[00:00:01] ChasingSol: hiya Warden <3 [00:00:04] c__r__j: @416hobbit itspea13BunnnWave [00:00:04] Wardenboo: oh? [00:00:05] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @416hobbit [00:00:07] johnkeiwo: f1nnCowjam adcvrJam PepePls catJAM [00:00:08] iamthedutchdude: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:00:08] Wardenboo: hiyaaa c: [00:00:08] legion2814: Tank is probably more potty trained than f1nn [00:00:10] toomanybees___: POGGERS [00:00:13] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:00:16] toomanybees___: catJAM [00:00:18] HardyOrange: sense of taste is still dead I see [00:00:19] DarrigoTR: Whats this A stream? [00:00:20] sarathearcher1: Remember, F1nn is never late! They are current;y arm wrestling the puppy tp prove dominance... [00:00:23] letume: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:27] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam itspea13BunnnRave spicycowDancy rynDance rynJam femukHeadsway spicycowFeet itspea13Worm femboy45Drum itspea13Groove redsayBongo DinoDance [00:00:28] johnkeiwo: we making it out of Birmingham with this one boys EZ [00:00:28] Wardenboo: omg [00:00:30] Mikey2207: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:33] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:34] Helen_Croft: The intor Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [00:00:36] cafv_ene: yo [00:00:37] juri_73: yoooooooo [00:00:38] ChasingSol: cya on the other side Offline Gang [00:00:38] sarathearcher1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:39] thatglassboi: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:39] AlmondVF: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:39] mhq0902: hi [00:00:39] alexx_tay: finn [00:00:40] juri_73: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:41] MrDoomzday_13: yooo [00:00:41] Stovamor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [00:00:41] devoluxn: DinoDance LETS GOOOO DinoDance [00:00:42] Zenisher: evening [00:00:42] baileytrolls: hi [00:00:42] alexx_tay: yippee [00:00:44] PaddsterTV: yard [00:00:45] sad_boi1306: HAIIII [00:00:46] heyorsomething27: let’s goooooo [00:00:46] alexx_tay: hiii [00:00:46] misutoko: hey [00:00:47] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:00:47] NightLord131: hasHi hasHi [00:00:47] ankhinc: YOOOO [00:00:47] pojybear38: hi [00:00:48] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:00:48] alexx_tay: hi [00:00:48] whokilledheartia_: WSG FINNN [00:00:48] meggggoooooooo1: hiiiiiiiiii [00:00:48] impradaaa: damn I got in and insta ad [00:00:49] kim5734: hi chat [00:00:49] nejamin3: AAAAA Hey [00:00:49] Ben_Lewton: catJAM [00:00:50] owen2927: boo [00:00:50] sad_boi1306: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:50] degdo24: SUPERBOWLLLLLL [00:00:50] TemptedSpirit_: heyy [00:00:51] dynamicdestiny22: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:51] tekk_lover: hello [00:00:51] basicallyserena: Woooooooo [00:00:51] serpentkillr: hiiiiiiiii [00:00:52] alexx_tay: yippee [00:00:52] MrCookie_Floof: hey [00:00:52] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:52] savagelettuce1: Yoooo [00:00:53] oridude1: hello all [00:00:53] TheRealKatie1: hi [00:00:53] kim5734: hi Finn [00:00:53] fatslowman: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:53] deadheadcrazy: FINALLYYYYYY [00:00:53] eccoblast: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:53] geri_p03: hello roraatKURU roraatKURU roraatKURU [00:00:53] Buxty: Buxty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 5 month streak! pog [00:00:53] f3mmbot: buxty subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:54] badger_ben: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:54] ur_mother789: BALLS [00:00:55] filip_zd10: HII [00:00:55] tigersharks006: Yooooooooooo [00:00:57] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:00:57] awesomerem1: awesomerem1 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 24 months! it's been 2 years pog [00:00:58] f3mmbot: awesomerem1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:00:58] Gentrix918: Heyy f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:58] NightLord131: hasHi hasHi hasHi [00:00:58] Zenisher: dude f1nn has the best music [00:00:58] miikii____: heyooooo [00:00:59] joshua1234aa: RRRAAAHHHHHHHHHH [00:01:00] ADHD_: D: [00:01:00] cafv_ene: real [00:01:00] Zendeus: hi [00:01:00] Ben_Lewton: CowJAM [00:01:01] ogrem_fanclan: jammies [00:01:01] Bit_Bear: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:01:01] im_up_to_something: Sup [00:01:01] Useless__person: FIRST STREAM, WOOOOO [00:01:02] nuggetfrend: daddy [00:01:02] sad_boi1306: BALLS?!?!?! [00:01:02] heyorsomething27: ekkkkk 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 [00:01:02] FelineFemby: suuuuuup boiiiis! [00:01:02] ysalima: omg hi [00:01:03] alexx_tay: finnster [00:01:03] basicallyserena: omg the muuuuuuusic [00:01:04] joeycomixthesquid: howdy yall [00:01:04] sorexxa: Hiiii [00:01:04] gaminggiantlive: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:04] JohnnyTyrant93: pixxliYay pixxliYay pixxliYay pixxliYay pixxliYay pixxliYay [00:01:05] CapitalistSlave: hi [00:01:05] awesomerem1: heyyy [00:01:05] BLAAAIRY: ayyyyyyyyy [00:01:05] shuroku20: heyooooo [00:01:06] f3mmbot: F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:01:06] zebrabbl396: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:01:06] Gor1209: Gor1209 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:01:07] f3mmbot: gor1209 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:07] eggshellyolk: balls are yummy [00:01:09] lun4_th3_w0lf: Banger [00:01:09] alexx_tay: yippee!!!! [00:01:10] nyrhalahotep: stoney60Hearts stoney60Hearts stoney60Hearts stoney60Hearts [00:01:10] Souless_beast: not going to be very many people from America on here today [00:01:10] MrCookie_Floof: I haven’t been on stream in forever!! [00:01:11] AlexTheBingus: HIIIIIII [00:01:12] phr0g2: letttsssssss gogggooooooooo [00:01:13] DarrigoTR: Cheer100 [00:01:14] baileytrolls: hello [00:01:14] eggshellyolk: yo [00:01:14] caitlintheawesomesaucer: yukuvtWow [00:01:14] dirtygranny88: heyyyy [00:01:16] ryze_dabboy: yippie [00:01:16] alexx_tay: hiii finn [00:01:16] general_of_cm: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:16] BroKenMIND_games: f1nnMonka [00:01:17] wiktuur: Time for the most masculine male ever <3 [00:01:17] ysalima: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:17] niam6r: I'm hard for u [00:01:18] belak_kb: balls [00:01:18] boom_and_alpha_yt: hi [00:01:19] sad_boi1306: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:20] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:01:20] misutoko: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:01:20] kings_004: L song [00:01:20] YumeNoZen: Nani the fuck again? [00:01:21] alexx_tay: KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha [00:01:22] bucket325: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:01:22] junebugo356: yippee [00:01:23] alexx_tay: GivePLZ [00:01:23] whitemonky69420: hi [00:01:24] slumbernix455: everly7Getitt everly7Getitt everly7Getitt everly7Getitt [00:01:25] breezy8631: hiiiiii [00:01:26] MrCookie_Floof: WTH is this music [00:01:26] eggshellyolk: this song slaps [00:01:27] wengan968: hi [00:01:27] savagelettuce1: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:28] ogrem_fanclan: Oh gosh, the lyrics. More innocent ears have never heard such things [00:01:29] ChasingSol: @Souless_beast I don't think the overlap between sportball watchers and Finn fans is very large somehow [00:01:29] FelineFemby: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:29] heyorsomething27: yippee yippee [00:01:30] mayper4demon: Heyeiiiii a live with no porpose [00:01:30] sad_boi1306: Frrr [00:01:32] Nico_IsSwag: einfac473LOL [00:01:32] captain_cosmic13: Hello finn [00:01:33] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:01:33] ManOnTheNet: redsayWave redsayWave redsayWave [00:01:34] Gentrix918: f1nnHeart [00:01:34] edahdd: Whats r9k mode??? [00:01:34] RetroRudes: from the US…I don’t care about this game… [00:01:34] zebrabbl396: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:34] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: catJAM CowJAM pepeD catJAM CowJAM pepeD [00:01:35] lexxie86: TransgenderPride GayPride LesbianPride [00:01:36] ghostieliving: Never heard this song [00:01:37] johnmichael91: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:37] krispiwafflez: Twas up [00:01:38] alexx_tay: TPFufun KonCha [00:01:39] bejrocks: ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ [00:01:40] NightLord131: hasSlam hasSlam TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE elbyJammies elbyJammies DinoDance DinoDance sqidaeSabers sqidaeSabers [00:01:44] U_MUST_BE_COOL: Bussy be popping off these days [00:01:45] sad_boi1306: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:46] casualgammer554: hi [00:01:46] ghostieliving: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:48] wengan968: DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:53] gaminggiantlive: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:53] delilah_derata: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:54] braddle172: itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave [00:01:55] NightLord131: NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [00:01:56] ChasingSol: f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle yokasiWiggle flippi38Cheer yokasiRave stovamJam yokasiBlanket [00:01:57] XENOMAN5: This music. Why does he hate us? [00:01:57] Calmberry: hi [00:01:58] 71M073J: Fimter Pog [00:01:58] gaminggiantlive: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:58] rSavoury: she got the sofa 🗣️🗣️🗣️ [00:01:58] fatslowman: my ears [00:01:59] Y0rk5h1r3: femukCheer femukCheer femukCheer femukCheer [00:02:00] ShaoNiu7: CurseLit [00:02:00] Vanimal2118: Sports Ball! vanima3YIPPIE2 [00:02:01] ze_zir: Hewwo [00:02:03] never_not_sleepy: i got a glock in my rawrie XD [00:02:04] alexx_tay: KonCha KonCha KonCha [00:02:07] alexx_tay: GivePLZ GivePLZ [00:02:07] JorWat: This intro music. Mmm! [00:02:09] Nico_IsSwag: GayPride [00:02:09] issadawaddles: SOOOODA [00:02:09] Vanimal2118: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:11] Speederzzz: The God! [00:02:11] professorpussicat: Ayyyyyy!!! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:12] neon_cheetah: I always miss the prediction f1nnHands [00:02:14] alikarin: What song is this? [00:02:14] baileytrolls: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:02:15] juliet4557: AYYY [00:02:15] beezyyeezy1: beezyyeezy1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Just want to let you know you and ash are responsible for changing so many minds on how we express ourselves, much love! [00:02:16] f3mmbot: beezyyeezy1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:16] mimitori652: the song? [00:02:17] nejamin3: I’m so hype [00:02:17] scarlettyg: We gonna see some Superb owls? [00:02:18] slim_central32: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:18] LunariusAstraeus: Where Mom [00:02:19] whos_brooke: this music does NOT go hard [00:02:20] themistyvortex1313: dinodance [00:02:20] karojhe: Hello fellow humans! [00:02:20] Vanimal2118: vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Dance [00:02:21] baileytrolls: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:22] Bytebak: Superb Owl [00:02:22] JustAnGhost: JustAnGhost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! I got a glock in my 'rari [00:02:22] f3mmbot: justanghost subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:23] boom_and_alpha_yt: whisky and a f1n stream this is good [00:02:23] StormOf98: I love this mix 🕺💃🕺💃 [00:02:23] ryze_dabboy: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 hiiiiii [00:02:24] iwillnotduhh: chibi song lets gooo [00:02:26] silentkay1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:27] eckers75: theco7Grogu theco7Grogu theco7Grogu [00:02:27] baileytrolls: Squid3 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 [00:02:27] Spideyahgamer: why is this version kinda fire 😅 [00:02:27] medical_size9000: Superbowl when has Finn ever watch the super bowl [00:02:28] Gentrix918: ayv3eJAMvee ayv3eJAMvee ayv3eJAMvee [00:02:29] XENOMAN5: I miss fireflies or even the original polish cow song. Anything but this. [00:02:30] savagelettuce1: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:30] groovalicious1: Yall i just found out im seeing hozier in may im so excited [00:02:31] theoval09: Hey Chat [00:02:31] nejamin3: LOL yea the music is certainly new [00:02:32] davidiusfarrenius: davidiusfarrenius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! 13 months Pog [00:02:33] f3mmbot: davidiusfarrenius subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:33] urfav_cookie: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:02:34] joshua1234aa: RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [00:02:34] scarlettyg: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:34] LunariusAstraeus: NotLikeThis [00:02:35] zero_polaris: zero_polaris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:02:35] f3mmbot: zero_polaris subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:37] MrCookie_Floof: e [00:02:38] themistyvortex1313: DinoDance [00:02:38] rSavoury: is this finnsters voice? [00:02:38] sad_boi1306: Yesiir [00:02:39] misutoko: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:39] Helen_Croft: The intro Song @mimitori652 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [00:02:40] krispiwafflez: I'm KrispyWalffleZ [00:02:40] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:02:41] urfav_cookie: DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:41] alexx_tay: yippee [00:02:43] scarlettyg: f1nnTankhat <3 f1nnTank <3 f1nnTankhat [00:02:43] bigsuave7: NotLikeThis [00:02:44] TheNeverShow: Amercano football no [00:02:45] baileytrolls: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:45] ChasingSol: this song is cursed [00:02:45] F1NN5TER: Superbowl more like super bOwOl [00:02:45] alexx_tay: hi fin [00:02:45] unbracingabyss: hey [00:02:47] ElfDestruct: I would watch a fembowl [00:02:48] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @medical_size9000 [00:02:50] Useless__person: first stream omggggg finallyyyy I’m always in schoollll [00:02:50] ur_mother789: HEHEHEJEHEHEHEJ [00:02:52] themistyvortex1313: DinoDanceDinoDanceDinoDanceDinoDanceDinoDance [00:02:52] stravvberry_milk: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:53] urfav_cookie: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:53] 416hobbit: These notes are impossibly high [00:02:53] gaminggiantlive: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:02:54] sad_boi1306: I GOT THE SOOODDAAA [00:02:56] unbracingabyss: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:56] nejamin3: fembowl omfg [00:02:56] scarlettyg: Super BOWEL [00:02:57] never_not_sleepy: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:58] krispiwafflez: I'm KrispyWalffleZ 🗣️😞 [00:02:58] karojhe: How are your human lives this day? [00:02:59] nejamin3: KSHHHH [00:03:00] iwillnotduhh: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:03:01] bruh_wt_f: What the fuck is this music [00:03:02] themistyvortex1313: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:02] LadyLionessOfLondon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:02] yagurlvivi: yagurlvivi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! [00:03:02] f3mmbot: yagurlvivi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:03] DMONEYINDUSTRY: @chasingsol do I need to be a follower to chat here [00:03:05] MrCookie_Floof: pop [00:03:05] nejamin3: What did u crack open [00:03:07] davidiusfarrenius: Hello chat let’s go!!!👋 [00:03:08] rSavoury: i got the soda 💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️ [00:03:09] themistyvortex1313: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:10] ClaireTheMaid: 7 raiders from ClaireTheMaid have joined! [00:03:11] Alpha_games14: CoolCat [00:03:11] MirahImage: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:11] stravvberry_milk: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:12] Stovamor: @DMONEYINDUSTRY, yes [00:03:12] ChasingSol: @DMONEYINDUSTRY no [00:03:12] sad_boi1306: YEEESSS [00:03:13] Ique32: Ique32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! [00:03:13] f3mmbot: ique32 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:15] Vanimal2118: vanima3Dancetroopers vanima3Trooperdance vanima3Trooperdance2 vanima3Dancetroopers vanima3Trooperdance vanima3Trooperdance2 vanima3Dancetroopers vanima3Trooperdance vanima3Trooperdance2 [00:03:15] nejamin3: a fresh bepsi ? [00:03:15] HardyOrange: noooooooo [00:03:16] casualgammer554: casualgammer554 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:16] baileytrolls: yeee [00:03:16] f3mmbot: casualgammer554 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang casualgammer554 f1nnLezgang [00:03:17] ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER you are tone deaf [00:03:17] oldscratch123: bro yesss!!!! [00:03:17] rSavoury: FINN [00:03:18] U_MUST_BE_COOL: we all need a femboy boyfriend New Year’s resolution [00:03:18] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:03:18] ogrem_fanclan: Claire! Hello! [00:03:18] im_up_to_something: Song in meh [00:03:20] MrCookie_Floof: I hear him [00:03:20] alexx_tay: finn!!!! [00:03:20] Celestial_Thistle: what song was that? [00:03:20] just_an_other_lurker: good afternoon [00:03:21] sad_boi1306: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:21] whos_brooke: THAT SONG DOES NOT GO HARD [00:03:21] whokilledheartia_: yoo hey finn! hows your day man?👋👋 [00:03:21] PlanetJae: sup man? [00:03:23] Jens_LN: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [00:03:23] baileytrolls: hi [00:03:23] eunoscosmos: eunoscosmos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [00:03:24] f3mmbot: eunoscosmos subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:24] satelitko: Song name? [00:03:25] rSavoury: YIPPEE [00:03:25] TemptedSpirit_: love that intro [00:03:25] johnkeiwo: Stare [00:03:26] cafv_ene: fr [00:03:26] tigersharks006: What is the song? [00:03:27] 416hobbit: Ahh [00:03:27] Helen_Croft: The intro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [00:03:27] sorexxa: XD [00:03:28] sad_boi1306: Ahhh [00:03:28] bigsuave7: 😂😂😂 [00:03:28] hopefullycyanide: hopefullycyanide subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! wish I could stay and celebrate our sub baby but I have to get back to my own birthday party <3 [00:03:28] f3mmbot: hopefullycyanide subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:29] nejamin3: nice [00:03:29] junebugo356: song is actually a bop [00:03:29] recktor: !taylorswift [00:03:30] iwillnotduhh: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:03:30] DMONEYINDUSTRY: that song is flaccid [00:03:30] ManOnTheNet: redsayWave redsayWave redsayWave [00:03:30] DarrigoTR: Gremlin face [00:03:31] professorpussicat: F1nn I've been sick in bed all day bored out of my skull, you're my savior right now!!! [00:03:31] meerkat696969: name drop [00:03:31] silentkay1: Hi f1nnChair [00:03:31] c__r__j: nanona1Stare [00:03:32] ChasingSol: <3 [00:03:32] NovaSkylaris: that song goes stupendously hard [00:03:33] thean9ry9amer: hi [00:03:33] FatherThyme: Stare [00:03:33] general_of_cm: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:03:34] evie1993keira: evie1993keira subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 months anniversary!!! [00:03:34] f3mmbot: evie1993keira subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:34] RynFromK2L: RynFromK2L subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! Good timezone, everyone! [00:03:35] braddle172: itspea13BunnnWave [00:03:35] f3mmbot: rynfromk2l subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:35] ogrem_fanclan: Missed you too [00:03:35] joshua1234aa: #cutie [00:03:35] rSavoury: AAHHH [00:03:35] recon1856: awesome show [00:03:36] Useless__person: it does! best intro ever [00:03:36] yesouija: XDDD [00:03:36] Smiling_Shelly: Please not that song [00:03:36] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy subscribed with Prime. [00:03:36] f3mmbot: ryze_dabboy subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ryze_dabboy f1nnLezgang [00:03:37] Gtaer222: SCreen has been hopped? [00:03:37] BrightLilThing: Lookin cute [00:03:37] phr0g2: omg queeeeeen alert [00:03:38] bucket325: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:03:38] lilithsspawn: I won [00:03:39] ohmarkey: Hi [00:03:39] The_logs: The_logs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! [00:03:39] strinx1120: Hiiiii [00:03:39] whos_brooke: song is NOT a bop [00:03:39] f3mmbot: the_logs subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:40] Frosty790: Hi F1nn [00:03:40] casualgammer554: heya fin [00:03:40] AeitZean: Hiya dude HypeLUL f1nnHeart [00:03:41] urfav_cookie: im abt to go to school so i cant watch :( [00:03:43] ThoughtItWasApril: ThoughtItWasApril subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! hows it hangin [00:03:43] 71M073J: Hiii finn! [00:03:43] f3mmbot: thoughtitwasapril subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:44] satelitko: Thank <3 [00:03:44] Ben_Lewton: hows dogo? [00:03:44] Calmberry: hiiiii [00:03:44] Gentrix918: Good evening Finn and Chat ayv3eWAYVEEdeluxe [00:03:45] alexx_tay: finnnn [00:03:46] eggshellyolk: jump scare mommy [00:03:46] StormOf98: @helen_croft Thank you for the link 😅 [00:03:47] Valezifer: Hi [00:03:47] Another__Ashl3y: watching at 1fps [00:03:47] boxalchemist: hi [00:03:47] MrCookie_Floof: oh. hey disappointment to my brain. [00:03:47] PynkFryck: PynkFryck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! Balls, big ones [00:03:47] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki1 poki2 [00:03:48] alexx_tay: hiiiii [00:03:48] f3mmbot: pynkfryck subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:48] phr0g2: queeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn [00:03:49] Helen_Croft: I'm just "someone" [00:03:49] Valezifer: I lost [00:03:49] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki3 poki4 [00:03:50] davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn and everyone in chat 👋 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:03:50] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months! 44 months that's cool [00:03:50] f3mmbot: gaminggiantlive subscribed to f1nn5ter for 44 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:51] unbracingabyss: it's my favourite little femboy [00:03:51] Muffin01: Muffin01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Holy moly, 15 already. Thank you for everything Finn. And also Ashley. You two give me energy to get up every day and make the dark and hard days a lot easier. f1nnHeart GayPride [00:03:52] f3mmbot: muffin01 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:52] YumeNoZen: Goes hard like a kidney stone. [00:03:52] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki1 poki4 [00:03:52] c__r__j: That's 4k channel points I won't see again. f1nnSCAM [00:03:52] karojhe: People's tastes are different, but that song sucks!!! [00:03:53] Jansiman: pp [00:03:54] recon1856: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:03:55] Useless__person: we love Ashley!!! [00:03:56] dashunde: superbowl? is that a big bowling event? [00:04:01] thatcanadiandrummer: Haiii femboys :3 [00:04:01] johnkeiwo: FeFe W [00:04:02] alexx_tay: ashley [00:04:02] indoraptor66778: I thought bro was final boss for a sec [00:04:03] sad_boi1306: That's crazy- [00:04:06] MrCookie_Floof: lol [00:04:07] scarlettyg: Hey Gremlin <3 [00:04:07] nejamin3: looool [00:04:07] alexx_tay: yippee [00:04:08] annie_anarchist: Goooood morning Finnnnnn!!!!! I had a dream that you and ash broke up and i really didn't think i was this parasocial... [00:04:08] Sht1k: Wait you like that shit u ironically? [00:04:09] Jens_LN: hiya F1nn5ter [00:04:10] logan_cointo: logan_cointo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 month for the best femboy out there f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:10] f3mmbot: logan_cointo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:10] issadawaddles: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:04:11] breezy8631: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [00:04:12] whokilledheartia_: Yoooo! wsp man? [00:04:12] ShaoNiu7: yeah that song sucks lol [00:04:12] 416hobbit: Welcome back [00:04:12] goldenxlou: TSCHÄTT [00:04:13] cybermoon__: cybermoon__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! you and Ashley helped me figure out that i am trans. <3 :3 [00:04:13] alexx_tay: finnster [00:04:13] f3mmbot: cybermoon__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:13] diditwitcher: I have a spiderfinn song in my mind right now walking on the sealing LUL LUL LUL [00:04:13] thatcanadiandrummer: HEYYY [00:04:14] professorpussicat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:15] johnkeiwo: been ok, and u ? [00:04:15] JessicaCaraKasey: What's popping dude! You feeling good? [00:04:16] Mikey2207: oooooh [00:04:16] phr0g2: queen alert [00:04:17] electric_cicada: heyyyy [00:04:18] boom_and_alpha_yt: gremlin time [00:04:19] Jens_LN: a lighter [00:04:20] MrCookie_Floof: MEN [00:04:20] moonstressjordyn: boys fellas gamers [00:04:20] LowlyCoffee: Hiii [00:04:20] issadawaddles: GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked [00:04:21] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:04:21] alexx_tay: yess [00:04:21] f3mmbot: ryze_dabboy has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:04:21] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to jedileah! [00:04:21] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Standard_Rhubarb! [00:04:21] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ben_Lewton! [00:04:21] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to misschvs! [00:04:21] ryze_dabboy: ryze_dabboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Acedragonwolf97! [00:04:22] im_up_to_something: I'm tired lol [00:04:22] boxalchemist: show us tank!!!! [00:04:23] joeycomixthesquid: Howdy finn [00:04:24] Eromaw: omg hahaha [00:04:25] HardyOrange: WTFFFFFF [00:04:25] thekingone10: Hello [00:04:26] Jeddix: monkaS [00:04:26] silentkay1: oh god, so long house [00:04:28] lun4_th3_w0lf: WHATTT [00:04:28] whos_brooke: stream without ashley wtf is this [00:04:28] DMONEYINDUSTRY: ur assuming we're boys 👿 [00:04:28] issadawaddles: NOT THE LIGHTER [00:04:29] braddle172: Ooo [00:04:29] professorpussicat: Oh no [00:04:29] ohmarkey: OMG [00:04:29] electric_cicada: yoooo [00:04:29] savagelettuce1: Yooo [00:04:30] rSavoury: W gifted [00:04:30] andimax11: nice [00:04:30] alexx_tay: good [00:04:31] LittleChaSiu: omg lighter [00:04:31] helenaaaaaaauwu: Hii [00:04:32] LowlyCoffee: Holy [00:04:32] thatcanadiandrummer: Holy cow! [00:04:33] shuroku20: goes harder than u in bed 😂 [00:04:33] filip_zd10: YOO [00:04:34] FatherThyme: don't light your hair [00:04:34] joshua1234aa: femboy saber!!!!!!!! [00:04:35] AeitZean: Holy crap be careful ScaredyCat [00:04:35] themindscrambler: double checking battlepass now [00:04:35] ChasingSol: oh fuck, pyro femboy [00:04:35] nothitch: Ashley has given him an other thing to burn his house down [00:04:35] muddymudkip15: cool [00:04:35] LittleChaSiu: @YumeNoZen !!! [00:04:36] alexx_tay: yooooo [00:04:37] RynFromK2L: Who the fuck gave the gremlin a light saber? [00:04:37] Ben_Lewton: @ryze_dabboy thanks for the gift [00:04:37] captain_cosmic13: Cool [00:04:37] rSavoury: WOAH [00:04:38] sasaa_86: how is youre house not on fire? [00:04:38] Jens_LN: it MELTS the candles [00:04:39] igy_xd0: finnnnnn [00:04:40] 416hobbit: That's not a KNIFE or a LIGHT SABER [00:04:40] hyuko11: Hoi 👋 [00:04:40] professorpussicat: F1nn you're making me nervous [00:04:40] idesofjuno: HypeHai [00:04:40] Stovamor: OMG, you're gonna burn your house down [00:04:42] ManOnTheNet: don´t burn your hair [00:04:42] sad_boi1306: GASS [00:04:42] shafts__: shafts__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! PogU [00:04:42] silentkay1: Wheres it from / whats it called [00:04:43] karojhe: Holy shit! [00:04:43] f3mmbot: shafts__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:43] Tom__B: elinaHey [00:04:43] natedawg2314: chiefs or 49ers [00:04:43] dashunde: pyro [00:04:44] Useless__person: YOOO A LIGHTSABER?!?! [00:04:45] goldenxlou: Careful kid [00:04:46] c__r__j: F1nn finally getting rid of the Christmas tree? [00:04:47] WonderfullyUncontrollable: DADDY [00:04:50] nejamin3: FWOOOSH 🔥 [00:04:50] Vanimal2118: Who gave the Femboy a flame thrower? [00:04:51] DMONEYINDUSTRY: USE IT FOR DEFENSE @f1nn5ter [00:04:52] MrDoomzday_13: Cheer1 [00:04:52] greenday568: how long before he lights himself on fire [00:04:53] JorWat: Oh God, who let him get that? [00:04:53] Hakanai___: I want that torch [00:04:53] Jens_LN: How is the new house coming along ? [00:04:54] verametafr_: YOOOOOOOO LETS GOOOOO [00:04:54] Hakanai___: wwww [00:04:55] alexx_tay: arson [00:04:55] blatant_fabrication: flamethrower haircut when? [00:04:55] TheNeverShow: Are you gonna burn down the house cause twitch Might be unhappy with that [00:04:55] whokilledheartia_: mcaT mcaT mcaT [00:04:56] Hercamir: Hercamir subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:04:56] professorpussicat: I'm literally scared for you but whatever [00:04:56] f3mmbot: hercamir subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:57] Wardenboo: camping trip! [00:04:58] issadawaddles: @natedawg2314 none. fuck football lmao [00:04:58] scarlettyg: This reminds me of that one time in kindergarten when I wanted to look at a lighter up close... I had no eyelashes for a month [00:04:59] Nenkos: 100% he's gonna have burnt hair by next stream LuL [00:05:01] YumeNoZen: I'm sorry. [00:05:01] diditwitcher: I would use that with my smoking lamp LUL [00:05:01] FemTRANSilvanian: hi there finally made it to a stream!!!❤️ [00:05:02] trashbandit135: Yooooo wspppppp [00:05:02] silentkay1: I want one [00:05:03] trikrite: Finn, how is it that you only ever go live when I have an exam the next day? 🥲 [00:05:03] dashunde: FLAMMENWERFER [00:05:03] motivatedjihyo: I finally made it to one of his streams. [00:05:03] theoval09: Hey when will you open PO BoxPackages next time [00:05:05] lydia_m2f: lydia_m2f subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 25 month streak! [00:05:06] f3mmbot: lydia_m2f subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:06] c__r__j: Good luck getting that thing onto a plane! [00:05:09] casualgammer554: casualgammer554 is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [00:05:09] f3mmbot: casualgammer554 has gifted a sub to 3 users in chat! [00:05:09] SnabbKassa: SnabbKassa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [00:05:09] casualgammer554: casualgammer554 gifted a Tier 1 sub to maxless666! [00:05:09] casualgammer554: casualgammer554 gifted a Tier 1 sub to turboshogun! [00:05:09] casualgammer554: casualgammer554 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Erik_T_! [00:05:09] YumeNoZen: I'm soo soo sorrrryyyyy. [00:05:09] f3mmbot: snabbkassa subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:10] Useless__person: you sure TSA will let that through? ;-; [00:05:10] MangledPork: Burning down the old house and moving into the new one [00:05:11] breezy8631: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:05:12] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER How is the new house coming along ? [00:05:14] tokusatsu10: 40 months [00:05:15] LowlyCoffee: Beat the system lol [00:05:15] RynFromK2L: f1nnLaff [00:05:17] YumeNoZen: THIS ISN'T MY FAULT [00:05:17] Vanimal2118: Not a lightsaber [00:05:17] Y0rk5h1r3: Blow torch [00:05:18] rSavoury: W GIFTED [00:05:20] alexx_tay: yippee [00:05:20] issadawaddles: @thesovietrat4954 bro what [00:05:20] breezy8631: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:05:23] whokilledheartia_: [00:05:23] hyuko11: KonCha [00:05:24] tokusatsu10: tokusatsu10 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months! 40 momths [00:05:24] f3mmbot: tokusatsu10 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months using Prime! PogU [00:05:25] prestonhulsey: I LOVE YOU FINN [00:05:26] evie1993keira: youre gonna burn your new house [00:05:27] alexx_tay: fire [00:05:27] DMONEYINDUSTRY: @thesovietrat4954 what's ur twitter name [00:05:29] XENOMAN5: Ads! Ads! I hate ads! [00:05:29] 9matthew8: I blame yume [00:05:31] dashunde: @thesovietrat4954 technically you can [00:05:31] sad_boi1306: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:05:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: Hello my favorite gremlin :) [00:05:33] RynFromK2L: Three Hours Later... [00:05:37] StormOf98: My healthy habit of cigarettes needs that external combustion device 😂😂 [00:05:37] AniThrax: a [00:05:37] oofussnapz: dam [00:05:41] igy_xd0: finn ur an egg [00:05:41] karojhe: Werfen needs flammen [00:05:41] prestonhulsey: FINN NOTICE ME [00:05:42] MrDoomzday_13: GoldPLZ [00:05:42] MrCookie_Floof: don’t hold that anywhere near Ashley. I’ve watched your content long enough to trust you, but Ashley has a little bit longer until then. [00:05:48] toomanybees___: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:48] nejamin3: also some rando gave me a sub last time and idk who but thanks for that [00:05:49] professorpussicat: professorpussicat gifted a Tier 1 sub to XENOMAN5! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:05:49] f3mmbot: professorpussicat has gifted a subscription to xenoman5 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang xenoman5 f1nnLezgang [00:05:49] trashbandit135: YOOO WSPPPP [00:05:50] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:51] sad_boi1306: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [00:05:51] handscombchris: Hate to tell you F1nn but flamethrowers are also illegal! [00:05:52] Helen_Croft: The intro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [00:05:52] prisonerofmarzipan: You couuuuuuld just get a guy who goes to the gym to follow you around. He'd have guns [00:05:53] Jonathan916Gamer: Hi finn [00:05:53] issadawaddles: crash? [00:05:53] theoval09: Hey Whem will you open PO Packages again [00:05:57] pactiun: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:05:57] MirahImage: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:58] slipperyglizzyblgl: PLAY IT [00:05:59] gaddafi_duck_: no [00:05:59] Useless__person: as an American I don’t think TSA will let that lightsaber fly QwQ [00:06:00] 416hobbit: Yes please [00:06:00] mfranco69: Hi @f1nn5ter, how are you doing? [00:06:00] dashunde: rawry x3 [00:06:01] a_leviathan_111: Short [00:06:02] ChasingSol: yes, tell us stories [00:06:04] nejamin3: YEEESSSS [00:06:04] Stovamor: @thesovietrat4954, YOu can try, but you won't be here for long if you do [00:06:04] alexx_tay: rehehehe [00:06:05] Jens_LN: ?? [00:06:05] joshua1234aa: uuuuggghhhh 😩😫😩😩😫 [00:06:06] oridude1: oridude1 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:06:06] oridude1: oridude1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tg699! [00:06:07] never_not_sleepy: i got a glock in my rawrie UwU [00:06:07] prestonhulsey: NOTICE ME PLZZZZ [00:06:07] f3mmbot: oridude1 has gifted a subscription to tg699 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tg699 f1nnLezgang [00:06:07] braddle172: Yes [00:06:08] ggo_scarlet: UwU [00:06:08] breezy8631: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:06:10] motivatedjihyo: yes [00:06:11] zebrabbl396: vladncVeryuwu [00:06:11] Jonathan916Gamer: Tel me de stir [00:06:13] Gentrix918: How is Tank? f1nnTankhat [00:06:13] safiremoon3: TwitchConHYPE [00:06:13] alexx_tay: yesss [00:06:15] jrforsti: jrforsti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 41 month streak! [00:06:15] medical_size9000: Rrrawar??? [00:06:15] f3mmbot: jrforsti subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:16] toomanybees___: Yeees [00:06:16] ADHD_: to famous to stream consistently now peepoSad EleGiggle [00:06:17] XENOMAN5: Thanks for the sub!! [00:06:18] issadawaddles: there’s a stick in my ass [00:06:22] Yorkie786: GoldPLZ [00:06:23] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello all hope you're doing well today 👍😁 [00:06:26] debdrup: Professional streamer, right here. [00:06:26] safiremoon3: BloodTrail [00:06:28] nejamin3: that’s ok Twitter is mid now [00:06:29] blackvvldow: KCC to win [00:06:29] safiremoon3: OneHand [00:06:30] joshua1234aa: TransgenderPride [00:06:33] estradidoll: I just got clocked in mi rarri Kappa [00:06:35] joshua1234aa: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:35] hmmmmmm25: TransgenderPride [00:06:36] filip_zd10: you mean X? [00:06:37] JessicaCaraKasey: Chill ma dude! 👌 [00:06:40] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki1 poki3 [00:06:42] professorpussicat: @xenoman5 that should fix the ad problem 😘 [00:06:42] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki2 poki4 [00:06:43] joshua1234aa: GayPride [00:06:44] MrCookie_Floof: I got a boyfriend. PansexualPride [00:06:45] gaddafi_duck_: Wait, this is news [00:06:47] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki1 poki2 [00:06:47] Jens_LN: and take pictures of it ? [00:06:48] lexxie86: Jealous of that hair [00:06:49] DMONEYINDUSTRY: poki3 poki4 [00:06:49] recon1856: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:06:50] 416hobbit: The 12-hour femme [00:06:51] KaminoIDK: KaminoIDK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! f1nnHeart [00:06:51] f3mmbot: kaminoidk subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:52] axel_bl0b: TransgenderPride [00:06:52] c__r__j: You're awake at 11am?!? [00:06:52] ManOnTheNet: just the time youre awak [00:06:54] whokilledheartia_: heyyyy! [00:06:54] XENOMAN5: Where is f1nnTank ? [00:06:55] theGimpWhoKeepsOnGiving: girlmonth is back!!! [00:06:56] Vanimal2118: Dress as girl? [00:06:58] alexx_tay: i sadly have to go byee:( [00:06:58] ChasingSol: no [00:07:00] MadCow_GMR: cheese [00:07:00] SnabbKassa: 12 hour man 12 hour woman [00:07:01] iitztragic: iitztragic subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! f1nnCowjam [00:07:01] f3mmbot: iitztragic subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:07:01] medical_size9000: We know you love to dress up in girl clothes [00:07:01] nejamin3: loololol [00:07:02] gaddafi_duck_: Like you go out in public? [00:07:02] daniel_hjort: no [00:07:02] breezy8631: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:07:03] Wardenboo: not really no [00:07:06] andimax11: I guess we just assumed [00:07:06] slipperyglizzyblgl: YOU DRESS LIKE A WOMAN??? [00:07:06] tigersharks006: Wait I thought you meant for fun! [00:07:07] Stovamor: no [00:07:08] HardyOrange: you didn't tell us, but it is inferrable [00:07:08] mimarly305: Lets Go F1nn5ter [00:07:09] SeekingInsanity: Loving you from Louisiana! [00:07:09] call_me_kashi: You? Dress like a girl? No way [00:07:12] MrCookie_Floof: @lexxie86 me for 3 fucking years lol. [00:07:17] joey_556: Good girl f1nn [00:07:23] ogrem_fanclan: @MrCookie_Floof Congratulations! [00:07:25] Tjd321: Tjd321 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:07:26] f3mmbot: tjd321 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tjd321 f1nnLezgang [00:07:27] XENOMAN5: You’re coming out!? [00:07:27] axel_bl0b: Meow [00:07:28] LightMage670: LightMage670 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! I disagree with Twitch, it's not been 6 months, right? // right? [00:07:28] f3mmbot: lightmage670 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:07:28] medical_size9000: You love to dress up like a girl [00:07:30] Jens_LN: And then Barbie holds your leash ? [00:07:32] Helen_Croft: I go do what f1nnTank is doing so see you later @F1NN5TER [00:07:32] Kacearrito: lol [00:07:35] F1nn5ter3: Nicee [00:07:39] DMONEYINDUSTRY: hoe tell [00:07:39] nothitch: Oh wdym, you always leave the hotel room [00:07:39] MrCookie_Floof: @ogrem_fanclan thx [00:07:41] johnkeiwo: @Helen_Croft, gn ! [00:07:47] blackvvldow: Do strangers ever mistake you for a guy? [00:07:48] debdrup: nothitch: busted [00:07:52] nejamin3: I’m ready [00:07:53] xdknightartorias420: Hii kruzWave kruzWave [00:07:54] breezy8631: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 MercyWing1 MercyWing2 MercyWing1 MercyWing2 MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:07:56] gaddafi_duck_: Not that long ago you were saying that going out in public in a dress was the most scary thing and you couldn't do it lol [00:07:59] medical_size9000: @blackvvldow hardly [00:07:59] daniel_hjort: Tank!!! [00:08:03] AeitZean: You said you went to Brighton a couple times, but not that you stay girl mode the whole time HypeLUL [00:08:06] nothitch: 5 times, I threw you out twice. [00:08:09] darkphoenix4463: do u do your own makeup [00:08:09] ChasingSol: haha [00:08:11] breezy8631: Shush Shush Shush [00:08:11] DMONEYINDUSTRY: ❓❓iPhone or Android ❓❓ @f1nn5ter [00:08:11] Meavvy99: wheres ashley i only watch for her [00:08:14] ChasingSol: @nothitch spitting facts [00:08:18] ysalima: ASH? [00:08:27] richard_laundon: How's tank doing? [00:08:27] bnb3199: YERRRR [00:08:28] whokilledheartia_: Yooo! wsp man? [00:08:30] FoodFightBystander: WHAT?! You're on time? Who is this and what did you do with F1nn? [00:08:31] LittleChaSiu: Hitch picked you up? LUL [00:08:31] baileytrolls: hello [00:08:35] termina8100: Wsg Finn [00:08:35] nejamin3: don’t underestimate his social anxiety. thing is a beech [00:08:37] LittleChaSiu: mans got ROTATED [00:08:37] Jens_LN: Hitch take you on walkies ? [00:08:40] medical_size9000: Most ppl can pick you up [00:08:42] Vanimal2118: Nice job @nothitch [00:08:45] Helen_Croft: Also tell that you got suspended on reddit @F1NN5TER [00:08:46] YumeNoZen: Okay, the one in your lasst post shouldn't be one to wear outside, yeah. [00:08:54] ogrem_fanclan: You were feeling the beige today, huh? [00:08:56] imaprsn: bruh why’d you decide today of all days [00:08:58] Lucridis: Semi-rotated [00:08:59] gaddafi_duck_: Semi rotation, got it [00:09:00] Chronotides: Chronotides subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months! 33 months, yay! keep being a super cutie wutie [00:09:00] Y0rk5h1r3: @helen_croft LUL LUL LUL [00:09:00] f3mmbot: chronotides subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:00] games_cheese: stvrstFroggo [00:09:01] WayneBoBrown: WayneBoBrown subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:09:01] f3mmbot: waynebobrown subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:09:02] mimarly305: HungryPaimon HungryPaimon [00:09:02] MrCookie_Floof: @meavvy99 breaking news, mate,: this is F1NN’s channel. [00:09:03] Alkno_93: hello fin how are you today [00:09:03] Jens_LN: you got planked ? [00:09:04] ChasingSol: Did you get banned on Reddit for impersonating yourself? [00:09:04] lexxiipop: You can rotate less than 360 [00:09:06] grandpaladin1701: Hey chat! [00:09:08] medical_size9000: Horizontal ayoooo [00:09:08] 416hobbit: Flattened [00:09:12] MirahImage: Semi-rotated [00:09:13] boom_and_alpha_yt: you were flattened [00:09:13] TheNeverShow: My clothes have reached 92% all girls as the ass fell out of Endangered boy jeans [00:09:17] jamnesia777: Finn, I’m using you as motivation to write this paper on environmental stress and living in cities [00:09:18] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @y0rk5h1r3 [00:09:20] bea_bo0: hiii [00:09:22] gaddafi_duck_: five guys is meh [00:09:23] DreadPirateDan: you got 'zonted [00:09:24] gaminggiantlive: 5 guys is so good [00:09:25] doge7062: I feel like I’m being corrupted [00:09:26] medical_size9000: Finn went all fours ayoooo [00:09:27] blueskydrinking: five guys is incredibly overpriced [00:09:27] Drax242: Rotation is a state of mind [00:09:28] alexh1441: alexh1441 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! Trying to watch on train rip my quality. [00:09:28] f3mmbot: alexh1441 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:30] gaddafi_duck_: Damn [00:09:34] ysalima: preety [00:09:34] beanyberry: HI FINN YOU LOOK VERY PRETTY [00:09:36] nothitch: Food was good, 9.5/10 on five guys [00:09:37] RedHood635: Looking damn breedable today. [00:09:37] tehikohiko: <3 <3 <3 [00:09:37] Jens_LN: looking good [00:09:38] catwarriorusa: Hello:D [00:09:38] mimarly305: big love id pick u pikachu [00:09:40] AeitZean: I've not even had one guy yet, it's possible Kappa [00:09:40] hmmmmmm25: TransgenderPride [00:09:40] braddle172: Clap [00:09:40] OLordPapyrus: 🤫🤫🧏‍♂️🧏‍♂️ bye bye [00:09:42] slipperyglizzyblgl: OH NAHHH [00:09:43] Zendeus: First stream I've joined, how y'all doing? [00:09:43] MrCookie_Floof: five guys overrated [00:09:44] professorpussicat: I had five guys cause everyone said it was TDF and I was severely underwhelmed. [00:09:45] breezy8631: PRETTY [00:09:46] LittleChaSiu: @nothitch omg I love Five Guys [00:09:46] scarlettyg: KEKW [00:09:48] hmmmmmm25: CoolCat [00:09:49] zebrabbl396: vladncRizz [00:09:49] FatherThyme: lmaooo [00:09:49] diditwitcher: Everyone likes to go downstairs LUL [00:09:51] braddle172: KEKW [00:09:51] ogrem_fanclan: KEKW [00:09:51] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:09:52] Meavvy99: f1nn never had 5 guys before the most hes had before is 4 [00:09:52] scarlettyg: Love that last picture KEKW [00:09:53] RonnieSxl: PogBones PogBones [00:09:53] termina8100: tank [00:09:53] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:09:54] femboyhooters_employee69: Finn gets 5 guys on the battle pass? [00:09:54] Jens_LN: oh my [00:09:54] 416hobbit: That look says it all [00:09:54] handscombchris: You had 5 guys!? Does Ashley know? [00:09:55] CrozzGameplay: KEKW [00:09:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:09:58] EldritchElucidator: rip [00:10:00] Y0rk5h1r3: @vanimal2118 yourlo57Hey [00:10:03] nbrowser: Cute outfit though.... [00:10:03] nogare97: nogare97 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! Good job on getting the food. f1nnHeadpat [00:10:04] f3mmbot: nogare97 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:06] Jo281417: hi Finn could we do a minute silence on stream for Brianna ghey as today marks the 1 year anniversary [00:10:08] ALICEINSLAUGHTERLAND: imagine profiting off transmysoginy [00:10:10] HardyOrange: the thigh highs do make it a bit less casual [00:10:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: an epic in three photos [00:10:11] dirtygranny88: KEKW [00:10:12] professorpussicat: Ohhhh boy are you drunk crying here? [00:10:12] LittleChaSiu: you have that generic white guy smile ._. [00:10:14] MirahImage: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:10:14] Vanimal2118: Stared at? [00:10:17] gaddafi_duck_: After the Nats date you were like "never again" [00:10:20] johnkeiwo: Stare [00:10:20] ysalima: i was so proud [00:10:21] elliotdoesstuff36: yooooooo [00:10:21] johnkeiwo: Stare [00:10:25] hopalongtommy: Tbf that's a very "look at me" dress [00:10:26] SonnyDo: Stare [00:10:27] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:10:27] lungevilkas: Cheer100 Bumbumbumbum [00:10:29] silentkay1: Thats the "You're not from here" look [00:10:29] Stovamor: Stare [00:10:31] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 80 in the channel! [00:10:32] YumeNoZen: You'd be fiiiiine. We can go out more in Rotterdam, maybe? [00:10:32] f3mmbot: gaminggiantlive has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:10:32] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive gifted a Tier 1 sub to lamelama22! [00:10:32] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive gifted a Tier 1 sub to lsshadowfaxxl! [00:10:32] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lukayy2! [00:10:32] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrWisty! [00:10:32] gaminggiantlive: gaminggiantlive gifted a Tier 1 sub to pactiun! [00:10:32] Gentrix918: ... never enters that building again [00:10:33] MrCookie_Floof: uwu [00:10:35] medical_size9000: He flirting with you [00:10:35] mimarly305: wink wunk [00:10:37] DMONEYINDUSTRY: little did he know you're deceiving him [00:10:38] freshdelipickles: assert dominance [00:10:39] elliotdoesstuff36: vine boom [00:10:39] Vanimal2118: Femboy eye contact? [00:10:39] F1nn5ter3: Bro went through the first three stages of greif in photos [00:10:44] medical_size9000: He was flirting with you [00:10:45] diditwitcher: She wanted the macies [00:10:45] darkphoenix4463: your accent is so interesting [00:10:45] ryze_dabboy: Trust me I WOULD STARE [00:10:45] MajesticFvckingEagle: he was flirting [00:10:46] nejamin3: you’re somehow both Jessica and Roger Rabbit at the same time… [00:10:52] Duality_TV: KPOPheart [00:10:56] nbrowser: nbrowser subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Whoa nine months subscribed to this entertainer...worth it. [00:10:56] f3mmbot: nbrowser subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:56] Miss_Nova1986: HeyGuys [00:10:57] ggo_scarlet: Rose walk in and just sell it girl [00:10:58] ysalima: they are [00:10:59] FatherThyme: bring them both in [00:10:59] freshdelipickles: well.... [00:11:00] fridtha: fridtha subscribed with Prime. [00:11:00] f3mmbot: fridtha subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang fridtha f1nnLezgang [00:11:01] sherlock_norris: fuck with people, huh? [00:11:02] Jens_LN: he didn't give a fuck, I bet [00:11:02] jsgontwitch: chat the flirt is dependant on the smirk [00:11:02] gammalsvenska: @darkphoenix4463 Almost Bri'ish. [00:11:03] chaoticdrmz: he was eyeball fucking you [00:11:04] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:11:04] silentkay1: 60 year olds can flirt... [00:11:04] boom_and_alpha_yt: just “oh hey” would work [00:11:04] freshdelipickles: 60yo men are weird [00:11:05] MrDoomzday_13: Cheer100 [00:11:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: He WAS [00:11:06] kaksitoistanen: He was Creepin [00:11:06] bee_does_stuff: 60 year olds can like fem boys [00:11:06] YumeNoZen: I don't think they're "freaked out" per se. [00:11:07] jeereensteam34: is Ashley going to watch the Super Bowl [00:11:08] gaddafi_duck_: Flirting with five guys? [00:11:08] LittleChaSiu: some men like to flirt with women much younger than them [00:11:08] ElfDestruct: hah like 60 means anything [00:11:09] AmazingAspie: so an old chaser [00:11:10] HardyOrange: judging you for showing too much skin [00:11:10] thebreadisonthefloor: yeah old people do thag [00:11:12] blueskydrinking: At that age, flirting and being peeved is the same thing [00:11:14] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:11:14] Varginator: KEKW [00:11:14] TheNeverShow: He wanted to walk on the wild side [00:11:16] scarlettyg: 👀👀👀 [00:11:16] thunderscoob: old people are more horny and fruity than you would think [00:11:18] dudz6343: toe [00:11:19] AeitZean: What colour [00:11:21] hopalongtommy: That's not flirting, that guy was EyeFukking you [00:11:22] nejamin3: he said >___> [00:11:24] mimarly305: older they get more money [00:11:24] c__r__j: !stream [00:11:24] f3mmbot: F1nn is live you dummy! [00:11:24] AeitZean: What material [00:11:24] darkphoenix4463: thats called a wtf face [00:11:26] professorpussicat: A jumper [00:11:30] MrWisty: f1nnTankhat [00:11:31] Gentrix918: should have just said "whats up bro" and that guy would have died inside [00:11:36] Morksol4: old people transfer the most sti's [00:11:36] ysalima: OLD MEN MAKE ME SACRED [00:11:41] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:11:46] dudz6343: ha got him [00:11:46] mad_kow: Here in the states we get the side eye [00:11:49] Emmy64_: Emmy64_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! Time flies when you are having fun [00:11:49] ryantupo: ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave [00:11:49] Jens_LN: nah, it's a boy thing [00:11:49] f3mmbot: emmy64_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:50] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:11:50] Tjd321: Most guys don't notice tbf [00:11:53] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:11:53] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Smash [00:11:53] f3mmbot: duccccckkkkkkkk subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:11:55] qmaster112: This is a finn thing [00:11:55] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled ;p [00:11:56] imboredhell: YOUR HOT [00:11:58] fl0ck9: chat already weird [00:11:58] debdrup: jens_ln: lmao [00:11:59] edahdd: It's an autism thing to not notice or atleast for me [00:11:59] Mikayla_Alexis: OMG I've been here 11 months. Lest goo [00:12:00] AeitZean: Most guys are totally oblivious [00:12:01] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:12:02] LittleChaSiu: LUL [00:12:03] medical_size9000: It's Finn thing [00:12:04] Morksol4: KEKW [00:12:04] aAndrew3030: Clap old man based? [00:12:04] TheNeverShow: Has crab come back ? [00:12:05] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:12:05] biotechnofrag: nah guys are just oblivious [00:12:06] wack0x: hahaha [00:12:07] AmazingAspie: i turned 40 last year...am i old now then? [00:12:07] braddle172: Well [00:12:08] blueskydrinking: bro... [00:12:08] Stovamor: KEKW [00:12:09] nejamin3: OMG [00:12:09] Varginator: KEKW [00:12:09] Stovamor: KEKW [00:12:09] professorpussicat: I NEVER notice when people are flirting with me. [00:12:09] Stovamor: KEKW [00:12:09] milkyman6942069420: Milk [00:12:09] Jens_LN: @debdrup but it's true ! [00:12:10] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:12:10] EldritchElucidator: KEKW [00:12:10] moonmoos3: ha VoteYea [00:12:11] Mikayla_Alexis: You bought a top because you're a bottom.... [00:12:11] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:12:11] medical_size9000: Did you give it to him [00:12:11] DarrigoTR: lol, thats generally flirting [00:12:11] Bytebak: Ace folks rarely notice [00:12:11] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:12:12] TwinbeeMk2: It's not hard to believe you wouldn't notice. Guys can tend not to [00:12:12] diditwitcher: Only if you have food in your hand LUL [00:12:13] darkphoenix4463: what are your pronouns? [00:12:14] toomanybees___: KEKW [00:12:14] thunderscoob: flirting is easier to see if you arnt involved directly [00:12:14] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:12:14] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:12:14] braddle172: braddle172 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months! 36 wow [00:12:14] 416hobbit: When they ask for your number - THAT'S FLIRTING [00:12:14] f3mmbot: braddle172 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 36 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:15] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled SSSsss [00:12:17] thebreadisonthefloor: bro.. [00:12:17] ysalima: hshshshshsh he so [00:12:17] johnmichael91: KEKW [00:12:17] ManOnTheNet: what did he say? [00:12:18] chaoticdrmz: yeah finn flirting [00:12:18] dirtygranny88: KEKW [00:12:18] savagelettuce1: KEKW [00:12:19] MrCookie_Floof: I’m also debating my sanity and gender every day [00:12:19] bigsuave7: ............. [00:12:19] sarathearcher1: Has it occurred to you that people stare becausde you are attractive, as opposed to clocking you? [00:12:19] Addy__gaming: Huh [00:12:19] Miss_Nova1986: Egg😂 [00:12:20] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:12:20] kaksitoistanen: I think its like 50% of gime people dont notice [00:12:20] ghostieliving: Was he cute? [00:12:20] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:12:21] LittleChaSiu: YOU GAVE HIM YOUR NUMBER?? [00:12:21] djl_pass: KEKW [00:12:22] lordgtafbi: did he get it? [00:12:22] mimarly305: did you ask 4 his number or not [00:12:24] elliotdoesstuff36: haha [00:12:24] OmsX8O: KEKW [00:12:25] blueskydrinking: Why would you do that??????????? [00:12:26] SoapCanFan: LMAO [00:12:26] baileytrolls: f1nnCancelled [00:12:26] axel_bl0b: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:12:26] DMONEYINDUSTRY: i turned 95 last year...am i old now then? [00:12:26] nejamin3: been there jfc and I ain’t even femboy [00:12:26] ysalima: broo.. [00:12:29] bea748: whyy??? [00:12:29] Vanimal2118: U need people to tell u if they r flirting with u? [00:12:31] Emmy64_: Sure sure Kappa [00:12:31] toomanybees___: Was it the cashier? [00:12:32] XENOMAN5: No, people are flirting and you are oblivious. [00:12:33] moonmoos3: bro [00:12:34] johnkeiwo: IDIOT [00:12:34] andimax11: Huh? [00:12:35] sourmelonssbm: Noooooo [00:12:35] verametafr_: KEKW [00:12:36] djl_pass: yes it is? [00:12:37] devoluxn: Kappa [00:12:37] biotechnofrag: OH YOU GAVE HIM YOUR NUMBER [00:12:38] Niiinaa: he asked for your number for research purposes [00:12:38] ysalima: let me tell you somthing [00:12:39] lilithsspawn: You are a manwhore, of course you don't notice [00:12:39] mjbennin: meow [00:12:39] NIGHTWING10136: NIGHTWING10136 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! pog [00:12:40] f3mmbot: nightwing10136 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:40] MrCookie_Floof: @dmoneyindustry wth [00:12:41] 71M073J: netherimLFG [00:12:43] hopalongtommy: Making business connections [00:12:43] Morksol4: We're you girl finn? [00:12:45] whos_brooke: finn you are oblivious [00:12:46] LittleChaSiu: hella sus [00:12:46] Eromaw: lol KEKW [00:12:48] im_up_to_something: You just don't notice it [00:12:48] braddle172: Nice [00:12:48] Y0rk5h1r3: LUL [00:12:48] general_of_cm: you just dont register anything as flirting as long its under the normal stream chat lvl f1nnLaff [00:12:49] biotechnofrag: PogChamp PogChamp [00:12:49] DarrigoTR: oops [00:12:49] mimarly305: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:12:49] andimax11: Lmao what? [00:12:49] Jens_LN: sneaky [00:12:50] gaddafi_duck_: lmao [00:12:50] OmsX8O: f1nnLaff [00:12:50] zebrabbl396: Hmmm [00:12:51] HardyOrange: bimbo [00:12:51] 416hobbit: You're TOO EASY [00:12:51] djl_pass: ... [00:12:52] Gentrix918: LUL [00:12:52] mad_kow: One hsz to ddv [00:12:52] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:12:53] djl_pass: lmao [00:12:53] nejamin3: omgggg [00:12:53] professorpussicat: He might have been flirting [00:12:54] toomanybees___: Called it LUL [00:12:54] EldritchElucidator: oh my god [00:12:54] johnkeiwo: You're an idiot [00:12:55] mjbennin: Meow [00:12:55] mystchevious1: Now you're just making shit up [00:12:56] johnkeiwo: You're an idiot [00:12:56] devoluxn: He's definitely a guy Kappa [00:12:56] johnkeiwo: You're an idiot [00:12:56] detk1mble: yo wheres vick [00:12:57] Vanimal2118: New stalker? [00:12:57] gaddafi_duck_: That's fruity [00:12:58] ghostieliving: Awwwwwh [00:12:58] ManOnTheNet: was he hot? [00:12:59] jacksprettycool: EW [00:13:01] mfranco69: See…she knows. [00:13:01] Emmy64_: LUL [00:13:02] ironhydra: Looking back on it KEKW [00:13:02] Tjd321: TBF I've used my phone for stuff in work plenty of times lol [00:13:03] AeitZean: If you don't yell "I want to fuck you" most guys wont know, and even then they'll think you're joking NotLikeThis [00:13:03] Valezifer: Bro [00:13:03] SnabbKassa: flirting is an unwise default inference [00:13:04] general_of_cm: fruit [00:13:04] jsgontwitch: Oh my god [00:13:04] axel_bl0b: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:13:05] Drax242: He gave u sexy eyes, got it [00:13:05] thebreadisonthefloor: So you put your number in his personal phone [00:13:05] verametafr_: to be fair I wouldn’t get it either so you’re in the clear [00:13:05] medical_size9000: He was down bad for you [00:13:06] HardyOrange: he absolutely got your number for himself [00:13:06] MizukiDaarin: cashier [00:13:08] toddassss: He rizzed you up! [00:13:08] professorpussicat: It can be really easy to miss if you're not also trying to flirt [00:13:08] andimax11: Okay, jesus your oblivious lmao [00:13:09] The___Satan: rhe only guy thing about you is not picking up on flirting [00:13:09] Telluzerlaw: LUL [00:13:09] Blackrodzilla1: Blackrodzilla1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 8 month streak! it’s sound sus as hell [00:13:10] f3mmbot: blackrodzilla1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:10] bea748: he wanted to fack bro [00:13:11] casualgammer554: gay is all i hear [00:13:11] RonnieSxl: LUL [00:13:12] LittleChaSiu: 💀 [00:13:13] Metachemist: News flash local femboy is a moron. [00:13:13] silentkay1: We need a massive WOOSH reaction, chat....cmon... [00:13:14] purpelyyy: lmao the eyebrows [00:13:14] snikafritz2: Hi [00:13:15] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER was he hot ? [00:13:15] igy_xd0: were tonk [00:13:15] grandpaladin1701: TOTALLY FLIRTING!! 🤣🤣 [00:13:16] TheHallSystem: people are flirting with you dumbass [00:13:19] johnkeiwo: You're so autistic KEKW [00:13:19] thedanitone: I never realize when people flirt with me 😭 [00:13:19] johnkeiwo: You're so autistic KEKW [00:13:20] Valezifer: Bro... [00:13:22] blueskydrinking: He's defo a cannibal [00:13:22] karojhe: He was interested LUL [00:13:22] 420_blushed: Cheer150 [00:13:23] ogrem_fanclan: Woosh [00:13:25] 71M073J: Apologise to ashley lmao [00:13:25] FatherThyme: didn't look what?? [00:13:26] jsgontwitch: Holy shit F1nn that is the hardest flirt [00:13:27] 416hobbit: He totally flirted with you, F1nn [00:13:27] AmazingAspie: John...your streamer is a whore! [00:13:28] debdrup: Is your name oblivious? Because you are. [00:13:30] XENOMAN5: He asked for my number and then kissed me with tongue. Usual shopping experience. [00:13:31] Niiinaa: deffo not flirting, he sounds fruity [00:13:32] andimax11: On HIS phone? That's how he entered your number? [00:13:34] iridaceaeIris69: local dumbass doesn't know when he's being flirted with [00:13:35] aAndrew3030: pmelPeg [00:13:40] djl_pass: Even I would've noticed that and I'm oblivious 😭 [00:13:41] Jens_LN: Dammit - He was flirting ! [00:13:42] LittleChaSiu: bruh [00:13:42] Nenkos: dawg, EVERYONE is into u [00:13:43] leothatemo: poly? [00:13:44] mfranco69: Yup…flirting [00:13:45] tigersharks006: 100% flirting [00:13:45] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @littlechasiu , how goes the wedding plans? [00:13:48] diditwitcher: You should watch love on the spectrum dude [00:13:49] junebugo356: how am I ace and less oblivious than f1nn [00:13:49] ManOnTheNet: HypeCute [00:13:50] FatherThyme: BisexualPride [00:13:52] theduke336: F1nn not everyone flirts like you do.... [00:13:52] fl0ck9: who isn't into f1nn though? [00:13:53] mad_kow: You don't give your number with your girlfriend standing next to you [00:13:54] HalfSourLizard: F1nn: Pretty ... but a bit thick. [00:13:55] Tjd321: Didn't seem like a Femboy fan? @f1nn5ter [00:13:57] karojhe: Most guys are into you! [00:13:57] ggo_scarlet: If there's a hole there's a gole [00:13:59] axel_bl0b: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:14:06] LittleChaSiu: @Vanimal2118 still gotta decide on an exact time but I've got lots of openings still [00:14:07] ButtersDuk: Hi manly man I just got here what’s going on [00:14:08] debdrup: theduke336: what, talking minecraft at people? [00:14:10] ArminGux: hii [00:14:11] professorpussicat: Literally the whole point of flirting is to say "I AM SEXUALLY INTERESTED IN YOU" but only subtextually so if they don't have the same idea in their mind, you can remain somewhat innocent. [00:14:13] MrCookie_Floof: @f1nn5ter Hey. u gay? [00:14:13] johnkeiwo: !socials [00:14:13] fromthef1nn5ide: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! 