] Florent_Nguyen: Hello ! [00:12:28] ar1st1pp0s: isn't Veggie Tales Christian psyops [00:12:28] bluj40: dont talk shit about my christian vegetables [00:12:28] kyokel: That's Family Feud [00:12:29] XENOMAN5: Naked grandma [00:12:30] RxCheckerTD: Original veggie tales is different lol [00:12:30] mcmaster2000: How does media stream work? [00:12:30] spazommo: it's a christian show [00:12:31] callmegarp: Neked gramma [00:12:32] destiny3457: Thats not it [00:12:33] bigsadge: this isn't veggie tails lmao [00:12:34] chrispz_420: Daddy Finn step on me use me like a rug [00:12:34] OliveTentacle: monaeuBonkusMaximus monaeuBonkusMaximus monaeuBonkusMaximus [00:12:35] wench__01: Hello [00:12:36] Stovamor: For the new people, when you donate $3 or more, you can specify a youtube in the donation form and it'll play some of a youtube video [00:12:37] Flip_Dingo: @Jens_LN mommy milkies [00:12:37] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [00:12:38] daininetta: Bingus bingus bingle dingle [00:12:38] Stovamor: For the new people, when you donate $3 or more, you can specify a youtube in the donation form and it'll play some of a youtube video [00:12:39] bigsadge: tales* [00:12:40] LittleChaSiu: To donate, visit https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip -- only donations over $3 USD will be read out on stream [00:12:41] Backstage_Bard: Not in my good Christian stream! [00:12:41] ironhydra: Nah that's Steve Harvey on Family Feud voice [00:12:42] Bjotte: Bjotte subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! Yay, 13 months. [00:12:42] f3mmbot: bjotte subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:44] rubbishfoxx: KappaPride [00:12:48] YeomanJensen: we need a replacement [00:12:51] YumeNoZen: Oh, just saw notice. Got a new coffee maker I was unboxing. [00:12:53] XENOMAN5: Pro streamer everybody!! [00:12:53] bigsuave7: LUL [00:12:54] KiriahKolrath: Veggie Tales is actually a really good show. Full of adult level humor that kids don't get while still being fun for the kids. [00:12:54] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about Paris. - 1920 [00:12:55] akudama2002: Mommy [00:12:56] daininetta: f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun [00:12:57] ChasingSol: Scuffed streams are cool [00:12:58] Vyrokolakas: so its like every stream... [00:12:58] braddle172: Sadge [00:12:58] antonyjohncarter: @F1NN5TER a bit like the old days when you streamed 3 times a week [00:13:01] kongboss_yt_2004: Hey mommy [00:13:02] ar1st1pp0s: no be faake [00:13:02] Helen_Croft: What was the laser story? @F1NN5TER [00:13:04] bdix727: battlepass update? [00:13:05] jdkillme: Wdym [00:13:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: Oh no [00:13:06] faux_passerby: Same [00:13:07] IdiotKnightKing: Sorry to hear that [00:13:08] XENOMAN5: Americans are hilarious [00:13:08] callmegarp: Awwww bb [00:13:10] skyblues06: oh [00:13:10] TheI3arracuda: Sadge [00:13:10] hllani2: hllani2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! cclineSip cclineSip [00:13:10] RoxyMoonshine: Who cares? Scuffed streams are good too [00:13:10] f3mmbot: hllani2 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:11] MajesticFvckingEagle: what's wrong? [00:13:11] Nidhogg999: Why? [00:13:11] morgan10987: Hii [00:13:12] lazysans130123: Cheer1 learn English!!!!!!!!!! [00:13:13] Jens_LN: aww [00:13:13] lwazithesyne: Wassup [00:13:14] bluj40: like sick or sad? [00:13:15] wulffan1: Do u like someone [00:13:16] grap3_s0da: Oh no [00:13:16] zzzKobisen: bro said drivel [00:13:16] KhiralShimmer: pmelHeart pmelHeart pmelHeart pmelHeart pmelHeart [00:13:17] jdkillme: Awww why? [00:13:17] pianoismyforte_: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHeart [00:13:17] arzi77perra: Ojeez did you get more fem? [00:13:17] callmegarp: Just sad? [00:13:17] ladylionessoflondon: Cheer10 [00:13:18] unaffected95: Ooh love a good scuffed (chill) stream [00:13:18] MasonGamingV: Wah wrong? [00:13:18] TheI3arracuda: Whats up [00:13:19] destiny3457: Same school is hard [00:13:19] j0nny_1155: Y [00:13:20] braddle172: f1nnHeart [00:13:21] she11y_games: Same [00:13:21] SAD_DE: my mental is down the drain let's GOOOOOOO [00:13:21] tgdmshow: Oh nyo [00:13:22] YeomanJensen: why is that? [00:13:22] stephylmao: D: [00:13:22] gruntbane: Awwww hope you feel better soon [00:13:23] grap3_s0da: We are here for you [00:13:23] XENOMAN5: Dish girl dish [00:13:24] veganjakepauldab: SAY IT!! [00:13:24] de4pr4tt: soooo pretty though [00:13:24] consimiamo: VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:13:25] feetsniffer345: Lemme treat you some type of way ;) [00:13:25] idkilikebanana2: What happen? [00:13:26] rubbishfoxx: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:13:26] daininetta: f1nnHeart PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:13:27] Luucy_333: every stream is amazing with you :) [00:13:27] YumeNoZen: @chasingsol With F1NN, every stream is a scuffed stream. [00:13:27] bdix727: what happened with that dinner you had with your ex? [00:13:28] mystchevious1: Please tell. [00:13:28] Wildesam18: The Instagram story [00:13:28] MrPink0000: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:29] idkilikebanana2: D: [00:13:29] Backstage_Bard: Awww I’m so sorry [00:13:30] jdkillme: Sad or sick? [00:13:32] kyrogaming: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:32] MajesticFvckingEagle: D: [00:13:32] bobbikatt: you alright, bud? [00:13:32] dysfunctionaldomo: I'm sorry you are doing bad :( [00:13:33] muddymudkip15: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:34] FunOnce: your streams are always great what are you talkig about [00:13:34] Flip_Dingo: drink water [00:13:34] destiny3457: School is so hard [00:13:35] twin_cdj: Welcome to adult male life broski [00:13:35] Helen_Croft: the last IG story? [00:13:35] vanimal2118: Why bad? Physically? [00:13:36] Jens_LN: Tell us if we can help [00:13:37] j0nny_1155: Same here tbh just started my GCSE’s 😢😢 [00:13:38] dttheme: Very girl experience [00:13:38] ChasingSol: @YumeNoZen yep! [00:13:38] bizarrereign: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:38] pianoismyforte_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:39] nandosjr0800: Feel like crap too [00:13:39] blackdevils521: Takea deep breath and tell us about it [00:13:39] kerboose: F1nn is looking real pretty today. cottontailHeart [00:13:40] nicyk: :3 [00:13:40] reese5_puff: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:41] random_cameronw: How do you say UwU? I don't know how to say it [00:13:42] davidiusfarrenius: I hope we can cheer you up Finn [00:13:42] RoxyMoonshine: Are you doing alright? Things figured out yet? [00:13:42] amouro_: X [00:13:42] givemelemons333: You look cute today f1nn [00:13:43] imNotSubbed: Just come hang out with us [00:13:43] ilytatr: I blame the monarchy [00:13:45] IAMBLUEWOLF: Find someone to talk to if you need to 💙 [00:13:46] A_Wandering_Vagabond: bupLOVE bupLOVE bupLOVE [00:13:46] barbie_secretstanner: No need to entertain let’s just chill [00:13:47] Flea158: ha ev a hat [00:13:48] RuddyRoseFox: Swag [00:13:49] dokter_bernardo: Hi cutie [00:13:49] jdkillme: Physically or mentally? [00:13:50] ScarredLemon: Roger that [00:13:50] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:50] entitykoi: did you ever feel anxious to stream? [00:13:50] Amoyamoyamoya: I didn't sign-up for this! [00:13:50] Coolcalcacol: Coolcalcacol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak! Hey, um... I guess it's that time again. I've decided to resubscribe to your stream. Not because I enjoy it, but more like a weird form of self-punishment. Your content is like a never-ending cycle of disappointment and frustration, yet here I am, subjecting myself to it once more.I've sacrificed precious hours of my life, enduring your lackluster jokes and cringe-worthy gameplay. It's like watching a slow-motion trainwreck, and I can't look away. So, congratulations, I guess. [00:13:51] f3mmbot: coolcalcacol subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:51] BudgetMatt: f1nnHeart [00:13:51] Florent_Nguyen: Did you play the new Zelda game ? [00:13:52] veganjakepauldab: WHY YOU HAVE 420 EYES [00:13:53] de4pr4tt: so pretty f1nn 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 [00:13:53] KiriahKolrath: F1nn's Dopamine hit. Make 'em feel it. [00:13:53] davidiusfarrenius: Yes [00:13:53] kyrogaming: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:13:54] ramboo1989: Yeah Buddy [00:13:55] ImPhanta: Did you loose weight? [00:13:55] SmallestSmudge: This is the challenge. How long will chat last with nothing streaming. [00:13:55] zombie_1981: f1nnHeart [00:13:56] grap3_s0da: F1nn cheer up stream [00:13:57] XENOMAN5: I volunteer as tribute [00:13:58] kwjdjdjdjjd6: i Will not help to make you feel better [00:13:59] daininetta: F1nn get wasted and tell us your seeeeeecrectsssss [00:13:59] braddle172: Chill fun time [00:14:01] Nidhogg999: Lets cheer you up [00:14:01] lunawilson: I believe I’m at 9 months!! F1NN we have a child to name [00:14:02] lordhermit_for_ages: We're in charge? You fucked [00:14:03] slacker_24_: cottontailTOS cottontailTOS [00:14:03] v4tten: that’s not parasocial at all [00:14:05] twisted_music08: Hi I come from yt [00:14:06] jayceedeee: *picks you up* [00:14:07] turtle77_0: just have a good old cuppa, fixes everything. [00:14:08] chrispz_420: Marry me Finn [00:14:09] memento_mor_i_: hot woman [00:14:09] RoxyMoonshine: Awww Finn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:14:09] sugma_666: I thought laser measurements were your favourite activity [00:14:11] Scrooge_McBong: U can do it! [00:14:12] givemelemons333: New Zelda game? [00:14:12] tgdmshow: Everyone is here for a good time Finn. Let's enjoy the night [00:14:15] lazysans130123: Is that a wifu cup [00:14:15] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:14:17] RoxyMoonshine: !hug Finnster [00:14:17] f3mmbot: Finnster gets a big hug from roxymoonshine <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [00:14:18] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [00:14:18] bigsuave7: lol [00:14:18] jdkillme: Time for me to physically pick you up :) [00:14:20] lwazithesyne: Damn [00:14:21] TheI3arracuda: LUL [00:14:21] de4pr4tt: so pretty f1nn 😻 [00:14:22] Luucy_333: You look tired! [00:14:24] twin_cdj: Nah fuk drink fr [00:14:25] Coolcalcacol: @F1NN5TER read it [00:14:25] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, wait. I literally did sign-up for this. Damn. [00:14:26] Wafleuh: Is the egg cracked yet ? LUL [00:14:29] bootleg_bambi: hello im here to simp [00:14:29] rubbishfoxx: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:14:30] davidiusfarrenius: We all have bad days and weeks [00:14:33] investeermeneer: Bottomtail [00:14:34] YeomanJensen: 3 years of torture limmyDespair [00:14:35] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1n saying he's having a dreadful week. - 2020 [00:14:36] nellscape: did you watch eurovision? [00:14:38] ChasingSol: @bootleg_bambi welcome, enjoy the stream [00:14:38] RuddyRoseFox: Greg [00:14:39] copperboy_galaxy: hello [00:14:39] veganjakepauldab: FIN WHY YOU HAVE 420 BLAZE IT EYE BALLS [00:14:40] 2blurryblues: 0 [00:14:41] brendabrownstain: Oh good he’s finally online [00:14:42] Rimmitarius: Hello love. Why do you always insist on streaming while I'm at work? f1nnLaff [00:14:44] Helen_Croft: https://clips.twitch.tv/ScrumptiousStylishPancakeTwitchRPG-C0HvbpyMUsIQaARv the Cotton thing? [00:14:44] bootleg_bambi: @ChasingSol <3 [00:14:46] wulffan1: luxalbXiao luxalbXiao luxalbXiao luxalbXiao luxalbXiao [00:14:48] LittleChaSiu: it's Cal so yeah he's been here that long [00:14:50] SmallestSmudge: @davidiusfarrenius Years lives [00:14:53] hllani2: cclineSip [00:14:53] mcmaster2000: Cha CHa Cha!! [00:14:55] de4pr4tt: so pretty !!!!!!!!!!!! [00:14:56] Backstage_Bard: Finland should have won! [00:14:57] vanimal2118: We do stupid if u need mental break? [00:14:58] Lucridis: Finland was robbed [00:14:58] itsallbeendone: Finland POG [00:15:01] daininetta: I think F1nn is attractive guys f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun TransgenderPride PansexualPride f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun [00:15:01] Jens_LN: CottonTail update [00:15:02] Cazenn: They were are pretty weird.. [00:15:02] callmegarp: "I feel terrible and need a pick-me-up" followed by immediate roast LUL [00:15:02] AdriaanaapdeGrote: lots of them were weird [00:15:03] transguyseth: loreen won [00:15:03] mart_hus: Finland do be weird [00:15:03] Lightningbreaker10: do you smoke because weed be cute together [00:15:05] tylr2341: Fin notice meeeeeeeeee [00:15:05] dandilionandburdock: Finland [00:15:06] jdkillme: No Finnish was awesome [00:15:08] zom00: F1nnish [00:15:08] knxggles: sweden "won" but finland won [00:15:08] twin_cdj: Yes the real ogs unite [00:15:09] Scrooge_McBong: I’m watching this in doctor office lol [00:15:10] Kolateak_: Finland robbed [00:15:12] v4tten: All of eurovision is weird [00:15:12] daininetta: F1nnland [00:15:12] monkey17712: its a game of politics [00:15:14] RoxyMoonshine: @rimmitarius dude having a bad day, so streaming to feel better f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:15:16] alastorthecrusader: heyy hoes [00:15:16] de4pr4tt: f1nn do u need a girlfriend 🤧 [00:15:16] jonasfull123: not a good stream? so I guess im editing this one again [00:15:18] Backstage_Bard: Just so Abba can have a 50 year Eurovision reunion [00:15:20] MrPink0000: just be pretty then [00:15:21] veganjakepauldab: bruh [00:15:22] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEEKW [00:15:22] mimmm: torille [00:15:23] RoxyMoonshine: @rimmitarius also, hello f1nnHeart [00:15:24] unaffected95: Kek [00:15:25] MikeWillStream: MikeWillStream subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! good evening [00:15:25] f3mmbot: mikewillstream subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:15:27] Florent_Nguyen: I approve [00:15:28] JustChickenwing: As a Swede, our song fucking sucked and we stole it from Finland [00:15:29] Alex_on_Marz: Alex_on_Marz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Honestly Don't know how I ended on this part of the internet but 3 months n goin strong dude [00:15:29] f3mmbot: alex_on_marz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:15:31] Stovamor: @Lightningbreaker10, it's illegal in the UK - please don't suggest it [00:15:32] StrawberryCheescake25: Omg [00:15:33] RxCheckerTD: Play some horror/jump scare games-- insta entertainment [00:15:34] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER CottonTail Update on the arm wrestle ? [00:15:35] idkilikebanana2: nekaisLipbite nekaisLipbite nekaisLipbite nekaisLipbite nekaisLipbite [00:15:36] davidiusfarrenius: Royale Uni nul points 👍🇬🇧 [00:15:37] grap3_s0da: Heck yeah me too crap day over here [00:15:40] veganjakepauldab: TELL US ALL [00:15:40] dysfunctionaldomo: Nah, I agree my day honestly did just get better [00:15:41] ChasingSol: @mart_hus English only please [00:15:43] im_jess_: Ayeeee first live I’ve been able to catch🥳🥳 [00:15:44] FunOnce: be pretty and watch some memes [00:15:44] IrishmanSteve: Y [00:15:48] Helen_Croft: maybe go to bed on time today? [00:15:49] idkilikebanana2: That random dude had unlimited rizz [00:15:49] Amoyamoyamoya: Any PO Boxes? [00:15:51] imNotSubbed: @f1nn5ter just hang out [00:15:51] J_money271: Communal suffering stream [00:15:53] picklyev: Let’s watch some meme clips [00:15:58] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Having a shit time too lately honey boo. Glad to see you and the community too [00:15:59] davidiusfarrenius: You’ve cheered someone up Finn [00:15:59] veganjakepauldab: remove stomach, no more sad [00:16:01] morgan10987: Smart [00:16:04] tgdmshow: nice [00:16:05] bdix727: Howd it go with your ex at dinner? [00:16:06] TriaIbody: would you mind to stop confusing my sexuality plz NotLikeThis [00:16:06] reese5_puff: sweeden was poopoo cakca doo doo [00:16:06] ramboo1989: This is true [00:16:08] XENOMAN5: Unban appeals? [00:16:08] mimmm: alerts a bit loud? [00:16:10] braddle172: Phantom pain [00:16:10] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Dark dono message about removing stomach. - 2120 [00:16:12] brendabrownstain: Try green tea [00:16:16] YeomanJensen: get some Sun, seriously, it will make you feel better [00:16:17] jackcboiz: Stroke [00:16:19] daininetta: F1nn I'm gay [00:16:22] boolzn: remove brain = no more thinking = never sad again [00:16:24] johnkeiwo: oof [00:16:26] ar1st1pp0s: its that Time of Year for bad bad crazy. [00:16:26] braddle172: Yikes [00:16:26] ramboo1989: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [00:16:27] Luucy_333: Welp...xd [00:16:27] unaffected95: Oof [00:16:28] Kamen_Rider_Onli: Let me ask you this, if you cut off your leg, where does it hurt? Your leg. HOW? [00:16:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: oof [00:16:29] stingemorewhite: Was the installation story more electrolysis? [00:16:30] Amoyamoyamoya: @jackcboiz, That's illegal. [00:16:30] vanimal2118: Nice [00:16:31] investeermeneer: Yeah about that... [00:16:32] jackcboiz: Ahh [00:16:32] SmallestSmudge: Wait wait… sword? [00:16:32] Jens_LN: Arm Wrestle is cancelled ! [00:16:33] johnkeiwo: they don't know ... [00:16:33] roger0454: First time seeing you're stream [00:16:33] Vixikii: Hello [00:16:33] kyokel: Oof [00:16:34] muddymudkip15: Off [00:16:34] hydraking09: Behind you [00:16:35] Amoyamoyamoya: Who's going to tell him? [00:16:36] daininetta: Can wait for f1nn to get pegged [00:16:36] muddymudkip15: Oof [00:16:36] Helen_Croft: just play that clip [00:16:36] SmallestSmudge: Sword? [00:16:37] degdo24: Finn lightning has struck twice near my home [00:16:38] Backstage_Bard: Backstage_Bard subscribed at Tier 1. [00:16:38] f3mmbot: backstage_bard subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang backstage_bard f1nnLezgang [00:16:38] ChloeKissez: Meditate bro @f1nn5ter solved my mental health issues fully [00:16:41] daininetta: Cant [00:16:41] ramboo1989: Oops they don’t know [00:16:42] jackcboiz: Brain=sad [00:16:43] ShakaiBird: Hi [00:16:46] Sleepystephbot: Go full smooth brain [00:16:47] heshimimnothim: Omeg [00:16:47] AeitZean: Surprise stream suprises me Kreygasm [00:16:49] AraAra_Capybara: Phantom pain still exists [00:16:49] bootleg_bambi: wait your nails are so cute [00:16:50] Helen_Croft: !shark [00:16:50] f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send 𝙃𝙄𝙈 one. But no pressure. [00:16:54] XENOMAN5: Pegging was cancelled Sadge [00:16:56] JustChickenwing: MGS Phantom Pain [00:16:56] daininetta: Seggs mom funi [00:16:58] SmallestSmudge: Can we see sword? [00:16:58] bobthebuilder92918: Ngl you got a dumpy bruh [00:17:00] johnkeiwo: chat MD NotLikeThis [00:17:03] Shwol: I was not surprised. 9/10 the feeling i get during the day I sense you will stream [00:17:04] kerboose: Wait…. F1nn isn’t going to get pegged in Paris‽ [00:17:04] ar1st1pp0s: stay in bed with the lights off and the curtains drawn. no more world to worry about. [00:17:06] brendabrownstain: That’s a thing it’s called phantom pains [00:17:07] jackcboiz: Buster [00:17:09] de4pr4tt: feel better f1nn 🥺 [00:17:09] Nidhogg999: The nerves still may fire and your brain interprets the wrong way [00:17:09] daininetta: Brain no works f1nn person [00:17:13] DEATHGOD_VIII: discobBanger missba36RockyDog itskak4Dancing missba36Jillsandwich [00:17:14] unaffected95: Chat is like Just feel better bro [00:17:14] veganjakepauldab: oh no? [00:17:14] AeitZean: @xenoman5 posponed, not cancelled Kappa [00:17:17] YumeNoZen: Pain is in the brain anyways, not in the limb. Y'all are special. [00:17:19] Jens_LN: Dysphoria ? [00:17:20] IndigenousNavi: Why, when you are from upp Norf, do you have an American twang to your voice ?? scotti142Scared [00:17:20] memento_mor_i_: big titties [00:17:20] mr_yucky_: BUSTER [00:17:20] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnRun [00:17:21] tibby420er: KPOPlove [00:17:21] vanimal2118: Uk temps bring u down? [00:17:21] MajesticFvckingEagle: I feel you bro [00:17:23] mcmaster2000: I have to go pee, please everyone stop talking for a minute! [00:17:26] callmegarp: sorry darlin :/ [00:17:28] JustChickenwing: We aren't. [00:17:30] AraAra_Capybara: R/thanksimcured [00:17:33] Luucy_333: Bimbo hours with Finn :) [00:17:33] spo0522: Why do you so many sharks? [00:17:35] KhiralShimmer: Kappa [00:17:36] memento_mor_i_: show nails [00:17:37] hydraking09: Beehiind u [00:17:38] Nidhogg999: Whats brown and sticky? A stick [00:17:39] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait. We're supposed to be funny? Fcuk. [00:17:39] 3amwaterenjoyer: Got that good ol' ADHD doomer period? Going through one right now too [00:17:40] FrostyBluBerry: swaggerWave [00:17:40] lostman277: Finn didn't do media share lately [00:17:41] snoddener: @mand0machine stay mad LUL [00:17:43] Helen_Croft: @spo0522 !shark [00:17:43] barbie_secretstanner: Doubt we can be funny [00:17:43] jackcboiz: But But afraid that we don't want the the page as we have [00:17:46] zom00: Kreygasm [00:17:48] JustChickenwing: Actually kinda true, you just are entertaining on top of it [00:17:50] RoxyMoonshine: You’ll be disappointed about our “humor” [00:17:50] Coolcalcacol: Choo Chooo HypeStress [00:17:50] picklyev: Jump in the pile of sharks [00:17:52] braddle172: Ooo [00:17:54] LonelyFemboy: Wow [00:17:55] memento_mor_i_: why not other hand [00:17:55] YeomanJensen: aquafpSseedat [00:17:56] Bjotte: Choo Chooo HypeReading [00:17:56] dysfunctionaldomo: Sir, you could sit there and blink and I'd be content [00:17:56] dandilionandburdock: Quite true [00:17:59] Helen_Croft: We seen it in the story [00:17:59] bobthebuilder92918: You got a mad dumpy ngl bro. [00:17:59] Jens_LN: Nice Nails [00:18:00] supreme_p0wer: I am a menace [00:18:00] FrostyBluBerry: IS THAT A FIN WAIFU CUP!?!??! [00:18:02] bootleg_bambi: theyre so niiiice [00:18:03] twin_cdj: Y U SAD... U HAVE MONEY AND US..... [00:18:04] entitykoi: I hope you feel better soon. I was wondering if you've had anxiety before streaming? and how you streamed anyways [00:18:04] scatcha04: Pretty [00:18:04] muddymudkip15: Cute [00:18:04] Kamen_Rider_Onli: Hooker nails [00:18:06] SmallestSmudge: So pretty🥰🥰🥰🥰 [00:18:07] davidiusfarrenius: Yes we glad to see you [00:18:08] GodBlessBananasplit: trans colors? [00:18:09] k3llthulhu: You're inherently entertaining, is what they're saying [00:18:10] LittleChaSiu: trans flag nails more like [00:18:11] LonelyFemboy: very manly [00:18:11] FunOnce: PogChamp PogChamp [00:18:12] BoneMuncher_: Cute nails [00:18:12] jackcboiz: Nude [00:18:12] Firelord_Redflames: Pepega ??? [00:18:13] alastorthecrusader: he's trans. cant tell me different [00:18:13] zom00: I like the blue on the ring finger [00:18:15] consimiamo: trans flag nails? [00:18:15] RockinLockin: cute [00:18:15] IrishmanSteve: KEKW [00:18:15] memento_mor_i_: hooker nails confirmed [00:18:16] Backstage_Bard: It’s so cute [00:18:16] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows nails. - 2290 [00:18:17] dandilionandburdock: I like the tips [00:18:17] thebuttox69: Trans [00:18:17] daininetta: *gives f1nn parasocial air hug* [00:18:18] Jeddix: it doesn't blend together [00:18:18] druskys_jerkChicken: they look blue [00:18:18] barbie_secretstanner: Trans rights [00:18:19] Stovamor: Trans french tips [00:18:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Trans flag nails, lets goo [00:18:20] scatteredleaves: good combo [00:18:23] loograt: Just the tip [00:18:24] scatcha04: Looks pink and blue [00:18:26] Amoyamoyamoya: Trans colors Ayo? [00:18:26] Kolateak_: You are the white [00:18:26] LittleChaSiu: your hands are white wdym [00:18:27] Thing8269: pink claws [00:18:27] druskys_jerkChicken: you're white [00:18:28] vanimal2118: LOL [00:18:29] haashbrownss: oop [00:18:29] callmegarp: trans flag [00:18:30] TheI3arracuda: LUL [00:18:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: Your skin is pale, that counts [00:18:32] gaddafi_duck_: So... trans colours? [00:18:32] Amoyamoyamoya: You're the white [00:18:32] feetsniffer345: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:18:32] arzi77perra: Were did you get your hair extensions. [00:18:33] KhiralShimmer: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:18:33] tgdmshow: KEKW [00:18:33] consimiamo: your pale skin is the white [00:18:33] grap3_s0da: I am here for entertainment but that can be all kinds of things and doesn't have to be complicated [00:18:34] Amoyamoyamoya: You're the white [00:18:35] Stovamor: !skin [00:18:35] Amoyamoyamoya: You're the white [00:18:35] f3mmbot: Her skin tone is #e8c7cd. So pale! [00:18:36] bootleg_bambi: LMAOO [00:18:36] callmegarp: SWEATER [00:18:37] hiluuu: did u get ur laser hair removal today [00:18:37] tomhekker: this is too based [00:18:37] daininetta: I'm gay [00:18:37] scarysoup: Yes we can xo [00:18:37] Amoyamoyamoya: You're the white [00:18:37] Kamen_Rider_Onli: Your white, good enough [00:18:38] braddle172: lol [00:18:38] johnkeiwo: BASED [00:18:38] johnkeiwo: BASED [00:18:39] johnkeiwo: BASED [00:18:40] fm_chef: fm_chef subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Five months [00:18:40] arzi77perra: ? [00:18:40] f3mmbot: fm_chef subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:40] Amoyamoyamoya: THE HELL WE CAN'T [00:18:42] jackcboiz: White skin [00:18:43] Stovamor: your skin is white enough @f1nn5ter [00:18:44] xmestupidx: Wha [00:18:44] ar1st1pp0s: common UK L [00:18:45] grap3_s0da: Based [00:18:45] dysfunctionaldomo: LMAOOO [00:18:45] lez_b_ein: lets go [00:18:46] gaddafi_duck_: lmao tru [00:18:46] xerxiaxynn: trans rights what about trans wrongs [00:18:47] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:18:48] Amoyamoyamoya: REVOLUTION! [00:18:48] effthelf: PrideCrown PrideCrown [00:18:49] anjerious: Sharp, they're perfect nails for head scratches [00:18:50] Luucy_333: Yup [00:18:51] SmallestSmudge: Unless you’re in Florida. Then no rights [00:18:51] ramboo1989: Ayooo [00:18:51] ChloeKissez: @f1nn5ter buster we're only watching u cuz we have no social life [00:18:51] packagum: Your skin is basically plain white KEKW [00:18:51] XENOMAN5: You are so pale you are white [00:18:52] zero_polaris: zero_polaris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [00:18:52] TheI3arracuda: KEKW [00:18:52] f3mmbot: zero_polaris subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:52] sugma_666: The blue symbolises the amount of masculinity you’ve got left [00:18:52] Chino_Kafu: Wait what!?;!!! [00:18:53] FunOnce: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:18:54] veganjakepauldab: i have no eyebrow [00:18:55] hopalongtommy: Sorry things have been bad, this too shall pass <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:18:55] loograt: Trans confirmed [00:18:55] vanimal2118: Ba humbug! [00:18:56] Hay_Dinator: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:18:57] Arcaes666: nuuuu i just came out n now im losing rights XD [00:18:58] bootleg_bambi: i only support trans wrongs [00:18:59] idkilikebanana2: Nah pink and blue are too high tier colors [00:19:00] cheesusyourlord: TRANSlucent huh? [00:19:02] hiluuu: sooo what was the ig story [00:19:02] veganjakepauldab: weak eyebrow irl [00:19:02] consimiamo: @F1NN5TER did you see cottontail new outfit reveal? [00:19:02] 0pp0nent123: why is your voice so deep are you a guy or is it a sore throat????? [00:19:03] cosplayandkpop: We deserve what we trans people got [00:19:03] askmann2: nail tech? LUL [00:19:03] Nidhogg999: TRANS lucient [00:19:04] Vyrokolakas: f1nn trying to start gender wars [00:19:05] daininetta: F1nn that hurts my feewings [00:19:06] MrPink0000: translucent confirmed [00:19:11] im_up_to_something: Lol redsayBongo [00:19:14] Helen_Croft: Spray tan and you hate that [00:19:14] LittleChaSiu: @destiny3457 English only in chat please [00:19:14] loograt: His skin is even trans [00:19:14] wilhelm_betz: Can i somehow skip the boring dialouge [00:19:15] braddle172: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:19:16] grap3_s0da: Spray tan? [00:19:16] arzi77perra: Excuse me. [00:19:16] davidiusfarrenius: Damn skittles squad! 😄 [00:19:17] unaffected95: See through ass b [00:19:20] memento_mor_i_: @0pp0nent123 bro its a guy lol [00:19:22] Luucy_333: Awww :( [00:19:23] Kerenhb: f1nnHeadpat [00:19:24] AeitZean: Pale skin has been a sign of beauty for centuries [00:19:25] LonelyFemboy: Daym finn you turning invisible [00:19:25] amazingpeter6: aww [00:19:26] Jens_LN: rynHeadpat [00:19:26] M4dPiggy: SeemsGood [00:19:26] muddymudkip15: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:19:28] x_soulcore_x: Do you use bttv? If so does this work... ratJAM [00:19:28] vanimal2118: English please [00:19:29] FrostyBluBerry: what waifu cup is thta!!! [00:19:29] amazingpeter6: i feel bad [00:19:30] NopenguinYT: YES, mde it to a stream [00:19:30] FunOnce: trans-lucent! [00:19:31] clulabell: It’s almost like your supposed to go outside [00:19:31] Stovamor: !english [00:19:31] StrawberryCheescake25: Soda [00:19:31] gaddafi_duck_: You could see your organs? [00:19:31] f3mmbot: Te rugăm să scrii în engleză. Por favor, hable Inglés. Bitte sprich Englisch im Chat. Parlez anglais dans le chat s'il vous plait. Houd de chat in het Engels alstublieft. Por favor, fale em inglês no chat. Vänligen tala engelska. Per favore parlare inglese in chat. Lütfen sohbette İngilizce konuşun. Prosím mluvte v chatu anglicky. Пожалуйста, говорите по-английски. الرجاء التحدث باللغه الانجليزيه فقط. لطفا توی چت انگلیسی صحبت کنین 請說英文 채팅창에선 영어만 써주세요 チャットで英語を話してください。 [00:19:33] jtjorge13: Finn finally having an identity crisis? [00:19:33] K1rbo2: First time catching you on steam [00:19:35] arzi77perra: f1nnLaff [00:19:35] tgdmshow: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:19:35] KhiralShimmer: lovense hand for headpats when? [00:19:37] My6Lad: same [00:19:38] Nidhogg999: You should Go outside more 😅 [00:19:38] SalemSacrifices: Real friends? [00:19:39] zom00: In Birmingham? [00:19:40] Y0rk5h1r3: No Brummies to be mates with? [00:19:40] Chino_Kafu: Man mods hate Japanese I guess [00:19:42] jackcboiz: Nn [00:19:42] Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/13j8h3e/new_fanart_my_disney_version_of_japan_trip/ [00:19:43] IAMBLUEWOLF: Ill move back to brum 🤣 [00:19:43] SalemSacrifices: THa'ts not real [00:19:44] twisted_music08: Hello finn I come from YouTube to see daddy longboy [00:19:44] jokermrj1: Yes pat pat pat pat [00:19:45] Jrko0: Yeah find real friends that's very high on our all to do list [00:19:46] YeomanJensen: chat is turning Japanese [00:19:48] zom00: There is the bull ring [00:19:51] SmallestSmudge: Shooooow the arrrrttttt [00:19:52] brendabrownstain: Fake tan? [00:19:53] centim3t3r: Beauty and the beas fanart is bomb [00:19:54] subiettv: Did you do laser hair removal or did you get a tattod lazerd off?? [00:19:55] gaddafi_duck_: Come to london. Start a simp commune [00:19:55] RoxyMoonshine: Well, first step is going outside without getting stabbed [00:19:55] Jens_LN: it's so good [00:19:57] Teensier_iD: Teensier_iD subscribed at Tier 1. [00:19:58] f3mmbot: teensier_id subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang teensier_id f1nnLezgang [00:19:58] tgdmshow: Daaamn [00:19:59] amazingpeter6: wth [00:20:00] ChloeKissez: @f1nn5ter we not funny, we're only here cuz we're simps with no social life [00:20:00] braddle172: KomodoHype [00:20:00] AvaerusEx: AvaerusEx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! So pretty. [00:20:01] f3mmbot: avaerusex subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:02] Luucy_333: That's an amazing art [00:20:02] SalvoBrick: CYUUUTE [00:20:04] MasonGamingV: Yooooo [00:20:04] uc00: you need a good head scratch. [00:20:05] jackcboiz: Wow [00:20:05] muddymudkip15: Wow [00:20:06] Stovamor: @Chino_Kafu, enlgish only in chat [00:20:06] jdkillme: WOW [00:20:07] SmallestSmudge: Dam [00:20:11] SmallestSmudge: That’s awesome [00:20:12] sweethki: Sweet [00:20:13] clulabell: That actually looks good [00:20:13] scatteredleaves: the faces [00:20:14] clulabell: Wtf [00:20:14] LonelyFemboy: Ai art [00:20:17] Night_Fox125: Nice [00:20:18] RoxyMoonshine: Wtf?! That’s beautiful!!!! [00:20:18] tgdmshow: That look sick [00:20:18] Cyprohep: impressive [00:20:19] SmallestSmudge: So cooool [00:20:21] Cyprohep: very nice [00:20:22] recon1856: Love your show F1nn VirtualHug [00:20:24] Amoyamoyamoya: Read comments. [00:20:24] YeomanJensen: who's the beast? Kappa [00:20:25] linepin1324: Thank you Finn all cause of you I'm now a femboy and I'm happy so thank you [00:20:25] memento_mor_i_: I want to see other hand of nails [00:20:26] ChloeKissez: Bye bruh [00:20:28] johnkeiwo: chat ... [00:20:29] lez_b_ein: i dont care that your a beast and i dont care you have a penis i love u [00:20:29] Teensier_iD: lprodFK [00:20:33] veganjakepauldab: mod's am i saying rude things or are there things that are automatically removed [00:20:37] Luucy_333: hehe [00:20:42] NickTBz: ... [00:20:43] arzi77perra: Wow amazing bell looks beautiful. [00:20:45] amazingpeter6: @lez_b_ein lmao [00:20:45] ironhydra: We all knew [00:20:46] ChasingSol: @veganjakepauldab all caps is blocked [00:20:46] Akemencha: Got your hairs lazzzered@? [00:20:47] swierkol1337: swierkol1337 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:20:47] f3mmbot: swierkol1337 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:20:47] RonnieSxl: LUL [00:20:48] Cyprohep: its clearly a laser treatment [00:20:48] Jbigg04: Jbigg04 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:20:48] bluj40: @veganjakepauldab caps get automodded [00:20:48] f3mmbot: jbigg04 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:49] Luucy_333: lmaoo [00:20:50] SalvoBrick: laser removal LETSGO [00:20:52] ChloeKissez: @f1nn5ter slap somebody [00:20:53] clulabell: Wtf [00:20:53] bobbikatt: cotton isn't going to paris. No pegging for Finn. [00:20:55] Kaymon81: laser removal [00:20:55] Luucy_333: Yes haha [00:20:55] daininetta: Sub sub sub [00:20:55] ironhydra: It's kinda obvious [00:20:56] v4tten: Is that why it looks like you’ve been crying? [00:20:57] Y0rk5h1r3: YOU GOT A COLONIC?!! [00:20:57] StrawberryCheescake25: Oh [00:20:57] lwazithesyne: Laser [00:20:58] subiettv: Tattoo removal [00:20:58] druskys_jerkChicken: bussy lazer? [00:20:58] trolface1997: lazer [00:20:58] lordgtafbi: being a femboy is rough LUL [00:20:58] mcmaster2000: Laser hair removal [00:20:58] Alonquin: Alonquin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:20:58] Nidhogg999: L4ser [00:20:58] BudgetMatt: laser [00:20:58] f3mmbot: alonquin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:59] Jens_LN: Bussy Laser ? [00:20:59] pianoismyforte_: Laser [00:21:00] ReihaRIOT: Lazor! [00:21:00] grap3_s0da: Laser [00:21:00] SmallestSmudge: Laser [00:21:00] Amoyamoyamoya: Orchi? [00:21:00] ironhydra: Hair removal [00:21:00] veganjakepauldab: REMOVING A TATTOO [00:21:01] clulabell: WHY!!!! [00:21:01] feetsniffer345: Getting pegged [00:21:01] GodBlessBananasplit: getting lasered? [00:21:01] Chino_Kafu: Mods extra sensitive tonight [00:21:02] AlhambraMMXX: bussylaser [00:21:03] jackcboiz: But massage [00:21:03] Amoyamoyamoya: Orchi? [00:21:03] chainedchish: colon exam? [00:21:04] recon1856: Laser [00:21:04] im_up_to_something: Bussy hair removal? [00:21:04] SmallestSmudge: That’s laser [00:21:04] ironhydra: Huh [00:21:04] rene877: It's Lazer hair removal I want my million dollars NOW [00:21:05] FishFashFoch: its a tatoo [00:21:05] Kaymon81: pegging? [00:21:06] ez_is_easy: Cotton? [00:21:06] SmallestSmudge: Laser [00:21:06] grap3_s0da: I hear the laser click [00:21:06] mcmaster2000: Tramp Stamp? [00:21:07] Live2Build: vampire facial on ur butt [00:21:07] NopenguinYT: laser [00:21:07] braddle172: What [00:21:07] thetwotons: Tattoo [00:21:08] itami_249: Tattoos [00:21:08] KhiralShimmer: microneedling? [00:21:09] FoxUndead: hi [00:21:09] amazingpeter6: massage [00:21:09] ricebowl75: Back sack and crack [00:21:09] PLxDAWIDxNL: balls removal [00:21:10] 0redzed0: booty hole bleaching [00:21:11] Luucy_333: Hmmmmmm [00:21:11] itsallbeendone: Cbt? [00:21:11] vanimal2118: Ouch Laser? [00:21:12] snoddener: anal bleaching [00:21:12] xxxjackfoo: colonic [00:21:12] givemelemons333: Pegged [00:21:13] lwazithesyne: Pegged? [00:21:13] hanyuu_sotsu: pegged [00:21:13] NopenguinYT: Getting ounded [00:21:14] PynkFryck: Booty bleach [00:21:14] consimiamo: LOL [00:21:15] TheI3arracuda: Tranp stamp [00:21:15] cuddlebear187: Acupuncture [00:21:15] Backstage_Bard: Electrolysis?!? [00:21:15] hopalongtommy: Quaterising something? [00:21:16] PhilipMooney: Waxing? [00:21:16] investeermeneer: Fucking machine? [00:21:17] ChloeKissez: W@nk1ng [00:21:17] LonelyFemboy: Colinoscopy [00:21:18] RonnieSxl: NOWAY [00:21:18] ScarredLemon: Anal bleach? [00:21:18] scatcha04: Bbl thing [00:21:18] varj1: CBT! [00:21:18] anjerious: Being pegged by machine [00:21:18] grap3_s0da: It's laser something [00:21:18] fm_chef: Bleaching your asshole [00:21:19] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Getting ready for pegging [00:21:19] Nidhogg999: Sack removal [00:21:19] cilla_wet: electrolysis [00:21:20] subiettv: BBL [00:21:20] daininetta: Tat removal [00:21:20] amazingpeter6: i thinkmassage [00:21:20] Kolateak_: Bussy removal [00:21:20] mcmaster2000: Prostate exam? [00:21:21] clulabell: Cancer? [00:21:21] Chino_Kafu: You bleached your asshole? [00:21:21] thetwotons: Getting a tatoo [00:21:21] Bakedgood: colonic irrigation? [00:21:22] idkilikebanana2: Anal? [00:21:23] ramboo1989: He’s getting that new Trans stamp [00:21:23] OliveTentacle: Tanning [00:21:23] Kamen_Rider_Onli: Getting pegged by a robot [00:21:23] hiluuu: massage [00:21:23] shakmena: i swear sometime i legit wish u were a girl [00:21:23] Y0rk5h1r3: COLONIC [00:21:24] idesofjuno: abducted by aliens? [00:21:25] s41nttr1n4: It's getting a mole removed [00:21:25] Alonquin: massage [00:21:25] Sacrenos: triggerpoint therapy [00:21:26] consimiamo: mole removal?? [00:21:26] TacoJohn11Live: getting a mole removed? [00:21:27] IndigenousNavi: Wax back, crack and sack wax [00:21:27] memento_mor_i_: pussy adding [00:21:27] XENOMAN5: Getting a tramp stamp tattoo? [00:21:27] lillya_ls: its similar to hair remobal? [00:21:27] FishFashFoch: rim job? [00:21:28] OoLunar: Foot massage? [00:21:28] Jens_LN: Electroyse bussy ? [00:21:28] davidiusfarrenius: Having your ass lasered! 😄 [00:21:29] veganjakepauldab: MASSAGE? [00:21:29] bluj40: laser tag? [00:21:29] feetsniffer345: Colonoscopy [00:21:29] mcmaster2000: HRT? [00:21:30] TonyCouldveBeen: Prostrate exam. [00:21:30] SmallestSmudge: Enema? [00:21:31] faintsmile66: spinal decompression [00:21:31] faux_passerby: Appendectomy [00:21:31] trolface1997: endoscopi [00:21:32] Cyprohep: WHAT IS IT THEN [00:21:32] GingerWithEnV: Removing nosegair [00:21:32] gaddafi_duck_: rimming? [00:21:33] YumeNoZen: Water massage therapy? [00:21:33] Wafleuh: It might be for your pore os some shit like that [00:21:33] zom00: Some sort of laser [00:21:33] thewellend27: Suction cups [00:21:34] Helen_Croft: somting medical [00:21:34] Kamen_Rider_Onli: Vaginoplasty [00:21:34] Live2Build: vampire facial on butt [00:21:34] NopenguinYT: colonoscopy [00:21:34] recon1856: Brazil wax [00:21:35] StrawberryCheescake25: Massage [00:21:35] coconutislove: you were getting your balls tased? [00:21:36] Coolcalcacol: Being normal for once? [00:21:36] amazingpeter6: is a massage? [00:21:36] lwazithesyne: Massage [00:21:36] GodBlessBananasplit: hrt [00:21:37] XENOMAN5: Rectal exam? [00:21:37] ronaldv202: nose [00:21:38] lordgtafbi: cooling? [00:21:38] queenseren1ty: Microdermal abrasion [00:21:39] ChloeKissez: Coke [00:21:39] Eromaw: butthole cleaning [00:21:39] maxbax0808: electrolysis [00:21:39] Kramberri: chiro [00:21:40] AvaerusEx: Bussy removal? How would he.... [00:21:40] sugma_666: Needling [00:21:40] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows the Insta of the "procedure" he underwent. Quizzes Chat about what he did. - 2330 [00:21:40] mossbirbz: enema? [00:21:40] cheesusyourlord: cheek clapping [00:21:41] Brink0fDestruction: Colonoscopy? [00:21:41] idkilikebanana2: Bbc [00:21:41] starduke83: too hot [00:21:42] Lucridis: Getting a 2nd butt added [00:21:42] ChloeKissez: LSD [00:21:42] sunnyd_1: cupping? [00:21:42] Jens_LN: Electro bussy ? [00:21:42] OHMichelleOH: skin tag removal [00:21:42] dysfunctionaldomo: Chiropractor? [00:21:43] embarrassedstranger: Piercing [00:21:43] Chino_Kafu: Foreskin removal? [00:21:43] zionlilith: TENS [00:21:44] walmartegirl: meow [00:21:45] sekiriosu: lobotomy? [00:21:45] memento_mor_i_: Cum inserter [00:21:45] Spidey_Ni: listening to bladee [00:21:45] penniwhistle: Sports massage? [00:21:45] mcmaster2000: Stones? [00:21:46] amazingpeter6: oh [00:21:46] subiettv: RocketShip [00:21:47] tim_streaming: hormones [00:21:47] AeitZean: Sounded like electrical arching [00:21:47] FoxUndead: makeup haul~ [00:21:47] sweethki: Hrt [00:21:47] consimiamo: red light therapy?? [00:21:47] Marcus_Rasaan: dry needling? [00:21:48] maxwring: Achne laser [00:21:48] robbie1945: bussy rejuvenation? [00:21:48] StrawberryCheescake25: Cupping [00:21:48] shakmena: dildo ? [00:21:49] LonelyFemboy: Pp stuck removal [00:21:49] ChloeKissez: Dick removal [00:21:49] Luucy_333: Hotel? Trivago [00:21:49] ThtFemboyLily: HUH [00:21:50] clulabell: Bone removal [00:21:50] xmestupidx: Something Lazer remover [00:21:51] veganjakepauldab: FOOT REMOVAL [00:21:51] mari_nela: stretch mark removal [00:21:51] IAMBLUEWOLF: Butt cheek toning [00:21:52] Djiwaa: being cute [00:21:52] Vegaxys: Skincare [00:21:52] arturox25000: acupuncture [00:21:52] ReihaRIOT: Is it anything to do with the Bussy? [00:21:52] ez_is_easy: Protol exam? [00:21:53] tgdmshow: Huh [00:21:53] Amoyamoyamoya: Vaginoplasty? [00:21:53] Helen_Croft: CLIP [00:21:54] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Shock therapy [00:21:54] recon1856: Cupping [00:21:54] painfulpan: What is it lol [00:21:55] NopenguinYT: bottom sergury [00:21:56] itsallbeendone: Weird-ass foot message? [00:21:56] empirechaotix: Massage [00:21:57] XENOMAN5: Breast enlargement? [00:21:57] v4tten: Laser for scars? [00:21:58] bigsuave7: wait [00:21:58] feetsniffer345: PENIS TRANSPLANT [00:21:59] tibby420er: Fat removal [00:22:01] ramboo1989: Ayooo [00:22:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Damn. That was quick. [00:22:01] amazingpeter6: ??? [00:22:02] cuddlebear187: 7 [00:22:03] 416hobbit: Widening [00:22:03] AvaerusEx: Butt smoothing? [00:22:03] Y0rk5h1r3: You got a BBL [00:22:04] Luucy_333: XDD [00:22:05] judgedame: Consultation for you nose [00:22:05] unaffected95: Ass pimple popping [00:22:06] consimiamo: LOL [00:22:07] tgdmshow: KEKW [00:22:07] Kaymon81: lol [00:22:08] 71M073J: KEKW [00:22:10] RvoMinecraft: do you eat or drink water [00:22:11] Rimmitarius: KEKW [00:22:13] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [00:22:15] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [00:22:15] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:22:16] Kai_Marcad: Cupping therapy? [00:22:18] ramboo1989: Wtf [00:22:18] bizarrereign: KEKW [00:22:19] SmallestSmudge: Yes [00:22:20] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [00:22:21] clulabell: Wtf [00:22:21] zombie_1981: LUL [00:22:21] daininetta: Bingus [00:22:22] KiriahKolrath: Gremlin Chat [00:22:22] SmallestSmudge: We accept that [00:22:23] dysfunctionaldomo: Well you still look beautiful [00:22:23] Amoyamoyamoya: That's pretty metal, actually. [00:22:24] Y0rk5h1r3: Did you get a BBL? [00:22:25] pianoismyforte_: Good. You're already so cute [00:22:25] subbutdomtoretto: wart removal from butt [00:22:27] Luucy_333: So what was that? [00:22:27] clulabell: “Can’t” [00:22:27] ThtFemboyLily: electrolysis [00:22:27] SmallestSmudge: Skin peel! [00:22:28] druskys_jerkChicken: to remove redness? [00:22:28] starduke83: electric stim [00:22:30] Jens_LN: You look fine [00:22:31] YumeNoZen: Laser resurfacing? [00:22:31] gaddafi_duck_: Vajazzling? But for the but? [00:22:31] packagum: D: [00:22:31] DeflatedEagles: Cheer300 As we all travel through the winding roads that is life, angels such as yourself shine the way with your heart and soul that shines as the light as the sun and stars in the skies. Hope you feel better and much love from all of us. [00:22:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:22:33] sekiriosu: u got a pussy now [00:22:34] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says can't put on make-up today. - 2420 [00:22:34] AeitZean: You look great like this already SeemsGood [00:22:36] jade8703: Laser on his ass [00:22:36] vanimal2118: LOL u are brave to get an orchiectomy without being sedated! obkatAwooga [00:22:38] memento_mor_i_: @f3mmbot yes [00:22:40] Kamen_Rider_Onli: No need for make up, you’re already looking nice [00:22:41] Jens_LN: Electric Bussy [00:22:41] heisenberg14035: Eeeee [00:22:44] SmallestSmudge: Did you get a skin peel? [00:22:44] scatcha04: It is the skin thing [00:22:46] GingerWithEnV: *wearing mascara* I can't wear makeup today [00:22:46] AvaerusEx: Butt acne removal? [00:22:48] Luucy_333: I....fuck xd [00:22:48] brandyburgundy: Having a mole removed? [00:22:50] RockinLockin: ok [00:22:51] NifarisRed: botox or howver it is spelled [00:22:52] Leorwin: cringe [00:22:53] AeitZean: Pause donos? [00:22:55] Stardude314: What did I just join to? [00:22:57] Akemencha: PAUSSEEE IT [00:22:57] Coolcalcacol: Just a reminder, you're unloved still @F1NN5TER [00:22:58] anschofi: shine shine shine [00:23:01] MasonGamingV: f1nnHeart [00:23:02] 0redzed0: microderm abrasion [00:23:03] JustChickenwing: Speaking of Eurovision [00:23:04] SylentSnow: Bro you're hot asf wtf [00:23:04] XENOMAN5: Skin got peeled huh? [00:23:07] unaffected95: Pause? [00:23:09] Vixikii: Hey Finn its my birthday could you wish me happy birthday? [00:23:09] GingerWithEnV: Who the hell is Edgar? [00:23:11] itsskylarrae: Electrolysis? [00:23:12] ramboo1989: Awww [00:23:12] JustChickenwing: Hey, sharing is caring [00:23:12] Helen_Croft: chat let the femboy tell the story [00:23:14] Flea158: mr.edger alan hoe [00:23:16] r3allowxx: Breaking rules? [00:23:17] Brainfishes: Brainfishes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! 18 months of whatever this is. I hope things turn around for you soon. [00:23:17] f3mmbot: brainfishes subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:23:18] effthelf: Great to be in a shit moo [00:23:18] jade8703: Laser [00:23:20] hiluuu: poe poe poe poe poe [00:23:20] AdriaanaapdeGrote: my mood was already shit, so ... [00:23:24] coastingmonk: this mfer can never make it thru a story [00:23:25] consimiamo: kekw [00:23:25] LonelyFemboy: Booo finn wants to make us sad [00:23:25] TacoJohn11Live: yuukid4DANCE yuukid4DANCE yuukid4DANCE yuukid4DANCE [00:23:26] tgdmshow: The whut [00:23:27] grap3_s0da: But I was already in a shit mood [00:23:27] Cyprohep: the waht [00:23:28] itsallbeendone: Poe Poe Poe Poe [00:23:30] tibby420er: Cellulite zapping ? [00:23:31] SylentSnow: Youre prettier when you smile Cheer100 [00:23:32] subiettv: Are your nails real? I really want to paint my nails but... I bite my nails should I still paint them to maybe help me stop my habbit?? @F1NN5TER or chat??? [00:23:34] daininetta: F1NN take some antidepressants got damn [00:23:35] Y0rk5h1r3: Butt Plug in the MRI LUL [00:23:35] callmegarp: It's a buttplug-heavy stream today [00:23:35] SmallestSmudge: Story going to take longer than procedures [00:23:37] brendabrownstain: Tell us what you did already you bimbo [00:23:39] vanimal2118: Cancel the puppy delivery! [00:23:43] sugma_666: Google Patrick Mast this you ? [00:23:44] arzi77perra: f1nnSmile2v f1nnSmile3 [00:23:47] Kamen_Rider_Onli: My shit mood is because my mother hid the fact my grandfather is dying from me for 2 weeks [00:23:48] YeomanJensen: I got my sun time, I'm immune against bad vibes tonight [00:23:48] Vixikii: Ö [00:23:48] TacoJohn11Live: lowhSip lowhSip lowhSip [00:23:49] thegamerquintiaan: TheIlluminati [00:23:50] YumeNoZen: Aesthetician [00:23:51] RockinLockin: nice [00:23:52] Live2Build: I GUESSED THAT [00:23:52] MisterParry: Wow, the UK is actually a real place? [00:23:53] itami_249: @vixikii happy birthday [00:23:53] zombie_1981: That Mondragon visit video is very old [00:23:54] Vyrokolakas: sus [00:23:54] tgdmshow: HUH [00:23:55] Luucy_333: :O [00:23:55] AvaerusEx: ! [00:23:56] shakmena: facial ? [00:23:56] mcmaster2000: A facial on your ass??? [00:23:59] dysfunctionaldomo: :0 [00:23:59] Hay_Dinator: Are we not all general skin people? [00:24:00] RockinLockin: Nice. [00:24:00] heyparadox: facial hm [00:24:02] bigsuave7: Kreygasm [00:24:03] veganjakepauldab: sus [00:24:04] Jens_LN: cool [00:24:04] Jrko0: Ah facial! [00:24:05] lwazithesyne: Facial... [00:24:06] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Had facial on ass and thighs. - 2560 [00:24:07] braddle172: Nice [00:24:07] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: Ready for pegging [00:24:07] 71M073J: KEKW [00:24:08] subiettv: RainX on your ass??? [00:24:08] PetriZide: HUH [00:24:08] callmegarp: Don't give us ideas Kappa [00:24:08] TacoJohn11Live: you got an ass facial? [00:24:08] YeomanJensen: izidGASM [00:24:08] Vyrokolakas: 2020Suspicious [00:24:09] shakmena: NATURAL FACIAL ? [00:24:09] eyeronicyeeter: Hhheeeyyyyyyyy [00:24:09] LonelyFemboy: Nice [00:24:10] TheKataNova: I finally made it to an actual stream instead of just tik tok XD [00:24:10] Vixikii: @itami_249 thx xD [00:24:10] TheCharlesTownsend: Buttplug Railgun. Accidental serious injury when someone wore a buttplug for an MRI. [00:24:12] Amoyamoyamoya: SHOW US GLASS [00:24:13] Jrko0: An actual [00:24:15] arturox25000: HUH [00:24:15] ez_is_easy: Facial on your ass? [00:24:16] tibby420er: Nice [00:24:19] thegamerquintiaan: Lechonk [00:24:19] YeomanJensen: someone said microneedling [00:24:20] wench__01: Yep [00:24:21] Kolateak_: Fun [00:24:21] daininetta: I want smooth thighs 😫 [00:24:21] AvaerusEx: What does that do? [00:24:22] v4tten: Finn is hydrophobic?! [00:24:24] ghost_sheriff_: oh i've heard of that [00:24:24] kurapikaxme: hydrophobic? [00:24:25] XENOMAN5: @subiettv It can help because you taste the polish when you bite the nail. [00:24:26] Kaymon81: microneedling is not that bad :) [00:24:26] YeomanJensen: earlier [00:24:27] tgdmshow: Very nice [00:24:27] Live2Build: thats lit what I said, vampire facial on butt [00:24:30] mcmaster2000: Wait, why do they do that? [00:24:30] SmallestSmudge: Ooooh. No. That’s painful af afterwards [00:24:30] tannerd88: like your face fell asleep? [00:24:30] wench__01: I do I e seen it [00:24:32] NichtzNeues: bdsm paly [00:24:32] ironhydra: Ouching [00:24:33] daininetta: Hydrophobic child [00:24:34] bootleg_bambi: oh yeah so this guy wore a buttplug into an MRI and it RIPPED through him like a buttplug railgun [00:24:34] IdiotKnightKing: Sounds like some form of torture [00:24:34] Brainfishes: Huueeueueuergh [00:24:35] feetsniffer345: That sounds like a sex toy [00:24:35] lqgabrielle: Haven t seen you in a while. I see you still got it :))) [00:24:36] Hay_Dinator: Oh, I know about that [00:24:36] v4tten: that sounds nice? [00:24:37] packagum: Oh lord [00:24:37] memento_mor_i_: Show proof or cap [00:24:39] stebrown10: Tips on crossdressing? [00:24:40] vanimal2118: Yikes [00:24:40] starduke83: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:24:42] Jrko0: Finn hates water? [00:24:42] XENOMAN5: Kinky! [00:24:43] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Had micro-dermabrasion and micro-needling. - 2600 [00:24:44] RoxyMoonshine: Thank you for giving me that thought [00:24:45] Nidhogg999: You are uswd to a Micro needle [00:24:46] Luucy_333: huh [00:24:47] grap3_s0da: That bussy is going to look dope for the battlepass [00:24:49] dysfunctionaldomo: No? [00:24:50] MasonGamingV: I have used a pinwheel, I get the feeling [00:24:51] hiluuu: removing the redness [00:24:51] ramboo1989: !!!!!!!!! [00:24:51] Luucy_333: no? [00:24:54] MisterParry: they microwave you [00:24:55] gaddafi_duck_: Sounds like getting a cactus rolled over your face [00:24:56] SalvoBrick: Someone did guess that LUL [00:24:56] Nidhogg999: Electro stimulation [00:24:56] Amoyamoyamoya: EMS? [00:24:57] danny_schonberg: Hi fin [00:24:57] AeitZean: Emergency medical services [00:24:57] ez_is_easy: Enema ? [00:25:00] Brainfishes: Electro muscle stim? [00:25:00] hopalongtommy: They used a roller? Not even a Dermapen ? [00:25:00] Nidhogg999: Yeah [00:25:02] memento_mor_i_: Electric Muscle Sex [00:25:03] AvaerusEx: Oh yeah [00:25:06] itami_249: @vixikii your welcome bro.. [00:25:07] pianoismyforte_: TENS [00:25:08] m1lky_the_milk_man: huuuuh [00:25:08] teknofire: estim [00:25:08] AvaerusEx: They sell TENS units. [00:25:09] mcmaster2000: just electro shocks? [00:25:09] consimiamo: bussy shocking [00:25:09] dysfunctionaldomo: Yesh [00:25:10] callmegarp: It sounds OUCHIE [00:25:10] lwazithesyne: Extra Menstrual Stimulus [00:25:11] LonelyFemboy: Daym finn getting bigger booty [00:25:11] AraAra_Capybara: TENS unit [00:25:12] mcmaster2000: oh god [00:25:12] TheCharlesTownsend: I know that it's a kink. [00:25:13] maax_1248: ive been a EMS trainer before, not a big fan tbh [00:25:13] w8ting_at_th3_styx: Tens units [00:25:14] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Electro-muscle stimulation. - 2630 [00:25:14] Hay_Dinator: Ah, those [00:25:15] 0redzed0: A TENS unit [00:25:15] KiriahKolrath: Electro Muscular Stimulation [00:25:15] sweethki: Omg [00:25:15] Backstage_Bard: It’s that thing where they shock your muscles!! [00:25:15] m1lky_the_milk_man: tf!!!!!! [00:25:16] mcmaster2000: that fake stuff? [00:25:16] im_up_to_something: Elaborate [00:25:16] SmallestSmudge: Brainfish guessed [00:25:18] TheI3arracuda: LUL [00:25:18] sartanxar: oh a Tens unit [00:25:19] Nidhogg999: TENS [00:25:20] YumeNoZen: Oh, I have one. [00:25:22] lwazithesyne: Oooooohhhh [00:25:24] IAMBLUEWOLF: I said butt toning! [00:25:24] MisterParry: Electronic Music Stream [00:25:25] JustChickenwing: Oh yeah TV Shop "lose weight doing nothing" [00:25:25] Amoyamoyamoya: People use those so they don't have to actively exercise. [00:25:26] robbie1945: basically misses the shock collar [00:25:27] muddymudkip15: Yeah [00:25:28] matthew10203: Tens unit [00:25:29] Nidhogg999: I have one [00:25:30] daininetta: f1nnHeart PansexualPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:25:31] ramboo1989: No [00:25:34] uc00: like the pregnancy simulator? [00:25:34] mcmaster2000: Course they don't work [00:25:35] Helen_Croft: so electro shock therapy for the butt [00:25:35] hawtlava1: I literally used to administer ems at a physical therapy clinic [00:25:36] callmegarp: Oh where it "works out for you?" LUL [00:25:37] PeterTheMostlyOK: So you paid for something you know that doesn't work [00:25:40] lordgtafbi: yeah LUL [00:25:40] lwazithesyne: Those ab shock things [00:25:42] Nidhogg999: Great for muscle cramps [00:25:43] stephylmao: placebo [00:25:43] k3llthulhu: Isn't Tens prescribed for chronic pain etc? [00:25:46] starduke83: i got it [00:25:47] MegaMiley: It's what Michael Reeves used to make people dab on command and make sure he's the largest picture in a photo by paralizing the others and make them fall to the floor XD [00:25:48] XENOMAN5: A TENS unit works great to relax muscles [00:25:51] SmallestSmudge: @robbie1945 collar is way more fun [00:25:54] mimmm: the help with peroid cramping [00:25:56] mcmaster2000: You come here a lot, wanna give us more money? [00:25:59] Stovamor: KEKW [00:26:00] GameMaster_970: What was wrong with ur camera??? [00:26:02] Jens_LN: LOOL [00:26:05] JustChickenwing: BELIEVER [00:26:06] idkilikebanana2: Yes [00:26:06] robbie1945: @ChloeKissez lmao [00:26:06] callmegarp: Oh nooooo your poor ass [00:26:09] Amoyamoyamoya: Ah...OK. [00:26:09] TheCharlesTownsend: @k3llthulhu It isn't medically prescribed, but you can buy the kit over the counter. [00:26:11] MisterParry: "We could totally electrocute you. Please pay us." [00:26:11] AraAra_Capybara: Lolol [00:26:12] Y0rk5h1r3: They just wanted to watch that booty jiggle [00:26:14] KhiralShimmer: LuL [00:26:14] LonelyFemboy: How are you able to sit? [00:26:16] RonnieSxl: WutFace [00:26:16] JUBU_0: 20000!!!!!!! [00:26:16] AvaerusEx: Now try it INSIDE. ;) [00:26:20] Nidhogg999: I you pulled a muscle it is great. It's Shit for Training [00:26:20] daininetta: VoHiYo [00:26:20] Jens_LN: would be interesting to see if it works [00:26:21] consimiamo: kekw [00:26:25] RockinLockin: hahahah [00:26:25] ramboo1989: 🍑 😩 [00:26:26] m1lky_the_milk_man: bruh it's from 1990 i think xD [00:26:27] braddle172: lol [00:26:27] tgdmshow: KEKW [00:26:30] stephylmao: KEKW [00:26:31] daininetta: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:26:32] varj1: it's what people use for electroplay [00:26:34] bootleg_bambi: ill take free stimulation any day [00:26:34] YeomanJensen: the first hit is free [00:26:35] Luucy_333: KEKW [00:26:35] ashisthemainflop: MY FIRST STREAM! [00:26:35] KiriahKolrath: He got his ass electrocuted [00:26:36] jordieboi45: KEKW [00:26:40] KiriahKolrath: Aye [00:26:40] w8ting_at_th3_styx: I [00:26:40] Vyrokolakas: I [00:26:41] wench__01: I [00:26:41] pianoismyforte_: Get used to not being able to sit KEKW [00:26:41] glxtxh: Yes [00:26:42] FunOnce: KEKW [00:26:42] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:26:42] memento_mor_i_: I [00:26:42] consimiamo: aye [00:26:43] tinydestroyer23: I [00:26:43] jeremymahoney56: I [00:26:43] BeepBoopMFKR: I [00:26:44] MegaMiley: Nea [00:26:44] robbie1945: will mediashare donos be replayed? [00:26:44] amouro_: I [00:26:44] ricebowl75: Preparing for the pegging [00:26:44] subiettv: o? [00:26:44] ShadowsGhost90: I [00:26:45] 3mockingbird33: I [00:26:45] NopenguinYT: no, but I wantr to be [00:26:45] MinervaEvangeline: I [00:26:45] Telluzerlaw: I [00:26:46] syllabiczero: i [00:26:46] MasonGamingV: They tricked you into electro play KEKW [00:26:46] FoxUndead: no [00:26:46] IAMBLUEWOLF: I [00:26:46] Akemencha: I [00:26:46] pklizarrd: Yup [00:26:47] consimiamo: i [00:26:47] CMKyle: Aye [00:26:47] RockinLockin: no [00:26:47] subiettv: o/ [00:26:47] Real_Zekkyn: Aye [00:26:47] ez_is_easy: "You haven't tried it" convincing argument [00:26:47] TacoJohn11Live: me and i liked it... [00:26:48] PynkFryck: o/ [00:26:48] recon1856: I [00:26:48] Dhavian: Aye [00:26:48] jackiebones: Aye [00:26:48] AzureDrk: N\ [00:26:50] tibby420er: Aye [00:26:50] Brainfishes: I [00:26:50] FunOnce: I [00:26:51] Helen_Croft: I touched mains electricity once [00:26:51] ilytatr: I [00:26:51] barrel_rider: I [00:26:51] jtjorge13: I [00:26:51] Chino_Kafu: I [00:26:51] johnmichael91: aye [00:26:51] LonelyFemboy: I [00:26:51] ashisthemainflop: I [00:26:51] m1lky_the_milk_man: i [00:26:51] Luucy_333: I [00:26:51] AeitZean: It forces your muscles to tense over and over WutFace [00:26:51] Nidhogg999: I [00:26:51] glitchy_bich: I [00:26:51] teknofire: I mean, one of those shock collar thigns [00:26:51] lillya_ls: I [00:26:52] Sleepystephbot: I [00:26:52] sarah69connors: i [00:26:52] RonnieSxl: I [00:26:52] baumiges: I [00:26:52] faenarii: i [00:26:52] MajesticFvckingEagle: nay [00:26:52] lojjix: i [00:26:52] brandyburgundy: I [00:26:52] Anonimouse2: I [00:26:53] SmallestSmudge: I [00:26:53] ShikyoNoTenshi: I [00:26:53] charlie__barley: You're built for... [00:26:53] packagum: I [00:26:53] rainclouds25: I [00:26:53] mcmaster2000: Aye! [00:26:53] idkilikebanana2: I [00:26:54] tygodoberwt: I [00:26:54] NotLouis05: I [00:26:54] 0Pengy: I [00:26:54] KhiralShimmer: Aye [00:26:54] maohayato: I [00:26:54] kyokel: like the ones that stab you??? [00:26:54] chainedchish: Nye [00:26:54] itami_249: I was shocked [00:26:54] xmestupidx: I [00:26:55] AvaerusEx: Not a taser but I stuck a fork in an electric outlet as a kid. [00:26:55] MayDaeVT: Aye [00:26:55] AraAra_Capybara: I [00:26:55] statesidelemur9: i [00:26:55] FunOnce: aye [00:26:56] lwazithesyne: Ney [00:26:56] callmegarp: I touched one of those shock pens as a kid [00:26:56] ladylionessoflondon: I [00:26:56] ramboo1989: Ayooo [00:26:56] Kaymon81: i [00:26:56] grap3_s0da: I [00:26:56] MasonGamingV: I [00:26:56] m1lky_the_milk_man: I [00:26:57] amazingpeter6: no [00:26:57] FoxUndead: lol [00:26:57] daisystreaming: I [00:26:57] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: I [00:26:57] Vyrokolakas: i did it for fun [00:26:57] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:26:57] cosplayandkpop: I [00:26:58] cracc33: i [00:26:58] gregorami: You know those electric fly swatters. [00:26:58] artemis_mintmaddness: i [00:26:58] daininetta: Me I whatever [00:26:59] tgdmshow: That is a lot of "I"... [00:26:59] alanp2016: I [00:26:59] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Let them sales-talk him into a EMS session to simulate squats. CAKE IS ON IT'S WAY BOYS!!! . - 2710 [00:26:59] Helen_Croft: 240V mains hurts [00:26:59] mystchevious1: I [00:26:59] TH1SisSTAN: I [00:26:59] jade8703: o/ [00:26:59] OliveTentacle: Your ass took it LUL [00:26:59] centim3t3r: ayayaya [00:26:59] pianoismyforte_: Aye [00:26:59] sartanxar: I [00:26:59] Luna__Val: i [00:26:59] octapus13: I [00:26:59] noodle711: Nay [00:27:00] im_up_to_something: Ass stimulation 🤣 [00:27:00] Jens_LN: Does it count if i have tased someone else ? [00:27:00] mcmaster2000: hurts like fucking crazy [00:27:00] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: 230V babey [00:27:00] shortswarlok: I [00:27:00] PynkFryck: multiple times from different sources [00:27:01] JustChickenwing: Electrical fence? Yeah [00:27:01] KinkyTentacles: Potatos [00:27:01] dandilionandburdock: Does electric fence count? [00:27:01] brendabrownstain: God that’s a lot of you [00:27:01] bizarrereign: I [00:27:02] reese5_puff: I [00:27:02] stephylmao: I [00:27:02] OHMichelleOH: e stim torture [00:27:02] Hiffie_Dellman: I [00:27:02] jaovitubr: NO [00:27:02] Marcus_Rasaan: it's good for recovery after an injury. i had some of that treatment after i got hit by a car. [00:27:02] soot_panicc: I [00:27:02] mary_g_martha: I [00:27:02] kyotejones: I [00:27:03] MasonGamingV: Defib [00:27:04] supreme_p0wer: I [00:27:04] XENOMAN5: Stun gun to the testes count? [00:27:04] mr_yucky_: i [00:27:04] Raven_Sinful: I [00:27:05] aliceangel0911: Aye [00:27:05] Arcaes666: ive touched an electric fence does that count???? [00:27:05] AvaerusEx: It's a very strange feeling. [00:27:05] leann1234597: I [00:27:06] slip2i87: I [00:27:06] twizzysquad4l: IIII [00:27:07] modelrumble1368: I [00:27:07] m1lky_the_milk_man: xD [00:27:07] Amoyamoyamoya: I've been electrocuted lots of times. House current. [00:27:07] KiriahKolrath: Former Military. Military grade taser. No joke. [00:27:07] numeanor: Got shocked by 230V… [00:27:08] GoPrymix_: GoPrymix_ subscribed at Tier 1. [00:27:08] f3mmbot: goprymix_ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang goprymix_ f1nnLezgang [00:27:08] hiluuu: must work then [00:27:09] ramboo1989: I have a taser flashlight combo [00:27:09] davidiusfarrenius: I [00:27:09] twizzysquad4l: I [00:27:10] w8ting_at_th3_styx: I've done tens for nerve stim after spinal accident [00:27:10] AraAra_Capybara: Not tazed but electrocuted yeah [00:27:10] consimiamo: but on your bum [00:27:11] amazingpeter6: no?? [00:27:11] Jens_LN: have touched a stun fence [00:27:11] tommybunzzzz: I have for training [00:27:12] twizzysquad4l: i [00:27:12] m1lky_the_milk_man: on th eass ?? [00:27:13] AvaerusEx: Like a buzzing inside your body. [00:27:13] Akemencha: The spaz?? [00:27:14] hopalongtommy: You need to load up on protein to max those gains bro 💪 🍑 [00:27:14] daininetta: Piss <3 [00:27:14] twizzysquad4l: Iiii [00:27:14] armyvetkdot: LUL [00:27:14] Wafleuh: Finn ! Checkout Hypa Hypa - electrical callboys [00:27:15] pianoismyforte_: Nice 480v shock that threw me across a room. [00:27:15] MegaMiley: Oh just a shock? I [00:27:15] m2cu: i [00:27:16] PureRadiants: yo its finn :) [00:27:17] memento_mor_i_: Fought a british policeman he was a tough bloke and a dick [00:27:17] twizzysquad4l: Iiiii [00:27:17] Sleepystephbot: Muscle spasms, yea [00:27:17] bootleg_bambi: because it IS that [00:27:18] lwazithesyne: So just the contraction [00:27:19] consimiamo: KEKW [00:27:20] varj1: some people pay good money for electro play with a dom [00:27:21] hiluuu: kinda edging [00:27:21] Luucy_333: Sounds fun lol [00:27:21] bigsuave7: Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:27:21] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmmmmmmm [00:27:21] Brainfishes: F1nn got electropegged. [00:27:21] moosehelms77: I [00:27:23] m1lky_the_milk_man: ohh sh*t [00:27:24] starduke83: this sounds like the start of a porno [00:27:24] callmegarp: This is def doing it for some people [00:27:25] UnicornCrimes: Edging? ayo [00:27:25] snowstorm_571: I [00:27:26] consimiamo: f1nn electroplay arc [00:27:26] Vixikii: Ö means island in swedish [00:27:27] IrishmanSteve: Did it feel good [00:27:27] Jrko0: I only get shocks from my hair arm [00:27:28] AeitZean: Coccyx Kappa [00:27:28] braddle172: Oh f1nnMonka [00:27:28] viryl_lucas: my favourite streamerrrr [00:27:28] judgedame: I [00:27:29] MisterParry: I'd be terrified of pooping myself [00:27:29] Y0rk5h1r3: Oh, I bet you coomed LUL [00:27:29] XENOMAN5: I’ve been electrocuted a few times yes [00:27:33] phantaton: ouchies [00:27:33] boybagyu: I wonder how an industrial Laser would feel [00:27:34] Jens_LN: Trying to get a bigger pp ? [00:27:34] JUBU_0: feels like cotton is near you right? [00:27:35] AzureDrk: butt play stream is wild [00:27:35] mimmm: edging? [00:27:36] lowtierpeasant: Hello chat this my first stream🙏🏾 [00:27:37] dandilionandburdock: Sounds interesting [00:27:37] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Ummm [00:27:37] daininetta: Electro pegging [00:27:37] ramboo1989: !! [00:27:38] stephylmao: damn [00:27:38] amanequbal: BrokeBack [00:27:38] YeomanJensen: rookie numbers Kappa [00:27:39] bigsuave7: Sounds like a great evening [00:27:39] Amoyamoyamoya: I wonder how much that costs? [00:27:41] lordgtafbi: LUL [00:27:41] MilesSwann91: show us [00:27:41] syllabiczero: done it to my cock as a dare [00:27:42] FuzzyXe: FuzzyXe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! [00:27:42] f3mmbot: fuzzyxe subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:27:43] recon1856: So how you bumm feeling now [00:27:44] XENOMAN5: Edging? toward your ass? [00:27:45] Nidhogg999: Its Shit for Training [00:27:45] ChasingSol: @lowtierpeasant welcome, enjoy the stream [00:27:49] bitsncrits: what's this treatment called again? [00:27:50] AzureDrk: Hydrate TWICE [00:27:55] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:27:55] finkejak: well, the guys with cbt were kind of right, no? xD [00:27:56] lordgtafbi: bussy vibration for content [00:27:57] Nidhogg999: TENS [00:27:59] v4tten: That’s the weirdest butt stuff i’ve heard about [00:27:59] SmallestSmudge: Ems is also well known in a more less child friendly manner [00:28:00] johnkeiwo: you will only know later [00:28:01] GoPrymix_: First time viewer and subbed ! [00:28:02] Amoyamoyamoya: Tomorrow: GIANT ASS [00:28:03] lwazithesyne: For the content...respectful [00:28:04] picklyev: Sounds kinky [00:28:05] scatteredleaves: doms? [00:28:06] memento_mor_i_: electropegged [00:28:07] ashisthemainflop: so we all agree fin is a sub [00:28:07] dilatata: Takes 2 days [00:28:08] ChasingSol: @GoPrymix_ enjoy the stream [00:28:10] Nidhogg999: @bitsncrits TENS [00:28:11] lowtierpeasant: @chasingsol thank you hopefully I don’t get banned this like my 5th time being banned inside of someone’s twitch chat [00:28:13] AcheronToEros: I mean, I know the psuedo science behind it, but I assume it is bs ngl. [00:28:14] GameMaster_970: Where the GIFTERS at [00:28:14] Amoyamoyamoya: SHOW US ASS FOR REFERENCE SCREEN SHOTS [00:28:17] AzureDrk: Hydrate THRICE [00:28:18] Jens_LN: Show butt ? [00:28:19] AvaerusEx: Do squats work to get a bigger ass? [00:28:20] MrPink0000: everyone has their kinks [00:28:20] AraAra_Capybara: Give it time f1nnChair [00:28:21] RockinLockin: ? [00:28:21] Helen_Croft: so no tucking today Kappa [00:28:22] djninja90: Hey guys [00:28:23] idkilikebanana2: So I gotta become a surgeon to eletrocute finns ass bet [00:28:23] pianoismyforte_: That's just the buttplug [00:28:25] bdix727: Okay how does this effect battlepass? [00:28:25] NopenguinYT: let us see and we will make the judgement [00:28:26] george_washingtoad: huh [00:28:27] LonelyFemboy: Do it weekly and you might get bigger botty [00:28:27] SlugInTub2: Hello fin [00:28:28] YumeNoZen: Violet wand? Lol [00:28:28] memento_mor_i_: Fin is a submissive boy Uwu [00:28:29] SmallestSmudge: It’s numb and tingles at the same time [00:28:30] tannerd88: because its numb [00:28:30] angelaboy2girl44: yes we agree [00:28:30] AeitZean: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Unless it cuts your legs off and makes you shorter 🤷‍♀️ [00:28:31] trolface1997: its a sub thing [00:28:31] lwazithesyne: Blasted is crazy [00:28:32] shortboi421: NotLikeThis [00:28:33] FadeCrowley: hook me up, take my chastity keys [00:28:34] viryl_lucas: bottom people do that [00:28:35] Arcaes666: sounds like a very sub thing to do tbh [00:28:35] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Hey bud, hardly ever gegt to see you live so I wanna let you know the community you've built makes people like me (newly trans) feel so much more supported in my journey. You are great, but this community you've built makes me feel safe. So yeah cheers mate [00:28:37] yokai_327: how could you not have that takeaway [00:28:37] mebeperson: amogus [00:28:37] Vyrokolakas: no1 knows how to say it [00:28:38] AristotleBetta: Defibrillator [00:28:38] kyrogaming: difibulator? [00:28:38] YeomanJensen: ass so stronk it will become unpeggable f1nnPegChamp [00:28:38] Gurglefrix: LUL [00:28:38] ez_is_easy: So it's like getting ass F ed [00:28:38] LittleChaSiu: you had it right lmao [00:28:39] daininetta: You got electro pegged of course you're a sub [00:28:39] ilytatr: Boy do I have some porn for you [00:28:39] DeanoBeano: having ur ass blasted seems like a top thing tbh [00:28:39] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn doubts the effectiveness of the procedure. - 2560 [00:28:39] viryl_lucas: ddfibulator [00:28:42] unaffected95: You got this [00:28:42] im_up_to_something: Are cheeks sore? [00:28:42] starduke83: so you're into e-stim now :) [00:28:43] MegaMiley: Because you weren't the one blasting it XD [00:28:43] vanimal2118: Rose now taking Volunteers to massage back side? [00:28:44] tgdmshow: Yeah the connection is not clear at all Kappa [00:28:44] BoneMuncher_: The electricity got to his brain [00:28:46] Nidhogg999: Defumbulators [00:28:46] PureRadiants: wait a shockwave? We use those on horses joints, and my dad even used it on hhimself when his back hurt [00:28:47] Stovamor: @lowtierpeasant, at some point you have to wonder if you're the problem. Regardless, if you're not a dick, you'll be fine here [00:28:47] XENOMAN5: Major sub vibes [00:28:47] bigsuave7: bimbo [00:28:48] 71M073J: defibrilator [00:28:48] jade8703: "ass cheeks blaster" says hes not a sub [00:28:49] Y0rk5h1r3: Proper workouts, you don't feel them the day you do them, it's the DOMS the day after. [00:28:49] brandyburgundy: F1. NN got his ass cheeks blasted [00:28:50] MasonGamingV: I got one in my chest [00:28:51] bootleg_bambi: the defdfffifififff [00:28:52] feetsniffer345: Bro got the ass blaster 9000 [00:28:52] GameMaster_970: Why are we talking about ur ass bro 😂😂 [00:28:53] barrel_rider: its not like english is your first language [00:28:54] kurapikaxme: defivibrators ofc [00:28:54] Amoyamoyamoya: Defebrilators [00:28:54] Jens_LN: deflubberlater [00:28:54] dcgaw4p1999: Just say defib and move on xo [00:28:56] Kingfire: definnulator [00:28:57] TacoTodd: You were so easily talked into it. YOU ARE A SUB! [00:28:57] alextorresxd2021: anus Buster [00:28:58] PeterShark2: what happened to the old finnster BibleThump [00:28:59] lowtierpeasant: already being pushed over my limits and it’s my first day😭🙏🏾 [00:28:59] AvaerusEx: It's a fetish [00:28:59] XENOMAN5: Ass blaster pads? [00:28:59] Sleepystephbot: People are into this stuff as a kink, F1nn [00:28:59] consimiamo: ass blast clip [00:29:00] the_k1tt: Why are you turning American? [00:29:01] ashisthemainflop: fin are you a manly man [00:29:02] YumeNoZen: Sorta. [00:29:04] LonelyFemboy: Bringing that booty back to life [00:29:04] boybagyu: Difibrolater [00:29:06] boo7814: Finn f1nnHeart [00:29:07] TheI3arracuda: Sure [00:29:07] picklyev: Ass blasters if you will [00:29:09] AzureDrk: Hydrate x4 [00:29:09] stefanmentalcel: (btw I didn't mean to be transphobic or sth, I just really hate myself and my life and 99% of humanity) [00:29:09] OHMichelleOH: e stim on the penis [00:29:10] memento_mor_i_: Show shark pile!!!!!!!! [00:29:11] bigsuave7: Bro just wanted an excuse to talk about his ass [00:29:11] AcheronToEros: ....sure cute stuff 😂 [00:29:12] Raven_Sinful: Noooo [00:29:13] Luucy_333: KEKW [00:29:13] GingerWithEnV: Sounds like a TENS machine [00:29:15] pianoismyforte_: You were easily talked in to being hurt... [00:29:16] packagum: Oh sweet summer child [00:29:18] PureRadiants: my dad does that to his back, but the device is technically for horses lol [00:29:18] pival81: KEKW [00:29:18] varj1: Google electro play ;) [00:29:18] Amoyamoyamoya: SHOW US ASS FOR REFERENCE SCREEN SHOTS [00:29:19] AeitZean: Estim is the sex version Kappa [00:29:19] josh_hunt2: ALREADY DOES [00:29:19] ar1st1pp0s: loool look up e-stim [00:29:19] tgdmshow: Do it [00:29:19] PeterTheMostlyOK: You need to repeat the treatment twice a week for 2 years to see the effects. 30 quid per session [00:29:19] FunOnce: good thing you got those ass cheeks blasted [00:29:19] Jens_LN: Manhatten Butt ! [00:29:20] jtjorge13: Finn likes getting blasted on the ass [00:29:21] EnderSlender34: defibrillator [00:29:23] GameMaster_970: Same bro [00:29:24] OliveTentacle: Def1nn5erator [00:29:25] lowtierpeasant: Finn is lying so hard [00:29:25] SmallestSmudge: Fun fact. Defibrillator don’t start a stopped heart. Only reset a problem rhythm. [00:29:25] sweethki: Did you removed hair with a laser? [00:29:25] vanimal2118: obkatAwooga [00:29:26] hydraking09: Lol [00:29:27] GoPrymix_: Defibrillator [00:29:29] lowtierpeasant: You are flat like fuck finn [00:29:29] SalemSacrifices: I do 100 a day, 20k would take forever [00:29:32] bootleg_bambi: your ass would have your own gravitational pull [00:29:32] blindthirdeye: OMG, surprise f1nn stream!!! [00:29:32] sicilian_dragon09: preparation for cottontail [00:29:32] Rimmitarius: F1NN Manhattan Project [00:29:33] bluj40: source: we made it tf up [00:29:33] Gupumai: Gupumai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! knaDyppaHopeep [00:29:33] StrawberryCheescake25: Show us on the booty [00:29:34] f3mmbot: gupumai subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:29:34] ChasingSol: haha [00:29:34] pianoismyforte_: @amoyamoyamoya BONK [00:29:34] Helen_Croft: manhattan is big @F1NN5TER [00:29:36] painfulpan: Have you got a waifu cup yet? [00:29:36] Luucy_333: Poor bussy :P [00:29:38] AcheronToEros: Amoya repeating chat messages??? It's more likely than you'd think. [00:29:38] memento_mor_i_: Show shark pile lets see the shark pile [00:29:40] vanimal2118: Poor Rose [00:29:41] noodle711: Instead of girl month, there should be 20,000 squat goal [00:29:42] boybagyu: Where are the new lights? [00:29:44] lady_zeph: It's called a defib for short [00:29:46] TacoJohn11Live: i feel like she just wanted to stare at your ass some more and used this as an excuse [00:29:47] twisted_music08: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 got bussy electeoded [00:29:48] Stovamor: @stefanmentalcel, This is the wrong venue for that sort of message. [00:29:49] lwazithesyne: "70 lbs lost in a week" [00:29:49] Amoyamoyamoya: @AcheronToEros, Nevar [00:29:51] bitsncrits: "Stimulating muscles repeatedly with electricity may eventually result in muscles that are strengthened and toned to some extent but will not, based on currently available data, create a major change in your appearance without the addition of diet and regular exercise." [00:29:52] Amoyamoyamoya: SHOW US ASS FOR REFERENCE SCREEN SHOTS [00:29:52] Vbitz: morning [00:29:53] darkisire: BibleThump [00:29:54] scatteredleaves: clueless [00:29:55] consimiamo: instagram electric ass blast post [00:29:57] Jrko0: Finn should do it on his arm that would be more useful [00:29:57] twisted_music08: I bet he enjoyed it to 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:29:58] Jens_LN: "I'm in danger" :D [00:29:59] MilesSwann91: @Rimmitarius F1NNhatten Project, you mean? [00:30:00] varj1: I think your skin place is a covert bdsm dungeon [00:30:02] XENOMAN5: We know you got a tramp stamp [00:30:02] ashisthemainflop: @f1nn5ter yk you liked it [00:30:06] supermonkeyjam: And on the battlepass? [00:30:08] KnapperigeKapitein: Sounds like an easy fix upsell for insecure women [00:30:08] Amoyamoyamoya: Does it make you fart tho? [00:30:09] AraAra_Capybara: Ohhhh there are estim plugs icySHY [00:30:10] FunOnce: 20000 sqats goal sounds great [00:30:11] hiluuu: well did you at least enjoy it [00:30:11] Rimmitarius: Studies showing It's one of those things you got at least try once but I agree it's probably snake oil [00:30:16] Telluzerlaw: They just wanted to see your ass and zap you [00:30:22] lowtierpeasant: Mf they should’ve shocked you more [00:30:24] anschofi: a pump in the bussy [00:30:24] hydraking09: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [00:30:28] lowtierpeasant: Actually press down [00:30:28] bluj40: lmao dude just said: "yeah sure just tase my ass im sure its fine" [00:30:30] blackdevils521: @Finn We need before and after pictures for proof [00:30:31] 416hobbit: Should have googled BEFORE agreeing to having it done [00:30:32] v4tten: congratulations, you paid to be electrocuted [00:30:33] sugma_666: Does it feel good? [00:30:34] dilatata: Waste of time [00:30:35] Helen_Croft: finasteride also has no solid studies for hair groth [00:30:37] Jens_LN: dono's ? [00:30:37] SmallestSmudge: Physiotherapists use electricity and acupuncture nails to stimulate pulled muscles. [00:30:38] Stovamor: So, tomorrow, your ass will be swollen from the zaps, but it'll fade @F1NN5TER ? Get them BP pics in [00:30:38] Florent_Nguyen: I was googling while my ass was getting electrocuted. KEKW [00:30:39] ilytatr: Aight who else went to watch the ig story [00:30:40] Amoyamoyamoya: They sell it on TV therefore it total (doesn't) work. [00:30:41] Stovamor: So, tomorrow, your ass will be swollen from the zaps, but it'll fade @F1NN5TER ? Get them BP pics in [00:30:44] dilatata: People love to eat up bullshit instead of do what's proven [00:30:45] v4tten: how much was it? [00:30:46] lowtierpeasant: @sugma_666 what came over ur mind to ask this [00:30:47] ChasingSol: @cristianflores0 English only please [00:30:50] Akemencha: You can message it with stone to shape it! [00:30:50] Stovamor: So, tomorrow, your ass will be swollen from the zaps, but it'll fade @F1NN5TER ? Get them BP pics in [00:30:51] lwazithesyne: *** ass products [00:30:51] memento_mor_i_: You stuck your ass in one? [00:30:52] phantaton: pusedoscience bs probably [00:30:54] Wafleuh: @F1NN5TER Check out Hypa hypa pls [00:30:55] Rimmitarius: It makes for a interesting game of Jenga if you put the little ones on your arms while you play [00:30:56] Y0rk5h1r3: @416hobbit it was free though. [00:30:56] mcmaster2000: But if "no pain, no gain", than pain must somehow equal gain, no? [00:30:57] Amoyamoyamoya: Cabinet = Mostly empty [00:30:58] george_washingtoad: huh [00:30:59] LonelyFemboy: Omg [00:30:59] brandyburgundy: F1NN is one step closer to getting a BBL [00:31:00] deadgrammar: Okay I'm back and here to stay. At least for now. [00:31:01] Jens_LN: is dono's off ? [00:31:02] FoxUndead: i like your sherks [00:31:03] AeitZean: Snake oil is probably at least actually useful for oiling stuff Kappa [00:31:03] MelancholicTrout: P A R D O N [00:31:04] contour_19: Your ass has been looking pretty round on BP lately. [00:31:04] shwapineer: What did I walk into? [00:31:04] hiluuu: how much would it cots normally [00:31:04] FoxUndead: *sharks [00:31:04] AcheronToEros: @amoyamoyamoya never gonna get tired of reading your chat messages 😂 [00:31:05] YeomanJensen: so it could be actively harmful then [00:31:06] amazingpeter6: wha [00:31:11] Halfeti_Harbinger: Halfeti_Harbinger subscribed with Prime. [00:31:11] f3mmbot: halfeti_harbinger subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang halfeti_harbinger f1nnLezgang [00:31:11] Amoyamoyamoya: Cabinet: Full of D-cell batteries. [00:31:15] srirammoh: Hello Sub Samdwich boi [00:31:15] twisted_music08: Lol 😂 [00:31:16] AraAra_Capybara: Congrats on getting a great story [00:31:17] brendabrownstain: Would you ever get a bbl [00:31:18] cuddlebear187: Look up Bruce Lee electrolysis work outs [00:31:19] Helen_Croft: Big caps in the box to store the bog zapps [00:31:20] itami_249: I live in Khartoum in the war zone and i have to go now because we hear fighter jets flying by they may be bombing i will be back if we survive this pray for us.. bye [00:31:22] syllabiczero: where can i do this? [00:31:24] tygodoberwt: Hoyaaaaaa [00:31:24] clulabell: I don’t remember losing all my channel points [00:31:24] tibby420er: Hhhooooooooyyyyyyaaaaa [00:31:25] Y0rk5h1r3: X [00:31:25] YeomanJensen: X [00:31:25] ricebowl75: Pegging won't hurt as much as that [00:31:27] Kolateak_: WHERE OMEGALUL [00:31:27] Stovamor: X [00:31:28] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [00:31:28] Luucy_333: X [00:31:29] Unit4to: X [00:31:29] Helen_Croft: Beard KEKW [00:31:29] Eromaw: X [00:31:30] mcmaster2000: LOL [00:31:30] stephylmao: X [00:31:30] lowtierpeasant: I genuinely want these mfs to know I would electrocute their ass if they was an emo femboy [00:31:30] Jeddix: yeti [00:31:30] braddle172: X [00:31:30] BudgetMatt: X [00:31:31] SalemSacrifices: MANLY [00:31:31] pival81: X [00:31:31] barrel_rider: X [00:31:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: x [00:31:31] Amoyamoyamoya: X [00:31:31] KnapperigeKapitein: X [00:31:31] lowtierpeasant: That’s ong [00:31:31] 71M073J: where lmao [00:31:32] JekyllJJackal: X [00:31:32] PhilipMooney: X [00:31:32] consimiamo: X [00:31:32] total_acidity: X [00:31:32] vrworkouts: x [00:31:33] pianoismyforte_: X [00:31:33] Kaymon81: X [00:31:33] cheesusyourlord: X [00:31:33] scatteredleaves: where? [00:31:33] Gurglefrix: f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:31:33] Akemencha: Ohhhhh 🥰🥰😍 [00:31:33] lordgtafbi: where? [00:31:33] sugmatotomato: Got the bussy pump from the assfibrilator [00:31:33] r3allowxx: X [00:31:33] effthelf: Lol [00:31:33] Jens_LN: what beard ? [00:31:34] AraAra_Capybara: X [00:31:34] maohayato: X [00:31:34] yokai_327: where [00:31:35] rramblex: X [00:31:35] braddle172: Enhance [00:31:35] viryl_lucas: wyeew [00:31:35] TheI3arracuda: ??? [00:31:35] shwapineer: Cap [00:31:35] GameSideEVE: X [00:31:35] dysfunctionaldomo: X [00:31:35] xGuyEtc: new meaning to prepare your ass [00:31:35] dilatata: Manly af [00:31:35] burnthepontiff: what bear? [00:31:35] MelancholicTrout: baomoteEnhance baomoteEnhance baomoteEnhance baomoteEnhance baomoteEnhance baomoteEnhance [00:31:35] syllabiczero: x [00:31:36] wulfy_hun: x [00:31:36] richarduk81: X [00:31:36] Amoyamoyamoya: NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN [00:31:36] AvaerusEx: A "beard". [00:31:37] know1_0: x [00:31:37] lwazithesyne: X [00:31:37] Jens_LN: x [00:31:37] theraideghost: X [00:31:37] ramonius15: What di I walk in to [00:31:37] bizarrereign: X [00:31:37] ladylionessoflondon: X [00:31:37] Rimmitarius: Bearded lady! [00:31:38] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:31:38] KiriahKolrath: Fuckin Lumberjack. [00:31:38] viryl_lucas: where [00:31:38] LonelyFemboy: Where I see nothing [00:31:38] Helen_Croft: X [00:31:38] Y0rk5h1r3: f1nnCope [00:31:38] reese5_puff: X [00:31:39] cortes921: RIIIGHT [00:31:40] mcmaster2000: yeah, look at all that beard hair KEKW [00:31:40] SmallestSmudge: And hear I sit in load shedding in my country with no power and you’re getting excess electricity whacked into your butt. [00:31:40] MelancholicTrout: wat beard?? [00:31:40] Noskcaj1444: x [00:31:41] Jens_LN: X [00:31:41] MegaMiley: X [00:31:41] brendabrownstain: Where [00:31:41] AeitZean: You're smoother than I've ever been [00:31:41] RoxyMoonshine: X [00:31:42] im_up_to_something: X [00:31:42] subbutdomtoretto: x [00:31:42] PeterTheMostlyOK: OMG, like a lumberjack! [00:31:42] windsage561: X [00:31:42] KnapperigeKapitein: Just like the moustache [00:31:42] BambiVII: like the bearded man lady [00:31:43] dangerous_pears: X [00:31:43] supernova197o: x [00:31:43] muddymudkip15: What beard f1nnLaff [00:31:44] tiredsnowhite: where [00:31:44] airborn321: X [00:31:44] Steys00: sure [00:31:44] Math354e: what are you talking about [00:31:45] memento_mor_i_: The greatest showman reference! [00:31:45] YeomanJensen: X combo [00:31:45] mebeperson: X [00:31:45] xmestupidx: X [00:31:45] Streig: X [00:31:45] tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:31:46] vanimal2118: Fake news [00:31:46] SalemSacrifices: Lol [00:31:46] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: X [00:31:46] natalie_1984: x [00:31:46] XENOMAN5: X [00:31:47] LonelyFemboy: X [00:31:47] Kramberri: X [00:31:47] MrPink0000: X [00:31:47] monnie_massacre: 😇😇😇 [00:31:47] kirilia_: More like the rock [00:31:48] Amoyamoyamoya: Jason Momoa? [00:31:50] ashisthemainflop: rose is finally becoming a man [00:31:50] tgdmshow: What a insane manly beard f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:31:51] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: "shave" huh [00:31:52] Streig: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:31:54] tommy_1110: Copium [00:31:55] kevin326520: you know women grow facial hair too [00:31:55] Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK [00:31:56] Akemencha: I wanna see you with a beard [00:31:56] turtle77_0: still cuter than me [00:31:58] grap3_s0da: You do look shiny [00:31:58] reese5_puff: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:31:59] memento_mor_i_: X [00:31:59] GoPrymix_: Do you shave or wax your face? [00:31:59] AVE_LVCI: modCheck beard [00:32:00] Helen_Croft: Beard KEKW [00:32:00] johnmichael91: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:32:01] Wafleuh: X [00:32:01] daininetta: Opposite of Jason momoa [00:32:01] 416hobbit: Need a closer closeup to see it pls [00:32:02] Jens_LN: No beard [00:32:02] mcmaster2000: Jason Momoa because of the hair on his head^^ [00:32:03] jordieboi45: x [00:32:04] TheI3arracuda: X [00:32:04] Vyrokolakas: girl month is over? [00:32:04] AeitZean: I haven't been that smooth since I was 12 [00:32:05] supermonkeyjam: Bearded lady stream? [00:32:05] memento_mor_i_: show proof X [00:32:05] blackdevils521: Copium [00:32:05] johnmichael91: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:32:06] ghost_sheriff_: coping haha [00:32:06] daininetta: L [00:32:06] tomhekker: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:32:07] AraAra_Capybara: X for doubt f1nnCope [00:32:07] lwazithesyne: And Is this "beard" in the room with us now [00:32:07] Y0rk5h1r3: Because we have eyes [00:32:07] Xylomn: squchaPsubs squchaPsubs squchaPsubs [00:32:08] vanimal2118: Poor Rose [00:32:08] consimiamo: manly man beard [00:32:08] cheesusyourlord: That's just what every british male undergoes eventually [00:32:10] sugma_666: Bro looking like Jason statham [00:32:10] YeomanJensen: someone is [00:32:10] im_up_to_something: redsayLaugh redsayLaugh redsayLaugh [00:32:10] peanutlgbt: X [00:32:11] lordhermit_for_ages: You have facial hair? Ha ha ha [00:32:12] brandyburgundy: Jeffree star is more manly than rose [00:32:12] mebeperson: x [00:32:13] xmestupidx: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:32:13] KiriahKolrath: Neckbeard! lol [00:32:14] srirammoh: F1nn puts the 'Mom' in Jason Momoa [00:32:14] kurapikaxme: Noo I believe you [00:32:14] monnie_massacre: 🥰🥰The manlyist Man🥰🥰 [00:32:16] daininetta: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:16] bizarrereign: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:32:18] ilytatr: Copeafentynyl [00:32:18] brendabrownstain: Lies on top of lies [00:32:19] Stovamor: more like the Khaleesi, rather than Momoa @f1nn5ter [00:32:19] Stovamor: more like the Khaleesi, rather than Momoa @f1nn5ter [00:32:20] Stovamor: more like the Khaleesi, rather than Momoa @f1nn5ter [00:32:21] pianoismyforte_: We need a microscope, not just the close up [00:32:24] sicilian_dragon09: I've heard ass massage get you a bigger ass [00:32:26] starduke83: still hot with peach fuzz [00:32:27] painfulpan: You got a waifs cup yet or is that someone else’s [00:32:27] transterra29: We all know you can’t grow facial hair bimbo [00:32:32] NopenguinYT: Love your streams, best femboy on twitch [00:32:33] erkovic01: You need to broadcast with a better resolution if you ever want us to see anything resembeling a beard [00:32:33] daininetta: Rose moment TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:35] YeomanJensen: the breaker of chains [00:32:37] XENOMAN5: Your face is as smooth as a baby chipmunks a** [00:32:37] MelancholicTrout: i shave and immediately get a 5 o'clock shadow [00:32:38] picklyev: Do you prefer a clean shaven face? Or would you let it grow all out if you could? [00:32:40] godkierr68: How did your parents react [00:32:40] RaiinCl0ud09: RaiinCl0ud09 subscribed with Prime. [00:32:40] f3mmbot: raiincl0ud09 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang raiincl0ud09 f1nnLezgang [00:32:40] Luucy_333: Lol [00:32:44] josh_hunt2: GAYYYYY [00:32:44] NopenguinYT: NopenguinYT subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Best femboy on twitch [00:32:44] f3mmbot: nopenguinyt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:46] TheI3arracuda: LUL [00:32:46] braddle172: Bad idea [00:32:46] hydraking09: Have you seen the mario movie [00:32:47] daininetta: No [00:32:47] josh_hunt2: Gayyyyyyyyy [00:32:48] RockinLockin: no [00:32:48] Stovamor: !confused [00:32:49] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [00:32:49] Stovamor: !confused [00:32:49] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [00:32:49] shwapineer: You don't become a lumberjack just by playing with wood all day [00:32:50] bigsuave7: KappaPride [00:32:52] mcmaster2000: Yes, many therapy xD [00:32:53] daininetta: Nothing at all [00:32:54] syllabiczero: lol [00:32:57] AeitZean: Just roll with it dono dude SeemsGood [00:32:57] ashisthemainflop: jeffrey star is more of a dom then rose [00:32:57] hiluuu: convertion therapy [00:32:57] tomhekker: yes, super confused, much therapy [00:32:58] callmegarp: try !confused [00:32:58] SmallestSmudge: Not a straight man [00:33:00] Luucy_333: Nice dono [00:33:01] LittleChaSiu: no it wasn't, what [00:33:08] mcmaster2000: ey? [00:33:10] consimiamo: i love that its finsexual [00:33:13] AvaerusEx: Pretalic? [00:33:14] skullcrush30: Not the therapy- [00:33:14] rojyfg6tghvtfsefgyhujmk: HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHE [00:33:16] 9AZ17: What in the world lol giving people life crisis [00:33:16] blueblazeonyoutube: PogChamp [00:33:18] tomhekker: KEKW BASED DONO [00:33:18] josh_hunt2: DO U LIKE WENDY'S [00:33:19] uc00: We all need therapy. [00:33:19] bigsuave7: joke [00:33:20] sweethki: I'm kinda the same guy, and I'm confused too [00:33:20] XENOMAN5: The therapy is to watch this stream [00:33:23] reese5_puff: Media share time BING BONG [00:33:23] clulabell: Lol [00:33:24] zombie_1981: Doesn't know khaleesi NotLikeThis [00:33:25] AvaerusEx: I see the similarity. [00:33:30] Y0rk5h1r3: X [00:33:32] RockinLockin: X [00:33:34] Noskcaj1444: x [00:33:35] total_acidity: X [00:33:37] Halfeti_Harbinger: lmao whats happening [00:33:37] YeomanJensen: F1nn didn't watch Game of Thrones all six seasons? [00:33:38] monkey17712: X [00:33:38] LittleChaSiu: oh god dono [00:33:40] Akemencha: Ewwww [00:33:40] cheesusyourlord: X [00:33:41] shortboi421: !femboy [00:33:41] Gurglefrix: WutFace [00:33:42] AvaerusEx: You could totally pull off The Mother of Dragons. [00:33:43] bigsuave7: OMG [00:33:44] MelancholicTrout: baomoteOmegalul [00:33:44] LittleChaSiu: we didn't need to get into that [00:33:45] RockinLockin: ok dono [00:33:46] hydraking09: Xenomorph [00:33:46] tomhekker: wtf dono [00:33:46] Streig: X [00:33:46] FoxUndead: what? [00:33:46] daininetta: Overshaering moment [00:33:46] scatteredleaves: dx [00:33:46] TheCharlesTownsend: Less Jason Momoa and more Emma Watson. [00:33:47] Xylomn: yeah na yeah naa [00:33:47] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:33:47] Jeddix: imagine gatekeeping not being able to sit... [00:33:47] RonnieSxl: WutFace WutFace [00:33:47] stephylmao: my god [00:33:47] Grunzythepotato_TV: wtf was that message [00:33:48] Florent_Nguyen: Cringe [00:33:48] Rimmitarius: L [00:33:49] knxggles: bruh [00:33:49] tibby420er: Hahahahahaha [00:33:49] pianoismyforte_: f1nnGross f1nnGross [00:33:50] AVE_LVCI: they said khaleesi cuz she has sex with momoas character [00:33:50] consimiamo: his face [00:33:52] callmegarp: WAIT for it. It's coming for you [00:33:54] aljerre: weird flex lol [00:33:55] mcmaster2000: almost everyone gets them [00:33:55] mossbirbz: o7 [00:33:56] SmallestSmudge: But you would look awesome with khaleesi braids [00:33:57] Sleepystephbot: JUST YOU WAIT [00:34:00] callmegarp: lmaoooo [00:34:00] ITZHYP3RION: What is a butt blaster [00:34:00] cdeank24: Can we see nails please 🙏 [00:34:02] 9AZ17: What are thesseee lolol we being too comfortable [00:34:02] josh_hunt2: AYOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:34:02] consimiamo: calculation meme face [00:34:02] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Weird dono message. - 2730 [00:34:04] bigsuave7: 💀 [00:34:04] mcmaster2000: statistically you'll get them, F1nn [00:34:06] viryl_lucas: bussy [00:34:08] flufffluffis: cosplay as belle? [00:34:08] anschofi: old people in chat :D [00:34:08] clulabell: Lmao [00:34:08] PeterTheMostlyOK: the hemarroids are in the mail [00:34:08] cheesusyourlord: He's the hemorrhoid whisperer [00:34:09] viryl_lucas: banged [00:34:10] jonasfull123: jonasfull123 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:34:10] jonasfull123: jonasfull123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PhoenixOVD! [00:34:11] f3mmbot: jonasfull123 has gifted a subscription to phoenixovd at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang phoenixovd f1nnLezgang [00:34:11] AKAWumpus: wtf is a butt blaster? and why arent you just doing squats to get a bigger butt... [00:34:11] Kolateak_: Dono is from the future KEKW [00:34:12] Rimmitarius: Oh yes the hemorrhoid tarot card [00:34:13] josh_hunt2: BUSSY [00:34:14] Brainfishes: Man, I got an abscess on my ass, I got two holes where I should have one. Sitting sucks right now. [00:34:15] MasonGamingV: You just got cursed [00:34:17] streamer_btw_199: Bro what [00:34:18] daininetta: And I'm not throwing away my shot [00:34:18] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn gonna have the dangleberries LUL [00:34:19] brendabrownstain: From all the pounding [00:34:21] 416hobbit: Sitting causes it [00:34:22] vanimal2118: Future is not set. [00:34:23] thefiercelink: wishful thinking [00:34:23] rojyfg6tghvtfsefgyhujmk: why not [00:34:23] Jens_LN: Hemorrhoid's come on their own. [00:34:24] callmegarp: Ah damn I said ass, my b [00:34:25] JustChickenwing: For got it for free, it will work [00:34:26] Carubjr: 2 [00:34:27] XENOMAN5: Only constant pegging can prevent them [00:34:27] Nidhogg999: Cotton will give you some hemmos [00:34:28] Amoyamoyamoya: WHO MADE THAT POLL?!?!?!?! [00:34:29] SlugInTub2: Because we're hoping it will work [00:34:32] mystchevious1: IF you sit for too long and don't take good care of yourself you can get hemroids. [00:34:32] starduke83: voodoo in the chat [00:34:33] elceltaaa: well if you put things in your butt youre gonna get them [00:34:34] AraAra_Capybara: She has a little bit of time before hemroids [00:34:34] GingerWithEnV: Wait so you got your butt blasted so hard you can't put makeup on? [00:34:35] lwazithesyne: But hear me out...what if [00:34:39] Jens_LN: Butt Blaster !! [00:34:40] consimiamo: f1nn gym routine?? [00:34:41] Amoyamoyamoya: lol i made the poll. don't tell. [00:34:42] josh_hunt2: IM NOT GAY [00:34:44] pianoismyforte_: We're just being hopeful for the poll results [00:34:44] flufffluffis: will you cosplay as Belle? [00:34:44] blindthirdeye: We desire the cake. The truth is irrelevant. [00:34:48] KnapperigeKapitein: It will probably stimulate bloodflow but thats about it [00:34:49] Luucy_333: @Amoyamoyamoya lol [00:34:58] MaybePillow: MaybePillow is continuing the Gift Sub they got from thisisdefnotchris! [00:34:58] brandyburgundy: It’s not gonna work, which is going to push fin closer to the BBL [00:35:03] ramboo1989: 🍑🤛🏻 [00:35:04] AVE_LVCI: Sadge [00:35:05] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [00:35:07] bdix727: why though [00:35:09] YeomanJensen: F1nn the unpegged [00:35:10] MelancholicTrout: xikavtKek [00:35:12] umtic: I'm not sure if light hair colors would look good on you tbf [00:35:13] LonelyFemboy: Lol [00:35:15] Amoyamoyamoya: YOU ARE LITERALLY BELLE F1NN [00:35:18] 9AZ17: BibleThump <3 [00:35:18] bluj40: oh no bud [00:35:18] MajesticFvckingEagle: HBO Euphoria sad times? [00:35:19] AraAra_Capybara: anitaL anitaL anitaL [00:35:20] SmallestSmudge: f1nnGremlin wanting to see Targarian braids in the hair f1nnGremlin [00:35:20] QuBycle: disphoria? [00:35:20] gurchy: gorl [00:35:21] PetriZide: f1nnSad f1nnHeart [00:35:23] IsaacNewtongue: I think it would be funny for a while if you changed all of your notification sound to one from Chaturbate [00:35:25] dotelledots: shit same [00:35:25] Nenkos: he just like me fr [00:35:25] Helen_Croft: So keeping up the english teeth [00:35:26] reese5_puff: f1nnSad f1nnHeart [00:35:26] caligach: caligach subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! damn 14 months and i've enjoyed every second of it :) [00:35:26] f3mmbot: caligach subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:35:27] AeitZean: 🫂🫂🫂🫂 [00:35:27] daininetta: Just get hugged lmao [00:35:27] idkilikebanana2: Like Netflix sad times? [00:35:28] judgedame: It was free [00:35:28] mebeperson: AMOGUS [00:35:28] degdo24: British [00:35:29] enrich_bloodborne: What is the butt blaster technique [00:35:31] robbie1945: brushing teeth once, sounds about british [00:35:32] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Will the Butt Blaster treatment work?": No. Is scam. with 288 votes (69.9%) [00:35:32] AvaerusEx: I'd noticed you hadn't posted anything on your socials. [00:35:33] shwapineer: Brush your teeth you gremlin [00:35:33] 0Pengy: Oof no the feeling [00:35:33] RockinLockin: sucks to hear [00:35:34] viryl_lucas: Bell DelF1nn [00:35:36] snakejaguar3: Hi [00:35:36] Rimmitarius: Take a break bby f1nnHeart [00:35:37] Pacabee: Are we doing media share yet? [00:35:42] AraAra_Capybara: Like hbo bad times? [00:35:44] Otsgekee: Take a break [00:35:44] clulabell: Why the struggle lately? [00:35:46] grap3_s0da: Can you explain why? No pressure but what's going on! [00:35:48] lwazithesyne: Damn, no won [00:35:48] gaddafi_duck_: What happened tho? ;( [00:35:49] GingerWithEnV: Oh thank god twitch doesn't carry smell [00:35:50] twisted_music08: Haha fin to fem never dom [00:35:54] GreyWinterWraith: GreyWinterWraith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! third twitch baby, oh god where is all my money going f1nnHeart [00:35:54] f3mmbot: greywinterwraith subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:35:54] ITZHYP3RION: What are you drinking [00:35:54] Timelordonut: I finally caught your stream I’m hyped [00:35:57] StrawberryCheescake25: @f1nn5ter f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:36:02] SmallestSmudge: Depression hits hard. Adhd hits hard. Together they slam you between the worst emotional sandwich [00:36:02] subbutdomtoretto: "Studies show that EMS doesn't improve muscle recovery or reduce muscle soreness. Scientists believe this is likely due to the fact that EMS doesn't increase blood flow in the same way as active recovery does, which is one of its key benefits." [00:36:05] mcmaster2000: Yeah, not even Battlepass pics :( [00:36:06] Jens_LN: rynHeadpat [00:36:07] consimiamo: staycation [00:36:07] loudnessproblems: bless [00:36:07] LonelyFemboy: Sounds like a good time [00:36:07] snakejaguar3: Why is Finn prettier than half the female population 💀💀 [00:36:09] Nonkertompf: Must be a midlife crisis - he's in his twenties already, you know. [00:36:10] Stovamor: !gamersupps [00:36:10] f3mmbot: Now that you have your thigh-highs, get your Gamersupps to keep gaming at full strength. Use code "F1NN" at checkout! https://gamersupps.gg [00:36:12] vanimal2118: Breaks are good, no one has to be perfect 24/7! [00:36:13] ar1st1pp0s: hell yeah depression gang we in here [00:36:14] pianoismyforte_: That's good. Taking a proper break resets your head a bit [00:36:14] twisted_music08: f1nnNomods no dom [00:36:14] AKAWumpus: wait im kinda new here how come finn has so many sharks???? [00:36:16] johnkeiwo: adcvrLOVE f1nnHeart hasL inconHeart lvndmaL worrunLove [00:36:21] elceltaaa: its the cycle of life baby, sometimes up, sometimes down [00:36:23] Y0rk5h1r3: Have a spa day, that's what birds usually do to feel better LUL [00:36:24] tommy_1110: vasimaLove vasimaLove vasimaLove vasimaLove [00:36:25] Nidhogg999: Do you have enough Vitamin D? [00:36:26] LonelyFemboy: You can donate us some $ and pay mods more [00:36:26] Jens_LN: We still love you though. 🥰 [00:36:28] Luucy_333: Are you nervous about the date? ;) [00:36:29] Cyprohep: enjoyer* dammit [00:36:31] daininetta: F1nn hugs cute sadness get one [00:36:34] josh_hunt2: x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime x5layaPartytime [00:36:34] daininetta: Cure [00:36:35] Jrko0: Finn didn't have a dom so he got nothing done [00:36:37] XENOMAN5: !blahaj [00:36:37] f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send 𝙃𝙄𝙈 one. But no pressure. [00:36:38] AvaerusEx: @snakejaguar3 Half? I'd say he's better looking than 90%+ of the women out there. [00:36:39] MoonsHalo: How was the Date [00:36:45] umtic: @snakejaguar3 in UK AMABs are beautiful and AFABs are ugly for some reason KEKW [00:36:48] hydraking09: can i get banned for talking morse code? [00:36:49] grap3_s0da: But you already did [00:36:50] bigsuave7: SeemsGood [00:36:50] OliveTentacle: Has the hair taken from your butt been transplanted to keep your hairline? [00:36:53] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: TBH, knowing you barely go outside and just do stuff for the battlepass and the content, sounds like you need a genuine proper break [00:36:55] 9AZ17: I heard "touching grass" helps but I wouldn't know cheebLUL [00:36:59] santipro77xd_7: Hi Finn [00:37:00] fithbloom: ive seen on tiktok that F1N is a sub 0-0 [00:37:00] MelancholicTrout: LET US BE WORRIED sheeno2Cry sheeno2Cry sheeno2Cry smeadvSnap [00:37:01] KhiralShimmer: to go even further beyond (sadge) [00:37:04] Amoyamoyamoya: @fowhatrlyworths, BRUH [00:37:04] DeanoBeano: LMFAOOOO [00:37:06] SmallestSmudge: Real life problems suck [00:37:07] stingemorewhite: Smelly [00:37:07] idkilikebanana2: Worry them [00:37:08] AeitZean: Will you tell us one day? [00:37:08] Jens_LN: Let us worry [00:37:10] jonasfull123: hello kids, how do i send a voiced donation/subscribtion? [00:37:12] consimiamo: KEKW [00:37:12] flufffluffis: hope you be good soon <3 [00:37:13] SAD_DE: I understand. I've been going through hell for the past 3 weeks and it's been absolutely miserable. I know first hand how bad it can get [00:37:13] im_up_to_something: Hopefully this stream lifts your mood a bit redsayWave [00:37:14] LittleChaSiu: I hate this chat [00:37:14] bluj40: @hydraking09 if you keep doing it, eventually yeah [00:37:14] Night_Fox125: Hope you feel better ❤️ [00:37:16] AeitZean: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:37:18] ChasingSol: !donate [00:37:18] Stovamor: @hydraking09, you'll get it removed. Also, stop sending the same mesage [00:37:18] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [00:37:18] AKAWumpus: .... chat wilding [00:37:19] WayneBoBrown: Celebrating my 41st birthday sat in the pub watchin Finn [00:37:21] Amoyamoyamoya: spicycowDancy spicycowDancy spicycowDancy [00:37:21] lunawilson: lunawilson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Hope things get better F1NN also 9 months we have a child to name [00:37:21] f3mmbot: lunawilson subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:37:22] consimiamo: the butt thing [00:37:23] Akemencha: Lovveee youu 🥰 [00:37:25] grap3_s0da: If they are going to be worried they will already with what you have said [00:37:27] 416hobbit: Hair reallocated [00:37:27] snakejaguar3: @avaerusex probably 😂 [00:37:27] laurenxburch: 96 raiders from laurenxburch have joined! [00:37:29] josh_hunt2: HOYYYYYAAAAAA [00:37:30] soundtrack123456: can you do your girl voice? no disrespect just curious [00:37:30] Rxdd1400: W [00:37:30] clulabell: Chat off da perc [00:37:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:37:32] FamilyComputerRobotto: Have a choccy milk cottontailBestmilk [00:37:32] twin_cdj: Wrong grass f1nn [00:37:32] AvaerusEx: I don't know if it helps, but remember there are people who care about you. [00:37:36] ITZHYP3RION: What did you do to get your skin to be lighter than before [00:37:37] Helen_Croft: Its weekend for the next 5 days for me now [00:37:37] consimiamo: manic arc electric buttmaxxing arc [00:37:39] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn not feeling well. Gets Butt Thing done tho. - 2800 [00:37:39] Pacabee: Are we doing media sharing yet [00:37:40] idkilikebanana2: nekaisLove nekaisLove nekaisLove nekaisLove nekaisLove [00:37:40] twisted_music08: f1nnNomods can't dom [00:37:41] effthelf: Finn: emotionally saying how madly he's doing / chat: anyway your ass hair [00:37:44] stingemorewhite: Name or maim? [00:37:44] KiriahKolrath: Welcome Raiders [00:37:44] YeomanJensen: Ahoy raiders f1nnCowjam [00:37:45] 9AZ17: It was the butt stuff that started it [00:37:45] CeliaJohannaHale: Cheer100 let's be honest, f1nn won't be able to maintain a hairline /teasing [00:37:49] Stovamor: Welcome Raiders [00:37:50] hydraking09: Bet [00:37:50] MelancholicTrout: hemlo new frens! [00:37:50] mimmm: hello people [00:37:51] callmegarp: !!!!! [00:37:51] RoxyMoonshine: Hello Raiders f1nnHeart [00:37:53] bluj40: welcome raiders [00:37:54] viryl_lucas: wat [00:37:54] MelancholicTrout: x404mo1WIGGLY x404mo1WIGGLY x404mo1WIGGLY x404mo1WIGGLY x404mo1WIGGLY [00:37:55] akudama2002: I still haven’t shaved my balls or my ass [00:37:55] Jens_LN: Welcome raiders ! Nice to see you [00:37:55] callmegarp: OMG [00:37:57] StrawberryCheescake25: soluskUwU soluskUwU soluskUwU soluskUwU [00:37:58] originalCanadianKing: CoolCat [00:37:59] chronoguard115: Heh slip in [00:38:00] ChasingSol: Welcome raiders! [00:38:01] Amoyamoyamoya: WELCOME RAIDERS [00:38:02] itsallbeendone: All I'll say F1nn is try writing about it for yourself, even if you already know what's bothering you. It can help [00:38:03] shwapineer: YwY [00:38:04] rebelia24: Hi finn [00:38:05] jonasfull123: howdy kids, how do i send a voiced donation/subscribtion? [00:38:07] Amoyamoyamoya: spicycowRaid spicycowRaid spicycowRaid spicycowRaid spicycowRaid [00:38:07] stingemorewhite: Raid shadow legends [00:38:07] xXNeroZashiXx: Welcome Raiders pog 🤚 [00:38:07] degdo24: Welcome! [00:38:08] MoonsHalo: You like it slippin in LOL [00:38:08] mebeperson: Hello raiders [00:38:08] dokter_bernardo: Wassup raiders [00:38:09] Nidhogg999: Hi Raiders [00:38:09] uc00: what happened to the CSGO cases? [00:38:10] robinyoheartk: You look wonderful today [00:38:10] Reedmont99: omg lmao [00:38:10] daininetta: I'm gay [00:38:10] SmallestSmudge: Say bubbles in a super deep voice. You can’t say it without smiling. [00:38:11] twisted_music08: Hah [00:38:11] Akemencha: Hiiiii raiders [00:38:13] k3llthulhu: Supppp [00:38:15] sarathearcher1: Welcome to the raiders!!! [00:38:16] mcmaster2000: If you give me a job as your in house secretary, I'll be your IRL friend ^^ [00:38:16] mebeperson: WELCOME [00:38:16] XENOMAN5: !donate [00:38:17] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [00:38:17] bobbikatt: you need to do something for Jude - not Finn/Rose. Be yourself for a little while. rediscover your passion. [00:38:20] bigsuave7: yo [00:38:24] dokter_bernardo: Hi [00:38:24] GIGAxCHAD: Gayge [00:38:26] Stovamor: !donate [00:38:26] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [00:38:30] ScarsUnseen: Hi. I hope your butt is feeling well. [00:38:31] vanimal2118: flippi38Hi rynHai obkatHey Raiders [00:38:31] ThatCet: hellooo [00:38:38] hopalongtommy: Hope things improve soon, hugs buddy [00:38:39] Zettrex: D: [00:38:40] originalCanadianKing: PrimeMe Ehyo! [00:38:45] richarduk81: richarduk81 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Butt blasted and facial Finn as been a busy little bottom [00:38:45] f3mmbot: richarduk81 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:38:47] JuliaBurch: 115 raiders from JuliaBurch have joined! [00:38:48] daininetta: F1nn just snuggle with someone smh [00:38:50] Jens_LN: It's like not going to work [00:38:52] Pacabee: WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT 💀💀 [00:38:52] JustChickenwing: Don't let it get to you though, stressing isn't gonna help [00:38:54] bluj40: welcome raiders o/ [00:38:55] vanimal2118: Never use the Give Me Button! [00:38:56] snakejaguar3: ANOTHER RAID [00:38:56] ilytatr: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:38:58] ReyoneDragonGamer: Hello ❣️♥️ [00:39:00] bluj40: wth is this family event? [00:39:01] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:39:02] Xylomn: hehe bottom [00:39:03] stephylmao: LMAO [00:39:05] GrissleMcThornbody: Here from PKA, what's up homie! [00:39:06] soundtrack123456: can we hear your girl voice i am curious [00:39:07] x_panda15: jooooooooo [00:39:07] MelancholicTrout: baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul [00:39:08] AvaerusEx: After watching F1nn's last stream I wanted to try out CS:Go. I was literally killed by someone named "bussypisser". [00:39:08] Jens_LN: Welcome MORE raiders ! [00:39:09] L3W4: chat moving too fast so no one will see that i love my cats [00:39:09] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog raiders [00:39:10] SAD_DE: realistically, people will get upset even though they say they wont, and it sucks [00:39:12] clulabell: KEKW [00:39:13] braddle172: Pog [00:39:14] clulabell: LMAO [00:39:15] 9AZ17: Lol [00:39:16] RoxyMoonshine: Hello Raiders…again f1nnHeart [00:39:18] originalCanadianKing: Double teamed [00:39:20] stingemorewhite: The burch family fancy f1nn [00:39:20] ReyoneDragonGamer: Love you 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 [00:39:20] SmallestSmudge: Cos they love you [00:39:22] Y0rk5h1r3: @grisslemcthornbody RSK [00:39:24] LunaEmperor: @L3W4 its not going that fast [00:39:24] callmegarp: !Burchlove [00:39:26] tomhekker: you're a egirl, they accepted you as one KEKW [00:39:28] bigsuave7: lol [00:39:31] ITZHYP3RION: @l3w4 get a dog [00:39:32] LittleChaSiu: @Coolcalcacol L [00:39:33] sarathearcher1: Welcome raiders!!! [00:39:35] hydraking09: Tf is a raider [00:39:37] SmallestSmudge: Egirls love you Finn [00:39:38] SheepKingSheep: SheepKingSheep subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [00:39:38] f3mmbot: sheepkingsheep subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:39:41] Coolcalcacol: @LittleChaSiu ikr [00:39:42] callmegarp: what? [00:39:42] YeomanJensen: I thought I recognized the name, from TikTok [00:39:43] callmegarp: lmao [00:39:44] Flipper_ECV: This is twitch sense is out the window. [00:39:45] bigsuave7: 💀 [00:39:45] L3W4: @L3W4 crap you caught me [00:39:45] x_panda15: #JULIAGANG [00:39:46] braddle172: Soogs [00:39:46] thebandakidbob: soogsx [00:39:47] VGABots: They accepted you as a E Girl so you are one now LUL [00:39:52] ez_is_easy: Soogs [00:39:53] 9AZ17: Oop xD [00:39:53] Hawker420: I was late anything going on? Hope you are all have a great day. [00:39:54] mcmaster2000: yeah, that twitter pic [00:39:54] GameSideEVE: Soogsx [00:39:55] vanimal2118: What happened? [00:39:58] viryl_lucas: huh [00:40:00] VGABots: EGirl Rose LUL [00:40:01] tomhekker: soogsx [00:40:02] sasza_mode: post your nips [00:40:03] Zettrex: told ya delete vod [00:40:03] xXNeroZashiXx: Shhh lol [00:40:03] Floof73: i follow u on tiktok and insta but ive never been in a stream [00:40:07] LittleChaSiu: now they'll know LUL [00:40:07] AraAra_Capybara: Shhhhhhhhh [00:40:07] Flipper_ECV: LUL [00:40:08] shwapineer: Shhhhhhhh [00:40:08] consimiamo: kekw [00:40:10] MasonGamingV: I remember that LUL [00:40:10] MasterPancake69: sneak 100 [00:40:10] Amoyamoyamoya: [00:40:10] ReyoneDragonGamer: LUL LUL LUL [00:40:12] viryl_lucas: boobie [00:40:13] RvoMinecraft: f1nnGremlin [00:40:13] KnapperigeKapitein: Shhhhh [00:40:15] 9AZ17: Shhhhhhhhhh! [00:40:16] shwapineer: Snitches get stitches [00:40:19] zombie_1981: shhhh! [00:40:20] RondaNemma: Hey mommy 🥺👉👈 [00:40:23] rebelia24: Egirl finn [00:40:23] grap3_s0da: Banned in 3...2... [00:40:24] ez_is_easy: Chill F1nn it was just areola [00:40:25] k3llthulhu: I remember that lol the panic was real [00:40:28] loograt: SHHHH [00:40:28] Stovamor: !so laurenxburch [00:40:29] f3mmbot: Shoutout to laurenxburch ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/laurenxburch [00:40:29] ReyoneDragonGamer: Hii mom [00:40:30] Lucridis: You've shown worse before by mistake. Key take away is stay off twitter [00:40:31] Zettrex: the vod deleteion and instant actions make them see trough fingers [00:40:32] RoxyMoonshine: Quiet chat! Snitches get stitches! [00:40:39] cool_boss36: Still one million for walk lol [00:40:41] uc00: what happened to the rest CSGO cases? did you get a knife? [00:40:44] Flipper_ECV: It's a man nipple so they won't ban it. [00:40:45] originalCanadianKing: bunayuWiggle bunayuRave [00:40:47] robinyoheartk: Show knife collection [00:40:47] jackcboiz: Read my whispers [00:40:50] XENOMAN5: Six percent of an aureola is hardly a slip [00:40:51] the_plauge_doctor65: the_plauge_doctor65 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! [00:40:51] f3mmbot: the_plauge_doctor65 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months using Prime! PogU [00:40:54] Stovamor: !so juliaburch [00:40:55] f3mmbot: Shoutout to juliaburch ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/juliaburch [00:40:56] SmallestSmudge: You have [00:41:01] Amoyamoyamoya: [00:41:02] ExsuTheOnes: thats my first time in ur stream i watch ur videos i didnt know u stream on hours im awake [00:41:03] Y0rk5h1r3: LUL [00:41:06] Florent_Nguyen: You are so pretty. <3 [00:41:09] XENOMAN5: Replay dono [00:41:11] Floof73: jamesm13L [00:41:12] barrel_rider: you have literally shown a dick on stream [00:41:13] ChasingSol: @ExsuTheOnes welcome, enjoy [00:41:13] Math354e: you showed Natalie mars once [00:41:14] ITZHYP3RION: How did you get your skin to be lighter than ever [00:41:14] SmallestSmudge: You have shown the toy by the chair and the clip was on Tik tok [00:41:17] Flipper_ECV: LUL they say no you whaling [00:41:17] jackcboiz: Check my whispers [00:41:23] arzi77perra: :-) [00:41:25] Stovamor: !skin [00:41:25] f3mmbot: Her skin tone is #e8c7cd. So pale! [00:41:27] Y0rk5h1r3: "You okay bruv" Steam LUL [00:41:27] kakum3i: @florent_nguyen finn makes it impossible to be straight [00:41:31] FoxUndead: okie [00:41:39] loltanna: you WOULD like a facial [00:41:40] ewwitsjosie: FACIAL GANG [00:41:42] ExsuTheOnes: @ChasingSol thx [00:41:42] wench__01: PowerUpL DarkMode PowerUpR [00:41:42] 9AZ17: Main Character Move [00:41:47] Nidhogg999: Clip that [00:41:50] mcmaster2000: We all love butt blasting [00:41:51] ScarsUnseen: Congrats. [00:41:52] Nidhogg999: Butt Blasting [00:41:53] MelancholicTrout: xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek [00:41:55] JustinsOnTwitch: WHAT [00:41:55] bigsuave7: .... [00:41:56] lwazithesyne: Ass blasting stories [00:41:57] bigsadge: clipped [00:41:57] YeomanJensen: Aye [00:41:57] MasonGamingV: I [00:41:57] pival81: HUH [00:41:57] Zettrex: KEKW [00:41:58] StrawberryCheescake25: I [00:41:59] GodBlessBananasplit: i [00:41:59] wench__01: I [00:41:59] AeitZean: We couldn't get on your level even if we had the cash f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:41:59] lillya_ls: I [00:41:59] cheesusyourlord: I [00:41:59] KiriahKolrath: X [00:41:59] GrissleMcThornbody: I [00:42:00] consimiamo: i [00:42:00] viryl_lucas: nah [00:42:00] loltanna: A FACIAL IN YOUR EYE??? [00:42:00] JustChickenwing: Ayo [00:42:00] lordgtafbi: I [00:42:00] Sadcheeseman: i [00:42:00] fithbloom: I [00:42:01] CeliaJohannaHale: I [00:42:01] Alijah_T: I [00:42:01] L3W4: FortHype FortHype FortHype [00:42:01] capsulatepluto: I [00:42:01] callmegarp: HUH [00:42:01] ataxify__: i [00:42:01] tgdmshow: We looove facials [00:42:01] FamilyComputerRobotto: I [00:42:01] alexandraluna13: I [00:42:01] ShadowsGhost90: I [00:42:01] thefiercelink: I [00:42:01] donko812: I [00:42:01] syllabiczero: i [00:42:01] Nenkos: I! [00:42:02] natalie_1984: i [00:42:02] cuddlebear187: I [00:42:02] ricebowl75: I [00:42:02] Arcaes666: AYE!!!!! [00:42:02] robinyoheartk: I [00:42:02] LoCecius: I [00:42:02] strongerpizza: I [00:42:03] turtle77_0: I [00:42:03] Boomer1321: i [00:42:03] MaybePillow: i [00:42:03] JustinsOnTwitch: I [00:42:03] MasterPancake69: i [00:42:03] GluttonousGeorge: typical F1NN day facials and butt blasting KEKW [00:42:03] mcmaster2000: Aye, We love butt blasting! [00:42:03] armann24: 24 [00:42:03] twisted_music08: I [00:42:03] reese5_puff: I [00:42:04] parkwaymike0729: I [00:42:04] deadgrammar: I [00:42:04] flufffluffis: i [00:42:04] Its_Fennek: I [00:42:04] xmestupidx: I [00:42:04] YumeNoZen: Aye [00:42:04] yu_gi_oh_nerd: AI [00:42:04] TRAGI1C_: I [00:42:04] jade8703: AYE [00:42:04] hiluuu: ayeeee [00:42:05] luna_cie: I [00:42:05] bitsncrits: I [00:42:05] ThatCet: I [00:42:05] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP I love facials. - 2840 [00:42:05] smallshrimpin69: I [00:42:05] Lucridis: 👁️ [00:42:05] GoPrymix_: I left my fiance of 5 years last week, and she saw that I watch you and swears that I'm gay because she thinks your hotter than her and possiblely why I left her but that's not even close. Straight as a board [00:42:05] T4KT1C4L: I [00:42:05] KhiralShimmer: 👁 [00:42:05] viryl_lucas: I [00:42:06] TheI3arracuda: I [00:42:06] Jrko0: AYE [00:42:06] scatteredleaves: I [00:42:06] Tordenbob: I [00:42:06] recallingknowledge: i [00:42:06] Kolateak_: I [00:42:06] XENOMAN5: Many of us in chat would love to give you a facial [00:42:06] sarah69connors: i [00:42:06] ez_is_easy: I [00:42:06] Amoyamoyamoya: I [00:42:06] gartoks: I [00:42:06] andimax11: Lmao what [00:42:06] VGABots: i [00:42:07] muddymudkip15: I [00:42:07] MelancholicTrout: i [00:42:07] ilytatr: AYE [00:42:07] MegaMiley: I [00:42:07] kyokel: I [00:42:07] TrainedAttackSpork: I [00:42:08] offical_mk24: I [00:42:08] Unit4to: I [00:42:08] XENOMAN5: I [00:42:08] straw_of_cheese: I [00:42:09] King_reuben99: i [00:42:09] RokettoJanpu: i [00:42:09] AlhambraMMXX: I [00:42:09] jackcboiz: I [00:42:09] viryl_lucas: Aye [00:42:09] ChasingSol: i [00:42:10] canvaspainting: I [00:42:10] TH1SisSTAN: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:42:10] wench__01: Iiiii [00:42:10] hypertron117: I [00:42:11] SmallestSmudge: 👀 [00:42:11] brandyburgundy: Can we do a Rose cooking stream again? [00:42:11] blueblazeonyoutube: I [00:42:11] degdo24: AYE [00:42:11] dangerous_pears: I [00:42:11] Eromaw: i [00:42:11] braddle172: 👁 [00:42:11] ihavenowhit: iiiii [00:42:12] shortswarlok: f1nnSmile3 [00:42:12] danny_schonberg: I [00:42:13] Smiling_Shelly: i [00:42:13] AeitZean: I only the jizz tho [00:42:13] yokai_327: AYE ;) [00:42:13] originalCanadianKing: WutFace [00:42:14] m4k5w3ll: I [00:42:14] Flipper_ECV: LUL loves them facials. [00:42:14] ScarsUnseen: Aye. [00:42:14] imdacs: I [00:42:14] bigsuave7: 💀 [00:42:14] Streig: i [00:42:14] Jens_LN: Like a couch ? [00:42:14] IsaacNewtongue: I think you need to clarify "facial" [00:42:15] hydraking09: Ew [00:42:15] umtic: 😳 [00:42:15] l3anansidhe: Aye [00:42:16] hiluuu: but only from finn [00:42:16] joeyiswatching: giving or recieving? [00:42:16] YeomanJensen: wait a minute [00:42:16] AIRHydrant: chat baited into admitting theyre subs [00:42:16] octminer: aye [00:42:16] ch4rc0al5: LUL [00:42:16] noellewrit: AYE [00:42:17] Cyprohep: sir... [00:42:17] MelancholicTrout: man i love facials [00:42:18] lordhermit_for_ages: You got a facial while butt blasted. [00:42:18] vicodename: ah [00:42:19] JustChickenwing: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:42:20] jackcboiz: Ii [00:42:20] AcheronToEros: ....yup. [00:42:20] Zettrex: LUL [00:42:21] GrissleMcThornbody: Squirt that hot sauce on me bro! [00:42:22] kimeses: I [00:42:22] callmegarp: Ayo chat [00:42:22] andimax11: Ay Ay captain [00:42:22] pianoismyforte_: Aye [00:42:23] robinyoheartk: Gimme a facial [00:42:23] bigsuave7: bro is excited [00:42:23] XENOMAN5: Ii [00:42:24] alexandraluna13: oh...that kind of facial... [00:42:24] purplesingeram: I [00:42:24] RonnieSxl: Kreygasm [00:42:25] reese5_puff: Ii [00:42:26] amazingpeter6: ayo [00:42:26] know1_0: ... [00:42:27] zombie_1981: LUL [00:42:27] umtic: @joeyiswatching both at the same time [00:42:27] loltanna: FACIAL IN UR EYE [00:42:27] AcheronToEros: eyesof7Jam [00:42:28] Amoyamoyamoya: YOU'RE ALL DEGENS (I btw) [00:42:29] hugo2004: sus [00:42:29] ewwitsjosie: I💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 [00:42:29] lez_b_ein: i love u [00:42:30] brandyburgundy: Egg [00:42:31] brianvorn: Finn what are you doing … [00:42:32] originalCanadianKing: That escalated very quickly [00:42:33] vicodename: the pirate move [00:42:33] StrawberryCheescake25: Somebody says squirt hot sauce on me [00:42:34] picklyev: 😀 [00:42:35] viryl_lucas: HUH [00:42:35] arzi77perra: =~{ [00:42:36] MrPink0000: sure, "buster" [00:42:37] tibby420er: Butt blasting and facials 😂 [00:42:37] Nidhogg999: Did you Butt first got blasted and then the facial? [00:42:38] Hawker420: Sorry I can't fulfill your fantasy for free [00:42:38] twisted_music08: Sub finn is the best lmfao [00:42:40] ScarsUnseen: aye! [00:42:41] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER Like a couch with 5 black men standing behind it ? [00:42:42] viryl_lucas: butt facial [00:42:43] SmallestSmudge: Prefer being paid over paying [00:42:43] loltanna: oh THATS why you cant sit> [00:42:46] MelancholicTrout: @Amoyamoyamoya trickyySmug trickyySmug trickyySmug trickyySmug [00:42:48] JustinsOnTwitch: this is so fucking hot [00:42:49] twin_cdj: Rip NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:42:50] samthegoddman2000: You seem like your pour the milk before the cereal [00:42:52] KhiralShimmer: pmelBad [00:42:52] Akemencha: It's nice but not as nice as back or head scratches [00:42:54] JustinsOnTwitch: ur so fucking hot finn [00:42:55] glitchy_bich: I [00:42:57] CeliaJohannaHale: How long does it take for a donation to process? [00:42:58] Helen_Croft: good thing you have the pillow chasiu send you @F1NN5TER [00:42:59] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:43:00] vanimal2118: Add pillow Princess! [00:43:01] lwazithesyne: Is scared lemon even here for these clips [00:43:03] ewwitsjosie: it's like polar bear jizz? [00:43:04] hysteerian: this is a guy ? [00:43:04] vicodename: i'm so confused [00:43:05] GluttonousGeorge: cold? is the guy alright? [00:43:09] Pacabee: When we are doing media shareeeeeeeeee [00:43:10] reese5_puff: f1nnMonka [00:43:10] ChasingSol: @hysteerian yes [00:43:10] consimiamo: kekw [00:43:11] LittleChaSiu: @lwazithesyne he's taking a break [00:43:13] XENOMAN5: Butt blasted and facial on same day? You hoe!! [00:43:14] callmegarp: ????? [00:43:14] ITZHYP3RION: You ever heard about glutathione injection [00:43:15] andimax11: They should get that checked out [00:43:18] reese5_puff: Kekw [00:43:22] originalCanadianKing: YouDontSay [00:43:22] Stovamor: @lwazithesyne, he's stopped doing tiktok, but Warden has taken over the account [00:43:23] mcmaster2000: What if you're being paid for a facial? [00:43:23] uc00: did you receive the knife you wanted yet? [00:43:32] IsaacNewtongue: Cold? I hear necro is illegal. [00:43:35] Flipper_ECV: Tasties out on you? [00:43:35] viryl_lucas: yes [00:43:40] viryl_lucas: whitenijg [00:43:40] rio_levy: Test subject facial lmao [00:43:42] Flipper_ECV: Testies [00:43:42] SmallestSmudge: @mcmaster2000 Then you’re doing it right [00:43:44] hydraking09: Why do you have so many sharks [00:43:51] consimiamo: !blahaj [00:43:51] f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send 𝙃𝙄𝙈 one. But no pressure. [00:43:51] brianvorn: I’ll give you a bbc facial [00:43:52] callmegarp: Go sit on blahaj mountain, looks soft [00:43:54] CCnCDotA1: you look so cute today <3 [00:43:56] originalCanadianKing: cmonBruh huh [00:43:58] Florent_Nguyen: F1nn is more attractive than all the girlfriends I ever had. And I had two ! [00:44:04] eyeronicyeeter: Fr [00:44:09] misscutiepie03: Hey [00:44:10] eyeronicyeeter: Same [00:44:12] thegamerquintiaan: Wherever is a screen the lorax wil be seen [00:44:13] ThatCet: gimme knife recommendation [00:44:13] danny_schonberg: True [00:44:16] MelancholicTrout: @f3mmbot no gimme me the nlahajarahahar [00:44:18] poittikun: すげーー [00:44:19] Pacabee: Finn just wants a bbl let's be real [00:44:20] contour_19: We appreciate all your efforts and pain to be more beautiful [00:44:20] MelancholicTrout: grimmi14Angy [00:44:21] AvaerusEx: He doesn't need that, he's British. [00:44:21] Zettrex: true [00:44:22] ArminGux: Hi [00:44:23] Blixynia: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:44:24] Akemencha: Your Edward Cullen status [00:44:25] lwazithesyne: @stovamor appreciate the update [00:44:25] sherlock_norris: gondor calls for aid! [00:44:26] Zettrex: same KEKW [00:44:27] Nidhogg999: The lights of gondor have been lit [00:44:28] Helen_Croft: So you are a mirror [00:44:28] toberculoses: bbl [00:44:31] vanimal2118: Rose is vampire Chat! [00:44:37] roniyl: !instagram [00:44:37] f3mmbot: Her Instagram profile is at instagr.am/f1nn5terlive [00:44:38] ScarsUnseen: Summer here started in February. [00:44:39] Y0rk5h1r3: Like when the baddies open the Ark of the Covenant in Indianna Jones LUL [00:44:40] Brainfishes: Orthopaedic donut pillow is Pog for a sore arse. I am using one right now, I got an extra hole in my ass. [00:44:41] Kolateak_: Like Neptune's head in Spongebob [00:44:42] SmallestSmudge: Suffering Parkinson’s. I mean, the shakes can be advantageous [00:44:43] originalCanadianKing: KevinTurtle shine bright like a diamond [00:44:44] reese5_puff: sir finn i am much awaiting for the media shares [00:44:45] AeitZean: Theres a building in London that sets cars on fire in the sun LUL [00:44:48] daininetta: Mirror woman [00:44:50] Pacabee: @akemencha lmfao [00:44:50] ArminGux: Isn't everyone in Britain mega white [00:44:50] Jens_LN: We havea topic ? [00:44:56] coconutislove: bro gets sunburn from his fridge light [00:44:57] YeomanJensen: Sun is so important - reformed heliophobe [00:44:58] wench__01: TakeNRG GivePLZ [00:44:58] hydraking09: Vampire femboy? Cosplay? [00:44:59] mcmaster2000: Since no make-up today, are we still getting dress-up? [00:44:59] mystchevious1: You were talking about the issue that happened today. [00:45:02] jackcboiz: I made whisper song [00:45:04] johnkeiwo: you were talking about one of the sad thing [00:45:16] ScarsUnseen: My background is Polish. The sun kills me. i turn death red. [00:45:18] rkanjl: Tts donations on [00:45:21] XENOMAN5: Unban requests? [00:45:21] jackcboiz: Song on your whisper [00:45:22] Zettrex: exactly [00:45:27] ChasingSol: @poittikun English only please [00:45:27] AvaerusEx: They look like F1nn, or are orange. [00:45:29] effthelf: Orange brits [00:45:31] substantialslip205: Everyone is pink in the UK [00:45:32] subbutdomtoretto: donald trump orange [00:45:32] anschofi: in britain they are all red as a lobster when the sun comes out [00:45:33] Zettrex: nope, wont [00:45:35] SmallestSmudge: Uk stealing all the South Africans [00:45:38] Y0rk5h1r3: I've got an alrate tan this year so far and we aren't even in summer yet. [00:45:38] originalCanadianKing: DoritosChip Dorito tan? [00:45:41] Jens_LN: I'm Scandinavian ... the Sun is a deadly lazor ! [00:45:41] MelancholicTrout: you should see us up north, we're like snow sheeno2Hueagh sheeno2Hueagh [00:45:43] MegaMiley: Nah, too little exposure time [00:45:44] scarlettyg: ayooo, I hope I didn't miss much [00:45:45] Helen_Croft: YES LED UV light dies the same thing [00:45:46] ArminGux: Should be difrent wavelength that doesn't do that [00:45:47] MelancholicTrout: oh thats just scousers [00:45:48] arturox25000: Trump Cosplay [00:45:51] Avalon00101: why so many blahaj [00:45:51] sherlock_norris: it increases risk for skin cancer on your fingers, look it up [00:45:58] barrel_rider: barrel_rider gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jens_LN! They have given 262 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:45:59] f3mmbot: barrel_rider has gifted a subscription to jens_ln at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jens_ln f1nnLezgang [00:46:02] packagum: Trump was british?! [00:46:06] lwazithesyne: @smallestsmudge well why didn't they steal me then [00:46:07] Srcsqwrn: Did I miss the laser hair removal stuff? [00:46:08] spo0522: Mk [00:46:09] MegaMiley: I takes days to get a tan in regular sun, and at least 30 minutes in a tanning bed to get anything [00:46:10] brianvorn: Don’t get skin cancer [00:46:11] beatsherhusband: fake tan look bad [00:46:11] mcmaster2000: My British mom is about 10 tones lighter than you. Though she's basically 100% Irish [00:46:12] bitsncrits: timeouts should be on stream [00:46:13] bluj40: dudes got employees [00:46:14] hiluuu: oh u got kids? [00:46:15] YeomanJensen: vegetables can give a more orange tone [00:46:15] Eromaw: @sherlock_norris feel like everything increases cancer chances [00:46:17] gartoks: @Avalon00101 Because people keep sending them to him [00:46:18] Jens_LN: @barrel_rider Oh dang, Thanks for the gift sub! [00:46:20] originalCanadianKing: Trump was a DoritosChip [00:46:28] callmegarp: Oh god I'm scared of the figure [00:46:29] YumeNoZen: No days off ends up worse. [00:46:30] Helen_Croft: few K ? [00:46:30] SmallestSmudge: @lwazithesyne Have to ask nicely [00:46:30] Srcsqwrn: Skin cancer in fingies is scary for sure [00:46:36] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: FINNNN HIHIHIHI [00:46:37] syllabiczero: like 10k [00:46:41] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Was about to say what one day off costs him. - 2950 [00:46:42] uc00: k [00:46:43] AIRHydrant: bottom problems smh [00:46:43] scarlettyg: Absolute bottom? I resemble that remark KEKW [00:46:44] hiluuu: sure [00:46:45] Akemencha: Bottom [00:46:47] mcmaster2000: Wait, but Battlepass is monthly, no? Isn't a day off covered by that? [00:46:47] XENOMAN5: To all curious about the Blahaj sharks he has a phobia of real sharks so chat sent him a bunch. Yes we are horrible. [00:46:49] robinyoheartk: The bottom of a bottoms problems [00:46:50] barrel_rider: @Jens_LN You are very welcome, gotta spred the love to my scandies [00:46:51] Xylomn: hehe coxBaeloy bottom [00:46:51] octminer: if you dont want to sahre dont [00:46:54] shwapineer: It costs you my attention [00:46:55] jacewolf_is_the_best: sup [00:46:59] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh...I know this one. [00:46:59] pianoismyforte_: Burnout will lose you more. Be careful [00:47:03] Florent_Nguyen: One day off costs me 75 eur KEKW (minimum wage) [00:47:12] YeomanJensen: "Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables increases skin yellowness, thereby making it look healthier and more attractive. The change in skin colour after eating lots of colourful produce is due to the accumulation of plant pigments in the skin, such as orange carotene from carrots and red lycopene from tomatoes." [00:47:14] hydraking09: Idk why but i havent gotten a single ad [00:47:19] Helen_Croft: CLIP hous talk [00:47:32] Gem_UnHinged: Take a day off so you aren’t forced to take too many days off involuntarily please! [00:47:34] Jens_LN: @barrel_rider well, thanks a lot - It's very welcome. :) [00:47:40] flavix3: Wtf, why dis dude cross dressing? [00:47:43] callmegarp: UH [00:47:43] Helen_Croft: All the electic needs to be redone [00:47:43] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:47:43] AvaerusEx: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh [00:47:43] Kolateak_: f1nnMonka [00:47:44] LittleChaSiu: jeez [00:47:44] oldMako: wtffff [00:47:45] ChasingSol: oh crap, that's not good [00:47:45] AeitZean: Oh i was thinking ancient saxon burial ground or something LUL [00:47:45] PeterTheMostlyOK: Damn [00:47:45] akiraahayamii: youtube viewer here, hope u do a hot tub stream!! [00:47:45] MelancholicTrout: sheeno2Hueagh sheeno2Hueagh sheeno2Hueagh sheeno2Hueagh sheeno2Hueagh sheeno2Hueagh [00:47:46] AraAra_Capybara: Ooof [00:47:46] YumeNoZen: Daaayum. [00:47:46] tgdmshow: Hmmm KEKW [00:47:47] ShaneCampaign: .....uhhhh lol [00:47:47] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:47:47] RockinLockin: what [00:47:48] Zettrex: monkaS [00:47:49] stumblefish: oh [00:47:49] Stovamor: @flavix3, cos he can [00:47:49] Pacabee: Wtf does that mean BRUH [00:47:50] SmallestSmudge: Cherry on top to fluff up the emotional pile of depression. No competence. [00:47:52] jordieboi45: oh LAWD [00:47:52] Vbitz: Ooof [00:47:52] idesofjuno: monkaS [00:47:53] RoxyMoonshine: Oh…well [00:47:54] SaeculumXV: YEA... its gonna catch on fire [00:47:54] AvaerusEx: Does it need to be all redone? [00:47:55] Nenkos: @flavix3 cause he cute :) [00:47:56] bigsuave7: bruh [00:47:56] scatteredleaves: worried [00:47:56] callmegarp: Whhhhyyyyy though?? What? [00:47:58] Ramaj_A: Who's this dude and what'd he do with the cute girl that's usually on this channel? [00:47:59] bluj40: shit always goes wrong with house stuff [00:47:59] ChasingSol: rewire [00:48:00] unopenedcookies: What the fuck, I'm early? [00:48:00] armann24: hhe [00:48:01] Zettrex: pritty common tho [00:48:02] ???: @flavix3 he's not [00:48:02] Akemencha: Noooo [00:48:05] Helen_Croft: So all the electric needs to be redone [00:48:05] Lucridis: Oof [00:48:05] thecuxspma_rocky_penguin: EXPENSIVE [00:48:06] andimax11: Huh? [00:48:06] MegaMiley: Spensive... [00:48:06] Jens_LN: oh damn [00:48:06] AvaerusEx: $$$ [00:48:07] RockinLockin: oh god [00:48:07] Srcsqwrn: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:48:07] braddle172: f1nnHands [00:48:07] Pacabee: THATS CRAZY [00:48:07] brainiac5_01: OOF [00:48:08] MaybePillow: HUH [00:48:08] BudgetMatt: oof [00:48:08] AraAra_Capybara: Burn it down? Insurance money? [00:48:09] scatteredleaves: what a loss [00:48:09] Eromaw: christttt [00:48:09] L3W4: rip [00:48:10] viryl_lucas: HWA [00:48:10] bluj40: HOT DAMN [00:48:10] KnapperigeKapitein: rip [00:48:11] shwapineer: L [00:48:11] Kai_Marcad: Oh god... [00:48:11] Florent_Nguyen: What ? [00:48:11] pro_duck_1324: i'll do it for 10k [00:48:11] robinyoheartk: DAMN [00:48:11] mossbirbz: House Hunting again? [00:48:12] bigsuave7: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:48:12] mcmaster2000: That's what Brexit does to you - no more Polish workers who would to it for cheaper ^^ [00:48:12] Luucy_333: Ooof [00:48:12] jacewolf_is_the_best: u rich tho [00:48:12] zpfran: WTF [00:48:12] YeomanJensen: a bargain Kappa [00:48:12] PeterTheMostlyOK: Jeeez [00:48:12] viryl_lucas: WHAT [00:48:13] Vbitz: oof [00:48:13] wack0x: hes scamming you, he knows you have money [00:48:13] Lucridis: Shouldn't cost that much surely [00:48:13] Zettrex: old electics sucks ass [00:48:13] originalCanadianKing: Nope! [00:48:13] Stovamor: shit -that means a lot of expense - full rewire job [00:48:14] stumblefish: yieks [00:48:14] RoxyMoonshine: Money money money [00:48:14] uc00: Did you get the knife that was always out of stock? [00:48:14] effthelf: F [00:48:14] AeitZean: Oh holy shit [00:48:15] MelancholicTrout: insurance? [00:48:15] AlhambraMMXX: OOF [00:48:15] andimax11: Oof [00:48:16] v4tten: Wtf?! [00:48:16] muddymudkip15: Oof [00:48:16] ScarredLemon: OOOF [00:48:18] packagum: DAMN [00:48:18] blackdevils521: NotLikeThis [00:48:18] Pacabee: Ask Tenz [00:48:19] SmallestSmudge: Sorry what the fluff? [00:48:19] callmegarp: Time to drop a PPV Kappa [00:48:19] h_r_buff_n_stuff: oofg [00:48:20] lwazithesyne: GYAT [00:48:20] Smiling_Shelly: OMG ouch [00:48:20] vanimal2118: Upgrade electrical system. [00:48:22] TravelingEmpath: Fucking sue them [00:48:22] XENOMAN5: @hydraking09 He rarely turns them on so that new and non subscribed viewers aren’t punished [00:48:22] RoxyMoonshine: Oof F [00:48:23] joeyiswatching: years for some :P [00:48:23] v4tten: i’m so sorry [00:48:23] Y0rk5h1r3: So a day of battlepass money 💰 [00:48:23] Akemencha: Damnnn I'm sorry [00:48:24] Srcsqwrn: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [00:48:24] wmaitla: OOF [00:48:24] tgdmshow: GGs [00:48:24] SmallestSmudge: 35 what? [00:48:25] dandilionandburdock: Aaaa [00:48:25] Streig: F [00:48:25] braddle172: oof [00:48:26] robinyoheartk: 🥚 [00:48:26] Kelzky: Sue the inspection [00:48:28] nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:48:28] andimax11: Jesus [00:48:28] Zettrex: thats common [00:48:28] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Electrician refused do some work. Will cost F1nn 35K GBP. - 2880 [00:48:28] AraAra_Capybara: Can you get money from the inspector? [00:48:29] MasonGamingV: New dono goal? [00:48:29] AeitZean: Can you sue the inspector [00:48:30] YeomanJensen: the house that keeps on giving [00:48:30] transterra29: Shit [00:48:31] ShaneCampaign: rip [00:48:34] brianvorn: Hahahahaaa [00:48:34] HaugeNub: Don't you have insurance for that? [00:48:35] AIRHydrant: channel america and sue [00:48:35] PetriZide: Victorian electrical system? [00:48:36] captain_smitty23: Idk laws there but can you sue? [00:48:36] Ramaj_A: Finn, cut your losses and just buy a third world country instead. [00:48:36] J_adorable: Who did the inspection? That's gotta be breaking some kind of buyer protection [00:48:37] lordgtafbi: damn the bussy tax is too high in the uk [00:48:37] RockinLockin: goddamn [00:48:38] Zettrex: always expect it tbh [00:48:38] zombie_1981: F [00:48:38] PynkFryck: Cant you sue someone? [00:48:39] SmallestSmudge: Imma gonna go hide in poor people country now [00:48:39] dantedc18: imnaruUwu [00:48:39] mcmaster2000: How is that on you if it was missed in the inspection?!?!? [00:48:43] Hawker420: That sucks [00:48:44] freyja_midgard: Sue the surveyor [00:48:45] bigsadge: sadly, welcome to home ownership [00:48:45] callmegarp: Big oof [00:48:46] daininetta: Oh d*** [00:48:46] pianoismyforte_: F [00:48:48] Eromaw: id move out [00:48:53] maxwring: Thats a whole girl month [00:48:53] daininetta: Damn [00:48:54] itsjustmist: itsjustmist subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 37 months! 37 months POG [00:48:54] f3mmbot: itsjustmist subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:48:55] antonyjohncarter: i think we told you [00:48:56] twisted_music08: [00:48:57] KoriYuhBoi: Love, laugh toaster bath literally Finn rn on a tee-shirt [00:48:57] TheCharlesTownsend: A whole house rewire is expensive, but £35K is a lot. Much more that I would expect. [00:48:59] brandt_connors: Can I offer a suggestion on how to raise that money quicker? [00:49:01] shwapineer: Just stop eating avocado toast ez gg [00:49:02] hopalongtommy: I'd get a 2nd quote on that [00:49:04] sherlock_norris: "seem" [00:49:05] bigsadge: I had a broken flange on a toilet and that was fun to fix [00:49:05] YeomanJensen: time to torch it Kappa [00:49:06] Helen_Croft: inspection dont open the outlets [00:49:06] girly_teengirl_: Hi [00:49:10] XENOMAN5: You own two houses and two cars [00:49:10] SmallestSmudge: OF about to be raided to wire the house [00:49:13] urmumsdad69: I litteraly have an exam tommorow but I’m here cuz I have priorities [00:49:17] callmegarp: This inspection sucked [00:49:19] PynkFryck: Inspector got paid off or some shiz [00:49:20] ITZHYP3RION: Is the next twitch con gonna be in France or usa [00:49:20] AIRHydrant: sell the pink car [00:49:21] mcmaster2000: You're not dumb, you were twenty fucking two when you bought a house! [00:49:22] andimax11: Huh?? You haven’t saved 30k? [00:49:24] scarlettyg: just stop being poor, easy [00:49:29] FoxsyBruh: Are you permanently stuck in girl mode? [00:49:31] andimax11: A jeez. That’s rough [00:49:35] Hawker420: Bad inspection [00:49:40] Eromaw: move out the house with bad electrics [00:49:45] blackdevils521: Sell the cars [00:49:45] PeterTheMostlyOK: Next youre gonna find out that the walls are made of cardboard [00:49:47] Amoyamoyamoya: @ITZHYP3RION, Paris first and then US [00:49:50] brandyburgundy: Use 1 as a rental dummy [00:49:54] blindthirdeye: Looks good, LMAO [00:49:57] SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months! Sounds like a reason for a dono goal [00:49:58] f3mmbot: suchkittymuchmeow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 30 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:49:58] srirammoh: Is there a duck in your house tf was that? [00:49:58] scatteredleaves: this is fine [00:49:59] GuilhermeColombelli: Welcome to adulthood, f1nn. [00:50:00] jordieboi45: LOL [00:50:00] AVE_LVCI: visually looks great Clueless [00:50:00] MelancholicTrout: hypothetically, if the wiring had a lil accident, would insurance cover it? trickyyThink [00:50:05] Akemencha: Yikes xc [00:50:05] AIRHydrant: scam inspection [00:50:07] bigsadge: same deal here in the USA [00:50:08] nikama6: "seemed" [00:50:09] nathat233: google says 12.5k for a 5 bedroom house [00:50:09] Amoyamoyamoya: SCAM [00:50:10] YeomanJensen: looks good from over here across the street [00:50:11] ShaneCampaign: looks good + "eh itll do" lol [00:50:11] brianvorn: Now you need a husband [00:50:14] octminer: "this house looks like house" [00:50:14] Pacabee: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:50:15] jeremiah_thekid: jeremiah_thekid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 17 month streak! Wow gotta resub to the battle pass [00:50:15] XENOMAN5: @foxsybruh Not stuck. He just likes the money and more and more enjoys being girly [00:50:15] f3mmbot: jeremiah_thekid subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:50:15] SmallestSmudge: Is it insured for fire? [00:50:16] Amoyamoyamoya: spicycowDancy spicycowDancy spicycowDancy [00:50:17] Stovamor: @MelancholicTrout, no, cos it's a "known condition" [00:50:19] andimax11: That sounds like a scam [00:50:21] derek644: Doesn't he live with his dad? [00:50:22] mcmaster2000: What I meant by that is that no one that age should know anything about that! I'm 35 and I would have no f-ing clue about that [00:50:22] picklyev: I would be trying to get my money back [00:50:23] Lucridis: Yeah you have to get an electrician in to certify everything before you buy [00:50:24] ITZHYP3RION: When will you move out to usa [00:50:26] TheCharlesTownsend: A full rewire should not £35K. Get another quote. [00:50:29] RoxyMoonshine: Little known lesson: make sure they say it works good, not looks good [00:50:30] robbie1945: @F1NN5TER sounds like the scammer has become the scammed [00:50:31] Rimmitarius: Inspections are a scam. f1nnSCAM [00:50:32] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER Is that the source of sadge ? [00:50:32] bigsadge: the inspector probably has a written scope of the inspection that does not cover that [00:50:34] Amoyamoyamoya: @ITZHYP3RION, Don't hold your breath. [00:50:35] SilverEnigma: I bought a house in my thirties and it was a nightmare. Age doesn't make it easier. [00:50:38] tomhekker: @F1NN5TER i can be your handyman husband uWu [00:50:39] EternalNocturnal68: Meow [00:50:39] Akemencha: Fuckk that [00:50:40] Pacabee: f1nnSCAM inspection FR [00:50:44] syllabiczero: he cant go [00:50:45] TravelingEmpath: Really can't sue the inspectors? [00:50:45] ModerNew: @MelancholicTrout It'd have to be signed by electrician, who'd be held responsible for the fire [00:50:49] muddymudkip15: Oh no [00:50:49] AVE_LVCI: marriage visa KEKW [00:50:50] RoxyMoonshine: Oh no [00:50:51] SmallestSmudge: House needs insurance and then to be exposed to uk heatwave [00:50:53] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Now talking about the Visa. - 2850 [00:50:54] brandt_connors: brandt_connors subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:50:54] mcmaster2000: Good analogy: your lawyer sucks^^ [00:50:54] f3mmbot: brandt_connors subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:50:54] jordieboi45: Oh noo [00:50:58] cortes921: Uh oh [00:50:58] bigsuave7: ok [00:50:59] daininetta: Oh my bingle [00:51:02] andimax11: Oh no [00:51:08] ChasingSol: $1 million? [00:51:09] brandyburgundy: Hire yourself a property management company to rent out your 2nd house and make some passive income while someone else pays off your mortgage [00:51:10] Florent_Nguyen: Why not tourist Visa ? [00:51:11] OliveTentacle: Do you have gas or oil heating? [00:51:13] TheServerMonk: Why they won't give a tourist visa?! [00:51:14] roserick33: HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:51:15] Ramaj_A: I'll hire you finn. come clean my room for me. [00:51:16] effthelf: Why no tourist visa? [00:51:18] derek644: Is he genuinely considering moving to America? [00:51:21] ChasingSol: oh right [00:51:21] MelancholicTrout: @ModerNew oh no i mean the *old* wiring had the accident. Cuz fixing it would have to the be up to code [00:51:22] Arcaes666: come to Canada [00:51:23] guy_in_a_skirt: 10 raiders from guy_in_a_skirt have joined! [00:51:27] Jawbreakers13: Why cant you get a travel visa? [00:51:30] saltyfcraker: KonCha [00:51:32] OHMichelleOH: what about models? [00:51:32] YeomanJensen: A shell company [00:51:33] oliviazbored: oh my [00:51:35] Jens_LN: Oh, more raiders [00:51:35] JustChickenwing: In Monopoly money? [00:51:35] uc00: Has the knife from Him arrived yet? [00:51:37] AeitZean: Staff and taxes f1nnHands [00:51:37] callmegarp: The mods are bleeding him dry LUL [00:51:38] Pacabee: Raid woo [00:51:39] SmallestSmudge: Stabby swooooord [00:51:40] nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:51:42] peter_griffin456: Wtf [00:51:44] ChasingSol: B-5? [00:51:49] guy_in_a_skirt: heyooo [00:51:53] JustinsOnTwitch: lol those are business expenses [00:51:55] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Can't get a tourist or ESTA. Has to get a work Visa. The Visa he is going for involves setting up a business and incurs staff costs. - 3030 [00:51:56] AvaerusEx: Prestige Worldwide [00:51:56] 0redzed0: literally just need a travel visa for a vacation. [00:52:08] sarathearcher1: Welcome raiders!!! [00:52:10] picklyev: Mr. Worldwide [00:52:10] ShaneCampaign: yep no days off lol [00:52:11] OHMichelleOH: whats do models do to come take pics? [00:52:16] AraAra_Capybara: Battlepass will help expenses icyBLESS [00:52:17] hiluuu: wtfff [00:52:17] kokoishere_: kokoishere_ subscribed with Prime. [00:52:17] f3mmbot: kokoishere_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kokoishere_ f1nnLezgang [00:52:20] mcmaster2000: Get a new f-ing lawyer! [00:52:21] SmallestSmudge: 15 that could go to the 35 of the house [00:52:21] anschofi: @0redzed0 he is not eligible for one [00:52:30] Florent_Nguyen: KEKW [00:52:32] Kolateak_: f1nnMonka [00:52:32] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:52:32] YeomanJensen: I demand a car analogy [00:52:32] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart stardu78Rollin nanona1Nodders techta5NyanWin3 [00:52:33] Tha_Frenchy: omg a fellow woman hiii [00:52:36] DrEviill: go to a casino now [00:52:36] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:52:36] RoxyMoonshine: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:52:38] YeomanJensen: never tell me the odds [00:52:38] nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:52:38] bluj40: bing bong [00:52:38] Jens_LN: jeez [00:52:40] innawoodsab: why aren't you eligible for a tourist visa? [00:52:41] XENOMAN5: He was denied a travel visa because they were worried he would stay and work in the states [00:52:42] ChasingSol: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart flippi38Love stovamLove cottontailBIGLOVE kidnotCute strahHeart audr1eHeart itspea13Headpat inatttLove yokasiHeart sodacatPet [00:52:42] 0redzed0: @anschofi why? [00:52:43] Pacabee: Real Bing bong [00:52:44] gerglingson: casino stream when [00:52:44] TH1SisSTAN: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:52:47] Macks_02: whimzSPIN f1nnBingbong whimzSPIN [00:52:48] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:52:48] innawoodsab: ooooh [00:52:49] nikama6: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:52:49] Pacabee: f1nnBingbong [00:52:49] RockinLockin: ohh [00:52:51] Zibella: Bing bong and drink some water plz [00:52:53] blindthirdeye: F1nn, just marry chat. We'll live in the basement, and give cookies. [00:52:58] bdix727: When are we going to a casino? [00:52:58] xx_bex_becca_xx: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:53:02] Pacabee: f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam [00:53:06] PynkFryck: So is it gonna be a drunk stream? [00:53:07] syllabiczero: can you merry someone? [00:53:08] bdix727: keep going [00:53:09] XENOMAN5: MercyWing1 f1nnBingbong MercyWing2 [00:53:09] oliviazbored: you could always commit marrige fraud, ppl already thinks ur dating chris KEKW [00:53:10] callmegarp: Maybe america isn't in the cards... [00:53:12] mystchevious1: It's ok. [00:53:12] L3W4: house fucked [00:53:14] subbutdomtoretto: move to the EU [00:53:14] majormtroy_451: majormtroy_451 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:53:14] JustChickenwing: Why were you denied? Human trafficking? [00:53:14] f3mmbot: majormtroy_451 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:53:15] majormtroy_451: majormtroy_451 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Opium86! [00:53:15] majormtroy_451: majormtroy_451 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xatonym! [00:53:15] majormtroy_451: majormtroy_451 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CactusTown! [00:53:15] majormtroy_451: majormtroy_451 gifted a Tier 1 sub to capsulatepluto! [00:53:15] majormtroy_451: majormtroy_451 gifted a Tier 1 sub to schwiftiy! [00:53:15] andimax11: I apologize on behalf of my Country [00:53:16] sugma_666: Just marry soda duh [00:53:17] porridgewithgeorge: marry an american [00:53:17] shwapineer: Just marry an American and divorce them for half their net worth ez [00:53:17] bdix727: keep going, that's the whole point of the stream [00:53:18] Amoyamoyamoya: TIME TO BECOME CANADIAN. [00:53:18] KnapperigeKapitein: why were you denied in the first place? [00:53:18] Jens_LN: Is this your source of sadge ? [00:53:19] deadgrammar: I hope things get better [00:53:19] Luucy_333: Marry someone ;) [00:53:19] mystchevious1: We're here for you. [00:53:19] happyking_greg: heya [00:53:21] Y0rk5h1r3: So basically, It's all fucked? [00:53:22] brianvorn: Sue those bastard for not giving you a US visa that just bs [00:53:22] PeterTheMostlyOK: No wonder you feel like shit [00:53:22] themindscrambler: marriage [00:53:22] KhiralShimmer: b a s e d [00:53:24] brandyburgundy: Get a visa for Mexico, and just cross the border [00:53:24] Helen_Croft: changing legal name to Rose so you be a different person for the US seems easier at this point [00:53:25] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: Oh woahh [00:53:25] 07UK: Who’s visa? Never heard of her before. [00:53:27] hiluuu: if talking about it makes u upset u dont have to [00:53:28] barbie_secretstanner: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang [00:53:29] porridgewithgeorge: Or.... come to NZ! [00:53:29] mcmaster2000: lol, do you even understand alcohol? [00:53:29] YeomanJensen: this is fine 󠀀 [00:53:30] anjerious: Sounds like American bullshit [00:53:30] Enfinit_: What jumper/t shirt u wearing kinda like it ngl [00:53:31] copethewizard: So you can't go for holiday [00:53:32] TravelingEmpath: I feel so bad for you this sucks [00:53:32] blackdevils521: Then his pegging with CottontailVA got cancel [00:53:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:53:32] kevin326520: WHY NOT DRINK? [00:53:33] johnkeiwo: if u feel like it you can rant, chat will soak it up [00:53:33] andimax11: Vent if you want to dude [00:53:35] Florent_Nguyen: Don't go to USA, UK is the best country to live in ! [00:53:35] MrPink0000: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:53:36] OliveTentacle: sedyPat2 [00:53:37] GoPrymix_: Would you ever come to Texas 🇺🇲 [00:53:38] AIRHydrant: ameeichat on their knees with ringa [00:53:42] callmegarp: Thats healthy logic, confirmed not an addict lmao [00:53:45] SmallestSmudge: Go to Thailand. No visa required and it’s absolutely stunning [00:53:45] Amoyamoyamoya: @Florent_Nguyen, Not paying attention are you? [00:53:49] taylawithan_a: So basically you need to find yourself and American wife? [00:53:49] RockinLockin: sorry to hear that man! you're allowed to feel shitty [00:53:49] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo So very true. [00:53:51] Darkness4desert: Doing hard work see you next time babe [00:53:52] Helen_Croft: changing legal name to Rose so you be a different person for the US seems easier at this point @F1NN5TER [00:53:54] MelancholicTrout: finn have you considered that you may have been cursed by a witch or wizard? [00:53:54] consimiamo: u.s visa is really difficult to get [00:53:55] mcmaster2000: Forget America, come here to Berlin! [00:53:59] anschofi: oof [00:54:01] cuddlebear187: Marry soda .!!!! [00:54:02] nikama6: f1nnHands f1nnHands [00:54:03] clulabell: The numerous [00:54:06] andimax11: Seriously though, marry one of your American mods lmao [00:54:06] deadgrammar: Just a heads up. Baba-booy [00:54:06] keller4589: Yea damn sorry Finn [00:54:07] luna_cie: Finnster's home for wayward hot chicks [00:54:07] IdiotKnightKing: what is the everything else? [00:54:10] tgdmshow: That just sucks [00:54:10] clulabell: *numbers [00:54:11] Florent_Nguyen: @Amoyamoyamoya What do you mean ? SOrry did I miss something ? [00:54:12] MrPink0000: that's a good point, get a new identity as rose [00:54:14] ez_is_easy: Just go to the casino and make a vid out of it ez [00:54:15] Eromaw: yeah marry soda lol [00:54:15] AvaerusEx: How did the meeting with your old girlfriend go? [00:54:16] keller4589: Rip the visa [00:54:16] ipat8: Yo we got any immigration lawyers in the chat? [00:54:17] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: The USA is ducked right now so stay in the UK [00:54:17] Jens_LN: That's rough [00:54:18] Lucridis: Cotton forfeited the armwrestle so you won by default which is good [00:54:21] callmegarp: Scratch just now was cute [00:54:24] wench__01: Life [00:54:24] Wardenboo: today bad day [00:54:25] Wardenboo: ;u; [00:54:26] ar1st1pp0s: nope [00:54:27] PeterTheMostlyOK: Will getting to US be worth 100k in the end? [00:54:28] ar1st1pp0s: super easy [00:54:28] kipp3rman: kipp3rman subscribed with Prime. [00:54:29] callmegarp: Not sure why. Brain broke [00:54:29] f3mmbot: kipp3rman subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kipp3rman f1nnLezgang [00:54:31] robinyoheartk: Finnyou are making a loving filming yourself playing dress up. Nothings impossible [00:54:32] Coolcalcacol: @Wardenboo good day [00:54:33] Enfinit_: I need to know what jumper/tee u wearing pleaseeeee [00:54:34] tonydabull: gonna be even more difficult bc of the illegals pouring into the US [00:54:36] twisted_music08: f1nnNomods no cottin tails [00:54:36] Amoyamoyamoya: @Florent_Nguyen, UK taxes bad. [00:54:37] brandt_connors: he's streaming [00:54:38] uc00: his live [00:54:38] SmallestSmudge: Depressy spaghetti [00:54:39] Pacabee: MARRY NAT [00:54:39] Enfinit_: I love it looks sooo cool [00:54:39] cuddlebear187: GET MARRIED TO SODA !!! [00:54:40] tytykiller: raizFlushed [00:54:40] XENOMAN5: Drivers license status? [00:54:40] RockinLockin: yes [00:54:41] JustChickenwing: Soda's live [00:54:42] consimiamo: kekw [00:54:42] AvaerusEx: Soda would want consumation. [00:54:42] blackdevils521: Marry Natt [00:54:43] Sleepystephbot: Soda's streaming rn [00:54:44] callmegarp: Yes [00:54:44] Stovamor: @Wardenboo, heya Boo - hope you're having a better day than Finn is [00:54:45] mystchevious1: They can't challenge the proposal [00:54:46] brianvorn: Marry natt he 6’4 [00:54:46] braddle172: Yep [00:54:46] TheCharlesTownsend: "I feel terrible" says F1nn, chugging Caffeine. [00:54:46] andimax11: TRUE [00:54:46] PynkFryck: If the visa fails just change your name and try again [00:54:47] Florent_Nguyen: @Amoyamoyamoya Oh ... [00:54:47] Vlimox: yes [00:54:48] Helen_Croft: You need dating history @F1NN5TER [00:54:48] Jens_LN: he is, yes [00:54:48] shwapineer: Just hop the border bro [00:54:49] keller4589: Marry natt fr [00:54:49] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn going to ask SodaCat to marry him. [00:54:50] scatteredleaves: yes [00:54:51] ar1st1pp0s: marriage visas are extremely easy [00:54:51] Luucy_333: yup! [00:54:51] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: Yes [00:54:52] andimax11: The perfect plan [00:54:52] IdiotKnightKing: ya [00:54:54] callmegarp: They would accept for sure [00:54:55] ThatCet: hes talking bout vr seggs [00:54:56] Pacabee: Ask him in chat [00:54:58] SuchKittyMuchMeow: @tytykiller zizNOTED [00:54:58] Ramaj_A: you could get a green card and be dual citizen and be in an "open relationship" [00:55:00] YeomanJensen: that's almost a Adam Sandler movie [00:55:00] MegaMiley: Propose live on stream!!! [00:55:01] Y0rk5h1r3: But won't you have to consummate the marriage? [00:55:03] tomhekker: @F1NN5TER, only if you use the word "buster" to describe your future bride [00:55:03] karlkat007: karlkat007 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnHeadpat [00:55:03] bluj40: even marriage related visas take forever [00:55:03] f3mmbot: karlkat007 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:55:04] dads_lasagne: KEKW [00:55:05] OHMichelleOH: started about same time as you [00:55:06] happyking_greg: Finn jump on the blahajs [00:55:10] RoxyMoonshine: Just calls Soda and ask for hand in marriage LUL [00:55:10] SmallestSmudge: STREAM RAID with proposal [00:55:10] AeitZean: I bet his peen is so long he accidentally shut it in his car door. I cirtainly wouldn't tell anyone that [00:55:10] hiluuu: lmao [00:55:11] SuchKittyMuchMeow: doogSuffer [00:55:12] walterozymandias: Finn trying to f1nnSCAM a green card? [00:55:12] lordgtafbi: will it need to be consummated? [00:55:13] KhiralShimmer: perfect [00:55:19] VGABots: what [00:55:20] packagum: KEKW [00:55:21] VGABots: LUL [00:55:22] consimiamo: awww [00:55:22] Luucy_333: Let's gooo lol [00:55:22] TravelingEmpath: nice [00:55:23] umtic: KEKW [00:55:23] braddle172: LUL [00:55:25] tgdmshow: KEKW [00:55:25] ChasingSol: lmao [00:55:25] hiluuu: ez [00:55:25] treb35: Snitches [00:55:25] mcmaster2000: Yes!!!!!!! [00:55:25] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [00:55:26] RockinLockin: woooooooooooooo! [00:55:26] twisted_music08: Hahahaha [00:55:26] braddle172: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO [00:55:26] JustChickenwing: Marriage proposal success!! POGGERS [00:55:27] lwazithesyne: Title of video: "Tryjng to marry my best friend (Gone wrong)" [00:55:27] tytykiller: PogU [00:55:27] robbie1945: igb [00:55:27] Pacabee: LETS GOOOOOO [00:55:27] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW [00:55:28] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:55:28] PetriZide: YEAH GRATS BUDDY [00:55:28] GoPrymix_: What state are wanting to goto first and do you know any or all states? [00:55:28] consimiamo: lets fucking go! [00:55:28] Jens_LN: MaxLOL [00:55:28] bigsuave7: LUL LUL LUL [00:55:28] boo7814: Yay [00:55:28] jordieboi45: KEKKW [00:55:29] SmallestSmudge: Naaaaaw [00:55:29] L3W4: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:55:29] callmegarp: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:55:29] Helen_Croft: KEKW [00:55:30] lordgtafbi: pog [00:55:30] unopenedcookies: yes gooooooo [00:55:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: LEts GOOOOOOOO [00:55:30] cortes921: Lol [00:55:30] Florent_Nguyen: KEKW [00:55:30] KnapperigeKapitein: lmao [00:55:30] 71M073J: LUL [00:55:31] umtic: PogChamp [00:55:31] sheriff_flame: lets gooooooooooo [00:55:31] DireCyphre: woo! [00:55:32] AlhambraMMXX: LETS GOOOOOOO [00:55:32] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:55:32] PeterTheMostlyOK: astra71LUL astra71LUL astra71LUL [00:55:32] nikama6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:55:32] zpfran: PogBones [00:55:32] syllabiczero: lets go!!!!! [00:55:33] pival81: KEKW [00:55:33] clulabell: Ayo? [00:55:33] Luucy_333: KEKW KEKW [00:55:33] OHMichelleOH: congrats! [00:55:33] ShaneCampaign: LUL LUL [00:55:33] MelancholicTrout: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:55:33] kevin326520: KEKW [00:55:34] RoxyMoonshine: LETSGOOOOO [00:55:34] georgekonner: Are you going to move to America [00:55:34] IdiotKnightKing: KEKW [00:55:34] twisted_music08: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [00:55:34] muddymudkip15: Yay [00:55:35] Kolateak_: 90 day fiancé but with F1nn and Soda [00:55:35] blindthirdeye: We're in, boyz [00:55:35] VGABots: LETS GOOOOOOOOOO [00:55:35] AcheronToEros: POG [00:55:35] johnkeiwo: EZ Clap [00:55:36] Helen_Croft: CLIP it for evidence [00:55:36] clulabell: KEKW [00:55:36] skyblues06: WCongrats [00:55:36] richarduk81: Twitch wedding [00:55:36] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:55:37] AVE_LVCI: marriage visa POGGERS [00:55:37] RonnieSxl: PogChamp KomodoHype [00:55:37] GingerWithEnV: I mean, you have an established relationship [00:55:37] keller4589: KEKW [00:55:37] ironhydra: Easy win [00:55:38] padlowan: CONGRATULATIONS!!! [00:55:38] vainillaazul897: Ñ [00:55:38] Stovamor: @vainillaazul897, fuck no [00:55:38] majormtroy_451: Cheer1000 let's gooooo [00:55:38] BobTheJanit0r: letsgooooooooooo [00:55:38] numeanor: Lol [00:55:39] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: YEAHHHHH [00:55:39] Sleepystephbot: Legally Binding [00:55:39] Akemencha: I knew this day would come [00:55:39] morbidmollusc: gg [00:55:40] viryl_lucas: EZ [00:55:40] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:55:40] packagum: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:55:40] clulabell: LMAO [00:55:41] VGABots: EZ Clap [00:55:41] andimax11: Awwwww [00:55:41] RoxyMoonshine: EZ CLAP [00:55:41] Pacabee: CONGRATULATIONS [00:55:42] Mr_Fluffy97: Gg [00:55:42] degdo24: cCONGRATS [00:55:42] Pillooow: Didn't even get on one knee [00:55:42] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [00:55:42] happyking_greg: kekw [00:55:42] TravelingEmpath: That's how you do that [00:55:42] KhiralShimmer: Congrats! rjhinoGG [00:55:42] OHMichelleOH: on your nuptials [00:55:42] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnHeadpat [00:55:42] keller4589: Ez clap [00:55:43] MalkethTerona: Wow, what a thing to load stream to see. lol [00:55:43] sussy_stepp_bro: Yesssss [00:55:43] QuBycle: lets pick a dress [00:55:43] tytykiller: i was here PogU [00:55:44] degdo24: WHOOOOOOO [00:55:44] Jens_LN: PUT ON WEDDING DRESS ??? [00:55:44] blindthirdeye: Mission Complete [00:55:45] DireCyphre: I hope INS doesn't see this, or the marriage will be null and void [00:55:45] AVE_LVCI: happy bride [00:55:46] 101frag420: BisexualPride [00:55:46] tgdmshow: Going to muricaaa [00:55:46] Cindy_Xdress: is this the EGG? [00:55:47] callmegarp: HOLY MATRIMONY [00:55:47] akariatxreaper: Congrats on your engagement! We're so happy for you! [00:55:47] voiceofthevoid999: We are witnesses [00:55:47] zombie_1981: Clap [00:55:48] MajesticFvckingEagle: W Clap [00:55:48] blackdevils521: What a betrayal to Natt [00:55:48] syllabiczero: gg ez [00:55:49] scarlettyg: CONGRATULATIONS <3 <3 <3 [00:55:49] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: YEAHHHHHHHH [00:55:50] Streig: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:55:50] RockinLockin: true love so wholesome! [00:55:50] Jrko0: GF [00:55:50] brianvorn: Aww [00:55:50] vainillaazul897: XD [00:55:50] Stovamor: Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [00:55:50] AIRHydrant: snapchat has their next story [00:55:51] Luucy_333: I'm proud of ya lol [00:55:51] Pacabee: GG EZ COP [00:55:52] XENOMAN5: Say yes to the white dress!! [00:55:52] Jens_LN: Wedding Dress now ? [00:55:52] TNTUSER55: POG [00:55:52] Akemencha: Wedding stream!! [00:55:53] degdo24: CONGRATS [00:55:53] VGABots: This is the egg LUL [00:55:54] xx_bex_becca_xx: W [00:55:54] robinyoheartk: Im coming to the wedding [00:55:54] boo7814: EZ clap [00:55:54] hiluuu: that was so romantic [00:55:54] KnapperigeKapitein: the day you've dreamed about forever [00:55:54] Hawker420: Lol [00:55:54] braddle172: nanona1Claps [00:55:54] clulabell: Clap [00:55:55] PynkFryck: ggwp [00:55:55] davidiusfarrenius: Congratulations Finn [00:55:55] ShaneCampaign: i didnt hear nuffn lmao [00:55:56] Cindy_Xdress: egg? [00:55:56] Helen_Croft: CLIP it for evidence @F1NN5TER [00:55:56] happyking_greg: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:55:56] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: manaia3Manaia3Hype manaia3Manaia3Hype manaia3Manaia3Hype manaia3Manaia3Hype [00:55:56] Jrko0: Epic gamer move [00:55:56] jordieboi45: Wedding [00:55:57] Stovamor: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:55:58] RoxyMoonshine: Wedding dress shopping time!!!!! [00:55:58] Florent_Nguyen: 3K witnesses [00:55:59] SmallestSmudge: Internet going to crash over this [00:55:59] brianvorn: Poor Natt [00:56:00] guess_me_: bro i was following you soo long in youtube how ur are soo good like a girl [00:56:02] Y0rk5h1r3: Have you seen the film; I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry? [00:56:02] bobbthebear: Cheer100 the easy part is getting to america, the hard part is getting out [00:56:03] AvaerusEx: Internet: Chris's new BF F1nn is marrying a porn star! [00:56:06] supermonkeyjam: Then you lay an egg [00:56:07] blackdevils521: Poor Natt [00:56:07] Selacanis: It’s just that easy [00:56:08] Luucy_333: Rip Natt [00:56:09] hopalongtommy: Anyone here ordained by the Life Church? We could do it online [00:56:10] GoPrymix_: Las Vegas wedding? [00:56:10] tomhekker: so you are in a polycule now with Chris and Soda? 🤔 [00:56:10] andimax11: Look at the happy couple, so cute [00:56:12] PynkFryck: My brain on 4 fps rn [00:56:13] hiluuu: top 10 most romantic proposals [00:56:14] ipat8: Cheer300 genuine question, why do you want to move to America? [00:56:14] packagum: Okay now don’t clip it or they’ll be onto you KEKW [00:56:14] consimiamo: Twitchcon paris marriage ceremony? [00:56:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: @AvaerusEx KEKW [00:56:15] scarlettyg: Only a bespoke dress would fit such a glamorous bimbo like you [00:56:15] YumeNoZen: My dono is gonna sound even funnier now when it's unpaused. [00:56:16] effthelf: TransgenderPride [00:56:16] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn affianced. 2023-05-16. - 3210 [00:56:16] tytykiller: alkXD [00:56:18] Enfinit_: FINN!!! , please tell me where u got ur t shirt [00:56:18] syllabiczero: nat NTRd? [00:56:19] KnapperigeKapitein: at least have natt be the best man [00:56:21] KiriahKolrath: Love that he said he needed a new dress for the wedding and not a tux... [00:56:23] Kai_Marcad: Do you still have that wedding dress? [00:56:23] loograt: consummation tho [00:56:24] vainillaazul897: 😱⭕⭕🇪🇸👉👉Ñ👈👈🇪🇸⭕⭕😱 [00:56:26] kipp3rman: kipp3rman gifted a Tier 1 sub to squip_s! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [00:56:27] f3mmbot: kipp3rman has gifted a subscription to squip_s at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang squip_s f1nnLezgang [00:56:27] Kolateak_: The way you immediately went to dress for wedding and not tux KEKW [00:56:27] Florent_Nguyen: "I need to submit this to the government" KEKW [00:56:30] JustChickenwing: KEKW [00:56:31] Amoyamoyamoya: Someone clip it! [00:56:32] tgdmshow: True KEKW [00:56:33] consimiamo: kekw [00:56:34] callmegarp: lmaooo [00:56:34] YeomanJensen: cyrXD [00:56:35] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: Woooooo [00:56:35] Jens_LN: busy ! [00:56:36] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [00:56:37] 71M073J: LUL [00:56:39] MelancholicTrout: ... doesn't the government not look too kindly on people getting married just for the green card? [00:56:39] AvaerusEx: "butt blasted" Is an interesting phrase. [00:56:40] XENOMAN5: You’re leaving Chris for a pron star!! [00:56:46] tytykiller: it was true love at first "i have a visa" <3 [00:56:47] bdix727: DON"T [00:56:47] lwazithesyne: lwazithesyne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Is the wedding gonna be live streamed? [00:56:48] f3mmbot: lwazithesyne subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:56:48] XENOMAN5: ? [00:56:48] viryl_lucas: butt blasterz [00:56:49] urmumsdad69: Wedding dress stream when ???!!!!!! [00:56:51] tytykiller: KKona hell yeah [00:56:55] walkerkin: Who’s wearing the wedding dress [00:56:55] miuzu_moo_: Heyo! [00:56:56] bdix727: please don't do this argument [00:56:56] ZombieTeriyaki: there is no health care [00:56:57] wack0x: less religious? hahahah [00:56:57] MelancholicTrout: less religious?? [00:56:58] LittleChaSiu: less religious people lmao [00:56:59] shwapineer: Less???? [00:56:59] viryl_lucas: lmao [00:56:59] DireCyphre: Eh, I would reimagine some of these ideas of yours.... [00:56:59] bobbthebear: less religious people? bad news [00:56:59] SalvoBrick: In some parts, that is all true [00:56:59] AraAra_Capybara: I'm here! [00:57:00] magicriver69136: she is so fucking attractive [00:57:00] lunawilson: Trye [00:57:00] mcmaster2000: LESS religious people?!??!?!?! [00:57:01] lenaIaDex: TransgenderPride [00:57:04] ipat8: less relgious? [00:57:04] capsulatepluto: Less religious people in US? [00:57:06] 57ranma: You have to be married for 10 years to get citizenship [00:57:08] Pan_Panic69: half of that is so ignorant lmfao [00:57:08] jade8703: LESS religous people???????? [00:57:08] RoxyMoonshine: Less religious? Where? [00:57:09] DrSchepper: less religious people? are u drunk? [00:57:09] Florent_Nguyen: Basically USA > UK [00:57:09] bluj40: oh no here we go again [00:57:10] ChasingSol: based [00:57:10] Lucridis: Only less religous people compared to birmingham [00:57:10] callmegarp: cute, sad america rant [00:57:10] happyking_greg: okkkkkkkkk lots of reasons [00:57:11] bdix727: DON't DO THIS [00:57:11] ilytatr: LESS RELIGIOUS LMAO [00:57:12] PynkFryck: Bro is broken [00:57:12] Akemencha: Have YOU SEEN HOW FLORIDA IS RN?? LIKE FUCK AMERICAA [00:57:12] viryl_lucas: less religious in the parts he wants [00:57:12] nandosjr0800: Can you please blow us a kiss [00:57:12] adam_v33: KKonaw [00:57:13] thegodamoungmen: thier is more religious people in aamerica [00:57:13] Kolateak_: Oh god no he's gonna bring up the stats again [00:57:13] Enzz7: less religious you tripping [00:57:14] bdix727: CHAT SHUT UP [00:57:15] 0cto___: but expensive health care [00:57:15] keller4589: Very great reasons [00:57:15] AVE_LVCI: i think you got the wrong idea about America lol [00:57:15] Oreo_Frostings: Less religious ppl???????? [00:57:15] OHMichelleOH: per capita [00:57:15] MelancholicTrout: WAT [00:57:15] SmallestSmudge: Less religious? Have you seen the law reforms? [00:57:15] PetriZide: KKona Dont forget the guns [00:57:15] XENOMAN5: And more guns to own [00:57:16] DireCyphre: you're like a weeaboo, but for America [00:57:16] junkawaycity: @F1NN5TER you... are crazy if you think people are LESS bigoted in america [00:57:17] Nenkos: >"Better houses" LUL [00:57:18] xmestupidx: Less religious people. Maybe [00:57:18] 3amwaterenjoyer: Less religious people and better houses? Definitely the HALO effect [00:57:18] brandyburgundy: What state & City? [00:57:19] Jusses: There are FAR more religious people in the US [00:57:19] VGABots: America is better [00:57:20] adam_v33: KKona amern brother [00:57:20] KhiralShimmer: kinda right tho [00:57:22] JustChickenwing: y'all left the EU you can't even more to other european countries you stuck on that island boi KEKW [00:57:24] callmegarp: LUL [00:57:24] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW 󠀀 [00:57:24] RoxyMoonshine: Ok, but that’s Texas [00:57:24] megaroot: less religius KEKW [00:57:25] pival81: X [00:57:25] MalkethTerona: As a Texan, I'm all for you bettering yourself, BUT TEXAS?! [00:57:26] ZarBi7: Europeans getting salty lol [00:57:26] EmpressCaro: u sure its better there ? not just diffrent [00:57:27] tgdmshow: KEKW [00:57:28] NinjamanX__320: Hi [00:57:28] bigsuave7: 🤣 [00:57:29] unopenedcookies: You lie sir [00:57:29] brandt_connors: didn't F1nn confirm he was a sub [00:57:30] blindthirdeye: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:57:30] clulabell: America #1 lmao [00:57:30] Srcsqwrn: GNC ppl in the US be fighting, i dunno [00:57:30] YeomanJensen: moves for the sunny weather, never leaves the house limmyDespair [00:57:30] SmallestSmudge: Why not netherlands [00:57:31] AVE_LVCI: it's better in some ways but def lots of religious whackjobs here [00:57:32] yokai_327: more religious people passing laws tho [00:57:32] Streig: chat, please don't get weird about this [00:57:32] viryl_lucas: Americans haven't seen the rest of the world [00:57:33] ninpnin: you just live in the worst place in europe lol [00:57:34] foxxdonut: foxxdonut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months. Boop Boop Boopity Boop [00:57:34] f3mmbot: foxxdonut subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:57:35] SAD_DE: why would you want to move out of birmingham? you have danny g [00:57:37] packagum: Lies [00:57:37] MelancholicTrout: holy shit i guessed birmingham was bad but DAMN [00:57:37] blackdevils521: Finn is a super sub [00:57:38] taylawithan_a: There’s definitely more religious people there than America and people more likely to be discriminatory haha [00:57:38] brianvorn: Damn true living in the UK for over 24 years has just been a shithole for me too . Even I want to live in the US [00:57:39] Pacabee: So if you want to move to America why spend so much renovating a house? [00:57:39] adam_v33: KKona i tell you what, we love femboys here in God's Country [00:57:39] tytykiller: 5Head [00:57:40] kevin326520: I mean, you know there are bunch of religious lunatics in USA right? [00:57:40] SmallestSmudge: You’re a sub for Mommies [00:57:40] andimax11: Don’t engage don’t engage [00:57:42] KillaZae_: Not a great time to end up in the states [00:57:42] JustChickenwing: why would we trust you [00:57:43] brandyburgundy: Don’t go to Houston [00:57:43] AeitZean: People don't seem to know that the UK is still nationally Church of England. Schools have to have an act of worship every day [00:57:46] cragmitten: Civil war? BibleThump [00:57:46] hiluuu: maybe ur friends can move to UK [00:57:47] AvaerusEx: Austin is a college town. [00:57:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: KKona [00:57:49] Streig: chat, please, chill, don't make this a thing. [00:57:49] fronzubb: LESS religious people in the US?? [00:57:50] nikama6: less religious but more extremist [00:57:51] Luucy_333: bruh lol [00:57:51] JustChickenwing: TRUE [00:57:53] Antidemics: is this a man? [00:57:53] callmegarp: Google "Finn is a bottom?" On it [00:57:54] happyking_greg: lul [00:57:55] kyokel: KEKW [00:57:55] bigsuave7: lol [00:57:55] YeomanJensen: D: [00:57:56] Akemencha: Lol so many Americans wanna move out [00:57:56] PynkFryck: Gay 99 [00:57:56] bdix727: Please chat don't go on aout how horrible America is. [00:57:57] consimiamo: GayPride [00:57:57] katietalks: TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TwitchUnity TransgenderPride [00:57:57] elleqelle: they have something against you [00:57:58] JustChickenwing: This is guy mode? [00:57:58] Kolateak_: Maxxed gay [00:57:58] ChasingSol: @Antidemics yes [00:57:59] tytykiller: me :) [00:58:00] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:58:00] jordieboi45: "guy" mode [00:58:01] ShaneCampaign: LUL LUL [00:58:01] PetriZide: f1nnMonka [00:58:01] gender_unheard_of: i dont think we have maxed it out [00:58:02] starduke83: true [00:58:02] L3W4: max sliders [00:58:03] BernardoOne: guy mode lmao [00:58:03] rsm_100r: KEKW [00:58:03] Ramaj_A: 3 you mean [00:58:03] tgdmshow: Huh [00:58:03] deadgrammar: Why you blush about that bro??? 