38 months. How are you making me stay subscribed this long? [00:14:13] f3mmbot: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed to f1nn5ter for 38 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:14:13] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:14:15] 1pooberton: ashley bought it [00:14:17] johnkeiwo: !pobox [00:14:17] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [00:14:19] ArminGux: how are you [00:14:19] medical_size9000: Do you think that would stop a guy asking a pretty girl phone number [00:14:21] leothatemo: top of the morning [00:14:22] floofyfurlogdog: Sour Boys [00:14:23] thunderscoob: didnt Ashley buy it? [00:14:24] blueskydrinking: the hacksmith are selling their lightsabers now?? [00:14:25] filip_zd10: ltt screwdriver? [00:14:25] Askjong: LTT [00:14:25] LylaHehe: Jerry Rig Knife [00:14:25] johnkeiwo: Neuro sama plushie ? [00:14:26] lungevilkas: Cheer300 Had something like that where I didn't realize it was flirting, girl was like you need to sign your number this for your insurance plan. And this one's for me, with a lil stickynote xD [00:14:27] ArminGux: game theory [00:14:27] agodamoungmen: xix vodka [00:14:28] TheHallSystem: some people just dont care if you're in a relationship [00:14:30] diditwitcher: Pins are epic [00:14:30] alsoknownas_sky: linus tech tips [00:14:30] silentkay1: Alec Steel makes some crazy good tools and machines [00:14:31] Vanimal2118: Good luck @littlechasiu [00:14:32] Tjd321: The LTT merch is apparently good, like the screwdriver and backpack [00:14:33] nothitch: LTT screwdriver [00:14:34] mimarly305: SOPHIE POWERS [00:14:34] Shockwavemecha: Hiya F1nn [00:14:35] ArminGux: game theory clothes [00:14:35] dudz6343: get got [00:14:40] jakersby: Jlaser made actual web shooters [00:14:40] darkphoenix4463: any tv show recs? im currently bored of all the shows im watching [00:14:41] fiery1phoenix: beast burger was mid [00:14:42] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:14:45] Niiinaa: don't worry finn, that guy was into men, so he couldnt have been into you huehuehue @f1nn5ter [00:14:45] fiery1phoenix: too expensive [00:14:46] joe_byron13: Pewdiepie [00:14:46] JessicaCaraKasey: Do they? [00:14:48] RoryLuukas: Charlie's plain white T-Shirts [00:14:49] leothatemo: jack’s coffee [00:14:49] theoval09: I sent something to your PO Box when will you open packages again [00:14:51] DemonicLuci: DemonicLuci subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! Almost 2 years of subs and like 4 of watching! [00:14:51] f3mmbot: demonicluci subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [00:14:55] Shockwavemecha: Missed you [00:14:56] ADHD_: ludwig Bidet Toilet Seat [00:14:58] hob_nobb: Hacksmith mimi light saber [00:15:00] aAndrew3030: The Asmongold PP PC? [00:15:00] NebulaElk: CHILDISH IS DOPE [00:15:01] YumeNoZen: I mean, you're welcome I gave you the idea. And I like LTT screwdriver too. Gamersupps soup looks lame, though. [00:15:01] DarrigoTR: 3rd of march? [00:15:02] AmazingAspie: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 – Sun, 27 Oct 2024 [00:15:03] joe_byron13: Mr beast [00:15:04] The___Satan: Jlaser has some cool stuff [00:15:06] professorpussicat: Who has clocks that aren't connected to the internet nowadays anyway? [00:15:06] JessicaCaraKasey: Hour longer in BED!! woohooooo [00:15:08] ADHD_: LUL [00:15:08] legitimatelily: bath water [00:15:08] CrozzGameplay: the hot ones hot sauce [00:15:10] sherlock_norris: joke went right over his head [00:15:12] BillYinzen: clocks change on the 31st don't they [00:15:13] Alpha_games14: hacksmith industries mini lightsaber [00:15:13] darkphoenix4463: top of the morning coffee [00:15:14] Karlb379: Karlb379 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:15:14] f3mmbot: karlb379 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:15:22] nothitch: @F1NN5TER if you send me the vodka i'll personally taste test it for you [00:15:22] debdrup: "Everyone I've ever had" --F1nn5ter, 2023 [00:15:25] debdrup: err, 2024* [00:15:25] hopalongtommy: AVE is doing a dope looking CNC milled box cutter case [00:15:25] darkphoenix4463: prime sucks [00:15:27] gum_ball_machine: Hot ones hot sauce is good [00:15:27] Eromaw: clocks dont go forward today? [00:15:28] chr155ter: haha is he actually gonna fall for that? [00:15:29] Stovamor: Clocks don't change in the UK for another 40-50 days [00:15:30] Vanimal2118: March could b interesting? [00:15:30] axel_bl0b: Cheer72 [00:15:31] MrCookie_Floof: @armingux “And remember guys, it’s just a theory… a Game Theory.” [00:15:35] blueskydrinking: dono that joke was too complicated, you've tricked f1nn into changing his clocks instead of showing you his hog [00:15:36] cheff_cook: Cold ones seltzer!! that shit bussin [00:15:44] ADHD_: SeemsGood [00:15:44] ButtersDuk: Hiya manly man I just got here what’s going on? [00:15:45] darkphoenix4463: Top of the Morning Coffee is ELITE [00:15:46] diditwitcher: Vodka soda with a orange slice in it omnomnom [00:15:47] leothatemo: the captain sparkles Minecraft swords [00:15:49] DarrigoTR: PridePog PridePog PridePog PridePog PridePog PridePog PridePog [00:15:53] boo7814: PopNemo [00:15:54] whitetaco18: I know a YouTuber that makes aks for a living [00:15:55] TheNeverShow: I like Odin's skull how to drink Recommended it to me [00:15:55] silentkay1: Youtuber Alec Steeles LEATHERMAN FREE K2 knife is awesome [00:15:55] calcetinv: hi f1nn [00:15:57] AmazingAspie: the only prime ive had is prime rib [00:15:58] Shockwavemecha: Pluckity pluck [00:16:00] ohmarkey: clocks go forward end of march lol [00:16:06] ArminGux: @mrcookie_floof inatttCry inatttCry inatttCry inatttCry [00:16:06] JessicaCaraKasey: It's an energy drink. It's whatever [00:16:08] johnkeiwo: i don't touch energy drinks [00:16:09] bigsuave7: D: [00:16:10] The___Satan: does gamer girl bath water count? [00:16:10] Miss_Nova1986: Jeffrey star make up (the make up is good the rest no opinion) [00:16:11] Smiling_Shelly: Clocks in the UK move on March 31st [00:16:13] LylaHehe: so do you kekw [00:16:15] ArminGux: prime is way to expensive [00:16:15] DarrigoTR: prime video is the worst of the streaming services [00:16:16] CrozzGameplay: tru [00:16:18] ysalima: no idea whats going on rn [00:16:18] mimarly305: KARMAKTTN [00:16:20] Tharrick: how about powerthirst? it's like crystal meth in a can. it's crystal meth in a can. [00:16:22] darkphoenix4463: yeah thats true...prime is just average....not awful but not great [00:16:23] humbertoworld: sorry [00:16:24] Stovamor: @humbertoworld, dial it back a little [00:16:25] Useless__person: Finn, can you give Ash a hug for me? she (and you) have helped me through a lot of times [00:16:25] rweb05: I will tolerate powerade slander [00:16:28] ButtersDuk: I drink your bath water as a energy drink [00:16:28] CrozzGameplay: stick to monster :D [00:16:31] johnkeiwo: remember to hydrate chat ! [00:16:31] professorpussicat: My dumb ass thought we were talking about twitch prime for the last minute [00:16:32] themindscrambler: made my own electrolytes blend. [00:16:33] LittleChaSiu: don't think anywhere starts summer time in February [00:16:33] Jens_LN: Why is F1nn5ter talking about sucking dicks and balls ? [00:16:33] Gentrix918: did you finish your story getting the food? [00:16:37] sherlock_norris: poweraid is for electrolytes [00:16:38] CrozzGameplay: YES OMG [00:16:42] debdrup: powerthirst? lmao [00:16:43] Tharrick: i've seen monster etch concrete and melt through a tent [00:16:44] HardyOrange: poerthrist!!! what a classic [00:16:44] dudz6343: court in 4k🎥🎥🎥 [00:16:45] blueskydrinking: Chat, just go to bed at a proper time [00:16:46] CrozzGameplay: stick to monsterrrrr [00:16:47] shuroku20: Ello Finn bit late to the stream I think 🤔 [00:16:48] thunderscoob: why does "sucks dick" an insult, but everyone loves when i do it? [00:16:48] lazylumi: Monster Energy Pipeline is Soooooo Goooood [00:16:49] ArminGux: prime costs twice was red bull does here [00:16:49] leothatemo: didn’t epic meal time sell bacon once? [00:16:50] MrCookie_Floof: @armingux saddest news to me lately…. worse than Israel and Ukraine. [00:16:50] debdrup: hardyorange: yaea [00:16:51] ZFJinxed: Awww this... this is the perfect Super bowl stream [00:16:52] boom_and_alpha_yt: I am hydrating [00:16:54] TheNeverShow: Ghost is better then prime [00:16:58] darkphoenix4463: ngl though Top of the Morning Coffee is just top tier [00:16:59] AmazingAspie: powerade is actually amazing when you are dehydrated...it returns a lot of the electrolytes and salts you lose [00:16:59] LittleChaSiu: "adult entertainer" even more so [00:17:00] Zeka_Shu: Original Thai Redbul is tasty [00:17:01] johnkeiwo: adult entertainer [00:17:01] cheff_cook: Did you have cold ones grog? amazing [00:17:01] debdrup: F1nn, you _are_ pretty sus [00:17:02] whokilledheartia_: hey man! you look nice today! you might not see this but i love your channel and your the best🩷 [00:17:03] Wardenboo: lets read it [00:17:04] BillYinzen: @Tharrick you'll run as fast as Kenyans [00:17:07] Shockwavemecha: KEKW [00:17:09] karojhe: I drink tea [00:17:09] johnkeiwo: Chasiu and I have the same brain [00:17:10] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @zfjinxed [00:17:10] Miss_Nova1986: Jerry rig everything knife [00:17:13] Havryl: @professorpussicat drink the Prime juice for Bezos [00:17:13] ArminGux: @mrcookie_floof yeah it ruined my day ngl [00:17:14] ZFJinxed: @Vanimal2118 Oh hai! [00:17:15] ysalima: better than influencer [00:17:15] Jens_LN: imagine what they will write under "Gender" ? [00:17:15] DarrigoTR: You are inherently sus [00:17:16] Ruglund6230: @zfjinxed better than superbowl [00:17:19] axel_bl0b: Meow. [00:17:19] pikachumaster97: Hey finn would you ever wear a latex catsuit [00:17:20] ZFJinxed: @Ruglund6230 tru tru [00:17:21] boba_fettuccine69: Yes they did [00:17:22] gaddafi_duck_: Maker of Battle Passes? [00:17:22] mystchevious1: Epic meal time sold Bacon Lube [00:17:22] lexxiipop: Omg i havent heard powerthirst in like 10 years [00:17:22] Gentrix918: "Twitch Thot" [00:17:23] Ishgo1: Ishgo1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months! 40 months? Thats the time I have been an egg so far. Time that I could have been transitioning. Still going strong... damn [00:17:23] f3mmbot: ishgo1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:17:24] legitimatelily: ur an entertaininer and and adult so... adult entertainer [00:17:26] Tharrick: @BillYinzen and be deported back to KENYA [00:17:26] professorpussicat: @havryl taste the sweet release! [00:17:27] Bytebak: Adult has yet to be proven [00:17:30] Stovamor: @ZFJinxed, oh hai thar [00:17:31] FemTRANSilvanian: hi 👋 [00:17:34] blindthirdeye: blindthirdeye subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! OMG, first baby with the femmter. What shall we call it? [00:17:34] f3mmbot: blindthirdeye subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:17:36] YumeNoZen: I mean, we have your entry on Ickypedia too. [00:17:36] ArminGux: amourath has some good “merch” [00:17:39] DarrigoTR: Its a box cutter [00:17:41] MrCookie_Floof: @f1nn5ter I think u have a Wiki page already. lol. [00:17:41] ZFJinxed: @Stovamor stov <3 <3 [00:17:41] darkphoenix4463: haha your accent is such a blend...i love it [00:17:43] NuclearNeutron: I'm a Banana!!! [00:17:44] ancientcaleb05: !tank [00:17:44] f3mmbot: Tank ( f1nnTank ) is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the newest member of the Finnicky household. His birthday is the 25th November. [00:17:46] ArminGux: Jerry makes a box opener [00:17:46] recktor: he entertains…. many clienta [00:17:47] AntiComposite: tbf "twitch streamer" would be first [00:17:53] silentkay1: Someone tell him about Alec Steeles, it's a letherman and WAAAY better than jerryrigs [00:17:54] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZFJinxed! [00:17:54] 420_blushed: Adult influencer [00:17:54] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to zfjinxed at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang zfjinxed f1nnLezgang [00:17:55] phoebe_rc: Better than a wikipedia entry saying Prostitute or similar [00:17:56] Alpha_games14: Finn you’re definitely my favorite streamer, btw check out the hacksmith mini lightsaber! [00:17:59] YumeNoZen: It's more boxcutter than high end knife. [00:18:02] Havryl: @professorpussicat get the caffeine for two days! [00:18:06] Miss_Nova1986: That's a forking good knife [00:18:14] boba_fettuccine69: Button lock versions are way more fun [00:18:15] Vanimal2118: Funny @phoebe_rc [00:18:15] junebugo356: thoughts on the superbowl as a British [00:18:18] diditwitcher: That would actually be an epic stream making a knife or sword oldschool style [00:18:18] ZFJinxed: Awww thank you who ever this was [00:18:21] leothatemo: it’s no mora [00:18:22] hopalongtommy: Does Shurap sell his Damascus knives? [00:18:26] Miss_Nova1986: I hope to order the pink one [00:18:28] TheHallSystem: you should make your own knife [00:18:31] ArminGux: it’s more of a handy man knife [00:18:35] Stovamor: @junebugo356, completel non-entity. almost noone in the UK gives any shits about it [00:18:35] SnabbKassa: "box cutter" is an Americanism [00:18:38] ogrem_fanclan: @TheHallSystem Excellent suggestion [00:18:38] professorpussicat: @havryl how much caffeine are those drivers consuming? [00:18:42] darkphoenix4463: @junebugo356 ngl i dont even know what it is other than big names do music there [00:18:50] scarlettyg: Fork Knife? Isn't that the game all those young'uns are playing? [00:18:53] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:18:53] ADHD_: thoughts on knify knifes ships to the UK too ? CS:GO knifes [00:18:53] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:18:53] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:18:53] Havryl: Yass, show more fancy box cutters [00:18:55] grandpaladin1701: grandpaladin1701 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 🎉 [00:18:55] f3mmbot: grandpaladin1701 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:56] DarrigoTR: Not maning to? [00:18:57] xkira96x: i have 420 FemBucks PepePls WineTime [00:19:00] boba_fettuccine69: The otf versions are also fun [00:19:00] CrozzGameplay: Went to japan and managed to bring back some exclusive Monster cans (including a one piece themed monster) [00:19:02] ZFJinxed: How am I at 10 months sub.... zfjinxWHUT [00:19:03] daphnedaulton: Hi F1nn 💜 [00:19:06] Tjd321: I hate that so many knives are illegal here @f1nn5ter [00:19:14] ArminGux: there are high end box cutter? [00:19:15] Cadzzes: hellooooooo [00:19:15] YumeNoZen: I saw a 3d print model for a folding karambit box cutter type. [00:19:16] johnkeiwo: nahhh [00:19:17] TheNeverShow: @hopalongtommy he use to but International shipping is been very hard with the Ukraine war [00:19:19] thunderscoob: depends on the stuff [00:19:19] mrg1347: you do smoke weed [00:19:20] ZFJinxed: Woah thanks <3 [00:19:22] Stovamor: @ZFJinxed, it's cos you're almost 1 year suss [00:19:25] DarrigoTR: Not as much [00:19:28] professorpussicat: @havryl if I can stay wired for longer than like HALF a day, they must be consuming a lethal amount of caffeine [00:19:33] MrCookie_Floof: e [00:19:34] whitetaco18: Ww [00:19:34] BillYinzen: you mean jazz cigarettes!? [00:19:38] Emoney129: Flipper and liner lock [00:19:41] Niiinaa: oh you mean like Electric cigarettes? [00:19:41] talion_morningdew: HI HI KNOW YOU ARE LOVED hope your well today [00:19:42] Ruglund6230: @zfjinxed sub being sub [00:19:43] FlynnRyder251: FlynnRyder251 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! Almost a year man I'm so happy you have changed my life so much I even found my girlfriend of two years because of you thank Finn for being you😇🩷 [00:19:43] f3mmbot: flynnryder251 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:19:47] general_of_cm: zfjinxBongo [00:19:47] Crazedmonkey29: Have you seen the kizer rocker? [00:19:49] Shockwavemecha: Bets are on [00:19:50] junebugo356: bet my life savings(in fembucks) [00:19:55] Vanimal2118: @zfjinxed Suss? [00:19:55] ZFJinxed: @Ruglund6230 I"M NOT A SUB zfjinxWHUT [00:19:56] YumeNoZen: Meh. Not that impressive. [00:19:59] MrCookie_Floof: lol. [00:20:00] johnkeiwo: Place your bets chat !! [00:20:01] Havryl: @professorpussicat I kicked the habit last year. It was rough [00:20:01] Emmy64_: Any update on the gamersupps shakers? HypePopcorn [00:20:01] c__r__j: I don't know ANYONE who would stab themself in the thumb while sharpening a knife. [00:20:02] marsrover001: My favorite knife is in fact a glorified box cutter. [00:20:03] SamuraiSpartan6: whats up @F1NN5TER ? love ya queen [00:20:05] nothitch: F1NN when are we making knife merch [00:20:06] ArminGux: yeah it’s easy to swap the blade [00:20:11] YumeNoZen: I saw a company that has replacement blade edges too. [00:20:11] Emmy64_: Gambling f1nnRun [00:20:11] Ruglund6230: @zfjinxed LUL [00:20:13] ADHD_: thoughts on " knify " knifes ? [00:20:13] johnkeiwo: @FlynnRyder251, letsgooooo ! [00:20:14] darkphoenix4463: i like your nails... <3 [00:20:16] Michalcleverrr: hello i havent watched you in about half a year. What happened while i was gone? [00:20:16] MrCookie_Floof: UwU [00:20:17] speckkatze: its only 10 bucks on the ltt store, so even cheaper [00:20:18] nejamin3: lol [00:20:18] CJKDB: Hypnotism. [00:20:23] Jens_LN: Jens_LN is continuing the Gift Sub they got from c__r__j! [00:20:23] Crazedmonkey29: FINN you seen the kizer rocker? [00:20:24] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:20:25] SnabbKassa: Olfa are high end. Japanese [00:20:27] Eromaw: Eromaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! Here is a sub, you will need the money for when you burn the house down by mistake [00:20:27] f3mmbot: eromaw subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:29] junebugo356: cute pose redeemed? [00:20:33] johnkeiwo: You wouldn't notice this either :P [00:20:34] joe_byron13: It seems like your voice us deeper [00:20:35] tryranththewizard: Look at the "tough built" utility knives they have some tacticool ones [00:20:38] pixx1630: Finn is my boyfriends Inspo to be a femboy [00:20:39] TheNeverShow: Roar xd [00:20:39] Stovamor: Stop being so parasocial with us @F1NN5TER [00:20:40] Araken1990: rawr xD [00:20:40] Eadthryth: Hi dad, I'm back [00:20:43] whitetaco18: Do you have a knife addiction? [00:20:43] FlynnRyder251: @johnkeiwo Thank you🩷 [00:20:45] degdo24: finn should i add more american flags to my room? ive got 11 and i kind of want to make it more severely schizophrenic i also have jet plans i can hang up [00:20:47] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:20:48] ArminGux: se is so 2010 [00:20:50] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [00:20:50] Arthree: KEKW [00:20:51] boba_fettuccine69: Kizer is the best in-between of budget with high-end materials [00:20:51] ZFJinxed: @Stovamor This ^^ [00:20:52] braddle172: ... [00:20:52] professorpussicat: F1nn how old were you in '01? [00:20:53] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [00:20:53] Styrineee: I wamt my cute pose please [00:20:54] HardyOrange: YOU put your number INTO the guy's phone [00:20:56] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:20:56] thunderscoob: did you? [00:20:57] johnkeiwo: Tell us NOW !!! [00:20:57] electric_cicada: lmao [00:20:57] lazylumi: :3 [00:20:58] diditwitcher: I have a one of one prototype knife in the world, it's over 20 years old and I really hope that you @f1nn5ter would take it off my hands [00:20:58] ArminGux: xd is so 2019 [00:20:58] 416hobbit: There was a text wasn't there [00:21:00] professorpussicat: You musta been a baby [00:21:01] jasiequu: How's tank? [00:21:01] ArminGux: 2010 [00:21:03] DarrigoTR: "Did I", had to check Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:21:03] Miss_Nova1986: Yes she got the text [00:21:04] johnkeiwo: GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRL [00:21:04] johnkeiwo: GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRL [00:21:04] johnkeiwo: GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRL [00:21:06] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:21:10] Jens_LN: Girl [00:21:10] thetuaschtee: KEKW [00:21:14] medical_size9000: Kekw [00:21:15] AeitZean: Oh hellooo Kappa [00:21:16] Havryl: KEKW [00:21:16] legitimatelily: lol [00:21:17] NIGHTWING10136: KEKW [00:21:17] ZFJinxed: @johnkeiwo GIIIIIIIIRL [00:21:17] nejamin3: BUT—!!!! [00:21:18] Alpha_games14: @ F1NN5ter check out the mini lightsaber by Hacksith industries, btw your my favorite streamer! [00:21:23] The___Satan: we are blind to this stuff! you just dont understand! it's genetically encoded! [00:21:28] ponsinoumi: ponsinoumi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! pog [00:21:28] f3mmbot: ponsinoumi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:21:29] judgedame: judgedame subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 21 month streak! two yaer yeah [00:21:29] shuroku20: KEKW [00:21:29] f3mmbot: judgedame subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:21:29] scarlettyg: Giiiiiiiiirl [00:21:29] YumeNoZen: Outdoor edge makes a replaceable knife edge on their EDCs. Which is weird. [00:21:36] xLumieI: KEKW [00:21:38] Vanimal2118: Giving out what's app now? [00:21:39] Shockwavemecha: Fire hazzard [00:21:39] 71M073J: My streamer is oblivious netherimThink [00:21:39] ArminGux: usually you get the ig [00:21:42] Drax242: If it says call for a good time they are into U [00:21:43] newbydt1234: newbydt1234 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! 25 months [00:21:43] f3mmbot: newbydt1234 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:21:47] GaiusGoose: whoaaa [00:21:48] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [00:21:50] Shockwavemecha: FireSpeed FireSpeed FireSpeed ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 [00:21:53] ChasingSol: @ZFJinxed all caps no bueno [00:21:53] ZFJinxed: Lulz [00:21:54] nejamin3: dayum [00:21:58] shuroku20: hi Finn [00:21:58] Emmy64_: PogU [00:21:59] 416hobbit: @YumeNoZen Everything you say is FLIRTING [00:22:02] tigersharks006: I am so so sorry f1nn, but pyro just uploaded an hour long video on buckshot roulette. BRB [00:22:03] ZFJinxed: @ChasingSol no biggie [00:22:06] medical_size9000: Finn is dense [00:22:06] CommanderJono66: hello there [00:22:09] MrCookie_Floof: LOL. listening to the alerts. it’s fun. [00:22:13] edahdd: Finn do you want my lightsaber I'm at uni and can't use anymore /gen [00:22:13] debdrup: 416hobbit: not wrong, mostly [00:22:15] seiglerjonah: Finn this is me flirting with you ;) [00:22:17] johnkeiwo: Only an egg would recognize an egg, uh finn ? [00:22:17] CyanoticJam: Why are you plucking, you hate plucking [00:22:18] bnb3199: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:22:21] volkery_69: a [00:22:22] ChasingSol: @ZFJinxed it's automodded [00:22:24] Styrineee: Im gonna do it again now. [00:22:25] Vanimal2118: @yumenozen flirts? No way? [00:22:26] Emmy64_: Egg doeN' [00:22:28] blindthirdeye: Fredrico it is [00:22:29] Shockwavemecha: F R E D E R I C O [00:22:30] ogrem_fanclan: Fredrico is better [00:22:30] freddd104: what? [00:22:32] electric_cicada: frederico [00:22:34] Michalcleverrr: yo finn. i havent watched you in about half a year. what happened while i was gone? [00:22:35] professorpussicat: OK then I was in the closet for 20years between me learning what transgender was and starting my transition [00:22:35] nejamin3: Fred but with a backwards R [00:22:36] volkery_69: smash next question [00:22:36] CommanderJono66: I’ve been questioning if I be egg [00:22:37] ZFJinxed: @ChasingSol zfjinxPats no harm done <3 [00:22:39] AeitZean: The irony of the egg, you cannot be one and know it Kreygasm [00:22:39] hopalongtommy: 🎶 When you're an egg you're an egg all the way 🎶 [00:22:39] ArminGux: non transisoning eggs should be called hatchers [00:22:40] medical_size9000: Freddie l??? [00:22:42] YumeNoZen: Bachelorette party for Chasiu? [00:22:48] LittleChaSiu: @YumeNoZen omg yes [00:22:48] Tharrick: broke my shell a few months ago and am now mostly out nb. finnster you're to thank for inspiring me :) [00:22:49] gastly202: Finn you are an inspiration to the trans fem community and as a trans woman I hate that my role model is a cis man 😭😂 [00:22:51] yogibearinthewoods: Egg [00:22:53] Styrineee: @F1NN5TER can i get my cute pose please [00:22:56] Eromaw: You scared me dono man [00:22:57] ChasingSol: @Tharrick grats! [00:23:02] Shockwavemecha: POP [00:23:03] FRDRC_2192: Fred ismy name. Whatchu want? Lol [00:23:09] Tharrick: @ChasingSol bimHug [00:23:10] seiglerjonah: poggers? [00:23:10] JessicaCaraKasey: Good! I'm half drunk. That screwed me up with the clocks! Haha 😅 [00:23:11] debdrup: YOU WHAT [00:23:11] johnkeiwo: @gastly202, glad u are there with us <3 [00:23:12] ogrem_fanclan: Wha [00:23:13] Eromaw: HUH [00:23:13] Shockwavemecha: How was it? [00:23:13] teunnnnnnnnnn: sus [00:23:15] braddle172: Huh [00:23:16] alikarin: What? [00:23:17] beantransfer: vioZOOTED [00:23:17] CrozzGameplay: :O [00:23:18] ysalima: what [00:23:19] Fries3: huh [00:23:19] diditwitcher: Oh norrr [00:23:19] femboyjordan16: hey fin your so amazing and i look up to you because im gay [00:23:20] andimax11: Never tried them [00:23:20] blueskydrinking: YO WHAT [00:23:21] boba_fettuccine69: But why [00:23:21] Emmy64_: f1nnMonka [00:23:22] lungevilkas: Hgneh? [00:23:22] Stovamor: Chat - stop demanding that Finn gets Tank or Ashley or saying that they're the only ones you watch for. Your messages will be removed at least [00:23:22] fia26: elaborate on that [00:23:23] grizzly_neil: what?? [00:23:24] ZFJinxed: Wait... the drink popper!? or the other one... [00:23:26] legitimatelily: um... [00:23:27] edahdd: A thing for it what [00:23:29] sherlock_norris: absolute degeneracy [00:23:30] thrashtoad69: Gurl. No. Poppers are the devil [00:23:34] ArminGux: what are poppers [00:23:34] aced_asher: !uptime [00:23:34] professorpussicat: Chat's mind just blew up [00:23:34] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 23m 44s [00:23:38] diditwitcher: How was it? Explain [00:23:38] Lucridis: Like Jalepeno poppers right? [00:23:38] Firelord_Redflames: LUL [00:23:39] CyanoticJam: Poppers, no Really?!? [00:23:39] Shockwavemecha: Pop drop and roll [00:23:40] nejamin3: bro you almost make me want to be a femboy and im already fckn FtM trans 😆??? [00:23:41] general_of_cm: zfjinxLove f1nnHeart <3 [00:23:50] JessicaCaraKasey: Poppers ARE the devil! [00:23:52] AeitZean: What are they though [00:23:53] Emmy64_: Is your bootyhole okay? f1nnMonka [00:23:53] HardyOrange: knew it was Soda related [00:23:55] debdrup: Do you know what they're for? [00:23:55] thrashtoad69: Peer pressure? Damn [00:23:57] seibaby: Poppers are a fucking solvent and it'll melt your brain [00:23:59] ysalima: oh i remember that [00:23:59] fat_koala_O_o: DinoDance [00:24:00] hummingbeeeee: just use a sharpie, way cheaper [00:24:01] toomanybees___: of course it was because of Soda KEKW [00:24:03] ZFJinxed: Ouf... [00:24:04] Shockwavemecha: Chemicals [00:24:05] dystopiadystopia: hehe [00:24:07] CyanoticJam: Then you woke up [00:24:09] fia26: you're too used to sniffing pens [00:24:09] lostman277: lostman277 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months! 46 months and still story time [00:24:09] f3mmbot: lostman277 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 46 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:24:10] Vanimal2118: Snifa? [00:24:11] LittleChaSiu: 100% Soda-coded [00:24:11] professorpussicat: If you didn't use poppers while you have something in your ass then you're not "technically" trying poppers [00:24:13] johnkeiwo: muscle relaxant [00:24:13] wack0x: you didnt sniff deep enough [00:24:13] Eromaw: its to relax muscles, for intimate time [00:24:14] ysalima: the popper talk with soda [00:24:16] gauth1er_sstr: Hii [00:24:16] KERMiTtehDOG: Did you wake up sore? [00:24:19] beantransfer: KEKW [00:24:20] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:24:21] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:24:21] ADHD_: kek [00:24:22] darkphoenix4463: i like the lighters with pink flames <3 [00:24:23] johnkeiwo: Oh god KEKW [00:24:23] femboyjordan16: Cheer1i love you and look up to you as being gay [00:24:25] c__r__j: You're supposed to try bumsex after sniffing the popper! [00:24:25] The___Satan: I'm thinking of moving to birmingham what do you think/advice? [00:24:25] aimeeasdf: has the stuff barbie chose arrived? [00:24:26] dystopiadystopia: KEKW [00:24:26] lllmrfish111: Just joined what's going on [00:24:26] theGimpWhoKeepsOnGiving: it was ether all along [00:24:26] legitimatelily: relaxes muscles [00:24:27] JessicaCaraKasey: Poppers lowers your blood pressure. Can be dangerous if you sniff to much! [00:24:29] darkphoenix4463: i dont even know what poppers are [00:24:30] gastly202: @johnkeiwo the best compliment I think I've ever had is "You're pretty like F1NNSTER" and I was like "Idk if that's an insult but thanks" [00:24:31] thegodemperorofmankind0: It helps in backdoor seggz [00:24:31] Emmy64_: You shat yourself? KEKW [00:24:31] blatant_fabrication: you probably didn't inhale hard enough [00:24:31] johnkeiwo: " hey you, you're finally awake .." [00:24:32] nejamin3: it’s… well idk depends on what u like sniffing [00:24:32] that_glitch: I got lightheaded and threw up [00:24:33] AeitZean: It makes your butt looser for fun times [00:24:34] diditwitcher: Is it like bath salts? LUL [00:24:35] sherlock_norris: were you jerking off at the time? [00:24:35] Eadthryth: inhalants get you high by damaging your brain [00:24:37] rawbecue: Poppers for the pooper [00:24:44] Mikayla_Alexis: Mikayla_Alexis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! 11 months here, 13 months transfemme ... life is good. . . Thanks Fimter ♡ [00:24:44] f3mmbot: mikayla_alexis subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:24:47] dystopiadystopia: poppers loosen you up KEKL [00:24:49] ZFJinxed: It can be quite dangerous... [00:24:50] hopalongtommy: At a club and someone was passing poppers about, handed it to my daft friend and they chugged it 💀 [00:24:53] Speederzzz: Doesn't it relax sphincters [00:24:53] jcktheripperrs: A friend bought a bottle in a nightclub, didn't know what it was and tried to drink it. lol [00:24:57] johnkeiwo: yeah that shit can make u light headed very badly [00:24:59] ArminGux: kekw [00:25:04] LittleChaSiu: LUL [00:25:05] darkphoenix4463: what actually is it... [00:25:11] ghostieliving: They're meant to feel kinda nice to use as well as the muscle relaxing thing, plenty of people use them and then don't put things inside them [00:25:11] hummingbeeeee: most shit makes you lightheaded [00:25:11] Emmy64_: LUL [00:25:12] MirahImage: They'll make you a bit high for a couple of minutes [00:25:12] johnkeiwo: Yes ! [00:25:14] gastly202: gastly202 subscribed with Prime. [00:25:14] f3mmbot: gastly202 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gastly202 f1nnLezgang [00:25:18] johnkeiwo: I'll send u a reminder [00:25:19] Celestial_Thistle: yes [00:25:20] zoewithane: this is so much better than some big bowl [00:25:21] professorpussicat: Poppers are a drug for bottoms because it heightens pleasure and can make it easier to fit. [00:25:24] XENOMAN5: Were you sore and sticky when you woke up? [00:25:24] nejamin3: ayoooo yeeaahhh [00:25:26] ArminGux: horny spill on isle 4 [00:25:28] Shockwavemecha: Ehh [00:25:30] PrestinoLive: Ello [00:25:31] BarryBDAB: were the ltt knife instock for you? [00:25:34] femboyjordan16: fin i look up to you so much [00:25:34] seibaby: "My asshole is just naturally relaxed" -f1nn5ter [00:25:35] nejamin3: we love Barbie the stylist icon [00:25:35] professorpussicat: If you're not bottoming, you won't get it. [00:25:39] andimax11: It relaxes the muscles [00:25:44] hummingbeeeee: poppers are just nic lite [00:25:47] MrCookie_Floof: LesbianPride¿GayPride BisexualPride¿TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride¿IntersexPride AsexualPride¿¼    GenderFluidPride [00:25:56] hopalongtommy: @darkphoenix4463 poppers are basically Video tape machine head cleaner [00:25:57] JessicaCaraKasey: Poppers make you... erm ... pop! [00:25:59] BarryBDAB: ohhhh jerryrig, i was looking on ltt tryna workout if i was insane [00:26:01] Its_Ya_Boy_Silencegaming: HUH? What did I just tune into? [00:26:02] johnkeiwo: no [00:26:04] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:26:04] jambob165: @MrCookie_Floof WhaaT? [00:26:04] Eromaw: nah [00:26:05] LittleChaSiu: F1nn confirmed not a bottom Kappa [00:26:06] ryandaislandchild: Hi F1NN first time visiting the stream usually watch Vladimir, your Russian Muscle Mommy. BTW Puppy Bowl is better than the Super Bowl. Tank would look adorable on TV [00:26:09] johnkeiwo: it's an in the moment thing [00:26:11] boba_fettuccine69: Fun drug [00:26:13] zebrabbl396: LUL LUL LUL [00:26:14] medical_size9000: I like jalapenos popplers [00:26:15] femboyjordan16: fin i look up to you so much as being gay [00:26:15] AeitZean: It's a tool [00:26:15] johnkeiwo: u take a few sniff during the act [00:26:17] MrCookie_Floof: @jambob165 e [00:26:17] CyanoticJam: Gives you a headache [00:26:19] diditwitcher: I only do 25mg edibles, but start at half of that LUL [00:26:21] ArminGux: ideal for u yes [00:26:21] Niiinaa: I'm sure its fun for bottoms [00:26:22] thrashtoad69: It's actually for people who need to be not sober. If they're sober they're miserable so they'll take anything to alter their state. Been there. Never again [00:26:23] professorpussicat: Not really. They're mostly for using them *during* sex. [00:26:25] Shockwavemecha: Fire hazzard 2 [00:26:25] jambob165: wait are they legal [00:26:25] boba_fettuccine69: It's most definitely a fun drug for someone [00:26:26] MirahImage: They work even when you're high on something else, it just makes everything brighter for a minute [00:26:28] 416hobbit: Closet arsonist [00:26:29] darkphoenix4463: you take and two seconds later your arse is inside out [00:26:31] Gurglefrix: Gurglefrix subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 39 month streak! [00:26:31] legitimatelily: its very much a drug for bedrooms [00:26:31] f3mmbot: gurglefrix subscribed to f1nn5ter for 39 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:26:35] fia26: next prediction does he burn house down by end of stream [00:26:36] PrestinoLive: u got a karambit? [00:26:39] femboyjordan16: hey fin hows tank [00:26:39] FRDRC_2192: Poppers are a smooth muscle relaxer. It was originally for angina, but because the anus is a smooth muscle, it's really good for bottoming. [00:26:40] darkphoenix4463: pink lighters are elite [00:26:40] Eadthryth: There's prob a jerry can out of frame [00:26:41] MrCookie_Floof: @f1nn5ter Bottom? am I being called out? [00:26:43] lllmrfish111: Bro I need dat mini lightsaber [00:26:45] gastly202: Don't give Finn fire... that's bad... [00:26:49] ArminGux: knife booze and knifes next to eachother [00:26:49] Tharrick: i got a zippo to do the tricks with. they leak like crap :( [00:26:50] Its_Ya_Boy_Silencegaming: Show your knife or lighter collection [00:26:52] vadriss: BOTTOM TINGZ [00:26:59] Vanimal2118: Other Femboys have been placing F1nn5ter in bottom category? [00:27:00] TheCharlesTownsend: Have you got the Arc lighter there I sent you for Christmas? [00:27:01] l0s_n4ch0s: where ashley? [00:27:06] vadriss: OH- [00:27:06] ArminGux: fire and boze shouldn’t be in the same table [00:27:08] AeitZean: The thing about a lighter that uses fuel, is as it burns it gets lighter LUL [00:27:09] Stabstalker: Stabstalker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:27:09] f3mmbot: stabstalker subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:27:09] NekoHasAimbot: we need a whole knife collection vid please [00:27:11] diditwitcher: I have a really rare Zippo Blue if what that [00:27:12] johnkeiwo: first time chatter is wild KEKW [00:27:18] vadriss: car1osLMAO car1osLMAO [00:27:21] Useless__person: lmfao, just spending my time watching my favorite femboy instead of transitioning 😭😭 [00:27:22] hopalongtommy: Poppers experience, sniff.. ah! Headrush!.....ah! Headache! [00:27:25] femboyjordan16: hey fin love your videos and look up to you [00:27:28] MrCookie_Floof: Ewww [00:27:30] nejamin3: Finn…… u r cute btw >-> [00:27:32] Jens_LN: @Vanimal2118 I think most have put F1nn5ter in the Switch catecory ? [00:27:34] 416hobbit: The Maid-of-Honour plans it [00:27:35] ghostkiller1412: yoooo rotterdam, also where twitchcon2024 shall be [00:27:36] boba_fettuccine69: Poppers party [00:27:37] Another__Ashl3y: @Useless__person relatable [00:27:38] hazelgr33n: hazelgr33n subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! hell yeah 5 months, how you doing today? [00:27:38] f3mmbot: hazelgr33n subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:27:39] obliviousxconfused: Are ypu going to be the entertainment? [00:27:43] medical_size9000: Chasiu is Finn going to your maid of honor [00:27:45] MrCookie_Floof: @nejamin3 agreed [00:27:51] favour6: Finn took poppers... Finn is a bottom 😂😂 [00:27:52] Wardenboo: its mid [00:27:52] YumeNoZen: Idea for @LittleChaSiu , and it'll be fun! [00:27:53] diditwitcher: Nah go to Texel [00:27:53] ChasingSol: it's flat, like all of Holland [00:27:57] ZFJinxed: Still waiting on you coming to Canada... [00:27:57] lamelama22: @gaminggiantlive thanks for the gifted sun f1nnHeart tynLove [00:27:59] LittleChaSiu: @ghostkiller1412 no yeah that's exactly why LUL [00:28:00] packagum: packagum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak! rotterdam is like Birmingham [00:28:00] f3mmbot: packagum subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:28:02] yuukiii13: hello from rotterdam lmaoo [00:28:03] CptSemer: Rotterdam was bombed, v different from Amsterdam [00:28:03] qmaster112: Rotterdam is famous for kids blowing up the front of houses [00:28:04] CyanoticJam: Good tulips [00:28:06] Useless__person: I think I we all knew Finn is a bottom [00:28:07] nothitch: I said it [00:28:07] zoewithane: I thought ramadan was a holiday [00:28:07] sxcial_dxrk: If you like Amsterdam Rotterdam is nicer but zanndam is best [00:28:07] gastly202: @favour6 makes sense really [00:28:10] LittleChaSiu: might get YumeNoZen to plan it if anything but like it's seeming like an idea [00:28:11] joe_byron13: Yeah [00:28:12] Ben104072_: "Next to Amsterdam" [00:28:13] 416hobbit: They have a bridge [00:28:14] LittleChaSiu: since I won't exactly have one over here [00:28:14] ToHellAndBack5150: Rotterdam is famous for kids stabbing each other [00:28:15] joe_byron13: It’s nice [00:28:15] fruittuitella: Rotterdam is nice compared to cities outside the Netherlands but bad compared to other Dutch cities [00:28:17] johnkeiwo: BROTHER Birmingham can look good in photos too [00:28:20] f3mmbot: kneeguy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months using Prime! PogU [00:28:21] yuukiii13: rotterdam isnt nice but its home ya know [00:28:24] Eadthryth: Well chicago can also "look nice" [00:28:24] lordgtafbi: @diditwitcher don't get him started on the US [00:28:25] joe_byron13: It’s not next to Amsterdam bruh [00:28:27] nick_and_charlie: It's way better than Amsterdam [00:28:28] nothitch: @johnkeiwo I used that exact example LMAO [00:28:28] Speederzzz: Rotterdamb is kinda not great [00:28:29] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu Fuuuuuck, why am I getting recruited? [00:28:29] BrightLilThing: those are glamour shots tho [00:28:32] thrashtoad69: And over here I am getting a concert ticket that'll be in Wales in November. I'm from Germany and don't even know where I'll be working by then lol [00:28:32] hummingbeeeee: every city looks nice on google image [00:28:33] nejamin3: omg [00:28:33] seibaby: Rotterdam is apparently HDRd to shit [00:28:35] LittleChaSiu: KEKW YumeNoZen [00:28:36] FatherThyme: HypeHuh [00:28:36] boba_fettuccine69: Imagine from 10+ years ago [00:28:38] RedPandaArtist: i loved amsterdam at least the bits i remember [00:28:38] professorpussicat: I recall sodacat saying he likes double scorpio so I 100% believe he put you up to it lmao [00:28:38] Speederzzz: Rotterdam got bombed to shit in ww2 [00:28:38] medical_size9000: Finn is going to pop out the cake for chasiu bachelorette party [00:28:39] ArminGux: can u roast a city harder then calling it Birmingham [00:28:39] fruittuitella: Rotterdam got bombed by the Germans so there's no old buildings left [00:28:39] Lucridis: Oof [00:28:41] Emmy64_: Saturation is a hell of a edition HypePopcorn [00:28:42] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:28:45] diditwitcher: @lordgtafbi LUL [00:28:45] Ex0dia5: Rotterdam is fine. its just mostly modern architecture because of WWII [00:28:45] Ben104072_: Stabbings, bomb attack and shootings every week in Rotterdam. [00:28:47] CyanoticJam: All cities look good from the right angle [00:28:48] sxcial_dxrk: Amsterdam is miles away from Rotterdam 🤣 it's like a 2 and a half hour train journey [00:28:50] xxxtentioncablexxx: Go to Groningen 😎 [00:28:50] femboyjordan16: hows tank finny [00:28:56] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu Normally something done by a Maid of Honor.... [00:29:03] l0s_n4ch0s: lmfao [00:29:04] vadriss: all the TABS open OMG [00:29:04] BarryBDAB: ltt knife ordered ty fin [00:29:04] sichbroo: they have a CRAZY looking theme park, looks amazing tho 😂 [00:29:04] medical_size9000: Did someone said run a train on you [00:29:07] blindthirdeye: DAMN [00:29:07] StateAffiliatedMedia: KEKW [00:29:08] LittleChaSiu: look it was your idea YumeNoZen [00:29:08] CrozzGameplay: XDDDDDDDDD [00:29:08] NekoHasAimbot: LMAO\ [00:29:09] braddle172: oof [00:29:09] Useless__person: Birmingham is in Alabama [00:29:12] packagum: KEKW [00:29:12] Jens_LN: fitting [00:29:12] CrozzGameplay: LMAO [00:29:12] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:29:13] Shockwavemecha: Home sweet home [00:29:13] professorpussicat: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:29:13] boba_fettuccine69: Rotter has poppers [00:29:13] nejamin3: if u google finnster it just shows definition of chad [00:29:13] Eadthryth: Cleveland of england [00:29:14] ArminGux: kekekeke [00:29:14] LittleChaSiu: PEAKY BLINDERS LUL [00:29:14] muddymudkip15: lol [00:29:14] 416hobbit: That's bad... don't google Detroit [00:29:15] zebrabbl396: Gangter [00:29:17] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:29:17] Shockwavemecha: LUL [00:29:19] thrashtoad69: L city [00:29:19] Avaerus0: It does have Detroit vibes [00:29:19] scarlettyg: If you keep playing with those lighters it's gonna end up as Burningham [00:29:21] blindthirdeye: They really doing em dirty [00:29:23] Vanimal2118: I've been to Detroit. [00:29:24] kagure2: Yo ppl gonna leave detroit alone KEKW [00:29:24] bnb3199: Damn [00:29:24] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu I wasn't sure, we kinda went both ways on that. [00:29:26] ysalima: L [00:29:27] teatedostritch3: Cant have shit in detroit [00:29:28] obliviousxconfused: obliviousxconfused subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! Over 2 years subbed, how are you doing. Good to see you found someone special. [00:29:28] f3mmbot: obliviousxconfused subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:29:29] Ben104072_: Rotterdam is florida man city [00:29:30] AeitZean: If I have learned anything from this stream, it's that Birmingham is terrible [00:29:30] Useless__person: oh wait, there’s two- forgot [00:29:30] CrozzGameplay: FINS GONNA GET SHANKED NOOO [00:29:34] letume: Rotterdam’s not that bad, I’d say it beats amsterdam [00:29:34] Eromaw: jewelry quarter? [00:29:37] gastly202: I'd rather go to Detroit than Birmingham XD [00:29:39] rawbecue: Ozzy and Jeremy Clarkson are from there, that's all I know. [00:29:41] Havryl: Didn't Birmingham run out of money? [00:29:43] johnkeiwo: evening cypro ! [00:29:44] diditwitcher: There are so many Dutchylanders here, it's amazing [00:29:45] cheff_cook: it looks kinda ok xdd [00:29:46] nejamin3: SHLUUURP asmr [00:29:46] ArminGux: probably similar crime rate to detroid [00:29:46] AmazingAspie: yes it did [00:29:48] CaptainBigBite: ive seen public restrooms that look nicer than Birmingham [00:29:49] Niiinaa: rotterdam is the birmingham of the netherlands, so much better than actual birmingham, just bad compared to other dutch cities @f1nn5ter [00:29:50] ToHellAndBack5150: Rotterdam just looks good but it's awful [00:29:55] CyanoticJam: And you know this how? [00:29:55] boringdepressedintrovert: Tolkein modeled Mordor on Birmingham [00:29:57] Wardenboo: I knew that Rotterdam is good for partying, but not so much for sightseeing [00:30:02] princess_mia03: haiiii [00:30:04] namastejeff: namastejeff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [00:30:04] f3mmbot: namastejeff subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:30:04] Eromaw: was the hallway the jewelry quarter? [00:30:06] Cyprohep: @johnkeiwo KonCha [00:30:07] ArminGux: is anyone soulber in Birmingham [00:30:10] ogrem_fanclan: Nonsense. Birmingham has you to offer and the world is better for it [00:30:11] wee_chip: Brum is nice [00:30:12] LittleChaSiu: Dutchies? in my Twitch chat?? [00:30:12] zebrabbl396: It has some class [00:30:17] fruittuitella: 6 [00:30:18] Ben104072_: Rotterdam has weekly stabbings, bomb attacks and shootings [00:30:20] Wardenboo: its nice for modern architecture people [00:30:20] bigkrimpin: rotterdam is 0 [00:30:20] CrozzGameplay: Well you are a guy with knives, sooo average Birmingham lad [00:30:21] ghostkiller1412: 5 [00:30:23] gastly202: @boringdepressedintrovert you can't say that! That's rude... how dare you insult Mordor like that 😂 [00:30:24] silentwolf465: not as bad as blackpool tho [00:30:25] sasaa_86: both shit [00:30:25] Pizzapuntz: amsterdam is 6 rotterdam is 5 [00:30:27] packagum: Rotterdam 5 [00:30:27] sxcial_dxrk: Amsterdam is 4 Rotterdam is 6 [00:30:31] CyanoticJam: 1 - 7 [00:30:32] de_geweldige: both a 4 [00:30:34] Vanimal2118: Drunk, spew, bar repeat? [00:30:35] ToHellAndBack5150: Amsterdam 6, Rotterdam 3 [00:30:37] CptSemer: Amsterdam is 6 Rotterdam 7 [00:30:37] hummingbeeeee: amsterdam ftw [00:30:39] Unsellingdust: Amsterdam 5 Rotterdam 6 [00:30:40] Kidougames: Adam is luke an 8 Rdan is like a 5,5 [00:30:41] wack0x: Rotterdam 6, Amsterdam 9 [00:30:41] yuukiii13: 2 different breeds [00:30:41] nikitasolanki13: hi fin1 [00:30:42] w8ting_at_th3_styx: Why can't I vote in the prediction? I tapped it and it disappeared. [00:30:42] pojybear38: both mid [00:30:43] nick_and_charlie: Amsterdam:6 Rotterdam:8 [00:30:44] Wardenboo: amsterdam 2 without touritst xD [00:30:45] sichbroo: Amsterdam 8 Rotterdam 4 [00:30:45] bigkrimpin: too many tourists [00:30:48] johnkeiwo: the prediction is " how long till u are makeup done and dressed :) " [00:30:49] SnabbKassa: Amsterdam has far too many tourists [00:30:49] LittleChaSiu: such a wide variety of responses here [00:30:51] Ex0dia5: amsterdam 8 rotterdam 7 [00:30:52] ysalima: tiny [00:30:53] Ben104072_: Amsterdam is too touristy [00:30:55] invurdah_: rotterdam is like south londen amsterdam is better [00:30:56] 416hobbit: These sound like hockey scores [00:31:00] Eadthryth: On a scale of Cleveland, Ohio to Kyoto, Japan [00:31:01] c__r__j: FemboyDrumming searched YouTube for people pooping out of windors. The first hit was someone in a Rotterdam hotel! NotLikeThis [00:31:02] packagum: too much tourism [00:31:02] jamnesia777: I had a roommate from Rotterdam and he never really talked about anything cool there [00:31:02] joe_byron13: Amsterdam is 2 hours from Rotterdam [00:31:03] King_Goddess: should look at Birmingham Alabama lol [00:31:03] Speederzzz: Amsterdam is like a 6, rotterdam like 4 [00:31:04] yuukiii13: amsterdam is touristy af [00:31:05] CptSemer: Amsterdam is only tourists and puke [00:31:06] craigmaughan: Amsterdam is a 9 [00:31:06] CyanoticJam: Dep5what you smoke [00:31:06] professorpussicat: Amsterdam is a ten if you like drugs [00:31:06] MrCookie_Floof: imma buckle out of here. gotta get the attention of my bf. I might slide into the Discord server, have a good day @f1nn5ter @littlechasiu and chat [00:31:08] shelloverride: Mine to its close to 10 [00:31:08] sxcial_dxrk: If Amsterdam is a 6 to you then Rotterdam is like a 11 [00:31:09] Stabstalker: i dont like any city in the netherlands [00:31:10] joe_byron13: Rotterdam is good [00:31:10] qmaster112: Amsterdam has more foreigners then dutch locals [00:31:10] Drax242: Be the party, then everywhere u go is great [00:31:10] nejamin3: what’s Amsterdam is that in Michigan [00:31:11] Niiinaa: peiple who rank amsterdam low live in amsterdam @f1nn5ter [00:31:13] hummingbeeeee: amsterdam is so liberal and clean and shit [00:31:14] Unsellingdust: Utrecht is better [00:31:14] de_geweldige: there is more tourists in amsterdam then dutch people [00:31:15] ghostkiller1412: everyone rides bikes everywhere [00:31:16] hummingbeeeee: i’m a good way [00:31:17] Eromaw: TRUE [00:31:18] SnabbKassa: Everyone in Denmark and NL rides bikes [00:31:18] Ben104072_: Nooo they are not all happy [00:31:19] goodplayer214: Football fans are rivals [00:31:19] Cadzzes: I’m going Scotland soon [00:31:21] CptSemer: Utrecht is best [00:31:21] Useless__person: Amsterdam sounds like hampsterdam, too many tourists (and this is coming from an American) [00:31:23] sichbroo: I was in Amsterdam in October for my birthday and had THE BEST time, laughed for hours hahahaahah [00:31:23] speckkatze: dude bike centric infrastructure is fucking good [00:31:23] Novosteals: theres 1 thing to do in amsterdan [00:31:24] Speederzzz: Amsterdam is overflowed with tourists [00:31:26] johnkeiwo: oopd [00:31:26] Emmy64_: The herbs are legal wdym KEKW [00:31:26] Eromaw: Brighton [00:31:27] Ben104072_: You took drugs didn't you [00:31:27] 416hobbit: How about Brighton? [00:31:27] bigkrimpin: brighton? [00:31:27] wee_chip: Brighton maybe [00:31:29] jamnesia777: from personal experience Amsterdam was super cool but the food is hot shit [00:31:30] CyanoticJam: Oxford [00:31:30] sxcial_dxrk: York [00:31:31] devoluxn: Birmingham Kappa [00:31:31] unbracingabyss: Newcastle [00:31:31] hummingbeeeee: the exit [00:31:31] packagum: utrecht is like Amsterdam but a little smaller and less tourism [00:31:31] Mooncow4001: Cornwall [00:31:31] Novosteals: pryzm [00:31:32] Vanimal2118: No happy? vanima3Animal [00:31:32] blindthirdeye: bars [00:31:34] livelytimes: kent? [00:31:34] debdrup: snabbkassa: this is true, except for all the ones that don't [00:31:34] blatant_fabrication: Newquay? [00:31:34] dystopiadystopia: im hatching bis pals in palworld rn Pog [00:31:34] CaptainBigBite: Glasgow [00:31:34] JessicaCaraKasey: Hell NO! [00:31:35] gerglingson: ofc not [00:31:35] Another__Ashl3y: canada [00:31:36] johnkeiwo: @jasminewalker5068, sorry miss click [00:31:36] sasaa_86: airport to go away [00:31:36] The___Satan: butlins [00:31:37] cheff_cook: dont visit Prague then [00:31:38] boom_and_alpha_yt: we like be solemn in the uk [00:31:38] OmsX8O: Happy in Amsterdam? Then you have probably only met tourist, certainly not real Amsterdam people [00:31:38] ArminGux: it’s impossible to be happy in Britain [00:31:39] fender_slay: ROTTERDAM IS ASS, Ive lived in both, Amsterdam 8, Rotterdam 4 [00:31:39] sherlock_norris: it's the drugs [00:31:39] papsavas: with that weather, no [00:31:40] CJKDB: liverpool [00:31:40] Speederzzz: And not as clean as cities like Leiden and Utrecht [00:31:40] favour6: Alton Towers [00:31:40] craigmaughan: Lincoln [00:31:41] bnb3199: America [00:31:41] CrozzGameplay: finn, you goin to finland? 2nd land of the femboys? [00:31:41] AeitZean: My bed Kappa [00:31:42] c__r__j: Cambridge is good. [00:31:42] Novosteals: kfc [00:31:42] thomas115839151: Warrington [00:31:42] Eadthryth: Ireland lol [00:31:43] whiskchiefXx: Brighton? [00:31:43] dafdeddog: Newcastle and Belfast [00:31:43] Niiinaa: edinborough? [00:31:43] Lucridis: An airport so you can leave [00:31:44] Tjd321: The airport to another country? [00:31:44] Blaine8182: blackpool [00:31:44] boringdepressedintrovert: no [00:31:45] davidiusfarrenius: Nottingham for Warhammer [00:31:45] SnabbKassa: Cornwall [00:31:46] optimax71: Blackpool [00:31:47] sichbroo: yeah the ferry port to go to Amsterdam [00:31:47] Bisto_or_Alice: I go out in Bristol a bit [00:31:47] Mooncow4001: Cornwall is great! [00:31:48] johnkeiwo: @jasminewalker5068, but also, she is downstairs so stop asking [00:31:49] CyanoticJam: My place [00:31:50] Drax242: Brighton? [00:31:50] sxcial_dxrk: Brighton is stunning [00:31:51] Stovamor: Bristol, Newcastle [00:31:51] GingerWithEnvy: We feel joy in complaining about our misery [00:31:52] blueskydrinking: I liked going to York as kid because of the railway museum [00:31:52] DMD2409: Heard Bristol is quite nice [00:31:52] bea748: cornwall? [00:31:53] CptSemer: Utrecht 8, Rotterdam 7, Amsterdam 6, The Hague 5 [00:31:54] ohmarkey: Blackpool lol [00:31:55] pro_duck_1324: cornwall [00:31:55] Cadzzes: Edinburgh [00:31:55] ArminGux: Scotland seems fun [00:31:57] Jonathan916Gamer: Hello yt [00:31:57] unbracingabyss: Newcastle great night out [00:31:58] th3phoenix3968: Brighton is meh, i work there [00:31:58] RedPandaArtist: tiptons happy only because were all high [00:32:00] legitimatelily: there are happy places for elderly people [00:32:02] boom_and_alpha_yt: Belfast [00:32:02] MrCookie_Floof: Wrexham? no, that’s in Wales. adíos [00:32:04] Wendigeaux1987: Probably somewhere in a jungle who have little to no contact to the outside world, they're probably happy af [00:32:04] monday5671: The place English people go to be happy is anywhere but England. [00:32:07] Blaine8182: Torbay in Devon is cool [00:32:08] stefaniststefan: Vienna is the best city anyways [00:32:13] CrozzGameplay: wtf is the hague?? [00:32:13] legitimatelily: legoland lol [00:32:14] sxcial_dxrk: Amsterdam is the Liverpool of the Netherlands [00:32:15] debdrup: monday5671: lmao [00:32:15] Speederzzz: Just visit a city like Leiden or Haarlem or Delft [00:32:15] c__r__j: London was barely touched! [00:32:15] jamnesia777: People seemed really happy in this one place I went to. The departure gate from England [00:32:21] gastly202: My colleagues opened a new CeX in Amsterdam (yes I'm a cex worker) and they said that it's like Kemptown in Brighton (smells like weed and is over hyped) [00:32:22] Ben104072_: In the Netherlands go to Maastricht. [00:32:24] GingerWithEnvy: But I like Liverpool personally [00:32:25] StormOf98: Any of the airports; you know that you're leaving that way 😅 [00:32:25] TheUseOfWeapons: maybe they should rename Brighton to Darkton [00:32:26] tijlepile: Amsterdam is straight E tier [00:32:27] Stovamor: Bristol or Newcastle are fun night's out @F1NN5TER [00:32:27] livelytimes: like i feel kent is normally happy [00:32:27] Stovamor: Bristol or Newcastle are fun night's out @F1NN5TER [00:32:31] craigmaughan: York is nice [00:32:35] davidiusfarrenius: Nottingham Warhammer World is the happiest place on earth! Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:32:36] handscombchris: I love North Wales, when I win the euro millions I'm going to move there and build myself a castle! ;) [00:32:42] th3phoenix3968: Truth [00:32:43] LittleChaSiu: dono pog [00:32:45] legitimatelily: search brighton realistic [00:32:47] professorpussicat: Looks better than Pripyat [00:32:49] Tharrick: @davidiusfarrenius bugmans ftw [00:32:52] CrozzGameplay: average england moment [00:32:53] sichbroo: I went to Brighton and it was a HOLE [00:32:54] Niiinaa: same counts for rotterdam; the google pics arent representative [00:32:54] LittleChaSiu: okay nvm fuck that, dono cringe [00:32:55] vadriss: YASS AMOURANTH [00:32:58] alexh1441: Bristol isn't bad, good environment. [00:32:59] The___Satan: best place in UK is go bananas [00:33:00] jamnesia777: YEAH!!!!! [00:33:02] dystopiadystopia: time to makeupmaxx [00:33:04] nejamin3: it took me 15 years to visit a new state. I think if I’d ever met an English person irl I’d have a social anxiety attack. like ur not real bruh [00:33:08] boom_and_alpha_yt: nah bushmills whisky time [00:33:08] medical_size9000: How hilarious would it be if Finn was riding a moped [00:33:10] blueskydrinking: Yes but it's in Nottingham [00:33:10] sasaa_86: I would not want to found dead at rotterdam or amsterdam [00:33:13] debdrup: littlechasiu: quick turnaround, taht [00:33:13] ArminGux: yes try [00:33:14] debdrup: that* [00:33:15] Daynondorf: Bristol is a shit hole [00:33:15] Stovamor: If you want to go watch AMouranth, feel free, but stop advertising other streamers [00:33:17] Novosteals: nah bristols jarring [00:33:20] thegodemperorofmankind0: Definitely second that! For the emperor [00:33:20] sxcial_dxrk: Amsterdam = Liverpool of the Netherlands [00:33:22] JessicaCaraKasey: Warhammer head office is in Nottingham, I think. [00:33:28] Avaerus0: Warhammer World? Sounds grim. [00:33:29] sasaa_86: !!! I would not want to found dead at rotterdam or amsterdam !!! [00:33:29] Niiinaa: wtf are people promoting other streamers in chat, have you no ettiquette? [00:33:30] c__r__j: Delft is pretty. [00:33:31] dirtygranny88: dirtygranny88 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:33:31] LittleChaSiu: LUL [00:33:31] f3mmbot: dirtygranny88 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang dirtygranny88 f1nnLezgang [00:33:34] Tharrick: @JessicaCaraKasey it is! [00:33:37] silentwolf465: money [00:33:39] dystopiadystopia: wait is the UK real [00:33:44] Tharrick: @Avaerus0 it has a dwarf bar though [00:33:45] sm0hzam: @stovamor sorry, that was a joke [00:33:46] Wardenboo: its prob a nice place to rent a big building cuz thats all rotterdam has [00:33:49] TheCharlesTownsend: Cambridge is nice. [00:33:50] debdrup: dystopiadystopia: nah, it's made-up [00:33:54] Jeddix: berlin? [00:33:55] sxcial_dxrk: Stay in zanndam it's a little further out but is a stunning little town [00:33:55] nejamin3: twitch 19 [00:33:55] Jens_LN: Amsterdam I think ? [00:33:55] Drax242: Cheap rent [00:33:56] ArminGux: Paris is always in riots [00:33:56] LittleChaSiu: Berlin apparnetly [00:33:57] LittleChaSiu: BERLIN [00:33:58] medical_size9000: I wonder if the guy from the store knows you have a twitch or battle pass [00:33:59] SnabbKassa: so twitch is choosing bad places deliberately? [00:34:00] toomanybees___: Berlin? [00:34:00] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter Neither Barbie or I are actually from Bristol btw - we just lived there [00:34:00] CrozzGameplay: france? [00:34:00] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter Neither Barbie or I are actually from Bristol btw - we just lived there [00:34:01] l0s_n4ch0s: @dystopiadystopia its a psyop [00:34:01] sm0hzam: #femboys4life [00:34:02] jamnesia777: The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam was absolutely amazing! [00:34:06] HardyOrange: they're trying to cut costs by hosting in famous places people secretly hate [00:34:06] Vanimal2118: Not sure F1nn could operate a moped? [00:34:07] dwarffii: @Tharrick Dwarf? linkzzeyHii [00:34:07] Speederzzz: @niiinaa i think someone had points on quick make up [00:34:09] ZealousCrow: That many streamers in one place is always going to be cursed anyway. [00:34:10] nejamin3: naw idk [00:34:12] c__r__j: If you were in charge of a nice place, why would you let people build a conference centre there? [00:34:12] gastly202: Finn Brighton isn't too bad to visit but I live and work there and it's not worth the hype [00:34:13] SubliminalCorruption: Twitch existed before Covid? [00:34:16] MirahImage: Berlin and you didn't do poppers? [00:34:17] johnkeiwo: @femboyjordan16, they are good, stop asking [00:34:18] Goob1998: Goob1998 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Thoughts on Bournemouth and Southampton, as a native southerner who went to uni in Coventry I do not envy you living in Birmingham [00:34:18] f3mmbot: goob1998 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:34:18] toomanybees___: might have been '18 [00:34:19] dystopiadystopia: i agree i think the CIA made up the UK [00:34:23] diditwitcher: That is true Finn the farmers are blocking everything LUL [00:34:23] The___Satan: birmingham has a good uni atleast [00:34:26] Speederzzz: Rotterdam has had a few problems with bombings lately [00:34:29] SteelDuck: Imma be real I study in Rotterdam it's very modern and it's fine as long as you don't go to the south. [00:34:32] dirtygranny88: f1nnGremlin [00:34:40] SnabbKassa: @dystopiadystopia then where did the 13 colonies come from? [00:34:40] Ex0dia5: im dutch and live in the UK rotterdam is fine. Its nicer then Birmingham. you'll be fine. [00:34:43] Ben104072_: Utrecht in the Netherlands would be waaaay better [00:34:44] diditwitcher: But i support them [00:34:48] ArminGux: when is twitchcon? [00:34:49] Eadthryth: Twitchcon Romainia is coming [00:34:49] adorkablewreck: I mean, you can cross the Netherlands in like two hours. so you could easily just skip off to Amsterdam if you get bored [00:34:51] LittleChaSiu: international students LUL [00:34:53] jsgontwitch: Jaarbeurshallen represent @Ex0dia5 [00:34:57] davidiusfarrenius: it’s your early onset dementia that you can’t remember twitch con! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:35:05] Ben104072_: Jaarbeurs! [00:35:06] Tharrick: @dwarffii Bugman's Bar, yeah, they have their own dwarf bar and kitchen [00:35:06] SnabbKassa: because they are all millionaires [00:35:07] dystopiadystopia: mogged KEKW [00:35:07] LittleChaSiu: well yeah, if they can afford to study abroad they can afford to dress luxury [00:35:08] nick_and_charlie: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:35:08] jamnesia777: good [00:35:08] CrozzGameplay: when are we having twitchcon at the louvre??? [00:35:09] Cyprohep: get mogged lmao [00:35:10] ImpoliTV: Stay in Leiden and go to Rotterdam by train [00:35:12] sophie_b4: Edinburgh goated UK city YEP [00:35:14] YumeNoZen: I can protect you when we go out, don't worry little one. *head pat* Chasiu can vouch for my ability to yeet people. And we're looking at a place in Gouda, perhaps. [00:35:14] Vanimal2118: UK has fashion? Interesting? [00:35:15] nejamin3: loool [00:35:19] dwarffii: @Tharrick Cool [00:35:22] johnkeiwo: PogU [00:35:25] packagum: to be honest ahoy is a good venue. its like the only good thing about rotterdam imho. [00:35:28] LittleChaSiu: WilburSoot PogU [00:35:28] hummingbeeeee: all the t girls in chat say heyyy [00:35:28] johnkeiwo: twink [00:35:29] cablamo1: Femboy Exchanges? [00:35:29] ArminGux: mog u? don’t u mug them? [00:35:30] Ben104072_: Wimblur? [00:35:30] jsgontwitch: ??? wilbur crossover holy shit [00:35:32] CrozzGameplay: fuckn love that chap [00:35:33] djsketch87: Good evening [00:35:36] johnkeiwo: Musical twink [00:35:36] HardyOrange: he's famous for real now!! [00:35:37] agent_263: Your still a femboy????? [00:35:37] filip_zd10: w guy [00:35:38] zoewithane: never heard of him [00:35:38] nejamin3: oohh yeah [00:35:38] kelsey_alina: kelsey_alina subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! Over a year! [00:35:38] Wendigeaux1987: Foreign international, as opposed to foreign domestic? ;p [00:35:38] f3mmbot: kelsey_alina subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:35:39] TheCharlesTownsend: @Vanimal2118 Yes. We have Ashley. [00:35:40] legitimatelily: if we know [00:35:40] Emmy64_: @vanimal2118 Not native tho KEKW [00:35:44] Jens_LN: May have heard of him, yeah [00:35:44] degdo24: finn do you remember the gaming setup you reviewed with a ton of flags? SHOULD i add more? this is urgent ive already added like 3 more since the last photo but like do i need more? [00:35:44] CrozzGameplay: lets fuckn gooo [00:35:50] cablamo1: twinkmaxxin [00:35:54] SnazzJaz4297: DSMP Wilbur Soot? [00:35:54] CrozzGameplay: yes he so iiiis [00:35:59] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:36:05] 416hobbit: Yes [00:36:05] HardyOrange: how???????? lmao [00:36:06] Jens_LN: yes [00:36:07] thunderscoob: yes [00:36:08] swanee327: a bit [00:36:08] johnkeiwo: you fucked up your accent brother [00:36:08] SnabbKassa: yeds [00:36:09] debdrup: called out [00:36:09] ChasingSol: yes [00:36:09] ysalima: yesh [00:36:10] idesofjuno: yes [00:36:10] medical_size9000: Did he microwave your tea [00:36:11] Noskcaj1444: yes [00:36:12] al4cid: Yes [00:36:12] th3phoenix3968: Yep [00:36:12] Wardenboo: yes [00:36:13] CyanoticJam: Yes [00:36:13] Shockwavemecha: Trans atlantic [00:36:13] LittleChaSiu: only a bit [00:36:13] Novosteals: yeh # [00:36:13] Bisto_or_Alice: dood LUL [00:36:14] A_Fforrest: its cringe [00:36:14] cafv_ene: yes [00:36:14] Vanimal2118: Nope [00:36:15] iridaceaeIris69: yes [00:36:15] dystopiadystopia: a lil bit [00:36:15] AlmondVF: yes [00:36:15] fridtha: Yes [00:36:16] YumeNoZen: Yes. Like a good girl. [00:36:16] johnkeiwo: KKona YEE YEE [00:36:16] zoewithane: yup [00:36:16] Eadthryth: No, you sound like a tea drinker [00:36:16] thebreadisonthefloor: I mean yeah [00:36:16] Stovamor: yes, you do [00:36:18] ArminGux: yes [00:36:18] Melon___Eater: you're like right on the line [00:36:18] muddymudkip15: yes [00:36:19] braddle172: Ehh half and half [00:36:20] gnarlyvomit: say "Bottle of Water" [00:36:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yes [00:36:21] Y0rk5h1r3: Speak Proper English!!! [00:36:21] devoluxn: I'm American, I don't think so [00:36:21] blueskydrinking: You sound noticably less English [00:36:21] SnabbKassa: You are England's most American person [00:36:21] fent4n1: ye [00:36:21] AnthrexXD: hiii Finn [00:36:21] fatslowman: yes [00:36:23] Jens_LN: you are a honorary american [00:36:23] moon_shaped_pool: Yeah [00:36:24] TayTaetay: A little [00:36:24] BarryBDAB: in the caR [00:36:24] th3phoenix3968: Propa bri ish geeza [00:36:24] shmanchi: not really [00:36:25] AeitZean: A little, but not that much [00:36:26] toddassss: You don't sound like a Brummie! [00:36:26] jamnesia777: “Cah” [00:36:26] ArminGux: u sound nothing like other brits [00:36:27] boringdepressedintrovert: yes [00:36:28] CrozzGameplay: finn americanised [00:36:28] c__r__j: You sound 50:50 mid-Adlantic and Australian. [00:36:29] MilesSwann91: yes [00:36:32] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:36:33] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [00:36:35] packagum: you sound like one of your parents was british and one was american [00:36:35] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:36:35] cedric_callnight: Hello Finn. This is my first stream of yours. Hope its fun :D [00:36:35] toomanybees___: KEKW [00:36:35] ZealousCrow: KEKW [00:36:36] johnkeiwo: VIP [00:36:37] boxalchemist: yup [00:36:37] legitimatelily: more american than most brits, less than most americans [00:36:38] Sht1k: You don't sound remotely American lmao [00:36:38] braddle172: KEKW [00:36:39] medical_size9000: Kekw [00:36:40] al4cid: True [00:36:40] SnazzJaz4297: viennaBonk viennaBonk viennaBonk [00:36:40] davidiusfarrenius: yes you’re turning into a colonial! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:36:40] karojhe: You even said "Instargram" [00:36:41] lungevilkas: Oof [00:36:42] thrashtoad69: Just looked at a Cardiff live feed. I need a cug after that [00:36:43] debdrup: johnkeiwo: yesss [00:36:44] muddymudkip15: lol [00:36:45] l0s_n4ch0s: lmao lowtierf1nn [00:36:46] Schmean: As an australian i feel left out [00:36:46] The___Satan: you have the internet acent but def more british than american [00:36:47] fridtha: As an American who grew up in England, Yes, you're very American [00:36:47] diditwitcher: High out of there mind listening to English excent is epic [00:36:47] zoewithane: dude you pronounce your Rs super hard [00:36:47] thrashtoad69: *cig [00:36:47] BrightLilThing: To americans, you do not sound american in the slightest [00:36:48] Dazarco: I'm from Georgia, USA. You don't sound American. [00:36:48] medical_size9000: VIP him [00:36:50] dystopiadystopia: KKonaW sound like ur from kentucky brother [00:36:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:36:52] ProblemGolem: As a person from thr us living in the uk tou sound more American [00:36:53] hummingbeeeee: try an american voice to hear how close it is [00:36:54] PlanetJae: you’ve kinda got a bit of an autistic accent. in this case, that means “brit with an american twang” [00:36:55] CrozzGameplay: jschatt but with knives not guns [00:36:55] penguinlord37: You don't sound like an American you just say your R's [00:36:56] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL [00:36:56] v_havengrad: Just say screw it and go transatlantic accent. [00:36:58] YumeNoZen: "trans"atlantic accent? [00:37:00] princess_mia03: yes [00:37:00] Eadthryth: Sound like generic brittish child [00:37:02] BarryBDAB: easy [00:37:02] thunderscoob: yes [00:37:02] toomanybees___: Quick, someone make an My Way AI cover [00:37:02] Lucridis: no [00:37:02] Arthree: yes [00:37:03] Avaerus0: Sure [00:37:03] medical_size9000: You lost your British accent [00:37:03] LittleChaSiu: probably yeah [00:37:03] FatherThyme: no [00:37:03] ZealousCrow: OMEGALUL [00:37:03] johnkeiwo: hmmmm [00:37:03] ysalima: yeah [00:37:04] Joey_The_Red: Yes [00:37:04] fridtha: No [00:37:04] gastly202: Tbh I didn't know you were English for ages... thought you were American... you sound more American than my American friends and colleague [00:37:04] thug_bird1: Im Irish and you definitely don't sounds American lol [00:37:04] freshdelipickles: ehhhh maybe [00:37:04] Bytebak: Yes [00:37:05] CyanoticJam: Yes [00:37:05] dafdeddog: No [00:37:05] letume: No [00:37:05] bdix727: yes [00:37:05] silentwolf465: no [00:37:06] djsketch87: NO [00:37:06] blueskydrinking: No [00:37:06] dystopiadystopia: haha KEKW [00:37:06] craigmaughan: Nope [00:37:06] diditwitcher: Huh? [00:37:06] danjan117: yes [00:37:06] debdrup: yea, you could pull that off [00:37:06] th3phoenix3968: Nah [00:37:07] ChasingSol: maybe? [00:37:07] JessicaCaraKasey: Yes. You could [00:37:07] thug_bird1: Yes [00:37:07] johnkeiwo: maybe ? [00:37:07] BrightLilThing: You still sound like tea and crumpets [00:37:07] l0s_n4ch0s: yea [00:37:07] shmanchi: no way [00:37:07] froschjojo: I'm german and i thin you lound british [00:37:07] HardyOrange: nah, the reverse [00:37:07] Aphex_Down: No [00:37:07] blatant_fabrication: No [00:37:08] stephanie1701: no [00:37:08] pinbel1: Yes [00:37:08] sxcial_dxrk: No [00:37:08] jawazy: yeah [00:37:08] cedric_callnight: You kinda fluctuate between south english and standard american [00:37:08] filip_zd10: yeah [00:37:08] 416hobbit: Maybe [00:37:08] StreamrollerFunFun: no chance [00:37:08] baslak01: NO [00:37:09] medical_size9000: No [00:37:09] penguinlord37: Nah [00:37:09] ironhydra: Yes [00:37:09] devoluxn: Yeah [00:37:09] GaiusGoose: absolutely - American [00:37:09] Vanimal2118: Nope [00:37:09] Eromaw: no [00:37:09] THELunarImmortal: THELunarImmortal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:37:09] f3mmbot: thelunarimmortal subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:37:09] sentientmush: Yes [00:37:10] zoewithane: yeah [00:37:10] cheddarfella: Nah [00:37:10] aimeeasdf: no [00:37:10] c__r__j: No. You don't sound THAT American. [00:37:11] YumeNoZen: Your voice would sound more brit, then. [00:37:11] alkibiadesmassacre: I'm from ohio and no lol [00:37:11] Schmean: Yes [00:37:11] vinsanity642: no [00:37:11] The___Satan: alot could tbf [00:37:12] toomanybees___: sure [00:37:12] UnperfectOne: You don't sound American, but you pronounce some things wrong. [00:37:12] FatherThyme: you may sound american to brits, but you don't to americans [00:37:13] muddymudkip15: no [00:37:13] ArminGux: u are the definition of mid adlantic [00:37:13] furifixus: No [00:37:14] Melon___Eater: no [00:37:14] whiskchiefXx: Probably. [00:37:14] alikarin: maybe [00:37:14] NIGHTWING10136: yes [00:37:15] legitimatelily: maybe [00:37:16] TayTaetay: Kinda until you say car [00:37:16] Ben_Lewton: nah [00:37:17] SnabbKassa: no. your accent is not a specific place [00:37:17] bnb3199: m a y b e [00:37:17] grandpaladin1701: Nah, not an American accent. [00:37:17] zebrabbl396: Yes [00:37:17] sasha_bucket: yeah [00:37:18] bbeepboops: no [00:37:18] cedric_callnight: Yes [00:37:18] vinsanity642: you dont call them pants [00:37:18] boxalchemist: yeah you sound american [00:37:20] MilesSwann91: yes [00:37:20] karlkat007: Yes [00:37:21] devoluxn: I've known Brits in America - Yes [00:37:21] boxalchemist: maybe new york [00:37:21] nao0omi_: no [00:37:21] BadLuckJK: 15 years [00:37:21] BillYinzen: No, you can pronounce the word "mate" [00:37:22] bnb3199: probs not tho [00:37:22] faefemboi: Then sounds like a native Britain who moved to America as a teen [00:37:23] idesofjuno: yes [00:37:24] monday5671: Not quite Americana not quite British. The answer as an American is yes. [00:37:24] When_pigs_can_fly: British teeth tho [00:37:25] MirahImage: No [00:37:25] swanee327: As an American, you still have a British accent.. as from MN i woulndt beleiave that. lol [00:37:25] scatcha04: probably [00:37:26] grandpaladin1701: Meh, maybe [00:37:26] afal: You're bri'ish [00:37:27] Eadthryth: no [00:37:27] iridaceaeIris69: you are still northern [00:37:27] diditwitcher: You drink soda LUL [00:37:27] al4cid: Just say your American at this point [00:37:28] alkibiadesmassacre: ohhh yeah [00:37:28] uscowboy27: madonna did it [00:37:28] Insomnia7177: yep [00:37:29] davidiusfarrenius: notice I used the correct “you’re” 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:37:29] medical_size9000: Probably [00:37:29] fridtha: Yes [00:37:30] penguinlord37: Maybe [00:37:30] ThatOneFriend24: yes [00:37:30] jamnesia777: I don’t think so because you use certain words which are inherent to growing up in England [00:37:31] thug_bird1: mo [00:37:31] TemptedSpirit_: as an American, you could come here and say you are from here [00:37:32] chrismightbe: 1000% yes [00:37:32] bea748: minnesota? [00:37:32] TayTaetay: a british person yes [00:37:33] gnarlyvomit: british people are fucking stupid so yes [00:37:33] packagum: probs [00:37:34] Melon___Eater: they sound normal [00:37:34] dystopiadystopia: you lowkey dont sound that british [00:37:34] Bytebak: You sound a bit like my wife who is American but has lived 8 years in Ireland [00:37:34] CrozzGameplay: idk the british are dumb so idk [00:37:34] Lucridis: You sound more like a brit who lived in america for a while [00:37:35] Avaerus0: Boston [00:37:35] judgedame: say you are from canada [00:37:36] zebrabbl396: Absolutely [00:37:36] alikarin: A brit, definately [00:37:36] LittleChaSiu: idk about DC but maybe elsewhere in the northeast [00:37:37] Wardenboo: I would think youre american [00:37:38] YumeNoZen: It's fairly neutral, tbh. [00:37:38] BrightLilThing: Probably, since they dont know [00:37:38] grandpaladin1701: Nope [00:37:40] muddymudkip15: maybe [00:37:40] johnkeiwo: just say LA [00:37:40] CrozzGameplay: XD [00:37:40] FRDRC_2192: I don't think there's any chance anyone would ever believe you were from the USA [00:37:42] Wardenboo: if you didnt say water [00:37:42] sxcial_dxrk: Potentially [00:37:43] xxl_anti_lxx: Americans dont know american accents [00:37:43] 416hobbit: New England - Boston [00:37:43] lungevilkas: Cheer300 At least you don't sound australian [00:37:44] bnb3199: New England [00:37:45] Havryl: If you go a little more into the US inflection it's possible [00:37:45] ZealousCrow: DC doesn't have an accent. It's just east coast [00:37:46] Eadthryth: No, you sound too brittish [00:37:46] CyanoticJam: How do you say "Z"? [00:37:47] freshdelipickles: you could probably say you're canadian [00:37:48] ArminGux: a dumb one probably [00:37:48] SnabbKassa: it's just the south [00:37:49] cedric_callnight: Definitely northern US [00:37:50] boringdepressedintrovert: You could pass as a brit who's lived in the US for a decade or so [00:37:51] hopalongtommy: I'd bet it'd work more than it doesn't [00:37:51] medical_size9000: But you can't say that to the airport [00:37:51] emilanio1: Nah you still have a british accent imo [00:37:51] EmpressDraculita: MAybe if you had the right paperwork. [00:37:51] bbeepboops: that's not true lmfao [00:37:52] blueskydrinking: It's be more believable if you actually knew something about the US KEKW [00:37:56] bnb3199: Vermont [00:37:56] thegodemperorofmankind0: Lmao helllllll no mate! Maybe Canadian [00:37:56] TemptedSpirit_: you sound “mid west American “ [00:37:57] TickGames: you'd want to pick something in the northeast, boston or new york, those have the most british-adjacent accents [00:37:57] Mikayla_Alexis: Yea... Pennsylvania also [00:37:59] dystopiadystopia: wata Pepega [00:38:00] v_havengrad: Boston/England mix. [00:38:01] Loelinverse: i do [00:38:01] Emmy64_: Sounds like the dude of house of cards maybe KKona [00:38:03] CrozzGameplay: No, ur a british bimbo [00:38:04] f4zol0: Like an American bimbo character in a Guy Ritchie movie? [00:38:05] 416hobbit: Crikey [00:38:05] Melon___Eater: say you're from new england [00:38:07] A_Fforrest: naa [00:38:07] Vanimal2118: Interesting place to come from (DC America) [00:38:07] ZealousCrow: DC is a single city and no one there is actually from there. [00:38:08] johnkeiwo: gidday ùate [00:38:09] dizzy_303: say Kansas, Kansans don't have any identifiable accent [00:38:09] CrozzGameplay: YIPPEE [00:38:11] kinkyboi37: Black peoplr [00:38:11] boxalchemist: say like new york [00:38:15] baslak01: I think people from DC know how people from DC sounds like. That be not nobody [00:38:17] scarlettyg: Mid-Atlantic accent, yeah [00:38:17] ramboo1989: That’s not a knife. This is a knife. [00:38:17] toomanybees___: That's just wrong [00:38:17] JessicaCaraKasey: Say water with a silent D [00:38:18] Drax242: I can confirm you do not sound American [00:38:20] boom_and_alpha_yt: wa’er [00:38:20] degdo24: god bless brudder [00:38:20] Bytebak: Philadelphia - woder [00:38:20] sxcial_dxrk: Say you moved to England when you were like 10 and then maybe [00:38:20] grandpaladin1701: Your inflection is “generic British”. certainly not like your nail tech [00:38:21] dystopiadystopia: do an australian accent [00:38:21] jabesthebabe: Nah, you sound like a British person doing a poor American accent [00:38:21] bnb3199: wader. WA-DER. practice [00:38:23] Schmean: I BEG YOUR PARDON? [00:38:24] Loelinverse: north new jersey [00:38:24] TemptedSpirit_: like an Ohio voice [00:38:24] kinkyboi37: black people in sc have a unique accent [00:38:24] legitimatelily: is it tho [00:38:25] thebreadisonthefloor: woata [00:38:25] CaptainBigBite: Irish is the best accent [00:38:26] TayTaetay: You could go with East coast with anything higher than SC [00:38:27] CrozzGameplay: truuuuuue [00:38:27] ArminGux: a Brit living in USA for a decade maybe [00:38:27] diditwitcher: Put on a cowboy hat, than you are okay LUL [00:38:28] SnabbKassa: you say noo instead of nyew [00:38:29] MirahImage: No, because you'll start talking to them and they'll immediately spot your from the midlands [00:38:31] swanee327: its deffently a new england accent with a british accent.. mix [00:38:32] gastly202: @v_havengrad omg yh I'm hearing a bit of Boston... makes me think of Ted [00:38:33] GaiusGoose: You totally could sound like you're from new england ngl [00:38:34] scarlettyg: But did ya pahk ya cah at Hahvahd Yahd? [00:38:34] GothBimby: I'm a stupid idiot from the UK. If you told me you were American I'd probably be like "yeh sure" [00:38:35] CrozzGameplay: trator [00:38:38] bbeepboops: as someone from the DC area that's insane to say no one is from there [00:38:40] cedric_callnight: Say youre american, but like 18th century america [00:38:41] BrightLilThing: Traitr! [00:38:41] Useless__person: Finn, as a Californian we have no accents and you’d fit right in, just say Cali [00:38:43] nbrowser: 40 minutes in and he's not in a cute fit yet...scam! lol [00:38:44] diditwitcher: Like saying im from New Amsterdam [00:38:44] YumeNoZen: DC people would say they're from Northern Virginia or Maryland or whatever. [00:38:46] TemptedSpirit_: Wisconsin [00:38:48] bbeepboops: there's def an accent it's just pretty generic american [00:38:48] medical_size9000: I don't think the airport would fall that [00:38:49] degdo24: my girlfriends mom lived in england for a while and she hated it 😭 [00:38:50] favour6: Cheer100 at least you don't sound Birmingham... [00:38:50] ramboo1989: Coming to America, part three [00:38:52] THELunarImmortal: DC? i believe they sound like batman, superman, and wonderwoman LUL [00:38:58] dystopiadystopia: KEKW [00:38:59] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:38:59] 416hobbit: lol [00:39:00] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:39:00] rawbecue: Like RubberRoss cheer100 [00:39:01] silentwolf465: LOL [00:39:01] badger_ben: KEKW [00:39:02] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [00:39:02] braddle172: KEKW [00:39:02] CrozzGameplay: DAMN [00:39:03] ignisardere: Havent watched you in a long time! Girl voice update? [00:39:03] The___Satan: tell them you are from russia [00:39:03] octminer: KEKW [00:39:03] handscombchris: Lol [00:39:04] fridtha: HAHAHAHAHAHA [00:39:04] ArminGux: do u even know all the us states [00:39:04] Eadthryth: You sound like a colonist that loves imperialism. [00:39:05] Bisto_or_Alice: +2 [00:39:05] CrozzGameplay: KEKW [00:39:06] nejamin3: loool [00:39:06] shmanchi: lol [00:39:07] speedy_bedwars: lol [00:39:08] muddymudkip15: lol [00:39:08] Vanimal2118: American Girl in the UK? Interesting? [00:39:09] Xiloscientadr: I guess I just don't know why you can't just tell the truth. [00:39:09] Emmy64_: f1nnLaff [00:39:09] foxquei: hii [00:39:10] ramboo1989: oof [00:39:11] TayTaetay: You can say you from Washington State. Not D.C [00:39:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 󠀀 [00:39:12] Smiling_Shelly: lol [00:39:12] LittleChaSiu: @Useless__person idk NorCal people feel strongly about the word 'Cali' LUL [00:39:12] Bytebak: I could just bullshit - and that's different how? [00:39:13] loij__: hi [00:39:15] zoewithane: huh [00:39:15] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:39:15] toddassss: KEKW [00:39:15] johnkeiwo: it's the boymode [00:39:16] YumeNoZen: I mean, he always looks very lesbian. [00:39:16] bnb3199: HA [00:39:17] ysalima: lol [00:39:18] diditwitcher: Now that was freaking funny LUL [00:39:18] degdo24: you cant get more than 100% [00:39:20] 416hobbit: Always the same level of gay [00:39:20] xxl_anti_lxx: Hopefully [00:39:21] Terr0rc0tta: You’re from America? Prove it by going back [00:39:22] trikrite: trikrite subscribed at Tier 1. [00:39:22] Eadthryth: LOOK AT ME STRAIGHT [00:39:22] f3mmbot: trikrite subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang trikrite f1nnLezgang [00:39:23] nejamin3: LMAO U CANT JUST SAY THAT [00:39:23] thedanitone: PowerUpL LUL PowerUpR [00:39:24] SubliminalCorruption: Tomorrow he will walk into the US embassy and claim that he lost his passport [00:39:24] debdrup: yumenozen: yurp [00:39:25] Y0rk5h1r3: He did just get back from Brighton [00:39:26] Drax242: The bigger question is why do u want to sound American? [00:39:27] hummingbeeeee: f1nnSmile3 [00:39:29] CrozzGameplay: wash ur haiiiir [00:39:31] Mthw0: Gayge Clap [00:39:31] ramboo1989: Chad skin [00:39:31] nejamin3: OOooo [00:39:32] Vanimal2118: More Gay? [00:39:34] baslak01: I miss straight Jude.. [00:39:35] The___Satan: wait you DO look gay [00:39:37] YumeNoZen: F1nn makes me feel gay. But I'm a girl. Sooooo.... [00:39:38] thunderscoob: i dont see anything gay in the look, just gremlin [00:39:39] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoLOVE foxyjoLOVE foxyjoLOVE [00:39:39] FatherThyme: lookin cute [00:39:41] ysalima: skin care routine pls [00:39:41] 416hobbit: Can't be MORE gay [00:39:46] nejamin3: ah hueh ~ 😏 [00:39:49] johnkeiwo: You know what I would like to see ? Curls [00:39:49] v_havengrad: Well, its a long standing tradition to rebel against the british the world over, your accent should be no different. [00:39:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: Lookin cute, bro [00:39:51] Vanimal2118: Chad F1nn5ter [00:39:52] ramboo1989: PowerUpL CarlSmile PowerUpR [00:39:52] pr_ttyboy: pr_ttyboy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 🤙🏻 [00:39:52] f3mmbot: pr_ttyboy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:39:54] Emmy64_: Greasy hair is new trend weirdly [00:39:55] diditwitcher: Nice burp SeemsGood [00:39:55] ArminGux: now those were roasts [00:39:55] jsgontwitch: oh wow instant difference [00:39:56] scarlettyg: Cute, dainty, girly burp, as always [00:39:57] kenOBiD: kenOBiD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months! 34 months, not quite sure how this happened lol [00:39:57] f3mmbot: kenobid subscribed to f1nn5ter for 34 months using Prime! PogU [00:39:58] foxquei: how did u know u were a femboy any exceptions?? [00:40:02] aimeeasdf: try overnight curls [00:40:03] hummingbeeeee: God straight hair would be so nice [00:40:03] princess_mia03: love your hair omg [00:40:03] bbeepboops: i think if you claimed you were American Americans might believe it but think you have a speech impediment or something lol [00:40:04] ramboo1989: SoonerLater [00:40:05] gastly202: @416hobbit guess he can... [00:40:06] cedric_callnight: Youre hair is peak masculinity [00:40:08] toddassss: Cuuuuter [00:40:08] Shockwavemecha: @Vanimal2118 femboy45Metal [00:40:08] johnkeiwo: gremlin girl [00:40:09] ArminGux: f1npunzel [00:40:10] dwsunshine: dwsunsCuddle [00:40:13] filip_zd10: gremlin [00:40:14] StreamrollerFunFun: posture [00:40:14] Boomer1321: Neet! [00:40:14] jambob165: FInn has broken the real of being gay like he cant be more gay even though he isnt gay [00:40:15] scarlettyg: Absolute Gremlin [00:40:16] Stovamor: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:40:21] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @shockwavemecha [00:40:24] phaser40: Hi F1nn! [00:40:25] THELunarImmortal: my hair gets all poofy when i wash it so i wouldnt be able to tell if you washed it or not [00:40:32] karojhe: Posture! [00:40:33] ramboo1989: TTours [00:40:35] LittleChaSiu: tbf Birmingham accent [00:40:38] 416hobbit: Chair [00:40:39] jacksonburkett: He looks like a hunchback [00:40:45] johnkeiwo: oh the corridor seems clean D: [00:40:45] 416hobbit: f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:40:46] phaser40: Hi Chair! [00:40:48] 1WhoBeans: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:40:49] MirahImage: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:40:49] CyanoticJam: Hello Chair [00:40:50] gruntbane: that is one messy landing [00:40:51] ChasingSol: HI CHAIR f1nnChair [00:40:52] legitimatelily: chair yay [00:40:52] muddymudkip15: f1nnChair f1nnHeart [00:40:52] mywifeleftme15: it's the a sound [00:40:53] echo_ace_04: chair [00:40:53] braddle172: f1nnChair [00:40:54] c__r__j: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:40:54] Gtaer222: y [00:40:55] ramboo1989: Chair interviews Putin [00:40:57] furifixus: Chair!!! [00:40:57] l0s_n4ch0s: hello chair, looking mighty fine as always [00:40:57] princess_mia03: chair gang [00:40:58] general_of_cm: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:40:58] medical_size9000: The sound lol [00:40:58] Vanimal2118: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair I missed u [00:40:58] goodplayer214: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:00] johnkeiwo: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:02] trikrite: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:02] legitimatelily: main character time [00:41:03] princess_mia03: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:03] devoluxn: Chair is the real star [00:41:04] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:41:05] LowlyCoffee: k9kuroSPIN k9kuroSPIN k9kuroSPIN [00:41:07] dirtygranny88: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:07] v_havengrad: How finn looks so fem but still walks around like gollum. [00:41:08] Westside110: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:08] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @f1nn5ter dad [00:41:08] baslak01: Who is the blue guy with horns on the box?? [00:41:09] logan_cointo: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:10] 416hobbit: @ramboo1989 lol [00:41:11] XENOMAN5: Chair! [00:41:12] diditwitcher: Wait I have one, whet the whistle [00:41:14] THELunarImmortal: finn could totally sell his hair for top dollar anyone else agree? LUL [00:41:14] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo that's such a surprise it's almost worrying lmao [00:41:17] zebrabbl396: vladncTellmemore1 sup chsir [00:41:17] XENOMAN5: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:18] ThatOneFriend24: chair! [00:41:19] Ben104072_: F1nnchair [00:41:20] Havryl: f1nnChair minkChair aoifeChair [00:41:20] goodplayer214: f1nnChair f1nnTank f1nnChair f1nnTank f1nnChair f1nnTank [00:41:22] shmanchi: notice me chair senpai! [00:41:22] Eadthryth: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Look at the camera straight /// Sorry /// Thought you were looking a little gay. [00:41:23] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp43OdtAAkM&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=8&ab_channel=KateBushMusic [00:41:23] thrashtoad69: Literally the same storyline as jacksepticeye [00:41:23] nejamin3: the only way I can tell someone is British with any accent is if they leave the “the” out of referring to ‘the hospital’ [00:41:23] SnabbKassa: fallen chair is still in shot. it needs a decent burial [00:41:23] ancientcaleb05: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:41:24] BrightLilThing: just top the sponge, theyre bottoms anyway [00:41:24] gastly202: Half American is better than Birmingham accent icl [00:41:24] HardyOrange: f1nnSmile1 f1nnChair f1nnSmile3 [00:41:25] hummingbeeeee: chaise [00:41:25] zebrabbl396: Chair [00:41:26] devoluxn: CHAAAAAIIIIRRRR [00:41:26] echo_ace_04: chair is fins ass as soft as it looks [00:41:30] jambob165: tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboBgay [00:41:31] Shockwavemecha: Puppy asleep? [00:41:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: *just a completely normal amount of sniffing* [00:41:35] jambob165: Wife? [00:41:36] 416hobbit: We were enjoying f1nnChair [00:41:36] Useless__person: yeah, us Americans really like to fuck with Brit’s for some reason.. don’t quite get it really [00:41:37] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:41:37] diditwitcher: I'm to dislactia for this [00:41:37] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:41:38] debdrup: Kissing? Gross [00:41:39] ramboo1989: you liked it and you put a ring on it Atta boy [00:41:39] devoluxn: KEKW [00:41:40] johnkeiwo: GOTTEM [00:41:40] djl_pass: chair! [00:41:41] ShesLikeTexas: @F1NN5TER have any keys come in the mail yet? KEKW [00:41:43] NekoHasAimbot: how do you fall foer that?? [00:41:44] Emmy64_: f1nnLaff [00:41:44] toddassss: KEKW [00:41:46] jambob165: tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboBgay [00:41:47] LittleChaSiu: wife PogU [00:41:47] CrozzGameplay: Hi chair ;) lookin mighty fine today [00:41:52] ArminGux: kekw [00:41:58] thetuaschtee: thetuaschtee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months! ayo 41 months [00:41:59] f3mmbot: thetuaschtee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:41:59] Zendeus: is it gay to listen to Lana del Rey? [00:41:59] garwilly84: Why are you gae 🌈 [00:42:00] Stovamor: @Eadthryth, / / / not /// to add a pause [00:42:02] ramboo1989: "work" [00:42:04] hummingbeeeee: it feels vaguely transphobic to call finn gay when he’s dating a trans woman..? [00:42:05] AnthonyAntez: @f1nn5ter Hello good morning from the Philippines DinoDance <3 DinoDance [00:42:06] jambob165: @Zendeus no [00:42:06] ArminGux: didn’t u come out as ace this week? [00:42:07] cedric_callnight: Hi Finn. How is Tank doing? [00:42:13] Eadthryth: @Stovamor big sad [00:42:14] nejamin3: omg [00:42:17] LittleChaSiu: @Jens_LN don't care, no need to mention other streamers [00:42:22] medical_size9000: When you two get married make sure have stov and John be your best man [00:42:26] ramboo1989: Ace Hardware [00:42:28] devoluxn: @hummingbeeeee fair point. [00:42:28] LVK3STER: Imagine not making custard cremes like me [00:42:30] Emmy64_: @zendeus It's music i mean weirdChamp [00:42:30] cynastic_: @F1NN5TER Is "half 7" 6:30 or 7:30? [00:42:34] HardyOrange: you weren't specific about it before AsexualPride [00:42:34] degdo24: finn my gf seems to hate my dad jokes. should i make a walmart super center in our minecraft world as revenge? [00:42:37] v_havengrad: Finn is Creature. [00:42:38] FatherThyme: it's news to me, but i'm sure i just missed the original comment [00:42:38] nejamin3: OH……Oh nice. omfg relatable what… [00:42:39] handscombchris: @zendeus why would it be? [00:42:41] bea748: huh cool [00:42:42] baslak01: How OF when Ace?? [00:42:43] diditwitcher: As cold as ice baaadamdam SingsNote SingsMic SingsNote [00:42:46] Zendeus: I'm jk lol [00:42:47] debdrup: People have just been slow to catch on that you're on the ace-spectrum, because you slow-rolled it. [00:42:47] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter wanna tell the story of how u went out ( glasses fit and baggy jeans ) ? [00:42:49] ShesLikeTexas: @F1NN5TER someone has to have sent you chastity keys since you talked about it months ago [00:42:49] SaltMasterQueue: Ah, Queen Femboy is back! [00:42:52] legitimatelily: on the ace spectrum he means [00:42:55] that_glitch: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:42:57] Bytebak: @cynastic_ 7:30 [00:42:57] bigsuave7: I think because ace is rare maybe [00:43:08] scarlettyg: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:43:10] thatslipperyblobfish: hey f1nn i saw ur post on a certain adult reddit group [00:43:10] general_of_cm: AsexualPride f1nnHeart zfjinxLove zfjinxPats [00:43:11] gaddafi_duck_: like no sex drive? [00:43:11] Shockwavemecha: huh [00:43:12] Wardenboo: Im ignorant whats ace [00:43:14] HardyOrange: yeppp, that's really all ace is [00:43:15] GaiusGoose: L take, Plato's symposium included prepubescent boys as a gender in a sexual way [00:43:16] ProblemGolem: Honestly thats such a mood [00:43:16] silentwolf465: no lol [00:43:16] cynastic_: @Bytebak Nice, thank you. [00:43:18] cedric_callnight: Being ace can cover many things [00:43:18] ramboo1989: !!!!!!!!!!!!! ..........No [00:43:21] ciphyr: That's super valid [00:43:21] fern672: Jerk [00:43:22] monday5671: Frickin' Ace, what a weirdo...hey wait a minute, I'm ace. [00:43:24] blindthirdeye: Asexual, not really sexually attracted [00:43:26] 416hobbit: @Wardenboo "asexual" [00:43:26] Stovamor: @Wardenboo, asexual [00:43:26] ArminGux: a lot of my favourite battlepass creators turn out to be ace… [00:43:26] nejamin3: Finn stop making me love u more than I can. ur ace like I am gdi I love you too much [00:43:28] scarlettyg: So when are you invading Denmark? [00:43:31] Wardenboo: ohhh [00:43:32] bigsuave7: F1nn has a brain Kappa [00:43:32] lil_miss_princess: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:43:36] medical_size9000: It's called desires [00:43:36] Wardenboo: thank you [00:43:36] alexx_net: F1nn's a bottom, confirmed lul [00:43:39] Ry_Noir: Yeah I'm ace, makes sense. Not a big deal. We're out there. [00:43:40] KerbyC: hows ashley? [00:43:41] Havryl: Makes sense [00:43:41] LittleChaSiu: LUL [00:43:42] diditwitcher: What do you like Finn? [00:43:43] HardyOrange: being sexy is completely different from having sex [00:43:52] phaser40: Are you and Ashley engaged? [00:43:53] the_unholy_nerd: the_unholy_nerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Just finished making bread, now my house smells amazing! How are you doing F1nn? [00:43:53] f3mmbot: the_unholy_nerd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:43:53] legitimatelily: lol [00:43:54] pandadorable_: funny to be ace with the battlepass :D [00:43:57] johnkeiwo: people just love being able to finally put a lable on someone [00:44:00] lilithsspawn: Can I still call you gay tho? [00:44:02] gooberzest: F!NN [00:44:03] SaltMasterQueue: @F1NN5TER I'm also Ace! AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:44:03] YumeNoZen: I know a loooot of people who work in certain fields not find joy in that the same way. It's too much like work. [00:44:05] debdrup: pandadorable_: it's a lot more common than you think [00:44:08] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter wanna tell the story of how u went out ( glasses fit and baggy jeans ) ? [00:44:10] jabesthebabe: Ayyy I'm ace too. Let's gooo [00:44:11] Skkorm: Alot of Ace folks engage in sexual intercourse with partners as an expression of their emotional connection with their partner [00:44:11] medical_size9000: You do whatever makes you happy [00:44:13] hiluuu: yayayy im ace as well! [00:44:20] JessicaCaraKasey: Ooh, I want cookies! [00:44:21] macswaggerpants: crazy that he came out as ace right as I realized / became ace (hrt is so weird) [00:44:22] theweirdertrain: So when are you invading Sweden? [00:44:23] RykerSune: fuck stream day Hey Finn Hey Chat [00:44:25] TwinbeeMk2: It's not weird at all [00:44:25] thunderscoob: i think there is to much emphases on labels, just be you. [00:44:25] baslak01: @scarlettyg Dont we fine people, and dont take the swedes, only danish people invade the swedes. [00:44:25] ramboo1989: I did it all for the cookie...... [00:44:26] idesofjuno: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:44:28] heylie_lem: Maybe you're demisexual? [00:44:29] freshdelipickles: you do you, bro. all good [00:44:29] AeitZean: It's not a big deal, but we always like finding out new stuff [00:44:34] Bytebak: Lots of Ace folk in chat - at least 10% [00:44:35] MegaMagicMaster: So when are we invading Denmark? [00:44:36] cedric_callnight: Finn doesnt feel sex attraction, so he decided everyone will be attracted to him [00:44:36] SnabbKassa: being genuinely hard to convince is even more attractive than playing hard to get [00:44:37] nejamin3: you’re literally the coolest person…… so confident. I can tell ur the type to not feel confident lol, but from my POV…. damn ur confident; nice as hell too [00:44:38] ArminGux: at this point what ever u do gender or sexuality vise is just “eh makes sence” [00:44:39] the_unholy_nerd: Damn, I want cookies now... give me 20 minutes. [00:44:39] 416hobbit: Atheism is a LACK of belief [00:44:40] TwinbeeMk2: you're you and that's all you need to be [00:44:42] SoftWorxBC: I get that, explains a lot, I got that feeling just watching your content in general. [00:44:44] Eadthryth: Tea drinker [00:44:44] medical_size9000: I don't drink coffee [00:44:46] ysalima: do you fell unconfortable when we say something sexual abt you? [00:44:50] v_havengrad: Would you say the concept of Demi describes you at all? Where you have to be attached to someone first? [00:44:51] lazylumi: it is very valid~ because society consider it weird and not the norm~ <3 [00:44:51] nejamin3: yeh I get that. I also hate coffee LOL [00:44:52] CrozzGameplay: nah WE DRINK MONSTER :))))))) [00:44:56] agent_kitty7: SUPER BOWL SUNDAY [00:44:56] igy_xd0: ur all gay [00:44:58] rawbecue: I think I'm EroAce, that's the one that just appreciates how pretty girls are? [00:45:00] Shockwavemecha: Gremlin sounds [00:45:02] CyanoticJam: No coffee, just poppers [00:45:04] scarlettyg: Sex-positive ace? [00:45:11] XENOMAN5: Gonna go on PKA again? The hosts love you even if some of their fans don’t. [00:45:15] luxreigh: Demi, A romantic, A sexual, they out there [00:45:18] Speederzzz: Finn, the sex-atheist [00:45:19] igy_xd0: <3 [00:45:19] resurgenceguild: So you're ace, but the other day you ordered five guys? hmmm [00:45:20] c__r__j: Superb Owl! [00:45:22] johnkeiwo: superbowl is like a religion for them [00:45:23] ramboo1989: Asexual like a seahorse [00:45:23] sxcial_dxrk: Ace is such a broad spectrum there's some that will only have one night stands others don't want anything others depends on how much they bond with a person - ✨ spectrum ✨ it's great [00:45:23] SavvyFaire: Legit superbowl fans here [00:45:24] professorpussicat: It's ridiculous [00:45:26] FatherThyme: even as an american, it's crazy [00:45:26] YumeNoZen: It's so weird. Superb Owl parties are better. [00:45:28] BrightLilThing: My sex-drive is crazy crazy so thinking of being ace is weird [00:45:30] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter it's our real 4th of July [00:45:31] 416hobbit: I hate American football [00:45:31] rawbecue: I love hugs, that's my love language. [00:45:33] RykerSune: pls, it's mainly American dads desprate for a day off LUL [00:45:34] Emmy64_: But if you are like that, then the pp may be no worky? f1nnMonka [00:45:38] professorpussicat: Americans even obsess over superbowl ADVERTS! [00:45:38] CrozzGameplay: W [00:45:39] speckkatze: didnt even know the superbowl was today until half an hour ago lmao [00:45:39] SavvyFaire: For reals, though, are we going to stop streaming before the game starts, this is important [00:45:40] theweirdertrain: We invading Sweden some day right? [00:45:41] SaltMasterQueue: @scarlettyg That's a thing. [00:45:41] thunderscoob: i dont think so [00:45:42] flyandseek: Ur my be-loved 🫶🫶🫶 [00:45:43] baslak01: I am soccer ace [00:45:43] cedric_callnight: I think being Ace should still count to the community, cause there are still people who think it doesnt exist [00:45:44] zombiii: Hank Green talked about being bi the same way. He said he never mentions it because he feels like its the least interesting part about him [00:45:44] natermish: No weird [00:45:44] LittleChaSiu: couldn't give two shits about sportsball [00:45:46] alexh1441: 30 min left for bet [00:45:47] ArminGux: yeah lots of streams were cancelled because of superbowl [00:45:48] hopalongtommy: Have you found meds affected your drive? I lost drive with my antidepressants [00:45:49] thegodemperorofmankind0: You're over complicating it... can't you just fit into the plain old transvestite category x your a lad that just dresses fem. Don't think about it to hard xxxx [00:45:50] NekoHasAimbot: @416hobbit take that back now [00:45:51] bigsuave7: us Americans like to watch guys running around in tights [00:45:51] devoluxn: My favorite part of super bowl is hearing my neighbors short and yell when their team does a thing. [00:45:52] Useless__person: oh yeah, us Americans make it a national holiday :sob: [00:45:53] djl_pass: makes sense lol [00:45:54] natermish: *not weird [00:45:57] Ry_Noir: I honestly would not know who was playing if there were not so many taylor swift conspiracy theories. [00:45:58] larsen0302: It don't matter u good b [00:45:59] SaltMasterQueue: @resurgenceguild Hehehehe [00:45:59] ramboo1989: Chiefs 38 49ers 21 [00:46:02] degdo24: this is the most important super bowl for people that REALLY care abt it [00:46:03] LittleChaSiu: bad take dono [00:46:05] nejamin3: blushing and kicking my feet now knowing I have a similar identity to my fave influencer (being ace) [00:46:05] SavvyFaire: those jokes are okay, 6/10 [00:46:07] 416hobbit: @NekoHasAimbot Will not [00:46:07] scarlettyg: @SaltMasterQueue I know, I was wondering if maybe that label could fit him [00:46:08] BrightLilThing: I kind of hate the superbowl because of how much people care about it [00:46:10] MilesSwann91: football, at all levels, is a religion here in the states [00:46:12] toomanybees___: lame joke [00:46:13] HardyOrange: being american and not being into the super bowl is nuts [00:46:15] rawbecue: Go Chefs! [00:46:17] SnabbKassa: just knifesexual because you actually care about those [00:46:17] NekoHasAimbot: @416hobbit DEVIL [00:46:18] SoftWorxBC: Man cant hear enough about the superbowl lol The food though... [00:46:18] the_unholy_nerd: superbowl food is the shit [00:46:19] alexx_net: F1nn being ace and doing a shoot with hot women is like an atheist meeting a goddess and still not believing [00:46:21] ZeroDMs_: Football & Freedom babyyyy [00:46:25] Bytebak: lgbtqiA - a is for Ace/Asexual [00:46:25] RykerSune: all chicken wings. YEP best food LUL [00:46:27] BrightLilThing: The food is good, but i wish people made it all the time lol [00:46:29] freshdelipickles: watch the ads [00:46:29] princess_mia03: puppy bowl [00:46:29] CornDweller: Sleeping [00:46:29] Eadthryth: Sad finn can't come to US for a whistlindiesel collab [00:46:30] ciphyr: Working. [00:46:30] 416hobbit: Watching F1nn5ter [00:46:31] HardyOrange: we're here watching you [00:46:31] Rumblestick: Watching femboys [00:46:31] EldritchElucidator: this lmao [00:46:33] bigsuave7: watching you [00:46:33] Melon___Eater: i'm right here [00:46:33] ficsquirrel: Working [00:46:33] BrightLilThing: suffer [00:46:33] Targz_: Targz_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! My bed caught on fire last night because my charging cable shorted out, lmao. how are you doing today mommy finnter? [00:46:33] professorpussicat: Watching femboys on twitch [00:46:34] thunderscoob: i dont care for it [00:46:34] f3mmbot: targz_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:46:34] speedy_bedwars: right here [00:46:34] fridtha: Me, [00:46:35] freshdelipickles: or do something else [00:46:35] BirdPerson2014: yes [00:46:35] couchouthere: watching you😂 [00:46:36] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [00:46:37] ChorkenInTheSporcialSorce: Watching a femboy stream [00:46:37] now_chemical: smoking at home lmao [00:46:37] BrightLilThing: we suffer [00:46:37] Ry_Noir: Watching this.... [00:46:38] sm0hzam: L Dono [00:46:39] RykerSune: ppl who don't like superbowl: I'm right here [00:46:39] IcyFlame0: we do literally anything else [00:46:39] nejamin3: watching the commercial compilations [00:46:40] jamnesia777: I’m writing a paper [00:46:40] zebrabbl396: We here LUL [00:46:41] CyanoticJam: Watching Soccer [00:46:41] GaiusGoose: watching f1nn apparently [00:46:41] judgedame: this [00:46:41] NIGHTWING10136: im watching u 💀 [00:46:41] AntiComposite: complaining about the people who do [00:46:42] SavvyFaire: superbowl sunday is 50% Food, 25% commercials, 10% hanging with friends, and maybe 15% football [00:46:43] sherlock_norris: eating like they had free health care [00:46:43] kassette_kreator: This [00:46:43] MajesticFvckingEagle: Even if you don't like football, people still like going to the parties [00:46:43] Noskcaj1444: the watching the commercials [00:46:44] degdo24: its like the world cup but with more FREEEDOM and hotdogs and burgers and pizza [00:46:44] floofyfurlogdog: watching u [00:46:44] cedric_callnight: Literally anything else [00:46:44] Bytebak: Non football fans watch the Puppybowl [00:46:45] v_havengrad: I am american and I find superbowl craze to be pretty cringe, I am not a sports person. [00:46:45] delilah_derata: We're watching you [00:46:45] freddd104: called off work to do homework [00:46:45] groovalicious1: Just chilling like every other day [00:46:46] verliesmeister: Yes gaming while listening in [00:46:46] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcjzHMhBtf0&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=9&ab_channel=journeyVEVO [00:46:46] am37hy57: dresing like a girl and doing a spinn [00:46:46] ProblemGolem: We're watching twitch streamers [00:46:47] ghostieliving: Thought you were saying soup bowl [00:46:47] diditwitcher: There is a yoke on Pod pie [00:46:47] alexx_net: Watching the Superb Owls [00:46:47] magic6banana9: abuse levels skyrocket during superbowl [00:46:47] SoftWorxBC: Drinking? lol [00:46:47] bbeepboops: watching this stream [00:46:47] bnb3199: we just [00:46:49] Emmy64_: I mean it's a different timezone than ours wdym LUL [00:46:49] BirdPerson2014: I’d just a regular day [00:46:49] TayTaetay: Watching you or taking a nap [00:46:49] bnb3199: vibe [00:46:51] HomeostaticOwl: I hate football ngl [00:46:51] Azure_harlequin: Watching your stream yeah [00:46:52] fromthef1nn5ide: I fet what F1nn is saying. I'm Grayce/demi. The whole thing is a waste of calories unless there's an emotional connection [00:46:53] agreatname579: they watch puppybowl halftimeshow and ads [00:46:56] Wendigeaux1987: It's like being Jewish on Christmas lol. [00:46:56] ThatOneFriend24: we chill [00:46:58] turnbasedtj: crying omegalol [00:46:58] eyeronicyeeter: Im amarican and i hate sports [00:46:58] Useless__person: Finn.. we’re all fatasses of course we cook [00:46:58] windsage561: Just another day tbh [00:46:59] LittleChaSiu: wat [00:46:59] anth1505: chill watching f1n [00:46:59] medical_size9000: Is true Football is different in the Uk [00:47:02] Xero_K: ignoring it mostly [00:47:02] MilesSwann91: i don't like sports, period. [00:47:02] nejamin3: if u don’t watch the game ur watching the obscure commercials [00:47:03] RykerSune: huh? [00:47:03] kingofgames69420: I don’t like football so I just watch F1nn streams instead [00:47:03] ArminGux: the two Sunday activities, football and femboy [00:47:04] elm_stump: You don't do anything and have a normal day judging football nerds [00:47:05] nejamin3: so true [00:47:06] Shockwavemecha: Wut? [00:47:06] goodplayer214: f1nnGremlin [00:47:06] legion2814: We are here lol [00:47:07] ramboo1989: football ,F-16s,PS5 85 inch TV, Dolby Atmos sound bar and freedom [00:47:08] ysalima: in brazil today's is carnaval [00:47:09] RykerSune: KEKW [00:47:09] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter naw majority of us don't care about foot ball, though we still going to super bowl parties or parties specifically to avoid the super bowl parties [00:47:09] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:47:10] baslak01: YES [00:47:10] braddle172: lol [00:47:11] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:47:12] speedy_bedwars: KEKW [00:47:12] scarlettyg: My favorite conversation today was me trying to explain to my American coworker that handegg isn't really a thing here... they misunderstood what I meant and proceeded to explain the rules [00:47:12] johnkeiwo: not really [00:47:13] RykerSune: not really no [00:47:13] professorpussicat: I never cared about American football and I'm american [00:47:14] Eadthryth: Does the A stand for autistic? [00:47:18] nejamin3: you don’t no nah but like woah I didn’t expect that [00:47:20] Azure_harlequin: Finnster Asexual??? [00:47:20] debdrup: You don't have to do anything if you don't feel like it, it's up to you. [00:47:20] Shockwavemecha: feebuxWut [00:47:20] legitimatelily: lol [00:47:20] YumeNoZen: I'm actually surprised that people are surprised? [00:47:21] Emmy64_: f1nnLaff [00:47:21] general_of_cm: not at all [00:47:22] TemptedSpirit_: im an American that doesn’t like the super bowl.. im watching you instead [00:47:22] TayTaetay: The halftime show for the Superbowl is great [00:47:22] igy_xd0: heheheheheheh cum [00:47:25] toomanybees___: Where was the official ceremony? [00:47:25] now_chemical: that allyship really hits huh [00:47:26] nejamin3: I’ve never had to come out as ace ever [00:47:26] ArminGux: hehehe [00:47:27] Shockwavemecha: goodbyeMeow [00:47:27] f4zol0: No you didn't [00:47:28] DrSeabiscuit4: Battle pass this week was fire [00:47:28] griffin__c11: griffin__c11 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! thanks for all the nice streams and videos - helped me quite a lot in the past. give Tank a pet from me^^ [00:47:29] f3mmbot: griffin__c11 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:47:29] hiluuu: XDD [00:47:29] sherlock_norris: video tile "I'm coming out", I'm calling it now [00:47:29] pellemedleppen: pellemedleppen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months! [00:47:30] f3mmbot: pellemedleppen subscribed to f1nn5ter for 39 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:47:31] goodplayer214: Kekw [00:47:32] IINeron: Football u mean real football like round ball and 11vs11 right? [00:47:32] Ry_Noir: You are going to get a slew of flags now. [00:47:33] SoftWorxBC: LOL [00:47:34] adamsk1bo1: My bed caught on fire because i listened to the killers during sex😂 [00:47:35] CornDweller: Super Bowl has affected me by not being able to order Wingstop as they are overwhelmed [00:47:35] Drax242: u were already out [00:47:36] AmazingAspie: F1nnster - Asexual and Austistic :D [00:47:36] handscombchris: I don't understand the fascination with the supercool, I understand watching sports but equally can't stand them myself however watching a sporting event with adverts every 2mins is just ridiculous to me! [00:47:37] karojhe: No, that would make the bed NOT catch on fire [00:47:37] JessicaCaraKasey: What? I was up for it! Hehe [00:47:38] RykerSune: you no fucking! I found my kind! LUL [00:47:38] BrightLilThing: Ace people usually just fade into the background of coming out lol [00:47:39] luis1berlin: PansexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:47:40] IcyFlame0: "Hey mom, just so you know, I don't want to stick my hoo-haa in people. K bye." [00:47:41] thunderscoob: no, if you arnt personal involved with someone it shouldn't matter [00:47:42] AmazingAspie: autistic [00:47:42] HardyOrange: there was a TON of aphobia on the internet like 5 years ago, and we're quite rare compared to the other letters [00:47:42] MajesticFvckingEagle: You didn't have to, it just came as a surprise to some people who didn't pick up on it earlier [00:47:44] XENOMAN5: I don’t care for football so I’ll be watching you and then playing Xbox later. [00:47:44] SaltMasterQueue: I watch American Football, but I don't follow it closely enough to say anything about it. [00:47:45] boringdepressedintrovert: People are weird about the topic... they really should get over it [00:47:50] ThatOneFriend24: hell yeah brother [00:47:51] greenlandisicey: I AM HERE [00:47:51] phaser40: My wife is ace too [00:47:52] AeitZean: I think sex is such a powerful drive for some people, they can't understand not wanting it 🤷‍♀️ [00:47:52] monday5671: America has multiple days a year when we go hard: labor day, independence day, veterans day(for some), and Superbowl Sunday. [00:47:52] Emmy64_: "My pp is sloppy as it can gets" vibe if you said to *** are ace [00:47:55] SnabbKassa: for narrow definitions of normal, that isn't normal [00:47:56] Tjd321: I mean it's slightly weird for BI people too, hey guys I like it to fuck both genders [00:47:57] johnkeiwo: I mean u have told us so it wasn't a surprise [00:47:57] ArminGux: we need a ace gang emote now kekw [00:47:58] bigsuave7: maybe its just validation [00:48:00] karojhe: Naa, no need to come out or anything [00:48:01] monday5671: Also new year's. [00:48:04] SoftWorxBC: Growing up it was hard to explain that to people back in the day... [00:48:04] karojhe: <3 [00:48:04] igy_xd0: AsexualPride [00:48:06] braddle172: f1nnTank [00:48:07] griffin__c11: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:48:07] degdo24: im like partially asexual, like mostly because i would like to wait for marriage as per my religion [00:48:08] princess_mia03: princess_mia03 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Super Bowl parties is more about the food and drinks and halftime show then actual football. it’s it’s like a national holiday here [00:48:08] f3mmbot: princess_mia03 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:48:10] hiluuu: @armingux yes! [00:48:11] cedric_callnight: Well, depending on who you tell, they might not see being ace as a real thing. Thats the reason i'm not open about being demi [00:48:12] zoewithane: don't pet him for me, im allergic [00:48:15] goodplayer214: f1nnTankhat [00:48:17] medical_size9000: That's a lot [00:48:19] hummingbeeeee: old people care more about definitionns and coming out more [00:48:21] Another__Ashl3y: Wait are you ace?? [00:48:27] DogsToyEvSkiii: this stream is not overexposed in the way we all want [00:48:27] Emmy64_: Nah you are cool f1nnHeart [00:48:32] legitimatelily: its kind of like if you said u dont like chocolate [00:48:35] professorpussicat: I mean when you have family saying "you're going to get these strange new feelings when you get older, everyone does", it can feel like something is wrong if you don't have those feelings and it can be just as hard to talk about as being gay or trans [00:48:39] johnkeiwo: understandable [00:48:40] luxreigh: "Demi" would be the word [00:48:42] Gtaer222: Bro is a whole mood [00:48:44] AmazingAspie: So your an Ace pillow princess? [00:48:45] luxreigh: It don't matter [00:48:47] Stovamor: Chat - stop demanding that Finn gets Tank or Ashley or saying that they're the only ones you watch for. Your messages will be removed at least [00:48:48] Eadthryth: Finn just kinda sits there...unmoving [00:48:52] RykerSune: puppy bowl the best [00:48:52] nejamin3: 😭😭😭😭…how is it even possible I could relate to u more. damn u love u- Finn ur cool af imo. even if u don’t see it or not [00:48:54] ThatOneFriend24: ? [00:48:54] Jens_LN: the mental part is the more interesting part, huh ? [00:48:56] eyeronicyeeter: linechuCutie [00:48:57] SnabbKassa: sapiosexual [00:48:57] HardyOrange: also terfs are constantly going after ace people as a way to split the community, so being trans positive and ace is a big deal [00:48:57] c__r__j: F1nn fantasises that he'a a guy? [00:49:07] phoebe_rc: How is Tank settling in? [00:49:07] mystchevious1: No F1nn the puppy bowl is a real thing. not Tanks puppy [00:49:08] Frosty790: so you don't have the desire to do it, but you do it? I don't get it, sorry @F1NN5TER [00:49:09] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:49:13] AeitZean: Pretty would be the word 🥵 [00:49:16] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter it's for you and your SO and no one else unless you want to share [00:49:17] degdo24: even if you dont like football you gotta stick around for the intro where we have a flyover with more jets than a third world country [00:49:18] Stovamor: @phoebe_rc, he's asleep [00:49:20] MilesSwann91: i just watch anime instead of the super bowl [00:49:22] nejamin3: p much [00:49:23] duckybot24: basically [00:49:24] degdo24: yes [00:49:26] FatherThyme: they all have the chance, yes [00:49:27] 416hobbit: It's the final [00:49:27] ArminGux: yup [00:49:27] nejamin3: loool [00:49:29] legitimatelily: but more [00:49:31] RykerSune: more like two football teams going at it [00:49:32] DarrigoTR: Just the last 2 [00:49:32] Lucridis: More like the FA cup for American Football [00:49:33] ANT5042: Nah it's just the final teams of the nfl [00:49:33] Melon___Eater: just 2 teams [00:49:34] ramboo1989: I'm from Iowa so ya [00:49:35] TayTaetay: No, it is the two teams [00:49:35] SnazzJaz4297: This year it's the Chiefs vs. 49ers appao [00:49:36] ArminGux: yes but less huligans [00:49:36] DogsToyEvSkiii: i love soup bowl! [00:49:36] froggyqueen76: not world cup [00:49:38] finalmillenium: Superbowl doesn't start for like 4 hours. [00:49:38] agreatname579: its the final 2 [00:49:39] Eadthryth: It's like the finals of the series [00:49:39] SnazzJaz4297: Apparently [00:49:40] swanee327: lol [00:49:40] nejamin3: yeah it’s two big teams against each other idk [00:49:40] AeitZean: It's just the final game [00:49:41] bigsuave7: jokes on you watching stream during super bowl [00:49:42] BrightLilThing: It technically is the world cup, but also america is the only one who does the sport [00:49:42] froggyqueen76: other football [00:49:44] adamsk1bo1: Dont they have a world series but its only in America? [00:49:44] beens5: its just two [00:49:45] VezraOFF: my tea is almost cold enough so i can drink [00:49:45] Stabstalker: its 75% adds the uper bowl [00:49:47] Useless__person: no, it’s the two best against the other [00:49:47] cyberknife3327: Sup finn [00:49:48] SnabbKassa: then why should we tell you?? [00:49:48] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter it's 2 teams, like everything in America we just look at it as "The world" [00:49:49] raycid74: u really don’t know ong? lol [00:49:49] monday5671: The game doesn't start for a few more hours. [00:49:49] debdrup: Who needs learning, anyway? What's it ever done for us? [00:49:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: It's the championship [00:49:52] AeitZean: 3 hours [00:49:52] 416hobbit: It's the Final Game of the tournament [00:49:53] LittleChaSiu: bro handegg is VERY long [00:49:54] Miss_Nova1986: Sleep well ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 [00:49:54] ChasingSol: venn diagram between Superb Owl watchers and Finn watchers has almost no overlap [00:49:54] SavvyFaire: No, F1nn, the "SuperBowl" is a Battle Royale style football game [00:49:55] froggyqueen76: it the two teams that have won [00:49:55] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter wanna tell the story of how u went out ( glasses fit and baggy jeans ) ? [00:49:56] kinkyboi37: its like a yearly world cup [00:49:56] bobbikatt: only 3 to 4 hours [00:49:56] zebrabbl396: Circus 🎪 and bread 🍞 [00:49:57] ToHellAndBack5150: It's the finale of the season [00:50:01] Maddrius: sort of, but imagine if a bunch of people who don't care about the world cup show up for world cup parties just for the food and commercials [00:50:01] froggyqueen76: like a giant bracket [00:50:03] professorpussicat: So in America, there's the national football league and the American football league. Both leagues have their own championship and then both those teams face off for the superbowl [00:50:04] thebreadisonthefloor: top 7 from each conference make the playoffs. 3 rounds off playoffs until it’s just 2. those to play and then boom seasons over [00:50:05] degdo24: finn, big jets big fireworks big teams large stadium LARGE FOOD PORTIONS whats not to love [00:50:06] scarlettyg: It's basically like 15 minutes of a game cut together with 3 hours of ads [00:50:08] xxl_anti_lxx: I still haven't found a good way to explaine demi sexual to people. It's hard to understand for others who just can't relate. [00:50:09] froggyqueen76: it’s the last game of the season [00:50:11] johnkeiwo: !of [00:50:11] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [00:50:12] BrightLilThing: They've already done the tournament, so now its the finals [00:50:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: lots of ads and timeouts though, so still pretty long [00:50:13] agreatname579: its the finale so it takes a long time to get there [00:50:14] nejamin3: I don’t even know whose playing this year. I know KC was last year at least [00:50:14] thunderscoob: it is a small part of what makes you, you. its like talking about your foot, hand or hair. [00:50:15] kingofgames69420: it’s the final game of the season where the two best teams go against each other [00:50:15] ThatOneFriend24: it is still 2 hr [00:50:15] Cyprohep: LUL LUL [00:50:16] johnkeiwo: !battlepass [00:50:16] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [00:50:16] SavvyFaire: @ChasingSol eh.... [00:50:19] HardyOrange: there are SO MANY ace smut writers, too [00:50:21] Eadthryth: not very long...lol...it's 70% commercials [00:50:21] baslak01: Fantasy talk on OF?? [00:50:22] RykerSune: fantasy NotLikeThis [00:50:24] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [00:50:27] Targz_: F1nn can you get F1nn5ter on thr stream? F1nn5ter is the reason I watch you [00:50:29] madmaxjlh1069: Asexual means alien sexual right lol [00:50:29] dystopiadystopia: battle pass HUH [00:50:30] luxreigh: Cuuuuute [00:50:31] XENOMAN5: More like the World Cup final match [00:50:31] scarlettyg: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:50:32] your_useless_princess: Wheres tank [00:50:40] c__r__j: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:50:41] clodsirenumber1: hi [00:50:43] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to RykerSune! [00:50:44] Emmy64_: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:50:44] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to rykersune at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang rykersune f1nnLezgang [00:50:46] karojhe: I'm an ace who does various fun stuff as well [00:50:49] Havryl: Fantasy? So which edition of D&D? [00:50:51] AeitZean: The ball is usually only live for like 11-15 minutes of those three hours. Don't really understand it, they call cricket boring WutFace [00:50:53] scarlettyg: eepy puppy <3 [00:50:53] a_gaming50: Finn lighti8Tailwag [00:50:53] SnabbKassa: British reserve [00:50:53] ANT5042: Gotta go call the wife, I'll catch you later finn [00:50:55] MirahImage: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [00:50:56] TheNelizz: Heyo [00:50:57] braddle172: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [00:50:59] skoralta: Wait, is the SuperBowl actually today? I thought you were just memeing. I guess that shows how much I know about Americans [00:50:59] blatant_fabrication: sponge D: [00:51:03] Cyprohep: sponge escape [00:51:03] RykerSune: well, to whoever gave me a sub, thank you f1nnHeart [00:51:03] HardyOrange: rip to makeup sponge [00:51:04] Emmy64_: Tank big boi f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:51:05] DarrigoTR: Lost your makeup thing [00:51:05] Havryl: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [00:51:06] Zendeus: do you fuck with half life? [00:51:06] LeVideNoirAstral: f1nnTank [00:51:08] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwkej79U3ek&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=10&ab_channel=VanessaCarltonVEVO [00:51:10] ChasingSol: @SavvyFaire American football just has a toxic masculinity vibe, to me anyway, along with all the bullshit that goes with that. [00:51:10] Jens_LN: The irony, that F1nn is Ace, and yet there are people who think he's a trans chaser ... it could not be further from the truth. [00:51:11] Eadthryth: @AeitZean tru [00:51:16] austrian_tap_water: tank the man in the house fr Kappa [00:51:16] XENOMAN5: Is f1nnTank cam in his kennel coming soon? [00:51:20] goodplayer214: Is there going to be something special on Valentijnsday on the battlepass [00:51:21] adamsk1bo1: Can we do a dono goal for tank to be spoiled more than already is [00:51:23] a_gaming50: Order pizza [00:51:24] hiluuu: i feel like ace ppl are the most perv ones out of the bunch - myself included [00:51:26] MilesSwann91: @F1NN5TER your sponge fell on the floor [00:51:32] taylawithan_a: I haven’t been here in a hot minute, have you joined the ace club Finn? [00:51:33] grandpaladin1701: f1nnTank f1nnTank 💜 [00:51:36] ArminGux: what is decanted [00:51:37] Emmy64_: Tank just playing in the background f1nnSad f1nnHeart f1nnTank [00:51:40] thunderscoob: no idea [00:51:41] Eadthryth: Replace once gross [00:51:41] PhilipMooney: You don’t hyperdecant? it ages your wine 10 years instantly [00:51:42] Jens_LN: oh yeah, you need to replace Blue Chair as well [00:51:42] SavvyFaire: 69 days [00:51:45] HardyOrange: @hiluuu big agree, also myself included [00:51:46] RykerSune: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:51:51] bearpaw1970: How great is that relaxed look' [00:51:54] BrightLilThing: um [00:51:55] SnabbKassa: for some, it's a week, for others decades [00:51:56] alexx_net: 6 months? [00:51:57] MirahImage: f1nnGremlin [00:51:58] sophie_b4: Decanting Pog [00:52:06] ArminGux: till u ask “how long am I supposed to have it” [00:52:09] monday5671: The answer to people wondering "How Ace if OF" is that people don't have to be attracted to other people in order to make content for other people. Sincerely, an ace person. [00:52:09] VezraOFF: WTF [00:52:10] Cyprohep: haha [00:52:11] toomanybees___: KEKW [00:52:12] RykerSune: KEKW omg [00:52:12] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:52:12] debdrup: lmao [00:52:13] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:52:13] cafv_ene: bro [00:52:13] HardyOrange: lmaoooooooooo [00:52:13] SavvyFaire: KEKW [00:52:14] thebreadisonthefloor: lol [00:52:14] 416hobbit: Ace Chase [00:52:14] Nordisk1337: ailenaCrazy ailenaCrazy ailenaCrazy ailenaCrazy ailenaCrazy [00:52:14] braddle172: KEKW [00:52:14] ramboo1989: ayoo [00:52:15] speckkatze: KEKW [00:52:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: Lmaoooo [00:52:16] idesofjuno: LUL [00:52:16] ChasingSol: called out [00:52:17] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:52:17] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [00:52:17] 1WhoBeans: KEKW [00:52:17] Emmy64_: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:52:19] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:52:19] toomanybees___: Clap [00:52:20] SubliminalCorruption: order a replacement chair [00:52:20] Mikey2207: LMAOOOO [00:52:20] filip_zd10: ashley chair when [00:52:21] muddymudkip15: lol [00:52:22] goodplayer214: KEKW [00:52:23] lordgtafbi: LUL [00:52:23] debdrup: gonna need some ointment for that burn [00:52:24] professorpussicat: You still have your Christmas tree up [00:52:25] bnb3199: 💀💀💀💀💀 [00:52:26] calcetinv: how's your dog? [00:52:27] luxreigh: Just inventing new things to label Finn lol [00:52:28] karojhe: LUL LUL [00:52:31] DarrigoTR: lol, 12 days later its body still remains in the corner [00:52:32] Cyprohep: new definition dropped [00:52:32] baslak01: Achaser [00:52:32] AlmondVF: murdered by words [00:52:34] Melon___Eater: chacer [00:52:34] NecroPhyre: I just did a spittake at my computer xD [00:52:34] asraxs: acer [00:52:37] JessicaCaraKasey: Sorry, I'm old... What is KEKW? 🙈🤣😳 [00:52:38] MangledPork: chACEr [00:52:39] ChasingSol: @calcetinv sleeping [00:52:39] toomanybees___: Chase of ACE [00:52:39] RykerSune: Ace Chaser sounds like a super villain ngl KEKW [00:52:41] Jens_LN: it's so opposite [00:52:41] karojhe: Wait, decantered Fanta? [00:52:43] johnkeiwo: Sure [00:52:44] AeitZean: That was actually funny LUL [00:52:45] TheNelizz: yes [00:52:45] Cyprohep: yes [00:52:46] SnazzJaz4297: Acer Chromebook KEKW [00:52:46] TayTaetay: Sure [00:52:47] monday5671: Yes. [00:52:48] luxreigh: It's got a nice ring to it "Ace Chaser, private Eye" [00:52:50] VezraOFF: [00:52:50] bearpaw1970: Yes.. please [00:52:53] thebreadisonthefloor: Ace of Chase [00:52:55] boom_and_alpha_yt: decanted Fanta [00:52:55] calcetinv: @chasingsol 👌😞 [00:52:56] SaltMasterQueue: The Ch-ACE-r [00:52:58] BrightLilThing: Finn breaking label ground [00:52:59] Stovamor: @JessicaCaraKasey, it's a BTTV emote. BTTV is a plugin to add functionality to twitch chat [00:52:59] bananasandwich6969: don't usually post to r/sissies [00:53:00] ChasingSol: posted /r/sissies again?! [00:53:00] johnkeiwo: instantly clapped [00:53:02] braddle172: Clap [00:53:06] YumeNoZen: True. [00:53:08] phaser40: Just saw the new OF pics, so amazing [00:53:09] johnkeiwo: clipped [00:53:09] TheNelizz: Real [00:53:10] A_Fforrest: hahaha [00:53:11] ArminGux: yeah you posted on all the sites [00:53:11] ramboo1989: ayoo [00:53:12] dystopiadystopia: KEKW [00:53:12] Emmy64_: @jessicacarakasey you need the browser thingy to see it on chat [00:53:12] gaddafi_duck_: huh? [00:53:12] FatherThyme: lmaoo [00:53:13] Eadthryth: First time being top [00:53:13] blindthirdeye: "Never been a top for anything" [00:53:13] xpapamoonx: lol [00:53:13] XENOMAN5: Ace chaser equals Acer? [00:53:13] LittleChaSiu: "I've never been a top for anything" [00:53:14] Firelord_Redflames: Only a bottom LUL [00:53:14] zebrabbl396: Top [00:53:14] Roninmon: im a top :) [00:53:14] sunnnnyc: bottom confirmed [00:53:15] 416hobbit: "Never a top for anything" [00:53:15] speedy_bedwars: KEKW 󠀀 [00:53:15] debdrup: "I've never been the top for anything" --F1nn5ter, 2024 [00:53:15] legitimatelily: ggs [00:53:17] alexx_net: @JessicaCaraKasey, https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kekw [00:53:18] legitimatelily: lol [00:53:19] joey_556: SO YOURE A BOTTOM [00:53:19] ArminGux: kekw [00:53:19] Targz_: lmao never been a top someone clip that [00:53:19] DarrigoTR: "Naver been a top in anything" [00:53:19] bnb3199: we know [00:53:20] asraxs: the only top youll ever be [00:53:20] bearpaw1970: Clip [00:53:20] FatherThyme: "i've never been a top" [00:53:21] laylasaunders07: ive never been a top for anything [00:53:21] professorpussicat: F1nn has NEVER BEEN ON TOP [00:53:22] FoodFightBystander: Never been at top... :) [00:53:22] scarlettyg: Getting to the top by bottoming [00:53:23] handscombchris: Lol never been a top 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:53:23] blindthirdeye: clipped and shipped [00:53:24] dystopiadystopia: bottom meta [00:53:25] general_of_cm: yeah i too though they were all bottoms [00:53:26] thebreadisonthefloor: top of the bottoms [00:53:26] BrightLilThing: I didnt know they had tops there [00:53:26] Shockwavemecha: tlouPogroll tlouPogroll tlouPogroll mikami13Pog [00:53:31] Hercamir: We know youve never been a top, Finn [00:53:32] nejamin3: Finn, I agree- being ace is such a casual thing, I’ve never personally “come out” as it. 