🤔 [00:58:04] JustinsOnTwitch: LMAO [00:58:04] VGABots: @Streig They will FailFish [00:58:04] georgekonner: me [00:58:05] loltanna: i got hammered when i got the notification [00:58:05] AIRHydrant: have you seen your guy mode [00:58:06] Helen_Croft: All I see is girl on screen [00:58:06] PynkFryck: 3 now [00:58:06] blindthirdeye: Its not against religion, it's just that there is a large clrrel [00:58:06] consimiamo: 2 out of 3000 [00:58:07] voiceofthevoid999: Only 2? [00:58:07] JaxxOLantern: True [00:58:07] gwen_the_ninth: laynaAye [00:58:08] zippozz: TRU [00:58:08] dads_lasagne: More like 2000 [00:58:08] RickyStreamsttv: me :) [00:58:08] spo0522: Ayo [00:58:09] flufffluffis: THIS is guy mode? how is female mode?!?! [00:58:09] shwapineer: Where's the imposter [00:58:09] weeb_dude_: thats guy mode? [00:58:09] pickle_sg: hi [00:58:09] TravelingEmpath: Idk, you're just objectively hot and I'm pan [00:58:10] JustinsOnTwitch: ur so cute today @F1NN5TER [00:58:11] callmegarp: classic [00:58:11] RockinLockin: two? lowballing it surely [00:58:11] adelenord: It’s the freaking national day of Norway tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! [00:58:12] Amoyamoyamoya: JUST DON'T VISIT LAS VEGAS [00:58:12] Oreo_Frostings: Yayy max gay [00:58:12] andimax11: Anti gay religious people specifically [00:58:13] xmestupidx: Only 2 wow [00:58:14] SAD_DE: ok the two of you jerking off come out [00:58:16] Math354e: you an't got no guy mode [00:58:16] skyblues06: "Guy" LUL [00:58:16] Storm_Oasis: beware of merman's in the US lol [00:58:16] annabellearachne: i'm a girl is it gay for me to think you are cute? [00:58:16] Antidemics: when did this happen to finnster [00:58:16] bobbthebear: Cheer100 finn just said that chat is gaymaxxed [00:58:17] Ray_ngt: This is guy mode whut [00:58:18] tgdmshow: Rookie numbers KEKW [00:58:18] RoxyMoonshine: We got the maximum level of gayness. We can’t collect any more levels [00:58:19] AcheronToEros: The fact that you can say you're in guy mode... Goddamn. [00:58:19] brandyburgundy: Texas has pretty nasty property taxes [00:58:21] ThatCet: 2 in 3000 is a good quote [00:58:21] MajesticFvckingEagle: Chatters disagreeing, he literally proved this on stream a while ago, let it go [00:58:22] jhlegolover: Hello [00:58:22] gwen_the_ninth: This is guy mode, eh? obkatSus [00:58:24] Streig: Only two?! LUL [00:58:24] SalemSacrifices: People that are surprised that you say less religious, when England still is ran by the catholic religion. [00:58:25] majormtroy_451: Cheer100 I admit I jack to guy mode [00:58:27] JustChickenwing: f1nnHeart [00:58:28] Jens_LN: 10 years of degen ? [00:58:29] JustChickenwing: Congrats [00:58:29] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: @amoyamoyamoya ALL THE CONS ARE IN LA [00:58:31] picklyev: Soda wants to get married to you for comedic effect [00:58:32] hiluuu: sweet dono [00:58:34] ez_is_easy: I am and I typed this wit Mr right hand [00:58:35] theraideghost: Guymode? Where? [00:58:35] SmallestSmudge: Just a smudge of being degen [00:58:37] Ray_ngt: Wish my guy mode looked like this xD [00:58:38] flufffluffis: if this is guy mode?!? i want to se girl mode [00:58:38] gwen_the_ninth: LUL [00:58:39] Storm_Oasis: Mormons** [00:58:41] mcmaster2000: two out of 3000... honestly, I'd say more people are jerking off percentage wise to anything else [00:58:42] adam_v33: huh [00:58:44] saltyfcraker: Wait, you’re in guy mode I didn’t notice [00:58:44] Ramaj_A: that guy really likes donuts [00:58:47] maltzed: hoi [00:58:48] YumeNoZen: It's okay to have a bad day. [00:58:48] glitchy_bich: 3 now [00:58:49] KoriYuhBoi: Always in the car doing it rn driving with one hand [00:58:49] brandt_connors: would you glaze his donut chat? [00:58:49] flopaphant21: Cheer1 yah right “chill Stream “ some thing exciting Hass to happen [00:58:51] gaddafi_duck_: WTF Birmingham vs Texas, maybe. But America is way more relgious than the UK as a whole, and the Christian Right holds a ton of political power. It's not even close [00:58:52] happyking_greg: finnought [00:58:54] loltanna: the f1nn is live notification = start drinking [00:58:55] Amoyamoyamoya: HE HAS CHAT [00:58:55] SmallestSmudge: Chat is gonna want to lock the donut now [00:58:56] Akemencha: Lmao is he creme filled o.o [00:58:58] Smileynator: eyyy, a man of logic [00:59:01] JustChickenwing: I get sad about nothing LUL at least you have real problems [00:59:06] nikama6: VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:59:07] meboss123437: SMASH [00:59:07] SmallestSmudge: Lick the donut [00:59:09] brandyburgundy: Las Vegas, Nevada seems like your jam [00:59:09] Coolcalcacol: Blame hitch [00:59:11] adelenord: !Bread! [00:59:12] Antidemics: yikes ok im gone getting a little bit to weirded out by the man voice [00:59:18] tytykiller: we move forward. [00:59:20] Jens_LN: ooof [00:59:20] miss_vellichor: That is a powerful life skill to have tbh. You save yourself a lot of stress that way [00:59:20] sufclinny: hello [00:59:22] sodacatTV: yes [00:59:23] kyokel: COPE for real [00:59:24] loltanna: understandable but can you eat the microphone [00:59:28] bdix727: Just make more money [00:59:29] adelenord: Even more bread [00:59:30] Jens_LN: oh, so that was the rest [00:59:30] supermonkeyjam: Manly man of knowledge [00:59:30] mayashadowwalker: mayashadowwalker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! f1nnHeadpat [00:59:31] f3mmbot: mayashadowwalker subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:59:33] johnkeiwo: @sodacatTV, Pog ! [00:59:36] mystchevious1: @sodacatTV Your friend is in pain. [00:59:36] sufclinny: lets go chill stream [00:59:40] sufclinny: poogggg [00:59:40] adelenord: The most bread [00:59:43] meboss123437: SMASH [00:59:46] AeitZean: So was the celiacs diagnosis real, or is that a not talk about? [00:59:46] JustChickenwing: Sometimes it feels like the world is caving in, but y'know, you got this and shit. I dunno something supportive [00:59:49] nikama6: @TIGERNATOR_1 not yet [00:59:50] Stovamor: @sodacatTV, Congrats on your engagement! [00:59:51] RoxyMoonshine: Hey Soda f1nnHeart [00:59:54] wench__01: Where in America [00:59:54] money1418: Bp [00:59:56] wocdamtnim: I can not tell is this the biggest troll or nah [00:59:56] ThatCet: its bred. not bread [00:59:56] happyking_greg: Go back to donut everybody [00:59:56] Amoyamoyamoya: After we talk I have to look at BP content to cheer myself up. [01:00:00] Antidemics: no please stay where you are [01:00:00] keller4589: Drink Finn [01:00:01] AIRHydrant: soda said yes lmao [01:00:01] Eromaw: you could doing PPV on battle pass or showing ur lolipop [01:00:01] JustChickenwing: sun is cringe [01:00:03] kevin326520: In general, states with less tax has a lot of religious ppl, while states with higher tax would have lot less religious ppl [01:00:03] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER Soda said yes in chat so marriage is a go [01:00:03] Antidemics: do not come here [01:00:08] miuzu_moo_: I don’t like living in America lol [01:00:08] DireCyphre: You'd just be a regular dude on the boardwalk in America [01:00:09] viryl_lucas: I hate the sun here [01:00:09] Antidemics: we dont want you [01:00:12] keller4589: Soda Pog [01:00:14] ZarBi7: 82????? [01:00:15] bobbthebear: sales tax tho [01:00:17] YeomanJensen: don't forget about health insurance [01:00:19] loltanna: go to Alabama i'm sure you'd love it :') [01:00:20] twisted_music08: Lol america has many better things that england except for better drivers [01:00:21] uc00: do you know of anyone in a position to improve your chances of getting a VISA? [01:00:21] RJ20151_TheElectionCenter: Yeah but you get no healthcare in America [01:00:22] SAD_DE: you are bringing the sun into discussion you know twitch chat is gonna disagree [01:00:24] ITZHYP3RION: You don't know this but you give me positivity [01:00:24] 0redzed0: except, you'd be paying all that for insurance [01:00:25] DeflatedEagles: Move to Australia [01:00:25] Kolateak_: I'm not even in that good of a spot and I'd rather be in US than UK [01:00:26] viryl_lucas: the grass is greener on the other side [01:00:26] johnkeiwo: @Amoyamoyamoya, i'm so glad he is doing that to u and not to me, I'm already depressed KEKW [01:00:26] ???: @antidemics bruh [01:00:27] theoriginalslimshady: Move to georgia my dude!! U want heat, its hot af here and next to florida [01:00:27] kevin326520: you need them when you GOT OL [01:00:34] PBLivings: Did you say 82% tax!? [01:00:34] bonbongamerboy: hi [01:00:38] adam_v33: @Antidemics speak for yourself [01:00:41] AraAra_Capybara: America has no safety nets, yeah. [01:00:42] loltanna: 80% tax is fucking MAD [01:00:43] sufclinny: england in the summer is too warm in the USA It's so nice [01:00:44] bigsuave7: LUL [01:00:46] uc00: go [01:00:48] dazed_03: is the NHS the National Health Squad [01:00:49] hopalongtommy: Time to set up that business in a tax haven [01:00:50] foxxdonut: @F1NN5TER It is bracketed BTW. only the amounts you make inside the tax brackets are taxed at that rate [01:00:50] stingemorewhite: NHS sucks [01:00:56] KhiralShimmer: Japanese honeymoon for the F1nnCat couple?? [01:00:57] thetuaschtee: thetuaschtee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months! 33 months wooohoo [01:00:57] f3mmbot: thetuaschtee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:00:58] bonbongamerboy: hi hottie [01:00:58] ITZHYP3RION: What about Japan [01:01:00] Lucridis: Freddie [01:01:00] L3W4: just make more friends [01:01:00] degdo24: Don’t forget the guns [01:01:00] hazelgr33n: hazelgr33n subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 4 months yay, shame twitch has stopped notifying me of streams :/ [01:01:01] f3mmbot: hazelgr33n subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [01:01:01] padlowan: skill issue [01:01:02] zafoden27: Cotton [01:01:02] MajesticFvckingEagle: Wilbur [01:01:07] VGABots: KEKW American Government KEKW [01:01:08] JustChickenwing: You don't have friends, you have employees LUL [01:01:09] hiluuu: they are forced to be ur friends [01:01:09] tytykiller: raizSadge [01:01:09] subbutdomtoretto: but american healthcare doesn't pay for pretty much anything, all claims denied [01:01:10] thelovingpenguwu: thelovingpenguwu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! 20 months Pog. 🐧 love Finn [01:01:10] f3mmbot: thelovingpenguwu subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:01:10] YeomanJensen: I don't need no health insurance before a moron crashes into your car [01:01:11] aggravatedconditions: Hello [01:01:11] brianvorn: Wilbur soot ? [01:01:12] MelancholicTrout: smeadvWaaa smeadvWaaa smeadvWaaa smeadvWaaa [01:01:13] Amoyamoyamoya: @johnkeiwo, Jokes on me, I have a clinical depression diagnosis. LOL. [01:01:13] nandosjr0800: Scottish government is worse [01:01:16] DrSchepper: go out and meet people! [01:01:18] nxy_0: canada? [01:01:19] AeitZean: Took my wife a year and a half to get diagnosed with osteoarthritis here in uk. WutFace [01:01:20] tytykiller: KKona [01:01:21] loltanna: Texas is huge for content creators right now and the tax situation there is amazing [01:01:23] bluj40: damn you scared hitch all the way across the globe [01:01:24] ThatCet: You do what with wilbur ? [01:01:24] ultraparadise_boy: Wait, you live in England!!?? [01:01:27] skl131313: @loltanna there's brackets, America had a 90% tax rate on the rich [01:01:28] Maekire: Cheer1 [01:01:31] lordgtafbi: how did your date with your ex go? [01:01:32] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about moving to America. - 2970 [01:01:33] tytykiller: i lived in the UK for 3 months, it was cool to experience [01:01:33] shwapineer: We have the sun [01:01:34] DireCyphre: Canada is nice! [01:01:34] maltzed: UK is kind of rubbish these days, I was debating about France and Canada at one point myself [01:01:35] sufclinny: canada to cold [01:01:35] cheezburger909: Hi [01:01:35] MisReyRey: why cant you go to the usa? [01:01:35] undefined_bh: Canada isn't cold in the summer [01:01:36] splashlovesasmr: Hello from wales [01:01:37] TravelingEmpath: Mexico [01:01:38] ez_is_easy: Cuz you a bottom you can't have friend employees? [01:01:38] Helen_Croft: but you burn in the sun @F1NN5TER [01:01:39] Kolateak_: Come to Canada in summer then, we have ALL the sun [01:01:40] skyblues06: go to canada, get pegged [01:01:42] Ramaj_A: All the trans content creators are moving to Toronto. so you'd fit right in in canada [01:01:43] ar1st1pp0s: do what all the other english do and move to Spain [01:01:43] johnkeiwo: @bluj40, such a toxic boss PepeHands [01:01:44] ZeroCraft_Live: it's 22 Celcius in canada now [01:01:44] splashlovesasmr: Wales for rain [01:01:46] brianvorn: Travel to Jamaica [01:01:47] meiikomei: It’s not cold here right now lmao [01:01:49] daaddymess: You do not want to go to US you want to go to Cali [01:01:49] nothitch: i heard that i was called [01:01:49] YeomanJensen: Canada has that Poutine though [01:01:50] undefined_bh: summer in Canada is probably much better than summer in the UK [01:01:50] Y0rk5h1r3: You don't go out to see the sun [01:01:51] viryl_lucas: There's sunny parts in Canada [01:01:52] Akemencha: Okay so of you actually got married to a US citizen would that help? [01:01:52] happyking_greg: Canada is not cold 100% of da time [01:01:52] Amoyamoyamoya: Sun? DEFINITELY do not visit Las Vegas [01:01:52] blackdevils521: Plus CottontailVA is in Canada thats why he doesn't want to go there [01:01:53] IdiotKnightKing: Southern Ontario is basically New York [01:01:53] RoxyMoonshine: Sun? Where? Arizona you mean LUL [01:01:54] gaypanicattack42: Canada is dangerous cotton is there [01:01:54] loltanna: Texas is big for content creators right now and the tax situation there is ideal [01:01:56] taylawithan_a: I just got back from Canada, it’s SO hot right now! [01:01:56] GingerWithEnV: Also Abby does occasionally do stuff in the US too [01:01:58] tytykiller: EZ [01:02:00] nikama6: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:02:00] hyperactive_atlas: America is pretty good weather wise, at least where i live [01:02:02] JustChickenwing: You wouldn't even hit the top marginal tax rate in the US [01:02:05] meiikomei: We have massive fires because it’s so hot and dry in western canada [01:02:06] Coolcalcacol: @nothitch shut up fatty [01:02:06] innawoodsab: Vancouver is nice, and close to the border [01:02:06] YumeNoZen: Gonna need higher than SPF 30. [01:02:06] AeitZean: Mexico is hotter, and close to America. Time for a holiday? [01:02:07] clulabell: SPF 9000 [01:02:12] MelancholicTrout: @maltzed netherlands sounds pretty gud too [01:02:12] kyukero: tomboys or jerrygirls? [01:02:13] h_r_buff_n_stuff: you'll need spf 100 [01:02:14] bladeofshid: Coming from a pale bastard, you’ll need something stronger [01:02:15] daaddymess: Why he can go to US? [01:02:16] brandyburgundy: Phoenix, Arizona baby!!!! [01:02:17] stingemorewhite: I want live on the Isles of Scilly. Still in the UK but Mediterranean weather apparently [01:02:17] keller4589: Vegas so damn hot omg [01:02:18] Sabbage_Cavage: as someone in the US it's VERY dependant on where you go in the US [01:02:18] callmegarp: He's so proud of his moisturizer. He is not prepared for this sun [01:02:18] brianvorn: Jamaica is more fun and sunny Finn [01:02:19] loltanna: move in with schlatt immediately [01:02:19] Storm_Oasis: you will have fun man [01:02:21] Akemencha: @hammerofvenus f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:02:22] Amoyamoyamoya: STOP RUBBING THAT IN F1NN!!! [01:02:22] georgekonner: in 1945 japan had two suns [01:02:23] mcmaster2000: It genuinely sucks that you're even blocked from even going there. [01:02:23] YumeNoZen: Get some of the vampire grade sunscreen. [01:02:25] iamshawnkirby: When PKA again bröther [01:02:27] MooChirpMeow: All the shootings happen here too [01:02:27] SKgunslinger4254: I live in Arizona, I can box some sun up and ship it to you, we have plenty. [01:02:29] spacecow2000: spf 30 doesn't do shit [01:02:30] morvangogh: I have had heat stroke every day for the past 25 years. [01:02:30] Helen_Croft: goodnight @chloe [01:02:30] PynkFryck: @nothitch mods? [01:02:31] MelancholicTrout: @Amoyamoyamoya KEKW [01:02:34] xmestupidx: Imagine Chicago stream [01:02:36] GingerWithEnV: S [01:02:37] lizarde04: hi ☺️ [01:02:39] SAD_DE: 7 [01:02:40] AShDistance: 7 [01:02:40] MelancholicTrout: 6 [01:02:40] clulabell: @moochirpmeow true [01:02:41] sufclinny: uk have the amazing factor 50 sunscream [01:02:42] tytykiller: 7 years alkDX [01:02:46] padlowan: like a year [01:02:48] scarlettyg: The best part about F1nn moving to the US would be that it would simultaneously raise the average IQ of both countries [01:02:48] jazzysq: belle is the fkin goddess im happy for u to speak to her [01:02:48] keller4589: 7 years omg [01:02:50] hazelgr33n: Does anyone know why twitch has suddenly stopped notifs for ur live, ive heard a few people have had the issue :/ [01:02:50] Amoyamoyamoya: Sorry I can't maff [01:02:52] loltanna: live with schlatt he's all about that AMERICAN tax [01:02:53] jman11751: Seattle is great but you only have sun half the year. Mild winters lol [01:02:53] ThatCet: yiu gotta have the #ffffff skin [01:02:55] BestBart12: Won't you miss Belle when you leave? [01:02:58] iamshawnkirby: When pka again bröthër [01:02:59] hiluuu: aww [01:03:00] nikama6: f1nnHands f1nnHands [01:03:04] tgdmshow: Invite them all over [01:03:07] druskys_jerkChicken: yes [01:03:08] clulabell: 7 YEARS!!! Wtf, now I feel old [01:03:09] viryl_lucas: FOMO [01:03:09] Akemencha: Then they should come to you ^*^ [01:03:10] sufclinny: all of them are in America [01:03:11] Ramaj_A: Yes a bit [01:03:11] that_colin_guy: time to emigrate [01:03:12] TheTwitchRatt: Hi Finn [01:03:13] AVE_LVCI: ICANT [01:03:13] Halfeti_Harbinger: y e s [01:03:13] Luucy_333: f1nnHands [01:03:14] Wardenboo: do they ever give you a reason? [01:03:15] loltanna: Fomo is ASS [01:03:15] PhilipMooney: The UK conservative govt is trying to nerf you [01:03:17] albagulasch: why cant u go to America? [01:03:18] mcmaster2000: It really does suck [01:03:20] afy_jb: omg yes dude especially since my friends moved to Europe [01:03:21] wench__01: I haven seen my sis in 8 years to [01:03:21] ar1st1pp0s: why does US immigration hate u? [01:03:21] RoxyMoonshine: Yeah, I get thaf [01:03:22] Srcsqwrn: Get Mr Beast to get you a work visa [01:03:24] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: 8-9 years since 2018 is 5 years [01:03:26] callmegarp: Really feeling for Finn this stream. Poor bb [01:03:29] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Been making friends for years in social media but hasn't been able to meet them. Mentions seeing them meet each other but he cannot. - 2930 [01:03:30] scarlettyg: invite them all over to a haunted British mansion then slowly hunt them down one by one [01:03:30] JustChickenwing: You even forcing Soda to marry you [01:03:31] andimax11: Yeah that’s a bad feeling [01:03:35] ebonyartisan: You look like my brothers g [01:03:37] hllani2: f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:03:39] Cytox__: That sucks. I have mini eggs want some [01:03:39] AvaerusEx: I seriously think you should get a better lawyer. This shouldn't be so hard. [01:03:40] Amoyamoyamoya: "Girlfriend." [01:03:40] clulabell: Time to make a penny, chip and tissue your best friend (SpongeBob reference) [01:03:42] brianvorn: Let your YouTube friend fly over to see you if they care ? [01:03:47] VGABots: "girlfriend" [01:03:49] cuddlebear187: GO TO CANADA 🇨🇦 FIRST 😲 [01:03:51] johnkeiwo: FUCK THAT ONE GUY ! [01:03:52] nikama6: A boyfriend [01:03:53] Luucy_333: Gf? lol [01:03:54] Exael_El_Quemado: @hazelgr33n Twitch notifications SUUUUUCK. I use Discord or Twitter to find out when people go live. [01:03:55] johnkeiwo: AND HIS MOM ! [01:03:55] tytykiller: PoroSad [01:03:57] tgdmshow: Society... [01:03:57] bdix727: Couldn't Chris or MrBeast help with the visa situation? MrBeast's company couldn't sponsor a visa? [01:04:00] keller4589: Fuck that guy smh [01:04:01] furrymaster119: Hey 👋🏻 [01:04:01] andimax11: That system is so fucked [01:04:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine tourist Visa holders overstaying. Never happens... [01:04:03] brainiac5_01: WhySoSerious [01:04:04] ungabungawungaplunga: "house" [01:04:07] Zai_Rose: Ah hello Finn 👋 the soothing femboy siren to soothe my hangover. Sorry you got denied 😔 that dude sounds like a dick [01:04:07] sufclinny: F1nn the uk feels so warm in the summer usa in the summer feels perfect [01:04:08] lwazithesyne: Tts [01:04:09] JustChickenwing: Is that how it works? Just an interview and you're fucked forever? [01:04:09] loltanna: yeah just text mr beast he'll get you together [01:04:10] YumeNoZen: Yeah, I'm super glad I have a lot of local friends. Online people are awesome, but it does make a difference. [01:04:12] subbutdomtoretto: seek asylum for [01:04:15] nikama6: fuck them guy [01:04:20] MelancholicTrout: @Amoyamoyamoya simply unhappenable [01:04:22] mallowmelon: Hello [01:04:26] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya I mean, no one cares about Canadians overstaying normally. [01:04:27] Factioniwillafk: WHAT THE FUCK [01:04:30] Factioniwillafk: thats so sad [01:04:31] RatboyJon: are alerts still paused? [01:04:33] LittleChaSiu: no one lives in Maine [01:04:33] nazoHomuLily: heyo finn!!!!!!! [01:04:33] DireCyphre: typical foreigner trip [01:04:34] spo0522: Hi [01:04:35] robbie1945: you should have offered to be his new girlfriend @F1NN5TER 4Head [01:04:36] RuthlessWelshy: stephen king [01:04:38] DireCyphre: oh god... [01:04:38] loltanna: IDAHO ISNT REAL [01:04:38] ramboo1989: AND IOWA [01:04:38] keller4589: Maine tf, [01:04:38] mcmaster2000: HAHAHAHA [01:04:39] KoriYuhBoi: Virginia [01:04:40] AIRHydrant: maine is gorgeous [01:04:40] LittleChaSiu: @F1NN5TER no u da ho [01:04:41] floofyfurlogdog: Ohio [01:04:41] SAD_DE: yes you are [01:04:41] DrJuuun: Hi [01:04:42] nandosjr0800: Had a full day of rain today in Scotland [01:04:42] callmegarp: LUL [01:04:42] sufclinny: idoho [01:04:43] ksiadzwiesiu: u da hoe [01:04:43] capsulatepluto: NO YOU DA HOE [01:04:43] scatteredleaves: yup [01:04:43] AvaerusEx: It depends where you live. Where I'm at in the US it gets really cold in winter and hot in summer. [01:04:43] PetriZide: You da hoe [01:04:43] Akemencha: Potatoes? [01:04:44] clulabell: Ohio [01:04:44] consimiamo: ohio [01:04:44] bigsuave7: LUL LUL LUL [01:04:45] tgdmshow: Idaho KEKW [01:04:45] ar1st1pp0s: thats where Ezra Pound was from [01:04:45] mystchevious1: Stay away from Idaho. [01:04:45] OHMichelleOH: potatos! [01:04:45] bluj40: YOUdaho [01:04:46] aLittleCalamarian: It's real lmao [01:04:46] JustChickenwing: True New England isn't real outside of Boston [01:04:46] tytykiller: alkXD [01:04:47] L3W4: come to LA finn lets hit the beach [01:04:48] KoriYuhBoi: Potatoes [01:04:48] brainiac5_01: it's real [01:04:48] scarlettyg: Why Florida though? You wanna be eaten by alligators or what? [01:04:48] ITZHYP3RION: Go to ohio [01:04:49] cashbod556: can you pls play rust [01:04:50] DireCyphre: stay way from the midwest and the empty states [01:04:50] TravelingEmpath: Idaho is so much of a place [01:04:50] viryl_lucas: potatoland [01:04:50] MajesticFvckingEagle: OMEGALUL "Who the fuck's in Maine" [01:04:51] RoxyMoonshine: Oh yeah. Idaho LUL [01:04:51] Halfeti_Harbinger: Michigan looks like a mitten [01:04:51] GingerWithEnV: I also dislike the fact I got Sunburnt today and I'm literally in Liverpool, wth? [01:04:51] MelancholicTrout: whodaho? Idaho! trickyyDerp trickyyDerp trickyyDerp [01:04:52] Tartletboy1: can confirm idaho doesnt exist [01:04:53] TheTwitchRatt: Potato state [01:04:53] Jens_LN: i-da-ho is real [01:04:53] Darruku: It's real [01:04:54] Amoyamoyamoya: I know someone who lives in Idaho. [01:04:55] loltanna: There are a lot of names copied from the UK. I live in Birmingham Alabama [01:04:55] nazoHomuLily: idaho is alas real [01:04:56] themindscrambler: U-da-ho [01:04:58] callmegarp: IDAHO DENIER [01:04:58] consimiamo: wizz [01:04:58] keller4589: The land of potatoes [01:04:59] consimiamo: kekw [01:04:59] degdo24: Udahoe [01:05:00] Vyrokolakas: bruh [01:05:00] jordieboi45: state [01:05:00] ipat8: really should stay out of FL right now. Governor is doing dumb shit. @F1NN5TER [01:05:00] qjuramentada: Ohio is also not real [01:05:01] KiriahKolrath: it's a real state. Wisconsin is a state, so is Idaho [01:05:01] scatteredleaves: state [01:05:01] subbutdomtoretto: rizzconsin [01:05:01] RedChrisfield: oh Iowa yeye [01:05:02] tytykiller: alkXD alkXD alkXD [01:05:02] XENOMAN5: U da ho [01:05:02] crisonkin: ohio [01:05:04] Cytox__: HE SAID IT [01:05:04] OHMichelleOH: Cheese [01:05:06] Reaper253_: Idaho is real kid you not [01:05:07] AeitZean: You da ho? WutFace [01:05:07] blindthirdeye: As a person who legit lived in Idaho, I can confirm it does not exist. [01:05:08] GoingDigital: But the UK has the village Fingringhoe [01:05:08] Akemencha: Come to Seattle with the space needle lmaoo [01:05:09] AvaerusEx: Wisconsin is the state next to mine. [01:05:09] JustChickenwing: There's a KANSAS and an AR-KANSAS?? [01:05:09] keller4589: Wisconsin LMAO [01:05:09] yokai_327: Im going to go to idaho in likt two days. :( [01:05:10] happyking_greg: Oh you're as good at geagraphy as the americans [01:05:10] thegodamoungmen: its a state and its all drunk [01:05:11] AIRHydrant: he wont find rhode island [01:05:11] undefined_bh: Wisconsin is actually a town in Idaho [01:05:12] MelancholicTrout: @GingerWithEnV skill issue 😎 [01:05:12] TheTwitchRatt: Wisconsin [01:05:13] richarduk81: Yeah Finn is da how [01:05:13] mcmaster2000: Ahahaha, starting to see why you're being denied your visa xD [01:05:13] RoxyMoonshine: Idaho is like Montana. Next to each other and are just the same [01:05:14] TravelingEmpath: Say Arkansas [01:05:14] innawoodsab: wait until you hear about Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada [01:05:14] PetriZide: wizz cunts in [01:05:15] degdo24: Montana [01:05:15] Zai_Rose: It's called Idaho when you innit Finn lol [01:05:15] xmestupidx: Wisconsin The Land Of Cheese [01:05:15] Jrko0: Bro there is fucking wessex in england [01:05:16] fromthef1nn5ide: Whizz consin... [01:05:16] happyking_greg: you're ready [01:05:16] Amoyamoyamoya: The militas need a place to build their training compounds. [01:05:17] sandrinegg: Fuck Wisconsin [01:05:18] OHMichelleOH: I was born in Wisconsin [01:05:19] degdo24: Arkansas [01:05:19] PBLivings: We haven't added a new one since '49 [01:05:19] sufclinny: no bullying [01:05:20] XENOMAN5: States made of cheddar cheese [01:05:21] TNTUSER55: I think it would be very funny for you to have to match up this states to the capitals [01:05:22] bladeofshid: The 51st state shall be Constantinople [01:05:22] Luucy_333: LOL [01:05:23] kkaliuchis: kkaliuchis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! im visiting the same time zone you're in but im based in the US... i now see why UK ppl complain abt your stream schedule [01:05:23] f3mmbot: kkaliuchis subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [01:05:24] JazzJedi2187: Wisconsin is the state with the cheese [01:05:25] nazoHomuLily: i just wanna live in the woods and be a witch lol [01:05:25] degdo24: Indiana jones [01:05:26] RoxyMoonshine: If anything, go to Utah LUL [01:05:26] Tartletboy1: sounds like f1nn needs to attempt to draw a USA map [01:05:26] louisoft01: f1nn getting bullied by the US goverment [01:05:26] hunkypex: There's a city called bend too [01:05:27] ShikyoNoTenshi: Stay away from Ohio.... it is a s***hole, trust me [01:05:27] Zai_Rose: Slash consin [01:05:29] taylawithan_a: There’s a lake in Canada called Minnewanka vixLUL [01:05:30] callmegarp: a liiiittle bullying could be fun [01:05:30] hyperactive_atlas: Northeastern states have good weather and like actual distinct seasons which is why i like it here lol [01:05:33] johnkeiwo: adcvrLOVE f1nnHeart hasL inconHeart lvndmaL worrunLove [01:05:33] Sabbage_Cavage: we should make fun of him for not know us stuff [01:05:35] mrrogers222: We got good cheese and beer in Wisconsin [01:05:37] sufclinny: yes good bean [01:05:37] im_up_to_something: 50 state in America, Rose will visit 5 lol [01:05:41] johnkeiwo: darth finn worrunS [01:05:43] pozepounds: Florida is never warm it’s on fire 24/7 [01:05:43] YeomanJensen: a classic off-by-one error, programmer brain confirmed [01:05:44] scarlettyg: @Tartletboy1 he already tried, it was gloriously scuffed [01:05:47] mcmaster2000: I could have a dark side, if you want me toooooo ;) [01:05:48] Amoyamoyamoya: CHAT, I'VE SEEN IT. [01:05:51] jandraelune: Grubtruckers is in Idaho [01:05:51] Akemencha: Younokay? [01:05:51] Amoyamoyamoya: IT'S REAL. [01:05:52] Cytox__: Enjoy ur bean juice [01:05:54] bdix727: What's the other bad news? Lay it all on us. [01:05:55] RoxyMoonshine: The dark side is when you wear goth clothing [01:05:56] nandosjr0800: Fit check please [01:05:58] callmegarp: f1nnSCAM f1nnCancelled f1nnSCAM [01:05:59] ITZHYP3RION: Don't go to NY it's so expensive [01:06:00] WM_No1re: U got such thin hair [01:06:01] Amoyamoyamoya: IT EXISTS!!! [01:06:01] GoPrymix_: Texas is has bi-polar weather sun shine then thunder storm possible tornado then back to sun shine [01:06:01] nikama6: f1nnLaff [01:06:02] keller4589: Amoya has gotten a glimpse of the dark side [01:06:04] RatboyJon: your dark side is just like lowering the brightness on a monitor [01:06:05] brianvorn: What dark side ? Your battle pass ? Lol [01:06:08] Georg4xl: You want to move to a country you obviously know nothing about ;-) [01:06:10] alextheprincex: Rip fit check [01:06:11] sufclinny: lets goo chill stream pooooggggggg [01:06:12] johnkeiwo: " I became what I feared the most " KEKW [01:06:13] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya That's what your algorithm tells you to say, Moy Moy! [01:06:15] IdiotKnightKing: the scammed becomes the scammer then [01:06:15] NoodlesJules: Oh nah. [01:06:15] Stovamor: those were in reference to the house @F1NN5TER [01:06:15] Tartletboy1: come to NY! We have actual seasons here! [01:06:16] AeitZean: The dark side of the f1nn would be a banger album [01:06:17] Stovamor: those were in reference to the house @F1NN5TER [01:06:17] Kai_Marcad: Wedding dono goal [01:06:19] nazoHomuLily: nazoHomuLily subscribed with Prime. [01:06:19] f3mmbot: nazohomulily subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nazohomulily f1nnLezgang [01:06:21] MajesticFvckingEagle: @Amoyamoyamoya THE OOONNNEE PIIIEEEECE [01:06:21] keller4589: Let’s do it [01:06:25] GingerWithEnV: Guys Finns sad and you want to kick him when he's down? I admire the chutzpah [01:06:26] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I AM A HUMAN BEING [01:06:28] Dyspayre_69: @F1NN5TER Idaho is where most of our potatoes come from [01:06:30] MelancholicTrout: I'm still reeling at birmingham being as religious/more religious than texas [01:06:32] shortswarlok: the government bribery sub goal [01:06:35] sufclinny: new dono goal girl passport photo [01:06:35] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya *digital head pat* [01:06:37] cuddlebear187: GO TO CANADA (((((?FIRST!!!!))) [01:06:38] folsom05: Aint no way mfs willingly move to america [01:06:38] taylawithan_a: There’s also car places called Mr Lube and the tagline is “doing it right in front of you” [01:06:41] Reedmont99: lol finn getting his visa denied is his villain origin story [01:06:42] Hannesskywalker_: A empty search history says mkre then full one [01:06:47] davew2001: !uptime [01:06:47] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 6m 58s [01:06:48] callmegarp: Our tiny princess needs hugs f1nnSad [01:06:51] GoPrymix_: Have you ever had Brisket? [01:06:58] Ramaj_A: Just cross the border illegally. you don't need a visa or passport or job or anything. they'll even put you on a bus or plane to like the hamptons if they catch you. We've really turned our service around since you last came here. [01:07:01] consimiamo: f1nn is vegeterian [01:07:01] ChasingSol: @GoPrymix_ he's vegetarian [01:07:03] mcmaster2000: apparentyl Birmingham is 1/3 christian, 1/3 muslim 1/3 other [01:07:05] mystchevious1: @GoPrymix_ F1NN is a vegitarian [01:07:12] MelancholicTrout: x404mo1DED x404mo1DED x404mo1DED x404mo1DED x404mo1DED [01:07:12] JustChickenwing: @Ramaj_A Based. [01:07:13] Helen_Croft: @GoPrymix_ he has never eaten meat [01:07:13] gorillaz72O: You're lookin' real cute today. Please know that you're an inspiration, and you're helping me lose weight, and become who I want to be [01:07:14] DireCyphre: Come to Birmingham, Alabama [01:07:15] Jens_LN: f1nnHeadpat rynHeadpat f1nnHeadpat rynHeadpat [01:07:18] MelancholicTrout: thats crazy [01:07:18] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, [01:07:20] YumeNoZen: @GoPrymix_ I mean, good way to break the trend? [01:07:23] scarlettyg: moving to Idaho would also have the added benefit that it's close to Alberta so you could always have the threat of Cotton coming over for a visit looming on the horizon [01:07:24] AeitZean: At least texas doesn't have a state religion [01:07:28] Amoyamoyamoya: OOps, "CUTE" not "CURE" [01:07:29] Luucy_333: Are you nervous about the date? ;) [01:07:29] dbbs3: Is that practice or identify? Two different things [01:07:29] JustChickenwing: Let's goo Kreygasm [01:07:31] andimax11: Damn that’s high [01:07:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:07:33] Amoyamoyamoya: Damn. [01:07:40] G0rg81vl: only 24? damn [01:07:40] bluj40: texas is around the same [01:07:42] nandosjr0800: Love how I have spent 15000 channel points and nothing happened [01:07:42] Amoyamoyamoya: No rizz [01:07:43] yokai_327: yeah but thats austin [01:07:43] AvaerusEx: And none of them approve of femboys. [01:07:43] mcmaster2000: Austin is a big city = liberal [01:07:43] that_colin_guy: whatabout DFW? [01:07:44] daaddymess: Hey Finn if you like the sun why don't you come to Brazil? [01:07:46] bitsncrits: Austin is like the most liberal city in Texas lol [01:07:46] Kolateak_: Birmingham Alabama [01:07:47] tytykiller: alkXD [01:07:48] keller4589: W Texas [01:07:50] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Wow. Woooooooooow. Even your algorithms prevent you from being mean to me. lol [01:07:51] Amoyamoyamoya: RUDE F1NN [01:07:52] kainmalice: Religion is poison [01:07:54] VanJackal: austin is the la of texas tho [01:07:54] nikama6: Lets start a religion f1nnKnife [01:07:55] yokai_327: look up alabama [01:07:56] GingerWithEnV: But the thing about there being more religious people, is that they're British religious people, so they tend not to proselytise too much [01:07:56] hopalongtommy: Birmingham is surely on the more religious end of uk cities [01:07:56] twisted_music08: [01:07:57] thegodamoungmen: austin is like 5 times as large as burimining ham [01:08:02] Nenkos: Austin is the ONE exception LUL [01:08:03] jonasfull123: I always thought Britain was better than America [01:08:04] picklyev: Try north carolina [01:08:04] andimax11: Ah shit here we go again [01:08:06] voiceofthevoid999: Still of all places bro, Texas? lol [01:08:07] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 71 in the channel! [01:08:07] f3mmbot: nufc4life1979 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:08:07] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to YuukiTrap! [01:08:07] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to charlie_cma! [01:08:07] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alicornzzz! [01:08:07] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PBDGabe! [01:08:07] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RagingWind_! [01:08:09] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I AM N... [01:08:09] JustChickenwing: Austin is the liberal tax paradise though, 80% of the population was born in LA [01:08:14] foxxdonut: as long as you dont leave the city yeah.... [01:08:16] callmegarp: That's a replay [01:08:22] ian1stabbey: Bruh Austin is not representative for texas [01:08:23] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: So many people getting subbed today endear3Cry [01:08:25] theuntitledauthor: what pronouns are you okay with? [01:08:26] sufclinny: what's the birmingham of America [01:08:26] bitsncrits: Texas is considering banning HRT [01:08:26] ArminGux: Austin is nice blue dot [01:08:27] twisted_music08: Haha [01:08:27] wench__01: Austin [01:08:28] xmestupidx: Go to chicago [01:08:28] ramboo1989: Order some food for of us, would you [01:08:28] RoxyMoonshine: Now what about the Republican amount in Birmingham? [01:08:32] AeitZean: You know 35k is the same number as the next possible girl month SeemsGood [01:08:32] IdiotKnightKing: Austins better than L.A. [01:08:33] johnkeiwo: i'm gonna start clapping the peopkle arguing about the US :) [01:08:33] AvaerusEx: The people in Austin are FROM LA. [01:08:42] jdmnodoubt: Okay but try Birmingham Alabama [01:08:42] aSpicyCow: aSpicyCow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hello my queen, i hope you are doing great i love you so much my queen my beloved queen [01:08:42] tytykiller: alkXD what [01:08:43] f3mmbot: aspicycow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:08:43] XENOMAN5: !pronouns [01:08:43] f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [01:08:43] floofyfurlogdog: Hasan collab [01:08:44] brandyburgundy: Don’t do LA [01:08:45] YeomanJensen: L.A is a non walkable city [01:08:48] ar1st1pp0s: Texas is absolutely terrible. LA is terrible but also rad. [01:08:49] YumeNoZen: I'd wait until Florida chills out a ton though. But there's so many different places to hang out. [01:08:49] tgdmshow: Isn't LA a shithole? [01:08:51] callmegarp: Austin is cool, LA is cool, NY is cool, Chicago...Honestly, lots of cool places if you know where to look in each city. [01:08:55] stumblefish: yea, I visited Austin a while back, it's pretty cool - and that says something coming from a transfemme hating pretty hard on the US [01:08:56] Kuebeladler117: !pronouns [01:08:56] f3mmbot: This month, her pronouns are she/her but she doesn't really care [01:08:57] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: By now it feels like everyone has a sub endear3Cry [01:08:57] Bolttu: go to Austin for OTK [01:08:57] OHMichelleOH: L A is more gender queer accepting [01:08:58] JustChickenwing: Edits are always good don't put yourself down [01:08:59] brianvorn: Just marry Natt and you’ll get your visa [01:09:01] nikama6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:09:02] Hawker420: Joe Rogan's in Austin I'd go there not just for him but the comedy club there plus it's Austin guns [01:09:04] daaddymess: I cant highlight message [01:09:06] Wendy_A1: Do Austin, forget LA [01:09:06] norameld: Austin is cool until the laws pass that make the whole state worse [01:09:07] consimiamo: I lived in Austin for many years and it is a really fun city, lots of great places in downtown, and a great local community [01:09:08] jandraelune: Nano is in the LA area [01:09:09] AvaerusEx: And where in LA you are. [01:09:11] callmegarp: Depends where in LA you are [01:09:13] andimax11: Austin is fairly liberal, plus also he has people he knows in Austin [01:09:14] wench__01: L.A is bad [01:09:14] Wardenboo: LA is usper expensive for no reason [01:09:16] Telluzerlaw: Go to Austin and eat bbq for the first time you eat meat [01:09:16] YumeNoZen: And how much money you have. lol [01:09:17] OHMichelleOH: texans hate femboys [01:09:18] Wardenboo: super* [01:09:22] MrAshero11: @jonasfull123 your editing still slaps [01:09:22] thebandakidbob: How did meeting up with your ex go? [01:09:26] Ramaj_A: Peachy is in Austin [01:09:27] that_colin_guy: @OHMichelleOH no [01:09:28] lwazithesyne: Damn got ignored... [01:09:31] JustChickenwing: KEKW [01:09:31] sgsadhshvs: hello [01:09:31] twisted_music08: Ha [01:09:33] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:09:33] killbird1: Love your nail color [01:09:34] consimiamo: KEKW [01:09:34] braddle172: KEKW [01:09:35] ShaneCampaign: LUL LUL [01:09:35] MelancholicTrout: xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek [01:09:35] kevin326520: KEKW [01:09:36] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:09:36] nazoHomuLily: so what happens at 3.5k simps? [01:09:36] oliviazbored: huh? [01:09:36] capsulatepluto: omg KEKW [01:09:37] nikama6: f1nnLaff [01:09:37] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:09:38] tytykiller: alkXD [01:09:39] LittleChaSiu: thanks I hate it [01:09:39] degdo24: @ohmichelleoh No we don’t [01:09:39] elzorrohablante: Peachy is Texan? [01:09:40] callmegarp: of FEMBOYS? lmao [01:09:41] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:09:42] tgdmshow: KEKW nice [01:09:42] bluj40: oh no not the 4CHAN FEMBOYS [01:09:43] theoriginalslimshady: Bro georgia is full of closeted fems [01:09:44] effthelf: Oh god [01:09:44] jonasfull123: @MrAshero11 Thank you, I feel like I could do so much more though [01:09:44] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW [01:09:44] luna_cie: LOLOLOL [01:09:45] Jbigg04: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:09:46] tytykiller: iykyk [01:09:48] johnkeiwo: yes I see them !! [01:09:49] anschofi: alt-right femboys [01:09:49] brandyburgundy: Literally millions of people are flee-ing L.A. for many of the reasons you want to leave Birmingham [01:09:49] KiriahKolrath: I'm Texan. San Antonio specifically. Not against Fem's. [01:09:51] AeitZean: "im doing great" so now we know what you look like when you lie cottontailBinoculous [01:09:51] andimax11: Oh no no no [01:09:52] tirauflanc: KEKW [01:09:52] YumeNoZen: I mean, Soda may not be upset by a shithole? [01:09:52] keller4589: KEK [01:09:52] ayarcee: ayarcee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak! What is our second childs name? [01:09:53] f3mmbot: ayarcee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:09:53] jgm8675309: 10? [01:09:54] degdo24: As a Texan, we love femboy [01:09:56] happyking_greg: loe your boho o wo'er [01:09:56] RavingKorea: !of [01:09:57] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [01:09:58] GingerWithEnV: Go to some random place in middle America and become a lumberjack [01:10:00] Chri55PBacon: sheeesh [01:10:00] AvaerusEx: There's a LOT of secret femboy admirers in the "bible belt". [01:10:01] AVE_LVCI: KKonaW [01:10:04] TravelingEmpath: Trans porn is one of the highest searches in conservative states [01:10:04] JustChickenwing: You better pay that back [01:10:04] andimax11: Maybe he hasn’t figured out you’re a guy [01:10:06] Curvy_PolarBear: Curvy_PolarBear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! 6 months, pog. Can you please just admit girls are real? It's easy just say "Yes Curvy, girls exist" ❤️ [01:10:06] f3mmbot: curvy_polarbear subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:10:08] luna_cie: he likes the DUKES of HAZZARD [01:10:10] SalemSacrifices: It's true [01:10:13] SalemSacrifices: we love femboys [01:10:14] total_acidity: You need to tone down those edits anyway. They make the videos ADD. [01:10:15] nikama6: litteraly hating hard [01:10:17] callmegarp: sammmme [01:10:19] bigsuave7: true [01:10:20] JustChickenwing: Hahahaha good one [01:10:21] OHMichelleOH: I mean in public [01:10:26] OniGin: Clean up your room. [01:10:27] AeitZean: There are two types of people, femboy enjoyers, and liars [01:10:29] bigsuave7: rarely ever get notifications [01:10:31] rsm_100r: confederate flags are CRINGE loser flag [01:10:35] JustChickenwing: @jonasfull123 The donos were paused KEKW [01:10:37] callmegarp: Poor Jonas [01:10:37] mcmaster2000: I always get notifications [01:10:37] norameld: what did I say? [01:10:39] YumeNoZen: I mean, my BP picture definitely doesn't have a confederate flag. [01:10:42] lwazithesyne: They stopped notifying me too [01:10:44] AvaerusEx: @JustChickenwing Literally. [01:10:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months! One month to 3 years pog [01:10:45] MrAshero11: @jonasfull123 honestly some of the most entertaining editing I’ve ever seen you’re cracked [01:10:45] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Chat wastes energy arguing again F1nn moving to Austin or Los Angeles. Surprised? Naar. - 3030 [01:10:45] f3mmbot: xxjoyeusexx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:10:48] nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:10:50] Stovamor: @jonasfull123, he was being normal Gremlin mode and had paused donations [01:10:50] Luucy_333: wut lol [01:10:51] norameld: can I not say I'm trans? [01:10:52] YeomanJensen: no Twitch notifications, make sure the app is up to date [01:10:52] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW no [01:10:54] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:10:54] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [01:10:54] JustChickenwing: BASED [01:10:56] norameld: no that's not it [01:10:57] Luucy_333: KEKW [01:10:57] Amoyamoyamoya: BAN THAT PERSON [01:10:58] JustChickenwing: Amazing map [01:10:59] mootie1: 😘 [01:10:59] callmegarp: LUL [01:10:59] Amoyamoyamoya: BAN THAT PERSON [01:11:00] MerobibaTheBrave: lol [01:11:00] jonasfull123: i thought i was just bad at twitc [01:11:00] Amoyamoyamoya: BAN THAT PERSON [01:11:02] MayDaeVT: KEKW [01:11:03] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:11:04] tytykiller: alkXD [01:11:05] keller4589: KEKW [01:11:05] ArminGux: Kek [01:11:08] Akemencha: Smooch Smoooch [01:11:08] scarlettyg: that's not a graph, that's a map [01:11:09] braddle172: KEKW [01:11:10] keller4589: Ban them [01:11:11] AVE_LVCI: it makes perfect sense [01:11:11] tytykiller: arizona kinda based [01:11:12] unopenedcookies: hehehehehe [01:11:12] bluj40: damn i gotta move to Philly apparently lmao [01:11:12] knxggles: habitable zones [01:11:13] im_jess_: Louisiana is crazy, but fuckin FUN lmao [01:11:13] MelancholicTrout: baomoteOmegalul [01:11:14] Amoyamoyamoya: I can't see colors F1nn. [01:11:14] that_colin_guy: yes [01:11:18] PhilipMooney: What's beside Louisiana? [01:11:18] keller4589: It really does [01:11:19] mootie1: Haha2020 [01:11:19] andreanicolealigato2: ....... [01:11:20] muddymudkip15: It does [01:11:20] ArminGux: Self hating femboys [01:11:20] happyking_greg: lul* [01:11:20] Kolateak_: In Pennsylvania they're wildin [01:11:23] ar1st1pp0s: lol El Paso [01:11:24] that_colin_guy: Okla [01:11:24] AvaerusEx: I'm in the orange. [01:11:25] theoriginalslimshady: 🤣🤣 its soo true [01:11:25] k3llthulhu: I'm dying lol [01:11:30] tytykiller: the red area is where i live alkXD [01:11:30] consimiamo: femboy southwest [01:11:30] jordieboi45: Damnm [01:11:31] walkerkin: PA representing [01:11:31] MnemonicOverload: F1NN doesn't understand how hypocrisy works [01:11:32] GoPrymix_: HOUSTON* 🤣🤣🤣 [01:11:32] Nenkos: is it adjusted for population? [01:11:32] know1_0: yw [01:11:34] mrrogers222: Vegas? [01:11:34] YumeNoZen: Hey, my part of Virginia is good. [01:11:34] brandt_connors: Louisiana [01:11:36] h_r_buff_n_stuff: That is Pennsylvania [01:11:37] stephylmao: sheesh [01:11:37] scarlettyg: that was Louisiana [01:11:38] that_colin_guy: that louisana [01:11:38] AIRHydrant: whats happening in hershey pennsylvania [01:11:39] im_jess_: The toes of Louisiana 😂😂 [01:11:40] brandt_connors: colorado [01:11:41] stingemorewhite: Right wing is more progressive when it comes to femboys [01:11:41] that_colin_guy: colorado [01:11:41] Akemencha: f1nnLaff [01:11:41] lordgtafbi: is it population density adjusted? or just effectively a population density map? [01:11:41] ch4rc0al5: That's Louisiana [01:11:41] unopenedcookies: Tennessee lmao [01:11:41] MaggieHeels: Hi... I'm 1h late... what have I missed? [01:11:43] Amoyamoyamoya: Wow...Las VEgas is pretty high... [01:11:43] YeomanJensen: no Twitch notification, turn of "smart" notifications [01:11:43] mystchevious1: Kansas [01:11:43] scarlettyg: Colorado [01:11:43] RoxyMoonshine: There’s femboys in my state?! I’m not surprised LUL [01:11:44] Kolateak_: Colorado [01:11:44] QuBycle: where is astra? [01:11:44] jordieboi45: colorado [01:11:44] Ramaj_A: denver [01:11:45] AShDistance: colorado [01:11:45] VGABots: OMEGALUL [01:11:45] BudgetMatt: colorado [01:11:45] thegodamoungmen: denver colorodo [01:11:45] scatteredleaves: colorado [01:11:46] yokai_327: colorado [01:11:46] chainedchish: New mexico? Femboy Heisenberg? [01:11:46] Nenkos: looks literally like a population map [01:11:47] TravelingEmpath: wyoming i think [01:11:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: Colorodo [01:11:47] Jens_LN: That's south east colorado [01:11:47] andimax11: Lol [01:11:48] Telluzerlaw: colorado [01:11:48] Jonathan4580: lets go PA so proud of PA now!!! [01:11:48] MelancholicTrout: its the square one [01:11:49] Amoyamoyamoya: COLORADO [01:11:50] blindthirdeye: Colorado [01:11:50] AraAra_Capybara: Colorado [01:11:50] Sammygee63: colorado [01:11:51] MikeEvansHere: IF I HAVE TO TAKE A GUESS, IT SHOULD BE MORE POPULAR IN THE SOUTH. [01:11:52] AVE_LVCI: CO [01:11:52] OniGin: Clean up your roo! [01:11:52] hazelgr33n: @lwazithesyne idk why! [01:11:54] AIRHydrant: denver its a progressive haven [01:11:54] im_jess_: Colorado [01:11:54] HammerOfVenus: New Mexico is ALL red. LOL [01:11:54] mcmaster2000: colorado [01:11:55] karlkat007: Colorado [01:11:56] sufclinny: LONDON [01:11:56] picklyev: KEKW NOT NEW MEXICO [01:11:56] sherlock_norris: florida [01:11:56] JustChickenwing: Denver would [01:11:58] brandyburgundy: Denver [01:11:59] SAD_DE: colorado is red pilled [01:12:00] theoriginalslimshady: Colorado [01:12:01] ItsSathem: oh dear this is a geography shaming stream huh [01:12:01] hyperactive_atlas: Pennsylvania finally making me proud to be here [01:12:01] Storm_Oasis: hey you will have fun here and see some great places [01:12:01] AeitZean: Femboy central apparently LUL [01:12:01] megaroot: @MnemonicOverload exactly, in private people are different [01:12:02] misha666420: new mexico is so red lmao [01:12:02] bigsuave7: W Colorado [01:12:03] ArminGux: Everyone is into femboys [01:12:06] PhilipMooney: Mobile, Alabama love femboys [01:12:06] Racerexe: Colorado [01:12:06] scarlettyg: but it's the redneck part of Colorado though [01:12:07] TravelingEmpath: Americans dont know american geography wdym finn [01:12:09] happyking_greg: kekw [01:12:11] keller4589: New Mexico is to red tf [01:12:12] MikeEvansHere: LUL [01:12:12] ar1st1pp0s: New Mexico is amazing [01:12:14] jandraelune: New Mexico is Solid red [01:12:15] johnkeiwo: brb [01:12:17] JustChickenwing: Walter White sugar daddy POGGERS [01:12:18] that_colin_guy: Walter Wank amirite? [01:12:18] SAD_DE: yo albuquerque pog? [01:12:20] ilytatr: Louisiana is lighter but new orleans is red as hell lmao [01:12:21] hazelgr33n: @joemomsgebaited no [01:12:22] KoriYuhBoi: Tennessee is were west Virginia is at [01:12:22] Stovamor: @joemomsgebaited, nope [01:12:22] ChasingSol: @johnkeiwo ok [01:12:23] snnek23: Anyone from germany here? [01:12:23] Lis_datbenik: Banana [01:12:23] Amoyamoyamoya: @joemomsgebaited, NO [01:12:24] AIRHydrant: new mexico is a funny place [01:12:24] DominicanInTheUK: ayyyyyyy [01:12:25] mcmaster2000: Methboys! [01:12:26] YumeNoZen: The Bible Says people who enjoy Femboys should be stoned. And, well, there's the weed. [01:12:26] fbiagent6969696969669: I'm a huge fan I've only seen you on my fyp [01:12:26] lwazithesyne: @hazelgr33n missed like 3 streams [01:12:27] tytykiller: interesting [01:12:28] OniGin: Clean up your god damn room. [01:12:28] callmegarp: Cali was lit up but it was the space between SF and LA...that's the conservative part LUL [01:12:30] ShikyoNoTenshi: ky is red af too... interesting [01:12:31] Factioniwillafk: sent that like 5 minutes ago LMAO [01:12:33] AShDistance: breaking bad but heisenburg is a full femboy [01:12:34] hopalongtommy: I'm the one who subs Kappa [01:12:35] Tidos: hi [01:12:39] hazelgr33n: @lwazithesyne its so annoying! [01:12:41] ChasingSol: @Tidos hello [01:12:42] AIRHydrant: pennsylvania is the highest [01:12:46] snnek23: How late is it? [01:12:47] XENOMAN5: I am the one who knocks for bussy [01:12:49] brandyburgundy: Stay away from Cali bro [01:12:50] Zai_Rose: @yumenozen LUL [01:12:50] MelancholicTrout: baomoteOmegalul [01:12:51] Factioniwillafk: oh one more time? [01:12:52] Wardenboo: ahhahah xD [01:12:52] AVE_LVCI: HUH [01:12:55] picklyev: But you gotta remember just because guys look it up in secret doesn’t mean that they will embrace, especially in groups. [01:12:56] HammerOfVenus: New Mexico is for femboys! [01:12:56] andimax11: Femboys are forbidden fruit to southerners [01:12:58] mcmaster2000: Wait, so you want to go to the places where people are super horny for you? [01:13:05] adam_dxgr: @Factioniwillafk ur weird jason [01:13:05] JustChickenwing: Finn's skills with replaying donos are fantastic [01:13:06] AVE_LVCI: SCHIZO I'm stealing your man [01:13:07] hazelgr33n: @joemomsgebaited nw, also for future the term 'a trans gender' isnt a very good way to word it x [01:13:08] imNotSubbed: Lowered expectations [01:13:10] wench__01: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [01:13:10] Jonathan4580: @AIRHydrant so proud of that lets go!! [01:13:10] kevin326520: I really do believe moving to US will change you [01:13:13] Cytox__: I loved the enthusiasm in “I CAN HAVE A WALTER WHITE BF LETS GO” [01:13:14] AvaerusEx: You're the best streamer. [01:13:15] OniGin: Quit streaming and clean up your room. [01:13:15] Lis_datbenik: "I found a picture of Grandad in his twenty's" will be EPIC [01:13:15] ArminGux: All Ur streams are good streams [01:13:16] nazoHomuLily: ohh before i forget ran into an 🥚 irl and we bonded over how we both watch f1nn never got their name lmao [01:13:16] walter474747: walter474747 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! new cart + f1nn stream :D [01:13:16] f3mmbot: walter474747 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [01:13:17] DireCyphre: not sure thats an accurate map of placs you shoul go [01:13:20] JustChickenwing: Of course you replayed that one [01:13:21] aSpicyCow: it literally went through twicce [01:13:22] fragilem1lk: Why are the donations repeating a million times [01:13:23] tytykiller: raizSus [01:13:28] YeomanJensen: Am I trapped in a space-time anomaly CarlSmile [01:13:30] beantransfer: @OniGin OK jORDAN pETERSON [01:13:30] aSpicyCow: i also feel like i get a re-sub multiple times a month [01:13:34] AeitZean: Most of us missed the intro, because nobody expected it 🤷‍♀️ [01:13:35] aSpicyCow: but its just because of my love for you my queen [01:13:35] hllani2: lorREPEL [01:13:37] hazelgr33n: @OniGin bro youve said this so many times...go away [01:13:43] blackdevils521: Hi @aspicycow [01:13:48] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, Hi @aSpicyCow [01:13:49] KoriYuhBoi: Hey @aspicycow [01:13:49] lwazithesyne: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [01:13:51] boo7814: Cow [01:13:51] AvaerusEx: You are literally the only streamer I've ever watched through a whole stream. [01:13:51] Cynikoarts: Cynikoarts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Hello Can't wait to get snaps from Natt on his date with you soon [01:13:51] f3mmbot: cynikoarts subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [01:13:53] ArminGux: Girls exist, unless u got something to tell us [01:13:54] viryl_lucas: prettiest girl [01:13:55] ChasingSol: welcome @aSpicyCow [01:13:55] Jens_LN: Hi Cow [01:13:55] MelancholicTrout: @sufclinny true bible belt by the sounds of it baomoteScared [01:13:56] hiluuu: i hope the ppl will be nice to u in the US [01:13:56] scarlettyg: no, it's the other way around, it's only women and fembois [01:13:57] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:13:58] boo7814: f1nnCowjam [01:14:03] snnek23: Anyone from germany its 23:21 here how late is it in usa? [01:14:05] KoriYuhBoi: Cow [01:14:06] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, I didn't get my Stream Mod. WTF? [01:14:06] flip03012: damn [01:14:10] nikama6: f1nnCowjam [01:14:11] posionfuego1234: beautiful see you on fb all the time and now you come up in my twitch 🤣 keep changing them dreams [01:14:11] OniGin: yeah a little child that cant clean up his room really shouldnt be streaming. [01:14:11] medical_size9000: medical_size9000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Almost a year since I have been subscribed [01:14:11] aggravatedconditions: Mine to kekw [01:14:11] f3mmbot: medical_size9000 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:14:12] Amoyamoyamoya: !time [01:14:12] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:21 [01:14:13] Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime [01:14:13] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 14m 24s [01:14:14] floofyfurlogdog: 17:21 in ohio [01:14:15] hazelgr33n: @joemomsgebaited no worries 'are you trans' is less rude however, its not somthing tht particularly needs asking at all [01:14:16] Luucy_333: @AvaerusEx Same :) [01:14:19] 3mockingbird33: Yeah that time when we insulated wires with paper [01:14:21] andimax11: Jesus [01:14:22] AvaerusEx: Where I am it's 4:21. [01:14:23] GingerWithEnV: Victorian?! [01:14:24] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Mentions he talked to Ten. - 2900 [01:14:26] letume: do you have canvas wiring or something? [01:14:27] tytykiller: raizFlushed [01:14:27] mcmaster2000: @snnek23 USA has 4 time zones. 6 if you include Alaska and Hawaii [01:14:32] andimax11: 1890’s?? [01:14:41] tytykiller: that guy PogU [01:14:45] hazelgr33n: @OniGin shut up bro, hes a grown ass man makin buck.. [01:14:46] lwazithesyne: Wassup @imnotsubbed [01:14:48] AShDistance: or oklahoma [01:14:49] imNotSubbed: Oklahoma lol [01:14:53] ar1st1pp0s: UK really needs to tear down all that Edwardian crap. its an architectural crime [01:14:53] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:14:54] scarlettyg: it's like that one steam activity spot in North Korea [01:14:57] bagelbiscuit69: Congrats on you and Chris getting together ❤️ [01:14:57] ShaneCampaign: LUL [01:14:59] andimax11: “I want that twink obliterated.” -F1nn [01:15:00] Opelium: mattyp22Lessgoooo mattyp22Lessgoooo mattyp22Lessgoooo mattyp22Lessgoooo mattyp22Lessgoooo [01:15:04] mcmaster2000: Chair ears are wobbeling xD [01:15:08] bisissy97: I love you [01:15:08] ArminGux: Everything is lagging for me on Ur stream but not others [01:15:09] Stovamor: @norameld, we know. we've been over it numerous times [01:15:10] bluj40: 6d chess dating strategy [01:15:11] AvaerusEx: Oh and as pretty as you are, that's now why I watch. There's lots of pretty streamers. I just like your personality. [01:15:14] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: The chair ears are killing me endear3Cry [01:15:15] hazelgr33n: @joemomsgebaited thats becayse finn is a man xd [01:15:17] NotLouis05: funding campaign, femboy coin??? [01:15:17] XENOMAN5: Rewire early before any other work or it’s super pricey [01:15:19] sweethki: Androgynous guys can be called femboys, so more femboys on earth [01:15:22] TheOneTrueNuT: Femcoyn [01:15:22] Factioniwillafk: AGAIN? [01:15:23] YeomanJensen: amityaHUH [01:15:23] MelancholicTrout: baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul baomoteOmegalul [01:15:24] ShaneCampaign: LUL LUL [01:15:25] FeFe: feetfeetHeart [01:15:25] Kolateak_: I doubt everything everyone says about this law stuff because there's constant lying about it [01:15:25] Luucy_333: WTF [01:15:26] AraAra_Capybara: I think this maps is a lot better to use when deciding where you go *** [01:15:26] braddle172: 4 nanona1LETSGOO [01:15:27] nothitch: four times? [01:15:28] consimiamo: kekw [01:15:28] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:15:29] jordieboi45: LUL LUL [01:15:29] blackdevils521: When is the date with Natt? [01:15:30] nothitch: come on F1NN [01:15:31] AVE_LVCI: here we go again lol [01:15:31] medical_size9000: LUL f1nnLaff LUL [01:15:33] SAD_DE: getting hacked live? [01:15:34] Amoyamoyamoya: Chat, please stop with the Texas/California stuff. [01:15:34] reinflink: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Squid4 [01:15:34] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:15:35] Stovamor: KEKW [01:15:36] Stovamor: KEKW [01:15:36] Stovamor: KEKW [01:15:36] aliceyakushi: nalopiLove nalopiLove nalopiLove nalopiLove [01:15:38] bisissy97: Will you marry me [01:15:38] voiceofthevoid999: LUL LUL [01:15:39] medical_size9000: Sus [01:15:39] consimiamo: KEKW [01:15:40] braddle172: KEKW [01:15:41] Luucy_333: KEKW [01:15:41] YeomanJensen: I am trapped in a loop [01:15:41] letume: lol [01:15:42] that_colin_guy: chat borked [01:15:43] brainiac5_01: you broke it LUL [01:15:44] RoxyMoonshine: NOT AGAIN [01:15:44] imNotSubbed: I want to repeat this [01:15:45] adam_dxgr: @Factioniwillafk ur just better [01:15:45] Amoyamoyamoya: @bisissy97, Too late. He's already engaged. [01:15:45] snnek23: KEKW [01:15:46] Factioniwillafk: jealous much [01:15:46] know1_0: anitaLUL [01:15:46] ArminGux: U lagging a lot [01:15:46] treb35: KEKW [01:15:48] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:15:49] nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [01:15:49] hazelgr33n: @joemomsgebaited yup ofc, a high percentage of people here do [01:15:50] Macash: KEKW [01:15:50] Knikian: KEKW [01:15:51] MelancholicTrout: trickyyOMEGALUL [01:15:51] Luucy_333: tf is going on lol [01:15:51] jordieboi45: KEKW [01:15:51] urchinstyle: Loop? [01:15:52] IdiotKnightKing: KEKW [01:15:52] voiceofthevoid999: Is someone going to Korea ? [01:15:53] KiriahKolrath: Lol. [01:15:53] pival81: KEKW [01:15:54] mcmaster2000: Can't you mute that message? [01:15:54] scatteredleaves: KEKW [01:15:54] LittleChaSiu: we literally can't do anything with donos [01:15:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: What? [01:15:55] mcmaster2000: yes [01:15:55] Factioniwillafk: f1n if you want to come just ask [01:15:57] ArminGux: Streamlabs is messing up [01:15:57] AvaerusEx: We're all trapped in a time loop. [01:15:57] KoriYuhBoi: Its broken lol [01:15:57] Factioniwillafk: damn [01:15:57] elzorrohablante: LMAO [01:15:58] scarlettyg: KEKW [01:15:59] MelancholicTrout: im stealin yo man's [01:15:59] OniGin: My comment still holds truth. But I guess even the mods need a mother. [01:15:59] Coolcalcacol: 6 times what the fuck LMAO [01:16:00] unbalanced_again: omg pls no more KEKW [01:16:00] Kayver_: XD [01:16:00] Amoyamoyamoya: BRB. Need a fresh Monster. [01:16:01] Ramaj_A: Groundhog day dono [01:16:01] hiluuu: what was that again? [01:16:01] consimiamo: DPRK hackers have discovered femboys [01:16:02] Stovamor: we have no control over the donos. We've asked for it but you refuse @F1NN5TER [01:16:03] adam_dxgr: @Factioniwillafk stop donating so much [01:16:03] Stovamor: we have no control over the donos. We've asked for it but you refuse @F1NN5TER [01:16:03] keller4589: KEKW [01:16:04] ChasingSol: we have no power over donos [01:16:04] Stovamor: we have no control over the donos. We've asked for it but you refuse @F1NN5TER [01:16:04] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: @firelord_redflames man endear3Cry [01:16:06] lwazithesyne: I'm stealing yhow mans [01:16:07] Rimmitarius: Stream labs b0rked [01:16:07] scarlettyg: I'm stealing yo man's [01:16:08] medical_size9000: Time loop [01:16:08] Factioniwillafk: never adam [01:16:09] RoxyMoonshine: Streamlabs being brokey? [01:16:09] twin_cdj: F1nacked???? [01:16:11] fancymanwho: Bro my professor almost caught me [01:16:11] Kolateak_: Do you ever get deja vu when- [01:16:12] andimax11: Yeah there a lot of that going around sadly [01:16:12] imNotSubbed: what if they just dono that much [01:16:13] voiceofthevoid999: I have a strong feeling someone is going to Korea [01:16:14] Factioniwillafk: stealing yo mans [01:16:14] norameld: oi, fine, i guess im controversial for saying be safe instead of moving here [01:16:14] Luucy_333: ghost dono [01:16:16] tgdmshow: Where are they going again, I think I didn't get that KEKW [01:16:16] SAD_DE: you heard em, they are stealin yo mans to go south korea [01:16:17] danny_schonberg: CorgiDerp [01:16:19] Factioniwillafk: xo [01:16:20] hazelgr33n: @joemomsgebaited its a fem boy xd, finn is a cis man but is a femboy [01:16:22] Firelord_Redflames: @ZOMBIFIEDLANA HeyGuys [01:16:22] scarlettyg: But are you going to South Korea soon? [01:16:24] adam_dxgr: @Factioniwillafk ill steal ur ass [01:16:25] ArminGux: The nose job? [01:16:28] robinyoheartk: TheIlluminati [01:16:28] YeomanJensen: an anomaly in space time, in this location at this time? [01:16:29] GnarlyLasagna: <3 [01:16:29] eveplease: we're all going to south korea [01:16:31] AeitZean: Your new house is older than the Second Boer war, and escelators, and possibly basketball Kreygasm [01:16:34] medical_size9000: Finn you are the only person who has control over the donos [01:16:35] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:16:35] imNotSubbed: I'm scared of my boner [01:16:39] danny_schonberg: F [01:16:39] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: @joemomsgebaited Finns a man endear3Cry [01:16:41] lwazithesyne: Aye @f1nn5ter are they stealing yo man's tho [01:16:42] Factioniwillafk: @adam_dxgr AYOOOOOOO [01:16:44] hazelgr33n: @consimiamo lmaooo [01:16:47] fragilem1lk: What [01:16:48] aSpicyCow: no its a tax writeoff [01:16:49] waterfallolive: hi [01:16:52] Cynikoarts: I've been becoming a cop [01:16:53] AShDistance: so, what you're saying is ron desantis is projecting? [01:16:55] luna_cie: Minnesota is kind to its Femboys [01:16:56] Factioniwillafk: @lwazithesyne I am stealing his mans [01:16:57] Factioniwillafk: frfr [01:16:57] vantis57: LUL [01:16:59] bubatzwiesel: I'm actually crying why can't I just look like Finn? verumiCry verumiCry verumiCry [01:17:00] tomhekker: @aSpicyCow KEKW based tbh [01:17:00] imNotSubbed: @AShDistance, so hard [01:17:01] adam_dxgr: @Factioniwillafk got a problem w it? [01:17:01] tytykiller: (temporarily) [01:17:01] Cytox__: Queeb [01:17:01] bluj40: sometimes longer [01:17:03] YumeNoZen: @aSpicyCow You're adorbs as always Cow. [01:17:04] bisissy97: 😚😘 [01:17:05] o_slip: some room temp iq havers in chat today ;-; [01:17:06] scarlettyg: The only way I can continue to support the British monarchy is if we had a Queen Rose [01:17:06] L3W4: 90 day finn-ance [01:17:07] AIRHydrant: requires riz [01:17:08] luna_cie: we have Minnesota Nice [01:17:10] PynkFryck: @Cynikoarts narc [01:17:10] Collarito: Cow has found an internet connectio [01:17:11] Factioniwillafk: LMAO [01:17:11] Ramaj_A: Hiiiii @aSpicyCow How you doing? party hard after graduation? [01:17:12] ar1st1pp0s: you dont need to prove much [01:17:13] AvaerusEx: @luna_cie We just passed a trans refugee law. [01:17:16] ayarcee: marry Soda [01:17:16] fragilem1lk: You gotta KISS [01:17:17] johnpnicholls1122: what's going on late to the party 🥳 🎉 [01:17:23] stingemorewhite: So marry cotton [01:17:23] ayarcee: you two can pass the questions [01:17:24] Y0rk5h1r3: Film some content with Soda, that's proof LUL [01:17:25] aSpicyCow: @Ramaj_A no i just slept a lot [01:17:25] zoe_with_an_e: Cow is here? [01:17:26] vantis57: you gotta hold hands [01:17:30] GoPrymix_: Cheer1 [01:17:32] Factioniwillafk: stealin yo mans [01:17:34] andimax11: A weird fight or flight reaction? Lmao [01:17:34] bisissy97: I live in America 🇺🇸 [01:17:35] Ramaj_A: @Ramaj_A lol Pog [01:17:35] RockinLockin: ok [01:17:42] bhupendrablastoise: hi [01:17:46] AIRHydrant: do not [01:17:46] Factioniwillafk: HJAHAHHA [01:17:46] Vyrokolakas: the american u marry just needs a good lawyer [01:17:48] nazoHomuLily: tbh f1nn just hide in the woods [01:17:48] mcmaster2000: Don't google it xD [01:17:48] Jonathan4580: lol [01:17:49] Eromaw: bum berries @F1NN5TER [01:17:51] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:17:51] Amoyamoyamoya: The US spouse has to show ability to support the fiance. [01:17:51] DEADBERD: bleeding asshole bumps [01:17:51] bluj40: theyre not as bad as they sound [01:17:52] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [01:17:52] Sleepystephbot: Wise choice [01:17:53] ArminGux: @aspicycow can u just marry fnn for a year [01:17:53] Cyprohep: LMAO [01:17:57] Ramaj_A: New lore "I'm stealing yo mans to go to south korea" [01:17:57] Coolcalcacol: JASON [01:17:57] AvaerusEx: It's what happens when you're constipated and push too hard. [01:17:59] AraAra_Capybara: Blood vessel in the bum [01:17:59] medical_size9000: Are you going to be the bride for soda [01:18:00] Y0rk5h1r3: Isn't is veins in your ring bulging out? [01:18:00] viryl_lucas: spicy butthole [01:18:01] Cynikoarts: HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn [01:18:01] Coolcalcacol: What have you done ffs [01:18:01] ar1st1pp0s: for green card marriage, u just need a decent lawyer. [01:18:02] Factioniwillafk: cal [01:18:02] consimiamo: @aSpicyCow the most beautiful hair [01:18:03] elzorrohablante: Google it. Image search [01:18:03] Vyrokolakas: it did with my friend [01:18:03] RoxyMoonshine: This is the new meme LUL [01:18:04] nazoHomuLily: ice cant find anything in the woods lol [01:18:08] AVE_LVCI: I'm stealing yo mans to go to south korea [01:18:09] Amoyamoyamoya: Takes at least a year from arrival of fiance. [01:18:10] im_jess_: Oh no [01:18:12] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:18:12] adam_dxgr: @Factioniwillafk cals not here dwbi [01:18:12] Factioniwillafk: I'm just tryna make him jealous [01:18:13] viljosayshi: gEt A gOoD lAwYeR smh [01:18:13] RavingKorea: they named them hemorroides, because asteroids was already taken [01:18:13] scarlettyg: at this point I wouldn't be surprised if TTS just started reciting to eToro ad KEKW [01:18:16] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: It’s okay Finn just don’t Google it and go on imagines endear3Heart endear3Heart endear3Heart [01:18:18] effthelf: You still need 3 years of marriage and residence to get citizenship [01:18:21] Vyrokolakas: they fast passed her citizenship [01:18:21] Amoyamoyamoya: There are several interviews and home visits. [01:18:22] NoNamedMisfit_: But... they would know how it works [01:18:24] bisissy97: I can get you in America in 2 weeks [01:18:24] JustChickenwing: Yes [01:18:24] bhupendrablastoise: play mincecraft [01:18:25] ArminGux: No [01:18:26] MajesticFvckingEagle: No [01:18:26] tytykiller: no [01:18:27] Luucy_333: oof [01:18:27] Nenkos: NO [01:18:27] mcmaster2000: No [01:18:28] YumeNoZen: I had to write some statements for a friend who married and was immigrating, it wasn't easy for them. [01:18:28] Vyrokolakas: american runs on money [01:18:28] hotdogwatt3r: The married immigrant can’t work for a year folks [01:18:29] LynnieBeep: Nooooo [01:18:30] ChasingSol: David Bowie was the first [01:18:30] o_slip: EW LMAO [01:18:30] lwazithesyne: No [01:18:31] morningstar__37: no he is way too modern [01:18:32] AvaerusEx: As an American I just know our immigration system is all f'ed up. [01:18:32] framblijs: Hhahhaha [01:18:34] kurapikaxme: noooo [01:18:36] residualcorn538: femboys have existed for millenia [01:18:36] Jeddix: the greeks where [01:18:38] Lucridis: Jesus was the first femboy [01:18:38] LynnieBeep: Femboys are eternal [01:18:39] PhilipMooney: Justin Bieber was canonically the first twinlk [01:18:39] viryl_lucas: lol what [01:18:40] NorthGuard1: well he was a twink [01:18:42] brianvorn: Hemorrhoids is when your butt is hellish pain like a needle whenever you eat spicy food or sit for more than 30 min [01:18:44] Cynikoarts: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing [01:18:45] callmegarp: Anyone remember Timmy Thicc?? [01:18:45] viljosayshi: @ChasingSol congrats Sol you're my favourite new mod [01:18:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: Based take [01:18:47] JustChickenwing: Oh yeah f1nnCancelled [01:18:49] tytykiller: monkaS [01:18:50] ArminGux: First femboy was before god even existed [01:18:51] NorthGuard1: but femboys have existed much longer [01:18:51] zoe_with_an_e: Where do you get your outfits from? Asking for a friend.... [01:18:52] LynnieBeep: The big bang was fem [01:18:54] AvaerusEx: Justin Bieber wasn't a femboy. He was a twink. ;p [01:18:54] ChickenJoe6ft: used to follow you back years ago when you played minecraft hope all is well [01:18:54] bagelbiscuit69: This chat is wild [01:18:55] MelancholicTrout: didn't the rome emperor Nero have a femboy "wife"? [01:18:55] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:18:56] AeitZean: I voted no, because i live in uk [01:18:58] AVE_LVCI: HUH [01:18:59] LoboSoldier: Kreygasm [01:19:04] ArminGux: That's the good shit [01:19:05] v4tten: that sounds like a murder threat [01:19:06] hiluuu: i [01:19:07] Cyprohep: kekw [01:19:08] helenaaaauwu: Helloooooooo fellas [01:19:10] ar1st1pp0s: I have green card married and green card divorced someone and, really: you just need a decent lawyer. [01:19:11] YumeNoZen: Uh, that's concerning. [01:19:12] kevkushh: Hi [01:19:16] L3W4: bruh LUL [01:19:17] tomhekker: i only read I will marry f1nn, voted yes, and then realised I am Dutch [01:19:19] Helen_Croft: the 50 50 thing? [01:19:20] zoe_with_an_e: Bieber isnt a fanboy hes a feminine boy [01:19:20] morningstar__37: first femboy came before the concept of time documentation was conceived [01:19:23] Formula_Gold_: so uh wheni s girl month over [01:19:24] MajesticFvckingEagle: @MelancholicTrout Based nero? [01:19:25] Amoyamoyamoya: Asphixation? I thought your kink was high-IQ people? [01:19:25] RavingKorea: minors are boys, adults are men [01:19:27] viryl_lucas: Filipino fembois [01:19:29] robinyoheartk: Come live in denmark [01:19:30] ChasingSol: @Formula_Gold_ June [01:19:33] MelancholicTrout: @MelancholicTrout trickyyNodders [01:19:35] snnek23: Where is finn rn [01:19:36] jandraelune: Freddy Mercury was before him [01:19:38] Formula_Gold_: @ChasingSol sounds good [01:19:40] JustChickenwing: He dedicated a whole city when his male "friend" who dressed as a woman died. Crazy right? [01:19:43] Amoyamoyamoya: @snnek23, At home [01:19:45] ArminGux: A lot of samurai were into young man love aka femboys [01:19:46] YumeNoZen: Kim Jong F1nn? [01:19:46] hiluuu: i voted yes even tho i live nowhere near lol [01:19:52] Luucy_333: Nice poll lol [01:19:53] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: AHAHHA, THE TERM FEMBOY WAS MADE IN THE 90’s I DIDNT KNOW THAT [01:19:54] aMildCow: aMildCow subscribed with Prime. [01:19:54] f3mmbot: amildcow subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang amildcow f1nnLezgang [01:19:54] snnek23: @amoyamoyamoya LUL [01:19:58] crossstijn: pog [01:19:59] nazoHomuLily: @F1NN5TER you can hide in the hills near my hollar aint noone can find ya there lol [01:19:59] AdequacyTries: i would marry you but i'm already engaged to get married in australia, apologies king! [01:20:00] LynnieBeep: Then on a spouse visa can't you not work for like a year? So your partner has to support you [01:20:02] johnpnicholls1122: what's going on late to the 🥳 🎉 [01:20:02] snnek23: But fr now [01:20:04] MelancholicTrout: apparently nero's femboy wife was liked more than nero himself lmao [01:20:07] Ramaj_A: Just sneak across the border finn. you'll be more than welcome to stay. [01:20:08] that_colin_guy: do it [01:20:10] bearlier: Nice alt cow [01:20:10] viryl_lucas: the boy in femboy just denotes young looking [01:20:12] braddle172: Amildcow pog [01:20:12] Cynikoarts: I'll hide you in my house, I live in nuketown [01:20:13] robinyoheartk: Youd fit in denmark. Everyones gay in cph [01:20:15] LeanVolcano7: We’re really backed up in the visa office rn in the embassy [01:20:15] Y0rk5h1r3: Yeah, Sporus was Nero's femboy wife. He kicked his wife to death and then castrated Sporus and married him LUL [01:20:15] Amoyamoyamoya: @snnek23, He's in Birmingham in the UK Midlands. [01:20:17] bagelbiscuit69: America is povocore [01:20:17] scarlettyg: Wasn't Astolfo the first femboy though? He lived in the Carolingian era, so... [01:20:23] mcmaster2000: Can you please use my Battlepass sub money to get a better lawyer :( [01:20:24] aSpicyCow: @braddle172 everything for my queen [01:20:28] Helen_Croft: the 50 50 thing? [01:20:30] armann24: i love that i can just do a digital thing and i get to know right away if its aprooved :p [01:20:32] L3W4: sounds like america legalizing weed. bothered politicians enough times where they just gave up and said fine [01:20:33] viljosayshi: I'm very lucky I got my damn ESTA, the visa process looks like a pain in the ass [01:20:33] oliviazbored: why do they even deny you? [01:20:35] Amoyamoyamoya: Give me a few months F1nn. I'll get a job at USCIS. [01:20:37] snnek23: @amoyamoyamoya thx u:) [01:20:38] ArminGux: U can run out of tourist visas [01:20:45] nothitch: The lawyer is so great [01:20:53] hiluuu: lol [01:20:58] JustChickenwing: This is getting worse and worse [01:20:58] viljosayshi: are you the lawyer hitch [01:21:00] Coolcalcacol: @nothitch stop ignoring us [01:21:01] MayDaeVT: @braddle172 POG [01:21:01] NoNamedMisfit_: Wtf is that all abut [01:21:02] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:21:04] urchinstyle: I'm late to stream, us Finn becoming American or just visiting? [01:21:06] SeriousTTV: no BP content in 3 days.. Kappa [01:21:08] shiftedantimatter: F1NN5TER U doing anymore Prison vids i love watching you brake the prison server with opness! [01:21:09] JustChickenwing: Uh oh Dono issues incoming again [01:21:11] scarlettyg: I'm stealing Korea to go south on you man's [01:21:14] aSpicyCow: anything for my queen [01:21:18] Coolcalcacol: I said no [01:21:19] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Starts talking about the Date with Natt [01:21:20] Coolcalcacol: suffer [01:21:20] JustChickenwing: I'm European what would it do [01:21:21] Wardenboo: I said no [01:21:23] Factioniwillafk: @scarlettyg ay no hes mine [01:21:23] LynnieBeep: Because I don't live in the US! [01:21:23] consimiamo: kekw [01:21:25] Wardenboo: you are boss [01:21:26] lwazithesyne: Don't say Natt ain't going... [01:21:26] Amoyamoyamoya: VOTES NO [01:21:26] thefiercelink: good [01:21:26] MayDaeVT: suffer [01:21:27] Wardenboo: lol [01:21:27] RoxyMoonshine: I said no [01:21:27] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "I will marry F1nn so he can gp to the US": Yes with 281 votes (78.93%) [01:21:28] Stovamor: Some of us aren't from the US [01:21:29] OHMichelleOH: ban em [01:21:29] AeitZean: I don't have a us citizenship 😭 [01:21:30] chainedchish: I said no cuz i am not murican you bimbo [01:21:30] Kolateak_: I am Canadian, but yes [01:21:30] ArminGux: People already have wifes [01:21:30] nothitch: i've been stolen like 9 times it seems [01:21:30] LynnieBeep: And I'm already married [01:21:30] Steys00: not american [01:21:31] Collarito: i said no, im english [01:21:31] syllabiczero: i not from us [01:21:31] v4tten: i’m not american [01:21:31] YeomanJensen: the pool is legally binding [01:21:33] thetuaschtee: i'm german so it's impossible ma dude [01:21:33] MelancholicTrout: i live in the uk but i still said yes trickyyDerp [01:21:33] trolface1997: i am not american [01:21:33] blindthirdeye: *changes vote to No* [01:21:34] Ramaj_A: I said yes because it'd help on my taxes. [01:21:35] knxggles: f1nn about to suddenly get 281 visas [01:21:35] callmegarp: Anything for our sweet bb finn [01:21:35] Halfeti_Harbinger: id do it for hugs at least once a week [01:21:36] jayceedeee: I'll build you a submarine and smuggle you to the USA. [01:21:36] Amoyamoyamoya: You'd have to live with him Chat. [01:21:36] afy_jb: i said no for legal reasons [01:21:38] PhilipMooney: @Wardenboo No need to lie [01:21:39] Amoyamoyamoya: LIVE WITH F1NN [01:21:40] itzzJKL: YOOO WTF ITZ A DUDE ( i already knew I did this for attention) [01:21:42] AShDistance: I would commit, and it wouldn't be good for me mentally [01:21:42] SacksoGaming: I mean you say getting married in the US takes long but Allegedly you've been dating chris for 6 months Kappa [01:21:43] zoe_with_an_e: In all fairness its alot of effort [01:21:43] YumeNoZen: I'm technically married, unfortunately. Hubby wouldn't mind. And it wouldn't be fraud. =P [01:21:43] Amoyamoyamoya: DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT? [01:21:43] nazoHomuLily: f1nn its more that im a lesbian and people would talk... [01:21:43] JustChickenwing: LUL [01:21:44] adam_dxgr: @nothitch want a 10th time? [01:21:46] bladeofshid: It’s only natural a man should have a boy wife [01:21:46] armann24: i said no becuase it would not help you get to the states [01:21:47] Factioniwillafk: @nothitch jokes on them you're going to korea with me for 14 days [01:21:47] fredster55: I'm happily committed in a hetero marriage, and I still voted yes so.... [01:21:47] Luucy_333: We're listening :P [01:21:48] GingerWithEnV: Some of us are British [01:21:48] RavingKorea: I'll marry you, so you can go to norway [01:21:48] Curvy_PolarBear: Can't say yes, I'm already married [01:21:48] blackdevils521: What!?? [01:21:50] Streig: i said yes! [01:21:50] AeitZean: 🫂🫂🫂 [01:21:50] nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:21:51] NoNamedMisfit_: Are you and Natt dating? [01:21:52] rupirilo: Not American so no point [01:21:53] callmegarp: Yay! [01:21:55] ArminGux: Don't u guys have a date [01:21:56] callmegarp: Wait huh [01:21:59] PhilipMooney: @NoNamedMisfit_ Not yet [01:22:01] stanceofdance: You got to try harder to read all these messages. [01:22:01] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he's 50/50 about the Date with Natt. [01:22:04] AcheronToEros: I am English so I can't get you a US citizenship 😅 [01:22:10] Cynikoarts: Issue?? [01:22:11] Helen_Croft: It will be fine just dont speak to much [01:22:12] YeomanJensen: this is the real reason for the blues [01:22:14] SeriousTTV: you do tho [01:22:14] GoPrymix_: Single as of last week. 5 years and engaged 💍. Finally single ! [01:22:14] shiftedantimatter: NAT who is nat? [01:22:15] IvanStickitinski: I said No because you never suffer a lettue eater in your home [01:22:17] MelancholicTrout: cap [01:22:17] nikama6: in hard day we need hard femboy [01:22:20] andimax11: Damn come on chat [01:22:21] Y0rk5h1r3: You atleast gonna nosh him off though? [01:22:21] ArminGux: U tried for kids? [01:22:21] consimiamo: get take-out and have a date in the downstairs [01:22:22] Amoyamoyamoya: 2hr [01:22:25] twin_cdj: NotLikeThis [01:22:31] IdiotKnightKing: lies [01:22:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:22:33] KnapperigeKapitein: X [01:22:33] SeriousTTV: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:22:35] medical_size9000: Remember finn use protection [01:22:35] Luucy_333: Are you nervous? hehe [01:22:37] blackdevils521: Lies [01:22:37] pissinmyraisinbran: i dont belive you [01:22:39] bluj40: oh damn youre really going through it huh [01:22:39] heinerfauston: lies [01:22:40] chainedchish: lies [01:22:40] scarlettyg: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:22:41] Streig: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:22:41] mcmaster2000: As someone who's paying for BattlePass - please don't do it if you don't feel comfortable with it [01:22:42] gamerboiii07: You and natt date stream ntw [01:22:42] theraideghost: X [01:22:44] Torcuga: what the hell is happening [01:22:44] brianvorn: Oh don’t be nervous, love, you’ll have a fun time and that what matter don’t over think it [01:22:45] helenaaaauwu: In Birmingham time runs different [01:22:45] nikama6: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:22:47] YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:22:47] NoNamedMisfit_: @NoNamedMisfit_ Ngl they'd be cute together [01:22:48] Amoyamoyamoya: Shopping stopped after the violent video games started. [01:22:48] SeriousTTV: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:22:49] pival81: X [01:22:51] o_slip: @F1NN5TER summer loose dresses are OP [01:22:51] ArminGux: Yeah u flat af [01:22:51] starrynight_fox: hi there ^^ [01:22:53] hiluuu: let us be the judges [01:22:53] ar1st1pp0s: u r a phantasm of the screen [01:22:54] TheRoastiestToast: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:22:54] booberies1: Doubt [01:22:55] pissinmyraisinbran: be fr [01:22:58] johnkeiwo: Chat will not listen and finn will not listen to chat [01:22:58] xerxiaxynn: f1nnCope [01:23:01] doctercorgi: Wrong [01:23:03] andimax11: What’s tough? The dress part? [01:23:04] SeriousTTV: WE arent joking brah [01:23:05] floofyfurlogdog: Cute blouse? [01:23:06] callmegarp: Pretty sure it'd still be cute to us regardless, honestly [01:23:06] ArminGux: Flat in dress is kinda sad [01:23:07] Luucy_333: f1nnHands f1nnHands [01:23:07] blackdevils521: Scam [01:23:07] theraideghost: You can, thats brainworms [01:23:09] jayceedeee: you're too critical of yourself. [01:23:11] TravelingEmpath: I always have to cover my shoulders because theyre still big [01:23:12] Srcsqwrn: :c [01:23:17] jayceedeee: you're going to look great. [01:23:18] Amoyamoyamoya: We talked about other secret things. That took HOURS F1nn. HOURS. [01:23:21] OHMichelleOH: you should charter a cruise ship and do a femboy cruise! I buy a ticket [01:23:22] aSpicyCow: i dont see like anyone will give a shit [01:23:22] brianvorn: Don’t over think it just do it for a meme it’ll be fine [01:23:25] consimiamo: Wear the dress and set up a table with candlelight and order take out in your down-stairs [01:23:26] MelancholicTrout: your safety is always most important sheeno2Heart [01:23:27] nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnHands [01:23:27] YeomanJensen: @johnkeiwo sounds balanced as it should be [01:23:28] karlkat007: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:23:29] KnapperigeKapitein: get a stylist [01:23:30] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER, we're gonna support you regardless of how you look [01:23:31] pissinmyraisinbran: akselMLADY [01:23:33] IdiotKnightKing: share a photo in not perfect lighting so we can honestly hype you up [01:23:33] ArminGux: Try long red dress [01:23:33] rw03_bjw: Dysphoria, that you ? [01:23:33] Zettrex: U got this :) [01:23:35] scarlettyg: Natt certainly wouldn't mind [01:23:35] whimzyplays: Well it's your personalities time to shine!! [01:23:36] robinyoheartk: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:23:36] jimmyhoffa907: Damn I can't post my petition to ban Chris Tyson from MrBreast [01:23:36] CrunchyPopcorn: i hope you all have an UwUTastic day so far [01:23:38] jayceedeee: If you wear high heels natt will look like a midget. [01:23:39] Jeddix: then just don't do it [01:23:40] johnpnicholls1122: yes you can and do you can not give up you've been payed [01:23:40] Helen_Croft: The green April 16 BP post skirt looked good on you @F1NN5TER [01:23:41] MnemonicOverload: London isn't Birmingham [01:23:42] Luucy_333: U got this gremlin!! [01:23:42] viryl_lucas: Just don't give a fuck. [01:23:42] mcmaster2000: Please don't do what you don't want to do, F1nn, seriously [01:23:43] YumeNoZen: I think you could, but skirt and top would be a fine choice too? My top is a size 10, bottoms used to be size 4. Made dresses finicky. [01:23:48] stingemorewhite: Turtle neck sweater dress and knee high boots hide all the unflattering stuff [01:23:48] Cyprohep: hes a big boy is will cope [01:23:49] ArminGux: NAT will be into it [01:23:50] ChasingSol: @jayceedeee Natt is 6'4" [01:23:51] aSpicyCow: natt seems like the kinda dude to not give a fuck tho [01:23:51] brianvorn: Natt doesn’t care [01:23:52] callmegarp: Whatever makes you feel okay is okay...think that's the actual bottom line. [01:23:52] puppymastergrl: "dude" is literally facing dysphoria is "he" not? [01:23:53] NoNamedMisfit_: Why would Natt be embarrassed? O_o [01:23:53] mystchevious1: Natt will eat it up regardless. [01:23:53] medical_size9000: @johnkeiwo im just trolling [01:23:53] Lucridis: Natt won't care [01:23:54] RavingKorea: when did nat give a flying f xD [01:23:54] KoriYuhBoi: Egg [01:23:55] SeriousTTV: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:23:55] phathom_it_me: cottontailWHEEZE [01:23:56] booberies1: Ask Nat [01:23:58] TheRoastiestToast: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [01:23:59] viryl_lucas: "dude" [01:23:59] vrworkouts: Only do what your both comfortable with [01:24:00] shinyhappymatt1905: Surely you've got the final say, [01:24:01] elzorrohablante: Natt don't care [01:24:01] RoxyMoonshine: Natt will not care. [01:24:02] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:24:02] Curvy_PolarBear: Body dismorphia [01:24:02] ArminGux: Dudes in dresses look good [01:24:03] L3W4: i believe [01:24:05] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Accuses me of being wrong about the Nano-Amoya call. I vow revenge. - 2870. [01:24:06] KiriahKolrath: So don't wear a dress. Skirt and top instead? [01:24:07] ArminGux: Get it tailored [01:24:08] floofyfurlogdog: Do what you wanna do, just enjoy the date! [01:24:08] TheRoastiestToast: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [01:24:08] MnemonicOverload: There's nothing wrong with a dude in a dress [01:24:10] NoNamedMisfit_: Natt will love it. You'll be fiiiiine [01:24:11] Luucy_333: But you already did before... [01:24:13] AvaerusEx: We've seen the Japan photos. [01:24:13] sickEvander: Gotta get the right proportions! [01:24:15] TravelingEmpath: yeah, and camera angles change the size of things [01:24:17] AeitZean: Tbh if you go in "guy mode" that would work just as well [01:24:19] vanimal2118: Hay @aspicycow [01:24:19] syllabiczero: its ok you are pretty as is [01:24:19] johnpnicholls1122: 🤣💘💘🙆‍♀️ get ready rose [01:24:20] Streig: Unless your camera is magic, I don't see how you could not be gorgeous in real life [01:24:21] IrishmanSteve: make natt do something aswell then, even the score [01:24:22] lcd_monk: wear a pantsuit [01:24:22] andimax11: Where are you going for the date? Like a restraint? [01:24:23] zoe_with_an_e: Dude... you look amazing [01:24:24] aSpicyCow: hi vanimal [01:24:26] bambilucking: It’s normal to have brain worms. I understand the worry [01:24:26] jayceedeee: you literally got catcalled on walks years ago already. [01:24:27] Srcsqwrn: I understand what you mean, Finn. :c [01:24:28] ArminGux: Ask abi for her fashion guy [01:24:29] helenaaaauwu: If you are not using a fucking Filter you will not look like a guy in real life suddenly lol [01:24:30] MelancholicTrout: @Streig trickyyNodders [01:24:33] shuusugar: aww finn :( [01:24:34] KoriYuhBoi: Cracking I suppose [01:24:34] ZOMBIFIEDLANA: Finn if people still think your a woman, I don’t think it will be any different irl [01:24:35] YeomanJensen: black trash bag as the first dress, move on up from there [01:24:39] tgdmshow: @amoyamoyamoya are his words true or is he coping about not looking good [01:24:40] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Like, did y'all try any skirt/top options? I know a ton of F1nns closet probably tends towards the not good for outside. [01:24:41] spankardmine: That's transphobic to yourself [01:24:42] NichtzNeues: You just have to wear a dress that was not bought in Amazon for cheap [01:24:42] brianvorn: No one in the street of London doesn’t care if your a dude in a dress they’ll look the other way [01:24:43] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER You want vanimal and I to pick something else? [01:24:43] Helen_Croft: The green April 16 BP post skirt looked good on you @F1NN5TER [01:24:44] ArdaRobotic: You look amazing [01:24:46] cuddlebear187: GO TO CANADA (((First)))9 [01:24:47] DeflatedEagles: Bro, you're genuinely beautiful, you would look amazing! [01:24:49] hiluuu: believe him [01:24:51] viryl_lucas: overthinking [01:24:52] abbydunfee04: HIIIIII [01:24:54] booberies1: If he doesn't mind it should be fine [01:24:54] scarlettyg: You get ma'amed IRL [01:24:55] dougburnsplays: im late whats bad? [01:24:56] medical_size9000: I hope Natt doesn't mind sharing Finn with cotton [01:24:57] Luucy_333: You got this :) [01:24:59] hopalongtommy: Have a private dinner at your house? [01:25:00] thanatoscar: i have gone out dressed as a girl and believe me, you care way more than anyone else out there [01:25:01] andimax11: Oooooh come on. Don’t worry about Nat lol. Worse case scenario he’ll think it’s funny right? [01:25:01] aSpicyCow: f1nn i think ur the only one whos gonna care tho [01:25:01] johnpnicholls1122: date set now girl [01:25:02] emilyhellokitty: I'm here F1NN 🤗🌼 [01:25:05] vanimal2118: Howdy @deflatedeagles [01:25:05] OHMichelleOH: dono goal-charter a cruise ship for femboy cruise [01:25:07] IdiotKnightKing: If your not comfortable don't do it, but I bet you look better than you think you do [01:25:08] ArminGux: Try the black dress [01:25:09] NorthGuard1: sooo insecure 🥺 [01:25:09] jimmyhoffa907: I'm glad you are exploring yourself without permanently damaging your mind and body @ Chris Tyson [01:25:10] Amoyamoyamoya: Chat, believe what F1nn's saying. [01:25:10] YeomanJensen: there's always the birthday suit option Kappa [01:25:10] RedHairedRobin: 3 raiders from RedHairedRobin have joined! [01:25:10] abbydunfee04: You should go to a pride festival [01:25:11] MrPink0000: so dont wear a dress [01:25:12] Vbitz: Go to New Zealand. [01:25:13] elzorrohablante: Get padding [01:25:14] ???: hi girl [01:25:15] Ramaj_A: finn doesn't realize, this is the same thought that alot of trans people have all the time. and 99% of the time, they are more embarrased and worried than anyone they come across. [01:25:16] Amoyamoyamoya: Chat, believe what F1nn's saying. [01:25:18] 0minifemboy0: Than keep the attention face to face so he won't see ur outfit [01:25:18] AVE_LVCI: maybe a dress with shoulderss [01:25:18] bearlier: Where a skirt and a shirt instead [01:25:20] TravelingEmpath: wear corset? [01:25:22] johnkeiwo: then just don't wear a dress :) [01:25:23] vanimal2118: obkatHey rynHai Raiders [01:25:24] Math354e: If the dress id the problem show us something else that looks good [01:25:24] callmegarp: This actually is dysphoria. Doesn't mean Finn is trans, but the fear he's describing is textbook. [01:25:24] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER you know from the BP that we don't care. [01:25:25] aSpicyCow: does it HAVE to be a dress???? [01:25:26] JustChickenwing: I get that we only see this angle and lighting, but might this kinda be in your head? That you look like a man in your eyes because you see yourself as a man? [01:25:26] RoxyMoonshine: Overthinking. Just do it and whatever happens happens. As long as no one gets hurt, everything is fine [01:25:26] nsane_monkey: a-line dresses/skirts camoflauge that [01:25:27] robinyoheartk: Adorable [01:25:27] F1rstPick: corset? [01:25:27] shinyhappymatt1905: Raincheck it and just catch up with your friend? [01:25:27] Bolttu: just have boob surgery temporarily [01:25:28] syllabiczero: then lets not make him wear a dress [01:25:28] maxrebo13: Just try skirt and top or even jeans .. [01:25:31] dolphin909: Do as you said wear tether and skirt <3 [01:25:33] mcmaster2000: Guys, everyone here, PLEASE don't try to pressure him into something he's not comfortable with [01:25:33] booberies1: A line dress? [01:25:36] Amoyamoyamoya: He's right for the reasons that matter to him. [01:25:36] jayceedeee: The only thing you should worry about is 9001 people hitting on you while you're out. [01:25:37] ArminGux: Flat f1nn be sad [01:25:37] helenaaaauwu: there are dresses that hide shoulders and your arms arent to big [01:25:37] gorillaz72O: So wear that, it's cute and casual [01:25:39] KoriYuhBoi: I'd still hit I'd still hit lol [01:25:39] PhilipMooney: You can't stand straight [01:25:42] Amoyamoyamoya: DON'T SHOW THE PHOTO [01:25:45] Amoyamoyamoya: DON'T SHOW THE PHOTO [01:25:45] ???: hi chat [01:25:46] Amoyamoyamoya: DON'T SHOW THE PHOTO [01:25:47] RavingKorea: i couldn't even stand straight if i tried to [01:25:48] TravelingEmpath: I believe you, but it's sad [01:25:48] L3W4: standing straight as opposed to..... [01:25:49] Nenkos: @jimmyhoffa907 elaborate [01:25:51] anyashame: HELLLOOO [01:25:51] tomhekker: @F1NN5TER, do whatever feels good :) [01:25:54] ITZHYP3RION: What did f1nn5ter say to whiten his skin [01:25:54] Streig: Was it stipulated that you have to wear a dress? [01:25:55] PulgarcitoElWarioxs: Dont use a dress???? use a skirt??? [01:25:56] residualcorn538: just wear the baggy clothes then, being comfortable is more imporant [01:25:56] consimiamo: lol [01:25:58] MelancholicTrout: xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek xikavtKek [01:25:59] TommyTheAlien_p_q_: So your saying.....the boy clothes were girl clothes the whole time! [01:25:59] Luucy_333: KEKW [01:26:00] Coolcalcacol: @Amoyamoyamoya leak it [01:26:01] MooskiBG: Posture is a huge part of how you're perceived if that's important to you [01:26:02] aSpicyCow: show me the photo TrollDespair [01:26:02] puppymastergrl: can you make that bbl appointment before the date? 