😆 but for some reason hearing my fave influencer is ace like me… WOOO WOAHH YOWAH!!! I love that it’s Awesome [00:53:32] izedbros: Boiii [00:53:38] SaltMasterQueue: The only place you'll top @F1NN5TER [00:53:38] ZealousCrow: "I've never been a top" - F1NN5TER, 2024 [00:53:40] ferrousfalcon: luaBath [00:53:41] unbracingabyss: finally topped something [00:53:44] LuMemories: LuMemories subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Today is Superballs? vioSPIN Will you go to TwitchCon EU this year? basoFlop [00:53:45] f3mmbot: lumemories subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:53:46] devoluxn: Can... Can an ace person be a top/bottom? /srs [00:53:47] degdo24: sad 😞 [00:53:53] blueskydrinking: The way Brian pronounces "cishet" is hilarious [00:53:54] medical_size9000: True you are never a top for anything [00:53:55] luxreigh: It's a spectrum and there's the romantic side and the sexual side [00:54:08] ramboo1989: FBtouchdown [00:54:12] debdrup: devoluxn: top/bottom is a power dynamic thing, not necessarily sexual [00:54:17] Roninmon: femboy farts are the best [00:54:20] ChasingSol: uh.... [00:54:20] austrian_tap_water: chat is very straight for sure [00:54:22] afal: The only time where f1nn has been a top [00:54:23] JessicaCaraKasey: @alexx_net Got it. Haha. Thanks, lovely. X [00:54:23] ChasingSol: haha [00:54:23] toomanybees___: oof [00:54:24] FatherThyme: say again? [00:54:24] SavvyFaire: r/xxxxxxxx [00:54:27] bearpaw1970: Oh' do say sweetness 😁🤟 [00:54:29] tryranththewizard: That was a great photo [00:54:32] ChasingSol: was that r/sissies? [00:54:33] devoluxn: @debdrup Got it. Thanks. :) [00:54:34] ChasingSol: haha [00:54:35] luxreigh: You can be A romantic and super sexual, or a hopeless romantic that never wants physical contact in that way [00:54:39] SubliminalCorruption: r/femboys or r/femboy? The s makes a big difference [00:54:39] baslak01: Never can be dommed when Acw, Big Brain move. [00:54:39] ghostieliving: I spend the majority of my time around LGBT+ ppl and sometimes forget that cishets are actually real [00:54:44] YumeNoZen: Most people I think are some level of bi. [00:54:48] numeanor: damn I need those subredits... for research purposes ofc [00:54:49] Roninmon: i love poppers [00:54:49] DarrigoTR: "Never been a top in anything" [00:54:54] Emmy64_: LUL CaitlynS [00:54:54] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:54:55] legitimatelily: @luxreigh and demisexual [00:54:58] RykerSune: KEKW [00:55:00] ArminGux: f? [00:55:01] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY [00:55:03] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:55:05] toomanybees___: KEKW [00:55:05] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:55:05] luxreigh: Tbf was surprised it was actually you @f1nn5ter lol [00:55:06] braddle172: KEKW [00:55:07] Emmy64_: Friendly fire vibe [00:55:11] muddymudkip15: lol [00:55:16] karojhe: LUL [00:55:16] blueskydrinking: Oh wowww... that is hilarious [00:55:18] asraxs: good people looking out for you lol [00:55:22] medical_size9000: Kekw [00:55:22] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:55:23] ChasingSol: haha [00:55:24] nejamin3: LmAO Omg [00:55:25] Eromaw: KEKW [00:55:25] Z3R0C00L1313: beige mom [00:55:25] johnkeiwo: LUL [00:55:26] toomanybees___: LUL [00:55:26] amelia_fade: I get to work the full line prep alone tonight [00:55:30] ArminGux: kekw [00:55:30] braddle172: LUL [00:55:31] nejamin3: 😭😭😭😭😭 [00:55:33] RykerSune: great explanation Clap [00:55:33] SnabbKassa: oh, the eloquence [00:55:35] Shockwavemecha: S M H [00:55:38] judgedame: omg [00:55:40] Jens_LN: it worked ! [00:55:41] VL1888: i do things to myself against my own consent all the time [00:55:43] LuMemories: LUL [00:55:44] johnkeiwo: such a way with words [00:55:45] YumeNoZen: The incoherence proved it was you? [00:55:46] ClaraRenway: lol [00:55:46] luxreigh: Asking Pierbi where to post? lol [00:55:46] 416hobbit: Wait - are you inebriated NOW? [00:55:47] nejamin3: ur so precious no romo [00:55:51] ItsComicKid: ItsComicKid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 17 month streak! [00:55:52] f3mmbot: itscomickid subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:55:53] bearpaw1970: Just amazing 😏👍 [00:55:57] toomanybees___: most coherent British male [00:55:59] Emmy64_: Oh boeh reddit is just evolving to something else [00:56:03] DarrigoTR: Drunk text Finn, thats got to be him [00:56:04] professorpussicat: They just knew that only you could type something so incomprehensible [00:56:04] Jens_LN: @416hobbit no, when he was asking to be unbanned [00:56:04] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:56:04] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [00:56:06] blueskydrinking: we thought you'd been banned for not marking your ass nsfw in your own reddit KEKW [00:56:07] ArminGux: dry shampoo? [00:56:08] BrightLilThing: was that the "would you dress me up" post? [00:56:09] Bytebak: Is the inebriation in the room right now? [00:56:09] johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [00:56:10] luxreigh: He's drinking Fantaaaaaa [00:56:11] Shockwavemecha: Lipstick or lipgloss? [00:56:12] Emmy64_: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:56:15] legitimatelily: drunk finn sounds like a stoner [00:56:15] RykerSune: ofc a reddit admin knows you. I don't doubt that KEKW [00:56:16] zebrabbl396: Me f1mter bam unbanned [00:56:17] MirahImage: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:56:18] braddle172: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong [00:56:21] OmsX8O: Bing Bong! flippi38Love soluskLove flippi38Wiggle loopie1Wiggle hozzerWiggle deamhaWiggle bardicsWiggle f1nnBingbong [00:56:23] LittleChaSiu: I want tea now [00:56:24] RykerSune: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:56:24] ChasingSol: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart TransgenderPride flippi38Love soluskLove stovamLove yokasiHeart [00:56:25] Ben_Lewton: you were so unconvincing in being you that people thought it was sus [00:56:26] HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong AsexualPride f1nnBingbong NonbinaryPride f1nnBingbong [00:56:27] Jingiz_wow: @ArminGux yes, it's a thing [00:56:28] XENOMAN5: A lot of us called them on it so that may have helped. [00:56:29] Marcus_Rasaan: Marcus_Rasaan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! w00t [00:56:29] f3mmbot: marcus_rasaan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:56:30] JessicaCaraKasey: I've been drinking rum. Not ideal when filming, lol [00:56:36] nejamin3: vodker. [00:56:38] judgedame: vodka in tea? [00:56:44] ArminGux: @jingiz_wow will google tyvm [00:56:47] Shockwavemecha: Japan [00:56:49] bearpaw1970: Lmao..momma' adult grapejuice [00:56:50] YumeNoZen: Who are you? [00:56:54] BrightLilThing: Because lots of your audience live outside the uk? [00:56:58] luxreigh: The woes of a Minecraft content creator [00:56:59] legitimatelily: ur that person from that thing that natt did [00:57:01] AeitZean: Ooh I recognise him, he's F1nn5ter Kappa [00:57:04] ArminGux: did a guy ask mr beast to take ur pic [00:57:04] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:57:05] medical_size9000: Vodka do you remember last time you fell down the stairs [00:57:07] Emmy64_: Adult grapejuice who said that LUL [00:57:08] johnkeiwo: that or they are lying to not be embarassed that they know u KEKW [00:57:09] sj_progaming: if you came to the US people would recognize you [00:57:12] shmanchi: a real influencer’s influencer [00:57:12] Eadthryth: This person said they saw a gigatwink the other day and I think that was you. [00:57:19] baldmanguy: superbowl and femboys what a great day [00:57:22] YumeNoZen: There [00:57:23] phaser40: Still planning a trip to Canada? [00:57:25] statesidelemur9: statesidelemur9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! f1nnHeart [00:57:25] f3mmbot: statesidelemur9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:57:26] 416hobbit: "No I'm not as fan... MY FRIEND is" [00:57:30] CyanoticJam: Well, I've never meet you [00:57:32] Useless__person: us Americans would recognize you, trust me [00:57:32] MirahImage: Rum or whiskey to in tea, not vodka [00:57:34] Jens_LN: Nice [00:57:35] maiaka_: THE first thing I noticed when I opened this stream was the tree in the corner NotLikeThis its February! [00:57:39] SnabbKassa: but Londoners refuse to acknowledge that anyone is more important than them [00:57:40] learning_the_ropes: oh shit, finnster stream I never make it to these [00:57:41] buhtschidt: if you ever get unbanned in America you will be the biggest celebrity here [00:57:45] johnkeiwo: WH OMEGALUL 'd Jimmy LUL [00:57:48] YumeNoZen: There's also a lot of places where people won't react to celebrities out of politeness. [00:57:55] professorpussicat: If you o ly get recognized when you're in your hometown then you have stalkers [00:57:55] Nauticalcoffin: fembowl when [00:57:57] Emmy64_: The tree is for decoration TriHard [00:57:57] ClaraRenway: mood for real [00:58:01] AeitZean: The people who would recognise you also don't leave the house LUL [00:58:10] ChasingSol: haha [00:58:20] legitimatelily: ur attainable [00:58:22] judgedame: hehehehe [00:58:23] nejamin3: loool nooooo omg [00:58:23] bearpaw1970: Lol [00:58:25] braddle172: Nice lol [00:58:25] xLumieI: Based [00:58:25] BrightLilThing: Thats kinda funny tho [00:58:26] speedy_bedwars: loll [00:58:26] princess_mia03: 💀💀💀 [00:58:28] YumeNoZen: @AeitZean Fuuuuck. But, well I actually do leave the house. [00:58:31] medical_size9000: Does the guy from the store know you have twitch or battle pass [00:58:32] lytheforgotten: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:58:32] BrightLilThing: Ratio'd in real life [00:58:34] general_of_cm: f1nn we all know you hired him [00:58:38] Targz_: Japan loves its feminine boys [00:58:43] professorpussicat: Japan loves their femboys [00:58:43] Bytebak: Taylor Swift could walk around Dublin and people would just nod at her and leave her alone [00:58:44] buhtschidt: you outfamoused someone from the mrbeast team GG [00:58:49] Shockwavemecha: You are THE entertainer LUL [00:58:51] bearpaw1970: You are a beautiful international Woah' man [00:58:51] buhtschidt: W [00:58:54] nejamin3: 😂 oh my god [00:58:55] Shockwavemecha: HI [00:58:56] femboyhootey: ive got a photo with you^^ [00:58:56] thunderscoob: you are an international celeb. [00:58:57] AeitZean: @yumenozen I wouldn't, it's dangerous out there LUL [00:58:59] johnkeiwo: Hello Ashley ! [00:59:02] Shockwavemecha: Puppy, [00:59:04] Eadthryth: Booze delivery [00:59:05] nejamin3: oo? [00:59:07] VL1888: competition is tough there.. most japanese boys are femboys [00:59:07] b3llv_101: Hello chat! [00:59:09] CyanoticJam: Hi Ashley! [00:59:10] balboa178: Dog? [00:59:12] ChasingSol: @b3llv_101 welcome [00:59:16] SavvyFaire: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:59:17] foxieloxie12: hey chair [00:59:17] gaddafi_duck_: Doge! [00:59:17] goodplayer214: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:59:18] hopalongtommy: I'm gonna lose 300k points aren't i? [00:59:19] XENOMAN5: Dude you are a minor international celebrity [00:59:20] djl_pass: chair again :D [00:59:20] femboyremix: chair [00:59:21] igy_xd0: icky ? [00:59:22] MirahImage: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:59:23] zebrabbl396: 👉 👈 [00:59:23] 71M073J: That's the most impostor syndrome thing i have ever heard [00:59:24] BrightLilThing: best chair [00:59:25] scarlettyg: Wow, delivery people come right up to your door in the UK??? [00:59:27] SnabbKassa: I shudder when he says he's back on the sauce [00:59:29] shmanchi: run away with me chair [00:59:30] SavvyFaire: f1nn we are not done with chair [00:59:31] Shockwavemecha: Tea time [00:59:32] BrightLilThing: no vodka? [00:59:33] b3llv_101: Tea [00:59:33] igy_xd0: teeeeeeee [00:59:34] gaddafi_duck_: That's not a doge :( [00:59:34] ChasingSol: vodka in tea?! [00:59:35] BrightLilThing: oh [00:59:37] femboyremix: chair time [00:59:38] DarrigoTR: Tea with vodka? [00:59:38] Hakanai___: did the visit to Japan involve a boat ride? Genuinely curious [00:59:38] YumeNoZen: @AeitZean Between me and a 'phobe, I'm not the one in danger. lol [00:59:39] Jens_LN: Good wifey [00:59:40] Mooncow4001: oh I thought youw ere going to come back in with tank :( [00:59:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: HI Ashley! Bye Ashley! [00:59:41] anth1505: MorphinTime MorphinTime MorphinTime [00:59:41] legitimatelily: lol [00:59:42] phaser40: What kind of tea? [00:59:43] baslak01: Vodka ??? [00:59:43] bearpaw1970: 👍😏 [00:59:46] karojhe: Mr. Beast and crew are huge tho [00:59:47] luxreigh: Vodka tea? It's like a bootleg hot tortie [00:59:47] the_sentient_cheese: chair is life chair is love [00:59:47] legitimatelily: irish tea [00:59:51] LittleChaSiu: Jesus Christ [00:59:52] Eadthryth: Sewage water? [00:59:52] SavvyFaire: microwave water? [00:59:53] Shockwavemecha: 🫖 🍵 [00:59:55] igy_xd0: good tee [00:59:57] SnabbKassa: "F" [00:59:58] Useless__person: chai tea??? [00:59:58] Jens_LN: has it been microwaved ? [00:59:59] maiaka_: @legitimatelily KEKW [00:59:59] general_of_cm: F [01:00:00] ArminGux: cool mug [01:00:01] XENOMAN5: Fresh from the microwave? [01:00:02] ysalima: whats the tea flavour? [01:00:05] nejamin3: ur dressed like Orange Is The New Black [01:00:06] Jadeine: russian tea? [01:00:06] scatcha04: any idea when the important videos are coming out? [01:00:09] BigCrittyGF: Rooiboos? [01:00:10] ysalima: f [01:00:10] alexx_net: Ashley is the best wife in Tank's house [01:00:11] bearpaw1970: Clip again [01:00:12] ChasingSol: "i've never been the top" [01:00:12] ogrem_fanclan: @general_of_cm L U [01:00:12] professorpussicat: F1nn when stream drunk nextm?? [01:00:13] am37hy57: never ben the top... [01:00:14] BrightLilThing: we go like raid? [01:00:16] johnkeiwo: You are top of r/crossdressing [01:00:17] bananasandwich6969: that answers my question whether the mug has a F or J [01:00:17] Jens_LN: Microwaved Tea ? [01:00:19] Eni_game: I know that monster can vid [01:00:23] StreamrollerFunFun: did you get her flowers recently? [01:00:24] phaser40: What subreddit was it? [01:00:25] ramboo1989: FBtouchdown [01:00:26] blueskydrinking: aren't you the top of r/egg_irl? LuL [01:00:30] Zendeus: did you ever see yourself being here when you started doing twitch? [01:00:31] Stovamor: You are top of all time on eggirl, aren't you @F1NN5TER ? [01:00:32] Stovamor: You are top of all time on eggirl, aren't you @F1NN5TER ? [01:00:32] Stovamor: You are top of all time on eggirl, aren't you @F1NN5TER ? [01:00:32] alexx_net: "Never been the Top" true dat [01:00:32] Eadthryth: Bottomed dam...feels bad man [01:00:38] karojhe: LUL LUL [01:00:38] luxreigh: Horniest place on the internet for AMAB Fems and AFAB Twinks [01:00:43] medical_size9000: You should do [01:00:49] ramboo1989: AYOOO [01:00:49] DarrigoTR: So responsible these days [01:00:50] LowlyCoffee: I knew it [01:00:50] JessicaCaraKasey: US Moster cans are smaller than UK cans. Don't ask how I know that! 😳 haha [01:00:51] am37hy57: lol [01:00:51] johnkeiwo: yes u are [01:00:55] boom_and_alpha_yt: oh that’s why my skin is bad [01:00:56] bearpaw1970: Lmao'🤟😁 [01:00:58] XENOMAN5: Your place is under Ashley? Checks out. [01:01:00] Wendigeaux1987: You heard it here folks, F1nn has never tipped a sub [01:01:00] RykerSune: Finn saying alcohol is bad. Has the world ended? /j KEKW [01:01:01] BrightLilThing: But alcohol is good for reducing T lol [01:01:03] Shockwavemecha: guyina3Egg irl? [01:01:07] Jadeine: he went on the wrong one KEKW [01:01:09] professorpussicat: I support that. That's a good choice. [01:01:10] speckkatze: top of all time on egg_irl is a meme of you lmao [01:01:11] Wendigeaux1987: *topped gdi [01:01:16] johnkeiwo: you are the egg icon sadly LUL [01:01:16] medical_size9000: Alcohol is bad overall just not for your skin [01:01:18] Useless__person: well, I gotta go, take care Finn! give Ash a hug for me!! and give Tank headpats [01:01:19] owen2927: dudes skin looks like paper [01:01:22] fromthef1nn5ide: Vodka in tea... That's just called Highlands Tea/Highland Power Tea here in Poland. [01:01:25] learning_the_ropes: finn is the embodiment of eggirl though [01:01:29] Schmiklas: well at least you topped something in your life [01:01:32] gaddafi_duck_: There has? [01:01:33] RykerSune: subtle shift? Hmmm [01:01:38] ramboo1989: 🍑💥👋🏻 [01:01:38] johnkeiwo: Noooooooooo Kappa ... [01:01:39] Stovamor: https://old.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/top/ @F1NN5TER [01:01:39] Stovamor: https://old.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/top/ @F1NN5TER [01:01:40] Stovamor: https://old.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/top/ @F1NN5TER [01:01:41] johnkeiwo: Noooooooooo Kappa ... [01:01:42] johnkeiwo: Noooooooooo Kappa ... [01:01:42] Jens_LN: We no longer call you Rose ? [01:01:44] BrightLilThing: I just think you're cool [01:01:45] FatherThyme: hmmm [01:01:49] baslak01: egg [01:01:56] Stovamor: https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/top/ @F1NN5TER [01:01:57] SnabbKassa: I think your actualization has solidified [01:01:58] YumeNoZen: I don't think I really called you an egg? [01:01:59] grimweaver6: can we get a “FEMBOYSSS” [01:02:00] ChasingSol: we have no fucking idea [01:02:02] alexx_net: https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/top/?t=all [01:02:03] igy_xd0: egg [01:02:05] Drax242: Th egg hatched [01:02:06] Shockwavemecha: Aww [01:02:07] YumeNoZen: Oh, nah. [01:02:10] SavvyFaire: Cis++ [01:02:11] Targz_: egg prime directive [01:02:12] igy_xd0: eggg [01:02:13] phaser40: F1nn's just F1nn [01:02:14] princess_mia03: our best egg [01:02:15] grimweaver6: I think your an egg [01:02:16] MrWisty: f1nnEgg [01:02:16] nejamin3: like yeah man for sure [01:02:18] grimweaver6: egg [01:02:21] Shockwavemecha: R E S P E C T [01:02:21] baslak01: eggy egg egg [01:02:22] am37hy57: wll ... you did get a gf tho [01:02:23] ArcaneMagicka: finngendered [01:02:24] pianoismyforte_: The egg prime directive is vital [01:02:25] blindthirdeye: respect the f1nn [01:02:25] Jens_LN: Can't even call F1nn5ter for rose anymore [01:02:26] nejamin3: we love u cishet freak [01:02:26] johnkeiwo: we are just waiting for those important videos ^^ ! [01:02:27] RykerSune: I think I just said egg as a joke. Never thought you're one to begin with honestly [01:02:27] iRexey: isnt it better that way? [01:02:30] DarrigoTR: Doesn't change what people think [01:02:30] karojhe: Ashley yelled at us until we stopped LUL [01:02:32] LittleChaSiu: @am37hy57 what does that have to do with it [01:02:36] HardyOrange: I think the overall conversation around eggs in general and identifying eggs has shifted [01:02:38] Havryl: Mutual respect my man. [01:02:40] AeitZean: No egg can be that resistant to cracking SeemsGood [01:02:40] Cmdr_0m3g488: Would you like an egg in these trying times? [01:02:41] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [01:02:41] speedy_bedwars: lmao [01:02:43] ArminGux: it’s been years, u would know by now [01:02:44] thegodemperorofmankind0: Respect what ever way you swing mate xxx [01:02:45] judgedame: i have noticed that [01:02:47] gaddafi_duck_: I think it's because you dropped the "I'm the manliest man" routine and acccepted your fruitiness :) [01:02:47] JessicaCaraKasey: How are you still doing makeup? I started at the same time and I'm done. <3 [01:02:51] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter there was a lot of discourse around calling people eggs being in itself bigoted, the terms used less in general. Classic leftist infighting on language TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride [01:03:02] Stovamor: @JessicaCaraKasey, he's chatting away [01:03:03] SaltMasterQueue: Does anyone know about the YouTuber that goes by One Topic at a Time? He's how I found out about F1NN. [01:03:05] igy_xd0: finn [01:03:06] Shockwavemecha: feebuxStare [01:03:07] braddle172: It used to be every other post [01:03:07] professorpussicat: Cause the label's not important as long as you're genuine ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:03:07] chaoticmaly73: Theres also a weird hate too after that ResidentSleeper [01:03:11] GalaxyNina: @JessicaCaraKasey because youre not streaming lol [01:03:13] RykerSune: well, Ashley fixed the annoying ones KEKW [01:03:13] BrightLilThing: She did yell at us [01:03:14] baslak01: Ashley had influence yes [01:03:15] am37hy57: @LittleChaSiu prolly nothing ... just a thought [01:03:16] BeardedPlush: Hey F1nn, Just want to say, that while i swing both ways, you are the first and only man, who ever looked attractive to me. You have both masc. and fem. going. Respect!! I dont know WHY you do it, but i hope its because it just makes you feel good.. All the love <3 [01:03:17] AeitZean: Narc [01:03:19] ramboo1989: PRChase [01:03:21] Shockwavemecha: Hair Looks Great [01:03:21] Dr_Kitty123: what if we kissed in the ball pit at chuck e cheeses [01:03:24] ramboo1989: VoteNay [01:03:25] SnabbKassa: @gaddafi_duck_ the squeaking while rotated ended all pretence of manliness [01:03:29] severin_art: @SaltMasterQueue Woo OT, I miss his reddit vids [01:03:32] johnkeiwo: Yeah pretty much everyone assume u are on E and calls it a day [01:03:40] Shockwavemecha: Nope i am for real [01:03:41] defintlynot_fanboy: Finns never been a top [01:03:43] aced_asher: !uptime [01:03:44] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 3m 53s [01:03:44] bearpaw1970: Because she was very reasonable in her arguments in defending her cuddle femboy [01:03:46] karojhe: Nah, not really just Ashley, but maybe the joke got old or something [01:03:49] SavvyFaire: bruh [01:03:49] Elifighter: egg was funny while it lasted [01:03:49] nejamin3: they said “eh I know what he’d do more than he does” 😆 i get u [01:03:51] Shockwavemecha: Fire Hazzard 3 [01:03:53] BrightLilThing: Your hair looks quite... long [01:03:54] CyanoticJam: Sort the split ends dude! [01:03:56] BrightLilThing: today [01:03:57] JessicaCaraKasey: @galaxynina Not yet. A few more YouTube vids first, lol [01:03:57] beantransfer: dont mace yerself [01:03:57] Another__Ashl3y: becomes old [01:03:57] pianoismyforte_: Of course you have the flowery shampoo not original... [01:03:57] scarlettyg: Greying femboy? [01:03:59] ramboo1989: grab a lighter [01:03:59] HardyOrange: grandma??? [01:04:00] toomanybees___: you're old now [01:04:00] Shockwavemecha: Rogue X men [01:04:00] Gtaer222: f1n became 62 [01:04:01] Wardenboo: cruela devil [01:04:01] nejamin3: been there believ or not [01:04:02] soquent: jimmy neutron [01:04:02] loograt: There's something about F1nn [01:04:02] bigkrimpin: spraypaint!!! [01:04:05] RykerSune: great, now he has gray hairs [01:04:05] DarrigoTR: Grandma [01:04:07] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: granma Finn [01:04:07] SaltMasterQueue: @severin_art I love his stuff. [01:04:07] harley3141: I made my middle eastern dad's dream come true. I said I'm becoming a doctor and lawyer but then I said I'm gonna help him then sue him [01:04:08] finalmillenium: Silver femboy. [01:04:10] nejamin3: oh epic ok elsa [01:04:11] Schmiklas: grandma in a can [01:04:11] ogrem_fanclan: Don't blind yourself, please [01:04:11] phaser40: Not bad actually [01:04:12] ArminGux: yeah u have access to E 24/7, if you want it you will take it [01:04:12] Melon___Eater: old [01:04:12] Another__Ashl3y: elder femboy [01:04:13] Jens_LN: Old Mom F1nn5ter [01:04:15] toomanybees___: this goes kinda hard tbh [01:04:15] Blaine8182: nice [01:04:16] 71M073J: Actually looks kinda dope [01:04:17] Doomadreadon: Grandma Finn [01:04:17] SubliminalCorruption: you have to brush it out [01:04:18] Collarito: aging gracefully [01:04:19] Shockwavemecha: Boomer [01:04:19] jcktheripperrs: !! witness me !! [01:04:20] harokaa: Lol [01:04:20] VezraOFF: look dope [01:04:20] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [01:04:21] jaovitubr: u need a shower [01:04:22] johnkeiwo: ok grandma [01:04:22] chaoticmaly73: Cooking actually [01:04:22] sacculent: elderly femboy? [01:04:23] CaptainBigBite: still would [01:04:23] karojhe: Grey hairs! [01:04:24] austrian_tap_water: LUL [01:04:24] pianoismyforte_: Actually looking good [01:04:24] LowlyCoffee: Grandma [01:04:24] scarlettyg: Now they're just WOMEN [01:04:25] alkibiadesmassacre: i kinda love that lol [01:04:26] BrightLilThing: Looking like cougar who still goes to the club [01:04:26] professorpussicat: M1LF5TER [01:04:26] ChasingSol: you have any gray hairs? [01:04:27] RykerSune: aunty Finn hello KEKW [01:04:27] ramboo1989: Shush [01:04:28] SavvyFaire: that voice [01:04:29] alexx_net: Neuron activated [01:04:29] ArminGux: aged 10 years with one sprey [01:04:29] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣 [01:04:30] Jens_LN: Twinks ! [01:04:30] Maddrius: @jcktheripperrs shiny and chrome! [01:04:32] YumeNoZen: ... Fuck you, Fimter. I have more gray than that. <3 [01:04:32] am37hy57: OMEGALUL [01:04:32] statesidelemur9: is that the new hrt spray? [01:04:34] AeitZean: More like Rogue [01:04:36] toomanybees___: OK Boomer [01:04:36] Shockwavemecha: Yesterday? [01:04:37] learning_the_ropes: twinks are different tho [01:04:37] Stovamor: Chat - stop demanding that Finn gets Tank or Ashley or saying that they're the only ones you watch for. Your messages will be removed at least [01:04:37] the_sentient_cheese: u look like a ghost [01:04:39] 416hobbit: Who let Grandma out of the HOME?? [01:04:41] nejamin3: Finn do you want to build a snowman [01:04:42] devoluxn: Can't tell KEKW [01:04:45] RonnieSxl: LUL [01:04:45] harley3141: I know this isnt relevant but i need to say this I made my middle eastern dad's dream come true. I said I'm becoming a doctor and lawyer but then I said I'm gonna help him then sue him [01:04:46] luxreigh: They were called "Funny" or "Bachelors" @f1nn5ter [01:04:47] Eadthryth: Back in my day they were called cigarettes [01:04:48] austrian_tap_water: granny is NOT the girl voice we asked for [01:04:53] LowlyCoffee: Grandma got out [01:04:53] ArminGux: u need to shave? [01:04:54] bearpaw1970: Aeit' yup rogue [01:04:55] YumeNoZen: .... Not that much. STFU still. [01:04:57] HardyOrange: oof the stress [01:04:58] am37hy57: ko boomer have a good stream, catch you on the flip [01:04:59] SnabbKassa: @professorpussicat G1LF5ter [01:04:59] Shockwavemecha: It happens early sometimes [01:05:02] TwinbeeMk2: that's not unusual [01:05:06] Targz_: grey hair that young is a sign of dietary deficiencies [01:05:10] blatant_fabrication: grey hair can happen in spots if you hit your head [01:05:11] Targz_: or can be [01:05:15] judgedame: me too! [01:05:16] Elifighter: stress induced [01:05:20] Blaine8182: you`re so old [01:05:21] Doomadreadon: D1LF5TER [01:05:22] professorpussicat: Everyone gets Grey's to a certain extent [01:05:22] LittleChaSiu: not drinking enough water? peak bottom [01:05:22] BLAAAIRY: our benevolent leader gramma finnnn [01:05:23] YumeNoZen: But at least I'm tall, so people can't see it as easily as they can with someone shorter like you. [01:05:23] luxreigh: Zoomers aging at the speed of white, we need to up the micro plastics y'all consume [01:05:24] xxgbaby286xx: @f1nn5ter what team are you rooting for this Super Bowl [01:05:24] RvoMusic: hi f1nn! [01:05:26] zoewithane: waterrrrr [01:05:27] RykerSune: oh I can understand that [01:05:27] thegodemperorofmankind0: Dude, you aren't wrong! I'm 40 and BACK IN MY DAY... they were transvestite or transsexuals. Now its an alphabet soup. [01:05:27] zerobreaksgibbon: granny finn, granny finn! can i have another butterscotch! [01:05:28] legitimatelily: got my first when i was like 7 [01:05:28] jcktheripperrs: @Maddrius o7 Ride eternal and shiny [01:05:29] blueskydrinking: that's because you used to record minecraft videos instead of sleep KEKW [01:05:32] bearpaw1970: Yup [01:05:34] StreamrollerFunFun: abstinence will do it [01:05:36] SnabbKassa: we told you to drink water so many times [01:05:36] Shockwavemecha: Hmm [01:05:37] cedric_callnight: same. i am 22 and ive also already had white hairs, cause of all the uni stress [01:05:40] Shockwavemecha: Welp [01:05:40] phaser40: I was salt and peppered by 19 [01:05:40] VezraOFF: i dont believe that [01:05:40] nejamin3: just stop being stressed they says [01:05:41] bearpaw1970: That's actually true [01:05:43] baslak01: Wholesome [01:05:46] RvoMusic: yeah i know ppl who got grey hair where they got hurt [01:05:48] legitimatelily: lol [01:05:50] harley3141: Blåhaj [01:05:54] dcg44s: Femboy or F1nnboy? 🙂 [01:05:55] SeaborneGinger: @stovamor chat loves F1nn’s whole family friendo [01:05:55] njbh86: albumen levels? egg confirmed [01:05:57] legitimatelily: when they dropped you as a 19 year old [01:05:59] the_eric_herrera9: rynHai [01:06:00] AeitZean: I have grey spots like a badger HypeLUL [01:06:03] karojhe: "Stop stressing!" "Eeeeh, okay..." [01:06:03] pianoismyforte_: Your sleep schedule causes stress on your body... [01:06:04] johnkeiwo: everyone feels stress in different ways :) [01:06:07] Stovamor: I went grey by 30 [01:06:08] bearpaw1970: It disrupts neurological hair growth in that area [01:06:08] alexh1441: 15 minutes left on bets lad [01:06:08] Havryl: I have some white eyelashes now [01:06:10] shoestar_yt: lucky 😂 [01:06:12] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛🤘 [01:06:14] loograt: on a "broad" scale Kappa [01:06:14] luxreigh: rhyzYEP [01:06:16] VezraOFF: lucky [01:06:16] Shockwavemecha: Taxes can be Stressful [01:06:18] SnabbKassa: nobody at your school expected you do go into p**n [01:06:18] YumeNoZen: Someone having more or less stress than you doesn't invalidate what you have to deal with. [01:06:18] blueskydrinking: I didn't get grey hairs when I got stressed - I did get sever eczema though :| [01:06:19] HardyOrange: having a reason means nothing, I was apparently diagnosed with anxiety at age 8 but home life and everytjhing was fine [01:06:19] Maddrius: stress and anxiety aren't always reasonable ... sometimes it just is [01:06:19] ArminGux: stress is such a huge problem heath wise it’s insane [01:06:20] RvoMusic: ooh? how would you look with all gray? [01:06:23] RykerSune: just saying, there's always reasons to be stressed. Learned that the hard way f1nnHands [01:06:25] professorpussicat: My first Grey hairs were on my junk. Idk what that means. [01:06:27] MilesSwann91: @Targz_ it can also be genetic. there are instances of 8 yo getting grey hairs because family members had the gene that turned their hair grey at an early age. [01:06:27] nejamin3: Finn ur literally so cool [01:06:28] Stovamor: @SeaborneGinger, so? people going "WHere's XXXXXXXXXXX THey're the only reason I watch" can fuck off [01:06:29] Schmiklas: Finn thought he was injecting estrogen but it was actually filled with adrenaline [01:06:29] Dethiccated: puppy = stress [01:06:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: Your stress is valid though, no need to minimize it [01:06:31] glav60: Hi [01:06:33] handscombchris: I know someone who was completely grey by the time she was 12-15! [01:06:35] VezraOFF: taxes are hell [01:06:37] DarrigoTR: BS, dont gaslight yourself [01:06:37] cedric_callnight: well, that can still be stressful depending on how you take it [01:06:43] luxreigh: Stress is always fucking needed to have a long life and functional body lol [01:06:44] MnemonicOverload: Anything can be stressful if you do it wrong enough [01:06:48] SeaborneGinger: @stovamor fair enough lol [01:06:52] luxreigh: What a balancing act [01:06:52] Shockwavemecha: Nba? [01:06:54] nejamin3: nerd is the new cool I think [01:07:02] Targz_: @milesswann91 yeah I caught myself thats why i corrected myself to can be [01:07:02] goodplayer214: Is there going to be something special on Valentijnsday on the battlepass [01:07:05] XENOMAN5: And 2 houses and 2 cars and successful career [01:07:08] baslak01: @nejamin3 Nerd = good [01:07:08] HardyOrange: I feel like the four-hours-of-sleep-every-ther-night thing may have had an effect on you long term, yknow? [01:07:09] RykerSune: emails NotLikeThis [01:07:14] amisnaru: you're actually reporting your income? W [01:07:15] Shockwavemecha: You got it good babes [01:07:26] Celestial_Thistle: Would you say that everyone who is subbed to you is your platonic sugar daddy? [01:07:29] RykerSune: emails are so annoying tho [01:07:29] Wendigeaux1987: My job stresses me out, if a doctor told me that I'd be like "whelp can't do that" lol [01:07:31] Shockwavemecha: Not everyone like paperwork [01:07:33] sophie_b4: Boomers vs basic technology is always a KEKW [01:07:34] RykerSune: especially buisness ones [01:07:37] SnabbKassa: in the 90s, you got one a day. Now it's 25+ [01:07:45] loograt: "Select unread" "Delete" [01:07:46] Targz_: your emails are about tucking [01:07:47] phaser40: You can audiobook while writing emails, that's nothing [01:07:48] queens_castle2021: queens_castle2021 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [01:07:48] f3mmbot: queens_castle2021 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [01:07:51] beantransfer: its not easy for older ppl [01:07:55] AeitZean: Depends what the emails are about [01:07:58] MirahImage: @adamsk1bo1 finasteride [01:08:02] Jens_LN: in the 80's, we didn't get e-mails at all [01:08:03] cedric_callnight: i think it might depend on how many. i think my mum has like 100 at a time [01:08:06] Stovamor: @SnabbKassa, if I only got 25 emails in a day, it'd be a miracle [01:08:07] ramboo1989: Challenge accepted email [01:08:09] debdrup: Fun fact: One of F1nns mods thought I was 10 years older than I am because of my gray hair (which I got from stress/cancer therapies, even if I'm now in remission). [01:08:10] the_eric_herrera9: How's Ashley doing? [01:08:11] SnabbKassa: good old hotmail [01:08:11] karojhe: Emails effe [01:08:13] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter Gen X/ Boomer Rents suck at typing? lol [01:08:17] Havryl: For me it's not just what you write, but how you write it [01:08:23] RykerSune: I fucking hate emails. What happened to calling ppl for shit? [01:08:24] arirashii: my inbox is like over 1000 :( [01:08:24] BrightLilThing: I cant communicate without heavy stress [01:08:24] DarrigoTR: Bull don't gaslight yourself [01:08:25] ramboo1989: ooof [01:08:26] Dr_Kitty123: femboy bikini slumber party stream [01:08:26] the_one_true_bread_king: heyo [01:08:27] YumeNoZen: Oh, like you responding to BP messages? [01:08:28] legitimatelily: emails are much easier that talking to humans atleast [01:08:28] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [01:08:28] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [01:08:29] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [01:08:29] nejamin3: squeeaaakkk [01:08:29] Targz_: I have 2000 unread emails from last month [01:08:31] CyanoticJam: That tea looks like tomato soup [01:08:34] SnabbKassa: @Stovamor I know some people get 150 [01:08:35] ChasingSol: @Stovamor solidarity. I get ~500 a day, sometimes more... [01:08:35] debdrup: yumenozen: lmao [01:08:35] johnkeiwo: woops sorry chat [01:08:37] cj_smed: carrots [01:08:42] Shockwavemecha: Makeup Done? [01:08:43] Jens_LN: Sheryl was crazy ... she was crazy [01:08:45] karojhe: Emails affect people differently. For some it's the easiest, for others it's hard [01:08:45] freshdelipickles: mods, spam [01:08:48] Stovamor: Working for a big mega-corp, I get hundreds of emails every day @F1NN5TER but they're not that stressful [01:08:48] seibaby: The emails, the emails, wha, wha, the emails [01:08:48] bearpaw1970: 😁🤟 [01:08:51] johnkeiwo: The bet ends in 13 minutes ! [01:08:53] Shockwavemecha: ye [01:08:54] jeibird: i hope this email finds you before i do [01:08:55] phaser40: Yup [01:08:57] YumeNoZen: HOW LONG did it take for you to respond to my BP message, and I just got called a bitch? =P [01:08:57] arirashii: it's the formality for me [01:09:00] johnkeiwo: makeup and outfit if u change :) [01:09:03] Jens_LN: You were told [01:09:06] princess_mia03: need makeup tutorial [01:09:11] BlueIsPog: Are you gay [01:09:14] YumeNoZen: It was funny. [01:09:18] aced_asher: !uptime [01:09:18] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 9m 28s [01:09:23] harley3141: I'm kurd in uk [01:09:24] baslak01: @BlueIsPog He ace [01:09:25] YumeNoZen: I'm not ACTUALLY upset, you know that. [01:09:27] blueskydrinking: When the emails have about 10 excel spreadsheets attached to them every and come every 20 minutes, then they get stressful [01:09:32] 416hobbit: You get 200 BP messages a day? [01:09:32] Gtaer222: did reddit crash or is it just me [01:09:35] legitimatelily: you gotta be dressed too in 10 mins [01:09:39] devoluxn: I hate emails BibleThump [01:09:48] debdrup: yumenozen: ChaSiu coded "But it was funny!" [01:09:51] NerdChic: NerdChic subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! f1nnCowjam [01:09:51] f3mmbot: nerdchic subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:09:54] RykerSune: oh, so when the Battlepass was messages, then you bitch about it, but 4000 emails is EASY NotLikeThis [01:09:54] robynishere: How is Tank? [01:09:55] ChasingSol: @aced_asher 6 minutes more from the last time you checked... [01:09:56] YumeNoZen: @debdrup Exactly! [01:10:07] Dr_Kitty123: but their emails are boring [01:10:09] Bytebak: Just you [01:10:12] Havryl: @gtaer222 still looks up to me [01:10:22] TheNelizz: @robynishere Destroying buldings currently [01:10:25] Cyprohep: ADTIME [01:10:33] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter well your already good at emails, like you are set if anything happens m8 [01:10:34] Shockwavemecha: F1nn5ter Team [01:10:34] Targz_: BussyUniversity [01:10:35] ChasingSol: ChasingSol gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bytebak! They have given 541 Gift Subs in the channel! [01:10:35] f3mmbot: chasingsol has gifted a subscription to bytebak at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bytebak f1nnLezgang [01:10:38] Jadeine: mine took a few months to get a response but i knew you had a lot so i was just patiently waiting [01:10:46] dcg44s: Pretty much any job can end abruptly. [01:10:52] Shockwavemecha: Really? [01:11:04] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:11:06] debdrup: dcg44s: in this capitalist economy? Yea [01:11:06] Shockwavemecha: FR FR [01:11:07] Bytebak: Thanks @ChasingSol [01:11:11] 416hobbit: Best boss EVER [01:11:13] jaovitubr: hype [01:11:15] Shockwavemecha: Money banks [01:11:15] Wardenboo: :V [01:11:16] nejamin3: ur a true bro like that finn [01:11:19] SnabbKassa: employee mortgage [01:11:19] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY that's great [01:11:20] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog boss [01:11:20] shmanchi: that’s nuts. very good boss [01:11:21] BlueIsPog: Yeah [01:11:21] devoluxn: Trust [01:11:23] jaovitubr: i have no money [01:11:25] arirashii: ppl don't trust workers i think [01:11:26] freshdelipickles: yeah lack of liquidity [01:11:26] phaser40: What's it like to have that kind of cash? [01:11:27] AeitZean: Hard to budget [01:11:28] cedric_callnight: financial insecurity, maybe? [01:11:28] BlueIsPog: Trust issue [01:11:28] gaddafi_duck_: Because they could just do a runner? [01:11:29] bearpaw1970: Liquidity.. exactly [01:11:29] jontism: where do i send my resume [01:11:29] VezraOFF: good bosqs [01:11:29] Schmiklas: debt makes for more loyal workers ☠️ [01:11:29] peachykeenpotter: WoW Great boss! [01:11:31] austrian_tap_water: i would totally work for u [01:11:32] fugoliath: Milestone payment on deliveries!! [01:11:32] Kageblade08: compound growth [01:11:33] EldritchElucidator: best fucking boss holy shit [01:11:33] Zendeus: how does one join the team? [01:11:33] Jens_LN: most companies like to make more money [01:11:34] Wardenboo: Hey boss I have this debt uhhhhh.... a credit card debt.... uhhh like [01:11:34] legitimatelily: incase u need to fire them [01:11:35] Wardenboo: jk I dont [01:11:36] lordgtafbi: or people quitting LUL [01:11:36] MairainePlayzGames: i spy with my little eye, and its a pretty gurl!!! [01:11:37] YumeNoZen: A lot of companies don't risk that because of trust, and they also tie it into investments. [01:11:38] HardyOrange: yeah the lack of liquid, they need to make the money needed to pay those people [01:11:39] alexx_net: Because of how bank interest works [01:11:39] arirashii: if you pay them up front, they could then ghost you or quit [01:11:41] Panther216: It could be a problem if they quit/leave/refuse work product [01:11:41] SeaborneGinger: Good guy f1nn [01:11:43] Drax242: If they bail on u = no money [01:11:45] Shockwavemecha: All powerful F1nn5ter [01:11:50] Wardenboo: ahhaha Im kidding xD [01:11:50] professorpussicat: I taught my boss how to use AI to answer his emails and do paperwork and now he treats me like royalty. [01:11:52] ArminGux: cause you might end up firing them [01:11:53] SnabbKassa: @alexx_net he's used to zero interest rates [01:11:56] DegenOne: trust, will they be committed to the job if they already got the money [01:12:11] StormOf98: Invest in your staff, and they will invest in you 😊 [01:12:14] Cyprohep: liquidity loss is opportunity loss, if you can do it without hurting your liq its fine [01:12:15] SaltMasterQueue: !lurk [01:12:15] f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... [01:12:17] Shockwavemecha: Supergirl vs superman [01:12:18] blueskydrinking: Where did F1nn's mind go at first? LuL [01:12:21] snotwebs: Finn can u pay my rent just for fun pls [01:12:23] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: compounding interest m8 [01:12:30] Wendigeaux1987: BRB going to work for F1nn so he can pay for my transition ty [01:12:31] baslak01: Mod games when?? [01:12:34] cj_smed: is it gay to like femboys [01:12:34] SeaborneGinger: @stovamor @johnkeiwo what’s it like having the best boss in the world? [01:12:42] Cyprohep: not even invested? [01:12:42] alexx_tay: im back [01:12:43] baslak01: @cj_smed Yes [01:12:44] Stovamor: @SeaborneGinger, we're not actually employees [01:12:44] professorpussicat: @cj_smed nope [01:12:45] Zendeus: compound f1nntrest [01:12:46] debdrup: seaborneginger: they're locked in a basement [01:12:47] Shockwavemecha: My money don't jiggle jiggle [01:12:48] YumeNoZen: @SeaborneGinger Mods aren't paid like realy employees. [01:12:49] Cyprohep: bro you're losing to inflation [01:12:51] HardyOrange: there are some people who flake and run off with the money, but if you're above board with contracts you're fine there [01:12:54] blatant_fabrication: put it into government bonds [01:12:56] YumeNoZen: If he remembers to pay the mods. [01:12:59] Shockwavemecha: Stonks [01:13:02] SnabbKassa: you should have some higher yield accounts for spare stuff [01:13:07] Cyprohep: 20% inflation reeeeeeeeeee [01:13:08] Vanimal2118: most people don’t budget [01:13:16] blatant_fabrication: they do, they're called gilts in the uk [01:13:24] Shockwavemecha: Only takes 5 years [01:13:30] boom_and_alpha_yt: get yourself some premium bonds [01:13:30] Stovamor: @YumeNoZen, correction - if Stov or Hitch reminds him to pay the mods [01:13:32] MairainePlayzGames: F1NN5ter the rich femboy? Damn! take the wife shopping my guy!!!! [01:13:32] bdix727: high yield savings account.. you get 5% return [01:13:33] cj_smed: @professorpussicat ok thank you [01:13:34] fromthef1nn5ide: Not sure what to do with your moneyHire me. I'll make a great butler. [01:13:40] johnkeiwo: we are paid ( well ) but not the same way as employees chat, we don't have contracts as twitch mods because it's sorta too unreliable and inconsistent ^^ ! [01:13:42] ysalima: finance class when? [01:13:43] snotwebs: me nodding as if I understand any of this:)) I'm just a gorl [01:13:47] SeaborneGinger: @stovamor Precious simps? Or chained to a wall somewhere? Or both? [01:14:02] njbh86: @bdix727 you can get that from a current account rn if you know where to look [01:14:07] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor Fair. [01:14:11] finalmillenium: I average about 9% across my various revenue generating accounts. [01:14:11] Shockwavemecha: tlouPikapog [01:14:13] gaddafi_duck_: Can I have an advance on 1 million lottery tickets? [01:14:15] Zendeus: is there a sign up sheet? [01:14:16] CyanoticJam: Are we really talking about retirement???? [01:14:17] YumeNoZen: Hah! You! In the water? [01:14:17] boom_and_alpha_yt: stingray [01:14:17] SeriousTTV: steve irwin [01:14:18] phaser40: I'm so jealous of you, I work my ass off just to starve in America, and your cute on the internet and way better off than me. [01:14:19] LittleChaSiu: that is oddly specific [01:14:20] Cyprohep: ayy just put it into something safe a lowish yield [01:14:21] FatherThyme: go out before the twink death hits [01:14:22] Jens_LN: KEKW [01:14:22] blatant_fabrication: D: [01:14:23] Gtaer222: specific ngl [01:14:24] Shockwavemecha: Ok steve erwin [01:14:26] LowlyCoffee: Oof same [01:14:27] ElfDestruct: blahaj death [01:14:27] nejamin3: sharks are so nice tho [01:14:28] Targz_: must be nice having a positive bank balance [01:14:29] VezraOFF: you've got a bunch of sharks behind you beware [01:14:29] RykerSune: if that actually happens, I swear LUL [01:14:30] legitimatelily: ur gonna be eaten by a blahaj [01:14:32] ChasingSol: seems so far away, and then suddenly one day... [01:14:33] medical_size9000: That's very specific [01:14:33] RynFromK2L: Death by Blahaj [01:14:33] snotwebs: twink death pension birth [01:14:34] YumeNoZen: Steve Irwin died as he lived, with animals in his heart. [01:14:35] MairainePlayzGames: eaten by a blahaj!!! [01:14:38] beantransfer: will there even be sharks left by then [01:14:38] Shockwavemecha: frostpCry [01:14:38] StonedGamin: titanic round 3? [01:14:39] toddassss: Does anyone know what the light pole Finn has in the background is? [01:14:40] braddle172: itspea13Blahajhype [01:14:41] Eromaw: 48 ew [01:14:42] LylaHehe: dont post age in chat [01:14:42] HardyOrange: you say that, but then 40 years later you're still rolling those thigh highs up [01:14:44] professorpussicat: F1nn you sound like you've got a plan to fake your own death. [01:14:46] Jens_LN: I'm almost 50 now [01:14:46] Eromaw: 58 then [01:14:47] aced_asher: !uptime [01:14:47] CyanoticJam: 110 [01:14:47] Crazedmonkey29: Same age as you fin! 23 [01:14:47] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 14m 57s [01:14:48] SnabbKassa: I get the impulse for a "dramatic" end, but it saddens us to think about it. And it's probably TOS [01:14:49] cedric_callnight: 62 [01:14:50] nejamin3: Sharks have a bad rep [01:14:51] baslak01: I can [01:14:51] LittleChaSiu: thanks I hate it [01:14:51] Stovamor: 55? HAHAHAHAHAHA - 70+ for Uk pension time these days buddy @F1NN5TER [01:14:51] Shockwavemecha: it speeds up as you get Older [01:14:52] alexx_net: Eaten by a blahaj on the Battlepass, more like [01:14:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: Channel point prediction on the Over/Under for shark accident age [01:14:53] cedric_callnight: 64 [01:14:54] Cyprohep: No, i will not think about this sir [01:14:54] thomas115839151: 40 [01:14:54] wulfy_hun: 80 [01:14:55] Stovamor: 55? HAHAHAHAHAHA - 70+ for Uk pension time these days buddy @F1NN5TER [01:14:55] brockhammerkock: How do we watch sorry bowl 47 yr old? [01:14:55] turnbasedtj: blahaj no! [01:14:56] karojhe: Either handle money better, OR make fun BP pics and make more money [01:14:57] ysalima: 36 [01:14:58] nejamin3: a dolphin is more likely to kill u [01:15:01] Gtaer222: i've always said 55 [01:15:01] Cyprohep: feelsoldman [01:15:02] RykerSune: thanks, I'm having a crisis [01:15:02] beantransfer: Loomer [01:15:03] Crazedmonkey29: So 46 [01:15:04] LowlyCoffee: I want to go out before retirement [01:15:04] HardyOrange: it passes faster and faster the older you get [01:15:05] baslak01: 50 [01:15:08] TheCharlesTownsend: I'll probably be Dead. [01:15:08] maiaka_: 48 O_O [01:15:08] njbh86: as if i will be alive at 84 [01:15:10] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: $ 1k in January 2016 has the same buying power as $1,294.75 now [01:15:12] Royalbirhat: it passes in a blink of the eye [01:15:12] princess_mia03: 50 [01:15:13] lordgtafbi: technically 47 wouldn't be twice your current age [01:15:15] Shockwavemecha: Forever Femboy Perfum [01:15:18] legitimatelily: i mean i never thought id make it to 16 [01:15:19] Prandah: 120... [01:15:19] ArminGux: yeah the world ain’t making it till I am 50 let alone me [01:15:23] electric_cicada: 48 x.x [01:15:26] Georg4xl: the years go by so fasr [01:15:26] Shockwavemecha: guyina3SCUFFFED [01:15:28] TheCharlesTownsend: 96 [01:15:29] nejamin3: just casually doing ur making dang ur….u may be a bit attractive my dear sir [01:15:29] Drax242: U will get there and wonder where the time went, don't waste your 20s [01:15:29] VezraOFF: its rjust the shitty years at the end anyway [01:15:33] delfinkatt: have finn ever superbowled before or is this his first time? [01:15:33] hopalongtommy: Yeah, hard to imagine then you suddenly realise it happened and then it's panic [01:15:36] ogrem_fanclan: @legitimatelily Glad you've made it past there and are still here [01:15:38] alexx_net: That feeling when I'm already move twice f1nn's age sadge [01:15:44] professorpussicat: F1nn you will never be forgotten. Your legacy will live on forever. [01:15:45] medical_size9000: Finn At least try to make it to 69 [01:15:50] baslak01: 55 [01:15:50] karojhe: Damn, he's so young he thinks he's gonna live forever... [01:15:51] boom_and_alpha_yt: dont distract we’ve got fembucks riding on his makeup [01:15:53] ChasingSol: @alexx_net *sigh* [01:15:56] infjtalks: Just wondering, do you wear men's or women's perfumes? [01:15:59] Jens_LN: hmm, then I have to be 108 ? [01:16:02] MairainePlayzGames: @Stovamor thats just for the peasant middle class though, F1NN doesnt even have a pension build with his twitch career. he is currently classified as lowerclass [01:16:04] 416hobbit: The time flies unfortunate;y [01:16:04] Shockwavemecha: Funny number [01:16:06] Crazedmonkey29: It's crazy to think I'm the same age as you fin [01:16:06] baslak01: But funny number [01:16:07] bucksben: Oof, I'd be 90! [01:16:09] SnabbKassa: it's NOT a lot of time, once it's passed [01:16:11] papsavas: i feel like we're living in the least boring times though [01:16:15] snotwebs: U get a letter from the king when u reach 69 [01:16:21] SnabbKassa: you will wake up and suddenly be 25 [01:16:24] LowlyCoffee: Last words were nice [01:16:25] Prandah: f1nnTank [01:16:26] ChasingSol: @papsavas I much prefer boring to the shitshow the world is right now [01:16:31] SnabbKassa: then 35 [01:16:31] Invalidm_: wish i could just have zero debt right about now [01:16:31] Margali53: I'm 63, quit whining [01:16:32] Bytebak: I'm 'funny number' age in August [01:16:36] DarrigoTR: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [01:16:36] honeycloud1: the king will be dead by the time finn is 69 [01:16:37] Shockwavemecha: Needs some Rearranging [01:16:38] blueskydrinking: have you got stuff in front of your monitors??? [01:16:39] debdrup: snabbkassa: someone wished we'd live in interesting times, and we are [01:16:44] Zendeus: @legitimatelily it's hard to see yourself in the future when you're sewers [01:16:46] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol [01:16:47] nejamin3: 420 CST blaze it [01:16:50] LittleChaSiu: may you live in interesting times [01:16:50] HardyOrange: height is a choice [01:16:50] YumeNoZen: I'm a hot tall 6 foot girl. [01:16:50] CyanoticJam: Dig a hole [01:16:53] TaykenPlaysGames: Lean into it [01:16:54] legitimatelily: cut ur legs off [01:16:58] Georg4xl: I‘m 54 now, still 35 in my head. Time flies. [01:16:59] Shockwavemecha: Lose some legs [01:17:00] xxl_anti_lxx: Follow vlad [01:17:00] A_Fforrest: remove legs [01:17:02] speedy_bedwars: cut your legs in half [01:17:07] Shockwavemecha: 6 mins [01:17:08] JessicaCaraKasey: I'm 6'3, muscular and can do it fine. [01:17:10] AeitZean: Estrogen does shrink you a little SeemsGood [01:17:10] nejamin3: my dad has a seizure and lost a couple feet [01:17:13] nejamin3: had [01:17:13] cedric_callnight: there are some hot 6ft girls. like Natt [01:17:15] general_of_cm: ejactin seats are agood way to get shorter [01:17:16] bobbikatt: Knee removal surgery [01:17:17] blueskydrinking: fuck you john KEKW [01:17:20] VezraOFF: behind tall is a blessing [01:17:20] honeycloud1: tall feminine men are fucking awesome dude [01:17:21] YumeNoZen: Wear heels and live up to being tall and hot. [01:17:21] Shockwavemecha: 5:55Mins [01:17:23] baslak01: @A_Fforrest Yeah do a darth Maul [01:17:23] medical_size9000: You can't make yourself shorter it's impossible [01:17:27] jamnesia777: I’m a 6ft2 as a trans woman… I am the definition of the “giant woman” tik tok sound [01:17:29] johnkeiwo: oh I thought u went out [01:17:32] LittleChaSiu: L [01:17:33] Havryl: @cedric_callnight LUL LUL LUL [01:17:34] bigsuave7: NotLikeThis [01:17:38] nejamin3: you already look good OITNB [01:17:38] baslak01: L [01:17:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: I wish I bet on this one, I was driving at the time [01:17:39] SeaborneGinger: @jessicacarakasey o/ [01:17:40] electric_cicada: lets gooo [01:17:41] papsavas: @ChasingSol its annoying but you live to fight another day, thats kinda motivating [01:17:41] djl_pass: D: [01:17:43] JessicaCaraKasey: Heels are a tw@ [01:17:45] ArminGux: hrt makes u shorter [01:17:45] thatslipperyblobfish: lets go channel points saved for today [01:17:46] MairainePlayzGames: @AeitZean estrogen does NOT make you shorter! thats not what hormoens do! [01:17:46] RykerSune: oh economy on points boutta crash KEKW [01:17:46] boom_and_alpha_yt: there go my life savings [01:17:46] igy_xd0: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [01:17:47] brockhammerkock: You do accomplished at 6ft. JK you're here you're not accomplished [01:17:49] CyanoticJam: Over time I've got an 1nch shorter [01:17:49] handscombchris: The bet was just for makeup! [01:17:49] XellosMetallum: Oh god the no bets are gonna get PAID [01:17:50] lazylumi: Noooo my first bet and i loseeeee [01:17:52] hopalongtommy: It's only points [01:17:56] blueskydrinking: The one time I believed in f1nn to be on time NotLikeThis [01:17:57] dcg44s: Hang with Ru Paul,you will look small or average.🙂 [01:17:57] igy_xd0: @handscombchris no [01:17:58] 8bitkoala_: lol economic CRASH [01:18:00] batchelli: Cant work with bones unfortunately. [01:18:00] YumeNoZen: Finding shoes is a bitchhhh. [01:18:02] Avaerus0: Nothing wrong with tall [01:18:07] HardyOrange: VERY TRUE, for every insecurity a trans femme might have, there is a cis woman with that feature [01:18:10] djl_pass: the one time I trusted finn... never again [01:18:12] AeitZean: @yumenozen feel that NotLikeThis [01:18:14] Jens_LN: Vladimir ? [01:18:15] BrightLilThing: Losing muscle mass is hard if you aren't on hrt tho [01:18:15] bobbikatt: Lily is tall. Look at them [01:18:17] boom_and_alpha_yt: broke the f1nn economy [01:18:18] njbh86: harder to find femme clothes that fit and hang correctly whne you're taller or broad shouldered [01:18:18] DOCal8x57: Finny fin [01:18:23] TrueMezzo: @YumeNoZen so true [01:18:26] njbh86: speaking from experience [01:18:32] coolgooseboi: @yumenozen OMG YES ITS IMPOSSIBLE [01:18:35] boom_and_alpha_yt: who changed the poll [01:18:37] SnabbKassa: "stocky" [01:18:39] ashisthemainflop: good afternoon twinkie [01:18:43] DOCal8x57: Smash not finn [01:18:43] medical_size9000: Most of them are juiced [01:18:44] brockhammerkock: Fembogs on muscle so easily. It's unfair [01:18:44] handscombchris: @igy_xd0 shhh who's side are you on!? [01:18:46] lazylumi: idk~ i'm not a fan of BodyBuilders anatomy [01:18:49] Margali53: I'm 6'1, transitioned 30 years ago. Just walk with confidence. You'll do fine [01:18:51] karojhe: Wide shoulders are not as much of a trans femme thing as people think. Tons of cis women have wide shoulders and slim hips. [01:18:55] TheMasked_34: what finn will never have [01:18:56] AeitZean: Muscles and beards are my only turn offs [01:19:03] 0xness_engine_k: PunchTrees [01:19:05] Drax242: Beef Cake! [01:19:07] nejamin3: Yeah that’s BMI right? [01:19:08] JessicaCaraKasey: Yeah it is easier [01:19:08] alikarin: alikarin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Without you and Ashley getting together I wouldn't have found Ickycord, the best cord. thank you both [01:19:08] snotwebs: why is your tea ORANGE bro it looks like tomato soup [01:19:09] f3mmbot: alikarin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:19:09] baslak01: I dont need THAT much muscle [01:19:14] medical_size9000: Most bodybuilders are juicing [01:19:15] Lucridis: Need less protein to maintain it if you're short [01:19:15] BrightLilThing: @karojhe yeah, but people still use it as a landmark regardless lol [01:19:21] TaykenPlaysGames: It's less mass to keep up with. [01:19:25] ArminGux: yeah when u are tall u need to eat 100s of gram of protein [01:19:28] ashisthemainflop: what did i join to i jus saw shirtless men [01:19:30] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:19:32] Jingiz_wow: it's all about bmi [01:19:35] bobbikatt: East European women are tall and broad shouldered [01:19:36] TheMasked_34: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:19:38] Eadthryth: finn is juicing, but in reverse [01:19:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yeah, the muscles are stretch out over a longer area if you're taller [01:19:41] debdrup: Donowalled [01:19:43] XENOMAN5: Secret to dressing fem as a tall guy is wearing separates rather than dresses. A skirt and top is more customizable than a dress. [01:19:44] VezraOFF: its more in the mind [01:19:45] Terrell39: Me 6.4 and very match trying to be trans woman [01:19:46] lytheforgotten: I want my points FortBush [01:19:49] fromthef1nn5ide: Bmi is bs [01:19:50] cedric_callnight: @Jingiz_wow BMI is flawed [01:19:52] Zendeus: bmi is bullshit [01:19:56] MairainePlayzGames: fun fact: there is a difference between body building, look at arnold schwartnegger in his prime and how body builders look these days! 90% of builders use cheats to build fake muscle! [01:19:57] nejamin3: look up BMI omg how do u not know what that is [01:20:01] Crazedmonkey29: You can have a decent amount of muscle when taller and it not show compared to someone shorter [01:20:03] baslak01: @Zendeus Yeah [01:20:04] YumeNoZen: We like you too, F1nn. [01:20:05] karojhe: @brightlilthing Yeah, but it's a bad think to worry about [01:20:08] SnabbKassa: you might "need" it if you want to sleep with lots of people [01:20:09] JessicaCaraKasey: Our tall muscles have muscle insertions that are not quite physically aesthetic as shorter people [01:20:10] FatherThyme: we love tall women [01:20:11] medical_size9000: Finn most of them are taking steroids [01:20:11] zoewithane: based [01:20:12] bigsuave7: W [01:20:15] SeaborneGinger: based [01:20:15] nejamin3: oh oop lol nvm someone said it’s flawed [01:20:18] 0xness_engine_k: PowerUpL PowerUpR [01:20:19] 1WhoBeans: W [01:20:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: BASED AF [01:20:21] Turtlmatic: somber43Real [01:20:21] nejamin3: nvm nvm [01:20:24] 1devenk: Be or be not, there is no try [01:20:24] electric_cicada: W [01:20:26] josiedoobs: this is so true, and not enough people are saying it [01:20:27] njbh86: yeah if youre a tras woman you're a trans woman your height is irrelevant [01:20:31] SR_Calimeroo: SR_Calimeroo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! based [01:20:31] f3mmbot: sr_calimeroo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:20:34] legitimatelily: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:20:35] jamnesia777: As a tall trans woman it’s just easier to step on people [01:20:35] now_chemical: tru [01:20:41] TaykenPlaysGames: Abby is gorgeous [01:20:41] blueskydrinking: abi also wears insane heels [01:20:42] beantransfer: elbyTrans [01:20:46] sjoldzic43: I'm 6'3", a trans woman, and super conscious about my height so I get that [01:20:47] VezraOFF: clean your monitor arm [01:20:48] snotwebs: tall women are sexy that's it [01:20:50] phaser40: Just own it [01:20:51] cedric_callnight: who's abby? i'm new so i dont know [01:20:54] AeitZean: I think I might be intersex, because I'm 6' 3", and have all the cake but only in femme places. Including B cups WutFace [01:20:55] SeaborneGinger: @jamnesia777 ❤️ [01:20:58] johnkeiwo: Gigachad energy [01:20:59] nbrowser: Absolutely solid reply F1nn [01:20:59] ashisthemainflop: finn you are the royalty of the trans community coming from a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ [01:21:00] BlamoZappo: @jamnesia777 Some people like that though... [01:21:04] ChasingSol: @cedric_callnight Philosophy Tube [01:21:05] Turtlmatic: somber43Real shuuuBased [01:21:05] ArminGux: yeah abi is 6ft [01:21:07] blueish4: honestly, bunch of my friends at uni were tall cis women too [01:21:08] johnkeiwo: Lego is timeless [01:21:09] now_chemical: yes models are usually tall af [01:21:16] cedric_callnight: oooooh, thats right [01:21:17] MissDeeSnuts: szwiorPliska don't step on me [01:21:19] SnabbKassa: correct. F1nn! Time WILL speed up [01:21:21] ChasingSol: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:21:22] sionaprice: @sjoldzic43 I know AFAb women who are your height, so don't feel off about it :D [01:21:22] very_trustworthy: Do you have a chess account [01:21:22] LittleChaSiu: roughly the same whatever lol [01:21:22] karojhe: Abi is awesome <3 [01:21:23] CrozzGameplay: Thank you king! [01:21:23] braddle172: f1nnCope [01:21:24] Jens_LN: Ashley is taller ! [01:21:24] HardyOrange: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:21:24] ramboo1989: WTRuck [01:21:24] jamnesia777: I know people Iike that, I was offering ;) [01:21:25] XENOMAN5: @cedric_callnight Abigail Thorne aka Philosophy Tube [01:21:25] FatherThyme: objectively taller [01:21:26] 1WhoBeans: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:21:26] lun4_th3_w0lf: Ashley is really really tall!! [01:21:27] MajesticFvckingEagle: Copium [01:21:27] RykerSune: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:21:28] Eadthryth: f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:21:28] dafdeddog: cope [01:21:29] muddymudkip15: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:21:29] johnkeiwo: HERE ARE YOUR POINTS f1nnGremlin ! Thanks for playing [01:21:30] LuMemories: f1nnCope [01:21:31] EldritchElucidator: cope [01:21:32] xLumieI: Copium [01:21:32] Zendeus: I LOVE ABIGAIL! [01:21:32] cedric_callnight: abigail [01:21:33] TaykenPlaysGames: Ashley is absolutely taller than you, you smol boi [01:21:34] karojhe: LUL LUL LUL [01:21:35] nejamin3: lmaO [01:21:35] blueskydrinking: Ashley is measurably taller than you F1nn [01:21:36] RykerSune: awwwwww [01:21:36] TheMasked_34: smol boi [01:21:37] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:21:37] estherarchive: yeah sure my guy [01:21:38] HardyOrange: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:21:38] ChasingSol: awww [01:21:39] johnkeiwo: awww [01:21:40] alexx_net: It's not an argument. Ashley is taller [01:21:40] scarlettyg: awwww [01:21:40] phaser40: Aww [01:21:40] alexg6464: That's so cute [01:21:41] electric_cicada: awwww [01:21:42] legitimatelily: if ur tall and hot then its fine but if ur tall and ugly its harder than short and ugly [01:21:42] EldritchElucidator: awwww [01:21:43] freshdelipickles: awwww [01:21:43] very_trustworthy: 🤨🤨🤨 [01:21:43] alexaspuds: awwwwww [01:21:43] ArminGux: yay won bet [01:21:43] Eromaw: awwwww [01:21:45] ProfaneCreation: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:21:45] spooncakes: aww [01:21:46] braddle172: f1nnHeart [01:21:46] MairainePlayzGames: F1NN is on copium right now [01:21:46] ramboo1989: CoolStoryBob [01:21:47] RonnieSxl: awwww [01:21:47] coolgooseboi: aww [01:21:47] AeitZean: She is measurably taller [01:21:47] Mikey2207: cuteeee [01:21:47] JessicaCaraKasey: Ashley IS taller than you. Shush! [01:21:47] severin_art: I'm 5'11 which is the worst height and I can't find shoes which fit but I can't claim to be 6 foot [01:21:48] cerealcardboard: Awwwwwww [01:21:48] skoralta: Abigail is the reason I found your channel [01:21:49] xXNeroZashiXx: cute [01:21:49] sacculent: awwwwwww [01:21:49] packagum: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:21:49] OmsX8O: OmsX8O subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! f1nnCope it's ok. We all know you're short and we still like you [01:21:50] general_of_cm: bro that skinda gay ngl [01:21:50] VezraOFF: aww [01:21:50] ArminGux: awwwwww [01:21:50] f3mmbot: omsx8o subscribed to f1nn5ter for 43 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:21:50] keyring01: So wholesome finn [01:21:52] now_chemical: dawww [01:21:52] legitimatelily: sweetheart [01:21:52] i_like_eggs_20: Cute <3 [01:21:53] CyanoticJam: Lost the bet [01:21:53] muddymudkip15: cute [01:21:54] professorpussicat: I lost all my fembucks [01:21:55] Nauticalcoffin: chrAw chrAw [01:21:57] devoluxn: uwu moment [01:21:57] Eadthryth: More beautiful than Mr. Breast? [01:21:57] johnkeiwo: Uppies ! [01:21:58] Drax242: Thats why she is the top [01:21:58] legitimatelily: little bit smaller [01:21:58] Jens_LN: Taller ! [01:21:58] professorpussicat: Thanks f1nn [01:21:59] Avaerus0: That's so sweet [01:21:59] CrozzGameplay: AWW [01:22:00] AmyisaNerd: aww [01:22:03] Jens_LN: femukUppies [01:22:07] snotwebs: and you're 5'6 [01:22:08] alexaspuds: use centimeters for the normal people [01:22:09] cedric_callnight: ashley is stunning! you are a lucky guy [01:22:09] LittleChaSiu: UPPIES KEKW [01:22:10] Speederzzz: Cope? Plus awwww [01:22:11] Jens_LN: femukUppies femukUppies femukUppies femukUppies [01:22:11] medical_size9000: Ashley is actually taller than you [01:22:12] ArminGux: just wear bigger heals ez [01:22:12] severin_art: also Abi and Ashley are both goals in different ways [01:22:14] johnkeiwo: You are short to me [01:22:14] ramboo1989: short kin-queen [01:22:15] 1WhoBeans: we stan a short king [01:22:15] TaykenPlaysGames: I would love to find a Woman taller than me. I'm 6'2 and it's difficult. :( [01:22:16] now_chemical: hehehe [01:22:16] Shrek9871: You should join call in your discord and say hi [01:22:19] sam13634: hi [01:22:20] RatboyJon: Short king [01:22:21] very_trustworthy: As tall you say?🤨🤨🤨🤨 [01:22:22] fromthef1nn5ide: Some people have been subscribed longer... That won't do [01:22:22] johnkeiwo: smol [01:22:31] 416hobbit: Platform shoes [01:22:31] sjoldzic43: @sionaprice thank you. I don't know any afab person who is my height. So that makes me more self conscious lol but glad to know that tall women are a thing lol [01:22:31] blueskydrinking: platforms? [01:22:35] medical_size9000: You are top 4 tallest femboy streamers [01:22:40] Stovamor: Barbie is Smoll feet Teeny inches tall [01:22:40] VezraOFF: i love them [01:22:43] fromthef1nn5ide: I'll just have to outlive them. [01:22:43] now_chemical: wedges? [01:22:53] arirashii: just came back how tall are you? [01:22:57] MairainePlayzGames: F1NN stop with the copium!!!! [01:22:59] very_trustworthy: Nat [01:23:00] ChasingSol: yes [01:23:02] Jens_LN: Lily is taller, eys [01:23:03] TaykenPlaysGames: Cow is taller [01:23:03] johnkeiwo: yes [01:23:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yeee [01:23:05] CrozzGameplay: Nah i win [01:23:06] nejamin3: yaass [01:23:09] cj_smed: what’s your opinion on baked beans. [01:23:10] johnkeiwo: on HRT and all that [01:23:10] packagum: isnt spicycow super tall? [01:23:11] xxl_anti_lxx: Im a tiny fem mouse in a 5ft 10in muscle mommies body. [01:23:12] Jens_LN: FemboyBlacksmithing is taller too [01:23:12] RatboyJon: Cow has to be taller [01:23:13] josiedoobs: yay good hor her! [01:23:14] ClosetCutiepie: ClosetCutiepie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 7 months POG [01:23:14] f3mmbot: closetcutiepie subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:23:20] SnabbKassa: there are height shoes for men too. teddy boy brothel creepers etc. [01:23:21] professorpussicat: Astra, cow, femboyuk are all taller than you. [01:23:22] MirahImage: Cow definitely taller [01:23:22] AeitZean: Btw tall people live less time, so I wish I was shorter NotLikeThis [01:23:22] cedric_callnight: lets also not forget, there are tall ciswomen as well. i have known many women taller than me and I'm 5ft 10' [01:23:22] luxreigh: I'm 6ft femby built like a 1950's strong man, lol you make it work [01:23:23] higildypiggldy: higildypiggldy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! hope you're having a delightful day. stay safe out there buster [01:23:23] f3mmbot: higildypiggldy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [01:23:24] bucksben: Shoes the Spice Girls wore in the 90's? [01:23:24] davidiusfarrenius: Femboy U.K. taller than you and Cow [01:23:30] its_me_mario89: Everyone here is awesome [01:23:32] 1devenk: go to amsterdam lol [01:23:34] Zendeus: I think I'm in denial about being trans [01:23:36] johnkeiwo: go to the netherlands, women are tall AF there [01:23:36] sionaprice: @sjoldzic43 look to European women from slavic regions- and such, fsckrs are 6'+ and considered *short* 0.0 [01:23:36] ghostieliving: As someone who's 5ft2, platforms are a godsend. My lover gave me some platforms that he'd grown out of and they're great [01:23:36] LittleChaSiu: go to Amsterdam LUL [01:23:39] theyluvvvcj: f1nn stop streaming during our football games I can’t watch both 🥺🥺🥺 [01:23:42] am_bushy: what is your favorite minecraft modpack? [01:23:44] blindthirdeye: There's a term for tall, mature women. Statuesque. Maybe try for that sort of reserved, gentle, refined kind of vibe, and trust me, you'll dazzle. Especially the short kings. Will have to fight them off with a stick, xD [01:23:44] Jens_LN: yah, Natt be tall [01:23:47] lilithsspawn: "Meme" [01:23:53] xXNeroZashiXx: Im 6.2 [01:23:53] sjoldzic43: Natt? [01:23:53] pinkopengu: the tallest person at my highschool was a 6 4 cus girl [01:23:55] luxreigh: I have double D's that don't stand out because my chest is sooooo fucking wide lol [01:23:56] Stovamor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M389FFGx_Dc [01:23:56] Stovamor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M389FFGx_Dc [01:23:57] Stovamor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M389FFGx_Dc [01:23:59] sam13634: cows 6',2" [01:24:05] arirashii: @sjoldzic43 not sure how tall u are, but i (a woman) am 6' [01:24:07] ChasingSol: @Zendeus https://genderdysphoria.fyi/ will help [01:24:07] Stovamor: The video in question - - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M389FFGx_Dc [01:24:08] blueskydrinking: It feels weird to hear you talk about the Natt date like it was far in the past lmao [01:24:20] very_trustworthy: Begs not London 🚫🚫🚫❌️ [01:24:22] LittleChaSiu: what can I say, I love uppies [01:24:31] now_chemical: ooooo [01:24:31] dmx908: Any one on e doesn't count as a femboy [01:24:36] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu Looked cute against a wall. Heh. [01:24:44] Lucridis: Who's the girl Natt's with [01:24:44] blueskydrinking: The hover hand! [01:24:47] MairainePlayzGames: @LittleChaSiu who doesnt want uppies? [01:24:47] professorpussicat: Ur face! [01:24:49] SnabbKassa: one of the greatest highlights videos [01:24:50] ysalima: 8 months ao??? im old [01:24:52] ryantupo: we miss the vlogs [01:24:56] cedric_callnight: how tall are you exactly? [01:24:57] YumeNoZen: Sure. Taller. Okay. [01:24:59] dreambuster1234: Are u ready for superbowl? (btw i got my first skirt 11 Days ago and I am so happy about it) [01:24:59] Elifighter: finn you are short though [01:24:59] professorpussicat: F1nn ur so cuteeee! [01:25:00] aSpicyCow: what does it mean if my balls hang to my knees [01:25:01] YumeNoZen: *head pat* [01:25:01] annalovesfire: I relate to tall trans femmes as a 5 foot trans guy [01:25:01] alexx_net: Yup, Natt's a man [01:25:01] Drax242: U have heels on don't u [01:25:01] general_of_cm: @ysalima f1nnLaff [01:25:06] medical_size9000: Natt is over 6' [01:25:08] arirashii: @arirashii *afab to be specific my b lol [01:25:12] CrozzGameplay: used to do streams, thinking of starting streaming again but in femboy mode this time. [01:25:12] johnkeiwo: Kappa [01:25:13] cedric_callnight: ey, same as me [01:25:13] professorpussicat: @aspicycow Hi Cow! [01:25:13] legitimatelily: ur exactly average height for a guy in uk [01:25:13] ChasingSol: haha [01:25:15] Jens_LN: f1nnHeadpat [01:25:15] very_trustworthy: Didn't he keep asking to kiss you???🤨🤨🤨 [01:25:16] YumeNoZen: @aSpicyCow Damnit cow.... [01:25:20] Stovamor: @dreambuster1234, hes not american. 99% of the UK don't care about the SB [01:25:21] sjoldzic43: That makes sense. The more people around you, the more you blend in and see the variety in people lol [01:25:23] now_chemical: wow that was a new vid when i first started coming aroundddd [01:25:27] PequiTrash: wamanman, play heck diver [01:25:27] ArminGux: #getnathiskiss kekw [01:25:28] cedric_callnight: i think 5'9 is average for the UK [01:25:32] phaser40: Did you kiss? [01:25:32] blueish4: if you start adding fractions of an inch that's hard COPIUM [01:25:34] Zendeus: you are not short lol [01:25:35] ryantupo: im 5''10 .1 no way finn is taller than me XD life ruined [01:25:42] medical_size9000: @alexx_net LU L LUL [01:25:45] TaykenPlaysGames: Finn, call Natt. Then listen to what he says to you. That's flirting. [01:25:57] MairainePlayzGames: Natt is love, Natt is life! [01:25:58] cj_smed: SMOrc [01:25:58] ChasingSol: haha [01:26:00] johnkeiwo: women ewww [01:26:02] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:26:03] TheDoctor11072: Either way yo and cow are both bottoms [01:26:03] tigersharks006: Finished pro's new video, now I'm back :) [01:26:03] SeriousTTV: KEKW [01:26:04] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:26:09] legitimatelily: lol [01:26:13] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: way to go short king [01:26:13] bigsuave7: LUL [01:26:14] melkorgoth: melkorgoth is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [01:26:14] f3mmbot: melkorgoth has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:26:14] melkorgoth: melkorgoth gifted a Tier 1 sub to OETiger! [01:26:14] melkorgoth: melkorgoth gifted a Tier 1 sub to trap_lover68! [01:26:14] melkorgoth: melkorgoth gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoreZanity! [01:26:14] melkorgoth: melkorgoth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spartou_! [01:26:14] melkorgoth: melkorgoth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mr_Fluffy97! [01:26:14] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [01:26:15] duckybot24: walked into the coffee shop? she obviously wasn't looking where she was going [01:26:17] ghostieliving: Tall ladies are so nice [01:26:22] severin_art: women can look good when you are dating, you just don't act on the feelings [01:26:28] Starburzts: wait you live in brum [01:26:30] sjoldzic43: If you said it now, Ashley would come in and drop you from your chair again lol [01:26:32] fromthef1nn5ide: 99.99% of the world don't care about the Superbowl. Except for the ads. [01:26:35] zebrabbl396: I think T swift is 5,11" [01:26:35] CoreZanity: @melkorgoth Thanks! [01:26:38] Azure_harlequin: nuuu not the toxic monogamy [01:26:42] dreambuster1234: @Stovamor ik, I'm german, I just wanted to ask lukiatDead lukiatDead lukiatDead [01:26:44] Shockwavemecha: frostpDance [01:26:45] SnabbKassa: you don't ogle women AT ALL? [01:26:46] cj_smed: it’s ok small boi [01:26:49] freshdelipickles: nice [01:26:53] legitimatelily: tall ladies are always models, librarians, or teachers [01:26:53] cedric_callnight: thats the first time i heard someone refer to birmingham as a "small town" :D [01:26:53] arirashii: ive always been insecure of my height, but im glad to see chat supporting us tall girlies [01:26:59] themancool512: Do you still play mc hub [01:26:59] dotgobbler: this chat has the funny bone [01:27:00] Shockwavemecha: Manners Maketh Man [01:27:00] Shrek9871: @SnabbKassa Only if they have a dick [01:27:03] CyanoticJam: There hope for us all [01:27:03] FatherThyme: love her [01:27:06] aimeeasdf: gwendoline Christie is gorgeous and tall as fuck [01:27:11] johnkeiwo: the girlies are fighting D: [01:27:12] legitimatelily: lol [01:27:13] queenwsx: that was the hottest video in world history [01:27:14] johnkeiwo: Your T ? [01:27:14] ArminGux: kekw [01:27:14] now_chemical: don’t talk on my woman 😭 [01:27:16] zoewithane: KEKW [01:27:16] nejamin3: omg [01:27:16] LuMemories: ??????? [01:27:17] professorpussicat: OH MY GOD [01:27:17] Shockwavemecha: Fire Hazzard 4 [01:27:20] ArminGux: hunter colab when [01:27:23] cedric_callnight: what???? [01:27:23] arirashii: @legitimatelily im a game dev lel [01:27:23] wowyouactuallyreadthis: oh god [01:27:24] YumeNoZen: F1nn, have you cut any aluminum cans in half yet? [01:27:24] CrozzGameplay: skater skirts make ass look thicc its okay [01:27:28] jellifishpirate: jellifishpirate subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! awww yiss [01:27:28] f3mmbot: jellifishpirate subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [01:27:29] davidiusfarrenius: handy gadgets! [01:27:29] 416hobbit: Birthday present: fire extinguisher [01:27:30] Havryl: @aimeeasdf Agreed [01:27:31] very_trustworthy: You should get an ember mug [01:27:34] Zendeus: can we agree that Taylor Swift has a net negative impact on the world? [01:27:36] alexx_net: Ashley got you the lighter? [01:27:40] the_sentient_cheese: nice [01:27:41] ChasingSol: @themancool512 no, he hasn't for over a year. still plays MC, just not affiliated with specific servers [01:27:44] gaddafi_duck_: Between the knives and the flame thrower something is gonna go wrong [01:27:46] sjoldzic43: Is that a BLOWTORCH for your tea?! You Brits go hard lol [01:27:48] HardyOrange: Gwendoline Christie is apparently 6'3", so yeah, tall women don't just exist, they have successful careers and everything [01:27:49] johnkeiwo: there is a season 2 [01:27:51] adamsk1bo1: Why does your tea look like tomato soup [01:27:52] RykerSune: @416hobbit that'll have to be a Valentine's gift at this point [01:27:53] now_chemical: i wouldn’t hold out hope for another one hahaha [01:27:53] YumeNoZen: My fault. I'm so sorrt. [01:27:53] johnkeiwo: and 2 1 hour specials [01:27:56] wowyouactuallyreadthis: arsonist [01:27:58] YumeNoZen: So so sorry. [01:27:58] Avaerus0: She let's him play with fire? [01:27:59] very_trustworthy: 🤨🤨🤨 [01:28:01] CrozzGameplay: you should definitely point it at us [01:28:01] coolgooseboi: Lighter lets goooo [01:28:01] professorpussicat: Don't burn your mic [01:28:02] CyanoticJam: Birthday present: Flame Thrower [01:28:02] am_bushy: favorite minecraft modpack? [01:28:06] Jadeine: thats not a lighter. thats a portable bunsen burner [01:28:08] evericor000: what is your opinion on tea with salt? [01:28:10] SnabbKassa: like an American clothes dryer - gas powered [01:28:11] YumeNoZen: I always turn it to low and lock it when I'm carrying it. [01:28:13] BirdPerson2014: What kind of tea is that? [01:28:13] transterra29: I’ve watched Euphoria 6 times already [01:28:15] medical_size9000: Don't burn your hair bimbo [01:28:16] RatboyJon: That's just tea my guy [01:28:17] very_trustworthy: Get an ember mug [01:28:18] Shockwavemecha: @MairainePlayzGames AutoBot doesn't like full sentences in cap locks [01:28:19] ghostieliving: It looks like cream of tomato soup [01:28:21] blueskydrinking: It does look hi-vis orange on camera [01:28:23] estherarchive: make sure you watch the two special episodes [01:28:25] professorpussicat: Americans don't know you can put cream and sugar in tea [01:28:26] skoralta: Have you seen the Inception knife on youtube?? [01:28:26] its_me_mario89: The actor who played fez unfortunately passed away last yr [01:28:27] ramboo1989: Looks like microwave tea [01:28:27] freddd104: rip fez [01:28:30] MairainePlayzGames: @evericor000 are you planning another boston teaparty? [01:28:32] DreadPirateSimon: I did not enjoy season 2 of Euphoria, besides that one episode and the specials. [01:28:35] BrightLilThing: I'd love to watch but my internet keeps cutting out [01:28:36] nejamin3: that’s not a lighter that’s a bad dragon [01:28:42] Ex0dia5: have you considered watching Arcane yet? [01:28:42] Shockwavemecha: Spoiler [01:28:45] Elifighter: tea belongs in the harbor [01:28:45] sjoldzic43: Have you played Palworld yet? [01:28:46] MairainePlayzGames: @Shockwavemecha i see! [01:28:47] phaser40: Have you tried playing grounded? [01:28:52] johnkeiwo: RIP Angus :( [01:28:52] JessicaCaraKasey: How far are you two into Doctor Who? [01:28:53] mounty_man42: where would one watch euphoria? [01:28:54] LittleChaSiu: @professorpussicat it's the Chinese way [01:28:55] BrightLilThing: Grounded is so fun [01:28:58] ysalima: did you watched saltburn? [01:28:58] 416hobbit: Spoiler free chat [01:29:01] KoozieVerno: where did you get the chair from? [01:29:02] dmx908: My puppy ate so much she's comatose [01:29:03] hinnyfinnyO_O: finn how do you itch your balls [01:29:05] BrightLilThing: Palworld is fun [01:29:07] Havryl: @Elifighter *US national anthem plays* [01:29:10] Margali53: You can't change your height, so might as well just forget about it. You're a Goddess, act like one [01:29:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: It looks fun [01:29:10] ChasingSol: MOD GAMES [01:29:13] ChasingSol: MOD GAMES [01:29:13] professorpussicat: @littlechasiu what? How? [01:29:13] ChasingSol: MOD GAMES [01:29:14] Terrell39: OMG Yessss [01:29:14] sunnnnyc: so play some video games [01:29:15] jamnesia777: WII TANKS GOATED [01:29:17] the2st: palworld is so fun [01:29:18] Eadthryth: wiiski is good [01:29:18] bearpaw1970: It really is [01:29:18] freshdelipickles: wee tank? [01:29:19] RykerSune: so true Sol [01:29:22] Terrell39: Love that [01:29:23] Shockwavemecha: C A P [01:29:25] duckybot24: 64 hours???????? [01:29:26] Jadeine: palworld is literally a survivalcraft game like minecraft. how have you not played it [01:29:27] Pokeslash_: pokesl1Cozy hey f1nn [01:29:27] kassette_kreator: I thought he meant tanks on the wii [01:29:29] freshdelipickles: wee Tank [01:29:32] coolgooseboi: Wii tanks is goated [01:29:34] scarlettyg: The wee tank is sleeping downstairs [01:29:35] kassette_kreator: Yoo Wii tanks goes crazy [01:29:35] bearpaw1970: Yuppers 👍 [01:29:36] MairainePlayzGames: sometimes you just wanna chill out and play some RAID SHADOW LEGENDS! [01:29:36] Avaerus0: They just changed the spelling [01:29:37] professorpussicat: F1nn did you ever play ***? [01:29:37] cj_smed: I’ve got one testicle [01:29:38] walma69420: Femboy aim trainer ? [01:29:42] SnabbKassa: Scottish tanks [01:29:44] am_bushy: favorite minecraft modpack? 󠀀 [01:29:45] CyanoticJam: You need Pal World [01:29:46] Terrell39: OMG new game for me [01:29:47] LittleChaSiu: @professorpussicat boil water, put loose leaf tea in, that's all you need [01:29:48] wowyouactuallyreadthis: we all miss the wii [01:29:51] ArminGux: is it ur current hyperfocus? [01:29:52] LittleChaSiu: LUL [01:29:54] Shockwavemecha: We like better ripoffs [01:29:55] sjoldzic43: Wait they made that?! I love Wii Tanks! [01:29:56] RykerSune: LUL [01:29:56] hinnyfinnyO_O: finn whats your favourite way to itch your balls [01:30:02] ItsJeJune: I love short kings/queens. [01:30:02] duckybot24: @SnabbKassa i thought the same thing [01:30:02] AeitZean: Only needs VR and it's perfect [01:30:02] very_trustworthy: You should get a vr headset [01:30:03] Havryl: Wii Tennis [01:30:05] zebrabbl396: LUL [01:30:06] DreadPirateDan: rumbled [01:30:07] professorpussicat: @littlechasiu ohh [01:30:11] braddle172: LUL [01:30:12] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:30:14] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu Teabagging is a crime against humanity. [01:30:15] LittleChaSiu: f1nnCope [01:30:15] Shockwavemecha: Play it [01:30:15] BrightLilThing: You should try it [01:30:16] walma69420: LUL [01:30:16] RykerSune: by Hitch ofc KEKW [01:30:18] speedy_bedwars: KEKW [01:30:19] LittleChaSiu: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:30:19] blueskydrinking: The worse streamer-screen-leak this week KEKW [01:30:20] crazzyninja1234: suuuuure [01:30:21] BrightLilThing: play on strem? [01:30:22] DegenOne: play it [01:30:22] Stovamor: I have Wee Tanks installed cos you mentioned you'd do it for a mod games @F1NN5TER [01:30:22] Jens_LN: Nice [01:30:23] LittleChaSiu: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:30:24] professorpussicat: ...what exactly are you aiming.... [01:30:26] ChasingSol: blaming Hitch... [01:30:28] 851j4509: where is the dog f1nnTank [01:30:29] SnabbKassa: @duckybot24 but of course Yorkshire invented them [01:30:29] Shockwavemecha: Sus [01:30:31] Avaerus0: "It's just porn" :D [01:30:34] unbracingabyss: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:30:34] very_trustworthy: SCROLL [01:30:34] nejamin3: noooooooo [01:30:37] DreadPirateDan: is this your vaush porn folder moment [01:30:37] HardyOrange: so how did Hitch know about it??? [01:30:37] vetras91: wait what game? [01:30:40] Havryl: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:30:41] Elifighter: hitch [01:30:43] SeriousTTV: lol [01:30:44] Drax242: and.. [01:30:45] salem_flowers: Chat who you rooting for this femboy super bowl? [01:30:45] buhtschidt: @f1nn5ter what’s your favorite color of glazed terracotta??? [01:30:45] MacMillan_The_First: battlepass stream! [01:30:47] Pokeslash_: wee tanks is 10 quid [01:30:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: Hmmmmmm [01:30:50] cedric_callnight: why play the game, if you already are it [01:30:51] ChasingSol: good point [01:30:51] very_trustworthy: SCROLL DOWWWWN [01:30:52] LittleChaSiu: Hitch made it Kappa [01:30:52] YumeNoZen: Well, not on stream on this platform. [01:30:53] Shockwavemecha: Hmmm [01:30:53] RykerSune: now that's a question [01:30:54] 416hobbit: Steam Chaser games [01:30:55] Avaerus0: They haven't seen Hitch's setup? [01:30:56] ChamPow1: play it on battlepass [01:30:59] beantransfer: Hmmm [01:31:00] zebrabbl396: BegWan BegWan [01:31:01] judgedame: not on here [01:31:02] sjoldzic43: That game is a living breathing TOS violation lol [01:31:05] ChasingSol: calling Hitch out [01:31:05] johnkeiwo: hitch looking sus [01:31:05] Zendeus: you and Ashley have really helped me come to terms with myself, thank you [01:31:05] Elifighter: yes hitch that checks out [01:31:05] wowyouactuallyreadthis: good question [01:31:06] SnabbKassa: @buhtschidt hell of a chatup line [01:31:06] ysalima: loll [01:31:08] Shockwavemecha: Is that a message to f1nn [01:31:08] professorpussicat: Just search femboy on steam [01:31:10] nejamin3: lmAaaooo call his ass out [01:31:11] medical_size9000: Good point Finn [01:31:16] bearpaw1970: Oh' really 😁🫴🎤 [01:31:17] Math354e: Isn't it his job to know all about femboys [01:31:18] MairainePlayzGames: Hitch is SUSSY confirmed??? [01:31:18] wowyouactuallyreadthis: knife? [01:31:20] Jens_LN: could be [01:31:21] Wardenboo: thats so bootiful! [01:31:25] YumeNoZen: Depends on what you call "damascus"? [01:31:26] Shockwavemecha: Sushi Knife [01:31:28] jambob165: tubboBgay tubboBgay tubboPride tubboPride tubboBgay tubboBgay [01:31:30] ChasingSol: nice [01:31:32] sparrow23333: hi how are you doing today [01:31:35] slipperyglizzyblgl: for that price is say its not [01:31:36] ItsJeJune: Just helpin a bro out! [01:31:38] BrightLilThing: Damascus looks so good [01:31:42] MirahImage: MirahImage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Subscribed to this ace chaser for 2 months now [01:31:43] f3mmbot: mirahimage subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:31:43] Avaerus0: The handle is pretty [01:31:43] johnkeiwo: and not too expansive [01:31:45] SnabbKassa: there is a ton of Chinese product pretending to be Japanese [01:31:46] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣🎩🫴💕 [01:31:46] sparrow23333: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [01:31:49] nethercreature293: Minecraft stream when? [01:31:50] jasminewalker5068: love uuu [01:31:51] ChasingSol: that seems really cheap for a VG10 damascus knife [01:31:55] Elifighter: 69 nice [01:31:57] cedric_callnight: wait: damascus steel? i thought the technique for that has been lost for centuries [01:32:01] jambob165: tubboBgay tubboBpiano tubboPride GayPride KappaPride [01:32:02] BrightLilThing: Acer! [01:32:05] beansob321: would Ashley let you? [01:32:07] Jens_LN: Ace Chaser. astra71LUL [01:32:08] Shockwavemecha: 🛑 [01:32:10] CrawFishy23: Perfect for skinning people [01:32:16] Crazedmonkey29: Finn you've seen the kizer rocker? Its a little neck knife [01:32:21] YumeNoZen: It's just pattern welded. [01:32:27] 416hobbit: Ancient knowledge [01:32:29] fromthef1nn5ide: ChAcer [01:32:30] Panther216: Damascus looks dope af though [01:32:36] SnabbKassa: You have already got the Miyabi Zwilling set ! [01:32:37] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFg_8u87zT0&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=20&ab_channel=thefrayVEVO [01:32:41] zaneislame33: sherpaLolHek [01:32:45] Shockwavemecha: Pointy [01:32:46] MairainePlayzGames: @hinnyfinnyO_O most men just scratch that itch... [01:32:46] johnkeiwo: Mihawk style [01:32:47] Tsalcin: It is lost. Atheist how they originally did it [01:32:48] slipperyglizzyblgl: belt knives are cool as well [01:32:52] wowyouactuallyreadthis: nice necklace [01:32:53] luxreigh: @f1nn5ter will be be getting an "Ace Chaser Private Eye" pulp fiction comic cover? [01:32:55] zaneislame33: lukabi2Enlightened [01:32:56] BrightLilThing: It was lost for a while because it used to be a purifying tech for metal, but we've known about it for a long time too lol [01:32:56] valcinoid: Thats what the point of Damascus [01:32:57] Jens_LN: @cedric_callnight nah, it's not lost. [01:33:00] sjoldzic43: Do you ever watch Forged in Fire? [01:33:01] Shockwavemecha: Wut, No knife? [01:33:02] ArminGux: there is a separate “authentic “ Damascus steak we don’t know how was made back in the day [01:33:07] soquent: did the dwaves of Moria forge this knife with the ancient techniques of Damascus ? [01:33:11] DarrigoTR: finn is without a knife? [01:33:11] cedric_callnight: @Tsalcin ah, exactly. i thought so [01:33:13] professorpussicat: I think neck knives are for like rescue purposes [01:33:14] medical_size9000: You could get a pocket knife [01:33:17] nejamin3: so casual [01:33:18] LittleChaSiu: LUL [01:33:19] CrozzGameplay: I LOVE watching damascus knife making videos [01:33:21] Jens_LN: KEKW [01:33:24] walma69420: LUL [01:33:27] johnkeiwo: truuuue [01:33:27] MairainePlayzGames: @hinnyfinnyO_O use your fingers, but no nails...obviously [01:33:32] debdrup: F1nn bullied by the mods [01:33:34] professorpussicat: Sometimes at least [01:33:36] wowyouactuallyreadthis: BOX [01:33:40] Shockwavemecha: Christmas Tree [01:33:40] alexh1441: Historical Damascus has been lost modern Damascus isnt the same and isn't as good. [01:33:41] wowyouactuallyreadthis: slightly [01:33:41] jennifer3037c: I made it Live [01:33:42] LittleChaSiu: @debdrup it's part of the job description [01:33:44] johnkeiwo: we are paid to bully finn [01:33:44] Zendeus: I love lighters [01:33:45] Avaerus0: They must be new [01:33:45] SoapCanFan: modern Demascus steel just looks like the lost emthod not the actual same [01:33:47] ChasingSol: you have a lot of knives [01:33:47] VezraOFF: i didnt know [01:33:49] CyanoticJam: F1nn5ter without a knife, you've changed [01:33:50] bearpaw1970: Tuck it in? 🧐 [01:33:52] very_trustworthy: Show us [01:33:53] ItsJeJune: KNIFE BOX HAUL [01:33:55] 416hobbit: We need a knife tour [01:33:55] Shockwavemecha: Show off LUL [01:33:55] BirdPerson2014: Finn when is your waifu cup going to ship? [01:33:55] rainfallwall: rainfallwall subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:33:55] cedric_callnight: @ArminGux ah exactly [01:33:56] debdrup: littlechasiu: lmao [01:33:56] f3mmbot: rainfallwall subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:33:56] SnabbKassa: knives -- better than sex, apparently [01:33:56] Trans_Pearl: just watch the femboy then [01:33:58] daoptimalrevive: Knfe collection reveal? [01:33:58] ficsquirrel: Basic finn knowledge [01:33:58] Stovamor: @debdrup, @LittleChaSiu @johnkeiwo It was indeed part of the interview process [01:34:01] nothitch: Why are you judging me on my gift to you F1NN, how ungrateful ): I knew youd enjoy femboy aim trainer [01:34:01] batchelli: That's not a knoife [01:34:01] professorpussicat: F1nn GO BACK TO THE KNIVES! Knives won't burn down your house! [01:34:06] wowyouactuallyreadthis: bro has an addiction to knives [01:34:06] Drax242: Playing with fire is...safer? [01:34:07] 416hobbit: Who gets the KNIVES? [01:34:08] nbrowser: They ain't too sharp if they don't know about your knife obsession... [01:34:08] MairainePlayzGames: this twink is british, ofcourse he has a bloody knife collection!!! [01:34:10] StreamrollerFunFun: another box? [01:34:10] finalmillenium: Will they go to a good cause? [01:34:11] debdrup: stovamor: doube lmao [01:34:12] jambob165: are they legal? [01:34:13] very_trustworthy: Show us the knives [01:34:15] debdrup: double* [01:34:19] coolgooseboi: Please go get the knives [01:34:19] Shockwavemecha: Get Ashely a good chair [01:34:19] Avaerus0: You've got a decent watch collection [01:34:23] sjoldzic43: I feel like you would like the shows Forged in Fire and Man at Arms [01:34:23] johnkeiwo: dew it ! [01:34:23] phaser40: Lighters are safer lmao [01:34:23] zebrabbl396: Nice [01:34:25] nethercreature293: When Minecraft steam? [01:34:25] ArminGux: u have a will, though you were a barbie? kekw [01:34:26] professorpussicat: You are literally playing with fire! [01:34:30] medical_size9000: Tbh I don't care about knives nor do I have much knowledge about them [01:34:34] Bytebak: F1nn is organised enough to make a will? [01:34:37] beantransfer: hasChud hell yea [01:34:38] asraxs: my illegal knives haul!!! [01:34:40] ItsJeJune: I feel like knives are safer than fire... [01:34:45] debdrup: bytebak: press x to doubt [01:34:50] Havryl: Salt gun [01:34:50] calcetinv: um.. yeah [01:34:50] nejamin3: looool 😆 [01:34:51] Targz_: nuclear warhead showcase [01:34:52] LittleChaSiu: LUL [01:34:52] Shockwavemecha: Scuffed blue and black chair needs to be sent to the trash [01:34:54] gaddafi_duck_: I'm in the will, definitely [01:34:56] very_trustworthy: Why haven't you moved the broken chair yet [01:34:58] Drax242: Isn't UK trying 2 ban kitchen knifes? [01:34:59] 416hobbit: Did you mount Sting yet? [01:35:02] nothitch: Use fire. [01:35:02] SnabbKassa: the sentences for having guns are long [01:35:03] phaser40: Sounds like you accidentally cut yourself recently [01:35:06] Crazedmonkey29: Finn do you carry a knife daily? [01:35:06] zebrabbl396: Tank can't hurt you [01:35:10] gnarlyvomit: pinch and roll [01:35:11] Avaerus0: With your fingers? [01:35:11] scatcha04: speaking of YouTube videos. those special ones are this month right? [01:35:11] nejamin3: UURGggrghkle guRk [01:35:12] MairainePlayzGames: @Drax242 even butter knives my friend! [01:35:13] professorpussicat: A lighter is safer than a knife in some circumstances but that lightsaber is an accident waiting to happen. [01:35:17] ramboo1989: life hack unlocked [01:35:18] nejamin3: swallowing sounds ew [01:35:19] very_trustworthy: Show the knives [01:35:19] UnperfectOne: Best way to itch ball? Knife. [01:35:21] SnabbKassa: you can't ban cutting of food [01:35:25] bnb3199: roll and pinch tech [01:35:25] its_me_mario89: Punch your balls when they ich [01:35:32] fronzubb: How is fire safer than knifes? Tell us the story! [01:35:34] ArminGux: I am sorry what [01:35:36] cedric_callnight: okay, i looked it up: the original damascus steel technique was lost in the 17th century. the modern damascus steel is an attempt to replicate it, which apparently isnt as good as the original version [01:35:36] wowyouactuallyreadthis: they have tried that forever [01:35:37] Crazedmonkey29: Finn do you carry a knife outside as like a daily carry? [01:35:39] fromthef1nn5ide: Pinch and roll. There is no other way. [01:35:42] johnkeiwo: and she deserves to bully u ! [01:35:43] nethercreature293: When do we get to enjoy a Minecraft stream again? [01:35:46] Shockwavemecha: spicycowGun [01:35:48] ArminGux: they wanna ban fucking kitchen knifes, wtf [01:35:49] grandpaladin1701: About ancient Damascus Steel. *** [01:35:50] ihales: hiiii finn!! [01:35:50] professorpussicat: @unperfectone LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:35:51] jambob165: fire is safer than a knife. proceeds to light his house on fire [01:35:51] finalmillenium: Professional "Troll" Mod? [01:35:55] freddd104: stretch and rake [01:35:58] Havryl: Barbie is a real one [01:36:00] alexx_net: @Crazedmonkey29 Nope, that's not permitted in the UK [01:36:00] bnb3199: MercyWing1 KomodoHype MercyWing2 [01:36:01] jennifer3037c: What happened to Finns first trans friend? [01:36:01] Havryl: Nice [01:36:04] zaneislame33: Professional bully [01:36:07] RykerSune: I would be surprised if bullying wasn't part of the mod contract LUL [01:36:08] johnkeiwo: trying to remove the Uk's sould D: [01:36:09] MairainePlayzGames: @jambob165 dont worry, he has a second house [01:36:12] Avaerus0: I knew the UK was anti-knife but that's ridiculous [01:36:16] Havryl: That sounds so stupid as a law [01:36:17] MangledPork: MPs have never had to pierce film lid [01:36:21] futurist___: !time [01:36:21] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:40 [01:36:21] bobbikatt: It's true. I remember reading that [01:36:23] Drax242: UK is apparently very stabby [01:36:24] KnaveEsque: Kill with the point, not the edge, per Duncan Idaho. [01:36:26] sjoldzic43: Cheer100 F1nn is organized enough to have knives in his will but not organized enough to clean his room lol [01:36:31] nejamin3: is this why u love sharp knives so much? u crave to be a criminal? [01:36:33] TheCharlesTownsend: They were called "Utopia" knives. [01:36:33] ArminGux: that sounds like the dumbest thing ever ngl [01:36:34] wowyouactuallyreadthis: uk has a big stabbing problem so it was the only solution [01:36:36] freshdelipickles: ??? [01:36:36] CringyCronan: any tips on OF? im just starting on it [01:36:38] RykerSune: a knife is a knife. decorative or not. you can still stab someone with one LUL [01:36:38] gaddafi_duck_: It's okay, I chop with the side of my hand anyway [01:36:41] Havryl: So dumb... [01:36:42] boringdepressedintrovert: only plastic knives at any time [01:36:43] MairainePlayzGames: a knife that cant cut things...how do i eat my rare steak then?! [01:36:44] Avaerus0: Won't people just file the tip? [01:36:44] blueskydrinking: Chat, "to chef someone" is british slang for stabbing someone. Just for context lmao [01:36:45] Lucridis: You can't have a knife that's a knife [01:36:46] alexx_net: Time to invest in UK screwdriver stocks [01:36:49] SnabbKassa: but screwdrivers, etc. are fine! [01:36:49] bobbikatt: Bring guns back. Shoot the stabbers [01:36:49] karojhe: It seems damascus steel from the middle ages are not quite the same knowledge as modern damascus steel. So in a way it's a lost knowledge. [01:36:50] thegodemperorofmankind0: The only difference between bullying and banter, is the way it's spelt 😉 [01:36:51] very_trustworthy: Hydrate [01:36:51] Telluzerlaw: And they make fun of the US [01:36:52] Crazedmonkey29: @alexx_net oh shit I thought you could carry a smaller non locking knifes [01:36:53] batchelli: So, it's not a knife anymore... [01:36:53] HardyOrange: didn't the uk have nunchucks banned?? [01:36:54] DaOriginalMoonMoon: a knife that dosent knife? Monka [01:36:59] allyssa_rei: If you press hard enough anything can cut [01:36:59] kaihai13ab: so u vant have a knive [01:37:00] asraxs: how very 1800s weapon choice [01:37:01] AeitZean: Sounds like a parody article [01:37:02] dkarnskymasters: long time ago people couldn't eat with forks it was considered satanic [01:37:03] igy_xd0: im tired af [01:37:05] Jadeine: Jadeine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! uk bans sharp knifes being sold? knife sharpener sales would go up by 30000000% [01:37:05] f3mmbot: jadeine subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:07] dcg44s: Politicians are blunted. Idiots. [01:37:10] cedric_callnight: @karojhe yeah, that seems to be the case [01:37:11] sparrow23333: KAPOW TransgenderPride [01:37:12] Jens_LN: do YouTube or TikTok first [01:37:13] kingalekhin: i could stab someone with a pencil [01:37:16] Drax242: Are they going 2 ban trees if people starting using planks 2 fight? [01:37:16] nuggetfrend: warmst [01:37:22] johnkeiwo: @YumeNoZen, NERD ! [01:37:22] Cadzzes: hey Finn [01:37:23] finyboy112: wsp Finn how you been [01:37:24] oculasorbus: Ah yes - Teenage Mutant "Hero" Turtles..... [01:37:30] TheNeverShow: Eu wants my sheep farm and France farmers are doing the National sport protesting [01:37:30] djl_pass: nunchucks are banned? my family has many lmao [01:37:35] wowyouactuallyreadthis: bro they banned tmnt from having nunchucks it was crazy [01:37:35] ArminGux: aren’t nunchucks just two pieces of wood with some string, wtf [01:37:35] jennifer3037c: tress are not manuafactured [01:37:36] Zendeus: what were you saying about the OF stuff? [01:37:38] nuggetfrend: wharmst [01:37:49] LittleChaSiu: @Zendeus "don't do it first, do something else first" [01:37:49] ChamPow1: ban forks [01:37:50] Dr_Kitty123: twerk [01:37:51] BrightLilThing: Also, like... people stab with wood... plastic... lots of things [01:37:51] YumeNoZen: @johnkeiwo My katana isn't stainless steel. [01:37:51] ChasingSol: @Zendeus he was saying to building an audience somewhere else first [01:37:53] phoebe_rc: Then they will ban whetstones [01:37:55] StreamrollerFunFun: educated fools [01:37:56] Jadeine: make the cutty object not cutty [01:37:57] Avaerus0: Maybe they should ban glass bottles so less people would get glassed on the weekends [01:37:59] MairainePlayzGames: whermst?! [01:38:02] Jens_LN: Ceramic knives [01:38:03] cobymjisasexygoddess420: Hello finn and mods and chat!!! [01:38:04] bnb3199: do they not know dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones [01:38:04] asraxs: putt the lil plastic things on ball point pens on knives [01:38:04] Heshyweshy: Sounds to me like an opportunity to enforce justice regarding 'sharp knives' as the government officials see fit. [01:38:06] nejamin3: fork metal!!! [01:38:08] HardyOrange: the thing about of-type content is everyone thinks it's easy, bc you only see the good stuff; it is shocking how bad some stuff people post is [01:38:09] bobbikatt: I went to bail a friend out. They had me sign papers with a pen that was just the refill [01:38:10] axe1970: ban all pointy things [01:38:10] nothitch: going to stab you with my pocket screwdrivers [01:38:10] WildxHyena1: Wait wait wait, Nunchucks are banned? Uh oh [01:38:11] AdriftOnASea: Judge admits never cooking without saying they never cook [01:38:12] wowyouactuallyreadthis: big fork [01:38:12] RykerSune: judge be like: let's just give everyone plastic toy knives [01:38:15] finalmillenium: Hope they like eating whole giant veges with their meat and two vege dinner. [01:38:15] fromthef1nn5ide: I once saw a man end three guys at a bar with a pencil. [01:38:17] Jadeine: we are only allowed playdough knifes [01:38:18] MairainePlayzGames: gimem a spork!!! [01:38:19] nuggetfrend: whermst [01:38:19] Shockwavemecha: Blades can be made at home much easier than a gun [01:38:20] TheGhostofDredgenYor: The funny thing is a dull knife can be more dangerous than a sharp knife [01:38:21] black_sky_twch: so...rubber? [01:38:22] Snailbro69: failed nation [01:38:23] very_trustworthy: Rubber [01:38:23] nejamin3: like earth bend [01:38:25] beantransfer: only unwieldy blunt chopsticks [01:38:25] packagum: pens? unacceptable! [01:38:26] nejamin3: metal bend [01:38:27] johnkeiwo: shiv yeah, the other is an anti asian slur KEKW [01:38:28] HardyOrange: collapsible knives only [01:38:29] ChamPow1: So... we should only use spoons? [01:38:30] jambob165: bro when I was in school I got suspended for having a glassses screwdriver to adjust my glasses as apprantly it’s an offence weapon [01:38:30] melkorgoth: So Legos will be the next ban? [01:38:30] RykerSune: glass turns into rubber [01:38:31] SnabbKassa: you could put a nail in a cricket bat! that's what gangs did in the 1970s [01:38:34] YumeNoZen: I had a Cold Steel dagger that wasn't metal. lol [01:38:34] axe1970: yes but a spoon hurts more [01:38:35] ClosetCutiepie: rounding a knife tip isnt gonna solve anything, if you stab someone hard enough it doesnt need to be pointy or sharp [01:38:35] toddassss: Playdoh Knife best knife! [01:38:35] ChasingSol: @nethercreature293 stop asking [01:38:36] TheNeverShow: Note : is a farmer has Many sharp implements [01:38:37] MairainePlayzGames: get yourself a spork and you are set!! [01:38:37] ysalima: bendable like me [01:38:39] RykerSune: suddenly everyone has a rubber room [01:38:41] RykerSune: oh wait' [01:38:41] ArminGux: is sugar glass okay [01:38:42] Havryl: They can make shivs out of hardened toilet paper [01:38:43] nuggetfrend: wharmst [01:38:43] bnb3199: Tupperware everything [01:38:45] AeitZean: All cutlery becomes cardboard straws you have to use as chopsticks LUL [01:38:45] DarrigoTR: You were answering an of question [01:38:54] CyanoticJam: Well that's killed the steel industry [01:38:57] Shockwavemecha: Also, a pointy stick can stab [01:39:00] robbie11022: In WW2 commandos used plastic knives [01:39:03] Darkness4desert: Muscles should be illegal [01:39:04] HardyOrange: watch out, F1nn, they're gonna ban yose nails of yours [01:39:04] YumeNoZen: I could jack someone up with a chopstick. [01:39:06] asraxs: theyll staart jabbing people with spoons [01:39:11] beantransfer: make them like cigars [01:39:11] very_trustworthy: Use your hands [01:39:12] cedric_callnight: so, if all knives have to be blunted, how do i cut my veggies? [01:39:12] bucksben: So chapati bread to replace all cutlery?!! [01:39:12] bobbikatt: Forks are next!!! [01:39:13] medical_size9000: @darkness4desert why [01:39:14] 416hobbit: Cardboard utensils are annoying [01:39:18] ArminGux: first paper straws now paper knifes [01:39:18] Stovamor: @nethercreature293, he's specifically said that streaming it turns it into a job. Let the guy enjoy his game his way on his own [01:39:19] Mr9zap: egg [01:39:19] Avaerus0: Chopsticks will be made floppy so they can't stab [01:39:21] johnpnicholls1122: They want to feed us bugs. Know need for knives [01:39:22] nuggetfrend: baed [01:39:22] Shockwavemecha: No competition, Got it [01:39:26] DarrigoTR: No discoverability [01:39:28] karojhe: Korean chop sticks are even metal [01:39:30] MairainePlayzGames: britain going back to the stoneages, just eat with your bare hands!! [01:39:31] nuggetfrend: bread [01:39:33] YumeNoZen: So, F1nn, how do I start Twitch streaming? lolllll [01:39:33] SubliminalCorruption: he fears the competition [01:39:41] HardyOrange: please at least practice taking quality photos that you share on regular social media [01:39:42] TheNeverShow: My feet only battle pass failed ^π.±^ [01:39:43] nuggetfrend: wharmst [01:39:43] Mr9zap: hey [01:39:44] xxl_anti_lxx: Start a tik toc [01:39:45] bearpaw1970: Hey Hobbit' 🤟😁 [01:39:45] Heshyweshy: Prison's a great example. I think if someone wants to hurt someone, they'll find a way. Even if that crazy sharp knife thing was somehow enforceable. [01:39:46] wonderchemist: start with minecraft ashleySip [01:39:54] nejamin3: going headfirst is never going to guarantee success [01:39:54] Wardenboo: I think for most big social media, its good to start with tiktok [01:39:57] Mr9zap: put a dress on [01:39:57] bobbikatt: Rubber knives. Problem solved. [01:39:57] CyanoticJam: Cat tik tok [01:39:59] Shockwavemecha: Tik Tak [01:40:03] 416hobbit: @bearpaw1970 Hey Bearpaw! [01:40:03] MairainePlayzGames: @nuggetfrend Whermst? [01:40:03] Stovamor: Chat - stop demanding that Finn gets Tank or Ashley or saying that they're the only ones you watch for. Your messages will be removed at least [01:40:03] johnpnicholls1122: Hi finn. 🤚👋🤚 [01:40:05] Wardenboo: something short easy that grows your other websites [01:40:16] wowyouactuallyreadthis: time to start using spoons instead of knives. Uk will end up banning spoons [01:40:19] asraxs: market yourself on reddit 👀 [01:40:22] bobbikatt: Tik Tok is suppressing femboys [01:40:27] Avaerus0: That makes sense, so many places won't let you advertise it [01:40:31] nejamin3: not underestimate your audience and what/how they’re willing to spend their money [01:40:32] bearpaw1970: Graphite [01:40:33] nuggetfrend: @MairainePlayzGames it is where what why [01:40:36] SnabbKassa: start clean, get dirty [01:40:38] freshdelipickles: whoa when did those inline announcements come out [01:40:38] MairainePlayzGames: @wowyouactuallyreadthis all you need is a spork! sporks are OP [01:40:43] Shockwavemecha: @johnpnicholls1122 Hi, the gremlin get's distracted easily [01:40:43] nothitch: @Wardenboo 100% tiktok/insta reels are the best platforms to start content creation on [01:40:44] johnkeiwo: Sasha grey for example managed to do the nsfw to SFW [01:40:48] johnkeiwo: but it's rare [01:40:55] Stovamor: @freshdelipickles, the annmouncements? few years ago [01:40:56] very_trustworthy: Use rubber spoons [01:40:56] HardyOrange: you and others have said before, it's hard to grow on sites like twitch, you gotta get people in on tiktok/insta/twitter [01:41:00] cedric_callnight: that makes sense. its hard to advertise NSFW content on non-NSFW sites [01:41:01] medical_size9000: Have you heard of sporks?? Combination between spoon and fork [01:41:01] ysalima: eating sour haribo rn [01:41:04] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:41:06] nuggetfrend: wharmst [01:41:08] ArminGux: what you saying is get some simps first? [01:41:09] Shockwavemecha: Example, [01:41:13] phaser40: Markiplier [01:41:27] Bytebak: Take lots of photos when you are young and thin - use them a decade later after you have built up a following. [01:41:29] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFRkpvvop3I&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=22&ab_channel=thefrayVEVO [01:41:29] LittleChaSiu: clickbait, typical [01:41:29] wowyouactuallyreadthis: Markiplier [01:41:30] jambob165: !hydrate [01:41:30] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:41:38] Selstraits: if i was hot i wouldve [01:41:39] Stovamor: @nuggetfrend, I would like for you to say something else in chat other than the same message [01:41:40] Shockwavemecha: Let em learn like you learned [01:41:42] Emmy64_: Have a passion for it [01:41:43] professorpussicat: Look at it this way, do you want to be more like Ron Jeremy or like Tommy Lee? [01:41:48] MilesSwann91: cardi b did battlepass after she was famous. [01:41:51] JessicaCaraKasey: Agreed! YouTube first! I'm amazed how mine has took off, but you need to be able to entertain and Research, research, research! [01:41:55] xxl_anti_lxx: Mention your on theme of in a more famous persons stream. 😁 [01:41:57] Aussiemechanic: Aussiemechanic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [01:41:57] Erokii: Linzor says the same thing LUL [01:41:57] f3mmbot: aussiemechanic subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:42:05] GoodHydrations: Make a name for yourself where it's somewhat easy to market/find an audience, then do the serious content creator thing [01:42:08] SnabbKassa: that's why you are good at it. you're always laughing and arguing [01:42:09] megadoom20: this is why i enjoy your streams [01:42:09] finalmillenium: Working with, and being friends with people in that field, the best advice is don't forget to have fun with it. It may be work, but fun keeps the burnout away. [01:42:14] BofferCroc: BofferCroc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months! You need to diversify, and doing taboo things makes that generally harder [01:42:14] f3mmbot: boffercroc subscribed to f1nn5ter for 42 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:42:14] Avaerus0: I've heard another streamer say the same thing, he streams because he likes to [01:42:17] LittleChaSiu: honestly accurate KEKW [01:42:17] nejamin3: you can’t just be an average Joe uploading a sweaty pic of ur foot and expecting hundreds right away basically [01:42:24] slipperyglizzyblgl: YOU HAVE A BATTLE PASS???? [01:42:32] duckybot24: fortnite is life [01:42:34] johnkeiwo: !socials [01:42:34] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:42:35] ChasingSol: @slipperyglizzyblgl he's the originating of the term [01:42:38] johnkeiwo: !battlepass [01:42:38] SnabbKassa: !of [01:42:38] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [01:42:39] ChasingSol: *originator [01:42:41] aditoezxc: Fornite [01:42:42] nejamin3: loool u made the word [01:42:43] wowyouactuallyreadthis: Nikicado avocado has one it’s terrifying that he does [01:42:46] MairainePlayzGames: @slipperyglizzyblgl yes he does, got some great knife skins on his battlepass! [01:42:50] Selstraits: dont know much about the battlepass but couldnt you use that to stream n play or watch videos uncensored [01:42:53] medical_size9000: How cool would it be if you get own drink like PewDiePie g fuel or faze rug g fuel [01:42:55] Shockwavemecha: spicycowFeet spicycowFeet spicycowFeet [01:43:03] Avaerus0: F1nn's Battle Pass is cheaper than some games BP [01:43:09] Sr_Maark: !socials [01:43:09] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:43:12] Shockwavemecha: frostpAWOO frostpAYAYA [01:43:12] Selstraits: live reactions would be cool of videos n such [01:43:13] MairainePlayzGames: @medical_size9000 he works with gamersups, not g-fuel XD [01:43:15] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [01:43:15] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [01:43:16] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [01:43:16] Zendeus: would you ever make NSFW stuff with other creators? [01:43:17] Jens_LN: and you looked pretty [01:43:18] JaayyyDeee: been going thru health and anemia issues, your hair makes me so jelly @F1NN5TER frfr [01:43:20] debdrup: That's an entirely valid reason, to be honest. [01:43:21] Shockwavemecha: Hot5ter [01:43:22] BrightLilThing: I'm glad you started it, because you're hot and awesome [01:43:23] bearpaw1970: 🤣 one hell of a Battlepass😁🤟 [01:43:30] AeitZean: You are hot 🤷‍♀️ [01:43:31] Emmy64_: Having fun is the better option LUL f1nnHeart [01:43:31] ChasingSol: Our streamer is a whore [01:43:36] 416hobbit: Ace whore [01:43:42] MartiniSLO: FNALY [01:43:44] medical_size9000: @mairaineplayzgames yes I know that but like it stores [01:43:47] MairainePlayzGames: @Zendeus he has, remember bell delphine? [01:43:47] bearpaw1970: So many tactics in bedwars can be learned [01:43:48] alexx_net: @Zendeus Yup. Check his socials [01:43:51] ArminGux: slut era f1nn kekw [01:43:52] johnpnicholls1122: I'm late in on this convo [01:43:52] johnkeiwo: dramaaaaaaaaaaaaa [01:43:56] SnabbKassa: She has European sleep schedule, unlike you [01:43:57] nejamin3: depression boi ur cute pink bunny chair is kawaii epic btw 🥺 👉🏼👈🏼 [01:43:57] cedric_callnight: "I just wanted to be a whore" - F1nn5ter, 2024 [01:43:59] BofferCroc: Your eyebrows are popping [01:44:05] MartiniSLO: 2 hours ate I atch the tream [01:44:08] YumeNoZen: I think also doing some things as a side bit instead of necessity can make a difference too. [01:44:14] johnkeiwo: yeah some folks can be locked in the nsfw world and it sucks :/ [01:44:15] Emmy64_: Yeah you get job burned sometimes [01:44:20] calcetinv: let's be honest who loves their job? [01:44:22] Eyliadios: is ashley subbed to your battlepass? [01:44:26] Jens_LN: Twitter is nuts [01:44:29] Speederzzz: I started just posting for fun, then later I made the OF and rven later I quit cause the money was fun but I didnt enjoy it anymore [01:44:31] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: twitter is a hellscape [01:44:35] jennifer3037c: Hio Jens [01:44:36] 416hobbit: I LOVE my job [01:44:38] MairainePlayzGames: @medical_size9000 i dont know what you mean? f1nn did his collab with gamer_supps. but not with g-fuel [01:44:40] johnkeiwo: why do your job if u don't like it ? [01:44:42] GoodHydrations: I love my job, hate my coworkers [01:44:43] SnabbKassa: is there a gated, paid, sfw version of twitter? [01:44:45] finalmillenium: Money also means real info and responsibility. [01:44:45] LittleChaSiu: tfw no job [01:44:46] plumesofdusk: anything looks amazing if you compare it to twitter [01:44:47] Avaerus0: People who don't like you don't pay for the BP, makes sense [01:44:48] nicopacman: Hello from germany 😊😁 [01:44:50] Jens_LN: @jennifer3037c Hiya Jennifer rynHai [01:44:52] Speederzzz: Try not to make it your job for quite some time [01:44:55] johnkeiwo: I don't understand the people who do a job they hate [01:44:57] b1tter_s: Whens the chair getting a battlepass? [01:44:57] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: F1nn you need a money person [01:44:58] HardyOrange: seeing some of the people who comment on Soda's instagram, it's nuts how disconnected they are with reality, their comments don't even see to be about the insta post they're commenting on [01:45:01] Shockwavemecha: People person [01:45:05] Shockwavemecha: Social skills [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 77 in the channel! [01:45:07] f3mmbot: iamthedutchdude has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to tainalatina94! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to carneliancake! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to walmartsscanner! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to Local_Cryptids! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oliver_Moose! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to HammerOfVenus! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sighcrow_Au! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to RRM3D! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to 6nairod! [01:45:07] iamthedutchdude: iamthedutchdude gifted a Tier 1 sub to aveselofhope! [01:45:09] YumeNoZen: Bitch, I'm supposed to be nice to you? [01:45:10] medical_size9000: @mairaineplayzgames I'm just saying he could branch out to other companies [01:45:10] Emmy64_: Ayo [01:45:14] jjfrob: Video editing is your backup [01:45:14] Emmy64_: POGGERS [01:45:21] Avaerus0: A lot of people just need rent money [01:45:25] Shockwavemecha: tlouPogroll tlouPogroll tlouPogroll [01:45:25] cobymjisasexygoddess420: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:45:25] mido7700: Hi girl boy LUL [01:45:26] bearpaw1970: Thank you 👍😊 [01:45:29] looeesz: W [01:45:30] HardyOrange: "people who do jobs they hate" that's a statistical majority of people [01:45:33] nothitch: F1NN as a video editor would be a nightmare. [01:45:36] LittleChaSiu: I should job again at some point [01:45:36] ChasingSol: haha [01:45:42] SnabbKassa: yeah, just think about some of the crap jobs your fellow students got after NOT dropping out [01:45:43] bearpaw1970: Hey Yume 😁🫴💕 [01:45:43] Shockwavemecha: Social media [01:45:44] nicopacman: ❤️ [01:45:44] fromusernull: fromusernull subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months! bruh bruh bruh b-bruh [01:45:45] f3mmbot: fromusernull subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:45:46] YumeNoZen: I've paid way too much in donos at this point to bother being nice to you. [01:45:47] HardyOrange: new project hype!! [01:45:47] ArtofBartlett: Pron, pron is the backup. [01:45:48] lilithsspawn: Video editing or fucking [01:45:48] TaykenPlaysGames: F1nnster the Carpenter [01:45:49] lethaldissonance: femboy gym, to compete with Mizkif [01:45:51] very_trustworthy: Me realising I should have invested in bitcoin before I was born 👁👅🫀 [01:45:51] azath0th777: I feel like nowadays you either bekome a creator/famous or you just have a shitty job forever [01:45:52] AeitZean: Modelling [01:45:53] ArminGux: a job u hate is something u do to survive [01:45:54] alexx_net: @LittleChaSiu same same [01:45:54] jennifer3037c: when is the puppy bowl? [01:45:54] wowyouactuallyreadthis: jobs are just to make money let’s be honest [01:45:55] lordgtafbi: lumberjack? [01:45:55] YumeNoZen: @bearpaw1970 *waves* [01:45:59] MairainePlayzGames: @medical_size9000 kinda hard to collab with a company that is competition to the other company yo uare already collabing with [01:46:00] Bytebak: Its nice to be retired and not have to job [01:46:01] johnkeiwo: Oh I just remembered, any news on those " important " videos coming out soon pp ? [01:46:01] packagum: you could be a social media manager [01:46:01] LittleChaSiu: this is my only job right now and it's only barely a job [01:46:02] TheNeverShow: I want to make kilts mainstream again [01:46:03] SnabbKassa: UBI [01:46:07] johnkeiwo: *^^ [01:46:10] OHMichelleOH: dang, checked to see if you were on 2 hrs ago and now I see you been on 1:45 i mjust missed [01:46:14] evelyn_bat_rivka: I am a teacher and hate my job [01:46:16] Drax242: U would be good at marketing, if u had to do it [01:46:20] professorpussicat: Go with the flooow [01:46:22] nejamin3: I’m FtM haven’t worn a skirt since I was 6, but ur making me understand why trans guys go femme mode cuz im almost tempted 😆 I uh.. won’t tho. but ur so cool pretty and confident man [01:46:24] megadoom20: being passionate at your job shows [01:46:28] shmanchi: I mean I did pick the post office but I wouldn’t have if I had any better options [01:46:30] tainalatina94: which industry are we speaking of? [01:46:33] ArminGux: yeah a lot of corn people hate their job and just do it for the money [01:46:35] Zendeus: what would make you stop doing OF? [01:46:36] johnkeiwo: @nejamin3, u got this ! [01:46:38] rweb05: I absolutely love work I volunteer for OT every week and work 7 days a week. Is that healthy? Nahhhh [01:46:38] very_trustworthy: How much money do you make [01:46:41] Shockwavemecha: If you like to do something and it eventually becomes a job, you might not like it after a while, it is work LUL [01:46:44] slipperyglizzyblgl: as long as you have fun doing it [01:46:44] sparrow23333: yeah you rock keep up the good work [01:46:44] johnkeiwo: glad u are having fun with it finn :) ! [01:46:55] Jens_LN: essentially, you are a Model now [01:46:55] XENOMAN5: Is pron your backup? An ACE pron star seems like a weird job fit. [01:46:59] jasminewalker5068: i like his voice it helps my insomnia BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [01:47:02] ItsJeJune: My job is fine, I just hate working in general. [01:47:02] duckybot24: nuclear warfare would probably make you stop [01:47:03] dkarnskymasters: playboy ever offered you their cover? [01:47:03] SnabbKassa: you'll be 40 eventually [01:47:03] Shockwavemecha: Losing subs [01:47:04] YumeNoZen: If it actually made you hate life, I think? [01:47:06] sir_pyromacer: gtg finn, by [01:47:08] Eni_game: Hardcore as an alternative [01:47:12] LaCroix_Blows: if OF is your battle pass, does that make your outfits your battle armor? [01:47:21] Selstraits: monkaS [01:47:22] urbangamer1986: Hey, looks like I finally managed to catch you live [01:47:23] medical_size9000: @mairaineplayzgames you right [01:47:23] MairainePlayzGames: sausages and dipping sauce companies? @F1NN5TER [01:47:25] lwck_: I would [01:47:28] Bytebak: @XENOMAN5 Many s*x workers are Ace. [01:47:29] professorpussicat: But like those pics are out there even if you take down the OF, you might as well leave it up so you have income from it. [01:47:29] tainalatina94: the one I’m in too? lol cause I absolutely love it and I definitely plan on doing it full time [01:47:30] cloud_flower3829: I would [01:47:35] wowyouactuallyreadthis: I am not so I would [01:47:36] xXNeroZashiXx: So tell me what you want, what you realy realy want ? lol [01:47:36] HardyOrange: prawn takes effort, it's not a backup career if you want to make money at it [01:47:43] Zendeus: do you have any mod positions open? [01:47:43] Jens_LN: Have you ever thought about becoming a knife smith ? [01:47:48] asraxs: door to door knife salesmen [01:47:49] jasminewalker5068: @cloud_flower3829 me too [01:47:55] Nauticalcoffin: safer* chrHm [01:47:57] ATValdor: fire safety plz [01:47:58] TheNeverShow: I'm trying to stop being a Lorry driver its getting very painfull [01:47:59] DarrigoTR: Safer than knives, haha [01:48:00] wowyouactuallyreadthis: ARSON [01:48:03] MirahImage: New channel idea, femboy forge [01:48:05] johnkeiwo: You can always learn ^^ ! [01:48:05] slipperyglizzyblgl: finn the knife smith [01:48:05] ChasingSol: @Zendeus we'll announce it if we're looking [01:48:07] gingiebread19: god I’ve missed streams AND [01:48:11] Bytebak: Just open a knife shop [01:48:11] YumeNoZen: Step one to being good at something is being bad at it. [01:48:15] MairainePlayzGames: someone take that flamethrower from this twink! he will burn the hosue down! [01:48:15] very_trustworthy: How much do you make [01:48:16] sherlock_norris: dude cad is easy [01:48:18] gingiebread19: WOW I’m happy to be here [01:48:19] Jens_LN: you were talking about backup [01:48:21] Zendeus: @chasingsol 👍 [01:48:21] abby_adventures: when did you start growing your hair? [01:48:22] blueskydrinking: Not for the first time, I thought I was going to see f1nn die live on stream NotLikeThis [01:48:26] SeriousTTV: blacksmithing [01:48:28] Jens_LN: FemboyBlacksmithing [01:48:28] nejamin3: you were paypaling me 100 bucks [01:48:29] HardyOrange: femboyblacksmithing? [01:48:30] ArminGux: u don’t need cad, swords are older then paper [01:48:31] TaykenPlaysGames: Femboy Blacksmithing [01:48:31] johnkeiwo: femboy bmacksmithing [01:48:34] LittleChaSiu: https://twitter.com/thefemboyforge [01:48:37] LittleChaSiu: omg [01:48:38] davidiusfarrenius: there’s a femboy blacksmith [01:48:40] SnabbKassa: @abby_adventures first lockdown [01:48:48] thegodemperorofmankind0: You broke everyone's heart ❤️ we would love to see you in big femboys 23 xxx [01:48:48] XENOMAN5: You were gonna put on a cute dress and heels [01:48:48] Zendeus: would you get bangs? [01:48:51] Jens_LN: yeah, they made a huge twohanded sword [01:49:03] TheCharlesTownsend: CAD is easy, but Solidworks is really expensive. [01:49:04] wowyouactuallyreadthis: Katanas [01:49:06] BureaucraticMouse: thats what i do, its fun [01:49:06] looeesz: You could do CAD on stream [01:49:07] YumeNoZen: Then play around with that and a 3d printer. [01:49:11] finalmillenium: CNC programming is a lot more complex that people think. [01:49:14] ArminGux: cnc is pretty easy [01:49:20] xXNeroZashiXx: I like Friction folders pog [01:49:20] airconditionerbrrr: why not?? [01:49:21] hopalongtommy: You seen AVE's box cutter CNC ? [01:49:23] jesterkotz: CAD and CNC is a lot of fun [01:49:24] airconditionerbrrr: bangs are pog [01:49:28] finalmillenium: Especially with 4d multi head units. [01:49:29] davidiusfarrenius: Femboy blacksmith looks like a damn Viking! 😄👍 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:49:32] austrian_tap_water: yeah cnc is stressful af [01:49:32] lethaldissonance: make swords from video games [01:49:33] YumeNoZen: Get a Bambu printer and have fun with it. [01:49:34] Elifighter: @thegodemperorofmankind0 bot? [01:49:40] johnkeiwo: !donate [01:49:41] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [01:49:41] freshdelipickles: uhh [01:49:44] BrightLilThing: No bangs? [01:49:53] Speederzzz: Coming from battlepass to CNC broke my brain a bit [01:49:53] Shockwavemecha: Any [01:49:55] Selstraits: Pepega [01:49:55] Stovamor: @Zendeus, If and when we're looking for more mods, we'll advertise it here, on reddit and in the discord [01:49:59] blueskydrinking: that is a terrifying statement [01:50:00] phaser40: Learning Gcode for CNC is obnoxious [01:50:00] falconeray: Finn, ace femboy CNC op, muscling in on my territory. Next you'll tell me he has 7 3d printers... [01:50:04] ATValdor: I mean, a lot of jobs you get just based on who you know [01:50:05] thegodemperorofmankind0: It was a corn joke xxx [01:50:24] Zendeus: @stovamor okay thanks [01:50:24] johnkeiwo: go give them a follow chat, they are cool ! https://twitter.com/TheFemboyForge [01:50:24] johnkeiwo: go give them a follow chat, they are cool ! https://twitter.com/TheFemboyForge [01:50:30] wowyouactuallyreadthis: Rizz for a job, sounds good. but I ain’t got any 😭 [01:50:32] Shockwavemecha: 12 years ago geez [01:50:45] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor Ooof, I'm sorry if my teasing started that. [01:50:46] Quinnighan: the charisma thing is only partially true, you need to make it to the interview first lol [01:50:48] am_bushy: favorite minecraft modpack? 󠀀 [01:50:58] simonlikesbread: Hi [01:51:02] nejamin3: they like them type of ppl who make sword designs based off shows like adventure time [01:51:03] aimeeasdf: have you ever done a renfaire style fit? [01:51:07] slipperyglizzyblgl: what job should i do [01:51:10] CyanoticJam: @f1nn5ter What happened to the outfit? [01:51:12] ArminGux: femboy knifes would be cool af merch [01:51:16] zaneislame33: @wowyouactuallyreadthis side note I’m autistic as shit with 0 Rizz [01:51:18] Stovamor: @YumeNoZen, nothing to do with you, Yumme. Don't stress [01:51:21] oqu3p88: this is my first time going in your stream! I usually only watch you in youtube [01:51:22] CrozzGameplay: I only just realised it's called FemBucks [01:51:22] Jens_LN: or the money to buy the tools to do it [01:51:24] BrightLilThing: Do they do renfaire in UK? [01:51:25] sherlock_norris: cnc production needs a huge upfront investment as well, so you better have a plan [01:51:27] YumeNoZen: People skills is actually not an easy thing to develop. [01:51:35] ATValdor: best way to make money is to already have money to start [01:51:35] johnkeiwo: Hey @oqu3p88 welcome to the stream ! [01:51:36] handscombchris: Well as much as I'd like to stay and watch you but my brother (for some inexplicable reason) has decided to come round and wants to sort/ build lego while watching the Star Trek films! So will probably just have to watch the video later! 🙄😒 [01:51:38] Havryl: What stinks is when someone interviews well, but doesn't perform well. [01:51:41] Stovamor: @BrightLilThing, no - that is so much an american thing [01:51:43] eggwaterboi: the Film Industry has a lot to do with connections [01:51:44] Zendeus: the nice thing about having a gendy nooch name is that I don't have to change it when I transition [01:51:45] SnabbKassa: "I founded Apple" [01:51:45] luxreigh: rhyzJOKER jobs [01:51:49] XENOMAN5: @oqu3p88 welcome! [01:51:50] Cautare: KEKW [01:51:51] Havryl: Have had to nix a person here and there. [01:51:51] i_lovefemboys: atpCap [01:51:54] Selstraits: i have some ideas but it'll mainly be Willem Dafoe movie types where the camera zooms in on F1ns face lol [01:51:54] ChasingSol: I've done that [01:51:55] LittleChaSiu: meanwhile I've actually been at Google and still can't fuckin get a job [01:51:56] Avaerus0: Fake it till you make it? [01:51:58] shmanchi: crazy person behavior [01:51:58] Drax242: He is "selling" [01:51:59] johnkeiwo: EZ Clap SCAMMED [01:51:59] wowyouactuallyreadthis: smart [01:51:59] nejamin3: mood tho [01:51:59] dimitrisxgr: clever [01:52:03] wowyouactuallyreadthis: very smart [01:52:05] bearpaw1970: 🤣 [01:52:07] zebrabbl396: Bad ass [01:52:09] phaser40: That's brilliant [01:52:11] alexx_net: @BrightLilThing "The Sealed Knot" [01:52:15] jasminewalker5068: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp <3 <3 <3 PogChamp [01:52:15] cedric_callnight: But cant they figure out that they were lying on their application? [01:52:15] Quinnighan: if it works then why not [01:52:17] nothitch: its smart until you get caught lmao [01:52:18] sherlock_norris: the american method of making business [01:52:20] nejamin3: tbh that’s awesome [01:52:21] ArminGux: that’s how u are supposed to do it kekw [01:52:24] wowyouactuallyreadthis: I have done that with work before [01:52:24] zaneislame33: Aka the rizz technique [01:52:28] freshdelipickles: idk about illegal, maybe unethical? [01:52:29] SnabbKassa: Walting, but you learn the skills [01:52:31] VezraOFF: bros bullshiting his way through. this is the way [01:52:33] Stovamor: @alexx_net, re-enactment isn't renfaire [01:52:35] asraxs: immoral not illegal [01:52:36] wandererimwalde: fraud, but the cool kind [01:52:44] Havryl: Can't lie too much. Could be grounds for a dismissal [01:52:49] Skkorm: It is in no way illegal to lie on a resume [01:52:52] Bytebak: My entire career - speed reading and pattern recognition. I can be an expert faster than you can find one. [01:52:54] Zendeus: who are you talking about? [01:53:05] 416hobbit: My brother is like that [01:53:06] alexx_net: @asraxs uk fraud laws are harsh [01:53:08] ChasingSol: haha [01:53:08] shmanchi: lol [01:53:08] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [01:53:09] freshdelipickles: UHH [01:53:11] HardyOrange: lmaoooooo [01:53:11] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:53:12] Quinnighan: HUH [01:53:12] blueish4: whAT [01:53:12] sherlock_norris: A TRAIN??? [01:53:13] speedy_bedwars: whaaa [01:53:14] SnabbKassa: great train robber [01:53:14] savagelettuce1: KEKW [01:53:14] asraxs: STEAL A TRAIN [01:53:15] RykerSune: KEKW [01:53:15] ProfaneCreation: haselWTF [01:53:15] Varginator: KEKW [01:53:16] Avaerus0: Stole a train?! [01:53:16] Mr_Gunny: :D [01:53:17] ArminGux: kekw [01:53:18] debdrup: You can definitely steal trains. [01:53:18] electric_cicada: lmao [01:53:18] pinkopengu: what? [01:53:18] muddymudkip15: huh [01:53:19] VezraOFF: damn [01:53:19] beantransfer: KEKW [01:53:20] jackmilan123456: @Skkorm depends on how you lie and about what. you can not forge documents and such [01:53:22] YumeNoZen: I mean, you can always just say "I can't explain what I did there, I was under an NDA" [01:53:22] DreadPirateSimon: WHAT? [01:53:23] wowyouactuallyreadthis: HOW??? [01:53:26] AlmondVF: wut! [01:53:26] mounty_man42: KEKW [01:53:27] Telluzerlaw: There should be a movie made about this guy [01:53:27] ArminGux: sounds like a fun lad [01:53:29] i_like_eggs_20: Lmao what [01:53:29] debdrup: Also, littlechasiu getting ideas?? [01:53:31] djl_pass: He WHAT!? [01:53:33] shmanchi: you can’t just drop that info on us [01:53:34] Drax242: Usually a lease says u can't do that [01:53:34] lordgtafbi: tf LUL [01:53:34] Havryl: I mean, it's on a track [01:53:34] ArminGux: is he a rude boy kekw [01:53:36] 416hobbit: Where can you take the train?? Down the track [01:53:36] RykerSune: you can steal many things. trains, cranes, bulldozers [01:53:37] amoreofstorms: Steal a train? Wonder how he got away with that [01:53:38] Cyprohep: sry slow dono mid story [01:53:39] VezraOFF: wish he was my friend [01:53:45] i_like_eggs_20: A certified madlad [01:53:49] MilesSwann91: he stole a WHAT now???? [01:53:50] BrightLilThing: You can also accidentally kill people by stealing trains [01:53:52] AlmondVF: how do you steal a train? [01:53:53] finalmillenium: Oh, I have a friend like that. Rides the line between genius and psychotic a little too much. [01:53:54] LittleChaSiu: maybe I should start lying about my work experience because how the fuck else do I get a job Kappa [01:53:58] johnkeiwo: brb in a sec chat [01:53:58] demonfaris1: hiii9 [01:53:58] cedric_callnight: I couldnt do that. I am not a fast learner [01:54:00] Skkorm: @jackmilan123456 Well yeah, but the illegal part is forging documents haha not the resume [01:54:00] salem_flowers: Why does your friend sound like a Gta character? [01:54:03] ArminGux: that guy needs a Wikipedia page [01:54:09] 416hobbit: Excavator [01:54:11] Radiopools: LOL [01:54:11] SnabbKassa: heavy plant [01:54:12] cal070708: bacon [01:54:12] asraxs: OMFG [01:54:12] freshdelipickles: ??????