😂 [01:26:02] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. [01:26:03] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:26:04] themindscrambler: donos paused again? [01:26:04] nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [01:26:05] ventrif: Bark [01:26:06] robinyoheartk: I have the photo. Kill me [01:26:06] ???: what is a femboy tbh? [01:26:06] Amoyamoyamoya: I don't have the photo [01:26:06] rykziz: FBI couldn't get the photo out of him. [01:26:07] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:26:07] emilyhellokitty: Why am a red ♥️ can I have pink 🩷 letters please 🥹 [01:26:07] AeitZean: Just go in guy mode 🤷‍♀️ [01:26:08] medical_size9000: Natt can lift and carry you in various ways [01:26:09] IrishmanSteve: monkaW [01:26:09] braddle172: f1nnMonka [01:26:10] brianvorn: Wear a different dress if it bother you just go on a date for fun lol [01:26:10] nanou_la_fake: !size [01:26:10] Amoyamoyamoya: SHIT [01:26:10] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3 (may be increasing soon). Updated in February 2023. [01:26:10] gaddafi_duck_: Wear something flattering then. Doesn't have to be a dress. Just something more fem than what you normally wear IRL [01:26:11] Jonathan4580: say sike for legal reasons lol [01:26:11] AvaerusEx: It's that bad? [01:26:12] Amoyamoyamoya: FUCK [01:26:13] scatteredleaves: agent 47 [01:26:13] blackdevils521: Scam [01:26:14] Cyprohep: Give us the pic [01:26:14] RoxyMoonshine: f1nnMonka [01:26:14] KoriYuhBoi: London style [01:26:15] AVE_LVCI: LOL [01:26:15] unovaismyregion: Leak it!! [01:26:15] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG [01:26:16] JustChickenwing: @amoyamoyamoya Because it was bad or bc you wanna keep it to yourself? 🤔 [01:26:16] consimiamo: KEKW [01:26:16] vanimal2118: Funny [01:26:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: He can hire Mr Beast's hitman [01:26:17] effthelf: Don't bail, dress masc but still do the dress [01:26:17] ArminGux: F1nn will get the doctor to cut u [01:26:18] Luucy_333: Now I wanna see it [01:26:18] scarlettyg: I'm so sorry you couldn't find anything you could've felt comfortable wearing [01:26:18] shuusugar: do whatever feels right and comfortable finn [01:26:19] jgm8675309: leak it [01:26:20] SeriousTTV: @Amoyamoyamoya f1nnCope [01:26:21] PhilipMooney: Amoya is in Vegas? That explains a lot [01:26:23] GoPrymix_: Would you do it for a Klondike bar? [01:26:23] Amoyamoyamoya: I'M DED CHAT [01:26:24] tomhekker: @Amoyamoyamoya, well, RIP [01:26:24] xboxmods: Visa about to get denied [01:26:24] Helen_Croft: you can to the US finn to hit amoya [01:26:26] mcmaster2000: Hang on, I though Amoya was a bot? Chris said so! [01:26:26] o_slip: @F1NN5TER buy shapewear + a flowy summer dress, ez curves and looks cute [01:26:26] boringdepressedintrovert: !quote [01:26:27] StrawberryCheescake25: Omg [01:26:27] rykziz: In minecraft right? [01:26:27] hiluuu: i think everyone agrees that you feeling confident and comfy is the most important [01:26:27] Amoyamoyamoya: SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! [01:26:28] YumeNoZen: F1nn, you'd just have to use a 'delete' command with Amoya. [01:26:28] bluj40: dudes going through the full GNC experience, relatable [01:26:28] jgm8675309: leak it ples [01:26:29] ArminGux: We get it [01:26:30] zoe_with_an_e: I have it. [01:26:30] theraideghost: Dysphoria? [01:26:31] anyashame: ooooo wheres this photo [01:26:32] nazoHomuLily: doubt but *shrug* [01:26:32] know1_0: ? [01:26:32] johnkeiwo: then just don't wear a dress and wear whatever makes u feel comfortable [01:26:32] RavingKorea: the photo has no eyes, so it will not see us [01:26:32] imNotSubbed: you know that you still have support when we can tell you're a dude...the BP proves it @F1NN5TER [01:26:33] johnkeiwo: then just don't wear a dress and wear whatever makes u feel comfortable [01:26:34] ArminGux: Yeah u a dude [01:26:35] ???: what is a femboy? [01:26:35] PulgarcitoElWarioxs: it needs to be a dress?? why not just a skirt? [01:26:36] blackdevils521: Wear a dress [01:26:37] RoxyMoonshine: I got a sniper ready and waiting LUL [01:26:37] Telluzerlaw: Prove it [01:26:39] aSpicyCow: amoya sent me the photo TrollDespair [01:26:40] hotdogwatt3r: Is it on Reddit yet [01:26:40] pacificviewer: do what you think is best fin [01:26:41] TravelingEmpath: Could do like the skirt and hoodie thing [01:26:42] IrishmanSteve: how can you whole heartedly believe that [01:26:43] ArminGux: Box don't go in curves [01:26:43] emilyhellokitty: Ok [01:26:45] anyashame: who does your nails [01:26:45] Bolttu: you need booba [01:26:45] shuusugar: you don't have to wear a dress if u dont want to finn [01:26:46] zoe_with_an_e: I have the photo. [01:26:46] AvaerusEx: We need you to understand, some of us would think you look good in a garbage bag. [01:26:46] robbie1945: streamer doxes trans mod on live stream r/lsf [01:26:48] booberies1: Have natt fight them if anyone says anything [01:26:51] marleejoy1164: man it’s 7am [01:26:51] StrawberryCheescake25: Leave Amoya alone @f1nn5ter [01:26:51] RockinLockin: just wear whatever that makes you feel comfortable! [01:26:52] tgdmshow: Then wear a crop top and a skirt like usually [01:26:52] Frosty790: no problem. we just drop the whole thing and all good. [01:26:53] Streig: Don't wear a dress. Wear what you feel works. [01:26:54] hiluuu: wear what makes u comfy [01:26:54] QuBycle: ask abby? [01:26:55] brianvorn: Come on stop over thinking it dude just do it [01:26:56] johnpnicholls1122: 😋best be getting the hrt and fast [01:26:57] v4tten: Dress + sweater? [01:26:57] KnapperigeKapitein: finn, i'm jacked and i can dress myself to look less muscular. If I can you most certainly can. [01:26:59] thanatoscar: it will be fine [01:27:00] GingerWithEnV: I struggle with how wide my shoulders are in dresses, but crocheted cardigans often help [01:27:03] MelancholicTrout: i get what you mean [01:27:03] YeomanJensen: the hitmen are always the FBI, that's a way to get a long-term stay in the US [01:27:05] RockinLockin: this isn't worth the stress tbh [01:27:06] bigb1995_: Hi hi [01:27:06] johnkeiwo: then just don't wear a dress and wear whatever makes u feel comfortable [01:27:07] andimax11: Yeah if you’re seriously uncomfortable don’t go [01:27:07] sergiug85: in the 1st videos when you went out you looked amazin...wth man [01:27:08] isthisrp: WEAR A SUIT [01:27:08] callmegarp: Too much pressure on yourself. Or maybe its from us. Anyhow, too much pressure [01:27:10] robbie1945: @AvaerusEx this [01:27:10] anyashame: man i got zero fem bucks [01:27:11] MelancholicTrout: dresses are figure huggin [01:27:12] nazoHomuLily: how many simps for hrt? [01:27:12] kusanagikura: hey [01:27:13] victinilover100: f1nnGremlin [01:27:15] urchinstyle: Wear something else meeting natty then if dress doesn't work [01:27:17] AraAra_Capybara: Femboi mafia [01:27:18] Streig: I don't see a lot of people demanding the dress so....don't wear one. [01:27:20] gaddafi_duck_: Wear something you're comfortable with, just a bit more fem than usual [01:27:21] Lucridis: I always get Cher and Beyonce mixed up [01:27:21] shuusugar: if ur uncomfortable dont do it [01:27:22] AcheronToEros: You should definitely talk to Abby then. [01:27:23] PulgarcitoElWarioxs: why a dress? why not just a skirt? [01:27:23] tomhekker: @F1NN5TER really do whatever feels good bro [01:27:24] medical_size9000: Natt is lucky to find a sex femboy I hope I'm that lucky finn [01:27:25] scarlettyg: Seriously though, a long cardigan could help a whole lot [01:27:26] twin_cdj: Been there.......... dude in a dress. We look like straight out the movie white chick's. [01:27:26] hiluuu: get natt to wear a dress too [01:27:26] Helen_Croft: what about a long skirt? [01:27:27] YumeNoZen: Hire a stylist for a day? [01:27:29] ArminGux: Dude what in the [01:27:30] AIRHydrant: wear what you wore on philosophytube's set [01:27:31] kusanagikura: !size [01:27:31] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3 (may be increasing soon). Updated in February 2023. [01:27:32] medical_size9000: Sexy* [01:27:37] checkbookstub: Your eyelashes are always so on point [01:27:37] robbie1945: just wear lingerie [01:27:37] johnkeiwo: Fuck the 15k [01:27:39] ArminGux: 15k for dress wtf [01:27:41] anyashame: FINS WHAT [01:27:41] blackdevils521: Wear your suit [01:27:43] twisted_music08: Finns pp to big for a dress 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣 [01:27:44] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn threatens my life over The Photo. . - 2930 [01:27:45] callmegarp: Maybe a lighter, less girly girlmode? [01:27:47] aSpicyCow: Chump Change OMEGALUL [01:27:47] MelancholicTrout: what *is* a dress though? [01:27:49] theraideghost: A skirt is okay too [01:27:50] unovaismyregion: Would you wear a dress for Cotton? [01:27:50] JustChickenwing: We just gotta decide where that 15k is going instead if you chicken out..... [01:27:50] keller4589: F the 15k [01:27:51] MrPink0000: read IAmNotSubbed message [01:27:51] Helen_Croft: what about a long skirt? [01:27:53] GoPrymix_: Fan meet up in America 🇺🇸? [01:27:53] residualcorn538: maybe make the 15k go to something else [01:27:55] ArminGux: U can do Artemis style dress [01:27:55] AvaerusEx: Is there a certain length it has to be to count as a "dress"? [01:27:55] ChasingSol: The dono goal wasn't specifically a dress, was it? [01:27:56] YumeNoZen: I think comfortable skirt/top combo would be good. [01:27:56] mcmaster2000: There was 300k on girl voice too... fuck it ;) [01:27:56] PulgarcitoElWarioxs: skirt gang [01:27:59] ramboo1989: Ayooo [01:28:01] johnkeiwo: just wear what makes u comfy nobody serious and worth it will care about it [01:28:02] Sabhis: Buy a car with 15k not clothes [01:28:06] dcgaw4p1999: Skirt and blouse? [01:28:07] shinyhappymatt1905: Matching suits? [01:28:07] johnkeiwo: it's not worth the headache [01:28:08] TheRoastiestToast: Then don’t wear it [01:28:09] helenaaaauwu: Do you know like these girls whoo always say they've sucked on a test. But always get the best grade in the end every time? Or always say they are ugly but they are pretty as Hell? Someone here pretty much reminds me of them [01:28:10] lwazithesyne: Fancy ain't really needed [01:28:11] XENOMAN5: Little for big dress? [01:28:12] Amoyamoyamoya: Show them the picture of you in the bed. LOL. [01:28:12] ArminGux: Short dress [01:28:13] GingerWithEnV: Honestly try adding a bolero cardigan it will help [01:28:16] aSpicyCow: 15k is chump change i literally have 15$ [01:28:17] booberies1: No one will say anything [01:28:18] YeomanJensen: embrace the cringe [01:28:18] checkbookstub: Buy a knife with $15k [01:28:20] shuusugar: dont wear a dress if u dont want to [01:28:23] o_slip: just do a normal date wearing what you want,, then do an e-date with the dress to appease the donators [01:28:24] andimax11: More private stream date in the dress? Not in public [01:28:24] JustChickenwing: You missed two a week ago [01:28:24] thanatoscar: you are just nervous, it happens to us all [01:28:24] IdiotKnightKing: didnt you miss one last stream? [01:28:25] tac0bby: tac0bby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! ❤️ [01:28:25] tac0bby: ❤️ [01:28:25] f3mmbot: tac0bby subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:28:25] Stovamor: English in chat please [01:28:27] sweethki: A lot of trans women would envy the way you look. [01:28:27] AeitZean: They demanded a dress, but could you have someone else wear it? [01:28:27] webwormx: omg cool sword [01:28:28] Streig: We want you to be comfy. Its you, so you'll look good regardless [01:28:31] keller4589: 🧢 [01:28:31] AvaerusEx: If you don't speak people will just think you're a lanky girl. [01:28:32] nathat233: wear a kilt [01:28:32] nikama6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:28:32] crazyfairy81: You'd be surprised how little other people notice. I thought I looked terrible when I first started transitioning and I still got correctly gendered [01:28:32] AraAra_Capybara: I have one tomorrow at 5 [01:28:33] syllabiczero: can we not do this he isnt comfy with it [01:28:34] Frosty790: yeah, what john said [01:28:34] Lucridis: Make Natt wear a dress too. Problem solved [01:28:36] dbbs3: Pretty sure the dress was added like last stream [01:28:36] RoxyMoonshine: At this point, if the dress is making you uncomfortable, then wear a simple crop too and skirt. Still a girly outfit, and it’s comfy [01:28:36] NorthGuard1: bro Natt is big and tall he will protecc [01:28:38] TravelingEmpath: It's fine, i feel like people will understand [01:28:38] vanimal2118: As long as u and @natt r safe and have fun, the contract will be fulfilled. [01:28:40] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER most of that goal was from Vanimal and I. We can change it. [01:28:41] nikama6: BE ONE [01:28:42] supersaiyinaxel: Show us your feet [01:28:42] emilyhellokitty: Can I get my name in Hello Kitty pink 🩷 please 😊 [01:28:42] Luucy_333: f1nnHands f1nnHands [01:28:42] ArminGux: Guys in dresses walk around with beards [01:28:42] hopalongtommy: Do a private dinner at home, get a chef in to cook for you [01:28:45] PulgarcitoElWarioxs: skirt is a dress in my eyes Kappa [01:28:47] KoriYuhBoi: A skirt and hoodie will suffice love @f1nn5ter [01:28:47] MelancholicTrout: poofy tutu style skirt will hide hips, that you can have baggy hoody style jacket on top [01:28:48] brianvorn: Excuses ! You do look like a girl and everyone confuse as one come on man do it !!! [01:28:50] JustChickenwing: Oof [01:28:50] heinerfauston: you already look like a cute girl, why do you need a dress? [01:28:50] sarathearcher1: It's 95% about comfidence F1nn [01:28:55] syrengamer_2005: Hi [01:28:58] SaneEmiruFireZeusT1Weekly: true [01:29:03] Streig: contract holders have said the dress doesn't matter! [01:29:03] knxggles: yeah that feeling fucking SUCKS [01:29:05] sherlock_norris: do it ironically, it's worked before [01:29:06] nazoHomuLily: yeah tbh like if ya dont wanna wear one dont but we honestly feel like that you would be pretty if you did ^^~ [01:29:08] thekingone10: Leggins and blouse and heels [01:29:09] floofyfurlogdog: Go on a picnic to a private spot? [01:29:09] twin_cdj: Chat don't understand LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:29:15] viryl_lucas: egg [01:29:16] AeitZean: Wear trousers over the dress. Rules met LUL [01:29:16] AvaerusEx: You've NEVER looked like a drag queen. [01:29:17] JustChickenwing: Fully understandable [01:29:18] callmegarp: awwwww...darling... [01:29:18] Eromaw: KEKW [01:29:19] HammerOfVenus: Quit selling yourself short, you look JUST LIKE a woman! [01:29:19] shuusugar: aww finn :c [01:29:19] ArminGux: Do u want to be viewed as female in a dress [01:29:20] Amoyamoyamoya: Chat, you're not going to be able budge him from his position. [01:29:22] blackdevils521: The dark blue dress was nice [01:29:26] nazoHomuLily: 🥚 [01:29:26] Amoyamoyamoya: I tried. [01:29:27] ramboo1989: 🍳🥚 [01:29:30] 0minifemboy0: Keep the attention face to face so he won't notice the outfit [01:29:31] phathom_it_me: It's comparable to a cosplay that doesn't hit. People will except it but it won't fulfill the intention [01:29:31] Nenkos: so you understand how we feel daily lol [01:29:31] robinyoheartk: Bucks hat better [01:29:31] viryl_lucas: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [01:29:31] Helen_Croft: What about the outfit i send you in DM? @F1NN5TER [01:29:32] medical_size9000: Are you going to cook for natt like good housewife [01:29:33] nothitch: he has a nice hat collection [01:29:35] galcticoverlrd: true brit [01:29:35] sergiug85: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, no ? [01:29:35] armann24: you would fit soo well in here in iceland [01:29:37] 0minifemboy0: face so he won't notice the outfit [01:29:37] AeitZean: Just wear the dress under something [01:29:38] chubbabubs: Minding your own LOL [01:29:40] L0hna: do what you feel comfortable with <3 [01:29:40] Frosty790: relatable [01:29:44] Amoyamoyamoya: @nothitch, Which one did you take? [01:29:44] boringdepressedintrovert: big mood [01:29:44] OHMichelleOH: peacock [01:29:44] ArminGux: So u want to present fem [01:29:45] Dak1096: Embrace the kringe and make it a joke [01:29:45] rykziz: @Amoyamoyamoya what position? [01:29:46] twisted_music08: can't dom f1nnNomods [01:29:46] texgotyou: X_X [01:29:47] rollingface87: Your dysphoria hoody and cap? [01:29:48] voiceofthevoid999: "I like going through life normally - oh wait that's my bra not my hat" -A perfectly normal manly man [01:29:48] JacobCCS: Fin prep foritby going out with an ahegao hoodie, you'll be used to feeling embarrassed in public [01:29:48] johnkeiwo: A big part of the cishet in chat won't be able to get this [01:29:48] vanimal2118: Brave @aspicycow , Nano and Astra have been in public in Girl mode. [01:29:49] callmegarp: @Amoyamoyamoya :/ Thanks for tryin [01:29:49] AraAra_Capybara: f1nnEgg [01:29:49] TheRoastiestToast: Be bunny [01:29:49] booberies1: Most people don't look at others [01:29:50] bearlier: I think your attitude has changed from earlier streams where you were walking out dresses a girl and more concerned with it being a funny bit back then [01:29:50] nazoHomuLily: f1nnEgg [01:29:53] HotAutism: If people think you are a drag queen, they just don't know what a drag queen is [01:29:55] scarlettyg: ballroom dress with a hoop skirt KEKW [01:29:55] quieteve13: quieteve13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 month let’s go [01:29:55] nothitch: @Amoyamoyamoya none yet [01:29:55] f3mmbot: quieteve13 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:29:59] helenaaaauwu: @Amoyamoyamoya Yeah he is just to dellusional about how he looks i guess ^^ [01:30:04] tgdmshow: Then go out with some comfy stuff. It is what it is [01:30:06] knxggles: it doesnt matter how good WE think he'll look, if he doesnt feel it then it definitely feels fucking bad [01:30:08] twin_cdj: Camera tactics [01:30:12] riblak_: Wtf [01:30:12] 0minifemboy0: Keep the attention face so he won't notice the outfit [01:30:15] thekingone10: Important dress collar [01:30:16] shinyhappymatt1905: Top hat and tails? [01:30:17] andimax11: Just don’t stop posing [01:30:19] gorillaz72O: You are your own biggest critic. You are gorgeous! [01:30:19] booberies1: If people in irl don't like the way you look that a them problem [01:30:20] chubbabubs: ezeggStare what I do [01:30:20] mystchevious1: What you're describing is being a non passing trans girl. It's... Hard. And I'm very sorry you feel bad. I never want to see you in pain. [01:30:22] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Hey Chat, can you maybe leave Finn alone over the femme shit rn... They obviously going through something. Let's just give them something happy to talk about hey? 🥰 [01:30:22] ArminGux: Yeah [01:30:24] Streig: you know what looks good on you, so can't you wear one of those outfits and not a dress? [01:30:25] danny_schonberg: I believe you’ll look good anyways [01:30:27] viryl_lucas: yeqh [01:30:27] unovaismyregion: PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko [01:30:28] maxrebo13: Where was your head at when you went to the park with Riza ? [01:30:29] jandraelune: Accessories make outfits better. Like a crop jacket and belt. [01:30:29] viryl_lucas: yeah [01:30:30] phathom_it_me: You want to do the outfit justice [01:30:35] ArminGux: Yeah u dude [01:30:35] mcmaster2000: When he said you wimper n your sleep? [01:30:35] Srcsqwrn: It's different when you're not safe and in a hugbox [01:30:36] riblak_: Are u a boy or a girl ? Sorry for the question [01:30:36] callmegarp: That wasn't about looks [01:30:36] MajesticFvckingEagle: @lone_cosmonaut_jackie based chatter [01:30:37] KnapperigeKapitein: there was a chris stream? [01:30:38] floofyfurlogdog: Yeah [01:30:38] AvaerusEx: We've seen more candid photos though. You still looked cute. [01:30:39] consimiamo: kekw [01:30:40] jayceedeee: I never called you an egg. [01:30:42] Kayver_: how about trying like a Alt look / style, a big hoodie, thigh highs, boots and a beannie or bow or head band? [01:30:42] AeitZean: I think you haven't learned yet how much other people do not care. If they look at you twice I'd be surprised [01:30:42] aSpicyCow: a wittle bit fwooty [01:30:44] ChasingSol: @riblak_ a guy [01:30:44] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [01:30:44] bearlier: Lil fruity [01:30:48] nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [01:30:49] YeomanJensen: I pretend I wasn't [01:30:49] ArminGux: Am gay, an attracted, u dude [01:30:49] 1ratking: When you going back on pka [01:30:49] rykziz: @lone_cosmonaut_jackie he/him [01:30:50] andimax11: That’s a vibe thing [01:30:52] MelancholicTrout: a dress is just a skirt attached to a bodice [01:30:52] Helen_Croft: but did chris say that for behavior or looks? [01:30:53] TheoHUN7: I think u care much more then anyone would who sees you irl in a dress @F1NN5TER [01:30:54] druskys_jerkChicken: yeah [01:30:55] tgdmshow: Yes, the "straightest queer person" [01:30:55] Math354e: well you weren't trying then you were with him [01:30:56] A666_Bella: No [01:30:56] theraideghost: X [01:30:56] StrawberryCheescake25: Manly man [01:30:57] nazoHomuLily: honestly wish i could give good advise so alas our experience is with our egg self being trans lol :3 [01:30:59] twisted_music08: Lol [01:31:01] AeitZean: Don't then SeemsGood [01:31:02] SeriousTTV: thats just cuz u vibe dude around friends but look like a girl... [01:31:02] Alkno_93: chatt its true [01:31:02] brianvorn: Aren’t they yes men tho ? [01:31:03] andimax11: I don’t think that has anything to do with your appearance right? [01:31:04] AIRHydrant: the outfit from the strwam u did in the living room worked [01:31:04] AShDistance: watched it on youtube, and kinda agree, looking at you [01:31:05] callmegarp: what happened to "everyone who knows me doesn't see me as either gender" from a month ago? [01:31:07] shwapineer: Don't ruin my delusions [01:31:08] bdix727: your latest battlepass set is pretty convincing [01:31:09] nazoHomuLily: also you could f1nn [01:31:10] KiriahKolrath: Wimper [01:31:11] shuusugar: its ok im a lil fruity too [01:31:13] viljosayshi: Oh god it got that bad? [01:31:14] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Mentions Chris's comment about F1nn not being an Egg if you saw him IRL. - 2850 [01:31:15] nothitch: Just need to shave his head, and he's fine, also you lost $1800, not $2000 [01:31:16] AeitZean: That was fun SeemsGood [01:31:16] ArminGux: U didn't get it in the end [01:31:17] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: @majesticfvckingeagle thanks hun, I just care yknow [01:31:17] viryl_lucas: lol [01:31:18] viljosayshi: I went to sleep at 3am [01:31:18] ramboo1989: Scam [01:31:19] chubbabubs: LOL oh no [01:31:19] nikama6: wait your not wahman ? [01:31:21] Streig: Then it doesn't have to be a"date" let it be an outing [01:31:22] voiceofthevoid999: Omfg I did forget about that. You Gremlin [01:31:23] AvaerusEx: F1nn's just got higher standards than we do. [01:31:26] Chri55PBacon: LUL [01:31:26] rollingface87: I literally have no idea what your talking about [01:31:27] PeterTheMostlyOK: Sleep whimperer [01:31:28] theraideghost: Whimpy princess [01:31:28] nothitch: yeah [01:31:31] twisted_music08: GayPride #bean [01:31:32] mcmaster2000: All I remember from that stream is you wimpering in your stream :) [01:31:34] boringdepressedintrovert: what stream? [01:31:35] NichtzNeues: What difference does it make in London?? [01:31:35] scarlettyg: It doesn't matter how other people don't care as long as F1nn cares, he's the one who has to know if he feels good in it or doesn't [01:31:38] dolphin909: Dress In Norway it means suit :P [01:31:38] CJKDB: The chat has perfect memory of all your embarrassing moments. [01:31:40] Streig: whimper gate will never be forgotten [01:31:50] ArminGux: As long as u look good to NAT that's what matters [01:31:54] Helen_Croft: !music [01:31:54] f3mmbot: 8-Bit Universe https://www.youtube.com/c/8BitUniverse [01:31:56] aSpicyCow: i would do it [01:31:58] copethewizard: Judgemental [01:31:59] booberies1: I'd do it [01:31:59] twin_cdj: I thought this was a media stream...... LUL [01:31:59] Cynikoarts: ABSOLUTELY [01:32:00] viryl_lucas: HUH [01:32:01] aSpicyCow: anything for my queen id do it [01:32:01] Smiling_Shelly: You looked fine in your walking stream [01:32:02] nothitch: fun day [01:32:02] ArminGux: I would do it if legal [01:32:02] SAD_DE: sure [01:32:02] twisted_music08: FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning [01:32:02] Ramaj_A: how much does this pay? [01:32:03] viryl_lucas: why naked [01:32:04] consimiamo: kekw [01:32:05] blackhippy21: not the same [01:32:05] jayceedeee: You need to do what every girl does before a romantic first date: Liquid courage. [01:32:06] druskys_jerkChicken: yes mommy [01:32:07] residualcorn538: you underestimate chat [01:32:07] booberies1: Would [01:32:07] nikama6: (((aware))) [01:32:08] HotAutism: Dude you are so a dude that after months of girl mode, you are still feeling like man. I can't see something more cis male than that LUL [01:32:09] AvaerusEx: How much will you pay me/ [01:32:09] MelancholicTrout: baomoteOmegalul [01:32:11] SacksoGaming: LUL [01:32:11] chubbabubs: Existing in real life is completely different yeah [01:32:12] TheJebusChrist: If Finny asks me..SURE [01:32:12] YeomanJensen: for how many monies? [01:32:12] AeitZean: Id do that, but the rozzers won't let me [01:32:13] sherlock_norris: that's public indecency [01:32:14] rollingface87: I'd rather not be arrested [01:32:15] bearlier: Anything for you queen [01:32:15] Amoyamoyamoya: Public nudity is legal though isn't it? [01:32:18] YumeNoZen: Oh, donos paused. I have a supportive one in the queue now. [01:32:19] shwapineer: Exhibitionist [01:32:20] AIRHydrant: im proud of my shmeat ill do it [01:32:21] GingerWithEnV: It is not a cold day, I literally got sunburnt today [01:32:22] KnapperigeKapitein: i modeled in a shopping window in my underwear [01:32:23] nazoHomuLily: hey only my sub [01:32:24] Amoyamoyamoya: Or is it just being topless? [01:32:29] ArminGux: U don't want attention [01:32:29] urchinstyle: I like not being arrested [01:32:29] judgedame: Okay good to know [01:32:31] brianvorn: Didn’t you once said an Uber driver flirt it with you and a group of drunk flirting you from you last stream ? [01:32:32] booberies1: As long I'm not gonna get arrested [01:32:32] blackdevils521: 🐔 🐔 [01:32:33] tgdmshow: That is one hell of a comparison [01:32:35] SeriousTTV: just like a women [01:32:36] misha666420: do what ur comfy with [01:32:36] lwazithesyne: Fuck others [01:32:37] viryl_lucas: I feel that way honestly. [01:32:38] dotelledots: your feelings about this is obviously the most important thing. what a bad time to feel uncomfortable when trying to have a fun day out [01:32:40] ramboo1989: I would but with a sock [01:32:40] AraAra_Capybara: Oh Finn, love. We know how scary it is. f1nnHeart [01:32:40] JustChickenwing: Strong boi Clap [01:32:40] thanatoscar: it is an idea, not the real thing, try it [01:32:41] xcastanovax: 💪💪💪💪💪 [01:32:42] nazoHomuLily: ;3 [01:32:42] GingerWithEnV: Although it is almost 11pm atm, so it is cold now [01:32:42] jgm8675309: ok i like the cooled [01:32:43] pansnake_: Oi m8 av u got a loisence for that nudity? [01:32:44] Lucridis: Maybe it'd be better to do something in public where there's less people or with more friends to ease you in [01:32:46] SeriousTTV: worried about how ppl see you [01:32:48] Eni_game: That would be indecent exposure, ie illegal [01:32:49] beeessalot: It’s ok feeling that way is totally normal [01:32:53] AvaerusEx: The anticipation is making you anxious. It won't be as bad as you're imagining. [01:32:55] mystchevious1: You mean like looking like an American Footballer and putting on a dress in public? It's fucking terrifying and I gets scared even now. [01:32:56] bluj40: many of us can relate [01:32:56] ramboo1989: Red Hot Chili Peppers style [01:32:57] KiriahKolrath: Anxiety is a bitch [01:32:57] xcastanovax: 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 [01:32:58] hiluuu: we believe in u [01:32:58] booberies1: 🫂 [01:32:59] nikama6: lil agoraphobia and social anxiety [01:33:03] JustChickenwing: Yeah that's a hurdle for sure [01:33:04] YeomanJensen: behold my nekkid body izidRipped [01:33:05] mcmaster2000: Don't do it, if you don't want to, for God's sake, please. [01:33:05] hiluuu: we can hype u up [01:33:08] AeitZean: As a public persona you actually have an image to maintain. I get it. Do guy mode [01:33:10] Smiling_Shelly: Mental Block Again [01:33:10] ArminGux: Social transitions are tough good luck [01:33:11] callmegarp: We'll still hang out with youuuuuuu [01:33:11] GiantmEmber: Bbimbofectionist [01:33:13] scarlettyg: as a non-passing trans girl, I understand it perfectly [01:33:13] andimax11: Have a couple drinks before you go to take the edge off [01:33:13] Anelm8799: wouldint u want to chill in some thigh highs an a tight skirt with heels [01:33:15] MelancholicTrout: see it as a performance [01:33:16] supremejumba: Just got here whats he talking about? [01:33:17] AraAra_Capybara: Only do it if you can manage the consequential emotions. f1nnHeart [01:33:18] stingemorewhite: Fembrained [01:33:20] uc00: Just imagine you are in a simulation and everyone is an NPC [01:33:21] Gem_UnHinged: What about gradually easing yourself into more feminine outfits in public? [01:33:21] Amoyamoyamoya: Support his decision Chat. [01:33:21] chubbabubs: It might also just be something in your head, because you haven’t done it yet [01:33:22] mystchevious1: That's a common trans experience. [01:33:22] HotAutism: Just keep some spare clothes to change if needed [01:33:24] callmegarp: @GiantmEmber that's pretty funny tho [01:33:24] marleejoy1164: have u considered giving urself a rest? streams don’t get to control ur life and if you wanted to stop u could [01:33:30] Anelm8799: an a comfy top [01:33:30] beeessalot: Everyone experiences this, it’s totally ok. No need to push yourself past where you’re comfortable [01:33:35] rollingface87: Yeah those first steps out in the real world are hard [01:33:37] itsallbeendone: Ask yourself F1nn, what do you think when you see someone in drag-esque get up irl? Is it as bad as you think of yourself being girl-mode a [01:33:38] copethewizard: People are just really judgmental and it's embarrassing to see that [01:33:38] Amoyamoyamoya: There's a lot going on here. [01:33:40] aSpicyCow: ok i tired to dono something funny but it broke [01:33:42] Streig: Then don't do this. Do something else that isn't going to stress you out. [01:33:43] rebuilttitle: nah u cute you do you [01:33:45] nazoHomuLily: dysphoria f1nn it sucks *empathy* [01:33:45] KiriahKolrath: as someone who deals with my own anxieties, I totally get it. [01:33:48] dbbs3: Fair enough [01:33:50] ArminGux: What do u think will happen if u look bad [01:33:51] booberies1: Wear the pink onesie shark [01:33:52] shinyhappymatt1905: Day in London Lego store? [01:33:53] GTheWayOfTheGinger: When I was younger I was Morris dancer, you get used to looking at it in public pretty quickly [01:33:55] Cynikoarts: Where you planning on going on this date tho??? [01:33:55] StrawberryCheescake25: We love you princess 😘❣️😘 @f1nn5ter [01:33:56] ramboo1989: Yeah absolutely don’t do anything your not completely comfortable with. Especially to please others my dude [01:33:56] PhilipMooney: Steam? [01:33:57] JustChickenwing: Steam message Finn [01:33:58] aSpicyCow: steam [01:33:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: *virtual hug* [01:33:59] hengry_77: Hi [01:33:59] TravelingEmpath: I dont like thinking I look bad in public either [01:34:00] xcastanovax: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:34:00] MelancholicTrout: was that a steam message?? [01:34:00] TheoHUN7: F1nn experiencing the average day for a trans fem [01:34:01] Rojmuj: did you ever want to change your voice to be higher pitched? [01:34:02] BudgetMatt: f1nnHeart [01:34:02] Lexdaemon: steam [01:34:02] braddle172: f1nnHeart [01:34:03] mystchevious1: It won't make you feel better I'm sure but you aren't alone. [01:34:03] luvedblue: Dont try to look like a girl, just a guy in a dress. You can make it fashionable gen z tiktok [01:34:03] ninnotchkka: I truly love your nails [01:34:03] SacksoGaming: <3 [01:34:03] JustChickenwing: POGGERS [01:34:03] JearimyBearimy: We like streaming with you! [01:34:04] Eromaw: that confused me so much [01:34:04] SeriousTTV: 5 hrs [01:34:04] heinerfauston: you only think it'll look bad, but in fact it wouldn´t [01:34:05] viryl_lucas: wat [01:34:06] hiluuu: <3 [01:34:06] AcheronToEros: @aspicycow , I get it. [01:34:06] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:34:06] nikama6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:06] Knikian: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:06] kyrogaming: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:07] Luucy_333: whaaaat nnoo :( [01:34:07] ArminGux: Why [01:34:07] Anelm8799: 😶 [01:34:07] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnKnife [01:34:07] RockinLockin: <3 [01:34:07] mcmaster2000: Yay, happy :) [01:34:07] MalkethTerona: Okay, that wasn't just me. lol [01:34:08] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnHeart [01:34:08] Alexisboss101: HUH [01:34:08] MrPink0000: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:09] AeitZean: Oh that bong wasn't me SeemsGood [01:34:09] umtic: <3 [01:34:09] JustChickenwing: f1nnHeart [01:34:09] Anelm8799: 🤗 [01:34:09] Kayver_: <3 [01:34:09] RoxyMoonshine: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:10] AraAra_Capybara: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:10] druskys_jerkChicken: i mean we could tell [01:34:11] scatteredleaves: <3 [01:34:12] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:34:12] ArminGux: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:34:12] viryl_lucas: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:12] jayceedeee: VirtualHug [01:34:12] SeriousTTV: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:13] unbalanced_again: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:13] tgdmshow: Damn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:13] stephylmao: <3 <3 <3 [01:34:13] muddymudkip15: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:13] checkbookstub: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:34:13] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:13] Nambo_Rose: <3 [01:34:14] Five_Of_Nine_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:14] xcastanovax: MercyWing1 VirtualHug MercyWing2 [01:34:15] ChasingSol: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:15] nazoHomuLily: @TheoHUN7 truth [01:34:15] Luucy_333: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:34:16] ArminGux: skylibLove skylibLove skylibLove skylibLove skylibLove [01:34:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:18] shuusugar: <3 [01:34:18] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:34:18] Cynikoarts: hyperp6Love hyperp6Love hyperp6Love hyperp6Love [01:34:18] callmegarp: lmao the steam notification fucked me up [01:34:18] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Leaks that he cried. Sadge. - 2880 [01:34:18] rollingface87: I suggest going out with others to make it more comfy [01:34:19] mcmaster2000: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:34:19] bearlier: <3 hope you're feeling better [01:34:19] hyperactive_atlas: 💕 [01:34:19] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:34:19] blackghost32: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:34:20] jarneel_kumamato: Trench coat and underware, have your mind on other things. [01:34:20] Chri55PBacon: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:21] consimiamo: VirtualHug [01:34:22] rykziz: <3<3<3<3<3 [01:34:22] booberies1: Awwwww poor fin [01:34:22] jhlegolover: Hello [01:34:23] urchinstyle: <3 [01:34:23] capsulatepluto: f1nnHeart [01:34:24] shwapineer: I do this for chair [01:34:24] helenaaaauwu: <3 [01:34:24] tgdmshow: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart <3 <3 [01:34:25] SeriousTTV: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart 󠀀 [01:34:25] Stovamor: f1nnHeart [01:34:25] YeomanJensen: cyrL [01:34:25] callmegarp: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:25] PhilipMooney: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:25] medical_size9000: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:26] JustChickenwing: Even when we're being creeps? [01:34:26] KoriYuhBoi: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:34:26] RonnieSxl: <3 <3 [01:34:26] jordieboi45: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:34:26] Quentin_MD: Quentin_MD is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 34 in the channel! [01:34:27] f3mmbot: quentin_md has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [01:34:27] Quentin_MD: Quentin_MD gifted a Tier 1 sub to NotsoHotToddy! [01:34:27] Quentin_MD: Quentin_MD gifted a Tier 1 sub to moonkorra! [01:34:27] ArminGux: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:34:27] CJKDB: You cry? [01:34:28] Kaymon81: <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 f1nnHeart <3 [01:34:28] Alexisboss101: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:28] TacoJohn11Live: sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove sumLove [01:34:29] ramboo1989: What!! [01:34:29] gkhan336: <3 <3 <3 [01:34:30] xcastanovax: PowerUpL bleedPurple PowerUpR [01:34:30] andimax11: Chat’s always here for you bud [01:34:30] Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:30] dolphin909: <3 [01:34:31] loograt: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [01:34:31] shuusugar: <3 <3 <3 [01:34:32] Streig: I hope most of chat will agree your mental is more important. Do something else other than the date. [01:34:33] brandt_connors: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:34:33] Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:33] rainygray249: we <3 u [01:34:33] johnkeiwo: adcvrLOVE f1nnHeart hasL inconHeart lvndmaL worrunLove [01:34:34] tomhekker: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:34] floofyfurlogdog: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:34] Brink0fDestruction: I thought this was supposed to be a media share stream [01:34:35] Adramaster: dont sunk in drinks while sad <3 [01:34:37] chubbabubs: Valid [01:34:37] braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:38] callmegarp: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:34:38] gruntbane: Sending you lots of love and happy vibes [01:34:38] zippozz: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:34:39] nazoHomuLily: care u @F1NN5TER [01:34:39] noellewrit: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:34:39] SeriousTTV: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:34:40] mcmaster2000: Stop being so selfish though, F1nn. Give us some Chair love! [01:34:40] Luucy_333: <3 <3 <3 [01:34:41] LemonGarlic: If it truly makes you uncomfortable then don’t do it, just go out and meet your friend and have a good time you don’t even have to record it just enjoy your time [01:34:43] xcastanovax: 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 [01:34:43] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: You deserve to feel OK buddy 💕 [01:34:43] badboy7629: f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [01:34:44] ChasingSol: hahaha [01:34:44] Smiling_Shelly: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:34:44] Math354e: Are you about to cry again LUL [01:34:45] YeomanJensen: amityaHUH [01:34:45] consimiamo: KEKW [01:34:47] Jaxon__0: f1nnHeart [01:34:47] mystchevious1: glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE [01:34:47] Amoyamoyamoya: Ask for Nano to visit. She will FORCE you to be happy. [01:34:47] xMELUSA: <3 [01:34:48] TravelingEmpath: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [01:34:48] kevin326520: KEKW [01:34:48] GotFreezed: GotFreezed subscribed with Prime. [01:34:49] f3mmbot: gotfreezed subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gotfreezed f1nnLezgang [01:34:49] packagum: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:49] stephylmao: KEKW [01:34:49] SnapOverlord: SnapOverlord subscribed at Tier 3. [01:34:50] f3mmbot: snapoverlord subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 3! Welcome to the lez-gang snapoverlord f1nnLezgang [01:34:51] medical_size9000: Don't say you cry just say you have allergies [01:34:51] RoxyMoonshine: KEKE [01:34:51] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:34:52] nikama6: LUL LUL [01:34:52] xcastanovax: 😍😍😍😍😍😍 [01:34:52] IsItPluggedIn: <3 [01:34:52] ITZHYP3RION: Did you literally give us confidence [01:34:53] checkbookstub: Typical obama move [01:34:53] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:34:54] AcheronToEros: Also, please scam on the damn date if it makes you feel like this. We do not want you to suffer for this. [01:34:54] imNotSubbed: the government is making femboys [01:34:55] callmegarp: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:34:55] KhiralShimmer: I wasn't gonna say it.... [01:34:55] ArminGux: Like for the frogs [01:34:56] Pillooow: thames water out here to get you [01:34:56] rykziz: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:34:56] packagum: HUH [01:34:57] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:34:57] MelancholicTrout: the ol' gubbermint [01:34:59] PhilipMooney: I thought Biden was Catholic and not a filthy prod [01:34:59] ramboo1989: We are glad to be your friend………Friend! [01:35:00] armann24: can i see the nails @F1NN5TER [01:35:00] hiluuu: free hrt letsgoo [01:35:01] GingerWithEnV: Oh wait that reminds me I need to take my meds [01:35:02] AeitZean: You could open some more crates, you might get the knife this time Kappa LUL [01:35:02] tomhekker: @f1nn5ter based and redpilled [01:35:02] xcastanovax: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 [01:35:03] Helen_Croft: free government HRT ? [01:35:04] Anelm8799: maybe not heels but thigh highs? [01:35:04] JustChickenwing: It's all that soy based meat replacement you're eating Kappa [01:35:04] booberies1: Thanks Obama [01:35:05] aSpicyCow: nano would do it [01:35:05] mcmaster2000: You know what would solve those HRT problems? Some more HRT [01:35:05] scarlettyg: Biden gives estrogen to the UK but not other countries? What the hell [01:35:06] johnpnicholls1122: to the hrt 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳💯💝 [01:35:06] Cynikoarts: We all gonna get booooobs? [01:35:07] helenaaaauwu: UK Tapwater best [01:35:07] nazoHomuLily: ok f1nn ya joke but estrogen is very fun to be on :3 [01:35:07] pansnake_: Actually you Brummies get your water from our reservoir in Wales, so it's the estrogen I'm putting in that [01:35:08] nikama6: that turn the frog gay [01:35:08] LittleChaSiu: ever since the water company was privatised it's all been downhill [01:35:09] rollingface87: Or the estrogen you're already taking lol [01:35:12] AnonGh0stPT: hi from Portugal 👀 [01:35:14] ramboo1989: Frogs 🐸 gay [01:35:14] SacksoGaming: Time to weponize the femboys with HRT water LUL [01:35:14] splixir: Do you think you not wanting to do irl is because of perfectionism? [01:35:14] Amoyamoyamoya: She's almost ready. [01:35:15] CJKDB: It's no fun ragging on you if it's actually gonna hurt feelings. [01:35:18] umtic: free HRT? where? Kappa TransgenderPride [01:35:20] ArminGux: Short nails [01:35:22] Amoyamoyamoya: Ask her. She'll make it happen. [01:35:24] xcastanovax: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 [01:35:24] hiluuu: ooo the tips are different colors [01:35:29] helenaaaauwu: @umtic Birmingham Tapwater [01:35:30] hiluuu: pretty [01:35:34] bearlier: Pogger nails [01:35:34] contour_19: Your nails are adorable and should help your mood [01:35:35] AIRHydrant: keep in mind finasteride can have depressive symptoms fyi [01:35:36] ArminGux: Pink on white [01:35:36] armann24: thats much cute [01:35:36] xcastanovax: 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 [01:35:39] jakeythederp: What’s the bast taco you’ve ever had [01:35:39] AeitZean: Im so jealous, but i can't have long nails 😭 [01:35:40] ayarcee: Trans Flag Fingernails [01:35:42] ITZHYP3RION: Dude you give us confidence don't worry [01:35:43] Streig: trans flag nails [01:35:44] Amoyamoyamoya: mf brit gets US-supplied E for free. US trans person F'd again. [01:35:45] Frosty790: looks great [01:35:46] medical_size9000: Don't tell chat you cry just say you have allergies [01:35:47] Helen_Croft: Finn why move out of the UK when you have free HRT in the water [01:35:52] johnkeiwo: Kappa [01:35:52] booberies1: French tip? I got an American tip for you [01:35:56] OHMichelleOH: speaking of pink, you gonna dress soon [01:35:57] nikama6: Kappa [01:35:59] LostPandaHD: LostPandaHD subscribed at Tier 1. [01:35:59] f3mmbot: lostpandahd subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lostpandahd f1nnLezgang [01:35:59] callmegarp: But we've tried so hard! [01:36:00] general_of_cm: oh no i missed the start of the stream f1nnSad Hope yall had a grate strt so far f1nnHeart [01:36:00] shuusugar: ur eyebrows looks great! [01:36:01] Anelm8799: put hand down [01:36:03] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:36:03] Stovamor: and we get to bully you back [01:36:05] XENOMAN5: Love the trans flag nails! [01:36:08] callmegarp: NEVER? f1nnSad [01:36:09] RoxyMoonshine: Of course LUL [01:36:09] AdequacyTries: i was cursed with natural french tips and many a women threaten to rip my nails off [01:36:10] tgdmshow: Says the whimpering sub [01:36:10] AvaerusEx: Bully me, I like it. [01:36:11] StrawberryCheescake25: I got a tip for you 😜 [01:36:12] MrPink0000: we fuck together! [01:36:13] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "You've never hurt my feelings." - 2830 [01:36:15] YeomanJensen: what's your finger ratio, have you checked? fetal T exposure marker supposedly [01:36:16] Cynikoarts: Wtf [01:36:16] twisted_music08: Byeeeeee f1nnnnn you still can't dom f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [01:36:16] packagum: D: [01:36:17] Amoyamoyamoya: I never fuck with F1nn. [01:36:18] aSpicyCow: HUH [01:36:19] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:36:21] TNTUSER55: bratty [01:36:21] XENOMAN5: Bully me mommy [01:36:21] johnpnicholls1122: 🏴🏴 [01:36:21] viryl_lucas: lmao [01:36:21] dogenthecat: My cat orange [01:36:22] harokaa: What [01:36:24] imNotSubbed: it doesn't go both ways [01:36:24] ArminGux: That's how guys hang out [01:36:25] stephylmao: oh [01:36:25] RoxyMoonshine: Wait [01:36:25] AeitZean: Don't take it as a challenge chat f1nnCancelled [01:36:26] unopenedcookies: interesting [01:36:27] VanJackal: sadomasochism [01:36:28] fredster55: sadomasocjism [01:36:29] consimiamo: vers [01:36:29] Amoyamoyamoya: I am always respectful with F1nn. [01:36:29] imNotSubbed: you're a bratty sub [01:36:29] Pillooow: switch? [01:36:29] mystchevious1: @Amoyamoyamoya You lie [01:36:30] mcmaster2000: Never hurt your feelings? Oh well, your big toe doesn't look too nice! Ha! There! [01:36:30] andimax11: And I’m sure there’s a good number of chat here that love being bullied/degraded [01:36:30] zpfran: it's also fun watching new people join the stream and ask THE question. [01:36:31] Chri55PBacon: hmmm [01:36:31] TravelingEmpath: I'm too soft to fuck with Finn [01:36:31] Stovamor: YOu get a full on dose of being bullied when we play mod games @F1NN5TER [01:36:32] JustChickenwing: KEKW [01:36:33] helloworld13: why are there wales in the corner [01:36:33] remi_nolan: You bully us and we like it [01:36:33] unopenedcookies: *Chat will remember that* [01:36:34] booberies1: It's called being a brat [01:36:36] AraAra_Capybara: I have Tourettes syndrome, we'd be fast friends [01:36:36] callmegarp: We'll degrade you SO GOOD [01:36:36] Cynikoarts: So you're a brat??????? [01:36:36] sherlock_norris: avoidant attachment style? [01:36:37] ArminGux: Shooting the shit with za bros [01:36:42] phoeberc: You want to bring everyone down to the same low level? [01:36:43] nazoHomuLily: ;3 just dont ask questions you dont want answered then lol [01:36:45] lukathenormalperson: if u take away the malk from the malk shack will it still be a milk shake will it still be a milk shake or just a shake [01:36:45] shuusugar: :O [01:36:45] andimax11: Is there a word for being both? [01:36:45] MajesticFvckingEagle: @Cynikoarts yup [01:36:47] G0rg81vl: its been a ride [01:36:47] AvaerusEx: Too many problems popping up at once. [01:36:50] CJKDB: Now I'm crying. [01:36:50] medical_size9000: It's called being subby brat [01:36:52] JustChickenwing: We appreciate you being here tho [01:36:53] subnatalie: In love? [01:36:54] Amoyamoyamoya: I am F1nn's most Respectful Mod [01:36:58] G0rg81vl: isnt splitgate closing down? [01:36:59] pansnake_: Rekt [01:37:02] xcastanovax: Hottest!! ❤️‍🔥 [01:37:02] XENOMAN5: A masochist says hurt me and a sadist says no [01:37:02] RedChrisfield: splitgates sick [01:37:03] floofyfurlogdog: Play splitegate [01:37:06] Amoyamoyamoya: You've only play Splitgate the one time I think. [01:37:09] dogenthecat: My cat whispers to me the word of god [01:37:13] callmegarp: I'd split your gate Kappa [01:37:14] xx_Lumpy_xx: Splitgate is awesome [01:37:18] nazoHomuLily: ofc f1nns a brat lol how is he not lol [01:37:19] Cynikoarts: Don't make me make henti of you, you bottom [01:37:19] Amoyamoyamoya: @callmegarp, spicycowBonkies spicycowBonkies spicycowBonkies [01:37:20] medical_size9000: @amoyamoyamoya you and chasui [01:37:27] vanimal2118: I'm a Nerd, Nerds Rule! [01:37:27] consimiamo: your last stream was sooo much fun just listening to you vibr with chris and soda [01:37:28] shinyhappymatt1905: The more you mention Splitgate, the more curious I get [01:37:30] Stovamor: We have not played SPlitgate for mod games and if we do, I want to sub Paintballkitty in for me @F1NN5TER [01:37:31] G0rg81vl: oh shit. imma play splitgate tomorrow [01:37:31] Stovamor: We have not played SPlitgate for mod games and if we do, I want to sub Paintballkitty in for me @F1NN5TER [01:37:32] voiceofthevoid999: Splitgate is incredible [01:37:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:37:32] andimax11: Wait it’s closing? [01:37:33] bobbob2021: Is this just an ADHD stream legend447Anyacry [01:37:33] braddle172: Just cut support ig [01:37:39] xx_Lumpy_xx: Splitgate has a ton of content and super fun [01:37:40] Zettrex: peepoSad [01:37:40] nothitch: dude I had so much fun when we played [01:37:42] AvaerusEx: Oh, it's still going they're just not making new content. [01:37:43] voiceofthevoid999: I turned like 5 more people on that game [01:37:45] morvangogh: I thought that being bullied / bullying others was because I grew up around men and didn’t properly learn how to socialize [01:37:46] bigsuave7: lets go [01:37:49] Zettrex: fuck sake And I just got into it [01:37:49] Stovamor: she plays it a lot [01:37:51] o_slip: like dirty bomb, can still play, just no more dev [01:37:54] callmegarp: @Amoyamoyamoya someone hadddd to say it [01:37:56] general_of_cm: recently started playing split gate thanks to you [01:38:01] Anelm8799: you should get a buck knife their cool [01:38:05] aSpicyCow: ur probably dogshit [01:38:07] LittleChaSiu: ....in game [01:38:07] KoriYuhBoi: Challenge accepted [01:38:07] nothitch: No, I topfragged in every game we played, also cs [01:38:08] IdiotKnightKing: clip [01:38:09] Telluzerlaw: That's the only topping you do [01:38:09] averagelycoolceline: you're not a bottom then? [01:38:09] Lucridis: Weird hearing him say "I'd usually top" [01:38:11] viryl_lucas: clipped out of context [01:38:11] Ohtoven: shall there be a splitgate stream? [01:38:11] JustChickenwing: f1nnKnife [01:38:12] G0rg81vl: splitgate is harf [01:38:13] braddle172: I knew it [01:38:13] AeitZean: Splitgate mod games sounds fun LUL [01:38:14] G0rg81vl: hard [01:38:15] TravelingEmpath: dont dig up the garden [01:38:15] phoeberc: From their FAQ: ARE YOU SHUTTING DOWN SPLITGATE SERVERS? Nope. Splitgate servers will remain open and supported. We have no plans at this time to shut them down. [01:38:16] moonkorra: gamer gunk [01:38:18] bruce_moose_96: You can't say kill on Twitch Finn only Roblox [01:38:18] AtomicShoelace: usually top frag? don't you mean you usually bottom? [01:38:21] Eni_game: You're just so good at topping [01:38:23] maks_579: trans? [01:38:29] Nidhogg999: Switch [01:38:30] Stovamor: @maks_579, no [01:38:31] nothitch: I have proof you dont [01:38:31] ChasingSol: @maks_579 no, just a cross-dresser [01:38:31] Uprising2123: Uprising2123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [01:38:31] f3mmbot: uprising2123 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:38:33] medical_size9000: You can top ppl In games except in real life [01:38:33] pansnake_: A true Splitgate connoisseur [01:38:33] tgdmshow: Amoya Clip, Finn delives people on a daily [01:38:33] StrawberryCheescake25: I can top you [01:38:33] vanimal2118: Sounds like @nothitch and Kitty will represent the Mods? [01:38:36] floofyfurlogdog: Dude im like a laser but literally only in split gate no other games [01:38:39] druskys_jerkChicken: you don't top shit [01:38:44] JustChickenwing: Gotcha, so Finn was never top of the leaderboard KEKW [01:38:44] armann24: i would agree being shoved under a floorboard if i could spend a day with finn :p [01:38:45] mcmaster2000: Never seen you frag anyone [01:38:47] sherlock_norris: who is frag and why did you top him? [01:38:48] Cynikoarts: LMAOOOO [01:38:49] CJKDB: Slaughtering people is fun! [01:38:49] that_colin_guy: kekw [01:38:49] tgdmshow: True KEKW [01:38:49] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [01:38:49] consimiamo: kekw [01:38:51] stephylmao: KEKW [01:38:52] YeomanJensen: LUL [01:38:52] braddle172: KEKW [01:38:52] Kayver_: XD [01:38:52] booberies1: Kekw [01:38:53] AvaerusEx: Splitgate's SteamDB rating is over 90%. I'm surprised it's not more popular. [01:38:53] boltorian: after you kill enough people, it's a good idea to start burying them somewhere other than your house [01:38:53] voiceofthevoid999: Let's fucking go, I CHALLENEGE YOU NOOB. You showed me this game and I'll make ya regret it boiiii [01:38:54] callmegarp: KEKW [01:38:56] vanimal2118: rynBonk @medical_size9000 [01:38:59] bobbob2021: KEKW [01:38:59] booberies1: Gotum [01:39:00] airborn321: Now I want to play splitgate again [01:39:00] Stovamor: KEKW [01:39:01] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [01:39:01] viryl_lucas: tru [01:39:04] pansnake_: Reduced to rubble [01:39:06] Cynikoarts: MY AAASSSSS [01:39:06] johnkeiwo: cap [01:39:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: Ayoooo [01:39:07] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER donos? [01:39:08] 0ddjob: DansGame [01:39:08] lordgtafbi: huh [01:39:09] bobbob2021: Proved? legend447Anyaspy [01:39:09] MalkethTerona: Proved? Doubt. [01:39:09] TravelingEmpath: I guess you'll just have to post pictures of you topping [01:39:09] nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [01:39:10] Telluzerlaw: Doubt [01:39:10] Pillooow: Recently proved where? [01:39:11] callmegarp: excuuuuuuuuuuse me?? [01:39:12] G0rg81vl: KEKW [01:39:13] ThiccDamage: damn [01:39:13] braddle172: Huh [01:39:14] HowCrops: CAP [01:39:15] Stovamor: But to quote you @F1NN5TER "Switches aren't real!" [01:39:15] dogenthecat: wait so are you gay [01:39:15] Stovamor: But to quote you @F1NN5TER "Switches aren't real!" [01:39:15] Lucridis: For it to be proved you'd have had to do both right? [01:39:16] treb35: Huh [01:39:16] floofyfurlogdog: Proof? [01:39:16] Stovamor: But to quote you @F1NN5TER "Switches aren't real!" [01:39:17] peavey443: I just made doughnuts! [01:39:17] aSpicyCow: "i dont like speaking about my personal life"'''''' [01:39:18] ninnotchkka: what's your drink [01:39:20] YumeNoZen: lolll Good boy. [01:39:21] Akemencha: 😈 [01:39:21] stingemorewhite: Nintendo sucks [01:39:22] ITZHYP3RION: Switch gang let's go [01:39:22] RavingKorea: wait you prefer switch over xbox and ps? [01:39:25] andimax11: Oh? [01:39:26] AeitZean: He's the old CEO stereotype. Top all the time, which is why he bottoms in relationships Kappa [01:39:29] JustChickenwing: LUL [01:39:29] AvaerusEx: Switch that leans bottom. [01:39:29] consimiamo: how is the blasted butt feeling mister switch [01:39:30] unopenedcookies: HUH [01:39:31] rollingface87: Said like a true bottom [01:39:31] callmegarp: Finn finally lost his virginity cottontailHeadBang [01:39:32] C0deSM96: Sexy [01:39:32] letume: what happened to switches being subs in denial? [01:39:33] Uprising2123: switch. from bottom to power bottom Kappa [01:39:35] stephylmao: LUL LUL [01:39:36] BloodmoonKatalyst: Switches are just bottoms that get sassy sometimes [01:39:36] SacksoGaming: Switching towards the bottom indeed! [01:39:37] viryl_lucas: I retract my statement [01:39:37] TravelingEmpath: oh sweet, I'm a switch too [01:39:37] andimax11: The lore deepens… [01:39:38] nothitch: check discord real quick thanks [01:39:38] Jo_dan: tmolThicc tmolThicc tmolThicc [01:39:41] peavey443: Cole [01:39:41] subnatalie: Switch as well but like bottom [01:39:42] peavey443: Cope [01:39:43] booberies1: 'preference' [01:39:43] imperialgold01: a preference?, boy gee I wonder [01:39:44] NichtzNeues: I thought a switch does not exist [01:39:44] nazoHomuLily: nonbinary lesbian dom *waves* [01:39:46] bobbob2021: Finnster has regret moment [01:39:46] HotAutism: I mean 99.9% bottom, 0.1% top... yeah a switch Kappa [01:39:47] vanimal2118: How did graduation go sweet @aspicycow ? [01:39:48] RoxyMoonshine: You’re a switch, but you switch more to the bottom side LUL [01:39:48] bearlier: You always get sub and bottom mixed up lol [01:39:49] pansnake_: One cannot succ the words back up like a vacuum cleaner [01:39:52] k3llthulhu: oh hey same [01:39:52] JustChickenwing: The moment you have an employee, you're instantly a bottom [01:39:53] aSpicyCow: @vanimal2118 boring [01:39:54] Cynikoarts: If anything you 60% bottom [01:39:54] maks_579: He is boy? [01:39:56] Akemencha: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:39:57] callmegarp: You've had them off for like 30 mins LUL [01:39:58] AeitZean: spicycowDancy spicycowDancy spicycowDancy [01:39:58] GingerWithEnV: In true switch fashion, reversing on a previous position completely [01:40:00] LikeBigMunson: Everyone would be a sub for the right person [01:40:04] saaaable: like a true bottom, f1nn now claims switches are real [01:40:09] G0rg81vl: KEKW [01:40:12] knight_exx: Cotton knows how to flip that "switch" cottontailFingerGuns cottontailFingerGuns cottontailFingerGuns [01:40:13] YeomanJensen: I pick 69 [01:40:14] TheoHUN7: KEKW [01:40:14] vanimal2118: LOL [01:40:15] Globalnuclear: @maks_579 pretty girl seanvrSip [01:40:15] rsm_100r: KEKW [01:40:16] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:40:17] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:40:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:40:19] Akemencha: @maks_579 he is he [01:40:19] umtic: monkaS [01:40:19] pozepounds: He likes getting dom [01:40:19] stephylmao: KEKW [01:40:23] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:40:23] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:40:23] JustChickenwing: Yeah, but NICE human trafficking [01:40:24] PhilipMooney: It's not trafficking if it's consentual [01:40:24] IdiotKnightKing: KEKW [01:40:26] braddle172: KEKW [01:40:28] helenaaaauwu: "Switch" is the firrst step of admitting your a boottom at least for a little bit. Next step is leaving the top out of it. Then you can admit that your a bottom. But like Astra already made it clear what the problem about yu is [01:40:28] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:40:29] Amoyamoyamoya: Good luck with the fine [01:40:31] callmegarp: #gettrafficed [01:40:32] booberies1: Kekw [01:40:33] heinerfauston: KEKW [01:40:36] mcmaster2000: Honestly, the way F1nn can burp while talking, I vote for F1nn as the new voice of Rick from Rick & Morty! xD [01:40:36] CJKDB: We don't want him. Keep him. [01:40:36] ramboo1989: What a bottom…… no I mean that bottom though [01:40:36] AvaerusEx: You're surprised chat wants to traffic you? [01:40:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: The true bottom G expirience [01:40:47] maks_579: omg [01:40:51] stumblefish: get tate'd, lol [01:40:52] zoe_with_an_e: Yes. [01:40:53] carlao_jdi: hiii ^^ [01:40:54] CJKDB: He's a anarchist! [01:40:55] HotAutism: I mean... I actually know a guy... but I don't recommend it [01:40:56] qwerty9347: My father is actually a immigration lawyer [01:40:56] andimax11: You get paid in American air [01:40:57] LeanVolcano7: I have a couple friends in the visa office but I can’t legally do anything unfortunately. Would if I could tho [01:40:58] vanimal2118: There's a fine on Femboys @amoyamoyamoya ? [01:41:00] YeomanJensen: We will put you in a small box aquafpSGrin aquafpSScared [01:41:00] AraAra_Capybara: If your the one who is trafficked you are the one who pays [01:41:02] The_Morellonomicon: The_Morellonomicon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Happy for another month with internet's most iconic femboii [01:41:02] f3mmbot: the_morellonomicon subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:41:07] armann24: :p [01:41:09] general_of_cm: thats a win, f1nn [01:41:09] cryo_kami: Finn for vshojo 2023 [01:41:10] Nano_Nano: Zelda is good!!!! [01:41:10] AIRHydrant: soda said yes [01:41:10] g1aire: @F1NN5TER hi play apex so i can multitask and watch apex and femboys at the same time [01:41:11] sherlock_norris: zelder [01:41:12] Jeddix: D: [01:41:13] AEtherealCloud: ... [01:41:14] braddle172: Same [01:41:14] HotAutism: O_O [01:41:15] VanJackal: D: [01:41:16] viryl_lucas: Lol [01:41:16] tomhekker: soda L nerd KEKW [01:41:17] knxggles: me neither tbh [01:41:17] pacificviewer: same [01:41:17] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [01:41:17] general_of_cm: how?!?!? [01:41:18] callmegarp: WHAT [01:41:18] TacoJohn11Live: D: [01:41:18] bobbob2021: Femboy gets attacked by zelda fans [01:41:18] Akemencha: What? [01:41:19] scarlettyg: It apparently features you [01:41:19] ScarredLemon: I’m playing Zelda right now [01:41:19] mcmaster2000: You're Zelda :) [01:41:20] floofyfurlogdog: Me too [01:41:20] Lucridis: It's magic femboy simulator [01:41:20] G0rg81vl: HUH [01:41:20] Eromaw: saaaamw [01:41:21] octminer: D: [01:41:22] lukathenormalperson: IS HE HIGH [01:41:22] ThtFemboyLily: i also dont know anything ab zelda lmao [01:41:23] harokaa: What [01:41:23] treb35: What? [01:41:23] dafdeddog: Me either [01:41:24] Eromaw: saaame [01:41:24] unopenedcookies: You disappoint me, as a person... [01:41:24] AEtherealCloud: Bann finn from chat [01:41:25] Nano_Nano: unfollow, reported, unfreind [01:41:25] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Cringe [01:41:26] 71M073J: Zegend of delda [01:41:27] floofyfurlogdog: Lmao [01:41:28] nothitch: you disappoint me F1NN, zelda is so good [01:41:30] AeitZean: "andrew tating" is the best euphemism for trafficking LUL [01:41:31] umtic: weirdChamp doesn't know the most femboy franchise ever made [01:41:31] gaddafi_duck_: wtf [01:41:34] AvaerusEx: The main character is a femboy. [01:41:34] andimax11: That’s wild [01:41:35] nikama6: NotLikeThis [01:41:36] HardyOrange: Femboy travels around and meets hot guys [01:41:37] Akemencha: Get into it you'd really enjoy it [01:41:37] XenionTV: these donos are unhinged bro [01:41:38] gaddafi_duck_: Zelda is the shit [01:41:38] shinyhappymatt1905: Zeldeez nuts! [01:41:38] YumeNoZen: Federal, yeah. [01:41:39] vanimal2118: LOL @nano_nano [01:41:39] Royalbirhat: Royalbirhat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! are you sure you are not a rose cause when you talk to cottontail you sure do turn red [01:41:39] G0rg81vl: here's a hint it's about zelda [01:41:39] f3mmbot: royalbirhat subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:41:40] zippozz: We [01:41:40] Mediocritical: Yeah with all the anti-trans laws popping up in the US that'll work [01:41:41] MooskiBG: Depends on where in the US but yea [01:41:41] TravelingEmpath: its about a femboy [01:41:41] booberies1: No American is so bad for trans people [01:41:41] Jeddix: unsubbed [01:41:42] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Admits he doesn't know what Zelda is about. Neither do I. - 2940 [01:41:42] AIRHydrant: rule 78: never attack legend of zelda infront of submissives [01:41:44] drrockstar: Ok. Pause. Rewind. You don’t know Zelda? [01:41:45] cryo_kami: Pretty sure half the chat would marry you for visa [01:41:45] CJKDB: Just skip as you come out of the plane wearing your cutest skirt. [01:41:45] general_of_cm: time to change that [01:41:45] GingerWithEnV: It's like pacman and pong mixed together [01:41:46] RoxyMoonshine: How?! [01:41:48] helenaaaauwu: @Nano_Nano Ohh ur unbanned nice [01:41:49] callmegarp: I have neverrrrrr felt older than that makes me feel Finn [01:41:49] twin_cdj: Bruh, how do you not know a game that's as iconic as Mario. [01:41:49] stephylmao: same tbh [01:41:51] ItsSathem: no baiting me! i wont be fooled [01:41:53] Tartletboy1: honestly... you are missing out on a fantastic series [01:41:54] G0rg81vl: UNO?????? [01:41:55] zippozz: Well You play as a dude named Zelda [01:41:55] pansnake_: Someone show him Gerudo Link costume pls [01:41:55] VekkTheAsuran: Hearsay you don't know legend of zelda5 [01:41:56] TheoHUN7: ??? [01:41:57] knxggles: all i know about zelda is that the main character isnt called zelda and people get mad at you if you think he is [01:41:57] Nano_Nano: i forgive u. I will show u happiness [01:41:58] Cynikoarts: WHAATTTTTT [01:41:59] clover301: If you come to Illinois they can’t deport you [01:42:00] general_of_cm: did you have a childhood???!! [01:42:00] tgdmshow: Damn, you had no childhood [01:42:01] booberies1: Uno is easy [01:42:01] vanimal2118: Uncultured Femboy! [01:42:02] Streig: Zelda is overrated. Fight me [01:42:02] AGD_27: It's just a story game with puzzles [01:42:03] stephylmao: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:42:03] ramboo1989: That’s gotta be a lie [01:42:04] mcmaster2000: Do you know Monopoly? [01:42:04] AEtherealCloud: Reincarnation of godess and hero fight a reincarination of the demon king [01:42:04] Maverick0076: What [01:42:07] The_Morellonomicon: Two things the USA loves most: trans people and refugees [01:42:08] Killarious_117: Uno means one [01:42:08] Akemencha: UNoo REVERSE [01:42:09] muddymudkip15: How [01:42:11] Killarious_117: i got you big man [01:42:11] booberies1: 10minutes to learn uno [01:42:13] zoe_with_an_e: It's about an Italian plumber [01:42:14] EmotionalSupportMothMan: Hi I am the emotional support Mothman if you need headpats and dino nuggies I got you and I will even give you a hug and tell you that I'm proud of you 🔴¥🔴 [01:42:16] AvaerusEx: It's an action-adventure. [01:42:17] TheoHUN7: Blud doesnt know how uno works ☠ ☠ 💯 [01:42:17] HotAutism: F1nn's no gamer FallCry [01:42:17] unopenedcookies: UNO!? Ok, this bih has gone too far. Gotta ban em' [01:42:18] bobbob2021: You just dissapointed everyone who has ever played a game ever [01:42:19] gkhan336: the goal of uno is to ruin friendships [01:42:19] bibinoff: gayge [01:42:20] danny_schonberg: Let me teach you how to play uno [01:42:20] Amoyamoyamoya: Nano says she'll have her passport by Summer. Hot tub Femboy stream? [01:42:22] Akemencha: WHAT?!?!?!? [01:42:22] nikama6: Nerd but not weeb [01:42:24] imperialgold01: Why do you take pride in this, It would take so little time to educate yourself [01:42:24] Amoyamoyamoya: Nano says she'll have her passport by Summer. Hot tub Femboy stream? [01:42:25] DaNuff: imagine not understanding uno [01:42:25] Helen_Croft: I also never played those games @F1NN5TER [01:42:26] RoxyMoonshine: Don’t remind of what you said of UNO NotLikeThis [01:42:26] twin_cdj: Fair play. Fuk Uno LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:42:26] PhilipMooney: Steam [01:42:28] GingerWithEnV: It's blackjack, just not the 21 blackjack [01:42:29] CJKDB: Babies can play Uno. [01:42:31] YeomanJensen: if there only were a platform with educational videos Kappa [01:42:31] Alijah_T: steam ping [01:42:33] KiriahKolrath: Sheltered UK Femmy [01:42:34] zoe_with_an_e: So theres this Italian plumber right? [01:42:35] NotLouis05: is that you getting steam notifs? [01:42:36] mcmaster2000: Basically, you're a Minecrafter... We get it [01:42:38] Amoyamoyamoya: Nano says she'll have her passport by Summer. Hot tub Femboy stream? [01:42:39] diyab1: why doesnt my cc work sadge [01:42:48] ItsSathem: should learn Uno, do an Uno stream [01:42:49] josh_hunt2: GAY [01:42:50] urchinstyle: WHT games do you know? [01:43:02] misha666420: zelda is basically a game about ur life. femboy shoots bow and arrow and plays w knives [01:43:03] viryl_lucas: truw [01:43:03] helenaaaauwu: @Amoyamoyamoya @Nano_Nano will you come to paris then? [01:43:05] bobbob2021: Hot tub stream when [01:43:08] kurapikaxme: Draws a plus 4: This. is. POWER...that's Uno [01:43:13] Akemencha: I'M SHOOOK [01:43:14] brianvorn: Dude you are shape perfectly just do the dating [01:43:17] Cynikoarts: Play uno on the date ez [01:43:17] TheAlphaXY: legend of zelda has a reincarnation loop simplifies story after that [01:43:21] Math354e: then don't wear a dress [01:43:21] consimiamo: kekw [01:43:22] general_of_cm: pmg dono [01:43:22] LittleChaSiu: random [01:43:28] CJKDB: Skipping through Europe [01:43:28] zoe_with_an_e: You ever hear of Ben? [01:43:29] Nano_Nano: @Amoyamoyamoya Cant, wont have my passport in time i think [01:43:30] lord_revan1810: he looks to f*cking cute i cant LUL [01:43:31] mcmaster2000: I love how TTS pronounces "America" with the rolling r xD [01:43:32] nikama6: tts accents ? [01:43:37] HotAutism: Lit you in ya? Not sure ¬¬ [01:43:37] TravelingEmpath: Zelda has premier femboy [01:43:44] Nano_Nano: BibleThump [01:43:44] Amoyamoyamoya: @Nano_Nano, Wait. Wut changed? [01:43:47] callmegarp: Finn not knowing Zelda at all is going to fuck with me for a looooong time [01:43:49] shinyhappymatt1905: How about a skintight catsuit instead? [01:43:49] JarlBalgruufTheGreater99: what crackin' mudafokers [01:43:53] RoxyMoonshine: Please, Coach bags are cuter [01:43:53] Stovamor: @maks_579, no [01:43:54] AvaerusEx: Balenciaga makes those ugly sneakers that are poplar. [01:43:56] TheoHUN7: Go to saudi arabia in girl mode for content PogU [01:44:01] treb35: @opticalneuralgia Yes, we know [01:44:09] tomhekker: @opticalneuralgia a gigachad, actually [01:44:15] YeomanJensen: @theohun7 aquafpSScared [01:44:16] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP @Nano_Nano in Chat. - 2980 [01:44:17] Cynikoarts: Wtf [01:44:17] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:44:17] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:44:19] medical_size9000: Buying for your flights??? you are making bank in OF [01:44:19] TacoJohn11Live: OMFGGGGGG [01:44:19] SacksoGaming: LUL [01:44:20] vanimal2118: LOL [01:44:21] that_colin_guy: noice [01:44:21] scarlettyg: KEKW [01:44:21] TacoJohn11Live: NAAAAAWWWWWW [01:44:21] stephylmao: KEKW [01:44:22] Akemencha: Skritchy scratches [01:44:22] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:44:23] rabbitlover24: Hello [01:44:23] KnapperigeKapitein: KEKW [01:44:24] booberies1: 🖤 [01:44:24] callmegarp: BONK [01:44:24] 71M073J: LUL [01:44:25] nikama6: LUL LUL [01:44:26] keller4589: KEKW [01:44:28] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:44:30] Luucy_333: Btw. you dressed as a girl in public before...and you were great :) [01:44:31] general_of_cm: anon is from the future [01:44:31] gkhan336: LUL LUL [01:44:31] Nano_Nano: yes [01:44:32] rollingface87: Sounds correct [01:44:33] viryl_lucas: oracle future vision [01:44:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL [01:44:37] keller4589: How right that dream is is crazy asl [01:44:38] braddle172: nanona1Claps [01:44:40] vanimal2118: Congrats @nano_nano [01:44:42] Nano_Nano: HAHAHHA, look at all teh scrubs [01:44:43] Stovamor: !so Nano_nano [01:44:43] f3mmbot: Shoutout to Nano_nano ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/Nano_nano [01:44:44] Stovamor: !so Nano_nano [01:44:44] f3mmbot: Shoutout to Nano_nano ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/Nano_nano [01:44:45] DopeyDD: hello [01:44:45] johnkeiwo: untrue ! [01:44:45] viryl_lucas: yeah [01:44:49] nikama6: Clap [01:44:49] RoxyMoonshine: Congrats Nano! [01:44:49] medical_size9000: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nano [01:44:50] johnkeiwo: she has been here often [01:44:51] bruce_moose_96: I've been a ghost 😏 [01:44:53] airgnet123: Can I see your boobs please [01:44:54] Amoyamoyamoya: You owe @Nano_Nano for the slight F1nn. [01:44:54] Ramaj_A: The only time I would worry about finns safety is if he was hanging out alone with @Nano_Nano [01:44:57] PeterTheMostlyOK: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps [01:45:03] YeomanJensen: maybe the chat moved too fast previously [01:45:04] shinyhappymatt1905: Tailored suit with full makeup? [01:45:05] Amoyamoyamoya: I think a round trip ticket to the UK is sufficient. [01:45:07] Nano_Nano: nanona1Claps [01:45:10] HardyOrange: Fake friend Nano, online talks to you offline [01:45:11] OathCatalyst: f1nnChair [01:45:22] CJKDB: The Great Femboy War [01:45:24] OathCatalyst: !lurk [01:45:24] f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... [01:45:27] medical_size9000: Mods can look up how many messages nano sent [01:45:27] armann24: armann24 gifted 6 months of Tier 1 to Nano_Nano. They've gifted 172 months in the channel! [01:45:27] f3mmbot: armann24 has gifted a subscription to nano_nano at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nano_nano f1nnLezgang [01:45:28] ninnotchkka: HOLAAAAA Finn, you were the topic of converstaion in one of the meetins at work LOL [01:45:28] o_slip: EXPOSED [01:45:31] callmegarp: Still funny [01:45:31] zoe_with_an_e: Sub [01:45:32] general_of_cm: X [01:45:33] callmegarp: tbh [01:45:43] helenaaaauwu: Subby Wubby = "Switch" [01:45:43] ramboo1989: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [01:45:45] sadmeese: Are you okay? Cheer333 [01:45:46] braddle172: Nice [01:45:46] 71M073J: Kappa [01:45:47] callmegarp: Finn got laid and he really wants us to know lmao [01:45:49] SeecretGamer: Tomorrow is Norway's National Day so I have time off from school [01:45:49] druskys_jerkChicken: good for you [01:45:50] Stovamor: @medical_size9000, @Nano_Nano 133 mesages in chat [01:45:51] bearlier: Ayo [01:45:52] HardyOrange: Lmaooooooooo [01:45:52] knxggles: damn automod is hatin' me tonight it aint even lettin me chat [01:45:55] Nano_Nano: @armann24 Thanks for the gift sub! I would never sub to fin. I am not a sub. I am a top alpha grind set sigma [01:45:55] johnmichael91: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:45:56] Amoyamoyamoya: VOUCH. [01:45:57] bearlier: ??? [01:45:57] ITZHYP3RION: Is there a story behind choosing the name rose as a femboy name [01:45:58] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol [01:45:58] deadgrammar: Had to shower, I'm back [01:45:59] zoe_with_an_e: Sub and switch arent the same finn [01:45:59] TrueMezzo: ayo [01:46:01] keller4589: That’s good finally [01:46:01] tgdmshow: Maybe switching the lights off when you're told to KEKW [01:46:03] NorthGuard1: "I'm not even a switch" - you, in march [01:46:05] ramboo1989: Bottom energy 100% [01:46:09] twxxy260: hii [01:46:09] CJKDB: When's the British Liberation Day? [01:46:09] reese5_puff: goooooood night it is very late here [01:46:16] Amoyamoyamoya: I found 340+ comments from Nano in Chat. [01:46:22] SacksoGaming: LUL 󠀀 [01:46:23] callmegarp: ????? [01:46:24] AeitZean: Just take his word, it's super rude not to 🤷‍♀️ [01:46:26] PeterTheMostlyOK: Oof [01:46:26] RockinLockin: ??? [01:46:27] Amoyamoyamoya: What was I vouching for? [01:46:28] Nano_Nano: NO THANKS [01:46:29] 71M073J: KEKW [01:46:30] viryl_lucas: huh [01:46:30] keller4589: ??????? [01:46:31] tgdmshow: Huh [01:46:31] vanimal2118: LOL [01:46:32] PeterTheMostlyOK: Shots fired [01:46:32] consimiamo: kekw [01:46:33] stephylmao: wat [01:46:34] armann24: @Nano_Nano that was 6 months [01:46:34] general_of_cm: amoja just wants to get paid this month, thats not a reliable source [01:46:40] callmegarp: FINN, DISH [01:46:41] The_Morellonomicon: @Nano_Nano True story [01:46:41] Nano_Nano: hahaha [01:46:42] viryl_lucas: that time I got cuked by f1nn [01:46:42] pacificviewer: huh [01:46:44] johnkeiwo: i remember KEKW [01:46:46] ramboo1989: Ayooo [01:46:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: @Amoyamoyamoya KEKW [01:46:48] FoxUndead: story time [01:46:50] IdiotKnightKing: @Amoyamoyamoya that F1NN is a switch [01:46:56] YeomanJensen: I remember this story [01:46:56] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait... [01:47:00] The_Morellonomicon: *That one time at bandcamp* [01:47:03] TrapCounty: is he acctualy a femboy or is this just for a joke????? [01:47:04] 71M073J: Nano be like [01:47:04] spiritwalker379: HUH [01:47:05] zoe_with_an_e: Finn is the kind of guy to say hes a dom and then say "thank you daddy" to a stranger on the internet [01:47:09] braddle172: This story lol [01:47:09] Amoyamoyamoya: OHHHHHHHHH.... [01:47:09] Akemencha: Damn I only got a great personality [01:47:09] Nano_Nano: 😎yea im coolk [01:47:09] vanimal2118: Poor @nano_nano [01:47:10] Stovamor: ahahha! this story is great [01:47:13] general_of_cm: oh that storry [01:47:14] johnkeiwo: livestream [01:47:14] packagum: Pog [01:47:15] imperialgold01: ready to go lmao [01:47:16] Nano_Nano: ur livestream [01:47:16] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:47:18] PeterTheMostlyOK: Live stream [01:47:20] YeomanJensen: live stream I believe [01:47:24] Amoyamoyamoya: During a live stream. [01:47:26] callmegarp: KEKW amazing [01:47:29] tomhekker: hahahaha based [01:47:31] Amoyamoyamoya: @Nano_Nano, RUN [01:47:31] sufclinny: best time of the stream story time [01:47:32] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:47:32] keller4589: Livee is insane [01:47:32] AIRHydrant: tragic [01:47:32] Amoyamoyamoya: @Nano_Nano, RUN [01:47:33] jordieboi45: KEKW [01:47:33] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:47:33] Nano_Nano: BibleThump [01:47:34] IdiotKnightKing: KEKW [01:47:34] Amoyamoyamoya: @Nano_Nano, RUN [01:47:34] booberies1: Kekw [01:47:35] heinerfauston: whaaaat? [01:47:36] stephylmao: KEKW [01:47:37] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:47:38] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:47:38] Kaymon81: based ^^ [01:47:38] braddle172: KEKW [01:47:39] viryl_lucas: KEKWWW [01:47:40] AraAra_Capybara: Ooof [01:47:40] BudgetMatt: KEKW [01:47:40] general_of_cm: based [01:47:40] CJKDB: What a knob. [01:47:40] keller4589: KEKW [01:47:41] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:47:41] L3W4: LUL LUL [01:47:41] medical_size9000: Lul [01:47:42] HardyOrange: I remember her messaging you to end stream so she could smash [01:47:42] Gelder515: LOL [01:47:43] Amoyamoyamoya: I'm so sorry @Nano_Nano [01:47:43] packagum: KEKW [01:47:43] ayarcee: poor NaNo [01:47:43] zoe_with_an_e: KEKW [01:47:44] PhilipMooney: KEKW [01:47:44] effthelf: Based [01:47:45] xmestupidx: KEKW [01:47:45] keller4589: Based asf [01:47:46] lordgtafbi: priorities LUL [01:47:47] Zettrex: KEKW [01:47:48] consimiamo: pure masculine gravitas [01:47:48] Nenkos: Sigma female behavior [01:47:48] hiluuu: priorities [01:47:49] sufclinny: poor nano [01:47:49] donko812: KEKW [01:47:50] RoxyMoonshine: I remember now [01:47:50] that_colin_guy: TeleCucked [01:47:50] Nano_Nano: LOL [01:47:51] AeitZean: Remote cuck LUL [01:47:54] PhilipMooney: @Nano_Nano you deserved it [01:47:54] TravelingEmpath: wow feels bad man [01:47:55] GriffithTCC: F1nn say monkey pls [01:47:56] jade8703: ok kinda based [01:47:57] tomhekker: such a sigma gigachad @F1NN5TER [01:47:57] packagum: LMFAO [01:47:59] gkhan336: LUL LUL [01:48:00] unopenedcookies: That's fucking cruel, props tho shit [01:48:01] callmegarp: Finn got his ego back quicckk, lovely [01:48:01] nikama6: powerfull [01:48:01] AIRHydrant: mr steal yo girl [01:48:02] ramboo1989: Proud moment [01:48:02] UtopiaOfChaos: #GigaChadF1nn [01:48:05] FoxUndead: high ego UwU [01:48:06] johnkeiwo: finn is in his mean girl era [01:48:06] ChoeRage: Nano is rock hard right now [01:48:07] TacoJohn11Live: teh unintentional cuck Lol [01:48:11] YeomanJensen: cucked over the Atlantic ocean [01:48:12] packagum: for once he tops [01:48:13] sabi_: did u grow boobes? [01:48:13] rykziz: @TrapCounty Not ironic, he's CIS and he goes by he/him, but he's a femboy on stream. Not mutually exclusive and he does what he wants :) [01:48:14] Miizukiiis: Omg i live in EU, this is the first time ive been up for your stream ever, Ive been watching clips on tiktok etc for SOOO long [01:48:14] ITZHYP3RION: Normal reaction to f1nn5ter stream [01:48:15] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn unalives Nano by telling her Cuck Story. - 2810 [01:48:16] The_Morellonomicon: This is next level, you weren't even there XD [01:48:19] HardyOrange: Didn't that happen to someone else as well??? [01:48:19] CJKDB: You obliterated his balls into the void. [01:48:23] TravelingEmpath: very inserted penis? [01:48:24] callmegarp: Finn5ter, with the power to cuck from great distances [01:48:25] consimiamo: lol [01:48:26] booberies1: A cage [01:48:27] ChasingSol: @sabi_ he doesn't have any, they're fake [01:48:28] StrawberryCheescake25: I volunteer as tribute [01:48:29] RoxyMoonshine: Finn going through his villain arc LUL [01:48:30] f4zol0: f4zol0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Six month of monitoring whether I am turning gay faster than you. Tight race [01:48:30] f3mmbot: f4zol0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:48:31] zoe_with_an_e: That's slavery [01:48:31] princebirb_: very impotent pervert? [01:48:32] RavingKorea: finn, nano, widow 1v1 [01:48:36] bobbob2021: Annie are you ok are you ok are you ok annie [01:48:36] sufclinny: I got timed out for nothing [01:48:37] Akemencha: Can I be security for vip? Lol [01:48:42] vanimal2118: I don't think u can take @nano_nano rebuttal Rose? [01:48:42] transterra29: @amoyamoyamoya Thank you for clipping that 🤣 [01:48:49] brianvorn: I mean are you okay ? [01:48:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: AYO? [01:48:49] Nano_Nano: @RavingKorea im top500 OWL level. it would not be fair [01:48:50] MalkethTerona: Damn Amoya, that was FAST. lol [01:48:53] zoe_with_an_e: Your not dom enough to own a person [01:48:55] tgdmshow: Huh [01:48:55] viryl_lucas: gaeeee [01:48:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1nn [01:48:56] G0rg81vl: HUH [01:48:57] StrawberryCheescake25: Um.. [01:48:58] Amoyamoyamoya: @transterra29, Which thing? [01:48:59] unfussysteak54: so what you got a surprie maid dress then? [01:48:59] HardyOrange: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:48:59] zet164361: When is the new vid up [01:49:00] Akemencha: Peasants [01:49:00] MajesticFvckingEagle: HUH [01:49:01] Zettrex: LuL [01:49:01] RoxyMoonshine: Huh [01:49:02] ramboo1989: Ayooo [01:49:02] stephylmao: HUH [01:49:03] Jeddix: wierdly specific example [01:49:05] nikama6: wtf Finn [01:49:08] medical_size9000: That's where Rose keeps Finn in the basement [01:49:10] RavingKorea: @Nano_Nano totally fair :p [01:49:10] rollingface87: I dont [01:49:12] Nano_Nano: AYO? [01:49:12] CJKDB: Most people would just say, Yeah I'm okay. [01:49:12] brandt_connors: Go on [01:49:14] consimiamo: kekw [01:49:14] bruce_moose_96: Canceled [01:49:15] L3W4: Get ready to clip [01:49:16] Zettrex: a little slavery is a must as a brit OMEGALUL [01:49:16] ChasingSol: @zet164361 we don't know [01:49:16] umtic: weirdChamp [01:49:17] viryl_lucas: cancelled [01:49:17] moughith_rouis: wtf [01:49:19] that_colin_guy: f? [01:49:20] braddle172: Stop the bit [01:49:20] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG HE IS DUMB ENOUGH TO OWN A PERSON. [01:49:22] imNotSubbed: STHAP [01:49:22] heinerfauston: Whaaat? [01:49:22] transterra29: @amoyamoyamoya Finn cucking Nano 😂 [01:49:23] zoe_with_an_e: Your the one wearing the collar [01:49:26] callmegarp: tread carefully Finn lmao [01:49:27] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, BAD. BAD F1NN [01:49:27] KiriahKolrath: I'm willing to be kept... [01:49:27] zet164361: Ahhhhh [01:49:27] OHMichelleOH: I need an owner [01:49:28] RoxyMoonshine: Cancelled in 3 2 1 [01:49:29] bobbob2021: I feel like you should of stopped talking at the start of that bit [01:49:31] TrueMezzo: the brit is comming out [01:49:31] HardyOrange: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:49:34] Kolateak_: H U H [01:49:34] Luucy_333: HUH [01:49:36] hiluuu: i volunteer [01:49:36] daralover1: Finn so sub he can't even say it without laughing [01:49:36] moughith_rouis: u r a aguy???? [01:49:36] brainiac5_01: monkaS [01:49:37] johnkeiwo: CANCELLED [01:49:37] ITZHYP3RION: Were you in a mrbeast video [01:49:37] sufclinny: f1nn you own rose [01:49:38] Nenkos: monkaS [01:49:38] mystchevious1: Don't [01:49:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:49:38] thcystic: L [01:49:38] tgdmshow: You are talking to a professional bimbo [01:49:38] Zettrex: KEKW [01:49:38] callmegarp: LUL [01:49:38] stephylmao: DF [01:49:39] L3W4: BibleThump [01:49:39] DireCyphre: Real british hours [01:49:39] braddle172: Huh [01:49:39] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:49:39] muddymudkip15: Uh [01:49:39] palsjxbeidb: Dumb [01:49:39] consimiamo: wat [01:49:40] Nano_Nano: HUH [01:49:40] unopenedcookies: He's British, he's literally already done it lmao [01:49:41] cortes921: Lol [01:49:41] nikama6: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:49:41] IdiotKnightKing: Really? [01:49:41] Kayver_: XD [01:49:42] SuchKittyMuchMeow: doogSuffer 󠀀 [01:49:42] vanimal2118: The illusion is falling apart Rose! [01:49:42] xXNeroZashiXx: Rip [01:49:42] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:49:42] bigsadge: YEP british [01:49:42] The_Morellonomicon: Colonial scum [01:49:43] DireCyphre: Tallyho! [01:49:43] viryl_lucas: stapg [01:49:43] TravelingEmpath: lol wow [01:49:43] gkhan336: AYO [01:49:43] HardyOrange: British behavior [01:49:43] Nova_Prime_69: uhh what [01:49:44] DaNuff: you're not andrew tate enough to own a person [01:49:44] Nambo_Rose: b r u h [01:49:44] Falqun: cotten will see this XD [01:49:44] Akemencha: Ohhh?? I volunteer as tribute [01:49:44] G0rg81vl: bruh [01:49:44] boybagyu: Clip that please [01:49:44] hopalongtommy: Cancelled. [01:49:44] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 🌹 󠀀 [01:49:44] Kolateak_: CLIP [01:49:44] YeomanJensen: amityaEyeroll amityaEyeroll amityaEyeroll [01:49:45] TacoJohn11Live: Uhhhh nani? [01:49:45] richarduk81: Clip it [01:49:45] booberies1: Says the British person [01:49:45] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, SLAVERY BAD! [01:49:45] G00gel: Kinda weird coming from a British person [01:49:46] viryl_lucas: staph [01:49:46] helenaaaauwu: cancelled [01:49:47] cortes921: Yeah.... [01:49:47] MerobibaTheBrave: nice [01:49:48] Srcsqwrn: Fin is gonna own nano as a pet [01:49:48] CJKDB: That's frowned upon these days. [01:49:48] thcystic: who clipped it [01:49:49] imNotSubbed: "places" [01:49:49] floofyfurlogdog: Sad violin [01:49:49] zoe_with_an_e: :) [01:49:49] AraAra_Capybara: Staup [01:49:49] HotAutism: Context keep the context O_O [01:49:49] moughith_rouis: r u trans? [01:49:51] blackdevils521: Cancel [01:49:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: Britsh moment [01:49:52] sufclinny: you own rose [01:49:54] Sketchypeepo: british ppl man [01:49:54] michelledaisy2014: There's enough simps here for that to be true [01:49:55] consimiamo: kekw [01:49:55] enrich_bloodborne: Lol [01:49:55] StrawberryCheescake25: I still volunteer [01:49:56] RoxyMoonshine: On my bucket list My Fucking God LUL LUL LUL [01:49:56] Nenkos: they abolishing ur ass in the qrts [01:49:56] KhiralShimmer: *record scratch* [01:49:57] offcentercompass: british [01:49:57] ChasingSol: @moughith_rouis no, he's a cross-dresser [01:49:58] AvaerusEx: Twitter: F1nn5ter endorses slavery. [01:49:59] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn wants to own people. - 2830 [01:49:59] umtic: weirdChamp time to stop [01:50:01] Akemencha: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:50:02] ramboo1989: You do own Rose [01:50:03] nikama6: NotLikeThis LUL [01:50:04] AeitZean: "i can be as dumb as i want, you can't stop me" LUL [01:50:05] zoe_with_an_e: Old habits die hard I guess [01:50:05] Xantiiiiiiiii: is it pinkish peach? [01:50:06] helenaaaauwu: Britain genes [01:50:06] medical_size9000: You only dominated ppl in games I thought we already talked about it [01:50:06] johnkeiwo: IM IN DANGER worrunS [01:50:07] bruce_moose_96: It must be the white in you 😏 [01:50:07] johnkeiwo: IM IN DANGER worrunS [01:50:08] nazoHomuLily: f1nn .... im sorry but you're way to subby to be that dom..... [01:50:09] CJKDB: The Colonial days ore OVER [01:50:10] Loelinverse: what a racist take [01:50:10] GingerWithEnV: Wow the British ancestors really spoke through you there [01:50:10] zet164361: I thought he was dead no vid in 3 weeks 😭 [01:50:11] nazoHomuLily: unless.... [01:50:14] f4zol0: my COLONial [01:50:15] umtic: @johnkeiwo KEKW [01:50:15] Zettrex: the true brit comes out KEKW [01:50:16] randyiii: f1nnChair [01:50:16] NotLouis05: is there going to be a yt vid of you in japan? [01:50:16] elzorrohablante: 1750's Femboy lmao [01:50:16] viryl_lucas: STOP [01:50:20] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:50:22] ramboo1989: It’s the Saxon in you [01:50:23] G0rg81vl: the colonialism gene slipped through [01:50:24] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [01:50:24] txtara: txtara subscribed at Tier 1. [01:50:24] f3mmbot: txtara subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang txtara f1nnLezgang [01:50:25] bobbob2021: What would the food be like as a slave [01:50:26] consimiamo: KEKW [01:50:26] sufclinny: ill be your slave [01:50:26] SalemSacrifices: I'll be your sub dw [01:50:27] Luucy_333: KEKW [01:50:30] ArminGux: I just god a add [01:50:30] vanimal2118: Why r u in danger @johnkeiwo ? [01:50:31] stephylmao: KEKW [01:50:31] Falqun: oh u wanna be the slave, got it. [01:50:32] helenaaaauwu: "Britain Internet Femboy wants Slavery back" [01:50:33] viryl_lucas: bussy time [01:50:33] rollingface87: Getting some phrenology in there too ..wow [01:50:33] RoxyMoonshine: Twitter gonna have a fun time with this stream [01:50:36] lethaldissonance: just need someone to cosplay Dobby [01:50:38] pacificviewer: just marry natt [01:50:41] Loelinverse: @vanimal2118 hes French [01:50:42] Akemencha: I'll volunteer for scientific purposes 😏 [01:50:44] PeterTheMostlyOK: astra71LUL astra71LUL [01:50:45] AIRHydrant: enslave natt [01:50:49] CJKDB: I think you can own a Canadian. [01:50:51] TrapCounty: thank god it is [01:50:51] L0hna: why do americans think eu citizens want a green card? id rather die tbh [01:50:52] TheCharlesTownsend: It's more Viking Heritage. The British steal your history, the Vikings stole the cuties. [01:50:54] ArminGux: I hate being in EU, to many adds [01:50:56] brutaleia: Second time on twitch been watching on youtube for a while now! [01:50:58] ramboo1989: Damn poor twink [01:50:59] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [01:51:04] ChasingSol: @brutaleia welcome, enjoy the stream [01:51:04] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:51:07] randyiii: f1nnHeadpat [01:51:09] Zettrex: ye its as stricked as russland apparently [01:51:10] packagum: KEKW [01:51:11] DaNuff: Finnster Tate [01:51:13] Loelinverse: KEKqW [01:51:14] ChasingSol: @smokyrng no, he's a cross-dresser [01:51:17] bruce_moose_96: Clipped [01:51:17] ArminGux: Hehehe [01:51:18] AvaerusEx: @L0hna Those are the dumb Americans. [01:51:18] johnpnicholls1122: just marry natt with that [01:51:19] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:51:20] zoe_with_an_e: Finn is just a twink Andrew Tate [01:51:21] bu11c8ap: How about Bull Crap I'm in [01:51:22] AShDistance: make an OC, then you can own them [01:51:22] consimiamo: kekw [01:51:25] JUBU_0: caught on 4k [01:51:26] Stovamor: brb [01:51:29] rykziz: A little slavery never kill- NotLikeThis [01:51:30] CJKDB: I done with my people owning phase. [01:51:30] remain_unseen: Clipped and canceled [01:51:30] tgdmshow: Sez you [01:51:31] vanimal2118: Probably [01:51:33] Helen_Croft: I hate working in amsterdam to much funny plant around [01:51:34] Loelinverse: this is wild [01:51:34] ChasingSol: @Stovamor ok [01:51:34] viljosayshi: chat? being a little strange??? [01:51:39] ArminGux: NAT is into u tho [01:51:46] Amoyamoyamoya: You like straight guys tho [01:51:47] richarduk81: Finn wants to own a twink [01:51:48] viryl_lucas: ah yes straight natt [01:51:48] NotLouis05: will there be a japan video on yt?? [01:51:50] AeitZean: I mean soda said yes 🤷‍♀️ [01:51:51] TheCharlesTownsend: What's worse? A Twink Andrew Tate or a Twink Prince Andrew? [01:51:54] YeomanJensen: not marrying a dude? very homophobic [01:51:55] Luucy_333: Sure? xd [01:51:57] booberies1: Marrying would be straight for marrying you [01:51:57] AvaerusEx: Natt is the straightest guy who can pull off a perfect girl-voice. [01:51:57] unluckycharmist: you want slaves to be free, i want slaves to be free [01:51:58] viryl_lucas: "straight" [01:51:58] HardyOrange: Yeah, so perfect for you, right? (Joke!) [01:51:59] keller4589: The straightest Man Ik is natt [01:52:00] ChasingSol: But Natt wears maid outfits and cat ears... [01:52:03] Alkno_93: lets watch what we came for babe [01:52:07] nikama6: Natt being gay proof [01:52:07] AIRHydrant: idk I think natt would tickle a pickle [01:52:07] consimiamo: you already proposed to soda [01:52:08] ArminGux: Hehehe [01:52:08] vanimal2118: Do u smoke @helen_croft ? [01:52:08] CJKDB: Everyone is gay. [01:52:10] 71M073J: Well yeah, Natt is straight. Guy plus girl is straight Kappa [01:52:10] bobbob2021: Who's the most bdsm involved person though legend447Anyaspy [01:52:11] hopalongtommy: Natt doth protest too much [01:52:11] johnpnicholls1122: and that why he will like you girl [01:52:12] KiriahKolrath: We've seen Natt in Makeup, Wig and clothing. If he's the straightest guy you know.... [01:52:12] bearlier: Fruity ass friend group [01:52:13] ArminGux: Egg moment [01:52:13] bruce_moose_96: Fake taxi predicament [01:52:15] sherlock_norris: have you seen natt's streams recently? [01:52:17] RoxyMoonshine: Aware LUL [01:52:18] Helen_Croft: @vanimal2118 no never [01:52:19] cutie_kitten20: hey [01:52:20] stephylmao: everyone is a lil fruity [01:52:21] Loelinverse: uh on [01:52:22] Amoyamoyamoya: @transterra29, I didn't clip that rn. Have to do it after strem now. [01:52:23] LogicCore: Natt, straightest dude I know... This will only hold until their date. [01:52:25] keller4589: You becoming aware is crazy [01:52:26] rsm_100r: LOL [01:52:26] brianvorn: Fine marry a basketball player they’re mostly bigger than 6ft [01:52:27] zet164361: I only have gay girl friends [01:52:27] zoe_with_an_e: Moment of realisation [01:52:28] ArminGux: Isn't it mostly femboys now [01:52:31] sufclinny: i remember when gay was a insult [01:52:31] bu11c8ap: We could be friends hit me up [01:52:32] Loelinverse: Prhasing? [01:52:32] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:52:32] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart stardu78Rollin nanona1Nodders techta5NyanWin3 [01:52:36] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:52:37] vanimal2118: Me either @helen_croft . [01:52:38] RoxyMoonshine: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:52:38] tgdmshow: Shlatt? [01:52:38] bigsuave7: KappaPride [01:52:38] johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [01:52:39] HardyOrange: Fewer straight dude friends, more lesbian transfem friends, wild how that happens [01:52:40] YeomanJensen: the Big Guy [01:52:41] zoe_with_an_e: Shlatt is not straight [01:52:41] umtic: marry Schlatt Kappa [01:52:42] TH1SisSTAN: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:52:43] keller4589: They are all very gay [01:52:43] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:52:43] Streig: the realization.... [01:52:45] The_Morellonomicon: Natt has been in Twitch chat, you can't tell me the straightest dude you know is a twitch chatter [01:52:45] hanyuu_sotsu: Schlatt is not straight [01:52:45] vanimal2118: f1nnLezgang f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynBonk [01:52:46] bigsuave7: schlatt right [01:52:47] KnapperigeKapitein: schatt 100% [01:52:47] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong soluskUwU soluskUwU soluskUwU [01:52:48] TrapCounty: @F1NN5TER ARE YOU STRAIGHT? [01:52:49] Amoyamoyamoya: SAME PERSON? [01:52:49] ramboo1989: Yeah well he’s going on a date with you so…….#nattforthewin [01:52:49] medical_size9000: Stov is straight dude [01:52:51] f4zol0: Pyro definitely a lesbian [01:52:51] ronkle_dunkle: Half-lidded coolers, half lies as cures Warm blanket statement, Denver air terminal patient Rubberized, skin rubberized For your entertainment, got two cents save it Dozing at the helm, road paved with vagrants [01:52:51] AvaerusEx: I thought JSchlatt dated men before? [01:52:51] HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong [01:52:55] viryl_lucas: lol [01:52:55] ArminGux: Aren't u the straightest guy u know [01:52:55] tgdmshow: Shlatt is a pretty fruity man [01:53:00] callmegarp: Women make better friends. I say that as a cis man [01:53:01] KoriYuhBoi: You can be my friend [01:53:02] AeitZean: I think you're the srraightest guy you know tho? [01:53:02] Amoyamoyamoya: You have straight people on staff F1nn. [01:53:06] zoe_with_an_e: Jschlatt is no close to straight [01:53:08] viryl_lucas: :probably" [01:53:09] helenaaaauwu: Very convincing xd [01:53:11] TrapCounty: @F1NN5TER I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT SORRY [01:53:12] averagelycoolceline: pyro been making slop [01:53:13] braddle172: Bendy in flight [01:53:13] ITZHYP3RION: Are you a gigachad [01:53:16] sufclinny: rose is your straight friend [01:53:17] AIRHydrant: bro doesnt even believe anymore [01:53:18] sugma_666: Super straight [01:53:19] packagum: very convincing [01:53:20] TravelingEmpath: I'm pan but we're not friends, which is a shame [01:53:21] o_slip: 'an arrow in flight' [01:53:21] bearpaw1970: Hello ' Copium Gremlin , did anyone ever tell you , that your Copium has the consistency of maple syrup. [01:53:24] CJKDB: We're all straight till you dress up. [01:53:25] blueskydrinking: That was't convincing [01:53:25] viryl_lucas: lol [01:53:26] GingerWithEnV: Now who's your least straight friend [01:53:27] ramboo1989: You sound disappointed [01:53:27] Zettrex: a arrow is straight when still but as wobbely as fuck when it flies [01:53:29] voiceofthevoid999: ooooooo I love paradoxes personally [01:53:29] sufclinny: its you [01:53:30] nikama6: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:53:30] ArminGux: At least he admits it [01:53:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:53:34] NotLouis05: is this you coming out??? [01:53:35] KiriahKolrath: Arrow's wiggle in flight and the travel in a parabolic arc... [01:53:36] johnkeiwo: fruity straight [01:53:37] packagum: f1nnGremlin [01:53:37] glitchy_bich: If all women disappeared it would be a pain In the ass [01:53:38] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn claims he's straight. LOL. Talking about straight people he knows like Natt and Schlatt. - 2910 [01:53:38] zoe_with_an_e: Straight as an arrow that's been bent in half [01:53:39] swiftresty: !instagram [01:53:39] f3mmbot: Her Instagram profile is at instagr.am/f1nn5terlive [01:53:40] viryl_lucas: lmaoo [01:53:42] nikama6: like spaghetti [01:53:42] Falqun: like noodels - till it gets wet [01:53:43] badboy7629: What color are your nails? [01:53:47] bu11c8ap: Kinda bendy [01:53:48] StrawberryCheescake25: I'm straight like spaghetti before you cook it [01:53:48] ramboo1989: Her* [01:53:49] helenaaaauwu: Finn beeing gay is okay you know ? xD [01:53:49] Amoyamoyamoya: So F1nn very bendy too? [01:53:56] CJKDB: Where's my whip? [01:53:56] ArminGux: It's soda into girls [01:53:59] AvaerusEx: Soda seems to be into everything. [01:54:02] bearpaw1970: LMAO [01:54:03] o_slip: buy pan [01:54:05] TravelingEmpath: The least straight friend is much more of a competition lol [01:54:05] brianvorn: Marry a basketball player they’re mostly 7ft tall and bbc [01:54:07] consimiamo: based soda [01:54:08] TheCharlesTownsend: "But F1nn! I'm straight!" "So is spaghetti until it's wet!" [01:54:08] Ohtoven: its definitely a battle between the two [01:54:08] Loelinverse: Sometimes arrows curve [01:54:09] sufclinny: who is the gayest person you know [01:54:09] zoe_with_an_e: You're your own gayest friend [01:54:10] rykziz: @ramboo1989 he/him on twitter, he's cis. [01:54:11] ashisthemainflop: finn one of these days imma bout to donate 1000 subs [01:54:12] ChasingSol: brb [01:54:13] TrapCounty: chris was a human [01:54:13] ramboo1989: Soda is everything [01:54:13] HardyOrange: Is Soda into dudes? [01:54:13] cutie_kitten20: CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp [01:54:15] badboy7629: oh sorry, its colour right? [01:54:16] braddle172: Soda isn't in to guys [01:54:17] 71M073J: I also like buying pans [01:54:18] ArminGux: Soda is into girls tho [01:54:19] ramboo1989: And then some [01:54:21] WyldAntic: I'm amused by how Girl Sleepover conversation this is [01:54:21] effthelf: Soda has to be the queerest [01:54:22] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP SodaCat his least straight friend. Chris close second. - 2860 [01:54:22] k3llthulhu: you're singlehandedly repairing my relationship to straight guys so thanks :) [01:54:24] al3x0mg: e [01:54:24] keller4589: Soda is into girls right [01:54:25] nikama6: based Chris fuck everyone [01:54:28] AvaerusEx: Chat is the least staight f'er you know. [01:54:31] AIRHydrant: gooners dont count tho [01:54:32] PhilipMooney: Soda identifies as degenerate before anything else [01:54:36] AeitZean: An arrow in flight? Never heard of the archers paradox? [01:54:39] onestupidpizza: Hello just woke up [01:54:40] CJKDB: He's mostly straight. The butt plug is the anomaly. [01:54:41] tgdmshow: KEKW mike [01:54:45] zoe_with_an_e: Best buds [01:54:48] ArminGux: Soda is straight the same way u cis. 20$ is 20$ [01:54:48] keller4589: Damnit mike [01:54:48] GingerWithEnV: I don't know JammieDodger? [01:54:51] Zettrex: KEKW [01:54:52] aLittleCalamarian: Cam Damage is pretty good [01:54:54] stephylmao: buds 4 life [01:54:55] NotLouis05: MIKE!!! [01:54:55] Luucy_333: hehe [01:54:56] rj_ninj: rj_ninj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! 8 months of finn, and now having a self discovery of being gynesexual [01:54:56] f3mmbot: rj_ninj subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [01:54:59] YeomanJensen: cyrGIGA [01:55:02] rykziz: @CJKDB That has nothing to do with being straight though? [01:55:02] GingerWithEnV: NoahFinnce? [01:55:02] AvaerusEx: @CJKDB There are straight people who are into butt-stuff. [01:55:03] heiaaa: can i be your friend ? [01:55:04] Amoyamoyamoya: Was that Twitter Mike? [01:55:05] zoe_with_an_e: Hes a Make a wish [01:55:05] Stovamor: I return [01:55:05] jeff_the_killer505: Hello [01:55:09] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [01:55:10] lydiatamales: Jean Val Jean is that you? [01:55:11] YeomanJensen: amityaEyeroll [01:55:12] Zettrex: OMEGALUL [01:55:13] keller4589: Welcome back stov [01:55:14] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, it was [01:55:15] that_colin_guy: Make a Wench? [01:55:16] keller4589: LMAO [01:55:19] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:55:20] ArminGux: Le rip Mike soon [01:55:20] 71M073J: KEKW [01:55:21] stephylmao: KEKW [01:55:22] alexandra_saunders: Are you all prepared for you Date with Natt? [01:55:23] vanimal2118: Since ur upgrading ur house electrical system, would u put in an outlet 4 an electrical vehicle? (May help ur resell value) [01:55:23] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:55:23] averagelycoolceline: say maybe lol [01:55:24] keller4589: Make a wish wow 😭 [01:55:24] CJKDB: Yeah, okay. [01:55:24] may0nade: mike's friend here, thank you for the confirmation [01:55:25] HardyOrange: Jfc this backstory wow [01:55:26] Falqun: oh, I thought the IRS is onto him KEKW [01:55:26] Zettrex: KEKW [01:55:28] drmessju: KEKW [01:55:31] ramboo1989: Mike and F1NN5TER…….👌🏻👈🏻 [01:55:32] druskys_jerkChicken: aww [01:55:32] tgdmshow: Scizo Mike KEKW [01:55:36] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Twitter Mike dono message? F1nn says there's a Make a Wish request re: Mike. - 2890 [01:55:37] FoxUndead: as a girl i find almost anything red flag lol [01:55:41] zoe_with_an_e: We've gone from slavery to shit talking make a wish kids [01:55:42] viryl_lucas: cucked [01:55:42] nikama6: LUL LUL [01:55:48] bruce_moose_96: What a simp [01:55:49] Amoyamoyamoya: Gay club? [01:55:49] rykziz: @AvaerusEx Yeah those 2 things don't have anything to do with each other. A guy doing butt stuff with his wife isn't "gay" lol [01:55:50] jeff_the_killer505: Do u get hate for dressing in female clothes cause I do [01:55:51] JustChickenwing: Oh yeah Finn, got it. Yeah Mike's here! Finn's bestie! [01:55:54] ArminGux: O7 mike [01:55:54] floofyfurlogdog: f1nnLaff [01:55:55] HardyOrange: Yep UK thing [01:55:56] Amoyamoyamoya: *Very gay club. [01:55:56] sdr_cpt: did you get pegged by the boobla lady ? [01:55:57] RoxyMoonshine: Mike’s gonna send another message LUL [01:55:57] Pillooow: I haven't seen that since the 2000s [01:55:58] WyldAntic: Girl's night out [01:56:00] Nenkos: that's very american [01:56:01] PerzeK_: what's cracking Finn [01:56:01] DEADBERD: cringe KEKW [01:56:03] G0rg81vl: clubbing goes on too late lol [01:56:03] consimiamo: is snapping a uk thing??? [01:56:04] ramboo1989: 🫡 [01:56:06] PhilipMooney: As an Irishman, it's a UK thing [01:56:07] YeomanJensen: @amoyamoyamoya cyrXD [01:56:08] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:56:10] RoxyMoonshine: I KNEW IT [01:56:14] medical_size9000: Can you snap your fingers?? [01:56:14] ArminGux: Wait what [01:56:14] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn making very gay hand gesture. - 2840 [01:56:17] Amoyamoyamoya: GOTTEM [01:56:20] nikama6: LUL LUL [01:56:21] Amoyamoyamoya: GOTTEM [01:56:22] vanimal2118: Mike Roast? [01:56:22] consimiamo: kekw [01:56:23] AvaerusEx: @rykziz I meant there are straight guys into butt plugs. I was saying it's *not* gay. [01:56:26] G0rg81vl: KEKW [01:56:29] PetriZide: Aware [01:56:29] Mike27356894: Fair enough. [01:56:29] ArminGux: They tell them and they choose [01:56:31] ramboo1989: Ayooo [01:56:32] tgdmshow: Naah KEKW [01:56:33] sweethki: I thought I was totally straight, but it turns out I was looking at the wrong men [01:56:34] AeitZean: Ali-g thing [01:56:34] keller4589: Fair [01:56:35] FoxUndead: i'm clueless [01:56:36] zoe_with_an_e: I dont feel like we should be here for this discussion [01:56:36] Zettrex: KEKW 󠀀 [01:56:36] loveroseslove: Feel huged you lovely person [01:56:37] AIRHydrant: that makes no sense who do they wish to, santa? [01:56:37] TravelingEmpath: lol make a wish "You are dying enough for us to do a nice thing" [01:56:49] bearpaw1970: LMAO [01:56:49] edwardalders0n: f1nnHeart [01:56:51] rykziz: @AvaerusEx I'm aware, i agreed with you and expanded on it with an example. [01:56:52] SacksoGaming: HE said it! [01:56:52] zoe_with_an_e: YOU ADMIT IT [01:56:52] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:56:53] ITZHYP3RION: So what is your stream schedule [01:56:55] ramboo1989: Mike your a real one [01:56:56] consimiamo: the truth comes out [01:56:57] SalemSacrifices: I DID IT [01:56:58] PerzeK_: LMAO [01:56:58] imperialgold01: CLIP IT [01:56:58] unopenedcookies: HE ADMITS IT [01:56:58] jeff_the_killer505: Beep beep ima sheep [01:56:59] SalemSacrifices: I MADE EM SAY IT [01:57:00] ArminGux: True [01:57:00] Neameklol: heard it here first [01:57:01] HotAutism: Clip it! Clip it! [01:57:01] umtic: peepoSimp Kappa [01:57:02] braddle172: KEKW [01:57:04] callmegarp: YUCK DONO [01:57:04] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:57:04] Zettrex: bottom switch KEKW [01:57:05] stephylmao: LMAO [01:57:06] keller4589: Finally [01:57:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: huh [01:57:07] 71M073J: Accurate [01:57:07] AvaerusEx: @rykziz Oh sorry, it's difficult to tell sometimes. :D [01:57:07] Skxrpt: HI [01:57:08] Amoyamoyamoya: GIVE UP F1NN. NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU. [01:57:08] nikama6: Kappa [01:57:11] AIRHydrant: a switch? Lile you'd rather do it the other way around [01:57:13] TNTFOXER: UUUfff good one [01:57:13] zoe_with_an_e: YOU DID THE THING [01:57:15] Luucy_333: AYO [01:57:16] ramboo1989: !!!! [01:57:17] SacksoGaming: Never said that you was?!?!?! LUL [01:57:17] HUMONGUSWAFFLE: They dont switch at all. Just straight bottom [01:57:17] starlordboo: Didn't you pegged tho [01:57:17] medical_size9000: Quit stuttering [01:57:17] helenaaaauwu: bottom/versatile = bottom [01:57:18] alexandra_saunders: PO Box opening? [01:57:18] J3is: "I didn't say I was" WHAT [01:57:19] deadgrammar: HE ADMITTED IT [01:57:21] Zettrex: KEKW [01:57:22] Rheumour: KEKW [01:57:24] shinyhappymatt1905: Ah yes fictional characters for make a wish, captain America, jack Sparrow, F1nn5ter [01:57:26] keller4589: KEKW [01:57:26] richarduk81: Look who's come to visit it's captain bottom [01:57:27] rykziz: @AvaerusEx Definitely, no worries at all! [01:57:27] ArminGux: U were claiming straight till last year [01:57:28] NorthGuard1: "I am not even a switch" - you, in march [01:57:30] zoe_with_an_e: EGG SUB CONFIRMED [01:57:32] Zettrex: eeey im walking here.... [01:57:32] tomhekker: KEKW [01:57:44] XENOMAN5: @itzhyp3rion Streaming schedule? KEKW [01:57:46] The_Morellonomicon: @Mike27356894 they send the acceptance letters through post, system wasn't designed for people dying of terminal online [01:57:50] vforvalerio: vforvalerio subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Been here 3 months, never saw you in boy mode [01:57:51] f3mmbot: vforvalerio subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:58:00] that_colin_guy: noice [01:58:03] ArminGux: So are u [01:58:04] mountain2: you have such nice hair <3 [01:58:04] f4zol0: based [01:58:05] sweethki: Femininity is dangerous [01:58:06] johnkeiwo: true [01:58:06] TravelingEmpath: awe heck, dude dating? thats gay as heck [01:58:06] braddle172: True [01:58:06] tomhekker: ewww Jonas is gay af [01:58:06] Luucy_333: You say lol [01:58:07] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [01:58:07] YeomanJensen: the mood improvement thing is mutual [01:58:08] HotAutism: ¬¬ [01:58:08] umtic: oh is it now? Kappa [01:58:09] NorthGuard1: jealous? [01:58:10] rsm_100r: just ONE of them LOL [01:58:12] FoxUndead: do you still wear wigs? [01:58:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: So about that date with NAtt... [01:58:14] tgdmshow: KEKW [01:58:15] zoe_with_an_e: That's not gay that's just supportive [01:58:15] ArminGux: Hehehe [01:58:16] viryl_lucas: hmmm [01:58:16] johnkeiwo: omfg KEKW [01:58:16] BudgetMatt: KEKW [01:58:16] unbalanced_again: KEKW [01:58:17] Rinyukio_Kiri: Hi hi <3 [01:58:17] PetriZide: KEKW [01:58:18] 416hobbit: One of them [01:58:19] KnapperigeKapitein: not as gay as being a reddit mod [01:58:19] braddle172: KEKW [01:58:19] mossbirbz: manliest activity ever [01:58:20] jordieboi45: KEKW [01:58:20] Rimmitarius: KEKW [01:58:20] bruce_moose_96: I would of said holding a guys hand [01:58:20] PhilipMooney: KEKW [01:58:20] viryl_lucas: gae finn [01:58:21] G0rg81vl: whats gayer than that [01:58:21] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [01:58:22] stephylmao: KEKW [01:58:23] ArminGux: Good one [01:58:25] phantaton: KEKW [01:58:27] Luucy_333: KEKW KEKW [01:58:27] stephylmao: ouch [01:58:28] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:58:28] vanimal2118: Bad joke [01:58:28] zoe_with_an_e: KEKW [01:58:29] bearpaw1970: bearpaw1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! Hey Sweetness , is it possible you can bottle up that Copium syrup so it can be covered over 🥞 pancakes [01:58:29] f3mmbot: bearpaw1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:58:30] evxthegamer: Ouch [01:58:31] AeitZean: The fact that you at least think switch exists means you've grown as a person SeemsGood [01:58:31] consimiamo: kekw [01:58:34] Zettrex: and here I thought I was straight KappaPride [01:58:34] AvaerusEx: Dark humor is the best humor. [01:58:35] PhilipMooney: When will you wear wigs? [01:58:35] CJKDB: My boyfriend can confirm that I'm straight. [01:58:36] jeff_the_killer505: Yeah it’s one below getting your balls bashed in [01:58:40] bladeofshid: Will you wear wigs? [01:58:42] zoe_with_an_e: It's not gay if you have your kitten [01:58:43] ArminGux: Playing league is nbr 1 [01:58:45] PhilipMooney: I am ashamed to say I was once a reddit power mod [01:58:46] Helen_Croft: reddit mod NotLikeThis [01:58:55] J3is: Literally me neither lmao [01:58:58] Amoyamoyamoya: <--- Least Gay F1nn Mod. Wait... [01:59:00] MajesticFvckingEagle: nah reddit mods are gay. It is known [01:59:00] G0rg81vl: programming socks? [01:59:01] ultimatesuicide1: brooooo he is so pretty oh my gooooooooooooood [01:59:04] OperatorEmma: howdy chatroom [01:59:04] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, X [01:59:05] xcommymommyx: xcommymommyx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Are you nicotine? Because I need you on a daily basis! (Addiction rizz) [01:59:05] f3mmbot: xcommymommyx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:59:06] sugma_666: "Boy mode" [01:59:08] CJKDB: JK ... I killed him. [01:59:08] OneEyedGhost2: Your dad is the gayest thing a guy can do. [01:59:10] beastlyhoboman: beastlyhoboman subscribed with Prime. [01:59:10] f3mmbot: beastlyhoboman subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang beastlyhoboman f1nnLezgang [01:59:11] fluffybunny884: fluffybunny884 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! you are amazing and so beautiful [01:59:12] f3mmbot: fluffybunny884 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [01:59:15] TravelingEmpath: I feel like plenty of prisoners dom cute guards [01:59:28] helenaaaauwu: Watching Femboy on Internet = Super Straight [01:59:32] ramboo1989: I think we are cheering him up chat 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [01:59:34] Luucy_333: truuu [01:59:37] ArminGux: Who is the most bi person u know [01:59:37] GalwayGhost: I am legitimately jealous of your hair [01:59:38] enrich_bloodborne: First he's got to attempt to dom cotton [01:59:43] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, I don't know anymore. I blame F1nn. [01:59:45] tgdmshow: HUUUH [01:59:46] ArminGux: What [01:59:46] unopenedcookies: WHAT [01:59:46] RockinLockin: what [01:59:47] TrueMezzo: hahahahahaha [01:59:47] helenaaaauwu: @ArminGux Heree meee [01:59:47] Nova_Prime_69: you saw that? [01:59:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: huh [01:59:48] BudgetMatt: HUH [01:59:48] oliviazbored: ??? [01:59:48] scarlettyg: huh [01:59:48] Zettrex: WutFace [01:59:48] G0rg81vl: ??????????????? [01:59:49] stephylmao: HUH [01:59:49] nathat233: ? [01:59:49] harokaa: Wtf [01:59:49] L0hna: ummmmmmm [01:59:49] xxxbrd10TACKION: that nicotine 1 was too funny [01:59:49] zoe_with_an_e: WHAT [01:59:50] YeomanJensen: TMI [01:59:50] imNotSubbed: what [01:59:50] RoxyMoonshine: Huh [01:59:50] Noskcaj1444: huh [01:59:50] Rimmitarius: Wut [01:59:50] TrainedAttackSpork: WHAT [01:59:51] Kaymon81: what? [01:59:51] braddle172: WHAT [01:59:52] KhiralShimmer: ayo? [01:59:52] viryl_lucas: COOM [01:59:54] scarlettyg: chipotle mayonnaise [01:59:54] ArminGux: Cum fries [01:59:54] MerobibaTheBrave: huh [01:59:54] gkhan336: wtf [01:59:55] nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:59:55] RockinLockin: ?? [01:59:55] muddymudkip15: Wut [01:59:56] keller4589: HUH [01:59:56] SalemSacrifices: Wait [01:59:56] zoe_with_an_e: YOU FUCKING WHAT [01:59:56] callmegarp: HUH [01:59:57] o_slip: femboy frie day [01:59:57] general_of_cm: yummy [01:59:57] sickEvander: HUH [01:59:57] L0hna: ew [01:59:58] tomwatchtwitch: ??@??# [01:59:58] hanyuu_sotsu: what [01:59:58] Helen_Croft: f1nnGross [01:59:58] TheKingKai_1: 💀 [01:59:58] druskys_jerkChicken: ....wait [01:59:58] medical_size9000: Huuhhh [01:59:59] ArminGux: What [01:59:59] Darts852: wut [01:59:59] letume: TMI [01:59:59] TaliEliseGM: ayo what da faq [01:59:59] Mediocritical: ayo [01:59:59] viryl_lucas: HAHAUAUHA [01:59:59] Alijah_T: WhaaaT? [01:59:59] bearlier: Home made mayo, pog [02:00:00] Gamma_Nguyener: YOU WHAT [02:00:00] FaintyPickle: hot [02:00:01] rsm_100r: LMAOOOOOOOO [02:00:01] rykziz: HUH [02:00:01] Zettrex: WutFace the fuck is this [02:00:01] yokai_327: HOT [02:00:01] f4zol0: You got the yummy yummy yummy, yummy yeah [02:00:02] bioai: Wow [02:00:02] tgdmshow: Soda? [02:00:02] Neameklol: BRO WHAT [02:00:02] bearpaw1970: Omg' 🤣 [02:00:02] Lucridis: extra protein [02:00:02] MerobibaTheBrave: wtf [02:00:02] Maverick0076: Bro what 💀 [02:00:02] ArminGux: No [02:00:02] The_Morellonomicon: Prison Guards can be subs f1nnHands [02:00:02] keller4589: OH I SAW IT TO [02:00:02] Nova_Prime_69: link? [02:00:02] consimiamo: KEKW [02:00:03] gkhan336: AYO [02:00:03] Luucy_333: HUH [02:00:03] ar1st1pp0s: goals [02:00:03] unopenedcookies: INTERESTING [02:00:03] elzorrohablante: Say again wtf lmao [02:00:03] G0rg81vl: aw hell nah [02:00:03] tomwatchtwitch: ?????? [02:00:04] Flex_Uli: wtf [02:00:04] LittleChaSiu: I didn't need to know that [02:00:04] johnkeiwo: interesting [02:00:04] drmessju: HUH [02:00:04] capsulatepluto: HUH [02:00:04] JearimyBearimy: Live?? [02:00:04] RoxyMoonshine: No way [02:00:05] braddle172: f1nnHands [02:00:05] AlhambraMMXX: sounds about right [02:00:05] AIRHydrant: in person???? [02:00:05] jordieboi45: NOICE my bad [02:00:05] lethaldissonance: an afternoon snack [02:00:05] stephylmao: why. [02:00:05] viryl_lucas: lmaooo [02:00:05] AeitZean: @enrich_bloodborne naas cotton is the final boss of Domming [02:00:06] ArminGux: Why [02:00:06] umtic: KEKW what? [02:00:06] andimax11: Ay what? Link? [02:00:06] KoriYuhBoi: He'll yeaaaaahhhhb [02:00:06] Maddrius: ayo? [02:00:06] HardyOrange: Lmao [02:00:06] SalemSacrifices: Tasty [02:00:06] medical_size9000: Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:00:06] remain_unseen: Sauce? [02:00:07] AvaerusEx: In a video right??? [02:00:07] JethroLIVE: first stream I ever join and this is what I tune into [02:00:07] packagum: HUH [02:00:07] SoupiesPoopies: HUH? [02:00:07] threeCedar: what [02:00:08] J3is: Wtf what what what the fuck [02:00:08] callmegarp: TMI TMI [02:00:08] DireCyphre: Well what else would they do with it?? [02:00:08] Dumbbi69: HUH [02:00:08] imNotSubbed: god damn those are some crazy videos [02:00:09] johnkeiwo: extra salt [02:00:09] LeanVolcano7: Noooooo [02:00:09] Nambo_Rose: why [02:00:09] stingemorewhite: You got hungry [02:00:10] zoe_with_an_e: Yum [02:00:10] booberies1: That's hot [02:00:10] postsins: nice [02:00:10] blackdevils521: WTF [02:00:10] hashbrownandeggs: ????? [02:00:11] ArminGux: Ew [02:00:11] RonnieSxl: WutFace [02:00:11] viryl_lucas: f1nn is vanilla [02:00:12] joeyiswatching: wat [02:00:12] srirammoh: Why is it that you have a headache every time I see you? [02:00:13] TravelingEmpath: I'd eat the fries.... wdym [02:00:13] brianvorn: Ewww [02:00:13] tomhekker: Soda is kinda based tbh KEKW [02:00:13] Rimmitarius: Extra sodium [02:00:13] orushika: Yukkkk [02:00:13] keller4589: Incredible skills from soda and the girl [02:00:13] urchinstyle: ????? [02:00:13] anschofi: nice [02:00:14] mossbirbz: Are you watching it now?! [02:00:14] SacksoGaming: Where did that come from??!?! [02:00:15] bruce_moose_96: Finn just sitting the corner [02:00:15] MoleyHoleyAds: Cum again? monkaS [02:00:15] general_of_cm: wow the spoilers [02:00:15] resurgenceguild: Straightest thing ever [02:00:15] tgdmshow: HUUUH KEKW [02:00:16] KnapperigeKapitein: maybe it tastes good?? [02:00:16] drmessju: ????????? [02:00:16] sickEvander: Why were you watching? For research?? [02:00:16] voiceofthevoid999: Why would you give me that image in my goddamn brain [02:00:16] subnatalie: Flavor [02:00:17] Stovamor: Thank you for saying that. I hate it [02:00:17] SoupiesPoopies: Wtf? [02:00:17] Helen_Croft: f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross [02:00:17] KoriYuhBoi: Nice protein snack [02:00:17] lostcrow_: TMI Dude [02:00:17] im_up_to_something: Weird [02:00:18] TheCharlesTownsend: I wonder if he tastes like Ranch? I hate ranch. [02:00:18] TaliEliseGM: you jealous you didn't eat the fries? [02:00:18] xxxbrd10TACKION: bruuuh datz a hent plot [02:00:19] tomwatchtwitch: Uhhh [02:00:19] zoe_with_an_e: Tasty [02:00:19] bearpaw1970: 🤣🥞🤣 [02:00:19] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he saw SodaCat coming on some fries and the girl he was fucking ate the fries. - 2840 [02:00:20] dafdeddog: In real life or in a video? [02:00:20] sartanxar: Yeah that happens [02:00:20] booberies1: Hot af [02:00:21] OneEyedGhost2: No one like mayo on their fries [02:00:22] YeomanJensen: trauma dumping limmyFedUp [02:00:22] druskys_jerkChicken: i've seen worse [02:00:22] Amoyamoyamoya: THIS IS FINE. [02:00:22] Dankweighty: Forbidden mayo [02:00:23] 416hobbit: That's a SPECIAL POUTINE [02:00:23] 71M073J: Tasty snack 😋😋😋😋😋😋 [02:00:23] Hawker420: Wtf [02:00:23] booberies1: Yummy [02:00:24] LogicCore: That's called "The New Jersey Poitine" [02:00:24] ramboo1989: Normal Soda behavior [02:00:25] andimax11: Ayo soda’s a fiend [02:00:25] ITZHYP3RION: What's your height in cm [02:00:26] ArminGux: I don't wanna see that [02:00:27] ghost_sheriff_: ugh [02:00:27] orushika: 🤢🤢🤢 [02:00:27] general_of_cm: i have seen worse [02:00:29] MerobibaTheBrave: eww [02:00:29] ArxonBBY: Kinda hot ngl [02:00:29] Crysttt: excuse me [02:00:29] xx_bex_becca_xx: ??? [02:00:29] Zettrex: WutFace thats some ooof [02:00:29] AvaerusEx: I'm degen but that's some next level degen shit. [02:00:30] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Fiiiiiiiiii nnnnnnnnnnn, was that public information??? [02:00:30] voiceofthevoid999: Literally why would you tell me this [02:00:31] XENOMAN5: Extra special sauce huh? [02:00:31] booberies1: I want some of those fries [02:00:32] jeff_the_killer505: Watching fem boys while wearing skirts while being a guy is the gayest thing u can do [02:00:33] Amoyamoyamoya: Why would that fuck me up? [02:00:34] andimax11: That’s one hell of an ad [02:00:35] randyiii: Is that not normal? [02:00:35] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:00:36] callmegarp: Finn were you IN THE ROOM? [02:00:38] KoriYuhBoi: Gourmet meal bro [02:00:38] keller4589: His new tweet is so ridiculous [02:00:39] booberies1: Yummy [02:00:39] hopalongtommy: I thought you said you didn't have time to do anything with Soda in Japan [02:00:39] RoxyMoonshine: Now I know why you’re having a bad day [02:00:40] ArminGux: Soda needs help [02:00:40] nikama6: Befriending degen becoming one [02:00:41] LittleChaSiu: poutine OMEGALUL [02:00:42] Rinyukio_Kiri: She ate them??? [02:00:44] CJKDB: Atta boy! [02:00:44] Luucy_333: EWWW [02:00:44] braddle172: LUL [02:00:45] tgdmshow: Forbidden ranch KEKW [02:00:47] Zettrex: OMEGALUL [02:00:48] Amoyamoyamoya: MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD [02:00:48] The_Morellonomicon: Thank you for informing us about this gem <3 [02:00:48] booberies1: Mmmmhhhmmm yum [02:00:49] viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA [02:00:50] brianvorn: Gross [02:00:51] Lucridis: Free fries tho [02:00:53] DualityUK: lmaooo [02:00:54] XENOMAN5: Did you try those fries? [02:00:54] druskys_jerkChicken: femboy sauce [02:00:54] andimax11: “Would you like any sauce with that?” [02:00:55] G0rg81vl: ew [02:00:56] GuilhermeColombelli: For a moment I thought F1nn saw it in person. [02:00:57] booberies1: Want [02:00:59] lostcrow_: It’s not the worst thing I’ve witnessed [02:00:59] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:01:00] bearpaw1970: Lmao' [02:01:00] consimiamo: Cottontail poutine???? [02:01:00] Zettrex: KEKW [02:01:00] sickEvander: Mmm salty [02:01:02] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW [02:01:02] booberies1: Would [02:01:02] G0rg81vl: i wish to unhear [02:01:02] ChepeChaf: What happened?? [02:01:03] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:01:03] natalie_1984: lol [02:01:03] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [02:01:06] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, The fuck... [02:01:06] rsm_100r: LMAOOOO OH NAHHHH [02:01:06] lordgtafbi: next level acting LUL [02:01:07] DeanTheSpartan: DeanTheSpartan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak! 34 months of non-forced feminization [02:01:07] f3mmbot: deanthespartan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 34 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:01:07] tomhekker: KEKW [02:01:07] stephylmao: KEKW [02:01:08] ArminGux: Traumatized f1nn [02:01:09] sartanxar: Yeah cum on food is a big thing you see on the Hub [02:01:09] johnkeiwo: worrunGasm [02:01:10] AeitZean: Why did it fuck you up, were they cold? [02:01:11] Knikian: KEKW [02:01:11] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER what got you on this topic [02:01:12] ElectroTech: KEKW [02:01:12] braddle172: KEKW [02:01:12] MuriToaster: Bro, you’re making me bisexual [02:01:12] Streig: sauce isn't a secret anymore! [02:01:13] Zettrex: f1nnCope [02:01:13] callmegarp: True coomer behavior LUL [02:01:15] viryl_lucas: salty yummy [02:01:15] lordgtafbi: it was nut* [02:01:16] drmessju: KEKW [02:01:17] bearlier: What's it like having such a degenerate friend? [02:01:17] zoe_with_an_e: PTSD [02:01:17] TravelingEmpath: You not into cumfries? [02:01:17] HotAutism: Nuts? [02:01:20] voiceofthevoid999: Some RANCH [02:01:22] umtic: which site is this video on? 😳 Kappa [02:01:23] blueskydrinking: Wouldn't the fries be cold by the time... [02:01:25] Stovamor: At least it wasn't garlic sauce [02:01:28] AdmuTheCatgirlenjoyer: Can you greet my friend Johann? He gets drafted tomorrow and cannot play R6 with us anymore leahkiSob [02:01:28] medical_size9000: Traumatized Finn [02:01:29] andimax11: Lol [02:01:29] nikama6: KEKW [02:01:30] katcryptic: Extra protein thast gainz [02:01:30] brianvorn: What were you thinking ? [02:01:30] consimiamo: cummies in tummies [02:01:30] EstradiolValerate: @f1nn5ter You've seen Soda's cock and balls so many times it dont even phase you [02:01:31] Helen_Croft: WHY did you told us that? [02:01:32] Marcus_Rasaan: Honestly, that's not the worst thing i've seen. [02:01:32] k3llthulhu: screaming crying throwing up rtc [02:01:32] Rimmitarius: I want some fries now.. [02:01:34] nothitch: this story is worrying [02:01:35] ArminGux: Why u watching friend corn [02:01:35] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Corrects scream otherwise it sounds too girly. Because F1nn's a girl. - 2890 [02:01:37] TravelingEmpath: I am a degenerate friend [02:01:37] AvaerusEx: I've seen worse on 4chan. [02:01:38] Marcus_Rasaan: In person, even [02:01:41] tgdmshow: Damn those fries had to be bussin with that glaze [02:01:41] captnigluu: can u greet johann. He will be gone for a long time know. such an important friend to me [02:01:41] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Don't "correct your scream", just be you hun 💕 [02:01:42] hopalongtommy: Self reported [02:01:43] druskys_jerkChicken: soda is fun [02:01:45] booberies1: I am the degenerate friend [02:01:45] randyiii: Hasn't nano done that as well [02:01:46] imNotSubbed: Share the pain lol [02:01:48] SalemSacrifices: Because it's public info [02:01:52] resurgenceguild: You mad that Soda didn't offer you some fries? [02:01:53] ArminGux: Not funny, just sad [02:01:53] The_Morellonomicon: Who says we want to get this out of our mind at all? [02:01:55] Ramaj_A: you what [02:01:57] zoe_with_an_e: Have you ever considered doing boy month? [02:01:57] KiriahKolrath: Have to share the horror. [02:01:58] Luucy_333: X [02:01:58] enrich_bloodborne: @aeitzean true dude. Imagine your first opponent being the final boss XD [02:01:59] johnkeiwo: masc Kappa [02:02:02] Stovamor: KEKW [02:02:03] ramboo1989: I’ll stick to ketchup [02:02:03] Falqun: so you are degenerate aswell? what is your kink then? [02:02:05] Ramaj_A: @Amoyamoyamoya and I'm blocked from cheers? [02:02:06] Amoyamoyamoya: <---- Least Degen Stream Mod [02:02:06] callmegarp: "should've" lies [02:02:07] consimiamo: kekw [02:02:07] AvaerusEx: I love when you scream. :D [02:02:07] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:02:09] ITZHYP3RION: Just be you [02:02:09] shinyhappymatt1905: Surely too much salt on fries [02:02:11] HardyOrange: Out here making Trixie's bird noises [02:02:11] viryl_lucas: so that's why [02:02:11] ArminGux: Aren't u trying to girl voice [02:02:11] SalemSacrifices: Stop it [02:02:12] SuchKittyMuchMeow: you probably made soda a lot of money just right now doogSuffer [02:02:12] andimax11: Stop kinkshaming the fry community [02:02:13] tomhekker: f1nnCope [02:02:13] TRAGI1C_: I love 6our scream finn be yourself [02:02:13] Zettrex: f1nnSCAM [02:02:15] lenny_face69: Imma google "How to scream masculine." [02:02:17] bearpaw1970: 😂 [02:02:18] booberies1: Have you heard @aspicycow scream? [02:02:19] lenny_face69: Hold on [02:02:20] CurvyTexan: CurvyTexan subscribed at Tier 1. [02:02:21] f3mmbot: curvytexan subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang curvytexan f1nnLezgang [02:02:21] johnkeiwo: you are cprrecting your voice training weirdChamp [02:02:21] quhn: shoutouts to johann, he gets drafted tmrw, we cant play r6 anymore tho [02:02:22] YeomanJensen: trust betrayed, parasocial friendship over [02:02:22] imNotSubbed: @Amoyamoyamoya I feel like that s a lie [02:02:22] callmegarp: @Amoyamoyamoya I actually believe this tho [02:02:23] booberies1: Gay as hell [02:02:24] BKMDRAGON: soda always makes the stream more fun [02:02:24] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:02:26] ramboo1989: Sure……. [02:02:29] MnemonicOverload: Only F1nn is innocent enough to be shocked by something like that [02:02:31] blackdevils521: He wants some fries with "special " sauce [02:02:31] subnatalie: You like to scream feminine when a bottom [02:02:32] tgdmshow: Morgan Freefem KEKW [02:02:33] Jeddix: just speak in your normal voice and not in your entertainer voice ^^ [02:02:37] XENOMAN5: X [02:02:42] CurvyTexan: :) [02:02:46] CJKDB: Just talk like a chicken. [02:02:47] ArminGux: True [02:02:48] umtic: probably KEKW [02:02:50] medical_size9000: Says he guy who moans in their sleep [02:02:50] vanimal2118: LOL [02:02:51] braddle172: New merch [02:02:51] callmegarp: OOF [02:02:53] Luucy_333: KEKW [02:02:53] druskys_jerkChicken: yeah [02:02:54] tomhekker: KEKW [02:02:55] ChepeChaf: Soda was fucking in your house? wha- [02:02:56] evxthegamer: Pls dont lol [02:02:56] AvaerusEx: Femboy bathwater. [02:02:56] Helen_Croft: no no no no no no no no [02:02:56] voiceofthevoid999: He's out of line.... but he's right [02:02:57] yokai_327: millions [02:02:57] stumblefish: BOYMILK TIME [02:02:57] Zettrex: dont like to think of it WutFace [02:02:59] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:03:00] ArminGux: More them bathwater [02:03:00] booberies1: New merch drop [02:03:00] viryl_lucas: gonna clone f1nn [02:03:00] muddymudkip15: True [02:03:01] remain_unseen: Shut up and take my money [02:03:01] boringdepressedintrovert: oh no [02:03:03] tinygirlbrain: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 glad that the one stream i manage to catch is about cum fries, thanks for giving a first time viewer a great first impression. [02:03:05] Amoyamoyamoya: tbh I actively limit my degeneracy when I talk to F1nn otherwise he'll stop talking to me. [02:03:06] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [02:03:06] consimiamo: sleep whimperer [02:03:07] money1418: 40000 [02:03:10] general_of_cm: only like 90% [02:03:16] TravelingEmpath: *raises hand* [02:03:18] AeitZean: Doing any voice practice is better than none SeemsGood [02:03:23] blueskydrinking: It's the minecraft youtuber pipeline [02:03:24] ArminGux: Can u relate to them [02:03:25] armann24: ill be a non content creator friend [02:03:26] inexorable_death: Like actual friends? [02:03:31] AvaerusEx: Non terminally-online people. [02:03:38] stephylmao: a normie friend [02:03:43] enrich_bloodborne: Yooooo. You see just dm one of us mate [02:03:44] thatgalbrie: F1nn im always available [02:03:45] vanimal2118: Welcome to the Chaos @tinygirlbrain [02:03:47] JUBU_0: everyone be busy [02:03:49] callmegarp: @Amoyamoyamoya Me w/ every person I know thoooo cottontailHeadBang [02:03:49] nauticalcoffin: Walk? [02:03:55] bluehairedemon: f1nn did you like this year's eurovision? [02:04:01] AIRHydrant: @KiriahKolrath bb nb. nnn ..n... .m.m.m.m. [02:04:02] SalemSacrifices: Amoya the robot? [02:04:03] tgdmshow: Touch some grass, get some vitamin D and talk to people. That's what I've heard atleast [02:04:04] viryl_lucas: same [02:04:04] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn...that was our Special Secret. [02:04:07] CurvyTexan: Need more hours in the day when you're a dedicated content creator [02:04:09] Amoyamoyamoya: Awww... [02:04:10] Zettrex: boatyHands [02:04:11] nothitch: you wont play valorant w me so [02:04:11] ITZHYP3RION: Do you play any games recently [02:04:14] zinpaai: where do you get your pink room decorations ? HypeHai [02:04:14] Ramaj_A: Cheer300 I'd help you finn. [02:04:17] johnkeiwo: i'm so glad it's not me KEKW [02:04:17] ArminGux: Early 20s be time u learn that people have lifes [02:04:19] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG [02:04:19] consimiamo: open csgo boxes with [02:04:23] Amoyamoyamoya: I AM A HUMAN BEING!!! [02:04:24] johnkeiwo: AHAH YES [02:04:27] Zettrex: POGGERS [02:04:28] johnkeiwo: GET FUCKED TERF [02:04:28] viryl_lucas: lol [02:04:28] XellosMetallum: Lol [02:04:28] umtic: Clap [02:04:30] mystchevious1: @Amoyamoyamoya Liar [02:04:31] booberies1: Pog [02:04:31] braddle172: KomodoHype [02:04:31] stephylmao: PogU [02:04:31] bearlier: Hell yeaj [02:04:31] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, beep boop [02:04:32] callmegarp: Siiiiiick [02:04:32] RoxyMoonshine: LETSGOOOOOO [02:04:32] nikama6: Clap [02:04:32] AeitZean: You could be playing splitgate right now with chat Kappa [02:04:32] HARDCASEdaClone: @amoyamoyamoya proof? [02:04:35] KhiralShimmer: the hero we needed <3 [02:04:35] aLittleCalamarian: KEKW go finn [02:04:35] consimiamo: common f1nn W [02:04:35] cube193: So I hear there won't be an arm wrestling match at Twitchcin in Paris? [02:04:36] XENOMAN5: Amoya is a bot right? [02:04:36] bearlier: Kek [02:04:37] monkncheese: fuck terfs (but dont have sex with them) [02:04:37] AlhambraMMXX: HELL YEAH [02:04:40] tgdmshow: Amoya bot is becoming conscious... [02:04:41] Rheumour: RIPBOZO [02:04:43] johnkeiwo: RIP BOZO [02:04:44] helenaaaauwu: wait Finn banned a Terf from Twitter can anyone explain? [02:04:44] callmegarp: "phemoid" ooooooooof [02:04:45] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn accusing my AI for being an AI. Wait... - 2880 [02:04:45] Srcsqwrn: Get rekt terf [02:04:47] v1rgen_rat_gamer: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [02:04:48] Nambo_Rose: lmaooooo womanface [02:04:48] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW what [02:04:49] SalemSacrifices: Womanface [02:04:50] RoxyMoonshine: Take that turf RIP BOZO [02:04:50] hopalongtommy: Ugh [02:04:51] johnkeiwo: REST IN PISS ! [02:04:51] andimax11: oof [02:04:51] The_Morellonomicon: @mossbirbz Hi babe <3 [02:04:51] jordieboi45: BOZO [02:04:52] viryl_lucas: woman face XD [02:04:53] ArminGux: Women face was so idiotic [02:04:54] Akemencha: I'm at the point where I had kids and nobody wants to be my friend 🥲 [02:04:55] bluehairedemon: get f1nnstered! terfs got no shit on the manliest man [02:04:55] therockybottom2: what the fuck [02:04:57] consimiamo: femmeface [02:04:57] muddymudkip15: Oh that one [02:05:00] YeomanJensen: a 14-year-old again? [02:05:01] tgdmshow: Smoked [02:05:02] phantaton: womanface LUL you seriously can't make this shit up [02:05:04] rollingface87: Who is this? [02:05:05] vanimal2118: What is woman face? [02:05:07] mossbirbz: @The_Morellonomicon hey babe <3 [02:05:08] OperatorEmma: keffalYikes [02:05:10] xcommymommyx: First time a Ratio actually made a difference [02:05:10] skyblade16395: skyblade16395 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [02:05:10] f3mmbot: skyblade16395 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [02:05:12] Chri55PBacon: fuck terf [02:05:12] Amoyamoyamoya: @HARDCASEdaClone, See here?!?! [02:05:16] eboom62: eboom62 subscribed with Prime. [02:05:16] f3mmbot: eboom62 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang eboom62 f1nnLezgang [02:05:19] AvaerusEx: I saw one Twiter TERF claim you "pretend to be a woman" on the internet for money. I was tempted to make a Twitter account to argue with her. [02:05:20] moonlit_days: helloo [02:05:22] ramboo1989: Put that in your pipe [02:05:24] XENOMAN5: I prefer your O face personally [02:05:24] BKMDRAGON: amoya is pretty cool mod just like john and a few others [02:05:27] AeitZean: cottontailBinoculous cottontailBinoculous cottontailBinoculous [02:05:33] umtic: I really love it when TERF accounts names are stuff degrading women KEKW [02:05:34] ArminGux: Wtf why [02:05:34] bluehairedemon: i love trans girls very pretty (not me tho) [02:05:35] AlhambraMMXX: every time one of her tweets got on my tl it was the dumbest shit i'd see that day [02:05:36] andimax11: Jesus [02:05:37] callmegarp: Oh no did she go after Jules??? [02:05:40] zoe_with_an_e: Ew [02:05:41] nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:05:41] scrubpopop: Confusion 100 [02:05:41] helenaaaauwu: Wtf how can yu be like this [02:05:43] andimax11: Nice work [02:05:49] girly_teengirl_: PogChamp [02:05:50] Olumu: you should be expecting DDG funds soon [02:05:52] johnkeiwo: she's a fucking sicko who also threw false rape allegations at Hasan Piker and she backed off because everyone digged up she was making BS [02:05:53] ???: !size [02:05:53] helenaaaauwu: And you goot her banned? [02:05:53] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3 (may be increasing soon). Updated in February 2023. [02:05:54] YeomanJensen: F1nn keeps getting away with it... [02:05:57] ramboo1989: I’m reallly………..soft😟 [02:05:59] SalemSacrifices: I work from home, I'm not busy at all. [02:05:59] OperatorEmma: oh the sophia thing [02:05:59] ArminGux: How do people have brains to think of that [02:06:02] CJKDB: I like it when you make your woman face. So sue me. [02:06:05] OperatorEmma: the good doctor thing lol [02:06:05] xcommymommyx: Sounds like a typical leafy fan [02:06:07] ???: ARE YOU A GIRL [02:06:08] The_Morellonomicon: @callmegarp If that was Jules I'm sharpening the pitchforks [02:06:09] one_shot_king32: fin can i rizz u [02:06:09] therockybottom2: abomination [02:06:09] ArminGux: U dropped out before A level [02:06:10] mrshowtime_26: I can’t do a backflip and I’m sad [02:06:11] OperatorEmma: I AM A SURGEON! [02:06:11] medical_size9000: All the OG mods are pretty cool [02:06:16] OperatorEmma: schiyoRIP [02:06:23] scrubpopop: Nice work bruh keep it up its funny [02:06:26] bigsadge: I hope that person gets banned, and they did! [02:06:27] ITZHYP3RION: Have you finished your education or did you drop out [02:06:27] ArminGux: The right wing pipeline [02:06:28] umtic: there should be some sort of shadow ban [02:06:30] Kolateak_: Based [02:06:31] aqexvp: LOL [02:06:36] nikama6: least racist terf [02:06:36] G0rg81vl: @umtic there is [02:06:37] Rheumour: True [02:06:38] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Yaaaassssssss [02:06:39] CJKDB: That coy seductive look. I get it. [02:06:39] zoe_with_an_e: Based [02:06:41] Alkno_93: i agree Sweetie [02:06:42] callmegarp: @callmegarp Right??? Hunter Schafer is a queen [02:06:45] johnkeiwo: fuck TERFS ! [02:06:45] Dankweighty: LUL [02:06:45] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "OMG she's a cunt!" . - 2800 [02:06:46] oculasorbus: Only lacking the warmth and depth, by the sounds of it.... [02:06:49] Akemencha: Pp may be increasing?? [02:06:49] johnkeiwo: LUKA TERF WutFace [02:06:51] ronthetallguy: who? [02:06:51] scarlettyg: there should be an acronym for terves that adds up to the c-word [02:06:53] sasuke_csa: how's you booty f1nn [02:06:53] helenaaaauwu: Terf's are so awful... [02:06:58] StrawberryCheescake25: !hug OG Mods [02:06:58] f3mmbot: OG Mods gets a big hug from strawberrycheescake25 <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [02:06:59] CJKDB: But yah ban that idiot. [02:07:00] ArminGux: Terfs tent to be a lot [02:07:06] robbie1945: Wait who? [02:07:08] brianvorn: Lol good riddance [02:07:09] XellosMetallum: That woman really needed someone to say to her face "Get Fucked Karen" [02:07:09] keller4589: Terfs are so annoying omg [02:07:10] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Yesssss [02:07:11] ???: Are you a girl are you [02:07:14] Stovamor: !modlove [02:07:14] xcommymommyx: Imagine being to much of a terf for Elon 💀💀💀 [02:07:14] f3mmbot: The mod team are awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. [02:07:15] AeitZean: @scarlettyg there is, its Terf LUL [02:07:16] fadedpidgeon: !tts [02:07:16] barbie_secretstanner: I listened aswel [02:07:19] bearpaw1970: ✨🏆✨ omg she was a C#.😂 [02:07:20] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Liv Agar is dope af [02:07:21] barbie_secretstanner: It was nuts [02:07:21] capsulatepluto: Liv is awesome [02:07:22] srirammoh: Does she give the #killallmen vibe? [02:07:22] ramboo1989: Free speech is free speech just don’t forget about the repercussions. [02:07:26] burning_ember0_0: !modlove [02:07:26] f3mmbot: The mod team are awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. [02:07:28] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Leap hog girls [02:07:30] consimiamo: based liv [02:07:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:07:33] keller4589: That space was swell [02:07:34] 416hobbit: Congress [02:07:37] medical_size9000: @rugggrat55 Male crossdresser [02:07:37] CJKDB: Unhinged ... you resemble that remark. [02:07:38] Dankweighty: Politics [02:07:41] andimax11: That's one of the most frustrating things [02:07:41] ArminGux: Provocotoar or genuine stupid [02:07:46] ronthetallguy: im lost who are you talking about [02:07:46] bearlier: Liv Agar best twitter account [02:07:49] ramboo1989: @416hobbit Exactly [02:07:54] JustChickenwing: I watch debate youtube religiously so yes I know that [02:07:55] barbie_secretstanner: They are just bullies [02:07:58] virtualterror: Really digging these new Christian Twitch Channels [02:08:01] ???: TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo [02:08:01] zoe_with_an_e: People will fight the hardest for the shit that means the least [02:08:02] WM_No1re: What’s your mbti [02:08:06] viryl_lucas: HUH [02:08:09] andimax11: What is moid? [02:08:10] one_shot_king32: this is a rizz (can i treat u like a bottle of ketchup and turn u over hit it from the back and make u squrit [02:08:11] johnkeiwo: " MoID " ! [02:08:12] SalemSacrifices: "Moid" [02:08:12] CJKDB: I'm moist! [02:08:12] callmegarp: The things people dedicate their energy to these days, the causes they invest in, are just weaponized trauma. It's sad to see it cut both ways [02:08:13] nikama6: NotLikeThis [02:08:17] johnkeiwo: the fucking brainrot [02:08:20] ArminGux: Moid m [02:08:25] ArminGux: Moid? [02:08:30] ArminGux: What is rhat [02:08:30] burning_ember0_0: This is my first stream after finding you on TikTok! You’re so awesome <3 [02:08:31] keller4589: Moid is so brain dead ☠️ [02:08:38] johnkeiwo: these people peaked in highschool and try to go back to this [02:08:39] viryl_lucas: male-oid [02:08:41] consimiamo: 4chan for male [02:08:45] robbie1945: Who is rose talking about? [02:08:45] cosmosm3: Moid is a female Incel [02:08:47] dunkingdognuts91: wassup bro [02:08:49] viryl_lucas: fem-oid [02:08:53] ArminGux: Omg kek [02:08:55] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Nah this level of "politics" is good to stand up for 💕 [02:08:58] Dankweighty: 4chan always wildin [02:08:58] OperatorEmma: you ever wish you could take a break from all this internet cringe drama shit? [02:09:01] eenjjeeunder5: Finland or Denmark [02:09:01] ITZHYP3RION: What is 4chan anyway [02:09:03] johnkeiwo: it's so fucjing terminally online of a term KEKW [02:09:04] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmmmmmmm [02:09:04] helenaaaauwu: Wow [02:09:05] ramboo1989: And now she is in the nether realm, serving Shao Khan [02:09:07] medical_size9000: Most ppl in chat aren't on 4 chan [02:09:08] ArminGux: I knew that one didn't know they shortened it ty [02:09:08] xcommymommyx: @johnkeiwo I think brainrot is an understatement [02:09:12] zoe_with_an_e: Literally doesnt know what grass even is [02:09:13] k3llthulhu: it's like, woman (derogatory) [02:09:16] AlhambraMMXX: funniest channers [02:09:16] AvaerusEx: Who is this 4chan?? [02:09:17] Rimmitarius: Avoid the Noid [02:09:18] umtic: according to bible itself: "This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man." and these transphobes claim to be religious KEKW [02:09:20] johnkeiwo: omg this one !! [02:09:23] HardyOrange: Which it comes from an anti-Asian racial slur, too, so wild transphobes use it now [02:09:27] OklahomieTV: nope [02:09:27] consimiamo: kekw [02:09:30] callmegarp: incels are the most intense ick for me. Terfs second [02:09:38] tazman7619: im from oklahoma [02:09:40] G0rg81vl: @OklahomieTV KEKW [02:09:41] quieteve13: Here [02:09:42] imNotSubbed: Oklahoma represent [02:09:45] andimax11: Sounds like a fun time tbh [02:09:45] crazyfairy81: Here [02:09:48] andimax11: Not that not that [02:09:48] CJKDB: What's your point woman? [02:09:50] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Yo fuuuck [02:09:51] zoe_with_an_e: Ewwwwwwww [02:09:51] viryl_lucas: :( [02:09:51] consimiamo: least unhinged terf [02:09:52] andimax11: Delay [02:09:53] callmegarp: Gr8 :) [02:09:53] HardyOrange: Eewwwwweewwww [02:09:53] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Nah [02:09:54] heinerfauston: whaaaaat? [02:09:55] stephylmao: wtf [02:09:57] FreakyFelloww: tyrano3Flower tyrano3Flower tyrano3Flower [02:09:57] muddymudkip15: Wtf [02:09:59] ArminGux: Isn't men dressing in brotlers just normal [02:09:59] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: That's so fucked [02:10:00] zoe_with_an_e: Grosssssssss [02:10:02] bearlier: Terfs are such losets [02:10:02] keller4589: Yuck asf from them [02:10:02] johnkeiwo: TERFs are just repackaged mysoginist [02:10:05] scarlettyg: I don't think so, Elon is retweeting far worse stuff [02:10:05] thedarkestmemer: Ily [02:10:09] bearlier: Losers [02:10:12] wednesdaysavag3: GODS I just can’t imagine having that much hate in my body [02:10:14] ramboo1989: That’s completely fucked up [02:10:15] AvaerusEx: The thing that really gets me is TERFS actually think they're feminists. [02:10:17] Ramaj_A: @imNotSubbed so you're the reason oklahoma was red on the femboy search map that finn showed [02:10:17] miquez_savage: cottontailCHAD cottontailCHAD cottontailCHAD cottontailCHAD cottontailCHAD [02:10:21] andimax11: Glad their account's banned at least [02:10:25] 416hobbit: @johnkeiwo Truth [02:10:25] quieteve13: Oklahoma sooner’s OU [02:10:25] consimiamo: kekw [02:10:29] dazed_03: femoids sounds like female metroid fans idk why [02:10:30] ramboo1989: That bitch [02:10:30] Luucy_333: tf xd [02:10:31] YeomanJensen: LUL [02:10:31] LittleChaSiu: it's Elon, the bar is literally in the ground [02:10:32] viryl_lucas: wut [02:10:33] JustChickenwing: The moderating team? You mean the poop emoji? [02:10:34] zoe_with_an_e: Ironically terfs are the biggest misogynists [02:10:35] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol [02:10:36] callmegarp: LUL [02:10:36] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:10:36] Mew_Zee: LUL [02:10:36] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:10:37] braddle172: KEKW [02:10:37] callmegarp: WUT [02:10:38] medical_size9000: Wtf LUL [02:10:38] imNotSubbed: @imNotSubbed must be [02:10:39] knxggles: dono... u okay bud?? [02:10:39] phoeberc: unfortunately they recruit many to their nonsense [02:10:39] stephylmao: LUL LUL [02:10:39] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:10:41] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:10:41] MiroredImage: terfs are so funny cause they hate women but still have to keep up the act that they're toootally feminists [02:10:41] Amoyamoyamoya: The fcuk [02:10:41] unopenedcookies: Hah [02:10:42] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [02:10:42] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:10:43] sickEvander: KEKW [02:10:43] Nova_Prime_69: nice [02:10:45] GingerWithEnV: It's wild to me that people think we transition to have sex with men, like I was having sex with men long before I transitioned [02:10:45] ArminGux: Elon wants 4chan but with clout [02:10:45] elzorrohablante: Lol [02:10:45] Luucy_333: ....okay xd [02:10:47] viryl_lucas: u ok bud XD [02:10:47] Ramaj_A: nice dirt bike [02:10:47] consimiamo: lol [02:10:47] Lucridis: Did the xrazy frog just donate [02:10:48] XENOMAN5: Want to do unban requests? [02:10:48] boo7814: Wut [02:10:48] Amoyamoyamoya: TTS are you OK? [02:10:52] AShDistance: engine noises [02:10:53] vanimal2118: People want to hate the Trans, with every fiber of their being. I refuse to let the hate in! [02:10:55] Falqun: @LittleChaSiu, more like you need a shovel to hit it. [02:10:56] aggravatedconditions: This ia beautiful [02:10:57] Amoyamoyamoya: Any PO Boxes? [02:10:58] DaDylan1: sup cringe lord [02:10:59] callmegarp: TTS going hard today [02:10:59] k3llthulhu: That's a beat [02:11:00] MaggieHeels: looooool Brain what are you taking my dude... [02:11:01] ramboo1989: Da fuck [02:11:03] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Here I am sitting in my skirt watching a Femboy, and yet being told by "Americans" that everythig I am is wrong 😅 [02:11:04] hamsternap: The highlights channel makes this place seem like a rabid, hellscape. Is actually just pure vibes [02:11:04] CJKDB: He's making fun of my stammer. [02:11:11] JustChickenwing: When people reach out to Twitter moderation, it auto-responds with a poop emoji. Elon Musk is a very funny man [02:11:12] johnkeiwo: Based ! [02:11:13] joelsgp: based [02:11:13] tgdmshow: HRT water [02:11:15] AvaerusEx: It seems to mostly be old women who fall into TERFdom. [02:11:15] ArminGux: There is a lot of lead pipes in walls [02:11:16] AShDistance: based [02:11:16] stephylmao: based [02:11:17] 416hobbit: @Amoyamoyamoya Brian had a stroke [02:11:18] RoxyMoonshine: Based!!! [02:11:20] AlhambraMMXX: based [02:11:25] brianvorn: Are you getting dress ? [02:11:31] ArminGux: U are the gender spectrum [02:11:33] braddle172: Gederless blobs [02:11:34] ramboo1989: I like side quests [02:11:34] johnkeiwo: feels better :) [02:11:35] hiluuu: same [02:11:37] umtic: @GingerWithEnV and there are ones like me who didn't sleep with men before coming out and still doesn't KEKW [02:11:41] RoxyMoonshine: What’s gender LUL [02:11:42] remain_unseen: Level F1nn: become gender [02:11:43] Ujindo: genders are so outdated kkittyRave [02:11:44] medical_size9000: When was the last time you did unban request [02:11:44] xcommymommyx: Do you think banning is the right approach? I feel like it just turns them into martyrs for terfcels f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:11:45] johnkeiwo: nice [02:11:45] GigaChad69e: TableHere [02:11:45] whotfisbigtam: Adds can suck it [02:11:47] HardyOrange: Yeah???? [02:11:47] nikama6: Not again [02:11:47] k3llthulhu: life's so fun life's so fun [02:11:48] bigsadge: oooooohhh nice [02:11:49] JustChickenwing: Clap [02:11:49] booberies1: What is gender [02:11:51] FoxUndead: shopping haul???? [02:11:53] keller4589: A facial huh [02:11:53] Firelord_Redflames: piemanBurp [02:11:54] AlhambraMMXX: finn is doing gender abolition praxis [02:11:55] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Ahhhhh, please tell us what did you buy??? [02:11:56] KoriYuhBoi: Facials noice [02:11:56] 416hobbit: Show us what you bought [02:11:57] Luucy_333: oh :) [02:11:58] KTShadow_VT: Nice borp [02:11:59] nothitch: you have no drip regardless [02:11:59] sebastienthegreat: Face reveal when? [02:12:02] 71M073J: Doubt [02:12:03] zoe_with_an_e: Unfathomable drip [02:12:03] Stovamor: hmmm [02:12:07] medical_size9000: X [02:12:08] whotfisbigtam: Bro u like ultraman? [02:12:09] andimax11: hmm... [02:12:09] ramboo1989: Got a facial…….And burps [02:12:10] ar1st1pp0s: How on Earth would you know this???? [02:12:11] dazed_03: do you get rashes or is the skin sensitive/itchy after a laser hair treatment? [02:12:11] ArminGux: When have u last dressed as dude [02:12:12] keller4589: Zero drip either way [02:12:13] Fuzzyee: COPE [02:12:14] ar1st1pp0s: drip as a guy [02:12:15] ThePastorVan: oooo, time for boy month? lol [02:12:16] vanimal2118: Funny @nothitch [02:12:17] RoxyMoonshine: What drip? The drip from your water pipes? [02:12:17] medical_size9000: X for drip for dude [02:12:18] callmegarp: mild x [02:12:18] ar1st1pp0s: laughable [02:12:18] HotAutism: GEnder or no Gender PowerUpR [02:12:19] HardyOrange: ...evidence of good guy fashion where??? [02:12:20] keller4589: X [02:12:21] Falqun: sure, show us... oh no you cant :P [02:12:21] scarlettyg: True, I just sneezed [02:12:24] bearlier: You dress up as a guy? [02:12:24] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Claims he is good at dressing himself as a dude. Not so much as a woman. - 2990 [02:12:25] MiroredImage: ??? [02:12:25] helenaaaauwu: Get a facial it will fix it [02:12:26] consimiamo: the masc jacket twitter pic is max drip [02:12:26] DaDylan1: you're dripless [02:12:27] ArminGux: That's female [02:12:27] ramboo1989: Atta boy [02:12:27] tgdmshow: It's drip or drown [02:12:28] Katenso: wear clothes that accentuate your body [02:12:29] Nano_Nano: no idea Kappa [02:12:29] barbie_secretstanner: Been looking at the quote retweets havnt you [02:12:30] viryl_lucas: @armingux this is his "guy" mode [02:12:33] JUBU_0: better prove than shouting bullshot [02:12:33] tgdmshow: f1nnCowjam [02:12:33] johnkeiwo: lvndmaJAM f1nnCowjam inconRad adcvrJam PepePls [02:12:36] ArminGux: That's nice clothes [02:12:36] Katenso: and accessories, and color coordinate :o [02:12:36] NichtzNeues: Figure it out [02:12:37] The_Morellonomicon: A facial? Why eat fries when you can be fries? [02:12:37] xcommymommyx: Early stages hahaha [02:12:38] Jmeoh19: joke: why did the transgender man only eat salad? [02:12:38] unaffected95: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:12:40] RoxyMoonshine: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:12:40] GingerWithEnV: I worked as a door to door fundraiser for a homelessness charity as a trans woman, I can say with confidence that in that time I knocked on thousands of doors and had only one be transphobic [02:12:40] umtic: CowJAM [02:12:42] honeybunny224: @stovamor Ik this sounds weird but you have a nice beard [02:12:43] callmegarp: Okay can we stop doing this [02:12:44] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:12:44] 416hobbit: That's MORE annoying [02:12:46] whotfisbigtam: U like ultraman? [02:12:46] scarlettyg: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:12:46] brianvorn: Better to dress publicly than wait later tbh [02:12:47] XENOMAN5: You dressed as a guy!? No way! Crossdressing is nasty! [02:12:50] voiceofthevoid999: Why chat so spammy [02:12:51] johnkeiwo: @Jmeoh19, because he was an HER before [02:12:51] Stovamor: @honeybunny224, ty [02:12:53] ArminGux: @viryl_lucas that's why we use she lol [02:12:56] PeterTheMostlyOK: Our big boy doesnt need mommys help dressing up. Good boy [02:12:58] scarlettyg: dance dance dance dance (BONK) [02:12:59] medical_size9000: That wasn't funny dono [02:13:05] Luucy_333: Cursed donos lol [02:13:05] DaDylan1: Whatever happened to playing games> [02:13:05] ramboo1989: Buckaroo [02:13:06] Jmeoh19: @johnkeiwo boom [02:13:08] gorillaz72O: How long left on stream? I need to do some dishes, and would love you keep watching [02:13:10] k3llthulhu: wasn't that that fall out boy song [02:13:10] CJKDB: You've got surprizingly good taste dressing like a girl. [02:13:14] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:13:15] viryl_lucas: WHAT [02:13:15] andimax11: Ahhhhhh [02:13:15] Luucy_333: lmaoo [02:13:15] general_of_cm: wow was that loud [02:13:16] ArminGux: Drip f1nn [02:13:16] lastnightinsoho: LUL [02:13:16] alexandra_saunders: You need to go out more as a woman [02:13:16] Mew_Zee: XD [02:13:17] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:13:17] johnkeiwo: WAYTOODANK [02:13:17] anschofi: good for you then [02:13:17] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:13:17] ramboo1989: !donate [02:13:18] braddle172: KEKW [02:13:18] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [02:13:18] medical_size9000: Echo LUL LUL [02:13:19] callmegarp: "Oklahomie" LUL [02:13:19] AvaerusEx: @GingerWithEnV Most people just wouldn't care. [02:13:20] jordieboi45: KEKW [02:13:20] voiceofthevoid999: Possessed [02:13:20] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [02:13:21] 71M073J: LUL [02:13:22] viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA [02:13:22] RoxyMoonshine: Wtf [02:13:23] Kayver_: :O [02:13:24] scarlettyg: TTS is reaching self-awareness [02:13:24] viryl_lucas: twins [02:13:24] KhiralShimmer: O.O [02:13:24] 416hobbit: Brian has two personalities [02:13:24] stephylmao: KEKW [02:13:25] lastnightinsoho: that's insane [02:13:26] unaffected95: how did that happen [02:13:26] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [02:13:27] Luucy_333: The stream is broken lol [02:13:27] callmegarp: YOOOO [02:13:27] walkerteaxaswalker: Pog [02:13:28] forsakenalienn: try not to think of ‘as a woman’ just as you. creates comfort then your own style [02:13:29] ArminGux: Ghost speak [02:13:30] medical_size9000: Nice echo [02:13:31] Katenso: please stop coming here [02:13:33] Theinnocentbuda: lol [02:13:33] JustChickenwing: POGGERS bug discovered?!? [02:13:34] richarduk81: Donoception [02:13:34] Nenkos: the voices are back [02:13:35] Amoyamoyamoya: I didn't know that was possible. [02:13:35] keller4589: Scary [02:13:36] DualityUK: lmao [02:13:38] mossbirbz: donos are broke [02:13:38] Nova_Prime_69: broke TTS [02:13:39] ar1st1pp0s: never ever ever ever ever move to Florida [02:13:41] viryl_lucas: imagine 3 people donating [02:13:43] sweethki: Gender is a personality, a concept [02:13:43] Luucy_333: KEKW KEKW KEKW [02:13:44] andimax11: It's stroking out [02:13:44] rollingface87: !measurements [02:13:44] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3 (may be increasing soon). Updated in February 2023. [02:13:45] averagelycoolceline: craziness [02:13:45] bearlier: TTS is going nits [02:13:46] GingerWithEnV: I was corroborating how there are less transphobes about as everything makes it seem [02:13:47] braddle172: It brokey [02:13:47] dazed_03: tts is just like the voices in my head all talk at once [02:13:48] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Two simultaneous donos. - 2840 [02:13:49] zero1wolf: lol [02:13:50] walkerteaxaswalker: TTS broke [02:13:51] 71M073J: More! [02:13:51] dsmp_fannn1234: Florida suckssss [02:13:52] ArminGux: Wtf is up with stream all day [02:13:52] medical_size9000: That was pretty cool [02:13:53] XellosMetallum: I would be more worried about the people running Florida than the weather.. [02:13:53] Cyprohep: busted TTS [02:13:54] Nova_Prime_69: i have a feeling more is coming... [02:13:55] tgdmshow: What is happening? KEKW [02:13:56] 416hobbit: Be afraid [02:13:56] averagelycoolceline: f1nn broke stream [02:13:56] nikama6: VoHiYo [02:14:05] medical_size9000: You think [02:14:05] BudgetMatt: KEKW [02:14:05] Luucy_333: even TTS has a bad day [02:14:05] Nambo_Rose: omg [02:14:06] YeomanJensen: I like the rich sound [02:14:06] chloethyst: KEKW [02:14:06] bearlier: ffs tts [02:14:06] MerobibaTheBrave: omg [02:14:07] Mew_Zee: XD [02:14:07] Amoyamoyamoya: TTS not doing well... [02:14:08] RoxyMoonshine: TTS broken NotLikeThis [02:14:08] viryl_lucas: oh no [02:14:08] Import_Scanner: KEKW [02:14:09] droolgoat: lmaaao [02:14:09] callmegarp: OH NO [02:14:10] Theinnocentbuda: restart it? [02:14:10] imNotSubbed: RUN! [02:14:10] HardyOrange: Rippppppp [02:14:10] TravelingEmpath: professional streamer [02:14:11] oculasorbus: "We are the Borg" [02:14:11] phoeberc: two copies open? [02:14:11] lamentrest: Hiya [02:14:12] viryl_lucas: ded [02:14:13] ArminGux: Turn donations off [02:14:14] tomhekker: i dun goofed streamlab [02:14:14] Void_S117: Oh wow Finn on stream is a first [02:14:14] medical_size9000: This is better [02:14:15] MiroredImage: @GingerWithEnV yeah, it's good to keep perspective sometimes [02:14:15] averagelycoolceline: make it sound like an orchestra [02:14:15] booberies1: Broke it [02:14:16] hiluuu: im scared [02:14:16] Amoyamoyamoya: Uh-oh. [02:14:16] johnkeiwo: brian is dying :( [02:14:17] sealsummoner: lmao [02:14:18] 71M073J: LUL [02:14:19] PeterTheMostlyOK: Dont [02:14:21] AvaerusEx: @GingerWithEnV The internet makes small noisy groups seem larger than they are. [02:14:23] Amoyamoyamoya: TTS's are duplicating. [02:14:26] DualityUK: RIP streamlabs [02:14:30] knxggles: tts forgot how queueing works smh my head [02:14:31] booberies1: Baller move [02:14:33] johnkeiwo: good ! [02:14:36] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Awww, she's so good at tech! [02:14:36] YeomanJensen: "Resistance is futile" [02:14:37] ArminGux: U look fem rn [02:14:40] SnabbKassa: I miss the old, female, more robotic voice [02:14:41] PeterTheMostlyOK: I wanted to see how fucky it would have gotten [02:14:43] KiriahKolrath: Mission half accomplished! [02:14:43] kingduke36: Hello mis egg [02:14:48] richarduk81: Just needs to boy part [02:14:49] umtic: PogChamp [02:14:49] callmegarp: Fem cutie [02:14:50] Nova_Prime_69: hmm [02:14:52] ArminGux: Lesbian gang [02:14:54] zoe_with_an_e: Egg [02:14:54] consimiamo: @F1NN5TER have you watched any of nominal_naomi's content? [02:14:54] AvaerusEx: You look good in those photos. [02:14:54] fadedpidgeon: how do the bobs work im tryna cop [02:14:55] booberies1: You left your habitat? [02:14:55] umtic: KEKW [02:14:56] 71M073J: Is it though? [02:14:56] Fries3: twink [02:14:57] Nambo_Rose: pretty [02:14:57] viryl_lucas: female [02:14:57] DualityUK: wait, tomboy? egg cracking [02:14:58] andimax11: True, it suits you tbh [02:15:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Doesn't count. That was a trip and stuff. [02:15:01] tomhekker: you are still cute as fuck tho [02:15:02] NotLouis05: are we getting a yt video from japan? [02:15:02] valvanzi8: that's the best [02:15:03] KnapperigeKapitein: cute girl [02:15:04] thatgalbrie: When is the mrbeast video? [02:15:05] alexandra_saunders: Big boobs for day out? [02:15:06] AeitZean: Cute tomboy though f1nnHeart [02:15:07] consimiamo: aww [02:15:07] bearlier: That cropped jacket is sick [02:15:08] DaNuff: thats a cute girl [02:15:08] blueskydrinking: is this a f1nn faces facts stream? [02:15:10] zoe_with_an_e: Straight up tomboy [02:15:10] ArminGux: That last pic tho [02:15:11] callmegarp: "dressed as a guy" is just a masc-leaning woman [02:15:12] k3llthulhu: Awwh [02:15:13] johnkeiwo: just do that then [02:15:13] RoxyMoonshine: Pls! You know how bad I wish to look like a tomboy? [02:15:14] consimiamo: that last photo was so good [02:15:17] Amoyamoyamoya: Going out is you grabbibg a bite or shopping on the high street. [02:15:18] aggravatedconditions: So cute [02:15:22] heinerfauston: looks very tomboyish [02:15:23] DarthT1berius: open more csgo cases until butterfly knife [02:15:24] im_up_to_something: More girl than tomboy [02:15:25] kingduke36: Egg boy [02:15:25] medical_size9000: The only way for you to leave home is to leave the country [02:15:28] JustJeff2355: dude this is still more Girl then 90% of girls [02:15:31] DualityUK: tomboy not tomgirl? [02:15:32] Bulldog85043: How was the nightlife in Japan? [02:15:33] zoe_with_an_e: You should do a man month [02:15:33] YeomanJensen: izidRipped izidRipped izidRipped [02:15:37] brianvorn: Ok but still give dressing as a girl publicly a chance don’t be over think dude [02:15:37] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn trying to claim he goes out. - 2870 [02:15:42] AeitZean: "overwear it"? Like wear it out? [02:15:44] AvaerusEx: Your "boy-mode" is what made me realize I'm not 100% straight. [02:15:44] Amoyamoyamoya: What stream were they watching? [02:15:45] scarlettyg: Even wearing a suit would just make you look like mid-70s Diane Keaton tbh [02:15:45] nothitch: no more csgo cases for you [02:15:53] HotAutism: I did worst... once [02:15:55] RoxyMoonshine: No cases for you [02:15:55] Amoyamoyamoya: Just take next month's Mod pay F1nn... [02:15:59] nothitch: We had this discussion yesterday [02:16:00] jayceedeee: csgo case business expense? [02:16:00] YeomanJensen: boss said no [02:16:02] callmegarp: @AvaerusEx so real [02:16:03] Helen_Croft: 35K rewiring home [02:16:04] zoe_with_an_e: Dude you need to set your limits [02:16:05] SalemSacrifices: Restraint [02:16:07] joeyiswatching: buy an irl knife [02:16:08] ArminGux: No good reason just go for it [02:16:09] JustChickenwing: I have like half a dozen breakout cases [02:16:11] Lusi0h: gamble. get it twisted. you will win [02:16:12] QuBycle: can't you just buy a knife for 2000? [02:16:13] DaNuff: Buy the cases! [02:16:13] AeitZean: @avaerusex i know right 🥵 [02:16:14] consimiamo: bring back the shock collar [02:16:17] The_Morellonomicon: Will not endorse your gambling habit [02:16:19] Fuzzyee: Butterfly blue gem incoming [02:16:20] Lusi0h: @QuBycle yes [02:16:21] booberies1: New dono goal [02:16:22] poggieluva: dadfeeVan2 YOOOOOOOOOOOO [02:16:24] zoe_with_an_e: Know your limits [02:16:25] xmoonphasex: DONT DO IT I spent 5k of my covid money on cases [02:16:26] scarlettyg: Weird how F1nn's boymode kind of looks more feminine than my girlmode [02:16:28] YeomanJensen: "it's an investment" [02:16:30] kadence_: I second buying irl knife [02:16:31] DarthT1berius: unboxing is much better than buying [02:16:33] XENOMAN5: Unban requests? [02:16:33] umtic: @AvaerusEx no one is really 100% straight imo [02:16:33] medical_size9000: Finn you know you have to pay 3 more mods [02:16:35] ArminGux: Use dress money [02:16:39] Rimmitarius: Are you winning son? [02:16:42] booberies1: F the limits [02:16:43] pyrofer: I had my whole house rewired for FOUR grand, how the hell is it that much? [02:16:45] unaffected95: he likes the thrill of the gamble [02:16:45] MnemonicOverload: That's how they get ya [02:16:45] RoxyMoonshine: That’s just gambling when you don’t need to [02:16:47] xmoonphasex: gaben wins [02:16:48] zoe_with_an_e: Not spending any more of YOUR money on it [02:16:48] urchinstyle: Is it a real knife? [02:16:53] scarlettyg: Gabe always wins [02:16:53] Void_S117: I'm soon going to crossdress and it's because you made it possible to me. I love this sh$t [02:16:56] Amoyamoyamoya: Go to that casino again. 