/ [01:54:13] Radiopools: WAT [01:54:13] Eromaw: LOL [01:54:13] Shockwavemecha: C A T [01:54:13] LittleChaSiu: driving a train (at least one of the newer ones) is actually not that hard once you've gotten into the cab [01:54:14] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY [01:54:14] Cyprohep: lmaooo [01:54:15] RykerSune: WHAT [01:54:15] shmanchi: no permits?? [01:54:17] demonfaris1: high five us plz [01:54:18] Nauticalcoffin: chrEvil chrEvil chrEvil [01:54:18] wowyouactuallyreadthis: WHAT [01:54:18] pinkopengu: HUH?! [01:54:19] VezraOFF: lol [01:54:19] bearpaw1970: Omg' 😬 [01:54:20] Avaerus0: It's not his house.... [01:54:22] speedy_bedwars: wtf LMAO [01:54:26] Zendeus: I didn't realize it's been 2 hours, I NEED TO STUDY [01:54:26] Havryl: Madlad [01:54:27] phaser40: Fucking what?? [01:54:30] shmanchi: oh my god [01:54:31] Radiopools: WTF lmaoooo [01:54:32] blueish4: @LittleChaSiu driving a train _safely_ however... [01:54:32] Bytebak: @LittleChaSiu Just claim you have 10 years experience on something that came out last year. [01:54:32] uradoptedkid87: you should do a vid: chat apply for random jobs and I interview them? good? [01:54:33] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: hE sToOLe A tRaIN>!?! PogU [01:54:33] VezraOFF: HELL YEAH [01:54:34] 416hobbit: @LittleChaSiu I would LOVE to steal a streetcar [01:54:35] wowyouactuallyreadthis: INTO THE HOUSE????? [01:54:36] Cyprohep: is he still alive now? [01:54:36] RykerSune: honestly, baller move LUL [01:54:36] AlmondVF: through a house? [01:54:37] speedy_bedwars: this guy sounds incredible [01:54:47] wowyouactuallyreadthis: WHAT WAS HE THINKING??? [01:54:52] LittleChaSiu: @416hobbit I've had dreams where I took a streetcar out for a joyride LUL [01:54:52] debdrup: bytebak: signs you've worked in tech :D [01:54:55] RykerSune: why does this remind me of that one woman on Tiktok who made a tunnel? [01:54:57] AdriftOnASea: @Bytebak well that is sometimes exactly what is advertised for [01:54:57] VezraOFF: SMART [01:54:57] hopalongtommy: Sovereign Citizen type behavior [01:54:58] daniel12123123: statics [01:54:58] ProfaneCreation: selphyThink [01:54:58] asraxs: most likely the coolest person ever [01:54:59] Avaerus0: If he makes it better do the owners mind? [01:55:10] Rickystreams: making this mans spot HOT . [01:55:11] 416hobbit: @LittleChaSiu I've had the SAME DREAM!! [01:55:12] aron1212: 󠀀 [01:55:13] LaMale411: WHAT [01:55:13] ysalima: ysalima subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hi ive been watching you for 2 years now its insane how times fly and i still love watching you grow, love youuu [01:55:13] SnabbKassa: planning permission [01:55:13] f3mmbot: ysalima subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [01:55:15] cal070708: f1nnGremlin [01:55:22] electric_cicada: ayooo?? [01:55:22] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu I remember us being disappointed when @416hobbit didn't pull up in a Bus. [01:55:24] bearpaw1970: Oh' 😲 wow [01:55:25] Cyprohep: lmao [01:55:27] BrightLilThing: In US it wouldn't really matter because all the renting places insure the houses for like 2x their worth [01:55:28] bananasandwich6969: Colin Furze? [01:55:28] Eadthryth: In the US you can do your own electrical so long as it's your house [01:55:31] SnabbKassa: they can reverse the work if you don't get it [01:55:31] AlmondVF: planning permission is going to go mad over that [01:55:31] Shockwavemecha: aww [01:55:33] shmanchi: this person could be a straight up sociopath or just the coolest person [01:55:34] Avaerus0: I'm pretty sure you need permits for that. [01:55:36] LittleChaSiu: @YumeNoZen come on, I didn't think it would actually happen [01:55:36] izzyking2720: Hi F1NN. [01:55:37] ChasingSol: i can't imagine why... [01:55:38] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:55:38] daniel12123123: structural engineering just tear a wall down [01:55:39] RykerSune: KEKW [01:55:41] braddle172: lol [01:55:43] Radiopools: no, really? KEKW [01:55:43] RykerSune: fairs [01:55:44] hopalongtommy: Don't ask for planning permission, ask for Planning Forgiveness 🙏 [01:55:44] Stovamor: no shit [01:55:44] Varginator: I wonder why [01:55:44] Cyprohep: LUL [01:55:44] debdrup: bananasandwich6969: it really does sound like Colin Furze... [01:55:45] Emmy64_: KEKW [01:55:48] bearpaw1970: Ao' 🤣 lmao [01:55:51] ArminGux: has he done anything legal [01:55:52] nejamin3: omg [01:55:53] YumeNoZen: Does he drive a Biodiesel Land Rover? [01:55:55] Drax242: He should have put in a pool while he was at it [01:55:59] finalmillenium: Rogue redneck construction... [01:56:00] wowyouactuallyreadthis: bro has been social distancing for like 10 years [01:56:01] Quinnighan: the smartest idiot ever [01:56:01] asraxs: i mean hed probably do some unwanted renovation to your moms house [01:56:02] AlmondVF: giving Colin furze vibes [01:56:03] 416hobbit: @YumeNoZen Maybe I'll pull up in my bus at the Niagara Falls meet up! [01:56:04] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:56:04] Zendeus: what does kekw mean [01:56:06] MirahImage: Well yeah, they're end up with a surprise illegal renovation [01:56:10] RykerSune: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:56:13] DjXilma: hi [01:56:13] BrightLilThing: @AlmondVF I was thinking that lol [01:56:13] Sam_etrash: !pronounce [01:56:14] phaser40: Yeah you never know if he'll just drive a bulldozer through the house [01:56:15] ChasingSol: @Zendeus shows KEKW [01:56:15] LittleChaSiu: Zendeus it's a laughing emote [01:56:16] Lucridis: Without planning permission council will tear it down though [01:56:18] cedric_callnight: He sounds like he teeters on the border between mad genius and just insane [01:56:36] funkeyhh: not rly improved the value when you dont have papers on it [01:56:48] AlmondVF: @brightlilthing yeah only thing is Colin was a plumber iirc so can't be the same guy lol [01:56:48] phaser40: If it was up to code maybe [01:56:48] RykerSune: Finn be like: I helped fix this house, so uhhh....house pls? [01:56:50] 2dotthings__: GenderFluidPride [01:56:52] alexx_net: Landlord has to apply for planning permission and hope that it's granted [01:56:53] bossmanrico16: better to ask for forgiveness than for permission [01:56:56] wowyouactuallyreadthis: bro should just class his house as a historical site he could probably get away with it [01:56:58] nejamin3: ok fair SIR [01:57:00] Stovamor: @Zendeus, it's an emote from BTTV which is a plugin to improve twitch chat [01:57:04] Selstraits: monkaS [01:57:04] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:57:05] SaltMasterQueue: !lurk [01:57:05] f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... [01:57:07] zebrabbl396: Yup not true [01:57:07] asraxs: i mean he stole a TRAIN i wouldnt report him you know [01:57:09] blueish4: there's some smaller things you can do with housing without planning [01:57:09] Shockwavemecha: oof [01:57:11] speedy_bedwars: damn [01:57:13] eggwaterboi: hasMods hasMods hasMods bought 2 house [01:57:13] MangledPork: I mean, house value doesn't go up if the wall he put a bulldozer through was load-bearing and now the house has subsidence [01:57:15] Radiopools: uhh [01:57:16] ATValdor: also, that's just privilege [01:57:17] Cyprohep: i mean do you really want to report the madman that can operate a bulldozer? [01:57:18] funkeyhh: atleast not in Norway [01:57:19] YumeNoZen: It depends on area and also if there's a mortgage/land involved. [01:57:19] eggwaterboi: ok dud hasMods hasMods hasMods [01:57:23] BrightLilThing: @AlmondVF He also does the paperwork since that one time he almost got arrested for making a flamethrower motercycle [01:57:24] ramboo1989: Holy shit, not Iowa man that is checked religiously you could not get away with that [01:57:25] uradoptedkid87: garuntee bro didn’t get planning permission for his house [01:57:31] student0810: If you "Improve" rented property the improvement becomes property of the landlord, any liability remains with the renter [01:57:31] unbracingabyss: true [01:57:32] falconeray: F1nn, you're a bad example of someone buying houses [01:57:36] uradoptedkid87: it’s just somewhere in the woofs [01:57:38] VezraOFF: i have a friend whose place is supposed to be farmland, he build TWO houses [01:57:39] johnkeiwo: am back [01:57:40] SnabbKassa: newbuilds are built too fast, sloppy [01:57:44] ArminGux: yeah ur house littery didn’t have a foundation [01:57:46] ChasingSol: wb john [01:57:50] AlmondVF: @brightlilthing he did delay a long time on the planning permission for the bunker/tunnels though [01:57:51] Ramaj_A: Ramaj_A subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! longer than any of my relationships. sadge. [01:57:51] f3mmbot: ramaj_a subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:57:55] cedric_callnight: That would never fly here in Switzerland. We take our rules and regulations very seriously [01:57:57] drmorsa: ask him [01:58:00] Zendeus: you better hope there's no feds watching lol [01:58:01] BrightLilThing: @AlmondVF true lol [01:58:03] rumista: ColinFurze digging tunnels in his garden [01:58:04] funkeyhh: ended up in prison Kappa [01:58:06] TheNeverShow: My house is a 2 story barn from sheds of ireland [01:58:06] Avaerus0: @ArminGux How is that possible? LuL [01:58:08] asraxs: interview him [01:58:09] chaostheory18: I just came in and the first thing I hear is someone died lmao [01:58:12] Cyprohep: what type of personality is that?giga adhd? [01:58:13] nbrowser: Sounds like he's a bit like Colin Furze...LOL [01:58:20] Quinnighan: what about the train? [01:58:22] Drax242: He lived happily ever after [01:58:24] Jens_LN: tunnels are fun to make [01:58:24] 416hobbit: The TRAIN story [01:58:25] speedy_bedwars: lmaoo [01:58:27] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: can we talk about veneer and wood stains? [01:58:36] RykerSune: oh so he knew he was gonna get arrested [01:58:37] wowyouactuallyreadthis: bro has no patience and can not stay still [01:58:39] alexx_net: @rumista He got planning permission (after the fact). [01:58:41] 2dotthings__: Scotti things AOUYYY [01:58:48] boom_and_alpha_yt: bro is Collin furze [01:58:49] VezraOFF: thats crazy, what's his channel [01:58:55] airconditionerbrrr: bro is a menace to society [01:58:59] packagum: wait i think i saw that [01:58:59] BrightLilThing: totally sounds like Colin Furze lol [01:59:01] LittleChaSiu: so yeah, get in the cab, you're all set LUL [01:59:17] bananasandwich6969: I think Colin Furze started without planning permission lol [01:59:18] ttv_epoxy: same phone case checkkkkkkk [01:59:23] johnkeiwo: NotLikeThis [01:59:23] SnabbKassa: the best houses are like Arch Linux. Build it yourself [01:59:24] looeesz: @bananasandwich6969 Yep [01:59:24] ArminGux: bruv [01:59:26] cooksad: The guy sounds like he was born with natural talent. [01:59:27] c__r__j: Colin Furze is getting approval, yes: he had to install extra rebar after an inspection. [01:59:31] ChasingSol: with people on it?! [01:59:31] RykerSune: my god NotLikeThis [01:59:32] shmanchi: yo [01:59:32] josiedoobs: that is so fucking unsafe [01:59:32] kop_gaming45: Collinfurze asks permission when there is no turning back from his projects [01:59:34] MrJeanDenim: link? [01:59:35] speedy_bedwars: LOL [01:59:38] SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! If scientists solve the secret of femboy pregnancy, would you have a child? doogHmm [01:59:38] f3mmbot: suchkittymuchmeow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 38 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:59:38] braddle172: NotLikeThis [01:59:38] Avaerus0: This sounds like an impulse control issue [01:59:40] Quinnighan: my old company just built the fountainbleu in las vegas and they were so pressed for time that the majority of the walls are built correctly and have no AC - construction is insane [01:59:40] megadoom20: in my country, trains are remotely controlled, so that isnt even possible here :kek: [01:59:42] packagum: yeah i saw that one! [01:59:42] wowyouactuallyreadthis: KIDNAPPING [01:59:43] VezraOFF: LOVE HIM [01:59:45] ttv_epoxy: you should collab [01:59:49] ArminGux: kekw [01:59:49] RykerSune: again, fairs [01:59:50] BrightLilThing: Mass kidnapping lol [01:59:50] Zendeus: sounds like an angel [01:59:50] LaMale411: How is he not in jail for 10+ years [01:59:55] asraxs: LMAO [01:59:56] wowyouactuallyreadthis: BRO KIDNAPPED A TRAIN [01:59:57] 1_smart_donkey: Seems like a good guy to know [02:00:04] Shockwavemecha: Tank [02:00:05] RuthlessWelshy: lmao [02:00:05] ArminGux: that guy sounds fun at parties [02:00:05] VezraOFF: childs are the worst [02:00:06] Eadthryth: BASED [02:00:06] guildqz: Same [02:00:06] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: I expected a horse and a cowboy and a train heist. This story is adequate I guess [02:00:08] RykerSune: I mean.....dog? [02:00:08] nothitch: because he is a child [02:00:10] TrueMezzo: felt [02:00:11] HardyOrange: big agree [02:00:12] SkidSquid: minecraft streamer ptsd [02:00:13] keyring01: Based [02:00:15] A_Watermelon0_0: Hello madam [02:00:15] Shockwavemecha: Tank is you baby [02:00:16] VezraOFF: i agree [02:00:17] BrightLilThing: children are the worst [02:00:17] LaMale411: Same [02:00:18] jade_lunaire: based [02:00:20] Dampy: they're never cute [02:00:21] LittleChaSiu: woof [02:00:22] ScalyStar: DINK life is underrated [02:00:22] 2dotthings__: LMAO there's no mystery lel [02:00:22] Avaerus0: If you think puppies are a lot of work, have a kid [02:00:22] Drax242: Tank is the child [02:00:23] jade_lunaire: LET HIM COOK [02:00:23] Eromaw: KEKW SAME [02:00:24] nejamin3: fck no [02:00:25] bearpaw1970: You just peaked Ashley ' interest.. [02:00:26] ttv_epoxy: your my favourite girlie pop streamer [02:00:26] queenwsx: so true! [02:00:26] ArminGux: weren’t you a children’s content creator [02:00:28] LittleChaSiu: woof woof woof bark bark [02:00:28] Shockwavemecha: Left turn [02:00:30] Selstraits: cats are better [02:00:32] The_Lazy_Danes: Children are the ugliest shit ever :D [02:00:33] Jens_LN: Dogs and Cats are cute [02:00:34] packagum: KEKW [02:00:34] Selstraits: GlitchCat [02:00:34] TheNeverShow: Wants kids I'm lonely catgirl [02:00:35] arirashii: hUH [02:00:35] TrueMezzo: jesus [02:00:35] asraxs: LMAO [02:00:35] ChasingSol: CANCELLED [02:00:36] Shockwavemecha: SMh [02:00:36] SnabbKassa: TOS [02:00:36] Eromaw: LOL SAME [02:00:36] SeriousTTV: LuL [02:00:37] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [02:00:37] asraxs: BRO [02:00:37] YumeNoZen: I have a Modest Proposal for you. [02:00:38] freshdelipickles: clip it [02:00:39] now_chemical: oh [02:00:40] SnazzJaz4297: OK THEN [02:00:40] VezraOFF: baby animals are my life, human baby.. hate it [02:00:40] freshdelipickles: ship it [02:00:41] jubjub221: huh [02:00:41] shmanchi: god clipping that [02:00:41] 420_blushed: Folly of youth [02:00:41] RykerSune: LUL [02:00:42] 1WhoBeans: WTF man?? [02:00:42] guildqz: Lock them in the closet? [02:00:42] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, stovamBonk [02:00:42] LaMale411: KEKW [02:00:42] blueskydrinking: good fucking christ [02:00:42] Zendeus: Jesus Christ dude [02:00:42] bananasandwich6969: intrusive thoughts [02:00:43] nejamin3: ewey ugh eck!!! [02:00:43] casevskong: That's a wild clip [02:00:43] phaser40: Omg dude! Clip that [02:00:44] uradoptedkid87: his villain arc has started [02:00:44] DreadPirateDan: oops [02:00:44] BrightLilThing: Don't... do that [02:00:45] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY [02:00:45] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NPBIwQyPWE&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=27&ab_channel=AvrilLavigneVEVO [02:00:45] zebrabbl396: LUL LUL [02:00:46] scarlettyg: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:00:46] braddle172: Huh [02:00:47] cedric_callnight: Nah, children are always cute (except when pooping) [02:00:47] wowyouactuallyreadthis: more like drop the baby [02:00:47] Varginator: Clip it and ship it [02:00:48] now_chemical: um [02:00:49] PorkyPancakes: let's uh not [02:00:49] medical_size9000: Femboy junior like the movie with Arnold [02:00:50] CyanoticJam: You what! [02:00:51] Terrell39: Same [02:00:51] DarrigoTR: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [02:00:51] Ex0dia5: well you did say u were dropped as a baby. [02:00:52] nejamin3: ur so right [02:00:52] ttv_epoxy: girlie pop check [02:00:53] muddymudkip15: ok [02:00:53] HardyOrange: ...gonna keep that clip in the vault for the court case [02:00:53] Shockwavemecha: G r e m l i n [02:00:53] ATValdor: monkaS [02:00:54] SkidSquid: 👁 _ 👁 [02:00:54] packagum: dropkick it [02:00:54] EarthyPastels: So do dogs [02:00:56] MissDeeSnuts: shake it baby szwiorPor [02:00:56] RykerSune: this streamer KEKW [02:00:58] nejamin3: finnsdom [02:00:58] MirahImage: f1nnCancelled [02:00:58] fronzubb: You've been a baby once :D [02:00:59] dotelledots: Same [02:00:59] guildqz: Agreed [02:01:00] ThundernuggetTheTerrible: 🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂 [02:01:00] 1_smart_donkey: Sounds like a puppy [02:01:00] salem_flowers: Bro you wild [02:01:01] seibaby: Counterpoint: you make a lot of noise [02:01:02] SeriousTTV: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [02:01:02] demonfaris1: what!!!! [02:01:02] jubjub221: YEEEEEET [02:01:03] njbh86: are we talking about babies or F1nn [02:01:05] ArminGux: so do you [02:01:05] johnkeiwo: I can imagine u shake tank now D: [02:01:06] nejamin3: wisdom? finnsdom? idk [02:01:06] zaneislame33: I hurt children - fin [02:01:07] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: be careful m8 you'll get that baby fever. it's a real thing. [02:01:08] zebrabbl396: Yeet 👶 [02:01:10] SnazzJaz4297: I mean FELT but don't actually do it you WILL get ***ed on ur ass [02:01:11] davidiusfarrenius: Other people’s children are great because you hand them back when you leave! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:01:12] RykerSune: but sadly, would too. I'm shit with kids [02:01:15] salem_flowers: CLIP IT [02:01:16] dluluuu907: Hello hello- new here 😭 [02:01:17] uradoptedkid87: throw cheese at them they stop [02:01:17] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu You're my best puppygirl. *head scritch* [02:01:18] Tjd321: They scream, they smell and they're shitty [02:01:19] njbh86: loud, mess everywhere - finn [02:01:20] nejamin3: and then they live for 18 yrs hating u [02:01:21] VezraOFF: shake the baby [02:01:24] femboyhooters_employee69: babies even piss in the shower imagine that [02:01:31] boxalchemist: the stream crashed on me lol [02:01:36] cooksad: dogs are cute until they start barking alot. That's so annoying. [02:01:36] SnabbKassa: aka the honour system [02:01:37] HardyOrange: plenty of places rely on you simply not having the audacity [02:01:37] salem_flowers: Ashley never gonna let you have kids now [02:01:39] XENOMAN5: Babies are great as long as their parents are picking them up in a fixed amount of time. Knowing a reprieve is coming makes it bearable. [02:01:40] Selstraits: yeah lol as long as you do it confidently you can do alot of things n get away with it [02:01:42] FlowersOfLight: f1nn describing himself as all the things he doesn't like about babies [02:01:45] wowyouactuallyreadthis: I used to climb out of my cot and bang on my parent’s door [02:01:46] BrightLilThing: All the cop cars and taxis in New York used to all have the same key lol [02:01:48] EarthyPastels: Falls in love with neighbours cat. Gets a dog. [02:01:49] medical_size9000: Someone need to make femboy junior movie starring Finn [02:01:50] SnabbKassa: nobody will hire you after that comment [02:01:50] arirashii: if i ever did have a kid, i for sure wouldn't carry it [02:01:50] Eromaw: LOL [02:01:51] nbrowser: Eh some guy stole an airplane at Seattle 's airport a while back...that was interesting, sadly it ended in a fatal crash [02:01:51] Bytebak: Yeah - keep me away from kids until they can hold a conversation with you [02:01:51] Varginator: KEKW [02:01:52] YumeNoZen: Babypulting! [02:01:53] Shockwavemecha: Femboy Babysitting [02:01:55] RykerSune: babies are gross and carry 567 diseases. NOOO [02:01:55] officialEgoista: yeet [02:01:58] TrueMezzo: i couldnt babysit id cry more than the baby [02:01:58] A_Watermelon0_0: wilbursoot Is funnier than tommyinnit [02:01:59] seibaby: "F1nn5ter babysitting service: I will shake your baby!" [02:02:04] ttv_epoxy: Grab it by one leg -fin 2024! [02:02:04] 1_smart_donkey: Any kid you watch I have pity on [02:02:05] nejamin3: finn slams noodle click here for more [02:02:05] johnkeiwo: i want children so bad :( [02:02:05] BrightLilThing: So much of society is built on trust lol [02:02:05] Eadthryth: Both my sisters were bad breast feeders, meanwhile I was perfect, wonder why [02:02:11] now_chemical: idk how my bestie is about to have a kid [02:02:13] johnkeiwo: No wzy D: [02:02:13] guildqz: Reminds me of the automatic rocking crib [02:02:13] HardyOrange: my mom had me baby sitting at age 12, horrible [02:02:16] 416hobbit: We introduced logging into our vehicles after that [02:02:18] cooksad: I'm cool with babies though. [02:02:19] salem_flowers: Finn would throw the baby out with the bath water [02:02:22] Dampy: those are some thicc rims [02:02:24] johnkeiwo: ruby is an angel [02:02:24] Zendeus: bye you guys, I gotta get back to studying lol. it's been fun 👋 [02:02:26] jade_lunaire: WAIT you have a sister?! [02:02:27] legion2814: You can buy ghost keys for most construction vehicles on amazon [02:02:30] Shockwavemecha: A lil Nugget [02:02:30] Avaerus0: Nice glasses [02:02:32] RykerSune: creepy how? like horror movie or weird hobbies? [02:02:37] Jens_LN: How old is she now ? [02:02:40] Elifighter: little sisters are creepy can vouch [02:02:41] voiceofthevoid999: I'm sorry y'all but this world is getting harder and harder to raise children everyday X( [02:02:44] meerkat696969: you’re not an only child?!? [02:02:46] salem_flowers: Ruby and Max!! [02:02:51] ArminGux: I used to run around naked and scream commercial jingles to greet guest as a baby [02:02:51] The_Lazy_Danes: @ttv_epoxy LUL LUL [02:02:52] RykerSune: huh? alright [02:02:53] Oliver_Moose: @iamthedutchdude thanks for the Sub m8 f1nnHeart [02:02:53] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [02:02:55] Valezifer: Wait she’s an adult? [02:02:55] bearpaw1970: Yikes [02:02:57] Radiopools: bruh D: [02:03:03] wowyouactuallyreadthis: what!? [02:03:05] blueskydrinking: D: [02:03:05] 1_smart_donkey: Did she bite the head off the bat [02:03:10] blueskydrinking: sleep apnea [02:03:11] Radiopools: apnea? [02:03:11] freshdelipickles: apnea [02:03:12] c__r__j: Sleep apnoea [02:03:13] professorpussicat: You batted your sister's head??? [02:03:13] BrightLilThing: My brother hit me in the head with a golf club lol [02:03:15] johnkeiwo: sleep apnea [02:03:16] asraxs: i DID THAT TOO [02:03:17] now_chemical: we do that with the apnea lmao [02:03:18] belak_kb: f1nnCancelled [02:03:19] MayonnaiseThief: HUH [02:03:25] blueish4: Stare [02:03:25] jade_lunaire: Stare [02:03:34] HardyOrange: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [02:03:35] johnkeiwo: Stare [02:03:36] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: REDRUM [02:03:39] looeesz: Stare [02:03:39] mazapancitoouu: Creepyyyyyyy [02:03:40] braddle172: Stare [02:03:40] ProfaneCreation: selphyStare [02:03:40] johnkeiwo: I see dead people Stare [02:03:41] RykerSune: OMG I used to do that too as a kid! LUL [02:03:41] Mr_Gunny: ScaredyCat [02:03:42] freshdelipickles: WHAT [02:03:42] jade_lunaire: EW [02:03:43] TrueMezzo: lmaooooo [02:03:43] ChasingSol: w t f [02:03:44] pinkopengu: 👁️👁️ [02:03:44] Mikey2207: WTF [02:03:45] scarlettyg: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [02:03:45] Avaerus0: Okaaaaay [02:03:45] phaser40: Fucking possessed [02:03:45] Selstraits: oh the ol kid standing at the end of the bed at 3am at night staring into your soul creepy [02:03:46] VezraOFF: whar [02:03:46] johnkeiwo: oh god the worst KEKW [02:03:46] HardyOrange: ahhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo [02:03:46] LaMale411: D: [02:03:48] Terrell39: Terrifying [02:03:48] seibaby: so she was sleepwalking [02:03:49] Dampy: was she sleepwalking [02:03:49] arirashii: we're moving [02:03:49] shmanchi: yeet that kid [02:03:50] TheMasked_34: and to the orphanage [02:03:51] RuthlessWelshy: lmao [02:03:51] its_me_mario89: Jumps out window [02:03:51] Alkno_93: WTF [02:03:52] VezraOFF: lol [02:03:52] blueskydrinking: LMAO [02:03:53] Jens_LN: you mean .. Dad ? [02:03:54] VezraOFF: :3 [02:03:54] CyanoticJam: WTF [02:03:54] professorpussicat: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:03:54] SnabbKassa: was it you? [02:03:55] nejamin3: spooky [02:03:56] voiceofthevoid999: XD [02:03:56] Elifighter: uhm your house is haunted [02:03:56] RykerSune: nah i can understand that [02:03:57] medical_size9000: Paranormal activity [02:03:57] BrightLilThing: burn the house down, kill it with fire [02:03:57] judgedame: great [02:03:58] MissDeeSnuts: xD [02:03:58] muddymudkip15: lol [02:04:00] RykerSune: so horror movie [02:04:01] boom_and_alpha_yt: ahhh [02:04:02] nejamin3: oh my god [02:04:04] Drax242: She sees dead people [02:04:04] professorpussicat: I see dead people! [02:04:05] uradoptedkid87: it was u finn [02:04:05] ArminGux: kekekeke [02:04:06] AlmondVF: nuh uh [02:04:08] ArminGux: briliant [02:04:12] Terrell39: She is my dead twin [02:04:12] skoralta: Fuck, I had to look behind myself just hearing that [02:04:12] nejamin3: I’d shid myself [02:04:13] ThundernuggetTheTerrible: 🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂🧂 [02:04:13] johnkeiwo: a good excuse to slap your kid [02:04:15] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: EXPLAIN!? [02:04:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [02:04:19] ProfaneCreation: Burning down the house would be a good reaction [02:04:19] TheMasked_34: outside is your home now [02:04:21] bulletfeed: Nooooo burn the house leave now [02:04:21] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: EXTERMINATE! [02:04:22] bearpaw1970: That's a spooky response while sleep walking [02:04:23] scarlettyg: 🧿👄🧿 [02:04:23] MilesSwann91: call the winchesters!!!!! [02:04:23] XENOMAN5: @brightlilthing My favorite reaction! [02:04:24] 416hobbit: That's such a cliche trope in horror movies though [02:04:24] Dampy: destroy the child [02:04:24] Shockwavemecha: Jail [02:04:25] A_Watermelon0_0: Shaking baby syndrome [02:04:25] zaxerwe13: zaxerwe13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yes a year [02:04:25] f3mmbot: zaxerwe13 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:04:26] bardock_ssj2: Yooooo [02:04:27] svvicu: It was your fem side [02:04:28] LaMale411: Finn was that girl [02:04:29] callmezevi: I would move [02:04:30] johnkeiwo: poor ruby KEKW [02:04:31] ArminGux: get a cross and holy water [02:04:33] medical_size9000: You mean paranormal activity [02:04:34] davidiusfarrenius: young children and cats and dogs can see the dead 😵 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:04:38] YumeNoZen: lol [02:04:40] johnkeiwo: Uncle stov PogU [02:04:40] Avaerus0: Maybe she's like the kid in Sixth Sense :p [02:04:41] StoresE6: StoresE6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! [02:04:41] f3mmbot: storese6 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:04:42] RykerSune: that's when you realize your kid is about to become possessed....just saying [02:04:45] ChasingSol: haha [02:04:48] SnabbKassa: she just saw Rose Evergreen as a premonition [02:04:49] Jens_LN: Sugar Rush [02:04:49] YumeNoZen: "Bussy"? [02:04:50] The_Lazy_Danes: LUL LUL [02:04:51] alexx_net: I'm a scientist but ghosts are real and only children can see them [02:04:55] nuggetfrend: wharmst [02:04:55] Terrell39: Well honey, thats my twin sister. she likes to watch over me very now and again. [02:04:56] nejamin3: HELLO??? Am I starring in the exorcism?? pls help [02:04:59] medical_size9000: W stov [02:05:08] YumeNoZen: Mastication. [02:05:11] 1_smart_donkey: I took mine how to use firearms surprisingly went over well with the parents [02:05:12] blueskydrinking: "how many words beginning with 'C' do you know?" KEKW [02:05:13] Eadthryth: Ever heard of the fuck word? [02:05:15] SnabbKassa: cryptolect [02:05:24] medical_size9000: Kids have no filter [02:05:26] Wardenboo: yes they can c: [02:05:28] wowyouactuallyreadthis: apparently I walked into my parent’s room 32 times in one night. i got a lock on my door after that [02:05:30] thunderscoob: says you [02:05:32] yIsaac: yIsaac subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! f1nnTank [02:05:32] f3mmbot: yisaac subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [02:05:32] 416hobbit: The dead are undead? [02:05:33] Avaerus0: Some do [02:05:33] davidiusfarrenius: see ghosts [02:05:33] Wardenboo: heuhuehuehue [02:05:35] ChasingSol: it's a movie plot [02:05:35] RykerSune: guys, we have a skeptic LUL [02:05:35] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: I see femboys [02:05:39] now_chemical: that would mean ghosts are real kekw [02:05:41] k1ngofscotland: some do [02:05:42] BrightLilThing: Cats can see your stripes [02:05:42] Gtaer222: yes [02:05:42] cedric_callnight: No [02:05:43] ItsJeJune: NO [02:05:43] Mikayla_Alexis: Yes [02:05:43] SuchKittyMuchMeow: yes [02:05:43] Dust____: does icky hit you [02:05:44] Terrell39: Nope [02:05:44] SnabbKassa: people have souls [02:05:44] am_bushy: no [02:05:44] The_Lazy_Danes: Yes [02:05:44] blatant_fabrication: no\ [02:05:44] seibaby: no [02:05:44] phoebe_rc: No [02:05:44] Jens_LN: no [02:05:44] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: and dead people [02:05:44] evelyn_bat_rivka: No [02:05:45] Lucridis: People believe in Jesus so ghosts aren't much of a reach [02:05:45] Arthree: no [02:05:45] lethaldissonance: no [02:05:45] fjano_: No [02:05:45] c__r__j: no [02:05:45] jasminewalker5068: yes we do [02:05:45] now_chemical: nah [02:05:45] Ha_nnes: yes [02:05:45] daniel12123123: no [02:05:45] bigkrimpin: no [02:05:45] Eromaw: no [02:05:45] Uonia: no [02:05:45] jade_lunaire: NO [02:05:46] 416hobbit: NOPE [02:05:46] TrueMezzo: no [02:05:46] DreadPirateDan: no [02:05:46] wyldcardsam: Kids can see ghosts [02:05:46] LaMale411: no [02:05:46] HardyOrange: nahhh [02:05:46] robbie11022: yes [02:05:46] abby_adventures: yes [02:05:46] FirstFireKeeper: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [02:05:46] johnkeiwo: yes [02:05:46] paul_islost: no [02:05:46] shmanchi: maybe [02:05:46] Zaxaron: no [02:05:46] Heshyweshy: negative [02:05:46] EsmeTheBassic: No [02:05:47] Bimmel2452: No [02:05:47] floofyfurlogdog: no [02:05:47] Mikey2207: maybe [02:05:47] Rue4192: no [02:05:47] dkarnskymasters: maybe [02:05:47] VioletMused: no [02:05:47] alexx_net: YES [02:05:47] savagelettuce1: No [02:05:47] looeesz: Maybe [02:05:47] davidiusfarrenius: yes [02:05:47] asraxs: yes [02:05:47] bardock_ssj2: Yes [02:05:47] FoodFightBystander: Heck no [02:05:48] h0dger: yeh [02:05:48] FlynnRyder251: Yes [02:05:48] TayTaetay: maybe [02:05:48] Quinnighan: no [02:05:48] Dampy: maybe [02:05:48] queenwsx: no [02:05:48] its_me_mario89: Yes [02:05:48] ChasingSol: no [02:05:48] SkidSquid: no [02:05:48] eldoradosurfer: yes [02:05:48] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 🌹 [02:05:48] melkorgoth: Yes [02:05:48] speedy_bedwars: probably not [02:05:48] thomas115839151: yes [02:05:48] wyldcardsam: Yes [02:05:49] PlanetJae: maybe [02:05:49] Eadthryth: no [02:05:49] neingeben: no [02:05:49] OHMichelleOH: no [02:05:49] baslak01: no [02:05:49] Stovamor: no [02:05:49] lvvyh: no [02:05:49] amoreofstorms: yes [02:05:49] eyeronicyeeter: ya [02:05:50] lunar_corvid: np [02:05:50] gixxergaming: no [02:05:50] voiceofthevoid999: yes [02:05:50] MelkorLordofArda: No [02:05:50] Zai_Rose: No [02:05:51] learning_the_ropes: likely [02:05:51] stephanie1701: yes [02:05:51] pinkopengu: no [02:05:51] LaCroix_Blows: NO [02:05:51] xTonySparkx: never say never [02:05:51] abydon96: Naaa [02:05:51] statesidelemur9: no [02:05:52] XENOMAN5: Ghosts are dead [02:05:52] dafdeddog: no [02:05:52] SoapCanFan: yes [02:05:52] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: no, but it's fun [02:05:52] RykerSune: nah, but if they were, that's awesome [02:05:52] just_an_other_lurker: yes [02:05:52] uradoptedkid87: no [02:05:52] henryhooha: no [02:05:52] amoreofstorms: I have seen them [02:05:53] skoralta: Nope [02:05:53] CyanoticJam: No [02:05:53] alkibiadesmassacre: no [02:05:53] ralos318: No [02:05:53] Elifighter: yes [02:05:54] The_Osmosis_Jones: no [02:05:54] mr_goope: no [02:05:54] guildqz: No [02:05:54] kingalekhin: maybe [02:05:54] Jens_LN: nope [02:05:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: NO [02:05:54] buddyjare: no lol [02:05:54] ghostieliving: Potentially [02:05:54] callmezevi: we'll never no for sure [02:05:54] trap_lover68: yes [02:05:54] Smiling_Shelly: no [02:05:55] Sht1k: Lolno [02:05:55] Despick_: no [02:05:55] SkidSquid: poll???????????????? [02:05:56] miiamoons: no lmfao [02:05:56] DreadPirateSimon: no [02:05:56] A_Watermelon0_0: How is my message not unique [02:05:56] jasminewalker5068: yes [02:05:56] meerkat696969: nooo [02:05:56] muddymudkip15: prob not [02:05:56] electric_cicada: no [02:05:56] SnazzJaz4297: Yes ppl still believe in ghosts and spirits and demons [02:05:56] mounty_man42: yes [02:05:57] Heshyweshy: needs poll [02:05:57] Xernist: I saw one [02:05:57] Azure_harlequin: kinda [02:05:58] xxxtentioncablexxx: lmao no [02:05:58] MattKi: Yes or no [02:05:58] bnb3199: no [02:05:58] g_horses: spirits yeah [02:05:58] cdewoozy: no [02:05:58] femboyhooters_employee69: no lol [02:05:58] Avaerus0: Ghosts? No. Others things though.... [02:05:58] floofyfurlogdog: no but open to it [02:05:58] The_Lazy_Danes: Poll [02:06:00] svvicu: There's myths about young children and animals seeing ghosts [02:06:00] LeVideNoirAstral: doubt it [02:06:00] Wardenboo: yes life is boring without ghosts [02:06:00] TheCharlesTownsend: No [02:06:01] rumista: No [02:06:01] lightningblue05: yes [02:06:01] TheNovaKing6622: yes [02:06:01] soquent: ghastly [02:06:02] blindthirdeye: Yes, but only because the human subconscious is a scared bitch [02:06:02] XENOMAN5: Yes [02:06:02] BrightLilThing: You have stripes and cats can see them, and thats how they tell us apart. [02:06:03] thatslipperyblobfish: yes i have had many genuine experiences [02:06:04] elfiefaeboi: yes [02:06:04] the_bogganator1: No [02:06:04] braddle172: No [02:06:04] moon_shaped_pool: No but they are cool [02:06:04] nejamin3: I’m an internet baby so I remember my sissy keeping to herself not telling me what “LMAO” stood for, for the longest time. I was so mad 😆 [02:06:04] Dampy: would be cool if they did [02:06:04] YumeNoZen: I doubt it. [02:06:05] scatcha04: maybe [02:06:05] nejamin3: bo [02:06:06] now_chemical: i used to [02:06:06] buddyjare: I thought they were real until I turned like 12 [02:06:07] cooksad: Yes [02:06:08] nejamin3: no [02:06:09] ThatOneFriend24: yes [02:06:10] brescalofrio: we should focus in science and evidence not magic [02:06:12] SnabbKassa: I have felt a ghost was near [02:06:12] nejamin3: No… [02:06:12] Selstraits: ghost are real they voted in our election we got evident [02:06:12] ArminGux: depends if u took ur pils or not [02:06:12] Natarchelon: depends [02:06:13] amoreofstorms: Yes, I have seen them and can sense them [02:06:13] blueskydrinking: I used to believe in ghosts but then we got the black mould treated [02:06:14] salem_flowers: Finn we're not real, the crash was 5 years ago [02:06:15] xpmorphine: ghost or interdimension beings? [02:06:16] thunderscoob: hank green told me how be a ghost so who am i to say its not real. [02:06:17] 416hobbit: I've been ghosted SOOO many times [02:06:18] animefreak21012: yes [02:06:20] bardock_ssj2: Demons [02:06:21] JayOhDizzle: goats? [02:06:22] Sam_etrash: Yes [02:06:22] johnkeiwo: Maybe ? [02:06:23] uradoptedkid87: speaking of ghost u should watch life of luxury on YT it actually hilarious [02:06:23] FlowersOfLight: you are one [02:06:24] cedric_callnight: Ghosts no, but sleep paralysis apparitions yes [02:06:24] Frosty790: no 󠀀 [02:06:26] svvicu: It'd be really cool [02:06:30] johnkeiwo: I have seen a ghost [02:06:32] dcgaw4p1999: I worked in care - locked doors opening with no one there? Idk what it was but it was creepy af [02:06:34] nejamin3: noppity nope nope. aliens yes tho [02:06:35] The_Lazy_Danes: Poll is up [02:06:36] g_horses: seen them frfr [02:06:36] SnabbKassa: who ya gonna call? [02:06:36] now_chemical: real [02:06:37] miiamoons: the kids seeing dead people thing is a part of ghost lore [02:06:37] Mikayla_Alexis: Yes, especially after something knocked on the window 3 stories up [02:06:37] Jens_LN: @416hobbit KEKW [02:06:38] Selstraits: i can't spell reee [02:06:41] Terrell39: Maybe like 5th dimention but not that we can notice [02:06:46] kpkplays: You think that makeup sponge moved on it's own? [02:06:48] alexx_net: I've seen two ghosts [02:06:49] bearpaw1970: Spirits are energy and you carry around those essence of when they were here and left across the great river [02:06:50] TheMasked_34: fembusters [02:06:50] Eadthryth: CONFIRMATION BIAS [02:06:53] ramboo1989: ghost are real though nro [02:06:54] xxxtentioncablexxx: There's no reason to believe ghosts n shit exist lol [02:06:54] BrightLilThing: I've seen some strange stuff tho [02:06:55] RykerSune: bro, I once in my dreams got possessed by a demon and saw me get possessed! And I loved it....yes, I'm mentally wrong LUL [02:06:55] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo no, finn is just that pale LuL [02:06:58] amoreofstorms: I can sense them, no lie [02:06:59] thunderscoob: all you have to do is die in a cup, that's how you become a ghost. [02:06:59] wowyouactuallyreadthis: my sister’s friend was a self proclaimed psychic and said she opened her third eye. that girl had not returned to our house since [02:07:00] ThatOneFriend24: shit has moved in my room [02:07:01] skoralta: It's just like assuming that UFOs must be aliens [02:07:05] nejamin3: aliens are more likely to me than ghosts [02:07:07] professorpussicat: Define ghosts though. There are like the stereotypical phantoms, and I don't believe in those, but im inclined to believe that our souls live on after our corporeal time on this earth is over. [02:07:09] Avaerus0: What if all the freaky stuff is like higher dimensional "beings"? [02:07:13] ChasingSol: haha [02:07:15] SeriousTTV: LuL [02:07:16] now_chemical: no people have confirmation bias [02:07:16] Eromaw: KEKW [02:07:17] Gtaer222: bro gets high [02:07:17] Drax242: I don't rule anything out [02:07:18] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Are ghosts real?": no with 102 votes (52.23%) [02:07:19] ramboo1989: ghost are real bro [02:07:21] asraxs: ive had shit fly across the room [02:07:24] BrightLilThing: No, people seeing stuff believe it confirms that ghosts are real [02:07:25] SkidSquid: Im succubus, so im legally obligated to say yes [02:07:26] soquent: It's right behind you isn't it [02:07:29] Cyprohep: KEKW [02:07:29] 416hobbit: Use the FORCE F1nn [02:07:31] sherlock_norris: where do the ghosts get all the white bedsheets from [02:07:32] RykerSune: so Star Wars fanatic [02:07:33] XENOMAN5: I’ve seen too much creepy stuff to think ghosts aren’t real. [02:07:34] SnazzJaz4297: F1NN's gonna be the "ghosts aren't real" horror movie character that's the first to die lol [02:07:34] blueskydrinking: Chat, may I suggest you check you Carbon Monoxide monitors [02:07:35] HardyOrange: never had a creepy experience that wasn't explained by cats/wonky house/some real thing happening [02:07:36] Cyprohep: everyone does that [02:07:36] impyart: if ghosts were real hospitals would be full of em [02:07:37] FlowersOfLight: f1nn, can you count up how many spectrums ur on? [02:07:38] cooksad: If you can't dispprove it, it's a possibility. [02:07:38] Cautare: F1NN gets high D: [02:07:39] medical_size9000: If you don't believe it then why don't you go to haunted place in Birmingham [02:07:40] asraxs: yes ive absolutely had [02:07:42] Shockwavemecha: blondi13Kiss [02:07:50] amoreofstorms: @impyart they are [02:07:53] Eromaw: @asraxs what you smokin LUL [02:07:54] ArminGux: use the midoclorians [02:07:55] nejamin3: finn what about aliens? Do you BELIEVE [02:07:56] buddyjare: lmao. check the psych ward maybe [02:07:57] The_Lazy_Danes: Everyone gets High [02:07:58] johnkeiwo: I mean, I've seen weird shit not easy ot explain [02:07:59] FirstFireKeeper: @asraxs shut up ICANT [02:07:59] ramboo1989: dude, everyone’s a non-believer until the shit happens to them [02:08:00] asraxs: i thought it was my parrot but the guy was in its cage [02:08:00] its_me_mario89: I've seen stuff disappear [02:08:00] RykerSune: KEKW [02:08:00] MayonnaiseThief: SCHIZO [02:08:02] 1_smart_donkey: S*** I wish it was I was high when that stuff happened it would explain a lot [02:08:02] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:08:03] nejamin3: even lowkey one s [02:08:04] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:08:05] PorkyPancakes: KEKW [02:08:05] Jens_LN: it's the HRT [02:08:05] braddle172: KEKW [02:08:06] Cautare: KEKW [02:08:06] Eadthryth: I've had a chair thrown at me..........when my sister threw it [02:08:07] SnabbKassa: I can name one thing that flies across the room, but it's too horny [02:08:08] trynabequan: Go to a haunted house I beg [02:08:11] TrueMezzo: theres no way evil people that wouldnt be haunted to shit [02:08:11] LaMale411: Chat reminder to take your medicine [02:08:12] SkidSquid: girl problemms [02:08:14] wyldcardsam: Finn on hrt confirmed? [02:08:14] Selstraits: ghost that move items 2cm to the left once a day [02:08:14] animefreak21012: I've seen a door handle turn on its own and the door open [02:08:15] turnbasedtj: all fembois get high kekw [02:08:15] stephanie1701: I've seen a ghost [02:08:16] cedric_callnight: The ghost i belive in is my sleep paralysis hallucination [02:08:16] scarlettyg: Visit haunted houses in Shrewsbury and stream it [02:08:16] nothitch: You thought there was a ghost when I appeared in your hotel room tbf [02:08:17] Wardenboo: still that pool is pretty close [02:08:18] Shockwavemecha: Mind the gap Between the table and the Estrogen [02:08:18] MattKi: Pets can make you think objects move of their own volition until you see their guilty face. [02:08:18] Drax242: Femboys are real..so why not ghosts [02:08:20] 416hobbit: Tank is an APPARITION [02:08:20] Stovamor: @johnkeiwo, just cos you can't explain it doesn't mean it's supernatural [02:08:22] FiratBeyBozkurt: FiratBeyBozkurt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! how old are you f1nn [02:08:23] f3mmbot: firatbeybozkurt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:08:23] salem_flowers: OMEGALUL [02:08:24] professorpussicat: We don't know that the third dimensional universe is the highest dimension that exists. [02:08:26] dcg44s: I will not say stuff like ghosts is impossible but I have yet to be convinced. [02:08:27] ArminGux: u even say estrogen in American [02:08:28] medical_size9000: Dono goal Finn goes to a haunted place [02:08:31] Mikayla_Alexis: Something knocked on the outside of my bedroom window, and we're 3 stories up [02:08:32] impyart: @impyart im talkin about hospitals that are still open lol [02:08:33] salem_flowers: A ghost was injecting the hrt into you [02:08:34] johnkeiwo: @Stovamor, true ! but it's funnier if it is ! [02:08:35] animefreak21012: lo [02:08:37] animefreak21012: lol [02:08:37] HardyOrange: more like reminder to get your CO2 monitors checked [02:08:37] Terrell39: I dont have my E yet [02:08:38] MangledPork: 100% of the time, ghost incident are carbon monoxide leaks [02:08:40] unbracingabyss: seen strange things but but could be trick of the eye [02:08:44] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:08:45] BrightLilThing: I've just seen stuff, but also I know that I hallucinate so its all fine [02:08:46] miiamoons: kinky BDSM spirits domming you in the night [02:08:46] Eadthryth: You're a sinner [02:08:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: it’s not a ghost, it’s just us, chat. we’re in your walls Stare [02:08:47] resurgenceguild: Ghosts move things while you watch. Like opening and closing drawers, doors, vents. [02:08:49] 416hobbit: Zombie-free gouse [02:08:49] johnkeiwo: ? Finn is a boy that just dresses feminine [02:08:50] freddd104: I made pottery with a ghost [02:08:50] wowyouactuallyreadthis: on my birthday two year ago my mirror fell of my wall on a weird angle. O screamed like a horror movie character [02:08:51] Jens_LN: Nah, you just have too much HRT in you [02:08:51] ramboo1989: SoonerLater .......boy [02:08:51] RykerSune: don't need to sin to have a ghost following you [02:08:51] blueskydrinking: you? not a sinner? YOU? [02:08:51] SnabbKassa: ghosts are controlled by god? [02:08:51] scarlettyg: Ashley is a ghost????? [02:08:52] LaMale411: LUL [02:08:55] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:08:56] phaser40: F1nn not a sinner LMAO!!! [02:08:56] bearpaw1970: Lmao clip [02:08:57] Ex0dia5: eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable [02:08:58] duckybot24: hmmmmmm [02:08:59] Tjd321: God decided to make ghosts real just for that one guy [02:08:59] evelyn_bat_rivka: I've seen ... Things you wouldn't imagine. [02:09:00] its_me_mario89: I've seen a person disappear in the same room as me [02:09:00] Eromaw: KEKW [02:09:01] freshdelipickles: nah [02:09:01] professorpussicat: F1nn you need to change your name to S1NN5TER [02:09:02] johnkeiwo: Nothing Kappa [02:09:02] speedy_bedwars: hrmmm [02:09:02] seibaby: roofie tea? [02:09:02] braddle172: Hmmm [02:09:06] CyanoticJam: Lsd [02:09:06] SkidSquid: pink powder [02:09:06] Avaerus0: I wouldn't worry about it [02:09:06] learning_the_ropes: no it's because it's britan, it's normal for yall [02:09:08] guildqz: Hmmm [02:09:08] 1_smart_donkey: Ashley is awesome [02:09:09] Selstraits: fin is so pretty he has never been ghosted [02:09:10] freshdelipickles: just your femboi pills [02:09:12] kayseek2004: viagra [02:09:14] SecretFool33: brain rot [02:09:14] xxxtentioncablexxx: Our senses are not as reliable as many people think, we tend to make stuff up without realisisng [02:09:15] nejamin3: TLDR; once I was in the shower as a kid and said “if aliens are real turn off the lights now.” and the lights turned off. lol and when I send OK TURN BACK they did a bit later idk man [02:09:17] robbie11022: that's viagra [02:09:17] Selstraits: on a date [02:09:20] dkarnskymasters: new TV Special airing after rupaul - Finnster Ghost Hunting [02:09:20] phaser40: There is though [02:09:20] very_trustworthy: I woke up with a cut on my head once and it turned out I fell down the ladder to my bed and climbed back up whilst I was asleep [02:09:21] annalovesfire: wait is he on hrt? [02:09:21] unbracingabyss: get femmy [02:09:22] guildqz: Only if it is sweet [02:09:24] nqchtwolf: Babykiller? [02:09:25] RykerSune: ok so no ghosts. now what about guardian angels? [02:09:26] thatslipperyblobfish: i have had convos with something had (this might of been my mind) have seen a figure [02:09:27] 2dotthings__: Aliens are more real than ghosts tbh [02:09:28] amoreofstorms: there is a ghost looking over fin's shoulder :P [02:09:29] Eadthryth: Why is ashley giving you viagra? [02:09:30] ramboo1989: MIB cover ghosts [02:09:31] BrightLilThing: the government already confirmed aliens [02:09:31] FlowersOfLight: hrTea [02:09:32] uh_you_havent_met_stabem: Who you gonna call! [02:09:32] HardyOrange: tfw your gf's patches fall off and accidentally get carefully adhered to your thigh with extra medical tape [02:09:32] CyanoticJam: Ectoplasm all over the room [02:09:32] Jens_LN: Blue dust ? .... Viagra ? [02:09:34] 416hobbit: Paranoia makes me paranoid [02:09:34] debdrup: With all the people who've died, ghosts would be _everywhere_. [02:09:34] demonfaris1: if ghost are real i hav super powes [02:09:35] alexx_net: Then what did your little sister see? [02:09:35] SnabbKassa: but maybe ghosts ARE aliens? [02:09:36] njbh86: @nejamin3 power cuts motherf--ker [02:09:36] ProfaneCreation: I was visited by the ghosts that where trapped in a lot of beer bottles and suddenly I cant remember anything and got some bruises. selphyHydrate [02:09:36] ZPanda_MS: Well do I have news for you LUL [02:09:38] davidiusfarrenius: souls don’t show up on film! [02:09:38] scarlettyg: Ever noticed how cryptid sightings went WAAAY down after phone cameras became serviceable? [02:09:38] nejamin3: oh yeah [02:09:39] buddyjare: there would be shit shows of evidence. [02:09:39] Stovamor: The universe is awesome enough without having to make up ghost stories. [02:09:40] professorpussicat: What if the cover upstairs are so good that you've never even heard of them? [02:09:41] eclipsefox25: yes I’ve had a lot of instances with ghosts most of them are handprints showing up on whole body when I lived in my old house but when I moved they stopped showing up [02:09:42] airconditionerbrrr: aliens ARE ghosts, they're the same thing [02:09:43] Terrell39: Ghosts might are real in a 5th dimention maybe [02:09:43] nqchtwolf: Aliens are real [02:09:43] phaser40: A little [02:09:44] Lucridis: Aliens are real but they're lightyears away from us. No proof for ghosts [02:09:44] SnazzJaz4297: Y es u are [02:09:45] Avaerus0: What if the "ghosts" are aliens? [02:09:45] Dampy: do you think we live in a simulation monkaS [02:09:48] SkidSquid: nahh [02:09:49] dafdeddog: no [02:09:50] SaschaCGN_Madara: if Ghost arent real tell me how a Vape of a Friend just activated itself? I guess Ghosts nowadays Vape tho OhMyDog [02:09:50] now_chemical: also why are ghosts only from like one tiny time period lol [02:09:53] officialEgoista: aliens? finn bruh [02:09:53] nejamin3: aliens man tho yeah [02:09:53] amoreofstorms: starts [02:09:54] bardock_ssj2: Demons would be a better analogy [02:09:56] medical_size9000: Thr conjuring movie is based on a true story [02:09:57] zebrabbl396: Stars [02:09:57] amoreofstorms: stars [02:09:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: nah I’m with you [02:09:58] shmanchi: chat y’all never had blue estradiol tablets? missing out [02:09:58] Shockwavemecha: spicycowBonkies femboy45Bonk frostpBonk squidinkBonk [02:09:59] Eadthryth: brain damage [02:10:00] uradoptedkid87: finn ghost hunt vid [02:10:01] RykerSune: @F1NN5TER tbh, IF ghosts were real, what would you think then? [02:10:01] xxxtentioncablexxx: No, ghosts are ridiculous lol [02:10:04] nejamin3: no no no you’re like accurate [02:10:06] ZPanda_MS: Getting your tea spiked with crushed blue chew LUL [02:10:07] XENOMAN5: You are too close minded [02:10:08] FirstFireKeeper: ghost weirdos scare me [02:10:10] salem_flowers: Yes you're yucking all of our yums bro [02:10:10] nejamin3: LMAO [02:10:11] CyanoticJam: She saw YOU [02:10:11] Selstraits: monkaS Fin what's that hand on your shoulder? [02:10:12] Quinnighan: the thought that we are the only lifeforms in the entire universe is insane, of all the planets and solar system there is definitely some other type of "alien" lifeform [02:10:13] HardyOrange: learning to run=easy prey [02:10:14] professorpussicat: Did you whack her with the baseball bat because she was being delusional? [02:10:15] unbracingabyss: demons 😈 definitely exist [02:10:16] miiamoons: believing in ghosts is cool as long as you're joking [02:10:18] kpkplays: She was seeing into the future and the girl was you! [02:10:19] Shockwavemecha: Whales [02:10:22] baslak01: Earth travels 460 m/s. So all ghosts would travel away from earth in 460 m/s. [02:10:23] SnabbKassa: we used to go to Wales [02:10:23] voiceofthevoid999: I don't believe in god. But I do believe in ghosts. I think I'm just stupid [02:10:25] medical_size9000: Finn the conjuring movie based on a true story [02:10:26] nejamin3: DONT WHACK UR SISTERS HEAD [02:10:28] brescalofrio: actually ghost are humans playing with dimensions like interestellar [02:10:36] bearpaw1970: Aliens being real is most likely based on projection in statistics are a greater chance to infact be real [02:10:40] grandpaladin1701: People can’t believe that there are things that *they* can’t explain, and are convinced that there’s a supernatural answer versus a physical answer [02:10:41] SnazzJaz4297: @voiceofthevoid999 ur valid viennaLove [02:10:45] SnabbKassa: @nejamin3 radical viewpoint [02:10:46] Jens_LN: oh wow [02:10:52] Shockwavemecha: Evil5ter [02:10:54] RykerSune: jesus [02:10:55] Selstraits: monkaS [02:10:58] johnkeiwo: oh nyoooo !! [02:10:59] cedric_callnight: Oh damn! Was she okay? [02:11:01] BrightLilThing: nice, that's exactly how my brother hit me with a golf club lol [02:11:02] muddymudkip15: oof [02:11:03] Eadthryth: Damn, 3yr old brain damage [02:11:04] SkidSquid: Bombkk [02:11:04] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:11:04] Jens_LN: Bad Boy ! [02:11:05] RykerSune: and she was out of there! [02:11:05] medical_size9000: Annabelle doll is a real doll [02:11:05] professorpussicat: Oh my god.... [02:11:05] 416hobbit: I hit a kid with a 9-iron in high school (accidently) [02:11:06] voiceofthevoid999: Bonk [02:11:08] phaser40: Omg dude! [02:11:12] callmezevi: After my granpda died I had an "encounter" with him and said goodbye, don't know it it's true but I like to believe that, gives me closure [02:11:12] professorpussicat: Oh no..... [02:11:12] nejamin3: Ouch [02:11:15] braddle172: Damn [02:11:16] shmanchi: @medical_size9000 the true story is nothing like the movie bud [02:11:17] CrozzGameplay: WHAT [02:11:21] zebrabbl396: Ok [02:11:23] pinkopengu: my brother did the same with a golf club, I lost half a tooth [02:11:24] salem_flowers: CONK [02:11:26] SkidSquid: spanker yes [02:11:28] bearpaw1970: Solid wood [02:11:28] RykerSune: off [02:11:29] nejamin3: LMFAO [02:11:30] RykerSune: oof [02:11:30] brescalofrio: spanker [02:11:30] nqchtwolf: Bonk [02:11:30] Cautare: monkaS [02:11:32] CrozzGameplay: FUCK [02:11:33] Shockwavemecha: J a i l [02:11:33] Doxish: Donk. [02:11:35] 416hobbit: That's a PADDLING [02:11:35] ChasingSol: oh damn [02:11:35] CrozzGameplay: OW [02:11:41] Terrell39: Out cold [02:11:42] XENOMAN5: No dain bramage though? [02:11:42] ArtofBartlett: Great for killing zombies. Shawn of the Dead [02:11:44] TheDutchSmoke: holy shit, she lucky she alive 😂 [02:11:44] 1_smart_donkey: Kind of looks like an oar for for canoeing [02:11:45] BrightLilThing: @pinkopengu I got hit in the temple with the back end of a driver club [02:11:46] professorpussicat: @416hobbit LUL LUL LUL [02:11:47] nejamin3: Finn confirmed misogynistic [02:11:48] salem_flowers: Please tell me it made the goofy ahh bonk noise [02:11:49] FlowersOfLight: can't believe you fully intentionally did that voluntarily with full knowledge [02:11:49] braddle172: Fair [02:11:49] brescalofrio: :( [02:11:51] ProfaneCreation: f1nnKnife [02:11:52] alexx_net: PHRASING! [02:11:53] Havryl: Cricket bat, just like in Shaun of the Dead [02:11:53] CrozzGameplay: oh god [02:11:54] RykerSune: and you wonder why she had those weird dreams [02:11:55] RuthlessWelshy: jesus [02:11:55] hopalongtommy: For the tanks, think "pointy baseball bat" [02:11:56] princess_mia03: 😭😭😭 [02:11:58] Dampy: do it for the meme [02:11:58] callmezevi: WHY [02:12:00] Eadthryth: Bad person [02:12:01] nqchtwolf: I do this all the time [02:12:03] SnabbKassa: it's still bad [02:12:03] student0810: It's only the second concussion that is a problem... [02:12:04] johnkeiwo: I mean I would have thought she was dedge too ! [02:12:06] Selstraits: monkaS we got a confession [02:12:06] blueberrylykos: lol I got knocked out by a cricket bat once xD [02:12:08] cooksad: Dang that had to hurt. [02:12:09] ArminGux: yeah she could have had serious issues because of that [02:12:09] nejamin3: omg [02:12:14] HardyOrange: F1nn trying to be an only child [02:12:15] uradoptedkid87: this is just a cover up [02:12:16] Jens_LN: My sister hit me with a small shovel while we were playing in the grave pit. [02:12:16] sherlock_norris: internalized misogyny [02:12:17] SR_Calimeroo: "It was an accident" yeah tell that to the judge [02:12:22] CrozzGameplay: is she okay??????? [02:12:23] voiceofthevoid999: Boop, kid down [02:12:25] Shockwavemecha: Now she can Sue you with this confession F1nn5Ter [02:12:27] nejamin3: LOL I was jk jk [02:12:29] professorpussicat: That's really scary!! [02:12:39] johnkeiwo: aww [02:12:40] callmezevi: Awww [02:12:40] RykerSune: awwww KEKW [02:12:42] occamsrazorwit: Finn removed 10% of her IQ :(( [02:12:47] The_Lazy_Danes: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:12:47] muddymudkip15: aww [02:12:49] ChasingSol: was an accident [02:12:50] mazapancitoouu: Awwwwwwwww [02:12:51] bearpaw1970: Awe 🎩🥰 [02:12:53] cedric_callnight: Does she sill have the bear? [02:12:57] blueskydrinking: That's the kind of experience that could really mess you up when you get older. Glad you're a well adjusted, normal adult KEKW [02:13:00] kirklunk: How's the best femboy doing? [02:13:03] PlanetJae: i once kicked my neighbour’s little sister in the head. we were playing on the swings and the kid walked in front of my foot [02:13:03] CrozzGameplay: that could cause like, life long brain damage no?! [02:13:03] zebrabbl396: vladncKEKW [02:13:04] very_trustworthy: W parents [02:13:09] Eadthryth: so my parents are bad ppl? [02:13:11] Jens_LN: Does the teddy bear still exist ? [02:13:11] shmanchi: I’m so jealous of your parents [02:13:13] medical_size9000: w parents [02:13:13] phaser40: Does she still have a mark on her head? [02:13:16] igy_xd0: SabaPing SabaPing [02:13:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: W parents [02:13:17] XENOMAN5: W parents [02:13:18] bakavic: she's still plotting her revenge to this day [02:13:19] YumeNoZen: Normal? [02:13:21] johnkeiwo: well adjusted LMAO [02:13:21] 416hobbit: F1nn5ter = well-adjusted [02:13:22] Valezifer: Bro your father was nearly the father of just one daughter. [02:13:23] LaMale411: W [02:13:27] blindthirdeye: @PlanetJae Is that the story your lawyers taught you? [02:13:28] ArminGux: WWWWWW parents [02:13:30] igy_xd0: w parents [02:13:34] Azure_harlequin: kids trying to kill eachother or accidentally coming close very normal [02:13:41] BrightLilThing: w parents [02:13:42] Eadthryth: "fine" [02:13:43] Radiopools: the realization.... wow lol [02:13:45] braddle172: f1nnMonka [02:13:47] johnkeiwo: monkaS [02:13:47] shmanchi: lol [02:13:47] ineedfootage: f1nnHands [02:13:48] hai_rylynn: Your nails look so cute Finn! [02:13:52] PlanetJae: @blindthirdeye … no comment [02:13:53] SnabbKassa: concussion [02:13:54] nejamin3: OHHHH [02:13:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh noooo [02:13:58] nqchtwolf: TransgenderPride [02:13:59] Avaerus0: Oh.... ohhhh [02:14:00] BrightLilThing: I had to go to the hospital to get a brain scan lol [02:14:01] Terrell39: Omg [02:14:03] nejamin3: Ohpe wait hold on [02:14:03] Shockwavemecha: feebuxWut [02:14:05] rogue_dooter: NotLikeThis [02:14:06] salem_flowers: You almost committed manslaughter [02:14:07] HardyOrange: tfw you get old enough that the funny family stories suddenly stop seeming funny [02:14:08] professorpussicat: "Oh shit, suddenly this story got a lot less funny" [02:14:08] KittenSneers: Damn [02:14:10] FlowersOfLight: . . [02:14:11] CrozzGameplay: christ on a bike maaaan! [02:14:13] The_Lazy_Danes: Squeek! [02:14:14] Shockwavemecha: goodbyeMeow [02:14:15] judgedame: oh no [02:14:16] Drax242: This is the kind of thing that comes up at the family Xmas party after a drink or 2 [02:14:17] freshdelipickles: f1nn did a hard reset on his sister [02:14:18] Selstraits: FeelsBadMan yeah i imagine that would eat at you but she's ok [02:14:30] FlowersOfLight: wow dude u almost did a manslaughter [02:14:30] Shockwavemecha: Annie are you OK? [02:14:32] ArminGux: tragedy +time [02:14:32] very_trustworthy: Factory reset [02:14:32] now_chemical: growing up is so great [02:14:33] nejamin3: who can never be sure? 😏 [02:14:35] Cyprohep: so thats why she has ADHD now? [02:14:41] 416hobbit: She said "who are you?" [02:14:42] CrozzGameplay: no she does not remember [02:14:42] eldoradosurfer: this is why she sees ghosts [02:14:47] BrightLilThing: We've got a few of those "oh shit someone almost died that time" stories lol [02:14:47] hopalongtommy: I thought anyone being knocked unconscious for a few min needs an a&e trip [02:14:49] RykerSune: KEKW [02:14:49] KittenSneers: Late apology LOL [02:14:51] blueskydrinking: LuL [02:14:51] Eromaw: KEKW [02:14:51] cedric_callnight: But hey. Good parenting. More worried about the wellbeing of the child than telling of the other child [02:14:51] Eadthryth: why would she remember, you concussed her [02:14:52] Jens_LN: Does she still have the Teddy Bear ? [02:14:54] nejamin3: LOL NOOO [02:14:56] awolkitten: well adjusted to her mental illness [02:14:58] debdrup: spit take KEKW [02:14:58] voiceofthevoid999: XD [02:15:02] salem_flowers: remember that time I almost killed you? Good times ha ha [02:15:03] Eromaw: omfg finn please haha [02:15:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: @jens_ln good question [02:15:10] CrozzGameplay: yeah literally [02:15:11] FlowersOfLight: percussive maintenance [02:15:22] RykerSune: hey, with how many woman watch true crime, you can make a paranormal scene easily LUL [02:15:22] igy_xd0: ima go to bed now bey bey [02:15:27] asraxs: she could have been the next jonbenet ramsey case [02:15:29] CyanoticJam: Night night, thanks for the entertainment [02:15:31] Shockwavemecha: 🧸 🧸 🧸 [02:15:32] davidiusfarrenius: definitely an evil spirit in that guys house! 😄 [02:15:37] very_trustworthy: Did you go for a second swing? [02:15:39] VezraOFF: @CyanoticJam night [02:15:41] professorpussicat: I was probably 3 or 4 when I whacked my cousin's head on the cement by accident and she had a big goose egg on the back of her head. My aunt really chewed me out cause she thought I did it on purpose. [02:15:42] dangerousruben: dangerousruben subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [02:15:42] f3mmbot: dangerousruben subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:15:43] Shockwavemecha: Give her a Blahaj [02:15:50] ArminGux: ur parents seem really nice [02:15:50] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter is an evil spirit ? [02:15:51] 416hobbit: Do you still have any toys from your childhood? [02:15:58] pettking: I almost broke a kid back in a school fight when i was around 12 [02:15:59] very_trustworthy: #relatable [02:16:02] SnabbKassa: the problem with saying sorry years later is that it's for your guilt [02:16:07] AeitZean: So what have you played on your PS5? [02:16:10] lightningblue05: why did you have the cricket bat that high? [02:16:11] RykerSune: then that horror movie moment of someone running at you with a chainsaw KEKW [02:16:11] alexx_net: @ArminGux They are [02:16:12] Telluzerlaw: Spirits? I mean I have bourbon [02:16:26] RykerSune: oof John [02:16:30] CrozzGameplay: 2 WEEKS?? [02:16:31] professorpussicat: OH GOD [02:16:31] cedric_callnight: When i was 7 i slipped on the pool floor and was out for a few hours [02:16:34] Eadthryth: I was pushed into a metal pole when I was 6. Had blood pouring down my face. [02:16:35] asraxs: neglected [02:16:36] Stovamor: @kirklunk, the rules are donn't be a git. DOn't be a bigot. Don't yell [02:16:41] sherlock_norris: my friend almost killed his older brothers friend with a wooden board with a nail in it [02:16:43] johnkeiwo: and the doctor thought my parents tried covering it up and almost called CPS on them KEKW [02:16:43] johnkeiwo: and the doctor thought my parents tried covering it up and almost called CPS on them KEKW [02:16:48] Dampy: you dissociate traumatic events [02:16:49] SnabbKassa: we always think our memories are accurate. they aren't. [02:16:56] RykerSune: John AINTNOWAY [02:16:59] debdrup: I had a car door closed on my fingers by accident when I was a kid, and we _never_ realized my fingers were broken - but somehow they set, and are just a bit crooked now. [02:17:04] Emmy64_: f1nnMonka [02:17:05] Selstraits: Pepega same here [02:17:06] HardyOrange: oh that happened to me!! [02:17:16] johnkeiwo: @CrozzGameplay, yeah cuz I wasn't allowing people to touch me so they didn't know it was broken [02:17:17] ArminGux: u okay? [02:17:18] Eadthryth: Same, my parents always did that [02:17:20] RykerSune: childhood memories....classic [02:17:20] Cadzzes: in year 4 I believed my ear was bleeding , but it wasn’t [02:17:23] Mrdeadfishrock: given the body is a engine when you die that energy has to go somewhere so it could theoretically make you into a ghost [02:17:24] shmanchi: @snabbkassa nuh uh [02:17:26] CrozzGameplay: sadge [02:17:26] SkidSquid: sounds a lot like some sort of trauma amnesia [02:17:27] Shockwavemecha: frostpCult [02:17:29] professorpussicat: "Wait was that trauma???" [02:17:33] nejamin3: I feel that omg [02:17:38] phoebe_rc: You are just blocking out the bad stuff [02:17:40] salem_flowers: Random trauma surfacing [02:17:40] johnkeiwo: So now as a result, everytime I move my left hand it cracks around, like when I close my fist [02:17:45] TaykenPlaysGames: I grew up during the 80's. It was a miracle when my parent's knew where I was. [02:17:46] BrightLilThing: I apparently just walked away from the house all the friggin time and they had to come fine me [02:17:47] FlowersOfLight: mmm dissociation [02:17:49] ArminGux: I often try telling a funny story and then they just look at u like “are you okay” [02:17:50] dmx908: My mother ran me over with her car once [02:17:50] Stovamor: @kirklunk, you fall under the category of gits constantly asking "Are you trans? are you on HRT? are you gay?" [02:17:52] professorpussicat: We all have a little bit of trauma [02:17:52] Selstraits: mom got tired n dropped us off to scare us to be dependent we were 7 [02:17:55] AshTheRizzler: recently i remembered how my dad dragged me over the conctrete by my arm, made me realize i mightve grown up ina abusive household [02:17:58] nejamin3: Olways?’v [02:17:58] Elifighter: uhm [02:18:00] now_chemical: you don’t perceive it as abnormal when you’re experiencing life the first time around. crazy when you think again later on things [02:18:00] professorpussicat: Some of us have serious trauma [02:18:00] very_trustworthy: My cousin ran into a door i slammed whilst I was running around and I got chewed out because my parents thought I did it [02:18:03] infamousg360: infamousg360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kittykirax! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [02:18:03] f3mmbot: infamousg360 has gifted a subscription to kittykirax at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang kittykirax f1nnLezgang [02:18:04] LaCroix_Blows: I accidently poisoned my brother with an unknown medicine [02:18:05] trap_lover68: yes [02:18:10] Eadthryth: Is that why I barely remember my childhood, bc trauma? [02:18:10] blueskydrinking: I got lost in Snowdonia National Park when I was 5 [02:18:15] Dampy: first you shake the baby, then you run them over [02:18:16] johnkeiwo: We are fucked up kids Aware [02:18:16] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: monkaS 🚗 [02:18:18] abby_adventures: are you going to be reacting to the superbowl halftime show? [02:18:20] Quinnighan: or the memories that you dont actually have, but "remember" bc youve heard the story so many times [02:18:25] fridtha: My mom left me on the side of the road cuz I wouldn't stop crying [02:18:28] ClaraRenway: @Eadthryth probably cos same [02:18:29] thunderscoob: i think i was 7 when i kicked a fork through my brother's face, and also around that time my parents accidentally threw across a parking lot. [02:18:30] Stovamor: @abby_adventures, noone cares about the superbowl outside of the US [02:18:31] Wardenboo: this reminds me of Chris's tiktok xD [02:18:31] SnabbKassa: you'd hurt them by being overprotective= [02:18:31] VvVictimize: Look how he turned out [02:18:34] PlanetJae: my mum once closed a car boot on my sibling’s head [02:18:35] RykerSune: I remembered falling off the monkey bars flat on my back. Still have pains till this day, but never needed a hospital visit [02:18:35] BrightLilThing: I feel like this is the audience that is gonna have some fun stories of youth... that are actually traumatic lol [02:18:35] phoebe_rc: You probably would be better than you think [02:18:36] nejamin3: “how” with the car [02:18:38] Shockwavemecha: Good old days [02:18:38] its_me_mario89: Me and my brother fell out a 3rd story window [02:18:40] ScalyStar: one time i was being an annoying kid while my dad was on the phone, so when i turned around he kicked me so hard in the back i fell down and had really bad back pain for a couple days fifiPause [02:18:41] TheDutchSmoke: @f1nn5ter you want kids? [02:18:42] sherlock_norris: different times [02:18:43] very_trustworthy: 🤨🤨🤨🤨 [02:18:44] mazapancitoouu: Mine would never!! [02:18:47] Cadzzes: I got pushed into a road into on coming traffic by my mate as a joke [02:18:54] TayTaetay: I broken several fingers in a car door. I remember being scared but very few of details. My mom said it was one of worst days of her life. [02:18:55] Halketa: do you have an outfit planned for today? [02:18:55] abby_adventures: @stovamor but the halftime show [02:18:57] voiceofthevoid999: I had to find out second hand from my parents I was bullied into homeschooling. My entire life I've just been like "my school life was fine. I just said I hated it one day" XD [02:18:59] SR_Calimeroo: when we where 8 we chased the boars in the nearby forest... we didn't realize they were dangerous [02:18:59] SnabbKassa: parents were less scared before phones, which makes no sense [02:19:01] 2dotthings__: Why is everyone talking about damn kids LMAO the hell [02:19:04] LowlyCoffee: I would only come back to eat when I was a kid and then go back outside [02:19:08] bulletfeed: I tryed to drink my mums car at 6 [02:19:09] SeiReiJoku: Cheer100 [02:19:09] Stovamor: @abby_adventures, but noone cares. And DMCA [02:19:12] AshTheRizzler: same bro im lucky i never gut abducted [02:19:14] mazapancitoouu: Noooooo [02:19:15] Eadthryth: Baby centrifuge [02:19:16] shmanchi: my streamer advocating child abuse? [02:19:16] phaser40: Kick the baby! [02:19:18] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: KEKW shaking babies wat LUL [02:19:19] Stovamor: @kirklunk, enjoy your ten minutes [02:19:19] very_trustworthy: Like chocolate milk [02:19:21] RykerSune: I think that's the reason why gen alpha is.....questionable [02:19:21] professorpussicat: Yeah the world is a much scarier place when you grow up. [02:19:23] Mr_Turtlinator: Are babies washing machine proof? [02:19:23] ArminGux: when you get unconditional trust you don’t wanna misuse it as akid [02:19:23] zebrabbl396: Shaking is the rest button [02:19:23] ScalyStar: GOLDEN KAPPA [02:19:24] MirahImage: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [02:19:26] jade_lunaire: 23 ?! [02:19:30] PlanetJae: shaken babies die, f1nn [02:19:34] rogue_dooter: Pro tip: if youre baby is crying you can shake it to make it quiet [02:19:35] kingalekhin: youre my age? damn [02:19:37] Niekiip: shaken baby syndrome is an actual thing [02:19:40] BrightLilThing: I got my first cellphone at 22 lol [02:19:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: officer, I drop kicked that child in self defense [02:19:41] FlowersOfLight: f1nn, you're projecting [02:19:43] nejamin3: shaken baby syndroooooome [02:19:45] Jens_LN: you had Cellphones [02:19:45] ArtofBartlett: Probably a blackberry [02:19:45] SnabbKassa: "t'll never catch on" -- Ballmer [02:19:45] Des_troy_er: Cheer100 [02:19:47] abby_adventures: @stovamor good point [02:19:47] Havryl: Havryl is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [02:19:48] f3mmbot: havryl has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:19:48] Havryl: Havryl gifted a Tier 1 sub to michaelsally19190! [02:19:48] Havryl: Havryl gifted a Tier 1 sub to dpmeijer! [02:19:48] Havryl: Havryl gifted a Tier 1 sub to Juliya_999! [02:19:48] Havryl: Havryl gifted a Tier 1 sub to theking_cool! [02:19:48] Havryl: Havryl gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crowleyq! [02:19:50] 416hobbit: When did you get your first phone? [02:19:51] ScalyStar: f1nnCancelled [02:19:51] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: @Stovamor patience of a saint , thank you ModLove [02:19:51] bearpaw1970: 2007 , designed in 2005 [02:19:52] boom_and_alpha_yt: we all that person who we just trauma bond with [02:19:53] MaxWattage: Cheer100 [02:19:54] Rue4192: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 uwu [02:19:55] TheNeverShow: My mum hit me with Wooden spoons [02:19:55] RykerSune: LUL [02:19:56] xarcaanejinxx: Bonk [02:19:56] YumeNoZen: I'm so glad I don't have any stories that bad. Broke an ankle getting it caught in a bicycle wheel riding on the back, broke my foot while playing a game in Boy Scouts, and broke my hand sparring a fifth degree black belt from Korea. Nothing unexplained at least. [02:19:58] Mr_Turtlinator: Elderly [02:20:00] ArminGux: I had a 3310, shit was lit [02:20:00] blueskydrinking: "Always remember to beat your kids" F1nn, 2024 Kappa [02:20:03] alexx_net: @PlanetJae he is aware [02:20:04] Havryl: Woo! [02:20:05] varj1: it means you're elderly [02:20:07] nejamin3: when u came out? [02:20:08] PlanetJae: you’re like… two years? three years older than me? so like between mine and my sibling’s age [02:20:11] kingalekhin: you just seem so much more mature than me, not in a bad way [02:20:12] ma5ter5pl1nter: dont shake babys it can severly damage their brains! [02:20:12] zachydaiquiri: DAMN [02:20:14] Hawkeyemn: where do I submit my femboy makeover application ? [02:20:15] xTonySparkx: 35 [02:20:16] Stovamor: @UwU_MeMeS_UwU, occasionally, I attempt to reason with people rather than just getting rid of them [02:20:17] Mr_Turtlinator: 👴👴👴 [02:20:17] professorpussicat: One of my earliest memories was fucking columbine. [02:20:17] Fizdantalus: Poor oldman Finn [02:20:18] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣 [02:20:19] now_chemical: i feel old haha. my dad got a cellphone around that age in the late 90’s and my brain exploded [02:20:19] Tyception_1: when i was 7, i went into a storm drain with 2 friends, and we got lost for hours in there......don't trust kids [02:20:20] ramboo1989: wait till your 35 gremlin [02:20:22] Elifighter: old man [02:20:24] debdrup: oldman F1nn [02:20:24] dmx908: And here i am 30 im too dam old [02:20:24] XENOMAN5: @niekiip He knows and is trolling us as usual [02:20:25] moon_shaped_pool: I remember my dad having to use an in car telephone [02:20:26] ClaraRenway: huh Golden Kappa Train??? [02:20:27] occamsrazorwit: you're not Gen Alpha?? [02:20:28] stephanie1701: nokia 3210 was my first phone [02:20:28] its_me_mario89: Old [02:20:30] scarlettyg: Still better than the traditional Eastern European method of "getting your kid to sleep by feeding them bread dipped in alcohol" [02:20:30] Jens_LN: OOOOLD [02:20:32] jesterkotz: youre 26 days older than me [02:20:32] SnabbKassa: nearly 24 [02:20:32] eclipsefox25: wait I’m older than you I turned 24 yesterday [02:20:33] Terrell39: old [02:20:33] gamertwtch: Thats how i feel at 25 [02:20:34] Mr_Turtlinator: 32, noted [02:20:35] very_trustworthy: How much do you make a year [02:20:35] PanRojek: Hello! panrojHeart panrojHi panrojWow [02:20:36] jamnesia777: Cheer44 [02:20:36] voiceofthevoid999: Gramps [02:20:36] rainfallwall: just a baby [02:20:37] now_chemical: it’s not old [02:20:37] Havryl: Kappa [02:20:38] beantransfer: vioGAYAYA [02:20:38] RykerSune: yeah. old would be 3 years later [02:20:38] TaykenPlaysGames: you are 1/2 my age. [02:20:38] phaser40: I'm 38 [02:20:39] asraxs: elder gen z [02:20:39] Dampy: you're still a baby [02:20:39] Jens_LN: Ancient ! [02:20:40] debdrup: Almost 25 [02:20:41] thegodemperorofmankind0: F1nn you're still a child xxx 😆 [02:20:41] jennifer3037c: Thats aged [02:20:41] TherealMatrixboy: TherealMatrixboy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [02:20:42] nejamin3: they just being a dumb ah [02:20:42] f3mmbot: therealmatrixboy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [02:20:43] thunderscoob: the jealousy of someone our age or younger being this successful. [02:20:44] cooksad: lol [02:20:44] dcg44s: Old is relative. [02:20:45] varj1: 23 is when things start falling apart [02:20:46] 416hobbit: Gen-X here [02:20:46] Cadzzes: f1nn your old 😂 [02:20:46] Shockwavemecha: F an ta [02:20:46] ClaraRenway: jus a lil baby [02:20:47] now_chemical: up to 15 [02:20:48] LittleChaSiu: "zee" [02:20:48] TayTaetay: They are like 12 [02:20:49] SR_Calimeroo: you are born after 2000 so you a baby [02:20:49] blueskydrinking: There's a gen alpha??? [02:20:50] AeitZean: @dampy exactly [02:20:50] YumeNoZen: ... [02:20:50] RykerSune: gen alpha is strange [02:20:51] Targz_: ik this is highly individual, but, as an ace, how do you feel about kissing? like in general and making out? genuinely curious. I know a couple of h0rny cishet guys that don't enjoy it at all and see it as a means to an end but to me it's like head scratches and cuddles on steroids [02:20:51] SubliminalCorruption: kids started having mobile phones on the bus to school at the end of the 90's [02:20:51] SnabbKassa: Generation Chad [02:20:53] bucksben: Blimey - I've had the same mobile # since 1996!!! [02:20:53] Lucridis: Yeah knew you weren't an alpha [02:20:53] ScalyStar: ScalyStar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! something something I did it for the golden Kappa [02:20:54] f3mmbot: scalystar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:20:54] dafdeddog: i have socks older than you [02:20:54] Kampfnudel34: F1nnster triggered ^____^ He wanna know [02:20:55] cedric_callnight: Gen Zs are the coolest [02:20:55] YumeNoZen: I'm an Elder Millenial. [02:20:57] Jens_LN: Old Man ! [02:20:58] Elifighter: gray hair too [02:20:59] now_chemical: through 15 rn [02:21:01] FlowersOfLight: ur 1 year younger than me [02:21:04] ChasingSol: gen zee ? shouldn't it be gen zed ? [02:21:05] Fizdantalus: You are so old Priests won't even talk to you anymore [02:21:07] kayseek2004: 13 or younger [02:21:07] bearpaw1970: Gen is the newest generation [02:21:10] comficamping: hello everyone [02:21:10] nejamin3: Woop woop [02:21:13] Ribswith: Sweet baby sweet baby [02:21:13] very_trustworthy: There are 12 year old genz [02:21:14] xarcaanejinxx: Heck yeah we love elder gen z [02:21:14] shmanchi: I’m the oldest zoomer [02:21:15] oofd3d: Superbowl!!! [02:21:15] Wardenboo: yes [02:21:15] SkidSquid: saphora 12 year olds [02:21:17] bigkrimpin: the skibidi toilet generation [02:21:18] Niekiip: @XENOMAN5 okay thanks [02:21:19] StreamrollerFunFun: still a young pup [02:21:19] now_chemical: gen alpha is in high school now yall [02:21:19] freshdelipickles: it's not good, yeah [02:21:20] Heisenberg_G4H: FemBoi Daddy Finn [02:21:21] Jens_LN: oh yeah, and they are right [02:21:23] Cyprohep: they umb af [02:21:24] Heisenberg_G4H: hi [02:21:24] comficamping: how is everyone doing [02:21:25] RykerSune: gen alpha is so weird for how they grew up [02:21:28] Quinnighan: ive seen teachers complaining that they cant even read???\ [02:21:30] nejamin3: 97 FTW. hand me down 90s kids basically [02:21:30] HardyOrange: they're hitting us high school; gen alpha would be fine, they just missed out on socialization bc of covid [02:21:31] Itz_Mops: Kappa [02:21:32] asraxs: gen aplha was probably shaken as babies [02:21:33] shmanchi: I have it’s crazy. they can’t read [02:21:33] TaykenPlaysGames: Gen X is the best Gen [02:21:33] debdrup: cyprohep: nice typo [02:21:33] kingalekhin: @F1NN5TER you just seem so much more mature than me, not meant in a bad way [02:21:34] professorpussicat: Literally our generation experienced columbine and 9/11, followed by 20 years of more domestic terrorism. And boomers wonder why we're fucked up. [02:21:35] monday5671: I'm been held against a wall by my 6'10" father, he had his arm against my throat (I was about 13 5'8" at the time). [02:21:35] ClaraRenway: its cos millenials raised them on screens [02:21:36] Cyprohep: they cant spell or read its wild [02:21:36] TrueMezzo: it happens every fking generation over and over again [02:21:39] SnazzJaz4297: Skibidi Rizz Ohio Gyatt Sigma Males [02:21:39] aditoezxc: Bruh [02:21:39] cedric_callnight: Yeah, apparently they dont have good reading comprehension [02:21:40] xarcaanejinxx: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [02:21:40] SnabbKassa: ignorant because all the information is on phones [02:21:40] seibaby: "Gen alpha can't read and only speak in incomprehensible slang" [02:21:44] thegodemperorofmankind0: You young whippersnappers don't know how good you have it x elder millennial here! [02:21:45] rainfallwall: rainfallwall is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [02:21:45] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: @Stovamor as a former mod, I understand. the starting question/first comment.... mega oof [02:21:45] rainfallwall: rainfallwall gifted a Tier 1 sub to cosmokiji! [02:21:45] ZodFang: Cheer100 [02:21:45] f3mmbot: rainfallwall has gifted a subscription to cosmokiji at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang cosmokiji f1nnLezgang [02:21:46] AeitZean: Is it all boomers complaining? [02:21:46] MortallyTransparentCupcke: I am a teacher, and GEN Alpha scare me with their reading levels. [02:21:57] johnkeiwo: so fanum tax ! [02:21:57] HardyOrange: it's the trauma, we've been over this [02:21:58] RykerSune: OMG I hated that [02:21:58] blueskydrinking: Gen Alpha can't be that bad, we used to stab each other when I was in school [02:21:59] nejamin3: on what’s it called tik tok. idk I’ve never heard of tik tok [02:22:00] debdrup: No, you're not right. [02:22:00] YumeNoZen: Pandemic did a lot of damage with younger socialization, along with kickstarting some trans journeys, especially online. [02:22:01] ArminGux: teachers always complaining about kids [02:22:04] RykerSune: yes [02:22:05] hopalongtommy: Teachers complain about their students. It's timeless [02:22:06] aditoezxc: SKIBIDI GYAT [02:22:06] Jens_LN: no .. just no, F1nn [02:22:07] Shockwavemecha: Wut$ [02:22:07] johnkeiwo: Unalive ! [02:22:09] xarcaanejinxx: Yes [02:22:10] SnabbKassa: TOS [02:22:11] baslak01: Phantom tax [02:22:11] NebulaElk: NotLikeThis [02:22:11] braddle172: Yep [02:22:11] bigkrimpin: yeah many times [02:22:13] its_me_mario89: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [02:22:13] Mr_Turtlinator: Finn, you make me sad [02:22:15] professorpussicat: IN MINECRAFT [02:22:15] 2dotthings__: All the time lel [02:22:15] phoebe_rc: Gen Alpha are under 13 currently [02:22:18] LowlyCoffee: Yeah [02:22:19] asraxs: all the time [02:22:20] neonghost121: neonghost121 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:22:21] thunderscoob: yes, not for something like that though [02:22:21] neonghost121: neonghost121 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lexisbaby! [02:22:21] f3mmbot: neonghost121 has gifted a subscription to lexisbaby at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lexisbaby f1nnLezgang [02:22:21] nejamin3: yes [02:22:22] boom_and_alpha_yt: no. no no [02:22:24] YumeNoZen: Shaddup youngling. [02:22:24] kayseek2004: yes (last night) [02:22:26] voiceofthevoid999: XD [02:22:26] xarcaanejinxx: I wonder that all the time [02:22:27] RykerSune: Someone point me to the nearest bridge! [02:22:27] voiceofthevoid999: Def [02:22:28] johnkeiwo: today is the day cringe might kill me [02:22:28] muddymudkip15: totally [02:22:28] Heisenberg_G4H: @f1nn5ter viewer for a long time love the lives keep it up maybe drink? [02:22:29] Shockwavemecha: feebuxWut feebuxWut feebuxWut [02:22:30] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis [02:22:30] nejamin3: yes yea yes yeah lmao yes [02:22:33] dkarnskymasters: this is like the opposite of a mental health channel lol [02:22:36] Eadthryth: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 My little sister is gen alpha and she doesn't believe in dinosoars. [02:22:37] zachydaiquiri: Gen alpha is doomed [02:22:38] LaMale411: @mortallytransparentcupcke Then teaches them to read better Kappa [02:22:39] Selstraits: Pepega tos but yeah [02:22:42] now_chemical: like gen alpha can get their temporary driving licenses soon wtf [02:22:42] Havryl: Kappa [02:22:46] DustinTheWind404: The teachers may have a point, but they sound no different from that teacher (principal?) in the movie The Breakfast Club. [02:22:47] Jens_LN: i saw a video of an iPad baby that cried out in "skibidi" [02:22:48] ramboo1989: ghost are now waiting for you -SOAD [02:22:49] Nirvana_W22: it surprises me ur a similar age to me just bc im so used to content creators being older than me, not a kid anymore :( [02:22:50] Heisenberg_G4H: it’s the super bowl [02:22:51] Havryl: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:22:53] nejamin3: yuuuuupppp siirreee lmao [02:22:54] johnkeiwo: WHAT !? [02:22:55] HardyOrange: gen alpha missed out on getting to mature with their peers, so they act about 2-3 years younger than they actually are [02:22:56] now_chemical: HUH [02:22:57] Ha_nnes: Ha_nnes is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:22:57] Terrell39: Poor dinos [02:22:57] Ha_nnes: Ha_nnes gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bobcageyon! [02:22:57] f3mmbot: ha_nnes has gifted a subscription to bobcageyon at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bobcageyon f1nnLezgang [02:22:58] XENOMAN5: You are extra goofy today. I like it. [02:22:59] Avaerus0: How? [02:23:00] RykerSune: HUH [02:23:01] SnabbKassa: they just need to read some books. learn standard grammar. [02:23:01] YumeNoZen: Your little sister is just dumb, then. [02:23:02] Wardenboo: BELIEVE?? [02:23:03] Valezifer: Good night from Germany. [02:23:04] ChasingSol: we have physical proof that dinosaurs are real [02:23:04] johnkeiwo: we are doomed as specie [02:23:05] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: LUL no dinosaurs? They're NUGGIE shaped LUL [02:23:06] 416hobbit: That's because they don't exist (presently) [02:23:06] xarcaanejinxx: Gen alpha is wild [02:23:06] MortallyTransparentCupcke: @LaMale411 Their parents won't let us do what is needed. [02:23:06] asraxs: the question is does she believe in ghosts [02:23:07] freshdelipickles: KEKW [02:23:08] HardyOrange: ...oh no [02:23:09] blueskydrinking: What now [02:23:09] debdrup: what [02:23:09] braddle172: Huh [02:23:09] RykerSune: wait [02:23:09] estherarchive: ???????????? [02:23:09] ScalyStar: what [02:23:10] johnkeiwo: Oh ... [02:23:11] debdrup: repeat? [02:23:11] its_me_mario89: What [02:23:11] blueish4: ????? [02:23:12] ScalyStar: ???????????????? [02:23:12] shmanchi: is she like very christian? [02:23:12] blatant_fabrication: wat [02:23:13] 1_smart_donkey: ????? [02:23:13] Ribswith: Tell her dinosaurs believe in her [02:23:13] ChasingSol: WAIT, WHAT?! [02:23:13] AlmondVF: the moon? [02:23:13] JuuIian: Huh [02:23:13] Lucridis: But you can see the moon.... [02:23:13] SnabbKassa: the moon? [02:23:13] Oruosa: ?? [02:23:14] voiceofthevoid999: um [02:23:14] TrueMezzo: hahaha [02:23:14] johnkeiwo: oh that's not ... [02:23:14] Selstraits: peepoSimp but seeing you keeps me going [02:23:15] Jens_LN: .... [02:23:15] idesofjuno: what? [02:23:15] Niekiip: in the moon? like the thing in the sky [02:23:15] alikarin: what? [02:23:16] nejamin3: wtf [02:23:16] FarozCS: shes right. moons fake [02:23:16] RykerSune: uhhhhhh [02:23:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: HUH [02:23:17] braddle172: ??? [02:23:17] Avaerus0: Is it a hologram? [02:23:18] Terrell39: Thats a bit right [02:23:18] LaMale411: what [02:23:18] blindthirdeye: floating plate in the sky [02:23:18] lunar_corvid: ????? [02:23:18] Eadthryth: @shmanchi YES [02:23:18] pinkopengu: what [02:23:19] Wardenboo: they are real! [02:23:19] muddymudkip15: huh [02:23:19] LightningDesigner: what [02:23:19] xarcaanejinxx: HUH [02:23:19] nejamin3: ummm [02:23:20] Kampfnudel34: DInosaurs existence is luckily not dependent on believe [02:23:20] Uonia: but the moon is right there? [02:23:20] AeitZean: LUL what [02:23:20] shell_magnet79: shell_magnet79 subscribed at Tier 1. [02:23:20] bearpaw1970: In the United States , by 2032 Gen y, z & Alpha will have over 32% of the voting block majority [02:23:21] f3mmbot: shell_magnet79 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang shell_magnet79 f1nnLezgang [02:23:21] Quinnighan: i think a lot of gen alpha werent held back when they needed to be and are lacking a lot of skills from COVID times [02:23:21] electric_cicada: huuhh? [02:23:22] soggyvector: wat [02:23:22] seibaby: Moon's not real she's right [02:23:22] blueskydrinking: HUH [02:23:23] alikarin: The moon? [02:23:23] hummingbeeeee: what does she think is there???? [02:23:23] boom_and_alpha_yt: what [02:23:24] Cadzzes: Finn sorry if this seems personal but do you have a lazy eye , I kinda take in to much detail and to me it looks like u do but id thought id ask [02:23:24] neon_pastel_: off topic but its so funny how aromantic awareness week is right after valentines day [02:23:25] buddyjare: oh god [02:23:25] voiceofthevoid999: Oh you shpouldn't have said that FInn XD [02:23:25] ramboo1989: sun simulator [02:23:26] estherarchive: JUST LOOK UP [02:23:26] Wardenboo: they are not ghosts xDDDD [02:23:26] very_trustworthy: Tell her to look up [02:23:26] ArminGux: but she can see it [02:23:26] nejamin3: HUH [02:23:28] PlanetJae: yeah cos the moon isn’t real. duh. [02:23:28] AlmondVF: the big thing in the sky? [02:23:28] dkarnskymasters: i saw a painting of Jesus riding a dinosaur so it must be true [02:23:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: wait, are you gaslighting us? [02:23:29] dafdeddog: does she thing its flat? [02:23:30] alikarin: She asked what? [02:23:31] Jens_LN: you mean in the Moon landing ? [02:23:31] callmezevi: hę? [02:23:31] nejamin3: WAIT WHAT [02:23:31] now_chemical: oh no lmaooo [02:23:31] Cadzzes: wiat the moon!?!? [02:23:31] devoluxn: Moon is a government plot [02:23:32] MrWisty: you can see the moon...... [02:23:32] boom_and_alpha_yt: excuse me look up [02:23:33] arokugames1: f1nnTankhat [02:23:33] blindthirdeye: Ashley IMMEDIATELY started texting [02:23:34] SkidSquid: religion [02:23:34] blindthirdeye: lmao [02:23:35] RykerSune: wdym? like just the moon landing right?......RIGHT?! [02:23:36] trap_lover68: explain!! [02:23:37] LaMale411: LUL [02:23:37] mr_goope: I had to convince my mom that gravity was a thing [02:23:38] ChasingSol: your future mother-in-law is not going to like you... [02:23:38] LowlyCoffee: The moon is a hologram [02:23:38] HardyOrange: does she not believe in the moon landing?? [02:23:39] MirahImage: What?!? [02:23:39] beachboy616: bro F1nn is trans or a Crossdresser [02:23:39] debdrup: you can't just leave it at that [02:23:39] xarcaanejinxx: Does she think the moon landing was fake [02:23:40] alikarin: What did she ask? [02:23:40] hummingbeeeee: the moon is cheese folks [02:23:40] ScreamingMime33: My bf jokingly says he's a flat earther, but it's getting a bit... real? [02:23:40] SnabbKassa: what about the sun? [02:23:40] 1_smart_donkey: Ooh you in troubl [02:23:41] blockbuster1987: what is happening this stream [02:23:41] Ribswith: The moon is an egg [02:23:42] johnkeiwo: I'm not gonna go there but oof KEKW [02:23:43] bulletfeed: And I bet gen alpha thinks the moon landing was fake [02:23:43] nejamin3: WHHHHHAART [02:23:43] phaser40: Apparently God put fossils in the dirt just to fuck with archeologists [02:23:46] mounty_man42: qu?? [02:23:46] XENOMAN5: Trees aren’t real [02:23:47] nejamin3: LOL NO [02:23:49] now_chemical: the moon landing? [02:23:50] BrightLilThing: My dad doesn't believe in climate change... [02:23:50] very_trustworthy: Tell Ashley I said hi [02:23:51] HardyOrange: okay, that's fair [02:23:53] nejamin3: ASHLEY MOM WHAT [02:23:53] scarlettyg: Birds are just drones [02:23:54] Jens_LN: She don't believe in the moon landing ? [02:23:56] asraxs: how is it dangling in the sky [02:23:56] blueskydrinking: Is that like the meme? About out crazying conspiracy theorists? [02:24:00] Maddrius: orbital mechanics? [02:24:01] buddyjare: it’s a chunk of the earth [02:24:01] WarningYoo: helloo people \o/ [02:24:02] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: @scarlettyg best meme KEKW [02:24:02] Terrell39: Planet hit earth, earth splits in two [02:24:05] 2dotthings__: Black Mass [02:24:06] ChasingSol: right [02:24:08] Nobodyofsora: When did you decide to refer to yourself as a femboy? [02:24:10] nejamin3: DONT BELIEVE IN THE MOON [02:24:11] debdrup: mass vs weight [02:24:11] Drax242: Gravity [02:24:13] RykerSune: I'm studying Astronomy. explain this logic KEKW [02:24:13] SkidSquid: hhhuh [02:24:14] Shockwavemecha: We are in The Matrix, change my Mind [02:24:14] Jens_LN: yeah, mass and inertia [02:24:15] its_me_mario89: Birds are robots run by the government [02:24:15] Tjd321: So she understands the moon is real but just doesn't understand moon logic? [02:24:16] Eadthryth: F=MA bro [02:24:17] scarlettyg: TBF it's an awesome way to clap back at moon landing deniers, just ask them "OMG you still believe in the moon?" [02:24:18] Ribswith: The Higgs field makes mass [02:24:18] occamsrazorwit: Finn doesn't believe in ghosts, but he believes in space?? LMAO [02:24:19] HardyOrange: I had to explain why we have rain to a guy in his 40s, he thought it was a mystery no one knew [02:24:20] Halketa: inertia? [02:24:21] very_trustworthy: Gen z ended in 2012 [02:24:22] Selstraits: that's math [02:24:22] Heisenberg_G4H: gravity projects mass across space [02:24:23] LaMale411: the moon is real, it’s that birds are fake :) [02:24:23] blueskydrinking: Imagine having gravity explained to you by a femboy LuL [02:24:24] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: moon is made out of cheese POGGERS [02:24:24] ArminGux: has she never heard of Neuton [02:24:24] livetalk__: yup [02:24:25] zachydaiquiri: Newtons law [02:24:26] Bytebak: Birds aren't real! [02:24:26] thunderscoob: mass and weight are different [02:24:26] MangledPork: Oh she doesn't get how orbits work [02:24:26] asraxs: why is everything in caveman terms with bat hitting lmao [02:24:29] The_Lazy_Danes: @Nobodyofsora long time ago [02:24:29] johnkeiwo: yeah we get it KEKW [02:24:30] ChasingSol: landmine [02:24:30] now_chemical: yeah give her her privacy kekw [02:24:30] trap_lover68: say more please [02:24:30] voiceofthevoid999: Don't feed the bullies XD [02:24:33] debdrup: the moon is a harsh mistress [02:24:33] SkidSquid: bro [02:24:33] Targz_: Red alert I'm trying to hit the give you money button and it isn't working [02:24:33] bearpaw1970: Lmao' 😂 [02:24:34] 1_smart_donkey: And right now Ashley comes running through the door to hit you [02:24:35] BrightLilThing: might have stepped too far [02:24:35] cedric_callnight: We need to get Neil deGresse Tyson in here [02:24:36] Havryl: Just cut it off here. LUL [02:24:36] SkidSquid: what [02:24:38] SnabbKassa: if your bro hits you with a cricket bat in space, does it make a sound? [02:24:39] alikarin: That's different than Doesn't believe in the moon, [02:24:39] Dampy: is the moon just a giant balloon? [02:24:41] Kampfnudel34: The word you are looking for is inertia/word. [02:24:41] johnkeiwo: yes [02:24:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: shut up while you’re ahead lmao [02:24:43] AeitZean: Tell us about your PS5 [02:24:44] Nirvana_W22: it surprises me ur a similar age to me just bc im so used to content creators being older than me, I'm not a kid anymore :( [02:24:46] ramboo1989: Krazy huh [02:24:46] scarlettyg: Space is the last place not corrupted by capitalism, it has to be real [02:24:47] AlmondVF: ahhhhhh she thought everything outside of earth had 0 gravity and therefore also had no weight/mass etc [02:24:48] phoebe_rc: The one to confuse is to tell them that there is gravity in space [02:24:48] nejamin3: nah nah go on 😆 [02:24:49] johnkeiwo: BIRDS ARENT REAL !!! [02:24:49] phaser40: There's a great book called "who built the moon" I recommend it, lots of great evidence that the moon might be artificial [02:24:49] johnkeiwo: BIRDS ARENT REAL !!! [02:24:50] Avaerus0: Some conspiracy theories start as jokes [02:24:51] Eadthryth: Finn doesn't believe in the myth of men. [02:24:51] nejamin3: LOOOOOL [02:24:52] HardyOrange: sometimes people miss out on weird bits of their education [02:24:52] BrightLilThing: Lizards run the government [02:24:52] ArminGux: are girls real? [02:24:53] thunderscoob: that you are a manly man? [02:24:53] nejamin3: STOP [02:24:54] Shockwavemecha: F1nn5ter is C G I [02:24:56] zachydaiquiri: CHEMTRAILS [02:24:57] Cadzzes: is the earth flat tho [02:24:57] johnkeiwo: they are drones ! KKona [02:25:00] blueskydrinking: What's your opinion about the antarctic ice wall? Kappa [02:25:00] RykerSune: space is real....but HIGHLY impossible to visit with not high tech material [02:25:01] Stovamor: Stovamor is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1021 in the channel! [02:25:01] f3mmbot: stovamor has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:25:01] xarcaanejinxx: Spill the celebrity conspiracy theories [02:25:01] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to deepfriedchickenz! [02:25:01] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to asami_yamazaki! [02:25:01] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to GordonPayne30! [02:25:01] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to ser_senju! [02:25:01] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to cooltukk! [02:25:02] Kampfnudel34: Chemtrails maybe? [02:25:02] Selstraits: Pepega i got a better one how is the sun on fire if there's no oxygen??? [02:25:03] now_chemical: birds arn’t real [02:25:03] ClaraRenway: @BrightLilThing thats fact [02:25:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: @johnkeiwo BASED JOHN [02:25:06] ramboo1989: Paul McCartney is the real McCartney and he was not cloned [02:25:07] badger_ben: Cheer100 [02:25:08] futurist___: Aliens? [02:25:09] Jens_LN: Elvis is still Alive ?! [02:25:10] neon_pastel_: i don't believe in space NASA is ran by hamsters sin skinsuits [02:25:11] ChasingSol: @shmanchi all caps get auto-deleted [02:25:11] johnkeiwo: BIRDS ARENT REAL !!! [02:25:12] SkidSquid: yall believe the moon is real???? [02:25:13] BrightLilThing: Not lizard people... little foot long lizards run the government lol [02:25:13] Stovamor: Kappa [02:25:13] HardyOrange: that's fair enough, you know what media training looks like [02:25:15] FarozCS: jfk or mlk jr? [02:25:15] kayseek2004: space is where the lizard men come from [02:25:17] futurist___: Crop circles? [02:25:18] SnabbKassa: believing stupid stuff is just a flex of indifference [02:25:19] gamertwtch: chemicals in wayer AFFECTING FROGS? [02:25:19] lewdbirdnoises: bird's aren't real is a good one [02:25:21] Terrell39: 'Nhe earth i flat and has a glaze dome over it made by aliens to keep us in' LOL [02:25:21] AeitZean: Femtrails? [02:25:23] phaser40: Hollow earth? [02:25:23] YumeNoZen: I mean, rich people don't need to work behind the scenes to control the world. [02:25:23] nejamin3: are you a transvestigatir [02:25:24] cedric_callnight: Bigfoot? [02:25:24] Drax242: Does Nessy exist? [02:25:25] asraxs: the dead celebrities being replaced [02:25:25] its_me_mario89: The government is run by lizard people [02:25:26] zebrabbl396: Stuff in the 💧 [02:25:27] Shockwavemecha: Femboys are an Industry Plant [02:25:27] hummingbeeeee: that anti vape ads make you think about nic more [02:25:28] neonghost121: neonghost121 subscribed at Tier 1. [02:25:28] f3mmbot: neonghost121 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang neonghost121 f1nnLezgang [02:25:29] Ribswith: Everything is a chemical [02:25:30] Stovamor: Cos you have a golden kappa train again @F1NN5TER [02:25:30] Stovamor: Cos you have a golden kappa train again @F1NN5TER [02:25:30] Stovamor: Cos you have a golden kappa train again @F1NN5TER [02:25:31] Quinnighan: avril lavinge is a doppleganer [02:25:32] trynabequan: Church of scientology being a cult [02:25:32] A_Fforrest: died in a car crash [02:25:32] HatsuneMiku_actual: HatsuneMiku_actual subscribed with Prime. [02:25:32] f3mmbot: hatsunemiku_actual subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hatsunemiku_actual f1nnLezgang [02:25:33] nejamin3: or have u heard of them [02:25:33] Qsie: Cheer95 [02:25:35] Emmy64_: LUL [02:25:35] blueskydrinking: Paul is Dead was real conspiracy theory in the 70s [02:25:35] ChasingSol: Loch Ness monster, real or not? [02:25:38] Selstraits: Pepega [02:25:38] ramboo1989: ooof [02:25:38] c__r__j: As XKCD pointed out, belief in ghosts, the yeti, the Loch Ness Monster etc have dramatically declined since camera phones. Nowadays everyone is just "pics or it didn't happen". [02:25:39] baslak01: ITS FUSIONNNN [02:25:39] mrmcfugginlurker: the cia killed jfk [02:25:40] now_chemical: they’re turning the freakin frogs gay [02:25:40] RykerSune: NotLikeThis [02:25:40] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:25:41] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:25:41] ScalyStar: Kappa [02:25:41] SnazzJaz4297: Illuminati, Flat Earth, Trans Celebrities, Deep Ocean Creatures (to name a few I've heard of) [02:25:42] deano_0_: the chemicals in the water are turning the friggin frogs gay [02:25:42] mossbirbz: @johnkeiwo Confirmed. birbs not real! [02:25:42] SnabbKassa: it's not on fire [02:25:42] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: nice, golden Kappa [02:25:43] cedric_callnight: Thats not how the sun works!!!! [02:25:43] TheNeverShow: Bat boy lives [02:25:43] debdrup: The sun isn't on fire, it's plasma [02:25:44] Sht1k: Taylor Swift did 9/11 [02:25:45] blatant_fabrication: nuclear fusion [02:25:45] Stovamor: Cos you have a golden kappa train again @F1NN5TER [02:25:46] Heisenberg_G4H: purposely exposing troops to carcinogens to find new cancers thus cancer drugs [02:25:47] xarcaanejinxx: Conspiracy time let's gooo [02:25:48] buddyjare: the sun isn’t fire lmao [02:25:49] Drax242: Paul is the Walrus [02:25:50] 2dotthings__: This is getting out of hand lol [02:25:50] johnkeiwo: Oh the theory that avrile lavigne died and she was replaced by her secret sister [02:25:50] johnkeiwo: Oh the theory that avrile lavigne died and she was replaced by her secret sister [02:25:50] johnkeiwo: Oh the theory that avrile lavigne died and she was replaced by her secret sister [02:25:51] Kampfnudel34: LUL, that hit him after a second [02:25:51] Eadthryth: it's not fire, it's incandescent, so hot it emits light [02:25:52] very_trustworthy: The sun is just a bunch of really big explosions [02:25:54] TheCharlesTownsend: Princess Di was murdered by Interflora. It all makes sense! Follow the money! [02:25:54] Shockwavemecha: The sun contains all the chemicals like Hydrogen to keep it sustained [02:25:54] YumeNoZen: Double slit experiment and quantum mechanics is awesome, though. [02:25:55] soggyvector: Paul McCartney died in 1966 and they replaced him with a double [02:25:56] mounty_man42: it isn’t on fire tho [02:25:56] Gentyron: Paul McCartney died a ling time ago and was switched with a double [02:26:00] alexx_net: Your gender is a conspiracy theory [02:26:00] OHMichelleOH: fission .is that the one [02:26:01] scarlettyg: Paul McCartney is actually a doppelganger, but Avril Lavigne has been replaced by the real Paul in drag [02:26:01] RykerSune: I'm literally studying Astronomy. WHY NotLikeThis [02:26:02] ramboo1989: subreddit:// conspiracy theories of the 21st-century [02:26:02] Cadzzes: sun is made up of lava [02:26:04] Targz_: I never ever believed in chemtrails but recently read about how aircraft fuel burning isn't completely clean and is causing hella polution. unintentional chemtrails are very real unfortunately. [02:26:04] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:26:04] ScreamingMime33: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:26:05] SnabbKassa: it's not continual. it will die [02:26:05] ArminGux: a lot of conspiracies are just misunderstanding basic physics [02:26:06] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:26:06] asraxs: IT IS FIRE [02:26:07] Selstraits: i know i'm messing [02:26:08] Emmy64_: The avril one is wild af [02:26:10] Shockwavemecha: 🌞 🌤️ ☀️ 🌄 🌅 [02:26:10] thunderscoob: its plasma [02:26:12] very_trustworthy: Basically The sun is just a bunch of really big explosions [02:26:13] Kb_314: the sun has surpassed the need for fire [02:26:13] MirahImage: The sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma [02:26:14] freshdelipickles: plasma [02:26:15] Cailaz: The sun is a giant nuclear explosion [02:26:17] phaser40: I'm from the pacific north west so I have to ask if you believe in bigfoot? [02:26:17] Avaerus0: Fusion [02:26:19] HardyOrange: my world's on fire, how bout yours? [02:26:22] Jens_LN: it's an UNSHIELDED FUSION REACTOR ! [02:26:22] 2dotthings__: Have you heard the Kanye West conspiracy? [02:26:22] now_chemical: that hurts my brain to fathom [02:26:22] NuriHex: NuriHex is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:26:23] NuriHex: NuriHex gifted a Tier 1 sub to KiwiDux! [02:26:23] phoebe_rc: only in the centre [02:26:23] f3mmbot: nurihex has gifted a subscription to kiwidux at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang kiwidux f1nnLezgang [02:26:23] nejamin3: have you heard of transvestigators: people who theorize every known celebrity is transgender [02:26:24] professorpussicat: It's not ON FIRE it IS FIRE [02:26:24] FirstFireKeeper: umm wrong reaction fin [02:26:24] ramboo1989: Yeah, it’s plasma [02:26:24] Rue4192: its just a giant ball of energy [02:26:26] Shockwavemecha: The sun is a Slow Explosion [02:26:26] ChasingSol: reactors are nuclear fission, the sun is nuclear fusion [02:26:26] BrightLilThing: It's not *on* fire... it *is* fire [02:26:26] Ribswith: Fusion reaction [02:26:27] SkidSquid: why dont they teach 4th graders about plasma? [02:26:28] Eadthryth: it is so hot it creates light [02:26:28] AlmondVF: it is not the inside of a nuclear reactor :( [02:26:29] RykerSune: plasma and fusion. that's the Sun [02:26:30] asraxs: oh [02:26:31] Heisenberg_G4H: the sun is a massive fission reaction contained by gravity @f1nn5ter [02:26:31] hopalongtommy: But fusion, not fission [02:26:32] futurist___: Modern architecture and art [02:26:32] HardyOrange: noooooooooo [02:26:33] freshdelipickles: oh no [02:26:34] MangledPork: The sun is a deadly laser [02:26:35] c__r__j: Shakespeare's plays weren't written by Shakespeare. They were written by someone else with the same name. nanona1Nodders [02:26:35] cedric_callnight: The sun is just a bunch of hydrogen fusing to helium [02:26:36] its_me_mario89: Elvis Pressly is still alive and living downtrend street from 2puc [02:26:36] shmanchi: @soggyvector like no. did the person who replaced him get equally good at writing songs and singing [02:26:36] Avaerus0: "Again" [02:26:37] asraxs: 🍅 [02:26:37] beantransfer: hasTruth [02:26:37] blueskydrinking: goddamn it f1nn KEKW [02:26:39] Tjd321: Ew Joe Rogan [02:26:39] Gentyron: lol [02:26:39] ramboo1989: ooof [02:26:39] Shockwavemecha: Joe rogan, SMH [02:26:40] hummingbeeeee: nuh uhh [02:26:41] freshdelipickles: debatable [02:26:41] xarcaanejinxx: Finn no [02:26:41] johnkeiwo: Well ... [02:26:42] SnabbKassa: this is a bit. sarcasm detector [02:26:42] Jens_LN: he might be [02:26:49] HardyOrange: you KNOW he says that stuff for attention [02:26:49] AlmondVF: it's best compared to an infinitely exploding h bomb [02:26:50] Radiopools: he is PAID to think that finn... [02:26:50] debdrup: No, Joe Rogan isn't an adult, he's a manchild. [02:26:51] Loelinverse: is he? [02:26:51] Terrell39: He should be an adult... in theory [02:26:53] sussy_snipez: well [02:26:53] hummingbeeeee: History moment [02:26:54] ProfaneCreation: Sun is stored inside the ball? f1nnTankhat [02:26:54] blatant_fabrication: too many hits to the head [02:26:55] muffin3496: 4 raiders from muffin3496 have joined! [02:26:55] RykerSune: oh not the fucking alien thing again NotLikeThis [02:26:55] johnkeiwo: Because people are stupid KEKW [02:26:56] Avaerus0: We do [02:26:56] seibaby: The sun is a mass of incandescent gas [02:26:57] HardyOrange: also a lot of that is just racism [02:26:57] ramboo1989: They weren’t Man [02:26:57] alexx_net: Nope. Joe R is a moron [02:26:59] shmanchi: Joe Rogan not a smarty [02:26:59] futurist___: Annunaki? [02:27:00] ranemoon04: Its called DMT [02:27:00] hummingbeeeee: history channel moment [02:27:00] Loelinverse: is joe rogan really an adult? [02:27:01] nyrhalahotep: his voice makes intellectuals cringe [02:27:02] now_chemical: @debdrup real [02:27:03] ArminGux: he has been hit in the head a few to many times [02:27:03] neon_pastel_: an airplane justdropped them off one day [02:27:05] Drax242: He does smoke a lot of weed [02:27:06] Eadthryth: The tech is slave labor [02:27:06] judgedame: i have been told [02:27:06] Kb_314: that technology is called "barges" and "slaves" [02:27:07] professorpussicat: Joe Rogan takes too much acid. A little bit is okay but he overdoes it. [02:27:07] trynabequan: Because they're big.... I think? [02:27:08] very_trustworthy: Built from the top down [02:27:08] asraxs: Meanwhile theres like 100 of ways they could have been built [02:27:08] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: it's easier to "understand" conspiracies vs learning science [02:27:09] SnabbKassa: slaves built it [02:27:10] TommyTheAlien_p_q_: Non human people [02:27:11] scarlettyg: A certain US government official is also on record saying the pyramids were the granaries of the biblical Joseph [02:27:12] zachydaiquiri: Its an advanced civilization lost to time [02:27:12] Gentyron: give me 20,000 slaves and I'll build a pyramid in a couple of years LUL [02:27:12] BrightLilThing: I do like hearing the people try to make their argument tho [02:27:13] leothatemo: he doesn’t believe in non linear evolution [02:27:13] LaMale411: no way he is an adult [02:27:14] MajesticFvckingEagle: It’s high key racist too [02:27:17] Jens_LN: Slave Labour [02:27:17] 416hobbit: Give me enough slaves and I could build you the BIGEGEST PYRAMID [02:27:18] Shockwavemecha: I know a guy that can build the pyramid for cheap [02:27:19] Lucridis: Imagine coming to Earth and the only thing you do is build a sand triangle [02:27:20] Radiopools: it's all money Finn! He will say anything if it gets advertiser dollars! [02:27:21] Selstraits: unless you want actually conspiracy like painting rooftops cerulean n how items were made to break on purpose to sell more [02:27:21] now_chemical: nah i subscribe to aliens built it [02:27:23] falconeray: That's what roids do to your brain. [02:27:23] MostlyJosie: Joe is friends with Graham Handcock and Graham thinks it wasn't the Egyptians. [02:27:23] trap_lover68: intelligent femboy, a rare sight f1nnCowjam [02:27:23] Avaerus0: People back then were smarter than people realize [02:27:26] Elifighter: pulleys exist [02:27:27] debdrup: Fun fact: Joe Rogan was punched in the head. Explains a lot. [02:27:28] jeibird: its racism. insecure aging white men cant believe a bunch of egyptians moved a lot of rocks [02:27:28] bucksben: His brain cells are in his strands of hair!! [02:27:28] ATValdor: yes [02:27:28] MostlyJosie: Its racist [02:27:29] idkit6120: f1nnTank [02:27:29] NichtzNeues: Rogan is also gullible with aliens, etc, etc [02:27:31] RykerSune: kinda is actually [02:27:31] MostlyJosie: Yes [02:27:32] nejamin3: whaaa [02:27:32] Ribswith: Many hands make light work [02:27:33] zebrabbl396: Pyramids are hi-tech [02:27:33] johnkeiwo: We have people nowadays who believe the earth is FLAT while people before AD understood it with math ! [02:27:34] MajesticFvckingEagle: Like they can’t fathom that non-white people can be smart engineers [02:27:34] A_Fforrest: no [02:27:35] phaser40: Aliens didn't build the pyramids but they did design them [02:27:36] ATValdor: no, it's just racist [02:27:36] Bytebak: The only reason the pyramids are in Egypt is that the British Museum couldn't work out how to steal them. [02:27:37] FarozCS: no [02:27:38] phoebe_rc: # [02:27:40] professorpussicat: "That's crazy bro, have you ever smoked DMT?" [02:27:40] cedric_callnight: People always forget how many people used to be poor, ergo building massive ego projects like the pyramids were easy [02:27:42] 2dotthings__: Yes actually [02:27:45] phoebe_rc: Ancient Aliens is racist [02:27:46] TrueMezzo: a lot cant believe africans couldnt do it [02:27:48] leothatemo: for some people yeah [02:27:48] Jens_LN: Sæavery was kinda racist, I guess ? [02:27:48] soggyvector: yeah it is [02:27:50] alexx_net: Yup [02:27:52] MostlyJosie: THey think a white lost civ did it. [02:27:52] RykerSune: well, maybe not racist persay. more insulting [02:27:53] a_rocky_penguin: they think th antlantes were white [02:27:55] 416hobbit: The ancients are not smart enough to pile rocks together [02:27:55] A_Fforrest: its not [02:27:55] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: yup [02:27:56] Tjd321: They had straight up fucking cranes to build the pyramids [02:27:56] asraxs: white people didn’t do it so it must be ALIENS [02:27:57] very_trustworthy: Relatable [02:28:00] BrightLilThing: I mean, we've gained and lost tech so many times tho. Like cranes and stuff [02:28:00] nejamin3: oh yeah that’s a good point actually [02:28:01] SnabbKassa: it's like "only the British could build this bridge over the river Kwai" [02:28:01] HardyOrange: exactly, not believing that Egyptians or other people couldn't do the math to be able to build something like that [02:28:03] blindthirdeye: LMAO [02:28:03] pinkopengu: it originated from colonialism [02:28:04] SteelDuck: Slaves didn't build the pyramids [02:28:05] Werinah: Luv ur style guurl!! [02:28:05] johnkeiwo: truuuue [02:28:05] MnemonicOverload: It's basically "how could brown people do this if white people didn't?" [02:28:05] Terrell39: Facts [02:28:06] general_of_cm: Well Nobody says the coluseum was build by aliens [02:28:07] lethaldissonance: the pyramids were built because they didn't have minecraft [02:28:08] lordgtafbi: no shit the Egyptians are an ancient civilization LUL [02:28:09] Eadthryth: Earth is a CUBE like minecraft [02:28:10] Avaerus0: Slavery unfortunately is effective [02:28:10] 2dotthings__: It's owned by Donald Trump; Ancient Aliens [02:28:12] scarlettyg: @MostlyJosie My absolute favorite Hancock moment was when a bunch of Ethiopian monks duped him into believing they actually had the real Ark of the Covenant [02:28:12] jubjub221: thats a fucking strech huh [02:28:12] Lucridis: The pyramids were mostly built by non slaves [02:28:13] ChasingSol: it isn't explicitly racist, but it has racist undertones [02:28:14] Shockwavemecha: That plus 100s of years [02:28:14] ramboo1989: nawww fam aliens built the pyramids [02:28:15] Loelinverse: racist-adjacent. us vs them. etc. [02:28:17] Kb_314: it's racist unless they believe that stonehenge was also aliens [02:28:19] painfulpan: they were paid tho [02:28:21] johnkeiwo: true [02:28:21] AmyisaNerd: a lot of those ancient alien theories are based around how ancient people of colour were too dumb to build things, so you basically racism [02:28:22] neon_pastel_: those were the hampsters in skinsuit stoo [02:28:22] WestSamuraiGamer: @f1nn5ter Hey Finn, Just wanted to say thank you (and Ashley/Tank) for giving me a reason to live after my gf died (cancer, she was your age). Love how funny you Guys are (Chat your also funny so make fun of Finn) [02:28:23] nyrhalahotep: highly racially charged especially considering 99.9% of sources who quote it [02:28:23] Drax242: They used logs, everyone knows that [02:28:24] phoebe_rc: Except the pyramids were not built by slaves [02:28:26] 416hobbit: Give back the stuff [02:28:26] thunderscoob: there is some evidence of an older civilization, but they arnt responsible for the pyramids. [02:28:26] Ex0dia5: they didn't use slaves. they had skilled craftsmen that were actually paid [02:28:26] cedric_callnight: Except the pyramids were built by slaves. [02:28:28] SnabbKassa: we did invent a ton of things, tho [02:28:29] asraxs: real question is how did the British not find a way to steal them huuh [02:28:29] Loelinverse: @chasingsol true [02:28:31] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zbVIsL8OOY&list=RDNdYWuo9OFAw&index=27&ab_channel=RadioC%E1%BA%A3mX%C3%BAc [02:28:31] ArminGux: cheap clothes, slaves kekw [02:28:32] Terrell39: But isnt stealing just creative making [02:28:33] Dampy: paid in sand? [02:28:35] Ribswith: Not slaves, well compensated tradesmen [02:28:35] leothatemo: wait til they find out slaves build the White House [02:28:37] Azure_harlequin: f1nnLaff [02:28:38] freshdelipickles: yeah [02:28:40] duckybot24: they used no clip [02:28:40] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:28:41] boom_and_alpha_yt: when did intellectual f1nn turn up [02:28:44] blindthirdeye: serfdom is not much better than slavery [02:28:46] professorpussicat: @dampy sand dollars [02:28:46] JayBoneElite: im going to seal your teeth and tea fin ..... [02:28:49] RykerSune: ahh so the Brits say the pyramids are built by aliens to hide the actual truth. White guilt strikes /j KEKW [02:28:50] scarlettyg: "Crop circles are made by aliens but they use planks and rope too" [02:28:51] now_chemical: loving this chat today [02:28:51] ramboo1989: portal gun [02:28:51] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: POGGERS no gravity [02:28:52] HardyOrange: shout out to the person who came up with "aliens must hate white people, they didn't build any of white people's monuments" [02:28:53] seibaby: we use antigravity machines today, they're called cranes [02:28:55] nyrhalahotep: these are not people you want to bring up the term "mitochondrial Eve" too, either [02:28:55] cedric_callnight: Plus what a lot of people dont realise, the pyramids nearly bankrupted egypt back in the day [02:28:55] alexx_net: @Dampy Paid in bread and beer [02:28:57] johnkeiwo: it's "transformative" content Kappa [02:28:58] StreamrollerFunFun: rattatouille [02:28:58] ArminGux: twitch app glitching for anyone else [02:29:01] wonderchemist: isn't everything in the British Museum stolen? [02:29:12] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:29:12] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:29:13] debdrup: Ownership is theft, therefore theft is ownership. [02:29:13] Shockwavemecha: 👽 [02:29:14] Loelinverse: @johnkeiwo F1nn5ter in a nutshell Kappa [02:29:15] jubjub221: theres also videos proving how you could actually move all them massive blocks for pyrimids [02:29:15] Fo0o0d: New thing from idea is inspiration [02:29:17] am_bushy: no 󠀀 [02:29:17] ilxGLOWxli: Finn? is it wrong to buy Full Body Tracking for VRC and be a hot egirl for fun? (guy) i love it shhh [02:29:17] Stovamor: @wonderchemist, "acquired" [02:29:17] zachydaiquiri: ALIENS EXIST [02:29:18] rdurgam: you should wear earrings sometimes [02:29:18] Heisenberg_G4H: @f1nn5ter so thoughts on British museums [02:29:19] rainfallwall: pretty sure you are the only Brit I am attracted to [02:29:20] BrightLilThing: I do like the lizards run the world one [02:29:21] SkidSquid: rly big fans to make the rocks float [02:29:21] ATValdor: moon landing was faked [02:29:21] badger_ben: copyright not intended LUL [02:29:22] Eadthryth: depends on what counts as payment, one could argue the slaves in america were paid by being fed. Doesn't change the fact that they were slaves. [02:29:22] slipperyglizzyblgl: hellen keller wasnt real [02:29:23] ramboo1989: dear MIB who are watching....... [02:29:24] RykerSune: chat outing their theories right now NotLikeThis [02:29:24] am_bushy: favorite minecraft modpack? [02:29:24] professorpussicat: America faked the moon landing [02:29:24] ChasingSol: @ArminGux it's lagging a bit on and off [02:29:25] Cadzzes: is the earth flat [02:29:26] trynabequan: 911 was an inside job [02:29:26] leothatemo: all the creepy pastas [02:29:27] xarcaanejinxx: I'm just waiting for the British museum to try and steal the pyramids next [02:29:28] fiji8882: Diana was killed [02:29:29] blatant_fabrication: Brexit was a russian psyop [02:29:29] widepeepo_deany: widepeepo_deany is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [02:29:29] widepeepo_deany: widepeepo_deany gifted a Tier 1 sub to fla528i! [02:29:29] f3mmbot: widepeepo_deany has gifted a subscription to fla528i at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang fla528i f1nnLezgang [02:29:30] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: TheIlluminati [02:29:30] HardyOrange: lizard people=anti semitism [02:29:30] voiceofthevoid999: "Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids" [02:29:31] ArminGux: imagine if the British stole the pyramids [02:29:32] Drax242: PS the Earth is not flat [02:29:32] scarlettyg: F1nn is actually a VTuber with a photorealistic avatar [02:29:33] ChasingSol: good [02:29:33] TayTaetay: Ted cruz is zodiac killer [02:29:34] AlmondVF: @asraxs the French specialised in stealing the Egyptian stuff lol Britain was too focused on Greece etc [02:29:34] StreamrollerFunFun: man-bear-pig [02:29:35] voiceofthevoid999: Jk [02:29:35] cedric_callnight: Aliens. Yes. [02:29:35] PlanetJae: i don’t actually believe any conspiracy theories [02:29:35] Ribswith: amyec3Art_HF amyec3Raveart [02:29:35] RykerSune: honestly, same [02:29:38] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nn is an alien [02:29:39] asraxs: the giants in the mountains [02:29:39] YumeNoZen: They just wouldn't bother being here. [02:29:39] johnkeiwo: I don't believe in any conspiracy but I love hearing about it [02:29:40] RavynVega: Cheer100 for the kappa! [02:29:40] just_an_other_lurker: Strategic Transfer of Equipment to Alternative Location. [02:29:41] debdrup: taytaetay: that's just true though [02:29:42] Tjd321: The universe is infinite, of course aliens exist [02:29:44] Audio_Atmosphere: Have you heard of the Jesus went to Japan conspiracy? [02:29:44] 2dotthings__: PizzaGate? [02:29:44] johnkeiwo: Oh yeah 100% [02:29:45] A_Fforrest: MJ is still alive [02:29:46] Lucridis: The universe is so vast it'd be less likely for them not to exist [02:29:47] hopalongtommy: British empire invented pointing from the corner at something so that they could claim they made it [02:29:48] MajesticFvckingEagle: That’s not even a conspiracy, that’s just a good bet [02:29:49] ChasingSol: do you believe in the rare-Earth theory? [02:29:49] ghostieliving: Saw a thing about NASA having a megalodon [02:29:49] Jens_LN: Conspiracy : The vikings never invaded England, and should be forgiven for something they never did ! [02:29:49] thunderscoob: the one i believe in is that f1nn is a manly man. [02:29:50] GreyWinterWraith: I can't believe how many people believe the moon is real [02:29:51] MrKafay: AlienDance [02:29:51] Shockwavemecha: 👁️ 👆🏼 👁️ [02:29:52] fiji8882: Princess Diana was killed, 911 inside job [02:29:52] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: AlienDance 👽 the truth is out there [02:29:52] SkidSquid: mark zuckerberg as a concept [02:29:53] SnabbKassa: here's one: Russia is behind all the theories, to encourage disunity [02:29:53] Terrell39: Octopuses are aliens [02:29:53] ArminGux: @chasingsol tyvm [02:29:53] bobbikatt: What about ghost aliens? [02:29:54] nejamin3: still can’t believe “holy shit he just like me fr” with asexuality [02:29:55] johnkeiwo: there is no shot we are alone in that entire universe [02:29:55] BrightLilThing: In fact its a statistical impossibility that they dont exist [02:29:56] lewdbirdnoises: it's not really a conspiracy theory, it's basically impossible for there to NOT be life somewhere out there [02:29:56] phoebe_rc: F1nn's house is not real but is a studio set! [02:29:56] Fo0o0d: They wont tell us the #1 thing that glitter is used for [02:29:56] painfulpan: jfk 100% killed by cia in my mind ngl lol [02:29:57] XenMonkey: Absolutely [02:29:58] MostlyJosie: Avril Levine was replaced by the record studio [02:29:58] Selstraits: how about lasers destroying buildings but not ones with cerulean color [02:30:00] voiceofthevoid999: agreed [02:30:01] johnkeiwo: tht would be too sad [02:30:01] halt132: yeah i would put money on it [02:30:01] braddle172: Gotta [02:30:02] lordgtafbi: I mean it is obviously plausible for alien life to exist [02:30:02] CowbeeTheybop: MLK was assassinated by the government [02:30:02] xarcaanejinxx: @fiji8882 for real she deffo was killed [02:30:03] Eadthryth: I hope aliens have breasts....for better aerodynamics [02:30:03] zombiii: all politicians & bankers know wach other. look up mont pelerin society [02:30:04] Cadzzes: they do [02:30:04] Quinnighan: 100% [02:30:04] Askjong: Loch ness [02:30:05] RykerSune: aliens can be considered as anything that's considered different. So therefore, aliens do exist [02:30:05] baslak01: Yeah the chance is so high that Aliens exists [02:30:06] ramboo1989: I saw three triangle UFOs one night when I was with my mom and my sister crazy but true [02:30:06] Heisenberg_G4H: @f1nn5ter the royal family uses which craft to get reincarnated [02:30:06] 416hobbit: Aliens exist and they're WATCHING US while collecting government handouts [02:30:07] eccoblast: JFK [02:30:07] Kampfnudel34: the problem is finding it [02:30:07] shmanchi: Epstein did not unalive himself [02:30:07] VioletMused: the odds are pretty good actually [02:30:07] bearpaw1970: It's almost inevitable due to percentages [02:30:08] DreadPirateSimon: There is no way to prove you wrong [02:30:08] leothatemo: yep people forget that life forms are more than just humans and other animals [02:30:08] ClaraRenway: Aliens existing isnt a conspiracy, logically they will exist somewhere [02:30:10] Scarbble: it's almost guaranteed that SOMEWHERE there's SOMETHING else that's alive imo [02:30:12] jjfrob: Epstein may have have oofed himself [02:30:12] AeitZean: JFK was actually accidentally killed by neglegent discharge from the chase car of secret service [02:30:13] kayseek2004: I think we’re alone in our Galaxy (in terms of sentient life) [02:30:13] Willowight: alien microorganisms yeahh [02:30:14] Emmy64_: The lizard one the only piece of media that i remember about that is the gears of war games (the lizard thing) [02:30:14] Elifighter: statitscally more likely for them to exits than for them not no may not be sentient though [02:30:16] Cadzzes: there is a planet that as other life [02:30:16] cedric_callnight: I dont believe we are the only planet with life. Aliens have to be real [02:30:17] TaykenPlaysGames: The probability of Extra Terrestrial life NOT existing is so small... [02:30:17] NichtzNeues: Alien most likely exhist but they never came to Earth or are on earth [02:30:17] Shockwavemecha: 👮🏻‍♂️ 👮🏾‍♂️ 👮🏼‍♂️ [02:30:17] ArminGux: statically aliens should exist [02:30:18] nejamin3: what are the chances there ISNT any other life [02:30:18] kaziu_meow: kaziu_meow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! meow [02:30:18] 2dotthings__: ICE BULLET [02:30:18] f3mmbot: kaziu_meow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:30:18] very_trustworthy: People shouldn't live for this long [02:30:18] dafdeddog: i dont believe in any conspiracy theories they all bullshit [02:30:18] Nirvana_W22: that isnt a conspiracy theory its just the infinite universe theory [02:30:19] freddd104: I dont belive 911 was an inside job. more like they just let it happen. [02:30:20] boom_and_alpha_yt: life does exist but not green people [02:30:20] Jox_Idk: are you life from another planet? because youre out of this world hahaha [02:30:20] SnabbKassa: didn't the Royal Navy just test a directed energy weapon? [02:30:24] leothatemo: definitely [02:30:25] Selstraits: they did [02:30:25] nejamin3: omg [02:30:25] Shockwavemecha: frostpCop [02:30:26] BrightLilThing: He was tho [02:30:26] asraxs: obviously he was killed by the government [02:30:26] shmanchi: not even a conspiracy. fbi definitely killed him [02:30:27] Bytebak: Highly unlikely wer are the only planet with life on it [02:30:27] Drax242: Elvis lives [02:30:27] Sht1k: Definitely. [02:30:27] MrKafay: Do you think somewhere in the universe there is an alien F1nn5ter ? [02:30:27] RykerSune: JFK and MLK [02:30:28] oldMako: no he definitely was lol [02:30:28] SR_Calimeroo: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 have you ever seen Life beyond by Melody Sheep it is a stunning video series about alien life [02:30:30] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:30:30] Niekiip: I think so too, just not sure if it will ever be close enough that we can make contact cause space is big [02:30:30] ProfaneCreation: Even some microbes would count as alien life so should be easy. [02:30:30] nejamin3: nah nah go on [02:30:30] jeibird: thats not a conspiracy, his family proved it in court [02:30:30] StyliSheN: it was the FBI [02:30:31] johnkeiwo: oh he was [02:30:31] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:30:31] now_chemical: it is definitely [02:30:31] ChasingSol: hahahaha [02:30:32] blueskydrinking: The British Army staged a coup in the UK in 1976 [02:30:32] Elifighter: mlk killed by the kkk [02:30:32] debdrup: Great timing [02:30:33] Shockwavemecha: Meow [02:30:33] Emmy64_: LUL [02:30:33] wonderchemist: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 isn't everyone killed my the goverment [02:30:34] livetalk__: meow [02:30:34] nejamin3: rawr meow nah [02:30:34] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: LUL meow [02:30:35] ArminGux: the cia killed a lot of people [02:30:35] boom_and_alpha_yt: yeah directed energy [02:30:35] voiceofthevoid999: XD [02:30:35] lunar_corvid: it was definite [02:30:36] Kb_314: some parts of the government definitely *wanted* mlk dead [02:30:38] AlhambraMMXX: 100% the feds killed mlk [02:30:38] professorpussicat: I think Reagan killed MLK [02:30:38] Jens_LN: MEOW [02:30:38] eccoblast: He definitely was [02:30:39] voiceofthevoid999: Meow [02:30:39] njbh86: I'm just gonna say one thing - meow [02:30:40] ratkingn: ratkin9LMFAO ratkin9LMFAO [02:30:40] RonnieSxl: LUL [02:30:40] 416hobbit: Cats RULE the world [02:30:40] nejamin3: nya [02:30:41] RavynVega: Choo Chooo Kappa 2020Snacking [02:30:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: He literally was, it was declassified [02:30:41] now_chemical: sure DID [02:30:42] zachydaiquiri: Cobain was killed [02:30:42] badger_ben: Choo Chooo Kappa 2020ByeGuys [02:30:43] widepeepo_deany: meow [02:30:43] ScreamingMime33: Choo Chooo Kappa PrideLaugh [02:30:44] MaxWattage: Choo Chooo Kappa [02:30:44] Des_troy_er: Choo Chooo Kappa PridePog [02:30:45] mounty_man42: there’s documents that prove he was [02:30:45] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: true [02:30:46] Qsie: Kappa [02:30:47] johnkeiwo: ok I do believe this one, he was murdered [02:30:51] widepeepo_deany: Kappa [02:30:52] Ha_nnes: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:30:52] Jens_LN: [02:30:53] seibaby: melodysheep is awesome [02:30:54] boom_and_alpha_yt: Choo choo [02:30:54] AlmondVF: @snabbkassa yes they did test directed energy and it was successful lmao [02:30:54] Stovamor: Kappa [02:30:55] Stovamor: Kappa [02:30:55] dcg44s: Aliens stole my pizza. How is that for conspiracy? [02:30:56] xarcaanejinxx: Princess Diana was definitely killed by the Royal family and you cannot convince me otherwise [02:30:58] NuriHex: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:30:59] neon_pastel_: I like to say that NASA is run by hampsters just to see how people react [02:31:01] johnkeiwo: @F1NN5TER, you heard the theory that Avril lavigne died and was replaced by a fake ? [02:31:01] ATValdor: GMO food is bad for you [02:31:01] Rue4192: Kappa [02:31:01] nejamin3: true that [02:31:02] beantransfer: so good [02:31:02] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: congrats to all golden Kappa peeps [02:31:04] now_chemical: sure is man [02:31:04] ScreamingMime33: I hate it here [02:31:04] soggyvector: have you ever seen the letter the FBI wrote to him telling him to kill himsef [02:31:05] widepeepo_deany: YEP we are weirdge [02:31:05] lewdbirdnoises: my favorite is that stevie wonder isn't actually blind [02:31:06] Jens_LN: catJAM [02:31:07] chatcore: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:31:07] blindthirdeye: And you still want to come here, xD [02:31:08] swanee327: im sorry, LITTLE? [02:31:10] Zai_Rose: Like 97% certain it was the US government [02:31:10] professorpussicat: America is just unhinged [02:31:13] HardyOrange: society [02:31:13] 2dotthings__: Oh yeah he's from Chicago lol [02:31:14] LittleChaSiu: ah yes, renowned mathematics professor Theodore Kaczynski [02:31:14] RykerSune: uni bomber. omg I know that one! [02:31:15] Shockwavemecha: T i m e [02:31:18] BrightLilThing: America was built by crazy people and its run by crazy people [02:31:20] hopalongtommy: CIA wrote MLK letters blackmailing him and to convince him to uninstall himself. Its in their records [02:31:23] yayyayyip: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid KappaPride Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [02:31:24] duckybot24: a lamppost would be a good one [02:31:24] ChasingSol: ... [02:31:26] Shockwavemecha: HUH [02:31:27] johnkeiwo: Gayge [02:31:27] SnabbKassa: death by snu snu [02:31:27] Eromaw: KEKW [02:31:29] braddle172: What [02:31:30] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: @professorpussicat understatement of the year LUL [02:31:30] leothatemo: Nelson Mandela was supposed to die in prison too. thanks fully the government couldn’t cover that up [02:31:31] Shockwavemecha: ayo [02:31:32] Niekiip: would you wanna go out fighting a gorrila [02:31:33] RykerSune: wait chock on what [02:31:33] nejamin3: usa I think is also the most gender of all places. damn lgbters [02:31:34] blindthirdeye: We're crazy because we're free to be crazy. [02:31:35] Emmy64_: CaitlynS [02:31:36] swanee327: lol [02:31:37] BrightLilThing: I'd be fine going out choking on a d*** [02:31:39] painfulpan: a communist revolutionary who ran rallies getting killed by the government wouldn’t surprise me lmao [02:31:40] johnkeiwo: who would u fight ? [02:31:40] Shockwavemecha: Femboy UFC [02:31:40] Varen_grey: The FBI actually apologized for it [02:31:40] Heisenberg_G4H: death by plane crash on a PJ [02:31:40] AdriftOnASea: death by dropping lighter Kappa [02:31:41] RykerSune: choke on what you say [02:31:42] xarcaanejinxx: The water here is turning the frogs gay [02:31:43] nejamin3: I’ll fight u but I love u [02:31:43] Cadzzes: so nasa was originally made to look at the ocean and what’s in it but suddenly changed to earth , so what’s in the ocean that made them want to get off earth [02:31:43] kumba1421: I used to peruse this website when I was 13: *** [02:31:44] Jens_LN: Not Twitter ..... X !!! [02:31:44] yayyayyip: GoatEmotey KappaPride [02:31:45] Drax242: Floridation [02:31:45] Selstraits: america is so screwed our gov is spewing out a bioweapon n our leader has dementia [02:31:47] zachydaiquiri: Taylor swift overrated [02:31:47] phaser40: There's a book I recommend called "who built the moon" there's a lot of evidence that the moon may actually be artificial [02:31:47] bobbikatt: Blaze of glory [02:31:48] very_trustworthy: Light bulbs could last alot longer but are designed to fail way quicker than they can last [02:31:48] thunderscoob: shark pit death trap by twiter rando? [02:31:49] TayTaetay: @hopalongtommy unfun fact both the CIA and the Soviet tried to get him to kill himself [02:31:50] scarlettyg: Gender was invented by bathroom companies to SELL MORE BATHROOMS [02:31:50] shmanchi: not mk ultra. Ted k was just in a psychological experiment where he got screamed at for hours at a time for a period of years [02:31:51] seibaby: if you could be killed by any animal which one would you like it to be? [02:31:52] professorpussicat: F1nn you're going to die in an arm wrestling match. [02:31:52] Havryl: Kappa [02:31:55] HardyOrange: careful bro, we've already had that stalking scandal last year [02:31:55] ramboo1989: knifes, ghost, aliens ...... This stream has it all [02:31:56] Dutch_Hulk: that dude from the MK-ultra also tried LSD on an elephant and killed it in an overdose [02:31:57] Hi_Im_Dopey: stoned ape theory is a fun one [02:31:59] chatcore: i dont like you grrrrrrrrrrrrr [02:32:00] MajesticFvckingEagle: your elementary school nemisis is going on a training arc to defeat you [02:32:00] dredgendark: choked by thighs, A REAL MANS DEATH [02:32:01] ClaraRenway: if it was a woman's dick, id be more than happy hehehe [02:32:01] davidiusfarrenius: You should die gloriously in battle! 