90% of people quit before the hit the jackpot [02:16:58] 416hobbit: The House always wins in the end [02:16:58] johnkeiwo: @fairon122 inconW Stop being weird inconW [02:16:59] mr_yucky_: is media share still happening ? [02:16:59] DarthT1berius: i've made profit by opening sticker capsules [02:17:00] jackyjackjacks: wait so are you trans yet or what? [02:17:00] ArminGux: The house always wins [02:17:01] JethroLIVE: just be like Ludwig and unbox a $400 knife on the first case @F1NN5TER [02:17:02] Lusi0h: its worse [02:17:03] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: 5K OF COVID MONEY??? [02:17:03] AvaerusEx: @AvaerusEx I was *deep* in denial. [02:17:05] consimiamo: you can win 200% of your money but only lose 100% [02:17:09] rookypainter1: some guy last night said he turned 2k of cases into 25k profit [02:17:09] AeitZean: Gambling is always rigged. Only the house wins [02:17:10] Fuzzyee: 1/400 to get a knife [02:17:11] callmegarp: Is CS:GO just "knife simulator" for you? [02:17:14] nathat233: must be a very big house [02:17:16] Amoyamoyamoya: If you run a casino and lose money then you are STUPID. [02:17:17] jomo17: I personlly think you spend 10k on csgo cases [02:17:19] Stovamor: Maybe rejecting some shitty unban requests might cheer you up more? @F1NN5TER [02:17:20] nothitch: I sent you a chart on how percentages [02:17:20] joelsgp: bayonetta [02:17:22] hazelgr33n: @jackyjackjacks nope just a cis man [02:17:22] dazed_03: a professional GAMBAADDICT always makes profit [02:17:24] ArminGux: How do u know that [02:17:25] AvaerusEx: How is that possible?? [02:17:27] GigaChad69e: NERRRRRRRD!!! [02:17:27] TheXcaliberknight: GabeN 👍 Thanks for the money [02:17:28] ITZHYP3RION: @mr_yucky_ what is media share [02:17:30] Elektekmaniac: segs [02:17:30] YeomanJensen: for roulette you'd bet on the house [02:17:30] Matheopisani: do you like to unlock cases into the other hole if you know what i mean [02:17:32] zoe_with_an_e: What actually is CSGO [02:17:33] bakezzz: wubby got 3 golds yesterday [02:17:37] MiroredImage: @Void_S117 congrats!! [02:17:39] hazelgr33n: @zoe_with_an_e whaaa [02:17:39] JustChickenwing: He is cheered! [02:17:40] umtic: @Void_S117 being able to dress as one wants should be normalised [02:17:41] ArminGux: When have u last played csgo [02:17:44] jackyjackjacks: @hazelgr33n press x to doubt [02:17:46] DLD493: @F1NN5TER you should get a 3dio mic and do ASMR, you'll get even more simps that way [02:17:46] ramboo1989: I’m straight up millennial what the fuck are they talking about what case? [02:17:48] tgdmshow: It's a good time right now. Very chill [02:17:53] PsillyCephalopod: Wubby finally opened a Gold after like 350 cases opened on streams [02:17:55] miya_lovely: Hiii finn [02:17:56] Void_S117: @umtic True ! [02:17:57] sealsummoner: how about reading unban requests [02:18:00] RoxyMoonshine: He’s cheery! Mission accomplished Clap Clap Clap [02:18:02] xmoonphasex: Valorant is better than CSGO [02:18:03] andimax11: Damn [02:18:03] cosmicskunk: there is a discord leaking your of for free [02:18:04] SnabbKassa: woah [02:18:04] callmegarp: Uh [02:18:05] consimiamo: no femboy wives there [02:18:07] zoe_with_an_e: @hazelgr33n I just like.... dont know :/ [02:18:07] GigaChad69e: egg [02:18:07] blueskydrinking: narc [02:18:08] Katenso: "borrow" [02:18:09] LittleChaSiu: monkaS [02:18:10] viryl_lucas: blackmail [02:18:11] Zettrex: yes how dare you be breaking laws KEKW [02:18:11] stephylmao: D: [02:18:12] ArminGux: This is blackmail [02:18:14] Void_S117: @MiroredImage thank you ^^ [02:18:14] andimax11: Oof [02:18:15] viryl_lucas: lol [02:18:15] hazelgr33n: @jackyjackjacks HAHAHA totallly cis, no eggs to crack here [02:18:15] consimiamo: kekw [02:18:16] braddle172: f1nnMonka [02:18:16] ar1st1pp0s: the ally we deserve [02:18:16] 416hobbit: That's extorsion [02:18:16] dee_the_magical: Finn that's blackmail [02:18:19] tgdmshow: Take the deal Jonas KEKW [02:18:19] booberies1: Extortion [02:18:19] ArminGux: Blackmail [02:18:20] general_of_cm: the phrase "totally legal partner" sounds sus as hell [02:18:24] mclasna: Why you look like woman are you gei [02:18:27] TravelingEmpath: Could go to whichever country is "you can marry a man as long as one of you becomes trans" [02:18:29] ITZHYP3RION: What media share [02:18:29] ArminGux: Straight to jail [02:18:31] AeitZean: Evil F1nn arc LUL [02:18:33] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: EU LAW EU LAW LAW EU LAW [02:18:35] callmegarp: Oops, did a hate crime [02:18:36] GigaChad69e: show me bussy and i will not tell the police [02:18:36] AvaerusEx: I was dominated by someone in CS:GO last night with the user name "bussypisser". I just thought that was funny. [02:18:36] JackardStrang: @F1NN5TER Your man-mode day on the battle-pass had awesome Alucard from Castlevania vibes! [02:18:37] Valpetine: in minecraft of course [02:18:38] sherlock_norris: f1nn! the geneva convention! [02:18:40] medical_size9000: Maybe unban request might cheer up the mods I bet they have tons of unban requests [02:18:42] voiceofthevoid999: Femboy police incoming [02:18:42] ccknutt: hey, are you trans? [02:18:43] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Finn brexit arc [02:18:45] YeomanJensen: @dld493 there's AMSR potential for sure [02:18:46] exVal1d: @mclasna new chatter PogBones [02:18:46] bigsadge: HAH blackmail OOPS!!! [02:18:52] Void_S117: FINNFTs Oh hell nah [02:18:54] Cyprohep: yeah cosplay alucard [02:18:57] viryl_lucas: aluuu [02:18:57] Cyprohep: pls [02:19:02] Stovamor: @ccknutt, no [02:19:02] callmegarp: dracula backwards [02:19:03] AvaerusEx: It's Dracula backwards. [02:19:05] Stovamor: !bobs [02:19:06] f3mmbot: Rose's bobs can change size since they're not real! They're usually a 34C but he has VelmaBobs/Mommy Milkers. The cleavage effect is a Misses Kisses bra. See also !roanyer and !bra [02:19:06] viryl_lucas: alū [02:19:07] booberies1: He only has pecs [02:19:08] JustChickenwing: It doesn"t matter it's just dracula backwards [02:19:09] zoe_with_an_e: Cop some boobs [02:19:11] Luucy_333: "bought it on amazon" [02:19:13] MnemonicOverload: Alucard is very manly-femme vibes [02:19:13] Katenso: HOYL SHITTT [02:19:13] LittleChaSiu: HOLY SHIT [02:19:14] DarthT1berius: FUCKING LMAO [02:19:14] Nova_Prime_69: oh shit [02:19:15] braddle172: KomodoHype [02:19:15] Luucy_333: WOW!! [02:19:15] ArminGux: Wtf [02:19:16] AeitZean: Alucard is Dracula backwards. Easy to spell if you remember that [02:19:17] DarthT1berius: OPEN CASES NAO [02:19:18] bigsadge: @mclasna ModCheck [02:19:18] yoloswagaroni: PogChamp [02:19:18] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:19:18] stargazingkit: Hello beautiful! [02:19:18] stephylmao: YOO [02:19:19] tgdmshow: Damn KEKW [02:19:21] andimax11: Ayyyyyo [02:19:21] aLittleCalamarian: HOLY SHIT [02:19:21] booberies1: Kekw [02:19:22] Cyprohep: woah [02:19:22] Katenso: BRUH give me some [02:19:23] ArminGux: Bruv [02:19:23] galcticoverlrd: jesus [02:19:24] Luucy_333: let's goooo [02:19:24] harokaa: Dammm [02:19:24] Atarnye: SAY THE LINE [02:19:24] Mew_Zee: God Damn it [02:19:25] Zettrex: KEKW [02:19:25] callmegarp: LOL [02:19:25] keller4589: DAMN TF [02:19:26] booberies1: Lego [02:19:26] IdiotKnightKing: damn [02:19:26] xmoonphasex: CASES [02:19:26] voiceofthevoid999: Yooooooo [02:19:26] medical_size9000: Ayoooooo [02:19:26] averagelycoolceline: daaaaaaamn [02:19:27] Xerafolis: what [02:19:27] ArminGux: Chad [02:19:27] umtic: PogChamp [02:19:28] zoe_with_an_e: SAY IT [02:19:28] Katenso: facts the fees [02:19:28] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:19:28] DarthT1berius: if you open a knife split it with him [02:19:30] HardyOrange: Omggggggggg [02:19:30] keller4589: CASES [02:19:30] tomhekker: HAHAHAHAHHA [02:19:30] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [02:19:31] Void_S117: Alucard oh yeaaaaah and your hair is perfect, JUST DO IT [02:19:31] bearlier: Fecking hell [02:19:33] KhiralShimmer: oop [02:19:33] dazed_03: time for cases i guess [02:19:33] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Jonasfull $2K dono. - 2760 [02:19:33] PetriZide: He fell for it LUL [02:19:33] nothitch: Oh my fuck Jonas [02:19:34] voiceofthevoid999: Broooooo [02:19:34] TravelingEmpath: Phonetically backwards from Dracula [02:19:34] stephylmao: KEKW [02:19:35] consimiamo: kekw [02:19:35] tomhekker: based as fuck KEKW [02:19:36] bearpaw1970: Wow [02:19:37] AIRHydrant: do the roar [02:19:37] sosgeegee: nutgamRainbowPuke nutgamRainbowPuke nutgamRainbowPuke nutgamRainbowPuke [02:19:40] PsillyCephalopod: PogChamp feed the hobby [02:19:40] ArminGux: That's fucking mad [02:19:40] keller4589: Jesus ☠️ [02:19:42] Zettrex: OMEGALUL [02:19:42] AvaerusEx: I love this community. [02:19:42] zoe_with_an_e: Do the line [02:19:43] fadedpidgeon: LOL [02:19:44] medical_size9000: Say it [02:19:46] floofyfurlogdog: Off to jail [02:19:47] Theinnocentbuda: haha lol [02:19:48] gkhan336: KEKW [02:19:48] DarthT1berius: CSGO CASE OPENING [02:19:49] Katenso: i cant believe how quickly [02:19:50] sosgeegee: Gday [02:19:51] braddle172: KEKW [02:19:52] srirammoh: What happened? [02:19:52] voiceofthevoid999: I think that's evidence now [02:19:52] callmegarp: Bank account in the red now KEKW [02:19:54] viryl_lucas: He was joking [02:19:55] ArminGux: 2k is a fucktoon [02:19:55] zoe_with_an_e: Properly thank him [02:19:55] onestupidpizza: LoL [02:19:56] majorgamer242: @f1nn5ter Your Beautiful 😍 [02:19:56] tomhekker: hilarious KEKW [02:19:58] urchinstyle: KEKW [02:19:58] LittleChaSiu: nice [02:19:59] AeitZean: Retun minus fees f1nnGremlin [02:20:01] lordgtafbi: nice [02:20:01] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. [02:20:02] RoxyMoonshine: Oh, someone gave him the 2k did they? KEKW [02:20:02] consimiamo: 696969 [02:20:02] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:20:04] joeyiswatching: wait, did sme donate 2k? [02:20:04] averagelycoolceline: may I have it pretty please? [02:20:05] bearlier: Loool [02:20:07] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:20:07] viljosayshi: KEKW [02:20:08] 416hobbit: The power of F1nn to get money at command [02:20:08] keller4589: LMAO [02:20:08] voiceofthevoid999: Stream is evidence [02:20:08] Zettrex: KEKW [02:20:10] srirammoh: What the fuck happened? [02:20:11] mossbirbz: "Stop giving me money" clip it! [02:20:12] bearpaw1970: Say it ' you know what you have to say [02:20:12] loograt: Stop giving money.- @F1NN5TER 2023 [02:20:12] 71M073J: LUL [02:20:13] Amoyamoyamoya: @RoxyMoonshine, Yah, @jonasfull123 [02:20:14] AvaerusEx: It made you laugh. So it was worth it. [02:20:15] blueskydrinking: @joeyiswatching they did [02:20:17] keller4589: A wefund [02:20:18] Sammygee63: Wait.....people are paying that kind of money for weapons to use in a video game ?? [02:20:19] nothitch: Technically he donated $2,000 sooo cs cases? [02:20:24] Luucy_333: Say uwu for him :P [02:20:29] brianvorn: Finn refunding ? What world is this … [02:20:30] medical_size9000: The first time Finn refund dono money back [02:20:31] antonioxbuck: UwU [02:20:33] RoxyMoonshine: @amoyamoyamoya omg KEKW [02:20:33] hiluuu: fire him [02:20:34] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Refunds @jonasfull123 dono. - 2800 [02:20:35] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER should I donate it then? [02:20:37] XellosMetallum: ROFL [02:20:37] tgdmshow: Dew it [02:20:39] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:20:39] medical_size9000: Say it finn [02:20:39] stephylmao: LMAO [02:20:40] Nova_Prime_69: f1nnSCAM [02:20:40] mossbirbz: HAHHAHAHAHA [02:20:41] Cyprohep: technicallty [02:20:42] nothitch: SCAM [02:20:43] AtoZWoW: scam [02:20:45] stephylmao: dew it [02:20:46] mossbirbz: CaUGHT IN 4K! [02:20:47] consimiamo: proof?!?! [02:20:47] ArminGux: Refunded the cases [02:20:47] callmegarp: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:20:47] SalemSacrifices: Scam [02:20:47] sadcomunist: Dew it [02:20:48] pianoismyforte_: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:20:48] Phizwhizzer: Say it anyways [02:20:48] muddymudkip15: f1nnSCAM [02:20:48] majorgamer242: Where r ya fake boobs tonight?? [02:20:48] Cyprohep: scam [02:20:49] Luucy_333: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands [02:20:50] o_slip: do the rawr [02:20:51] antonioxbuck: SCAMM [02:20:52] 416hobbit: That's like fishing with a dummy lure [02:20:52] viryl_lucas: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:20:52] floofyfurlogdog: f1nnSCAM [02:20:53] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Ooooooowwwwwwwooooooooo [02:20:53] richarduk81: Totally not a blackmail payment [02:20:54] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:20:54] booberies1: Scam [02:20:54] callmegarp: SCAMSTER [02:20:55] spreef: LUL [02:20:55] fadedpidgeon: the Q [02:20:56] SnabbKassa: "I already spent it, you can't tax it" [02:20:56] Void_S117: Please show your nails on cam they look cool AF [02:20:59] xcommymommyx: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:20:59] ArminGux: Aren't u ban saying the line [02:20:59] dafdeddog: scam [02:21:03] srirammoh: ??? [02:21:04] loograt: Say "I'll refund you Daddy" [02:21:08] im_up_to_something: Say it [02:21:08] TravelingEmpath: second remote cuck [02:21:08] Zettrex: you mean girlfriend* [02:21:09] DualityUK: f1nnSCAM [02:21:10] XENOMAN5: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [02:21:11] consimiamo: KEKW [02:21:13] Dreamless12: hello sir [02:21:13] xmoonphasex: reverse phsycology [02:21:15] rsm_100r: KEKW [02:21:15] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Jonas dono message: I will shoot you. - 2830 [02:21:16] tgdmshow: f1nnSCAM [02:21:16] harokaa: Kappa [02:21:18] callmegarp: Contrarian Finn strikes again [02:21:19] Zettrex: totally "girl"firend [02:21:20] booberies1: Only time f1nn has wanted to say it [02:21:21] Luucy_333: KEKW [02:21:23] ramboo1989: Ayooo [02:21:23] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:21:26] spo0522: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:21:28] dafdeddog: the old fake accidental mike off trick [02:21:29] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Oooowwwwoooo you're a refunder aren't you?? [02:21:29] bearpaw1970: Finish the summons🤣 [02:21:29] tomhekker: KEKW [02:21:31] dotelledots: what a quick turn around [02:21:42] antonioxbuck: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [02:21:46] srirammoh: Rare moment where the mod is dumber than the bimbo brain [02:21:53] ramboo1989: Awwww [02:21:53] Luucy_333: W editor [02:21:54] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: You like refunding huh? [02:21:54] booberies1: Bold [02:21:56] ArminGux: Jonas has big ball [02:21:57] Katenso: the fact he has 2k [02:22:02] ArminGux: Big pp energy [02:22:03] Zettrex: trusting the one and only scam5ter [02:22:04] loograt: 2 grand is peanuts for you now Kappa [02:22:04] keller4589: To brave [02:22:06] bunbunkouhai: bunbunkouhai subscribed with Prime. [02:22:06] f3mmbot: bunbunkouhai subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang bunbunkouhai f1nnLezgang [02:22:07] medical_size9000: If Finn refunds mods money back they are getting over 1k back [02:22:08] XENOMAN5: Gotta cover them fees somehow [02:22:09] viryl_lucas: in femboi we trust [02:22:09] Cyprohep: lmao [02:22:11] voiceofthevoid999: Big pp moves [02:22:11] booberies1: Kekw [02:22:11] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:22:13] stephylmao: KEKW [02:22:13] Stovamor: @srirammoh, it was a joke. I know it wasn't going to be a yes [02:22:14] fadedpidgeon: So as you were saying before we were rudely interupted LOL [02:22:14] callmegarp: KEKW [02:22:14] ArminGux: Hehehe madman [02:22:14] sosgeegee: nutgamEnut nutgamEnut nutgamEnut nutgamEnut [02:22:17] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:22:18] braddle172: KEKW [02:22:19] BarisCanDMR: :) [02:22:21] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:22:21] callmegarp: Brilliant [02:22:22] booberies1: Savage [02:22:22] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:22:22] antonioxbuck: Can we get a thigh cam?!?! [02:22:23] Zettrex: LUL [02:22:24] idesofjuno: LUL [02:22:24] SnabbKassa: I looked up femboy on wikipedia. It goes to a section of article "Effeminacy" [02:22:24] 416hobbit: There's some power struggles going on here [02:22:25] AvaerusEx: lol [02:22:26] Dreamless12: change it to another name [02:22:30] TravelingEmpath: He becomes less of a editor and more of a producer [02:22:31] voiceofthevoid999: I love this man [02:22:31] painfulpan: Do you have a waifu cup? [02:22:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:22:32] AlhambraMMXX: bro is padding his work hours KEKW [02:22:35] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Jonas going meta. - 2870 [02:22:36] srirammoh: Like F1nn, like mod [02:22:37] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: @viryl_lucas ha brilliant! [02:22:39] Falqun: editor wars incoming lol [02:22:47] ArminGux: To many PayPal fees [02:22:49] SalemSacrifices: Make it Chris the Meme god [02:22:49] Dreamless12: change it to self dono [02:22:50] keller4589: Cripmac???? [02:22:53] antonioxbuck: Fr should get a thigh cam [02:23:01] The_Morellonomicon: Jonas can make you pay for it even if you didn't pay it back [02:23:03] TRAGI1C_: NotLikeThis [02:23:11] whitelips_: whitelips_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! ♡♡ [02:23:11] f3mmbot: whitelips_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:23:17] dazed_03: breakout is trash tho ngl [02:23:19] Dreamless12: You play games ? [02:23:21] Zettrex: it is [02:23:21] TrapCounty: im thankfull that your one of the few twitch streamers that wear clothes while streaming [02:23:22] PynkFryck: 37% return or sth [02:23:22] xmoonphasex: oof [02:23:22] Helen_Croft: Media share? [02:23:23] fadedpidgeon: how about the bobs question? lol 2k dono [02:23:26] XENOMAN5: @painfulpan Yes he does. Schlatt sent him one of each of all of them. He has a bunch. [02:23:26] callmegarp: That's....actually pretty high? [02:23:31] CurvyTexan: Better odds than the lottery [02:23:32] ArminGux: Chargeback is a thing [02:23:35] mzzo_: wahts your gender [02:23:35] callmegarp: Considering what I thought it'd be [02:23:37] PynkFryck: buy one [02:23:38] DarthT1berius: it's not 1.4% it's a 50/50 chance every time you open the case you either get a knife or you don't [02:23:39] mzzo_: male or female [02:23:41] YeomanJensen: 99% of gamblers quit before the big score [02:23:43] JethroLIVE: trading is the best way to make profit in CS [02:23:44] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Per Hitch 1.4% chance to profit on a Operation Break-Out weapons case. - 2840 [02:23:47] treb35: @mzzo_ Male [02:23:48] general_of_cm: @mzzo_ male he/him [02:23:48] PynkFryck: You have the money 3head [02:23:49] K_F0UR: just buy the knife you want then [02:23:50] Dreamless12: helicopter [02:23:50] qt_pye: Open a Cobblestone Collection Case )))) [02:23:52] lukereference: poop [02:23:54] whitelips_: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:23:54] oden63152: lesbian [02:23:55] booberies1: Female [02:23:55] Zettrex: GIGACHAD [02:23:55] xcommymommyx: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [02:23:55] dazed_03: finn/ster [02:23:57] hanyuu_sotsu: Female [02:23:58] exVal1d: fortnite gender [02:24:01] AtoZWoW: needs he/him hat [02:24:01] Helen_Croft: !gender [02:24:01] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [02:24:02] 416hobbit: Spin the gender wheel [02:24:02] joeyiswatching: countdown? [02:24:03] ArminGux: Male but difrent gender [02:24:03] Amoyamoyamoya: Shim. [02:24:03] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Genderqueer [02:24:04] brianvorn: Female [02:24:04] hopalongtommy: Unicorn [02:24:04] mystchevious1: Price is right [02:24:05] LittleChaSiu: Countdown!! [02:24:07] sosgeegee: heyteqTeddy heyteqTeddy heyteqTeddy heyteqTeddy heyteqTeddy heyteqTeddy [02:24:08] anschofi: ya/boi [02:24:09] medical_size9000: If you want butterfly knife you should keep 2k [02:24:10] AvaerusEx: I'm surprised one of your fans hasn't sent you the knife. Maybe not many CS:GO players. [02:24:11] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Gendwrfluid [02:24:12] TravelingEmpath: Finns gender is chad/giga [02:24:13] KoriYuhBoi: Wheel of fortune [02:24:13] Amoyamoyamoya: That's Price is Right dummy [02:24:13] multi987: Gender is person [02:24:13] loograt: You should play Countdown as a brit [02:24:14] vanimal2118: Last stream, not a single knife in all the cases. [02:24:15] helenaaaauwu: Ro/S(h)e [02:24:16] stephylmao: that/guy [02:24:16] o_slip: need countdown music [02:24:20] fadedpidgeon: fadedpidgeon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! bobs question lol [02:24:21] f3mmbot: fadedpidgeon subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:24:23] brianvorn: She a female transition as male lol [02:24:24] viryl_lucas: lmao [02:24:25] LittleChaSiu: I wasn't saying it was Price is Right, I was suggesting use the Countdown one [02:24:25] Helen_Croft: benny hill team [02:24:25] Dreamless12: apache attack helicopter [02:24:27] StrawberryCheescake25: @xcommymommyx I love your username [02:24:28] zombienixon: is it m? [02:24:28] electricalsound60: yes [02:24:29] Zettrex: GIGACHAD 󠀀 [02:24:29] booberies1: Girl [02:24:29] medical_size9000: Jeopardy theme is better [02:24:30] lusername_not_available: all [02:24:30] general_of_cm: gender is Egg [02:24:32] 416hobbit: Bid but don't go over [02:24:37] multi987: LUL [02:24:38] hazelgr33n: EGG [02:24:39] antonioxbuck: Transitioning into female [02:24:39] ArminGux: His gender is femboy [02:24:39] rykziz: he/him [02:24:39] Selacanis: Gender is gendex [02:24:39] Jens_LN: Vegetarian [02:24:39] Funfetty_YT: is he transitoning [02:24:39] whitelips_: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:24:40] ClaraRenway: Water [02:24:41] tgdmshow: Female? [02:24:41] Falqun: gender: yes [02:24:41] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP What Gender is F1nn game show. - 2840 [02:24:42] Dreamless12: horse [02:24:42] andimax11: Egg! Egg! Final answer! [02:24:42] mystchevious1: It's Girl Month don't forget [02:24:42] vanimal2118: Gremlin [02:24:42] AeitZean: GIGACHAD gender [02:24:43] gerglingson: sigma male? [02:24:43] remain_unseen: The answer is Yes [02:24:43] unaffected95: gender is ehhh [02:24:43] shinyhappymatt1905: GREMLIN! [02:24:44] scarlettyg: Click on the Femboy's nose to claim your UNDEFINED KEKW [02:24:44] maxi15302: Every [02:24:44] YeomanJensen: I vote intersex [02:24:45] sapphiccatgirl6: demiboy [02:24:46] spo0522: Male [02:24:47] exVal1d: egg [02:24:47] Macks_02: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [02:24:48] IdiotKnightKing: both [02:24:48] frostxkilluaa: rectangle [02:24:48] joelsgp: Violence [02:24:49] smolbewy: it? [02:24:49] Telluzerlaw: Fish [02:24:49] Fries3: egg [02:24:50] ar1st1pp0s: Vapor [02:24:50] hopalongtommy: The answer is...... it depends Kappa [02:24:50] kittybumper: Finn is a Femboy??? [02:24:51] booberies1: Girly girl [02:24:51] spreef: Its F1nn gender ofc [02:24:52] xmoonphasex: cis is a gender? [02:24:52] Stovamor: !bra [02:24:52] helenaaaauwu: Subby Wubbby Genda [02:24:52] f3mmbot: The awesome cleavage is achieved by using a Misses Kisses, strapless, push-up bra. What you are seeing is F1nn's actual chest flesh, male bobs, moobs, etc. They aren't breasts, honest. [02:24:53] XENOMAN5: He’s a cis male crossdresser who dresses up for $$ from chat [02:24:53] multi987: Gender is hot [02:24:53] 71M073J: Yes gender [02:24:53] medical_size9000: I vote femboy [02:24:53] Lucridis: Femanaleboy [02:24:53] ClaraRenway: Genderfluid of some kind [02:24:53] im_jess_: Both/all [02:24:54] ramboo1989: Spin the wheel [02:24:54] Amoyamoyamoya: His pronouns are DUMB/ASS [02:24:55] fadedpidgeon: TY [02:24:55] Stovamor: !bra [02:24:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnEgg [02:24:56] f3mmbot: The awesome cleavage is achieved by using a Misses Kisses, strapless, push-up bra. What you are seeing is F1nn's actual chest flesh, male bobs, moobs, etc. They aren't breasts, honest. [02:24:57] Chri55PBacon: long [02:24:57] alexx_net: f1nnCope f1nnEgg [02:24:58] hiluuu: fem/boy [02:24:58] LioDwika: he just geee [02:24:58] zoe_with_an_e: Sub gender [02:24:58] AeitZean: BOSS gender [02:24:59] onestupidpizza: Hmmm [02:24:59] floofyfurlogdog: Attack helicopter /s [02:25:00] bearpaw1970: Bottle of Copium.. I bid $1.00 [02:25:02] brianvorn: She / her [02:25:03] Amoyamoyamoya: !bra [02:25:03] im_jess_: Gender is booba [02:25:03] f3mmbot: The awesome cleavage is achieved by using a Misses Kisses, strapless, push-up bra. What you are seeing is F1nn's actual chest flesh, male bobs, moobs, etc. They aren't breasts, honest. [02:25:03] sealsummoner: probably male. but im not sure, i cant tell. [02:25:04] spo0522: Man [02:25:04] AtoZWoW: Cheer100 he/him hat incoming? [02:25:04] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: The most genderqueer vibe EVAR ahhahaha [02:25:05] JAYKO5678: Yooooo [02:25:06] nol4nc: Finn you're cute [02:25:06] AeitZean: FemmLord [02:25:07] Dreamless12: female horse [02:25:07] totallynotacup: Bimbo [02:25:07] c2intox: apache helicopter [02:25:09] rooooooooosh: vegetable [02:25:10] scarlettyg: I'm going with "error token not found" [02:25:11] dazed_03: what does the 1 million channelpoints reward mean? walk? [02:25:11] BudgetMatt: KEKW [02:25:11] Void_S117: Finns genre ? Only acceptable answer is : Fem-Male hehe [02:25:11] booberies1: Kekw [02:25:12] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:25:12] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [02:25:12] vanimal2118: Muted [02:25:13] unaffected95: haha [02:25:14] andimax11: What a rebel [02:25:14] stephylmao: KEKW [02:25:14] braddle172: KEKW [02:25:14] electricalsound60: indeed [02:25:15] 416hobbit: LOL [02:25:15] callmegarp: KEKW [02:25:15] alexx_net: https://misseskisses.com/ [02:25:16] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:25:16] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:25:17] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:25:17] helenaaaauwu: Booba Genda [02:25:18] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [02:25:18] 71M073J: KEKW [02:25:18] sweethki: Half trans [02:25:19] AvaerusEx: F copyright! [02:25:19] ar1st1pp0s: that is some anime ass music [02:25:20] Starcaller_Zari: LUL LUL LUL [02:25:20] multi987: LUL LUL LUL [02:25:20] voiceofthevoid999: Lil brat [02:25:21] callmegarp: Gameshow Finn [02:25:22] JuxiBomb: kys jk [02:25:22] PetriZide: f1nnKnife [02:25:22] ctdoolittle12: Hi [02:25:22] whitelips_: whitel40Hehe whitel40Hehe whitel40Hehe whitel40Hehe [02:25:23] AIRHydrant: in his chaos era [02:25:23] xMELUSA: KEKW [02:25:24] Halkun: That is an IDGAF face [02:25:25] xcommymommyx: Degenderate [02:25:26] joelsgp: btec gender [02:25:26] TravelingEmpath: coxJam coxJam coxJam [02:25:28] Luucy_333: baaad girl :) [02:25:28] miya_lovely: Female to male and failing 😆 🤣 [02:25:29] viryl_lucas: tru [02:25:29] packagum: WAYTOODANK [02:25:29] dotelledots: the eye contact lol [02:25:30] valvanzi8: BAHA [02:25:30] know1_0: anitaLUL [02:25:31] Lucridis: British gender [02:25:32] ArminGux: Reanable ban redeem I got good idea [02:25:33] ramboo1989: This is great 🤣🤣🤣 [02:25:34] medical_size9000: I vote for gremlin [02:25:34] unopenedcookies: F1nn's gender is on backwards lol [02:25:35] 71M073J: Facts [02:25:35] Zettrex: his gender is f1nnGremlin [02:25:35] rollingface87: Real gender fucked [02:25:35] scarlettyg: Damn, him looking straight into the camera with that smirk, OMG, it broke me <3 [02:25:36] RxCheckerTD: Somewhere between scuffed and gremlin [02:25:38] blueskydrinking: the music lined up nicely with the hype train [02:25:40] godman388: Man? [02:25:40] CurvyTexan: "DMCA Deez Nutz" - F1nn [02:25:40] Stoorma: Finn, she's an egg [02:25:42] smolbewy: this all started at a minecraft channel [02:25:45] hopalongtommy: Bendy gender? [02:25:45] subbutdomtoretto: challenger 2 tank [02:25:46] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Finn this is the most genderqueer shit I've seen since I cracked my egg 🤣 [02:25:46] DarthT1berius: every csgo case opening is 50/50 you either get what you want or you don't <3 [02:25:48] XENOMAN5: Power move right there [02:25:48] srirammoh: Finn’s gender is egg [02:25:49] Amoyamoyamoya: !bra [02:25:50] f3mmbot: The awesome cleavage is achieved by using a Misses Kisses, strapless, push-up bra. What you are seeing is F1nn's actual chest flesh, male bobs, moobs, etc. They aren't breasts, honest. https://misseskisses.com/ [02:25:50] Luucy_333: awww <3 [02:25:51] Void_S117: FEM-MALE <3 [02:25:53] tgdmshow: @stovamor Clap [02:25:54] uc00: Egg [02:25:54] spo0522: Gender is strong man [02:25:56] 416hobbit: Play the Gender Wheel of Fortune!! [02:25:58] voiceofthevoid999: Bruh we need some more mod games LUL [02:25:59] Amoyamoyamoya: I did a thing Caht [02:26:02] Amoyamoyamoya: Chat [02:26:02] bearpaw1970: LMAO , bringing down the channel using price is right theme song..now that's epic..🤣 [02:26:03] spreef: Theyre gender is vegtable LUL [02:26:04] Amoyamoyamoya: Um. [02:26:05] ArminGux: Doesn't care like boss [02:26:06] transgenderboy1: 1 raiders from transgenderboy1 have joined! [02:26:08] DarthT1berius: f1nn dressing up like chav when [02:26:10] Amoyamoyamoya: Stronk [02:26:14] alexx_net: Where is a good brat tamer when you need one? f1nnEmbarrassed [02:26:17] TravelingEmpath: jonas can now just screen record [02:26:18] andimax11: Smooth [02:26:18] tgdmshow: #1 Tomboy [02:26:19] druskys_jerkChicken: lesbian [02:26:19] vanimal2118: Hate leads to the Dark Side! [02:26:20] RoxyMoonshine: That’s a bad bit ngl [02:26:21] consimiamo: kekw [02:26:22] AeitZean: He says "i hate you" to cotton all the time. Doesn't seem to mean much LUL [02:26:23] Void_S117: 100% more bangable [02:26:34] vanimal2118: Funny Mysty [02:26:34] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Welcome raider!!!!!!! [02:26:35] medical_size9000: @alexx_net we need cotton [02:26:36] YeomanJensen: izidHelloFellowKids [02:26:38] 416hobbit: Curtain #1 or Curtain #2 [02:26:39] sherlock_norris: a lot of people get the horns when they see you [02:26:40] oden63152: was that a sentence [02:26:41] ArminGux: GN had fun [02:26:44] shinyhappymatt1905: Oh damn, he turned the hat round! [02:26:46] johnkeiwo: @switmi, ptite pute va :) [02:26:54] andimax11: "They [02:26:56] alexx_net: @medical_size9000, True, but with the recent Paris news I'm not invoking her [02:26:57] mystchevious1: Robbed. [02:26:58] IceWyrmArabella: cissy [02:26:58] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:26:59] rollingface87: Cissy? [02:27:00] scatteredleaves: rofl [02:27:01] ScarsUnseen: The price is wrong, Bob. [02:27:02] multi987: The rule is: break the rules LUL [02:27:02] Wanesty: @johnkeiwo ptdrrr [02:27:03] SalemSacrifices: Your gender is an illusion [02:27:04] AtoZWoW: Cheer100 [02:27:05] keller4589: KEKW [02:27:06] andimax11: "They're more of guidelines, than actual rules" [02:27:08] booberies1: But on the c cage [02:27:09] xmoonphasex: Finn is such a bottom [02:27:11] phoenixblaze0422: OMG HI FINN [02:27:11] YeomanJensen: aquafpSScared [02:27:12] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:27:12] bearlier: Cis-sy [02:27:15] stephylmao: KEKW [02:27:15] zesta02: lol silly girl [02:27:15] multi987: You're stuttering [02:27:16] 71M073J: Cissy OMEGALUL [02:27:18] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:27:18] NorthGuard1: what do you have against sissys? [02:27:18] brianvorn: Scary Finn [02:27:19] KnapperigeKapitein: Cis-E [02:27:19] helenaaaauwu: Cis_She [02:27:20] medical_size9000: @alexx_net True [02:27:22] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [02:27:23] 416hobbit: Poetry [02:27:26] YeomanJensen: unclejoeStickup [02:27:28] bearlier: Lool [02:27:31] loograt: Go medieval with the Zweihander [02:27:32] medical_size9000: Baby girl [02:27:33] zesta02: ooof that pole [02:27:34] viryl_lucas: LUL [02:27:34] dazed_03: AWARE [02:27:34] pianoismyforte_: @f1nn5ter check poll... [02:27:37] rollingface87: Cis+E [02:27:40] Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL [02:27:40] HotAutism: Oh yeah the Cis Sea [02:27:42] tgdmshow: The Whimperer is getting aggressive [02:27:43] Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL [02:27:44] Void_S117: shoot your monitor (and go buy a new one at midnight lol) [02:27:48] 416hobbit: PERFECT [02:27:49] booberies1: Put on the c cage [02:27:52] NorthGuard1: what you overlaps a lot with it [02:27:52] multi987: ifascoNote [02:27:54] pacoman2102: Didn't see the cap but definitely still girly [02:27:55] runanrun123: TwitchUnity sissy, Twink, Finn [02:27:55] Luucy_333: Finncister :P [02:27:56] scarlettyg: jesus, looked up the onesie clip, he's just too cute, I just can't KEKW [02:27:58] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: CLIPCLIPCLIP [02:28:03] medical_size9000: Finn the whimperer [02:28:04] callmegarp: lmaooooooo [02:28:06] SalemSacrifices: It's a thing [02:28:11] Wanesty: KEKW yea i mean soda.. [02:28:11] callmegarp: It's VERY real finn [02:28:11] consimiamo: kekw [02:28:11] rykziz: Sodapoppin or Sodacat? [02:28:11] TravelingEmpath: there are whole websites dedicated to it [02:28:12] Falqun: KEKW [02:28:12] KhiralShimmer: bambi moment [02:28:14] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Wind back to Price is Right for a clip moment. - 2750 [02:28:15] YeomanJensen: can't avoid it on the hubs [02:28:15] 416hobbit: Soda is a fountain of knowledge [02:28:16] muddymudkip15: You and me both [02:28:17] nikama6: oh sweet summer child [02:28:17] viryl_lucas: lol [02:28:18] rsm_100r: i thought it was a meme too [02:28:18] keller4589: It very much is true [02:28:18] vanimal2118: So u want some Rose? LOL [02:28:19] Falqun: AWARE [02:28:20] JaneIsGaming: LMAO [02:28:23] MnemonicOverload: So innocent [02:28:24] lordgtafbi: @rykziz the not feral cat one [02:28:24] 416hobbit: Soda fountain [02:28:24] sandrinegg: KEKW "in joke" [02:28:25] rollingface87: Hahahhahaha you just found out [02:28:26] consimiamo: sissy-hypno stream when??? [02:28:27] ClaraRenway: 'we' OwO [02:28:28] bearlier: Can you post some manly man hypno on the BP [02:28:29] JustChickenwing: Should I know what that means? [02:28:29] viryl_lucas: veey innocent f1nn [02:28:30] alexx_net: I didn't make many of them. f1nnLaff [02:28:32] AeitZean: It's not an in joke? [02:28:33] Void_S117: FINN, always remember every single one of us is dumb AF [02:28:33] AvaerusEx: Well the hypno part doesn't actually work. [02:28:34] IdiotKnightKing: discovered it myself recently [02:28:35] helenaaaauwu: Sissy is big thing [02:28:37] SalemSacrifices: It's a video format or professionally done by a dominatrix [02:28:37] 71M073J: Soda is a wonderful fount of fun facts [02:28:39] Amoyamoyamoya: It exists but whether or not it actually works...? [02:28:41] YeomanJensen: cyrAware [02:28:43] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Did that cap make him more or less Manly?": LOL. Still girly with 153 votes (90%) [02:28:47] scarlettyg: I love democracy [02:28:53] ScarsUnseen: sissy hippo? what? [02:28:53] AIRHydrant: sissy hypno is also racist way too often [02:28:56] nothitch: why not, if you can tell me what draw its in you win [02:28:56] HardyOrange: ...plz no [02:28:57] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about sissies and sissy hypno. - 2830 [02:28:59] Gisak787: soda was gaslighting you [02:29:02] plutoispoggers: f1nnCowjam [02:29:04] nikama6: Oh no [02:29:04] helenaaaauwu: I think they wanna become like you [02:29:05] o_slip: dont [02:29:08] XENOMAN5: I’m proud to say I’m one [02:29:08] XellosMetallum: Please don't... [02:29:09] Sylosis_: i was gonna say it that's a dude [02:29:10] dazed_03: HOW DOES HE KNOW [02:29:11] xmoonphasex: do more cosplays! [02:29:11] JaneIsGaming: F1NN found the sissy hypno SCATTER [02:29:12] rsm_100r: HUHHHH [02:29:13] TravelingEmpath: you gotta super sub [02:29:13] callmegarp: You're a hit with the sissys! A win is uh...a win is a win [02:29:14] HardyOrange: ...that's a hardddd turn off [02:29:15] sweethki: Femininity to the sky, watch hypnosis [02:29:15] keller4589: HUHHH [02:29:16] fancymanwho: My professor is watching with me [02:29:16] NorthGuard1: what. you do the opposite bro [02:29:17] booberies1: Watch it to 'learn' [02:29:17] Elizabeth_parrish: Hello 👋 I hope you've had a good day so far [02:29:18] stephylmao: HUH [02:29:18] tgdmshow: Huj6 [02:29:18] SnabbKassa: dont go there [02:29:18] andimax11: Huh? [02:29:18] 71M073J: Hol up [02:29:19] JustChickenwing: Wait can someone explain what this is? [02:29:20] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [02:29:20] mootie1: 2020Snacking I haven't seen those edits [02:29:21] robbie1945: lmao [02:29:21] loograt: It would have to include some kind of D [02:29:22] AvaerusEx: That's the whole "cuck" fetish. [02:29:23] B1oodySaints: the blacked?!/ [02:29:23] consimiamo: huh? [02:29:24] multi987: LUL [02:29:24] Helen_Croft: I just want the girl stuff on the other site @F1NN5TER [02:29:24] RoxyMoonshine: Huh [02:29:27] Falqun: well watch some more of the content u just discoverd and emulate it KEKW [02:29:28] ramboo1989: I’m a dom so I’m happy I dont [02:29:31] rollingface87: Haven't you though [02:29:32] vanimal2118: Everything? obkatAwooga [02:29:36] mootie1: I've got much research to do rimjimNotes [02:29:38] AeitZean: Black edits what [02:29:39] 416hobbit: @Helen_Croft Me too [02:29:40] rsm_100r: i havent seen those and honestly im fine with that [02:29:43] keller4589: Oh! [02:29:44] ramboo1989: Ayooo [02:29:45] johnkeiwo: lots of cringe [02:29:46] viryl_lucas: BNWO? [02:29:47] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala subscribed with Prime. [02:29:47] f3mmbot: iaccidentallyfriedmykoala subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang iaccidentallyfriedmykoala f1nnLezgang [02:29:50] bearlier: They are really cage obsessed [02:29:53] multi987: Mood [02:29:55] Luucy_333: wdym [02:29:56] AvaerusEx: I've seen edits that gave you a foot long cock. [02:29:56] booberies1: You'll have to watch it to learn about it [02:29:59] YeomanJensen: just search for a compilation on any site [02:30:03] alexx_net: You could meet up with one of your mods and "discover" so much more. [02:30:04] CurvyTexan: Need to take a trip [02:30:08] johnkeiwo: @nobsters, t'est cringe, va te laver chien [02:30:11] XENOMAN5: Wear more Little For Big stuff on the BP [02:30:12] multi987: Body image issues NotLikeThis [02:30:12] bornincheck: 🎅🏿 [02:30:14] fancymanwho: Allergies? [02:30:15] mootie1: PogChamp real [02:30:16] ScarsUnseen: LOL [02:30:17] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:30:17] PetriZide: KEKW [02:30:18] itzandrw48: Hey [02:30:18] o_slip: KEKW [02:30:18] rykziz: LUL [02:30:19] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [02:30:19] PeterTheMostlyOK: astra71LUL [02:30:19] ramboo1989: You look great my friend [02:30:20] callmegarp: You're so g-dang cute babe be proud [02:30:20] AvaerusEx: ! [02:30:21] viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA [02:30:21] booberies1: 4.3 [02:30:22] Wanesty: KEKW [02:30:22] Amoyamoyamoya: Sounds like dysphoria. [02:30:22] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:30:22] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:30:22] keller4589: LMAO [02:30:23] 71M073J: KEKW [02:30:23] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [02:30:23] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [02:30:23] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [02:30:23] TravelingEmpath: I've had a hard time getting back into shape for lewd content [02:30:24] JustChickenwing: They're called leaks [02:30:24] stephylmao: KEKW [02:30:24] tomhekker: 4.3 [02:30:25] marioparty1209: @F1NN5TER when can you do skyblock again it dosent have to be on mchub i just liked your skyblock vids. [02:30:25] umtic: PogU [02:30:25] shinyhappymatt1905: That's just your foot [02:30:25] nothitch: poor Jonas [02:30:26] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:30:26] scarlettyg: 4.3 [02:30:27] consimiamo: kekw [02:30:27] tgdmshow: Nice [02:30:28] chainedchish: KEKW [02:30:28] gkhan336: KEKW [02:30:28] 416hobbit: That was good @F1NN5TER [02:30:29] PsillyCephalopod: catJAM [02:30:29] bornincheck: wansmejri8rr [02:30:29] NorthGuard1: 4.3 [02:30:29] XENOMAN5: PMS got you down p sweetie? [02:30:29] dazed_03: "Accidentally became a sissy while researching sissy hypnosis" [02:30:30] medical_size9000: Lol [02:30:30] alexx_net: f1nnLaff [02:30:31] viryl_lucas: LUL LUL [02:30:32] B1oodySaints: ceo of the 2 incher club [02:30:33] callmegarp: Copyright comedy [02:30:33] sealsummoner: sitcom moment [02:30:34] anne2378: Helloooo [02:30:34] Helen_Croft: 4.3 seems to big of a number [02:30:35] multi987: It's average [02:30:35] spankardmine: Dysphoria got hands [02:30:37] bornincheck: i wanna cow [02:30:39] rollingface87: Have you done any forced fem? That's sissy shit [02:30:40] RoxyMoonshine: Jonas gonna scream [02:30:42] scarnuggets: hii [02:30:43] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn implies he has a foot-long cock. - 2810 [02:30:45] AIRHydrant: french fry hypno [02:30:46] mootie1: Foot long knife rimjimNotes [02:30:48] sealsummoner: this is some real sitcom comedy [02:30:48] medical_size9000: Finn wishes he was that long [02:30:50] DualityUK: Kappa Kappa [02:30:50] dazed_03: AWARE [02:30:51] callmegarp: Copyright edging f1nnMonka [02:30:53] sweethki: I seem to be traumatized by not living life in femboy mode. It is difficult in my country. [02:31:00] scarlettyg: @Helen_Croft we didn't specify a unit of length [02:31:01] viryl_lucas: :( [02:31:03] The_Dolphinator: monkaW [02:31:05] blueskydrinking: @Helen_Croft is that in centimetres? [02:31:06] ar1st1pp0s: yes [02:31:08] callmegarp: Hmmmmm? Exciting [02:31:09] viryl_lucas: yes [02:31:10] marxistan: I am new [02:31:11] KnapperigeKapitein: kinda [02:31:12] JethroLIVE: yes [02:31:12] torch_head3: YES [02:31:12] TravelingEmpath: definitely [02:31:12] stephylmao: yes [02:31:13] keller4589: Hm [02:31:13] marxistan: What? [02:31:14] helenaaaauwu: i guess [02:31:14] sweethki: Hypnosis [02:31:14] IdiotKnightKing: It can be [02:31:15] booberies1: Yes [02:31:15] DarthT1berius: youtube sissy hypno [02:31:16] keller4589: Yea [02:31:16] AvaerusEx: Usually [02:31:16] fancymanwho: Yeah [02:31:16] torch_head3: TOTTALLY YES [02:31:18] 71M073J: Very porn [02:31:19] vanimal2118: Don't care [02:31:19] darkellie_: sus [02:31:19] YeomanJensen: I swear I haven't watched [02:31:19] OHMichelleOH: it can be [02:31:20] Chri55PBacon: yea [02:31:20] KiriahKolrath: Hentai at min [02:31:20] xenonbluez: yeah [02:31:21] Helen_Croft: 4.3 in any systems is to big of a number [02:31:21] MnemonicOverload: @callmegarp That's someone's kink [02:31:21] muddymudkip15: Yes [02:31:21] alexx_net: YES [02:31:22] xmoonphasex: kink? [02:31:23] 416hobbit: It's a Pinterest topic [02:31:23] Wanesty: OMEGALUL [02:31:24] ClaraRenway: most of the time [02:31:25] consimiamo: UWU~ [02:31:25] kyokel: Erotica? [02:31:26] packagum: Yes [02:31:26] quaiscute69: Meow [02:31:27] DualityUK: im slightly concerned now [02:31:28] elceltaaa: WutFace WutFace [02:31:28] scarlettyg: Not pawn, more like rook or bishop [02:31:29] SnabbKassa: caption porn [02:31:29] effthelf: Erotica [02:31:30] brianvorn: Dude… [02:31:31] braddle172: ? [02:31:33] Rytas: ??? [02:31:35] fancymanwho: Oh yeah I watched last night [02:31:36] torch_head3: welcome to pinterest captions? [02:31:36] keller4589: ?????? [02:31:39] XENOMAN5: Yep it’s pron [02:31:40] hotstufff7: glock [02:31:44] hobos4eva: what happend march 1st ? [02:31:44] bingchilling1921: ofc this is the time i join in [02:31:46] general_of_cm: oh god how time flies [02:31:47] ramboo1989: Hey sissy’s DM me….. [02:31:51] confirmed_derp: Soda is playing Zelda. You should too F1nn. [02:31:51] multi987: Dude that was yesterday NotLikeThis [02:31:53] johnkeiwo: i'm scared [02:31:55] dazed_03: i have done thorough research how come ive never come across that genre of yours HMM [02:31:56] ramboo1989: 🤣 [02:31:56] mootie1: f1nnGremlin me! All me fr! [02:31:57] Ramaj_A: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 finn, I'm still working on getting my ID and Gender changed. after that is done you could be the husband and move to austin where I don't live and it would only be "paper" marriage [02:32:01] AIRHydrant: woman in pic with caption saying its a dude? [02:32:01] hotstufff7: hotstufff7 subscribed with Prime. [02:32:02] f3mmbot: hotstufff7 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hotstufff7 f1nnLezgang [02:32:02] keller4589: I’m terrified [02:32:03] YeomanJensen: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 [02:32:10] rollingface87: Yeah it's a fetish thing [02:32:12] Rytas: Dude what WutFace [02:32:15] rico_chico: giirl, these are not split ends, these are DIVORCED ends okay [02:32:16] jazusttv: @thisisdefnotchris thanks for the sun mr breast [02:32:18] Elizabeth_parrish: The absent mindly playing with the gum makes me nervous lol [02:32:20] multi987: LUL LUL LUL [02:32:21] mootie1: EZ [02:32:21] AvaerusEx: You literally look better every time I see you. [02:32:23] DomsCountdown: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [02:32:25] gaddafi_duck_: Fincest? [02:32:27] Helen_Croft: @jonasfull DM me for unmuted/deleted VODs [02:32:32] SalemSacrifices: Austin sucks [02:32:33] Shockwavemecha: spicycowFeet spicycowFeet spicycowFeet [02:32:33] helenaaaauwu: @ramboo1989 Tell in the end how many dm'd you lol [02:32:41] callmegarp: Spider-Finn: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 [02:32:47] Luucy_333: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [02:32:48] torch_head3: jesus christ end the story [02:32:50] Floof73: Cheer1 ive only got 2 bits left so here lol jamesm13Posh [02:32:52] spicyghosties: HIII!! [02:32:52] LilWhite1027: wait. is he/she the person who said u r f ugly meme?? [02:32:58] johnkeiwo: oh god [02:32:59] Ramaj_A: finn doesn't think he could pull off being a husband? wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [02:33:00] dazed_03: sounds like someone we know [02:33:02] Srcsqwrn: @torch_head3 Finn's ADHD won't let him [02:33:03] ramboo1989: 🤣 [02:33:04] SnabbKassa: force femmed by chat? [02:33:04] consimiamo: kekw [02:33:05] TravelingEmpath: You've given Finn paws. Finn is furry confirmed [02:33:05] brianvorn: Brushing like a Disney princess [02:33:06] FullSoNy: LUL [02:33:07] AIRHydrant: w [02:33:08] 71M073J: LUL [02:33:09] viryl_lucas: That was done a bit ago [02:33:10] packagum: what?! [02:33:12] AvaerusEx: You're a genre of porn. [02:33:12] kashigostreamcrunch: You checking in on the story again some time soon? [02:33:13] The_Dolphinator: oh shit ive seen those [02:33:13] callmegarp: You didn't create that. I know for...reasons [02:33:13] braddle172: Congrats? [02:33:13] helenaaaauwu: sub [02:33:13] KnapperigeKapitein: so basicly your autobiography? [02:33:14] 416hobbit: Streamer Sissy [02:33:15] IdiotKnightKing: Don't you mean we created a genre? [02:33:15] umtic: PogChamp Clap [02:33:17] stephylmao: Clap? [02:33:18] dysfunctionaldomo: Honestly... W [02:33:18] MooskiBG: that was around before.... dont ask how ik [02:33:20] vanimal2118: That has been around before u Rose. [02:33:21] keller4589: Congratulations [02:33:21] ramboo1989: Get on your knees [02:33:21] viryl_lucas: They made a doujinshi about that [02:33:21] zhocket: hi [02:33:22] marioparty1209: @F1NN5TER i was wondering when you could do another skyblock vid i loved them. [02:33:22] PhorrestGaze: that's how you know you made it [02:33:22] Lucridis: Ashley wrote it before you streamed though [02:33:24] lethaldissonance: parasocial force feminization [02:33:25] NorthGuard1: but you know its you being sissified? [02:33:26] fancymanwho: Wait do you watch porn [02:33:29] SalemSacrifices: That wasn't made by you, it's been a thing for years [02:33:30] shinyhappymatt1905: That's your legacy [02:33:33] bearpaw1970: 🫡✨🔥✨ [02:33:36] spicyghosties: EEE HII FIN!! [02:33:39] Agrena: you didnt create it. you were a victim of it [02:33:40] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he's created a pr0n genre of Sissy Hypno involving streamer(?). Doubt. - 2850 [02:33:44] pianoismyforte_: That was around well before you... [02:33:46] The_Morellonomicon: @MooskiBG we dont have to [02:33:48] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, there were earlier stories. [02:33:50] multi987: Praise be to you oh great populariser Kappa [02:33:52] johnkeiwo: ashley predicted the future [02:33:53] fancymanwho: Porn hall of fame [02:33:57] Darkwhing: Darkwhing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! I was gone for a few week and this is what I got back to :( [02:33:57] f3mmbot: darkwhing subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [02:33:58] mootie1: FeelsGoodMan [02:33:58] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: yeah, only because you're the only one who actually reads and must write this stuff... [02:33:58] XENOMAN5: Aren’t you the sissy in that scenario though? [02:33:58] viryl_lucas: SHHH [02:33:58] keller4589: Hall of fame [02:33:59] Helen_Croft: Can confirm that is a new category on p*rn sites [02:33:59] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:33:59] torch_head3: oh yeah i remember a sissy comic that is tottally based on you, if i don't remember wrong the artist said it it'self [02:34:00] ramboo1989: That was a girl thing right there [02:34:03] o_slip: KEKW [02:34:04] Alpinefresh: KEKW [02:34:04] callmegarp: IM NOT ASHAMED [02:34:04] YeomanJensen: "You made this? I made this!" [02:34:05] braddle172: KEKW [02:34:05] Agrena: selfreport we watch you? [02:34:06] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS CHAT worrunBDSM [02:34:06] rollingface87: I love that you think that [02:34:07] nikama6: Wait for the sissy DMCA [02:34:08] xenonbluez: literally just telling on ya'll selves [02:34:08] multi987: LUL [02:34:09] JaneIsGaming: its 2023 dont k1nk shame [02:34:11] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, there were earlier stories. [02:34:11] mootie1: 🫢🍵 [02:34:12] Rytas: Exposed KEKW [02:34:12] DJ_FLAKO: LUL LUL LUL [02:34:13] stephylmao: LUL LUL [02:34:13] keller4589: Self reports on woah rn [02:34:13] vanimal2118: Shit! [02:34:16] OHMichelleOH: nano is in sissy hypnos [02:34:18] torch_head3: oh god he knows [02:34:20] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:34:20] AIRHydrant: theres some hentai thats oddly familiar [02:34:22] packagum: Do you think we care? f1nnGremlin [02:34:23] multi987: Sissy dcma LUL [02:34:24] loograt: no idea what you're talking about [02:34:24] joelsgp: KEKHeim [02:34:25] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:34:25] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [02:34:26] umtic: KEKW [02:34:26] LittleChaSiu: jeez [02:34:26] ramboo1989: I’m not afraid- Eminem [02:34:27] pacificviewer: i spaced out what's happening? [02:34:27] 416hobbit: lol [02:34:28] tgdmshow: Huuuh KEKW [02:34:30] gkhan336: KEKW [02:34:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [02:34:30] fancymanwho: ???? [02:34:31] stephylmao: lmao [02:34:31] StrawberryCheescake25: Cum [02:34:31] AtoZWoW: phrasing? [02:34:32] ChasingSol: uh...KEKW [02:34:32] PsillyCephalopod: KEKW [02:34:33] Chri55PBacon: LUL LUL [02:34:33] Beargalat: of course it's been around for years, Finn invented it when he was 17. (He is 43 now) [02:34:33] braddle172: LUL [02:34:33] keller4589: KEKW [02:34:33] 71M073J: To be fair , a lot of us would straight up vote in a poll [02:34:34] multi987: carmelaLUL [02:34:35] harokaa: Bro [02:34:35] callmegarp: KEKW [02:34:35] voiceofthevoid999: Right in ther skirts [02:34:38] johnkeiwo: OMFG KEKW [02:34:38] IdiotKnightKing: KEKW [02:34:39] SalemSacrifices: I am proud of my feminine ways! [02:34:39] yessirgodlol: Hi [02:34:39] bingchilling1921: KEKW [02:34:39] marioparty1209: next skyblock vid? [02:34:40] JaneIsGaming: break out the dog trainer clicker [02:34:40] jolenetheshark: i see blahaj i hear cum im following [02:34:40] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:34:42] viryl_lucas: tru [02:34:42] AvaerusEx: Like a cat?? [02:34:43] kyokel: "don't bully me I'll coom" [02:34:44] dazed_03: gives "come at me bro" a whole other meaning [02:34:44] darkellie_: LOL [02:34:44] ChasingSol: @yessirgodlol hello [02:34:46] muddymudkip15: From what I've seen, true [02:34:49] jazusttv: ily Finn [02:34:50] clauca_cola: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:34:54] ITZHYP3RION: How old are you now [02:34:55] helenaaaauwu: Omg the edits of you are soo bad xD [02:34:58] jazusttv: I gotta dip but have a fantastic day [02:35:01] ChasingSol: !age @ITZHYP3RION [02:35:02] f3mmbot: F1nn is 23 years old [02:35:02] SalemSacrifices: I'm not a sissy tho, I'm a femboy. [02:35:04] Elizabeth_parrish: I'm 24 and confused about what you mean 😅😅 [02:35:05] bearlier: The cage stuff is weird [02:35:07] viryl_lucas: I hate the BNWO [02:35:09] richarduk81: Of course Finn knows sissy's he is one of them [02:35:11] dazed_03: femboys >>> sissies [02:35:12] rollingface87: It's just a twist on forced fem shit [02:35:12] fancymanwho: What are black edits [02:35:13] johnkeiwo: blacked edits are cringe AF [02:35:16] SalemSacrifices: Raceplay is weird [02:35:17] AVE_LVCI: HUH [02:35:19] torch_head3: yeahhh bnwo is so fucking wrong dude [02:35:19] o_slip: theyre lowkey super racist with it [02:35:20] AIRHydrant: the bbc hypno stuff is not cool [02:35:20] yessirgodlol: PowerUpL DoritosChip PowerUpR [02:35:21] arzi77perra: Your so lashy. [02:35:23] johnkeiwo: as a black dude, the race fetishist makes me scared [02:35:23] qui3t_tran5gir1: HUH [02:35:24] stephylmao: jeez [02:35:26] qt_pye: scary scary [02:35:27] blueskydrinking: I see that in your quote tweets a lot [02:35:27] booberies1: Says the person that talked about owning people [02:35:35] callmegarp: There's always been a racist strain in porn, but its reeeeally bad with sissy/cuckold porn [02:35:36] IceWyrmArabella: @fancymanwho fetishizing black dudes [02:35:36] galcticoverlrd: people used my art for that~ TToTT [02:35:41] Amoyamoyamoya: The black-white stuff is cringe. [02:35:41] anschofi: @johnkeiwo the choco chasers KEKW [02:35:43] MajesticFvckingEagle: @johnkeiwo agreed [02:35:46] shebba: @johnkeiwo as a white dude, me too [02:35:48] elceltaaa: did you do something with belle? [02:35:49] stingemorewhite: Blacked stuff is border line racist [02:35:50] xmoonphasex: thats the photo that made me come out [02:35:52] loograt: perfectly regular white dick to do the edits [02:35:56] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: yeah, the market it YOU finn [02:35:58] johnkeiwo: @anschofi, " choco chasers " IM SCREAMING [02:35:58] johnkeiwo: @anschofi, " choco chasers " IM SCREAMING [02:36:03] ClaraRenway: huh? [02:36:05] multi987: LUL [02:36:05] jonasfull123: red face [02:36:06] general_of_cm: OMRGALUL [02:36:06] consimiamo: CLIPP [02:36:10] IceWyrmArabella: lmaooo [02:36:10] stephylmao: LMAO [02:36:10] consimiamo: kekw [02:36:10] torch_head3: no bell again, the internet can't with that again [02:36:10] general_of_cm: LUL [02:36:13] ramboo1989: 👧 [02:36:13] johnkeiwo: that was it !? [02:36:13] SalemSacrifices: I don't like belle's content, too many big hairy men. [02:36:13] keller4589: KEKW CLIP [02:36:16] muddymudkip15: Huh [02:36:17] general_of_cm: KEKW [02:36:19] nikama6: KEKW [02:36:20] ramboo1989: Ayoooo [02:36:20] ClaraRenway: cant blame them [02:36:21] anschofi: @johnkeiwo you're welcome [02:36:21] voiceofthevoid999: Truth bombs [02:36:22] JaneIsGaming: that photo made me a lesbian [02:36:24] Wanesty: i mean fair :) [02:36:25] valvanzi8: no kink shamr [02:36:26] MajesticFvckingEagle: I'm fucking dead lmaoo [02:36:29] 71M073J: Blacked thing IS racist, just "less" offensive [02:36:31] fancymanwho: SHES A LESBIAN i think [02:36:31] scarlettyg: that's how I would've want my makeup be done too [02:36:31] stingemorewhite: "Bang her" [02:36:32] tgdmshow: Huh [02:36:33] Agrena: how does is feel to have kissed the same lips as mia [02:36:35] SalemSacrifices: HER BATTLEPASS [02:36:35] AvaerusEx: You're prettier than Belle anyway. [02:36:36] SnabbKassa: unconsenting real people should not be edited into porn, including deepfakes, whatever the "genre" of porn. [02:36:43] johnkeiwo: straight yuri ! [02:36:43] bearlier: The April Fools guy mode one made me come out [02:36:43] Helen_Croft: belle is with big hairy man sometimes @F1NN5TER [02:36:49] ar1st1pp0s: skill issue [02:36:50] booberies1: L [02:36:51] Luucy_333: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:36:53] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: @SalemSacrifices thats the best part tho KEKW [02:36:53] Tartletboy1: L [02:36:54] LittleChaSiu: we know F1nn, you have negative rizz [02:36:54] DougieJ: L [02:36:56] JaneIsGaming: its ok finn youre an honorary lesbian [02:36:58] harokaa: L [02:37:00] fancymanwho: I meannn deepfake exists soooo [02:37:01] elceltaaa: oh i thought you did it with belle... [02:37:02] consimiamo: first doing woman-face and now stealing lesbian battle pass content [02:37:06] arzi77perra: Liz straitght tffffff. [02:37:07] blueskydrinking: "straight yuri" was a rare episode of with from twitter [02:37:07] o_slip: butt [02:37:11] AeitZean: You didn't f belle...yet Kappa [02:37:14] AVE_LVCI: HUH 󠀀 [02:37:14] Wanesty: huh [02:37:15] SalemSacrifices: Lol [02:37:15] callmegarp: UHH [02:37:16] thewebuild4life: HUH [02:37:16] barghiest07: Hello [02:37:16] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:37:16] johnkeiwo: nice [02:37:17] zhocket: when r u gonna start HRT? Would u ever do "lowkey" HRT like not all the way but get some more curves [02:37:17] keller4589: OH [02:37:18] SalemSacrifices: CLIP THAT [02:37:19] harokaa: What [02:37:19] consimiamo: kekw [02:37:20] RoxyMoonshine: Huh [02:37:20] braddle172: Nice [02:37:20] RoseSoup: Yeah the queen of spades stuff is just race fetishism and there is inherent racism to that. [02:37:21] SalemSacrifices: AND SENT IT TO SODA [02:37:22] dazed_03: HUH [02:37:22] nathat233: ok [02:37:22] Rytas: weirdChamp [02:37:23] multi987: Unless they are like dictators [02:37:23] stephylmao: OK [02:37:24] nikama6: AMG [02:37:25] keller4589: Yea clip that [02:37:25] GigaChad69e: you muted me for 10 mins for nothing thanks mods [02:37:28] Wayward_Alva: damn shawty ok [02:37:28] madoka_magikate: LOOOOL [02:37:29] tgdmshow: KEKW with the fries [02:37:31] callmegarp: Friendship is so magical [02:37:31] bearlier: You're weirdly okay with tributes lol [02:37:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:37:34] tomhekker: KEKW that would be hilarious [02:37:34] scarlettyg: Soda would definitely add pictures of you to his pitussy collection [02:37:34] Falqun: clip that, finn wants soda to tribute her [02:37:36] PsillyCephalopod: KEKW 󠀀 [02:37:37] o_slip: oh no [02:37:37] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP SodaCat has express permission from F1nn to do anything with his image. - 2810 [02:37:37] helenaaaauwu: @zhocket wtf is with you? [02:37:38] ScarsUnseen: Are you open source?? [02:37:38] SalemSacrifices: Tributes are gross [02:37:41] brianvorn: What about Natt is he too big for cumtribute ? [02:37:41] johnkeiwo: giving friends content to coom to his face, that's true friendship [02:37:42] AVE_LVCI: well you heard it here first [02:37:46] Jasal_1995: How much can you bench [02:37:46] packagum: Nuttin for the homies [02:37:48] consimiamo: no fries tho [02:37:48] medical_size9000: You are weirdly okay about it [02:37:48] miya_lovely: Soda is streaming right now lol [02:37:48] StrawberryCheescake25: (screenshot) [02:37:51] mootie1: With fries? 🥴 [02:37:51] Amoyamoyamoya: Why does this convo sound so familiar? [02:37:55] AvaerusEx: Maybe something with a F1nn5ter body-pillow. [02:37:57] jojomonkey123422: Smash [02:37:58] JUBU_0: said like a true bottom [02:37:58] jackbronson_: Can I roll up a photo of you and stick it up my bhole? [02:37:59] itslostavacado: @johnkeiwo how has your day been today [02:38:00] Stovamor: @GigaChad69e, you called him a sissy when he expressly said he hates that. want another timeout? [02:38:01] VanJackal: what if the image is printed on a cake [02:38:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Fcuk. We talked about it... [02:38:01] SalemSacrifices: What if the fry basket has your face on it [02:38:02] callmegarp: Imma use your image to start a religion [02:38:03] xcommymommyx: "Thats funny" LUL [02:38:08] multi987: We don't know where you're coming carmelaKappa [02:38:10] AVE_LVCI: if you say so KEKW [02:38:10] richarduk81: Feed cum fries to a pic of Finn [02:38:12] DougieJ: Yeah uhhuh sure thing [02:38:15] vanimal2118: Sure [02:38:15] QuBycle: we remember the fry incident. that's why you cringe [02:38:16] IdiotKnightKing: sure, sure [02:38:18] fancymanwho: Have you search finnster on the urban dictionary [02:38:19] Amoyamoyamoya: @jackbronson_, WTF [02:38:20] VixenDavali: Hey f1nn how good are you with butterfly knifes I started to learn [02:38:20] voiceofthevoid999: I mean no judgement lol [02:38:22] RoseSoup: Mhmm [02:38:22] nikama6: Sure [02:38:24] johnkeiwo: too late for that [02:38:24] mootie1: LuvCool cool [02:38:25] madoka_magikate: You ARE weird [02:38:26] blueskydrinking: we do anyway f1nn [02:38:28] druskys_jerkChicken: they already think you're werid [02:38:29] Helen_Croft: we already think you are weird [02:38:29] multi987: We already thought you're weird LUL [02:38:30] PsillyCephalopod: think? [02:38:31] ChasingSol: what do you mean "think" you're weird? [02:38:31] 416hobbit: Always watch the streams in sequence... don't skip episodes [02:38:32] Void_S117: You make me question myself a lot, and aside from making me want to crossdress, you also made me want to explore feminine fashion and nailjob stuff and makeup [02:38:32] Wayward_Alva: L [02:38:33] callmegarp: Definitely think you're weird [02:38:33] NicklesJ: thats whats gonna make us think your weird? [02:38:36] KiriahKolrath: Last stream.... Wimper. [02:38:36] wiltedohio: Are people going to start thinking you're weird ONLY NOW??? [02:38:38] dazed_03: arent we all weird [02:38:39] Amoyamoyamoya: mf thinks he isn't weird. [02:38:40] zhocket: Would u ever do "lowkey" HRT? Just to like get some more curves but not all the way [02:38:41] keller4589: I’m scared now [02:38:42] packagum: Weird regardless [02:38:43] RoxyMoonshine: That was said last stream? That makes sense. I was numb to the chaos by then LUL [02:38:46] fancymanwho: And a sissy [02:38:47] multi987: Please do go on [02:38:48] Stovamor: We know you're weird. it's a big part of your charm @F1NN5TER [02:38:49] CurvyTexan: What is even weird anymore...normal is the new weird [02:38:49] GigaChad69e: @Stovamor i missed the start of the stream [02:38:50] DougieJ: Weird stopped being an insult years ago for me [02:38:51] CJKDB: You're beyond weird. [02:38:51] DougieJ: embrace it [02:38:51] ScarsUnseen: you are already weird [02:38:52] madoka_magikate: Weird is best, we're all weird [02:38:55] ScarsUnseen: but fun weird [02:38:55] Amoyamoyamoya: I know one of his kinks Chat. [02:38:59] ScarsUnseen: feet? [02:38:59] medical_size9000: Last stream we remember you whimper your sleep [02:39:00] SalemSacrifices: "Famous Minecraft YouTuber with 69k+ Subscribers. Known for Cross-dressing. being an E-boy. & having the Nickname "Barbie"" [02:39:01] helenaaaauwu: @zhocket Tha makes no sense educate yourself [02:39:06] Halkun: funk [02:39:06] ar1st1pp0s: depressed [02:39:07] fancymanwho: Excuse you [02:39:07] Cryo001: @johnkeiwo It was you who did that bingo thing a while ago right? [02:39:07] loograt: a mood [02:39:07] xmoonphasex: slump [02:39:08] wiltedohio: @Stovamor This ^^^ facts [02:39:08] mootie1: a Johnson [02:39:09] barghiest07: Hey f1nn do the nea nea [02:39:09] jonasfull123: your collab with Soda and EmiOk was so fun, when are we getting EmiOk back into the streams? [02:39:09] ScarsUnseen: british? [02:39:11] Lucridis: A downer [02:39:12] hopalongtommy: In a funk [02:39:12] multi987: Slump [02:39:13] IdiotKnightKing: shlump [02:39:13] sunset2024: the burp lol [02:39:14] 416hobbit: A funk [02:39:14] CurvyTexan: funk [02:39:14] JustChickenwing: The mid sentence burps are on point this stream [02:39:14] johnkeiwo: @Cryo001, yes ! [02:39:15] fulllclip858: AYO [02:39:16] Amoyamoyamoya: Bender? [02:39:18] dafdeddog: funk [02:39:19] CJKDB: You went past weird a long time ago. [02:39:19] Stovamor: !bp [02:39:19] fulllclip858: lol [02:39:19] bearpaw1970: Kick [02:39:20] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [02:39:21] StrawberryCheescake25: @wiltedohio f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [02:39:21] unaffected95: in a slump? [02:39:23] keller4589: Down spiral [02:39:26] Srcsqwrn: RIP [02:39:27] zhocket: @zhocket thats why im asking question, to learn more brudda [02:39:30] ChasingSol: !socials [02:39:31] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:39:33] voiceofthevoid999: How'd you mess up? [02:39:34] XENOMAN5: PMS? [02:39:34] Kayver_: a slump? creative hyiatus? [02:39:34] jayceedeee: NIP SLIP [02:39:37] wiltedohio: @StrawberryCheescake25 Hi there fren. How's it going? [02:39:37] HardyOrange: Serious business brainstorming meeting time? [02:39:39] vanimal2118: @amoyamoyamoya ur such a tease. [02:39:40] robbie1945: chat, what do we think of a harajuku stream? also what happened to media share? [02:39:40] mootie1: rimjimNotes [02:39:41] booberies1: Post something in a c cage [02:39:42] rykziz: @RoseSoup There's papers written about that, it's pretty fascinating in an odd way to learn about the psychology behind it. For example, it can also be a degradation thing, that they're with/below those they consider as "lesser", degrading themselves. And there's *also* non racial motives behind it. [02:39:45] CurvyTexan: You need a creative team [02:39:46] multi987: Kinks LUL [02:39:55] CJKDB: Here we go ... inserting foot in mouth. [02:39:55] xmoonphasex: because your a bottom [02:39:56] OpsCoreFAST: The demographic breakdown [02:39:56] keller4589: Kinky fucks [02:39:59] FullSoNy: LUL [02:40:04] keller4589: Your a bottom [02:40:04] multi987: Switch Kreygasm [02:40:04] fulllclip858: LOOOOOOL [02:40:04] TravelingEmpath: Both... both is good [02:40:05] Phizwhizzer: Both for me pls [02:40:05] nikama6: No way [02:40:05] Number42: Thanks for the wakening [02:40:07] JustChickenwing: What about those who want neither? [02:40:08] multi987: The hills trinity [02:40:08] dazed_03: 50 30 30 is 110 [02:40:09] jonasfull123: what are the other 10% [02:40:09] fancymanwho: THATS BS [02:40:10] StrawberryCheescake25: @wiltedohio hungover but alive [02:40:10] arzi77perra: Is fem a new food. [02:40:13] medical_size9000: Both is good [02:40:14] unaffected95: los dos [02:40:15] ChasingSol: @JustChickenwing we're in the minority [02:40:16] multi987: *the holy trinity [02:40:16] IdiotKnightKing: definitely in that first group [02:40:17] AvaerusEx: Maybe that's the split in the general public? [02:40:19] easilytermated: wait 30+30+30=90% whats the last 10 huh? [02:40:20] Amoyamoyamoya: @vanimal2118, It's so obvious that you'll kick yourself. [02:40:20] Cryo001: @johnkeiwo i want to claim my prize of a gift sub :) [02:40:20] consimiamo: other 10% want to be him [02:40:21] jayceedeee: when it comes to you i'm a switch cutey [02:40:22] PetriZide: Perfectly balanced, as it should be [02:40:22] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:40:22] callmegarp: Really? huh... [02:40:24] mootie1: The remaining 10% rimjimNotes uhh [02:40:24] wiltedohio: @StrawberryCheescake25 Alive sounds like a good start KEKW [02:40:24] ClaraRenway: both OwO [02:40:24] xenonbluez: for now.. [02:40:25] multi987: Suuure [02:40:26] SpicyMike__: Thats a bottom thing to say lmao [02:40:26] Theinnocentbuda: both for me [02:40:26] blueskydrinking: someone's disappointed [02:40:26] JustChickenwing: LUL [02:40:27] viryl_lucas: continue f1nn [02:40:28] DJ_FLAKO: LUL [02:40:28] 71M073J: LUL [02:40:28] fugoliath: 110% concentrated power of will [02:40:29] kyokel: What's the percentage of people that want to be you? [02:40:30] TravelingEmpath: Finn was hoping everyone wanted to dom him [02:40:31] johnkeiwo: @Cryo001, coming up ! [02:40:31] robbie1945: im tryna smash like im king kong @F1NN5TER [02:40:31] Wanesty: whatdoyoumeanbythat [02:40:32] loograt: bottom is as bottom does F1nn [02:40:33] SalemSacrifices: I wonder what part i am :eyes: [02:40:34] CJKDB: Say that again [02:40:34] kristinamarie1: I am a bottom [02:40:35] voiceofthevoid999: Go on... [02:40:38] PsillyCephalopod: hmm indeed [02:40:38] GigaChad69e: hahahaha [02:40:38] Wayward_Alva: femme tops are based [02:40:39] packagum: Go on [02:40:39] RoxyMoonshine: @wiltedohio oh hey Wilted f1nnHeart [02:40:39] brianvorn: Are you going to do it ? [02:40:43] fulllclip858: pew pew [02:40:44] stingemorewhite: I just want you to do my makeuo [02:40:45] LittleChaSiu: imagine having to actively try to be dominant [02:40:46] LittleGelato: You're cute when you're shy [02:40:49] mystchevious1: You forgot the people that want to be you. [02:40:50] Amoyamoyamoya: We know it's fake though [02:40:50] xenonbluez: @wiltedohio greetings [02:40:51] rykziz: Let them choose top 2! That might divide based on their preferred 2, instead of just their top 1. [02:40:52] multi987: ifascoPleaseV ifascoPleaseV ifascoPleaseV [02:40:53] Helen_Croft: Start submissive was the best set @F1NN5TER [02:40:53] johnkeiwo: johnkeiwo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cryo001! They have given 223 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:40:53] bigsuave7: Kreygasm [02:40:53] f3mmbot: johnkeiwo has gifted a subscription to cryo001 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang cryo001 f1nnLezgang [02:40:56] consimiamo: Will you step on Natt? [02:40:56] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER Do Want! [02:40:57] arzi77perra: anitaWave [02:40:58] Akemencha: Ohh I was soo confused as I joined back in [02:40:58] Chri55PBacon: hmmm [02:40:58] JaneIsGaming: If you did a domme set you'd just look like a brat [02:40:59] mohnnyjark: What percent of chat is gay? [02:40:59] madoka_magikate: Do subby set, 10/10 🤌 [02:40:59] johnkeiwo: just do it [02:40:59] TravelingEmpath: Could do Cotton having you on a leash [02:41:01] callmegarp: Gender: scuffed, sexuality: not a bottom or anything but [02:41:01] xenonbluez: Looking [02:41:02] mootie1: Looking 👀 [02:41:03] medical_size9000: You are naturally being submissive [02:41:03] nickstorm1998: Awwwww F1nn wants everyone wants to top her [02:41:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: Stare [02:41:06] multi987: looks [02:41:07] Cryo001: @johnkeiwo Thanks for the gift sub! [02:41:07] lethaldissonance: use photoshop, dom yourself [02:41:11] floofyfurlogdog: Hi face [02:41:13] helenaaaauwu: @zhocket Okay then geniunly no. If you do HRT you do also T-Blockers. There is no such thing as doing it halfway. But you can start slow to see if it's right. But getting curves does not come from small amounts. Also it can be a very close border between jokes and a very private thing. [02:41:15] jayceedeee: we know. [02:41:17] vanimal2118: So, has this other site changed your way of thinking? [02:41:18] LittleChaSiu: yeah sure [02:41:20] GigaChad69e: grow a beard [02:41:20] jayceedeee: we've known for a long time. [02:41:21] stephylmao: mhm [02:41:21] sealsummoner: hello [02:41:21] Stovamor: KEKW [02:41:21] barghiest07: Water is dusty [02:41:21] NorthGuard1: switch, huh? [02:41:22] ScarsUnseen: "research" [02:41:22] Stovamor: KEKW [02:41:22] xenonbluez: coneyHUNDO Uh huh [02:41:22] HotAutism: X [02:41:22] Stovamor: KEKW [02:41:23] pastelpunk04: I'd Top F1nn anyday [02:41:23] xmoonphasex: LMAOOOOOO [02:41:23] harokaa: Lol [02:41:25] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:41:25] dazed_03: ask cotton she knows for 1100% [02:41:25] mystchevious1: We know [02:41:25] LittleChaSiu: I FUCKIN WONDER WHY [02:41:25] xenonbluez: shocking.. [02:41:25] braddle172: KEKW [02:41:25] nickstorm1998: X [02:41:25] keller4589: X [02:41:25] multi987: Go to domination school Kappa [02:41:25] tgdmshow: What a surprise Kappa [02:41:25] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:41:26] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:41:26] consimiamo: KEKW [02:41:26] viryl_lucas: tru sub [02:41:27] BudgetMatt: KEKW we know [02:41:27] Rytas: KEKW [02:41:27] keller4589: KEKW [02:41:27] SalemSacrifices: Your blazer photo was a dom photo [02:41:27] scarlettyg: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:41:28] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:41:28] imNotSubbed: KEKW [02:41:28] RockinLockin: uhoh [02:41:28] ar1st1pp0s: its fuckin HARD. [02:41:28] johnkeiwo: Ask soda ? [02:41:28] IdiotKnightKing: Who would have known [02:41:28] sweethki: Masculine girls in personality are sexy ... [02:41:29] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:41:29] packagum: KEKW [02:41:31] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:41:31] KnapperigeKapitein: shocking.... [02:41:31] stephylmao: KEKW [02:41:31] madoka_magikate: Checks out [02:41:31] scarlettyg: we know KEKW [02:41:32] general_of_cm: just be yourself KEKW [02:41:33] Abscidoe: Ask Cotton for tips! [02:41:33] Theinnocentbuda: your stuttering there kitten [02:41:33] bingchilling1921: KEKW [02:41:33] fancymanwho: Collar and leash [02:41:34] nikama6: KEKW [02:41:34] muddymudkip15: Tis a shame [02:41:35] medical_size9000: Shocker LUL f1nnLaff [02:41:35] packagum: self expose [02:41:35] tgdmshow: Sure KEKW [02:41:35] booberies1: Camera from below [02:41:35] Akemencha: Grab your phone as it were us [02:41:35] unaffected95: of course not [02:41:35] Wanesty: KEKW [02:41:36] consimiamo: clip it and ship it [02:41:36] xenonbluez: ask cotton [02:41:36] Pillooow: lmao [02:41:36] CurvyTexan: Ask the pron friends [02:41:36] Luucy_333: KEKW KEKW [02:41:37] 71M073J: 👀 [02:41:37] DualityUK: we gottem [02:41:37] JaneIsGaming: Ask Cotton lol [02:41:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: Ask you know who for tips [02:41:37] xmoonphasex: check reddit [02:41:38] Pl4sm4_Ro4ch_jtv: bdsm classes ez EZ [02:41:38] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: ITS CUZ UR A BOTTOM [02:41:38] itslynntv: ofc KEKW [02:41:39] AvaerusEx: Just dress like a Dom and use a whip. [02:41:39] mootie1: Reach out to dom content creators? PrideShrug [02:41:39] GiantmEmber: Pretend the camera is a villager [02:41:40] wiltedohio: Wow, such surprise [02:41:41] Tartletboy1: i gotta imagine its mostly camera angles [02:41:42] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP I know how to do "submissive" for a photo. Doesn't know how to do domme. - 2770 [02:41:42] RoxyMoonshine: HE ADMITS Clap [02:41:43] ar1st1pp0s: you have be/fake such weird confidence [02:41:43] anjerious: Bottom [02:41:44] arzi77perra: :-))) [02:41:44] TravelingEmpath: I could teach you stripBurn [02:41:44] herr_schrodinger: lmao i like how i subbed to the battlepass before i come on here and follow lmao [02:41:46] amymiller94: the best is to start as bottom, then "work" ur way to the top mid session [02:41:47] Helen_Croft: just dont do top content [02:41:47] callmegarp: KEKW oh you sweet little person [02:41:48] zhocket: @zhocket i asked Finn and not you [02:41:48] ar1st1pp0s: and it feels so cringe [02:41:49] scarlettyg: Take notes while Cotton is domming you [02:41:51] consimiamo: kekw [02:41:52] vortex99_: the fuck [02:41:52] YeomanJensen: watch "Secretary" [02:41:52] bingchilling1921: naturally a bottom KEKW [02:41:53] umtic: I don't know, look muscular I guess LUL [02:41:54] brianvorn: Ask cotton for Dom lesson [02:41:54] KnapperigeKapitein: let cotton write a script [02:41:55] nickstorm1998: Cotton has you on a leash and whipped F1nn [02:41:55] Phizwhizzer: You can practice your top skills on me [02:41:56] OpsCoreFAST: Just channel leanbeefpatty [02:41:56] xenonbluez: sure.. [02:41:57] jacktdm2003: Look angry and smile [02:41:58] nikama6: Internal research [02:41:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: you know who to ask lol [02:41:58] cortes921: Mjumm [02:41:58] 416hobbit: Dom is not something you learn, it's something you already have [02:41:59] druskys_jerkChicken: mhm [02:42:00] rootuz: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:42:00] Helen_Croft: just dont do dom content [02:42:00] crystalrime: Big goth boots and upwards camera angles, boom [02:42:00] AtoZWoW: X to doubt [02:42:01] Luucy_333: gottem [02:42:02] Amoyamoyamoya: X [02:42:03] Amoyamoyamoya: X [02:42:03] loograt: so Skill issue? [02:42:03] miya_lovely: There's a place in Brighton that can teach you to be a dom @f1nn5ter [02:42:03] Amoyamoyamoya: X [02:42:03] fancymanwho: Cotton knows [02:42:04] ChasingSol: X [02:42:04] Amoyamoyamoya: X [02:42:04] Wanesty: KEKW sure [02:42:04] blinkitybling: Chachacha [02:42:04] SalemSacrifices: Dark clothing, stern expressions. [02:42:04] consimiamo: x [02:42:05] mohnnyjark: Bayonetta [02:42:05] blueskydrinking: x [02:42:05] callmegarp: X [02:42:06] Akemencha: Get someone to use as a pov [02:42:06] vortex99_: top g [02:42:07] supernova197o: do what your good at [02:42:07] viryl_lucas: people just? [02:42:08] consimiamo: X [02:42:08] keller4589: X [02:42:08] XENOMAN5: X [02:42:08] booberies1: Ask soda [02:42:08] Theinnocentbuda: x [02:42:09] RoxyMoonshine: X [02:42:09] pianoismyforte_: X [02:42:09] Chri55PBacon: x [02:42:10] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmmm [02:42:10] JethroLIVE: moon2WUT super dominant moon2WUT super dominant moon2WUT super dominant moon2WUT super dominant moon2WUT super dominant [02:42:10] scarlettyg: X [02:42:11] Raali_Voar: X [02:42:11] stephylmao: X [02:42:11] Luucy_333: X [02:42:13] CJKDB: It's easy! Just stop thinking of unicorns and rainbows. [02:42:13] pianoismyforte_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:42:13] IdiotKnightKing: X [02:42:13] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:42:14] rootuz: x [02:42:14] nickstorm1998: C [02:42:14] ChasingSol: yes [02:42:16] DJ_FLAKO: X [02:42:17] JustChickenwing: Yes [02:42:17] medical_size9000: X [02:42:17] BudgetMatt: yes [02:42:18] GigaChad69e: show ur muscles oh wait nevermind [02:42:18] Helen_Croft: Yes [02:42:18] SalemSacrifices: Yes [02:42:18] 416hobbit: Yes [02:42:18] johnkeiwo: yes [02:42:19] Frosty790: sure [02:42:20] cortes921: Just appear confident [02:42:21] ChasingSol: it was a good set [02:42:21] blinkitybling: Did you watch eurovisio?? [02:42:22] keller4589: Yes [02:42:22] HardyOrange: mhmmmm [02:42:22] braddle172: Yep [02:42:22] tgdmshow: ALERT f1nnCope overdose ALERT f1nnCope overdose [02:42:23] Chri55PBacon: yup [02:42:24] xenonbluez: Uh huh [02:42:24] muddymudkip15: Yes [02:42:25] medical_size9000: At least you tried [02:42:25] fulllclip858: yes]]\ [02:42:26] xcommymommyx: f1nnCope [02:42:27] bearpaw1970: Yes [02:42:29] fancymanwho: The one that kept breaking? [02:42:30] spo0522: Q [02:42:31] johnkeiwo: !battlepass [02:42:31] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [02:42:32] blueskydrinking: THAT was the outfit you tried to be dominant in???? [02:42:36] johnkeiwo: !social [02:42:38] multi987: Show Kappa [02:42:43] Helen_Croft: Let me get the stats [02:42:44] dcg44s: Stupid Twitch did not notify me today! [02:42:46] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:42:47] herr_schrodinger: digivAnimtoast digivAnimtoast digivAnimtoast [02:42:47] ScarsUnseen: lol [02:42:48] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Ping [02:42:50] ChasingSol: lmao [02:42:51] viryl_lucas: not even top [02:42:51] bearlier: The guy mode one was pretty dom [02:42:52] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:42:53] xmoonphasex: KEKW [02:42:53] stephylmao: LUL LUL [02:42:54] callmegarp: Sooo many lies coming out of Finns mouth today LUL [02:42:55] alexx_net: !socials [02:42:55] AtoZWoW: lol the read [02:42:55] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [02:42:55] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:42:56] consimiamo: KEKW [02:42:56] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:42:57] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [02:42:58] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:42:58] booberies1: Bottom [02:42:58] walkerteaxaswalker: KNEW [02:42:59] chainedchish: KEKW 󠀀 [02:42:59] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:43:01] viryl_lucas: :( [02:43:01] braddle172: KEKW [02:43:02] Wanesty: :) [02:43:02] ITZHYP3RION: What photo [02:43:03] jack___rabbit___: high leather heals with a whip [02:43:04] consimiamo: LOL [02:43:05] IdiotKnightKing: KEKW [02:43:05] xmoonphasex: very breedable [02:43:05] Cryo001: I feel like people will give you shit no matter what LUL [02:43:06] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: KEKW [02:43:08] johnkeiwo: We vully him over there too LUL [02:43:09] blackhippy21: w bottom [02:43:11] sjoonyje: "Good one bro" I'm dead [02:43:12] b00stedm3dia: egg [02:43:13] CJKDB: Ya can't do it! [02:43:14] TravelingEmpath: Put a collar on the camera, hold the leash [02:43:14] kelwinkwel: PartyHat PartyHat PartyHat [02:43:14] viryl_lucas: HAHAHA [02:43:15] SnabbKassa: yr not the only one saying that we switches don't exist [02:43:15] voiceofthevoid999: I'm sorry Finn LUL [02:43:16] OpsCoreFAST: KEKW [02:43:19] GigaChad69e: its cute when he trys to be dom hahaha [02:43:19] keller4589: Sounds about right [02:43:19] StrawberryCheescake25: Vully? [02:43:19] booberies1: Cutie bottom boi [02:43:20] scarlettyg: I still loved that time you tried to dom Cotton and ended up cringing for half a minute, blurting out a pained "hey sleuth", then promptly keeled over with embarrassed laughter [02:43:24] medical_size9000: I don't hear that you are dom [02:43:27] PetriZide: good one bruv [02:43:27] viryl_lucas: sure [02:43:28] callmegarp: 2 cute 2 dom [02:43:28] CJKDB: That's okay. Just keep being the pretty boy. [02:43:30] fulllclip858: loool [02:43:30] NorthGuard1: just accept it my friend [02:43:32] ChasingSol: LIES [02:43:32] cortes921: The bedroom boss one? [02:43:33] johnkeiwo: f1nnCope [02:43:34] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: @TravelingEmpath massive self report there... [02:43:34] AtoZWoW: f1nnCope [02:43:35] dazed_03: breedable brother i am DEAD [02:43:37] Helen_Croft: older comment wont load @F1NN5TER [02:43:37] nikama6: ofc [02:43:40] SalemSacrifices: You actively read your battlepass comments? [02:43:40] Free_H2o: mega doubt [02:43:40] consimiamo: lol [02:43:41] booberies1: Lil bby f1nn [02:43:42] tgdmshow: f1nnCope [02:43:43] helenaaaauwu: @zhocket This is what I said it can be very invase to just ask such things and directly combining it with saying "Are you doing it for the curves". Also if you wanna inform your self do it via google. And via Finn [02:43:44] ChasingSol: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:43:44] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:43:44] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:43:47] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:43:47] stephylmao: KEKW [02:43:47] scatteredleaves: KEKW [02:43:48] thekingone10: Leash and handcuffs [02:43:48] multi987: LUL [02:43:49] PsillyCephalopod: yep [02:43:49] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [02:43:49] cortes921: Oh that one [02:43:50] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:43:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [02:43:51] Toasted_sock6: bro is hard [02:43:52] bingchilling1921: KEKW [02:43:53] Jasal_1995: How much can u bench bro [02:43:53] braddle172: LUL [02:43:54] DJ_FLAKO: LUL LUL [02:43:54] viryl_lucas: bruh [02:43:54] madoka_magikate: Loooooooool [02:43:55] consimiamo: kekw [02:43:56] Helen_Croft: older comments wont load @F1NN5TER [02:43:57] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:43:58] herr_schrodinger: egg but in a cute way [02:43:59] imNotSubbed: no one thinks you're dom [02:43:59] fulllclip858: loooooooooooooooooooooooooool\ [02:44:00] booberies1: Uwu bottom [02:44:02] CurvyTexan: Rule #23 - Never read the comments [02:44:03] darkellie_: Denial [02:44:04] viryl_lucas: he red again [02:44:04] miya_lovely: Let's ask a pro where's cotton [02:44:05] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: KEKW [02:44:06] helenaaaauwu: @zhocket not* [02:44:07] Streig: LUL LUL LUL [02:44:07] alextheobnoxious: alextheobnoxious is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 60 in the channel! [02:44:07] f3mmbot: alextheobnoxious has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:44:07] alextheobnoxious: alextheobnoxious gifted a Tier 1 sub to chili_6_9! [02:44:07] alextheobnoxious: alextheobnoxious gifted a Tier 1 sub to benbob1988! [02:44:07] alextheobnoxious: alextheobnoxious gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChamaNaHannah! [02:44:07] alextheobnoxious: alextheobnoxious gifted a Tier 1 sub to WelshMeeseeks! [02:44:08] alextheobnoxious: alextheobnoxious gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kurgii ! [02:44:08] CJKDB: It's all in the eyes. [02:44:08] johnkeiwo: Ask soda or cotton [02:44:09] scarlettyg: just embrace your natural bottom [02:44:10] Pillooow: Just go back to your subby posts [02:44:11] cortes921: Appear confident [02:44:12] ScarsUnseen: whoa [02:44:12] sealsummoner: nice [02:44:13] NorthGuard1: its ok bottom [02:44:17] madoka_magikate: Battlepass comments just roasting you [02:44:17] viryl_lucas: very pink f1nn [02:44:17] booberies1: Ask soda [02:44:18] AvaerusEx: You're such a sub you've been to the Marianas Trench. [02:44:19] Helen_Croft: the submissive set was good [02:44:19] multi987: Get a teacher to teach you how to dominate [02:44:22] Lusi0h: pov where the camera is below you [02:44:23] nickie_4: justagirlDirtygirl justagirlDirtygirl [02:44:23] keller4589: Where’s soda [02:44:27] xenonbluez: everyone [02:44:27] general_of_cm: me [02:44:27] fancymanwho: You [02:44:28] WelshMeeseeks: @alextheobnoxious Thanks for the gift sub! [02:44:28] scatteredleaves: you [02:44:28] dazed_03: day 561 still got no sub gifted [02:44:29] johnkeiwo: Or imagine what you would like a top to tell you [02:44:30] wiltedohio: Talking about you being dom??? I'm around that site often, but I don't really remember any comments saying that KEKW people saying they'd like to be topped by you, yes. Saying that you look dom? Nah... [02:44:30] GigaChad69e: YOU [02:44:31] Jens_LN: Embrace your inner Gremlin [02:44:31] Wayward_Alva: ask cotton to teach you ;) [02:44:32] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: LUL [02:44:32] sartanxar: Confidence is hard to fake [02:44:32] bearlier: Natural sub [02:44:32] nikama6: you [02:44:33] SalemSacrifices: I'd lose my interest if he was only sub [02:44:33] ClaraRenway: f1nn [02:44:33] scarlettyg: Me, you, and half of chat [02:44:34] Luucy_333: YOU [02:44:35] astra_763: only nerds are subs [02:44:37] consimiamo: bimbo-mode [02:44:38] xmoonphasex: then check reddit if you dont know how to be dom [02:44:39] supernova197o: you [02:44:40] Lusi0: you're literally topping because thats what they want [02:44:42] OpsCoreFAST: try being so submissive you loop back around [02:44:43] steel2trappy: Is it illegal to be strangely attracted to u [02:44:43] vanimal2118: How has ur other site changed your everyday thinking, Rose? [02:44:43] voiceofthevoid999: More like who is openly a sub nowadays? [02:44:43] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:44:44] Wanesty: LMAO [02:44:45] thewebuild4life: LUL [02:44:45] rsm_100r: LMAOOO TRUUUUEEEEE [02:44:45] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, Hi @astra_763 [02:44:45] cortes921: What about that whip you used to own [02:44:46] stephylmao: KEKW [02:44:46] scatteredleaves: LUL [02:44:46] Tartletboy1: you will come off as a brat if you try to dom there f1nn [02:44:46] Castiel6424: hello [02:44:46] chainedchish: why are you trying to compensate for looking way more like a bottom [02:44:47] ScarsUnseen: TRUE [02:44:48] Toasted_sock6: true [02:44:48] medical_size9000: You are naturale at being a sub [02:44:48] AtoZWoW: the timing [02:44:48] blueskydrinking: I'd do that tbf [02:44:48] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [02:44:50] idesofjuno: LUL [02:44:50] eleonoox1: KEKW [02:44:51] TravelingEmpath: KEKW [02:44:52] ChasingSol: hiya @astra_763 [02:44:52] know1_0: anitaLUL [02:44:52] NichtzNeues: learn to be a sub to become a dom [02:44:52] blistexthief: Just accept reality [02:44:54] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP @astra_763 in Chat [02:44:54] IdiotKnightKing: got em [02:44:55] keller4589: KEKW [02:44:55] booberies1: That's a good Dom [02:44:56] general_of_cm: oh hi @wiltedohio how you doing [02:44:56] pastelpunk04: Tops don't say 'whoopsie!' [02:44:56] HotAutism: Good one... bravo [02:44:57] GigaChad69e: that hit home [02:44:58] SnabbKassa: @steel2trappy it's almost mandatory to be [02:44:59] ScarsUnseen: so much denial haha [02:44:59] 416hobbit: Because it's rue? [02:45:04] floofyfurlogdog: #badstreamday still fun though [02:45:06] fulllclip858: Clip n ship [02:45:07] Helen_Croft: Hi @astra_763 [02:45:07] fancymanwho: Acceptance helps with grief [02:45:07] TommyTheAlien_p_q_: You don't have to be a top, you can be a Dom bottom [02:45:08] CurvyTexan: @F1NN5TER if we sub to you, does that not make us all subs to you? ;) [02:45:08] astra_763: @ChasingSol heyo [02:45:09] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: you're the only subby 'dom' [02:45:11] Chri55PBacon: hi astra [02:45:12] booberies1: That's what you are supposed to do [02:45:13] dazed_03: bro asks his pet to fill out a google forms after they are done FeelsDankMan [02:45:14] xcommymommyx: You wanna appeal to the whitest demographic possible? You better get a Daily Wire contract LUL LUL LUL LUL [02:45:14] umtic: LUL [02:45:14] CJKDB: Just ask yourself, what would a Dom do? And then do that. [02:45:17] nikama6: KRKW [02:45:19] scarlettyg: Hi Astra <3 [02:45:22] astra_763: @Helen_Croft astra71MOOG [02:45:23] RoxyMoonshine: It’s official. That’s my favorite line: I don’t like that one bit LUL [02:45:23] MiskatonicRich: the eyebrows are getting ...kinda bushy [02:45:25] ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER you need to VIP new @astra_763 [02:45:27] umtic: sounds sus [02:45:29] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to astra_763. They've gifted 575 months in the channel! [02:45:29] f3mmbot: helen_croft has gifted a subscription to astra_763 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang astra_763 f1nnLezgang [02:45:29] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: KEKW [02:45:30] The_Morellonomicon: Doesn't matter what role you pose; people can imagine being in the photo with you *or* being you [02:45:31] bearlier: Dominant bunny boy lol [02:45:33] XENOMAN5: He’s a people pleaser and there is nothing wrong with that [02:45:34] MnemonicOverload: LUL [02:45:35] Stovamor: !so astra_763 [02:45:35] f3mmbot: Shoutout to astra_763 ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/astra_763 [02:45:36] h4ppy9irl: Hi [02:45:39] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:45:39] AeitZean: Being dom in prive, and in a photo seems different. I do the first, but no clue about second [02:45:40] Flip_Dingo: meowdaPika [02:45:41] ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER you need to VIP new @astra_763 [02:45:41] Stovamor: !so astra_763 [02:45:41] ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER you need to VIP new @astra_763 [02:45:41] viryl_lucas: Asuka [02:45:41] f3mmbot: Shoutout to astra_763 ! Go follow them at https://twitch.tv/astra_763 [02:45:42] ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER you need to VIP new @astra_763 [02:45:43] mootie1: 🤔 [02:45:44] sweethki: Femininity doesn't mean submissive [02:45:45] fancymanwho: The neck is accurate [02:45:45] fulllclip858: yess [02:45:49] astra_763: ayyy thanks for the sub! [02:45:49] callmegarp: Best time for Astra to show up, amazing [02:45:52] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Also very sus yes [02:45:54] keller4589: KEKW the neck [02:45:54] vanimal2118: Howdy @flip_dingo [02:45:54] astra_763: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:45:55] viryl_lucas: I thought it was something elese [02:46:02] eSpresso72: Cheer100 finn my parents know about you [02:46:04] pianoismyforte_: That morning was so good. [02:46:04] LittleChaSiu: LUL [02:46:04] johnkeiwo: the pyjama was nice [02:46:06] CJKDB: Your numbers were way off earlier. [02:46:07] multi987: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:46:09] vanimal2118: Howdy @astra_763 [02:46:11] Flip_Dingo: @vanimal2118 u never saw me... [02:46:12] viryl_lucas: eyyy [02:46:12] rehman_ahmed: Hi [02:46:14] raccoonsloot: lol [02:46:15] SalemSacrifices: FOR NOW [02:46:16] tgdmshow: Ayo? [02:46:16] qjuramentada: "for now"???? [02:46:16] viryl_lucas: noice [02:46:17] h4ppy9irl: Haii [02:46:18] multi987: jlmFace jlmFace [02:46:18] callmegarp: LOL [02:46:18] PhorrestGaze: for now [02:46:19] nikama6: f1nnLaff [02:46:19] knxggles: BIG WHO?? [02:46:19] mootie1: 2020Snacking 📁 it's reaaaal [02:46:20] viryl_lucas: for now [02:46:20] Wanesty: POGGERS for now [02:46:20] stephylmao: nicee [02:46:20] scarlettyg: Hey, it's me, Big Bottom [02:46:21] general_of_cm: true [02:46:21] viryl_lucas: yet [02:46:21] medical_size9000: I never thought I want to be Finn because I love having muscles and being strong [02:46:21] PsillyCephalopod: OMEGALUL [02:46:22] rehman_ahmed: like Cricket [02:46:22] Cautare: Hi princess !! <3 Good to see you [02:46:23] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: PixelBob CoolCat TheIlluminati GlitchNRG PizzaTime [02:46:23] herr_schrodinger: @F1NN5TER would it be weird to say that my ideal partner is someone like you? cute and sexy and also a lil gremlin that likes games [02:46:24] Luucy_333: @astra_763 <3 <3 [02:46:24] keller4589: For now huh [02:46:25] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:46:25] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:25] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:46:26] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:26] AvaerusEx: We need our top hackers to get to work on this. [02:46:27] pianoismyforte_: How many months away is that [02:46:27] madoka_magikate: Go at your own pace, always!!!! [02:46:28] astra_763: honestly the shark pile in the background is impressive [02:46:29] Billie_Puddles: Prove it [02:46:29] braddle172: Teasers [02:46:29] Jens_LN: BIG BOTTOMS !! [02:46:30] raccoonsloot: the time is now [02:46:30] helenaaaauwu: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [02:46:32] IdiotKnightKing: can't wait to see them [02:46:32] GigaChad69e: TOP MANNNN [02:46:33] SalemSacrifices: Just make another tier of battlepass for it [02:46:33] astra_763: i need that many sharks [02:46:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: The One Piece is REEEEEEAAAALLLL [02:46:35] bearlier: BRB hacking F1nn's phone [02:46:36] YeomanJensen: aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark aquafpShark [02:46:37] zhocket: my dad really enjoys watching your content [02:46:37] 416hobbit: How big is the folder? [02:46:37] rehman_ahmed: I Am Playing Cricket [02:46:42] ITZHYP3RION: You made my day [02:46:42] tgdmshow: Nope [02:46:43] scarlettyg: Blahaj Mountain [02:46:44] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Says he has a folder on his phone called "Too NSFW for now" . - 2770 [02:46:44] scatteredleaves: i dont [02:46:44] vanimal2118: I see everything @flip_dingo ! [02:46:44] dazed_03: there are many types of tops you know like countertops tabletops croptops and so on [02:46:45] blackhippy21: no [02:46:45] xenonbluez: I don't [02:46:46] keller4589: Gigantic folder [02:46:46] Helen_Croft: !shark [02:46:46] f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send 𝙃𝙄𝙈 one. But no pressure. [02:46:46] unaffected95: not one [02:46:46] dysfunctionaldomo: Not 1 [02:46:47] Jolaris: I actually can lol [02:46:47] madoka_magikate: Oh of course, hundreds [02:46:47] viryl_lucas: I have [02:46:47] dcgaw4p1999: None [02:46:48] KhiralShimmer: ah shit its tubesday [02:46:48] nikama6: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [02:46:49] keller4589: I don’t [02:46:49] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:46:50] DeanTheSpartan: I don't take photos of myself like that [02:46:50] painfulpan: No [02:46:50] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Sword in background [02:46:50] MnemonicOverload: We all have those photos [02:46:50] saiyanaplays: im too ugly [02:46:50] AvaerusEx: Not 1. [02:46:51] stephylmao: nope [02:46:51] booberies1: I've never met a top. No one dm me about it [02:46:52] GroggyReaper: nope [02:46:54] SalemSacrifices: I mean. [02:46:54] lostcrow_: Got none [02:46:54] Therosbr: not a single photo here.... [02:46:54] eSpresso72: i purged my folder long ago [02:46:55] muddymudkip15: Nope [02:46:55] TravelingEmpath: I have so many photos i dont share [02:46:56] heinerfauston: no [02:46:56] Helen_Croft: I send you some of mine @F1NN5TER [02:46:56] dafdeddog: no [02:46:56] Cryo001: no [02:46:56] MalkethTerona: I have ZERO photos of myself on my phone, what are you talking about?! [02:46:57] fancymanwho: A funko pop of finnster would sell so much for reasons... [02:46:57] xenonbluez: Naw [02:46:57] chainedchish: maybe F1nn is not a bottom, top or a switch, but simply a folder [02:46:57] tgdmshow: I look like ass so KEKW [02:46:58] Jennyfish_: I don't have 1...I have several [02:46:58] starlordboo: I don't [02:46:58] consimiamo: this is ace erasure [02:46:58] SalemSacrifices: I got a couple [02:46:59] multi987: I don't photograph nudes no way [02:46:59] uc00: Release them at the 1-year anniversary. [02:46:59] Amoyamoyamoya: [02:47:00] viryl_lucas: I have tons [02:47:00] bearlier: Nah [02:47:00] 416hobbit: How many pics in the folder? [02:47:01] callmegarp: Nah, don't take nudes, don't ask for em neither [02:47:01] kyokel: Don't like myself enough [02:47:02] raccoonsloot: i have photos. but i share [02:47:02] alice_thegaybean: I dont [02:47:02] bearpaw1970: 🤣 [02:47:03] AeitZean: My phone has an encrypted locker full of dick pics LUL [02:47:03] anjerious: None [02:47:03] HotAutism: I'm too boring for that [02:47:04] ChasingSol: @KAKAMI_YT English only please [02:47:04] dysfunctionaldomo: Nah, but I guess it's bc I'm asexual lmao [02:47:04] lolJazzyJoker: nope [02:47:04] mystchevious1: I have a total of 3 photos of myself and I'm ashamed of all of them [02:47:06] JaneIsGaming: Yeah Ive got a few [02:47:06] ArxonBBY: I do lmao [02:47:06] xmoonphasex: nope [02:47:07] RockinLockin: no [02:47:07] qjuramentada: I am a man, of course not [02:47:07] DeanTheSpartan: no [02:47:08] booberies1: I show anyone who wants to see [02:47:08] keller4589: Not a single one [02:47:08] sartanxar: I have no photos of myself on my phone [02:47:08] DJ_FLAKO: Nope [02:47:08] johnkeiwo: @Helen_Croft, can I have some mommy ? uwu [02:47:09] CharaKirimo: i dont [02:47:09] Jankylemon: too many to count [02:47:09] Wayward_Alva: no [02:47:09] CJKDB: The secret photos? We don't talk about those. [02:47:09] GutsoftheEclipse: Done with work! [02:47:09] mootie1: I'm way too paranoid [02:47:10] Theinnocentbuda: nope not me [02:47:11] idesofjuno: no [02:47:11] armann24: honestly hate photos of myself so i dont take photos of my self [02:47:11] tallorangeone: I protect my belly button photos with my life [02:47:11] xenonbluez: Nope [02:47:12] alexx_net: I have ZERO photos like that. [02:47:12] multi987: Nah [02:47:13] pansnake_: "Too disagreeable for the foreseeable " [02:47:13] JaneIsGaming: Chat just doesnt have a Battlepass lol [02:47:14] bingchilling1921: nope [02:47:14] heinerfauston: noooo [02:47:14] LittleChaSiu: to make it look bigger...? [02:47:15] thirstypandaz2: !size [02:47:16] astra_763: i have a folder full of that stuff [02:47:16] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 31" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 10 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34D (usually) / Dress size 12-14 UK size, Medium usually / PP 4.3 (may be increasing soon). Updated in February 2023. [02:47:16] blueskydrinking: There are no photos of me in any context. That's how they get your soul [02:47:17] thewebuild4life: no [02:47:18] rikelephant: I just got here what is he talking about [02:47:18] viryl_lucas: HUH [02:47:18] thanatoscar: never [02:47:19] braddle172: Lol [02:47:19] LittleChaSiu: cringe [02:47:19] xmoonphasex: only subs do that [02:47:20] enrich_bloodborne: I don't my guy. I don't do selfies [02:47:20] lostcrow_: I hate having photos of myself [02:47:20] HotAutism: No [02:47:21] sealsummoner: yeah no you're weird [02:47:21] keller4589: Absolutely not [02:47:21] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:47:21] RubyChu: I don't take pics of myself at all, certainly not that type [02:47:21] o_slip: lul [02:47:22] tgdmshow: Huuh [02:47:23] pianoismyforte_: No that's just you [02:47:23] stephylmao: ayo [02:47:23] YeomanJensen: I'm only visible in reflections [02:47:24] king_of_hearts_1: no, my parents check my phone [02:47:24] shinyhappymatt1905: I don't have photos of me at all [02:47:24] IdiotKnightKing: No [02:47:24] keller4589: f1nnNomods [02:47:24] zLetus: never [02:47:24] Jens_LN: i don't have any photos on my phone ... I's comlpetely empty [02:47:24] heinerfauston: never [02:47:24] Halkun: We are going to need proof [02:47:25] callmegarp: this is the straightest thing he's ever said [02:47:25] NorthGuard1: maybe a girl thing to do idk [02:47:25] darkellie_: nope [02:47:25] wiltedohio: Nah, I'm too old for that. That's you zoomer's thing [02:47:26] ScarredLemon: Most of us don’t look good [02:47:26] saiyanaplays: finn i think thats just you [02:47:26] viryl_lucas: never did that [02:47:27] SalemSacrifices: I've done it [02:47:28] tgdmshow: Just you [02:47:28] anjerious: I have no lewd photos of myself [02:47:28] Cryo001: prove it [02:47:29] xenonbluez: Oh we know.. [02:47:29] 416hobbit: I delete them right away after I take them [02:47:29] dafdeddog: noooooooooooo [02:47:30] PsillyCephalopod: YEp [02:47:30] ScarsUnseen: such a girl... [02:47:31] dcgaw4p1999: 4.3 [02:47:33] CharaKirimo: since shen are u everyone [02:47:34] mase34: Nah.. I did when I was in my 20's though. [02:47:34] Falqun: f1nnCope [02:47:36] alexx_net: nope, just you [02:47:36] thirstypandaz2: UwU [02:47:37] kyokel: I've only recently started to take selfies [02:47:38] saiyanaplays: finn you should show us [02:47:38] SugarWater64432: Yo stand alone my friend [02:47:40] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [02:47:40] ITZHYP3RION: Because your beautiful [02:47:41] bearpaw1970: 🤫💕 [02:47:42] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Mocks Chat for not doing lewd photos of themselves. - 2730 [02:47:42] o_slip: the leaning tower of rose [02:47:43] blueskydrinking: Google already knows too much about me [02:47:45] The_Morellonomicon: I have a folder full of dumps I'm proud of but that's about it [02:47:45] RubyChu: @ScarsUnseen fr [02:47:45] barghiest07: Have you ever played roblox phantom forces? [02:47:48] viryl_lucas: fruitty f1nn [02:47:49] braddle172: LUL [02:47:50] ChasingSol: hahaha [02:47:50] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:47:50] SalemSacrifices: YES [02:47:50] multi987: carmelaLUL carmelaLUL [02:47:51] Wanesty: POGGERS [02:47:51] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:47:51] AVE_LVCI: HUH [02:47:51] DeanTheSpartan: no wayh [02:47:52] saiyanaplays: huh [02:47:52] GigaChad69e: wtf [02:47:52] eSpresso72: hell yeah [02:47:52] SalemSacrifices: DO THAT [02:47:52] RockinLockin: ??? [02:47:52] Amoyamoyamoya: Ayo? [02:47:53] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:47:53] johnkeiwo: OH GOD [02:47:53] TheAlphaXY: GO ON [02:47:54] DeanTheSpartan: KEKW [02:47:54] mootie1: Haha2020 [02:47:54] Luucy_333: KEKW [02:47:55] HardyOrange: lmaooooooo [02:47:55] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:47:55] Amoyamoyamoya: Cocka? [02:47:55] GhosT_Quanta: physically hate my body so aint no pictures of me on my phone thats for sure [02:47:56] tallorangeone: ayo [02:47:56] unaffected95: pls kekw [02:47:56] saiyanaplays: do it [02:47:56] Cryo001: hm? [02:47:56] stumblefish: keek [02:47:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: STahhhhhp [02:47:56] lil_gay_frogy: RAWR [02:47:56] keller4589: Leaning tower KEKW [02:47:57] thewebuild4life: AYO [02:47:58] braddle172: nanona1Flushed [02:47:58] gloomy_ara: KEKW [02:47:58] PsillyCephalopod: OMEGALUL [02:47:58] AlhambraMMXX: AYO [02:47:59] Cass_v2: kekw [02:48:00] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [02:48:00] keller4589: HUH [02:48:00] viryl_lucas: yeah "straight" [02:48:00] sanwichmak3r: Why do you look like you've been crying????? are you okay TwitchUnity [02:48:01] postsins: yes [02:48:01] AvaerusEx: The Twin Towers of Dick? [02:48:01] Chri55PBacon: ayooo [02:48:01] IdiotKnightKing: Yes please [02:48:01] muddymudkip15: Huh [02:48:01] AeitZean: Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN cottontailBinoculous [02:48:02] multi987: jlmFace jlmFace jlmFace [02:48:02] stephylmao: OH [02:48:03] anschofi: the twin dicks [02:48:03] johnkeiwo: KKona NEVER FORGET [02:48:03] SalemSacrifices: Have a 3rd one come in as the plane [02:48:03] DJ_FLAKO: Ayoo [02:48:03] dazed_03: with or without the plane HMM [02:48:03] Amoyamoyamoya: OVER SHARE [02:48:04] bearpaw1970: 🤣🔥🌹🔥 [02:48:04] Amoyamoyamoya: OVER SHARE [02:48:05] Zoey_Tay: OMEGALUL [02:48:05] hopalongtommy: The Twink Towers? [02:48:05] bearlier: Twink 911 [02:48:06] GutsoftheEclipse: What a great time to join stream [02:48:06] DeanTheSpartan: Which way does the tower of F1nn lean? [02:48:06] Amoyamoyamoya: OVER SHARE [02:48:06] Jotunda: hasRaid [02:48:06] richarduk81: The twin what ? [02:48:06] LittleGelato: I add the wide angle so it fits in the frame KEKW [02:48:08] Free_H2o: WOW [02:48:08] braddle172: Well now you have to [02:48:08] ChasingSol: you're not helping your case here... [02:48:09] heinerfauston: KEKW [02:48:09] Wayward_Alva: PogChamp [02:48:09] 416hobbit: That might have been an unfortunate meme [02:48:09] lostcrow_: Ayo [02:48:09] CJKDB: Nobody does that F1nn ... you need help. [02:48:10] starduke83: too soon [02:48:11] tgdmshow: Now who's the plane though? [02:48:11] AVE_LVCI: the twin towers [02:48:12] easilytermated: get peachy over for twitch co [02:48:13] RoxyMoonshine: Wtf did I just here? [02:48:13] pianoismyforte_: Actually laughed out loud at that. [02:48:13] OpsCoreFAST: sir a second twink has hit the towers [02:48:13] 71M073J: KEKW [02:48:14] bingchilling1921: KEKW [02:48:14] vanimal2118: How deep a hole r u digging Rose? [02:48:14] uc00: I,m telling soda [02:48:15] shinyhappymatt1905: Oh no bro! [02:48:16] HardyOrange: ...what would be the planes???? [02:48:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: @johnkeiwo I'm fucking wheezing [02:48:16] bearlier: Lmao [02:48:17] LittleChaSiu: OMG [02:48:18] AlhambraMMXX: most straight f1nn stream [02:48:18] skyler1g: You did a bit where you said you’d kick open the door and say where’s my pizza!!!!!!!? Do a pov of the pizza delivery boy [02:48:19] ScarsUnseen: did you say the Twink Towers? lol jfc. [02:48:20] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:48:21] YeomanJensen: izidSly [02:48:21] stephylmao: KEKW [02:48:22] viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHA [02:48:22] consimiamo: kekw [02:48:23] JUBU_0: I'll pretend I didn't hear anything [02:48:23] crystalrime: A couple months ago you said you had never taken a dick pic, so that means you've been taking like a dozen a day (I didn't do the math) [02:48:23] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Leaks "Twink Tower" . - 2690 [02:48:25] bearlier: Femboy 911 [02:48:26] mootie1: 2020Snacking write that down write that down [02:48:26] Chri55PBacon: LUL [02:48:27] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:48:29] Kolateak_: KEKW [02:48:31] multi987: Write that down ifascoNote [02:48:34] keller4589: KEKW [02:48:36] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: LUL LUL [02:48:38] Helen_Croft: @johnkeiwo check DM [02:48:39] rykziz: Which Soda is he talking about? [02:48:40] Cryo001: you gunna swordfight him? [02:48:41] GigaChad69e: super sus [02:48:41] RoxyMoonshine: New Podcast Name: The Twink Towers [02:48:44] nikama6: Bit fruity [02:48:45] LittleChaSiu: @destiny3457 thanks for letting us know but English only please [02:48:46] ITZHYP3RION: How tall is sodacat [02:48:48] johnkeiwo: @Helen_Croft, PogU [02:48:53] StrawberryCheescake25: Lean that tower over here😩😩 [02:48:55] ScarsUnseen: Twink Towers: An Inside Job. [02:48:57] IrishmanSteve: pull up his stream [02:49:01] helenaaaauwu: @RoxyMoonshine Podcast with Astra? [02:49:02] blueskydrinking: Mr President, another twink has hit the towers [02:49:10] viryl_lucas: lesbian [02:49:12] wiltedohio: Tomboy [02:49:13] o_slip: KEKW [02:49:13] KnapperigeKapitein: no [02:49:13] johnkeiwo: skater girl [02:49:14] tallorangeone: manly hat wearing [02:49:14] scarlettyg: cute tomboyish lesban <3 [02:49:15] stephylmao: tomboy [02:49:15] dajopo14: nope [02:49:16] pianoismyforte_: Lesbean [02:49:16] bearlier: Soda is stream right now [02:49:16] callmegarp: Boyfriend's hat [02:49:16] YeomanJensen: izidHelloFellowKids [02:49:17] RubyChu: tomboy [02:49:17] armann24: @F1NN5TER poll [02:49:18] GiantmEmber: Pose next to each other with model planes up your butts [02:49:19] sanwichmak3r: still a woman [02:49:19] Stovamor: Hats ALWAYS make you look more fem @F1NN5TER [02:49:19] IdiotKnightKing: tomboy [02:49:20] AvaerusEx: Everything makes you look more femme. [02:49:21] enrich_bloodborne: No [02:49:21] Stovamor: Hats ALWAYS make you look more fem @F1NN5TER [02:49:21] scarlettyg: Sk8er gurrl [02:49:22] heinerfauston: lesbian [02:49:22] tgdmshow: Either lesbian or Tomboy [02:49:22] Chri55PBacon: tomboy [02:49:23] Phizwhizzer: You look ike a girl trying to be one of the boys [02:49:23] muddymudkip15: No [02:49:24] druskys_jerkChicken: masculine girl [02:49:24] stumblefish: still girly =/= not more masculine [02:49:24] dcgaw4p1999: You look like you stole your bfs hat [02:49:24] RoxyMoonshine: @helenaaaauwu no, just a funny idea LUL [02:49:24] Stovamor: Hats ALWAYS make you look more fem @F1NN5TER [02:49:25] Cryo001: you look like a female pokemon gym leader [02:49:25] Falqun: you look like 15 yo [02:49:25] HardyOrange: lesbian femme in her butch's cap [02:49:25] AVE_LVCI: nah cute tomboy look [02:49:25] ItsSathem: Shes the Man behavior [02:49:25] consimiamo: diminishes the forehead [02:49:25] hopalongtommy: I'll take my writers fee in BP [02:49:26] zzzKobisen: You look like a girl trying too hard to be manly [02:49:27] stankey_wang: its like a girl with a hat on batwards [02:49:28] sanwichmak3r: selling gasoline as a woman [02:49:28] Valpetine: nope look like stole from ur bf [02:49:28] nikama6: whaman [02:49:29] callmegarp: Golf girl [02:49:30] fancymanwho: Twink [02:49:30] SnabbKassa: Twink Towers. Good Die Hard remake [02:49:30] big_garyfromtesco: Look like joe biden [02:49:30] bearpaw1970: Tomboy [02:49:30] stumblefish: you've got a ways to go :P [02:49:31] CJKDB: You look like the Doss skater femboy. [02:49:31] unaffected95: the 12 yo tomboy in a disney movie [02:49:32] wiltedohio: Tomboy sk8er girl [02:49:33] TommyTheAlien_p_q_: And we will buy it because we are sub [02:49:34] silkyrose111: you look like your going to play softball then have lesbian sex [02:49:34] ThePastorVan: looks like a femme lesbian rapper [02:49:36] chainedchish: still woman [02:49:36] brianvorn: When you wear the hat back or front you still look like a girlfriend [02:49:36] maohayato: nope still fem [02:49:37] enrich_bloodborne: Sadly mate you stay just as girly [02:49:38] sweethki: Girl [02:49:38] West111e: he was a skater girl [02:49:38] AeitZean: Looks like Jay from Jay and Silent Bob [02:49:39] viryl_lucas: Tips for crossdressing: wear hats with long haie [02:49:40] Luucy_333: this again NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:49:41] Sammygee63: a girl in a Nike cap :) [02:49:41] KertisTheDestroyer: The suit shirt and jacket were S Tier [02:49:42] guitarbebop: Sorry …. No [02:49:42] tallorangeone: backwards cap has some masculine elements to be fair [02:49:44] morvangogh: I mined dis gasoline myself [02:49:44] XENOMAN5: Butch lesbian vibes [02:49:44] madoka_magikate: You're still too pretty for man [02:49:44] rawbeen_hood: You look like a fuck boy [02:49:46] JackRvt: You could pull skinny truck stop boy [02:49:47] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Princess [02:49:48] scarlettyg: Cute burp <3 [02:49:48] dazed_03: caps in general are unattractive [02:49:48] IceWyrmArabella: tomboy [02:49:49] lessgravitas: Backwards hat most fem [02:49:50] vanimal2118: What octane? Race Gas I'm in! [02:49:50] barghiest07: you look like your trying to understand sports [02:49:51] Fries3: copium [02:49:51] ThePastorVan: time to chill with rynali [02:49:52] LittleGelato: idk what I'm looking at but it's not a man Kappa [02:49:54] ScarsUnseen: it makes you look like a gremlin. [02:49:56] RudeDudeAttitude: now say hella [02:49:57] packagum: Moistcritikal look with the backwards cap [02:49:58] SnabbKassa: instantly masc with cap reversed [02:49:58] pastelpunk04: Nahhh [02:49:59] lostcrow_: Fembro [02:49:59] richarduk81: It's Finn's skater sister [02:50:00] brianvorn: Still look like a girl [02:50:01] pansnake_: Oregano [02:50:01] AvaerusEx: You look like a tomboy from the 90s. [02:50:02] sanwichmak3r: selling bag of plants as a woman [02:50:03] consimiamo: KEKW [02:50:03] Cryo001: oregano [02:50:04] IceWyrmArabella: i bought shrooms from her last week [02:50:04] anjerious: She was a skater girl [02:50:04] JUBU_0: makes look more tommy [02:50:05] blueskydrinking: Avril Lavigne - Skater Boy [02:50:05] wiltedohio: You look like a music video of Avril Lavigne KEKW [02:50:05] voiceofthevoid999: Sell me that paint thinner baby [02:50:05] Luucy_333: @LittleGelato Kappa Kappa [02:50:05] sanwichmak3r: oregano [02:50:06] AGD_27: You look like you borrowed a guys hat to keep your hair out of your eyes [02:50:07] callmegarp: Forward: golf girl, backwards: scrappy little rascals type girl [02:50:07] AVE_LVCI: selling k9 spice [02:50:07] HeySambi: Back cap 100% feminine [02:50:08] CJKDB: Not with that hair. [02:50:09] The_Morellonomicon: You've inspired me to wear a cap for the past month [02:50:10] ScarsUnseen: tomato plants? [02:50:10] TravelingEmpath: Selling a bag of actual oregano [02:50:10] amymiller94: the bag u goty from ur Boyfriend [02:50:10] heinerfauston: looks like a girl who´s taken her brother hat [02:50:11] unaffected95: pemium oregano [02:50:11] AeitZean: Exactly like jay from... LUL [02:50:11] tgdmshow: Femcritical KEKW [02:50:12] SynPhage: Das how you get beat up tho [02:50:12] vanimal2118: Spices? [02:50:12] Helen_Croft: long hair and eyelashes makes you look girl nothing else changes that @F1NN5TER [02:50:14] Tomboy152: You look like a tennis player [02:50:14] HotAutism: You look like my niece ¬¬ [02:50:15] tallorangeone: you look like you'd spend 10 hours a day at a mall [02:50:15] RoxyMoonshine: You look like a guy who would be high and sell surfboards @f1nn5ter [02:50:16] ItsSathem: you look like a lacrosse playing lesbian [02:50:16] GiantmEmber: Tomboy next door look [02:50:17] armann24: poll ↑ [02:50:17] bang808bang_420_: Got that gas [02:50:18] helenaaaauwu: Birmingham dealer [02:50:18] sherlock_norris: Oregano [02:50:19] wtfuxlolwut: Forward is a chavy [02:50:20] dcg44s: Backwards hat definitely vibes guy. [02:50:22] rainygray249: it makes u look like a skater girl [02:50:23] fancymanwho: Get a heavy metal shirt and the hair would make sense [02:50:23] MagisterKarnak: making me think you're gonna start singing about skater bois [02:50:24] stephanie1701: rapper F1nn [02:50:30] HotAutism: O_O [02:50:31] scarlettyg: we tried smoking parsley once, it didn't have any taste at all [02:50:34] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Do you have a "private" selfie?": No I'm normal with 164 votes (72.25%) [02:50:36] CJKDB: Just chop it off already! [02:50:37] CurvyTexan: You look like a new age door-to-door Avon sales person [02:50:38] uc00: has soda responded yet? [02:50:43] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: MercyWing1 TheIlluminati MercyWing2 [02:50:44] starduke83: avril lavunge??? [02:50:46] callmegarp: ture [02:50:47] Cryo001: it's the nike tick [02:50:47] Stovamor: hahahahahahaha [02:50:47] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:50:48] Lighthawk: KEKW [02:50:48] callmegarp: *true [02:50:49] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:50:51] wiltedohio: That! @Stovamor said it all! KEKW [02:50:52] HotAutism: oof [02:50:52] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:50:53] stephylmao: KEKW [02:50:54] ar1st1pp0s: truuue [02:50:54] vanimal2118: @stovamor 4 the win! [02:50:54] keller4589: KEKW [02:50:55] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER the dono is right [02:50:55] Chri55PBacon: KEKW [02:50:55] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:50:56] pianoismyforte_: Stov based [02:50:56] viryl_lucas: show [02:50:58] scarlettyg: Avril Laf1nne [02:50:58] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:51:00] typicalguystudios: Kekw [02:51:00] callmegarp: LUL [02:51:01] XENOMAN5: D pics incoming [02:51:04] callmegarp: Googled WHAT though [02:51:05] ScarredLemon: Rahhh where’s my baccy [02:51:06] ScarsUnseen: where? [02:51:07] StrawberryCheescake25: Stov lmfao [02:51:08] The_Morellonomicon: Not wrong [02:51:08] johnkeiwo: f1nnCope [02:51:09] Stovamor: hahahahahahaha [02:51:10] pianoismyforte_: X [02:51:11] CJKDB: We tole you! But nooooooo [02:51:12] callmegarp: LUL [02:51:13] medical_size9000: Xxx [02:51:14] Cryo001: we have this discussion every time lol [02:51:15] callmegarp: Good donos [02:51:15] keller4589: X [02:51:15] ar1st1pp0s: hahahaha oh my god [02:51:16] SalemSacrifices: Silent bob [02:51:16] galcticoverlrd: lol [02:51:17] Theinnocentbuda: P.O. box? [02:51:18] vanimal2118: femboy32Nerd nope still girl [02:51:18] AvaerusEx: Masculine features? Where? [02:51:22] LittleGelato: LUL [02:51:22] dazed_03: he was a boy she was a girl [02:51:24] SalemSacrifices: Do you not know who that is? [02:51:25] SnabbKassa: 90s reference [02:51:26] IdiotKnightKing: Clerks [02:51:27] voiceofthevoid999: I'm fuckin dead [02:51:27] AeitZean: Jay and Silent Bob Google it [02:51:28] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: CoolCat [02:51:28] galcticoverlrd: look up clerks [02:51:28] HardyOrange: lmao that's a funny reference [02:51:29] RigaBel1: He saying you look like Jay from Jay and silent bob [02:51:29] stankey_wang: jay and silent bob [02:51:30] subbutdomtoretto: she was a girl he was a girl can I make it anymore obvious? [02:51:33] pansnake_: It's definitely got "chav who asks you for a ciggy" vibe [02:51:36] LittleGelato: He's too young chat [02:51:37] ar1st1pp0s: that movie came out in like, 1990. of course the zoomer doesnt know about it [02:51:37] ipunchfascists: yo whats up [02:51:38] Marcus_Rasaan: Oh my gid you do look like femme-Jay [02:51:45] medical_size9000: Most jokes go over finn head [02:51:45] unaffected95: he dont know jay and silent bob?? [02:51:47] dazed_03: pov french airport finn [02:51:48] RockinLockin: girl [02:51:48] callmegarp: The mask will not help fool, you have eyelashes LUL [02:51:50] Xatonym: 😷 [02:51:52] ItsSathem: Lady [02:51:52] stankey_wang: @LittleGelato im his age and i get it [02:51:52] KertisTheDestroyer: If he's Silent Bob does that make Soda his Jay? [02:51:53] viryl_lucas: girly girl [02:51:53] XENOMAN5: Jay and Silent Bob from Clerks [02:51:53] Streig: way too young for that reference [02:51:54] tgdmshow: Madam [02:51:54] voiceofthevoid999: Femme Jay and Sissy Bob [02:51:55] JethroLIVE: have you ever put your hair in a bun? [02:51:56] raccoonsloot: super fem [02:51:57] Sammygee63: girl [02:51:57] medical_size9000: I see a girl [02:51:57] Nova_Prime_69: femme [02:51:57] SalemSacrifices: Bonjour [02:51:58] Luucy_333: ma'am? [02:51:58] AvaerusEx: I just see a cute girl in a hat and mask. [02:51:58] druskys_jerkChicken: maam [02:51:58] viryl_lucas: ma'am [02:51:59] dotelledots: funny how you have to hide most of your face to look masculine [02:52:00] Cyprohep: google jay and silent bob lmao [02:52:00] KnapperigeKapitein: madam [02:52:00] stephylmao: ma'am [02:52:01] jayceedeee: first thought: why is the cute girl hiding so much [02:52:01] mootie1: 🥖 [02:52:02] RockinLockin: ma'am [02:52:02] sweethki: 100% girl [02:52:02] ItsSathem: Ma'am [02:52:03] YeomanJensen: 37 dicks? [02:52:03] bearpaw1970: Yup 💯 tomboy [02:52:03] keller4589: Very femme [02:52:04] fancymanwho: More like escort [02:52:04] wiltedohio: You look like a cute girl with a cap [02:52:05] pianoismyforte_: Ma'am [02:52:05] StrawberryCheescake25: You look like a stud [02:52:05] callmegarp: LASHES, dude [02:52:06] general_of_cm: masculin man [02:52:07] valvanzi8: i would so hit on you [02:52:07] muddymudkip15: Girl [02:52:07] armann24: still fem [02:52:10] tgdmshow: Ma'am? [02:52:11] TravelingEmpath: If you learn ASL, you dont need girlvoice [02:52:13] darkellie_: ma'am [02:52:14] ITZHYP3RION: Hide the hair at least [02:52:14] heinerfauston: ma´am [02:52:14] vanimal2118: Just add dress! Date with Natt! [02:52:14] brianvorn: You look like a mom and a girl [02:52:15] bearlier: Bonjour ma'am [02:52:15] ar1st1pp0s: lashes and brows [02:52:16] CurvyTexan: The eyelashes reduce the masculine levels [02:52:16] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Mask F1nn [02:52:17] mootie1: f1nnGremlin cvMask 🥖 [02:52:20] stephylmao: m'lady [02:52:21] StarChaser02: Google Ashley Gavin [02:52:23] badboy7629: femme [02:52:24] CJKDB: Needs sunglasses [02:52:24] NotLouis05: what about sunglasses [02:52:24] booberies1: Wear one on your date [02:52:25] zahna4: What dose of estradiol do you take? [02:52:27] barghiest07: put on some glassses [02:52:28] Abscidoe: Twink towers [02:52:28] SynPhage: You don't get to tell us what we think you look like [02:52:29] gengenhammy: when [02:52:30] LightningDesigner: soda just reacted to your message on stream [02:52:31] blueskydrinking: You look your manliest like that [02:52:31] NicklesJ: he agrees. "still fem" so fem without it too. [02:52:32] druskys_jerkChicken: no it does not [02:52:32] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:52:32] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart stardu78Rollin nanona1Nodders techta5NyanWin3 [02:52:34] callmegarp: x [02:52:36] viryl_lucas: nah [02:52:37] tgdmshow: Sure Kappa [02:52:38] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:52:39] TH1SisSTAN: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:52:39] gengenhammy: When's the next mc videos finnnnnnn [02:52:40] Chri55PBacon: nah [02:52:40] MoonsHalo: COPE [02:52:40] keller4589: X [02:52:41] raccoonsloot: no [02:52:41] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Recalls the Cap = Girly Poll result. Puts on mask to demo looking girly. Claims that just a cap is still Manly. - 2760 [02:52:41] Abscidoe: Twink towers pictures [02:52:41] unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:52:41] Lighthawk: It does? [02:52:41] vanimal2118: f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynBonk [02:52:42] callmegarp: Such X'y x [02:52:44] scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [02:52:44] 71M073J: No lmao [02:52:44] Thorgn: that more fem without hat [02:52:44] heinerfauston: nah [02:52:44] mootie1: Bing bong [02:52:45] GutsoftheEclipse: The eyelashes do a lot [02:52:46] Amoyamoyamoya: DELUSIONAL STREAMER. [02:52:47] Jens_LN: what jaw ? [02:52:48] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong [02:52:48] callmegarp: Less masc [02:52:49] AvaerusEx: Sure but you have really pretty lips. [02:52:50] VastAsteroid: “I luk like a gurl” [02:52:52] vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:52:53] 71M073J: More feminine [02:52:53] GutsoftheEclipse: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:52:53] wiltedohio: @StarChaser02 She looks manlier than F1nn KEKW [02:52:53] JustChickenwing: Feminine jaw? [02:52:53] catgirlminecraftstreamer: Hey buddy! [02:52:55] GigaChad69e: strip search incoming [02:52:57] madoka_magikate: Mask takes away masc [02:52:57] scarlettyg: Anything you wear ends up making you look more feminine [02:52:58] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:52:59] heinerfauston: pretty girl [02:52:59] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:52:59] Luucy_333: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:52:59] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:52:59] astra_763: fake [02:53:01] callmegarp: More fem with gun [02:53:01] johnkeiwo: worrunS [02:53:03] lilkenjr: where did you get that mask from? [02:53:03] gloomy_ara: OMEGALUL [02:53:04] tallorangeone: where did the gun come from lmao [02:53:05] StrawberryCheescake25: Gun kink [02:53:06] packagum: Masks are how femboys have been cheating for years KEKW [02:53:06] valvanzi8: kekw you need to do some effort to look masculine LUL LUL LUL [02:53:07] Xalixtro: spicycowGun [02:53:07] QuBycle: there is no mask in masculine [02:53:08] molvsf: AHHH [02:53:08] nikama6: LUL f1nnMonka [02:53:09] sweethki: I'm just hiding my hair [02:53:09] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:53:09] catgirlminecraftstreamer: AYE [02:53:10] brianvorn: With or without hat and mask you still look like a girl ! [02:53:11] CJKDB: Don't you ever point that thing at me! [02:53:11] tgdmshow: Grinch hands [02:53:12] unaffected95: nails [02:53:12] vanimal2118: Funny @astra_763 [02:53:14] raccoonsloot: nice nails [02:53:14] MajesticFvckingEagle: Your jaw isn't that masc, it's andro [02:53:15] consimiamo: ahh [02:53:15] NotLouis05: femenine hands [02:53:15] xXNeroZashiXx: ✋ [02:53:18] armann24: i love your claws [02:53:19] tomhekker: if that's the way I die that's the way I die bro [02:53:19] ChasingSol: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:53:19] nikama6: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [02:53:19] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Pulls (Airsoft) gun on Chat. - 2820 [02:53:19] MoonsHalo: You would fit in, in America [02:53:21] honululuh: Yoooo [02:53:21] wiltedohio: Hey @astra_763 ! [02:53:24] Luucy_333: Pretty girl huh [02:53:24] silkyrose111: your like a brat trying to prove your a top lmfao [02:53:24] viryl_lucas: I would've [02:53:25] fancymanwho: It wouldn't even hurt [02:53:26] bigsuave7: Kreygasm [02:53:27] booberies1: Woman [02:53:27] stephylmao: my glasses protect me :D [02:53:28] druskys_jerkChicken: i'm into that [02:53:28] umtic: a mask in 2023 monkaS [02:53:29] callmegarp: pretty girl f1nnSad [02:53:32] catgirlminecraftstreamer: hi [02:53:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:53:33] scarlettyg: Iowa, duuh [02:53:33] SynPhage: Your hands could never pass for a lumberjack [02:53:35] RubyChu: mommy finn? [02:53:36] pyrandname: with your nice nails? [02:53:36] Frosty790: would be worth it [02:53:37] chainedchish: you got no stomach for that [02:53:37] catgirlminecraftstreamer: Hey buddy [02:53:37] 71M073J: Agressive girl <3 [02:53:38] nikama6: hii [02:53:40] blueskydrinking: your long, slender fingers do not make me think 'manly' [02:53:45] AriUwU_: hii [02:53:45] anjerious: Confirmed, Finn holds balls [02:53:46] easilytermated: astra here? [02:53:47] tahliaplayz: Heyyy [02:53:47] AeitZean: You could simulate chat by just says "more fem when (does anything)" [02:53:49] keller4589: Hi astra [02:53:50] Amoyamoyamoya: Astra's been here for 15 minutes Chat [02:53:54] easilytermated: lol [02:53:55] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: KEKHeim [02:53:58] MoonsHalo: try covering the top half of your face [02:53:58] AlhambraMMXX: LMAO [02:54:00] callmegarp: On this episode of underutilized emotes: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [02:54:02] braddle172: Great pitch [02:54:04] catgirlminecraftstreamer: f1nnLezgang [02:54:05] elceltaaa: so when is the d pic competition start? [02:54:09] CJKDB: Support your local femboy. [02:54:09] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [02:54:10] viryl_lucas: AYOOO [02:54:13] yesn02369: This message is highlighted [02:54:14] nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:54:16] fancymanwho: Hes a man [02:54:16] SalemSacrifices: Trying to make jokes like this when you wanna move to america [02:54:17] Cryo001: Natt would do it for the memes [02:54:20] AvaerusEx: But wouldn't that be a little gay? /s [02:54:20] bearlier: Norm MacDonald reference [02:54:21] sgrazorrl: vncePause vncePause [02:54:21] catgirlminecraftstreamer: f1nnCowjam [02:54:22] wiltedohio: @callmegarp Have you been around here in offline chat? This goes around a lot KEKW [02:54:23] scarlettyg: the shotgun approach, keep sending it until you get a positive answer KEKW [02:54:26] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Reads back his DM to SodaCat about the Twink Towers photo idea. - 2770 [02:54:28] madoka_magikate: 10/10 [02:54:29] catgirlminecraftstreamer: Hey buddy [02:54:30] VastAsteroid: thepeachyKirbyKnife thepeachyKirbyKnife thepeachyKirbyKnife [02:54:32] vanimal2118: Maybe if Natt wears maid dress? [02:54:33] AtoZWoW: so confirmed you want to get naked with Natt? [02:54:33] johnkeiwo: ask natt [02:54:33] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:54:33] VastAsteroid: I’m in [02:54:34] xmoonphasex: chris would do it [02:54:35] TravelingEmpath: New gender just dropped: genderfucky [02:54:38] Halkun: Would that photo be on the Battle pass? [02:54:41] guitarbebop: guitarbebop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! Dam .... 14 months ... skater girl in a hat wow sodacatPet [02:54:41] f3mmbot: guitarbebop subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:54:41] CJKDB: They allow you into France? [02:54:42] SynPhage: Volunteers from chat? [02:54:43] brianvorn: Natt doesn’t care dude [02:54:43] MnemonicOverload: Americans should rofl at that but they won't [02:54:46] bigpizza1233: kiniSubs kiniSubs kiniSubs [02:54:47] booberies1: You so would [02:54:49] medical_size9000: @ @amoyamoyamoya of course Finn didn't notice Astra is here [02:54:49] tallorangeone: flashbacks to natt's horse head stream appearance - he might well do it for the memes [02:54:55] CJKDB: Have they MET you?? [02:54:56] VastAsteroid: thepeachyDance [02:54:58] anschofi: showing cock on the internet "as a bit" [02:55:04] painfulpan: Isn’t soda a lot bigger tho? [02:55:06] sgrazorrl: KEKHeim [02:55:09] johnkeiwo: nice [02:55:11] wiltedohio: @tallorangeone that fucker ir a genous for that. I laughed so hard [02:55:18] viryl_lucas: ehehe [02:55:18] callmegarp: Astra is streaming now. Femboy loyalties strained >< [02:55:20] Stovamor: KEKW [02:55:21] Wayward_Alva: Dr. sex [02:55:21] Amoyamoyamoya: @medical_size9000, Kinda rude. [02:55:22] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:55:22] pansnake_: Uh oh [02:55:23] LittleChaSiu: um. [02:55:24] monkncheese: bigger [02:55:26] ChasingSol: hahaha [02:55:27] HotAutism: 4.3 [02:55:27] braddle172: KEKW [02:55:27] scarlettyg: SUS [02:55:28] NotLouis05: the towers werent the same hieght [02:55:28] SalemSacrifices: DO IT [02:55:29] maricristmas: lol [02:55:30] consimiamo: kekw [02:55:30] VastAsteroid: thepeachyGasp [02:55:30] stephylmao: LOL [02:55:30] mootie1: Saved [02:55:31] johnkeiwo: too late [02:55:31] fancymanwho: @tallorangeone oh yeah when he gave the mic a blowjob in a horse mask [02:55:31] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [02:55:31] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:55:31] GWEN3v3r: show me the cup [02:55:31] tallorangeone: how to grow closer as friends [02:55:32] SalemSacrifices: For the boys [02:55:32] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Guooplmnvgufxsaqezxgtyihcvmmkppiuyrewaxcyccv [02:55:33] johnkeiwo: just do it [02:55:34] eveplease: lmaooo [02:55:34] nikama6: LUL [02:55:34] viryl_lucas: do it [02:55:34] lia_0814: LOL [02:55:35] zahna4: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:55:35] vanimal2118: Personal Photographer a bad idea, Rose? [02:55:36] druskys_jerkChicken: you've seen it [02:55:36] madoka_magikate: 😂😂😂😂😂 [02:55:36] IdiotKnightKing: its not that strange [02:55:39] Amoyamoyamoya: Same same I'd guess. [02:55:39] spreef: Google it [02:55:40] AvaerusEx: No, Soda's not that "big". [02:55:40] pianoismyforte_: You should be able to Google it... [02:55:42] 71M073J: LUL [02:55:42] callmegarp: Finn keeps hitting on his friends lmao [02:55:43] unaffected95: you can just look it up tbh [02:55:44] YeomanJensen: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:55:44] HotAutism: x [02:55:45] general_of_cm: you know you can just look it up f1nn [02:55:45] dazed_03: copium [02:55:46] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: LUL [02:55:47] RockinLockin: ok? [02:55:48] slacker_24_: word it that chat wants to know [02:55:49] Cryo001: i mean you could find out elsewhere i'm sure [02:55:49] bigpizza1233: ew your discus ting shit [02:55:49] johnkeiwo: Oh twink tower is ok but cock size is too much !? [02:55:50] OperatorEmma: Soda is the embodiment of this emote keffalHyper [02:55:51] VastAsteroid: Point it at me again thepeachyGun thepeachyGun thepeachyGun thepeachyGun thepeachyGun [02:55:51] wiltedohio: Doesn't mean anything [02:55:52] HotAutism: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:55:54] imNotSubbed: all the excuses aheado time [02:55:54] zahna4: Soda got a sword [02:55:54] lordgtafbi: you need soda to frame your pp? [02:55:55] RoxyMoonshine: Well, we know the most gay friend in the friend group LUL [02:55:55] medical_size9000: They beat you in arm wrestling [02:55:56] SynPhage: Comparing dongs always leads to making sandwiches [02:55:56] Stovamor: "Hey buddy. How big is your dick?" <--- Normal femboy conversation @F1NN5TER [02:55:57] Amoyamoyamoya: He's not that small tho F1nn. [02:55:58] eveplease: use ur hands for reference [02:55:59] DeanTheSpartan: Copium [02:56:03] raccoonsloot: has the E been hitting you hard? [02:56:03] yu_gi_oh_nerd: But bigger muscles [02:56:04] bearlier: They said the size on Nano's Femboy jeopardy [02:56:05] nikama6: Not the hand to dick critical theory [02:56:09] sanwichmak3r: shmol [02:56:10] fancymanwho: How tiny [02:56:11] NotLouis05: it would be massive next to yours [02:56:11] Amoyamoyamoya: He's not that tiny [02:56:13] tallorangeone: you know what they say about small hands [02:56:13] tomhekker: 4.2 instead of 4.3? [02:56:14] vanimal2118: Why r u calling out Soda, Rose? That's just mean. [02:56:14] sanwichmak3r: tiny boi [02:56:15] AvaerusEx: He's petite. [02:56:16] Luucy_333: Kappa Kappa [02:56:18] NorthGuard1: oh he is relatively small [02:56:18] SalemSacrifices: "Small tiny hands" [02:56:18] Cryo001: ?? [02:56:19] pastelpunk04: Soda On that Wind Rose Dwarf Build [02:56:19] CJKDB: Like doll hands? [02:56:25] femmaidboy: mak1Blankies mak1Blankies [02:56:26] bearlier: 5.5 [02:56:27] JustChickenwing: Can Soda get to last Pringles? [02:56:29] sanwichmak3r: LUL [02:56:30] IrishmanSteve: KEKW [02:56:31] zesta02: will there be a photo shoot with Natt [02:56:31] lewickedtruth: Just shake the whole machine [02:56:33] Cryo001: don't do that motion lol [02:56:33] ITZHYP3RION: How tall is sodacat like how big is he [02:56:34] callmegarp: What size your cöck, bröther [02:56:35] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:56:35] eveplease: tiny little small little tiny hands [02:56:37] pansnake_: "OI m8 how big is ur wank stick?" [02:56:37] madoka_magikate: So precious and lil, love them [02:56:38] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn mentions SodaCat's small tiny hands. - 2620 [02:56:44] jamesahyoung: i thought that was gonna be… fit a hand [02:56:45] GigaChad69e: soda beat you like a little girl at arm wrestling [02:56:45] CJKDB: They can fix that now. [02:56:46] jamesahyoung: in… [02:56:47] consimiamo: kekw [02:56:48] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: B) [02:56:53] nikama6: LUL LUL [02:56:54] SnabbKassa: Femboy Diamond Heist movie [02:56:59] dazed_03: just say his hands fit next to a car seat thats enough said [02:57:00] TravelingEmpath: Need more cotton [02:57:01] CJKDB: Does he have a small head? [02:57:01] richarduk81: So soda has Donald trump hands [02:57:03] zero1wolf: :) [02:57:12] anjerious: "I'm not gonna make fun of his small, tiny, baby, miniature, Itty bitty, micro, petite hands" -F1nn [02:57:14] DeanTheSpartan: hey it me [02:57:14] VastAsteroid: thepeachyClown thepeachyClown thepeachyClown thepeachyClown thepeachyClown thepeachyClown thepeachyClown [02:57:18] ChasingSol: he's playing Zelda [02:57:20] unaffected95: totk spoilers? [02:57:20] viryl_lucas: HAHAHA [02:57:21] Luucy_333: tf FInn lmao [02:57:22] XellosMetallum: omg.. [02:57:23] stephylmao: LMAO [02:57:25] DeanTheSpartan: ayo [02:57:25] nikama6: KEKW [02:57:26] MnemonicOverload: no homo [02:57:26] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [02:57:28] sandrinegg: HUH [02:57:28] hopalongtommy: Weren't you saying last stream that you needed someone with smaller hands to give yourself better "perspective" [02:57:28] RoxyMoonshine: Yo! He’s playing Zelda! [02:57:29] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:57:30] Kayver_: LUL [02:57:30] braddle172: nanona1Flushed [02:57:31] tgdmshow: KEKW [02:57:31] maricristmas: hahahah [02:57:32] consimiamo: kekw [02:57:32] mootie1: 🍵 rimjimSweat ermmm [02:57:32] 71M073J: LUL [02:57:33] callmegarp: Can't wait for this [02:57:33] maricristmas: checking lag [02:57:36] bearpaw1970: 😂 [02:57:39] gloomy_ara: no way KEKW [02:57:39] johnkeiwo: yep [02:57:40] xboxmods: Asking for a friend [02:57:41] consimiamo: IS THIS WHAT ZELDA IS?!?!?! [02:57:41] macarous: oml i love soda [02:57:42] RockinLockin: yes this is zelda [02:57:43] ez_is_easy: That's link [02:57:44] vanimal2118: Zelda [02:57:44] RoxyMoonshine: Yeah [02:57:45] keller4589: Bigger than yours LMAO [02:57:46] callmegarp: How do you actually NOT KNOW Finn [02:57:46] JustChickenwing: Tears of the Kingdom slaps [02:57:47] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER My CC decided I wasn't allowed to use if for my BP subscription. [02:57:47] SynPhage: Watch Finn get Donowalled, lol [02:57:49] packagum: Yes [02:57:50] macarous: ??? [02:57:51] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn shows SodaCat's stream and asks SodaCat how big his cock is. [02:57:51] unaffected95: play it [02:57:51] chainedchish: this is Link not Zelda [02:57:52] pansnake_: Just innocently playing Zelda and you hit him with this [02:57:53] TravelingEmpath: Lol, when he doesnt even see the message lol [02:57:54] bearpaw1970: It's awesome [02:57:56] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Dang [02:57:58] madoka_magikate: It's awesome, highly recommend zelda [02:58:02] VastAsteroid: thepeachyDance thepeachyDance thepeachyDance thepeachyDance [02:58:03] ClaraRenway: thars not Zelda thats Twink [02:58:08] blueskydrinking: this is what you do to your VIPs lmao [02:58:08] ez_is_easy: Zelda is the princess [02:58:08] YeomanJensen: life of the chatter cyrAware [02:58:09] nerdygirl56: Hi finn [02:58:11] Luucy_333: HUH [02:58:13] sanwichmak3r: ayeo? [02:58:13] callmegarp: AYO [02:58:13] brianvorn: Zelda is a damsel princess and blonde green shirt dude name is link [02:58:13] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: LOZTOK [02:58:14] ar1st1pp0s: how do you, a gamer, not know what Zelda looks like [02:58:14] scarlettyg: Femboy Link Forever <3 [02:58:16] alexandra_saunders: What dress today? [02:58:17] keller4589: AYO [02:58:18] Luucy_333: AYO xd [02:58:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: Link [02:58:21] general_of_cm: f1nn sees a game that looks interesting: no im not going to play that [02:58:22] PsillyCephalopod: haha or darn [02:58:23] Reeping: zelda is the girl [02:58:23] CJKDB: Some chick. [02:58:23] viryl_lucas: twink link [02:58:24] fancymanwho: The princess [02:58:25] KiriahKolrath: Zelda is the princess. Link is the player character. [02:58:27] pianoismyforte_: You are zeldw [02:58:27] PsillyCephalopod: princess [02:58:29] johnkeiwo: zelda is the princess u rescue and u play as Link [02:58:30] bottlecapp_: you play as link [02:58:31] ChasingSol: the princess, you play as Link [02:58:31] nauticalcoffin: Link is buff now [02:58:32] helenaaaauwu: Okay for researching purposes ofc I looked up Soda n*des and I think F1nn is bigger if he didn't lie in the past at least [02:58:33] eveplease: zelda is a femboy confirmed [02:58:33] NotLouis05: link saves zelda [02:58:33] vanimal2118: Love interest [02:58:34] MooskiBG: Zelda is the little green guy [02:58:35] Nenkos: Tears of the Twinkdom [02:58:36] ar1st1pp0s: link is the twink who has to save the princess from the daddy [02:58:36] YeomanJensen: not a real gamer [02:58:38] scatteredleaves: great franchise [02:58:40] JustChickenwing: POGGERS [02:58:40] TravelingEmpath: Zelda is like... Peach. Link is Mario [02:58:41] sanwichmak3r: YOU BETTER [02:58:41] general_of_cm: you are zelda soda is Link [02:58:41] GutsoftheEclipse: No Rose is the princess [02:58:42] Loelinverse: F1nn is Zelda. [02:58:42] callmegarp: Does not knowing this make Finn more of a boomer or a zoomer [02:58:44] tallorangeone: hipster finn [02:58:44] mootie1: rimjimBite ok [02:58:45] ez_is_easy: Link playable character, Zelda princess [02:58:46] general_of_cm: this one [02:58:47] LittleGelato: shes always in another castle fin Kappa [02:58:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: Link is the main chaaracter, Zelda is the princess. I saay that as someone who as also never played it [02:58:47] amouro_: Zelda is the princess and will link is the hero [02:58:47] nikama6: Open workd mario [02:58:49] richarduk81: Link is such a bottom [02:58:49] johnkeiwo: breath of the wild first ! [02:58:49] tgdmshow: Gaming stream? [02:58:50] fancymanwho: You should dress as link [02:58:50] wiltedohio: Zelda is the chick, Link is the twink you dummy [02:58:50] subbutdomtoretto: soda noticed [02:58:51] PsillyCephalopod: OMEGALUL zoomers [02:58:51] bearpaw1970: Windwalker [02:58:52] blindthirdeye: Ocarina of Time [02:58:53] VekkTheAsuran: Good one is original [02:58:53] HammerOfVenus: Link and Zelda are my favorite lesbian couple. [02:58:53] macarous: gerudo link Kreygasm [02:58:54] braddle172: He read it [02:58:54] randyiii: Finn would be a good link [02:58:54] Maddrius: breath of the wild [02:58:56] packagum: Theres SO many [02:58:57] muddymudkip15: Everyone knows Zelda's the twins and Link is the princess [02:58:58] AVE_LVCI: zoomer [02:58:58] feetpicsrus: Dab [02:58:59] pansnake_: Majora's Mask gang incoming [02:59:00] sealsummoner: you play as link and save zelda [02:59:02] theinvisibleman_: zoomer [02:59:02] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [02:59:02] painfulpan: You need to play more games on stream [02:59:03] gloomy_ara: zoomer [02:59:04] keller4589: Zoomer [02:59:05] unaffected95: zoomer for sure [02:59:05] ninjactk: boomer [02:59:05] MnemonicOverload: Def Zoomer [02:59:07] arquiJ: dont start with what the best [02:59:07] NotLouis05: i have links awakening on my game boy lol [02:59:08] Hawker420: Arcane of time is arguably the best one [02:59:10] johnkeiwo: nahhhh it makes u a GIGA NORMIE [02:59:11] PsillyCephalopod: horseshoe theory [02:59:11] muddymudkip15: Twink* [02:59:11] scarlettyg: Zelda is Robin Williams' daughter [02:59:12] misticmagician: Hello, first time seeing you <3 <3 <3 [02:59:14] Emmy64_: Emmy64_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! Play it already, and do a long haired link cosplay, 29 months PogU [02:59:14] imperialgold01: "definitely I think?" [02:59:14] f3mmbot: emmy64_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 29 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:59:16] ThePastorVan: Finn needs bangs. [02:59:16] Emmy64_: Play it already, and do a long haired link cosplay, 29 months PogU [02:59:18] druskys_jerkChicken: sheltered [02:59:18] boomboomk9000: What if zelda was a girl? [02:59:20] JustChickenwing: OOT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, BOTW then this new one [02:59:27] Streig: Majora's mask!!! [02:59:28] StrawberryCheescake25: Can you hard grind on me [02:59:30] CurvyTexan: oooh F1nn in a perm... [02:59:33] randyiii: Zelda is a girl [02:59:36] scarlettyg: you have a blonde wig [02:59:37] nikama6: Block nerd [02:59:40] fancymanwho: Or get a wig [02:59:43] Gisak787: The Legend of Zeldas franchise is almost 40 years so zoomer [02:59:47] bearlier: Femboy Link cosplay pls [02:59:48] VekkTheAsuran: Og us the BEST [02:59:49] TravelingEmpath: all words are made up [02:59:49] vanimal2118: Howdy @thepastorvan , hope u are doing well! [02:59:51] mootie1: :) all words are made up words [02:59:52] wiltedohio: @StrawberryCheescake25 Ooh, I saw that KEKW I'd like to join if possible, tho LUL [02:59:53] blindthirdeye: Made7p [02:59:54] feetpicsrus: Plz dab [02:59:54] LittleChaSiu: LUL [02:59:55] HardyOrange: Y'all are trying at actually decide the best Zelda game, when we all know he should just play Breath of the Wild for the gerudo outfit [02:59:55] PsillyCephalopod: Good choice [02:59:56] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:59:57] general_of_cm: good game but not ipical zelda [02:59:58] bearpaw1970: Link [02:59:59] ceecee021: LUL [03:00:00] pianoismyforte_: KEKE [03:00:00] unaffected95: no hes too zoomer for mjoras mask [03:00:02] scarlettyg: then dress as Zelda [03:00:03] consimiamo: Will you do a cosplay collab with sneaky? [03:00:05] Emmy64_: Kappa [03:00:06] viryl_lucas: zelda [03:00:06] arquiJ: Ocarina of Time is best (just to start the famboy war) [03:00:07] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:00:08] blueskydrinking: This is the most controversial thing f1nn has ever said [03:00:10] StrawberryCheescake25: @wiltedohio f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [03:00:10] richarduk81: Ocarena of time [03:00:11] Wanesty: adhd andy [03:00:12] wiltedohio: @StrawberryCheescake25 You too huh? [03:00:13] ThePastorVan: hey @vanimal2118 ! havent seen you in discord recently [03:00:15] Chri55PBacon: hmmm [03:00:20] Skullph7: Skullph7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! 17 months of missing streams [03:00:20] f3mmbot: skullph7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months using Prime! PogU [03:00:22] anschofi: people get awfully opinionated about "what was the best zelda game?" [03:00:22] johnkeiwo: he voiced link in a porn indeed [03:00:23] Nenkos: Gerudo Link cosplay on battlepass would KILL me😩 [03:00:29] Streig: majora's mask is peak [03:00:31] king_of_hearts_1: search up link gerudo outfit [03:00:32] feetpicsrus: Dab [03:00:33] Hawker420: Voice acting link lol [03:00:37] macarous: @nenkos yesss [03:00:37] 666suspotato: now we are just waiting for nat to say something in your stream [03:00:38] mootie1: 😩 [03:00:41] Amoyamoyamoya: Talk about the thing. [03:00:41] Theinnocentbuda: john XD [03:00:45] viryl_lucas: mein kraft faktion [03:00:45] SalemSacrifices: Amoya can join calls? [03:00:46] NotLouis05: examples??? [03:00:49] loograt: gay mode? [03:00:54] RubyChu: what're you responsible for finn? I used to play factions all the time [03:00:58] vanimal2118: I'll try to make time @thepastorvan . [03:00:59] CJKDB: Give that tiny hands guy some of your finger length. [03:00:59] DualityUK: what r the things? [03:01:03] GutsoftheEclipse: Woodcraft? [03:01:12] Funkyking: Cx? [03:01:20] ThePastorVan: @vanimal2118 no worries life is what it is [03:01:23] viryl_lucas: nerd time [03:01:29] Amoyamoyamoya: @SalemSacrifices, I'm a Nano Discord Mod. [03:01:32] JustChickenwing: I dont know what you're talking about [03:01:34] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Im lost [03:01:34] callmegarp: woooo....yaaaaah... [03:01:35] torch_head3: owwww nerdy girl [03:01:36] YeomanJensen: sounds like an exploit [03:01:40] Amoyamoyamoya: I know what it is (now). [03:01:40] pianoismyforte_: clap [03:01:41] keller4589: Wooooo [03:01:41] bearpaw1970: A boomerang cannon [03:01:45] fancymanwho: I hopped the border in a few minutes to the usa [03:01:46] monkncheese: tnt cannon that shoots tnt outside with one charge then fires a second charge to redirect it? [03:01:49] Amoyamoyamoya: Talk about the AC-130. [03:01:51] Luucy_333: Nerdy Rose :) [03:01:51] im_up_to_something: Sounds made up [03:01:51] AvaerusEx: Wait, we're talking Minecraft? I love Minecraft! [03:02:14] viryl_lucas: someone made an orbital canno like that right now [03:02:15] ITZHYP3RION: When was the last time you played Minecraft [03:02:20] helenaaaauwu: You remember the times when Minecarft had 3million block map range [03:02:20] GigaChad69e: taigsSleep [03:02:20] Ramaj_A: what's minecraft? i am not into geology or like digging in the ground. [03:02:26] CJKDB: You were like a week ahead of your time. [03:02:29] Agrena: and here you are. femboy on the internet [03:02:31] Kolateak_: I love how there's Minecraft scientific discoveries [03:02:37] StrawberryCheescake25: @wiltedohio mybe [03:02:38] tallorangeone: okay but fr - this sounds interesting, what was it actually doing, that airbourne leftie thing? in simple terms for non-MC person here lmao [03:02:40] GigaChad69e: @CJKDB wow one week [03:02:42] SalemSacrifices: A good week [03:02:42] vanimal2118: Funny @ramaj_a [03:02:43] RubyChu: ac130 is so old lmao [03:02:45] NotLouis05: imagine f1nn on scicraft [03:02:49] kingtitan16561920: Hi finn turning 16 today can't wait [03:02:53] callmegarp: It's the sincere love for minecraft, paired with the total ignorance of Zelda, that confuses me [03:02:53] Doodlesthecl0wn: Hi F1nn!!! Guess what! [03:02:55] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -120s. Mentions call with Norwegians and Factions stuff from back in the day. - 2610 [03:03:02] o_slip: @Ramaj_A for someone who isnt into geology you sure must like living under a rock LUL ;) [03:03:07] Ramaj_A: @vanimal2118 I try, not very hard but it's better than nothing [03:03:20] Ramaj_A: @Ramaj_A 10 points for gryffindor. [03:03:36] monkncheese: @tallorangeone tnt cannon shoots two clusters of bombs, first cluster explodes first and shoots second cluster in different direction [03:03:44] viryl_lucas: "Introducing the Orbital strike TnT cannon" [03:03:45] uncle_ham: wtf finn.. youtube doesnt push you anymore.. where have you been.. good to see ya buddy! <3 [03:03:51] fancymanwho: What if there was a jenny mod made after you [03:03:54] viryl_lucas: from youtube [03:03:55] wiltedohio: Now I know how to non-knife people see things when he goes onto knife tangents KEKW [03:04:00] gracesbeing: Have you played Sky Factory yet? [03:04:04] callmegarp: I dooooo wanna see it [03:04:04] vanimal2118: New Minecraft when? [03:04:05] nikama6: SeemsGood [03:04:09] tallorangeone: @tallorangeone ahhh okay that's super cool! thanks for the explanation :) [03:04:11] YeomanJensen: PunchTrees SSSsss [03:04:16] Doodlesthecl0wn: Hi F1nn! Guess what? I'm going to be graduating on the 25th and I'm going to Disneyland next month on the 7th! [03:04:24] Amoyamoyamoya: There's another canon mode that acts like a top-attack, anti-tank missile (ATGM). [03:04:24] Helen_Croft: I remember modded MC with Ex Nihilo [03:04:27] jacewolf_is_the_best: good job grandpa [03:04:28] callmegarp: @wiltedohio Welcome to our world lol [03:04:29] NotLouis05: im surprise were gaining viewers rn [03:04:34] TravelingEmpath: BibleThump [03:04:44] nauticalcoffin: Wow 2014 [03:04:45] monkncheese: @tallorangeone yw :) [03:04:45] GigaChad69e: he grew up and got a life [03:04:48] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Minecraft Factions stream. - 2690 [03:04:49] viryl_lucas: Thats the name of the video. It's a new one by cubicmetre [03:04:50] Wanesty: POGGERS f1nn L OMEGALUL RE [03:04:52] nikama6: Block nostalgia [03:04:52] keller4589: Damn so long ago oml [03:04:59] wiltedohio: @wiltedohio KEKW since I'm one of the knife people, only now I'm experiencing this LMAO [03:05:00] NotLouis05: did you say trans [03:05:01] AvaerusEx: This is how this turns into a Minecraft stream. [03:05:11] RubyChu: we were Mir [03:05:13] stingemorewhite: Remember X plays Minecraft [03:05:15] viljosayshi: ooof. [03:05:16] SalemSacrifices: Swatting [03:05:17] JustChickenwing: Uh oh [03:05:18] shakuf420: why dose he have a mans voice? [03:05:18] mootie1: FeelsGoodMan cookies and tea [03:05:20] scatteredleaves: let me think [03:05:20] tgdmshow: Oh no [03:05:21] braddle172: Oh [03:05:22] confirmed_derp: Swats them [03:05:23] IdiotKnightKing: they send cookies [03:05:23] torch_head3: he grow and get a life and one became an E-girl guess who is who [03:05:26] PsillyCephalopod: oh [03:05:28] callmegarp: Hmmm, do they maybeeeeee [03:05:29] fancymanwho: Swating [03:05:30] MooskiBG: they probably send ppl flowers [03:05:31] booberies1: buys flowers? [03:05:32] Dankweighty: Fun activities [03:05:35] TylerEffinGohde: they have a hug fight [03:05:36] JustChickenwing: Jesus Christ [03:05:36] viryl_lucas: bro [03:05:38] muddymudkip15: Wow [03:05:39] Wanesty: HUH [03:05:40] PixiesCreations: BRUH [03:05:40] SalemSacrifices: Wtf [03:05:41] viryl_lucas: dafuq [03:05:42] keller4589: Wtf [03:05:43] vanimal2118: Dangerous [03:05:43] OverpowerdSpoon: based [03:05:43] bearpaw1970: Oh' my God ' actually swatting people in real life..d@mn [03:05:44] JustChickenwing: DDOSing wasn't enough?? [03:05:45] tgdmshow: Holy shit [03:05:45] braddle172: You mentioned this on pka [03:05:46] callmegarp: Ffffffucked up [03:05:46] FreakJR: based [03:05:46] viryl_lucas: HAHAHA [03:05:46] nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [03:05:46] Chri55PBacon: jeez [03:05:47] AvaerusEx: Kids are nuts. [03:05:47] unaffected95: thats fucked [03:05:48] arquiJ: holy !!! [03:05:48] RoxyMoonshine: Wtf [03:05:50] ClaraRenway: That is very fecked up [03:05:53] Dankweighty: Big brain tbh [03:05:54] bearlier: Mental [03:05:54] stephylmao: oof [03:05:56] ClaraRenway: wtf [03:05:56] bearpaw1970: That's f#cked up [03:05:56] fancymanwho: Level 100 genius [03:05:56] YeomanJensen: gaining tempo FTW [03:05:57] tylort_225: tylort_225 subscribed with Prime. [03:05:57] keller4589: Wth is wrong with kids [03:05:57] f3mmbot: tylort_225 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang tylort_225 f1nnLezgang [03:05:57] Agrena: minecraft faction was a place [03:06:00] callmegarp: Minecraft is life and death LUL [03:06:00] nothitch: oh factions was fun [03:06:02] ruskinator_rex: You're very cute [03:06:04] RubyChu: someone ddosed me for two weeks because I was better at pvp than them, even with their hacks lol [03:06:04] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talks about faction clan names. Said people were swatting to keep people off-line so they could raid safely. - 2590 [03:06:06] OperatorEmma: bro youre destroying my faith in humanity [03:06:10] Amoyamoyamoya: TOXIC MINECRAFTER [03:06:11] tallorangeone: y'all are wild - this is so hectic [03:06:12] viryl_lucas: be careful being swatted in America [03:06:13] Amoyamoyamoya: TOXIC MINECRAFTER [03:06:16] Amoyamoyamoya: TOXIC MINECRAFTER [03:06:16] viljosayshi: this is why I never got heavily involved in factions yeah [03:06:16] redniza1: !of [03:06:16] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [03:06:21] murrutia25: 🧐🤨 [03:06:25] TravelingEmpath: The fact that people still swat after the first death is friggin insane to me [03:06:26] helenaaaauwu: My friends did DDos me back then because I wanted to play Games instead of chilling with them once lol xD [03:06:26] sealsummoner: the good old days [03:06:41] johnkeiwo: brb [03:06:44] CJKDB: You missed your calling F1nn [03:06:46] onestupidpizza: I miss 2013 alot [03:06:47] Akemencha: So the twink towers but being plummeted to the ground by belle? [03:06:48] NotLouis05: 2016 was 8 years ago D: [03:06:48] ChasingSol: @johnkeiwo ok [03:06:56] Amoyamoyamoya: @murrutia25, Boy [03:07:04] Fuzzyee: F1nn5ter walls [03:07:07] Akemencha: Heheh late response lmaoo [03:07:13] callmegarp: in my heart it's still 2015-2017 [03:07:14] cybergirlv: Hehe [03:07:16] johnkeiwo: faction would have been my shit when I was 15 if I had known it was a thing [03:07:20] johnkeiwo: god im such a nerd [03:07:21] cybergirlv: Hi 👋 [03:07:26] NotLouis05: chats slow, people getting off to this lmao [03:07:28] JustChickenwing: Right but like what was this while thing? Like what was factions? Why did people do this? [03:07:30] nothitch: kman was insane honestly [03:07:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:07:32] femmaidboy: femmaiDhiya femmaiDhiya [03:07:34] Fuzzyee: No [03:07:37] Fuzzyee: Still called triangles [03:07:42] Amoyamoyamoya: TWO HANDS ON KEYBOARDS CHAT [03:07:48] NotLouis05: two hands [03:07:49] callmegarp: "back in the good old days" so Zelda Zoomer, Minecraft Boomer [03:07:50] Fuzzyee: NO [03:07:51] JustChickenwing: @notlouis05 KEKW [03:07:52] Fuzzyee: Y FIRST [03:07:52] nikama6: The only MC those kids known [03:07:56] Luucy_333: @Amoyamoyamoya LUL LUL [03:07:58] mcmaster2000: I have no idea about Minecraft, but I love listening to F1nn's passion about it xD [03:08:00] ArminGux: In the old doom games [03:08:08] arquiJ: chat in full attention mode [03:08:21] blueskydrinking: @Amoyamoyamoya for the minecraft talk????? I know this chat is degenerate but my god [03:08:23] talking_ben_real_: samme1 samme2 [03:08:26] YeomanJensen: inaccurate physics in MC impossibru [03:08:31] NotLouis05: this is the most of the stream ive actually paid attetion to [03:08:32] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Minecraft Artillery science [03:08:33] ArminGux: Exploiting the programming [03:08:33] Helen_Croft: Just give me storage systems in minecraft [03:08:35] pyrandname: the orbital cannon still works based on that [03:08:37] JustChickenwing: That sounds like a thing that ppl did [03:08:37] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn in his groove talking about Factions. Chat is enraptured. - 2680 [03:08:41] nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [03:08:44] RoxyMoonshine: God, the trig knowledge to do this NotLikeThis [03:08:45] ArminGux: How do servers make money [03:08:46] johnkeiwo: i was always wondering why it looked so fucky [03:08:54] nothitch: Servers banned this insanely quickly lmao [03:08:54] unaffected95: its the eroticism of the infodump [03:08:55] Taradil666: Taradil666 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! I'm starting HRT this month, when are you joining the club? [03:08:56] f3mmbot: taradil666 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [03:09:01] Loki_s_Daughter: f1nnBingbong f1nnNomods [03:09:04] SalemSacrifices: Ranks [03:09:06] MiroredImage: I thought he was talking about Factorio for a sec [03:09:07] StrawberryCheescake25: ADHD brain activate [03:09:08] viljosayshi: it was VERY pay to win pre-EULA [03:09:13] johnkeiwo: @Taradil666, congrats !! [03:09:13] AvaerusEx: Oh money was on the line. Now I understand why people took it so serious. [03:09:17] JustChickenwing: TBD [03:09:20] tallorangeone: so actual money was the reward foe effective raiding? [03:09:22] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [03:09:23] Math354e: Your watch is broken [03:09:23] nikama6: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [03:09:23] ArminGux: Pride outfit for june [03:09:24] tgdmshow: KEKW [03:09:28] stephylmao: KEKW [03:09:29] Luucy_333: KEKW [03:09:29] keller4589: KEKW [03:09:30] viljosayshi: And then EULA messed up our revenue for a couple of months whilst we tried to figure out what was good and what would get us in Mojang's radar [03:09:30] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:09:32] CJKDB: How about never. Does never work for you? [03:09:32] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [03:09:33] Fuzzyee: It's kinda simple, has to do with exposure and how TNT effect other entities. [03:09:34] know1_0: Mau5 [03:09:35] callmegarp: TTS has been on? It was actually quiet for a while [03:09:36] darkellie_: Jokes on all of us f1nn has already been taking HRT [03:09:37] NotLouis05: pimple past hair [03:09:38] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Tries to answer question about when he starts HRT. - 2610 [03:09:42] o_slip: maybe next century Kappa [03:09:43] Amoyamoyamoya: !time [03:09:43] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:17 [03:09:44] consimiamo: no time for HRT just minecraft [03:09:44] Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime [03:09:44] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 9m 55s [03:09:48] MajesticFvckingEagle: June? PridePaint PrideWorld [03:09:51] Skullph7: Nerd [03:09:52] Helen_Croft: !hrt [03:09:52] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss. It's not HRT and at the dose F1nn's taking it is hair loss prevention. Although he is currently debating on taking other forms of HRT, do not debate it in chat. Your input is neither asked for or needed! [03:10:04] NotLouis05: i just like shooting myself into the sky with tnt [03:10:07] ArminGux: Wasn't there a gun mode [03:10:08] Amoyamoyamoya: English only in Chat please. [03:10:14] Fuzzyee: Before jars deleted entities above 255 [03:10:16] dayanaevalizee: why [03:10:20] Loki_s_Daughter: @CoolkillerMC thank you for the gifted sub!!! [03:10:24] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh...this was something interesting. [03:10:34] Taradil666: @johnkeiwo Thank you, love f1nnCowjam [03:10:36] Amoyamoyamoya: @CJKDB, Bruh [03:10:47] bearlier: You're so knowledgeable, have you considered making videos about minecraft [03:10:49] o_slip: wtf is up with some of chat today [03:10:51] Fuzzyee: At times he knows what he's taking about [03:10:54] johnkeiwo: @r1ghttwix, i don't care, get out :) [03:11:00] im_jess_: Chat go cray [03:11:04] LittleChaSiu: I love the word 'lob' [03:11:04] CJKDB: Yeah yeah I know @Amoyamoyamoya [03:11:04] tallorangeone: so wait - could players move above y=255? (again, mc noob here) [03:11:06] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: @o_slip ikr??? [03:11:10] NotLouis05: @johnkeiwo took the words out my mouth [03:11:15] viryl_lucas: what's happening with chat [03:11:15] Loelinverse: @littlechasiu same. [03:11:16] floofyfurlogdog: @r1ghttwix fix urself jeez [03:11:18] CJKDB: I'll be a good boy. I'll try. [03:11:20] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER now you look like boy mode wit the MC talk [03:11:20] Amoyamoyamoya: At least some of Chat is still able to type... [03:11:22] pansnake_: How the eff do people figure this shit out?! [03:11:23] wiltedohio: @LittleChaSiu Gotta agree with you here. Is has a good sound to it [03:11:23] ArminGux: That's a lot of engineering for a game [03:11:23] StrawberryCheescake25: I'm down bad for a mod🥵 [03:11:26] Amoyamoyamoya: Coom? [03:11:27] Cryo001: I remember getting into minecraft even before survival mode [03:11:33] johnkeiwo: @NotLouis05, my rule is : support all my lgbt homies or imma identify as a problem [03:11:39] Fuzzyee: Just midair lol, sugarcane exposure to make it shoot at 255.0 [03:11:40] wiltedohio: @StrawberryCheescake25, which ooone ;-) [03:11:40] tgdmshow: Holy shit [03:11:41] braddle172: Wut [03:11:45] ArminGux: @amoyamoyamoya why, what happened? [03:11:52] kbmedia_: hey cuties [03:11:55] CJKDB: Wait, that's actually kinda cool. [03:11:55] pansnake_: Multi-bug drifting [03:11:57] nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:12:00] o_slip: @johnkeiwo b0otstJump based admin b0otstJump [03:12:01] tonydabull: fuckin 10head [03:12:03] StrawberryCheescake25: @wiltedohio not exposing myself I'll whisper it to you [03:12:03] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER now you look like boy mode wit the MC talk [03:12:04] johnkeiwo: 5Head [03:12:05] i_am_broke4_life: pretty e-girl is talking about tnt cannons [03:12:07] Fuzzyee: The TNT hammers the sand down at the end of a gametick of travel [03:12:07] NotLouis05: one problem with that tnt and the whole thing is gone lmao [03:12:08] viryl_lucas: someone made something like that in modern minecraft [03:12:11] callmegarp: This is...actually very cool [03:12:17] wiltedohio: @StrawberryCheescake25 Sorry I'm this kind of annoying friend KEKW [03:12:21] Loelinverse: this is sick ngl [03:12:27] StrawberryCheescake25: @wiltedohio I love it ❤️❤️ [03:12:31] ArminGux: Ballistic missile basically [03:12:32] Loelinverse: this is some game breaking mech. [03:12:33] monkncheese: @viryl_lucas that shit goes *anywhere* on the map, if we thjinking of the same one [03:12:35] gartoks: Wouldn't someone notice the cannon like 50 blocks away though? [03:12:37] lordgtafbi: bonus round [03:12:41] Amoyamoyamoya: @ArminGux, Chat enraptured by MC content; also Chat are degen [03:12:41] johnkeiwo: why am I weirdly captivated by this ? I don't even play MC [03:12:44] funtime2foxy1987: queenmandaWave wildfl4Hii F1nn [03:12:54] RubyChu: remember seeing a cannon that could shoot like this across 5k blocks [03:12:56] voiceofthevoid999: That's cool as shit bruh [03:12:56] imNotSubbed: @johnkeiwo, it's the magic of MC [03:12:56] viryl_lucas: @monkncheese yeah the orbital one [03:13:00] JuinY0: YEAH [03:13:01] viryl_lucas: Yes [03:13:01] Anelm8799: just got so good sleep an ima go watch some battle pass xp gameplay (: [03:13:02] andimax11: Yeah [03:13:04] general_of_cm: oh cool, i have no idea how this gamemode flue over my head when i played minecraft [03:13:05] johnkeiwo: inconHi Hello worrunHi @moderatemick [03:13:05] ArminGux: @amoyamoyamoya understandable ty [03:13:05] JustChickenwing: Finn lore?? [03:13:08] Taradil666: Love the minecraft cannons info dump [03:13:08] nothitch: #bringbackfactions lmao [03:13:11] ArminGux: The one with gf [03:13:11] Anelm8799: than eat mc [03:13:14] Fuzzyee: I kinda wanna get Pint in here [03:13:17] Fuzzyee: Would be funny [03:13:17] JustChickenwing: Unmute [03:13:20] johnkeiwo: Hey @moderatemick welcome to the stream, be nice :) [03:13:22] nikama6: Adult were listen to you talking about red stone like a junkie [03:13:25] Factioniwillafk: bring back factions [03:13:29] NotLouis05: that redstone looks wacky lmao [03:13:31] viryl_lucas: noice [03:13:31] Cryo001: wow you're so cool [03:13:32] pansnake_: *gets headhunted by Lockheed Martin for MC weapons designs* [03:13:32] consimiamo: kekw [03:13:37] deathrose111: nice [03:13:39] Luucy_333: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [03:13:40] YeomanJensen: does MC still lack sympathetic explosion? [03:13:40] Chri55PBacon: dayum [03:13:41] TravelingEmpath: Finn is so hot when he tech talks [03:13:41] onestupidpizza: Minecraft big brain [03:13:42] voiceofthevoid999: Fucking Walter White in this bitch [03:13:42] lordgtafbi: femboy artillery mechanics [03:13:42] callmegarp: Smort Gurl f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [03:13:44] IrishmanSteve: this is up there with Einstein [03:13:44] ArminGux: Why haven't u done something useful with brain [03:13:45] stephylmao: pog [03:13:46] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Insane [03:13:46] muddymudkip15: f1nnHeadpat [03:13:47] SaeculumXV: Have u seen the orbital cannon? [03:13:47] andimax11: From programming logic to fem boy. The pipeline is real [03:13:51] JustChickenwing: Let the bodies hit the floor for sure [03:13:55] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows his December 2014 video of a canon design of his. - 2590 [03:13:58] Grunzythepotato_TV: make a new one peepoClap [03:13:59] Amoyamoyamoya: X [03:13:59] Kayver_: Mincraft artillery XD [03:13:59] Nunuyz: Wait you played Minecraft? [03:14:00] Amoyamoyamoya: X [03:14:02] Amoyamoyamoya: X [03:14:03] viryl_lucas: watch the orbital cannon by cubicmetre [03:14:03] Nagylaci1337: Finn stahp being cool [03:14:04] tallorangeone: were you into phyisics in school? [03:14:05] consimiamo: X [03:14:07] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Does it still work nowadays? [03:14:08] Ramaj_A: Who let this kid on here to talk about minecraft? what happened to the sussy young lady we were watching? [03:14:08] RubyChu: what was your minecraft name back then? and which server did you play on? [03:14:09] Macash: the orbital cannon is an interesting video tho [03:14:10] Cpt_Cormack: Hi from France !!! Love y 🤗 [03:14:12] sealsummoner: @Nunuyz he has a mc channel [03:14:13] amouro_: rcdLate [03:14:17] pianoismyforte_: Honestly talking about your passions is so attractive! [03:14:17] vanimal2118: Rose Passions are contagious! [03:14:17] nikama6: VoHiYo canon engeneer [03:14:18] voiceofthevoid999: Bro we need more Minecraft videos I didn't know you were so redstone savy gawddam [03:14:19] NotLouis05: being smart makes people so much more attractive [03:14:20] Cryo001: i'm so old i remember when minecraft was a browser game [03:14:20] c__r__j: @tallorangeone Naah. You have to be clever for that. [03:14:20] ArminGux: Why not do legit engineering [03:14:20] tonydabull: i barley knew how to make automatic doors w pistons [03:14:25] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Hmmm [03:14:29] mcmaster2000: Doesn't apply, but all this talk reminds me of that Hitman level, where speedrrunners throw a bomb halfway across the map [03:14:34] Fuzzyee: 5si, ruet, kingcubic, etc [03:14:37] pansnake_: Pretty endearing how passionate you get about MC lad, ngl [03:14:38] tallorangeone: @c__r__j lmao fair [03:14:39] Nunuyz: @sealsummoner no he’s a fembology student [03:14:45] Factioniwillafk: factions gameplay when? [03:14:47] Fuzzyee: Dragonairbender [03:14:47] stingemorewhite: Are you STILL talking about minecraft [03:14:52] Anelm8799: 🫢🫵🏼 [03:14:53] Factioniwillafk: I created the first afk pool [03:14:53] ericcartmannnnnnnnnnnn: are you a girl or boy [03:14:54] nothitch: @F1NN5TER what about your arrow cannon? [03:14:59] ChasingSol: @ericcartmannnnnnnnnnnn he's a guy [03:15:01] Factioniwillafk: arrow cannon LMAO [03:15:08] o_slip: f1nn i think youd like a game called space engineeres [03:15:10] ArminGux: Feeding tnt with water so it don't explode [03:15:12] YeomanJensen: the first one to publish deserves credit [03:15:15] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: F1nn has a big sword… on his wall obviously [03:15:18] nothitch: you spent like a week on it [03:15:21] Factioniwillafk: @nothitch when we playing factions again [03:15:26] seibaby: it's pushing TNT into half-loaded chunks for storage, then loading it all at once for a big kaboom [03:15:28] MnemonicOverload: F1nn should play Dwarf Fortress [03:15:31] xxtoxic158: Hi [03:15:32] Factioniwillafk: BORING?? [03:15:32] raccoonsloot: i showed you to my bi friend yesterday, they felt really confused [03:15:34] leothatemo: Is rose ever gonna go blond? [03:15:36] Fuzzyee: Have you heard of hammerless cannons? [03:15:40] ArminGux: Factions? [03:15:41] Stovamor: @leothatemo, no [03:15:43] johnkeiwo: oof [03:15:45] gloomy_ara: aw thats sad [03:15:48] GutsoftheEclipse: Do you still play MC? [03:15:50] imNotSubbed: That's the way it goes :( [03:15:53] nikama6: Making me wanna acting up on your MC vids [03:15:54] andimax11: @leothatemo Probably not, he seems really against any sort of dying of hair [03:15:55] tallorangeone: honestly, not boring - you're explaining this stuff really well [03:16:02] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: @raccoonsloot beautiful [03:16:06] thefatewinxsaga: i never played minecraft [03:16:09] Nenkos: No, please keep infodumping! Its very comforting :) [03:16:10] callmegarp: Finn is 23 and has already lived several different lives [03:16:13] Fuzzyee: That's not what hammerless is these days [03:16:14] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: SSSsss [03:16:16] viljosayshi: anyone else really enjoy f1nn special interest time [03:16:23] Factioniwillafk: f1n how much you spend on mc g [03:16:24] nothitch: this was your peak, everything has been downhill since [03:16:28] Factioniwillafk: facts [03:16:28] NotLouis05: should put redstone tutorials on the battle pass [03:16:30] HardyOrange: It's really cool to hear you talk about it [03:16:31] Fuzzyee: You put the hammer in the power and triple pulse the powers and separate the 2 powers and the hammer [03:16:31] GutsoftheEclipse: @viljosayshi yes totally! [03:16:31] ichthyosa: Grab the sword plz [03:16:32] tallorangeone: @viljosayshi legit [03:16:33] voiceofthevoid999: I fuck with it, more Minecraft vids plz [03:16:33] nikama6: Teen block coomer [03:16:35] jamesahyoung: you say it’s boring but… y’alls lit up [03:16:38] ArminGux: Why not do real enegenering [03:16:39] andimax11: I always find it interesting when people talk about their interests/passions [03:16:41] almightykoala76: Hi [03:16:43] Helen_Croft: did you play modded minecraft ? [03:16:43] jamesahyoung: so, it’s nice lol [03:16:47] sherlock_norris: That seems like a different game than the minecraft i played back in 1.0 [03:16:50] Factioniwillafk: Its funny how I've met both F1NN and Hitch from mc [03:16:51] Factioniwillafk: fun times [03:16:52] viryl_lucas: noice [03:16:52] monsieurlespectateur: Why is there a starved out christmas tree? [03:16:52] fancymanwho: That explains a lot actually [03:16:55] destiny3457: I hate to be the one to tell you but you are a nerd [03:16:58] youveyeedyourlasthaw99: @viljosayshi this is great [03:17:00] JUBU_0: stop playing Kids games. play serious sam, be serious [03:17:00] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP This (MC) was his adolescence. Played Factions from about 10-11. - 2510 [03:17:02] ChasingSol: @destiny3457 English only please [03:17:02] KIRBOTHEOVERLORD: Literally watching the stream with no volume on lol [03:17:03] mcmaster2000: Is Minecraft that old already? [03:17:03] KoriYuhBoi: Can we do minecraft 😔 [03:17:05] amouro_: @destiny3457 why are you typing in Japanese [03:17:08] YeomanJensen: unintentional ASMR izidGASM [03:17:11] isthisrp: Im literally playing modded rn [03:17:12] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:17:14] know1_0: anitaLUL [03:17:14] johnkeiwo: KEKW [03:17:15] RubyChu: are we the same age finn? I thought you'd be older [03:17:15] stephylmao: KEKW [03:17:16] nikama6: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [03:17:16] seibaby: factions is modded :P [03:17:16] Stovamor: if only a certain mod ran a modded minecraft server @F1NN5TER [03:17:16] andimax11: Redstone logic = programming = femboy pipeline [03:17:17] Cryo001: i remember when there was no lighting and skeletons fired arrows out of their hands [03:17:18] bingchilling1921: KEKW [03:17:20] gloomy_ara: KEKW [03:17:22] aggravatedconditions: Girl autism [03:17:22] ar1st1pp0s: the transness [03:17:22] nothitch: the man coulda learnt anything else, but he learnt redstone [03:17:23] Kolateak_: KEKW [03:17:24] arquiJ: the pipeline [03:17:24] pansnake_: The only time I played MC was on a friend's realm and I got kicked out for trying to Collectivise the wheat farms like Stalin [03:17:25] Neirdher: Why are you cross-dressing? [03:17:25] gloomy_ara: everything [03:17:27] scatteredleaves: LUL [03:17:27] tgdmshow: Hmmm [03:17:27] GigaChad69e: femboy [03:17:28] Amoyamoyamoya: Rose Evergreen SMP when? [03:17:28] blueskydrinking: I have no idea what you're talking about but watching someone geek out about something they love is always endearing [03:17:29] lordgtafbi: did you ever play other block based building games? Like from the depths, space engineers, roblox, medieval engineers etc.? [03:17:29] Taradil666: I got properly into programming because of minecraft and redstone [03:17:29] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Duuuude, did you ever play Red Alert or were you too young? [03:17:29] bearpaw1970: Lmao [03:17:30] mcmaster2000: Explains why you're made out of blocks [03:17:31] Amoyamoyamoya: @Neirdher, Why not? [03:17:31] ArminGux: Spending time on useless stuff instead of useful stuff [03:17:32] NotLouis05: trueeee [03:17:33] Chri55PBacon: femboy pipeline [03:17:35] fancymanwho: You're a nerd [03:17:35] Loelinverse: the path of the programmer [03:17:37] LittleChaSiu: they're not wrong [03:17:37] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Lmaooo [03:17:37] nikama6: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:17:37] wiltedohio: Maybe it explains a bit about why you're this... peculiar [03:17:39] viryl_lucas: HAHHAHHA [03:17:39] JustChickenwing: The IT - thigh highs pipeline is real [03:17:41] TommyTheAlien_p_q_: It means you know how to turn things on [03:17:44] booberies1: TRUth [03:17:44] nikama6: Its TRUE [03:17:46] voiceofthevoid999: Literally what LUL [03:17:47] bearpaw1970: Well gotcha there [03:17:48] Kayver_: XD [03:17:48] consimiamo: kekw [03:17:51] ArminGux: True [03:17:52] bearpaw1970: 🤣 [03:17:54] Centipede_7: and-or gate? [03:17:55] Factioniwillafk: ay I learned how to get away from hitting cane for hour on end i just made gsets :pray: [03:17:56] DualityUK: mad cause its true [03:17:56] YeomanJensen: NAND gate supremacy [03:17:57] boringdepressedintrovert: minecraft makes femboys [03:17:58] tgdmshow: KEKW [03:17:59] Neirdher: @Amoyamoyamoya Because it's appropriation. [03:17:59] viljosayshi: he's not wrong [03:18:00] c__r__j: I know that an "AND OR" gate isn't a thing. Does that count? [03:18:00] xmoonphasex: agreed [03:18:00] sealsummoner: most femboys start with minecraft [03:18:00] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:18:01] Super_Awesome_: I used to make computers in minecraft [03:18:03] viljosayshi: I want to put on a skirt rn [03:18:04] Zettrex: sadge im alone i guess [03:18:04] Cryo001: not me i'm built different [03:18:04] Helen_Croft: AND OR gates is my day job [03:18:06] seibaby: you spent all the brainpower in your youth and burned out and now you make living being cute on the internet [03:18:08] GigaChad69e: femcraft [03:18:09] Fuzzyee: Cannoning was how it started for me as well [03:18:11] mcmaster2000: You should play Hydroneer! [03:18:12] halamoucu: XOR gate rise up [03:18:14] anjerious: It explains why you're semitechnical, you understand somewhat complex tech, but refuse to learn advanced shit [03:18:14] knxggles: its true getting my cs degree made me trans [03:18:15] lordgtafbi: you can make anything with a NAND gate [03:18:18] funtime2foxy1987: show nails [03:18:20] Nenkos: Alan Turing was the first [03:18:20] ArminGux: Red stone makeup tutorial [03:18:22] jamesahyoung: Andor is a great show, u rite [03:18:24] TravelingEmpath: NAND empire will rule the world [03:18:28] Helen_Croft: FPGA gates for the win [03:18:29] Factioniwillafk: chat dont know the A team (special team) fr [03:18:30] fancymanwho: Ofc you did [03:18:33] idkilikebanana2: I’m back [03:18:33] leothatemo: @cryo001 Right you just watch the femboys [03:18:36] packagum: KEKW [03:18:38] hoxyyyy7u7: @Nenkos Alan Shearer was even earlier [03:18:43] viryl_lucas: I spent all my childhood energy adapting to society [03:18:43] Zettrex: I only know XOR gates Kappa [03:18:47] Jens_LN: They look good [03:18:48] NotLouis05: you should do minecraft inspired makeup lol [03:18:50] hopalongtommy: F1nn triggered his gender Both gate [03:18:51] consimiamo: pretty nails [03:18:51] ArminGux: Pink blue and white nails [03:18:51] Cryo001: @leothatemo just f1nn really [03:18:56] Kolateak_: I got absolutely no idea how logic gates work, they confused the hell out of me in LBP [03:18:56] o_slip: logic gates are the gateway to hrt [03:18:57] antantinous: trans colours [03:18:57] a1fr3do_: so perweety [03:19:01] halamoucu: XOR gate supremacy [03:19:10] Kolateak_: You're the white [03:19:13] consimiamo: YOU ARE THE WHITE! [03:19:14] ar1st1pp0s: everyone knows grindr is where you go to hire programers [03:19:15] antantinous: white jumper [03:19:16] booberies1: we can do whatever we want [03:19:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: You're the white tho [03:19:16] leothatemo: @cryo001 Fair enough [03:19:16] johnkeiwo: you are white [03:19:18] JustChickenwing: Nah they do [03:19:22] fancymanwho: Belle Delphine [03:19:26] DeanTheSpartan: the coom is the white [03:19:26] ChasingSol: @monkey_8008s be nice [03:19:29] trueyanni: Pastel pink and blue [03:19:30] mootie1: f1nnGremlin [03:19:30] NotLouis05: i mean you could... [03:19:31] booberies1: pasty boy [03:19:32] callmegarp: White jumper with the correct shade of blue yet again [03:19:33] johnkeiwo: sucks to suck KEKW [03:19:33] ArminGux: U so fruity u born 1/3 trans [03:19:34] keller4589: The coom [03:19:34] Cryo001: reverse michael jackson [03:19:34] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: "The rest of us" [03:19:34] c__r__j: @halamoucu NAND gate. You can make all the others out of NAND. [03:19:36] blueskydrinking: @consimiamo he is shockingly caucasian [03:19:37] JustChickenwing: That hue of blue and that hue of pink [03:19:37] tallorangeone: brb going to patent the colours [03:19:41] consimiamo: you are the sticky white substance holding the pinks and blues together [03:19:42] DeanTheSpartan: the "lotion" [03:19:49] slacker_24_: go touch grass you might be as white [03:19:53] rsm_100r: LOL [03:19:55] booberies1: F1nn = trans [03:19:56] AvaerusEx: All manly men love pink and blue. [03:19:58] Zettrex: KEKW [03:19:59] floofyfurlogdog: f1nnChair [03:20:00] tgdmshow: White jumper with blue and a pink face KEKW [03:20:05] leothatemo: The Easter bunny is a trans icon [03:20:05] ArminGux: White blue pink is Ur colour scheme [03:20:05] GutsoftheEclipse: @bopclary1233444 no he isnt [03:20:06] xmoonphasex: white clothing is for softer people while black clothing is for darker people [03:20:06] johnkeiwo: Trans colors just go well everywhere [03:20:08] viryl_lucas: lmao [03:20:09] TravelingEmpath: stripStare [03:20:09] booberies1: how long have you been on hrt [03:20:16] nothitch: well, that's snapchat ruined for the next week [03:20:17] keller4589: Correctttt [03:20:17] ArminGux: Chris gonna get mad [03:20:18] Zettrex: LUL [03:20:19] Helen_Croft: Alfred? @fv [03:20:19] johnkeiwo: snapchat going crazy KEKW [03:20:22] Helen_Croft: Alfred? @F1NN5TER [03:20:23] consimiamo: yes [03:20:23] Cryo001: i mean it already happened [03:20:23] antantinous: it's just pastel... ;) [03:20:24] stephylmao: LUL [03:20:25] imNotSubbed: bf? you mean gj [03:20:25] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: @johnkeiwo yes they doooo💕 [03:20:26] NotLouis05: what about pastel pink and blue can trans have those? [03:20:27] Nova_Prime_69: clipped [03:20:27] fancymanwho: Yeah there is one [03:20:27] seibaby: hmm soo CS degree = full trans, and f1nn is just dabbling in computer stuff and he's a femboy...hmmm [03:20:28] callmegarp: Trans Finn unlocked [03:20:28] AvaerusEx: Ride the gossip clout. [03:20:29] booberies1: im proud of you [03:20:29] Zettrex: 27 years right? [03:20:29] mootie1: Haha2020 [03:20:29] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:20:33] Stovamor: !gender [03:20:33] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. [03:20:35] nikama6: LUL f1nnGremlin [03:20:38] fluffygirl_17: KEKW [03:20:39] GutsoftheEclipse: KEKW [03:20:40] YeomanJensen: the title says media share hours, please clarify [03:20:40] ChasingSol: usually we have to pay for you to vibe femme, wtf [03:20:40] johnkeiwo: according to 4chan u were afab [03:20:42] loograt: He's more HRT than man [03:20:42] SalemSacrifices: "Chris the Meme god dates twitch streamer F1nn5ter" [03:20:42] Zettrex: like 5 years before born right? [03:20:45] yunoily_: you got a deep as voice bro [03:20:46] johnkeiwo: and then been on T [03:20:46] andimax11: F1nn, the misinformation king [03:20:46] Cryo001: it's just the testostereone [03:20:46] c__r__j: Wait, who thinks F1nn is a guy? [03:20:47] ArminGux: I look like dude [03:20:47] booberies1: kekw [03:20:48] Kolateak_: FtM f1nn [03:20:48] pansnake_: He's doing the ol' switcharoo [03:20:48] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn answers question about how long he's been on HRT. - 2490 [03:20:50] BeccaTw: beccat3Kekw beccat3Kekw beccat3Kekw [03:20:52] SomeStoner69: Finally you're leaning into it. He's learning [03:20:53] slacker_24_: pardon [03:20:58] antantinous: jk jk luv u rose ;) [03:20:58] GutsoftheEclipse: @chasingsol lol right? Lucky us [03:20:59] imNotSubbed: It was ME! WOMAN all along! [03:21:01] arquiJ: X [03:21:04] slacker_24_: rose [03:21:05] mootie1: f1nnGremlin TheIlluminati [03:21:06] booberies1: good girl [03:21:09] ArminGux: Tea or T [03:21:10] NotLouis05: you dropped viewers when you stopped talking about redstone [03:21:11] leothatemo: It’s because your British [03:21:14] onestupidpizza: More like waifu femboy lol [03:21:16] Loelinverse: lmao [03:21:17] johnkeiwo: a brit on T ? Classic [03:21:17] Cryo001: isn't t supposed to give you muscles? [03:21:20] consimiamo: kekw [03:21:21] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [03:21:22] Srcsqwrn: Finn, do you have an inner monologue? When you read, is there a voice in your head that reads along? [03:21:24] sunnyd_1: you're so cool and masc and totally good at minecraft. KEKW thanks for the streams [03:21:26] nikama6: LUL LUL [03:21:29] callmegarp: Finn secretly transmasc. The greatest con man in history [03:21:37] nnnnekochan: hiiii Fin <3 [03:21:37] Nunuyz: Finn if you’re a British why do you sound Australian [03:21:39] fancymanwho: Are you faking a guy voice [03:21:43] Zettrex: KEKW [03:21:52] JaneIsGaming: Yesterday was my 3 years of HRT. Thanks for sharing some of your E with me! [03:21:52] c__r__j: @Srcsqwrn Rose doesn't have an inner monologue; she has an inner sloot. [03:21:56] ChasingSol: @fancymanwho no, he's a guy [03:21:56] nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:21:57] viryl_lucas: very clasaic cannon [03:21:59] ArminGux: Imagine playing Minecraft competitively [03:22:05] Amoyamoyamoya: @Nunuyz, He doesn't sound Aussie. [03:22:07] onestupidpizza: LionOfYara LionOfYara LionOfYara LionOfYara LionOfYara LionOfYara LionOfYara LionOfYara [03:22:09] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: @janeisgaming 🥰🥰🥰 [03:22:09] bearpaw1970: Everyone knows 🌹 Rose is absorbing T from chats members through osmosis [03:22:10] YeomanJensen: @callmegarp he keeps getting away with it [03:22:11] TravelingEmpath: At that time, i was into Sevadus doing crazy big builds in moded and vanilla [03:22:13] ArminGux: Do u still do Minecraft [03:22:17] a1fr3do_: @fancymanwho rugby incident broke her vocal chords [03:22:18] voiceofthevoid999: Holy fuck. Bloody nukes people inventing [03:22:22] NotLouis05: whats the actual use for these thought? or is it just for fun?? [03:22:23] seibaby: cubicmetre is all right if you play him at 1.5x speed :p [03:22:24] Srcsqwrn: @Srcsqwrn Sounds about right [03:22:25] antantinous: wowwww [03:22:29] Factioniwillafk: I remember seeing this video [03:22:30] SnabbKassa: silent movie captions [03:22:32] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:22:32] Factioniwillafk: goofy [03:22:34] johnkeiwo: down memory lane Poggies [03:22:35] GutsoftheEclipse: Woah deep lore [03:22:38] callmegarp: Minecraft is so much more vicious than I realized [03:22:39] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows us his first video on the F1nn5ter MC channel. - 2500 [03:22:52] ArminGux: Do u still upload MC [03:22:53] destiny3457: Are you a 304 [03:22:59] sunnyd_1: sunnyd_1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! trip down memory lane pog [03:22:59] f3mmbot: sunnyd_1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:23:01] deadender420: femboys >>>>>>>> [03:23:06] jisamsoe: wtf [03:23:07] tallorangeone: finn about to publish his first academic paper about minecraft physics [03:23:08] silvermaize: Stumbled in here and loving it! [03:23:09] tomatovibrato: hello my favorite boy [03:23:10] Macash: technical minecraft is very fun! [03:23:10] jisamsoe: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [03:23:12] Zettrex: factions was toxic as shit, but man was it fun [03:23:13] nothitch: It started to heal once factions died, then hypixel edaters/roxbot happened. [03:23:14] Factioniwillafk: bro its nice! then you get into the discord calls at 2am raiding nUg [03:23:16] o_slip: its like runescape pvp [03:23:17] callmegarp: Sounds like EVE online lmao [03:23:18] imNotSubbed: MC is srs bznis' [03:23:19] SalemSacrifices: Clanning and stuff was toxic af [03:23:20] Avasion: HCF streamers monkaS [03:23:21] ChasingSol: !bp @destiny3457 [03:23:21] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [03:23:22] andimax11: So what IS factions? I'm kinda lost [03:23:23] voiceofthevoid999: People getting swatted for Minecraft is unreal [03:23:25] fancymanwho: Whats the worst accent in uk [03:23:25] RubieRaiderYT: hydrate or diedrate finn [03:23:30] onestupidpizza: Ahh were has the good days gone [03:23:30] RubyChu: all my memories are minecraft too lol [03:23:32] SnabbKassa: watching you react to your 2020 streams would be fun [03:23:33] NotLouis05: i have that from your minecraft server during covid [03:23:34] o_slip: @fancymanwho cockney [03:23:34] voiceofthevoid999: Same lol [03:23:37] ArminGux: I impressed a kid by telling him I played MC before he was born [03:23:40] pastelpunk04: @callmegarp i fucking love EVE [03:23:45] L1ttle_kk: Mommy I have joined [03:23:48] Factioniwillafk: WOW [03:23:49] imNotSubbed: no ragrets KEKW [03:23:49] Factioniwillafk: okay [03:23:51] Zettrex: same with eve online, hooooly there is so much shady stuff there still [03:23:51] gloomy_ara: LOL [03:23:52] nothitch: excuse you? [03:23:54] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Time for a refill on the water Finn [03:24:00] Cryo001: i played mc before it was cool [03:24:00] el_friede: @fancymanwho no, it's scouse [03:24:01] mootie1: ⛏️ f1nnGremlin [03:24:01] Factioniwillafk: Excuse you f1nn? [03:24:07] Factioniwillafk: what about hitch and I [03:24:08] lethaldissonance: spent a decade playing EVE Online [03:24:09] Factioniwillafk: wtf [03:24:09] SDAS_Reaper: Cheer100 looking breedable king. [03:24:10] johnkeiwo: finn u keep showing the gamersupps cup BTW [03:24:11] tomb932: GRANDPA F1N Talking about the good old days [03:24:12] L1ttle_kk: :D [03:24:14] NotLouis05: aww man [03:24:15] LittleChaSiu: aw man [03:24:18] bmc118: My only serious nerd credit is that i bought MC directly from notch [03:24:24] SnabbKassa: @fancymanwho Essex [03:24:36] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Tells a MC kids story. - 2560 [03:24:41] ArminGux: Cute [03:24:49] MiroslavGlavic: does your chair have bunny ears? [03:24:54] Lady_Felicity: when you say old MC, is this pre or post 1.8 when they added glass panes? [03:24:56] raccoonsloot: a kid once told me coal is better than diamonds [03:25:02] DatBoiTipsy: When are you doing a room tour [03:25:05] SnabbKassa: small children used to work in mines [03:25:09] KarrieLSparvier: Rose played MC before that kid was born.... he was only 6!!!! [03:25:15] SalemSacrifices: 1.8 isn't old [03:25:15] ArminGux: Omg heheh [03:25:15] SalvoBrick: OMEGALUL [03:25:16] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:25:18] braddle172: KEKW [03:25:18] stephylmao: KEKW [03:25:20] JaneIsGaming: I think its kinda beautiful how a whole new generation of kids are growing up with a whole new generation of minecraft youtubers [03:25:21] ArminGux: U got recognised [03:25:21] andimax11: Hahaha, F1nn's first taste of fame [03:25:22] tallorangeone: one of my favourite stream series' of yours was back when epicsmp started and you built that insane machine underground - can't remember what it was for, but I remember being super impressed [03:25:22] tgdmshow: KEKW [03:25:25] fluffygirl_17: KEKW [03:25:25] FoxUndead: rip little kid got crushed [03:25:27] nikama6: f1nnLaff [03:25:29] Kayver_: POGGERS [03:25:29] ArminGux: Hehehe I can't [03:25:32] YeomanJensen: old MC is when Zombies dropped feathers [03:25:33] bingchilling1921: KEKW [03:25:33] shelbyvcobra: minecraft alpha gang rise up [03:25:33] muddymudkip15: Lol [03:25:33] viryl_lucas: ○_○ [03:25:35] FoxUndead: poor kid [03:25:38] medical_size9000: Lol [03:25:40] KarrieLSparvier: He was only 6!!! [03:25:41] Factioniwillafk: bro what [03:25:43] ArminGux: Noone gonna believe the kid in school [03:25:44] Amoyamoyamoya: Tony Hawk Moment. [03:25:46] keller4589: KEKW [03:25:48] J3is: I started on 1.2.5 [03:25:48] mootie1: f1nnGremlin 👍 [03:25:49] viryl_lucas: 1.3.2 [03:25:52] AeronwenWitch: I used to be a staff member on Hypixel, lmao.... [03:25:52] Zettrex: I remember alpha canons peepoHappy [03:25:52] PynkFryck: Its been a while... [03:25:53] TravelingEmpath: I was playing durring early alpha in like 2010 [03:25:55] xmoonphasex: 1.2 earliest [03:25:58] Avasion: i remember back to 1.7.9 [03:25:59] Lady_Felicity: @SalemSacrifices this is 1.8 when glass panes were added, and the pullback bow mechanics were brought in [03:26:00] NotLouis05: villager update was big for me [03:26:00] SalemSacrifices: 1.6.10 was amazing [03:26:00] Kolateak_: If you remember the old messy creative menu you remember pre 1.3 [03:26:01] RubyChu: I started a week after it left alpha [03:26:03] ArminGux: 1.8 was mad [03:26:05] JaneIsGaming: Mentally im still in 1.7.10 Galacticraft [03:26:06] Super_Awesome_: I started playing minecraft in 2010 [03:26:07] Zettrex: hoooly ur zoomn [03:26:08] keller4589: It’s wild asf how old that game is [03:26:12] YeomanJensen: newbie [03:26:12] jomo17: I miss the days when id build the maddest structures with redstone and became the builder of my group [03:26:12] andimax11: I was there on Xbox Minecraft when the Ghasts gave you heart-attack level jump scares because their audio was so loud [03:26:14] GutsoftheEclipse: did you ever play on Woodycraft? Cant remember if you said on PKA [03:26:15] imNotSubbed: I remember when there was no survival and it was just creative @F1NN5TER [03:26:15] Lady_Felicity: I was in before 1.8 [03:26:16] o_slip: i played before leaf decay [03:26:17] viljosayshi: fuck 1.9 [03:26:17] sherlock_norris: The earliest i remember was watching my friend play beta 1.8 [03:26:17] painfulpan: I quit on 1.6.4 because they added horses and I hated them [03:26:18] halamoucu: I think I started either 1.3 or 1.4 [03:26:18] ClaraRenway: It was around 1.7 for me [03:26:18] thedigitalpixel: I started release 1.0 baby [03:26:19] HotAutism: I started when their was no door ¬¬ [03:26:20] viljosayshi: I hate 1.9 PVP lmao [03:26:20] keller4589: When enchants got added I freaked tf out [03:26:20] Macash: oh yeah 1.9... [03:26:21] Cryo001: I started when it was a browser game before survival [03:26:21] Zettrex: beta 1.0.7 Maaan [03:26:21] Z1nma: I started just before villagers were added [03:26:22] SnabbKassa: I think Douglas Coupland invented minecraft in his MIcroserfs novel [03:26:22] RubyChu: fuck 1.9 [03:26:24] Jennyfish_: I remember playing before beds were a thing [03:26:26] gartoks: I think I started in Alpha [03:26:27] SalemSacrifices: Swing delay [03:26:27] JustJeff2355: 1.8.9 best version [03:26:29] Fuzzyee: Rip combat... [03:26:29] gloomy_ara: my first momory was from the ocean update [03:26:30] Pillooow: What happened in 1.9? [03:26:30] nikama6: LUL LUL [03:26:31] nothitch: Everyone hated 1.9 for pvp [03:26:31] FoxUndead: haha [03:26:33] andimax11: That's amazing [03:26:33] KoriYuhBoi: I played when it was 1.2.5 [03:26:34] ArminGux: What the fuck happened [03:26:34] nothitch: That was all [03:26:35] callmegarp: I love when the stream is just Finn hyperfixating, it's genuinely sweet [03:26:35] Pillooow: Is this post release? [03:26:35] saaaable: i started right before they added wolves [03:26:39] Lady_Felicity: but I honestly dunno what the current version is [03:26:39] Factioniwillafk: 1.7.10 @nothitch [03:26:39] voiceofthevoid999: What happened? [03:26:40] Bytebak: Late in - 1.12 [03:26:41] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about MC 1.9. - 2530 [03:26:44] viryl_lucas: I got into it in 2012 but cracked version only because we poor [03:26:44] LittleChaSiu: Bedrock LUL [03:26:46] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about MC 1.9. - 2530 [03:26:47] nothitch: @Factioniwillafk yep [03:26:51] Factioniwillafk: best version [03:26:54] Nenkos: 1.8 was our generation's Fortnite Chapter 2 [03:26:55] ArminGux: O that kne [03:26:55] TrapCounty: HEY do you have KIDS? [03:26:56] Srcsqwrn: Sometimes I miss beta 1.7.5\ [03:26:59] Stovamor: I first played MC 2 years ago and during my play through, Warden kept spawning monsters in to fuck with me @F1NN5TER [03:26:59] andimax11: F1nn is only a dom when it comes to Minecraft Politics [03:27:01] Helen_Croft: Java better than bedrock [03:27:02] ArminGux: That was a shitshow [03:27:03] nikama6: LUL LUL [03:27:05] RubyChu: bedrock is trash lmao [03:27:06] SalemSacrifices: Java player's are cooler [03:27:09] Factioniwillafk: combo the ass out of somebody just strafing left and right [03:27:17] beatle_88: MercyWing1 GlitchCat MercyWing2 [03:27:19] halamoucu: which update added horses? [03:27:21] TheNeverShow: 1.10 i find minecrack [03:27:22] LittleChaSiu: Crowd Control pog? [03:27:28] nothitch: @F1NN5TER let me know when you wanna 1v1 again on mc for 1.7.10 [03:27:30] Zeldir_Gaming: microsoft you mean. not mojang [03:27:32] Slothachu: Did Mojang ever release a modding framework or still just blue ball the players? [03:27:33] ArminGux: Best MC was before dragon [03:27:35] thedigitalpixel: aint no way thats you [03:27:35] o_slip: bedrock is rock bottom, bdum tss [03:27:39] Factioniwillafk: @nothitch hop on mc rn we 1v1 [03:27:40] pastelpunk04: i left around 2018, then started playing around 2021, the shields and new bosses and everything confused me [03:27:41] Super_Awesome_: I remember that [03:27:43] hopalongtommy: I think I saw that vid [03:27:45] LittleChaSiu: @Slothachu it's still just Forge and Fabric doing their own thing unofficially [03:27:47] nothitch: coming [03:27:48] Helen_Croft: star trek [03:27:48] Cryo001: trek [03:27:49] callmegarp: Star Trek [03:27:50] viryl_lucas: star trek [03:27:51] Factioniwillafk: what server [03:27:52] callmegarp: Zoomers smh [03:27:52] KiriahKolrath: star trek [03:27:52] scarlettyg: Star Trek? [03:27:53] Avasion: anyone remember lolitsalex? [03:27:53] andimax11: Space Balls [03:27:53] mossbirbz: Stargate [03:27:53] viryl_lucas: bruh.. [03:27:54] Therosbr: startrek [03:27:55] bearpaw1970: Startrek [03:27:56] krowsplanet_: crubtvStare [03:27:57] SwiftEcho196: star trek next generation [03:27:57] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:28:00] imNotSubbed: Matt is that you?! [03:28:00] shelloverride: Trek wars [03:28:00] Halkun: Halkun [03:28:01] punchdrunk94: "the thing" [03:28:01] Glimmer8048: big brain time [03:28:01] alexx_net: Star Wars f1nnLaff [03:28:06] madlordjv: started like 14 tears ago [03:28:13] Slothachu: @Slothachu I remember 1.8 was supposed to have the framework so I stopped developing my mods to wait for that, then it never came lel [03:28:22] twichpug103: Hi Finn I’m new [03:28:23] scarlettyg: Star Track, it's the one where Gandolf tells Hairy to use the Force to control the Triforce [03:28:24] thedigitalpixel: I remember that video [03:28:25] Halkun: No look up halkuin [03:28:26] AvaerusEx: My into to Minecraft was a guy showing off his house and it's fireplace only to have the house catch on fire and burn down. [03:28:34] callmegarp: @Halkun This [03:28:37] TravelingEmpath: oh yeah i remember a scale accurate enterprise [03:28:38] TheNeverShow: Mr brain wash [03:28:39] seibaby: f1nn your viewers are 40 year old dudes [03:28:39] LittleChaSiu: @Slothachu actually now that I think about it they have like data packs and behavior packs or whatever the fuck but not nearly as powerful as mods [03:28:40] tylort_225: I first played minecraft when it got added to xbox [03:28:43] HotAutism: I remenber when wolves were added [03:28:44] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: My siblings are your age and they introduced me to MC, downloaded it onto my Mac soon after. Such a relaxing escape 🥰 [03:28:44] nikama6: Star Trek Enterprise is based tho [03:28:47] Halkun: Halkun [03:28:47] AvaerusEx: And this was probably the second MC video I ever saw. [03:28:52] Slothachu: @LittleChaSiu Those aren't too useful [03:28:57] krowsplanet_: @HotAutism your username is so me [03:29:03] LittleChaSiu: yeah but they're the official "modding" platform that Minecraft has [03:29:03] alex_was_taken03: Hey [03:29:07] LittleChaSiu: not great 😞 [03:29:11] ChasingSol: I remember that, it was so incredible. [03:29:12] callmegarp: 12 MIL [03:29:13] PetriZide: POGGERS [03:29:13] FoxUndead: u good? [03:29:16] ar1st1pp0s: lol pog face [03:29:16] callmegarp: YOOOOOOO [03:29:17] bearpaw1970: Yup [03:29:21] braddle172: PogU [03:29:22] mossbirbz: "Megaobjects - Minecraft Enterprise-D update!" [03:29:22] imNotSubbed: @Halkun you Matt? [03:29:22] TravelingEmpath: That's the one I know [03:29:23] jordieboi45: yoo [03:29:23] viryl_lucas: lezzgoo [03:29:24] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [03:29:25] TravelingEmpath: so good [03:29:26] HotAutism: @HotAutism Be proud ^^ [03:29:26] NotLouis05: anyone rebuild a whole rocket in pocket edition for it just to be mods [03:29:26] nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:29:26] johnkeiwo: POGGERS [03:29:26] Weetile: is that the fucking death star [03:29:26] Jens_LN: 12 years [03:29:28] stephylmao: PogU [03:29:28] unaffected95: woah [03:29:28] tgdmshow: Jooooo [03:29:28] callmegarp: @Halkun Legendddddd [03:29:29] viljosayshi: 12M views [03:29:30] mootie1: POGGERS [03:29:30] RoxyMoonshine: WTF [03:29:31] Slothachu: @LittleChaSiu tldr mojang sucks at supporting their game's main source of income. without mods mc would be dead [03:29:32] SnabbKassa: megascale engineering [03:29:32] viryl_lucas: real [03:29:37] DualityUK: god damn [03:29:37] krowsplanet_: HOLY SHIT [03:29:37] GutsoftheEclipse: is he here in chat?? [03:29:37] FullSoNy: LUL [03:29:37] fluffygirl_17: PogU [03:29:38] Srcsqwrn: Yoo, I remember that video! [03:29:38] medical_size9000: Ayooooo [03:29:38] bearpaw1970: Trek's is legendary [03:29:39] rsm_100r: small world ig LOL [03:29:39] Halkun: THAT SE!!!! [03:29:39] RoxyMoonshine: I’ve seen that video! [03:29:41] viryl_lucas: bruh [03:29:41] LittleChaSiu: LUL [03:29:42] Zeldir_Gaming: that is back in ALPHA days [03:29:42] ArminGux: I remember asking my friends what the point of Minecraft was and they said "kill the dragon" before there was a dragon as a joke [03:29:42] Zettrex: KEKW [03:29:42] andimax11: Holy shit [03:29:42] AeitZean: Legend [03:29:43] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Looks up Halkun. Finds out that he's legit. - 2470 [03:29:43] hopalongtommy: Thats the one, cool [03:29:43] NUFC4life1979: Night @f1nn5ter and @chat hope the rest of your stream goes great. I am off to bed now because my asthma is really bad [03:29:43] braddle172: KEKW [03:29:44] mootie1: InuyoFace [03:29:44] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol [03:29:44] krowsplanet_: OH MY GODDDD [03:29:44] Stovamor: KEKW [03:29:44] Nova_Prime_69: damn [03:29:44] tgdmshow: KEKW [03:29:45] YeomanJensen: LUL [03:29:46] CJKDB: How Mega are we talking? [03:29:46] scatteredleaves: LUL [03:29:46] callmegarp: KEKW [03:29:47] johnkeiwo: classic KEKW [03:29:47] raccoonsloot: the mic [03:29:47] Kolateak_: KEKW [03:29:47] GutsoftheEclipse: OMG KEKW [03:29:48] stephylmao: KEKW [03:29:48] muddymudkip15: Lol [03:29:48] keller4589: Bruh your a legend [03:29:49] andimax11: Hahaha, adorable tbh [03:29:49] TravelingEmpath: LUL LUL [03:29:49] nikama6: Nooo Finn [03:29:49] consimiamo: KEKW [03:29:50] StrawberryCheescake25: My mind right now f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:29:50] bingchilling1921: KEKW [03:29:50] Halkun: COOL CAN WE KISS NOW!!!! [03:29:51] CurvyTexan: lol [03:29:51] Avasion: anyone remember lolitsalex hcf streams [03:29:52] keller4589: Classic omg [03:29:52] Nova_Prime_69: rekt [03:29:52] RoxyMoonshine: KEKW [03:29:53] HotAutism: I mean 12 years ago [03:29:54] callmegarp: FINN. Bullying [03:29:54] destiny3457: Nooo [03:29:54] AvaerusEx: It's the autism to femboy pipeline. [03:29:55] fluffygirl_17: KEKW [03:29:55] krowsplanet_: KEKW [03:29:56] imNotSubbed: @Halkun K7? [03:29:56] cheselord1796: F [03:29:57] Super_Awesome_: I used to run DvZ games with Rob and the mindcrack guys [03:29:57] vanimal2118: Still cool [03:29:58] Amoyamoyamoya: DISCORD CALL [03:29:59] Zettrex: ROASTED [03:30:01] GriffithTCC: F1nn say monkey [03:30:02] JustChickenwing: LUL no that's insane tho [03:30:02] Amoyamoyamoya: DISCORD CALL TO VERIFY [03:30:02] unaffected95: youve had a mc legend in yor chat for how long? [03:30:03] Amoyamoyamoya: DISCORD CALL TO VERIFY [03:30:04] RatboyJon: give the guy a break, it's a 12 year old mic! [03:30:05] TravelingEmpath: It's been 12 years tho [03:30:06] generalrusty: yo [03:30:06] viljosayshi: I used to develop Minecraft plugins back in the day lmao [03:30:06] Srcsqwrn: Aw, poor guy [03:30:06] andimax11: Bro don't do him dirty like that [03:30:10] SuchKittyMuchMeow: doogSuffer [03:30:11] TheNeverShow: Some of my early tree houses were pretty awesome [03:30:13] yu_gi_oh_nerd: LOL [03:30:15] Weetile: "i don't play minecraft like other girls" [03:30:15] LittleChaSiu: "I'm not like other girls" [03:30:19] GutsoftheEclipse: this guy doesn't play minecraft like other people [03:30:20] Weetile: beatcha to it [03:30:25] alexx_net: @LittleChaSiu, f1nnLaff [03:30:28] callmegarp: The early days [03:30:28] andimax11: Oh my god the compression lol [03:30:36] JustChickenwing: Holy. Crap. [03:30:36] tgdmshow: Im so sorry but he sounds like he's out of Looney toons KEKW [03:30:36] johnkeiwo: oh my [03:30:39] generalrusty: if fin was a female id bang him over a wheelie bin😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [03:30:39] callmegarp: Finn would have been...11? Oof [03:30:40] halamoucu: videos practically a slideshow damn [03:30:41] viryl_lucas: lol [03:30:41] vanimal2118: Poggers [03:30:42] johnkeiwo: THATS A HUGE BITCH ! [03:30:43] JustChickenwing: That is actually insane [03:30:44] ArminGux: I remember that being fucking insane [03:30:44] lordgtafbi: hand built? [03:30:45] scarlettyg: Reminds me of that time someone built a piston-and-water-jet-powered, Turing-complete computer in Dwarf Fortress [03:30:45] FoxUndead: OwO ??????? da fk? [03:30:46] Euph1993: coulda had glow up [03:30:46] CJKDB: Whoa! [03:30:47] Wanesty: 🤓 [03:30:49] icedteafan: dude is that the thing from minecraft with gadget [03:30:50] FairestOfDemhoz: he sounds like a minecrafter [03:30:50] viryl_lucas: yeah [03:30:51] Reeping: holy crap [03:30:54] stephylmao: god dayum [03:30:54] Zentron_of_old: honestly I've never bothered with playing Minecraft [03:30:55] Zettrex: I remember when that came out [03:30:57] YeomanJensen: is the holodeck functional? [03:31:08] jandraelune: @halamoucu That was done on hardware that is like 15yrs old. [03:31:08] Srcsqwrn: That ship 1:1 recreation was cool af [03:31:08] AHolyPenguin: omg this was the video that introduced me to minecraft [03:31:09] tastyrampage: Hey finn [03:31:09] Weetile: you ever played Terraria? [03:31:10] TravelingEmpath: Sevadus did the Avengers helicarrier on stream [03:31:11] thedivination: now thas a way to get certified you will be a Virgin 4 EVER [03:31:12] madoka_magikate: Apparently someone I went to high school with has become a fairly successful minecraft youtuber, mogswamp I think? [03:31:13] 11010110101011: hola señores [03:31:14] scarlettyg: The Holodeck should run a different game engine [03:31:14] GriffithTCC: builted big ben im minecraft is that cool [03:31:14] 1truejellybean: I was told there were beans here [03:31:14] PsillyCephalopod: not this guy CHAD [03:31:15] JustChickenwing: Clap [03:31:18] nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:31:19] andimax11: That's actually insane [03:31:19] GutsoftheEclipse: that is unfathomable [03:31:20] mootie1: Kreygasm wtf [03:31:21] arquiJ: Clap [03:31:21] callmegarp: Halkun interview when [03:31:21] tgdmshow: That is absolutely mad [03:31:24] skyblues06: night f1nn imma go sleep have a good rest of stream, hope lif gets better f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [03:31:24] ArminGux: Wait lotr wasn't hand made [03:31:26] 1truejellybean: Where are the beans? [03:31:27] DualityUK: this was built by HAND [03:31:28] callmegarp: Clap [03:31:29] viljosayshi: that built without worldedit is incredible [03:31:32] vanimal2118: That's what makes it awesome. [03:31:34] dbarrmusic: this old af [03:31:35] icedteafan: brown bricks [03:31:36] 11010110101011: yo hice esa construccion [03:31:40] MichaelWells770: ick, the fat enterprise. [03:31:40] CurvyTexan: But does it have cup holders?? [03:31:40] TravelingEmpath: pre-editing youtube lol [03:31:40] andimax11: This was a simpler time [03:31:41] PetriZide: Captains yacht POGGERS [03:31:43] mcmaster2000: Handplaced by one person or by a group of people? [03:31:43] CJKDB: He's got a long way to finish it [03:31:43] AEtherealCloud: Least dedicated minecraft plauer [03:31:44] ArminGux: Yeah pre editing yt was shit [03:31:50] destiny3457: Nerd [03:31:53] nikama6: I need this to be a map or a server [03:31:54] Emmy64_: beanso10Comfybeans [03:31:56] Zettrex: yes [03:31:58] 11010110101011: si [03:31:59] Srcsqwrn: Minecraft, brown bricks. [03:31:59] Zettrex: it is [03:31:59] Aragaith: yeah [03:32:00] el_friede: yes [03:32:01] DualityUK: i remember trying shit like this and giving up lol [03:32:01] Halkun: BEFORE FLYING@@@@@ [03:32:01] viryl_lucas: bruh [03:32:02] ikaiyoo: Yes [03:32:04] Super_Awesome_: it was before flying [03:32:04] Calamitas_Marco_: yes [03:32:04] halamoucu: @jandraelune in fairness I think I maxed like 12fps on my old PC [03:32:11] ikaiyoo: He isnt. [03:32:11] Halkun: Scaffolds [03:32:12] callmegarp: Yo. What [03:32:12] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Makes point that Halkun's mega-build re-dated build tools like Schmatica. [03:32:15] viryl_lucas: no flying no /fill [03:32:15] bopclary1233444: yea [03:32:15] ArminGux: What the fuck [03:32:15] jandraelune: @mcmaster2000 The frame was placed by one person. Asking for help to finish it did come. [03:32:16] vanimal2118: Nice @halkun [03:32:16] NotLouis05: thats crazy [03:32:17] tgdmshow: Hooow [03:32:19] viryl_lucas: bruh [03:32:19] onestupidpizza: Minecraft in a loop [03:32:20] booberies1: jfc [03:32:22] Super_Awesome_: they had magic carpet mod [03:32:24] ikaiyoo: Yes [03:32:27] ArminGux: Madman [03:32:29] GutsoftheEclipse: no way [03:32:32] SnabbKassa: gravity is for millennials [03:32:36] Zeldir_Gaming: yeah. me and 3 mated made a mordor city in a mountain by blasting into it with tnt, also before flying and before creative [03:32:36] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:32:37] PsillyCephalopod: uphill both ways! [03:32:37] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Build pre-dates flying. - 2560 [03:32:38] icedteafan: damn everytime you fall off gotta build back up [03:32:39] stephylmao: crazy [03:32:39] onestupidpizza: Yeah I think [03:32:44] HotAutism: Their was the glass carpet thing [03:32:45] Zentron_of_old: Has be said... impressive! [03:32:45] Zettrex: this is good old beta times [03:32:47] Weetile: ZERO BITCHES [03:32:48] Lady_Felicity: Was it finished [03:32:52] nikama6: crazy shit [03:32:53] TravelingEmpath: Elrond meme: I was there 3000 years ago [03:32:53] johnkeiwo: this was back when I discovered MC [03:32:55] yu_gi_oh_nerd: Absolute HyperMegaGigaChad [03:32:55] Confused_Dino3: JESUS [03:32:56] JustChickenwing: @halkun Scaffolds? That explains nothing! Absolutely crazy work [03:32:59] Srcsqwrn: Was this from Alpha? This looks like the alpha blocks [03:32:59] ArminGux: True [03:33:01] andimax11: Holy crap, that's insane. That's gotta be like at least a year of work [03:33:02] raccoonsloot: then me [03:33:03] johnkeiwo: TRUUUUE KEKW [03:33:04] consimiamo: great stream, your mood is so much better! goodnight [03:33:08] PetriZide: Wizards all of them [03:33:10] callmegarp: Twitch chat is the best of us, apparently [03:33:11] johnkeiwo: we have a very diverse fanbase [03:33:14] Zeldir_Gaming: took months [03:33:15] viryl_lucas: bruhh [03:33:16] mcmaster2000: To be fair, the original ship was also built by humans! [03:33:20] onestupidpizza: I had remember a friend in middle school who had a creator mod profile and everything [03:33:22] Amoyamoyamoya: How are you feeling now F1nn? [03:33:23] YeomanJensen: he had to get up at 4 A.M. every morning to build this [03:33:24] kindralkuberner: More like monkey see, monkey do Kappa [03:33:25] NotLouis05: sleepy joe is lurking here somewhere [03:33:28] GigaChad69e: way to much time on ur hands [03:33:29] ArminGux: Big brain like smooth brain f1nn [03:33:33] RoxyMoonshine: All that in 6 months. Man Clap [03:33:34] ChasingSol: now THAT is hardcore Minecraft [03:33:35] StrawberryCheescake25: Just vibing f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:33:38] vanimal2118: Don't tell Rose that Donor, u will blow our cover! [03:33:42] CJKDB: He's got like 8 arms. [03:33:45] aren_my_beloved: Helloo [03:33:48] TravelingEmpath: I remember a finished one tho, that takes you through the halls and stuff [03:33:48] callmegarp: @Amoyamoyamoya Does he feel "bonita"? [03:33:48] SwiftEcho196: I literally remember this video going viral [03:33:49] bearpaw1970: Well building a ship to the scale of the enterprise D' is massive [03:33:55] onestupidpizza: Man middle school days were some what awesome [03:34:01] bopclary1233444: what kind of pc you have [03:34:03] bopclary1233444: ?? [03:34:04] scarlettyg: Someone should tell the Roddenberry Project, they're recreating starship interiors for our viewing pleasure [03:34:05] sealsummoner: feel bad for the guy, he spend so much more time on it than he had to [03:34:06] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER VIP him ? [03:34:09] gaminated_idk: i actually remember this omg [03:34:09] candyman_deejay: Rose is star shocked [03:34:11] keller4589: ??? VIP bro [03:34:13] Stovamor: !pc @bopclary1233444, [03:34:13] f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Xidax Travel PC! Get your own using this referral link - https://www.xidax.com/f1nn5ter [03:34:15] imNotSubbed: @callmegarp he looks bonita [03:34:19] Confused_Dino3: Vip? [03:34:19] ArminGux: F1nn meeting his hero [03:34:26] CJKDB: That boy is super caffeinated. [03:34:26] Amoyamoyamoya: @Halkun, Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [03:34:27] YeomanJensen: he had work 25 hours every day [03:34:27] jandraelune: @bearpaw1970 People have built to scale Bigger stuff in Space Engineers. Like Battlestars. [03:34:29] Amoyamoyamoya: @Halkun, Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [03:34:30] packagum: Full circle [03:34:38] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Im stoked for the fella, that was so much effort and such a great pay off! [03:34:42] NotLouis05: how old is this guy lmao [03:34:42] Amoyamoyamoya: @Halkun, Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [03:34:43] Zettrex: POGGERS [03:34:44] onestupidpizza: I remember That's skin either cost money or they were free can't remember [03:34:44] TravelingEmpath: YT archives lol [03:34:53] GutsoftheEclipse: remind me [03:34:53] Jens_LN: you really should VIP him F1nn5ter [03:34:56] Zettrex: whom? [03:34:57] ArminGux: I used to watch Smosh games [03:34:58] confirmed_derp: F1nn, we need more Minrcraft streams [03:35:03] o_slip: ethoslab? [03:35:06] o_slip: LES GOO [03:35:07] viljosayshi: goddamn!!! [03:35:09] voiceofthevoid999: I fucking love you Finn [03:35:09] Aragaith: i wa gonna guess ethos [03:35:10] Zeldir_Gaming: Lookup the minecraft HOBO song [03:35:10] Halkun: I woudn't mind a VIP :) [03:35:10] RoxyMoonshine: It is Etho [03:35:11] Zettrex: fuck yes [03:35:11] H0ppyS: H0ppyS subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! pog [03:35:11] f3mmbot: h0ppys subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [03:35:12] halamoucu: Holy shit hell yea!!! [03:35:12] HardyOrange: Etho!!!!!!!!!! [03:35:13] Z1nma: he's the goat [03:35:14] thedigitalpixel: he does hermitcraft hell yeah [03:35:14] sanwichmak3r: OMGGG [03:35:14] Aragaith: ethos is the best [03:35:14] bowwowrouterbox: hell yeah [03:35:14] aggravatedconditions: Eyyy [03:35:15] Darts852: Omg Etho, I still watch his stuff once in a while [03:35:15] voiceofthevoid999: Etho is incredible [03:35:15] TravelingEmpath: I like that one [03:35:16] im_jess_: 100% should vip him [03:35:17] RoxyMoonshine: I knew it was Etho [03:35:17] CurvyTexan: Love me some etho [03:35:18] aggravatedconditions: Ethooo [03:35:18] Srcsqwrn: Who doesn't know Etho [03:35:18] bowwowrouterbox: fucking love Etho [03:35:19] Helen_Croft: I remember ethos [03:35:20] tgdmshow: Daaamn [03:35:20] GutsoftheEclipse: decent views too [03:35:21] Nenkos: etho is THE GOAT [03:35:22] packagum: Hes in hermitcraft right? [03:35:22] viryl_lucas: noice [03:35:24] aren_my_beloved: Omg what [03:35:25] Grunzythepotato_TV: etho is an icon [03:35:26] Wild_Seal_: Etho my beloved [03:35:26] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [03:35:30] imperialgold01: Hermitcraft pog [03:35:32] doctrfinger: Bro is a machine [03:35:32] JuinY0: Etho is the best [03:35:34] awesomerem1: etho is goated best guy [03:35:35] LittleChaSiu: John voice [03:35:36] gimmadachange: gimmadachange subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! /waterbottles [03:35:37] f3mmbot: gimmadachange subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:35:39] Theinnocentbuda: stanpylongnose too? [03:35:39] GutsoftheEclipse: if it ain't broke, dont fix it [03:35:39] ArminGux: That is a old school video [03:35:40] Darts852: same skin too [03:35:40] o_slip: etho was a pioneer in minecraft mechanics [03:35:41] Super_Awesome_: I know etho used to do DvZ with him and pause [03:35:41] HardyOrange: I mean, shame he's washed up and all, but he did invent a new way to gather cobble deepslate [03:35:43] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows EthosLab channel. OG MC Let's Play YouTuber. - 2430 [03:35:43] Pillooow: He has a less monotanous video though [03:35:46] Weetile: remember when they added the Etho Slab to the game for April Fools? 🤯🤯🤯🤯 [03:35:46] Pillooow: voice* [03:35:47] FishTWiT: I've been subbed to Etho since Chocolate Island [03:35:48] tgdmshow: That's that 2016 YouTube intro [03:35:48] voiceofthevoid999: I can't believe you also watch him of course! He's honestly the GOAT [03:35:50] aren_my_beloved: shaabaJamieooh [03:35:50] trueyanni: I see him on hermitcraft all the time [03:35:51] Lady_Felicity: Damn I watched that dude [03:35:53] alexx_net: For minecraft I used to watch davidangel64 [03:35:55] K_F0UR: etho best [03:35:58] keller4589: I loved this guy [03:35:58] SalemSacrifices: Etho collab [03:35:59] Srcsqwrn: Etho has actually gotten A LOT better with his energy and speaking over the years. He's a pro [03:36:02] packagum: I only know him from hermitcraft tbh [03:36:02] ArminGux: Rolls Royce of MC yters [03:36:02] RoxyMoonshine: Etho is amazing [03:36:04] RubyChu: wait what would you use splash water for, I need to know lmao [03:36:06] sanwichmak3r: i've just subbed to him again [03:36:15] Helen_Croft: check gernerk B @F1NN5TER [03:36:15] o_slip: still no ethoslab face reveal though [03:36:17] halamoucu: Ethos and BdoubleO were my life back then [03:36:18] voiceofthevoid999: Etho is a God Tier Minecrafter [03:36:28] YeomanJensen: of course F1nn cannot top him, he's a bottom [03:36:32] RubyChu: I used to watch slyfoxhound all the time [03:36:33] gaminated_idk: @packagum same [03:36:38] halamoucu: my favourite hermit [03:36:43] fancymanwho: I watched dantdm [03:36:44] Nenkos: RIP MindCrack PepeHands [03:36:44] Srcsqwrn: I wish I could meet Etho. [03:36:48] Amoyamoyamoya: How are you feeling now F1nn? [03:36:49] Helen_Croft: He went over to twitch @F1NN5TER [03:36:51] Pillooow: @F1NN5TER did you watch docm? [03:36:52] logmanthelogjam: direwolf20 has always been my favorite minecraft youtuber [03:36:55] thekingone10: Hallo [03:36:59] Vurplex_: keralis [03:37:00] dee_the_magical: Mumbo Jumbo i used to watch alot [03:37:02] kyrogaming: i still love all of these guys [03:37:04] fluffygirl_17: DanTDM was my entire childhood [03:37:04] ArminGux: U still uploading [03:37:07] viryl_lucas: hermits [03:37:08] 8bitkoala_: bdubs is the goat [03:37:13] mcmaster2000: 10/15 years earlier the equivalent for us was dudes doing ridiculously detailed maps for Counter-Strike. I remember a friend of mine doing a very detailed map of our school and then getting in trouble with the school... [03:37:18] fancymanwho: I grew up with dantdm [03:37:19] Darts852: packrat? still around? [03:37:19] roofrisbee: ethoslab was the goat [03:37:20] Pillooow: This was my childhood as well [03:37:20] GutsoftheEclipse: i liked all those super popular ones, like SkyDoesMC [03:37:21] Lady_Felicity: DW20 still going, streams a lot now [03:37:22] xmoonphasex: oof ftb [03:37:23] ArminGux: Smosh games was fun [03:37:23] sherlock_norris: Remember moving class files into minecraft.jar and praying the mods work together? [03:37:26] sanwichmak3r: Stampy cat????? [03:37:26] Pillooow: Mindcrack, Hermitcraft [03:37:28] halamoucu: I remember rewatching the flyboys series over and over after school [03:37:30] Helen_Croft: https://www.twitch.tv/generikb @F1NN5TER [03:37:30] viljosayshi: This trip down memory lane honestly brings a tear to my eye [03:37:31] DualityUK: this is such an interesting thing to go through, for me especially as someone who watched your videos religiously when i was a child, i feel like ive almost grown up with you in tastes and what i enjoy, the factions shit was the bomb at the time and damn this is getting me nostalgic [03:37:32] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:37:35] voiceofthevoid999: You're hitting such a warm spot in my childhood [03:37:37] niomesa: ayo just went back to watch keralis for some heavy middleschool nistalolga [03:37:37] confirmed_derp: MINECRAFT STREAM [03:37:38] imNotSubbed: @F1NN5TER GAMEPLAY?! [03:37:38] TravelingEmpath: I got into mods relatively early [03:37:39] Srcsqwrn: B Team doin tha work [03:37:39] Loelinverse: @mcmaster2000 I was thinking about that earlier today. [03:37:40] saaaable: docm has only gotten crazier [03:37:42] viljosayshi: @sherlock_norris Oh wow, that's a big throwback [03:37:43] HardyOrange: The Minecraft special interest alwayyssss comes back [03:37:43] Lady_Felicity: Classic Feed the Beast was a gem [03:37:44] jhadd69420: Syndicates Mianite got me into minecraft [03:37:45] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP MC reminiscing continues. - 2510 [03:37:48] viryl_lucas: this has now turned into a minecraft stream [03:37:51] andimax11: Take your time, I'm enjoying your nostalgia trip [03:37:57] callmegarp: @DualityUK wholesome, sweet [03:37:57] RoxyMoonshine: YOOOO! Minecraft stream! [03:38:00] aggravatedconditions: Finn+bdubs is a crossover i didn’t know i needed [03:38:01] dee_the_magical: mumbo was also the reason i found proleter and they're always a fun [03:38:01] halamoucu: B Team doin the work [03:38:02] 8bitkoala_: b team is hard nostalgia [03:38:05] RubyChu: !discord [03:38:05] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? discord.gg/f1nn [03:38:05] Jens_LN: VIP him ! [03:38:06] GutsoftheEclipse: VIP [03:38:09] nikama6: mojango fangirling [03:38:11] logmanthelogjam: sl1pg8r is one i like but i think they dont do minecraft now [03:38:12] sidexxxor: How much longer will you be live for? [03:38:12] Super_Awesome_: you watch PauseUnpause? [03:38:13] Helen_Croft: I watched every generikb video [03:38:13] jhadd69420: Syndicate is still going strong [03:38:16] AvaerusEx: This is what happens to the Minecrafters who didn't become femboys. [03:38:17] confirmed_derp: Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam Minecraft steam [03:38:22] imperialgold01: If you want to get into cool technical Minecraft stuff take a look at the end of Doc's most recent video - wither head skull conveyor belt [03:38:23] Cryo001: csgo? [03:38:24] 8bitkoala_: lol different x [03:38:26] xmoonphasex: xqc? [03:38:27] ArminGux: I still can't believe they added shields [03:38:28] Theinnocentbuda: stampylongnose and ibalisticsquid [03:38:31] Rosierot: nanaskIrbyKuromiLove [03:38:36] Amoyamoyamoya: !time [03:38:36] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:46 [03:38:38] Amoyamoyamoya: !uptime [03:38:38] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 38m 49s [03:38:41] Loelinverse: @mcmaster2000 That used to be the most controversial thing at schools f1nnMonka [03:38:41] marejededecu: What skin did you buy... [03:38:44] ArminGux: Yeah I am old [03:38:45] Pillooow: @xmoonphasex definitely not xqc [03:38:46] Kolateak_: I can't believe they added horses [03:38:50] confirmed_derp: Shields OP [03:38:53] lordgtafbi: Idunno, shields and potions are still new to me [03:38:54] scarlettyg: KEKW [03:38:56] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:38:57] alexx_net: YES! X is davidangel64 [03:38:57] Free_H2o: ever watch the syndicate project? [03:38:57] fluffygirl_17: Elytras too [03:38:57] FlaredFoamer: oh hey i got a gift sub [03:38:57] mcmaster2000: Ha, you diex [03:39:00] FullSoNy: LUL [03:39:01] Super_Awesome_: lol [03:39:02] Cryo001: bot finn lol [03:39:02] Factioniwillafk: shields were annoying as fuck [03:39:03] GutsoftheEclipse: get good [03:39:04] 8bitkoala_: thats awesome [03:39:05] isthisrp: who was that one minecraft family where the dad uploaded the videos but they where popular for survival islands [03:39:05] trueyanni: Stampy recently got to his 800th episode [03:39:11] keller4589: That’s a W [03:39:15] voiceofthevoid999: Wholesome [03:39:17] DualityUK: b team ftw [03:39:17] 8bitkoala_: FLAME JOB [03:39:17] TheAlphaXY: csgo lets go [03:39:18] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [03:39:18] Cryo001: UK aim [03:39:19] Deadphish62: Woah ur on csgo [03:39:20] ArminGux: Should be E team [03:39:22] chainedchish: Why should I care? [03:39:24] flaminglego007: BRO [03:39:25] halamoucu: popping off [03:39:26] fluffygirl_17: KEKW [03:39:27] GutsoftheEclipse: wheres the butterfly knife? [03:39:27] LittleChaSiu: L [03:39:30] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:39:30] scarlettyg: S team for Scuffed [03:39:30] stephylmao: KEKW [03:39:32] jomo17: Omg i miss the days of ibalistic squid [03:39:32] flaminglego007: just killed Finn [03:39:35] callmegarp: Femboy gamer hours f1nnNomods [03:39:36] mcmaster2000: Ew, you're a sniper? [03:39:36] Akemencha: Omg arr you actually playing a game?? [03:39:39] fancymanwho: Bro thats where a kid clutched for his dad [03:39:40] confirmed_derp: Counter Strike stream! [03:39:40] Loelinverse: are we changing this to CS:GO? [03:39:41] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Shows us CS:GO clan, B-Team, F1NN5TER username. - 2470 [03:39:46] andimax11: Oh you're playing lmao I thought this was a video at first [03:39:49] ArminGux: Russian it up, got gud [03:39:51] DireCyphre: Nice butterfly knife [03:39:57] TravelingEmpath: I cannot play shooters [03:39:59] xmoonphasex: play valorant [03:40:00] GutsoftheEclipse: last stream you said you werent good?? [03:40:04] TravelingEmpath: i'm so bad at them [03:40:07] LittleChaSiu: LLLLLL [03:40:07] ArminGux: The dust 2 best map [03:40:09] TheAlphaXY: awp nerf coming to fuck ya [03:40:09] Cryo001: get some juan deags [03:40:11] vanimal2118: Femboy game night stream when? [03:40:12] viljosayshi: L [03:40:12] johnkeiwo: SO BAD KEKW [03:40:15] RoxyMoonshine: Minecraft to CSGO in a minute [03:40:17] NotLouis05: why not buy some cases while were here [03:40:25] blueskydrinking: you spent how much on this game again? [03:40:28] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait...is he supposed to be good? [03:40:29] LittleChaSiu: LLL [03:40:29] richarduk81: I am to old for shooters now [03:40:29] AvaerusEx: This is now just a CS:GO stream. [03:40:32] GutsoftheEclipse: cases? [03:40:34] Kolateak_: This makes me realize how god awful I am at FPS games [03:40:36] shade_f0x: shade_f0x subscribed at Tier 1. [03:40:36] f3mmbot: shade_f0x subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang shade_f0x f1nnLezgang [03:40:40] Nova_Prime_69: nice [03:40:43] tallorangeone: whoaa [03:40:46] tallorangeone: nutty shot [03:40:48] stephylmao: sheesh [03:40:49] Pillooow: this is surprising [03:40:51] Winterfrs: clean [03:40:51] confirmed_derp: Boom headshot! [03:40:57] NotLouis05: bro went from mc to csgo how [03:40:59] ArminGux: @amoyamoyamoya he a femboy, he either really good or helpless, no in-between [03:41:00] callmegarp: I love it when bae noscopes people f1nnHeadpat [03:41:09] scarlettyg: "You are now DOMINATING", you probably don't see that often [03:41:09] TheAlphaXY: TheAlphaXY subscribed at Tier 1. [03:41:09] f3mmbot: thealphaxy subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thealphaxy f1nnLezgang [03:41:11] johnkeiwo: OOF [03:41:11] ziekeboeg: why is it on just chatting? [03:41:12] chainedchish: kill the chicken [03:41:12] LtFoxxx: lets scope than inventory [03:41:15] vanimal2118: Didn't figure u 4 a sniper Rose? [03:41:16] marejededecu: Do that in mm i dare you [03:41:16] voiceofthevoid999: F1nn fucking it up tho [03:41:19] harokaa: Lol [03:41:23] GutsoftheEclipse: getting whiplash watching this stream haha [03:41:28] Amoyamoyamoya: @ArminGux, Seems like the latter. [03:41:28] johnkeiwo: f1nnCope [03:41:29] floofyfurlogdog: Play comp [03:41:32] HotAutism: Awper 4 life! [03:41:34] Amoyamoyamoya: X [03:41:34] blueskydrinking: a very loose definition of the word 'good' [03:41:34] TheDiscotron30: where gloves? [03:41:35] ArminGux: AVP is always banned [03:41:35] Amoyamoyamoya: X [03:41:39] Amoyamoyamoya: X [03:41:44] loograt: CSGO Mod games? [03:41:48] vanimal2118: LOL [03:41:49] Loelinverse: change game? [03:41:50] brianvorn: She keeps dying [03:41:51] stephylmao: LMAO [03:41:52] johnkeiwo: AHAHAHAH [03:41:52] Amoyamoyamoya: Good = Bad [03:41:53] unaffected95: @ziekeboeg was supposed to be we just have an adhd streamer [03:41:53] jonyward: wait is finn like actually good at cs he has a real inventory>?????? [03:41:59] johnkeiwo: Oh finn ... [03:42:07] slacker_24_: you should change you title [03:42:10] johnkeiwo: rough [03:42:12] confirmed_derp: Counter Strike femboy sniper [03:42:13] ArminGux: Guess they never miss ha [03:42:13] loograt: press the button to fire @F1NN5TER [03:42:14] general_of_cm: dont taughnt her, its the first time she is playing her bfs game let her just have fun :) [03:42:16] Nenkos: The etiquette is no AWP in deathmatch [03:42:19] roofrisbee: sniper is the most feminine typa cs player [03:42:21] TheAlphaXY: ak spray has been changed like 7 times since i started playing in 2015 [03:42:21] bearpaw1970: Her d@mn feminine wiles is distracting [03:42:21] medical_size9000: You like to click on heads??? [03:42:23] cyn_arii: woah finn playing a game on stream woah [03:42:24] Cryo001: you'd be a good fit for valorant [03:42:25] johnkeiwo: i'm judging you femboy ! [03:42:31] 57ranma: Anyone else follow the girl who has a voice changer and talks like a guy? [03:42:31] FoxUndead: relax~ [03:42:34] tallorangeone: that awp work earlier was crazy though [03:42:34] StrawberryCheescake25: @general_of_cm f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [03:42:37] Pur3Chops: BOT lobbies confirmed LUL [03:42:37] NotLouis05: bro are you wearing any bottoms??? [03:42:38] FoxUndead: just enjoy it [03:42:39] Nova_Prime_69: F [03:42:39] GutsoftheEclipse: we're gonna be here for awhile [03:42:39] TravelingEmpath: welp, this looks like the next few hours [03:42:41] xmoonphasex: play valorant instead [03:42:42] happy_millk: Let her cook [03:42:45] SalemSacrifices: You're a bot [03:42:46] jritvt: Hello 👋🏽 my fav Tweety bird F 🫶🏾💜 [03:42:46] callmegarp: L after L [03:42:47] booberies1: you and cool dont mix [03:42:48] Cryo001: bro has no recoil control [03:42:52] Amoyamoyamoya: @57ranma, Are we watching her right now? [03:42:53] CurvyTexan: Your manly eyelashes are getting in the way [03:42:55] h4nnib4ll3ct0r: n00b t00b [03:42:57] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [03:42:57] ChasingSol: haha [03:42:58] mailman2704: fin ur so manly [03:43:02] JustChickenwing: Real sniper players do SSTmG headshots [03:43:02] stephylmao: LUL [03:43:06] ChasingSol: KEKW [03:43:07] vanimal2118: Poor @nothitch [03:43:08] ArminGux: I have seen 8yo shoot a Kalashnikov more accurately [03:43:08] LittleChaSiu: "emiru supremacy" is the best name [03:43:08] JustChickenwing: SSG* wtf [03:43:08] mootie1: Haha2020 [03:43:10] callmegarp: WUT [03:43:11] general_of_cm: GG [03:43:14] johnkeiwo: GG [03:43:15] tomhekker: Hitch you are too based KEKW [03:43:15] Amoyamoyamoya: Is it Emiru? [03:43:16] 57ranma: @amoyamoyamoya 😂😂😂. There is another [03:43:17] enrich_bloodborne: Yoooooo. He's playing a game [03:43:17] gloomy_ara: gg [03:43:19] GutsoftheEclipse: GG [03:43:19] stephylmao: GG [03:43:24] marejededecu: Dude i can play better than you with my left foot [03:43:24] Amoyamoyamoya: @57ranma, OMG [03:43:24] jordieboi45: GG [03:43:26] MajesticFvckingEagle: GG [03:43:27] StrawberryCheescake25: Gg [03:43:29] tallorangeone: ayy that was sick though [03:43:30] SalemSacrifices: Hitch got rolled [03:43:31] mcmaster2000: Skill issue [03:43:31] brianvorn: Who allow this someone girlfriend to play boyfriend game smh [03:43:32] AeitZean: SeemsGood [03:43:32] loograt: do CSGO with mods [03:43:33] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: You play as a sniper so you can do Cold Calculated takedowns of those who woukd dare to cross you [03:43:34] OHMichelleOH: going to watch some sissy hypno [03:43:34] Redscorpion68: gg [03:43:35] NotLouis05: have you the femboy shorts on?? [03:43:39] shortswarlok: gg [03:43:42] nothitch: f1nn can you show my discord screenshot real quick? [03:43:42] xmoonphasex: have you tried valorant? [03:43:42] marejededecu: Gg tho [03:43:42] IdiotKnightKing: gg [03:43:44] enrich_bloodborne: It's been a fair minute since I last saw that [03:43:45] jritvt: Go ahead G G 💪🏽💖 [03:43:47] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, are you using your boyfriend's account? [03:43:47] mcmaster2000: Yes [03:43:53] ArminGux: People don't like u talking games u dropping views like flies [03:43:55] YeomanJensen: just activate haxxs Kappa [03:43:59] general_of_cm: ahh shes cute [03:44:01] callmegarp: C U T E [03:44:02] ArminGux: U always a hoe [03:44:02] harokaa: Damm [03:44:03] viljosayshi: there's something quite fun about watching f1nn lose [03:44:06] vanimal2118: More than usual? [03:44:06] booberies1: play with cow [03:44:07] nikama6: cute [03:44:08] FoxUndead: is it girly clothes? [03:44:08] Helen_Croft: you are always a wh*re [03:44:11] TravelingEmpath: just a bit of a whore under the desk lol [03:44:11] bigsuave7: Kreygasm [03:44:19] StrawberryCheescake25: Thighs Sniff sniff Sniff [03:44:21] tgdmshow: Thats a nice fit [03:44:27] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Fit-check. Finally shows shorts(?) or was it a skirt. - 2360 [03:44:32] ArminGux: Everything is girly on f1nn [03:44:36] NotLouis05: ive been awake for 40 hours [03:44:37] cheese_monkey00: stop picking your nose [03:44:38] imNotSubbed: Go for it [03:44:40] general_of_cm: yes [03:44:40] StrawberryCheescake25: Omg [03:44:41] stephylmao: dew it [03:44:42] h4nnib4ll3ct0r: back in mah day AWP on dust was a VAC ban [03:44:42] voiceofthevoid999: Splitgate!!!!\ [03:44:43] keller4589: Yessss [03:44:44] 57ranma: @amoyamoyamoya it’s LovelyLo on twitch. She pranks guys into thinking she’s another guy [03:44:44] cyn_arii: whoa splitgate [03:44:44] mcmaster2000: Play one game of qeop [03:44:44] unaffected95: cool [03:44:45] Wanesty: POGGERS splitgate [03:44:45] keller4589: Let’s do it [03:44:46] braddle172: Solid [03:44:47] YeomanJensen: a deal [03:44:47] GutsoftheEclipse: fair [03:44:47] johnkeiwo: just play splitgate ! [03:44:47] RoxyMoonshine: Go for it [03:44:47] IdiotKnightKing: spunds good [03:44:47] mcmaster2000: Qwop [03:44:48] scatteredleaves: yup [03:44:50] JustChickenwing: Back in CS 1.6, door stuck, and you were a genuine dick fuck [03:44:53] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [03:44:53] bearpaw1970: Solid [03:44:53] cyn_arii: insane player [03:44:53] fancymanwho: Allergies? [03:45:01] hexagrem: your making my nose itchy somehow lol [03:45:02] roofrisbee: splitgate more like splitgay [03:45:05] GigaChad69e: girl gamer [03:45:05] trueyanni: !uptime [03:45:05] danny_schonberg: Best Femboy ever [03:45:05] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 45m 16s [03:45:07] callmegarp: I'd split your gate Kappa there I said it again [03:45:07] chainedchish: Chrue [03:45:08] Cyprohep: @JustChickenwing LMAO [03:45:12] FoxUndead: lel [03:45:13] GutsoftheEclipse: is there still a big playerbase for splitgate? [03:45:14] ArminGux: Her allergies are out/side [03:45:17] mcmaster2000: If you never go outside, you can't have allergies [03:45:18] FoxUndead: np [03:45:18] Helen_Croft: you are allergic to boy [03:45:19] StrawberryCheescake25: @callmegarp agree [03:45:21] AeitZean: He's just had his face attacked by dermatologists, its gonna be itchy 🤷‍♀️ [03:45:21] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [03:45:22] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [03:45:22] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [03:45:28] hrtitties: split gate is so fun [03:45:30] AmazingAspie: I am totally watching finster while in the bathroom right now [03:45:30] ViviPickles: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:45:39] AmazingAspie: Having a bath to be precise [03:45:50] fancymanwho: Bathroom [03:45:51] JustChickenwing: In the shower [03:45:59] psychoshadowcaster: dayoKISS1 [03:46:02] Psych0Manti5: psych049PsychoHi1 G'day @F1NN5TER hope you're doing well! [03:46:03] Helen_Croft: I watch Rose on the living room TV [03:46:04] shrekt1879: my preferred method is twitter [03:46:05] Amoyamoyamoya: @57ranma, Subscriber only. RIP. [03:46:06] ArminGux: I have never seen splitgate [03:46:08] AmazingAspie: Bubble bath [03:46:12] YeomanJensen: in the closet KappaPride [03:46:13] nikama6: yay [03:46:13] nanou_la_fake: hiii [03:46:15] voiceofthevoid999: Yessssss finally Splitgate stream! [03:46:16] AeitZean: Believer gang hype HypeLUL [03:46:16] bigchicken_420: Splitgate is dead [03:46:22] scarlettyg: Battlepaaaaaass KEKW [03:46:23] 57ranma: Betting all my channel point that F1NN5TER IS GOOD. Don’t let me down Finn [03:46:23] Cryo001: you are [03:46:23] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP SplitGate stream. - 2500 [03:46:24] ArminGux: In the shower wtf [03:46:24] TravelingEmpath: I usually have you on in the background until you say something like "look at my booty shorts" [03:46:26] ClaraRenway: didnt the devs abandon the game [03:46:26] NotLouis05: you are a maniax [03:46:26] ArminGux: How [03:46:29] mcmaster2000: How the fuck do you watch videos in the shower? [03:46:29] fancymanwho: Well yeah you are [03:46:31] alexx_net: You are [03:46:33] HatedHollow: what even is Splitgate? [03:46:34] FoxUndead: interesting game [03:46:36] GutsoftheEclipse: the shower is the best time to catch up on VOD's and podcasts lol [03:46:40] SalemSacrifices: Belle makes out with sea creatures, I don't think she can judge [03:46:41] JustChickenwing: If I wasn't supposed to watch things when showering, why they make phones waterproof? [03:46:44] tgdmshow: Finally some variety streaming pog [03:46:44] ArminGux: No waterproofing [03:46:45] Ramaj_A: why you playing as halo guy? [03:46:45] nothitch: it's the best honestly [03:46:47] JaneIsGaming: I listen to music in the shower. Watching videos is weird [03:46:52] muddymudkip15: The default skin f1nnLaff [03:46:53] andimax11: It's halo meets portal essentially [03:46:55] general_of_cm: its so edicting [03:46:56] callmegarp: His favorite? I'm winning this bet [03:46:57] Frosty790: I do that too [03:46:58] ry_drake_331: @F1NN5TER would you recommend this game [03:46:59] johnkeiwo: it's Portal x Quake [03:47:02] saaaable: i listen to podcasts every waking hour unless im watching a stream [03:47:04] ArminGux: Are u so used to media u can't even shower without it [03:47:05] GutsoftheEclipse: its like portal but with guns [03:47:05] NotLouis05: bro just shot himself [03:47:05] bdix727: oh so it's like portal with a gun? [03:47:06] sanwichmak3r: gamer [03:47:08] HatedHollow: so it's Portal but with Guns? [03:47:10] goddessWraith: Looks like fake halo [03:47:11] thatguylester: Dollar Store Halo [03:47:13] callmegarp: Oof nah I'm losing this bet [03:47:15] vanimal2118: And shoot yourself in back, LOL [03:47:16] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: Finn be using the shower beer shelf for his bathtike Videos [03:47:18] Loelinverse: @johnkeiwo more halo. than quake [03:47:22] AeitZean: Portal halo? Why did i not know about this?! [03:47:27] viryl_lucas: reminds me of pixelgun [03:47:29] ArminGux: Think with portals [03:47:33] fancymanwho: I swear pleas win [03:47:33] AShDistance: fast paced. ill file this under games to never play. [03:47:34] stephylmao: bonk [03:47:36] tgdmshow: He got BONKED [03:47:36] Wanesty: bonk :3 [03:47:43] LittleChaSiu: L [03:47:47] Cryo001: is using portals acctually viable? seems a bit too hard to use [03:47:49] johnkeiwo: GET BONKED adcvrBONK adcvrBONK adcvrBONK [03:47:51] mcmaster2000: Are these bots or real people? [03:47:52] 57ranma: FINN, all my money is on you. Don’t fail me!!! [03:47:54] cheese_monkey00: reminds me of elden ring [03:47:56] bigchicken_420: reminds me of the bat in black ops 3 [03:47:56] DireCyphre: it didn't catch on [03:48:01] JustChickenwing: I heard it was great but never got around to it [03:48:01] floofyfurlogdog: Its so good [03:48:03] m4cintoshplus: bonk [03:48:03] Helen_Croft: I casually speedrun OG Portal sometimes [03:48:06] general_of_cm: i only found it thrugh f1nn [03:48:07] GutsoftheEclipse: you cant see through other peoples portals tho? [03:48:08] bingchilling1921: oh god dont even get started with pixel gun [03:48:08] NotLouis05: i didnt like it tbh [03:48:12] ArminGux: Game seems fun yet gimmicky [03:48:13] stephylmao: my god i used to play pixelgun religiously [03:48:17] fancymanwho: Is it like old hale multiplayer [03:48:17] sherlock_norris: Adhd game [03:48:18] johnkeiwo: BETS ARE NOW CLOSED ! Get your points later adcvrLOVE [03:48:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Okay you might have converted me [03:48:21] nothitch: It did catch on, it had insanely popularity but the servers kept crashing and it couldnt handle the influx [03:48:22] psycho_flipper5630: What do I get if I spend my fembucks on the “VIP” option? [03:48:24] witless157: SabaPing SabaPing [03:48:30] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Enters match. - 2310 [03:48:39] GutsoftheEclipse: its so much [03:48:39] headjakk: hiiiiiiii [03:48:41] JustChickenwing: @helen_croft Based [03:48:43] headjakk: i am zerqs drunk dad [03:48:43] viryl_lucas: I love/hate pixel gun. It's too grindy or too pay to win [03:48:44] LittleChaSiu: I wanna say 69k? [03:48:45] headjakk: in your lobby [03:48:45] 57ranma: I’m a fan of the underdog, betting all my money on Finn [03:48:46] headjakk: hi [03:48:48] ArminGux: VIP is 690k [03:48:48] SalemSacrifices: 69420 [03:48:50] booberies1: i bet them all [03:48:52] GutsoftheEclipse: its 690,420 [03:48:55] StrawberryCheescake25: Can I bet on getting your number 😉 john [03:48:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: 69420 [03:48:59] callmegarp: @LittleChaSiu 690k actually [03:49:01] DireCyphre: Whaaaat? You? Nooooo [03:49:03] keyesxvi: It's okay king we don't watch for the gameplay [03:49:05] vanimal2118: 690.420K [03:49:05] Akemencha: HOW DARE YOU NOT INVITE SODA TO GAME WITH YOU. 😤 [03:49:07] Amoyamoyamoya: @psycho_flipper5630, As a VIP you will be preferentially ignored instead of randomly ignored. [03:49:08] RoxyMoonshine: VIP is 690, 420 points [03:49:10] JustChickenwing: If it was just 69k I'd have it by now [03:49:12] harokaa: @strawberrycheescake25 Kappa [03:49:15] stephylmao: @viryl_lucas yeah D: [03:49:16] johnkeiwo: people are about to lose lots of points KEKW [03:49:19] unaffected95: my femboy gamer is bad at games?? [03:49:20] LittleChaSiu: LLL [03:49:21] sorrowfulleyes: cos she is good a being a pretend boy [03:49:21] PsillyCephalopod: ayo gaming hours? [03:49:31] MnemonicOverload: IIRC only one person has got VIP that way so far [03:49:31] Solus_kun: imagine not being able to buy VIP LUL [03:49:32] DireCyphre: No portals? [03:49:34] AeitZean: Believer's gotta believe 💪 [03:49:35] general_of_cm: i see i put my fembucks down on the right option LUL [03:49:35] GutsoftheEclipse: i made a good investment [03:49:36] MajesticFvckingEagle: I've been tempted to get it, but I like just saying I have 1 million fembucks [03:49:37] kenjichanvtuber: Let’s go finnnn! [03:49:37] cheese_monkey00: not suprised Finn isn't familiar with domination [03:49:37] nothitch: as you can tell, F1NN can't play objective games [03:49:38] ArminGux: Twink death counter+1 [03:49:39] scatteredleaves: the medic is a spy [03:49:43] ScarsUnseen: this game looks too stressful. [03:49:43] StrawberryCheescake25: @harokaa 😅😅😅 [03:49:43] drophis: gsming stream woah [03:49:46] GutsoftheEclipse: KEKW [03:49:46] fancymanwho: The day you win ill admit im gay [03:49:49] DireCyphre: tamed [03:49:49] JustSwufty: You play splitgate??? [03:49:53] DireCyphre: teamed [03:49:53] tgdmshow: Easiest bet of my life KEKW [03:49:54] Akemencha: You ask soda to marry you but won't ask him to game!?!? [03:49:56] Nenkos: TF2 is the true GOAT and its not even close [03:49:56] krzyzewskiman: lookit the PRO GAMER [03:49:58] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, girls aren't good at video games. [03:50:00] ArminGux: Twink death cou61+2 [03:50:00] tallorangeone: keep it up! you got it! [03:50:01] ChasingSol: F [03:50:03] viryl_lucas: oof [03:50:03] booberies1: PRO [03:50:04] halamoucu: this game looks lake ADHD overstimulation hell [03:50:04] rowil07: rowil07 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! hmm [03:50:05] f3mmbot: rowil07 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [03:50:05] callmegarp: My fembucks are gone T_T [03:50:07] scarlettyg: I suddenly don't feel bad about my "dies every 30 seconds for an hour straight" streak in Elder Scrolls Online's PVP event [03:50:07] kyokel: KEKW [03:50:07] XENOMAN5: F1nn I’m gonna take a nap now. See you later [03:50:10] Cyprohep: @Nenkos based [03:50:11] harokaa: Lol [03:50:11] tgdmshow: KEKW [03:50:12] Wardenboo: lets play ow xDDDDDD [03:50:12] andimax11: Damn it F1nn, now I'm installing splitgate [03:50:14] ChasingSol: @XENOMAN5 cya, have a good one [03:50:15] darealooooo: f1nnn [03:50:16] booberies1: kekw [03:50:16] johnkeiwo: ohhhh, the believers in SHAMBLES [03:50:17] sunnyd_1: KEKW [03:50:17] Wanesty: kinda sad gianni didn't dub the announcer [03:50:19] nifelord: L bozo [03:50:20] stephylmao: LUL LUL [03:50:20] alexx_net: F1nn just feeding at this point f1nnLaff [03:50:21] LittleChaSiu: LLLLLLLLLLLL [03:50:22] blueskydrinking: this is like watching a peta ad with a black and white image of a puppy being mistreated [03:50:23] ArminGux: This twink dies to fast to count [03:50:24] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:50:25] darealooooo: f1nn [03:50:26] booberies1: doing better than i would [03:50:27] YeomanJensen: no points lost, only redistributed from bad gamblers to good [03:50:27] SalemSacrifices: Looks like choice 1 is gonna lose [03:50:31] arquiJ: come to daddy my precious points [03:50:33] JustSwufty: Splitgate is a game of games [03:50:35] sunnyd_1: the only people still playing this game are people who are very good at this game [03:50:36] 57ranma: Guess I loss my channel points 😂 [03:50:36] Nova_Prime_69: 1 health. rip [03:50:38] general_of_cm: @F1NN5TER thank you f1nn i cant wait for my fem bucks := [03:50:39] YeomanJensen: izid7 izid7 izid7 izid7 [03:50:40] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: I got to go to sleep now but I'm so happy to have been here live for a change. Thank you chst, it's always a pleasure to be around lively people like yourselves 💕 Guten nacht aus Berlin ❤️❤️❤️ [03:50:41] onestupidpizza: Getting yeeted [03:50:41] general_of_cm: :) [03:50:43] imNotSubbed: MMM 50k prediction on lose mmmmm [03:50:47] trueyanni: Rip points [03:50:52] vanimal2118: Have faith, Rose is just warming up. [03:50:52] loograt: Why does his character fall all the timr? Kappa [03:50:52] johnkeiwo: Hitch KEKW [03:50:53] unaffected95: your presenting the game fine your just not presenting you well [03:50:54] StrawberryCheescake25: You suck [03:50:55] ArminGux: But u run faster with a knife [03:50:56] m4cintoshplus: potato aim [03:50:59] nico_cccxv: f1nnHands [03:51:01] Solus_kun: nice aim Kappa [03:51:11] viryl_lucas: bruh, there are hit markers [03:51:15] tgdmshow: This is Femboy Gaming [03:51:15] callmegarp: If only he had an AWP in this game *sigh* [03:51:16] Wanesty: ugh well i guess i'm downloading splitgate again [03:51:17] ArminGux: How u so bad [03:51:17] Solus_kun: Facts KEKW [03:51:19] FullSoNy: yes [03:51:19] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:51:21] stephylmao: KEKW [03:51:22] xmoonphasex: and all you do in cs is open cases? [03:51:22] dropD3dSetzy: reesie3GG [03:51:29] xmoonphasex: KEKW [03:51:30] FullSoNy: KEKW [03:51:37] blueskydrinking: really the bet should have been "will f1nn get killed 25 times?" [03:51:40] muddymudkip15: Lol [03:51:41] GutsoftheEclipse: FinnScream [03:51:41] dcgaw4p1999: POV ur gf tries to play your video game [03:51:44] Icelantum: Steam ping? [03:51:44] Kolateak_: Say the gamer words [03:51:45] NotLouis05: steam bli[ [03:51:49] halamoucu: *Gamer posture activates* [03:51:51] sanwichmak3r: ÆEÄh [03:51:51] floofyfurlogdog: Dont ads [03:51:52] PetriZide: f1nnMonka gamer words [03:51:52] sunnyd_1: monkaS gamer word [03:51:53] ArminGux: Don't say gamer words on twich Elon ain't here to help [03:51:56] bdix727: stay with the carbine, you suck with the assault rifle [03:51:58] general_of_cm: pewdiepie gamer words or just gamer words? [03:51:58] Wanesty: @xmoonphasex there's something more to the game than that !? POGGERS [03:52:00] FullSoNy: @blueskydrinking LUL [03:52:00] DireCyphre: Gamer moment? [03:52:10] nothitch: this is disappointing [03:52:12] YeomanJensen: not warmed up, you should've factored that in before the bet [03:52:14] nothitch: you are better than this [03:52:18] Emmy64_: nanona1LETSGOO [03:52:18] scarlettyg: King Layer [03:52:18] xmoonphasex: @xmoonphasex not for Finn LMAO [03:52:19] shortswarlok: no gamer words, gamer words = ban [03:52:19] Wanesty: cod lobby behavior [03:52:20] hrtitties: use more portals [03:52:28] SalemSacrifices: @nothitch Is he tho? [03:52:30] darealooooo: lol [03:52:32] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [03:52:32] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart stardu78Rollin nanona1Nodders techta5NyanWin3 [03:52:33] andimax11: Does splitgate have SBMM? [03:52:34] GutsoftheEclipse: click heads?? [03:52:35] Amoyamoyamoya: I might be better at this game and I can't play FPSes. [03:52:37] Nenkos: F1NN! GET OFF that bridge monkaS [03:52:38] JustChickenwing: What was that bet? 25 kills? LUL [03:52:39] onestupidpizza: How will this affect lebron legacy [03:52:40] StrawberryCheescake25: f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong [03:52:41] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:52:42] vanimal2118: My $$$ is on @nothitch and Kitty! LOL [03:52:45] general_of_cm: f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong [03:52:46] unaffected95: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:52:47] Indi_Nane: i gotta say, while i never got good enough to main this game, I do enjoy it a lot. You have a good taste in games! [03:52:50] Loelinverse: the game is about positioning first. [03:52:51] GutsoftheEclipse: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:52:52] Knikian: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:52:54] vanimal2118: f1nnLezgang f1nnBingbong f1nnPegChamp obkatAwooga rynBonk [03:52:55] darealooooo: ur bad fin [03:52:59] ArminGux: I bet there is a strategy guide [03:53:01] scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [03:53:02] NotLouis05: this game looks so stressfull [03:53:09] Cryo001: f? [03:53:10] Helen_Croft: F [03:53:11] GutsoftheEclipse: F [03:53:12] scarlettyg: F [03:53:12] stephylmao: F [03:53:13] arquiJ: F [03:53:13] SilverEnigma: F [03:53:13] general_of_cm: F [03:53:13] destinynerd1991: Ily [03:53:13] ChasingSol: F [03:53:13] ThtFemboyLily: NOOOOO [03:53:13] sunnyd_1: F [03:53:13] Aberryth: f [03:53:14] xmoonphasex: F [03:53:14] lone_cosmonaut_jackie: F [03:53:14] callmegarp: f [03:53:14] jordieboi45: F [03:53:14] IdiotKnightKing: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [03:53:14] Balagotme: 11 raiders from Balagotme have joined! [03:53:14] NotLouis05: F [03:53:14] Therosbr: F [03:53:15] Kolateak_: F [03:53:15] viryl_lucas: lag [03:53:15] capsulatepluto: f [03:53:15] YeomanJensen: SabaPing [03:53:15] johnkeiwo: NOOOOO [03:53:15] xmoonphasex: FFFFf [03:53:15] loograt: F [03:53:15] isthisrp: F [03:53:15] idesofjuno: F [03:53:15] RoxyMoonshine: F [03:53:15] xmestupidx: F [03:53:15] firedragon554692: F [03:53:15] vrworkouts: F [03:53:15] ThtFemboyLily: F [03:53:15] TrainedAttackSpork: panicBasket [03:53:16] bingchilling1921: F [03:53:16] Stovamor: Stream F [03:53:16] clairebear00001: F [03:53:16] TH1SisSTAN: F [03:53:16] FlaredFoamer: F [03:53:16] notapersontrustme: g [03:53:16] callmegarp: F [03:53:16] dcgaw4p1999: F [03:53:17] Nova_Prime_69: F [03:53:17] harokaa: Nooo [03:53:18] imNotSubbed: f [03:53:18] muddymudkip15: F [03:53:18] eva0093: F [03:53:18] theundead165: f [03:53:18] viryl_lucas: laggers [03:53:18] Ramaj_A: banned [03:53:18] johnkeiwo: THE POINTS [03:53:19] venomousvelvet: f [03:53:19] braddle172: F [03:53:19] bull_bar: f [03:53:19] Xalixtro: f [03:53:20] Knikian: F [03:53:20] JustChickenwing: Oh shit it's F? [03:53:20] lordgtafbi: F [03:53:20] scatteredleaves: F [03:53:20] scarlettyg: he ded [03:53:20] AvaerusEx: So it's not just me. [03:53:21] mnemophobe: F [03:53:21] callmegarp: RIP [03:53:21] AlhambraMMXX: F [03:53:21] firedragon554692: F 󠀀 [03:53:21] tallorangeone: F [03:53:21] johnkeiwo: FUCK [03:53:21] blueskydrinking: god damn it fuck [03:53:21] GutsoftheEclipse: NOOOOOOO [03:53:21] MnemonicOverload: F [03:53:21] Solus_kun: L [03:53:22] KnapperigeKapitein: F [03:53:22] mcmaster2000: oh no [03:53:22] Ramaj_A: BANNED [03:53:22] IdiotKnightKing: F [03:53:22] evillcatt: f [03:53:22] MajesticFvckingEagle: F [03:53:22] viryl_lucas: oof [03:53:22] lepettyofficer: f