👍 [02:32:02] boom_and_alpha_yt: Rasputin way to go [02:32:03] freshdelipickles: true [02:32:04] boringdepressedintrovert: could try fighting all of twitter at once [02:32:05] zebrabbl396: Femboy death match [02:32:05] leothatemo: wasn’t that in 2016 [02:32:05] Loelinverse: yes isn’t martyrdom hilarious. [02:32:05] rainfallwall: I would melt before you [02:32:06] RykerSune: SO TRUE [02:32:06] ChasingSol: @YumeNoZen based [02:32:07] Havryl: Woo! Golden kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:32:07] Kampfnudel34: You have too many knives, you would win against a Mad-Twitterer [02:32:08] blueskydrinking: You don't want to do a David Carradine and end by stranglewank [02:32:09] shmanchi: Charles Manson did get lsd from mk ultra tho [02:32:09] baslak01: yes [02:32:09] RykerSune: YUME SO BASED [02:32:10] debdrup: PREACH, Paula! [02:32:10] now_chemical: @hi_im_dopey YESS [02:32:12] asraxs: because its fun [02:32:12] LaCroix_Blows: Die in a fight with Andy tate? [02:32:14] jssigh: double slit experiment kills me [02:32:16] Jens_LN: Pavlovs Femboy ? [02:32:19] johnkeiwo: true, there is the ocean bro, it's so foreign ! [02:32:20] Avaerus0: Quantum Eraser is mind blowing [02:32:20] leothatemo: YEP ROCK [02:32:20] A_Fforrest: shroom monkeys [02:32:21] BrightLilThing: We evolved brain because of shrooms [02:32:23] yayyayyip: Get yoot [02:32:24] blatant_fabrication: Joe Rogan is a stoned ape [02:32:25] Selstraits: monkaS [02:32:26] professorpussicat: F1nn you should listen to Terence McKenna lectures [02:32:26] Jens_LN: Good one [02:32:27] azath0th777: That one might actually be true [02:32:30] MostlyJosie: Apes ate magic shrooms and developed bigger brains. [02:32:31] nejamin3: yez [02:32:31] ramboo1989: ooof [02:32:32] zebrabbl396: Yes [02:32:33] shadow_riley321: Hi f1nn [02:32:33] asraxs: and he has a team behind the camera [02:32:35] matthew10203: the Truman show [02:32:36] phaser40: Aquatic ape theory is fun [02:32:36] AmyisaNerd: my theory is Finn is a government plant [02:32:36] Selstraits: do it [02:32:36] zachydaiquiri: FINN ISNT REAL [02:32:37] ATValdor: jebaited [02:32:37] SnabbKassa: @jssigh cool way to talk about slits [02:32:38] Shockwavemecha: Story time [02:32:40] nejamin3: always yes 👍🏼 [02:32:42] Havryl: Do the bit [02:32:42] zebrabbl396: NotLikeThis [02:32:43] nejamin3: of course [02:32:45] dredgendark: f1nn is a psyop [02:32:46] nejamin3: do it noob [02:32:46] Terrell39: Yes sounds like fun [02:32:46] Selstraits: Pepega plz [02:32:48] OstentatiousMongoose: Jebaited [02:32:48] BrightLilThing: do the bit tho [02:32:48] SkidSquid: the CIA keeps leaking terrible things that they themselves do, and somehow we're just cool w that? imagine the things they hide. [02:32:49] cedric_callnight: Oh comeon. You cant just tease us like that [02:32:49] voiceofthevoid999: What a tease [02:32:49] Shockwavemecha: T e a s e [02:32:50] nyrhalahotep: we'll just pretend like we didn't hear that [02:32:50] Havryl: Dooo eeett [02:32:50] pianoismyforte_: Plss [02:32:50] very_trustworthy: Make thr [02:32:51] ImRightHearted: Green screen Background? [02:32:53] RykerSune: @YumeNoZen also, if you need someone to chat about space, I'll talk about Webb telescope shit for hours [02:32:53] now_chemical: stoned ape theory slaps tho [02:32:53] blueskydrinking: You think F1nn is real and not advanced AI? Lmao sheeple Kappa [02:32:55] nejamin3: tits or Gtfo [02:32:57] YumeNoZen: F1nn, maybe try a full male filter sometime and pretend you're your brother. [02:32:58] pianoismyforte_: You're such a tease [02:32:59] Kampfnudel34: Considering F1nn STREAMS from nearly everywhere in the house. The house is both real AND a studio [02:33:00] yayyayyip: KappaPride KappaPride DinoDance DinoDance [02:33:01] jesterkotz: doo it nowwww [02:33:04] very_trustworthy: Make the voices stop [02:33:04] leothatemo: sentience [02:33:09] HardyOrange: people seem to make up conspiracy theories bc they know there's something they don't understand, but they think because they can't understand it, it must not be real and the conspiracy must be the "real" thing [02:33:09] YumeNoZen: @RykerSune We get on convos like that sometimes on IckyCord. lol [02:33:10] Shockwavemecha: It was always weed [02:33:10] yayyayyip: KappaPride DinoDance KappaPride DinoDance [02:33:11] xarcaanejinxx: Finn is a government agent spreading the fembot agenda [02:33:16] ArminGux: monkey ate psycadelics -became smort- became human [02:33:16] Dampy: I swear only Joe Rogan believes in this [02:33:16] Drax242: Ape magic [02:33:20] seibaby: Not bigger brains, developed sapience [02:33:22] blueskydrinking: that is a wild combination of titles [02:33:23] A_Fforrest: the goat [02:33:23] RykerSune: @YumeNoZen oh now I'm jealous Sadge [02:33:24] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: LUL drugs [02:33:25] ChasingSol: wtf [02:33:25] LittleChaSiu: "ethnobotanist and mystic" automatic red flag [02:33:25] ramboo1989: Bubblegum weed back in the early 2000s made you taller [02:33:25] ProfaneCreation: X [02:33:33] ChasingSol: correct [02:33:34] MrKafay: rooKek [02:33:35] professorpussicat: Magic mushrooms [02:33:37] Shockwavemecha: F u n g u s [02:33:38] Cadzzes: monkey [02:33:40] nejamin3: oh boy [02:33:46] leothatemo: like windowsill [02:33:46] statsatory69: cue benz ee [02:33:49] HardyOrange: ...that is the first time i've ever heard that name prnounced out loud [02:33:49] BrightLilThing: sill, oh, sigh, bin [02:33:49] Shockwavemecha: We are the Infected [02:33:51] 2dotthings__: Yep, it's from Africa [02:33:55] BrightLilThing: lol [02:33:55] 2dotthings__: Told you lol [02:33:57] Ribswith: Nice [02:33:58] RykerSune: how many ppl studying mushrooms are interested by this? [02:33:59] scarlettyg: reject drugs, go back to monke [02:34:00] Araken1990: monkey ate shroom and now must pay taxes? [02:34:01] SkidSquid: mushrooms are fuckimng insane [02:34:01] painfulpan: a lot of people also believe religion was started this way [02:34:06] AeitZean: Remember, if you're homoerectus more than four hours straight see a doctor Kappa [02:34:06] YumeNoZen: That's probably wrong, but not that dumbest thing. [02:34:06] blatant_fabrication: McKenna was high a lot tbf [02:34:07] Cadzzes: nasa wants to get us off earth , why also have money 💴 [02:34:08] Stovamor: ok - total bollocks then [02:34:09] yayyayyip: Yay drugs [02:34:10] Shockwavemecha: It's Just a Theory [02:34:10] Eadthryth: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 I believe that there is only so many IQ points and so as the earth's population increases, the average intelligence goes down. [02:34:15] Jens_LN: heh Stones monkeys ... nice [02:34:19] leothatemo: ethical dealer??? [02:34:21] BrightLilThing: It just means Old Plants [02:34:24] seibaby: there are mushrooms that colonize ant brains, maybe those mushrooms colonized our brains [02:34:28] Shockwavemecha: S i m u l a t i o n [02:34:31] Shockwavemecha: Npcs [02:34:33] Ribswith: It puts the fun in fungus [02:34:34] HardyOrange: IQ is bs anyways [02:34:34] BrightLilThing: Or Plants from Everywhere [02:34:35] nyrhalahotep: you should Google the video of Carl Sagan answering the question "why shouldn't creationism biology be taught in schools?" [02:34:37] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: @Eadthryth Idiocracy POGGERS [02:34:38] professorpussicat: Anyone who's taken magic mushrooms will know they have the power to evolve our consciousness [02:34:38] cedric_callnight: Boys, we just all stoned monkeys [02:34:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: @shockwavemecha a GAME THEORY [02:34:41] Elifighter: true [02:34:42] now_chemical: there’s a lot of stories like the burning bush in the bible that’s actually droogs too lol [02:34:45] SnabbKassa: dysgenic fallacy [02:34:45] ChasingSol: yes [02:34:45] Wardenboo: no [02:34:47] Jens_LN: Idiocrazy is a grat movie ! [02:34:47] very_trustworthy: Ye [02:34:50] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: "welcome to costco, I love you" KEKW [02:34:53] Shockwavemecha: @MajesticFvckingEagle ye [02:34:53] MrKafay: uuh [02:34:54] yayyayyip: But that's just a [02:34:54] professorpussicat: Idiocracy is a dystopia prediction [02:34:56] RykerSune: iq never goes up wdym? KEKW [02:34:57] shmanchi: idiocracy is a eugenics movie [02:34:57] Unit4to: it doesnt work like that [02:34:59] dragonofark: iq isnt rly a thing, made up by racist n tha [02:34:59] buddyjare: yeah it always goes up [02:34:59] Drax242: Someone has to work at Burger King [02:35:03] lordgtafbi: it is [02:35:04] debdrup: jens_ln: nice typo [02:35:04] sherlock_norris: iq is going down, probably because of technology [02:35:06] leothatemo: tools yes people wise not a chance [02:35:06] BrightLilThing: its easier for stupid people to survive right now tho [02:35:06] Dampy: fake news, idiocracy was a documentary [02:35:07] Ribswith: Iq is racist [02:35:12] njbh86: iq is a bullshit (and racist) measure anyway lol [02:35:13] cedric_callnight: IQ average is always 100. What counts as 100 is whats going up [02:35:13] Terrell39: Is EU stealing from the US... Again [02:35:13] wee_chip: it goes up, but regularly gets renormalised so that IQ 100 is still the mean [02:35:13] mounty_man42: idiocracy is just actually starting to happen [02:35:14] ramboo1989: Common sense has gone down though [02:35:14] am_bushy: people 1000 years ago must have ben very smart [02:35:16] seibaby: if simulation theory is true then more people to simulate increases the load on the hardware so each simulated person needs to be less sophisticated [02:35:16] Loelinverse: IQ is a classist exam [02:35:16] Cadzzes: ma iqe it tha minas to [02:35:17] HardyOrange: @Ribswith yeppp [02:35:17] dkarnskymasters: if you asked veteran educators they would say hell no it isn't [02:35:17] goldengloryz: IQ isn't a static thing the tests are constantly adjusted to try and get the average IQ to be 100. [02:35:17] SnabbKassa: corporations do want everybody to be ignorant, fat and compliant [02:35:18] Ex0dia5: there used to be lead in all gasoline and a bunch of prodcuts. it lowered to global IQ by 5-10% worldwide [02:35:18] AeitZean: IQ is a crap metric. Might as well use the stars [02:35:19] SkidSquid: have you SEEN GEN ALPHA???? [02:35:19] professorpussicat: Average iq will always be 100 because it's an average. [02:35:20] djl_pass: the average goes up, but 100 is the average so they just increase the difficulty [02:35:20] sarathearcher1: If your job title is ethnobotanist AND mystic, I think your theories are automatically a bit sus... [02:35:22] seibaby: IQ actually stopped going up [02:35:24] impyart: the f1nn effect [02:35:25] fronzubb: Keep reading about the IQ :D [02:35:26] WarningYoo: ohh [02:35:26] Shockwavemecha: More people today are capable of reading [02:35:26] MangledPork: The idea behind Idiocracy is that dumb people have more kids so we'll get dumber over time. However, the solution to this is eugenics, which is Very Bad [02:35:27] RykerSune: going up....AT A SNAIL PACE [02:35:27] Eadthryth: I disagree, bc I see a bunch of idiots [02:35:28] davidiusfarrenius: if there was anything to the stoned ape theory why wouldn’t any animals eating the mushrooms gain intelligence? Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:35:31] wonderchemist: What about the dip from Lead Gas? [02:35:34] Jens_LN: @debdrup yeah .... I missed the 'e' after craz KEKW [02:35:36] ArminGux: 10th planet theory is fun [02:35:37] MostlyJosie: IQ theory is based in racism for sure [02:35:37] thunderscoob: IQ means almost nothing [02:35:39] Selstraits: another conspiracy is our gov is putting chemicals in our food supply to stupefy us that's why our american food is packed with chemicals [02:35:42] SkidSquid: Gen Alpha cant read. [02:35:42] BrightLilThing: it might not be racist, but it is kind of a bullshit score regardless [02:35:43] pinkopengu: iq was also artificially lowered in Africa to prove that white people were smarter [02:35:43] 416hobbit: Hard to measure intelligence when it can't be adequately defined [02:35:44] RabidicusNollis: To be fair IQ is also a strictly western idea, iq tests given to many other cultures fail bc of various cultures ideals of intelligence and group wisdom vs independent smarts [02:35:45] nejamin3: fair [02:35:46] YumeNoZen: People actually aren't dumb. But a lot of people aren't taught to sort truth out properly. [02:35:46] painfulpan: it’s insanely racist lol [02:35:48] Fo0o0d: General knowledge goes up cause internet [02:35:53] kumba1421: Nah IQ legitimately actually is, its tests at least are based on Eurocentric cultural standards [02:35:54] LaMale411: have you seen Gen boomer [02:35:58] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: IQ may be going up , but attention span is going down and instant gratification is going up [02:36:00] monday5671: @f1nn5ter Ethnobotanicals is the study of the relations between botanicals(plants) and ethnic groups. [02:36:02] Cadzzes: I’m failing math and chemistry I think my iq is going down [02:36:03] Eadthryth: I said IQ to make things simpler, I mainly meant intelligence [02:36:05] a_rocky_penguin: iq tests devolopped in one part of the world will favor the people from that part of the world [02:36:08] Shockwavemecha: I like the Modern Femboy [02:36:10] ATValdor: oh yeah, IQ is hella racist [02:36:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: some aspects of IQ tests are very culturally based and not based on pure logic/reasonjng [02:36:14] blueskydrinking: I've seen people on shrooms, they are not smarter at all :D [02:36:14] NichtzNeues: its not racist [02:36:15] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: test is biased [02:36:16] ProfaneCreation: ***oned. f1nnLaff [02:36:16] alexx_net: IQ has a lot of racist bias [02:36:16] RykerSune: Finn found the truth there KEKW [02:36:17] Ribswith: Crows have the intelligence of a three year old human [02:36:18] 2dotthings__: Yea it isn't pretty to look up lol [02:36:21] nejamin3: lotta results? [02:36:21] beantransfer: yup [02:36:22] SnabbKassa: it's very hard to measure in a fair way across cultures [02:36:22] wonderchemist: try chatGPT [02:36:23] Shockwavemecha: S c u f f e d [02:36:23] dafdeddog: thats how plaet of the apes started, stoned apes [02:36:26] YumeNoZen: Neurotypical was probably just based on white cishet college males from a narrow selection and doesn't reflect real people. [02:36:28] ramboo1989: ! [02:36:30] cedric_callnight: IQ points cant really go up, b3cause the average will always be 100. What counts as 100 is what goes up [02:36:33] moon_shaped_pool: IQ was invented by some french teacher to measure school grades, and the US military picked it up for racism stuff [02:36:34] now_chemical: it’s hard to measure/quantify things like intelligence [02:36:34] Drax242: Some learning experience is cultural/ soc-economic this biases IQ tests [02:36:34] Jens_LN: IQ itself is not racist, but the usage can be racist [02:36:34] professorpussicat: F1nn there's like an hour long lecture Terence McKenna gave about his theory. If you're actually interested you should listen to it and get the info straight from the source. [02:36:35] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: LUL [02:36:35] sjoldzic43: Cheer100 I jump back in stream and all I hear is you guys talking about giving chumps shrooms. Wtf?! Lol [02:36:35] scarlettyg: Kinda like how BMI was invented to test a theory that fat people committed more crimes [02:36:36] freddd104: people who wrote the bible where high off their mind [02:36:38] alexx_net: IQ racist because it was cerated by people that were blind to their own bias [02:36:38] freshdelipickles: it doesn't make sense though because there's no evolutionary pressure to select larger brains via mushroom consumption [02:36:40] yasko122: f1nnLaff [02:36:43] nejamin3: ???hrm [02:36:44] Shockwavemecha: F1nn5ter jiggle [02:36:45] johnkeiwo: the ick KEKW [02:36:46] BrightLilThing: Half the IQ test actualy tests 'common sense' that is only common in the west lol, so other cultures would score low [02:36:49] ClaraRenway: @scarlettyg i did not know that damn [02:36:50] HardyOrange: yeah no, racism is the big yikes [02:36:52] now_chemical: WHAT [02:36:54] AeitZean: I don't think you'd get "getting chimps stoned out of their hoard" past an ethics committee LUL [02:36:55] RykerSune: I think it is [02:36:58] Loelinverse: yup [02:37:00] MajesticFvckingEagle: HUHHHG [02:37:01] Heisenberg_G4H: cats can eat mushrooms and their brains are very similar to ours @f1nn5ter [02:37:03] Loelinverse: lol [02:37:03] dcg44s: I think stupidity is rising, not IQ. [02:37:04] Shockwavemecha: Case [02:37:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: AINTNOWAY [02:37:06] 416hobbit: Solve crimes by adjusting BMI [02:37:06] sirlariato: Shrooms at low doses up visual acuity, psilocybe mushrooms are plentiful; it's not beyond the realms of imagination that proto-humans could have encountered them and used them to their advantage for hunting and such. [02:37:06] YumeNoZen: I wish I was surprised. [02:37:08] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: aint no way [02:37:09] HardyOrange: bmi is indeed also not super useful anyways [02:37:09] ChasingSol: @dcg44s that's a given [02:37:10] Eadthryth: Too fat to run so you can't commit more crime tho [02:37:10] Stovamor: Eat pie, do crime? [02:37:11] sjoldzic43: Statistics can be manipulated to say whatever you want them to lol [02:37:13] Loelinverse: lmaoo [02:37:16] SkidSquid: GEN ALPHA CANT READD- WE'RE DOOMED😭😭 [02:37:16] LaMale411: LUL [02:37:18] SnabbKassa: they commit the same amount of crimes. they just run slower and get caught. [02:37:21] BrightLilThing: that sounds like an early 1900s thing lol [02:37:25] Shockwavemecha: tlouMonkaS [02:37:26] MrKafay: @SnabbKassa KEKW [02:37:28] debdrup: professorpussicat: anyone can present an hour long lecture about anything; it doesn't make it science or scientific. [02:37:29] autumnthetired: it absolutely is true [02:37:29] Selstraits: first i'm hearing iq is racist [02:37:33] thegodemperorofmankind0: Don't go down that rabbit hole, they had to get rid of pass marks in some states. Because testing was racist 😆 [02:37:34] alexx_net: @Stovamor big lol [02:37:37] Loelinverse: misinformation goes brrrr [02:37:38] Bytebak: IQ testing is racist as it is based on white english-speaking male norms. [02:37:38] Elifighter: @SnabbKassa Kekw [02:37:39] 3vool: 3vool subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:37:39] f3mmbot: 3vool subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:37:41] njbh86: hey look science has been driven by a lot of awful people in the past. The N-zis created a lot of horseshit science to further their aims, as well as burning basically the world's repository of knowledge of transgenderism [02:37:44] lazylumi: @sjoldzic43 only if you don't understand them or don't provide context [02:37:51] medical_size9000: BMI is a crappy index because it doesn't take into account muscles [02:37:52] 416hobbit: The BMI conspiracy! [02:37:55] Shockwavemecha: AlienDance [02:37:56] BrightLilThing: @Selstraits Regardless, the scoring system is kind of bullshit [02:37:56] eminies: wait wait wait, are we LEARNING things in a Finn stream? ehhhhhhh? [02:37:58] bulletfeed: Gen Alpha can read [02:37:58] Shockwavemecha: Smort [02:37:59] ATValdor: systemic racism man, it goes everywhere [02:38:00] Jens_LN: smart ? [02:38:02] ChasingSol: @Selstraits yeah, it's based around a very north American/eurocentric idea of intelligence. [02:38:06] ArminGux: google Planet X, shits fun [02:38:07] HardyOrange: I love how we're talking about deep topics via tiny chat snippets, we're gonna have net zero gained info by the end of this [02:38:08] RykerSune: feeling smart while looking at conspiries YEP [02:38:10] LittleChaSiu: wearing glasses does not make you feel smart, I know this first hand [02:38:15] 2dotthings__: A lot of chatters are being low-key racist lol I would change topic [02:38:18] Shockwavemecha: Science b1tch [02:38:19] professorpussicat: I was just thinking you look like a library girl [02:38:22] livetalk__: I think I want to leave ;-; [02:38:24] SnazzJaz4297: F1NN'S stream gone Edumicational [02:38:25] cedric_callnight: Pro tip: if it was invented by europeans during the 1800s, theres a high chance its racist [02:38:26] Avaerus0: People can be really smart in one area and not others as well [02:38:29] johnkeiwo: inconRee My streamer is a BIMBO inconRee !! [02:38:29] Shockwavemecha: Clever Girl [02:38:30] Cadzzes: I’m a femboy , just decided [02:38:30] jdmnodoubt: On today's episode F1nn learns about systemic bias and discrimination [02:38:31] RykerSune: YEP clever [02:38:34] blueskydrinking: feel clever; not actually cleaver [02:38:37] xarcaanejinxx: 10/10 burp [02:38:38] thunderscoob: it is also meaningless, both BMI and IQ are attempts to assign a number to something that cant really have a number express it [02:38:39] Shockwavemecha: Choke [02:38:41] dither1987: Gutsick Gibbon talked about the Stoned Ape Theory. [02:38:42] nejamin3: loool course u did [02:38:44] johnkeiwo: You look like a femcel [02:38:44] asraxs: peer review mean nothing it your peers are assholes like you [02:38:45] 416hobbit: In your lung [02:38:46] Shockwavemecha: Lungs [02:38:46] now_chemical: air tube [02:38:47] RykerSune: into your lungs actually [02:38:47] baslak01: to lung [02:38:48] dcg44s: Glasses raise IQ 20 points. Fact!🙂 [02:38:48] Unit4to: peer reviews have been proven to be unreliable [02:38:52] BrightLilThing: it seeps into you forever [02:38:53] Loelinverse: @johnkeiwo lol [02:38:53] professorpussicat: It gets either absorbed or expelled [02:38:54] Jens_LN: it gets dissolved [02:38:54] buddyjare: even if you don’t feel smarter other people will still assume you’re smarter [02:38:58] baslak01: to stomic [02:38:58] azath0th777: Imune system absorbs it [02:38:59] LittleChaSiu: thanks I hate it [02:39:00] thunderscoob: your lungs get rid of it using mucus. [02:39:00] MnemonicOverload: The guy that invented chiropractic claims he was taught it by a ghost [02:39:01] Avaerus0: Femcels have a "look"? [02:39:01] Bytebak: goes into your stomach [02:39:01] Selstraits: monkaS [02:39:01] Ribswith: Bronchi [02:39:02] nejamin3: boy said HGECK!!! HCKKGG!! [02:39:05] Shockwavemecha: C u t e [02:39:06] autumnthetired: it just stays there forever [02:39:09] ramboo1989: NotLikeThis [02:39:12] Shockwavemecha: Gamer supps [02:39:13] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: HyperHex [02:39:13] HardyOrange: still cute [02:39:15] dredgendark: Cheer100 like a furball? [02:39:16] Jens_LN: Cute ! [02:39:16] The_Osmosis_Jones: little hairs on the inside of your throat carry it out :) [02:39:16] Selstraits: Pepega you need a lab coat [02:39:17] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: LUL [02:39:17] Avaerus0: Kinda cute NGL [02:39:17] ramboo1989: SoonerLater SoonerLater SoonerLater [02:39:19] zombiii: the economy nobel price is a trick to launder bad economic ideas. its not payed for by the nobel foundation [02:39:20] RykerSune: average 6 hour game streamer [02:39:20] ChasingSol: LUL [02:39:21] Hakanai___: WOULD. [02:39:24] johnkeiwo: fimter [02:39:24] blindthirdeye: i mean... still would... [02:39:24] MrKafay: still cute tbh [02:39:25] LaCroix_Blows: nahh, still fuckable as hell [02:39:26] baslak01: me [02:39:27] tallgrass15: Just got back from church, what did I miss [02:39:27] Shockwavemecha: Librarian [02:39:27] BrightLilThing: me [02:39:27] bigkrimpin: wow i bet that she browses /b/! [02:39:28] cedric_callnight: Cutie [02:39:28] Jens_LN: Taylor Swift ? [02:39:29] ChasingSol: haha [02:39:29] lordgtafbi: nope, much too pretty LUL [02:39:30] johnkeiwo: ahahah moid KEKW [02:39:31] braddle172: LUL [02:39:31] ClaraRenway: it stays in your lungs forever til one day it accumulates and you dronw... probbably [02:39:33] nejamin3: George Lopez why not [02:39:34] SnabbKassa: how did he do that. instant character change [02:39:34] LittleChaSiu: that's not a good thing [02:39:35] johnkeiwo: get mogged [02:39:38] pinkopengu: cuter?? [02:39:38] blueskydrinking: Yeah, that's a red flag I'm into [02:39:39] thunderscoob: Jschlat? [02:39:41] HardyOrange: eugh incel vocab [02:39:43] Targz_: why do you have to have the best takes on everything and in general be such a chill guy? like the friends I miss having... just give me a reason not to commit parasocial pls. [02:39:43] now_chemical: that hair is hairing [02:39:46] SnazzJaz4297: What's a moid tf [02:39:47] phaser40: There's a book I recommend, called "who built the moon". There a lot evidence that the moon may actually by artificial. [02:39:48] XENOMAN5: Had someone in your throat? [02:39:49] Shockwavemecha: Girl next door [02:39:51] 3vool: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:39:52] professorpussicat: F1nn you should react to Contrapoints [02:39:54] nejamin3: whose the most random u have access to [02:39:54] boom_and_alpha_yt: lung just grows round it [02:39:56] ramboo1989: ayoo [02:39:56] soquent: bro looks like Anna Sorokin [02:39:57] johnkeiwo: " youngshit passoid " [02:40:00] ArminGux: what do these words mean [02:40:00] Jens_LN: Destroy :: Girl next door [02:40:00] ATValdor: "best takes" [02:40:06] hopalongtommy: Look like you gonna debate keffals [02:40:07] ChasingSol: @Targz_ you are going to be very disappointed... [02:40:08] RykerSune: 'best takes' uhhhhh [02:40:09] Shockwavemecha: C o o l [02:40:09] boom_and_alpha_yt: lung pearls [02:40:09] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: LUL [02:40:11] YumeNoZen: Oh, I read a great line in Philosophy Class in response to Descartes, that said "[European] philosophy is just white guys jerking off." [02:40:15] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: CoolCat [02:40:15] sjoldzic43: Cheer100 Loving the "finger in hair socket" hair look lol [02:40:15] HardyOrange: ...F1nn does not have the best takes all the time, there's a reason we have a cancelled emote [02:40:16] bigkrimpin: @johnkeiwo dude please get off that board lmao [02:40:16] Avaerus0: "How are you so great?" [02:40:16] blueskydrinking: 20 minutes ago he said he wanted to shake a baby KEKW [02:40:17] finalmillenium: @F1NN5TER Any clue when you femboy cup is getting shipped? [02:40:17] GaiusGoose: AND he pisses in the sink [02:40:19] SnabbKassa: it is remarkable. you are so funny. [02:40:21] Shockwavemecha: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [02:40:23] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: lmfao [02:40:27] megadoom20: @GaiusGoose and the shower [02:40:28] LittleChaSiu: didn't you know, in a straight relationship the woman is ALWAYS right [02:40:28] RykerSune: narc energy [02:40:28] sjoldzic43: *finger in electrical socket [02:40:29] 416hobbit: Don't say things that go to his head [02:40:29] Ribswith: jftiHYPE2 [02:40:30] cedric_callnight: "Best takes"? Bro just said he would shake any baby [02:40:30] LaMale411: EZ [02:40:32] HardyOrange: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [02:40:32] Shockwavemecha: e w [02:40:33] jesterkotz: noo [02:40:36] professorpussicat: Oh hell, I just remembered you were in a philosophy tube vid! [02:40:36] MizukiDaarin: why are your takes always right [02:40:37] johnkeiwo: @bigkrimpin, it's too much fun, i'm learning so much LUL [02:40:38] Shockwavemecha: you and Tank [02:40:38] Selstraits: peepoSimp why you so pretty with messy hair? REEEE [02:40:40] SnabbKassa: but I mean it [02:40:41] very_trustworthy: You should get tits [02:40:43] medical_size9000: Finn has room temperature IQ [02:40:50] I_Am_Zombie_Man: Don't piss on the ceiling fan [02:40:51] YumeNoZen: Funny haha, or funny.... Oh, you poor dear? [02:40:51] johnkeiwo: yeah [02:40:51] ramboo1989: ! [02:40:52] Eadthryth: Narcissist [02:40:54] JooJnin: true [02:40:55] voiceofthevoid999: Guys, stop pissing in the sink and stop doing meth [02:40:57] finalmillenium: The woman is not always right, it's just a lot less trouble to not argue. [02:41:04] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:41:07] nyrhalahotep: I'm going to have that quote in my head all day "I piss where I want" [02:41:09] nejamin3: dummy lol [02:41:12] 2dotthings__: XD [02:41:14] bigkrimpin: @johnkeiwo oh noooooo [02:41:14] sjoldzic43: Cheer100 let me try that again bc I can't type. I'm loving the "finger in electrical socket" hair look lol [02:41:14] dredgendark: pissing on the floor to establish dominance [02:41:16] Shockwavemecha: F1nn5ter is a rottweiler confirmed, pisses anywhere [02:41:16] EternalNocturnal68: 1 raiders from EternalNocturnal68 have joined! [02:41:19] ArminGux: Anthony Padia and Hank Green did a great one [02:41:23] nejamin3: LOL [02:41:26] LittleChaSiu: thanks I hate it [02:41:28] Briticus: Highlight My Message Highlight My Message 100 Write something special below and give it some glitz in chat! [02:41:29] nejamin3: 😂 bruh [02:41:31] sherlock_norris: boomer humor [02:41:32] Wardenboo: u should do that [02:41:35] ma5ter5pl1nter: ever thought about that what we perceive with our senses might not describe the possible nature of this reality accurately? [02:41:37] MnemonicOverload: cringe [02:41:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: oof [02:41:39] autumnthetired: straight people are wild ngl [02:41:40] 416hobbit: I usually just swipe those [02:41:41] Jens_LN: So ... she makes her own money, and he pays all the bills ? [02:41:43] dcg44s: Taylor Swift is just Napolean Dynamite in drag. 🙂 [02:41:43] LittleChaSiu: I try real hard to not be that [02:41:46] cedric_callnight: God, its just so toxic! [02:41:47] SnabbKassa: but if YOU are the woman, YOU get to be always right [02:41:50] The_Lazy_Danes: There is a reason why I am single [02:41:51] medical_size9000: Most of us know you have narcissist tendencies [02:41:51] painfulpan: straight couples scare me [02:42:03] Shockwavemecha: For Family - Dom [02:42:04] johnkeiwo: W dad ? [02:42:07] HardyOrange: it is boomer humor, which is why it's even worse that millenial and even gen z couples are doing it [02:42:08] 416hobbit: Using the car to make a point [02:42:08] CrozzGameplay: Alfa chad move [02:42:11] The_Lazy_Danes: W Dad [02:42:12] 2dotthings__: Oh God [02:42:13] nyrhalahotep: yeah, that, that'll do it all right [02:42:14] ClaraRenway: cis-het couples terrify me fr [02:42:14] nejamin3: ur in so deep, it’s beautiful. hell yeah for respecting and appreciating women 😆 [02:42:14] xarcaanejinxx: Pissing in the sink makes you smarter and cooler. You're scientific proof of this. [02:42:15] ScarsUnseen: hey kids. how's it going? [02:42:18] RykerSune: I mean.... [02:42:19] Selstraits: monkaS i do that nowadays too [02:42:19] johnkeiwo: it's grey LUL [02:42:20] callmezevi: I mean it worked lmao [02:42:20] renewit: 'im a straight male, of course i fin hot' [02:42:22] ArminGux: Anthony did a “we are YouTubers of course we” [02:42:23] Shockwavemecha: dad is Dominic torretto [02:42:24] LaMale411: straight people be like “i hate my SO LUL” [02:42:24] zebrabbl396: W dad move [02:42:25] CrozzGameplay: now i look back on it and it was chad move [02:42:26] allyssa_rei: When makeup tutorials? [02:42:29] nejamin3: Finn u dope as hell basically [02:42:30] Terrell39: It works, no danger. im down [02:42:35] MnemonicOverload: The straights are not okay [02:42:36] smithy1030: u watching the superbowl Finn [02:42:41] autumnthetired: straight humor is "i hate my wife" and "aw our 2 year olds are talking theyre dating now" [02:42:47] Shockwavemecha: Off the Rails [02:42:49] Selstraits: especially if they're asleep in the back seat making me drive the whole time [02:42:50] SnabbKassa: biased audience, the people who loathe you aren't here [02:42:55] Dampy: no [02:42:55] Shockwavemecha: ye [02:42:55] SnabbKassa: so we love u [02:42:56] ramboo1989: huh? [02:42:58] allyssa_rei: @shockwavemecha ruby [02:42:59] ChasingSol: hot take... [02:42:59] RykerSune: oh boy alright [02:43:01] Terrell39: Give it to us [02:43:01] xarcaanejinxx: Are any of us truly okay [02:43:01] ChasingSol: oh shit [02:43:03] cedric_callnight: But anthony padilla and hank greene are the chillest guys [02:43:05] braddle172: Sure [02:43:06] ScarsUnseen: i thought i was straight once... once... [02:43:06] AeitZean: @autumnthetired that's boomer, not just straight [02:43:06] lazylumi: @HardyOrange dunno~ depends on the side of your FYP honestly~ mine were pretty funny, neurospicy and lgbtq+ kind of humor~ :3 [02:43:07] professorpussicat: Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot! [02:43:07] alexx_net: @smithy1030 He's British (so nope) [02:43:07] YumeNoZen: Not being tied to heteronormative things is good. [02:43:07] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:43:08] HardyOrange: great start [02:43:09] SuchKittyMuchMeow: nkoSus [02:43:09] shmanchi: I can’t wait to be angry [02:43:09] nejamin3: gimme that one thing (one direction lyric) [02:43:10] megadoom20: ohno [02:43:10] bigkrimpin: oh no [02:43:10] SnabbKassa: "but" [02:43:10] Selstraits: monkaS try it [02:43:10] ramboo1989: yes buddy [02:43:11] asraxs: we’re youtubers of course we were caught talking yo underage fans [02:43:11] evelyn_bat_rivka: I love my wife and the straights are not okay [02:43:12] seibaby: But some people are more equal than others [02:43:12] ImRightHearted: oh no [02:43:12] nejamin3: BUT [02:43:12] RykerSune: oh no [02:43:16] ScarsUnseen: butt [02:43:16] braddle172: Cut there [02:43:16] cedric_callnight: Oh here we go [02:43:17] now_chemical: im scared [02:43:17] bonu5ducks: BUT [02:43:17] ProfaneCreation: Butt [02:43:18] Shockwavemecha: Butt [02:43:18] nyrhalahotep: this won't end well [02:43:19] DegenerateDaycare: hmmmm [02:43:19] livelytimes: clip time [02:43:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: But [02:43:21] nejamin3: IM Ready [02:43:21] ChasingSol: .... [02:43:22] shmanchi: ok… [02:43:23] Shockwavemecha: Trans [02:43:23] reallincolnbio: oh no [02:43:23] painfulpan: disagree [02:43:24] TheNeverShow: Crazy by aerosmith sum's it up [02:43:24] ramboo1989: SoonerLater SoonerLater SoonerLater [02:43:24] nejamin3: looooollll [02:43:25] YumeNoZen: Oh, most of them are sheit. [02:43:25] Woodlands_ND: disagree [02:43:26] xarcaanejinxx: Careful SpongeBob [02:43:26] RykerSune: I mean......hmmmmmm [02:43:27] Drax242: Oh no [02:43:27] SnabbKassa: no. we're for equality of opportunity, not outcome [02:43:27] braddle172: True [02:43:28] Selstraits: the american flag [02:43:29] ChasingSol: uh oh [02:43:29] ImRightHearted: Nepal [02:43:30] YumeNoZen: Trans flag is awesome, though. [02:43:30] blueskydrinking: I am opening twitter up as we speak [02:43:30] now_chemical: just stop before we get there [02:43:31] ChasingSol: BASED [02:43:31] josiedoobs: TRUE [02:43:31] nejamin3: LMAO [02:43:32] Ribswith: Equity > equality [02:43:33] Shockwavemecha: i agree [02:43:33] njbh86: the only good pride flag is WALES [02:43:34] HardyOrange: fair enough [02:43:34] shmanchi: hell yea [02:43:34] RykerSune: BASED [02:43:34] djl_pass: D: [02:43:35] Woodlands_ND: there's like 3 good ones, some of them are niche tho [02:43:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: BASED [02:43:36] electric_cicada: two [02:43:36] ChasingSol: BASED X 10000000000000000 [02:43:36] FirstFireKeeper: BI flag is ok [02:43:36] ClaraRenway: "but" oh no [02:43:36] ErynTheEnby: TRUE [02:43:36] Terrell39: Kinda agree [02:43:37] alikarin: wow [02:43:37] 1WhoBeans: BOO [02:43:37] Shockwavemecha: Best Flag [02:43:37] gossik_: Agreed tbh [02:43:37] livelytimes: biii [02:43:38] 2dotthings__: Faxx [02:43:38] EsmeTheBassic: pan flag is dope too [02:43:38] luk_snar_femboyhunter: Fr [02:43:38] bruh_wt_f: Based, I love the trans flag [02:43:38] josiedoobs: shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans shmoopleTrans [02:43:39] TheNeverShow: My flag doesn't suck it's a pirate flag [02:43:39] SnabbKassa: Vietnam is cool [02:43:39] l1starboy: Aroace [02:43:39] CrozzGameplay: bi flag doe?? [02:43:40] braddle172: Maybe 2 [02:43:40] RykerSune: HONESTLY BASED [02:43:40] beantransfer: elbyTrans [02:43:40] strawb3ry_cow: PERIODDDDDDDD [02:43:40] Radiopools: ACTUALLY true [02:43:40] soquent: noo bi flag is nice [02:43:40] reallincolnbio: so true tbh [02:43:40] TrueMezzo: egg [02:43:40] speckkatze: nah lesbian flag goes hard [02:43:41] ItsJeJune: lies [02:43:41] autumnthetired: unbased lesbian flag tho [02:43:41] kumba1421: Oi bi flag goes hard! [02:43:41] AeitZean: BI flag [02:43:42] scarlettyg: The lesbian one isn't bad [02:43:42] idesofjuno: D: [02:43:42] professorpussicat: Literally I only like the trans flag and the lesbian flag [02:43:42] xarcaanejinxx: BASED [02:43:42] ScarsUnseen: the genderqueer flag is bad-ass. the trans flag is pretty. [02:43:42] BiBuffoon: bi flag [02:43:42] rajama22: Lol [02:43:42] YumeNoZen: Most of the pretty girls come from there. [02:43:43] WhaleM1lker: ll [02:43:43] judgedame: what [02:43:43] Shockwavemecha: Look at your room [02:43:43] Cocothebritishbean: AGENDER [02:43:43] luk_snar_femboyhunter: Real [02:43:43] painfulpan: lies [02:43:43] nejamin3: BIASED??? HM??? [02:43:44] clodsirenumber1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:43:44] Oruosa: true [02:43:44] jjfrob: Yeah that's true [02:43:44] electric_cicada: nonbinary [02:43:45] bigkrimpin: wrong bi flag is better [02:43:45] allyssa_rei: AYO FUCK YA BASED [02:43:45] reallincolnbio: lesbian is good [02:43:45] the_chad_mizer: pankyv1Trans [02:43:45] evelyn_bat_rivka: BASED [02:43:46] ChasingSol: hahahahahaha [02:43:47] Kb_314: counterpoint: ace flag PrideAsexual [02:43:47] scarysoup: You're right and you should say it [02:43:47] ClaraRenway: trans flag and lesbian flag are nice [02:43:47] Fo0o0d: MLM flag has good colors [02:43:47] asraxs: yes the color schemes are off [02:43:47] Uonia: okay but have you seen the PAN FLAG?? [02:43:48] seibaby: FLAG RATING STREAM [02:43:48] bruh_wt_f: Its so cute [02:43:49] professorpussicat: Pi [02:43:49] zombiii: bi flag slaps. get out of here [02:43:49] HardyOrange: ace flag pog if you're goth/emo [02:43:49] djl_pass: I mean, its good but theres other good ones [02:43:50] ItsJeJune: BI FLAG!!!!!!!!!! [02:43:50] Elifighter: biased [02:43:50] electric_cicada: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [02:43:50] Mikayla_Alexis: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [02:43:51] njbh86: (the genderfluid flag is pretty based but I do agree in general [02:43:51] bonu5ducks: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:43:51] RykerSune: bruh, the asexual flag looks depressing [02:43:51] nejamin3: BIASED [02:43:51] LowlyCoffee: Hahaha [02:43:51] livetalk__: EGG [02:43:51] awolkitten: The egg really isn't so thin [02:43:51] vander5: but pansexual flag :.( [02:43:52] now_chemical: ENBY SLAPS [02:43:52] frost177: Hi everyone emerym7Hello emerym7Tail [02:43:52] pianoismyforte_: Nah bi flag is cool [02:43:52] nyrhalahotep: I didn't know where you were going with this, but this isn't where I thought [02:43:52] AeitZean: BI flag is pretty [02:43:52] boom_and_alpha_yt: BASED [02:43:52] scarlettyg: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [02:43:53] shmanchi: other queer people are losers with bad flags [02:43:53] JugemuJugemu: PAN AND BI [02:43:53] Nirvana_W22: lesbian [02:43:53] novel_bee: lesbian LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [02:43:54] Tekayona: TransgenderPride [02:43:54] muddymudkip15: hard disagree [02:43:54] debdrup: small nation state, lmao [02:43:54] Terrell39: Yea [02:43:55] livelytimes: bi flag represent [02:43:55] tridentforce984: biased ass [02:43:55] 2dotthings__: God I love my country [02:43:55] johnkeiwo: THE FUCK IS THAT [02:43:55] ATValdor: that's the old one [02:43:55] baslak01: Pi [02:43:56] johnkeiwo: THE FUCK IS THAT [02:43:56] ClaraRenway: Real Based Opinion [02:43:56] WhaleM1lker: LESBIAN BRO [02:43:57] HardyOrange: yeah no it sucks ass [02:43:57] SnazzJaz4297: WHAT??? DO YOU SEE THESE COLORS??? BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:43:57] ATValdor: new one [02:43:57] cedric_callnight: Nah, the Ace flag is nice [02:43:57] SoapCanFan: Pi? [02:43:57] Woodlands_ND: aroace flag is pretty good [02:43:58] shmanchi: 🏳️‍⚧️ [02:43:58] GRoWlLiX: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [02:43:58] the_chad_mizer: pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans [02:43:58] l1starboy: HAHAHA [02:43:58] monday5671: The Ace Flag Is Really Sick. [02:43:59] braddle172: KEKW [02:43:59] ramboo1989: anyways, rip Toby Keith [02:43:59] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: PI [02:43:59] asraxs: why pi [02:43:59] ATValdor: there's a new one [02:43:59] phoebe_rc: what about the rainbow flag? [02:44:00] soggyvector: unbelievable bias [02:44:00] RykerSune: looks like a math flag [02:44:00] TayTaetay: The Bi flag is great [02:44:00] arachnid_hopper: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:44:01] ScarsUnseen: that's Russia [02:44:01] CrozzGameplay: truuuuuuue [02:44:01] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:44:01] moon_shaped_pool: mjinxTrans mjinxTrans mjinxTrans mjinxTrans mjinxTrans [02:44:02] scandibilly: LesbianPride <- gorgeous [02:44:03] MangledPork: WHY PI?! [02:44:03] SnabbKassa: Liechtenstein with a pi [02:44:03] Electromech: HUH [02:44:04] Oruosa: pi? [02:44:04] luk_snar_femboyhunter: #CANCELLED 2024 [02:44:04] Dampy: I thought it was the Ethiopian flag [02:44:05] ArminGux: leasbian flag is based [02:44:05] Woodlands_ND: there's a new poly flag too [02:44:05] thatslipperyblobfish: why is PI there [02:44:05] Gaetanfalcon: Bro you're too biased [02:44:05] baslak01: Pi is GREAT [02:44:06] 1WhoBeans: wait nvm ur so right [02:44:07] general_of_cm: oops sowy for caps [02:44:07] theia649: thats a small island nation yea [02:44:08] tridentforce984: BIASED [02:44:08] evelyn_bat_rivka: rtuesGaybow rtuesGaybow rtuesGaybow rtuesGaybow rtuesGaybow rtuesGaybow [02:44:09] ATValdor: @F1NN5TER there's a new poly flag [02:44:09] ChasingSol: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:44:10] Azure_harlequin: oh come on that's not fair. what about the bi flag or lesbian [02:44:10] asraxs: NO LMAY THATS SO LAME [02:44:11] Despick_: Isn't that the old one? [02:44:11] livelytimes: math russian [02:44:11] davidiusfarrenius: central Africa memes [02:44:11] shmanchi: TransgenderPride [02:44:12] ProfaneCreation: N E R D S [02:44:12] ClaraRenway: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [02:44:12] now_chemical: why is it dark on top i hate that [02:44:12] widepeepo_deany: TransgenderPride TRUEING LUL anitaPride anitaPride anitaPride [02:44:12] ArminGux: the rainbow is iconic [02:44:12] Cocothebritishbean: AGENDER flag [02:44:13] Selstraits: that's looks like a tv with no signal [02:44:13] thegodemperorofmankind0: Lol agreed! [02:44:13] moon_gazing76: revamped polyamory flag is good [02:44:13] packagum: graphic design is my passion [02:44:14] Samurai_Tony: Lesbian is a close second. [02:44:14] cosmicclutter: it's so bad that they redesigned it [02:44:14] mrenclavegod: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:44:14] HardyOrange: really?? [02:44:15] FirstFireKeeper: creampie obviously [02:44:15] BiBuffoon: PrideBisexual PrideBisexual PrideBisexual PrideBisexual [02:44:16] general_of_cm: ex soviet country [02:44:16] Daeonysus: I disagree the pan flag is quite nice [02:44:17] pianoismyforte_: BI BI BI BI bi flag though [02:44:17] TheNeverShow: 3.14 bla bla bla [02:44:17] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: POGGERS pie [02:44:17] djl_pass: isn't that one a joke? [02:44:18] Mrdeadfishrock: pan flag is pog [02:44:18] reallincolnbio: go off [02:44:18] ScarsUnseen: That's a hebrew chai on a russian flag [02:44:19] aimeeasdf: lesbian flag is cute [02:44:19] HerrscherRe: LesbianPride - BEST [02:44:20] baslak01: Disgreed [02:44:20] professorpussicat: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [02:44:20] kayseek2004: that’s Liechtenstein [02:44:21] 416hobbit: But PI is a FINITE number! [02:44:21] AlmondVF: there's a new poly flag that's a bit better tbh [02:44:21] Jens_LN: You've been Poly ? [02:44:21] grandTITANIA: not the testosterone riddled superbowl ad [02:44:22] RykerSune: so true [02:44:22] Terrell39: Iek [02:44:23] cosmicclutter: the redesigned one is good! [02:44:24] clodsirenumber1: that’s a criminal group flag [02:44:25] ATValdor: new poly flag [02:44:26] evelyn_bat_rivka: PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown PrideCrown [02:44:26] njbh86: GenderFluidPride <---- based genderfluid flag [02:44:27] PanRojek: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:44:27] JugemuJugemu: I almost agree most suck [02:44:27] rainfallwall: Omnisexual [02:44:27] alexx_net: HEY! That's my flag! (It's a golden flag) [02:44:27] seibaby: rate more flags f1nn [02:44:28] Ribswith: Isn't pi irrational tho? [02:44:28] KERMiTtehDOG: pi is around 3 [02:44:29] ItsJeJune: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:44:30] xarcaanejinxx: Clip that [02:44:31] Havryl: KEKW [02:44:32] estradidoll: it’s an old flag, they did a new one [02:44:32] baslak01: disagreeddddd [02:44:32] RykerSune: even the asexual flag is depressing [02:44:33] YumeNoZen: The new poly flag is way better. [02:44:33] ramboo1989: Putin looking at that flag, and is liking it [02:44:34] ArminGux: u were poly? [02:44:34] LaMale411: 3,14 poly [02:44:35] pianoismyforte_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:44:35] LucipurrCryz: @grandTITANIA floofNikkiPetSlow [02:44:35] professorpussicat: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [02:44:36] GaiusGoose: ok the poly flag isn't great. but the ace flag is good [02:44:36] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER You've been Poly ? [02:44:37] Shockwavemecha: Your room is literally the trans colours LUL TransgenderPride 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ [02:44:37] blindthirdeye: @Ribswith AYO? [02:44:37] ghostieliving: The ace flag is p nice [02:44:38] widepeepo_deany: My god ckwanMalding [02:44:40] JugemuJugemu: But Bi and Pan and rainbow are pretty on top of trans [02:44:40] Drax242: Design something better then [02:44:43] darkmiss_athena: yes [02:44:43] estradidoll: check the new poly flag [02:44:44] cosmicclutter: check the new poly flag tho [02:44:44] tridentforce984: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:44:44] Cocothebritishbean: the AGENDER flag [02:44:44] judgedame: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:44:45] nejamin3: looool [02:44:45] ScarsUnseen: The genderqueer flag looks bad ass [02:44:46] quoll_enthusiast: bi flag is good tho [02:44:46] general_of_cm: ace flag is the best [02:44:46] AeitZean: Never told us you've been poly [02:44:46] grandTITANIA: @lucipurrcryz oi [02:44:47] zombiii: bi flag is good [02:44:47] ramboo1989: oof [02:44:48] FirstFireKeeper: pride flag tierlist LETSGO [02:44:48] moon_gazing76: pansexual flag is good [02:44:48] soquent: do a tier list [02:44:48] johnkeiwo: Soon chat soon ! [02:44:49] monday5671: @f1nn5ter The Ace Flag Is Really Sick. [02:44:49] 416hobbit: What is the ACE flag? [02:44:49] LittleChaSiu: the 20th?? [02:44:49] alexaspuds: the lesbian flag looks good tho you nerd [02:44:50] ChasingSol: 20th?! [02:44:51] debdrup: The 20th, eh? [02:44:52] bonu5ducks: Pan is cool [02:44:53] RykerSune: 20th? saving date [02:44:53] TheNeverShow: Keep you π out of my zza [02:44:53] scatcha04: Bi is good [02:44:53] ArminGux: u can’t drop the poly bomb like that [02:44:55] shmanchi: rainbow tacky [02:44:55] ChasingSol: 20th?!?!?! [02:44:57] scandibilly: Bi is cool [02:44:58] Shockwavemecha: 🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈 [02:44:58] johnkeiwo: Trans flag and lesbian flag are the best [02:44:58] scarlettyg: That's not the current lesbian flag though [02:44:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: AYO? [02:45:00] LaMale411: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:45:00] HardyOrange: oh the demi ones are nice!! [02:45:01] ramboo1989: I agree with hobbit. What is the ace flag? [02:45:01] darkmiss_athena: <3 [02:45:01] zebrabbl396: Hard right rant [02:45:02] cerealcardboard: Ace flag is good though [02:45:02] Stovamor: !reset [02:45:03] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [02:45:03] EsmeTheBassic: Pan is based [02:45:03] RykerSune: SO TRUE [02:45:03] SnabbKassa: is there a straight flag? not that we need one [02:45:04] baslak01: Pan flag = good [02:45:04] baconpancake0: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride [02:45:05] tridentforce984: KEKW [02:45:07] AlmondVF: they updated the lgbt one as well [02:45:08] Booth2018: YO the good bigender flag is ther [02:45:10] braddle172: Bi looks good [02:45:11] Lucridis: Bye gender [02:45:11] Azure_harlequin: what no [02:45:11] novel_bee: wrong lesbian flag [02:45:12] gnarlyvomit: what are we doing on the 20th? [02:45:14] ArminGux: why 20th [02:45:15] RykerSune: Ace looks depressing. Give me colors! [02:45:16] sjoldzic43: Lesbian trans and ace flags are nice [02:45:16] Selstraits: monkaS there's different versions of the pride flag??? [02:45:17] judgedame: come on bi is good [02:45:17] lunar_corvid: ace flag is so cool i love it [02:45:17] darkmiss_athena: agreeeeeeeeeeee [02:45:18] johnkeiwo: Pansexual is FINE FUCK U [02:45:18] johnkeiwo: Pansexual is FINE FUCK U [02:45:18] johnkeiwo: Pansexual is FINE FUCK U [02:45:19] LucipurrCryz: moxxie6Lol [02:45:20] Booth2018: my bigender flag :( [02:45:20] frost177: What's happening in the 20th? LUL LUL [02:45:20] tridentforce984: bi === good [02:45:21] very_trustworthy: 3.14159265358979323846246338327950 [02:45:21] Woodlands_ND: you have bad taste in colours [02:45:23] ScarsUnseen: LOL [02:45:23] baslak01: Pan GOOD, AHHHHHHH [02:45:24] statsatory69: KEKW [02:45:24] Uonia: WHAT THE PAN FLAG IS AWESOME [02:45:24] StateAffiliatedMedia: KEKW [02:45:24] SnazzJaz4297: PHILLY REPRESENT [02:45:25] scarlettyg: Genderqueer just looks like the TERF flag [02:45:26] braddle172: LUL [02:45:27] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: KEKW [02:45:27] kumba1421: DEMIBOY REPRESENT [02:45:27] remain_unseen: As a Bisexual, the shade of purple drags us down a lot [02:45:27] theia649: KEKW [02:45:27] sjoldzic43: But I'm also biased lol [02:45:27] Shockwavemecha: Born and raised [02:45:27] ItsJeJune: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:45:28] packagum: bisexual flag colors clash [02:45:29] neingeben: pan is actually not bad i think [02:45:29] general_of_cm: enby is nice [02:45:29] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY [02:45:29] nyrhalahotep: 😂😂😂😂 [02:45:29] ProfaneCreation: f1nnLaff [02:45:29] Azured_: This could be taken so out of context [02:45:30] h3xapod_elliott: I love the ace flag :( [02:45:31] sjoldzic43: LOL [02:45:31] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:45:31] bonu5ducks: KEKW [02:45:31] dither1987: @johnkeiwo YUP. [02:45:31] Kb_314: yes philly has it's own pride flag [02:45:32] Shockwavemecha: Will Smith [02:45:32] shmanchi: philly rules! [02:45:33] lunar_corvid: L takes [02:45:33] professorpussicat: Phillysexual [02:45:33] TheNeverShow: Yes I'd like to have sex with Philadelphia [02:45:34] djl_pass: lmao [02:45:34] ColonGlock: kleanZed [02:45:34] 416hobbit: NOBODY is proud in Philadelphia [02:45:34] lewdbirdnoises: PHILLY MENTIONED [02:45:34] HerrscherRe: OMEGALUL [02:45:34] Lucridis: Pansexual looks like an african country [02:45:35] freshdelipickles: PHILLY PRIDE BAYBEE [02:45:35] sjoldzic43: PHILLy [02:45:35] RykerSune: I forgot that KEKW [02:45:36] SnabbKassa: west Philly, born and raised [02:45:36] daphnedaulton: PHILLYSEXUAL [02:45:36] asraxs: cream cheese sexual [02:45:37] Von_Wegen: Ya know how more you`re homophobe, the more you are home! It`s psychologigal! [02:45:37] nejamin3: asexual flag goes hard it looks epic, im ace, and I don’t even consider it lgbt tbh 😆 [02:45:37] AdelfriedKholheim: Hi [02:45:38] freshdelipickles: LETS GO FLYERS [02:45:39] electric_cicada: enby goes hard [02:45:39] ArminGux: yeah it’s blm+ lgbt [02:45:39] LowlyCoffee: LMAO [02:45:39] RonnieSxl: LUL LUL [02:45:40] neon_pastel_: for all the gays n philidelphia [02:45:40] Melon___Eater: PHILLYSEXUAL [02:45:41] DegenerateDaycare: lol its Phillys pride flag [02:45:42] ScarsUnseen: Philadelphia is the LAST place any trans people should go lol [02:45:43] Dampy: I'm a philadephiasexual, don't laugh [02:45:43] Selstraits: peepoSimp [02:45:44] sjoldzic43: Our inferior cousins to fe [02:45:44] widepeepo_deany: OMEGALUL GO BIRDS!!!! [02:45:44] JugemuJugemu: Intersex rocks too [02:45:45] satanicbutler: nah but the lesbian flag goes hard [02:45:45] Ice_Scream237: why does the straight ally flag look like an lgbt flag in prison clothes [02:45:47] cyberturtle_227: Polyamory flag is about to do a god blessing good math equation [02:45:48] devoluxn: YES LOL [02:45:48] njbh86: the aro-ace flag is great too [02:45:49] HardyOrange: for gay dudes, yeah [02:45:49] smithy1030: honestly just have 1 flag for all LGBTQ+ people no need to be greedy 😂😂 [02:45:51] scarysoup: For MLMs [02:45:52] 416hobbit: The hetero flag is so LAME [02:45:52] Woodlands_ND: YEAH?? [02:45:55] cyn_arii: @ScarsUnseen facts [02:45:55] Drax242: Invent a new sexuality, then you can add a flag [02:45:55] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [02:45:56] Ribswith: serfPride [02:45:56] ClaraRenway: @satanicbutler its the wrong flag [02:45:56] Melon___Eater: toothpaste flag [02:45:57] WhaleM1lker: GENDER FLUID [02:45:57] braddle172: KEKW [02:45:57] ChasingSol: SUCKS DICK [02:45:57] Von_Wegen: He the roe. He MAn [02:45:57] thegodemperorofmankind0: Be careful, you'll have the uk thought police at your door x 😉 [02:45:58] muddymudkip15: yes [02:45:58] Gaetanfalcon: ah yes my favorite sexuality... Philadelphia KEKW [02:45:58] ItsJeJune: Lesbian is great [02:45:59] Woodlands_ND: wdym it's pretty [02:45:59] general_of_cm: yes [02:46:00] ChasingSol: LMAO [02:46:00] LowlyCoffee: Gay [02:46:00] professorpussicat: Prograss flag is an abomination [02:46:01] blindthirdeye: lmao [02:46:01] kinginblack5: you i suited both of my awesome flags fuck you /lh [02:46:01] CrozzGameplay: KEKW [02:46:01] johnkeiwo: The gays did not vote for this !!! [02:46:02] bigkrimpin: literally hue shifter lesbian flag [02:46:03] sjoldzic43: *Philly: our inferior cousins to the south (I'm in North Jersey lol) [02:46:04] ArminGux: kekw [02:46:04] LucipurrCryz: meowme19Disco [02:46:04] RykerSune: gay flag sucks dick Clap [02:46:05] Shockwavemecha: On the Nose LUL [02:46:05] Zjawyer: lol the hetero one being grey [02:46:05] Quinnighan: lesbian is pretty [02:46:05] LowlyCoffee: k9kuroRAINBOW k9kuroRAINBOW k9kuroRAINBOW [02:46:07] austrian_tap_water: why is there grey in the hetero flag? [02:46:07] baslak01: There is a gay flag yes. It has GREAT colorsssss (angry face) [02:46:08] ItsJeJune: WRONG [02:46:08] widepeepo_deany: KEKW BisexualPride [02:46:08] ProfaneCreation: KEKW [02:46:08] ClaraRenway: the lesbian flag is the wrong one [02:46:09] TheNeverShow: This is the best statement ever and if somebody clips it I will kiss them [02:46:09] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:46:09] Lucridis: The original literally covers all of these [02:46:10] scarlettyg: The five-stripe lesbian flag looks way better [02:46:10] packagum: KEKW [02:46:10] AlmondVF: of course it sucks di** It's gay [02:46:12] JugemuJugemu: The only good ones are Rainbow, Bi, Trans, Intersex, and Pan [02:46:12] tridentforce984: how did u not know that lmao [02:46:13] RykerSune: KEKW [02:46:13] WarningYoo: by the way [02:46:14] ChasingSol: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:14] Avaerus0: There's a straight ally flag? [02:46:14] Terrell39: also kinda like the lastbion one [02:46:14] Shockwavemecha: C l i pp e d [02:46:15] seibaby: Genderqueer is allright from a vexillology standpoint [02:46:15] braddle172: itspea13Blahajhype [02:46:16] ScarsUnseen: the genderqueer flag is cool [02:46:16] clodsirenumber1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:17] reallincolnbio: lesbian tho [02:46:17] alexaspuds: motherfucker isn't even mentioning the lesbian flag smdh [02:46:18] rainfallwall: LGBTQ is a nice flag [02:46:18] WarningYoo: I have good news with me that I wanted to share HolidayPresent who wants to hear it [02:46:18] RykerSune: honestly true [02:46:19] cedric_callnight: Nah, the ace flag is so nice. [02:46:20] ItsJeJune: A lot of them are pretty [02:46:20] djl_pass: I love my flags :( [02:46:20] the_chad_mizer: pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans pankyv1Trans [02:46:20] professorpussicat: I love what these flags stand for but they are objectively ugly [02:46:20] daphnedaulton: BASED TRANS FLAG SUPREME [02:46:21] devoluxn: Straight flag looks like a prison uniform lol [02:46:21] Azure_harlequin: gotta look at emily gwen's les flag [02:46:22] johnkeiwo: They took the best colors !!! [02:46:24] SnazzJaz4297: ALL OF THEM ARE PRETTY UR JUST A HATERRRR /hj [02:46:25] Evezh_: TransgenderPride [02:46:25] Wardenboo: boomers are straight lol [02:46:26] tridentforce984: lmao [02:46:26] AeitZean: Non binary flag sucks. We need a better flag [02:46:26] CrozzGameplay: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:27] voiceofthevoid999: XD [02:46:27] cyn_arii: Hey Finn how are [02:46:28] baslak01: No [02:46:28] Mikayla_Alexis: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [02:46:30] ArminGux: the hyper straight flag was cringe [02:46:31] tridentforce984: kekw [02:46:31] Shockwavemecha: they suck you say LUL [02:46:31] ChasingSol: what's happening on the 20th?!?! [02:46:31] RykerSune: based take [02:46:32] ClaraRenway: @johnkeiwo we did fr [02:46:32] ItsJeJune: BIAS [02:46:32] DegenerateDaycare: You muppet lol [02:46:32] SnabbKassa: "I picked my sexuality for the colours" [02:46:32] Terrell39: Hot as hell [02:46:33] phaser40: BisexualPride [02:46:33] dafdeddog: whats the straight flag look like? [02:46:35] daw828: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:35] nejamin3: they gay flag is new it’s a revert color copy of the lesbian flag urp [02:46:36] Selstraits: peepoSimp the only flag i like is Fin's red flags peepoSimp CHANGE MUH MIND [02:46:36] professorpussicat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:36] painfulpan: nah F1nn just has shite taste confirmed [02:46:36] BlaZeStar6262: Non binary does really suck I hate the black [02:46:36] LVL1Goblin_: bazed [02:46:37] LaMale411: Biased opinion PrideUwu [02:46:37] baslak01: Hot take be wrong [02:46:37] rajama22: Sounds like the last message from a vanished starship: the straights are not okay... [02:46:37] Targz_: based takes as always [02:46:40] xarcaanejinxx: Bye Finn [02:46:41] debdrup: The 20th of April, I'm assuming? [02:46:41] clodsirenumber1: the heteros are upseterro [02:46:42] swanee327: lmao [02:46:42] ScarsUnseen: noooooooooo [02:46:42] Shockwavemecha: ecco clip [02:46:42] juurikki: NonbinaryPride [02:46:43] YumeNoZen: New poly flag is better. But yeah. [02:46:44] CrozzGameplay: Too straight to be creative [02:46:44] dither1987: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [02:46:45] blueskydrinking: I watch F1nn's streams for the hate crimes LuL [02:46:45] ChasingSol: hahaha [02:46:45] RonnieSxl: byeee [02:46:46] ScarsUnseen: i just got here [02:46:46] xXNeroZashiXx: Pan flag is beautiful ❤️ [02:46:47] djl_pass: I used to think you were cool [02:46:47] baslak01: Yes go [02:46:47] nejamin3: tttyl lol [02:46:47] ClaraRenway: @dafdeddog like literally any national flag ever [02:46:48] braddle172: Alright bye [02:46:49] Azure_harlequin: yeah we enbies need a better flag [02:46:49] johnkeiwo: Good night u straightphobe !! [02:46:49] SnabbKassa: bye [02:46:49] Jens_LN: Good job F1nn5ter ! [02:46:49] LittleChaSiu: bro getting cancelled in t-4 [02:46:49] thean9ry9amer: goodnight [02:46:50] shmanchi: byyyeee [02:46:50] now_chemical: have a lovely night [02:46:50] nejamin3: love u [02:46:50] fronzubb: That was fun. [02:46:50] ArminGux: bye bye was fun [02:46:50] Terrell39: BBye [02:46:50] cedric_callnight: I like the colour contrast on the asexual flag [02:46:51] ramboo1989: Ghost are real though [02:46:51] xarcaanejinxx: DinoDance DinoDance [02:46:51] RykerSune: nah haven't offended shit [02:46:51] phaser40: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:46:51] Shockwavemecha: Bya [02:46:52] YumeNoZen: nini! [02:46:52] zebrabbl396: vladncImOut [02:46:52] rajama22: Byyeee [02:46:52] swanee327: ttyl [02:46:53] hopalongtommy: Cheers F1nn, take it easy. Bye chat [02:46:53] RykerSune: Byeeeee [02:46:53] fugoliath: gud night [02:46:53] CrozzGameplay: BYEEEE [02:46:53] kolja_mp4: Bye [02:46:53] DarrigoTR: Good night [02:46:53] scarlettyg: Bye Gremlin <3 [02:46:53] very_trustworthy: Get tits [02:46:53] austrian_tap_water: byeee [02:46:53] just_an_other_lurker: sleep well and wake [02:46:53] Jens_LN: byye [02:46:54] TheMysticPancake: Byerr [02:46:54] 2dotthings__: Lmao peace [02:46:54] judgedame: everone bye [02:46:54] neon_pastel_: byeee [02:46:55] electric_cicada: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [02:46:55] Avaerus0: Goodnight F1nn [02:46:55] widepeepo_deany: SAJ [02:46:55] SnazzJaz4297: Bye FINNN [02:46:55] painfulpan: I want a new genderfluid one [02:46:55] dangerousruben: night [02:46:55] johnkeiwo: kiss chat and finn !! [02:46:55] animefreak21012: bye [02:46:55] Woodlands_ND: byee [02:46:55] Daeonysus: I didnt love the nonbinary flag at first but I think its good [02:46:55] cedric_callnight: Ok, good night [02:46:55] Stovamor: GN chat! [02:46:55] ItsJeJune: BisexualPride AsexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride IntersexPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [02:46:55] sjoldzic43: Peace! [02:46:55] rainfallwall: Thank you [02:46:56] Jens_LN: rynHai [02:46:56] blueskydrinking: Bye!!! [02:46:56] TheMysticPancake: Bye [02:46:56] lordgtafbi: gn [02:46:56] Shockwavemecha: 💓 💓 💓 [02:46:58] professorpussicat: Love you F1NNNNNNN [02:46:58] boom_and_alpha_yt: bye [02:46:58] AlmondVF: byeeeeeeee [02:46:58] ArminGux: night night [02:46:58] CrozzGameplay: <3 [02:46:58] neingeben: cu byeeee [02:46:58] LoCecius: by [02:46:58] electric_cicada: byeeee [02:46:59] bearpaw1970: Love you 🤟😘 [02:46:59] widepeepo_deany: Later [02:46:59] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: bye [02:46:59] idesofjuno: bye [02:46:59] DataBitMC: The Enby Flag is AWERSOME and i will not stand for this slandar [02:47:00] johnkeiwo: goodnight everyone !!! [02:47:00] tehikohiko: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank <3 <3 <3 [02:47:01] MaggieHeels: bye [02:47:01] ppengu1nzz: UwU [02:47:01] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:47:02] Oruosa: bye [02:47:02] adaf321: bye [02:47:02] Blaine8182: bye [02:47:02] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:47:02] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:47:02] LittleChaSiu: good night chat [02:47:02] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:47:02] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:47:02] ClaraRenway: byeeee [02:47:02] kayseek2004: bye! [02:47:02] muddymudkip15: gn f1nnHeart [02:47:02] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:47:04] blueskydrinking: Good night chat <3 [02:47:04] ChasingSol: thanks chat [02:47:04] MilesSwann91: bye bye [02:47:04] rainfallwall: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:47:04] johnkeiwo: !reset [02:47:05] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [02:47:06] UwU_MeMeS_UwU: AYAYA bye [02:47:07] gixxergaming: byeeee [02:47:08] bananasandwich6969: big news video on the 20th eh [02:47:09] HerrscherRe: Bye <3 [02:47:09] monday5671: Bau Bai. [02:47:10] RykerSune: and stream over. back to work Sadge [02:47:10] lewdbirdnoises: oh shit he acutally ended it [02:47:10] judgedame: bye chat [02:47:10] Avaerus0: Goodnight all [02:47:10] beantransfer: elbyWave [02:47:10] f3mmbot: f1nn5ter just went offline! Welcome back offline gang FeelsGoodMan [02:47:11] luk_snar_femboyhunter: Bye pookie [02:47:11] Selstraits: PepeHands [02:47:11] M4XlMVZ: nice [02:47:12] ProfaneCreation: GN8 everyone f1nnHeart f1nnLaff